[llvm-commits] CVS: llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/tramp3d-v4/Makefile README.txt tramp3d-v4.cpp

Chris Lattner sabre at nondot.org
Wed Jan 17 22:29:02 PST 2007

Changes in directory llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/tramp3d-v4:

Makefile added (r1.1)
README.txt added (r1.1)
tramp3d-v4.cpp added (r1.1)
Log message:

Add the tramp3d-v4 benchmark.

Diffs of the changes:  (+56097 -0)

 Makefile       |    9 
 README.txt     |    8 
 tramp3d-v4.cpp |56080 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 3 files changed, 56097 insertions(+)

Index: llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/tramp3d-v4/Makefile
diff -c /dev/null llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/tramp3d-v4/Makefile:1.1
*** /dev/null	Thu Jan 18 00:28:57 2007
--- llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/tramp3d-v4/Makefile	Thu Jan 18 00:28:47 2007
*** 0 ****
--- 1,9 ----
+ LEVEL = ../../..
+ PROG     = tramp3d-v4
+ LDFLAGS  = -lstdc++
+ RUN_OPTIONS =  --cartvis 1.0 0.0 --rhomin 1e-8 -n 25
+ FP_TOLERANCE :=  0.00001
+ include	../../Makefile.multisrc

Index: llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/tramp3d-v4/README.txt
diff -c /dev/null llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/tramp3d-v4/README.txt:1.1
*** /dev/null	Thu Jan 18 00:29:02 2007
--- llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/tramp3d-v4/README.txt	Thu Jan 18 00:28:47 2007
*** 0 ****
--- 1,8 ----
+ This is a template-intensive numerical program based on FreePOOMA, written by
+ Richard Guenther.  The FreePOOMA parts are 3-clause BSD licensed, the rest is
+ put in the public domain by Richard.
+ For more info, see:
+ http://www.suse.de/~rguenther/tramp3d/

Index: llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/tramp3d-v4/tramp3d-v4.cpp
diff -c /dev/null llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/tramp3d-v4/tramp3d-v4.cpp:1.1
*** /dev/null	Thu Jan 18 00:29:02 2007
--- llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/tramp3d-v4/tramp3d-v4.cpp	Thu Jan 18 00:28:47 2007
*** 0 ****
--- 1,56080 ----
+ #include <sys/time.h>
+ #include <time.h>
+ #include <fenv.h>
+ #include <cstdarg>
+ #include <complex>
+ #include <algorithm>
+ #include <limits>
+ #include <math.h>
+ namespace Smarts {
+ template<class T>
+ class IterateScheduler;
+ template<class T>
+ class Iterate;
+ template<class T>
+ class DataObject;
+ }
+ namespace Smarts {
+ class Runnable
+ {
+ public:
+   Runnable()
+   {
+     priority_m = 0;
+   }
+   Runnable(int)
+   {
+     priority_m = 0;
+   }
+   virtual ~Runnable() {}
+   inline int
+   priority() { return priority_m; }
+   inline void
+   priority(int _priority) { priority_m = _priority; }
+   virtual void execute()
+   {
+     run();
+   }
+ protected:
+   virtual void run() {}
+ private:
+   int priority_m;
+ };
+ typedef Runnable *RunnablePtr_t;
+ inline void add(RunnablePtr_t);
+ }
+ namespace Smarts {
+ class Stub
+ {
+ public:
+   enum Action { Read, Write };
+ };
+ template<> class Iterate<Stub>;
+ template<> class IterateScheduler<Stub>;
+ template<> class DataObject<Stub>;
+ template<>
+ class Iterate<Stub> : public Runnable
+ {
+ public:
+   inline Iterate(IterateScheduler<Stub> & scheduler, int affinity=-1);
+   virtual ~Iterate() {}
+   virtual void run() = 0;
+   int affinity() { return 0; }
+   int hintAffinity() { return 0; }
+   void affinity(int) {}
+   void hintAffinity(int) {}
+   void generation(int gen) { generation_m=gen; }
+   int generation() { return generation_m; }
+ protected:
+   IterateScheduler<Stub> &scheduler_m;
+ private:
+   int generation_m;
+ };
+ template<>
+ class IterateScheduler<Stub>
+ {
+ public:
+   inline
+   void beginGeneration() { generation_m++; }
+   inline
+   void endGeneration() {}
+   inline
+   void blockingEvaluate() {}
+   inline
+   void releaseIterates() { }
+   inline
+   IterateScheduler()
+     : generation_m(0)
+   { }
+   inline
+   ~IterateScheduler() {}
+   inline int generation() const { return generation_m; }
+   inline
+   void handOff(Iterate<Stub>* it)
+   {
+     it->run();
+     delete it;
+   }
+ protected:
+ private:
+   int generation_m;
+ };
+ inline Iterate<Stub>::Iterate(IterateScheduler<Stub> & scheduler, int)
+   : scheduler_m(scheduler)
+ {
+   generation(scheduler.generation());
+ }
+ template<>
+ class DataObject<Stub>
+ {
+ public:
+     inline DataObject(int=-1) {}
+     inline int affinity() const { return 0; };
+     inline void affinity(int) {}
+     inline void request(Iterate<Stub>&, Stub::Action) {}
+     inline void release(Stub::Action) {}
+ protected:
+ private:
+ };
+ inline void concurrency(int)
+ {
+ }
+ inline int concurrency()
+ {
+   return 1;
+ }
+ inline void wait()
+ {
+ }
+ inline void add(Runnable *runnable)
+ {
+   runnable->execute();
+   delete runnable;
+ }
+ }
+ namespace Pooma {
+   typedef Smarts::Stub SmartsTag_t;
+ }
+ namespace Pooma {
+ static const char schedulerVersion[] = "stub scheduler";
+ typedef Smarts::IterateScheduler<SmartsTag_t> Scheduler_t;
+ typedef Smarts::DataObject<SmartsTag_t> DataObject_t;
+ typedef Smarts::Iterate<SmartsTag_t> Iterate_t;
+ typedef Smarts::Runnable Runnable_t;
+ inline void addRunnable(Runnable_t *runnable)
+ {
+   Smarts::add(runnable);
+ }
+ }
+ namespace Pooma {
+ class Assertion
+ {
+   char *msg_m;
+   char *file_m;
+   int line_m;
+ public:
+   Assertion(const char *msg, const char *file, int line);
+   Assertion(const Assertion &a);
+   ~Assertion() { delete[] msg_m; delete [] file_m; }
+   Assertion &operator=(const Assertion &a);
+   const char *what() const { return msg_m; }
+   const char *file() const { return file_m; }
+   int line() const { return line_m; }
+   template<class OS>
+   void print(OS &os) const
+   {
+     os << "### POOMA Assertion Failure ###\n";
+     os << "### " << what() << "\n";
+     os << "### File " << file() << "; Line " << line();
+   }
+ };
+ void toss_cookies(const char *msg, const char *file, int line ...) __attribute__((noreturn));
+ }
+ template<bool B> struct PoomaCTAssert {};
+ template<> struct PoomaCTAssert<true> { static inline void test() {} };
+ template<class T1, class T2>
+ struct SameType
+ {
+   enum { same = false };
+ };
+ template<class T1>
+ struct SameType<T1, T1>
+ {
+   enum { same = true };
+ };
+ namespace Pooma {
+   class DummyMutex
+   {
+   public:
+     inline DummyMutex() { }
+     inline DummyMutex(const DummyMutex &) { }
+     inline DummyMutex &operator=(const DummyMutex &) { return *this; }
+     inline void lock() { }
+     inline void unlock() { }
+   };
+   typedef DummyMutex Mutex_t;
+ }
+ #include <iostream>
+ #include <map>
+ class InformStream;
+ class Inform
+ {
+ public:
+   typedef int ID_t;
+   typedef int Level_t;
+   typedef int Context_t;
+   enum { out, app };
+   enum { allContexts = (-1) };
+   enum { off = (-1), on = 0 };
+   Inform(const char *prefix = 0, Context_t outputContext = 0);
+   Inform(const char *prefix, const char *fname, int writemode,
+   Context_t outputContext = 0);
+   Inform(const char *prefix, std::ostream &outstream,
+   Context_t outputContext = 0);
+   ~Inform();
+   const std::string &prefix() const { return prefix_m; }
+   void setPrefix(const char *prefix = 0);
+   ID_t open(Context_t context = 0);
+   ID_t open(const char *fname, int writemode, Context_t context = 0);
+   ID_t open(std::ostream &outstream, Context_t context = 0);
+   void close(ID_t);
+   void close();
+   Level_t messageLevel() const { return level_m; }
+   Inform &setMessageLevel(Level_t newval) { level_m = newval; return *this; }
+   Level_t outputLevel(ID_t id = 0) const;
+   void setOutputLevel(Level_t newval, ID_t id);
+   void setOutputLevel(Level_t newval);
+   Context_t outputContext(ID_t id = 0) const;
+   void setOutputContext(Context_t outputContext, ID_t id);
+   void setOutputContext(Context_t outputContext);
+   inline static Context_t context() { return context_s; }
+   inline static Context_t numContexts() { return nContexts_s; }
+   static inline void setContext(Context_t c) { context_s = c; }
+   static inline void setNumContexts(Context_t n) { nContexts_s = n; }
+   void flush();
+   void print() { flush(); }
+   void output() { flush(); }
+   typedef std::ios_base::fmtflags FmtFlags_t;
+   std::ostream& stream() { return *message_m; }
+   FmtFlags_t
+     setf(FmtFlags_t setbits,FmtFlags_t field)
+     { return message_m->setf(setbits,field);}
+   FmtFlags_t
+     setf(FmtFlags_t f) { return message_m->setf(f); }
+   void unsetf(FmtFlags_t f) { message_m->unsetf(f); }
+   long flags() const { return message_m->flags(); }
+   long flags(FmtFlags_t f) { return message_m->flags(f); }
+   int width() const { return message_m->width(); }
+   int width(int w) { return message_m->width(w); }
+   char fill() const { return message_m->fill(); }
+   char fill(char c) { return message_m->fill(c); }
+   int precision() const { return message_m->precision(); }
+   int precision(int p) { return message_m->precision(p); }
+   void lock() const { mutex_m.lock(); }
+   void unlock() const { mutex_m.unlock(); }
+ private:
+   typedef std::map<ID_t, InformStream *> StreamList_t;
+   typedef StreamList_t::size_type Size_t;
+   typedef StreamList_t::value_type Value_t;
+   typedef StreamList_t::iterator iterator;
+   typedef StreamList_t::const_iterator const_iterator;
+   std::string prefix_m;
+   Context_t outputContext_m;
+   Level_t level_m;
+   StreamList_t streams_m;
+   std::ostringstream *message_m;
+   char *buffer_m;
+   static const unsigned int bufSize;
+   ID_t nextID_m;
+   mutable Pooma::Mutex_t mutex_m;
+   static Pooma::Mutex_t outputMutex_s;
+   static Context_t context_s;
+   static Context_t nContexts_s;
+   InformStream *findStream(ID_t) const;
+   void setup(const char *prefix);
+ };
+ namespace std {
+   extern Inform &endl(Inform &);
+   extern Inform &flush(Inform &);
+   extern Inform &lock(Inform &);
+   extern Inform &unlock(Inform &);
+ }
+ inline Inform &operator<<(Inform &o, Inform &(*d)(Inform &))
+ {
+   return d(o);
+ }
+ inline Inform &operator<<(Inform &o, std::ios_base &(*d)(std::ios_base &))
+ {
+   d(o.stream());
+   return o;
+ }
+ template<class T>
+ inline Inform &operator<<(Inform &o, const T &val)
+ {
+   o.stream() << val;
+   return o;
+ }
+ inline Inform &operator<<(Inform &o, const void *val)
+ {
+   Inform::FmtFlags_t oldformat =
+     o.setf(std::ios::hex, std::ios::basefield);
+   o.stream() << "0x" << reinterpret_cast<long>(val);
+   o.setf(oldformat, std::ios::basefield);
+   return o;
+ }
+ inline Inform &operator<<(Inform &o, const char *s)
+ {
+   o.stream() << s;
+   return o;
+ }
+ inline Inform &operator<<(Inform &o, const std::string &s)
+ {
+   o.stream() << s.c_str();
+   return o;
+ }
+ #include <iterator>
+ template <class T>
+ class InformIterator
+ {
+ public:
+   typedef std::output_iterator_tag iterator_category;
+   typedef void value_type;
+   typedef void difference_type;
+   typedef void pointer;
+   typedef void reference;
+   InformIterator(Inform &s) : out_m(&s), delim_m(0) { }
+   InformIterator(Inform &s, const char *d) : out_m(&s), delim_m(d) { }
+   InformIterator &operator=(const T &value)
+   {
+     *out_m << value;
+     if (delim_m != 0)
+       *out_m << delim_m;
+     return *this;
+   }
+   InformIterator &operator*() { return *this; }
+   InformIterator &operator++() { return *this; }
+   InformIterator &operator++(int) { return *this; }
+ private:
+   Inform *out_m;
+   const char *delim_m;
+ };
+ namespace Pooma {
+ class Options
+ {
+ public:
+   Options();
+   Options(int &argc, char ** argv);
+   Options(const Options &opts);
+   Options &operator=(const Options &opts);
+   ~Options();
+   int concurrency() const { return concurrency_m; }
+   void concurrency(int c)
+     {
+       ;
+       concurrency_m = c;
+     }
+   bool printInfo() const { return info_m; }
+   void printInfo(bool p) { info_m = p; }
+   bool printWarnings() const { return warn_m; }
+   void printWarnings(bool p) { warn_m = p; }
+   bool printErrors() const { return err_m; }
+   void printErrors(bool p) { err_m = p; }
+   const std::string &logfile() const { return logfile_m; }
+   void logfile(const std::string &s) { logfile_m = s; }
+   bool printStats() const { return stats_m; }
+   void printStats(bool p) { stats_m = p; }
+   int debug() const { return debug_m; }
+   void debug(int p) { debug_m = p; }
+   bool neverCompress() const { return neverCompress_m; }
+   void neverCompress(bool p) { neverCompress_m = p; }
+   bool deferredGuardFills() const { return deferredFills_m; }
+   void deferredGuardFills(bool p) { deferredFills_m = p; }
+   bool hardInit() const { return hardinit_m; }
+   void hardInit(bool p) { hardinit_m = p; }
+   bool hardRun() const { return hardrun_m; }
+   void hardRun(bool p) { hardrun_m = p; }
+   bool lockThreads() const { return lockthreads_m; }
+   void lockThreads(bool p) { lockthreads_m = p; }
+   bool blockingExpressions() const { return blockingExpressions_m; }
+   void blockingExpressions(bool p) { blockingExpressions_m = p; }
+   void usage();
+   void reset();
+   void parse(int &argc, char ** &argv);
+ private:
+   int concurrency_m;
+   bool info_m;
+   bool warn_m;
+   bool err_m;
+   std::string logfile_m;
+   bool stats_m;
+   int debug_m;
+   bool neverCompress_m;
+   bool deferredFills_m;
+   bool hardinit_m;
+   bool hardrun_m;
+   bool lockthreads_m;
+   bool blockingExpressions_m;
+ };
+ bool intArgument(int argc, char **argv, int pos, int &val);
+ bool stringArgument(int argc, char **argv, int pos, std::string &val);
+ bool doubleArgument(int argc, char **argv, int pos, double &val);
+ }
+ namespace Pooma {
+   typedef void (*AbortHandler_t)();
+   typedef int Context_t;
+   typedef int PatchID_t;
+   namespace Arch {
+     inline void dawdle() { }
+     inline void getCommandLineArguments(int &, char** &) { }
+     inline void initialize() { }
+     inline void finalize() { }
+   }
+   void incrementNumExpressions(long val = 1);
+   void incrementNumMultiPatchExpressions(long val = 1);
+   void incrementNumZBExpressions(long val = 1);
+   void incrementNumCompressedAssigns(long val = 1);
+   void incrementNumAssignsRequiringUnCompression(long val = 1);
+   void incrementNumInlineEvaluations(long val = 1);
+   void incrementNumLocalPatchesEvaluated(long val = 1);
+   void incrementNumReductions(long val = 1);
+   void incrementNumUnCompresses(long val = 1);
+   void incrementNumUnsuccessfulTryCompresses(long val = 1);
+   void incrementNumSuccessfulTryCompresses(long val = 1);
+   void incrementNumPolls(long val = 1);
+   extern Inform pinfo;
+   extern Inform pwarn;
+   extern Inform perr;
+   extern Inform pdebug;
+   bool initialize(int &argc, char ** &argv,
+     bool initRTS = true, bool getCLArgsArch = true, bool initArch = true);
+   bool initialize(Pooma::Options &opts, bool initRTS = true,
+     bool initArch = true);
+   bool finalize();
+   bool finalize(bool quitRTS, bool quitArch);
+   void pAbort(int errorcode = 0) __attribute__((noreturn));
+   void pAbort(const char *msg, int errorcode = 0) __attribute__((noreturn));
+   void stopHere();
+   AbortHandler_t abortHandler();
+   AbortHandler_t abortHandler(AbortHandler_t);
+   AbortHandler_t resetAbortHandler();
+   const char *version();
+   int majorVersion();
+   int minorVersion();
+   const char *buildDate();
+   bool printStats();
+   void printStats(bool on);
+   bool infoMessages();
+   void infoMessages(bool on);
+   bool warnMessages();
+   void warnMessages(bool on);
+   bool errorMessages();
+   void errorMessages(bool on);
+   void logMessages(const char *filename);
+   int debugLevel();
+   void debugLevel(int val);
+   bool neverCompress();
+   void neverCompress(bool p);
+   bool deferredGuardFills();
+   void deferredGuardFills(bool p);
+   extern Context_t myContext_g;
+   extern int numContexts_g;
+   extern int expression_g;
+   inline Context_t context() { return myContext_g; }
+   inline int contexts() { return numContexts_g; }
+   Scheduler_t &scheduler();
+   void blockAndEvaluate();
+   bool hardInit();
+   void hardInit(bool on);
+   bool hardRun();
+   void hardRun(bool on);
+   bool lockThreads();
+   void lockThreads(bool on);
+   bool blockingExpressions();
+   void blockingExpressions(bool on);
+   inline void beginExpression()
+   {
+     scheduler().beginGeneration();
+   }
+   inline void endExpression()
+   {
+     scheduler().endGeneration();
+     expression_g++;
+     if (blockingExpressions())
+       blockAndEvaluate();
+   }
+   inline int expression()
+   {
+     return expression_g;
+   }
+ inline void poll()
+ {
+     ;
+ }
+ }
+ template<int Dim, class T, class EngineTag> class Array;
+ template<int Dim, class T, class EngineTag> class Engine;
+ template<class Subject, class Sub1, bool SV>
+ struct View1Implementation;
+ template <class LayoutTag, class PatchTag>
+ struct MultiPatch;
+ template <class LayoutTag, class PatchTag, int Dim2>
+ struct MultiPatchView;
+ template<class Expr>
+ struct ExpressionTag;
+ template <int Dim, class T, class EngineTag>
+ class Engine;
+ template <class Engine, class SubDomain>
+ struct NewEngine
+ {
+ };
+ template <class Engine, class SubDomain>
+ struct NewEngineEngine
+ {
+   typedef Engine Type_t;
+   static inline
+   const Engine &apply(const Engine &e, const SubDomain &)
+   {
+     return e;
+   }
+ } ;
+ template <class Engine, class SubDomain>
+ struct NewEngineDomain
+ {
+   typedef SubDomain Type_t;
+   typedef const SubDomain &Return_t;
+   static inline
+   Return_t apply(const Engine &, const SubDomain &i)
+   {
+     return i;
+   }
+ } ;
+ template<class Eng, class Dom>
+ inline typename NewEngineEngine<Eng, Dom>::Type_t
+ newEngineEngine(const Eng &e, const Dom &dom)
+ {
+   return NewEngineEngine<Eng, Dom>::apply(e, dom);
+ }
+ template<class Eng, class Dom>
+ inline typename NewEngineDomain<Eng, Dom>::Type_t
+ newEngineDomain(const Eng &e, const Dom &dom)
+ {
+   return NewEngineDomain<Eng, Dom>::apply(e, dom);
+ }
+ struct EngineConstructTag
+ {
+   EngineConstructTag() { };
+   ~EngineConstructTag() { };
+   EngineConstructTag(const EngineConstructTag &) { };
+   EngineConstructTag &operator=(const EngineConstructTag &) { return *this; }
+ };
+ template<class T>
+ class Scalar
+ {
+ public:
+   inline
+   Scalar() { }
+   inline
+   Scalar(const T &t) : scalar_m(t) { }
+   template<class T1>
+   inline
+   explicit Scalar(const T1 &t) : scalar_m(t) { }
+   template<class Arg>
+   inline
+   Scalar(const Scalar<T> &s, const Arg &)
+     : scalar_m(s.scalar_m) { }
+   template<class Arg1, class Arg2>
+   inline
+   Scalar(const Scalar<T> &s, const Arg1 &, const Arg2 &)
+     : scalar_m(s.scalar_m) { }
+   inline
+   Scalar(const Scalar<T> &s) : scalar_m(s.scalar_m) { }
+   inline
+   const T &value() const { return scalar_m; }
+   inline
+   Scalar<T> &operator=(const Scalar<T> &rhs)
+   {
+     scalar_m = rhs.scalar_m;
+     return *this;
+   }
+   inline
+   Scalar<T> &operator=(const T &rhs)
+   {
+     scalar_m = rhs;
+     return *this;
+   }
+ private:
+   T scalar_m;
+ };
+ template<class T, class Op>
+ struct UnaryReturn {
+   typedef T Type_t;
+ };
+ template<class T1, class T2>
+ struct Promote { typedef T1 Type_t; };
+ template<>
+ struct Promote<bool, bool> {
+   typedef bool Type_t;
+ };
+ template<>
+ struct Promote<bool, char> {
+   typedef char Type_t;
+ };
+ template<>
+ struct Promote<bool, short> {
+   typedef short Type_t;
+ };
+ template<>
+ struct Promote<bool, int> {
+   typedef int Type_t;
+ };
+ template<>
+ struct Promote<bool, long> {
+   typedef long Type_t;
+ };
+ template<>
+ struct Promote<bool, float> {
+   typedef float Type_t;
+ };
+ template<>
+ struct Promote<bool, double> {
+   typedef double Type_t;
+ };
+ template<>
+ struct Promote<char, bool> {
+   typedef char Type_t;
+ };
+ template<>
+ struct Promote<char, char> {
+   typedef char Type_t;
+ };
+ template<>
+ struct Promote<char, short> {
+   typedef short Type_t;
+ };
+ template<>
+ struct Promote<char, int> {
+   typedef int Type_t;
+ };
+ template<>
+ struct Promote<char, long> {
+   typedef long Type_t;
+ };
+ template<>
+ struct Promote<char, float> {
+   typedef float Type_t;
+ };
+ template<>
+ struct Promote<char, double> {
+   typedef double Type_t;
+ };
+ template<>
+ struct Promote<short, bool> {
+   typedef short Type_t;
+ };
+ template<>
+ struct Promote<short, char> {
+   typedef short Type_t;
+ };
+ template<>
+ struct Promote<short, short> {
+   typedef short Type_t;
+ };
+ template<>
+ struct Promote<short, int> {
+   typedef int Type_t;
+ };
+ template<>
+ struct Promote<short, long> {
+   typedef long Type_t;
+ };
+ template<>
+ struct Promote<short, float> {
+   typedef float Type_t;
+ };
+ template<>
+ struct Promote<short, double> {
+   typedef double Type_t;
+ };
+ template<>
+ struct Promote<int, bool> {
+   typedef int Type_t;
+ };
+ template<>
+ struct Promote<int, char> {
+   typedef int Type_t;
+ };
+ template<>
+ struct Promote<int, short> {
+   typedef int Type_t;
+ };
+ template<>
+ struct Promote<int, int> {
+   typedef int Type_t;
+ };
+ template<>
+ struct Promote<int, long> {
+   typedef long Type_t;
+ };
+ template<>
+ struct Promote<int, float> {
+   typedef float Type_t;
+ };
+ template<>
+ struct Promote<int, double> {
+   typedef double Type_t;
+ };
+ template<>
+ struct Promote<long, bool> {
+   typedef long Type_t;
+ };
+ template<>
+ struct Promote<long, char> {
+   typedef long Type_t;
+ };
+ template<>
+ struct Promote<long, short> {
+   typedef long Type_t;
+ };
+ template<>
+ struct Promote<long, int> {
+   typedef long Type_t;
+ };
+ template<>
+ struct Promote<long, long> {
+   typedef long Type_t;
+ };
+ template<>
+ struct Promote<long, float> {
+   typedef float Type_t;
+ };
+ template<>
+ struct Promote<long, double> {
+   typedef double Type_t;
+ };
+ template<>
+ struct Promote<float, bool> {
+   typedef float Type_t;
+ };
+ template<>
+ struct Promote<float, char> {
+   typedef float Type_t;
+ };
+ template<>
+ struct Promote<float, short> {
+   typedef float Type_t;
+ };
+ template<>
+ struct Promote<float, int> {
+   typedef float Type_t;
+ };
+ template<>
+ struct Promote<float, long> {
+   typedef float Type_t;
+ };
+ template<>
+ struct Promote<float, float> {
+   typedef float Type_t;
+ };
+ template<>
+ struct Promote<float, double> {
+   typedef double Type_t;
+ };
+ template<>
+ struct Promote<double, bool> {
+   typedef double Type_t;
+ };
+ template<>
+ struct Promote<double, char> {
+   typedef double Type_t;
+ };
+ template<>
+ struct Promote<double, short> {
+   typedef double Type_t;
+ };
+ template<>
+ struct Promote<double, int> {
+   typedef double Type_t;
+ };
+ template<>
+ struct Promote<double, long> {
+   typedef double Type_t;
+ };
+ template<>
+ struct Promote<double, float> {
+   typedef double Type_t;
+ };
+ template<>
+ struct Promote<double, double> {
+   typedef double Type_t;
+ };
+ template<class T1, class T2, class Op>
+ struct BinaryReturn {
+   typedef typename Promote<T1, T2>::Type_t Type_t;
+ };
+ template<class T1, class T2, class T3, class Op>
+ struct TrinaryReturn {
+   typedef typename BinaryReturn<T2, T3, Op>::Type_t Type_t;
+ };
+ template<class T>
+ struct Reference
+ {
+   typedef T Type_t;
+   inline
+   Reference(const T &reference)
+     : reference_m(reference)
+   { }
+   inline
+   Reference(const Reference<T> &model)
+     : reference_m(model.reference())
+   { }
+   inline
+   const T &reference() const
+   {
+     return reference_m;
+   }
+   operator const T& () const { return reference_m; }
+   operator T& () const { return const_cast<T&>(reference_m); }
+   const T &reference_m;
+ };
+ template<class T>
+ struct DeReference
+ {
+   typedef const T &Return_t;
+   typedef T Type_t;
+   static inline Return_t apply(const T &a) { return a; }
+ };
+ template<class T>
+ struct DeReference<Reference<T> >
+ {
+   typedef const T &Return_t;
+   typedef T Type_t;
+   static inline Return_t apply(const Reference<T> &a) { return a.reference(); }
+ };
+ template<class Op, class Child>
+ class UnaryNode
+ {
+ public:
+   inline
+   typename DeReference<Child>::Return_t
+   child() const { return DeReference<Child>::apply(child_m); }
+   inline
+   UnaryNode(const Child &c)
+     : child_m(c) { }
+   inline
+   UnaryNode(const UnaryNode<Op, Child> &t)
+     : child_m(t.child()) { }
+   template<class OtherChild>
+   inline
+   UnaryNode(const UnaryNode<Op, OtherChild> &t)
+     : child_m(t.child()) { }
+   template<class OtherChild, class Arg>
+   inline
+   UnaryNode(const UnaryNode<Op, OtherChild> &t, const Arg &a)
+     : child_m(t.child(), a) { }
+   template<class OtherChild, class Arg1, class Arg2>
+   inline
+   UnaryNode(const UnaryNode<Op, OtherChild> &t,
+      const Arg1 &a1, const Arg2 &a2)
+     : child_m(t.child(), a1, a2)
+     { }
+ private:
+   Child child_m;
+ };
+ template<class Op, class Left, class Right>
+ class BinaryNode
+ {
+ public:
+   inline
+   typename DeReference<Left>::Return_t
+   left() const { return DeReference<Left>::apply(left_m); }
+   inline
+   typename DeReference<Right>::Return_t
+   right() const { return DeReference<Right>::apply(right_m); }
+   inline
+   BinaryNode(const Left &l, const Right &r)
+     : left_m(l), right_m(r)
+   { }
+   inline
+   BinaryNode(const BinaryNode<Op, Left, Right> &t)
+     : left_m(t.left()), right_m(t.right())
+   { }
+   template<class OtherLeft, class OtherRight>
+   inline
+   BinaryNode(const BinaryNode<Op, OtherLeft, OtherRight> &t)
+     : left_m(t.left()), right_m(t.right())
+   { }
+   template<class OtherLeft, class OtherRight, class Arg>
+   inline
+   BinaryNode(const BinaryNode<Op, OtherLeft, OtherRight> &t,
+       const Arg &a)
+     : left_m(t.left(), a), right_m(t.right(), a)
+   { }
+   template<class OtherLeft, class OtherRight, class Arg1, class Arg2>
+   inline
+   BinaryNode(const BinaryNode<Op, OtherLeft, OtherRight> &t,
+       const Arg1 &a1, const Arg2 &a2)
+     : left_m(t.left(), a1, a2), right_m(t.right(), a1, a2)
+   { }
+ private:
+   Left left_m;
+   Right right_m;
+ };
+ template< class Op, class Left, class Middle, class Right>
+ class TrinaryNode
+ {
+ public:
+   inline
+   typename DeReference<Left>::Return_t
+   left() const { return DeReference<Left>::apply(left_m); }
+   inline
+   typename DeReference<Right>::Return_t
+   right() const { return DeReference<Right>::apply(right_m); }
+   inline
+   typename DeReference<Middle>::Return_t
+   middle() const { return DeReference<Middle>::apply(middle_m); }
+   inline
+   TrinaryNode(const Left &l, const Middle &m, const Right &r)
+     : left_m(l), middle_m(m), right_m(r)
+   { }
+   inline
+   TrinaryNode(const TrinaryNode<Op, Left, Middle, Right> &t)
+     : left_m(t.left()), middle_m(t.middle()), right_m(t.right())
+   { }
+   template<class OtherLeft, class OtherMiddle, class OtherRight>
+   inline
+   TrinaryNode(const TrinaryNode<Op, OtherLeft, OtherMiddle, OtherRight> & t)
+     : left_m(t.left()), middle_m(t.middle()), right_m(t.right())
+   { }
+   template<class OtherLeft, class OtherMiddle, class OtherRight, class Arg>
+   inline
+   TrinaryNode(const TrinaryNode<Op, OtherLeft, OtherMiddle, OtherRight> &t,
+        const Arg &a)
+     : left_m(t.left(), a), middle_m(t.middle(), a), right_m(t.right(), a)
+   { }
+   template<class OtherLeft, class OtherMiddle, class OtherRight,
+     class Arg1, class Arg2>
+   inline
+   TrinaryNode(const TrinaryNode<Op, OtherLeft, OtherMiddle, OtherRight> &t,
+        const Arg1 &a1, const Arg2 &a2)
+     : left_m(t.left(), a1, a2),
+       middle_m(t.middle(), a1, a2) , right_m(t.right(), a1, a2)
+   { }
+ private:
+   Left left_m;
+   Middle middle_m;
+   Right right_m;
+ };
+ struct FnArcCos
+ {
+   template<class T>
+   inline typename UnaryReturn<T, FnArcCos >::Type_t
+   operator()(const T &a) const
+   {
+     return (acos(a));
+   }
+ };
+ struct FnArcSin
+ {
+   template<class T>
+   inline typename UnaryReturn<T, FnArcSin >::Type_t
+   operator()(const T &a) const
+   {
+     return (asin(a));
+   }
+ };
+ struct FnArcTan
+ {
+   template<class T>
+   inline typename UnaryReturn<T, FnArcTan >::Type_t
+   operator()(const T &a) const
+   {
+     return (atan(a));
+   }
+ };
+ struct FnCeil
+ {
+   template<class T>
+   inline typename UnaryReturn<T, FnCeil >::Type_t
+   operator()(const T &a) const
+   {
+     return (ceil(a));
+   }
+ };
+ struct FnCos
+ {
+   template<class T>
+   inline typename UnaryReturn<T, FnCos >::Type_t
+   operator()(const T &a) const
+   {
+     return (cos(a));
+   }
+ };
+ struct FnHypCos
+ {
+   template<class T>
+   inline typename UnaryReturn<T, FnHypCos >::Type_t
+   operator()(const T &a) const
+   {
+     return (cosh(a));
+   }
+ };
+ struct FnExp
+ {
+   template<class T>
+   inline typename UnaryReturn<T, FnExp >::Type_t
+   operator()(const T &a) const
+   {
+     return (exp(a));
+   }
+ };
+ struct FnFabs
+ {
+   template<class T>
+   inline typename UnaryReturn<T, FnFabs >::Type_t
+   operator()(const T &a) const
+   {
+     return (fabs(a));
+   }
+ };
+ struct FnFloor
+ {
+   template<class T>
+   inline typename UnaryReturn<T, FnFloor >::Type_t
+   operator()(const T &a) const
+   {
+     return (floor(a));
+   }
+ };
+ struct FnLog
+ {
+   template<class T>
+   inline typename UnaryReturn<T, FnLog >::Type_t
+   operator()(const T &a) const
+   {
+     return (log(a));
+   }
+ };
+ struct FnLog10
+ {
+   template<class T>
+   inline typename UnaryReturn<T, FnLog10 >::Type_t
+   operator()(const T &a) const
+   {
+     return (log10(a));
+   }
+ };
+ struct FnSin
+ {
+   template<class T>
+   inline typename UnaryReturn<T, FnSin >::Type_t
+   operator()(const T &a) const
+   {
+     return (sin(a));
+   }
+ };
+ struct FnHypSin
+ {
+   template<class T>
+   inline typename UnaryReturn<T, FnHypSin >::Type_t
+   operator()(const T &a) const
+   {
+     return (sinh(a));
+   }
+ };
+ struct FnSqrt
+ {
+   template<class T>
+   inline typename UnaryReturn<T, FnSqrt >::Type_t
+   operator()(const T &a) const
+   {
+     return (sqrt(a));
+   }
+ };
+ struct FnTan
+ {
+   template<class T>
+   inline typename UnaryReturn<T, FnTan >::Type_t
+   operator()(const T &a) const
+   {
+     return (tan(a));
+   }
+ };
+ struct FnHypTan
+ {
+   template<class T>
+   inline typename UnaryReturn<T, FnHypTan >::Type_t
+   operator()(const T &a) const
+   {
+     return (tanh(a));
+   }
+ };
+ struct OpUnaryMinus
+ {
+   template<class T>
+   inline typename UnaryReturn<T, OpUnaryMinus >::Type_t
+   operator()(const T &a) const
+   {
+     return (-a);
+   }
+ };
+ struct OpUnaryPlus
+ {
+   template<class T>
+   inline typename UnaryReturn<T, OpUnaryPlus >::Type_t
+   operator()(const T &a) const
+   {
+     return (+a);
+   }
+ };
+ struct OpBitwiseNot
+ {
+   template<class T>
+   inline typename UnaryReturn<T, OpBitwiseNot >::Type_t
+   operator()(const T &a) const
+   {
+     return (~a);
+   }
+ };
+ struct OpIdentity
+ {
+   template<class T>
+   inline typename UnaryReturn<T, OpIdentity >::Type_t
+   operator()(const T &a) const
+   {
+     return (a);
+   }
+ };
+ struct OpNot
+ {
+   template<class T>
+   inline typename UnaryReturn<T, OpNot >::Type_t
+   operator()(const T &a) const
+   {
+     return (!a);
+   }
+ };
+ template<class T >
+ struct UnaryReturn<T, OpNot > {
+   typedef bool Type_t;
+ };
+ template <class T1>
+ struct OpCast
+ {
+   template<class T2>
+   inline UnaryReturn<T2, OpCast<T1> >
+   operator()(const T2 &a) const
+   {
+     return T1(a);
+   }
+ };
+ template<class T1, class T2>
+ struct UnaryReturn<T2, OpCast<T1> > {
+   typedef T1 Type_t;
+ };
+ struct OpAdd
+ {
+   template<class T1, class T2>
+   inline typename BinaryReturn<T1, T2, OpAdd >::Type_t
+   operator()(const T1 &a, const T2 &b) const
+   {
+     return (a + b);
+   }
+ };
+ struct OpSubtract
+ {
+   template<class T1, class T2>
+   inline typename BinaryReturn<T1, T2, OpSubtract >::Type_t
+   operator()(const T1 &a, const T2 &b) const
+   {
+     return (a - b);
+   }
+ };
+ struct OpMultiply
+ {
+   template<class T1, class T2>
+   inline typename BinaryReturn<T1, T2, OpMultiply >::Type_t
+   operator()(const T1 &a, const T2 &b) const
+   {
+     return (a * b);
+   }
+ };
+ struct OpDivide
+ {
+   template<class T1, class T2>
+   inline typename BinaryReturn<T1, T2, OpDivide >::Type_t
+   operator()(const T1 &a, const T2 &b) const
+   {
+     return (a / b);
+   }
+ };
+ struct OpMod
+ {
+   template<class T1, class T2>
+   inline typename BinaryReturn<T1, T2, OpMod >::Type_t
+   operator()(const T1 &a, const T2 &b) const
+   {
+     return (a % b);
+   }
+ };
+ struct OpBitwiseAnd
+ {
+   template<class T1, class T2>
+   inline typename BinaryReturn<T1, T2, OpBitwiseAnd >::Type_t
+   operator()(const T1 &a, const T2 &b) const
+   {
+     return (a & b);
+   }
+ };
+ struct OpBitwiseOr
+ {
+   template<class T1, class T2>
+   inline typename BinaryReturn<T1, T2, OpBitwiseOr >::Type_t
+   operator()(const T1 &a, const T2 &b) const
+   {
+     return (a | b);
+   }
+ };
+ struct OpBitwiseXor
+ {
+   template<class T1, class T2>
+   inline typename BinaryReturn<T1, T2, OpBitwiseXor >::Type_t
+   operator()(const T1 &a, const T2 &b) const
+   {
+     return (a ^ b);
+   }
+ };
+ struct FnLdexp
+ {
+   template<class T1, class T2>
+   inline typename BinaryReturn<T1, T2, FnLdexp >::Type_t
+   operator()(const T1 &a, const T2 &b) const
+   {
+     return (ldexp(a,b));
+   }
+ };
+ struct FnPow
+ {
+   template<class T1, class T2>
+   inline typename BinaryReturn<T1, T2, FnPow >::Type_t
+   operator()(const T1 &a, const T2 &b) const
+   {
+     return (pow(a,b));
+   }
+ };
+ struct FnFmod
+ {
+   template<class T1, class T2>
+   inline typename BinaryReturn<T1, T2, FnFmod >::Type_t
+   operator()(const T1 &a, const T2 &b) const
+   {
+     return (fmod(a,b));
+   }
+ };
+ struct FnArcTan2
+ {
+   template<class T1, class T2>
+   inline typename BinaryReturn<T1, T2, FnArcTan2 >::Type_t
+   operator()(const T1 &a, const T2 &b) const
+   {
+     return (atan2(a,b));
+   }
+ };
+ struct OpLT
+ {
+   template<class T1, class T2>
+   inline typename BinaryReturn<T1, T2, OpLT >::Type_t
+   operator()(const T1 &a, const T2 &b) const
+   {
+     return (a < b);
+   }
+ };
+ template<class T1, class T2 >
+ struct BinaryReturn<T1, T2, OpLT > {
+   typedef bool Type_t;
+ };
+ struct OpLE
+ {
+   template<class T1, class T2>
+   inline typename BinaryReturn<T1, T2, OpLE >::Type_t
+   operator()(const T1 &a, const T2 &b) const
+   {
+     return (a <= b);
+   }
+ };
+ template<class T1, class T2 >
+ struct BinaryReturn<T1, T2, OpLE > {
+   typedef bool Type_t;
+ };
+ struct OpGT
+ {
+   template<class T1, class T2>
+   inline typename BinaryReturn<T1, T2, OpGT >::Type_t
+   operator()(const T1 &a, const T2 &b) const
+   {
+     return (a > b);
+   }
+ };
+ template<class T1, class T2 >
+ struct BinaryReturn<T1, T2, OpGT > {
+   typedef bool Type_t;
+ };
+ struct OpGE
+ {
+   template<class T1, class T2>
+   inline typename BinaryReturn<T1, T2, OpGE >::Type_t
+   operator()(const T1 &a, const T2 &b) const
+   {
+     return (a >= b);
+   }
+ };
+ template<class T1, class T2 >
+ struct BinaryReturn<T1, T2, OpGE > {
+   typedef bool Type_t;
+ };
+ struct OpEQ
+ {
+   template<class T1, class T2>
+   inline typename BinaryReturn<T1, T2, OpEQ >::Type_t
+   operator()(const T1 &a, const T2 &b) const
+   {
+     return (a == b);
+   }
+ };
+ template<class T1, class T2 >
+ struct BinaryReturn<T1, T2, OpEQ > {
+   typedef bool Type_t;
+ };
+ struct OpNE
+ {
+   template<class T1, class T2>
+   inline typename BinaryReturn<T1, T2, OpNE >::Type_t
+   operator()(const T1 &a, const T2 &b) const
+   {
+     return (a != b);
+   }
+ };
+ template<class T1, class T2 >
+ struct BinaryReturn<T1, T2, OpNE > {
+   typedef bool Type_t;
+ };
+ struct OpAnd
+ {
+   template<class T1, class T2>
+   inline typename BinaryReturn<T1, T2, OpAnd >::Type_t
+   operator()(const T1 &a, const T2 &b) const
+   {
+     return (a && b);
+   }
+ };
+ template<class T1, class T2 >
+ struct BinaryReturn<T1, T2, OpAnd > {
+   typedef bool Type_t;
+ };
+ struct OpOr
+ {
+   template<class T1, class T2>
+   inline typename BinaryReturn<T1, T2, OpOr >::Type_t
+   operator()(const T1 &a, const T2 &b) const
+   {
+     return (a || b);
+   }
+ };
+ template<class T1, class T2 >
+ struct BinaryReturn<T1, T2, OpOr > {
+   typedef bool Type_t;
+ };
+ struct OpLeftShift
+ {
+   template<class T1, class T2>
+   inline typename BinaryReturn<T1, T2, OpLeftShift >::Type_t
+   operator()(const T1 &a, const T2 &b) const
+   {
+     return (a << b);
+   }
+ };
+ template<class T1, class T2 >
+ struct BinaryReturn<T1, T2, OpLeftShift > {
+   typedef T1 Type_t;
+ };
+ struct OpRightShift
+ {
+   template<class T1, class T2>
+   inline typename BinaryReturn<T1, T2, OpRightShift >::Type_t
+   operator()(const T1 &a, const T2 &b) const
+   {
+     return (a >> b);
+   }
+ };
+ template<class T1, class T2 >
+ struct BinaryReturn<T1, T2, OpRightShift > {
+   typedef T1 Type_t;
+ };
+ struct OpAddAssign
+ {
+   template<class T1, class T2>
+   inline typename BinaryReturn<T1, T2, OpAddAssign >::Type_t
+   operator()(const T1 &a, const T2 &b) const
+   {
+     (const_cast<T1 &>(a) += b); return const_cast<T1 &>(a);
+   }
+ };
+ template<class T1, class T2 >
+ struct BinaryReturn<T1, T2, OpAddAssign > {
+   typedef T1 &Type_t;
+ };
+ struct OpSubtractAssign
+ {
+   template<class T1, class T2>
+   inline typename BinaryReturn<T1, T2, OpSubtractAssign >::Type_t
+   operator()(const T1 &a, const T2 &b) const
+   {
+     (const_cast<T1 &>(a) -= b); return const_cast<T1 &>(a);
+   }
+ };
+ template<class T1, class T2 >
+ struct BinaryReturn<T1, T2, OpSubtractAssign > {
+   typedef T1 &Type_t;
+ };
+ struct OpMultiplyAssign
+ {
+   template<class T1, class T2>
+   inline typename BinaryReturn<T1, T2, OpMultiplyAssign >::Type_t
+   operator()(const T1 &a, const T2 &b) const
+   {
+     (const_cast<T1 &>(a) *= b); return const_cast<T1 &>(a);
+   }
+ };
+ template<class T1, class T2 >
+ struct BinaryReturn<T1, T2, OpMultiplyAssign > {
+   typedef T1 &Type_t;
+ };
+ struct OpDivideAssign
+ {
+   template<class T1, class T2>
+   inline typename BinaryReturn<T1, T2, OpDivideAssign >::Type_t
+   operator()(const T1 &a, const T2 &b) const
+   {
+     (const_cast<T1 &>(a) /= b); return const_cast<T1 &>(a);
+   }
+ };
+ template<class T1, class T2 >
+ struct BinaryReturn<T1, T2, OpDivideAssign > {
+   typedef T1 &Type_t;
+ };
+ struct OpModAssign
+ {
+   template<class T1, class T2>
+   inline typename BinaryReturn<T1, T2, OpModAssign >::Type_t
+   operator()(const T1 &a, const T2 &b) const
+   {
+     (const_cast<T1 &>(a) %= b); return const_cast<T1 &>(a);
+   }
+ };
+ template<class T1, class T2 >
+ struct BinaryReturn<T1, T2, OpModAssign > {
+   typedef T1 &Type_t;
+ };
+ struct OpBitwiseOrAssign
+ {
+   template<class T1, class T2>
+   inline typename BinaryReturn<T1, T2, OpBitwiseOrAssign >::Type_t
+   operator()(const T1 &a, const T2 &b) const
+   {
+     (const_cast<T1 &>(a) |= b); return const_cast<T1 &>(a);
+   }
+ };
+ template<class T1, class T2 >
+ struct BinaryReturn<T1, T2, OpBitwiseOrAssign > {
+   typedef T1 &Type_t;
+ };
+ struct OpBitwiseAndAssign
+ {
+   template<class T1, class T2>
+   inline typename BinaryReturn<T1, T2, OpBitwiseAndAssign >::Type_t
+   operator()(const T1 &a, const T2 &b) const
+   {
+     (const_cast<T1 &>(a) &= b); return const_cast<T1 &>(a);
+   }
+ };
+ template<class T1, class T2 >
+ struct BinaryReturn<T1, T2, OpBitwiseAndAssign > {
+   typedef T1 &Type_t;
+ };
+ struct OpBitwiseXorAssign
+ {
+   template<class T1, class T2>
+   inline typename BinaryReturn<T1, T2, OpBitwiseXorAssign >::Type_t
+   operator()(const T1 &a, const T2 &b) const
+   {
+     (const_cast<T1 &>(a) ^= b); return const_cast<T1 &>(a);
+   }
+ };
+ template<class T1, class T2 >
+ struct BinaryReturn<T1, T2, OpBitwiseXorAssign > {
+   typedef T1 &Type_t;
+ };
+ struct OpLeftShiftAssign
+ {
+   template<class T1, class T2>
+   inline typename BinaryReturn<T1, T2, OpLeftShiftAssign >::Type_t
+   operator()(const T1 &a, const T2 &b) const
+   {
+     (const_cast<T1 &>(a) <<= b); return const_cast<T1 &>(a);
+   }
+ };
+ template<class T1, class T2 >
+ struct BinaryReturn<T1, T2, OpLeftShiftAssign > {
+   typedef T1 &Type_t;
+ };
+ struct OpRightShiftAssign
+ {
+   template<class T1, class T2>
+   inline typename BinaryReturn<T1, T2, OpRightShiftAssign >::Type_t
+   operator()(const T1 &a, const T2 &b) const
+   {
+     (const_cast<T1 &>(a) >>= b); return const_cast<T1 &>(a);
+   }
+ };
+ template<class T1, class T2 >
+ struct BinaryReturn<T1, T2, OpRightShiftAssign > {
+   typedef T1 &Type_t;
+ };
+ struct OpAssign
+ {
+   template<class T1, class T2>
+   inline typename BinaryReturn<T1, T2, OpAssign >::Type_t
+   operator()(const T1 &a, const T2 &b) const
+   {
+     return (const_cast<T1 &>(a) = b);
+   }
+ };
+ template<class T1, class T2 >
+ struct BinaryReturn<T1, T2, OpAssign > {
+   typedef T1 &Type_t;
+ };
+ struct FnWhere
+ {
+   template<class T1, class T2, class T3>
+   inline typename TrinaryReturn<T1, T2, T3, FnWhere >
+   ::Type_t
+   operator()(T1 &a, const T2 &b, const T3 &c) const
+   {
+     if (a) return b; else return c;
+   }
+ };
+ template<class LeafType, class LeafTag>
+ struct LeafFunctor
+ { };
+ template<class LeafType, class LeafTag>
+ inline
+ typename LeafFunctor<LeafType, LeafTag>::Type_t
+ leafFunctor(const LeafType &leaf, const LeafTag &tag)
+ {
+   return LeafFunctor<LeafType, LeafTag>::apply(leaf, tag);
+ }
+ struct EvalLeaf1
+ {
+   int i1_m;
+   inline EvalLeaf1(int i1) : i1_m(i1) { }
+   inline int val1() const { return i1_m; }
+ };
+ template<class T>
+ struct LeafFunctor<Scalar<T>, EvalLeaf1>
+ {
+   typedef T Type_t;
+   inline static
+   const Type_t &apply(const Scalar<T> &s, const EvalLeaf1 &)
+   {
+     return s.value();
+   }
+ };
+ struct EvalLeaf2
+ {
+   int i1_m, i2_m;
+   inline EvalLeaf2(int i1, int i2) : i1_m(i1), i2_m(i2) { }
+   inline int val1() const { return i1_m; }
+   inline int val2() const { return i2_m; }
+ };
+ template<class T>
+ struct LeafFunctor<Scalar<T>, EvalLeaf2>
+ {
+   typedef T Type_t;
+   inline static
+   const Type_t &apply(const Scalar<T> &s, const EvalLeaf2 &)
+   {
+     return s.value();
+   }
+ };
+ struct EvalLeaf3
+ {
+   int i1_m, i2_m, i3_m;
+   inline EvalLeaf3(int i1, int i2, int i3)
+     : i1_m(i1), i2_m(i2), i3_m(i3) { }
+   inline int val1() const { return i1_m; }
+   inline int val2() const { return i2_m; }
+   inline int val3() const { return i3_m; }
+ };
+ template<class T>
+ struct LeafFunctor<Scalar<T>, EvalLeaf3>
+ {
+   typedef T Type_t;
+   inline static
+   const Type_t &apply(const Scalar<T> &s, const EvalLeaf3 &)
+   {
+     return s.value();
+   }
+ };
+ struct EvalLeaf4
+ {
+   int i1_m, i2_m, i3_m, i4_m;
+   inline EvalLeaf4(int i1, int i2, int i3, int i4)
+     : i1_m(i1), i2_m(i2), i3_m(i3), i4_m(i4) { }
+   inline int val1() const { return i1_m; }
+   inline int val2() const { return i2_m; }
+   inline int val3() const { return i3_m; }
+   inline int val4() const { return i4_m; }
+ };
+ template<class T>
+ struct LeafFunctor<Scalar<T>, EvalLeaf4>
+ {
+   typedef T Type_t;
+   inline static
+   const Type_t &apply(const Scalar<T> &s, const EvalLeaf4 &)
+   {
+     return s.value();
+   }
+ };
+ struct EvalLeaf5
+ {
+   int i1_m, i2_m, i3_m, i4_m, i5_m;
+   inline EvalLeaf5(int i1, int i2, int i3, int i4, int i5)
+     : i1_m(i1), i2_m(i2), i3_m(i3), i4_m(i4), i5_m(i5) { }
+   inline int val1() const { return i1_m; }
+   inline int val2() const { return i2_m; }
+   inline int val3() const { return i3_m; }
+   inline int val4() const { return i4_m; }
+   inline int val5() const { return i5_m; }
+ };
+ template<class T>
+ struct LeafFunctor<Scalar<T>, EvalLeaf5>
+ {
+   typedef T Type_t;
+   inline static
+   const Type_t &apply(const Scalar<T> &s, const EvalLeaf5 &)
+   {
+     return s.value();
+   }
+ };
+ struct EvalLeaf6
+ {
+   int i1_m, i2_m, i3_m, i4_m, i5_m, i6_m;
+   inline EvalLeaf6(int i1, int i2, int i3, int i4, int i5, int i6)
+     : i1_m(i1), i2_m(i2), i3_m(i3), i4_m(i4), i5_m(i5), i6_m(i6) { }
+   inline int val1() const { return i1_m; }
+   inline int val2() const { return i2_m; }
+   inline int val3() const { return i3_m; }
+   inline int val4() const { return i4_m; }
+   inline int val5() const { return i5_m; }
+   inline int val6() const { return i6_m; }
+ };
+ template<class T>
+ struct LeafFunctor<Scalar<T>, EvalLeaf6>
+ {
+   typedef T Type_t;
+   inline static
+   const Type_t &apply(const Scalar<T> &s, const EvalLeaf6 &)
+   {
+     return s.value();
+   }
+ };
+ struct EvalLeaf7
+ {
+   int i1_m, i2_m, i3_m, i4_m, i5_m, i6_m, i7_m;
+   inline EvalLeaf7(int i1, int i2, int i3, int i4, int i5, int i6,
+     int i7)
+     : i1_m(i1), i2_m(i2), i3_m(i3), i4_m(i4), i5_m(i5), i6_m(i6), i7_m(i7) { }
+   inline int val1() const { return i1_m; }
+   inline int val2() const { return i2_m; }
+   inline int val3() const { return i3_m; }
+   inline int val4() const { return i4_m; }
+   inline int val5() const { return i5_m; }
+   inline int val6() const { return i6_m; }
+   inline int val7() const { return i7_m; }
+ };
+ template<class T>
+ struct LeafFunctor<Scalar<T>, EvalLeaf7>
+ {
+   typedef T Type_t;
+   inline static
+   const Type_t &apply(const Scalar<T> &s, const EvalLeaf7 &)
+   {
+     return s.value();
+   }
+ };
+ struct IncrementLeaf
+ { };
+ template<class T>
+ struct LeafFunctor<T, IncrementLeaf>
+ {
+   typedef int Type_t;
+   inline static
+   Type_t apply(const T &cl, const IncrementLeaf &)
+   {
+     T &l = const_cast<T &>(cl);
+     ++l;
+     return 0;
+   }
+ };
+ template<class T>
+ struct LeafFunctor<Scalar<T>, IncrementLeaf>
+ {
+   typedef int Type_t;
+   inline static
+   Type_t apply(const Scalar<T> &, const IncrementLeaf &)
+   {
+     return 0;
+   }
+ };
+ struct DecrementLeaf
+ { };
+ template<class T>
+ struct LeafFunctor<T, DecrementLeaf>
+ {
+   typedef int Type_t;
+   inline static
+   Type_t apply(const T &cl, const DecrementLeaf &)
+   {
+     T &l = const_cast<T &>(cl);
+     --l;
+     return 0;
+   }
+ };
+ template<class T>
+ struct LeafFunctor<Scalar<T>, DecrementLeaf>
+ {
+   typedef int Type_t;
+   inline static
+   Type_t apply(const Scalar<T> &, const DecrementLeaf &)
+   {
+     return 0;
+   }
+ };
+ struct DereferenceLeaf
+ { };
+ template<class ForwardIterator>
+ struct LeafFunctor<ForwardIterator, DereferenceLeaf>
+ {
+   typedef typename std::iterator_traits<ForwardIterator>::value_type Type_t;
+   inline static
+   Type_t apply(const ForwardIterator &i, const DereferenceLeaf &)
+   {
+     return *i;
+   }
+ };
+ template<class T>
+ struct LeafFunctor<Scalar<T>, DereferenceLeaf>
+ {
+   typedef T Type_t;
+   inline static
+   const Type_t &apply(const Scalar<T> &s, const DereferenceLeaf &)
+   {
+     return s.value();
+   }
+ };
+ template<class A, class Op, class Tag>
+ struct Combine1
+ {
+   typedef A Type_t;
+   inline static
+   Type_t combine(const A &a, const Tag &) { return a; }
+ };
+ template<class A, class B, class Op, class Tag>
+ struct Combine2
+ {
+ };
+ template<class A,class B,class C,class Op,class Tag>
+ struct Combine3
+ {
+   typedef typename Combine2<A, B, Op, Tag>::Type_t Type1_t;
+   typedef typename Combine2<Type1_t, C, Op, Tag>::Type_t Type_t;
+   inline static
+   Type_t combine(const A& a, const B& b, const C& c, const Tag& t)
+   {
+     return
+       Combine2<Type1_t, C,
+       Op, Tag>::combine(Combine2<A, B, Op, Tag>::combine(a,b,t),c,t);
+   }
+ };
+ template<class A, class Op, class Tag>
+ inline typename Combine1<A, Op, Tag>::Type_t
+ peteCombine(const A &a, const Op &, const Tag &t)
+ {
+   return Combine1<A, Op, Tag>::combine(a, t);
+ }
+ template<class A, class B, class Op, class Tag>
+ inline typename Combine2<A, B, Op, Tag>::Type_t
+ peteCombine(const A &a, const B &b, const Op &, const Tag &t)
+ {
+   return Combine2<A, B, Op, Tag>::combine(a, b, t);
+ }
+ template<class A, class B, class C, class Op, class Tag>
+ inline typename Combine3<A, B, C, Op, Tag>::Type_t
+ peteCombine(const A &a, const B &b, const C &c, const Op &, const Tag &t)
+ {
+   return Combine3<A, B, C, Op, Tag>::combine(a, b, c, t);
+ }
+ struct TreeCombine
+ {
+ };
+ template<class A, class Op>
+ struct Combine1<A, Op, TreeCombine >
+ {
+   typedef UnaryNode<Op, A> Type_t;
+   inline static
+   Type_t combine(const A &a, const TreeCombine &t)
+   {
+     return Type_t(a);
+   }
+ };
+ template<class A, class B, class Op>
+ struct Combine2<A, B, Op, TreeCombine >
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<Op, A, B> Type_t;
+   inline static
+   Type_t combine(const A &a, const B &b, const TreeCombine &t)
+   {
+     return Type_t(a, b);
+   }
+ };
+ template<class A, class B, class C, class Op>
+ struct Combine3<A, B, C, Op, TreeCombine >
+ {
+   typedef TrinaryNode<Op, A, B, C> Type_t;
+   inline static
+   Type_t combine(const A &a, const B &b, const C &c, const TreeCombine &t)
+   {
+     return Type_t(a, b, c);
+   }
+ };
+ struct OpCombine
+ {
+ };
+ template<class A,class Op>
+ struct Combine1<A, Op, OpCombine>
+ {
+   typedef typename UnaryReturn<A, Op>::Type_t Type_t;
+   inline static
+   Type_t combine(A a, OpCombine) { return Op()(a); }
+ };
+ template<class A,class B,class Op>
+ struct Combine2<A, B, Op, OpCombine>
+ {
+   typedef typename BinaryReturn<A, B, Op>::Type_t Type_t;
+   inline static
+   Type_t combine(A a, B b, OpCombine)
+   {
+     return Op()(a, b);
+   }
+ };
+ template<class A,class B,class C,class Op>
+ struct Combine3<A, B, C, Op, OpCombine>
+ {
+   typedef typename TrinaryReturn<A, B, C, Op>::Type_t Type_t;
+   inline static
+   Type_t combine(A a, B b, C c, OpCombine)
+   {
+     return Op()(a, b, c);
+   }
+ };
+ struct AndCombine
+ {
+ };
+ template<class Op>
+ struct Combine2<bool, bool, Op, AndCombine>
+ {
+   typedef bool Type_t;
+   inline static
+   Type_t combine(bool a, bool b, AndCombine)
+   {
+     return (a && b);
+   }
+ };
+ struct OrCombine
+ {
+ };
+ template<class Op>
+ struct Combine2<bool, bool, Op, OrCombine>
+ {
+   typedef bool Type_t;
+   inline static
+   Type_t combine(bool a, bool b, OrCombine)
+   {
+     return (a || b);
+   }
+ };
+ struct NullCombine
+ {
+ };
+ template<class Op>
+ struct Combine2<int, int, Op, NullCombine>
+ {
+   typedef int Type_t;
+   inline static
+   Type_t combine(int, int, NullCombine)
+   {
+     return 0;
+   }
+ };
+ struct SumCombine
+ {
+ };
+ template<class Op>
+ struct Combine2<int, int, Op, SumCombine>
+ {
+   typedef int Type_t;
+   inline static
+   Type_t combine(int a, int b, SumCombine)
+   {
+     return a + b;
+   }
+ };
+ template<class Expr, class FTag, class CTag>
+ struct ForEach
+ {
+   typedef typename LeafFunctor<Expr, FTag>::Type_t Type_t;
+   inline static
+   Type_t apply(const Expr &expr, const FTag &f, const CTag &)
+   {
+     return LeafFunctor<Expr, FTag>::apply(expr, f);
+   }
+ };
+ template<class Expr, class FTag, class CTag>
+ inline typename ForEach<Expr,FTag,CTag>::Type_t
+ forEach(const Expr &e, const FTag &f, const CTag &c)
+ {
+   return ForEach<Expr, FTag, CTag>::apply(e, f, c);
+ }
+ template<class Op, class A, class FTag, class CTag>
+ struct ForEach<UnaryNode<Op, A>, FTag, CTag>
+ {
+   typedef typename ForEach<A, FTag, CTag>::Type_t TypeA_t;
+   typedef typename Combine1<TypeA_t, Op, CTag>::Type_t Type_t;
+   inline static
+   Type_t apply(const UnaryNode<Op, A> &expr, const FTag &f,
+     const CTag &c)
+   {
+     return Combine1<TypeA_t, Op, CTag>::
+       combine(ForEach<A, FTag, CTag>::apply(expr.child(), f, c), c);
+   }
+ };
+ template<class Op, class A, class B, class FTag, class CTag>
+ struct ForEach<BinaryNode<Op, A, B>, FTag, CTag >
+ {
+   typedef typename ForEach<A, FTag, CTag>::Type_t TypeA_t;
+   typedef typename ForEach<B, FTag, CTag>::Type_t TypeB_t;
+   typedef typename Combine2<TypeA_t, TypeB_t, Op, CTag>::Type_t Type_t;
+   inline static
+   Type_t apply(const BinaryNode<Op, A, B> &expr, const FTag &f,
+         const CTag &c)
+   {
+     return Combine2<TypeA_t, TypeB_t, Op, CTag>::
+       combine(ForEach<A, FTag, CTag>::apply(expr.left(), f, c),
+               ForEach<B, FTag, CTag>::apply(expr.right(), f, c),
+        c);
+   }
+ };
+ template<class Op, class A, class B, class C, class FTag, class CTag>
+ struct ForEach<TrinaryNode<Op, A, B, C>, FTag, CTag >
+ {
+   typedef typename ForEach<A, FTag, CTag>::Type_t TypeA_t;
+   typedef typename ForEach<B, FTag, CTag>::Type_t TypeB_t;
+   typedef typename ForEach<C, FTag, CTag>::Type_t TypeC_t;
+   typedef typename Combine3<TypeA_t, TypeB_t, TypeC_t, Op, CTag>::Type_t
+     Type_t;
+   inline static
+   Type_t apply(const TrinaryNode<Op, A, B, C> &expr, const FTag &f,
+         const CTag &c)
+   {
+     return Combine3<TypeA_t, TypeB_t, TypeC_t, Op, CTag>::
+       combine(ForEach<A, FTag, CTag>::apply(expr.left(), f, c),
+        ForEach<B, FTag, CTag>::apply(expr.middle(), f, c),
+        ForEach<C, FTag, CTag>::apply(expr.right(), f, c),
+        c);
+   }
+ };
+ template<class T> class Expression;
+ template<class T, class FTag, class CTag>
+ struct ForEach<Expression<T>, FTag, CTag>
+ {
+   typedef typename ForEach<T, FTag, CTag>::Type_t Type_t;
+   inline static
+   Type_t apply(const Expression<T> &expr, const FTag &f,
+         const CTag &c)
+   {
+     return ForEach<T, FTag, CTag>::apply(expr.expression(), f, c);
+   }
+ };
+ template<class T> struct Reference;
+ template<class T, class FTag, class CTag>
+ struct ForEach<Reference<T>, FTag, CTag>
+ {
+   typedef typename ForEach<T, FTag, CTag>::Type_t Type_t;
+   inline static
+   Type_t apply(const Reference<T> &ref, const FTag &f,
+         const CTag &c)
+   {
+     return ForEach<T, FTag, CTag>::apply(ref.reference(), f, c);
+   }
+ };
+ template<class T>
+ class Expression
+ {
+ public:
+   typedef T Expression_t;
+   Expression(const T& expr) : expr_m(expr)
+   { }
+   const Expression_t& expression() const
+   {
+     return expr_m;
+   }
+ private:
+   T expr_m;
+ };
+ template<class T>
+ struct CreateLeaf
+ {
+   typedef Scalar<T> Leaf_t;
+   inline static
+   Leaf_t make(const T &a)
+   {
+     return Scalar<T>(a);
+   }
+ };
+ template<class T>
+ struct CreateLeaf<Expression<T> >
+ {
+   typedef typename Expression<T>::Expression_t Leaf_t;
+   inline static
+   const Leaf_t &make(const Expression<T> &a)
+   {
+     return a.expression();
+   }
+ };
+ template<class T>
+ struct MakeReturn
+ {
+   typedef Expression<T> Expression_t;
+   inline static
+   Expression_t make(const T &a) { return Expression_t(a); }
+ };
+ struct ErrorType
+ {
+ };
+ template<class Expr, class FTag, class CTag>
+ struct ForEachRef
+ {
+   typedef typename LeafFunctor<Expr, FTag>::Type_t Type_t;
+   inline static
+   const Type_t &apply(const Expr &expr, const FTag &f, const CTag &)
+     {
+       return LeafFunctor<Expr, FTag>::apply(expr, f);
+     }
+ };
+ template<class Expr, class FTag, class CTag>
+ inline const typename ForEachRef<Expr,FTag,CTag>::Type_t &
+ forEachRef(const Expr &e, const FTag &f, const CTag &c)
+ {
+   return ForEachRef<Expr, FTag, CTag>::apply(e, f, c);
+ }
+ template<class Op, class A, class FTag, class CTag>
+ struct ForEachRef<UnaryNode<Op, A>, FTag, CTag>
+ {
+   typedef typename ForEachRef<A, FTag, CTag>::Type_t TypeA_t;
+   typedef typename Combine1<TypeA_t, Op, CTag>::Type_t Type_t;
+   inline static
+   const Type_t &apply(const UnaryNode<Op, A> &expr, const FTag &f,
+     const CTag &c)
+     {
+       return Combine1<TypeA_t, Op, CTag>::
+         combine(ForEachRef<A, FTag, CTag>::apply(expr.child(), f, c),
+                 c);
+     }
+ };
+ template<class Op, class A, class B, class FTag, class CTag>
+ struct ForEachRef<BinaryNode<Op, A, B>, FTag, CTag >
+ {
+   typedef typename ForEachRef<A, FTag, CTag>::Type_t TypeA_t;
+   typedef typename ForEachRef<B, FTag, CTag>::Type_t TypeB_t;
+   typedef typename Combine2<TypeA_t, TypeB_t, Op, CTag>::Type_t Type_t;
+   inline static
+   const Type_t &apply(const BinaryNode<Op, A, B> &expr, const FTag &f,
+                    const CTag &c)
+     {
+       return Combine2<TypeA_t, TypeB_t, Op, CTag>::
+         combine(ForEachRef<A, FTag, CTag>::apply(expr.left(), f, c),
+                 ForEachRef<B, FTag, CTag>::apply(expr.right(), f, c),
+          c);
+     }
+ };
+ template<class Op, class A, class B, class C, class FTag, class CTag>
+ struct ForEachRef<TrinaryNode<Op, A, B, C>, FTag, CTag >
+ {
+   typedef typename ForEachRef<A, FTag, CTag>::Type_t TypeA_t;
+   typedef typename ForEachRef<B, FTag, CTag>::Type_t TypeB_t;
+   typedef typename ForEachRef<C, FTag, CTag>::Type_t TypeC_t;
+   typedef typename Combine3<TypeA_t, TypeB_t, TypeC_t, Op, CTag>::Type_t
+     Type_t;
+   inline static
+   const Type_t &apply(const TrinaryNode<Op, A, B, C> &expr, const FTag &f,
+                    const CTag &c)
+     {
+       return Combine3<TypeA_t, TypeB_t, TypeC_t, Op, CTag>::
+         combine(ForEachRef<A, FTag, CTag>::apply(expr.left(), f, c),
+          ForEachRef<B, FTag, CTag>::apply(expr.middle(), f, c),
+          ForEachRef<C, FTag, CTag>::apply(expr.right(), f, c),
+          c);
+     }
+ };
+ template<class T, class FTag, class CTag>
+ struct ForEachRef<Expression<T>, FTag, CTag>
+ {
+   typedef typename ForEachRef<T, FTag, CTag>::Type_t Type_t;
+   inline static
+   const Type_t &apply(const Expression<T> &expr, const FTag &f,
+                    const CTag &c)
+     {
+       return ForEachRef<T, FTag, CTag>::apply(expr.expression(), f, c);
+     }
+ };
+ template<class T, class FTag, class CTag>
+ struct ForEachRef<Reference<T>, FTag, CTag>
+ {
+   typedef typename ForEachRef<T, FTag, CTag>::Type_t Type_t;
+   inline static
+   const Type_t &apply(const Reference<T> &ref, const FTag &f,
+                    const CTag &c)
+     {
+       return ForEachRef<T, FTag, CTag>::apply(ref.reference(), f, c);
+     }
+ };
+ template<int Integer> class WrappedInt
+ {
+ public:
+   enum { val = Integer };
+ };
+ template<int Dim, class T, class EngineTag> class Engine;
+ template<class Eng, class Tag>
+ struct EngineFunctorDefault
+ { };
+ template<class Eng, class Tag>
+ struct EngineFunctor
+ {
+   typedef typename EngineFunctorDefault<Eng,Tag>::Type_t Type_t;
+   inline static
+   Type_t apply(const Eng &e, const Tag &t)
+   {
+     return EngineFunctorDefault<Eng,Tag>::apply(e,t);
+   }
+ };
+ template<class Eng, class Tag>
+ inline typename EngineFunctor<Eng,Tag>::Type_t
+ engineFunctor(const Eng &e, const Tag &tag)
+ {
+   return EngineFunctor<Eng,Tag>::apply(e,tag);
+ }
+ template<class T, class Tag>
+ struct EngineFunctorScalar
+ { };
+ template<class Tag>
+ struct EngineView;
+ template<class Node, class Tag>
+ struct LeafFunctor<Node, EngineView<Tag> >
+ {
+ };
+ template<class T, class Tag>
+ struct LeafFunctor<Scalar<T>, EngineView<Tag> >
+ {
+   typedef Scalar<T> Type_t;
+   static inline
+   Type_t apply(const Scalar<T> &s, const EngineView<Tag> &)
+   {
+     return s;
+   }
+ };
+ template<class Engine, class Tag>
+ struct DefaultEngineView;
+ template<int Dim, class T, class E, class Tag>
+ struct LeafFunctor<Engine<Dim, T, E>, EngineView<Tag> >
+ {
+   typedef Engine<Dim, T, E> Subject_t;
+   typedef DefaultEngineView<Subject_t, Tag> EngineView_t;
+   typedef typename EngineView_t::Type_t Type_t;
+   static inline
+   Type_t apply(const Subject_t &engine,
+         const EngineView<Tag> &tag)
+   {
+     return EngineView_t::apply(engine, tag);
+   }
+ };
+ template<class Tag>
+ struct ExpressionApply
+ {
+   inline
+   ExpressionApply(const Tag &tag)
+     : tag_m(tag)
+   {
+   }
+   template<class A>
+   void operator()(const A &a) const
+   {
+     forEach(a, *this, NullCombine());
+   }
+   const Tag &tag() const { return tag_m; }
+   const Tag &tag_m;
+ };
+ template<class A, class Tag>
+ inline void
+ expressionApply(const A &a, const Tag &tag)
+ {
+   forEach(a, ExpressionApply<Tag>(tag), NullCombine());
+ }
+ template<class Node, class Tag>
+ struct LeafFunctor<Node, ExpressionApply<Tag> >
+ {
+ };
+ template<class T, class Tag>
+ struct LeafFunctor<Scalar<T>, ExpressionApply<Tag> >
+ {
+   typedef int Type_t;
+   static inline
+   Type_t apply(const Scalar<T> &, const ExpressionApply<Tag> &)
+   {
+     return 0;
+   }
+ };
+ template<class Engine, class Tag>
+ struct DefaultExpressionApply;
+ template<int Dim, class T, class E, class Tag>
+ struct LeafFunctor<Engine<Dim, T, E>, ExpressionApply<Tag> >
+ {
+   typedef Engine<Dim, T, E> Subject_t;
+   typedef DefaultExpressionApply<Subject_t, Tag> ExpressionApply_t;
+   typedef int Type_t;
+   static inline
+   Type_t apply(const Subject_t &engine,
+         const ExpressionApply<Tag> &tag)
+   {
+     return ExpressionApply_t::apply(engine, tag);
+   }
+ };
+ namespace Pooma {
+ class NoInit
+ {
+ public:
+ };
+ }
+ template <class T> class DomainTraits;
+ template <class T>
+ struct SizeTypePromotion
+ {
+   typedef T Type_t;
+ };
+ template <>
+ struct SizeTypePromotion<int>
+ {
+   typedef long Type_t;
+ };
+ template <>
+ struct SizeTypePromotion<float>
+ {
+   typedef double Type_t;
+ };
+ template <int I>
+ struct Dom1Initialize {
+   template <class DT>
+   static inline void apply(typename DT::Storage_t& s)
+   {
+     Dom1Initialize<I-1>::template apply<DT>(s);
+     DomainTraits<typename DT::OneDomain_t>::initializeStorage(s[I].storage());
+   }
+ };
+ template <>
+ struct Dom1Initialize<0> {
+   template <class DT>
+   static inline void apply(typename DT::Storage_t& s)
+   {
+     DomainTraits<typename DT::OneDomain_t>::initializeStorage(s[0].storage());
+   }
+ };
+ template <class Domain>
+ struct WrapNoInit : public Domain
+ {
+   WrapNoInit() : Domain(Pooma::NoInit()) {}
+ };
+ template<class DomT, class T, int Dim>
+ struct DomainTraitsDomain
+ {
+   typedef typename SizeTypePromotion<T>::Type_t Size_t;
+   typedef T Element_t;
+   typedef DomT Domain_t;
+   typedef DomT NewDomain1_t;
+   enum { domain = true };
+   enum { dimensions = Dim };
+   static bool getIgnorable(const Domain_t &, int) { return false; }
+ };
+ template<class DomT, class T>
+ struct DomainTraitsDomain<DomT, T, 1>
+ {
+   typedef typename SizeTypePromotion<T>::Type_t Size_t;
+   typedef T Element_t;
+   typedef DomT Domain_t;
+   typedef DomT NewDomain1_t;
+   enum { domain = true };
+   enum { dimensions = 1 };
+   inline
+   static Element_t getFirst(const Domain_t &d) { return d.first(); }
+   inline
+   static Element_t getLast(const Domain_t &d) { return d.last(); }
+   inline
+   static Element_t getStride(const Domain_t &d) { return d.stride(); }
+   inline
+   static Size_t getLength(const Domain_t &d) { return d.length(); }
+   inline
+   static Size_t getSize(const Domain_t &d) { return d.size(); }
+   inline
+   static Element_t getMin(const Domain_t &d) { return d.min(); }
+   inline
+   static Element_t getMax(const Domain_t &d) { return d.max(); }
+   inline
+   static bool getEmpty(const Domain_t &d) { return d.empty(); }
+   inline
+   static int getLoop(const Domain_t &d) { return d.loop(); }
+   inline
+   static Element_t getElem(const Domain_t &d, int n) { return d.elem(n); }
+   inline
+   static bool getIgnorable(const Domain_t &, int) { return false; }
+ };
+ template<class DomT, class T, class NewDom1T>
+ struct DomainTraitsScalar
+ {
+   typedef DomT Domain_t;
+   typedef DomT OneDomain_t;
+   typedef NewDom1T NewDomain1_t;
+   typedef T PointDomain_t;
+   typedef T Element_t;
+   typedef int Size_t;
+   enum { domain = false };
+   enum { dimensions = 1,
+   sliceDimensions = 0 };
+   enum { loopAware = false };
+   enum { singleValued = true };
+   enum { unitStride = true };
+   enum { wildcard = false };
+   inline
+   static OneDomain_t getDomain(T d, int) { return OneDomain_t(d); }
+   inline
+   static PointDomain_t getPointDomain(T d, int) { return d; }
+   inline
+   static Element_t getFirst(const Element_t &d) { return d; }
+   inline
+   static Element_t getLast(const Element_t &d) { return d; }
+   inline
+   static int getStride(const Element_t &) { return 1; }
+   inline
+   static Size_t getLength(const Element_t &) { return 1; }
+   inline
+   static Size_t getSize(const Element_t &d) { return 1; }
+   inline
+   static Element_t getMin(const Element_t &d) { return d; }
+   inline
+   static Element_t getMax(const Element_t &d) { return d; }
+   inline
+   static bool getEmpty(const Element_t &) { return false; }
+   inline
+   static int getLoop(const Element_t &) { return 0; }
+   inline
+   static Element_t getElem(const Element_t &d, int) { return d; }
+ };
+ template<class T>
+ struct DomainTraits : public DomainTraitsScalar<T, T, T>
+ {
+   typedef DomainTraitsScalar<T, T, T> Base_t;
+   typedef typename Base_t::Domain_t Domain_t;
+   typedef typename Base_t::OneDomain_t OneDomain_t;
+   typedef typename Base_t::NewDomain1_t NewDomain1_t;
+   typedef typename Base_t::PointDomain_t PointDomain_t;
+   typedef typename Base_t::Element_t Element_t;
+   typedef typename Base_t::Size_t Size_t;
+   enum { domain = Base_t::domain };
+   enum { dimensions = Base_t::dimensions,
+   sliceDimensions = Base_t::sliceDimensions };
+   enum { loopAware = Base_t::loopAware };
+   enum { singleValued = Base_t::singleValued };
+   enum { unitStride = Base_t::unitStride };
+   enum { wildcard = Base_t::wildcard };
+ };
+ template<class T, int Dim>
+ struct DomainChangeDim {
+   typedef T OldType_t;
+   typedef T NewType_t;
+   enum { oldDim = Dim,
+   newDim = Dim };
+ };
+ template <class Dom, class Storage, class T1, class T2>
+ inline void
+ setDomain(const Dom&, Storage& data, const T1& beg, const T2& end) {
+   DomainTraits<Dom>::setDomain(data, beg, end);
+ }
+ template <int Dim> class Interval;
+ template <> class Interval<1>;
+ template <int Dim> class Loc;
+ template <> class Loc<1>;
+ template<>
+ struct DomainTraits<char>
+   : public DomainTraitsScalar<Interval<1>, int, Loc<1> > { };
+ template<>
+ struct DomainTraits<unsigned char>
+   : public DomainTraitsScalar<Interval<1>, int, Loc<1> > { };
+ template<>
+ struct DomainTraits<short>
+   : public DomainTraitsScalar<Interval<1>, int, Loc<1> > { };
+ template<>
+ struct DomainTraits<unsigned short>
+   : public DomainTraitsScalar<Interval<1>, int, Loc<1> > { };
+ template<>
+ struct DomainTraits<int>
+   : public DomainTraitsScalar<Interval<1>, int, Loc<1> > { };
+ template<>
+ struct DomainTraits<unsigned int>
+   : public DomainTraitsScalar<Interval<1>, int, Loc<1> > { };
+ template<>
+ struct DomainTraits<long>
+   : public DomainTraitsScalar<Interval<1>, int, Loc<1> > { };
+ template<>
+ struct DomainTraits<unsigned long>
+   : public DomainTraitsScalar<Interval<1>, int, Loc<1> > { };
+ template<class T1, class T2, bool strided>
+ struct ContainsDomainSingle {
+   static bool contains(const T1 &a, const T2 &b) {
+     return (a.min() <= b.min() && a.max() >= b.max());
+   }
+ };
+ template<class T1, class T2>
+ struct ContainsDomainSingle<T1,T2,true> {
+   static bool contains(const T1 &a, const T2 &b) {
+     typedef typename DomainTraits<T1>::Element_t E1_t;
+     typedef typename DomainTraits<T2>::Element_t E2_t;
+     E1_t a0 = a.min();
+     E1_t a1 = a.max();
+     E1_t s = a.stride();
+     E2_t b0 = b.min();
+     E2_t b1 = b.max();
+     E2_t t = b.stride();
+     if (s < 0)
+       s = -s;
+     if (t < 0)
+       t = -t;
+     bool quicktest = (a0 <= b0 && a1 >= b1);
+     if (!quicktest || s == 1)
+       return quicktest;
+     return (t % s == 0) && ((b0-a0) % s == 0) && ((a1-b1) % s == 0);
+   }
+ };
+ template<class T1, class T2, int Dim>
+ struct ContainsDomain {
+   enum { strided = !DomainTraits<T1>::unitStride };
+   enum { n = Dim - 1 };
+   static bool contains(const T1 &a, const T2 &b) {
+     typedef typename DomainTraits<T1>::OneDomain_t Dom1_t;
+     typedef typename DomainTraits<T2>::OneDomain_t Dom2_t;
+     return ContainsDomainSingle<Dom1_t,Dom2_t,strided>::contains(
+       DomainTraits<T1>::getDomain(a,n), DomainTraits<T2>::getDomain(b,n)) &&
+       ContainsDomain<T1,T2,n>::contains(a,b);
+   }
+ };
+ template<class T1, class T2>
+ struct ContainsDomain<T1,T2,1> {
+   enum { strided = !DomainTraits<T1>::unitStride };
+   static bool contains(const T1 &a, const T2 &b) {
+     typedef typename DomainTraits<T1>::OneDomain_t Dom1_t;
+     typedef typename DomainTraits<T2>::OneDomain_t Dom2_t;
+     return ContainsDomainSingle<Dom1_t,Dom2_t,strided>::contains(
+       DomainTraits<T1>::getDomain(a,0), DomainTraits<T2>::getDomain(b,0));
+   }
+ };
+ template<class T1, class T2>
+ inline bool contains(const T1 &a, const T2 &b)
+ {
+   PoomaCTAssert<((int)DomainTraits<T1>::dimensions == DomainTraits<T2>::dimensions)>::test();
+   return ContainsDomain<T1,T2,DomainTraits<T1>::dimensions>::contains(a, b);
+ }
+ template<int Dim>
+ class Loc;
+ template<int Dim>
+ class Interval;
+ template<int Dim>
+ class Range;
+ template<class T>
+ class IndirectionList;
+ template<int Dim>
+ class Grid;
+ template<class T1,class T2 >
+ struct DomainArithOpsTraits
+ {
+ };
+ template <>
+ struct DomainArithOpsTraits< Loc<1> , Loc<1> >
+ {
+   typedef Loc<1> AddResult_t;
+   typedef Loc<1> SubResult_t;
+   typedef Loc<1> MultResult_t;
+ };
+ template<int Dim>
+ struct DomainArithOpsTraits<Loc<1> , Loc<Dim> >
+ {
+   typedef Loc<Dim> AddResult_t;
+   typedef Loc<Dim> SubResult_t;
+   typedef Loc<Dim> MultResult_t;
+ };
+ template<int Dim>
+ struct DomainArithOpsTraits<Loc<Dim> , Loc<1> >
+ {
+   typedef Loc<Dim> AddResult_t;
+   typedef Loc<Dim> SubResult_t;
+   typedef Loc<Dim> MultResult_t;
+ };
+ template<int Dim,int Dim2>
+ struct DomainArithOpsTraits<Loc<Dim> , Loc<Dim2> >
+ {
+   typedef Loc<Dim> AddResult_t;
+   typedef Loc<Dim> SubResult_t;
+   typedef Loc<Dim> MultResult_t;
+ };
+ template<int Dim>
+ struct DomainArithOpsTraits<Loc<1> , Interval<Dim> >
+ {
+   typedef Interval<Dim> AddResult_t;
+   typedef Range<Dim> SubResult_t;
+   typedef Range<Dim> MultResult_t;
+ };
+ template<int Dim>
+ struct DomainArithOpsTraits<Interval<Dim>, Loc<1> >
+ {
+   typedef Interval<Dim> AddResult_t;
+   typedef Interval<Dim> SubResult_t;
+   typedef Range<Dim> MultResult_t;
+ };
+ template<int Dim,int Dim2>
+ struct DomainArithOpsTraits<Loc<Dim> , Interval<Dim2> >
+ {
+   typedef Interval<Dim> AddResult_t;
+   typedef Range<Dim> SubResult_t;
+   typedef Range<Dim> MultResult_t;
+ };
+ template<int Dim,int Dim2>
+ struct DomainArithOpsTraits<Interval<Dim>, Loc<Dim2> >
+ {
+   typedef Interval<Dim> AddResult_t;
+   typedef Interval<Dim> SubResult_t;
+   typedef Range<Dim> MultResult_t;
+ };
+ template<int Dim>
+ struct DomainArithOpsTraits<Loc<1> , Range<Dim> >
+ {
+   typedef Range<Dim> AddResult_t;
+   typedef Range<Dim> SubResult_t;
+   typedef Range<Dim> MultResult_t;
+ };
+ template<int Dim>
+ struct DomainArithOpsTraits<Range<Dim>, Loc<1> >
+ {
+   typedef Range<Dim> AddResult_t;
+   typedef Range<Dim> SubResult_t;
+   typedef Range<Dim> MultResult_t;
+ };
+ template<int Dim,int Dim2>
+ struct DomainArithOpsTraits<Loc<Dim> , Range<Dim2> >
+ {
+   typedef Range<Dim> AddResult_t;
+   typedef Range<Dim> SubResult_t;
+   typedef Range<Dim> MultResult_t;
+ };
+ template<int Dim,int Dim2>
+ struct DomainArithOpsTraits<Range<Dim>, Loc<Dim2> >
+ {
+   typedef Range<Dim> AddResult_t;
+   typedef Range<Dim> SubResult_t;
+   typedef Range<Dim> MultResult_t;
+ };
+ template< >
+ struct DomainArithOpsTraits<Loc<1> , IndirectionList<int> >
+ {
+   typedef IndirectionList<int> AddResult_t;
+   typedef IndirectionList<int> SubResult_t;
+   typedef IndirectionList<int> MultResult_t;
+ };
+ template< >
+ struct DomainArithOpsTraits<IndirectionList<int>, Loc<1> >
+ {
+   typedef IndirectionList<int> AddResult_t;
+   typedef IndirectionList<int> SubResult_t;
+   typedef IndirectionList<int> MultResult_t;
+ };
+ template<int Dim>
+ struct DomainArithOpsTraits<Loc<1> , Grid<Dim> >
+ {
+   typedef Grid<Dim> AddResult_t;
+   typedef Grid<Dim> SubResult_t;
+   typedef Grid<Dim> MultResult_t;
+ };
+ template<int Dim>
+ struct DomainArithOpsTraits<Grid<Dim>, Loc<1> >
+ {
+   typedef Grid<Dim> AddResult_t;
+   typedef Grid<Dim> SubResult_t;
+   typedef Grid<Dim> MultResult_t;
+ };
+ template<int Dim,int Dim2>
+ struct DomainArithOpsTraits<Loc<Dim> , Grid<Dim2> >
+ {
+   typedef Grid<Dim> AddResult_t;
+   typedef Grid<Dim> SubResult_t;
+   typedef Grid<Dim> MultResult_t;
+ };
+ template<int Dim,int Dim2>
+ struct DomainArithOpsTraits<Grid<Dim>, Loc<Dim2> >
+ {
+   typedef Grid<Dim> AddResult_t;
+   typedef Grid<Dim> SubResult_t;
+   typedef Grid<Dim> MultResult_t;
+ };
+ template <class Dom>
+ class DomainIterator
+ {
+ public:
+   typedef DomainIterator<Dom> This_t;
+   typedef Dom Domain_t;
+   typedef typename Domain_t::AskDomain_t Value_t;
+   typedef std::input_iterator_tag iterator_category;
+   typedef Value_t value_type;
+   typedef ptrdiff_t difference_type;
+   typedef const Value_t* pointer;
+   typedef const Value_t& reference;
+   enum { dimensions = DomainTraits<Dom>::dimensions };
+   DomainIterator(const Dom &d, int size = 0)
+     : domain_m(d), loc_m(d.firsts()), index_m(domain_m.size()-size)
+     {
+       ;
+       for (int i=0; i < dimensions; ++i)
+  current_m[i] = 0;
+     }
+   DomainIterator(const This_t &model)
+     : domain_m(model.domain_m), loc_m(model.loc_m), index_m(model.index_m)
+     {
+       ;
+       for (int i=0; i < dimensions; ++i)
+  current_m[i] = model.current_m[i];
+     }
+   DomainIterator()
+     : index_m(0)
+     {
+       for (int i=0; i < dimensions; ++i)
+  current_m[i] = 0;
+     }
+   inline const Value_t &operator*() const
+     {
+       ;
+       return loc_m;
+     }
+   inline const Value_t *operator->() const
+     {
+       ;
+       return &loc_m;
+     }
+   inline bool operator==(const This_t &rhs) const
+     {
+       return (index_m == rhs.index_m);
+     }
+   inline bool operator!=(const This_t &rhs) const
+     {
+       return (index_m != rhs.index_m);
+     }
+   bool done() const
+     {
+       return (index_m == 0);
+     }
+   This_t &operator=(const This_t &model)
+     {
+       index_m = model.index_m;
+       domain_m = model.domain_m;
+       loc_m = model.loc_m;
+       for (int i=0; i < dimensions; ++i)
+  current_m[i] = model.current_m[i];
+       return *this;
+     }
+   This_t &operator++()
+     {
+       increment(WrappedInt<Domain_t::unitStride>());
+       return *this;
+     }
+   This_t operator++(int)
+     {
+       DomainIterator<Dom> save(*this);
+       increment(WrappedInt<Domain_t::unitStride>());
+       return save;
+     }
+ private:
+   Domain_t domain_m;
+   Value_t loc_m;
+   int current_m[dimensions];
+   int index_m;
+   void increment(const WrappedInt<true>&)
+     {
+       ;
+       --index_m;
+       ++(current_m[0]);
+       ++loc_m[0];
+       if (__builtin_expect(current_m[0] < domain_m[0].length(), 1))
+         return;
+       for (int i = 1; i < dimensions; ++i)
+  {
+    current_m[i-1] = 0;
+    loc_m[i-1] = domain_m[i-1].first();
+    ++(current_m[i]);
+    ++loc_m[i];
+    if (__builtin_expect(current_m[i] < domain_m[i].length(), 1))
+      return;
+  }
+     }
+   void increment(const WrappedInt<false>&)
+     {
+       ;
+       --index_m;
+       ++(current_m[0]);
+       if (__builtin_expect(current_m[0] < domain_m[0].length(), 1)) {
+         loc_m[0] = domain_m[0](current_m[0]);
+         return;
+       }
+       for (int i = 1; i < dimensions; ++i)
+  {
+    current_m[i-1] = 0;
+    loc_m[i-1] = domain_m[i-1].first();
+    ++(current_m[i]);
+    if (__builtin_expect(current_m[i] < domain_m[i].length(), 1)) {
+      loc_m[i] = domain_m[i](current_m[i]);
+      return;
+    }
+  }
+     }
+ };
+ template <class Dom>
+ class DomainBlockIterator
+ {
+ public:
+   typedef DomainBlockIterator<Dom> This_t;
+   typedef Dom Domain_t;
+   typedef typename Domain_t::OneDomain_t OneDomain_t;
+   typedef typename Domain_t::AskDomain_t Value_t;
+   typedef typename Domain_t::BlockDomain_t Block_t;
+   typedef typename Block_t::OneDomain_t OneBlock_t;
+   typedef typename OneDomain_t::iterator iterator;
+   typedef typename Domain_t::Element_t Element_t;
+   enum { dimensions = DomainTraits<Dom>::dimensions };
+   DomainBlockIterator()
+     : index_m(-1)
+     {
+     }
+   DomainBlockIterator(const Dom &d);
+   DomainBlockIterator(const This_t &model);
+   ~DomainBlockIterator()
+     {
+     }
+   inline const Block_t &operator*() const
+     {
+       ;
+       return block_m;
+     }
+   inline const Block_t *operator->() const
+     {
+       ;
+       return block_m;
+     }
+   inline const Value_t &point() const
+     {
+       ;
+       return loc_m;
+     }
+   inline int index() const
+     {
+       ;
+       return index_m;
+     }
+   inline bool operator==(const This_t &rhs) const
+     {
+       if (done() || rhs.done())
+  return (done() && rhs.done());
+       else
+  return (block_m == *rhs);
+     }
+   inline bool operator!=(const This_t &rhs) const
+     {
+       return !(operator==(rhs));
+     }
+   bool done() const
+     {
+       return (index_m < 0);
+     }
+   This_t &operator=(const This_t &model)
+     {
+       domain_m = model.domain_m;
+       loc_m = model.loc_m;
+       block_m = model.block_m;
+       index_m = model.index_m;
+       for (int i=0; i < dimensions; ++i)
+  current_m[i] = model.current_m[i];
+       return *this;
+     }
+   This_t &operator++()
+     {
+       increment();
+       return *this;
+     }
+   This_t operator++(int)
+     {
+       This_t save(*this);
+       increment();
+       return save;
+     }
+ private:
+   Domain_t domain_m;
+   iterator current_m[dimensions];
+   Value_t loc_m;
+   Block_t block_m;
+   int index_m;
+   void setDone()
+     {
+       index_m = (-1);
+     }
+   void increment();
+ };
+ template<class Dom>
+ DomainBlockIterator<Dom>::DomainBlockIterator(const Dom &d)
+   : domain_m(d), loc_m(0), index_m(0)
+ {
+   for (int i=0; i < dimensions; ++i)
+     {
+       if (d[i].begin() == d[i].end())
+  {
+    setDone();
+    break;
+  }
+       else
+  {
+    current_m[i] = d[i].begin();
+    iterator next = current_m[i];
+    Element_t a, b;
+    if (++next == d[i].end())
+      {
+        a = b = (*(current_m[i])).first();
+      }
+    else
+      {
+        a = (*(current_m[i])).first();
+        b = (*next).first();
+      }
+    if (b < a)
+      block_m[i] = OneBlock_t(b + 1, a);
+    else if (b == a)
+      block_m[i] = OneBlock_t(a, a);
+    else
+      block_m[i] = OneBlock_t(a, b - 1);
+  }
+     }
+ }
+ template<class Dom>
+ DomainBlockIterator<Dom>::DomainBlockIterator(const This_t &model)
+   : domain_m(model.domain_m), loc_m(model.loc_m),
+     block_m(model.block_m), index_m(model.index_m)
+ {
+   for (int i=0; i < dimensions; ++i)
+     current_m[i] = model.current_m[i];
+ }
+ template<class Dom>
+ void DomainBlockIterator<Dom>::increment()
+ {
+   ;
+   for (int i = 0; i < dimensions; ++i)
+     {
+       if (++(current_m[i]) == domain_m[i].end())
+  {
+    if (i >= dimensions-1)
+      {
+        setDone();
+        break;
+      }
+  }
+       else
+  {
+    iterator next = current_m[i];
+    if (++next == domain_m[i].end())
+      {
+        if (i < dimensions-1)
+   {
+     current_m[i] = domain_m[i].begin();
+     next = current_m[i];
+     Element_t a, b;
+     if (++next == domain_m[i].end())
+       {
+         a = b = (*(current_m[i])).first();
+       }
+     else
+       {
+         a = (*(current_m[i])).first();
+         b = (*next).first();
+       }
+     if (b < a)
+       block_m[i] = OneBlock_t(b + 1, a);
+     else if (b == a)
+       block_m[i] = OneBlock_t(a, a);
+     else
+       block_m[i] = OneBlock_t(a, b - 1);
+     loc_m[i] = 0;
+   }
+        else
+   {
+     setDone();
+     break;
+   }
+      }
+    else
+      {
+        Element_t a = (*(current_m[i])).first();
+        Element_t b = (*next).first();
+        if (b < a)
+   block_m[i] = OneBlock_t(b + 1, a);
+        else
+   block_m[i] = OneBlock_t(a, b - 1);
+        loc_m[i] = loc_m[i].first() + 1;
+        index_m++;
+        break;
+      }
+  }
+     }
+ }
+ template<class DT>
+ class DomainBase
+ {
+ public:
+   typedef typename DT::Domain_t Domain_t;
+   typedef typename DT::AskDomain_t AskDomain_t;
+   typedef typename DT::MultResult_t MultResult_t;
+   typedef typename DT::Storage_t Storage_t;
+   typedef DomainIterator<Domain_t> const_iterator;
+   typedef DomainIterator<Domain_t> iterator;
+   typedef DomainBlockIterator<Domain_t> const_blockIterator;
+   typedef DomainBlockIterator<Domain_t> blockIterator;
+   inline
+   DomainBase() {
+     PoomaCTAssert<(DT::dimensions > 0)>::test();
+     DT::initializeStorage(domain_m);
+   }
+   inline
+   DomainBase(const Pooma::NoInit &) {
+     PoomaCTAssert<(DT::dimensions > 0)>::test();
+   }
+   inline
+   Domain_t &unwrap() { return *static_cast<Domain_t *>(this); }
+   const Domain_t &unwrap() const {
+     return *static_cast<const Domain_t *>(this);
+   }
+   inline
+   AskDomain_t firsts() const {
+     AskDomain_t retval = Pooma::NoInit();
+     for (int i=0; i < DT::dimensions; ++i)
+       retval[i] = unwrap()[i].first();
+     return retval;
+   }
+   inline
+   AskDomain_t lasts() const {
+     AskDomain_t retval = Pooma::NoInit();
+     for (int i=0; i < DT::dimensions; ++i)
+       retval[i] = unwrap()[i].last();
+     return retval;
+   }
+   inline
+   AskDomain_t strides() const {
+     AskDomain_t retval = Pooma::NoInit();
+     for (int i=0; i < DT::dimensions; ++i)
+       retval[i] = unwrap()[i].stride();
+     return retval;
+   }
+   inline
+   AskDomain_t lengths() const {
+     AskDomain_t retval = Pooma::NoInit();
+     for (int i=0; i < DT::dimensions; ++i)
+       retval[i] = unwrap()[i].length();
+     return retval;
+   }
+   inline
+   AskDomain_t sizes() const {
+     AskDomain_t retval = Pooma::NoInit();
+     for (int i=0; i < DT::dimensions; ++i)
+       retval[i] = unwrap()[i].size();
+     return retval;
+   }
+   inline
+   AskDomain_t mins() const {
+     AskDomain_t retval = Pooma::NoInit();
+     for (int i=0; i < DT::dimensions; ++i)
+       retval[i] = unwrap()[i].min();
+     return retval;
+   }
+   inline
+   AskDomain_t maxes() const {
+     AskDomain_t retval = Pooma::NoInit();
+     for (int i=0; i < DT::dimensions; ++i)
+       retval[i] = unwrap()[i].max();
+     return retval;
+   }
+   inline
+   AskDomain_t loops() const {
+     AskDomain_t retval = Pooma::NoInit();
+     for (int i=0; i < DT::dimensions; ++i)
+       retval[i] = unwrap()[i].loop();
+     return retval;
+   }
+   Storage_t& storage() { return domain_m; }
+   const Storage_t& storage() const { return domain_m; }
+   MultResult_t operator-() const {
+     return (MultResult_t(unwrap()) * (-1));
+   }
+   const_iterator begin() const { return const_iterator(unwrap()); }
+   const_iterator end() const { return const_iterator(unwrap(),
+            unwrap().size()); }
+   const_blockIterator beginBlock() const{return const_blockIterator(unwrap());}
+   const_blockIterator endBlock() const { return const_blockIterator(); }
+   template<class Out>
+   void print(Out &o) const;
+ protected:
+   Storage_t domain_m;
+ private:
+   DomainBase(const DomainBase<DT> &);
+   void operator=(const DomainBase<DT> &);
+ };
+ template<class DT>
+ template<class Out>
+ void DomainBase<DT>::print(Out &o) const
+ {
+   const Domain_t &d = unwrap();
+   o << "[";
+   for (int i=0; i < DT::dimensions; ++i) {
+     o << d[i].first() << ":" << d[i].last() << ":" << d[i].stride();
+     if (i < (DT::dimensions-1))
+       o << ",";
+   }
+   o << "]";
+ }
+ template <class T1, class T2, bool SV>
+ struct DomPair {
+   static typename DomainArithOpsTraits<typename T1::Domain_t,
+                                        typename T2::Domain_t>::AddResult_t
+   add(const DomainBase<T1> &d1, const DomainBase<T2> &d2)
+   {
+     typename DomainArithOpsTraits<typename T1::Domain_t,
+                                   typename T2::Domain_t>::AddResult_t
+       retval(d1.unwrap());
+     return (retval += d2.unwrap());
+   }
+   static typename DomainArithOpsTraits<typename T1::Domain_t,
+                                        typename T2::Domain_t>::SubResult_t
+   sub(const DomainBase<T1> &d1, const DomainBase<T2> &d2)
+   {
+     typename DomainArithOpsTraits<typename T1::Domain_t,
+                                   typename T2::Domain_t>::SubResult_t
+       retval(d1.unwrap());
+     return (retval -= d2.unwrap());
+   }
+   static typename DomainArithOpsTraits<typename T1::Domain_t,
+                                        typename T2::Domain_t>::MultResult_t
+   mult(const DomainBase<T1> &d1, const DomainBase<T2> &d2)
+   {
+     typename DomainArithOpsTraits<typename T1::Domain_t,
+                                   typename T2::Domain_t>::MultResult_t
+       retval(d1.unwrap());
+     return (retval *= d2.unwrap());
+   }
+   static typename DomainArithOpsTraits<typename T1::Domain_t,
+                                        typename T2::Domain_t>::MultResult_t
+   div(const DomainBase<T1> &d1, const DomainBase<T2> &d2)
+   {
+     typename DomainArithOpsTraits<typename T1::Domain_t,
+                                   typename T2::Domain_t>::MultResult_t
+       retval(d1.unwrap());
+     return (retval /= d2.unwrap());
+   }
+ };
+ template <class T1, class T2>
+ struct DomPair<T1,T2,false> {
+   static typename DomainArithOpsTraits<typename T1::Domain_t,
+                                        typename T2::Domain_t>::AddResult_t
+   add(const DomainBase<T1> &d1, const DomainBase<T2> &d2)
+   {
+     typename DomainArithOpsTraits<typename T1::Domain_t,
+                                   typename T2::Domain_t>::AddResult_t
+       retval(d2.unwrap());
+     return (retval += d1.unwrap());
+   }
+   static typename DomainArithOpsTraits<typename T1::Domain_t,
+                                        typename T2::Domain_t>::SubResult_t
+   sub(const DomainBase<T1> &d1, const DomainBase<T2> &d2)
+   {
+     typename DomainArithOpsTraits<typename T1::Domain_t,
+                                   typename T2::Domain_t>::SubResult_t
+       retval(d2.unwrap());
+     retval = -retval;
+     return (retval += d1.unwrap());
+   }
+   static typename DomainArithOpsTraits<typename T1::Domain_t,
+                                        typename T2::Domain_t>::MultResult_t
+   mult(const DomainBase<T1> &d1, const DomainBase<T2> &d2)
+   {
+     typename DomainArithOpsTraits<typename T1::Domain_t,
+                                   typename T2::Domain_t>::MultResult_t
+       retval(d2.unwrap());
+     return (retval *= d1.unwrap());
+   }
+ };
+ template<class T1, class T2>
+ inline typename DomainArithOpsTraits<typename T1::Domain_t,
+                                      typename T2::Domain_t>::AddResult_t
+ operator+(const DomainBase<T1> &d1, const DomainBase<T2> &d2)
+ {
+   return DomPair<T1,T2,T2::singleValued>::add(d1,d2);
+ }
+ template<class T1, class T2>
+ inline typename DomainArithOpsTraits<typename T1::Domain_t,
+                                      typename T2::Domain_t>::SubResult_t
+ operator-(const DomainBase<T1> &d1, const DomainBase<T2> &d2)
+ {
+   return DomPair<T1,T2,T2::singleValued>::sub(d1,d2);
+ }
+ template<class T1, class T2>
+ inline typename DomainArithOpsTraits<typename T1::Domain_t,
+                                      typename T2::Domain_t>::MultResult_t
+ operator*(const DomainBase<T1> &d1, const DomainBase<T2> &d2)
+ {
+   return DomPair<T1,T2,T2::singleValued>::mult(d1,d2);
+ }
+ template<class T1, class T2>
+ inline typename DomainArithOpsTraits<typename T1::Domain_t,
+                                      typename T2::Domain_t>::MultResult_t
+ operator/(const DomainBase<T1> &d1, const DomainBase<T2> &d2)
+ {
+   return DomPair<T1,T2,T2::singleValued>::div(d1,d2);
+ }
+ template<class T> inline bool operator==(char d1, const DomainBase<T> &d2) { return (d2.unwrap() == d1); } template<class T> inline bool operator==(unsigned char d1, const DomainBase<T> &d2) { return (d2.unwrap() == d1); } template<class T> inline bool operator==(short d1, const DomainBase<T> &d2) { return (d2.unwrap() == d1); } template<class T> inline bool operator==(unsigned short d1, const DomainBase<T> &d2) { return (d2.unwrap() == d1); } template<class T> inline bool operator==(int d1, const DomainBase<T> &d2) { return (d2.unwrap() == d1); } template<class T> inline bool operator==(unsigned int d1, const DomainBase<T> &d2) { return (d2.unwrap() == d1); } template<class T> inline bool operator==(long d1, const DomainBase<T> &d2) { return (d2.unwrap() == d1); } template<class T> inline bool operator==(unsigned long d1, const DomainBase<T> &d2) { return (d2.unwrap() == d1); } template<class T> inline bool operator==(float d1, const DomainBase<T> &d2) { return (d2.unwrap!
 () == d1); } template<class T> inline bool operator==(double d1, const DomainBase<T> &d2) { return (d2.unwrap() == d1); }
+ template<class T> inline bool operator!=(char d1, const DomainBase<T> &d2) { return (d2.unwrap() != d1); } template<class T> inline bool operator!=(unsigned char d1, const DomainBase<T> &d2) { return (d2.unwrap() != d1); } template<class T> inline bool operator!=(short d1, const DomainBase<T> &d2) { return (d2.unwrap() != d1); } template<class T> inline bool operator!=(unsigned short d1, const DomainBase<T> &d2) { return (d2.unwrap() != d1); } template<class T> inline bool operator!=(int d1, const DomainBase<T> &d2) { return (d2.unwrap() != d1); } template<class T> inline bool operator!=(unsigned int d1, const DomainBase<T> &d2) { return (d2.unwrap() != d1); } template<class T> inline bool operator!=(long d1, const DomainBase<T> &d2) { return (d2.unwrap() != d1); } template<class T> inline bool operator!=(unsigned long d1, const DomainBase<T> &d2) { return (d2.unwrap() != d1); } template<class T> inline bool operator!=(float d1, const DomainBase<T> &d2) { return (d2.unwrap!
 () != d1); } template<class T> inline bool operator!=(double d1, const DomainBase<T> &d2) { return (d2.unwrap() != d1); }
+ template<class T> inline bool operator<(char d1, const DomainBase<T> &d2) { return (d2.unwrap() < d1); } template<class T> inline bool operator<(unsigned char d1, const DomainBase<T> &d2) { return (d2.unwrap() < d1); } template<class T> inline bool operator<(short d1, const DomainBase<T> &d2) { return (d2.unwrap() < d1); } template<class T> inline bool operator<(unsigned short d1, const DomainBase<T> &d2) { return (d2.unwrap() < d1); } template<class T> inline bool operator<(int d1, const DomainBase<T> &d2) { return (d2.unwrap() < d1); } template<class T> inline bool operator<(unsigned int d1, const DomainBase<T> &d2) { return (d2.unwrap() < d1); } template<class T> inline bool operator<(long d1, const DomainBase<T> &d2) { return (d2.unwrap() < d1); } template<class T> inline bool operator<(unsigned long d1, const DomainBase<T> &d2) { return (d2.unwrap() < d1); } template<class T> inline bool operator<(float d1, const DomainBase<T> &d2) { return (d2.unwrap() < d1); } templ!
 ate<class T> inline bool operator<(double d1, const DomainBase<T> &d2) { return (d2.unwrap() < d1); }
+ template<class T> inline bool operator>(char d1, const DomainBase<T> &d2) { return (d2.unwrap() > d1); } template<class T> inline bool operator>(unsigned char d1, const DomainBase<T> &d2) { return (d2.unwrap() > d1); } template<class T> inline bool operator>(short d1, const DomainBase<T> &d2) { return (d2.unwrap() > d1); } template<class T> inline bool operator>(unsigned short d1, const DomainBase<T> &d2) { return (d2.unwrap() > d1); } template<class T> inline bool operator>(int d1, const DomainBase<T> &d2) { return (d2.unwrap() > d1); } template<class T> inline bool operator>(unsigned int d1, const DomainBase<T> &d2) { return (d2.unwrap() > d1); } template<class T> inline bool operator>(long d1, const DomainBase<T> &d2) { return (d2.unwrap() > d1); } template<class T> inline bool operator>(unsigned long d1, const DomainBase<T> &d2) { return (d2.unwrap() > d1); } template<class T> inline bool operator>(float d1, const DomainBase<T> &d2) { return (d2.unwrap() > d1); } templ!
 ate<class T> inline bool operator>(double d1, const DomainBase<T> &d2) { return (d2.unwrap() > d1); }
+ template<class T> inline bool operator<=(char d1, const DomainBase<T> &d2) { return (d2.unwrap() <= d1); } template<class T> inline bool operator<=(unsigned char d1, const DomainBase<T> &d2) { return (d2.unwrap() <= d1); } template<class T> inline bool operator<=(short d1, const DomainBase<T> &d2) { return (d2.unwrap() <= d1); } template<class T> inline bool operator<=(unsigned short d1, const DomainBase<T> &d2) { return (d2.unwrap() <= d1); } template<class T> inline bool operator<=(int d1, const DomainBase<T> &d2) { return (d2.unwrap() <= d1); } template<class T> inline bool operator<=(unsigned int d1, const DomainBase<T> &d2) { return (d2.unwrap() <= d1); } template<class T> inline bool operator<=(long d1, const DomainBase<T> &d2) { return (d2.unwrap() <= d1); } template<class T> inline bool operator<=(unsigned long d1, const DomainBase<T> &d2) { return (d2.unwrap() <= d1); } template<class T> inline bool operator<=(float d1, const DomainBase<T> &d2) { return (d2.unwrap!
 () <= d1); } template<class T> inline bool operator<=(double d1, const DomainBase<T> &d2) { return (d2.unwrap() <= d1); }
+ template<class T> inline bool operator>=(char d1, const DomainBase<T> &d2) { return (d2.unwrap() >= d1); } template<class T> inline bool operator>=(unsigned char d1, const DomainBase<T> &d2) { return (d2.unwrap() >= d1); } template<class T> inline bool operator>=(short d1, const DomainBase<T> &d2) { return (d2.unwrap() >= d1); } template<class T> inline bool operator>=(unsigned short d1, const DomainBase<T> &d2) { return (d2.unwrap() >= d1); } template<class T> inline bool operator>=(int d1, const DomainBase<T> &d2) { return (d2.unwrap() >= d1); } template<class T> inline bool operator>=(unsigned int d1, const DomainBase<T> &d2) { return (d2.unwrap() >= d1); } template<class T> inline bool operator>=(long d1, const DomainBase<T> &d2) { return (d2.unwrap() >= d1); } template<class T> inline bool operator>=(unsigned long d1, const DomainBase<T> &d2) { return (d2.unwrap() >= d1); } template<class T> inline bool operator>=(float d1, const DomainBase<T> &d2) { return (d2.unwrap!
 () >= d1); } template<class T> inline bool operator>=(double d1, const DomainBase<T> &d2) { return (d2.unwrap() >= d1); }
+ template<class T> inline typename T::AddResult_t operator+(const DomainBase<T> &d1, char d2) { typename T::AddResult_t retval(d1.unwrap()); return (retval += d2); } template<class T> inline typename T::AddResult_t operator+(char d1, const DomainBase<T> &d2) { typename T::AddResult_t retval(d2.unwrap()); return (retval += d1); } template<class T> inline typename T::AddResult_t operator+(const DomainBase<T> &d1, unsigned char d2) { typename T::AddResult_t retval(d1.unwrap()); return (retval += d2); } template<class T> inline typename T::AddResult_t operator+(unsigned char d1, const DomainBase<T> &d2) { typename T::AddResult_t retval(d2.unwrap()); return (retval += d1); } template<class T> inline typename T::AddResult_t operator+(const DomainBase<T> &d1, short d2) { typename T::AddResult_t retval(d1.unwrap()); return (retval += d2); } template<class T> inline typename T::AddResult_t operator+(short d1, const DomainBase<T> &d2) { typename T::AddResult_t retval(d2.unwrap()); re!
 turn (retval += d1); } template<class T> inline typename T::AddResult_t operator+(const DomainBase<T> &d1, unsigned short d2) { typename T::AddResult_t retval(d1.unwrap()); return (retval += d2); } template<class T> inline typename T::AddResult_t operator+(unsigned short d1, const DomainBase<T> &d2) { typename T::AddResult_t retval(d2.unwrap()); return (retval += d1); } template<class T> inline typename T::AddResult_t operator+(const DomainBase<T> &d1, int d2) { typename T::AddResult_t retval(d1.unwrap()); return (retval += d2); } template<class T> inline typename T::AddResult_t operator+(int d1, const DomainBase<T> &d2) { typename T::AddResult_t retval(d2.unwrap()); return (retval += d1); } template<class T> inline typename T::AddResult_t operator+(const DomainBase<T> &d1, unsigned int d2) { typename T::AddResult_t retval(d1.unwrap()); return (retval += d2); } template<class T> inline typename T::AddResult_t operator+(unsigned int d1, const DomainBase<T> &d2) { typename T:!
 :AddResult_t retval(d2.unwrap()); return (retval += d1); } tem!
ass T> inline typename T::AddResult_t operator+(const DomainBase<T> &d1, long d2) { typename T::AddResult_t retval(d1.unwrap()); return (retval += d2); } template<class T> inline typename T::AddResult_t operator+(long d1, const DomainBase<T> &d2) { typename T::AddResult_t retval(d2.unwrap()); return (retval += d1); } template<class T> inline typename T::AddResult_t operator+(const DomainBase<T> &d1, unsigned long d2) { typename T::AddResult_t retval(d1.unwrap()); return (retval += d2); } template<class T> inline typename T::AddResult_t operator+(unsigned long d1, const DomainBase<T> &d2) { typename T::AddResult_t retval(d2.unwrap()); return (retval += d1); } template<class T> inline typename T::AddResult_t operator+(const DomainBase<T> &d1, float d2) { typename T::AddResult_t retval(d1.unwrap()); return (retval += d2); } template<class T> inline typename T::AddResult_t operator+(float d1, const DomainBase<T> &d2) { typename T::AddResult_t retval(d2.unwrap()); return (retval !
 += d1); } template<class T> inline typename T::AddResult_t operator+(const DomainBase<T> &d1, double d2) { typename T::AddResult_t retval(d1.unwrap()); return (retval += d2); } template<class T> inline typename T::AddResult_t operator+(double d1, const DomainBase<T> &d2) { typename T::AddResult_t retval(d2.unwrap()); return (retval += d1); }
+ template<class T> inline typename T::AddResult_t operator-(const DomainBase<T> &d1, char d2) { typename T::AddResult_t retval(d1.unwrap()); return (retval -= d2); } template<class T> inline typename T::AddResult_t operator-(char d1, const DomainBase<T> &d2) { typename T::AddResult_t retval(d2.unwrap()); return (retval -= d1); } template<class T> inline typename T::AddResult_t operator-(const DomainBase<T> &d1, unsigned char d2) { typename T::AddResult_t retval(d1.unwrap()); return (retval -= d2); } template<class T> inline typename T::AddResult_t operator-(unsigned char d1, const DomainBase<T> &d2) { typename T::AddResult_t retval(d2.unwrap()); return (retval -= d1); } template<class T> inline typename T::AddResult_t operator-(const DomainBase<T> &d1, short d2) { typename T::AddResult_t retval(d1.unwrap()); return (retval -= d2); } template<class T> inline typename T::AddResult_t operator-(short d1, const DomainBase<T> &d2) { typename T::AddResult_t retval(d2.unwrap()); re!
 turn (retval -= d1); } template<class T> inline typename T::AddResult_t operator-(const DomainBase<T> &d1, unsigned short d2) { typename T::AddResult_t retval(d1.unwrap()); return (retval -= d2); } template<class T> inline typename T::AddResult_t operator-(unsigned short d1, const DomainBase<T> &d2) { typename T::AddResult_t retval(d2.unwrap()); return (retval -= d1); } template<class T> inline typename T::AddResult_t operator-(const DomainBase<T> &d1, int d2) { typename T::AddResult_t retval(d1.unwrap()); return (retval -= d2); } template<class T> inline typename T::AddResult_t operator-(int d1, const DomainBase<T> &d2) { typename T::AddResult_t retval(d2.unwrap()); return (retval -= d1); } template<class T> inline typename T::AddResult_t operator-(const DomainBase<T> &d1, unsigned int d2) { typename T::AddResult_t retval(d1.unwrap()); return (retval -= d2); } template<class T> inline typename T::AddResult_t operator-(unsigned int d1, const DomainBase<T> &d2) { typename T:!
 :AddResult_t retval(d2.unwrap()); return (retval -= d1); } tem!
ass T> inline typename T::AddResult_t operator-(const DomainBase<T> &d1, long d2) { typename T::AddResult_t retval(d1.unwrap()); return (retval -= d2); } template<class T> inline typename T::AddResult_t operator-(long d1, const DomainBase<T> &d2) { typename T::AddResult_t retval(d2.unwrap()); return (retval -= d1); } template<class T> inline typename T::AddResult_t operator-(const DomainBase<T> &d1, unsigned long d2) { typename T::AddResult_t retval(d1.unwrap()); return (retval -= d2); } template<class T> inline typename T::AddResult_t operator-(unsigned long d1, const DomainBase<T> &d2) { typename T::AddResult_t retval(d2.unwrap()); return (retval -= d1); } template<class T> inline typename T::AddResult_t operator-(const DomainBase<T> &d1, float d2) { typename T::AddResult_t retval(d1.unwrap()); return (retval -= d2); } template<class T> inline typename T::AddResult_t operator-(float d1, const DomainBase<T> &d2) { typename T::AddResult_t retval(d2.unwrap()); return (retval !
 -= d1); } template<class T> inline typename T::AddResult_t operator-(const DomainBase<T> &d1, double d2) { typename T::AddResult_t retval(d1.unwrap()); return (retval -= d2); } template<class T> inline typename T::AddResult_t operator-(double d1, const DomainBase<T> &d2) { typename T::AddResult_t retval(d2.unwrap()); return (retval -= d1); }
+ template<class T> inline typename T::MultResult_t operator*(const DomainBase<T> &d1, char d2) { typename T::MultResult_t retval(d1.unwrap()); return (retval *= d2); } template<class T> inline typename T::MultResult_t operator*(char d1, const DomainBase<T> &d2) { typename T::MultResult_t retval(d2.unwrap()); return (retval *= d1); } template<class T> inline typename T::MultResult_t operator*(const DomainBase<T> &d1, unsigned char d2) { typename T::MultResult_t retval(d1.unwrap()); return (retval *= d2); } template<class T> inline typename T::MultResult_t operator*(unsigned char d1, const DomainBase<T> &d2) { typename T::MultResult_t retval(d2.unwrap()); return (retval *= d1); } template<class T> inline typename T::MultResult_t operator*(const DomainBase<T> &d1, short d2) { typename T::MultResult_t retval(d1.unwrap()); return (retval *= d2); } template<class T> inline typename T::MultResult_t operator*(short d1, const DomainBase<T> &d2) { typename T::MultResult_t retval(d2.u!
 nwrap()); return (retval *= d1); } template<class T> inline typename T::MultResult_t operator*(const DomainBase<T> &d1, unsigned short d2) { typename T::MultResult_t retval(d1.unwrap()); return (retval *= d2); } template<class T> inline typename T::MultResult_t operator*(unsigned short d1, const DomainBase<T> &d2) { typename T::MultResult_t retval(d2.unwrap()); return (retval *= d1); } template<class T> inline typename T::MultResult_t operator*(const DomainBase<T> &d1, int d2) { typename T::MultResult_t retval(d1.unwrap()); return (retval *= d2); } template<class T> inline typename T::MultResult_t operator*(int d1, const DomainBase<T> &d2) { typename T::MultResult_t retval(d2.unwrap()); return (retval *= d1); } template<class T> inline typename T::MultResult_t operator*(const DomainBase<T> &d1, unsigned int d2) { typename T::MultResult_t retval(d1.unwrap()); return (retval *= d2); } template<class T> inline typename T::MultResult_t operator*(unsigned int d1, const DomainBas!
 e<T> &d2) { typename T::MultResult_t retval(d2.unwrap()); retu!
 rn (retv
al *= d1); } template<class T> inline typename T::MultResult_t operator*(const DomainBase<T> &d1, long d2) { typename T::MultResult_t retval(d1.unwrap()); return (retval *= d2); } template<class T> inline typename T::MultResult_t operator*(long d1, const DomainBase<T> &d2) { typename T::MultResult_t retval(d2.unwrap()); return (retval *= d1); } template<class T> inline typename T::MultResult_t operator*(const DomainBase<T> &d1, unsigned long d2) { typename T::MultResult_t retval(d1.unwrap()); return (retval *= d2); } template<class T> inline typename T::MultResult_t operator*(unsigned long d1, const DomainBase<T> &d2) { typename T::MultResult_t retval(d2.unwrap()); return (retval *= d1); } template<class T> inline typename T::MultResult_t operator*(const DomainBase<T> &d1, float d2) { typename T::MultResult_t retval(d1.unwrap()); return (retval *= d2); } template<class T> inline typename T::MultResult_t operator*(float d1, const DomainBase<T> &d2) { typename T::MultResult_t !
 retval(d2.unwrap()); return (retval *= d1); } template<class T> inline typename T::MultResult_t operator*(const DomainBase<T> &d1, double d2) { typename T::MultResult_t retval(d1.unwrap()); return (retval *= d2); } template<class T> inline typename T::MultResult_t operator*(double d1, const DomainBase<T> &d2) { typename T::MultResult_t retval(d2.unwrap()); return (retval *= d1); }
+ template<class T> inline typename T::MultResult_t operator/(const DomainBase<T> &d1, char d2) { typename T::MultResult_t retval(d1.unwrap()); return (retval /= d2); } template<class T> inline typename T::MultResult_t operator/(char d1, const DomainBase<T> &d2) { typename T::MultResult_t retval(d2.unwrap()); return (retval /= d1); } template<class T> inline typename T::MultResult_t operator/(const DomainBase<T> &d1, unsigned char d2) { typename T::MultResult_t retval(d1.unwrap()); return (retval /= d2); } template<class T> inline typename T::MultResult_t operator/(unsigned char d1, const DomainBase<T> &d2) { typename T::MultResult_t retval(d2.unwrap()); return (retval /= d1); } template<class T> inline typename T::MultResult_t operator/(const DomainBase<T> &d1, short d2) { typename T::MultResult_t retval(d1.unwrap()); return (retval /= d2); } template<class T> inline typename T::MultResult_t operator/(short d1, const DomainBase<T> &d2) { typename T::MultResult_t retval(d2.u!
 nwrap()); return (retval /= d1); } template<class T> inline typename T::MultResult_t operator/(const DomainBase<T> &d1, unsigned short d2) { typename T::MultResult_t retval(d1.unwrap()); return (retval /= d2); } template<class T> inline typename T::MultResult_t operator/(unsigned short d1, const DomainBase<T> &d2) { typename T::MultResult_t retval(d2.unwrap()); return (retval /= d1); } template<class T> inline typename T::MultResult_t operator/(const DomainBase<T> &d1, int d2) { typename T::MultResult_t retval(d1.unwrap()); return (retval /= d2); } template<class T> inline typename T::MultResult_t operator/(int d1, const DomainBase<T> &d2) { typename T::MultResult_t retval(d2.unwrap()); return (retval /= d1); } template<class T> inline typename T::MultResult_t operator/(const DomainBase<T> &d1, unsigned int d2) { typename T::MultResult_t retval(d1.unwrap()); return (retval /= d2); } template<class T> inline typename T::MultResult_t operator/(unsigned int d1, const DomainBas!
 e<T> &d2) { typename T::MultResult_t retval(d2.unwrap()); retu!
 rn (retv
al /= d1); } template<class T> inline typename T::MultResult_t operator/(const DomainBase<T> &d1, long d2) { typename T::MultResult_t retval(d1.unwrap()); return (retval /= d2); } template<class T> inline typename T::MultResult_t operator/(long d1, const DomainBase<T> &d2) { typename T::MultResult_t retval(d2.unwrap()); return (retval /= d1); } template<class T> inline typename T::MultResult_t operator/(const DomainBase<T> &d1, unsigned long d2) { typename T::MultResult_t retval(d1.unwrap()); return (retval /= d2); } template<class T> inline typename T::MultResult_t operator/(unsigned long d1, const DomainBase<T> &d2) { typename T::MultResult_t retval(d2.unwrap()); return (retval /= d1); } template<class T> inline typename T::MultResult_t operator/(const DomainBase<T> &d1, float d2) { typename T::MultResult_t retval(d1.unwrap()); return (retval /= d2); } template<class T> inline typename T::MultResult_t operator/(float d1, const DomainBase<T> &d2) { typename T::MultResult_t !
 retval(d2.unwrap()); return (retval /= d1); } template<class T> inline typename T::MultResult_t operator/(const DomainBase<T> &d1, double d2) { typename T::MultResult_t retval(d1.unwrap()); return (retval /= d2); } template<class T> inline typename T::MultResult_t operator/(double d1, const DomainBase<T> &d2) { typename T::MultResult_t retval(d2.unwrap()); return (retval /= d1); }
+ template<class D, class V>
+ inline void DomainToVector(const D &dom, V &vec)
+ {
+   for (int i=0; i < DomainTraits<D>::dimensions; ++i)
+     vec(i) = dom[i].first();
+ }
+ template<class V, class D>
+ inline void VectorToDomain(const V &vec, D &dom)
+ {
+   for (int i=0; i < DomainTraits<D>::dimensions; ++i)
+     dom[i] = DomainTraits<D>::OneDomain_t(vec(i), vec(i));
+ }
+ template<class DT>
+ std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream &o, const DomainBase<DT> &dbase)
+ {
+   dbase.print(o);
+   return o;
+ }
+ template <int Dim, int C>
+ struct DomainDelta;
+ template <int Dim, int C>
+ struct DomainDelta;
+ template<int Dim, class DT>
+ class Domain : public DomainBase<DT>
+ {
+   typedef DomainBase<DT> Base_t;
+ public:
+   typedef typename DT::Size_t Size_t;
+   typedef typename Base_t::Domain_t Domain_t;
+   typedef typename DT::OneDomain_t OneDomain_t;
+   typedef typename Base_t::const_iterator const_iterator;
+   typedef typename Base_t::iterator iterator;
+   typedef typename Base_t::const_blockIterator const_blockIterator;
+   typedef typename Base_t::blockIterator blockIterator;
+   inline
+   Domain() {
+     PoomaCTAssert<(DT::dimensions == Dim && Dim > 0)>::test();
+   }
+   inline Domain(const Pooma::NoInit &d) : Base_t(d) {
+     PoomaCTAssert<(DT::dimensions == Dim && Dim > 0)>::test();
+   }
+   inline
+   ~Domain() { }
+   inline
+   const OneDomain_t &operator[](int d) const { return this->domain_m[d]; }
+   inline
+   OneDomain_t &operator[](int d) { return this->domain_m[d]; }
+   inline
+   Size_t size() const {
+     Size_t sz = this->domain_m[0].size();
+     for (int i = 1; i < Dim; i++)
+       sz *= this->domain_m[i].size();
+     return sz;
+   }
+   inline
+   bool empty() const {
+     for (int i = 0; i < Dim; i++)
+       if (this->domain_m[i].empty())
+         return true;
+     return false;
+   }
+   inline
+   bool initialized() const { return (!empty()); }
+   template<class T>
+   bool operator==(const T &d2) const {
+     PoomaCTAssert<(Dim == DomainTraits<T>::dimensions)>::test();
+     for (int i = 0; i < Dim; i++)
+       if (this->domain_m[i] != DomainTraits<T>::getDomain(d2, i))
+         return false;
+     return true;
+   }
+   template<class T>
+   bool operator<(const T &d2) const {
+     PoomaCTAssert<(Dim == DomainTraits<T>::dimensions)>::test();
+     for (int i = 0; i < Dim; i++)
+       if (this->domain_m[i] >= DomainTraits<T>::getDomain(d2, i))
+         return false;
+     return true;
+   }
+   template<class T>
+   bool operator!=(const T &d2) const {
+     PoomaCTAssert<(Dim == DomainTraits<T>::dimensions)>::test();
+     for (int i = 0; i < Dim; i++)
+       if (this->domain_m[i] != DomainTraits<T>::getDomain(d2, i))
+         return true;
+     return false;
+   }
+   template<class T>
+   bool operator>(const T &d2) const {
+     PoomaCTAssert<(Dim == DomainTraits<T>::dimensions)>::test();
+     for (int i = 0; i < Dim; i++)
+       if (this->domain_m[i] <= DomainTraits<T>::getDomain(d2, i))
+         return false;
+     return true;
+   }
+   template<class T>
+   bool operator<=(const T &d2) const {
+     PoomaCTAssert<(Dim == DomainTraits<T>::dimensions)>::test();
+     for (int i = 0; i < Dim; i++)
+       if (this->domain_m[i] > DomainTraits<T>::getDomain(d2, i))
+         return false;
+     return true;
+   }
+   template<class T>
+   bool operator>=(const T &d2) const {
+     PoomaCTAssert<(Dim == DomainTraits<T>::dimensions)>::test();
+     for (int i = 0; i < Dim; i++)
+       if (this->domain_m[i] < DomainTraits<T>::getDomain(d2, i))
+         return false;
+     return true;
+   }
+   Domain_t &operator++() {
+     for (int i=0; i<Dim; ++i)
+       this->domain_m[i] += this->domain_m[i].stride();
+     return this->unwrap();
+   }
+   Domain_t &operator--() {
+     for (int i=0; i<Dim; ++i)
+       this->domain_m[i] -= this->domain_m[i].stride();
+     return this->unwrap();
+   }
+   template<class T>
+   inline
+   Domain_t &operator+=(const T &d2)
+   {
+     PoomaCTAssert<(DomainTraits<T>::dimensions == Dim || DomainTraits<T>::dimensions == 1 || Dim == 1)>::test();
+     int d = DomainTraits<T>::dimensions > Dim ?
+       DomainTraits<T>::dimensions : Dim;
+     for (int i = 0; i < d; i++)
+       this->domain_m[i] += DomainTraits<T>::getPointDomain(d2, i);
+     return this->unwrap();
+   }
+   template<class T>
+   inline
+   Domain_t &operator-=(const T &d2) {
+     PoomaCTAssert<(DomainTraits<T>::singleValued)>::test();
+     PoomaCTAssert<(DomainTraits<T>::dimensions == Dim || DomainTraits<T>::dimensions == 1)>::test();
+     for (int i = 0; i < Dim; i++)
+       this->domain_m[i] -= DomainTraits<T>::getPointDomain(d2, i);
+     return this->unwrap();
+   }
+   template<class T>
+   inline
+   Domain_t &operator*=(const T &d2) {
+     PoomaCTAssert<(DomainTraits<T>::singleValued)>::test();
+     PoomaCTAssert<(DomainTraits<T>::dimensions == Dim || DomainTraits<T>::dimensions == 1)>::test();
+     for (int i = 0; i < Dim; i++)
+       this->domain_m[i] *= DomainTraits<T>::getPointDomain(d2, i);
+     return this->unwrap();
+   }
+   template<class T>
+   inline
+   Domain_t &operator/=(const T &d2) {
+     PoomaCTAssert<(DomainTraits<T>::singleValued)>::test();
+     PoomaCTAssert<(DomainTraits<T>::dimensions == Dim || DomainTraits<T>::dimensions == 1)>::test();
+     for (int i = 0; i < Dim; i++)
+       this->domain_m[i] /= DomainTraits<T>::getPointDomain(d2, i);
+     return this->unwrap();
+   }
+   template <int Dim2, int C>
+   inline
+   Domain_t &operator+=(const DomainDelta<Dim2, C>&)
+   {
+     if (C < Dim)
+       this->domain_m[C] += 1;
+     return this->unwrap();
+   }
+   template <int Dim2, int C>
+   inline
+   Domain_t &operator-=(const DomainDelta<Dim2, C>&)
+   {
+     if (C < Dim)
+       this->domain_m[C] -= 1;
+     return this->unwrap();
+   }
+ private:
+   Domain(const Domain<Dim,DT> &);
+   void operator=(const Domain<Dim,DT> &);
+ };
+ template<class DT, class ST, class T, class UT, bool wildcard>
+ struct SetDomainFunctor
+ {
+   inline
+   static void setDomain(ST &domain, const T &newdom) {
+     DT::setDomain(domain, newdom);
+   }
+   inline
+   static void setWildcardDomain(ST &domain, const UT &, const T &newdom) {
+     DT::setDomain(domain, newdom);
+   }
+ };
+ template<class DT, class ST, class T, class UT>
+ struct SetDomainFunctor<DT, ST, T, UT, true>
+ {
+   inline
+   static void setDomain(ST &, const T &) { }
+   inline
+   static void setWildcardDomain(ST &domain, const UT &u, const T &newdom) {
+     DT::setWildcardDomain(domain, u, newdom);
+   }
+ };
+ template<class DT>
+ class Domain<1, DT> : public DomainBase<DT>
+ {
+   typedef DomainBase<DT> Base_t;
+ public:
+   typedef typename DT::Size_t Size_t;
+   typedef typename DT::Element_t Element_t;
+   typedef typename Base_t::Domain_t Domain_t;
+   typedef typename Base_t::Storage_t Storage_t;
+   typedef typename Base_t::const_iterator const_iterator;
+   typedef typename Base_t::iterator iterator;
+   typedef typename Base_t::const_blockIterator const_blockIterator;
+   typedef typename Base_t::blockIterator blockIterator;
+   inline
+   Domain() { }
+   inline
+   Domain(const Pooma::NoInit &d) : Base_t(d) { }
+   inline
+   Domain_t &operator[](int) { return this->unwrap(); }
+   inline
+   const Domain_t &operator[](int) const { return this->unwrap(); }
+   inline
+   Element_t elem(int n) const { return DT::elem(this->domain_m, n); }
+   inline
+   Element_t operator()(int n) const { return DT::elem(this->domain_m, n); }
+   inline
+   Element_t first() const { return DT::first(this->domain_m); }
+   inline
+   Element_t last() const { return DT::last(this->domain_m); }
+   inline
+   Element_t stride() const { return DT::stride(this->domain_m); }
+   inline
+   Size_t length() const { return DT::length(this->domain_m); }
+   inline
+   Element_t min() const { return DT::min(this->domain_m); }
+   inline
+   Element_t max() const { return DT::max(this->domain_m); }
+   inline
+   Size_t size() const { return length(); }
+   inline
+   bool empty() const { return DT::empty(this->domain_m); }
+   inline
+   bool initialized() const { return (!empty()); }
+   inline
+   int loop() const { return DT::loop(this->domain_m); }
+   template<class T>
+   inline
+   void setDomain(const T &newdom) {
+     SetDomainFunctor<DT,Storage_t,T,T,DomainTraits<T>::wildcard>::
+       setDomain(this->domain_m, newdom);
+   }
+   template<class UT, class T>
+   inline
+   void setWildcardDomain(const UT &u, const T &newdom) {
+     SetDomainFunctor<DT,Storage_t,T,UT,DomainTraits<T>::wildcard>::
+       setWildcardDomain(this->domain_m, u, newdom);
+   }
+   inline
+   void setLoop(int newloop) { DT::setLoop(this->domain_m, newloop); }
+   template<class T>
+   bool operator==(const T &d2) const {
+     return DT::isEqualTo(this->domain_m, d2);
+   }
+   template<class T>
+   bool operator<(const T &d2) const {
+     return DT::isLessThan(this->domain_m, d2);
+   }
+   template<class T>
+   bool operator!=(const T &d2) const { return !(*this == d2); }
+   template<class T>
+   bool operator>(const T &d2) const { return !(*this < d2 || *this == d2); }
+   template<class T>
+   bool operator<=(const T &d2) const { return (*this < d2 || *this == d2); }
+   template<class T>
+   bool operator>=(const T &d2) const { return !(*this < d2); }
+   Domain_t &operator++() {
+     DT::addAccum(this->domain_m, DT::stride(this->domain_m));
+     return this->unwrap();
+   }
+   Domain_t &operator--() {
+     DT::subtractAccum(this->domain_m, DT::stride(this->domain_m));
+     return this->unwrap();
+   }
+   template<class T>
+   inline
+   Domain_t &operator+=(const T &d2) {
+     DT::addAccum(this->domain_m, d2);
+     return this->unwrap();
+   }
+   template<class T>
+   inline
+   Domain_t &operator-=(const T &d2) {
+     DT::subtractAccum(this->domain_m, d2);
+     return this->unwrap();
+   }
+   template<class T>
+   inline
+   Domain_t &operator*=(const T &d2) {
+     DT::multiplyAccum(this->domain_m, d2);
+     return this->unwrap();
+   }
+   template<class T>
+   inline
+   Domain_t &operator/=(const T &d2) {
+     DT::divideAccum(this->domain_m, d2);
+     return this->unwrap();
+   }
+   template <int Dim2, int C>
+   inline
+   Domain_t &operator+=(const DomainDelta<Dim2, C>&)
+   {
+     if (C == 0)
+       DT::addAccum(this->domain_m, 1);
+     return this->unwrap();
+   }
+   template <int Dim2, int C>
+   inline
+   Domain_t &operator-=(const DomainDelta<Dim2, C>&)
+   {
+     if (C == 0)
+       DT::subtractAccum(this->domain_m, 1);
+     return this->unwrap();
+   }
+ private:
+   Domain(const Domain<1,DT> &);
+   void operator=(const Domain<1,DT> &);
+ };
+ template <int Dim> class Loc;
+ template <> class Loc<1>;
+ template <int Dim> class Interval;
+ template <> class Interval<1>;
+ template <int Dim> class Range;
+ template <> class Range<1>;
+ template<int Dim>
+ struct DomainTraits< Interval<Dim> >
+   : public DomainTraitsDomain<Interval<Dim>, int, Dim>
+ {
+   typedef DomainTraitsDomain<Interval<Dim>, int, Dim> Base_t;
+   typedef typename Base_t::Element_t Element_t;
+   typedef typename Base_t::Domain_t Domain_t;
+   typedef typename Base_t::NewDomain1_t NewDomain1_t;
+   typedef Interval<1> OneDomain_t;
+   typedef Interval<1> PointDomain_t;
+   typedef Interval<Dim> BlockDomain_t;
+   typedef Loc<Dim> AskDomain_t;
+   typedef Interval<Dim> AddResult_t;
+   typedef Range<Dim> MultResult_t;
+   typedef WrapNoInit<OneDomain_t> Storage_t[Dim];
+   enum { domain = Base_t::domain };
+   enum { dimensions = Base_t::dimensions,
+   sliceDimensions = Dim };
+   enum { loopAware = false };
+   enum { singleValued = false };
+   enum { unitStride = true };
+   enum { wildcard = false };
+   inline
+   static OneDomain_t &getDomain(Domain_t &d, int n) { return d[n]; }
+   inline
+   static const OneDomain_t &getDomain(const Domain_t &d,int n) { return d[n]; }
+   inline
+   static PointDomain_t &getPointDomain(Domain_t &d, int n) {
+     return getDomain(d, n);
+   }
+   inline
+   static const PointDomain_t &getPointDomain(const Domain_t &d, int n) {
+     return getDomain(d, n);
+   }
+   inline
+   static void initializeStorage(Storage_t &dom) {
+     Dom1Initialize<Dim-1>::template apply<DomainTraits<Interval<Dim> > >(dom);
+   }
+ };
+ template<>
+ struct DomainTraits< Interval<1> >
+   : public DomainTraitsDomain<Interval<1>, int, 1>
+ {
+   typedef Interval<1> OneDomain_t;
+   typedef Interval<1> PointDomain_t;
+   typedef Interval<1> BlockDomain_t;
+   typedef Loc<1> AskDomain_t;
+   typedef Interval<1> AddResult_t;
+   typedef Range<1> MultResult_t;
+   typedef Element_t Storage_t[2];
+   enum { dimensions = 1,
+          sliceDimensions = 1 };
+   enum { loopAware = false };
+   enum { singleValued = false };
+   enum { unitStride = true };
+   enum { wildcard = false };
+   inline
+   static Element_t first(const Storage_t &d) { return d[0]; }
+   inline
+   static Element_t last(const Storage_t &d) { return d[0] + d[1] - 1; }
+   inline
+   static Element_t stride(const Storage_t &) { return 1; }
+   inline
+   static Element_t length(const Storage_t &d) { return d[1]; }
+   inline
+   static Element_t min(const Storage_t &d) { return d[0]; }
+   inline
+   static Element_t max(const Storage_t &d) { return d[0] + d[1] - 1; }
+   inline
+   static bool empty(const Storage_t &d) { return (d[1] < 1); }
+   inline
+   static int loop(const Storage_t &) { return 0; }
+   inline
+   static Element_t elem(const Storage_t &d, int n) { return d[0] + n; }
+   inline
+   static OneDomain_t &getDomain(Domain_t &d, int) { return d; }
+   inline
+   static const OneDomain_t &getDomain(const Domain_t &d, int) { return d; }
+   inline
+   static PointDomain_t &getPointDomain(Domain_t &d, int n) {
+     return getDomain(d, n);
+   }
+   inline
+   static const PointDomain_t &getPointDomain(const Domain_t &d, int n) {
+     return getDomain(d, n);
+   }
+   inline
+   static void initializeStorage(Storage_t &dom) {
+     dom[0] = 0;
+     dom[1] = 0;
+   }
+   template<class T>
+   inline
+   static void setDomain(Storage_t &dom, const T &newdom) {
+     PoomaCTAssert<(DomainTraits<T>::dimensions == 1)>::test();
+     ;
+     dom[0] = DomainTraits<T>::getFirst(newdom);
+     dom[1] = DomainTraits<T>::getLength(newdom);
+   }
+   template<class T1, class T2>
+   inline
+   static void setDomain(Storage_t &dom, const T1 &begval, const T2 &endval) {
+     PoomaCTAssert<(DomainTraits<T1>::dimensions == 1)>::test();
+     PoomaCTAssert<(DomainTraits<T2>::dimensions == 1)>::test();
+     PoomaCTAssert<(DomainTraits<T1>::singleValued)>::test();
+     PoomaCTAssert<(DomainTraits<T2>::singleValued)>::test();
+     dom[0] = begval;
+     dom[1] = (endval - begval + 1);
+     ;
+   }
+   inline
+   static void setLoop(Storage_t &, int) { }
+   template<class UT, class T>
+   inline
+   static void setWildcardDomain(Storage_t &dom, const UT &u, const T &newdom) {
+     PoomaCTAssert<(DomainTraits<T>::wildcard)>::test();
+     PoomaCTAssert<(DomainTraits<T>::dimensions == 1)>::test();
+     PoomaCTAssert<(DomainTraits<UT>::dimensions == 1)>::test();
+     dom[0] = newdom.first(u);
+     dom[1] = newdom.length(u);
+   }
+   template<class T>
+   static bool isLessThan(const Storage_t &dom, const T &newdom) {
+     PoomaCTAssert<(DomainTraits<T>::dimensions == 1)>::test();
+     ;
+     return (dom[1] < DomainTraits<T>::getLength(newdom) ||
+      (dom[1] == DomainTraits<T>::getLength(newdom) &&
+       (dom[0] < DomainTraits<T>::getFirst(newdom) ||
+        (dom[0] == DomainTraits<T>::getFirst(newdom) &&
+         DomainTraits<T>::getStride(newdom) > 1))));
+   }
+   template<class T>
+   static bool isEqualTo(const Storage_t &dom, const T &newdom) {
+     PoomaCTAssert<(DomainTraits<T>::dimensions == 1)>::test();
+     return ((dom[1] == 0 && DomainTraits<T>::getLength(newdom) == 0) ||
+      (dom[0] == DomainTraits<T>::getFirst(newdom) &&
+       dom[1] == DomainTraits<T>::getLength(newdom) &&
+       DomainTraits<T>::getStride(newdom) == 1));
+   }
+   template<class T>
+   inline
+   static void addAccum(Storage_t &dom, const T &newdom) {
+     PoomaCTAssert<(DomainTraits<T>::singleValued && DomainTraits<T>::dimensions == 1)>::test();
+     dom[0] += DomainTraits<T>::getFirst(newdom);
+   }
+   template<class T>
+   inline
+   static void subtractAccum(Storage_t &dom, const T &newdom) {
+     PoomaCTAssert<(DomainTraits<T>::singleValued && DomainTraits<T>::dimensions == 1)>::test();
+     dom[0] -= DomainTraits<T>::getFirst(newdom);
+   }
+ };
+ template<int Dim1, int Dim2>
+ struct DomainChangeDim<Interval<Dim1>, Dim2>
+ {
+   typedef Interval<Dim1> OldType_t;
+   typedef Interval<Dim2> NewType_t;
+   enum { oldDim = Dim1,
+   newDim = Dim2 };
+ };
+ template<int Dim> class Loc;
+ template<int Dim> class Interval;
+ template<int Dim> class Range;
+ template<int Dim> class Grid;
+ template<int Dim> class AllDomain;
+ template<int Dim> class LeftDomain;
+ template<int Dim> class RightDomain;
+ template<int Dim, int SliceDim> class SliceInterval;
+ template<int Dim, int SliceDim> class SliceRange;
+ template<int Dim, class T> class Region;
+ template<class T> class IndirectionList;
+ template<class RT, class CT, int DS>
+ struct CombineDomain {
+   enum { DRT = DomainTraits<RT>::dimensions };
+   enum { DCT = DomainTraits<CT>::dimensions };
+   static void combine(RT &rt, const CT& ct) {
+     PoomaCTAssert<(DS >= 0)>::test();
+     PoomaCTAssert<(DRT > (DS + DCT - 1))>::test();
+     for (int i=0; i < DCT; ++i)
+       DomainTraits<RT>::getDomain(rt, DS + i).setDomain(
+                          DomainTraits<CT>::getDomain(ct, i));
+   }
+ };
+ template<class RT, class UT, class CT, int DS, int SliceDS,
+          bool incl, bool wc>
+ struct CombineSliceDomainWC {
+   enum { DRT = DomainTraits<RT>::dimensions };
+   enum { DCT = DomainTraits<CT>::dimensions };
+   static void combine(RT &rt, const UT &, const CT& ct) {
+     PoomaCTAssert<(DS >= 0)>::test();
+     PoomaCTAssert<(DRT > (DS + DCT - 1))>::test();
+     for (int i=0; i < DCT; ++i)
+       DomainTraits<RT>::getDomain(rt, DS + i).setDomain(
+                          DomainTraits<CT>::getPointDomain(ct, i));
+   }
+ };
+ template<class RT, class UT, class CT, int DS, int SliceDS>
+ struct CombineSliceDomainWC<RT,UT,CT,DS,SliceDS,true,false> {
+   enum { DRT = DomainTraits<RT>::dimensions };
+   enum { DCT = DomainTraits<CT>::dimensions };
+   static void combine(RT &rt, const UT &, const CT& ct) {
+     PoomaCTAssert<(DS >= 0 && SliceDS >= 0)>::test();
+     PoomaCTAssert<(DRT > (DS + DCT - 1))>::test();
+     for (int i=0; i < DCT; ++i) {
+       DomainTraits<RT>::getDomain(rt, DS + i).setDomain(
+  DomainTraits<CT>::getPointDomain(ct, i));
+       DomainTraits<RT>::setIgnorable(rt, DS + i,
+         DomainTraits<CT>::getIgnorable(ct, i));
+     }
+     rt.setSliceFromTotal();
+   }
+ };
+ template<class RT, class UT, class CT, int DS, int SliceDS>
+ struct CombineSliceDomainWC<RT,UT,CT,DS,SliceDS,false,true> {
+   enum { DRT = DomainTraits<RT>::dimensions };
+   enum { DUT = DomainTraits<UT>::dimensions };
+   enum { DCT = DomainTraits<CT>::dimensions };
+   static void combine(RT &rt, const UT &u, const CT& ct) {
+     PoomaCTAssert<(DS >= 0)>::test();
+     PoomaCTAssert<(DRT > (DS + DCT - 1))>::test();
+     PoomaCTAssert<(DUT == DRT)>::test();
+     for (int i=0; i < DCT; ++i)
+       DomainTraits<RT>::getDomain(rt, DS + i).setWildcardDomain(
+  DomainTraits<UT>::getPointDomain(u, DS + i),
+  DomainTraits<CT>::getPointDomain(ct, i));
+   }
+ };
+ template<class RT, class UT, class CT, int DS, int SliceDS>
+ struct CombineSliceDomainWC<RT,UT,CT,DS,SliceDS,true,true> {
+   enum { DRT = DomainTraits<RT>::dimensions };
+   enum { DUT = DomainTraits<UT>::dimensions };
+   enum { DCT = DomainTraits<CT>::dimensions };
+   static void combine(RT &rt, const UT &u, const CT& ct) {
+     PoomaCTAssert<(DS >= 0 && SliceDS >= 0)>::test();
+     PoomaCTAssert<(DRT > (DS + DCT - 1))>::test();
+     PoomaCTAssert<((int)DUT == DRT)>::test();
+     for (int i=0; i < DCT; ++i) {
+       DomainTraits<RT>::getDomain(rt, DS + i).setWildcardDomain(
+  DomainTraits<UT>::getPointDomain(u, DS + i),
+  DomainTraits<CT>::getPointDomain(ct, i));
+       DomainTraits<RT>::getSliceDomain(rt, SliceDS + i).setWildcardDomain(
+  DomainTraits<UT>::getPointDomain(u, DS + i),
+  DomainTraits<CT>::getPointDomain(ct, i));
+       DomainTraits<RT>::cantIgnoreDomain(rt, DS + i);
+     }
+   }
+ };
+ template<class RT, class UT, class CT, int DS, int SliceDS, bool incl>
+ struct CombineSliceDomain {
+   static void combine(RT &rt, const UT &u, const CT& ct) {
+     CombineSliceDomainWC<RT,UT,CT,DS,SliceDS,incl,
+       DomainTraits<CT>::wildcard>::combine(rt, u, ct);
+   }
+ };
+ template<class T1, class T2, class TCombine, class TSCombine>
+ struct NewDomain2Base
+ {
+   typedef TCombine Type_t;
+   typedef TSCombine SliceType_t;
+   enum { S2 = DomainTraits<T1>::dimensions };
+   enum { DX1 = DomainTraits<T1>::sliceDimensions };
+   enum { DX2 = DomainTraits<T2>::sliceDimensions };
+   inline static Type_t combine(const T1 &a, const T2 &b)
+     {
+       Type_t retval = Pooma::NoInit();
+       return fill(retval, a, b);
+     }
+   template<class RT>
+   inline static RT &fill(RT &retval, const T1 &a, const T2 &b)
+     {
+       CombineDomain<RT,T1,0>::combine(retval,a);
+       CombineDomain<RT,T2,S2>::combine(retval,b);
+       return retval;
+     }
+   template<class UT>
+   inline static SliceType_t combineSlice(const UT &u,
+       const T1 &a, const T2 &b)
+     {
+       SliceType_t retval = Pooma::NoInit();
+       return fillSlice(retval, u, a, b);
+     }
+   template<class RT, class UT>
+   inline static RT &fillSlice(RT &retval, const UT &u,
+          const T1 &a, const T2 &b)
+     {
+       enum { RDX =
+         DomainTraits<RT>::dimensions > DomainTraits<RT>::sliceDimensions };
+       CombineSliceDomain<RT,UT,T1,0,0,(DX1>0 && RDX)>::
+  combine(retval,u,a);
+       CombineSliceDomain<RT,UT,T2,S2,DX1,(DX2>0 && RDX)>::
+  combine(retval,u,b);
+       return retval;
+     }
+ };
+ template<class T1, class T2>
+ struct AddNewDomain2Dimensions
+ {
+   enum { dimensions =
+     DomainTraits<T1>::dimensions + DomainTraits<T2>::dimensions };
+ };
+ template<class T1, class T2>
+ struct NewDomain2
+   : public NewDomain2Base<T1, T2,
+                           Interval<AddNewDomain2Dimensions<T1,T2>::dimensions>,
+                           Loc<AddNewDomain2Dimensions<T1,T2>::dimensions> >
+ { };
+ template <int D1, int D2> struct NewDomain2< Range<D1>, Range<D2> > : public NewDomain2Base< Range<D1>, Range<D2>, Range<D1+D2>, Range<D1+D2> > { }; template <int D1, int D2> struct NewDomain2< Range<D1>, Loc<D2> > : public NewDomain2Base< Range<D1>, Loc<D2>, Range<D1+D2>, SliceRange<D1+D2,D1> > { }; template <int D1, int D2> struct NewDomain2< Loc<D2>, Range<D1> > : public NewDomain2Base< Loc<D2>, Range<D1>, Range<D1+D2>, SliceRange<D1+D2,D1> > { }; template <int D> struct NewDomain2< Range<D>, char > : public NewDomain2Base< Range<D>, char, Range<D+1>, SliceRange<D+1,D> > { }; template <int D> struct NewDomain2< char, Range<D> > : public NewDomain2Base< char, Range<D>, Range<D+1>, SliceRange<D+1,D> > { }; template <int D> struct NewDomain2< Range<D>, unsigned char > : public NewDomain2Base< Range<D>, unsigned char, Range<D+1>, SliceRange<D+1,D> > { }; template <int D> struct NewDomain2< unsigned char, Range<D> > : public NewDomain2Base< unsigned char, Range<D>, Range<D+1!
 >, SliceRange<D+1,D> > { }; template <int D> struct NewDomain2< Range<D>, short > : public NewDomain2Base< Range<D>, short, Range<D+1>, SliceRange<D+1,D> > { }; template <int D> struct NewDomain2< short, Range<D> > : public NewDomain2Base< short, Range<D>, Range<D+1>, SliceRange<D+1,D> > { }; template <int D> struct NewDomain2< Range<D>, unsigned short > : public NewDomain2Base< Range<D>, unsigned short, Range<D+1>, SliceRange<D+1,D> > { }; template <int D> struct NewDomain2< unsigned short, Range<D> > : public NewDomain2Base< unsigned short, Range<D>, Range<D+1>, SliceRange<D+1,D> > { }; template <int D> struct NewDomain2< Range<D>, int > : public NewDomain2Base< Range<D>, int, Range<D+1>, SliceRange<D+1,D> > { }; template <int D> struct NewDomain2< int, Range<D> > : public NewDomain2Base< int, Range<D>, Range<D+1>, SliceRange<D+1,D> > { }; template <int D> struct NewDomain2< Range<D>, unsigned int > : public NewDomain2Base< Range<D>, unsigned int, Range<D+1>, SliceRange<D!
 +1,D> > { }; template <int D> struct NewDomain2< unsigned int,!
> > : public NewDomain2Base< unsigned int, Range<D>, Range<D+1>, SliceRange<D+1,D> > { }; template <int D> struct NewDomain2< Range<D>, long > : public NewDomain2Base< Range<D>, long, Range<D+1>, SliceRange<D+1,D> > { }; template <int D> struct NewDomain2< long, Range<D> > : public NewDomain2Base< long, Range<D>, Range<D+1>, SliceRange<D+1,D> > { }; template <int D> struct NewDomain2< Range<D>, unsigned long > : public NewDomain2Base< Range<D>, unsigned long, Range<D+1>, SliceRange<D+1,D> > { }; template <int D> struct NewDomain2< unsigned long, Range<D> > : public NewDomain2Base< unsigned long, Range<D>, Range<D+1>, SliceRange<D+1,D> > { };
+ template <int D1, int D2> struct NewDomain2< Range<D1>, Interval<D2> > : public NewDomain2Base< Range<D1>, Interval<D2>, Range<D1+D2>, Range<D1+D2> > { }; template <int D1, int D2> struct NewDomain2< Interval<D1>, Range<D2> > : public NewDomain2Base< Interval<D1>, Range<D2>, Range<D1+D2>, Range<D1+D2> > { };
+ template <int D1, int D2> struct NewDomain2< Range<D1>, AllDomain<D2> > : public NewDomain2Base< Range<D1>, AllDomain<D2>, Range<D1+D2>, Range<D1+D2> > { }; template <int D1, int D2> struct NewDomain2< AllDomain<D1>, Range<D2> > : public NewDomain2Base< AllDomain<D1>, Range<D2>, Range<D1+D2>, Range<D1+D2> > { };
+ template <int D1, int D2> struct NewDomain2< Range<D1>, LeftDomain<D2> > : public NewDomain2Base< Range<D1>, LeftDomain<D2>, Range<D1+D2>, Range<D1+D2> > { }; template <int D1, int D2> struct NewDomain2< LeftDomain<D1>, Range<D2> > : public NewDomain2Base< LeftDomain<D1>, Range<D2>, Range<D1+D2>, Range<D1+D2> > { };
+ template <int D1, int D2> struct NewDomain2< Range<D1>, RightDomain<D2> > : public NewDomain2Base< Range<D1>, RightDomain<D2>, Range<D1+D2>, Range<D1+D2> > { }; template <int D1, int D2> struct NewDomain2< RightDomain<D1>, Range<D2> > : public NewDomain2Base< RightDomain<D1>, Range<D2>, Range<D1+D2>, Range<D1+D2> > { };
+ template <int D1, int DS1, int D2> struct NewDomain2< SliceRange<D1,DS1>, Loc<D2> > : public NewDomain2Base< SliceRange<D1,DS1>, Loc<D2>, SliceRange<D1+D2,DS1>, SliceRange<D1+D2,DS1> > { }; template <int D1, int DS1, int D2> struct NewDomain2< Loc<D2>, SliceRange<D1,DS1> > : public NewDomain2Base< Loc<D2>, SliceRange<D1,DS1>, SliceRange<D1+D2,DS1>, SliceRange<D1+D2,DS1> > { }; template <int D1, int DS1> struct NewDomain2< SliceRange<D1,DS1>, char > : public NewDomain2Base< SliceRange<D1,DS1>, char ,SliceRange<D1+1,DS1>, SliceRange<D1+1,DS1> > { }; template <int D1, int DS1> struct NewDomain2< SliceRange<D1,DS1>, unsigned char > : public NewDomain2Base< SliceRange<D1,DS1>, unsigned char, SliceRange<D1+1,DS1>, SliceRange<D1+1,DS1> > { }; template <int D1, int DS1> struct NewDomain2< char, SliceRange<D1,DS1> > : public NewDomain2Base< char, SliceRange<D1,DS1>, SliceRange<D1+1,DS1>, SliceRange<D1+1,DS1> > { }; template <int D1, int DS1> struct NewDomain2< unsigned char, SliceR!
 ange<D1,DS1> > : public NewDomain2Base< unsigned char, SliceRange<D1,DS1>, SliceRange<D1+1,DS1>, SliceRange<D1+1,DS1> > { }; template <int D1, int DS1> struct NewDomain2< SliceRange<D1,DS1>, short > : public NewDomain2Base< SliceRange<D1,DS1>, short ,SliceRange<D1+1,DS1>, SliceRange<D1+1,DS1> > { }; template <int D1, int DS1> struct NewDomain2< SliceRange<D1,DS1>, unsigned short > : public NewDomain2Base< SliceRange<D1,DS1>, unsigned short, SliceRange<D1+1,DS1>, SliceRange<D1+1,DS1> > { }; template <int D1, int DS1> struct NewDomain2< short, SliceRange<D1,DS1> > : public NewDomain2Base< short, SliceRange<D1,DS1>, SliceRange<D1+1,DS1>, SliceRange<D1+1,DS1> > { }; template <int D1, int DS1> struct NewDomain2< unsigned short, SliceRange<D1,DS1> > : public NewDomain2Base< unsigned short, SliceRange<D1,DS1>, SliceRange<D1+1,DS1>, SliceRange<D1+1,DS1> > { }; template <int D1, int DS1> struct NewDomain2< SliceRange<D1,DS1>, int > : public NewDomain2Base< SliceRange<D1,DS1>, int ,S!
 liceRange<D1+1,DS1>, SliceRange<D1+1,DS1> > { }; template <int!
  D1, int
 DS1> struct NewDomain2< SliceRange<D1,DS1>, unsigned int > : public NewDomain2Base< SliceRange<D1,DS1>, unsigned int, SliceRange<D1+1,DS1>, SliceRange<D1+1,DS1> > { }; template <int D1, int DS1> struct NewDomain2< int, SliceRange<D1,DS1> > : public NewDomain2Base< int, SliceRange<D1,DS1>, SliceRange<D1+1,DS1>, SliceRange<D1+1,DS1> > { }; template <int D1, int DS1> struct NewDomain2< unsigned int, SliceRange<D1,DS1> > : public NewDomain2Base< unsigned int, SliceRange<D1,DS1>, SliceRange<D1+1,DS1>, SliceRange<D1+1,DS1> > { }; template <int D1, int DS1> struct NewDomain2< SliceRange<D1,DS1>, long > : public NewDomain2Base< SliceRange<D1,DS1>, long ,SliceRange<D1+1,DS1>, SliceRange<D1+1,DS1> > { }; template <int D1, int DS1> struct NewDomain2< SliceRange<D1,DS1>, unsigned long > : public NewDomain2Base< SliceRange<D1,DS1>, unsigned long, SliceRange<D1+1,DS1>, SliceRange<D1+1,DS1> > { }; template <int D1, int DS1> struct NewDomain2< long, SliceRange<D1,DS1> > : public NewDomain2!
 Base< long, SliceRange<D1,DS1>, SliceRange<D1+1,DS1>, SliceRange<D1+1,DS1> > { }; template <int D1, int DS1> struct NewDomain2< unsigned long, SliceRange<D1,DS1> > : public NewDomain2Base< unsigned long, SliceRange<D1,DS1>, SliceRange<D1+1,DS1>, SliceRange<D1+1,DS1> > { };
+ template <int D1, int DS1, int D2> struct NewDomain2< SliceRange<D1,DS1>, Range<D2> > : public NewDomain2Base< SliceRange<D1,DS1>, Range<D2>, SliceRange<D1+D2,DS1+D2>, SliceRange<D1+D2,DS1+D2> > { }; template <int D1, int DS1, int D2> struct NewDomain2< Range<D2>, SliceRange<D1,DS1> > : public NewDomain2Base< Range<D2>, SliceRange<D1,DS1>, SliceRange<D1+D2,DS1+D2>, SliceRange<D1+D2,DS1+D2> > { };
+ template <int D1, int DS1, int D2> struct NewDomain2< SliceRange<D1,DS1>, Interval<D2> > : public NewDomain2Base< SliceRange<D1,DS1>, Interval<D2>, SliceRange<D1+D2,DS1+D2>, SliceRange<D1+D2,DS1+D2> > { }; template <int D1, int DS1, int D2> struct NewDomain2< Interval<D2>, SliceRange<D1,DS1> > : public NewDomain2Base< Interval<D2>, SliceRange<D1,DS1>, SliceRange<D1+D2,DS1+D2>, SliceRange<D1+D2,DS1+D2> > { };
+ template <int D1, int DS1, int D2> struct NewDomain2< SliceRange<D1,DS1>, AllDomain<D2> > : public NewDomain2Base< SliceRange<D1,DS1>, AllDomain<D2>, SliceRange<D1+D2,DS1+D2>, SliceRange<D1+D2,DS1+D2> > { }; template <int D1, int DS1, int D2> struct NewDomain2< AllDomain<D2>, SliceRange<D1,DS1> > : public NewDomain2Base< AllDomain<D2>, SliceRange<D1,DS1>, SliceRange<D1+D2,DS1+D2>, SliceRange<D1+D2,DS1+D2> > { };
+ template <int D1, int DS1, int D2> struct NewDomain2< SliceRange<D1,DS1>, LeftDomain<D2> > : public NewDomain2Base< SliceRange<D1,DS1>, LeftDomain<D2>, SliceRange<D1+D2,DS1+D2>, SliceRange<D1+D2,DS1+D2> > { }; template <int D1, int DS1, int D2> struct NewDomain2< LeftDomain<D2>, SliceRange<D1,DS1> > : public NewDomain2Base< LeftDomain<D2>, SliceRange<D1,DS1>, SliceRange<D1+D2,DS1+D2>, SliceRange<D1+D2,DS1+D2> > { };
+ template <int D1, int DS1, int D2> struct NewDomain2< SliceRange<D1,DS1>, RightDomain<D2> > : public NewDomain2Base< SliceRange<D1,DS1>, RightDomain<D2>, SliceRange<D1+D2,DS1+D2>, SliceRange<D1+D2,DS1+D2> > { }; template <int D1, int DS1, int D2> struct NewDomain2< RightDomain<D2>, SliceRange<D1,DS1> > : public NewDomain2Base< RightDomain<D2>, SliceRange<D1,DS1>, SliceRange<D1+D2,DS1+D2>, SliceRange<D1+D2,DS1+D2> > { };
+ template <int D1, int D2> struct NewDomain2< Interval<D1>, Interval<D2> > : public NewDomain2Base< Interval<D1>, Interval<D2>, Interval<D1+D2>, Interval<D1+D2> > { }; template <int D1, int D2> struct NewDomain2< Interval<D1>, Loc<D2> > : public NewDomain2Base< Interval<D1>, Loc<D2>, Interval<D1+D2>, SliceInterval<D1+D2,D1> > { }; template <int D1, int D2> struct NewDomain2< Loc<D2>, Interval<D1> > : public NewDomain2Base< Loc<D2>, Interval<D1>, Interval<D1+D2>, SliceInterval<D1+D2,D1> > { }; template <int D> struct NewDomain2< Interval<D>, char > : public NewDomain2Base< Interval<D>, char, Interval<D+1>, SliceInterval<D+1,D> > { }; template <int D> struct NewDomain2< char, Interval<D> > : public NewDomain2Base< char, Interval<D>, Interval<D+1>, SliceInterval<D+1,D> > { }; template <int D> struct NewDomain2< Interval<D>, unsigned char > : public NewDomain2Base< Interval<D>, unsigned char, Interval<D+1>, SliceInterval<D+1,D> > { }; template <int D> struct NewDomain2< unsigne!
 d char, Interval<D> > : public NewDomain2Base< unsigned char, Interval<D>, Interval<D+1>, SliceInterval<D+1,D> > { }; template <int D> struct NewDomain2< Interval<D>, short > : public NewDomain2Base< Interval<D>, short, Interval<D+1>, SliceInterval<D+1,D> > { }; template <int D> struct NewDomain2< short, Interval<D> > : public NewDomain2Base< short, Interval<D>, Interval<D+1>, SliceInterval<D+1,D> > { }; template <int D> struct NewDomain2< Interval<D>, unsigned short > : public NewDomain2Base< Interval<D>, unsigned short, Interval<D+1>, SliceInterval<D+1,D> > { }; template <int D> struct NewDomain2< unsigned short, Interval<D> > : public NewDomain2Base< unsigned short, Interval<D>, Interval<D+1>, SliceInterval<D+1,D> > { }; template <int D> struct NewDomain2< Interval<D>, int > : public NewDomain2Base< Interval<D>, int, Interval<D+1>, SliceInterval<D+1,D> > { }; template <int D> struct NewDomain2< int, Interval<D> > : public NewDomain2Base< int, Interval<D>, Interval<D+1>, !
 SliceInterval<D+1,D> > { }; template <int D> struct NewDomain2!
 < Interv
al<D>, unsigned int > : public NewDomain2Base< Interval<D>, unsigned int, Interval<D+1>, SliceInterval<D+1,D> > { }; template <int D> struct NewDomain2< unsigned int, Interval<D> > : public NewDomain2Base< unsigned int, Interval<D>, Interval<D+1>, SliceInterval<D+1,D> > { }; template <int D> struct NewDomain2< Interval<D>, long > : public NewDomain2Base< Interval<D>, long, Interval<D+1>, SliceInterval<D+1,D> > { }; template <int D> struct NewDomain2< long, Interval<D> > : public NewDomain2Base< long, Interval<D>, Interval<D+1>, SliceInterval<D+1,D> > { }; template <int D> struct NewDomain2< Interval<D>, unsigned long > : public NewDomain2Base< Interval<D>, unsigned long, Interval<D+1>, SliceInterval<D+1,D> > { }; template <int D> struct NewDomain2< unsigned long, Interval<D> > : public NewDomain2Base< unsigned long, Interval<D>, Interval<D+1>, SliceInterval<D+1,D> > { };
+ template <int D1, int D2> struct NewDomain2< Interval<D1>, AllDomain<D2> > : public NewDomain2Base< Interval<D1>, AllDomain<D2>, Interval<D1+D2>, Interval<D1+D2> > { }; template <int D1, int D2> struct NewDomain2< AllDomain<D1>, Interval<D2> > : public NewDomain2Base< AllDomain<D1>, Interval<D2>, Interval<D1+D2>, Interval<D1+D2> > { };
+ template <int D1, int D2> struct NewDomain2< Interval<D1>, LeftDomain<D2> > : public NewDomain2Base< Interval<D1>, LeftDomain<D2>, Interval<D1+D2>, Interval<D1+D2> > { }; template <int D1, int D2> struct NewDomain2< LeftDomain<D1>, Interval<D2> > : public NewDomain2Base< LeftDomain<D1>, Interval<D2>, Interval<D1+D2>, Interval<D1+D2> > { };
+ template <int D1, int D2> struct NewDomain2< Interval<D1>, RightDomain<D2> > : public NewDomain2Base< Interval<D1>, RightDomain<D2>, Interval<D1+D2>, Interval<D1+D2> > { }; template <int D1, int D2> struct NewDomain2< RightDomain<D1>, Interval<D2> > : public NewDomain2Base< RightDomain<D1>, Interval<D2>, Interval<D1+D2>, Interval<D1+D2> > { };
+ template <int D1, int DS1, int D2> struct NewDomain2< SliceInterval<D1,DS1>, Loc<D2> > : public NewDomain2Base< SliceInterval<D1,DS1>, Loc<D2>, SliceInterval<D1+D2,DS1>, SliceInterval<D1+D2,DS1> > { }; template <int D1, int DS1, int D2> struct NewDomain2< Loc<D2>, SliceInterval<D1,DS1> > : public NewDomain2Base< Loc<D2>, SliceInterval<D1,DS1>, SliceInterval<D1+D2,DS1>, SliceInterval<D1+D2,DS1> > { }; template <int D1, int DS1> struct NewDomain2< SliceInterval<D1,DS1>, char > : public NewDomain2Base< SliceInterval<D1,DS1>, char ,SliceInterval<D1+1,DS1>, SliceInterval<D1+1,DS1> > { }; template <int D1, int DS1> struct NewDomain2< SliceInterval<D1,DS1>, unsigned char > : public NewDomain2Base< SliceInterval<D1,DS1>, unsigned char, SliceInterval<D1+1,DS1>, SliceInterval<D1+1,DS1> > { }; template <int D1, int DS1> struct NewDomain2< char, SliceInterval<D1,DS1> > : public NewDomain2Base< char, SliceInterval<D1,DS1>, SliceInterval<D1+1,DS1>, SliceInterval<D1+1,DS1> > { }; templat!
 e <int D1, int DS1> struct NewDomain2< unsigned char, SliceInterval<D1,DS1> > : public NewDomain2Base< unsigned char, SliceInterval<D1,DS1>, SliceInterval<D1+1,DS1>, SliceInterval<D1+1,DS1> > { }; template <int D1, int DS1> struct NewDomain2< SliceInterval<D1,DS1>, short > : public NewDomain2Base< SliceInterval<D1,DS1>, short ,SliceInterval<D1+1,DS1>, SliceInterval<D1+1,DS1> > { }; template <int D1, int DS1> struct NewDomain2< SliceInterval<D1,DS1>, unsigned short > : public NewDomain2Base< SliceInterval<D1,DS1>, unsigned short, SliceInterval<D1+1,DS1>, SliceInterval<D1+1,DS1> > { }; template <int D1, int DS1> struct NewDomain2< short, SliceInterval<D1,DS1> > : public NewDomain2Base< short, SliceInterval<D1,DS1>, SliceInterval<D1+1,DS1>, SliceInterval<D1+1,DS1> > { }; template <int D1, int DS1> struct NewDomain2< unsigned short, SliceInterval<D1,DS1> > : public NewDomain2Base< unsigned short, SliceInterval<D1,DS1>, SliceInterval<D1+1,DS1>, SliceInterval<D1+1,DS1> > { }; tem!
 plate <int D1, int DS1> struct NewDomain2< SliceInterval<D1,DS!
 1>, int 
> : public NewDomain2Base< SliceInterval<D1,DS1>, int ,SliceInterval<D1+1,DS1>, SliceInterval<D1+1,DS1> > { }; template <int D1, int DS1> struct NewDomain2< SliceInterval<D1,DS1>, unsigned int > : public NewDomain2Base< SliceInterval<D1,DS1>, unsigned int, SliceInterval<D1+1,DS1>, SliceInterval<D1+1,DS1> > { }; template <int D1, int DS1> struct NewDomain2< int, SliceInterval<D1,DS1> > : public NewDomain2Base< int, SliceInterval<D1,DS1>, SliceInterval<D1+1,DS1>, SliceInterval<D1+1,DS1> > { }; template <int D1, int DS1> struct NewDomain2< unsigned int, SliceInterval<D1,DS1> > : public NewDomain2Base< unsigned int, SliceInterval<D1,DS1>, SliceInterval<D1+1,DS1>, SliceInterval<D1+1,DS1> > { }; template <int D1, int DS1> struct NewDomain2< SliceInterval<D1,DS1>, long > : public NewDomain2Base< SliceInterval<D1,DS1>, long ,SliceInterval<D1+1,DS1>, SliceInterval<D1+1,DS1> > { }; template <int D1, int DS1> struct NewDomain2< SliceInterval<D1,DS1>, unsigned long > : public NewDomain2!
 Base< SliceInterval<D1,DS1>, unsigned long, SliceInterval<D1+1,DS1>, SliceInterval<D1+1,DS1> > { }; template <int D1, int DS1> struct NewDomain2< long, SliceInterval<D1,DS1> > : public NewDomain2Base< long, SliceInterval<D1,DS1>, SliceInterval<D1+1,DS1>, SliceInterval<D1+1,DS1> > { }; template <int D1, int DS1> struct NewDomain2< unsigned long, SliceInterval<D1,DS1> > : public NewDomain2Base< unsigned long, SliceInterval<D1,DS1>, SliceInterval<D1+1,DS1>, SliceInterval<D1+1,DS1> > { };
+ template <int D1, int DS1, int D2> struct NewDomain2< SliceInterval<D1,DS1>, Interval<D2> > : public NewDomain2Base< SliceInterval<D1,DS1>, Interval<D2>, SliceInterval<D1+D2,DS1+D2>, SliceInterval<D1+D2,DS1+D2> > { }; template <int D1, int DS1, int D2> struct NewDomain2< Interval<D2>, SliceInterval<D1,DS1> > : public NewDomain2Base< Interval<D2>, SliceInterval<D1,DS1>, SliceInterval<D1+D2,DS1+D2>, SliceInterval<D1+D2,DS1+D2> > { };
+ template <int D1, int DS1, int D2> struct NewDomain2< SliceInterval<D1,DS1>, Range<D2> > : public NewDomain2Base< SliceInterval<D1,DS1>, Range<D2>, SliceRange<D1+D2,DS1+D2>, SliceRange<D1+D2,DS1+D2> > { }; template <int D1, int DS1, int D2> struct NewDomain2< Range<D2>, SliceInterval<D1,DS1> > : public NewDomain2Base< Range<D2>, SliceInterval<D1,DS1>, SliceRange<D1+D2,DS1+D2>, SliceRange<D1+D2,DS1+D2> > { };
+ template <int D1, int DS1, int D2> struct NewDomain2< SliceInterval<D1,DS1>, AllDomain<D2> > : public NewDomain2Base< SliceInterval<D1,DS1>, AllDomain<D2>, SliceInterval<D1+D2,DS1+D2>, SliceInterval<D1+D2,DS1+D2> > { }; template <int D1, int DS1, int D2> struct NewDomain2< AllDomain<D2>, SliceInterval<D1,DS1> > : public NewDomain2Base< AllDomain<D2>, SliceInterval<D1,DS1>, SliceInterval<D1+D2,DS1+D2>, SliceInterval<D1+D2,DS1+D2> > { };
+ template <int D1, int DS1, int D2> struct NewDomain2< SliceInterval<D1,DS1>, LeftDomain<D2> > : public NewDomain2Base< SliceInterval<D1,DS1>, LeftDomain<D2>, SliceInterval<D1+D2,DS1+D2>, SliceInterval<D1+D2,DS1+D2> > { }; template <int D1, int DS1, int D2> struct NewDomain2< LeftDomain<D2>, SliceInterval<D1,DS1> > : public NewDomain2Base< LeftDomain<D2>, SliceInterval<D1,DS1>, SliceInterval<D1+D2,DS1+D2>, SliceInterval<D1+D2,DS1+D2> > { };
+ template <int D1, int DS1, int D2> struct NewDomain2< SliceInterval<D1,DS1>, RightDomain<D2> > : public NewDomain2Base< SliceInterval<D1,DS1>, RightDomain<D2>, SliceInterval<D1+D2,DS1+D2>, SliceInterval<D1+D2,DS1+D2> > { }; template <int D1, int DS1, int D2> struct NewDomain2< RightDomain<D2>, SliceInterval<D1,DS1> > : public NewDomain2Base< RightDomain<D2>, SliceInterval<D1,DS1>, SliceInterval<D1+D2,DS1+D2>, SliceInterval<D1+D2,DS1+D2> > { };
+ template <int D1, int D2> struct NewDomain2< AllDomain<D1>, AllDomain<D2> > : public NewDomain2Base< AllDomain<D1>, AllDomain<D2>, AllDomain<D1+D2>, AllDomain<D1+D2> > { }; template <int D1, int D2> struct NewDomain2< AllDomain<D1>, Loc<D2> > : public NewDomain2Base< AllDomain<D1>, Loc<D2>, AllDomain<D1+D2>, SliceInterval<D1+D2,D1> > { }; template <int D1, int D2> struct NewDomain2< Loc<D2>, AllDomain<D1> > : public NewDomain2Base< Loc<D2>, AllDomain<D1>, AllDomain<D1+D2>, SliceInterval<D1+D2,D1> > { }; template <int D> struct NewDomain2< AllDomain<D>, char > : public NewDomain2Base< AllDomain<D>, char, AllDomain<D+1>, SliceInterval<D+1,D> > { }; template <int D> struct NewDomain2< char, AllDomain<D> > : public NewDomain2Base< char, AllDomain<D>, AllDomain<D+1>, SliceInterval<D+1,D> > { }; template <int D> struct NewDomain2< AllDomain<D>, unsigned char > : public NewDomain2Base< AllDomain<D>, unsigned char, AllDomain<D+1>, SliceInterval<D+1,D> > { }; template <int D> struc!
 t NewDomain2< unsigned char, AllDomain<D> > : public NewDomain2Base< unsigned char, AllDomain<D>, AllDomain<D+1>, SliceInterval<D+1,D> > { }; template <int D> struct NewDomain2< AllDomain<D>, short > : public NewDomain2Base< AllDomain<D>, short, AllDomain<D+1>, SliceInterval<D+1,D> > { }; template <int D> struct NewDomain2< short, AllDomain<D> > : public NewDomain2Base< short, AllDomain<D>, AllDomain<D+1>, SliceInterval<D+1,D> > { }; template <int D> struct NewDomain2< AllDomain<D>, unsigned short > : public NewDomain2Base< AllDomain<D>, unsigned short, AllDomain<D+1>, SliceInterval<D+1,D> > { }; template <int D> struct NewDomain2< unsigned short, AllDomain<D> > : public NewDomain2Base< unsigned short, AllDomain<D>, AllDomain<D+1>, SliceInterval<D+1,D> > { }; template <int D> struct NewDomain2< AllDomain<D>, int > : public NewDomain2Base< AllDomain<D>, int, AllDomain<D+1>, SliceInterval<D+1,D> > { }; template <int D> struct NewDomain2< int, AllDomain<D> > : public NewDomain!
 2Base< int, AllDomain<D>, AllDomain<D+1>, SliceInterval<D+1,D>!
  > { }; 
template <int D> struct NewDomain2< AllDomain<D>, unsigned int > : public NewDomain2Base< AllDomain<D>, unsigned int, AllDomain<D+1>, SliceInterval<D+1,D> > { }; template <int D> struct NewDomain2< unsigned int, AllDomain<D> > : public NewDomain2Base< unsigned int, AllDomain<D>, AllDomain<D+1>, SliceInterval<D+1,D> > { }; template <int D> struct NewDomain2< AllDomain<D>, long > : public NewDomain2Base< AllDomain<D>, long, AllDomain<D+1>, SliceInterval<D+1,D> > { }; template <int D> struct NewDomain2< long, AllDomain<D> > : public NewDomain2Base< long, AllDomain<D>, AllDomain<D+1>, SliceInterval<D+1,D> > { }; template <int D> struct NewDomain2< AllDomain<D>, unsigned long > : public NewDomain2Base< AllDomain<D>, unsigned long, AllDomain<D+1>, SliceInterval<D+1,D> > { }; template <int D> struct NewDomain2< unsigned long, AllDomain<D> > : public NewDomain2Base< unsigned long, AllDomain<D>, AllDomain<D+1>, SliceInterval<D+1,D> > { };
+ template <int D1, int D2> struct NewDomain2< LeftDomain<D1>, LeftDomain<D2> > : public NewDomain2Base< LeftDomain<D1>, LeftDomain<D2>, LeftDomain<D1+D2>, LeftDomain<D1+D2> > { }; template <int D1, int D2> struct NewDomain2< LeftDomain<D1>, Loc<D2> > : public NewDomain2Base< LeftDomain<D1>, Loc<D2>, LeftDomain<D1+D2>, SliceInterval<D1+D2,D1> > { }; template <int D1, int D2> struct NewDomain2< Loc<D2>, LeftDomain<D1> > : public NewDomain2Base< Loc<D2>, LeftDomain<D1>, LeftDomain<D1+D2>, SliceInterval<D1+D2,D1> > { }; template <int D> struct NewDomain2< LeftDomain<D>, char > : public NewDomain2Base< LeftDomain<D>, char, LeftDomain<D+1>, SliceInterval<D+1,D> > { }; template <int D> struct NewDomain2< char, LeftDomain<D> > : public NewDomain2Base< char, LeftDomain<D>, LeftDomain<D+1>, SliceInterval<D+1,D> > { }; template <int D> struct NewDomain2< LeftDomain<D>, unsigned char > : public NewDomain2Base< LeftDomain<D>, unsigned char, LeftDomain<D+1>, SliceInterval<D+1,D> > { }; t!
 emplate <int D> struct NewDomain2< unsigned char, LeftDomain<D> > : public NewDomain2Base< unsigned char, LeftDomain<D>, LeftDomain<D+1>, SliceInterval<D+1,D> > { }; template <int D> struct NewDomain2< LeftDomain<D>, short > : public NewDomain2Base< LeftDomain<D>, short, LeftDomain<D+1>, SliceInterval<D+1,D> > { }; template <int D> struct NewDomain2< short, LeftDomain<D> > : public NewDomain2Base< short, LeftDomain<D>, LeftDomain<D+1>, SliceInterval<D+1,D> > { }; template <int D> struct NewDomain2< LeftDomain<D>, unsigned short > : public NewDomain2Base< LeftDomain<D>, unsigned short, LeftDomain<D+1>, SliceInterval<D+1,D> > { }; template <int D> struct NewDomain2< unsigned short, LeftDomain<D> > : public NewDomain2Base< unsigned short, LeftDomain<D>, LeftDomain<D+1>, SliceInterval<D+1,D> > { }; template <int D> struct NewDomain2< LeftDomain<D>, int > : public NewDomain2Base< LeftDomain<D>, int, LeftDomain<D+1>, SliceInterval<D+1,D> > { }; template <int D> struct NewDomain2<!
  int, LeftDomain<D> > : public NewDomain2Base< int, LeftDomain!
 <D>, Lef
tDomain<D+1>, SliceInterval<D+1,D> > { }; template <int D> struct NewDomain2< LeftDomain<D>, unsigned int > : public NewDomain2Base< LeftDomain<D>, unsigned int, LeftDomain<D+1>, SliceInterval<D+1,D> > { }; template <int D> struct NewDomain2< unsigned int, LeftDomain<D> > : public NewDomain2Base< unsigned int, LeftDomain<D>, LeftDomain<D+1>, SliceInterval<D+1,D> > { }; template <int D> struct NewDomain2< LeftDomain<D>, long > : public NewDomain2Base< LeftDomain<D>, long, LeftDomain<D+1>, SliceInterval<D+1,D> > { }; template <int D> struct NewDomain2< long, LeftDomain<D> > : public NewDomain2Base< long, LeftDomain<D>, LeftDomain<D+1>, SliceInterval<D+1,D> > { }; template <int D> struct NewDomain2< LeftDomain<D>, unsigned long > : public NewDomain2Base< LeftDomain<D>, unsigned long, LeftDomain<D+1>, SliceInterval<D+1,D> > { }; template <int D> struct NewDomain2< unsigned long, LeftDomain<D> > : public NewDomain2Base< unsigned long, LeftDomain<D>, LeftDomain<D+1>, SliceInterval!
 <D+1,D> > { };
+ template <int D1, int D2> struct NewDomain2< RightDomain<D1>, RightDomain<D2> > : public NewDomain2Base< RightDomain<D1>, RightDomain<D2>, RightDomain<D1+D2>, RightDomain<D1+D2> > { }; template <int D1, int D2> struct NewDomain2< RightDomain<D1>, Loc<D2> > : public NewDomain2Base< RightDomain<D1>, Loc<D2>, RightDomain<D1+D2>, SliceInterval<D1+D2,D1> > { }; template <int D1, int D2> struct NewDomain2< Loc<D2>, RightDomain<D1> > : public NewDomain2Base< Loc<D2>, RightDomain<D1>, RightDomain<D1+D2>, SliceInterval<D1+D2,D1> > { }; template <int D> struct NewDomain2< RightDomain<D>, char > : public NewDomain2Base< RightDomain<D>, char, RightDomain<D+1>, SliceInterval<D+1,D> > { }; template <int D> struct NewDomain2< char, RightDomain<D> > : public NewDomain2Base< char, RightDomain<D>, RightDomain<D+1>, SliceInterval<D+1,D> > { }; template <int D> struct NewDomain2< RightDomain<D>, unsigned char > : public NewDomain2Base< RightDomain<D>, unsigned char, RightDomain<D+1>, SliceInt!
 erval<D+1,D> > { }; template <int D> struct NewDomain2< unsigned char, RightDomain<D> > : public NewDomain2Base< unsigned char, RightDomain<D>, RightDomain<D+1>, SliceInterval<D+1,D> > { }; template <int D> struct NewDomain2< RightDomain<D>, short > : public NewDomain2Base< RightDomain<D>, short, RightDomain<D+1>, SliceInterval<D+1,D> > { }; template <int D> struct NewDomain2< short, RightDomain<D> > : public NewDomain2Base< short, RightDomain<D>, RightDomain<D+1>, SliceInterval<D+1,D> > { }; template <int D> struct NewDomain2< RightDomain<D>, unsigned short > : public NewDomain2Base< RightDomain<D>, unsigned short, RightDomain<D+1>, SliceInterval<D+1,D> > { }; template <int D> struct NewDomain2< unsigned short, RightDomain<D> > : public NewDomain2Base< unsigned short, RightDomain<D>, RightDomain<D+1>, SliceInterval<D+1,D> > { }; template <int D> struct NewDomain2< RightDomain<D>, int > : public NewDomain2Base< RightDomain<D>, int, RightDomain<D+1>, SliceInterval<D+1,D> > {!
  }; template <int D> struct NewDomain2< int, RightDomain<D> > !
 : public
 NewDomain2Base< int, RightDomain<D>, RightDomain<D+1>, SliceInterval<D+1,D> > { }; template <int D> struct NewDomain2< RightDomain<D>, unsigned int > : public NewDomain2Base< RightDomain<D>, unsigned int, RightDomain<D+1>, SliceInterval<D+1,D> > { }; template <int D> struct NewDomain2< unsigned int, RightDomain<D> > : public NewDomain2Base< unsigned int, RightDomain<D>, RightDomain<D+1>, SliceInterval<D+1,D> > { }; template <int D> struct NewDomain2< RightDomain<D>, long > : public NewDomain2Base< RightDomain<D>, long, RightDomain<D+1>, SliceInterval<D+1,D> > { }; template <int D> struct NewDomain2< long, RightDomain<D> > : public NewDomain2Base< long, RightDomain<D>, RightDomain<D+1>, SliceInterval<D+1,D> > { }; template <int D> struct NewDomain2< RightDomain<D>, unsigned long > : public NewDomain2Base< RightDomain<D>, unsigned long, RightDomain<D+1>, SliceInterval<D+1,D> > { }; template <int D> struct NewDomain2< unsigned long, RightDomain<D> > : public NewDomain2Base< un!
 signed long, RightDomain<D>, RightDomain<D+1>, SliceInterval<D+1,D> > { };
+ template <int D1, int D2> struct NewDomain2< AllDomain<D1>, LeftDomain<D2> > : public NewDomain2Base< AllDomain<D1>, LeftDomain<D2>, AllDomain<D1+D2>, AllDomain<D1+D2> > { }; template <int D1, int D2> struct NewDomain2< LeftDomain<D1>, AllDomain<D2> > : public NewDomain2Base< LeftDomain<D1>, AllDomain<D2>, AllDomain<D1+D2>, AllDomain<D1+D2> > { };
+ template <int D1, int D2> struct NewDomain2< AllDomain<D1>, RightDomain<D2> > : public NewDomain2Base< AllDomain<D1>, RightDomain<D2>, AllDomain<D1+D2>, AllDomain<D1+D2> > { }; template <int D1, int D2> struct NewDomain2< RightDomain<D1>, AllDomain<D2> > : public NewDomain2Base< RightDomain<D1>, AllDomain<D2>, AllDomain<D1+D2>, AllDomain<D1+D2> > { };
+ template <int D1, int D2> struct NewDomain2< LeftDomain<D1>, RightDomain<D2> > : public NewDomain2Base< LeftDomain<D1>, RightDomain<D2>, LeftDomain<D1+D2>, LeftDomain<D1+D2> > { }; template <int D1, int D2> struct NewDomain2< RightDomain<D1>, LeftDomain<D2> > : public NewDomain2Base< RightDomain<D1>, LeftDomain<D2>, LeftDomain<D1+D2>, LeftDomain<D1+D2> > { };
+ template <int D1, int D2> struct NewDomain2< Grid<D1>, Grid<D2> > : public NewDomain2Base< Grid<D1>, Grid<D2>, Grid<D1+D2>, Grid<D1+D2> > { }; template <int D1, int D2> struct NewDomain2< Grid<D1>, Loc<D2> > : public NewDomain2Base< Grid<D1>, Loc<D2>, Grid<D1+D2>, SliceRange<D1+D2,D1> > { }; template <int D1, int D2> struct NewDomain2< Loc<D2>, Grid<D1> > : public NewDomain2Base< Loc<D2>, Grid<D1>, Grid<D1+D2>, SliceRange<D1+D2,D1> > { }; template <int D> struct NewDomain2< Grid<D>, char > : public NewDomain2Base< Grid<D>, char, Grid<D+1>, SliceRange<D+1,D> > { }; template <int D> struct NewDomain2< char, Grid<D> > : public NewDomain2Base< char, Grid<D>, Grid<D+1>, SliceRange<D+1,D> > { }; template <int D> struct NewDomain2< Grid<D>, unsigned char > : public NewDomain2Base< Grid<D>, unsigned char, Grid<D+1>, SliceRange<D+1,D> > { }; template <int D> struct NewDomain2< unsigned char, Grid<D> > : public NewDomain2Base< unsigned char, Grid<D>, Grid<D+1>, SliceRange<D+1,D> > {!
