[llvm-commits] CVS: llvm-test/SingleSource/UnitTests/Integer/APInt/gptest.cpp

Reid Spencer reid at x10sys.com
Wed Feb 21 00:28:40 PST 2007

Changes in directory llvm-test/SingleSource/UnitTests/Integer/APInt:

gptest.cpp updated: 1.1 -> 1.2
Log message:

Improve this test:
1. Remove dead code (hold overs from another test).
2. Simplify communication with gp.
3. Fix a read uninitialized data bug by terminating the read buffer with 0
4. Consolidate reporting into a single function to make output consistent.
5. Add support for all arithmetic and copmarison operators.
6. Cleanup the output.
7. dup2 the stderr fd for gp so it writes errors back to test program.
8. Handle sigint so we can clean up on interrupt (shut down pipes nicely)

Diffs of the changes:  (+123 -184)

 gptest.cpp |  307 ++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------------------------
 1 files changed, 123 insertions(+), 184 deletions(-)

Index: llvm-test/SingleSource/UnitTests/Integer/APInt/gptest.cpp
diff -u llvm-test/SingleSource/UnitTests/Integer/APInt/gptest.cpp:1.1 llvm-test/SingleSource/UnitTests/Integer/APInt/gptest.cpp:1.2
--- llvm-test/SingleSource/UnitTests/Integer/APInt/gptest.cpp:1.1	Tue Feb 20 14:44:00 2007
+++ llvm-test/SingleSource/UnitTests/Integer/APInt/gptest.cpp	Wed Feb 21 02:28:20 2007
@@ -11,16 +11,16 @@
 #include "llvm/ADT/APInt.h"
+#include "llvm/ADT/StringExtras.h"
+#include "llvm/System/Signals.h"
 #include <stdio.h>
 #include <stdlib.h>
 #include <sys/wait.h>
 #include <unistd.h>
-#include "llvm/System/Signals.h"
 using namespace llvm;
-APInt x(21, 0x1fffff);
-APInt y(21, 0x0fffff);
+static int input = 0, output = 0;
 void print(const APInt& X, bool wantSigned = false, bool withNL = true) {
   std::string decstr = X.toString(10,wantSigned);
@@ -39,210 +39,146 @@
   return val;
-void test_interface(const APInt &val) {
-  printf("INTERFACE TEST: val = "); print(val);
-  unsigned bitwidth = val.getBitWidth();
-  unsigned pos = rand() % bitwidth;
-  printf("val[%u] = %d\n", pos, val[pos]);
-  APInt smax(APInt::getMaxValue(bitwidth, true));
-  APInt umax(APInt::getMaxValue(bitwidth, false));
-  APInt smin(APInt::getMinValue(bitwidth, true));
-  APInt umin(APInt::getMinValue(bitwidth, false));
-  printf("APInt::getMinValue(%d, true)  = ", bitwidth); print(smin,true);
-  printf("APInt::getMaxValue(%d, true)  = ", bitwidth); print(smax,true);
-  printf("APInt::getMinValue(%d, false) = ", bitwidth); print(umin);
-  printf("APInt::getMaxValue(%d, false) = ", bitwidth); print(umax);
-  APInt null = APInt::getNullValue(bitwidth);
-  APInt allone = APInt::getAllOnesValue(bitwidth);
-  printf("APInt::getNullValue(%d) = ", bitwidth); print(null);
-  printf("APInt::getAllOnesValue(%d) = ", bitwidth); print(allone);
-  APInt x(val);
-  x.set(pos);
-  printf("val.set(%d) = ", pos);  print(x);
-  x.set();
-  printf("val.set() = "); print(x);
-  x = val;
-  x.clear(pos);
-  printf("val.clear(%d) = ", pos);  print(x);
-  x.clear();
-  printf("val.clear() = "); print(x);
-  x = val;
-  x.flip(pos);
-  printf("val.flip(%d) = ", pos); print(x);
-  x = val;
-  x.flip();
-  printf("val.flip() = "); print(x);
-  unsigned bitsize = bitwidth / 2;
-  printf("val.getHiBits(%d) = ", bitsize); print(val.getHiBits(bitsize));
-  printf("val.getLoBits(%d) = ", bitsize); print(val.getLoBits(bitsize));
