[llvm-commits] [see] CVS: llvm-poolalloc/lib/DSA/DataStructure.cpp Local.cpp

Andrew Lenharth alenhar2 at cs.uiuc.edu
Fri Mar 9 09:28:29 PST 2007

Changes in directory llvm-poolalloc/lib/DSA:

DataStructure.cpp updated: ->
Local.cpp updated: ->
Log message:

use nifty new, simpler, smaller, easy to understand metapool inference (yea yea, theres a memory leak in it

Diffs of the changes:  (+49 -553)

 DataStructure.cpp |  243 ++++--------------------------------
 Local.cpp         |  359 ++----------------------------------------------------
 2 files changed, 49 insertions(+), 553 deletions(-)

Index: llvm-poolalloc/lib/DSA/DataStructure.cpp
diff -u llvm-poolalloc/lib/DSA/DataStructure.cpp: llvm-poolalloc/lib/DSA/DataStructure.cpp:
--- llvm-poolalloc/lib/DSA/DataStructure.cpp:	Wed Mar  7 16:49:43 2007
+++ llvm-poolalloc/lib/DSA/DataStructure.cpp	Fri Mar  9 11:27:51 2007
@@ -98,6 +98,7 @@
 DSNodeHandle &DSScalarMap::AddGlobal(GlobalValue *GV) {
   assert(ValueMap.count(GV) == 0 && "GV already exists!");
+  assert(isa<GlobalValue>((Value*)GV) && "not a global");
   // If the node doesn't exist, check to see if it's a global that is
   // equated to another global in the program.
@@ -125,7 +126,11 @@
 DSNode::DSNode(const Type *T, DSGraph *G)
-  : NumReferrers(0), Size(0), ParentGraph(G), Ty(Type::VoidTy), NodeType(0) {
+  : NumReferrers(0), Size(0), ParentGraph(G), Ty(Type::VoidTy), NodeType(0)
+  , MP(0)
+ {
   // Add the type entry if it is specified...
   if (T) mergeTypeInfo(T, 0);
   if (G) G->addNode(this);
@@ -138,7 +143,11 @@
 // DSNode copy constructor... do not copy over the referrers list!
 DSNode::DSNode(const DSNode &N, DSGraph *G, bool NullLinks)
   : NumReferrers(0), Size(N.Size), ParentGraph(G),
-    Ty(N.Ty), Globals(N.Globals), NodeType(N.NodeType) {
+    Ty(N.Ty), Globals(N.Globals), NodeType(N.NodeType)
+  , MP(N.MP.getPool())
+ {
   if (!NullLinks) {
     Links = N.Links;
   } else
@@ -153,19 +162,6 @@
 DSNode::~DSNode() {
   assert(hasNoReferrers() && "Referrers to dead node exist!");
-  //
-  // Remove all references to this node from the Pool Descriptor Map.
-  //
-#if JTC
-  std::cerr << "LLVA: Removing " << this << "\n";
-  if (ParentGraph) {
-    hash_map<const DSNode *, MetaPoolHandle*> &pdm=ParentGraph->getPoolDescriptorsMap();
-    pdm.erase (this);
-  }
 /// getTargetData - Get the target data object used to construct this node.
@@ -201,6 +197,13 @@
   NodeType = DEAD;
   Size = 0;
   Ty = Type::VoidTy;
+  MetaPool* MP = new MetaPool();
+  MP->merge(getMP());
+  MP->merge(To->getMP());
+  setMP(MP);
+  To->setMP(MP);
   // Remove this node from the parent graph's Nodes list.