  }; template <int D> struct NewDomain2< Grid<D>, short > : public NewDomain2Base< Grid<D>, short, Grid<D+1>, SliceRange<D+1,D> > { }; template <int D> struct NewDomain2< short, Grid<D> > : public NewDomain2Base< short, Grid<D>, Grid<D+1>, SliceRange<D+1,D> > { }; template <int D> struct NewDomain2< Grid<D>, unsigned short > : public NewDomain2Base< Grid<D>, unsigned short, Grid<D+1>, SliceRange<D+1,D> > { }; template <int D> struct NewDomain2< unsigned short, Grid<D> > : public NewDomain2Base< unsigned short, Grid<D>, Grid<D+1>, SliceRange<D+1,D> > { }; template <int D> struct NewDomain2< Grid<D>, int > : public NewDomain2Base< Grid<D>, int, Grid<D+1>, SliceRange<D+1,D> > { }; template <int D> struct NewDomain2< int, Grid<D> > : public NewDomain2Base< int, Grid<D>, Grid<D+1>, SliceRange<D+1,D> > { }; template <int D> struct NewDomain2< Grid<D>, unsigned int > : public NewDomain2Base< Grid<D>, unsigned int, Grid<D+1>, SliceRange<D+1,D> > { }; template <int D> struct NewDomai!
 n2< unsigned int, Grid<D> > : public NewDomain2Base< unsigned !
 int, Gri
d<D>, Grid<D+1>, SliceRange<D+1,D> > { }; template <int D> struct NewDomain2< Grid<D>, long > : public NewDomain2Base< Grid<D>, long, Grid<D+1>, SliceRange<D+1,D> > { }; template <int D> struct NewDomain2< long, Grid<D> > : public NewDomain2Base< long, Grid<D>, Grid<D+1>, SliceRange<D+1,D> > { }; template <int D> struct NewDomain2< Grid<D>, unsigned long > : public NewDomain2Base< Grid<D>, unsigned long, Grid<D+1>, SliceRange<D+1,D> > { }; template <int D> struct NewDomain2< unsigned long, Grid<D> > : public NewDomain2Base< unsigned long, Grid<D>, Grid<D+1>, SliceRange<D+1,D> > { };
+ template <int D1, int D2> struct NewDomain2< Grid<D1>, Range<D2> > : public NewDomain2Base< Grid<D1>, Range<D2>, Grid<D1+D2>, Grid<D1+D2> > { }; template <int D1, int D2> struct NewDomain2< Range<D1>, Grid<D2> > : public NewDomain2Base< Range<D1>, Grid<D2>, Grid<D1+D2>, Grid<D1+D2> > { };
+ template <int D1, int D2> struct NewDomain2< Grid<D1>, Interval<D2> > : public NewDomain2Base< Grid<D1>, Interval<D2>, Grid<D1+D2>, Grid<D1+D2> > { }; template <int D1, int D2> struct NewDomain2< Interval<D1>, Grid<D2> > : public NewDomain2Base< Interval<D1>, Grid<D2>, Grid<D1+D2>, Grid<D1+D2> > { };
+ template <int D1, int D2> struct NewDomain2< Grid<D1>, AllDomain<D2> > : public NewDomain2Base< Grid<D1>, AllDomain<D2>, Grid<D1+D2>, Grid<D1+D2> > { }; template <int D1, int D2> struct NewDomain2< AllDomain<D1>, Grid<D2> > : public NewDomain2Base< AllDomain<D1>, Grid<D2>, Grid<D1+D2>, Grid<D1+D2> > { };
+ template <int D1, int D2> struct NewDomain2< Grid<D1>, LeftDomain<D2> > : public NewDomain2Base< Grid<D1>, LeftDomain<D2>, Grid<D1+D2>, Grid<D1+D2> > { }; template <int D1, int D2> struct NewDomain2< LeftDomain<D1>, Grid<D2> > : public NewDomain2Base< LeftDomain<D1>, Grid<D2>, Grid<D1+D2>, Grid<D1+D2> > { };
+ template <int D1, int D2> struct NewDomain2< Grid<D1>, RightDomain<D2> > : public NewDomain2Base< Grid<D1>, RightDomain<D2>, Grid<D1+D2>, Grid<D1+D2> > { }; template <int D1, int D2> struct NewDomain2< RightDomain<D1>, Grid<D2> > : public NewDomain2Base< RightDomain<D1>, Grid<D2>, Grid<D1+D2>, Grid<D1+D2> > { };
+ template<int D>
+ struct NewDomain2< Grid<D>, IndirectionList<int> >
+   : public NewDomain2Base<Grid<D>,IndirectionList<int>,Grid<D+1>,Grid<D+1> >{};
+ template<int D>
+ struct NewDomain2< IndirectionList<int>, Grid<D> >
+   : public NewDomain2Base<IndirectionList<int>,Grid<D>,Grid<D+1>,Grid<D+1> >{};
+ template<int D1, int D2>
+ struct NewDomain2< Loc<D1>, Loc<D2> >
+   : public NewDomain2Base<Loc<D1>, Loc<D2>, Loc<D1+D2>, Loc<D1+D2> > { };
+ template <int D1, class T1, int D2, class T2> struct NewDomain2< Region<D1,T1>, Region<D2,T2> > : public NewDomain2Base< Region<D1,T1>, Region<D2,T2>, Region<D1+D2,T1>, Region<D1+D2,T1> > { };
+ template <int D1, class T1> struct NewDomain2< Region<D1,T1>, char > : public NewDomain2Base< Region<D1,T1>, char, Region<D1+1,T1>, Region<D1+1,T1> > { }; template <int D1, class T1> struct NewDomain2< char, Region<D1,T1> > : public NewDomain2Base< char, Region<D1,T1>, Region<D1+1,T1>, Region<D1+1,T1> > { };
+ template <int D1, class T1> struct NewDomain2< Region<D1,T1>, unsigned char > : public NewDomain2Base< Region<D1,T1>, unsigned char, Region<D1+1,T1>, Region<D1+1,T1> > { }; template <int D1, class T1> struct NewDomain2< unsigned char, Region<D1,T1> > : public NewDomain2Base< unsigned char, Region<D1,T1>, Region<D1+1,T1>, Region<D1+1,T1> > { };
+ template <int D1, class T1> struct NewDomain2< Region<D1,T1>, short > : public NewDomain2Base< Region<D1,T1>, short, Region<D1+1,T1>, Region<D1+1,T1> > { }; template <int D1, class T1> struct NewDomain2< short, Region<D1,T1> > : public NewDomain2Base< short, Region<D1,T1>, Region<D1+1,T1>, Region<D1+1,T1> > { };
+ template <int D1, class T1> struct NewDomain2< Region<D1,T1>, unsigned short > : public NewDomain2Base< Region<D1,T1>, unsigned short, Region<D1+1,T1>, Region<D1+1,T1> > { }; template <int D1, class T1> struct NewDomain2< unsigned short, Region<D1,T1> > : public NewDomain2Base< unsigned short, Region<D1,T1>, Region<D1+1,T1>, Region<D1+1,T1> > { };
+ template <int D1, class T1> struct NewDomain2< Region<D1,T1>, int > : public NewDomain2Base< Region<D1,T1>, int, Region<D1+1,T1>, Region<D1+1,T1> > { }; template <int D1, class T1> struct NewDomain2< int, Region<D1,T1> > : public NewDomain2Base< int, Region<D1,T1>, Region<D1+1,T1>, Region<D1+1,T1> > { };
+ template <int D1, class T1> struct NewDomain2< Region<D1,T1>, unsigned int > : public NewDomain2Base< Region<D1,T1>, unsigned int, Region<D1+1,T1>, Region<D1+1,T1> > { }; template <int D1, class T1> struct NewDomain2< unsigned int, Region<D1,T1> > : public NewDomain2Base< unsigned int, Region<D1,T1>, Region<D1+1,T1>, Region<D1+1,T1> > { };
+ template <int D1, class T1> struct NewDomain2< Region<D1,T1>, long > : public NewDomain2Base< Region<D1,T1>, long, Region<D1+1,T1>, Region<D1+1,T1> > { }; template <int D1, class T1> struct NewDomain2< long, Region<D1,T1> > : public NewDomain2Base< long, Region<D1,T1>, Region<D1+1,T1>, Region<D1+1,T1> > { };
+ template <int D1, class T1> struct NewDomain2< Region<D1,T1>, unsigned long > : public NewDomain2Base< Region<D1,T1>, unsigned long, Region<D1+1,T1>, Region<D1+1,T1> > { }; template <int D1, class T1> struct NewDomain2< unsigned long, Region<D1,T1> > : public NewDomain2Base< unsigned long, Region<D1,T1>, Region<D1+1,T1>, Region<D1+1,T1> > { };
+ template <int D1, class T1> struct NewDomain2< Region<D1,T1>, float > : public NewDomain2Base< Region<D1,T1>, float, Region<D1+1,T1>, Region<D1+1,T1> > { }; template <int D1, class T1> struct NewDomain2< float, Region<D1,T1> > : public NewDomain2Base< float, Region<D1,T1>, Region<D1+1,T1>, Region<D1+1,T1> > { };
+ template <int D1, class T1> struct NewDomain2< Region<D1,T1>, double > : public NewDomain2Base< Region<D1,T1>, double, Region<D1+1,T1>, Region<D1+1,T1> > { }; template <int D1, class T1> struct NewDomain2< double, Region<D1,T1> > : public NewDomain2Base< double, Region<D1,T1>, Region<D1+1,T1>, Region<D1+1,T1> > { };
+ template <int D1, class T1, int D2> struct NewDomain2< Region<D1,T1>, Range<D2> > : public NewDomain2Base< Region<D1,T1>, Range<D2>, Region<D1+D2,T1>, Region<D1+D2,T1> > { }; template <int D1, class T1, int D2> struct NewDomain2< Range<D2>, Region<D1,T1> > : public NewDomain2Base< Range<D2>, Region<D1,T1>, Region<D1+D2,T1>, Region<D1+D2,T1> > { };
+ template <int D1, class T1, int D2> struct NewDomain2< Region<D1,T1>, Interval<D2> > : public NewDomain2Base< Region<D1,T1>, Interval<D2>, Region<D1+D2,T1>, Region<D1+D2,T1> > { }; template <int D1, class T1, int D2> struct NewDomain2< Interval<D2>, Region<D1,T1> > : public NewDomain2Base< Interval<D2>, Region<D1,T1>, Region<D1+D2,T1>, Region<D1+D2,T1> > { };
+ template <int D1, class T1, int D2> struct NewDomain2< Region<D1,T1>, Loc<D2> > : public NewDomain2Base< Region<D1,T1>, Loc<D2>, Region<D1+D2,T1>, Region<D1+D2,T1> > { }; template <int D1, class T1, int D2> struct NewDomain2< Loc<D2>, Region<D1,T1> > : public NewDomain2Base< Loc<D2>, Region<D1,T1>, Region<D1+D2,T1>, Region<D1+D2,T1> > { };
+ template <int D1, class T1, int D2> struct NewDomain2< Region<D1,T1>, AllDomain<D2> > : public NewDomain2Base< Region<D1,T1>, AllDomain<D2>, Region<D1+D2,T1>, Region<D1+D2,T1> > { }; template <int D1, class T1, int D2> struct NewDomain2< AllDomain<D2>, Region<D1,T1> > : public NewDomain2Base< AllDomain<D2>, Region<D1,T1>, Region<D1+D2,T1>, Region<D1+D2,T1> > { };
+ template <int D1, class T1, int D2> struct NewDomain2< Region<D1,T1>, LeftDomain<D2> > : public NewDomain2Base< Region<D1,T1>, LeftDomain<D2>, Region<D1+D2,T1>, Region<D1+D2,T1> > { }; template <int D1, class T1, int D2> struct NewDomain2< LeftDomain<D2>, Region<D1,T1> > : public NewDomain2Base< LeftDomain<D2>, Region<D1,T1>, Region<D1+D2,T1>, Region<D1+D2,T1> > { };
+ template <int D1, class T1, int D2> struct NewDomain2< Region<D1,T1>, RightDomain<D2> > : public NewDomain2Base< Region<D1,T1>, RightDomain<D2>, Region<D1+D2,T1>, Region<D1+D2,T1> > { }; template <int D1, class T1, int D2> struct NewDomain2< RightDomain<D2>, Region<D1,T1> > : public NewDomain2Base< RightDomain<D2>, Region<D1,T1>, Region<D1+D2,T1>, Region<D1+D2,T1> > { };
+ template <> struct NewDomain2<double, double> : public NewDomain2Base< double, double, Region<2,double>, Region<2,double> > { };
+ template <> struct NewDomain2<float, float> : public NewDomain2Base< float, float, Region<2,float>, Region<2,float> > { };
+ template <> struct NewDomain2<double, char> : public NewDomain2Base< double, char, Region<2,double>, Region<2,double> > { }; template <> struct NewDomain2<char, double> : public NewDomain2Base< char, double, Region<2,double>, Region<2,double> > { };
+ template <> struct NewDomain2<double, unsigned char> : public NewDomain2Base< double, unsigned char, Region<2,double>, Region<2,double> > { }; template <> struct NewDomain2<unsigned char, double> : public NewDomain2Base< unsigned char, double, Region<2,double>, Region<2,double> > { };
+ template <> struct NewDomain2<double, short> : public NewDomain2Base< double, short, Region<2,double>, Region<2,double> > { }; template <> struct NewDomain2<short, double> : public NewDomain2Base< short, double, Region<2,double>, Region<2,double> > { };
+ template <> struct NewDomain2<double, unsigned short> : public NewDomain2Base< double, unsigned short, Region<2,double>, Region<2,double> > { }; template <> struct NewDomain2<unsigned short, double> : public NewDomain2Base< unsigned short, double, Region<2,double>, Region<2,double> > { };
+ template <> struct NewDomain2<double, int> : public NewDomain2Base< double, int, Region<2,double>, Region<2,double> > { }; template <> struct NewDomain2<int, double> : public NewDomain2Base< int, double, Region<2,double>, Region<2,double> > { };
+ template <> struct NewDomain2<double, unsigned int> : public NewDomain2Base< double, unsigned int, Region<2,double>, Region<2,double> > { }; template <> struct NewDomain2<unsigned int, double> : public NewDomain2Base< unsigned int, double, Region<2,double>, Region<2,double> > { };
+ template <> struct NewDomain2<double, long> : public NewDomain2Base< double, long, Region<2,double>, Region<2,double> > { }; template <> struct NewDomain2<long, double> : public NewDomain2Base< long, double, Region<2,double>, Region<2,double> > { };
+ template <> struct NewDomain2<double, unsigned long> : public NewDomain2Base< double, unsigned long, Region<2,double>, Region<2,double> > { }; template <> struct NewDomain2<unsigned long, double> : public NewDomain2Base< unsigned long, double, Region<2,double>, Region<2,double> > { };
+ template <> struct NewDomain2<double, float> : public NewDomain2Base< double, float, Region<2,double>, Region<2,double> > { }; template <> struct NewDomain2<float, double> : public NewDomain2Base< float, double, Region<2,double>, Region<2,double> > { };
+ template <> struct NewDomain2<float, char> : public NewDomain2Base< float, char, Region<2,float>, Region<2,float> > { }; template <> struct NewDomain2<char, float> : public NewDomain2Base< char, float, Region<2,float>, Region<2,float> > { };
+ template <> struct NewDomain2<float, unsigned char> : public NewDomain2Base< float, unsigned char, Region<2,float>, Region<2,float> > { }; template <> struct NewDomain2<unsigned char, float> : public NewDomain2Base< unsigned char, float, Region<2,float>, Region<2,float> > { };
+ template <> struct NewDomain2<float, short> : public NewDomain2Base< float, short, Region<2,float>, Region<2,float> > { }; template <> struct NewDomain2<short, float> : public NewDomain2Base< short, float, Region<2,float>, Region<2,float> > { };
+ template <> struct NewDomain2<float, unsigned short> : public NewDomain2Base< float, unsigned short, Region<2,float>, Region<2,float> > { }; template <> struct NewDomain2<unsigned short, float> : public NewDomain2Base< unsigned short, float, Region<2,float>, Region<2,float> > { };
+ template <> struct NewDomain2<float, int> : public NewDomain2Base< float, int, Region<2,float>, Region<2,float> > { }; template <> struct NewDomain2<int, float> : public NewDomain2Base< int, float, Region<2,float>, Region<2,float> > { };
+ template <> struct NewDomain2<float, unsigned int> : public NewDomain2Base< float, unsigned int, Region<2,float>, Region<2,float> > { }; template <> struct NewDomain2<unsigned int, float> : public NewDomain2Base< unsigned int, float, Region<2,float>, Region<2,float> > { };
+ template <> struct NewDomain2<float, long> : public NewDomain2Base< float, long, Region<2,float>, Region<2,float> > { }; template <> struct NewDomain2<long, float> : public NewDomain2Base< long, float, Region<2,float>, Region<2,float> > { };
+ template <> struct NewDomain2<float, unsigned long> : public NewDomain2Base< float, unsigned long, Region<2,float>, Region<2,float> > { }; template <> struct NewDomain2<unsigned long, float> : public NewDomain2Base< unsigned long, float, Region<2,float>, Region<2,float> > { };
+ template <int D1> struct NewDomain2< double, Loc<D1> > : public NewDomain2Base< double, Loc<D1>, Region<D1+1,double>, Region<D1+1,double> > { }; template <int D1> struct NewDomain2< Loc<D1>, double > : public NewDomain2Base< Loc<D1>, double, Region<D1+1,double>, Region<D1+1,double> > { };
+ template <int D1> struct NewDomain2< double, Interval<D1> > : public NewDomain2Base< double, Interval<D1>, Region<D1+1,double>, Region<D1+1,double> > { }; template <int D1> struct NewDomain2< Interval<D1>, double > : public NewDomain2Base< Interval<D1>, double, Region<D1+1,double>, Region<D1+1,double> > { };
+ template <int D1> struct NewDomain2< double, Range<D1> > : public NewDomain2Base< double, Range<D1>, Region<D1+1,double>, Region<D1+1,double> > { }; template <int D1> struct NewDomain2< Range<D1>, double > : public NewDomain2Base< Range<D1>, double, Region<D1+1,double>, Region<D1+1,double> > { };
+ template <int D1> struct NewDomain2< float, Loc<D1> > : public NewDomain2Base< float, Loc<D1>, Region<D1+1,float>, Region<D1+1,float> > { }; template <int D1> struct NewDomain2< Loc<D1>, float > : public NewDomain2Base< Loc<D1>, float, Region<D1+1,float>, Region<D1+1,float> > { };
+ template <int D1> struct NewDomain2< float, Interval<D1> > : public NewDomain2Base< float, Interval<D1>, Region<D1+1,float>, Region<D1+1,float> > { }; template <int D1> struct NewDomain2< Interval<D1>, float > : public NewDomain2Base< Interval<D1>, float, Region<D1+1,float>, Region<D1+1,float> > { };
+ template <int D1> struct NewDomain2< float, Range<D1> > : public NewDomain2Base< float, Range<D1>, Region<D1+1,float>, Region<D1+1,float> > { }; template <int D1> struct NewDomain2< Range<D1>, float > : public NewDomain2Base< Range<D1>, float, Region<D1+1,float>, Region<D1+1,float> > { };
+ template<class ND, class T>
+ struct NewDomainNBase
+ {
+   typedef typename ND::Type_t PrevType_t;
+   typedef typename ND::SliceType_t PrevSliceType_t;
+   typedef typename NewDomain2<PrevType_t,T>::Type_t Type_t;
+   typedef typename NewDomain2<PrevSliceType_t,T>::SliceType_t SliceType_t;
+ };
+ template<class T1>
+ struct NewDomain1
+ {
+   typedef typename DomainTraits<T1>::Domain_t Type_t;
+   typedef typename DomainTraits<T1>::NewDomain1_t SliceType_t;
+   enum { DX1 = DomainTraits<T1>::sliceDimensions };
+   inline static Type_t combine(const T1 &a)
+     {
+       Type_t retval = Pooma::NoInit();
+       return fill(retval, a);
+     }
+   template<class RT>
+   inline static RT &fill(RT &retval, const T1 &a)
+     {
+       CombineDomain<RT,T1,0>::combine(retval,a);
+       return retval;
+     }
+   template<class UT>
+   inline static SliceType_t combineSlice(const UT &u, const T1 &a)
+     {
+       SliceType_t retval = Pooma::NoInit();
+       return fillSlice(retval, u, a);
+     }
+   template<class RT, class UT>
+   inline static RT &fillSlice(RT &retval, const UT &u,
+          const T1 &a)
+     {
+       enum { RDX =
+         DomainTraits<RT>::dimensions > DomainTraits<RT>::sliceDimensions };
+       CombineSliceDomain<RT,UT,T1,0,0,(DX1>0 && RDX)>::combine(retval,u,a);
+       return retval;
+     }
+ };
+ template<class T1, class T2, class T3>
+ struct NewDomain3 : public NewDomainNBase<NewDomain2<T1,T2>, T3>
+ {
+   typedef typename NewDomainNBase<NewDomain2<T1,T2>, T3>::Type_t Type_t;
+   typedef typename NewDomainNBase<NewDomain2<T1,T2>, T3>::SliceType_t SliceType_t;
+   enum { S2 = DomainTraits<T1>::dimensions };
+   enum { S3 = S2 + DomainTraits<T2>::dimensions };
+   enum { DX1 = DomainTraits<T1>::sliceDimensions };
+   enum { DX2 = DomainTraits<T2>::sliceDimensions };
+   enum { DX3 = DomainTraits<T3>::sliceDimensions };
+   inline static Type_t combine(const T1 &a, const T2 &b, const T3 &c)
+     {
+       Type_t retval = Pooma::NoInit();
+       return fill(retval, a, b, c);
+     }
+   template<class RT>
+   inline static RT &fill(RT &retval,
+     const T1 &a, const T2 &b, const T3 &c)
+     {
+       CombineDomain<RT,T1,0>::combine(retval,a);
+       CombineDomain<RT,T2,S2>::combine(retval,b);
+       CombineDomain<RT,T3,S3>::combine(retval,c);
+       return retval;
+     }
+   template<class UT>
+   inline static SliceType_t combineSlice(const UT &u,
+       const T1 &a, const T2 &b, const T3 &c)
+     {
+       SliceType_t retval = Pooma::NoInit();
+       return fillSlice(retval, u, a, b, c);
+     }
+   template<class RT, class UT>
+   inline static RT &fillSlice(RT &retval, const UT &u,
+          const T1 &a, const T2 &b, const T3 &c)
+     {
+       enum { RDX =
+         DomainTraits<RT>::dimensions > DomainTraits<RT>::sliceDimensions };
+       CombineSliceDomain<RT,UT,T1,0,0,(DX1>0 && RDX)>::combine(retval,u,a);
+       CombineSliceDomain<RT,UT,T2,S2,DX1,(DX2>0 && RDX)>::combine(retval,u,b);
+       CombineSliceDomain<RT,UT,T3,S3,DX1+DX2,(DX3>0 && RDX)>::
+         combine(retval,u,c);
+       return retval;
+     }
+ };
+ template<class T1, class T2, class T3, class T4>
+ struct NewDomain4 : public NewDomainNBase<NewDomain3<T1,T2,T3>, T4>
+ {
+   typedef typename NewDomainNBase<NewDomain3<T1,T2,T3>, T4>::Type_t Type_t;
+   typedef typename NewDomainNBase<NewDomain3<T1,T2,T3>, T4>::SliceType_t
+     SliceType_t;
+   enum { S2 = DomainTraits<T1>::dimensions };
+   enum { S3 = S2 + DomainTraits<T2>::dimensions };
+   enum { S4 = S3 + DomainTraits<T3>::dimensions };
+   enum { DX1 = DomainTraits<T1>::sliceDimensions };
+   enum { DX2 = DomainTraits<T2>::sliceDimensions };
+   enum { DX3 = DomainTraits<T3>::sliceDimensions };
+   enum { DX4 = DomainTraits<T4>::sliceDimensions };
+   inline static Type_t combine(const T1 &a, const T2 &b, const T3 &c,
+           const T4 &d)
+     {
+       Type_t retval = Pooma::NoInit();
+       return fill(retval, a, b, c, d);
+     }
+   template<class RT>
+   inline static RT &fill(RT &retval,
+     const T1 &a, const T2 &b, const T3 &c,
+     const T4 &d)
+     {
+       CombineDomain<RT,T1,0>::combine(retval,a);
+       CombineDomain<RT,T2,S2>::combine(retval,b);
+       CombineDomain<RT,T3,S3>::combine(retval,c);
+       CombineDomain<RT,T4,S4>::combine(retval,d);
+       return retval;
+     }
+   template<class UT>
+   inline static SliceType_t combineSlice(const UT &u,
+       const T1 &a, const T2 &b, const T3 &c,
+       const T4 &d)
+     {
+       SliceType_t retval = Pooma::NoInit();
+       return fillSlice(retval, u, a, b, c, d);
+     }
+   template<class RT, class UT>
+   inline static RT &fillSlice(RT &retval, const UT &u,
+          const T1 &a, const T2 &b, const T3 &c,
+          const T4 &d)
+     {
+       enum { RDX =
+         DomainTraits<RT>::dimensions > DomainTraits<RT>::sliceDimensions };
+       CombineSliceDomain<RT,UT,T1,0,0,(DX1>0 && RDX)>::combine(retval,u,a);
+       CombineSliceDomain<RT,UT,T2,S2,DX1,(DX2>0 && RDX)>::combine(retval,u,b);
+       CombineSliceDomain<RT,UT,T3,S3,DX1+DX2,(DX3>0 && RDX)>::
+         combine(retval,u,c);
+       CombineSliceDomain<RT,UT,T4,S4,DX1+DX2+DX3,(DX4>0 && RDX)>::
+         combine(retval,u,d);
+       return retval;
+     }
+ };
+ template<class T1, class T2, class T3, class T4, class T5>
+ struct NewDomain5 : public NewDomainNBase<NewDomain4<T1,T2,T3,T4>, T5>
+ {
+   typedef typename NewDomainNBase<NewDomain4<T1,T2,T3,T4>, T5>::Type_t Type_t;
+   typedef typename NewDomainNBase<NewDomain4<T1,T2,T3,T4>, T5>::SliceType_t
+     SliceType_t;
+   enum { S2 = DomainTraits<T1>::dimensions };
+   enum { S3 = S2 + DomainTraits<T2>::dimensions };
+   enum { S4 = S3 + DomainTraits<T3>::dimensions };
+   enum { S5 = S4 + DomainTraits<T4>::dimensions };
+   enum { DX1 = DomainTraits<T1>::sliceDimensions };
+   enum { DX2 = DomainTraits<T2>::sliceDimensions };
+   enum { DX3 = DomainTraits<T3>::sliceDimensions };
+   enum { DX4 = DomainTraits<T4>::sliceDimensions };
+   enum { DX5 = DomainTraits<T5>::sliceDimensions };
+   inline static Type_t combine(const T1 &a, const T2 &b, const T3 &c,
+           const T4 &d, const T5 &e)
+     {
+       Type_t retval = Pooma::NoInit();
+       return fill(retval, a, b, c, d, e);
+     }
+   template<class RT>
+   inline static RT &fill(RT &retval,
+     const T1 &a, const T2 &b, const T3 &c,
+     const T4 &d, const T5 &e)
+     {
+       CombineDomain<RT,T1,0>::combine(retval,a);
+       CombineDomain<RT,T2,S2>::combine(retval,b);
+       CombineDomain<RT,T3,S3>::combine(retval,c);
+       CombineDomain<RT,T4,S4>::combine(retval,d);
+       CombineDomain<RT,T5,S5>::combine(retval,e);
+       return retval;
+     }
+   template<class UT>
+   inline static SliceType_t combineSlice(const UT &u,
+       const T1 &a, const T2 &b, const T3 &c,
+       const T4 &d, const T5 &e)
+     {
+       SliceType_t retval = Pooma::NoInit();
+       return fillSlice(retval, u, a, b, c, d, e);
+     }
+   template<class RT, class UT>
+   inline static RT &fillSlice(RT &retval, const UT &u,
+          const T1 &a, const T2 &b, const T3 &c,
+          const T4 &d, const T5 &e)
+     {
+       enum { RDX =
+         DomainTraits<RT>::dimensions > DomainTraits<RT>::sliceDimensions };
+       CombineSliceDomain<RT,UT,T1,0,0,(DX1>0 && RDX)>::combine(retval,u,a);
+       CombineSliceDomain<RT,UT,T2,S2,DX1,(DX2>0 && RDX)>::combine(retval,u,b);
+       CombineSliceDomain<RT,UT,T3,S3,DX1+DX2,(DX3>0 && RDX)>::
+         combine(retval,u,c);
+       CombineSliceDomain<RT,UT,T4,S4,DX1+DX2+DX3,(DX4>0 && RDX)>::
+         combine(retval,u,d);
+       CombineSliceDomain<RT,UT,T5,S5,DX1+DX2+DX3+DX4,(DX5>0 && RDX)>::
+         combine(retval,u,e);
+       return retval;
+     }
+ };
+ template<class T1, class T2, class T3, class T4, class T5, class T6>
+ struct NewDomain6 : public NewDomainNBase<NewDomain5<T1,T2,T3,T4,T5>, T6>
+ {
+   typedef typename
+     NewDomainNBase<NewDomain5<T1,T2,T3,T4,T5>, T6>::Type_t Type_t;
+   typedef typename
+     NewDomainNBase<NewDomain5<T1,T2,T3,T4,T5>, T6>::SliceType_t SliceType_t;
+   enum { S2 = DomainTraits<T1>::dimensions };
+   enum { S3 = S2 + DomainTraits<T2>::dimensions };
+   enum { S4 = S3 + DomainTraits<T3>::dimensions };
+   enum { S5 = S4 + DomainTraits<T4>::dimensions };
+   enum { S6 = S5 + DomainTraits<T5>::dimensions };
+   enum { DX1 = DomainTraits<T1>::sliceDimensions };
+   enum { DX2 = DomainTraits<T2>::sliceDimensions };
+   enum { DX3 = DomainTraits<T3>::sliceDimensions };
+   enum { DX4 = DomainTraits<T4>::sliceDimensions };
+   enum { DX5 = DomainTraits<T5>::sliceDimensions };
+   enum { DX6 = DomainTraits<T6>::sliceDimensions };
+   inline static Type_t combine(const T1 &a, const T2 &b,
+           const T3 &c, const T4 &d,
+           const T5 &e, const T6 &f)
+     {
+       Type_t retval = Pooma::NoInit();
+       return fill(retval, a, b, c, d, e, f);
+     }
+   template<class RT>
+   inline static RT &fill(RT &retval,
+     const T1 &a, const T2 &b,
+     const T3 &c, const T4 &d,
+     const T5 &e, const T6 &f)
+     {
+       CombineDomain<RT,T1,0>::combine(retval,a);
+       CombineDomain<RT,T2,S2>::combine(retval,b);
+       CombineDomain<RT,T3,S3>::combine(retval,c);
+       CombineDomain<RT,T4,S4>::combine(retval,d);
+       CombineDomain<RT,T5,S5>::combine(retval,e);
+       CombineDomain<RT,T6,S6>::combine(retval,f);
+       return retval;
+     }
+   template<class UT>
+   inline static SliceType_t combineSlice(const UT &u,
+       const T1 &a, const T2 &b,
+       const T3 &c, const T4 &d,
+       const T5 &e, const T6 &f)
+     {
+       SliceType_t retval = Pooma::NoInit();
+       return fillSlice(retval, u, a, b, c, d, e, f);
+     }
+   template<class RT, class UT>
+   inline static RT &fillSlice(RT &retval, const UT &u,
+          const T1 &a, const T2 &b, const T3 &c,
+          const T4 &d, const T5 &e, const T6 &f)
+     {
+       enum { RDX =
+         DomainTraits<RT>::dimensions > DomainTraits<RT>::sliceDimensions };
+       CombineSliceDomain<RT,UT,T1,0,0,(DX1>0 && RDX)>::combine(retval,u,a);
+       CombineSliceDomain<RT,UT,T2,S2,DX1,(DX2>0 && RDX)>::combine(retval,u,b);
+       CombineSliceDomain<RT,UT,T3,S3,DX1+DX2,(DX3>0 && RDX)>::
+         combine(retval,u,c);
+       CombineSliceDomain<RT,UT,T4,S4,DX1+DX2+DX3,(DX4>0 && RDX)>::
+         combine(retval,u,d);
+       CombineSliceDomain<RT,UT,T5,S5,DX1+DX2+DX3+DX4,(DX5>0 && RDX)>::
+         combine(retval,u,e);
+       CombineSliceDomain<RT,UT,T6,S6,DX1+DX2+DX3+DX4+DX5,(DX6>0 && RDX)>::
+         combine(retval,u,f);
+       return retval;
+     }
+ };
+ template<class T1, class T2, class T3, class T4, class T5, class T6, class T7>
+ struct NewDomain7 : public NewDomainNBase<NewDomain6<T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6>, T7>
+ {
+   typedef typename
+     NewDomainNBase<NewDomain6<T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6>, T7>::Type_t Type_t;
+   typedef typename
+     NewDomainNBase<NewDomain6<T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6>, T7>::SliceType_t SliceType_t;
+   enum { S2 = DomainTraits<T1>::dimensions };
+   enum { S3 = S2 + DomainTraits<T2>::dimensions };
+   enum { S4 = S3 + DomainTraits<T3>::dimensions };
+   enum { S5 = S4 + DomainTraits<T4>::dimensions };
+   enum { S6 = S5 + DomainTraits<T5>::dimensions };
+   enum { S7 = S6 + DomainTraits<T6>::dimensions };
+   enum { DX1 = DomainTraits<T1>::sliceDimensions };
+   enum { DX2 = DomainTraits<T2>::sliceDimensions };
+   enum { DX3 = DomainTraits<T3>::sliceDimensions };
+   enum { DX4 = DomainTraits<T4>::sliceDimensions };
+   enum { DX5 = DomainTraits<T5>::sliceDimensions };
+   enum { DX6 = DomainTraits<T6>::sliceDimensions };
+   enum { DX7 = DomainTraits<T7>::sliceDimensions };
+   inline static Type_t combine(const T1 &a, const T2 &b,
+           const T3 &c, const T4 &d,
+           const T5 &e, const T6 &f,
+           const T7 &g)
+     {
+       Type_t retval = Pooma::NoInit();
+       NewDomain7<T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7>::fill(retval, a, b, c, d, e, f, g);
+       return fill(retval, a, b, c, d, e, f,g);
+     }
+   template<class RT>
+   inline static RT &fill(RT &retval,
+     const T1 &a, const T2 &b,
+     const T3 &c, const T4 &d,
+     const T5 &e, const T6 &f,
+     const T7 &g)
+     {
+       CombineDomain<RT,T1,0>::combine(retval,a);
+       CombineDomain<RT,T2,S2>::combine(retval,b);
+       CombineDomain<RT,T3,S3>::combine(retval,c);
+       CombineDomain<RT,T4,S4>::combine(retval,d);
+       CombineDomain<RT,T5,S5>::combine(retval,e);
+       CombineDomain<RT,T6,S6>::combine(retval,f);
+       CombineDomain<RT,T7,S7>::combine(retval,g);
+       return retval;
+     }
+   template<class UT>
+   inline static SliceType_t combineSlice(const UT &u,
+       const T1 &a, const T2 &b,
+       const T3 &c, const T4 &d,
+       const T5 &e, const T6 &f,
+       const T7 &g)
+     {
+       SliceType_t retval = Pooma::NoInit();
+       return fillSlice(retval, u, a, b, c, d, e, f, g);
+     }
+   template<class RT, class UT>
+   inline static RT &fillSlice(RT &retval, const UT &u,
+          const T1 &a, const T2 &b,
+          const T3 &c, const T4 &d,
+          const T5 &e, const T6 &f,
+          const T7 &g)
+     {
+       enum { RDX =
+         DomainTraits<RT>::dimensions > DomainTraits<RT>::sliceDimensions };
+       CombineSliceDomain<RT,UT,T1,0,0,(DX1>0 && RDX)>::combine(retval,u,a);
+       CombineSliceDomain<RT,UT,T2,S2,DX1,(DX2>0 && RDX)>::combine(retval,u,b);
+       CombineSliceDomain<RT,UT,T3,S3,DX1+DX2,(DX3>0 && RDX)>::
+         combine(retval,u,c);
+       CombineSliceDomain<RT,UT,T4,S4,DX1+DX2+DX3,(DX4>0 && RDX)>::
+         combine(retval,u,d);
+       CombineSliceDomain<RT,UT,T5,S5,DX1+DX2+DX3+DX4,(DX5>0 && RDX)>::
+         combine(retval,u,e);
+       CombineSliceDomain<RT,UT,T6,S6,DX1+DX2+DX3+DX4+DX5,(DX6>0 && RDX)>::
+         combine(retval,u,f);
+       CombineSliceDomain<RT,UT,T7,S7,DX1+DX2+DX3+DX4+DX5+DX6,(DX7>0 && RDX)>::
+         combine(retval,u,g);
+       return retval;
+     }
+ };
+ template<class Domain, class Sub>
+ struct TemporaryNewDomain1
+ {
+   typedef typename NewDomain1<Sub>::SliceType_t SliceType_t;
+   static inline
+   SliceType_t combineSlice(const Domain &d, const Sub &s)
+   {
+     return NewDomain1<Sub>::combineSlice(d, s);
+   }
+ };
+ template<class Domain, int N>
+ struct TemporaryNewDomain1<Domain, AllDomain<N> >
+ {
+   typedef Domain SliceType_t;
+   static inline
+   const SliceType_t &combineSlice(const Domain &d, const AllDomain<N> &)
+   {
+     return d;
+   }
+ };
+ template<int Dim>
+ class Interval : public Domain<Dim, DomainTraits<Interval<Dim> > >
+ {
+   typedef DomainTraits< Interval<Dim> > DT_t;
+   typedef Domain<Dim, DT_t> Base_t;
+ public:
+   typedef typename Base_t::iterator iterator;
+   typedef typename Base_t::const_iterator const_iterator;
+   typedef typename Base_t::blockIterator blockIterator;
+   typedef typename Base_t::const_blockIterator const_blockIterator;
+   typedef typename DT_t::Element_t Element_t;
+   typedef typename DT_t::Domain_t Domain_t;
+   typedef typename DT_t::OneDomain_t OneDomain_t;
+   typedef typename DT_t::BlockDomain_t BlockDomain_t;
+   typedef typename DT_t::AskDomain_t AskDomain_t;
+   typedef typename DT_t::AddResult_t AddResult_t;
+   typedef typename DT_t::MultResult_t MultResult_t;
+   typedef typename DT_t::Storage_t Storage_t;
+   enum { domain = DT_t::domain };
+   enum { dimensions = DT_t::dimensions,
+   sliceDimensions = DT_t::sliceDimensions };
+   enum { loopAware = DT_t::loopAware };
+   enum { singleValued = DT_t::singleValued };
+   enum { unitStride = DT_t::unitStride };
+   enum { wildcard = DT_t::wildcard };
+   Interval() { }
+   Interval(const Interval<Dim> &a)
+     : Domain<Dim, DomainTraits<Interval<Dim> > >(Pooma::NoInit()) {
+     NewDomain1<Interval<Dim> >::fill(*this, a);
+   }
+   Interval(const Pooma::NoInit &a)
+     : Domain<Dim, DomainTraits<Interval<Dim> > >(a)
+   { }
+   template<class T1>
+   explicit Interval(const T1 &a)
+     : Domain<Dim, DomainTraits<Interval<Dim> > >(Pooma::NoInit()) {
+     NewDomain1<T1>::fill(*this, a);
+   }
+   template<class T1, class T2>
+   Interval(const T1 &a, const T2 &b)
+     : Domain<Dim, DomainTraits<Interval<Dim> > >(Pooma::NoInit()) {
+     NewDomain2<T1,T2>::fill(*this, a, b);
+   }
+   template<class T1, class T2, class T3>
+   Interval(const T1 &a, const T2 &b, const T3 &c)
+     : Domain<Dim, DomainTraits<Interval<Dim> > >(Pooma::NoInit()) {
+     NewDomain3<T1,T2,T3>::fill(*this, a, b, c);
+   }
+   template<class T1, class T2, class T3, class T4>
+   Interval(const T1 &a, const T2 &b, const T3 &c, const T4 &d)
+     : Domain<Dim, DomainTraits<Interval<Dim> > >(Pooma::NoInit()) {
+     NewDomain4<T1,T2,T3,T4>::fill(*this, a, b, c, d);
+   }
+   template<class T1, class T2, class T3, class T4, class T5>
+   Interval(const T1 &a, const T2 &b, const T3 &c, const T4 &d, const T5 &e)
+     : Domain<Dim, DomainTraits<Interval<Dim> > >(Pooma::NoInit()) {
+     NewDomain5<T1,T2,T3,T4,T5>::fill(*this, a, b, c, d, e);
+   }
+   template<class T1, class T2, class T3, class T4, class T5,
+            class T6>
+   Interval(const T1 &a, const T2 &b, const T3 &c, const T4 &d, const T5 &e,
+       const T6 &f)
+     : Domain<Dim, DomainTraits<Interval<Dim> > >(Pooma::NoInit()) {
+     NewDomain6<T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6>::fill(*this, a, b, c, d, e, f);
+   }
+   template<class T1, class T2, class T3, class T4, class T5,
+            class T6, class T7>
+   Interval(const T1 &a, const T2 &b, const T3 &c, const T4 &d, const T5 &e,
+       const T6 &f, const T7 &g)
+     : Domain<Dim, DomainTraits<Interval<Dim> > >(Pooma::NoInit()) {
+     NewDomain7<T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7>::fill(*this, a, b, c, d, e, f, g);
+   }
+   ~Interval() { }
+   template<class T>
+   Interval<Dim> &operator=(const T &newdom) {
+     return NewDomain1<T>::fill(*this, newdom);
+   }
+   Interval<Dim> &operator=(const Interval<Dim> &newdom) {
+     return NewDomain1<Interval<Dim> >::fill(*this, newdom);
+   }
+ protected:
+ private:
+ };
+ template<>
+ class Interval<1> : public Domain<1, DomainTraits<Interval<1> > >
+ {
+   typedef DomainTraits< Interval<1> > DT_t;
+ public:
+   typedef DT_t::Element_t Element_t;
+   typedef DT_t::Domain_t Domain_t;
+   typedef DT_t::OneDomain_t OneDomain_t;
+   typedef DT_t::BlockDomain_t BlockDomain_t;
+   typedef DT_t::AskDomain_t AskDomain_t;
+   typedef DT_t::AddResult_t AddResult_t;
+   typedef DT_t::MultResult_t MultResult_t;
+   typedef DT_t::Storage_t Storage_t;
+   enum { domain = DT_t::domain };
+   enum { dimensions = DT_t::dimensions,
+   sliceDimensions = DT_t::sliceDimensions };
+   enum { loopAware = DT_t::loopAware };
+   enum { singleValued = DT_t::singleValued };
+   enum { unitStride = DT_t::unitStride };
+   enum { wildcard = DT_t::wildcard };
+   Interval() { }
+   Interval(const Interval<1> &a)
+     : Domain<1, DomainTraits<Interval<1> > >(Pooma::NoInit()) {
+     NewDomain1<Interval<1> >::fill(*this, a);
+   }
+   Interval(const Pooma::NoInit &a)
+     : Domain<1, DomainTraits<Interval<1> > >(a)
+   { }
+   template<class T1>
+   explicit Interval(const T1 &a)
+     : Domain<1, DomainTraits<Interval<1> > >(Pooma::NoInit()) {
+     NewDomain1<T1>::fill(*this, a);
+   }
+   Interval(char a)
+     : Domain<1, DomainTraits<Interval<1> > >(Pooma::NoInit()) {
+     DomainTraits<Interval<1> >::setDomain(domain_m, 0, a - 1);
+   }
+   Interval(unsigned char a)
+     : Domain<1, DomainTraits<Interval<1> > >(Pooma::NoInit()) {
+     DomainTraits<Interval<1> >::setDomain(domain_m, 0, a - 1);
+   }
+   Interval(short a)
+     : Domain<1, DomainTraits<Interval<1> > >(Pooma::NoInit()) {
+     DomainTraits<Interval<1> >::setDomain(domain_m, 0, a - 1);
+   }
+   Interval(unsigned short a)
+     : Domain<1, DomainTraits<Interval<1> > >(Pooma::NoInit()) {
+     DomainTraits<Interval<1> >::setDomain(domain_m, 0, a - 1);
+   }
+   Interval(int a)
+     : Domain<1, DomainTraits<Interval<1> > >(Pooma::NoInit()) {
+     DomainTraits<Interval<1> >::setDomain(domain_m, 0, a - 1);
+   }
+   Interval(unsigned int a)
+     : Domain<1, DomainTraits<Interval<1> > >(Pooma::NoInit()) {
+     DomainTraits<Interval<1> >::setDomain(domain_m, 0, a - 1);
+   }
+   Interval(long a)
+     : Domain<1, DomainTraits<Interval<1> > >(Pooma::NoInit()) {
+     DomainTraits<Interval<1> >::setDomain(domain_m, 0, a - 1);
+   }
+   Interval(unsigned long a)
+     : Domain<1, DomainTraits<Interval<1> > >(Pooma::NoInit()) {
+     DomainTraits<Interval<1> >::setDomain(domain_m, 0, a - 1);
+   }
+   template<class T1, class T2>
+   Interval(const T1 &m, const T2 &n);
+   template<class T1, class T2, class T3>
+   Interval(const T1 &m, const T2 &n, const T3 &s);
+   template<class T>
+   Interval<1> &operator=(const T &newdom) {
+     return NewDomain1<T>::fill(*this, newdom);
+   }
+   Interval<1> &operator=(const Interval<1> &newdom) {
+     return NewDomain1<Interval<1> >::fill(*this, newdom);
+   }
+   const OneDomain_t &operator[](int d) const { return *this; }
+   OneDomain_t &operator[](int d) { return *this; }
+ };
+ template <class T1, class T2>
+ inline
+ Interval<1>::Interval(const T1 &m, const T2 &n)
+   : Domain<1, DomainTraits<Interval<1> > >(Pooma::NoInit()) {
+   DomainTraits<Interval<1> >::setDomain(domain_m, m, n);
+ }
+ template <class T1, class T2, class T3>
+ inline
+ Interval<1>::Interval(const T1 &m, const T2 &n, const T3 &s)
+   : Domain<1, DomainTraits<Interval<1> > >(Pooma::NoInit()) {
+   ;
+   DomainTraits<Interval<1> >::setDomain(domain_m, m, n);
+ }
+ template <int Dim> class Loc;
+ template <> class Loc<1>;
+ template <int Dim> class Interval;
+ template <> class Interval<1>;
+ template<int Dim>
+ struct DomainTraits< Loc<Dim> >
+   : public DomainTraitsDomain<Loc<Dim>, int, Dim>
+ {
+   typedef DomainTraitsDomain<Loc<Dim>, int, Dim> Base_t;
+   typedef typename Base_t::Element_t Element_t;
+   typedef typename Base_t::Domain_t Domain_t;
+   typedef typename Base_t::NewDomain1_t NewDomain1_t;
+   typedef Loc<1> OneDomain_t;
+   typedef Loc<1> PointDomain_t;
+   typedef Interval<Dim> BlockDomain_t;
+   typedef Loc<Dim> AskDomain_t;
+   typedef Loc<Dim> AddResult_t;
+   typedef Loc<Dim> MultResult_t;
+   typedef WrapNoInit<OneDomain_t> Storage_t[Dim];
+   enum { domain = Base_t::domain };
+   enum { dimensions = Base_t::dimensions,
+   sliceDimensions = 0 };
+   enum { loopAware = false };
+   enum { singleValued = true };
+   enum { unitStride = true };
+   enum { wildcard = false };
+   inline
+   static OneDomain_t &getDomain(Domain_t &d, int n) {
+     return d[n];
+   }
+   inline
+   static const OneDomain_t &getDomain(const Domain_t &d, int n) {
+     return d[n];
+   }
+   inline
+   static PointDomain_t &getPointDomain(Domain_t &d, int n) {
+     return d[n];
+   }
+   inline
+   static const PointDomain_t &getPointDomain(const Domain_t &d, int n) {
+     return d[n];
+   }
+   static void initializeStorage(Storage_t &dom) {
+     Dom1Initialize<Dim-1>::template apply<DomainTraits<Loc<Dim> > >(dom);
+   }
+   template<class T>
+   inline
+   static void addAccum(Storage_t &dom, const T &newdom)
+   {
+     PoomaCTAssert<(DomainTraits<T>::singleValued && (DomainTraits<T>::dimensions == 1 || DomainTraits<T>::dimensions == dimensions ))>::test();
+     if (DomainTraits<T>::dimensions > 1)
+       for (int i = 0;i< DomainTraits<T>::dimensions ; ++i)
+  dom[i] += DomainTraits<T>::getFirst(newdom[i]);
+     else
+       for (int i = 0;i< dimensions ; ++i)
+  dom[i] += DomainTraits<T>::getFirst(newdom[0]);
+   }
+   template<class T>
+   inline
+   static void subtractAccum(Storage_t &dom, const T &newdom)
+   {
+     PoomaCTAssert<(DomainTraits<T>::singleValued && (DomainTraits<T>::dimensions == 1 || DomainTraits<T>::dimensions == dimensions ))>::test();
+     if (DomainTraits<T>::dimensions > 1)
+       for (int i = 0;i< DomainTraits<T>::dimensions ; ++i)
+  dom[i] -= DomainTraits<T>::getFirst(newdom[i]);
+     else
+       for (int i = 0;i< dimensions ; ++i)
+  dom[i] -= DomainTraits<T>::getFirst(newdom);
+   }
+   template<class T>
+   static void multiplyAccum(Storage_t &dom, const T &newdom)
+   {
+     PoomaCTAssert<(DomainTraits<T>::singleValued && (DomainTraits<T>::dimensions == 1 || DomainTraits<T>::dimensions == dimensions ))>::test();
+     if (DomainTraits<T>::dimensions > 1)
+       for (int i = 0;i< DomainTraits<T>::dimensions ; ++i)
+  dom[i] *= DomainTraits<T>::getFirst(newdom[i]);
+     else
+       for (int i = 0;i< dimensions ; ++i)
+  dom[i] *= DomainTraits<T>::getFirst(newdom);
+   }
+   template<class T>
+   static void divideAccum(Storage_t &dom, const T &newdom)
+   {
+     PoomaCTAssert<(DomainTraits<T>::singleValued && (DomainTraits<T>::dimensions == 1 || DomainTraits<T>::dimensions == dimensions ))>::test();
+     if (DomainTraits<T>::dimensions > 1)
+       for (int i = 0;i< DomainTraits<T>::dimensions ; ++i)
+  dom[i] /= DomainTraits<T>::getFirst(newdom[i]);
+     else
+       for (int i = 0;i< dimensions ; ++i)
+  dom[i] /= DomainTraits<T>::getFirst(newdom);
+   }
+ };
+ template<>
+ struct DomainTraits< Loc<1> >
+   : public DomainTraitsDomain<Loc<1>, int, 1>
+ {
+   typedef Loc<1> OneDomain_t;
+   typedef Loc<1> PointDomain_t;
+   typedef Interval<1> BlockDomain_t;
+   typedef Loc<1> AskDomain_t;
+   typedef Loc<1> AddResult_t;
+   typedef Loc<1> MultResult_t;
+   typedef Element_t Storage_t;
+   enum { dimensions = 1,
+          sliceDimensions = 0 };
+   enum { loopAware = false };
+   enum { singleValued = true };
+   enum { unitStride = true };
+   enum { wildcard = false };
+   inline
+   static Element_t first(Storage_t d) { return d; }
+   inline
+   static Element_t last(Storage_t d) { return d; }
+   inline
+   static Element_t stride(Storage_t) { return 1; }
+   inline
+   static Element_t length(Storage_t) { return 1; }
+   inline
+   static Element_t min(Storage_t d) { return d; }
+   inline
+   static Element_t max(Storage_t d) { return d; }
+   inline
+   static bool empty(Storage_t) { return false; }
+   inline
+   static int loop(Storage_t) { return 0; }
+   inline
+   static Element_t elem(Storage_t d, int) { return d; }
+   inline
+   static OneDomain_t &getDomain(Domain_t &d, int) {
+     return d;
+   }
+   inline
+   static const OneDomain_t &getDomain(const Domain_t &d, int) {
+     return d;
+   }
+   inline
+   static PointDomain_t &getPointDomain(Domain_t &d, int) {
+     return d;
+   }
+   inline
+   static const PointDomain_t &getPointDomain(const Domain_t &d, int) {
+     return d;
+   }
+   inline
+   static void initializeStorage(Storage_t &dom) {
+     dom = 0;
+   }
+   template<class T>
+   inline
+   static void setDomain(Storage_t &dom, const T &newdom) {
+     PoomaCTAssert<(DomainTraits<T>::dimensions == 1)>::test();
+     ;
+     dom = DomainTraits<T>::getFirst(newdom);
+   }
+   inline
+   static void setLoop(Storage_t &, int) { }
+   template<class UT, class T>
+   inline
+   static void setWildcardDomain(Storage_t &dom, const UT &u, const T &newdom) {
+     PoomaCTAssert<(DomainTraits<T>::wildcard)>::test();
+     PoomaCTAssert<(DomainTraits<T>::dimensions == 1)>::test();
+     PoomaCTAssert<(DomainTraits<UT>::dimensions == 1)>::test();
+     dom = newdom.first(u);
+   }
+   template<class T>
+   static bool isLessThan(const Storage_t &dom, const T &newdom) {
+     PoomaCTAssert<(DomainTraits<T>::dimensions == 1)>::test();
+     ;
+     return (dom < DomainTraits<T>::getFirst(newdom));
+   }
+   template<class T>
+   static bool isEqualTo(const Storage_t &dom, const T &newdom) {
+     PoomaCTAssert<(DomainTraits<T>::dimensions == 1)>::test();
+     ;
+     return (dom == DomainTraits<T>::getFirst(newdom));
+   }
+   template<class T>
+   inline
+   static void addAccum(Storage_t &dom, const T &newdom) {
+     PoomaCTAssert<(DomainTraits<T>::singleValued && DomainTraits<T>::dimensions == 1)>::test();
+    dom += DomainTraits<T>::getFirst(newdom);
+   }
+   template<class T>
+   inline
+   static void subtractAccum(Storage_t &dom, const T &newdom) {
+     PoomaCTAssert<(DomainTraits<T>::singleValued && DomainTraits<T>::dimensions == 1)>::test();
+     dom -= DomainTraits<T>::getFirst(newdom);
+   }
+   template<class T>
+   static void multiplyAccum(Storage_t &dom, const T &newdom) {
+     PoomaCTAssert<(DomainTraits<T>::singleValued && DomainTraits<T>::dimensions == 1)>::test();
+     dom *= DomainTraits<T>::getFirst(newdom);
+   }
+  template<class T>
+   static void divideAccum(Storage_t &dom, const T &newdom) {
+     PoomaCTAssert<(DomainTraits<T>::singleValued && DomainTraits<T>::dimensions == 1)>::test();
+     dom /= DomainTraits<T>::getFirst(newdom);
+   }
+ };
+ template<int Dim1, int Dim2>
+ struct DomainChangeDim<Loc<Dim1>, Dim2>
+ {
+   typedef Loc<Dim1> OldType_t;
+   typedef Loc<Dim2> NewType_t;
+   enum { oldDim = Dim1,
+   newDim = Dim2 };
+ };
+ template <int dstIndex, int toGo>
+ struct FillLocStorage
+ {
+   template <int Dim, class T>
+   static inline
+   void fill(Loc<Dim> &loc, const T &a)
+   {
+     PoomaCTAssert<(dstIndex < Dim)>::test();
+     loc[dstIndex].setDomain(DomainTraits<T>::getPointDomain(a, DomainTraits<T>::dimensions-toGo-1));
+     FillLocStorage<dstIndex+1,toGo-1>::fill(loc, a);
+   }
+ };
+ template <int dstIndex>
+ struct FillLocStorage<dstIndex, 0>
+ {
+   template <int Dim, class T>
+   static inline
+   void fill(Loc<Dim> &loc, const T &a)
+   {
+     PoomaCTAssert<(dstIndex < Dim)>::test();
+     loc[dstIndex].setDomain(DomainTraits<T>::getPointDomain(a, DomainTraits<T>::dimensions-1));
+   }
+ };
+ template <int i>
+ struct FillAllLocStorage
+ {
+   template <int Dim, class T>
+   inline
+   static void fill(Loc<Dim> &loc, const T &a)
+   {
+     loc[Dim-i-1].setDomain(DomainTraits<T>::getPointDomain(a, 0));
+     FillAllLocStorage<i-1>::fill(loc, a);
+   }
+ };
+ template <>
+ struct FillAllLocStorage<0>
+ {
+   template <int Dim, class T>
+   inline
+   static void fill(Loc<Dim> &loc, const T &a)
+   {
+     loc[Dim-1].setDomain(DomainTraits<T>::getPointDomain(a, 0));
+   }
+ };
+ template<int Dim, class T1>
+ inline
+ void fillLocStorage(Loc<Dim> &loc, const T1 &a)
+ {
+   FillLocStorage<0, DomainTraits<T1>::dimensions-1>::fill(loc, a);
+ }
+ template<int Dim, class T1, class T2>
+ inline
+ void fillLocStorage(Loc<Dim> &loc, const T1 &a, const T2 &b)
+ {
+   fillLocStorage(loc, a);
+   FillLocStorage<DomainTraits<T1>::dimensions, DomainTraits<T2>::dimensions-1>::fill(loc, b);
+ }
+ template<int Dim, class T1, class T2, class T3>
+ inline
+ void fillLocStorage(Loc<Dim> &loc, const T1 &a, const T2 &b, const T3 &c)
+ {
+   fillLocStorage(loc, a, b);
+   FillLocStorage<DomainTraits<T1>::dimensions
+      + DomainTraits<T2>::dimensions,
+                  DomainTraits<T3>::dimensions-1>::fill(loc, c);
+ }
+ template<int Dim, class T1, class T2, class T3, class T4>
+ inline
+ void fillLocStorage(Loc<Dim> &loc, const T1 &a, const T2 &b, const T3 &c,
+       const T4 &d)
+ {
+   fillLocStorage(loc, a, b, c);
+   FillLocStorage<DomainTraits<T1>::dimensions
+      + DomainTraits<T2>::dimensions
+      + DomainTraits<T3>::dimensions,
+                  DomainTraits<T4>::dimensions-1>::fill(loc, d);
+ }
+ template<int Dim, class T1, class T2, class T3, class T4, class T5>
+ inline
+ void fillLocStorage(Loc<Dim> &loc, const T1 &a, const T2 &b, const T3 &c,
+       const T4 &d, const T5 &e)
+ {
+   fillLocStorage(loc, a, b, c, d);
+   FillLocStorage<DomainTraits<T1>::dimensions
+      + DomainTraits<T2>::dimensions
+      + DomainTraits<T3>::dimensions
+      + DomainTraits<T4>::dimensions,
+                  DomainTraits<T5>::dimensions-1>::fill(loc, e);
+ }
+ template<int Dim, class T1, class T2, class T3, class T4, class T5, class T6>
+ inline
+ void fillLocStorage(Loc<Dim> &loc, const T1 &a, const T2 &b, const T3 &c,
+       const T4 &d, const T5 &e, const T6 &f)
+ {
+   fillLocStorage(loc, a, b, c, d, e);
+   FillLocStorage<DomainTraits<T1>::dimensions
+      + DomainTraits<T2>::dimensions
+      + DomainTraits<T3>::dimensions
+      + DomainTraits<T4>::dimensions
+      + DomainTraits<T5>::dimensions,
+                  DomainTraits<T6>::dimensions-1>::fill(loc, f);
+ }
+ template<int Dim, class T1, class T2, class T3, class T4, class T5, class T6, class T7>
+ inline
+ void fillLocStorage(Loc<Dim> &loc, const T1 &a, const T2 &b, const T3 &c,
+       const T4 &d, const T5 &e, const T6 &f, const T7 &g)
+ {
+   fillLocStorage(loc, a, b, c, d, e, f);
+   FillLocStorage<DomainTraits<T1>::dimensions
+      + DomainTraits<T2>::dimensions
+      + DomainTraits<T3>::dimensions
+      + DomainTraits<T4>::dimensions
+      + DomainTraits<T5>::dimensions
+      + DomainTraits<T6>::dimensions,
+                  DomainTraits<T7>::dimensions-1>::fill(loc, g);
+ }
+ template<int Dim, class T, int DimT, bool wildcard>
+ struct CopyLocStorageImpl
+ {
+   inline
+   static void copy(Loc<Dim> &, const T &) { }
+ };
+ template<int Dim, class T, int DimT>
+ struct CopyLocStorageImpl<Dim, T, DimT, false>
+ {
+   inline
+   static void copy(Loc<Dim> &loc, const T &a) {
+     PoomaCTAssert<(DomainTraits<T>::dimensions == DimT)>::test();
+     PoomaCTAssert<(DomainTraits<T>::dimensions <= Dim)>::test();
+     fillLocStorage(loc, a);
+   }
+ };
+ template<int Dim, class T>
+ struct CopyLocStorageImpl<Dim, T, 1, false>
+ {
+   inline
+   static void copy(Loc<Dim> &loc, const T &a) {
+     PoomaCTAssert<(DomainTraits<T>::dimensions == 1)>::test();
+     FillAllLocStorage<Dim-1>::fill(loc, a);
+   }
+ };
+ template<int Dim, class T>
+ struct CopyLocStorage
+ {
+   inline
+   static void copy(Loc<Dim> &loc, const T &a) {
+     CopyLocStorageImpl<Dim, T, DomainTraits<T>::dimensions,
+                        DomainTraits<T>::wildcard>::copy(loc, a);
+   }
+ };
+ template<int Dim>
+ class Loc : public Domain<Dim, DomainTraits<Loc<Dim> > >
+ {
+   typedef DomainTraits< Loc<Dim> > DT_t;
+   typedef Domain<Dim, DT_t> Base_t;
+ public:
+   typedef typename Base_t::iterator iterator;
+   typedef typename Base_t::const_iterator const_iterator;
+   typedef typename Base_t::blockIterator blockIterator;
+   typedef typename Base_t::const_blockIterator const_blockIterator;
+   typedef typename DT_t::Element_t Element_t;
+   typedef typename DT_t::Domain_t Domain_t;
+   typedef typename DT_t::OneDomain_t OneDomain_t;
+   typedef typename DT_t::BlockDomain_t BlockDomain_t;
+   typedef typename DT_t::AskDomain_t AskDomain_t;
+   typedef typename DT_t::AddResult_t AddResult_t;
+   typedef typename DT_t::MultResult_t MultResult_t;
+   typedef typename DT_t::Storage_t Storage_t;
+   enum { domain = DT_t::domain };
+   enum { dimensions = DT_t::dimensions,
+   sliceDimensions = DT_t::sliceDimensions };
+   enum { loopAware = DT_t::loopAware };
+   enum { singleValued = DT_t::singleValued };
+   enum { unitStride = DT_t::unitStride };
+   enum { wildcard = DT_t::wildcard };
+   inline
+   Loc() { }
+   inline
+   Loc(const Loc<Dim> &a)
+     : Domain<Dim, DomainTraits<Loc<Dim> > >(Pooma::NoInit()) {
+     fillLocStorage(*this, a);
+   }
+   Loc(const Pooma::NoInit &a)
+     : Domain<Dim, DomainTraits<Loc<Dim> > >(a)
+   { }
+   template<class T1>
+   inline
+   explicit Loc(const T1 &a)
+     : Domain<Dim, DomainTraits<Loc<Dim> > >(Pooma::NoInit()) {
+     CopyLocStorage<Dim, T1>::copy(*this, a);
+   }
+   template<class T1, class T2>
+   inline
+   Loc(const T1 &a, const T2 &b)
+     : Domain<Dim, DomainTraits<Loc<Dim> > >(Pooma::NoInit()) {
+     PoomaCTAssert<(Dim >= (DomainTraits<T1>::dimensions + DomainTraits<T2>::dimensions))>::test();
+     fillLocStorage(*this, a, b);
+   }
+   template<class T1, class T2, class T3>
+   inline
+   Loc(const T1 &a, const T2 &b, const T3 &c)
+     : Domain<Dim, DomainTraits<Loc<Dim> > >(Pooma::NoInit()) {
+     PoomaCTAssert<(Dim >= (DomainTraits<T1>::dimensions + DomainTraits<T2>::dimensions + DomainTraits<T3>::dimensions))>::test();
+     fillLocStorage(*this, a, b, c);
+   }
+   template<class T1, class T2, class T3, class T4>
+   inline
+   Loc(const T1 &a, const T2 &b, const T3 &c, const T4 &d)
+     : Domain<Dim, DomainTraits<Loc<Dim> > >(Pooma::NoInit()) {
+     PoomaCTAssert<(Dim >= (DomainTraits<T1>::dimensions + DomainTraits<T2>::dimensions + DomainTraits<T3>::dimensions + DomainTraits<T4>::dimensions))>::test();
+     fillLocStorage(*this, a, b, c, d);
+   }
+   template<class T1, class T2, class T3, class T4, class T5>
+   inline
+   Loc(const T1 &a, const T2 &b, const T3 &c, const T4 &d, const T5 &e)
+     : Domain<Dim, DomainTraits<Loc<Dim> > >(Pooma::NoInit()) {
+     PoomaCTAssert<(Dim >= (DomainTraits<T1>::dimensions + DomainTraits<T2>::dimensions + DomainTraits<T3>::dimensions + DomainTraits<T4>::dimensions + DomainTraits<T5>::dimensions))>::test();
+     fillLocStorage(*this, a, b, c, d, e);
+   }
+   template<class T1, class T2, class T3, class T4, class T5,
+            class T6>
+   inline
+   Loc(const T1 &a, const T2 &b, const T3 &c, const T4 &d, const T5 &e,
+       const T6 &f)
+     : Domain<Dim, DomainTraits<Loc<Dim> > >(Pooma::NoInit()) {
+     PoomaCTAssert<(Dim >= (DomainTraits<T1>::dimensions + DomainTraits<T2>::dimensions + DomainTraits<T3>::dimensions + DomainTraits<T4>::dimensions + DomainTraits<T5>::dimensions + DomainTraits<T6>::dimensions))>::test();
+     fillLocStorage(*this, a, b, c, d, e, f);
+   }
+   template<class T1, class T2, class T3, class T4, class T5,
+            class T6, class T7>
+   inline
+   Loc(const T1 &a, const T2 &b, const T3 &c, const T4 &d, const T5 &e,
+       const T6 &f, const T7 &g)
+     : Domain<Dim, DomainTraits<Loc<Dim> > >(Pooma::NoInit()) {
+     PoomaCTAssert<(Dim >= (DomainTraits<T1>::dimensions + DomainTraits<T2>::dimensions + DomainTraits<T3>::dimensions + DomainTraits<T4>::dimensions + DomainTraits<T5>::dimensions + DomainTraits<T6>::dimensions + DomainTraits<T7>::dimensions))>::test();
+     fillLocStorage(*this, a, b, c, d, e, f, g);
+   }
+   inline
+   ~Loc() { }
+   template<class T>
+   inline
+   Loc<Dim> &operator=(const T &newdom) {
+     CopyLocStorage<Dim, T>::copy(*this, newdom);
+     return *this;
+   }
+   inline
+   Loc<Dim> &operator=(const Loc<Dim> &newdom) {
+     fillLocStorage(*this, newdom);
+     return *this;
+   }
+   template<class Out>
+   void print(Out &o) const;
+ protected:
+ private:
+ };
+ template<int Dim>
+ template<class Out>
+ void Loc<Dim>::print(Out &o) const
+ {
+   const Domain_t &d = this->unwrap();
+   o << "[";
+   for (int i=0; i < Dim; ++i) {
+     o << d[i].first();
+     if (i < (Dim-1))
+       o << ",";
+   }
+   o << "]";
+ }
+ template<>
+ class Loc<1> : public Domain<1, DomainTraits<Loc<1> > >
+ {
+   typedef DomainTraits< Loc<1> > DT_t;
+ public:
+   typedef DT_t::Element_t Element_t;
+   typedef DT_t::Domain_t Domain_t;
+   typedef DT_t::OneDomain_t OneDomain_t;
+   typedef DT_t::BlockDomain_t BlockDomain_t;
+   typedef DT_t::AskDomain_t AskDomain_t;
+   typedef DT_t::AddResult_t AddResult_t;
+   typedef DT_t::MultResult_t MultResult_t;
+   typedef DT_t::Storage_t Storage_t;
+   enum { domain = DT_t::domain };
+   enum { dimensions = DT_t::dimensions,
+   sliceDimensions = DT_t::sliceDimensions };
+   enum { loopAware = DT_t::loopAware };
+   enum { singleValued = DT_t::singleValued };
+   enum { unitStride = DT_t::unitStride };
+   enum { wildcard = DT_t::wildcard };
+   inline
+   Loc() { }
+   inline
+   Loc(const Loc<1> &a)
+     : Domain<1, DomainTraits<Loc<1> > >(Pooma::NoInit()) {
+     setDomain(a);
+   }
+   Loc(const Pooma::NoInit &a)
+     : Domain<1, DomainTraits<Loc<1> > >(a)
+   { }
+   template<class T1>
+   inline
+   explicit Loc(const T1 &a)
+     : Domain<1, DomainTraits<Loc<1> > >(Pooma::NoInit()) {
+     setDomain(DomainTraits<T1>::getPointDomain(a, 0));
+   }
+   template<class T1, class T2>
+   inline
+   Loc(const T1 &a, const T2 &b)
+     : Domain<1, DomainTraits<Loc<1> > >(Pooma::NoInit()) {
+     PoomaCTAssert<(DomainTraits<T1>::dimensions == 1 && DomainTraits<T2>::dimensions == 1 && DomainTraits<T1>::singleValued && DomainTraits<T2>::singleValued)>::test();
+     ;
+     setDomain(DomainTraits<T1>::getPointDomain(a, 0));
+   }
+   template<class T1, class T2, class T3>
+   inline
+   Loc(const T1 &a, const T2 &b, const T3 &c)
+     : Domain<1, DomainTraits<Loc<1> > >(Pooma::NoInit()) {
+     PoomaCTAssert<(DomainTraits<T1>::dimensions == 1 && DomainTraits<T2>::dimensions == 1 && DomainTraits<T3>::dimensions == 1 && DomainTraits<T1>::singleValued && DomainTraits<T2>::singleValued && DomainTraits<T3>::singleValued)>::test();
+     ;
+     setDomain(DomainTraits<T1>::getPointDomain(a, 0));
+   }
+   template<class T>
+   inline
+   Loc<1> &operator=(const T &newdom) {
+     setDomain(DomainTraits<T>::getPointDomain(newdom, 0));
+     return *this;
+   }
+   inline
+   Loc<1> &operator=(const Loc<1> &newdom) {
+     setDomain(newdom);
+     return *this;
+   }
+   const OneDomain_t &operator[](int d) const { return *this; }
+   OneDomain_t &operator[](int d) { return *this; }
+   template<class Out>
+   void print(Out &o) const;
+ };
+ template<class Out>
+ void Loc<1>::print(Out &o) const
+ {
+   const Domain_t &d = this->unwrap();
+   o << "[";
+   o << d[0].first();
+   o << "]";
+ }
+ template<int Dim>
+ std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream &o, const Loc<Dim> &loc)
+ {
+   loc.print(o);
+   return o;
+ }
+ #include <vector>
+ class Pool
+ {
+ public:
+   Pool(size_t sz);
+   Pool();
+   ~Pool();
+   inline void* alloc()
+     {
+       outstandingAllocs_m += 1;
+       if ( head_m==0 )
+  grow();
+       Link *p = head_m;
+       memcpy(&head_m, &p->next_m, sizeof(head_m));
+       return p;
+     }
+   inline void free(void *b)
+     {
+       outstandingAllocs_m -= 1;
+       Link *p = (Link*)b;
+       p->next_m = head_m;
+       memcpy(&p->next_m, &head_m, sizeof(head_m));
+       head_m = p;
+     }
+ private:
+   struct Link { Link *next_m; };
+   enum { page=4096-8 };
+   enum { align = 8 };
+   enum { alignMask = align-1 };
+   static inline int blocksInPage(size_t sz)
+     {
+       return (page>sz)?(page/sz):1;
+     }
+   static inline size_t roundToAlign(size_t s)
+     {
+       if (s)
+  s = (s & ~alignMask) + ((s&alignMask)?align:0);
+       else
+  s = align;
+       return s;
+     }
+   void grow();
+   Link *head_m;
+   int outstandingAllocs_m;
+   size_t bsize_m;
+   size_t nblock_m;
+   std::vector<char*> chunks_m;
+ };
+ template<class T>
+ class Pooled
+ {
+ public:
+   inline void* operator new(size_t) { return pool_s.alloc(); }
+   inline void operator delete(void *p, size_t) { if (p) pool_s.free(p); }
+   inline void* operator new(size_t, void* ptr) { return ptr; }
+   inline void operator delete(void *, void *) { }
+ private:
+   static Pool pool_s;
+ };
+ template<class T>
+ Pool Pooled<T>::pool_s(sizeof(T));
+ template<class Dom, class OrigDom = Dom>
+ class Node : public Pooled<Node<Dom, OrigDom> >
+ {
+ public:
+   typedef Dom Domain_t;
+   typedef OrigDom AllocatedDomain_t;
+   typedef int Context_t;
+   typedef int ID_t;
+   typedef Node<Dom,OrigDom> This_t;
+   Node()
+     : local_m(-1), global_m(0), context_m(0), affinity_m(-1)
+   {
+   }
+   Node(const Domain_t &owned, const AllocatedDomain_t &allocated,
+        Context_t c, ID_t gid, ID_t lid = (-1))
+     : domain_m(owned), allocated_m(allocated),
+       local_m(lid), global_m(gid),
+       context_m(c), affinity_m(-1)
+   {
+     ;
+     ;
+     ;
+   }
+   Node(const Domain_t &d, Context_t c, ID_t gid, ID_t lid = (-1))
+     : domain_m(d), allocated_m(d),
+       local_m(lid), global_m(gid),
+       context_m(c), affinity_m(-1)
+   {
+     ;
+     ;
+   }
+   Node(int affinity, const Domain_t &owned, const AllocatedDomain_t &allocated,
+        Context_t c, ID_t gid, ID_t lid = (-1))
+     : domain_m(owned), allocated_m(allocated),
+       local_m(lid), global_m(gid), context_m(c),
+       affinity_m(affinity)
+   {
+     ;
+     ;
+     ;
+   }
+   Node(int affinity, const Domain_t &d,
+        Context_t c, ID_t gid, ID_t lid = (-1))
+     : domain_m(d), allocated_m(d),
+       local_m(lid), global_m(gid),
+       context_m(c), affinity_m(affinity)
+   {
+     ;
+     ;
+   }
+   Node(const This_t &n)
+     : domain_m(n.domain_m), allocated_m(n.allocated_m),
+       local_m(n.local_m), global_m(n.global_m),
+       context_m(n.context_m), affinity_m(n.affinity_m)
+   {
+   }
+   template<class ODom, class OAlloc>
+   Node(const Node<ODom,OAlloc> &n)
+     : domain_m(n.domain()), allocated_m(n.allocated()),
+       local_m(n.localID()), global_m(n.globalID()),
+       context_m(n.context()), affinity_m(n.affinity())
+   {
+   }
+   void initialize(const Domain_t &owned, const AllocatedDomain_t &allocated,
+                   Context_t c, ID_t gid, ID_t lid = (-1))
+   {
+     ;
+     ;
+     domain_m = owned;
+     allocated_m = allocated;
+     context_m = c;
+     local_m = lid;
+     global_m = gid;
+   }
+   void initialize(const Domain_t &d, Context_t c, ID_t gid, ID_t lid = (-1))
+   {
+     ;
+     ;
+     domain_m = d;
+     allocated_m = d;
+     context_m = c;
+     local_m = lid;
+     global_m = gid;
+   }
+   ~Node()
+   {
+   }
+   inline const Domain_t &domain() const { return domain_m; }
+   inline const AllocatedDomain_t &allocated() const { return allocated_m; }
+   Context_t context() const { return context_m; }
+   ID_t localID() const { return local_m; }
+   ID_t globalID() const { return global_m; }
+   bool isLocal() const { return (local_m >= 0); }
+   int affinity() const { return affinity_m; }
+   int& affinity() { return affinity_m; }
+   int& context() { return context_m; }
+   int& localID() { return local_m; }
+   void setDomain(const Domain_t &dom) { domain_m = dom; }
+   Domain_t &domain() { return domain_m; }
+   void setAllocated(const AllocatedDomain_t &dom) { allocated_m = dom; }
+   AllocatedDomain_t &allocated() { return allocated_m; }
+   This_t &operator=(const This_t &n)
+   {
+     domain_m = n.domain();
+     allocated_m = n.allocated();
+     context_m = n.context();
+     local_m = n.localID();
+     global_m = n.globalID();
+     affinity_m = n.affinity();
+     return *this;
+   }
+   template<class ODom, class OAlloc>
+   This_t &operator=(const Node<ODom,OAlloc> &n)
+   {
+     domain_m = n.domain();
+     allocated_m = n.allocated();
+     context_m = n.context();
+     local_m = n.localID();
+     global_m = n.globalID();
+     affinity_m = n.affinity();
+     return *this;
+   }
+   This_t &operator=(const Domain_t &d)
+   {
+     domain_m = d;
+     return *this;
+   }
+   template<class Out>
+   void print(Out &o) const
+   {
+     o << "{" << domain();
+     o << ": allocated=" << allocated();
+     o << ", con=" << context();
+     o << ", aff=" << affinity();
+     o << ", gid=" << globalID();
+     o << ", lid=" << localID();
+     o << "}";
+   }
+ private:
+   enum { dim = DomainTraits<Dom>::dimensions };
+   enum { origDim = DomainTraits<OrigDom>::dimensions };
+   Domain_t domain_m;
+   AllocatedDomain_t allocated_m;
+   ID_t local_m;
+   ID_t global_m;
+   Context_t context_m;
+   int affinity_m;
+ };
+ template <class D, class A>
+ std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &o, const Node<D,A> &node)
+ {
+   node.print(o);
+   return o;
+ }
+ template<int Dim, class Dom, class OrigDom>
+ inline bool contains(const Interval<Dim> &i, const Node<Dom, OrigDom> &n)
+ {
+   return contains(i, n.domain());
+ }
+ template<class Dom, class OrigDom>
+ struct DomainTraits<Node<Dom, OrigDom> >
+ {
+   enum { singleValued = 0 };
+ };
+ template<class Domain, class Sub>
+ struct TemporaryNewDomain1;
+ template<class Domain, class OwnedDomain, class AllocatedDomain>
+ struct TemporaryNewDomain1<Domain, Node<OwnedDomain, AllocatedDomain> >
+ {
+   typedef Node<OwnedDomain,AllocatedDomain> SliceType_t;
+   static inline
+   const SliceType_t &combineSlice(const Domain &,
+     const Node<OwnedDomain,AllocatedDomain> &n)
+   {
+     return n;
+   }
+ };
+ #include <utility>
+ class GlobalIDDataBase
+ {
+ public:
+   typedef int LayoutID_t;
+   typedef int GlobalID_t;
+   typedef int NodeKey_t;
+   typedef std::map<LayoutID_t, GlobalID_t> Shared_t;
+   GlobalIDDataBase() { }
+   inline static
+   NodeKey_t nullNodeKey()
+   {
+     return -1;
+   }
+   NodeKey_t push(LayoutID_t layoutID, int context, GlobalID_t globalID);
+   NodeKey_t push(LayoutID_t layoutID,
+    int context,
+    GlobalID_t globalID,
+    NodeKey_t parentNode);
+   void shared(LayoutID_t idNew, LayoutID_t idOld);
+   GlobalID_t globalID(LayoutID_t layoutID, NodeKey_t key) const;
+   int context(LayoutID_t layoutID, NodeKey_t key) const;
+   int context(NodeKey_t key) const;
+   bool contextParticipates(int context, NodeKey_t key) const;
+   template<class OSTR>
+   inline void print(OSTR &ostr)
+   {
+     typedef std::vector<Pack> Store_t;
+     typedef typename Store_t::const_iterator Iterator_t;
+     Iterator_t p = data_m.begin();
+     for (; p != data_m.end(); ++p)
+     {
+       ostr << "(" << (*p).layoutID() << ","
+     << (*p).globalID() << ","
+     << (*p).context() << ","
+     << (*p).parent() << ")";
+     }
+   }
+ private:
+   struct Pack
+   {
+     Pack()
+       : layoutID_m(0), context_m(0), globalID_m(0), parent_m(0)
+     { }
+     inline
+     Pack(LayoutID_t layoutID, int context, GlobalID_t globalID,
+   NodeKey_t parent)
+       : layoutID_m(layoutID),
+  context_m(context),
+  globalID_m(globalID),
+  parent_m(parent)
+     { }
+     inline LayoutID_t layoutID() const { return layoutID_m; }
+     inline int context() const { return context_m; }
+     inline GlobalID_t globalID() const { return globalID_m; }
+     inline NodeKey_t parent() const { return parent_m; }
+     LayoutID_t layoutID_m;
+     int context_m;
+     GlobalID_t globalID_m;
+     NodeKey_t parent_m;
+   };
+   std::vector<Pack> data_m;
+   Shared_t shared_m;
+ };
+ class Unique
+ {
+ public:
+   typedef long Value_t;
+   Unique()
+     {
+     }
+   ~Unique()
+     {
+     }
+   static inline Value_t get()
+     {
+       mutex_s.lock();
+       Value_t retval = next_s++;
+       mutex_s.unlock();
+       return retval;
+     }
+   static inline Value_t lockedGet()
+     {
+       return get();
+     }
+ private:
+   static Value_t next_s;
+   static Pooma::Mutex_t mutex_s;
+ };
+ struct TouchesConstructNodePtr {
+   TouchesConstructNodePtr(){};
+   ~TouchesConstructNodePtr(){};
+ };
+ struct TouchesConstructNodeObj {
+   TouchesConstructNodeObj(){};
+   ~TouchesConstructNodeObj(){};
+ };
+ template<class Domain>
+ inline Node<Domain> *
+ touchesConstruct(const Domain &owned,
+    int affinity, int c, int gid, int lid,
+    const TouchesConstructNodePtr &)
+ {
+   return new Node<Domain>(affinity, owned, c, gid, lid);
+ }
+ template<class Domain, class AllocatedDomain>
+ inline Node<Domain,AllocatedDomain> *
+ touchesConstruct(const Domain &owned, const AllocatedDomain &allocated,
+    int affinity, int c, int gid, int lid,
+    const TouchesConstructNodePtr &)
+ {
+   return new Node<Domain,AllocatedDomain>
+              (affinity, owned, allocated, c, gid, lid);
+ }
+ template<class Domain>
+ inline Node<Domain>
+ touchesConstruct(const Domain &owned,
+    int affinity, int c, int gid, int lid,
+     const TouchesConstructNodeObj &)
+ {
+   return Node<Domain>(affinity, owned, c, gid, lid);
+ }
+ template<class Domain, class AllocatedDomain>
+ inline Node<Domain,AllocatedDomain>
+ touchesConstruct(const Domain &owned, const AllocatedDomain &allocated,
+    int affinity, int c, int gid, int lid,
+    const TouchesConstructNodeObj &)
+ {
+   return Node<Domain,AllocatedDomain>(affinity, owned, allocated, c, gid, lid);
+ }
+ template<int Dim> class INode;
+ template<int Dim>
+ struct TouchesConstructINode
+ {
+   typedef GlobalIDDataBase::NodeKey_t NodeKey_t;
+   typedef Unique::Value_t LayoutID_t;
+   TouchesConstructINode(LayoutID_t layoutID,
+    NodeKey_t parent,
+    GlobalIDDataBase *globalIDDataBase)
+     : layoutID_m(layoutID), parent_m(parent),
+       globalIDDataBase_m(globalIDDataBase)
+   { }
+   inline LayoutID_t layoutID() const { return layoutID_m; }
+   inline NodeKey_t parent() const { return parent_m; }
+   inline GlobalIDDataBase *globalIDDataBase() const
+   {
+     return globalIDDataBase_m;
+   }
+   LayoutID_t layoutID_m;
+   NodeKey_t parent_m;
+   GlobalIDDataBase *globalIDDataBase_m;
+ };
+ template <int Dim>
+ class INode
+ {
+ public:
+   typedef INode<Dim> This_t;
+   typedef Interval<Dim> Domain_t;
+   typedef GlobalIDDataBase::LayoutID_t LayoutID_t;
+   typedef GlobalIDDataBase::GlobalID_t GlobalID_t;
+   typedef GlobalIDDataBase::NodeKey_t NodeKey_t;
+   enum { dimensions = Dim };
+   inline INode() : domain_m(Pooma::NoInit()) { }
+   inline INode(const INode<Dim> &model)
+     : domain_m(model.domain_m),
+       globalIDDataBase_m(model.globalIDDataBase_m),
+       key_m(model.key_m)
+   { }
+   template<int D2, class Dom>
+   inline INode(const INode<D2> &model, const Dom &dom)
+     : domain_m(dom),
+       globalIDDataBase_m(model.globalIDDataBase()),
+       key_m(model.key())
+   { }
+   inline
+   INode(const Interval<Dim> &dom, LayoutID_t layoutID, int context,
+  GlobalID_t globalID,
+  GlobalIDDataBase *globalIDDataBase, NodeKey_t parent = -1)
+     : domain_m(dom),
+       globalIDDataBase_m(globalIDDataBase)
+   {
+     key_m = globalIDDataBase_m->push(layoutID, context, globalID, parent);
+   }
+   template<class Alloc>
+   inline
+   INode(const Node<Interval<Dim>, Alloc> &node, LayoutID_t layoutID,
+  GlobalIDDataBase *globalIDDataBase)
+     : domain_m(node.domain()),
+       globalIDDataBase_m(globalIDDataBase)
+   {
+     key_m = globalIDDataBase_m->push(layoutID, node.context(),
+          node.globalID());
+   }
+   inline
+   INode(const Interval<Dim> &dom, int context, GlobalID_t globalID,
+  const TouchesConstructINode<Dim> &tcin)
+     : domain_m(dom),
+       globalIDDataBase_m(tcin.globalIDDataBase())
+   {
+     key_m = globalIDDataBase_m->push(tcin.layoutID(), context, globalID,
+          tcin.parent());
+   }
+   inline
+   INode(const INode<Dim> &inode, int context, GlobalID_t globalID,
+  const TouchesConstructINode<Dim> &tcin)
+     : domain_m(inode.domain()),
+       globalIDDataBase_m(tcin.globalIDDataBase())
+   {
+     key_m = globalIDDataBase_m->push(tcin.layoutID(), context, globalID,
+          tcin.parent());
+   }
+   template<class Alloc>
+   inline
+   INode(const Node<Interval<Dim>, Alloc> &node, int context,
+  GlobalID_t globalID,
+  const TouchesConstructINode<Dim> &tcin)
+     : domain_m(node.domain()),
+       globalIDDataBase_m(tcin.globalIDDataBase())
+   {
+     key_m = globalIDDataBase_m->push(tcin.layoutID(), context, globalID,
+          tcin.parent());
+   }
+   inline INode(const Range<Dim> &range, int context, int globalID,
+         const TouchesConstructINode<Dim> &tcin)
+     : globalIDDataBase_m(tcin.globalIDDataBase())
+   {
+     key_m = globalIDDataBase_m->push(tcin.layoutID(), context, globalID,
+          tcin.parent());
+     int i;
+     for (i = 0; i < Dim; ++i)
+     {
+       domain_m[i] = Interval<1>(range[i].first(), range[i].last());
+     }
+   }
+   inline INode<Dim> &operator=(const INode<Dim> &rhs)
+   {
+     if (&rhs != this)
+     {
+       domain_m = rhs.domain();
+       globalIDDataBase_m = rhs.globalIDDataBase();
+       key_m = rhs.key();
+     }
+     return *this;
+   }
+   inline ~INode() { }
+   inline const Domain_t &domain() const { return domain_m; }
+   inline
+   GlobalID_t globalID(LayoutID_t id) const
+   {
+     ;
+     return globalIDDataBase_m->globalID(id, key_m);
+   }
+   inline int context() const
+   {
+     ;
+     return globalIDDataBase_m->context(key_m);
+   }
+   inline int context(LayoutID_t id) const
+   {
+     ;
+     return globalIDDataBase_m->context(id, key_m);
+   }
+   inline bool contextParticipates(int context) const
+   {
+     ;
+     return globalIDDataBase_m->contextParticipates(context, key_m);
+   }
+   inline
+   GlobalIDDataBase *globalIDDataBase() const { return globalIDDataBase_m; }
+   inline NodeKey_t key() const { return key_m; }
+   inline
+   TouchesConstructINode<Dim> touchesConstructINode(LayoutID_t layoutID)
+   {
+     return TouchesConstructINode<Dim>(layoutID, key_m, globalIDDataBase_m);
+   }
+   template<int Dim2>
+   inline static
+   TouchesConstructINode<Dim> touchesConstructINode(LayoutID_t layoutID,
+          const INode<Dim2> &inode)
+   {
+     return TouchesConstructINode<Dim>(layoutID, inode.key(),
+           inode.globalIDDataBase());
+   }
+   template<class Out>
+   void print(Out &o) const
+   {
+     o << "{" << domain();
+     o << ": key=" << key();
+     o << "}";
+   }
+ private:
+   Domain_t domain_m;
+   GlobalIDDataBase *globalIDDataBase_m;
+   NodeKey_t key_m;
+ };
+ template<int Dim>
+ inline INode<Dim> operator+(const INode<Dim> &inode, const Loc<Dim> &loc)
+ {
+   return INode<Dim>(inode, inode.domain() + loc);
+ }
+ template <int Dim>
+ std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &o, const INode<Dim> &inode)
+ {
+   inode.print(o);
+   return o;
+ }
+ template<int Dim>
+ inline bool contains(const Interval<Dim> &i, const INode<Dim> &n)
+ {
+   return contains(i, n.domain());
+ }
+ template<int Dim>
+ struct DomainTraits<INode<Dim> >
+ {
+   enum { singleValued = 0 };
+ };
+ template<class Domain, class Sub>
+ struct TemporaryNewDomain1;
+ template<class Domain, int N>
+ struct TemporaryNewDomain1<Domain, INode<N> >
+ {
+   typedef INode<N> SliceType_t;
+   static inline
+   const SliceType_t &combineSlice(const Domain &, const INode<N> &i)
+   {
+     return i;
+   }
+ };
+ template<class Domain, int Dim>
+ inline INode<Dim>
+ touchesConstruct(const Domain &d,
+    int, int context, int gid, int,
+    const TouchesConstructINode<Dim> &tcin)
+ {
+   return INode<Dim>(d, context, gid, tcin);
+ }
+ template<class Domain, class AllocatedDomain, int Dim>
+ inline INode<Dim>
+ touchesConstruct(const Domain &d, const AllocatedDomain &,
+    int, int context, int gid, int,
+    const TouchesConstructINode<Dim> & tcin)
+ {
+   return INode<Dim>(d, context, gid, tcin);
+ }
+ template <int Dim>
+ class GuardLayers
+ {
+ public:
+   explicit GuardLayers(int gcs = 0)
+   {
+     ;
+     for (int i = 0; i < Dim; ++i)
+       {
+         lower_m[i] = gcs;
+         upper_m[i] = gcs;
+       }
+   }
+   GuardLayers(int lower[Dim], int upper[Dim])
+   {
+     for (int i = 0; i < Dim; ++i)
+       {
+         ;
+         lower_m[i] = lower[i];
+         upper_m[i] = upper[i];
+       }
+   }
+   GuardLayers(const Loc<Dim> &lower, const Loc<Dim> &upper)
+   {
+     for (int i = 0; i < Dim; ++i)
+       {
+         ;
+         lower_m[i] = lower[i].first();
+         upper_m[i] = upper[i].first();
+       }
+   }
+   void initialize(const Loc<Dim> &lower, const Loc<Dim> &upper)
+   {
+     for (int i = 0; i < Dim; ++i)
+       {
+         ;
+         lower_m[i] = lower[i].first();
+         upper_m[i] = upper[i].first();
+       }
+   }
+   void initialize(const GuardLayers<Dim> &gl)
+   {
+     *this = gl;
+   }
+   int lower(int i) const
+   {
+     return lower_m[i];
+   }
+   int upper(int i) const
+   {
+     return upper_m[i];
+   }
+   int &lower(int i)
+   {
+     return lower_m[i];
+   }
+   int &upper(int i)
+   {
+     return upper_m[i];
+   }
+   bool operator==(const GuardLayers<Dim> &gcs) const
+   {
+     bool result = true;
+     for (int d = 0; d < Dim; ++d)
+       {
+         result = result && lower_m[d] == gcs.lower_m[d];
+         result = result && upper_m[d] == gcs.upper_m[d];
+       }
+     return result;
+   }
+   bool operator==(int gcw) const
+   {
+     bool result = true;
+     for (int d = 0; d < Dim; ++d)
+       {
+         result = result && lower_m[d] == gcw;
+         result = result && upper_m[d] == gcw;
+       }
+     return result;
+   }
+   bool operator!=(const GuardLayers<Dim> &gcs) const
+   {
+     return !operator==(gcs);
+   }
+   bool operator!=(int gcw) const
+   {
+     return !operator==(gcw);
+   }
+   GuardLayers<Dim> operator-(const GuardLayers<Dim> &gcs)
+   {
+     GuardLayers<Dim> result;
+     for (int d = 0; d < Dim; ++d)
+       {
+         result.lower(d) = lower_m[d] - gcs.lower_m[d];
+         ;
+         result.upper(d) = upper_m[d] - gcs.upper_m[d];
+         ;
+       }
+     return result;
+   }
+   GuardLayers<Dim> operator-(int dw)
+   {
+     GuardLayers<Dim> result;
+     for (int d = 0; d < Dim; ++d)
+       {
+         result.lower(d) = lower_m[d] - dw;
+         ;
+         result.upper(d) = upper_m[d] - dw;
+         ;
+       }
+     return result;
+   }
+   inline static void
+   addGuardLayers(Interval<Dim> &dom, const GuardLayers<Dim> &gcs)
+   {
+     for (int d = 0; d < Dim; ++d)
+       {
+         int a = dom[d].first() - gcs.lower(d);
+         int b = dom[d].last() + gcs.upper(d);
+         dom[d] = Interval<1>(a,b);
+       }
+   }
+   Interval<Dim> addGuardLayersToDomain(const Interval<Dim> &d) const
+   {
+     Interval<Dim> dom(d);
+     addGuardLayers(dom, *this);
+     return dom;
+   }
+   template <class Ostream>
+   void print(Ostream &ostr) const
+   {
+     ostr << "GuardLayers<" << Dim << "> [";
+     for (int d = 0; d < Dim; ++d)
+       {
+         ostr << "l: " << lower_m[d] << ", u: " << upper_m[d];
+         if (d != Dim - 1)
+           ostr << "; ";
+       }
+     ostr << "]";
+   }
+ private:
+   int lower_m[Dim];
+   int upper_m[Dim];
+ };
+ template<int Dim>
+ inline Interval<Dim>
+ grow(const Interval<Dim> &dom, const GuardLayers<Dim> &gcs)
+ {
+   Interval<Dim> ret = Pooma::NoInit();
+   for (int d = 0; d < Dim; ++d)
+     {
+       int a = dom[d].first() - gcs.lower(d);
+       int b = dom[d].last() + gcs.upper(d);
+       ret[d] = Interval<1>(a,b);
+     }
+   return ret;
+ }
+ template<int Dim>
+ inline Interval<Dim>
+ shrink(const Interval<Dim> &dom, const GuardLayers<Dim> &gcs)
+ {
+   Interval<Dim> ret = Pooma::NoInit();
+   for (int d = 0; d < Dim; ++d)
+     {
+       int a = dom[d].first() + gcs.lower(d);
+       int b = dom[d].last() - gcs.upper(d);
+       ret[d] = Interval<1>(a,b);
+     }
+   return ret;
+ }
+ template<int Dim>
+ std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &ostr,
+   const GuardLayers<Dim> &gl)
+ {
+   gl.print(ostr);
+   return ostr;
+ }
+ template <int Dim> class Loc;
+ template <> class Loc<1>;
+ template <int Dim> class Interval;
+ template <> class Interval<1>;
+ template <int Dim> class Range;
+ template <> class Range<1>;
+ template<int Dim>
+ struct DomainTraits< Range<Dim> >
+   : public DomainTraitsDomain<Range<Dim>, int, Dim>
+ {
+   typedef DomainTraitsDomain<Range<Dim>, int, Dim> Base_t;
+   typedef typename Base_t::Element_t Element_t;
+   typedef typename Base_t::Domain_t Domain_t;
+   typedef typename Base_t::NewDomain1_t NewDomain1_t;
+   typedef Range<1> OneDomain_t;
+   typedef Range<1> PointDomain_t;
+   typedef Interval<Dim> BlockDomain_t;
+   typedef Loc<Dim> AskDomain_t;
+   typedef Range<Dim> AddResult_t;
+   typedef Range<Dim> MultResult_t;
+   typedef WrapNoInit<OneDomain_t> Storage_t[Dim];
+   enum { domain = Base_t::domain };
+   enum { dimensions = Base_t::dimensions,
+   sliceDimensions = Dim };
+   enum { loopAware = false };
+   enum { singleValued = false };
+   enum { unitStride = false };
+   enum { wildcard = false };
+   static OneDomain_t &getDomain(Domain_t &d, int n) { return d[n]; }
+   static const OneDomain_t &getDomain(const Domain_t &d,int n) { return d[n]; }
+   static PointDomain_t &getPointDomain(Domain_t &d, int n) {
+     return getDomain(d, n);
+   }
+   static const PointDomain_t &getPointDomain(const Domain_t &d, int n) {
+     return getDomain(d, n);
+   }
+   static void initializeStorage(Storage_t &dom) {
+     Dom1Initialize<Dim-1>::template apply<DomainTraits<Range<Dim> > >(dom);
+   }
+ };
+ template<>
+ struct DomainTraits< Range<1> >
+   : public DomainTraitsDomain<Range<1>, int, 1>
+ {
+   typedef Range<1> OneDomain_t;
+   typedef Range<1> PointDomain_t;
+   typedef Interval<1> BlockDomain_t;
+   typedef Loc<1> AskDomain_t;
+   typedef Range<1> AddResult_t;
+   typedef Range<1> MultResult_t;
+   typedef Element_t Storage_t[3];
+   enum { dimensions = 1,
+          sliceDimensions = 1 };
+   enum { loopAware = false };
+   enum { singleValued = false };
+   enum { unitStride = false };
+   enum { wildcard = false };
+   static Element_t first(const Storage_t &d) { return d[0]; }
+   static Element_t last(const Storage_t &d) { return d[0] + (d[1]-1)*d[2]; }
+   static Element_t stride(const Storage_t &d) { return d[2]; }
+   static Element_t length(const Storage_t &d) { return d[1]; }
+   static Element_t min(const Storage_t &d) {
+     return (d[2] > 0 ? d[0] : d[0] + (d[1]-1)*d[2]);
+   }
+   static Element_t max(const Storage_t &d) {
+     return (d[2] < 0 ? d[0] : d[0] + (d[1]-1)*d[2]);
+   }
+   static bool empty(const Storage_t &d) { return (d[1] < 1); }
+   static int loop(const Storage_t &) { return 0; }
+   static Element_t elem(const Storage_t &d, int n) { return d[0] + n*d[2]; }
+   static OneDomain_t &getDomain(Domain_t &d, int) { return d; }
+   static const OneDomain_t &getDomain(const Domain_t &d, int) { return d; }
+   static PointDomain_t &getPointDomain(Domain_t &d, int n) {
+     return getDomain(d, n);
+   }
+   static const PointDomain_t &getPointDomain(const Domain_t &d, int n) {
+     return getDomain(d, n);
+   }
+   static void initializeStorage(Storage_t &dom) {
+     dom[0] = 0;
+     dom[1] = 0;
+     dom[2] = 1;
+   }
+   template<class T>
+   static void setDomain(Storage_t &dom, const T &newdom) {
+     PoomaCTAssert<(DomainTraits<T>::dimensions == 1)>::test();
+     dom[0] = DomainTraits<T>::getFirst(newdom);
+     dom[1] = DomainTraits<T>::getLength(newdom);
+     dom[2] = DomainTraits<T>::getStride(newdom);
+   }
+   template<class T1, class T2>
+   static void setDomain(Storage_t &dom, const T1 &begval, const T2 &endval) {
+     PoomaCTAssert<(DomainTraits<T1>::dimensions == 1)>::test();
+     PoomaCTAssert<(DomainTraits<T2>::dimensions == 1)>::test();
+     PoomaCTAssert<(DomainTraits<T1>::singleValued)>::test();
+     PoomaCTAssert<(DomainTraits<T2>::singleValued)>::test();
+     Element_t strideval = (endval < begval ? -1 : 1);
+     dom[0] = begval;
+     dom[1] = (endval - begval)/strideval + 1;
+     dom[2] = strideval;
+   }
+   template<class T1, class T2, class T3>
+   static void setDomain(Storage_t &dom, const T1 &begval, const T2 &endval,
+    const T3 &strideval) {
+     PoomaCTAssert<(DomainTraits<T1>::dimensions == 1)>::test();
+     PoomaCTAssert<(DomainTraits<T2>::dimensions == 1)>::test();
+     PoomaCTAssert<(DomainTraits<T3>::dimensions == 1)>::test();
+     PoomaCTAssert<(DomainTraits<T1>::singleValued)>::test();
+     PoomaCTAssert<(DomainTraits<T2>::singleValued)>::test();
+     PoomaCTAssert<(DomainTraits<T3>::singleValued)>::test();
+     dom[0] = begval;
+     dom[1] = (endval - begval)/strideval + 1;
+     dom[2] = strideval;
+   }
+   static void setLoop(Storage_t &, int) { }
+   template<class UT, class T>
+   static void setWildcardDomain(Storage_t &dom, const UT &u, const T &newdom) {
+     PoomaCTAssert<(DomainTraits<T>::wildcard)>::test();
+     PoomaCTAssert<(DomainTraits<T>::dimensions == 1)>::test();
+     PoomaCTAssert<(DomainTraits<UT>::dimensions == 1)>::test();
+     dom[0] = newdom.first(u);
+     dom[1] = newdom.length(u);
+     dom[2] = newdom.stride(u);
+   }
+   template<class T>
+   static bool isLessThan(const Storage_t &dom, const T &newdom) {
+     PoomaCTAssert<(DomainTraits<T>::dimensions == 1)>::test();
+     ;
+     return (dom[1] < DomainTraits<T>::getLength(newdom) ||
+      (dom[1] == DomainTraits<T>::getLength(newdom) &&
+       (dom[0] < DomainTraits<T>::getFirst(newdom) ||
+        (dom[0] == DomainTraits<T>::getFirst(newdom) &&
+         dom[2] < DomainTraits<T>::getStride(newdom)))));
+   }
+   template<class T>
+   static bool isEqualTo(const Storage_t &dom, const T &newdom) {
+     PoomaCTAssert<(DomainTraits<T>::dimensions == 1)>::test();
+     return ((dom[1] == 0 && DomainTraits<T>::getLength(newdom) == 0) ||
+      (dom[0] == DomainTraits<T>::getFirst(newdom) &&
+       dom[1] == DomainTraits<T>::getLength(newdom) &&
+       dom[2] == DomainTraits<T>::getStride(newdom)));
+   }
+   template<class T>
+   static void addAccum(Storage_t &dom, const T &newdom) {
+     PoomaCTAssert<(DomainTraits<T>::singleValued && DomainTraits<T>::dimensions == 1)>::test();
+     dom[0] += DomainTraits<T>::getFirst(newdom);
+   }
+   template<class T>
+   static void subtractAccum(Storage_t &dom, const T &newdom) {
+     PoomaCTAssert<(DomainTraits<T>::singleValued && DomainTraits<T>::dimensions == 1)>::test();
+     dom[0] -= DomainTraits<T>::getFirst(newdom);
+   }
+   template<class T>
+   static void multiplyAccum(Storage_t &dom, const T &newdom) {
+     PoomaCTAssert<(DomainTraits<T>::singleValued && DomainTraits<T>::dimensions == 1)>::test();
+     dom[0] *= DomainTraits<T>::getFirst(newdom);
+     dom[2] *= DomainTraits<T>::getFirst(newdom);
+   }
+   template<class T>
+   static void divideAccum(Storage_t &dom, const T &newdom) {
+     PoomaCTAssert<(DomainTraits<T>::singleValued && DomainTraits<T>::dimensions == 1)>::test();
+     dom[0] /= DomainTraits<T>::getFirst(newdom);
+     dom[2] /= DomainTraits<T>::getFirst(newdom);
+   }
+ };
+ template<int Dim1, int Dim2>
+ struct DomainChangeDim<Range<Dim1>, Dim2>
+ {
+   typedef Range<Dim1> OldType_t;
+   typedef Range<Dim2> NewType_t;
+   enum { oldDim = Dim1,
+   newDim = Dim2 };
+ };
+ template <int Dim> class Range;
+ template<int Dim>
+ inline
+ void fillRangeScalar(Range<Dim> &r, const int &a);
+ template<int Dim>
+ class Range : public Domain<Dim, DomainTraits<Range<Dim> > >
+ {
+   typedef DomainTraits< Range<Dim> > DT_t;
+   typedef Domain<Dim, DT_t> Base_t;
+ public:
+   typedef typename Base_t::iterator iterator;
+   typedef typename Base_t::const_iterator const_iterator;
+   typedef typename Base_t::blockIterator blockIterator;
+   typedef typename Base_t::const_blockIterator const_blockIterator;
+   typedef typename DT_t::Element_t Element_t;
+   typedef typename DT_t::Domain_t Domain_t;
+   typedef typename DT_t::OneDomain_t OneDomain_t;
+   typedef typename DT_t::BlockDomain_t BlockDomain_t;
+   typedef typename DT_t::AskDomain_t AskDomain_t;
+   typedef typename DT_t::AddResult_t AddResult_t;
+   typedef typename DT_t::MultResult_t MultResult_t;
+   typedef typename DT_t::Storage_t Storage_t;
+   enum { domain = DT_t::domain };
+   enum { dimensions = DT_t::dimensions,
+   sliceDimensions = DT_t::sliceDimensions };
+   enum { loopAware = DT_t::loopAware };
+   enum { singleValued = DT_t::singleValued };
+   enum { unitStride = DT_t::unitStride };
+   enum { wildcard = DT_t::wildcard };
+   Range() { }
+   Range(const Range<Dim> &a)
+     : Domain<Dim, DomainTraits<Range<Dim> > >(Pooma::NoInit()) {
+     NewDomain1<Range<Dim> >::fill(*this, a);
+   }
+   Range(const Pooma::NoInit &a)
+     : Domain<Dim, DomainTraits<Range<Dim> > >(a)
+   { }
+   template<class T1>
+   explicit Range(const T1 &a)
+     : Domain<Dim, DomainTraits<Range<Dim> > >(Pooma::NoInit()) {
+     NewDomain1<T1>::fill(*this, a);
+   }
+   template<class T1, class T2>
+   Range(const T1 &a, const T2 &b)
+     : Domain<Dim, DomainTraits<Range<Dim> > >(Pooma::NoInit()) {
+     NewDomain2<T1,T2>::fill(*this, a, b);
+   }
+   template<class T1, class T2, class T3>
+   Range(const T1 &a, const T2 &b, const T3 &c)
+     : Domain<Dim, DomainTraits<Range<Dim> > >(Pooma::NoInit()) {
+     NewDomain3<T1,T2,T3>::fill(*this, a, b, c);
+   }
+   template<class T1, class T2, class T3, class T4>
+   Range(const T1 &a, const T2 &b, const T3 &c, const T4 &d)
+     : Domain<Dim, DomainTraits<Range<Dim> > >(Pooma::NoInit()) {
+     NewDomain4<T1,T2,T3,T4>::fill(*this, a, b, c, d);
+   }
+   template<class T1, class T2, class T3, class T4, class T5>
+   Range(const T1 &a, const T2 &b, const T3 &c, const T4 &d, const T5 &e)
+     : Domain<Dim, DomainTraits<Range<Dim> > >(Pooma::NoInit()) {
+     NewDomain5<T1,T2,T3,T4,T5>::fill(*this, a, b, c, d, e);
+   }
+   template<class T1, class T2, class T3, class T4, class T5,
+            class T6>
+   Range(const T1 &a, const T2 &b, const T3 &c, const T4 &d, const T5 &e,
+  const T6 &f)
+     : Domain<Dim, DomainTraits<Range<Dim> > >(Pooma::NoInit()) {
+     NewDomain6<T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6>::fill(*this, a, b, c, d, e, f);
+   }
+   template<class T1, class T2, class T3, class T4, class T5,
+            class T6, class T7>
+   Range(const T1 &a, const T2 &b, const T3 &c, const T4 &d, const T5 &e,
+  const T6 &f, const T7 &g)
+     : Domain<Dim, DomainTraits<Range<Dim> > >(Pooma::NoInit()) {
+     NewDomain7<T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7>::fill(*this, a, b, c, d, e, f, g);
+   }
+   ~Range() { }
+   template<class T>
+   Range<Dim> &operator=(const T &newdom) {
+     return NewDomain1<T>::fill(*this, newdom);
+   }
+   Range<Dim> &operator=(const Range<Dim> &newdom) {
+     return NewDomain1<Range<Dim> >::fill(*this, newdom);
+   }
+   Range<Dim> &operator=(const int a) {
+     fillRangeScalar(*this,a);
+     return *this;
+   }
+ protected:
+ private:
+ };
+ template<>
+ class Range<1> : public Domain<1, DomainTraits<Range<1> > >
+ {
+   typedef DomainTraits< Range<1> > DT_t;
+ public:
+   typedef DT_t::Element_t Element_t;
+   typedef DT_t::Domain_t Domain_t;
+   typedef DT_t::OneDomain_t OneDomain_t;
+   typedef DT_t::BlockDomain_t BlockDomain_t;
+   typedef DT_t::AskDomain_t AskDomain_t;
+   typedef DT_t::AddResult_t AddResult_t;
+   typedef DT_t::MultResult_t MultResult_t;
+   typedef DT_t::Storage_t Storage_t;
+   enum { domain = DT_t::domain };
+   enum { dimensions = DT_t::dimensions,
+   sliceDimensions = DT_t::sliceDimensions };
+   enum { loopAware = DT_t::loopAware };
+   enum { singleValued = DT_t::singleValued };
+   enum { unitStride = DT_t::unitStride };
+   enum { wildcard = DT_t::wildcard };
+   Range() { }
+   Range(const Range<1> &a)
+     : Domain<1, DomainTraits<Range<1> > >(Pooma::NoInit()) {
+     NewDomain1<Range<1> >::fill(*this, a);
+   }
+   Range(const Pooma::NoInit &a)
+     : Domain<1, DomainTraits<Range<1> > >(a)
+   { }
+   template<class T1>
+   explicit Range(const T1 &a)
+     : Domain<1, DomainTraits<Range<1> > >(Pooma::NoInit()) {
+     NewDomain1<T1>::fill(*this, a);
+   }
+   Range(char a)
+     : Domain<1, DomainTraits<Range<1> > >(Pooma::NoInit()) {
+     ;
+     DomainTraits<Range<1> >::setDomain(domain_m, 0, a - 1);
+   }
+   Range(unsigned char a)
+     : Domain<1, DomainTraits<Range<1> > >(Pooma::NoInit()) {
+     ;
+     DomainTraits<Range<1> >::setDomain(domain_m, 0, a - 1);
+   }
+   Range(short a)
+     : Domain<1, DomainTraits<Range<1> > >(Pooma::NoInit()) {
+     ;
+     short s = (a < 0 ? -1 : 1);
+     DomainTraits<Range<1> >::setDomain(domain_m, 0, a - s);
+   }
+   Range(unsigned short a)
+     : Domain<1, DomainTraits<Range<1> > >(Pooma::NoInit()) {
+     ;
+     DomainTraits<Range<1> >::setDomain(domain_m, 0, a - 1);
+   }
+   Range(int a)
+     : Domain<1, DomainTraits<Range<1> > >(Pooma::NoInit()) {
+     ;
+     int s = (a < 0 ? -1 : 1);
+     DomainTraits<Range<1> >::setDomain(domain_m, 0, a - s);
+   }
+   Range(unsigned int a)
+     : Domain<1, DomainTraits<Range<1> > >(Pooma::NoInit()) {
+     ;
+     DomainTraits<Range<1> >::setDomain(domain_m, 0, a - 1);
+   }
+   Range(long a)
+     : Domain<1, DomainTraits<Range<1> > >(Pooma::NoInit()) {
+     ;
+     long s = (a < 0 ? -1 : 1);
+     DomainTraits<Range<1> >::setDomain(domain_m, 0, a - s);
+   }
+   Range(unsigned long a)
+     : Domain<1, DomainTraits<Range<1> > >(Pooma::NoInit()) {
+     ;
+     DomainTraits<Range<1> >::setDomain(domain_m, 0, a - 1);
+   }
+   template<class T1, class T2>
+   Range(const T1 &m, const T2 &n);
+   template<class T1, class T2, class T3>
+   Range(const T1 &m, const T2 &n, const T3 &s);
+   template<class T>
+   Range<1> &operator=(const T &newdom) {
+     return NewDomain1<T>::fill(*this, newdom);
+   }
+   Range<1> &operator=(const Range<1> &newdom) {
+     return NewDomain1<Range<1> >::fill(*this, newdom);
+   }
+   const OneDomain_t &operator[](int d) const { return *this; }
+   OneDomain_t &operator[](int d) { return *this; }
+ };
+ template <class T1, class T2>
+ inline
+ Range<1>::Range(const T1 &m, const T2 &n)
+   : Domain<1, DomainTraits<Range<1> > >(Pooma::NoInit()) {
+   DomainTraits<Range<1> >::setDomain(domain_m, m, n);
+ }
+ template <class T1, class T2, class T3>
+ inline
+ Range<1>::Range(const T1 &m, const T2 &n, const T3 &s)
+   : Domain<1, DomainTraits<Range<1> > >(Pooma::NoInit()) {
+   DomainTraits<Range<1> >::setDomain(domain_m, m, n, s);
+ }
+ template<int Dim>
+ inline
+ void fillRangeScalar(Range<Dim> &r, const int &a)
+ {
+   for (int i=0; i < Dim; ++i)
+     r[i]=Range<1>(a);
+ }
+ class ObserverEvent
+ {
+ public:
+   typedef Unique::Value_t ID_t;
+   ObserverEvent(int event)
+     : event_m(event), ID_m(Unique::get())
+     {
+     }
+   ObserverEvent(const ObserverEvent &oe)
+     : event_m(oe.event_m), ID_m(oe.ID_m)
+     {
+     }
+   ObserverEvent &operator=(const ObserverEvent &oe)
+     {
+       event_m = oe.event();
+       ID_m = oe.ID();
+       return *this;
+     }
+   virtual ~ObserverEvent()
+     {
+     }
+   inline int event() const
+     {
+       return event_m;
+     }
+   inline ID_t ID() const
+     {
+       return ID_m;
+     }
+   static inline ID_t nullID()
+     {
+       return (-1);
+     }
+ private:
+   int event_m;
+   ID_t ID_m;
+ };
+ template<class Obj>
+ inline bool checkDynamicID(Obj &, ObserverEvent::ID_t)
+ {
+   return true;
+ }
+ template<class T>
+ class Observer
+ {
+ public:
+   Observer()
+     {
+     }
+   virtual ~Observer()
+     {
+     }
+   virtual void notify(T &observed, const ObserverEvent &event) = 0;
+   inline void notify(T &observed, int event)
+     {
+       notify(observed, ObserverEvent(event));
+     }
+ };
+ template<class T>
+ class SingleObserver
+ {
+ public:
+   SingleObserver() { }
+   virtual ~SingleObserver() { }
+   virtual void notify(const T &observed, const ObserverEvent &event) = 0;
+   inline void notify(const T &observed, int event)
+     {
+       notify(observed, ObserverEvent(event));
+     }
+ };
+ template<class T>
+ class Observable
+ {
+ public:
+   enum { deleteEvent = 0 };
+   Observable(T &o) : observed_m(o), count_m(0)
+     {
+     }
+   ~Observable()
+     {
+       notify(deleteEvent);
+     }
+   int observers() const
+     {
+       return count_m;
+     }
+   void attach(Observer<T> *o)
+     {
+       mutex_m.lock();
+       observers_m.push_back(o);
+       count_m += 1;
+       mutex_m.unlock();
+     }
+   void attach(Observer<T> &o)
+     {
+       attach(&o);
+     }
+   void detach(Observer<T> *o)
+     {
+       mutex_m.lock();
+       for (int i=0; i < count_m; ++i) {
+  if (observers_m[i] == o) {
+    count_m -= 1;
+    observers_m.erase(observers_m.begin() + i);
+    break;
+  }
+       }
+       mutex_m.unlock();
+     }
+   void detach(Observer<T> &o)
+     {
+       detach(&o);
+     }
+   inline void notify(int event)
+     {
+       for (int i=0; i < count_m; ++i)
+  observers_m[i]->notify(observed_m, event);
+     }
+   inline void notify(const ObserverEvent &event)
+     {
+       for (int i=0; i < count_m; ++i)
+  observers_m[i]->notify(observed_m, event);
+     }
+ private:
+   T &observed_m;
+   std::vector<Observer<T> *> observers_m;
+   int count_m;
+   Pooma::Mutex_t mutex_m;
+   Observable();
+   Observable(const Observable<T> &);
+   Observable<T> &operator=(const Observable<T> &);
+ };
+ template<class T>
+ class SingleObservable
+ {
+ public:
+   enum { deleteEvent = 0 };
+   SingleObservable() : observer_m(0)
+     {
+     }
+   ~SingleObservable()
+     {
+       notify(T(),0);
+     }
+   void attach(SingleObserver<T> *o)
+     {
+       ;
+       observer_m = o;
+     }
+   void attach(SingleObserver<T> &o)
+     {
+       attach(&o);
+     }
+   void detach()
+     {
+       observer_m = 0;
+     }
+   inline void notify(const T& value, int event)
+     {
+       if (observer_m != 0)
+  observer_m->notify(value, event);
+     }
+   inline void notify(const T& value, const ObserverEvent &event)
+     {
+       if (observer_m != 0)
+  observer_m->notify(value, event);
+     }
+ private:
+   SingleObserver<T> *observer_m;
+   SingleObservable(const SingleObservable<T> &);
+   SingleObservable<T> &operator=(const SingleObservable<T> &);
+ };
+ template <class T>
+ struct ElementProperties
+ {
+   typedef T This_t;
+   enum { hasTrivialDefaultConstructor = false };
+   enum { hasTrivialDestructor = false };
+   enum { concrete = false };
+   enum { basicType = false };
+   static void construct(This_t * addr)
+   {
+     new (addr) This_t();
+   }
+   static void construct(This_t * addr, const This_t & model)
+   {
+     new (addr) This_t(model);
+   }
+   static This_t * clone(const This_t &model)
+   {
+     return new This_t(model);
+   }
+   static void destruct(This_t * addr)
+   {
+     addr->~This_t();
+   }
+ };
+ template <class T>
+ struct TrivialElementPropertiesBase
+ {
+   typedef T This_t;
+   enum { hasTrivialDefaultConstructor = true };
+   enum { hasTrivialDestructor = true };
+   enum { concrete = true };
+   static void construct(This_t * addr, const This_t & model)
+   {
+     new (addr) This_t(model);
+   }
+   static This_t * clone(const This_t &model)
+   {
+     return new This_t(model);
+   }
+   static void construct(This_t *addr)
+   {
+     new (addr) This_t();
+   }
+   static void destruct(This_t *)
+   {
+     if (__builtin_expect(!!(0), true)) {} else Pooma::toss_cookies("TrivialElementProperties<T>::destruct(addr) not allowed!", "/home/rguenth/ix86/pooma/tat-serial/pooma/linux/src/Utilities/ElementProperties.h", 213);
+   }
+ };
+ template <class T>
+ struct TrivialElementProperties : public TrivialElementPropertiesBase<T>
+ {
+   enum { basicType = false };
+ };
+ template <class T>
+ struct BasicTypeProperties : public TrivialElementPropertiesBase<T>
+ {
+   enum { basicType = true };
+ };
+ template <class T>
+ struct MakeOwnCopyProperties
+ {
+   typedef T This_t;
+   enum { hasTrivialDefaultConstructor = false };
+   enum { hasTrivialDestructor = false };
+   enum { concrete = false };
+   enum { basicType = false };
+   static void construct(This_t * addr)
+   {
+     new (addr) This_t;
+     addr->makeOwnCopy();
+   }
+   static void construct(This_t * addr, const This_t & model)
+   {
+     new (addr) This_t(model);
+     addr->makeOwnCopy();
+   }
+   static This_t * clone(const This_t &model)
+   {
+     This_t * temp = new This_t(model);
+     temp->makeOwnCopy();
+     return temp;
+   }
+   static void destruct(This_t * addr)
+   {
+     addr->~This_t();
+   }
+ };
+ template <>
+ struct ElementProperties<bool> : public BasicTypeProperties<bool>
+ { };
+ template <>
+ struct ElementProperties<char> : public BasicTypeProperties<char>
+ { };
+ template <>
+ struct ElementProperties<unsigned char>
+   : public BasicTypeProperties<unsigned char>
+ { };
+ template <>
+ struct ElementProperties<short> : public BasicTypeProperties<short>
+ { };
+ template <>
+ struct ElementProperties<unsigned short>
+   : public BasicTypeProperties<unsigned short>
+ { };
+ template <>
+ struct ElementProperties<int> : public BasicTypeProperties<int>
+ { };
+ template <>
+ struct ElementProperties<unsigned int>
+   : public BasicTypeProperties<unsigned int>
+ { };
+ template <>
+ struct ElementProperties<long> : public BasicTypeProperties<long>
+ { };
+ template <>
+ struct ElementProperties<long long> : public BasicTypeProperties<long long>
+ { };
+ template <>
+ struct ElementProperties<unsigned long>
+   : public BasicTypeProperties<unsigned long>
+ { };
+ template <>
+ struct ElementProperties<float> : public BasicTypeProperties<float>
+ { };
+ template <>
+ struct ElementProperties<double> : public BasicTypeProperties<double>
+ { };
+ namespace std {
+   template <class Float> class complex;
+ }
+ template <class FloatType>
+ struct ElementProperties<std::complex<FloatType> >
+   : public TrivialElementProperties<std::complex<FloatType> >
+ { };
+ class RefCounted
+ {
+ public:
+   RefCounted()
+     : count_m(0)
+     { }
+   RefCounted(const RefCounted &)
+     : count_m(0)
+     { }
+   ~RefCounted() { }
+   bool isShared() const;
+   void addReference();
+   void removeReference();
+   bool removeRefAndCheckGarbage();
+   void lock() const
+   {
+     mutex_m.lock();
+   }
+   void unlock() const
+   {
+     mutex_m.unlock();
+   }
+   int count() const;
+   int countUnlocked() const;
+ private:
+   RefCounted & operator=(const RefCounted &);
+   int count_m;
+   mutable Pooma::Mutex_t mutex_m;
+ };
+ inline bool
+ RefCounted::isShared() const
+ {
+   mutex_m.lock();
+   bool test = count_m > 1;
+   mutex_m.unlock();
+   return test;
+ }
+ inline void
+ RefCounted::addReference()
+ {
+   mutex_m.lock();
+   ++count_m;
+   mutex_m.unlock();
+ }
+ inline void
+ RefCounted::removeReference()
+ {
+   mutex_m.lock();
+   --count_m;
+   ;
+   mutex_m.unlock();
+ }
+ inline bool
+ RefCounted::removeRefAndCheckGarbage()
+ {
+   mutex_m.lock();
+   ;
+   bool test = --count_m == 0;
+   mutex_m.unlock();
+   return test;
+ }
+ inline int
+ RefCounted::count() const
+ {
+   mutex_m.lock();
+   int count = count_m;
+   mutex_m.unlock();
+   return count;
+ }
+ inline int
+ RefCounted::countUnlocked() const
+ {
+   return count_m;
+ }
+ template <class T>
+ class Shared : public RefCounted
+ {
+ public:
+   Shared(const T &d) : data_m(d) {};
+   Shared(const Shared<T> & model)
+     : data_m(model.data_m)
+   { }
+   Shared<T> & operator=(const Shared<T> &model)
+   {
+     if (&model == this) return *this;
+     data_m = model.data_m;
+     return *this;
+   }
+   Shared<T> & operator=(const T & d)
+   {
+     data_m = d;
+     return *this;
+   }
+   inline
+   T &data() { return data_m; }
+   inline
+   const T &data() const { return data_m; }
+   bool operator==(const Shared<T> &rhs) const
+     { return data_m == rhs.data_m; }
+   bool operator!=(const Shared<T> &rhs) const
+     { return data_m != rhs.data_m; }
+ protected:
+   T data_m;
+ };
+ template <class T>
+ class RefCountedPtr
+ {
+ public:
+   typedef RefCountedPtr<T> This_t;
+   typedef T Pointee_t;
+   RefCountedPtr() : ptr_m(0) { }
+   RefCountedPtr(T * const pT)
+     : ptr_m(pT)
+     { if (isValid()) ptr_m->addReference(); }
+   RefCountedPtr(const This_t &model)
+     : ptr_m(model.ptr_m)
+     { if (isValid()) ptr_m->addReference(); }
+   ~RefCountedPtr();
+   RefCountedPtr & operator=(const RefCountedPtr &);
+   RefCountedPtr & operator=(T *);
+   inline T * operator->() const { return ptr_m; }
+   inline T & operator*() const { return *ptr_m; }
+   bool operator==(const This_t& a) const
+   { return ptr_m == a.ptr_m; }
+   bool operator!=(const This_t& a) const
+   { return ptr_m != a.ptr_m; }
+   void invalidate();
+   inline bool isValid() const { return ptr_m != 0; }
+   inline bool isShared() const { return ptr_m->isShared(); }
+   inline int count() const { return ptr_m->count(); }
+   RefCountedPtr<T> & makeOwnCopy();
+   inline T * rawPointer() { return ptr_m; }
+   inline const T * rawPointer() const { return ptr_m; }
+ private:
+   template <class T2, bool val, class Controller>
+   friend class RefCountedBlockPtr;
+   T * ptr_m;
+ };
+ template <class T>
+ inline void RefCountedPtr<T>::invalidate()
+ {
+   if ( isValid() && ptr_m->removeRefAndCheckGarbage() )
+     delete ptr_m;
+   ptr_m = 0;
+ }
+ template <class T>
+ inline RefCountedPtr<T>::~RefCountedPtr()
+ {
+   invalidate();
+ }
+ template <class T>
+ inline RefCountedPtr<T> &
+ RefCountedPtr<T>::operator=(const RefCountedPtr<T>& rhs)
+ {
+   if (ptr_m != rhs.ptr_m)
+     {
+       if ( isValid() && ptr_m->removeRefAndCheckGarbage() )
+  delete ptr_m;
+       ptr_m = rhs.ptr_m;
+       if ( isValid() ) ptr_m->addReference();
+     }
+   return *this;
+ }
+ template <class T>
+ inline RefCountedPtr<T> &
+ RefCountedPtr<T>::operator=(T *pp)
+ {
+   if (ptr_m != pp)
+     {
+       if ( isValid() && ptr_m->removeRefAndCheckGarbage() )
+  delete ptr_m;
+       ptr_m = pp;
+       if ( isValid() ) ptr_m->addReference();
+     }
+   return *this;
+ }
+ template <class T>
+ inline RefCountedPtr<T> &
+ RefCountedPtr<T>::makeOwnCopy()
+ {
+   if ( isValid() && ptr_m->isShared() )
+     {
+       T * temp = ElementProperties<T>::clone(*ptr_m);
+       ptr_m->removeReference();
+       ptr_m = temp;
+       ptr_m->addReference();
+     }
+   return *this;
+ }
+ template <class T>
+ class RefBlockController : public RefCounted
+ {
+ public:
+   struct NoInitTag
+   {
+      NoInitTag() { }
+      NoInitTag(const NoInitTag &) { }
+      NoInitTag & operator=(const NoInitTag &) { return *this; }
+   };
+   explicit
+   RefBlockController(size_t size)
+     : pBegin_m(0), pEnd_m(0), pEndOfStorage_m(0), dealloc_m(false)
+   {
+     reallocateStorage(size, false);
+     if (!ElementProperties<T>::hasTrivialDefaultConstructor)
+       {
+  for (T * pt = begin(); pt != end(); ++pt)
+    ElementProperties<T>::construct(pt);
+       }
+   }
+   RefBlockController(size_t size, const T & model)
+     : pBegin_m(0), pEnd_m(0), pEndOfStorage_m(0), dealloc_m(false)
+   {
+     reallocateStorage(size, false);
+     for (T * pt = begin(); pt != end(); ++pt)
+       ElementProperties<T>::construct(pt, model);
+   }
+   RefBlockController(size_t size, const NoInitTag &)
+     : pBegin_m(0), pEnd_m(0), pEndOfStorage_m(0), dealloc_m(false)
+   {
+     reallocateStorage(size, false);
+   }
+   RefBlockController(T *p, size_t size)
+     : pBegin_m(p), pEnd_m(p+size), pEndOfStorage_m(p+size), dealloc_m(false)
+   { }
+   RefBlockController(const RefBlockController &model)
+     : pBegin_m(0), pEnd_m(0), pEndOfStorage_m(0), dealloc_m(false)
+   {
+     size_t allocatedSize = model.pEndOfStorage_m - model.pBegin_m;
+     size_t size = model.end() - model.begin();
+     reallocateStorage(allocatedSize, false);
+     pEnd_m = pBegin_m + size;
+     T * pOld = model.begin();
+     T * pNew = begin();
+     while (pNew != end())
+       {
+  ElementProperties<T>::construct(pNew++,*pOld++);
+       }
+   }
+   ~RefBlockController()
+   {
+     deleteStorage();
+   }
+   bool resize(size_t newsize, const NoInitTag &)
+   {
+     T *pNewEnd = pBegin_m + newsize;
+     if (pNewEnd <= pEndOfStorage_m)
+       {
+         pEnd_m = pNewEnd;
+         return true;
+       }
+     else
+       {
+         return false;
+       }
+   }
+   bool resize(size_t newsize)
+   {
+     bool success = resize(newsize,NoInitTag());
+     if (!ElementProperties<T>::hasTrivialDefaultConstructor)
+       if (success)
+  for (T * pt = begin(); pt != end(); ++pt)
+           ElementProperties<T>::construct(pt);
+     return success;
+   }
+   bool resize(size_t newsize, const T &model)
+   {
+     bool success = resize(newsize,NoInitTag());
+     if (success)
+       for (T * pt = begin(); pt != end(); ++pt)
+         ElementProperties<T>::construct(pt, model);
+     return success;
+   }
+   T *resizeAndCopy(size_t newsize)
+   {
+     size_t oldsize = size();
+     if (!resize(newsize, NoInitTag()))
+       {
+  reallocateStorage(newsize, true);
+  if (newsize > oldsize)
+    for (T *pt = begin() + oldsize; pt != end(); ++pt)
+      ElementProperties<T>::construct(pt);
+       }
+     return begin();
+   }
+   T *resizeAndCopy(size_t newsize, const T &model)
+   {
+     size_t oldsize = size();
+     if (!resize(newsize, NoInitTag()))
+       {
+  reallocateStorage(newsize, true);
+  if (newsize > oldsize)
+    for (T *pt = begin() + oldsize; pt != end(); ++pt)
+      ElementProperties<T>::construct(pt, model);
+       }
+     return begin();
+   }
+   T *resizeAndCopy(size_t newsize, const NoInitTag &)
+   {
+     if (!resize(newsize, NoInitTag()))
+       {
+  reallocateStorage(newsize, true);
+       }
+     return begin();
+   }
+   inline T *begin() const
+   {
+     return pBegin_m;
+   }
+   inline T *end() const
+   {
+     return pEnd_m;
+   }
+   inline size_t size() const
+   {
+     return static_cast<size_t>(pEnd_m - pBegin_m);
+   }
+   inline size_t capacity() const
+   {
+     return static_cast<size_t>(pEndOfStorage_m - pBegin_m);
+   }
+   inline bool empty() const
+   {
+     return pEnd_m == pBegin_m;
+   }
+   inline bool isMine() const
+   {
+     return dealloc_m;
+   }
+   inline bool checkDeref(const T *p) const
+   {
+     return ((pBegin_m <= p) && (p < pEnd_m));
+   }
+ private:
+   void deleteStorage()
+   {
+     if (isMine() && pBegin_m != 0)
+       {
+  if (!ElementProperties<T>::hasTrivialDestructor)
+    for (T *pt = begin(); pt != end(); ++pt)
+      ElementProperties<T>::destruct(pt);
+  char *tmp = reinterpret_cast<char *>(pBegin_m);
+  delete [] tmp;
+       }
+   }
+   void reallocateStorage(size_t newsize, bool copyold = false)
+   {
+     T *pBeginNew = 0;
+     T *pEndNew = 0;
+     T *pEndOfStorageNew = 0;
+     if (newsize > 0)
+       {
+  int nsize = newsize * sizeof(T);
+  char *tmp = new char[nsize];
+  pBeginNew = reinterpret_cast<T *>(tmp);
+  pEndNew = pBeginNew + newsize;
+  pEndOfStorageNew = pBeginNew + (nsize / sizeof(T));
+  if (copyold)
+    {
+      T * pOld = begin();
+      T * pNew = pBeginNew;
+      while (pOld != end() && pNew != pEndNew)
+        ElementProperties<T>::construct(pNew++,*pOld++);
+    }
+       }
+     deleteStorage();
+     pBegin_m = pBeginNew;
+     pEnd_m = pEndNew;
+     pEndOfStorage_m = pEndOfStorageNew;
+     dealloc_m = true;
+   }
+   T *pBegin_m;
+   T *pEnd_m;
+   T *pEndOfStorage_m;
+   bool dealloc_m;
+ };
+ template <class T,
+   bool BoundsChecked=false,
+   class Controller=RefBlockController<T> >
+ class RefCountedBlockPtr
+ {
+ public:
+   typedef std::random_access_iterator_tag iterator_category;
+   typedef T value_type;
+   typedef ptrdiff_t difference_type;
+   typedef T* pointer;
+   typedef T& reference;
+   typedef T Element_t;
+   typedef T Pointee_t;
+   typedef ptrdiff_t Offset_t;
+   typedef RefCountedBlockPtr<T,BoundsChecked,Controller> This_t;
+   typedef RefCountedBlockPtr<T,!BoundsChecked,Controller> That_t;
+   struct NoInitTag
+   {
+      NoInitTag() { }
+      NoInitTag(const NoInitTag &) { }
+      NoInitTag & operator=(const NoInitTag &) { return *this; }
+   };
+   inline RefCountedBlockPtr()
+     : offset_m(0)
+   { }
+   inline explicit RefCountedBlockPtr(size_t size)
+     : offset_m(0),
+       blockControllerPtr_m(new Controller(size))
+   { }
+   inline RefCountedBlockPtr(size_t size, const T & model)
+     : offset_m(0),
+       blockControllerPtr_m(new Controller(size,model))
+   { }
+   inline RefCountedBlockPtr(size_t size, const NoInitTag &)
+     : offset_m(0),
+       blockControllerPtr_m(new Controller(size,
+        typename Controller::NoInitTag()))
+   {
+     blockControllerPtr_m->resize(0,typename Controller::NoInitTag());
+   }
+   inline RefCountedBlockPtr(T *p, size_t size)
+     : offset_m(0),
+       blockControllerPtr_m(new Controller(p, size))
+   { }
+   inline RefCountedBlockPtr(const This_t & model)
+     : offset_m(model.offset_m),
+       blockControllerPtr_m(model.blockControllerPtr_m)
+   { }
+   inline RefCountedBlockPtr(const That_t & model)
+     : offset_m(model.offset_m),
+       blockControllerPtr_m(model.blockControllerPtr_m)
+   { }
+   inline RefCountedBlockPtr(const This_t & model, Offset_t offset)
+     : offset_m(model.offset_m + offset),
+       blockControllerPtr_m(model.blockControllerPtr_m)
+   { }
+   inline ~RefCountedBlockPtr() {}
+   inline This_t & operator=(const This_t & rhs)
+   {
+     blockControllerPtr_m = rhs.blockControllerPtr_m;
+     offset_m = rhs.offset_m;
+     return *this;
+   }
+   inline This_t & operator=(const That_t & rhs)
+   {
+     blockControllerPtr_m = rhs.blockControllerPtr_m;
+     offset_m = rhs.offset_m;
+     return *this;
+   }
+   template<class T1, bool BoundsChecked1, class Controller1>
+   inline bool operator==(
+     const RefCountedBlockPtr<T1, BoundsChecked1, Controller1>&) const
+   {
+     return false;
+   }
+   template<class T1, bool BoundsChecked1, class Controller1>
+   inline bool operator!=(
+     const RefCountedBlockPtr<T1, BoundsChecked1, Controller1>&) const
+   {
+     return true;
+   }
+   inline bool operator==(const This_t& a) const
+   {
+     return (beginPointer() == a.beginPointer() && offset() == a.offset());
+   }
+   inline bool operator!=(const This_t& a) const
+   {
+     return (beginPointer() != a.beginPointer() || offset() != a.offset());
+   }
+   inline bool operator<(const This_t& a) const
+   {
+     ;
+     return offset() < a.offset();
+   }
+   inline bool operator>(const This_t& a) const
+   {
+     ;
+     return offset() > a.offset();
+   }
+   inline bool operator<=(const This_t& a) const
+   {
+     ;
+     return offset() <= a.offset();
+   }
+   inline bool operator>=(const This_t& a) const
+   {
+     ;
+     return offset() >= a.offset();
+   }
+   inline bool operator==(const That_t& a) const
+   {
+     return (beginPointer() == a.beginPointer() && offset() == a.offset());
+   }
+   inline bool operator!=(const That_t& a) const
+   {
+     return (beginPointer() != a.beginPointer() || offset() != a.offset());
+   }
+   inline T& operator*() const
+   {
+     T *p = currentPointer();
+     boundsAssert(p);
+     return *p;
+   }
+   inline T& operator[](Offset_t i) const
+   {
+     T *p = currentPointer() + i;
+     boundsAssert(p);
+     return *p;
+   }
+   inline T *operator->() const
+   {
+     T *p = currentPointer();
+     boundsAssert(p);
+     return p;
+   }
+   inline This_t & operator++()
+   {
+     ++offset_m;
+     return *this;
+   }
+   inline This_t & operator--()
+   {
+     --offset_m;
+     return *this;
+   }
+   inline This_t operator++(int)
+   {
+     This_t save(*this);
+     ++offset_m;
+     return save;
+   }
+   inline This_t operator--(int)
+   {
+     This_t save(*this);
+     --offset_m;
+     return save;
+   }
+   inline void operator+=(Offset_t i)
+   {
+     offset_m += i;
+   }
+   inline void operator-=(Offset_t i)
+   {
+     offset_m -= i;
+   }
+   inline This_t operator+(Offset_t i) const
+   {
+     This_t ret(*this);
+     ret += i;
+     return ret;
+   }
+   inline This_t operator-(Offset_t i) const
+   {
+     This_t ret(*this);
+     ret -= i;
+     return ret;
+   }
+   inline This_t begin() const
+   {
+     return This_t(*this, -offset_m);
+   }
+   inline This_t end() const
+   {
+     return This_t(*this, size() - offset_m);
+   }
+   void reserve(size_t size)
+   {
+     ;
+     typedef typename Controller::NoInitTag NoInit_t;
+     blockControllerPtr_m = new Controller(size, NoInit_t());
+     blockControllerPtr_m->resize(0,NoInit_t());
+     offset_m = 0;
+   }
+   bool resize(size_t size, const NoInitTag &)
+   {
+     ;
+     typedef typename Controller::NoInitTag NoInit_t;
+     return blockControllerPtr_m->resize(size, NoInit_t());
+   }
+   bool resize(size_t size)
+   {
+     ;
+     return blockControllerPtr_m->resize(size);
+   }
+   bool resize(size_t size, const T &model)
+   {
+     ;
+     return blockControllerPtr_m->resize(size, model);
+   }
+   void resizeAndCopy(size_t size, const NoInitTag &)
+   {
+     ;
+     typedef typename Controller::NoInitTag NoInit_t;
+     blockControllerPtr_m->resizeAndCopy(size, NoInit_t());
+   }
+   void resizeAndCopy(size_t size)
+   {
+     ;
+     blockControllerPtr_m->resizeAndCopy(size);
+   }
+   void resizeAndCopy(size_t size, const T &model)
+   {
+     ;
+     blockControllerPtr_m->resizeAndCopy(size, model);
+   }
+   void invalidate()
+   {
+     blockControllerPtr_m.invalidate();
+     offset_m = 0;
+   }
+   This_t & makeOwnCopy()
+   {
+     blockControllerPtr_m.makeOwnCopy();
+     return *this;
+   }
+   inline Offset_t offset() const
+   {
+     return offset_m;
+   }
+   inline bool isValid() const
+   {
+     return blockControllerPtr_m.isValid();
+   }
+   inline bool isShared() const
+   {
+     return blockControllerPtr_m.isShared();
+   }
+   inline int count() const
+   {
+     return isValid() ? blockControllerPtr_m.count() : 0;
+   }
+   inline size_t size() const
+   {
+     return isValid() ? blockControllerPtr_m->size() : 0;
+   }
+   inline size_t capacity() const
+   {
+     return isValid() ? blockControllerPtr_m->capacity() : 0;
+   }
+   inline bool empty() const
+   {
+     return isValid() ? blockControllerPtr_m->empty() : true;
+   }
+   inline bool isAtBeginning() const
+   {
+     return (offset() == 0);
+   }
+   inline bool isMine() const
+   {
+     return isValid() ? blockControllerPtr_m->isMine() : true;
+   }
+   inline T *beginPointer() const
+   {
+     ;
+     return blockControllerPtr_m->begin();
+   }
+   inline T *endPointer() const
+   {
+     ;
+     return blockControllerPtr_m->end();
+   }
+   inline T *currentPointer() const
+   {
+     return beginPointer() + offset();
+   }
+ protected:
+   friend class RefCountedBlockPtr<T,!BoundsChecked,Controller>;
+   RefCountedBlockPtr(Controller *con)
+     : offset_m(0), blockControllerPtr_m(con)
+   { }
+   inline void boundsAssert(T *p) const
+   {
+     if (BoundsChecked)
+       {
+         if (__builtin_expect(!!(isValid() && blockControllerPtr_m->checkDeref(p)), true)) {} else Pooma::toss_cookies("RefCountedBlockPtr: Bounds Violation.", "/home/rguenth/ix86/pooma/tat-serial/pooma/linux/src/Utilities/RefCountedBlockPtr.h", 1038);
+       }
+   }
+   Offset_t offset_m;
+   RefCountedPtr<Controller> blockControllerPtr_m;
+ };
+ template <class T, bool C1, bool C2, class Controller>
+ inline ptrdiff_t
+ operator-(const RefCountedBlockPtr<T,C1,Controller> &first,
+           const RefCountedBlockPtr<T,C2,Controller> &second)
+ {
+   return first.currentPointer() - second.currentPointer();
+ }
+ template <class T> class SingleObserver;
+ template <class T>
+ class DataBlockController
+   : public RefBlockController<T>
+ {
+ public:
+   typedef Pooma::DataObject_t DataObject_t;
+   typedef SingleObservable<int> Observable_t;
+   typedef RefBlockController<T> Base_t;
+   typedef typename RefBlockController<T>::NoInitTag NoInitTag;
+   typedef ObserverEvent::ID_t DynamicID_t;
+   explicit
+   DataBlockController(size_t size)
+     : Base_t(size), dataObjectPtr_m(new DataObject_t(-1)), owned_m(true),
+       dynamicID_m(ObserverEvent::nullID())
+   { }
+   DataBlockController(size_t size, const T & model)
+     : Base_t(size,model), dataObjectPtr_m(new DataObject_t(-1)), owned_m(true),
+       dynamicID_m(ObserverEvent::nullID())
+   { }
+   DataBlockController(T *p, size_t size)
+     : Base_t(p,size), dataObjectPtr_m(new DataObject_t(-1)), owned_m(true),
+       dynamicID_m(ObserverEvent::nullID())
+   { }
+   DataBlockController(size_t size, const NoInitTag &tag)
+     : Base_t(size,tag), dataObjectPtr_m(new DataObject_t(-1)), owned_m(true),
+       dynamicID_m(ObserverEvent::nullID())
+   { }
+   struct WithAffinity
+   {
+     WithAffinity() { }
+     WithAffinity(const WithAffinity&) { }
+     WithAffinity &operator=(const WithAffinity &) { return *this; }
+   };
+   DataBlockController(size_t size, int affinity, const WithAffinity &)
+     : Base_t(size), dataObjectPtr_m(new DataObject_t(affinity)), owned_m(true),
+       dynamicID_m(ObserverEvent::nullID())
+   { }
+   DataBlockController(size_t size, int affinity, const WithAffinity &,
+                       const NoInitTag &tag)
+     : Base_t(size,tag), dataObjectPtr_m(new DataObject_t(affinity)),
+       owned_m(true),
+       dynamicID_m(ObserverEvent::nullID())
+   { }
+   DataBlockController(size_t size, DataObject_t &dobj)
+     : Base_t(size), dataObjectPtr_m(&dobj), owned_m(false),
+       dynamicID_m(ObserverEvent::nullID())
+   { }
+   DataBlockController(size_t size, const T& model, DataObject_t &dobj)
+     : Base_t(size,model), dataObjectPtr_m(&dobj), owned_m(false),
+       dynamicID_m(ObserverEvent::nullID())
+   { }
+   DataBlockController(size_t size, DataObject_t &dobj, const NoInitTag &tag)
+     : Base_t(size,tag), dataObjectPtr_m(&dobj), owned_m(false),
+       dynamicID_m(ObserverEvent::nullID())
+   { }
+   DataBlockController(const DataBlockController &model)
+     : Base_t(model),
+       dataObjectPtr_m(model.dataObjectPtr_m ?
+         new DataObject_t(model.affinity()) : 0),
+       owned_m(model.dataObjectPtr_m ? true : false),
+       observable_m(),
+       dynamicID_m(ObserverEvent::nullID())
+   { }
+   DataBlockController(const DataBlockController &model, DataObject_t &dobj)
+     : Base_t(model), observable_m(), owned_m(false),
+       dataObjectPtr_m(&dobj),
+       dynamicID_m(ObserverEvent::nullID())
+   { }
+   ~DataBlockController()
+   {
+     if (owned_m) delete dataObjectPtr_m;
+   }
+   void attach(SingleObserver<int> *o)
+   {
+     observable_m.attach(o);
+   }
+   void detach()
+   {
+     observable_m.detach();
+   }
+   inline DataObject_t* dataObject() const
+   {
+     return dataObjectPtr_m;
+   }
+   inline void dataObject(DataObject_t *obj)
+   {
+     if (owned_m) delete dataObjectPtr_m;
+     owned_m = false;
+     dataObjectPtr_m = obj;
+   }
+   inline int affinity() const
+   {
+     return dataObjectPtr_m->affinity();
+   }
+   inline void affinity(int affin)
+   {
+     dataObjectPtr_m->affinity(affin);
+   }
+   enum Notifier { addViewEvent, removeViewEvent };
+   inline void notifyOnDestruct()
+   {
+     observable_m.notify(0,removeViewEvent);
+   }
+   inline void notifyOnConstruct()
+   {
+     observable_m.notify(0,addViewEvent);
+   }
+   DynamicID_t dynamicID() const
+   {
+     return dynamicID_m;
+   }
+   void setDynamicID(DynamicID_t id)
+   {
+     dynamicID_m = id;
+   }
+ private:
+   mutable DataObject_t *dataObjectPtr_m;
+   bool owned_m;
+   Observable_t observable_m;
+   DynamicID_t dynamicID_m;
+ };
+ template <class T,
+           bool BoundsChecked=false>
+ class DataBlockPtr
+   : public RefCountedBlockPtr<T,BoundsChecked,DataBlockController<T> >
+ {
+ public:
+   typedef T Pointee_t;
+   typedef T Element_t;
+   typedef DataBlockPtr<T,BoundsChecked> This_t;
+   typedef Pooma::DataObject_t DataObject_t;
+   typedef SingleObservable<int> Observable_t;
+   typedef DataBlockPtr<T,!BoundsChecked> That_t;
+   typedef DataBlockController<T> Controller_t;
+   typedef RefCountedBlockPtr<T,BoundsChecked,Controller_t> RCBPtr_t;
+   typedef typename Controller_t::DynamicID_t DynamicID_t;
+   typedef typename RCBPtr_t::NoInitTag NoInitTag;
+   DataBlockPtr() : RCBPtr_t()
+   { }
+   explicit DataBlockPtr(size_t size)
+     : RCBPtr_t(size)
+   { }
+   DataBlockPtr(size_t size, const NoInitTag &tag)
+     : RCBPtr_t(size,tag)
+   { }
+   DataBlockPtr(int size, const T& model)
+     : RCBPtr_t(size,model)
+   { }
+   DataBlockPtr(T* foreignData, int size)
+     : RCBPtr_t(foreignData,size)
+   { }
+   typedef typename Controller_t::WithAffinity WithAffinity_t;
+   DataBlockPtr(int size, int affin, const WithAffinity_t&)
+     : RCBPtr_t(new Controller_t(size,affin,WithAffinity_t()))
+   { }
+   DataBlockPtr(int size, int affin, const WithAffinity_t&,
+         const NoInitTag &tag)
+     : RCBPtr_t(new Controller_t(size,affin,WithAffinity_t(),tag))
+   { }
+   DataBlockPtr(int size, DataObject_t &dobj)
+     : RCBPtr_t(new Controller_t(size,dobj))
+   { }
+   DataBlockPtr(int size, const T& model, DataObject_t &dobj)
+     : RCBPtr_t(new Controller_t(size,model,dobj))
+   { }
+   DataBlockPtr(int size, DataObject_t &dobj, const NoInitTag &tag)
+     : RCBPtr_t(new Controller_t(size,dobj,tag))
+   { }
+   DataBlockPtr(const This_t& model)
+     : RCBPtr_t(model)
+   {
+     if (this->isValid()) this->blockControllerPtr_m->notifyOnConstruct();
+   }
+   DataBlockPtr(const This_t& model, DataObject_t &dobj)
+     : RCBPtr_t(new Controller_t(model, dobj))
+   {
+     if (this->isValid()) this->blockControllerPtr_m->notifyOnConstruct();
+   }
+   DataBlockPtr(const That_t& model)
+     : RCBPtr_t(model)
+   {
+     if (this->isValid()) this->blockControllerPtr_m->notifyOnConstruct();
+   }
+   DataBlockPtr(const RCBPtr_t& model)
+     : RCBPtr_t(model)
+   {
+     if (this->isValid()) this->blockControllerPtr_m->notifyOnConstruct();
+   }
+   DataBlockPtr(const This_t& model, ptrdiff_t offset)
+     : RCBPtr_t(model,offset)
+   {
+     if (this->isValid()) this->blockControllerPtr_m->notifyOnConstruct();
+   }
+   ~DataBlockPtr()
+   {
+     if (this->isValid()) this->blockControllerPtr_m->notifyOnDestruct();
+   }
+   This_t & operator=(const This_t & rhs)
+   {
+     if (this != &rhs)
+       {
+  if (rhs.isValid()) rhs.blockControllerPtr_m->notifyOnConstruct();
+  if (this->isValid()) this->blockControllerPtr_m->notifyOnDestruct();
+  RCBPtr_t::operator=(rhs);
+       }
+     return *this;
+   }
+   This_t & operator=(const That_t & rhs)
+   {
+     if (this != &rhs)
+       {
+  if (rhs.isValid()) rhs.blockControllerPtr_m->notifyOnConstruct();
+  if (this->isValid()) this->blockControllerPtr_m->notifyOnDestruct();
+  RCBPtr_t::operator=(rhs);
+       }
+     return *this;
+   }
+   This_t & operator++()
+   { RCBPtr_t::operator++(); return *this; }
+   This_t & operator--()
+   { RCBPtr_t::operator--(); return *this; }
+   This_t operator++(int)
+   {
+     This_t tmp(*this);
+     RCBPtr_t::operator++();
+     return tmp;
+   }
+   This_t operator--(int)
+   {
+     This_t tmp(*this);
+     RCBPtr_t::operator--();
+     return tmp;
+   }
+   This_t operator+(ptrdiff_t i) const
+   {
+     This_t ret(*this);
+     ret += i;
+     return ret;
+   }
+   This_t operator-(ptrdiff_t i) const
+   {
+     This_t ret(*this);
+     ret -= i;
+     return ret;
+   }
+   This_t begin() const
+   { return RCBPtr_t::begin(); }
+   This_t end() const
+   { return RCBPtr_t::end(); }
+   void attach(SingleObserver<int> *o)
+   {
+     this->blockControllerPtr_m->attach(o);
+   }
+   void detach()
+   {
+     this->blockControllerPtr_m->detach();
+   }
+   inline DataObject_t* dataObject() const
+   {
+     return this->blockControllerPtr_m->dataObject();
+   }
+   inline void dataObject(DataObject_t *obj)
+   {
+     this->blockControllerPtr_m->dataObject(obj);
+   }
+   inline int affinity() const
+   {
+     return this->blockControllerPtr_m->affinity();
+   }
+   inline void affinity(int affin)
+   {
+     this->blockControllerPtr_m->affinity(affin);
+   }
+   bool sameDataObject(const DataBlockPtr<T>& x) const
+   {
+     return dataObject() == x.dataObject();
+   }
+   void lockRefCount() const { this->blockControllerPtr_m->lock(); }
+   void unlockRefCount() const { this->blockControllerPtr_m->unlock(); }
+   DynamicID_t dynamicID() const
+   {
+     return this->isValid() ?
+       this->blockControllerPtr_m->dynamicID() :
+       ObserverEvent::nullID();
+   }
+   void setDynamicID(DynamicID_t id)
+   {
+     ;
+     this->blockControllerPtr_m->setDynamicID(id);
+   }
+ private:
+   friend class DataBlockPtr<T,!BoundsChecked>;
+ };
+ template <class T, bool C1, bool C2>
+ ptrdiff_t operator-(const DataBlockPtr<T,C1> &first,
+       const DataBlockPtr<T,C2> &second)
+ {
+   return first.currentPointer() - second.currentPointer();
+ }
+ template<class T>
+ class IndirectionList
+ {
+ public:
+   typedef IndirectionList<T> This_t;
+   typedef T Element_t;
+   typedef IndirectionList<T> Domain_t;
+   typedef DataBlockPtr<T> Storage_t;
+   typedef long Size_t;
+   enum { dimensions = 1 };
+   enum { loopAware = false };
+   enum { singleValued = false };
+   enum { unitStride = false };
+   IndirectionList()
+     : size_m(0)
+     {
+     }
+   IndirectionList(const This_t &a)
+     : iList_m(a.iList_m), size_m(a.size_m)
+     {
+     }
+   IndirectionList(int num) : iList_m(num), size_m(num) { ; }
+   IndirectionList(long num) : iList_m(num), size_m(num) { ; }
+   IndirectionList(unsigned int num) : iList_m(num), size_m(num) { }
+   IndirectionList(unsigned long num) : iList_m(num), size_m(num) { }
+   template<class T1>
+   IndirectionList(const T1 &first, const T1 &stride, Size_t num)
+     : iList_m(num), size_m(num)
+     {
+       ;
+       T1 val = first;
+       for (Size_t i=0; i < num; ++i)
+  {
+    iList_m[i] = val;
+    val += stride;
+  }
+     }
+   template<class T1>
+   explicit IndirectionList(const T1 &a)
+     : iList_m(a.engine().dataBlock()), size_m(a.domain().size())
+     {
+     }
+   ~IndirectionList()
+     {
+     }
+   This_t &operator=(const This_t &newilist)
+     {
+       iList_m = newilist.iList_m;
+       size_m = newilist.size_m;
+       return *this;
+     }
+   template<class T1>
+   This_t &operator=(const T1 &a)
+     {
+       iList_m = a.engine().dataBlock();
+       size_m = a.domain().size();
+       return *this;
+     }
+   This_t &operator[](int i)
+     {
+       ;
+       return *this;
+     }
+   const This_t &operator[](int i) const
+     {
+       ;
+       return *this;
+     }
+   const T &operator()(Size_t i1) const
+     {
+       return iList_m[i1];
+     }
+   T &operator()(Size_t i1)
+     {
+       return iList_m[i1];
+     }
+   Size_t length() const
+     {
+       return size_m;
+     }
+   T first() const
+     {
+       return iList_m[0];
+     }
+   T last() const
+     {
+       return iList_m[size_m-1];
+     }
+   T stride() const
+     {
+       return T(0);
+     }
+   T min() const
+     {
+       T result = iList_m[0];
+       for (Size_t i=1; i<size_m; ++i)
+  result = (iList_m[i] < result) ? iList_m[i] : result;
+       return result;
+     }
+   T max() const
+     {
+       T result = iList_m[0];
+       for (Size_t i=1; i<size_m; ++i)
+  result = (result < iList_m[i]) ? iList_m[i] : result;
+       return result;
+     }
+   Size_t size() const
+     {
+       return size_m;
+     }
+   bool empty() const
+     {
+       return (size() == 0);
+     }
+   bool initialized() const
+     {
+       return (!empty());
+     }
+   template<class T1>
+   This_t &operator+=(const T1 &val)
+     {
+       Size_t n = size();
+       if (n > 0)
+  {
+    iList_m.makeOwnCopy();
+    for (Size_t i=0; i < n; ++i)
+      iList_m[i] += val;
+  }
+       return *this;
+     }
+   template<class T1>
+   This_t &operator-=(const T1 &val)
+     {
+       Size_t n = size();
+       if (n > 0)
+  {
+    iList_m.makeOwnCopy();
+    for (Size_t i=0; i < n; ++i)
+      iList_m[i] -= val;
+  }
+       return *this;
+     }
+   template<class T1>
+   This_t &operator*=(const T1 &val)
+     {
+       Size_t n = size();
+       if (n > 0)
+  {
+    iList_m.makeOwnCopy();
+    for (Size_t i=0; i < n; ++i)
+      iList_m[i] *= val;
+  }
+       return *this;
+     }
+   template<class T1>
+   This_t &operator/=(const T1 &val)
+     {
+       Size_t n = size();
+       if (n > 0)
+  {
+    iList_m.makeOwnCopy();
+    for (Size_t i=0; i < n; ++i)
+      iList_m[i] /= val;
+  }
+       return *this;
+     }
+   template<class Out>
+   void print(Out &o) const;
+ private:
+   Storage_t iList_m;
+   Size_t size_m;
+ };
+ template<class T>
+ template<class Out>
+ void IndirectionList<T>::print(Out &o) const
+ {
+   o << "[";
+   for (Size_t i=0; i < size(); ++i)
+     {
+       o << (*this)(i);
+       if (i < (size() - 1))
+  o << ",";
+     }
+   o << "]";
+ }
+ template<class T>
+ std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream &o, const IndirectionList<T> &list)
+ {
+   list.print(o);
+   return o;
+ }
+ namespace Pooma {
+ template <class Iter>
+ class IteratorPairDomain
+ {
+ public:
+   typedef IteratorPairDomain<Iter> This_t;
+   typedef Iter iterator;
+   typedef std::iterator_traits<Iter> IterTraits_t;
+   typedef typename IterTraits_t::value_type Element_t;
+   typedef typename IterTraits_t::reference ElementRef_t;
+   typedef long Size_t;
+   enum { dimensions = 1 };
+   enum { loopAware = false };
+   enum { singleValued = false };
+   enum { unitStride = false };
+   IteratorPairDomain() : size_m(0) { }
+   IteratorPairDomain(Iter begin, Iter end)
+     : begin_m(begin), end_m(end)
+   {
+     size_m = std::distance(begin_m,end_m);
+   }
+   IteratorPairDomain(const This_t &a)
+     : begin_m(a.begin_m), end_m(a.end_m), size_m(a.size_m)
+   { }
+   template <class OtherIter>
+   IteratorPairDomain(const IteratorPairDomain<OtherIter> &a)
+     : begin_m(a.begin()), end_m(a.end()), size_m(a.size())
+   { }
+   This_t &operator=(const This_t &model)
+   {
+     begin_m = model.begin_m;
+     end_m = model.end_m;
+     size_m = model.size_m;
+     return *this;
+   }
+   This_t &operator[](int i)
+   {
+     ;
+     return *this;
+   }
+   const This_t &operator[](int i) const
+   {
+     ;
+     return *this;
+   }
+   Element_t operator()(Size_t i) const
+   {
+     ;
+     Iter pos = begin_m;
+     std::advance(pos,i);
+     return *pos;
+   }
+   ElementRef_t operator()(Size_t i)
+   {
+     ;
+     Iter pos = begin_m;
+     std::advance(pos,i);
+     return *pos;
+   }
+   Size_t length() const { return size_m; }
+   Size_t size() const { return size_m; }
+   bool empty() const { return size_m == 0; }
+   bool initialized() const { return size_m != 0; }
+   Element_t first() const { return *begin_m; }
+   Element_t last() const
+   {
+     Iter lpos = begin_m;
+     std::advance(lpos,size_m-1);
+     return *lpos;
+   }
+   Element_t min() const
+   {
+     Iter pos = begin_m;
+     Element_t result = *pos++;
+     for (Size_t i = 1; i < size_m; ++i)
+       {
+         if (*pos < result) result = *pos;
+         ++pos;
+       }
+     return result;
+   }
+   Element_t max() const
+   {
+     Iter pos = begin_m;
+     Element_t result = *pos++;
+     for (Size_t i = 1; i < size_m; ++i)
+       {
+         if (result < *pos) result = *pos;
+         ++pos;
+       }
+     return result;
+   }
+   Iter begin() const { return begin_m; }
+   Iter end() const { return end_m; }
+   template <class Out>
+   void print(Out &o) const;
+ private:
+   Iter begin_m;
+   Iter end_m;
+   Size_t size_m;
+ };
+ template <class Iter>
+ template <class Out>
+ void IteratorPairDomain<Iter>::print(Out &o) const
+ {
+   o << "[";
+   Iter pos = begin_m;
+   o << *pos++;
+   for (Size_t i = 1; i < size_m; ++i)
+     {
+       o << "," << *pos++;
+     }
+   o << "]";
+ }
+ template <class Iter>
+ std::ostream&
+ operator<<(std::ostream &o, const IteratorPairDomain<Iter> &list)
+ {
+   list.print(o);
+   return o;
+ }
+ }
+ using Pooma::IteratorPairDomain;
+ struct DynamicEvents
+ {
+   enum EventCode {
+          create = 1000,
+   extend,
+   destroyInterval, destroyRange, destroyList, destroyIterList,
+   copyInterval, copyRange, copyList,
+   copyPatchList,
+   sync,
+   unknownEvent };
+   static bool isDynamic(int eventcode)
+   {
+     return eventcode >= DynamicEvents::create &&
+            eventcode < DynamicEvents::unknownEvent;
+   }
+   enum { backfill = 100, shiftup, unknownMethod };
+   typedef int PatchID_t;
+   typedef int CreateSize_t;
+ };
+ struct BackFill
+ {
+   enum { code = DynamicEvents::backfill };
+   BackFill(){};
+ };
+ struct ShiftUp
+ {
+   enum { code = DynamicEvents::shiftup };
+   ShiftUp(){};
+ };
+ template<class T>
+ struct DynamicEventType
+ {
+   enum { destroyCode = DynamicEvents::destroyList };
+   enum { copyCode = DynamicEvents::copyList };
+   enum { dimensions = 1 };
+   typedef IndirectionList<int> Domain_t;
+ };
+ template <>
+ struct DynamicEventType<IteratorPairDomain<const int*> >
+ {
+   enum { destroyCode = DynamicEvents::destroyIterList };
+   enum { copyCode = DynamicEvents::copyList };
+   enum { dimensions = 1 };
+   typedef IteratorPairDomain<const int*> Domain_t;
+ };
+ template <>
+ struct DynamicEventType<IteratorPairDomain<int*> >
+ {
+   enum { destroyCode = DynamicEvents::destroyIterList };
+   enum { copyCode = DynamicEvents::copyList };
+   enum { dimensions = 1 };
+   typedef IteratorPairDomain<const int*> Domain_t;
+ };
+ template<>
+ struct DynamicEventType< IndirectionList< IndirectionList<int> > >
+ {
+   enum { destroyCode = DynamicEvents::unknownEvent };
+   enum { copyCode = DynamicEvents::copyPatchList };
+   enum { dimensions = 1 };
+   typedef IndirectionList< IndirectionList<int> > Domain_t;
+ };
+ template<int Dim>
+ struct DynamicEventType< Interval<Dim> >
+ {
+   enum { destroyCode = DynamicEvents::destroyInterval };
+   enum { copyCode = DynamicEvents::copyInterval };
+   enum { dimensions = Dim };
+   typedef Interval<Dim> Domain_t;
+ };
+ template<int Dim>
+ struct DynamicEventType< Range<Dim> >
+ {
+   enum { destroyCode = DynamicEvents::destroyRange };
+   enum { copyCode = DynamicEvents::copyRange };
+   enum { dimensions = Dim };
+   typedef Range<Dim> Domain_t;
+ };
+ template<int Dim>
+ struct DynamicEventType< Loc<Dim> >
+ {
+   enum { destroyCode = DynamicEvents::destroyInterval };
+   enum { copyCode = DynamicEvents::copyInterval };
+   enum { dimensions = Dim };
+   typedef Interval<Dim> Domain_t;
+ };
+ template<>
+ struct DynamicEventType<int>
+ {
+   enum { destroyCode = DynamicEvents::destroyInterval };
+   enum { copyCode = DynamicEvents::copyInterval };
+   enum { dimensions = 1 };
+   typedef Interval<1> Domain_t;
+ };
+ class CreateEvent : public ObserverEvent
+ {
+ public:
+   typedef DynamicEvents::PatchID_t PatchID_t;
+   typedef DynamicEvents::CreateSize_t CreateSize_t;
+   CreateEvent(CreateSize_t num, PatchID_t p)
+     : ObserverEvent(DynamicEvents::create),
+       amount_m(num), patch_m(p)
+     {
+     }
+   virtual ~CreateEvent()
+     {
+     }
+   inline CreateSize_t amount() const
+     {
+       return amount_m;
+     }
+   inline PatchID_t patch() const
+     {
+       return patch_m;
+     }
+ private:
+   CreateSize_t amount_m;
+   PatchID_t patch_m;
+ };
+ template<class Dom>
+ class DestroyEvent : public ObserverEvent
+ {
+ public:
+   typedef DynamicEvents::PatchID_t PatchID_t;
+   typedef DynamicEvents::CreateSize_t CreateSize_t;
+   typedef typename DynamicEventType<Dom>::Domain_t Domain_t;
+   template<class D>
+   DestroyEvent(const D &d, PatchID_t p, int method)
+     : ObserverEvent(DynamicEventType<Dom>::destroyCode),
+       domain_m(d), patch_m(p), method_m(method)
+     {
+       PoomaCTAssert<(DynamicEventType<Dom>::dimensions == 1)>::test();
+     }
+   virtual ~DestroyEvent()
+     {
+     }
+   inline const Domain_t &domain() const
+     {
+       return domain_m;
+     }
+   inline PatchID_t patch() const
+     {
+       return patch_m;
+     }
+   inline int method() const
+     {
+       return method_m;
+     }
+ private:
+   Domain_t domain_m;
+   PatchID_t patch_m;
+   int method_m;
+ };
+ template<class Dom>
+ class CopyEvent : public ObserverEvent
+ {
+ public:
+   typedef DynamicEvents::PatchID_t PatchID_t;
+   typedef DynamicEvents::CreateSize_t CreateSize_t;
+   typedef typename DynamicEventType<Dom>::Domain_t Domain_t;
+   CopyEvent(const Dom &d, PatchID_t fromp, PatchID_t top)
+     : ObserverEvent(DynamicEventType<Dom>::copyCode),
+       domain_m(d), from_m(fromp), to_m(top)
+     {
+       PoomaCTAssert<(DynamicEventType<Dom>::dimensions == 1)>::test();
+     }
+   template<class D>
+   CopyEvent(const D &d, PatchID_t fromp, PatchID_t top)
+     : ObserverEvent(DynamicEventType<Dom>::copyCode),
+       domain_m(d), from_m(fromp), to_m(top)
+     {
+       PoomaCTAssert<(DynamicEventType<Dom>::dimensions == 1)>::test();
+     }
+   virtual ~CopyEvent()
+     {
+     }
+   inline const Domain_t &domain() const
+     {
+       return domain_m;
+     }
+   inline PatchID_t fromPatch() const
+     {
+       return from_m;
+     }
+   inline PatchID_t toPatch() const
+     {
+       return to_m;
+     }
+ private:
+   Domain_t domain_m;
+   PatchID_t from_m;
+   PatchID_t to_m;
+ };
+ class CopyPatchEvent : public ObserverEvent
+ {
+ public:
+   typedef DynamicEvents::PatchID_t PatchID_t;
+   typedef DynamicEvents::CreateSize_t CreateSize_t;
+   typedef IndirectionList< IndirectionList<int> > Domain_t;
+   typedef IndirectionList<int> IDList_t;
+   CopyPatchEvent(const Domain_t &domlists, const IDList_t &fromlist,
+    PatchID_t top, bool create)
+     : ObserverEvent(DynamicEvents::copyPatchList),
+       lists_m(domlists), from_m(fromlist), to_m(top), create_m(create)
+     {
+     }
+   virtual ~CopyPatchEvent()
+     {
+     }
+   inline const Domain_t &domainLists() const
+     {
+       return lists_m;
+     }
+   inline const IDList_t &fromPatch() const
+     {
+       return from_m;
+     }
+   inline PatchID_t toPatch() const
+     {
+       return to_m;
+     }
+   inline bool create() const
+     {
+       return create_m;
+     }
+ private:
+   Domain_t lists_m;
+   IDList_t from_m;
+   PatchID_t to_m;
+   bool create_m;
+ };
+ class SyncEvent : public ObserverEvent
+ {
+ public:
+   SyncEvent()
+     : ObserverEvent(DynamicEvents::sync)
+     {
+     }
+   virtual ~SyncEvent()
+     {
+     }
+ private:
+ };
+ template<int Dim>
+ class ContextMapper
+ {
+ public:
+   typedef Interval<Dim> Domain_t;
+   typedef Node<Domain_t> Value_t;
+   typedef std::vector<Value_t *> List_t;
+   ContextMapper(){};
+   virtual ~ContextMapper(){};
+   virtual void map(const List_t & templist) const = 0;
+   void setAffinity(const List_t & templist) const;
+ };
+ template<int Dim>
+ void ContextMapper<Dim>::setAffinity(const List_t & templist) const
+ {
+   int affinityMax = Smarts::concurrency();
+   int idMax = 0;
+   typename List_t::const_iterator start = templist.begin();
+   typename List_t::const_iterator end = templist.end();
+   for ( ; start != end ; ++start)
+     if((*start)->context()==Pooma::context())
+       {
+  (*start)->localID()=idMax;
+  ++idMax;
+       }
+   start = templist.begin();
+   for ( ; start != end ; ++start)
+     {
+       if((*start)->context()==Pooma::context())
+  (*start)->affinity() = static_cast<int>
+    ( affinityMax * ( (*start)->localID()
+        / static_cast<double>(idMax) ) );
+     }
+   return;
+ }
+ template<int Dim>
+ class LocalMapper
+   : public ContextMapper<Dim>
+ {
+ public:
+   typedef Interval<Dim> Domain_t;
+   typedef Node<Domain_t> Value_t;
+   typedef std::vector<Value_t *> List_t;
+   template<class Partitioner>
+   LocalMapper(const Partitioner &)
+   {}
+   LocalMapper()
+   {}
+   void map(const List_t & templist) const;
+ };
+ template<int Dim>
+ void LocalMapper<Dim>::map(const List_t & templist) const
+ {
+   int idMax = templist.size();
+   int naff = Smarts::concurrency();
+   for (int i = 0; i< templist.size(); ++i)
+     {
+       templist[i]->context() = -1;
+       templist[i]->localID() = i;
+       templist[i]->affinity() = static_cast<int>( ( naff * ( i /
+     static_cast<double>(idMax) ) ) );
+     }
+ }
+ template<int Dim>
+ class DefaultTPmapper
+   : public ContextMapper<Dim>
+ {
+ public:
+   typedef Interval<Dim> Domain_t;
+   typedef Node<Domain_t> Value_t;
+   typedef std::vector<Value_t *> List_t;
+   template<class Partitioner>
+   DefaultTPmapper(const Partitioner & gp)
+   {
+   }
+   void map(const List_t & templist) const;
+ private:
+ };
+ template<int Dim>
+ void DefaultTPmapper<Dim>::map(const List_t & templist) const
+ {
+   int ncontexts = Pooma::contexts();
+   int npc = templist.size()/ncontexts;
+   if (templist.size()%ncontexts!=0) ++npc;
+   typename List_t::const_iterator start = templist.begin();
+   typename List_t::const_iterator end = templist.end();
+   int c = 0;
+   int p = 0;
+   for ( ; start!=end ; ++start)
+     {
+       (*start)->context() = p;
+       if(p == Pooma::context())
+  (*start)->localID() = c;
+       ++c;
+       if (c > npc)
+  {
+    ++p;
+    c = 0;
+  }
+     }
+   int affinityMax = Smarts::concurrency();
+   int idMax = 0;
+   start = templist.begin();
+   for ( ; start != end ; ++start)
+     if((*start)->context()==Pooma::context())
+       {
+  (*start)->localID()=idMax;
+  ++idMax;
+       }
+   start = templist.begin();
+   for ( ; start != end ; ++start)
+     {
+       if((*start)->context()==Pooma::context())
+  (*start)->affinity() = static_cast<int>( affinityMax *
+        ( (*start)->localID() /
+           static_cast<double>(idMax) ) );
+     }
+ }
+ template<int Dim>
+ class TilePartition
+ {
+ public:
+   typedef LocalMapper<Dim> DefaultMapper_t;
+   typedef Interval<Dim> Domain_t;
+   typedef std::vector<Domain_t> PatchList_t;
+   typedef Node<Domain_t> Value_t;
+   typedef std::vector<Value_t *> List_t;
+   enum { uniform = false };
+   enum { gridded = false };
+   enum { tile = true };
+   enum { general = true };
+   enum { dimensions = Dim };
+   TilePartition()
+     : hasInternalGuards_m(false),
+       hasExternalGuards_m(false),
+       num_m(0),
+       internalGuards_m(0),
+       externalGuards_m(0)
+   {
+   }
+   TilePartition(const PatchList_t &pList)
+     : hasInternalGuards_m(false),
+       hasExternalGuards_m(false),
+       internalGuards_m(0),
+       externalGuards_m(0),
+       tile_m(pList)
+   {
+     num_m = pList.size();
+   }
+   TilePartition(const PatchList_t &pList,
+   const GuardLayers<Dim> &gcs)
+     : hasInternalGuards_m(true),
+       hasExternalGuards_m(false),
+       internalGuards_m(gcs),
+       externalGuards_m(gcs),
+       tile_m(pList)
+   {
+     num_m = tile_m.size();
+   }
+   TilePartition(const PatchList_t &pList,
+   const GuardLayers<Dim> &igcs,
+   const GuardLayers<Dim> &egcs)
+     : hasInternalGuards_m(true),
+       hasExternalGuards_m(true),
+       internalGuards_m(igcs),
+       externalGuards_m(egcs),
+       tile_m(pList)
+   {
+     num_m = tile_m.size();
+   }
+   TilePartition(const TilePartition<Dim> & b)
+     : hasInternalGuards_m(b.hasInternalGuards_m),
+       hasExternalGuards_m(b.hasExternalGuards_m),
+       internalGuards_m(b.internalGuards_m),
+       externalGuards_m(b.externalGuards_m),
+       tile_m(b.tile_m),
+       num_m(b.num_m)
+   {
+   }
+   ~TilePartition() { }
+   TilePartition<Dim> &operator=(const TilePartition<Dim> &g)
+   {
+     if (this != &g)
+       {
+  hasInternalGuards_m = g.hasInternalGuards_m;
+  hasExternalGuards_m = g.hasExternalGuards_m;
+  internalGuards_m = g.internalGuards_m;
+  externalGuards_m = g.externalGuards_m;
+  tile_m = const_cast<TilePartition<Dim>&>(g).tileList();
+  num_m = g.maxSize();
+  if (!hasInternalGuards_m)
+    internalGuards_m = GuardLayers<Dim>(0);
+  if (!hasExternalGuards_m)
+    externalGuards_m = GuardLayers<Dim>(0);
+       }
+     return *this;
+   }
+   int maxSize() const { return num_m; }
+   PatchList_t tileList() { return tile_m; }
+   bool hasGuards() const { return hasInternalGuards_m||hasExternalGuards_m; }
+   bool hasCustomEdgeGuards() const
+   {
+     if (hasInternalGuards_m&&!hasExternalGuards_m) return true;
+     if (!hasInternalGuards_m&&hasExternalGuards_m) return true;
+     if (hasInternalGuards_m&&hasExternalGuards_m
+        &&(internalGuards_m!=externalGuards_m)) return true;
+     return false;
+   }
+   bool hasInternalGuards() const { return hasInternalGuards_m; }
+   bool hasExternalGuards() const { return hasExternalGuards_m;}
+   const GuardLayers<Dim> &internalGuards() const
+   {
+     return internalGuards_m;
+   }
+   const GuardLayers<Dim> &externalGuards() const
+   {
+     return externalGuards_m;
+   }
+   template<class D>
+   int partition(const D &bbox,List_t &all,const ContextMapper<Dim> &cmapper) const;
+   template<class D>
+   int partition(const D &bbox,List_t &all) const
+   {
+     return partition(bbox,all,LocalMapper<Dim>(*this));
+   }
+   template<class Out>
+   void print(Out &o) const;
+ private:
+   bool hasInternalGuards_m;
+   bool hasExternalGuards_m;
+   GuardLayers<Dim> internalGuards_m;
+   GuardLayers<Dim> externalGuards_m;
+   int num_m;
+   PatchList_t tile_m;
+ };
+ template<int Dim>
+ template<class D>
+ int TilePartition<Dim>::partition(const D &bbox, List_t &all,
+       const ContextMapper<Dim> &cmapper) const
+ {
+   typedef typename DomainTraits<Domain_t>::Element_t Element_t;
+   PoomaCTAssert<(Dim == DomainTraits<Domain_t>::dimensions)>::test();
+   typename PatchList_t::const_iterator start = tile_m.begin();
+   typename PatchList_t::const_iterator end = tile_m.end();
+   while (start!=end)
+     {
+       Domain_t o = Pooma::NoInit();
+       o = * start;
+       Domain_t oo = o;
+       Domain_t a = Pooma::NoInit();
+       a = * start;
+       if (hasInternalGuards()||hasExternalGuards())
+  {
+    for (int i=0;i<Dim;i++)
+      {
+        if (oo[i].first() == bbox[i].first())
+   {
+     if (hasExternalGuards())
+       {
+         o[i]=Interval<1>(o[i].first()-externalGuards().lower(i),
+            o[i].last());
+         a[i]=Interval<1>(a[i].first()-externalGuards().lower(i),
+            a[i].last());
+       }
+     if (hasInternalGuards() && oo[i].last() != bbox[i].last() )
+       a[i]=Interval<1>(a[i].first(),
+          a[i].last()+internalGuards().upper(i));
+   }
+        if (oo[i].last()== bbox[i].last())
+   {
+     if (hasExternalGuards())
+       {
+         o[i]=Interval<1>(o[i].first(),
+            o[i].last()+externalGuards().upper(i));
+         a[i]=Interval<1>(a[i].first(),
+            a[i].last()+externalGuards().upper(i));
+       }
+     if (hasInternalGuards()&&(oo[i].first() != bbox[i].first()))
+       a[i]=Interval<1>(a[i].first()-internalGuards().lower(i),
+          a[i].last());
+   }
+        if (oo[i].first()!=bbox[i].first() &&
+     oo[i].last() != bbox[i].last() &&
+     hasInternalGuards())
+   a[i]=Interval<1>(o[i].first()-internalGuards().lower(i),
+      o[i].last()+internalGuards().upper(i));
+      }
+  }
+       Value_t * node = new Value_t(o,a,-1,all.size(),-1);
+       all.push_back(node);
+       ++start;
+     }
+   cmapper.map(all);
+   return all.size();
+ }
+ template<int Dim>
+ template<class Out>
+ void TilePartition<Dim>::print(Out &o) const
+ {
+   int i;
+   o << "TilePartition<" << Dim << ">:" << std::endl;
+   o << "  hasInternalGuards_m  hasExternalGuards_m = ";
+   o << hasInternalGuards_m<< " "<<hasExternalGuards_m<< std::endl;
+   o << "  internalGuards_m:" << std::endl;
+   o << "      upper       ";
+   for (i=0; i < Dim; ++i)
+     o << internalGuards_m.upper(i) << " ";
+   o << std::endl;
+   o << "      lower       ";
+   for (i=0; i < Dim; ++i)
+     o << internalGuards_m.lower(i) << " ";
+   o << std::endl;
+   o << "  externalGuards_m:" << std::endl;
+   o << "      upper       ";
+   for (i=0; i < Dim; ++i)
+     o << externalGuards_m.upper(i) << " ";
+   o << std::endl;
+   o << "      lower       ";
+   for (i=0; i < Dim; ++i)
+     o << externalGuards_m.lower(i) << " ";
+   o << std::endl;
+   o << "  num_m = " << num_m << std::endl;
+ }
+ template <int Dim>
+ std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &o, const TilePartition<Dim> &gp)
+ {
+   gp.print(o);
+   return o;
+ }
+ extern
+ bool findLeftCommonEndpoint(int a0, int a1, int s, int b0, int b1, int t,
+                             int &endpoint);
+ extern
+ bool findIntersectionEndpoints(int a0, int a1, int s, int b0, int b1, int t,
+                                int &i0, int &i1, int &is);
+ template<class T1, class T2, class T3, int Dim, bool strided>
+ struct IntersectDomainSingle {
+   static void intersect(const T1 &a, const T2 &b, T3 &c) {
+     typedef typename DomainTraits<T1>::Element_t E1_t;
+     typedef typename DomainTraits<T2>::Element_t E2_t;
+     E1_t a0 = a.min();
+     E1_t a1 = a.max();
+     E2_t b0 = b.min();
+     E2_t b1 = b.max();
+     if (a1 < b0 || a0 > b1)
+       return;
+     if (b0 > a0)
+       a0 = b0;
+     if (b1 < a1)
+       a1 = b1;
+     typedef typename DomainTraits<T3>::OneDomain_t Dom_t;
+     c[Dim-1] = Dom_t(a0, a1);
+   }
+ };
+ template<class T1, class T2, class T3, int Dim>
+ struct IntersectDomainSingle<T1,T2,T3,Dim,true> {
+   static void intersect(const T1 &a, const T2 &b, T3 &c) {
+     typedef typename DomainTraits<T1>::Element_t E1_t;
+     typedef typename DomainTraits<T2>::Element_t E2_t;
+     E1_t s = a.stride();
+     E2_t t = b.stride();
+     if (s == 1 && t == 1) {
+       IntersectDomainSingle<T1,T2,T3,Dim,false>::intersect(a,b,c);
+       return;
+     }
+     E1_t a0 = a.min();
+     E1_t a1 = a.max();
+     E2_t b0 = b.min();
+     E2_t b1 = b.max();
+     if (a1 < b0 || a0 > b1)
+       return;
+     int i1, i2, is;
+     if (findIntersectionEndpoints(a0, a1, s, b0, b1, t, i1, i2, is)) {
+       typedef typename DomainTraits<T3>::OneDomain_t Dom_t;
+       if (s < 0)
+         c[Dim-1] = Dom_t(i2, i1, -is);
+       else
+         c[Dim-1] = Dom_t(i1, i2, is);
+     }
+   }
+ };
+ template<class T1, class T2, class T3, int Dim>
+ struct IntersectDomain {
+   enum { strided =
+     !DomainTraits<T1>::unitStride || !DomainTraits<T2>::unitStride };
+   static void intersect(const T1 &a, const T2 &b, T3 &c) {
+     typedef typename DomainTraits<T1>::OneDomain_t Dom1_t;
+     typedef typename DomainTraits<T2>::OneDomain_t Dom2_t;
+     IntersectDomainSingle<Dom1_t,Dom2_t,T3,Dim,strided>::intersect(
+       DomainTraits<T1>::getDomain(a,Dim-1),
+       DomainTraits<T2>::getDomain(b,Dim-1), c);
+     IntersectDomain<T1,T2,T3,Dim-1>::intersect(a,b,c);
+   }
+ };
+ template<class T1, class T2, class T3>
+ struct IntersectDomain<T1,T2,T3,1> {
+   enum { strided =
+     !DomainTraits<T1>::unitStride || !DomainTraits<T2>::unitStride };
+   static void intersect(const T1 &a, const T2 &b, T3 &c) {
+     typedef typename DomainTraits<T1>::OneDomain_t Dom1_t;
+     typedef typename DomainTraits<T2>::OneDomain_t Dom2_t;
+     IntersectDomainSingle<Dom1_t,Dom2_t,T3,1,strided>::intersect(
+       DomainTraits<T1>::getDomain(a,0), DomainTraits<T2>::getDomain(b,0), c);
+   }
+ };
+ template<class T1, class T2>
+ struct IntersectReturnType {
+   typedef typename NewDomain2<T1,T2>::Type_t Combine_t;
+   typedef typename
+     DomainChangeDim<Combine_t,DomainTraits<T1>::dimensions>::NewType_t Type_t;
+ };
+ template<class T1, class T2>
+ inline typename IntersectReturnType<T1,T2>::Type_t
+ intersect(const T1 &a, const T2 &b)
+ {
+   typedef typename IntersectReturnType<T1,T2>::Type_t T3;
+   PoomaCTAssert<((int)DomainTraits<T1>::dimensions == DomainTraits<T2>::dimensions)>::test();
+   T3 c;
+   IntersectDomain<T1,T2,T3,DomainTraits<T1>::dimensions>::intersect(a, b, c);
+   return c;
+ }
+ template<int TotalDim, int SliceDim> class SliceRange;
+ template<int TotalDim, int SliceDim>
+ struct DomainTraits< SliceRange<TotalDim,SliceDim> >
+ {
+   enum { domain = true };
+   enum { dimensions = TotalDim,
+   sliceDimensions = SliceDim };
+   enum { unitStride = false };
+   enum { singleValued = false };
+   enum { wildcard = false };
+   typedef SliceRange<TotalDim,SliceDim> Domain_t;
+   typedef SliceRange<TotalDim,SliceDim> NewDomain1_t;
+   typedef Range<SliceDim> SliceDomain_t;
+   typedef Range<TotalDim> TotalDomain_t;
+   typedef Range<1> OneDomain_t;
+   typedef Range<1> PointDomain_t;
+   static OneDomain_t &getDomain(Domain_t &d, int n) {
+     return d.totalDomain()[n];
+   }
+   static const OneDomain_t &getDomain(const Domain_t &d,int n) {
+     return d.totalDomain()[n];
+   }
+   static OneDomain_t &getSliceDomain(Domain_t &d, int n) {
+     return d.sliceDomain()[n];
+   }
+   static const OneDomain_t &getSliceDomain(const Domain_t &d, int n) {
+     return d.sliceDomain()[n];
+   }
+   static PointDomain_t &getPointDomain(Domain_t &d, int n) {
+     return getDomain(d, n);
+   }
+   static const PointDomain_t &getPointDomain(const Domain_t &d, int n) {
+     return getDomain(d, n);
+   }
+   static void cantIgnoreDomain(Domain_t &d, int n) {
+     d.cantIgnoreDomain(n);
+   }
+   static bool getIgnorable(const Domain_t &d, int n) {
+     return d.ignorable(n);
+   }
+   static void setIgnorable(Domain_t &d, int n, bool i) {
+     d.ignorable(n) = i;
+   }
+ };
+ template<class DT>
+ class SliceDomain
+ {
+ public:
+   typedef typename DT::Domain_t Domain_t;
+   typedef typename DT::SliceDomain_t SliceDomain_t;
+   typedef typename DT::TotalDomain_t TotalDomain_t;
+   SliceDomain()
+     : slice_m(Pooma::NoInit()),
+       domain_m(Pooma::NoInit()) {
+     PoomaCTAssert<(DT::sliceDimensions <= DT::dimensions)>::test();
+     for (int d = 0; d < DT::dimensions; ++d)
+       ignore_m[d] = true;
+   }
+   SliceDomain(const Pooma::NoInit &e)
+     : slice_m(e), domain_m(e) {
+     PoomaCTAssert<(DT::sliceDimensions <= DT::dimensions)>::test();
+     for (int d = 0; d < DT::dimensions; ++d)
+       ignore_m[d] = true;
+   }
+   SliceDomain(const SliceDomain<DT> &sd)
+     : slice_m(sd.slice_m),
+       domain_m(sd.domain_m) {
+     PoomaCTAssert<(DT::sliceDimensions <= DT::dimensions)>::test();
+     for (int d = 0; d < DT::dimensions; ++d)
+       ignore_m[d] = sd.ignore_m[d];
+   }
+   template <class DTO>
+   SliceDomain(const SliceDomain<DTO> &sd)
+     : slice_m(sd.sliceDomain()),
+       domain_m(sd.totalDomain()) {
+     PoomaCTAssert<(DT::sliceDimensions <= DT::dimensions)>::test();
+     for (int d = 0; d < DT::dimensions; ++d)
+       ignore_m[d] = sd.ignorable(d);
+   }
+   Domain_t &unwrap() { return *static_cast<Domain_t *>(this); }
+   const Domain_t &unwrap() const {
+     return *static_cast<const Domain_t *>(this);
+   }
+   ~SliceDomain() { }
+   const SliceDomain_t &sliceDomain() const { return slice_m; }
+   SliceDomain_t &sliceDomain() { return slice_m; }
+   const TotalDomain_t &totalDomain() const { return domain_m; }
+   TotalDomain_t &totalDomain() { return domain_m; }
+   void cantIgnoreDomain(int d)
+   {
+     ;
+     ignore_m[d] = false;
+   }
+   bool &ignorable(int d)
+   {
+     ;
+     return ignore_m[d];
+   }
+   bool ignorable(int d) const
+   {
+     ;
+     return ignore_m[d];
+   }
+   SliceDomain<DT> &operator=(const SliceDomain<DT> &sd) {
+     slice_m = sd.slice_m;
+     domain_m = sd.domain_m;
+     for (int d = 0; d < DT::dimensions; ++d)
+       ignore_m[d] = sd.ignore_m[d];
+     return *this;
+   }
+   void setSliceFromTotal() {
+     for (int d = 0, dt = 0; d < DT::dimensions; ++d)
+       if (!ignore_m[d])
+         slice_m[dt++] = domain_m[d];
+   }
+   template<class Out>
+   void print(Out &o) const;
+ private:
+   SliceDomain_t slice_m;
+   TotalDomain_t domain_m;
+   bool ignore_m[DT::dimensions];
+ };
+ template<class DT>
+ template<class Out>
+ void SliceDomain<DT>::print(Out &o) const
+ {
+   o << totalDomain() << "==>" << sliceDomain();
+ }
+ template <class T1, class T2> inline typename T1::Domain_t operator+(const SliceDomain<T1> &d1, const DomainBase<T2> &d2) { typename T1::Domain_t ret(d1.unwrap()); ret.totalDomain() += d2.unwrap(); ret.setSliceFromTotal(); return ret; } template <class T1, class T2> inline typename T1::Domain_t operator+(const SliceDomain<T1> &d1, const SliceDomain<T2> &d2) { typename T1::Domain_t ret(d1.unwrap()); ret.totalDomain() += d2.unwrap().totalDomain(); ret.setSliceFromTotal(); return ret; } template <class T> inline typename T::Domain_t operator+(const SliceDomain<T> &d1, char d2) { typename T::Domain_t ret(d1.unwrap()); ret.totalDomain() += d2; ret.setSliceFromTotal(); return ret; } template <class T> inline typename T::Domain_t operator+(char d1, const SliceDomain<T> &d2) { typename T::Domain_t ret(d2.unwrap()); ret.totalDomain() = d2 + ret.totalDomain(); ret.setSliceFromTotal(); return ret; } template <class T> inline typename T::Domain_t operator+(const SliceDomain<T> &d1, un!
 signed char d2) { typename T::Domain_t ret(d1.unwrap()); ret.totalDomain() += d2; ret.setSliceFromTotal(); return ret; } template <class T> inline typename T::Domain_t operator+(unsigned char d1, const SliceDomain<T> &d2) { typename T::Domain_t ret(d2.unwrap()); ret.totalDomain() = d2 + ret.totalDomain(); ret.setSliceFromTotal(); return ret; } template <class T> inline typename T::Domain_t operator+(const SliceDomain<T> &d1, short d2) { typename T::Domain_t ret(d1.unwrap()); ret.totalDomain() += d2; ret.setSliceFromTotal(); return ret; } template <class T> inline typename T::Domain_t operator+(short d1, const SliceDomain<T> &d2) { typename T::Domain_t ret(d2.unwrap()); ret.totalDomain() = d2 + ret.totalDomain(); ret.setSliceFromTotal(); return ret; } template <class T> inline typename T::Domain_t operator+(const SliceDomain<T> &d1, unsigned short d2) { typename T::Domain_t ret(d1.unwrap()); ret.totalDomain() += d2; ret.setSliceFromTotal(); return ret; } template <class T> i!
 nline typename T::Domain_t operator+(unsigned short d1, const !
ain<T> &d2) { typename T::Domain_t ret(d2.unwrap()); ret.totalDomain() = d2 + ret.totalDomain(); ret.setSliceFromTotal(); return ret; } template <class T> inline typename T::Domain_t operator+(const SliceDomain<T> &d1, int d2) { typename T::Domain_t ret(d1.unwrap()); ret.totalDomain() += d2; ret.setSliceFromTotal(); return ret; } template <class T> inline typename T::Domain_t operator+(int d1, const SliceDomain<T> &d2) { typename T::Domain_t ret(d2.unwrap()); ret.totalDomain() = d2 + ret.totalDomain(); ret.setSliceFromTotal(); return ret; } template <class T> inline typename T::Domain_t operator+(const SliceDomain<T> &d1, unsigned int d2) { typename T::Domain_t ret(d1.unwrap()); ret.totalDomain() += d2; ret.setSliceFromTotal(); return ret; } template <class T> inline typename T::Domain_t operator+(unsigned int d1, const SliceDomain<T> &d2) { typename T::Domain_t ret(d2.unwrap()); ret.totalDomain() = d2 + ret.totalDomain(); ret.setSliceFromTotal(); return ret; } template <cla!
 ss T> inline typename T::Domain_t operator+(const SliceDomain<T> &d1, long d2) { typename T::Domain_t ret(d1.unwrap()); ret.totalDomain() += d2; ret.setSliceFromTotal(); return ret; } template <class T> inline typename T::Domain_t operator+(long d1, const SliceDomain<T> &d2) { typename T::Domain_t ret(d2.unwrap()); ret.totalDomain() = d2 + ret.totalDomain(); ret.setSliceFromTotal(); return ret; } template <class T> inline typename T::Domain_t operator+(const SliceDomain<T> &d1, unsigned long d2) { typename T::Domain_t ret(d1.unwrap()); ret.totalDomain() += d2; ret.setSliceFromTotal(); return ret; } template <class T> inline typename T::Domain_t operator+(unsigned long d1, const SliceDomain<T> &d2) { typename T::Domain_t ret(d2.unwrap()); ret.totalDomain() = d2 + ret.totalDomain(); ret.setSliceFromTotal(); return ret; } template <class T> inline typename T::Domain_t operator+(const SliceDomain<T> &d1, float d2) { typename T::Domain_t ret(d1.unwrap()); ret.totalDomain() += d2!
 ; ret.setSliceFromTotal(); return ret; } template <class T> in!
 line typ
ename T::Domain_t operator+(float d1, const SliceDomain<T> &d2) { typename T::Domain_t ret(d2.unwrap()); ret.totalDomain() = d2 + ret.totalDomain(); ret.setSliceFromTotal(); return ret; } template <class T> inline typename T::Domain_t operator+(const SliceDomain<T> &d1, double d2) { typename T::Domain_t ret(d1.unwrap()); ret.totalDomain() += d2; ret.setSliceFromTotal(); return ret; } template <class T> inline typename T::Domain_t operator+(double d1, const SliceDomain<T> &d2) { typename T::Domain_t ret(d2.unwrap()); ret.totalDomain() = d2 + ret.totalDomain(); ret.setSliceFromTotal(); return ret; }
+ template <class T1, class T2> inline typename T1::Domain_t operator-(const SliceDomain<T1> &d1, const DomainBase<T2> &d2) { typename T1::Domain_t ret(d1.unwrap()); ret.totalDomain() -= d2.unwrap(); ret.setSliceFromTotal(); return ret; } template <class T1, class T2> inline typename T1::Domain_t operator-(const SliceDomain<T1> &d1, const SliceDomain<T2> &d2) { typename T1::Domain_t ret(d1.unwrap()); ret.totalDomain() -= d2.unwrap().totalDomain(); ret.setSliceFromTotal(); return ret; } template <class T> inline typename T::Domain_t operator-(const SliceDomain<T> &d1, char d2) { typename T::Domain_t ret(d1.unwrap()); ret.totalDomain() -= d2; ret.setSliceFromTotal(); return ret; } template <class T> inline typename T::Domain_t operator-(char d1, const SliceDomain<T> &d2) { typename T::Domain_t ret(d2.unwrap()); ret.totalDomain() = d2 - ret.totalDomain(); ret.setSliceFromTotal(); return ret; } template <class T> inline typename T::Domain_t operator-(const SliceDomain<T> &d1, un!
 signed char d2) { typename T::Domain_t ret(d1.unwrap()); ret.totalDomain() -= d2; ret.setSliceFromTotal(); return ret; } template <class T> inline typename T::Domain_t operator-(unsigned char d1, const SliceDomain<T> &d2) { typename T::Domain_t ret(d2.unwrap()); ret.totalDomain() = d2 - ret.totalDomain(); ret.setSliceFromTotal(); return ret; } template <class T> inline typename T::Domain_t operator-(const SliceDomain<T> &d1, short d2) { typename T::Domain_t ret(d1.unwrap()); ret.totalDomain() -= d2; ret.setSliceFromTotal(); return ret; } template <class T> inline typename T::Domain_t operator-(short d1, const SliceDomain<T> &d2) { typename T::Domain_t ret(d2.unwrap()); ret.totalDomain() = d2 - ret.totalDomain(); ret.setSliceFromTotal(); return ret; } template <class T> inline typename T::Domain_t operator-(const SliceDomain<T> &d1, unsigned short d2) { typename T::Domain_t ret(d1.unwrap()); ret.totalDomain() -= d2; ret.setSliceFromTotal(); return ret; } template <class T> i!
 nline typename T::Domain_t operator-(unsigned short d1, const !
ain<T> &d2) { typename T::Domain_t ret(d2.unwrap()); ret.totalDomain() = d2 - ret.totalDomain(); ret.setSliceFromTotal(); return ret; } template <class T> inline typename T::Domain_t operator-(const SliceDomain<T> &d1, int d2) { typename T::Domain_t ret(d1.unwrap()); ret.totalDomain() -= d2; ret.setSliceFromTotal(); return ret; } template <class T> inline typename T::Domain_t operator-(int d1, const SliceDomain<T> &d2) { typename T::Domain_t ret(d2.unwrap()); ret.totalDomain() = d2 - ret.totalDomain(); ret.setSliceFromTotal(); return ret; } template <class T> inline typename T::Domain_t operator-(const SliceDomain<T> &d1, unsigned int d2) { typename T::Domain_t ret(d1.unwrap()); ret.totalDomain() -= d2; ret.setSliceFromTotal(); return ret; } template <class T> inline typename T::Domain_t operator-(unsigned int d1, const SliceDomain<T> &d2) { typename T::Domain_t ret(d2.unwrap()); ret.totalDomain() = d2 - ret.totalDomain(); ret.setSliceFromTotal(); return ret; } template <cla!
 ss T> inline typename T::Domain_t operator-(const SliceDomain<T> &d1, long d2) { typename T::Domain_t ret(d1.unwrap()); ret.totalDomain() -= d2; ret.setSliceFromTotal(); return ret; } template <class T> inline typename T::Domain_t operator-(long d1, const SliceDomain<T> &d2) { typename T::Domain_t ret(d2.unwrap()); ret.totalDomain() = d2 - ret.totalDomain(); ret.setSliceFromTotal(); return ret; } template <class T> inline typename T::Domain_t operator-(const SliceDomain<T> &d1, unsigned long d2) { typename T::Domain_t ret(d1.unwrap()); ret.totalDomain() -= d2; ret.setSliceFromTotal(); return ret; } template <class T> inline typename T::Domain_t operator-(unsigned long d1, const SliceDomain<T> &d2) { typename T::Domain_t ret(d2.unwrap()); ret.totalDomain() = d2 - ret.totalDomain(); ret.setSliceFromTotal(); return ret; } template <class T> inline typename T::Domain_t operator-(const SliceDomain<T> &d1, float d2) { typename T::Domain_t ret(d1.unwrap()); ret.totalDomain() -= d2!
 ; ret.setSliceFromTotal(); return ret; } template <class T> in!
 line typ
ename T::Domain_t operator-(float d1, const SliceDomain<T> &d2) { typename T::Domain_t ret(d2.unwrap()); ret.totalDomain() = d2 - ret.totalDomain(); ret.setSliceFromTotal(); return ret; } template <class T> inline typename T::Domain_t operator-(const SliceDomain<T> &d1, double d2) { typename T::Domain_t ret(d1.unwrap()); ret.totalDomain() -= d2; ret.setSliceFromTotal(); return ret; } template <class T> inline typename T::Domain_t operator-(double d1, const SliceDomain<T> &d2) { typename T::Domain_t ret(d2.unwrap()); ret.totalDomain() = d2 - ret.totalDomain(); ret.setSliceFromTotal(); return ret; }
+ template <class T1, class T2> inline typename T1::Domain_t operator*(const SliceDomain<T1> &d1, const DomainBase<T2> &d2) { typename T1::Domain_t ret(d1.unwrap()); ret.totalDomain() *= d2.unwrap(); ret.setSliceFromTotal(); return ret; } template <class T1, class T2> inline typename T1::Domain_t operator*(const SliceDomain<T1> &d1, const SliceDomain<T2> &d2) { typename T1::Domain_t ret(d1.unwrap()); ret.totalDomain() *= d2.unwrap().totalDomain(); ret.setSliceFromTotal(); return ret; } template <class T> inline typename T::Domain_t operator*(const SliceDomain<T> &d1, char d2) { typename T::Domain_t ret(d1.unwrap()); ret.totalDomain() *= d2; ret.setSliceFromTotal(); return ret; } template <class T> inline typename T::Domain_t operator*(char d1, const SliceDomain<T> &d2) { typename T::Domain_t ret(d2.unwrap()); ret.totalDomain() = d2 * ret.totalDomain(); ret.setSliceFromTotal(); return ret; } template <class T> inline typename T::Domain_t operator*(const SliceDomain<T> &d1, un!
 signed char d2) { typename T::Domain_t ret(d1.unwrap()); ret.totalDomain() *= d2; ret.setSliceFromTotal(); return ret; } template <class T> inline typename T::Domain_t operator*(unsigned char d1, const SliceDomain<T> &d2) { typename T::Domain_t ret(d2.unwrap()); ret.totalDomain() = d2 * ret.totalDomain(); ret.setSliceFromTotal(); return ret; } template <class T> inline typename T::Domain_t operator*(const SliceDomain<T> &d1, short d2) { typename T::Domain_t ret(d1.unwrap()); ret.totalDomain() *= d2; ret.setSliceFromTotal(); return ret; } template <class T> inline typename T::Domain_t operator*(short d1, const SliceDomain<T> &d2) { typename T::Domain_t ret(d2.unwrap()); ret.totalDomain() = d2 * ret.totalDomain(); ret.setSliceFromTotal(); return ret; } template <class T> inline typename T::Domain_t operator*(const SliceDomain<T> &d1, unsigned short d2) { typename T::Domain_t ret(d1.unwrap()); ret.totalDomain() *= d2; ret.setSliceFromTotal(); return ret; } template <class T> i!
 nline typename T::Domain_t operator*(unsigned short d1, const !
ain<T> &d2) { typename T::Domain_t ret(d2.unwrap()); ret.totalDomain() = d2 * ret.totalDomain(); ret.setSliceFromTotal(); return ret; } template <class T> inline typename T::Domain_t operator*(const SliceDomain<T> &d1, int d2) { typename T::Domain_t ret(d1.unwrap()); ret.totalDomain() *= d2; ret.setSliceFromTotal(); return ret; } template <class T> inline typename T::Domain_t operator*(int d1, const SliceDomain<T> &d2) { typename T::Domain_t ret(d2.unwrap()); ret.totalDomain() = d2 * ret.totalDomain(); ret.setSliceFromTotal(); return ret; } template <class T> inline typename T::Domain_t operator*(const SliceDomain<T> &d1, unsigned int d2) { typename T::Domain_t ret(d1.unwrap()); ret.totalDomain() *= d2; ret.setSliceFromTotal(); return ret; } template <class T> inline typename T::Domain_t operator*(unsigned int d1, const SliceDomain<T> &d2) { typename T::Domain_t ret(d2.unwrap()); ret.totalDomain() = d2 * ret.totalDomain(); ret.setSliceFromTotal(); return ret; } template <cla!
 ss T> inline typename T::Domain_t operator*(const SliceDomain<T> &d1, long d2) { typename T::Domain_t ret(d1.unwrap()); ret.totalDomain() *= d2; ret.setSliceFromTotal(); return ret; } template <class T> inline typename T::Domain_t operator*(long d1, const SliceDomain<T> &d2) { typename T::Domain_t ret(d2.unwrap()); ret.totalDomain() = d2 * ret.totalDomain(); ret.setSliceFromTotal(); return ret; } template <class T> inline typename T::Domain_t operator*(const SliceDomain<T> &d1, unsigned long d2) { typename T::Domain_t ret(d1.unwrap()); ret.totalDomain() *= d2; ret.setSliceFromTotal(); return ret; } template <class T> inline typename T::Domain_t operator*(unsigned long d1, const SliceDomain<T> &d2) { typename T::Domain_t ret(d2.unwrap()); ret.totalDomain() = d2 * ret.totalDomain(); ret.setSliceFromTotal(); return ret; } template <class T> inline typename T::Domain_t operator*(const SliceDomain<T> &d1, float d2) { typename T::Domain_t ret(d1.unwrap()); ret.totalDomain() *= d2!
 ; ret.setSliceFromTotal(); return ret; } template <class T> in!
 line typ
ename T::Domain_t operator*(float d1, const SliceDomain<T> &d2) { typename T::Domain_t ret(d2.unwrap()); ret.totalDomain() = d2 * ret.totalDomain(); ret.setSliceFromTotal(); return ret; } template <class T> inline typename T::Domain_t operator*(const SliceDomain<T> &d1, double d2) { typename T::Domain_t ret(d1.unwrap()); ret.totalDomain() *= d2; ret.setSliceFromTotal(); return ret; } template <class T> inline typename T::Domain_t operator*(double d1, const SliceDomain<T> &d2) { typename T::Domain_t ret(d2.unwrap()); ret.totalDomain() = d2 * ret.totalDomain(); ret.setSliceFromTotal(); return ret; }
+ template <class T1, class T2> inline typename T1::Domain_t operator/(const SliceDomain<T1> &d1, const DomainBase<T2> &d2) { typename T1::Domain_t ret(d1.unwrap()); ret.totalDomain() /= d2.unwrap(); ret.setSliceFromTotal(); return ret; } template <class T1, class T2> inline typename T1::Domain_t operator/(const SliceDomain<T1> &d1, const SliceDomain<T2> &d2) { typename T1::Domain_t ret(d1.unwrap()); ret.totalDomain() /= d2.unwrap().totalDomain(); ret.setSliceFromTotal(); return ret; } template <class T> inline typename T::Domain_t operator/(const SliceDomain<T> &d1, char d2) { typename T::Domain_t ret(d1.unwrap()); ret.totalDomain() /= d2; ret.setSliceFromTotal(); return ret; } template <class T> inline typename T::Domain_t operator/(char d1, const SliceDomain<T> &d2) { typename T::Domain_t ret(d2.unwrap()); ret.totalDomain() = d2 / ret.totalDomain(); ret.setSliceFromTotal(); return ret; } template <class T> inline typename T::Domain_t operator/(const SliceDomain<T> &d1, un!
 signed char d2) { typename T::Domain_t ret(d1.unwrap()); ret.totalDomain() /= d2; ret.setSliceFromTotal(); return ret; } template <class T> inline typename T::Domain_t operator/(unsigned char d1, const SliceDomain<T> &d2) { typename T::Domain_t ret(d2.unwrap()); ret.totalDomain() = d2 / ret.totalDomain(); ret.setSliceFromTotal(); return ret; } template <class T> inline typename T::Domain_t operator/(const SliceDomain<T> &d1, short d2) { typename T::Domain_t ret(d1.unwrap()); ret.totalDomain() /= d2; ret.setSliceFromTotal(); return ret; } template <class T> inline typename T::Domain_t operator/(short d1, const SliceDomain<T> &d2) { typename T::Domain_t ret(d2.unwrap()); ret.totalDomain() = d2 / ret.totalDomain(); ret.setSliceFromTotal(); return ret; } template <class T> inline typename T::Domain_t operator/(const SliceDomain<T> &d1, unsigned short d2) { typename T::Domain_t ret(d1.unwrap()); ret.totalDomain() /= d2; ret.setSliceFromTotal(); return ret; } template <class T> i!
 nline typename T::Domain_t operator/(unsigned short d1, const !
ain<T> &d2) { typename T::Domain_t ret(d2.unwrap()); ret.totalDomain() = d2 / ret.totalDomain(); ret.setSliceFromTotal(); return ret; } template <class T> inline typename T::Domain_t operator/(const SliceDomain<T> &d1, int d2) { typename T::Domain_t ret(d1.unwrap()); ret.totalDomain() /= d2; ret.setSliceFromTotal(); return ret; } template <class T> inline typename T::Domain_t operator/(int d1, const SliceDomain<T> &d2) { typename T::Domain_t ret(d2.unwrap()); ret.totalDomain() = d2 / ret.totalDomain(); ret.setSliceFromTotal(); return ret; } template <class T> inline typename T::Domain_t operator/(const SliceDomain<T> &d1, unsigned int d2) { typename T::Domain_t ret(d1.unwrap()); ret.totalDomain() /= d2; ret.setSliceFromTotal(); return ret; } template <class T> inline typename T::Domain_t operator/(unsigned int d1, const SliceDomain<T> &d2) { typename T::Domain_t ret(d2.unwrap()); ret.totalDomain() = d2 / ret.totalDomain(); ret.setSliceFromTotal(); return ret; } template <cla!
 ss T> inline typename T::Domain_t operator/(const SliceDomain<T> &d1, long d2) { typename T::Domain_t ret(d1.unwrap()); ret.totalDomain() /= d2; ret.setSliceFromTotal(); return ret; } template <class T> inline typename T::Domain_t operator/(long d1, const SliceDomain<T> &d2) { typename T::Domain_t ret(d2.unwrap()); ret.totalDomain() = d2 / ret.totalDomain(); ret.setSliceFromTotal(); return ret; } template <class T> inline typename T::Domain_t operator/(const SliceDomain<T> &d1, unsigned long d2) { typename T::Domain_t ret(d1.unwrap()); ret.totalDomain() /= d2; ret.setSliceFromTotal(); return ret; } template <class T> inline typename T::Domain_t operator/(unsigned long d1, const SliceDomain<T> &d2) { typename T::Domain_t ret(d2.unwrap()); ret.totalDomain() = d2 / ret.totalDomain(); ret.setSliceFromTotal(); return ret; } template <class T> inline typename T::Domain_t operator/(const SliceDomain<T> &d1, float d2) { typename T::Domain_t ret(d1.unwrap()); ret.totalDomain() /= d2!