-  printf("val.isIntN(%d) = %d\n", bitwidth, val.isIntN(bitwidth));
-void test_unops(const APInt &val) {
-  printf("UNARY OPERATORS TEST: val = "); print(val);
-  APInt x(val);
-  x++;
-  printf("val++ = "); print(x);
-  x = val;
-  ++x;
-  printf("++val = "); print(x);
-  x = val;
-  x--;
-  printf("val-- = "); print(x);
-  x = val;
-  --x;
-  printf("--val = "); print(x);
-  x = -val;
-  printf("-val = "); print(x);
-  x = ~val;
-  printf("~val = "); print(x);
-  printf("!val = %d\n", !val);
-  printf("val.isPowerOf2() = %d\n", val.isPowerOf2());
-  printf("val.logBase2() = %d\n", val.logBase2());
-  printf("val.countLeadingZeros() = %d\n", val.countLeadingZeros());
-  printf("val.countTrailingZeros() = %d\n", val.countTrailingZeros());
-  printf("val.countPopulation() = %d\n", val.countPopulation());
-  printf("val.getBitWidth() = %d\n", val.getBitWidth());
-  if (val.getBitWidth() >= 16 && val.getBitWidth() % 16 == 0) {
-    x = val.byteSwap();
-    printf("val.byteSwap() = "); print(x);
-  }
-  printf("val.roundToDouble(false) = %f\n", val.roundToDouble(false));
-  printf("val.roundToDouble(true)  = %f\n", val.roundToDouble(true));
-  printf("val.getValue() = ");
-  if (val.getBitWidth() > 64)
-    printf("too wide\n");
-  else
-    printf("%lu\n", val.getValue());
-void old_test_binops(const APInt &v1, const APInt &v2) {
-  printf("BINARY OPERATORS TEST: \n      vl: "); print(v1,false,false);
-  printf("\n      v2: "); print(v2);
-  APInt result(v1);
-  result &= v2;
-  printf("v1 &= v2: "); print(result);
-  result = v1;
-  result |= v2;
-  printf("v1 |= v2: "); print(result);
-  result = v1;
-  result ^= v2;
-  printf("v1 ^= v2: "); print(result);
-  result = v1;
-  result *= v2;
-  printf("v1 *= v2: "); print(result);
-  result = v1;
-  result += v2;
-  printf("v1 += v2: "); print(result);
-  result = v1;
-  result -= v2;
-  printf("v1 -= v2: "); print(result);
-  result = v1 & v2;
-  printf("v1 &  v2: "); print(result);
-  result = v1 | v2;
-  printf("v1 |  v2: "); print(result);
-  result = v1 ^ v2;
-  printf("v1 ^  v2: "); print(result);
-  result = v1 * v2;
-  printf("v1 *  v2: "); print(result);
-  result = v1 + v2;
-  printf("v1 +  v2: "); print(result);
-  result = v1 - v2;
-  printf("v1 -  v2: "); print(result);
-  printf("v1 == v2: %d\n", v1 == v2);
-  printf("v1 != v2: %d\n", v1 != v2);
-  printf("v1.eq(v2): %d\n", v1.eq(v2));
-  printf("v1.ne(v2): %d\n", v1.ne(v2));
-  printf("v1.ult(v2): %d\n", v1.ult(v2));
-  printf("v1.slt(v2): %d\n", v1.slt(v2));
-  printf("v1.ule(v2): %d\n", v1.ule(v2));
-  printf("v1.sle(v2): %d\n", v1.sle(v2));
-  printf("v1.ugt(v2): %d\n", v1.ugt(v2));
-  printf("v1.sgt(v2): %d\n", v1.sgt(v2));
-  printf("v1.uge(v2): %d\n", v1.uge(v2));
-  printf("v1.sge(v2): %d\n", v1.sge(v2));
-  {
-    using namespace APIntOps;
-    unsigned shiftAmt = rand() % v1.getBitWidth();
-    result = ashr(v1,shiftAmt);
-    printf("ashr(v1,%d) = ", shiftAmt); print(result);
-    result = lshr(v1,shiftAmt);
-    printf("lshr(v1,%d) = ", shiftAmt); print(result);
-    result = shl(v1,shiftAmt);
-    printf("shl(v1,%d) = ", shiftAmt); print(result);
-    if (v2 == APInt(v2.getBitWidth(), 0))
-      printf("sdiv/udiv/srem/urem not tested, v2 == 0\n");
-    else {
-      result = sdiv(v1,v2);
-      printf("sdiv(v1,v2) = "); print(result);