@@ -261,21 +264,13 @@
     DestNode->Ty = Type::VoidTy;
     DestNode->Size = 1;
+    DestNode->setMP(getMP());
 #if JTC
     std::cerr << "LLVA: foldNode: " << this << " becomes " << DestNode << "\n";
-    //Again we have created a new DSNode, we need to fill in the
-    // pool desc map appropriately
-    assert(ParentGraph && "parent graph is not null \n"); 
-    hash_map<const DSNode *, MetaPoolHandle*> &pdm = ParentGraph->getPoolDescriptorsMap();
-    if (pdm.count(this) > 0) {
-      pdm[DestNode] = pdm[this];
-    } else {
-      //do nothing 
-    }
     // Start forwarding to the destination node...
     forwardNode(DestNode, 0);
@@ -871,60 +866,11 @@
-  DSNode *currNode  = CurNodeH.getNode();
-  DSNode *NNode  = NH.getNode();
-  DSGraph *pGraph =  currNode->getParentGraph();
-  assert((pGraph == NNode->getParentGraph()) && "LLVA_KERNEL : merging nodes in two different graphs?");
-  //get the pooldescriptor map
-  hash_map<const DSNode *, MetaPoolHandle*> &pdm = pGraph->getPoolDescriptorsMap();
-  if (pdm.count(currNode) == 0) {
-    if (pdm.count(NNode) == 0) {
-      //do nothing  (common case)
-    } else {
-      if (pdm[NNode]) {
-#if JTC
-	std::cerr << "LLVA: 1: currNode (" << currNode << ") becomes " << pdm[NNode]->getName() << "(" << NNode << ")\n";
-	pdm[currNode] = pdm[NNode];
-      }
-    }
-  } else {
-    if (pdm.count(NNode) == 0) {
-#if 1
-      //
-      // FIXME:
-      //  Verify that this is correct.  I believe it is; it seems to make sense
-      //  since either node can be used after the merge.
-      //
-#if JTC
-std::cerr << "LLVA: MergeNodes: currnode has something, newnode has nothing\n";
-	std::cerr << "LLVA: 2: currNode (" << currNode << ") becomes <no name>" << "(" << NNode << ")\n";
-      pdm[NNode] = pdm[currNode];
-      //do nothing 
-    } else {
-      if (pdm[currNode] != pdm[NNode]) {
-	//The following is commented because pdm[..] could be null!
-	//std::cerr << "LLVA: OldPool: " << pdm[currNode]->getName() << "("
-        //                       << pdm[currNode] << ") "
-	//          << " NewPool: "      << pdm[NNode]->getName() << "("
-	//                               << pdm[NNode] << ")" << std::endl;
-        pdm[NNode]->merge(pdm[currNode]);
-        /*
-        Value *currN = pdm[currNode]->getMetaPoolValue();
-        Value *NN = pdm[NNode]->getMetaPoolValue();
-        if (currN != NN) {
-          std::cerr << "LLVA: Two Pools for one DSNode\n";
-          currN->replaceAllUsesWith(NN);
-          pdm[currNode]->merge(pdm[NNode]);
-        } else {
-          //The nodes are same
-        }
-        */
-      }
-    }
-  }
+  MetaPool* MP = new MetaPool();
+  MP->merge(CurNodeH.getNode()->getMP());
+  MP->merge(NH.getNode()->getMP());
+  CurNodeH.getNode()->setMP(MP);
+  NH.getNode()->setMP(MP);
   // Merge the type entries of the two nodes together...