 ; ret.setSliceFromTotal(); return ret; } template <class T> in!
 line typ
ename T::Domain_t operator/(float d1, const SliceDomain<T> &d2) { typename T::Domain_t ret(d2.unwrap()); ret.totalDomain() = d2 / ret.totalDomain(); ret.setSliceFromTotal(); return ret; } template <class T> inline typename T::Domain_t operator/(const SliceDomain<T> &d1, double d2) { typename T::Domain_t ret(d1.unwrap()); ret.totalDomain() /= d2; ret.setSliceFromTotal(); return ret; } template <class T> inline typename T::Domain_t operator/(double d1, const SliceDomain<T> &d2) { typename T::Domain_t ret(d2.unwrap()); ret.totalDomain() = d2 / ret.totalDomain(); ret.setSliceFromTotal(); return ret; }
+ template<class DT>
+ std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream &o, const SliceDomain<DT> &dbase) {
+   dbase.print(o);
+   return o;
+ }
+ template<int Dim, int SliceDim>
+ class SliceRange
+   : public SliceDomain<DomainTraits<SliceRange<Dim,SliceDim> > >
+ {
+ public:
+   SliceRange() { }
+   SliceRange(const Pooma::NoInit &e)
+     : SliceDomain<DomainTraits<SliceRange<Dim,SliceDim> > >(e) { }
+   SliceRange(const SliceRange<Dim,SliceDim> &nd)
+     : SliceDomain<DomainTraits<SliceRange<Dim,SliceDim> > >(nd) {
+   }
+   SliceRange(const SliceInterval<Dim,SliceDim> &nd)
+     : SliceDomain<DomainTraits<SliceRange<Dim,SliceDim> > >(nd) {
+   }
+   template <class Base, class D1>
+   SliceRange(const Base &baseDomain, const D1 &d1)
+     : SliceDomain<DomainTraits<SliceRange<Dim,SliceDim> > > (
+         Pooma::NoInit())
+   {
+       typedef NewDomain1<D1> NewDomain_t;
+       typedef typename NewDomain_t::SliceType_t SliceType_t;
+       PoomaCTAssert<(DomainTraits<SliceType_t>::dimensions == Dim)>::test();
+       NewDomain_t::fillSlice(*this, baseDomain, d1);
+   }
+   template <class Base, class D1, class D2>
+   SliceRange(const Base &baseDomain, const D1 &d1, const D2 &d2)
+     : SliceDomain<DomainTraits<SliceRange<Dim,SliceDim> > > (
+         Pooma::NoInit())
+   {
+       typedef NewDomain2<D1,D2> NewDomain_t;
+       typedef typename NewDomain_t::SliceType_t SliceType_t;
+       PoomaCTAssert<(DomainTraits<SliceType_t>::dimensions == Dim)>::test();
+       PoomaCTAssert<(DomainTraits<SliceType_t>::sliceDimensions == SliceDim)>::test();
+       NewDomain_t::fillSlice(*this, baseDomain, d1, d2);
+   }
+   template <class Base, class D1, class D2, class D3>
+   SliceRange(const Base &baseDomain, const D1 &d1, const D2 &d2, const D3 &d3)
+     : SliceDomain<DomainTraits<SliceRange<Dim,SliceDim> > > (
+         Pooma::NoInit())
+   {
+       typedef NewDomain3<D1,D2,D3> NewDomain_t;
+       typedef typename NewDomain_t::SliceType_t SliceType_t;
+       PoomaCTAssert<(DomainTraits<SliceType_t>::dimensions == Dim)>::test();
+       PoomaCTAssert<(DomainTraits<SliceType_t>::sliceDimensions == SliceDim)>::test();
+       NewDomain_t::fillSlice(*this, baseDomain, d1, d2, d3);
+   }
+   template <class Base, class D1, class D2, class D3,
+             class D4>
+   SliceRange(const Base &baseDomain, const D1 &d1, const D2 &d2, const D3 &d3,
+              const D4 &d4)
+     : SliceDomain<DomainTraits<SliceRange<Dim,SliceDim> > > (
+         Pooma::NoInit())
+   {
+       typedef NewDomain4<D1,D2,D3,D4> NewDomain_t;
+       typedef typename NewDomain_t::SliceType_t SliceType_t;
+       PoomaCTAssert<(DomainTraits<SliceType_t>::dimensions == Dim)>::test();
+       PoomaCTAssert<(DomainTraits<SliceType_t>::sliceDimensions == SliceDim)>::test();
+       NewDomain_t::fillSlice(*this, baseDomain, d1, d2, d3, d4);
+   }
+   template <class Base, class D1, class D2, class D3,
+             class D4, class D5>
+   SliceRange(const Base &baseDomain, const D1 &d1, const D2 &d2, const D3 &d3,
+              const D4 &d4, const D5 &d5)
+     : SliceDomain<DomainTraits<SliceRange<Dim,SliceDim> > > (
+         Pooma::NoInit())
+   {
+       typedef NewDomain5<D1,D2,D3,D4,D5> NewDomain_t;
+       typedef typename NewDomain_t::SliceType_t SliceType_t;
+       PoomaCTAssert<(DomainTraits<SliceType_t>::dimensions == Dim)>::test();
+       PoomaCTAssert<(DomainTraits<SliceType_t>::sliceDimensions == SliceDim)>::test();
+       NewDomain_t::fillSlice(*this, baseDomain, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5);
+   }
+   template <class Base, class D1, class D2, class D3,
+             class D4, class D5, class D6>
+   SliceRange(const Base &baseDomain, const D1 &d1, const D2 &d2, const D3 &d3,
+              const D4 &d4, const D5 &d5, const D6 &d6)
+     : SliceDomain<DomainTraits<SliceRange<Dim,SliceDim> > > (
+         Pooma::NoInit())
+   {
+       typedef NewDomain6<D1,D2,D3,D4,D5,D6> NewDomain_t;
+       typedef typename NewDomain_t::SliceType_t SliceType_t;
+       PoomaCTAssert<(DomainTraits<SliceType_t>::dimensions == Dim)>::test();
+       PoomaCTAssert<(DomainTraits<SliceType_t>::sliceDimensions == SliceDim)>::test();
+       NewDomain_t::fillSlice(*this, baseDomain, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5, d6);
+   }
+   template <class Base, class D1, class D2, class D3,
+             class D4, class D5, class D6, class D7>
+   SliceRange(const Base &baseDomain, const D1 &d1, const D2 &d2, const D3 &d3,
+              const D4 &d4, const D5 &d5, const D6 &d6, const D7 &d7)
+     : SliceDomain<DomainTraits<SliceRange<Dim,SliceDim> > > (
+         Pooma::NoInit())
+   {
+       typedef NewDomain7<D1,D2,D3,D4,D5,D6,D7> NewDomain_t;
+       typedef typename NewDomain_t::SliceType_t SliceType_t;
+       PoomaCTAssert<(DomainTraits<SliceType_t>::dimensions == Dim)>::test();
+       PoomaCTAssert<(DomainTraits<SliceType_t>::sliceDimensions == SliceDim)>::test();
+       NewDomain_t::fillSlice(*this, baseDomain, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5, d6, d7);
+   }
+   ~SliceRange() { }
+   SliceRange<Dim,SliceDim> &
+     operator=(const SliceRange<Dim,SliceDim> &nd) {
+       SliceDomain<DomainTraits<SliceRange<Dim,SliceDim> > >::operator=(nd);
+       return *this;
+   }
+ protected:
+ private:
+ };
+ template<class T, int Dim, bool strided>
+ struct SplitDomainSingle {
+   static void split(const T &a, int axis, T &b, T &c) {
+     typedef typename DomainTraits<T>::Element_t E1_t;
+     typedef typename DomainTraits<T>::OneDomain_t OneDomain_t;
+     if (axis != (Dim - 1)) {
+       b[Dim-1] = a[Dim-1];
+       c[Dim-1] = a[Dim-1];
+     } else if (a[Dim-1].length() < 2) {
+       b[Dim-1] = a[Dim-1];
+     } else {
+       E1_t a0 = a[Dim-1].first();
+       E1_t a1 = a[Dim-1].last();
+       E1_t mid = a0 + a[Dim-1].length()/2;
+       b[Dim-1] = OneDomain_t(a0, mid-1);
+       c[Dim-1] = OneDomain_t(mid, a1);
+     }
+   }
+   static void split(const T &a, int axis, int leftLength, T &b, T &c) {
+     typedef typename DomainTraits<T>::Element_t E1_t;
+     typedef typename DomainTraits<T>::OneDomain_t OneDomain_t;
+     if (axis != (Dim - 1)) {
+       b[Dim-1] = a[Dim-1];
+       c[Dim-1] = a[Dim-1];
+     } else if (a[Dim-1].length() < 2) {
+       b[Dim-1] = a[Dim-1];
+     } else {
+       E1_t a0 = a[Dim-1].first();
+       E1_t a1 = a[Dim-1].last();
+       E1_t mid = a0 + leftLength;
+       b[Dim-1] = OneDomain_t(a0, mid-1);
+       c[Dim-1] = OneDomain_t(mid, a1);
+     }
+   }
+   static void split(const T &a, T &b, T &c) { split(a, Dim-1, b, c); }
+ };
+ template<class T, int Dim>
+ struct SplitDomainSingle<T,Dim,true> {
+   static void split(const T &a, int axis, T &b, T &c) {
+     typedef typename DomainTraits<T>::Element_t E1_t;
+     typedef typename DomainTraits<T>::OneDomain_t OneDomain_t;
+     if (axis != (Dim - 1)) {
+       b[Dim-1] = a[Dim-1];
+       c[Dim-1] = a[Dim-1];
+     } else if (a[Dim-1].length() < 2) {
+       b[Dim-1] = a[Dim-1];
+     } else {
+       E1_t a0 = a[Dim-1].first();
+       E1_t a1 = a[Dim-1].last();
+       E1_t s = a[Dim-1].stride();
+       E1_t mid = a0 + (a[Dim-1].length()/2 * s);
+       b[Dim-1] = OneDomain_t(a0, mid - s, s);
+       c[Dim-1] = OneDomain_t(mid, a1, s);
+     }
+   }
+   static void split(const T &a, int axis, int leftLength, T &b, T &c) {
+     typedef typename DomainTraits<T>::Element_t E1_t;
+     typedef typename DomainTraits<T>::OneDomain_t OneDomain_t;
+     if (axis != (Dim - 1)) {
+       b[Dim-1] = a[Dim-1];
+       c[Dim-1] = a[Dim-1];
+     } else if (a[Dim-1].length() < 2) {
+       b[Dim-1] = a[Dim-1];
+     } else {
+       E1_t a0 = a[Dim-1].first();
+       E1_t a1 = a[Dim-1].last();
+       E1_t s = a[Dim-1].stride();
+       E1_t mid = a0 + (leftLength * s);
+       b[Dim-1] = OneDomain_t(a0, mid - s, s);
+       c[Dim-1] = OneDomain_t(mid, a1, s);
+     }
+   }
+   static void split(const T &a, T &b, T &c) { split(a, Dim-1, b, c); }
+ };
+ template<int Dim, bool strided>
+ struct SplitDomainSingle<int,Dim,strided> {
+   static void split(int a, int, int &b, int &c) {
+     b = a;
+     c = 0;
+   }
+   static void split(int a, int, int, int &b, int &c) {
+     b = a;
+     c = 0;
+   }
+   static void split(int a, int &b, int &c) {
+     b = a;
+     c = 0;
+   }
+ };
+ template<class T, int Dim>
+ struct SplitDomain {
+   enum { strided = !DomainTraits<T>::unitStride };
+   static void split(const T &a, T &b, T &c) {
+     SplitDomainSingle<T,Dim,strided>::split(a, b, c);
+     SplitDomain<T,Dim-1>::split(a, b, c);
+   }
+   static void split(const T &a, int axis, T &b, T &c) {
+     SplitDomainSingle<T,Dim,strided>::split(a, axis, b, c);
+     SplitDomain<T,Dim-1>::split(a, axis, b, c);
+   }
+   static void split(const T &a, int axis, int leftLength, T &b, T &c) {
+     SplitDomainSingle<T,Dim,strided>::split(a, axis, leftLength, b, c);
+     SplitDomain<T,Dim-1>::split(a, axis, leftLength, b, c);
+   }
+ };
+ template<class T>
+ struct SplitDomain<T,1> {
+   enum { strided = !DomainTraits<T>::unitStride };
+   static void split(const T &a, T &b, T &c) {
+     SplitDomainSingle<T,1,strided>::split(a, b, c);
+   }
+   static void split(const T &a, int axis, T &b, T &c) {
+     SplitDomainSingle<T,1,strided>::split(a, axis, b, c);
+   }
+   static void split(const T &a, int axis, int leftLength, T &b, T &c) {
+     SplitDomainSingle<T,1,strided>::split(a, axis, leftLength, b, c);
+   }
+ };
+ template<class T>
+ inline void split(const T &a, T &b, T &c)
+ {
+   SplitDomain<T,DomainTraits<T>::dimensions>::split(a, b, c);
+ }
+ template<class T>
+ inline void split(const T &a, int axis, T &b, T &c)
+ {
+   SplitDomain<T,DomainTraits<T>::dimensions>::split(a, axis, b, c);
+ }
+ template<class T>
+ inline void split(const T &a, int axis, int leftLength, T &b, T &c)
+ {
+   SplitDomain<T,DomainTraits<T>::dimensions>::split(a, axis, leftLength, b, c);
+ }
+ template<class T1, class T2, bool strided>
+ struct TouchesDomainSingle {
+   static bool touches(const T1 &a, const T2 &b) {
+     return (a.min() <= b.max() && a.max() >= b.min());
+   }
+ };
+ template<class T1, class T2>
+ struct TouchesDomainSingle<T1,T2,true> {
+   static bool touches(const T1 &a, const T2 &b) {
+     bool quicktest = TouchesDomainSingle<T1,T2,false>::touches(a, b);
+     if (!quicktest || a.stride() == 1 || a.stride() == (-1) ||
+  b.stride() == 1 || b.stride() == (-1)) {
+       return quicktest;
+     }
+     int endpoint = 0;
+     return findLeftCommonEndpoint(a.min(), a.max(), a.stride(),
+       b.min(), b.max(), b.stride(), endpoint);
+   }
+ };
+ template<class T1, class T2, int Dim>
+ struct TouchesDomain {
+   enum { strided =
+     !DomainTraits<T1>::unitStride && !DomainTraits<T2>::unitStride };
+   static bool touches(const T1 &a, const T2 &b) {
+     typedef typename DomainTraits<T1>::OneDomain_t Dom1_t;
+     typedef typename DomainTraits<T2>::OneDomain_t Dom2_t;
+     return TouchesDomainSingle<Dom1_t,Dom2_t,strided>::touches(
+       DomainTraits<T1>::getDomain(a,Dim-1),
+       DomainTraits<T2>::getDomain(b,Dim-1)) &&
+       TouchesDomain<T1,T2,Dim-1>::touches(a,b);
+   }
+ };
+ template<class T1, class T2>
+ struct TouchesDomain<T1,T2,1> {
+   enum { strided =
+     !DomainTraits<T1>::unitStride && !DomainTraits<T2>::unitStride };
+   static bool touches(const T1 &a, const T2 &b) {
+     typedef typename DomainTraits<T1>::OneDomain_t Dom1_t;
+     typedef typename DomainTraits<T2>::OneDomain_t Dom2_t;
+     return TouchesDomainSingle<Dom1_t,Dom2_t,strided>::touches(
+       DomainTraits<T1>::getDomain(a,0), DomainTraits<T2>::getDomain(b,0));
+   }
+ };
+ template<class T1, class T2, int Dim1, int Dim2>
+ inline bool touches2(const T1 &, const T2 &, const WrappedInt<Dim1> &,
+   const WrappedInt<Dim2> &)
+ {
+   return false;
+ }
+ template<class T1, class T2, int Dim>
+ inline bool touches2(const T1 &a, const T2 &b, const WrappedInt<Dim> &,
+   const WrappedInt<Dim> &)
+ {
+   return TouchesDomain<T1,T2,Dim>::touches(a, b);
+ }
+ template<class T1, class T2>
+ inline bool touches(const T1 &a, const T2 &b)
+ {
+   if (a.empty() || b.empty())
+     return false;
+   else
+     return touches2(a, b, WrappedInt<DomainTraits<T1>::dimensions>(),
+       WrappedInt<DomainTraits<T2>::dimensions>());
+ }
+ #include <list>
+ template<class Dom, class T>
+ class DomainMapNode : public Pooled<DomainMapNode<Dom,T> >
+ {
+ public:
+   typedef Dom Domain_t;
+   typedef T Data_t;
+   typedef std::pair<Domain_t,Data_t> Value_t;
+   typedef std::list<Value_t> List_t;
+   typedef DomainMapNode<Dom,T> Node_t;
+   typedef typename List_t::iterator iterator;
+   DomainMapNode(const Domain_t &d, Node_t *p = 0)
+     : domain_m(d), left_m(0), right_m(0), parent_m(p) {
+   }
+   ~DomainMapNode() {
+     if (left_m != 0)
+       delete left_m;
+     if (right_m != 0)
+       delete right_m;
+   }
+   const Domain_t &domain() const { return domain_m; }
+   iterator begin() { return list_m.begin(); }
+   iterator end() { return list_m.end(); }
+   void insert(const Value_t &v) {
+     ;
+     if (left_m == 0)
+       {
+  Domain_t leftdom, rightdom;
+  split(domain_m, leftdom, rightdom);
+  left_m = new Node_t(leftdom, this);
+  right_m = new Node_t(rightdom, this);
+       }
+     if (contains(v.first, domain_m))
+       {
+  list_m.push_back(v);
+       }
+     else if (contains(left_m->domain_m, v.first))
+       {
+  left_m->insert(v);
+       }
+     else if (contains(right_m->domain_m, v.first))
+       {
+  right_m->insert(v);
+       }
+     else
+       {
+  list_m.push_back(v);
+       }
+   }
+   Node_t *nextRightNode() {
+     Node_t *y, *p = this;
+     if (p->right_m != 0) {
+       p = p->right_m;
+       while (p->left_m != 0)
+         p = p->left_m;
+     } else {
+       for (y=p->parent_m; y != 0 && p == y->right_m; y=y->parent_m)
+         p = y;
+       p = y;
+     }
+     return p;
+   }
+   Node_t *nextRightTouchNode(const Domain_t &d) {
+     Node_t *p = this;
+     Node_t *y = right_m;
+     if (y != 0 && touches(d, y->domain_m)) {
+       p = y;
+       for (y=y->left_m; y != 0 && touches(d, y->domain_m); y=y->left_m)
+         p = y;
+     } else {
+       for (y=p->parent_m; y != 0 && p == y->right_m; y=y->parent_m)
+         p = y;
+       p = y;
+     }
+     return p;
+   }
+   Node_t *findLeftNode() {
+     Node_t *p = this;
+     while (p->left_m != 0)
+       p = p->left_m;
+     while (p != 0 && p->begin() == p->end())
+       p = p->nextRightNode();
+     return p;
+   }
+   Node_t *findLeftTouchNode(const Domain_t &d) {
+     Node_t *y, *p = this;
+     for (y=p->left_m; y != 0 && touches(d, y->domain_m); y=y->left_m)
+       p = y;
+     return p;
+   }
+ private:
+   Domain_t domain_m;
+   Node_t *left_m, *right_m, *parent_m;
+   List_t list_m;
+ };
+ template<class Dom, class T>
+ class DomainMapIterator
+ {
+ public:
+   typedef Dom Domain_t;
+   typedef DomainMapNode<Dom,T> Node_t;
+   typedef typename Node_t::Data_t Value_t;
+   typedef typename Node_t::iterator NodeIter_t;
+   DomainMapIterator() : node_m(0) { }
+   DomainMapIterator(Node_t *n, NodeIter_t i) : node_m(n), iter_m(i) { }
+   ~DomainMapIterator() { }
+   Node_t *getNode() const { return node_m; }
+   NodeIter_t getIter() const { return iter_m; }
+   bool operator==(const DomainMapIterator<Dom,T> &dmi) {
+     return (node_m == dmi.node_m && (node_m == 0 || iter_m == dmi.iter_m));
+   }
+   bool operator!=(const DomainMapIterator<Dom,T> &dmi) {
+     return !(*this == dmi);
+   }
+   Value_t &operator*() {
+     ;
+     return (*iter_m).second;
+   }
+   Domain_t &domain() {
+     ;
+     return (*iter_m).first;
+   }
+   DomainMapIterator<Dom,T> &operator++() {
+     ;
+     if ((++iter_m) == node_m->end()) {
+       do {
+         node_m = node_m->nextRightNode();
+       } while (node_m != 0 && (iter_m=node_m->begin()) == node_m->end());
+     }
+     return *this;
+   }
+ private:
+   Node_t *node_m;
+   NodeIter_t iter_m;
+ };
+ template<class Dom, class T>
+ class DomainMapConstIterator
+ {
+ public:
+   typedef Dom Domain_t;
+   typedef DomainMapNode<Dom,T> Node_t;
+   typedef typename Node_t::Data_t Value_t;
+   typedef typename Node_t::iterator NodeIter_t;
+   DomainMapConstIterator() : node_m(0) { }
+   DomainMapConstIterator(Node_t *n, NodeIter_t i)
+     : node_m(n), iter_m(i) { }
+   DomainMapConstIterator(const DomainMapIterator<Dom,T> &dmi)
+     : node_m(dmi.getNode()), iter_m(dmi.getIter()) { }
+   ~DomainMapConstIterator() { }
+   bool operator==(const DomainMapConstIterator<Dom,T> &dmi) {
+     return (node_m == dmi.node_m && (node_m == 0 || iter_m == dmi.iter_m));
+   }
+   bool operator!=(const DomainMapConstIterator<Dom,T> &dmi) {
+     return !(*this == dmi);
+   }
+   Value_t operator*() {
+     ;
+     return (*iter_m).second;
+   }
+   Domain_t domain() {
+     ;
+     return (*iter_m).first;
+   }
+   DomainMapConstIterator<Dom,T> &operator++() {
+     ;
+     if ((++iter_m) == node_m->end()) {
+       do {
+         node_m = node_m->nextRightNode();
+       } while (node_m != 0 && (iter_m=node_m->begin()) == node_m->end());
+     }
+     return *this;
+   }
+ private:
+   Node_t *node_m;
+   NodeIter_t iter_m;
+ };
+ template<class Dom, class T>
+ class DomainMapTouchIterator
+ {
+ public:
+   typedef Dom Domain_t;
+   typedef DomainMapNode<Dom,T> Node_t;
+   typedef typename Node_t::Data_t Value_t;
+   typedef typename Node_t::iterator NodeIter_t;
+   DomainMapTouchIterator() : node_m(0) { }
+   DomainMapTouchIterator(Node_t *n, NodeIter_t i, const Domain_t &d)
+     : node_m(n), iter_m(i), domain_m(d) { }
+   ~DomainMapTouchIterator() { }
+   bool operator==(const DomainMapTouchIterator<Dom,T> &dmi) {
+     return (node_m == dmi.node_m && (node_m == 0 || iter_m == dmi.iter_m));
+   }
+   bool operator!=(const DomainMapTouchIterator<Dom,T> &dmi) {
+     return !(*this == dmi);
+   }
+   Value_t &operator*() {
+     ;
+     return (*iter_m).second;
+   }
+   Domain_t &domain() {
+     ;
+     return (*iter_m).first;
+   }
+   DomainMapTouchIterator<Dom,T> &operator++() {
+     ;
+     while ((++iter_m) != node_m->end()) {
+       if (touches(domain_m, (*iter_m).first))
+         return *this;
+     }
+     do {
+       if ((node_m = node_m->nextRightTouchNode(domain_m)) != 0)
+         for (iter_m = node_m->begin(); iter_m != node_m->end(); ++iter_m)
+           if (touches(domain_m, (*iter_m).first))
+             return *this;
+     } while (node_m != 0);
+     return *this;
+   }
+ private:
+   Node_t *node_m;
+   NodeIter_t iter_m;
+   Domain_t domain_m;
+ };
+ template<class Dom, class T>
+ class DomainMap
+ {
+ public:
+   typedef Dom Domain_t;
+   typedef Dom key_type;
+   typedef T Data_t;
+   typedef T mapped_type;
+   typedef std::pair<Domain_t,Data_t> Value_t;
+   typedef std::pair<Domain_t,Data_t> value_type;
+   typedef DomainMapIterator<Domain_t,Data_t> iterator;
+   typedef DomainMapConstIterator<Domain_t,Data_t> const_iterator;
+   typedef DomainMapTouchIterator<Domain_t,Data_t> touch_iterator;
+   typedef std::pair<touch_iterator,touch_iterator> Touch_t;
+   typedef std::pair<touch_iterator,touch_iterator> touch_type;
+   typedef long Size_t;
+   typedef long size_type;
+   DomainMap() : size_m(0), root_m(0) { }
+   DomainMap(const Domain_t &d) : size_m(0), root_m(0) {
+     initialize(d);
+   }
+   void initialize(const Domain_t &d) {
+     ;
+     root_m = new Node_t(d);
+   }
+   ~DomainMap() {
+     if (root_m != 0)
+       delete root_m;
+   }
+   iterator begin() { return left_m; }
+   iterator end() { return iterator(); }
+   const_iterator begin() const { return const_iterator(left_m); }
+   const_iterator end() const { return const_iterator(); }
+   Size_t size() const { return size_m; }
+   Touch_t touch(const Domain_t &d) const {
+     Node_t *p = root_m;
+     if (p != 0)
+     {
+       p = p->findLeftTouchNode(d);
+       do
+       {
+  for (NodeIter_t a = p->begin(); a != p->end(); ++a)
+    if (touches(d, (*a).first))
+      return Touch_t(touch_iterator(p, a, d), touch_iterator());
+  p = p->nextRightTouchNode(d);
+       } while (p != 0);
+     }
+     return Touch_t(touch_iterator(), touch_iterator());
+   }
+   void insert(const Value_t &v) {
+     ;
+     root_m->insert(v);
+     size_m++;
+   }
+   void update() {
+     Node_t *leftnode;
+     if (root_m != 0 && size_m > 0 && (leftnode=root_m->findLeftNode()) != 0)
+       left_m = iterator(leftnode, leftnode->begin());
+     else
+       left_m = iterator();
+   }
+   void clear() {
+     if (root_m != 0) {
+       Node_t *newroot = new Node_t(root_m->domain());
+       delete root_m;
+       root_m = newroot;
+       size_m = 0;
+       update();
+     }
+   }
+   void zap() {
+     if (root_m != 0)
+       delete root_m;
+     size_m = 0;
+     root_m = 0;
+   }
+   template<class Out>
+   void print(Out &o) const;
+   void print() const;
+ private:
+   typedef DomainMapNode<Domain_t,Data_t> Node_t;
+   typedef typename Node_t::iterator NodeIter_t;
+   Size_t size_m;
+   Node_t *root_m;
+   iterator left_m;
+   DomainMap(const DomainMap<Domain_t,Data_t> &);
+   DomainMap<Domain_t,Data_t> &operator=(const DomainMap<Domain_t,Data_t> &);
+ };
+ template<class Dom, class T>
+ template<class Out>
+ void DomainMap<Dom, T>::print(Out &o) const
+ {
+   if (size() < 1 || root_m == 0)
+     {
+       o << "DomainMap: empty.";
+     }
+   else
+     {
+       o << "DomainMap: Total domain = " << root_m->domain();
+       o << ", touching domains:\n";
+       Touch_t touchiters = touch(root_m->domain());
+       while (touchiters.first != touchiters.second)
+  {
+    o << "  " << touchiters.first.domain() << " ==> ";
+    o << *(touchiters.first) << "\n";
+    ++(touchiters.first);
+  }
+     }
+ }
+ template<class Dom, class T>
+ void DomainMap<Dom, T>::print() const
+ {
+   if (size() < 1 || root_m == 0)
+     {
+       std::cout << "DomainMap: empty.";
+     }
+   else
+     {
+       std::cout << "DomainMap: Total domain = " << root_m->domain();
+       std::cout << ", touching domains:\n";
+       Touch_t touchiters = touch(root_m->domain());
+       while (touchiters.first != touchiters.second)
+  {
+    std::cout << "  " << touchiters.first.domain() << " ==> ";
+    std::cout << *(touchiters.first) << "\n";
+    ++(touchiters.first);
+  }
+     }
+ }
+ template <class Dom, class T>
+ std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &o, const DomainMap<Dom, T> &dmap)
+ {
+   dmap.print(o);
+   return o;
+ }
+ template <class T>
+ class ConstDerefIterator;
+ template <class T>
+ class DerefIterator
+ {
+ public:
+   typedef T Value_t;
+   typedef std::vector<T*> List_t;
+   typedef DerefIterator<Value_t> iterator;
+   typedef ConstDerefIterator<Value_t> const_iterator;
+   typedef std::random_access_iterator_tag iterator_category;
+   typedef Value_t value_type;
+   typedef ptrdiff_t difference_type;
+   typedef Value_t* pointer;
+   typedef Value_t& reference;
+   friend class ConstDerefIterator<T>;
+   friend iterator operator+ (const difference_type n, const iterator &iter)
+   {
+     return iterator(iter.p_m + n);
+   }
+ protected:
+   typename List_t::iterator p_m;
+ public:
+   inline DerefIterator() { }
+   inline DerefIterator(typename List_t::iterator x) : p_m(x) { }
+   inline reference operator*() const {
+     return **p_m;
+   }
+   inline pointer operator->() const {
+     return *p_m;
+   }
+   inline iterator &operator++() {
+     ++p_m;
+     return *this;
+   }
+   inline iterator operator++(int) {
+     iterator tmp = *this;
+     ++p_m;
+     return tmp;
+   }
+   inline iterator &operator--() {
+     --p_m;
+     return *this;
+   }
+   inline iterator operator--(int) {
+     iterator tmp = *this;
+     --p_m;
+     return tmp;
+   }
+   inline iterator &operator+=(const difference_type i) {
+     p_m += i;
+     return *this;
+   }
+   inline iterator &operator-=(const difference_type i) {
+     p_m -= i;
+     return *this;
+   }
+   inline iterator operator+(const difference_type i) const {
+     return iterator(p_m + i);
+   }
+   inline iterator operator-(const difference_type i) const {
+     return iterator(p_m - i);
+   }
+   inline difference_type operator-(const iterator &x) const {
+     return p_m - x.p_m;
+   }
+   inline difference_type operator-(const const_iterator &x) const {
+     return p_m - x.p_m;
+   }
+   inline reference operator[](const difference_type i) const {
+     return **(p_m + i);
+   }
+   inline bool operator==(const iterator &x) const {
+     return p_m == x.p_m;
+   }
+   inline bool operator==(const const_iterator &x) const {
+     return p_m == x.p_m;
+   }
+   inline bool operator<(const iterator &x) const {
+     return p_m < x.p_m;
+   }
+   inline bool operator<(const const_iterator &x) const {
+     return p_m < x.p_m;
+   }
+   inline bool operator!= (const iterator &y) const
+   { return ! (*this == y); }
+   inline bool operator> (const iterator &y) const
+   { return (y < *this); }
+   inline bool operator<= (const iterator &y) const
+   { return ! (y < *this); }
+   inline bool operator>= (const iterator &y) const
+   { return ! (*this < y); }
+   inline bool operator!= (const const_iterator &y) const
+   { return ! (*this == y); }
+   inline bool operator> (const const_iterator &y) const
+   { return (y < *this); }
+   inline bool operator<= (const const_iterator &y) const
+   { return ! (y < *this); }
+   inline bool operator>= (const const_iterator &y) const
+   { return ! (*this < y); }
+ };
+ template <class T>
+ class ConstDerefIterator
+ {
+ public:
+   typedef T Value_t;
+   typedef std::vector<T*> List_t;
+   typedef DerefIterator<Value_t> iterator;
+   typedef ConstDerefIterator<Value_t> const_iterator;
+   typedef std::random_access_iterator_tag iterator_category;
+   typedef Value_t value_type;
+   typedef ptrdiff_t difference_type;
+   typedef const Value_t* pointer;
+   typedef const Value_t& reference;
+   friend class DerefIterator<T>;
+   friend const_iterator operator+ (const difference_type n,
+     const const_iterator &iter)
+   {
+     return const_iterator(iter.p_m + n);
+   }
+ protected:
+   typename List_t::const_iterator p_m;
+ public:
+   inline ConstDerefIterator() { }
+   inline ConstDerefIterator(const typename List_t::const_iterator &x) : p_m(x) { }
+   inline ConstDerefIterator(const typename List_t::iterator &x) : p_m(x) { }
+   inline ConstDerefIterator(const iterator &x) : p_m(x.p_m) { }
+   inline ConstDerefIterator(const const_iterator &x) : p_m(x.p_m) { }
+   inline reference operator*() const {
+     return **p_m;
+   }
+   inline pointer operator->() const {
+     return *p_m;
+   }
+   inline const_iterator &operator++() {
+     ++p_m;
+     return *this;
+   }
+   inline const_iterator operator++(int) {
+     const_iterator tmp = *this;
+     ++p_m;
+     return tmp;
+   }
+   inline const_iterator &operator--() {
+     --p_m;
+     return *this;
+   }
+   inline const_iterator operator--(int) {
+     const_iterator tmp = *this;
+     --p_m;
+     return tmp;
+   }
+   inline const_iterator &operator+=(const difference_type i) {
+     p_m += i;
+     return *this;
+   }
+   inline const_iterator &operator-=(const difference_type i) {
+     p_m -= i;
+     return *this;
+   }
+   inline const_iterator operator+(const difference_type i) const {
+     return const_iterator(p_m + i);
+   }
+   inline const_iterator operator-(const difference_type i) const {
+     return const_iterator(p_m - i);
+   }
+   inline difference_type operator-(const const_iterator &x) const {
+     return p_m - x.p_m;
+   }
+   inline difference_type operator-(const iterator &x)
+     const {
+     return p_m - x.p_m;
+   }
+   inline reference operator[](const difference_type i) const {
+     return **(p_m + i);
+   }
+   inline bool operator==(const const_iterator &x) const {
+     return p_m == x.p_m;
+   }
+   inline bool operator==(const iterator &x) const {
+     return p_m == x.p_m;
+   }
+   inline bool operator<(const const_iterator &x) const {
+     return p_m < x.p_m;
+   }
+   inline bool operator<(const iterator &x) const {
+     return p_m < x.p_m;
+   }
+   inline bool operator!= (const const_iterator &y) const
+   { return ! (*this == y); }
+   inline bool operator> (const const_iterator &y) const
+   { return (y < *this); }
+   inline bool operator<= (const const_iterator &y) const
+   { return ! (y < *this); }
+   inline bool operator>= (const const_iterator &y) const
+   { return ! (*this < y); }
+   inline bool operator!= (const iterator &y) const
+   { return ! (*this == y); }
+   inline bool operator> (const iterator &y) const
+   { return (y < *this); }
+   inline bool operator<= (const iterator &y) const
+   { return ! (y < *this); }
+   inline bool operator>= (const iterator &y) const
+   { return ! (*this < y); }
+ };
+ template<int Dim, int Dim2>
+ class ViewIndexer
+ {
+ public:
+   typedef ViewIndexer<Dim, Dim2> This_t;
+   typedef Interval<Dim> Domain_t;
+   typedef Range<Dim2> BaseDomain_t;
+   typedef Loc<Dim2> Mask_t;
+   ViewIndexer() { }
+   template<class DT>
+   ViewIndexer(const SliceDomain<DT> &dom)
+   : domain_m(Pooma::NoInit()), baseDomain_m(dom.totalDomain())
+   {
+     PoomaCTAssert<(Dim == DT::sliceDimensions)>::test();
+     PoomaCTAssert<(Dim2 == DT::dimensions)>::test();
+     int dt, d;
+     const typename DT::TotalDomain_t &domain = dom.totalDomain();
+     for (d = 0, dt = 0; dt < Dim2; ++dt)
+       {
+         if (!dom.ignorable(dt))
+           {
+             ;
+             offset_m[d] = domain[dt].first();
+             stride_m[d] = domain[dt].stride();
+             domain_m[d] = Interval<1>(domain[dt].length());
+             ind_m[d] = dt;
+             ++d;
+           }
+         else
+           {
+             ;
+             mask_m[dt] = domain[dt].first();
+           }
+       }
+   }
+   template<class DT>
+   ViewIndexer(const ViewIndexer<Dim, Dim2> &orig,
+     const Domain<Dim, DT> &dom)
+   : domain_m(Pooma::NoInit()),
+     baseDomain_m(Pooma::NoInit()),
+     mask_m(orig.mask())
+   {
+     baseDomain_m = orig.baseDomain();
+     const typename DT::Domain_t &domain = dom.unwrap();
+     for (int d = 0; d < Dim; ++d)
+       {
+         offset_m[d] = orig.offset(d) + orig.stride(d) *
+           domain[d].first();
+         stride_m[d] = orig.stride(d) * domain[d].stride();
+         domain_m[d] = Interval<1>(domain[d].length());
+         ind_m[d] = orig.indirection(d);
+       }
+     localToBase(domain_m, baseDomain_m);
+   }
+   template<int OrigDim, class DT>
+   ViewIndexer(const ViewIndexer<OrigDim, Dim2> &orig,
+     const SliceDomain<DT> &dom)
+   : domain_m(Pooma::NoInit()),
+     baseDomain_m(orig.baseDomain()), mask_m(orig.mask())
+   {
+     PoomaCTAssert<(DT::sliceDimensions == Dim)>::test();
+     PoomaCTAssert<(DT::dimensions == OrigDim)>::test();
+     int dt, d;
+     const typename DT::TotalDomain_t &domain = dom.totalDomain();
+     for (d = 0, dt = 0; dt < OrigDim; ++dt)
+       {
+         if (!dom.ignorable(dt))
+           {
+             ;
+             offset_m[d] = orig.offset(dt) + orig.stride(dt) *
+               domain[dt].first();
+             stride_m[d] = orig.stride(dt) * domain[dt].stride();
+             domain_m[d] = Interval<1>(domain[dt].length());
+             ind_m[d] = orig.indirection(dt);
+             baseDomain_m[ind_m[d]] = Range<1>(
+               offset_m[d],
+               offset_m[d] + stride_m[d] * domain_m[d].last(),
+               stride_m[d]);
+             ++d;
+           }
+         else
+           {
+             ;
+             int m = orig.offset(dt) + orig.stride(dt) *
+               domain[dt].first();
+             mask_m[orig.indirection(dt)] = m;
+             baseDomain_m[orig.indirection(dt)] =
+               Range<1>(m, m, 1);
+           }
+       }
+   }
+   ViewIndexer(const This_t &model)
+   : domain_m(model.domain()), baseDomain_m(model.baseDomain()),
+     mask_m(model.mask())
+   {
+     for (int d = 0; d < Dim; d++)
+       {
+         ind_m[d] = model.indirection(d);
+         offset_m[d] = model.offset(d);
+         stride_m[d] = model.stride(d);
+       }
+   }
+   This_t &operator=(const This_t &rhs)
+   {
+     domain_m = rhs.domain();
+     baseDomain_m = rhs.baseDomain();
+     mask_m = rhs.mask();
+     for (int d = 0; d < Dim; d++)
+       {
+         ind_m[d] = rhs.indirection(d);
+         offset_m[d] = rhs.offset(d);
+         stride_m[d] = rhs.stride(d);
+       }
+     return *this;
+   }
+   const Domain_t &domain() const { return domain_m; }
+   const Domain_t &innerDomain() const { return domain_m; }
+   const BaseDomain_t &baseDomain() const { return baseDomain_m; }
+   int indirection(int i) const { return ind_m[i]; }
+   const Mask_t &mask() const { return mask_m; }
+   int offset(int i) const { return offset_m[i]; }
+   int stride(int i) const { return stride_m[i]; }
+   void translate(const Loc<Dim> &loc, Loc<Dim2> &oloc) const
+   {
+     oloc = mask_m;
+     for (int d = 0; d < Dim; d++)
+       oloc[ind_m[d]] = Loc<1>(offset_m[d] + stride_m[d] * loc[d].first());
+   }
+   void translate(int i0, Loc<Dim2> &loc) const
+   {
+     loc = mask_m;
+     loc[ind_m[0]] = offset_m[0] + stride_m[0] * i0;
+   }
+   void translate(int i0, int i1, Loc<Dim2> &loc) const
+   {
+     loc = mask_m;
+     loc[ind_m[0]] = offset_m[0] + stride_m[0] * i0;
+     loc[ind_m[1]] = offset_m[1] + stride_m[1] * i1;
+   }
+   void translate(int i0, int i1, int i2,
+     Loc<Dim2> &loc) const
+   {
+     loc = mask_m;
+     loc[ind_m[0]] = offset_m[0] + stride_m[0] * i0;
+     loc[ind_m[1]] = offset_m[1] + stride_m[1] * i1;
+     loc[ind_m[2]] = offset_m[2] + stride_m[2] * i2;
+   }
+   void translate(int i0, int i1, int i2, int i3,
+     Loc<Dim2> &loc) const
+   {
+     loc = mask_m;
+     loc[ind_m[0]] = offset_m[0] + stride_m[0] * i0;
+     loc[ind_m[1]] = offset_m[1] + stride_m[1] * i1;
+     loc[ind_m[2]] = offset_m[2] + stride_m[2] * i2;
+     loc[ind_m[3]] = offset_m[3] + stride_m[3] * i3;
+   }
+   void translate(int i0, int i1, int i2, int i3,
+     int i4, Loc<Dim2> &loc) const
+   {
+     loc = mask_m;
+     loc[ind_m[0]] = offset_m[0] + stride_m[0] * i0;
+     loc[ind_m[1]] = offset_m[1] + stride_m[1] * i1;
+     loc[ind_m[2]] = offset_m[2] + stride_m[2] * i2;
+     loc[ind_m[3]] = offset_m[3] + stride_m[3] * i3;
+     loc[ind_m[4]] = offset_m[4] + stride_m[4] * i4;
+   }
+   void translate(int i0, int i1, int i2, int i3,
+     int i4, int i5, Loc<Dim2> &loc) const
+   {
+     loc = mask_m;
+     loc[ind_m[0]] = offset_m[0] + stride_m[0] * i0;
+     loc[ind_m[1]] = offset_m[1] + stride_m[1] * i1;
+     loc[ind_m[2]] = offset_m[2] + stride_m[2] * i2;
+     loc[ind_m[3]] = offset_m[3] + stride_m[3] * i3;
+     loc[ind_m[4]] = offset_m[4] + stride_m[4] * i4;
+     loc[ind_m[5]] = offset_m[5] + stride_m[5] * i5;
+   }
+   void translate(int i0, int i1, int i2, int i3,
+     int i4, int i5, int i6, Loc<Dim2> &loc) const
+   {
+     loc = mask_m;
+     loc[ind_m[0]] = offset_m[0] + stride_m[0] * i0;
+     loc[ind_m[1]] = offset_m[1] + stride_m[1] * i1;
+     loc[ind_m[2]] = offset_m[2] + stride_m[2] * i2;
+     loc[ind_m[3]] = offset_m[3] + stride_m[3] * i3;
+     loc[ind_m[4]] = offset_m[4] + stride_m[4] * i4;
+     loc[ind_m[5]] = offset_m[5] + stride_m[5] * i5;
+     loc[ind_m[6]] = offset_m[6] + stride_m[6] * i6;
+   }
+   template<class DT>
+   BaseDomain_t &localToBase(const Domain<Dim, DT> &dlocal,
+     BaseDomain_t &base) const
+   {
+     base = baseDomain_m;
+     const typename DT::Domain_t &local = dlocal.unwrap();
+     for (int d = 0; d < Dim; d++)
+       {
+         base[ind_m[d]] = Range<1>(
+           offset_m[d] + stride_m[d] * local[d].first(),
+           offset_m[d] + stride_m[d] * local[d].last(),
+           stride_m[d] * local[d].stride());
+       }
+     return base;
+   }
+   template<class DT>
+   SliceRange<Dim2, Dim> &localToBase(const Domain<Dim, DT> &dlocal,
+     SliceRange<Dim2, Dim> &base) const
+   {
+     base.totalDomain() = baseDomain_m;
+     const typename DT::Domain_t &local = dlocal.unwrap();
+     for (int d = 0; d < Dim; d++)
+       {
+         Range<1> r(
+           offset_m[d] + stride_m[d] * local[d].first(),
+           offset_m[d] + stride_m[d] * local[d].last(),
+           stride_m[d] * local[d].stride());
+         base.totalDomain()[ind_m[d]] = r;
+         base.sliceDomain()[d] = r;
+         base.cantIgnoreDomain(ind_m[d]);
+       }
+     return base;
+   }
+   Interval<Dim> &baseToLocal(const BaseDomain_t &base,
+     Interval<Dim> &local) const
+   {
+     int j;
+     for (int d = 0; d < Dim; d++)
+       {
+         j = ind_m[d];
+         local[d] = Interval<1>(
+           (base[j].first() - offset_m[d]) / stride_m[d],
+           (base[j].last() - offset_m[d]) / stride_m[d]);
+         ;
+       }
+     return local;
+   }
+   Range<Dim> &baseToLocal(const BaseDomain_t &base,
+     Range<Dim> &local) const
+   {
+     int j;
+     for (int d = 0; d < Dim; d++)
+       {
+         j = ind_m[d];
+         local[d] = Range<1>(
+           (base[j].first() - offset_m[d]) / stride_m[d],
+           (base[j].last() - offset_m[d]) / stride_m[d],
+           base[j].stride() / stride_m[d]);
+       }
+     return local;
+   }
+   Interval<Dim> &baseToLocalInterval(const Interval<Dim2> &base,
+           Interval<Dim> &local) const
+   {
+     int j;
+     for (int d = 0; d < Dim; d++)
+     {
+       j = ind_m[d];
+       local[d] = Interval<1>((base[j].first() - offset_m[d]) / stride_m[d],
+         (base[j].last() - offset_m[d]) / stride_m[d]);
+       ;
+       ;
+     }
+     return local;
+   }
+ private:
+   Domain_t domain_m;
+   BaseDomain_t baseDomain_m;
+   int stride_m[Dim], offset_m[Dim];
+   int ind_m[Dim];
+   Mask_t mask_m;
+ };
+ template<int Dim>
+ class ViewIndexer<Dim, Dim>
+ {
+ public:
+   typedef ViewIndexer<Dim, Dim> This_t;
+   typedef Interval<Dim> Domain_t;
+   typedef Range<Dim> BaseDomain_t;
+   typedef Loc<Dim> Mask_t;
+   ViewIndexer() { }
+   template<class DT>
+   ViewIndexer(const Domain<Dim, DT> &dom)
+   : domain_m(Pooma::NoInit()), baseDomain_m(dom.unwrap())
+   {
+     const typename DT::Domain_t &domain = dom.unwrap();
+     for (int d = 0; d < Dim; ++d)
+       {
+         offset_m[d] = domain[d].first();
+         stride_m[d] = domain[d].stride();
+         domain_m[d] = Interval<1>(domain[d].length());
+       }
+   }
+   template<class DT>
+   ViewIndexer(const ViewIndexer<Dim, Dim> &orig,
+     const Domain<Dim, DT> &dom)
+   : domain_m(Pooma::NoInit()),
+     baseDomain_m(dom.unwrap()),
+     mask_m(orig.mask())
+   {
+     const typename DT::Domain_t &domain = dom.unwrap();
+     for (int d = 0; d < Dim; ++d)
+       {
+         offset_m[d] = orig.offset(d) + orig.stride(d) *
+           domain[d].first();
+         stride_m[d] = orig.stride(d) * domain[d].stride();
+         domain_m[d] = Interval<1>(domain[d].length());
+       }
+     localToBase(domain_m, baseDomain_m);
+ }
+   ViewIndexer(const This_t &model)
+   : domain_m(model.domain()), baseDomain_m(model.baseDomain()),
+     mask_m(model.mask())
+   {
+     for (int d = 0; d < Dim; d++)
+       {
+         offset_m[d] = model.offset(d);
+         stride_m[d] = model.stride(d);
+       }
+   }
+   This_t &operator=(const This_t &rhs)
+   {
+     domain_m = rhs.domain();
+     baseDomain_m = rhs.baseDomain();
+     mask_m = rhs.mask();
+     for (int d = 0; d < Dim; d++)
+       {
+         offset_m[d] = rhs.offset(d);
+         stride_m[d] = rhs.stride(d);
+       }
+     return *this;
+   }
+   const Domain_t &domain() const { return domain_m; }
+   const Domain_t &innerDomain() const { return domain_m; }
+   const BaseDomain_t &baseDomain() const { return baseDomain_m; }
+   int indirection(int i) const { return i; }
+   const Mask_t &mask() const { return mask_m; }
+   int offset(int i) const { return offset_m[i]; }
+   int stride(int i) const { return stride_m[i]; }
+   void translate(const Loc<Dim> &loc, Loc<Dim> &oloc) const
+   {
+     for (int d = 0; d < Dim; d++)
+       oloc[d] = Loc<1>(offset_m[d] + stride_m[d] * loc[d].first());
+   }
+   void translate(int i0, Loc<Dim> &loc) const
+   {
+     loc[0] = offset_m[0] + stride_m[0] * i0;
+   }
+   void translate(int i0, int i1, Loc<Dim> &loc) const
+   {
+     loc[0] = offset_m[0] + stride_m[0] * i0;
+     loc[1] = offset_m[1] + stride_m[1] * i1;
+   }
+   void translate(int i0, int i1, int i2,
+     Loc<Dim> &loc) const
+   {
+     loc[0] = offset_m[0] + stride_m[0] * i0;
+     loc[1] = offset_m[1] + stride_m[1] * i1;
+     loc[2] = offset_m[2] + stride_m[2] * i2;
+   }
+   void translate(int i0, int i1, int i2, int i3,
+     Loc<Dim> &loc) const
+   {
+     loc[0] = offset_m[0] + stride_m[0] * i0;
+     loc[1] = offset_m[1] + stride_m[1] * i1;
+     loc[2] = offset_m[2] + stride_m[2] * i2;
+     loc[3] = offset_m[3] + stride_m[3] * i3;
+   }
+   void translate(int i0, int i1, int i2, int i3,
+     int i4, Loc<Dim> &loc) const
+   {
+     loc[0] = offset_m[0] + stride_m[0] * i0;
+     loc[1] = offset_m[1] + stride_m[1] * i1;
+     loc[2] = offset_m[2] + stride_m[2] * i2;
+     loc[3] = offset_m[3] + stride_m[3] * i3;
+     loc[4] = offset_m[4] + stride_m[4] * i4;
+   }
+   void translate(int i0, int i1, int i2, int i3,
+     int i4, int i5, Loc<Dim> &loc) const
+   {
+     loc[0] = offset_m[0] + stride_m[0] * i0;
+     loc[1] = offset_m[1] + stride_m[1] * i1;
+     loc[2] = offset_m[2] + stride_m[2] * i2;
+     loc[3] = offset_m[3] + stride_m[3] * i3;
+     loc[4] = offset_m[4] + stride_m[4] * i4;
+     loc[5] = offset_m[5] + stride_m[5] * i5;
+   }
+   void translate(int i0, int i1, int i2, int i3,
+     int i4, int i5, int i6, Loc<Dim> &loc) const
+   {
+     loc[0] = offset_m[0] + stride_m[0] * i0;
+     loc[1] = offset_m[1] + stride_m[1] * i1;
+     loc[2] = offset_m[2] + stride_m[2] * i2;
+     loc[3] = offset_m[3] + stride_m[3] * i3;
+     loc[4] = offset_m[4] + stride_m[4] * i4;
+     loc[5] = offset_m[5] + stride_m[5] * i5;
+     loc[6] = offset_m[6] + stride_m[6] * i6;
+   }
+   template<class DT>
+   BaseDomain_t &localToBase(const Domain<Dim, DT> &dlocal,
+     BaseDomain_t &base) const
+   {
+     const typename DT::Domain_t &local = dlocal.unwrap();
+     for (int d = 0; d < Dim; d++)
+       {
+         base[d] = Range<1>(
+           offset_m[d] + stride_m[d] * local[d].first(),
+           offset_m[d] + stride_m[d] * local[d].last(),
+           stride_m[d] * local[d].stride());
+       }
+     return base;
+   }
+   template<class DT>
+   SliceRange<Dim, Dim> &localToBase(const Domain<Dim, DT> &dlocal,
+     SliceRange<Dim, Dim> &base) const
+   {
+     base.totalDomain() = baseDomain_m;
+     const typename DT::Domain_t &local = dlocal.unwrap();
+     for (int d = 0; d < Dim; d++)
+       {
+         Range<1> r(
+           offset_m[d] + stride_m[d] * local[d].first(),
+           offset_m[d] + stride_m[d] * local[d].last(),
+           stride_m[d] * local[d].stride());
+         base.totalDomain()[d] = r;
+         base.sliceDomain()[d] = r;
+         base.cantIgnoreDomain(d);
+       }
+     return base;
+   }
+   Interval<Dim> &baseToLocal(const BaseDomain_t &base,
+     Interval<Dim> &local) const
+   {
+     for (int d = 0; d < Dim; d++)
+       {
+         local[d] = Interval<1>(
+           (base[d].first() - offset_m[d]) / stride_m[d],
+           (base[d].last() - offset_m[d]) / stride_m[d]);
+         ;
+       }
+     return local;
+   }
+   Range<Dim> &baseToLocal(const BaseDomain_t &base,
+     Range<Dim> &local) const
+   {
+     for (int d = 0; d < Dim; d++)
+       {
+         local[d] = Range<1>(
+           (base[d].first() - offset_m[d]) / stride_m[d],
+           (base[d].last() - offset_m[d]) / stride_m[d],
+           base[d].stride() / stride_m[d]);
+       }
+     return local;
+   }
+   Interval<Dim> &baseToLocalInterval(const Interval<Dim> &base,
+          Interval<Dim> &local) const
+   {
+     for (int d = 0; d < Dim; d++)
+     {
+       local[d] = Interval<1>((base[d].first() - offset_m[d]) / stride_m[d],
+         (base[d].last() - offset_m[d]) / stride_m[d]);
+       ;
+       ;
+     }
+     return local;
+   }
+ private:
+   Domain_t domain_m;
+   BaseDomain_t baseDomain_m;
+   int stride_m[Dim], offset_m[Dim];
+   Mask_t mask_m;
+ };
+ template<int Dim>
+ class ContiguousMapper
+   : public ContextMapper<Dim>
+ {
+ public:
+   typedef Interval<Dim> Domain_t;
+   typedef Node<Domain_t> Value_t;
+   typedef std::vector<Value_t *> List_t;
+   template<class Partitioner>
+   ContiguousMapper(const Partitioner & gp,
+      const Loc<Dim> &nblocks)
+     : blocks_m(gp.blocks())
+   {
+   }
+   template<class Partitioner>
+   ContiguousMapper(const Partitioner & gp)
+      : blocks_m(gp.blocks())
+   {
+   }
+   ContiguousMapper(const Loc<Dim> & blocks)
+      : blocks_m(blocks)
+   {
+   }
+   void map(const List_t & templist) const;
+   Loc<Dim> blocks_m;
+ };
+ template<int Dim>
+ void ContiguousMapper<Dim>::map(const List_t & templist) const
+ {
+   int idx[Dim];
+   for (int i = 0;i<Dim;++i)
+     idx[i]=0;
+   int strides[Dim];
+   strides[Dim-1] = 1;
+   for ( int i=Dim-2; i>=0; --i)
+     strides[i] = strides[i+1]*blocks_m[i+1].last();
+   int npatch = 1;
+   for (int i=0; i<Dim; ++i)
+     npatch *= blocks_m[i].first();
+   int ncontexts = Pooma::contexts();
+   int npc = npatch/ncontexts;
+   int remainder = npatch - (npc*ncontexts);
+   int pcontext = 0;
+   int c = 0;
+   int patchdone = 0;
+   int patchleft = npatch;
+   int incriment[Dim];
+   for (int i =0 ; i<Dim; ++i) incriment[i] = 1;
+   while ( true )
+     {
+       int allIdx = 0;
+       for ( int i = 0 ; i < Dim ; ++i)
+  allIdx += idx[i]*strides[i];
+       (*templist[allIdx]).context() = pcontext;
+       ++c;
+       ++patchdone;
+       --patchleft;
+       if(c >= npc )
+  {
+    if (c == npc && remainder >0 &&
+        ((idx[0]-1 >= 0 && idx[0]+1<=(blocks_m[0].first()-1)) ||
+         (patchleft - ((npc+1)*(ncontexts-(pcontext+1))) >=0 )) )
+      --remainder;
+    else
+      {
+        c = 0;
+        ++pcontext;
+      }
+  }
+       bool t = true;
+       for ( int i = 0 ; i < Dim ; ++i)
+  {
+    t = t && (
+       idx[i] == (blocks_m[i]-1) && incriment[i] == 1
+       ||
+       idx[i] == 0 && incriment[i] == -1);
+  }
+       if (t)
+  break;
+       idx[0] += incriment[0];
+       for ( int i = 0 ; i < Dim ; ++i)
+  {
+    if ( idx[i] > blocks_m[i].last()-1)
+      {
+        idx[i+1]+=incriment[i+1];
+        idx[i]=blocks_m[i].last()-1;
+        incriment[i] *= -1;
+      }
+    else if (idx[i]<0)
+      {
+        idx[i+1]+=incriment[i+1];
+        idx[i]=0;
+        incriment[i] *= -1;
+      }
+    else
+      break;
+  }
+     }
+   ContextMapper<Dim>::setAffinity(templist);
+ }
+ template <int Dim>
+ class BisectionMapper
+   : public ContextMapper<Dim>
+ {
+ public:
+   typedef Interval<Dim> Domain_t;
+   typedef Node<Domain_t> Value_t;
+   typedef std::vector<Value_t *> List_t;
+   template<class Partitioner>
+   BisectionMapper(const Partitioner & gp,
+      const Loc<Dim> &nblocks)
+     : blocks_m(gp.blocks())
+   {
+   }
+   template<class Partitioner>
+   BisectionMapper(const Partitioner & gp)
+      : blocks_m(gp.blocks())
+   {
+   }
+   BisectionMapper(const Loc<Dim>& blocks)
+      : blocks_m(blocks)
+   {
+   }
+   void map(const List_t & templist) const;
+   Loc<Dim> blocks_m;
+ };
+ template <int Dim>
+ void BisectionMapper<Dim>::map(const List_t & templist) const
+ {
+   int ncontexts = Pooma::contexts();
+   int npatch = 1;
+   for (int i =0;i<Dim; ++i)
+     npatch*=blocks_m[i].first();
+   std::list<Domain_t> bvec;
+   Domain_t allb;
+   for (int i = 0; i<Dim; ++i)
+     allb[i]=Interval<1>(0,blocks_m[i].first()-1);
+   bvec.push_back(allb);
+   while ( bvec.size() < ncontexts )
+     {
+       int s = 0;
+       typename std::list<Domain_t>::iterator bstart = bvec.begin();
+       typename std::list<Domain_t>::iterator bend = bvec.end();
+       typename std::list<Domain_t>::iterator bpatch;
+       for ( ; bstart != bend ; ++bstart)
+  {
+    if (s < (*bstart).size() )
+      {
+        bpatch = bstart;
+        s = (*bstart).size();
+      }
+  }
+       int d = 0;
+       int sd = 0;
+       for (int i = 0; i<Dim; ++i)
+  {
+    if ( sd < (*bpatch)[i].size() )
+      {
+        d = i;
+        sd = (*bpatch)[i].size();
+      }
+  }
+       Domain_t hi(*bpatch),lo(*bpatch);
+       int lopoint = hi[d].first();
+       int hipoint = hi[d].last();
+       int mid = lopoint + ( (hipoint - lopoint)/2);
+       if (lopoint<=mid)
+  lo[d] = Interval<1>(lopoint,mid);
+       else
+  lo[d] = Interval<1>(lopoint,lopoint);
+       if ( hipoint>=mid+1)
+  hi[d] = Interval<1>(mid+1,hipoint);
+       else
+  hi[d] = Interval<1>(hipoint,hipoint);
+       bvec.erase(bpatch++);
+       bvec.insert(bpatch,lo);
+       bvec.insert(bpatch,hi);
+     }
+   int strides[Dim];
+   strides[0] = 1;
+   for ( int i=1; i<Dim; ++i)
+     strides[i] = strides[i-1]*blocks_m[i-1].first();
+   typename std::list<Domain_t>::iterator start = bvec.begin();
+   typename std::list<Domain_t>::iterator end = bvec.end();
+   int pcontext = 0;
+   for ( ; start != end ; ++start)
+     {
+       int idx[Dim],mi[Dim],mx[Dim];
+       for ( int i = 0 ; i < Dim ; ++i)
+  {
+    idx[i] = mi[i] = (*start)[i].first();
+    mx[i] = (*start)[i].last();
+  }
+       while ( idx[Dim-1] <= mx[Dim-1] )
+  {
+    int allIdx = 0;
+    for ( int i = 0 ; i < Dim ; ++i)
+      allIdx += idx[i]*strides[i];
+    (*templist[allIdx]).context() = pcontext;
+    ++idx[0];
+    for ( int i = 0 ; i < Dim ; ++i)
+      {
+        if ( idx[i] > mx[i] )
+   {
+     if ( i!=(Dim-1) )
+       {
+         ++idx[i+1];
+         idx[i]=mi[i];
+       }
+     else
+       ++idx[i];
+   }
+        else
+   break;
+      }
+  }
+       ++pcontext;
+     }
+   this->setAffinity(templist);
+ }
+ class UniformMapper
+   : public ContextMapper<1>
+ {
+ public:
+   typedef Interval<1> Domain_t;
+   typedef Node<Domain_t> Value_t;
+   typedef std::vector<Value_t *> List_t;
+   template <class Partitioner>
+   inline
+   UniformMapper(const Partitioner& gp)
+     : blocks_m(gp.blocks())
+   {
+   }
+   inline
+   UniformMapper(const Loc<1>& blocks)
+     : blocks_m(blocks)
+   {
+   }
+   inline
+   UniformMapper(int blocks = 1)
+     : blocks_m(blocks)
+   {
+   }
+   virtual ~UniformMapper(){}
+   void map(const List_t&) const;
+ private:
+   Loc<1> blocks_m;
+ };
+ template<int Dim>
+ class DistributedMapper
+   : public ContextMapper<Dim>
+ {
+ public:
+   typedef Interval<Dim> Domain_t;
+   typedef Node<Domain_t> Value_t;
+   typedef std::vector<Value_t *> List_t;
+   template<class Partitioner>
+   DistributedMapper(const Partitioner & gp)
+     : blocks_m(gp.blocks())
+   {
+   }
+   void map(const List_t & templist) const;
+   void uniformMap(const Loc<1> &blocks,
+     const List_t &templist,
+     const WrappedInt<1>&) const
+   {
+     UniformMapper(blocks).map(templist);
+   }
+   template <int D>
+   void uniformMap(const Loc<D> &,
+     const List_t &,
+     const WrappedInt<D>&) const
+   {
+     ;
+   }
+ private:
+   Loc<Dim> blocks_m;
+ };
+ template<int Dim>
+ void DistributedMapper<Dim>::map(const List_t & templist) const
+ {
+   int ncontexts = Pooma::contexts();
+   int npc = templist.size()/ncontexts;
+   if(ncontexts> templist.size())
+     {
+       npc = 1;
+       ncontexts = templist.size();
+     }
+   if (Dim == 1)
+     {
+       uniformMap(blocks_m,templist,WrappedInt<Dim>());
+     }
+   else if(npc<3)
+     {
+       ContiguousMapper<Dim>(blocks_m).map(templist);
+     }
+   else
+     {
+       BisectionMapper<Dim>(blocks_m).map(templist);
+     }
+   return;
+ }
+ template<int Dim>
+ class UniformGridPartition
+ {
+ public:
+   typedef LocalMapper<Dim> DefaultMapper_t;
+   typedef Interval<Dim> Domain_t;
+   typedef Node<Domain_t> Value_t;
+   typedef std::vector<Value_t *> List_t;
+   enum { uniform = true };
+   enum { gridded = true };
+   enum { tile = false };
+   enum { general = false };
+   enum { dimensions = Dim };
+   UniformGridPartition();
+   UniformGridPartition(const GuardLayers<Dim> &gcs);
+   UniformGridPartition(const Loc<Dim> &a);
+   UniformGridPartition(const Loc<Dim> &a,
+                        const GuardLayers<Dim> &gcs );
+   UniformGridPartition(const Loc<Dim> &a,
+                        const GuardLayers<Dim> &igcs,
+                        const GuardLayers<Dim> &egcs);
+   UniformGridPartition(const UniformGridPartition<Dim> &b);
+   ~UniformGridPartition() { }
+   UniformGridPartition<Dim> &
+   operator=(const UniformGridPartition<Dim> &g)
+   {
+     if (this != &g)
+       {
+  blocks_m = g.blocks();
+  hasGuards_m = g.hasGuards_m;
+  hasCustomEdgeGuards_m = g.hasCustomEdgeGuards_m;
+  internalGuards_m = g.internalGuards_m;
+  externalGuards_m = g.externalGuards_m;
+  num_m = g.maxSize();
+       }
+     return *this;
+   }
+   int maxSize() const { return num_m; }
+   const Loc<Dim> &blocks() const { return blocks_m; }
+   bool hasGuards() const
+   {
+     ;
+     return hasGuards_m;
+   }
+   bool hasInternalGuards() const
+   {
+     return hasGuards_m && internalGuards_m != 0;
+   }
+   bool hasExternalGuards() const
+   {
+     return hasGuards_m && externalGuards_m != 0;
+   }
+   const GuardLayers<Dim> &internalGuards() const
+   {
+     return internalGuards_m;
+   }
+   const GuardLayers<Dim> &externalGuards() const
+   {
+     return externalGuards_m;
+   }
+   template<class D>
+   int partition(const D &domain,
+   List_t & all,
+   const ContextMapper<Dim>& cmapper) const;
+   template<class D>
+   int partition(const D &domain, List_t & list) const
+   {
+     return partition(domain,list,DefaultMapper_t(*this));
+   }
+ protected:
+   Loc<Dim> blocks_m;
+   bool hasGuards_m;
+   bool hasCustomEdgeGuards_m;
+   GuardLayers<Dim> internalGuards_m;
+   GuardLayers<Dim> externalGuards_m;
+   int num_m;
+   void calcNum()
+   {
+     num_m = blocks_m[0].first();
+     for (int d = 1; d < Dim; ++d)
+       {
+  num_m *= blocks_m[d].first();
+       }
+   }
+ };
+ template<int Dim>
+ template<class D>
+ int UniformGridPartition<Dim>::partition(const D &domain,
+       List_t & all,
+       const ContextMapper<Dim>& cmapper) const
+ {
+   typedef typename DomainTraits<Domain_t>::Element_t Element_t;
+   PoomaCTAssert<(Dim == DomainTraits<D>::dimensions)>::test();
+   PoomaCTAssert<(Dim == DomainTraits<Domain_t>::dimensions)>::test();
+   PoomaCTAssert<(DomainTraits<D>::unitStride == 1)>::test();
+   PoomaCTAssert<(DomainTraits<Domain_t>::unitStride == 1)>::test();
+   ;
+   Element_t origin[Dim];
+   Element_t sizes[Dim];
+   Interval<Dim> bdomain = Pooma::NoInit();
+   int i;
+   for (i = 0; i < Dim; ++i)
+     {
+       if (!domain.empty())
+  {
+    int gcwidth =
+      (internalGuards_m.lower(i) > internalGuards_m.upper(i)) ?
+      internalGuards_m.lower(i) : internalGuards_m.upper(i);
+    if (__builtin_expect(!!((domain[i].length() % blocks()[i].first()) == 0), true)) {} else Pooma::toss_cookies("All the blocks in a grid must be the same size.", "/home/rguenth/ix86/pooma/tat-serial/pooma/linux/src/Partition/UniformGridPartition.h", 369);
+    origin[i] = domain[i].first();
+    sizes[i] = domain[i].length() / blocks()[i].first();
+    if (__builtin_expect(!!(sizes[i] >= gcwidth), true)) {} else Pooma::toss_cookies("Block sizes too small for guard layer specification.", "/home/rguenth/ix86/pooma/tat-serial/pooma/linux/src/Partition/UniformGridPartition.h", 375);
+  }
+       bdomain[i] = Interval<1>(blocks()[i].first());
+     }
+   typename Interval<Dim>::const_iterator it = bdomain.begin();
+   while (it != bdomain.end())
+     {
+       Domain_t owned;
+       GuardLayers<Dim> iguards(0);
+       GuardLayers<Dim> eguards(0);
+       if (!domain.empty())
+  {
+    Loc<Dim> pos = *it;
+    for (i = 0; i < Dim; ++i)
+      {
+        int position = pos[i].first();
+        Element_t a = origin[i] + sizes[i]*position;
+        Element_t b = a + sizes[i] - 1;
+        typedef typename
+   DomainTraits<Domain_t>::OneDomain_t OneDomain_t;
+        owned[i] = OneDomain_t(a, b);
+      }
+    if (hasGuards_m)
+      {
+        iguards = internalGuards_m;
+        for (int d = 0; d < Dim; ++d)
+   {
+     int position = pos[d].first();
+     if ( position == bdomain[d].first() )
+       {
+         eguards.lower(d) = externalGuards_m.lower(d);
+         iguards.lower(d) = 0;
+       }
+     if ( position == bdomain[d].last() )
+       {
+         eguards.upper(d) = externalGuards_m.upper(d);
+         iguards.upper(d) = 0;
+       }
+   }
+      }
+  }
+       typename Value_t::ID_t gid = all.size();
+       typename Value_t::ID_t lid = (-1);
+       GuardLayers<Dim>::addGuardLayers(owned,eguards);
+       Domain_t allocated = owned;
+       GuardLayers<Dim>::addGuardLayers(allocated,iguards);
+       Value_t *node = new Value_t(owned, allocated, -1, gid, lid);
+       all.push_back(node);
+       ++it;
+     }
+   cmapper.map(all);
+   return num_m;
+ }
+ template <int Dim>
+ inline UniformGridPartition<Dim>::
+ UniformGridPartition()
+ : hasGuards_m(false),
+   hasCustomEdgeGuards_m(false),
+   num_m(1)
+ {
+   blocks_m = 1;
+ }
+ template <int Dim>
+ inline UniformGridPartition<Dim>::
+ UniformGridPartition(const GuardLayers<Dim> &gcs)
+ : hasGuards_m(gcs != 0),
+   hasCustomEdgeGuards_m(gcs != 0),
+   externalGuards_m(gcs),
+   num_m(1)
+ {
+   blocks_m = 1;
+ }
+ template <int Dim>
+ inline UniformGridPartition<Dim>::
+ UniformGridPartition(const Loc<Dim> &a)
+ : blocks_m(a),
+   hasGuards_m(false),
+   hasCustomEdgeGuards_m(false)
+ {
+   calcNum();
+ }
+ template <int Dim>
+ inline UniformGridPartition<Dim>::
+ UniformGridPartition(const Loc<Dim> &a,
+                      const GuardLayers<Dim> &gcs)
+ : blocks_m(a),
+   hasGuards_m(gcs != 0),
+   hasCustomEdgeGuards_m(false),
+   internalGuards_m(gcs),
+   externalGuards_m(gcs)
+ {
+   calcNum();
+ }
+ template <int Dim>
+ inline UniformGridPartition<Dim>::
+ UniformGridPartition(const Loc<Dim> &a,
+                      const GuardLayers<Dim> &igcs,
+                      const GuardLayers<Dim> &egcs)
+ : blocks_m(a),
+   hasGuards_m(igcs != 0 || egcs != 0),
+   hasCustomEdgeGuards_m(igcs != egcs),
+   internalGuards_m(igcs),
+   externalGuards_m(egcs)
+ {
+   calcNum();
+ }
+ template <int Dim>
+ inline UniformGridPartition<Dim>::
+ UniformGridPartition(const UniformGridPartition<Dim> &b)
+ : blocks_m(b.blocks_m),
+   hasGuards_m(b.hasGuards_m),
+   hasCustomEdgeGuards_m(b.hasCustomEdgeGuards_m),
+   internalGuards_m(b.internalGuards_m),
+   externalGuards_m(b.externalGuards_m),
+   num_m(b.num_m)
+ { }
+ struct ReplicatedTag {};
+ struct DistributedTag {};
+ template <class LayoutTag, int Dim>
+ struct MultiPatchLayoutTraits {};
+ template <int Dim>
+ class LayoutBaseData
+ {
+ public:
+   typedef Interval<Dim> Domain_t;
+   typedef Interval<Dim> BaseDomain_t;
+   typedef int Context_t;
+   typedef Unique::Value_t ID_t;
+   typedef Node<Domain_t> Value_t;
+   typedef std::vector<Value_t *> List_t;
+   typedef GuardLayers<Dim> GuardLayers_t;
+   struct GCFillInfo
+   {
+     GCFillInfo(const Domain_t &dom, int ownedID, int guardID, int face=-1)
+     : domain_m(dom), ownedID_m(ownedID), guardID_m(guardID), face_m(face) { }
+     GCFillInfo() { if (__builtin_expect(!!(0), true)) {} else Pooma::toss_cookies("Shouldn't get here!", "/home/rguenth/ix86/pooma/tat-serial/pooma/linux/src/Layout/LayoutBase.h", 126); }
+     Domain_t domain_m;
+     int ownedID_m;
+     int guardID_m;
+     int face_m;
+     Domain_t & domain() { return domain_m;}
+     int & ownedID() { return ownedID_m;}
+     int & guardID() { return guardID_m;}
+   };
+   typedef GCFillInfo GCFillInfo_t;
+   typedef typename std::vector<GCFillInfo>::const_iterator FillIterator_t;
+   LayoutBaseData()
+     :
+     ID_m(Unique::get()),
+     domain_m(Interval<Dim>()),
+     innerdomain_m(Interval<Dim>()),
+     hasInternalGuards_m(false),
+     hasExternalGuards_m(false),
+     internalGuards_m(0),
+     externalGuards_m(0)
+   {
+   }
+   LayoutBaseData(bool hasIG, bool hasEG,
+    GuardLayers_t eg, GuardLayers_t ig,
+    Domain_t d, Domain_t id)
+     :
+     ID_m(Unique::get()),
+     domain_m(d),
+     innerdomain_m(id),
+     hasInternalGuards_m(hasIG),
+     hasExternalGuards_m(hasEG),
+     internalGuards_m(ig),
+     externalGuards_m(eg)
+   {
+   }
+   ~LayoutBaseData()
+   {
+   }
+   inline const Domain_t & domain(int i) const
+   {
+     ;
+     return all_m[i]->allocated();
+   }
+   inline const Domain_t & ownedDomain(int i) const
+   {
+     ;
+     return all_m[i]->domain();
+   }
+   inline const Domain_t & allocatedDomain(int i) const
+   {
+     ;
+     return all_m[i]->allocated();
+   }
+   inline const GuardLayers_t& internalGuards() const
+   {
+     return internalGuards_m;
+   }
+   inline const GuardLayers_t& externalGuards() const
+   {
+     return externalGuards_m;
+   }
+   inline List_t &nodeListGlobal()
+   {
+     return all_m;
+   }
+   inline List_t &nodeListLocal()
+   {
+     return local_m;
+   }
+   inline List_t &nodeListRemote()
+   {
+     return remote_m;
+   }
+   inline bool initialized() const { return all_m.size() > 0; }
+   inline int first(int d) const { return firsti_m[d]; }
+   inline int firsts(int d) const { return firste_m[d]; }
+   inline const Loc<Dim>& blocks() const { return blocks_m; }
+   FillIterator_t beginFillList() const
+   {
+     return gcFillList_m.begin();
+   }
+   FillIterator_t endFillList() const
+   {
+     return gcFillList_m.end();
+   }
+   ID_t ID_m;
+   Domain_t domain_m;
+   Domain_t innerdomain_m;
+   List_t all_m;
+   List_t local_m;
+   List_t remote_m;
+   bool hasInternalGuards_m;
+   bool hasExternalGuards_m;
+   GuardLayers_t internalGuards_m;
+   GuardLayers_t externalGuards_m;
+   std::vector<GCFillInfo> gcFillList_m;
+   int firste_m[Dim];
+   int firsti_m[Dim];
+   Loc<Dim> blocks_m;
+ };
+ template <int Dim, class LBD>
+ class LayoutBase
+ {
+ public:
+   typedef LayoutBaseData<Dim> LayoutData_t;
+   typedef typename LayoutData_t::Domain_t Domain_t;
+   typedef typename LayoutData_t::BaseDomain_t BaseDomain_t;
+   typedef typename LayoutData_t::Context_t Context_t;
+   typedef typename LayoutData_t::ID_t ID_t;
+   typedef typename LayoutData_t::Value_t Value_t;
+   typedef typename LayoutData_t::List_t List_t;
+   typedef LayoutBase<Dim,LBD> This_t;
+   typedef Observable<This_t> Observable_t;
+   typedef DerefIterator<Value_t> iterator;
+   typedef ConstDerefIterator<Value_t> const_iterator;
+   typedef typename LayoutData_t::GCFillInfo_t GCFillInfo_t;
+   typedef typename
+   std::vector<GCFillInfo_t>::const_iterator FillIterator_t;
+   typedef GuardLayers<Dim> GuardLayers_t;
+   enum { supportsGuards = true };
+   LayoutBase(LBD * Ldata)
+     : pdata_m(Ldata)
+   {
+   }
+    LayoutBase(RefCountedPtr<LBD> pdata)
+     : pdata_m(pdata)
+   {
+   }
+   ~LayoutBase()
+   {
+   }
+   inline ID_t ID() const
+   {
+     return pdata_m->ID_m;
+   }
+   inline ID_t baseID() const
+   {
+     return pdata_m->ID_m;
+   }
+   inline bool initialized() const
+   {
+     return (sizeGlobal() > 0);
+   }
+   template <class DT>
+   BaseDomain_t &localToBase(const Domain<Dim, DT> &dlocal,
+     BaseDomain_t &base) const
+   {
+     return pdata_m->indexer_m.localToBase(dlocal,base);
+   }
+   inline const Domain_t &domain() const
+   {
+     return pdata_m->domain_m;
+   }
+   inline const Domain_t &innerDomain() const
+   {
+     return pdata_m->innerdomain_m;
+   }
+   inline const Domain_t &baseDomain() const
+   {
+     return pdata_m->domain_m;
+   }
+   inline const Domain_t &domain(int i) const
+   {
+     return pdata_m->domain(i);
+   }
+   inline const Domain_t &ownedDomain(int i) const
+   {
+     return pdata_m->ownedDomain(i);
+   }
+   inline const Domain_t &allocatedDomain(int i) const
+   {
+     return pdata_m->allocatedDomain(i);
+   }
+   inline const List_t & nodeListGlobal() const
+   {
+     return pdata_m->nodeListGlobal();
+   }
+   inline const List_t &nodeListLocal() const
+   {
+     return pdata_m->nodeListLocal();
+   }
+   inline const List_t &nodeListRemote() const
+   {
+     return pdata_m->nodeListRemote();
+   }
+   inline GuardLayers_t internalGuards() const
+   {
+     return pdata_m->internalGuards();
+   }
+   inline GuardLayers_t externalGuards() const
+   {
+     return pdata_m->externalGuards();
+   }
+   inline int first(int d) const { return pdata_m->first(d); }
+   inline Loc<Dim> blocks() const { return pdata_m->blocks(); }
+   inline const Domain_t patchDomain(int lid) const
+   {
+     return nodeListLocal()[lid]->domain();
+   }
+   inline int localToGlobalPatchID(int lid) const
+   {
+     return nodeListLocal()[lid]->globalID();
+   }
+   int globalID(const Loc<Dim> &loc) const
+   { return pdata_m->globalID(loc); }
+   int globalID(int i0) const
+   { return pdata_m->globalID(i0); }
+   int globalID(int i0, int i1) const
+   { return pdata_m->globalID(i0,i1); }
+   int globalID(int i0, int i1, int i2) const
+   { return pdata_m->globalID(i0,i1,i2); }
+   int globalID(int i0, int i1, int i2, int i3) const
+   { return pdata_m->globalID(i0,i1,i2,i3); }
+   int globalID(int i0, int i1, int i2, int i3, int i4) const
+   { return pdata_m->globalID(i0,i1,i2,i3,i4); }
+   int globalID(int i0, int i1, int i2, int i3, int i4, int i5) const
+   { return pdata_m->globalID(i0,i1,i2,i3,i4,i5); }
+   int globalID(int i0, int i1, int i2,int i3, int i4, int i5, int i6) const
+   { return pdata_m->globalID(i0,i1,i2,i3,i4,i5,i6); }
+   template <class Partitioner>
+   bool repartition(const Partitioner &gp,const ContextMapper<Dim> &cmap)
+   {
+     return pdata_m->repartition(gp,cmap);
+   }
+   template <class Partitioner>
+   bool repartition(const Partitioner &gp)
+   {
+     typename Partitioner::DefaultMapper_t cmap(gp);
+     return pdata_m->repartition(gp,cmap);
+   }
+   template <class L>
+   inline bool operator==(const L &layout) const
+   {
+     return (baseID() == layout.baseID() &&
+             baseDomain() == layout.baseDomain());
+   }
+   template <class L>
+   inline bool operator!=(const L &layout) const
+   {
+     return !(*this == layout);
+   }
+   inline iterator beginGlobal()
+   {
+     return iterator(pdata_m->all_m.begin());
+   }
+   inline iterator endGlobal()
+   {
+     return iterator(pdata_m->all_m.end());
+   }
+   inline const_iterator beginGlobal() const
+   {
+     return const_iterator(pdata_m->all_m.begin());
+   }
+   inline const_iterator endGlobal() const
+   {
+     return const_iterator(pdata_m->all_m.end());
+   }
+   inline int sizeGlobal() const
+   {
+     return pdata_m->all_m.size();
+   }
+   inline iterator beginLocal()
+   {
+     return iterator(pdata_m->local_m.begin());
+   }
+   inline iterator endLocal()
+   {
+     return iterator(pdata_m->local_m.end());
+   }
+   inline const_iterator beginLocal() const
+   {
+     return const_iterator(pdata_m->local_m.begin());
+   }
+   inline const_iterator endLocal() const
+   {
+     return const_iterator(pdata_m->local_m.end());
+   }
+   inline int sizeLocal() const
+   {
+     return pdata_m->local_m.size();
+   }
+   inline iterator beginRemote()
+   {
+     return iterator(pdata_m->remote_m.begin());
+   }
+   inline iterator endRemote()
+   {
+     return iterator(pdata_m->remote_m.end());
+   }
+   inline const_iterator beginRemote() const
+   {
+     return const_iterator(pdata_m->remote_m.begin());
+   }
+   inline const_iterator endRemote() const
+   {
+     return const_iterator(pdata_m->remote_m.end());
+   }
+   inline int sizeRemote() const
+   {
+     return pdata_m->remote_m.size();
+   }
+   FillIterator_t beginFillList() const
+   {
+     return pdata_m->beginFillList();
+   }
+   FillIterator_t endFillList() const
+   {
+     return pdata_m->endFillList();
+   }
+   template <class OtherDomain, class OutIter, class ConstructTag>
+   int touches(const OtherDomain &d, OutIter o, const ConstructTag &ctag) const
+   {
+     return pdata_m->touches(d,o,ctag);
+   }
+   template <class OtherDomain, class OutIter, class ConstructTag>
+   int touchesAlloc(const OtherDomain &d, OutIter o,
+                    const ConstructTag &ctag) const
+   {
+     return pdata_m->touchesAlloc(d, o, ctag);
+   }
+   template <class OtherDomain, class OutIter, class ConstructTag>
+   inline int touchesLocal(const OtherDomain &d, OutIter o,
+      const ConstructTag &ctag) const
+   {
+     return pdata_m->touchesLocal(d, o, ctag);
+   }
+   template <class OtherDomain, class OutIter, class ConstructTag>
+   inline int touchesAllocLocal(const OtherDomain &d, OutIter o,
+           const ConstructTag &ctag) const
+   {
+     return pdata_m->touchesAllocLocal(d, o, ctag);
+   }
+   template <class OtherDomain, class OutIter, class ConstructTag>
+   inline int touchesRemote(const OtherDomain & d, OutIter o,
+       const ConstructTag &ctag) const
+   {
+     return pdata_m->touchesRemote(d,o,ctag);
+   }
+   template <class OtherDomain, class OutIter, class ConstructTag>
+   inline int touchesAllocRemote(const OtherDomain &d, OutIter o,
+            const ConstructTag & ctag) const
+   {
+     return pdata_m->touchesAllocRemote(d,o,ctag);
+   }
+   template <class OtherDomain, class OutIter>
+   inline int touches(const OtherDomain &d, OutIter o) const
+   {
+     return touches(d, o, TouchesConstructNodeObj());
+   }
+   template <class OtherDomain, class OutIter>
+   inline int touchesLocal(const OtherDomain &d, OutIter o) const
+   {
+     return touchesLocal(d, o, TouchesConstructNodeObj());
+   }
+   template <class OtherDomain, class OutIter>
+   inline int touchesRemote(const OtherDomain &d, OutIter o) const
+   {
+     return touchesRemote(d, o, TouchesConstructNodeObj());
+   }
+   template <class OtherDomain, class OutIter>
+   int touchesAlloc(const OtherDomain &d, OutIter o) const
+   {
+     return touchesAlloc(d, o, TouchesConstructNodeObj());
+   }
+   template <class OtherDomain, class OutIter>
+   int touchesAllocLocal(const OtherDomain &d, OutIter o) const
+   {
+     return touchesAllocLocal(d, o, TouchesConstructNodeObj());
+   }
+   template <class OtherDomain, class OutIter>
+   int touchesAllocRemote(const OtherDomain &d, OutIter o) const
+   {
+     return touchesAllocRemote(d, o, TouchesConstructNodeObj());
+   }
+   template <int Dim1, int Dim2, class lbd>
+   friend class LayoutBaseView;
+   friend class LayoutBaseData<Dim>;
+   RefCountedPtr<LBD> pdata_m;
+ };
+ template <int Dim, int Dim2, class L>
+ class LayoutBaseViewData
+ {
+ public:
+   typedef L Layout_t;
+   typedef Interval<Dim> Domain_t;
+   typedef Range<Dim2> BaseDomain_t;
+   typedef int Context_t;
+   typedef Unique::Value_t ID_t;
+   typedef typename Layout_t::Domain_t AllocatedDomain_t;
+   typedef ViewIndexer<Dim,Dim2> Indexer_t;
+   typedef Node<Domain_t,AllocatedDomain_t> Value_t;
+   typedef std::vector<Value_t *> List_t;
+   typedef GuardLayers<Dim> GuardLayers_t;
+   LayoutBaseViewData()
+    : id_m(Unique::get())
+   { }
+   template<class DT>
+   LayoutBaseViewData(const L & layout, const Domain<Dim,DT> & dom)
+     : id_m(Unique::get()), layout_m(layout),
+       internalGuards_m(layout.internalGuards()),
+       externalGuards_m(layout.externalGuards()),
+       indexer_m(dom),
+       subdomainsComputed_m(false)
+   {
+     PoomaCTAssert<(Dim == Dim2)>::test();
+     ;
+     ;
+   }
+   template <class DT>
+   LayoutBaseViewData(const L &layout, const SliceDomain<DT> &dom)
+   : id_m(Unique::get()), layout_m(layout), indexer_m(dom),
+     subdomainsComputed_m(false)
+   {
+     PoomaCTAssert<(Dim == DT::sliceDimensions)>::test();
+     PoomaCTAssert<(Dim2 == DT::dimensions)>::test();
+     ;
+     ;
+     int dt, d;
+     for (d = 0, dt = 0; dt < Dim2; ++dt)
+       {
+         if (!dom.ignorable(dt))
+           {
+             internalGuards_m.lower(d) = layout_m.internalGuards().lower(dt);
+             internalGuards_m.upper(d) = layout_m.internalGuards().upper(dt);
+             externalGuards_m.lower(d) = layout_m.externalGuards().lower(dt);
+             externalGuards_m.upper(d) = layout_m.externalGuards().upper(dt);
+             ;
+             ++d;
+           }
+       }
+   }
+    template <class DT,class LV>
+    LayoutBaseViewData(const L &layout,
+         const LV & viewLayout,
+         const Indexer_t & indexer,
+         const Domain<Dim, DT> &dom,
+         GuardLayers_t ig,
+         GuardLayers_t eg)
+   :
+     id_m(Unique::get()),
+     layout_m(layout),
+     internalGuards_m(ig),
+     externalGuards_m(eg),
+     indexer_m(indexer, dom),
+     subdomainsComputed_m(false)
+   {
+     ;
+     ;
+   }
+    template <class DT,class LV>
+    LayoutBaseViewData(const L &layout,
+         const LV &viewLayout,
+         const Indexer_t indexer,
+         const SliceDomain<DT> &dom)
+      : id_m(Unique::get()), layout_m(layout),
+      indexer_m(indexer),
+      subdomainsComputed_m(false)
+   {
+     PoomaCTAssert<((int)DT::sliceDimensions == Dim)>::test();
+     PoomaCTAssert<((int)DT::dimensions == LV::dimensions)>::test();
+     ;
+     ;
+     int dt, d;
+     for (d = 0, dt = 0; dt < LV::dimensions ; ++dt)
+       {
+         if (!dom.ignorable(dt))
+           {
+             internalGuards_m.lower(d) = viewLayout.internalGuards().lower(dt);
+             internalGuards_m.upper(d) = viewLayout.internalGuards().upper(dt);
+             externalGuards_m.lower(d) = viewLayout.externalGuards().lower(dt);
+             externalGuards_m.upper(d) = viewLayout.externalGuards().upper(dt);
+             ;
+             ++d;
+           }
+       }
+   }
+   template <class OtherDomain, class OutIter, class ConstructTag>
+   int touches(const OtherDomain &d, OutIter o,
+               const ConstructTag &ctag) const
+   {
+     BaseDomain_t bd = Pooma::NoInit();
+     indexer_m.localToBase(d, bd);
+     std::vector<Node<BaseDomain_t,AllocatedDomain_t> > tnodes;
+     int count = layout_m.touches(bd, std::back_inserter(tnodes));
+     Range<Dim> ld = Pooma::NoInit();
+     for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
+       {
+         *o++ =
+           touchesConstruct(indexer_m.baseToLocal(tnodes[i].domain(), ld),
+                            tnodes[i].allocated(),
+                            tnodes[i].affinity(), tnodes[i].context(),
+                            tnodes[i].globalID(), tnodes[i].localID(), ctag);
+       }
+     return count;
+   }
+   void computeSubdomains() const
+   {
+     if (subdomainsComputed_m)
+       return;
+     std::vector<Node<BaseDomain_t,AllocatedDomain_t> > tnodes;
+     int count = layout_m.touches(indexer_m.baseDomain(),
+                                  std::back_inserter(tnodes));
+     Domain_t ld = Pooma::NoInit();
+     for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i)
+       {
+         Value_t *pt =
+           touchesConstruct(indexer_m.baseToLocal(tnodes[i].domain(), ld),
+                            tnodes[i].allocated(),
+                            tnodes[i].affinity(),tnodes[i].context(),
+                            tnodes[i].globalID(),tnodes[i].localID(),
+                            TouchesConstructNodePtr());
+         all_m.push_back(pt);
+         if (pt->context() == Pooma::context()
+      ||pt->context() == -1 )
+           local_m.push_back(pt);
+         else
+           remote_m.push_back(pt);
+       }
+     subdomainsComputed_m = true;
+   }
+   ID_t id_m;
+   L layout_m;
+   GuardLayers_t internalGuards_m;
+   GuardLayers_t externalGuards_m;
+   Indexer_t indexer_m;
+   mutable List_t all_m;
+   mutable List_t local_m;
+   mutable List_t remote_m;
+   mutable bool subdomainsComputed_m;
+ };
+ template <int Dim, int Dim2, class lvd>
+ class LayoutBaseView
+ {
+ public:
+   enum { dimensions = Dim };
+   typedef lvd LayoutData_t;
+   typedef typename LayoutData_t::Domain_t Domain_t;
+   typedef typename LayoutData_t::BaseDomain_t BaseDomain_t;
+   typedef typename LayoutData_t::Context_t Context_t;
+   typedef typename LayoutData_t::ID_t ID_t;
+   typedef typename LayoutData_t::Layout_t Layout_t;
+   typedef typename LayoutData_t::AllocatedDomain_t AllocatedDomain_t;
+   typedef typename LayoutData_t::Value_t Value_t;
+   typedef typename LayoutData_t::List_t List_t;
+   typedef typename LayoutData_t::Indexer_t Indexer_t;
+   typedef typename LayoutData_t::GuardLayers_t GuardLayers_t;
+   typedef LayoutBaseView<Dim, Dim2, lvd> This_t;
+   typedef LayoutBaseView<Dim, Dim2, lvd> ViewLayout_t;
+   typedef DerefIterator<Value_t> iterator;
+   typedef ConstDerefIterator<Value_t> const_iterator;
+   LayoutBaseView(LayoutData_t * lvdp)
+     : pdata_m(lvdp)
+   {}
+   LayoutBaseView(const RefCountedPtr<LayoutData_t> & pdata)
+     : pdata_m(pdata)
+   {}
+   inline ID_t ID() const { return pdata_m->id_m; }
+   inline ID_t baseID() const { return pdata_m->layout_m.baseID(); }
+   inline bool initialized() const { return true; }
+   inline const Domain_t &domain() const
+   {
+     return pdata_m->indexer_m.domain();
+   }
+   inline const Domain_t &innerDomain() const
+   {
+     return pdata_m->indexer_m.innerDomain();
+   }
+   inline const BaseDomain_t &baseDomain() const
+   {
+     return pdata_m->indexer_m.baseDomain();
+   }
+   inline const Layout_t &baseLayout() const
+   {
+     return pdata_m->layout_m;
+   }
+   template <class DT>
+   BaseDomain_t &localToBase(const Domain<Dim, DT> &dlocal,
+     BaseDomain_t &base) const
+   {
+     return pdata_m->indexer_m.localToBase(dlocal,base);
+   }
+   template <class DT>
+   SliceRange<Dim2, Dim> &localToBase(const Domain<Dim, DT> &dlocal,
+     SliceRange<Dim2, Dim> &base) const
+   {
+     return pdata_m->indexer_m.localToBase(dlocal,base);
+   }
+   inline GuardLayers_t internalGuards() const
+   {
+     return pdata_m->internalGuards_m;
+   }
+   inline GuardLayers_t externalGuards() const
+   {
+     return pdata_m->externalGuards_m;
+   }
+   inline int first(int) const { return 0; }
+   template <class L>
+   inline bool operator==(const L &layout) const
+   {
+     return (baseID() == layout.baseID() &&
+             baseDomain() == layout.baseDomain());
+   }
+   template <class L>
+   inline bool operator!=(const L &layout) const
+   {
+     return !(*this == layout);
+   }
+   inline int
+   globalID(const Loc<Dim> &loc, Loc<Dim2> &oloc) const
+   {
+     pdata_m->indexer_m.translate(loc,oloc);
+     return pdata_m->layout_m.globalID(oloc);
+   }
+   inline int
+   globalID(int i0, Loc<Dim2> &loc) const
+   {
+     pdata_m->indexer_m.translate(i0,loc);
+     return pdata_m->layout_m.globalID(loc);
+   }
+   inline int
+   globalID(int i0, int i1, Loc<Dim2> &loc) const
+   {
+     pdata_m->indexer_m.translate(i0,i1,loc);
+     return pdata_m->layout_m.globalID(loc);
+   }
+   inline int
+   globalID(int i0, int i1, int i2, Loc<Dim2> &loc) const
+   {
+     pdata_m->indexer_m.translate(i0,i1,i2,loc);
+     return pdata_m->layout_m.globalID(loc);
+   }
+   inline int
+   globalID(int i0, int i1, int i2, int i3,
+            Loc<Dim2> &loc) const
+   {
+     pdata_m->indexer_m.translate(i0,i1,i2,i3,loc);
+     return pdata_m->layout_m.globalID(loc);
+   }
+   inline int
+   globalID(int i0, int i1, int i2, int i3,
+            int i4, Loc<Dim2> &loc) const
+   {
+     pdata_m->indexer_m.translate(i0,i1,i2,i3,i4,loc);
+     return pdata_m->layout_m.globalID(loc);
+   }
+   inline int
+   globalID(int i0, int i1, int i2, int i3,
+            int i4, int i5, Loc<Dim2> &loc) const
+   {
+     pdata_m->indexer_m.translate(i0,i1,i2,i3,i4,i5,loc);
+     return pdata_m->layout_m.globalID(loc);
+   }
+   inline int
+   globalID(int i0, int i1, int i2, int i3,
+            int i4, int i5, int i6, Loc<Dim2> &loc) const
+   {
+     pdata_m->indexer_m.translate(i0,i1,i2,i3,i4,i5,i6,loc);
+     return pdata_m->layout_m.globalID(loc);
+   }
+   template <class OtherDomain, class OutIter, class ConstructTag>
+   int touches(const OtherDomain &d, OutIter o,
+     const ConstructTag &ctag) const
+   {
+     return pdata_m->touches(d,o,ctag);
+   }
+   template <class OtherDomain, class OutIter, class ConstructTag>
+   inline int touchesLocal(const OtherDomain &d, OutIter o,
+     const ConstructTag &ctag) const {
+     return pdata_m->touches(d, o, ctag);
+   }
+   template <class OtherDomain, class OutIter, class ConstructTag>
+   inline int touchesRemote(const OtherDomain &, OutIter,
+     const ConstructTag &) const {
+     return 0;
+   }
+   template <class OtherDomain, class OutIter>
+   inline int touches(const OtherDomain &d, OutIter o) const {
+     return touches(d, o, TouchesConstructNodeObj());
+   }
+   template <class OtherDomain, class OutIter>
+   inline int touchesLocal(const OtherDomain &d, OutIter o) const {
+     return touchesLocal(d, o, TouchesConstructNodeObj());
+   }
+   template <class OtherDomain, class OutIter>
+   inline int touchesRemote(const OtherDomain &d, OutIter o) const {
+     return touchesRemote(d, o, TouchesConstructNodeObj());
+   }
+   inline iterator beginGlobal() {
+     computeSubdomains();
+     return iterator(pdata_m->all_m.begin());
+   }
+   inline iterator endGlobal() {
+     computeSubdomains();
+     return iterator(pdata_m->all_m.end());
+   }
+   inline const_iterator beginGlobal() const {
+     computeSubdomains();
+     return const_iterator(pdata_m->all_m.begin());
+   }
+   inline const_iterator endGlobal() const {
+     computeSubdomains();
+     return const_iterator(pdata_m->all_m.end());
+   }
+   inline int sizeGlobal() const {
+     computeSubdomains();
+     return pdata_m->all_m.size();
+   }
+   inline iterator beginLocal() {
+     computeSubdomains();
+     return iterator(pdata_m->local_m.begin());
+   }
+   inline iterator endLocal() {
+     computeSubdomains();
+     return iterator(pdata_m->local_m.end());
+   }
+   inline const_iterator beginLocal() const {
+     computeSubdomains();
+     return const_iterator(pdata_m->local_m.begin());
+   }
+   inline const_iterator endLocal() const {
+     computeSubdomains();
+     return const_iterator(pdata_m->local_m.end());
+   }
+   inline int sizeLocal() const {
+     computeSubdomains();
+     return pdata_m->local_m.size();
+   }
+   inline iterator beginRemote() {
+     computeSubdomains();
+     return iterator(pdata_m->remote_m.begin());
+   }
+   inline iterator endRemote() {
+     computeSubdomains();
+     return iterator(pdata_m->remote_m.end());
+   }
+   inline const_iterator beginRemote() const {
+     computeSubdomains();
+     return const_iterator(pdata_m->remote_m.begin());
+   }
+   inline const_iterator endRemote() const {
+     computeSubdomains();
+     return const_iterator(pdata_m->remote_m.end());
+   }
+   inline int sizeRemote() const {
+     computeSubdomains();
+     return pdata_m->remote_m.size();
+   }
+   template <int OtherDim, int OtherDim2, class OtherLayoutData>
+   friend class LayoutBaseView;
+   template <int OtherDim, int OtherDim2, class OtherLayout>
+   friend class LayoutBaseViewData;
+   void computeSubdomains() const { pdata_m->computeSubdomains(); }
+   RefCountedPtr<LayoutData_t> pdata_m;
+ };
+ template <int Dim> class SparseTileLayoutData;
+ template <int Dim> class SparseTileLayout;
+ template <int Dim, int Dim2> class SparseTileLayoutViewData;
+ template <int Dim, int Dim2> class SparseTileLayoutView;
+ struct SparseTileTag { };
+ template <int Dim>
+ struct MultiPatchLayoutTraits<SparseTileTag,Dim>
+ {
+   typedef SparseTileLayout<Dim> Layout_t;
+   template <int ViewDim>
+   struct View
+   {
+     typedef SparseTileLayoutView<ViewDim,Dim> Layout_t;
+   };
+ };
+ template<int Dim>
+ class SparseTileLayoutData
+  : public LayoutBaseData<Dim>,
+    public RefCounted,
+    public Observable< SparseTileLayoutData<Dim> >
+ {
+ public:
+   typedef SparseTileLayoutData<Dim> This_t;
+   typedef Observable<This_t> Observable_t;
+   typedef Interval<Dim> Domain_t;
+   typedef Interval<Dim> BaseDomain_t;
+   typedef Interval<Dim> AllocatedDomain_t;
+   typedef int Context_t;
+   typedef Unique::Value_t ID_t;
+   typedef Node<Domain_t,AllocatedDomain_t> Value_t;
+   typedef std::vector<Value_t *> List_t;
+   typedef std::map<int,Value_t> Map_t;
+   typedef GuardLayers<Dim> GuardLayers_t;
+   typedef std::pair<int,int> pidx_t;
+   typedef typename DynamicEvents::PatchID_t PatchID_t;
+   typedef typename DynamicEvents::CreateSize_t CreateSize_t;
+   typedef BaseDomain_t SubPatch_t;
+   typedef std::vector<SubPatch_t> PatchList_t;
+   typedef typename LayoutBaseData<Dim>::GCFillInfo_t GCFillInfo_t;
+   typedef typename std::vector<GCFillInfo_t>::const_iterator FillIterator_t;
+   struct GCBorderFillInfo
+   {
+     GCBorderFillInfo(const Domain_t &dom, int patchID)
+       : domain_m(dom), patchID_m(patchID)
+       {
+       }
+     GCBorderFillInfo()
+       {
+  if (__builtin_expect(!!(0), true)) {} else Pooma::toss_cookies("Shouldn't get here!", "/home/rguenth/ix86/pooma/tat-serial/pooma/linux/src/Layout/SparseTileLayout.h", 173);
+       }
+     Domain_t domain_m;
+     int patchID_m;
+     inline const Domain_t& domain() const { return domain_m; }
+     int patchID() const { return patchID_m;}
+   };
+   typedef GCBorderFillInfo GCBorderFillInfo_t;
+   typedef typename std::vector<GCBorderFillInfo>::const_iterator
+                                                BorderFillIterator_t;
+   enum { dimensions = Dim };
+   enum { repartitionEvent = 1 };
+   enum { dynamic = false };
+   SparseTileLayoutData();
+   SparseTileLayoutData(const Domain_t &,
+          const PatchList_t &,
+          const ContextMapper<Dim> &);
+   SparseTileLayoutData(const Domain_t &boundingbox,
+          const GuardLayers_t & globalGL,
+          const PatchList_t & PatchList,
+          const ContextMapper<Dim> &);
+   SparseTileLayoutData(const Domain_t &boundingbox,
+          const GuardLayers_t & internalGL,
+          const GuardLayers_t & externalGL,
+          const PatchList_t & PatchList,
+          const ContextMapper<Dim> &);
+   SparseTileLayoutData(const Domain_t &boundingbox);
+   SparseTileLayoutData(const Domain_t &boundingbox,
+          const GuardLayers_t & globalGL);
+   SparseTileLayoutData(const Domain_t &boundingbox,
+          const GuardLayers_t & internalGL,
+          const GuardLayers_t & externalGL);
+ template <class Partitioner>
+ SparseTileLayoutData(const Domain_t &bbox,
+        const Partitioner & gpar,
+        const ContextMapper<Dim> &cmap);
+   ~SparseTileLayoutData() ;
+   void initialize(const Domain_t &bbox);
+   void initialize(const Domain_t &bbox,
+     const GuardLayers_t & globalGL);
+   void initialize(const Domain_t &bbox,
+     const GuardLayers_t & internalGL,
+     const GuardLayers_t & externalGL);
+   void initialize(const Domain_t &bbox,
+     const PatchList_t &plist,
+     const ContextMapper<Dim> &cmap);
+   void initialize(const Domain_t &bbox,
+     const GuardLayers_t & globalGL,
+     const PatchList_t &plist,
+     const ContextMapper<Dim> &cmap);
+   void initialize(const Domain_t &bbox,
+     const GuardLayers_t & internalGL,
+     const GuardLayers_t & externalGL,
+     const PatchList_t &plist,
+     const ContextMapper<Dim> &cmap);
+   template <class Partitioner>
+   void initialize(const Domain_t &bbox,
+     const Partitioner &gpar,
+     const ContextMapper<Dim> &cmap);
+   void syncPatch();
+   void calcMaps();
+   void calcAllocMaps() ;
+   BorderFillIterator_t beginBorderFillList() const
+   {
+     return gcBorderFillList_m.begin();
+   }
+   BorderFillIterator_t endBorderFillList() const
+   {
+     return gcBorderFillList_m.end();
+   }
+   int globalID(const Loc<Dim> &loc) const;
+   int globalID(int) const;
+   int globalID(int,int) const;
+   int globalID(int,int,int) const;
+   int globalID(int,int,int,int) const;
+   int globalID(int,int,int,int,int) const;
+   int globalID(int,int,int,int,int,int) const;
+   int globalID(int,int,int,int,int,int,int) const;
+   template <class OtherDomain, class OutIter, class ConstructTag>
+   int touches(const OtherDomain &d,
+        OutIter o,
+        const ConstructTag &ctag) const;
+   template <class OtherDomain, class OutIter, class ConstructTag>
+   int touchesAlloc(const OtherDomain &d,
+      OutIter o,
+      const ConstructTag &ctag) const;
+   template<class Out>
+   void print(Out & o) const;
+ private:
+   void calcGCFillList();
+   void calcDomains();
+   void calcMaps() const;
+   void calcAllocMaps() const;
+   std::vector<GCBorderFillInfo> gcBorderFillList_m;
+   mutable DomainMap<Interval<Dim>,pidx_t> map_m;
+   mutable DomainMap<Interval<Dim>,pidx_t> mapAloc_m;
+ };
+ template <int Dim>
+ class SparseTileLayout : public LayoutBase<Dim,SparseTileLayoutData<Dim> >,
+                          public Observable<SparseTileLayout<Dim> >,
+                          public Observer<SparseTileLayoutData<Dim> >
+ {
+ public:
+   enum { dimensions = Dim };
+   enum { repartitionEvent = 1 };
+   enum { dynamic = true };
+   typedef SparseTileLayout<Dim> This_t;
+   typedef Observable<This_t> Observable_t;
+   typedef SparseTileLayoutData<Dim> LayoutData_t;
+   typedef typename LayoutData_t::Domain_t Domain_t;
+   typedef typename LayoutData_t::BaseDomain_t BaseDomain_t;
+   typedef typename LayoutData_t::Context_t Context_t;
+   typedef typename LayoutData_t::ID_t ID_t;
+   typedef typename LayoutData_t::Value_t Value_t;
+   typedef typename LayoutData_t::List_t List_t;
+   typedef DynamicEvents::PatchID_t PatchID_t;
+   typedef DynamicEvents::CreateSize_t CreateSize_t;
+   typedef GuardLayers<Dim> GuardLayers_t;
+   typedef typename LayoutData_t::SubPatch_t SubPatch_t;
+   typedef typename LayoutData_t::PatchList_t PatchList_t;
+   typedef DerefIterator<Value_t> iterator;
+   typedef ConstDerefIterator<Value_t> const_iterator;
+   typedef typename LayoutData_t::GCFillInfo_t GCFillInfo_t;
+   typedef typename LayoutData_t::FillIterator_t FillIterator_t;
+   typedef typename LayoutData_t::BorderFillIterator_t BorderFillIterator_t;
+   SparseTileLayout();
+   SparseTileLayout(const Domain_t &boundingbox);
+   SparseTileLayout(const Domain_t &boundingbox,
+      const GuardLayers_t & globalGL);
+   SparseTileLayout(const Domain_t &boundingbox,
+      const GuardLayers_t & internalGL,
+      const GuardLayers_t & externalGL);
+   SparseTileLayout(Domain_t & boundingbox,
+      const PatchList_t &patchlist,
+      const ReplicatedTag &);
+   SparseTileLayout(const Domain_t &boundingbox,
+      const GuardLayers_t & globalGL,
+      const PatchList_t & PatchList,
+      const ReplicatedTag &);
+   SparseTileLayout(const Domain_t &boundingbox,
+      const GuardLayers_t & internalGL,
+      const GuardLayers_t & externalGL,
+      const PatchList_t & PatchList,
+      const ReplicatedTag &);
+   template<class Partitioner>
+   SparseTileLayout(const Domain_t &bbox,
+      const Partitioner &gpar,
+      const ReplicatedTag &);
+   SparseTileLayout(Domain_t & boundingbox,
+      const PatchList_t &patchlist,
+      const DistributedTag &);
+   SparseTileLayout(const Domain_t &boundingbox,
+      const GuardLayers_t & globalGL,
+      const PatchList_t & PatchList,
+      const DistributedTag &);
+   SparseTileLayout(const Domain_t &boundingbox,
+      const GuardLayers_t & internalGL,
+      const GuardLayers_t & externalGL,
+      const PatchList_t & PatchList,
+      const DistributedTag &);
+   template<class Partitioner>
+   SparseTileLayout(const Domain_t &bbox,
+      const Partitioner &gpar,
+      const DistributedTag &);
+   template<class Partitioner>
+   SparseTileLayout(const Domain_t &bbox,
+      const Partitioner &gpar,
+      const ContextMapper<Dim> &cmap);
+   SparseTileLayout(const This_t &);
+   This_t &
+   operator=(const This_t &model)
+   {
+     if (this != &model)
+       {
+  this->pdata_m->detach(*this);
+  this->pdata_m = model.pdata_m;
+  this->pdata_m->attach(*this);
+       }
+     return *this;
+   }
+   ~SparseTileLayout()
+   {
+     this->pdata_m->detach(*this);
+   }
+   void initialize(const Domain_t & a);
+   void initialize(const Domain_t &,
+               const GuardLayers_t &);
+   void initialize(const Domain_t &,
+               const GuardLayers_t &,
+      const PatchList_t & );
+   template<class Partitioner>
+   void initialize(const Domain_t &bbox,
+       const Partitioner &gpar);
+   BorderFillIterator_t beginBorderFillList() const
+     {
+       return this->pdata_m->beginBorderFillList();
+     }
+   BorderFillIterator_t endBorderFillList() const
+     {
+       return this->pdata_m->endBorderFillList();
+     }
+   void syncPatch();
+   virtual void notify(LayoutData_t &d, const ObserverEvent &event)
+     {
+       ;
+       Observable_t::notify(event);
+     }
+   template <class Ostream>
+   void print(Ostream &ostr) const {
+     this->pdata_m->print(ostr);
+   }
+   template <int Dim1, int Dim2>
+   friend class SparseTileLayoutView;
+   friend class SparseTileLayoutData<Dim>;
+ };
+ template <int Dim, int Dim2>
+ class SparseTileLayoutViewData
+ : public LayoutBaseViewData<Dim, Dim2, SparseTileLayout<Dim2> >,
+   public RefCounted
+ {
+ public:
+   typedef SparseTileLayout<Dim2> Layout_t;
+   typedef SparseTileLayoutView<Dim, Dim2> ViewLayout_t;
+   typedef Interval<Dim> Domain_t;
+   typedef Range<Dim2> BaseDomain_t;
+   typedef int Context_t;
+   typedef Unique::Value_t ID_t;
+   typedef typename Layout_t::Domain_t AllocatedDomain_t;
+   typedef ViewIndexer<Dim,Dim2> Indexer_t;
+   typedef Node<Domain_t,AllocatedDomain_t> Value_t;
+   typedef std::vector<Value_t *> List_t;
+   typedef GuardLayers<Dim> GuardLayers_t;
+   typedef SparseTileLayoutViewData<Dim,Dim2> LayoutData_t;
+   SparseTileLayoutViewData() { }
+   template <class DT>
+   inline SparseTileLayoutViewData(const Layout_t &layout, const Domain<Dim, DT> &dom)
+   : LayoutBaseViewData<Dim,Dim2,SparseTileLayout<Dim2> >(layout,dom)
+   {
+     PoomaCTAssert<(Dim == Dim2)>::test();
+     ;
+     ;
+   }
+   template <class DT>
+   inline SparseTileLayoutViewData(const Layout_t &layout, const SliceDomain<DT> &dom)
+   :LayoutBaseViewData<Dim,Dim2,SparseTileLayout<Dim2> >(layout,dom)
+   {
+     PoomaCTAssert<(Dim == DT::sliceDimensions)>::test();
+     PoomaCTAssert<(Dim2 == DT::dimensions)>::test();
+     ;
+     ;
+     int dt, d;
+     for (d = 0, dt = 0; dt < Dim2; ++dt)
+       {
+  if (!dom.ignorable(dt))
+    {
+      this->internalGuards_m.lower(d) = this->layout_m.internalGuards().lower(dt);
+      this->internalGuards_m.upper(d) = this->layout_m.internalGuards().upper(dt);
+      this->externalGuards_m.lower(d) = this->layout_m.externalGuards().lower(dt);
+      this->externalGuards_m.upper(d) = this->layout_m.externalGuards().upper(dt);
+      ;
+      ++d;
+    }
+       }
+   }
+   template <class DT>
+   SparseTileLayoutViewData(const ViewLayout_t &layout, const Domain<Dim, DT> &dom)
+   : LayoutBaseViewData<Dim,Dim2,SparseTileLayout<Dim2> >(
+            layout.pdata_m->layout_m,
+            layout,
+            layout.pdata_m->indexer_m,
+            dom,
+            layout.internalGuards(),
+            layout.externalGuards())
+   {
+     ;
+     ;
+   }
+   template <int OrigDim, class DT>
+   SparseTileLayoutViewData(const SparseTileLayoutView<OrigDim, Dim2> &layout,
+       const SliceDomain<DT> &dom)
+   : LayoutBaseViewData<Dim,Dim2,SparseTileLayout<Dim2> >(
+         layout.pdata_m->layout_m,
+         layout,
+         Indexer_t(layout.pdata_m->indexer_m,dom),
+         dom)
+   {
+     PoomaCTAssert<(DT::sliceDimensions == Dim)>::test();
+     PoomaCTAssert<(DT::dimensions == OrigDim)>::test();
+     ;
+     ;
+     int dt, d;
+     for (d = 0, dt = 0; dt < OrigDim; ++dt)
+       {
+  if (!dom.ignorable(dt))
+    {
+      this->internalGuards_m.lower(d) = layout.internalGuards().lower(dt);
+      this->internalGuards_m.upper(d) = layout.internalGuards().upper(dt);
+      this->externalGuards_m.lower(d) = layout.externalGuards().lower(dt);
+      this->externalGuards_m.upper(d) = layout.externalGuards().upper(dt);
+      ;
+      ++d;
+    }
+       }
+   }
+   ~SparseTileLayoutViewData()
+   {
+     typename List_t::iterator a;
+     for (a = this->all_m.begin(); a != this->all_m.end(); ++a)
+       delete (*a);
+   }
+   template <class OtherDomain, class OutIter, class ConstructTag>
+   int touches(const OtherDomain &d, OutIter o,
+        const ConstructTag &ctag) const
+   {
+     BaseDomain_t bd = Pooma::NoInit();
+     this->indexer_m.localToBase(d, bd);
+     std::vector<Node<BaseDomain_t,AllocatedDomain_t> > tnodes;
+     int count = this->layout_m.touches(bd, std::back_inserter(tnodes));
+     Range<Dim> ld = Pooma::NoInit();
+     for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
+       {
+  *o++ =
+    touchesConstruct(this->indexer_m.baseToLocal(tnodes[i].domain(), ld),
+       tnodes[i].allocated(),
+       tnodes[i].affinity(),tnodes[i].context(),
+       tnodes[i].globalID(), tnodes[i].localID(), ctag);
+       }
+     return count;
+   }
+   void computeSubdomains() const
+   {
+     if (this->subdomainsComputed_m)
+       return;
+     std::vector<Node<BaseDomain_t,AllocatedDomain_t> > tnodes;
+     int count = this->layout_m.touches(this->indexer_m.baseDomain(),
+            std::back_inserter(tnodes));
+     Domain_t ld = Pooma::NoInit();
+     for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
+       {
+  Value_t *pt =
+    touchesConstruct(this->indexer_m.baseToLocal(tnodes[i].domain(), ld),
+       tnodes[i].allocated(),
+       tnodes[i].affinity(),tnodes[i].context(),
+       tnodes[i].globalID(),tnodes[i].localID(),
+       TouchesConstructNodePtr());
+  this->all_m.push_back(pt);
+       }
+     this->subdomainsComputed_m = true;
+   }
+ };
+ template <int Dim, int Dim2>
+ class SparseTileLayoutView
+ : public LayoutBaseView<Dim, Dim2, SparseTileLayoutViewData<Dim,Dim2> >
+ {
+ public:
+   enum { dimensions = Dim };
+   typedef SparseTileLayoutViewData<Dim, Dim2> LayoutData_t;
+   typedef typename LayoutData_t::Domain_t Domain_t;
+   typedef typename LayoutData_t::BaseDomain_t BaseDomain_t;
+   typedef typename LayoutData_t::Context_t Context_t;
+   typedef typename LayoutData_t::ID_t ID_t;
+   typedef typename LayoutData_t::Layout_t Layout_t;
+   typedef typename LayoutData_t::AllocatedDomain_t AllocatedDomain_t;
+   typedef typename LayoutData_t::Value_t Value_t;
+   typedef typename LayoutData_t::List_t List_t;
+   typedef typename LayoutData_t::Indexer_t Indexer_t;
+   typedef typename LayoutData_t::GuardLayers_t GuardLayers_t;
+   typedef SparseTileLayoutView<Dim, Dim2> This_t;
+   typedef SparseTileLayoutView<Dim, Dim2> ViewLayout_t;
+   typedef LayoutBaseView<Dim,Dim2,LayoutData_t> Base_t;
+   typedef DerefIterator<Value_t> iterator;
+   typedef ConstDerefIterator<Value_t> const_iterator;
+   SparseTileLayoutView()
+   : Base_t(new LayoutData_t())
+   { }
+   template <class DT>
+   SparseTileLayoutView(const Layout_t &layout, const Domain<Dim2, DT> &dom)
+   : LayoutBaseView<Dim,Dim2,SparseTileLayoutViewData<Dim,Dim2> >
+     (new SparseTileLayoutViewData<Dim,Dim2>(layout,dom))
+   { }
+   template <class DT>
+   SparseTileLayoutView(const Layout_t &layout, const SliceDomain<DT> &dom)
+   : LayoutBaseView<Dim,Dim2,SparseTileLayoutViewData<Dim,Dim2> >
+     (new SparseTileLayoutViewData<Dim,Dim2>(layout,dom))
+   { }
+   template <class DT>
+   SparseTileLayoutView(const ViewLayout_t &layout, const Domain<Dim, DT> &dom)
+   : LayoutBaseView<Dim,Dim2,SparseTileLayoutViewData<Dim,Dim2> >
+     (new SparseTileLayoutViewData<Dim,Dim2>(layout,dom))
+   { }
+   template <int OldViewDim, class DT>
+   SparseTileLayoutView(const SparseTileLayoutView<OldViewDim, Dim2> &layout,
+                         const SliceDomain<DT> &dom)
+   : LayoutBaseView<Dim,Dim2,SparseTileLayoutViewData<Dim,Dim2> >
+     (new SparseTileLayoutViewData<Dim,Dim2>(layout,dom))
+   { }
+   inline SparseTileLayoutView(const This_t &model)
+     : LayoutBaseView<Dim,Dim2,SparseTileLayoutViewData<Dim,Dim2> >
+   (model.pdata_m)
+   { }
+   inline This_t &operator=(const This_t &model)
+   {
+     if (this != &model)
+       {
+         this->pdata_m = model.pdata_m;
+       }
+     return *this;
+   }
+   inline ~SparseTileLayoutView()
+   { }
+   template <class Ostream>
+   void print(Ostream &ostr) const
+   {
+     ostr << "SparseTileLayoutView " << this->ID() << " on global domain "
+       << this->domain() << ":" << '\n';
+     ostr << "   Base ID:          " << this->baseID() << '\n';
+     ostr << "   Base domain:      " << this->baseDomain() << '\n';
+     ostr << "   Total subdomains: " << this->sizeGlobal() << '\n';
+     ostr << "   Local subdomains: " << this->sizeLocal() << '\n';
+     ostr << "  Remote subdomains: " << this->sizeRemote() << '\n';
+     const_iterator a;
+     for (a = this->beginGlobal(); a != this->endGlobal(); ++a)
+       ostr << "  Global subdomain = " << *a << '\n';
+     for (a = this->beginLocal(); a != this->endLocal(); ++a)
+       ostr << "   Local subdomain = " << *a << '\n';
+     for (a = this->beginRemote(); a != this->endRemote(); ++a)
+       ostr << "  Remote subdomain = " << *a << '\n';
+   }
+   template <int OtherDim, int OtherDim2>
+   friend class SparseTileLayoutView;
+   template <int OtherDim, int OtherDim2>
+   friend class SparseTileLayoutViewData;
+   void computeSubdomains() const { this->pdata_m->computeSubdomains(); }
+ };
+ template <int Dim>
+ struct NewDomain1<SparseTileLayout<Dim> >
+ {
+   typedef SparseTileLayout<Dim> &Type_t;
+   inline static Type_t combine(const SparseTileLayout<Dim> &a)
+     {
+       return const_cast<Type_t>(a);
+     }
+ };
+ template <int Dim, int Dim2>
+ struct NewDomain1<SparseTileLayoutView<Dim, Dim2> >
+ {
+   typedef SparseTileLayoutView<Dim, Dim2> &Type_t;
+   inline static Type_t combine(const SparseTileLayoutView<Dim, Dim2> &a)
+     {
+       return const_cast<Type_t>(a);
+     }
+ };
+ template <int Dim>
+ std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &ostr,
+     const SparseTileLayout<Dim> &layout)
+ {
+   layout.print(ostr);
+   return ostr;
+ }
+ template <int Dim, int Dim2>
+ std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &ostr,
+     const SparseTileLayoutView<Dim, Dim2> &layout)
+ {
+   layout.print(ostr);
+   return ostr;
+ }
+ template<int Dim> struct IsValid;
+ template<class LayoutTag, class PatchTag> struct MultiPatch;
+ template<class LayoutTag, class PatchTag, int Dim2> struct MultiPatchView;
+ template<class Expr> struct ExpressionTag;
+ template<class Eng, class Tag> struct EngineFunctor;
+ template<class Object,class Dom,class PatchTag>
+ inline bool isValidLocation(const Object & e,
+        Dom & domain,
+        MultiPatch<SparseTileTag,PatchTag> &)
+ {
+   typedef typename Object::Domain_t domain_t;
+   typedef Node<domain_t,domain_t> node_t;
+   std::vector<node_t> v;
+   int count = e.engine().layout().touches(domain,std::back_inserter(v));
+   return (count!=0);
+ }
+ template<class Object,class Dom,class PatchTag,int Dim2>
+ inline bool isValidLocation(const Object & e,
+        Dom & domain,
+        MultiPatchView<SparseTileTag,
+                       PatchTag,
+                       Dim2> &)
+ {
+   typedef typename Object::Domain_t domain_t;
+   typedef Node<domain_t,domain_t> node_t;
+   std::vector<node_t> v;
+   int count = e.engine().layout().touches(domain,std::back_inserter(v));
+   return (count!=0);
+ }
+ template<class Object,class Dom,class expr>
+ inline bool isValidLocation(const Object & e,
+        Dom & domain,
+        ExpressionTag<expr> &)
+ {
+   typedef typename Object::Domain_t domain_t;
+   typedef Node<domain_t,domain_t> node_t;
+   std::vector<node_t> v;
+   typedef typename Object::Engine_t Engine_t;
+   IsValid<Engine_t::dimensions> l(domain);
+   EngineFunctor<Engine_t, IsValid<Engine_t::dimensions> > ef;
+   return ef.apply(e.engine(),l);
+ }
+ template <int Dim> class Loc;
+ template <> class Loc<1>;
+ template <int Dim> class Interval;
+ template <> class Interval<1>;
+ template <int Dim> class Grid;
+ template <> class Grid<1>;
+ template<int Dim>
+ struct DomainTraits< Grid<Dim> >
+   : public DomainTraitsDomain<Grid<Dim>, int, Dim>
+ {
+   typedef DomainTraitsDomain<Grid<Dim>, int, Dim> Base_t;
+   typedef typename Base_t::Element_t Element_t;
+   typedef typename Base_t::Domain_t Domain_t;
+   typedef typename Base_t::NewDomain1_t NewDomain1_t;
+   typedef Grid<1> OneDomain_t;
+   typedef Grid<1> PointDomain_t;
+   typedef Interval<Dim> BlockDomain_t;
+   typedef Loc<Dim> AskDomain_t;
+   typedef Grid<Dim> AddResult_t;
+   typedef Grid<Dim> MultResult_t;
+   typedef OneDomain_t Storage_t[Dim];
+   enum { domain = Base_t::domain };
+   enum { dimensions = Base_t::dimensions,
+   sliceDimensions = Dim };
+   enum { loopAware = false };
+   enum { singleValued = false };
+   enum { unitStride = false };
+   enum { wildcard = false };
+   static OneDomain_t &getDomain(Domain_t &d, int n) { return d[n]; }
+   static const OneDomain_t &getDomain(const Domain_t &d,int n) { return d[n]; }
+   static PointDomain_t &getPointDomain(Domain_t &d, int n) {
+     return getDomain(d, n);
+   }
+   static const PointDomain_t &getPointDomain(const Domain_t &d, int n) {
+     return getDomain(d, n);
+   }
+   static void initializeStorage(Storage_t &dom) { }
+ };
+ template<>
+ struct DomainTraits< Grid<1> >
+   : public DomainTraitsDomain<Grid<1>, int, 1>
+ {
+   typedef Grid<1> OneDomain_t;
+   typedef Grid<1> PointDomain_t;
+   typedef Interval<1> BlockDomain_t;
+   typedef Loc<1> AskDomain_t;
+   typedef Grid<1> AddResult_t;
+   typedef Grid<1> MultResult_t;
+   typedef IndirectionList<Element_t> Storage_t;
+   enum { dimensions = 1,
+          sliceDimensions = 1 };
+   enum { loopAware = false };
+   enum { singleValued = false };
+   enum { unitStride = false };
+   enum { wildcard = false };
+   static Element_t first(const Storage_t &d) { return d.first(); }
+   static Element_t last(const Storage_t &d) { return d.last(); }
+   static Element_t stride(const Storage_t &d) { return d.stride(); }
+   static Element_t length(const Storage_t &d) { return d.length(); }
+   static Element_t min(const Storage_t &d) { return d.min(); }
+   static Element_t max(const Storage_t &d) { return d.max(); }
+   static bool empty(const Storage_t &d) { return d.empty(); }
+   static int loop(const Storage_t &) { return 0; }
+   static Element_t elem(const Storage_t &d, int n) { return d(n); }
+   static OneDomain_t &getDomain(Domain_t &d, int) { return d; }
+   static const OneDomain_t &getDomain(const Domain_t &d, int) { return d; }
+   static PointDomain_t &getPointDomain(Domain_t &d, int n) {
+     return getDomain(d, n);
+   }
+   static const PointDomain_t &getPointDomain(const Domain_t &d, int n) {
+     return getDomain(d, n);
+   }
+   static void initializeStorage(Storage_t &) { }
+   template<class T>
+   static void setDomain(Storage_t &dom, const T &newdom) {
+     PoomaCTAssert<(DomainTraits<T>::dimensions == 1)>::test();
+     dom = Storage_t(DomainTraits<T>::getFirst(newdom),
+       DomainTraits<T>::getStride(newdom),
+       DomainTraits<T>::getLength(newdom));
+   }
+   template<int Dim>
+   static void setDomain(Storage_t &dom, const Grid<Dim> &newdom) {
+     PoomaCTAssert<(Dim == 1)>::test();
+     dom = newdom.storage();
+   }
+   template<class T1, class T2>
+   static void setDomain(Storage_t &dom, const T1 &begval, const T2 &endval) {
+     PoomaCTAssert<(DomainTraits<T1>::dimensions == 1)>::test();
+     PoomaCTAssert<(DomainTraits<T2>::dimensions == 1)>::test();
+     PoomaCTAssert<(DomainTraits<T1>::singleValued)>::test();
+     PoomaCTAssert<(DomainTraits<T2>::singleValued)>::test();
+     Element_t strideval = (endval < begval ? -1 : 1);
+     dom = Storage_t(begval, strideval, (endval - begval)/strideval + 1);
+   }
+   template<class T1, class T2, class T3>
+   static void setDomain(Storage_t &dom, const T1 &begval, const T2 &endval,
+    const T3 &strideval) {
+     PoomaCTAssert<(DomainTraits<T1>::dimensions == 1)>::test();
+     PoomaCTAssert<(DomainTraits<T2>::dimensions == 1)>::test();
+     PoomaCTAssert<(DomainTraits<T3>::dimensions == 1)>::test();
+     PoomaCTAssert<(DomainTraits<T1>::singleValued)>::test();
+     PoomaCTAssert<(DomainTraits<T2>::singleValued)>::test();
+     PoomaCTAssert<(DomainTraits<T3>::singleValued)>::test();
+     dom = Storage_t(begval, strideval, (endval - begval)/strideval + 1);
+   }
+   static void setDomain(Storage_t &dom, const Storage_t &newdom) {
+     dom = newdom;
+   }
+   static void setLoop(Storage_t &, int) { }
+   template<class UT, class T>
+   static void setWildcardDomain(Storage_t &dom, const UT &u, const T &newdom) {
+     PoomaCTAssert<(DomainTraits<T>::wildcard)>::test();
+     PoomaCTAssert<(DomainTraits<T>::dimensions == 1)>::test();
+     PoomaCTAssert<(DomainTraits<UT>::dimensions == 1)>::test();
+     dom = Storage_t(newdom.first(u), newdom.stride(u), newdom.length(u));
+   }
+   template<class T>
+   static bool isLessThan(const Storage_t &dom, const T &newdom) {
+     PoomaCTAssert<(DomainTraits<T>::dimensions == 1)>::test();
+     ;
+     return (dom.first() < DomainTraits<T>::getFirst(newdom) ||
+      (dom.first() == DomainTraits<T>::getFirst(newdom) &&
+       (dom.last() < DomainTraits<T>::getLast(newdom) ||
+        (dom.last() == DomainTraits<T>::getLast(newdom) &&
+         dom.length() < DomainTraits<T>::getLength(newdom)))));
+   }
+   template<class T>
+   static bool isEqualTo(const Storage_t &dom, const T &newdom) {
+     PoomaCTAssert<(DomainTraits<T>::dimensions == 1)>::test();
+     return ((dom.empty() && DomainTraits<T>::getEmpty(newdom)) ||
+      (dom.first() == DomainTraits<T>::getFirst(newdom) &&
+       dom.last() == DomainTraits<T>::getLast(newdom) &&
+       dom.length() == DomainTraits<T>::getLength(newdom)));
+   }
+   template<class T>
+   static void addAccum(Storage_t &dom, const T &newdom) {
+     PoomaCTAssert<(DomainTraits<T>::singleValued && DomainTraits<T>::dimensions == 1)>::test();
+     dom += DomainTraits<T>::getFirst(newdom);
+   }
+   template<class T>
+   static void subtractAccum(Storage_t &dom, const T &newdom) {
+     PoomaCTAssert<(DomainTraits<T>::singleValued && DomainTraits<T>::dimensions == 1)>::test();
+     dom -= DomainTraits<T>::getFirst(newdom);
+   }
+   template<class T>
+   static void multiplyAccum(Storage_t &dom, const T &newdom) {
+     PoomaCTAssert<(DomainTraits<T>::singleValued && DomainTraits<T>::dimensions == 1)>::test();
+     dom *= DomainTraits<T>::getFirst(newdom);
+   }
+   template<class T>
+   static void divideAccum(Storage_t &dom, const T &newdom) {
+     PoomaCTAssert<(DomainTraits<T>::singleValued && DomainTraits<T>::dimensions == 1)>::test();
+     dom /= DomainTraits<T>::getFirst(newdom);
+   }
+ };
+ template<int Dim1, int Dim2>
+ struct DomainChangeDim<Grid<Dim1>, Dim2>
+ {
+   typedef Grid<Dim1> OldType_t;
+   typedef Grid<Dim2> NewType_t;
+   enum { oldDim = Dim1,
+   newDim = Dim2 };
+ };
+ template<int Dim>
+ class Grid : public Domain<Dim, DomainTraits<Grid<Dim> > >
+ {
+   typedef DomainTraits< Grid<Dim> > DT_t;
+   typedef Domain<Dim, DT_t> Base_t;
+ public:
+   typedef typename Base_t::iterator iterator;
+   typedef typename Base_t::const_iterator const_iterator;
+   typedef typename Base_t::blockIterator blockIterator;
+   typedef typename Base_t::const_blockIterator const_blockIterator;
+   typedef typename DT_t::Element_t Element_t;
+   typedef typename DT_t::Domain_t Domain_t;
+   typedef typename DT_t::OneDomain_t OneDomain_t;
+   typedef typename DT_t::BlockDomain_t BlockDomain_t;
+   typedef typename DT_t::AskDomain_t AskDomain_t;
+   typedef typename DT_t::AddResult_t AddResult_t;
+   typedef typename DT_t::MultResult_t MultResult_t;
+   typedef typename DT_t::Storage_t Storage_t;
+   enum { domain = DT_t::domain };
+   enum { dimensions = DT_t::dimensions,
+   sliceDimensions = DT_t::sliceDimensions };
+   enum { loopAware = DT_t::loopAware };
+   enum { singleValued = DT_t::singleValued };
+   enum { unitStride = DT_t::unitStride };
+   enum { wildcard = DT_t::wildcard };
+   Grid() { }
+   Grid(const Grid<Dim> &a) {
+     NewDomain1<Grid<Dim> >::fill(*this, a);
+   }
+   template<class T1>
+   explicit Grid(const T1 &a) {
+     NewDomain1<T1>::fill(*this, a);
+   }
+   template<class T1, class T2>
+   Grid(const T1 &a, const T2 &b) {
+     NewDomain2<T1,T2>::fill(*this, a, b);
+   }
+   template<class T1, class T2, class T3>
+   Grid(const T1 &a, const T2 &b, const T3 &c) {
+     NewDomain3<T1,T2,T3>::fill(*this, a, b, c);
+   }
+   template<class T1, class T2, class T3, class T4>
+   Grid(const T1 &a, const T2 &b, const T3 &c, const T4 &d) {
+     NewDomain4<T1,T2,T3,T4>::fill(*this, a, b, c, d);
+   }
+   template<class T1, class T2, class T3, class T4, class T5>
+   Grid(const T1 &a, const T2 &b, const T3 &c, const T4 &d, const T5 &e) {
+     NewDomain5<T1,T2,T3,T4,T5>::fill(*this, a, b, c, d, e);
+   }
+   template<class T1, class T2, class T3, class T4, class T5,
+            class T6>
+   Grid(const T1 &a, const T2 &b, const T3 &c, const T4 &d, const T5 &e,
+        const T6 &f) {
+     NewDomain6<T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6>::fill(*this, a, b, c, d, e, f);
+   }
+   template<class T1, class T2, class T3, class T4, class T5,
+            class T6, class T7>
+   Grid(const T1 &a, const T2 &b, const T3 &c, const T4 &d, const T5 &e,
+        const T6 &f, const T7 &g) {
+     NewDomain7<T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7>::fill(*this, a, b, c, d, e, f, g);
+   }
+   ~Grid() { }
+   template<class T>
+   Grid<Dim> &operator=(const T &newdom) {
+     return NewDomain1<T>::fill(*this, newdom);
+   }
+   Grid<Dim> &operator=(const Grid<Dim> &newdom) {
+     return NewDomain1<Grid<Dim> >::fill(*this, newdom);
+   }
+   template<class Out>
+   void print(Out &o) const;
+ protected:
+ private:
+ };
+ template<int Dim>
+ template<class Out>
+ void Grid<Dim>::print(Out &o) const
+ {
+   iterator p = this->begin();
+   iterator pend = this->end();
+   o << "[";
+   while (p != pend)
+     {
+       o << *p;
+       ++p;
+       if (p != pend)
+  o << ",";
+     }
+   o << "]";
+ }
+ template<>
+ class Grid<1> : public Domain<1, DomainTraits<Grid<1> > >
+ {
+   typedef DomainTraits< Grid<1> > DT_t;
+ public:
+   typedef DT_t::Element_t Element_t;
+   typedef DT_t::Domain_t Domain_t;
+   typedef DT_t::OneDomain_t OneDomain_t;
+   typedef DT_t::BlockDomain_t BlockDomain_t;
+   typedef DT_t::AskDomain_t AskDomain_t;
+   typedef DT_t::AddResult_t AddResult_t;
+   typedef DT_t::MultResult_t MultResult_t;
+   typedef DT_t::Storage_t Storage_t;
+   enum { domain = DT_t::domain };
+   enum { dimensions = DT_t::dimensions,
+   sliceDimensions = DT_t::sliceDimensions };
+   enum { loopAware = DT_t::loopAware };
+   enum { singleValued = DT_t::singleValued };
+   enum { unitStride = DT_t::unitStride };
+   enum { wildcard = DT_t::wildcard };
+   Grid() { }
+   Grid(const Grid<1> &a) {
+     NewDomain1<Grid<1> >::fill(*this, a);
+   }
+   template<class T1>
+   explicit Grid(const T1 &a) {
+     NewDomain1<T1>::fill(*this, a);
+   }
+   Grid(char a) {
+     ;
+     DomainTraits<Grid<1> >::setDomain(domain_m, 0, a - 1);
+   }
+   Grid(unsigned char a) {
+     ;
+     DomainTraits<Grid<1> >::setDomain(domain_m, 0, a - 1);
+   }
+   Grid(short a) {
+     ;
+     short s = (a < 0 ? -1 : 1);
+     DomainTraits<Grid<1> >::setDomain(domain_m, 0, a - s);
+   }
+   Grid(unsigned short a) {
+     ;
+     DomainTraits<Grid<1> >::setDomain(domain_m, 0, a - 1);
+   }
+   Grid(int a) {
+     ;
+     int s = (a < 0 ? -1 : 1);
+     DomainTraits<Grid<1> >::setDomain(domain_m, 0, a - s);
+   }
+   Grid(unsigned int a) {
+     ;
+     DomainTraits<Grid<1> >::setDomain(domain_m, 0, a - 1);
+   }
+   Grid(long a) {
+     ;
+     long s = (a < 0 ? -1 : 1);
+     DomainTraits<Grid<1> >::setDomain(domain_m, 0, a - s);
+   }
+   Grid(unsigned long a) {
+     ;
+     DomainTraits<Grid<1> >::setDomain(domain_m, 0, a - 1);
+   }
+   template<class T1, class T2>
+   Grid(const T1 &m, const T2 &n);
+   template<class T1, class T2, class T3>
+   Grid(const T1 &m, const T2 &n, const T3 &s);
+   ~Grid() { }
+   template<class T>
+   Grid<1> &operator=(const T &newdom) {
+     return NewDomain1<T>::fill(*this, newdom);
+   }
+   Grid<1> &operator=(const Grid<1> &newdom) {
+     return NewDomain1<Grid<1> >::fill(*this, newdom);
+   }
+   template<class Out>
+   void print(Out &o) const;
+ };
+ template <class T1, class T2>
+ inline
+ Grid<1>::Grid(const T1 &m, const T2 &n) {
+   DomainTraits<Grid<1> >::setDomain(domain_m, m, n);
+ }
+ template <class T1, class T2, class T3>
+ inline
+ Grid<1>::Grid(const T1 &m, const T2 &n, const T3 &s) {
+   DomainTraits<Grid<1> >::setDomain(domain_m, m, n, s);
+ }
+ template<class Out>
+ void Grid<1>::print(Out &o) const
+ {
+   iterator p = begin();
+   iterator pend = end();
+   o << "[";
+   while (p != pend)
+     {
+       o << *p;
+       ++p;
+       if (p != pend)
+  o << ",";
+     }
+   o << "]";
+ }
+ template<int Dim>
+ std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream &o, const Grid<Dim> &grid)
+ {
+   grid.print(o);
+   return o;
+ }
+ template <int Dim, class T> class Region;
+ template <class T> class Region<1,T>;
+ template<int Dim, class T>
+ struct DomainTraits< Region<Dim,T> >
+   : public DomainTraitsDomain<Region<Dim,T>, T, Dim>
+ {
+   typedef DomainTraitsDomain<Region<Dim,T>, T, Dim> Base_t;
+   typedef typename Base_t::Element_t Element_t;
+   typedef typename Base_t::Domain_t Domain_t;
+   typedef typename Base_t::NewDomain1_t NewDomain1_t;
+   typedef Region<1,T> OneDomain_t;
+   typedef Region<1,T> PointDomain_t;
+   typedef Region<Dim,T> BlockDomain_t;
+   typedef Region<Dim,T> AskDomain_t;
+   typedef Region<Dim,T> AddResult_t;
+   typedef Region<Dim,T> MultResult_t;
+   typedef WrapNoInit<OneDomain_t> Storage_t[Dim];
+   enum { domain = Base_t::domain };
+   enum { dimensions = Base_t::dimensions,
+   sliceDimensions = Dim };
+   enum { loopAware = false };
+   enum { singleValued = false };
+   enum { unitStride = true };
+   enum { wildcard = false };
+   static OneDomain_t &getDomain(Domain_t &d, int n) { return d[n]; }
+   static const OneDomain_t &getDomain(const Domain_t &d,int n) { return d[n]; }
+   static PointDomain_t &getPointDomain(Domain_t &d, int n) {
+     return getDomain(d, n);
+   }
+   static const PointDomain_t &getPointDomain(const Domain_t &d, int n) {
+     return getDomain(d, n);
+   }
+   static void initializeStorage(Storage_t &dom) {
+     Dom1Initialize<Dim-1>::template apply<DomainTraits<Region<Dim, T> > >(dom);
+   }
+ };
+ template<class T>
+ struct DomainTraits< Region<1,T> >
+   : public DomainTraitsDomain<Region<1,T>, T, 1>
+ {
+   typedef DomainTraitsDomain<Region<1,T>, T, 1> Base_t;
+   typedef typename Base_t::Element_t Element_t;
+   typedef typename Base_t::Domain_t Domain_t;
+   typedef Region<1,T> OneDomain_t;
+   typedef Region<1,T> BlockDomain_t;
+   typedef Region<1,T> AskDomain_t;
+   typedef Region<1,T> AddResult_t;
+   typedef Region<1,T> MultResult_t;
+   typedef Element_t Storage_t[2];
+   typedef Element_t IteratorStorage_t[2];
+   enum { domain = Base_t::domain };
+   enum { dimensions = Base_t::dimensions,
+   sliceDimensions = 1 };
+   enum { loopAware = false };
+   enum { singleValued = false };
+   enum { unitStride = true };
+   enum { wildcard = false };
+   static Element_t first(const Storage_t &d) { return d[0]; }
+   static Element_t last(const Storage_t &d) { return d[0] + d[1]; }
+   static Element_t stride(const Storage_t &d) { return d[1]; }
+   static Element_t length(const Storage_t &d) { return d[1]; }
+   static Element_t min(const Storage_t &d) {
+     return (length(d) >= 0 ? first(d) : last(d));
+   }
+   static Element_t max(const Storage_t &d) {
+     return (length(d) >= 0 ? last(d) : first(d));
+   }
+   static bool empty(const Storage_t &d) { return false; }
+   static int loop(const Storage_t &) { return 0; }
+   static Element_t elem(const Storage_t &d, int n) { return d[0] + n*d[1]; }
+   static OneDomain_t &getDomain(Domain_t &d, int) { return d; }
+   static const OneDomain_t &getDomain(const Domain_t &d, int) { return d; }
+   static void initializeStorage(Storage_t &dom) {
+     dom[0] = 0;
+     dom[1] = 0;
+   }
+   template<class DT>
+   static void setDomain(Storage_t &dom, const DT &newdom) {
+     PoomaCTAssert<(DomainTraits<DT>::dimensions == 1)>::test();
+     dom[0] = DomainTraits<DT>::getFirst(newdom);
+     dom[1] = DomainTraits<DT>::getLast(newdom) - dom[0];
+   }
+   static void setDomain(Storage_t &dom, Element_t begval, Element_t endval) {
+     dom[0] = begval;
+     dom[1] = (endval - begval);
+   }
+   static void setLoop(Storage_t &, int) { }
+   template<class UT, class DT>
+   static void setWildcardDomain(Storage_t &dom, const UT &u, const DT &newdom)
+   {
+     PoomaCTAssert<(DomainTraits<DT>::wildcard)>::test();
+     PoomaCTAssert<(DomainTraits<DT>::dimensions == 1)>::test();
+     PoomaCTAssert<(DomainTraits<UT>::dimensions == 1)>::test();
+     dom[0] = newdom.first(u);
+     dom[1] = newdom.last(u) - dom[0];
+   }
+   template<class DT>
+   static bool isLessThan(const Storage_t &dom, const DT &newdom) {
+     PoomaCTAssert<(DomainTraits<DT>::dimensions == 1)>::test();
+     return (dom[1] < DomainTraits<DT>::getLength(newdom) ||
+      (dom[1] == DomainTraits<DT>::getLength(newdom) &&
+       dom[0] < DomainTraits<DT>::getFirst(newdom)));
+   }
+   template<class DT>
+   static bool isEqualTo(const Storage_t &dom, const DT &newdom) {
+     PoomaCTAssert<(DomainTraits<DT>::dimensions == 1)>::test();
+     return (dom[0] == DomainTraits<DT>::getFirst(newdom) &&
+      dom[1] == DomainTraits<DT>::getLength(newdom));
+   }
+   template<class DT>
+   static void addAccum(Storage_t &dom, const DT &newdom) {
+     PoomaCTAssert<(DomainTraits<DT>::singleValued)>::test();
+     PoomaCTAssert<(DomainTraits<DT>::dimensions == 1)>::test();
+     dom[0] += DomainTraits<DT>::getFirst(newdom);
+   }
+   template<class DT>
+   static void subtractAccum(Storage_t &dom, const DT &newdom) {
+     PoomaCTAssert<(DomainTraits<DT>::singleValued)>::test();
+     PoomaCTAssert<(DomainTraits<DT>::dimensions == 1)>::test();
+     dom[0] -= DomainTraits<DT>::getFirst(newdom);
+   }
+   template<class DT>
+   static void multiplyAccum(Storage_t &dom, const DT &newdom) {
+     PoomaCTAssert<(DomainTraits<DT>::singleValued && DomainTraits<DT>::dimensions == 1)>::test();
+     dom[0] *= DomainTraits<DT>::getFirst(newdom);
+     dom[1] *= DomainTraits<DT>::getFirst(newdom);
+   }
+   template<class DT>
+   static void divideAccum(Storage_t &dom, const DT &newdom) {
+     PoomaCTAssert<(DomainTraits<DT>::singleValued && DomainTraits<DT>::dimensions == 1)>::test();
+     dom[0] /= DomainTraits<DT>::getFirst(newdom);
+     dom[1] /= DomainTraits<DT>::getFirst(newdom);
+   }
+   static void initializeIterator(const Storage_t &d, IteratorStorage_t &i) {
+     i[0] = d[0];
+     i[1] = d[1];
+   }
+   static void initializeIterator(const Storage_t &d1, const Storage_t &d2,
+      IteratorStorage_t &i) {
+     i[0] = d1[0] + d2[1] + d2[1];
+     i[1] = d2[1];
+   }
+   static void copyIterator(IteratorStorage_t d, IteratorStorage_t &i) {
+     i[0] = d[0];
+     i[1] = d[1];
+   }
+   static Element_t currentIterator(IteratorStorage_t i) { return i[0]; }
+   static bool compareIterator(IteratorStorage_t a, IteratorStorage_t b) {
+     return (a[0] == b[0] && a[1] == b[1]);
+   }
+   static void incrementIterator(IteratorStorage_t &i) { i[0] += i[1]; }
+   static void decrementIterator(IteratorStorage_t &i) { i[0] -= i[1]; }
+ };
+ template<int Dim1, int Dim2, class T>
+ struct DomainChangeDim<Region<Dim1,T>, Dim2>
+ {
+   typedef Region<Dim1,T> OldType_t;
+   typedef Region<Dim2,T> NewType_t;
+   enum { oldDim = Dim1,
+   newDim = Dim2 };
+ };
+ template<int Dim, class T = double>
+ class Region : public Domain<Dim, DomainTraits<Region<Dim,T> > >
+ {
+   typedef DomainTraits< Region<Dim,T> > DT_t;
+   typedef Domain<Dim, DT_t> Base_t;
+ public:
+   typedef typename Base_t::iterator iterator;
+   typedef typename Base_t::const_iterator const_iterator;
+   typedef typename Base_t::blockIterator blockIterator;
+   typedef typename Base_t::const_blockIterator const_blockIterator;
+   typedef typename DT_t::Element_t Element_t;
+   typedef typename DT_t::Domain_t Domain_t;
+   typedef typename DT_t::OneDomain_t OneDomain_t;
+   typedef typename DT_t::BlockDomain_t BlockDomain_t;
+   typedef typename DT_t::AskDomain_t AskDomain_t;
+   typedef typename DT_t::AddResult_t AddResult_t;
+   typedef typename DT_t::MultResult_t MultResult_t;
+   typedef typename DT_t::Storage_t Storage_t;
+   enum { domain = DT_t::domain };
+   enum { dimensions = DT_t::dimensions,
+   sliceDimensions = DT_t::sliceDimensions };
+   enum { loopAware = DT_t::loopAware };
+   enum { singleValued = DT_t::singleValued };
+   enum { unitStride = DT_t::unitStride };
+   enum { wildcard = DT_t::wildcard };
+   Region() { }
+   Region(const Pooma::NoInit &e)
+     : Domain<Dim, DomainTraits<Region<Dim,T> > >(e) {
+   }
+   Region(const Region<Dim,T> &a)
+     : Domain<Dim, DomainTraits<Region<Dim,T> > >(Pooma::NoInit()) {
+     NewDomain1<Region<Dim,T> >::fill(*this, a);
+   }
+   template<class T1>
+   explicit Region(const T1 &a)
+     : Domain<Dim, DomainTraits<Region<Dim,T> > >(Pooma::NoInit()) {
+     NewDomain1<T1>::fill(*this, a);
+   }
+   template<class T1, class T2>
+   Region(const T1 &a, const T2 &b)
+     : Domain<Dim, DomainTraits<Region<Dim,T> > >(Pooma::NoInit()) {
+     NewDomain2<T1,T2>::fill(*this, a, b);
+   }
+   template<class T1, class T2, class T3>
+   Region(const T1 &a, const T2 &b, const T3 &c)
+     : Domain<Dim, DomainTraits<Region<Dim,T> > >(Pooma::NoInit()) {
+     NewDomain3<T1,T2,T3>::fill(*this, a, b, c);
+   }
+   template<class T1, class T2, class T3, class T4>
+   Region(const T1 &a, const T2 &b, const T3 &c, const T4 &d)
+     : Domain<Dim, DomainTraits<Region<Dim,T> > >(Pooma::NoInit()) {
+     NewDomain4<T1,T2,T3,T4>::fill(*this, a, b, c, d);
+   }
+   template<class T1, class T2, class T3, class T4, class T5>
+   Region(const T1 &a, const T2 &b, const T3 &c, const T4 &d, const T5 &e)
+     : Domain<Dim, DomainTraits<Region<Dim,T> > >(Pooma::NoInit()) {
+     NewDomain5<T1,T2,T3,T4,T5>::fill(*this, a, b, c, d, e);
+   }
+   template<class T1, class T2, class T3, class T4, class T5,
+            class T6>
+   Region(const T1 &a, const T2 &b, const T3 &c, const T4 &d, const T5 &e,
+  const T6 &f)
+     : Domain<Dim, DomainTraits<Region<Dim,T> > >(Pooma::NoInit()) {
+     NewDomain6<T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6>::fill(*this, a, b, c, d, e, f);
+   }
+   template<class T1, class T2, class T3, class T4, class T5,
+            class T6, class T7>
+   Region(const T1 &a, const T2 &b, const T3 &c, const T4 &d, const T5 &e,
+  const T6 &f, const T7 &g)
+     : Domain<Dim, DomainTraits<Region<Dim,T> > >(Pooma::NoInit()) {
+     NewDomain7<T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7>::fill(*this, a, b, c, d, e, f, g);
+   }
+   ~Region() { }
+   template<class T1>
+   Region<Dim,T> &operator=(const T1 &newdom) {
+     return NewDomain1<T1>::fill(*this, newdom);
+   }
+   Region<Dim,T> &operator=(const Region<Dim,T> &newdom) {
+     return NewDomain1<Region<Dim,T> >::fill(*this, newdom);
+   }
+ protected:
+ private:
+ };
+ template<class T>
+ class Region<1,T> : public Domain<1, DomainTraits<Region<1,T> > >
+ {
+   typedef DomainTraits< Region<1,T> > DT_t;
+   typedef Domain<1, DT_t> Base_t;
+ public:
+   typedef typename Base_t::iterator iterator;
+   typedef typename Base_t::const_iterator const_iterator;
+   typedef typename Base_t::blockIterator blockIterator;
+   typedef typename Base_t::const_blockIterator const_blockIterator;
+   typedef typename DT_t::Element_t Element_t;
+   typedef typename DT_t::Domain_t Domain_t;
+   typedef typename DT_t::OneDomain_t OneDomain_t;
+   typedef typename DT_t::BlockDomain_t BlockDomain_t;
+   typedef typename DT_t::AskDomain_t AskDomain_t;
+   typedef typename DT_t::AddResult_t AddResult_t;
+   typedef typename DT_t::MultResult_t MultResult_t;
+   typedef typename DT_t::Storage_t Storage_t;
+   enum { domain = DT_t::domain };
+   enum { dimensions = DT_t::dimensions,
+   sliceDimensions = DT_t::sliceDimensions };
+   enum { loopAware = DT_t::loopAware };
+   enum { singleValued = DT_t::singleValued };
+   enum { unitStride = DT_t::unitStride };
+   enum { wildcard = DT_t::wildcard };
+   Region() { }
+   Region(const Pooma::NoInit &e)
+     : Domain<1, DomainTraits<Region<1,T> > >(e) {
+   }
+   Region(const Region<1,T> &a)
+     : Domain<1, DomainTraits<Region<1,T> > >(Pooma::NoInit()) {
+     NewDomain1<Region<1,T> >::fill(*this, a);
+   }
+   template<class T1>
+   explicit Region(const T1 &a)
+     : Domain<1, DomainTraits<Region<1,T> > >(Pooma::NoInit()) {
+     NewDomain1<T1>::fill(*this, a);
+   }
+   Region(Element_t n)
+     : Domain<1, DomainTraits<Region<1,T> > >(Pooma::NoInit()) {
+     DomainTraits<Region<1,T> >::setDomain(this->domain_m, 0, n);
+   }
+   Region(Element_t m, Element_t n)
+     : Domain<1, DomainTraits<Region<1,T> > >(Pooma::NoInit()) {
+     DomainTraits<Region<1,T> >::setDomain(this->domain_m, m, n);
+   }
+   Region(Element_t m, Element_t n, Element_t)
+     : Domain<1, DomainTraits<Region<1,T> > >(Pooma::NoInit()) {
+     DomainTraits<Region<1,T> >::setDomain(this->domain_m, m, n);
+   }
+   template<class T1>
+   Region<1,T> &operator=(const T1 &newdom) {
+     return NewDomain1<T1>::fill(*this, newdom);
+   }
+   Region<1,T> &operator=(const Region<1,T> &newdom) {
+     return NewDomain1<Region<1,T> >::fill(*this, newdom);
+   }
+   const OneDomain_t &operator[](int d) const { return *this; }
+   OneDomain_t &operator[](int d) { return *this; }
+ };
+ template <int Dim, int C>
+ struct DomainDelta;
+ struct DomainDeltaStorage {};
+ template <int Dim, int C>
+ struct DomainTraits< DomainDelta<Dim, C> >
+   : public DomainTraitsDomain<DomainDelta<Dim, C>, int, Dim>
+ {
+   typedef DomainTraitsDomain<DomainDelta<Dim, C>, int, Dim> Base_t;
+   typedef typename Base_t::Element_t Element_t;
+   typedef typename Base_t::Domain_t Domain_t;
+   typedef typename Base_t::NewDomain1_t NewDomain1_t;
+   typedef DomainDelta<1, C> OneDomain_t;
+   typedef DomainDelta<1, C> PointDomain_t;
+   typedef DomainDelta<Dim, C> BlockDomain_t;
+   typedef DomainDelta<Dim, C> AskDomain_t;
+   typedef Loc<Dim> AddResult_t;
+   typedef Loc<Dim> MultResult_t;
+   typedef DomainDeltaStorage Storage_t;
+   enum { domain = Base_t::domain };
+   enum { dimensions = Base_t::dimensions,
+   sliceDimensions = 0 };
+   enum { loopAware = false };
+   enum { singleValued = true };
+   enum { unitStride = true };
+   enum { wildcard = false };
+   inline static void initializeStorage(Storage_t &dom) { }
+   inline static OneDomain_t getDomain(const Domain_t &d, int) { return OneDomain_t(); }
+   inline static PointDomain_t getPointDomain(const Domain_t &d, int) { return PointDomain_t(); }
+ };
+ template <int Dim, int C>
+ class DomainDelta : public Domain<Dim, DomainTraits<DomainDelta<Dim, C> > > {
+  public:
+   enum { component = C };
+   inline DomainDelta()
+     : Domain<Dim, DomainTraits<DomainDelta<Dim, C> > >(Pooma::NoInit()) {}
+   inline DomainDelta(const DomainDelta<Dim, C>&)
+     : Domain<Dim, DomainTraits<DomainDelta<Dim, C> > >(Pooma::NoInit()) {}
+   inline DomainDelta(const Pooma::NoInit &a)
+     : Domain<Dim, DomainTraits<DomainDelta<Dim, C> > >(a) {}
+   inline ~DomainDelta() {}
+   inline DomainDelta<Dim, C> &operator=(const DomainDelta<Dim, C>&) { return *this; }
+ };
+ template<class T, int Dim, int C>
+ inline typename T::AddResult_t
+ operator+(const DomainBase<T> &d1, const DomainDelta<Dim, C> &d2) {
+   typename T::AddResult_t retval(d1.unwrap());
+   return (retval += d2);
+ }
+ template<class T, int Dim, int C>
+ inline typename T::AddResult_t
+ operator-(const DomainBase<T> &d1, const DomainDelta<Dim, C> &d2) {
+   typename T::AddResult_t retval(d1.unwrap());
+   return (retval -= d2);
+ }
+ template<int Dim>
+ class AllDomain
+ {
+ public:
+   typedef AllDomain<Dim> Domain_t;
+   typedef AllDomain<Dim> NewDomain1_t;
+   typedef AllDomain<1> OneDomain_t;
+   typedef int Element_t;
+   enum { dimensions = Dim };
+   AllDomain() {
+     PoomaCTAssert<(Dim > 0)>::test();
+   }
+   AllDomain(const AllDomain<Dim> &) {
+     PoomaCTAssert<(Dim > 0)>::test();
+   }
+   ~AllDomain() { }
+   OneDomain_t operator[](int) const { return OneDomain_t(); }
+   void setDomain(const AllDomain<Dim> &) { }
+   template<class T>
+   typename DomainTraits<T>::Element_t first(const T &u) const {
+     return u.first();
+   }
+   int first(int u) const { return u; }
+   template<class T>
+   typename DomainTraits<T>::Element_t length(const T &u) const {
+     return u.length();
+   }
+   int length(int) const { return 1; }
+   template<class T>
+   typename DomainTraits<T>::Element_t stride(const T &u) const {
+     return u.stride();
+   }
+   int stride(int) const { return 1; }
+   AllDomain<Dim> &operator=(const AllDomain<Dim> &) { return *this; }
+ protected:
+ private:
+ };
+ template<int Dim>
+ struct DomainTraits< AllDomain<Dim> >
+ {
+   typedef AllDomain<Dim> Domain_t;
+   typedef AllDomain<Dim> NewDomain1_t;
+   typedef AllDomain<1> OneDomain_t;
+   typedef AllDomain<1> PointDomain_t;
+   typedef AllDomain<Dim> AskDomain_t;
+   enum { domain = true };
+   enum { dimensions = Dim,
+   sliceDimensions = Dim };
+   enum { wildcard = true };
+   enum { singleValued = false };
+   static OneDomain_t getDomain(const Domain_t &, int) {
+     return OneDomain_t();
+   }
+   static PointDomain_t getPointDomain(const Domain_t &, int) {
+     return PointDomain_t();
+   }
+ };
+ template<int Dim>
+ class LeftDomain
+ {
+ public:
+   typedef LeftDomain<Dim> Domain_t;
+   typedef LeftDomain<1> OneDomain_t;
+   typedef int Element_t;
+   enum { dimensions = Dim };
+   LeftDomain() : endpoints_m(Pooma::NoInit()) { PoomaCTAssert<(Dim > 0)>::test(); }
+   LeftDomain(const LeftDomain<Dim> &d) : endpoints_m(d.endpoints_m) {
+     PoomaCTAssert<(Dim > 0)>::test();
+   }
+   template<class T1>
+   explicit LeftDomain(const T1 &a)
+     : endpoints_m(a) { PoomaCTAssert<(Dim > 0)>::test(); }
+   template<class T1, class T2>
+   LeftDomain(const T1 &a, const T2 &b)
+     : endpoints_m(a,b) { PoomaCTAssert<(Dim > 0)>::test(); }
+   template<class T1, class T2, class T3>
+   LeftDomain(const T1 &a, const T2 &b, const T3 &c)
+     : endpoints_m(a,b,c) { PoomaCTAssert<(Dim > 0)>::test(); }
+   template<class T1, class T2, class T3, class T4>
+   LeftDomain(const T1 &a, const T2 &b, const T3 &c, const T4 &d)
+     : endpoints_m(a,b,c,d) { PoomaCTAssert<(Dim > 0)>::test(); }
+   template<class T1, class T2, class T3, class T4, class T5>
+   LeftDomain(const T1 &a, const T2 &b, const T3 &c, const T4 &d, const T5 &e)
+     : endpoints_m(a,b,c,d,e) { PoomaCTAssert<(Dim > 0)>::test(); }
+   template<class T1, class T2, class T3, class T4, class T5,
+            class T6>
+   LeftDomain(const T1 &a, const T2 &b, const T3 &c, const T4 &d, const T5 &e,
+       const T6 &f)
+     : endpoints_m(a,b,c,d,e,f) { PoomaCTAssert<(Dim > 0)>::test(); }
+   template<class T1, class T2, class T3, class T4, class T5,
+            class T6, class T7>
+   LeftDomain(const T1 &a, const T2 &b, const T3 &c, const T4 &d, const T5 &e,
+       const T6 &f, const T7 &g)
+     : endpoints_m(a,b,c,d,e,f,g) { PoomaCTAssert<(Dim > 0)>::test(); }
+   ~LeftDomain() { }
+   OneDomain_t operator[](int n) const { return OneDomain_t(endpoints_m[n]); }
+   void setDomain(const LeftDomain<Dim> &d) { endpoints_m = d.endpoints_m; }
+   template<class T>
+   typename DomainTraits<T>::Element_t first(const T &u) const {
+     return u.first();
+   }
+   int first(int u) const { return u; }
+   template<class T>
+   typename DomainTraits<T>::Element_t length(const T &u) const {
+     PoomaCTAssert<(Dim == 1)>::test();
+     T dom(u.first(), endpoints_m[0].first(), u.stride());
+     return dom.length();
+   }
+   int length(int u) const {
+     PoomaCTAssert<(Dim == 1)>::test();
+     Interval<1> dom(u, endpoints_m[0].first());
+     return dom.length();
+   }
+   template<class T>
+   typename DomainTraits<T>::Element_t stride(const T &u) const {
+     return u.stride();
+   }
+   int stride(int) const { return 1; }
+   LeftDomain<Dim> &operator=(const LeftDomain<Dim> &d) {
+     endpoints_m = d.endpoints_m;
+     return *this;
+   }
+ protected:
+ private:
+   Loc<Dim> endpoints_m;
+ };
+ template<int Dim>
+ struct DomainTraits< LeftDomain<Dim> >
+ {
+   typedef LeftDomain<Dim> Domain_t;
+   typedef LeftDomain<1> OneDomain_t;
+   typedef LeftDomain<1> PointDomain_t;
+   typedef LeftDomain<Dim> AskDomain_t;
+   enum { domain = true };
+   enum { dimensions = Dim,
+   sliceDimensions = Dim };
+   enum { wildcard = true };
+   enum { singleValued = false };
+   static OneDomain_t getDomain(const Domain_t &d, int n) {
+     return d[n];
+   }
+   static PointDomain_t getPointDomain(const Domain_t &d, int n) {
+     return d[n];
+   }
+ };
+ template<int Dim>
+ class RightDomain
+ {
+ public:
+   typedef RightDomain<Dim> Domain_t;
+   typedef RightDomain<1> OneDomain_t;
+   typedef int Element_t;
+   enum { dimensions = Dim };
+   RightDomain() : endpoints_m(Pooma::NoInit()) { PoomaCTAssert<(Dim > 0)>::test(); }
+   RightDomain(const RightDomain<Dim> &d) : endpoints_m(d.endpoints_m) {
+     PoomaCTAssert<(Dim > 0)>::test();
+   }
+   template<class T1>
+   explicit RightDomain(const T1 &a)
+     : endpoints_m(a) { PoomaCTAssert<(Dim > 0)>::test(); }
+   template<class T1, class T2>
+   RightDomain(const T1 &a, const T2 &b)
+     : endpoints_m(a,b) { PoomaCTAssert<(Dim > 0)>::test(); }
+   template<class T1, class T2, class T3>
+   RightDomain(const T1 &a, const T2 &b, const T3 &c)
+     : endpoints_m(a,b,c) { PoomaCTAssert<(Dim > 0)>::test(); }
+   template<class T1, class T2, class T3, class T4>
+   RightDomain(const T1 &a, const T2 &b, const T3 &c, const T4 &d)
+     : endpoints_m(a,b,c,d) { PoomaCTAssert<(Dim > 0)>::test(); }
+   template<class T1, class T2, class T3, class T4, class T5>
+   RightDomain(const T1 &a, const T2 &b, const T3 &c, const T4 &d, const T5 &e)
+     : endpoints_m(a,b,c,d,e) { PoomaCTAssert<(Dim > 0)>::test(); }
+   template<class T1, class T2, class T3, class T4, class T5,
+            class T6>
+   RightDomain(const T1 &a, const T2 &b, const T3 &c, const T4 &d, const T5 &e,
+       const T6 &f)
+     : endpoints_m(a,b,c,d,e,f) { PoomaCTAssert<(Dim > 0)>::test(); }
+   template<class T1, class T2, class T3, class T4, class T5,
+            class T6, class T7>
+   RightDomain(const T1 &a, const T2 &b, const T3 &c, const T4 &d, const T5 &e,
+       const T6 &f, const T7 &g)
+     : endpoints_m(a,b,c,d,e,f,g) { PoomaCTAssert<(Dim > 0)>::test(); }
+   ~RightDomain() { }
+   OneDomain_t operator[](int n) const { return OneDomain_t(endpoints_m[n]); }
+   void setDomain(const RightDomain<Dim> &d) { endpoints_m = d.endpoints_m; }
+   template<class T>
+   typename DomainTraits<T>::Element_t first(const T &u) const {
+     return endpoints_m[0].first();
+   }
+   int first(int u) const { return u; }
+   template<class T>
+   typename DomainTraits<T>::Element_t length(const T &u) const {
+     PoomaCTAssert<(Dim == 1)>::test();
+     T dom(endpoints_m[0].first(), u.last(), u.stride());
+     return dom.length();
+   }
+   int length(int u) const {
+     PoomaCTAssert<(Dim == 1)>::test();
+     Interval<1> dom(endpoints_m[0].first(), u);
+     return dom.length();
+   }
+   template<class T>
+   typename DomainTraits<T>::Element_t stride(const T &u) const {
+     return u.stride();
+   }
+   int stride(int) const { return 1; }
+   RightDomain<Dim> &operator=(const RightDomain<Dim> &d) {
+     endpoints_m = d.endpoints_m;
+     return *this;
+   }
+ protected:
+ private:
+   Loc<Dim> endpoints_m;
+ };
+ template<int Dim>
+ struct DomainTraits< RightDomain<Dim> >
+ {
+   typedef RightDomain<Dim> Domain_t;
+   typedef RightDomain<1> OneDomain_t;
+   typedef RightDomain<1> PointDomain_t;
+   typedef RightDomain<Dim> AskDomain_t;
+   enum { domain = true };
+   enum { dimensions = Dim,
+   sliceDimensions = Dim };
+   enum { wildcard = true };
+   enum { singleValued = false };
+   static OneDomain_t getDomain(const Domain_t &d, int n) {
+     return d[n];
+   }
+   static PointDomain_t getPointDomain(const Domain_t &d, int n) {
+     return d[n];
+   }
+ };
+ template<class T1, class T2, class T3, int Dim, bool strided>
+ struct EquivSubsetDomainSingle {
+   static void equiv(const T1 &a, const T2 &b, T3 &d) {
+     d[Dim-1] += (b.first() - a.first());
+   }
+ };
+ template<class T1, class T2, class T3, int Dim>
+ struct EquivSubsetDomainSingle<T1,T2,T3,Dim,true> {
+   static void equiv(const T1 &a, const T2 &b, T3 &d) {
+     typedef typename DomainTraits<T3>::Element_t E3_t;
+     E3_t m = b.stride() / a.stride();
+     ;
+     E3_t k = b.first() - m * a.first();
+     d[Dim-1] *= m;
+     d[Dim-1] += k;
+   }
+ };
+ template<class T1, class T2, class T3, int Dim>
+ struct EquivSubsetDomain {
+   enum { strided = !DomainTraits<T3>::unitStride };
+   static void equiv(const T1 &a, const T2 &b, T3 &c) {
+     typedef typename DomainTraits<T1>::OneDomain_t Dom1_t;
+     typedef typename DomainTraits<T2>::OneDomain_t Dom2_t;
+     EquivSubsetDomainSingle<Dom1_t,Dom2_t,T3,Dim,strided>::equiv(
+       DomainTraits<T1>::getDomain(a,Dim-1),
+       DomainTraits<T2>::getDomain(b,Dim-1), c);
+     EquivSubsetDomain<T1,T2,T3,Dim-1>::equiv(a,b,c);
+   }
+ };
+ template<class T1, class T2, class T3>
+ struct EquivSubsetDomain<T1,T2,T3,1> {
+   enum { strided = !DomainTraits<T3>::unitStride };
+   static void equiv(const T1 &a, const T2 &b, T3 &c) {
+     typedef typename DomainTraits<T1>::OneDomain_t Dom1_t;
+     typedef typename DomainTraits<T2>::OneDomain_t Dom2_t;
+     EquivSubsetDomainSingle<Dom1_t,Dom2_t,T3,1,strided>::equiv(
+       DomainTraits<T1>::getDomain(a,0), DomainTraits<T2>::getDomain(b,0), c);
+   }
+ };
+ template<class T1, class T2, class T3>
+ struct EquivSubsetReturnType {
+   typedef typename NewDomain3<T1,T2,T3>::Type_t Combine_t;
+   typedef typename
+     DomainChangeDim<Combine_t,DomainTraits<T1>::dimensions>::NewType_t Type_t;
+ };
+ template<class T1, class T2, class T3>
+ inline typename EquivSubsetReturnType<T1,T2,T3>::Type_t
+ equivSubset(const T1 &a, const T2 &b, const T3 &c)
+ {
+   typedef typename EquivSubsetReturnType<T1,T2,T3>::Type_t T4;
+   PoomaCTAssert<((int)DomainTraits<T1>::dimensions == DomainTraits<T2>::dimensions)>::test();
+   PoomaCTAssert<((int)DomainTraits<T1>::dimensions == DomainTraits<T3>::dimensions)>::test();
+   T4 d = c;
+   EquivSubsetDomain<T1,T2,T4,DomainTraits<T1>::dimensions>::equiv(a, b, d);
+   return d;
+ }
+ namespace Pooma {
+ class Tester
+ {
+ public:
+   Tester();
+   Tester(int argc, char **argv);
+   ~Tester();
+   inline Inform &out()
+     {
+       return inform_m;
+     }
+   inline bool ok() const
+     {
+       return ok_m;
+     }
+   inline int returnValue() const
+     {
+       return (ok() ? 0 : 1);
+     }
+   inline bool check(bool val)
+     {
+       ok_m = (ok_m && val);
+       if (!ok_m && abort_m)
+         {
+           if (__builtin_expect(!!(0), true)) {} else Pooma::toss_cookies("Check failed!", "/home/rguenth/ix86/pooma/tat-serial/pooma/linux/src/Utilities/Tester.h", 163);
+         }
+       return val;
+     }
+   inline bool check(const char *str, bool val)
+     {
+       check(val);
+       if (str != 0)
+  out() << "Checking " << str;
+       else
+  out() << "Checking";
+       out() << ": check = " << val << ", updated status = " << ok_m;
+       out() << std::endl;
+       return val;
+     }
+   template<class T>
+   bool check(const char *str, const T &val, const T &correct)
+     {
+       bool res = check(val == correct);
+       if (str != 0)
+  out() << "Checking " << str;
+       else
+  out() << "Checking";
+       out() << ": val = " << val << ", correct = " << correct
+             << ", updated status = " << ok_m;
+       out() << std::endl;
+       return res;
+     }
+   template<class T>
+   bool check(const char *str, const T &val, const T &correct,
+     const T &tol)
+     {
+       bool res = check(std::abs(val - correct) < tol);
+       if (str != 0)
+  out() << "Checking " << str;
+       else
+  out() << "Checking";
+       out() << ": val = " << val << ", correct = " << correct
+             << ", updated status = " << ok_m;
+       out() << std::endl;
+       return res;
+     }
+   inline void set(bool val)
+     {
+       ok_m = val;
+     }
+   inline void setQuiet(bool quiet) {
+     quiet_m = quiet;
+     if (!verbose_m || quiet_m) {
+       out().setOutputLevel(Inform::off);
+     } else {
+       out().setOutputLevel(Inform::on);
+     }
+   }
+   inline void setVerbose(bool verbose) {
+     verbose_m = verbose;
+     if (!verbose_m || quiet_m) {
+       out().setOutputLevel(Inform::off);
+     } else {
+       out().setOutputLevel(Inform::on);
+     }
+   }
+   inline bool verbose() { return verbose_m; }
+   inline void setPrefix(char *prefix) { out().setPrefix(prefix); }
+   int results(const char *msg = 0) const;
+   void exceptionHandler(const char *msg = 0);
+   void exceptionHandler(const Assertion &asrt);
+ private:
+   bool ok_m;
+   bool quiet_m;
+   Inform inform_m;
+   bool verbose_m;
+   bool abort_m;
+   void parse(int argc, char **argv);
+ };
+ }
+ template <int Dim>
+ std::vector<Interval<Dim> >
+ DomainRemoveOverlap(const Interval<Dim> & s,const Interval<Dim> &r)
+ {
+   typedef Interval<Dim> Domain_t;
+   typedef std::vector<Domain_t> DomainList_t;
+   DomainList_t result,temp;
+   result.push_back(s);
+   for (int i=0;i<Dim;++i)
+     {
+       typename DomainList_t::iterator start = result.begin();
+       typename DomainList_t::iterator end = result.end();
+       for ( ; start!=end; ++start)
+  {
+    if (touches( (*start)[i], Loc<1>(r[i].min())))
+      {
+        Domain_t lower=*start,upper=*start;
+        if(r[i].min()-1>=lower[i].min())
+   {
+     lower[i] = Interval<1>(lower[i].min(),r[i].min()-1);
+     temp.push_back(lower);
+   } upper[i] = Interval<1>(r[i].min(),upper[i].max());
+        temp.push_back(upper);
+      }
+    else
+      temp.push_back(*start);
+  }
+       result = temp;
+       temp.clear();
+       start = result.begin();
+       end = result.end();
+       for ( ; start!=end; ++start)
+  {
+    if (touches( (*start)[i], Loc<1>(r[i].max())))
+      {
+        Domain_t lower=*start,upper=*start;
+        lower[i] = Interval<1>(lower[i].min(),r[i].max());
+        temp.push_back(lower);
+        if( r[i].max()+1 <= upper[i].max())
+   {
+     upper[i] = Interval<1>(r[i].max()+1,upper[i].max());
+     temp.push_back(upper);
+   }
+      }
+    else
+      temp.push_back(*start);
+  }
+       result=temp;
+       temp.clear();
+     }
+   typename DomainList_t::iterator start = result.begin();
+   typename DomainList_t::iterator end = result.end();
+   for ( ; start!=end ; ++start)
+     {
+       if (!touches(*start,r ) )
+  temp.push_back(*start);
+     }
+   return temp;
+ }
+ template <int Dim>
+ Grid<Dim> makeRGrid(const Interval<Dim> & gdom, const Loc<Dim> & blocks);
+ template<int Dim>
+ class UniformGridPartition;
+ template<int Dim>
+ class GridPartition
+ {
+ public:
+   typedef LocalMapper<Dim> DefaultMapper_t;
+   typedef Interval<Dim> Domain_t;
+   typedef Node<Domain_t> Value_t;
+   typedef std::vector<Value_t *> List_t;
+   enum { uniform = false };
+   enum { gridded = true };
+   enum { tile = false };
+   enum { general = false };
+   enum { dimensions = Dim };
+   GridPartition(const Grid<Dim> &g)
+     : hasInternalGuards_m(false),
+       hasExternalGuards_m(false),
+       internalGuards_m(0),
+       externalGuards_m(0),
+       grid_m(g)
+   {
+     num_m=1;
+     for (int i=0;i<Dim;i++)
+       {
+  blocks_m[i] = Loc<1>(grid_m[i].size()-1);
+  num_m*=blocks_m[i].first();
+       }
+   }
+   GridPartition(const Grid<Dim> &g,
+   const GuardLayers<Dim> &gcs)
+     : hasInternalGuards_m(true),
+       hasExternalGuards_m(true),
+       internalGuards_m(gcs),
+       externalGuards_m(gcs),
+       grid_m(g)
+   {
+     num_m=1;
+     for (int i=0;i<Dim;i++)
+       {
+  blocks_m[i] = Loc<1>(grid_m[i].size()-1);
+  num_m*=blocks_m[i].first();
+       }
+   }
+   GridPartition(const Grid<Dim> &g,
+   const GuardLayers<Dim> &igcs,
+   const GuardLayers<Dim> &egcs)
+     : hasInternalGuards_m(true),
+       hasExternalGuards_m(true),
+       internalGuards_m(igcs),
+       externalGuards_m(egcs),
+       grid_m(g)
+   {
+     num_m=1;
+     for (int i=0;i<Dim;i++)
+       {
+  blocks_m[i] = Loc<1>(grid_m[i].size()-1);
+  num_m*=(grid_m[i].size()-1);
+       }
+   }
+   GridPartition()
+     : hasInternalGuards_m(false),
+       hasExternalGuards_m(false),
+       internalGuards_m(0),
+       externalGuards_m(0),
+       num_m(1)
+   {
+     for (int i=0;i<Dim;++i)
+       blocks_m[i]=Loc<1>(1);
+   }
+   GridPartition(const Loc<Dim> &a)
+     : blocks_m(a),
+       hasInternalGuards_m(false),
+       hasExternalGuards_m(false),
+       internalGuards_m(0),
+       externalGuards_m(0)
+   {
+     num_m = blocks_m[0].first();
+     for (int d=1; d < Dim; ++d)
+       num_m *= blocks_m[d].first();
+   }
+   GridPartition(const Loc<Dim> &a,
+   const GuardLayers<Dim> &gcs)
+     : blocks_m(a),
+       hasInternalGuards_m(true),
+       hasExternalGuards_m(true),
+       internalGuards_m(gcs),
+       externalGuards_m(gcs)
+   {
+     num_m = blocks_m[0].first();
+     for (int d=1; d < Dim; ++d)
+       num_m *= blocks_m[d].first();
+   }
+   GridPartition(const Loc<Dim> &a,
+   const GuardLayers<Dim> &igcs,
+   const GuardLayers<Dim> &egcs)
+     : blocks_m(a),
+       hasInternalGuards_m(true),
+       hasExternalGuards_m(true),
+       internalGuards_m(igcs),
+       externalGuards_m(egcs)
+   {
+     num_m = blocks_m[0].first();
+     for (int d=1; d < Dim; ++d)
+       num_m *= blocks_m[d].first();
+   }
+   GridPartition(const GridPartition<Dim> & b)
+     : blocks_m(b.blocks_m),
+       hasInternalGuards_m(b.hasInternalGuards_m),
+       hasExternalGuards_m(b.hasExternalGuards_m),
+       internalGuards_m(b.internalGuards_m),
+       externalGuards_m(b.externalGuards_m),
+       num_m(b.num_m),
+       grid_m(b.grid_m)
+   {
+   }
+  GridPartition(const UniformGridPartition<Dim> & b)
+    : blocks_m(b.blocks_m),
+      hasInternalGuards_m(b.hasInternalGuards_m),
+      hasExternalGuards_m(b.hasExternalGuards_m),
+      internalGuards_m(b.internalGuards_m),
+      externalGuards_m(b.externalGuards_m),
+      num_m(b.num_m)
+   {}
+   ~GridPartition() { }
+   GridPartition<Dim> &operator=(const GridPartition<Dim> &g)
+   {
+     if (this != &g)
+       {
+  hasInternalGuards_m = g.hasInternalGuards_m;
+  hasExternalGuards_m = g.hasExternalGuards_m;
+  internalGuards_m = g.internalGuards_m;
+  externalGuards_m = g.externalGuards_m;
+  blocks_m = g.blocks();
+  num_m = g.maxSize();
+  grid_m = g.grid();
+  if (!hasInternalGuards_m)
+    internalGuards_m = GuardLayers<Dim>(0);
+  if (!hasExternalGuards_m)
+    externalGuards_m = GuardLayers<Dim>(0);
+       }
+     return *this;
+   }
+   int maxSize() const { return num_m; }
+   const Loc<Dim> &blocks() const { return blocks_m; }
+   bool hasGuards() const { return hasInternalGuards_m||hasExternalGuards_m; }
+   bool hasCustomEdgeGuards() const
+   {
+     if (hasInternalGuards_m&&!hasExternalGuards_m) return true;
+     if (!hasInternalGuards_m&&hasExternalGuards_m) return true;
+     if (hasInternalGuards_m&&hasExternalGuards_m
+        &&(internalGuards_m!=externalGuards_m)) return true;
+     return false;
+   }
+   bool hasInternalGuards() const { return hasInternalGuards_m; }
+   bool hasExternalGuards() const { return hasExternalGuards_m;}
+   const Grid<Dim> &grid() const { return grid_m;}
+   const GuardLayers<Dim> &internalGuards() const
+   {
+     return internalGuards_m;
+   }
+   const GuardLayers<Dim> &externalGuards() const
+   {
+     return externalGuards_m;
+   }
+   template<class D>
+   int partition(const D &domain,
+   List_t & all,
+   const ContextMapper<Dim> &cmapper ) const;
+   template<class D>
+   int partition(const D &domain,
+   List_t & all) const
+   {
+     return partition(domain,all,DefaultMapper_t(*this));
+   }
+   template<class Out>
+   void print(Out &o) const;
+ private:
+   Loc<Dim> blocks_m;
+   bool hasInternalGuards_m;
+   bool hasExternalGuards_m;
+   GuardLayers<Dim> internalGuards_m;
+   GuardLayers<Dim> externalGuards_m;
+   int num_m;
+   Grid<Dim> grid_m;
+ };
+ template<int Dim>
+ template<class D>
+ int GridPartition<Dim>::partition(const D &domain,
+       List_t & all,
+       const ContextMapper<Dim> &cmapper ) const
+ {
+   typedef typename DomainTraits<Domain_t>::Element_t Element_t;
+   PoomaCTAssert<(Dim == DomainTraits<D>::dimensions)>::test();
+   PoomaCTAssert<(Dim == DomainTraits<Domain_t>::dimensions)>::test();
+   Grid<Dim> tgrid = grid();
+   if (domain.empty())
+     {
+       int np = 1;
+       for (int i=0;i<Dim;++i)
+  np*=blocks()[i].first();
+       int start=0;
+       Domain_t o;
+       Domain_t a;
+       while (start<np)
+  {
+    int gid = all.size();
+    int lid = -1;
+    Value_t *node = new Value_t(o, a, -1, gid, lid);
+    all.push_back(node);
+    ++start;
+  }
+       cmapper.map(all);
+       return maxSize();
+     }
+   if (tgrid.empty()&&!domain.empty() )
+     {
+       tgrid = makeRGrid(domain,blocks_m);
+     }
+   typename Grid<Dim>::blockIterator start = tgrid.beginBlock();
+   typename Grid<Dim>::blockIterator end = tgrid.endBlock();
+   while (start!=end)
+     {
+       Loc<Dim> idx = start.point();
+       Domain_t o = Pooma::NoInit();
+       o = * start;
+       Domain_t a = Pooma::NoInit();
+       a = * start;
+       if (hasInternalGuards()||hasExternalGuards())
+  {
+    for (int i=0;i<Dim;i++)
+      {
+        if (idx[i]==0)
+   {
+     if (hasExternalGuards())
+       {
+         o[i]=Interval<1>(o[i].first()-externalGuards().lower(i),
+            o[i].last());
+         a[i]=Interval<1>(a[i].first()-externalGuards().lower(i),
+            a[i].last());
+       }
+     if (hasInternalGuards() && idx[i]!=(blocks()[i].first()-1))
+       a[i]=Interval<1>(a[i].first(),
+          a[i].last()+internalGuards().upper(i));
+   }
+        if (idx[i]==blocks()[i].first()-1)
+   {
+     if (hasExternalGuards())
+       {
+         o[i]=Interval<1>(o[i].first(),
+            o[i].last()+externalGuards().upper(i));
+         a[i]=Interval<1>(a[i].first(),
+            a[i].last()+externalGuards().upper(i));
+       }
+     if (hasInternalGuards()&&(idx[i]!=0))
+       a[i]=Interval<1>(a[i].first()-internalGuards().lower(i),
+          a[i].last());
+   }
+        if (idx[i]!=0&&
+     idx[i]!=(blocks()[i].first()-1)&&
+     hasInternalGuards())
+   a[i]=Interval<1>(o[i].first()-internalGuards().lower(i),
+      o[i].last()+internalGuards().upper(i));
+      }
+  }
+       int gid = all.size();
+       int lid = -1;
+       Value_t *node = new Value_t(o, a, -1, gid, lid);
+       all.push_back(node);
+       ++start;
+     }
+   cmapper.map(all);
+   return maxSize();
+ }
+ template<int Dim>
+ template<class Out>
+ void GridPartition<Dim>::print(Out &o) const
+ {
+   int i;
+   o << "GridPartition<" << Dim << ">:" << std::endl;
+   o << "  blocks_m = " << blocks_m << std::endl;
+   o << "  hasInternalGuards_m  hasExternalGuards_m = ";
+   o << hasInternalGuards_m<< " "<<hasExternalGuards_m<< std::endl;
+   o << "  internalGuards_m:" << std::endl;
+   o << "      upper       ";
+   for (i=0; i < Dim; ++i)
+     o << internalGuards_m.upper(i) << " ";
+   o << std::endl;
+   o << "      lower       ";
+   for (i=0; i < Dim; ++i)
+     o << internalGuards_m.lower(i) << " ";
+   o << std::endl;
+   o << "  externalGuards_m:" << std::endl;
+   o << "      upper       ";
+   for (i=0; i < Dim; ++i)
+     o << externalGuards_m.upper(i) << " ";
+   o << std::endl;
+   o << "      lower       ";
+   for (i=0; i < Dim; ++i)
+     o << externalGuards_m.lower(i) << " ";
+   o << std::endl;
+   o << "  num_m = " << num_m << std::endl;
+   o << "  grid_m = ";
+   if (grid_m.empty() )
+     o << "(empty)" << std::endl;
+   else
+     o << grid_m << std::endl;
+ }
+ template <int Dim>
+ std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &o, const GridPartition<Dim> &gp)
+ {
+   gp.print(o);
+   return o;
+ }
+ template <int Dim>
+ Grid<Dim> makeRGrid(const Interval<Dim> &gdom, const Loc<Dim> &blocks)
+ {
+   Grid<Dim> ret;
+   for (int i=0;i<Dim;++i)
+     {
+       if (gdom[i].size()%blocks[i].first()==0&& !gdom[i].empty())
+  {
+    ret[i]=Grid<1>(Range<1>(gdom[i].first(),
+       gdom[i].last()+1,
+       (int) gdom[i].size()/blocks[i].first()));
+  }
+       else if (!gdom[i].empty() )
+  {
+    IndirectionList<int> rret(blocks[i].first()+1);
+    rret(0) = gdom[i].first();
+    for (int j = 1;j<blocks[i].first()+1;++j)
+      {
+        int temp = (int) gdom[i].size()/blocks[i].first();
+        rret(j)= rret(j-1) + temp ;
+        rret(j) += (j > (blocks[i].first() -
+           (gdom[i].size()- temp*blocks[i].first()) ) );
+      }
+    ret[i]=Grid<1>(rret);
+  }
+       else
+  {
+  }
+     }
+   return ret;
+ }
+ template <typename T>
+ std::vector<T> makeRBlocksFactor(T number)
+ {
+   std::vector<T> factors;
+   for (T f=2; f<number; f++) {
+     while (number % f == 0) {
+       factors.push_back(f);
+       number /= f;
+     }
+   }
+   if (number != 1)
+     factors.push_back(number);
+   return factors;
+ }
+ template <int Dim>
+ Loc<Dim> makeRBlocks(const Interval<Dim>& domain, int nodes)
+ {
+   typedef typename std::vector<int>::reverse_iterator riterator_t;
+   std::vector<int> df[Dim];
+   std::vector<int> nf;
+   for (int i=0; i<Dim; i++)
+     df[i] = makeRBlocksFactor<int>(domain[i].size());
+   nf = makeRBlocksFactor<int>(nodes);
+   int setup[Dim];
+   for (int i=0; i<Dim; i++)
+     setup[i] = 1;
+   int sdi[Dim];
+   for (int i=0; i<Dim; i++)
+     sdi[i] = i;
+   for (riterator_t ni = nf.rbegin(); ni < nf.rend(); ni++) {
+     bool changed;
+     do {
+       changed = false;
+       for (int i=0; i<Dim-1; i++)
+  if (domain[sdi[i]].size()/setup[sdi[i]]
+      < domain[sdi[i+1]].size()/setup[sdi[i+1]]) {
+    std::swap(sdi[i+1], sdi[i]);
+    changed = true;
+  }
+     } while (changed);
+     int i = sdi[0];
+     riterator_t di;
+     for (di = df[i].rbegin(); di < df[i].rend(); di++) {
+       if ((*di) == (*ni)) {
+  setup[i] *= (*ni);
+  break;
+       }
+     }
+     if (di == df[i].rend())
+       setup[i] *= (*ni);
+   }
+   Loc<Dim> result;
+   for (int i=0; i<Dim; i++)
+     result[i] = setup[i];
+   return result;
+ }
+ template<int Dim>
+ SparseTileLayoutData<Dim>::SparseTileLayoutData()
+   : Observable<SparseTileLayoutData>(*this)
+ {
+ }
+ template<int Dim>
+ SparseTileLayoutData<Dim>::SparseTileLayoutData(const Domain_t &boundingbox,
+       const PatchList_t & PatchList,
+       const ContextMapper<Dim> &cmap)
+  : LayoutBaseData<Dim>(false,false,
+          GuardLayers_t(0),GuardLayers_t(0),
+          boundingbox,boundingbox),
+    Observable<SparseTileLayoutData>(*this)
+ {
+   this->blocks_m = Loc<Dim>();
+   initialize(boundingbox,PatchList,cmap);
+ }
+ template<int Dim>
+ SparseTileLayoutData<Dim>::SparseTileLayoutData(const Domain_t &boundingbox,
+       const GuardLayers_t & globalGL,
+       const PatchList_t & PatchList,
+       const ContextMapper<Dim> &cmap)
+   : LayoutBaseData<Dim>(true,true,
+    globalGL,globalGL,
+    boundingbox,boundingbox),
+   Observable<SparseTileLayoutData>(*this)
+ {
+   this->blocks_m = Loc<Dim>();
+   initialize(boundingbox,globalGL,PatchList,cmap);
+ }
+ template<int Dim>
+ SparseTileLayoutData<Dim>::SparseTileLayoutData(const Domain_t &boundingbox,
+       const GuardLayers_t & internalGL,
+       const GuardLayers_t & externalGL,
+       const PatchList_t & PatchList,
+       const ContextMapper<Dim> &cmap)
+  : LayoutBaseData<Dim>(true,true,
+    internalGL,externalGL,
+          boundingbox,boundingbox),
+   Observable<SparseTileLayoutData>(*this)
+ {
+   this->blocks_m = Loc<Dim>();
+   initialize(boundingbox,internalGL,externalGL,PatchList,cmap );
+ }
+ template<int Dim>
+ SparseTileLayoutData<Dim>::SparseTileLayoutData(const Domain_t &boundingbox)
+   : LayoutBaseData<Dim>(false, false,
+    GuardLayers_t(),GuardLayers_t(),
+    boundingbox,boundingbox),
+   Observable<SparseTileLayoutData>(*this)
+ {
+   this->blocks_m = Loc<Dim>();
+   initialize(boundingbox);
+ }
+ template<int Dim>
+ SparseTileLayoutData<Dim>::SparseTileLayoutData(const Domain_t &boundingbox,
+       const GuardLayers_t & internalGL,
+       const GuardLayers_t & externalGL)
+   : LayoutBaseData<Dim>(true, true,
+    internalGL,externalGL,
+    boundingbox,boundingbox),
+   Observable<SparseTileLayoutData>(*this)
+ {
+   this->blocks_m = Loc<Dim>();
+   initialize(boundingbox,internalGL,externalGL);
+ }
+ template<int Dim>
+ template<class Partitioner>
+ SparseTileLayoutData<Dim>::SparseTileLayoutData(const Domain_t &bbox,
+       const Partitioner &gpar,
+       const ContextMapper<Dim> &cmap)
+    : LayoutBaseData<Dim>(false,false,
+      GuardLayers_t(0),GuardLayers_t(0),
+      bbox,bbox),
+     Observable<SparseTileLayoutData>(*this)
+ {
+   this->blocks_m = Loc<Dim>();
+   if (gpar.hasInternalGuards() && gpar.maxSize() > 1)
+     {
+       this->hasInternalGuards_m = true;
+       this->internalGuards_m = gpar.internalGuards();
+     }
+   if (gpar.hasExternalGuards())
+     {
+       this->hasExternalGuards_m = true;
+       this->externalGuards_m = gpar.externalGuards();
+       GuardLayers<Dim>::addGuardLayers(this->domain_m,this->externalGuards_m);
+     }
+   initialize(bbox, gpar,cmap);
+ }
+ template<int Dim>
+ SparseTileLayoutData<Dim>::~SparseTileLayoutData()
+ {
+   for (typename List_t::iterator a = this->all_m.begin(); a != this->all_m.end(); ++a)
+     delete (*a);
+ }
+ template<int Dim>
+ void SparseTileLayoutData<Dim>::syncPatch()
+ {
+   typename List_t::iterator start = this->all_m.begin();
+   typename List_t::iterator end = this->all_m.end();
+   for ( ; start != end ; ++start)
+     if ( (*start)->context() == Pooma::context()
+   ||(*start)->context() == -1 )
+       this->local_m.push_back(*start);
+     else
+       this->remote_m.push_back(*start);
+    calcMaps();
+    calcAllocMaps();
+    calcGCFillList();
+ }
+ template<int Dim>
+ void SparseTileLayoutData<Dim>::calcMaps()
+ {
+   if (!this->initialized())
+     return;
+   map_m.zap();
+   map_m.initialize(this->domain_m);
+   typename List_t::const_iterator start = this->all_m.begin();
+   typename List_t::const_iterator end = this->all_m.end();
+   int i=0;
+   for ( ; start != end ; ++start, ++i )
+     {
+       pidx_t tmp((*start)->globalID(),i);
+       typename DomainMap<Domain_t,pidx_t>::Value_t val((*start)->domain(),tmp);
+       map_m.insert(val);
+     }
+   map_m.update();
+ }
+ template<int Dim>
+ void SparseTileLayoutData<Dim>::calcAllocMaps()
+ {
+   if (!this->initialized())
+     return;
+   mapAloc_m.zap();
+   mapAloc_m.initialize(this->domain_m);
+   typename List_t::const_iterator start = this->all_m.begin();
+   typename List_t::const_iterator end = this->all_m.end();
+   int i=0;
+   for ( ; start!=end ; ++start , ++i)
+     {
+       pidx_t tmp((*start)->globalID(),i);
+       typename DomainMap<Domain_t,pidx_t>::Value_t val((*start)->allocated(),tmp);
+       mapAloc_m.insert(val);
+     }
+   mapAloc_m.update();
+ }
+ template<int Dim>
+ void SparseTileLayoutData<Dim>::initialize(const Domain_t &gdom)
+ {
+   this->blocks_m = Loc<Dim>();
+   int i;
+   if (this->all_m.size() > 0)
+     {
+       for (i=0; i < this->all_m.size(); ++i)
+  delete this->all_m[i];
+       this->all_m.clear();
+       this->local_m.clear();
+       this->remote_m.clear();
+     }
+   for(i=0;i<Dim;++i)
+     this->firste_m[i] = this->firsti_m[i] = this->domain_m[i].first();
+   this->domain_m = gdom;
+   this->innerdomain_m = gdom;
+   this->hasInternalGuards_m = this->hasExternalGuards_m = false;
+   this->internalGuards_m = this->externalGuards_m = GuardLayers_t();
+ }
+ template<int Dim>
+ void SparseTileLayoutData<Dim>::initialize(const Domain_t &gdom,
+         const GuardLayers_t & globalGL)
+ {
+   this->blocks_m = Loc<Dim>();
+   int i;
+   if (this->all_m.size() > 0)
+     {
+       for (i=0; i < this->all_m.size(); ++i)
+  delete this->all_m[i];
+       this->all_m.clear();
+       this->local_m.clear();
+       this->remote_m.clear();
+     }
+   this->domain_m = gdom;
+   this->innerdomain_m = gdom;
+   for(i=0;i<Dim;++i)
+     this->firsti_m[i] = this->domain_m[i].first();
+   this->hasInternalGuards_m = this->hasExternalGuards_m=true;
+   this->internalGuards_m = this->externalGuards_m = globalGL;
+   GuardLayers<Dim>::addGuardLayers(this->domain_m, this->externalGuards_m);
+   for(i=0;i<Dim;++i)
+     this->firste_m[i]=this->domain_m[i].first();
+ }
+ template<int Dim>
+ void SparseTileLayoutData<Dim>::initialize(const Domain_t &gdom,
+          const GuardLayers_t & internalGL,
+          const GuardLayers_t & externalGL)
+ {
+   this->blocks_m = Loc<Dim>();
+   int i;
+   if (this->all_m.size() > 0)
+     {
+       for (i=0; i < this->all_m.size(); ++i)
+  delete this->all_m[i];
+       this->all_m.clear();
+       this->local_m.clear();
+       this->remote_m.clear();
+     }
+   this->domain_m = gdom;
+   this->innerdomain_m = gdom;
+   for(i=0;i<Dim;++i)
+     this->firsti_m[i]=this->domain_m[i].first();
+   this->hasInternalGuards_m = this->hasExternalGuards_m = true;
+   this->internalGuards_m = internalGL;
+   this->externalGuards_m = externalGL;
+   GuardLayers<Dim>::addGuardLayers(this->domain_m, this->externalGuards_m);
+   for(i=0;i<Dim;++i)
+     this->firste_m[i] = this->domain_m[i].first();
+ }
+ template<int Dim>
+ void SparseTileLayoutData<Dim>::initialize(const Domain_t &bbox,
+         const PatchList_t &plist,
+         const ContextMapper<Dim> &cmap)
+ {
+   this->blocks_m = Loc<Dim>();
+   initialize(bbox);
+   TilePartition<Dim> gpar(plist);
+   gpar.partition(bbox,this->all_m,cmap);
+   syncPatch();
+ }
+ template<int Dim>
+ void SparseTileLayoutData<Dim>::initialize(const Domain_t &bbox,
+         const GuardLayers_t & globalGL,
+         const PatchList_t &plist,
+         const ContextMapper<Dim> &cmap)
+ {
+   this->blocks_m = Loc<Dim>();
+   initialize(bbox,globalGL);
+   TilePartition<Dim> gpar(bbox,plist,globalGL);
+   gpar.partition(bbox,this->all_m,cmap);
+   syncPatch();
+ }
+ template<int Dim>
+ void SparseTileLayoutData<Dim>::initialize(const Domain_t &bbox,
+         const GuardLayers_t & internalGL,
+         const GuardLayers_t & externalGL,
+         const PatchList_t &plist,
+         const ContextMapper<Dim> &cmap)
+ {
+   this->blocks_m = Loc<Dim>();
+   initialize(bbox,internalGL,externalGL);
+   TilePartition<Dim> gpar(bbox,plist,internalGL,externalGL);
+   gpar.partition(bbox,this->all_m,cmap);
+   syncPatch();
+ }
+ template<int Dim>
+ template<class Partitioner>
+ void SparseTileLayoutData<Dim>::initialize(const Domain_t &bbox,
+         const Partitioner &gpar,
+         const ContextMapper<Dim> &cmap)
+ {
+   this->blocks_m = Loc<Dim>();
+   initialize(bbox,gpar.internalGuards(),gpar.externalGuards());
+   gpar.partition(bbox,this->all_m,cmap);
+   syncPatch();
+ }
+ template<int Dim>
+ void SparseTileLayoutData<Dim>::calcGCFillList()
+ {
+   if(!this->initialized() || !this->hasInternalGuards_m)
+     return;
+   this->gcFillList_m.clear();
+   gcBorderFillList_m.clear();
+   typedef Node<Domain_t,AllocatedDomain_t> NNode_t;
+   typedef std::vector<NNode_t> TouchList_t;
+   TouchList_t tlist;
+   typename List_t::iterator start = this->all_m.begin();
+   typename List_t::iterator end = this->all_m.end();
+   for ( ; start!=end; ++start)
+     {
+       touches((*start)->allocated(),
+        std::back_inserter(tlist),
+        TouchesConstructNodeObj());
+       typename TouchList_t::iterator GCLstart = tlist.begin();
+       typename TouchList_t::iterator GCLend = tlist.end();
+       for( ; GCLstart != GCLend ;++GCLstart)
+  {
+    if(GCLstart->globalID() == (*start)->globalID())
+      {
+        tlist.erase(GCLstart);
+        break;
+      }
+  }
+       GCLstart = tlist.begin();
+       GCLend = tlist.end();
+       for ( ; GCLstart!=GCLend ; ++GCLstart )
+  {
+    this->gcFillList_m.push_back(GCFillInfo_t((*GCLstart).domain(),
+           (*GCLstart).globalID(),
+           (*start)->globalID()));
+  }
+       tlist.clear();
+     }
+   std::vector<GCBorderFillInfo> bfv;
+   start = this->all_m.begin();
+   for ( ; start!=this->all_m.end(); ++start)
+     {
+       for(int d=0;d<Dim;++d)
+  {
+    Domain_t gcdom( (*start)->allocated());
+    int max = (*start)->allocated()[d].last();
+    int min = max - this->internalGuards_m.upper(d) + 1;
+    gcdom[d] = Interval<1>(min, max);
+    gcdom = intersect(this->innerdomain_m,gcdom);
+    if (gcdom.size()>0)
+      {
+        bfv.push_back(GCBorderFillInfo(gcdom, (*start)->globalID() ));
+      }
+    gcdom = (*start)->allocated();
+    min = (*start)->allocated()[d].first();
+    max = min + this->internalGuards_m.lower(d) -1;
+     gcdom[d] = Interval<1>(min, max);
+    gcdom = intersect(this->innerdomain_m,gcdom);
+    if (gcdom.size() > 0)
+    {
+      bfv.push_back(GCBorderFillInfo(gcdom,(*start)->globalID()));
+    }
+  }
+     }
+   std::vector<Domain_t> temp2,temp3,temp4;
+   std::vector<GCBorderFillInfo> temp;
+   BorderFillIterator_t bst = bfv.begin();
+   BorderFillIterator_t ben = bfv.end();
+   for ( ; bst != ben ; ++bst)
+     {
+       FillIterator_t gst = this->beginFillList();
+       FillIterator_t gen = this->endFillList();
+       temp2.clear();
+       temp2.push_back(bst->domain());
+       for ( ; gst!=gen ; ++gst )
+  {
+    typename std::vector<Domain_t>::iterator ts = temp2.begin();
+    for ( ; ts != temp2.end() ; ++ts )
+      {
+        temp3 = DomainRemoveOverlap(*ts,gst->domain_m);
+        temp4.insert(temp4.end(),temp3.begin(),temp3.end());
+      }
+    temp2 = temp4;
+    temp4.clear();
+  }
+       typename std::vector<Domain_t>::iterator ts = temp2.begin();
+       for( ; ts != temp2.end(); ++ts)
+  temp.push_back(GCBorderFillInfo(*ts, bst->patchID() ));
+     }
+   gcBorderFillList_m = temp;
+ }
+ template<int Dim>
+ int SparseTileLayoutData<Dim>::globalID(const Loc<Dim> &loc) const
+ {
+   ;
+   DomainMapTouchIterator<Interval<Dim>,pidx_t> dmti =
+  (map_m.touch(Interval<Dim>(loc))).first;
+   DomainMapTouchIterator<Interval<Dim>,pidx_t> baditerator;
+   if (__builtin_expect(!!(dmti!=baditerator), true)) {} else Pooma::toss_cookies("Bad location requested in SparseTileLayout", "/home/rguenth/ix86/pooma/tat-serial/pooma/linux/src/Layout/SparseTileLayout.cpp", 538);
+   return (*dmti).first;
+ }
+ template <int Dim>
+ int SparseTileLayoutData<Dim>::globalID(int i0) const
+ {
+   ;
+   Loc<Dim> loc;
+   loc[0] = i0;
+   return globalID(loc);
+ }
+ template <int Dim>
+ int SparseTileLayoutData<Dim>::globalID(int i0, int i1) const
+ {
+   ;
+   Loc<Dim> loc;
+   loc[0] = i0;
+   loc[1] = i1;
+   return globalID(loc);
+ }
+ template <int Dim>
+ int SparseTileLayoutData<Dim>::globalID(int i0, int i1, int i2) const
+ {
+   ;
+   Loc<Dim> loc;
+   loc[0] = i0;
+   loc[1] = i1;
+   loc[2] = i2;
+   return globalID(loc);
+ }
+ template <int Dim>
+ int SparseTileLayoutData<Dim>::globalID(int i0, int i1, int i2, int i3) const
+ {
+   ;
+   Loc<Dim> loc;
+   loc[0] = i0;
+   loc[1] = i1;
+   loc[2] = i2;
+   loc[3] = i3;
+   return globalID(loc);
+ }
+ template <int Dim>
+ int SparseTileLayoutData<Dim>::globalID(int i0, int i1, int i2, int i3,
+       int i4) const
+ {
+   ;
+   Loc<Dim> loc;
+   loc[0] = i0;
+   loc[1] = i1;
+   loc[2] = i2;
+   loc[3] = i3;
+   loc[4] = i4;
+   return globalID(loc);
+ }
+ template <int Dim>
+ int SparseTileLayoutData<Dim>::globalID(int i0, int i1, int i2, int i3,
+       int i4, int i5) const
+ {
+   ;
+   Loc<Dim> loc;
+   loc[0] = i0;
+   loc[1] = i1;
+   loc[2] = i2;
+   loc[3] = i3;
+   loc[4] = i4;
+   loc[5] = i5;
+   return globalID(loc);
+ }
+ template <int Dim>
+ int SparseTileLayoutData<Dim>::globalID(int i0, int i1, int i2, int i3,
+       int i4, int i5, int i6) const
+ {
+   ;
+   Loc<Dim> loc;
+   loc[0] = i0;
+   loc[1] = i1;
+   loc[2] = i2;
+   loc[3] = i3;
+   loc[4] = i4;
+   loc[5] = i5;
+   loc[6] = i6;
+   return globalID(loc);
+ }
+ template<int Dim>
+ template <class OtherDomain, class OutIter, class ConstructTag>
+ int SparseTileLayoutData<Dim>::touches(const OtherDomain &fulld,
+            OutIter o,
+            const ConstructTag &ctag) const
+ {
+   typedef typename
+     IntersectReturnType<Domain_t,OtherDomain>::Type_t OutDomain_t;
+   OutDomain_t d = intersect(this->domain_m, fulld);
+   if (d.empty())
+     return 0;
+   OutDomain_t outDomain = Pooma::NoInit();
+   typedef Node<OutDomain_t,Domain_t> OutNode_t;
+   typename DomainMap<Interval<Dim>,pidx_t>::Touch_t dmti =
+     map_m.touch(Interval<Dim>(d));
+   typename DomainMap<Interval<Dim>,pidx_t>::touch_iterator a;
+   int count = 0;
+   for( a = dmti.first ;a != dmti.second; ++a)
+     {
+       int nodeListIndex = (*a).second;
+       outDomain = intersect(a.domain(), fulld);
+       ;
+       *o = touchesConstruct(outDomain,
+        this->all_m[nodeListIndex]->allocated(),
+        this->all_m[nodeListIndex]->affinity(),
+        this->all_m[nodeListIndex]->context(),
+        this->all_m[nodeListIndex]->globalID(),
+        this->all_m[nodeListIndex]->localID(),
+        ctag);
+       ++count;
+     }
+   return count;
+ }
+ template<int Dim>
+ template <class OtherDomain, class OutIter, class ConstructTag>
+ int SparseTileLayoutData<Dim>::touchesAlloc(const OtherDomain &fulld,
+          OutIter o,
+          const ConstructTag &ctag) const
+ {
+   int i;
+   typedef typename
+     IntersectReturnType<Domain_t,OtherDomain>::Type_t OutDomain_t;
+   OutDomain_t d = intersect(this->domain_m, fulld);
+   if (d.empty())
+     return 0;
+   OutDomain_t outDomain = Pooma::NoInit();
+   typedef Node<OutDomain_t,Domain_t> OutNode_t;
+   typename DomainMap<Interval<Dim>,pidx_t>::Touch_t dmti = map_m.touch(d);
+   typename DomainMap<Interval<Dim>,pidx_t>::touch_iterator a;
+   int count = 0;
+   for( a = dmti.first ;a != dmti.second; ++a)
+     {
+       int nodeListIndex = (*a).second;
+       outDomain = intersect(a.domain(), fulld);
+       ;
+       *o = touchesConstruct(outDomain,
+        this->all_m[nodeListIndex]->allocated(),
+        this->all_m[nodeListIndex]->affinity(),
+        this->all_m[nodeListIndex]->context(),
+        this->all_m[nodeListIndex]->globalID(),
+        this->all_m[nodeListIndex]->localID(),
+        ctag);
+       ++count;
+     }
+   return count;
+ }
+ template<int Dim>
+ template<class Out>
+ void SparseTileLayoutData<Dim>::print(Out & o) const
+ {
+   int i;
+   o<< " SparseTileLayoutData<"<<Dim<<">: "<<std::endl;
+   o<< " ID_m " << this->ID_m << std::endl;
+   o<< " domain_m " << this->domain_m <<std::endl;
+   o<< " innerdomain_m " << this->innerdomain_m <<std::endl;
+   o<< " all_m : " << std::endl;
+   typename List_t::const_iterator start = this->all_m.begin();
+   typename List_t::const_iterator end = this->all_m.end();
+   for ( ; start!=end ; ++start)
+     o<< (*start)->globalID()<<" "<<