-      result = udiv(v1,v2);
-      printf("udiv(v1,v2) = "); print(result);
-      result = srem(v1,v2);
-      printf("srem(v1,v2) = "); print(result);
-      result = urem(v1,v2);
-      printf("urem(v1,v2) = "); print(result);
-    }
-  }
-static int input = 0, output = 0;
-std::string getBinopCmd(const APInt &v1, std::string op, const APInt &v2, 
-                     bool wantSigned = false) {
-  std::string Result;
-  Result += "truncate(";
-  Result += v1.toString(10,wantSigned);
-  Result += " " + op + " ";
-  Result += v2.toString(10,wantSigned);
-  Result += ")\n";
-  return Result;
 std::string getResult(const std::string& cmd) {
   const char *command = cmd.c_str();
   if (-1 == write(output, command, cmd.size())) {
     std::string msg = "write: " + cmd;
+    msg.resize(msg.size()-1);
-  usleep(1000); // try to switch contexts
-  char buf[1024];
-  int len = read(input, buf, 1024);
+   usleep(1); // try to switch contexts
+  char buf[4096];
+  int len = read(input, buf, 4095);
   if (-1 == len) {
     std::string msg = "read: " + cmd;
+    msg.resize(msg.size()-1);
-  // We're only interested in the last line.
-  if (char * nl = strrchr(buf, '\n')) {
+  buf[len] = 0;
+  // Clear the trailing newline
+  if (char * nl = strrchr(buf, '\n'))
     *nl = 0;
-    if (char *nnl = strrchr(nl, '\n'))
-      return std::string(nnl+1);
-  }
   return std::string(buf);
-void doMultiply(const APInt &v1, const APInt &v2) {
-  std::string cmd = getBinopCmd(v1, "*", v2);
+std::string getBinop(const APInt &v1, const std::string &op, 
+                     const APInt &v2, bool wantSigned = false) {
+  APInt mask = APInt::getAllOnesValue(v1.getBitWidth());
+  std::string cmd;
+  cmd += "bitand(truncate(";
+  cmd += v1.toString(10,wantSigned);
+  cmd += " " + op + " ";
+  cmd += v2.toString(10,wantSigned);
+  cmd += "), bitneg(0," + utostr(unsigned(v1.getBitWidth())) + "))\n";
+  return getResult(cmd);
+bool getCompare(const APInt &v1, const std::string &op, 
+                const APInt &v2, bool wantSigned = false) {
+  std::string cmd = v1.toString(10, wantSigned) + op + 
+                    v2.toString(10, wantSigned) + '\n';
   std::string result = getResult(cmd);
+  return bool(atoi(result.c_str()));
+void report(const APInt &v1, const APInt &v2, const std::string& op, 
+            const std::string& result, const std::string& apresult) {
+  print(v1, false, false);
+  printf(op.c_str());
+  print(v2, false, false);
+  printf(" = %s (not %s)\n", result.c_str(), apresult.c_str());
+  fflush(stdout);
+void doMultiply(const APInt &v1, const APInt &v2) {
+  std::string result = getBinop(v1, "*", v2);
   APInt r = v1 * v2;
   std::string apresult = r.toString(10, false);
-  if (result != apresult) {
-    printf("ERROR: ");
-    print(v1, false, false);
-    printf(" * ");
-    print(v2, false, false);
-    printf(" = %s (not %s)\n", result.c_str(), apresult.c_str());
-  }
+  if (result != apresult) 
+    report(v1,v2," * ", result,apresult);
+void doDivide(const APInt &v1, const APInt &v2) {
+  if (v2 == APInt(v2.getBitWidth(),0))
+    return;
+  std::string result = getBinop(v1, "/", v2);
+  APInt r = APIntOps::udiv(v1, v2);
+  std::string apresult = r.toString(10, false);
+  if (result != apresult)
+    report(v1,v2," / ", result,apresult);