   if (NH.getNode()->Ty != Type::VoidTy)
@@ -1087,21 +1033,6 @@
   DSNode *DN = new DSNode(*SN, &Dest, true /* Null out all links */);
   NH = DN;
-#if JTC
-std::cerr << "LLVA: getClonedNH: " << SN << " becomes " << DN << "\n";
-#if 1
-    //Again we have created a new DSNode, we need to fill in the
-    // pool desc map appropriately
-    hash_map<const DSNode *, MetaPoolHandle*> &pdm = Dest.getPoolDescriptorsMap();
-    if (pdm.count(SN) > 0) {
-      pdm[DN] = pdm[SN];
-    } else {
-      //do nothing 
-    }
   // Next, recursively clone all outgoing links as necessary.  Note that
   // adding these links can cause the node to collapse itself at any time, and
@@ -1260,58 +1191,15 @@
-#if JTC
-std::cerr << "LLVA: mergeWith: " << SN << " becomes " << DN << "\n";
-  //Here some merge is going on just like in DSNode::merge
-  //I think because of the inplace merging we don't update the pool desc maps
-  //This is modification from DSNode::MergeNodes
-  //Here DN and SN may belong to different graphs
- DN = NH.getNode(); 
-#if 0
-  DSGraph *destGraph =  DN->getParentGraph();
-  DSGraph *srcGraph =  SN->getParentGraph();
-  DSGraph *destGraph = NH.getNode()->getParentGraph();
-  DSGraph *srcGraph =  SN->getParentGraph();
-  if (destGraph && srcGraph) {
-    //get the pooldescriptor map
-    hash_map<const DSNode *, MetaPoolHandle*> &destpdm = destGraph->getPoolDescriptorsMap();
-    hash_map<const DSNode *, MetaPoolHandle*> &srcpdm = srcGraph->getPoolDescriptorsMap();
-    if (destpdm.count(DN) == 0) {
-      if (srcpdm.count(SN) == 0) {
-        //do nothing  (common case)
-      } else {
-        if (srcpdm[SN]) {
-#if JTC
-          std::cerr << "LLVA: DN becomes " << srcpdm[SN]->getName() << std::endl;
-          destpdm[DN] = srcpdm[SN];
-        }
-      }
-    } else {
-      if (srcpdm.count(SN) == 0) {
-        srcpdm[SN] = destpdm[DN];
-      } else {
-        if (destpdm[DN] != srcpdm[SN]) {
-          srcpdm[SN]->merge(destpdm[DN]);
-          /*
-          Value *dnv = destpdm[DN]->getMetaPoolValue();
-          Value *snv = srcpdm[SN]->getMetaPoolValue();
-          if (dnv != snv) {
-            DEBUG(std::cerr << "LLVA: Two Pools for one DSNode\n");
-            dnv->replaceAllUsesWith(snv);
-            destpdm[DN]->setMetaPoolValue(snv);
-          }
-          */
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  }
+  MetaPool* MP = new MetaPool();
+  MP->merge(NH.getNode()->getMP());
+  MP->merge(SrcNH.getNode()->getMP());
+  NH.getNode()->setMP(MP);
+  SrcNH.getNode()->setMP(MP);
   // Next, recursively merge all outgoing links as necessary.  Note that
   // adding these links can cause the destination node to collapse itself at
   // any time, and the current node may be merged with arbitrary other nodes.
@@ -1380,55 +1268,6 @@
   NH = RC.getClonedNH(Src);
-// MetaPoolHandle Implementation
-  //The following should go in a cpp file later
-   MetaPoolHandle::MetaPoolHandle(MetaPool *mp, Instruction * Maker) {
-    Rep = mp;
-    Rep->insert(this);
-    Creator = Maker;
-  }
-  const std::string& MetaPoolHandle::getName() {
-    assert(Rep != 0 && "Null meta pool ??\n");
-    return Rep->getName();
-  }
-  Value *MetaPoolHandle::getMetaPoolValue() {
-    assert(Rep != 0 && "Null meta pool ??\n");
-    return Rep->getMetaPoolValue();
-  }
-  void MetaPoolHandle::merge(MetaPoolHandle *other) {
-    //after this operation other points to what this points to .
-    //first replace all uses 
-     Value *dest = getMetaPoolValue();
-     Value *curr = other->getMetaPoolValue();
-     if (dest != curr) {
-#if 0
-       std::cerr << "LLVA: Merging metapools: " << this->Creator->getParent()->getParent()->getName() << " : " << other->Creator->getParent()->getParent()->getName() << "\n"
-                 << "LLVA:   " << *(this->Creator) << "\n"
-                 << "LLVA:   " << *(other->Creator) << "\n";
-       curr->replaceAllUsesWith(dest);
-     }
-     //merge the hash sets in to other
-     hash_set<MetaPoolHandle *> &otherHandleSet = other->getMetaPool()->getHandleSet();
-     hash_set<MetaPoolHandle *>::iterator ohsI = otherHandleSet.begin(), ohsE = otherHandleSet.end();
-     for (; ohsI != ohsE; ++ohsI) {
-     MetaPoolHandle *omph = *ohsI;
-     //now make sure that this omph points to what we point to
-     omph->setMetaPool(Rep);
-     Rep->insert(omph);
-     }
-     //now delete others MetaPool
-     //gd     delete other->getMetaPool(); 
-     //Assign our metapool to other 
-     other->setMetaPool(Rep);
 // DSGraph Implementation
@@ -1462,9 +1301,6 @@
-  PoolDescriptors.clear();
   // Drop all intra-node references, so that assertions don't fail...