+       (*start)->domain()<<" "<<
+       (*start)->allocated()<<" "
+      <<std::endl;
+   o<< " local_m : " << std::endl;
+   start = this->local_m.begin();
+   end = this->local_m.end();
+   for ( ; start!=end ; ++start)
+     o<< (*start)->globalID()<<" "<<
+       (*start)->localID()<<" " <<
+       (*start)->domain()<<" "<<
+       (*start)->allocated()<<" "
+      <<std::endl;
+   o<< " firste_m[Dim] " ;
+   for ( i=0;i<Dim;++i) o<< this->firste_m[i]<<" ";
+   o<< std::endl;
+   o<< " firsti_m[Dim] " ;
+   for ( i=0;i<Dim;++i) o<< this->firsti_m[i]<<" ";
+   o<< std::endl;
+   o<< " hasInternalGuards_m, hasExternalGuards_m " <<
+     this->hasInternalGuards_m <<" " << this->hasExternalGuards_m <<std::endl;
+   o<< " internalGuards_m " ;
+    for ( i=0;i<Dim;++i)
+      o<< this->internalGuards_m.upper(i)<<"-"<<this->internalGuards_m.lower(i)<<" ";
+    o<<std::endl;
+   o<< " externalGuards_m " ;
+    for ( i=0;i<Dim;++i)
+      o<< this->externalGuards_m.upper(i)<<"-"<<this->externalGuards_m.lower(i)<<" ";
+    o<<std::endl;
+    FillIterator_t gstart = this->gcFillList_m.begin();
+    FillIterator_t gend = this->gcFillList_m.end();
+    o<< " gcFillList_m " <<std::endl;
+    for( ; gstart!=gend ; ++gstart)
+      o<<"       "
+       <<gstart->domain_m<<" "
+       <<gstart->ownedID_m<<" "
+       <<gstart->guardID_m<<std::endl;
+    BorderFillIterator_t bgstart = gcBorderFillList_m.begin();
+    BorderFillIterator_t bgend = gcBorderFillList_m.end();
+    o<< " gcBorderFillList_m " <<std::endl;
+    for( ; bgstart!=bgend ; ++bgstart)
+      o<<"       "
+       <<bgstart->domain()<<" "
+       <<bgstart->patchID()<<std::endl;
+ }
+ template<int Dim>
+ void SparseTileLayout<Dim>::syncPatch()
+ {
+   this->pdata_m->syncPatch();
+ }
+ template<int Dim>
+ SparseTileLayout<Dim>::SparseTileLayout()
+   : LayoutBase<Dim,SparseTileLayoutData<Dim> >(new LayoutData_t()),
+   Observable<This_t>(*this)
+ {
+   this->pdata_m->attach(*this);
+ }
+ template<int Dim>
+ SparseTileLayout<Dim>::SparseTileLayout(Domain_t & boundingbox,
+      const PatchList_t &patchlist,
+      const ReplicatedTag &)
+   : LayoutBase<Dim,SparseTileLayoutData<Dim> >
+     (new LayoutData_t(boundingbox,patchlist,LocalMapper<Dim>())),
+   Observable<This_t>(*this)
+ {
+   this->pdata_m->attach(*this);
+ }
+ template<int Dim>
+ SparseTileLayout<Dim>::SparseTileLayout(Domain_t & boundingbox,
+      const PatchList_t &patchlist,
+      const DistributedTag &)
+   : LayoutBase<Dim,SparseTileLayoutData<Dim> >
+     (new LayoutData_t(boundingbox,patchlist,DistributedMapper<Dim>())),
+   Observable<This_t>(*this)
+ {
+   this->pdata_m->attach(*this);
+ }
+   template<int Dim>
+ SparseTileLayout<Dim>::SparseTileLayout(const Domain_t &boundingbox,
+      const GuardLayers_t & globalGL,
+      const PatchList_t & patchlist,
+      const DistributedTag &)
+   : LayoutBase<Dim,SparseTileLayoutData<Dim> >
+   (new LayoutData_t(boundingbox,globalGL,patchlist,DistributedMapper<Dim>())),
+   Observable<This_t>(*this)
+ {
+   this->pdata_m->attach(*this);
+ }
+ template<int Dim>
+ SparseTileLayout<Dim>::SparseTileLayout(const Domain_t &boundingbox,
+      const GuardLayers_t & globalGL,
+      const PatchList_t & patchlist,
+      const ReplicatedTag &)
+   : LayoutBase<Dim,SparseTileLayoutData<Dim> >
+   (new LayoutData_t(boundingbox,globalGL,patchlist,LocalMapper<Dim>())),
+   Observable<This_t>(*this)
+ {
+   this->pdata_m->attach(*this);
+ }
+ template<int Dim>
+ SparseTileLayout<Dim>::SparseTileLayout(const Domain_t &boundingbox,
+      const GuardLayers_t & internalGL,
+      const GuardLayers_t & externalGL,
+      const PatchList_t & patchlist,
+      const DistributedTag &)
+   : LayoutBase<Dim,SparseTileLayoutData<Dim> >
+               (new LayoutData_t(boundingbox,
+     internalGL,
+     externalGL,
+     patchlist,
+     DistributedMapper<Dim>())),
+   Observable<This_t>(*this)
+ {
+   this->pdata_m->attach(*this);
+ }
+ template<int Dim>
+ SparseTileLayout<Dim>::SparseTileLayout(const Domain_t &boundingbox,
+      const GuardLayers_t & internalGL,
+      const GuardLayers_t & externalGL,
+      const PatchList_t & patchlist,
+      const ReplicatedTag &)
+   : LayoutBase<Dim,SparseTileLayoutData<Dim> >
+               (new LayoutData_t(boundingbox,
+     internalGL,
+     externalGL,
+     patchlist,
+     LocalMapper<Dim>())),
+   Observable<This_t>(*this)
+ {
+   this->pdata_m->attach(*this);
+ }
+ template<int Dim>
+ SparseTileLayout<Dim>::SparseTileLayout(const Domain_t &boundingbox)
+   : LayoutBase<Dim,SparseTileLayoutData<Dim> >
+     (new LayoutData_t(boundingbox)),
+   Observable<This_t>(*this)
+ {
+   this->pdata_m->attach(*this);
+ }
+  template<int Dim>
+ SparseTileLayout<Dim>:: SparseTileLayout(const Domain_t &boundingbox,
+      const GuardLayers_t & globalGL)
+   : LayoutBase<Dim,SparseTileLayoutData<Dim> >
+     (new LayoutData_t(boundingbox,globalGL)),
+   Observable<This_t>(*this)
+ {
+   this->pdata_m->attach(*this);
+ }
+ template<int Dim>
+ SparseTileLayout<Dim>::SparseTileLayout(const Domain_t &boundingbox,
+      const GuardLayers_t & internalGL,
+      const GuardLayers_t & externalGL)
+   : LayoutBase<Dim,SparseTileLayoutData<Dim> >
+     (new LayoutData_t(boundingbox,internalGL,externalGL)),
+   Observable<This_t>(*this)
+ {
+   this->pdata_m->attach(*this);
+ }
+ template <int Dim>
+ template <class Partitioner>
+ SparseTileLayout<Dim>::SparseTileLayout(const Domain_t &bbox,
+      const Partitioner &gpar,
+      const DistributedTag &)
+   : LayoutBase<Dim,SparseTileLayoutData<Dim> >
+     (new LayoutData_t(bbox, gpar,DistributedMapper<Dim>(gpar))),
+   Observable<This_t>(*this)
+ {
+   this->pdata_m->attach(*this);
+ }
+ template <int Dim>
+ template <class Partitioner>
+ SparseTileLayout<Dim>::SparseTileLayout(const Domain_t &bbox,
+      const Partitioner &gpar,
+      const ReplicatedTag &)
+   : LayoutBase<Dim,SparseTileLayoutData<Dim> >
+     (new LayoutData_t(bbox, gpar,LocalMapper<Dim>())),
+   Observable<This_t>(*this)
+ {
+   this->pdata_m->attach(*this);
+ }
+ template<int Dim>
+ SparseTileLayout<Dim>::SparseTileLayout(const This_t &model)
+   : LayoutBase<Dim,SparseTileLayoutData<Dim> >(model.pdata_m),
+   Observable<This_t>(*this)
+ {
+    this->pdata_m->attach(*this);
+ }
+ template<int Dim >
+ struct IsValid
+ {
+   IsValid(Loc<Dim> loc) : loc_m(loc) { }
+   typedef AndCombine Combine_t;
+   Loc<Dim> loc_m;
+ };
+ template<class T, int Dim>
+ struct EngineFunctorScalar<T, IsValid<Dim> >
+ {
+   typedef bool Type_t;
+   static inline
+   Type_t apply(const T &, const IsValid<Dim> &)
+   {
+     return true;
+   }
+ };
+ template<class Engine, int Dim>
+ struct EngineFunctorDefault<Engine, IsValid<Dim> >
+ {
+   typedef bool Type_t;
+   static inline
+   Type_t apply(const Engine &, const IsValid<Dim> &)
+   {
+     return true;
+   }
+ };
+ template<int Dim,class T,class ptag>
+ struct EngineFunctor<Engine<Dim, T,MultiPatch<SparseTileTag,ptag> >, IsValid<Dim> >
+ {
+   typedef Engine<Dim,T,MultiPatch<SparseTileTag,ptag> > Engine_t;
+   typedef bool Type_t;
+   static inline
+   Type_t apply(const Engine_t &e, const IsValid<Dim> &f)
+   {
+     typedef typename Engine_t::Domain_t domain_t;
+     typedef Node<domain_t,domain_t> node_t;
+     std::vector<node_t> v;
+     int count = e.layout().touches(f.loc_m,std::back_inserter(v));
+     return (count!=0);
+   }
+ };
+ template<class Object,class Dom,class tag>
+ inline bool isValidLocation(const Object &,
+        const Dom &,
+        const tag &)
+ {
+  return true;
+ }
+ #include <iomanip>
+ class PrintArray;
+ template<class S, class A, int Dim, class DomainType>
+ struct PerformPrintArray
+ {
+   static void print(const PrintArray &, S &, const A &, const DomainType &);
+ };
+ template<class S, class A, class DomainType>
+ struct PerformPrintArray<S, A, 1, DomainType>
+ {
+   static void print(const PrintArray &, S &, const A &, const DomainType &);
+ };
+ class PrintArray
+ {
+ public:
+   PrintArray(int domainWidth = 3, int dataWidth = 10,
+       int dataPrecision = 4, int carReturn = -1,
+       bool scientific = false, int spacing = 1)
+     : domainwidth_m(domainWidth), datawidth_m(dataWidth),
+       dataprecision_m(dataPrecision), carreturn_m(carReturn),
+       spacing_m(spacing), scientific_m(scientific)
+     {
+       ;
+       ;
+       ;
+       ;
+     }
+   PrintArray(const PrintArray &a)
+     : domainwidth_m(a.domainwidth_m), datawidth_m(a.datawidth_m),
+       dataprecision_m(a.dataprecision_m), carreturn_m(a.carreturn_m),
+       scientific_m(a.scientific_m)
+     {
+     }
+   ~PrintArray()
+     {
+     }
+   template<class S, class A, class DomainType>
+   void print(S &s, const A &a, const DomainType &d) const
+   {
+     Pooma::blockAndEvaluate();
+     PerformPrintArray<S,A,A::dimensions,DomainType>::print(*this, s, a, d);
+   }
+   template<class S, class A>
+   void print(S &s, const A &a) const
+   {
+     Pooma::blockAndEvaluate();
+     PerformPrintArray<S, A, A::dimensions, typename A::Domain_t>::
+       print(*this, s, a, a.totalDomain());
+   }
+   int domainWidth() const
+     {
+       return domainwidth_m;
+     }
+   void setDomainWidth(int val)
+     {
+       domainwidth_m = val;
+       ;
+     }
+   int dataWidth() const
+     {
+       return datawidth_m;
+     }
+   void setDataWidth(int val)
+     {
+       datawidth_m = val;
+       ;
+     }
+   int dataPrecision() const
+     {
+       return dataprecision_m;
+     }
+   void setDataPrecision(int val)
+     {
+       dataprecision_m = val;
+       ;
+     }
+   int carReturn() const
+     {
+       return carreturn_m;
+     }
+   void setCarReturn(int val)
+     {
+       carreturn_m = val;
+     }
+   bool scientific() const
+     {
+       return scientific_m;
+     }
+   void setScientific(bool val)
+     {
+       scientific_m = val;
+     }
+   int spacing() const
+     {
+       return spacing_m;
+     }
+   void setSpacing(int val)
+     {
+       spacing_m = val;
+       ;
+     }
+   void setFormatParameters(PrintArray &pa) {
+     domainwidth_m = pa.domainWidth();
+     datawidth_m = pa.dataWidth();
+     dataprecision_m = pa.dataPrecision();
+     carreturn_m = pa.carReturn();
+     spacing_m = pa.spacing();
+     scientific_m = pa.scientific();
+   }
+ private:
+   int domainwidth_m;
+   int datawidth_m;
+   int dataprecision_m;
+   int carreturn_m;
+   int spacing_m;
+   bool scientific_m;
+ };
+ template<class S, class A, class DomainType>
+ void
+ PerformPrintArray<S,A,1,DomainType>::print(const PrintArray &p, S &s,
+                                            const A &a, const DomainType &d)
+ {
+   PoomaCTAssert<(A::dimensions == 1)>::test();
+   typedef DomainType Domain_t;
+   typedef typename Domain_t::const_iterator Iterator_t;
+   Domain_t domain(d);
+   Iterator_t griditer = domain.begin();
+   Iterator_t enditer = domain.end();
+   if (domain.size() == 1) {
+     s << "(";
+     if (domain[0].first() < 0)
+       s.fill(' ');
+     else
+       s.fill('0');
+     s.width(p.domainWidth());
+     s << domain[0].first();
+     s << ")";
+     s.fill(' ');
+     s << " = ";
+     if (p.scientific())
+       s.setf(std::ios::scientific);
+     s.precision(p.dataPrecision());
+     s.width(p.dataWidth());
+     s << a.read(*griditer);
+     s << std::endl;
+     return;
+   }
+   s << "(";
+   if (domain[0].first() < 0)
+     s.fill(' ');
+   else
+     s.fill('0');
+   s.width(p.domainWidth());
+   s << domain[0].first() << ":";
+   if (domain[0].last() < 0)
+     s.fill(' ');
+   else
+     s.fill('0');
+   s.width(p.domainWidth());
+   s << domain[0].last() << ":";
+   if (domain[0].stride() < 0)
+     s.fill(' ');
+   else
+     s.fill('0');
+   s.width(p.domainWidth());
+   s << domain[0].stride() << ") = ";
+   s.fill(' ');
+   int i, printed = 0;
+   while (griditer != enditer)
+     {
+       int spacing = 0;
+       if (printed > 0)
+  {
+    spacing = p.spacing();
+    if (p.carReturn() >= 0 && printed >= p.carReturn())
+      {
+        s << std::endl;
+        spacing = 3*p.domainWidth() + 7;
+        printed = 0;
+      }
+  }
+       for (i=0; i < spacing; ++i)
+  s << " ";
+       if (p.scientific())
+  s.setf(std::ios::scientific);
+       s.precision(p.dataPrecision());
+       s.width(p.dataWidth());
+       s << a.read(*griditer);
+       ++griditer;
+       ++printed;
+     }
+   s << std::endl;
+ }
+ template<class S, class A, int Dim, class DomainType>
+ void
+ PerformPrintArray<S,A,Dim,DomainType>::print(const PrintArray &p, S &s,
+                                              const A &a, const DomainType &d)
+ {
+   int i, j, k;
+   PoomaCTAssert<(A::dimensions == Dim && Dim > 1)>::test();
+   typedef DomainType Domain_t;
+   typedef typename Domain_t::Element_t Element_t;
+   typedef typename Domain_t::const_iterator Iterator_t;
+   Domain_t domain(d);
+   Iterator_t griditer = domain.begin();
+   Iterator_t enditer = domain.end();
+   if (domain.size() == 1) {
+     s << "(";
+     if (domain[0].first() < 0)
+       s.fill(' ');
+     else
+       s.fill('0');
+     s.width(p.domainWidth());
+     s << domain[0].first();
+     for (int d = 1; d < Dim; d++) {
+       s << ",";
+       if (domain[d].first() < 0)
+         s.fill(' ');
+       else
+         s.fill('0');
+       s.width(p.domainWidth());
+       s << domain[d].first();
+     }
+     s << ")";
+     s.fill(' ');
+     s << " = ";
+     if (p.scientific())
+       s.setf(std::ios::scientific);
+     s.precision(p.dataPrecision());
+     s.width(p.dataWidth());
+     s << a.read(*griditer);
+     s << std::endl;
+     return;
+   }
+   Element_t x0 = domain[0].first();
+   Element_t x1 = domain[0].last();
+   Element_t xs = domain[0].stride();
+   Element_t y0 = domain[1].first();
+   Element_t y1 = domain[1].last();
+   Element_t ys = domain[1].stride();
+   if (Dim > 2) {
+     s << std::endl << "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ";
+     s << "(" << domain[0].first() << ":" << domain[0].last()
+       << ":" << domain[0].stride();
+     for (int d = 1; d < Dim; d++) {
+       s << "," << domain[d].first() << ":" << domain[d].last() << ":"
+         << domain[d].stride();
+     }
+     s << ")" << " ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~" << std::endl;
+   }
+   while (griditer != enditer)
+     {
+       if (Dim > 2) {
+         s << std::endl << "(" << domain[0].first() << ":" << domain[0].last()
+           << ":" << domain[0].stride() << "," << domain[1].first() << ":"
+           << domain[1].last() << ":" << domain[1].stride();
+         for (i=2; i < Dim; ++i)
+           s << "," << (*griditer)[i].first();
+         s << "):" << std::endl;
+         s << "----------------------------------------------------"
+           << std::endl;
+       }
+       for (j=y0; j <= y1; j += ys)
+  {
+    s << "(";
+           if (x0 < 0)
+             s.fill(' ');
+           else
+             s.fill('0');
+           s.width(p.domainWidth());
+           s << x0 << ":";
+           if (x1 < 0)
+             s.fill(' ');
+           else
+             s.fill('0');
+           s.width(p.domainWidth());
+    s << x1 << ":";
+           if (xs < 0)
+             s.fill(' ');
+           else
+             s.fill('0');
+           s.width(p.domainWidth());
+    s << xs;
+    for (i=1; i < Dim; ++i)
+      {
+               s.fill(' ');
+               s << ",";
+               if ((*griditer)[i].first() < 0)
+                 s.fill(' ');
+               else
+                 s.fill('0');
+               s.width(p.domainWidth());
+        s << (*griditer)[i].first();
+      }
+           s << ")";
+    s.fill(' ');
+           s << " = ";
+    int printed = 0;
+    for (i=x0; i <= x1; i += xs)
+      {
+        int spacing = 0;
+        if (printed > 0)
+   {
+     spacing = p.spacing();
+     if (p.carReturn() >= 0 && printed >= p.carReturn())
+       {
+         s << std::endl;
+         spacing = (Dim + 2)*p.domainWidth() + 2 + Dim + 4;
+         printed = 0;
+       }
+   }
+        for (k=0; k < spacing; ++k)
+   s << ' ';
+        if (p.scientific())
+   s.setf(std::ios::scientific);
+        s.precision(p.dataPrecision());
+        s.width(p.dataWidth());
+        typedef typename A::Engine_t::Tag_t Etag_t;
+        Etag_t tag;
+         if(isValidLocation(a,*griditer,tag))
+   s << a.read(*griditer);
+         else
+    s<< ".";
+        ++griditer;
+        ++printed;
+      }
+    s << std::endl;
+  }
+     }
+ }
+ template<class NewDomain, bool sv>
+ struct CombineDomainOpt;
+ template<class NewDomain>
+ struct CombineDomainOpt<NewDomain, true>
+ {
+   typedef typename NewDomain::SliceType_t Type_t;
+   template<class Array, class Sub1>
+   inline static
+   Type_t make(const Array &, const Sub1 &s1)
+   {
+     return Type_t(s1);
+   }
+   template<class Array, class Sub1, class Sub2>
+   inline static
+   Type_t make(const Array &, const Sub1 &s1, const Sub2 &s2)
+   {
+     return Type_t(s1, s2);
+   }
+   template<class Array, class Sub1, class Sub2, class Sub3>
+   inline static
+   Type_t make(const Array &,
+        const Sub1 &s1, const Sub2 &s2, const Sub3 &s3)
+   {
+     return Type_t(s1, s2, s3);
+   }
+   template<class Array, class Sub1, class Sub2, class Sub3,
+     class Sub4>
+   inline static
+   Type_t make(const Array &,
+        const Sub1 &s1, const Sub2 &s2, const Sub3 &s3,
+        const Sub4 &s4)
+   {
+     return Type_t(s1, s2, s3, s4);
+   }
+   template<class Array, class Sub1, class Sub2, class Sub3,
+     class Sub4, class Sub5>
+   inline static
+   Type_t make(const Array &,
+        const Sub1 &s1, const Sub2 &s2, const Sub3 &s3,
+        const Sub4 &s4, const Sub5 &s5)
+   {
+     return Type_t(s1, s2, s3, s4, s5);
+   }
+   template<class Array, class Sub1, class Sub2, class Sub3,
+     class Sub4, class Sub5, class Sub6>
+   inline static
+   Type_t make(const Array &,
+        const Sub1 &s1, const Sub2 &s2, const Sub3 &s3,
+        const Sub4 &s4, const Sub5 &s5, const Sub6 &s6)
+   {
+     return Type_t(s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6);
+   }
+   template<class Array, class Sub1, class Sub2, class Sub3,
+     class Sub4, class Sub5, class Sub6, class Sub7>
+   inline static
+   Type_t make(const Array &,
+        const Sub1 &s1, const Sub2 &s2, const Sub3 &s3,
+        const Sub4 &s4, const Sub5 &s5, const Sub6 &s6,
+        const Sub7 &s7)
+   {
+     return Type_t(s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6, s7);
+   }
+ };
+ template<class NewDomain>
+ struct CombineDomainOpt<NewDomain, false>
+ {
+   typedef typename NewDomain::SliceType_t Type_t;
+   template<class Array, class Sub1>
+   inline static
+   Type_t make(const Array &a, const Sub1 &s1)
+   {
+     return NewDomain::combineSlice(a.totalDomain(), s1);
+   }
+   template<class Array, class Sub1, class Sub2>
+   inline static
+   Type_t make(const Array &a, const Sub1 &s1, const Sub2 &s2)
+   {
+     return NewDomain::combineSlice(a.totalDomain(), s1, s2);
+   }
+   template<class Array, class Sub1, class Sub2, class Sub3>
+   inline static
+   Type_t make(const Array &a,
+        const Sub1 &s1, const Sub2 &s2, const Sub3 &s3)
+   {
+     return NewDomain::combineSlice(a.totalDomain(), s1, s2, s3);
+   }
+   template<class Array, class Sub1, class Sub2, class Sub3,
+     class Sub4>
+   inline static
+   Type_t make(const Array &a,
+        const Sub1 &s1, const Sub2 &s2, const Sub3 &s3,
+        const Sub4 &s4)
+   {
+     return NewDomain::combineSlice(a.totalDomain(), s1, s2, s3, s4);
+   }
+   template<class Array, class Sub1, class Sub2, class Sub3,
+     class Sub4, class Sub5>
+   inline static
+   Type_t make(const Array &a,
+        const Sub1 &s1, const Sub2 &s2, const Sub3 &s3,
+        const Sub4 &s4, const Sub5 &s5)
+   {
+     return NewDomain::combineSlice(a.totalDomain(), s1, s2, s3, s4, s5);
+   }
+   template<class Array, class Sub1, class Sub2, class Sub3,
+     class Sub4, class Sub5, class Sub6>
+   inline static
+   Type_t make(const Array &a,
+        const Sub1 &s1, const Sub2 &s2, const Sub3 &s3,
+        const Sub4 &s4, const Sub5 &s5, const Sub6 &s6)
+   {
+     return NewDomain::combineSlice(a.totalDomain(),
+       s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6);
+   }
+   template<class Array, class Sub1, class Sub2, class Sub3,
+     class Sub4, class Sub5, class Sub6, class Sub7>
+   inline static
+   Type_t make(const Array &a,
+        const Sub1 &s1, const Sub2 &s2, const Sub3 &s3,
+        const Sub4 &s4, const Sub5 &s5, const Sub6 &s6,
+        const Sub7 &s7)
+   {
+     return NewDomain::combineSlice(a.totalDomain(),
+       s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6, s7);
+   }
+ };
+ template <class Tag>
+ struct Remote;
+ template<bool Block>
+ struct DataObjectApply
+ { };
+ template<>
+ struct DataObjectApply<false>
+ {
+   template<class Engine,class Functor>
+   inline static
+   typename Functor::Type_t
+   apply(const Engine&, const Functor& functor)
+   {
+     return functor.defaultValue();
+   }
+ };
+ template<>
+ struct DataObjectApply<true>
+ {
+   template<class Engine, class Functor>
+   inline static
+   typename Functor::Type_t
+   apply(const Engine& engine, const Functor& functor)
+   {
+     return functor(engine.dataObject());
+   }
+   template<int Dim, class T, class Tag, class Functor>
+   inline static
+   typename Functor::Type_t
+   apply(const Engine<Dim, T, Remote<Tag> >& engine, const Functor& functor)
+   {
+     if (engine.engineIsLocal())
+       return functor(engine.localEngine().dataObject());
+     else
+       return functor.defaultValue();
+   }
+ };
+ template<class RequestType>
+ class DataObjectRequest
+ {};
+ template<class Eng, class RequestType>
+ struct EngineFunctorDefault<Eng, DataObjectRequest<RequestType> >
+ {
+   enum { hasDataObject = Eng::hasDataObject };
+   typedef typename DataObjectRequest<RequestType>::Type_t Type_t;
+   static inline
+   Type_t apply(const Eng &e, const DataObjectRequest<RequestType> &request)
+   {
+     return DataObjectApply<hasDataObject>::apply(e, request);
+   }
+ };
+ template<class RequestType,class T>
+ struct EngineFunctorScalar<T, DataObjectRequest<RequestType> >
+ {
+   typedef typename DataObjectRequest<RequestType>::Type_t Type_t;
+   inline static
+   Type_t apply(const T &, const DataObjectRequest<RequestType> &tag)
+   {
+     return tag.defaultValue();
+   }
+ };
+ struct BlockAffinity { };
+ struct AffinityCombine
+ {
+   AffinityCombine() { }
+   AffinityCombine(const AffinityCombine &) { }
+ };
+ template<class Op>
+ struct Combine2<int, int, Op, AffinityCombine>
+ {
+   typedef int Type_t;
+   inline static
+   Type_t combine(int a, int b, AffinityCombine)
+   {
+     return a;
+   }
+ };
+ template<>
+ class DataObjectRequest<BlockAffinity>
+ {
+ public:
+   typedef int Type_t;
+   typedef AffinityCombine Combine_t;
+   DataObjectRequest() { }
+   inline Type_t operator()(Pooma::DataObject_t* obj) const
+   {
+     return obj->affinity();
+   }
+   inline Type_t defaultValue() const
+   {
+     return (-1);
+   }
+ };
+ template<int TotalDim, int SliceDim> class SliceInterval;
+ template<int TotalDim, int SliceDim>
+ struct DomainTraits< SliceInterval<TotalDim,SliceDim> >
+ {
+   enum { domain = true };
+   enum { dimensions = TotalDim,
+   sliceDimensions = SliceDim };
+   enum { unitStride = true };
+   enum { singleValued = false };
+   enum { wildcard = false };
+   typedef SliceInterval<TotalDim,SliceDim> Domain_t;
+   typedef SliceInterval<TotalDim,SliceDim> NewDomain1_t;
+   typedef Interval<SliceDim> SliceDomain_t;
+   typedef Interval<TotalDim> TotalDomain_t;
+   typedef Interval<1> OneDomain_t;
+   typedef Interval<1> PointDomain_t;
+   static OneDomain_t &getDomain(Domain_t &d, int n) {
+     return d.totalDomain()[n];
+   }
+   static const OneDomain_t &getDomain(const Domain_t &d,int n) {
+     return d.totalDomain()[n];
+   }
+   static OneDomain_t &getSliceDomain(Domain_t &d, int n) {
+     return d.sliceDomain()[n];
+   }
+   static const OneDomain_t &getSliceDomain(const Domain_t &d, int n) {
+     return d.sliceDomain()[n];
+   }
+   static PointDomain_t &getPointDomain(Domain_t &d, int n) {
+     return getDomain(d, n);
+   }
+   static const PointDomain_t &getPointDomain(const Domain_t &d, int n) {
+     return getDomain(d, n);
+   }
+   static void cantIgnoreDomain(Domain_t &d, int n) {
+     d.cantIgnoreDomain(n);
+   }
+   static bool getIgnorable(const Domain_t &d, int n) {
+     return d.ignorable(n);
+   }
+   static void setIgnorable(Domain_t &d, int n, bool i) {
+     d.ignorable(n) = i;
+   }
+ };
+ template<int Dim, int SliceDim>
+ class SliceInterval
+   : public SliceDomain<DomainTraits<SliceInterval<Dim,SliceDim> > >
+ {
+ public:
+   SliceInterval() { }
+   SliceInterval(const Pooma::NoInit &d)
+     : SliceDomain<DomainTraits<SliceInterval<Dim,SliceDim> > >(d) { }
+   SliceInterval(const SliceInterval<Dim,SliceDim> &nd)
+     : SliceDomain<DomainTraits<SliceInterval<Dim,SliceDim> > >(nd) {
+   }
+   template <class Base, class D1, class D2>
+   SliceInterval(const Base &baseDomain, const D1 &d1, const D2 &d2)
+     : SliceDomain<DomainTraits<SliceInterval<Dim,SliceDim> > > (
+         Pooma::NoInit())
+   {
+       typedef NewDomain2<D1,D2> NewDomain_t;
+       typedef typename NewDomain_t::SliceType_t SliceType_t;
+       PoomaCTAssert<(DomainTraits<SliceType_t>::dimensions == Dim)>::test();
+       PoomaCTAssert<(DomainTraits<SliceType_t>::sliceDimensions == SliceDim)>::test();
+       NewDomain_t::fillSlice(*this, baseDomain, d1, d2);
+   }
+   template <class Base, class D1, class D2, class D3>
+   SliceInterval(const Base &baseDomain, const D1 &d1, const D2 &d2,
+                 const D3 &d3)
+     : SliceDomain<DomainTraits<SliceInterval<Dim,SliceDim> > > (
+         Pooma::NoInit())
+   {
+       typedef NewDomain3<D1,D2,D3> NewDomain_t;
+       typedef typename NewDomain_t::SliceType_t SliceType_t;
+       PoomaCTAssert<(DomainTraits<SliceType_t>::dimensions == Dim)>::test();
+       PoomaCTAssert<(DomainTraits<SliceType_t>::sliceDimensions == SliceDim)>::test();
+       NewDomain_t::fillSlice(*this, baseDomain, d1, d2, d3);
+   }
+   template <class Base, class D1, class D2, class D3,
+             class D4>
+   SliceInterval(const Base &baseDomain, const D1 &d1, const D2 &d2,
+                 const D3 &d3, const D4 &d4)
+     : SliceDomain<DomainTraits<SliceInterval<Dim,SliceDim> > > (
+         Pooma::NoInit())
+   {
+       typedef NewDomain4<D1,D2,D3,D4> NewDomain_t;
+       typedef typename NewDomain_t::SliceType_t SliceType_t;
+       PoomaCTAssert<(DomainTraits<SliceType_t>::dimensions == Dim)>::test();
+       PoomaCTAssert<(DomainTraits<SliceType_t>::sliceDimensions == SliceDim)>::test();
+       NewDomain_t::fillSlice(*this, baseDomain, d1, d2, d3, d4);
+   }
+   template <class Base, class D1, class D2, class D3,
+             class D4, class D5>
+   SliceInterval(const Base &baseDomain, const D1 &d1, const D2 &d2,
+                 const D3 &d3, const D4 &d4, const D5 &d5)
+     : SliceDomain<DomainTraits<SliceInterval<Dim,SliceDim> > > (
+         Pooma::NoInit())
+   {
+       typedef NewDomain5<D1,D2,D3,D4,D5> NewDomain_t;
+       typedef typename NewDomain_t::SliceType_t SliceType_t;
+       PoomaCTAssert<(DomainTraits<SliceType_t>::dimensions == Dim)>::test();
+       PoomaCTAssert<(DomainTraits<SliceType_t>::sliceDimensions == SliceDim)>::test();
+       NewDomain_t::fillSlice(*this, baseDomain, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5);
+   }
+   template <class Base, class D1, class D2, class D3,
+             class D4, class D5, class D6>
+   SliceInterval(const Base &baseDomain, const D1 &d1, const D2 &d2,
+                 const D3 &d3, const D4 &d4, const D5 &d5, const D6 &d6)
+     : SliceDomain<DomainTraits<SliceInterval<Dim,SliceDim> > > (
+         Pooma::NoInit())
+   {
+       typedef NewDomain6<D1,D2,D3,D4,D5,D6> NewDomain_t;
+       typedef typename NewDomain_t::SliceType_t SliceType_t;
+       PoomaCTAssert<(DomainTraits<SliceType_t>::dimensions == Dim)>::test();
+       PoomaCTAssert<(DomainTraits<SliceType_t>::sliceDimensions == SliceDim)>::test();
+       NewDomain_t::fillSlice(*this, baseDomain, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5, d6);
+   }
+   template <class Base, class D1, class D2, class D3,
+             class D4, class D5, class D6, class D7>
+   SliceInterval(const Base &baseDomain, const D1 &d1, const D2 &d2,
+                 const D3 &d3, const D4 &d4, const D5 &d5, const D6 &d6,
+                 const D7 &d7)
+     : SliceDomain<DomainTraits<SliceInterval<Dim,SliceDim> > > (
+         Pooma::NoInit())
+   {
+       typedef NewDomain7<D1,D2,D3,D4,D5,D6,D7> NewDomain_t;
+       typedef typename NewDomain_t::SliceType_t SliceType_t;
+       PoomaCTAssert<(DomainTraits<SliceType_t>::dimensions == Dim)>::test();
+       PoomaCTAssert<(DomainTraits<SliceType_t>::sliceDimensions == SliceDim)>::test();
+       NewDomain_t::fillSlice(*this, baseDomain, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5, d6, d7);
+   }
+   ~SliceInterval() { }
+   SliceInterval<Dim,SliceDim> &
+     operator=(const SliceInterval<Dim,SliceDim> &nd) {
+       SliceDomain<DomainTraits<SliceInterval<Dim,SliceDim> > >::operator=(nd);
+       return *this;
+   }
+ protected:
+ private:
+ };
+ struct DomainTag { };
+ template<int Dim>
+ class DomainLayout
+ {
+ public:
+   typedef DomainLayout<Dim> This_t;
+   typedef Interval<Dim> Domain_t;
+   typedef Node<Domain_t> Value_t;
+   typedef DynamicEvents::PatchID_t PatchID_t;
+   typedef DynamicEvents::CreateSize_t CreateSize_t;
+   typedef GuardLayers<Dim> GuardLayers_t;
+   typedef Value_t *iterator;
+   typedef const Value_t *const_iterator;
+   enum { dimensions = Dim };
+   enum { dynamic = false };
+   inline DomainLayout()
+     {
+     }
+   explicit DomainLayout(const Domain_t &dom)
+     : node_m(0, dom, Pooma::context(), 0, 0)
+     {
+     }
+   DomainLayout(const Domain_t &dom, const GuardLayers_t &g)
+     : node_m(0, dom, grow(dom, g), Pooma::context(), 0, 0)
+     {
+     }
+   explicit DomainLayout(const Value_t &node)
+     : node_m(node)
+     {
+     }
+   DomainLayout(const This_t &layout)
+     : node_m(layout.node_m)
+     {
+     }
+   void initialize(const Domain_t &dom)
+     {
+       node_m = Value_t(0, dom, Pooma::context(), 0, 0);
+     }
+   void initialize(const Domain_t &dom, const GuardLayers_t &g)
+     {
+       node_m = Value_t(0, dom, grow(dom, g), Pooma::context(), 0, 0);
+     }
+   void initialize(const This_t &layout)
+   {
+     node_m = layout.node_m;
+   }
+   inline ~DomainLayout()
+     {
+     }
+   inline bool initialized() const
+     {
+       return domain().initialized();
+     }
+   inline int first(int d) const { return innerDomain()[d].first(); }
+   inline Value_t &node()
+     {
+       return node_m;
+     }
+   inline const Value_t &node() const
+     {
+       return node_m;
+     }
+   inline Loc<Dim> blocks() const { return Loc<Dim>(1); }
+   inline const Domain_t &domain() const
+     {
+       return node_m.allocated();
+     }
+   inline const Domain_t &innerDomain() const
+   {
+     return node_m.domain();
+   }
+   inline const Domain_t &allocated() const
+     {
+       return node_m.allocated();
+     }
+   inline GuardLayers_t internalGuards() const
+   {
+     return GuardLayers_t(0);
+   }
+   inline GuardLayers_t externalGuards() const
+   {
+     GuardLayers_t gl;
+     for (int i = 0; i < Dim; i++)
+       {
+         gl.lower(i) = node_m.domain()[i].min() - node_m.allocated()[i].min();
+         gl.upper(i) = node_m.allocated()[i].max() - node_m.domain()[i].max();
+       }
+     return gl;
+   }
+   inline const Domain_t &domain(int i) const
+   {
+     ;
+     return node_m.allocated();
+   }
+  inline const Domain_t &ownedDomain(int i) const
+   {
+     ;
+     return node_m.domain();
+   }
+   inline const Domain_t &allocatedDomain(int i) const
+     {
+       ;
+       return node_m.allocated();
+     }
+   template<class L>
+   inline bool operator==(const L &layout) const
+     {
+       return (domain() == layout.domain());
+     }
+   template<class L>
+   inline bool operator!=(const L &layout) const
+     {
+       return !(*this == layout);
+     }
+   inline iterator begin()
+     {
+       return &node_m;
+     }
+   inline iterator end()
+     {
+       return &node_m + 1;
+     }
+   inline const_iterator begin() const
+     {
+       return &node_m;
+     }
+   inline const_iterator end() const
+     {
+       return &node_m + 1;
+     }
+   inline long size() const
+     {
+       return 1;
+     }
+   inline iterator beginLocal()
+     {
+       return begin();
+     }
+   inline iterator endLocal()
+     {
+       return end();
+     }
+   inline const_iterator beginLocal() const
+     {
+       return begin();
+     }
+   inline const_iterator endLocal() const
+     {
+       return end();
+     }
+   inline long sizeLocal() const
+     {
+       return size();
+     }
+   inline iterator beginGlobal()
+     {
+       return begin();
+     }
+   inline iterator endGlobal()
+     {
+       return end();
+     }
+   inline const_iterator beginGlobal() const
+     {
+       return begin();
+     }
+   inline const_iterator endGlobal() const
+     {
+       return end();
+     }
+   inline long sizeGlobal() const
+     {
+       return size();
+     }
+   inline iterator beginRemote()
+     {
+       return iterator(0);
+     }
+   inline iterator endRemote()
+     {
+       return iterator(0);
+     }
+   inline const_iterator beginRemote() const
+     {
+       return const_iterator(0);
+     }
+   inline const_iterator endRemote() const
+     {
+       return const_iterator(0);
+     }
+   inline long sizeRemote() const
+     {
+       return 0;
+     }
+   inline int globalID(const Loc<Dim> &loc) const
+     {
+       ;
+       return 0;
+     }
+   inline int globalID(int i1) const
+     {
+       return globalID(Loc<1>(i1));
+     }
+   inline int globalID(int i1, int i2) const
+     {
+       return globalID(Loc<2>(i1, i2));
+     }
+   inline int globalID(int i1, int i2, int i3) const
+     {
+       return globalID(Loc<3>(i1, i2, i3));
+     }
+   inline int globalID(int i1, int i2, int i3, int i4) const
+     {
+       return globalID(Loc<4>(i1, i2, i3, i4));
+     }
+   inline int globalID(int i1, int i2, int i3, int i4, int i5) const
+     {
+       return globalID(Loc<5>(i1, i2, i3, i4, i5));
+     }
+   inline int globalID(int i1, int i2, int i3, int i4, int i5,
+         int i6) const
+     {
+       return globalID(Loc<6>(i1, i2, i3, i4, i5, i6));
+     }
+   inline int globalID(int i1, int i2, int i3, int i4, int i5,
+         int i6, int i7) const
+     {
+       return globalID(Loc<7>(i1, i2, i3, i4, i5, i6, i7));
+     }
+   template<class OtherDomain, class OutIter, class ConstructTag>
+   int touches(const OtherDomain &d, OutIter o, ConstructTag ctag) const;
+   template<class OtherDomain, class OutIter, class ConstructTag>
+   inline int touchesLocal(const OtherDomain &d, OutIter o,
+                           const ConstructTag &ctag) const
+     {
+       return touches(d, o, ctag);
+     }
+   template<class OtherDomain, class OutIter, class ConstructTag>
+   inline int touchesRemote(const OtherDomain &, OutIter,
+       const ConstructTag &) const
+     {
+       return 0;
+     }
+   template<class OtherDomain, class OutIter>
+   inline int touches(const OtherDomain &d, OutIter o) const
+     {
+       return touches(d, o, TouchesConstructNodeObj());
+     }
+   template<class OtherDomain, class OutIter>
+   inline int touchesLocal(const OtherDomain &d, OutIter o) const
+     {
+       return touchesLocal(d, o, TouchesConstructNodeObj());
+     }
+   template<class OtherDomain, class OutIter>
+   inline int touchesRemote(const OtherDomain &d, OutIter o) const
+     {
+       return touchesRemote(d, o, TouchesConstructNodeObj());
+     }
+   template<class Out>
+   void print(Out &o) const
+     {
+       o << "DomainLayout: Node = " << node_m;
+     }
+ private:
+   Value_t node_m;
+ };
+ template<int Dim>
+ template<class OtherDomain, class OutIter, class ConstructTag>
+ int DomainLayout<Dim>::touches(const OtherDomain &d, OutIter o,
+           ConstructTag ctag) const
+ {
+   int i, count = 0;
+   typedef typename IntersectReturnType<Domain_t,OtherDomain>::Type_t
+     OutDomain_t;
+   typedef Node<OutDomain_t> OutNode_t;
+   OutDomain_t outDomain = intersect(d, domain());
+   if (!outDomain.empty())
+     {
+       ++count;
+       *o = touchesConstruct(outDomain,
+        node().affinity(),
+        node().context(),
+        node().globalID(),
+        node().localID(),
+        ctag);
+     }
+   return count;
+ }
+ template <int Dim>
+ std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &o, const DomainLayout<Dim> &layout)
+ {
+   layout.print(o);
+   return o;
+ }
+ template<int Dim>
+ struct NewDomain1< DomainLayout<Dim> >
+ {
+   typedef DomainLayout<Dim> &Type_t;
+   inline static Type_t combine(const DomainLayout<Dim> &a)
+     {
+       return const_cast<Type_t>(a);
+     }
+ };
+ namespace Pooma {
+ template <int Dim> class BrickViewBase;
+ template <int pos, int max>
+ struct OffsetCalc
+ {
+  template <class Dom>
+  static inline int apply(const Dom& dom, const int *strides_m)
+  {
+   return dom[pos].first()*strides_m[pos]
+    + OffsetCalc<pos+1,max>::apply(dom, strides_m);
+  }
+ };
+ template <int end>
+ struct OffsetCalc<end, end>
+ {
+  template <class Dom>
+  static inline int apply(const Dom& dom, const int *strides_m)
+  {
+   return dom[end].first()*strides_m[end];
+  }
+ };
+ template <>
+ struct OffsetCalc<1, 0>
+ {
+  template <class Dom>
+  static inline int apply(const Dom& dom, const int *strides_m)
+  {
+   return 0;
+  }
+ };
+ template <int Dim>
+ class BrickBase
+ {
+ public:
+   typedef Interval<Dim> Domain_t;
+   typedef DomainLayout<Dim> Layout_t;
+   typedef BrickBase<Dim> This_t;
+   enum { dimensions = Dim };
+   enum { brick = true };
+   enum { zeroBased = false };
+   explicit BrickBase(bool compressible = false)
+     : compressibleBase_m(compressible)
+   { }
+   explicit BrickBase(const Domain_t &dom, bool compressible = false)
+     : layout_m(dom), compressibleBase_m(compressible)
+   {
+     init();
+   }
+   explicit BrickBase(const Node<Domain_t> &node, bool compressible = false)
+     : layout_m(node), compressibleBase_m(compressible)
+   {
+     init();
+   }
+   explicit BrickBase(const Layout_t &layout, bool compressible = false)
+     : layout_m(layout), compressibleBase_m(compressible)
+   {
+     init();
+   }
+   ~BrickBase() {}
+   inline const Domain_t &domain() const { return layout_m.domain(); }
+   inline const Layout_t &layout() const { return layout_m; }
+   inline const int *strides() const { return &strides_m[0]; }
+   inline const int *originalStrides() const { return &ostrides_m[0]; }
+   int first(int i) const { return layout_m.domain()[i].first(); }
+   bool compressibleBase() const { return compressibleBase_m; }
+   template <class Domain>
+   inline int offset(const Domain &dom) const
+   { return off_m + offset0(dom); }
+   template <class Domain>
+   inline int offset0(const Domain &dom) const
+   {
+     PoomaCTAssert<(Domain::dimensions == Dim)>::test();
+     return dom[0].first() + OffsetCalc<1, Dim-1>::apply(dom, strides_m);
+   }
+   template <class Domain>
+   inline int offsetC(const Domain &dom) const
+   {
+     PoomaCTAssert<(Domain::dimensions == Dim)>::test();
+     return OffsetCalc<0, Dim-1>::apply(dom, strides_m);
+   }
+   inline int offset() const
+   { return off_m; }
+   inline int baseOffset() const
+   { return off_m; }
+   inline int offset(int i0) const
+   { return off_m + i0; }
+   inline int offset(int i0, int i1) const
+   { return off_m + i0 + i1*strides_m[1]; }
+   inline int offset(int i0, int i1, int i2) const
+   { return off_m + i0 + i1*strides_m[1] + i2*strides_m[2]; }
+   inline int offset(int i0, int i1, int i2, int i3) const
+   { return off_m + i0 + i1*strides_m[1] + i2*strides_m[2] + i3*strides_m[3]; }
+   inline int offset(int i0, int i1, int i2, int i3, int i4) const
+   { return off_m + i0 + i1*strides_m[1] + i2*strides_m[2] + i3*strides_m[3]
+                       + i4*strides_m[4]; }
+   inline int offset(int i0, int i1, int i2, int i3, int i4, int i5) const
+   { return off_m + i0 + i1*strides_m[1] + i2*strides_m[2] + i3*strides_m[3]
+                       + i4*strides_m[4] + i5*strides_m[5]; }
+   inline int offset(int i0, int i1, int i2, int i3, int i4, int i5, int i6)
+   const
+   { return off_m + i0 + i1*strides_m[1] + i2*strides_m[2] + i3*strides_m[3]
+                       + i4*strides_m[4] + i5*strides_m[5] + i6*strides_m[6]; }
+   inline int offset0(int i0) const
+   { return i0; }
+   inline int offset0(int i0, int i1) const
+   { return i0 + i1*strides_m[1]; }
+   inline int offset0(int i0, int i1, int i2) const
+   { return i0 + i1*strides_m[1] + i2*strides_m[2]; }
+   inline int offset0(int i0, int i1, int i2, int i3) const
+   { return i0 + i1*strides_m[1] + i2*strides_m[2] + i3*strides_m[3]; }
+   inline int offset0(int i0, int i1, int i2, int i3, int i4) const
+   { return i0 + i1*strides_m[1] + i2*strides_m[2] + i3*strides_m[3]
+               + i4*strides_m[4]; }
+   inline int offset0(int i0, int i1, int i2, int i3, int i4, int i5) const
+   { return i0 + i1*strides_m[1] + i2*strides_m[2] + i3*strides_m[3]
+               + i4*strides_m[4] + i5*strides_m[5]; }
+   inline int offset0(int i0, int i1, int i2, int i3, int i4, int i5, int i6)
+   const
+   { return i0 + i1*strides_m[1] + i2*strides_m[2] + i3*strides_m[3]
+               + i4*strides_m[4] + i5*strides_m[5] + i6*strides_m[6]; }
+   inline int offsetC(int i0) const
+   { return i0*strides_m[0]; }
+   inline int offsetC(int i0, int i1) const
+   { return i0*strides_m[0] + i1*strides_m[1]; }
+   inline int offsetC(int i0, int i1, int i2) const
+   { return i0*strides_m[0] + i1*strides_m[1] + i2*strides_m[2]; }
+   inline int offsetC(int i0, int i1, int i2, int i3) const
+   { return i0*strides_m[0] + i1*strides_m[1] + i2*strides_m[2]
+          + i3*strides_m[3]; }
+   inline int offsetC(int i0, int i1, int i2, int i3, int i4) const
+   { return i0*strides_m[0] + i1*strides_m[1] + i2*strides_m[2]
+          + i3*strides_m[3] + i4*strides_m[4]; }
+   inline int offsetC(int i0, int i1, int i2, int i3, int i4, int i5) const
+   { return i0*strides_m[0] + i1*strides_m[1] + i2*strides_m[2]
+          + i3*strides_m[3] + i4*strides_m[4] + i5*strides_m[5]; }
+   inline int offsetC(int i0, int i1, int i2, int i3, int i4, int i5, int i6)
+   const
+   { return i0*strides_m[0] + i1*strides_m[1] + i2*strides_m[2]
+          + i3*strides_m[3] + i4*strides_m[4] + i5*strides_m[5]
+          + i6*strides_m[6]; }
+ protected:
+   void init()
+   {
+     strides_m[0] = 1;
+     ostrides_m[0] = 1;
+     off_m = -domain()[0].first();
+     for (int d = 1; d < Dim; ++d) {
+       strides_m[d] = strides_m[d-1]*domain()[d-1].length();
+       ostrides_m[d] = strides_m[d];
+       off_m -= domain()[d].first()*strides_m[d];
+     }
+   }
+   void zeroStrides()
+   { for (int d = 0; d < Dim; ++d) strides_m[d] = 0; }
+   void restoreStrides()
+   { for (int d = 0; d < Dim; ++d) strides_m[d] = ostrides_m[d]; }
+   Layout_t layout_m;
+   int strides_m[Dim];
+   int ostrides_m[Dim];
+   int off_m;
+   bool compressibleBase_m;
+ };
+ template <int Dim>
+ class BrickViewBase
+ {
+ public:
+   enum { dimensions = Dim };
+   enum { zeroBased = true };
+   typedef Interval<Dim> Domain_t;
+   typedef DomainLayout<Dim> Layout_t;
+   BrickViewBase() {}
+   typedef BrickViewBase<Dim> This_t;
+   BrickViewBase(const This_t &bvbase, bool compressible)
+   {
+     *this = bvbase;
+     compressibleBase_m = compressible;
+     if (!compressible) restoreStrides();
+   }
+   BrickViewBase(const BrickBase<Dim> &base, bool compressible)
+   {
+     *this = BrickViewBase<Dim>(base, base.domain());
+     compressibleBase_m = compressible;
+     if (!compressible) restoreStrides();
+   }
+   BrickViewBase(const BrickBase<Dim> &bbase, const Interval<Dim> &dom)
+     : domain_m(Pooma::NoInit()),
+       baseOffset_m(bbase.offset()),
+       compressibleBase_m(bbase.compressibleBase())
+   {
+     viewInit(bbase, dom);
+   }
+   BrickViewBase(const BrickBase<Dim> &bbase, const Range<Dim> &dom)
+     : domain_m(Pooma::NoInit()),
+       baseOffset_m(bbase.offset()),
+       compressibleBase_m(bbase.compressibleBase())
+   {
+     viewInit(bbase, dom);
+   }
+   BrickViewBase(const This_t &bvbase, const Interval<Dim> &domain)
+     : domain_m(Pooma::NoInit()),
+       baseOffset_m(bvbase.baseOffset()),
+       compressibleBase_m(bvbase.compressibleBase())
+   {
+     viewInit(bvbase, domain);
+   }
+   BrickViewBase(const This_t &bvbase, const Range<Dim> &domain)
+     : domain_m(Pooma::NoInit()),
+       baseOffset_m(bvbase.baseOffset()),
+       compressibleBase_m(bvbase.compressibleBase())
+   {
+     viewInit(bvbase, domain);
+   }
+   template<int BaseDim>
+   BrickViewBase(const BrickBase<BaseDim> &bbase,
+   const SliceRange<BaseDim,Dim> &dom)
+     : domain_m(Pooma::NoInit()),
+       baseOffset_m(bbase.offset()),
+       compressibleBase_m(bbase.compressibleBase())
+   {
+     sliceInit(bbase.originalStrides(), dom);
+   }
+   template<int BaseDim>
+   BrickViewBase(const BrickBase<BaseDim> &bbase,
+   const SliceInterval<BaseDim,Dim> &dom)
+     : domain_m(Pooma::NoInit()),
+       baseOffset_m(bbase.offset()),
+       compressibleBase_m(bbase.compressibleBase())
+   {
+     sliceInit(bbase.originalStrides(), SliceRange<BaseDim,Dim>(dom));
+   }
+   template<int SliceDim>
+   BrickViewBase(const BrickBase<SliceDim> &bbase,
+   const SliceInterval<Dim,SliceDim> &dom,
+   const Interval<Dim> &totalDomain)
+     : domain_m(Pooma::NoInit()),
+       baseOffset_m(bbase.offset()),
+       compressibleBase_m(bbase.compressibleBase())
+   {
+     sliceInit(bbase.originalStrides(), dom, totalDomain);
+   }
+   template<int SliceDim>
+   BrickViewBase(const BrickViewBase<SliceDim> &bvbase,
+   const SliceInterval<Dim,SliceDim> &dom,
+   const Interval<Dim> &totalDomain)
+     : domain_m(Pooma::NoInit()),
+       baseOffset_m(bvbase.baseOffset())
+   {
+     sliceInit(bvbase, dom, totalDomain);
+   }
+   template <int BaseDim>
+   BrickViewBase(const BrickViewBase<BaseDim> &bvbase,
+                 const SliceRange<BaseDim,Dim> &dom)
+   : domain_m(Pooma::NoInit()),
+     baseOffset_m(bvbase.baseOffset())
+   {
+     sliceInit(bvbase, dom);
+   }
+   template <int BaseDim>
+   BrickViewBase(const BrickViewBase<BaseDim> &bvbase,
+                 const SliceInterval<BaseDim,Dim> &dom)
+   : domain_m(Pooma::NoInit()),
+     baseOffset_m(bvbase.baseOffset())
+   {
+     sliceInit(bvbase, SliceRange<BaseDim,Dim>(dom));
+   }
+   ~BrickViewBase() {}
+   inline const Domain_t &domain() const { return domain_m; }
+   inline Layout_t layout() const { return Layout_t(domain_m); }
+   inline const int *strides() const { return &strides_m[0]; }
+   inline const int *originalStrides() const { return &ostrides_m[0]; }
+   inline int first(int) const { return 0; }
+   bool compressibleBase() const { return compressibleBase_m; }
+   int baseOffset() const { return baseOffset_m; }
+   template <class Domain>
+   inline int offset(const Domain &dom) const
+   {
+     PoomaCTAssert<(Domain::dimensions == Dim)>::test();
+     return OffsetCalc<0, Dim-1>::apply(dom, strides_m);
+   }
+   inline int offset(int i0) const
+   { return i0*strides_m[0]; }
+   inline int offset(int i0, int i1) const
+   { return i0*strides_m[0] + i1*strides_m[1]; }
+   inline int offset(int i0, int i1, int i2) const
+   { return i0*strides_m[0] + i1*strides_m[1] + i2*strides_m[2]; }
+   inline int offset(int i0, int i1, int i2, int i3) const
+   { return i0*strides_m[0] + i1*strides_m[1] + i2*strides_m[2]
+          + i3*strides_m[3]; }
+   inline int offset(int i0, int i1, int i2, int i3, int i4) const
+   { return i0*strides_m[0] + i1*strides_m[1] + i2*strides_m[2]
+          + i3*strides_m[3] + i4*strides_m[4]; }
+   inline int offset(int i0, int i1, int i2, int i3, int i4, int i5) const
+   { return i0*strides_m[0] + i1*strides_m[1] + i2*strides_m[2]
+          + i3*strides_m[3] + i4*strides_m[4] + i5*strides_m[5]; }
+   inline int offset(int i0, int i1, int i2, int i3, int i4, int i5, int i6)
+     const
+   { return i0*strides_m[0] + i1*strides_m[1] + i2*strides_m[2]
+          + i3*strides_m[3] + i4*strides_m[4] + i5*strides_m[5]
+          + i6*strides_m[6]; }
+   template <class Domain>
+   inline int offsetU(const Domain &dom) const
+   {
+     PoomaCTAssert<(Domain::dimensions == Dim)>::test();
+     return dom[0].first() + OffsetCalc<1, Dim-1>::apply(dom, strides_m);
+   }
+   inline int offsetU(int i0) const
+   { return i0; }
+   inline int offsetU(int i0, int i1) const
+   { return i0 + i1*strides_m[1]; }
+   inline int offsetU(int i0, int i1, int i2) const
+   { return i0 + i1*strides_m[1] + i2*strides_m[2]; }
+   inline int offsetU(int i0, int i1, int i2, int i3) const
+   { return i0 + i1*strides_m[1] + i2*strides_m[2]
+          + i3*strides_m[3]; }
+   inline int offsetU(int i0, int i1, int i2, int i3, int i4) const
+   { return i0 + i1*strides_m[1] + i2*strides_m[2]
+          + i3*strides_m[3] + i4*strides_m[4]; }
+   inline int offsetU(int i0, int i1, int i2, int i3, int i4, int i5) const
+   { return i0 + i1*strides_m[1] + i2*strides_m[2]
+          + i3*strides_m[3] + i4*strides_m[4] + i5*strides_m[5]; }
+   inline int offsetU(int i0, int i1, int i2, int i3, int i4, int i5, int i6)
+     const
+   { return i0 + i1*strides_m[1] + i2*strides_m[2]
+          + i3*strides_m[3] + i4*strides_m[4] + i5*strides_m[5]
+          + i6*strides_m[6]; }
+ protected:
+   void zeroStrides()
+   { for (int d = 0; d < Dim; ++d) strides_m[d] = 0; }
+   void restoreStrides()
+   { for (int d = 0; d < Dim; ++d) strides_m[d] = ostrides_m[d]; }
+   template<int BaseDim>
+   void sliceInit(const int *baseStrides,
+    const SliceRange<BaseDim,Dim> &dom);
+   template<int SliceDim>
+   void sliceInit(const int *baseStrides,
+    const SliceInterval<Dim,SliceDim> &dom,
+    const Interval<Dim> &totalDomain);
+   template<int BaseDim>
+   void sliceInit(const BrickViewBase<BaseDim>&, const SliceRange<BaseDim, Dim>&);
+   template<int SliceDim>
+   void sliceInit(const BrickViewBase<SliceDim>&, const SliceInterval<Dim, SliceDim>&,
+    const Interval<Dim> &totalDomain);
+   void viewInit(const This_t &, const Range<Dim> &domain);
+   void viewInit(const BrickBase<Dim> &bbase, const Range<Dim> &domain);
+   void viewInit(const This_t &bvbase, const Interval<Dim> &domain)
+   {
+     for (int d = 0; d < Dim; ++d)
+     {
+       domain_m[d] = Interval<1>(domain[d].length());
+       strides_m[d] = bvbase.ostrides_m[d];
+       ostrides_m[d] = strides_m[d];
+       baseOffset_m += domain[d].first() * bvbase.ostrides_m[d];
+     }
+   }
+   void viewInit(const BrickBase<Dim> &bbase, const Interval<Dim> &domain)
+   {
+     for (int d = 0; d < Dim; ++d)
+     {
+       domain_m[d] = Interval<1>(domain[d].length());
+       strides_m[d] = bbase.originalStrides()[d];
+       ostrides_m[d] = strides_m[d];
+       baseOffset_m += domain[d].first() * bbase.originalStrides()[d];
+     }
+   }
+   Domain_t domain_m;
+   int strides_m[Dim];
+   int ostrides_m[Dim];
+   int baseOffset_m;
+   bool compressibleBase_m;
+ };
+ template <int Dim>
+ void
+ BrickViewBase<Dim>::
+ viewInit(const This_t &bvbase, const Range<Dim> &domain)
+ {
+   for (int d = 0; d < Dim; ++d)
+     {
+       domain_m[d] = Interval<1>(domain[d].length());
+       strides_m[d] = bvbase.ostrides_m[d] * domain[d].stride();
+       baseOffset_m += domain[d].first() * bvbase.ostrides_m[d];
+     }
+   for (int d = 0; d < Dim; ++d)
+     ostrides_m[d] = strides_m[d];
+ }
+ template <int Dim>
+ void
+ BrickViewBase<Dim>::
+ viewInit(const BrickBase<Dim> &bbase, const Range<Dim> &domain)
+ {
+   for (int d = 0; d < Dim; ++d)
+   {
+     domain_m[d] = Interval<1>(domain[d].length());
+     strides_m[d] = bbase.originalStrides()[d] * domain[d].stride();
+     ostrides_m[d] = strides_m[d];
+     baseOffset_m += domain[d].first() * bbase.originalStrides()[d];
+   }
+ }
+ template <int Dim>
+ template<int BaseDim>
+ void
+ BrickViewBase<Dim>::
+ sliceInit(const int *baseStrides,
+    const SliceRange<BaseDim,Dim> &dom)
+ {
+   typedef typename SliceRange<BaseDim,Dim>::TotalDomain_t TotalDomain_t;
+   const TotalDomain_t &domain = dom.totalDomain();
+   int d = 0;
+   for (int dt = 0; dt < BaseDim; ++dt)
+   {
+     if (!dom.ignorable(dt))
+     {
+       ;
+       domain_m[d] = Interval<1>(domain[dt].length());
+       strides_m[d] = baseStrides[dt] * domain[dt].stride();
+       ++d;
+     }
+     baseOffset_m += domain[dt].first() * baseStrides[dt];
+   }
+   ;
+   for (int d = 0; d < Dim; ++d)
+     ostrides_m[d] = strides_m[d];
+ }
+ template <int Dim>
+ template<int SliceDim>
+ void
+ BrickViewBase<Dim>::
+ sliceInit(const int *baseStrides,
+    const SliceInterval<Dim,SliceDim> &dom,
+    const Interval<Dim> &domain)
+ {
+   int dt = 0;
+   for (int d = 0; d < Dim; ++d)
+   {
+     domain_m[d] = Interval<1>(domain[d].length());
+     if (!dom.ignorable(d))
+     {
+       ;
+       strides_m[d] = baseStrides[dt];
+       baseOffset_m += domain[dt].first() * baseStrides[dt];
+       ++dt;
+     } else {
+       strides_m[d] = 0;
+     }
+   }
+   ;
+   for (int d = 0; d < Dim; ++d)
+     ostrides_m[d] = strides_m[d];
+ }
+ template <int Dim>
+ template<int SliceDim>
+ void
+ BrickViewBase<Dim>::
+ sliceInit(const BrickViewBase<SliceDim>& bvbase,
+    const SliceInterval<Dim,SliceDim> &dom,
+    const Interval<Dim> &domain)
+ {
+   int dt = 0;
+   for (int d = 0; d < Dim; ++d)
+   {
+     domain_m[d] = Interval<1>(domain[d].length());
+     if (!dom.ignorable(d))
+     {
+       ;
+       strides_m[d] = bvbase.originalStrides()[dt];
+       baseOffset_m += domain[dt].first() * bvbase.originalStrides()[dt];
+       ++dt;
+     } else {
+       strides_m[d] = 0;
+     }
+   }
+   ;
+   for (int d = 0; d < Dim; ++d)
+     ostrides_m[d] = strides_m[d];
+ }
+ template <int Dim>
+ template<int BaseDim>
+ void
+ BrickViewBase<Dim>::
+ sliceInit(const BrickViewBase<BaseDim>& bvbase, const SliceRange<BaseDim, Dim>& dom)
+ {
+   typedef typename SliceRange<BaseDim,Dim>::TotalDomain_t TotalDomain_t;
+   const TotalDomain_t &totDomain = dom.totalDomain();
+   int d, dt;
+   for (dt = 0, d = 0; dt < BaseDim; ++dt)
+     {
+       if (!dom.ignorable(dt))
+         {
+           ;
+           domain_m[d] = Interval<1>(totDomain[dt].length());
+           strides_m[d] = bvbase.originalStrides()[dt] * totDomain[dt].stride();
+           ++d;
+         }
+       baseOffset_m += totDomain[dt].first() * bvbase.originalStrides()[dt];
+     }
+   ;
+   for (int d = 0; d < Dim; ++d)
+     ostrides_m[d] = strides_m[d];
+ }
+ }
+ class Inform;
+ namespace Pooma {
+ class StatisticsData
+ {
+   friend class Statistics;
+ public:
+   const std::string &description() const { return data_m.first; }
+   long value() const { return data_m.second; }
+   void increment(long val = 1) { data_m.second += val; }
+ private:
+   StatisticsData(const char *description, long initialValue = 0)
+   : data_m(description, initialValue)
+   { }
+   ~StatisticsData() { }
+   std::pair<std::string, long> data_m;
+ };
+ class Statistics {
+ private:
+   static long defaultFilter(long val);
+ public:
+   Statistics();
+   ~Statistics();
+   void print(Inform &, long (*filter)(long) = defaultFilter);
+   StatisticsData *add(const char *description, long initval = 0)
+   {
+     StatisticsData *sd = new StatisticsData(description, initval);
+     statList_m.push_back(sd);
+     return sd;
+   }
+ private:
+   std::vector<StatisticsData *> statList_m;
+ };
+ }
+ template <class T> class SingleObserver;
+ template <class T>
+ class CompressibleBlock
+ {
+ public:
+   typedef CompressibleBlock<T> This_t;
+   typedef T Element_t;
+   typedef Pooma::DataObject_t DataObject_t;
+   enum Notifier
+   {
+     notifyDestruct = 0,
+     notifyUncompress = 1,
+     notifyCompress = 2
+   };
+   CompressibleBlock()
+     : controller_m(0)
+   { }
+   explicit CompressibleBlock(int size)
+     : controller_m(new CompressibleBlockController(size))
+   { }
+   CompressibleBlock(int size, int affinity)
+     : controller_m(new CompressibleBlockController(size,affinity))
+   { }
+   CompressibleBlock(int size, int affinity, const T& model)
+     : controller_m(new CompressibleBlockController(size,affinity,model))
+   { }
+   CompressibleBlock(const CompressibleBlock &block)
+     : controller_m(block.controller_m)
+   { }
+   ~CompressibleBlock()
+   {
+     ;
+   }
+   inline int size() const
+   {
+     return controller_m.size();
+   }
+   inline int capacity() const
+   {
+     return controller_m.capacity();
+   }
+   inline bool resize(int newsize,
+        const typename DataBlockPtr<T>::NoInitTag &)
+   {
+     return controller_m->resize(newsize,DataBlockPtr<T>::NoInitTag());
+   }
+   inline void setSize(int newsize)
+   {
+     controller_m->setSize(newsize);
+   }
+   inline DataObject_t* dataObject() const
+   {
+     ;
+     return controller_m->dataObject();
+   }
+   inline int affinity() const
+   {
+     ;
+     return controller_m->dataObject()->affinity();
+   }
+   inline bool compressed() const
+   {
+     ;
+     return controller_m->compressed();
+   }
+   inline T* data()
+   {
+     ;
+     return controller_m->data();
+   }
+   inline void uncompress() const
+   {
+     ;
+     controller_m->uncompress();
+   }
+   void tryCompress()
+   {
+     ;
+     controller_m->tryCompress();
+   }
+   inline DataBlockPtr<T> view() const
+   {
+     ;
+     return controller_m->view();
+   };
+   DataBlockPtr<T> dataBlock() const
+   {
+     ;
+     return controller_m->dataBlock();
+   }
+   void makeOwnCopy()
+   {
+     controller_m.makeOwnCopy();
+   }
+   void invalidate()
+   {
+     controller_m.invalidate();
+   }
+   inline bool isControllerPtrValid() const
+   {
+     return controller_m.isValid();
+   }
+   inline bool isControllerValid() const
+   {
+     return controller_m.isValid() && controller_m->isValid();
+   }
+   inline bool isControllerValidUnlocked() const
+   {
+     return controller_m.isValid() && controller_m->isValidUnlocked();
+   }
+   inline bool isShared() const
+   {
+     return controller_m.isShared();
+   }
+   bool operator!=(const This_t& a) const
+   {
+     return controller_m != a.controller_m;
+   }
+   bool operator==(const This_t& a) const
+   {
+     return controller_m == a.controller_m;
+   }
+   void attach(Observer<T*> *o)
+   {
+     ;
+     controller_m->attach(o);
+   }
+   void detach(Observer<T*> *o)
+   {
+     ;
+     controller_m->detach(o);
+   }
+   void lock() const
+   {
+     controller_m->lock();
+   }
+   void unlock() const
+   {
+     controller_m->unlock();
+   }
+   static int randomTries() { return CompressibleBlockController::randomTries(); }
+ private:
+   class CompressibleBlockController
+     : public SingleObserver<int>,
+       public Observable<T*>,
+       public RefCounted
+   {
+   public:
+     typedef CompressibleBlockController This_t;
+     typedef T Element_t;
+     typedef Pooma::DataObject_t DataObject_t;
+     CompressibleBlockController()
+       : Observable<T*>(ptr_m),
+         size_m(0),
+  compressible_m(true),
+  ptr_m(0),
+  dataObject_m(-1),
+  ucOffset_m(-1),
+  viewcount_m(0),
+  countUncompressed_m(0)
+     {
+       ElementProperties<T>::construct(&compressedData_m);
+       if (Pooma::neverCompress())
+         {
+           compressible_m = false;
+         }
+     }
+     explicit
+     CompressibleBlockController(int size)
+       : Observable<T*>(ptr_m),
+         compressible_m(true),
+         countUncompressed_m(0),
+  viewcount_m(0),
+  dataObject_m(-1),
+         size_m(size),
+  ptr_m(&compressedData_m),
+  ucOffset_m(-1)
+     {
+       ElementProperties<T>::construct(&compressedData_m);
+       if (Pooma::neverCompress())
+         {
+           viewcount_m = 1;
+           compressible_m = false;
+           countUncompressed_m = 1;
+           block_m = DataBlockPtr<T>(size_m,dataObject_m);
+           ptr_m = block_m.currentPointer();
+           block_m.attach(this);
+         }
+     }
+     CompressibleBlockController(int size, int affinity)
+       : Observable<T*>(ptr_m),
+  compressible_m(true),
+         countUncompressed_m(0),
+  viewcount_m(0),
+  dataObject_m(affinity),
+         size_m(size),
+  ptr_m(&compressedData_m),
+  ucOffset_m(-1)
+     {
+       ElementProperties<T>::construct(&compressedData_m);
+       if (Pooma::neverCompress())
+         {
+           viewcount_m = 1;
+           compressible_m = false;
+           countUncompressed_m = 1;
+           block_m = DataBlockPtr<T>(size_m,dataObject_m);
+           ptr_m = block_m.currentPointer();
+           block_m.attach(this);
+         }
+     }
+     CompressibleBlockController(int size, int affinity, const T& value)
+       : Observable<T*>(ptr_m),
+  compressible_m(true),
+         countUncompressed_m(0),
+  viewcount_m(0),
+  dataObject_m(affinity),
+         size_m(size),
+  ptr_m(&compressedData_m),
+  ucOffset_m(-1)
+     {
+       ElementProperties<T>::construct(&compressedData_m,value);
+       if (Pooma::neverCompress())
+         {
+           viewcount_m = 1;
+           compressible_m = false;
+           countUncompressed_m = 1;
+           block_m = DataBlockPtr<T>(size_m,value,dataObject_m);
+           ptr_m = block_m.currentPointer();
+           block_m.attach(this);
+         }
+     }
+     CompressibleBlockController(const CompressibleBlockController& model)
+       : Observable<T*>(ptr_m),
+         compressible_m(!Pooma::neverCompress()),
+  viewcount_m(0),
+         dataObject_m(model.dataObject_m.affinity()),
+         size_m(model.size_m),
+  ucOffset_m(model.ucOffset_m)
+     {
+       model.lock();
+       bool modelCompressed = model.compressed();
+       compressedData_m = model.compressedData_m;
+       block_m = model.block_m;
+       if (!modelCompressed)
+  {
+    --model.viewcount_m;
+  }
+       model.unlock();
+       if (modelCompressed)
+  {
+           ;
+    ptr_m = &compressedData_m;
+    countUncompressed_m = 0;
+  }
+       else
+  {
+    block_m.makeOwnCopy();
+    ptr_m = block_m.currentPointer();
+    block_m.dataObject(&dataObject_m);
+    countUncompressed_m = 1;
+    ++viewcount_m;
+    block_m.attach(this);
+  }
+       ;
+     }
+     ~CompressibleBlockController()
+     {
+       ;
+       ;
+       ;
+       if (!compressed())
+  {
+    block_m.detach();
+  }
+     }
+     inline size_t size() const
+     {
+       return block_m.size();
+     }
+     inline size_t capacity() const
+     {
+       return block_m.capacity();
+     }
+     inline void setSize(size_t size)
+     {
+       size_m = size;
+     }
+     inline bool resize(size_t newsize,
+          const typename DataBlockPtr<T>::NoInitTag &)
+     {
+       ;
+       if (block_m.capacity() >= newsize)
+  {
+    block_m.resize(newsize, DataBlockPtr<T>::NoInitTag());
+    size_m = block_m.size();
+  }
+       else
+  {
+    size_t nsize = newsize * sizeof(T);
+    size_t n_ext = nsize/sizeof(T);
+    DataBlockPtr<T> newdata(n_ext,dataObject_m);
+    newdata.resize(newsize, DataBlockPtr<T>::NoInitTag());
+           T * pOld = block_m.beginPointer();
+           T * pNew = newdata.beginPointer();
+           const T * const pEnd = pNew + block_m.size();
+           while (pNew != pEnd)
+             {
+        ElementProperties<T>::construct(pNew++,*pOld++);
+             }
+    block_m = newdata;
+           ptr_m = block_m.currentPointer();
+    size_m = newsize;
+  }
+       return true;
+     }
+     inline void uncompress()
+     {
+       lock();
+       uncompressUnlocked();
+       unlock();
+     }
+     void uncompressUnlocked()
+     {
+       if (compressed())
+         {
+           ;
+           ;
+    ++countUncompressed_m;
+           block_m = DataBlockPtr<T>(size_m,dataObject_m);
+    ++viewcount_m;
+    ;
+           ptr_m = block_m.currentPointer();
+           block_m.attach(this);
+           T *ptr = block_m.beginPointer();
+           const T *const end = block_m.endPointer();
+           while (ptr != end)
+         {
+        ElementProperties<T>::construct(ptr++,compressedData_m);
+      }
+           Observable<T*>::notify(notifyUncompress);
+           ;
+         }
+     }
+     inline void tryCompress()
+     {
+       if (!Pooma::neverCompress())
+         {
+           lock();
+           tryCompressUnlocked();
+           unlock();
+         }
+     }
+     void tryCompressUnlocked()
+     {
+       if (!compressed() && compressible_m && !Pooma::neverCompress())
+         {
+           ;
+           int size = block_m.size();
+           bool failed = false;
+           ;
+           if (ucOffset_m > -1 && ucOffset_m < size)
+             {
+               if (block_m[ucOffset_m] != block_m[0]) failed = true;
+             }
+           if (!failed)
+             {
+               for (int i = 0; i < randomTries(); ++i)
+                 {
+                   int elem = rand() % size;
+                   if (block_m[elem] != block_m[0])
+                     {
+                       failed = true;
+                       ucOffset_m = elem;
+                       break;
+                     }
+                 }
+             }
+           if (!failed)
+             {
+               const T *const begin = block_m.beginPointer();
+               const T *const end = block_m.endPointer();
+               const T * ptr;
+               for (ptr = begin; ptr != end; ++ptr)
+          {
+            if (*ptr != *begin) break;
+          }
+               if (ptr == end)
+          {
+            block_m.detach();
+            block_m.invalidate();
+            --viewcount_m;
+            ;
+            compressedData_m = *begin;
+            ptr_m = &compressedData_m;
+            Observable<T*>::notify(notifyCompress);
+            ;
+            return;
+          }
+        else
+          {
+            ucOffset_m = ptr - begin;
+          }
+             }
+           ;
+         }
+     }
+     DataBlockPtr<T> view()
+     {
+       lock();
+       if (compressed())
+  {
+    uncompressUnlocked();
+  }
+       compressible_m = false;
+       unlock();
+       return block_m;
+     }
+     DataBlockPtr<T> dataBlock()
+     {
+       return block_m;
+     }
+     inline T* data()
+     {
+       return ptr_m;
+     }
+     bool compressed() const
+     {
+       return ptr_m == &compressedData_m;
+     }
+     DataObject_t* dataObject()
+     {
+       return &dataObject_m;
+     }
+     void lock() const
+     {
+       mutex_m.lock();
+     }
+     void unlock() const
+     {
+       mutex_m.unlock();
+     }
+     bool isValidUnlocked()
+     {
+       return compressed() || block_m.isValid();
+     }
+     bool isValid()
+     {
+       lock();
+       bool valid = isValidUnlocked();
+       unlock();
+       return valid;
+     }
+   static int randomTries() { return randomTries_s; }
+   private:
+     virtual void notify(const int& , const ObserverEvent &event)
+     {
+       switch (event.event())
+       {
+         case DataBlockController<T>::addViewEvent:
+    viewmutex_m.lock();
+    ++viewcount_m;
+    viewmutex_m.unlock();
+    break;
+         case DataBlockController<T>::removeViewEvent:
+    viewmutex_m.lock();
+    --viewcount_m;
+    if (viewcount_m == 1 && !Pooma::neverCompress())
+      {
+        lock();
+        compressible_m = true;
+        tryCompressUnlocked();
+        unlock();
+             }
+    viewmutex_m.unlock();
+           break;
+         default:
+           if (__builtin_expect(!!(0), true)) {} else Pooma::toss_cookies("Invalid event code sent to CompressibleBlockController::notify()", "/home/rguenth/ix86/pooma/tat-serial/pooma/linux/src/Engine/CompressibleBlock.h", 954);
+       }
+     }
+     bool compressible_m;
+     int countUncompressed_m;
+     DataBlockPtr<T> block_m;
+     mutable int viewcount_m;
+     mutable Pooma::Mutex_t viewmutex_m;
+     DataObject_t dataObject_m;
+     int size_m;
+     T compressedData_m;
+     T *ptr_m;
+     int ucOffset_m;
+     mutable Pooma::Mutex_t mutex_m;
+     enum { randomTries_s = 20 };
+   };
+   RefCountedPtr<CompressibleBlockController> controller_m;
+ };
+ struct CompressibleBrick { };
+ struct CompressibleBrickView { };
+ template <int Dim, class T>
+ class Engine<Dim, T, CompressibleBrickView>;
+ template <int D1, int D2> class SliceInterval;
+ template <int D1, int D2> class SliceRange;
+ template <int Dim, class T>
+ class Engine<Dim, T, CompressibleBrick>
+   : public Pooma::BrickBase<Dim>, public Observer<T*>
+ {
+ public:
+   typedef Engine<Dim,T,CompressibleBrick> This_t;
+   typedef Engine<Dim,T,CompressibleBrick> Engine_t;
+   typedef Pooma::BrickBase<Dim> Base_t;
+   typedef typename Base_t::Domain_t Domain_t;
+   typedef DomainLayout<Dim> Layout_t;
+   typedef T Element_t;
+   typedef T& ElementRef_t;
+   typedef CompressibleBrick Tag_t;
+   enum { brick = true };
+   enum { dimensions = Dim };
+   enum { hasDataObject = true };
+   enum { dynamic = false };
+   enum { zeroBased = false };
+   enum { multiPatch = false };
+   Engine() : data0_m(0) { }
+   explicit Engine(const Domain_t &domain);
+   Engine(const Domain_t &domain, const T &elementModel);
+   explicit Engine(const Layout_t &layout);
+   explicit Engine(const Node<Domain_t> &node);
+   Engine(const Engine_t &model);
+   ~Engine();
+   Engine_t &operator=(const Engine_t &model);
+   ElementRef_t operator()(int) const;
+   ElementRef_t operator()(int, int) const;
+   ElementRef_t operator()(int, int, int) const;
+   ElementRef_t operator()(int, int, int, int) const;
+   ElementRef_t operator()(int, int, int, int, int) const;
+   ElementRef_t operator()(int, int, int, int, int, int) const;
+   ElementRef_t operator()(int, int, int, int, int, int, int) const;
+   Element_t read(int) const;
+   Element_t read(int, int) const;
+   Element_t read(int, int, int) const;
+   Element_t read(int, int, int, int) const;
+   Element_t read(int, int, int, int, int) const;
+   Element_t read(int, int, int, int, int, int) const;
+   Element_t read(int, int, int, int, int, int, int) const;
+   ElementRef_t operator()(const Loc<Dim> &) const;
+   Element_t read(const Loc<Dim> &) const;
+   inline const Domain_t &domain() const
+   {
+     return this->layout_m.domain();
+   }
+   Engine_t &makeOwnCopy();
+   Pooma::DataObject_t *dataObject() const { return cblock_m.dataObject(); }
+   DataBlockPtr<T> dataBlock() const { return cblock_m.view(); }
+   CompressibleBlock<T> cblock() const { return cblock_m; }
+   bool compressed() const;
+   long elementsCompressed() const;
+   void tryCompress() { cblock_m.tryCompress(); }
+   void uncompress() { cblock_m.uncompress(); }
+   T compressedRead() const;
+   T& compressedReadWrite() const;
+   bool compressedBrickIsWholeView() const { return true; }
+ private:
+   CompressibleBlock<T> cblock_m;
+   T *data0_m;
+   mutable Pooma::Mutex_t mutex_m;
+   inline void lock() const { mutex_m.lock(); }
+   inline void unlock() const { mutex_m.unlock(); }
+   virtual void notify(T* &data, const ObserverEvent &event);
+   void resetDataAndStrides();
+   void init();
+ };
+ template <int Dim, class T>
+ class Engine<Dim,T,CompressibleBrickView>
+   : public Pooma::BrickViewBase<Dim>, public Observer<T*>
+ {
+ public:
+   typedef Engine<Dim,T,CompressibleBrickView> This_t;
+   typedef Engine<Dim,T,CompressibleBrickView> Engine_t;
+   typedef Pooma::BrickViewBase<Dim> Base_t;
+   typedef typename Base_t::Domain_t Domain_t;
+   typedef DomainLayout<Dim> Layout_t;
+   typedef T Element_t;
+   typedef T& ElementRef_t;
+   typedef CompressibleBrickView Tag_t;
+   enum { dimensions = Dim };
+   enum { hasDataObject = true };
+   enum { dynamic = false };
+   enum { zeroBased = true };
+   enum { multiPatch = false };
+   Engine() : data0_m(0) { }
+   Engine(const Engine_t &model);
+   Engine(const Engine_t &model, const EngineConstructTag &);
+   template <class DT>
+   Engine(const Engine<Dim,T,CompressibleBrick> &e, const Domain<Dim, DT> &dom)
+   : Base_t(e, dom.unwrap()), cblock_m(e.cblock()),
+     entire_m(e.domain() == dom.unwrap())
+   {
+     init();
+   }
+   template <class Domain>
+   Engine(const Engine<Dim,T,CompressibleBrick> &e, const Node<Domain> &node)
+     : Base_t(e, node.domain()), cblock_m(e.cblock()),
+       entire_m(e.domain() == node.domain())
+   {
+     init();
+   }
+   Engine(const Engine<Dim,T,CompressibleBrick> &e, const INode<Dim> &inode)
+   : Base_t(e, inode.domain()), cblock_m(e.cblock()),
+     entire_m(e.domain() == inode.domain())
+   {
+     init();
+   }
+   template <class DT, int Dim2>
+   Engine(const Engine<Dim2,T,CompressibleBrick> &e, const SliceDomain<DT> &dom)
+   : Base_t(e, dom.unwrap()), cblock_m(e.cblock()),
+     entire_m(e.domain() == dom.totalDomain())
+   {
+     init();
+   }
+   template <class DT>
+   Engine(const This_t &e, const Domain<Dim, DT> &dom)
+   : Base_t(e, dom.unwrap()), cblock_m(e.cblock()),
+     entire_m(e.entire_m && e.domain() == dom.unwrap())
+   {
+     init();
+   }
+   Engine(const This_t &e, const INode<Dim> &inode)
+   : Base_t(e, inode.domain()), cblock_m(e.cblock()),
+     entire_m(e.entire_m && e.domain() == inode.domain())
+   {
+     init();
+   }
+   template <int OrigDim, class DT>
+   Engine(const Engine<OrigDim,T,CompressibleBrickView> &e,
+   const SliceDomain<DT> &dom)
+   : Base_t(e, dom.unwrap()), cblock_m(e.cblock()),
+     entire_m(e.entire_m && e.domain() == dom.totalDomain())
+   {
+     init();
+   }
+   ~Engine();
+   Engine_t &operator=(const Engine_t &model);
+   ElementRef_t operator()(int) const;
+   ElementRef_t operator()(int, int) const;
+   ElementRef_t operator()(int, int, int) const;
+   ElementRef_t operator()(int, int, int, int) const;
+   ElementRef_t operator()(int, int, int, int, int) const;
+   ElementRef_t operator()(int, int, int, int, int, int) const;
+   ElementRef_t operator()(int, int, int, int, int, int, int) const;
+   Element_t read(int) const;
+   Element_t read(int, int) const;
+   Element_t read(int, int, int) const;
+   Element_t read(int, int, int, int) const;
+   Element_t read(int, int, int, int, int) const;
+   Element_t read(int, int, int, int, int, int) const;
+   Element_t read(int, int, int, int, int, int, int) const;
+   ElementRef_t operator()(const Loc<Dim> &) const;
+   Element_t read(const Loc<Dim> &) const;
+   inline const Domain_t &domain() const
+   {
+     return this->domain_m;
+   }
+   DataBlockPtr<T> dataBlock() const { return cblock_m.view(); }
+   inline
+   Pooma::DataObject_t *dataObject() const { return cblock_m.dataObject(); }
+   CompressibleBlock<T> cblock() const { return cblock_m; }
+   bool compressed() const { return cblock_m.compressed(); }
+   T compressedRead() const;
+   T& compressedReadWrite() const;
+   bool compressedBrickIsWholeView() const { return entire_m; }
+   long elementsCompressed() const;
+ private:
+   void lock() const { mutex_m.lock(); }
+   void unlock() const { mutex_m.unlock(); }
+   virtual void notify(T* &data, const ObserverEvent &event)
+   {
+     switch (event.event())
+       {
+       default:
+       case CompressibleBlock<T>::notifyDestruct:
+  ;
+  break;
+       case CompressibleBlock<T>::notifyUncompress:
+         lock();
+         this->restoreStrides();
+  data0_m = data + this->baseOffset();
+  unlock();
+  break;
+       case CompressibleBlock<T>::notifyCompress:
+         lock();
+         this->zeroStrides();
+  data0_m = data;
+  unlock();
+  break;
+       }
+   }
+   void init()
+   {
+     cblock_m.lock();
+     resetDataAndStrides();
+     ;
+     cblock_m.attach(this);
+     cblock_m.unlock();
+   }
+   void resetDataAndStrides()
+   {
+     if (cblock_m.compressed())
+       {
+         this->zeroStrides();
+  data0_m = cblock_m.data();
+       }
+     else
+       {
+         this->restoreStrides();
+  data0_m = cblock_m.data() + this->baseOffset();
+       }
+   }
+   CompressibleBlock<T> cblock_m;
+   T *data0_m;
+   bool entire_m;
+   mutable Pooma::Mutex_t mutex_m;
+ };
+ template <int Dim, class T>
+ struct NewEngine<Engine<Dim,T,CompressibleBrick>, Interval<Dim> >
+ {
+   typedef Engine<Dim,T,CompressibleBrickView> Type_t;
+ };
+ template <int Dim, class T>
+ struct NewEngine<Engine<Dim,T,CompressibleBrick>, Range<Dim> >
+ {
+   typedef Engine<Dim,T,CompressibleBrickView> Type_t;
+ };
+ template <int Dim, class T>
+ struct NewEngine<Engine<Dim,T,CompressibleBrick>,Node<Interval<Dim> > >
+ {
+   typedef Engine<Dim,T,CompressibleBrickView> Type_t;
+ };
+ template <int Dim, class T>
+ struct NewEngine<Engine<Dim,T,CompressibleBrick>,INode<Dim> >
+ {
+   typedef Engine<Dim,T,CompressibleBrickView> Type_t;
+ };
+ template <int Dim, class T>
+ struct NewEngine<Engine<Dim,T,CompressibleBrickView>, Interval<Dim> >
+ {
+   typedef Engine<Dim,T,CompressibleBrickView> Type_t;
+ };
+ template <int Dim, class T>
+ struct NewEngine<Engine<Dim,T,CompressibleBrickView>, Range<Dim> >
+ {
+   typedef Engine<Dim,T,CompressibleBrickView> Type_t;
+ };
+ template <int Dim, class T>
+ struct NewEngine<Engine<Dim,T,CompressibleBrickView>,
+                  Node<Interval<Dim> > >
+ {
+   typedef Engine<Dim,T,CompressibleBrickView> Type_t;
+ };
+ template <int Dim, class T>
+ struct NewEngine<Engine<Dim,T,CompressibleBrickView>,INode<Dim> >
+ {
+   typedef Engine<Dim,T,CompressibleBrickView> Type_t;
+ };
+ template <int Dim, class T, int SliceDim>
+ struct NewEngine<Engine<Dim,T,CompressibleBrick>,SliceInterval<Dim,SliceDim> >
+ {
+   typedef Engine<SliceDim,T,CompressibleBrickView> Type_t;
+ };
+ template <int Dim, class T, int SliceDim>
+ struct NewEngine<Engine<Dim,T,CompressibleBrick>,SliceRange<Dim,SliceDim> >
+ {
+   typedef Engine<SliceDim,T,CompressibleBrickView> Type_t;
+ };
+ template <int Dim, class T, int SliceDim>
+ struct NewEngine<Engine<Dim,T,CompressibleBrickView>,
+                  SliceInterval<Dim,SliceDim> >
+ {
+   typedef Engine<SliceDim,T,CompressibleBrickView> Type_t;
+ };
+ template <int Dim, class T, int SliceDim>
+ struct NewEngine<Engine<Dim,T,CompressibleBrickView>,
+                  SliceRange<Dim,SliceDim> >
+ {
+   typedef Engine<SliceDim,T,CompressibleBrickView> Type_t;
+ };
+ template <int Dim, class T>
+ struct ElementProperties<Engine<Dim, T, CompressibleBrick> >
+   : public MakeOwnCopyProperties<Engine<Dim, T, CompressibleBrick> >
+ { };
+ template <int Dim, class T>
+ inline T Engine<Dim,T,CompressibleBrick>::
+ read(const Loc<Dim> &loc) const
+ {
+   return data0_m[this->offsetC(loc)];
+ }
+ template <int Dim, class T>
+ inline T Engine<Dim,T,CompressibleBrick>::
+ read(int i1) const
+ {
+   ;
+   return data0_m[this->offsetC(i1)];
+ }
+ template <int Dim, class T>
+ inline T Engine<Dim,T,CompressibleBrick>::
+ read(int i1, int i2) const
+ {
+   ;
+   return data0_m[this->offsetC(i1,i2)];
+ }
+ template <int Dim, class T>
+ inline T Engine<Dim,T,CompressibleBrick>::
+ read(int i1, int i2, int i3) const
+ {
+   ;
+   return data0_m[this->offsetC(i1,i2,i3)];
+ }
+ template <int Dim, class T>
+ inline T Engine<Dim,T,CompressibleBrick>::
+ read(int i1, int i2, int i3, int i4) const
+ {
+   ;
+   return data0_m[this->offsetC(i1,i2,i3,i4)];
+ }
+ template <int Dim, class T>
+ inline T Engine<Dim,T,CompressibleBrick>::
+ read(int i1, int i2, int i3, int i4, int i5) const
+ {
+   ;
+   return data0_m[this->offsetC(i1,i2,i3,i4,i5)];
+ }
+ template <int Dim, class T>
+ inline T Engine<Dim,T,CompressibleBrick>::
+ read(int i1, int i2, int i3, int i4, int i5, int i6) const
+ {
+   ;
+   return data0_m[this->offsetC(i1,i2,i3,i4,i5,i6)];
+ }
+ template <int Dim, class T>
+ inline T Engine<Dim,T,CompressibleBrick>::
+ read(int i1, int i2, int i3, int i4, int i5, int i6, int i7) const
+ {
+   ;
+   return data0_m[this->offsetC(i1,i2,i3,i4,i5,i6,i7)];
+ }
+ template <int Dim, class T>
+ inline T & Engine<Dim,T,CompressibleBrick>::
+ operator()(const Loc<Dim> &loc) const
+ {
+   if (cblock_m.compressed()) cblock_m.uncompress();
+   return data0_m[this->offsetC(loc)];
+ }
+ template <int Dim, class T>
+ inline T & Engine<Dim,T,CompressibleBrick>::
+ operator()(int i1) const
+ {
+   ;
+   if (cblock_m.compressed()) cblock_m.uncompress();
+   return data0_m[this->offsetC(i1)];
+ }
+ template <int Dim, class T>
+ inline T & Engine<Dim,T,CompressibleBrick>::
+ operator()(int i1, int i2) const
+ {
+   ;
+   if (cblock_m.compressed()) cblock_m.uncompress();
+   return data0_m[this->offsetC(i1,i2)];
+ }
+ template <int Dim, class T>
+ inline T & Engine<Dim,T,CompressibleBrick>::
+ operator()(int i1, int i2, int i3) const
+ {
+   ;
+   if (cblock_m.compressed()) cblock_m.uncompress();
+   return data0_m[this->offsetC(i1,i2,i3)];
+ }
+ template <int Dim, class T>
+ inline T & Engine<Dim,T,CompressibleBrick>::
+ operator()(int i1, int i2, int i3, int i4) const
+ {
+   ;
+   if (cblock_m.compressed()) cblock_m.uncompress();
+   return data0_m[this->offsetC(i1,i2,i3,i4)];
+ }
+ template <int Dim, class T>
+ inline T & Engine<Dim,T,CompressibleBrick>::
+ operator()(int i1, int i2, int i3, int i4, int i5) const
+ {
+   ;
+   if (cblock_m.compressed()) cblock_m.uncompress();
+   return data0_m[this->offsetC(i1,i2,i3,i4,i5)];
+ }
+ template <int Dim, class T>
+ inline T & Engine<Dim,T,CompressibleBrick>::
+ operator()(int i1, int i2, int i3, int i4, int i5, int i6) const
+ {
+   ;
+   if (cblock_m.compressed()) cblock_m.uncompress();
+   return data0_m[this->offsetC(i1,i2,i3,i4,i5,i6)];
+ }
+ template <int Dim, class T>
+ inline T & Engine<Dim,T,CompressibleBrick>::
+ operator()(int i1, int i2, int i3, int i4, int i5, int i6, int i7) const
+ {
+   ;
+   if (cblock_m.compressed()) cblock_m.uncompress();
+   return data0_m[this->offsetC(i1,i2,i3,i4,i5,i6,i7)];
+ }
+ template <int Dim, class T>
+ inline bool
+ Engine<Dim,T,CompressibleBrick>::
+ compressed() const
+ {
+   ;
+   return cblock_m.compressed();
+ }
+ template <int Dim, class T>
+ inline T
+ Engine<Dim,T,CompressibleBrick>::
+ compressedRead() const
+ {
+   ;
+   ;
+   return *data0_m;
+ }
+ template <int Dim, class T>
+ inline T&
+ Engine<Dim,T,CompressibleBrick>::
+ compressedReadWrite() const
+ {
+   ;
+   ;
+   return *data0_m;
+ }
+ template <int Dim, class T>
+ inline bool compressed(const Engine<Dim, T, CompressibleBrick> &e)
+ {
+   return e.compressed();
+ }
+ template <int Dim, class T>
+ inline long elementsCompressed(const Engine<Dim, T, CompressibleBrick> &e)
+ {
+   return e.elementsCompressed();
+ }
+ template <int Dim, class T>
+ inline void compress(Engine<Dim, T, CompressibleBrick> &e)
+ {
+   e.tryCompress();
+ }
+ template <int Dim, class T>
+ inline void uncompress(Engine<Dim, T, CompressibleBrick> &e)
+ {
+   e.uncompress();
+ }
+ template <int Dim, class T>
+ inline T Engine<Dim,T,CompressibleBrickView>::
+ read(const Loc<Dim> &loc) const
+ {
+   return data0_m[this->offset(loc)];
+ }
+ template <int Dim, class T>
+ inline T Engine<Dim,T,CompressibleBrickView>::
+ read(int i1) const
+ {
+   ;
+   return data0_m[this->offset(i1)];
+ }
+ template <int Dim, class T>
+ inline T Engine<Dim,T,CompressibleBrickView>::
+ read(int i1, int i2) const
+ {
+   ;
+   return data0_m[this->offset(i1,i2)];
+ }
+ template <int Dim, class T>
+ inline T Engine<Dim,T,CompressibleBrickView>::
+ read(int i1, int i2, int i3) const
+ {
+   ;
+   return data0_m[this->offset(i1,i2,i3)];
+ }
+ template <int Dim, class T>
+ inline T Engine<Dim,T,CompressibleBrickView>::
+ read(int i1, int i2, int i3, int i4) const
+ {
+   ;
+   return data0_m[this->offset(i1,i2,i3,i4)];
+ }
+ template <int Dim, class T>
+ inline T Engine<Dim,T,CompressibleBrickView>::
+ read(int i1, int i2, int i3, int i4, int i5) const
+ {
+   ;
+   return data0_m[this->offset(i1,i2,i3,i4,i5)];
+ }
+ template <int Dim, class T>
+ inline T Engine<Dim,T,CompressibleBrickView>::
+ read(int i1, int i2, int i3, int i4, int i5, int i6) const
+ {
+   ;
+   return data0_m[this->offset(i1,i2,i3,i4,i5,i6)];
+ }
+ template <int Dim, class T>
+ inline T Engine<Dim,T,CompressibleBrickView>::
+ read(int i1, int i2, int i3, int i4, int i5, int i6, int i7) const
+ {
+   ;
+   return data0_m[this->offset(i1,i2,i3,i4,i5,i6,i7)];
+ }
+ template <int Dim, class T>
+ inline T & Engine<Dim,T,CompressibleBrickView>::
+ operator()(const Loc<Dim> &loc) const
+ {
+   if (cblock_m.compressed()) cblock_m.uncompress();
+   return data0_m[this->offset(loc)];
+ }
+ template <int Dim, class T>
+ inline T & Engine<Dim,T,CompressibleBrickView>::
+ operator()(int i1) const
+ {
+   ;
+   if (cblock_m.compressed()) cblock_m.uncompress();
+   return data0_m[this->offset(i1)];
+ }
+ template <int Dim, class T>
+ inline T & Engine<Dim,T,CompressibleBrickView>::
+ operator()(int i1, int i2) const
+ {
+   ;
+   if (cblock_m.compressed()) cblock_m.uncompress();
+   return data0_m[this->offset(i1,i2)];
+ }
+ template <int Dim, class T>
+ inline T & Engine<Dim,T,CompressibleBrickView>::
+ operator()(int i1, int i2, int i3) const
+ {
+   ;
+   if (cblock_m.compressed()) cblock_m.uncompress();
+   return data0_m[this->offset(i1,i2,i3)];
+ }
+ template <int Dim, class T>
+ inline T & Engine<Dim,T,CompressibleBrickView>::
+ operator()(int i1, int i2, int i3, int i4) const
+ {
+   ;
+   if (cblock_m.compressed()) cblock_m.uncompress();
+   return data0_m[this->offset(i1,i2,i3,i4)];
+ }
+ template <int Dim, class T>
+ inline T & Engine<Dim,T,CompressibleBrickView>::
+ operator()(int i1, int i2, int i3, int i4, int i5) const
+ {
+   ;
+   if (cblock_m.compressed()) cblock_m.uncompress();
+   return data0_m[this->offset(i1,i2,i3,i4,i5)];
+ }
+ template <int Dim, class T>
+ inline T & Engine<Dim,T,CompressibleBrickView>::
+ operator()(int i1, int i2, int i3, int i4, int i5, int i6) const
+ {
+   ;
+   if (cblock_m.compressed()) cblock_m.uncompress();
+   return data0_m[this->offset(i1,i2,i3,i4,i5,i6)];
+ }
+ template <int Dim, class T>
+ inline T & Engine<Dim,T,CompressibleBrickView>::
+ operator()(int i1, int i2, int i3, int i4, int i5, int i6, int i7) const
+ {
+   ;
+   if (cblock_m.compressed()) cblock_m.uncompress();
+   return data0_m[this->offset(i1,i2,i3,i4,i5,i6,i7)];
+ }
+ template <int Dim, class T>
+ inline T Engine<Dim,T,CompressibleBrickView>::
+ compressedRead() const
+ {
+   ;
+   return *data0_m;
+ }
+ template <int Dim, class T>
+ inline T& Engine<Dim,T,CompressibleBrickView>::
+ compressedReadWrite() const
+ {
+   ;
+   return *data0_m;
+ }
+ template <int Dim, class T>
+ inline
+ bool compressed(const Engine<Dim,T,CompressibleBrickView> &e)
+ {
+   return e.compressed();
+ }
+ template <int Dim, class T>
+ inline
+ long elementsCompressed(const Engine<Dim,T,CompressibleBrickView> &e)
+ {
+   return e.elementsCompressed();
+ }
+ template <int Dim, class T>
+ Engine<Dim,T,CompressibleBrick>::Engine(const Domain_t &domain)
+   : Base_t(domain), cblock_m(domain.size())
+ {
+   init();
+ }
+ template <int Dim, class T>
+ Engine<Dim,T,CompressibleBrick>::Engine(const Node<Domain_t> &node)
+   : Base_t(node.allocated()),
+     cblock_m(node.allocated().size(), node.affinity())
+ {
+   init();
+ }
+ template <int Dim, class T>
+ Engine<Dim,T,CompressibleBrick>::Engine(const Layout_t &layout)
+   : Base_t(layout.domain()), cblock_m(layout.domain().size())
+ {
+   init();
+ }
+ template <int Dim, class T>
+ Engine<Dim,T,CompressibleBrick>::Engine(const Domain_t &domain, const T& model)
+   : Base_t(domain), cblock_m(domain.size(),-1,model)
+ {
+   init();
+ }
+ template <int Dim, class T>
+ Engine<Dim,T,CompressibleBrick>::
+ Engine(const Engine<Dim,T,CompressibleBrick> &modelEngine)
+   : cblock_m(modelEngine.cblock_m)
+ {
+   cblock_m.lock();
+   data0_m = modelEngine.data0_m;
+   Base_t::operator=(modelEngine);
+   if (cblock_m.isControllerValidUnlocked()) cblock_m.attach(this);
+   cblock_m.unlock();
+ }
+ template <int Dim, class T>
+ Engine<Dim,T,CompressibleBrick> &
+ Engine<Dim,T,CompressibleBrick>::
+ operator=(const Engine<Dim,T,CompressibleBrick> &modelEngine)
+ {
+   if (this != &modelEngine)
+     {
+       ;
+       modelEngine.cblock_m.lock();
+       if (cblock_m.isControllerPtrValid())
+         {
+           cblock_m.lock();
+           if (cblock_m.isControllerValidUnlocked())
+             {
+               cblock_m.detach(this);
+             }
+           cblock_m.unlock();
+         }
+       cblock_m = modelEngine.cblock_m;
+       lock();
+       data0_m = modelEngine.data0_m;
+       Base_t::operator=(modelEngine);
+       unlock();
+       if (cblock_m.isControllerValidUnlocked()) cblock_m.attach(this);
+       cblock_m.unlock();
+     }
+   return *this;
+ }
+ template <int Dim, class T>
+ void Engine<Dim,T,CompressibleBrick>::init()
+ {
+   resetDataAndStrides();
+   ;
+   cblock_m.attach(this);
+ }
+ template <int Dim, class T>
+ Engine<Dim,T,CompressibleBrick>::~Engine()
+ {
+   if (data0_m)
+     {
+       cblock_m.lock();
+       if (cblock_m.isControllerValidUnlocked())
+         {
+           cblock_m.detach(this);
+         }
+       cblock_m.unlock();
+     }
+ }
+ template <int Dim, class T>
+ Engine<Dim,T,CompressibleBrick> &Engine<Dim,T,CompressibleBrick>::makeOwnCopy()
+ {
+   if (cblock_m.isControllerValidUnlocked() && cblock_m.isShared())
+     {
+       cblock_m.detach(this);
+       cblock_m.makeOwnCopy();
+       cblock_m.attach(this);
+       data0_m = cblock_m.data() + (cblock_m.compressed() ? 0 : this->baseOffset());
+     }
+   return *this;
+ }
+ template <int Dim, class T>
+ void Engine<Dim,T,CompressibleBrick>::
+ notify(T* &data, const ObserverEvent &event)
+ {
+   switch (event.event())
+     {
+     default:
+     case CompressibleBlock<T>::notifyDestruct:
+       ;
+       break;
+     case CompressibleBlock<T>::notifyUncompress:
+       lock();
+       this->restoreStrides();
+       data0_m = data + this->baseOffset();
+       unlock();
+       break;
+     case CompressibleBlock<T>::notifyCompress:
+       lock();
+       this->zeroStrides();
+       data0_m = data;
+       unlock();
+       break;
+     }
+ }
+ template <int Dim, class T>
+ void Engine<Dim,T,CompressibleBrick>::resetDataAndStrides()
+ {
+   if (cblock_m.compressed())
+     {
+       this->zeroStrides();
+       data0_m = cblock_m.data();
+     }
+   else
+     {
+       this->restoreStrides();
+       data0_m = cblock_m.data() + this->baseOffset();
+     }
+ }
+ template <int Dim, class T>
+ long Engine<Dim,T,CompressibleBrick>::
+ elementsCompressed() const
+ {
+   if (compressed())
+     return domain().size();
+   else
+     return 0L;
+ }
+ template <int Dim, class T>
+ Engine<Dim,T,CompressibleBrickView>::
+ ~Engine()
+ {
+   cblock_m.lock();
+   if (cblock_m.isControllerValidUnlocked())
+     {
+       cblock_m.detach(this);
+     }
+   cblock_m.unlock();
+ }
+ template <int Dim, class T>
+ Engine<Dim,T,CompressibleBrickView> &
+ Engine<Dim,T,CompressibleBrickView>::
+ operator=(const Engine<Dim,T,CompressibleBrickView> &modelEngine)
+ {
+   if (this != &modelEngine)
+     {
+       ;
+       modelEngine.cblock_m.lock();
+       if (cblock_m.isControllerPtrValid())
+         {
+           cblock_m.lock();
+           if (cblock_m.isControllerValidUnlocked())
+             {
+               cblock_m.detach(this);
+             }
+           cblock_m.unlock();
+         }
+       cblock_m = modelEngine.cblock_m;
+       entire_m = modelEngine.entire_m;
+       lock();
+       data0_m = modelEngine.data0_m;
+       Base_t::operator=(modelEngine);
+       unlock();
+       if (cblock_m.isControllerValidUnlocked()) cblock_m.attach(this);
+       cblock_m.unlock();
+     }
+   return *this;
+ }
+ template <int Dim, class T>
+ Engine<Dim,T,CompressibleBrickView>::
+ Engine(const Engine<Dim,T,CompressibleBrickView> &modelEngine)
+   : cblock_m(modelEngine.cblock_m),
+     entire_m(modelEngine.entire_m)
+ {
+   cblock_m.lock();
+   data0_m = modelEngine.data0_m;
+   Base_t::operator=(modelEngine);
+   if (cblock_m.isControllerValidUnlocked()) cblock_m.attach(this);
+   cblock_m.unlock();
+ }
+ template <int Dim, class T>
+ Engine<Dim,T,CompressibleBrickView>::
+ Engine(const Engine<Dim,T,CompressibleBrickView> &modelEngine,
+        const EngineConstructTag &)
+   : cblock_m(modelEngine.cblock_m),
+     entire_m(modelEngine.entire_m)
+ {
+   cblock_m.lock();
+   data0_m = modelEngine.data0_m;
+   Base_t::operator=(modelEngine);
+   if (cblock_m.isControllerValidUnlocked()) cblock_m.attach(this);
+   cblock_m.unlock();
+ }
+ template <int Dim, class T>
+ long Engine<Dim,T,CompressibleBrickView>::
+ elementsCompressed() const
+ {
+   if (compressed())
+     return domain().size();
+   else
+     return 0L;
+ }
+ template <int Dim> class Range;
+ struct Brick {};
+ struct BrickView {};
+ struct BrickViewU {};
+ template <int Dim, class T>
+ class Engine<Dim,T,BrickView>;
+ template <int Dim, class T>
+ class Engine<Dim,T,Brick> : public Pooma::BrickBase<Dim>
+ {
+ public:
+   typedef Engine<Dim,T,Brick> This_t;
+   typedef Engine<Dim,T,Brick> Engine_t;
+   typedef Pooma::BrickBase<Dim> Base_t;
+   typedef typename Base_t::Domain_t Domain_t;
+   typedef DomainLayout<Dim> Layout_t;
+   typedef T Element_t;
+   typedef T& ElementRef_t;
+   typedef Brick Tag_t;
+   enum { brick = true };
+   enum { dimensions = Dim };
+   enum { hasDataObject = true };
+   enum { dynamic = false };
+   enum { zeroBased = false };
+   enum { multiPatch = false };
+   Engine() { }
+   explicit Engine(const Domain_t &domain);
+   Engine(const Domain_t &domain, const T &elementModel);
+   explicit Engine(const Layout_t &layout);
+   explicit Engine(const Node<Domain_t> &node);
+   Engine(T * foreignData, const Domain_t &domain);
+   Engine(const This_t &model)
+     : Base_t(model), dataBlock_m(model.dataBlock_m),
+       data_m(model.data_m)
+   {}
+   ~Engine() {}
+   This_t &operator=(const This_t &model)
+   {
+     if (this == &model)
+       return *this;
+     Base_t::operator=(model);
+     dataBlock_m = model.dataBlock_m;
+     data_m = model.data_m;
+     ;
+     return *this;
+   }
+   Element_t read(const Loc<Dim> &loc) const
+   {
+     return data_m[this->offset(loc)];
+   }
+   ElementRef_t operator()(const Loc<Dim> &loc) const
+   {
+     return data_m[this->offset(loc)];
+   }
+   Element_t read(int i1) const
+   {
+     PoomaCTAssert<(Dim == 1)>::test();
+     return data_m[this->offset(i1)];
+   }
+   Element_t read(int i1, int i2) const
+   {
+     PoomaCTAssert<(Dim == 2)>::test();
+     return data_m[this->offset(i1,i2)];
+   }
+   Element_t read(int i1, int i2, int i3) const
+   {
+     PoomaCTAssert<(Dim == 3)>::test();
+     return data_m[this->offset(i1,i2,i3)];
+   }
+   Element_t read(int i1, int i2, int i3, int i4) const
+   {
+     PoomaCTAssert<(Dim == 4)>::test();
+     return data_m[this->offset(i1,i2,i3,i4)];
+   }
+   Element_t read(int i1, int i2, int i3, int i4, int i5) const
+   {
+     PoomaCTAssert<(Dim == 5)>::test();
+     return data_m[this->offset(i1,i2,i3,i4,i5)];
+   }
+   Element_t read(int i1, int i2, int i3, int i4, int i5, int i6) const
+   {
+     PoomaCTAssert<(Dim == 6)>::test();
+     return data_m[this->offset(i1,i2,i3,i4,i5,i6)];
+   }
+   Element_t read(int i1, int i2, int i3, int i4, int i5, int i6, int i7) const
+   {
+     PoomaCTAssert<(Dim == 7)>::test();
+     return data_m[this->offset(i1,i2,i3,i4,i5,i6,i7)];
+   }
+   ElementRef_t operator()(int i1) const
+   {
+     PoomaCTAssert<(Dim == 1)>::test();
+     return data_m[this->offset(i1)];
+   }
+   ElementRef_t operator()(int i1, int i2) const
+   {
+     PoomaCTAssert<(Dim == 2)>::test();
+     return data_m[this->offset(i1,i2)];
+   }
+   ElementRef_t operator()(int i1, int i2, int i3) const
+   {
+     PoomaCTAssert<(Dim == 3)>::test();
+     return data_m[this->offset(i1,i2,i3)];
+   }
+   ElementRef_t operator()(int i1, int i2, int i3, int i4) const
+   {
+     PoomaCTAssert<(Dim == 4)>::test();
+     return data_m[this->offset(i1,i2,i3,i4)];
+   }
+   ElementRef_t operator()(int i1, int i2, int i3, int i4, int i5) const
+   {
+     PoomaCTAssert<(Dim == 5)>::test();
+     return data_m[this->offset(i1,i2,i3,i4,i5)];
+   }
+   ElementRef_t operator()(int i1, int i2, int i3, int i4, int i5, int i6) const
+   {
+     PoomaCTAssert<(Dim == 6)>::test();
+     return data_m[this->offset(i1,i2,i3,i4,i5,i6)];
+   }
+   ElementRef_t operator()(int i1, int i2, int i3, int i4, int i5, int i6, int i7) const
+   {
+     PoomaCTAssert<(Dim == 7)>::test();
+     return data_m[this->offset(i1,i2,i3,i4,i5,i6,i7)];
+   }
+   Engine_t &makeOwnCopy();
+   inline
+   Pooma::DataObject_t *dataObject() const { return dataBlock_m.dataObject(); }
+   DataBlockPtr<T> dataBlock() { return dataBlock_m; }
+   const DataBlockPtr<T> & dataBlock() const { return dataBlock_m; }
+   bool isShared() const { return dataBlock_m.isValid() && dataBlock_m.count() > 1; }
+ private:
+   DataBlockPtr<T> dataBlock_m;
+   T *data_m;
+ };
+ template <int Dim, class T>
+ Engine<Dim,T,Brick>::Engine(const Domain_t &dom)
+   : Base_t(dom), dataBlock_m(dom.size()), data_m(dataBlock_m.currentPointer())
+ { }
+ template <int Dim, class T>
+ Engine<Dim,T,Brick>::Engine(const Node<Domain_t> &node)
+   : Base_t(node),
+     dataBlock_m(node.allocated().size(), node.affinity(),
+            typename DataBlockPtr<T>::WithAffinity_t()),
+     data_m(dataBlock_m.currentPointer())
+ { }
+ template <int Dim, class T>
+ Engine<Dim,T,Brick>::Engine(const Layout_t &layout)
+   : Base_t(layout), dataBlock_m(layout.domain().size()),
+     data_m(dataBlock_m.currentPointer())
+ { }
+ template <int Dim, class T>
+ Engine<Dim,T,Brick>::Engine(const Domain_t &dom, const T& model)
+   : Base_t(dom), dataBlock_m(dom.size(), model),
+     data_m(dataBlock_m.currentPointer())
+ { }
+ template <int Dim, class T>
+ Engine<Dim,T,Brick>::Engine(T * foreignData, const Domain_t &dom)
+   : Base_t(dom), dataBlock_m(foreignData, dom.size()),
+     data_m(dataBlock_m.currentPointer())
+ { }
+ template <int Dim, class T>
+ Engine<Dim,T,Brick> &Engine<Dim,T,Brick>::makeOwnCopy()
+ {
+   if (dataBlock_m.isValid() && dataBlock_m.count() > 1)
+     {
+       ;
+       dataBlock_m.makeOwnCopy();
+       data_m = dataBlock_m.currentPointer();
+     }
+   return *this;
+ }
+ template <int Dim, class T>
+ class Engine<Dim,T,BrickView>
+  : public Pooma::BrickViewBase<Dim>
+ {
+ public:
+   typedef Engine<Dim,T,BrickView> This_t;
+   typedef Engine<Dim,T,BrickView> Engine_t;
+   typedef Pooma::BrickViewBase<Dim> Base_t;
+   typedef typename Base_t::Domain_t Domain_t;
+   typedef DomainLayout<Dim> Layout_t;
+   typedef T Element_t;
+   typedef T& ElementRef_t;
+   typedef BrickView Tag_t;
+   enum { dimensions = Dim };
+   enum { hasDataObject = true };
+   enum { dynamic = false };
+   enum { zeroBased = true };
+   enum { multiPatch = false };
+   Engine()
+     : Base_t(), dataBlock_m(), data_m(0)
+   {}
+   Engine(const This_t &model)
+     : Base_t(model), dataBlock_m(model.dataBlock_m),
+       data_m(dataBlock_m.currentPointer())
+   {}
+   Engine(const This_t &model, const EngineConstructTag &)
+     : Base_t(model), dataBlock_m(model.dataBlock_m),
+       data_m(dataBlock_m.currentPointer())
+   {}
+   template <class DT>
+   Engine(const Engine<Dim,T,Brick> &e, const Domain<Dim, DT> &dom)
+   : Base_t(e, dom.unwrap()), dataBlock_m(e.dataBlock(), e.offset(dom.unwrap())),
+     data_m(dataBlock_m.currentPointer())
+   {
+     ;
+   }
+   template<int Dim2>
+   Engine(const Engine<Dim2,T,Brick> &e, const SliceRange<Dim2,Dim> &dom)
+     : Base_t(e, dom), dataBlock_m(e.dataBlock(), e.offset(dom.totalDomain())),
+     data_m(dataBlock_m.currentPointer())
+   {
+     ;
+   }
+   template<int Dim2>
+   Engine(const Engine<Dim2,T,Brick> &e, const SliceInterval<Dim2,Dim> &dom)
+     : Base_t(e, dom), dataBlock_m(e.dataBlock(), e.offset(dom.totalDomain())),
+     data_m(dataBlock_m.currentPointer())
+   {
+     ;
+   }
+   template <int Dim2>
+   Engine(const Engine<Dim2,T,Brick> &e, const SliceInterval<Dim,Dim2> &dom,
+   const Interval<Dim> &totalDomain)
+     : Base_t(e, dom, totalDomain), dataBlock_m(e.dataBlock(), e.offset(dom.sliceDomain())),
+       data_m(dataBlock_m.currentPointer())
+   {
+   }
+   template <int Dim2>
+   Engine(const Engine<Dim2,T,BrickView> &e, const SliceInterval<Dim,Dim2> &dom,
+   const Interval<Dim> &totalDomain)
+     : Base_t(e, dom, totalDomain), dataBlock_m(e.dataBlock(), e.offset(dom.sliceDomain())),
+       data_m(dataBlock_m.currentPointer())
+   {
+   }
+   template <int Dim2>
+   Engine(const Engine<Dim2,T,BrickViewU> &e, const SliceInterval<Dim,Dim2> &dom,
+   const Interval<Dim> &totalDomain)
+     : Base_t(e, dom, totalDomain), dataBlock_m(e.dataBlock(), e.offset(dom.sliceDomain())),
+       data_m(dataBlock_m.currentPointer())
+   {
+   }
+   template <class DT>
+   Engine(const This_t &e, const Domain<Dim, DT> &d)
+     : Base_t(e, d.unwrap()), dataBlock_m(e.dataBlock(), e.offset(d.unwrap())),
+     data_m(dataBlock_m.currentPointer())
+   { }
+   template <class DT>
+   Engine(const Engine<Dim,T,BrickViewU> &e, const Domain<Dim, DT> &d)
+     : Base_t(e, d.unwrap()), dataBlock_m(e.dataBlock(), e.offset(d.unwrap())),
+     data_m(dataBlock_m.currentPointer())
+   { }
+   Engine(const This_t &e, const INode<Dim> &inode)
+     : Base_t(e,inode.domain()), dataBlock_m(e.dataBlock(), e.offset(inode.domain())),
+     data_m(dataBlock_m.currentPointer())
+   { }
+   Engine(const Engine<Dim,T,BrickViewU> &e, const INode<Dim> &inode)
+     : Base_t(e,inode.domain()), dataBlock_m(e.dataBlock(), e.offset(inode.domain())),
+     data_m(dataBlock_m.currentPointer())
+   { }
+   template <int ODim>
+   Engine(const Engine<ODim,T,BrickView> &e,
+          const SliceRange<ODim,Dim> &dom)
+     : Base_t(e, dom), dataBlock_m(e.dataBlock(), e.offset(dom.totalDomain())),
+     data_m(dataBlock_m.currentPointer())
+   { }
+   template <int ODim>
+   Engine(const Engine<ODim,T,BrickViewU> &e,
+          const SliceRange<ODim,Dim> &dom)
+     : Base_t(e, dom), dataBlock_m(e.dataBlock(), e.offset(dom.totalDomain())),
+     data_m(dataBlock_m.currentPointer())
+   { }
+   template <int ODim>
+   Engine(const Engine<ODim,T,BrickView> &e,
+   const SliceInterval<ODim,Dim> &dom)
+     : Base_t(e, dom), dataBlock_m(e.dataBlock(), e.offset(dom.totalDomain())),
+     data_m(dataBlock_m.currentPointer())
+   { }
+   template <int ODim>
+   Engine(const Engine<ODim,T,BrickViewU> &e,
+     const SliceInterval<ODim,Dim> &dom)
+     : Base_t(e, dom), dataBlock_m(e.dataBlock(), e.offset(dom.totalDomain())),
+     data_m(dataBlock_m.currentPointer())
+   { }
+   explicit Engine(const Engine<Dim,T,CompressibleBrick> &);
+   explicit Engine(const Engine<Dim,T,CompressibleBrickView> &);
+   ~Engine() {}
+   This_t &operator=(const This_t &model)
+   {
+     if (this == &model)
+       return *this;
+     Base_t::operator=(model);
+     dataBlock_m = model.dataBlock_m;
+     data_m = model.data_m;
+     return *this;
+   }
+   Element_t read(const Loc<Dim> &loc) const
+   {
+     return data_m[this->offset(loc)];
+   }
+   ElementRef_t operator()(const Loc<Dim> &loc) const
+   {
+     return data_m[this->offset(loc)];
+   }
+   Element_t read(int i1) const
+   {
+     PoomaCTAssert<(Dim == 1)>::test();
+     return data_m[this->offset(i1)];
+   }
+   Element_t read(int i1, int i2) const
+   {
+     PoomaCTAssert<(Dim == 2)>::test();
+     return data_m[this->offset(i1,i2)];
+   }
+   Element_t read(int i1, int i2, int i3) const
+   {
+     PoomaCTAssert<(Dim == 3)>::test();
+     return data_m[this->offset(i1,i2,i3)];
+   }
+   Element_t read(int i1, int i2, int i3, int i4) const
+   {
+     PoomaCTAssert<(Dim == 4)>::test();
+     return data_m[this->offset(i1,i2,i3,i4)];
+   }
+   Element_t read(int i1, int i2, int i3, int i4, int i5) const
+   {
+     PoomaCTAssert<(Dim == 5)>::test();
+     return data_m[this->offset(i1,i2,i3,i4,i5)];
+   }
+   Element_t read(int i1, int i2, int i3, int i4, int i5, int i6) const
+   {
+     PoomaCTAssert<(Dim == 6)>::test();
+     return data_m[this->offset(i1,i2,i3,i4,i5,i6)];
+   }
+   Element_t read(int i1, int i2, int i3, int i4, int i5, int i6, int i7) const
+   {
+     PoomaCTAssert<(Dim == 7)>::test();
+     return data_m[this->offset(i1,i2,i3,i4,i5,i6,i7)];
+   }
+   ElementRef_t operator()(int i1) const
+   {
+     PoomaCTAssert<(Dim == 1)>::test();
+     return data_m[this->offset(i1)];
+   }
+   ElementRef_t operator()(int i1, int i2) const
+   {
+     PoomaCTAssert<(Dim == 2)>::test();
+     return data_m[this->offset(i1,i2)];
+   }
+   ElementRef_t operator()(int i1, int i2, int i3) const
+   {
+     PoomaCTAssert<(Dim == 3)>::test();
+     return data_m[this->offset(i1,i2,i3)];
+   }
+   ElementRef_t operator()(int i1, int i2, int i3, int i4) const
+   {
+     PoomaCTAssert<(Dim == 4)>::test();
+     return data_m[this->offset(i1,i2,i3,i4)];
+   }
+   ElementRef_t operator()(int i1, int i2, int i3, int i4, int i5) const
+   {
+     PoomaCTAssert<(Dim == 5)>::test();
+     return data_m[this->offset(i1,i2,i3,i4,i5)];
+   }
+   ElementRef_t operator()(int i1, int i2, int i3, int i4, int i5, int i6) const
+   {
+     PoomaCTAssert<(Dim == 6)>::test();
+     return data_m[this->offset(i1,i2,i3,i4,i5,i6)];
+   }
+   ElementRef_t operator()(int i1, int i2, int i3, int i4, int i5, int i6, int i7) const
+   {
+     PoomaCTAssert<(Dim == 7)>::test();
+     return data_m[this->offset(i1,i2,i3,i4,i5,i6,i7)];
+   }
+   DataBlockPtr<T> dataBlock() { return dataBlock_m; }
+   const DataBlockPtr<T> &dataBlock() const { return dataBlock_m; }
+   inline
+   Pooma::DataObject_t *dataObject() const { return dataBlock_m.dataObject(); }
+ private:
+   DataBlockPtr<T> dataBlock_m;
+   T *data_m;
+ };
+ template <int Dim, class T>
+ Engine<Dim,T,BrickView>::
+ Engine(const Engine<Dim,T,CompressibleBrick> &model)
+   : Base_t(model, false)
+ {
+   dataBlock_m = DataBlockPtr<T>(model.dataBlock(),this->baseOffset());
+   data_m = dataBlock_m.currentPointer();
+ }
+ template <int Dim, class T>
+ Engine<Dim,T,BrickView>::
+ Engine(const Engine<Dim,T,CompressibleBrickView> &model)
+   : Base_t(model, false)
+ {
+   dataBlock_m = DataBlockPtr<T>(model.dataBlock(),this->baseOffset());
+   data_m = dataBlock_m.currentPointer();
+ }
+ template <int Dim, class T>
+ class Engine<Dim,T,BrickViewU>
+  : public Pooma::BrickViewBase<Dim>
+ {
+ public:
+   typedef Engine<Dim,T,BrickViewU> This_t;
+   typedef Engine<Dim,T,BrickViewU> Engine_t;
+   typedef Pooma::BrickViewBase<Dim> Base_t;
+   typedef typename Base_t::Domain_t Domain_t;
+   typedef DomainLayout<Dim> Layout_t;
+   typedef T Element_t;
+   typedef T& ElementRef_t;
+   typedef BrickViewU Tag_t;
+   enum { dimensions = Dim };
+   enum { hasDataObject = true };
+   enum { dynamic = false };
+   enum { zeroBased = true };
+   enum { multiPatch = false };
+   Engine()
+     : Base_t(), dataBlock_m(), data_m(0)
+   {}
+   Engine(const This_t &model)
+     : Base_t(model), dataBlock_m(model.dataBlock_m),
+       data_m(dataBlock_m.currentPointer())
+   {}
+   Engine(const This_t &model, const EngineConstructTag &)
+     : Base_t(model), dataBlock_m(model.dataBlock_m),
+       data_m(dataBlock_m.currentPointer())
+   {}
+   template <class ETag, class DT>
+   Engine(const Engine<Dim,T,ETag> &e, const Domain<Dim, DT> &dom)
+   : Base_t(e, dom.unwrap()), dataBlock_m(e.dataBlock(), e.offset(dom.unwrap())),
+     data_m(dataBlock_m.currentPointer())
+   {
+     ;
+   }
+   template<int Dim2>
+   Engine(const Engine<Dim2,T,Brick> &e, const SliceRange<Dim2,Dim> &dom)
+     : Base_t(e, dom), dataBlock_m(e.dataBlock(), e.offset(dom.totalDomain())),
+     data_m(dataBlock_m.currentPointer())
+   {
+     ;
+   }
+   template<int Dim2>
+   Engine(const Engine<Dim2,T,Brick> &e, const SliceInterval<Dim2,Dim> &dom)
+     : Base_t(e, dom), dataBlock_m(e.dataBlock(), e.offset(dom.totalDomain())),
+     data_m(dataBlock_m.currentPointer())
+   {
+     ;
+   }
+   template <class DT>
+   Engine(const This_t &e, const Domain<Dim, DT> &d)
+     : Base_t(e, d.unwrap()), dataBlock_m(e.dataBlock(), e.offset(d.unwrap())),
+     data_m(dataBlock_m.currentPointer())
+   { }
+   Engine(const This_t &e, const INode<Dim> &inode)
+     : Base_t(e,inode.domain()), dataBlock_m(e.dataBlock(), e.offset(inode.domain())),
+     data_m(dataBlock_m.currentPointer())
+   { }
+   template <int ODim>
+   Engine(const Engine<ODim,T,BrickView> &e,
+          const SliceRange<ODim,Dim> &dom)
+     : Base_t(e, dom), dataBlock_m(e.dataBlock(), e.offset(dom.totalDomain())),
+     data_m(dataBlock_m.currentPointer())
+   { }
+   template <int ODim>
+   Engine(const Engine<ODim,T,BrickViewU> &e,
+     const SliceInterval<ODim,Dim> &dom)
+     : Base_t(e, dom), dataBlock_m(e.dataBlock(), e.offset(dom.totalDomain())),
+     data_m(dataBlock_m.currentPointer())
+   { }
+   explicit Engine(const Engine<Dim,T,CompressibleBrick> &);
+   explicit Engine(const Engine<Dim,T,CompressibleBrickView> &);
+   ~Engine() {}
+   This_t &operator=(const This_t &model)
+   {
+     if (this == &model)
+       return *this;
+     Base_t::operator=(model);
+     dataBlock_m = model.dataBlock_m;
+     data_m = model.data_m;
+     return *this;
+   }
+   Element_t read(const Loc<Dim> &loc) const
+   {
+     return data_m[this->offsetU(loc)];
+   }
+   ElementRef_t operator()(const Loc<Dim> &loc) const
+   {
+     return data_m[this->offsetU(loc)];
+   }
+   Element_t read(int i1) const
+   {
+     PoomaCTAssert<(Dim == 1)>::test();
+     return data_m[this->offsetU(i1)];
+   }
+   Element_t read(int i1, int i2) const
+   {
+     PoomaCTAssert<(Dim == 2)>::test();
+     return data_m[this->offsetU(i1,i2)];
+   }
+   Element_t read(int i1, int i2, int i3) const
+   {
+     PoomaCTAssert<(Dim == 3)>::test();
+     return data_m[this->offsetU(i1,i2,i3)];
+   }
+   Element_t read(int i1, int i2, int i3, int i4) const
+   {
+     PoomaCTAssert<(Dim == 4)>::test();
+     return data_m[this->offsetU(i1,i2,i3,i4)];
+   }
+   Element_t read(int i1, int i2, int i3, int i4, int i5) const
+   {
+     PoomaCTAssert<(Dim == 5)>::test();
+     return data_m[this->offsetU(i1,i2,i3,i4,i5)];
+   }
+   Element_t read(int i1, int i2, int i3, int i4, int i5, int i6) const
+   {
+     PoomaCTAssert<(Dim == 6)>::test();
+     return data_m[this->offsetU(i1,i2,i3,i4,i5,i6)];
+   }
+   Element_t read(int i1, int i2, int i3, int i4, int i5, int i6, int i7) const
+   {
+     PoomaCTAssert<(Dim == 7)>::test();
+     return data_m[this->offsetU(i1,i2,i3,i4,i5,i6,i7)];
+   }
+   ElementRef_t operator()(int i1) const
+   {
+     PoomaCTAssert<(Dim == 1)>::test();
+     return data_m[this->offsetU(i1)];
+   }
+   ElementRef_t operator()(int i1, int i2) const
+   {
+     PoomaCTAssert<(Dim == 2)>::test();
+     return data_m[this->offsetU(i1,i2)];
+   }
+   ElementRef_t operator()(int i1, int i2, int i3) const
+   {
+     PoomaCTAssert<(Dim == 3)>::test();
+     return data_m[this->offsetU(i1,i2,i3)];
+   }
+   ElementRef_t operator()(int i1, int i2, int i3, int i4) const
+   {
+     PoomaCTAssert<(Dim == 4)>::test();
+     return data_m[this->offsetU(i1,i2,i3,i4)];
+   }
+   ElementRef_t operator()(int i1, int i2, int i3, int i4, int i5) const
+   {
+     PoomaCTAssert<(Dim == 5)>::test();
+     return data_m[this->offsetU(i1,i2,i3,i4,i5)];
+   }
+   ElementRef_t operator()(int i1, int i2, int i3, int i4, int i5, int i6) const
+   {
+     PoomaCTAssert<(Dim == 6)>::test();
+     return data_m[this->offsetU(i1,i2,i3,i4,i5,i6)];
+   }
+   ElementRef_t operator()(int i1, int i2, int i3, int i4, int i5, int i6, int i7) const
+   {
+     PoomaCTAssert<(Dim == 7)>::test();
+     return data_m[this->offsetU(i1,i2,i3,i4,i5,i6,i7)];
+   }
+   DataBlockPtr<T> dataBlock() { return dataBlock_m; }
+   const DataBlockPtr<T> &dataBlock() const { return dataBlock_m; }
+   inline
+   Pooma::DataObject_t *dataObject() const { return dataBlock_m.dataObject(); }
+ private:
+   DataBlockPtr<T> dataBlock_m;
+   T *data_m;
+ };
+ template <int Dim, class T>
+ Engine<Dim,T,BrickViewU>::
+ Engine(const Engine<Dim,T,CompressibleBrick> &model)
+   : Base_t(model, false)
+ {
+   dataBlock_m = DataBlockPtr<T>(model.dataBlock(),this->baseOffset());
+   data_m = dataBlock_m.currentPointer();
+ }
+ template <int Dim, class T>
+ Engine<Dim,T,BrickViewU>::
+ Engine(const Engine<Dim,T,CompressibleBrickView> &model)
+   : Base_t(model, false)
+ {
+   dataBlock_m = DataBlockPtr<T>(model.dataBlock(),this->baseOffset());
+   data_m = dataBlock_m.currentPointer();
+ }
+ template <int Dim, class T>
+ struct NewEngine<Engine<Dim,T,Brick>, Interval<Dim> >
+ {
+   typedef Engine<Dim,T,BrickViewU> Type_t;
+ };
+ template <int Dim, class T>
+ struct NewEngine<Engine<Dim,T,Brick>, Range<Dim> >
+ {
+   typedef Engine<Dim,T,BrickView> Type_t;
+ };
+ template <int Dim, class T>
+ struct NewEngine<Engine<Dim,T,Brick>, Node<Interval<Dim> > >
+ {
+   typedef Engine<Dim,T,BrickViewU> Type_t;
+ };
+ template <int Dim, class T>
+ struct NewEngine<Engine<Dim,T,Brick>, INode<Dim> >
+ {
+   typedef Engine<Dim,T,BrickView> Type_t;
+ };
+ template <int Dim, class T, int SliceDim>
+ struct NewEngine<Engine<Dim,T,Brick>, SliceInterval<Dim,SliceDim> >
+ {
+   typedef Engine<SliceDim,T,BrickView> Type_t;
+ };
+ template <int Dim, class T, int SliceDim>
+ struct NewEngine<Engine<Dim,T,Brick>, SliceRange<Dim,SliceDim> >
+ {
+   typedef Engine<SliceDim,T,BrickView> Type_t;
+ };
+ template <int Dim, class T, int SliceDim>
+ struct NewEngine<Engine<SliceDim,T,Brick>, SliceInterval<Dim,SliceDim> >
+ {
+   typedef Engine<Dim,T,BrickView> Type_t;
+ };
+ template <int Dim, class T, int SliceDim>
+ struct NewEngine<Engine<SliceDim,T,BrickView>, SliceInterval<Dim,SliceDim> >
+ {
+   typedef Engine<Dim,T,BrickView> Type_t;
+ };
+ template <int Dim, class T, int SliceDim>
+ struct NewEngine<Engine<SliceDim,T,BrickViewU>, SliceInterval<Dim,SliceDim> >
+ {
+   typedef Engine<Dim,T,BrickView> Type_t;
+ };
+ template <int Dim, class T>
+ struct NewEngine<Engine<Dim,T,BrickView>, Interval<Dim> >
+ {
+   typedef Engine<Dim,T,BrickView> Type_t;
+ };
+ template <int Dim, class T>
+ struct NewEngine<Engine<Dim,T,BrickView>, Range<Dim> >
+ {
+   typedef Engine<Dim,T,BrickView> Type_t;
+ };
+ template <int Dim, class T>
+ struct NewEngine<Engine<Dim,T,BrickView>, Node<Interval<Dim> > >
+ {
+   typedef Engine<Dim,T,BrickView> Type_t;
+ };
+ template <int Dim, class T>
+ struct NewEngine<Engine<Dim,T,BrickView>, INode<Dim> >
+ {
+   typedef Engine<Dim,T,BrickView> Type_t;
+ };
+ template <int Dim, class T, int SliceDim>
+ struct NewEngine<Engine<Dim,T,BrickView>, SliceInterval<Dim,SliceDim> >
+ {
+   typedef Engine<SliceDim,T,BrickView> Type_t;
+ };
+ template <int Dim, class T, int SliceDim>
+ struct NewEngine<Engine<Dim,T,BrickView>, SliceRange<Dim,SliceDim> >
+ {
+   typedef Engine<SliceDim,T,BrickView> Type_t;
+ };
+ template <int Dim, class T>
+ struct NewEngine<Engine<Dim,T,BrickViewU>, Interval<Dim> >
+ {
+   typedef Engine<Dim,T,BrickViewU> Type_t;
+ };
+ template <int Dim, class T>
+ struct NewEngine<Engine<Dim,T,BrickViewU>, Range<Dim> >
+ {
+   typedef Engine<Dim,T,BrickView> Type_t;
+ };
+ template <int Dim, class T>
+ struct NewEngine<Engine<Dim,T,BrickViewU>, Node<Interval<Dim> > >
+ {
+   typedef Engine<Dim,T,BrickViewU> Type_t;
+ };
+ template <int Dim, class T>
+ struct NewEngine<Engine<Dim,T,BrickViewU>, INode<Dim> >
+ {
+   typedef Engine<Dim,T,BrickView> Type_t;
+ };
+ template <int Dim, class T, int SliceDim>
+ struct NewEngine<Engine<Dim,T,BrickViewU>, SliceInterval<Dim,SliceDim> >
+ {
+   typedef Engine<SliceDim,T,BrickView> Type_t;
+ };
+ template <int Dim, class T, int SliceDim>
+ struct NewEngine<Engine<Dim,T,BrickViewU>, SliceRange<Dim,SliceDim> >
+ {
+   typedef Engine<SliceDim,T,BrickView> Type_t;
+ };
+ template <int Dim, class T>
+ struct NewEngineDomain<Engine<Dim,T,Brick>, Node<Interval<Dim> > >
+ {
+   typedef Interval<Dim> Type_t;
+   typedef const Interval<Dim> &Return_t;
+   static inline
+   Return_t apply(const Engine<Dim,T,Brick> &,
+    const Node<Interval<Dim> > &node)
+   {
+     return node.domain();
+   }
+ };
+ template <int Dim, class T>
+ struct NewEngineDomain<Engine<Dim,T,Brick>, INode<Dim> >
+ {
+   typedef Interval<Dim> Type_t;
+   typedef const Interval<Dim> &Return_t;
+   static inline
+   Return_t apply(const Engine<Dim,T,Brick> &,
+    const INode<Dim> &inode)
+   {
+     return inode.domain();
+   }
+ };
+ template <int Dim, class T>
+ struct NewEngineDomain<Engine<Dim,T,BrickView>, Node<Interval<Dim> > >
+ {
+   typedef Interval<Dim> Type_t;
+   typedef const Interval<Dim> &Return_t;
+   static inline
+   Return_t apply(const Engine<Dim,T,BrickView> &,
+    const Node<Interval<Dim> > &node)
+   {
+     return node.domain();
+   }
+ };
+ template <int Dim, class T>
+ struct NewEngineDomain<Engine<Dim,T,BrickView>, INode<Dim> >
+ {
+   typedef Interval<Dim> Type_t;
+   typedef const Interval<Dim> &Return_t;
+   static inline
+   Return_t apply(const Engine<Dim,T,BrickView> &,
+    const INode<Dim> &inode)
+   {
+     return inode.domain();
+   }
+ };
+ template <int Dim, class T>
+ struct NewEngineDomain<Engine<Dim,T,BrickViewU>, Node<Interval<Dim> > >
+ {
+   typedef Interval<Dim> Type_t;
+   typedef const Interval<Dim> &Return_t;
+   static inline
+   Return_t apply(const Engine<Dim,T,BrickViewU> &,
+    const Node<Interval<Dim> > &node)
+   {
+     return node.domain();
+   }
+ };
+ template <int Dim, class T>
+ struct NewEngineDomain<Engine<Dim,T,BrickViewU>, INode<Dim> >
+ {
+   typedef Interval<Dim> Type_t;
+   typedef const Interval<Dim> &Return_t;
+   static inline
+   Return_t apply(const Engine<Dim,T,BrickViewU> &,
+    const INode<Dim> &inode)
+   {
+     return inode.domain();
+   }
+ };
+ template <int Dim, class T>
+ struct ElementProperties<Engine<Dim, T, Brick> >
+   : public MakeOwnCopyProperties<Engine<Dim, T, Brick> >
+ { };
+ template <class Expr>
+ inline bool compressed(const Expr &expr)
+ {
+   return false;
+ }
+ template <class Expr>
+ double compressedFraction(const Expr &expr)
+ {
+   return static_cast<double>(elementsCompressed(expr)) / expr.domain().size();
+ }
+ template <class Expr>
+ inline long elementsCompressed(const Expr &expr)
+ {
+   return 0L;
+ }
+ template <class Expr>
+ inline void compress(Expr &)
+ { }
+ template <class Expr>
+ inline void uncompress(Expr &)
+ { }
+ struct ConstantFunction
+ { };
+ template<int Dim, class T>
+ class Engine<Dim, T, ConstantFunction>
+ {
+ public:
+   typedef ConstantFunction Tag_t;
+   typedef Engine<Dim, T, ConstantFunction> This_t;
+   typedef This_t Engine_t;
+   typedef Interval<Dim> Domain_t;
+   typedef DomainLayout<Dim> Layout_t;
+   typedef T Element_t;
+   typedef ErrorType ElementRef_t;
+   enum { dimensions = Dim };
+   enum { hasDataObject = false };
+   enum { dynamic = false };
+   enum { zeroBased = false };
+   enum { multiPatch = false };
+   Engine() { }
+   explicit Engine(const Domain_t &domain, T val = T())
+   : val_m(val), domain_m(domain)
+   {
+     for (int d = 0; d < Dim; ++d)
+       firsts_m[d] = domain[d].first();
+   }
+   template<class Layout>
+   explicit Engine(const Layout &layout, T val = T())
+   : val_m(val), domain_m(layout.domain())
+   {
+     for (int d = 0; d < Dim; ++d)
+       firsts_m[d] = domain_m[d].first();
+   }
+   Engine(const Engine<Dim, T, ConstantFunction> &model)
+   : val_m(model.constant()), domain_m(model.domain())
+   {
+     for (int d = 0; d < Dim; ++d)
+       {
+         firsts_m[d] = model.firsts_m[d];
+       }
+   }
+   template<class DT>
+   Engine(const Engine<Dim, T, ConstantFunction> &e, const Domain<Dim, DT> &dom)
+   : val_m(e.constant()), domain_m(Pooma::NoInit())
+   {
+     const typename DT::Domain_t &domain = dom.unwrap();
+     for (int d = 0; d < Dim; ++d)
+       {
+         domain_m[d] = Interval<1>(domain[d].length());
+         firsts_m[d] = 0;
+       }
+   }
+   template<int Dim2, class DT>
+   Engine(const Engine<Dim2, T, ConstantFunction> &e,
+     const SliceDomain<DT> &dom)
+   : val_m(e.constant()), domain_m(Pooma::NoInit())
+   {
+     PoomaCTAssert<(DT::sliceDimensions == Dim)>::test();
+     PoomaCTAssert<(DT::dimensions == Dim2)>::test();
+     const typename DT::SliceDomain_t &domain = dom.sliceDomain();
+     for (int d = 0; d < Dim; ++d)
+       {
+         domain_m[d] = Interval<1>(domain[d].length());
+         firsts_m[d] = 0;
+       }
+   }
+   template<class Domain>
+   Engine(const Engine<Dim, T, ConstantFunction> &e, const Node<Domain> &node)
+   : val_m(e.constant()), domain_m(Pooma::NoInit())
+   {
+     PoomaCTAssert<(Domain::dimensions == Dim)>::test();
+     const Domain &domain = node.domain();
+     for (int d = 0; d < Dim; ++d)
+       {
+         domain_m[d] = Interval<1>(domain[d].length());
+         firsts_m[d] = 0;
+       }
+   }
+   Engine(const Engine<Dim, T, ConstantFunction> &e, const INode<Dim> &inode)
+   : val_m(e.constant()), domain_m(Pooma::NoInit())
+   {
+     const typename INode<Dim>::Domain_t &domain = inode.domain();
+     for (int d = 0; d < Dim; ++d)
+       {
+         domain_m[d] = Interval<1>(domain[d].length());
+         firsts_m[d] = 0;
+       }
+   }
+   inline Element_t read(int) const
+     {
+       return val_m;
+     }
+   inline Element_t read(int, int) const
+     {
+       return val_m;
+     }
+   inline Element_t read(int, int, int) const
+     {
+       return val_m;
+     }
+   inline Element_t read(int, int, int, int) const
+     {
+       return val_m;
+     }
+   inline Element_t read(int, int, int, int, int) const
+     {
+       return val_m;
+     }
+   inline Element_t read(int, int, int, int, int, int) const
+     {
+       return val_m;
+     }
+   inline Element_t read(int, int, int, int, int, int, int) const
+     {
+       return val_m;
+     }
+   inline Element_t read(const Loc<Dim> &) const
+     {
+       return val_m;
+     }
+   const Domain_t &domain() const { return domain_m; }
+   inline Layout_t layout() const { return Layout_t(domain_m); }
+   inline int first(int i) const
+   {
+     ;
+     return firsts_m[i];
+   }
+   T constant() const { return val_m; }
+   void setConstant(T val) { val_m = val; }
+ private:
+   T val_m;
+   Domain_t domain_m;
+   int firsts_m[Dim];
+ };
+ template <int Dim, class T>
+ struct NewEngine<Engine<Dim, T, ConstantFunction>, Interval<Dim> >
+ {
+   typedef Engine<Dim, T, ConstantFunction> Type_t;
+ };
+ template <int Dim, class T>
+ struct NewEngine<Engine<Dim, T, ConstantFunction>, Range<Dim> >
+ {
+   typedef Engine<Dim, T, ConstantFunction> Type_t;
+ };
+ template <int Dim, class T, int SliceDim>
+ struct NewEngine<Engine<Dim,T,ConstantFunction>, SliceInterval<Dim,SliceDim> >
+ {
+   typedef Engine<SliceDim,T,ConstantFunction> Type_t;
+ };
+ template <int Dim, class T, int SliceDim>
+ struct NewEngine<Engine<Dim,T,ConstantFunction>, SliceRange<Dim,SliceDim> >
+ {
+   typedef Engine<SliceDim,T,ConstantFunction> Type_t;
+ };
+ template <int Dim, class T, class Domain>
+ struct NewEngine<Engine<Dim, T, ConstantFunction>, Node<Domain> >
+ {
+   typedef Engine<Dim, T, ConstantFunction> Type_t;
+ };
+ template <int Dim, class T>
+ struct NewEngine<Engine<Dim, T, ConstantFunction>, INode<Dim> >
+ {
+   typedef Engine<Dim, T, ConstantFunction> Type_t;
+ };
+ struct ErrorDomain
+ {
+ };
+ struct NullDomain
+ {
+ };
+ template<class D>
+ bool contains(const NullDomain &, const D &)
+ {
+   return true;
+ }
+ template<class Inter>
+ struct IntersectorTag
+ {
+   inline IntersectorTag(Inter &i) : intersector_m(i) { }
+   Inter &intersector_m;
+ };
+ template<class Eng, class Intersect>
+ struct DefaultExpressionApply<Eng, IntersectorTag<Intersect> >
+ {
+   typedef int Type_t;
+   inline static
+   Type_t apply(const Eng &,
+         const ExpressionApply<IntersectorTag<Intersect> > &)
+   {
+     PoomaCTAssert<(!(Eng::multiPatch))>::test();
+     return true;
+   }
+ };
+ struct AssertEquals
+ {
+   AssertEquals(int ignore = 0) : ignore_m(ignore) { }
+   int ignore_m;
+ };
+ template<class Op>
+ struct Combine2<int, int, Op, AssertEquals>
+ {
+   typedef int Type_t;
+   inline static
+   Type_t combine(const int &a, const int &b, const AssertEquals &ae)
+   {
+     int ret = a;
+     if ((a != ae.ignore_m) && (b != ae.ignore_m))
+     {
+       ;
+     }
+     else
+     {
+       if (b != ae.ignore_m) return ret = b;
+     }
+     return ret;
+   }
+ };
+ template<class Thing>
+ struct View0
+ {
+ };
+ template<class Thing, class Sub>
+ struct View1
+ {
+ };
+ template<class Thing, class Sub1, class Sub2>
+ struct View2
+ {
+ };
+ template<class Thing, class Sub1, class Sub2, class Sub3>
+ struct View3
+ {
+ };
+ template<class Thing, class Sub1, class Sub2, class Sub3, class Sub4>
+ struct View4
+ {
+ };
+ template<class Thing, class Sub1, class Sub2, class Sub3, class Sub4,
+   class Sub5>
+ struct View5
+ {
+ };
+ template<class Thing, class Sub1, class Sub2, class Sub3, class Sub4,
+   class Sub5, class Sub6>
+ struct View6
+ {
+ };
+ template<class Thing, class Sub1, class Sub2, class Sub3, class Sub4,
+   class Sub5, class Sub6, class Sub7>
+ struct View7
+ {
+ };
+ template<class Components, class Object>
+ struct ComponentView;
+ struct EnginePatch
+ {
+   typedef TreeCombine Combine_t;
+   typedef int PatchID_t;
+   explicit EnginePatch(PatchID_t patch) : patch_m(patch) { }
+   PatchID_t patch_m;
+ };
+ template<class Eng>
+ struct EngineFunctorDefault<Eng, EnginePatch>
+ {
+   typedef Eng Type_t;
+   inline static
+   const Type_t &apply(const Eng &e, const EnginePatch &)
+   {
+     PoomaCTAssert<(!(Eng::multiPatch))>::test();
+     return e;
+   }
+ };
+ template<class T>
+ struct LeafFunctor<Scalar<T>, EnginePatch>
+ {
+   typedef Scalar<T> Type_t;
+   inline static
+   Type_t apply(const Scalar<T> &scalar, const EnginePatch &)
+   {
+     return scalar;
+   }
+ };
+ template<class Container>
+ struct Patch
+ {
+ };
+ template<class Container>
+ struct PatchView
+ {
+   typedef typename Patch<Container>::Type_t Patch_t;
+   typedef typename Patch_t::Domain_t Dom_t;
+   typedef typename View1<Patch_t, Dom_t>::Type_t Type_t;
+   inline static
+   Type_t make(const Container &subject, int i)
+   {
+     return subject.patchLocal(i)();
+   }
+ };
+ template<class Node>
+ struct LeafFunctor<Node, EnginePatch>
+ {
+   typedef typename PatchView<Node>::Type_t Type_t;
+   inline static
+   Type_t apply(const Node &node, const EnginePatch &tag)
+   {
+     return node.patchLocal(tag.patch_m)();
+   }
+ };
+ struct EngineNumPatches
+ {
+   typedef AssertEquals Combine_t;
+ };
+ template<class Eng>
+ struct EngineFunctorDefault<Eng, EngineNumPatches>
+ {
+   typedef int Type_t;
+   inline static
+   Type_t apply(const Eng &, const EngineNumPatches &)
+   {
+     PoomaCTAssert<(!(Eng::multiPatch))>::test();
+     return 1;
+   }
+ };
+ template<class T>
+ struct EngineFunctorScalar<T, EngineNumPatches>
+ {
+   typedef int Type_t;
+   inline static
+   Type_t apply(const T &, const EngineNumPatches &)
+   {
+     return 0;
+   }
+ };
+ template <int Dim>
+ class DomainLayout;
+ template<int Dim>
+ struct EvalLeaf { };
+ template<class T, int Dim>
+ struct LeafFunctor<Scalar<T>, EvalLeaf<Dim> >
+ {
+   typedef T Type_t;
+   inline static
+   Type_t apply(const Scalar<T> &s, const EvalLeaf<Dim> &)
+     {
+       return s.value();
+     }
+ };
+ template<int Dim, class T, class E>
+ struct LeafFunctor<Engine<Dim, T, E>, EvalLeaf<Dim> >
+ {
+   typedef T Type_t;
+   inline static
+   Type_t apply(const Engine<Dim, T, E> &e, const EvalLeaf<Dim> &t)
+   {
+     return t.eval(e);
+   }
+ };
+ template<>
+ struct EvalLeaf<1>
+ {
+   int i1_m;
+   inline EvalLeaf(int i1)
+     : i1_m(i1)
+   { }
+   inline EvalLeaf(const Loc<1> &loc)
+     : i1_m(loc[0].first())
+   { }
+   inline int val1() const { return i1_m; }
+   template<class Engine>
+   inline typename Engine::Element_t eval(const Engine &e) const
+   {
+     return e.read(val1());
+   }
+ };
+ template<>
+ struct EvalLeaf<2>
+ {
+   int i1_m, i2_m;
+   inline EvalLeaf(int i1, int i2)
+     : i1_m(i1), i2_m(i2)
+   { }
+   inline EvalLeaf(const Loc<2> &loc)
+     : i1_m(loc[0].first()), i2_m(loc[1].first())
+   { }
+   inline int val1() const { return i1_m; }
+   inline int val2() const { return i2_m; }
+   template<class Engine>
+   inline typename Engine::Element_t eval(const Engine &e) const
+   {
+     return e.read(val1(), val2());
+   }
+ };
+ template<>
+ struct EvalLeaf<3>
+ {
+   int i1_m, i2_m, i3_m;
+   inline EvalLeaf(int i1, int i2, int i3)
+     : i1_m(i1), i2_m(i2), i3_m(i3)
+   { }
+   inline EvalLeaf(const Loc<3> &loc)
+     : i1_m(loc[0].first()), i2_m(loc[1].first()), i3_m(loc[2].first())
+   { }
+   inline int val1() const { return i1_m; }
+   inline int val2() const { return i2_m; }
+   inline int val3() const { return i3_m; }
+   template<class Engine>
+   inline typename Engine::Element_t eval(const Engine &e) const
+   {
+     return e.read(val1(), val2(), val3());
+   }
+ };
+ template<>
+ struct EvalLeaf<4>
+ {
+   int i1_m, i2_m, i3_m, i4_m;
+   inline EvalLeaf(int i1, int i2, int i3, int i4)
+     : i1_m(i1), i2_m(i2), i3_m(i3), i4_m(i4)
+   { }
+   inline EvalLeaf(const Loc<4> &loc)
+     : i1_m(loc[0].first()), i2_m(loc[1].first()), i3_m(loc[2].first()),
+       i4_m(loc[3].first())
+   { }
+   inline int val1() const { return i1_m; }
+   inline int val2() const { return i2_m; }
+   inline int val3() const { return i3_m; }
+   inline int val4() const { return i4_m; }
+   template<class Engine>
+   inline typename Engine::Element_t eval(const Engine &e) const
+   {
+     return e.read(val1(), val2(), val3(), val4());
+   }
+ };
+ template<>
+ struct EvalLeaf<5>
+ {
+   int i1_m, i2_m, i3_m, i4_m, i5_m;
+   inline EvalLeaf(int i1, int i2, int i3, int i4, int i5)
+     : i1_m(i1), i2_m(i2), i3_m(i3), i4_m(i4), i5_m(i5)
+   { }
+   inline EvalLeaf(const Loc<5> &loc)
+     : i1_m(loc[0].first()), i2_m(loc[1].first()), i3_m(loc[2].first()),
+       i4_m(loc[3].first()), i5_m(loc[4].first())
+   { }
+   inline int val1() const { return i1_m; }
+   inline int val2() const { return i2_m; }
+   inline int val3() const { return i3_m; }
+   inline int val4() const { return i4_m; }
+   inline int val5() const { return i5_m; }
+   template<class Engine>
+   inline typename Engine::Element_t eval(const Engine &e) const
+   {
+     return e.read(val1(), val2(), val3(), val4(), val5());
+   }
+ };
+ template<>
+ struct EvalLeaf<6>
+ {
+   int i1_m, i2_m, i3_m, i4_m, i5_m, i6_m;
+   inline EvalLeaf(int i1, int i2, int i3, int i4, int i5, int i6)
+     : i1_m(i1), i2_m(i2), i3_m(i3), i4_m(i4), i5_m(i5), i6_m(i6)
+   { }
+   inline EvalLeaf(const Loc<6> &loc)
+     : i1_m(loc[0].first()), i2_m(loc[1].first()), i3_m(loc[2].first()),
+       i4_m(loc[3].first()), i5_m(loc[4].first()), i6_m(loc[5].first())
+   { }
+   inline int val1() const { return i1_m; }
+   inline int val2() const { return i2_m; }
+   inline int val3() const { return i3_m; }
+   inline int val4() const { return i4_m; }
+   inline int val5() const { return i5_m; }
+   inline int val6() const { return i6_m; }
+   template<class Engine>
+   inline typename Engine::Element_t eval(const Engine &e) const
+   {
+     return e.read(val1(), val2(), val3(), val4(), val5(), val6());
+   }
+ };
+ template<>
+ struct EvalLeaf<7>
+ {
+   int i1_m, i2_m, i3_m, i4_m, i5_m, i6_m, i7_m;
+   inline EvalLeaf(int i1, int i2, int i3, int i4, int i5, int i6, int i7)
+     : i1_m(i1), i2_m(i2), i3_m(i3), i4_m(i4), i5_m(i5), i6_m(i6), i7_m(i7)
+   { }
+   inline EvalLeaf(const Loc<7> &loc)
+     : i1_m(loc[0].first()), i2_m(loc[1].first()), i3_m(loc[2].first()),
+       i4_m(loc[3].first()), i5_m(loc[4].first()), i6_m(loc[5].first()),
+       i7_m(loc[6].first())
+   { }
+   inline int val1() const { return i1_m; }
+   inline int val2() const { return i2_m; }
+   inline int val3() const { return i3_m; }
+   inline int val4() const { return i4_m; }
+   inline int val5() const { return i5_m; }
+   inline int val6() const { return i6_m; }
+   inline int val7() const { return i7_m; }
+   template<class Engine>
+   inline typename Engine::Element_t eval(const Engine &e) const
+   {
+     return e.read(val1(), val2(), val3(), val4(), val5(), val6(), val7());
+   }
+ };
+ template<class Domain>
+ struct ViewFunctorTag
+ {
+   const Domain &domain_m;
+   inline ViewFunctorTag(const Domain &domain) : domain_m(domain) { }
+ };
+ template<class T, class Domain>
+ struct LeafFunctor<Scalar<T>, ViewFunctorTag<Domain> >
+ {
+   typedef Scalar<T> Type_t;
+   inline static
+   Type_t apply(const Scalar<T> &s, const ViewFunctorTag<Domain> &)
+   {
+     return s;
+   }
+ };
+ struct DomainFunctorTag { };
+ template<class T>
+ struct LeafFunctor<Scalar<T>, DomainFunctorTag>
+ {
+   typedef NullDomain Type_t;
+   inline static
+   Type_t apply(const Scalar<T> &, const DomainFunctorTag &)
+   {
+     return NullDomain();
+   }
+ };
+ template<class T>
+ struct LeafFunctor<T, DomainFunctorTag>
+ {
+   typedef typename T::Domain_t Type_t;
+   inline static
+   Type_t apply(const T &leaf, const DomainFunctorTag &)
+   {
+     return leaf.domain();
+   }
+ };
+ template<class Domain1, class Domain2, class Op>
+ struct Combine2<Domain1, Domain2, Op, DomainFunctorTag>
+ {
+   typedef ErrorDomain Type_t;
+   inline static
+   Type_t combine(const Domain1 &, const Domain2 &, const DomainFunctorTag &)
+   {
+     return ErrorDomain();
+   }
+ };
+ template<class Domain, class Op>
+ struct Combine2<Domain, Domain, Op, DomainFunctorTag>
+ {
+   typedef Domain Type_t;
+   inline static
+   Type_t combine(const Domain &a, const Domain &, const DomainFunctorTag &)
+   {
+     return a;
+   }
+ };
+ template<class Domain, class Op>
+ struct Combine2<Domain, NullDomain, Op, DomainFunctorTag>
+ {
+   typedef Domain Type_t;
+   inline static
+   Type_t combine(const Domain &a, const NullDomain &,
+    const DomainFunctorTag &)
+   {
+     return a;
+   }
+ };
+ template<class Domain,class Op>
+ struct Combine2<NullDomain, Domain, Op, DomainFunctorTag>
+ {
+   typedef Domain Type_t;
+   inline static
+   Type_t combine(const NullDomain &, const Domain &b,
+    const DomainFunctorTag &)
+     {
+       return b;
+     }
+ };
+ template<class Tag>
+ struct EngineFunctorTag
+ {
+   EngineFunctorTag() : tag_m() { }
+   EngineFunctorTag(const Tag &tag) : tag_m(tag) { }
+   inline const Tag &tag() const
+   {
+     return tag_m;
+   }
+   Tag tag_m;
+ };
+ template<class Expr>
+ struct ExpressionTag
+ {
+   typedef Expr Expression_t;
+ };
+ template<int Dim, class T, class Expr>
+ class Engine<Dim, T, ExpressionTag<Expr> >
+ {
+ public:
+   typedef Engine<Dim, T, ExpressionTag<Expr> > Engine_t;
+   typedef ExpressionTag<Expr> Tag_t;
+   typedef T Element_t;
+   typedef ErrorType ElementRef_t;
+   typedef typename ForEach<Expr, DomainFunctorTag, DomainFunctorTag>::Type_t
+     Domain_t;
+   typedef Expr Expression_t;
+   typedef DomainLayout<Dim> Layout_t;
+   enum { dimensions = Dim };
+   enum { multiPatch = true };
+   enum { hasDataObject = true };
+   enum { dynamic = false };
+   enum { zeroBased = true };
+   inline Engine(const Expr &expr) : expr_m(expr),
+     domain_m(forEach(expr_m, DomainFunctorTag(), DomainFunctorTag())) { }
+   inline Engine(const Engine_t &engine) : expr_m(engine.expression()),
+     domain_m(engine.domain()) { }
+   template<int Dim2, class T2, class Expr2, class Initializer>
+   inline Engine(const Engine<Dim2, T2, ExpressionTag<Expr2> > &e,
+     const Initializer &i)
+   : expr_m(e.expression(), i),
+     domain_m(forEach(expr_m, DomainFunctorTag(), DomainFunctorTag()))
+     { }
+   template<int Dim2, class T2, class Expr2, class I1, class I2>
+   inline Engine(const Engine<Dim2, T2, ExpressionTag<Expr2> > &e,
+                 const I1 &i1, const I2 &i2)
+     : expr_m(e.expression(), i1, i2),
+       domain_m(forEach(expr_m, DomainFunctorTag(), DomainFunctorTag()))
+   { }
+   template<class Expr2>
+   explicit inline Engine(const Engine<Dim,T,ExpressionTag<Expr2> > &e)
+     : expr_m(e.expression()),
+       domain_m(forEach(expr_m, DomainFunctorTag(), DomainFunctorTag()))
+   { }
+   inline const Expression_t &expression() const { return expr_m; }
+   inline Expression_t &expression() { return expr_m; }
+   Engine_t &makeOwnCopy();
+   inline Element_t read(int i0) const
+     {
+       return forEach(expr_m, EvalLeaf<1>(i0), OpCombine());
+     }
+   inline Element_t read(int i0, int i1) const
+     {
+       return forEach(expr_m, EvalLeaf<2>(i0, i1), OpCombine());
+     }
+   inline Element_t read(int i0, int i1, int i2) const
+     {
+       return forEach(expr_m, EvalLeaf<3>(i0, i1, i2), OpCombine());
+     }
+   inline Element_t read(int i0, int i1, int i2, int i3) const
+     {
+       return forEach(expr_m, EvalLeaf<4>(i0, i1, i2, i3),
+         OpCombine());
+     }
+   inline Element_t read(int i0, int i1, int i2, int i3, int i4) const
+     {
+       return forEach(expr_m, EvalLeaf<5>(i0, i1, i2, i3, i4),
+         OpCombine());
+     }
+   inline Element_t read(int i0, int i1, int i2, int i3, int i4, int i5) const
+     {
+       return forEach(expr_m, EvalLeaf<6>(i0, i1, i2, i3, i4, i5),
+         OpCombine());
+     }
+   inline Element_t read(int i0, int i1, int i2, int i3, int i4, int i5,
+     int i6) const
+     {
+       return forEach(expr_m, EvalLeaf<7>(i0, i1, i2, i3, i4, i5, i6),
+         OpCombine());
+     }
+   inline Element_t read(const Loc<Dim> &loc) const
+   {
+     return forEach(expr_m, EvalLeaf<Dim>(loc), OpCombine());
+   }
+   inline const Domain_t& domain() const
+     {
+       return domain_m;
+     }
+   inline Layout_t layout() const { return Layout_t(domain()); }
+   inline int first(int) const
+   {
+     return 0;
+   }
+   template<class RequestType>
+   inline
+   typename DataObjectRequest<RequestType>::Type_t
+   dataObjectRequest(const DataObjectRequest<RequestType>& f) const
+   {
+     typedef DataObjectRequest<RequestType> Tag_t;
+     typedef EngineFunctorTag<Tag_t> Functor_t;
+     typedef typename Tag_t::Combine_t Combine_t;
+     return forEach(expr_m,Functor_t(f),Combine_t());
+   }
+ private:
+   Expr expr_m;
+   Domain_t domain_m;
+ };
+ template<int Dim, class T, class Expr, class Domain>
+ struct NewEngine<Engine<Dim, T, ExpressionTag<Expr> >, Domain>
+ {
+   typedef ViewFunctorTag<Domain> FTag_t;
+   typedef typename ForEach<Expr, FTag_t, TreeCombine>::Type_t ExprView_t;
+   typedef Engine<Dim, T, ExpressionTag<ExprView_t> > Type_t;
+ };
+ template <int Dim, class T, class Expr, int SliceDim>
+ struct NewEngine<Engine<Dim, T, ExpressionTag<Expr> >,
+   SliceInterval<Dim,SliceDim> >
+ {
+   typedef ViewFunctorTag<SliceInterval<Dim,SliceDim> > FTag_t;
+   typedef typename ForEach<Expr, FTag_t, TreeCombine>::Type_t ExprView_t;
+   typedef Engine<SliceDim, T, ExpressionTag<ExprView_t> > Type_t;
+ };
+ template <int Dim, class T, class Expr, int SliceDim>
+ struct NewEngine<Engine<Dim,T,ExpressionTag<Expr> >,
+   SliceRange<Dim,SliceDim> >
+ {
+   typedef ViewFunctorTag<SliceRange<Dim,SliceDim> > FTag_t;
+   typedef typename ForEach<Expr, FTag_t, TreeCombine>::Type_t ExprView_t;
+   typedef Engine<SliceDim, T, ExpressionTag<ExprView_t> > Type_t;
+ };
+ template<class Node, class Tag>
+ struct LeafFunctor<Node, EngineFunctorTag<Tag> >
+ {
+ };
+ template<class T, class Tag>
+ struct LeafFunctor<Scalar<T>, EngineFunctorTag<Tag> >
+ {
+   typedef typename EngineFunctorScalar<T,Tag>::Type_t Type_t;
+   inline static
+   Type_t apply(const Scalar<T> &scalar, const EngineFunctorTag<Tag> &tag)
+   {
+     return EngineFunctorScalar<T,Tag>::apply(scalar.value(), tag.tag());
+   }
+ };
+ template<int Dim, class T, class E, class Tag>
+ struct LeafFunctor<Engine<Dim, T, E>, EngineFunctorTag<Tag> >
+ {
+   typedef Engine<Dim, T, E> Engine_t;
+   typedef typename EngineFunctor<Engine_t, Tag>::Type_t Type_t;
+   inline static
+   Type_t apply(const Engine_t &engine,
+         const EngineFunctorTag<Tag> &tag)
+   {
+     return EngineFunctor<Engine_t, Tag>::apply(engine, tag.tag());
+   }
+ };
+ template<int Dim, class T, class Expr, class Tag>
+ struct EngineFunctor<Engine<Dim,T,ExpressionTag<Expr> >,Tag>
+ {
+   typedef EngineFunctorTag<Tag> Functor_t;
+   typedef typename Tag::Combine_t Combine_t;
+   typedef typename ForEach<Expr,Functor_t,Combine_t>::Type_t Type_t;
+   inline static
+   Type_t apply(const Engine<Dim, T, ExpressionTag<Expr> > &engine,
+         const Tag &tag)
+   {
+     return forEach(engine.expression(), Functor_t(tag), Combine_t());
+   }
+ };
+ template<int Dim, class T, class Expr>
+ struct EngineFunctor<Engine<Dim, T, ExpressionTag<Expr> >, EnginePatch>
+ {
+   typedef typename EnginePatch::Combine_t Combine_t;
+   typedef typename ForEach<Expr, EnginePatch, Combine_t>::Type_t NewExpr_t;
+   typedef Engine<Dim, T, ExpressionTag<NewExpr_t> > Type_t;
+   inline static
+   Type_t apply(const Engine<Dim, T, ExpressionTag<Expr> > &engine,
+         const EnginePatch &tag)
+   {
+     return Type_t(forEach(engine.expression(), tag, Combine_t()));
+   }
+ };
+ template<int Dim, class T, class Expr, class Tag>
+ struct LeafFunctor<Engine<Dim, T, ExpressionTag<Expr> >, EngineView<Tag> >
+ {
+   typedef EngineView<Tag> Functor_t;
+   typedef typename Functor_t::Combine_t Combine_t;
+   typedef typename ForEach<Expr, Functor_t, Combine_t>::Type_t NewExpr_t;
+   typedef Engine<Dim, T, ExpressionTag<NewExpr_t> > Type_t;
+   inline static
+   Type_t apply(const Engine<Dim, T, ExpressionTag<Expr> > &engine,
+         const EngineView<Tag> &tag)
+   {
+     return Type_t(forEach(engine.expression(), tag, Combine_t()));
+   }
+ };
+ template<int Dim, class T, class Expr, class Tag>
+ struct LeafFunctor<Engine<Dim, T, ExpressionTag<Expr> >, ExpressionApply<Tag> >
+ {
+   typedef int Type_t;
+   inline static
+   Type_t apply(const Engine<Dim, T, ExpressionTag<Expr> > &engine,
+         const ExpressionApply<Tag> &tag)
+   {
+     return forEach(engine.expression(), tag, NullCombine());
+   }
+ };
+ template<class Components>
+ class ComponentWrapper
+ {
+ public:
+   explicit ComponentWrapper(const Components &c) : c_m(c) { }
+   const Components &components() const { return c_m; }
+ private:
+   const Components &c_m;
+ };
+ template<class T, class Components>
+ struct ComponentAccess
+ {
+   typedef T Element_t;
+   typedef T &ElementRef_t;
+   static inline ElementRef_t indexRef(T &v, const Components &)
+   {
+     return v;
+   }
+   static inline Element_t index(const T &v, const Components &)
+   {
+     return v;
+   }
+ };
+ template<class Engine>
+ struct NotifyEngineWrite
+ {
+   NotifyEngineWrite(){}
+  ~NotifyEngineWrite(){}
+  inline static void
+   notify(const Engine &)
+   {
+     PoomaCTAssert<(!(Engine::multiPatch))>::test();
+   }
+ };
+ template<class Engine>
+ inline
+ void notifyEngineWrite(const Engine &e)
+ {
+   NotifyEngineWrite<Engine>::notify(e);
+ }
+ template<class Engine>
+ inline
+ void notifyEngineWrite(const Engine &, const WrappedInt<false> &)
+ {
+ }
+ template<class Engine>
+ inline
+ void notifyEngineWrite(const Engine &e, const WrappedInt<true> &)
+ {
+   NotifyEngineWrite<Engine>::notify(e);
+ }
+ template <int Dim> class DomainLayout;
+ template<class Eng, class Components>
+ struct CompFwd { };
+ template<int Dim, class T, class Eng, class Components>
+ class Engine<Dim, T, CompFwd<Eng, Components> >
+ {
+ public:
+   typedef Engine<Dim, T, Eng> This_t;
+   typedef This_t Engine_t;
+   typedef Eng ElemEngine_t;
+   typedef typename Eng::Element_t FwdElement_t;
+   typedef ComponentAccess<FwdElement_t, Components> CompAccess_t;
+   typedef typename CompAccess_t::Element_t Element_t;
+   typedef typename CompAccess_t::ElementRef_t ElementRef_t;
+   typedef typename Eng::Domain_t Domain_t;
+   typedef CompFwd<Eng, Components> Tag_t;
+   typedef typename Eng::Layout_t Layout_t;
+   enum { dimensions = Eng::dimensions };
+   enum { hasDataObject = Eng::hasDataObject };
+   enum { dynamic = false };
+   enum { zeroBased = Eng::zeroBased };
+   enum { multiPatch = Eng::multiPatch };
+   Engine()
+     : engine_m(), components_m()
+   { }
+   Engine(const Eng &e, const Components &l)
+     : engine_m(e), components_m(l)
+   { }
+   Engine(const This_t &e)
+     : engine_m(e.elemEngine()), components_m(e.components()) { }
+   template<class OtherEng, class Domain>
+   Engine(const Engine< Dim, T, CompFwd<OtherEng, Components> > &e,
+   const Domain &domain)
+     : engine_m(NewEngineEngine<OtherEng,Domain>::apply(e.elemEngine(),domain),
+         NewEngineDomain<OtherEng,Domain>::apply(e.elemEngine(),domain)),
+       components_m(e.components()) { }
+   ~Engine() { }
+   inline ElementRef_t operator()(const Loc<dimensions> &eloc) const
+   {
+     return CompAccess_t::indexRef(elemEngine()(eloc), components());
+   }
+   inline ElementRef_t operator()(int i1) const
+   {
+     return CompAccess_t::indexRef(elemEngine()(i1), components());
+   }
+   inline ElementRef_t operator()(int i1, int i2) const
+   {
+     return CompAccess_t::indexRef(elemEngine()(i1, i2), components());
+   }
+   inline ElementRef_t operator()(int i1, int i2, int i3) const
+   {
+     return CompAccess_t::indexRef(elemEngine()(i1, i2, i3),
+       components());
+   }
+   inline ElementRef_t operator()(int i1, int i2, int i3, int i4) const
+   {
+     return CompAccess_t::indexRef(elemEngine()(i1, i2, i3, i4),
+       components());
+   }
+   inline ElementRef_t operator()(int i1, int i2, int i3, int i4, int i5) const
+   {
+     return CompAccess_t::indexRef(elemEngine()(i1, i2, i3, i4, i5),
+       components());
+   }
+   inline ElementRef_t operator()(int i1, int i2, int i3, int i4, int i5,
+      int i6) const
+   {
+     return CompAccess_t::indexRef(elemEngine()(i1, i2, i3, i4, i5, i6),
+       components());
+   }
+   inline ElementRef_t operator()(int i1, int i2, int i3, int i4, int i5,
+      int i6, int i7) const
+   {
+     return CompAccess_t::indexRef(elemEngine()(i1, i2, i3, i4, i5, i6, i7),
+       components());
+   }
+   inline Element_t read(const Loc<dimensions> &eloc) const
+   {
+     return CompAccess_t::index(elemEngine().read(eloc), components());
+   }
+   inline Element_t read(int i1) const
+   {
+     return CompAccess_t::index(elemEngine().read(i1), components());
+   }
+   inline Element_t read(int i1, int i2) const
+   {
+     return CompAccess_t::index(elemEngine().read(i1, i2), components());
+   }
+   inline Element_t read(int i1, int i2, int i3) const
+   {
+     return CompAccess_t::index(elemEngine().read(i1, i2, i3),
+           components());
+   }
+   inline Element_t read(int i1, int i2, int i3, int i4) const
+   {
+     return CompAccess_t::index(elemEngine().read(i1, i2, i3, i4),
+           components());
+   }
+   inline Element_t read(int i1, int i2, int i3, int i4, int i5) const
+   {
+     return CompAccess_t::index(elemEngine().read(i1, i2, i3, i4, i5),
+           components());
+   }
+   inline Element_t read(int i1, int i2, int i3, int i4, int i5,
+    int i6) const
+   {
+     return CompAccess_t::index(elemEngine().read(i1, i2, i3, i4, i5, i6),
+           components());
+   }
+   inline Element_t read(int i1, int i2, int i3, int i4, int i5,
+    int i6, int i7) const
+   {
+     return CompAccess_t::index(elemEngine().read(i1, i2, i3, i4, i5, i6, i7),
+           components());
+   }
+   inline const Layout_t& layout() const
+   {
+     return elemEngine().layout();
+   }
+   inline Layout_t& layout()
+   {
+     return elemEngine().layout();
+   }
+   inline const Domain_t& domain() const { return elemEngine().domain(); }
+   inline int first(int i) const
+   {
+     return elemEngine().first(i);
+   }
+   This_t &makeOwnCopy()
+   {
+     elemEngine().makeOwnCopy();
+     return *this;
+   }
+   Eng &elemEngine() { return engine_m; }
+   const Eng &elemEngine() const { return engine_m; }
+   const Components &components() const { return components_m; }
+ private:
+   Eng engine_m;
+   Components components_m;
+ };
+ template <int Dim, class T, class Eng, class Components, class Domain>
+ struct NewEngine<Engine<Dim, T, CompFwd<Eng, Components> >, Domain>
+ {
+   typedef typename NewEngine<Eng, Domain>::Type_t NewEngine_t;
+   typedef Engine<NewEngine_t::dimensions, T, CompFwd<NewEngine_t, Components> > Type_t;
+ };
+ template<int Dim, class T, class Eng, class Components, class EFTag>
+ struct EngineFunctor<Engine<Dim, T, CompFwd<Eng, Components> >, EFTag>
+ {
+   typedef typename EngineFunctor<Eng, EFTag>::Type_t Type_t;
+   static Type_t
+   apply(const Engine<Dim, T, CompFwd<Eng, Components> > &engine,
+  const EFTag &tag)
+   {
+     return engineFunctor(engine.elemEngine(), tag);
+   }
+ };
+ template <int D, class T, class E, class Comp, class Tag>
+ struct LeafFunctor<Engine<D, T, CompFwd<E, Comp> >, EngineView<Tag> >
+ {
+   typedef LeafFunctor<E, EngineView<Tag> > LeafFunctor_t;
+   typedef typename LeafFunctor_t::Type_t NewViewed_t;
+   typedef Engine<D, T, CompFwd<NewViewed_t, Comp> > Type_t;
+   static
+   Type_t apply(const Engine<D, T, CompFwd<E, Comp> > &engine,
+         const EngineView<Tag> &tag)
+   {
+     return Type_t(LeafFunctor_t::apply(engine.elemEngine(), tag),
+     engine.components());
+   }
+ };
+ template <int D, class T, class E, class Comp, class Tag>
+ struct LeafFunctor<Engine<D, T, CompFwd<E, Comp> >, ExpressionApply<Tag> >
+ {
+   typedef LeafFunctor<E, ExpressionApply<Tag> > LeafFunctor_t;
+   typedef int Type_t;
+   static
+   Type_t apply(const Engine<D, T, CompFwd<E, Comp> > &engine,
+         const ExpressionApply<Tag> &tag)
+   {
+     return LeafFunctor_t::apply(engine.elemEngine(), tag);
+   }
+ };
+ template<int Dim, class T, class Eng, class Components>
+ struct NotifyEngineWrite<Engine<Dim,T,CompFwd<Eng,Components> > >
+ {
+   inline static void
+   notify(const Engine<Dim,T,CompFwd<Eng,Components> > &engine)
+   {
+     typedef typename Engine<Dim, T,
+       CompFwd<Eng, Components> >::ElemEngine_t Engine_t;
+     NotifyEngineWrite<Engine_t>::notify(engine.elemEngine());
+   }
+ };
+ template <int D, class T, class E, class Comp>
+ struct EngineFunctor<Engine<D, T, CompFwd<E, Comp> >, EnginePatch>
+ {
+   typedef typename EngineFunctor<E, EnginePatch>::Type_t NewViewed_t;
+   typedef Engine<D, T, CompFwd<NewViewed_t, Comp> > Type_t;
+   static
+   Type_t apply(const Engine<D, T, CompFwd<E, Comp> > &engine,
+         const EnginePatch &tag)
+   {
+     return Type_t(engineFunctor(engine.elemEngine(), tag),
+     engine.components());
+   }
+ };
+ struct WriteRequest {};
+ struct ReadRequest {};
+ struct WriteRelease {};
+ struct ReadRelease {};
+ struct CountBlocks {};
+ template<>
+ class DataObjectRequest<WriteRequest>
+ {
+ public:
+   typedef int Type_t;
+   typedef NullCombine Combine_t;
+   DataObjectRequest(Pooma::Iterate_t& iterate)
+     : iterate_m(iterate),
+       lhs1_m(NULL), lhs2_m(NULL)
+   { }
+   inline Type_t operator()(Pooma::DataObject_t* obj) const
+   {
+     if ((obj != lhs1_m) && (obj != lhs2_m))
+     {
+       if (lhs1_m == NULL)
+       {
+  lhs1_m = obj;
+       }
+       else
+       {
+  if (lhs2_m == NULL)
+  {
+    lhs2_m = obj;
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    ;
+  }
+       }
+       obj->request(iterate_m,Pooma::SmartsTag_t::Write);
+     }
+     return 0;
+   }
+   inline Type_t defaultValue() const
+   {
+     return 0;
+   }
+   Pooma::DataObject_t* dataObject1() const { return lhs1_m; }
+   Pooma::DataObject_t* dataObject2() const { return lhs2_m; }
+   Pooma::Iterate_t& iterate() const { return iterate_m; }
+ private:
+   mutable Pooma::Iterate_t& iterate_m;
+   mutable Pooma::DataObject_t* lhs1_m;
+   mutable Pooma::DataObject_t* lhs2_m;
+ };
+ template<>
+ class DataObjectRequest<ReadRequest>
+ {
+ public:
+   typedef int Type_t;
+   typedef NullCombine Combine_t;
+   DataObjectRequest(const DataObjectRequest<WriteRequest>& write)
+     : iterate_m(write.iterate()),
+       lhs1_m(write.dataObject1()),
+       lhs2_m(write.dataObject2())
+   { }
+   DataObjectRequest(Pooma::Iterate_t& iterate)
+     : iterate_m(iterate),
+       lhs1_m(NULL), lhs2_m(NULL)
+   { }
+   inline Type_t operator()(Pooma::DataObject_t* obj) const
+   {
+     if ((lhs1_m != obj) && (lhs2_m != obj))
+     {
+       obj->request(iterate_m, Pooma::SmartsTag_t::Read);
+     }
+     return 0;
+   }
+   inline Type_t defaultValue() const
+   {
+     return 0;
+   }
+ private:
+   Pooma::Iterate_t& iterate_m;
+   Pooma::DataObject_t* lhs1_m;
+   Pooma::DataObject_t* lhs2_m;
+ };
+ template<>
+ class DataObjectRequest<WriteRelease>
+ {
+ public:
+   typedef int Type_t;
+   typedef NullCombine Combine_t;
+   DataObjectRequest()
+     : lhs1_m(NULL), lhs2_m(NULL)
+   { }
+   inline Type_t operator()(Pooma::DataObject_t* obj) const
+   {
+     if ((obj != lhs1_m) && (obj != lhs2_m))
+     {
+       if (lhs1_m == NULL)
+       {
+  lhs1_m = obj;
+       }
+       else
+       {
+  if (lhs2_m == NULL)
+  {
+    lhs2_m = obj;
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    ;
+  }
+       }
+       obj->release(Pooma::SmartsTag_t::Write);
+     }
+     return 0;
+   }
+   inline Type_t defaultValue() const
+   {
+     return 0;
+   }
+   Pooma::DataObject_t* dataObject1() const { return lhs1_m; }
+   Pooma::DataObject_t* dataObject2() const { return lhs2_m; }
+ private:
+   mutable Pooma::DataObject_t* lhs1_m;
+   mutable Pooma::DataObject_t* lhs2_m;
+ };
+ template<>
+ class DataObjectRequest<ReadRelease>
+ {
+ public:
+   typedef int Type_t;
+   typedef NullCombine Combine_t;
+   DataObjectRequest()
+     : lhs1_m(NULL), lhs2_m(NULL)
+   { }
+   DataObjectRequest(const DataObjectRequest<WriteRelease>& write)
+     : lhs1_m(write.dataObject1()), lhs2_m(write.dataObject2())
+   { }
+   inline Type_t operator()(Pooma::DataObject_t* obj) const
+   {
+     if ((lhs1_m != obj) && (lhs2_m != obj))
+     {
+       obj->release(Pooma::SmartsTag_t::Read);
+     }
+     return 0;
+   }
+   inline Type_t defaultValue() const
+   {
+     return 0;
+   }
+ private:
+   Pooma::DataObject_t* lhs1_m;
+   Pooma::DataObject_t* lhs2_m;
+ };
+ template<>
+ class DataObjectRequest<CountBlocks>
+ {
+ public:
+   typedef int Type_t;
+   typedef SumCombine Combine_t;
+   DataObjectRequest() { }
+   inline Type_t operator()(Pooma::DataObject_t*) const
+   {
+     return 1;
+   }
+   inline Type_t defaultValue() const
+   {
+     return 0;
+   }
+ };
+ template<class Eng, class Tag>
+ struct DefaultExpressionApply<Eng, DataObjectRequest<Tag> >
+ {
+   enum { hasDataObject = Eng::hasDataObject };
+   inline static
+   int apply(const Eng &e,
+      const ExpressionApply<DataObjectRequest<Tag> > &request)
+   {
+     DataObjectApply<hasDataObject>::apply(e, request.tag());
+     return 0;
+   }
+ };
+ template<int Dim> class DomainLayout;
+ template<class A1,class A2>
+ struct IndirectionTag
+ { };
+ template<int Dim,class T,class A1,class A2>
+ class Engine<Dim,T,IndirectionTag<A1,A2> >
+ {
+ public:
+   typedef IndirectionTag<A1,A2> Tag_t;
+   typedef Engine<Dim,T,Tag_t> Engine_t;
+   typedef typename A1::Element_t Element_t;
+   typedef typename A1::ElementRef_t ElementRef_t;
+   typedef typename A2::Domain_t Domain_t;
+   typedef DomainLayout<Dim> Layout_t;
+   typedef typename A1::Engine_t Engine1_t;
+   typedef typename A2::Engine_t Engine2_t;
+   enum { dimensions = Dim };
+   enum { hasDataObject = Engine1_t::hasDataObject ||
+   Engine2_t::hasDataObject };
+   enum { multiPatch = Engine1_t::multiPatch ||
+   Engine2_t::multiPatch };
+   enum { dynamic = false };
+   enum { zeroBased = Engine2_t::zeroBased };
+   inline
+   Engine(const A1 &array1,const A2 &array2)
+     : array1_m(array1),array2_m(array2)
+   {
+     PoomaCTAssert<(A2::dimensions == Dim)>::test();
+   }
+   inline
+   Engine(const Engine_t &engine)
+     : array1_m(engine.array1()),array2_m(engine.array2())
+   { }
+   template<int OtherDim,class OtherA2, class Domain>
+   inline
+   Engine(const Engine<OtherDim,T,IndirectionTag<A1,OtherA2> > &e,
+   const Domain &d)
+     : array1_m(e.array1()),array2_m(e.array2(),d)
+   {
+     PoomaCTAssert<(A2::dimensions == Dim)>::test();
+   }
+   inline const A1 &array1() const { return array1_m; }
+   inline A1 &array1() { return array1_m; }
+   inline const A2 &array2() const { return array2_m; }
+   inline A2 &array2() { return array2_m; }
+   inline Element_t read(int i0) const
+   {
+     return array1_m.read(array2_m.read(i0));
+   }
+   inline Element_t read(int i0, int i1) const
+   {
+     return array1_m.read(array2_m.read(i0,i1));
+   }
+   inline Element_t read(int i0, int i1,int i2) const
+   {
+     return array1_m.read(array2_m.read(i0,i1,i2));
+   }
+   inline Element_t read(int i0, int i1,int i2,int i3) const
+   {
+     return array1_m.read(array2_m.read(i0,i1,i2,i3));
+   }
+   inline Element_t read(int i0, int i1, int i2, int i3, int i4) const
+   {
+     return array1_m.read(array2_m.read(i0,i1,i2,i3,i4));
+   }
+   inline Element_t read(int i0, int i1, int i2, int i3, int i4, int i5) const
+   {
+     return array1_m.read(array2_m.read(i0,i1,i2,i3,i4,i5));
+   }
+   inline Element_t read(int i0, int i1, int i2, int i3, int i4, int i5,
+    int i6) const
+   {
+     return array1_m.read(array2_m.read(i0,i1,i2,i3,i4,i5,i6));
+   }
+   template<class Domain>
+   inline Element_t read(const Domain &loc) const
+   {
+     return array1_m.read(array2_m.read(loc));
+   }
+   inline ElementRef_t operator()(int i0) const
+   {
+     return array1_m(array2_m.read(i0));
+   }
+   inline ElementRef_t operator()(int i0, int i1) const
+   {
+     return array1_m(array2_m.read(i0,i1));
+   }
+   inline ElementRef_t operator()(int i0, int i1,int i2) const
+   {
+     return array1_m(array2_m.read(i0,i1,i2));
+   }
+   inline ElementRef_t operator()(int i0, int i1,int i2,int i3) const
+   {
+     return array1_m(array2_m.read(i0,i1,i2,i3));
+   }
+   inline ElementRef_t operator()(int i0, int i1, int i2, int i3, int i4) const
+   {
+     return array1_m(array2_m.read(i0,i1,i2,i3,i4));
+   }
+   inline ElementRef_t operator()(int i0, int i1, int i2, int i3, int i4,
+      int i5) const
+   {
+     return array1_m(array2_m.read(i0,i1,i2,i3,i4,i5));
+   }
+   inline ElementRef_t operator()(int i0, int i1, int i2, int i3, int i4,
+      int i5, int i6) const
+   {
+     return array1_m(array2_m.read(i0,i1,i2,i3,i4,i5,i6));
+   }
+   template<class Domain>
+   inline ElementRef_t operator()(const Domain &loc) const
+   {
+     return array1_m(array2_m.read(loc));
+   }
+   inline const Domain_t& domain() const
+   {
+     return array2_m.domain();
+   }
+   inline int first(int i) const
+   {
+     return array2_m.first(i);
+   }
+ private:
+   A1 array1_m;
+   A2 array2_m;
+ };
+ template<int Dim,class T,class A1,class A2,class Domain>
+ struct NewEngine<Engine<Dim,T,IndirectionTag<A1,A2> >,Domain>
+ {
+   typedef typename View1<A2,Domain>::Type_t NewA2_t;
+   enum { newDim = NewA2_t::dimensions };
+   typedef Engine<newDim,T,IndirectionTag<A1,NewA2_t> > Type_t;
+ };
+ template<int Dim, class T, class A1, class A2, class RequestType>
+ struct EngineFunctor<Engine<Dim, T, IndirectionTag<A1, A2> >,
+   DataObjectRequest<RequestType> >
+ {
+   typedef typename DataObjectRequest<RequestType>::Type_t Type_t;
+   typedef typename DataObjectRequest<RequestType>::Combine_t Combine_t;
+   static Type_t
+   apply(const Engine<Dim, T, IndirectionTag<A1, A2> > &engine,
+  const DataObjectRequest<RequestType> &tag)
+   {
+     return Combine2<Type_t,Type_t,OpAdd,
+       Combine_t>::combine(
+      engineFunctor(engine.array1().engine(), tag),
+      engineFunctor(engine.array2().engine(), tag),
+      Combine_t()
+      );
+   }
+ };
+ template<int Dim, class T, class A1, class A2>
+ struct EngineFunctor<Engine<Dim, T, IndirectionTag<A1, A2> >,
+   DataObjectRequest<WriteRequest> >
+ {
+   typedef typename DataObjectRequest<WriteRequest>::Type_t Type_t;
+   static Type_t
+   apply(const Engine<Dim, T, IndirectionTag<A1, A2> > &engine,
+  const DataObjectRequest<WriteRequest> &tag)
+   {
+     engineFunctor(engine.array1().engine(), tag);
+     return engineFunctor(engine.array2().engine(),
+     DataObjectRequest<ReadRequest>(tag));
+   }
+ };
+ template<int Dim, class T, class A1, class A2>
+ struct EngineFunctor<Engine<Dim, T, IndirectionTag<A1, A2> >,
+   DataObjectRequest<WriteRelease> >
+ {
+   typedef typename DataObjectRequest<WriteRelease>::Type_t Type_t;
+   static Type_t
+   apply(const Engine<Dim, T, IndirectionTag<A1, A2> > &engine,
+  const DataObjectRequest<WriteRelease> &tag)
+   {
+     engineFunctor(engine.array1().engine(), tag);
+     return engineFunctor(engine.array2().engine(),
+     DataObjectRequest<ReadRelease>(tag));
+   }
+ };
+ struct Brick;
+ struct BrickView;
+ struct CompressibleBrick;
+ struct CompressibleBrickView;
+ template<class Eng, class Components> struct CompFwd;
+ template<class A1,class A2> struct IndirectionTag;
+ struct ConstantFunction;
+ template<class Expr> struct ExpressionTag;
+ template<class Stencil, class Expression> struct StencilEngine;
+ struct Compressible
+ {
+   typedef AndCombine Combine_t;
+ };
+ struct Compressed
+ {
+   typedef AndCombine Combine_t;
+ };
+ struct CompressedRead
+ {
+   typedef OpCombine Combine_t;
+ };
+ struct CompressedReadWrite
+ {
+ };
+ struct CompressedBrickIsWholeView
+ {
+ };
+ struct UnCompressedViewEngine
+ {
+ };
+ template<int A, int B, class Op>
+ struct Combine2<WrappedInt<A>, WrappedInt<B>, Op, AndCombine>
+ {
+   enum { val = A && B };
+   typedef WrappedInt<val> Type_t;
+   inline static
+   Type_t combine(WrappedInt<A> , WrappedInt<B>, AndCombine)
+   {
+     return Type_t();
+   }
+ };
+ template<class T>
+ struct EngineFunctorScalar<T, Compressible >
+ {
+   typedef WrappedInt<true> Type_t;
+   static Type_t apply(const T &, const Compressible &)
+   {
+     return Type_t();
+   }
+ };
+ template<class T>
+ struct EngineFunctorScalar<T, Compressed >
+ {
+   typedef bool Type_t;
+   static Type_t apply(const T &, const Compressed &)
+   {
+     return true;
+   }
+ };
+ template<class T>
+ struct EngineFunctorScalar<T, CompressedRead >
+ {
+   typedef T Type_t;
+   static inline
+   Type_t apply(const T& s, const CompressedRead &)
+   {
+     return s;
+   }
+ };
+ template<class Engine>
+ struct EngineFunctorDefault<Engine,Compressible>
+ {
+   typedef WrappedInt<false> Type_t;
+ };
+ template<class Engine>
+ struct EngineFunctorDefault<Engine,Compressed>
+ {
+   typedef bool Type_t;
+   static inline
+   Type_t apply(const Engine &, const Compressed &)
+   {
+     return false;
+   }
+ };
+ template<int Dim,class T>
+ struct EngineFunctor<Engine<Dim,T,CompressibleBrick>,Compressible>
+ {
+   typedef WrappedInt<true> Type_t;
+ };
+ template<int Dim,class T>
+ struct EngineFunctor<Engine<Dim,T,CompressibleBrick>,Compressed>
+ {
+   typedef Engine<Dim,T,CompressibleBrick> Engine_t;
+   typedef bool Type_t;
+   static inline
+   Type_t apply(const Engine_t &e, const Compressed &)
+   {
+     return e.compressed();
+   }
+ };
+ template<int Dim,class T>
+ struct EngineFunctor<Engine<Dim,T,CompressibleBrick>,CompressedRead>
+ {
+   typedef Engine<Dim,T,CompressibleBrick> Engine_t;
+   typedef T Type_t;
+   static inline
+   Type_t apply(const Engine_t &e, const CompressedRead &)
+   {
+     return e.compressedRead();
+   }
+ };
+ template<int Dim,class T>
+ struct EngineFunctor<Engine<Dim,T,CompressibleBrick>,CompressedReadWrite>
+ {
+   typedef Engine<Dim,T,CompressibleBrick> Engine_t;
+   typedef T &Type_t;
+   static inline
+   Type_t apply(const Engine_t &e, const CompressedReadWrite &)
+   {
+     return e.compressedReadWrite();
+   }
+ };
+ template<int Dim, class T>
+ struct EngineFunctor<Engine<Dim,T,CompressibleBrick>,
+   CompressedBrickIsWholeView>
+ {
+   typedef Engine<Dim,T,CompressibleBrick> Engine_t;
+   typedef bool Type_t;
+   static inline
+   bool apply(const Engine_t &e, const CompressedBrickIsWholeView &)
+   {
+     return e.compressedBrickIsWholeView();
+   }
+ };
+ template<int Dim, class T>
+ struct EngineFunctor<Engine<Dim,T,CompressibleBrick>,UnCompressedViewEngine>
+ {
+   typedef Engine<Dim,T,CompressibleBrick> Engine_t;
+   typedef Engine<Dim,T,BrickView> Type_t;
+   static inline
+   Type_t apply(const Engine_t &e, const UnCompressedViewEngine &)
+   {
+     return Type_t(e);
+   }
+ };
+ template<int Dim, class T>
+ struct EngineFunctor<Engine<Dim,T,CompressibleBrickView>,Compressible>
+ {
+   typedef WrappedInt<true> Type_t;
+ };
+ template<int Dim, class T>
+ struct EngineFunctor<Engine<Dim,T,CompressibleBrickView >,Compressed>
+ {
+   typedef Engine<Dim,T,CompressibleBrickView > Engine_t;
+   typedef bool Type_t;
+   static inline
+   Type_t apply(const Engine_t &e, const Compressed &)
+   {
+     return e.compressed();
+   }
+ };
+ template<int Dim, class T>
+ struct EngineFunctor<Engine<Dim,T,CompressibleBrickView >,CompressedRead>
+ {
+   typedef Engine<Dim,T,CompressibleBrickView > Engine_t;
+   typedef T Type_t;
+   static inline
+   Type_t apply(const Engine_t &e, const CompressedRead &)
+   {
+     return e.compressedRead();
+   }
+ };
+ template<int Dim, class T>
+ struct EngineFunctor<Engine<Dim,T,CompressibleBrickView >,
+   CompressedReadWrite>
+ {
+   typedef Engine<Dim,T,CompressibleBrickView > Engine_t;
+   typedef T &Type_t;
+   static inline
+   Type_t apply(const Engine_t &e, const CompressedReadWrite &)
+   {
+     return e.compressedReadWrite();
+   }
+ };
+ template<int Dim, class T>
+ struct EngineFunctor<Engine<Dim,T,CompressibleBrickView >,
+   CompressedBrickIsWholeView>
+ {
+   typedef Engine<Dim,T,CompressibleBrickView > Engine_t;
+   typedef bool Type_t;
+   static inline
+   bool apply(const Engine_t &e, const CompressedBrickIsWholeView &)
+   {
+     return e.compressedBrickIsWholeView();
+   }
+ };
+ template<int Dim, class T>
+ struct EngineFunctor<Engine<Dim,T,CompressibleBrickView >,
+   UnCompressedViewEngine>
+ {
+   typedef Engine<Dim,T,CompressibleBrickView > Engine_t;
+   typedef Engine<Dim,T,BrickView> Type_t;
+   static inline
+   Type_t apply(const Engine_t &e, const UnCompressedViewEngine &)
+   {
+     return Type_t(e);
+   }
+ };
+ template<int Dim,class T>
+ struct EngineFunctor<Engine<Dim,T,ConstantFunction>,Compressible>
+ {
+   typedef WrappedInt<true> Type_t;
+   static inline
+   Type_t apply(const Engine<Dim,T,ConstantFunction> &, const Compressible &)
+   {
+     return WrappedInt<true>();
+   }
+ };
+ template<int Dim,class T>
+ struct EngineFunctor<Engine<Dim,T,ConstantFunction>,Compressed>
+ {
+   typedef bool Type_t;
+   static inline
+   Type_t apply(const Engine<Dim,T,ConstantFunction> &, const Compressed &)
+   {
+     return true;
+   }
+ };
+ template<int Dim,class T>
+ struct EngineFunctor<Engine<Dim,T,ConstantFunction>,CompressedRead>
+ {
+   typedef T Type_t;
+   static inline
+   Type_t apply(const Engine<Dim,T,ConstantFunction> &e,
+         const CompressedRead &)
+   {
+     return e.constant();
+   }
+ };
+ template<int Dim, class T, class Eng, class Components>
+ struct EngineFunctor<Engine<Dim,T,CompFwd<Eng, Components> >,Compressible>
+ {
+   typedef typename EngineFunctor<Eng,Compressible>::Type_t Comp_t;
+   enum { compressible = Comp_t::val };
+   typedef WrappedInt<compressible> Type_t;
+ };
+ template<int Dim, class T, class Eng, class Components>
+ struct EngineFunctor<Engine<Dim,T,CompFwd<Eng, Components> >,CompressedRead>
+ {
+   typedef Engine<Dim,T,CompFwd<Eng, Components> > Engine_t;
+   typedef typename Engine_t::CompAccess_t CompAccess_t;
+   typedef typename CompAccess_t::Element_t Type_t;
+   static inline
+   Type_t apply(const Engine_t &e, const CompressedRead &tag)
+   {
+     return CompAccess_t::index(engineFunctor(e.elemEngine(),tag),
+           e.components());
+   }
+ };
+ template<int Dim, class T, class Eng, class Components>
+ struct EngineFunctor<Engine<Dim,T,CompFwd<Eng, Components> >,CompressedReadWrite>
+ {
+   typedef Engine<Dim,T,CompFwd<Eng, Components> > Engine_t;
+   typedef typename Engine_t::CompAccess_t CompAccess_t;
+   typedef typename CompAccess_t::ElementRef_t Type_t;
+   static inline
+   Type_t apply(const Engine_t &e, const CompressedReadWrite &tag)
+   {
+     return CompAccess_t::indexRef(engineFunctor(e.elemEngine(),tag),
+       e.components());
+   }
+ };
+ template<int Dim, class T, class Eng, class Components>
+ struct EngineFunctor<Engine<Dim,T,CompFwd<Eng, Components> >,
+   UnCompressedViewEngine>
+ {
+   typedef Engine<Dim,T,CompFwd<Eng, Components> > Engine_t;
+   typedef typename EngineFunctor<Eng,
+     UnCompressedViewEngine>::Type_t CompEngine_t;
+   typedef Engine<Dim,T,CompFwd<CompEngine_t, Components> > Type_t;
+   static inline
+   Type_t apply(const Engine_t &e,const UnCompressedViewEngine &tag)
+   {
+     return Type_t(engineFunctor(e.elemEngine(), tag), e.components());
+   }
+ };
+ template<class Expr> struct CreateLeaf;
+ struct ErrorKernelTag
+ {
+   ErrorKernelTag(){}
+   ~ErrorKernelTag(){}
+ };
+ struct InlineKernelTag
+ {
+   InlineKernelTag(){}
+   ~InlineKernelTag(){}
+ };
+ struct CompressibleKernelTag
+ {
+   CompressibleKernelTag(){}
+   ~CompressibleKernelTag(){}
+ };
+ struct CompressibleViewKernelTag
+ {
+   CompressibleViewKernelTag(){}
+   ~CompressibleViewKernelTag(){}
+ };
+ template<bool lhsComp,bool rhsComp>
+ struct CompressibleKernel
+ {
+   CompressibleKernel(){}
+   ~CompressibleKernel(){}
+ };
+ template<>
+ struct CompressibleKernel<false,false>
+ {
+   CompressibleKernel(){}
+   ~CompressibleKernel(){}
+   typedef InlineKernelTag Kernel_t;
+ };
+ template<>
+ struct CompressibleKernel<false,true>
+ {
+   CompressibleKernel(){}
+   ~CompressibleKernel(){}
+   typedef InlineKernelTag Kernel_t;
+ };
+ template<>
+ struct CompressibleKernel<true,false>
+ {
+   CompressibleKernel(){}
+   ~CompressibleKernel(){}
+   typedef CompressibleViewKernelTag Kernel_t;
+ };
+ template<>
+ struct CompressibleKernel<true,true>
+ {
+   CompressibleKernel(){}
+   ~CompressibleKernel(){}
+   typedef CompressibleKernelTag Kernel_t;
+ };
+ template<class Expr>
+ struct KernelTag1
+ {
+   KernelTag1(){}
+  ~KernelTag1(){}
+   typedef typename Expr::Engine_t ExprEngine_t;
+   typedef typename EngineFunctor<ExprEngine_t, Compressible>::Type_t Expr_t;
+   enum { exprComp = Expr_t::val };
+   typedef typename CompressibleKernel<exprComp,exprComp>::Kernel_t Kernel_t;
+ };
+ template<class LHS,class RHS>
+ struct KernelTag
+ {
+   KernelTag(){}
+  ~KernelTag(){}
+   typedef typename LHS::Engine_t LHSEngine_t;
+   typedef typename RHS::Engine_t RHSEngine_t;
+   typedef typename EngineFunctor<LHSEngine_t,Compressible>::Type_t LHST_t;
+   typedef typename EngineFunctor<RHSEngine_t,Compressible>::Type_t RHST_t;
+   enum { lhsComp = LHST_t::val };
+   enum { rhsComp = RHST_t::val };
+   typedef typename CompressibleKernel<lhsComp,rhsComp>::Kernel_t Kernel_t;
+ };
+ template<class KernelTag>
+ struct KernelEvaluator;
+ template<>
+ struct KernelEvaluator<InlineKernelTag>
+ {
+   template<class LHS,class Op,class RHS,class Domain>
+   static /*__attribute__((leafify))*/
+   void evaluate(const LHS& lhs,const Op& op,const RHS& rhs,
+          const Domain& domain)
+   {
+     PoomaCTAssert<(Domain::unitStride)>::test();
+     for (int i=0; i<Domain::dimensions; ++i)
+       ;
+     evaluate(lhs,op,rhs,domain,
+       WrappedInt<Domain::dimensions>());
+     ;
+   }
+   template<class LHS,class Op,class RHS>
+   inline static void evaluate(const LHS& lhs,const Op& op,const RHS& rhs)
+   {
+     evaluate(lhs,op,rhs,lhs.domain());
+   }
+   template<class LHS,class Op,class RHS,class Domain>
+   inline static void evaluate(const LHS& lhs,const Op& op,const RHS& rhs,
+          const Domain& domain,WrappedInt<1>)
+   {
+     LHS localLHS(lhs);
+     RHS localRHS(rhs);
+     int e0 = domain[0].length();
+ ;
+ #pragma omp parallel for if (e0 > 512)
+     for (int i0=0; i0<e0; ++i0)
+       op(localLHS(i0),localRHS.read(i0));
+   }
+   template<class LHS,class Op,class RHS,class Domain>
+   inline static void evaluate(const LHS& lhs,const Op& op,const RHS& rhs,
+          const Domain& domain,WrappedInt<2>)
+   {
+     LHS localLHS(lhs);
+     RHS localRHS(rhs);
+     int e0 = domain[0].length();
+     int e1 = domain[1].length();
+ #pragma omp parallel for
+     for (int i1=0; i1<e1; ++i1) {
+ ;
+       for (int i0=0; i0<e0; ++i0)
+  op(localLHS(i0,i1),localRHS.read(i0,i1));
+     }
+   }
+   template<class LHS,class Op,class RHS,class Domain>
+   inline static void evaluate(const LHS& lhs,const Op& op,const RHS& rhs,
+          const Domain& domain,WrappedInt<3>)
+   {
+     LHS localLHS(lhs);
+     RHS localRHS(rhs);
+     int e0 = domain[0].length();
+     int e1 = domain[1].length();
+     int e2 = domain[2].length();
+ #pragma omp parallel for
+     for (int i2=0; i2<e2; ++i2)
+       for (int i1=0; i1<e1; ++i1) {
+ ;
+  for (int i0=0; i0<e0; ++i0)
+    op(localLHS(i0,i1,i2),localRHS.read(i0,i1,i2));
+       }
+   }
+   template<class LHS,class Op,class RHS,class Domain>
+   inline static void evaluate(const LHS& lhs,const Op& op,const RHS& rhs,
+          const Domain& domain,WrappedInt<4>)
+   {
+     LHS localLHS(lhs);
+     RHS localRHS(rhs);
+     int e0 = domain[0].length();
+     int e1 = domain[1].length();
+     int e2 = domain[2].length();
+     int e3 = domain[3].length();
+ #pragma omp parallel for
+     for (int i3=0; i3<e3; ++i3)
+       for (int i2=0; i2<e2; ++i2)
+  for (int i1=0; i1<e1; ++i1) {
+ ;
+    for (int i0=0; i0<e0; ++i0)
+      op(localLHS(i0,i1,i2,i3),localRHS.read(i0,i1,i2,i3));
+  }
+   }
+   template<class LHS,class Op,class RHS,class Domain>
+   inline static void evaluate(const LHS& lhs,const Op& op,const RHS& rhs,
+          const Domain& domain,WrappedInt<5>)
+   {
+     LHS localLHS(lhs);
+     RHS localRHS(rhs);
+     int e0 = domain[0].length();
+     int e1 = domain[1].length();
+     int e2 = domain[2].length();
+     int e3 = domain[3].length();
+     int e4 = domain[4].length();
+ #pragma omp parallel for
+     for (int i4=0; i4<e4; ++i4)
+       for (int i3=0; i3<e3; ++i3)
+  for (int i2=0; i2<e2; ++i2)
+    for (int i1=0; i1<e1; ++i1) {
+ ;
+      for (int i0=0; i0<e0; ++i0)
+        op(localLHS(i0,i1,i2,i3,i4),localRHS.read(i0,i1,i2,i3,i4));
+    }
+   }
+   template<class LHS,class Op,class RHS,class Domain>
+   inline static void evaluate(const LHS& lhs,const Op& op,const RHS& rhs,
+          const Domain& domain,WrappedInt<6>)
+   {
+     LHS localLHS(lhs);
+     RHS localRHS(rhs);
+     int e0 = domain[0].length();
+     int e1 = domain[1].length();
+     int e2 = domain[2].length();
+     int e3 = domain[3].length();
+     int e4 = domain[4].length();
+     int e5 = domain[5].length();
+ #pragma omp parallel for
+     for (int i5=0; i5<e5; ++i5)
+       for (int i4=0; i4<e4; ++i4)
+  for (int i3=0; i3<e3; ++i3)
+    for (int i2=0; i2<e2; ++i2)
+      for (int i1=0; i1<e1; ++i1) {
+ ;
+        for (int i0=0; i0<e0; ++i0)
+   op(localLHS(i0,i1,i2,i3,i4,i5),
+      localRHS.read(i0,i1,i2,i3,i4,i5));
+      }
+   }
+   template<class LHS,class Op,class RHS,class Domain>
+   inline static void evaluate(const LHS& lhs,const Op& op,const RHS& rhs,
+          const Domain& domain,WrappedInt<7>)
+   {
+     LHS localLHS(lhs);
+     RHS localRHS(rhs);
+     int e0 = domain[0].length();
+     int e1 = domain[1].length();
+     int e2 = domain[2].length();
+     int e3 = domain[3].length();
+     int e4 = domain[4].length();
+     int e5 = domain[5].length();
+     int e6 = domain[6].length();
+ #pragma omp parallel for
+     for (int i6=0; i6<e6; ++i6)
+       for (int i5=0; i5<e5; ++i5)
+  for (int i4=0; i4<e4; ++i4)
+    for (int i3=0; i3<e3; ++i3)
+      for (int i2=0; i2<e2; ++i2)
+        for (int i1=0; i1<e1; ++i1) {
+ ;
+   for (int i0=0; i0<e0; ++i0)
+     op(localLHS(i0,i1,i2,i3,i4,i5,i6),
+        localRHS.read(i0,i1,i2,i3,i4,i5,i6));
+        }
+   }
+ private:
+ };
+ template<>
+ struct KernelEvaluator<CompressibleViewKernelTag>
+ {
+   template<class LHS, class Op, class RHS>
+   static void evaluate(const LHS &lhs, const Op &op, const RHS &rhs)
+   {
+     KernelEvaluator<InlineKernelTag>().