+void doRemainder(const APInt &v1, const APInt &v2) {
+  if (v2 == APInt(v2.getBitWidth(),0))
+    return;
+  std::string result = getBinop(v1, "%", v2);
+  APInt r = APIntOps::urem(v1, v2);
+  std::string apresult = r.toString(10, false);
+  if (result != apresult)
+    report(v1,v2," % ", result,apresult);
+void doAdd(const APInt &v1, const APInt &v2) {
+  std::string result = getBinop(v1, "+", v2);
+  APInt r = v1 + v2;
+  std::string apresult = r.toString(10, false);
+  if (result != apresult)
+    report(v1,v2," + ", result,apresult);
+void doSubtract(const APInt &v1, const APInt &v2) {
+  std::string result = getBinop(v1, "-", v2);
+  APInt r = v1 - v2;
+  std::string apresult = r.toString(10, false);
+  if (result != apresult)
+    report(v1,v2," - ", result,apresult);
+void doComparisons(const APInt &v1, const APInt &v2) {
+  bool result = getCompare(v1, "==", v2);
+  bool apresult = v1 == v2;
+  if (result != apresult)
+    report(v1,v2," == ", (result?"true":"false"), (apresult?"true":"false"));
+  result = getCompare(v1, "!=", v2);
+  apresult = v1 != v2;
+  if (result != apresult)
+    report(v1,v2," != ", (result?"true":"false"), (apresult?"true":"false"));
+  result = getCompare(v1, "<", v2);
+  apresult = v1.ult(v2);
+  if (result != apresult)
+    report(v1,v2," < ", (result?"true":"false"), (apresult?"true":"false"));
+  result = getCompare(v1, "<=", v2);
+  apresult = v1.ule(v2);
+  if (result != apresult)
+    report(v1,v2," <= ", (result?"true":"false"), (apresult?"true":"false"));
+  result = getCompare(v1, ">", v2);
+  apresult = v1.ugt(v2);
+  if (result != apresult)
+    report(v1,v2," > ", (result?"true":"false"), (apresult?"true":"false"));
+  result = getCompare(v1, ">=", v2);
+  apresult = v1.uge(v2);
+  if (result != apresult)
+    report(v1,v2," >= ", (result?"true":"false"), (apresult?"true":"false"));
 void test_binops(const APInt &v1, const APInt &v2) {
+  doAdd(v1,v2);
+  doSubtract(v1,v2);
   doMultiply(v1, v2);
+  doDivide(v1, v2);
+  doComparisons(v1, v2);
 void Shutdown() {
+  // Be nice and tell gp to stop
+  write(output, "quit\n", 5);
+  // Close our descriptors
-  close(output);
+  close(output); // gp will get SIGPIPE if not terminated
 /* function executed by the user-interacting process. */
@@ -267,9 +203,10 @@
   // Start loop over the range of bits of interest
-  for (unsigned bits = 1; bits <= 256; ++bits) {
+  for (unsigned bits = 1; bits <= 1024; bits++) {
     // Indicate which test case we are running
-    printf("\nTEST CASE: %d BITS\n\n", bits);
+    printf("\nTEST CASE: %d BITS\n", bits);
+    fflush(stdout);
     // Gather some test data
     APInt zero(bits,0);
     APInt one(bits,1);
@@ -312,8 +249,6 @@
     char ch;  /* the same - as a char. */
     int rc;   /* return values of functions. */
-    printf("In translator\n");
     /* first, close unnecessary file descriptors */
     close(input_pipe[1]); /* we don't need to write to this pipe.  */
     close(output_pipe[0]); /* we don't need to read from this pipe. */
@@ -327,6 +262,10 @@
       perror("dup2 for stdout");
+    if (-1 == dup2(output_pipe[1], STDERR_FILENO)) {
+      perror("dup2 for stderr");
+      exit(1);
+    }
     // exec gp with modes:
     //   --quiet (don't print banner), 

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