   for (node_iterator NI = node_begin(), E = node_end(); NI != E; ++NI)
@@ -1540,10 +1376,6 @@
     DSNode *New = new DSNode(*I, this);
     OldNodeMap[I] = New;
-    if (G.getPoolForNode(&*I)) 
-      PoolDescriptors[New] = G.getPoolForNode(&*I);
 #ifndef NDEBUG
@@ -1621,17 +1453,6 @@
   // Merge the scalar map in.
-  //Take all from the pooldescriptor map
-#if 0
-  PoolDescriptors.swap(RHS.getPoolDescriptorsMap());
-  hash_map<const DSNode *, MetaPoolHandle*>& rhsmap = RHS.getPoolDescriptorsMap();
-  PoolDescriptors.insert(rhsmap.begin(), rhsmap.end());
-  RHS.getPoolDescriptorsMap().clear();
 /// spliceFrom - Copy all entries from RHS, then clear RHS.

Index: llvm-poolalloc/lib/DSA/Local.cpp
diff -u llvm-poolalloc/lib/DSA/Local.cpp: llvm-poolalloc/lib/DSA/Local.cpp:
--- llvm-poolalloc/lib/DSA/Local.cpp:	Wed Mar  7 17:42:43 2007
+++ llvm-poolalloc/lib/DSA/Local.cpp	Fri Mar  9 11:27:51 2007
@@ -593,9 +593,8 @@
     if (SI.getParent()->getParent()->getName() == "alloc_vfsmnt") {
       DSNode * N = getValueDest(*SI.getOperand(1)).getNode();
-      if (G.getPoolDescriptorsMap().count(N) != 0)
-        if (G.getPoolDescriptorsMap()[N])
-          std::cerr << "LLVA: Store: Pool for " << SI.getName() << " is " << G.getPoolDescriptorsMap()[N]->getName() << "\n";
+      if (N->getMP())
+        std::cerr << "LLVA: Store: Pool for " << SI.getName() << " is " << N->getMP() << "\n";
@@ -1098,135 +1097,6 @@
     if (DSNode *N = getValueDest(**(CS.arg_begin() + 1)).getNode())
     return true;
-#ifdef LLVA_KERNEL_0
-  } else if (F->getName() == "kmem_cache_alloc") {
-    DEBUG(std::cerr << "LLVA: kmem_cache_alloc" << std::endl);
-    // Update the statistics count
-    ++CacheAllocs;
-    // Create a new DSNode for this memory allocation
-    DSNode *N = createNode();
-    N->setHeapNodeMarker();
-    setDestTo(*CS.getInstruction(), N);
-    // Get the pool handle
-    if (CS.arg_begin() == CS.arg_end()) {
-      abort(); //Hanlde this later
-      // Treat it as  a kmalloc
-      N->foldNodeCompletely();
-      //This becomes a kmalloc pool
-      MetaPoolHandle* tmpvh = new MetaPoolHandle(new MetaPool(KMallocPool));
-      G.getPoolDescriptorsMap()[N] = tmpvh;
-    } else {
-      Value *actualPD = *(CS.arg_begin());
-      if (!isa<GlobalValue>(actualPD)) {
-#if 0
-        std::cerr << "WARNING: Pool is not global.  Function = " << CS.getCaller()->getName() << "\n";
-      } else {
-        ++GlobalPools;
-      }
-      Value *TheMetaPool = actualPD;
-      if (G.getPoolDescriptorsMap().count(N)== 0) {
-        //Here we insert a global meta pool
-        //Get the Module first
-        Module * M = F->getParent();
-        //Now create a meta pool for this value, DSN Node
-        const Type * VoidPtrType = PointerType::get(Type::SByteTy);              
-        TheMetaPool = new GlobalVariable(
-                                 /*type=*/ VoidPtrType,
-                                 /*isConstant=*/ false,
-                                 /*Linkage=*/ GlobalValue::InternalLinkage,
-                                 /*initializer=*/ Constant::getNullValue(VoidPtrType),
-                                 /*name=*/ "_metaPool_",
-                                 /*parent=*/ M );
-        //Inserted a global meta pool 
-      }
-      //Now insert a function call that takes care of adding this pool to the global pool
-      //First get the Insert point
-      Instruction *InsertPoint = CS.getInstruction();
-      //Assumes AddPoolDescToMetaPool is in the module
-      CastInst *CastMetaPool = 
-        new CastInst(TheMetaPool, 