+       evaluate(engineFunctor(lhs, UnCompressedViewEngine()),
+         op, rhs);
+     ;
+   }
+ };
+ template<>
+ struct KernelEvaluator<CompressibleKernelTag>
+ {
+   template<class LHS, class Op, class RHS>
+   static void evaluate(const LHS &lhs, const Op &op, const RHS &rhs)
+   {
+     typedef typename LHS::Element_t LHST_t;
+     typedef typename RHS::Element_t RHST_t;
+     if (engineFunctor(lhs, Compressed()) &&
+  engineFunctor(rhs, Compressed()))
+       {
+         LHST_t &l = engineFunctor(lhs, CompressedReadWrite());
+         LHST_t test = l;
+         RHST_t r = engineFunctor(rhs, CompressedRead());
+         op(test, r);
+         if (test != l)
+           {
+      if (engineFunctor(lhs, CompressedBrickIsWholeView()))
+        {
+          l = test;
+          ;
+        }
+      else
+        {
+          KernelEvaluator<CompressibleViewKernelTag>::
+                   evaluate(lhs, op, rhs);
+        }
+           }
+         else
+           {
+             ;
+           }
+       }
+     else
+       {
+         KernelEvaluator<CompressibleViewKernelTag>::evaluate(lhs, op, rhs);
+       }
+   }
+ };
+ struct Brick;
+ struct BrickView;
+ struct BrickViewU;
+ struct CompressibleBrick;
+ struct CompressibleBrickView;
+ struct Dynamic;
+ struct DynamicView;
+ template<class LayoutTag, class PatchTag>
+ struct MultiPatch;
+ template<class LayoutTag, class PatchTag, int Dim2>
+ struct MultiPatchView;
+ template<class Functor>
+ struct IndexFunction;
+ template<int Dim2, class Functor>
+ struct IndexFunctionView;
+ template<class Eng, class Components>
+ struct CompFwd;
+ template<class A1,class A2>
+ struct IndirectionTag;
+ struct ConstantFunction;
+ template<class Expr>
+ struct ExpressionTag;
+ template<class Tag>
+ struct Remote;
+ struct DistributedTag;
+ struct ReplicatedTag;
+ struct ScalarEngineTag
+ {
+   ScalarEngineTag() {}
+   ~ScalarEngineTag() {}
+ };
+ struct MainEvaluatorTag
+ {
+   MainEvaluatorTag() {}
+   ~MainEvaluatorTag() {}
+ };
+ struct SinglePatchEvaluatorTag
+ {
+   SinglePatchEvaluatorTag() {}
+   ~SinglePatchEvaluatorTag() {}
+ };
+ struct MultiPatchEvaluatorTag
+ {
+   MultiPatchEvaluatorTag() {}
+   ~MultiPatchEvaluatorTag() {}
+ };
+ struct RemoteSinglePatchEvaluatorTag
+ {
+   RemoteSinglePatchEvaluatorTag() {}
+   ~RemoteSinglePatchEvaluatorTag() {}
+ };
+ struct RemoteMultiPatchEvaluatorTag
+ {
+   RemoteMultiPatchEvaluatorTag() {}
+   ~RemoteMultiPatchEvaluatorTag() {}
+ };
+ struct EvaluatorTypeTag
+ {
+   EvaluatorTypeTag() {}
+   ~EvaluatorTypeTag() {}
+ };
+ struct EvaluatorCombineTag
+ {
+   EvaluatorCombineTag() {}
+   ~EvaluatorCombineTag() {}
+ };
+ template<class EngineTag>
+ struct EvaluatorEngineTraits
+ {
+   EvaluatorEngineTraits() {}
+   ~EvaluatorEngineTraits() {}
+ };
+ template<>
+ struct EvaluatorEngineTraits<ScalarEngineTag>
+ {
+   EvaluatorEngineTraits() {}
+   ~EvaluatorEngineTraits() {}
+   typedef SinglePatchEvaluatorTag Evaluator_t;
+ };
+ template<>
+ struct EvaluatorEngineTraits<ConstantFunction>
+ {
+   EvaluatorEngineTraits() {}
+   ~EvaluatorEngineTraits() {}
+   typedef SinglePatchEvaluatorTag Evaluator_t;
+ };
+ template<class Functor>
+ struct EvaluatorEngineTraits<IndexFunction<Functor> >
+ {
+   EvaluatorEngineTraits() {}
+   ~EvaluatorEngineTraits() {}
+   typedef SinglePatchEvaluatorTag Evaluator_t;
+ };
+ template<int Dim2, class Functor>
+ struct EvaluatorEngineTraits<IndexFunctionView<Dim2, Functor> >
+ {
+   EvaluatorEngineTraits() {}
+   ~EvaluatorEngineTraits() {}
+   typedef SinglePatchEvaluatorTag Evaluator_t;
+ };
+ template<>
+ struct EvaluatorEngineTraits<Brick>
+ {
+   EvaluatorEngineTraits() {}
+   ~EvaluatorEngineTraits() {}
+   typedef SinglePatchEvaluatorTag Evaluator_t;
+ };
+ template<>
+ struct EvaluatorEngineTraits<BrickView>
+ {
+   EvaluatorEngineTraits() {}
+   ~EvaluatorEngineTraits() {}
+   typedef SinglePatchEvaluatorTag Evaluator_t;
+ };
+ template<>
+ struct EvaluatorEngineTraits<BrickViewU>
+ {
+   EvaluatorEngineTraits() {}
+   ~EvaluatorEngineTraits() {}
+   typedef SinglePatchEvaluatorTag Evaluator_t;
+ };
+ template<>
+ struct EvaluatorEngineTraits<CompressibleBrick>
+ {
+   EvaluatorEngineTraits() {}
+   ~EvaluatorEngineTraits() {}
+   typedef SinglePatchEvaluatorTag Evaluator_t;
+ };
+ template<>
+ struct EvaluatorEngineTraits<CompressibleBrickView>
+ {
+   EvaluatorEngineTraits() {}
+   ~EvaluatorEngineTraits() {}
+   typedef SinglePatchEvaluatorTag Evaluator_t;
+ };
+ template<>
+ struct EvaluatorEngineTraits<Dynamic>
+ {
+   EvaluatorEngineTraits() {}
+   ~EvaluatorEngineTraits() {}
+   typedef SinglePatchEvaluatorTag Evaluator_t;
+ };
+ template<>
+ struct EvaluatorEngineTraits<DynamicView>
+ {
+   EvaluatorEngineTraits() {}
+   ~EvaluatorEngineTraits() {}
+   typedef SinglePatchEvaluatorTag Evaluator_t;
+ };
+ template<class A1,class A2>
+ struct EvaluatorEngineTraits<IndirectionTag<A1,A2> >
+ {
+   EvaluatorEngineTraits() {}
+   ~EvaluatorEngineTraits() {}
+   typedef SinglePatchEvaluatorTag Evaluator_t;
+ };
+ template<class Tag>
+ struct EvaluatorEngineTraits<Remote<Tag> >
+ {
+   EvaluatorEngineTraits() {}
+   ~EvaluatorEngineTraits() {}
+   typedef RemoteSinglePatchEvaluatorTag Evaluator_t;
+ };
+ template<class LayoutTag, class PatchTag>
+ struct EvaluatorEngineTraits<MultiPatch<LayoutTag, PatchTag> >
+ {
+   EvaluatorEngineTraits() {}
+   ~EvaluatorEngineTraits() {}
+   typedef MultiPatchEvaluatorTag Evaluator_t;
+ };
+ template<class LayoutTag, class PatchTag, int Dim2>
+ struct EvaluatorEngineTraits<MultiPatchView<LayoutTag, PatchTag, Dim2> >
+ {
+   EvaluatorEngineTraits() {}
+   ~EvaluatorEngineTraits() {}
+   typedef MultiPatchEvaluatorTag Evaluator_t;
+ };
+ template<class LayoutTag, class Tag>
+ struct EvaluatorEngineTraits<MultiPatch<LayoutTag, Remote<Tag> > >
+ {
+   EvaluatorEngineTraits() {}
+   ~EvaluatorEngineTraits() {}
+   typedef RemoteMultiPatchEvaluatorTag Evaluator_t;
+ };
+ template<class LayoutTag, class Tag, int Dim2>
+ struct EvaluatorEngineTraits<MultiPatchView<LayoutTag, Remote<Tag>, Dim2> >
+ {
+   EvaluatorEngineTraits() {}
+   ~EvaluatorEngineTraits() {}
+   typedef RemoteMultiPatchEvaluatorTag Evaluator_t;
+ };
+ template<class Eng, class Components>
+ struct EvaluatorEngineTraits<CompFwd<Eng, Components> >
+ {
+   EvaluatorEngineTraits() {}
+   ~EvaluatorEngineTraits() {}
+   typedef EvaluatorEngineTraits<typename Eng::Tag_t> ET;
+   typedef typename ET::Evaluator_t Evaluator_t;
+ };
+ template<class Expr>
+ struct EvaluatorEngineTraits<ExpressionTag<Expr> >
+ {
+  EvaluatorEngineTraits() {}
+  ~EvaluatorEngineTraits() {}
+  typedef typename ForEach<Expr, EvaluatorTypeTag,
+    EvaluatorCombineTag>::Type_t Evaluator_t;
+ };
+ template<class ETag>
+ struct DistributionTraits
+ {
+   enum { remote = false };
+   typedef ReplicatedTag LayoutTag_t;
+ };
+ template<class ETag>
+ struct DistributionTraits<Remote<ETag> >
+ {
+   enum { remote = true };
+   typedef DistributedTag LayoutTag_t;
+ };
+ template<class Eval1, class Eval2>
+ struct EvaluatorCombine
+ {
+  EvaluatorCombine() {}
+  ~EvaluatorCombine() {}
+  typedef RemoteMultiPatchEvaluatorTag Evaluator_t;
+ };
+ template<>
+ struct EvaluatorCombine<SinglePatchEvaluatorTag,
+                         MultiPatchEvaluatorTag>
+ {
+   EvaluatorCombine() {}
+   ~EvaluatorCombine() {}
+   typedef MultiPatchEvaluatorTag Evaluator_t;
+ };
+ template<>
+ struct EvaluatorCombine<MultiPatchEvaluatorTag,
+                         SinglePatchEvaluatorTag>
+ {
+   EvaluatorCombine() {}
+   ~EvaluatorCombine() {}
+   typedef MultiPatchEvaluatorTag Evaluator_t;
+ };
+ template<>
+ struct EvaluatorCombine<RemoteSinglePatchEvaluatorTag,
+                         MultiPatchEvaluatorTag>
+ {
+   EvaluatorCombine() {}
+   ~EvaluatorCombine() {}
+   typedef RemoteMultiPatchEvaluatorTag Evaluator_t;
+ };
+ template<>
+ struct EvaluatorCombine<MultiPatchEvaluatorTag,
+                         RemoteSinglePatchEvaluatorTag>
+ {
+   EvaluatorCombine() {}
+   ~EvaluatorCombine() {}
+   typedef RemoteMultiPatchEvaluatorTag Evaluator_t;
+ };
+ template<>
+ struct EvaluatorCombine<RemoteSinglePatchEvaluatorTag,
+                         SinglePatchEvaluatorTag>
+ {
+   EvaluatorCombine() {}
+   ~EvaluatorCombine() {}
+   typedef RemoteSinglePatchEvaluatorTag Evaluator_t;
+ };
+ template<>
+ struct EvaluatorCombine<SinglePatchEvaluatorTag,
+                         RemoteSinglePatchEvaluatorTag>
+ {
+   EvaluatorCombine() {}
+   ~EvaluatorCombine() {}
+   typedef RemoteSinglePatchEvaluatorTag Evaluator_t;
+ };
+ template<>
+ struct EvaluatorCombine<MultiPatchEvaluatorTag,
+                         MultiPatchEvaluatorTag>
+ {
+   EvaluatorCombine() {}
+   ~EvaluatorCombine() {}
+   typedef MultiPatchEvaluatorTag Evaluator_t;
+ };
+ template<>
+ struct EvaluatorCombine<RemoteSinglePatchEvaluatorTag,
+                         RemoteSinglePatchEvaluatorTag>
+ {
+   EvaluatorCombine() {}
+   ~EvaluatorCombine() {}
+   typedef RemoteSinglePatchEvaluatorTag Evaluator_t;
+ };
+ template<>
+ struct EvaluatorCombine<SinglePatchEvaluatorTag,
+                         SinglePatchEvaluatorTag>
+ {
+   EvaluatorCombine() {}
+   ~EvaluatorCombine() {}
+   typedef SinglePatchEvaluatorTag Evaluator_t;
+ };
+ template<class T>
+ struct LeafFunctor<Scalar<T>, EvaluatorTypeTag>
+ {
+  LeafFunctor() {}
+  ~LeafFunctor() {}
+  typedef typename EvaluatorEngineTraits<ScalarEngineTag>::Evaluator_t Type_t;
+ };
+ template<class A>
+ struct LeafFunctor<A, EvaluatorTypeTag>
+ {
+   LeafFunctor() {}
+   ~LeafFunctor() {}
+   typedef typename
+     EvaluatorEngineTraits<typename A::Engine_t::Tag_t>::Evaluator_t Type_t;
+ };
+ template<class Eval1,class Eval2,class Op>
+ struct Combine2<Eval1, Eval2, Op, EvaluatorCombineTag>
+ {
+   Combine2() {}
+   ~Combine2() {}
+   typedef typename EvaluatorCombine<Eval1, Eval2>::Evaluator_t Type_t;
+ };
+ template<class Expr>
+ struct EvaluatorTag1
+ {
+   EvaluatorTag1() {}
+   ~EvaluatorTag1() {}
+   typedef typename LeafFunctor<Expr, EvaluatorTypeTag>::Type_t Evaluator_t;
+ };
+ template<class LHS, class RHS>
+ struct EvaluatorTag
+ {
+   EvaluatorTag() {}
+   ~EvaluatorTag() {}
+   typedef typename LeafFunctor<LHS, EvaluatorTypeTag>::Type_t LHSEval_t;
+   typedef typename LeafFunctor<RHS, EvaluatorTypeTag>::Type_t RHSEval_t;
+   typedef typename EvaluatorCombine<LHSEval_t, RHSEval_t>::Evaluator_t
+     Evaluator_t;
+ };
+ template<class LHS,class Op,class RHS,class EvalTag>
+ class ExpressionKernel : public Pooma::Iterate_t
+ {
+ public:
+   typedef ExpressionKernel<LHS,Op,RHS,EvalTag> This_t;
+   ExpressionKernel(const LHS&,const Op&,const RHS&);
+   virtual ~ExpressionKernel();
+   virtual void /*__attribute__((leafify))*/ run();
+ private:
+   LHS lhs_m;
+   Op op_m;
+   RHS rhs_m;
+ };
+ template<class LHS,class Op,class RHS,class EvalTag>
+ ExpressionKernel<LHS,Op,RHS,EvalTag>::
+ ExpressionKernel(const LHS& lhs,const Op& op,const RHS& rhs)
+   : Pooma::Iterate_t(Pooma::scheduler()),
+     lhs_m(lhs), op_m(op), rhs_m(rhs)
+ {
+   hintAffinity(engineFunctor(lhs, DataObjectRequest<BlockAffinity>()));
+   DataObjectRequest<WriteRequest> writeReq(*this);
+   engineFunctor(lhs_m, writeReq);
+   DataObjectRequest<ReadRequest> readReq(writeReq);
+   engineFunctor(rhs_m, readReq);
+ }
+ template<class LHS,class Op,class RHS,class EvalTag>
+ ExpressionKernel<LHS,Op,RHS,EvalTag>::~ExpressionKernel()
+ {
+   DataObjectRequest<WriteRelease> writeReq;
+   engineFunctor(lhs_m, writeReq);
+   DataObjectRequest<ReadRelease> readReq(writeReq);
+   engineFunctor(rhs_m, readReq);
+ }
+ template<class LHS,class Op,class RHS,class EvalTag>
+ void
+ ExpressionKernel<LHS,Op,RHS,EvalTag>::run()
+ {
+   KernelEvaluator<EvalTag>::evaluate(lhs_m,op_m,rhs_m);
+ }
+ template<class LHS,class Op,class RHS,class EvalTag>
+ inline static
+ ExpressionKernel<LHS,Op,RHS,EvalTag>*
+ generateKernel(const LHS& lhs, const Op& op, const RHS& rhs, const EvalTag&)
+ {
+   return new ExpressionKernel<LHS,Op,RHS,EvalTag>(lhs, op, rhs);
+ }
+ template<int Dim>
+ class IntersectorData
+   : public RefCounted
+ {
+ public:
+   typedef IntersectorData<Dim> This_t;
+   typedef std::vector<int> IDContainer_t;
+   typedef Range<7> BaseDomain_t;
+   typedef std::vector<BaseDomain_t> BaseDomainContainer_t;
+   typedef INode<Dim> INode_t;
+   typedef std::vector<INode_t> INodeContainer_t;
+   typedef typename INodeContainer_t::const_iterator const_iterator;
+   typedef Unique::Value_t LayoutID_t;
+   enum { dimensions = Dim };
+   inline IntersectorData() { }
+   inline ~IntersectorData() { }
+   template<class Engine>
+   void intersect(const Engine &engine)
+   {
+     typedef typename Engine::Layout_t Layout_t;
+     const Layout_t &layout(engine.layout());
+     int n = ids_m.size();
+     for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
+     {
+       if (ids_m[i] == layout.ID())
+  return;
+       if (baseIDs_m[i] == layout.baseID()
+    && sameBaseDomain(i, layout.baseDomain()))
+       {
+  shared(layout.ID(),ids_m[i]);
+  return;
+       }
+     }
+     touches(layout);
+   }
+   template<class Engine, int Dim2>
+   bool intersect(const Engine &engine, const GuardLayers<Dim2> &guard,
+    GuardLayers<Dim2> &usedGuards)
+   {
+     PoomaCTAssert<(Engine::dimensions == Dim)>::test();
+     typedef typename Engine::Layout_t Layout_t;
+     const Layout_t &layout(engine.layout());
+     int n = ids_m.size();
+     for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
+     {
+       if (ids_m[i] == layout.ID())
+  return false;
+       if (baseIDs_m[i] == layout.baseID()
+    && sameBaseDomain(i, layout.baseDomain(), guard))
+       {
+  shared(layout.ID(),ids_m[i]);
+  if (baseDims_m[i] < Dim2)
+    return true;
+  bool used = false;
+  for (int j = 0; j < Dim2; j++)
+  {
+    usedGuards.lower(j) = std::max(0, baseDomains_m[i][j].first() - layout.baseDomain()[j].first());
+    if (usedGuards.lower(j) != 0)
+      used = true;
+    usedGuards.upper(j) = std::max(0, layout.baseDomain()[j].last() - baseDomains_m[i][j].last());
+    if (usedGuards.upper(j) != 0)
+      used = true;
+  }
+  return used;
+       }
+     }
+     touches(layout);
+     return false;
+   }
+   template<int Dim2>
+   bool sameBaseDomain(int i, const Range<Dim2> &domain,
+         const GuardLayers<Dim2> &guard)
+   {
+     if (baseDims_m[i] != Dim2)
+       return false;
+     for (int j = 0; j < Dim2; j++)
+     {
+       if (baseDomains_m[i][j].stride() != domain[j].stride()) return false;
+       if (baseDomains_m[i][j].first() > domain[j].first() + guard.lower(j))
+  return false;
+       if (baseDomains_m[i][j].last() < domain[j].last() - guard.upper(j))
+  return false;
+     }
+     return true;
+   }
+   template<int Dim2>
+   bool sameBaseDomain(int i, const Range<Dim2> &domain)
+   {
+     if (baseDims_m[i] != Dim2)
+       return false;
+     for (int j = 0; j < Dim2; j++)
+       if (baseDomains_m[i][j] != domain[j]) return false;
+     return true;
+   }
+   template<int Dim2>
+   bool sameBaseDomain(int i, const Interval<Dim2> &domain,
+         const GuardLayers<Dim2> & guard)
+   {
+     if (baseDims_m[i] != Dim2)
+       return false;
+     for (int j = 0; j < Dim2; j++)
+     {
+       if (baseDomains_m[i][j].stride() != 1) return false;
+       if (baseDomains_m[i][j].first() > domain[j].first() + guard.lower(j))
+  return false;
+       if (baseDomains_m[i][j].last() < domain[j].last() - guard.upper(j))
+  return false;
+     }
+     return true;
+   }
+   template<int Dim2>
+   void pushBaseDomain(const Range<Dim2> &domain)
+   {
+     int i = baseDomains_m.size();
+     baseDims_m.push_back(Dim2);
+     baseDomains_m.push_back(BaseDomain_t());
+     for (int j = 0; j < Dim2; j++)
+       baseDomains_m[i][j] =
+         Range<1>(domain[j].first(), domain[j].last(), domain[j].stride());
+   }
+   template<int Dim2>
+   bool sameBaseDomain(int i, const Interval<Dim2> &domain)
+   {
+     if (baseDims_m[i] != Dim2)
+       return false;
+     for (int j = 0; j < Dim2; j++)
+       if (baseDomains_m[i][j] != domain[j]) return false;
+     return true;
+   }
+   template<int Dim2>
+   void pushBaseDomain(const Interval<Dim2> &domain)
+   {
+     int i = baseDomains_m.size();
+     baseDims_m.push_back(Dim2);
+     baseDomains_m.push_back(BaseDomain_t());
+     for (int j = 0; j < Dim2; j++)
+       baseDomains_m[i][j] =
+         Range<1>(domain[j].first(), domain[j].last(), domain[j].stride());
+   }
+   template<class Layout>
+   void touches(const Layout &l)
+   {
+     int n = ids_m.size();
+     ids_m.push_back(l.ID());
+     baseIDs_m.push_back(l.baseID());
+     pushBaseDomain(l.baseDomain());
+     if (n == 0)
+     {
+       typename Layout::const_iterator p = l.beginGlobal();
+       while (p != l.endGlobal())
+       {
+  if (! (*p).domain().empty())
+    inodes_m.push_back(INode_t(*p,l.ID(),
+          &(gidStore_m)));
+  ++p;
+       }
+     }
+     else
+     {
+       int ni = inodes_m.size();
+       for (int i = 0; i < ni; i++)
+  l.touches(inodes_m[i].domain(),
+     std::back_inserter(inodes_m),
+     inodes_m[i].touchesConstructINode(l.ID())
+     );
+       inodes_m.erase(inodes_m.begin(),
+         inodes_m.begin() + ni);
+     }
+   }
+   inline
+   void shared(LayoutID_t id1, LayoutID_t id2)
+   {
+     gidStore_m.shared(id1,id2);
+   }
+   IntersectorData(const This_t &);
+   This_t &operator=(const This_t &);
+   IDContainer_t ids_m, baseIDs_m, baseDims_m;
+   BaseDomainContainer_t baseDomains_m;
+   INodeContainer_t inodes_m;
+   GlobalIDDataBase gidStore_m;
+ };
+ template<int Dim>
+ class Intersector
+ {
+ public:
+   typedef IntersectorData<Dim> IntersectorData_t;
+   typedef Intersector<Dim> This_t;
+   typedef typename IntersectorData_t::IDContainer_t IDContainer_t;
+   typedef typename IntersectorData_t::BaseDomain_t BaseDomain_t;
+   typedef typename IntersectorData_t::BaseDomainContainer_t
+                                                         BaseDomainContainer_t;
+   typedef typename IntersectorData_t::INode_t INode_t;
+   typedef typename IntersectorData_t::INodeContainer_t INodeContainer_t;
+   typedef typename IntersectorData_t::const_iterator const_iterator;
+   typedef RefCountedPtr<IntersectorData_t> DataPtr_t;
+   enum { dimensions = Dim };
+   Intersector()
+     : pdata_m(new IntersectorData_t())
+   { }
+   Intersector(const This_t &model)
+     : pdata_m(model.pdata_m)
+   { }
+   This_t &operator=(const This_t &model)
+   {
+     if (this != &model)
+       pdata_m = model.pdata_m;
+     return *this;
+   }
+   ~Intersector() { }
+   inline DataPtr_t &data() { return pdata_m; }
+   inline const DataPtr_t &data() const { return pdata_m; }
+   inline const_iterator begin() const { return data()->inodes_m.begin(); }
+   inline const_iterator end() const { return data()->inodes_m.end(); }
+   inline int size() const { return data()->inodes_m.size(); }
+   template<class Engine>
+   inline
+   void intersect(const Engine &l)
+   {
+     data()->intersect(l);
+   }
+   template<class Engine, int Dim2>
+   inline
+   bool intersect(const Engine &l, const GuardLayers<Dim2> &guard, GuardLayers<Dim2> &usedGuards)
+   {
+     return (data()->intersect(l,guard,usedGuards));
+   }
+ private:
+   DataPtr_t pdata_m;
+ };
+ template <class EvalTag>
+ struct Evaluator
+ {
+ };
+ template <>
+ struct Evaluator<MainEvaluatorTag>
+ {
+   Evaluator() { }
+   ~Evaluator() { }
+   template <class LHS, class RHS, class Op>
+   void evaluate(const LHS& lhs, const Op& op, const RHS& rhs) const
+   {
+     typedef typename EvaluatorTag<LHS, RHS>::Evaluator_t Eval_t;
+     Evaluator<Eval_t> evaluator;
+     Pooma::beginExpression();
+     evaluator.evaluate(lhs(), op, rhs());
+     notifyEngineWrite(lhs.engine());
+     Pooma::endExpression();
+     ;
+   }
+   template <class LHS, class RHS, class Op>
+   void evaluateZeroBased(const LHS& lhs, const Op& op, const RHS& rhs) const
+   {
+     typedef typename EvaluatorTag<LHS, RHS>::Evaluator_t Eval_t;
+     Evaluator<Eval_t> evaluator;
+     Pooma::beginExpression();
+     evaluator.evaluate(lhs, op, rhs);
+     notifyEngineWrite(lhs.engine());
+     Pooma::endExpression();
+     ;
+   }
+ };
+ template <>
+ struct Evaluator<SinglePatchEvaluatorTag>
+ {
+   Evaluator() { }
+   ~Evaluator() { }
+   template <class LHS, class RHS, class Op>
+   void evaluate(const LHS& lhs, const Op& op, const RHS& rhs) const
+   {
+     typedef typename KernelTag<LHS,RHS>::Kernel_t Kernel_t;
+     Pooma::Iterate_t *iterate = ::generateKernel(lhs, op, rhs, Kernel_t());
+     Pooma::scheduler().handOff(iterate);
+   }
+ };
+ template <>
+ struct Evaluator<MultiPatchEvaluatorTag>
+ {
+   Evaluator() { }
+   ~Evaluator() { }
+   template <class LHS, class RHS, class Op>
+   void evaluate(const LHS& lhs, const Op& op, const RHS& rhs) const
+   {
+     typedef Intersector<LHS::dimensions> Inter_t;
+     Inter_t inter;
+     expressionApply(lhs, IntersectorTag<Inter_t>(inter));
+     expressionApply(rhs, IntersectorTag<Inter_t>(inter));
+     typename Inter_t::const_iterator i = inter.begin();
+     while (i != inter.end())
+     {
+       Evaluator<SinglePatchEvaluatorTag>().evaluate(lhs(*i), op, rhs(*i));
+       ++i;
+     }
+     ;
+     ;
+   }
+ };
+ template<class T>
+ struct MaskAssign
+ {
+   MaskAssign() { }
+   MaskAssign(bool q) : cond_m(q) { }
+   MaskAssign(bool q, const T& v) : cond_m(q), value_m(v) { }
+   ~MaskAssign() { }
+   inline bool defined() const { return cond_m; }
+   inline const T &value() const { return value_m; }
+   inline bool operator!=(const MaskAssign<T> &other) const
+   {
+     if (defined())
+     {
+       return ((other.defined() != defined()) || (other.value() != value()));
+     }
+     else
+     {
+       return other.defined();
+     }
+   }
+   MaskAssign(const MaskAssign<T> &) { }
+   MaskAssign<T> &operator=(const MaskAssign<T> &) { return *this; }
+   bool cond_m;
+   T value_m;
+ };
+ template<class Op>
+ struct OpMask
+ {
+   OpMask() { }
+   OpMask(const Op &op) : op_m(op) { }
+   ~OpMask() { }
+   template<class T1, class T2>
+   inline void
+   operator()(T1 &a, const MaskAssign<T2> &b) const
+   {
+     if (b.defined())
+     {
+       op_m(a, b.value());
+     }
+   }
+   template<class T1, class T2>
+   inline void
+   operator()(T1 &a, const T2 &b) const
+   {
+     op_m(a, b);
+   }
+   Op op_m;
+ };
+ template<class T1, class T2, class Op>
+ struct BinaryReturn<T1, T2, OpMask<Op> >
+ {
+   typedef T1 &Type_t;
+ };
+ #ifdef _OPENMP
+ #include <omp.h>
+ #endif
+ template <class Op, class T>
+ struct ReductionTraits;
+ template <class Op, class T>
+ struct ReductionTraits<OpMask<Op>, T>
+ {
+   static T identity() { return ReductionTraits<Op, T>::identity(); }
+ };
+ struct WhereMask
+ {
+   WhereMask() { }
+   WhereMask(const WhereMask &) { }
+   WhereMask &operator=(const WhereMask &) { return *this; }
+   ~WhereMask() { }
+ };
+ template<class T1, class T2>
+ struct BinaryReturn<T1, T2, WhereMask>
+ {
+   typedef MaskAssign<T2> Type_t;
+ };
+ template<class A, class B, class FTag>
+ struct ForEach< BinaryNode<WhereMask, A, B>, FTag, OpCombine >
+ {
+   typedef typename ForEach<A,FTag,OpCombine>::Type_t TypeA_t;
+   typedef typename ForEach<B,FTag,OpCombine>::Type_t TypeB_t;
+   typedef MaskAssign<TypeB_t> Type_t;
+   inline
+   static Type_t
+   apply(const BinaryNode<WhereMask,A,B>& expr,
+  const FTag &f, const OpCombine &c)
+   {
+     bool mask = forEach(expr.left(), f, c);
+     if ( mask )
+     {
+       return Type_t(mask, forEach(expr.right(), f, c));
+     }
+     else
+     {
+       return Type_t(mask);
+     }
+   }
+ };
+ struct FarLeftTag;
+ template<class A, class B>
+ struct ForEach< BinaryNode<WhereMask, A, B>, FarLeftTag, FarLeftTag >
+ {
+   typedef typename ForEach<B,FarLeftTag,FarLeftTag>::Type_t Type_t;
+   inline
+   static Type_t
+   apply(const BinaryNode<WhereMask,A,B>& expr,
+  const FarLeftTag &f, const FarLeftTag &c)
+   {
+     return forEach(expr.right(), f, c);
+   }
+ };
+ template<class A, class T>
+ struct ForEach< BinaryNode<WhereMask, A, Scalar<T> >, FarLeftTag, FarLeftTag >
+ {
+   typedef typename ForEach<A,FarLeftTag,FarLeftTag>::Type_t Type_t;
+   inline
+   static Type_t
+   apply(const BinaryNode<WhereMask,A,Scalar<T> >& expr,
+  const FarLeftTag &f, const FarLeftTag &c)
+   {
+     return forEach(expr.left(), f, c);
+   }
+ };
+ template<class A, class B>
+ struct ForEachRef< BinaryNode<WhereMask, A, B>, FarLeftTag, FarLeftTag >
+ {
+   typedef typename ForEach<B,FarLeftTag,FarLeftTag>::Type_t Type_t;
+   inline
+   static const Type_t&
+   apply(const BinaryNode<WhereMask,A,B>& expr,
+  const FarLeftTag &f, const FarLeftTag &c)
+   {
+     return forEachRef(expr.right(), f, c);
+   }
+ };
+ template<class A, class T>
+ struct ForEachRef< BinaryNode<WhereMask, A, Scalar<T> >, FarLeftTag, FarLeftTag >
+ {
+   typedef typename ForEach<A,FarLeftTag,FarLeftTag>::Type_t Type_t;
+   inline
+   static const Type_t&
+   apply(const BinaryNode<WhereMask,A,Scalar<T> >& expr,
+  const FarLeftTag &f, const FarLeftTag &c)
+   {
+     return forEachRef(expr.left(), f, c);
+   }
+ };
+ template<class T>
+ struct ExpressionTraits
+ {
+   typedef void Type_t;
+ };
+ struct ExpressionIsScalar { };
+ template<class T>
+ struct ExpressionTraits<Scalar<T> >
+ {
+   typedef ExpressionIsScalar Type_t;
+ };
+ template<class A, class B>
+ struct CombineExpressionTraits
+ { };
+ template<class T>
+ struct ExpressionTraits<Reference<T> >
+ {
+   typedef typename ExpressionTraits<T>::Type_t Type_t;
+ };
+ template<class Op, class Child>
+ struct ExpressionTraits<UnaryNode<Op, Child> >
+ {
+   typedef typename ExpressionTraits<Child>::Type_t Type_t;
+ };
+ template<class Op, class Left, class Right>
+ struct ExpressionTraits<BinaryNode<Op, Left, Right> >
+ {
+   typedef typename ExpressionTraits<Left>::Type_t Left_t;
+   typedef typename ExpressionTraits<Right>::Type_t Right_t;
+   typedef typename CombineExpressionTraits<Left_t, Right_t>::Type_t Type_t;
+ };
+ template<class Op, class Left, class Middle, class Right>
+ struct ExpressionTraits<TrinaryNode<Op, Left, Middle, Right> >
+ {
+   typedef typename ExpressionTraits<Left>::Type_t Left_t;
+   typedef typename ExpressionTraits<Middle>::Type_t Middle_t;
+   typedef typename ExpressionTraits<Right>::Type_t Right_t;
+   typedef typename CombineExpressionTraits<Left_t, Right_t>::Type_t Temp_t;
+   typedef typename CombineExpressionTraits<Temp_t, Middle_t>::Type_t Type_t;
+ };
+ template<class ETrait, class Tree>
+ struct ConvertWhereProxy
+ { };
+ template<class F, class B>
+ struct WhereProxy
+ {
+   template <class Cond, class Val, class F1, class B1>
+   struct WhereProxyTraits {
+     enum { dimensions = F1::dimensions };
+     typedef typename ForEach<Val, EvalLeaf<dimensions>, OpCombine>::Type_t Element_t;
+   };
+   template <class Cond, class T, class F1, class B1>
+   struct WhereProxyTraits<Cond, Scalar<T>, F1, B1> {
+     enum { dimensions = F1::dimensions };
+     typedef T Element_t;
+   };
+   template <class Val, class T, class F1, class B1>
+   struct WhereProxyTraits<Scalar<T>, Val, F1, B1> {
+     enum { dimensions = B1::dimensions };
+     typedef typename ForEach<Val, EvalLeaf<dimensions>, OpCombine>::Type_t Element_t;
+   };
+   template <class T1, class T2, class F1, class B1>
+   struct WhereProxyTraits<Scalar<T1>, Scalar<T2>, F1, B1> {
+   };
+   WhereProxy(const F& f, const B& b) : f_m(f), b_m(b) { }
+   typedef BinaryNode<WhereMask,
+     typename CreateLeaf<F>::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<B>::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   typedef typename ExpressionTraits<Tree_t>::Type_t ETrait_t;
+   typedef typename ConvertWhereProxy<ETrait_t,Tree_t>::Make_t MakeFromTree_t;
+   typedef typename MakeFromTree_t::Expression_t WhereMask_t;
+   typedef typename WhereProxyTraits<typename CreateLeaf<F>::Leaf_t,
+  typename CreateLeaf<B>::Leaf_t, F, B>::Element_t Element_t;
+   inline WhereMask_t
+   whereMask() const
+   {
+     return MakeFromTree_t::make(Tree_t(CreateLeaf<F>::make(f_m),
+            CreateLeaf<B>::make(b_m)));
+   }
+   template<class Op>
+   inline OpMask<Op>
+   opMask(const Op &op) const
+   {
+     return OpMask<Op>(op);
+   }
+   inline const F &flag() { return f_m; }
+   inline const B &value() { return b_m; }
+   const F &f_m;
+   const B &b_m;
+ };
+ template<class F, class B>
+ inline WhereProxy<F,B>
+ where(const F &f, const B &b)
+ {
+   return WhereProxy<F,B>(f,b);
+ }
+ template<int D,class T,class E> class Vector;
+ template<int DR, int DC, class T, class E> class TinyMatrix;
+ template<int D, class T, class E> class Tensor;
+ template<int D, class T, class EngineTag> class Tensor;
+ template<class OutputEngineTag, int D, class T, class EngineTag>
+ Tensor<D, T, OutputEngineTag>
+ symmetrize(const Tensor<D, T, EngineTag> &x);
+ struct FnReal
+ {
+   template<class T>
+   inline typename UnaryReturn<T, FnReal >::Type_t
+   operator()(const T &a) const
+   {
+     return (real(a));
+   }
+ };
+ struct FnImag
+ {
+   template<class T>
+   inline typename UnaryReturn<T, FnImag >::Type_t
+   operator()(const T &a) const
+   {
+     return (imag(a));
+   }
+ };
+ struct FnAbs
+ {
+   template<class T>
+   inline typename UnaryReturn<T, FnAbs >::Type_t
+   operator()(const T &a) const
+   {
+     return (std::abs(a));
+   }
+ };
+ struct FnArg
+ {
+   template<class T>
+   inline typename UnaryReturn<T, FnArg >::Type_t
+   operator()(const T &a) const
+   {
+     return (arg(a));
+   }
+ };
+ struct FnNorm
+ {
+   template<class T>
+   inline typename UnaryReturn<T, FnNorm >::Type_t
+   operator()(const T &a) const
+   {
+     return (norm(a));
+   }
+ };
+ struct FnConj
+ {
+   template<class T>
+   inline typename UnaryReturn<T, FnConj >::Type_t
+   operator()(const T &a) const
+   {
+     return (conj(a));
+   }
+ };
+ struct FnPow2
+ {
+   template<class T>
+   inline typename UnaryReturn<T, FnPow2 >::Type_t
+   operator()(const T &a) const
+   {
+     return (a*a);
+   }
+ };
+ struct FnPow3
+ {
+   template<class T>
+   inline typename UnaryReturn<T, FnPow3 >::Type_t
+   operator()(const T &a) const
+   {
+     return (a*a*a);
+   }
+ };
+ struct FnPow4
+ {
+   template<class T>
+   inline typename UnaryReturn<T, FnPow4 >::Type_t
+   operator()(const T &a) const
+   {
+     return (a*a*a*a);
+   }
+ };
+ struct FnMagnitude
+ {
+   template<class T>
+   inline typename UnaryReturn<T, FnMagnitude >::Type_t
+   operator()(const T &a) const
+   {
+     return (magnitude(a));
+   }
+ };
+ struct FnTrace
+ {
+   template<class T>
+   inline typename UnaryReturn<T, FnTrace >::Type_t
+   operator()(const T &a) const
+   {
+     return (trace(a));
+   }
+ };
+ struct FnDet
+ {
+   template<class T>
+   inline typename UnaryReturn<T, FnDet >::Type_t
+   operator()(const T &a) const
+   {
+     return (det(a));
+   }
+ };
+ struct FnTranspose
+ {
+   template<class T>
+   inline typename UnaryReturn<T, FnTranspose >::Type_t
+   operator()(const T &a) const
+   {
+     return (transpose(a));
+   }
+ };
+ template<class OutputSymmetry>
+ struct FnSymmetrize
+ {
+   template<class T>
+   inline typename UnaryReturn<T, FnSymmetrize<OutputSymmetry> >::Type_t
+   operator()(const T &a) const
+   {
+     return (symmetrize<OutputSymmetry>(a));
+   }
+ };
+ struct FnDot
+ {
+   template<class T1, class T2>
+   inline typename BinaryReturn<T1, T2, FnDot >::Type_t
+   operator()(const T1 &a, const T2 &b) const
+   {
+     return dot(a,b);
+   }
+ };
+ struct FnPolar
+ {
+   template<class T1, class T2>
+   inline typename BinaryReturn<T1, T2, FnPolar >::Type_t
+   operator()(const T1 &a, const T2 &b) const
+   {
+     return (polar(a,b));
+   }
+ };
+ struct FnOuterProduct
+ {
+   template<class T1, class T2>
+   inline typename BinaryReturn<T1, T2, FnOuterProduct >::Type_t
+   operator()(const T1 &a, const T2 &b) const
+   {
+     return (outerProduct(a,b));
+   }
+ };
+ struct FnOuterProductAsTinyMatrix
+ {
+   template<class T1, class T2>
+   inline typename BinaryReturn<T1, T2, FnOuterProductAsTinyMatrix >::Type_t
+   operator()(const T1 &a, const T2 &b) const
+   {
+     return (outerProductAsTinyMatrix(a,b));
+   }
+ };
+ struct FnDotDot
+ {
+   template<class T1, class T2>
+   inline typename BinaryReturn<T1, T2, FnDotDot >::Type_t
+   operator()(const T1 &a, const T2 &b) const
+   {
+     return (dotdot(a,b));
+   }
+ };
+ struct FnMin
+ {
+   template<class T1, class T2>
+   inline typename BinaryReturn<T1, T2, FnMin >::Type_t
+   operator()(const T1 &a, const T2 &b) const
+   {
+     return
+         std::min(a, b)
+ ;
+   }
+ };
+ struct FnMax
+ {
+   template<class T1, class T2>
+   inline typename BinaryReturn<T1, T2, FnMax >::Type_t
+   operator()(const T1 &a, const T2 &b) const
+   {
+     return
+         std::max(a, b)
+ ;
+   }
+ };
+ struct OpLT2
+ {
+   template<class T1, class T2>
+   inline typename BinaryReturn<T1, T2, OpLT2 >::Type_t
+   operator()(const T1 &a, const T2 &b) const
+   {
+     return (a < b);
+   }
+ };
+ template<class T1, class T2 >
+ struct BinaryReturn<T1, T2, OpLT2 > {
+   typedef bool Type_t;
+ };
+ struct OpLE2
+ {
+   template<class T1, class T2>
+   inline typename BinaryReturn<T1, T2, OpLE2 >::Type_t
+   operator()(const T1 &a, const T2 &b) const
+   {
+     return (a <= b);
+   }
+ };
+ template<class T1, class T2 >
+ struct BinaryReturn<T1, T2, OpLE2 > {
+   typedef bool Type_t;
+ };
+ struct OpGT2
+ {
+   template<class T1, class T2>
+   inline typename BinaryReturn<T1, T2, OpGT2 >::Type_t
+   operator()(const T1 &a, const T2 &b) const
+   {
+     return (a > b);
+   }
+ };
+ template<class T1, class T2 >
+ struct BinaryReturn<T1, T2, OpGT2 > {
+   typedef bool Type_t;
+ };
+ struct OpGE2
+ {
+   template<class T1, class T2>
+   inline typename BinaryReturn<T1, T2, OpGE2 >::Type_t
+   operator()(const T1 &a, const T2 &b) const
+   {
+     return (a >= b);
+   }
+ };
+ template<class T1, class T2 >
+ struct BinaryReturn<T1, T2, OpGE2 > {
+   typedef bool Type_t;
+ };
+ struct OpEQ2
+ {
+   template<class T1, class T2>
+   inline typename BinaryReturn<T1, T2, OpEQ2 >::Type_t
+   operator()(const T1 &a, const T2 &b) const
+   {
+     return (a == b);
+   }
+ };
+ template<class T1, class T2 >
+ struct BinaryReturn<T1, T2, OpEQ2 > {
+   typedef bool Type_t;
+ };
+ struct OpNE2
+ {
+   template<class T1, class T2>
+   inline typename BinaryReturn<T1, T2, OpNE2 >::Type_t
+   operator()(const T1 &a, const T2 &b) const
+   {
+     return (a != b);
+   }
+ };
+ template<class T1, class T2 >
+ struct BinaryReturn<T1, T2, OpNE2 > {
+   typedef bool Type_t;
+ };
+ struct FnMinAssign
+ {
+   template<class T1, class T2>
+   inline typename BinaryReturn<T1, T2, FnMinAssign >::Type_t
+   operator()(const T1 &a, const T2 &b) const
+   {
+         const_cast<T1 &>(a) = std::min(a, b)
+ ;
+     return const_cast<T1 &>(a);
+   }
+ };
+ template<class T1, class T2 >
+ struct BinaryReturn<T1, T2, FnMinAssign > {
+   typedef T1 &Type_t;
+ };
+ struct FnMaxAssign
+ {
+   template<class T1, class T2>
+   inline typename BinaryReturn<T1, T2, FnMaxAssign >::Type_t
+   operator()(const T1 &a, const T2 &b) const
+   {
+         const_cast<T1 &>(a) = std::max(a, b)
+ ;
+     return const_cast<T1 &>(a);
+   }
+ };
+ template<class T1, class T2 >
+ struct BinaryReturn<T1, T2, FnMaxAssign > {
+   typedef T1 &Type_t;
+ };
+ struct FnAndAssign
+ {
+   template<class T1, class T2>
+   inline typename BinaryReturn<T1, T2, FnAndAssign >::Type_t
+   operator()(const T1 &a, const T2 &b) const
+   {
+     const_cast<T1 &>(a) = (a && b);
+     return const_cast<T1 &>(a);
+   }
+ };
+ template<class T1, class T2 >
+ struct BinaryReturn<T1, T2, FnAndAssign > {
+   typedef bool Type_t;
+ };
+ struct FnOrAssign
+ {
+   template<class T1, class T2>
+   inline typename BinaryReturn<T1, T2, FnOrAssign >::Type_t
+   operator()(const T1 &a, const T2 &b) const
+   {
+     const_cast<T1 &>(a) = (a || b);
+     return const_cast<T1 &>(a);
+   }
+ };
+ template<class T1, class T2 >
+ struct BinaryReturn<T1, T2, FnOrAssign > {
+   typedef bool Type_t;
+ };
+ namespace std {
+ template<class T> class complex;
+ }
+ using std::complex;
+ template<class T>
+ struct UnaryReturn< complex<T>, FnConj >
+ {
+   typedef complex<T> Type_t;
+ };
+ template<class T>
+ struct UnaryReturn<complex<T>, FnReal>
+ {
+   typedef T Type_t;
+ };
+ template<class T>
+ struct UnaryReturn<complex<T>, FnImag>
+ {
+   typedef T Type_t;
+ };
+ template<class T>
+ struct UnaryReturn<complex<T>, FnArg>
+ {
+   typedef T Type_t;
+ };
+ template<class T>
+ struct UnaryReturn<complex<T>, FnNorm>
+ {
+   typedef T Type_t;
+ };
+ template<class T>
+ struct UnaryReturn<T, FnAbs>
+ {
+   typedef T Type_t;
+ };
+ template<class T>
+ struct UnaryReturn<complex<T>, FnAbs>
+ {
+   typedef T Type_t;
+ };
+ template<class T>
+ struct Promote<complex<T>, complex<T> >
+ {
+   typedef complex<T> Type_t;
+ };
+ template<class T>
+ struct Promote<complex<T>, T>
+ {
+   typedef complex<T> Type_t;
+ };
+ template<class T>
+ struct Promote<T, complex<T> >
+ {
+   typedef complex<T> Type_t;
+ };
+ template<class T>
+ struct BinaryReturn<complex<T>, int, FnPow>
+ {
+   typedef complex<T> Type_t;
+ };
+ template<class T>
+ struct UnaryReturn<T, FnPow2>
+ {
+   typedef typename BinaryReturn<T, T, OpMultiply>::Type_t Type_t;
+ };
+ template<class T>
+ struct UnaryReturn<T, FnPow3>
+ {
+   typedef typename BinaryReturn<T, T, OpMultiply>::Type_t Type_t;
+ };
+ template<class T>
+ struct UnaryReturn<T, FnPow4>
+ {
+   typedef typename BinaryReturn<T, T, OpMultiply>::Type_t Type_t;
+ };
+ template<class T, class A> struct LeafFunctor;
+ template<class T> class Scalar;
+ template<int D>
+ class ConformTag
+ {
+ public:
+   template<class Domain>
+   ConformTag(const Domain& domain)
+   {
+     for (int i=0; i<D; ++i)
+       lengths_m[i] = domain[i].length();
+   }
+   int length(int i) const { return lengths_m[i]; }
+ private:
+   int lengths_m[D];
+ };
+ template<class Domain>
+ bool conforms(const Domain &d, const ConformTag<1> &ct)
+ {
+   return d.length() == ct.length(0);
+ }
+ template<class Domain>
+ bool conforms(const Domain &d, const ConformTag<2> &ct)
+ {
+   return (d[0].length() == ct.length(0))
+       && (d[1].length() == ct.length(1));
+ }
+ template<class Domain>
+ bool conforms(const Domain &d, const ConformTag<3> &ct)
+ {
+   return (d[0].length() == ct.length(0))
+       && (d[1].length() == ct.length(1))
+       && (d[2].length() == ct.length(2));
+ }
+ template<class Domain>
+ bool conforms(const Domain &d, const ConformTag<4> &ct)
+ {
+   return (d[0].length() == ct.length(0))
+       && (d[1].length() == ct.length(1))
+       && (d[2].length() == ct.length(2))
+       && (d[3].length() == ct.length(3));
+ }
+ template<class Domain>
+ bool conforms(const Domain &d, const ConformTag<5> &ct)
+ {
+   return (d[0].length() == ct.length(0))
+       && (d[1].length() == ct.length(1))
+       && (d[2].length() == ct.length(2))
+       && (d[3].length() == ct.length(3))
+       && (d[4].length() == ct.length(4));
+ }
+ template<class Domain>
+ bool conforms(const Domain &d, const ConformTag<6> &ct)
+ {
+   return (d[0].length() == ct.length(0))
+       && (d[1].length() == ct.length(1))
+       && (d[2].length() == ct.length(2))
+       && (d[3].length() == ct.length(3))
+       && (d[3].length() == ct.length(4))
+       && (d[5].length() == ct.length(5));
+ }
+ template<class Domain>
+ bool conforms(const Domain &d, const ConformTag<7> &ct)
+ {
+   return (d[0].length() == ct.length(0))
+       && (d[1].length() == ct.length(1))
+       && (d[2].length() == ct.length(2))
+       && (d[3].length() == ct.length(3))
+       && (d[3].length() == ct.length(4))
+       && (d[5].length() == ct.length(5))
+       && (d[6].length() == ct.length(6));
+ }
+ template<int D, class T>
+ struct LeafFunctor<Scalar<T>, ConformTag<D> >
+ {
+   typedef bool Type_t;
+   static Type_t apply(const Scalar<T> &, const ConformTag<D> &)
+   {
+     return true;
+   }
+ };
+ template<class T, class A> struct LeafFunctor;
+ struct PerformUpdateTag {};
+ template<class Node>
+ struct LeafFunctor<Node, PerformUpdateTag>
+ {
+   typedef int Type_t;
+   inline static
+   Type_t apply(const Node &, const PerformUpdateTag &)
+     {
+       return 0;
+     }
+ };
+ template<class T>
+ class ModelElement
+ {
+ public:
+   explicit ModelElement(const T &e) : e_m(e) { }
+   ModelElement(const ModelElement<T> &m) : e_m(m.e_m) { }
+   const T &element() const { return e_m; }
+ private:
+   const T &e_m;
+ };
+ template<class T>
+ inline ModelElement<T> modelElement(const T &elem)
+   {
+     return ModelElement<T>(elem);
+   }
+ template<class T, class A> struct LeafFunctor;
+ template<class T> class Scalar;
+ struct NotifyPreReadTag { };
+ template<class T>
+ struct LeafFunctor<Scalar<T>, NotifyPreReadTag>
+ {
+   typedef bool Type_t;
+   static Type_t apply(const Scalar<T> &, const NotifyPreReadTag &)
+   {
+     return true;
+   }
+ };
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<UnaryNode<FnArcCos,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ acos(const Array<D1,T1,E1> & l)
+ {
+   typedef UnaryNode<FnArcCos,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<UnaryNode<FnArcSin,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ asin(const Array<D1,T1,E1> & l)
+ {
+   typedef UnaryNode<FnArcSin,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<UnaryNode<FnArcTan,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ atan(const Array<D1,T1,E1> & l)
+ {
+   typedef UnaryNode<FnArcTan,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<UnaryNode<FnCeil,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ ceil(const Array<D1,T1,E1> & l)
+ {
+   typedef UnaryNode<FnCeil,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<UnaryNode<FnCos,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ cos(const Array<D1,T1,E1> & l)
+ {
+   typedef UnaryNode<FnCos,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<UnaryNode<FnHypCos,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ cosh(const Array<D1,T1,E1> & l)
+ {
+   typedef UnaryNode<FnHypCos,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<UnaryNode<FnExp,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ exp(const Array<D1,T1,E1> & l)
+ {
+   typedef UnaryNode<FnExp,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<UnaryNode<FnFabs,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ fabs(const Array<D1,T1,E1> & l)
+ {
+   typedef UnaryNode<FnFabs,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<UnaryNode<FnFloor,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ floor(const Array<D1,T1,E1> & l)
+ {
+   typedef UnaryNode<FnFloor,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<UnaryNode<FnLog,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ log(const Array<D1,T1,E1> & l)
+ {
+   typedef UnaryNode<FnLog,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<UnaryNode<FnLog10,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ log10(const Array<D1,T1,E1> & l)
+ {
+   typedef UnaryNode<FnLog10,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<UnaryNode<FnSin,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ sin(const Array<D1,T1,E1> & l)
+ {
+   typedef UnaryNode<FnSin,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<UnaryNode<FnHypSin,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ sinh(const Array<D1,T1,E1> & l)
+ {
+   typedef UnaryNode<FnHypSin,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<UnaryNode<FnSqrt,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ sqrt(const Array<D1,T1,E1> & l)
+ {
+   typedef UnaryNode<FnSqrt,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<UnaryNode<FnTan,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ tan(const Array<D1,T1,E1> & l)
+ {
+   typedef UnaryNode<FnTan,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<UnaryNode<FnHypTan,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ tanh(const Array<D1,T1,E1> & l)
+ {
+   typedef UnaryNode<FnHypTan,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<UnaryNode<OpUnaryMinus,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator-(const Array<D1,T1,E1> & l)
+ {
+   typedef UnaryNode<OpUnaryMinus,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<UnaryNode<OpUnaryPlus,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator+(const Array<D1,T1,E1> & l)
+ {
+   typedef UnaryNode<OpUnaryPlus,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<UnaryNode<OpBitwiseNot,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator~(const Array<D1,T1,E1> & l)
+ {
+   typedef UnaryNode<OpBitwiseNot,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<UnaryNode<OpIdentity,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ PETE_identity(const Array<D1,T1,E1> & l)
+ {
+   typedef UnaryNode<OpIdentity,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<UnaryNode<OpNot,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator!(const Array<D1,T1,E1> & l)
+ {
+   typedef UnaryNode<OpNot,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l)));
+ }
+ template<class T1,int D2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<UnaryNode<OpCast<T1>,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ peteCast(const T1&, const Array<D2,T2,E2> & l)
+ {
+   typedef UnaryNode<OpCast<T1>,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::make(l)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1,int D2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<BinaryNode<OpAdd,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator+(const Array<D1,T1,E1> & l,const Array<D2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpAdd,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1,int D2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<BinaryNode<OpSubtract,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator-(const Array<D1,T1,E1> & l,const Array<D2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpSubtract,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1,int D2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<BinaryNode<OpMultiply,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator*(const Array<D1,T1,E1> & l,const Array<D2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpMultiply,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1,int D2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<BinaryNode<OpDivide,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator/(const Array<D1,T1,E1> & l,const Array<D2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpDivide,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1,int D2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<BinaryNode<OpMod,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator%(const Array<D1,T1,E1> & l,const Array<D2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpMod,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1,int D2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<BinaryNode<OpBitwiseAnd,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator&(const Array<D1,T1,E1> & l,const Array<D2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpBitwiseAnd,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1,int D2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<BinaryNode<OpBitwiseOr,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator|(const Array<D1,T1,E1> & l,const Array<D2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpBitwiseOr,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1,int D2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<BinaryNode<OpBitwiseXor,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator^(const Array<D1,T1,E1> & l,const Array<D2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpBitwiseXor,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1,int D2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<BinaryNode<FnLdexp,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ ldexp(const Array<D1,T1,E1> & l,const Array<D2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<FnLdexp,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1,int D2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<BinaryNode<FnPow,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ pow(const Array<D1,T1,E1> & l,const Array<D2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<FnPow,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1,int D2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<BinaryNode<FnFmod,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ fmod(const Array<D1,T1,E1> & l,const Array<D2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<FnFmod,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1,int D2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<BinaryNode<FnArcTan2,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ atan2(const Array<D1,T1,E1> & l,const Array<D2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<FnArcTan2,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1,int D2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<BinaryNode<OpLT,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator<(const Array<D1,T1,E1> & l,const Array<D2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpLT,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1,int D2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<BinaryNode<OpLE,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator<=(const Array<D1,T1,E1> & l,const Array<D2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpLE,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1,int D2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<BinaryNode<OpGT,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator>(const Array<D1,T1,E1> & l,const Array<D2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpGT,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1,int D2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<BinaryNode<OpGE,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator>=(const Array<D1,T1,E1> & l,const Array<D2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpGE,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1,int D2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<BinaryNode<OpEQ,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator==(const Array<D1,T1,E1> & l,const Array<D2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpEQ,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1,int D2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<BinaryNode<OpNE,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator!=(const Array<D1,T1,E1> & l,const Array<D2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpNE,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1,int D2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<BinaryNode<OpAnd,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator&&(const Array<D1,T1,E1> & l,const Array<D2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpAnd,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1,int D2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<BinaryNode<OpOr,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator||(const Array<D1,T1,E1> & l,const Array<D2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpOr,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1,int D2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<BinaryNode<OpLeftShift,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator<<(const Array<D1,T1,E1> & l,const Array<D2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpLeftShift,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1,int D2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<BinaryNode<OpRightShift,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator>>(const Array<D1,T1,E1> & l,const Array<D2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpRightShift,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1,class T2>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<BinaryNode<OpAdd,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<T2 >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator+(const Array<D1,T1,E1> & l,const T2 & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpAdd,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<T2 >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<T2 >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1,class T2>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<BinaryNode<OpSubtract,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<T2 >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator-(const Array<D1,T1,E1> & l,const T2 & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpSubtract,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<T2 >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<T2 >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1,class T2>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<BinaryNode<OpMultiply,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<T2 >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator*(const Array<D1,T1,E1> & l,const T2 & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpMultiply,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<T2 >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<T2 >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1,class T2>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<BinaryNode<OpDivide,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<T2 >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator/(const Array<D1,T1,E1> & l,const T2 & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpDivide,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<T2 >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<T2 >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1,class T2>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<BinaryNode<OpMod,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<T2 >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator%(const Array<D1,T1,E1> & l,const T2 & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpMod,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<T2 >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<T2 >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1,class T2>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<BinaryNode<OpBitwiseAnd,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<T2 >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator&(const Array<D1,T1,E1> & l,const T2 & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpBitwiseAnd,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<T2 >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<T2 >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1,class T2>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<BinaryNode<OpBitwiseOr,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<T2 >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator|(const Array<D1,T1,E1> & l,const T2 & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpBitwiseOr,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<T2 >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<T2 >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1,class T2>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<BinaryNode<OpBitwiseXor,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<T2 >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator^(const Array<D1,T1,E1> & l,const T2 & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpBitwiseXor,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<T2 >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<T2 >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1,class T2>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<BinaryNode<FnLdexp,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<T2 >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ ldexp(const Array<D1,T1,E1> & l,const T2 & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<FnLdexp,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<T2 >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<T2 >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1,class T2>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<BinaryNode<FnPow,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<T2 >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ pow(const Array<D1,T1,E1> & l,const T2 & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<FnPow,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<T2 >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<T2 >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1,class T2>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<BinaryNode<FnFmod,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<T2 >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ fmod(const Array<D1,T1,E1> & l,const T2 & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<FnFmod,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<T2 >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<T2 >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1,class T2>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<BinaryNode<FnArcTan2,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<T2 >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ atan2(const Array<D1,T1,E1> & l,const T2 & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<FnArcTan2,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<T2 >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<T2 >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1,class T2>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<BinaryNode<OpLT,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<T2 >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator<(const Array<D1,T1,E1> & l,const T2 & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpLT,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<T2 >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<T2 >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1,class T2>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<BinaryNode<OpLE,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<T2 >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator<=(const Array<D1,T1,E1> & l,const T2 & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpLE,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<T2 >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<T2 >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1,class T2>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<BinaryNode<OpGT,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<T2 >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator>(const Array<D1,T1,E1> & l,const T2 & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpGT,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<T2 >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<T2 >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1,class T2>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<BinaryNode<OpGE,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<T2 >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator>=(const Array<D1,T1,E1> & l,const T2 & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpGE,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<T2 >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<T2 >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1,class T2>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<BinaryNode<OpEQ,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<T2 >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator==(const Array<D1,T1,E1> & l,const T2 & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpEQ,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<T2 >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<T2 >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1,class T2>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<BinaryNode<OpNE,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<T2 >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator!=(const Array<D1,T1,E1> & l,const T2 & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpNE,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<T2 >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<T2 >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1,class T2>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<BinaryNode<OpAnd,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<T2 >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator&&(const Array<D1,T1,E1> & l,const T2 & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpAnd,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<T2 >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<T2 >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1,class T2>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<BinaryNode<OpOr,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<T2 >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator||(const Array<D1,T1,E1> & l,const T2 & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpOr,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<T2 >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<T2 >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1,class T2>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<BinaryNode<OpLeftShift,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<T2 >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator<<(const Array<D1,T1,E1> & l,const T2 & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpLeftShift,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<T2 >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<T2 >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1,class T2>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<BinaryNode<OpRightShift,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<T2 >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator>>(const Array<D1,T1,E1> & l,const T2 & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpRightShift,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<T2 >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<T2 >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class T1,int D2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<BinaryNode<OpAdd,
+   typename CreateLeaf<T1 >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator+(const T1 & l,const Array<D2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpAdd,
+     typename CreateLeaf<T1 >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<T1 >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class T1,int D2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<BinaryNode<OpSubtract,
+   typename CreateLeaf<T1 >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator-(const T1 & l,const Array<D2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpSubtract,
+     typename CreateLeaf<T1 >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<T1 >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class T1,int D2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<BinaryNode<OpMultiply,
+   typename CreateLeaf<T1 >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator*(const T1 & l,const Array<D2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpMultiply,
+     typename CreateLeaf<T1 >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<T1 >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class T1,int D2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<BinaryNode<OpDivide,
+   typename CreateLeaf<T1 >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator/(const T1 & l,const Array<D2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpDivide,
+     typename CreateLeaf<T1 >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<T1 >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class T1,int D2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<BinaryNode<OpMod,
+   typename CreateLeaf<T1 >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator%(const T1 & l,const Array<D2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpMod,
+     typename CreateLeaf<T1 >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<T1 >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class T1,int D2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<BinaryNode<OpBitwiseAnd,
+   typename CreateLeaf<T1 >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator&(const T1 & l,const Array<D2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpBitwiseAnd,
+     typename CreateLeaf<T1 >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<T1 >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class T1,int D2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<BinaryNode<OpBitwiseOr,
+   typename CreateLeaf<T1 >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator|(const T1 & l,const Array<D2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpBitwiseOr,
+     typename CreateLeaf<T1 >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<T1 >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class T1,int D2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<BinaryNode<OpBitwiseXor,
+   typename CreateLeaf<T1 >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator^(const T1 & l,const Array<D2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpBitwiseXor,
+     typename CreateLeaf<T1 >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<T1 >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class T1,int D2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<BinaryNode<FnLdexp,
+   typename CreateLeaf<T1 >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ ldexp(const T1 & l,const Array<D2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<FnLdexp,
+     typename CreateLeaf<T1 >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<T1 >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class T1,int D2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<BinaryNode<FnPow,
+   typename CreateLeaf<T1 >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ pow(const T1 & l,const Array<D2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<FnPow,
+     typename CreateLeaf<T1 >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<T1 >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class T1,int D2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<BinaryNode<FnFmod,
+   typename CreateLeaf<T1 >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ fmod(const T1 & l,const Array<D2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<FnFmod,
+     typename CreateLeaf<T1 >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<T1 >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class T1,int D2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<BinaryNode<FnArcTan2,
+   typename CreateLeaf<T1 >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ atan2(const T1 & l,const Array<D2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<FnArcTan2,
+     typename CreateLeaf<T1 >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<T1 >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class T1,int D2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<BinaryNode<OpLT,
+   typename CreateLeaf<T1 >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator<(const T1 & l,const Array<D2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpLT,
+     typename CreateLeaf<T1 >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<T1 >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class T1,int D2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<BinaryNode<OpLE,
+   typename CreateLeaf<T1 >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator<=(const T1 & l,const Array<D2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpLE,
+     typename CreateLeaf<T1 >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<T1 >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class T1,int D2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<BinaryNode<OpGT,
+   typename CreateLeaf<T1 >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator>(const T1 & l,const Array<D2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpGT,
+     typename CreateLeaf<T1 >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<T1 >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class T1,int D2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<BinaryNode<OpGE,
+   typename CreateLeaf<T1 >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator>=(const T1 & l,const Array<D2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpGE,
+     typename CreateLeaf<T1 >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<T1 >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class T1,int D2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<BinaryNode<OpEQ,
+   typename CreateLeaf<T1 >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator==(const T1 & l,const Array<D2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpEQ,
+     typename CreateLeaf<T1 >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<T1 >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class T1,int D2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<BinaryNode<OpNE,
+   typename CreateLeaf<T1 >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator!=(const T1 & l,const Array<D2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpNE,
+     typename CreateLeaf<T1 >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<T1 >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class T1,int D2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<BinaryNode<OpAnd,
+   typename CreateLeaf<T1 >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator&&(const T1 & l,const Array<D2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpAnd,
+     typename CreateLeaf<T1 >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<T1 >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class T1,int D2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<BinaryNode<OpOr,
+   typename CreateLeaf<T1 >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator||(const T1 & l,const Array<D2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpOr,
+     typename CreateLeaf<T1 >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<T1 >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1,class T2,class T3>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<TrinaryNode<FnWhere,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<T2 >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<T3 >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ where(const Array<D1,T1,E1> & c,const T2 & t,const T3 & f)
+ {
+   typedef TrinaryNode<FnWhere,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<T2 >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<T3 >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::make(c),
+     CreateLeaf<T2 >::make(t),
+     CreateLeaf<T3 >::make(f)));
+ }
+ template<int D, class T, class EngineTag> class Tensor;
+ template<class OutputEngineTag, int D, class T, class EngineTag>
+ Tensor<D, T, OutputEngineTag>
+ symmetrize(const Tensor<D, T, EngineTag> &x);
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<UnaryNode<FnReal,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ real(const Array<D1,T1,E1> & l)
+ {
+   typedef UnaryNode<FnReal,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<UnaryNode<FnImag,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ imag(const Array<D1,T1,E1> & l)
+ {
+   typedef UnaryNode<FnImag,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<UnaryNode<FnAbs,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ abs(const Array<D1,T1,E1> & l)
+ {
+   typedef UnaryNode<FnAbs,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<UnaryNode<FnArg,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ arg(const Array<D1,T1,E1> & l)
+ {
+   typedef UnaryNode<FnArg,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<UnaryNode<FnNorm,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ norm(const Array<D1,T1,E1> & l)
+ {
+   typedef UnaryNode<FnNorm,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<UnaryNode<FnConj,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ conj(const Array<D1,T1,E1> & l)
+ {
+   typedef UnaryNode<FnConj,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<UnaryNode<FnPow2,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ pow2(const Array<D1,T1,E1> & l)
+ {
+   typedef UnaryNode<FnPow2,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<UnaryNode<FnPow3,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ pow3(const Array<D1,T1,E1> & l)
+ {
+   typedef UnaryNode<FnPow3,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<UnaryNode<FnPow4,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ pow4(const Array<D1,T1,E1> & l)
+ {
+   typedef UnaryNode<FnPow4,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<UnaryNode<FnMagnitude,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ magnitude(const Array<D1,T1,E1> & l)
+ {
+   typedef UnaryNode<FnMagnitude,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<UnaryNode<FnTrace,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ trace(const Array<D1,T1,E1> & l)
+ {
+   typedef UnaryNode<FnTrace,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<UnaryNode<FnDet,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ det(const Array<D1,T1,E1> & l)
+ {
+   typedef UnaryNode<FnDet,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<UnaryNode<FnTranspose,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ transpose(const Array<D1,T1,E1> & l)
+ {
+   typedef UnaryNode<FnTranspose,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l)));
+ }
+ template<class OutputSymmetry,int D1,class T1,class E1>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<UnaryNode<FnSymmetrize<OutputSymmetry>,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ symmetrize(const Array<D1,T1,E1> & l)
+ {
+   typedef UnaryNode<FnSymmetrize<OutputSymmetry>,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1,int D2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<BinaryNode<FnDot,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ dot(const Array<D1,T1,E1> & l,const Array<D2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<FnDot,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1,int D2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<BinaryNode<FnPolar,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ polar(const Array<D1,T1,E1> & l,const Array<D2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<FnPolar,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1,int D2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<BinaryNode<FnOuterProduct,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ outerProduct(const Array<D1,T1,E1> & l,const Array<D2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<FnOuterProduct,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1,int D2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<BinaryNode<FnOuterProductAsTinyMatrix,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ outerProductAsTinyMatrix(const Array<D1,T1,E1> & l,const Array<D2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<FnOuterProductAsTinyMatrix,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1,int D2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<BinaryNode<FnDotDot,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ dotdot(const Array<D1,T1,E1> & l,const Array<D2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<FnDotDot,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1,int D2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<BinaryNode<FnMin,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ min(const Array<D1,T1,E1> & l,const Array<D2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<FnMin,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1,int D2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<BinaryNode<FnMax,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ max(const Array<D1,T1,E1> & l,const Array<D2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<FnMax,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1,int D2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<BinaryNode<OpLT2,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ LT(const Array<D1,T1,E1> & l,const Array<D2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpLT2,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1,int D2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<BinaryNode<OpLE2,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ LE(const Array<D1,T1,E1> & l,const Array<D2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpLE2,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1,int D2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<BinaryNode<OpGT2,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ GT(const Array<D1,T1,E1> & l,const Array<D2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpGT2,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1,int D2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<BinaryNode<OpGE2,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ GE(const Array<D1,T1,E1> & l,const Array<D2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpGE2,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1,int D2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<BinaryNode<OpEQ2,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ EQ(const Array<D1,T1,E1> & l,const Array<D2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpEQ2,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1,int D2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<BinaryNode<OpNE2,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ NE(const Array<D1,T1,E1> & l,const Array<D2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpNE2,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1,class T2>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<BinaryNode<FnDot,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<T2 >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ dot(const Array<D1,T1,E1> & l,const T2 & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<FnDot,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<T2 >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<T2 >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1,class T2>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<BinaryNode<FnPolar,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<T2 >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ polar(const Array<D1,T1,E1> & l,const T2 & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<FnPolar,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<T2 >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<T2 >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1,class T2>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<BinaryNode<FnOuterProduct,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<T2 >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ outerProduct(const Array<D1,T1,E1> & l,const T2 & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<FnOuterProduct,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<T2 >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<T2 >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1,class T2>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<BinaryNode<FnOuterProductAsTinyMatrix,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<T2 >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ outerProductAsTinyMatrix(const Array<D1,T1,E1> & l,const T2 & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<FnOuterProductAsTinyMatrix,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<T2 >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<T2 >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1,class T2>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<BinaryNode<FnDotDot,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<T2 >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ dotdot(const Array<D1,T1,E1> & l,const T2 & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<FnDotDot,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<T2 >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<T2 >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1,class T2>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<BinaryNode<FnMin,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<T2 >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ min(const Array<D1,T1,E1> & l,const T2 & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<FnMin,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<T2 >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<T2 >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1,class T2>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<BinaryNode<FnMax,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<T2 >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ max(const Array<D1,T1,E1> & l,const T2 & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<FnMax,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<T2 >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<T2 >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1,class T2>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<BinaryNode<OpLT2,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<T2 >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ LT(const Array<D1,T1,E1> & l,const T2 & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpLT2,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<T2 >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<T2 >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1,class T2>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<BinaryNode<OpLE2,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<T2 >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ LE(const Array<D1,T1,E1> & l,const T2 & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpLE2,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<T2 >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<T2 >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1,class T2>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<BinaryNode<OpGT2,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<T2 >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ GT(const Array<D1,T1,E1> & l,const T2 & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpGT2,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<T2 >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<T2 >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1,class T2>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<BinaryNode<OpGE2,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<T2 >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ GE(const Array<D1,T1,E1> & l,const T2 & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpGE2,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<T2 >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<T2 >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1,class T2>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<BinaryNode<OpEQ2,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<T2 >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ EQ(const Array<D1,T1,E1> & l,const T2 & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpEQ2,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<T2 >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<T2 >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1,class T2>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<BinaryNode<OpNE2,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<T2 >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ NE(const Array<D1,T1,E1> & l,const T2 & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpNE2,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<T2 >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<T2 >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class T1,int D2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<BinaryNode<FnDot,
+   typename CreateLeaf<T1 >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ dot(const T1 & l,const Array<D2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<FnDot,
+     typename CreateLeaf<T1 >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<T1 >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class T1,int D2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<BinaryNode<FnPolar,
+   typename CreateLeaf<T1 >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ polar(const T1 & l,const Array<D2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<FnPolar,
+     typename CreateLeaf<T1 >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<T1 >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class T1,int D2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<BinaryNode<FnOuterProduct,
+   typename CreateLeaf<T1 >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ outerProduct(const T1 & l,const Array<D2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<FnOuterProduct,
+     typename CreateLeaf<T1 >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<T1 >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class T1,int D2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<BinaryNode<FnOuterProductAsTinyMatrix,
+   typename CreateLeaf<T1 >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ outerProductAsTinyMatrix(const T1 & l,const Array<D2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<FnOuterProductAsTinyMatrix,
+     typename CreateLeaf<T1 >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<T1 >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class T1,int D2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<BinaryNode<FnDotDot,
+   typename CreateLeaf<T1 >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ dotdot(const T1 & l,const Array<D2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<FnDotDot,
+     typename CreateLeaf<T1 >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<T1 >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class T1,int D2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<BinaryNode<FnMin,
+   typename CreateLeaf<T1 >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ min(const T1 & l,const Array<D2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<FnMin,
+     typename CreateLeaf<T1 >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<T1 >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class T1,int D2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<BinaryNode<FnMax,
+   typename CreateLeaf<T1 >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ max(const T1 & l,const Array<D2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<FnMax,
+     typename CreateLeaf<T1 >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<T1 >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class T1,int D2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<BinaryNode<OpLT2,
+   typename CreateLeaf<T1 >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ LT(const T1 & l,const Array<D2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpLT2,
+     typename CreateLeaf<T1 >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<T1 >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class T1,int D2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<BinaryNode<OpLE2,
+   typename CreateLeaf<T1 >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ LE(const T1 & l,const Array<D2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpLE2,
+     typename CreateLeaf<T1 >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<T1 >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class T1,int D2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<BinaryNode<OpGT2,
+   typename CreateLeaf<T1 >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ GT(const T1 & l,const Array<D2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpGT2,
+     typename CreateLeaf<T1 >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<T1 >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class T1,int D2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<BinaryNode<OpGE2,
+   typename CreateLeaf<T1 >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ GE(const T1 & l,const Array<D2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpGE2,
+     typename CreateLeaf<T1 >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<T1 >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class T1,int D2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<BinaryNode<OpEQ2,
+   typename CreateLeaf<T1 >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ EQ(const T1 & l,const Array<D2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpEQ2,
+     typename CreateLeaf<T1 >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<T1 >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class T1,int D2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<BinaryNode<OpNE2,
+   typename CreateLeaf<T1 >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ NE(const T1 & l,const Array<D2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpNE2,
+     typename CreateLeaf<T1 >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<T1 >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<BinaryNode<FnMin,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ min(const Array<D1,T1,E1> & l,const Array<D1,T1,E1> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<FnMin,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<BinaryNode<FnMax,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ max(const Array<D1,T1,E1> & l,const Array<D1,T1,E1> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<FnMax,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1,int D2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<BinaryNode<OpAdd,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Vector<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator+(const Array<D1,T1,E1> & l,const Vector<D2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpAdd,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Vector<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Vector<D2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1,int D2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<BinaryNode<OpAdd,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Tensor<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator+(const Array<D1,T1,E1> & l,const Tensor<D2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpAdd,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Tensor<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Tensor<D2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1,int DR2,int DC2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<BinaryNode<OpAdd,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<TinyMatrix<DR2,DC2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator+(const Array<D1,T1,E1> & l,const TinyMatrix<DR2,DC2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpAdd,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<TinyMatrix<DR2,DC2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<TinyMatrix<DR2,DC2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1,int D2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<BinaryNode<OpSubtract,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Vector<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator-(const Array<D1,T1,E1> & l,const Vector<D2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpSubtract,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Vector<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Vector<D2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1,int D2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<BinaryNode<OpSubtract,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Tensor<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator-(const Array<D1,T1,E1> & l,const Tensor<D2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpSubtract,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Tensor<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Tensor<D2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1,int DR2,int DC2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<BinaryNode<OpSubtract,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<TinyMatrix<DR2,DC2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator-(const Array<D1,T1,E1> & l,const TinyMatrix<DR2,DC2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpSubtract,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<TinyMatrix<DR2,DC2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<TinyMatrix<DR2,DC2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1,int D2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<BinaryNode<OpMultiply,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Vector<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator*(const Array<D1,T1,E1> & l,const Vector<D2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpMultiply,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Vector<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Vector<D2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1,int D2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<BinaryNode<OpMultiply,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Tensor<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator*(const Array<D1,T1,E1> & l,const Tensor<D2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpMultiply,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Tensor<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Tensor<D2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1,int DR2,int DC2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<BinaryNode<OpMultiply,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<TinyMatrix<DR2,DC2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator*(const Array<D1,T1,E1> & l,const TinyMatrix<DR2,DC2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpMultiply,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<TinyMatrix<DR2,DC2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<TinyMatrix<DR2,DC2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1,int D2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<BinaryNode<OpDivide,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Vector<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator/(const Array<D1,T1,E1> & l,const Vector<D2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpDivide,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Vector<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Vector<D2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1,int D2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<BinaryNode<OpDivide,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Tensor<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator/(const Array<D1,T1,E1> & l,const Tensor<D2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpDivide,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Tensor<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Tensor<D2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1,int DR2,int DC2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<BinaryNode<OpDivide,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<TinyMatrix<DR2,DC2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator/(const Array<D1,T1,E1> & l,const TinyMatrix<DR2,DC2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpDivide,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<TinyMatrix<DR2,DC2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<TinyMatrix<DR2,DC2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1,int D2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<BinaryNode<OpMod,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Vector<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator%(const Array<D1,T1,E1> & l,const Vector<D2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpMod,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Vector<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Vector<D2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1,int D2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<BinaryNode<OpMod,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Tensor<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator%(const Array<D1,T1,E1> & l,const Tensor<D2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpMod,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Tensor<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Tensor<D2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1,int DR2,int DC2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<BinaryNode<OpMod,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<TinyMatrix<DR2,DC2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator%(const Array<D1,T1,E1> & l,const TinyMatrix<DR2,DC2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpMod,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<TinyMatrix<DR2,DC2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<TinyMatrix<DR2,DC2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1,int D2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<BinaryNode<OpBitwiseAnd,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Vector<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator&(const Array<D1,T1,E1> & l,const Vector<D2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpBitwiseAnd,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Vector<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Vector<D2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1,int D2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<BinaryNode<OpBitwiseAnd,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Tensor<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator&(const Array<D1,T1,E1> & l,const Tensor<D2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpBitwiseAnd,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Tensor<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Tensor<D2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1,int DR2,int DC2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<BinaryNode<OpBitwiseAnd,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<TinyMatrix<DR2,DC2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator&(const Array<D1,T1,E1> & l,const TinyMatrix<DR2,DC2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpBitwiseAnd,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<TinyMatrix<DR2,DC2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<TinyMatrix<DR2,DC2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1,int D2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<BinaryNode<OpBitwiseOr,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Vector<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator|(const Array<D1,T1,E1> & l,const Vector<D2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpBitwiseOr,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Vector<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Vector<D2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1,int D2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<BinaryNode<OpBitwiseOr,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Tensor<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator|(const Array<D1,T1,E1> & l,const Tensor<D2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpBitwiseOr,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Tensor<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Tensor<D2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1,int DR2,int DC2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<BinaryNode<OpBitwiseOr,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<TinyMatrix<DR2,DC2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator|(const Array<D1,T1,E1> & l,const TinyMatrix<DR2,DC2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpBitwiseOr,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<TinyMatrix<DR2,DC2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<TinyMatrix<DR2,DC2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1,int D2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<BinaryNode<OpBitwiseXor,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Vector<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator^(const Array<D1,T1,E1> & l,const Vector<D2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpBitwiseXor,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Vector<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Vector<D2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1,int D2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<BinaryNode<OpBitwiseXor,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Tensor<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator^(const Array<D1,T1,E1> & l,const Tensor<D2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpBitwiseXor,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Tensor<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Tensor<D2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1,int DR2,int DC2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<BinaryNode<OpBitwiseXor,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<TinyMatrix<DR2,DC2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator^(const Array<D1,T1,E1> & l,const TinyMatrix<DR2,DC2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpBitwiseXor,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<TinyMatrix<DR2,DC2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<TinyMatrix<DR2,DC2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1,int D2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<BinaryNode<FnDot,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Vector<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ dot(const Array<D1,T1,E1> & l,const Vector<D2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<FnDot,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Vector<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Vector<D2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1,int D2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<BinaryNode<FnDot,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Tensor<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ dot(const Array<D1,T1,E1> & l,const Tensor<D2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<FnDot,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Tensor<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Tensor<D2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1,int DR2,int DC2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<BinaryNode<FnDot,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<TinyMatrix<DR2,DC2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ dot(const Array<D1,T1,E1> & l,const TinyMatrix<DR2,DC2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<FnDot,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<TinyMatrix<DR2,DC2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<TinyMatrix<DR2,DC2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1,int D2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<BinaryNode<FnLdexp,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Vector<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ ldexp(const Array<D1,T1,E1> & l,const Vector<D2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<FnLdexp,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Vector<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Vector<D2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1,int D2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<BinaryNode<FnLdexp,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Tensor<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ ldexp(const Array<D1,T1,E1> & l,const Tensor<D2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<FnLdexp,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Tensor<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Tensor<D2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1,int DR2,int DC2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<BinaryNode<FnLdexp,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<TinyMatrix<DR2,DC2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ ldexp(const Array<D1,T1,E1> & l,const TinyMatrix<DR2,DC2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<FnLdexp,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<TinyMatrix<DR2,DC2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<TinyMatrix<DR2,DC2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1,int D2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<BinaryNode<FnPow,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Vector<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ pow(const Array<D1,T1,E1> & l,const Vector<D2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<FnPow,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Vector<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Vector<D2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1,int D2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<BinaryNode<FnPow,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Tensor<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ pow(const Array<D1,T1,E1> & l,const Tensor<D2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<FnPow,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Tensor<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Tensor<D2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1,int DR2,int DC2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<BinaryNode<FnPow,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<TinyMatrix<DR2,DC2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ pow(const Array<D1,T1,E1> & l,const TinyMatrix<DR2,DC2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<FnPow,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<TinyMatrix<DR2,DC2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<TinyMatrix<DR2,DC2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1,int D2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<BinaryNode<FnFmod,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Vector<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ fmod(const Array<D1,T1,E1> & l,const Vector<D2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<FnFmod,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Vector<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Vector<D2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1,int D2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<BinaryNode<FnFmod,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Tensor<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ fmod(const Array<D1,T1,E1> & l,const Tensor<D2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<FnFmod,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Tensor<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Tensor<D2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1,int DR2,int DC2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<BinaryNode<FnFmod,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<TinyMatrix<DR2,DC2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ fmod(const Array<D1,T1,E1> & l,const TinyMatrix<DR2,DC2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<FnFmod,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<TinyMatrix<DR2,DC2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<TinyMatrix<DR2,DC2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1,int D2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<BinaryNode<FnArcTan2,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Vector<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ atan2(const Array<D1,T1,E1> & l,const Vector<D2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<FnArcTan2,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Vector<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Vector<D2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1,int D2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<BinaryNode<FnArcTan2,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Tensor<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ atan2(const Array<D1,T1,E1> & l,const Tensor<D2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<FnArcTan2,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Tensor<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Tensor<D2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1,int DR2,int DC2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<BinaryNode<FnArcTan2,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<TinyMatrix<DR2,DC2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ atan2(const Array<D1,T1,E1> & l,const TinyMatrix<DR2,DC2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<FnArcTan2,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<TinyMatrix<DR2,DC2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<TinyMatrix<DR2,DC2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1,int D2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<BinaryNode<OpEQ,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Vector<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator==(const Array<D1,T1,E1> & l,const Vector<D2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpEQ,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Vector<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Vector<D2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1,int D2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<BinaryNode<OpEQ,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Tensor<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator==(const Array<D1,T1,E1> & l,const Tensor<D2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpEQ,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Tensor<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Tensor<D2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1,int DR2,int DC2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<BinaryNode<OpEQ,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<TinyMatrix<DR2,DC2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator==(const Array<D1,T1,E1> & l,const TinyMatrix<DR2,DC2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpEQ,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<TinyMatrix<DR2,DC2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<TinyMatrix<DR2,DC2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1,int D2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<BinaryNode<OpNE,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Vector<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator!=(const Array<D1,T1,E1> & l,const Vector<D2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpNE,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Vector<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Vector<D2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1,int D2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<BinaryNode<OpNE,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Tensor<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator!=(const Array<D1,T1,E1> & l,const Tensor<D2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpNE,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Tensor<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Tensor<D2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1,int DR2,int DC2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<BinaryNode<OpNE,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<TinyMatrix<DR2,DC2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator!=(const Array<D1,T1,E1> & l,const TinyMatrix<DR2,DC2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpNE,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<TinyMatrix<DR2,DC2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<TinyMatrix<DR2,DC2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1,int D2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<BinaryNode<OpAdd,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Vector<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator+(const Vector<D1,T1,E1> & l,const Array<D2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpAdd,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Vector<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Vector<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1,int D2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<BinaryNode<OpAdd,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Tensor<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator+(const Tensor<D1,T1,E1> & l,const Array<D2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpAdd,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Tensor<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Tensor<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int DR1,int DC1,class T1,class E1,int D2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<BinaryNode<OpAdd,
+   typename CreateLeaf<TinyMatrix<DR1,DC1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator+(const TinyMatrix<DR1,DC1,T1,E1> & l,const Array<D2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpAdd,
+     typename CreateLeaf<TinyMatrix<DR1,DC1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<TinyMatrix<DR1,DC1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1,int D2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<BinaryNode<OpSubtract,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Vector<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator-(const Vector<D1,T1,E1> & l,const Array<D2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpSubtract,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Vector<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Vector<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1,int D2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<BinaryNode<OpSubtract,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Tensor<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator-(const Tensor<D1,T1,E1> & l,const Array<D2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpSubtract,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Tensor<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Tensor<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int DR1,int DC1,class T1,class E1,int D2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<BinaryNode<OpSubtract,
+   typename CreateLeaf<TinyMatrix<DR1,DC1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator-(const TinyMatrix<DR1,DC1,T1,E1> & l,const Array<D2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpSubtract,
+     typename CreateLeaf<TinyMatrix<DR1,DC1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<TinyMatrix<DR1,DC1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1,int D2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<BinaryNode<OpMultiply,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Vector<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator*(const Vector<D1,T1,E1> & l,const Array<D2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpMultiply,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Vector<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Vector<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1,int D2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<BinaryNode<OpMultiply,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Tensor<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator*(const Tensor<D1,T1,E1> & l,const Array<D2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpMultiply,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Tensor<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Tensor<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int DR1,int DC1,class T1,class E1,int D2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<BinaryNode<OpMultiply,
+   typename CreateLeaf<TinyMatrix<DR1,DC1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator*(const TinyMatrix<DR1,DC1,T1,E1> & l,const Array<D2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpMultiply,
+     typename CreateLeaf<TinyMatrix<DR1,DC1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<TinyMatrix<DR1,DC1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1,int D2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<BinaryNode<OpDivide,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Vector<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator/(const Vector<D1,T1,E1> & l,const Array<D2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpDivide,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Vector<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Vector<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1,int D2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<BinaryNode<OpDivide,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Tensor<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator/(const Tensor<D1,T1,E1> & l,const Array<D2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpDivide,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Tensor<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Tensor<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int DR1,int DC1,class T1,class E1,int D2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<BinaryNode<OpDivide,
+   typename CreateLeaf<TinyMatrix<DR1,DC1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator/(const TinyMatrix<DR1,DC1,T1,E1> & l,const Array<D2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpDivide,
+     typename CreateLeaf<TinyMatrix<DR1,DC1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<TinyMatrix<DR1,DC1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1,int D2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<BinaryNode<OpMod,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Vector<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator%(const Vector<D1,T1,E1> & l,const Array<D2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpMod,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Vector<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Vector<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1,int D2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<BinaryNode<OpMod,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Tensor<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator%(const Tensor<D1,T1,E1> & l,const Array<D2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpMod,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Tensor<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Tensor<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int DR1,int DC1,class T1,class E1,int D2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<BinaryNode<OpMod,
+   typename CreateLeaf<TinyMatrix<DR1,DC1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator%(const TinyMatrix<DR1,DC1,T1,E1> & l,const Array<D2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpMod,
+     typename CreateLeaf<TinyMatrix<DR1,DC1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<TinyMatrix<DR1,DC1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1,int D2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<BinaryNode<OpBitwiseAnd,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Vector<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator&(const Vector<D1,T1,E1> & l,const Array<D2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpBitwiseAnd,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Vector<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Vector<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1,int D2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<BinaryNode<OpBitwiseAnd,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Tensor<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator&(const Tensor<D1,T1,E1> & l,const Array<D2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpBitwiseAnd,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Tensor<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Tensor<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int DR1,int DC1,class T1,class E1,int D2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<BinaryNode<OpBitwiseAnd,
+   typename CreateLeaf<TinyMatrix<DR1,DC1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator&(const TinyMatrix<DR1,DC1,T1,E1> & l,const Array<D2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpBitwiseAnd,
+     typename CreateLeaf<TinyMatrix<DR1,DC1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<TinyMatrix<DR1,DC1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1,int D2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<BinaryNode<OpBitwiseOr,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Vector<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator|(const Vector<D1,T1,E1> & l,const Array<D2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpBitwiseOr,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Vector<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Vector<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1,int D2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<BinaryNode<OpBitwiseOr,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Tensor<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator|(const Tensor<D1,T1,E1> & l,const Array<D2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpBitwiseOr,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Tensor<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Tensor<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int DR1,int DC1,class T1,class E1,int D2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<BinaryNode<OpBitwiseOr,
+   typename CreateLeaf<TinyMatrix<DR1,DC1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator|(const TinyMatrix<DR1,DC1,T1,E1> & l,const Array<D2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpBitwiseOr,
+     typename CreateLeaf<TinyMatrix<DR1,DC1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<TinyMatrix<DR1,DC1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1,int D2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<BinaryNode<OpBitwiseXor,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Vector<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator^(const Vector<D1,T1,E1> & l,const Array<D2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpBitwiseXor,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Vector<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Vector<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1,int D2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<BinaryNode<OpBitwiseXor,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Tensor<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator^(const Tensor<D1,T1,E1> & l,const Array<D2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpBitwiseXor,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Tensor<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Tensor<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int DR1,int DC1,class T1,class E1,int D2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<BinaryNode<OpBitwiseXor,
+   typename CreateLeaf<TinyMatrix<DR1,DC1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator^(const TinyMatrix<DR1,DC1,T1,E1> & l,const Array<D2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpBitwiseXor,
+     typename CreateLeaf<TinyMatrix<DR1,DC1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<TinyMatrix<DR1,DC1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1,int D2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<BinaryNode<FnDot,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Vector<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ dot(const Vector<D1,T1,E1> & l,const Array<D2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<FnDot,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Vector<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Vector<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1,int D2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<BinaryNode<FnDot,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Tensor<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ dot(const Tensor<D1,T1,E1> & l,const Array<D2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<FnDot,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Tensor<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Tensor<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int DR1,int DC1,class T1,class E1,int D2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<BinaryNode<FnDot,
+   typename CreateLeaf<TinyMatrix<DR1,DC1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ dot(const TinyMatrix<DR1,DC1,T1,E1> & l,const Array<D2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<FnDot,
+     typename CreateLeaf<TinyMatrix<DR1,DC1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<TinyMatrix<DR1,DC1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1,int D2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<BinaryNode<FnLdexp,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Vector<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ ldexp(const Vector<D1,T1,E1> & l,const Array<D2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<FnLdexp,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Vector<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Vector<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1,int D2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<BinaryNode<FnLdexp,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Tensor<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ ldexp(const Tensor<D1,T1,E1> & l,const Array<D2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<FnLdexp,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Tensor<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Tensor<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int DR1,int DC1,class T1,class E1,int D2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<BinaryNode<FnLdexp,
+   typename CreateLeaf<TinyMatrix<DR1,DC1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ ldexp(const TinyMatrix<DR1,DC1,T1,E1> & l,const Array<D2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<FnLdexp,
+     typename CreateLeaf<TinyMatrix<DR1,DC1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<TinyMatrix<DR1,DC1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1,int D2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<BinaryNode<FnPow,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Vector<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ pow(const Vector<D1,T1,E1> & l,const Array<D2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<FnPow,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Vector<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Vector<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1,int D2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<BinaryNode<FnPow,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Tensor<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ pow(const Tensor<D1,T1,E1> & l,const Array<D2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<FnPow,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Tensor<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Tensor<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int DR1,int DC1,class T1,class E1,int D2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<BinaryNode<FnPow,
+   typename CreateLeaf<TinyMatrix<DR1,DC1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ pow(const TinyMatrix<DR1,DC1,T1,E1> & l,const Array<D2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<FnPow,
+     typename CreateLeaf<TinyMatrix<DR1,DC1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<TinyMatrix<DR1,DC1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1,int D2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<BinaryNode<FnFmod,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Vector<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ fmod(const Vector<D1,T1,E1> & l,const Array<D2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<FnFmod,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Vector<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Vector<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1,int D2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<BinaryNode<FnFmod,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Tensor<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ fmod(const Tensor<D1,T1,E1> & l,const Array<D2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<FnFmod,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Tensor<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Tensor<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int DR1,int DC1,class T1,class E1,int D2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<BinaryNode<FnFmod,
+   typename CreateLeaf<TinyMatrix<DR1,DC1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ fmod(const TinyMatrix<DR1,DC1,T1,E1> & l,const Array<D2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<FnFmod,
+     typename CreateLeaf<TinyMatrix<DR1,DC1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<TinyMatrix<DR1,DC1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1,int D2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<BinaryNode<FnArcTan2,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Vector<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ atan2(const Vector<D1,T1,E1> & l,const Array<D2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<FnArcTan2,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Vector<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Vector<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1,int D2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<BinaryNode<FnArcTan2,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Tensor<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ atan2(const Tensor<D1,T1,E1> & l,const Array<D2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<FnArcTan2,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Tensor<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Tensor<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int DR1,int DC1,class T1,class E1,int D2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<BinaryNode<FnArcTan2,
+   typename CreateLeaf<TinyMatrix<DR1,DC1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ atan2(const TinyMatrix<DR1,DC1,T1,E1> & l,const Array<D2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<FnArcTan2,
+     typename CreateLeaf<TinyMatrix<DR1,DC1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<TinyMatrix<DR1,DC1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1,int D2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<BinaryNode<OpEQ,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Vector<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator==(const Vector<D1,T1,E1> & l,const Array<D2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpEQ,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Vector<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Vector<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1,int D2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<BinaryNode<OpEQ,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Tensor<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator==(const Tensor<D1,T1,E1> & l,const Array<D2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpEQ,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Tensor<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Tensor<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int DR1,int DC1,class T1,class E1,int D2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<BinaryNode<OpEQ,
+   typename CreateLeaf<TinyMatrix<DR1,DC1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator==(const TinyMatrix<DR1,DC1,T1,E1> & l,const Array<D2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpEQ,
+     typename CreateLeaf<TinyMatrix<DR1,DC1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<TinyMatrix<DR1,DC1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1,int D2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<BinaryNode<OpNE,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Vector<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator!=(const Vector<D1,T1,E1> & l,const Array<D2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpNE,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Vector<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Vector<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1,int D2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<BinaryNode<OpNE,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Tensor<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator!=(const Tensor<D1,T1,E1> & l,const Array<D2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpNE,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Tensor<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Tensor<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int DR1,int DC1,class T1,class E1,int D2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<BinaryNode<OpNE,
+   typename CreateLeaf<TinyMatrix<DR1,DC1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator!=(const TinyMatrix<DR1,DC1,T1,E1> & l,const Array<D2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpNE,
+     typename CreateLeaf<TinyMatrix<DR1,DC1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<TinyMatrix<DR1,DC1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int Dim, class T, class EngineTag>
+ struct CreateLeaf<Array<Dim, T, EngineTag> >
+ {
+   typedef Array<Dim, T, EngineTag> Input_t;
+   typedef Reference<Input_t> Leaf_t;
+   typedef Leaf_t Return_t;
+   inline static
+   Return_t make(const Input_t &a)
+     {
+       return Leaf_t(a);
+     }
+ };
+ template<int Dim, class T, class Expr>
+ struct CreateLeaf<Array<Dim, T, ExpressionTag<Expr> > >
+ {
+   typedef Array<Dim, T, ExpressionTag<Expr> > Input_t;
+   typedef Expr Leaf_t;
+   typedef const Leaf_t &Return_t;
+   inline static
+   Return_t make(const Input_t &a)
+     {
+       return a.engine().expression();
+     }
+ };
+ template<int Dim, class T, class EngineTag>
+ struct CreateLeaf<Scalar<Array<Dim, T, EngineTag> > >
+ {
+   typedef Scalar<Array<Dim, T, EngineTag> > Input_t;
+   typedef Scalar<ErrorType> Leaf_t;
+   typedef Leaf_t Return_t;
+   inline static
+   Return_t make(const Input_t &)
+     {
+       return ErrorType();
+     }
+ };
+ template<class Op,class Leaf>
+ struct MakeReturn<UnaryNode<Op,Leaf> >
+ {
+   typedef UnaryNode<Op,Leaf> Tree_t;
+   typedef typename ForEach<Tree_t,
+     DomainFunctorTag, DomainFunctorTag>::Type_t Domain_t;
+   enum { dim = Domain_t::dimensions };
+   typedef typename UnaryReturn<typename ForEach<Leaf,
+     EvalLeaf<dim>,OpCombine>::Type_t,
+     Op>::Type_t T_t;
+   typedef Engine<dim,T_t,ExpressionTag<Tree_t> > Engine_t;
+   typedef Array<dim,T_t,ExpressionTag<Tree_t > > Expression_t;
+   inline static
+   Expression_t make(const Tree_t &tree)
+     {
+       return Expression_t(Engine_t(tree));
+     }
+ };
+ template<class Op,class Left,class Right>
+ struct MakeReturn<BinaryNode<Op,Left,Right> >
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<Op,Left,Right> Tree_t;
+   typedef typename ForEach<Tree_t,
+     DomainFunctorTag, DomainFunctorTag>::Type_t Domain_t;
+   enum { dim = Domain_t::dimensions };
+   typedef typename BinaryReturn<typename ForEach<Left,
+     EvalLeaf<dim>,OpCombine>::Type_t,
+     typename ForEach<Right,EvalLeaf<dim>,OpCombine>::Type_t,
+     Op>::Type_t T_t;
+   typedef Engine<dim,T_t,ExpressionTag<Tree_t> > Engine_t;
+   typedef Array<dim,T_t,ExpressionTag<Tree_t > > Expression_t;
+   inline static
+   Expression_t make(const Tree_t &tree)
+     {
+       return Expression_t(Engine_t(tree));
+     }
+ };
+ template<class Op,class Cl,class Tr,class Fl>
+ struct MakeReturn<TrinaryNode<Op,Cl,Tr,Fl> >
+ {
+   typedef TrinaryNode<Op,Cl,Tr,Fl> Tree_t;
+   typedef typename ForEach<Tree_t,
+     DomainFunctorTag, DomainFunctorTag>::Type_t Domain_t;
+   enum { dim = Domain_t::dimensions };
+   typedef typename TrinaryReturn<typename ForEach<Cl,
+     EvalLeaf<dim>,OpCombine>::Type_t,
+     typename ForEach<Tr,EvalLeaf<dim>,OpCombine>::Type_t,
+     typename ForEach<Fl,EvalLeaf<dim>,OpCombine>::Type_t,
+     Op>::Type_t T_t;
+   typedef Engine<dim,T_t,ExpressionTag<Tree_t> > Engine_t;
+   typedef Array<dim,T_t,ExpressionTag<Tree_t > > Expression_t;
+   inline static
+   Expression_t make(const Tree_t &tree)
+     {
+       return Expression_t(Engine_t(tree));
+     }
+ };
+ template<class Op, class T>
+ struct ReductionTraits {
+ };
+ template<class T>
+ struct ReductionTraits<OpAddAssign, T> {
+   static inline T identity() { return T(0); }
+ };
+ template<class T>
+ struct ReductionTraits<OpMultiplyAssign, T> {
+   static inline T identity() { return T(1); }
+ };
+ template<class T>
+ struct ReductionTraits<FnMinAssign, T> {
+   static inline T identity() { return std::numeric_limits<T>::max(); }
+ };
+ template<class T>
+ struct ReductionTraits<FnMaxAssign, T> {
+   static inline T identity() { return std::numeric_limits<T>::min(); }
+ };
+ template<class T>
+ struct ReductionTraits<FnOrAssign, T> {
+   static inline T identity() { return T(false); }
+ };
+ template<class T>
+ struct ReductionTraits<FnAndAssign, T> {
+   static inline T identity() { return T(true); }
+ };
+ template<class T>
+ struct ReductionTraits<OpBitwiseOrAssign, T> {
+   static inline T identity() { return T(); }
+ };
+ template<class T>
+ struct ReductionTraits<OpBitwiseAndAssign, T> {
+   static inline T identity() { return ~T(); }
+ };
+ #ifndef _OPENMP
+ template<class T>
+ struct PartialReduction {
+  static inline void init() {}
+  inline void storePartialResult(const T& result)
+  {
+    answer = result;
+  }
+  template <class Op>
+  inline void reduce(T& ret, const Op&)
+  { 
+    ret = answer;
+  } 
+  T answer;
+ };
+ #else
+ template<class T>
+ struct PartialReduction {
+   static inline void init()
+   {
+     if (!answer)
+      answer = new T[omp_get_max_threads()];
+   }
+   inline void storePartialResult(const T& result)
+   {
+     int n = omp_get_thread_num();
+     answer[n] = result;
+     if (n == 0)
+       num_threads = omp_get_num_threads();
+   }
+   template <class Op>
+   inline void reduce(T& ret, const Op& op)
+   {
+     T res = answer[0];
+     for (int i = 1; i<num_threads; ++i)
+       op(res, answer[i]);
+     ret = res;
+   }
+   int num_threads;
+   static T *answer;
+ };
+ template <class T>
+ T *PartialReduction<T>::answer = NULL;
+ #endif
+ template<class KernelTag>
+ struct ReductionEvaluator;
+ template<>
+ struct ReductionEvaluator<InlineKernelTag>
+ {
+   template<class T, class Op, class Expr>
+   static /*__attribute__((leafify))*/
+   void evaluate(T &ret, const Op &op, const Expr &e)
+   {
+     typedef typename Expr::Domain_t Domain_t;
+     PoomaCTAssert<(Domain_t::unitStride)>::test();
+     for (int i=0; i<Domain_t::dimensions; ++i)
+       ;
+     PartialReduction<T>::init();
+     evaluate(ret, op, e, e.domain(),
+       WrappedInt<Domain_t::dimensions>());
+   }
+   template<class T, class Op, class Expr, class Domain>
+   inline static void evaluate(T &ret, const Op &op, const Expr &e,
+     const Domain &domain, WrappedInt<1>)
+   {
+     Expr localExpr(e);
+     int e0 = domain[0].length();
+     PartialReduction<T> reduction;
+ #pragma omp parallel if (e0 > 512)
+     {
+       T answer = ReductionTraits<Op, T>::identity();
+ ;
+ #pragma omp for nowait
+       for (int i0 = 0; i0 < e0; ++i0)
+         op(answer, localExpr.read(i0));
+       reduction.storePartialResult(answer);
+     }
+     reduction.reduce(ret, op);
+   }
+   template<class T, class Op, class Expr, class Domain>
+   inline static void evaluate(T &ret, const Op &op, const Expr &e,
+     const Domain &domain, WrappedInt<2>)
+   {
+     Expr localExpr(e);
+     int e0 = domain[0].length();
+     int e1 = domain[1].length();
+     PartialReduction<T> reduction;
+ #pragma omp parallel
+     {
+       T answer = ReductionTraits<Op, T>::identity();
+ #pragma omp for nowait
+       for (int i1 = 0; i1 < e1; ++i1) {
+ ;
+  for (int i0 = 0; i0 < e0; ++i0)
+    op(answer, localExpr.read(i0, i1));
+       }
+       reduction.storePartialResult(answer);
+     }
+     reduction.reduce(ret, op);
+   }
+   template<class T, class Op, class Expr, class Domain>
+   inline static void evaluate(T &ret, const Op &op, const Expr &e,
+     const Domain &domain, WrappedInt<3>)
+   {
+     Expr localExpr(e);
+     int e0 = domain[0].length();
+     int e1 = domain[1].length();
+     int e2 = domain[2].length();
+     PartialReduction<T> reduction;
+ #pragma omp parallel
+     {
+       T answer = ReductionTraits<Op, T>::identity();
+ #pragma omp for nowait
+       for (int i2 = 0; i2 < e2; ++i2)
+  for (int i1 = 0; i1 < e1; ++i1) {
+ ;
+    for (int i0 = 0; i0 < e0; ++i0)
+      op(answer, localExpr.read(i0, i1, i2));
+  }
+       reduction.storePartialResult(answer);
+     }
+     reduction.reduce(ret, op);
+   }
+   template<class T, class Op, class Expr, class Domain>
+   inline static void evaluate(T &ret, const Op &op, const Expr &e,
+     const Domain &domain, WrappedInt<4>)
+   {
+     Expr localExpr(e);
+     int e0 = domain[0].length();
+     int e1 = domain[1].length();
+     int e2 = domain[2].length();
+     int e3 = domain[3].length();
+     PartialReduction<T> reduction;
+ #pragma omp parallel
+     {
+       T answer = ReductionTraits<Op, T>::identity();
+ #pragma omp for nowait
+       for (int i3 = 0; i3 < e3; ++i3)
+  for (int i2 = 0; i2 < e2; ++i2)
+    for (int i1 = 0; i1 < e1; ++i1) {
+ ;
+      for (int i0 = 0; i0 < e0; ++i0)
+        op(answer, localExpr.read(i0, i1, i2, i3));
+    }
+       reduction.storePartialResult(answer);
+     }
+     reduction.reduce(ret, op);
+   }
+   template<class T, class Op, class Expr, class Domain>
+   inline static void evaluate(T &ret, const Op &op, const Expr &e,
+     const Domain &domain, WrappedInt<5>)
+   {
+     Expr localExpr(e);
+     int e0 = domain[0].length();
+     int e1 = domain[1].length();
+     int e2 = domain[2].length();
+     int e3 = domain[3].length();
+     int e4 = domain[4].length();
+     PartialReduction<T> reduction;
+ #pragma omp parallel
+     {
+       T answer = ReductionTraits<Op, T>::identity();
+ #pragma omp for nowait
+       for (int i4 = 0; i4 < e4; ++i4)
+  for (int i3 = 0; i3 < e3; ++i3)
+    for (int i2 = 0; i2 < e2; ++i2)
+      for (int i1 = 0; i1 < e1; ++i1) {
+ ;
+        for (int i0 = 0; i0 < e0; ++i0)
+   op(answer, localExpr.read(i0, i1, i2, i3, i4));
+      }
+       reduction.storePartialResult(answer);
+     }
+     reduction.reduce(ret, op);
+   }
+   template<class T, class Op, class Expr, class Domain>
+   inline static void evaluate(T &ret, const Op &op, const Expr &e,
+     const Domain &domain, WrappedInt<6>)
+   {
+     Expr localExpr(e);
+     int e0 = domain[0].length();
+     int e1 = domain[1].length();
+     int e2 = domain[2].length();
+     int e3 = domain[3].length();
+     int e4 = domain[4].length();
+     int e5 = domain[5].length();
+     PartialReduction<T> reduction;
+ #pragma omp parallel
+     {
+       T answer = ReductionTraits<Op, T>::identity();
+ #pragma omp for nowait
+       for (int i5 = 0; i5 < e5; ++i5)
+  for (int i4 = 0; i4 < e4; ++i4)
+    for (int i3 = 0; i3 < e3; ++i3)
+      for (int i2 = 0; i2 < e2; ++i2)
+        for (int i1 = 0; i1 < e1; ++i1) {
+ ;
+   for (int i0 = 0; i0 < e0; ++i0)
+     op(answer, localExpr.read(i0, i1, i2, i3, i4, i5));
+        }
+       reduction.storePartialResult(answer);
+     }
+     reduction.reduce(ret, op);
+   }
+   template<class T, class Op, class Expr, class Domain>
+   inline static void evaluate(T &ret, const Op &op, const Expr &e,
+     const Domain &domain, WrappedInt<7>)
+   {
+     Expr localExpr(e);
+     int e0 = domain[0].length();
+     int e1 = domain[1].length();
+     int e2 = domain[2].length();
+     int e3 = domain[3].length();
+     int e4 = domain[4].length();
+     int e5 = domain[5].length();
+     int e6 = domain[6].length();
+     PartialReduction<T> reduction;
+ #pragma omp parallel
+     {
+       T answer = ReductionTraits<Op, T>::identity();
+ #pragma omp for nowait
+       for (int i6 = 0; i6 < e6; ++i6)
+  for (int i5 = 0; i5 < e5; ++i5)
+    for (int i4 = 0; i4 < e4; ++i4)
+      for (int i3 = 0; i3 < e3; ++i3)
+        for (int i2 = 0; i2 < e2; ++i2)
+   for (int i1 = 0; i1 < e1; ++i1) {
+ ;
+     for (int i0 = 0; i0 < e0; ++i0)
+       op(answer, localExpr.read(i0, i1, i2, i3, i4, i5, i6));
+   }
+       reduction.storePartialResult(answer);
+     }
+     reduction.reduce(ret, op);
+   }
+ };
+ template<class T, class Op>
+ struct CompressibleReduce
+ {
+   template<class T1>
+   inline static void evaluate(T &ret, const Op &, const T1 &val, int)
+   {
+     ret = static_cast<T>(val);
+   }
+ };
+ template<class T>
+ struct CompressibleReduce<T, OpAddAssign>
+ {
+   template<class T1>
+   inline static void evaluate(T &ret, const OpAddAssign &, const T1 &val,
+     int n)
+   {
+     ret = static_cast<T>(n * val);
+   }
+ };
+ template<class T>
+ struct CompressibleReduce<T, OpMultiplyAssign>
+ {
+   template<class T1>
+   inline static void evaluate(T &ret, const OpMultiplyAssign &, const T1 &val,
+     int n)
+   {
+     ret = static_cast<T>(val);
+     while (--n > 0)
+       ret *= static_cast<T>(val);
+   }
+ };
+ template<>
+ struct ReductionEvaluator<CompressibleKernelTag>
+ {
+   template<class T, class Op, class Expr>
+   inline static void evaluate(T &ret, const Op &op, const Expr &e)
+   {
+     if (engineFunctor(e, Compressed()))
+       {
+         CompressibleReduce<T, Op>::
+           evaluate(ret, op, engineFunctor(e, CompressedRead()),
+             e.domain().size());
+       }
+     else
+       {
+         ReductionEvaluator<InlineKernelTag>::evaluate(ret, op, e);
+       }
+   }
+ };
+ namespace Pooma {
+ class CountingSemaphore
+ {
+ public:
+   CountingSemaphore() { }
+   CountingSemaphore(const CountingSemaphore &) { }
+   CountingSemaphore &operator=(const CountingSemaphore &) { return *this; }
+   void wait() const { }
+   int count() const { return 0; }
+   int height() const { return 0; }
+   void height(int) { }
+   void raise_height(int) { }
+   void incr() { }
+   CountingSemaphore &operator++() { incr(); return *this; }
+   int operator+=(int) { return 0; }
+ };
+ }
+ template<class T, class Op, class Expr, class KernelTag>
+ class ReductionKernel : public Pooma::Iterate_t
+ {
+ public:
+   typedef ReductionKernel<T, Op, Expr, KernelTag> This_t;
+   ReductionKernel(T &ret, const Op &op, const Expr &e,
+     Pooma::CountingSemaphore &csem);
+   virtual ~ReductionKernel();
+   virtual void /*__attribute__((leafify))*/ run();
+ private:
+   T &ret_m;
+   Op op_m;
+   Expr expr_m;
+   Pooma::CountingSemaphore &csem_m;
+ };
+ template<class T, class Op, class Expr, class KernelTag>
+ ReductionKernel<T, Op, Expr, KernelTag>::
+ ReductionKernel(T &ret, const Op &op, const Expr &e,
+   Pooma::CountingSemaphore &csem)
+   : Pooma::Iterate_t(Pooma::scheduler()),
+     ret_m(ret), op_m(op), expr_m(e), csem_m(csem)
+ {
+   DataObjectRequest<ReadRequest> readReq(*this);
+   engineFunctor(expr_m, readReq);
+ }
+ template<class T, class Op, class Expr, class KernelTag>
+ ReductionKernel<T, Op, Expr, KernelTag>::~ReductionKernel()
+ {
+   DataObjectRequest<ReadRelease> readRelease;
+   engineFunctor(expr_m, readRelease);
+   csem_m.incr();
+ }
+ template<class T, class Op, class Expr, class KernelTag>
+ void ReductionKernel<T, Op, Expr, KernelTag>::run()
+ {
+   ReductionEvaluator<KernelTag>::evaluate(ret_m, op_m, expr_m);
+ }
+ template <class EvalTag>
+ struct Reduction
+ { };
+ template <>
+ struct Reduction<MainEvaluatorTag>
+ {
+   Reduction() { }
+   ~Reduction() { }
+   template <class Expr>
+   static inline bool checkValidity(const Expr &e, WrappedInt<false>)
+   {
+     return true;
+   }
+   template <class Expr>
+   static inline bool checkValidity(const Expr &e, WrappedInt<true>)
+   {
+     return e.centeringSize() == 1 && e.numMaterials() == 1;
+   }
+   template<class T, class Op, class Cond, class Expr>
+   void evaluate(T &ret, const Op &op, const WhereProxy<Cond, Expr> &w) const
+   {
+     evaluate(ret, w.opMask(op), w.whereMask());
+   }
+   template<class T, class Op, class Expr>
+   void evaluate(T &ret, const Op &op, const Expr &e) const
+   {
+     typedef typename EvaluatorTag1<Expr>::Evaluator_t Evaluator_t;
+     Pooma::scheduler().beginGeneration();
+     ;
+     forEach(e, PerformUpdateTag(), NullCombine());
+     Reduction<Evaluator_t>().evaluate(ret, op, e());
+     Pooma::scheduler().endGeneration();
+     ;
+   }
+ };
+ template <>
+ struct Reduction<SinglePatchEvaluatorTag>
+ {
+   Reduction() { }
+   ~Reduction() { }
+   template<class T, class Op, class Expr>
+   void evaluate(T &ret, const Op &op, const Expr &e,
+   Pooma::CountingSemaphore &csem) const
+   {
+     typedef typename KernelTag1<Expr>::Kernel_t Kernel_t;
+     Pooma::Iterate_t *iterate =
+       new ReductionKernel<T, Op, Expr, Kernel_t>(ret, op, e, csem);
+     Pooma::scheduler().handOff(iterate);
+   }
+   template<class T, class Op, class Expr>
+   void evaluate(T &ret, const Op &op, const Expr &e) const
+   {
+     Pooma::CountingSemaphore csem;
+     csem.height(1);
+     evaluate(ret, op, e, csem);
+     csem.wait();
+   }
+ };
+ template <>
+ struct Reduction<MultiPatchEvaluatorTag>
+ {
+   Reduction() { }
+   ~Reduction() { }
+   template<class T, class Op, class Expr>
+   void evaluate(T &ret, const Op &op, const Expr &e) const
+   {
+     typedef Intersector<Expr::dimensions> Inter_t;
+     Inter_t inter;
+     expressionApply(e, IntersectorTag<Inter_t>(inter));
+     const int n = inter.size();
+     Pooma::CountingSemaphore csem;
+     csem.height(n);
+     T *vals = new T[n];
+     typename Inter_t::const_iterator i = inter.begin();
+     int j = 0;
+     while (j < n)
+       {
+         Reduction<SinglePatchEvaluatorTag>().
+           evaluate(vals[j], op, e(*i), csem);
+         ++i; ++j;
+       }
+     csem.wait();
+     ret = vals[0];
+     for (j = 1; j < n; j++)
+       op(ret, vals[j]);
+     delete [] vals;
+   }
+ };
+ template<class Subject>
+ typename Subject::Element_t sum(const Subject &s)
+ {
+   typename Subject::Element_t ret;
+   Reduction<MainEvaluatorTag>().evaluate(ret, OpAddAssign(), s);
+   return ret;
+ }
+ template<class Subject>
+ typename Subject::Element_t prod(const Subject &s)
+ {
+   typename Subject::Element_t ret;
+   Reduction<MainEvaluatorTag>().evaluate(ret, OpMultiplyAssign(), s);
+   return ret;
+ }
+ template<class Subject>
+ typename Subject::Element_t min(const Subject &s)
+ {
+   typename Subject::Element_t ret;
+   Reduction<MainEvaluatorTag>().evaluate(ret, FnMinAssign(), s);
+   return ret;
+ }
+ template<class Subject>
+ typename Subject::Element_t max(const Subject &s)
+ {
+   typename Subject::Element_t ret;
+   Reduction<MainEvaluatorTag>().evaluate(ret, FnMaxAssign(), s);
+   return ret;
+ }
+ template<class Subject>
+ bool all(const Subject &s)
+ {
+   bool ret;
+   Reduction<MainEvaluatorTag>().evaluate(ret, FnAndAssign(), s);
+   return ret;
+ }
+ template<class Subject>
+ bool any(const Subject &s)
+ {
+   bool ret;
+   Reduction<MainEvaluatorTag>().evaluate(ret, FnOrAssign(), s);
+   return ret;
+ }
+ template<class Subject>
+ typename Subject::Element_t bitOr(const Subject &s)
+ {
+   typename Subject::Element_t ret;
+   Reduction<MainEvaluatorTag>().evaluate(ret, OpBitwiseOrAssign(), s);
+   return ret;
+ }
+ template<class Subject>
+ typename Subject::Element_t bitAnd(const Subject &s)
+ {
+   typename Subject::Element_t ret;
+   Reduction<MainEvaluatorTag>().evaluate(ret, OpBitwiseAndAssign(), s);
+   return ret;
+ }
+ template<int Dim, class T, class EngineTag,
+   int OtherDim, class OtherT, class OtherEngineTag, class Op>
+ inline const Array<Dim, T, EngineTag> &
+ assign(const Array<Dim, T, EngineTag> &lhs,
+        const Array<OtherDim, OtherT, OtherEngineTag> &rhs,
+        const Op &op);
+ template<int Dim, class T, class EngineTag, class T1, class Op>
+ inline const Array<Dim, T, EngineTag> &
+ assign(const Array<Dim, T, EngineTag> &lhs, const T1 &rhs, const Op &op);
+ template<class Subject, class Sub1, bool SV>
+ struct View1Implementation;
+ template<int Dim, class T, class EngineTag, class Domain>
+ struct View1Implementation<Array<Dim, T, EngineTag>, Domain, true>
+ {
+   typedef Array<Dim, T, EngineTag> Subject_t;
+   typedef typename Subject_t::Element_t ReadType_t;
+   typedef typename Subject_t::ElementRef_t Type_t;
+   template<class S1, class Combine>
+   inline static
+   Type_t make(const Subject_t &a, const S1 &s1,
+        const Combine &)
+     {
+       Domain s(Combine::make(a, s1));
+       return a.engine()(s);
+     }
+   template<class S1, class S2, class Combine>
+   inline static
+   Type_t make(const Subject_t &a,
+        const S1 &s1, const S2 &s2,
+        const Combine &)
+     {
+       Domain s(Combine::make(a, s1, s2));
+       return a.engine()(s);
+     }
+   template<class S1, class S2, class S3,
+     class Combine>
+   inline static
+   Type_t make(const Subject_t &a,
+        const S1 &s1, const S2 &s2, const S3 &s3,
+        const Combine &)
+     {
+       Domain s(Combine::make(a, s1, s2, s3));
+       return a.engine()(s);
+     }
+   template<class S1, class S2, class S3, class S4,
+     class Combine>
+   inline static
+   Type_t make(const Subject_t &a,
+        const S1 &s1, const S2 &s2, const S3 &s3,
+        const S4 &s4,
+        const Combine &)
+     {
+       Domain s(Combine::make(a, s1, s2, s3, s4));
+       return a.engine()(s);
+     }
+   template<class S1, class S2, class S3, class S4, class S5,
+     class Combine>
+   inline static
+   Type_t make(const Subject_t &a,
+        const S1 &s1, const S2 &s2, const S3 &s3,
+        const S4 &s4, const S5 &s5,
+        const Combine &)
+     {
+       Domain s(Combine::make(a, s1, s2, s3, s4, s5));
+       return a.engine()(s);
+     }
+   template<class S1, class S2, class S3, class S4, class S5,
+     class S6, class Combine>
+   inline static
+   Type_t make(const Subject_t &a,
+        const S1 &s1, const S2 &s2, const S3 &s3,
+        const S4 &s4, const S5 &s5, const S6 &s6,
+        const Combine &)
+     {
+       Domain s(Combine::make(a, s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6));
+       return a.engine()(s);
+     }
+   template<class S1, class S2, class S3, class S4, class S5,
+     class S6, class S7, class Combine>
+   inline static
+   Type_t make(const Subject_t &a,
+        const S1 &s1, const S2 &s2, const S3 &s3,
+        const S4 &s4, const S5 &s5, const S6 &s6,
+        const S7 &s7,
+        const Combine &)
+     {
+       Domain s(Combine::make(a, s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6, s7));
+       return a.engine()(s);
+     }
+   template<class S1, class Combine>
+   inline static
+   ReadType_t makeRead(const Subject_t &a, const S1 &s1,
+                    const Combine &)
+     {
+       Domain s(Combine::make(a, s1));
+       return a.engine().read(s);
+     }
+   template<class S1, class S2, class Combine>
+   inline static
+   ReadType_t makeRead(const Subject_t &a,
+                    const S1 &s1, const S2 &s2,
+                    const Combine &)
+     {
+       Domain s(Combine::make(a, s1, s2));
+       return a.engine().read(s);
+     }
+   template<class S1, class S2, class S3,
+     class Combine>
+   inline static
+   ReadType_t makeRead(const Subject_t &a,
+                    const S1 &s1, const S2 &s2, const S3 &s3,
+                    const Combine &)
+     {
+       Domain s(Combine::make(a, s1, s2, s3));
+       return a.engine().read(s);
+     }
+   template<class S1, class S2, class S3, class S4,
+     class Combine>
+   inline static
+   ReadType_t makeRead(const Subject_t &a,
+                    const S1 &s1, const S2 &s2, const S3 &s3,
+                    const S4 &s4,
+                    const Combine &)
+     {
+       Domain s(Combine::make(a, s1, s2, s3, s4));
+       return a.engine().read(s);
+     }
+   template<class S1, class S2, class S3, class S4, class S5,
+     class Combine>
+   inline static
+   ReadType_t makeRead(const Subject_t &a,
+                    const S1 &s1, const S2 &s2, const S3 &s3,
+                    const S4 &s4, const S5 &s5,
+                    const Combine &)
+     {
+       Domain s(Combine::make(a, s1, s2, s3, s4, s5));
+       return a.engine().read(s);
+     }
+   template<class S1, class S2, class S3, class S4, class S5,
+     class S6, class Combine>
+   inline static
+   ReadType_t makeRead(const Subject_t &a,
+                    const S1 &s1, const S2 &s2, const S3 &s3,
+                    const S4 &s4, const S5 &s5, const S6 &s6,
+                    const Combine &)
+     {
+       Domain s(Combine::make(a, s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6));
+       return a.engine().read(s);
+     }
+   template<class S1, class S2, class S3, class S4, class S5,
+     class S6, class S7, class Combine>
+   inline static
+   ReadType_t makeRead(const Subject_t &a,
+                    const S1 &s1, const S2 &s2, const S3 &s3,
+                    const S4 &s4, const S5 &s5, const S6 &s6,
+                    const S7 &s7,
+                    const Combine &)
+     {
+       Domain s(Combine::make(a, s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6, s7));
+       return a.engine().read(s);
+     }
+ };
+ template<int Dim, class T, class EngineTag, class Domain>
+ struct View1Implementation<Array<Dim, T, EngineTag>, Domain, false>
+ {
+   typedef Array<Dim, T, EngineTag> Subject_t;
+   typedef typename Subject_t::Engine_t Engine_t;
+   typedef typename NewEngine<Engine_t, Domain>::Type_t NewEngine_t;
+   enum { newDim = NewEngine_t::dimensions };
+   typedef typename NewEngine_t::Tag_t NewEngineTag_t;
+   typedef Array<newDim, T, NewEngineTag_t> Type_t;
+   typedef Type_t ReadType_t;
+   typedef NewEngineEngine<Engine_t, Domain> NewEE_t;
+   typedef NewEngineDomain<Engine_t, Domain> NewED_t;
+   template<class S1, class Combine>
+   static
+   Type_t make(const Subject_t &a, const S1 &s1,
+            const Combine &)
+     {
+       Domain s(Combine::make(a, s1));
+       return Type_t(
+   NewEE_t::apply(a.engine(), s),
+   NewED_t::apply(a.engine(), s));
+     }
+   template<class S1, class S2, class Combine>
+   static
+   Type_t make(const Subject_t &a, const S1 &s1,
+            const S2 &s2, const Combine &)
+     {
+       Domain s(Combine::make(a, s1, s2));
+       return Type_t(
+      NewEE_t::apply(a.engine(), s),
+   NewED_t::apply(a.engine(), s));
+     }
+   template<class S1, class S2, class S3,
+     class Combine>
+   static
+   Type_t make(const Subject_t &a,
+            const S1 &s1, const S2 &s2, const S3 &s3,
+            const Combine &)
+     {
+       Domain s(Combine::make(a, s1, s2, s3));
+       return Type_t(
+   NewEE_t::apply(a.engine(), s),
+   NewED_t::apply(a.engine(), s));
+     }
+   template<class S1, class S2, class S3, class S4,
+     class Combine>
+   static
+   Type_t make(const Subject_t &a,
+            const S1 &s1, const S2 &s2, const S3 &s3,
+            const S4 &s4,
+            const Combine &)
+     {
+       Domain s(Combine::make(a, s1, s2, s3, s4));
+       return Type_t(
+   NewEE_t::apply(a.engine(), s),
+   NewED_t::apply(a.engine(), s));
+     }
+   template<class S1, class S2, class S3, class S4, class S5,
+     class Combine>
+   static
+   Type_t make(const Subject_t &a,
+            const S1 &s1, const S2 &s2, const S3 &s3,
+            const S4 &s4, const S5 &s5,
+            const Combine &)
+     {
+       Domain s(Combine::make(a, s1, s2, s3, s4, s5));
+       return Type_t(
+   NewEE_t::apply(a.engine(), s),
+   NewED_t::apply(a.engine(), s));
+     }
+   template<class S1, class S2, class S3, class S4, class S5,
+     class S6, class Combine>
+   static
+   Type_t make(const Subject_t &a,
+            const S1 &s1, const S2 &s2, const S3 &s3,
+            const S4 &s4, const S5 &s5, const S6 &s6,
+            const Combine &)
+     {
+       Domain s(Combine::make(a, s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6));
+       return Type_t(
+   NewEE_t::apply(a.engine(), s),
+   NewED_t::apply(a.engine(), s));
+     }
+   template<class S1, class S2, class S3, class S4, class S5,
+     class S6, class S7, class Combine>
+   static
+   Type_t make(const Subject_t &a,
+            const S1 &s1, const S2 &s2, const S3 &s3,
+            const S4 &s4, const S5 &s5, const S6 &s6,
+            const S7 &s7,
+            const Combine &)
+     {
+       Domain s(Combine::make(a, s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6, s7));
+       return Type_t(
+   NewEE_t::apply(a.engine(), s),
+   NewED_t::apply(a.engine(), s));
+     }
+   template<class S1, class Combine>
+   inline static
+   Type_t makeRead(const Subject_t &a, const S1 &s1,
+                const Combine &c)
+     {
+       return make(a, s1, c);
+     }
+   template<class S1, class S2, class Combine>
+   inline static
+   Type_t makeRead(const Subject_t &a, const S1 &s1,
+                const S2 &s2, const Combine &c)
+     {
+       return make(a, s1, s2, c);
+     }
+   template<class S1, class S2, class S3,
+     class Combine>
+   inline static
+   Type_t makeRead(const Subject_t &a,
+                const S1 &s1, const S2 &s2, const S3 &s3,
+                const Combine &c)
+     {
+       return make(a, s1, s2, s3, c);
+     }
+   template<class S1, class S2, class S3, class S4,
+     class Combine>
+   inline static
+   Type_t makeRead(const Subject_t &a,
+                const S1 &s1, const S2 &s2, const S3 &s3,
+                const S4 &s4, const Combine &c)
+     {
+       return make(a, s1, s2, s3, s4, c);
+     }
+   template<class S1, class S2, class S3, class S4, class S5,
+     class Combine>
+   inline static
+   Type_t makeRead(const Subject_t &a,
+                const S1 &s1, const S2 &s2, const S3 &s3,
+                const S4 &s4, const S5 &s5, const Combine &c)
+     {
+       return make(a, s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, c);
+     }
+   template<class S1, class S2, class S3, class S4, class S5,
+     class S6,
+     class Combine>
+   inline static
+   Type_t makeRead(const Subject_t &a,
+                const S1 &s1, const S2 &s2, const S3 &s3,
+                const S4 &s4, const S5 &s5, const S6 &s6,
+                const Combine &c)
+     {
+       return make(a, s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6, c);
+     }
+   template<class S1, class S2, class S3, class S4, class S5,
+     class S6, class S7,
+     class Combine>
+   inline static
+   Type_t makeRead(const Subject_t &a,
+                const S1 &s1, const S2 &s2, const S3 &s3,
+                const S4 &s4, const S5 &s5, const S6 &s6,
+                const S7 &s7, const Combine &c)
+     {
+       return make(a, s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6, s7, c);
+     }
+ };
+ template<int Dim, class T, class EngineTag, class Domain>
+ struct View1<Array<Dim, T, EngineTag>, Domain>
+ {
+   typedef Array<Dim, T, EngineTag> Subject_t;
+   typedef typename Subject_t::Domain_t Domain_t;
+   typedef TemporaryNewDomain1<Domain_t, Domain> NewDomain_t;
+   typedef typename NewDomain_t::SliceType_t SDomain_t;
+   enum { sv = DomainTraits<SDomain_t>::singleValued };
+   typedef View1Implementation<Subject_t, SDomain_t, sv> Dispatch_t;
+   typedef CombineDomainOpt<NewDomain_t, sv> Combine_t;
+   typedef typename Dispatch_t::Type_t Type_t;
+   typedef typename Dispatch_t::ReadType_t ReadType_t;
+   inline static
+   Type_t make(const Subject_t &a, const Domain &s1)
+     {
+       return Dispatch_t::make(a, s1, Combine_t());
+     }
+   inline static
+   ReadType_t makeRead(const Subject_t &a, const Domain &s1)
+     {
+       return Dispatch_t::makeRead(a, s1, Combine_t());
+     }
+ };
+ template<int Dim, class T, class EngineTag>
+ struct View0<Array<Dim, T, EngineTag> >
+ {
+   typedef Array<Dim, T, EngineTag> Subject_t;
+   typedef typename Subject_t::Engine_t Engine_t;
+   typedef typename Subject_t::Domain_t Domain_t;
+   typedef typename NewEngine<Engine_t, Domain_t>::Type_t NewEngine_t;
+   enum { newDim = NewEngine_t::dimensions };
+   typedef typename NewEngine_t::Tag_t NewEngineTag_t;
+   typedef Array<newDim, T, NewEngineTag_t> Type_t;
+   typedef Type_t ReadType_t;
+   static Type_t make(const Subject_t &a)
+     {
+       typedef NewEngineEngine<Engine_t, Domain_t> NewEE_t;
+       typedef NewEngineDomain<Engine_t, Domain_t> NewED_t;
+       return Type_t(
+   NewEE_t::apply(a.engine(), a.engine().domain()),
+   NewED_t::apply(a.engine(), a.engine().domain()));
+     }
+   inline static ReadType_t makeRead(const Subject_t &a)
+     {
+       return make(a);
+     }
+ };
+ template<int Dim, class T, class EngineTag>
+ struct View1<Array<Dim, T, EngineTag>, int>
+ {
+   typedef Array<Dim, T, EngineTag> Subject_t;
+   typedef typename Subject_t::Element_t ReadType_t;
+   typedef typename Subject_t::ElementRef_t Type_t;
+   inline static
+   Type_t make(const Subject_t &a, int s1)
+     {
+       return a.engine()(s1);
+     }
+   inline static
+   ReadType_t makeRead(const Subject_t &a, int s1)
+     {
+       return a.engine().read(s1);
+     }
+ };
+ template<int Dim, class T, class EngineTag>
+ struct View1<Array<Dim, T, EngineTag>, Loc<Dim> >
+ {
+   typedef Array<Dim, T, EngineTag> Subject_t;
+   typedef typename Subject_t::Element_t ReadType_t;
+   typedef typename Subject_t::ElementRef_t Type_t;
+   inline static
+   Type_t make(const Subject_t &a, const Loc<Dim>& s1)
+     {
+       ;
+       return a.engine()(s1);
+     }
+   inline static
+   ReadType_t makeRead(const Subject_t &a, const Loc<Dim>& s1)
+     {
+       ;
+       return a.engine().read(s1);
+     }
+ };
+ template<int D1, class T1, class E1, int D2, class T2, class E2>
+ struct View1<Array<D1, T1, E1>, Array<D2, T2, E2> >
+ {
+   typedef Array<D1, T1, E1> Array1_t;
+   typedef Array<D2, T2, E2> Array2_t;
+   typedef IndirectionTag<Array1_t, Array2_t> Tag_t;
+   typedef Array<D2, T1, Tag_t> Type_t;
+   typedef Type_t ReadType_t;
+   static
+   Type_t make(const Array1_t &a, const Array2_t &s)
+     {
+       return Type_t(a, s);
+     }
+   inline static
+   Type_t makeRead(const Array1_t &a, const Array2_t &s)
+     {
+       return make(a, s);
+     }
+ };
+ template<int Dim, class T, class EngineTag,
+   class Sub1, class Sub2>
+ struct View2<Array<Dim, T, EngineTag>, Sub1, Sub2>
+ {
+   typedef Array<Dim, T, EngineTag> Subject_t;
+   typedef typename Subject_t::Domain_t Domain_t;
+   typedef NewDomain2<Sub1, Sub2> NewDomain_t;
+   typedef typename NewDomain_t::SliceType_t SDomain_t;
+   enum { sv = DomainTraits<SDomain_t>::singleValued };
+   typedef View1Implementation<Subject_t, SDomain_t, sv> Dispatch_t;
+   typedef CombineDomainOpt<NewDomain_t, sv> Combine_t;
+   typedef typename Dispatch_t::Type_t Type_t;
+   typedef typename Dispatch_t::ReadType_t ReadType_t;
+   inline static
+   Type_t make(const Subject_t &a, const Sub1 &s1, const Sub2 &s2)
+     {
+       return Dispatch_t::make(a, s1, s2, Combine_t());
+     }
+   inline static
+   ReadType_t makeRead(const Subject_t &a, const Sub1 &s1, const Sub2 &s2)
+     {
+       return Dispatch_t::makeRead(a, s1, s2, Combine_t());
+     }
+ };
+ template<int Dim, class T, class EngineTag>
+ struct View2<Array<Dim, T, EngineTag>, int, int>
+ {
+   typedef Array<Dim, T, EngineTag> Subject_t;
+   typedef typename Subject_t::Element_t ReadType_t;
+   typedef typename Subject_t::ElementRef_t Type_t;
+   inline static
+   Type_t make(const Subject_t &a, int s1, int s2)
+     {
+       return a.engine()(s1, s2);
+     }
+   inline static
+   ReadType_t makeRead(const Subject_t &a, int s1, int s2)
+     {
+       return a.engine().read(s1, s2);
+     }
+ };
+ template<int Dim, class T, class EngineTag,
+   class Sub1, class Sub2, class Sub3>
+ struct View3<Array<Dim, T, EngineTag>, Sub1, Sub2, Sub3>
+ {
+   typedef Array<Dim, T, EngineTag> Subject_t;
+   typedef typename Subject_t::Domain_t Domain_t;
+   typedef NewDomain3<Sub1, Sub2, Sub3> NewDomain_t;
+   typedef typename NewDomain_t::SliceType_t SDomain_t;
+   enum { sv = DomainTraits<SDomain_t>::singleValued };
+   typedef View1Implementation<Subject_t, SDomain_t, sv> Dispatch_t;
+   typedef CombineDomainOpt<NewDomain_t, sv> Combine_t;
+   typedef typename Dispatch_t::Type_t Type_t;
+   typedef typename Dispatch_t::ReadType_t ReadType_t;
+   inline static
+   Type_t make(const Subject_t &a, const Sub1 &s1, const Sub2 &s2,
+     const Sub3 &s3)
+     {
+       return Dispatch_t::make(a, s1, s2, s3, Combine_t());
+     }
+   inline static
+   ReadType_t makeRead(const Subject_t &a, const Sub1 &s1, const Sub2 &s2,
+     const Sub3 &s3)
+     {
+       return Dispatch_t::makeRead(a, s1, s2, s3, Combine_t());
+     }
+ };
+ template<int Dim, class T, class EngineTag>
+ struct View3<Array<Dim, T, EngineTag>, int, int, int>
+ {
+   typedef Array<Dim, T, EngineTag> Subject_t;
+   typedef typename Subject_t::Element_t ReadType_t;
+   typedef typename Subject_t::ElementRef_t Type_t;
+   inline static
+   Type_t make(const Subject_t &a, int s1, int s2, int s3)
+     {
+       return a.engine()(s1, s2, s3);
+     }
+   inline static
+   ReadType_t makeRead(const Subject_t &a, int s1, int s2, int s3)
+     {
+       return a.engine().read(s1, s2, s3);
+     }
+ };
+ template<int Dim, class T, class EngineTag,
+   class Sub1, class Sub2, class Sub3, class Sub4>
+ struct View4<Array<Dim, T, EngineTag>,
+   Sub1, Sub2, Sub3, Sub4>
+ {
+   typedef Array<Dim, T, EngineTag> Subject_t;
+   typedef typename Subject_t::Domain_t Domain_t;
+   typedef NewDomain4<Sub1, Sub2, Sub3, Sub4> NewDomain_t;
+   typedef typename NewDomain_t::SliceType_t SDomain_t;
+   enum { sv = DomainTraits<SDomain_t>::singleValued };
+   typedef View1Implementation<Subject_t, SDomain_t, sv> Dispatch_t;
+   typedef CombineDomainOpt<NewDomain_t, sv> Combine_t;
+   typedef typename Dispatch_t::Type_t Type_t;
+   typedef typename Dispatch_t::ReadType_t ReadType_t;
+   inline static
+   Type_t make(const Subject_t &a, const Sub1 &s1, const Sub2 &s2,
+     const Sub3 &s3, const Sub4 &s4)
+     {
+       return Dispatch_t::make(a, s1, s2, s3, s4, Combine_t());
+     }
+   inline static
+   ReadType_t makeRead(const Subject_t &a, const Sub1 &s1, const Sub2 &s2,
+     const Sub3 &s3, const Sub4 &s4)
+     {
+       return Dispatch_t::makeRead(a, s1, s2, s3, s4, Combine_t());
+     }
+ };
+ template<int Dim, class T, class EngineTag>
+ struct View4<Array<Dim, T, EngineTag>, int, int, int, int>
+ {
+   typedef Array<Dim, T, EngineTag> Subject_t;
+   typedef typename Subject_t::Element_t ReadType_t;
+   typedef typename Subject_t::ElementRef_t Type_t;
+   inline static
+   Type_t make(const Subject_t &a, int s1, int s2, int s3, int s4)
+     {
+       return a.engine()(s1, s2, s3, s4);
+     }
+   inline static
+   ReadType_t makeRead(const Subject_t &a, int s1, int s2, int s3, int s4)
+     {
+       return a.engine().read(s1, s2, s3, s4);
+     }
+ };
+ template<int Dim, class T, class EngineTag,
+   class Sub1, class Sub2, class Sub3, class Sub4, class Sub5>
+ struct View5<Array<Dim, T, EngineTag>,
+   Sub1, Sub2, Sub3, Sub4, Sub5>
+ {
+   typedef Array<Dim, T, EngineTag> Subject_t;
+   typedef typename Subject_t::Domain_t Domain_t;
+   typedef NewDomain5<Sub1, Sub2, Sub3, Sub4, Sub5> NewDomain_t;
+   typedef typename NewDomain_t::SliceType_t SDomain_t;
+   enum { sv = DomainTraits<SDomain_t>::singleValued };
+   typedef View1Implementation<Subject_t, SDomain_t, sv> Dispatch_t;
+   typedef CombineDomainOpt<NewDomain_t, sv> Combine_t;
+   typedef typename Dispatch_t::Type_t Type_t;
+   typedef typename Dispatch_t::ReadType_t ReadType_t;
+   inline static
+   Type_t make(const Subject_t &a, const Sub1 &s1, const Sub2 &s2,
+     const Sub3 &s3, const Sub4 &s4, const Sub5 &s5)
+     {
+       return Dispatch_t::make(a, s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, Combine_t());
+     }
+   inline static
+   ReadType_t makeRead(const Subject_t &a, const Sub1 &s1, const Sub2 &s2,
+     const Sub3 &s3, const Sub4 &s4, const Sub5 &s5)
+     {
+       return Dispatch_t::makeRead(a, s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, Combine_t());
+     }
+ };
+ template<int Dim, class T, class EngineTag>
+ struct View5<Array<Dim, T, EngineTag>, int, int, int, int, int>
+ {
+   typedef Array<Dim, T, EngineTag> Subject_t;
+   typedef typename Subject_t::Element_t ReadType_t;
+   typedef typename Subject_t::ElementRef_t Type_t;
+   inline static
+   ReadType_t makeRead(const Subject_t &a, int s1, int s2, int s3,
+     int s4, int s5)
+     {
+       return a.engine().read(s1, s2, s3, s4, s5);
+     }
+   inline static
+   Type_t make(const Subject_t &a, int s1, int s2, int s3, int s4, int s5)
+     {
+       return a.engine()(s1, s2, s3, s4, s5);
+     }
+ };
+ template<int Dim, class T, class EngineTag,
+   class Sub1, class Sub2, class Sub3, class Sub4, class Sub5,
+   class Sub6>
+ struct View6<Array<Dim, T, EngineTag>,
+   Sub1, Sub2, Sub3, Sub4, Sub5, Sub6>
+ {
+   typedef Array<Dim, T, EngineTag> Subject_t;
+   typedef typename Subject_t::Domain_t Domain_t;
+   typedef NewDomain6<Sub1, Sub2, Sub3, Sub4, Sub5, Sub6> NewDomain_t;
+   typedef typename NewDomain_t::SliceType_t SDomain_t;
+   enum { sv = DomainTraits<SDomain_t>::singleValued };
+   typedef View1Implementation<Subject_t, SDomain_t, sv> Dispatch_t;
+   typedef CombineDomainOpt<NewDomain_t, sv> Combine_t;
+   typedef typename Dispatch_t::Type_t Type_t;
+   typedef typename Dispatch_t::ReadType_t ReadType_t;
+   inline static
+   Type_t make(const Subject_t &a, const Sub1 &s1, const Sub2 &s2,
+     const Sub3 &s3, const Sub4 &s4, const Sub5 &s5, const Sub6 &s6)
+     {
+       return Dispatch_t::make(a, s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6, Combine_t());
+     }
+   inline static
+   ReadType_t makeRead(const Subject_t &a, const Sub1 &s1, const Sub2 &s2,
+     const Sub3 &s3, const Sub4 &s4, const Sub5 &s5, const Sub6 &s6)
+     {
+       return Dispatch_t::makeRead(a, s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6, Combine_t());
+     }
+ };
+ template<int Dim, class T, class EngineTag>
+ struct View6<Array<Dim, T, EngineTag>, int, int, int, int, int, int>
+ {
+   typedef Array<Dim, T, EngineTag> Subject_t;
+   typedef typename Subject_t::Element_t ReadType_t;
+   typedef typename Subject_t::ElementRef_t Type_t;
+   inline static
+   Type_t make(const Subject_t &a, int s1, int s2, int s3, int s4, int s5,
+        int s6)
+     {
+       return a.engine()(s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6);
+     }
+   inline static
+   ReadType_t makeRead(const Subject_t &a, int s1, int s2, int s3,
+     int s4, int s5, int s6)
+     {
+       return a.engine().read(s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6);
+     }
+ };
+ template<int Dim, class T, class EngineTag,
+   class Sub1, class Sub2, class Sub3, class Sub4, class Sub5,
+   class Sub6, class Sub7>
+ struct View7<Array<Dim, T, EngineTag>,
+   Sub1, Sub2, Sub3, Sub4, Sub5, Sub6, Sub7>
+ {
+   typedef Array<Dim, T, EngineTag> Subject_t;
+   typedef typename Subject_t::Domain_t Domain_t;
+   typedef NewDomain7<Sub1, Sub2, Sub3, Sub4, Sub5, Sub6, Sub7>
+     NewDomain_t;
+   typedef typename NewDomain_t::SliceType_t SDomain_t;
+   enum { sv = DomainTraits<SDomain_t>::singleValued };
+   typedef View1Implementation<Subject_t, SDomain_t, sv> Dispatch_t;
+   typedef CombineDomainOpt<NewDomain_t, sv> Combine_t;
+   typedef typename Dispatch_t::Type_t Type_t;
+   typedef typename Dispatch_t::ReadType_t ReadType_t;
+   inline static
+   Type_t make(const Subject_t &a, const Sub1 &s1, const Sub2 &s2,
+     const Sub3 &s3, const Sub4 &s4, const Sub5 &s5, const Sub6 &s6,
+     const Sub7 &s7)
+     {
+       return Dispatch_t::make(a, s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6, s7, Combine_t());
+     }
+   inline static
+   ReadType_t makeRead(const Subject_t &a, const Sub1 &s1, const Sub2 &s2,
+     const Sub3 &s3, const Sub4 &s4, const Sub5 &s5, const Sub6 &s6,
+     const Sub7 &s7)
+     {
+       return Dispatch_t::makeRead(a, s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6, s7,
+         Combine_t());
+     }
+ };
+ template<int Dim, class T, class EngineTag>
+ struct View7<Array<Dim, T, EngineTag>, int, int, int, int, int, int, int>
+ {
+   typedef Array<Dim, T, EngineTag> Subject_t;
+   typedef typename Subject_t::Element_t ReadType_t;
+   typedef typename Subject_t::ElementRef_t Type_t;
+   inline static
+   Type_t make(const Subject_t &a, int s1, int s2, int s3, int s4, int s5,
+        int s6, int s7)
+     {
+       return a.engine()(s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6, s7);
+     }
+   inline static
+   ReadType_t makeRead(const Subject_t &a, int s1, int s2, int s3,
+     int s4, int s5, int s6, int s7)
+     {
+       return a.engine().read(s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6, s7);
+     }
+ };
+ template <class Subject, class Domain>
+ struct ReverseSliceView;
+ template <int SliceDim, class T, class EngineTag, int Dim>
+ struct ReverseSliceView<Array<SliceDim, T, EngineTag>, SliceInterval<Dim, SliceDim> >
+ {
+   typedef Array<SliceDim, T, EngineTag> Subject_t;
+   typedef SliceInterval<Dim, SliceDim> Domain_t;
+   typedef typename NewEngine<typename Subject_t::Engine_t, Domain_t>::Type_t NewEngine_t;
+   typedef Array<Dim, T, typename NewEngine_t::Tag_t> Type_t;
+   inline static
+   Type_t make(const Subject_t &a, const SliceInterval<Dim, SliceDim>& dom,
+        const Interval<Dim>& totalDom)
+   {
+     return Type_t(NewEngine_t(a.engine(), dom, totalDom));
+   }
+ };
+ template<int Dim, class T, class EngineTag>
+ struct Patch<Array<Dim, T, EngineTag> >
+ {
+   typedef Array<Dim, T, EngineTag> Subject_t;
+   typedef typename Subject_t::Engine_t OldEngine_t;
+   typedef typename EngineFunctor<OldEngine_t, EnginePatch>::Type_t Engine_t;
+   typedef Array<Dim, T, typename Engine_t::Tag_t> Type_t;
+   inline static
+   Type_t make(const Subject_t &subject, int i)
+     {
+       return Type_t(engineFunctor(subject.engine(), EnginePatch(i)));
+     }
+ };
+ template<class Components, int Dim, class T, class EngineTag>
+ struct ComponentView<Components, Array<Dim, T, EngineTag> >
+ {
+   typedef Array<Dim, T, EngineTag> Subject_t;
+   typedef Engine<Dim, T, EngineTag> Engine_t;
+   typedef typename Engine_t::Element_t Element_t;
+   typedef typename ComponentAccess<Element_t, Components>::Element_t NewT_t;
+   typedef CompFwd<Engine_t, Components> NewEngineTag_t;
+   typedef Array<Dim, NewT_t, NewEngineTag_t> Type_t;
+   inline static
+   Type_t make(const Subject_t &a, const Components &c)
+     {
+       return Type_t(a, ComponentWrapper<Components>(c));
+     }
+ };
+ template<int Dim, class T = double,
+   class EngineTag = Brick>
+ class Array
+ {
+ public:
+   typedef Array<Dim, T, EngineTag> This_t;
+   typedef Engine<Dim, T, EngineTag> Engine_t;
+   typedef EngineTag EngineTag_t;
+   typedef typename Engine_t::Element_t Element_t;
+   typedef typename Engine_t::ElementRef_t ElementRef_t;
+   typedef typename Engine_t::Domain_t Domain_t;
+   typedef typename Engine_t::Layout_t Layout_t;
+   enum { dimensions = Engine_t::dimensions };
+   enum { rank = Engine_t::dimensions };
+   enum { hasRelations = false };
+   Array() { }
+   inline explicit Array(const Engine_t &modelEngine)
+   : engine_m(modelEngine)
+     { }
+   template<int Dim2, class T2, class EngineTag2, class Initializer>
+   inline Array(const Engine<Dim2, T2, EngineTag2> &engine,
+     const Initializer &init)
+   : engine_m(engine, init)
+     { }
+   template<int D1, class T1, class E1, int D2, class T2, class E2>
+   inline Array(const Array<D1, T1, E1> &a1, const Array<D2, T2, E2> &a2)
+   : engine_m(a1, a2)
+     { }
+   inline Array(const This_t &model)
+   : engine_m(model.engine())
+     { }
+   template<int OtherDim, class OtherT, class OtherEngineTag>
+   inline explicit Array(const Array<OtherDim, OtherT, OtherEngineTag> &model)
+   : engine_m(model.engine())
+     { }
+   template<int OtherDim, class OtherT, class OtherEngineTag, class OtherDomain>
+   inline Array(const Array<OtherDim, OtherT, OtherEngineTag> &model,
+         const OtherDomain &domain)
+   : engine_m(NewEngineEngine<Engine<OtherDim,OtherT,OtherEngineTag>,
+              OtherDomain>::apply(model.engine(),domain),
+              NewEngineDomain<Engine<OtherDim,OtherT,OtherEngineTag>,
+              OtherDomain>::apply(model.engine(),domain))
+     { }
+   template <class OtherT, class OtherEngineTag, class Components>
+   Array(const Array<Dim, OtherT, OtherEngineTag> &a,
+  const ComponentWrapper<Components>& c)
+   : engine_m(a.engine(), c.components())
+     { }
+   template<class Sub1>
+   explicit Array(const Sub1 &s1)
+   : engine_m(NewDomain1<Sub1>::combine(s1))
+     { }
+   template<class Sub1, class Sub2>
+   Array(const Sub1 &s1, const Sub2 &s2)
+   : engine_m(NewDomain2<Sub1, Sub2>::combine(s1, s2))
+     { }
+   template<class Sub1, class Sub2, class Sub3>
+   Array(const Sub1 &s1, const Sub2 &s2, const Sub3 &s3)
+   : engine_m(NewDomain3<Sub1, Sub2, Sub3>::combine(s1, s2, s3))
+     { }
+   template<class Sub1, class Sub2, class Sub3, class Sub4>
+   Array(const Sub1 &s1, const Sub2 &s2, const Sub3 &s3, const Sub4 &s4)
+   : engine_m(NewDomain4<Sub1, Sub2, Sub3, Sub4>::
+       combine(s1, s2, s3, s4))
+     { }
+   template<class Sub1, class Sub2, class Sub3, class Sub4, class Sub5>
+   Array(const Sub1 &s1, const Sub2 &s2, const Sub3 &s3, const Sub4 &s4,
+         const Sub5 &s5)
+   : engine_m(NewDomain5<Sub1, Sub2, Sub3, Sub4, Sub5>::
+       combine(s1, s2, s3, s4, s5))
+     { }
+   template<class Sub1, class Sub2, class Sub3, class Sub4, class Sub5,
+     class Sub6>
+   Array(const Sub1 &s1, const Sub2 &s2, const Sub3 &s3, const Sub4 &s4,
+         const Sub5 &s5, const Sub6 &s6)
+   : engine_m(NewDomain6<Sub1, Sub2, Sub3, Sub4, Sub5, Sub6>::
+       combine(s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6))
+     { }
+   template<class Sub1, class Sub2, class Sub3, class Sub4, class Sub5,
+     class Sub6, class Sub7>
+   Array(const Sub1 &s1, const Sub2 &s2, const Sub3 &s3, const Sub4 &s4,
+         const Sub5 &s5, const Sub6 &s6, const Sub7 &s7)
+   : engine_m(NewDomain7<Sub1, Sub2, Sub3, Sub4, Sub5, Sub6, Sub7>::
+       combine(s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6, s7))
+     { }
+   template<class Sub1>
+   Array(const Sub1 &s1, const ModelElement<Element_t> &model)
+   : engine_m(NewDomain1<Sub1>::combine(s1), model.element())
+     { }
+   template<class Sub1, class Sub2>
+   Array(const Sub1 &s1, const Sub2 &s2,
+         const ModelElement<Element_t> &model)
+   : engine_m(NewDomain2<Sub1, Sub2>::combine(s1, s2), model.element())
+     { }
+   template<class Sub1, class Sub2, class Sub3>
+   Array(const Sub1 &s1, const Sub2 &s2, const Sub3 &s3,
+         const ModelElement<Element_t> &model)
+   : engine_m(NewDomain3<Sub1, Sub2, Sub3>::combine(s1, s2, s3),
+       model.element())
+     { }
+   template<class Sub1, class Sub2, class Sub3, class Sub4>
+   Array(const Sub1 &s1, const Sub2 &s2, const Sub3 &s3, const Sub4 &s4,
+         const ModelElement<Element_t> &model)
+   : engine_m(NewDomain4<Sub1, Sub2, Sub3, Sub4>::
+       combine(s1, s2, s3, s4), model.element())
+     { }
+   template<class Sub1, class Sub2, class Sub3, class Sub4, class Sub5>
+   Array(const Sub1 &s1, const Sub2 &s2, const Sub3 &s3, const Sub4 &s4,
+         const Sub5 &s5, const ModelElement<Element_t> &model)
+   : engine_m(NewDomain5<Sub1, Sub2, Sub3, Sub4, Sub5>::
+       combine(s1, s2, s3, s4, s5), model.element())
+     { }
+   template<class Sub1, class Sub2, class Sub3, class Sub4, class Sub5,
+     class Sub6>
+   Array(const Sub1 &s1, const Sub2 &s2, const Sub3 &s3, const Sub4 &s4,
+         const Sub5 &s5, const Sub6 &s6, const ModelElement<Element_t> &model)
+   : engine_m(NewDomain6<Sub1, Sub2, Sub3, Sub4, Sub5, Sub6>::
+       combine(s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6), model.element())
+     { }
+   template<class Sub1, class Sub2, class Sub3, class Sub4, class Sub5,
+     class Sub6, class Sub7>
+   Array(const Sub1 &s1, const Sub2 &s2, const Sub3 &s3, const Sub4 &s4,
+         const Sub5 &s5, const Sub6 &s6, const Sub7 &s7,
+         const ModelElement<Element_t> &model)
+   : engine_m(NewDomain7<Sub1, Sub2, Sub3, Sub4, Sub5, Sub6, Sub7>::
+       combine(s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6, s7), model.element())
+     { }
+   void initialize(const Engine_t &modelEngine)
+     {
+       engine_m = modelEngine;
+     }
+   template<int Dim2, class T2, class EngineTag2, class Initializer>
+   void initialize(const Engine<Dim2, T2, EngineTag2> &engine,
+     const Initializer &init)
+     {
+       engine_m = Engine_t(engine, init);
+     }
+   void initialize(const This_t &model)
+     {
+       engine_m = model.engine();
+     }
+   template<int OtherDim, class OtherT, class OtherEngineTag>
+   void initialize(const Array<OtherDim, OtherT, OtherEngineTag> &model)
+     {
+       engine_m = Engine_t(model.engine());
+     }
+   template<int OtherDim, class OtherT, class OtherEngineTag, class OtherDomain>
+   void initialize(const Array<OtherDim, OtherT, OtherEngineTag> &model,
+     const OtherDomain &domain)
+     {
+       engine_m = Engine_t(
+         NewEngineEngine<Engine<OtherDim,OtherT,OtherEngineTag>, OtherDomain>::
+         apply(model.engine(),domain),
+         NewEngineDomain<Engine<OtherDim,OtherT,OtherEngineTag>, OtherDomain>::
+         apply(model.engine(),domain));
+     }
+   template<class Sub1>
+   void initialize(const Sub1 &s1)
+     {
+       engine_m = Engine_t(NewDomain1<Sub1>::combine(s1));
+     }
+   template<class Sub1, class Sub2>
+   void initialize(const Sub1 &s1, const Sub2 &s2)
+     {
+       engine_m = Engine_t(NewDomain2<Sub1, Sub2>::combine(s1, s2));
+     }
+   template<class Sub1, class Sub2, class Sub3>
+   void initialize(const Sub1 &s1, const Sub2 &s2, const Sub3 &s3)
+     {
+       engine_m = Engine_t(NewDomain3<Sub1, Sub2, Sub3>::combine(s1, s2, s3));
+     }
+   template<class Sub1, class Sub2, class Sub3, class Sub4>
+   void initialize(const Sub1 &s1, const Sub2 &s2, const Sub3 &s3, const Sub4 &s4)
+     {
+       engine_m = Engine_t(NewDomain4<Sub1, Sub2, Sub3, Sub4>::
+                           combine(s1, s2, s3, s4));
+     }
+   template<class Sub1, class Sub2, class Sub3, class Sub4, class Sub5>
+   void initialize(const Sub1 &s1, const Sub2 &s2, const Sub3 &s3, const Sub4 &s4,
+                   const Sub5 &s5)
+     {
+       engine_m = Engine_t(NewDomain5<Sub1, Sub2, Sub3, Sub4, Sub5>::
+                           combine(s1, s2, s3, s4, s5));
+     }
+   template<class Sub1, class Sub2, class Sub3, class Sub4, class Sub5,
+     class Sub6>
+   void initialize(const Sub1 &s1, const Sub2 &s2, const Sub3 &s3, const Sub4 &s4,
+                   const Sub5 &s5, const Sub6 &s6)
+     {
+       engine_m = Engine_t(NewDomain6<Sub1, Sub2, Sub3, Sub4, Sub5, Sub6>::
+                           combine(s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6));
+     }
+   template<class Sub1, class Sub2, class Sub3, class Sub4, class Sub5,
+     class Sub6, class Sub7>
+   void initialize(const Sub1 &s1, const Sub2 &s2, const Sub3 &s3,
+     const Sub4 &s4, const Sub5 &s5, const Sub6 &s6, const Sub7 &s7)
+     {
+       engine_m =
+         Engine_t(NewDomain7<Sub1, Sub2, Sub3, Sub4, Sub5, Sub6, Sub7>::
+         combine(s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6, s7));
+     }
+   template<class Sub1>
+   void initialize(const Sub1 &s1, const ModelElement<Element_t> &model)
+     {
+       engine_m = Engine_t(NewDomain1<Sub1>::combine(s1), model.element());
+     }
+   template<class Sub1, class Sub2>
+   void initialize(const Sub1 &s1, const Sub2 &s2,
+     const ModelElement<Element_t> &model)
+     {
+       engine_m = Engine_t(NewDomain2<Sub1, Sub2>::combine(s1, s2),
+         model.element());
+     }
+   template<class Sub1, class Sub2, class Sub3>
+   void initialize(const Sub1 &s1, const Sub2 &s2, const Sub3 &s3,
+     const ModelElement<Element_t> &model)
+     {
+       engine_m = Engine_t(NewDomain3<Sub1, Sub2, Sub3>::combine(s1, s2, s3),
+         model.element());
+     }
+   template<class Sub1, class Sub2, class Sub3, class Sub4>
+   void initialize(const Sub1 &s1, const Sub2 &s2, const Sub3 &s3, const Sub4 &s4,
+     const ModelElement<Element_t> &model)
+     {
+       engine_m = Engine_t(NewDomain4<Sub1, Sub2, Sub3, Sub4>::
+         combine(s1, s2, s3, s4), model.element());
+     }
+   template<class Sub1, class Sub2, class Sub3, class Sub4, class Sub5>
+   void initialize(const Sub1 &s1, const Sub2 &s2, const Sub3 &s3, const Sub4 &s4,
+     const Sub5 &s5, const ModelElement<Element_t> &model)
+     {
+       engine_m = Engine_t(NewDomain5<Sub1, Sub2, Sub3, Sub4, Sub5>::
+         combine(s1, s2, s3, s4, s5), model.element());
+     }
+   template<class Sub1, class Sub2, class Sub3, class Sub4, class Sub5,
+     class Sub6>
+   void initialize(const Sub1 &s1, const Sub2 &s2, const Sub3 &s3, const Sub4 &s4,
+     const Sub5 &s5, const Sub6 &s6, const ModelElement<Element_t> &model)
+     {
+       engine_m = Engine_t(NewDomain6<Sub1, Sub2, Sub3, Sub4, Sub5, Sub6>::
+         combine(s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6), model.element());
+     }
+   template<class Sub1, class Sub2, class Sub3, class Sub4, class Sub5,
+     class Sub6, class Sub7>
+   void initialize(const Sub1 &s1, const Sub2 &s2, const Sub3 &s3,
+     const Sub4 &s4, const Sub5 &s5, const Sub6 &s6, const Sub7 &s7,
+     const ModelElement<Element_t> &model)
+     {
+       engine_m =
+         Engine_t(NewDomain7<Sub1, Sub2, Sub3, Sub4, Sub5, Sub6, Sub7>::
+         combine(s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6, s7), model.element());
+     }
+   ~Array()
+     { }
+   inline typename Patch<This_t>::Type_t
+   patchLocal(int i) const
+     {
+       return Patch<This_t>::make(*this, i);
+     }
+   inline int
+   numPatchesLocal() const
+     {
+       return engineFunctor(engine_m, EngineNumPatches());
+     }
+   inline const Domain_t& domain() const
+     {
+       return engine_m.domain();
+     }
+   inline Domain_t physicalDomain() const
+     {
+       return engine_m.layout().innerDomain();
+     }
+   inline const Domain_t& totalDomain() const
+     {
+       return engine_m.domain();
+     }
+   inline typename Engine_t::Layout_t layout() const
+     {
+       return engine_m.layout();
+     }
+   typename View0<This_t>::ReadType_t
+   read() const
+     {
+       typedef View0<This_t> Ret_t;
+       return Ret_t::makeRead(*this);
+     }
+   template<class Sub1>
+   inline typename View1<This_t, Sub1>::ReadType_t
+   read(const Sub1 &s1) const
+     {
+       typedef View1<This_t, Sub1> Ret_t;
+       return Ret_t::makeRead(*this, s1);
+     }
+   template<class Sub1, class Sub2>
+   inline typename View2<This_t, Sub1, Sub2>::ReadType_t
+   read(const Sub1 &s1, const Sub2 &s2) const
+     {
+       typedef View2<This_t, Sub1, Sub2> Ret_t;
+       return Ret_t::makeRead(*this, s1, s2);
+     }
+   template<class Sub1, class Sub2, class Sub3>
+   inline typename View3<This_t, Sub1, Sub2, Sub3>::ReadType_t
+   read(const Sub1 &s1, const Sub2 &s2, const Sub3 &s3) const
+     {
+       typedef View3<This_t, Sub1, Sub2, Sub3> Ret_t;
+       return Ret_t::makeRead(*this, s1, s2, s3);
+     }
+   template<class Sub1, class Sub2, class Sub3, class Sub4>
+   inline typename View4<This_t, Sub1, Sub2, Sub3, Sub4>::ReadType_t
+   read(const Sub1 &s1, const Sub2 &s2, const Sub3 &s3,
+     const Sub4 &s4) const
+     {
+       typedef View4<This_t, Sub1, Sub2, Sub3, Sub4> Ret_t;
+       return Ret_t::makeRead(*this, s1, s2, s3, s4);
+     }
+   template<class Sub1, class Sub2, class Sub3, class Sub4, class Sub5>
+   inline typename View5<This_t, Sub1, Sub2, Sub3, Sub4, Sub5>::ReadType_t
+   read(const Sub1 &s1, const Sub2 &s2, const Sub3 &s3,
+     const Sub4 &s4, const Sub5 &s5) const
+     {
+       typedef View5<This_t, Sub1, Sub2, Sub3, Sub4, Sub5> Ret_t;
+       return Ret_t::makeRead(*this, s1, s2, s3, s4, s5);
+     }
+   template<class Sub1, class Sub2, class Sub3, class Sub4, class Sub5,
+     class Sub6>
+   inline typename View6<This_t, Sub1, Sub2, Sub3, Sub4, Sub5, Sub6>::ReadType_t
+   read(const Sub1 &s1, const Sub2 &s2, const Sub3 &s3,
+     const Sub4 &s4, const Sub5 &s5, const Sub6 &s6) const
+     {
+       typedef View6<This_t, Sub1, Sub2, Sub3, Sub4, Sub5, Sub6> Ret_t;
+       return Ret_t::makeRead(*this, s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6);
+     }
+   template<class Sub1, class Sub2, class Sub3, class Sub4, class Sub5,
+     class Sub6, class Sub7>
+   inline typename
+     View7<This_t, Sub1, Sub2, Sub3, Sub4, Sub5, Sub6, Sub7>::ReadType_t
+   read(const Sub1 &s1, const Sub2 &s2, const Sub3 &s3,
+     const Sub4 &s4, const Sub5 &s5, const Sub6 &s6, const Sub7 &s7) const
+     {
+       typedef View7<This_t, Sub1, Sub2, Sub3, Sub4, Sub5, Sub6, Sub7> Ret_t;
+       return Ret_t::makeRead(*this, s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6, s7);
+     }
+   typename View0<This_t>::Type_t
+   operator()() const
+     {
+       typedef View0<This_t> Ret_t;
+       return Ret_t::make(*this);
+     }
+   template<class Sub1>
+   inline typename View1<This_t,Sub1>::Type_t
+   operator()(const Sub1 &s1) const
+     {
+       typedef View1<This_t, Sub1> Ret_t;
+       return Ret_t::make(*this, s1);
+     }
+   template<class Sub1, class Sub2>
+   inline typename View2<This_t, Sub1, Sub2>::Type_t
+   operator()(const Sub1 &s1, const Sub2 &s2) const
+     {
+       typedef View2<This_t, Sub1, Sub2> Ret_t;
+       return Ret_t::make(*this, s1, s2);
+     }
+   template<class Sub1, class Sub2, class Sub3>
+   inline typename View3<This_t, Sub1, Sub2, Sub3>::Type_t
+   operator()(const Sub1 &s1, const Sub2 &s2, const Sub3 &s3) const
+     {
+       typedef View3<This_t, Sub1, Sub2, Sub3> Ret_t;
+       return Ret_t::make(*this, s1, s2, s3);
+     }
+   template<class Sub1, class Sub2, class Sub3, class Sub4>
+   inline typename View4<This_t, Sub1, Sub2, Sub3, Sub4>::Type_t
+   operator()(const Sub1 &s1, const Sub2 &s2, const Sub3 &s3,
+     const Sub4 &s4) const
+     {
+       typedef View4<This_t, Sub1, Sub2, Sub3, Sub4> Ret_t;
+       return Ret_t::make(*this, s1, s2, s3, s4);
+     }
+   template<class Sub1, class Sub2, class Sub3, class Sub4, class Sub5>
+   inline typename View5<This_t, Sub1, Sub2, Sub3, Sub4, Sub5>::Type_t
+   operator()(const Sub1 &s1, const Sub2 &s2, const Sub3 &s3,
+     const Sub4 &s4, const Sub5 &s5) const
+     {
+       typedef View5<This_t, Sub1, Sub2, Sub3, Sub4, Sub5> Ret_t;
+       return Ret_t::make(*this, s1, s2, s3, s4, s5);
+     }
+   template<class Sub1, class Sub2, class Sub3, class Sub4, class Sub5,
+     class Sub6>
+   inline typename
+     View6<This_t, Sub1, Sub2, Sub3, Sub4, Sub5, Sub6>::Type_t
+   operator()(const Sub1 &s1, const Sub2 &s2, const Sub3 &s3,
+     const Sub4 &s4, const Sub5 &s5, const Sub6 &s6) const
+     {
+       typedef View6<This_t, Sub1, Sub2, Sub3, Sub4, Sub5, Sub6> Ret_t;
+       return Ret_t::make(*this, s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6);
+     }
+   template<class Sub1, class Sub2, class Sub3, class Sub4, class Sub5,
+     class Sub6, class Sub7>
+   inline typename
+     View7<This_t, Sub1, Sub2, Sub3, Sub4, Sub5, Sub6, Sub7>::Type_t
+   operator()(const Sub1 &s1, const Sub2 &s2, const Sub3 &s3,
+     const Sub4 &s4, const Sub5 &s5, const Sub6 &s6, const Sub7 &s7) const
+     {
+       typedef View7<This_t, Sub1, Sub2, Sub3, Sub4, Sub5, Sub6, Sub7> Ret_t;
+       return Ret_t::make(*this, s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6, s7);
+     }
+   inline typename ComponentView<Loc<1>, This_t>::Type_t
+   comp(int i1) const
+     {
+       return ComponentView<Loc<1>, This_t>::make(*this, Loc<1>(i1));
+     }
+   inline typename ComponentView<Loc<2>, This_t>::Type_t
+   comp(int i1, int i2) const
+     {
+       return ComponentView<Loc<2>, This_t>::make(*this, Loc<2>(i1, i2));
+     }
+   inline typename ComponentView<Loc<3>, This_t>::Type_t
+   comp(int i1, int i2, int i3) const
+     {
+       return ComponentView<Loc<3>, This_t>::make(*this, Loc<3>(i1, i2, i3));
+     }
+   inline typename ComponentView<Loc<4>, This_t>::Type_t
+   comp(int i1, int i2, int i3, int i4) const
+     {
+       return ComponentView<Loc<4>, This_t>::make(*this,
+         Loc<4>(i1, i2, i3, i4));
+     }
+   inline typename ComponentView<Loc<5>, This_t>::Type_t
+   comp(int i1, int i2, int i3, int i4, int i5) const
+     {
+       return ComponentView<Loc<5>, This_t>::make(*this,
+         Loc<5>(i1, i2, i3, i4, i5));
+     }
+   inline typename ComponentView<Loc<6>, This_t>::Type_t
+   comp(int i1, int i2, int i3, int i4, int i5, int i6) const
+     {
+       return ComponentView<Loc<6>, This_t>::make(*this,
+         Loc<6>(i1, i2, i3, i4, i5, i6));
+     }
+   inline typename ComponentView<Loc<7>, This_t>::Type_t
+   comp(int i1, int i2, int i3, int i4, int i5, int i6, int i7) const
+     {
+       return ComponentView<Loc<7>, This_t>::make(*this,
+         Loc<7>(i1, i2, i3, i4, i5, i6, i7));
+     }
+   template<class Components>
+   inline typename ComponentView<Components, This_t>::Type_t
+   comp(const Components &components) const
+     {
+       return ComponentView<Components, This_t>::make(*this, components);
+     }
+   inline void makeOwnCopy()
+     { engine_m.makeOwnCopy(); }
+   inline int first(int d) const
+   {
+       return engine_m.first(d);
+     }
+   inline int last(int d) const
+     {
+       return engine_m.domain()[d].last();
+     }
+   inline int length(int d) const
+     {
+       return engine_m.domain()[d].length();
+     }
+   inline Loc<Dim> firsts() const
+     {
+       return engine_m.domain().firsts();
+     }
+   inline Loc<Dim> lasts() const
+     {
+       return engine_m.domain().lasts();
+     }
+   inline Loc<Dim> lengths() const
+     {
+       return engine_m.domain().lengths();
+     }
+   inline long size() const
+     {
+       return engine_m.domain().size();
+     }
+   This_t &operator=(const Array<Dim, T, EngineTag> &rhs)
+     {
+       assign(*this, rhs, OpAssign());
+       return *this;
+     }
+   const This_t &operator=(const Array<Dim, T, EngineTag> &rhs) const
+     {
+       return assign(*this, rhs, OpAssign());
+     }
+   template<class T1>
+   const This_t &operator=(const T1 &rhs) const
+     {
+       return assign(*this, rhs, OpAssign());
+     }
+   template<class T1>
+   const This_t &operator+=(const T1 &rhs) const
+     {
+       return assign(*this, rhs, OpAddAssign());
+     }
+   template<class T1>
+   const This_t &operator-=(const T1 &rhs) const
+     {
+       return assign(*this, rhs, OpSubtractAssign());
+     }
+   template<class T1>
+   const This_t &operator*=(const T1 &rhs) const
+     {
+       return assign(*this, rhs, OpMultiplyAssign());
+     }
+   template<class T1>
+   const This_t &operator/=(const T1 &rhs) const
+     {
+       return assign(*this, rhs, OpDivideAssign());
+     }
+   template<class T1>
+   const This_t &operator%=(const T1 &rhs) const
+     {
+       return assign(*this, rhs, OpModAssign());
+     }
+   template<class T1>
+   const This_t &operator|=(const T1 &rhs) const
+     {
+       return assign(*this, rhs, OpBitwiseOrAssign());
+     }
+   template<class T1>
+   const This_t &operator&=(const T1 &rhs) const
+     {
+       return assign(*this, rhs, OpBitwiseAndAssign());
+     }
+   template<class T1>
+   const This_t &operator^=(const T1 &rhs) const
+     {
+       return assign(*this, rhs, OpBitwiseXorAssign());
+     }
+   template<class T1>
+   const This_t &operator<<=(const T1 &rhs) const
+     {
+       return assign(*this, rhs, OpLeftShiftAssign());
+     }
+   template<class T1>
+   const This_t &operator>>=(const T1 &rhs) const
+     {
+       return assign(*this, rhs, OpRightShiftAssign());
+     }
+   inline Engine_t &engine()
+     { return engine_m; }
+   inline const Engine_t &engine() const
+     { return engine_m; }
+ private:
+   Engine_t engine_m;
+ };
+ template<int Dim, class T, class EngineTag>
+ struct LeafFunctor<Array<Dim, T, EngineTag>, DomainFunctorTag>
+ {
+   typedef typename Engine<Dim, T, EngineTag>::Domain_t Type_t;
+   static Type_t apply(const Array<Dim, T, EngineTag> &a,
+         const DomainFunctorTag &)
+   {
+     return a.domain();
+   }
+ };
+ template<int Dim, class T, class EngineTag, class Domain>
+ struct LeafFunctor<Array<Dim, T, EngineTag>, ViewFunctorTag<Domain> >
+ {
+   typedef typename View1<Array<Dim, T, EngineTag>, Domain>::Type_t Type_t;
+   inline static Type_t apply(const Array<Dim, T, EngineTag> &a,
+     const ViewFunctorTag<Domain> &t)
+     {
+       typedef View1<Array<Dim, T, EngineTag>, Domain> Ret_t;
+       return Ret_t::make(a, t.domain_m + a.firsts());
+     }
+ };
+ template<int Dim, class T, class EngineTag>
+ struct LeafFunctor<Array<Dim, T, EngineTag>, EvalLeaf<Dim> >
+ {
+   typedef typename Array<Dim, T, EngineTag>::Element_t Type_t;
+   inline static
+   Type_t apply(const Array<Dim, T, EngineTag> &a, const EvalLeaf<Dim> &t)
+     {
+       return t.eval(a.engine());
+     }
+ };
+ template<int Dim, class T, class E, class Tag>
+ struct LeafFunctor<Array<Dim, T, E>, EngineView<Tag> >
+ {
+   typedef LeafFunctor<Engine<Dim, T, E>, EngineView<Tag> > LeafFunctor_t;
+   typedef typename LeafFunctor_t::Type_t NewEngine_t;
+   typedef typename NewEngine_t::Tag_t NewTag_t;
+   typedef Array<Dim, T, NewTag_t> Type_t;
+   inline static
+   Type_t apply(const Array<Dim, T, E> &array,
+         const EngineView<Tag> &tag)
+   {
+     return Type_t(LeafFunctor_t::apply(array.engine(), tag));
+   }
+ };
+ template<int Dim, class T, class E, class Tag>
+ struct LeafFunctor<Array<Dim, T, E>, ExpressionApply<Tag> >
+ {
+   typedef LeafFunctor<Engine<Dim, T, E>, ExpressionApply<Tag> > LeafFunctor_t;
+   typedef int Type_t;
+   inline static
+   Type_t apply(const Array<Dim, T, E> &array,
+         const ExpressionApply<Tag> &tag)
+   {
+     return LeafFunctor_t::apply(array.engine(), tag);
+   }
+ };
+ template<int Dim, class T, class EngineTag>
+ struct LeafFunctor<Array<Dim, T, EngineTag>, ConformTag<Dim> >
+ {
+   typedef bool Type_t;
+   static Type_t apply(const Array<Dim, T, EngineTag> &array,
+     const ConformTag<Dim> &ct)
+     {
+       return conforms(array.domain(), ct);
+     }
+ };
+ template<int Dim1, int Dim2, class T, class EngineTag>
+ struct LeafFunctor<Array<Dim1, T, EngineTag>, ConformTag<Dim2> >
+ {
+   typedef bool Type_t;
+   static Type_t apply(const Array<Dim1, T, EngineTag> &,
+     const ConformTag<Dim2> &)
+     {
+       return false;
+     }
+ };
+ template<int Dim, class T, class EngineTag>
+ struct LeafFunctor<Array<Dim, T, EngineTag>, NotifyPreReadTag>
+ {
+   typedef bool Type_t;
+   static Type_t apply(const Array<Dim, T, EngineTag> &a,
+     const NotifyPreReadTag &)
+     {
+       return true;
+     }
+ };
+ template<int Dim, class T, class E, class Tag>
+ struct LeafFunctor<Array<Dim, T, E>, EngineFunctorTag<Tag> >
+ {
+   typedef typename Array<Dim,T,E>::Engine_t Engine_t;
+   typedef typename EngineFunctor<Engine_t,Tag>::Type_t Type_t;
+   inline static
+   Type_t apply(const Array<Dim, T, E> &array, const EngineFunctorTag<Tag> &tag)
+   {
+     return EngineFunctor<Engine_t,Tag>::apply(array.engine(), tag.tag());
+   }
+ };
+ template<int Dim, class T, class E, class Tag>
+ struct EngineFunctor<Array<Dim, T, E>, Tag>
+ {
+   typedef typename EngineFunctor<Engine<Dim, T, E>, Tag>::Type_t Type_t;
+   inline static
+   Type_t apply(const Array<Dim, T, E> &array,
+         const Tag &tag)
+   {
+     return engineFunctor(array.engine(), tag);
+   }
+ };
+ template <int Dim, class T, class EngineTag>
+ std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &o,
+                          const Array<Dim, T, EngineTag> &ca)
+ {
+   Pooma::blockAndEvaluate();
+   PrintArray().print(o, ca);
+   return o;
+ }
+ template <int Dim, class T, class EngineTag>
+ std::fstream &operator<<(std::fstream &f,
+                          const Array<Dim, T, EngineTag> &ca)
+ {
+   Pooma::blockAndEvaluate();
+   PrintArray().print(f, ca);
+   return f;
+ }
+ struct ExpressionIsArray { };
+ template<int Dim, class T, class EngineTag>
+ struct ExpressionTraits<Array<Dim, T, EngineTag> >
+ {
+   typedef ExpressionIsArray Type_t;
+ };
+ template<>
+ struct CombineExpressionTraits<ExpressionIsArray, ExpressionIsArray>
+ {
+   typedef ExpressionIsArray Type_t;
+ };
+ template<>
+ struct CombineExpressionTraits<ExpressionIsArray, ExpressionIsScalar>
+ {
+   typedef ExpressionIsArray Type_t;
+ };
+ template<>
+ struct CombineExpressionTraits<ExpressionIsScalar, ExpressionIsArray>