-                     PointerType::get(Type::SByteTy), "metapool.casted", InsertPoint);
-      CastInst *CastActualPD = 
-        new CastInst(actualPD, 
-                     PointerType::get(Type::SByteTy), "poolhandle.lscasted", InsertPoint);
-      // Create the call to AddPoolDescToMetaPool 
-      std::vector<Value *> args(1,CastMetaPool);
-      args.push_back(CastActualPD);
-      new CallInst(AddPoolDescToMetaPool,args,"", InsertPoint);
-      MetaPoolHandle* tmpvh = new MetaPoolHandle(new MetaPool(TheMetaPool));
-      G.getPoolDescriptorsMap()[N] = tmpvh;
-    }
-  } else if (F->getName() == "poolalloc") {
-    if (CS.getCaller()->getName() == "kmem_cache_alloc")
-      return;
-    // Update the statistics
-    ++KMallocs;
-    // Create a DSNode for the memory allocated by this function call
-    DSNode *N = createNode();
-    N->setHeapNodeMarker();
-    setDestTo(*CS.getInstruction(), N);
-    // Get the pool handle, if possible
-    if (CS.arg_begin() == CS.arg_end()) {
-      abort(); //handle later
-      // Treat it as kmalloc
-      N->foldNodeCompletely();
-      //This becomes a kmalloc pool
-      //So get the kmalloc pool
-      MetaPoolHandle* tmpvh = new MetaPoolHandle(new MetaPool(KMallocPool));
-      G.getPoolDescriptorsMap()[N] = tmpvh;
-    } else {
-      Value *actualPD = *(CS.arg_begin());
-      if (!isa<GlobalValue>(actualPD)) {
-#if 0
-        std::cerr << "WARNING: Pool is not global.  Function = " << CS.getCaller()->getName() << "\n";
-      } else {
-        ++GlobalPools;
-      }
-      Value *TheMetaPool = actualPD;
-      if (G.getPoolDescriptorsMap().count(N)== 0) {
-        //Here we insert a global meta pool
-        //Get the Module first
-        Module * M = F->getParent();
-        //Now create a meta pool for this value, DSN Node
-        const Type * VoidPtrType = PointerType::get(Type::SByteTy);              
-        TheMetaPool = new GlobalVariable(
-                                 /*type=*/ VoidPtrType,
-                                 /*isConstant=*/ false,
-                                 /*Linkage=*/ GlobalValue::InternalLinkage,
-                                 /*initializer=*/ Constant::getNullValue(VoidPtrType),
-                                 /*name=*/ "_metaPool_",
-                                 /*parent=*/ M );
-        //Inserted a global meta pool 
-      }
-      //Now insert a function call that takes care of adding this pool to the global pool
-      //First get the Insert point
-      Instruction *InsertPoint = CS.getInstruction();
-      //Assumes AddPoolDescToMetaPool is in the module
-      CastInst *CastMetaPool = 
-        new CastInst(TheMetaPool, 
-                     PointerType::get(Type::SByteTy), "metapool.casted", InsertPoint);
-      CastInst *CastActualPD = 
-        new CastInst(actualPD, 
-                     PointerType::get(Type::SByteTy), "poolhandle.lscasted", InsertPoint);
-      // Create the call to AddPoolDescToMetaPool 
-      std::vector<Value *> args(1,CastMetaPool);
-      args.push_back(CastActualPD);
-      new CallInst(AddPoolDescToMetaPool,args,"", InsertPoint);
-      MetaPoolHandle* tmpvh = new MetaPoolHandle(new MetaPool(TheMetaPool));
-      G.getPoolDescriptorsMap()[N] = tmpvh;
-    }
   } else if (F->getName() == "llva_memcpy") {
     if (CS.getCaller()->getName() == "kmem_cache_alloc")
@@ -1274,172 +1144,7 @@
 void GraphBuilder::visitCallSite(CallSite CS) {
   Value *Callee = CS.getCalledValue();
-  // Special case handling of certain libc allocation functions here.