+ {
+   typedef ExpressionIsArray Type_t;
+ };
+ template<int Dim, class T, class EngineTag,
+   int OtherDim, class OtherT, class OtherEngineTag, class Op>
+ inline const Array<Dim, T, EngineTag> &
+ assign(const Array<Dim, T, EngineTag> &lhs,
+        const Array<OtherDim, OtherT, OtherEngineTag> &rhs,
+        const Op &op)
+ {
+   ;
+   Evaluator<MainEvaluatorTag>().evaluate(lhs, op, rhs);
+   return lhs;
+ }
+ template<int Dim, class T, class EngineTag, class T1, class Op>
+ inline const Array<Dim, T, EngineTag> &
+ assign(const Array<Dim, T, EngineTag> &lhs, const T1 &rhs, const Op &op)
+ {
+   Array<Dim, T1, ConstantFunction> rhsExpr(lhs.domain());
+   rhsExpr.engine().setConstant(rhs);
+   Evaluator<MainEvaluatorTag>().evaluate(lhs, op, rhsExpr);
+   return lhs;
+ }
+ template<class Tree>
+ struct ConvertWhereProxy<ExpressionIsArray, Tree>
+ {
+   typedef MakeReturn<Tree> Make_t;
+ };
+ template<int Dim, class T, class EngineTag, class F, class B, class Op>
+ inline const Array<Dim, T, EngineTag> &
+ assign(const Array<Dim, T, EngineTag> &lhs,
+        const WhereProxy<F,B> &rhs,
+        const Op &op)
+ {
+   assign(lhs, rhs.whereMask(), rhs.opMask(op));
+   return lhs;
+ }
+ template<int Dim, class T, class EngineTag>
+ inline long
+ elementsCompressed(const Array<Dim, T, EngineTag> &a)
+ {
+   return elementsCompressed(a.engine());
+ }
+ template<int Dim, class T, class EngineTag>
+ inline bool
+ compressed(const Array<Dim, T, EngineTag> &a)
+ {
+   return compressed(a.engine());
+ }
+ template<int Dim, class T, class EngineTag>
+ inline void
+ compress(Array<Dim, T, EngineTag> &a)
+ {
+   compress(a.engine());
+ }
+ template<int Dim, class T, class EngineTag>
+ inline void
+ uncompress(Array<Dim, T, EngineTag> &a)
+ {
+   uncompress(a.engine());
+ }
+ template <int Dim, class T, class EngineTag>
+ struct ElementProperties< Array<Dim, T, EngineTag> >
+   : public MakeOwnCopyProperties< Array<Dim, T, EngineTag> >
+ { };
+ template <int Dim> class UniformGridLayout;
+ template <int Dim, int Dim2> class UniformGridLayoutView;
+ struct UniformTag { };
+ template <int Dim>
+ struct MultiPatchLayoutTraits<UniformTag,Dim>
+ {
+   typedef UniformGridLayout<Dim> Layout_t;
+   template <int ViewDim>
+   struct View
+   {
+     typedef UniformGridLayoutView<ViewDim,Dim> Layout_t;
+   };
+ };
+ template <int Dim>
+ class UniformGridLayoutData
+  : public LayoutBaseData<Dim>,
+    public RefCounted,
+    public Observable<UniformGridLayoutData<Dim> >
+ {
+ public:
+   typedef Interval<Dim> Domain_t;
+   typedef Interval<Dim> BaseDomain_t;
+   typedef int Context_t;
+   typedef Unique::Value_t ID_t;
+   typedef Node<Domain_t> Value_t;
+   typedef std::vector<Value_t *> List_t;
+   typedef GuardLayers<Dim> GuardLayers_t;
+   typedef typename LayoutBaseData<Dim>::GCFillInfo GCFillInfo_t;
+   typedef typename std::vector<GCFillInfo_t>::const_iterator FillIterator_t;
+   enum { dimensions = Dim };
+   enum { repartitionEvent = 1 };
+   enum { dynamic = false };
+   UniformGridLayoutData();
+   template <class Partitioner>
+   UniformGridLayoutData(const Domain_t &gdom,
+    const Partitioner &gpar,
+    const ContextMapper<Dim> & cmap );
+   void initialize(const Domain_t& idom,
+     const List_t& nodes,
+     const Loc<Dim>& blocks,
+     bool hasIG, bool hasEG,
+     const GuardLayers_t& ig,
+     const GuardLayers_t& eg);
+   ~UniformGridLayoutData()
+   {
+     typename List_t::iterator a;
+     for (a = this->all_m.begin(); a != this->all_m.end(); ++a)
+       delete (*a);
+   }
+   template <class OtherDomain, class OutIter, class ConstructTag>
+   int touches(const OtherDomain &d, OutIter o, const ConstructTag &ctag) const;
+   template <class OtherDomain, class OutIter, class ConstructTag>
+   int touchesLocal(const OtherDomain &d,
+      OutIter o,
+      const ConstructTag &ctag) const;
+   template <class OtherDomain, class OutIter, class ConstructTag>
+   int touchesRemote(const OtherDomain &d,
+       OutIter o,
+       const ConstructTag &ctag) const;
+   template <class OtherDomain, class OutIter, class ConstructTag>
+   int touchesAlloc(const OtherDomain &d, OutIter o,
+                    const ConstructTag &ctag) const;
+   template <class OtherDomain, class OutIter, class ConstructTag>
+   int touchesAllocLocal(const OtherDomain &d, OutIter o,
+    const ConstructTag &ctag) const;
+   template <class OtherDomain, class OutIter, class ConstructTag>
+   int touchesAllocRemote(const OtherDomain &d, OutIter o,
+     const ConstructTag &ctag) const;
+   friend class UniformGridLayout<Dim>;
+   int globalID(const Loc<Dim> &loc) const;
+   int globalID(int) const;
+   int globalID(int,int) const;
+   int globalID(int,int,int) const;
+   int globalID(int,int,int,int) const;
+   int globalID(int,int,int,int,int) const;
+   int globalID(int,int,int,int,int,int) const;
+   int globalID(int,int,int,int,int,int,int) const;
+   template <class Partitioner>
+   void partition(const Partitioner &, const ContextMapper<Dim>& cmap);
+   template <class Partitioner>
+   bool repartition(const Partitioner &,const ContextMapper<Dim>&);
+   void calcGCFillList();
+   int blockstride_m[Dim];
+   int blocksizes_m[Dim];
+   Interval<Dim> allDomain_m;
+ };
+ template <int Dim>
+ class UniformGridLayout : public LayoutBase<Dim,UniformGridLayoutData<Dim> >,
+                           public Observable<UniformGridLayout<Dim> >,
+                           public Observer<UniformGridLayoutData<Dim> >
+ {
+ public:
+   typedef UniformGridLayoutData<Dim> LayoutData_t;
+   typedef typename LayoutData_t::Domain_t Domain_t;
+   typedef typename LayoutData_t::BaseDomain_t BaseDomain_t;
+   typedef typename LayoutData_t::Context_t Context_t;
+   typedef typename LayoutData_t::ID_t ID_t;
+   typedef typename LayoutData_t::Value_t Value_t;
+   typedef typename LayoutData_t::List_t List_t;
+   typedef UniformGridLayout<Dim> This_t;
+   typedef Observable<This_t> Observable_t;
+   typedef DerefIterator<Value_t> iterator;
+   typedef ConstDerefIterator<Value_t> const_iterator;
+   typedef typename LayoutData_t::GCFillInfo_t GCFillInfo_t;
+   typedef typename
+     std::vector<GCFillInfo_t>::const_iterator FillIterator_t;
+   typedef GuardLayers<Dim> GuardLayers_t;
+   enum { dimensions = Dim };
+   enum { repartitionEvent = LayoutData_t::repartitionEvent };
+   enum { dynamic = false };
+   UniformGridLayout();
+   UniformGridLayout(const Domain_t &,
+       const DistributedTag &);
+   UniformGridLayout(const Domain_t &,
+                     const GuardLayers_t &,
+       const DistributedTag &);
+   UniformGridLayout(const Domain_t &,
+                     const Loc<Dim> &,
+       const DistributedTag &);
+   UniformGridLayout(const Domain_t &,
+                     const Loc<Dim> &,
+                     const GuardLayers_t &,
+       const DistributedTag &);
+   UniformGridLayout(const Domain_t &,
+                     const Loc<Dim> &,
+                     const GuardLayers_t &,
+                     const GuardLayers_t &,
+       const DistributedTag &);
+   UniformGridLayout(const Domain_t &,
+       const ReplicatedTag &);
+   UniformGridLayout(const Domain_t &,
+                     const GuardLayers_t &,
+       const ReplicatedTag &);
+   UniformGridLayout(const Domain_t &,
+                     const Loc<Dim> &,
+       const ReplicatedTag &);
+   UniformGridLayout(const Domain_t &,
+                     const Loc<Dim> &,
+                     const GuardLayers_t &,
+       const ReplicatedTag &);
+   UniformGridLayout(const Domain_t &,
+                     const Loc<Dim> &,
+                     const GuardLayers_t &,
+                     const GuardLayers_t &,
+       const ReplicatedTag &);
+   template <class Partitioner>
+   UniformGridLayout(const Domain_t &,
+       const Partitioner &,
+       const ContextMapper<Dim> & );
+   template <class Partitioner>
+   UniformGridLayout(const Domain_t &,
+                     const Partitioner &,
+       const DistributedTag &);
+   template <class Partitioner>
+   UniformGridLayout(const Domain_t &,
+                     const Partitioner &,
+       const ReplicatedTag &);
+   UniformGridLayout(const This_t &);
+   This_t &operator=(const This_t &);
+   inline ~UniformGridLayout()
+   {
+     this->pdata_m->detach(*this);
+   }
+   void initialize(const Domain_t &,
+     const DistributedTag &);
+   void initialize(const Domain_t &,
+     const ReplicatedTag &);
+   void initialize(const Domain_t &,
+     const GuardLayers_t &,
+     const DistributedTag &);
+   void initialize(const Domain_t &,
+     const GuardLayers_t &,
+     const ReplicatedTag &);
+   void initialize(const Domain_t &,
+     const Loc<Dim> &,
+     const DistributedTag &);
+   void initialize(const Domain_t &,
+     const Loc<Dim> &,
+     const ReplicatedTag &);
+   void initialize(const Domain_t &,
+     const Loc<Dim> &,
+     const GuardLayers_t &,
+     const DistributedTag & );
+   void initialize(const Domain_t &,
+     const Loc<Dim> &,
+     const GuardLayers_t &,
+     const ReplicatedTag & );
+   void initialize(const Domain_t &,
+                   const Loc<Dim> &,
+                   const GuardLayers_t &,
+                   const GuardLayers_t &,
+     const DistributedTag &);
+   void initialize(const Domain_t &,
+                   const Loc<Dim> &,
+                   const GuardLayers_t &,
+                   const GuardLayers_t &,
+     const ReplicatedTag &);
+   template <class Partitioner>
+   void initialize(const Domain_t &,
+     const Partitioner &,
+     const DistributedTag &);
+   template <class Partitioner>
+   void initialize(const Domain_t &,
+     const Partitioner &,
+     const ReplicatedTag &);
+   template <class Partitioner>
+   void initialize(const Domain_t &,
+     const Partitioner &,
+     const ContextMapper<Dim> &);
+   void initialize(const Domain_t& idom,
+     const List_t& nodes,
+     const Loc<Dim>& blocks,
+     bool hasIG, bool hasEG,
+     const GuardLayers_t& ig,
+     const GuardLayers_t& eg);
+   virtual void notify(LayoutData_t &d, const ObserverEvent &event)
+   {
+     ;
+     Observable_t::notify(event);
+   }
+   template <class Ostream>
+   void print(Ostream &ostr) const;
+   template <int Dim1, int Dim2>
+   friend class UniformGridLayoutView;
+   friend class UniformGridLayoutData<Dim>;
+ };
+ template <int Dim, int Dim2>
+ class UniformGridLayoutViewData
+   : public LayoutBaseViewData<Dim, Dim2, UniformGridLayout<Dim2> >,
+     public RefCounted
+ {
+ public:
+   typedef UniformGridLayout<Dim2> Layout_t;
+   typedef UniformGridLayoutView<Dim, Dim2> ViewLayout_t;
+   typedef LayoutBaseViewData<Dim,Dim2,Layout_t> Base_t;
+   typedef Interval<Dim> Domain_t;
+   typedef Range<Dim2> BaseDomain_t;
+   typedef int Context_t;
+   typedef Unique::Value_t ID_t;
+   typedef typename Layout_t::Domain_t AllocatedDomain_t;
+   typedef ViewIndexer<Dim,Dim2> Indexer_t;
+   typedef Node<Domain_t,AllocatedDomain_t> Value_t;
+   typedef std::vector<Value_t *> List_t;
+   typedef GuardLayers<Dim> GuardLayers_t;
+   enum { dim = Dim };
+   enum { dim2 = Dim2};
+   UniformGridLayoutViewData() { };
+   template <class DT>
+   inline
+   UniformGridLayoutViewData(const Layout_t &layout, const Domain<Dim, DT> &dom)
+   : LayoutBaseViewData<Dim,Dim2,UniformGridLayout<Dim2> >(layout,dom)
+   {
+   }
+   template <class DT>
+   inline
+   UniformGridLayoutViewData(const Layout_t &layout, const SliceDomain<DT> &dom)
+   :LayoutBaseViewData<Dim,Dim2,UniformGridLayout<Dim2> >(layout,dom)
+   {
+   }
+   template <class DT>
+   UniformGridLayoutViewData(const ViewLayout_t &layout,
+                             const Domain<Dim, DT> &dom)
+   : LayoutBaseViewData<Dim,Dim2,UniformGridLayout<Dim2> >(
+            layout.pdata_m->layout_m,
+            layout,
+            layout.pdata_m->indexer_m,
+            dom,
+            layout.internalGuards(),
+            layout.externalGuards())
+   {
+   }
+   template <int OrigDim, class DT>
+   UniformGridLayoutViewData(const UniformGridLayoutView<OrigDim,Dim2> &layout,
+                             const SliceDomain<DT> &dom)
+   : LayoutBaseViewData<Dim,Dim2,UniformGridLayout<Dim2> >(
+         layout.pdata_m->layout_m,
+         layout,
+         Indexer_t(layout.pdata_m->indexer_m,dom),
+         dom)
+   {
+   }
+   ~UniformGridLayoutViewData()
+   {
+     typename List_t::iterator a;
+     for (a = this->all_m.begin(); a != this->all_m.end(); ++a)
+       delete (*a);
+   }
+ };
+ template <int Dim, int Dim2>
+ class UniformGridLayoutView
+   : public LayoutBaseView<Dim, Dim2, UniformGridLayoutViewData<Dim,Dim2> >
+ {
+ public:
+   enum { dimensions = Dim };
+   enum { dim = Dim };
+   enum { dim2 = Dim2};
+   typedef UniformGridLayoutViewData<Dim, Dim2> LayoutData_t;
+   typedef typename LayoutData_t::Domain_t Domain_t;
+   typedef typename LayoutData_t::BaseDomain_t BaseDomain_t;
+   typedef typename LayoutData_t::Context_t Context_t;
+   typedef typename LayoutData_t::ID_t ID_t;
+   typedef typename LayoutData_t::Layout_t Layout_t;
+   typedef typename LayoutData_t::AllocatedDomain_t AllocatedDomain_t;
+   typedef typename LayoutData_t::Value_t Value_t;
+   typedef typename LayoutData_t::List_t List_t;
+   typedef typename LayoutData_t::Indexer_t Indexer_t;
+   typedef typename LayoutData_t::GuardLayers_t GuardLayers_t;
+   typedef UniformGridLayoutView<Dim, Dim2> This_t;
+   typedef UniformGridLayoutView<Dim, Dim2> ViewLayout_t;
+   typedef LayoutBaseView<Dim,Dim2,LayoutData_t> Base_t;
+   typedef DerefIterator<Value_t> iterator;
+   typedef ConstDerefIterator<Value_t> const_iterator;
+   UniformGridLayoutView()
+   : Base_t(new LayoutData_t())
+   { }
+   template <class DT>
+   UniformGridLayoutView(const Layout_t &layout, const Domain<Dim2, DT> &dom)
+   : LayoutBaseView<Dim,Dim2,UniformGridLayoutViewData<Dim,Dim2> >
+     (new UniformGridLayoutViewData<Dim,Dim2>(layout,dom))
+   { }
+   template <class DT>
+   UniformGridLayoutView(const Layout_t &layout, const SliceDomain<DT> &dom)
+   : LayoutBaseView<Dim,Dim2,UniformGridLayoutViewData<Dim,Dim2> >
+     (new UniformGridLayoutViewData<Dim,Dim2>(layout,dom))
+   { }
+   template <class DT>
+   UniformGridLayoutView(const ViewLayout_t &layout, const Domain<Dim, DT> &dom)
+   : LayoutBaseView<Dim,Dim2,UniformGridLayoutViewData<Dim,Dim2> >
+     (new UniformGridLayoutViewData<Dim,Dim2>(layout,dom))
+   { }
+   template <int OldViewDim, class DT>
+   UniformGridLayoutView(const UniformGridLayoutView<OldViewDim, Dim2> &layout,
+                         const SliceDomain<DT> &dom)
+   : LayoutBaseView<Dim,Dim2,UniformGridLayoutViewData<Dim,Dim2> >
+     (new UniformGridLayoutViewData<Dim,Dim2>(layout,dom))
+   { }
+   inline UniformGridLayoutView(const This_t &model)
+     : LayoutBaseView<Dim,
+                      Dim2,
+                      UniformGridLayoutViewData<Dim,Dim2> >(model.pdata_m)
+   { }
+   inline This_t &operator=(const This_t &model)
+   {
+     if (this != &model)
+       {
+         this->pdata_m = model.pdata_m;
+       }
+     return *this;
+   }
+   inline ~UniformGridLayoutView()
+   { }
+   template <class Ostream>
+   void print(Ostream &ostr) const;
+   template <int OtherDim, int OtherDim2>
+   friend class UniformGridLayoutView;
+   template <int OtherDim, int OtherDim2>
+   friend class UniformGridLayoutViewData;
+ };
+ template <int Dim>
+ struct NewDomain1<UniformGridLayout<Dim> >
+ {
+   typedef UniformGridLayout<Dim> &Type_t;
+   inline static Type_t combine(const UniformGridLayout<Dim> &a)
+     {
+       return const_cast<Type_t>(a);
+     }
+ };
+ template <int Dim, int Dim2>
+ struct NewDomain1<UniformGridLayoutView<Dim, Dim2> >
+ {
+   typedef UniformGridLayoutView<Dim, Dim2> &Type_t;
+   inline static Type_t combine(const UniformGridLayoutView<Dim, Dim2> &a)
+     {
+       return const_cast<Type_t>(a);
+     }
+ };
+ template <int Dim>
+ std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &ostr,
+                          const UniformGridLayout<Dim> &layout)
+ {
+   layout.print(ostr);
+   return ostr;
+ }
+ template <int Dim, int Dim2>
+ std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &ostr,
+                          const UniformGridLayoutView<Dim, Dim2> &layout)
+ {
+   layout.print(ostr);
+   return ostr;
+ }
+ template <int Dim>
+ inline UniformGridLayoutData<Dim>::
+ UniformGridLayoutData()
+   : Observable<UniformGridLayoutData>(*this)
+ {
+   for (int i = 0; i < Dim; ++i)
+     blockstride_m[i] = blocksizes_m[i] = 0;
+ }
+ template <int Dim>
+ template <class Partitioner>
+ UniformGridLayoutData<Dim>::
+ UniformGridLayoutData(const Domain_t &gdom,
+         const Partitioner &gpar,
+         const ContextMapper<Dim> & cmap )
+   : LayoutBaseData<Dim>(false,
+    false,
+    GuardLayers_t(0),
+    GuardLayers_t(0),
+    gdom,
+    gdom),
+     Observable<UniformGridLayoutData>(*this)
+ {
+   if (gpar.hasInternalGuards() && gpar.maxSize() > 1)
+     {
+       this->hasInternalGuards_m = true;
+       this->internalGuards_m = gpar.internalGuards();
+     }
+   if (gpar.hasExternalGuards())
+     {
+       this->hasExternalGuards_m = true;
+       this->externalGuards_m = gpar.externalGuards();
+       GuardLayers<Dim>::addGuardLayers(this->domain_m,this->externalGuards_m);
+     }
+   partition(gpar,cmap);
+ }
+ template <int Dim>
+ template <class Partitioner>
+ void UniformGridLayoutData<Dim>::partition(const Partitioner &gpar,
+         const ContextMapper<Dim> &cmap)
+ {
+   int i;
+   PoomaCTAssert<(Partitioner::uniform)>::test();
+   ;
+   ;
+   ;
+   ;
+   ;
+   this->blocks_m = gpar.blocks();
+   blockstride_m[0] = 1;
+   int blocks[Dim];
+   for (i = 0; i < Dim; ++i)
+   {
+     this->firsti_m[i] = this->innerdomain_m[i].first();
+     this->firste_m[i] = this->domain_m[i].first();
+     blocks[i] = gpar.blocks()[i].first();
+     allDomain_m[i] = Interval<1>(blocks[i]);
+     blocksizes_m[i] = this->innerdomain_m[i].length() / blocks[i];
+     if (i > 0)
+       blockstride_m[i] = blockstride_m[i-1] * blocks[i-1];
+   }
+   gpar.partition(this->innerdomain_m, this->all_m, cmap);
+   typename List_t::const_iterator start = this->all_m.begin();
+   typename List_t::const_iterator end = this->all_m.end();
+   for ( ; start!=end ; ++start)
+     {
+       if ( (*start)->context() == Pooma::context()
+     || (*start)->context() == -1 )
+  {
+    (*start)->localID() = this->local_m.size();
+    this->local_m.push_back(*start);
+  }
+       else
+  this->remote_m.push_back(*start);
+     }
+   if (this->hasInternalGuards_m)
+     {
+       this->gcFillList_m.clear();
+       calcGCFillList();
+     }
+ }
+ template<int Dim>
+ void UniformGridLayoutData<Dim>::initialize(const Domain_t& idom,
+      const List_t& nodes,
+      const Loc<Dim>& ublocks,
+      bool hasIG, bool hasEG,
+      const GuardLayers_t& ig,
+      const GuardLayers_t& eg)
+ {
+   int i;
+   if (this->all_m.size() > 0)
+     {
+       for (i=0; i < this->all_m.size(); ++i)
+  delete this->all_m[i];
+       this->all_m.clear();
+       this->local_m.clear();
+       this->remote_m.clear();
+     }
+   this->domain_m = idom;
+   this->innerdomain_m = idom;
+   this->hasInternalGuards_m = hasIG;
+   if (this->hasInternalGuards_m)
+     {
+       this->internalGuards_m = ig;
+     }
+   this->hasExternalGuards_m = (hasEG && ! this->domain_m.empty());
+   if (this->hasExternalGuards_m)
+     {
+       this->externalGuards_m = eg;
+       GuardLayers<Dim>::addGuardLayers(this->domain_m, this->externalGuards_m);
+     }
+   this->blocks_m = ublocks;
+   blockstride_m[0] = 1;
+   int blocks[Dim];
+   for (i = 0; i < Dim; ++i)
+   {
+     this->firsti_m[i] = this->innerdomain_m[i].first();
+     this->firste_m[i] = this->domain_m[i].first();
+     blocks[i] = ublocks[i].first();
+     allDomain_m[i] = Interval<1>(blocks[i]);
+     blocksizes_m[i] = this->innerdomain_m[i].length() / blocks[i];
+     if (i > 0)
+       blockstride_m[i] = blockstride_m[i-1] * blocks[i-1];
+   }
+   this->all_m= nodes;
+   typename List_t::iterator start = this->all_m.begin();
+   typename List_t::iterator end = this->all_m.end();
+   for ( ; start!=end ;++start )
+     {
+       if( (*start)->context() == Pooma::context() ||
+    (*start)->context() == -1 )
+  this->local_m.push_back(*start);
+       else
+  this->remote_m.push_back(*start);
+     }
+   if (this->hasInternalGuards_m)
+     {
+       this->gcFillList_m.clear();
+       calcGCFillList();
+     }
+ }
+ template <int Dim>
+ void UniformGridLayoutData<Dim>::calcGCFillList()
+   {
+     int d, p;
+     int numPatches = this->all_m.size();
+     this->gcFillList_m.reserve(2*Dim*this->local_m.size());
+     for (d = 0; d < Dim; ++d)
+       {
+         if (this->internalGuards_m.lower(d) > 0)
+           {
+             typename Interval<Dim>::iterator pos = allDomain_m.begin();
+             for (p = 0; p < numPatches; ++p, ++pos)
+               {
+                 if ( (*pos)[d].first() == allDomain_m[d].last() ) continue;
+                 int sourceID = p;
+                 int destID = p + blockstride_m[d];
+                 ;
+                 ;
+                 Domain_t gcdom(this->all_m[p]->allocated());
+                 int max = this->all_m[p]->domain()[d].last();
+                 int min = max - this->internalGuards_m.lower(d) + 1;
+                 gcdom[d] = Interval<1>(min,max);
+    if (
+       this->all_m[sourceID]->context() == -1 ||
+       this->all_m[sourceID]->context() == Pooma::context() ||
+        this->all_m[destID]->context() == Pooma::context()
+       )
+                 this->gcFillList_m.push_back(GCFillInfo_t(gcdom,sourceID,destID,d*2));
+               }
+           }
+         if (this->internalGuards_m.upper(d) > 0)
+           {
+             typename Interval<Dim>::iterator pos = allDomain_m.begin();
+             for (p = 0; p < numPatches; ++p, ++pos)
+               {
+                 if ( (*pos)[d].first() == allDomain_m[d].first() ) continue;
+                 int sourceID = p;
+                 int destID = p - blockstride_m[d];
+                 ;
+                 Domain_t gcdom(this->all_m[p]->allocated());
+                 int min = this->all_m[p]->domain()[d].first();
+                 int max = min + this->internalGuards_m.upper(d) - 1;
+                 gcdom[d] = Interval<1>(min,max);
+    if (
+       this->all_m[sourceID]->context() == -1 ||
+       this->all_m[sourceID]->context() == Pooma::context() ||
+        this->all_m[destID]->context() == Pooma::context()
+       )
+     this->gcFillList_m.push_back(GCFillInfo_t(gcdom,sourceID,destID,d*2+1));
+               }
+           }
+       }
+   }
+ template <int Dim>
+ template <class Partitioner>
+ bool UniformGridLayoutData<Dim>::
+ repartition(const Partitioner &p,
+      const ContextMapper<Dim>& cmap)
+ {
+   ;
+   for (int i = 0; i < this->all_m.size(); ++i)
+     delete this->all_m[i];
+   this->all_m.clear();
+   this->local_m.clear();
+   this->remote_m.clear();
+   partition(p,cmap);
+   if (this->hasInternalGuards_m)
+     {
+       this->gcFillList_m.clear();
+       calcGCFillList();
+     }
+   this->notify(repartitionEvent);
+   return true;
+ }
+ template <int Dim>
+ template <class OtherDomain, class OutIter, class ConstructTag>
+ int UniformGridLayoutData<Dim>::touches(const OtherDomain &d, OutIter o,
+      const ConstructTag &ctag) const
+ {
+   int i, count = 0;
+   ;
+   ;
+   Interval<Dim> box = Pooma::NoInit();
+   for (i = 0; i < Dim; ++i)
+     {
+       int a, b;
+       if (!this->hasExternalGuards_m)
+  {
+    a = (d[i].min() - this->firsti_m[i]) / blocksizes_m[i];
+    b = (d[i].max() - this->firsti_m[i]) / blocksizes_m[i];
+  }
+       else
+  {
+    a = b = 0;
+    int pos = d[i].min();
+    int last = this->innerdomain_m[i].last();
+    int del = pos - this->firsti_m[i];
+    if (del >= 0)
+      if (pos <= last)
+        a = del / blocksizes_m[i];
+      else
+        a = allDomain_m[i].last();
+    pos = d[i].max();
+    del = pos - this->firsti_m[i];
+    if (del >= 0)
+      if (pos <= last)
+        b = del / blocksizes_m[i];
+      else
+        b = allDomain_m[i].last();
+  }
+       box[i] = Interval<1>(a, b);
+     }
+   typedef typename
+     IntersectReturnType<Domain_t,OtherDomain>::Type_t OutDomain_t;
+   OutDomain_t outDomain = Pooma::NoInit();
+   typedef Node<OutDomain_t,Domain_t> OutNode_t;
+   typename Interval<Dim>::const_iterator boxiter = box.begin();
+   while (boxiter != box.end())
+     {
+       int indx = (*boxiter)[0].first();
+       for (i = 1; i < Dim; ++i)
+  indx += blockstride_m[i] * (*boxiter)[i].first();
+       ;
+       outDomain = intersect(d, this->all_m[indx]->domain());
+       ;
+       *o = touchesConstruct(outDomain,
+        this->all_m[indx]->allocated(),
+        this->all_m[indx]->affinity(),
+        this->all_m[indx]->context(),
+        this->all_m[indx]->globalID(),
+        this->all_m[indx]->localID(),
+        ctag);
+       ++o;
+       ++count;
+       ++boxiter;
+     }
+   return count;
+ }
+ template <int Dim>
+ template <class OtherDomain, class OutIter, class ConstructTag>
+ int UniformGridLayoutData<Dim>::touchesLocal(const OtherDomain &d,
+           OutIter o,
+           const ConstructTag &ctag) const
+ {
+   int i, count = 0;
+   ;
+   ;
+   Interval<Dim> box = Pooma::NoInit();
+   for (i = 0; i < Dim; ++i)
+     {
+       int a, b;
+       if (!this->hasExternalGuards_m)
+  {
+    a = (d[i].min() - this->firsti_m[i]) / blocksizes_m[i];
+    b = (d[i].max() - this->firsti_m[i]) / blocksizes_m[i];
+  }
+       else
+  {
+    a = b = 0;
+    int pos = d[i].min();
+    int last = this->innerdomain_m[i].last();
+    int del = pos - this->firsti_m[i];
+    if (del >= 0)
+      if (pos <= last)
+        a = del / blocksizes_m[i];
+      else
+        a = allDomain_m[i].last();
+    pos = d[i].max();
+    del = pos - this->firsti_m[i];
+    if (del >= 0)
+      if (pos <= last)
+        b = del / blocksizes_m[i];
+      else
+        b = allDomain_m[i].last();
+  }
+       box[i] = Interval<1>(a, b);
+     }
+   typedef typename
+     IntersectReturnType<Domain_t,OtherDomain>::Type_t OutDomain_t;
+   OutDomain_t outDomain = Pooma::NoInit();
+   typedef Node<OutDomain_t,Domain_t> OutNode_t;
+   typename Interval<Dim>::const_iterator boxiter = box.begin();
+   while (boxiter != box.end())
+     {
+       int indx = (*boxiter)[0].first();
+       for (i = 1; i < Dim; ++i)
+  indx += blockstride_m[i] * (*boxiter)[i].first();
+       ;
+       outDomain = intersect(d, this->local_m[indx]->domain());
+       ;
+       *o = touchesConstruct(outDomain,
+        this->local_m[indx]->allocated(),
+        this->local_m[indx]->affinity(),
+        this->local_m[indx]->context(),
+        this->local_m[indx]->globalID(),
+        this->local_m[indx]->localID(),
+        ctag);
+       ++o;
+       ++count;
+       ++boxiter;
+     }
+   return count;
+ }
+ template <int Dim>
+ template <class OtherDomain, class OutIter, class ConstructTag>
+ int UniformGridLayoutData<Dim>::touchesRemote(const OtherDomain &d,
+            OutIter o,
+            const ConstructTag &ctag) const
+ {
+   int i, count = 0;
+   ;
+   ;
+   Interval<Dim> box = Pooma::NoInit();
+   for (i = 0; i < Dim; ++i)
+     {
+       int a, b;
+       if (!this->hasExternalGuards_m)
+  {
+    a = (d[i].min() - this->firsti_m[i]) / blocksizes_m[i];
+    b = (d[i].max() - this->firsti_m[i]) / blocksizes_m[i];
+  }
+       else
+  {
+    a = b = 0;
+    int pos = d[i].min();
+    int last = this->innerdomain_m[i].last();
+    int del = pos - this->firsti_m[i];
+    if (del >= 0)
+      if (pos <= last)
+        a = del / blocksizes_m[i];
+      else
+        a = allDomain_m[i].last();
+    pos = d[i].max();
+    del = pos - this->firsti_m[i];
+    if (del >= 0)
+      if (pos <= last)
+        b = del / blocksizes_m[i];
+      else
+        b = allDomain_m[i].last();
+  }
+       box[i] = Interval<1>(a, b);
+     }
+   typedef typename
+     IntersectReturnType<Domain_t,OtherDomain>::Type_t OutDomain_t;
+   OutDomain_t outDomain = Pooma::NoInit();
+   typedef Node<OutDomain_t,Domain_t> OutNode_t;
+   typename Interval<Dim>::const_iterator boxiter = box.begin();
+   while (boxiter != box.end())
+     {
+       int indx = (*boxiter)[0].first();
+       for (i = 1; i < Dim; ++i)
+  indx += blockstride_m[i] * (*boxiter)[i].first();
+       ;
+       outDomain = intersect(d, this->remote_m[indx]->domain());
+       ;
+       *o = touchesConstruct(outDomain,
+        this->remote_m[indx]->allocated(),
+        this->remote_m[indx]->affinity(),
+        this->remote_m[indx]->context(),
+        this->remote_m[indx]->globalID(),
+        this->remote_m[indx]->localID(),
+        ctag);
+       ++o;
+       ++count;
+       ++boxiter;
+     }
+   return count;
+ }
+ template <int Dim>
+ template <class OtherDomain, class OutIter, class ConstructTag>
+ int UniformGridLayoutData<Dim>::touchesAlloc(const OtherDomain &d, OutIter o,
+           const ConstructTag &ctag) const
+ {
+   if (!this->hasInternalGuards_m) return touches(d,o,ctag);
+   int i, count = 0;
+   ;
+   ;
+   Interval<Dim> box = Pooma::NoInit();
+   for (i = 0; i < Dim; ++i)
+     {
+       int a, b;
+       if (!this->hasExternalGuards_m)
+  {
+    a = (d[i].min() - this->firsti_m[i]) / blocksizes_m[i];
+    b = (d[i].max() - this->firsti_m[i]) / blocksizes_m[i];
+  }
+       else
+  {
+    a = b = 0;
+    int pos = d[i].min();
+    int last = this->innerdomain_m[i].last();
+    int del = pos - this->firsti_m[i];
+    if (del >= 0)
+      if (pos <= last)
+        a = del / blocksizes_m[i];
+      else
+        a = allDomain_m[i].last();
+    pos = d[i].max();
+    del = pos - this->firsti_m[i];
+    if (del >= 0)
+      if (pos <= last)
+        b = del / blocksizes_m[i];
+      else
+        b = allDomain_m[i].last();
+  }
+       if (a > 0) --a;
+       if (b < allDomain_m[i].last()) ++b;
+       box[i] = Interval<1>(a, b);
+     }
+   typedef typename
+     IntersectReturnType<Domain_t,OtherDomain>::Type_t OutDomain_t;
+   OutDomain_t outDomain = Pooma::NoInit();
+   typedef Node<OutDomain_t,Domain_t> OutNode_t;
+   typename Interval<Dim>::const_iterator boxiter = box.begin();
+   while (boxiter != box.end())
+     {
+       int indx = (*boxiter)[0].first();
+       for (i = 1; i < Dim; ++i)
+  indx += blockstride_m[i] * (*boxiter)[i].first();
+       ;
+       outDomain = intersect(d, this->all_m[indx]->allocated());
+       if (!outDomain.empty())
+  {
+    *o = touchesConstruct(outDomain,
+     this->all_m[indx]->allocated(),
+     this->all_m[indx]->affinity(),
+     this->all_m[indx]->context(),
+     this->all_m[indx]->globalID(),
+     this->all_m[indx]->localID(),
+     ctag);
+  }
+       ++o;
+       ++count;
+       ++boxiter;
+     }
+   return count;
+ }
+ template <int Dim>
+ template <class OtherDomain, class OutIter, class ConstructTag>
+ int UniformGridLayoutData<Dim>::touchesAllocLocal(const OtherDomain &d, OutIter o,
+                const ConstructTag &ctag) const
+ {
+   if (!this->hasInternalGuards_m) return touches(d,o,ctag);
+   int i, count = 0;
+   ;
+   ;
+   Interval<Dim> box = Pooma::NoInit();
+   for (i = 0; i < Dim; ++i)
+     {
+       int a, b;
+       if (!this->hasExternalGuards_m)
+  {
+    a = (d[i].min() - this->firsti_m[i]) / blocksizes_m[i];
+    b = (d[i].max() - this->firsti_m[i]) / blocksizes_m[i];
+  }
+       else
+  {
+    a = b = 0;
+    int pos = d[i].min();
+    int last = this->innerdomain_m[i].last();
+    int del = pos - this->firsti_m[i];
+    if (del >= 0)
+      if (pos <= last)
+        a = del / blocksizes_m[i];
+      else
+        a = allDomain_m[i].last();
+    pos = d[i].max();
+    del = pos - this->firsti_m[i];
+    if (del >= 0)
+      if (pos <= last)
+        b = del / blocksizes_m[i];
+      else
+        b = allDomain_m[i].last();
+  }
+       if (a > 0) --a;
+       if (b < allDomain_m[i].last()) ++b;
+       box[i] = Interval<1>(a, b);
+     }
+   typedef typename
+     IntersectReturnType<Domain_t,OtherDomain>::Type_t OutDomain_t;
+   OutDomain_t outDomain = Pooma::NoInit();
+   typedef Node<OutDomain_t,Domain_t> OutNode_t;
+   typename Interval<Dim>::const_iterator boxiter = box.begin();
+   while (boxiter != box.end())
+     {
+       int indx = (*boxiter)[0].first();
+       for (i = 1; i < Dim; ++i)
+  indx += blockstride_m[i] * (*boxiter)[i].first();
+       ;
+       outDomain = intersect(d, this->local_m[indx]->allocated());
+       if (!outDomain.empty())
+  {
+    *o = touchesConstruct(outDomain,
+     this->local_m[indx]->allocated(),
+     this->local_m[indx]->affinity(),
+     this->local_m[indx]->context(),
+     this->local_m[indx]->globalID(),
+     this->local_m[indx]->localID(),
+     ctag);
+  }
+       ++o;
+       ++count;
+       ++boxiter;
+     }
+   return count;
+ }
+ template <int Dim>
+ template <class OtherDomain, class OutIter, class ConstructTag>
+ int UniformGridLayoutData<Dim>::touchesAllocRemote(const OtherDomain &d, OutIter o,
+                 const ConstructTag &ctag) const
+ {
+   if (!this->hasInternalGuards_m) return touches(d,o,ctag);
+   int i, count = 0;
+   ;
+   ;
+   Interval<Dim> box = Pooma::NoInit();
+   for (i = 0; i < Dim; ++i)
+     {
+       int a, b;
+       if (!this->hasExternalGuards_m)
+  {
+    a = (d[i].min() - this->firsti_m[i]) / blocksizes_m[i];
+    b = (d[i].max() - this->firsti_m[i]) / blocksizes_m[i];
+  }
+       else
+  {
+    a = b = 0;
+    int pos = d[i].min();
+    int last = this->innerdomain_m[i].last();
+    int del = pos - this->firsti_m[i];
+    if (del >= 0)
+      if (pos <= last)
+        a = del / blocksizes_m[i];
+      else
+        a = allDomain_m[i].last();
+    pos = d[i].max();
+    del = pos - this->firsti_m[i];
+    if (del >= 0)
+      if (pos <= last)
+        b = del / blocksizes_m[i];
+      else
+        b = allDomain_m[i].last();
+  }
+       if (a > 0) --a;
+       if (b < allDomain_m[i].last()) ++b;
+       box[i] = Interval<1>(a, b);
+     }
+   typedef typename
+     IntersectReturnType<Domain_t,OtherDomain>::Type_t OutDomain_t;
+   OutDomain_t outDomain = Pooma::NoInit();
+   typedef Node<OutDomain_t,Domain_t> OutNode_t;
+   typename Interval<Dim>::const_iterator boxiter = box.begin();
+   while (boxiter != box.end())
+     {
+       int indx = (*boxiter)[0].first();
+       for (i = 1; i < Dim; ++i)
+  indx += blockstride_m[i] * (*boxiter)[i].first();
+       ;
+       outDomain = intersect(d, this->remote_m[indx]->allocated());
+       if (!outDomain.empty())
+  {
+    *o = touchesConstruct(outDomain,
+     this->remote_m[indx]->allocated(),
+     this->remote_m[indx]->affinity(),
+     this->remote_m[indx]->context(),
+     this->remote_m[indx]->globalID(),
+     this->remote_m[indx]->localID(),
+     ctag);
+  }
+       ++o;
+       ++count;
+       ++boxiter;
+     }
+   return count;
+ }
+ template <int Dim>
+ inline UniformGridLayout<Dim>::
+ UniformGridLayout()
+ : LayoutBase<Dim,UniformGridLayoutData<Dim> >
+     (new LayoutData_t()),
+   Observable<This_t>(*this)
+ {
+   this->pdata_m->attach(*this);
+ }
+ template <int Dim>
+ inline UniformGridLayout<Dim>::
+ UniformGridLayout(const Domain_t &gdom,
+     const DistributedTag& t)
+ : LayoutBase<Dim,UniformGridLayoutData<Dim> >
+     (new LayoutData_t(gdom,
+         UniformGridPartition<Dim>(),
+         DistributedMapper<Dim>(UniformGridPartition<Dim>()))),
+   Observable<This_t>(*this)
+ {
+   this->pdata_m->attach(*this);
+ }
+ template <int Dim>
+ inline UniformGridLayout<Dim>::
+ UniformGridLayout(const Domain_t &gdom,
+     const ReplicatedTag & t)
+ : LayoutBase<Dim,UniformGridLayoutData<Dim> >
+     (new LayoutData_t(gdom,
+         UniformGridPartition<Dim>(),
+         LocalMapper<Dim>())),
+   Observable<This_t>(*this)
+ {
+   this->pdata_m->attach(*this);
+ }
+ template <int Dim>
+ inline UniformGridLayout<Dim>::
+ UniformGridLayout(const Domain_t &gdom,
+     const GuardLayers_t &gcs,
+     const DistributedTag &)
+ : LayoutBase<Dim,UniformGridLayoutData<Dim> >
+     (new LayoutData_t(gdom,
+         UniformGridPartition<Dim>(gcs),
+         DistributedMapper<Dim>(UniformGridPartition<Dim>(gcs)))),
+   Observable<This_t>(*this)
+ {
+   this->pdata_m->attach(*this);
+ }
+ template <int Dim>
+ inline UniformGridLayout<Dim>::
+ UniformGridLayout(const Domain_t &gdom,
+     const GuardLayers_t &gcs,
+     const ReplicatedTag & )
+ : LayoutBase<Dim,UniformGridLayoutData<Dim> >
+     (new LayoutData_t(gdom,
+         UniformGridPartition<Dim>(gcs),
+         LocalMapper<Dim>())),
+   Observable<This_t>(*this)
+ {
+   this->pdata_m->attach(*this);
+ }
+ template <int Dim>
+ inline UniformGridLayout<Dim>::
+ UniformGridLayout(const Domain_t &gdom,
+     const Loc<Dim> &blocks,
+     const DistributedTag & )
+ : LayoutBase<Dim,UniformGridLayoutData<Dim> >
+     (new LayoutData_t(gdom,
+         UniformGridPartition<Dim>(blocks),
+         DistributedMapper<Dim>(
+           UniformGridPartition<Dim>(blocks)))),
+   Observable<This_t>(*this)
+ {
+   this->pdata_m->attach(*this);
+ }
+ template <int Dim>
+ inline UniformGridLayout<Dim>::
+ UniformGridLayout(const Domain_t &gdom,
+     const Loc<Dim> &blocks,
+     const ReplicatedTag & t)
+ : LayoutBase<Dim,UniformGridLayoutData<Dim> >
+     (new LayoutData_t(gdom,
+         UniformGridPartition<Dim>(blocks),
+         LocalMapper<Dim>())),
+   Observable<This_t>(*this)
+ {
+   this->pdata_m->attach(*this);
+ }
+ template <int Dim>
+ inline UniformGridLayout<Dim>::
+ UniformGridLayout(const Domain_t &gdom,
+                   const Loc<Dim> &blocks,
+                   const GuardLayers_t &igcs,
+     const DistributedTag &)
+ : LayoutBase<Dim,UniformGridLayoutData<Dim> >
+    (new LayoutData_t(gdom,
+        UniformGridPartition<Dim>(blocks,igcs),
+        DistributedMapper<Dim>(
+         UniformGridPartition<Dim>(blocks,igcs)))),
+   Observable<This_t>(*this)
+ {
+   this->pdata_m->attach(*this);
+ }
+ template <int Dim>
+ inline UniformGridLayout<Dim>::
+ UniformGridLayout(const Domain_t &gdom,
+                   const Loc<Dim> &blocks,
+                   const GuardLayers_t &igcs,
+     const ReplicatedTag &)
+ : LayoutBase<Dim,UniformGridLayoutData<Dim> >
+      (new LayoutData_t(gdom,
+          UniformGridPartition<Dim>(blocks,igcs),
+          LocalMapper<Dim>())),
+   Observable<This_t>(*this)
+ {
+   this->pdata_m->attach(*this);
+ }
+ template <int Dim>
+ inline UniformGridLayout<Dim>::
+ UniformGridLayout(const Domain_t &gdom,
+                   const Loc<Dim> &blocks,
+                   const GuardLayers_t &igcs,
+                   const GuardLayers_t &egcs,
+     const DistributedTag &)
+ : LayoutBase<Dim,UniformGridLayoutData<Dim> >
+     (new LayoutData_t(gdom,
+         UniformGridPartition<Dim>(blocks,igcs,egcs),
+         DistributedMapper<Dim>(
+                        UniformGridPartition<Dim>(blocks,igcs,egcs)))),
+   Observable<This_t>(*this)
+ {
+   this->pdata_m->attach(*this);
+ }
+ template <int Dim>
+ inline UniformGridLayout<Dim>::
+ UniformGridLayout(const Domain_t &gdom,
+                   const Loc<Dim> &blocks,
+                   const GuardLayers_t &igcs,
+                   const GuardLayers_t &egcs,
+     const ReplicatedTag &t)
+ : LayoutBase<Dim,UniformGridLayoutData<Dim> >
+     (new LayoutData_t(gdom,
+         UniformGridPartition<Dim>(blocks,igcs,egcs),
+         LocalMapper<Dim>())),
+   Observable<This_t>(*this)
+ {
+   this->pdata_m->attach(*this);
+ }
+ template <int Dim>
+ template <class Partitioner>
+ inline UniformGridLayout<Dim>::
+ UniformGridLayout(const Domain_t &gdom,
+     const Partitioner &gpar,
+     const DistributedTag & )
+ : LayoutBase<Dim,UniformGridLayoutData<Dim> >
+    (new LayoutData_t(gdom,gpar,DistributedMapper<Dim>(gpar))),
+   Observable<This_t>(*this)
+ {
+   this->pdata_m->attach(*this);
+ }
+ template <int Dim>
+ template <class Partitioner>
+ inline UniformGridLayout<Dim>::
+ UniformGridLayout(const Domain_t &gdom,
+     const Partitioner &gpar,
+     const ReplicatedTag &)
+ : LayoutBase<Dim,UniformGridLayoutData<Dim> >
+    (new LayoutData_t(gdom,gpar,LocalMapper<Dim>())),
+   Observable<This_t>(*this)
+ {
+   this->pdata_m->attach(*this);
+ }
+ template <int Dim>
+ template <class Partitioner>
+ inline UniformGridLayout<Dim>::
+ UniformGridLayout(const Domain_t &gdom,
+     const Partitioner &gpar,
+     const ContextMapper<Dim> & cmap)
+ : LayoutBase<Dim,UniformGridLayoutData<Dim> >
+     (new LayoutData_t(gdom,gpar,cmap)),
+   Observable<This_t>(*this)
+ {
+   this->pdata_m->attach(*this);
+ }
+ template <int Dim>
+ inline UniformGridLayout<Dim>::
+ UniformGridLayout(const This_t &model)
+ : LayoutBase<Dim,UniformGridLayoutData<Dim> >(model.pdata_m),
+   Observable<This_t>(*this)
+ {
+    this->pdata_m->attach(*this);
+ }
+ template <int Dim>
+ inline UniformGridLayout<Dim> & UniformGridLayout<Dim>::
+ operator=(const This_t &model)
+ {
+   if (this != &model)
+     {
+       this->pdata_m->detach(*this);
+       this->pdata_m = model.pdata_m;
+       this->pdata_m->attach(*this);
+     }
+   return *this;
+ }
+ template <int Dim>
+ inline void
+ UniformGridLayout<Dim>::
+ initialize(const Domain_t &gdom,
+     const DistributedTag &)
+ {
+   ;
+   this->pdata_m->domain_m = gdom;
+   this->pdata_m->innerdomain_m = gdom;
+   this->pdata_m->partition(UniformGridPartition<Dim>(),
+        DistributedMapper<Dim>(UniformGridPartition<Dim>()));
+ }
+ template <int Dim>
+ inline void
+ UniformGridLayout<Dim>::
+ initialize(const Domain_t &gdom,
+     const ReplicatedTag &)
+ {
+   ;
+   this->pdata_m->domain_m = gdom;
+   this->pdata_m->innerdomain_m = gdom;
+   this->pdata_m->partition(UniformGridPartition<Dim>(),
+        LocalMapper<Dim>());
+ }
+ template <int Dim>
+ inline void
+ UniformGridLayout<Dim>::
+ initialize(const Domain_t &gdom,
+     const GuardLayers_t &gcs,
+     const DistributedTag &)
+ {
+   ;
+   this->pdata_m->innerdomain_m = gdom;
+   this->pdata_m->domain_m = gdom;
+   this->pdata_m->partition(UniformGridPartition<Dim>(gcs),
+        DistributedMapper<Dim>(UniformGridPartition<Dim>(gcs) ));
+ }
+ template <int Dim>
+ inline void
+ UniformGridLayout<Dim>::
+ initialize(const Domain_t &gdom,
+     const GuardLayers_t &gcs,
+     const ReplicatedTag &)
+ {
+   ;
+   this->pdata_m->innerdomain_m = gdom;
+   this->pdata_m->domain_m = gdom;
+   this->pdata_m->partition(UniformGridPartition<Dim>(gcs),
+        LocalMapper<Dim>());
+ }
+ template <int Dim>
+ inline void
+ UniformGridLayout<Dim>::
+ initialize(const Domain_t &gdom,
+     const Loc<Dim> &blocks,
+     const DistributedTag &)
+ {
+   ;
+   this->pdata_m->innerdomain_m = gdom;
+   this->pdata_m->domain_m = gdom;
+   this->pdata_m->partition(UniformGridPartition<Dim>(blocks),
+       DistributedMapper<Dim>(UniformGridPartition<Dim>(blocks)));
+ }
+ template <int Dim>
+ inline void
+ UniformGridLayout<Dim>::
+ initialize(const Domain_t &gdom,
+     const Loc<Dim> &blocks,
+     const ReplicatedTag &)
+ {
+   ;
+   this->pdata_m->innerdomain_m = gdom;
+   this->pdata_m->domain_m = gdom;
+   this->pdata_m->partition(UniformGridPartition<Dim>(blocks),
+        LocalMapper<Dim>());
+ }
+ template <int Dim>
+ inline void
+ UniformGridLayout<Dim>::
+ initialize(const Domain_t &gdom,
+            const Loc<Dim> &blocks,
+            const GuardLayers_t &gcs,
+     const DistributedTag &)
+ {
+   ;
+   this->pdata_m->innerdomain_m = gdom;
+   this->pdata_m->domain_m = gdom;
+   this->pdata_m->partition(UniformGridPartition<Dim>(blocks, gcs),
+        DistributedMapper<Dim>(
+          UniformGridPartition<Dim>(blocks, gcs)));
+ }
+ template <int Dim>
+ inline void
+ UniformGridLayout<Dim>::
+ initialize(const Domain_t &gdom,
+            const Loc<Dim> &blocks,
+            const GuardLayers_t &gcs,
+     const ReplicatedTag &)
+ {
+   ;
+   this->pdata_m->innerdomain_m = gdom;
+   this->pdata_m->domain_m = gdom;
+   this->pdata_m->partition(UniformGridPartition<Dim>(blocks, gcs),
+        LocalMapper<Dim>());
+ }
+ template <int Dim>
+ inline void
+ UniformGridLayout<Dim>::
+ initialize(const Domain_t &gdom,
+            const Loc<Dim> &blocks,
+            const GuardLayers_t &igcs,
+            const GuardLayers_t &egcs,
+     const DistributedTag &)
+ {
+   ;
+   this->pdata_m->innerdomain_m = gdom;
+   this->pdata_m->domain_m = gdom;
+   this->pdata_m->partition(UniformGridPartition<Dim>(blocks, igcs, egcs),
+        DistributedMapper<Dim>(
+          UniformGridPartition<Dim>(blocks, igcs, egcs)));
+ }
+ template <int Dim>
+ inline void
+ UniformGridLayout<Dim>::
+ initialize(const Domain_t &gdom,
+            const Loc<Dim> &blocks,
+            const GuardLayers_t &igcs,
+            const GuardLayers_t &egcs,
+     const ReplicatedTag &)
+ {
+   ;
+   this->pdata_m->innerdomain_m = gdom;
+   this->pdata_m->domain_m = gdom;
+   this->pdata_m->blocks_m = blocks;
+   this->pdata_m->partition(UniformGridPartition<Dim>(blocks, igcs, egcs),
+        LocalMapper<Dim>());
+ }
+ template <int Dim>
+ template <class Partitioner>
+ inline void
+ UniformGridLayout<Dim>::
+ initialize(const Domain_t &gdom,
+            const Partitioner &p,
+     const DistributedTag &)
+ {
+   ;
+   this->pdata_m->innerdomain_m = gdom;
+   this->pdata_m->domain_m = gdom;
+   this->pdata_m->blocks_m = p.blocks();
+   this->pdata_m->partition(p,DistributedMapper<Dim>(p));
+ }
+ template <int Dim>
+ template <class Partitioner>
+ inline void
+ UniformGridLayout<Dim>::
+ initialize(const Domain_t &gdom,
+            const Partitioner &p,
+     const ReplicatedTag &)
+ {
+   ;
+   this->pdata_m->innerdomain_m = gdom;
+   this->pdata_m->domain_m = gdom;
+   this->pdata_m->blocks_m = p.blocks();
+   this->pdata_m->partition(p,LocalMapper<Dim>());
+ }
+ template <int Dim>
+ template <class Partitioner>
+ inline void
+ UniformGridLayout<Dim>::
+ initialize(const Domain_t &gdom,
+            const Partitioner &p,
+     const ContextMapper<Dim> &cmap)
+ {
+   ;
+   this->pdata_m->innerdomain_m = gdom;
+   this->pdata_m->domain_m = gdom;
+   this->pdata_m->blocks_m = p.blocks();
+   this->pdata_m->partition(p,cmap);
+ }
+ template <int Dim>
+ void UniformGridLayout<Dim>::initialize(const Domain_t& idom,
+      const List_t& nodes,
+      const Loc<Dim>& blocks,
+      bool hasIG, bool hasEG,
+      const GuardLayers_t& ig,
+      const GuardLayers_t& eg)
+ {
+   this->pdata_m->initialize(idom,nodes,blocks,hasIG,hasEG,ig,eg);
+ }
+ template <int Dim>
+ inline int
+ UniformGridLayoutData<Dim>::globalID(const Loc<Dim> &loc) const
+ {
+   ;
+   int currloc;
+   if (!this->hasExternalGuards_m)
+     {
+       currloc = (loc[0].first() - this->firsti_m[0]) / blocksizes_m[0];
+       for (int d = 1; d < Dim; ++d)
+         currloc += blockstride_m[d] *
+           ((loc[d].first() - this->firsti_m[d]) / blocksizes_m[d]);
+     }
+   else
+     {
+       currloc = 0;
+       for (int d = 0; d < Dim; ++d)
+         {
+           int l = loc[d].first();
+           if (l >= this->firsti_m[d])
+             {
+               if (l <= this->innerdomain_m[d].last())
+                 {
+                   currloc += blockstride_m[d] *
+                     ((l - this->firsti_m[d]) / blocksizes_m[d]);
+                 }
+               else
+                 {
+                   currloc += blockstride_m[d] * allDomain_m[d].last();
+                 }
+             }
+         }
+     }
+   ;
+   return currloc;
+ }
+ template <int Dim>
+ inline int
+ UniformGridLayoutData<Dim>::globalID(int i0) const
+ {
+   ;
+   ;
+   int currloc;
+   if (!this->hasExternalGuards_m)
+     {
+       currloc = (i0 - this->firsti_m[0]) / blocksizes_m[0];
+     }
+   else
+     {
+       currloc = 0;
+       if (i0 >= this->firsti_m[0]) {
+         if (i0 <= this->innerdomain_m[0].last())
+           currloc = (i0 - this->firsti_m[0]) / blocksizes_m[0];
+         else
+           currloc = allDomain_m[0].last();
+       }
+     }
+   ;
+   return currloc;
+ }
+ template <int Dim>
+ inline int
+ UniformGridLayoutData<Dim>::globalID(int i0, int i1) const
+ {
+   ;
+   ;
+   ;
+   int currloc;
+   if (!this->hasExternalGuards_m)
+     {
+       currloc = (i0 - this->firsti_m[0]) / blocksizes_m[0]
+               + blockstride_m[1] * ((i1 - this->firsti_m[1]) / blocksizes_m[1]);
+     }
+   else
+     {
+       currloc = 0;
+       if (i0 >= this->firsti_m[0]) {
+         if (i0 <= this->innerdomain_m[0].last())
+           currloc = (i0 - this->firsti_m[0]) / blocksizes_m[0];
+         else
+           currloc = allDomain_m[0].last();
+       }
+       if (i1 >= this->firsti_m[1]) {
+         if (i1 <= this->innerdomain_m[1].last())
+           currloc += blockstride_m[1] * ((i1 - this->firsti_m[1]) / blocksizes_m[1]);
+         else
+           currloc += blockstride_m[1] * allDomain_m[1].last();
+       }
+     }
+   ;
+   return currloc;
+ }
+ template <int Dim>
+ inline int
+ UniformGridLayoutData<Dim>::globalID(int i0, int i1, int i2) const
+ {
+   ;
+   ;
+   ;
+   ;
+   int currloc;
+   if (!this->hasExternalGuards_m)
+     {
+       currloc = (i0 - this->firsti_m[0]) / blocksizes_m[0]
+               + blockstride_m[1] * ((i1 - this->firsti_m[1]) / blocksizes_m[1])
+               + blockstride_m[2] * ((i2 - this->firsti_m[2]) / blocksizes_m[2]);
+     }
+   else
+     {
+       currloc = 0;
+       if (i0 >= this->firsti_m[0]) {
+         if (i0 <= this->innerdomain_m[0].last())
+           currloc = (i0 - this->firsti_m[0]) / blocksizes_m[0];
+         else
+           currloc = allDomain_m[0].last();
+       }
+       if (i1 >= this->firsti_m[1]) {
+         if (i1 <= this->innerdomain_m[1].last())
+           currloc += blockstride_m[1] * ((i1 - this->firsti_m[1]) / blocksizes_m[1]);
+         else
+           currloc += blockstride_m[1] * allDomain_m[1].last();
+       }
+       if (i2 >= this->firsti_m[2]) {
+         if (i2 <= this->innerdomain_m[2].last())
+           currloc += blockstride_m[2] * ((i2 - this->firsti_m[2]) / blocksizes_m[2]);
+         else
+           currloc += blockstride_m[2] * allDomain_m[2].last();
+       }
+     }
+   ;
+   return currloc;
+ }
+ template <int Dim>
+ inline int
+ UniformGridLayoutData<Dim>::globalID(int i0, int i1, int i2, int i3) const
+ {
+   ;
+   ;
+   ;
+   ;
+   ;
+   int currloc;
+   if (!this->hasExternalGuards_m)
+     {
+       currloc = (i0 - this->firsti_m[0]) / blocksizes_m[0]
+               + blockstride_m[1] * ((i1 - this->firsti_m[1]) / blocksizes_m[1])
+               + blockstride_m[2] * ((i2 - this->firsti_m[2]) / blocksizes_m[2])
+               + blockstride_m[3] * ((i3 - this->firsti_m[3]) / blocksizes_m[3]);
+     }
+   else
+     {
+       currloc = 0;
+       if (i0 >= this->firsti_m[0]) {
+         if (i0 <= this->innerdomain_m[0].last())
+            currloc = (i0 - this->firsti_m[0]) / blocksizes_m[0];
+         else
+            currloc = allDomain_m[0].last();
+       }
+       if (i1 >= this->firsti_m[1]) {
+         if (i1 <= this->innerdomain_m[1].last())
+           currloc += blockstride_m[1] * ((i1 - this->firsti_m[1]) / blocksizes_m[1]);
+         else
+           currloc += blockstride_m[1] * allDomain_m[1].last();
+       }
+       if (i2 >= this->firsti_m[2]) {
+         if (i2 <= this->innerdomain_m[2].last())
+           currloc += blockstride_m[2] * ((i2 - this->firsti_m[2]) / blocksizes_m[2]);
+         else
+           currloc += blockstride_m[2] * allDomain_m[2].last();
+       }
+       if (i3 >= this->firsti_m[3]) {
+         if (i3 <= this->innerdomain_m[3].last())
+           currloc += blockstride_m[3] * ((i3 - this->firsti_m[3]) / blocksizes_m[3]);
+         else
+           currloc += blockstride_m[3] * allDomain_m[3].last();
+       }
+     }
+   ;
+   return currloc;
+ }
+ template <int Dim>
+ inline int
+ UniformGridLayoutData<Dim>::globalID(int i0, int i1, int i2, int i3,
+                                      int i4) const
+ {
+   ;
+   ;
+   ;
+   ;
+   ;
+   ;
+   int currloc;
+   if (!this->hasExternalGuards_m)
+     {
+       currloc = (i0 - this->firsti_m[0]) / blocksizes_m[0]
+               + blockstride_m[1] * ((i1 - this->firsti_m[1]) / blocksizes_m[1])
+               + blockstride_m[2] * ((i2 - this->firsti_m[2]) / blocksizes_m[2])
+               + blockstride_m[3] * ((i3 - this->firsti_m[3]) / blocksizes_m[3])
+               + blockstride_m[4] * ((i4 - this->firsti_m[4]) / blocksizes_m[4]);
+     }
+   else
+     {
+       currloc = 0;
+       if (i0 >= this->firsti_m[0]) {
+         if (i0 <= this->innerdomain_m[0].last())
+            currloc = (i0 - this->firsti_m[0]) / blocksizes_m[0];
+         else
+            currloc = allDomain_m[0].last();
+       }
+       if (i1 >= this->firsti_m[1]) {
+         if (i1 <= this->innerdomain_m[1].last())
+           currloc += blockstride_m[1] * ((i1 - this->firsti_m[1]) / blocksizes_m[1]);
+         else
+           currloc += blockstride_m[1] * allDomain_m[1].last();
+       }
+       if (i2 >= this->firsti_m[2]) {
+         if (i2 <= this->innerdomain_m[2].last())
+           currloc += blockstride_m[2] * ((i2 - this->firsti_m[2]) / blocksizes_m[2]);
+         else
+           currloc += blockstride_m[2] * allDomain_m[2].last();
+       }
+       if (i3 >= this->firsti_m[3]) {
+         if (i3 <= this->innerdomain_m[3].last())
+           currloc += blockstride_m[3] * ((i3 - this->firsti_m[3]) / blocksizes_m[3]);
+         else
+           currloc += blockstride_m[3] * allDomain_m[3].last();
+       }
+       if (i4 >= this->firsti_m[4]) {
+         if (i4 <= this->innerdomain_m[4].last())
+           currloc += blockstride_m[4] * ((i4 - this->firsti_m[4]) / blocksizes_m[4]);
+         else
+           currloc += blockstride_m[4] * allDomain_m[4].last();
+       }
+     }
+   ;
+   return currloc;
+ }
+ template <int Dim>
+ inline int
+ UniformGridLayoutData<Dim>::globalID(int i0, int i1, int i2, int i3,
+                                      int i4, int i5) const
+ {
+   ;
+   ;
+   ;
+   ;
+   ;
+   ;
+   ;
+   int currloc;
+   if (!this->hasExternalGuards_m)
+     {
+       currloc = (i0 - this->firsti_m[0]) / blocksizes_m[0]
+               + blockstride_m[1] * ((i1 - this->firsti_m[1]) / blocksizes_m[1])
+               + blockstride_m[2] * ((i2 - this->firsti_m[2]) / blocksizes_m[2])
+               + blockstride_m[3] * ((i3 - this->firsti_m[3]) / blocksizes_m[3])
+               + blockstride_m[4] * ((i4 - this->firsti_m[4]) / blocksizes_m[4])
+               + blockstride_m[5] * ((i5 - this->firsti_m[5]) / blocksizes_m[5]);
+     }
+   else
+     {
+       currloc = 0;
+       if (i0 >= this->firsti_m[0]) {
+         if (i0 <= this->innerdomain_m[0].last())
+            currloc = (i0 - this->firsti_m[0]) / blocksizes_m[0];
+         else
+            currloc = allDomain_m[0].last();
+       }
+       if (i1 >= this->firsti_m[1]) {
+         if (i1 <= this->innerdomain_m[1].last())
+           currloc += blockstride_m[1] * ((i1 - this->firsti_m[1]) / blocksizes_m[1]);
+         else
+           currloc += blockstride_m[1] * allDomain_m[1].last();
+       }
+       if (i2 >= this->firsti_m[2]) {
+         if (i2 <= this->innerdomain_m[2].last())
+           currloc += blockstride_m[2] * ((i2 - this->firsti_m[2]) / blocksizes_m[2]);
+         else
+           currloc += blockstride_m[2] * allDomain_m[2].last();
+       }
+       if (i3 >= this->firsti_m[3]) {
+         if (i3 <= this->innerdomain_m[3].last())
+           currloc += blockstride_m[3] * ((i3 - this->firsti_m[3]) / blocksizes_m[3]);
+         else
+           currloc += blockstride_m[3] * allDomain_m[3].last();
+       }
+       if (i4 >= this->firsti_m[4]) {
+         if (i4 <= this->innerdomain_m[4].last())
+           currloc += blockstride_m[4] * ((i4 - this->firsti_m[4]) / blocksizes_m[4]);
+         else
+           currloc += blockstride_m[4] * allDomain_m[4].last();
+       }
+       if (i5 >= this->firsti_m[5]) {
+         if (i5 <= this->innerdomain_m[5].last())
+           currloc += blockstride_m[5] * ((i5 - this->firsti_m[5]) / blocksizes_m[5]);
+         else
+           currloc += blockstride_m[5] * allDomain_m[5].last();
+       }
+     }
+   ;
+   return currloc;
+ }
+ template <int Dim>
+ inline int
+ UniformGridLayoutData<Dim>::globalID(int i0, int i1, int i2, int i3,
+                                      int i4, int i5, int i6) const
+ {
+   ;
+   ;
+   ;
+   ;
+   ;
+   ;
+   ;
+   ;
+   int currloc;
+   if (!this->hasExternalGuards_m)
+     {
+       currloc = (i0 - this->firsti_m[0]) / blocksizes_m[0]
+               + blockstride_m[1] * ((i1 - this->firsti_m[1]) / blocksizes_m[1])
+               + blockstride_m[2] * ((i2 - this->firsti_m[2]) / blocksizes_m[2])
+               + blockstride_m[3] * ((i3 - this->firsti_m[3]) / blocksizes_m[3])
+               + blockstride_m[4] * ((i4 - this->firsti_m[4]) / blocksizes_m[4])
+               + blockstride_m[5] * ((i5 - this->firsti_m[5]) / blocksizes_m[5])
+               + blockstride_m[6] * ((i6 - this->firsti_m[6]) / blocksizes_m[6]);
+     }
+   else
+     {
+       currloc = 0;
+       if (i0 >= this->firsti_m[0]) {
+         if (i0 <= this->innerdomain_m[0].last())
+            currloc = (i0 - this->firsti_m[0]) / blocksizes_m[0];
+         else
+            currloc = allDomain_m[0].last();
+       }
+       if (i1 >= this->firsti_m[1]) {
+         if (i1 <= this->innerdomain_m[1].last())
+           currloc += blockstride_m[1] * ((i1 - this->firsti_m[1]) / blocksizes_m[1]);
+         else
+           currloc += blockstride_m[1] * allDomain_m[1].last();
+       }
+       if (i2 >= this->firsti_m[2]) {
+         if (i2 <= this->innerdomain_m[2].last())
+           currloc += blockstride_m[2] * ((i2 - this->firsti_m[2]) / blocksizes_m[2]);
+         else
+           currloc += blockstride_m[2] * allDomain_m[2].last();
+       }
+       if (i3 >= this->firsti_m[3]) {
+         if (i3 <= this->innerdomain_m[3].last())
+           currloc += blockstride_m[3] * ((i3 - this->firsti_m[3]) / blocksizes_m[3]);
+         else
+           currloc += blockstride_m[3] * allDomain_m[3].last();
+       }
+       if (i4 >= this->firsti_m[4]) {
+         if (i4 <= this->innerdomain_m[4].last())
+           currloc += blockstride_m[4] * ((i4 - this->firsti_m[4]) / blocksizes_m[4]);
+         else
+           currloc += blockstride_m[4] * allDomain_m[4].last();
+       }
+       if (i5 >= this->firsti_m[5]) {
+         if (i5 <= this->innerdomain_m[5].last())
+           currloc += blockstride_m[5] * ((i5 - this->firsti_m[5]) / blocksizes_m[5]);
+         else
+           currloc += blockstride_m[5] * allDomain_m[5].last();
+       }
+       if (i6 >= this->firsti_m[6]) {
+         if (i6 <= this->innerdomain_m[6].last())
+           currloc += blockstride_m[6] * ((i6 - this->firsti_m[6]) / blocksizes_m[6]);
+         else
+           currloc += blockstride_m[6] * allDomain_m[6].last();
+       }
+     }
+   ;
+   return currloc;
+ }
+ template <int Dim>
+ template <class Ostream>
+ void UniformGridLayout<Dim>::print(Ostream &ostr) const
+ {
+   ostr << "UniformGridLayout " << this->ID() << " on global domain "
+        << this->domain() << ":" << '\n';
+   ostr << "   Total subdomains: " << this->sizeGlobal() << '\n';
+   ostr << "   Local subdomains: " << this->sizeLocal() << '\n';
+   ostr << "  Remote subdomains: " << this->sizeRemote() << '\n';
+   ostr << "        Grid blocks: " << this->blocks() << '\n';
+   typename UniformGridLayout<Dim>::const_iterator a;
+   for (a = this->beginGlobal(); a != this->endGlobal(); ++a)
+     ostr << "  Global subdomain = " << *a << '\n';
+   for (a = this->beginLocal(); a != this->endLocal(); ++a)
+     ostr << "   Local subdomain = " << *a << '\n';
+   for (a = this->beginRemote(); a != this->endRemote(); ++a)
+     ostr << "  Remote subdomain = " << *a << '\n';
+ }
+ template <int Dim, int Dim2>
+ template <class Ostream>
+ void UniformGridLayoutView<Dim, Dim2>::print(Ostream &ostr) const
+ {
+   ostr << "UniformGridLayoutView " << this->ID() << " on global domain "
+        << this->domain() << ":" << '\n';
+   ostr << "   Base ID:          " << this->baseID() << '\n';
+   ostr << "   Base domain:      " << this->baseDomain() << '\n';
+   ostr << "   Total subdomains: " << this->sizeGlobal() << '\n';
+   ostr << "   Local subdomains: " << this->sizeLocal() << '\n';
+   ostr << "  Remote subdomains: " << this->sizeRemote() << '\n';
+   const_iterator a;
+   for (a = this->beginGlobal(); a != this->endGlobal(); ++a)
+     ostr << "  Global subdomain = " << *a << '\n';
+   for (a = this->beginLocal(); a != this->endLocal(); ++a)
+     ostr << "   Local subdomain = " << *a << '\n';
+   for (a = this->beginRemote(); a != this->endRemote(); ++a)
+     ostr << "  Remote subdomain = " << *a << '\n';
+ }
+ template <class DT> class SliceDomain;
+ template<class Tag> struct Remote;
+ template <class LayoutTag, class PatchTag>
+ struct MultiPatch
+ {
+   MultiPatch(){}
+   ~MultiPatch(){}
+ };
+ template <class LayoutTag, class PatchTag, int Dim2>
+ struct MultiPatchView
+ {
+   MultiPatchView(){}
+   ~MultiPatchView(){}
+ };
+ template <int Dim, class T, class LayoutTag, class PatchTag>
+ class Engine<Dim, T, MultiPatch<LayoutTag,PatchTag> >;
+ template<int Dim, class T, class LayoutTag, class PatchTag, int Dim2>
+ class Engine<Dim, T, MultiPatchView<LayoutTag,PatchTag,Dim2> >;
+ template <int Dim, class T, class LayoutTag, class PatchTag>
+ struct NewEngine<
+   Engine<Dim, T, MultiPatch<LayoutTag,PatchTag> >,
+   Interval<Dim> >
+ {
+   typedef Engine<Dim, T, MultiPatchView<LayoutTag, PatchTag, Dim> > Type_t;
+ };
+ template <int Dim, class T, class LayoutTag, class PatchTag>
+ struct NewEngine<
+   Engine<Dim, T, MultiPatch<LayoutTag,PatchTag> >,
+   Range<Dim> >
+ {
+   typedef Engine<Dim, T, MultiPatchView<LayoutTag, PatchTag, Dim> > Type_t;
+ };
+ template <int Dim, class T, class LayoutTag, class PatchTag, class Domain>
+ struct NewEngine<
+   Engine<Dim, T, MultiPatch<LayoutTag,PatchTag> >,
+   Node<Domain> >
+ {
+   typedef typename
+     NewEngine<Engine<Dim, T, PatchTag>, Node<Domain> >::Type_t Type_t;
+ };
+ template <int Dim, class T, class LayoutTag, class PatchTag, class Domain>
+ struct NewEngineEngine<
+   Engine<Dim,T,MultiPatch<LayoutTag,PatchTag> >,
+   Node<Domain> >
+ {
+   typedef Engine<Dim,T,PatchTag> &Type_t;
+   static inline Engine<Dim,T,PatchTag> &
+   apply(const Engine<Dim,T,MultiPatch<LayoutTag,PatchTag> > &e,
+  const Node<Domain> &i)
+   {
+     return e.globalPatch(i);
+   }
+ };
+ template <int Dim, class T, class LayoutTag, class PatchTag, class Domain>
+ struct NewEngineDomain<
+   Engine<Dim, T, MultiPatch<LayoutTag,PatchTag> >,
+   Node<Domain> >
+ {
+   typedef const Domain &Type_t;
+   static inline const Domain &
+   apply(const Engine<Dim,T,MultiPatch<LayoutTag,PatchTag> > &,
+  const Node<Domain> &i)
+   {
+     return i.domain();
+   }
+ };
+ template <int Dim, class T, class LayoutTag, class PatchTag>
+ struct NewEngine<
+   Engine<Dim, T, MultiPatch<LayoutTag,PatchTag> >,
+   INode<Dim> >
+ {
+   typedef typename
+     NewEngine<Engine<Dim, T, PatchTag>, Interval<Dim> >::Type_t Type_t;
+ };
+ template <int Dim, class T, class LayoutTag, class PatchTag>
+ struct NewEngineEngine<
+   Engine<Dim, T, MultiPatch<LayoutTag,PatchTag> >,
+   INode<Dim> >
+ {
+   typedef Engine<Dim,T,PatchTag> &Type_t;
+   static inline Engine<Dim,T,PatchTag> &
+   apply(const Engine<Dim,T,MultiPatch<LayoutTag,PatchTag> > &e,
+  const INode<Dim> &i)
+   {
+     return e.globalPatch(i);
+   }
+ };
+ template <int Dim, class T, class LayoutTag, class PatchTag>
+ struct NewEngineDomain<
+   Engine<Dim, T, MultiPatch<LayoutTag,PatchTag> >,
+   INode<Dim> >
+ {
+   typedef const Interval<Dim> &Type_t;
+   static inline const Interval<Dim> &
+   apply(const Engine<Dim,T,MultiPatch<LayoutTag,PatchTag> > &,
+  const INode<Dim> &i)
+   {
+     return i.domain();
+   }
+ };
+ template <int Dim, class T, class LayoutTag, class PatchTag, int SliceDim>
+ struct NewEngine<
+   Engine<Dim, T, MultiPatch<LayoutTag,PatchTag> >,
+   SliceInterval<Dim,SliceDim> >
+ {
+   typedef
+     Engine<SliceDim, T, MultiPatchView<LayoutTag, PatchTag, Dim> > Type_t;
+ };
+ template <int Dim, class T, class LayoutTag, class PatchTag, int SliceDim>
+ struct NewEngine<
+   Engine<Dim, T, MultiPatch<LayoutTag,PatchTag> >,
+   SliceRange<Dim,SliceDim> >
+ {
+   typedef
+     Engine<SliceDim, T, MultiPatchView<LayoutTag, PatchTag, Dim> > Type_t;
+ };
+ template <int Dim, class T, class LayoutTag, class PatchTag, int Dim2>
+ struct NewEngine<
+   Engine<Dim, T, MultiPatchView<LayoutTag, PatchTag, Dim2> >,
+   Interval<Dim> >
+ {
+   typedef
+     Engine<Dim, T, MultiPatchView<LayoutTag, PatchTag, Dim2> > Type_t;
+ };
+ template <int Dim, class T, class LayoutTag, class PatchTag, int Dim2>
+ struct NewEngine<
+   Engine<Dim, T, MultiPatchView<LayoutTag, PatchTag, Dim2> >,
+   Range<Dim> >
+ {
+   typedef
+     Engine<Dim, T, MultiPatchView<LayoutTag, PatchTag, Dim2> > Type_t;
+ };
+ template <int Dim, class T,
+           class LayoutTag, class PatchTag, int Dim2, class Domain>
+ struct NewEngine<
+   Engine<Dim, T, MultiPatchView<LayoutTag, PatchTag, Dim2> >,
+   Node<Domain> >
+ {
+   typedef typename
+     NewEngine<Engine<Dim2, T, PatchTag>, SliceRange<Dim2, Dim> >::Type_t
+       Type_t;
+ };
+ template <int Dim, class T,
+           class LayoutTag, class PatchTag, class Domain>
+ struct NewEngine<
+   Engine<Dim, T, MultiPatchView<LayoutTag, PatchTag, Dim> >,
+   Node<Domain> >
+ {
+   typedef typename
+     NewEngine<Engine<Dim, T, PatchTag>, Range<Dim> >::Type_t
+       Type_t;
+ };
+ template <int Dim, class T,
+           class LayoutTag, class PatchTag, int Dim2, class Domain>
+ struct NewEngineEngine<
+   Engine<Dim, T, MultiPatchView<LayoutTag,PatchTag, Dim2> >,
+   Node<Domain> >
+ {
+   typedef typename NewEngine<
+   Engine<Dim, T, MultiPatchView<LayoutTag,PatchTag, Dim2> >,
+     Node<Domain> >::Type_t Type_t;
+   static inline Type_t
+   apply(const Engine<Dim,T,MultiPatchView<LayoutTag,PatchTag,Dim2> > &e,
+  const Node<Domain> &i)
+   {
+     return e.globalPatch(i);
+   }
+ };
+ template <int Dim, class T,
+           class LayoutTag, class PatchTag, int Dim2, class Domain>
+ struct NewEngineDomain<
+   Engine<Dim, T, MultiPatchView<LayoutTag,PatchTag, Dim2> >,
+   Node<Domain> >
+ {
+   typedef EngineConstructTag Type_t;
+   static inline EngineConstructTag
+   apply(const Engine<Dim,T,MultiPatchView<LayoutTag,PatchTag,Dim2> > &,
+  const Node<Domain> &)
+   {
+     return EngineConstructTag();
+   }
+ };
+ template <int Dim, class T, class LayoutTag, class PatchTag, int Dim2>
+ struct NewEngine<
+   Engine<Dim, T, MultiPatchView<LayoutTag, PatchTag, Dim2> >,
+   INode<Dim> >
+ {
+   typedef typename
+     NewEngine<Engine<Dim2, T, PatchTag>, SliceRange<Dim2, Dim> >::Type_t
+       Type_t;
+ };
+ template <int Dim, class T, class LayoutTag, class PatchTag>
+ struct NewEngine<
+   Engine<Dim, T, MultiPatchView<LayoutTag, PatchTag, Dim> >,
+   INode<Dim> >
+ {
+   typedef typename
+     NewEngine<Engine<Dim, T, PatchTag>, Range<Dim> >::Type_t
+       Type_t;
+ };
+ template <int Dim, class T, class LayoutTag, class PatchTag, int Dim2>
+ struct NewEngineEngine<
+   Engine<Dim, T, MultiPatchView<LayoutTag,PatchTag, Dim2> >,
+   INode<Dim> >
+ {
+   typedef typename NewEngine<
+   Engine<Dim, T, MultiPatchView<LayoutTag,PatchTag, Dim2> >,
+     INode<Dim> >::Type_t Type_t;
+   static inline Type_t
+   apply(const Engine<Dim,T,MultiPatchView<LayoutTag,PatchTag,Dim2> > &e,
+  const INode<Dim> &i)
+   {
+     return e.globalPatch(i);
+   }
+ };
+ template <int Dim, class T, class LayoutTag, class PatchTag, int Dim2>
+ struct NewEngineDomain<
+   Engine<Dim, T, MultiPatchView<LayoutTag,PatchTag, Dim2> >,
+   INode<Dim> >
+ {
+   typedef EngineConstructTag Type_t;
+   static inline EngineConstructTag
+   apply(const Engine<Dim,T,MultiPatchView<LayoutTag,PatchTag,Dim2> > &,
+  const INode<Dim> &)
+   {
+     return EngineConstructTag();
+   }
+ };
+ template <int Dim, class T,
+           class LayoutTag, class PatchTag, int Dim2, int SliceDim>
+ struct NewEngine<
+   Engine<Dim, T, MultiPatchView<LayoutTag, PatchTag, Dim2> >,
+   SliceInterval<Dim, SliceDim> >
+ {
+   typedef
+     Engine<SliceDim, T, MultiPatchView<LayoutTag, PatchTag, Dim2> > Type_t;
+ };
+ template <int Dim, class T,
+           class LayoutTag, class PatchTag, int Dim2, int SliceDim>
+ struct NewEngine<
+   Engine<Dim, T, MultiPatchView<LayoutTag, PatchTag, Dim2> >,
+   SliceRange<Dim, SliceDim> >
+ {
+   typedef
+     Engine<SliceDim, T, MultiPatchView<LayoutTag, PatchTag, Dim2> > Type_t;
+ };
+ template <int Dim, class T, class LayoutTag, class PatchTag>
+ class Engine<Dim, T, MultiPatch<LayoutTag,PatchTag> > :
+   public Observer<typename MultiPatchLayoutTraits<LayoutTag,Dim>::Layout_t>
+ {
+ public:
+   typedef MultiPatch<LayoutTag,PatchTag> Tag_t;
+   typedef Engine<Dim,T,Tag_t> This_t;
+   typedef Engine<Dim,T,Tag_t> Engine_t;
+   typedef Interval<Dim> Domain_t;
+   typedef T Element_t;
+   typedef PatchTag PatchTag_t;
+   typedef Engine<Dim, T, PatchTag> PatchEngine_t;
+   typedef typename PatchEngine_t::ElementRef_t ElementRef_t;
+   typedef RefCountedBlockPtr<PatchEngine_t> PatchContainer_t;
+   typedef MultiPatchLayoutTraits<LayoutTag,Dim> LayoutTraits_t;
+   typedef typename LayoutTraits_t::Layout_t Layout_t;
+   typedef Layout_t Observable_t;
+   typedef DynamicEvents::PatchID_t PatchID_t;
+   typedef DynamicEvents::CreateSize_t CreateSize_t;
+   typedef ObserverEvent::ID_t DynamicID_t;
+   typedef typename NewEngine<PatchEngine_t, Domain_t>::Type_t PatchView_t;
+   enum { brick = false };
+   enum { dimensions = Dim };
+   enum { hasDataObject = false };
+   enum { dynamic = PatchEngine_t::dynamic };
+   enum { zeroBased = false };
+   enum { multiPatch = true };
+   Engine();
+   explicit Engine(const Layout_t &layout);
+   Engine(const Engine_t &model);
+   ~Engine();
+   Engine_t &operator=(const Engine_t &model);
+   Element_t read(const Loc<Dim> &) const;
+   ElementRef_t operator()(const Loc<Dim> &) const;
+   Element_t read(int) const;
+   Element_t read(int, int) const;
+   Element_t read(int, int, int) const;
+   Element_t read(int, int, int, int) const;
+   Element_t read(int, int, int, int, int) const;
+   Element_t read(int, int, int, int, int, int) const;
+   Element_t read(int, int, int, int, int, int, int) const;
+   ElementRef_t operator()(int) const;
+   ElementRef_t operator()(int, int) const;
+   ElementRef_t operator()(int, int, int) const;
+   ElementRef_t operator()(int, int, int, int) const;
+   ElementRef_t operator()(int, int, int, int, int) const;
+   ElementRef_t operator()(int, int, int, int, int, int) const;
+   ElementRef_t operator()(int, int, int, int, int, int, int) const;
+   inline PatchEngine_t &globalPatch(const INode<Dim> &inode) const
+   {
+     int gid = inode.globalID(layout_m.ID());
+     PatchEngine_t &pengine = data()[gid];
+     ;
+     return pengine;
+   }
+   template<class Domain>
+   inline PatchEngine_t &globalPatch(const Node<Domain> &node) const
+   {
+     int gid = node.globalID();
+     PatchEngine_t &pengine = data()[gid];
+     ;
+     return pengine;
+   }
+   inline PatchEngine_t &globalPatch(PatchID_t gpatchID) const
+   {
+     return data()[gpatchID];
+   }
+   inline PatchEngine_t &localPatch(PatchID_t lpatchID) const
+   {
+     int gID = (layout_m.nodeListLocal()[lpatchID])->globalID();
+     return data()[gID];
+   }
+   inline bool patchEmpty(PatchID_t patch) const
+   {
+     return data()[patch].domain().empty();
+   }
+   inline const Layout_t &layout() const
+   {
+     return layout_m;
+   }
+   inline Layout_t &layout()
+   {
+     return layout_m;
+   }
+   inline const Domain_t &domain() const
+   {
+     return layout().domain();
+   }
+   inline const Domain_t &innerDomain() const
+   {
+     return layout().innerDomain();
+   }
+   inline int first(int d) const
+   {
+     return layout().first(d);
+   }
+   inline bool initialized() const
+   {
+     return layout().initialized();
+   }
+   inline const PatchContainer_t &data() const
+   {
+     return data_m;
+   }
+   Engine_t &makeOwnCopy();
+   inline void fillGuards(const GuardLayers<Dim>& g) const
+   {
+     fillGuardsHandler(g, WrappedInt<Layout_t::supportsGuards>());
+   }
+   inline void fillGuards() const
+   {
+     fillGuards(layout().internalGuards());
+   }
+   inline void fillGuardsHandler(const GuardLayers<Dim>&, const WrappedInt<false>&) const { };
+   void fillGuardsHandler(const GuardLayers<Dim>&, const WrappedInt<true>&) const ;
+   void setGuards(const T &val) const;
+   void accumulateFromGuards() const;
+   inline int dirty() const { return *pDirty_m; }
+   inline void setDirty() const
+   {
+     *pDirty_m = (1<<(Dim*2))-1;
+   }
+   inline void clearDirty(int face = -1) const
+   {
+     if (face == -1)
+       *pDirty_m = 0;
+     else {
+       ;
+       *pDirty_m &= ~(1<<face);
+     }
+   }
+   inline bool isDirty(int face = -1) const
+   {
+     if (face == -1)
+       return *pDirty_m != 0;
+     else {
+       ;
+       return *pDirty_m & (1<<face);
+     }
+   }
+   virtual void notify(Observable_t &observed, const ObserverEvent &event);
+   void dynamicHandler(Observable_t &, const ObserverEvent &,
+                       const WrappedInt<false> &);
+   void dynamicHandler(Observable_t &, const ObserverEvent &,
+                       const WrappedInt<true> &);
+   inline void create(CreateSize_t num, PatchID_t localPatchID = (-1))
+     {
+       layout().create(num, localPatchID);
+     }
+   template<class Dom, class DeleteMethod>
+   inline void destroy(const Dom &killlist, const DeleteMethod &method)
+   {
+     layout().destroy(killlist, method);
+   }
+   template<class Dom>
+   inline void destroy(const Dom &killlist)
+   {
+     layout().destroy(killlist, BackFill());
+   }
+   template<class Dom, class DeleteMethod>
+   inline void destroy(const Dom &killlist, PatchID_t frompatch,
+         const DeleteMethod &method)
+     {
+       layout().destroy(killlist, frompatch, method);
+     }
+   template<class Dom>
+   inline void copy(const Dom &domain, PatchID_t topatch = (-1))
+     {
+       layout().copy(domain, topatch);
+     }
+   template<class Dom>
+   inline void copy(const Dom &killlist,
+                    PatchID_t frompatch, PatchID_t topatch)
+     {
+       layout().copy(killlist, frompatch, topatch);
+     }
+   inline void copy(const IndirectionList< IndirectionList<int> > &domlists,
+      const IndirectionList< int > &fromlist,
+      PatchID_t topatch,
+      bool docreate)
+     {
+       layout().copy(domlists, fromlist, topatch, docreate);
+     }
+   void sync()
+     {
+       layout().sync();
+     }
+ private:
+   void performCreate(CreateSize_t num, PatchID_t patch,
+        DynamicID_t did);
+   template<class Dom, class DeleteMethod>
+   void performDestroy(const Dom &killlist, PatchID_t patch,
+         const DeleteMethod &method,
+         DynamicID_t did);
+   template<class Dom>
+   void performCopy(const Dom &domain, PatchID_t frompatch, PatchID_t topatch,
+      DynamicID_t did);
+   void performPatchCopy(const IndirectionList< IndirectionList<int> > &dlists,
+    const IndirectionList< int > &fromlist,
+    PatchID_t topatch,
+    bool docreate,
+    DynamicID_t did);
+   template <class Node, class Counter>
+   class PatchAllocator : public Pooma::Runnable_t
+   {
+   public:
+     PatchAllocator(PatchEngine_t &dest, const Node &node, Counter &c)
+       : Pooma::Runnable_t(node.affinity()), dest_m(dest),
+  node_m(node), counter_m(c)
+     {
+     }
+     ~PatchAllocator() { }
+     void run()
+     {
+       dest_m = PatchEngine_t(node_m);
+       ++counter_m;
+     }
+   private:
+     PatchEngine_t &dest_m;
+     const Node &node_m;
+     Counter &counter_m;
+   };
+   Layout_t layout_m;
+   PatchContainer_t data_m;
+   int *pDirty_m;
+ };
+ template <int D1, int D2>
+ struct SubDomainTraits
+ {
+   typedef SliceRange<D1,D2> LocalToBase_t;
+   typedef Range<D1> TotalDomain_t;
+   inline static
+   TotalDomain_t totalDomain(const LocalToBase_t &d)
+   {
+     return d.totalDomain();
+   }
+ };
+ template <int D1>
+ struct SubDomainTraits<D1, D1>
+ {
+   typedef Range<D1> LocalToBase_t;
+   typedef Range<D1> TotalDomain_t;
+   inline static
+   TotalDomain_t totalDomain(const LocalToBase_t &dom)
+   {
+     return dom;
+   }
+ };
+ template <int Dim, class T, class LayoutTag, class PatchTag, int Dim2>
+ class Engine<Dim, T, MultiPatchView<LayoutTag,PatchTag,Dim2> >
+ {
+ public:
+   typedef MultiPatchView<LayoutTag, PatchTag, Dim2> Tag_t;
+   typedef Engine<Dim,T,Tag_t> This_t;
+   typedef Engine<Dim,T,Tag_t> Engine_t;
+   typedef Engine<Dim2,T,MultiPatch<LayoutTag,PatchTag> > ViewedEngine_t;
+   typedef Interval<Dim> Domain_t;
+   typedef T Element_t;
+   typedef PatchTag PatchTag_t;
+   typedef Engine<Dim2, T, PatchTag_t> PatchEngine_t;
+   typedef typename PatchEngine_t::ElementRef_t ElementRef_t;
+   typedef RefCountedBlockPtr<PatchEngine_t> PatchContainer_t;
+   typedef MultiPatchLayoutTraits<LayoutTag,Dim2> ViewedLayoutTraits_t;
+   typedef typename ViewedLayoutTraits_t::Layout_t ViewedLayout_t;
+   typedef typename ViewedLayoutTraits_t::template View<Dim>
+                                                     NestedViewTraits_t;
+   typedef typename NestedViewTraits_t::Layout_t Layout_t;
+   enum { dimensions = Dim };
+   enum { hasDataObject = false };
+   enum { dynamic = PatchEngine_t::dynamic };
+   enum { zeroBased = true };
+   enum { multiPatch = true };
+   Engine() { }
+   template<class DT>
+   Engine(const ViewedEngine_t &engine, const Domain<Dim2, DT> &domain)
+   : layout_m(engine.layout(), domain),
+     baseEngine_m(engine)
+   { }
+   template<class DT>
+   Engine(const ViewedEngine_t &engine, const SliceDomain<DT> &domain)
+   : layout_m(engine.layout(), domain),
+     baseEngine_m(engine)
+   { }
+   template<class DT>
+   Engine(const This_t &engine, const Domain<Dim, DT> &domain)
+   : layout_m(engine.layout(), domain),
+     baseEngine_m(engine.baseEngine_m)
+   { }
+   template<int OrigDim, class DT>
+   Engine(const Engine<OrigDim, T, Tag_t> &engine,
+     const SliceDomain<DT> &domain)
+   : layout_m(engine.layout(), domain),
+     baseEngine_m(engine.baseEngine())
+   { }
+   Engine(const Engine_t &model);
+   ~Engine();
+   Engine_t &operator=(const Engine_t &model);
+   Element_t read(const Loc<Dim> &) const;
+   ElementRef_t operator()(const Loc<Dim> &) const;
+   Element_t read(int) const;
+   Element_t read(int, int) const;
+   Element_t read(int, int, int) const;
+   Element_t read(int, int, int, int) const;
+   Element_t read(int, int, int, int, int) const;
+   Element_t read(int, int, int, int, int, int) const;
+   Element_t read(int, int, int, int, int, int, int) const;
+   ElementRef_t operator()(int) const;
+   ElementRef_t operator()(int, int) const;
+   ElementRef_t operator()(int, int, int) const;
+   ElementRef_t operator()(int, int, int, int) const;
+   ElementRef_t operator()(int, int, int, int, int) const;
+   ElementRef_t operator()(int, int, int, int, int, int) const;
+   ElementRef_t operator()(int, int, int, int, int, int, int) const;
+   typename NewEngine<This_t, INode<Dim> >::Type_t
+   globalPatch(const INode<Dim> &inode) const
+   {
+     typedef SubDomainTraits<Dim2, Dim> SubDomainTraits_t;
+     typedef typename SubDomainTraits_t::LocalToBase_t LocalToBase_t;
+     int gid = inode.globalID(layout_m.ID());
+     PatchEngine_t &pengine = data()[gid];
+     LocalToBase_t bdom = Pooma::NoInit();
+     layout_m.localToBase(inode.domain(), bdom);
+     ;
+     typedef typename NewEngine<This_t,INode<Dim> >::Type_t Ret_t;
+     return Ret_t(pengine, bdom);
+   }
+   template<class Domain>
+   typename NewEngine<This_t, Node<Domain> >::Type_t
+   globalPatch(const Node<Domain> &node) const
+   {
+     typedef SubDomainTraits<Dim2, Dim> SubDomainTraits_t;
+     typedef typename SubDomainTraits_t::LocalToBase_t LocalToBase_t;
+     LocalToBase_t bdom = Pooma::NoInit();
+     layout_m.localToBase(node.domain(), bdom);
+     int gid = node.globalID();
+     PatchEngine_t &pengine = data()[gid];
+     ;
+     typedef typename NewEngine<This_t,Node<Domain> >::Type_t Ret_t;
+     return Ret_t(pengine, bdom);
+   }
+   inline Layout_t &layout()
+   {
+     return layout_m;
+   }
+   inline const Layout_t &layout() const
+   {
+     return layout_m;
+   }
+   inline const Domain_t &domain() const
+   {
+     return layout().domain();
+   }
+   inline const Domain_t &innerDomain() const
+   {
+     return layout().innerDomain();
+   }
+   inline int first(int) const
+   {
+     return 0;
+   }
+   inline bool initialized() const
+   {
+     return layout().initialized();
+   }
+   inline void fillGuards() const
+   {
+     baseEngine_m.fillGuards();
+   }
+   inline void fillGuards(const GuardLayers<Dim2>& g) const
+   {
+     baseEngine_m.fillGuards(g);
+   }
+   inline void setGuards(const T &val) const
+   {
+     baseEngine_m.setGuards(val);
+   }
+   inline void accumulateFromGuards() const
+   {
+     baseEngine_m.accumulateFromGuards();
+   }
+   inline void setDirty() const
+   {
+     baseEngine_m.setDirty();
+   }
+   inline void clearDirty(int face=-1) const
+   {
+     baseEngine_m.clearDirty(face);
+   }
+   inline bool isDirty(int face=-1) const
+   {
+     return baseEngine_m.isDirty(face);
+   }
+   inline const PatchContainer_t &data() const
+   {
+     return baseEngine_m.data();
+   }
+   template<int D1, class T1>
+   inline bool sameController(const Engine<D1, T1, Tag_t> &e) const
+   {
+     return block() == e.block();
+   }
+   PatchContainer_t block() const
+   {
+     return baseEngine_m.data();
+   }
+   inline const ViewedEngine_t &baseEngine() const
+   {
+     return baseEngine_m;
+   }
+ private:
+   Layout_t layout_m;
+   ViewedEngine_t baseEngine_m;
+ };
+ template<int Dim, class T, class LayoutTag, class PatchTag>
+ inline typename Engine<Dim, T, MultiPatch<LayoutTag,PatchTag> >::Element_t
+ Engine<Dim, T, MultiPatch<LayoutTag,PatchTag> >::read(const Loc<Dim> &loc) const
+ {
+   return data()[layout_m.globalID(loc)].read(loc);
+ }
+ template<int Dim, class T, class LayoutTag, class PatchTag>
+ inline typename Engine<Dim, T, MultiPatch<LayoutTag,PatchTag> >::Element_t
+ Engine<Dim, T, MultiPatch<LayoutTag,PatchTag> >::read(int i0) const
+ {
+   return data()[layout_m.globalID(i0)].read(i0);
+ }
+ template<int Dim, class T, class LayoutTag, class PatchTag>
+ inline typename Engine<Dim, T, MultiPatch<LayoutTag,PatchTag> >::Element_t
+ Engine<Dim, T, MultiPatch<LayoutTag,PatchTag> >::read(int i0, int i1) const
+ {
+   return data()[layout_m.globalID(i0, i1)].read(i0, i1);
+ }
+ template<int Dim, class T, class LayoutTag, class PatchTag>
+ inline typename Engine<Dim, T, MultiPatch<LayoutTag,PatchTag> >::Element_t
+ Engine<Dim, T, MultiPatch<LayoutTag,PatchTag> >::read(int i0, int i1, int i2)
+ const
+ {
+   return data()[layout_m.globalID(i0, i1, i2)].read(i0, i1, i2);
+ }
+ template<int Dim, class T, class LayoutTag, class PatchTag>
+ inline typename Engine<Dim, T, MultiPatch<LayoutTag,PatchTag> >::Element_t
+ Engine<Dim, T, MultiPatch<LayoutTag,PatchTag> >::read(int i0, int i1, int i2,
+   int i3) const
+ {
+   return data()[layout_m.globalID(i0, i1, i2, i3)].read(i0, i1, i2, i3);
+ }
+ template<int Dim, class T, class LayoutTag, class PatchTag>
+ inline typename Engine<Dim, T, MultiPatch<LayoutTag,PatchTag> >::Element_t
+ Engine<Dim, T, MultiPatch<LayoutTag,PatchTag> >::read(int i0, int i1, int i2,
+   int i3, int i4) const
+ {
+   return data()[layout_m.globalID(i0, i1, i2, i3, i4)].read
+     (i0, i1, i2, i3, i4);
+ }
+ template<int Dim, class T, class LayoutTag, class PatchTag>
+ inline typename Engine<Dim, T, MultiPatch<LayoutTag,PatchTag> >::Element_t
+ Engine<Dim, T, MultiPatch<LayoutTag,PatchTag> >::read(int i0, int i1, int i2,
+   int i3, int i4, int i5) const
+ {
+   return data()[layout_m.globalID(i0, i1, i2, i3, i4, i5)].read
+     (i0, i1, i2, i3, i4, i5);
+ }
+ template<int Dim, class T, class LayoutTag, class PatchTag>
+ inline typename Engine<Dim, T, MultiPatch<LayoutTag,PatchTag> >::Element_t
+ Engine<Dim, T, MultiPatch<LayoutTag,PatchTag> >::read(int i0, int i1, int i2,
+   int i3, int i4, int i5, int i6) const
+ {
+   return data()[layout_m.globalID(i0, i1, i2, i3, i4, i5, i6)].read
+     (i0, i1, i2, i3, i4, i5, i6);
+ }
+ template<int Dim, class T, class LayoutTag, class PatchTag>
+ inline typename Engine<Dim, T, MultiPatch<LayoutTag,PatchTag> >::ElementRef_t
+ Engine<Dim, T, MultiPatch<LayoutTag,PatchTag> >::operator()(const Loc<Dim> &loc)
+   const
+ {
+   return data()[layout_m.globalID(loc)](loc);
+ }
+ template<int Dim, class T, class LayoutTag, class PatchTag>
+ inline typename Engine<Dim, T, MultiPatch<LayoutTag,PatchTag> >::ElementRef_t
+ Engine<Dim, T, MultiPatch<LayoutTag,PatchTag> >::operator()(int i0) const
+ {
+   return data()[layout_m.globalID(i0)](i0);
+ }
+ template<int Dim, class T, class LayoutTag, class PatchTag>
+ inline typename Engine<Dim, T, MultiPatch<LayoutTag,PatchTag> >::ElementRef_t
+ Engine<Dim, T, MultiPatch<LayoutTag,PatchTag> >::operator()(int i0,
+   int i1) const
+ {
+   return data()[layout_m.globalID(i0, i1)](i0, i1);
+ }
+ template<int Dim, class T, class LayoutTag, class PatchTag>
+ inline typename Engine<Dim, T, MultiPatch<LayoutTag,PatchTag> >::ElementRef_t
+ Engine<Dim, T, MultiPatch<LayoutTag,PatchTag> >::operator()(int i0, int i1,
+   int i2) const
+ {
+   return data()[layout_m.globalID(i0, i1, i2)](i0, i1, i2);
+ }
+ template<int Dim, class T, class LayoutTag, class PatchTag>
+ inline typename Engine<Dim, T, MultiPatch<LayoutTag,PatchTag> >::ElementRef_t
+ Engine<Dim, T, MultiPatch<LayoutTag,PatchTag> >::operator()(int i0, int i1,
+   int i2, int i3) const
+ {
+   return data()[layout_m.globalID(i0, i1, i2, i3)](i0, i1, i2, i3);
+ }
+ template<int Dim, class T, class LayoutTag, class PatchTag>
+ inline typename Engine<Dim, T, MultiPatch<LayoutTag,PatchTag> >::ElementRef_t
+ Engine<Dim, T, MultiPatch<LayoutTag,PatchTag> >::operator()(int i0, int i1,
+   int i2, int i3, int i4) const
+ {
+   return data()[layout_m.globalID(i0, i1, i2, i3, i4)]
+     (i0, i1, i2, i3, i4);
+ }
+ template<int Dim, class T, class LayoutTag, class PatchTag>
+ inline typename Engine<Dim, T, MultiPatch<LayoutTag,PatchTag> >::ElementRef_t
+ Engine<Dim, T, MultiPatch<LayoutTag,PatchTag> >::operator()(int i0, int i1,
+   int i2, int i3, int i4, int i5) const
+ {
+   return data()[layout_m.globalID(i0, i1, i2, i3, i4, i5)]
+     (i0, i1, i2, i3, i4, i5);
+ }
+ template<int Dim, class T, class LayoutTag, class PatchTag>
+ inline typename Engine<Dim, T, MultiPatch<LayoutTag,PatchTag> >::ElementRef_t
+ Engine<Dim, T, MultiPatch<LayoutTag,PatchTag> >::operator()(int i0, int i1,
+   int i2, int i3, int i4, int i5, int i6) const
+ {
+   return data()[layout_m.globalID(i0, i1, i2, i3, i4, i5, i6)]
+     (i0, i1, i2, i3, i4, i5, i6);
+ }
+ template <int Dim, class T, class LayoutTag, class PatchTag>
+ inline void Engine<Dim, T, MultiPatch<LayoutTag,PatchTag> >::
+ dynamicHandler(Observable_t &, const ObserverEvent &,
+                const WrappedInt<false> &)
+ {
+   if (__builtin_expect(!!(0), true)) {} else Pooma::toss_cookies("This patch engine does not support dynamic events!", "/home/rguenth/ix86/pooma/tat-serial/pooma/linux/src/Engine/MultiPatchEngine.h", 1460);
+ }
+ template <int Dim, class T, class LayoutTag, class PatchTag, int Dim2>
+ Engine<Dim, T, MultiPatchView<LayoutTag, PatchTag, Dim2> >::
+ Engine(const Engine<Dim, T, MultiPatchView<LayoutTag, PatchTag, Dim2> >
+   &modelEngine)
+ : layout_m(modelEngine.layout_m),
+   baseEngine_m(modelEngine.baseEngine_m)
+ { }
+ template <int Dim, class T, class LayoutTag, class PatchTag, int Dim2>
+ Engine<Dim, T, MultiPatchView<LayoutTag, PatchTag, Dim2> > &
+ Engine<Dim, T, MultiPatchView<LayoutTag, PatchTag, Dim2> >::
+ operator=(const Engine<Dim, T, MultiPatchView<LayoutTag, PatchTag, Dim2> >
+   &rhs)
+ {
+   if (&rhs == this) return *this;
+   layout_m = rhs.layout_m;
+   baseEngine_m = rhs.baseEngine_m;
+   return *this;
+ }
+ template <int Dim, class T, class LayoutTag, class PatchTag, int Dim2>
+ Engine<Dim, T, MultiPatchView<LayoutTag,PatchTag,Dim2> >::
+ ~Engine()
+ { }
+ template<int Dim, class T, class LayoutTag, class PatchTag, int Dim2>
+ inline
+ typename Engine<Dim, T, MultiPatchView<LayoutTag, PatchTag, Dim2> >::Element_t
+ Engine<Dim, T, MultiPatchView<LayoutTag, PatchTag, Dim2> >::
+ read(const Loc<Dim> &loc) const
+ {
+   Loc<Dim2> gloc = Pooma::NoInit();
+   int o = layout_m.globalID(loc, gloc);
+   return data()[o].read(gloc);
+ }
+ template<int Dim, class T, class LayoutTag, class PatchTag, int Dim2>
+ inline
+ typename Engine<Dim, T, MultiPatchView<LayoutTag, PatchTag, Dim2> >::Element_t
+ Engine<Dim, T, MultiPatchView<LayoutTag, PatchTag, Dim2> >::read(int i0) const
+ {
+   Loc<Dim2> gloc = Pooma::NoInit();
+   int o = layout_m.globalID(i0, gloc);
+   return data()[o].read(gloc);
+ }
+ template<int Dim, class T, class LayoutTag, class PatchTag, int Dim2>
+ inline
+ typename Engine<Dim, T, MultiPatchView<LayoutTag, PatchTag, Dim2> >::Element_t
+ Engine<Dim, T, MultiPatchView<LayoutTag, PatchTag, Dim2> >::
+ read(int i0, int i1) const
+ {
+   Loc<Dim2> gloc = Pooma::NoInit();
+   int o = layout_m.globalID(i0, i1, gloc);
+   return data()[o].read(gloc);
+ }
+ template<int Dim, class T, class LayoutTag, class PatchTag, int Dim2>
+ inline
+ typename Engine<Dim, T, MultiPatchView<LayoutTag, PatchTag, Dim2> >::Element_t
+ Engine<Dim, T, MultiPatchView<LayoutTag, PatchTag, Dim2> >::
+ read(int i0, int i1, int i2) const
+ {
+   Loc<Dim2> gloc = Pooma::NoInit();
+   int o = layout_m.globalID(i0, i1, i2, gloc);
+   return data()[o].read(gloc);
+ }
+ template<int Dim, class T, class LayoutTag, class PatchTag, int Dim2>
+ inline
+ typename Engine<Dim, T, MultiPatchView<LayoutTag, PatchTag, Dim2> >::Element_t
+ Engine<Dim, T, MultiPatchView<LayoutTag, PatchTag, Dim2> >::
+ read(int i0, int i1, int i2, int i3) const
+ {
+   Loc<Dim2> gloc = Pooma::NoInit();
+   int o = layout_m.globalID(i0, i1, i2, i3, gloc);
+   return data()[o].read(gloc);
+ }
+ template<int Dim, class T, class LayoutTag, class PatchTag, int Dim2>
+ inline
+ typename Engine<Dim, T, MultiPatchView<LayoutTag, PatchTag, Dim2> >::Element_t
+ Engine<Dim, T, MultiPatchView<LayoutTag, PatchTag, Dim2> >::
+ read(int i0, int i1, int i2, int i3, int i4) const
+ {
+   Loc<Dim2> gloc = Pooma::NoInit();
+   int o = layout_m.globalID(i0, i1, i2, i3, i4, gloc);
+   return data()[o](gloc);
+ }
+ template<int Dim, class T, class LayoutTag, class PatchTag, int Dim2>
+ inline
+ typename Engine<Dim, T, MultiPatchView<LayoutTag, PatchTag, Dim2> >::Element_t
+ Engine<Dim, T, MultiPatchView<LayoutTag, PatchTag, Dim2> >::
+ read(int i0, int i1, int i2, int i3, int i4, int i5) const
+ {
+   Loc<Dim2> gloc = Pooma::NoInit();
+   int o = layout_m.globalID(i0, i1, i2, i3, i4, i5, gloc);
+   return data()[o].read(gloc);
+ }
+ template<int Dim, class T, class LayoutTag, class PatchTag, int Dim2>
+ inline
+ typename Engine<Dim, T, MultiPatchView<LayoutTag, PatchTag, Dim2> >::Element_t
+ Engine<Dim, T, MultiPatchView<LayoutTag, PatchTag, Dim2> >::
+ read(int i0, int i1, int i2, int i3, int i4, int i5, int i6) const
+ {
+   Loc<Dim2> gloc = Pooma::NoInit();
+   int o = layout_m.globalID(i0, i1, i2, i3, i4, i5, i6, gloc);
+   return data()[o].read(gloc);
+ }
+ template<int Dim, class T, class LayoutTag, class PatchTag, int Dim2>
+ inline typename
+ Engine<Dim, T, MultiPatchView<LayoutTag, PatchTag, Dim2> >::ElementRef_t
+ Engine<Dim, T, MultiPatchView<LayoutTag, PatchTag, Dim2> >::
+ operator()(const Loc<Dim> &loc) const
+ {
+   Loc<Dim2> gloc = Pooma::NoInit();
+   int o = layout_m.globalID(loc, gloc);
+   return data()[o](gloc);
+ }
+ template<int Dim, class T, class LayoutTag, class PatchTag, int Dim2>
+ inline typename
+ Engine<Dim, T, MultiPatchView<LayoutTag, PatchTag, Dim2> >::ElementRef_t
+ Engine<Dim, T, MultiPatchView<LayoutTag, PatchTag, Dim2> >::
+ operator()(int i0) const
+ {
+   Loc<Dim2> gloc = Pooma::NoInit();
+   int o = layout_m.globalID(i0, gloc);
+   return data()[o](gloc);
+ }
+ template<int Dim, class T, class LayoutTag, class PatchTag, int Dim2>
+ inline typename
+ Engine<Dim, T, MultiPatchView<LayoutTag, PatchTag, Dim2> >::ElementRef_t
+ Engine<Dim, T, MultiPatchView<LayoutTag, PatchTag, Dim2> >::
+ operator()(int i0, int i1) const
+ {
+   Loc<Dim2> gloc = Pooma::NoInit();
+   int o = layout_m.globalID(i0, i1, gloc);
+   return data()[o](gloc);
+ }
+ template<int Dim, class T, class LayoutTag, class PatchTag, int Dim2>
+ inline typename
+ Engine<Dim, T, MultiPatchView<LayoutTag, PatchTag, Dim2> >::ElementRef_t
+ Engine<Dim, T, MultiPatchView<LayoutTag, PatchTag, Dim2> >::
+ operator()(int i0, int i1, int i2) const
+ {
+   Loc<Dim2> gloc = Pooma::NoInit();
+   int o = layout_m.globalID(i0, i1, i2, gloc);
+   return data()[o](gloc);
+ }
+ template<int Dim, class T, class LayoutTag, class PatchTag, int Dim2>
+ inline typename
+ Engine<Dim, T, MultiPatchView<LayoutTag, PatchTag, Dim2> >::ElementRef_t
+ Engine<Dim, T, MultiPatchView<LayoutTag, PatchTag, Dim2> >::
+ operator()(int i0, int i1, int i2, int i3) const
+ {
+   Loc<Dim2> gloc = Pooma::NoInit();
+   int o = layout_m.globalID(i0, i1, i2, i3, gloc);
+   return data()[o](gloc);
+ }
+ template<int Dim, class T, class LayoutTag, class PatchTag, int Dim2>
+ inline typename
+ Engine<Dim, T, MultiPatchView<LayoutTag, PatchTag, Dim2> >::ElementRef_t
+ Engine<Dim, T, MultiPatchView<LayoutTag, PatchTag, Dim2> >::
+ operator()(int i0, int i1, int i2, int i3, int i4) const
+ {
+   Loc<Dim2> gloc = Pooma::NoInit();
+   int o = layout_m.globalID(i0, i1, i2, i3, i4, gloc);
+   return data()[o](gloc);
+ }
+ template<int Dim, class T, class LayoutTag, class PatchTag, int Dim2>
+ inline typename
+ Engine<Dim, T, MultiPatchView<LayoutTag, PatchTag, Dim2> >::ElementRef_t
+ Engine<Dim, T, MultiPatchView<LayoutTag, PatchTag, Dim2> >::
+ operator()(int i0, int i1, int i2, int i3, int i4, int i5) const
+ {
+   Loc<Dim2> gloc = Pooma::NoInit();
+   int o = layout_m.globalID(i0, i1, i2, i3, i4, i5, gloc);
+   return data()[o](gloc);
+ }
+ template<int Dim, class T, class LayoutTag, class PatchTag, int Dim2>
+ inline typename
+ Engine<Dim, T, MultiPatchView<LayoutTag, PatchTag, Dim2> >::ElementRef_t
+ Engine<Dim, T, MultiPatchView<LayoutTag, PatchTag, Dim2> >::
+ operator()(int i0, int i1, int i2, int i3, int i4, int i5, int i6) const
+ {
+   Loc<Dim2> gloc = Pooma::NoInit();
+   int o = layout_m.globalID(i0, i1, i2, i3, i4, i5, i6, gloc);
+   return data()[o](gloc);
+ }
+ template <int Dim, class T, class LayoutTag, class PatchTag, class Intersect>
+ struct LeafFunctor<Engine<Dim, T, MultiPatch<LayoutTag,PatchTag> >,
+   ExpressionApply<IntersectorTag<Intersect> > >
+ {
+   typedef int Type_t;
+   static Type_t
+   apply(const Engine<Dim,T,MultiPatch<LayoutTag,PatchTag> > &engine,
+  const ExpressionApply<IntersectorTag<Intersect> > &tag)
+   {
+     GuardLayers<Dim> usedGuards;
+     bool useGuards =
+       tag.tag().intersector_m.intersect(engine,
+       engine.layout().internalGuards(), usedGuards);
+     if (useGuards)
+       engine.fillGuards(usedGuards);
+     return 0;
+   }
+ };
+ template <int Dim, class T, class LT, class PatchTag, int BD,
+   class Intersect>
+ struct LeafFunctor<Engine<Dim, T, MultiPatchView<LT,PatchTag,BD> >,
+   ExpressionApply<IntersectorTag<Intersect> > >
+ {
+   typedef int Type_t;
+   static Type_t
+   apply(const Engine<Dim,T,MultiPatchView<LT,PatchTag,BD> > &engine,
+  const ExpressionApply<IntersectorTag<Intersect> > &tag)
+   {
+     typedef typename MultiPatchLayoutTraits<LT,Dim>::Layout_t Layout_t;
+     return applyHandler(engine, tag, WrappedInt<Layout_t::supportsGuards>());
+   }
+   inline static Type_t
+   applyHandler(const Engine<Dim,T,MultiPatchView<LT,PatchTag,BD> > &engine,
+         const ExpressionApply<IntersectorTag<Intersect> > &tag,
+         const WrappedInt<true> &)
+   {
+     GuardLayers<BD> usedGuards;
+     bool useGuards =
+       tag.tag().intersector_m.
+       intersect(engine,
+   engine.layout().baseLayout().internalGuards(), usedGuards);
+     if (useGuards)
+       engine.fillGuards(usedGuards);
+     return 0;
+   }
+   inline static Type_t
+   applyHandler(const Engine<Dim,T,MultiPatchView<LT,PatchTag,BD> > &engine,
+         const ExpressionApply<IntersectorTag<Intersect> > &tag,
+         const WrappedInt<false> &)
+   {
+     tag.tag().intersector_m.intersect(engine);
+     return 0;
+   }
+ };
+ template <int Dim, class T, class LayoutTag, class PatchTag>
+ struct EngineFunctor<Engine<Dim, T, MultiPatch<LayoutTag,PatchTag> >,
+   EnginePatch >
+ {
+   typedef Engine<Dim, T, MultiPatch<LayoutTag, PatchTag> > Subject_t;
+   typedef Engine<Dim,T,PatchTag> Type_t;
+   static inline
+   Type_t apply(const Subject_t &engine, const EnginePatch &tag)
+   {
+     return engine.localPatch(tag.patch_m);
+   }
+ };
+ template <int Dim, class T, class LayoutTag, class PatchTag>
+ struct EngineFunctor<Engine<Dim, T, MultiPatch<LayoutTag,PatchTag> >,
+   EngineNumPatches >
+ {
+   typedef int Type_t;
+   static inline
+   Type_t apply(const Engine<Dim,T,MultiPatch<LayoutTag,PatchTag> > &engine,
+         const EngineNumPatches &)
+   {
+     return engine.layout().sizeLocal();
+   }
+ };
+ template <int Dim, class T, class LayoutTag, class PatchTag>
+ struct NotifyEngineWrite<Engine<Dim, T, MultiPatch<LayoutTag,PatchTag> > >
+ {
+   inline static void
+   notify(const Engine<Dim,T,MultiPatch<LayoutTag,PatchTag> > &engine)
+   {
+     engine.setDirty();
+   }
+ };
+ template <int Dim, class T, class LT, class PatchTag, int BD>
+ struct NotifyEngineWrite<Engine<Dim, T, MultiPatchView<LT,PatchTag,BD> > >
+ {
+   inline static void
+   notify(const Engine<Dim,T,MultiPatchView<LT,PatchTag,BD> > &engine)
+   {
+     engine.setDirty();
+   }
+ };
+ template<class PatchEngine>
+ inline
+ PatchEngine &localPatchEngine(PatchEngine &e)
+ {
+   return e;
+ }
+ class TagGenerator
+ {
+ public:
+   TagGenerator()
+     : send_m(1), receive_m(1)
+   {
+     send_m[0] = 0;
+     receive_m[0] = 0;
+   }
+   TagGenerator(int n)
+     : send_m(n), receive_m(n)
+   {
+     int i;
+     for (i = 0; i < n; ++i)
+       {
+         send_m[i] = 0;
+         receive_m[i] = 0;
+       }
+   }
+   int send(int otherContext)
+   {
+     ;
+     int tag = send_m[otherContext];
+     send_m[otherContext]++;
+     return tag;
+   }
+   int receive(int otherContext)
+   {
+     ;
+     int tag = receive_m[otherContext];
+     receive_m[otherContext]++;
+     return tag;
+   }
+ private:
+   std::vector<int> send_m;
+   std::vector<int> receive_m;
+ };
+ namespace Pooma {
+ extern int expectedMessages_g;
+ void initializeCheetahHelpers(int contexts);
+ void finalizeCheetahHelpers();
+ int sendTag(int context);
+ int receiveTag(int context);
+ inline void addIncomingMessage()
+ {
+   expectedMessages_g++;
+ }
+ inline void gotIncomingMessage()
+ {
+   expectedMessages_g--;
+ }
+ inline bool incomingMessages()
+ {
+   return (expectedMessages_g > 0);
+ }
+ }
+ class Full;
+ template<int D, class T, class E> class Vector;
+ template<int D, class T, class E> class VectorEngine;
+ template<class V, int I>
+ struct VectorElem
+ {
+   typedef V Element_t;
+   typedef const V& ConstElementRef_t;
+   typedef V& ElementRef_t;
+   static const V& get(const V& x) { return x; }
+   static V& get( V& x) { return x; }
+ };
+ template<int D, class T, class E, int I>
+ struct VectorEngineElem
+ {
+   typedef VectorEngine<D,T,E> V;
+   typedef typename V::Element_t Element_t;
+   typedef typename V::ConstElementRef_t ConstElementRef_t;
+   typedef typename V::ElementRef_t ElementRef_t;
+   static ConstElementRef_t get(const V& x) { return x(I); }
+   static ElementRef_t get( V& x) { return x(I); }
+ };
+ template<int D, class T, class E, int I>
+ struct VectorElem< Vector<D,T,E> , I >
+ {
+   typedef Vector<D,T,E> V;
+   typedef VectorEngineElem<D,T,E,I> VE;
+   typedef typename VE::Element_t Element_t;
+   typedef typename VE::ConstElementRef_t ConstElementRef_t;
+   typedef typename VE::ElementRef_t ElementRef_t;
+   static ConstElementRef_t get(const V& x) { return VE::get(x.engine()); }
+   static ElementRef_t get(V& x) { return VE::get(x.engine()); }
+ };
+ template<class V1, class V2, class Op, int B, int L>
+ struct VectorAssign
+ {
+   static void apply(V1& v1, const V2& v2, Op op)
+     {
+       PoomaCTAssert<(L>1)>::test();
+       VectorAssign<V1,V2,Op,B,L/2>::apply(v1,v2,op);
+       VectorAssign<V1,V2,Op,B+L/2,L-L/2>::apply(v1,v2,op);
+     }
+ };
+ template<class V1, class V2, class Op, int B>
+ struct VectorAssign<V1,V2,Op,B,0>
+ {
+   static void apply(V1&, const V2&, Op) {}
+ };
+ template<class V1, class V2, class Op, int B>
+ struct VectorAssign<V1,V2,Op,B,1>
+ {
+   static void apply(V1& v1, const V2& v2, Op op)
+     {
+       op(VectorElem<V1,B>::get(v1),VectorElem<V2,B>::get(v2));
+     }
+ };
+ template<class V1, class V2, class Op, int B>
+ struct VectorAssign<V1,V2,Op,B,2>
+ {
+   static void apply(V1& v1, const V2& v2, Op op)
+     {
+       op(VectorElem<V1,B >::get(v1), VectorElem<V2,B >::get(v2));
+       op(VectorElem<V1,B+1>::get(v1), VectorElem<V2,B+1>::get(v2));
+     }
+ };
+ template<class V1, class V2, class Op, int B>
+ struct VectorAssign<V1,V2,Op,B,3>
+ {
+   static void apply(V1& v1, const V2& v2, Op op)
+     {
+       op(VectorElem<V1,B >::get(v1), VectorElem<V2,B >::get(v2));
+       op(VectorElem<V1,B+1>::get(v1), VectorElem<V2,B+1>::get(v2));
+       op(VectorElem<V1,B+2>::get(v1), VectorElem<V2,B+2>::get(v2));
+     }
+ };
+ template<class V1, class V2, class Op>
+ class BinaryVectorOp;
+ template<int D, class T, class V1, class V2, class Op>
+ class VectorEngine<D,T, BinaryVectorOp<V1,V2,Op> >
+ {
+ public:
+   enum { dimensions=1 };
+   enum { d1=D };
+   typedef T Element_t;
+   typedef BinaryVectorOp<V1,V2,Op> EngineTag_t;
+   typedef T ConstElementRef_t;
+   typedef T ElementRef_t;
+   typedef VectorEngine<D,T, BinaryVectorOp<V1,V2,Op> > This_t;
+   VectorEngine(const V1& v1, const V2& v2)
+     : v1_m(v1), v2_m(v2) {}
+   Element_t operator()(int i) const
+   {
+     return Op()(v1_m(i), v2_m(i));
+   }
+   template<int DD,class TT, class EE, int I>
+     friend struct VectorEngineElem;
+ private:
+   const V1& v1_m;
+   const V2& v2_m;
+ };
+ template<int D, class T, class V1, class V2, class Op, int I>
+ struct VectorEngineElem<D,T,BinaryVectorOp<V1,V2,Op>, I >
+ {
+   typedef VectorEngine<D,T,BinaryVectorOp<V1,V2,Op> > V;
+   typedef typename VectorElem<V1,I>::Element_t T1;
+   typedef typename VectorElem<V2,I>::Element_t T2;
+   typedef typename BinaryReturn<T1,T2,Op>::Type_t Element_t;
+   typedef Element_t ElementRef_t;
+   typedef Element_t ConstElementRef_t;
+   static Element_t get(const V& x)
+     {
+       return Op()(
+         VectorElem<V1,I>::get(x.v1_m),
+         VectorElem<V2,I>::get(x.v2_m));
+     }
+ };
+ template<class V1, class Op>
+ class UnaryVectorOp;
+ template<int D, class T, class V1, class Op>
+ class VectorEngine<D,T,UnaryVectorOp<V1,Op> >
+ {
+ public:
+   enum { dimensions=1 };
+   enum { d1 = D };
+   typedef T Element_t;
+   typedef UnaryVectorOp<V1,Op> EngineTag_t;
+   typedef T ConstElementRef_t;
+   typedef T ElementRef_t;
+   typedef VectorEngine<D,T, UnaryVectorOp<V1,Op> > This_t;
+   explicit VectorEngine(const V1& v1)
+     : v1_m(v1) {}
+   Element_t operator()(int i) const
+   {
+     return Op()(v1_m(i));
+   }
+   template<int DD,class TT, class EE, int I>
+     friend struct VectorEngineElem;
+ private:
+   const V1& v1_m;
+ };
+ template<int D, class T, class V1, class Op, int I>
+ struct VectorEngineElem<D,T,UnaryVectorOp<V1,Op>, I>
+ {
+   typedef VectorEngine<D,T,UnaryVectorOp<V1,Op> > V;
+   typedef typename VectorElem<V1,I>::Element_t T1;
+   typedef typename UnaryReturn<T1,Op>::Type_t Element_t;
+   typedef Element_t ElementRef_t;
+   typedef Element_t ConstElementRef_t;
+   static Element_t get(const V& x)
+     {
+       return Op()(VectorElem<V1,I>::get(x.v1_m));
+     }
+ };
+ template<int D, class T, class E> class Vector;
+ template <int D, class T, class E> struct UnaryReturn< Vector<D,T,E>, FnArcCos > { typedef Vector< D, typename UnaryReturn<T,FnArcCos>::Type_t, E > Type_t; }; template <int D, class T, class E> inline typename UnaryReturn< Vector<D,T,E>, FnArcCos >::Type_t acos( const Vector<D,T,E>& v1 ) { typedef Vector<D,T,E> V1; typedef typename UnaryReturn<T,FnArcCos>::Type_t T3; typedef Vector< D, T3, UnaryVectorOp<V1,FnArcCos> > Expr_t; typedef typename UnaryReturn<V1,FnArcCos>::Type_t Return_t; return Return_t( Expr_t(v1) ); }
+ template <int D, class T, class E> struct UnaryReturn< Vector<D,T,E>, FnArcSin > { typedef Vector< D, typename UnaryReturn<T,FnArcSin>::Type_t, E > Type_t; }; template <int D, class T, class E> inline typename UnaryReturn< Vector<D,T,E>, FnArcSin >::Type_t asin( const Vector<D,T,E>& v1 ) { typedef Vector<D,T,E> V1; typedef typename UnaryReturn<T,FnArcSin>::Type_t T3; typedef Vector< D, T3, UnaryVectorOp<V1,FnArcSin> > Expr_t; typedef typename UnaryReturn<V1,FnArcSin>::Type_t Return_t; return Return_t( Expr_t(v1) ); }
+ template <int D, class T, class E> struct UnaryReturn< Vector<D,T,E>, FnArcTan > { typedef Vector< D, typename UnaryReturn<T,FnArcTan>::Type_t, E > Type_t; }; template <int D, class T, class E> inline typename UnaryReturn< Vector<D,T,E>, FnArcTan >::Type_t atan( const Vector<D,T,E>& v1 ) { typedef Vector<D,T,E> V1; typedef typename UnaryReturn<T,FnArcTan>::Type_t T3; typedef Vector< D, T3, UnaryVectorOp<V1,FnArcTan> > Expr_t; typedef typename UnaryReturn<V1,FnArcTan>::Type_t Return_t; return Return_t( Expr_t(v1) ); }
+ template <int D, class T, class E> struct UnaryReturn< Vector<D,T,E>, FnCeil > { typedef Vector< D, typename UnaryReturn<T,FnCeil>::Type_t, E > Type_t; }; template <int D, class T, class E> inline typename UnaryReturn< Vector<D,T,E>, FnCeil >::Type_t ceil( const Vector<D,T,E>& v1 ) { typedef Vector<D,T,E> V1; typedef typename UnaryReturn<T,FnCeil>::Type_t T3; typedef Vector< D, T3, UnaryVectorOp<V1,FnCeil> > Expr_t; typedef typename UnaryReturn<V1,FnCeil>::Type_t Return_t; return Return_t( Expr_t(v1) ); }
+ template <int D, class T, class E> struct UnaryReturn< Vector<D,T,E>, FnCos > { typedef Vector< D, typename UnaryReturn<T,FnCos>::Type_t, E > Type_t; }; template <int D, class T, class E> inline typename UnaryReturn< Vector<D,T,E>, FnCos >::Type_t cos( const Vector<D,T,E>& v1 ) { typedef Vector<D,T,E> V1; typedef typename UnaryReturn<T,FnCos>::Type_t T3; typedef Vector< D, T3, UnaryVectorOp<V1,FnCos> > Expr_t; typedef typename UnaryReturn<V1,FnCos>::Type_t Return_t; return Return_t( Expr_t(v1) ); }
+ template <int D, class T, class E> struct UnaryReturn< Vector<D,T,E>, FnHypCos > { typedef Vector< D, typename UnaryReturn<T,FnHypCos>::Type_t, E > Type_t; }; template <int D, class T, class E> inline typename UnaryReturn< Vector<D,T,E>, FnHypCos >::Type_t cosh( const Vector<D,T,E>& v1 ) { typedef Vector<D,T,E> V1; typedef typename UnaryReturn<T,FnHypCos>::Type_t T3; typedef Vector< D, T3, UnaryVectorOp<V1,FnHypCos> > Expr_t; typedef typename UnaryReturn<V1,FnHypCos>::Type_t Return_t; return Return_t( Expr_t(v1) ); }
+ template <int D, class T, class E> struct UnaryReturn< Vector<D,T,E>, FnExp > { typedef Vector< D, typename UnaryReturn<T,FnExp>::Type_t, E > Type_t; }; template <int D, class T, class E> inline typename UnaryReturn< Vector<D,T,E>, FnExp >::Type_t exp( const Vector<D,T,E>& v1 ) { typedef Vector<D,T,E> V1; typedef typename UnaryReturn<T,FnExp>::Type_t T3; typedef Vector< D, T3, UnaryVectorOp<V1,FnExp> > Expr_t; typedef typename UnaryReturn<V1,FnExp>::Type_t Return_t; return Return_t( Expr_t(v1) ); }
+ template <int D, class T, class E> struct UnaryReturn< Vector<D,T,E>, FnFabs > { typedef Vector< D, typename UnaryReturn<T,FnFabs>::Type_t, E > Type_t; }; template <int D, class T, class E> inline typename UnaryReturn< Vector<D,T,E>, FnFabs >::Type_t fabs( const Vector<D,T,E>& v1 ) { typedef Vector<D,T,E> V1; typedef typename UnaryReturn<T,FnFabs>::Type_t T3; typedef Vector< D, T3, UnaryVectorOp<V1,FnFabs> > Expr_t; typedef typename UnaryReturn<V1,FnFabs>::Type_t Return_t; return Return_t( Expr_t(v1) ); }
+ template <int D, class T, class E> struct UnaryReturn< Vector<D,T,E>, FnFloor > { typedef Vector< D, typename UnaryReturn<T,FnFloor>::Type_t, E > Type_t; }; template <int D, class T, class E> inline typename UnaryReturn< Vector<D,T,E>, FnFloor >::Type_t floor( const Vector<D,T,E>& v1 ) { typedef Vector<D,T,E> V1; typedef typename UnaryReturn<T,FnFloor>::Type_t T3; typedef Vector< D, T3, UnaryVectorOp<V1,FnFloor> > Expr_t; typedef typename UnaryReturn<V1,FnFloor>::Type_t Return_t; return Return_t( Expr_t(v1) ); }
+ template <int D, class T, class E> struct UnaryReturn< Vector<D,T,E>, FnLog > { typedef Vector< D, typename UnaryReturn<T,FnLog>::Type_t, E > Type_t; }; template <int D, class T, class E> inline typename UnaryReturn< Vector<D,T,E>, FnLog >::Type_t log( const Vector<D,T,E>& v1 ) { typedef Vector<D,T,E> V1; typedef typename UnaryReturn<T,FnLog>::Type_t T3; typedef Vector< D, T3, UnaryVectorOp<V1,FnLog> > Expr_t; typedef typename UnaryReturn<V1,FnLog>::Type_t Return_t; return Return_t( Expr_t(v1) ); }
+ template <int D, class T, class E> struct UnaryReturn< Vector<D,T,E>, FnLog10 > { typedef Vector< D, typename UnaryReturn<T,FnLog10>::Type_t, E > Type_t; }; template <int D, class T, class E> inline typename UnaryReturn< Vector<D,T,E>, FnLog10 >::Type_t log10( const Vector<D,T,E>& v1 ) { typedef Vector<D,T,E> V1; typedef typename UnaryReturn<T,FnLog10>::Type_t T3; typedef Vector< D, T3, UnaryVectorOp<V1,FnLog10> > Expr_t; typedef typename UnaryReturn<V1,FnLog10>::Type_t Return_t; return Return_t( Expr_t(v1) ); }
+ template <int D, class T, class E> struct UnaryReturn< Vector<D,T,E>, FnSin > { typedef Vector< D, typename UnaryReturn<T,FnSin>::Type_t, E > Type_t; }; template <int D, class T, class E> inline typename UnaryReturn< Vector<D,T,E>, FnSin >::Type_t sin( const Vector<D,T,E>& v1 ) { typedef Vector<D,T,E> V1; typedef typename UnaryReturn<T,FnSin>::Type_t T3; typedef Vector< D, T3, UnaryVectorOp<V1,FnSin> > Expr_t; typedef typename UnaryReturn<V1,FnSin>::Type_t Return_t; return Return_t( Expr_t(v1) ); }
+ template <int D, class T, class E> struct UnaryReturn< Vector<D,T,E>, FnHypSin > { typedef Vector< D, typename UnaryReturn<T,FnHypSin>::Type_t, E > Type_t; }; template <int D, class T, class E> inline typename UnaryReturn< Vector<D,T,E>, FnHypSin >::Type_t sinh( const Vector<D,T,E>& v1 ) { typedef Vector<D,T,E> V1; typedef typename UnaryReturn<T,FnHypSin>::Type_t T3; typedef Vector< D, T3, UnaryVectorOp<V1,FnHypSin> > Expr_t; typedef typename UnaryReturn<V1,FnHypSin>::Type_t Return_t; return Return_t( Expr_t(v1) ); }
+ template <int D, class T, class E> struct UnaryReturn< Vector<D,T,E>, FnSqrt > { typedef Vector< D, typename UnaryReturn<T,FnSqrt>::Type_t, E > Type_t; }; template <int D, class T, class E> inline typename UnaryReturn< Vector<D,T,E>, FnSqrt >::Type_t sqrt( const Vector<D,T,E>& v1 ) { typedef Vector<D,T,E> V1; typedef typename UnaryReturn<T,FnSqrt>::Type_t T3; typedef Vector< D, T3, UnaryVectorOp<V1,FnSqrt> > Expr_t; typedef typename UnaryReturn<V1,FnSqrt>::Type_t Return_t; return Return_t( Expr_t(v1) ); }
+ template <int D, class T, class E> struct UnaryReturn< Vector<D,T,E>, FnTan > { typedef Vector< D, typename UnaryReturn<T,FnTan>::Type_t, E > Type_t; }; template <int D, class T, class E> inline typename UnaryReturn< Vector<D,T,E>, FnTan >::Type_t tan( const Vector<D,T,E>& v1 ) { typedef Vector<D,T,E> V1; typedef typename UnaryReturn<T,FnTan>::Type_t T3; typedef Vector< D, T3, UnaryVectorOp<V1,FnTan> > Expr_t; typedef typename UnaryReturn<V1,FnTan>::Type_t Return_t; return Return_t( Expr_t(v1) ); }
+ template <int D, class T, class E> struct UnaryReturn< Vector<D,T,E>, FnHypTan > { typedef Vector< D, typename UnaryReturn<T,FnHypTan>::Type_t, E > Type_t; }; template <int D, class T, class E> inline typename UnaryReturn< Vector<D,T,E>, FnHypTan >::Type_t tanh( const Vector<D,T,E>& v1 ) { typedef Vector<D,T,E> V1; typedef typename UnaryReturn<T,FnHypTan>::Type_t T3; typedef Vector< D, T3, UnaryVectorOp<V1,FnHypTan> > Expr_t; typedef typename UnaryReturn<V1,FnHypTan>::Type_t Return_t; return Return_t( Expr_t(v1) ); }
+ template <int D, class T, class E> struct UnaryReturn< Vector<D,T,E>, OpUnaryMinus > { typedef Vector< D, typename UnaryReturn<T,OpUnaryMinus>::Type_t, E > Type_t; }; template <int D, class T, class E> inline typename UnaryReturn< Vector<D,T,E>, OpUnaryMinus >::Type_t operator-( const Vector<D,T,E>& v1 ) { typedef Vector<D,T,E> V1; typedef typename UnaryReturn<T,OpUnaryMinus>::Type_t T3; typedef Vector< D, T3, UnaryVectorOp<V1,OpUnaryMinus> > Expr_t; typedef typename UnaryReturn<V1,OpUnaryMinus>::Type_t Return_t; return Return_t( Expr_t(v1) ); }
+ template <int D, class T, class E> struct UnaryReturn< Vector<D,T,E>, OpUnaryPlus > { typedef Vector< D, typename UnaryReturn<T,OpUnaryPlus>::Type_t, E > Type_t; }; template <int D, class T, class E> inline typename UnaryReturn< Vector<D,T,E>, OpUnaryPlus >::Type_t operator+( const Vector<D,T,E>& v1 ) { typedef Vector<D,T,E> V1; typedef typename UnaryReturn<T,OpUnaryPlus>::Type_t T3; typedef Vector< D, T3, UnaryVectorOp<V1,OpUnaryPlus> > Expr_t; typedef typename UnaryReturn<V1,OpUnaryPlus>::Type_t Return_t; return Return_t( Expr_t(v1) ); }
+ template <int D, class T, class E> struct UnaryReturn< Vector<D,T,E>, OpBitwiseNot > { typedef Vector< D, typename UnaryReturn<T,OpBitwiseNot>::Type_t, E > Type_t; }; template <int D, class T, class E> inline typename UnaryReturn< Vector<D,T,E>, OpBitwiseNot >::Type_t operator~( const Vector<D,T,E>& v1 ) { typedef Vector<D,T,E> V1; typedef typename UnaryReturn<T,OpBitwiseNot>::Type_t T3; typedef Vector< D, T3, UnaryVectorOp<V1,OpBitwiseNot> > Expr_t; typedef typename UnaryReturn<V1,OpBitwiseNot>::Type_t Return_t; return Return_t( Expr_t(v1) ); }
+ template <int D, class T1, class T2, class E> struct BinaryReturn< Vector<D,T1,E>, Vector<D,T2,E>, OpAdd > { typedef Vector< D, typename BinaryReturn<T1,T2,OpAdd>::Type_t, E > Type_t; }; template <int D, class T1, class T2, class E1, class E2> inline typename BinaryReturn< Vector<D,T1,E1>, Vector<D,T2,E2>, OpAdd >::Type_t operator+( const Vector<D,T1,E1>& v1, const Vector<D,T2,E2>& v2 ) { typedef Vector<D,T1,E1> V1; typedef Vector<D,T2,E2> V2; typedef typename BinaryReturn<V1,V2,OpAdd>::Type_t Return_t; typedef typename Return_t::Element_t T3; typedef Vector< D, T3, BinaryVectorOp<V1,V2,OpAdd> > Expr_t; return Return_t( Expr_t(v1,v2) ); } template <int D, class T1, class T2, class E> struct BinaryReturn< Vector<D,T1,E>, T2, OpAdd > { typedef Vector< D, typename BinaryReturn<T1,T2,OpAdd>::Type_t, E > Type_t; }; template <int D, class T1, class T2, class E> struct BinaryReturn< T1, Vector<D,T2,E>, OpAdd > { typedef Vector< D, typename BinaryReturn<T1,T2,OpAdd>::Type_t, E > T!
 ype_t; }; template <int D, class T1, class E, class T2> inline typename BinaryReturn< Vector<D,T1,E>, T2, OpAdd >::Type_t operator+( const Vector<D,T1,E>& v1, const T2& x ) { typedef Vector<D,T1,E> V1; typedef typename BinaryReturn<V1,T2,OpAdd>::Type_t Return_t; typedef typename Return_t::Element_t T3; typedef Vector< D, T3, BinaryVectorOp<V1,T2,OpAdd> > Expr_t; return Return_t( Expr_t(v1,x) ); } template <int D, class T1, class T2, class E> inline typename BinaryReturn< T1, Vector<D,T2,E>, OpAdd >::Type_t operator+( const T1& x, const Vector<D,T2,E>& v2 ) { typedef Vector<D,T2,E> V2; typedef typename BinaryReturn<T1,V2,OpAdd>::Type_t Return_t; typedef typename Return_t::Element_t T3; typedef Vector< D, T3, BinaryVectorOp<T1,V2,OpAdd> > Expr_t; return Return_t( Expr_t(x,v2) ); }
+ template <int D, class T1, class T2, class E> struct BinaryReturn< Vector<D,T1,E>, Vector<D,T2,E>, OpSubtract > { typedef Vector< D, typename BinaryReturn<T1,T2,OpSubtract>::Type_t, E > Type_t; }; template <int D, class T1, class T2, class E1, class E2> inline typename BinaryReturn< Vector<D,T1,E1>, Vector<D,T2,E2>, OpSubtract >::Type_t operator-( const Vector<D,T1,E1>& v1, const Vector<D,T2,E2>& v2 ) { typedef Vector<D,T1,E1> V1; typedef Vector<D,T2,E2> V2; typedef typename BinaryReturn<V1,V2,OpSubtract>::Type_t Return_t; typedef typename Return_t::Element_t T3; typedef Vector< D, T3, BinaryVectorOp<V1,V2,OpSubtract> > Expr_t; return Return_t( Expr_t(v1,v2) ); } template <int D, class T1, class T2, class E> struct BinaryReturn< Vector<D,T1,E>, T2, OpSubtract > { typedef Vector< D, typename BinaryReturn<T1,T2,OpSubtract>::Type_t, E > Type_t; }; template <int D, class T1, class T2, class E> struct BinaryReturn< T1, Vector<D,T2,E>, OpSubtract > { typedef Vector< D, typename !
 BinaryReturn<T1,T2,OpSubtract>::Type_t, E > Type_t; }; template <int D, class T1, class E, class T2> inline typename BinaryReturn< Vector<D,T1,E>, T2, OpSubtract >::Type_t operator-( const Vector<D,T1,E>& v1, const T2& x ) { typedef Vector<D,T1,E> V1; typedef typename BinaryReturn<V1,T2,OpSubtract>::Type_t Return_t; typedef typename Return_t::Element_t T3; typedef Vector< D, T3, BinaryVectorOp<V1,T2,OpSubtract> > Expr_t; return Return_t( Expr_t(v1,x) ); } template <int D, class T1, class T2, class E> inline typename BinaryReturn< T1, Vector<D,T2,E>, OpSubtract >::Type_t operator-( const T1& x, const Vector<D,T2,E>& v2 ) { typedef Vector<D,T2,E> V2; typedef typename BinaryReturn<T1,V2,OpSubtract>::Type_t Return_t; typedef typename Return_t::Element_t T3; typedef Vector< D, T3, BinaryVectorOp<T1,V2,OpSubtract> > Expr_t; return Return_t( Expr_t(x,v2) ); }
+ template <int D, class T1, class T2, class E> struct BinaryReturn< Vector<D,T1,E>, Vector<D,T2,E>, OpMultiply > { typedef Vector< D, typename BinaryReturn<T1,T2,OpMultiply>::Type_t, E > Type_t; }; template <int D, class T1, class T2, class E1, class E2> inline typename BinaryReturn< Vector<D,T1,E1>, Vector<D,T2,E2>, OpMultiply >::Type_t operator*( const Vector<D,T1,E1>& v1, const Vector<D,T2,E2>& v2 ) { typedef Vector<D,T1,E1> V1; typedef Vector<D,T2,E2> V2; typedef typename BinaryReturn<V1,V2,OpMultiply>::Type_t Return_t; typedef typename Return_t::Element_t T3; typedef Vector< D, T3, BinaryVectorOp<V1,V2,OpMultiply> > Expr_t; return Return_t( Expr_t(v1,v2) ); } template <int D, class T1, class T2, class E> struct BinaryReturn< Vector<D,T1,E>, T2, OpMultiply > { typedef Vector< D, typename BinaryReturn<T1,T2,OpMultiply>::Type_t, E > Type_t; }; template <int D, class T1, class T2, class E> struct BinaryReturn< T1, Vector<D,T2,E>, OpMultiply > { typedef Vector< D, typename !
 BinaryReturn<T1,T2,OpMultiply>::Type_t, E > Type_t; }; template <int D, class T1, class E, class T2> inline typename BinaryReturn< Vector<D,T1,E>, T2, OpMultiply >::Type_t operator*( const Vector<D,T1,E>& v1, const T2& x ) { typedef Vector<D,T1,E> V1; typedef typename BinaryReturn<V1,T2,OpMultiply>::Type_t Return_t; typedef typename Return_t::Element_t T3; typedef Vector< D, T3, BinaryVectorOp<V1,T2,OpMultiply> > Expr_t; return Return_t( Expr_t(v1,x) ); } template <int D, class T1, class T2, class E> inline typename BinaryReturn< T1, Vector<D,T2,E>, OpMultiply >::Type_t operator*( const T1& x, const Vector<D,T2,E>& v2 ) { typedef Vector<D,T2,E> V2; typedef typename BinaryReturn<T1,V2,OpMultiply>::Type_t Return_t; typedef typename Return_t::Element_t T3; typedef Vector< D, T3, BinaryVectorOp<T1,V2,OpMultiply> > Expr_t; return Return_t( Expr_t(x,v2) ); }
+ template <int D, class T1, class T2, class E> struct BinaryReturn< Vector<D,T1,E>, Vector<D,T2,E>, OpDivide > { typedef Vector< D, typename BinaryReturn<T1,T2,OpDivide>::Type_t, E > Type_t; }; template <int D, class T1, class T2, class E1, class E2> inline typename BinaryReturn< Vector<D,T1,E1>, Vector<D,T2,E2>, OpDivide >::Type_t operator/( const Vector<D,T1,E1>& v1, const Vector<D,T2,E2>& v2 ) { typedef Vector<D,T1,E1> V1; typedef Vector<D,T2,E2> V2; typedef typename BinaryReturn<V1,V2,OpDivide>::Type_t Return_t; typedef typename Return_t::Element_t T3; typedef Vector< D, T3, BinaryVectorOp<V1,V2,OpDivide> > Expr_t; return Return_t( Expr_t(v1,v2) ); } template <int D, class T1, class T2, class E> struct BinaryReturn< Vector<D,T1,E>, T2, OpDivide > { typedef Vector< D, typename BinaryReturn<T1,T2,OpDivide>::Type_t, E > Type_t; }; template <int D, class T1, class T2, class E> struct BinaryReturn< T1, Vector<D,T2,E>, OpDivide > { typedef Vector< D, typename BinaryReturn<T1,!
 T2,OpDivide>::Type_t, E > Type_t; }; template <int D, class T1, class E, class T2> inline typename BinaryReturn< Vector<D,T1,E>, T2, OpDivide >::Type_t operator/( const Vector<D,T1,E>& v1, const T2& x ) { typedef Vector<D,T1,E> V1; typedef typename BinaryReturn<V1,T2,OpDivide>::Type_t Return_t; typedef typename Return_t::Element_t T3; typedef Vector< D, T3, BinaryVectorOp<V1,T2,OpDivide> > Expr_t; return Return_t( Expr_t(v1,x) ); } template <int D, class T1, class T2, class E> inline typename BinaryReturn< T1, Vector<D,T2,E>, OpDivide >::Type_t operator/( const T1& x, const Vector<D,T2,E>& v2 ) { typedef Vector<D,T2,E> V2; typedef typename BinaryReturn<T1,V2,OpDivide>::Type_t Return_t; typedef typename Return_t::Element_t T3; typedef Vector< D, T3, BinaryVectorOp<T1,V2,OpDivide> > Expr_t; return Return_t( Expr_t(x,v2) ); }
+ template <int D, class T1, class T2, class E> struct BinaryReturn< Vector<D,T1,E>, Vector<D,T2,E>, OpMod > { typedef Vector< D, typename BinaryReturn<T1,T2,OpMod>::Type_t, E > Type_t; }; template <int D, class T1, class T2, class E1, class E2> inline typename BinaryReturn< Vector<D,T1,E1>, Vector<D,T2,E2>, OpMod >::Type_t operator%( const Vector<D,T1,E1>& v1, const Vector<D,T2,E2>& v2 ) { typedef Vector<D,T1,E1> V1; typedef Vector<D,T2,E2> V2; typedef typename BinaryReturn<V1,V2,OpMod>::Type_t Return_t; typedef typename Return_t::Element_t T3; typedef Vector< D, T3, BinaryVectorOp<V1,V2,OpMod> > Expr_t; return Return_t( Expr_t(v1,v2) ); } template <int D, class T1, class T2, class E> struct BinaryReturn< Vector<D,T1,E>, T2, OpMod > { typedef Vector< D, typename BinaryReturn<T1,T2,OpMod>::Type_t, E > Type_t; }; template <int D, class T1, class T2, class E> struct BinaryReturn< T1, Vector<D,T2,E>, OpMod > { typedef Vector< D, typename BinaryReturn<T1,T2,OpMod>::Type_t, E > T!
 ype_t; }; template <int D, class T1, class E, class T2> inline typename BinaryReturn< Vector<D,T1,E>, T2, OpMod >::Type_t operator%( const Vector<D,T1,E>& v1, const T2& x ) { typedef Vector<D,T1,E> V1; typedef typename BinaryReturn<V1,T2,OpMod>::Type_t Return_t; typedef typename Return_t::Element_t T3; typedef Vector< D, T3, BinaryVectorOp<V1,T2,OpMod> > Expr_t; return Return_t( Expr_t(v1,x) ); } template <int D, class T1, class T2, class E> inline typename BinaryReturn< T1, Vector<D,T2,E>, OpMod >::Type_t operator%( const T1& x, const Vector<D,T2,E>& v2 ) { typedef Vector<D,T2,E> V2; typedef typename BinaryReturn<T1,V2,OpMod>::Type_t Return_t; typedef typename Return_t::Element_t T3; typedef Vector< D, T3, BinaryVectorOp<T1,V2,OpMod> > Expr_t; return Return_t( Expr_t(x,v2) ); }
+ template <int D, class T1, class T2, class E> struct BinaryReturn< Vector<D,T1,E>, Vector<D,T2,E>, OpBitwiseAnd > { typedef Vector< D, typename BinaryReturn<T1,T2,OpBitwiseAnd>::Type_t, E > Type_t; }; template <int D, class T1, class T2, class E1, class E2> inline typename BinaryReturn< Vector<D,T1,E1>, Vector<D,T2,E2>, OpBitwiseAnd >::Type_t operator&( const Vector<D,T1,E1>& v1, const Vector<D,T2,E2>& v2 ) { typedef Vector<D,T1,E1> V1; typedef Vector<D,T2,E2> V2; typedef typename BinaryReturn<V1,V2,OpBitwiseAnd>::Type_t Return_t; typedef typename Return_t::Element_t T3; typedef Vector< D, T3, BinaryVectorOp<V1,V2,OpBitwiseAnd> > Expr_t; return Return_t( Expr_t(v1,v2) ); } template <int D, class T1, class T2, class E> struct BinaryReturn< Vector<D,T1,E>, T2, OpBitwiseAnd > { typedef Vector< D, typename BinaryReturn<T1,T2,OpBitwiseAnd>::Type_t, E > Type_t; }; template <int D, class T1, class T2, class E> struct BinaryReturn< T1, Vector<D,T2,E>, OpBitwiseAnd > { typedef Vect!
 or< D, typename BinaryReturn<T1,T2,OpBitwiseAnd>::Type_t, E > Type_t; }; template <int D, class T1, class E, class T2> inline typename BinaryReturn< Vector<D,T1,E>, T2, OpBitwiseAnd >::Type_t operator&( const Vector<D,T1,E>& v1, const T2& x ) { typedef Vector<D,T1,E> V1; typedef typename BinaryReturn<V1,T2,OpBitwiseAnd>::Type_t Return_t; typedef typename Return_t::Element_t T3; typedef Vector< D, T3, BinaryVectorOp<V1,T2,OpBitwiseAnd> > Expr_t; return Return_t( Expr_t(v1,x) ); } template <int D, class T1, class T2, class E> inline typename BinaryReturn< T1, Vector<D,T2,E>, OpBitwiseAnd >::Type_t operator&( const T1& x, const Vector<D,T2,E>& v2 ) { typedef Vector<D,T2,E> V2; typedef typename BinaryReturn<T1,V2,OpBitwiseAnd>::Type_t Return_t; typedef typename Return_t::Element_t T3; typedef Vector< D, T3, BinaryVectorOp<T1,V2,OpBitwiseAnd> > Expr_t; return Return_t( Expr_t(x,v2) ); }
+ template <int D, class T1, class T2, class E> struct BinaryReturn< Vector<D,T1,E>, Vector<D,T2,E>, OpBitwiseOr > { typedef Vector< D, typename BinaryReturn<T1,T2,OpBitwiseOr>::Type_t, E > Type_t; }; template <int D, class T1, class T2, class E1, class E2> inline typename BinaryReturn< Vector<D,T1,E1>, Vector<D,T2,E2>, OpBitwiseOr >::Type_t operator|( const Vector<D,T1,E1>& v1, const Vector<D,T2,E2>& v2 ) { typedef Vector<D,T1,E1> V1; typedef Vector<D,T2,E2> V2; typedef typename BinaryReturn<V1,V2,OpBitwiseOr>::Type_t Return_t; typedef typename Return_t::Element_t T3; typedef Vector< D, T3, BinaryVectorOp<V1,V2,OpBitwiseOr> > Expr_t; return Return_t( Expr_t(v1,v2) ); } template <int D, class T1, class T2, class E> struct BinaryReturn< Vector<D,T1,E>, T2, OpBitwiseOr > { typedef Vector< D, typename BinaryReturn<T1,T2,OpBitwiseOr>::Type_t, E > Type_t; }; template <int D, class T1, class T2, class E> struct BinaryReturn< T1, Vector<D,T2,E>, OpBitwiseOr > { typedef Vector< D, t!
 ypename BinaryReturn<T1,T2,OpBitwiseOr>::Type_t, E > Type_t; }; template <int D, class T1, class E, class T2> inline typename BinaryReturn< Vector<D,T1,E>, T2, OpBitwiseOr >::Type_t operator|( const Vector<D,T1,E>& v1, const T2& x ) { typedef Vector<D,T1,E> V1; typedef typename BinaryReturn<V1,T2,OpBitwiseOr>::Type_t Return_t; typedef typename Return_t::Element_t T3; typedef Vector< D, T3, BinaryVectorOp<V1,T2,OpBitwiseOr> > Expr_t; return Return_t( Expr_t(v1,x) ); } template <int D, class T1, class T2, class E> inline typename BinaryReturn< T1, Vector<D,T2,E>, OpBitwiseOr >::Type_t operator|( const T1& x, const Vector<D,T2,E>& v2 ) { typedef Vector<D,T2,E> V2; typedef typename BinaryReturn<T1,V2,OpBitwiseOr>::Type_t Return_t; typedef typename Return_t::Element_t T3; typedef Vector< D, T3, BinaryVectorOp<T1,V2,OpBitwiseOr> > Expr_t; return Return_t( Expr_t(x,v2) ); }
+ template <int D, class T1, class T2, class E> struct BinaryReturn< Vector<D,T1,E>, Vector<D,T2,E>, OpBitwiseXor > { typedef Vector< D, typename BinaryReturn<T1,T2,OpBitwiseXor>::Type_t, E > Type_t; }; template <int D, class T1, class T2, class E1, class E2> inline typename BinaryReturn< Vector<D,T1,E1>, Vector<D,T2,E2>, OpBitwiseXor >::Type_t operator^( const Vector<D,T1,E1>& v1, const Vector<D,T2,E2>& v2 ) { typedef Vector<D,T1,E1> V1; typedef Vector<D,T2,E2> V2; typedef typename BinaryReturn<V1,V2,OpBitwiseXor>::Type_t Return_t; typedef typename Return_t::Element_t T3; typedef Vector< D, T3, BinaryVectorOp<V1,V2,OpBitwiseXor> > Expr_t; return Return_t( Expr_t(v1,v2) ); } template <int D, class T1, class T2, class E> struct BinaryReturn< Vector<D,T1,E>, T2, OpBitwiseXor > { typedef Vector< D, typename BinaryReturn<T1,T2,OpBitwiseXor>::Type_t, E > Type_t; }; template <int D, class T1, class T2, class E> struct BinaryReturn< T1, Vector<D,T2,E>, OpBitwiseXor > { typedef Vect!
 or< D, typename BinaryReturn<T1,T2,OpBitwiseXor>::Type_t, E > Type_t; }; template <int D, class T1, class E, class T2> inline typename BinaryReturn< Vector<D,T1,E>, T2, OpBitwiseXor >::Type_t operator^( const Vector<D,T1,E>& v1, const T2& x ) { typedef Vector<D,T1,E> V1; typedef typename BinaryReturn<V1,T2,OpBitwiseXor>::Type_t Return_t; typedef typename Return_t::Element_t T3; typedef Vector< D, T3, BinaryVectorOp<V1,T2,OpBitwiseXor> > Expr_t; return Return_t( Expr_t(v1,x) ); } template <int D, class T1, class T2, class E> inline typename BinaryReturn< T1, Vector<D,T2,E>, OpBitwiseXor >::Type_t operator^( const T1& x, const Vector<D,T2,E>& v2 ) { typedef Vector<D,T2,E> V2; typedef typename BinaryReturn<T1,V2,OpBitwiseXor>::Type_t Return_t; typedef typename Return_t::Element_t T3; typedef Vector< D, T3, BinaryVectorOp<T1,V2,OpBitwiseXor> > Expr_t; return Return_t( Expr_t(x,v2) ); }
+ template <int D, class T1, class T2, class E> struct BinaryReturn< Vector<D,T1,E>, Vector<D,T2,E>, FnLdexp > { typedef Vector< D, typename BinaryReturn<T1,T2,FnLdexp>::Type_t, E > Type_t; }; template <int D, class T1, class T2, class E1, class E2> inline typename BinaryReturn< Vector<D,T1,E1>, Vector<D,T2,E2>, FnLdexp >::Type_t ldexp( const Vector<D,T1,E1>& v1, const Vector<D,T2,E2>& v2 ) { typedef Vector<D,T1,E1> V1; typedef Vector<D,T2,E2> V2; typedef typename BinaryReturn<V1,V2,FnLdexp>::Type_t Return_t; typedef typename Return_t::Element_t T3; typedef Vector< D, T3, BinaryVectorOp<V1,V2,FnLdexp> > Expr_t; return Return_t( Expr_t(v1,v2) ); } template <int D, class T1, class T2, class E> struct BinaryReturn< Vector<D,T1,E>, T2, FnLdexp > { typedef Vector< D, typename BinaryReturn<T1,T2,FnLdexp>::Type_t, E > Type_t; }; template <int D, class T1, class T2, class E> struct BinaryReturn< T1, Vector<D,T2,E>, FnLdexp > { typedef Vector< D, typename BinaryReturn<T1,T2,FnLdexp>:!
 :Type_t, E > Type_t; }; template <int D, class T1, class E, class T2> inline typename BinaryReturn< Vector<D,T1,E>, T2, FnLdexp >::Type_t ldexp( const Vector<D,T1,E>& v1, const T2& x ) { typedef Vector<D,T1,E> V1; typedef typename BinaryReturn<V1,T2,FnLdexp>::Type_t Return_t; typedef typename Return_t::Element_t T3; typedef Vector< D, T3, BinaryVectorOp<V1,T2,FnLdexp> > Expr_t; return Return_t( Expr_t(v1,x) ); } template <int D, class T1, class T2, class E> inline typename BinaryReturn< T1, Vector<D,T2,E>, FnLdexp >::Type_t ldexp( const T1& x, const Vector<D,T2,E>& v2 ) { typedef Vector<D,T2,E> V2; typedef typename BinaryReturn<T1,V2,FnLdexp>::Type_t Return_t; typedef typename Return_t::Element_t T3; typedef Vector< D, T3, BinaryVectorOp<T1,V2,FnLdexp> > Expr_t; return Return_t( Expr_t(x,v2) ); }
+ template <int D, class T1, class T2, class E> struct BinaryReturn< Vector<D,T1,E>, Vector<D,T2,E>, FnPow > { typedef Vector< D, typename BinaryReturn<T1,T2,FnPow>::Type_t, E > Type_t; }; template <int D, class T1, class T2, class E1, class E2> inline typename BinaryReturn< Vector<D,T1,E1>, Vector<D,T2,E2>, FnPow >::Type_t pow( const Vector<D,T1,E1>& v1, const Vector<D,T2,E2>& v2 ) { typedef Vector<D,T1,E1> V1; typedef Vector<D,T2,E2> V2; typedef typename BinaryReturn<V1,V2,FnPow>::Type_t Return_t; typedef typename Return_t::Element_t T3; typedef Vector< D, T3, BinaryVectorOp<V1,V2,FnPow> > Expr_t; return Return_t( Expr_t(v1,v2) ); } template <int D, class T1, class T2, class E> struct BinaryReturn< Vector<D,T1,E>, T2, FnPow > { typedef Vector< D, typename BinaryReturn<T1,T2,FnPow>::Type_t, E > Type_t; }; template <int D, class T1, class T2, class E> struct BinaryReturn< T1, Vector<D,T2,E>, FnPow > { typedef Vector< D, typename BinaryReturn<T1,T2,FnPow>::Type_t, E > Type_t;!
  }; template <int D, class T1, class E, class T2> inline typename BinaryReturn< Vector<D,T1,E>, T2, FnPow >::Type_t pow( const Vector<D,T1,E>& v1, const T2& x ) { typedef Vector<D,T1,E> V1; typedef typename BinaryReturn<V1,T2,FnPow>::Type_t Return_t; typedef typename Return_t::Element_t T3; typedef Vector< D, T3, BinaryVectorOp<V1,T2,FnPow> > Expr_t; return Return_t( Expr_t(v1,x) ); } template <int D, class T1, class T2, class E> inline typename BinaryReturn< T1, Vector<D,T2,E>, FnPow >::Type_t pow( const T1& x, const Vector<D,T2,E>& v2 ) { typedef Vector<D,T2,E> V2; typedef typename BinaryReturn<T1,V2,FnPow>::Type_t Return_t; typedef typename Return_t::Element_t T3; typedef Vector< D, T3, BinaryVectorOp<T1,V2,FnPow> > Expr_t; return Return_t( Expr_t(x,v2) ); }
+ template <int D, class T1, class T2, class E> struct BinaryReturn< Vector<D,T1,E>, Vector<D,T2,E>, FnFmod > { typedef Vector< D, typename BinaryReturn<T1,T2,FnFmod>::Type_t, E > Type_t; }; template <int D, class T1, class T2, class E1, class E2> inline typename BinaryReturn< Vector<D,T1,E1>, Vector<D,T2,E2>, FnFmod >::Type_t fmod( const Vector<D,T1,E1>& v1, const Vector<D,T2,E2>& v2 ) { typedef Vector<D,T1,E1> V1; typedef Vector<D,T2,E2> V2; typedef typename BinaryReturn<V1,V2,FnFmod>::Type_t Return_t; typedef typename Return_t::Element_t T3; typedef Vector< D, T3, BinaryVectorOp<V1,V2,FnFmod> > Expr_t; return Return_t( Expr_t(v1,v2) ); } template <int D, class T1, class T2, class E> struct BinaryReturn< Vector<D,T1,E>, T2, FnFmod > { typedef Vector< D, typename BinaryReturn<T1,T2,FnFmod>::Type_t, E > Type_t; }; template <int D, class T1, class T2, class E> struct BinaryReturn< T1, Vector<D,T2,E>, FnFmod > { typedef Vector< D, typename BinaryReturn<T1,T2,FnFmod>::Type_t, E!
  > Type_t; }; template <int D, class T1, class E, class T2> inline typename BinaryReturn< Vector<D,T1,E>, T2, FnFmod >::Type_t fmod( const Vector<D,T1,E>& v1, const T2& x ) { typedef Vector<D,T1,E> V1; typedef typename BinaryReturn<V1,T2,FnFmod>::Type_t Return_t; typedef typename Return_t::Element_t T3; typedef Vector< D, T3, BinaryVectorOp<V1,T2,FnFmod> > Expr_t; return Return_t( Expr_t(v1,x) ); } template <int D, class T1, class T2, class E> inline typename BinaryReturn< T1, Vector<D,T2,E>, FnFmod >::Type_t fmod( const T1& x, const Vector<D,T2,E>& v2 ) { typedef Vector<D,T2,E> V2; typedef typename BinaryReturn<T1,V2,FnFmod>::Type_t Return_t; typedef typename Return_t::Element_t T3; typedef Vector< D, T3, BinaryVectorOp<T1,V2,FnFmod> > Expr_t; return Return_t( Expr_t(x,v2) ); }
+ template <int D, class T1, class T2, class E> struct BinaryReturn< Vector<D,T1,E>, Vector<D,T2,E>, FnArcTan2 > { typedef Vector< D, typename BinaryReturn<T1,T2,FnArcTan2>::Type_t, E > Type_t; }; template <int D, class T1, class T2, class E1, class E2> inline typename BinaryReturn< Vector<D,T1,E1>, Vector<D,T2,E2>, FnArcTan2 >::Type_t atan2( const Vector<D,T1,E1>& v1, const Vector<D,T2,E2>& v2 ) { typedef Vector<D,T1,E1> V1; typedef Vector<D,T2,E2> V2; typedef typename BinaryReturn<V1,V2,FnArcTan2>::Type_t Return_t; typedef typename Return_t::Element_t T3; typedef Vector< D, T3, BinaryVectorOp<V1,V2,FnArcTan2> > Expr_t; return Return_t( Expr_t(v1,v2) ); } template <int D, class T1, class T2, class E> struct BinaryReturn< Vector<D,T1,E>, T2, FnArcTan2 > { typedef Vector< D, typename BinaryReturn<T1,T2,FnArcTan2>::Type_t, E > Type_t; }; template <int D, class T1, class T2, class E> struct BinaryReturn< T1, Vector<D,T2,E>, FnArcTan2 > { typedef Vector< D, typename BinaryReturn!
 <T1,T2,FnArcTan2>::Type_t, E > Type_t; }; template <int D, class T1, class E, class T2> inline typename BinaryReturn< Vector<D,T1,E>, T2, FnArcTan2 >::Type_t atan2( const Vector<D,T1,E>& v1, const T2& x ) { typedef Vector<D,T1,E> V1; typedef typename BinaryReturn<V1,T2,FnArcTan2>::Type_t Return_t; typedef typename Return_t::Element_t T3; typedef Vector< D, T3, BinaryVectorOp<V1,T2,FnArcTan2> > Expr_t; return Return_t( Expr_t(v1,x) ); } template <int D, class T1, class T2, class E> inline typename BinaryReturn< T1, Vector<D,T2,E>, FnArcTan2 >::Type_t atan2( const T1& x, const Vector<D,T2,E>& v2 ) { typedef Vector<D,T2,E> V2; typedef typename BinaryReturn<T1,V2,FnArcTan2>::Type_t Return_t; typedef typename Return_t::Element_t T3; typedef Vector< D, T3, BinaryVectorOp<T1,V2,FnArcTan2> > Expr_t; return Return_t( Expr_t(x,v2) ); }
+ template<class V1, class V2, int B, int L>
+ struct VectorDotVector
+ {
+   typedef typename VectorDotVector<V1,V2,B,L/2>::Type_t Left_t;
+   typedef typename VectorDotVector<V1,V2,B+L/2,L-L/2>::Type_t Right_t;
+   typedef typename BinaryReturn<Left_t,Right_t,OpAdd>::Type_t Type_t;
+   static Type_t get(const V1& x, const V2& y)
+     {
+       return
+         VectorDotVector<V1,V2,B,L/2>::get(x,y) +
+         VectorDotVector<V1,V2,B+L/2,L-L/2>::get(x,y);
+     }
+ };
+ template<class V1, class V2, int B>
+ struct VectorDotVector<V1,V2,B,1>
+ {
+   typedef typename VectorElem<V1,B>::Element_t Left_t;
+   typedef typename VectorElem<V2,B>::Element_t Right_t;
+   typedef typename BinaryReturn<Left_t,Right_t,OpMultiply>::Type_t Type_t;
+   static Type_t get(const V1& x, const V2& y)
+     {
+       return VectorElem<V1,B>::get(x) * VectorElem<V2,B>::get(y);
+     }
+ };
+ template<int D, class T1, class T2, class E1, class E2>
+ struct BinaryReturn< Vector<D,T1,E1> , Vector<D,T2,E2> , FnDot >
+ {
+   typedef Vector<D,T1,E1> V1;
+   typedef Vector<D,T2,E2> V2;
+   typedef typename VectorDotVector<V1,V2,0,D>::Type_t T0;
+   typedef T0 Type_t;
+ };
+ template<int D, class T1, class T2, class E1, class E2>
+ inline typename
+ BinaryReturn< Vector<D,T1,E1>,Vector<D,T2,E2> , FnDot >::Type_t
+ dot( const Vector<D,T1,E1>& v1, const Vector<D,T2,E2>& v2 )
+ {
+   return VectorDotVector<Vector<D,T1,E1>,Vector<D,T2,E2>,0,D>::get(v1,v2);
+ }
+ template<int D, class T, class E>
+ struct UnaryReturn< Vector<D,T,E> , FnNorm >
+ {
+   typedef T Type_t;
+ };
+ template<int D, class T, class E>
+ inline T
+ norm(const Vector<D,T,E>& x)
+ {
+   return sqrt(dot(x,x));
+ }
+ template<int D, class T, class E>
+ inline T
+ norm2(const Vector<D,T,E>& x)
+ {
+   return dot(x,x);
+ }
+ template<class V1, class V2, int B, int L>
+ struct VectorEqualsVector
+ {
+   typedef typename VectorEqualsVector<V1,V2,B,L/2>::Type_t Left_t;
+   typedef typename VectorEqualsVector<V1,V2,B+L/2,L-L/2>::Type_t Right_t;
+   typedef bool Type_t;
+   static Type_t get(const V1& x, const V2& y)
+     {
+       return
+         VectorEqualsVector<V1,V2,B,L/2>::get(x,y) &&
+         VectorEqualsVector<V1,V2,B+L/2,L-L/2>::get(x,y);
+     }
+ };
+ template<class V1, class V2, int B>
+ struct VectorEqualsVector<V1,V2,B,1>
+ {
+   typedef typename VectorElem<V1,B>::Element_t Left_t;
+   typedef typename VectorElem<V2,B>::Element_t Right_t;
+   typedef bool Type_t;
+   static Type_t get(const V1& x, const V2& y)
+     {
+       return VectorElem<V1,B>::get(x) == VectorElem<V2,B>::get(y);
+     }
+ };
+ template<int D, class T1, class T2, class E1, class E2>
+ struct BinaryReturn< Vector<D,T1,E1> , Vector<D,T2,E2> , OpEQ >
+ {
+   typedef bool Type_t;
+ };
+ template<int D, class T1, class T2, class E1, class E2>
+ struct BinaryReturn< Vector<D,T1,E1> , Vector<D,T2,E2> , OpNE >
+ {
+   typedef bool Type_t;
+ };
+ template<int D, class T1, class T2, class E1, class E2>
+ inline typename
+ BinaryReturn< Vector<D,T1,E1>,Vector<D,T2,E2> , OpEQ >::Type_t
+ operator==(const Vector<D,T1,E1>& v1, const Vector<D,T2,E2>& v2)
+ {
+   return VectorEqualsVector<Vector<D,T1,E1>,Vector<D,T2,E2>,0,D>::get(v1,v2);
+ }
+ template<int D, class T1, class T2, class E1, class E2>
+ inline typename
+ BinaryReturn< Vector<D,T1,E1>,Vector<D,T2,E2> , OpNE >::Type_t
+ operator!=(const Vector<D,T1,E1>& v1, const Vector<D,T2,E2>& v2)
+ {
+   return !(v1 == v2);
+ }
+ template<int D, class T, class E>
+ inline typename
+ BinaryReturn<Vector<D, T, E>, Vector<D, T, E> , OpNE>::Type_t
+ operator!=(const Vector<D, T, E>& v1, const Vector<D, T, E>& v2)
+ {
+   return !(v1 == v2);
+ }
+ template <int D, class T1, class T2, class E1, class E2> inline Vector<D,T1,E1>& operator+=( Vector<D,T1,E1>& v1, const Vector<D,T2,E2>& v2 ) { VectorAssign<Vector<D,T1,E1>,Vector<D,T2,E2>,OpAddAssign,0,D>::apply(v1,v2,OpAddAssign()); return v1; } template <int D, class T1, class T2, class E1> inline Vector<D,T1,E1>& operator+=( Vector<D,T1,E1>& v1, const T2& v2 ) { VectorAssign<Vector<D,T1,E1>,T2,OpAddAssign,0,D>::apply(v1,v2,OpAddAssign()); return v1; }
+ template <int D, class T1, class T2, class E1, class E2> inline Vector<D,T1,E1>& operator-=( Vector<D,T1,E1>& v1, const Vector<D,T2,E2>& v2 ) { VectorAssign<Vector<D,T1,E1>,Vector<D,T2,E2>,OpSubtractAssign,0,D>::apply(v1,v2,OpSubtractAssign()); return v1; } template <int D, class T1, class T2, class E1> inline Vector<D,T1,E1>& operator-=( Vector<D,T1,E1>& v1, const T2& v2 ) { VectorAssign<Vector<D,T1,E1>,T2,OpSubtractAssign,0,D>::apply(v1,v2,OpSubtractAssign()); return v1; }
+ template <int D, class T1, class T2, class E1, class E2> inline Vector<D,T1,E1>& operator*=( Vector<D,T1,E1>& v1, const Vector<D,T2,E2>& v2 ) { VectorAssign<Vector<D,T1,E1>,Vector<D,T2,E2>,OpMultiplyAssign,0,D>::apply(v1,v2,OpMultiplyAssign()); return v1; } template <int D, class T1, class T2, class E1> inline Vector<D,T1,E1>& operator*=( Vector<D,T1,E1>& v1, const T2& v2 ) { VectorAssign<Vector<D,T1,E1>,T2,OpMultiplyAssign,0,D>::apply(v1,v2,OpMultiplyAssign()); return v1; }
+ template <int D, class T1, class T2, class E1, class E2> inline Vector<D,T1,E1>& operator/=( Vector<D,T1,E1>& v1, const Vector<D,T2,E2>& v2 ) { VectorAssign<Vector<D,T1,E1>,Vector<D,T2,E2>,OpDivideAssign,0,D>::apply(v1,v2,OpDivideAssign()); return v1; } template <int D, class T1, class T2, class E1> inline Vector<D,T1,E1>& operator/=( Vector<D,T1,E1>& v1, const T2& v2 ) { VectorAssign<Vector<D,T1,E1>,T2,OpDivideAssign,0,D>::apply(v1,v2,OpDivideAssign()); return v1; }
+ template <int D, class T1, class T2, class E1, class E2> inline Vector<D,T1,E1>& operator%=( Vector<D,T1,E1>& v1, const Vector<D,T2,E2>& v2 ) { VectorAssign<Vector<D,T1,E1>,Vector<D,T2,E2>,OpModAssign,0,D>::apply(v1,v2,OpModAssign()); return v1; } template <int D, class T1, class T2, class E1> inline Vector<D,T1,E1>& operator%=( Vector<D,T1,E1>& v1, const T2& v2 ) { VectorAssign<Vector<D,T1,E1>,T2,OpModAssign,0,D>::apply(v1,v2,OpModAssign()); return v1; }
+ template <int D, class T1, class T2, class E1, class E2> inline Vector<D,T1,E1>& operator|=( Vector<D,T1,E1>& v1, const Vector<D,T2,E2>& v2 ) { VectorAssign<Vector<D,T1,E1>,Vector<D,T2,E2>,OpBitwiseOrAssign,0,D>::apply(v1,v2,OpBitwiseOrAssign()); return v1; } template <int D, class T1, class T2, class E1> inline Vector<D,T1,E1>& operator|=( Vector<D,T1,E1>& v1, const T2& v2 ) { VectorAssign<Vector<D,T1,E1>,T2,OpBitwiseOrAssign,0,D>::apply(v1,v2,OpBitwiseOrAssign()); return v1; }
+ template <int D, class T1, class T2, class E1, class E2> inline Vector<D,T1,E1>& operator&=( Vector<D,T1,E1>& v1, const Vector<D,T2,E2>& v2 ) { VectorAssign<Vector<D,T1,E1>,Vector<D,T2,E2>,OpBitwiseAndAssign,0,D>::apply(v1,v2,OpBitwiseAndAssign()); return v1; } template <int D, class T1, class T2, class E1> inline Vector<D,T1,E1>& operator&=( Vector<D,T1,E1>& v1, const T2& v2 ) { VectorAssign<Vector<D,T1,E1>,T2,OpBitwiseAndAssign,0,D>::apply(v1,v2,OpBitwiseAndAssign()); return v1; }
+ template <int D, class T1, class T2, class E1, class E2> inline Vector<D,T1,E1>& operator^=( Vector<D,T1,E1>& v1, const Vector<D,T2,E2>& v2 ) { VectorAssign<Vector<D,T1,E1>,Vector<D,T2,E2>,OpBitwiseXorAssign,0,D>::apply(v1,v2,OpBitwiseXorAssign()); return v1; } template <int D, class T1, class T2, class E1> inline Vector<D,T1,E1>& operator^=( Vector<D,T1,E1>& v1, const T2& v2 ) { VectorAssign<Vector<D,T1,E1>,T2,OpBitwiseXorAssign,0,D>::apply(v1,v2,OpBitwiseXorAssign()); return v1; }
+ template <int D, class T1, class T2, class E1, class E2> inline Vector<D,T1,E1>& operator<<=( Vector<D,T1,E1>& v1, const Vector<D,T2,E2>& v2 ) { VectorAssign<Vector<D,T1,E1>,Vector<D,T2,E2>,OpLeftShiftAssign,0,D>::apply(v1,v2,OpLeftShiftAssign()); return v1; } template <int D, class T1, class T2, class E1> inline Vector<D,T1,E1>& operator<<=( Vector<D,T1,E1>& v1, const T2& v2 ) { VectorAssign<Vector<D,T1,E1>,T2,OpLeftShiftAssign,0,D>::apply(v1,v2,OpLeftShiftAssign()); return v1; }
+ template <int D, class T1, class T2, class E1, class E2> inline Vector<D,T1,E1>& operator>>=( Vector<D,T1,E1>& v1, const Vector<D,T2,E2>& v2 ) { VectorAssign<Vector<D,T1,E1>,Vector<D,T2,E2>,OpRightShiftAssign,0,D>::apply(v1,v2,OpRightShiftAssign()); return v1; } template <int D, class T1, class T2, class E1> inline Vector<D,T1,E1>& operator>>=( Vector<D,T1,E1>& v1, const T2& v2 ) { VectorAssign<Vector<D,T1,E1>,T2,OpRightShiftAssign,0,D>::apply(v1,v2,OpRightShiftAssign()); return v1; }
+ template<int D, class T, class E> class Vector;
+ template<int D, class T, class E> class VectorEngine;
+ template <class T>
+ void reverseBytes(T&);
+ template<int Dim, class T=double, class EngineTag=Full>
+ class Vector
+ {
+ public:
+   enum { dimensions=1 };
+   enum { d1 = Dim };
+   typedef T Element_t;
+   typedef EngineTag EngineTag_t;
+   typedef VectorEngine<Dim,T,EngineTag> Engine_t;
+   typedef typename Engine_t::ElementRef_t ElementRef_t;
+   typedef typename Engine_t::ConstElementRef_t ConstElementRef_t;
+   typedef Vector<Dim,T,EngineTag> This_t;
+   Vector() {}
+   Vector(const This_t& x) : engine_m(x.engine_m) {}
+   template<int D2, class T2, class EngineTag2>
+   Vector(const Vector<D2, T2, EngineTag2>& x) : engine_m(x) {}
+   template<class X>
+   explicit Vector(const X& x) : engine_m(x) {}
+   template<class X1, class X2>
+   Vector(const X1& x, const X2& y)
+     : engine_m(x,y) {}
+   template<class X1, class X2, class X3>
+   Vector(const X1& x, const X2& y, const X3& z)
+     : engine_m(x,y,z) {}
+   template<class X1, class X2, class X3, class X4>
+   Vector(const X1& x, const X2& y, const X3& z, const X4& a)
+     : engine_m(x,y,z,a) {}
+   template<class X1, class X2, class X3, class X4, class X5>
+   Vector(const X1& x, const X2& y, const X3& z, const X4& a,
+   const X5& b)
+     : engine_m(x,y,z,a,b) {}
+   template<class X1, class X2, class X3, class X4, class X5, class X6>
+   Vector(const X1& x, const X2& y, const X3& z, const X4& a,
+   const X5& b, const X6& c)
+     : engine_m(x,y,z,a,b,c) {}
+   template<class X1, class X2, class X3, class X4, class X5, class X6, class X7>
+   Vector(const X1& x, const X2& y, const X3& z, const X4& a,
+   const X5& b, const X6& c, const X7& d)
+     : engine_m(x,y,z,a,b,c,d) {}
+   template<class X1, class X2, class X3, class X4, class X5, class X6,
+       class X7, class X8, class X9, class X10>
+   Vector(const X1& x, const X2& y, const X3& z, const X4& a,
+   const X5& b, const X6& c, const X7& d, const X8& e,
+   const X9& f, const X10& g)
+     : engine_m(x,y,z,a,b,c,d,e,f,g) {}
+   ~Vector() {}
+   This_t& operator=(const This_t& x)
+     {
+       if ( this != &const_cast<This_t &>(x) )
+         engine() = x.engine();
+       return *this;
+     }
+   template<class V>
+     This_t&
+       operator=(const V& x)
+         {
+           engine() = x;
+           return *this;
+         }
+   ConstElementRef_t operator()(int i) const
+     {
+       return engine()(i);
+     }
+   ElementRef_t operator()(int i)
+     {
+       return engine()(i);
+     }
+   const Engine_t& engine() const { return engine_m; }
+   Engine_t& engine() { return engine_m; }
+   template<class Out>
+   void print(Out &out) const;
+   inline void reverseBytes() { engine_m.reverseBytes(); }
+ private:
+   Engine_t engine_m;
+ };
+ template<int Dim, class T, class EngineTag>
+ template<class Out>
+ void Vector<Dim, T, EngineTag>::print(Out &out) const
+ {
+   std::ios::fmtflags incomingFormatFlags = out.flags();
+   long width = out.width();
+   long precision = out.precision();
+   out.width(0);
+   out << "(";
+   out.flags(incomingFormatFlags);
+   out.width(width);
+   out.precision(precision);
+   out << (*this)(0) ;
+   for (int i = 1; i < Dim; i++) {
+     out << ",";
+     out.flags(incomingFormatFlags);
+     out.width(width);
+     out.precision(precision);
+     out << (*this)(i);
+   }
+   out << ")";
+ }
+ template<int D, class T, class E>
+ std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &out, const Vector<D,T,E> &v)
+ {
+   v.print(out);
+   return out;
+ }
+ template <int D, class T, class E>
+ struct ElementProperties< Vector<D,T,E> >
+   : public TrivialElementProperties< Vector<D,T,E> >
+ { };
+ template<int D, class T>
+ class VectorEngine<D,T,Full>
+ {
+ public:
+   enum { dimensions=1 };
+   enum { d1 = D };
+   typedef T Element_t;
+   typedef Full EngineTag_t;
+   typedef T& ElementRef_t;
+   typedef const T& ConstElementRef_t;
+   typedef VectorEngine<D,T,Full> This_t;
+   VectorEngine()
+   {
+     PoomaCTAssert<(ElementProperties<T>::hasTrivialDefaultConstructor && ElementProperties<T>::hasTrivialDestructor && ElementProperties<T>::concrete)>::test();
+     for (int i = 0; i < D; ++i)
+       {
+  ElementProperties<T>::construct(&x_m[i]);
+       }
+   }
+   inline VectorEngine(const VectorEngine<D,T,Full>&);
+   template<class X>
+     inline explicit VectorEngine(const X& x)
+       {
+         VectorAssign< VectorEngine<D,T,Full> , X , OpAssign, 0, D >
+           ::apply(*this,x,OpAssign());
+       }
+   template<class X1, class X2>
+   inline VectorEngine(const X1& x, const X2& y)
+   {
+     PoomaCTAssert<(D == 2)>::test();
+     x_m[0] = x;
+     x_m[1] = y;
+   }
+   template<class X1, class X2, class X3>
+   inline VectorEngine(const X1& x, const X2& y, const X3& z)
+   {
+     PoomaCTAssert<(D == 3)>::test();
+     x_m[0] = x;
+     x_m[1] = y;
+     x_m[2] = z;
+   }
+   template<class X1, class X2, class X3, class X4>
+   inline VectorEngine(const X1& x, const X2& y, const X3& z,
+         const X4& a)
+   {
+     PoomaCTAssert<(D == 4)>::test();
+     x_m[0] = x;
+     x_m[1] = y;
+     x_m[2] = z;
+     x_m[3] = a;
+   }
+   template<class X1, class X2, class X3, class X4, class X5>
+   inline VectorEngine(const X1& x, const X2& y, const X3& z,
+         const X4& a, const X5& b)
+   {
+     PoomaCTAssert<(D == 5)>::test();
+     x_m[0] = x;
+     x_m[1] = y;
+     x_m[2] = z;
+     x_m[3] = a;
+     x_m[4] = b;
+   }
+   template<class X1, class X2, class X3, class X4, class X5, class X6>
+   inline VectorEngine(const X1& x, const X2& y, const X3& z,
+         const X4& a, const X5& b, const X6& c)
+   {
+     PoomaCTAssert<(D == 6)>::test();
+     x_m[0] = x;
+     x_m[1] = y;
+     x_m[2] = z;
+     x_m[3] = a;
+     x_m[4] = b;
+     x_m[5] = c;
+   }
+   template<class X1, class X2, class X3, class X4, class X5, class X6, class X7>
+   inline VectorEngine(const X1& x, const X2& y, const X3& z,
+         const X4& a, const X5& b, const X6& c, const X7& d)
+   {
+     PoomaCTAssert<(D == 7)>::test();
+     x_m[0] = x;
+     x_m[1] = y;
+     x_m[2] = z;
+     x_m[3] = a;
+     x_m[4] = b;
+     x_m[5] = c;
+     x_m[6] = d;
+   }
+   template<class X1, class X2, class X3, class X4, class X5, class X6,
+      class X7, class X8, class X9, class X10>
+   inline VectorEngine(const X1& x, const X2& y, const X3& z,
+         const X4& a, const X5& b, const X6& c,
+         const X7& d, const X8& e, const X9& f,
+         const X10& g)
+   {
+     PoomaCTAssert<(D == 10)>::test();
+     x_m[0] = x;
+     x_m[1] = y;
+     x_m[2] = z;
+     x_m[3] = a;
+     x_m[4] = b;
+     x_m[5] = c;
+     x_m[6] = d;
+     x_m[7] = e;
+     x_m[8] = f;
+     x_m[9] = g;
+   }
+   ~VectorEngine() {}
+   This_t&
+     operator=(const This_t& x)
+       {
+         if ( this != &x )
+           VectorAssign<This_t,This_t,OpAssign,0,D>::apply(*this,x,OpAssign());
+         return *this;
+       }
+   template<class V>
+     This_t&
+       operator=(const V& x)
+         {
+           VectorAssign<This_t,V,OpAssign,0,D>::apply(*this,x,OpAssign());
+           return *this;
+         }
+   ConstElementRef_t operator()(int i) const
+     {
+       ;
+       return x_m[i];
+     }
+   ElementRef_t operator()(int i)
+     {
+       ;
+       return x_m[i];
+     }
+   inline void reverseBytes()
+   {
+     for (int d = 0; d < D; ++d) ::reverseBytes(x_m[d]);
+   }
+ private:
+   T x_m[D];
+ };
+ template<int D, class T, int I>
+ struct VectorElem< VectorEngine<D,T,Full> , I >
+ {
+   typedef VectorEngine<D,T,Full> V;
+   typedef VectorEngineElem<D,T,Full,I> VE;
+   typedef typename VE::Element_t Element_t;
+   typedef typename VE::ConstElementRef_t ConstElementRef_t;
+   typedef typename VE::ElementRef_t ElementRef_t;
+   static ConstElementRef_t get(const V& x) { return VE::get(x); }
+   static ElementRef_t get(V& x) { return VE::get(x); }
+ };
+ template<class T, class Components> struct ComponentAccess;
+ template<int D, class T, class E, int N>
+ struct ComponentAccess< Vector<D, T, E>, Loc<N> >
+ {
+   typedef Vector<D, T, E> V;
+   typedef typename V::Element_t Element_t;
+   typedef typename V::ElementRef_t ElementRef_t;
+   static inline ElementRef_t indexRef(V &v, const Loc<N> &l)
+     {
+       PoomaCTAssert<(N==1)>::test();
+       return v(l[0].first());
+     }
+   static inline Element_t index(const V &v, const Loc<N> &l)
+     {
+       PoomaCTAssert<(N==1)>::test();
+       return v(l[0].first());
+     }
+ };
+ template<int D, class T>
+ inline
+ VectorEngine<D,T,Full>::VectorEngine(const VectorEngine<D,T,Full>& x)
+ {
+   VectorAssign<This_t,This_t,OpAssign,0,D>::apply(*this,x,OpAssign());
+ }
+ template<class T>
+ class RemoteProxy
+ {
+ public:
+   typedef RemoteProxy<T> This_t;
+   RemoteProxy(T &val, int owningContext = 0)
+   {
+     if (Pooma::context() == owningContext)
+     {
+       value_m = &val;
+     }
+   }
+   RemoteProxy(const RemoteProxy<T> &s)
+   {
+     if (s.value_m != &s.storedValue_m)
+     {
+       value_m = s.value_m;
+     }
+     else
+     {
+       storedValue_m = s.value();
+       value_m = &storedValue_m;
+     }
+   }
+   inline
+   operator T() const { return *value_m; }
+   inline
+   T &value() { return *value_m; }
+   inline
+   const T &value() const { return *value_m; }
+   template<class S>
+   inline
+   RemoteProxy<T> &operator=(const S &s)
+   {
+     *value_m = s;
+     return *this;
+   }
+   template<class S>
+   inline
+   RemoteProxy<T> &operator=(const RemoteProxy<S> &s)
+   {
+     *value_m = s.value();
+     return *this;
+   }
+   inline
+   RemoteProxy<T> &operator=(const RemoteProxy<T> &s)
+   {
+     *value_m = s.value();
+     return *this;
+   }
+   inline
+   typename ComponentAccess<T, Loc<1> >::Element_t
+   operator()(int i) const
+   {
+     return ComponentAccess<T, Loc<1> >::index(value(), Loc<1>(i));
+   }
+   inline
+   typename ComponentAccess<T, Loc<1> >::ElementRef_t
+   operator()(int i)
+   {
+     return ComponentAccess<T, Loc<1> >::indexRef(value(), Loc<1>(i));
+   }
+ private:
+   T *value_m;
+   T storedValue_m;
+ };
+ template<class T, class S>
+ inline T
+ operator*(const RemoteProxy<T> &t, const S &s)
+ {
+   return t.value() * s;
+ }
+ template<class T>
+ class ReductionValue
+ {
+ public:
+   ReductionValue(bool valid, const T &val)
+     : valid_m(valid)
+     {
+       if (valid_m)
+  val_m = val;
+     }
+   ReductionValue(const ReductionValue<T> &model)
+     {
+       valid_m = model.valid();
+       if (valid_m)
+  val_m = model.value();
+     }
+   ReductionValue<T> &operator=(const ReductionValue<T> &rhs)
+     {
+       if (&rhs != this)
+  {
+    valid_m = rhs.valid();
+    if (valid_m)
+      val_m = rhs.value();
+  }
+       return *this;
+     }
+   bool valid() const { return valid_m; }
+   const T &value() const { ; return val_m; }
+   T &value() { ; return val_m; }
+ private:
+   bool valid_m;
+   T val_m;
+ };
+ template<class T, class ReductionOp>
+ class ReduceOverContexts
+ {
+   typedef ReduceOverContexts<T, ReductionOp> This_t;
+ public:
+   ReduceOverContexts(const T &val, int = 0, bool valid = true)
+     {
+       ;
+       value_m = val;
+     }
+   void broadcast(T &val)
+     {
+       val = value_m;
+     }
+   inline operator T() const { return value_m; }
+ private:
+   static void receive(This_t *me, ReductionValue<T> &v)
+   {
+     if (v.valid())
+       {
+  if (!me->valid_m)
+    {
+      me->value_m = v.value();
+      me->valid_m = true;
+    }
+  else
+    {
+      ReductionOp()(me->value_m, v.value());
+    }
+       }
+     me->toReceive_m--;
+   }
+   T value_m;
+   bool valid_m;
+   int toReceive_m;
+   int toContext_m;
+ };
+ struct SendReceive
+ {
+   template<class View>
+   static
+   void send(const View &view, int toContext)
+   {
+     ;
+   }
+ };
+ template<class IncomingView>
+ struct Receive
+ {
+   template<class View>
+   static
+   void receive(const View &view, int fromContext)
+   {
+     ;
+   }
+ };
+ template<int Dim>
+ Interval<Dim> &
+ shrinkRightInPlace(Interval<Dim> &dom, const Loc<Dim> &s)
+ {
+   for (int d = 0; d < Dim; ++d)
+     {
+       int a = dom[d].first();
+       int b = dom[d].last() - s[d].first();
+       dom[d] = Interval<1>(a, b);
+     }
+   return dom;
+ }
+ template<int Dim>
+ Interval<Dim> &
+ shrinkRightInPlace(Interval<Dim> &dom, int s)
+ {
+   for (int d = 0; d < Dim; ++d)
+     {
+       int a = dom[d].first();
+       int b = dom[d].last() - s;
+       dom[d] = Interval<1>(a, b);
+     }
+   return dom;
+ }
+ template<int Dim>
+ Interval<Dim> &
+ growRightInPlace(Interval<Dim> &dom, const Loc<Dim> &s)
+ {
+   for (int d = 0; d < Dim; ++d)
+     {
+       int a = dom[d].first();
+       int b = dom[d].last() + s[d].first();
+       dom[d] = Interval<1>(a, b);
+     }
+   return dom;
+ }
+ template<int Dim>
+ Interval<Dim> &
+ growRightInPlace(Interval<Dim> &dom, int s)
+ {
+   for (int d = 0; d < Dim; ++d)
+     {
+       int a = dom[d].first();
+       int b = dom[d].last() + s;
+       dom[d] = Interval<1>(a, b);
+     }
+   return dom;
+ }
+ template<int Dim>
+ Interval<Dim> &
+ shrinkLeftInPlace(Interval<Dim> &dom, const Loc<Dim> &s)
+ {
+   for (int d = 0; d < Dim; ++d)
+     {
+       int a = dom[d].first() + s[d].first();
+       int b = dom[d].last();
+       dom[d] = Interval<1>(a, b);
+     }
+   return dom;
+ }
+ template<int Dim>
+ Interval<Dim> &
+ shrinkLeftInPlace(Interval<Dim> &dom, int s)
+ {
+   for (int d = 0; d < Dim; ++d)
+     {
+       int a = dom[d].first() + s;
+       int b = dom[d].last();
+       dom[d] = Interval<1>(a, b);
+     }
+   return dom;
+ }
+ template<int Dim>
+ Interval<Dim> &
+ growLeftInPlace(Interval<Dim> &dom, const Loc<Dim> &s)
+ {
+   for (int d = 0; d < Dim; ++d)
+     {
+       int a = dom[d].first() - s[d].first();
+       int b = dom[d].last();
+       dom[d] = Interval<1>(a, b);
+     }
+   return dom;
+ }
+ template<int Dim>
+ Interval<Dim> &
+ growLeftInPlace(Interval<Dim> &dom, int s)
+ {
+   for (int d = 0; d < Dim; ++d)
+     {
+       int a = dom[d].first() - s;
+       int b = dom[d].last();
+       dom[d] = Interval<1>(a, b);
+     }
+   return dom;
+ }
+ template<int Dim>
+ inline Interval<Dim>
+ shrinkRight(const Interval<Dim> &dom, const Loc<Dim> &s)
+ {
+   Interval<Dim> ret = Pooma::NoInit();
+   for (int d = 0; d < Dim; ++d)
+     {
+       int a = dom[d].first();
+       int b = dom[d].last() - s[d].first();
+       ret[d] = Interval<1>(a, b);
+     }
+   return ret;
+ }
+ template<int Dim>
+ inline Interval<Dim>
+ shrinkRight(const Interval<Dim> &dom, int s)
+ {
+   Interval<Dim> ret = Pooma::NoInit();
+   for (int d = 0; d < Dim; ++d)
+     {
+       int a = dom[d].first();
+       int b = dom[d].last() - s;
+       ret[d] = Interval<1>(a, b);
+     }
+   return ret;
+ }
+ template<int Dim>
+ inline Interval<Dim>
+ growRight(const Interval<Dim> &dom, const Loc<Dim> &s)
+ {
+   Interval<Dim> ret = Pooma::NoInit();
+   for (int d = 0; d < Dim; ++d)
+     {
+       int a = dom[d].first();
+       int b = dom[d].last() + s[d].first();
+       ret[d] = Interval<1>(a, b);
+     }
+   return ret;
+ }
+ template<int Dim>
+ inline Interval<Dim>
+ growRight(const Interval<Dim> &dom, int s)
+ {
+   Interval<Dim> ret = Pooma::NoInit();
+   for (int d = 0; d < Dim; ++d)
+     {
+       int a = dom[d].first();
+       int b = dom[d].last() + s;
+       ret[d] = Interval<1>(a, b);
+     }
+   return ret;
+ }
+ template<int Dim>
+ inline Interval<Dim>
+ shrinkLeft(const Interval<Dim> &dom, const Loc<Dim> &s)
+ {
+   Interval<Dim> ret = Pooma::NoInit();
+   for (int d = 0; d < Dim; ++d)
+     {
+       int a = dom[d].first() + s[d].first();
+       int b = dom[d].last();
+       ret[d] = Interval<1>(a, b);
+     }
+   return ret;
+ }
+ template<int Dim>
+ inline Interval<Dim>
+ shrinkLeft(const Interval<Dim> &dom, int s)
+ {
+   Interval<Dim> ret = Pooma::NoInit();
+   for (int d = 0; d < Dim; ++d)
+     {
+       int a = dom[d].first() + s;
+       int b = dom[d].last();
+       ret[d] = Interval<1>(a, b);
+     }
+   return ret;
+ }
+ template<int Dim>
+ inline Interval<Dim>
+ growLeft(const Interval<Dim> &dom, const Loc<Dim> &s)
+ {
+   Interval<Dim> ret = Pooma::NoInit();
+   for (int d = 0; d < Dim; ++d)
+     {
+       int a = dom[d].first() - s[d].first();
+       int b = dom[d].last();
+       ret[d] = Interval<1>(a, b);
+     }
+   return ret;
+ }
+ template<int Dim>
+ inline Interval<Dim>
+ growLeft(const Interval<Dim> &dom, int s)
+ {
+   Interval<Dim> ret = Pooma::NoInit();
+   for (int d = 0; d < Dim; ++d)
+     {
+       int a = dom[d].first() - s;
+       int b = dom[d].last();
+       ret[d] = Interval<1>(a, b);
+     }
+   return ret;
+ }
+ template<int Dim>
+ inline Interval<Dim>
+ grow(const Interval<Dim> &dom, int s)
+ {
+   Interval<Dim> ret = Pooma::NoInit();
+   for (int d = 0; d < Dim; ++d)
+     {
+       int a = dom[d].first() - s;
+       int b = dom[d].last() + s;
+       ret[d] = Interval<1>(a, b);
+     }
+   return ret;
+ }
+ template<int Dim>
+ inline Interval<Dim>
+ grow(const Interval<Dim> &dom, const Loc<Dim> &s)
+ {
+   Interval<Dim> ret = Pooma::NoInit();
+   for (int d = 0; d < Dim; ++d)
+     {
+       int a = dom[d].first() - s[d].first();
+       int b = dom[d].last() + s[d].first();
+       ret[d] = Interval<1>(a, b);
+     }
+   return ret;
+ }
+ template<int Dim>
+ inline Interval<Dim>
+ shrink(const Interval<Dim> &dom, int s)
+ {
+   Interval<Dim> ret = Pooma::NoInit();
+   for (int d = 0; d < Dim; ++d)
+     {
+       int a = dom[d].first() + s;
+       int b = dom[d].last() - s;
+       ret[d] = Interval<1>(a, b);
+     }
+   return ret;
+ }
+ template<int Dim>
+ inline Interval<Dim>
+ shrink(const Interval<Dim> &dom, const Loc<Dim> &s)
+ {
+   Interval<Dim> ret = Pooma::NoInit();
+   for (int d = 0; d < Dim; ++d)
+     {
+       int a = dom[d].first() + s[d].first();
+       int b = dom[d].last() - s[d].first();
+       ret[d] = Interval<1>(a, b);
+     }
+   return ret;
+ }
+ template <int Dim, class T, class LayoutTag, class PatchTag>
+ Engine<Dim, T, MultiPatch<LayoutTag, PatchTag> >::
+ Engine()
+   : pDirty_m(0)
+ {
+ }
+ template <int Dim, class T, class LayoutTag, class PatchTag>
+ Engine<Dim, T, MultiPatch<LayoutTag, PatchTag> >::
+ Engine(const Layout_t &layout)
+   : layout_m(layout),
+     data_m(layout.sizeGlobal()),
+     pDirty_m(new int)
+ {
+   typedef typename Layout_t::Value_t Node_t;
+   setDirty();
+   int sz = data().size();
+   typedef Pooma::CountingSemaphore CountingSemaphore_t;
+   typedef typename Engine<Dim, T, MultiPatch<LayoutTag, PatchTag> >::
+     template PatchAllocator<Node_t,CountingSemaphore_t> PatchAllocator_t;
+   CountingSemaphore_t csem;
+   csem.height(sz);
+   typename Layout_t::const_iterator p = layout_m.beginGlobal();
+   for (int i = 0; i < sz; ++i, ++p)
+     {
+       PatchAllocator_t *spot = new PatchAllocator_t(data()[i], *p, csem);
+       Pooma::addRunnable(spot);
+     }
+   csem.wait();
+   layout_m.attach(*this);
+ }
+ template <int Dim, class T, class LayoutTag, class PatchTag>
+ Engine<Dim, T, MultiPatch<LayoutTag, PatchTag> >::
+ Engine(const Engine_t &modelEngine)
+   : layout_m(modelEngine.layout_m),
+     data_m(modelEngine.data_m),
+     pDirty_m(modelEngine.pDirty_m)
+ {
+   layout_m.attach(*this);
+ }
+ template <int Dim, class T, class LayoutTag, class PatchTag>
+ Engine<Dim, T, MultiPatch<LayoutTag, PatchTag> >::
+ ~Engine()
+ {
+   if (initialized())
+     {
+       layout_m.detach(*this);
+       if (!data().isShared())
+  delete pDirty_m;
+     }
+ }
+ template <int Dim, class T, class LayoutTag, class PatchTag>
+ Engine<Dim, T, MultiPatch<LayoutTag, PatchTag> > &
+ Engine<Dim, T, MultiPatch<LayoutTag, PatchTag> >::
+ operator=(const Engine_t &model)
+ {
+   if (&model == this)
+     return *this;
+   if (!model.initialized())
+     return *this;
+   if (initialized())
+     {
+       if (!data().isShared())
+  delete pDirty_m;
+       layout_m.detach(*this);
+     }
+   data_m = model.data();
+   pDirty_m = model.pDirty_m;
+   layout_m = model.layout_m;
+   layout_m.attach(*this);
+   return *this;
+ }
+ template <int Dim, class T, class LayoutTag, class PatchTag>
+ Engine<Dim, T, MultiPatch<LayoutTag,PatchTag> > &
+ Engine<Dim, T, MultiPatch<LayoutTag,PatchTag> >::
+ makeOwnCopy()
+ {
+   if (data_m.isValid() && data_m.isShared()) {
+     data_m.makeOwnCopy();
+     pDirty_m = new int(*pDirty_m);
+   }
+   return *this;
+ }
+ template <int Dim, class T, class Tag>
+ static inline
+ void simpleAssign(const Array<Dim, T, Tag>& lhs,
+     const Array<Dim, T, Tag>& rhs,
+     const Interval<Dim>& domain)
+ {
+   lhs(domain) = rhs(domain);
+ }
+ template <int Dim, class T, class Tag>
+ static inline
+ void simpleAssign(const Array<Dim, T, Remote<Tag> >& lhs,
+     const Array<Dim, T, Remote<Tag> >& rhs,
+     const Interval<Dim>& domain)
+ {
+   if (lhs.engine().owningContext() == rhs.engine().owningContext())
+     lhs(domain) = rhs(domain);
+   else {
+     typedef typename NewEngine<Engine<Dim, T, Tag>, Interval<Dim> >::Type_t ViewEngine_t;
+     if (lhs.engine().engineIsLocal())
+       Receive<ViewEngine_t>::receive(ViewEngine_t(lhs.engine().localEngine(), domain),
+          rhs.engine().owningContext());
+     else if (rhs.engine().engineIsLocal())
+       SendReceive::send(ViewEngine_t(rhs.engine().localEngine(), domain),
+    lhs.engine().owningContext());
+   }
+ }
+ template <int Dim, class T, class LayoutTag, class PatchTag>
+ void Engine<Dim, T, MultiPatch<LayoutTag,PatchTag> >::
+ fillGuardsHandler(const GuardLayers<Dim>& g, const WrappedInt<true> &) const
+ {
+   if (!isDirty()) return;
+   int updated = 0;
+   typename Layout_t::FillIterator_t p = layout_m.beginFillList();
+   while (p != layout_m.endFillList())
+     {
+       int src = p->ownedID_m;
+       int dest = p->guardID_m;
+       if (isDirty(p->face_m)) {
+  int d = p->face_m/2;
+  int guardSizeNeeded = p->face_m & 1 ? g.upper(d) : g.lower(d);
+         if (!(p->face_m != -1
+        && guardSizeNeeded == 0)) {
+           Array<Dim, T, PatchTag> lhs(data()[dest]), rhs(data()[src]);
+           lhs(p->domain_m) = rhs(p->domain_m);
+    updated |= 1<<p->face_m;
+  }
+       }
+       ++p;
+     }
+   *pDirty_m &= ~updated;
+ }
+ template <int Dim, class T, class LayoutTag, class PatchTag>
+ void Engine<Dim, T, MultiPatch<LayoutTag,PatchTag> >::
+ setGuards(const T &val) const
+ {
+   typename Layout_t::FillIterator_t p = layout_m.beginFillList();
+   while (p != layout_m.endFillList())
+     {
+       int dest = p->guardID_m;
+       Array<Dim, T, PatchTag> lhs(data()[dest]);
+       lhs(p->domain_m) = val;
+       ++p;
+     }
+   setDirty();
+ }
+ template <int Dim, class T, class LayoutTag, class PatchTag>
+ void Engine<Dim, T, MultiPatch<LayoutTag,PatchTag> >::
+ accumulateFromGuards() const
+ {
+   typename Layout_t::FillIterator_t p = layout_m.beginFillList();
+   while (p != layout_m.endFillList())
+     {
+       int dest = p->ownedID_m;
+       int src = p->guardID_m;
+       Array<Dim, T, PatchTag> lhs(data()[dest]), rhs(data()[src]);
+       lhs(p->domain_m) += rhs(p->domain_m);
+       ++p;
+     }
+   setDirty();
+ }
+ template <int Dim, class T, class LayoutTag, class PatchTag>
+ void Engine<Dim, T, MultiPatch<LayoutTag,PatchTag> >::
+ dynamicHandler(Observable_t &,
+                const ObserverEvent &event,
+                const WrappedInt<true> &)
+ {
+   switch (event.event())
+   {
+     case DynamicEvents::create:
+       {
+         typedef const CreateEvent &EventRef_t;
+         EventRef_t e = dynamic_cast<EventRef_t>(event);
+         performCreate(e.amount(), e.patch(), e.ID());
+       }
+       break;
+     case DynamicEvents::destroyInterval:
+       {
+         typedef const DestroyEvent< Interval<1> > &EventRef_t;
+         EventRef_t e = dynamic_cast<EventRef_t>(event);
+         switch (e.method())
+         {
+           case DynamicEvents::backfill:
+             performDestroy(e.domain(), e.patch(), BackFill(), e.ID());
+      break;
+    case DynamicEvents::shiftup:
+      performDestroy(e.domain(), e.patch(), ShiftUp(), e.ID());
+      break;
+    default:
+      if (__builtin_expect(!!(false), true)) {} else Pooma::toss_cookies("Unsupported delete method MultiPatchEngine::destroy", "/home/rguenth/ix86/pooma/tat-serial/pooma/linux/src/Engine/MultiPatchEngine.cpp", 455);
+         }
+       }
+       break;
+     case DynamicEvents::destroyRange:
+       {
+         typedef const DestroyEvent< Range<1> > &EventRef_t;
+         EventRef_t e = dynamic_cast<EventRef_t>(event);
+         switch (e.method())
+         {
+           case DynamicEvents::backfill:
+             performDestroy(e.domain(), e.patch(), BackFill(), e.ID());
+      break;
+    case DynamicEvents::shiftup:
+      performDestroy(e.domain(), e.patch(), ShiftUp(), e.ID());
+      break;
+    default:
+      if (__builtin_expect(!!(false), true)) {} else Pooma::toss_cookies("Unsupported delete method MultiPatchEngine::destroy", "/home/rguenth/ix86/pooma/tat-serial/pooma/linux/src/Engine/MultiPatchEngine.cpp", 476);
+         }
+       }
+       break;
+     case DynamicEvents::destroyList:
+       {
+         typedef const DestroyEvent< IndirectionList<int> > &EventRef_t;
+         EventRef_t e = dynamic_cast<EventRef_t>(event);
+         switch (e.method())
+         {
+           case DynamicEvents::backfill:
+             performDestroy(e.domain(), e.patch(), BackFill(), e.ID());
+      break;
+    case DynamicEvents::shiftup:
+      performDestroy(e.domain(), e.patch(), ShiftUp(), e.ID());
+      break;
+    default:
+      if (__builtin_expect(!!(false), true)) {} else Pooma::toss_cookies("Unsupported delete method MultiPatchEngine::destroy", "/home/rguenth/ix86/pooma/tat-serial/pooma/linux/src/Engine/MultiPatchEngine.cpp", 497);
+         }
+       }
+       break;
+     case DynamicEvents::destroyIterList:
+       {
+         using Pooma::IteratorPairDomain;
+         typedef
+           const DestroyEvent< IteratorPairDomain<const int*> > &EventRef_t;
+         EventRef_t e = dynamic_cast<EventRef_t>(event);
+         switch (e.method())
+         {
+           case DynamicEvents::backfill:
+             performDestroy(e.domain(), e.patch(), BackFill(), e.ID());
+      break;
+    case DynamicEvents::shiftup:
+      performDestroy(e.domain(), e.patch(), ShiftUp(), e.ID());
+      break;
+    default:
+      if (__builtin_expect(!!(false), true)) {} else Pooma::toss_cookies("Unsupported delete method MultiPatchEngine::destroy", "/home/rguenth/ix86/pooma/tat-serial/pooma/linux/src/Engine/MultiPatchEngine.cpp", 520);
+         }
+       }
+       break;
+     case DynamicEvents::copyInterval:
+       {
+         typedef const CopyEvent< Interval<1> > &EventRef_t;
+         EventRef_t e = dynamic_cast<EventRef_t>(event);
+         performCopy(e.domain(), e.fromPatch(), e.toPatch(), e.ID());
+       }
+       break;
+     case DynamicEvents::copyRange:
+       {
+         typedef const CopyEvent< Range<1> > &EventRef_t;
+  EventRef_t e = dynamic_cast<EventRef_t>(event);
+  performCopy(e.domain(), e.fromPatch(), e.toPatch(), e.ID());
+       }
+       break;
+     case DynamicEvents::copyList:
+       {
+         typedef const CopyEvent< IndirectionList<int> > &EventRef_t;
+  EventRef_t e = dynamic_cast<EventRef_t>(event);
+  performCopy(e.domain(), e.fromPatch(), e.toPatch(), e.ID());
+       }
+       break;
+     case DynamicEvents::copyPatchList:
+       {
+         typedef const CopyPatchEvent &EventRef_t;
+         EventRef_t e = dynamic_cast<EventRef_t>(event);
+         performPatchCopy(e.domainLists(), e.fromPatch(), e.toPatch(),
+                          e.create(), e.ID());
+       }
+       break;
+     case DynamicEvents::sync:
+       {
+         for (int i=0; i < layout().sizeGlobal(); ++i)
+    data()[i].sync(layout().nodeListGlobal()[i]->domain());
+       }
+       break;
+     default:
+       if (__builtin_expect(!!(0), true)) {} else Pooma::toss_cookies("Invalid dynamic op???", "/home/rguenth/ix86/pooma/tat-serial/pooma/linux/src/Engine/MultiPatchEngine.cpp", 567);
+   }
+ }
+ template <int Dim, class T, class LayoutTag, class PatchTag>
+ void Engine<Dim, T, MultiPatch<LayoutTag, PatchTag> >::
+ notify(Observable_t &observed, const ObserverEvent &event)
+ {
+   ;
+   if(event.event() == Layout_t::repartitionEvent)
+     {
+       typedef typename Layout_t::Value_t Node_t;
+       int sz = layout().sizeGlobal();
+       PatchContainer_t newData(sz);
+       typedef Pooma::CountingSemaphore CountingSemaphore_t;
+       typedef typename Engine<Dim, T, MultiPatch<LayoutTag, PatchTag> >::
+         template PatchAllocator<Node_t,CountingSemaphore_t> PatchAllocator_t;
+       CountingSemaphore_t csem;
+       csem.height(sz);
+       typename Layout_t::const_iterator p = layout().beginGlobal();
+       for (int i = 0; i < sz; ++i, ++p)
+  {
+           PatchAllocator_t *spot = new PatchAllocator_t(newData[i], *p, csem);
+           Pooma::addRunnable(spot);
+         }
+       csem.wait();
+       data_m = newData;
+     }
+   else
+     {
+       if (DynamicEvents::isDynamic(event.event()))
+         {
+           dynamicHandler(observed, event,
+             WrappedInt<PatchEngine_t::dynamic>());
+  }
+       else
+  {
+  }
+     }
+ }
+ template <int Dim, class T, class LayoutTag, class PatchTag>
+ void Engine<Dim, T, MultiPatch<LayoutTag, PatchTag> >::
+ performCreate(CreateSize_t num, PatchID_t localPatchID, DynamicID_t did)
+ {
+   ;
+   ;
+   int globalID = layout().nodeListLocal()[localPatchID]->globalID();
+   if (! checkDynamicID(data()[globalID], did))
+     return;
+   data()[globalID].create(num);
+ }
+ template <int Dim, class T, class LayoutTag, class PatchTag>
+ template <class Dom, class DeleteMethod>
+ void Engine<Dim, T, MultiPatch<LayoutTag, PatchTag> >::
+ performDestroy(const Dom &killlist, PatchID_t localPatchID,
+         const DeleteMethod &method, DynamicID_t did)
+ {
+   ;
+   int globalID = layout().nodeListLocal()[localPatchID]->globalID();
+   if (! checkDynamicID(data()[globalID], did))
+     return;
+   data()[globalID].destroy(killlist, method, true);
+ }
+ template <int Dim, class T, class LayoutTag, class PatchTag>
+ template <class Dom>
+ void Engine<Dim, T, MultiPatch<LayoutTag, PatchTag> >::
+ performCopy(const Dom &copylist, PatchID_t frompatch, PatchID_t topatch,
+      DynamicID_t did)
+ {
+   ;
+   ;
+   ;
+   int from_gID = layout().nodeListLocal()[frompatch]->globalID();
+   int to_gID = layout().nodeListLocal()[topatch]->globalID();
+   bool chk1 = checkDynamicID(data()[from_gID], did);
+   bool chk2 = chk1;
+   if (frompatch != topatch)
+     chk2 = checkDynamicID(data()[to_gID], did);
+   ;
+   if (!chk1 || !chk2)
+     return;
+   ;
+   int offs = data()[from_gID].domain()[0].first();
+   int i = data()[to_gID].domain()[0].last() + 1;
+   int num = copylist.size();
+   data()[to_gID].create(num);
+   for (int n = 0; n < num; ++n, ++i)
+   {
+     localPatchEngine(data()[to_gID])(i) =
+       localPatchEngine(data()[from_gID])(copylist[0](n) + offs);
+   }
+ }
+ template <int Dim, class T, class LayoutTag, class PatchTag>
+ void Engine<Dim, T, MultiPatch<LayoutTag, PatchTag> >::
+ performPatchCopy(const IndirectionList< IndirectionList<int> > &domlists,
+    const IndirectionList< int > &fromlist,
+    PatchID_t topatch,
+    bool docreate,
+    DynamicID_t did)
+ {
+   ;
+   ;
+   int to_gID = layout().nodeListLocal()[topatch]->globalID();
+   if (! checkDynamicID(data()[to_gID], did))
+     return;
+   int i, p, fill, created = 0;
+   int np = domlists.size();
+   ;
+   for (p = 0; p < np; ++p)
+     {
+       int frompatch = fromlist(p);
+       int from_gID = layout().nodeListLocal()[frompatch]->globalID();
+       ;
+       ;
+       ;
+       created += domlists(p).size();
+     }
+   if (docreate)
+     {
+       fill = data()[to_gID].domain()[0].last() + 1;
+       data()[to_gID].create(created);
+     }
+   else
+     {
+       ;
+       fill = data()[to_gID].domain()[0].last() + 1 - created;
+     }
+   for (p = 0; p < np; ++p)
+     {
+       int sz = domlists(p).size();
+       int frompatch = fromlist(p);
+       int from_gID = layout().nodeListLocal()[frompatch]->globalID();
+       int offs = data()[from_gID].domain()[0].first();
+       for (i = 0; i < sz; ++i, ++fill)
+       {
+  localPatchEngine(data()[to_gID])(fill) =
+    localPatchEngine(data()[from_gID])(domlists(p)(i) + offs);
+       }
+     }
+ }
+ template<int Dim, class T, class LTag, class PatchTag>
+ long elementsCompressed(const Engine<Dim, T, MultiPatch<LTag, PatchTag> >
+   &engine)
+ {
+   int size = engine.layout().sizeLocal();
+   bool distributed = true;
+   if (size > 0 && engine.layout().beginLocal()->context() == -1)
+     distributed = false;
+   long num = 0L;
+   for (int i = 0 ; i < size ; ++i )
+     num += elementsCompressed(engine.localPatch(i));
+   if (distributed)
+     {
+       ReduceOverContexts<long, OpAddAssign> total(num);
+       total.broadcast(num);
+     }
+   return num;
+ }
+ template<int Dim, class T, class LTag, class PatchTag>
+ bool compressed(const Engine<Dim, T, MultiPatch<LTag, PatchTag> > &engine)
+ {
+   int size = engine.layout().sizeLocal();
+   bool distributed = true;
+   if (size > 0 && engine.layout().beginLocal()->context() == -1)
+     distributed = false;
+   int com = 1;
+   for (int i = 0 ; i < size ; ++i )
+     com &= (compressed(engine.localPatch(i)) ? 1 : 0);
+   if (distributed)
+     {
+       ReduceOverContexts<int, OpBitwiseAndAssign> total(com);
+       total.broadcast(com);
+     }
+   return com ? true : false;
+ }
+ template<int Dim, class T, class LTag, class PatchTag, int Dim2>
+ long elementsCompressed(const
+   Engine<Dim, T, MultiPatchView<LTag, PatchTag, Dim2> > &engine)
+ {
+   typedef Engine<Dim, T, MultiPatchView<LTag, PatchTag, Dim2> > Engine_t;
+   typedef typename Engine_t::Layout_t Layout_t;
+   int size = engine.layout().sizeLocal();
+   bool distributed = true;
+   if (size > 0 && engine.layout().beginLocal()->context() == -1)
+     distributed = false;
+   typename Layout_t::const_iterator i = engine.layout().beginLocal();
+   long num = 0L;
+   while (i != engine.layout().endLocal())
+     {
+       num += elementsCompressed(engine.globalPatch(*i));
+       ++i;
+     }
+   if (distributed)
+     {
+       ReduceOverContexts<long, OpAddAssign> total(num);
+       total.broadcast(num);
+     }
+   return num;
+ }
+ template<int Dim, class T, class LTag, class PatchTag>
+ void compress(Engine<Dim, T, MultiPatch<LTag, PatchTag> > &engine)
+ {
+   for (int i = 0; i < engine.layout().sizeLocal(); ++i)
+     compress(engine.localPatch(i));
+ }
+ template<int Dim, class T, class LTag, class PatchTag>
+ void uncompress(Engine<Dim, T, MultiPatch<LTag, PatchTag> > &engine)
+ {
+   for (int i = 0; i < engine.layout().sizeLocal(); ++i)
+     uncompress(engine.localPatch(i));
+ }
+ template <int Dim> class GridLayoutData;
+ template <int Dim> class GridLayout;
+ template <int Dim, int Dim2> class GridLayoutViewData;
+ template <int Dim, int Dim2> class GridLayoutView;
+ struct GridTag { };
+ template <int Dim>
+ struct MultiPatchLayoutTraits<GridTag,Dim>
+ {
+   typedef GridLayout<Dim> Layout_t;
+   template <int ViewDim>
+   struct View
+   {
+     typedef GridLayoutView<ViewDim,Dim> Layout_t;
+   };
+ };
+ template<int Dim>
+ class GridLayoutData
+   : public LayoutBaseData<Dim>,
+     public RefCounted,
+     public Observable< GridLayoutData<Dim> >
+ {
+ public:
+   typedef GridLayoutData<Dim> This_t;
+   typedef Observable<This_t> Observable_t;
+   typedef Interval<Dim> Domain_t;
+   typedef Interval<Dim> BaseDomain_t;
+   typedef int Context_t;
+   typedef Unique::Value_t ID_t;
+   typedef Node<Domain_t> Value_t;
+   typedef std::vector<Value_t *> List_t;
+   typedef GuardLayers<Dim> GuardLayers_t;
+   typedef int AxisIndex_t;
+   typedef typename DynamicEvents::PatchID_t PatchID_t;
+   typedef typename DynamicEvents::CreateSize_t CreateSize_t;
+   typedef typename LayoutBaseData<Dim>::GCFillInfo_t GCFillInfo_t;
+   typedef typename std::vector<GCFillInfo_t>::const_iterator FillIterator_t;
+   enum { dimensions = Dim };
+   enum { repartitionEvent = 1 };
+   enum { dynamic = false };
+   GridLayoutData();
+   template <class Partitioner>
+   GridLayoutData(const Domain_t &gdom,
+    const Partitioner &gpar,
+    const ContextMapper<Dim> & cmap);
+   template <class Partitioner>
+   GridLayoutData(const Grid<Dim> &gdom,
+    const Partitioner &gpar,
+                  const ContextMapper<Dim> &cmap);
+   ~GridLayoutData();
+   template <class Partitioner>
+   void initialize(const Domain_t &gdom,
+     const Partitioner &gpar,
+     const ContextMapper<Dim> &cmap);
+   template <class Partitioner>
+   inline void initialize(const Grid<Dim> &gdom,
+     const Partitioner &gpar,
+                          const ContextMapper<Dim> &cmap);
+   void initialize(const Domain_t& idom,
+     const List_t& nodes,
+     const Loc<Dim>& blocks,
+     bool hasIG, bool hasEG,
+     const GuardLayers_t& ig,
+     const GuardLayers_t& eg);
+   inline const Loc<Dim> &blocks() const
+     {
+       return this->blocks_m;
+     }
+   inline bool dirty() const
+     {
+       return dirtyLayout_m;
+     }
+   int globalID(const Loc<Dim> &loc) const;
+   int globalID(int) const;
+   int globalID(int,int) const;
+   int globalID(int,int,int) const;
+   int globalID(int,int,int,int) const;
+   int globalID(int,int,int,int,int) const;
+   int globalID(int,int,int,int,int,int) const;
+   int globalID(int,int,int,int,int,int,int) const;
+   FillIterator_t beginFillList() const
+     {
+       return this->gcFillList_m.begin();
+     }
+   FillIterator_t endFillList() const
+     {
+       return this->gcFillList_m.end();
+     }
+   template <class OtherDomain, class OutIter, class ConstructTag>
+   int touches(const OtherDomain &fulld, OutIter o,
+        const ConstructTag &ctag) const;
+   template <class OtherDomain, class OutIter, class ConstructTag>
+   int touchesAlloc(const OtherDomain &fulld, OutIter o,
+      const ConstructTag &ctag) const;
+   void sync();
+   template<class Out>
+   void print(Out & ostr);
+ private:
+   void calcGCFillList();
+   void calcDomains();
+   void calcMaps() const;
+   void calcAllocMaps() const;
+   inline int blockIndex(const Loc<Dim> &loc) const
+     {
+       int pos = loc[0].first();
+       for (int i=1; i < Dim; ++i)
+  pos += loc[i].first() * blockStrides_m[i];
+       return pos;
+     }
+   bool dirtyLayout_m;
+   int blockStrides_m[Dim];
+   mutable DomainMap<Interval<1>,AxisIndex_t> map_m[Dim];
+   mutable DomainMap<Interval<1>,AxisIndex_t> mapAloc_m[Dim];
+ };
+ template <int Dim>
+ class GridLayout : public LayoutBase<Dim,GridLayoutData<Dim> >,
+                    public Observable<GridLayout<Dim> >,
+                    public Observer<GridLayoutData<Dim> >
+ {
+ public:
+   typedef GridLayout<Dim> This_t;
+   typedef Observable<This_t> Observable_t;
+   typedef GridLayoutData<Dim> LayoutData_t;
+   typedef typename LayoutData_t::Domain_t Domain_t;
+   typedef typename LayoutData_t::BaseDomain_t BaseDomain_t;
+   typedef typename LayoutData_t::Context_t Context_t;
+   typedef typename LayoutData_t::ID_t ID_t;
+   typedef typename LayoutData_t::Value_t Value_t;
+   typedef typename LayoutData_t::List_t List_t;
+   typedef DynamicEvents::PatchID_t PatchID_t;
+   typedef DynamicEvents::CreateSize_t CreateSize_t;
+   typedef GuardLayers<Dim> GuardLayers_t;
+   typedef DerefIterator<Value_t> iterator;
+   typedef ConstDerefIterator<Value_t> const_iterator;
+   typedef typename LayoutData_t::GCFillInfo_t GCFillInfo_t;
+   typedef typename
+     std::vector<GCFillInfo_t>::const_iterator FillIterator_t;
+   enum { dimensions = Dim };
+   enum { repartitionEvent = 1 };
+   enum { dynamic = true };
+   GridLayout();
+   GridLayout(const Domain_t &,const DistributedTag &);
+   GridLayout(const Domain_t &,const ReplicatedTag &);
+   GridLayout(const Domain_t &,
+              const GuardLayers_t &,const DistributedTag &);
+   GridLayout(const Domain_t &,
+              const GuardLayers_t &,const ReplicatedTag &);
+   GridLayout(const Domain_t &,
+       const Loc<Dim> &,const DistributedTag &);
+   GridLayout(const Domain_t &,
+       const Loc<Dim> &,
+       const GuardLayers_t &,const DistributedTag &);
+   GridLayout(const Domain_t &,
+       const Loc<Dim> &,
+       const GuardLayers_t &,
+       const GuardLayers_t &,const DistributedTag &);
+   GridLayout(const Domain_t &,
+       const Loc<Dim> &,const ReplicatedTag &);
+   GridLayout(const Domain_t &,
+       const Loc<Dim> &,
+       const GuardLayers_t &,const ReplicatedTag &);
+   GridLayout(const Domain_t &,
+       const Loc<Dim> &,
+       const GuardLayers_t &,
+       const GuardLayers_t &,const ReplicatedTag &);
+   GridLayout(const Grid<Dim> &,
+       const DistributedTag &);
+   GridLayout(const Grid<Dim> &,
+       const GuardLayers_t &,
+       const DistributedTag &);
+   GridLayout(const Grid<Dim> &,
+       const GuardLayers_t &,
+       const GuardLayers_t &,
+       const DistributedTag &);
+   GridLayout(const Grid<Dim> &,
+       const ReplicatedTag &);
+   GridLayout(const Grid<Dim> &,
+       const GuardLayers_t &,
+       const ReplicatedTag &);
+   GridLayout(const Grid<Dim> &,
+       const GuardLayers_t &,
+       const GuardLayers_t &,
+       const ReplicatedTag &);
+   template <class Partitioner>
+   GridLayout(const Domain_t &,
+       const Partitioner &,
+       const DistributedTag &);
+   template <class Partitioner>
+   GridLayout(const Domain_t &,
+       const Partitioner &,
+       const ReplicatedTag &);
+   template <class Partitioner>
+   GridLayout(const Domain_t &,
+       const Partitioner &,
+       const ContextMapper<Dim> &);
+   GridLayout(const This_t &);
+   This_t &operator=(const This_t &);
+   inline ~GridLayout()
+     {
+       this->pdata_m->detach(*this);
+     }
+   void initialize(const Domain_t &,
+     const DistributedTag &);
+   void initialize(const Domain_t &,
+     const GuardLayers_t &,
+     const DistributedTag &);
+   void initialize(const Domain_t &,
+     const Loc<Dim> &,
+     const DistributedTag &);
+   void initialize(const Domain_t &,
+     const Loc<Dim> &,
+     const GuardLayers_t &,
+     const DistributedTag &);
+   void initialize(const Domain_t &,
+     const Loc<Dim> &,
+     const GuardLayers_t &,
+     const GuardLayers_t &,
+     const DistributedTag &);
+   void initialize(const Grid<Dim> &,
+     const DistributedTag &);
+   void initialize(const Grid<Dim> &,
+     const GuardLayers_t &,
+     const DistributedTag &);
+   void initialize(const Grid<Dim> &,
+     const GuardLayers_t &,
+     const GuardLayers_t &,
+     const DistributedTag &);
+   template <class Partitioner>
+   void initialize(const Domain_t &,
+     const Partitioner &,
+     const DistributedTag &);
+   void initialize(const Domain_t &,
+     const ReplicatedTag &);
+   void initialize(const Domain_t &,
+     const GuardLayers_t &,
+     const ReplicatedTag &);
+   void initialize(const Domain_t &,
+     const Loc<Dim> &,
+     const ReplicatedTag &);
+   void initialize(const Domain_t &,
+     const Loc<Dim> &,
+     const GuardLayers_t &,
+     const ReplicatedTag &);
+   void initialize(const Domain_t &,
+     const Loc<Dim> &,
+     const GuardLayers_t &,
+     const GuardLayers_t &,
+     const ReplicatedTag &);
+   void initialize(const Grid<Dim> &,
+     const ReplicatedTag &);
+   void initialize(const Grid<Dim> &,
+     const GuardLayers_t &,
+     const ReplicatedTag &);
+   void initialize(const Grid<Dim> &,
+     const GuardLayers_t &,
+     const GuardLayers_t &,
+     const ReplicatedTag &);
+   template <class Partitioner>
+   void initialize(const Domain_t &,
+     const Partitioner &,
+     const ReplicatedTag &);
+   template <class Partitioner>
+   void initialize(const Domain_t &,
+     const Partitioner &,
+     const ContextMapper<Dim> &);
+   void initialize(const Domain_t& idom,
+     const List_t& nodes,
+     const Loc<Dim>& blocks,
+     bool hasIG, bool hasEG,
+     const GuardLayers_t& ig,
+     const GuardLayers_t& eg);
+   inline const Loc<Dim> &blocks() const
+     {
+       return this->pdata_m->blocks();
+     }
+   template <class Partitioner>
+   inline bool repartition(const Partitioner &gp,const ContextMapper<Dim> &cm)
+     {
+       this->pdata_m->initialize(this->domain(),gp,cm);
+       this->pdata_m->notify(repartitionEvent);
+       return true;
+     }
+   inline void sync()
+     {
+       this->pdata_m->sync();
+     }
+   virtual void notify(LayoutData_t &d, const ObserverEvent &event)
+     {
+       ;
+       Observable_t::notify(event);
+     }
+   template <class Ostream>
+   void print(Ostream &ostr) const;
+   template <int Dim1, int Dim2>
+   friend class GridLayoutView;
+   friend class GridLayoutData<Dim>;
+ };
+ template <int Dim, int Dim2>
+ class GridLayoutViewData :
+                 public LayoutBaseViewData<Dim, Dim2, GridLayout<Dim2> >,
+                 public RefCounted
+ {
+ public:
+   typedef GridLayout<Dim2> Layout_t;
+   typedef GridLayoutView<Dim, Dim2> ViewLayout_t;
+   typedef Interval<Dim> Domain_t;
+   typedef Range<Dim2> BaseDomain_t;
+   typedef int Context_t;
+   typedef Unique::Value_t ID_t;
+   typedef typename Layout_t::Domain_t AllocatedDomain_t;
+   typedef ViewIndexer<Dim,Dim2> Indexer_t;
+   typedef Node<Domain_t,AllocatedDomain_t> Value_t;
+   typedef std::vector<Value_t *> List_t;
+   typedef GuardLayers<Dim> GuardLayers_t;
+   typedef GridLayoutViewData<Dim,Dim2> LayoutData_t;
+   enum { dim = Dim };
+   enum { dim2 = Dim2 };
+   GridLayoutViewData() { }
+   template <class DT>
+   inline GridLayoutViewData(const Layout_t &layout, const Domain<Dim, DT> &dom)
+   : LayoutBaseViewData<Dim,Dim2,GridLayout<Dim2> >(layout,dom)
+   {
+   }
+   template <class DT>
+   inline GridLayoutViewData(const Layout_t &layout,
+                             const SliceDomain<DT> &dom)
+   :LayoutBaseViewData<Dim,Dim2,GridLayout<Dim2> >(layout,dom)
+   {
+   }
+   template <class DT>
+   GridLayoutViewData(const ViewLayout_t &layout,
+                      const Domain<Dim, DT> &dom)
+   : LayoutBaseViewData<Dim,Dim2,GridLayout<Dim2> >(
+            layout.pdata_m->layout_m,
+            layout,
+            layout.pdata_m->indexer_m,
+            dom,
+            layout.internalGuards(),
+            layout.externalGuards())
+   {
+   }
+   template <int OrigDim, class DT>
+   GridLayoutViewData(const GridLayoutView<OrigDim, Dim2> &layout,
+                      const SliceDomain<DT> &dom)
+     : LayoutBaseViewData<Dim,Dim2,GridLayout<Dim2> >(
+         layout.pdata_m->layout_m,
+         layout,
+         Indexer_t(layout.pdata_m->indexer_m,dom),
+         dom)
+   {
+   }
+   ~GridLayoutViewData()
+   {
+     typename List_t::iterator a;
+     for (a = this->all_m.begin(); a != this->all_m.end(); ++a)
+       delete (*a);
+   }
+ };
+ template <int Dim, int Dim2>
+ class GridLayoutView
+ : public LayoutBaseView<Dim, Dim2, GridLayoutViewData<Dim,Dim2> >
+ {
+ public:
+   enum { dimensions = Dim };
+   enum { dim = Dim };
+   enum { dim2 = Dim2 };
+   typedef GridLayoutViewData<Dim, Dim2> LayoutData_t;
+   typedef typename LayoutData_t::Domain_t Domain_t;
+   typedef typename LayoutData_t::BaseDomain_t BaseDomain_t;
+   typedef typename LayoutData_t::Context_t Context_t;
+   typedef typename LayoutData_t::ID_t ID_t;
+   typedef typename LayoutData_t::Layout_t Layout_t;
+   typedef typename LayoutData_t::AllocatedDomain_t AllocatedDomain_t;
+   typedef typename LayoutData_t::Value_t Value_t;
+   typedef typename LayoutData_t::List_t List_t;
+   typedef typename LayoutData_t::Indexer_t Indexer_t;
+   typedef typename LayoutData_t::GuardLayers_t GuardLayers_t;
+   typedef GridLayoutView<Dim, Dim2> This_t;
+   typedef GridLayoutView<Dim, Dim2> ViewLayout_t;
+   typedef LayoutBaseView<Dim, Dim2, LayoutData_t> Base_t;
+   typedef DerefIterator<Value_t> iterator;
+   typedef ConstDerefIterator<Value_t> const_iterator;
+   GridLayoutView()
+     : Base_t(new LayoutData_t())
+   { }
+   template <class DT>
+   GridLayoutView(const Layout_t &layout, const Domain<Dim2, DT> &dom)
+     : LayoutBaseView<Dim,Dim2,GridLayoutViewData<Dim,Dim2> >
+   (new GridLayoutViewData<Dim,Dim2>(layout,dom))
+   { }
+   template <class DT>
+   GridLayoutView(const Layout_t &layout, const SliceDomain<DT> &dom)
+     : LayoutBaseView<Dim,Dim2,GridLayoutViewData<Dim,Dim2> >
+   (new GridLayoutViewData<Dim,Dim2>(layout,dom))
+   { }
+   template <class DT>
+   GridLayoutView(const ViewLayout_t &layout, const Domain<Dim, DT> &dom)
+  : LayoutBaseView<Dim,Dim2,GridLayoutViewData<Dim,Dim2> >
+   (new GridLayoutViewData<Dim,Dim2>(layout,dom))
+   { }
+   template <int OldViewDim, class DT>
+   GridLayoutView(const GridLayoutView<OldViewDim, Dim2> &layout,
+                         const SliceDomain<DT> &dom)
+   : LayoutBaseView<Dim,Dim2,GridLayoutViewData<Dim,Dim2> >
+   (new GridLayoutViewData<Dim,Dim2>(layout,dom))
+   { }
+   inline GridLayoutView(const This_t &model)
+     : LayoutBaseView<Dim,Dim2,GridLayoutViewData<Dim,Dim2> >(model.pdata_m)
+   { }
+   inline This_t &operator=(const This_t &model)
+   {
+     if (this != &model)
+       {
+         this->pdata_m = model.pdata_m;
+       }
+     return *this;
+   }
+   inline ~GridLayoutView()
+   { }
+   template <class Ostream>
+   void print(Ostream &ostr) const;
+   template <int OtherDim, int OtherDim2>
+   friend class GridLayoutView;
+   template <int OtherDim, int OtherDim2>
+   friend class GridLayoutViewData;
+   void computeSubdomains() const { this->pdata_m->computeSubdomains(); }
+ };
+ template <int Dim>
+ struct NewDomain1<GridLayout<Dim> >
+ {
+   typedef GridLayout<Dim> &Type_t;
+   inline static Type_t combine(const GridLayout<Dim> &a)
+     {
+       return const_cast<Type_t>(a);
+     }
+ };
+ template <int Dim, int Dim2>
+ struct NewDomain1<GridLayoutView<Dim, Dim2> >
+ {
+   typedef GridLayoutView<Dim, Dim2> &Type_t;
+   inline static Type_t combine(const GridLayoutView<Dim, Dim2> &a)
+     {
+       return const_cast<Type_t>(a);
+     }
+ };
+ template <int Dim>
+ std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &ostr,
+     const GridLayout<Dim> &layout)
+ {
+   layout.print(ostr);
+   return ostr;
+ }
+ template <int Dim, int Dim2>
+ std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &ostr,
+     const GridLayoutView<Dim, Dim2> &layout)
+ {
+   layout.print(ostr);
+   return ostr;
+ }
+ template<int Dim>
+ GridLayoutData<Dim>::GridLayoutData()
+  : LayoutBaseData<Dim>(false,false,
+      GuardLayers_t(0),GuardLayers_t(0),
+      Interval<Dim>(),Interval<Dim>()),
+     Observable<GridLayoutData>(*this)
+ {
+   for (int d=0; d < Dim; ++d)
+     this->firsti_m[d] = this->firste_m[d] = blockStrides_m[d] = 0;
+ }
+ template<int Dim>
+ template<class Partitioner>
+ GridLayoutData<Dim>::GridLayoutData(const Grid<Dim> &gdom,
+         const Partitioner &gpar,
+         const ContextMapper<Dim> &cmap)
+   : LayoutBaseData<Dim>(false,false,
+    GuardLayers_t(0),GuardLayers_t(0),
+    Interval<Dim>(), Interval<Dim>()),
+     Observable<GridLayoutData>(*this)
+ {
+   initialize(gdom, gpar, cmap);
+ }
+ template<int Dim>
+ template<class Partitioner>
+ GridLayoutData<Dim>::GridLayoutData(const Domain_t &gdom,
+         const Partitioner &gpar,
+         const ContextMapper<Dim> &cmap)
+   : LayoutBaseData<Dim>(false,false,
+    GuardLayers_t(0),GuardLayers_t(0),
+    gdom,gdom),
+     Observable<GridLayoutData>(*this)
+ {
+   for (int d=0; d < Dim; ++d)
+     this->firsti_m[d] = this->firste_m[d] = blockStrides_m[d] = 0;
+   initialize(gdom, gpar, cmap);
+ }
+ template<int Dim>
+ GridLayoutData<Dim>::~GridLayoutData()
+ {
+   for (typename List_t::iterator a = this->all_m.begin(); a != this->all_m.end(); ++a)
+     delete (*a);
+ }
+ template<int Dim>
+ template <class Partitioner>
+ inline void GridLayoutData<Dim>::initialize(const Grid<Dim> &gdom,
+          const Partitioner &gpar,
+          const ContextMapper<Dim> &cmap)
+ {
+   Domain_t idom = Pooma::NoInit();
+   for (int d=0; d < Dim; ++d)
+     idom[d] = Interval<1>(gdom[d].first(), gdom[d].last() - 1);
+   initialize(idom, gpar, cmap);
+ }
+ template<int Dim>
+ template<class Partitioner>
+ inline void GridLayoutData<Dim>::initialize(const Domain_t &gdom,
+          const Partitioner &gpar,
+          const ContextMapper<Dim> &cmap)
+ {
+   int i;
+   PoomaCTAssert<(Partitioner::gridded)>::test();
+   if (this->all_m.size() > 0)
+     {
+       for (i=0; i < this->all_m.size(); ++i)
+  delete this->all_m[i];
+       this->all_m.clear();
+       this->local_m.clear();
+       this->remote_m.clear();
+     }
+   dirtyLayout_m = true;
+   this->domain_m = gdom;
+   this->innerdomain_m = gdom;
+   this->hasInternalGuards_m = (gpar.hasInternalGuards() && gpar.maxSize() > 1);
+   if (this->hasInternalGuards_m)
+     {
+       this->internalGuards_m = gpar.internalGuards();
+     }
+   this->hasExternalGuards_m = (gpar.hasExternalGuards() && ! this->domain_m.empty());
+   if (this->hasExternalGuards_m)
+     {
+       this->externalGuards_m = gpar.externalGuards();
+       GuardLayers<Dim>::addGuardLayers(this->domain_m, this->externalGuards_m);
+     }
+   this->blocks_m = gpar.blocks();
+   for (i=0; i < Dim; ++i)
+     {
+       if (!this->domain_m[i].empty())
+  this->firsti_m[i] = this->domain_m[i].first();
+       blockStrides_m[i] = (i == 0 ? 1 :
+       blockStrides_m[i-1] * this->blocks_m[i-1].first());
+     }
+   gpar.partition(this->innerdomain_m, this->all_m, cmap);
+   typename List_t::iterator start = this->all_m.begin();
+   typename List_t::iterator end = this->all_m.end();
+   for ( ; start!=end ;++start )
+     {
+       if( (*start)->context() == Pooma::context()
+    ||(*start)->context() == -1 )
+  this->local_m.push_back(*start);
+       else
+  this->remote_m.push_back(*start);
+     }
+   calcMaps();
+   calcAllocMaps();
+   calcGCFillList();
+ }
+ template<int Dim>
+ void GridLayoutData<Dim>::initialize(const Domain_t& idom,
+      const List_t& nodes,
+      const Loc<Dim>& blocks,
+      bool hasIG, bool hasEG,
+      const GuardLayers_t& ig,
+      const GuardLayers_t& eg)
+ {
+   int i;
+   if (this->all_m.size() > 0)
+     {
+       for (i=0; i < this->all_m.size(); ++i)
+  delete this->all_m[i];
+       this->all_m.clear();
+       this->local_m.clear();
+       this->remote_m.clear();
+     }
+   dirtyLayout_m = true;
+   this->domain_m = idom;
+   this->innerdomain_m = idom;
+   this->hasInternalGuards_m = hasIG;
+   if (this->hasInternalGuards_m)
+     {
+       this->internalGuards_m = ig;
+     }
+   this->hasExternalGuards_m = (hasEG && ! this->domain_m.empty());
+   if (this->hasExternalGuards_m)
+     {
+       this->externalGuards_m = eg;
+       GuardLayers<Dim>::addGuardLayers(this->domain_m, this->externalGuards_m);
+     }
+   this->blocks_m = blocks;
+   for (i=0; i < Dim; ++i)
+     {
+       if (!this->domain_m[i].empty())
+  this->firsti_m[i] = this->domain_m[i].first();
+       blockStrides_m[i] = (i == 0 ? 1 :
+       blockStrides_m[i-1] * this->blocks_m[i-1].first());
+     }
+   this->all_m= nodes;
+   typename List_t::iterator start = this->all_m.begin();
+   typename List_t::iterator end = this->all_m.end();
+   for ( ; start!=end ;++start )
+     {
+       if( (*start)->context() == Pooma::context() ||
+    (*start)->context() == -1 )
+  this->local_m.push_back(*start);
+       else
+  this->remote_m.push_back(*start);
+     }
+   calcMaps();
+   calcAllocMaps();
+   calcGCFillList();
+ }
+ template<int Dim>
+ void GridLayoutData<Dim>::sync()
+ {
+   ;
+   if (!this->initialized() || !dirty())
+     return;
+   calcDomains();
+   calcMaps();
+   this->notify(SyncEvent());
+ }
+ template<int Dim>
+ void GridLayoutData<Dim>::calcGCFillList()
+ {
+   int d;
+   if (!this->initialized() || !this->hasInternalGuards_m)
+     return;
+   this->gcFillList_m.clear();
+   int numPatches = this->all_m.size();
+   this->gcFillList_m.reserve(2*Dim*this->local_m.size());
+   ;
+   Interval<Dim> grid;
+   for (d=0; d < Dim; ++d)
+     grid[d] = Interval<1>(this->blocks_m[d].first() + 1);
+   for (d=0; d < Dim; ++d)
+     {
+       if (this->internalGuards_m.lower(d) > 0)
+  {
+    typename Interval<Dim>::blockIterator start = grid.beginBlock();
+    typename Interval<Dim>::blockIterator end = grid.endBlock();
+    for (; start != end; ++start)
+      {
+        int sourceID = start.index();
+        Loc<Dim> tmp = start.point();
+        tmp[d] += 1;
+        if (!(tmp[d] >= this->blocks_m[d] || tmp[d].first() < 0))
+   {
+     int destID = blockIndex(tmp);
+     if (!(this->all_m[sourceID]->domain().empty() ||
+    this->all_m[destID]->domain().empty()))
+       {
+         ;
+         Domain_t gcdom(this->all_m[sourceID]->allocated());
+         int max = this->all_m[sourceID]->domain()[d].last();
+         int min = max - this->internalGuards_m.lower(d) + 1;
+         gcdom[d] = Interval<1>(min, max);
+         this->gcFillList_m.push_back(GCFillInfo_t(gcdom, sourceID, destID, d*2));
+       }
+   }
+      }
+  }
+       if (this->internalGuards_m.upper(d) > 0)
+  {
+    typename Interval<Dim>::blockIterator start = grid.beginBlock();
+    typename Interval<Dim>::blockIterator end = grid.endBlock();
+    for (; start != end; ++start)
+      {
+        int sourceID = start.index();
+        Loc<Dim> tmp = start.point();
+        tmp[d] -= 1;
+        if (!(tmp[d] >= this->blocks_m[d] || tmp[d].first() < 0))
+   {
+     int destID = blockIndex(tmp);
+     if (!(this->all_m[sourceID]->domain().empty() ||
+    this->all_m[destID]->domain().empty()))
+       {
+         ;
+         Domain_t gcdom(this->all_m[sourceID]->allocated());
+         int min = this->all_m[sourceID]->domain()[d].first();
+         int max = min + this->internalGuards_m.upper(d) - 1;
+         gcdom[d] = Interval<1>(min, max);
+         this->gcFillList_m.push_back(GCFillInfo_t(gcdom, sourceID, destID, d*2+1));
+       }
+   }
+      }
+  }
+     }
+ }
+ template<int Dim>
+ void GridLayoutData<Dim>::calcDomains()
+ {
+   if (!this->initialized() || !dirty())
+     return;
+   ;
+   ;
+   CreateSize_t sizes = this->firsti_m[0];
+   bool allempty = true;
+   for (int i=0; i < this->all_m.size(); ++i)
+     {
+       Domain_t dom = this->all_m[i]->domain();
+       if (!dom[0].empty())
+  {
+    dom[0] = Interval<1>(sizes, sizes + dom[0].length() - 1);
+    sizes += dom[0].length();
+    allempty = false;
+  }
+       this->all_m[i]->setDomain(dom);
+       this->all_m[i]->setAllocated(dom);
+     }
+   if (allempty)
+     this->domain_m = Domain_t();
+   else
+     this->domain_m = Interval<1>(this->firsti_m[0], sizes - 1);
+   this->innerdomain_m = this->domain_m;
+   dirtyLayout_m = false;
+ }
+ template<int Dim>
+ void GridLayoutData<Dim>::calcMaps() const
+ {
+   int i, j;
+   if (!this->initialized() || !dirty())
+     return;
+   for (i=0; i < Dim; ++i)
+     {
+       map_m[i].zap();
+       if (this->domain_m[i].empty())
+  continue;
+       Loc<Dim> blockLoc(0);
+       map_m[i].initialize(Interval<1>(this->domain_m[i].first() -
+           this->externalGuards_m.lower(i),
+           this->domain_m[i].last() +
+           this->externalGuards_m.upper(i)));
+       int b = this->blocks_m[i].first();
+       for (j=0; j < b; ++j)
+  {
+    blockLoc[i] = Loc<1>(j);
+    int k = blockIndex(blockLoc);
+    Interval<1> blockDom = this->all_m[k]->domain()[i];
+    if (!blockDom.empty())
+      {
+        int lo = (j == 0 ? this->externalGuards_m.lower(i) : 0);
+        int hi = (j == (b - 1) ? this->externalGuards_m.upper(i) : 0);
+        Interval<1> mval(blockDom.first() - lo, blockDom.last() + hi);
+        typename DomainMap<Interval<1>,int>::Value_t val(mval, j);
+        map_m[i].insert(val);
+      }
+  }
+       map_m[i].update();
+     }
+ }
+ template<int Dim>
+ void GridLayoutData<Dim>::calcAllocMaps() const
+ {
+   int i, j;
+   if (!this->initialized() || !dirty())
+     return;
+   for (i=0; i < Dim; ++i)
+     {
+       mapAloc_m[i].zap();
+       if (this->domain_m[i].empty())
+  continue;
+       Loc<Dim> blockLoc(0);
+       mapAloc_m[i].initialize(Interval<1>(this->domain_m[i].first() -
+        this->externalGuards_m.lower(i),
+        this->domain_m[i].last() +
+        this->externalGuards_m.upper(i)));
+       int b = this->blocks_m[i].first();
+       for (j=0; j < b; ++j)
+  {
+    blockLoc[i] = Loc<1>(j);
+    int k = blockIndex(blockLoc);
+    Interval<1> blockDom = this->all_m[k]->domain()[i];
+    if (!blockDom.empty())
+      {
+        int lo = (j==0 ?
+    this->externalGuards_m.lower(i) :
+    this->internalGuards_m.lower(i));
+        int hi = (j == (b - 1) ?
+    this->externalGuards_m.upper(i) :
+    this->internalGuards_m.upper(i));
+        Interval<1> ival(blockDom.first() - lo, blockDom.last() + hi);
+        typename DomainMap<Interval<1>,int>::Value_t valAl(ival, j);
+        mapAloc_m[i].insert(valAl);
+      }
+  }
+       mapAloc_m[i].update();
+     }
+ }
+ template<int Dim>
+ int GridLayoutData<Dim>::globalID(const Loc<Dim> &loc) const
+ {
+   ;
+   Loc<Dim> point;
+   for (int i=0; i < Dim; ++i)
+     {
+       DomainMapTouchIterator<Interval<1>,int> dmti =
+  (map_m[i].touch(Interval<1>(loc[i]))).first;
+       DomainMapTouchIterator<Interval<1>,int> baditerator;
+       ;
+      point[i] = *dmti;
+     }
+   return blockIndex(point);
+ }
+ template <int Dim>
+ int GridLayoutData<Dim>::globalID(int i0) const
+ {
+   ;
+   Loc<Dim> loc;
+   loc[0] = i0;
+   return globalID(loc);
+ }
+ template <int Dim>
+ int GridLayoutData<Dim>::globalID(int i0, int i1) const
+ {
+   ;
+   Loc<Dim> loc;
+   loc[0] = i0;
+   loc[1] = i1;
+   return globalID(loc);
+ }
+ template <int Dim>
+ int GridLayoutData<Dim>::globalID(int i0, int i1, int i2) const
+ {
+   ;
+   Loc<Dim> loc;
+   loc[0] = i0;
+   loc[1] = i1;
+   loc[2] = i2;
+   return globalID(loc);
+ }
+ template <int Dim>
+ int GridLayoutData<Dim>::globalID(int i0, int i1, int i2, int i3) const
+ {
+   ;
+   Loc<Dim> loc;
+   loc[0] = i0;
+   loc[1] = i1;
+   loc[2] = i2;
+   loc[3] = i3;
+   return globalID(loc);
+ }
+ template <int Dim>
+ int GridLayoutData<Dim>::globalID(int i0, int i1, int i2, int i3,
+       int i4) const
+ {
+   ;
+   Loc<Dim> loc;
+   loc[0] = i0;
+   loc[1] = i1;
+   loc[2] = i2;
+   loc[3] = i3;
+   loc[4] = i4;
+   return globalID(loc);
+ }
+ template <int Dim>
+ int GridLayoutData<Dim>::globalID(int i0, int i1, int i2, int i3,
+       int i4, int i5) const
+ {
+   ;
+   Loc<Dim> loc;
+   loc[0] = i0;
+   loc[1] = i1;
+   loc[2] = i2;
+   loc[3] = i3;
+   loc[4] = i4;
+   loc[5] = i5;
+   return globalID(loc);
+ }
+ template <int Dim>
+ int GridLayoutData<Dim>::globalID(int i0, int i1, int i2, int i3,
+       int i4, int i5, int i6) const
+ {
+   ;
+   Loc<Dim> loc;
+   loc[0] = i0;
+   loc[1] = i1;
+   loc[2] = i2;
+   loc[3] = i3;
+   loc[4] = i4;
+   loc[5] = i5;
+   loc[6] = i6;
+   return globalID(loc);
+ }
+ template <int Dim>
+ template <class OtherDomain, class OutIter, class ConstructTag>
+ int GridLayoutData<Dim>::touches(const OtherDomain &fulld, OutIter o,
+      const ConstructTag &ctag) const
+ {
+   int i;
+   ;
+   typedef typename
+     IntersectReturnType<Domain_t,OtherDomain>::Type_t OutDomain_t;
+   OutDomain_t d = intersect(this->domain_m, fulld);
+   if (d.empty())
+     return 0;
+   OutDomain_t outDomain = Pooma::NoInit();
+   typedef Node<OutDomain_t,Domain_t> OutNode_t;
+   int hiAxisIndex[Dim];
+   int loAxisIndex[Dim];
+   Loc<Dim> curnode;
+   for (i=0;i < Dim; ++i)
+     {
+       loAxisIndex[i] =
+  *((map_m[i].touch(Interval<1>(d[i].first(),d[i].first()))).first);
+       ;
+       hiAxisIndex[i] =
+  *((map_m[i].touch(Interval<1>(d[i].last(),d[i].last() ))).first);
+       ;
+       if(loAxisIndex[i]>hiAxisIndex[i])
+  {
+    int tmp = hiAxisIndex[i];
+    hiAxisIndex[i] = loAxisIndex[i];
+    loAxisIndex[i] = tmp;
+  }
+       curnode[i] = loAxisIndex[i];
+     }
+   int count=0;
+   while(1)
+     {
+       int nodeListIndex = blockIndex(curnode);
+       if (!this->all_m[nodeListIndex]->domain().empty())
+  {
+    outDomain = intersect(fulld,this->all_m[nodeListIndex]->domain());
+    ;
+    *o = touchesConstruct(outDomain,
+     this->all_m[nodeListIndex]->allocated(),
+     this->all_m[nodeListIndex]->affinity(),
+     this->all_m[nodeListIndex]->context(),
+     this->all_m[nodeListIndex]->globalID(),
+     this->all_m[nodeListIndex]->localID(),
+     ctag);
+    ++count;
+  }
+       curnode[0] += 1;
+       for (i=0; i < Dim; ++i)
+  {
+    if (curnode[i] == (hiAxisIndex[i]+1))
+      {
+        if (i==(Dim-1))
+   break;
+        curnode[i] = loAxisIndex[i];
+        curnode[i+1] += 1;
+      }
+  }
+       if (curnode[Dim-1] == (hiAxisIndex[Dim-1]+1))
+  break;
+     }
+   return count;
+ }
+ template <int Dim>
+ template <class OtherDomain, class OutIter, class ConstructTag>
+ int GridLayoutData<Dim>::touchesAlloc(const OtherDomain &fulld, OutIter o,
+           const ConstructTag &ctag) const
+ {
+   int i;
+   ;
+   typedef typename
+     IntersectReturnType<Domain_t,OtherDomain>::Type_t OutDomain_t;
+   OutDomain_t d = intersect(this->domain_m, fulld);
+   if (d.empty())
+     return 0;
+   OutDomain_t outDomain = Pooma::NoInit();
+   typedef Node<OutDomain_t,Domain_t> OutNode_t;
+   int hiAxisIndex[Dim];
+   int loAxisIndex[Dim];
+   Loc<Dim> curnode;
+   for (i=0; i < Dim; ++i)
+     {
+       loAxisIndex[i] =
+  *((mapAloc_m[i].touch(Interval<1>(d[i].first(),d[i].first()))).first);
+       ;
+       hiAxisIndex[i] =
+  *((mapAloc_m[i].touch(Interval<1>(d[i].last(),d[i].last()))).first);
+       ;
+       if(loAxisIndex[i]>hiAxisIndex[i])
+  {
+    int tmp = hiAxisIndex[i];
+    hiAxisIndex[i] = loAxisIndex[i];
+    loAxisIndex[i] = tmp;
+  }
+       curnode[i] = loAxisIndex[i];
+     }
+   int count=0;
+   while(1)
+     {
+       int nodeListIndex = blockIndex(curnode);
+       if (!this->all_m[nodeListIndex]->domain().empty())
+  {
+    outDomain = intersect(fulld,this->all_m[nodeListIndex]->allocated());
+    ;
+    *o = touchesConstruct(outDomain,
+     this->all_m[nodeListIndex]->allocated(),
+     this->all_m[nodeListIndex]->affinity(),
+     this->all_m[nodeListIndex]->context(),
+     this->all_m[nodeListIndex]->globalID(),
+     this->all_m[nodeListIndex]->localID(),
+     ctag);
+    ++count;
+  }
+       curnode[0] += 1;
+       for (i=0; i < Dim; ++i)
+  {
+    if (curnode[i] == (hiAxisIndex[i]+1))
+      {
+        if (i == (Dim-1))
+   break;
+        curnode[i] = loAxisIndex[i];
+        curnode[i+1] += 1;
+      }
+  }
+       if (curnode[Dim-1] == (hiAxisIndex[Dim-1]+1))
+  break;
+     }
+   return count;
+ }
+ template<int Dim>
+ template<class Out>
+ void GridLayoutData<Dim>::print(Out & ostr)
+ {
+   int i;
+   ostr << " hasInternalGuards_m, hasExternalGuards_m "
+        << this->hasInternalGuards_m << ' ' << this->hasExternalGuards_m
+        << "\n internalGuards_m ";
+   for (i=0; i<Dim; ++i)
+     ostr << this->internalGuards_m.upper(i) << '-'
+   << this->internalGuards_m.lower(i) << ' ';
+   ostr << "\n externalGuards_m ";
+   for (i=0; i<Dim; ++i)
+     ostr << this->externalGuards_m.upper(i) << '-'
+   << this->externalGuards_m.lower(i) << ' ';
+   ostr << '\n';
+   FillIterator_t gstart = this->gcFillList_m.begin();
+   FillIterator_t gend = this->gcFillList_m.end();
+   ostr << " this->gcFillList_m\n";
+   for(; gstart!=gend; ++gstart)
+     ostr << "       "
+   << gstart->domain_m << ' '
+   << gstart->ownedID_m << ' '
+   << gstart->guardID_m << '\n';
+   ostr << std::flush;
+ }
+ template <int Dim>
+ GridLayout<Dim>::GridLayout()
+   : LayoutBase<Dim,GridLayoutData<Dim> >(new LayoutData_t()),
+     Observable<This_t>(*this)
+ {
+   this->pdata_m->attach(*this);
+ }
+ template <int Dim>
+ GridLayout<Dim>::GridLayout(const Domain_t &gdom,const DistributedTag & )
+   : LayoutBase<Dim,GridLayoutData<Dim> >
+ (new LayoutData_t(gdom,
+     GridPartition<Dim>(Loc<Dim>(1)),
+     DistributedMapper<Dim>(GridPartition<Dim>(Loc<Dim>(1))))),
+     Observable<This_t>(*this)
+ {
+   this->pdata_m->attach(*this);
+ }
+ template <int Dim>
+ GridLayout<Dim>::GridLayout(const Domain_t &gdom,const ReplicatedTag &)
+   : LayoutBase<Dim,GridLayoutData<Dim> >
+ (new LayoutData_t(gdom,
+     GridPartition<Dim>(Loc<Dim>(1)),
+     LocalMapper<Dim>())),
+     Observable<This_t>(*this)
+ {
+   this->pdata_m->attach(*this);
+ }
+ template <int Dim>
+ GridLayout<Dim>::GridLayout(const Domain_t &gdom,
+        const GuardLayers_t &gcs,
+        const DistributedTag &)
+   : LayoutBase<Dim,GridLayoutData<Dim> >
+ (new LayoutData_t(gdom,
+     GridPartition<Dim>(Loc<Dim>(1),gcs),
+     DistributedMapper<Dim>(
+     GridPartition<Dim>(Loc<Dim>(1),gcs)))),
+     Observable<This_t>(*this)
+ {
+   this->pdata_m->attach(*this);
+ }
+ template <int Dim>
+ GridLayout<Dim>::GridLayout(const Domain_t &gdom,
+        const GuardLayers_t &gcs,
+        const ReplicatedTag &)
+   : LayoutBase<Dim,GridLayoutData<Dim> >
+ (new LayoutData_t(gdom,
+     GridPartition<Dim>(Loc<Dim>(1),gcs),
+     LocalMapper<Dim>())),
+     Observable<This_t>(*this)
+ {
+   this->pdata_m->attach(*this);
+ }
+ template <int Dim>
+ GridLayout<Dim>::GridLayout(const Domain_t &gdom,
+        const Loc<Dim> &blocks,
+        const DistributedTag &)
+   : LayoutBase<Dim,GridLayoutData<Dim> >((LayoutData_t*) 0),
+     Observable<This_t>(*this)
+ {
+   if (!gdom.empty())
+     this->pdata_m =
+       new LayoutData_t( gdom,
+    GridPartition<Dim>(makeRGrid(gdom,blocks)),
+         DistributedMapper<Dim>(GridPartition<Dim>(makeRGrid(gdom,blocks)))
+    );
+   else
+     this->pdata_m = new LayoutData_t( gdom,
+     GridPartition<Dim>(blocks),
+  DistributedMapper<Dim>(GridPartition<Dim>(blocks))
+     );
+   this->pdata_m->attach(*this);
+ }
+ template <int Dim>
+ GridLayout<Dim>::GridLayout(const Domain_t &gdom,
+        const Loc<Dim> &blocks,
+        const ReplicatedTag &)
+   : LayoutBase<Dim,GridLayoutData<Dim> >((LayoutData_t*) 0),
+     Observable<This_t>(*this)
+ {
+   if (!gdom.empty())
+     this->pdata_m = new LayoutData_t( gdom,
+     GridPartition<Dim>(makeRGrid(gdom,blocks)),
+     LocalMapper<Dim>());
+   else
+     this->pdata_m = new LayoutData_t( gdom,
+     GridPartition<Dim>(blocks),
+     LocalMapper<Dim>());
+   this->pdata_m->attach(*this);
+ }
+ template <int Dim>
+ GridLayout<Dim>::GridLayout(const Domain_t &gdom,
+        const Loc<Dim> &blocks,
+        const GuardLayers_t &gcs,
+        const DistributedTag &)
+   : LayoutBase<Dim,GridLayoutData<Dim> >((LayoutData_t*) 0),
+     Observable<This_t>(*this)
+ {
+   if (!gdom.empty())
+     this->pdata_m = new LayoutData_t( gdom,
+     GridPartition<Dim>(makeRGrid(gdom,blocks),gcs),
+        DistributedMapper<Dim>(GridPartition<Dim>(makeRGrid(gdom,blocks),gcs)));
+   else
+     this->pdata_m = new LayoutData_t( gdom,
+     GridPartition<Dim>(blocks,gcs),
+        DistributedMapper<Dim>(GridPartition<Dim>(blocks,gcs)));
+   this->pdata_m->attach(*this);
+ }
+ template <int Dim>
+ GridLayout<Dim>::GridLayout(const Domain_t &gdom,
+        const Loc<Dim> &blocks,
+        const GuardLayers_t &gcs,
+        const ReplicatedTag &)
+   : LayoutBase<Dim,GridLayoutData<Dim> >((LayoutData_t*) 0),
+     Observable<This_t>(*this)
+ {
+   if (!gdom.empty())
+     this->pdata_m = new LayoutData_t(gdom,
+           GridPartition<Dim>(makeRGrid(gdom,blocks),gcs),
+           LocalMapper<Dim>());
+   else
+     this->pdata_m = new LayoutData_t(gdom,
+           GridPartition<Dim>(blocks,gcs),
+           LocalMapper<Dim>());
+   this->pdata_m->attach(*this);
+ }
+ template <int Dim>
+ GridLayout<Dim>::GridLayout(const Domain_t &gdom,
+        const Loc<Dim> &blocks,
+        const GuardLayers_t &igcs,
+        const GuardLayers_t &egcs,
+        const DistributedTag &)
+   : LayoutBase<Dim,GridLayoutData<Dim> >((LayoutData_t*) 0),
+     Observable<This_t>(*this)
+ {
+   if (!gdom.empty())
+     this->pdata_m = new LayoutData_t( gdom,
+       GridPartition<Dim>(makeRGrid(gdom,blocks),igcs,egcs),
+       DistributedMapper<Dim>(
+        GridPartition<Dim>(makeRGrid(gdom,blocks),igcs,egcs)));
+   else
+     this->pdata_m = new LayoutData_t( gdom,
+       GridPartition<Dim>(blocks,igcs,egcs),
+       DistributedMapper<Dim>(GridPartition<Dim>(blocks,igcs,egcs)));
+   this->pdata_m->attach(*this);
+ }
+ template <int Dim>
+ GridLayout<Dim>::GridLayout(const Domain_t &gdom,
+        const Loc<Dim> &blocks,
+        const GuardLayers_t &igcs,
+        const GuardLayers_t &egcs,
+        const ReplicatedTag &)
+   : LayoutBase<Dim,GridLayoutData<Dim> >((LayoutData_t*) 0),
+     Observable<This_t>(*this)
+ {
+   if (!gdom.empty())
+     this->pdata_m = new LayoutData_t(
+      gdom,
+      GridPartition<Dim>(makeRGrid(gdom,blocks),igcs,egcs),
+      LocalMapper<Dim>() );
+   else
+     this->pdata_m = new LayoutData_t( gdom,
+     GridPartition<Dim>(blocks,igcs,egcs),
+     LocalMapper<Dim>() );
+   this->pdata_m->attach(*this);
+ }
+ template <int Dim>
+ GridLayout<Dim>::GridLayout(const Grid<Dim> &grid,
+        const DistributedTag &)
+   : LayoutBase<Dim,GridLayoutData<Dim> >(
+       new LayoutData_t( grid,
+    GridPartition<Dim>(grid),
+    DistributedMapper<Dim>(GridPartition<Dim>(grid)))),
+     Observable<This_t>(*this)
+ {
+   this->pdata_m->attach(*this);
+ }
+ template <int Dim>
+ GridLayout<Dim>::GridLayout(const Grid<Dim> &grid,
+        const ReplicatedTag &)
+   : LayoutBase<Dim,GridLayoutData<Dim> >(
+       new LayoutData_t( grid,
+    GridPartition<Dim>(grid),
+    LocalMapper<Dim>())),
+     Observable<This_t>(*this)
+ {
+   this->pdata_m->attach(*this);
+ }
+ template <int Dim>
+ GridLayout<Dim>::GridLayout(const Grid<Dim> &grid,
+        const GuardLayers_t &gcs,
+        const DistributedTag &)
+   : LayoutBase<Dim,GridLayoutData<Dim> >
+ ( new LayoutData_t( grid,
+       GridPartition<Dim>(grid,gcs),
+       DistributedMapper<Dim>(GridPartition<Dim>(grid,gcs) )) ),
+     Observable<This_t>(*this)
+ {
+   this->pdata_m->attach(*this);
+ }
+ template <int Dim>
+ GridLayout<Dim>::GridLayout(const Grid<Dim> &grid,
+        const GuardLayers_t &gcs,
+        const ReplicatedTag &)
+   : LayoutBase<Dim,GridLayoutData<Dim> >
+ ( new LayoutData_t( grid,
+       GridPartition<Dim>(grid,gcs),
+       LocalMapper<Dim>()) ),
+     Observable<This_t>(*this)
+ {
+   this->pdata_m->attach(*this);
+ }
+ template <int Dim>
+ GridLayout<Dim>::GridLayout(const Grid<Dim> &grid,
+        const GuardLayers_t &igcs,
+        const GuardLayers_t &egcs,
+        const DistributedTag &)
+   : LayoutBase<Dim,GridLayoutData<Dim> >
+ (new LayoutData_t(grid,
+     GridPartition<Dim>(grid,igcs,egcs),
+     DistributedMapper<Dim>(GridPartition<Dim>(grid,igcs,egcs)))),
+     Observable<This_t>(*this)
+ {
+   this->pdata_m->attach(*this);
+ }
+ template <int Dim>
+ GridLayout<Dim>::GridLayout(const Grid<Dim> &grid,
+        const GuardLayers_t &igcs,
+        const GuardLayers_t &egcs,
+        const ReplicatedTag &)
+   : LayoutBase<Dim,GridLayoutData<Dim> >
+ (new LayoutData_t( grid,
+      GridPartition<Dim>(grid,igcs,egcs),
+      LocalMapper<Dim>() ) ),
+     Observable<This_t>(*this)
+ {
+   this->pdata_m->attach(*this);
+ }
+ template <int Dim>
+ template <class Partitioner>
+ GridLayout<Dim>::GridLayout(const Domain_t &gdom,
+        const Partitioner &gpar,
+        const DistributedTag &)
+   : LayoutBase<Dim,GridLayoutData<Dim> >
+ (new LayoutData_t(gdom,
+     gpar,
+     DistributedMapper<Dim>(gpar)) ),
+     Observable<This_t>(*this)
+ {
+   this->pdata_m->attach(*this);
+ }
+ template <int Dim>
+ template <class Partitioner>
+ GridLayout<Dim>::GridLayout(const Domain_t &gdom,
+        const Partitioner &gpar,
+        const ReplicatedTag &)
+   : LayoutBase<Dim,GridLayoutData<Dim> >
+       (new LayoutData_t(gdom,
+             gpar,
+    LocalMapper<Dim>()) ),
+     Observable<This_t>(*this)
+ {
+   this->pdata_m->attach(*this);
+ }
+ template <int Dim>
+ template <class Partitioner>
+ GridLayout<Dim>::GridLayout(const Domain_t &gdom,
+        const Partitioner &gpar,
+        const ContextMapper<Dim> &cmap)
+   : LayoutBase<Dim,GridLayoutData<Dim> >(new LayoutData_t(gdom, gpar, cmap) ),
+     Observable<This_t>(*this)
+ {
+   this->pdata_m->attach(*this);
+ }
+ template <int Dim>
+ GridLayout<Dim>::GridLayout(const This_t &model)
+   : LayoutBase<Dim,GridLayoutData<Dim> >(model.pdata_m),
+     Observable<This_t>(*this)
+ {
+    this->pdata_m->attach(*this);
+ }
+ template <int Dim>
+ GridLayout<Dim> &GridLayout<Dim>::operator=(const This_t &model)
+ {
+   if (this != &model)
+     {
+       this->pdata_m->detach(*this);
+       this->pdata_m = model.pdata_m;
+       this->pdata_m->attach(*this);
+     }
+   return *this;
+ }
+ template <int Dim>
+ void GridLayout<Dim>::initialize(const Domain_t &gdom,
+      const DistributedTag &)
+ {
+   this->pdata_m->initialize( gdom,
+          GridPartition<Dim>(),
+          DistributedMapper<Dim>(GridPartition<Dim>()) );
+ }
+ template <int Dim>
+ void GridLayout<Dim>::initialize(const Domain_t &gdom,
+      const GuardLayers_t &gcs,
+      const DistributedTag &)
+ {
+   this->pdata_m->initialize( gdom,
+          GridPartition<Dim>(gcs),
+          DistributedMapper<Dim>(GridPartition<Dim>(gcs)) );
+ }
+ template <int Dim>
+ void GridLayout<Dim>::initialize(const Domain_t &gdom,
+      const Loc<Dim> &blocks,
+      const DistributedTag &)
+ {
+   if (!gdom.empty())
+     this->pdata_m->initialize(
+     gdom,
+     GridPartition<Dim>(makeRGrid(gdom,blocks)),
+     DistributedMapper<Dim>(GridPartition<Dim>(makeRGrid(gdom,blocks))));
+   else
+     this->pdata_m->initialize( gdom,
+     GridPartition<Dim>(blocks),
+     DistributedMapper<Dim>(GridPartition<Dim>(blocks)) );
+ }
+ template <int Dim>
+ void GridLayout<Dim>::initialize(const Domain_t &gdom,
+      const Loc<Dim> &blocks,
+      const GuardLayers_t &gcs,
+      const DistributedTag &)
+ {
+   if (!gdom.empty())
+     this->pdata_m->initialize(
+        gdom,
+        GridPartition<Dim>(makeRGrid(gdom,blocks),gcs),
+        DistributedMapper<Dim>(
+                 GridPartition<Dim>(makeRGrid(gdom,blocks),gcs)));
+   else
+     this->pdata_m->initialize(
+    gdom,
+    GridPartition<Dim>(blocks,gcs),
+    DistributedMapper<Dim>(
+      GridPartition<Dim>(blocks,gcs)) );
+ }
+ template <int Dim>
+ void GridLayout<Dim>::initialize(const Domain_t &gdom,
+      const Loc<Dim> &blocks,
+      const GuardLayers_t &igcs,
+      const GuardLayers_t &egcs,
+      const DistributedTag &)
+ {
+   if (!gdom.empty())
+     this->pdata_m->initialize(
+       gdom,
+       GridPartition<Dim>(makeRGrid(gdom,blocks),igcs,egcs),
+       DistributedMapper<Dim>(
+  GridPartition<Dim>(makeRGrid(gdom,blocks),igcs,egcs)));
+   else
+     this->pdata_m->initialize(
+    gdom,
+    GridPartition<Dim>(blocks,igcs,egcs),
+    DistributedMapper<Dim>(
+      GridPartition<Dim>(blocks,igcs,egcs)));
+ }
+ template <int Dim>
+ void GridLayout<Dim>::initialize(const Grid<Dim> &grid,
+      const DistributedTag &)
+ {
+   this->pdata_m->initialize( grid,
+          GridPartition<Dim>(grid),
+          DistributedMapper<Dim>(GridPartition<Dim>(grid)));
+ }
+ template <int Dim>
+ void GridLayout<Dim>::initialize(const Grid<Dim> &grid,
+      const GuardLayers_t &gcs,
+      const DistributedTag &)
+ {
+   this->pdata_m->initialize( grid,
+          GridPartition<Dim>(grid,gcs),
+          DistributedMapper<Dim>(GridPartition<Dim>(grid,gcs)) );
+ }
+ template <int Dim>
+ void GridLayout<Dim>::initialize(const Grid<Dim> &grid,
+      const GuardLayers_t &igcs,
+      const GuardLayers_t &egcs,
+      const DistributedTag &)
+ {
+   this->pdata_m->initialize(
+         grid,
+         GridPartition<Dim>(grid,igcs,egcs),
+         DistributedMapper<Dim>(
+    GridPartition<Dim>(grid,igcs,egcs)) );
+ }
+ template <int Dim>
+ template <class Partitioner>
+ void GridLayout<Dim>::initialize(const Domain_t &gdom,
+      const Partitioner &gpar,
+      const DistributedTag &)
+ {
+   this->pdata_m->initialize(gdom,
+         gpar,
+         DistributedMapper<Dim>(gpar));
+ }
+ template <int Dim>
+ void GridLayout<Dim>::initialize(const Domain_t &gdom,
+      const ReplicatedTag &)
+ {
+   this->pdata_m->initialize( gdom, GridPartition<Dim>(),LocalMapper<Dim>() );
+ }
+ template <int Dim>
+ void GridLayout<Dim>::initialize(const Domain_t &gdom,
+      const GuardLayers_t &gcs,
+      const ReplicatedTag &)
+ {
+   this->pdata_m->initialize( gdom, GridPartition<Dim>(gcs),LocalMapper<Dim>() );
+ }
+ template <int Dim>
+ void GridLayout<Dim>::initialize(const Domain_t &gdom,
+      const Loc<Dim> &blocks,
+      const ReplicatedTag &)
+ {
+   if (!gdom.empty())
+     this->pdata_m->initialize(
+    gdom,
+    GridPartition<Dim>(makeRGrid(gdom,blocks)),
+    LocalMapper<Dim>() );
+   else
+     this->pdata_m->initialize(
+    gdom,
+    GridPartition<Dim>(blocks),
+    LocalMapper<Dim>() );
+ }
+ template <int Dim>
+ void GridLayout<Dim>::initialize(const Domain_t &gdom,
+      const Loc<Dim> &blocks,
+      const GuardLayers_t &gcs,
+      const ReplicatedTag &)
+ {
+   if (!gdom.empty())
+     this->pdata_m->initialize( gdom,
+     GridPartition<Dim>(makeRGrid(gdom,blocks),gcs),
+     LocalMapper<Dim>() );
+   else
+     this->pdata_m->initialize( gdom,
+     GridPartition<Dim>(blocks,gcs),
+     LocalMapper<Dim>() );
+ }
+ template <int Dim>
+ void GridLayout<Dim>::initialize(const Domain_t &gdom,
+      const Loc<Dim> &blocks,
+      const GuardLayers_t &igcs,
+      const GuardLayers_t &egcs,
+      const ReplicatedTag &)
+ {
+   if (!gdom.empty())
+     this->pdata_m->initialize(
+        gdom,
+        GridPartition<Dim>(makeRGrid(gdom,blocks),igcs,egcs),
+        LocalMapper<Dim>() );
+   else
+     this->pdata_m->initialize(
+    gdom,
+    GridPartition<Dim>(blocks,igcs,egcs),
+    LocalMapper<Dim>() );
+ }
+ template <int Dim>
+ void GridLayout<Dim>::initialize(const Grid<Dim> &grid,
+      const ReplicatedTag &)
+ {
+   this->pdata_m->initialize( grid,
+          GridPartition<Dim>(grid),
+          LocalMapper<Dim>() );
+ }
+ template <int Dim>
+ void GridLayout<Dim>::initialize(const Grid<Dim> &grid,
+      const GuardLayers_t &gcs,
+      const ReplicatedTag &)
+ {
+   this->pdata_m->initialize(
+         grid,
+         GridPartition<Dim>(grid,gcs),
+         LocalMapper<Dim>() );
+ }
+ template <int Dim>
+ void GridLayout<Dim>::initialize(const Grid<Dim> &grid,
+      const GuardLayers_t &igcs,
+      const GuardLayers_t &egcs,
+      const ReplicatedTag &)
+ {
+   this->pdata_m->initialize(
+         grid,
+         GridPartition<Dim>(grid,igcs,egcs),
+         LocalMapper<Dim>() );
+ }
+ template <int Dim>
+ template <class Partitioner>
+ void GridLayout<Dim>::initialize(const Domain_t &gdom,
+      const Partitioner &gpar,
+      const ReplicatedTag &)
+ {
+   this->pdata_m->initialize(gdom,
+         gpar,
+         LocalMapper<Dim>());
+ }
+ template <int Dim>
+ void GridLayout<Dim>::initialize(const Domain_t& idom,
+      const List_t& nodes,
+      const Loc<Dim>& blocks,
+      bool hasIG, bool hasEG,
+      const GuardLayers_t& ig,
+      const GuardLayers_t& eg)
+ {
+   this->pdata_m->initialize(idom,nodes,blocks,hasIG,hasEG,ig,eg);
+ }
+ template <int Dim>
+ template <class Partitioner>
+ void GridLayout<Dim>::initialize(const Domain_t &gdom,
+      const Partitioner &gpar,
+      const ContextMapper<Dim> &cmap)
+ {
+   this->pdata_m->initialize(gdom, gpar, cmap);
+ }
+ template <int Dim>
+ template <class Ostream>
+ void GridLayout<Dim>::print(Ostream &ostr) const
+ {
+   ostr << "GridLayout " << this->ID() << " on global domain "
+        << this->domain() << ":" << '\n';
+   ostr << "   Total subdomains: " << this->sizeGlobal() << '\n';
+   ostr << "   Local subdomains: " << this->sizeLocal() << '\n';
+   ostr << "  Remote subdomains: " << this->sizeRemote() << '\n';
+   ostr << "        Grid blocks: " << this->blocks() << '\n';
+   typename GridLayout<Dim>::const_iterator a;
+   for (a = this->beginGlobal(); a != this->endGlobal(); ++a)
+     ostr << "  Global subdomain = " << *a << '\n';
+   for (a = this->beginLocal(); a != this->endLocal(); ++a)
+     ostr << "   Local subdomain = " << *a << '\n';
+   for (a = this->beginRemote(); a != this->endRemote(); ++a)
+     ostr << "  Remote subdomain = " << *a << '\n';
+   this->pdata_m->print(ostr);
+ }
+ template<int Dim, int Dim2>
+ template <class Ostream>
+ void GridLayoutView<Dim, Dim2>::print(Ostream &ostr) const
+ {
+   ostr << "GridLayoutView " << this->ID() << " on global domain "
+        << this->domain() << ':' << '\n';
+   ostr << "   Base ID:          " << this->baseID() << '\n';
+   ostr << "   Base domain:      " << this->baseDomain() << '\n';
+   ostr << "   Total subdomains: " << this->sizeGlobal() << '\n';
+   ostr << "   Local subdomains: " << this->sizeLocal() << '\n';
+   ostr << "  Remote subdomains: " << this->sizeRemote() << '\n';
+   const_iterator a;
+   for (a = this->beginGlobal(); a != this->endGlobal(); ++a)
+     ostr << "  Global subdomain = " << *a << '\n';
+   for (a = this->beginLocal(); a != this->endLocal(); ++a)
+     ostr << "   Local subdomain = " << *a << '\n';
+   for (a = this->beginRemote(); a != this->endRemote(); ++a)
+     ostr << "  Remote subdomain = " << *a << '\n';
+ }
+ template<int OriginalDim, class ViewedEngineTag>
+ struct ViewEngine
+ {
+   ViewEngine() {};
+   ~ViewEngine() {};
+  };
+ template<int Dim, class T, int OriginalDim, class ViewedEngineTag>
+ class Engine<Dim, T, ViewEngine<OriginalDim, ViewedEngineTag> >
+ {
+ public:
+   typedef ViewEngine<OriginalDim, ViewedEngineTag> Tag_t;
+   typedef Engine<Dim, T, Tag_t> This_t;
+   typedef This_t Engine_t;
+   typedef Engine<OriginalDim, T, ViewedEngineTag> ViewedEngine_t;
+   typedef ViewIndexer<Dim, OriginalDim> Indexer_t;
+   typedef Interval<Dim> Domain_t;
+   typedef DomainLayout<Dim> Layout_t;
+   typedef T Element_t;
+   typedef ErrorType ElementRef_t;
+   enum { dimensions = Dim };
+   enum { hasDataObject = ViewedEngine_t::hasDataObject };
+   enum { dynamic = false };
+   enum { zeroBased = true };
+   enum { multiPatch = ViewedEngine_t::multiPatch };
+   Engine()
+     : eng_m()
+   {
+   }
+   template<class DT>
+   Engine(const Engine<Dim, T, ViewedEngineTag> &e, const Domain<Dim, DT> &dom)
+     : eng_m(e), indexer_m(dom)
+   {
+     PoomaCTAssert<(OriginalDim == Dim)>::test();
+   }
+   template<class DT>
+   Engine(const Engine<OriginalDim, T, ViewedEngineTag> &e,
+   const SliceDomain<DT> &dom)
+     : eng_m(e), indexer_m(dom)
+   {
+     PoomaCTAssert<(DT::sliceDimensions == Dim)>::test();
+     PoomaCTAssert<(DT::dimensions == OriginalDim)>::test();
+   }
+   template<class Domain>
+   Engine(const Engine<Dim, T, ViewedEngineTag> &e, const Node<Domain> &node)
+     : eng_m(e), indexer_m(node.domain())
+   {
+     PoomaCTAssert<(Domain::dimensions == Dim)>::test();
+   }
+   Engine(const Engine<Dim, T, ViewedEngineTag> &e, const INode<Dim> &inode)
+     : eng_m(e), indexer_m(inode.domain())
+   { }
+   template<class DT>
+   Engine(const Engine<Dim, T, ViewEngine<OriginalDim, ViewedEngineTag> > &e,
+   const Domain<Dim, DT> &dom)
+     : eng_m(e.viewedEngine()), indexer_m(e.indexer(), dom)
+   {
+   }
+   template<int OrigDim, class DT>
+   Engine(const Engine<OrigDim, T, ViewEngine<OriginalDim, ViewedEngineTag> > &e,
+   const SliceDomain<DT> &dom)
+     : eng_m(e.viewedEngine()), indexer_m(e.indexer(), dom)
+   {
+     PoomaCTAssert<(DT::sliceDimensions == Dim)>::test();
+     PoomaCTAssert<(DT::dimensions == OrigDim)>::test();
+   }
+   template<class Domain>
+   Engine(const Engine<Dim, T, ViewEngine<OriginalDim, ViewedEngineTag> > &e,
+   const Node<Domain> &node)
+     : eng_m(e.viewedEngine()), indexer_m(e.indexer(), node.domain())
+   {
+     PoomaCTAssert<(Domain::dimensions == Dim)>::test();
+   }
+   Engine(const Engine<Dim, T, ViewEngine<OriginalDim, ViewedEngineTag> > &e,
+   const INode<Dim> &inode)
+     : eng_m(e.viewedEngine()), indexer_m(e.indexer(), inode.domain())
+   { }
+   Engine(const Engine<Dim, T, ViewEngine<OriginalDim, ViewedEngineTag> >
+   &model)
+     : eng_m(model.viewedEngine()), indexer_m(model.indexer())
+   { }
+   This_t &operator=(const This_t &rhs)
+   {
+     eng_m = rhs.viewedEngine();
+     indexer_m = rhs.indexer();
+     return *this;
+   }
+   inline Element_t read(int i0) const
+   {
+     Loc<OriginalDim> oloc;
+     indexer_m.translate(i0, oloc);
+     return eng_m.read(oloc);
+   }
+   inline Element_t read(int i0, int i1) const
+   {
+     Loc<OriginalDim> oloc;
+     indexer_m.translate(i0, i1, oloc);
+     return eng_m.read(oloc);
+   }
+   inline Element_t read(int i0, int i1, int i2) const
+   {
+     Loc<OriginalDim> oloc;
+     indexer_m.translate(i0, i1, i2, oloc);
+     return eng_m.read(oloc);
+   }
+   inline Element_t read(int i0, int i1, int i2, int i3) const
+   {
+     Loc<OriginalDim> oloc;
+     indexer_m.translate(i0, i1, i2, i3, oloc);
+     return eng_m.read(oloc);
+   }
+   inline Element_t read(int i0, int i1, int i2, int i3, int i4) const
+   {
+     Loc<OriginalDim> oloc;
+     indexer_m.translate(i0, i1, i2, i3, i4, oloc);
+     return eng_m.read(oloc);
+   }
+   inline Element_t read(int i0, int i1, int i2, int i3, int i4, int i5) const
+   {
+     Loc<OriginalDim> oloc;
+     indexer_m.translate(i0, i1, i2, i3, i4, i5, oloc);
+     return eng_m.read(oloc);
+   }
+   inline Element_t read(int i0, int i1, int i2, int i3, int i4,
+    int i5, int i6) const
+   {
+     Loc<OriginalDim> oloc;
+     indexer_m.translate(i0, i1, i2, i3, i4, i5, i6, oloc);
+     return eng_m.read(oloc);
+   }
+   inline Element_t read(const Loc<Dim> &loc) const
+   {
+     Loc<OriginalDim> oloc;
+     indexer_m.translate(loc, oloc);
+     return eng_m.read(oloc);
+   }
+   inline const Domain_t &domain() const { return indexer_m.domain(); }
+   inline Layout_t layout() const { return Layout_t(domain()); }
+   inline int first(int i) const
+   {
+     ;
+     return 0;
+   }
+   inline const ViewedEngine_t &viewedEngine() const { return eng_m; }
+   inline const Indexer_t &indexer() const { return indexer_m; }
+   template<class RequestType>
+   inline
+   typename DataObjectRequest<RequestType>::Type_t
+   dataObjectRequest(const DataObjectRequest<RequestType>& f) const
+   {
+     return eng_m.dataObjectRequest(f);
+   }
+ private:
+   ViewedEngine_t eng_m;
+   Indexer_t indexer_m;
+ };
+ template <int Dim, class T, int D2, class ViewedTag>
+ struct NewEngine< Engine<Dim,T,ViewEngine<D2,ViewedTag> >, Interval<Dim> >
+ {
+   typedef Engine<Dim, T, ViewEngine<D2, ViewedTag> > Type_t;
+ };
+ template <int Dim, class T, int D2, class ViewedTag>
+ struct NewEngine< Engine<Dim,T,ViewEngine<D2,ViewedTag> >, Range<Dim> >
+ {
+   typedef Engine<Dim, T, ViewEngine<D2, ViewedTag> > Type_t;
+ };
+ template <int Dim, class T, int D2, class ViewedTag, int SliceDim>
+ struct NewEngine< Engine<Dim, T, ViewEngine<D2, ViewedTag> >,
+   SliceInterval<Dim, SliceDim> >
+ {
+   typedef Engine<SliceDim, T, ViewEngine<D2, ViewedTag> > Type_t;
+ };
+ template <int Dim, class T, int D2, class ViewedTag, int SliceDim>
+ struct NewEngine< Engine<Dim, T, ViewEngine<D2, ViewedTag> >,
+   SliceRange<Dim, SliceDim> >
+ {
+   typedef Engine<SliceDim, T, ViewEngine<D2, ViewedTag> > Type_t;
+ };
+ template <int Dim, class T, int D2, class ViewedTag>
+ struct NewEngine< Engine<Dim, T, ViewEngine<D2, ViewedTag> >, INode<Dim> >
+ {
+   typedef Engine<Dim, T, ViewEngine<D2, ViewedTag> > Engine_t;
+   typedef typename Engine_t::ViewedEngine_t ViewedEngine_t;
+   typedef typename NewEngine<ViewedEngine_t,
+     INode<D2> >::Type_t NewViewedEngine_t;
+   typedef typename NewEngine<NewViewedEngine_t,
+     SliceRange<D2, Dim> >::Type_t Type_t;
+ };
+ template <int Dim, class T, int D2, class ViewedTag>
+ struct NewEngineEngine< Engine<Dim, T, ViewEngine<D2, ViewedTag> >,
+   INode<Dim> >
+ {
+   typedef Engine<Dim, T, ViewEngine<D2, ViewedTag> > Engine_t;
+   typedef typename NewEngine< Engine_t, INode<Dim> >::NewViewedEngine_t Type_t;
+   static inline Type_t
+   apply(const Engine_t &e, const INode<Dim> &inode)
+   {
+     Range<D2> base;
+     e.indexer().localToBase(inode.domain(), base);
+     Interval<D2> baseInt;
+     int i;
+     for (i = 0; i < D2; ++i)
+     {
+       baseInt[i] = Interval<1>(base[i].first(), base[i].last());
+     }
+     INode<D2> viewNode(inode, baseInt);
+     return Type_t(e.viewedEngine(), viewNode);
+   }
+ };
+ template <int Dim, class T, int D2, class ViewedTag>
+ struct NewEngineDomain< Engine<Dim, T, ViewEngine<D2, ViewedTag> >,
+   INode<Dim> >
+ {
+   typedef SliceRange<D2, Dim> Type_t;
+   typedef Engine<Dim, T, ViewEngine<D2, ViewedTag> > Engine_t;
+   static inline Type_t
+   apply(const Engine_t &e, const INode<Dim> &inode)
+   {
+     SliceRange<D2, Dim> base;
+     e.indexer().localToBase(inode.domain(), base);
+     base.totalDomain() -= base.totalDomain().firsts();
+     base.setSliceFromTotal();
+     return base;
+   }
+ };
+ template <int Dim, class T, class ViewedTag>
+ struct NewEngine<Engine<Dim, T, ViewEngine<Dim, ViewedTag> >, INode<Dim> >
+ {
+   typedef Engine<Dim, T, ViewEngine<Dim, ViewedTag> > Engine_t;
+   typedef typename Engine_t::ViewedEngine_t ViewedEngine_t;
+   typedef typename NewEngine<ViewedEngine_t,
+     INode<Dim> >::Type_t NewViewedEngine_t;
+   typedef typename NewEngine<NewViewedEngine_t,
+     Range<Dim> >::Type_t Type_t;
+ };
+ template <int Dim, class T, class ViewedTag>
+ struct NewEngineEngine<Engine<Dim, T, ViewEngine<Dim, ViewedTag> >,
+   INode<Dim> >
+ {
+   typedef Engine<Dim, T, ViewEngine<Dim, ViewedTag> > Engine_t;
+   typedef typename NewEngine<Engine_t, INode<Dim> >::NewViewedEngine_t Type_t;
+   static inline Type_t
+   apply(const Engine_t &e, const INode<Dim> &inode)
+   {
+     Range<Dim> base;
+     e.indexer().localToBase(inode.domain(), base);
+     Interval<Dim> baseInt;
+     int i;
+     for (i = 0; i < Dim; ++i)
+     {
+       baseInt[i] = Interval<1>(base[i].first(), base[i].last());
+     }
+     INode<Dim> viewNode(inode, baseInt);
+     return Type_t(e.viewedEngine(), viewNode);
+   }
+ };
+ template <int Dim, class T, class ViewedTag>
+ struct NewEngineDomain< Engine<Dim, T, ViewEngine<Dim, ViewedTag> >,
+   INode<Dim> >
+ {
+   typedef Range<Dim> Type_t;
+   typedef Engine<Dim, T, ViewEngine<Dim, ViewedTag> > Engine_t;
+   static inline Type_t
+   apply(const Engine_t &e, const INode<Dim> &inode)
+   {
+     Range<Dim> base;
+     e.indexer().localToBase(inode.domain(), base);
+     base -= base.firsts();
+     return base;
+   }
+ };
+ template<int OriginalDim, class ViewedEngineTag>
+ struct EvaluatorEngineTraits<ViewEngine<OriginalDim, ViewedEngineTag> >
+ {
+   typedef typename EvaluatorEngineTraits<ViewedEngineTag>::Evaluator_t
+   Evaluator_t;
+ };
+ template<int Dim, int ViewD1, int ViewD2>
+ class ViewIntersector
+ {
+ public:
+   typedef IntersectorData<Dim> IntersectorData_t;
+   typedef ViewIntersector<Dim, ViewD1, ViewD2> This_t;
+   typedef typename IntersectorData_t::IDContainer_t IDContainer_t;
+   typedef typename IntersectorData_t::BaseDomain_t BaseDomain_t;
+   typedef typename IntersectorData_t::BaseDomainContainer_t
+                                                         BaseDomainContainer_t;
+   typedef typename IntersectorData_t::INode_t INode_t;
+   typedef typename IntersectorData_t::INodeContainer_t INodeContainer_t;
+   typedef typename IntersectorData_t::const_iterator const_iterator;
+   typedef RefCountedPtr<IntersectorData_t> DataPtr_t;
+   typedef ViewIndexer<ViewD1, ViewD2> Indexer_t;
+   enum { dimensions = Dim };
+   ViewIntersector(const ViewIndexer<ViewD1, ViewD2> &indexer,
+     const Intersector<Dim> &model)
+     : pdata_m(model.data()), indexer_m(indexer)
+   {
+     PoomaCTAssert<(Dim == ViewD1)>::test();
+   }
+   This_t &operator=(const This_t &model)
+   {
+     if (this != &model)
+     {
+       indexer_m = model.indexer_m;
+       pdata_m = model.pdata_m;
+     }
+     return *this;
+   }
+   ~ViewIntersector() { }
+   inline DataPtr_t &data() { return pdata_m; }
+   inline const DataPtr_t &data() const { return pdata_m; }
+   inline const_iterator begin() const { return data()->inodes_m.begin(); }
+   inline const_iterator end() const { return data()->inodes_m.end(); }
+   template<class Engine>
+   inline
+   void intersect(const Engine &e)
+   {
+     int n = data()->ids_m.size();
+     typedef INode<ViewD2> INode2_t;
+     typedef std::vector<INode2_t> INode2Container_t;
+     INode2Container_t inodes2;
+     int id = e.layout().ID();
+     if (n == 0)
+     {
+       Range<ViewD2> base = indexer_m.baseDomain();
+       e.layout().touches(base,
+     std::back_inserter(inodes2),
+     TouchesConstructINode<ViewD2>(id, GlobalIDDataBase::
+              nullNodeKey(),
+              &(data()->gidStore_m))
+     );
+       int i;
+       int ni = inodes2.size();
+       for (i = 0; i < ni; i++)
+       {
+  Interval<Dim> ival1;
+  indexer_m.baseToLocalInterval(inodes2[i].domain(), ival1);
+  INode<Dim> inode(inodes2[i], ival1);
+  data()->inodes_m.push_back(inode);
+       }
+     }
+     else
+     {
+       int ni = data()->inodes_m.size();
+       int i;
+       for (i = 0; i < ni; i++)
+       {
+  Range<ViewD2> range;
+  indexer_m.localToBase(data()->inodes_m[i].domain(), range);
+  e.layout().touches(range,
+       std::back_inserter(inodes2),
+       INode<ViewD2>::touchesConstructINode(id,
+          data()->inodes_m[i])
+       );
+       }
+       data()->inodes_m.erase(data()->inodes_m.begin(),
+         data()->inodes_m.begin() + ni);
+       ni = inodes2.size();
+       for (i = 0; i < ni; i++)
+       {
+  Interval<Dim> ival1;
+  indexer_m.baseToLocalInterval(inodes2[i].domain(), ival1);
+  INode<Dim> inode(inodes2[i], ival1);
+  data()->inodes_m.push_back(inode);
+       }
+     }
+   }
+   template<class Engine, int Dim2>
+   inline
+   bool intersect(const Engine &l, const GuardLayers<Dim2> &guard)
+   {
+     return (data()->intersect(l,guard));
+   }
+ private:
+   DataPtr_t pdata_m;
+   Indexer_t indexer_m;
+ };
+ template <int Dim, class T, int D2, class ViewedTag, class Intersect>
+ struct LeafFunctor< Engine<Dim, T, ViewEngine<D2, ViewedTag> >,
+   ExpressionApply<IntersectorTag<Intersect> > >
+ {
+   typedef int Type_t;
+   typedef Engine<Dim, T, ViewEngine<D2, ViewedTag> > Engine_t;
+   static Type_t
+   apply(const Engine_t &,
+  const ExpressionApply<IntersectorTag<Intersect> > &,
+  const WrappedInt<false> &)
+   {
+     return 0;
+   }
+   static Type_t
+   apply(const Engine_t &engine,
+  const ExpressionApply<IntersectorTag<Intersect> > &tag,
+  const WrappedInt<true> &)
+   {
+     enum { d1 = Intersect::dimensions };
+     ViewIntersector<d1, Dim, D2> newIntersector(engine.indexer(),
+       tag.tag().intersector_m);
+     ExpressionApply<IntersectorTag<ViewIntersector<d1, Dim, D2> > >
+       newTag(newIntersector);
+     forEach(engine.viewedEngine(), newTag, NullCombine());
+     return 0;
+   }
+   static Type_t
+   apply(const Engine_t &engine,
+  const ExpressionApply<IntersectorTag<Intersect> > &tag)
+   {
+     enum { multiPatch =
+     Engine<Dim, T, ViewEngine<D2, ViewedTag> >::multiPatch };
+     return apply(engine, tag, WrappedInt<multiPatch>());
+   }
+ };
+ template<class RequestType> class DataObjectRequest;
+ template <int Dim, class T, int D2, class ViewedTag, class RequestType>
+ struct EngineFunctor< Engine<Dim, T, ViewEngine<D2, ViewedTag> >,
+   DataObjectRequest<RequestType> >
+ {
+   typedef typename DataObjectRequest<RequestType>::Type_t Type_t;
+   static Type_t
+   apply(const Engine<Dim, T, ViewEngine<D2, ViewedTag> > &engine,
+  const DataObjectRequest<RequestType> &tag)
+   {
+     return engineFunctor(engine.viewedEngine(), tag);
+   }
+ };
+ template <int D, class T, int D2, class E, class Tag>
+ struct LeafFunctor<Engine<D, T, ViewEngine<D2, E> >, ExpressionApply<Tag> >
+ {
+   typedef Engine<D, T, ViewEngine<D2, E> > Subject_t;
+   typedef typename Subject_t::ViewedEngine_t Engine_t;
+   typedef LeafFunctor<Engine_t, ExpressionApply<Tag> > LeafFunctor_t;
+   typedef int Type_t;
+   static
+   Type_t apply(const Subject_t &engine, const ExpressionApply<Tag> &tag)
+   {
+     return LeafFunctor_t::apply(engine.viewedEngine(), tag);
+   }
+ };
+ template<class Functor>
+ struct IndexFunction
+ {
+   typedef Functor Functor_t;
+ };
+ template<int Dim, class Functor>
+ struct IndexFunctionView
+ { };
+ template<int Dim, class T, class Functor>
+ class Engine<Dim, T, IndexFunction<Functor> >
+ {
+ public:
+   typedef IndexFunction<Functor> Tag_t;
+   typedef Engine<Dim, T, Tag_t> This_t;
+   typedef This_t Engine_t;
+   typedef Interval<Dim> Domain_t;
+   typedef DomainLayout<Dim> Layout_t;
+   typedef T Element_t;
+   typedef ErrorType ElementRef_t;
+   enum { dimensions = Dim };
+   enum { hasDataObject = false };
+   enum { dynamic = false };
+   enum { zeroBased = false };
+   enum { multiPatch = false };
+   Engine() { }
+   explicit Engine(const Domain_t &domain, const Functor &f = Functor())
+   : funct_m(f), domain_m(domain)
+   {
+   }
+   template<class Layout>
+   explicit Engine(const Layout &layout, const Functor &f = Functor())
+   : funct_m(f), domain_m(layout.domain())
+   {
+   }
+   Engine(const This_t &model)
+   : funct_m(model.functor()), domain_m(model.domain())
+   {
+   }
+   This_t &operator=(const This_t &rhs)
+   {
+     domain_m = rhs.domain();
+     funct_m = rhs.functor();
+     return *this;
+   }
+   inline Element_t read(int i0) const
+     {
+       return funct_m(i0);
+     }
+   inline Element_t read(int i0, int i1) const
+     {
+       return funct_m(i0, i1);
+     }
+   inline Element_t read(int i0, int i1, int i2) const
+     {
+       return funct_m(i0, i1, i2);
+     }
+   inline Element_t read(int i0, int i1, int i2, int i3) const
+     {
+       return funct_m(i0, i1, i2, i3);
+     }
+   inline Element_t read(int i0, int i1, int i2, int i3, int i4) const
+     {
+       return funct_m(i0, i1, i2, i3, i4);
+     }
+   inline Element_t read(int i0, int i1, int i2, int i3, int i4,
+     int i5) const
+     {
+       return funct_m(i0, i1, i2, i3, i4, i5);
+     }
+   inline Element_t read(int i0, int i1, int i2, int i3, int i4,
+     int i5, int i6) const
+     {
+       return funct_m(i0, i1, i2, i3, i4, i5, i6);
+     }
+   inline Element_t read(const Loc<1> &loc) const
+     {
+       return funct_m(loc[0].first());
+     }
+   inline Element_t read(const Loc<2> &loc) const
+     {
+       return funct_m(loc[0].first(), loc[1].first());
+     }
+   inline Element_t read(const Loc<3> &loc) const
+     {
+       return funct_m(loc[0].first(), loc[1].first(), loc[2].first());
+     }
+   inline Element_t read(const Loc<4> &loc) const
+     {
+       return funct_m(loc[0].first(), loc[1].first(), loc[2].first(),
+         loc[3].first());
+     }
+   inline Element_t read(const Loc<5> &loc) const
+     {
+       return funct_m(loc[0].first(), loc[1].first(), loc[2].first(),
+         loc[3].first(), loc[4].first());
+     }
+   inline Element_t read(const Loc<6> &loc) const
+     {
+       return funct_m(loc[0].first(), loc[1].first(), loc[2].first(),
+         loc[3].first(), loc[4].first(), loc[5].first());
+     }
+   inline Element_t read(const Loc<7> &loc) const
+     {
+       return funct_m(loc[0].first(), loc[1].first(), loc[2].first(),
+         loc[3].first(), loc[4].first(), loc[5].first(), loc[6].first());
+     }
+   inline const Domain_t &domain() const { return domain_m; }
+   void setDomain(const Domain_t &dom) { domain_m = dom; }
+   inline int first(int i) const
+   {
+     ;
+     return domain_m[i].first();
+   }
+   Layout_t layout() const
+   {
+     return Layout_t(domain_m);
+   }
+   const Functor &functor() const { return funct_m; }
+   void setFunctor(const Functor &f) { funct_m = f; }
+ private:
+   Functor funct_m;
+   Domain_t domain_m;
+ };
+ template <int Dim, class T, class Functor>
+ struct NewEngine<Engine<Dim, T, IndexFunction<Functor> >, Interval<Dim> >
+ {
+   typedef Engine<Dim, T, ViewEngine<Dim, IndexFunction<Functor> > > Type_t;
+ };
+ template <int Dim, class T, class Functor>
+ struct NewEngine<Engine<Dim, T, IndexFunction<Functor> >, Range<Dim> >
+ {
+   typedef Engine<Dim, T, ViewEngine<Dim, IndexFunction<Functor> > > Type_t;
+ };
+ template <int Dim, class T, class Functor, int SliceDim>
+ struct NewEngine<Engine<Dim, T, IndexFunction<Functor> >,
+   SliceInterval<Dim, SliceDim> >
+ {
+   typedef Engine<SliceDim, T, ViewEngine<Dim, IndexFunction<Functor> > > Type_t;
+ };
+ template <int Dim, class T, class Functor, int SliceDim>
+ struct NewEngine<Engine<Dim, T, IndexFunction<Functor> >,
+   SliceRange<Dim, SliceDim> >
+ {
+   typedef Engine<SliceDim, T, ViewEngine<Dim, IndexFunction<Functor> > > Type_t;
+ };
+ template <int Dim, class T, class Functor, class Domain>
+ struct NewEngine<Engine<Dim, T, IndexFunction<Functor> >, Node<Domain> >
+ {
+   typedef Engine<Dim, T, ViewEngine<Dim, IndexFunction<Functor> > > Type_t;
+ };
+ template <int Dim, class T, class Functor>
+ struct NewEngine<Engine<Dim, T, IndexFunction<Functor> >, INode<Dim> >
+ {
+   typedef Engine<Dim, T, ViewEngine<Dim, IndexFunction<Functor> > > Type_t;
+ };
+ class IotaFunctor
+ {
+ public:
+   inline IotaFunctor() { }
+   inline IotaFunctor(const IotaFunctor &) { }
+   inline IotaFunctor &operator=(const IotaFunctor &) { return *this; }
+   inline
+   Vector<1, int> operator()(int i1) const
+   {
+     return Vector<1, int>(i1);
+   }
+   inline
+   Vector<2, int> operator()(int i1, int i2) const
+   {
+     return Vector<2, int>(i1, i2);
+   }
+   inline
+   Vector<3, int> operator()(int i1, int i2, int i3) const
+   {
+     return Vector<3, int>(i1, i2, i3);
+   }
+ };
+ template<int Dim>
+ struct Iota
+ {
+   typedef Array<Dim, Vector<Dim, int>, IndexFunction<IotaFunctor> >
+     Iota_t;
+   typedef typename ComponentView<Loc<1>, Iota_t>::Type_t Index_t;
+ };
+ template<int Dim>
+ inline
+ typename Iota<Dim>::Iota_t
+ iota(const Interval<Dim> &domain)
+ {
+   typedef typename Iota<Dim>::Iota_t Iota_t;
+   return Iota_t(domain);
+ }
+ template<int Dim>
+ inline
+ typename Iota<Dim>::Index_t
+ iotaIndex(const Interval<Dim> &domain, int i)
+ {
+   typedef typename Iota<Dim>::Iota_t Iota_t;
+   return Iota_t(domain).comp(i);
+ }
+ inline
+ Array<1, Vector<1, int>, IndexFunction<IotaFunctor> >
+ iota(int i1);
+ inline
+ Array<1, Vector<1, int>, IndexFunction<IotaFunctor> >
+ iota(int i1)
+ {
+   return Array<1, Vector<1, int>,
+     IndexFunction<IotaFunctor> >(Interval<1>(i1));
+ }
+ inline
+ Array<2, Vector<2, int>, IndexFunction<IotaFunctor> >
+ iota(int i1, int i2);
+ inline
+ Array<2, Vector<2, int>, IndexFunction<IotaFunctor> >
+ iota(int i1, int i2)
+ {
+   return Array<2, Vector<2, int>,
+     IndexFunction<IotaFunctor> >(Interval<2>(i1, i2));
+ }
+ inline
+ Array<3, Vector<3, int>, IndexFunction<IotaFunctor> >
+ iota(int i1, int i2, int i3);
+ inline
+ Array<3, Vector<3, int>, IndexFunction<IotaFunctor> >
+ iota(int i1, int i2, int i3)
+ {
+   return Array<3, Vector<3, int>,
+     IndexFunction<IotaFunctor> >(Interval<3>(i1, i2, i3));
+ }
+ template<class Functor, class ArgumentType>
+ struct FunctorResult
+ {
+   typedef ArgumentType Type_t;
+ };
+ template<int D, class T, class E> class Array;
+ template<class UserFunction, class Expression>
+ struct UserFunctionEngine
+ { };
+ template<int D, class T, class UserFunction, class Expression>
+ class Engine< D, T, UserFunctionEngine<UserFunction,Expression> >
+ {
+ public:
+   typedef UserFunctionEngine<UserFunction,Expression> Tag_t;
+   typedef Engine<D,T,Tag_t> This_t;
+   typedef This_t Engine_t;
+   typedef typename Expression::Domain_t Domain_t;
+   typedef typename Expression::Layout_t Layout_t;
+   typedef T Element_t;
+   typedef ErrorType ElementRef_t;
+   typedef typename Expression::Engine_t ExprEngine_t;
+   enum { dimensions = D };
+   enum { hasDataObject = ExprEngine_t::hasDataObject };
+   enum { dynamic = false };
+   enum { zeroBased = ExprEngine_t::zeroBased };
+   enum { multiPatch = ExprEngine_t::multiPatch };
+   Engine(const UserFunction& s, const Expression& e)
+     : userFunction_m(s), expression_m(e) {}
+   template<class OtherE, class Domain>
+   Engine(const Engine<D,T,UserFunctionEngine<UserFunction,OtherE> >& e,
+   const Domain& d)
+     : userFunction_m(e.userFunction()),
+       expression_m( e.expression(), d ) {}
+   inline Element_t read(const Loc<D> &loc) const
+   {
+     return userFunction_m(expression_m.read(loc));
+   }
+   inline Element_t read(int i) const
+   {
+     return userFunction_m(expression_m.read(i));
+   }
+   inline Element_t read(int i, int j) const
+   {
+     return userFunction_m(expression_m.read(i,j));
+   }
+   inline Element_t read(int i, int j, int k) const
+   {
+     return userFunction_m(expression_m.read(i,j,k));
+   }
+   inline Element_t read(int i, int j, int k, int l) const
+   {
+     return userFunction_m(expression_m.read(i,j,k,l));
+   }
+   inline Element_t read(int i, int j, int k, int l,int m) const
+   {
+     return userFunction_m(expression_m.read(i,j,k,l,m));
+   }
+   inline Element_t read(int i, int j, int k, int l,int m,int n) const
+   {
+     return userFunction_m(expression_m.read(i,j,k,l,m,n));
+   }
+   inline Element_t read(int i, int j, int k, int l,int m,int n,int o) const
+   {
+     return userFunction_m(expression_m.read(i,j,k,l,m,n,o));
+   }
+   inline Element_t operator()(const Loc<D> &loc) const
+   {
+     return userFunction_m(expression_m(loc));
+   }
+   inline Element_t operator()(int i) const
+   {
+     return userFunction_m(expression_m(i));
+   }
+   inline Element_t operator()(int i, int j) const
+   {
+     return userFunction_m(expression_m(i,j));
+   }
+   inline Element_t operator()(int i, int j, int k) const
+   {
+     return userFunction_m(expression_m(i,j,k));
+   }
+   inline Element_t operator()(int i, int j, int k, int l) const
+   {
+     return userFunction_m(expression_m(i,j,k,l));
+   }
+   inline Element_t operator()(int i, int j, int k, int l,int m) const
+   {
+     return userFunction_m(expression_m(i,j,k,l,m));
+   }
+   inline Element_t operator()(int i, int j, int k, int l,int m,int n) const
+   {
+     return userFunction_m(expression_m(i,j,k,l,m,n));
+   }
+   inline Element_t operator()(int i, int j, int k, int l,int m,int n,int o)
+     const
+   {
+     return userFunction_m(expression_m(i,j,k,l,m,n,o));
+   }
+   inline const Domain_t& domain() const { return expression_m.domain(); }
+   inline int first(int d) const
+   {
+     return expression_m.first(d);
+   }
+   const UserFunction& userFunction() const { return userFunction_m; }
+   const Expression& expression() const { return expression_m; }
+   template<class RequestType>
+   inline
+   typename DataObjectRequest<RequestType>::Type_t
+   dataObjectRequest(const DataObjectRequest<RequestType>& f) const
+   {
+     return engineFunctor(expression_m.engine(),f);
+   }
+ private:
+   UserFunction userFunction_m;
+   Expression expression_m;
+ };
+ template<class Func> class UserFunction;
+ template<class Func,int D,class T,class E>
+ struct View1<UserFunction<Func>,Array<D,T,E> >
+ {
+   typedef Array<D,T,E> Expr_t;
+   typedef UserFunctionEngine<Func,Expr_t> NewTag_t;
+   typedef typename FunctorResult<Func,T>::Type_t NewT_t;
+   typedef Engine<D,NewT_t,NewTag_t> NewEngine_t;
+   typedef Array<D,NewT_t,NewTag_t> Type_t;
+ };
+ template<class Func>
+ class UserFunction
+ {
+ public:
+   UserFunction()
+   { }
+   UserFunction(const Func &func)
+     : function_m(func)
+   { }
+   template<class Init>
+   UserFunction(const Init &init)
+     : function_m(init)
+   { }
+   template<class I1, class I2>
+   UserFunction(const I1 &i1, const I2 &i2)
+     : function_m(i1,i2)
+   { }
+   template<class I1, class I2, class I3>
+   UserFunction(const I1 &i1, const I2 &i2, const I3 &i3)
+     : function_m(i1,i2,i3)
+   { }
+   template<class I1, class I2, class I3, class I4>
+   UserFunction(const I1 &i1, const I2 &i2, const I3 &i3, const I4 &i4)
+     : function_m(i1,i2,i3,i4)
+   { }
+   template<class I1, class I2, class I3, class I4, class I5>
+   UserFunction(const I1 &i1, const I2 &i2, const I3 &i3, const I4 &i4,
+         const I5 &i5)
+     : function_m(i1,i2,i3,i4,i5)
+   { }
+   template<class I1, class I2, class I3, class I4, class I5, class I6>
+   UserFunction(const I1 &i1, const I2 &i2, const I3 &i3, const I4 &i4,
+         const I5 &i5, const I6 &i6)
+     : function_m(i1,i2,i3,i4,i5,i6)
+   { }
+   template<class I1, class I2, class I3, class I4, class I5, class I6,
+     class I7>
+   UserFunction(const I1 &i1, const I2 &i2, const I3 &i3, const I4 &i4,
+         const I5 &i5, const I6 &i6, const I7 &i7)
+     : function_m(i1,i2,i3,i4,i5,i6,i7)
+   { }
+   template<int D, class T, class E>
+   typename View1<UserFunction<Func>,Array<D,T,E> >::Type_t
+   operator()(const Array<D,T,E>& expr) const
+   {
+     typedef typename View1<UserFunction<Func>,Array<D,T,E> >::NewEngine_t
+       NewEngine_t;
+     typedef typename View1<UserFunction<Func>,Array<D,T,E> >::Type_t
+       Type_t;
+     return Type_t(NewEngine_t(function(),expr));
+   }
+   inline Func &function() { return function_m; }
+   inline const Func &function() const { return function_m; }
+ private:
+   Func function_m;
+ };
+ template <int Dim, class T, class S, class E, class Domain>
+ struct NewEngine< Engine<Dim,T,UserFunctionEngine<S,E> >, Domain >
+ {
+   typedef typename View1<E,Domain>::Type_t NewExpr_t;
+   typedef UserFunctionEngine<S,NewExpr_t> NewTag_t;
+   typedef typename NewExpr_t::Element_t OldElement_t;
+   typedef typename FunctorResult<S,OldElement_t>::Type_t NewElement_t;
+   typedef Engine<Dim,NewElement_t,NewTag_t> Type_t;
+ };
+ template<class UserFunction,class Expression>
+ struct EvaluatorEngineTraits<UserFunctionEngine<UserFunction,Expression> >
+ {
+   typedef typename Expression::Engine_t Engine_t;
+   typedef typename Engine_t::Tag_t Tag_t;
+   typedef typename EvaluatorEngineTraits<Tag_t>::Evaluator_t Evaluator_t;
+ };
+ template <int Dim, class T, class S, class E, class EFTag>
+ struct EngineFunctor<Engine<Dim, T, UserFunctionEngine<S, E> >, EFTag>
+ {
+   typedef typename EngineFunctor<E, EFTag>::Type_t Type_t;
+   static Type_t
+   apply(const Engine<Dim, T, UserFunctionEngine<S, E> > &engine,
+  const EFTag &tag)
+   {
+     return engineFunctor(engine.expression(), tag);
+   }
+ };
+ template <int D, class T, class Func, class Expr, class Tag>
+ struct LeafFunctor<Engine<D, T, UserFunctionEngine<Func, Expr> >,
+   EngineView<Tag> >
+ {
+   typedef LeafFunctor<Expr, EngineView<Tag> > LeafFunctor_t;
+   typedef typename LeafFunctor_t::Type_t NewViewed_t;
+   typedef Engine<D, T, UserFunctionEngine<Func, NewViewed_t> > Type_t;
+   static
+   Type_t apply(const Engine<D, T, UserFunctionEngine<Func, Expr> > &engine,
+         const EngineView<Tag> &tag)
+   {
+     return Type_t(engine.userFunction(),
+     LeafFunctor_t::apply(engine.expression(), tag));
+   }
+ };
+ template <int D, class T, class Func, class Expr, class Tag>
+ struct LeafFunctor<Engine<D, T, UserFunctionEngine<Func, Expr> >,
+   ExpressionApply<Tag> >
+ {
+   typedef LeafFunctor<Expr, ExpressionApply<Tag> > LeafFunctor_t;
+   typedef int Type_t;
+   static
+   Type_t apply(const Engine<D, T, UserFunctionEngine<Func, Expr> > &engine,
+         const ExpressionApply<Tag> &tag)
+   {
+     return LeafFunctor_t::apply(engine.expression(), tag);
+   }
+ };
+ template<int D, class T, class E> class Array;
+ template<class M, class T, class E> class Field;
+ template<class ST> class Stencil;
+ template<class Function, class Expression>
+ struct StencilEngine
+ {
+   typedef typename Expression::Element_t ViewedElement_t;
+   typedef typename FunctorResult<Function,ViewedElement_t>::Type_t Element_t;
+ };
+ template<class Function, int D>
+ inline
+ Interval<D> insetDomain(const Function &f, const Interval<D> &domain)
+ {
+   Interval<D> ret;
+   int d;
+   for (d = 0; d < D; ++d)
+   {
+     ret[d] = Interval<1>(domain[d].first() + f.lowerExtent(d),
+     domain[d].last() - f.upperExtent(d));
+   }
+   return ret;
+ }
+ template<int D, class T, class Function, class Expression>
+ class Engine<D, T, StencilEngine<Function, Expression> >
+ {
+ public:
+   typedef StencilEngine<Function, Expression> Tag_t;
+   typedef Engine<D, T, Tag_t> This_t;
+   typedef This_t Engine_t;
+   typedef Interval<D> Domain_t;
+   typedef DomainLayout<D> Layout_t;
+   typedef T Element_t;
+   typedef ErrorType ElementRef_t;
+   typedef typename Expression::Engine_t ExprEngine_t;
+   enum { dimensions = D };
+   enum { hasDataObject = ExprEngine_t::hasDataObject };
+   enum { dynamic = false };
+   enum { multiPatch = ExprEngine_t::multiPatch };
+   enum { zeroBased = true };
+   Engine()
+     : function_m(), expression_m(), domain_m(Pooma::NoInit())
+   {
+   }
+   template <class Layout2>
+   explicit Engine(const Layout2 &layout)
+     : function_m(), expression_m(), domain_m(layout.domain())
+   {
+   }
+   Engine(const Function &f, const Expression &e)
+     : function_m(f), expression_m(e), domain_m(Pooma::NoInit())
+   {
+     Interval<D> inset = insetDomain(f, e.domain());
+     int d;
+     for (d = 0; d < D; ++d)
+     {
+       domain_m[d] = Interval<1>(inset[d].length());
+       offset_m[d] = function().lowerExtent(d);
+     }
+   }
+   Engine(const Function &f, const Expression &e, const Interval<D> &domain)
+     : function_m(f), expression_m(e), domain_m(Pooma::NoInit())
+   {
+     int d;
+     for (d = 0; d < D; ++d)
+     {
+       domain_m[d] = Interval<1>(domain[d].length());
+       offset_m[d] = domain[d].first();
+     }
+   }
+   template<class OtherE>
+   Engine(const Engine<D, T, StencilEngine<Function, OtherE> > &e,
+   const INode<D> &node)
+     : function_m(e.function()),
+       expression_m(e.expression()(e.viewDomain(node))),
+       domain_m(Pooma::NoInit())
+   {
+     int d;
+     for (d = 0; d < D; ++d)
+     {
+       domain_m[d] = Interval<1>(node.domain()[d].length());
+       offset_m[d] = function().lowerExtent(d);
+     }
+   }
+   Engine(const Engine_t &e,
+   const Interval<D> &domain)
+     : function_m(e.function()),
+       expression_m(e.expression()),
+       domain_m(Pooma::NoInit())
+   {
+     int d;
+     for (d = 0; d < D; ++d)
+     {
+       domain_m[d] = Interval<1>(domain[d].length());
+       offset_m[d] = e.offset_m[d] + domain[d].first();
+     }
+   }
+   template <int Dim, class Tx, class EngineTag>
+   void initExpressionFromModel(const Array<Dim, Tx, EngineTag>& model)
+   {
+     expression_m.engine() = model.engine();
+   }
+   template <class Mesh, class Tx, class EngineTag>
+   void initExpressionFromModel(const Field<Mesh, Tx, EngineTag>& model)
+   {
+     expression_m.fieldEngine() = model.fieldEngine();
+   }
+   This_t &operator=(const This_t &model)
+   {
+     domain_m = model.domain();
+     function_m = model.function();
+     initExpressionFromModel(model.expression());
+     for (int d = 0; d < D; ++d)
+     {
+       domain_m[d] = model.domain()[d];
+       offset_m[d] = model.offset(d);
+     }
+     return *this;
+   }
+   inline Element_t read(int i) const
+   {
+     return function()(expression_m,
+         i + offset_m[0]);
+   }
+   inline Element_t read(int i, int j) const
+   {
+     return function()(expression_m,
+         i + offset_m[0],
+         j + offset_m[1]);
+   }
+   inline Element_t read(int i, int j, int k) const
+   {
+     return function()(expression_m,
+         i + offset_m[0],
+         j + offset_m[1],
+         k + offset_m[2]);
+   }
+   inline Element_t read(const Loc<1> &loc) const
+   {
+     return function()(expression_m,
+         loc[0].first() + offset_m[0]);
+   }
+   inline Element_t read(const Loc<2> &loc) const
+   {
+     return function()(expression_m,
+         loc[0].first() + offset_m[0],
+         loc[1].first() + offset_m[1]);
+   }
+   inline Element_t read(const Loc<3> &loc) const
+   {
+     return function()(expression_m,
+         loc[0].first() + offset_m[0],
+         loc[1].first() + offset_m[1],
+         loc[2].first() + offset_m[2]);
+   }
+   inline Element_t operator()(int i) const
+   {
+     return read(i);
+   }
+   inline Element_t operator()(int i, int j) const
+   {
+     return read(i, j);
+   }
+   inline Element_t operator()(int i, int j, int k) const
+   {
+     return read(i, j, k);
+   }
+   inline const Domain_t &domain() const { return domain_m; }
+   inline Layout_t layout() const { return Layout_t(domain_m); }
+   inline int first(int i) const
+   {
+     return 0;
+   }
+   inline
+   Interval<D> viewDomain(const Interval<D> &domain) const
+   {
+     Interval<D> ret;
+     int d;
+     for (d = 0; d < D; ++d)
+     {
+       ret[d] =
+  Interval<1>(
+       domain[d].first() + offset_m[d]
+       - function().lowerExtent(d),
+       domain[d].last() + offset_m[d] + function().upperExtent(d)
+       );
+     }
+     return ret;
+   }
+   inline
+   INode<D> viewDomain(const INode<D> &inode) const
+   {
+     return INode<D>(inode, viewDomain(inode.domain()));
+   }
+   inline
+   Interval<D> intersectDomain() const
+   {
+     Interval<D> ret;
+     int d;
+     for (d = 0; d < D; ++d)
+     {
+       ret[d] =
+  Interval<1>(
+       domain_m[d].first() + offset_m[d],
+       domain_m[d].last() + offset_m[d]
+       );
+     }
+     return ret;
+   }
+   inline const Function &function() const { return function_m; }
+   inline const Expression &expression() const { return expression_m; }
+   int offset(int d) const { return offset_m[d]; }
+ private:
+   Function function_m;
+   Expression expression_m;
+   Interval<D> domain_m;
+   int offset_m[D];
+ };
+ template<class Function, int D, class T, class E>
+ struct View1<Stencil<Function>, Array<D, T, E> >
+ {
+   typedef Array<D,T,E> ArrayIn_t;
+   typedef StencilEngine<Function, ArrayIn_t> NewTag_t;
+   typedef typename NewTag_t::Element_t NewT_t;
+   typedef Engine<D, NewT_t, NewTag_t> NewEngine_t;
+   typedef Array<D, NewT_t, NewTag_t> Type_t;
+   static inline
+   Type_t make(const Stencil<Function> &s, const ArrayIn_t &a)
+   {
+     return Type_t(NewEngine_t(s.function(), a,
+          insetDomain(s.function(), a.domain())
+          ));
+   }
+ };
+ template<class Function, class ArrayIn, int Dim>
+ struct View2<Stencil<Function>,ArrayIn,Interval<Dim> >
+ {
+   enum { dim = ArrayIn::dimensions };
+   typedef Interval<Dim> ViewDom_t;
+   typedef typename View1<ArrayIn,ViewDom_t>::Type_t Expression_t;
+   typedef StencilEngine<Function, Expression_t> NewTag_t;
+   typedef typename NewTag_t::Element_t NewT_t;
+   typedef Engine<dim,NewT_t,NewTag_t> NewEngine_t;
+   typedef Array<dim,NewT_t,NewTag_t> Type_t;
+   static inline
+   Type_t make(const Stencil<Function> &s, const ArrayIn &a,
+        const Interval<Dim> &d)
+   {
+     return Type_t(NewEngine_t(s.function(), a(s.inputDomain(d))));
+   }
+ };
+ template<class Function, class ArrayIn, class Dom>
+ struct View2<Stencil<Function>, ArrayIn, Dom>
+ {
+   enum { dim2 = ArrayIn::dimensions };
+   enum { dim = Dom::dimensions };
+   typedef Interval<dim2> ViewDom_t;
+   typedef typename View1<ArrayIn, ViewDom_t>::Type_t Expression_t;
+   typedef StencilEngine<Function, Expression_t> StencilTag_t;
+   typedef typename StencilTag_t::Element_t NewT_t;
+   typedef ViewEngine<dim2, StencilTag_t> NewTag_t;
+   typedef Engine<dim,NewT_t,NewTag_t> NewEngine_t;
+   typedef Array<dim,NewT_t,NewTag_t> Type_t;
+   static inline
+   Type_t make(const Stencil<Function> &s, const ArrayIn &a, const Dom &dom)
+   {
+     ViewDom_t viewDom = s.inputDomain(dom);
+     ViewDom_t insetDom = insetDomain(s.function(), viewDom);
+     ViewIndexer<dim,dim2> indexer(insetDom);
+     Dom stView;
+     indexer.baseToLocal(dom,stView);
+     typedef typename NewEngine_t::ViewedEngine_t ViewedEngine_t;
+     ViewedEngine_t viewed(s.function(),a(viewDom));
+     return Type_t(NewEngine_t(viewed,stView));
+   }
+ };
+ template<class Function>
+ class Stencil
+ {
+ public:
+   Stencil()
+   { }
+   Stencil(const Stencil<Function> &model)
+     : function_m(model.function_m)
+   { }
+   ~Stencil() {}
+   template<class Init>
+   Stencil(const Init &init)
+     : function_m(init)
+   { }
+   template<int D, class T, class E>
+   typename View1<Stencil<Function>,Array<D,T,E> >::Type_t
+   operator()(const Array<D,T,E>& expr) const
+   {
+     typedef View1<Stencil<Function>,Array<D,T,E> > Ret_t;
+     return Ret_t::make(*this,expr);
+   }
+   template<int D, class T, class E,class Dom>
+   typename View2<Stencil<Function>,Array<D,T,E>,Dom>::Type_t
+   operator()(const Array<D,T,E>& expr,const Dom &domain) const
+   {
+     PoomaCTAssert<(D==Dom::dimensions)>::test();
+     typedef View2<Stencil<Function>,Array<D,T,E>,Dom> Ret_t;
+     return Ret_t::make(*this,expr,domain);
+   }
+   template<int D>
+   inline
+   Interval<D> insetDomain(const Interval<D> &domain)
+   {
+     return ::insetDomain(function(), domain);
+   }
+   template<int D, class DT>
+   inline
+   Interval<D> inputDomain(const Domain<D,DT> &domain) const
+   {
+     Interval<D> ret;
+     int d;
+     for (d = 0; d < D; ++d)
+     {
+       ret[d] =
+  Interval<1>(
+       domain[d].first() - function().lowerExtent(d),
+       domain[d].last() + function().upperExtent(d)
+       );
+     }
+     return ret;
+   }
+   inline Function &function() { return function_m; }
+   inline const Function &function() const { return function_m; }
+ private:
+   Function function_m;
+ };
+ template <int Dim, class T, class S, class E>
+ struct NewEngine<Engine<Dim, T, StencilEngine<S, E> >, Interval<Dim> >
+ {
+   typedef Engine<Dim, T, StencilEngine<S, E> > Type_t;
+ };
+ template <int Dim, class T, class S, class E>
+ struct NewEngine<Engine<Dim, T, StencilEngine<S, E> >, INode<Dim> >
+ {
+   typedef typename View1<E, INode<Dim> >::Type_t NewExpr_t;
+   typedef StencilEngine<S, NewExpr_t> NewTag_t;
+   typedef Engine<Dim, T, NewTag_t> Type_t;
+ };
+ template <int Dim, class T, class S, class E>
+ struct NewEngine<Engine<Dim, T, StencilEngine<S, E> >, Range<Dim> >
+ {
+   typedef StencilEngine<S,E> SETag_t;
+   typedef ViewEngine<Dim,SETag_t> NewTag_t;
+   typedef Engine<Dim,T,NewTag_t> Type_t;
+ };
+ template <int Dim, class T, class S, class E, int SliceDim>
+ struct NewEngine< Engine<Dim,T,StencilEngine<S,E> >,
+   SliceInterval<Dim,SliceDim> >
+ {
+   typedef StencilEngine<S,E> SETag_t;
+   typedef ViewEngine<Dim,SETag_t> NewTag_t;
+   typedef Engine<SliceDim,T,NewTag_t> Type_t;
+ };
+ template <int Dim, class T, class S, class E, int SliceDim>
+ struct NewEngine< Engine<Dim,T,StencilEngine<S,E> >,
+   SliceRange<Dim,SliceDim> >
+ {
+   typedef StencilEngine<S,E> SETag_t;
+   typedef ViewEngine<Dim,SETag_t> NewTag_t;
+   typedef Engine<SliceDim,T,NewTag_t> Type_t;
+ };
+ template<class UserFunction,class Expression>
+ struct EvaluatorEngineTraits<StencilEngine<UserFunction,Expression> >
+ {
+   typedef typename Expression::Engine_t Engine_t;
+   typedef typename Engine_t::Tag_t Tag_t;
+   typedef typename EvaluatorEngineTraits<Tag_t>::Evaluator_t Evaluator_t;
+ };
+ template<int Dim, class Intersect>
+ class StencilIntersector
+ {
+ public:
+   typedef typename Intersect::IntersectorData_t IntersectorData_t;
+   typedef StencilIntersector<Dim, Intersect> This_t;
+   typedef typename IntersectorData_t::const_iterator const_iterator;
+   typedef RefCountedPtr<IntersectorData_t> DataPtr_t;
+   enum { dimensions = Intersect::dimensions };
+   StencilIntersector(const This_t &model)
+     : domain_m(model.domain_m),
+       stencilExtent_m(model.stencilExtent_m),
+       intersector_m(model.intersector_m)
+   { }
+   StencilIntersector(const Interval<Dim> &domain, const Intersect &intersect,
+     const GuardLayers<Dim> &stencilExtent)
+     : domain_m(domain),
+       stencilExtent_m(stencilExtent),
+       intersector_m(intersect)
+   { }
+   This_t &operator=(const This_t &model)
+   {
+     if (this != &model)
+     {
+       intersector_m = model.intersector_m;
+       domain_m = model.domain_m;
+       stencilExtent_m = model.stencilExtent_m;
+     }
+     return *this;
+   }
+   ~StencilIntersector() { }
+   inline DataPtr_t &data() { return intersector_m.data(); }
+   inline const DataPtr_t &data() const { return intersector_m.data(); }
+   inline const_iterator begin() const { return data()->inodes_m.begin(); }
+   inline const_iterator end() const { return data()->inodes_m.end(); }
+   template<class Engine>
+   inline
+   void intersect(const Engine &engine)
+   {
+     typedef typename NewEngine<Engine,Interval<Dim> >::Type_t NewEngine_t;
+     NewEngine_t newEngine(engine, domain_m);
+     intersector_m.intersect(newEngine);
+     data()->shared(engine.layout().ID(),newEngine.layout().ID());
+   }
+   template<class Engine, int Dim2>
+   inline
+   bool intersect(const Engine &engine, const GuardLayers<Dim2> &g,
+     GuardLayers<Dim> &usedGuards)
+   {
+     intersect(engine);
+     usedGuards = stencilExtent_m;
+     return true;
+   }
+ private:
+   Interval<Dim> domain_m;
+   GuardLayers<Dim> stencilExtent_m;
+   Intersect intersector_m;
+ };
+ template <int D, class T, class S, class E, class Intersect>
+ struct LeafFunctor<Engine<D,T,StencilEngine<S,E> >,
+   ExpressionApply<IntersectorTag<Intersect> > >
+ {
+   typedef int Type_t;
+   static
+   Type_t apply(const Engine<D,T,StencilEngine<S,E> > &engine,
+         const ExpressionApply<IntersectorTag<Intersect> > &tag)
+   {
+     typedef StencilIntersector<D, Intersect> NewIntersector_t;
+     GuardLayers<D> stencilExtent;
+     for (int i=0; i<D; ++i) {
+       stencilExtent.lower(i) = engine.function().lowerExtent(i);
+       stencilExtent.upper(i) = engine.function().upperExtent(i);
+     }
+     NewIntersector_t newIntersector(engine.intersectDomain(),
+         tag.tag().intersector_m,
+         stencilExtent);
+     expressionApply(engine.expression(),
+       IntersectorTag<NewIntersector_t>(newIntersector));
+     return 0;
+   }
+ };
+ template<class RequestType> class DataObjectRequest;
+ template <int D, class T, class S, class E, class RequestType>
+ struct EngineFunctor<Engine<D, T, StencilEngine<S, E> >,
+   DataObjectRequest<RequestType> >
+ {
+   typedef typename DataObjectRequest<RequestType>::Type_t Type_t;
+   static Type_t
+   apply(const Engine<D, T, StencilEngine<S, E> > &engine,
+  const DataObjectRequest<RequestType> &tag)
+   {
+     return engineFunctor(engine.expression(), tag);
+   }
+ };
+ template <int D, class T, class S, class E, class Tag>
+ struct LeafFunctor<Engine<D, T, StencilEngine<S, E> >, EngineView<Tag> >
+ {
+   typedef LeafFunctor<E, EngineView<Tag> > LeafFunctor_t;
+   typedef typename LeafFunctor_t::Type_t NewViewed_t;
+   typedef Engine<D, T, StencilEngine<S, NewViewed_t> > Type_t;
+   static
+   Type_t apply(const Engine<D, T, StencilEngine<S, E> > &engine,
+         const EngineView<Tag> &tag)
+   {
+     return Type_t(engine.function(),
+     LeafFunctor_t::apply(engine.expression(), tag));
+   }
+ };
+ template <int D, class T, class S, class E, class Tag>
+ struct LeafFunctor<Engine<D, T, StencilEngine<S, E> >, ExpressionApply<Tag> >
+ {
+   typedef LeafFunctor<E, ExpressionApply<Tag> > LeafFunctor_t;
+   typedef int Type_t;
+   static
+   Type_t apply(const Engine<D, T, StencilEngine<S, E> > &engine,
+         const ExpressionApply<Tag> &tag)
+   {
+     return LeafFunctor_t::apply(engine.expression(), tag);
+   }
+ };
+ namespace Pooma {
+ namespace Algorithms {
+ template <bool type>
+ struct IsConcrete
+ {
+ inline IsConcrete() { }; inline IsConcrete(const IsConcrete &) { }; inline IsConcrete &operator=(const IsConcrete &) { return *this; };
+ };
+ template <class It, class It2>
+ inline It2 copy(It begin, It end, It2 dest)
+ {
+   ;
+   ;
+   typedef typename std::iterator_traits<It>::value_type Value_t;
+   typedef ElementProperties<Value_t> EP_t;
+   typedef IsConcrete<EP_t::concrete> ConcreteType_t;
+   return copy_special(begin, end, dest, ConcreteType_t());
+ }
+ template <class It, class It2>
+ inline It2 copy_special(It begin, It end, It2 dest, IsConcrete<true>)
+ {
+   typedef std::iterator_traits<It> DataTraits_t;
+   typedef typename DataTraits_t::difference_type Diff_t;
+   typedef typename DataTraits_t::value_type Value_t;
+   return std::copy(begin, end, dest);
+ }
+ template <class It, class It2>
+ inline It2 copy_special(It begin, It end, It2 dest, IsConcrete<false>)
+ {
+   typedef typename std::iterator_traits<It>::value_type Value_t;
+   while (begin < end)
+     {
+       ElementProperties<Value_t>::construct(dest++, *begin++);
+     }
+   return dest;
+ }
+ template <class DataIterator, class KillIterator>
+ inline
+ typename std::iterator_traits<DataIterator>::difference_type
+ delete_backfill(DataIterator data_begin, DataIterator data_end,
+   const KillIterator kill_begin, const KillIterator kill_end,
+   typename std::iterator_traits<DataIterator>::difference_type offset = 0)
+ {
+   ;
+   ;
+   std::reverse_iterator<KillIterator> rk_pos(kill_end);
+   std::reverse_iterator<KillIterator> rk_end(kill_begin);
+   typedef std::iterator_traits<DataIterator> DataTraits_t;
+   typedef typename DataTraits_t::difference_type Diff_t;
+   Diff_t last = data_end - data_begin - 1;
+   while (!(rk_pos == rk_end))
+     {
+       if ((*rk_pos - offset) != last) break;
+       --last;
+       ++rk_pos;
+     }
+   DataIterator last_pos = data_begin + last;
+   while (!(rk_pos == rk_end))
+     {
+       *(data_begin + (*rk_pos++ - offset)) = *last_pos--;
+     }
+   return kill_end - kill_begin;
+ }
+ template <class DataIterator, class KillIterator>
+ inline
+ typename std::iterator_traits<DataIterator>::difference_type
+ delete_shiftup(DataIterator data_begin, DataIterator data_end,
+   KillIterator kill_begin, KillIterator kill_end,
+   typename std::iterator_traits<DataIterator>::difference_type offset = 0)
+ {
+   DataIterator insert_pos = data_begin + (*kill_begin - offset);
+   KillIterator kill_pos = kill_begin;
+   typedef std::iterator_traits<DataIterator> DataTraits_t;
+   typedef typename DataTraits_t::value_type Value_t;
+   typedef typename DataTraits_t::difference_type Diff_t;
+   while (kill_pos < kill_end)
+   {
+     Diff_t copy_index = *kill_pos + 1;
+     while ( (kill_pos + 1) < kill_end && copy_index == *(kill_pos + 1) )
+     {
+       ++copy_index;
+       ++kill_pos;
+     }
+     DataIterator copy_begin = data_begin + (copy_index - offset);
+     DataIterator copy_end;
+     if (copy_begin < data_end)
+     {
+       if (kill_pos + 1 < kill_end)
+         copy_end = data_begin + (*(kill_pos + 1) - offset);
+       else
+         copy_end = data_end;
+       const Diff_t length = copy_end - copy_begin;
+       Pooma::Algorithms::copy(copy_begin, copy_end, insert_pos);
+       insert_pos += length;
+     }
+     ++kill_pos;
+   }
+   return kill_end - kill_begin;
+ }
+ template<class DataIterator>
+ inline DataIterator
+ find_most_common(DataIterator dataBegin, DataIterator dataEnd)
+ {
+   DataIterator checkValue, mostCommonValue = dataEnd;
+   int checkCount, count = 0;
+   while (dataBegin != dataEnd)
+     {
+       checkValue = dataBegin++;
+       checkCount = 1;
+       while (dataBegin != dataEnd && *dataBegin == *checkValue)
+  {
+    ++checkCount;
+    ++dataBegin;
+  }
+       if (checkCount > count)
+         {
+    mostCommonValue = checkValue;
+    count = checkCount;
+  }
+     }
+   return mostCommonValue;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ template<class Tag>
+ struct Remote
+ { };
+ template <int Dim, class T, class Tag>
+ class Engine<Dim, T, Remote<Tag> >
+ {
+ public:
+   typedef Engine<Dim, T, Remote<Tag> > This_t;
+   typedef Engine<Dim, T, Remote<Tag> > Engine_t;
+   typedef Engine<Dim, T, Tag> LocalEngine_t;
+   typedef Interval<Dim> Domain_t;
+   typedef T Element_t;
+   typedef RemoteProxy<T> ElementRef_t;
+   typedef Remote<Tag> Tag_t;
+   typedef DomainLayout<Dim> Layout_t;
+   enum { dimensions = Dim };
+   enum { hasDataObject = true };
+   enum { dynamic = false };
+   enum { zeroBased = false };
+   enum { multiPatch = false };
+   typedef Shared<LocalEngine_t> LocalShared_t;
+   typedef RefCountedPtr<LocalShared_t> LocalPtr_t;
+   Engine();
+   explicit
+   Engine(const Domain_t &domain);
+   Engine(int owningContext, const Domain_t &domain);
+   Engine(const Domain_t &domain, const T &elementModel);
+   explicit
+   Engine(const Node<Domain_t> &node);
+   explicit
+   Engine(const Layout_t &layout);
+   Engine(const Engine_t &model);
+   Engine(const Engine_t &, const EngineConstructTag &);
+   template<class OtherEngine, class Domain>
+   Engine(const OtherEngine &otherEngine, const Domain &domain);
+   template<class OtherEngine, int D2>
+   Engine(const OtherEngine &otherEngine,
+   const SliceRange<D2, Dim> &domain);
+   ~Engine();
+   Engine_t &operator=(const Engine_t &model);
+   Element_t read(const Loc<Dim> &) const;
+   ElementRef_t operator()(const Loc<Dim> &) const;
+   Element_t read(int) const;
+   Element_t read(int, int) const;
+   Element_t read(int, int, int) const;
+   Element_t read(int, int, int, int) const;
+   Element_t read(int, int, int, int, int) const;
+   Element_t read(int, int, int, int, int, int) const;
+   Element_t read(int, int, int, int, int, int, int) const;
+   ElementRef_t operator()(int) const;
+   ElementRef_t operator()(int, int) const;
+   ElementRef_t operator()(int, int, int) const;
+   ElementRef_t operator()(int, int, int, int) const;
+   ElementRef_t operator()(int, int, int, int, int) const;
+   ElementRef_t operator()(int, int, int, int, int, int) const;
+   ElementRef_t operator()(int, int, int, int, int, int, int) const;
+   inline const Domain_t &domain() const
+   {
+     return domain_m;
+   }
+   inline
+   bool engineIsLocal() const
+   {
+     return (Pooma::context() == owningContext_m);
+   }
+   inline
+   int owningContext() const
+   {
+     return owningContext_m;
+   }
+   inline
+   const LocalEngine_t &localEngine() const
+   {
+     ;
+     ;
+     return (*localEnginePtr_m).data();
+   }
+   inline
+   LocalEngine_t &localEngine()
+   {
+     ;
+     ;
+     return (*localEnginePtr_m).data();
+   }
+   inline int first(int i) const
+   {
+     return domain_m[i].first();
+   }
+   inline
+   Engine_t &makeOwnCopy()
+   {
+     if (engineIsLocal() && localEnginePtr_m.isValid())
+     {
+       LocalEngine_t engine(localEngine());
+       engine.makeOwnCopy();
+       localEnginePtr_m = LocalPtr_t(new LocalShared_t(engine));
+     }
+     return *this;
+   }
+ protected:
+   Domain_t domain_m;
+ private:
+   int owningContext_m;
+   LocalPtr_t localEnginePtr_m;
+ };
+ template <int Dim, class T, class Tag>
+ inline T Engine<Dim, T, Remote<Tag> >::
+ read(const Loc<Dim> &loc) const
+ {
+   T value;
+   if (engineIsLocal())
+   {
+     value = localEngine().read(loc);
+   }
+   return ElementRef_t(value, owningContext());
+ }
+ template <int Dim, class T, class Tag>
+ inline T Engine<Dim, T, Remote<Tag> >::
+ read(int i1) const
+ {
+   ;
+   T value;
+   if (engineIsLocal())
+   {
+     value = localEngine().read(i1);
+   }
+   return ElementRef_t(value, owningContext());
+ }
+ template <int Dim, class T, class Tag>
+ inline T Engine<Dim, T, Remote<Tag> >::
+ read(int i1, int i2) const
+ {
+   ;
+   T value;
+   if (engineIsLocal())
+   {
+     value = localEngine().read(i1, i2);
+   }
+   return ElementRef_t(value, owningContext());
+ }
+ template <int Dim, class T, class Tag>
+ inline T Engine<Dim, T, Remote<Tag> >::
+ read(int i1, int i2, int i3) const
+ {
+   ;
+   T value;
+   if (engineIsLocal())
+   {
+     value = localEngine().read(i1, i2, i3);
+   }
+   return ElementRef_t(value, owningContext());
+ }
+ template <int Dim, class T, class Tag>
+ inline T Engine<Dim, T, Remote<Tag> >::
+ read(int i1, int i2, int i3, int i4) const
+ {
+   ;
+   T value;
+   if (engineIsLocal())
+   {
+     value = localEngine().read(i1, i2, i3, i4);
+   }
+   return ElementRef_t(value, owningContext());
+ }
+ template <int Dim, class T, class Tag>
+ inline T Engine<Dim, T, Remote<Tag> >::
+ read(int i1, int i2, int i3, int i4, int i5) const
+ {
+   ;
+   T value;
+   if (engineIsLocal())
+   {
+     value = localEngine().read(i1, i2, i3, i4, i5);
+   }
+   return ElementRef_t(value, owningContext());
+ }
+ template <int Dim, class T, class Tag>
+ inline T Engine<Dim, T, Remote<Tag> >::
+ read(int i1, int i2, int i3, int i4, int i5, int i6) const
+ {
+   ;
+   T value;
+   if (engineIsLocal())
+   {
+     value = localEngine().read(i1, i2, i3, i4, i5, i6);
+   }
+   return ElementRef_t(value, owningContext());
+ }
+ template <int Dim, class T, class Tag>
+ inline T Engine<Dim, T, Remote<Tag> >::
+ read(int i1, int i2, int i3, int i4, int i5, int i6, int i7) const
+ {
+   ;
+   T value;
+   if (engineIsLocal())
+   {
+     value = localEngine().read(i1, i2, i3, i4, i5, i6, i7);
+   }
+   return ElementRef_t(value, owningContext());
+ }
+ template <int Dim, class T, class Tag>
+ inline RemoteProxy<T> Engine<Dim, T, Remote<Tag> >::
+ operator()(const Loc<Dim> &loc) const
+ {
+   if (engineIsLocal())
+   {
+     T &value = localEngine()(loc);
+     return ElementRef_t(value, owningContext());
+   }
+   else
+   {
+     T val;
+     return ElementRef_t(val, owningContext());
+   }
+ }
+ template <int Dim, class T, class Tag>
+ inline RemoteProxy<T> Engine<Dim, T, Remote<Tag> >::
+ operator()(int i1) const
+ {
+   ;
+   if (engineIsLocal())
+   {
+     T &value = localEngine()(i1);
+     return ElementRef_t(value, owningContext());
+   }
+   else
+   {
+     T val;
+     return ElementRef_t(val, owningContext());
+   }
+ }
+ template <int Dim, class T, class Tag>
+ inline RemoteProxy<T> Engine<Dim, T, Remote<Tag> >::
+ operator()(int i1, int i2) const
+ {
+   ;
+   if (engineIsLocal())
+   {
+     T &value = localEngine()(i1, i2);
+     return ElementRef_t(value, owningContext());
+   }
+   else
+   {
+     T val;
+     return ElementRef_t(val, owningContext());
+   }
+ }
+ template <int Dim, class T, class Tag>
+ inline RemoteProxy<T> Engine<Dim, T, Remote<Tag> >::
+ operator()(int i1, int i2, int i3) const
+ {
+   ;
+   if (engineIsLocal())
+   {
+     T &value = localEngine()(i1, i2, i3);
+     return ElementRef_t(value, owningContext());
+   }
+   else
+   {
+     T val;
+     return ElementRef_t(val, owningContext());
+   }
+ }
+ template <int Dim, class T, class Tag>
+ inline RemoteProxy<T> Engine<Dim, T, Remote<Tag> >::
+ operator()(int i1, int i2, int i3, int i4) const
+ {
+   ;
+   if (engineIsLocal())
+   {
+     T &value = localEngine()(i1, i2, i3, i4);
+     return ElementRef_t(value, owningContext());
+   }
+   else
+   {
+     T val;
+     return ElementRef_t(val, owningContext());
+   }
+ }
+ template <int Dim, class T, class Tag>
+ inline RemoteProxy<T> Engine<Dim, T, Remote<Tag> >::
+ operator()(int i1, int i2, int i3, int i4, int i5) const
+ {
+   ;
+   if (engineIsLocal())
+   {
+     T &value = localEngine()(i1, i2, i3, i4, i5);
+     return ElementRef_t(value, owningContext());
+   }
+   else
+   {
+     T val;
+     return ElementRef_t(val, owningContext());
+   }
+ }
+ template <int Dim, class T, class Tag>
+ inline RemoteProxy<T> Engine<Dim, T, Remote<Tag> >::
+ operator()(int i1, int i2, int i3, int i4, int i5, int i6) const
+ {
+   ;
+   if (engineIsLocal())
+   {
+     T &value = localEngine()(i1, i2, i3, i4, i5, i6);
+     return ElementRef_t(value, owningContext());
+   }
+   else
+   {
+     T val;
+     return ElementRef_t(val, owningContext());
+   }
+ }
+ template <int Dim, class T, class Tag>
+ inline RemoteProxy<T> Engine<Dim, T, Remote<Tag> >::
+ operator()(int i1, int i2, int i3, int i4, int i5, int i6, int i7) const
+ {
+   ;
+   if (engineIsLocal())
+   {
+     T &value = localEngine()(i1, i2, i3, i4, i5, i6, i7);
+     return ElementRef_t(value, owningContext());
+   }
+   else
+   {
+     T val;
+     return ElementRef_t(val, owningContext());
+   }
+ }
+ template <int Dim, class T, class Tag>
+ Engine<Dim, T, Remote<Tag> >::Engine()
+   : owningContext_m(0)
+ {
+   ;
+ }
+ template <int Dim, class T, class Tag>
+ Engine<Dim, T, Remote<Tag> >::Engine(const Node<Domain_t> &node)
+   : domain_m(node.allocated()),
+     owningContext_m(node.context())
+ {
+   ;
+   if (engineIsLocal())
+   {
+     localEnginePtr_m = LocalPtr_t(new LocalShared_t(LocalEngine_t(node)));
+   }
+ }
+ template <int Dim, class T, class Tag>
+ Engine<Dim, T, Remote<Tag> >::Engine(const Layout_t &layout)
+   : domain_m(layout.node().allocated()),
+     owningContext_m(0)
+ {
+   ;
+   if (engineIsLocal())
+   {
+     localEnginePtr_m = LocalPtr_t(new LocalShared_t(LocalEngine_t(layout.
+           node())));
+   }
+ }
+ template <int Dim, class T, class Tag>
+ Engine<Dim, T, Remote<Tag> >::Engine(const Domain_t &dom)
+   : domain_m(dom), owningContext_m(0)
+ {
+   if (engineIsLocal())
+   {
+     localEnginePtr_m = LocalPtr_t(new LocalShared_t(LocalEngine_t(domain_m)));
+   }
+ }
+ template <int Dim, class T, class Tag>
+ Engine<Dim, T, Remote<Tag> >::Engine(int owningContext, const Domain_t &dom)
+   : domain_m(dom),
+     owningContext_m(owningContext)
+ {
+   if (engineIsLocal())
+   {
+     localEnginePtr_m = LocalPtr_t(new LocalShared_t(LocalEngine_t(domain_m)));
+   }
+ }
+ template <int Dim, class T, class Tag>
+ Engine<Dim, T, Remote<Tag> >::Engine(const Domain_t &dom, const T& model)
+   : domain_m(dom), owningContext_m(0)
+ {
+   if (engineIsLocal())
+   {
+     localEnginePtr_m =
+       LocalPtr_t(new LocalShared_t(LocalEngine_t(domain_m, model)));
+   }
+ }
+ template <int Dim, class T, class Tag>
+ Engine<Dim, T, Remote<Tag> >::
+ Engine(const Engine<Dim, T, Remote<Tag> > &modelEngine)
+   : domain_m(modelEngine.domain()),
+     owningContext_m(modelEngine.owningContext()),
+     localEnginePtr_m(modelEngine.localEnginePtr_m)
+ {
+ }
+ template <int Dim, class T, class Tag>
+ Engine<Dim, T, Remote<Tag> >::
+ Engine(const Engine<Dim, T, Remote<Tag> > &modelEngine,
+        const EngineConstructTag &)
+   : domain_m(modelEngine.domain()),
+     owningContext_m(modelEngine.owningContext()),
+     localEnginePtr_m(modelEngine.localEnginePtr_m)
+ {
+ }
+ template <int Dim, class T, class Tag>
+ template<class OtherEngine, class Domain>
+ Engine<Dim, T, Remote<Tag> >::
+ Engine(const OtherEngine &otherEngine, const Domain &domain)
+   : owningContext_m(otherEngine.owningContext())
+ {
+   if (engineIsLocal())
+   {
+     localEnginePtr_m =
+       LocalPtr_t(new LocalShared_t(LocalEngine_t(otherEngine.localEngine(),
+        domain)));
+   }
+   int i;
+   for (i = 0; i < Dim; ++i)
+   {
+     domain_m[i] = Interval<1>(domain[i].length());
+   }
+ }
+ template <int Dim, class T, class Tag>
+ template<class OtherEngine, int D2>
+ Engine<Dim, T, Remote<Tag> >::
+ Engine(const OtherEngine &otherEngine, const SliceRange<D2, Dim> &domain)
+   : owningContext_m(otherEngine.owningContext())
+ {
+   if (engineIsLocal())
+   {
+     localEnginePtr_m =
+       LocalPtr_t(new LocalShared_t(LocalEngine_t(otherEngine.localEngine(),
+        domain)));
+   }
+   int i;
+   for (i = 0; i < Dim; ++i)
+   {
+     domain_m[i] = Interval<1>(domain.totalDomain()[i].length());
+   }
+ }
+ template <int Dim, class T, class Tag>
+ Engine<Dim, T, Remote<Tag> > &
+ Engine<Dim, T, Remote<Tag> >::
+ operator=(const Engine<Dim, T, Remote<Tag> > &modelEngine)
+ {
+   if (this == &modelEngine)
+     return *this;
+   owningContext_m = modelEngine.owningContext_m;
+   domain_m = modelEngine.domain_m;
+   localEnginePtr_m = modelEngine.localEnginePtr_m;
+   return *this;
+ }
+ template <int Dim, class T, class Tag>
+ Engine<Dim, T, Remote<Tag> >::~Engine()
+ {
+ }
+ template<int Dim, class T, class Tag, class Domain>
+ struct NewEngine<Engine<Dim, T, Remote<Tag> >, Domain>
+ {
+   typedef typename NewEngine<Engine<Dim, T, Tag>, Domain>::Type_t Local_t;
+   typedef typename Local_t::Tag_t NewTag_t;
+   enum { newDim = Local_t::dimensions };
+   typedef Engine<newDim, T, Remote<NewTag_t> > Type_t;
+ };
+ template<int Dim, class T, class Tag>
+ struct NewEngineDomain<Engine<Dim, T, Remote<Tag> >, INode<Dim> >
+ {
+   typedef const Interval<Dim> &Type_t;
+   static inline const Interval<Dim> &
+   apply(const Engine<Dim, T, Remote<Tag> > &,
+  const INode<Dim> &i)
+   {
+     return i.domain();
+   }
+ };
+ struct RemoteView { };
+ template<>
+ struct EngineView<RemoteView>
+ {
+   typedef TreeCombine Combine_t;
+ };
+ struct RemoteSend
+ {
+   RemoteSend(int n) : toContext_m(n) { }
+   inline int toContext() const { return toContext_m; }
+   int toContext_m;
+ };
+ template<class Engine>
+ struct DefaultExpressionApply<Engine, RemoteSend >
+ {
+   typedef Engine Subject_t;
+   typedef int Type_t;
+   static inline
+   Type_t apply(const Subject_t &engine,
+         const ExpressionApply<RemoteSend> &)
+   {
+     return 0;
+   }
+ };
+ template<class Engine>
+ struct DefaultEngineView<Engine, RemoteView>
+ {
+   typedef Engine Subject_t;
+   typedef Engine Type_t;
+   static inline
+   Type_t apply(const Subject_t &engine,
+         const EngineView<RemoteView> &)
+   {
+     return engine;
+   }
+ };
+ template<int Dim, class T, class Tag>
+ struct LeafFunctor<Engine<Dim, T, Remote<Tag> >, ExpressionApply<RemoteSend> >
+ {
+   typedef Engine<Dim, T, Remote<Tag> > Subject_t;
+   typedef int Type_t;
+   static inline
+   Type_t apply(const Subject_t &engine,
+         const ExpressionApply<RemoteSend> &sendTag)
+   {
+     if (engine.engineIsLocal())
+     {
+       if (sendTag.tag().toContext() == -1)
+       {
+  for (int i = 0; i < Pooma::contexts(); i++)
+    if (i != Pooma::context())
+      SendReceive::send(engine.localEngine(), i);
+       }
+       else
+       {
+  if (Pooma::context() != sendTag.tag().toContext())
+    SendReceive::send(engine.localEngine(), sendTag.tag().toContext());
+       }
+     }
+     return 0;
+   }
+ };
+ template<int Dim, class T, class Tag>
+ struct LeafFunctor<Engine<Dim, T, Remote<Tag> >, EngineView<RemoteView> >
+ {
+ };
+ template<int Dim, class T>
+ struct LeafFunctor<Engine<Dim, T, Remote<Brick> >, EngineView<RemoteView> >
+ {
+   typedef Engine<Dim, T, Remote<Brick> > Subject_t;
+   typedef Engine<Dim, T, Brick> Type_t;
+   static inline
+   Type_t apply(const Subject_t &engine,
+         const EngineView<RemoteView> &)
+   {
+     if (engine.engineIsLocal())
+     {
+       return engine.localEngine();
+     }
+     else
+     {
+       Type_t local(engine.domain());
+       Receive<Type_t>::receive(local, engine.owningContext());
+       return local;
+     }
+   }
+ };
+ template<int Dim, class T>
+ struct LeafFunctor<Engine<Dim, T, Remote<BrickView> >,
+   EngineView<RemoteView> >
+ {
+   typedef Engine<Dim, T, Remote<BrickView> > Subject_t;
+   typedef Engine<Dim, T, Brick> IncomingView_t;
+   typedef Engine<Dim, T, Brick> Brick_t;
+   typedef Engine<Dim, T, BrickView> Type_t;
+   static inline
+   Type_t apply(const Subject_t &engine,
+         const EngineView<RemoteView> &)
+   {
+     if (engine.engineIsLocal())
+     {
+       return engine.localEngine();
+     }
+     else
+     {
+       Interval<Dim> dom = engine.domain();
+       Brick_t local(dom);
+       Type_t view(local, dom);
+       Receive<IncomingView_t>::receive(view, engine.owningContext());
+       return view;
+     }
+   }
+ };
+ template<int Dim, class T>
+ struct LeafFunctor<Engine<Dim, T, Remote<BrickViewU> >,
+   EngineView<RemoteView> >
+ {
+   typedef Engine<Dim, T, Remote<BrickViewU> > Subject_t;
+   typedef Engine<Dim, T, Brick> IncomingView_t;
+   typedef Engine<Dim, T, Brick> Brick_t;
+   typedef Engine<Dim, T, BrickViewU> Type_t;
+   static inline
+   Type_t apply(const Subject_t &engine,
+         const EngineView<RemoteView> &)
+   {
+     if (engine.engineIsLocal())
+     {
+       return engine.localEngine();
+     }
+     else
+     {
+       Interval<Dim> dom = engine.domain();
+       Brick_t local(dom);
+       Type_t view(local, dom);
+       Receive<IncomingView_t>::receive(view, engine.owningContext());
+       return view;
+     }
+   }
+ };
+ template<int Dim, class T>
+ struct LeafFunctor<Engine<Dim, T, Remote<CompressibleBrick> >,
+   EngineView<RemoteView> >
+ {
+   typedef Engine<Dim, T, Remote<CompressibleBrick> > Subject_t;
+   typedef Engine<Dim, T, CompressibleBrick> Type_t;
+   static inline
+   Type_t apply(const Subject_t &engine, const EngineView<RemoteView> &)
+   {
+     if (engine.engineIsLocal())
+     {
+       return engine.localEngine();
+     }
+     else
+     {
+       Type_t local(engine.domain());
+       Receive<Type_t>::receive(local, engine.owningContext());
+       return local;
+     }
+   }
+ };
+ template<int Dim, class T>
+ struct LeafFunctor<Engine<Dim, T, Remote<CompressibleBrickView> >,
+   EngineView<RemoteView> >
+ {
+   typedef Engine<Dim, T, Remote<CompressibleBrickView> > Subject_t;
+   typedef Engine<Dim, T, CompressibleBrick> CompBrick_t;
+   typedef Engine<Dim, T, CompressibleBrickView> Type_t;
+   static inline
+   Type_t apply(const Subject_t &engine, const EngineView<RemoteView> &)
+   {
+     if (engine.engineIsLocal())
+     {
+       return engine.localEngine();
+     }
+     else
+     {
+       Interval<Dim> dom = engine.domain();
+       CompBrick_t local(dom);
+       Type_t view(local, dom);
+       Receive<Type_t>::receive(view, engine.owningContext());
+       return view;
+     }
+   }
+ };
+ struct EngineBlockSerialize
+ {
+   template<class Op, class Eng>
+   inline static /*__attribute__((leafify))*/
+   int apply(Op &op, const Eng &engine)
+     {
+       typedef typename Eng::Domain_t Domain_t;
+       return apply(op, engine, engine.domain(),
+      WrappedInt<Domain_t::dimensions>());
+     }
+   template<class Op, class Eng, class Dom>
+   inline static /*__attribute__((leafify))*/
+   int apply(Op &op, const Eng &engine, const Dom &domain)
+     {
+       return apply(op, engine, domain,
+      WrappedInt<Dom::dimensions>());
+     }
+   template<class Op,class Eng,class Domain>
+   inline static int apply(Op &op,const Eng &engine,
+      const Domain &domain, WrappedInt<1>)
+     {
+       PoomaCTAssert<(Domain::unitStride == 1)>::test();
+       int f0 = domain[0].first();
+       int e0 = domain[0].last();
+       for (int i0 = f0; i0<=e0; ++i0)
+  op(engine(i0));
+       return op.total_m;
+     }
+   template<class Op,class Eng,class Domain>
+   inline static int apply(Op &op,const Eng &engine,
+      const Domain &domain,WrappedInt<2>)
+     {
+       PoomaCTAssert<(Domain::unitStride == 1)>::test();
+       int f0 = domain[0].first();
+       int f1 = domain[1].first();
+       int e0 = domain[0].last();
+       int e1 = domain[1].last();
+       for (int i1 = f1; i1<=e1; ++i1)
+  for (int i0 = f0; i0<=e0; ++i0)
+    op(engine(i0,i1));
+       return op.total_m;
+     }
+   template<class Op,class Eng,class Domain>
+   inline static int apply(Op &op,const Eng &engine,
+      const Domain &domain,WrappedInt<3>)
+     {
+       PoomaCTAssert<(Domain::unitStride == 1)>::test();
+       int f0 = domain[0].first();
+       int f1 = domain[1].first();
+       int f2 = domain[2].first();
+       int e0 = domain[0].last();
+       int e1 = domain[1].last();
+       int e2 = domain[2].last();
+       for (int i2 = f2; i2<=e2; ++i2)
+  for (int i1 = f1; i1<=e1; ++i1)
+    for (int i0 = f0; i0<=e0; ++i0)
+      op(engine(i0,i1,i2));
+       return op.total_m;
+     }
+   template<class Op,class Eng,class Domain>
+   inline static int apply(Op &op,const Eng &engine,
+      const Domain &domain,WrappedInt<4>)
+     {
+       PoomaCTAssert<(Domain::unitStride == 1)>::test();
+       int f0 = domain[0].first();
+       int f1 = domain[1].first();
+       int f2 = domain[2].first();
+       int f3 = domain[3].first();
+       int e0 = domain[0].last();
+       int e1 = domain[1].last();
+       int e2 = domain[2].last();
+       int e3 = domain[3].last();
+       for (int i3 = f3; i3<=e3; ++i3)
+  for (int i2 = f2; i2<=e2; ++i2)
+    for (int i1 = f1; i1<=e1; ++i1)
+      for (int i0 = f0; i0<=e0; ++i0)
+        op(engine(i0,i1,i2,i3));
+       return op.total_m;
+     }
+   template<class Op,class Eng,class Domain>
+   inline static int apply(Op &op,const Eng &engine,
+      const Domain &domain,WrappedInt<5>)
+     {
+       PoomaCTAssert<(Domain::unitStride == 1)>::test();
+       int f0 = domain[0].first();
+       int f1 = domain[1].first();
+       int f2 = domain[2].first();
+       int f3 = domain[3].first();
+       int f4 = domain[4].first();
+       int e0 = domain[0].last();
+       int e1 = domain[1].last();
+       int e2 = domain[2].last();
+       int e3 = domain[3].last();
+       int e4 = domain[4].last();
+       for (int i4 = f4; i4<=e4; ++i4)
+  for (int i3 = f3; i3<=e3; ++i3)
+    for (int i2 = f2; i2<=e2; ++i2)
+      for (int i1 = f1; i1<=e1; ++i1)
+        for (int i0 = f0; i0<=e0; ++i0)
+   op(engine(i0,i1,i2,i3,i4));
+       return op.total_m;
+     }
+   template<class Op,class Eng,class Domain>
+   inline static int apply(Op &op,const Eng &engine,
+      const Domain &domain,WrappedInt<6>)
+     {
+       PoomaCTAssert<(Domain::unitStride == 1)>::test();
+       int f0 = domain[0].first();
+       int f1 = domain[1].first();
+       int f2 = domain[2].first();
+       int f3 = domain[3].first();
+       int f4 = domain[4].first();
+       int f5 = domain[5].first();
+       int e0 = domain[0].last();
+       int e1 = domain[1].last();
+       int e2 = domain[2].last();
+       int e3 = domain[3].last();
+       int e4 = domain[4].last();
+       int e5 = domain[5].last();
+       for (int i5 = f5; i5<=e5; ++i5)
+  for (int i4 = f4; i4<=e4; ++i4)
+    for (int i3 = f3; i3<=e3; ++i3)
+      for (int i2 = f2; i2<=e2; ++i2)
+        for (int i1 = f1; i1<=e1; ++i1)
+   for (int i0 = f0; i0<=e0; ++i0)
+     op(engine(i0,i1,i2,i3,i4,i5));
+       return op.total_m;
+     }
+   template<class Op,class Eng,class Domain>
+   inline static int apply(Op &op,const Eng &engine,
+      const Domain &domain,WrappedInt<7>)
+ {
+   PoomaCTAssert<(Domain::unitStride == 1)>::test();
+   int f0 = domain[0].first();
+   int f1 = domain[1].first();
+   int f2 = domain[2].first();
+   int f3 = domain[3].first();
+   int f4 = domain[4].first();
+   int f5 = domain[5].first();
+   int f6 = domain[6].first();
+   int e0 = domain[0].last();
+   int e1 = domain[1].last();
+   int e2 = domain[2].last();
+   int e3 = domain[3].last();
+   int e4 = domain[4].last();
+   int e5 = domain[5].last();
+   int e6 = domain[6].last();
+   for (int i6 = f6; i6<=e6; ++i6)
+     for (int i5 = f5; i5<=e5; ++i5)
+       for (int i4 = f4; i4<=e4; ++i4)
+  for (int i3 = f3; i3<=e3; ++i3)
+    for (int i2 = f2; i2<=e2; ++i2)
+      for (int i1 = f1; i1<=e1; ++i1)
+        for (int i0 = f0; i0<=e0; ++i0)
+   op(engine(i0,i1,i2,i3,i4,i5,i6));
+   return op.total_m;
+ }
+ private:
+ };
+ template <int Dim, class T, class Tag>
+ long elementsCompressed(const Engine<Dim, T, Remote<Tag> > &engine)
+ {
+   return elementsCompressed(engine.localEngine());
+ }
+ template <int Dim, class T, class Tag>
+ void compress(Engine<Dim, T, Remote<Tag> > &engine)
+ {
+   compress(engine.localEngine());
+ }
+ template <int Dim, class T, class Tag>
+ void uncompress(Engine<Dim, T, Remote<Tag> > &engine)
+ {
+   uncompress(engine.localEngine());
+ }
+ template <int Dim, class T, class Tag>
+ bool compressed(const Engine<Dim, T, Remote<Tag> > &engine)
+ {
+   return compressed(engine.localEngine());
+ }
+ class GatherContexts
+ {
+ private:
+   class GatherContextsData : public RefCounted
+   {
+   public:
+     inline GatherContextsData() {}
+     inline GatherContextsData(const GatherContextsData &model)
+     : contexts_m(model.contexts_m) {}
+     inline ~GatherContextsData() {}
+     void addContext(int c) const
+       {
+         if (c != -1)
+           {
+             if (contexts_m.empty())
+               contexts_m.reserve(4);
+      contexts_m.push_back(c);
+    }
+       }
+     int mostCommonContext() const
+       {
+         if (contexts_m.size() != 0)
+           {
+             std::sort(contexts_m.begin(), contexts_m.end());
+             return
+        *Pooma::Algorithms::find_most_common(contexts_m.begin(),
+                     contexts_m.end());
+      }
+         else
+           {
+             return -1;
+           }
+       }
+   private:
+     mutable std::vector<int> contexts_m;
+   };
+ public:
+   typedef NullCombine Combine_t;
+   inline GatherContexts()
+   : data_m(new GatherContextsData) {}
+   inline GatherContexts(const GatherContexts &model)
+   : data_m(model.data_m) { }
+   GatherContexts &operator=(const GatherContexts &rhs)
+     {
+       data_m = rhs.data_m;
+       return *this;
+     }
+   inline ~GatherContexts() {}
+   inline void addContext(int c) const
+     { data_m->addContext(c); }
+   inline int mostCommonContext() const
+     { return data_m->mostCommonContext(); }
+ private:
+   RefCountedPtr<GatherContextsData> data_m;
+ };
+ template<class T>
+ struct EngineFunctorScalar<T, GatherContexts>
+ {
+   typedef int Type_t;
+   static inline
+   Type_t apply(const T &, const GatherContexts &)
+     {
+       return 0;
+     }
+ };
+ template<class Engine>
+ struct EngineFunctorDefault<Engine, GatherContexts>
+ {
+   typedef Engine Subject_t;
+   typedef int Type_t;
+   static inline
+   Type_t apply(const Subject_t &, const GatherContexts &)
+     {
+       return 0;
+     }
+ };
+ template<int Dim, class T, class Tag>
+ struct EngineFunctor<Engine<Dim, T, Remote<Tag> >, GatherContexts>
+ {
+   typedef Engine<Dim, T, Remote<Tag> > Subject_t;
+   typedef int Type_t;
+   static inline
+   Type_t apply(const Subject_t &engine, const GatherContexts &tag)
+     {
+       tag.addContext(engine.owningContext());
+       return 0;
+     }
+ };
+ template <>
+ struct Evaluator<RemoteSinglePatchEvaluatorTag>
+ {
+   Evaluator() { }
+   ~Evaluator() { }
+   template <class LHS, class RHS, class Op>
+   void evaluate(const LHS &lhs, const Op &op, const RHS &rhs) const
+   {
+     GatherContexts gtag;
+     engineFunctor(lhs.engine(), gtag);
+     int lhsContext = gtag.mostCommonContext();
+     expressionApply(rhs, RemoteSend(lhsContext));
+     if (lhsContext == -1 || Pooma::context() == lhsContext)
+       {
+  EngineView<RemoteView> view;
+         Evaluator<SinglePatchEvaluatorTag>().
+    evaluate(forEach(lhs, view, TreeCombine()), op,
+      forEach(rhs, view, TreeCombine()));
+       }
+     else
+       {
+       }
+   }
+ };
+ template <>
+ struct Evaluator<RemoteMultiPatchEvaluatorTag>
+ {
+   Evaluator() { }
+   ~Evaluator() { }
+   template <class LHS, class RHS, class Op>
+   void evaluate(const LHS &lhs, const Op &op, const RHS &rhs) const
+   {
+     typedef Intersector<LHS::dimensions> Inter_t;
+     Inter_t inter;
+     expressionApply(lhs, IntersectorTag<Inter_t>(inter));
+     expressionApply(rhs, IntersectorTag<Inter_t>(inter));
+     typename Inter_t::const_iterator i = inter.begin();
+     while (i != inter.end())
+       {
+         Evaluator<RemoteSinglePatchEvaluatorTag>().
+           evaluate(lhs(*i), op, rhs(*i));
+         ++i;
+       }
+   }
+ };
+ template <>
+ struct Reduction<RemoteSinglePatchEvaluatorTag>
+ {
+   Reduction() { }
+   ~Reduction() { }
+   template<class T, class Op, class Expr>
+   void evaluate(T &ret, const Op &op, const Expr &e) const
+   {
+     GatherContexts gtag;
+     engineFunctor(e.engine(), gtag);
+     int computationContext = gtag.mostCommonContext();
+     Pooma::CountingSemaphore csem;
+     csem.height(1);
+     if (Pooma::context() != computationContext)
+     {
+       expressionApply(e, RemoteSend(computationContext));
+       csem.incr();
+     }
+     else
+     {
+       EngineView<RemoteView> view;
+       Reduction<SinglePatchEvaluatorTag>().
+  evaluate(ret, op,
+    forEach(e, view, TreeCombine()), csem);
+     }
+     csem.wait();
+     Pooma::scheduler().endGeneration();
+     Pooma::blockAndEvaluate();
+     Pooma::scheduler().beginGeneration();
+     RemoteProxy<T> globalRet(ret, computationContext);
+     ret = globalRet;
+   }
+ };
+ template <>
+ struct Reduction<RemoteMultiPatchEvaluatorTag>
+ {
+   Reduction() { }
+   ~Reduction() { }
+   template<class T, class Op, class Expr>
+   void evaluate(T &ret, const Op &op, const Expr &e) const
+   {
+     typedef Intersector<Expr::dimensions> Inter_t;
+     Inter_t inter;
+     expressionApply(e, IntersectorTag<Inter_t>(inter));
+     std::vector<bool> present(inter.size());
+     std::vector<int> computationalContext(inter.size());
+     typename Inter_t::const_iterator i = inter.begin();
+     int j, k, n = 0;
+     for (j = 0; j < inter.size(); j++)
+       {
+         present[j] = i->contextParticipates(Pooma::context());
+  if (present[j])
+           {
+             computationalContext[j] = i->context();
+             if (computationalContext[j] == Pooma::context())
+               ++n;
+           }
+  ++i;
+       }
+     Pooma::CountingSemaphore csem;
+     csem.height(n);
+     T *vals = new T[n];
+     i = inter.begin();
+     k = 0;
+     for (j = 0; j < inter.size(); j++)
+       {
+  if (present[j])
+    {
+      if (computationalContext[j] == Pooma::context())
+        {
+   EngineView<RemoteView> view;
+   Reduction<SinglePatchEvaluatorTag>().
+     evaluate(vals[k++], op,
+       forEach(e(*i).engine(), view, TreeCombine()), csem);
+        }
+      else
+        {
+          expressionApply(e(*i), RemoteSend(computationalContext[j]));
+        }
+    }
+  ++i;
+       }
+     ;
+     csem.wait();
+     Pooma::scheduler().endGeneration();
+     Pooma::blockAndEvaluate();
+     Pooma::scheduler().beginGeneration();
+     if (n > 0)
+       {
+  ret = vals[0];
+  for (j = 1; j < n; j++)
+    op(ret, vals[j]);
+       }
+     delete [] vals;
+     ReduceOverContexts<T, Op> finalReduction(ret, 0, n > 0);
+     if (Pooma::context() == 0)
+       ret = finalReduction;
+     RemoteProxy<T> broadcast(ret, 0);
+     ret = broadcast;
+   }
+ };
+ template <int Dim, class T, class LayoutTag, class Tag>
+ struct EngineFunctor<Engine<Dim, T, MultiPatch<LayoutTag, Remote<Tag> > >,
+   EnginePatch >
+ {
+   typedef Engine<Dim, T, MultiPatch<LayoutTag, Remote<Tag> > > Subject_t;
+   typedef Engine<Dim, T, Tag> Type_t;
+   static inline
+   Type_t apply(const Subject_t &engine, const EnginePatch &tag)
+   {
+     return engine.localPatch(tag.patch_m).localEngine();
+   }
+ };
+ template <int Dim, class T, class Eng>
+ struct ElementProperties<Engine<Dim, T, Remote<Eng> > >
+   : public MakeOwnCopyProperties<Engine<Dim, T, Remote<Eng> > >
+ { };
+ class Full;
+ template<int D1, int D2, class T, class E> class TinyMatrix;
+ template<int D1, int D2, class T, class E> class TinyMatrixEngine;
+ template<class V, int I, int J>
+ struct TinyMatrixElem
+ {
+   typedef V Element_t;
+   typedef const V& ConstElementRef_t;
+   typedef V& ElementRef_t;
+   static ConstElementRef_t get(const V& x) { return x; }
+   static ElementRef_t get( V& x) { return x; }
+ };
+ template<int D1, int D2, class T, class E, int I, int J>
+ struct TinyMatrixEngineElem
+ {
+   typedef TinyMatrixEngine<D1,D2,T,E> V;
+   typedef typename V::Element_t Element_t;
+   typedef typename V::ConstElementRef_t ConstElementRef_t;
+   typedef typename V::ElementRef_t ElementRef_t;
+   static ConstElementRef_t get(const V& x) { return x(I,J); }
+   static ElementRef_t get( V& x) { return x(I,J); }
+ };
+ template<int D1, int D2, class T, class E, int I, int J>
+ struct TinyMatrixElem< TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T,E> , I , J>
+ {
+   typedef TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T,E> V;
+   typedef TinyMatrixEngineElem<D1,D2,T,E,I,J> TE;
+   typedef typename TE::Element_t Element_t;
+   typedef typename TE::ConstElementRef_t ConstElementRef_t;
+   typedef typename TE::ElementRef_t ElementRef_t;
+   static ConstElementRef_t get(const V& x) { return TE::get(x.engine()); }
+   static ElementRef_t get(V& x) { return TE::get(x.engine()); }
+ };
+ template<class T1, class T2, class Op, int B1, int L1, int B2, int L2>
+ struct TinyMatrixAssign
+ {
+   enum { B11=B1 , L11=L1/2 , B12=B1+L1/2 , L12 = L1-L1/2 };
+   enum { B21=B2 , L21=L2/2 , B22=B2+L2/2 , L22 = L2-L2/2 };
+   static void apply(T1& x, const T2& y, Op op=Op())
+     {
+       TinyMatrixAssign<T1,T2,Op,B11,L11,B21,L21>::apply(x,y,op);
+       TinyMatrixAssign<T1,T2,Op,B12,L12,B21,L21>::apply(x,y,op);
+       TinyMatrixAssign<T1,T2,Op,B11,L11,B22,L22>::apply(x,y,op);
+       TinyMatrixAssign<T1,T2,Op,B12,L12,B22,L22>::apply(x,y,op);
+     }
+ };
+ template<class T1, class T2, class Op, int B1, int L1, int B2>
+ struct TinyMatrixAssign<T1,T2,Op,B1,L1,B2,1>
+ {
+   enum { B11=B1 , L11=L1/2 , B12=B1+L1/2 , L12 = L1-L1/2 };
+   static void apply(T1& x, const T2& y, Op op=Op())
+     {
+       TinyMatrixAssign<T1,T2,Op,B11,L11,B2,1>::apply(x,y,op);
+       TinyMatrixAssign<T1,T2,Op,B12,L12,B2,1>::apply(x,y,op);
+     }
+ };
+ template<class T1, class T2, class Op, int B1, int B2, int L2>
+ struct TinyMatrixAssign<T1,T2,Op,B1,1,B2,L2>
+ {
+   enum { B21=B2 , L21=L2/2 , B22=B2+L2/2 , L22 = L2-L2/2 };
+   static void apply(T1& x, const T2& y, Op op=Op())
+     {
+       TinyMatrixAssign<T1,T2,Op,B1,1,B21,L21>::apply(x,y,op);
+       TinyMatrixAssign<T1,T2,Op,B1,1,B22,L22>::apply(x,y,op);
+     }
+ };
+ template<class T1, class T2, class Op, int B1, int B2>
+ struct TinyMatrixAssign<T1,T2,Op,B1,1,B2,1>
+ {
+   static void apply(T1& x, const T2& y,Op op=Op())
+     {
+       op(TinyMatrixElem<T1,B1,B2>::get(x), TinyMatrixElem<T2,B1,B2>::get(y));
+     }
+ };
+ template<class T1, class T2, class Op, int B1, int B2>
+ struct TinyMatrixAssign<T1,T2,Op,B1,2,B2,2>
+ {
+   static void apply(T1& x, const T2& y, Op op=Op())
+     {
+       op(TinyMatrixElem<T1,B1 ,B2 >::get(x), TinyMatrixElem<T2,B1 ,B2 >::get(y));
+       op(TinyMatrixElem<T1,B1+1,B2 >::get(x), TinyMatrixElem<T2,B1+1,B2 >::get(y));
+       op(TinyMatrixElem<T1,B1 ,B2+1>::get(x), TinyMatrixElem<T2,B1 ,B2+1>::get(y));
+       op(TinyMatrixElem<T1,B1+1,B2+1>::get(x), TinyMatrixElem<T2,B1+1,B2+1>::get(y));
+     }
+ };
+ template<class T1, class T2, class Op, int B1, int B2>
+ struct TinyMatrixAssign<T1,T2,Op,B1,3,B2,3>
+ {
+   static void apply(T1& x, const T2& y, Op op=Op())
+     {
+       op(TinyMatrixElem<T1,B1 ,B2 >::get(x), TinyMatrixElem<T2,B1 ,B2 >::get(y));
+       op(TinyMatrixElem<T1,B1+1,B2 >::get(x), TinyMatrixElem<T2,B1+1,B2 >::get(y));
+       op(TinyMatrixElem<T1,B1+2,B2 >::get(x), TinyMatrixElem<T2,B1+2,B2 >::get(y));
+       op(TinyMatrixElem<T1,B1 ,B2+1>::get(x), TinyMatrixElem<T2,B1 ,B2+1>::get(y));
+       op(TinyMatrixElem<T1,B1+1,B2+1>::get(x), TinyMatrixElem<T2,B1+1,B2+1>::get(y));
+       op(TinyMatrixElem<T1,B1+2,B2+1>::get(x), TinyMatrixElem<T2,B1+2,B2+1>::get(y));
+       op(TinyMatrixElem<T1,B1 ,B2+2>::get(x), TinyMatrixElem<T2,B1 ,B2+2>::get(y));
+       op(TinyMatrixElem<T1,B1+1,B2+2>::get(x), TinyMatrixElem<T2,B1+1,B2+2>::get(y));
+       op(TinyMatrixElem<T1,B1+2,B2+2>::get(x), TinyMatrixElem<T2,B1+2,B2+2>::get(y));
+     }
+ };
+ template<class V1, class V2, class Op>
+ class BinaryTinyMatrixOp;
+ template<int D1, int D2, class T, class V1, class V2, class Op>
+ class TinyMatrixEngine<D1,D2,T,BinaryTinyMatrixOp<V1,V2,Op> >
+ {
+ public:
+   enum { dimensions=2 };
+   typedef T Element_t;
+   typedef BinaryTinyMatrixOp<V1,V2,Op> EngineTag_t;
+   typedef T ConstElementRef_t;
+   typedef T ElementRef_t;
+   typedef TinyMatrixEngine<D1,D2,T, BinaryTinyMatrixOp<V1,V2,Op> > This_t;
+   TinyMatrixEngine(const V1& v1, const V2& v2)
+     : v1_m(v1), v2_m(v2) {}
+   Element_t operator()(int i, int j) const
+   {
+     return Op()(v1_m(i,j), v2_m(i,j));
+   }
+   template<int DD1,int DD2, class TT, class EE, int I, int J>
+     friend struct TinyMatrixEngineElem;
+ private:
+   const V1& v1_m;
+   const V2& v2_m;
+ };
+ template<int D1, int D2, class T, class V1, class V2, class Op, int I, int J>
+ struct TinyMatrixEngineElem<D1,D2,T,BinaryTinyMatrixOp<V1,V2,Op>, I, J >
+ {
+   typedef TinyMatrixEngine<D1,D2,T,BinaryTinyMatrixOp<V1,V2,Op> > V;
+   typedef typename TinyMatrixElem<V1,I,J>::Element_t T1;
+   typedef typename TinyMatrixElem<V2,I,J>::Element_t T2;
+   typedef typename BinaryReturn<T1,T2,Op>::Type_t Element_t;
+   typedef Element_t ElementRef_t;
+   typedef Element_t ConstElementRef_t;
+   static Element_t get(const V& x)
+     {
+       return Op()(
+         TinyMatrixElem<V1,I,J>::get(x.v1_m),
+         TinyMatrixElem<V2,I,J>::get(x.v2_m));
+     }
+ };
+ template<class V1, class Op>
+ class UnaryTinyMatrixOp;
+ template<int D1, int D2, class T, class V1, class Op>
+ class TinyMatrixEngine<D1,D2,T,UnaryTinyMatrixOp<V1,Op> >
+ {
+ public:
+   enum { dimensions=2 };
+   typedef T Element_t;
+   typedef UnaryTinyMatrixOp<V1,Op> EngineTag_t;
+   typedef T ConstElementRef_t;
+   typedef T ElementRef_t;
+   typedef TinyMatrixEngine<D1,D2,T, UnaryTinyMatrixOp<V1,Op> > This_t;
+   explicit TinyMatrixEngine(const V1& v1)
+     : v1_m(v1) {}
+   Element_t operator()(int i, int j) const
+   {
+     return Op()(v1_m(i,j));
+   }
+   template<int DD1, int DD2, class TT, class EE, int I, int J>
+     friend struct TinyMatrixEngineElem;
+ private:
+   const V1& v1_m;
+ };
+ template<int D1, int D2, class T, class V1, class Op, int I, int J>
+ struct TinyMatrixEngineElem<D1,D2,T,UnaryTinyMatrixOp<V1,Op>, I, J >
+ {
+   typedef TinyMatrixEngine<D1,D2,T,UnaryTinyMatrixOp<V1,Op> > V;
+   typedef typename TinyMatrixElem<V1,I,J>::Element_t T1;
+   typedef typename UnaryReturn<T1,Op>::Type_t Element_t;
+   typedef Element_t ElementRef_t;
+   typedef Element_t ConstElementRef_t;
+   static Element_t get(const V& x)
+     {
+       return Op()(TinyMatrixElem<V1,I,J>::get(x.v1_m));
+     }
+ };
+ template<int D1, int D2, class T, class E> class TinyMatrix;
+ template <int D1, int D2, class T, class E> struct UnaryReturn< TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T,E>, FnArcCos > { typedef TinyMatrix< D1, D2, typename UnaryReturn<T,FnArcCos>::Type_t, E > Type_t; }; template <int D1, int D2, class T, class E> inline typename UnaryReturn< TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T,E>, FnArcCos >::Type_t acos( const TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T,E>& v1 ) { typedef TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T,E> V1; typedef typename UnaryReturn<T,FnArcCos>::Type_t T3; typedef TinyMatrix< D1, D2, T3, UnaryTinyMatrixOp<V1,FnArcCos> > Expr_t; typedef typename UnaryReturn<V1,FnArcCos>::Type_t Return_t; return Return_t( Expr_t(v1) ); }
+ template <int D1, int D2, class T, class E> struct UnaryReturn< TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T,E>, FnArcSin > { typedef TinyMatrix< D1, D2, typename UnaryReturn<T,FnArcSin>::Type_t, E > Type_t; }; template <int D1, int D2, class T, class E> inline typename UnaryReturn< TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T,E>, FnArcSin >::Type_t asin( const TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T,E>& v1 ) { typedef TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T,E> V1; typedef typename UnaryReturn<T,FnArcSin>::Type_t T3; typedef TinyMatrix< D1, D2, T3, UnaryTinyMatrixOp<V1,FnArcSin> > Expr_t; typedef typename UnaryReturn<V1,FnArcSin>::Type_t Return_t; return Return_t( Expr_t(v1) ); }
+ template <int D1, int D2, class T, class E> struct UnaryReturn< TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T,E>, FnArcTan > { typedef TinyMatrix< D1, D2, typename UnaryReturn<T,FnArcTan>::Type_t, E > Type_t; }; template <int D1, int D2, class T, class E> inline typename UnaryReturn< TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T,E>, FnArcTan >::Type_t atan( const TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T,E>& v1 ) { typedef TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T,E> V1; typedef typename UnaryReturn<T,FnArcTan>::Type_t T3; typedef TinyMatrix< D1, D2, T3, UnaryTinyMatrixOp<V1,FnArcTan> > Expr_t; typedef typename UnaryReturn<V1,FnArcTan>::Type_t Return_t; return Return_t( Expr_t(v1) ); }
+ template <int D1, int D2, class T, class E> struct UnaryReturn< TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T,E>, FnCeil > { typedef TinyMatrix< D1, D2, typename UnaryReturn<T,FnCeil>::Type_t, E > Type_t; }; template <int D1, int D2, class T, class E> inline typename UnaryReturn< TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T,E>, FnCeil >::Type_t ceil( const TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T,E>& v1 ) { typedef TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T,E> V1; typedef typename UnaryReturn<T,FnCeil>::Type_t T3; typedef TinyMatrix< D1, D2, T3, UnaryTinyMatrixOp<V1,FnCeil> > Expr_t; typedef typename UnaryReturn<V1,FnCeil>::Type_t Return_t; return Return_t( Expr_t(v1) ); }
+ template <int D1, int D2, class T, class E> struct UnaryReturn< TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T,E>, FnCos > { typedef TinyMatrix< D1, D2, typename UnaryReturn<T,FnCos>::Type_t, E > Type_t; }; template <int D1, int D2, class T, class E> inline typename UnaryReturn< TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T,E>, FnCos >::Type_t cos( const TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T,E>& v1 ) { typedef TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T,E> V1; typedef typename UnaryReturn<T,FnCos>::Type_t T3; typedef TinyMatrix< D1, D2, T3, UnaryTinyMatrixOp<V1,FnCos> > Expr_t; typedef typename UnaryReturn<V1,FnCos>::Type_t Return_t; return Return_t( Expr_t(v1) ); }
+ template <int D1, int D2, class T, class E> struct UnaryReturn< TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T,E>, FnHypCos > { typedef TinyMatrix< D1, D2, typename UnaryReturn<T,FnHypCos>::Type_t, E > Type_t; }; template <int D1, int D2, class T, class E> inline typename UnaryReturn< TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T,E>, FnHypCos >::Type_t cosh( const TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T,E>& v1 ) { typedef TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T,E> V1; typedef typename UnaryReturn<T,FnHypCos>::Type_t T3; typedef TinyMatrix< D1, D2, T3, UnaryTinyMatrixOp<V1,FnHypCos> > Expr_t; typedef typename UnaryReturn<V1,FnHypCos>::Type_t Return_t; return Return_t( Expr_t(v1) ); }
+ template <int D1, int D2, class T, class E> struct UnaryReturn< TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T,E>, FnExp > { typedef TinyMatrix< D1, D2, typename UnaryReturn<T,FnExp>::Type_t, E > Type_t; }; template <int D1, int D2, class T, class E> inline typename UnaryReturn< TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T,E>, FnExp >::Type_t exp( const TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T,E>& v1 ) { typedef TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T,E> V1; typedef typename UnaryReturn<T,FnExp>::Type_t T3; typedef TinyMatrix< D1, D2, T3, UnaryTinyMatrixOp<V1,FnExp> > Expr_t; typedef typename UnaryReturn<V1,FnExp>::Type_t Return_t; return Return_t( Expr_t(v1) ); }
+ template <int D1, int D2, class T, class E> struct UnaryReturn< TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T,E>, FnFabs > { typedef TinyMatrix< D1, D2, typename UnaryReturn<T,FnFabs>::Type_t, E > Type_t; }; template <int D1, int D2, class T, class E> inline typename UnaryReturn< TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T,E>, FnFabs >::Type_t fabs( const TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T,E>& v1 ) { typedef TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T,E> V1; typedef typename UnaryReturn<T,FnFabs>::Type_t T3; typedef TinyMatrix< D1, D2, T3, UnaryTinyMatrixOp<V1,FnFabs> > Expr_t; typedef typename UnaryReturn<V1,FnFabs>::Type_t Return_t; return Return_t( Expr_t(v1) ); }
+ template <int D1, int D2, class T, class E> struct UnaryReturn< TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T,E>, FnFloor > { typedef TinyMatrix< D1, D2, typename UnaryReturn<T,FnFloor>::Type_t, E > Type_t; }; template <int D1, int D2, class T, class E> inline typename UnaryReturn< TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T,E>, FnFloor >::Type_t floor( const TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T,E>& v1 ) { typedef TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T,E> V1; typedef typename UnaryReturn<T,FnFloor>::Type_t T3; typedef TinyMatrix< D1, D2, T3, UnaryTinyMatrixOp<V1,FnFloor> > Expr_t; typedef typename UnaryReturn<V1,FnFloor>::Type_t Return_t; return Return_t( Expr_t(v1) ); }
+ template <int D1, int D2, class T, class E> struct UnaryReturn< TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T,E>, FnLog > { typedef TinyMatrix< D1, D2, typename UnaryReturn<T,FnLog>::Type_t, E > Type_t; }; template <int D1, int D2, class T, class E> inline typename UnaryReturn< TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T,E>, FnLog >::Type_t log( const TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T,E>& v1 ) { typedef TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T,E> V1; typedef typename UnaryReturn<T,FnLog>::Type_t T3; typedef TinyMatrix< D1, D2, T3, UnaryTinyMatrixOp<V1,FnLog> > Expr_t; typedef typename UnaryReturn<V1,FnLog>::Type_t Return_t; return Return_t( Expr_t(v1) ); }
+ template <int D1, int D2, class T, class E> struct UnaryReturn< TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T,E>, FnLog10 > { typedef TinyMatrix< D1, D2, typename UnaryReturn<T,FnLog10>::Type_t, E > Type_t; }; template <int D1, int D2, class T, class E> inline typename UnaryReturn< TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T,E>, FnLog10 >::Type_t log10( const TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T,E>& v1 ) { typedef TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T,E> V1; typedef typename UnaryReturn<T,FnLog10>::Type_t T3; typedef TinyMatrix< D1, D2, T3, UnaryTinyMatrixOp<V1,FnLog10> > Expr_t; typedef typename UnaryReturn<V1,FnLog10>::Type_t Return_t; return Return_t( Expr_t(v1) ); }
+ template <int D1, int D2, class T, class E> struct UnaryReturn< TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T,E>, FnSin > { typedef TinyMatrix< D1, D2, typename UnaryReturn<T,FnSin>::Type_t, E > Type_t; }; template <int D1, int D2, class T, class E> inline typename UnaryReturn< TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T,E>, FnSin >::Type_t sin( const TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T,E>& v1 ) { typedef TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T,E> V1; typedef typename UnaryReturn<T,FnSin>::Type_t T3; typedef TinyMatrix< D1, D2, T3, UnaryTinyMatrixOp<V1,FnSin> > Expr_t; typedef typename UnaryReturn<V1,FnSin>::Type_t Return_t; return Return_t( Expr_t(v1) ); }
+ template <int D1, int D2, class T, class E> struct UnaryReturn< TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T,E>, FnHypSin > { typedef TinyMatrix< D1, D2, typename UnaryReturn<T,FnHypSin>::Type_t, E > Type_t; }; template <int D1, int D2, class T, class E> inline typename UnaryReturn< TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T,E>, FnHypSin >::Type_t sinh( const TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T,E>& v1 ) { typedef TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T,E> V1; typedef typename UnaryReturn<T,FnHypSin>::Type_t T3; typedef TinyMatrix< D1, D2, T3, UnaryTinyMatrixOp<V1,FnHypSin> > Expr_t; typedef typename UnaryReturn<V1,FnHypSin>::Type_t Return_t; return Return_t( Expr_t(v1) ); }
+ template <int D1, int D2, class T, class E> struct UnaryReturn< TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T,E>, FnSqrt > { typedef TinyMatrix< D1, D2, typename UnaryReturn<T,FnSqrt>::Type_t, E > Type_t; }; template <int D1, int D2, class T, class E> inline typename UnaryReturn< TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T,E>, FnSqrt >::Type_t sqrt( const TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T,E>& v1 ) { typedef TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T,E> V1; typedef typename UnaryReturn<T,FnSqrt>::Type_t T3; typedef TinyMatrix< D1, D2, T3, UnaryTinyMatrixOp<V1,FnSqrt> > Expr_t; typedef typename UnaryReturn<V1,FnSqrt>::Type_t Return_t; return Return_t( Expr_t(v1) ); }
+ template <int D1, int D2, class T, class E> struct UnaryReturn< TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T,E>, FnTan > { typedef TinyMatrix< D1, D2, typename UnaryReturn<T,FnTan>::Type_t, E > Type_t; }; template <int D1, int D2, class T, class E> inline typename UnaryReturn< TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T,E>, FnTan >::Type_t tan( const TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T,E>& v1 ) { typedef TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T,E> V1; typedef typename UnaryReturn<T,FnTan>::Type_t T3; typedef TinyMatrix< D1, D2, T3, UnaryTinyMatrixOp<V1,FnTan> > Expr_t; typedef typename UnaryReturn<V1,FnTan>::Type_t Return_t; return Return_t( Expr_t(v1) ); }
+ template <int D1, int D2, class T, class E> struct UnaryReturn< TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T,E>, FnHypTan > { typedef TinyMatrix< D1, D2, typename UnaryReturn<T,FnHypTan>::Type_t, E > Type_t; }; template <int D1, int D2, class T, class E> inline typename UnaryReturn< TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T,E>, FnHypTan >::Type_t tanh( const TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T,E>& v1 ) { typedef TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T,E> V1; typedef typename UnaryReturn<T,FnHypTan>::Type_t T3; typedef TinyMatrix< D1, D2, T3, UnaryTinyMatrixOp<V1,FnHypTan> > Expr_t; typedef typename UnaryReturn<V1,FnHypTan>::Type_t Return_t; return Return_t( Expr_t(v1) ); }
+ template <int D1, int D2, class T, class E> struct UnaryReturn< TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T,E>, OpUnaryMinus > { typedef TinyMatrix< D1, D2, typename UnaryReturn<T,OpUnaryMinus>::Type_t, E > Type_t; }; template <int D1, int D2, class T, class E> inline typename UnaryReturn< TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T,E>, OpUnaryMinus >::Type_t operator-( const TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T,E>& v1 ) { typedef TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T,E> V1; typedef typename UnaryReturn<T,OpUnaryMinus>::Type_t T3; typedef TinyMatrix< D1, D2, T3, UnaryTinyMatrixOp<V1,OpUnaryMinus> > Expr_t; typedef typename UnaryReturn<V1,OpUnaryMinus>::Type_t Return_t; return Return_t( Expr_t(v1) ); }
+ template <int D1, int D2, class T, class E> struct UnaryReturn< TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T,E>, OpUnaryPlus > { typedef TinyMatrix< D1, D2, typename UnaryReturn<T,OpUnaryPlus>::Type_t, E > Type_t; }; template <int D1, int D2, class T, class E> inline typename UnaryReturn< TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T,E>, OpUnaryPlus >::Type_t operator+( const TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T,E>& v1 ) { typedef TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T,E> V1; typedef typename UnaryReturn<T,OpUnaryPlus>::Type_t T3; typedef TinyMatrix< D1, D2, T3, UnaryTinyMatrixOp<V1,OpUnaryPlus> > Expr_t; typedef typename UnaryReturn<V1,OpUnaryPlus>::Type_t Return_t; return Return_t( Expr_t(v1) ); }
+ template <int D1, int D2, class T, class E> struct UnaryReturn< TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T,E>, OpBitwiseNot > { typedef TinyMatrix< D1, D2, typename UnaryReturn<T,OpBitwiseNot>::Type_t, E > Type_t; }; template <int D1, int D2, class T, class E> inline typename UnaryReturn< TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T,E>, OpBitwiseNot >::Type_t operator~( const TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T,E>& v1 ) { typedef TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T,E> V1; typedef typename UnaryReturn<T,OpBitwiseNot>::Type_t T3; typedef TinyMatrix< D1, D2, T3, UnaryTinyMatrixOp<V1,OpBitwiseNot> > Expr_t; typedef typename UnaryReturn<V1,OpBitwiseNot>::Type_t Return_t; return Return_t( Expr_t(v1) ); }
+ template <int D1, int D2, class T1, class T2, class E> struct BinaryReturn< TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T1,E>, TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T2,E>, OpAdd > { typedef TinyMatrix< D1, D2, typename BinaryReturn<T1,T2,OpAdd>::Type_t, E > Type_t; }; template <int D1, int D2, class T1, class T2, class E1, class E2> inline typename BinaryReturn< TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T1,E1>, TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T2,E2>, OpAdd >::Type_t operator+( const TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T1,E1>& v1, const TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T2,E2>& v2 ) { typedef TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T1,E1> V1; typedef TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T2,E2> V2; typedef typename BinaryReturn<T1,T2,OpAdd>::Type_t T3; typedef TinyMatrix< D1, D2, T3, BinaryTinyMatrixOp<V1,V2,OpAdd> > Expr_t; typedef typename BinaryReturn<V1,V2,OpAdd>::Type_t Return_t; return Return_t( Expr_t(v1,v2) ); } template <int D1, int D2, class T1, class T2, class E> struct BinaryReturn< TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T1,E>, T2, OpAdd > { typedef TinyMatrix< D1, D2, typename BinaryReturn<T1,T2,OpAdd>::Type_t, E > Type_t; }; template <int D1, int!
  D2, class T1, class T2, class E> struct BinaryReturn< T1, TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T2,E>, OpAdd > { typedef TinyMatrix< D1, D2, typename BinaryReturn<T1,T2,OpAdd>::Type_t, E > Type_t; }; template <int D1, int D2, class T1, class E, class T2> inline typename BinaryReturn< TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T1,E>, T2, OpAdd >::Type_t operator+( const TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T1,E>& v1, const T2& x ) { typedef TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T1,E> V1; typedef typename BinaryReturn<V1,T2,OpAdd>::Type_t Return_t; typedef typename Return_t::Element_t T3; typedef TinyMatrix< D1, D2, T3, BinaryTinyMatrixOp<V1,T2,OpAdd> > Expr_t; return Return_t( Expr_t(v1,x) ); } template <int D1, int D2, class T1, class T2, class E> inline typename BinaryReturn< T1, TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T2,E>, OpAdd >::Type_t operator+( const T1& x, const TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T2,E>& v2 ) { typedef TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T2,E> V2; typedef typename BinaryReturn<T1,V2,OpAdd>::Type_t Return_t; typedef typename Return_t::Element_t T3; typedef TinyMatrix< D1, D2, T3, BinaryTinyMat!
 rixOp<T1,V2,OpAdd> > Expr_t; return Return_t( Expr_t(x,v2) ); }
+ template <int D1, int D2, class T1, class T2, class E> struct BinaryReturn< TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T1,E>, TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T2,E>, OpSubtract > { typedef TinyMatrix< D1, D2, typename BinaryReturn<T1,T2,OpSubtract>::Type_t, E > Type_t; }; template <int D1, int D2, class T1, class T2, class E1, class E2> inline typename BinaryReturn< TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T1,E1>, TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T2,E2>, OpSubtract >::Type_t operator-( const TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T1,E1>& v1, const TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T2,E2>& v2 ) { typedef TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T1,E1> V1; typedef TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T2,E2> V2; typedef typename BinaryReturn<T1,T2,OpSubtract>::Type_t T3; typedef TinyMatrix< D1, D2, T3, BinaryTinyMatrixOp<V1,V2,OpSubtract> > Expr_t; typedef typename BinaryReturn<V1,V2,OpSubtract>::Type_t Return_t; return Return_t( Expr_t(v1,v2) ); } template <int D1, int D2, class T1, class T2, class E> struct BinaryReturn< TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T1,E>, T2, OpSubtract > { typedef TinyMatrix< D1, D2, typename BinaryReturn<T1,T2,OpSubtract>::Type!
 _t, E > Type_t; }; template <int D1, int D2, class T1, class T2, class E> struct BinaryReturn< T1, TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T2,E>, OpSubtract > { typedef TinyMatrix< D1, D2, typename BinaryReturn<T1,T2,OpSubtract>::Type_t, E > Type_t; }; template <int D1, int D2, class T1, class E, class T2> inline typename BinaryReturn< TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T1,E>, T2, OpSubtract >::Type_t operator-( const TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T1,E>& v1, const T2& x ) { typedef TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T1,E> V1; typedef typename BinaryReturn<V1,T2,OpSubtract>::Type_t Return_t; typedef typename Return_t::Element_t T3; typedef TinyMatrix< D1, D2, T3, BinaryTinyMatrixOp<V1,T2,OpSubtract> > Expr_t; return Return_t( Expr_t(v1,x) ); } template <int D1, int D2, class T1, class T2, class E> inline typename BinaryReturn< T1, TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T2,E>, OpSubtract >::Type_t operator-( const T1& x, const TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T2,E>& v2 ) { typedef TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T2,E> V2; typedef typename BinaryReturn<T1,V2,OpSubtract>::Type_t Return_t; typedef typ!
 ename Return_t::Element_t T3; typedef TinyMatrix< D1, D2, T3, !
nyMatrixOp<T1,V2,OpSubtract> > Expr_t; return Return_t( Expr_t(x,v2) ); }
+ template <int D1, int D2, class T1, class T2, class E> struct BinaryReturn< TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T1,E>, TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T2,E>, OpMultiply > { typedef TinyMatrix< D1, D2, typename BinaryReturn<T1,T2,OpMultiply>::Type_t, E > Type_t; }; template <int D1, int D2, class T1, class T2, class E1, class E2> inline typename BinaryReturn< TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T1,E1>, TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T2,E2>, OpMultiply >::Type_t operator*( const TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T1,E1>& v1, const TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T2,E2>& v2 ) { typedef TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T1,E1> V1; typedef TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T2,E2> V2; typedef typename BinaryReturn<T1,T2,OpMultiply>::Type_t T3; typedef TinyMatrix< D1, D2, T3, BinaryTinyMatrixOp<V1,V2,OpMultiply> > Expr_t; typedef typename BinaryReturn<V1,V2,OpMultiply>::Type_t Return_t; return Return_t( Expr_t(v1,v2) ); } template <int D1, int D2, class T1, class T2, class E> struct BinaryReturn< TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T1,E>, T2, OpMultiply > { typedef TinyMatrix< D1, D2, typename BinaryReturn<T1,T2,OpMultiply>::Type!
 _t, E > Type_t; }; template <int D1, int D2, class T1, class T2, class E> struct BinaryReturn< T1, TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T2,E>, OpMultiply > { typedef TinyMatrix< D1, D2, typename BinaryReturn<T1,T2,OpMultiply>::Type_t, E > Type_t; }; template <int D1, int D2, class T1, class E, class T2> inline typename BinaryReturn< TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T1,E>, T2, OpMultiply >::Type_t operator*( const TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T1,E>& v1, const T2& x ) { typedef TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T1,E> V1; typedef typename BinaryReturn<V1,T2,OpMultiply>::Type_t Return_t; typedef typename Return_t::Element_t T3; typedef TinyMatrix< D1, D2, T3, BinaryTinyMatrixOp<V1,T2,OpMultiply> > Expr_t; return Return_t( Expr_t(v1,x) ); } template <int D1, int D2, class T1, class T2, class E> inline typename BinaryReturn< T1, TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T2,E>, OpMultiply >::Type_t operator*( const T1& x, const TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T2,E>& v2 ) { typedef TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T2,E> V2; typedef typename BinaryReturn<T1,V2,OpMultiply>::Type_t Return_t; typedef typ!
 ename Return_t::Element_t T3; typedef TinyMatrix< D1, D2, T3, !
nyMatrixOp<T1,V2,OpMultiply> > Expr_t; return Return_t( Expr_t(x,v2) ); }
+ template <int D1, int D2, class T1, class T2, class E> struct BinaryReturn< TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T1,E>, TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T2,E>, OpDivide > { typedef TinyMatrix< D1, D2, typename BinaryReturn<T1,T2,OpDivide>::Type_t, E > Type_t; }; template <int D1, int D2, class T1, class T2, class E1, class E2> inline typename BinaryReturn< TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T1,E1>, TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T2,E2>, OpDivide >::Type_t operator/( const TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T1,E1>& v1, const TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T2,E2>& v2 ) { typedef TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T1,E1> V1; typedef TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T2,E2> V2; typedef typename BinaryReturn<T1,T2,OpDivide>::Type_t T3; typedef TinyMatrix< D1, D2, T3, BinaryTinyMatrixOp<V1,V2,OpDivide> > Expr_t; typedef typename BinaryReturn<V1,V2,OpDivide>::Type_t Return_t; return Return_t( Expr_t(v1,v2) ); } template <int D1, int D2, class T1, class T2, class E> struct BinaryReturn< TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T1,E>, T2, OpDivide > { typedef TinyMatrix< D1, D2, typename BinaryReturn<T1,T2,OpDivide>::Type_t, E > Type_t; !
 }; template <int D1, int D2, class T1, class T2, class E> struct BinaryReturn< T1, TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T2,E>, OpDivide > { typedef TinyMatrix< D1, D2, typename BinaryReturn<T1,T2,OpDivide>::Type_t, E > Type_t; }; template <int D1, int D2, class T1, class E, class T2> inline typename BinaryReturn< TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T1,E>, T2, OpDivide >::Type_t operator/( const TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T1,E>& v1, const T2& x ) { typedef TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T1,E> V1; typedef typename BinaryReturn<V1,T2,OpDivide>::Type_t Return_t; typedef typename Return_t::Element_t T3; typedef TinyMatrix< D1, D2, T3, BinaryTinyMatrixOp<V1,T2,OpDivide> > Expr_t; return Return_t( Expr_t(v1,x) ); } template <int D1, int D2, class T1, class T2, class E> inline typename BinaryReturn< T1, TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T2,E>, OpDivide >::Type_t operator/( const T1& x, const TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T2,E>& v2 ) { typedef TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T2,E> V2; typedef typename BinaryReturn<T1,V2,OpDivide>::Type_t Return_t; typedef typename Return_t::Element_t T3; !
 typedef TinyMatrix< D1, D2, T3, BinaryTinyMatrixOp<T1,V2,OpDiv!
 ide> > E
xpr_t; return Return_t( Expr_t(x,v2) ); }
+ template <int D1, int D2, class T1, class T2, class E> struct BinaryReturn< TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T1,E>, TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T2,E>, OpMod > { typedef TinyMatrix< D1, D2, typename BinaryReturn<T1,T2,OpMod>::Type_t, E > Type_t; }; template <int D1, int D2, class T1, class T2, class E1, class E2> inline typename BinaryReturn< TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T1,E1>, TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T2,E2>, OpMod >::Type_t operator%( const TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T1,E1>& v1, const TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T2,E2>& v2 ) { typedef TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T1,E1> V1; typedef TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T2,E2> V2; typedef typename BinaryReturn<T1,T2,OpMod>::Type_t T3; typedef TinyMatrix< D1, D2, T3, BinaryTinyMatrixOp<V1,V2,OpMod> > Expr_t; typedef typename BinaryReturn<V1,V2,OpMod>::Type_t Return_t; return Return_t( Expr_t(v1,v2) ); } template <int D1, int D2, class T1, class T2, class E> struct BinaryReturn< TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T1,E>, T2, OpMod > { typedef TinyMatrix< D1, D2, typename BinaryReturn<T1,T2,OpMod>::Type_t, E > Type_t; }; template <int D1, int!
  D2, class T1, class T2, class E> struct BinaryReturn< T1, TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T2,E>, OpMod > { typedef TinyMatrix< D1, D2, typename BinaryReturn<T1,T2,OpMod>::Type_t, E > Type_t; }; template <int D1, int D2, class T1, class E, class T2> inline typename BinaryReturn< TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T1,E>, T2, OpMod >::Type_t operator%( const TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T1,E>& v1, const T2& x ) { typedef TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T1,E> V1; typedef typename BinaryReturn<V1,T2,OpMod>::Type_t Return_t; typedef typename Return_t::Element_t T3; typedef TinyMatrix< D1, D2, T3, BinaryTinyMatrixOp<V1,T2,OpMod> > Expr_t; return Return_t( Expr_t(v1,x) ); } template <int D1, int D2, class T1, class T2, class E> inline typename BinaryReturn< T1, TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T2,E>, OpMod >::Type_t operator%( const T1& x, const TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T2,E>& v2 ) { typedef TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T2,E> V2; typedef typename BinaryReturn<T1,V2,OpMod>::Type_t Return_t; typedef typename Return_t::Element_t T3; typedef TinyMatrix< D1, D2, T3, BinaryTinyMat!
 rixOp<T1,V2,OpMod> > Expr_t; return Return_t( Expr_t(x,v2) ); }
+ template <int D1, int D2, class T1, class T2, class E> struct BinaryReturn< TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T1,E>, TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T2,E>, OpBitwiseAnd > { typedef TinyMatrix< D1, D2, typename BinaryReturn<T1,T2,OpBitwiseAnd>::Type_t, E > Type_t; }; template <int D1, int D2, class T1, class T2, class E1, class E2> inline typename BinaryReturn< TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T1,E1>, TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T2,E2>, OpBitwiseAnd >::Type_t operator&( const TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T1,E1>& v1, const TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T2,E2>& v2 ) { typedef TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T1,E1> V1; typedef TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T2,E2> V2; typedef typename BinaryReturn<T1,T2,OpBitwiseAnd>::Type_t T3; typedef TinyMatrix< D1, D2, T3, BinaryTinyMatrixOp<V1,V2,OpBitwiseAnd> > Expr_t; typedef typename BinaryReturn<V1,V2,OpBitwiseAnd>::Type_t Return_t; return Return_t( Expr_t(v1,v2) ); } template <int D1, int D2, class T1, class T2, class E> struct BinaryReturn< TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T1,E>, T2, OpBitwiseAnd > { typedef TinyMatrix< D1, D2, typename BinaryReturn<T1,T2,OpB!
 itwiseAnd>::Type_t, E > Type_t; }; template <int D1, int D2, class T1, class T2, class E> struct BinaryReturn< T1, TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T2,E>, OpBitwiseAnd > { typedef TinyMatrix< D1, D2, typename BinaryReturn<T1,T2,OpBitwiseAnd>::Type_t, E > Type_t; }; template <int D1, int D2, class T1, class E, class T2> inline typename BinaryReturn< TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T1,E>, T2, OpBitwiseAnd >::Type_t operator&( const TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T1,E>& v1, const T2& x ) { typedef TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T1,E> V1; typedef typename BinaryReturn<V1,T2,OpBitwiseAnd>::Type_t Return_t; typedef typename Return_t::Element_t T3; typedef TinyMatrix< D1, D2, T3, BinaryTinyMatrixOp<V1,T2,OpBitwiseAnd> > Expr_t; return Return_t( Expr_t(v1,x) ); } template <int D1, int D2, class T1, class T2, class E> inline typename BinaryReturn< T1, TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T2,E>, OpBitwiseAnd >::Type_t operator&( const T1& x, const TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T2,E>& v2 ) { typedef TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T2,E> V2; typedef typename BinaryReturn<T1,V2,OpBitwiseAnd>!
 ::Type_t Return_t; typedef typename Return_t::Element_t T3; ty!
 pedef Ti
nyMatrix< D1, D2, T3, BinaryTinyMatrixOp<T1,V2,OpBitwiseAnd> > Expr_t; return Return_t( Expr_t(x,v2) ); }
+ template <int D1, int D2, class T1, class T2, class E> struct BinaryReturn< TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T1,E>, TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T2,E>, OpBitwiseOr > { typedef TinyMatrix< D1, D2, typename BinaryReturn<T1,T2,OpBitwiseOr>::Type_t, E > Type_t; }; template <int D1, int D2, class T1, class T2, class E1, class E2> inline typename BinaryReturn< TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T1,E1>, TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T2,E2>, OpBitwiseOr >::Type_t operator|( const TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T1,E1>& v1, const TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T2,E2>& v2 ) { typedef TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T1,E1> V1; typedef TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T2,E2> V2; typedef typename BinaryReturn<T1,T2,OpBitwiseOr>::Type_t T3; typedef TinyMatrix< D1, D2, T3, BinaryTinyMatrixOp<V1,V2,OpBitwiseOr> > Expr_t; typedef typename BinaryReturn<V1,V2,OpBitwiseOr>::Type_t Return_t; return Return_t( Expr_t(v1,v2) ); } template <int D1, int D2, class T1, class T2, class E> struct BinaryReturn< TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T1,E>, T2, OpBitwiseOr > { typedef TinyMatrix< D1, D2, typename BinaryReturn<T1,T2,OpBitwiseO!
 r>::Type_t, E > Type_t; }; template <int D1, int D2, class T1, class T2, class E> struct BinaryReturn< T1, TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T2,E>, OpBitwiseOr > { typedef TinyMatrix< D1, D2, typename BinaryReturn<T1,T2,OpBitwiseOr>::Type_t, E > Type_t; }; template <int D1, int D2, class T1, class E, class T2> inline typename BinaryReturn< TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T1,E>, T2, OpBitwiseOr >::Type_t operator|( const TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T1,E>& v1, const T2& x ) { typedef TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T1,E> V1; typedef typename BinaryReturn<V1,T2,OpBitwiseOr>::Type_t Return_t; typedef typename Return_t::Element_t T3; typedef TinyMatrix< D1, D2, T3, BinaryTinyMatrixOp<V1,T2,OpBitwiseOr> > Expr_t; return Return_t( Expr_t(v1,x) ); } template <int D1, int D2, class T1, class T2, class E> inline typename BinaryReturn< T1, TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T2,E>, OpBitwiseOr >::Type_t operator|( const T1& x, const TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T2,E>& v2 ) { typedef TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T2,E> V2; typedef typename BinaryReturn<T1,V2,OpBitwiseOr>::Type_t Return!