   if (Function *F = dyn_cast<Function>(Callee)) {
-#ifdef LLVA_KERNEL    
-    if (F->getName() == "kmem_cache_alloc") {
-      DEBUG(std::cerr << "LLVA: kmem_cache_alloc" << std::endl);
-      // Update the statistics count
-      ++CacheAllocs;
-      // Create a new DSNode for this memory allocation
-      DSNode *N = createNode();
-      N->setHeapNodeMarker();
-      setDestTo(*CS.getInstruction(), N);
-      // Get the pool handle
-      if (CS.arg_begin() == CS.arg_end()) {
-        abort(); //Handle this later
-        // Treat it as  a kmalloc
-        N->foldNodeCompletely();
-        //This becomes a kmalloc pool
-        MetaPoolHandle* mpvh = new MetaPoolHandle(new MetaPool(KMallocPool));
-        G.getPoolDescriptorsMap()[N] = mpvh;
-      } else {
-        Value *actualPD = *(CS.arg_begin());
-        if (!isa<GlobalValue>(actualPD)) {
-#if 0
-          std::cerr << "WARNING: Pool is not global.  Function = " << CS.getCaller()->getName() << "\n";
-        } else {
-          ++GlobalPools;
-        }
-        Value *TheMetaPool = actualPD;
-        //Get the Module first
-        Module * M = F->getParent();
-        if (G.getPoolDescriptorsMap().count(N)== 0) {
-          //Here we insert a global meta pool
-          //Now create a meta pool for this value, DSN Node
-          const Type * VoidPtrType = PointerType::get(Type::SByteTy);              
-          TheMetaPool = new GlobalVariable(
-                                           /*type=*/ VoidPtrType,
-                                           /*isConstant=*/ false,
-                                           /*Linkage=*/ GlobalValue::InternalLinkage,
-                                           /*initializer=*/ Constant::getNullValue(VoidPtrType),
-                                           /*name=*/ "_metaPool_",
-                                           /*parent=*/ M );
-          //Inserted a global meta pool 
-        }
-#if 1
-        else {
-          // Lookup the meta pool
-          TheMetaPool = G.getPoolForNode(N)->getMetaPoolValue();
-        }
-        //Now insert a function call that takes care of adding this pool to the global pool
-        //First get the Insert point
-        Instruction *InsertPoint = CS.getInstruction();
-        //Assumes AddPoolDescToMetaPool is in the module
-        const Type * VoidPtrType = PointerType::get(Type::SByteTy);
-        const Type * VoidPtrPtrType = PointerType::get(VoidPtrType);
-        CastInst *CastMetaPool = 
-          new CastInst(TheMetaPool, 
-                       VoidPtrPtrType, "metapool.casted", InsertPoint);
-        CastInst *CastActualPD = 
-          new CastInst(actualPD, 
-                       PointerType::get(Type::SByteTy), "poolhandle.lscasted", InsertPoint);
-        // Create the call to AddPoolDescToMetaPool 
-        std::vector<Value *> args(1,CastMetaPool);
-        args.push_back(CastActualPD);
-        //Get the AddPoolDescToMetaPool function from the module
-        //FIXME optimize it by getting it once per module 
-        std::vector<const Type *> Arg(1, VoidPtrPtrType);
-        Arg.push_back(VoidPtrType);
-        FunctionType *AddPoolDescToMetaPoolTy =
-          FunctionType::get(Type::VoidTy,Arg, false);
-        Function *AddPoolDescToMetaPool = M->getOrInsertFunction("AddPoolDescToMetaPool", AddPoolDescToMetaPoolTy);
-        new CallInst(AddPoolDescToMetaPool,args,"", InsertPoint);
-#if 0
-        MetaPoolHandle* tmpvh = new MetaPoolHandle(new MetaPool(TheMetaPool));
-        MetaPoolHandle* tmpvh = new MetaPoolHandle(new MetaPool(TheMetaPool), CS.getInstruction());
-        G.getPoolDescriptorsMap()[N] = tmpvh;
-      }
-      return;
-    } else if (F->getName() == "poolalloc") {
-      if (CS.getCaller()->getName() == "kmem_cache_alloc")
-        return;
-      // Update the statistics
-      ++KMallocs;
-      // Create a DSNode for the memory allocated by this function call
-      DSNode *N = createNode();
-      N->setHeapNodeMarker();
-      setDestTo(*CS.getInstruction(), N);
-      // Get the pool handle, if possible
-      if (CS.arg_begin() == CS.arg_end()) {
-        abort() ; //Handle this later
-        // Treat it as kmalloc
-        N->foldNodeCompletely();
-        //This becomes a kmalloc pool
-        //So get the kmalloc pool
-        MetaPoolHandle* tmpvh = new MetaPoolHandle(new MetaPool(KMallocPool));
-        G.getPoolDescriptorsMap()[N] = tmpvh;
-      } else {
-        Value *actualPD = *(CS.arg_begin());
-        if (!isa<GlobalValue>(actualPD)) {
-#if 0
-          std::cerr << "WARNING: Pool is not global.  Function = " << CS.getCaller()->getName() << "\n";
-        } else {
-          ++GlobalPools;
-        }
-        Value *TheMetaPool = actualPD;
-        Module * M = F->getParent();
-        if (G.getPoolDescriptorsMap().count(N)== 0) {
-          //Here we insert a global meta pool
-          //Get the Module first
-          //Now create a meta pool for this value, DSN Node
-          const Type * VoidPtrType = PointerType::get(Type::SByteTy);              
-          TheMetaPool = new GlobalVariable(
-                                           /*type=*/ VoidPtrType,
-                                           /*isConstant=*/ false,
-                                           /*Linkage=*/ GlobalValue::InternalLinkage,
-                                           /*initializer=*/ Constant::getNullValue(VoidPtrType),
-                                           /*name=*/ "_metaPool_",
-                                           /*parent=*/ M );
-          //Inserted a global meta pool 
-        }
-        //Now insert a function call that takes care of adding this pool to the global pool
-        //First get the Insert point
-        Instruction *InsertPoint = CS.getInstruction();
-        //Assumes AddPoolDescToMetaPool is in the module
-        const Type * VoidPtrType = PointerType::get(Type::SByteTy);
-        const Type * VoidPtrPtrType = PointerType::get(VoidPtrType);
-        CastInst *CastMetaPool = 
-          new CastInst(TheMetaPool, 
-                       VoidPtrPtrType, "metapool.casted", InsertPoint);
-        CastInst *CastActualPD = 
-          new CastInst(actualPD, 
-                       PointerType::get(Type::SByteTy), "poolhandle.lscasted", InsertPoint);
-        // Create the call to AddPoolDescToMetaPool 
-        std::vector<Value *> args(1,CastMetaPool);
-        args.push_back(CastActualPD);
-        //FIXME optimize it by getting it once per module 
-        std::vector<const Type *> Arg(1, VoidPtrPtrType);
-        Arg.push_back(VoidPtrType);
-        FunctionType *AddPoolDescToMetaPoolTy =
-          FunctionType::get(Type::VoidTy,Arg, false);
-        Function *AddPoolDescToMetaPool = M->getOrInsertFunction("AddPoolDescToMetaPool", AddPoolDescToMetaPoolTy);
-        new CallInst(AddPoolDescToMetaPool,args,"", InsertPoint);
-        MetaPoolHandle* tmpvh = new MetaPoolHandle(new MetaPool(TheMetaPool));
-        G.getPoolDescriptorsMap()[N] = tmpvh;
-      }
-      return;
-    }
     if (F->isExternal())
       if (F->isIntrinsic() && visitIntrinsic(CS, F))
@@ -1447,8 +1152,10 @@
         // Determine if the called function is one of the specified heap
         // allocation functions
         if (AllocList.end() != std::find(AllocList.begin(), AllocList.end(), F->getName())) {
-          setDestTo(*CS.getInstruction(),
-                    createNode()->setHeapNodeMarker()->setModifiedMarker());
+          DSNode* N = createNode()->setHeapNodeMarker()->setModifiedMarker();
+          setDestTo(*CS.getInstruction(), N);
+          MetaPool* MP = new MetaPool(CS);
+          N->setMP(MP);
@@ -1606,6 +1313,10 @@
   // Get a node handle to the global node and merge the initializer into it.
   DSNodeHandle NH = getValueDest(*GV);
   MergeConstantInitIntoNode(NH, GV->getInitializer());
+  MetaPool* MP = new MetaPool(GV);
+  if (NH.getNode()->getMP())
+    MP->merge(NH.getNode()->getMP());
+  NH.getNode()->setMP(MP);
@@ -1692,6 +1403,13 @@
 bool LocalDataStructures::runOnModule(Module &M) {
+  AllocList.push_back("kmalloc");
+  AllocList.push_back("__vmalloc");
+  AllocList.push_back("kmem_cache_alloc");
   const TargetData &TD = getAnalysis<TargetData>();
   // First step, build the globals graph.
@@ -1713,49 +1431,6 @@
   DEBUG(std::cerr << "Eliminating " << ECGlobals.size() << " EC Globals!\n");
-  //
-  // Scan through all the globals; if they have a DSNode but no MetaPool, give
-  // them a MetaPool.
-  //
-  const Type * VoidPtrType = PointerType::get(Type::SByteTy);              
-  for (Module::global_iterator I = M.global_begin(), E = M.global_end();
-       I != E; ++I) {
-    // Skip functions and externally declared variables
-    if (!isa<GlobalVariable>(I)) continue;
-    if (I->isExternal()) continue;
-    GlobalValue * GV = I;
-    GlobalValue * GVL = GlobalsGraph->getScalarMap().getLeaderForGlobal(I);
-    DSNode *Node  = GlobalsGraph->getNodeForValue(GVL).getNode();
-    // If this global happens to be a MetaPool, it will have no DSNode.
-    // In that case, do not assign a MetaPool.
-    if (!Node) continue;
-    //
-    // Add the MetaPool for the DSNode if it does not already have one.
-    //
-    if (GlobalsGraph->getPoolDescriptorsMap().count(Node) == 0) {
-      Value * TheMetaPool = 0;
-      TheMetaPool = new GlobalVariable(
-                                       /*type=*/ VoidPtrType,
-                                       /*isConstant=*/ false,
-                                       /*Linkage=*/ GlobalValue::InternalLinkage,
-                                       /*initializer=*/ Constant::getNullValue(VoidPtrType),
-                                       /*name=*/ "_metaPool_",
-                                       /*parent=*/ &M );
-      //
-      // Create the internal data structure for the MetaPool and associate the
-      // DSNode with it.
-      //
-      MetaPoolHandle* tmpvh = new MetaPoolHandle(new MetaPool(TheMetaPool), NULL);
-      GlobalsGraph->getPoolDescriptorsMap()[Node] = tmpvh;
-    }
-  }
   // Calculate all of the graphs...
   for (Module::iterator I = M.begin(), E = M.end(); I != E; ++I)
     if (!I->isExternal())

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