 _t; typedef typename Return_t::Element_t T3; typedef TinyMatri!
 x< D1, D
2, T3, BinaryTinyMatrixOp<T1,V2,OpBitwiseOr> > Expr_t; return Return_t( Expr_t(x,v2) ); }
+ template <int D1, int D2, class T1, class T2, class E> struct BinaryReturn< TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T1,E>, TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T2,E>, OpBitwiseXor > { typedef TinyMatrix< D1, D2, typename BinaryReturn<T1,T2,OpBitwiseXor>::Type_t, E > Type_t; }; template <int D1, int D2, class T1, class T2, class E1, class E2> inline typename BinaryReturn< TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T1,E1>, TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T2,E2>, OpBitwiseXor >::Type_t operator^( const TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T1,E1>& v1, const TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T2,E2>& v2 ) { typedef TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T1,E1> V1; typedef TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T2,E2> V2; typedef typename BinaryReturn<T1,T2,OpBitwiseXor>::Type_t T3; typedef TinyMatrix< D1, D2, T3, BinaryTinyMatrixOp<V1,V2,OpBitwiseXor> > Expr_t; typedef typename BinaryReturn<V1,V2,OpBitwiseXor>::Type_t Return_t; return Return_t( Expr_t(v1,v2) ); } template <int D1, int D2, class T1, class T2, class E> struct BinaryReturn< TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T1,E>, T2, OpBitwiseXor > { typedef TinyMatrix< D1, D2, typename BinaryReturn<T1,T2,OpB!
 itwiseXor>::Type_t, E > Type_t; }; template <int D1, int D2, class T1, class T2, class E> struct BinaryReturn< T1, TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T2,E>, OpBitwiseXor > { typedef TinyMatrix< D1, D2, typename BinaryReturn<T1,T2,OpBitwiseXor>::Type_t, E > Type_t; }; template <int D1, int D2, class T1, class E, class T2> inline typename BinaryReturn< TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T1,E>, T2, OpBitwiseXor >::Type_t operator^( const TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T1,E>& v1, const T2& x ) { typedef TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T1,E> V1; typedef typename BinaryReturn<V1,T2,OpBitwiseXor>::Type_t Return_t; typedef typename Return_t::Element_t T3; typedef TinyMatrix< D1, D2, T3, BinaryTinyMatrixOp<V1,T2,OpBitwiseXor> > Expr_t; return Return_t( Expr_t(v1,x) ); } template <int D1, int D2, class T1, class T2, class E> inline typename BinaryReturn< T1, TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T2,E>, OpBitwiseXor >::Type_t operator^( const T1& x, const TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T2,E>& v2 ) { typedef TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T2,E> V2; typedef typename BinaryReturn<T1,V2,OpBitwiseXor>!
 ::Type_t Return_t; typedef typename Return_t::Element_t T3; ty!
 pedef Ti
nyMatrix< D1, D2, T3, BinaryTinyMatrixOp<T1,V2,OpBitwiseXor> > Expr_t; return Return_t( Expr_t(x,v2) ); }
+ template <int D1, int D2, class T1, class T2, class E> struct BinaryReturn< TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T1,E>, TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T2,E>, FnLdexp > { typedef TinyMatrix< D1, D2, typename BinaryReturn<T1,T2,FnLdexp>::Type_t, E > Type_t; }; template <int D1, int D2, class T1, class T2, class E1, class E2> inline typename BinaryReturn< TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T1,E1>, TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T2,E2>, FnLdexp >::Type_t ldexp( const TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T1,E1>& v1, const TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T2,E2>& v2 ) { typedef TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T1,E1> V1; typedef TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T2,E2> V2; typedef typename BinaryReturn<T1,T2,FnLdexp>::Type_t T3; typedef TinyMatrix< D1, D2, T3, BinaryTinyMatrixOp<V1,V2,FnLdexp> > Expr_t; typedef typename BinaryReturn<V1,V2,FnLdexp>::Type_t Return_t; return Return_t( Expr_t(v1,v2) ); } template <int D1, int D2, class T1, class T2, class E> struct BinaryReturn< TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T1,E>, T2, FnLdexp > { typedef TinyMatrix< D1, D2, typename BinaryReturn<T1,T2,FnLdexp>::Type_t, E > Type_t; }; template !
 <int D1, int D2, class T1, class T2, class E> struct BinaryReturn< T1, TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T2,E>, FnLdexp > { typedef TinyMatrix< D1, D2, typename BinaryReturn<T1,T2,FnLdexp>::Type_t, E > Type_t; }; template <int D1, int D2, class T1, class E, class T2> inline typename BinaryReturn< TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T1,E>, T2, FnLdexp >::Type_t ldexp( const TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T1,E>& v1, const T2& x ) { typedef TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T1,E> V1; typedef typename BinaryReturn<V1,T2,FnLdexp>::Type_t Return_t; typedef typename Return_t::Element_t T3; typedef TinyMatrix< D1, D2, T3, BinaryTinyMatrixOp<V1,T2,FnLdexp> > Expr_t; return Return_t( Expr_t(v1,x) ); } template <int D1, int D2, class T1, class T2, class E> inline typename BinaryReturn< T1, TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T2,E>, FnLdexp >::Type_t ldexp( const T1& x, const TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T2,E>& v2 ) { typedef TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T2,E> V2; typedef typename BinaryReturn<T1,V2,FnLdexp>::Type_t Return_t; typedef typename Return_t::Element_t T3; typedef TinyMatrix< D1, D2,!
  T3, BinaryTinyMatrixOp<T1,V2,FnLdexp> > Expr_t; return Return!
 _t( Expr
_t(x,v2) ); }
+ template <int D1, int D2, class T1, class T2, class E> struct BinaryReturn< TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T1,E>, TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T2,E>, FnPow > { typedef TinyMatrix< D1, D2, typename BinaryReturn<T1,T2,FnPow>::Type_t, E > Type_t; }; template <int D1, int D2, class T1, class T2, class E1, class E2> inline typename BinaryReturn< TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T1,E1>, TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T2,E2>, FnPow >::Type_t pow( const TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T1,E1>& v1, const TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T2,E2>& v2 ) { typedef TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T1,E1> V1; typedef TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T2,E2> V2; typedef typename BinaryReturn<T1,T2,FnPow>::Type_t T3; typedef TinyMatrix< D1, D2, T3, BinaryTinyMatrixOp<V1,V2,FnPow> > Expr_t; typedef typename BinaryReturn<V1,V2,FnPow>::Type_t Return_t; return Return_t( Expr_t(v1,v2) ); } template <int D1, int D2, class T1, class T2, class E> struct BinaryReturn< TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T1,E>, T2, FnPow > { typedef TinyMatrix< D1, D2, typename BinaryReturn<T1,T2,FnPow>::Type_t, E > Type_t; }; template <int D1, int D2, c!
 lass T1, class T2, class E> struct BinaryReturn< T1, TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T2,E>, FnPow > { typedef TinyMatrix< D1, D2, typename BinaryReturn<T1,T2,FnPow>::Type_t, E > Type_t; }; template <int D1, int D2, class T1, class E, class T2> inline typename BinaryReturn< TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T1,E>, T2, FnPow >::Type_t pow( const TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T1,E>& v1, const T2& x ) { typedef TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T1,E> V1; typedef typename BinaryReturn<V1,T2,FnPow>::Type_t Return_t; typedef typename Return_t::Element_t T3; typedef TinyMatrix< D1, D2, T3, BinaryTinyMatrixOp<V1,T2,FnPow> > Expr_t; return Return_t( Expr_t(v1,x) ); } template <int D1, int D2, class T1, class T2, class E> inline typename BinaryReturn< T1, TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T2,E>, FnPow >::Type_t pow( const T1& x, const TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T2,E>& v2 ) { typedef TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T2,E> V2; typedef typename BinaryReturn<T1,V2,FnPow>::Type_t Return_t; typedef typename Return_t::Element_t T3; typedef TinyMatrix< D1, D2, T3, BinaryTinyMatrixOp<T1,V2,FnPow>!
  > Expr_t; return Return_t( Expr_t(x,v2) ); }
+ template <int D1, int D2, class T1, class T2, class E> struct BinaryReturn< TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T1,E>, TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T2,E>, FnFmod > { typedef TinyMatrix< D1, D2, typename BinaryReturn<T1,T2,FnFmod>::Type_t, E > Type_t; }; template <int D1, int D2, class T1, class T2, class E1, class E2> inline typename BinaryReturn< TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T1,E1>, TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T2,E2>, FnFmod >::Type_t fmod( const TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T1,E1>& v1, const TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T2,E2>& v2 ) { typedef TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T1,E1> V1; typedef TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T2,E2> V2; typedef typename BinaryReturn<T1,T2,FnFmod>::Type_t T3; typedef TinyMatrix< D1, D2, T3, BinaryTinyMatrixOp<V1,V2,FnFmod> > Expr_t; typedef typename BinaryReturn<V1,V2,FnFmod>::Type_t Return_t; return Return_t( Expr_t(v1,v2) ); } template <int D1, int D2, class T1, class T2, class E> struct BinaryReturn< TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T1,E>, T2, FnFmod > { typedef TinyMatrix< D1, D2, typename BinaryReturn<T1,T2,FnFmod>::Type_t, E > Type_t; }; template <int D1, !
 int D2, class T1, class T2, class E> struct BinaryReturn< T1, TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T2,E>, FnFmod > { typedef TinyMatrix< D1, D2, typename BinaryReturn<T1,T2,FnFmod>::Type_t, E > Type_t; }; template <int D1, int D2, class T1, class E, class T2> inline typename BinaryReturn< TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T1,E>, T2, FnFmod >::Type_t fmod( const TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T1,E>& v1, const T2& x ) { typedef TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T1,E> V1; typedef typename BinaryReturn<V1,T2,FnFmod>::Type_t Return_t; typedef typename Return_t::Element_t T3; typedef TinyMatrix< D1, D2, T3, BinaryTinyMatrixOp<V1,T2,FnFmod> > Expr_t; return Return_t( Expr_t(v1,x) ); } template <int D1, int D2, class T1, class T2, class E> inline typename BinaryReturn< T1, TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T2,E>, FnFmod >::Type_t fmod( const T1& x, const TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T2,E>& v2 ) { typedef TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T2,E> V2; typedef typename BinaryReturn<T1,V2,FnFmod>::Type_t Return_t; typedef typename Return_t::Element_t T3; typedef TinyMatrix< D1, D2, T3, BinaryTinyMat!
 rixOp<T1,V2,FnFmod> > Expr_t; return Return_t( Expr_t(x,v2) );!
+ template <int D1, int D2, class T1, class T2, class E> struct BinaryReturn< TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T1,E>, TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T2,E>, FnArcTan2 > { typedef TinyMatrix< D1, D2, typename BinaryReturn<T1,T2,FnArcTan2>::Type_t, E > Type_t; }; template <int D1, int D2, class T1, class T2, class E1, class E2> inline typename BinaryReturn< TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T1,E1>, TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T2,E2>, FnArcTan2 >::Type_t atan2( const TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T1,E1>& v1, const TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T2,E2>& v2 ) { typedef TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T1,E1> V1; typedef TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T2,E2> V2; typedef typename BinaryReturn<T1,T2,FnArcTan2>::Type_t T3; typedef TinyMatrix< D1, D2, T3, BinaryTinyMatrixOp<V1,V2,FnArcTan2> > Expr_t; typedef typename BinaryReturn<V1,V2,FnArcTan2>::Type_t Return_t; return Return_t( Expr_t(v1,v2) ); } template <int D1, int D2, class T1, class T2, class E> struct BinaryReturn< TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T1,E>, T2, FnArcTan2 > { typedef TinyMatrix< D1, D2, typename BinaryReturn<T1,T2,FnArcTan2>::Type_t, E > Type!
 _t; }; template <int D1, int D2, class T1, class T2, class E> struct BinaryReturn< T1, TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T2,E>, FnArcTan2 > { typedef TinyMatrix< D1, D2, typename BinaryReturn<T1,T2,FnArcTan2>::Type_t, E > Type_t; }; template <int D1, int D2, class T1, class E, class T2> inline typename BinaryReturn< TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T1,E>, T2, FnArcTan2 >::Type_t atan2( const TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T1,E>& v1, const T2& x ) { typedef TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T1,E> V1; typedef typename BinaryReturn<V1,T2,FnArcTan2>::Type_t Return_t; typedef typename Return_t::Element_t T3; typedef TinyMatrix< D1, D2, T3, BinaryTinyMatrixOp<V1,T2,FnArcTan2> > Expr_t; return Return_t( Expr_t(v1,x) ); } template <int D1, int D2, class T1, class T2, class E> inline typename BinaryReturn< T1, TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T2,E>, FnArcTan2 >::Type_t atan2( const T1& x, const TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T2,E>& v2 ) { typedef TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T2,E> V2; typedef typename BinaryReturn<T1,V2,FnArcTan2>::Type_t Return_t; typedef typename Return_t::Element_t T!
 3; typedef TinyMatrix< D1, D2, T3, BinaryTinyMatrixOp<T1,V2,Fn!
 > Expr_t; return Return_t( Expr_t(x,v2) ); }
+ template<int D1, int D2, class T, class V1, class V2>
+ class TinyMatrixEngine<D1,D2,T,BinaryTinyMatrixOp<V1,V2,FnDot> >
+ {
+ public:
+   enum { dimensions=2 };
+   typedef T Element_t;
+   typedef FnDot Op;
+   typedef BinaryTinyMatrixOp<V1,V2,Op> EngineTag_t;
+   typedef T ConstElementRef_t;
+   typedef T ElementRef_t;
+   typedef TinyMatrixEngine<D1,D2,T, BinaryTinyMatrixOp<V1,V2,Op> > This_t;
+   TinyMatrixEngine(const V1& v1, const V2& v2, Op op)
+     : v1_m(v1), v2_m(v2), op_m(op) {}
+   TinyMatrixEngine(const V1& v1, const V2& v2)
+     : v1_m(v1), v2_m(v2) {}
+   TinyMatrixEngine(const This_t& x)
+     : v1_m(x.v1_m), v2_m(x.v2_m), op_m(x.op_m) {}
+   ~TinyMatrixEngine() {}
+   template<int DD1,int DD2, class TT, class EE, int I, int J>
+     friend struct TinyMatrixEngineElem;
+ private:
+   const V1& v1_m;
+   const V2& v2_m;
+   Op op_m;
+ };
+ template<class T1, class T2, int I, int J, int K, int L>
+ struct TinyMatrixDotTinyMatrix
+ {
+   typedef typename TinyMatrixDotTinyMatrix<T1,T2,I,J,K,L/2>::Type_t Left_t;
+   typedef typename TinyMatrixDotTinyMatrix<T1,T2,I,J,K+L/2,L-L/2>::Type_t Right_t;
+   typedef typename BinaryReturn<Left_t,Right_t,OpAdd>::Type_t Type_t;
+   static Type_t get(const T1& x, const T2& y)
+     {
+       return
+         TinyMatrixDotTinyMatrix<T1,T2,I,J,K,L/2>::get(x,y) +
+         TinyMatrixDotTinyMatrix<T1,T2,I,J,K+L/2,L-L/2>::get(x,y);
+     }
+ };
+ template<class T1, class T2, int I, int J, int K>
+ struct TinyMatrixDotTinyMatrix<T1,T2,I,J,K,1>
+ {
+   typedef typename TinyMatrixElem<T1,I,K>::Element_t Left_t;
+   typedef typename TinyMatrixElem<T2,K,J>::Element_t Right_t;
+   typedef typename BinaryReturn<Left_t,Right_t,OpMultiply>::Type_t Type_t;
+   static Type_t get(const T1& x, const T2& y)
+     {
+       return TinyMatrixElem<T1,I,K>::get(x) * TinyMatrixElem<T2,K,J>::get(y);
+     }
+ };
+ template<int D1, int D2, class T, class T1, class T2, int I, int J>
+ struct TinyMatrixEngineElem<D1,D2,T,BinaryTinyMatrixOp<T1,T2,FnDot>, I, J >
+ {
+   typedef BinaryTinyMatrixOp<T1,T2,FnDot> E;
+   typedef TinyMatrixEngine<D1,D2,T,E> T0;
+   typedef typename TinyMatrixDotTinyMatrix<T1,T2,I,J,0,T1::d1>::Type_t Element_t;
+   typedef Element_t ElementRef_t;
+   typedef Element_t ConstElementRef_t;
+   static Element_t get(const T0& x)
+     {
+       return TinyMatrixDotTinyMatrix<T1,T2,I,J,0,T1::d2>::get(x.v1_m,x.v2_m);
+     }
+ };
+ template<int D1, int D2, int D3, class T1, class T2, class E1, class E2>
+ struct BinaryReturn< TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T1,E1> , TinyMatrix<D2,D3,T2,E2> , FnDot >
+ {
+   typedef typename BinaryReturn<T1,T2,OpMultiply>::Type_t T0;
+   typedef TinyMatrix<D1,D3,T0,Full> Type_t;
+ };
+ template<int D1, int D2, int D3, class T1, class T2, class E1, class E2>
+ inline
+ typename BinaryReturn< TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T1,E1>,TinyMatrix<D2,D3,T2,E2> , FnDot >::Type_t
+ dot( const TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T1,E1>& v1, const TinyMatrix<D2,D3,T2,E2>& v2 )
+ {
+   typedef TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T1,E1> V1;
+   typedef TinyMatrix<D2,D3,T2,E2> V2;
+   typedef typename BinaryReturn<V1,V2,FnDot>::Type_t Return_t;
+   typedef typename Return_t::Element_t T3;
+   typedef TinyMatrix<D1,D3,T3,BinaryTinyMatrixOp<V1,V2,FnDot> > Expr_t;
+   return Return_t( Expr_t(v1,v2) );
+ }
+ template<int D1, int D2, class T1, class T2, class E1, class E2>
+ struct BinaryReturn< TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T1,E1>,TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T2,E2> , OpEQ >
+ {
+   typedef bool Type_t;
+ };
+ template<int D1, int D2, class T1, class T2, class E1, class E2>
+ struct BinaryReturn< TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T1,E1>,TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T2,E2> , OpNE >
+ {
+   typedef bool Type_t;
+ };
+ template<int D1, int D2, class T1, class T2, class E1, class E2>
+ inline typename
+ BinaryReturn< TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T1,E1>,TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T2,E2> , OpEQ >::Type_t
+ operator==(const TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T1,E1>& t1, const TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T2,E2>& t2)
+ {
+   for (int i = 0; i < D1; i++)
+     for (int j = 0; j < D2; j++)
+       if (t1(i,j) != t2(i,j)) return false;
+   return true;
+ }
+ template<int D1, int D2, class T1, class T2, class E1, class E2>
+ inline typename
+ BinaryReturn< TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T1,E1>,TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T2,E2> , OpNE >::Type_t
+ operator!=(const TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T1,E1>& t1, const TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T2,E2>& t2)
+ {
+   return !(t1 == t2);
+ }
+ template <int D1, int D2, class T1, class T2, class E1, class E2> inline const TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T1,E1>& operator+=( TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T1,E1>& v1, const TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T2,E2>& v2 ) { typedef TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T1,E1> Left_t; typedef TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T2,E2> Right_t; TinyMatrixAssign<Left_t,Right_t,OpAddAssign,0,D1,0,D2>::apply(v1,v2,OpAddAssign()); return v1; } template <int D1, int D2, class T1, class T2, class E1> inline const TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T1,E1>& operator+=( TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T1,E1>& v1, const T2& v2 ) { TinyMatrixAssign<TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T1,E1>,T2,OpAddAssign,0,D1,0,D2>:: apply(v1,v2,OpAddAssign()); return v1; }
+ template <int D1, int D2, class T1, class T2, class E1, class E2> inline const TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T1,E1>& operator-=( TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T1,E1>& v1, const TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T2,E2>& v2 ) { typedef TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T1,E1> Left_t; typedef TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T2,E2> Right_t; TinyMatrixAssign<Left_t,Right_t,OpSubtractAssign,0,D1,0,D2>::apply(v1,v2,OpSubtractAssign()); return v1; } template <int D1, int D2, class T1, class T2, class E1> inline const TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T1,E1>& operator-=( TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T1,E1>& v1, const T2& v2 ) { TinyMatrixAssign<TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T1,E1>,T2,OpSubtractAssign,0,D1,0,D2>:: apply(v1,v2,OpSubtractAssign()); return v1; }
+ template <int D1, int D2, class T1, class T2, class E1, class E2> inline const TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T1,E1>& operator*=( TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T1,E1>& v1, const TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T2,E2>& v2 ) { typedef TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T1,E1> Left_t; typedef TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T2,E2> Right_t; TinyMatrixAssign<Left_t,Right_t,OpMultiplyAssign,0,D1,0,D2>::apply(v1,v2,OpMultiplyAssign()); return v1; } template <int D1, int D2, class T1, class T2, class E1> inline const TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T1,E1>& operator*=( TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T1,E1>& v1, const T2& v2 ) { TinyMatrixAssign<TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T1,E1>,T2,OpMultiplyAssign,0,D1,0,D2>:: apply(v1,v2,OpMultiplyAssign()); return v1; }
+ template <int D1, int D2, class T1, class T2, class E1, class E2> inline const TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T1,E1>& operator/=( TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T1,E1>& v1, const TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T2,E2>& v2 ) { typedef TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T1,E1> Left_t; typedef TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T2,E2> Right_t; TinyMatrixAssign<Left_t,Right_t,OpDivideAssign,0,D1,0,D2>::apply(v1,v2,OpDivideAssign()); return v1; } template <int D1, int D2, class T1, class T2, class E1> inline const TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T1,E1>& operator/=( TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T1,E1>& v1, const T2& v2 ) { TinyMatrixAssign<TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T1,E1>,T2,OpDivideAssign,0,D1,0,D2>:: apply(v1,v2,OpDivideAssign()); return v1; }
+ template <int D1, int D2, class T1, class T2, class E1, class E2> inline const TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T1,E1>& operator%=( TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T1,E1>& v1, const TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T2,E2>& v2 ) { typedef TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T1,E1> Left_t; typedef TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T2,E2> Right_t; TinyMatrixAssign<Left_t,Right_t,OpModAssign,0,D1,0,D2>::apply(v1,v2,OpModAssign()); return v1; } template <int D1, int D2, class T1, class T2, class E1> inline const TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T1,E1>& operator%=( TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T1,E1>& v1, const T2& v2 ) { TinyMatrixAssign<TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T1,E1>,T2,OpModAssign,0,D1,0,D2>:: apply(v1,v2,OpModAssign()); return v1; }
+ template <int D1, int D2, class T1, class T2, class E1, class E2> inline const TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T1,E1>& operator|=( TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T1,E1>& v1, const TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T2,E2>& v2 ) { typedef TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T1,E1> Left_t; typedef TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T2,E2> Right_t; TinyMatrixAssign<Left_t,Right_t,OpBitwiseOrAssign,0,D1,0,D2>::apply(v1,v2,OpBitwiseOrAssign()); return v1; } template <int D1, int D2, class T1, class T2, class E1> inline const TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T1,E1>& operator|=( TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T1,E1>& v1, const T2& v2 ) { TinyMatrixAssign<TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T1,E1>,T2,OpBitwiseOrAssign,0,D1,0,D2>:: apply(v1,v2,OpBitwiseOrAssign()); return v1; }
+ template <int D1, int D2, class T1, class T2, class E1, class E2> inline const TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T1,E1>& operator&=( TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T1,E1>& v1, const TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T2,E2>& v2 ) { typedef TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T1,E1> Left_t; typedef TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T2,E2> Right_t; TinyMatrixAssign<Left_t,Right_t,OpBitwiseAndAssign,0,D1,0,D2>::apply(v1,v2,OpBitwiseAndAssign()); return v1; } template <int D1, int D2, class T1, class T2, class E1> inline const TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T1,E1>& operator&=( TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T1,E1>& v1, const T2& v2 ) { TinyMatrixAssign<TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T1,E1>,T2,OpBitwiseAndAssign,0,D1,0,D2>:: apply(v1,v2,OpBitwiseAndAssign()); return v1; }
+ template <int D1, int D2, class T1, class T2, class E1, class E2> inline const TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T1,E1>& operator^=( TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T1,E1>& v1, const TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T2,E2>& v2 ) { typedef TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T1,E1> Left_t; typedef TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T2,E2> Right_t; TinyMatrixAssign<Left_t,Right_t,OpBitwiseXorAssign,0,D1,0,D2>::apply(v1,v2,OpBitwiseXorAssign()); return v1; } template <int D1, int D2, class T1, class T2, class E1> inline const TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T1,E1>& operator^=( TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T1,E1>& v1, const T2& v2 ) { TinyMatrixAssign<TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T1,E1>,T2,OpBitwiseXorAssign,0,D1,0,D2>:: apply(v1,v2,OpBitwiseXorAssign()); return v1; }
+ template <int D1, int D2, class T1, class T2, class E1, class E2> inline const TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T1,E1>& operator<<=( TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T1,E1>& v1, const TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T2,E2>& v2 ) { typedef TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T1,E1> Left_t; typedef TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T2,E2> Right_t; TinyMatrixAssign<Left_t,Right_t,OpLeftShiftAssign,0,D1,0,D2>::apply(v1,v2,OpLeftShiftAssign()); return v1; } template <int D1, int D2, class T1, class T2, class E1> inline const TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T1,E1>& operator<<=( TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T1,E1>& v1, const T2& v2 ) { TinyMatrixAssign<TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T1,E1>,T2,OpLeftShiftAssign,0,D1,0,D2>:: apply(v1,v2,OpLeftShiftAssign()); return v1; }
+ template <int D1, int D2, class T1, class T2, class E1, class E2> inline const TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T1,E1>& operator>>=( TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T1,E1>& v1, const TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T2,E2>& v2 ) { typedef TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T1,E1> Left_t; typedef TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T2,E2> Right_t; TinyMatrixAssign<Left_t,Right_t,OpRightShiftAssign,0,D1,0,D2>::apply(v1,v2,OpRightShiftAssign()); return v1; } template <int D1, int D2, class T1, class T2, class E1> inline const TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T1,E1>& operator>>=( TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T1,E1>& v1, const T2& v2 ) { TinyMatrixAssign<TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T1,E1>,T2,OpRightShiftAssign,0,D1,0,D2>:: apply(v1,v2,OpRightShiftAssign()); return v1; }
+ template<int D1, int D2, class T, class E> class TinyMatrix;
+ template<int D1, int D2, class T, class E> class TinyMatrixEngine;
+ template <class T>
+ void reverseBytes(T&);
+ template<int D1, int D2=D1, class T=double, class EngineTag=Full>
+ class TinyMatrix
+ {
+ public:
+   enum { dimensions=2 };
+   enum { d1=D1, d2=D2 };
+   typedef T Element_t;
+   typedef EngineTag EngineTag_t;
+   typedef TinyMatrixEngine<D1,D2,T,EngineTag> Engine_t;
+   typedef typename Engine_t::ElementRef_t ElementRef_t;
+   typedef typename Engine_t::ConstElementRef_t ConstElementRef_t;
+   typedef TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T,EngineTag> This_t;
+   TinyMatrix() {}
+   TinyMatrix(const This_t& x) : engine_m(x.engine_m) {}
+   template<int D3, int D4, class T2, class EngineTag2>
+   TinyMatrix(const TinyMatrix<D3, D4, T2, EngineTag2>& x) : engine_m(x) {}
+   template<class X>
+   explicit TinyMatrix(const X& x) : engine_m(x) {}
+   template<class X1, class X2>
+     TinyMatrix(const X1& x1, const X2& x2) : engine_m(x1,x2) {}
+   template<class X1, class X2, class X3>
+     TinyMatrix(const X1& x1, const X2& x2, const X3& x3)
+     : engine_m(x1,x2,x3) {}
+   template<class X1, class X2, class X3, class X4>
+     TinyMatrix(const X1& x1, const X2& x2, const X3& x3, const X4& x4)
+     : engine_m(x1,x2,x3,x4) {}
+   template<class X1, class X2, class X3, class X4, class X5>
+     TinyMatrix(const X1& x1, const X2& x2, const X3& x3, const X4& x4,
+            const X5& x5)
+     : engine_m(x1,x2,x3,x4,x5) {}
+   template<class X1, class X2, class X3, class X4, class X5, class X6>
+     TinyMatrix(const X1& x1, const X2& x2, const X3& x3, const X4& x4,
+            const X5& x5, const X6& x6)
+     : engine_m(x1,x2,x3,x4,x5,x6) {}
+   template<class X1, class X2, class X3, class X4, class X5, class X6,
+            class X7>
+     TinyMatrix(const X1& x1, const X2& x2, const X3& x3, const X4& x4,
+            const X5& x5, const X6& x6, const X7& x7)
+     : engine_m(x1,x2,x3,x4,x5,x6,x7) {}
+   template<class X1, class X2, class X3, class X4, class X5, class X6,
+            class X7, class X8>
+     TinyMatrix(const X1& x1, const X2& x2, const X3& x3, const X4& x4,
+            const X5& x5, const X6& x6, const X7& x7, const X8& x8)
+     : engine_m(x1,x2,x3,x4,x5,x6,x7,x8) {}
+   template<class X1, class X2, class X3, class X4, class X5, class X6,
+            class X7, class X8, class X9>
+     TinyMatrix(const X1& x1, const X2& x2, const X3& x3, const X4& x4,
+            const X5& x5, const X6& x6, const X7& x7, const X8& x8, const X9& x9)
+     : engine_m(x1,x2,x3,x4,x5,x6,x7,x8,x9) {}
+   ~TinyMatrix() {}
+   This_t& operator=(const This_t& x)
+     {
+       if ( this != &x )
+         engine() = x.engine();
+       return *this;
+     }
+   template<class V>
+     This_t& operator=(const V& x)
+         {
+           engine() = x;
+           return *this;
+         }
+   ConstElementRef_t operator()(int i,int j) const
+     {
+       return engine()(i,j);
+     }
+   ElementRef_t operator()(int i,int j)
+     {
+       return engine()(i,j);
+     }
+   ConstElementRef_t operator()(int i) const { return engine()(i); }
+   ElementRef_t operator()(int i) { return engine()(i); }
+   const Engine_t& engine() const { return engine_m; }
+   Engine_t& engine() { return engine_m; }
+   template<class Out>
+   void print(Out &out) const;
+   inline void reverseBytes() { engine_m.reverseBytes(); }
+ private:
+   Engine_t engine_m;
+ };
+ template<int D1, int D2, class T, class EngineTag>
+ template<class Out>
+ void TinyMatrix<D1, D2, T, EngineTag>::print(Out &out) const
+ {
+   std::ios::fmtflags incomingFormatFlags = out.flags();
+   long width = out.width();
+   long precision = out.precision();
+   out.width(0);
+   out << "(";
+   for (int i = 0; i < D1; i++) {
+     out << "(";
+     out.flags(incomingFormatFlags);
+     out.width(width);
+     out.precision(precision);
+     out << (*this)(i, 0);
+     for (int j = 1; j < D2; j++) {
+       out << " ";
+       out.flags(incomingFormatFlags);
+       out.width(width);
+       out.precision(precision);
+       out << (*this)(i, j);
+     }
+     out << ")";
+   }
+   out << ")";
+ }
+ template<int D1, int D2, class T, class E>
+ std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &out, const TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T,E> &t)
+ {
+   t.print(out);
+   return out;
+ }
+ template <int D1, int D2, class T, class E>
+ struct ElementProperties< TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T,E> >
+   : public TrivialElementProperties< TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T,E> >
+ { };
+ template<int D1, int D2, class T>
+ class TinyMatrixEngine<D1,D2,T,Full>
+ {
+ public:
+   enum { dimensions=2 };
+   enum { d1=D1, d2=D2 };
+   typedef T Element_t;
+   typedef Full EngineTag_t;
+   typedef T& ElementRef_t;
+   typedef const T& ConstElementRef_t;
+   typedef TinyMatrixEngine<D1,D2,T,Full> This_t;
+   TinyMatrixEngine()
+   {
+     PoomaCTAssert<(ElementProperties<T>::hasTrivialDefaultConstructor && ElementProperties<T>::hasTrivialDestructor && ElementProperties<T>::concrete)>::test();
+   }
+   TinyMatrixEngine(const TinyMatrixEngine<D1,D2,T,Full>& x)
+     {
+       TinyMatrixAssign<This_t,This_t,OpAssign,0,D1,0,D2>
+  ::apply(*this,x,OpAssign());
+     }
+   template<class X>
+   explicit TinyMatrixEngine(const X& x)
+       {
+         TinyMatrixAssign<This_t,X,OpAssign,0,D1,0,D2>::apply(*this,x,OpAssign());
+       }
+   template<class X1, class X2>
+     TinyMatrixEngine(const X1& x1, const X2& x2)
+       {
+         PoomaCTAssert<(D1*D2 == 2)>::test();
+         (*this)(0) = x1;
+         (*this)(1) = x2;
+       }
+   template<class X1, class X2, class X3>
+     TinyMatrixEngine(const X1& x1, const X2& x2, const X3& x3)
+       {
+         PoomaCTAssert<(D1*D2 == 3)>::test();
+         (*this)(0) = x1;
+         (*this)(1) = x2;
+         (*this)(2) = x3;
+       }
+   template<class X1, class X2, class X3, class X4>
+     TinyMatrixEngine(const X1& x1, const X2& x2, const X3& x3, const X4& x4)
+       {
+         PoomaCTAssert<(D1*D2 == 4)>::test();
+         (*this)(0) = x1;
+         (*this)(1) = x2;
+         (*this)(2) = x3;
+         (*this)(3) = x4;
+       }
+   template<class X1, class X2, class X3, class X4, class X5>
+     TinyMatrixEngine(const X1& x1, const X2& x2, const X3& x3, const X4& x4,
+            const X5& x5)
+       {
+         PoomaCTAssert<(D1*D2 == 5)>::test();
+         (*this)(0) = x1;
+         (*this)(1) = x2;
+         (*this)(2) = x3;
+         (*this)(3) = x4;
+         (*this)(4) = x5;
+       }
+   template<class X1, class X2, class X3, class X4, class X5, class X6>
+     TinyMatrixEngine(const X1& x1, const X2& x2, const X3& x3, const X4& x4,
+            const X5& x5, const X6& x6)
+       {
+         PoomaCTAssert<(D1*D2 == 6)>::test();
+         (*this)(0) = x1;
+         (*this)(1) = x2;
+         (*this)(2) = x3;
+         (*this)(3) = x4;
+         (*this)(4) = x5;
+         (*this)(5) = x6;
+       }
+   template<class X1, class X2, class X3, class X4, class X5, class X6,
+            class X7>
+     TinyMatrixEngine(const X1& x1, const X2& x2, const X3& x3, const X4& x4,
+            const X5& x5, const X6& x6, const X7& x7)
+       {
+         PoomaCTAssert<(D1*D2 == 7)>::test();
+         (*this)(0) = x1;
+         (*this)(1) = x2;
+         (*this)(2) = x3;
+         (*this)(3) = x4;
+         (*this)(4) = x5;
+         (*this)(5) = x6;
+         (*this)(6) = x7;
+       }
+   template<class X1, class X2, class X3, class X4, class X5, class X6,
+            class X7, class X8>
+     TinyMatrixEngine(const X1& x1, const X2& x2, const X3& x3, const X4& x4,
+            const X5& x5, const X6& x6, const X7& x7, const X8& x8)
+       {
+         PoomaCTAssert<(D1*D2 == 8)>::test();
+         (*this)(0) = x1;
+         (*this)(1) = x2;
+         (*this)(2) = x3;
+         (*this)(3) = x4;
+         (*this)(4) = x5;
+         (*this)(5) = x6;
+         (*this)(6) = x7;
+         (*this)(7) = x8;
+       }
+   template<class X1, class X2, class X3, class X4, class X5, class X6,
+            class X7, class X8, class X9>
+     TinyMatrixEngine(const X1& x1, const X2& x2, const X3& x3, const X4& x4,
+            const X5& x5, const X6& x6, const X7& x7, const X8& x8, const X9& x9)
+       {
+         PoomaCTAssert<(D1*D2 == 9)>::test();
+         (*this)(0) = x1;
+         (*this)(1) = x2;
+         (*this)(2) = x3;
+         (*this)(3) = x4;
+         (*this)(4) = x5;
+         (*this)(5) = x6;
+         (*this)(6) = x7;
+         (*this)(7) = x8;
+         (*this)(8) = x9;
+       }
+   ~TinyMatrixEngine() {}
+   const This_t&
+     operator=(const This_t& x)
+       {
+         if ( this != &x )
+           TinyMatrixAssign<This_t,This_t,OpAssign,0,D1,0,D2>
+      ::apply(*this,x,OpAssign());
+         return *this;
+       }
+   template<class V>
+     const This_t&
+       operator=(const V& x)
+         {
+           TinyMatrixAssign<This_t,V,OpAssign,0,D1,0,D2>::apply(*this,x,OpAssign());
+           return *this;
+         }
+   ConstElementRef_t operator()(int i,int j) const
+     {
+       ;
+       return x_m[i+D1*j];
+     }
+   ElementRef_t operator()(int i,int j)
+     {
+       ;
+       return x_m[i+D1*j];
+     }
+   ConstElementRef_t operator()(int i) const
+     {
+       ;
+       return x_m[i];
+     }
+   ElementRef_t operator()(int i)
+     {
+       ;
+       return x_m[i];
+     }
+   inline void reverseBytes()
+   {
+     for (int d = 0; d < D1*D2; ++d) ::reverseBytes(x_m[d]);
+   }
+ private:
+   T x_m[D1*D2];
+ };
+ template<class T, class Components> struct ComponentAccess;
+ template<int D1, int D2, class T, class E, int N>
+ struct ComponentAccess< TinyMatrix<D1, D2, T, E>, Loc<N> >
+ {
+   typedef TinyMatrix<D1, D2, T, E> V;
+   typedef typename V::Element_t Element_t;
+   typedef typename V::ElementRef_t ElementRef_t;
+   static inline ElementRef_t indexRef(V &t, const Loc<N> &l)
+     {
+       PoomaCTAssert<(N==2)>::test();
+       return t(l[0].first(), l[1].first());
+     }
+   static inline Element_t index(const V &t, const Loc<N> &l)
+     {
+       PoomaCTAssert<(N==2)>::test();
+       return t(l[0].first(), l[1].first());
+     }
+ };
+ template<int D1, int D2, class T, int I, int J>
+ struct TinyMatrixElem< TinyMatrixEngine<D1,D2,T,Full> , I , J>
+ {
+   typedef TinyMatrixEngine<D1,D2,T,Full> V;
+   typedef TinyMatrixEngineElem<D1,D2,T,Full,I,J> TE;
+   typedef typename TE::Element_t Element_t;
+   typedef typename TE::ConstElementRef_t ConstElementRef_t;
+   typedef typename TE::ElementRef_t ElementRef_t;
+   static ConstElementRef_t get(const V& x) { return TE::get(x); }
+   static ElementRef_t get(V& x) { return TE::get(x); }
+ };
+ template<int D, class T, class E> class Tensor;
+ template<int D, class T, class E> class TensorEngine;
+ class Antisymmetric;
+ class Symmetric;
+ class Diagonal;
+ struct Unwritable
+ {
+ public:
+   template<class T>
+   void operator=(const T&) { }
+   void operator=(const Unwritable&) { }
+ };
+ template<int D, class E, int I, int J>
+ class Writable
+ {
+ public:
+   enum { value = 1 };
+ };
+ template<int D, int I, int J>
+ class Writable<D, Antisymmetric, I, J>
+ {
+ public:
+   enum { value = (I > J) };
+ };
+ template<int D, int I, int J>
+ class Writable<D, Symmetric, I, J>
+ {
+ public:
+   enum { value = (I >= J) };
+ };
+ template<int D, int I, int J>
+ class Writable<D, Diagonal, I, J>
+ {
+ public:
+   enum { value = (I == J) };
+ };
+ template<int D, class T, class E, int I, int J, int B=1>
+ struct TensorEngineElem;
+ template<int D, class T, class E, int I, int J>
+ struct TensorEngineElem<D, T, E, I, J, 1>
+ {
+   typedef TensorEngine<D,T,E> V;
+   typedef typename V::Element_t Element_t;
+   typedef typename V::CTConstElementRef_t ConstElementRef_t;
+   typedef typename V::CTElementRef_t ElementRef_t;
+   static ConstElementRef_t get(const V& x) { return x.template getIJ<I,J>(); }
+   static ElementRef_t get( V& x) { return x.template getIJ<I,J>(); }
+ };
+ template<int D, class T, class E, int I, int J>
+ struct TensorEngineElem<D, T, E, I, J, 0>
+ {
+   typedef TensorEngine<D,T,E> V;
+   typedef typename V::Element_t Element_t;
+   typedef typename V::CTConstElementRef_t ConstElementRef_t;
+   typedef Unwritable ElementRef_t;
+   static ConstElementRef_t get(const V& x) { return x.template getIJ<I,J>(); }
+   static ElementRef_t get( V& x) { return Unwritable(); }
+ };
+ template<class V, int I, int J>
+ struct TensorElem
+ {
+   typedef V Element_t;
+   typedef const V& ConstElementRef_t;
+   typedef V& ElementRef_t;
+   static ConstElementRef_t get(const V& x) { return x; }
+   static ElementRef_t get( V& x) { return x; }
+ };
+ template<int D, class T, class E, int I, int J>
+ struct TensorElem< Tensor<D,T,E> , I , J>
+ {
+   typedef Tensor<D,T,E> V;
+   typedef TensorEngineElem<D,T,E,I,J,Writable<D,E,I,J>::value> TE;
+   typedef typename TE::Element_t Element_t;
+   typedef typename TE::ConstElementRef_t ConstElementRef_t;
+   typedef typename TE::ElementRef_t ElementRef_t;
+   static ConstElementRef_t get(const V& x) { return TE::get(x.engine()); }
+   static ElementRef_t get(V& x) { return TE::get(x.engine()); }
+ };
+ template<int D, class T, class E, int I, int J>
+ struct TensorElem< TensorEngine<D,T,E> , I , J>
+ {
+ };
+ template<class T1, class T2, class Op, int B1, int L1, int B2, int L2>
+ struct TensorAssign
+ {
+   enum { B11=B1 , L11=L1/2 , B12=B1+L1/2 , L12 = L1-L1/2 };
+   enum { B21=B2 , L21=L2/2 , B22=B2+L2/2 , L22 = L2-L2/2 };
+   static void apply(T1& x, const T2& y, Op op=Op())
+     {
+       TensorAssign<T1,T2,Op,B11,L11,B21,L21>::apply(x,y,op);
+       TensorAssign<T1,T2,Op,B12,L12,B21,L21>::apply(x,y,op);
+       TensorAssign<T1,T2,Op,B11,L11,B22,L22>::apply(x,y,op);
+       TensorAssign<T1,T2,Op,B12,L12,B22,L22>::apply(x,y,op);
+     }
+ };
+ template<class T1, class T2, class Op, int B1, int L1, int B2>
+ struct TensorAssign<T1,T2,Op,B1,L1,B2,1>
+ {
+   enum { B11=B1 , L11=L1/2 , B12=B1+L1/2 , L12 = L1-L1/2 };
+   static void apply(T1& x, const T2& y, Op op=Op())
+     {
+       TensorAssign<T1,T2,Op,B11,L11,B2,1>::apply(x,y,op);
+       TensorAssign<T1,T2,Op,B12,L12,B2,1>::apply(x,y,op);
+     }
+ };
+ template<class T1, class T2, class Op, int B1, int B2, int L2>
+ struct TensorAssign<T1,T2,Op,B1,1,B2,L2>
+ {
+   enum { B21=B2 , L21=L2/2 , B22=B2+L2/2 , L22 = L2-L2/2 };
+   static void apply(T1& x, const T2& y, Op op=Op())
+     {
+       TensorAssign<T1,T2,Op,B1,1,B21,L21>::apply(x,y,op);
+       TensorAssign<T1,T2,Op,B1,1,B22,L22>::apply(x,y,op);
+     }
+ };
+ template<class T1, class T2, class Op, int B1, int B2>
+ struct TensorAssign<T1,T2,Op,B1,1,B2,1>
+ {
+   static void apply(T1& x, const T2& y,Op op=Op())
+     {
+       op(TensorElem<T1,B1,B2>::get(x), TensorElem<T2,B1,B2>::get(y));
+     }
+ };
+ template<class T1, class T2, class Op, int B1, int B2>
+ struct TensorAssign<T1,T2,Op,B1,2,B2,2>
+ {
+   static void apply(T1& x, const T2& y, Op op=Op())
+     {
+       op(TensorElem<T1,B1 ,B2 >::get(x), TensorElem<T2,B1 ,B2 >::get(y));
+       op(TensorElem<T1,B1+1,B2 >::get(x), TensorElem<T2,B1+1,B2 >::get(y));
+       op(TensorElem<T1,B1 ,B2+1>::get(x), TensorElem<T2,B1 ,B2+1>::get(y));
+       op(TensorElem<T1,B1+1,B2+1>::get(x), TensorElem<T2,B1+1,B2+1>::get(y));
+     }
+ };
+ template<class T1, class T2, class Op, int B1, int B2>
+ struct TensorAssign<T1,T2,Op,B1,3,B2,3>
+ {
+   static void apply(T1& x, const T2& y, Op op=Op())
+     {
+       op(TensorElem<T1,B1 ,B2 >::get(x), TensorElem<T2,B1 ,B2 >::get(y));
+       op(TensorElem<T1,B1+1,B2 >::get(x), TensorElem<T2,B1+1,B2 >::get(y));
+       op(TensorElem<T1,B1+2,B2 >::get(x), TensorElem<T2,B1+2,B2 >::get(y));
+       op(TensorElem<T1,B1 ,B2+1>::get(x), TensorElem<T2,B1 ,B2+1>::get(y));
+       op(TensorElem<T1,B1+1,B2+1>::get(x), TensorElem<T2,B1+1,B2+1>::get(y));
+       op(TensorElem<T1,B1+2,B2+1>::get(x), TensorElem<T2,B1+2,B2+1>::get(y));
+       op(TensorElem<T1,B1 ,B2+2>::get(x), TensorElem<T2,B1 ,B2+2>::get(y));
+       op(TensorElem<T1,B1+1,B2+2>::get(x), TensorElem<T2,B1+1,B2+2>::get(y));
+       op(TensorElem<T1,B1+2,B2+2>::get(x), TensorElem<T2,B1+2,B2+2>::get(y));
+     }
+ };
+ template<class V1, class V2, class Op>
+ class BinaryTensorOp;
+ template<int D, class T, class V1, class V2, class Op>
+ class TensorEngine<D,T,BinaryTensorOp<V1,V2,Op> >
+ {
+ public:
+   enum { dimensions=2 };
+   typedef T Element_t;
+   typedef BinaryTensorOp<V1,V2,Op> EngineTag_t;
+   typedef T ConstElementRef_t;
+   typedef T ElementRef_t;
+   typedef TensorEngine<D,T, BinaryTensorOp<V1,V2,Op> > This_t;
+   TensorEngine(const V1& v1, const V2& v2)
+     : v1_m(v1), v2_m(v2) {}
+   Element_t operator()(int i, int j) const
+   {
+     return Op()(v1_m(i,j), v2_m(i,j));
+   }
+   template<int DD, class TT, class EE, int I, int J, int BB>
+   friend struct TensorEngineElem;
+ private:
+   const V1& v1_m;
+   const V2& v2_m;
+ };
+ template<int D, class T, class V1, class V2, class Op, int I, int J>
+ struct TensorEngineElem<D,T,BinaryTensorOp<V1,V2,Op>, I, J, 1>
+ {
+   typedef TensorEngine<D,T,BinaryTensorOp<V1,V2,Op> > V;
+   typedef typename TensorElem<V1,I,J>::Element_t T1;
+   typedef typename TensorElem<V2,I,J>::Element_t T2;
+   typedef typename BinaryReturn<T1,T2,Op>::Type_t Element_t;
+   typedef Element_t ElementRef_t;
+   typedef Element_t ConstElementRef_t;
+   static Element_t get(const V& x)
+     {
+       return Op()(
+         TensorElem<V1,I,J>::get(x.v1_m),
+         TensorElem<V2,I,J>::get(x.v2_m));
+     }
+ };
+ template<class V1, class Op>
+ class UnaryTensorOp;
+ template<int D, class T, class V1, class Op>
+ class TensorEngine<D,T,UnaryTensorOp<V1,Op> >
+ {
+ public:
+   enum { dimensions=2 };
+   typedef T Element_t;
+   typedef UnaryTensorOp<V1,Op> EngineTag_t;
+   typedef T ConstElementRef_t;
+   typedef T ElementRef_t;
+   typedef TensorEngine<D,T, UnaryTensorOp<V1,Op> > This_t;
+   explicit TensorEngine(const V1& v1)
+     : v1_m(v1) {}
+   Element_t operator()(int i, int j) const
+   {
+     return Op()(v1_m(i, j));
+   }
+   template<int DD, class TT, class EE, int I, int J, int BB>
+   friend struct TensorEngineElem;
+ private:
+   const V1& v1_m;
+ };
+ template<int D, class T, class V1, class Op, int I, int J>
+ struct TensorEngineElem<D,T,UnaryTensorOp<V1,Op>, I, J, 1>
+ {
+   typedef TensorEngine<D,T,UnaryTensorOp<V1,Op> > V;
+   typedef typename TensorElem<V1,I,J>::Element_t T1;
+   typedef typename UnaryReturn<T1,Op>::Type_t Element_t;
+   typedef Element_t ElementRef_t;
+   typedef Element_t ConstElementRef_t;
+   static Element_t get(const V& x)
+     {
+       return Op()(TensorElem<V1,I,J>::get(x.v1_m));
+     }
+ };
+ template<int D, class T, class E> class Tensor;
+ class Full;
+ template <int D, class T, class E> struct UnaryReturn< Tensor<D,T,E>, FnArcCos > { typedef Tensor< D, typename UnaryReturn<T,FnArcCos>::Type_t, E > Type_t; }; template <int D, class T, class E> inline typename UnaryReturn< Tensor<D,T,E>, FnArcCos >::Type_t acos( const Tensor<D,T,E>& v1 ) { typedef Tensor<D,T,E> V1; typedef typename UnaryReturn<T,FnArcCos>::Type_t T3; typedef Tensor< D, T3, UnaryTensorOp<V1,FnArcCos> > Expr_t; typedef typename UnaryReturn<V1,FnArcCos>::Type_t Return_t; return Return_t( Expr_t(v1) ); }
+ template <int D, class T, class E> struct UnaryReturn< Tensor<D,T,E>, FnArcSin > { typedef Tensor< D, typename UnaryReturn<T,FnArcSin>::Type_t, E > Type_t; }; template <int D, class T, class E> inline typename UnaryReturn< Tensor<D,T,E>, FnArcSin >::Type_t asin( const Tensor<D,T,E>& v1 ) { typedef Tensor<D,T,E> V1; typedef typename UnaryReturn<T,FnArcSin>::Type_t T3; typedef Tensor< D, T3, UnaryTensorOp<V1,FnArcSin> > Expr_t; typedef typename UnaryReturn<V1,FnArcSin>::Type_t Return_t; return Return_t( Expr_t(v1) ); }
+ template <int D, class T, class E> struct UnaryReturn< Tensor<D,T,E>, FnArcTan > { typedef Tensor< D, typename UnaryReturn<T,FnArcTan>::Type_t, E > Type_t; }; template <int D, class T, class E> inline typename UnaryReturn< Tensor<D,T,E>, FnArcTan >::Type_t atan( const Tensor<D,T,E>& v1 ) { typedef Tensor<D,T,E> V1; typedef typename UnaryReturn<T,FnArcTan>::Type_t T3; typedef Tensor< D, T3, UnaryTensorOp<V1,FnArcTan> > Expr_t; typedef typename UnaryReturn<V1,FnArcTan>::Type_t Return_t; return Return_t( Expr_t(v1) ); }
+ template <int D, class T, class E> struct UnaryReturn< Tensor<D,T,E>, FnCeil > { typedef Tensor< D, typename UnaryReturn<T,FnCeil>::Type_t, E > Type_t; }; template <int D, class T, class E> inline typename UnaryReturn< Tensor<D,T,E>, FnCeil >::Type_t ceil( const Tensor<D,T,E>& v1 ) { typedef Tensor<D,T,E> V1; typedef typename UnaryReturn<T,FnCeil>::Type_t T3; typedef Tensor< D, T3, UnaryTensorOp<V1,FnCeil> > Expr_t; typedef typename UnaryReturn<V1,FnCeil>::Type_t Return_t; return Return_t( Expr_t(v1) ); }
+ template <int D, class T, class E> struct UnaryReturn< Tensor<D,T,E>, FnCos > { typedef Tensor< D, typename UnaryReturn<T,FnCos>::Type_t, E > Type_t; }; template <int D, class T, class E> inline typename UnaryReturn< Tensor<D,T,E>, FnCos >::Type_t cos( const Tensor<D,T,E>& v1 ) { typedef Tensor<D,T,E> V1; typedef typename UnaryReturn<T,FnCos>::Type_t T3; typedef Tensor< D, T3, UnaryTensorOp<V1,FnCos> > Expr_t; typedef typename UnaryReturn<V1,FnCos>::Type_t Return_t; return Return_t( Expr_t(v1) ); }
+ template <int D, class T, class E> struct UnaryReturn< Tensor<D,T,E>, FnHypCos > { typedef Tensor< D, typename UnaryReturn<T,FnHypCos>::Type_t, E > Type_t; }; template <int D, class T, class E> inline typename UnaryReturn< Tensor<D,T,E>, FnHypCos >::Type_t cosh( const Tensor<D,T,E>& v1 ) { typedef Tensor<D,T,E> V1; typedef typename UnaryReturn<T,FnHypCos>::Type_t T3; typedef Tensor< D, T3, UnaryTensorOp<V1,FnHypCos> > Expr_t; typedef typename UnaryReturn<V1,FnHypCos>::Type_t Return_t; return Return_t( Expr_t(v1) ); }
+ template <int D, class T, class E> struct UnaryReturn< Tensor<D,T,E>, FnExp > { typedef Tensor< D, typename UnaryReturn<T,FnExp>::Type_t, E > Type_t; }; template <int D, class T, class E> inline typename UnaryReturn< Tensor<D,T,E>, FnExp >::Type_t exp( const Tensor<D,T,E>& v1 ) { typedef Tensor<D,T,E> V1; typedef typename UnaryReturn<T,FnExp>::Type_t T3; typedef Tensor< D, T3, UnaryTensorOp<V1,FnExp> > Expr_t; typedef typename UnaryReturn<V1,FnExp>::Type_t Return_t; return Return_t( Expr_t(v1) ); }
+ template <int D, class T, class E> struct UnaryReturn< Tensor<D,T,E>, FnFabs > { typedef Tensor< D, typename UnaryReturn<T,FnFabs>::Type_t, E > Type_t; }; template <int D, class T, class E> inline typename UnaryReturn< Tensor<D,T,E>, FnFabs >::Type_t fabs( const Tensor<D,T,E>& v1 ) { typedef Tensor<D,T,E> V1; typedef typename UnaryReturn<T,FnFabs>::Type_t T3; typedef Tensor< D, T3, UnaryTensorOp<V1,FnFabs> > Expr_t; typedef typename UnaryReturn<V1,FnFabs>::Type_t Return_t; return Return_t( Expr_t(v1) ); }
+ template <int D, class T, class E> struct UnaryReturn< Tensor<D,T,E>, FnFloor > { typedef Tensor< D, typename UnaryReturn<T,FnFloor>::Type_t, E > Type_t; }; template <int D, class T, class E> inline typename UnaryReturn< Tensor<D,T,E>, FnFloor >::Type_t floor( const Tensor<D,T,E>& v1 ) { typedef Tensor<D,T,E> V1; typedef typename UnaryReturn<T,FnFloor>::Type_t T3; typedef Tensor< D, T3, UnaryTensorOp<V1,FnFloor> > Expr_t; typedef typename UnaryReturn<V1,FnFloor>::Type_t Return_t; return Return_t( Expr_t(v1) ); }
+ template <int D, class T, class E> struct UnaryReturn< Tensor<D,T,E>, FnLog > { typedef Tensor< D, typename UnaryReturn<T,FnLog>::Type_t, E > Type_t; }; template <int D, class T, class E> inline typename UnaryReturn< Tensor<D,T,E>, FnLog >::Type_t log( const Tensor<D,T,E>& v1 ) { typedef Tensor<D,T,E> V1; typedef typename UnaryReturn<T,FnLog>::Type_t T3; typedef Tensor< D, T3, UnaryTensorOp<V1,FnLog> > Expr_t; typedef typename UnaryReturn<V1,FnLog>::Type_t Return_t; return Return_t( Expr_t(v1) ); }
+ template <int D, class T, class E> struct UnaryReturn< Tensor<D,T,E>, FnLog10 > { typedef Tensor< D, typename UnaryReturn<T,FnLog10>::Type_t, E > Type_t; }; template <int D, class T, class E> inline typename UnaryReturn< Tensor<D,T,E>, FnLog10 >::Type_t log10( const Tensor<D,T,E>& v1 ) { typedef Tensor<D,T,E> V1; typedef typename UnaryReturn<T,FnLog10>::Type_t T3; typedef Tensor< D, T3, UnaryTensorOp<V1,FnLog10> > Expr_t; typedef typename UnaryReturn<V1,FnLog10>::Type_t Return_t; return Return_t( Expr_t(v1) ); }
+ template <int D, class T, class E> struct UnaryReturn< Tensor<D,T,E>, FnSin > { typedef Tensor< D, typename UnaryReturn<T,FnSin>::Type_t, E > Type_t; }; template <int D, class T, class E> inline typename UnaryReturn< Tensor<D,T,E>, FnSin >::Type_t sin( const Tensor<D,T,E>& v1 ) { typedef Tensor<D,T,E> V1; typedef typename UnaryReturn<T,FnSin>::Type_t T3; typedef Tensor< D, T3, UnaryTensorOp<V1,FnSin> > Expr_t; typedef typename UnaryReturn<V1,FnSin>::Type_t Return_t; return Return_t( Expr_t(v1) ); }
+ template <int D, class T, class E> struct UnaryReturn< Tensor<D,T,E>, FnHypSin > { typedef Tensor< D, typename UnaryReturn<T,FnHypSin>::Type_t, E > Type_t; }; template <int D, class T, class E> inline typename UnaryReturn< Tensor<D,T,E>, FnHypSin >::Type_t sinh( const Tensor<D,T,E>& v1 ) { typedef Tensor<D,T,E> V1; typedef typename UnaryReturn<T,FnHypSin>::Type_t T3; typedef Tensor< D, T3, UnaryTensorOp<V1,FnHypSin> > Expr_t; typedef typename UnaryReturn<V1,FnHypSin>::Type_t Return_t; return Return_t( Expr_t(v1) ); }
+ template <int D, class T, class E> struct UnaryReturn< Tensor<D,T,E>, FnSqrt > { typedef Tensor< D, typename UnaryReturn<T,FnSqrt>::Type_t, E > Type_t; }; template <int D, class T, class E> inline typename UnaryReturn< Tensor<D,T,E>, FnSqrt >::Type_t sqrt( const Tensor<D,T,E>& v1 ) { typedef Tensor<D,T,E> V1; typedef typename UnaryReturn<T,FnSqrt>::Type_t T3; typedef Tensor< D, T3, UnaryTensorOp<V1,FnSqrt> > Expr_t; typedef typename UnaryReturn<V1,FnSqrt>::Type_t Return_t; return Return_t( Expr_t(v1) ); }
+ template <int D, class T, class E> struct UnaryReturn< Tensor<D,T,E>, FnTan > { typedef Tensor< D, typename UnaryReturn<T,FnTan>::Type_t, E > Type_t; }; template <int D, class T, class E> inline typename UnaryReturn< Tensor<D,T,E>, FnTan >::Type_t tan( const Tensor<D,T,E>& v1 ) { typedef Tensor<D,T,E> V1; typedef typename UnaryReturn<T,FnTan>::Type_t T3; typedef Tensor< D, T3, UnaryTensorOp<V1,FnTan> > Expr_t; typedef typename UnaryReturn<V1,FnTan>::Type_t Return_t; return Return_t( Expr_t(v1) ); }
+ template <int D, class T, class E> struct UnaryReturn< Tensor<D,T,E>, FnHypTan > { typedef Tensor< D, typename UnaryReturn<T,FnHypTan>::Type_t, E > Type_t; }; template <int D, class T, class E> inline typename UnaryReturn< Tensor<D,T,E>, FnHypTan >::Type_t tanh( const Tensor<D,T,E>& v1 ) { typedef Tensor<D,T,E> V1; typedef typename UnaryReturn<T,FnHypTan>::Type_t T3; typedef Tensor< D, T3, UnaryTensorOp<V1,FnHypTan> > Expr_t; typedef typename UnaryReturn<V1,FnHypTan>::Type_t Return_t; return Return_t( Expr_t(v1) ); }
+ template <int D, class T, class E> struct UnaryReturn< Tensor<D,T,E>, OpUnaryMinus > { typedef Tensor< D, typename UnaryReturn<T,OpUnaryMinus>::Type_t, E > Type_t; }; template <int D, class T, class E> inline typename UnaryReturn< Tensor<D,T,E>, OpUnaryMinus >::Type_t operator-( const Tensor<D,T,E>& v1 ) { typedef Tensor<D,T,E> V1; typedef typename UnaryReturn<T,OpUnaryMinus>::Type_t T3; typedef Tensor< D, T3, UnaryTensorOp<V1,OpUnaryMinus> > Expr_t; typedef typename UnaryReturn<V1,OpUnaryMinus>::Type_t Return_t; return Return_t( Expr_t(v1) ); }
+ template <int D, class T, class E> struct UnaryReturn< Tensor<D,T,E>, OpUnaryPlus > { typedef Tensor< D, typename UnaryReturn<T,OpUnaryPlus>::Type_t, E > Type_t; }; template <int D, class T, class E> inline typename UnaryReturn< Tensor<D,T,E>, OpUnaryPlus >::Type_t operator+( const Tensor<D,T,E>& v1 ) { typedef Tensor<D,T,E> V1; typedef typename UnaryReturn<T,OpUnaryPlus>::Type_t T3; typedef Tensor< D, T3, UnaryTensorOp<V1,OpUnaryPlus> > Expr_t; typedef typename UnaryReturn<V1,OpUnaryPlus>::Type_t Return_t; return Return_t( Expr_t(v1) ); }
+ template <int D, class T, class E> struct UnaryReturn< Tensor<D,T,E>, OpBitwiseNot > { typedef Tensor< D, typename UnaryReturn<T,OpBitwiseNot>::Type_t, E > Type_t; }; template <int D, class T, class E> inline typename UnaryReturn< Tensor<D,T,E>, OpBitwiseNot >::Type_t operator~( const Tensor<D,T,E>& v1 ) { typedef Tensor<D,T,E> V1; typedef typename UnaryReturn<T,OpBitwiseNot>::Type_t T3; typedef Tensor< D, T3, UnaryTensorOp<V1,OpBitwiseNot> > Expr_t; typedef typename UnaryReturn<V1,OpBitwiseNot>::Type_t Return_t; return Return_t( Expr_t(v1) ); }
+ template <int D, class T1, class T2, class E> struct BinaryReturn< Tensor<D,T1,E>, Tensor<D,T2,E>, OpAdd > { typedef Tensor< D, typename BinaryReturn<T1,T2,OpAdd>::Type_t, E > Type_t; }; template <int D, class T1, class T2, class E1, class E2> struct BinaryReturn< Tensor<D,T1,E1>, Tensor<D,T2,E2>, OpAdd > { typedef Tensor< D, typename BinaryReturn<T1,T2,OpAdd>::Type_t, Full > Type_t; }; template <int D, class T1, class T2, class E1, class E2> inline typename BinaryReturn< Tensor<D,T1,E1>, Tensor<D,T2,E2>, OpAdd >::Type_t operator+( const Tensor<D,T1,E1>& v1, const Tensor<D,T2,E2>& v2 ) { typedef Tensor<D,T1,E1> V1; typedef Tensor<D,T2,E2> V2; typedef typename BinaryReturn<T1,T2,OpAdd>::Type_t T3; typedef Tensor< D, T3, BinaryTensorOp<V1,V2,OpAdd> > Expr_t; typedef typename BinaryReturn<V1,V2,OpAdd>::Type_t Return_t; return Return_t( Expr_t(v1,v2) ); } template <int D, class T1, class T2, class E> struct BinaryReturn< Tensor<D,T1,E>, T2, OpAdd > { typedef Tensor< D, typenam!
 e BinaryReturn<T1,T2,OpAdd>::Type_t, E > Type_t; }; template <int D, class T1, class T2, class E> struct BinaryReturn< T1, Tensor<D,T2,E>, OpAdd > { typedef Tensor< D, typename BinaryReturn<T1,T2,OpAdd>::Type_t, E > Type_t; }; template <int D, class T1, class E, class T2> inline typename BinaryReturn< Tensor<D,T1,E>, T2, OpAdd >::Type_t operator+( const Tensor<D,T1,E>& v1, const T2& x ) { typedef Tensor<D,T1,E> V1; typedef typename BinaryReturn<V1,T2,OpAdd>::Type_t Return_t; typedef typename Return_t::Element_t T3; typedef Tensor< D, T3, BinaryTensorOp<V1,T2,OpAdd> > Expr_t; return Return_t( Expr_t(v1,x) ); } template <int D, class T1, class T2, class E> inline typename BinaryReturn< T1, Tensor<D,T2,E>, OpAdd >::Type_t operator+( const T1& x, const Tensor<D,T2,E>& v2 ) { typedef Tensor<D,T2,E> V2; typedef typename BinaryReturn<T1,V2,OpAdd>::Type_t Return_t; typedef typename Return_t::Element_t T3; typedef Tensor< D, T3, BinaryTensorOp<T1,V2,OpAdd> > Expr_t; return Return_t(!
  Expr_t(x,v2) ); }
+ template <int D, class T1, class T2, class E> struct BinaryReturn< Tensor<D,T1,E>, Tensor<D,T2,E>, OpSubtract > { typedef Tensor< D, typename BinaryReturn<T1,T2,OpSubtract>::Type_t, E > Type_t; }; template <int D, class T1, class T2, class E1, class E2> struct BinaryReturn< Tensor<D,T1,E1>, Tensor<D,T2,E2>, OpSubtract > { typedef Tensor< D, typename BinaryReturn<T1,T2,OpSubtract>::Type_t, Full > Type_t; }; template <int D, class T1, class T2, class E1, class E2> inline typename BinaryReturn< Tensor<D,T1,E1>, Tensor<D,T2,E2>, OpSubtract >::Type_t operator-( const Tensor<D,T1,E1>& v1, const Tensor<D,T2,E2>& v2 ) { typedef Tensor<D,T1,E1> V1; typedef Tensor<D,T2,E2> V2; typedef typename BinaryReturn<T1,T2,OpSubtract>::Type_t T3; typedef Tensor< D, T3, BinaryTensorOp<V1,V2,OpSubtract> > Expr_t; typedef typename BinaryReturn<V1,V2,OpSubtract>::Type_t Return_t; return Return_t( Expr_t(v1,v2) ); } template <int D, class T1, class T2, class E> struct BinaryReturn< Tensor<D,T1,E>, !
 T2, OpSubtract > { typedef Tensor< D, typename BinaryReturn<T1,T2,OpSubtract>::Type_t, E > Type_t; }; template <int D, class T1, class T2, class E> struct BinaryReturn< T1, Tensor<D,T2,E>, OpSubtract > { typedef Tensor< D, typename BinaryReturn<T1,T2,OpSubtract>::Type_t, E > Type_t; }; template <int D, class T1, class E, class T2> inline typename BinaryReturn< Tensor<D,T1,E>, T2, OpSubtract >::Type_t operator-( const Tensor<D,T1,E>& v1, const T2& x ) { typedef Tensor<D,T1,E> V1; typedef typename BinaryReturn<V1,T2,OpSubtract>::Type_t Return_t; typedef typename Return_t::Element_t T3; typedef Tensor< D, T3, BinaryTensorOp<V1,T2,OpSubtract> > Expr_t; return Return_t( Expr_t(v1,x) ); } template <int D, class T1, class T2, class E> inline typename BinaryReturn< T1, Tensor<D,T2,E>, OpSubtract >::Type_t operator-( const T1& x, const Tensor<D,T2,E>& v2 ) { typedef Tensor<D,T2,E> V2; typedef typename BinaryReturn<T1,V2,OpSubtract>::Type_t Return_t; typedef typename Return_t::Elemen!
 t_t T3; typedef Tensor< D, T3, BinaryTensorOp<T1,V2,OpSubtract!
 > > Expr
_t; return Return_t( Expr_t(x,v2) ); }
+ template <int D, class T1, class T2, class E> struct BinaryReturn< Tensor<D,T1,E>, Tensor<D,T2,E>, OpMultiply > { typedef Tensor< D, typename BinaryReturn<T1,T2,OpMultiply>::Type_t, E > Type_t; }; template <int D, class T1, class T2, class E1, class E2> struct BinaryReturn< Tensor<D,T1,E1>, Tensor<D,T2,E2>, OpMultiply > { typedef Tensor< D, typename BinaryReturn<T1,T2,OpMultiply>::Type_t, Full > Type_t; }; template <int D, class T1, class T2, class E1, class E2> inline typename BinaryReturn< Tensor<D,T1,E1>, Tensor<D,T2,E2>, OpMultiply >::Type_t operator*( const Tensor<D,T1,E1>& v1, const Tensor<D,T2,E2>& v2 ) { typedef Tensor<D,T1,E1> V1; typedef Tensor<D,T2,E2> V2; typedef typename BinaryReturn<T1,T2,OpMultiply>::Type_t T3; typedef Tensor< D, T3, BinaryTensorOp<V1,V2,OpMultiply> > Expr_t; typedef typename BinaryReturn<V1,V2,OpMultiply>::Type_t Return_t; return Return_t( Expr_t(v1,v2) ); } template <int D, class T1, class T2, class E> struct BinaryReturn< Tensor<D,T1,E>, !
 T2, OpMultiply > { typedef Tensor< D, typename BinaryReturn<T1,T2,OpMultiply>::Type_t, E > Type_t; }; template <int D, class T1, class T2, class E> struct BinaryReturn< T1, Tensor<D,T2,E>, OpMultiply > { typedef Tensor< D, typename BinaryReturn<T1,T2,OpMultiply>::Type_t, E > Type_t; }; template <int D, class T1, class E, class T2> inline typename BinaryReturn< Tensor<D,T1,E>, T2, OpMultiply >::Type_t operator*( const Tensor<D,T1,E>& v1, const T2& x ) { typedef Tensor<D,T1,E> V1; typedef typename BinaryReturn<V1,T2,OpMultiply>::Type_t Return_t; typedef typename Return_t::Element_t T3; typedef Tensor< D, T3, BinaryTensorOp<V1,T2,OpMultiply> > Expr_t; return Return_t( Expr_t(v1,x) ); } template <int D, class T1, class T2, class E> inline typename BinaryReturn< T1, Tensor<D,T2,E>, OpMultiply >::Type_t operator*( const T1& x, const Tensor<D,T2,E>& v2 ) { typedef Tensor<D,T2,E> V2; typedef typename BinaryReturn<T1,V2,OpMultiply>::Type_t Return_t; typedef typename Return_t::Elemen!
 t_t T3; typedef Tensor< D, T3, BinaryTensorOp<T1,V2,OpMultiply!
 > > Expr
_t; return Return_t( Expr_t(x,v2) ); }
+ template <int D, class T1, class T2, class E> struct BinaryReturn< Tensor<D,T1,E>, Tensor<D,T2,E>, OpDivide > { typedef Tensor< D, typename BinaryReturn<T1,T2,OpDivide>::Type_t, E > Type_t; }; template <int D, class T1, class T2, class E1, class E2> struct BinaryReturn< Tensor<D,T1,E1>, Tensor<D,T2,E2>, OpDivide > { typedef Tensor< D, typename BinaryReturn<T1,T2,OpDivide>::Type_t, Full > Type_t; }; template <int D, class T1, class T2, class E1, class E2> inline typename BinaryReturn< Tensor<D,T1,E1>, Tensor<D,T2,E2>, OpDivide >::Type_t operator/( const Tensor<D,T1,E1>& v1, const Tensor<D,T2,E2>& v2 ) { typedef Tensor<D,T1,E1> V1; typedef Tensor<D,T2,E2> V2; typedef typename BinaryReturn<T1,T2,OpDivide>::Type_t T3; typedef Tensor< D, T3, BinaryTensorOp<V1,V2,OpDivide> > Expr_t; typedef typename BinaryReturn<V1,V2,OpDivide>::Type_t Return_t; return Return_t( Expr_t(v1,v2) ); } template <int D, class T1, class T2, class E> struct BinaryReturn< Tensor<D,T1,E>, T2, OpDivide > {!
  typedef Tensor< D, typename BinaryReturn<T1,T2,OpDivide>::Type_t, E > Type_t; }; template <int D, class T1, class T2, class E> struct BinaryReturn< T1, Tensor<D,T2,E>, OpDivide > { typedef Tensor< D, typename BinaryReturn<T1,T2,OpDivide>::Type_t, E > Type_t; }; template <int D, class T1, class E, class T2> inline typename BinaryReturn< Tensor<D,T1,E>, T2, OpDivide >::Type_t operator/( const Tensor<D,T1,E>& v1, const T2& x ) { typedef Tensor<D,T1,E> V1; typedef typename BinaryReturn<V1,T2,OpDivide>::Type_t Return_t; typedef typename Return_t::Element_t T3; typedef Tensor< D, T3, BinaryTensorOp<V1,T2,OpDivide> > Expr_t; return Return_t( Expr_t(v1,x) ); } template <int D, class T1, class T2, class E> inline typename BinaryReturn< T1, Tensor<D,T2,E>, OpDivide >::Type_t operator/( const T1& x, const Tensor<D,T2,E>& v2 ) { typedef Tensor<D,T2,E> V2; typedef typename BinaryReturn<T1,V2,OpDivide>::Type_t Return_t; typedef typename Return_t::Element_t T3; typedef Tensor< D, T3, Bin!
 aryTensorOp<T1,V2,OpDivide> > Expr_t; return Return_t( Expr_t(!
 x,v2) );
+ template <int D, class T1, class T2, class E> struct BinaryReturn< Tensor<D,T1,E>, Tensor<D,T2,E>, OpMod > { typedef Tensor< D, typename BinaryReturn<T1,T2,OpMod>::Type_t, E > Type_t; }; template <int D, class T1, class T2, class E1, class E2> struct BinaryReturn< Tensor<D,T1,E1>, Tensor<D,T2,E2>, OpMod > { typedef Tensor< D, typename BinaryReturn<T1,T2,OpMod>::Type_t, Full > Type_t; }; template <int D, class T1, class T2, class E1, class E2> inline typename BinaryReturn< Tensor<D,T1,E1>, Tensor<D,T2,E2>, OpMod >::Type_t operator%( const Tensor<D,T1,E1>& v1, const Tensor<D,T2,E2>& v2 ) { typedef Tensor<D,T1,E1> V1; typedef Tensor<D,T2,E2> V2; typedef typename BinaryReturn<T1,T2,OpMod>::Type_t T3; typedef Tensor< D, T3, BinaryTensorOp<V1,V2,OpMod> > Expr_t; typedef typename BinaryReturn<V1,V2,OpMod>::Type_t Return_t; return Return_t( Expr_t(v1,v2) ); } template <int D, class T1, class T2, class E> struct BinaryReturn< Tensor<D,T1,E>, T2, OpMod > { typedef Tensor< D, typenam!
 e BinaryReturn<T1,T2,OpMod>::Type_t, E > Type_t; }; template <int D, class T1, class T2, class E> struct BinaryReturn< T1, Tensor<D,T2,E>, OpMod > { typedef Tensor< D, typename BinaryReturn<T1,T2,OpMod>::Type_t, E > Type_t; }; template <int D, class T1, class E, class T2> inline typename BinaryReturn< Tensor<D,T1,E>, T2, OpMod >::Type_t operator%( const Tensor<D,T1,E>& v1, const T2& x ) { typedef Tensor<D,T1,E> V1; typedef typename BinaryReturn<V1,T2,OpMod>::Type_t Return_t; typedef typename Return_t::Element_t T3; typedef Tensor< D, T3, BinaryTensorOp<V1,T2,OpMod> > Expr_t; return Return_t( Expr_t(v1,x) ); } template <int D, class T1, class T2, class E> inline typename BinaryReturn< T1, Tensor<D,T2,E>, OpMod >::Type_t operator%( const T1& x, const Tensor<D,T2,E>& v2 ) { typedef Tensor<D,T2,E> V2; typedef typename BinaryReturn<T1,V2,OpMod>::Type_t Return_t; typedef typename Return_t::Element_t T3; typedef Tensor< D, T3, BinaryTensorOp<T1,V2,OpMod> > Expr_t; return Return_t(!
  Expr_t(x,v2) ); }
+ template <int D, class T1, class T2, class E> struct BinaryReturn< Tensor<D,T1,E>, Tensor<D,T2,E>, OpBitwiseAnd > { typedef Tensor< D, typename BinaryReturn<T1,T2,OpBitwiseAnd>::Type_t, E > Type_t; }; template <int D, class T1, class T2, class E1, class E2> struct BinaryReturn< Tensor<D,T1,E1>, Tensor<D,T2,E2>, OpBitwiseAnd > { typedef Tensor< D, typename BinaryReturn<T1,T2,OpBitwiseAnd>::Type_t, Full > Type_t; }; template <int D, class T1, class T2, class E1, class E2> inline typename BinaryReturn< Tensor<D,T1,E1>, Tensor<D,T2,E2>, OpBitwiseAnd >::Type_t operator&( const Tensor<D,T1,E1>& v1, const Tensor<D,T2,E2>& v2 ) { typedef Tensor<D,T1,E1> V1; typedef Tensor<D,T2,E2> V2; typedef typename BinaryReturn<T1,T2,OpBitwiseAnd>::Type_t T3; typedef Tensor< D, T3, BinaryTensorOp<V1,V2,OpBitwiseAnd> > Expr_t; typedef typename BinaryReturn<V1,V2,OpBitwiseAnd>::Type_t Return_t; return Return_t( Expr_t(v1,v2) ); } template <int D, class T1, class T2, class E> struct BinaryReturn< !
 Tensor<D,T1,E>, T2, OpBitwiseAnd > { typedef Tensor< D, typename BinaryReturn<T1,T2,OpBitwiseAnd>::Type_t, E > Type_t; }; template <int D, class T1, class T2, class E> struct BinaryReturn< T1, Tensor<D,T2,E>, OpBitwiseAnd > { typedef Tensor< D, typename BinaryReturn<T1,T2,OpBitwiseAnd>::Type_t, E > Type_t; }; template <int D, class T1, class E, class T2> inline typename BinaryReturn< Tensor<D,T1,E>, T2, OpBitwiseAnd >::Type_t operator&( const Tensor<D,T1,E>& v1, const T2& x ) { typedef Tensor<D,T1,E> V1; typedef typename BinaryReturn<V1,T2,OpBitwiseAnd>::Type_t Return_t; typedef typename Return_t::Element_t T3; typedef Tensor< D, T3, BinaryTensorOp<V1,T2,OpBitwiseAnd> > Expr_t; return Return_t( Expr_t(v1,x) ); } template <int D, class T1, class T2, class E> inline typename BinaryReturn< T1, Tensor<D,T2,E>, OpBitwiseAnd >::Type_t operator&( const T1& x, const Tensor<D,T2,E>& v2 ) { typedef Tensor<D,T2,E> V2; typedef typename BinaryReturn<T1,V2,OpBitwiseAnd>::Type_t Return_t;!
  typedef typename Return_t::Element_t T3; typedef Tensor< D, T!
 3, Binar
yTensorOp<T1,V2,OpBitwiseAnd> > Expr_t; return Return_t( Expr_t(x,v2) ); }
+ template <int D, class T1, class T2, class E> struct BinaryReturn< Tensor<D,T1,E>, Tensor<D,T2,E>, OpBitwiseOr > { typedef Tensor< D, typename BinaryReturn<T1,T2,OpBitwiseOr>::Type_t, E > Type_t; }; template <int D, class T1, class T2, class E1, class E2> struct BinaryReturn< Tensor<D,T1,E1>, Tensor<D,T2,E2>, OpBitwiseOr > { typedef Tensor< D, typename BinaryReturn<T1,T2,OpBitwiseOr>::Type_t, Full > Type_t; }; template <int D, class T1, class T2, class E1, class E2> inline typename BinaryReturn< Tensor<D,T1,E1>, Tensor<D,T2,E2>, OpBitwiseOr >::Type_t operator|( const Tensor<D,T1,E1>& v1, const Tensor<D,T2,E2>& v2 ) { typedef Tensor<D,T1,E1> V1; typedef Tensor<D,T2,E2> V2; typedef typename BinaryReturn<T1,T2,OpBitwiseOr>::Type_t T3; typedef Tensor< D, T3, BinaryTensorOp<V1,V2,OpBitwiseOr> > Expr_t; typedef typename BinaryReturn<V1,V2,OpBitwiseOr>::Type_t Return_t; return Return_t( Expr_t(v1,v2) ); } template <int D, class T1, class T2, class E> struct BinaryReturn< Tensor<D!
 ,T1,E>, T2, OpBitwiseOr > { typedef Tensor< D, typename BinaryReturn<T1,T2,OpBitwiseOr>::Type_t, E > Type_t; }; template <int D, class T1, class T2, class E> struct BinaryReturn< T1, Tensor<D,T2,E>, OpBitwiseOr > { typedef Tensor< D, typename BinaryReturn<T1,T2,OpBitwiseOr>::Type_t, E > Type_t; }; template <int D, class T1, class E, class T2> inline typename BinaryReturn< Tensor<D,T1,E>, T2, OpBitwiseOr >::Type_t operator|( const Tensor<D,T1,E>& v1, const T2& x ) { typedef Tensor<D,T1,E> V1; typedef typename BinaryReturn<V1,T2,OpBitwiseOr>::Type_t Return_t; typedef typename Return_t::Element_t T3; typedef Tensor< D, T3, BinaryTensorOp<V1,T2,OpBitwiseOr> > Expr_t; return Return_t( Expr_t(v1,x) ); } template <int D, class T1, class T2, class E> inline typename BinaryReturn< T1, Tensor<D,T2,E>, OpBitwiseOr >::Type_t operator|( const T1& x, const Tensor<D,T2,E>& v2 ) { typedef Tensor<D,T2,E> V2; typedef typename BinaryReturn<T1,V2,OpBitwiseOr>::Type_t Return_t; typedef typename!
  Return_t::Element_t T3; typedef Tensor< D, T3, BinaryTensorOp!
pBitwiseOr> > Expr_t; return Return_t( Expr_t(x,v2) ); }
+ template <int D, class T1, class T2, class E> struct BinaryReturn< Tensor<D,T1,E>, Tensor<D,T2,E>, OpBitwiseXor > { typedef Tensor< D, typename BinaryReturn<T1,T2,OpBitwiseXor>::Type_t, E > Type_t; }; template <int D, class T1, class T2, class E1, class E2> struct BinaryReturn< Tensor<D,T1,E1>, Tensor<D,T2,E2>, OpBitwiseXor > { typedef Tensor< D, typename BinaryReturn<T1,T2,OpBitwiseXor>::Type_t, Full > Type_t; }; template <int D, class T1, class T2, class E1, class E2> inline typename BinaryReturn< Tensor<D,T1,E1>, Tensor<D,T2,E2>, OpBitwiseXor >::Type_t operator^( const Tensor<D,T1,E1>& v1, const Tensor<D,T2,E2>& v2 ) { typedef Tensor<D,T1,E1> V1; typedef Tensor<D,T2,E2> V2; typedef typename BinaryReturn<T1,T2,OpBitwiseXor>::Type_t T3; typedef Tensor< D, T3, BinaryTensorOp<V1,V2,OpBitwiseXor> > Expr_t; typedef typename BinaryReturn<V1,V2,OpBitwiseXor>::Type_t Return_t; return Return_t( Expr_t(v1,v2) ); } template <int D, class T1, class T2, class E> struct BinaryReturn< !
 Tensor<D,T1,E>, T2, OpBitwiseXor > { typedef Tensor< D, typename BinaryReturn<T1,T2,OpBitwiseXor>::Type_t, E > Type_t; }; template <int D, class T1, class T2, class E> struct BinaryReturn< T1, Tensor<D,T2,E>, OpBitwiseXor > { typedef Tensor< D, typename BinaryReturn<T1,T2,OpBitwiseXor>::Type_t, E > Type_t; }; template <int D, class T1, class E, class T2> inline typename BinaryReturn< Tensor<D,T1,E>, T2, OpBitwiseXor >::Type_t operator^( const Tensor<D,T1,E>& v1, const T2& x ) { typedef Tensor<D,T1,E> V1; typedef typename BinaryReturn<V1,T2,OpBitwiseXor>::Type_t Return_t; typedef typename Return_t::Element_t T3; typedef Tensor< D, T3, BinaryTensorOp<V1,T2,OpBitwiseXor> > Expr_t; return Return_t( Expr_t(v1,x) ); } template <int D, class T1, class T2, class E> inline typename BinaryReturn< T1, Tensor<D,T2,E>, OpBitwiseXor >::Type_t operator^( const T1& x, const Tensor<D,T2,E>& v2 ) { typedef Tensor<D,T2,E> V2; typedef typename BinaryReturn<T1,V2,OpBitwiseXor>::Type_t Return_t;!
  typedef typename Return_t::Element_t T3; typedef Tensor< D, T!
 3, Binar
yTensorOp<T1,V2,OpBitwiseXor> > Expr_t; return Return_t( Expr_t(x,v2) ); }
+ template <int D, class T1, class T2, class E> struct BinaryReturn< Tensor<D,T1,E>, Tensor<D,T2,E>, FnLdexp > { typedef Tensor< D, typename BinaryReturn<T1,T2,FnLdexp>::Type_t, E > Type_t; }; template <int D, class T1, class T2, class E1, class E2> struct BinaryReturn< Tensor<D,T1,E1>, Tensor<D,T2,E2>, FnLdexp > { typedef Tensor< D, typename BinaryReturn<T1,T2,FnLdexp>::Type_t, Full > Type_t; }; template <int D, class T1, class T2, class E1, class E2> inline typename BinaryReturn< Tensor<D,T1,E1>, Tensor<D,T2,E2>, FnLdexp >::Type_t ldexp( const Tensor<D,T1,E1>& v1, const Tensor<D,T2,E2>& v2 ) { typedef Tensor<D,T1,E1> V1; typedef Tensor<D,T2,E2> V2; typedef typename BinaryReturn<T1,T2,FnLdexp>::Type_t T3; typedef Tensor< D, T3, BinaryTensorOp<V1,V2,FnLdexp> > Expr_t; typedef typename BinaryReturn<V1,V2,FnLdexp>::Type_t Return_t; return Return_t( Expr_t(v1,v2) ); } template <int D, class T1, class T2, class E> struct BinaryReturn< Tensor<D,T1,E>, T2, FnLdexp > { typedef Tens!
 or< D, typename BinaryReturn<T1,T2,FnLdexp>::Type_t, E > Type_t; }; template <int D, class T1, class T2, class E> struct BinaryReturn< T1, Tensor<D,T2,E>, FnLdexp > { typedef Tensor< D, typename BinaryReturn<T1,T2,FnLdexp>::Type_t, E > Type_t; }; template <int D, class T1, class E, class T2> inline typename BinaryReturn< Tensor<D,T1,E>, T2, FnLdexp >::Type_t ldexp( const Tensor<D,T1,E>& v1, const T2& x ) { typedef Tensor<D,T1,E> V1; typedef typename BinaryReturn<V1,T2,FnLdexp>::Type_t Return_t; typedef typename Return_t::Element_t T3; typedef Tensor< D, T3, BinaryTensorOp<V1,T2,FnLdexp> > Expr_t; return Return_t( Expr_t(v1,x) ); } template <int D, class T1, class T2, class E> inline typename BinaryReturn< T1, Tensor<D,T2,E>, FnLdexp >::Type_t ldexp( const T1& x, const Tensor<D,T2,E>& v2 ) { typedef Tensor<D,T2,E> V2; typedef typename BinaryReturn<T1,V2,FnLdexp>::Type_t Return_t; typedef typename Return_t::Element_t T3; typedef Tensor< D, T3, BinaryTensorOp<T1,V2,FnLdexp> > !
 Expr_t; return Return_t( Expr_t(x,v2) ); }
+ template <int D, class T1, class T2, class E> struct BinaryReturn< Tensor<D,T1,E>, Tensor<D,T2,E>, FnPow > { typedef Tensor< D, typename BinaryReturn<T1,T2,FnPow>::Type_t, E > Type_t; }; template <int D, class T1, class T2, class E1, class E2> struct BinaryReturn< Tensor<D,T1,E1>, Tensor<D,T2,E2>, FnPow > { typedef Tensor< D, typename BinaryReturn<T1,T2,FnPow>::Type_t, Full > Type_t; }; template <int D, class T1, class T2, class E1, class E2> inline typename BinaryReturn< Tensor<D,T1,E1>, Tensor<D,T2,E2>, FnPow >::Type_t pow( const Tensor<D,T1,E1>& v1, const Tensor<D,T2,E2>& v2 ) { typedef Tensor<D,T1,E1> V1; typedef Tensor<D,T2,E2> V2; typedef typename BinaryReturn<T1,T2,FnPow>::Type_t T3; typedef Tensor< D, T3, BinaryTensorOp<V1,V2,FnPow> > Expr_t; typedef typename BinaryReturn<V1,V2,FnPow>::Type_t Return_t; return Return_t( Expr_t(v1,v2) ); } template <int D, class T1, class T2, class E> struct BinaryReturn< Tensor<D,T1,E>, T2, FnPow > { typedef Tensor< D, typename Bina!
 ryReturn<T1,T2,FnPow>::Type_t, E > Type_t; }; template <int D, class T1, class T2, class E> struct BinaryReturn< T1, Tensor<D,T2,E>, FnPow > { typedef Tensor< D, typename BinaryReturn<T1,T2,FnPow>::Type_t, E > Type_t; }; template <int D, class T1, class E, class T2> inline typename BinaryReturn< Tensor<D,T1,E>, T2, FnPow >::Type_t pow( const Tensor<D,T1,E>& v1, const T2& x ) { typedef Tensor<D,T1,E> V1; typedef typename BinaryReturn<V1,T2,FnPow>::Type_t Return_t; typedef typename Return_t::Element_t T3; typedef Tensor< D, T3, BinaryTensorOp<V1,T2,FnPow> > Expr_t; return Return_t( Expr_t(v1,x) ); } template <int D, class T1, class T2, class E> inline typename BinaryReturn< T1, Tensor<D,T2,E>, FnPow >::Type_t pow( const T1& x, const Tensor<D,T2,E>& v2 ) { typedef Tensor<D,T2,E> V2; typedef typename BinaryReturn<T1,V2,FnPow>::Type_t Return_t; typedef typename Return_t::Element_t T3; typedef Tensor< D, T3, BinaryTensorOp<T1,V2,FnPow> > Expr_t; return Return_t( Expr_t(x,v2) ); }
+ template <int D, class T1, class T2, class E> struct BinaryReturn< Tensor<D,T1,E>, Tensor<D,T2,E>, FnFmod > { typedef Tensor< D, typename BinaryReturn<T1,T2,FnFmod>::Type_t, E > Type_t; }; template <int D, class T1, class T2, class E1, class E2> struct BinaryReturn< Tensor<D,T1,E1>, Tensor<D,T2,E2>, FnFmod > { typedef Tensor< D, typename BinaryReturn<T1,T2,FnFmod>::Type_t, Full > Type_t; }; template <int D, class T1, class T2, class E1, class E2> inline typename BinaryReturn< Tensor<D,T1,E1>, Tensor<D,T2,E2>, FnFmod >::Type_t fmod( const Tensor<D,T1,E1>& v1, const Tensor<D,T2,E2>& v2 ) { typedef Tensor<D,T1,E1> V1; typedef Tensor<D,T2,E2> V2; typedef typename BinaryReturn<T1,T2,FnFmod>::Type_t T3; typedef Tensor< D, T3, BinaryTensorOp<V1,V2,FnFmod> > Expr_t; typedef typename BinaryReturn<V1,V2,FnFmod>::Type_t Return_t; return Return_t( Expr_t(v1,v2) ); } template <int D, class T1, class T2, class E> struct BinaryReturn< Tensor<D,T1,E>, T2, FnFmod > { typedef Tensor< D, typ!
 ename BinaryReturn<T1,T2,FnFmod>::Type_t, E > Type_t; }; template <int D, class T1, class T2, class E> struct BinaryReturn< T1, Tensor<D,T2,E>, FnFmod > { typedef Tensor< D, typename BinaryReturn<T1,T2,FnFmod>::Type_t, E > Type_t; }; template <int D, class T1, class E, class T2> inline typename BinaryReturn< Tensor<D,T1,E>, T2, FnFmod >::Type_t fmod( const Tensor<D,T1,E>& v1, const T2& x ) { typedef Tensor<D,T1,E> V1; typedef typename BinaryReturn<V1,T2,FnFmod>::Type_t Return_t; typedef typename Return_t::Element_t T3; typedef Tensor< D, T3, BinaryTensorOp<V1,T2,FnFmod> > Expr_t; return Return_t( Expr_t(v1,x) ); } template <int D, class T1, class T2, class E> inline typename BinaryReturn< T1, Tensor<D,T2,E>, FnFmod >::Type_t fmod( const T1& x, const Tensor<D,T2,E>& v2 ) { typedef Tensor<D,T2,E> V2; typedef typename BinaryReturn<T1,V2,FnFmod>::Type_t Return_t; typedef typename Return_t::Element_t T3; typedef Tensor< D, T3, BinaryTensorOp<T1,V2,FnFmod> > Expr_t; return Return!
 _t( Expr_t(x,v2) ); }
+ template <int D, class T1, class T2, class E> struct BinaryReturn< Tensor<D,T1,E>, Tensor<D,T2,E>, FnArcTan2 > { typedef Tensor< D, typename BinaryReturn<T1,T2,FnArcTan2>::Type_t, E > Type_t; }; template <int D, class T1, class T2, class E1, class E2> struct BinaryReturn< Tensor<D,T1,E1>, Tensor<D,T2,E2>, FnArcTan2 > { typedef Tensor< D, typename BinaryReturn<T1,T2,FnArcTan2>::Type_t, Full > Type_t; }; template <int D, class T1, class T2, class E1, class E2> inline typename BinaryReturn< Tensor<D,T1,E1>, Tensor<D,T2,E2>, FnArcTan2 >::Type_t atan2( const Tensor<D,T1,E1>& v1, const Tensor<D,T2,E2>& v2 ) { typedef Tensor<D,T1,E1> V1; typedef Tensor<D,T2,E2> V2; typedef typename BinaryReturn<T1,T2,FnArcTan2>::Type_t T3; typedef Tensor< D, T3, BinaryTensorOp<V1,V2,FnArcTan2> > Expr_t; typedef typename BinaryReturn<V1,V2,FnArcTan2>::Type_t Return_t; return Return_t( Expr_t(v1,v2) ); } template <int D, class T1, class T2, class E> struct BinaryReturn< Tensor<D,T1,E>, T2, FnArcTan!
 2 > { typedef Tensor< D, typename BinaryReturn<T1,T2,FnArcTan2>::Type_t, E > Type_t; }; template <int D, class T1, class T2, class E> struct BinaryReturn< T1, Tensor<D,T2,E>, FnArcTan2 > { typedef Tensor< D, typename BinaryReturn<T1,T2,FnArcTan2>::Type_t, E > Type_t; }; template <int D, class T1, class E, class T2> inline typename BinaryReturn< Tensor<D,T1,E>, T2, FnArcTan2 >::Type_t atan2( const Tensor<D,T1,E>& v1, const T2& x ) { typedef Tensor<D,T1,E> V1; typedef typename BinaryReturn<V1,T2,FnArcTan2>::Type_t Return_t; typedef typename Return_t::Element_t T3; typedef Tensor< D, T3, BinaryTensorOp<V1,T2,FnArcTan2> > Expr_t; return Return_t( Expr_t(v1,x) ); } template <int D, class T1, class T2, class E> inline typename BinaryReturn< T1, Tensor<D,T2,E>, FnArcTan2 >::Type_t atan2( const T1& x, const Tensor<D,T2,E>& v2 ) { typedef Tensor<D,T2,E> V2; typedef typename BinaryReturn<T1,V2,FnArcTan2>::Type_t Return_t; typedef typename Return_t::Element_t T3; typedef Tensor< D, T3!
 , BinaryTensorOp<T1,V2,FnArcTan2> > Expr_t; return Return_t( E!
v2) ); }
+ template<class T1, class T2, int I, int J, int K, int L>
+ struct TensorDotTensor
+ {
+   typedef typename TensorDotTensor<T1,T2,I,J,K,L/2>::Type_t Left_t;
+   typedef typename TensorDotTensor<T1,T2,I,J,K+L/2,L-L/2>::Type_t Right_t;
+   typedef typename BinaryReturn<Left_t,Right_t,OpAdd>::Type_t Type_t;
+   static Type_t get(const T1& x, const T2& y)
+     {
+       return
+         TensorDotTensor<T1,T2,I,J,K,L/2>::get(x,y) +
+         TensorDotTensor<T1,T2,I,J,K+L/2,L-L/2>::get(x,y);
+     }
+ };
+ template<class T1, class T2, int I, int J, int K>
+ struct TensorDotTensor<T1,T2,I,J,K,1>
+ {
+   typedef typename TensorElem<T1,I,K>::Element_t Left_t;
+   typedef typename TensorElem<T2,K,J>::Element_t Right_t;
+   typedef typename BinaryReturn<Left_t,Right_t,OpMultiply>::Type_t Type_t;
+   static Type_t get(const T1& x, const T2& y)
+     {
+       return TensorElem<T1,I,K>::get(x) * TensorElem<T2,K,J>::get(y);
+     }
+ };
+ template<int D, class T, class T1, class T2, int I, int J>
+ struct TensorEngineElem<D,T,BinaryTensorOp<T1,T2,FnDot>, I, J,
+   1>
+ {
+   typedef BinaryTensorOp<T1,T2,FnDot> E;
+   typedef TensorEngine<D,T,E> T0;
+   typedef typename TensorDotTensor<T1,T2,I,J,0,T1::d>::Type_t Element_t;
+   typedef Element_t ElementRef_t;
+   typedef Element_t ConstElementRef_t;
+   static Element_t get(const T0& x)
+     {
+       return TensorDotTensor<T1,T2,I,J,0,T1::d>::get(x.v1_m,x.v2_m);
+     }
+ };
+ template<int D, class T1, class T2, class E1, class E2>
+ struct BinaryReturn< Tensor<D,T1,E1> , Tensor<D,T2,E2> , FnDot >
+ {
+   typedef typename BinaryReturn<T1,T2,OpMultiply>::Type_t T0;
+   typedef Tensor<D,T0,Full> Type_t;
+ };
+ template<int D, class T1, class T2, class E1, class E2>
+ inline
+ typename BinaryReturn< Tensor<D,T1,E1>,Tensor<D,T2,E2> , FnDot >::Type_t
+ dot( const Tensor<D,T1,E1>& v1, const Tensor<D,T2,E2>& v2 )
+ {
+   typedef Tensor<D,T1,E1> V1;
+   typedef Tensor<D,T2,E2> V2;
+   typedef typename BinaryReturn<V1,V2,FnDot>::Type_t Return_t;
+   typedef typename Return_t::Element_t T3;
+   typedef Tensor<D,T3,BinaryTensorOp<V1,V2,FnDot> > Expr_t;
+   return Return_t( Expr_t(v1,v2) );
+ }
+ template<int D, class T, class E>
+ struct UnaryReturn< Tensor<D,T,E> , FnTrace >
+ {
+   typedef T Type_t;
+ };
+ template<int D, class T, class E>
+ inline T
+ trace(const Tensor<D,T,E>& t)
+ {
+   T result(0.0);
+   for (int d = 0; d < D; d++) {
+     result += t(d,d);
+   }
+   return result;
+ }
+ template<int D, class T>
+ inline T
+ trace(const Tensor<D,T,Diagonal>& t)
+ {
+   T result(0.0);
+   for (int d = 0; d < D; d++) {
+     result += t(d);
+   }
+   return result;
+ }
+ template<int D, class T>
+ inline T
+ trace(const Tensor<D,T,Antisymmetric>& t)
+ {
+   return T(0.0);
+ }
+ template<int D, class T, class E>
+ struct UnaryReturn< Tensor<D,T,E> , FnDet >
+ {
+   typedef T Type_t;
+ };
+ template<int D, class T, class E>
+ inline T
+ det(const Tensor<D,T,E>& t)
+ {
+   if (__builtin_expect(!!(D<4), true)) {} else Pooma::toss_cookies("Tensor det() function not implemented for D>3!", "/home/rguenth/ix86/pooma/tat-serial/pooma/linux/src/Tiny/TensorOperators.h", 405);
+   return T(-999999.999999);
+ }
+ template<class T, class E>
+ inline T
+ det(const Tensor<3,T,E>& t)
+ {
+   T result;
+   result =
+     t(0,0)*(t(1,1)*t(2,2) - t(1,2)*t(2,1)) +
+     t(0,1)*(t(1,2)*t(2,0) - t(1,0)*t(2,2)) +
+     t(0,2)*(t(1,0)*t(2,1) - t(1,1)*t(2,0));
+   return result;
+ }
+ template<class T, class E>
+ inline T
+ det(const Tensor<2,T,E>& t)
+ {
+   T result;
+   result = t(0,0)*t(1,1) - t(0,1)*t(1,0);
+   return result;
+ }
+ template<class T, class E>
+ inline T
+ det(const Tensor<1,T,E>& t)
+ {
+   T result = t(0,0);
+   return result;
+ }
+ template<class T>
+ inline T
+ det(const Tensor<3,T,Diagonal>& t)
+ {
+   T result;
+   result = t(0)*t(1)*t(2);
+   return result;
+ }
+ template<class T>
+ inline T
+ det(const Tensor<2,T,Diagonal>& t)
+ {
+   T result;
+   result = t(0)*t(1);
+   return result;
+ }
+ template<class T>
+ inline T
+ det(const Tensor<1,T,Diagonal>& t)
+ {
+   T result = t(0);
+   return result;
+ }
+ template<class T>
+ inline T
+ det(const Tensor<3,T,Antisymmetric>& t)
+ {
+   return T(0.0);
+ }
+ template<class T>
+ inline T
+ det(const Tensor<2,T,Antisymmetric>& t)
+ {
+   T result;
+   result = t(0)*t(0);
+   return result;
+ }
+ template<class T>
+ inline T
+ det(const Tensor<1,T,Antisymmetric>& t)
+ {
+   return T(0.0);
+ }
+ template<int D, class T, class E>
+ struct UnaryReturn< Tensor<D,T,E> , FnTranspose >
+ {
+   typedef Tensor<D,T,E> Type_t;
+ };
+ template<int D, class T, class E>
+ inline Tensor<D,T,E>
+ transpose(const Tensor<D,T,E>& t)
+ {
+   Tensor<D,T,E> result;
+   for (int i = 0; i < D; i++) {
+     for (int j = 0; j < D; j++) {
+       result(i,j) = t(j,i);
+     }
+   }
+   return result;
+ }
+ template<int D, class T>
+ inline Tensor<D,T,Symmetric>
+ transpose(const Tensor<D,T,Symmetric>& t)
+ {
+   Tensor<D,T,Symmetric> result;
+   result = t;
+   return result;
+ }
+ template<int D, class T>
+ inline Tensor<D,T,Antisymmetric>
+ transpose(const Tensor<D,T,Antisymmetric>& t)
+ {
+   Tensor<D,T,Antisymmetric> result;
+   result = -t;
+   return result;
+ }
+ template<int D, class T>
+ inline Tensor<D,T,Diagonal>
+ transpose(const Tensor<D,T,Diagonal>& t)
+ {
+   Tensor<D,T,Diagonal> result;
+   result = t;
+   return result;
+ }
+ template<int D, class T1, class T2, class E1, class E2>
+ struct BinaryReturn< Tensor<D,T1,E1>,Tensor<D,T2,E2> , OpEQ >
+ {
+   typedef bool Type_t;
+ };
+ template<int D, class T1, class T2, class E1, class E2>
+ struct BinaryReturn< Tensor<D,T1,E1>,Tensor<D,T2,E2> , OpNE >
+ {
+   typedef bool Type_t;
+ };
+ template<int D, class T1, class T2, class E1, class E2>
+ inline typename
+ BinaryReturn< Tensor<D,T1,E1>, Tensor<D,T2,E2>, OpEQ >::Type_t
+ operator==(const Tensor<D,T1,E1>& t1, const Tensor<D,T2,E2>& t2)
+ {
+   for (int i = 0; i < D; i++)
+     for (int j = 0; j < D; j++)
+       if (t1(i,j) != t2(i,j)) return false;
+   return true;
+ }
+ template<int D, class T1, class T2, class E1, class E2>
+ inline typename
+ BinaryReturn< Tensor<D,T1,E1>, Tensor<D,T2,E2>, OpNE >::Type_t
+ operator!=(const Tensor<D,T1,E1>& t1, const Tensor<D,T2,E2>& t2)
+ {
+   return !(t1 == t2);
+ }
+ template <int D, class T1, class T2, class E1> inline Tensor<D,T1,E1>& operator+=( Tensor<D,T1,E1>& v1, const Tensor<D,T2,E1>& v2 ) { typedef typename Tensor<D,T1,E1>::Engine_t Left_t; typedef typename Tensor<D,T2,E1>::Engine_t Right_t; TensorAssign<Left_t,Right_t,OpAddAssign,0,D,0,D>:: apply(v1.engine(),v2.engine(),OpAddAssign()); return v1; } template <int D, class T1, class T2> inline Tensor<D,T1,Symmetric>& operator+=( Tensor<D,T1,Symmetric>& v1, const Tensor<D,T2,Symmetric>& v2 ) { typedef typename Tensor<D,T1,Symmetric>::Engine_t Left_t; typedef typename Tensor<D,T2,Symmetric>::Engine_t Right_t; TensorAssign<Left_t,Right_t,OpAddAssign,0,D,0,D>:: apply(v1.engine(),v2.engine(),OpAddAssign()); return v1; } template <int D, class T1, class T2> inline Tensor<D,T1,Antisymmetric>& operator+=( Tensor<D,T1,Antisymmetric>& v1, const Tensor<D,T2,Antisymmetric>& v2 ) { typedef typename Tensor<D,T1,Antisymmetric>::Engine_t Left_t; typedef typename Tensor<D,T2,Antisymmetric>::Engi!
 ne_t Right_t; TensorAssign<Left_t,Right_t,OpAddAssign,0,D,0,D>:: apply(v1.engine(),v2.engine(),OpAddAssign()); return v1; } template <int D, class T1, class T2> inline Tensor<D,T1,Diagonal>& operator+=( Tensor<D,T1,Diagonal>& v1, const Tensor<D,T2,Diagonal>& v2 ) { typedef typename Tensor<D,T1,Diagonal>::Engine_t Left_t; typedef typename Tensor<D,T2,Diagonal>::Engine_t Right_t; TensorAssign<Left_t,Right_t,OpAddAssign,0,D,0,D>:: apply(v1.engine(),v2.engine(),OpAddAssign()); return v1; } template <int D, class T1, class T2, class E1> inline Tensor<D,T1,E1>& operator+=( Tensor<D,T1,E1>& v1, const T2& v2 ) { typedef typename Tensor<D,T1,E1>::Engine_t Left_t; typedef typename T2::Engine_t Right_t; TensorAssign<Left_t,Right_t,OpAddAssign,0,D,0,D>:: apply(v1.engine(),v2.engine(),OpAddAssign()); return v1; } template <int D, class T1, class T2> inline Tensor<D,T1,Symmetric>& operator+=( Tensor<D,T1,Symmetric>& v1, const T2& v2 ) { typedef typename Tensor<D,T1,Symmetric>::Engine_t L!
 eft_t; typedef typename T2::Engine_t Right_t; TensorAssign<Lef!
t_t,OpAddAssign,0,D,0,D>:: apply(v1.engine(),v2.engine(),OpAddAssign()); return v1; } template <int D, class T1, class T2> inline Tensor<D,T1,Antisymmetric>& operator+=( Tensor<D,T1,Antisymmetric>& v1, const T2& v2 ) { typedef typename Tensor<D,T1,Antisymmetric>::Engine_t Left_t; typedef typename T2::Engine_t Right_t; TensorAssign<Left_t,Right_t,OpAddAssign,0,D,0,D>:: apply(v1.engine(),v2.engine(),OpAddAssign()); return v1; } template <int D, class T1, class T2> inline Tensor<D,T1,Diagonal>& operator+=( Tensor<D,T1,Diagonal>& v1, const T2& v2 ) { typedef typename Tensor<D,T1,Diagonal>::Engine_t Left_t; typedef typename T2::Engine_t Right_t; TensorAssign<Left_t,Right_t,OpAddAssign,0,D,0,D>:: apply(v1.engine(),v2.engine(),OpAddAssign()); return v1; }
+ template <int D, class T1, class T2, class E1> inline Tensor<D,T1,E1>& operator-=( Tensor<D,T1,E1>& v1, const Tensor<D,T2,E1>& v2 ) { typedef typename Tensor<D,T1,E1>::Engine_t Left_t; typedef typename Tensor<D,T2,E1>::Engine_t Right_t; TensorAssign<Left_t,Right_t,OpSubtractAssign,0,D,0,D>:: apply(v1.engine(),v2.engine(),OpSubtractAssign()); return v1; } template <int D, class T1, class T2> inline Tensor<D,T1,Symmetric>& operator-=( Tensor<D,T1,Symmetric>& v1, const Tensor<D,T2,Symmetric>& v2 ) { typedef typename Tensor<D,T1,Symmetric>::Engine_t Left_t; typedef typename Tensor<D,T2,Symmetric>::Engine_t Right_t; TensorAssign<Left_t,Right_t,OpSubtractAssign,0,D,0,D>:: apply(v1.engine(),v2.engine(),OpSubtractAssign()); return v1; } template <int D, class T1, class T2> inline Tensor<D,T1,Antisymmetric>& operator-=( Tensor<D,T1,Antisymmetric>& v1, const Tensor<D,T2,Antisymmetric>& v2 ) { typedef typename Tensor<D,T1,Antisymmetric>::Engine_t Left_t; typedef typename Tensor<D,T2,!
 Antisymmetric>::Engine_t Right_t; TensorAssign<Left_t,Right_t,OpSubtractAssign,0,D,0,D>:: apply(v1.engine(),v2.engine(),OpSubtractAssign()); return v1; } template <int D, class T1, class T2> inline Tensor<D,T1,Diagonal>& operator-=( Tensor<D,T1,Diagonal>& v1, const Tensor<D,T2,Diagonal>& v2 ) { typedef typename Tensor<D,T1,Diagonal>::Engine_t Left_t; typedef typename Tensor<D,T2,Diagonal>::Engine_t Right_t; TensorAssign<Left_t,Right_t,OpSubtractAssign,0,D,0,D>:: apply(v1.engine(),v2.engine(),OpSubtractAssign()); return v1; } template <int D, class T1, class T2, class E1> inline Tensor<D,T1,E1>& operator-=( Tensor<D,T1,E1>& v1, const T2& v2 ) { typedef typename Tensor<D,T1,E1>::Engine_t Left_t; typedef typename T2::Engine_t Right_t; TensorAssign<Left_t,Right_t,OpSubtractAssign,0,D,0,D>:: apply(v1.engine(),v2.engine(),OpSubtractAssign()); return v1; } template <int D, class T1, class T2> inline Tensor<D,T1,Symmetric>& operator-=( Tensor<D,T1,Symmetric>& v1, const T2& v2 ) { t!
 ypedef typename Tensor<D,T1,Symmetric>::Engine_t Left_t; typed!
 ef typen
ame T2::Engine_t Right_t; TensorAssign<Left_t,Right_t,OpSubtractAssign,0,D,0,D>:: apply(v1.engine(),v2.engine(),OpSubtractAssign()); return v1; } template <int D, class T1, class T2> inline Tensor<D,T1,Antisymmetric>& operator-=( Tensor<D,T1,Antisymmetric>& v1, const T2& v2 ) { typedef typename Tensor<D,T1,Antisymmetric>::Engine_t Left_t; typedef typename T2::Engine_t Right_t; TensorAssign<Left_t,Right_t,OpSubtractAssign,0,D,0,D>:: apply(v1.engine(),v2.engine(),OpSubtractAssign()); return v1; } template <int D, class T1, class T2> inline Tensor<D,T1,Diagonal>& operator-=( Tensor<D,T1,Diagonal>& v1, const T2& v2 ) { typedef typename Tensor<D,T1,Diagonal>::Engine_t Left_t; typedef typename T2::Engine_t Right_t; TensorAssign<Left_t,Right_t,OpSubtractAssign,0,D,0,D>:: apply(v1.engine(),v2.engine(),OpSubtractAssign()); return v1; }
+ template<int D, class T, class EngineTag> class Tensor;
+ template<int D, class T, class EngineTag> class TensorEngine;
+ template <class T>
+ void reverseBytes(T&);
+ class Full;
+ class Antisymmetric;
+ class Symmetric;
+ class Diagonal;
+ template<int D, class EngineTag>
+ class TensorStorageSize {};
+ template<int D>
+ class TensorStorageSize<D, Full>
+ {
+ public:
+   enum { Size = D*D };
+ };
+ template<int D>
+ class TensorStorageSize<D, Antisymmetric>
+ {
+ public:
+   enum { Size = (D*D - D)/2 + 1/D };
+ };
+ template<int D>
+ class TensorStorageSize<D, Symmetric>
+ {
+ public:
+   enum { Size = (D*D - D)/2 + D };
+ };
+ template<int D>
+ class TensorStorageSize<D, Diagonal>
+ {
+ public:
+   enum { Size = D };
+ };
+ template<int D, class T=double, class EngineTag=Full>
+ class Tensor
+ {
+ public:
+   enum { dimensions=2 };
+   enum { d=D };
+   typedef T Element_t;
+   typedef EngineTag EngineTag_t;
+   typedef TensorEngine<D,T,EngineTag> Engine_t;
+   typedef typename Engine_t::ElementRef_t ElementRef_t;
+   typedef typename Engine_t::ConstElementRef_t ConstElementRef_t;
+   typedef Tensor<D,T,EngineTag> This_t;
+   Tensor() {}
+   Tensor(const This_t& x) : engine_m(x.engine_m) {}
+   template<int D2, class T2, class EngineTag2>
+   Tensor(const Tensor<D2, T2, EngineTag2>& x) : engine_m(x) {}
+   template<class X>
+   explicit Tensor(const X& x) : engine_m(x) {}
+   template<class X1, class X2>
+   Tensor(const X1& x, const X2& y) : engine_m(x,y) {}
+   template<class X1, class X2, class X3>
+   Tensor(const X1& x, const X2& y, const X3& z) : engine_m(x,y,z) {}
+   template<class X1, class X2, class X3, class X4>
+   Tensor(const X1& x1, const X2& x2, const X3& x3, const X4& x4)
+     : engine_m(x1,x2,x3,x4) {}
+   template<class X1, class X2, class X3, class X4, class X5>
+   Tensor(const X1& x1, const X2& x2, const X3& x3, const X4& x4,
+          const X5& x5)
+     : engine_m(x1,x2,x3,x4,x5) {}
+   template<class X1, class X2, class X3, class X4, class X5, class X6>
+   Tensor(const X1& x1, const X2& x2, const X3& x3, const X4& x4,
+          const X5& x5, const X6& x6)
+     : engine_m(x1,x2,x3,x4,x5,x6) {}
+   template<class X1, class X2, class X3, class X4, class X5, class X6,
+     class X7>
+   Tensor(const X1& x1, const X2& x2, const X3& x3, const X4& x4,
+          const X5& x5, const X6& x6, const X7& x7)
+     : engine_m(x1,x2,x3,x4,x5,x6,x7) {}
+   template<class X1, class X2, class X3, class X4, class X5, class X6,
+     class X7, class X8>
+   Tensor(const X1& x1, const X2& x2, const X3& x3, const X4& x4,
+          const X5& x5, const X6& x6, const X7& x7, const X8& x8)
+     : engine_m(x1,x2,x3,x4,x5,x6,x7,x8) {}
+   template<class X1, class X2, class X3, class X4, class X5, class X6,
+     class X7, class X8, class X9>
+   Tensor(const X1& x1, const X2& x2, const X3& x3, const X4& x4,
+          const X5& x5, const X6& x6, const X7& x7, const X8& x8, const X9& x9)
+     : engine_m(x1,x2,x3,x4,x5,x6,x7,x8,x9) {}
+   ~Tensor() {}
+   This_t& operator=(const This_t& x)
+   {
+     if ( this != &x )
+       engine() = x.engine();
+     return *this;
+   }
+   template<class T1, class EngineTag1>
+   This_t& operator=(const Tensor<d,T1,EngineTag1> &x)
+   {
+     engine() = x.engine();
+     return *this;
+   }
+   template<class V>
+   This_t&
+   operator=(const V& x)
+   {
+     engine() = x;
+     return *this;
+   }
+   ConstElementRef_t operator()(int i, int j) const
+   {
+     return engine()(i,j);
+   }
+   ElementRef_t operator()(int i, int j)
+   {
+     return engine()(i,j);
+   }
+   ConstElementRef_t operator()(int i) const { return engine()(i); }
+   ElementRef_t operator()(int i) { return engine()(i); }
+   const Engine_t& engine() const { return engine_m; }
+   Engine_t& engine() { return engine_m; }
+   template<class Out>
+   void print(Out &out) const;
+   inline void reverseBytes() { engine_m.reverseBytes(); }
+ private:
+   Engine_t engine_m;
+ };
+ template<int D, class T, class EngineTag>
+ template<class Out>
+ void Tensor<D, T, EngineTag>::print(Out &out) const
+ {
+   std::ios::fmtflags incomingFormatFlags = out.flags();
+   long width = out.width();
+   long precision = out.precision();
+   out.width(0);
+   out << "(";
+   for (int i = 0; i < D; i++) {
+     out << "(";
+     out.flags(incomingFormatFlags);
+     out.width(width);
+     out.precision(precision);
+     out << (*this)(i,0);
+     for (int j = 1; j < D; j++) {
+       out << " ";
+       out.flags(incomingFormatFlags);
+       out.width(width);
+       out.precision(precision);
+       out << (*this)(i,j);
+     }
+     out << ")";
+   }
+   out << ")";
+ }
+ template<int D, class T, class E>
+ std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &out, const Tensor<D,T,E> &t)
+ {
+   t.print(out);
+   return out;
+ }
+ template <int D, class T, class E>
+ struct ElementProperties< Tensor<D,T,E> >
+   : public TrivialElementProperties< Tensor<D,T,E> >
+ { };
+ template<int D, class T>
+ class TensorEngine<D, T, Full>
+ {
+ public:
+   enum { dimensions=2 };
+   enum { d=D };
+   typedef T Element_t;
+   typedef Full EngineTag_t;
+   typedef T& ElementRef_t;
+   typedef const T& ConstElementRef_t;
+   typedef T& CTElementRef_t;
+   typedef const T& CTConstElementRef_t;
+   typedef TensorEngine<D,T,Full> This_t;
+   TensorEngine()
+   {
+     PoomaCTAssert<(ElementProperties<T>::hasTrivialDefaultConstructor && ElementProperties<T>::hasTrivialDestructor && ElementProperties<T>::concrete)>::test();
+   }
+   TensorEngine(const TensorEngine<D,T,Full>& x)
+   {
+     TensorAssign<This_t,This_t,OpAssign,0,D,0,D>
+       ::apply(*this,x,OpAssign());
+   }
+   template<class X>
+   explicit TensorEngine(const X& x)
+   {
+     TensorAssign<This_t,X,OpAssign,0,D,0,D>::apply(*this,x,OpAssign());
+   }
+   explicit TensorEngine(const T& x)
+   {
+     for (int i = 0 ; i < D*D ; i++) {
+       (*this)(i) = x;
+     }
+   }
+   template<class X1, class X2, class X3, class X4>
+   TensorEngine(const X1& x1, const X2& x2, const X3& x3, const X4& x4)
+   {
+     PoomaCTAssert<(D == 2)>::test();
+     (*this)(0) = x1;
+     (*this)(1) = x2;
+     (*this)(2) = x3;
+     (*this)(3) = x4;
+   }
+   template<class X1, class X2, class X3, class X4, class X5, class X6,
+     class X7, class X8, class X9>
+   TensorEngine(const X1& x1, const X2& x2, const X3& x3, const X4& x4,
+                const X5& x5, const X6& x6, const X7& x7, const X8& x8,
+                const X9& x9)
+   {
+     PoomaCTAssert<(D == 3)>::test();
+     (*this)(0) = x1;
+     (*this)(1) = x2;
+     (*this)(2) = x3;
+     (*this)(3) = x4;
+     (*this)(4) = x5;
+     (*this)(5) = x6;
+     (*this)(6) = x7;
+     (*this)(7) = x8;
+     (*this)(8) = x9;
+   }
+   ~TensorEngine() {}
+   This_t&
+   operator=(const This_t& x)
+   {
+     if (this != &x) {
+       TensorAssign<This_t,This_t,OpAssign,0,D,0,D>::apply(*this,x,OpAssign());
+     }
+     return *this;
+   }
+   template<class V>
+   This_t&
+   operator=(const V& x)
+   {
+     TensorAssign<This_t,V,OpAssign,0,D,0,D>::apply(*this,x,OpAssign());
+     return *this;
+   }
+   template<int I, int J>
+   CTConstElementRef_t getIJ() const
+   {
+     PoomaCTAssert<((I >= 0) && (I < D) && (J >= 0) && (J < D))>::test();
+     return x_m[I + D*J];
+   }
+   template<int I, int J>
+   CTElementRef_t getIJ()
+   {
+     PoomaCTAssert<((I >= 0) && (I < D) && (J >= 0) && (J < D))>::test();
+     return x_m[I + D*J];
+   }
+   ConstElementRef_t operator()(int i,int j) const
+   {
+     ;
+     return x_m[i + D*j];
+   }
+   ElementRef_t operator()(int i,int j)
+   {
+     ;
+     return x_m[i + D*j];
+   }
+   ConstElementRef_t operator()(int i) const
+   {
+     ;
+     return x_m[i];
+   }
+   ElementRef_t operator()(int i)
+   {
+     ;
+     return x_m[i];
+   }
+   const T* data() const{
+     return (const T*) &x_m[0];
+   }
+   T* data(){
+     return (T*) &x_m[0];
+   }
+   inline void reverseBytes()
+   {
+     const int sz = TensorStorageSize<d, EngineTag_t>::Size;
+     for (int i = 0; i < sz; ++i)
+       ::reverseBytes(x_m[i]);
+   }
+ private:
+   T x_m[TensorStorageSize<d, EngineTag_t>::Size];
+ };
+ template<int D, class T>
+ class TensorEngine<D, T, Antisymmetric>
+ {
+ public:
+   enum { dimensions=2 };
+   enum { d=D };
+   typedef T Element_t;
+   typedef Antisymmetric EngineTag_t;
+   class AssignProxy {
+   public:
+     AssignProxy(Element_t &elem, int where)
+       : elem_m(elem), where_m(where) { }
+     AssignProxy(const AssignProxy &model)
+       : elem_m(model.elem_m), where_m(where_m) { }
+     AssignProxy &operator=(const AssignProxy &a) const
+     {
+       ;
+       elem_m = where_m < 0 ? -a.elem_m : a.elem_m;
+       return const_cast<AssignProxy &>(*this);
+     }
+     AssignProxy &operator=(const Element_t &e) const
+     {
+       ;
+       elem_m = where_m < 0 ? -e : e;
+       return const_cast<AssignProxy &>(*this);
+     }
+     operator Element_t() const
+     {
+       return (where_m < 0 ? -elem_m : elem_m);
+     }
+   private:
+     mutable Element_t &elem_m;
+     mutable int where_m;
+   };
+   typedef AssignProxy ElementRef_t;
+   typedef T ConstElementRef_t;
+   typedef T& CTElementRef_t;
+   typedef T CTConstElementRef_t;
+   typedef TensorEngine<d,T,Antisymmetric> This_t;
+   TensorEngine()
+   {
+     PoomaCTAssert<(ElementProperties<T>::hasTrivialDefaultConstructor && ElementProperties<T>::hasTrivialDestructor && ElementProperties<T>::concrete)>::test();
+   }
+   TensorEngine(const TensorEngine<d,T,Antisymmetric> &x)
+   {
+     TensorAssign<This_t,This_t,OpAssign,0,d,0,d>::
+       apply(*this,x,OpAssign());
+   }
+   template<class X>
+   explicit TensorEngine(const X& x)
+   {
+     TensorAssign<This_t,X,OpAssign,0,d,0,d>::
+       apply(*this,x,OpAssign());
+   }
+   explicit TensorEngine(const T &x) {
+     for (int i = 0; i < TensorStorageSize<d, EngineTag_t>::Size; i++) {
+       x_m[i] = x;
+     }
+   }
+   template<class X1, class X2, class X3>
+   TensorEngine(const X1 &x1, const X2 &x2, const X3 &x3)
+   {
+     PoomaCTAssert<(D == 3)>::test();
+     (*this)(0) = x1;
+     (*this)(1) = x2;
+     (*this)(2) = x3;
+   }
+   template<class X1, class X2, class X3, class X4, class X5, class X6>
+   TensorEngine(const X1& x1, const X2& x2, const X3& x3, const X4& x4,
+                const X5& x5, const X6& x6)
+   {
+     PoomaCTAssert<(D == 4)>::test();
+     (*this)(0) = x1;
+     (*this)(1) = x2;
+     (*this)(2) = x3;
+     (*this)(3) = x4;
+     (*this)(4) = x5;
+     (*this)(5) = x6;
+   }
+   ~TensorEngine() {}
+   This_t&
+   operator=(const This_t& x)
+   {
+     if (this != &x) {
+       TensorAssign<This_t,This_t,OpAssign,0,d,0,d>::
+         apply(*this,x,OpAssign());
+     }
+     return *this;
+   }
+   template<class V>
+   This_t&
+   operator=(const V& x)
+   {
+     TensorAssign<This_t,V,OpAssign,0,d,0,d>::
+       apply(*this,x,OpAssign());
+     return *this;
+   }
+   template<int I, int J>
+   CTConstElementRef_t getIJ() const
+   {
+     PoomaCTAssert<((I >= 0) && (I < d) && (J >= 0) && (J < d))>::test();
+     if (I == J) {
+       return This_t::Zero;
+     } else {
+       int lo = I < J ? I : J;
+       int hi = I > J ? I : J;
+       int symmetrySign = I < J ? -1 : 1;
+       return symmetrySign * x_m[((hi - 1)*hi/2) + lo];
+     }
+   }
+   template<int I, int J>
+   CTElementRef_t getIJ()
+   {
+     PoomaCTAssert<((I >= 0) && (I < d) && (J >= 0) && (J < d) && (I > J))>::test();
+     return x_m[((I - 1)*I/2) + J];
+   }
+   ConstElementRef_t operator()(int i,int j) const
+   {
+     ;
+     if (i == j) {
+       return This_t::Zero;
+     } else if (i < j) {
+       return -x_m[((j - 1)*j/2) + i];
+     } else {
+       return x_m[((i - 1)*i/2) + j];
+     }
+   }
+   ElementRef_t operator()(int i,int j)
+   {
+     ;
+     if (i == j) {
+       return AssignProxy(This_t::Zero, 0);
+     } else {
+       int lo = i < j ? i : j;
+       int hi = i > j ? i : j;
+       return AssignProxy(x_m[((hi-1)*hi/2) + lo], i - j);
+     }
+   }
+   ConstElementRef_t operator()(int i) const
+   {
+     ;
+     return x_m[i];
+   }
+   ElementRef_t operator()(int i)
+   {
+     ;
+     return AssignProxy(x_m[i], 1);
+   }
+   const T* data() const{
+     return (const T*) &x_m[0];
+   }
+   T* data(){
+     return (T*) &x_m[0];
+   }
+   inline void reverseBytes()
+   {
+     const int sz = TensorStorageSize<d, EngineTag_t>::Size;
+     for (int i = 0; i < sz; ++i)
+       ::reverseBytes(x_m[i]);
+   }
+ private:
+   T x_m[TensorStorageSize<d, EngineTag_t>::Size];
+   static T Zero;
+ };
+ template<int D, class T>
+ T TensorEngine<D,T,Antisymmetric>::Zero = 0.0;
+ template<class T, class T2, class Op>
+ struct TensorAssign<TensorEngine<1,T,Antisymmetric>,T2,Op,0,1,0,1>
+ {
+   static void apply(TensorEngine<1,T,Antisymmetric> &x, const T2 &y,
+                     Op op=Op())
+   { }
+ };
+ template<class T, class T2, class Op>
+ struct TensorAssign<TensorEngine<2,T,Antisymmetric>,T2,Op,0,2,0,2>
+ {
+   static void apply(TensorEngine<2,T,Antisymmetric> &x, const T2 &y,
+                     Op op=Op())
+   {
+     TensorAssign<TensorEngine<2,T,Antisymmetric>,T2,Op,1,1,0,1>::apply(x,y,op);
+   }
+ };
+ template<class T, class T2, class Op>
+ struct TensorAssign<TensorEngine<3,T,Antisymmetric>,T2,Op,0,3,0,3>
+ {
+   static void apply(TensorEngine<3,T,Antisymmetric> &x, const T2 &y,
+       Op op=Op())
+   {
+     TensorAssign<TensorEngine<3,T,Antisymmetric>,T2,Op,1,1,0,1>::apply(x,y,op);
+     TensorAssign<TensorEngine<3,T,Antisymmetric>,T2,Op,2,1,0,2>::apply(x,y,op);
+   }
+ };
+ template<int D, class T>
+ class TensorEngine<D, T, Symmetric>
+ {
+ public:
+   enum { dimensions=2 };
+   enum { d=D };
+   typedef T Element_t;
+   typedef Symmetric EngineTag_t;
+   typedef T& ElementRef_t;
+   typedef const T& ConstElementRef_t;
+   typedef T& CTElementRef_t;
+   typedef const T& CTConstElementRef_t;
+   typedef TensorEngine<D,T,Symmetric> This_t;
+   TensorEngine()
+   {
+     PoomaCTAssert<(ElementProperties<T>::hasTrivialDefaultConstructor && ElementProperties<T>::hasTrivialDestructor && ElementProperties<T>::concrete)>::test();
+   }
+   TensorEngine(const TensorEngine<D,T,Symmetric> &x)
+   {
+     TensorAssign<This_t,This_t,OpAssign,0,d,0,d>::
+       apply(*this,x,OpAssign());
+   }
+   template<class X>
+   explicit TensorEngine(const X &x)
+   {
+     *this = x;
+   }
+   explicit TensorEngine(const T &x) {
+     for (int i = 0; i < TensorStorageSize<d, EngineTag_t>::Size; i++) {
+       x_m[i] = x;
+     }
+   }
+   template<class X1, class X2, class X3>
+   TensorEngine(const X1 &x1, const X2 &x2, const X3 &x3)
+   {
+     PoomaCTAssert<(D == 2)>::test();
+     (*this)(0) = x1;
+     (*this)(1) = x2;
+     (*this)(2) = x3;
+   }
+   template<class X1, class X2, class X3, class X4, class X5, class X6>
+   TensorEngine(const X1 &x1, const X2 &x2, const X3 &x3, const X4 &x4,
+                const X5 &x5, const X6 &x6)
+   {
+     PoomaCTAssert<(D == 3)>::test();
+     (*this)(0) = x1;
+     (*this)(1) = x2;
+     (*this)(2) = x3;
+     (*this)(3) = x4;
+     (*this)(4) = x5;
+     (*this)(5) = x6;
+   }
+   ~TensorEngine() {}
+   This_t&
+   operator=(const This_t &x)
+   {
+     if (this != &x) {
+       TensorAssign<This_t,This_t,OpAssign,0,d,0,d>::
+         apply(*this,x,OpAssign());
+     }
+     return *this;
+   }
+   template<class V>
+   This_t&
+   operator=(const V &x)
+   {
+     TensorAssign<This_t,V,OpAssign,0,d,0,d>::
+       apply(*this,x,OpAssign());
+     return *this;
+   }
+   template<int I, int J>
+   CTConstElementRef_t getIJ() const
+   {
+     PoomaCTAssert<((I >= 0) && (I < D) && (J >= 0) && (J < D))>::test();
+     int lo = I < J ? I : J;
+     int hi = I > J ? I : J;
+     return x_m[((hi + 1)*hi/2) + lo];
+   }
+   template<int I, int J>
+   CTElementRef_t getIJ()
+   {
+     PoomaCTAssert<((I >= 0) && (I < D) && (J >= 0) && (J < D))>::test();
+     int lo = I < J ? I : J;
+     int hi = I > J ? I : J;
+     return x_m[((hi + 1)*hi/2) + lo];
+   }
+   ConstElementRef_t operator()(int i,int j) const
+   {
+     ;
+     int lo = i < j ? i : j;
+     int hi = i > j ? i : j;
+     return x_m[((hi + 1)*hi/2) + lo];
+   }
+   ElementRef_t operator()(int i,int j)
+   {
+     ;
+     int lo = i < j ? i : j;
+     int hi = i > j ? i : j;
+     return x_m[((hi + 1)*hi/2) + lo];
+   }
+   ConstElementRef_t operator()(int i) const
+   {
+     ;
+     return x_m[i];
+   }
+   ElementRef_t operator()(int i)
+   {
+     ;
+     return x_m[i];
+   }
+   const T* data() const{
+     return (const T*) &x_m[0];
+   }
+   T* data(){
+     return (T*) &x_m[0];
+   }
+   inline void reverseBytes()
+   {
+     const int sz = TensorStorageSize<d, EngineTag_t>::Size;
+     for (int i = 0; i < sz; ++i)
+       ::reverseBytes(x_m[i]);
+   }
+ private:
+   T x_m[TensorStorageSize<d, EngineTag_t>::Size];
+ };
+ template<class T, class T2, class Op>
+ struct TensorAssign<TensorEngine<2,T,Symmetric>,T2,Op,0,2,0,2>
+ {
+   static void apply(TensorEngine<2,T,Symmetric> &x, const T2 &y,
+                     Op op=Op())
+   {
+     TensorAssign<TensorEngine<2,T,Symmetric>,T2,Op,0,1,0,1>::apply(x,y,op);
+     TensorAssign<TensorEngine<2,T,Symmetric>,T2,Op,1,1,0,2>::apply(x,y,op);
+   }
+ };
+ template<class T, class T2, class Op>
+ struct TensorAssign<TensorEngine<3,T,Symmetric>,T2,Op,0,3,0,3>
+ {
+   static void apply(TensorEngine<3,T,Symmetric> &x, const T2 &y,
+                     Op op=Op())
+   {
+     TensorAssign<TensorEngine<3,T,Symmetric>,T2,Op,0,1,0,1>::apply(x,y,op);
+     TensorAssign<TensorEngine<3,T,Symmetric>,T2,Op,1,1,0,2>::apply(x,y,op);
+     TensorAssign<TensorEngine<3,T,Symmetric>,T2,Op,2,1,0,3>::apply(x,y,op);
+   }
+ };
+ template<int D, class T>
+ class TensorEngine<D, T, Diagonal>
+ {
+ public:
+   enum { dimensions=2 };
+   enum { d=D };
+   typedef T Element_t;
+   typedef Diagonal EngineTag_t;
+   class AssignProxy {
+   public:
+     AssignProxy(Element_t &elem, int where)
+       : elem_m(elem), where_m(where) { }
+     AssignProxy(const AssignProxy &model)
+       : elem_m(model.elem_m), where_m(where_m) { }
+     AssignProxy &operator=(const AssignProxy &a) const
+     {
+       ;
+       elem_m = a.elem_m;
+       return const_cast<AssignProxy &>(*this);
+     }
+     AssignProxy &operator=(const Element_t &e) const
+     {
+       ;
+       elem_m = e;
+       return const_cast<AssignProxy &>(*this);
+     }
+     operator Element_t() const
+     {
+       return (elem_m);
+     }
+   private:
+     mutable Element_t &elem_m;
+     mutable int where_m;
+   };
+   typedef AssignProxy ElementRef_t;
+   typedef T ConstElementRef_t;
+   typedef T& CTElementRef_t;
+   typedef T CTConstElementRef_t;
+   typedef TensorEngine<D,T,Diagonal> This_t;
+   TensorEngine()
+   {
+     PoomaCTAssert<(ElementProperties<T>::hasTrivialDefaultConstructor && ElementProperties<T>::hasTrivialDestructor && ElementProperties<T>::concrete)>::test();
+   }
+   TensorEngine(const TensorEngine<D,T,Diagonal> &x)
+   {
+     TensorAssign<This_t,This_t,OpAssign,0,d,0,d>::
+       apply(*this,x,OpAssign());
+   }
+   template<class X>
+   explicit TensorEngine(const X &x)
+   {
+     *this = x;
+   }
+   explicit TensorEngine(const T &x) {
+     for (int i = 0; i < TensorStorageSize<d, EngineTag_t>::Size; i++) {
+       x_m[i] = x;
+     }
+   }
+   template<class X1, class X2>
+   TensorEngine(const X1 &x1, const X2 &x2)
+   {
+     PoomaCTAssert<(D == 2)>::test();
+     (*this)(0) = x1;
+     (*this)(1) = x2;
+   }
+   template<class X1, class X2, class X3>
+   TensorEngine(const X1 &x1, const X2 &x2, const X3 &x3)
+   {
+     PoomaCTAssert<(D == 3)>::test();
+     (*this)(0) = x1;
+     (*this)(1) = x2;
+     (*this)(2) = x3;
+   }
+   template<class X1, class X2, class X3, class X4>
+   TensorEngine(const X1 &x1, const X2 &x2, const X3 &x3, const X4 &x4)
+   {
+     PoomaCTAssert<(D == 4)>::test();
+     (*this)(0) = x1;
+     (*this)(1) = x2;
+     (*this)(2) = x3;
+     (*this)(3) = x4;
+   }
+   template<class X1, class X2, class X3, class X4, class X5>
+   TensorEngine(const X1 &x1, const X2 &x2, const X3 &x3, const X4 &x4,
+                const X5 &x5)
+   {
+     PoomaCTAssert<(D == 5)>::test();
+     (*this)(0) = x1;
+     (*this)(1) = x2;
+     (*this)(2) = x3;
+     (*this)(3) = x4;
+     (*this)(4) = x5;
+   }
+   template<class X1, class X2, class X3, class X4, class X5, class X6>
+   TensorEngine(const X1 &x1, const X2 &x2, const X3 &x3, const X4 &x4,
+                const X5 &x5, const X6 &x6)
+   {
+     PoomaCTAssert<(D == 6)>::test();
+     (*this)(0) = x1;
+     (*this)(1) = x2;
+     (*this)(2) = x3;
+     (*this)(3) = x4;
+     (*this)(4) = x5;
+     (*this)(5) = x6;
+   }
+   template<class X1, class X2, class X3, class X4, class X5, class X6,
+     class X7>
+   TensorEngine(const X1 &x1, const X2 &x2, const X3 &x3, const X4 &x4,
+                const X5 &x5, const X6 &x6, const X7 &x7)
+   {
+     PoomaCTAssert<(D == 7)>::test();
+     (*this)(0) = x1;
+     (*this)(1) = x2;
+     (*this)(2) = x3;
+     (*this)(3) = x4;
+     (*this)(4) = x5;
+     (*this)(5) = x6;
+     (*this)(6) = x7;
+   }
+   ~TensorEngine() {}
+   This_t&
+   operator=(const This_t &x)
+   {
+     if (this != &x) {
+       TensorAssign<This_t,This_t,OpAssign,0,d,0,d>::
+         apply(*this,x,OpAssign());
+     }
+     return *this;
+   }
+   template<class V>
+   This_t&
+   operator=(const V &x)
+   {
+     TensorAssign<This_t,V,OpAssign,0,d,0,d>::
+       apply(*this,x,OpAssign());
+     return *this;
+   }
+   template<int I, int J>
+   CTConstElementRef_t getIJ() const
+   {
+     PoomaCTAssert<((I >= 0) && (I < d) && (J >= 0) && (J < d))>::test();
+     if (I != J) {
+       return This_t::Zero;
+     } else {
+       return x_m[I];
+     }
+   }
+   template<int I, int J>
+   CTElementRef_t getIJ()
+   {
+     PoomaCTAssert<((I >= 0) && (I < d) && (J >= 0) && (J < d))>::test();
+     PoomaCTAssert<(I == J)>::test();
+     return x_m[I];
+   }
+   ConstElementRef_t operator()(int i, int j) const
+   {
+     ;
+     if (i != j) {
+       return This_t::Zero;
+     } else {
+       return x_m[i];
+     }
+   }
+   ElementRef_t operator()(int i, int j)
+   {
+     ;
+     if (i != j) {
+       return AssignProxy(This_t::Zero, 0);
+     } else {
+       return AssignProxy(x_m[i], 1);
+     }
+   }
+   ConstElementRef_t operator()(int i) const
+   {
+     ;
+     return x_m[i];
+   }
+   ElementRef_t operator()(int i)
+   {
+     ;
+     return AssignProxy(x_m[i], 1);
+   }
+   const T* data() const{
+     return (const T*) &x_m[0];
+   }
+   T* data(){
+     return (T*) &x_m[0];
+   }
+   inline void reverseBytes()
+   {
+     const int sz = TensorStorageSize<d, EngineTag_t>::Size;
+     for (int i = 0; i < sz; ++i)
+       ::reverseBytes(x_m[i]);
+   }
+ private:
+   T x_m[TensorStorageSize<d, EngineTag_t>::Size];
+   static T Zero;
+ };
+ template<int D, class T>
+ T TensorEngine<D,T,Diagonal>::Zero = 0.0;
+ template<class T, class T2, class Op>
+ struct TensorAssign<TensorEngine<2,T,Diagonal>,T2,Op,0,2,0,2>
+ {
+   static void apply(TensorEngine<2,T,Diagonal> &x, const T2 &y, Op op=Op())
+   {
+     TensorAssign<TensorEngine<2,T,Diagonal>,T2,Op,0,1,0,1>::apply(x,y,op);
+     TensorAssign<TensorEngine<2,T,Diagonal>,T2,Op,1,1,1,1>::apply(x,y,op);
+   }
+ };
+ template<class T, class T2, class Op>
+ struct TensorAssign<TensorEngine<3,T,Diagonal>,T2,Op,0,3,0,3>
+ {
+   static void apply(TensorEngine<3,T,Diagonal> &x, const T2 &y, Op op=Op())
+   {
+     TensorAssign<TensorEngine<3,T,Diagonal>,T2,Op,0,1,0,1>::apply(x,y,op);
+     TensorAssign<TensorEngine<3,T,Diagonal>,T2,Op,1,1,1,1>::apply(x,y,op);
+     TensorAssign<TensorEngine<3,T,Diagonal>,T2,Op,2,1,2,1>::apply(x,y,op);
+   }
+ };
+ template<class T, class Components> struct ComponentAccess;
+ template<int D, class T, class E, int N>
+ struct ComponentAccess< Tensor<D, T, E>, Loc<N> >
+ {
+   typedef Tensor<D, T, E> V;
+   typedef typename V::Element_t Element_t;
+   typedef typename V::ElementRef_t ElementRef_t;
+   static inline ElementRef_t indexRef(V &t, const Loc<N> &l)
+   {
+     PoomaCTAssert<(N==2)>::test();
+     return t(l[0].first(), l[1].first());
+   }
+   static inline Element_t index(const V &t, const Loc<N> &l)
+   {
+     PoomaCTAssert<(N==2)>::test();
+     return t(l[0].first(), l[1].first());
+   }
+ };
+ template<int D, class T, int I, int J>
+ struct TensorElem< TensorEngine<D,T,Full> , I , J>
+ {
+   typedef TensorEngine<D,T,Full> V;
+   typedef TensorEngineElem<D,T,Full,I,J,
+     Writable<D,Full,I,J>::value> TE;
+   typedef typename TE::Element_t Element_t;
+   typedef typename TE::ConstElementRef_t ConstElementRef_t;
+   typedef typename TE::ElementRef_t ElementRef_t;
+   static ConstElementRef_t get(const V& x) { return TE::get(x); }
+   static ElementRef_t get(V& x) { return TE::get(x); }
+ };
+ template<int D, class T, int I, int J>
+ struct TensorElem< TensorEngine<D,T,Antisymmetric> , I , J>
+ {
+   typedef TensorEngine<D,T,Antisymmetric> V;
+   typedef TensorEngineElem<D,T,Antisymmetric,I,J,
+     Writable<D,Antisymmetric,I,J>::value> TE;
+   typedef typename TE::Element_t Element_t;
+   typedef typename TE::ConstElementRef_t ConstElementRef_t;
+   typedef typename TE::ElementRef_t ElementRef_t;
+   static ConstElementRef_t get(const V& x) { return TE::get(x); }
+   static ElementRef_t get(V& x) { return TE::get(x); }
+ };
+ template<int D, class T, int I, int J>
+ struct TensorElem< TensorEngine<D,T,Symmetric> , I , J>
+ {
+   typedef TensorEngine<D,T,Symmetric> V;
+   typedef TensorEngineElem<D,T,Symmetric,I,J,
+     Writable<D,Symmetric,I,J>::value> TE;
+   typedef typename TE::Element_t Element_t;
+   typedef typename TE::ConstElementRef_t ConstElementRef_t;
+   typedef typename TE::ElementRef_t ElementRef_t;
+   static ConstElementRef_t get(const V& x) { return TE::get(x); }
+   static ElementRef_t get(V& x) { return TE::get(x); }
+ };
+ template<int D, class T, int I, int J>
+ struct TensorElem< TensorEngine<D,T,Diagonal> , I , J>
+ {
+   typedef TensorEngine<D,T,Diagonal> V;
+   typedef TensorEngineElem<D,T,Diagonal,I,J,
+     Writable<D,Diagonal,I,J>::value> TE;
+   typedef typename TE::Element_t Element_t;
+   typedef typename TE::ConstElementRef_t ConstElementRef_t;
+   typedef typename TE::ElementRef_t ElementRef_t;
+   static ConstElementRef_t get(const V& x) { return TE::get(x); }
+   static ElementRef_t get(V& x) { return TE::get(x); }
+ };
+ template<class OutputEngineTag, int D, class T, class EngineTag>
+ class Symmetrize;
+ template<class OutputEngineTag, int D, class T, class EngineTag>
+ Tensor<D, T, OutputEngineTag>
+ symmetrize(const Tensor<D, T, EngineTag> &x)
+ {
+   Symmetrize<OutputEngineTag, D, T, EngineTag> s;
+   return s.apply(x);
+ }
+ template<class OutputEngineTag, int D, class T, class E>
+ struct UnaryReturn< Tensor<D,T,E> , FnSymmetrize<OutputEngineTag> >
+ {
+   typedef Tensor<D,T,OutputEngineTag> Type_t;
+ };
+ template<class OutputEngineTag, int D, class T, class EngineTag>
+ class Symmetrize
+ {
+ public:
+   Symmetrize() {};
+   Tensor<D, T, OutputEngineTag>
+   apply(const Tensor<D, T, EngineTag> &x) {
+     Tensor<D, T, OutputEngineTag> y(-99.99);
+     return y;
+   }
+ };
+ template<int D, class T, class EngineTag>
+ class Symmetrize<Symmetric, D, T, EngineTag>
+ {
+ public:
+   Tensor<D, T, Symmetric>
+   apply(const Tensor<D, T, EngineTag> &x)
+   {
+     Tensor<D, T, Symmetric> y;
+     for (int i = 0; i < D; i++) {
+       y(i,i) = x(i,i);
+       for (int j = i + 1; j < D; j++) {
+         y(i,j) = (x(i,j) + x(j,i))*0.5;
+       }
+     }
+     return y;
+   }
+ };
+ template<int D, class T>
+ class Symmetrize<Symmetric, D, T, Antisymmetric>
+ {
+ public:
+   Tensor<D, T, Symmetric>
+   apply(const Tensor<D, T, Antisymmetric> &x)
+   {
+     Tensor<D, T, Symmetric> y(0.0);
+     return y;
+   }
+ };
+ template<int D, class T>
+ class Symmetrize<Symmetric, D, T, Diagonal>
+ {
+ public:
+   Tensor<D, T, Symmetric>
+   apply(const Tensor<D, T, Diagonal> &x)
+   {
+     Tensor<D, T, Symmetric> y(0.0);
+     for (int i = 0; i < D; i++) {
+       y(i,i) = x(i,i);
+     }
+     return y;
+   }
+ };
+ template<int D, class T, class EngineTag>
+ class Symmetrize<Antisymmetric, D, T, EngineTag>
+ {
+ public:
+   Tensor<D, T, Antisymmetric>
+   apply(const Tensor<D, T, EngineTag> &x)
+   {
+     Tensor<D, T, Antisymmetric> y;
+     for (int i = 1; i < D; i++) {
+       for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) {
+         y(((i - 1)*i/2)+j) = (x(i,j) - x(j,i))*0.5;
+       }
+     }
+     return y;
+   }
+ };
+ template<int D, class T>
+ class Symmetrize<Antisymmetric, D, T, Symmetric>
+ {
+ public:
+   Tensor<D, T, Antisymmetric>
+   apply(const Tensor<D, T, Symmetric> &x)
+   {
+     Tensor<D, T, Antisymmetric> y(0.0);
+     return y;
+   }
+ };
+ template<int D, class T>
+ class Symmetrize<Antisymmetric, D, T, Diagonal>
+ {
+ public:
+   Tensor<D, T, Antisymmetric>
+   apply(const Tensor<D, T, Diagonal> &x)
+   {
+     Tensor<D, T, Antisymmetric> y(0.0);
+     return y;
+   }
+ };
+ template<int D, class T, class EngineTag>
+ class Symmetrize<Diagonal, D, T, EngineTag>
+ {
+ public:
+   Tensor<D, T, Diagonal>
+   apply(const Tensor<D, T, EngineTag> &x)
+   {
+     Tensor<D, T, Diagonal> y;
+     for (int i = 0; i < D; i++) {
+       y(i) = x(i,i);
+     }
+     return y;
+   }
+ };
+ template<int D, class T>
+ class Symmetrize<Diagonal, D, T, Antisymmetric>
+ {
+ public:
+   Tensor<D, T, Diagonal>
+   apply(const Tensor<D, T, Antisymmetric> &x)
+   {
+     Tensor<D, T, Diagonal> y(0.0);
+     return y;
+   }
+ };
+ template<int D, class T>
+ class Symmetrize<Diagonal, D, T, Symmetric>
+ {
+ public:
+   Tensor<D, T, Diagonal>
+   apply(const Tensor<D, T, Symmetric> &x)
+   {
+     Tensor<D, T, Diagonal> y(0.0);
+     for (int i = 0; i < D; i++) {
+       y(i) = x(i,i);
+     }
+     return y;
+   }
+ };
+ template<int D, class T, class EngineTag>
+ class Symmetrize<Full, D, T, EngineTag>
+ {
+ public:
+   Tensor<D, T, Full>
+   apply(const Tensor<D, T, EngineTag> &x)
+   {
+     Tensor<D, T, Full> y;
+     for (int i = 0; i < D; i++) {
+       for (int j = 0; j < D; j++) {
+         y(i,j) = x(i,j);
+       }
+     }
+     return y;
+   }
+ };
+ template<int D, class T, class E> class Tensor;
+ template<int D, class T, class E> class TensorEngine;
+ template<int D, class T, class E> class Vector;
+ template<int D, class T, class E> class VectorEngine;
+ template<class V1, class T2, int I, int B, int L>
+ struct VectorDotTensor
+ {
+   typedef typename VectorDotTensor<V1,T2,I,B,L/2>::Type_t E1;
+   typedef typename VectorDotTensor<V1,T2,I,B+L/2,L-L/2>::Type_t E2;
+   typedef typename BinaryReturn<E1,E2,OpAdd>::Type_t Type_t;
+   static Type_t get(const V1& v1, const T2& t2)
+     {
+       return
+         VectorDotTensor<V1,T2,I,B,L/2>::get(v1,t2) +
+         VectorDotTensor<V1,T2,I,B+L/2,L-L/2>::get(v1,t2);
+     }
+ };
+ template<class V1, class T2, int I, int B>
+ struct VectorDotTensor<V1,T2,I,B,1>
+ {
+   typedef typename VectorElem<V1,B>::Element_t E1;
+   typedef typename TensorElem<T2,B,I>::Element_t E2;
+   typedef typename BinaryReturn<E1,E2,OpMultiply>::Type_t Type_t;
+   static Type_t get(const V1& v1, const T2& t2)
+     {
+       return VectorElem<V1,B>::get(v1) * TensorElem<T2,B,I>::get(t2);
+     }
+ };
+ template<int D, class T1, class T2, class T3, class E1, class E2, int I>
+ struct VectorEngineElem<D,T3,
+   BinaryVectorOp<Vector<D,T1,E1>,Tensor<D,T2,E2>,FnDot>,I>
+ {
+   typedef Vector<D,T1,E1> V1;
+   typedef Tensor<D,T2,E2> V2;
+   typedef VectorEngine<D,T3,BinaryVectorOp<V1,V2,FnDot> > V;
+   typedef typename VectorDotTensor<V1,V2,I,0,D>::Type_t T0;
+   typedef T0 Element_t;
+   typedef T0 ConstElementRef_t;
+   typedef T0 ElementRef_t;
+   static T0 get(const V& x)
+     {
+       return VectorDotTensor<V1,V2,I,0,D>::get(x.v1_m,x.v2_m);
+     }
+ };
+ template<int D, class T1, class T2, class E1, class E2>
+ struct BinaryReturn< Vector<D,T1,E1> , Tensor<D,T2,E2> , FnDot >
+ {
+   typedef typename BinaryReturn<T1,T2,OpMultiply>::Type_t T0;
+   typedef Vector<D,T0,Full> Type_t;
+ };
+ template<int D, class T1, class T2, class E1, class E2>
+ inline
+ typename BinaryReturn< Vector<D,T1,E1>,Tensor<D,T2,E2> , FnDot >::Type_t
+ dot( const Vector<D,T1,E1>& v1, const Tensor<D,T2,E2>& v2 )
+ {
+   typedef Vector<D,T1,E1> V1;
+   typedef Tensor<D,T2,E2> V2;
+   typedef typename BinaryReturn<V1,V2,FnDot>::Type_t Return_t;
+   typedef typename Return_t::Element_t T3;
+   typedef Vector<D,T3,BinaryVectorOp<V1,V2,FnDot> > Expr_t;
+   return Return_t( Expr_t(v1,v2) );
+ }
+ template<class T1, class V2, int I, int B, int L>
+ struct TensorDotVector
+ {
+   typedef typename TensorDotVector<T1,V2,I,B,L/2>::Type_t E1;
+   typedef typename TensorDotVector<T1,V2,I,B+L/2,L-L/2>::Type_t E2;
+   typedef typename BinaryReturn<E1,E2,OpAdd>::Type_t Type_t;
+   static Type_t get(const T1& t1, const V2& v2)
+     {
+       return
+         TensorDotVector<T1,V2,I,B,L/2>::get(t1,v2) +
+         TensorDotVector<T1,V2,I,B+L/2,L-L/2>::get(t1,v2);
+     }
+ };
+ template<class T1, class V2, int I, int B>
+ struct TensorDotVector<T1,V2,I,B,1>
+ {
+   typedef typename TensorElem<T1,I,B>::Element_t E1;
+   typedef typename VectorElem<V2,B>::Element_t E2;
+   typedef typename BinaryReturn<E1,E2,OpMultiply>::Type_t Type_t;
+   static Type_t get(const T1& t1, const V2& v2)
+     {
+       return TensorElem<T1,I,B>::get(t1) * VectorElem<V2,B>::get(v2);
+     }
+ };
+ template<int D, class T1, class T2, class T3, class E1, class E2, int I>
+ struct VectorEngineElem<D,T3,
+   BinaryVectorOp<Tensor<D,T1,E1>,Vector<D,T2,E2>,FnDot>,I>
+ {
+   typedef Tensor<D,T1,E1> V1;
+   typedef Vector<D,T2,E2> V2;
+   typedef VectorEngine<D,T3,BinaryVectorOp<V1,V2,FnDot> > V;
+   typedef typename TensorDotVector<V1,V2,I,0,D>::Type_t T0;
+   typedef T0 Element_t;
+   typedef T0 ConstElementRef_t;
+   typedef T0 ElementRef_t;
+   static T0 get(const V& x)
+     {
+       return TensorDotVector<V1,V2,I,0,D>::get(x.v1_m,x.v2_m);
+     }
+ };
+ template<int D, class T1, class T2, class E1, class E2>
+ struct BinaryReturn< Tensor<D,T1,E1> , Vector<D,T2,E2> , FnDot >
+ {
+   typedef typename BinaryReturn<T1,T2,OpMultiply>::Type_t T0;
+   typedef Vector<D,T0,Full> Type_t;
+ };
+ template<int D, class T1, class T2, class E1, class E2>
+ inline
+ typename BinaryReturn< Tensor<D,T1,E1> , Vector<D,T2,E2>, FnDot >::Type_t
+ dot( const Tensor<D,T1,E1>& v1 , const Vector<D,T2,E2>& v2 )
+ {
+   typedef Tensor<D,T1,E1> V1;
+   typedef Vector<D,T2,E2> V2;
+   typedef typename BinaryReturn<V1,V2,FnDot>::Type_t Return_t;
+   typedef typename Return_t::Element_t T3;
+   typedef Vector<D,T3,BinaryVectorOp<V1,V2,FnDot> > Expr_t;
+   return Return_t( Expr_t(v1,v2) );
+ }
+ template<int D, class T1, class T2, class E1, class E2>
+ struct BinaryReturn< Vector<D,T1,E1> , Vector<D,T2,E2>, FnOuterProduct >
+ {
+   typedef typename BinaryReturn<T1, T2, OpMultiply>::Type_t T0;
+   typedef Tensor<D, T0> Type_t;
+ };
+ template<int D, class T1, class T2, class E1, class E2>
+ inline
+ typename BinaryReturn<Vector<D,T1,E1>, Vector<D,T2,E2>, FnOuterProduct>::Type_t
+ outerProduct(const Vector<D,T1,E1> &v1, const Vector<D,T2,E2> &v2 )
+ {
+   typedef typename
+     BinaryReturn<Vector<D,T1,E1>, Vector<D,T2,E2>, FnOuterProduct>::Type_t
+     Return_t;
+   Return_t ret;
+   for (int i = 0; i < D; ++i)
+     for (int j = 0; j < D; ++j)
+       ret(i, j) = v1(i) * v2(j);
+   return ret;
+ }
+ template<int D1, int D2, class T, class E> class TinyMatrix;
+ template<int D1, int D2, class T, class E> class TinyMatrixEngine;
+ template<int D, class T, class E> class Vector;
+ template<int D, class T, class E> class VectorEngine;
+ template<class V1, class T2, int I, int B, int L>
+ struct VectorDotTinyMatrix
+ {
+   typedef typename VectorDotTinyMatrix<V1,T2,I,B,L/2>::Type_t E1;
+   typedef typename VectorDotTinyMatrix<V1,T2,I,B+L/2,L-L/2>::Type_t E2;
+   typedef typename BinaryReturn<E1,E2,OpAdd>::Type_t Type_t;
+   static Type_t get(const V1& v1, const T2& t2)
+     {
+       return
+         VectorDotTinyMatrix<V1,T2,I,B,L/2>::get(v1,t2) +
+         VectorDotTinyMatrix<V1,T2,I,B+L/2,L-L/2>::get(v1,t2);
+     }
+ };
+ template<class V1, class T2, int I, int B>
+ struct VectorDotTinyMatrix<V1,T2,I,B,1>
+ {
+   typedef typename VectorElem<V1,B>::Element_t E1;
+   typedef typename TinyMatrixElem<T2,B,I>::Element_t E2;
+   typedef typename BinaryReturn<E1,E2,OpMultiply>::Type_t Type_t;
+   static Type_t get(const V1& v1, const T2& t2)
+     {
+       return VectorElem<V1,B>::get(v1) * TinyMatrixElem<T2,B,I>::get(t2);
+     }
+ };
+ template<int D1, int D2, class T1, class T2, class T3, class E1, class E2, int I>
+ struct VectorEngineElem<D2,T3,
+   BinaryVectorOp<Vector<D1,T1,E1>,TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T2,E2>,FnDot>,I>
+ {
+   typedef Vector<D1,T1,E1> V1;
+   typedef TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T2,E2> V2;
+   typedef VectorEngine<D2,T3,BinaryVectorOp<V1,V2,FnDot> > V;
+   typedef typename VectorDotTinyMatrix<V1,V2,I,0,D1>::Type_t T0;
+   typedef T0 Element_t;
+   typedef T0 ConstElementRef_t;
+   typedef T0 ElementRef_t;
+   static T0 get(const V& x)
+     {
+       return VectorDotTinyMatrix<V1,V2,I,0,D1>::get(x.v1_m,x.v2_m);
+     }
+ };
+ template<int D1, int D2, class T1, class T2, class E1, class E2>
+ struct BinaryReturn< Vector<D1,T1,E1> , TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T2,E2> , FnDot >
+ {
+   typedef typename BinaryReturn<T1,T2,OpMultiply>::Type_t T0;
+   typedef Vector<D2,T0,Full> Type_t;
+ };
+ template<int D1, int D2, class T1, class T2, class E1, class E2>
+ inline
+ typename BinaryReturn< Vector<D1,T1,E1>,TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T2,E2> , FnDot >::Type_t
+ dot( const Vector<D1,T1,E1>& v1, const TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T2,E2>& v2 )
+ {
+   typedef Vector<D1,T1,E1> V1;
+   typedef TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T2,E2> V2;
+   typedef typename BinaryReturn<V1,V2,FnDot>::Type_t Return_t;
+   typedef typename Return_t::Element_t T3;
+   typedef Vector<D2,T3,BinaryVectorOp<V1,V2,FnDot> > Expr_t;
+   return Return_t( Expr_t(v1,v2) );
+ }
+ template<class T1, class V2, int I, int B, int L>
+ struct TinyMatrixDotVector
+ {
+   typedef typename TinyMatrixDotVector<T1,V2,I,B,L/2>::Type_t E1;
+   typedef typename TinyMatrixDotVector<T1,V2,I,B+L/2,L-L/2>::Type_t E2;
+   typedef typename BinaryReturn<E1,E2,OpAdd>::Type_t Type_t;
+   static Type_t get(const T1& t1, const V2& v2)
+     {
+       return
+         TinyMatrixDotVector<T1,V2,I,B,L/2>::get(t1,v2) +
+         TinyMatrixDotVector<T1,V2,I,B+L/2,L-L/2>::get(t1,v2);
+     }
+ };
+ template<class T1, class V2, int I, int B>
+ struct TinyMatrixDotVector<T1,V2,I,B,1>
+ {
+   typedef typename TinyMatrixElem<T1,I,B>::Element_t E1;
+   typedef typename VectorElem<V2,B>::Element_t E2;
+   typedef typename BinaryReturn<E1,E2,OpMultiply>::Type_t Type_t;
+   static Type_t get(const T1& t1, const V2& v2)
+     {
+       return TinyMatrixElem<T1,I,B>::get(t1) * VectorElem<V2,B>::get(v2);
+     }
+ };
+ template<int D1, int D2, class T1, class T2, class T3, class E1, class E2, int I>
+ struct VectorEngineElem<D1,T3,
+   BinaryVectorOp<TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T1,E1>,Vector<D2,T2,E2>,FnDot>,I>
+ {
+   typedef TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T1,E1> V1;
+   typedef Vector<D2,T2,E2> V2;
+   typedef VectorEngine<D1,T3,BinaryVectorOp<V1,V2,FnDot> > V;
+   typedef typename TinyMatrixDotVector<V1,V2,I,0,D2>::Type_t T0;
+   typedef T0 Element_t;
+   typedef T0 ConstElementRef_t;
+   typedef T0 ElementRef_t;
+   static T0 get(const V& x)
+     {
+       return TinyMatrixDotVector<V1,V2,I,0,D2>::get(x.v1_m,x.v2_m);
+     }
+ };
+ template<int D1, int D2, class T1, class T2, class E1, class E2>
+ struct BinaryReturn< TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T1,E1> , Vector<D2,T2,E2> , FnDot >
+ {
+   typedef typename BinaryReturn<T1,T2,OpMultiply>::Type_t T0;
+   typedef Vector<D1,T0,Full> Type_t;
+ };
+ template<int D1, int D2, class T1, class T2, class E1, class E2>
+ inline
+ typename BinaryReturn< TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T1,E1> , Vector<D2,T2,E2>, FnDot >::Type_t
+ dot( const TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T1,E1>& v1 , const Vector<D2,T2,E2>& v2 )
+ {
+   typedef TinyMatrix<D1,D2,T1,E1> V1;
+   typedef Vector<D2,T2,E2> V2;
+   typedef typename BinaryReturn<V1,V2,FnDot>::Type_t Return_t;
+   typedef typename Return_t::Element_t T3;
+   typedef Vector<D1,T3,BinaryVectorOp<V1,V2,FnDot> > Expr_t;
+   return Return_t( Expr_t(v1,v2) );
+ }
+ template<int D, class T1, class T2, class E1, class E2>
+ struct BinaryReturn< Vector<D,T1,E1> , Vector<D,T2,E2>, FnOuterProductAsTinyMatrix >
+ {
+   typedef typename BinaryReturn<T1, T2, OpMultiply>::Type_t T0;
+   typedef TinyMatrix<D, D, T0> Type_t;
+ };
+ template<int D, class T1, class T2, class E1, class E2>
+ inline
+ typename BinaryReturn<Vector<D,T1,E1>, Vector<D,T2,E2>, FnOuterProductAsTinyMatrix>::Type_t
+ outerProductAsTinyMatrix(const Vector<D,T1,E1> &v1, const Vector<D,T2,E2> &v2 )
+ {
+   typedef typename
+     BinaryReturn<Vector<D,T1,E1>, Vector<D,T2,E2>, FnOuterProduct>::Type_t
+     Return_t;
+   Return_t ret;
+   for (int i = 0; i < D; ++i)
+     for (int j = 0; j < D; ++j)
+       ret(i, j) = v1(i) * v2(j);
+   return ret;
+ }
+ template<int Dim, class T, class EngineTag, class Op>
+ inline T globalReduction(const Vector<Dim, T, EngineTag> &v,
+   const Op &op)
+ {
+   T val = v(0);
+   for (int i = 1; i < Dim; i++)
+     op(val, v(i));
+   return val;
+ }
+ template<int Dim, class T, class EngineTag, class Op>
+ inline T globalReduction(const Tensor<Dim, T, EngineTag> &t,
+   const Op &op)
+ {
+   T val = t(0, 0);
+   for (int k = 1; k < Dim; k++)
+     op(val, t(k, 0));
+   for (int j = 1; j < Dim; j++)
+     for (int i = 0; i < Dim; i++)
+       op(val, t(i, j));
+   return val;
+ }
+ template<int Dim, class T, class Op>
+ inline T globalReduction(const Tensor<Dim, T, Full> &t,
+   const Op &op)
+ {
+   T val = t(0, 0);
+   for (int i = 1; i < TensorStorageSize<Dim, Full>::Size; i++)
+     op(val, t(i));
+   return val;
+ }
+ template<int Dim, class T, class Op>
+ inline T globalReduction(const Tensor<Dim, T, Antisymmetric> &t,
+   const Op &op)
+ {
+   T val = t(0,0);
+   for (int i = 0; i < TensorStorageSize<Dim, Antisymmetric>::Size - 1 / Dim; i++)
+     {
+       op(val, t(i));
+       op(val, -t(i));
+     }
+   return val;
+ }
+ template<int Dim, class T, class Op>
+ inline T globalReduction(const Tensor<Dim, T, Diagonal> &t,
+   const Op &op)
+ {
+   T val = t(0);
+   for (int i = 1; i < TensorStorageSize<Dim, Diagonal>::Size; i++)
+     op(val, t(i));
+   if (Dim > 1)
+     op(val, T(0));
+   return val;
+ }
+ template<int Dim1, int Dim2, class T, class EngineTag, class Op>
+ inline T globalReduction(const TinyMatrix<Dim1, Dim2, T, EngineTag> &m,
+   const Op &op)
+ {
+   T val = m(0, 0);
+   for (int k = 1; k < Dim1; k++)
+     op(val, m(k, 0));
+   for (int j = 1; j < Dim2; j++)
+     for (int i = 0; i < Dim1; i++)
+       op(val, m(i, j));
+   return val;
+ }
+ template<int Dim1, int Dim2, class T, class Op>
+ inline T globalReduction(const TinyMatrix<Dim1, Dim2, T, Full> &m,
+   const Op &op)
+ {
+   T val = m(0, 0);
+   for (int i = 1; i < Dim1 * Dim2; i++)
+     op(val, m(i));
+   return val;
+ }
+ template<int Dim, class T, class EngineTag>
+ T sum(const Vector<Dim, T, EngineTag> &v)
+ {
+   return globalReduction(v, OpAddAssign());
+ }
+ template<int Dim, class T, class EngineTag>
+ T prod(const Vector<Dim, T, EngineTag> &v)
+ {
+   return globalReduction(v, OpMultiplyAssign());
+ }
+ template<int Dim, class T, class EngineTag>
+ T min(const Vector<Dim, T, EngineTag> &v)
+ {
+   return globalReduction(v, FnMinAssign());
+ }
+ template<int Dim, class T, class EngineTag>
+ T max(const Vector<Dim, T, EngineTag> &v)
+ {
+   return globalReduction(v, FnMaxAssign());
+ }
+ template<int Dim, class T, class EngineTag>
+ bool all(const Vector<Dim, T, EngineTag> &v)
+ {
+   for (int i = 0; i < Dim; i++)
+     if (!v(i))
+       return false;
+   return true;
+ }
+ template<int Dim, class T, class EngineTag>
+ bool any(const Vector<Dim, T, EngineTag> &v)
+ {
+   for (int i = 0; i < Dim; i++)
+     if (v(i))
+       return true;
+   return false;
+ }
+ template<int Dim, class T, class EngineTag>
+ T bitOr(const Vector<Dim, T, EngineTag> &v)
+ {
+   return globalReduction(v, OpBitwiseOrAssign());
+ }
+ template<int Dim, class T, class EngineTag>
+ T bitAnd(const Vector<Dim, T, EngineTag> &v)
+ {
+   return globalReduction(v, OpBitwiseAndAssign());
+ }
+ template<int Dim, class T, class EngineTag>
+ T sum(const Tensor<Dim, T, EngineTag> &t)
+ {
+   return globalReduction(t, OpAddAssign());
+ }
+ template<int Dim, class T>
+ T sum(const Tensor<Dim, T, Antisymmetric> &t)
+ {
+   return T(0);
+ }
+ template<int Dim, class T, class EngineTag>
+ T prod(const Tensor<Dim, T, EngineTag> &t)
+ {
+   return globalReduction(t, OpMultiplyAssign());
+ }
+ template<int Dim, class T>
+ T prod(const Tensor<Dim, T, Antisymmetric> &t)
+ {
+   return T(0);
+ }
+ template<int Dim, class T, class EngineTag>
+ T min(const Tensor<Dim, T, EngineTag> &t)
+ {
+   return globalReduction(t, FnMinAssign());
+ }
+ template<int Dim, class T, class EngineTag>
+ T max(const Tensor<Dim, T, EngineTag> &t)
+ {
+   return globalReduction(t, FnMaxAssign());
+ }
+ template<int Dim, class T, class EngineTag>
+ bool all(const Tensor<Dim, T, EngineTag> &t)
+ {
+   for (int j = 0; j < Dim; j++)
+     for (int i = 0; i < Dim; i++)
+       if (!t(i, j))
+         return false;
+   return true;
+ }
+ template<int Dim, class T>
+ bool all(const Tensor<Dim, T, Antisymmetric> &t)
+ {
+   return false;
+ }
+ template<int Dim, class T, class EngineTag>
+ bool any(const Tensor<Dim, T, EngineTag> &t)
+ {
+   for (int j = 0; j < Dim; j++)
+     for (int i = 0; i < Dim; i++)
+       if (t(i, j))
+         return true;
+   return false;
+ }
+ template<int Dim, class T, class EngineTag>
+ T bitOr(const Tensor<Dim, T, EngineTag> &t)
+ {
+   return globalReduction(t, OpBitwiseOrAssign());
+ }
+ template<int Dim, class T, class EngineTag>
+ T bitAnd(const Tensor<Dim, T, EngineTag> &t)
+ {
+   return globalReduction(t, OpBitwiseAndAssign());
+ }
+ template<int Dim1, int Dim2, class T, class EngineTag>
+ T sum(const TinyMatrix<Dim1, Dim2, T, EngineTag> &m)
+ {
+   return globalReduction(m, OpAddAssign());
+ }
+ template<int Dim1, int Dim2, class T, class EngineTag>
+ T prod(const TinyMatrix<Dim1, Dim2, T, EngineTag> &m)
+ {
+   return globalReduction(m, OpMultiplyAssign());
+ }
+ template<int Dim1, int Dim2, class T, class EngineTag>
+ T min(const TinyMatrix<Dim1, Dim2, T, EngineTag> &m)
+ {
+   return globalReduction(m, FnMinAssign());
+ }
+ template<int Dim1, int Dim2, class T, class EngineTag>
+ T max(const TinyMatrix<Dim1, Dim2, T, EngineTag> &m)
+ {
+   return globalReduction(m, FnMaxAssign());
+ }
+ template<int Dim1, int Dim2, class T, class EngineTag>
+ bool all(const TinyMatrix<Dim1, Dim2, T, EngineTag> &m)
+ {
+   for (int j = 0; j < Dim2; j++)
+     for (int i = 0; i < Dim1; i++)
+       if (!m(i, j))
+         return false;
+   return true;
+ }
+ template<int Dim1, int Dim2, class T, class EngineTag>
+ bool any(const TinyMatrix<Dim1, Dim2, T, EngineTag> &m)
+ {
+   for (int j = 0; j < Dim2; j++)
+     for (int i = 0; i < Dim1; i++)
+       if (m(i, j))
+         return true;
+   return false;
+ }
+ template<int Dim1, int Dim2, class T, class EngineTag>
+ T bitOr(const TinyMatrix<Dim1, Dim2, T, EngineTag> &m)
+ {
+   return globalReduction(m, OpBitwiseOrAssign());
+ }
+ template<int Dim1, int Dim2, class T, class EngineTag>
+ T bitAnd(const TinyMatrix<Dim1, Dim2, T, EngineTag> &m)
+ {
+   return globalReduction(m, OpBitwiseAndAssign());
+ }
+ template<class T>
+ struct Zero
+ {
+   operator T() const { return T(0); }
+   bool operator==(const Zero<T>&) const { return true; }
+   Zero() {}
+   Zero(const Zero<T>&) {}
+   Zero<T>& operator=(const Zero<T>&) { return *this; }
+ };
+ template<class T, class Op> struct UnaryReturn;
+ template<class T1, class T2, class Op> struct BinaryReturn;
+ template<class T>
+   inline Zero<T> operator*(Zero<T>, const T&) { return Zero<T>(); }
+ template<class T>
+   inline Zero<T> operator*(const T&, Zero<T>) { return Zero<T>(); }
+ template<class T>
+   inline Zero<T> operator*(Zero<T>, Zero<T>) { return Zero<T>(); }
+ template<class T>
+   inline Zero<T> operator/(Zero<T>, const T&) { return Zero<T>(); }
+ template<class T>
+ struct BinaryReturn< Zero<T> , T , OpMultiply >
+ {
+   typedef Zero<T> Type_t;
+ };
+ template<class T>
+ struct BinaryReturn< T, Zero<T> , OpMultiply >
+ {
+   typedef Zero<T> Type_t;
+ };
+ template<class T>
+ struct BinaryReturn< Zero<T>, Zero<T> , OpMultiply >
+ {
+   typedef Zero<T> Type_t;
+ };
+ template<class T>
+ struct BinaryReturn< Zero<T> , T , OpDivide >
+ {
+   typedef Zero<T> Type_t;
+ };
+ template<class T>
+   inline const T& operator+(Zero<T>, const T& x) { return x; }
+ template<class T>
+   inline const T& operator+(const T& x, Zero<T>) { return x; }
+ template<class T>
+   inline Zero<T> operator+(Zero<T>, Zero<T>) { return Zero<T>(); }
+ template<class T>
+   inline T operator-(Zero<T>, const T& x) { return -x; }
+ template<class T>
+   inline const T& operator-(const T& x, Zero<T>) { return x; }
+ template<class T>
+   inline Zero<T> operator-(Zero<T>, Zero<T>) { return Zero<T>(); }
+ template<class T>
+ struct BinaryReturn< Zero<T> , T , OpAdd >
+ {
+   typedef T Type_t;
+ };
+ template<class T>
+ struct BinaryReturn< T, Zero<T> , OpAdd >
+ {
+   typedef T Type_t;
+ };
+ template<class T>
+ struct BinaryReturn< Zero<T>, Zero<T> , OpAdd >
+ {
+   typedef Zero<T> Type_t;
+ };
+ template<class T>
+ struct BinaryReturn< Zero<T> , T , OpSubtract >
+ {
+   typedef T Type_t;
+ };
+ template<class T>
+ struct BinaryReturn< T, Zero<T> , OpSubtract >
+ {
+   typedef T Type_t;
+ };
+ template<class T>
+ struct BinaryReturn< Zero<T>, Zero<T> , OpSubtract >
+ {
+   typedef Zero<T> Type_t;
+ };
+ template<class T>
+   inline Zero<T> operator-(Zero<T>) { return Zero<T>(); }
+ template<class T>
+ struct UnaryReturn< Zero<T> , OpUnaryMinus >
+ {
+   typedef Zero<T> Type_t;
+ };
+ template<class T>
+   inline Zero<T> operator+(Zero<T>) { return Zero<T>(); }
+ template<class T>
+ struct UnaryReturn< Zero<T> , OpUnaryPlus >
+ {
+   typedef Zero<T> Type_t;
+ };
+ template<class T1, class T2, class Op>
+ struct BinaryReturn< Zero<T1> , Zero<T2>, Op >
+ {
+   typedef typename BinaryReturn<T1,T2,Op>::Type_t Type_t;
+ };
+ template<class T1, class T2>
+ struct BinaryReturn< Zero<T1> , Zero<T2>, OpEQ >
+ {
+   typedef typename BinaryReturn<T1,T2,OpEQ>::Type_t Type_t;
+ };
+ template<class T> struct Zero;
+ template<class T, class Op> struct UnaryReturn;
+ template<class T1, class T2, class Op> struct BinaryReturn;
+ template<class T>
+ struct One
+ {
+   operator T() const { return T(1); }
+   bool operator==(const One<T>&) const { return true; }
+   One() {}
+   One(const One<T>&) {}
+   One<T>& operator=(const One<T>&) { return *this; }
+ };
+ template<class T>
+ struct MinusOne
+ {
+   operator T() const { return T(-1); }
+   bool operator==(const MinusOne<T>&) const { return true; }
+   MinusOne() {}
+   MinusOne(const One<T>&) {}
+   MinusOne<T>& operator=(const MinusOne<T>&) { return *this; }
+ };
+ template<class T>
+   inline MinusOne<T> operator-(One<T>) { return MinusOne<T>(); }
+ template<class T>
+   inline One<T> operator-(MinusOne<T>) { return One<T>(); }
+ template<class T>
+   inline T operator*(One<T>, const T& val) { return val; }
+ template<class T>
+   inline T operator*(const T& val, One<T>) { return val; }
+ template<class T>
+   inline One<T> operator*(One<T>, One<T>) { return One<T>(); }
+ template<class T>
+   inline One<T> operator/(One<T>, One<T>) { return One<T>(); }
+ template<class T>
+   inline T operator/(const T& val, One<T>) { return val; }
+ template<class T>
+   inline T operator*(MinusOne<T>, const T& val) { return -val; }
+ template<class T>
+   inline T operator*(const T& val, MinusOne<T>) { return -val; }
+ template<class T>
+   inline One<T> operator*(MinusOne<T>, MinusOne<T>) { return One<T>(); }
+ template<class T>
+   inline One<T> operator/(MinusOne<T>, MinusOne<T>) { return One<T>(); }
+ template<class T>
+   inline T operator/(const T& val, MinusOne<T>) { return -val; }
+ template<class T>
+   inline MinusOne<T> operator*(MinusOne<T>, One<T>) { return MinusOne<T>(); }
+ template<class T>
+   inline MinusOne<T> operator*(One<T>, MinusOne<T>) { return MinusOne<T>(); }
+ template<class T>
+   inline MinusOne<T> operator/(MinusOne<T>, One<T>) { return MinusOne<T>(); }
+ template<class T>
+   inline MinusOne<T> operator/(One<T>, MinusOne<T>) { return MinusOne<T>(); }
+ template<class T>
+   inline Zero<T> operator-(One<T>, One<T>) { return Zero<T>(); }
+ template<class T>
+   inline Zero<T> operator-(MinusOne<T>, MinusOne<T>) { return Zero<T>(); }
+ template<class T>
+   inline Zero<T> operator+(One<T>, MinusOne<T>) { return Zero<T>(); }
+ template<class T>
+   inline Zero<T> operator+(MinusOne<T>, One<T>) { return Zero<T>(); }
+ template<class T>
+   inline MinusOne<T> operator-(Zero<T>, One<T>) { return MinusOne<T>(); }
+ template<class T>
+   inline One<T> operator-(Zero<T>, MinusOne<T>) { return One<T>(); }
+ template<class T>
+ struct UnaryReturn< One<T> , OpUnaryMinus >
+ {
+   typedef MinusOne<T> Type_t;
+ };
+ template<class T>
+ struct UnaryReturn< MinusOne<T> , OpUnaryMinus >
+ {
+   typedef One<T> Type_t;
+ };
+ template<class T>
+ struct BinaryReturn< One<T> , T , OpMultiply >
+ {
+   typedef T Type_t;
+ };
+ template<class T>
+ struct BinaryReturn< T, One<T> , OpMultiply >
+ {
+   typedef T Type_t;
+ };
+ template<class T>
+ struct BinaryReturn< One<T>, One<T> , OpMultiply >
+ {
+   typedef One<T> Type_t;
+ };
+ template<class T>
+ struct BinaryReturn< MinusOne<T> , T , OpMultiply >
+ {
+   typedef T Type_t;
+ };
+ template<class T>
+ struct BinaryReturn< T, MinusOne<T> , OpMultiply >
+ {
+   typedef T Type_t;
+ };
+ template<class T>
+ struct BinaryReturn< MinusOne<T>, MinusOne<T> , OpMultiply >
+ {
+   typedef One<T> Type_t;
+ };
+ template<class T>
+ struct BinaryReturn< MinusOne<T>, One<T> , OpMultiply >
+ {
+   typedef MinusOne<T> Type_t;
+ };
+ template<class T>
+ struct BinaryReturn< One<T>, MinusOne<T> , OpMultiply >
+ {
+   typedef MinusOne<T> Type_t;
+ };
+ template<class T>
+ struct BinaryReturn< T, One<T> , OpDivide >
+ {
+   typedef T Type_t;
+ };
+ template<class T>
+ struct BinaryReturn< T, MinusOne<T> , OpDivide >
+ {
+   typedef T Type_t;
+ };
+ template<class T>
+ struct BinaryReturn< MinusOne<T>, One<T> , OpDivide >
+ {
+   typedef MinusOne<T> Type_t;
+ };
+ template<class T>
+ struct BinaryReturn< One<T>, MinusOne<T> , OpDivide >
+ {
+   typedef MinusOne<T> Type_t;
+ };
+ template<class T>
+ struct BinaryReturn< One<T>, One<T> , OpSubtract >
+ {
+   typedef Zero<T> Type_t;
+ };
+ template<class T>
+ struct BinaryReturn< MinusOne<T>, MinusOne<T> , OpSubtract >
+ {
+   typedef Zero<T> Type_t;
+ };
+ template<class T>
+ struct BinaryReturn< Zero<T>, One<T>, OpSubtract >
+ {
+   typedef MinusOne<T> Type_t;
+ };
+ template<class T>
+ struct BinaryReturn< Zero<T>, MinusOne<T>, OpSubtract >
+ {
+   typedef One<T> Type_t;
+ };
+ template<class T>
+ struct BinaryReturn< One<T>, MinusOne<T> , OpAdd >
+ {
+   typedef Zero<T> Type_t;
+ };
+ template<class T>
+ struct BinaryReturn< MinusOne<T>, One<T> , OpAdd >
+ {
+   typedef Zero<T> Type_t;
+ };
+ template<class T>
+ struct BinaryReturn< MinusOne<T>, MinusOne<T>, OpEQ>
+ {
+   typedef bool Type_t;
+ };
+ template<class T>
+ struct BinaryReturn< One<T>, One<T>, OpEQ>
+ {
+   typedef bool Type_t;
+ };
+ template<class T1, class T2, class Op>
+ struct BinaryReturn< One<T1> , One<T2>, Op >
+ {
+   typedef typename BinaryReturn<T1,T2,Op>::Type_t Type_t;
+ };
+ template<class T1, class T2, class Op>
+ struct BinaryReturn< MinusOne<T1> , MinusOne<T2>, Op >
+ {
+   typedef typename BinaryReturn<T1,T2,Op>::Type_t Type_t;
+ };
+ template<class T1, class T2, class Op>
+ struct BinaryReturn< One<T1>, Zero<T2>, Op >
+ {
+   typedef typename BinaryReturn<T1,T2,Op>::Type_t Type_t;
+ };
+ template<class T1, class T2, class Op>
+ struct BinaryReturn< Zero<T1>, One<T2>, Op >
+ {
+   typedef typename BinaryReturn<T1,T2,Op>::Type_t Type_t;
+ };
+ template<class T1, class T2, class Op>
+ struct BinaryReturn< MinusOne<T1>, Zero<T2>, Op >
+ {
+   typedef typename BinaryReturn<T1,T2,Op>::Type_t Type_t;
+ };
+ template<class T1, class T2, class Op>
+ struct BinaryReturn< Zero<T1>, MinusOne<T2>, Op >
+ {
+   typedef typename BinaryReturn<T1,T2,Op>::Type_t Type_t;
+ };
+ template<class T1, class T2, class Op>
+ struct BinaryReturn< One<T1>, MinusOne<T2>, Op >
+ {
+   typedef typename BinaryReturn<T1,T2,Op>::Type_t Type_t;
+ };
+ template<class T1, class T2, class Op>
+ struct BinaryReturn< MinusOne<T1>, One<T2>, Op >
+ {
+   typedef typename BinaryReturn<T1,T2,Op>::Type_t Type_t;
+ };
+ template<class A1> struct MultiArg1;
+ template<class A1, class A2> struct MultiArg2;
+ template<class A1, class A2, class A3> struct MultiArg3;
+ template<class A1, class A2, class A3, class A4> struct MultiArg4;
+ template<class A1, class A2, class A3, class A4, class A5> struct MultiArg5;
+ template<class A1, class A2, class A3, class A4, class A5, class A6> struct MultiArg6;
+ template<class A1, class A2, class A3, class A4, class A5, class A6, class A7> struct MultiArg7;
+ template<class A1, class Dom>
+ struct MultiArgView1
+ {
+   typedef typename View1<A1, Dom>::Type_t A1_t;
+   typedef MultiArg1<A1_t> Type_t;
+ };
+ template<class A1, class A2, class Dom>
+ struct MultiArgView2
+ {
+   typedef typename View1<A1, Dom>::Type_t A1_t;
+   typedef typename View1<A2, Dom>::Type_t A2_t;
+   typedef MultiArg2<A1_t, A2_t> Type_t;
+ };
+ template<class A1, class A2, class A3, class Dom>
+ struct MultiArgView3
+ {
+   typedef typename View1<A1, Dom>::Type_t A1_t;
+   typedef typename View1<A2, Dom>::Type_t A2_t;
+   typedef typename View1<A3, Dom>::Type_t A3_t;
+   typedef MultiArg3<A1_t, A2_t, A3_t> Type_t;
+ };
+ template<class A1, class A2, class A3, class A4, class Dom>
+ struct MultiArgView4
+ {
+   typedef typename View1<A1, Dom>::Type_t A1_t;
+   typedef typename View1<A2, Dom>::Type_t A2_t;
+   typedef typename View1<A3, Dom>::Type_t A3_t;
+   typedef typename View1<A4, Dom>::Type_t A4_t;
+   typedef MultiArg4<A1_t, A2_t, A3_t, A4_t> Type_t;
+ };
+ template<class A1, class A2, class A3, class A4, class A5, class Dom>
+ struct MultiArgView5
+ {
+   typedef typename View1<A1, Dom>::Type_t A1_t;
+   typedef typename View1<A2, Dom>::Type_t A2_t;
+   typedef typename View1<A3, Dom>::Type_t A3_t;
+   typedef typename View1<A4, Dom>::Type_t A4_t;
+   typedef typename View1<A5, Dom>::Type_t A5_t;
+   typedef MultiArg5<A1_t, A2_t, A3_t, A4_t, A5_t> Type_t;
+ };
+ template<class A1, class A2, class A3, class A4, class A5, class A6, class Dom>
+ struct MultiArgView6
+ {
+   typedef typename View1<A1, Dom>::Type_t A1_t;
+   typedef typename View1<A2, Dom>::Type_t A2_t;
+   typedef typename View1<A3, Dom>::Type_t A3_t;
+   typedef typename View1<A4, Dom>::Type_t A4_t;
+   typedef typename View1<A5, Dom>::Type_t A5_t;
+   typedef typename View1<A6, Dom>::Type_t A6_t;
+   typedef MultiArg6<A1_t, A2_t, A3_t, A4_t, A5_t, A6_t> Type_t;
+ };
+ template<class A1, class A2, class A3, class A4, class A5, class A6, class A7, class Dom>
+ struct MultiArgView7
+ {
+   typedef typename View1<A1, Dom>::Type_t A1_t;
+   typedef typename View1<A2, Dom>::Type_t A2_t;
+   typedef typename View1<A3, Dom>::Type_t A3_t;
+   typedef typename View1<A4, Dom>::Type_t A4_t;
+   typedef typename View1<A5, Dom>::Type_t A5_t;
+   typedef typename View1<A6, Dom>::Type_t A6_t;
+   typedef typename View1<A7, Dom>::Type_t A7_t;
+   typedef MultiArg7<A1_t, A2_t, A3_t, A4_t, A5_t, A6_t, A7_t> Type_t;
+ };
+ template<class A1, class Dom>
+ struct View1<MultiArg1<A1>, Dom>
+ {
+   typedef typename MultiArgView1<A1, Dom>::Type_t Type_t;
+ };
+ template<class A1, class A2, class Dom>
+ struct View1<MultiArg2<A1, A2>, Dom>
+ {
+   typedef typename MultiArgView2<A1, A2, Dom>::Type_t Type_t;
+ };
+ template<class A1, class A2, class A3, class Dom>
+ struct View1<MultiArg3<A1, A2, A3>, Dom>
+ {
+   typedef typename MultiArgView3<A1, A2, A3, Dom>::Type_t Type_t;
+ };
+ template<class A1, class A2, class A3, class A4, class Dom>
+ struct View1<MultiArg4<A1, A2, A3, A4>, Dom>
+ {
+   typedef typename MultiArgView4<A1, A2, A3, A4, Dom>::Type_t Type_t;
+ };
+ template<class A1, class A2, class A3, class A4, class A5, class Dom>
+ struct View1<MultiArg5<A1, A2, A3, A4, A5>, Dom>
+ {
+   typedef typename MultiArgView5<A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, Dom>::Type_t Type_t;
+ };
+ template<class A1, class A2, class A3, class A4, class A5, class A6, class Dom>
+ struct View1<MultiArg6<A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6>, Dom>
+ {
+   typedef typename MultiArgView6<A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, Dom>::Type_t Type_t;
+ };
+ template<class A1, class A2, class A3, class A4, class A5, class A6, class A7, class Dom>
+ struct View1<MultiArg7<A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7>, Dom>
+ {
+   typedef typename MultiArgView7<A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, Dom>::Type_t Type_t;
+ };
+ template<class A1>
+ struct MultiArg1
+ {
+   enum { size = 1 };
+   MultiArg1(const A1 &a1)
+     : a1_m(a1)
+   {
+   }
+   template<class Dom>
+   typename View1<MultiArg1<A1>, Dom>::Type_t
+   operator()(const Dom &dom) const
+   {
+     typedef typename View1<MultiArg1<A1>, Dom>::Type_t Ret_t;
+     return Ret_t(a1_m(dom));
+   }
+   A1 a1_m;
+ };
+ template<class A1, class A2>
+ struct MultiArg2
+ {
+   enum { size = 2 };
+   MultiArg2(const A1 &a1, const A2 &a2)
+     : a1_m(a1), a2_m(a2)
+   {
+   }
+   template<class Dom>
+   typename View1<MultiArg2<A1, A2>, Dom>::Type_t
+   operator()(const Dom &dom) const
+   {
+     typedef typename View1<MultiArg2<A1, A2>, Dom>::Type_t Ret_t;
+     return Ret_t(a1_m(dom), a2_m(dom));
+   }
+   A1 a1_m;
+   A2 a2_m;
+ };
+ template<class A1, class A2, class A3>
+ struct MultiArg3
+ {
+   enum { size = 3 };
+   MultiArg3(const A1 &a1, const A2 &a2, const A3 &a3)
+     : a1_m(a1), a2_m(a2), a3_m(a3)
+   {
+   }
+   template<class Dom>
+   typename View1<MultiArg3<A1, A2, A3>, Dom>::Type_t
+   operator()(const Dom &dom) const
+   {
+     typedef typename View1<MultiArg3<A1, A2, A3>, Dom>::Type_t Ret_t;
+     return Ret_t(a1_m(dom), a2_m(dom), a3_m(dom));
+   }
+   A1 a1_m;
+   A2 a2_m;
+   A3 a3_m;
+ };
+ template<class A1, class A2, class A3, class A4>
+ struct MultiArg4
+ {
+   enum { size = 4 };
+   MultiArg4(const A1 &a1, const A2 &a2, const A3 &a3, const A4 &a4)
+     : a1_m(a1), a2_m(a2), a3_m(a3), a4_m(a4)
+   {
+   }
+   template<class Dom>
+   typename View1<MultiArg4<A1, A2, A3, A4>, Dom>::Type_t
+   operator()(const Dom &dom) const
+   {
+     typedef typename View1<MultiArg4<A1, A2, A3, A4>, Dom>::Type_t Ret_t;
+     return Ret_t(a1_m(dom), a2_m(dom), a3_m(dom), a4_m(dom));
+   }
+   A1 a1_m;
+   A2 a2_m;
+   A3 a3_m;
+   A4 a4_m;
+ };
+ template<class A1, class A2, class A3, class A4, class A5>
+ struct MultiArg5
+ {
+   enum { size = 5 };
+   MultiArg5(const A1 &a1, const A2 &a2, const A3 &a3, const A4 &a4, const A5 &a5)
+     : a1_m(a1), a2_m(a2), a3_m(a3), a4_m(a4), a5_m(a5)
+   {
+   }
+   template<class Dom>
+   typename View1<MultiArg5<A1, A2, A3, A4, A5>, Dom>::Type_t
+   operator()(const Dom &dom) const
+   {
+     typedef typename View1<MultiArg5<A1, A2, A3, A4, A5>, Dom>::Type_t Ret_t;
+     return Ret_t(a1_m(dom), a2_m(dom), a3_m(dom), a4_m(dom), a5_m(dom));
+   }
+   A1 a1_m;
+   A2 a2_m;
+   A3 a3_m;
+   A4 a4_m;
+   A5 a5_m;
+ };
+ template<class A1, class A2, class A3, class A4, class A5, class A6>
+ struct MultiArg6
+ {
+   enum { size = 6 };
+   MultiArg6(const A1 &a1, const A2 &a2, const A3 &a3, const A4 &a4, const A5 &a5, const A6 &a6)
+     : a1_m(a1), a2_m(a2), a3_m(a3), a4_m(a4), a5_m(a5), a6_m(a6)
+   {
+   }
+   template<class Dom>
+   typename View1<MultiArg6<A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6>, Dom>::Type_t
+   operator()(const Dom &dom) const
+   {
+     typedef typename View1<MultiArg6<A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6>, Dom>::Type_t Ret_t;
+     return Ret_t(a1_m(dom), a2_m(dom), a3_m(dom), a4_m(dom), a5_m(dom), a6_m(dom));
+   }
+   A1 a1_m;
+   A2 a2_m;
+   A3 a3_m;
+   A4 a4_m;
+   A5 a5_m;
+   A6 a6_m;
+ };
+ template<class A1, class A2, class A3, class A4, class A5, class A6, class A7>
+ struct MultiArg7
+ {
+   enum { size = 7 };
+   MultiArg7(const A1 &a1, const A2 &a2, const A3 &a3, const A4 &a4, const A5 &a5, const A6 &a6, const A7 &a7)
+     : a1_m(a1), a2_m(a2), a3_m(a3), a4_m(a4), a5_m(a5), a6_m(a6), a7_m(a7)
+   {
+   }
+   template<class Dom>
+   typename View1<MultiArg7<A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7>, Dom>::Type_t
+   operator()(const Dom &dom) const
+   {
+     typedef typename View1<MultiArg7<A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7>, Dom>::Type_t Ret_t;
+     return Ret_t(a1_m(dom), a2_m(dom), a3_m(dom), a4_m(dom), a5_m(dom), a6_m(dom), a7_m(dom));
+   }
+   A1 a1_m;
+   A2 a2_m;
+   A3 a3_m;
+   A4 a4_m;
+   A5 a5_m;
+   A6 a6_m;
+   A7 a7_m;
+ };
+ template<class A1, class Function>
+ void applyMultiArg(const MultiArg1<A1> &node,
+      const Function &f,
+      const std::vector<bool> &condition)
+ {
+   f(node.a1_m, condition[0]);
+ }
+ template<class A1, class A2, class Function>
+ void applyMultiArg(const MultiArg2<A1, A2> &node,
+      const Function &f,
+      const std::vector<bool> &condition)
+ {
+   f(node.a1_m, condition[0]);
+   f(node.a2_m, condition[1]);
+ }
+ template<class A1, class A2, class A3, class Function>
+ void applyMultiArg(const MultiArg3<A1, A2, A3> &node,
+      const Function &f,
+      const std::vector<bool> &condition)
+ {
+   f(node.a1_m, condition[0]);
+   f(node.a2_m, condition[1]);
+   f(node.a3_m, condition[2]);
+ }
+ template<class A1, class A2, class A3, class A4, class Function>
+ void applyMultiArg(const MultiArg4<A1, A2, A3, A4> &node,
+      const Function &f,
+      const std::vector<bool> &condition)
+ {
+   f(node.a1_m, condition[0]);
+   f(node.a2_m, condition[1]);
+   f(node.a3_m, condition[2]);
+   f(node.a4_m, condition[3]);
+ }
+ template<class A1, class A2, class A3, class A4, class A5, class Function>
+ void applyMultiArg(const MultiArg5<A1, A2, A3, A4, A5> &node,
+      const Function &f,
+      const std::vector<bool> &condition)
+ {
+   f(node.a1_m, condition[0]);
+   f(node.a2_m, condition[1]);
+   f(node.a3_m, condition[2]);
+   f(node.a4_m, condition[3]);
+   f(node.a5_m, condition[4]);
+ }
+ template<class A1, class A2, class A3, class A4, class A5, class A6, class Function>
+ void applyMultiArg(const MultiArg6<A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6> &node,
+      const Function &f,
+      const std::vector<bool> &condition)
+ {
+   f(node.a1_m, condition[0]);
+   f(node.a2_m, condition[1]);
+   f(node.a3_m, condition[2]);
+   f(node.a4_m, condition[3]);
+   f(node.a5_m, condition[4]);
+   f(node.a6_m, condition[5]);
+ }
+ template<class A1, class A2, class A3, class A4, class A5, class A6, class A7, class Function>
+ void applyMultiArg(const MultiArg7<A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7> &node,
+      const Function &f,
+      const std::vector<bool> &condition)
+ {
+   f(node.a1_m, condition[0]);
+   f(node.a2_m, condition[1]);
+   f(node.a3_m, condition[2]);
+   f(node.a4_m, condition[3]);
+   f(node.a5_m, condition[4]);
+   f(node.a6_m, condition[5]);
+   f(node.a7_m, condition[6]);
+ }
+ template<class A1, class Function>
+ void applyMultiArg(const MultiArg1<A1> &node,
+      const Function &f)
+ {
+   f(node.a1_m);
+ }
+ template<class A1, class A2, class Function>
+ void applyMultiArg(const MultiArg2<A1, A2> &node,
+      const Function &f)
+ {
+   f(node.a1_m);
+   f(node.a2_m);
+ }
+ template<class A1, class A2, class A3, class Function>
+ void applyMultiArg(const MultiArg3<A1, A2, A3> &node,
+      const Function &f)
+ {
+   f(node.a1_m);
+   f(node.a2_m);
+   f(node.a3_m);
+ }
+ template<class A1, class A2, class A3, class A4, class Function>
+ void applyMultiArg(const MultiArg4<A1, A2, A3, A4> &node,
+      const Function &f)
+ {
+   f(node.a1_m);
+   f(node.a2_m);
+   f(node.a3_m);
+   f(node.a4_m);
+ }
+ template<class A1, class A2, class A3, class A4, class A5, class Function>
+ void applyMultiArg(const MultiArg5<A1, A2, A3, A4, A5> &node,
+      const Function &f)
+ {
+   f(node.a1_m);
+   f(node.a2_m);
+   f(node.a3_m);
+   f(node.a4_m);
+   f(node.a5_m);
+ }
+ template<class A1, class A2, class A3, class A4, class A5, class A6, class Function>
+ void applyMultiArg(const MultiArg6<A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6> &node,
+      const Function &f)
+ {
+   f(node.a1_m);
+   f(node.a2_m);
+   f(node.a3_m);
+   f(node.a4_m);
+   f(node.a5_m);
+   f(node.a6_m);
+ }
+ template<class A1, class A2, class A3, class A4, class A5, class A6, class A7, class Function>
+ void applyMultiArg(const MultiArg7<A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7> &node,
+      const Function &f)
+ {
+   f(node.a1_m);
+   f(node.a2_m);
+   f(node.a3_m);
+   f(node.a4_m);
+   f(node.a5_m);
+   f(node.a6_m);
+   f(node.a7_m);
+ }
+ template<class A1, class Function>
+ void applyMultiArgIf(const MultiArg1<A1> &node,
+    const Function &f,
+    const std::vector<bool> &condition)
+ {
+   if (condition[0])
+     f(node.a1_m);
+ }
+ template<class A1, class A2, class Function>
+ void applyMultiArgIf(const MultiArg2<A1, A2> &node,
+    const Function &f,
+    const std::vector<bool> &condition)
+ {
+   if (condition[0])
+     f(node.a1_m);
+   if (condition[1])
+     f(node.a2_m);
+ }
+ template<class A1, class A2, class A3, class Function>
+ void applyMultiArgIf(const MultiArg3<A1, A2, A3> &node,
+    const Function &f,
+    const std::vector<bool> &condition)
+ {
+   if (condition[0])
+     f(node.a1_m);
+   if (condition[1])
+     f(node.a2_m);
+   if (condition[2])
+     f(node.a3_m);
+ }
+ template<class A1, class A2, class A3, class A4, class Function>
+ void applyMultiArgIf(const MultiArg4<A1, A2, A3, A4> &node,
+    const Function &f,
+    const std::vector<bool> &condition)
+ {
+   if (condition[0])
+     f(node.a1_m);
+   if (condition[1])
+     f(node.a2_m);
+   if (condition[2])
+     f(node.a3_m);
+   if (condition[3])
+     f(node.a4_m);
+ }
+ template<class A1, class A2, class A3, class A4, class A5, class Function>
+ void applyMultiArgIf(const MultiArg5<A1, A2, A3, A4, A5> &node,
+    const Function &f,
+    const std::vector<bool> &condition)
+ {
+   if (condition[0])
+     f(node.a1_m);
+   if (condition[1])
+     f(node.a2_m);
+   if (condition[2])
+     f(node.a3_m);
+   if (condition[3])
+     f(node.a4_m);
+   if (condition[4])
+     f(node.a5_m);
+ }
+ template<class A1, class A2, class A3, class A4, class A5, class A6, class Function>
+ void applyMultiArgIf(const MultiArg6<A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6> &node,
+    const Function &f,
+    const std::vector<bool> &condition)
+ {
+   if (condition[0])
+     f(node.a1_m);
+   if (condition[1])
+     f(node.a2_m);
+   if (condition[2])
+     f(node.a3_m);
+   if (condition[3])
+     f(node.a4_m);
+   if (condition[4])
+     f(node.a5_m);
+   if (condition[5])
+     f(node.a6_m);
+ }
+ template<class A1, class A2, class A3, class A4, class A5, class A6, class A7, class Function>
+ void applyMultiArgIf(const MultiArg7<A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7> &node,
+    const Function &f,
+    const std::vector<bool> &condition)
+ {
+   if (condition[0])
+     f(node.a1_m);
+   if (condition[1])
+     f(node.a2_m);
+   if (condition[2])
+     f(node.a3_m);
+   if (condition[3])
+     f(node.a4_m);
+   if (condition[4])
+     f(node.a5_m);
+   if (condition[5])
+     f(node.a6_m);
+   if (condition[6])
+     f(node.a7_m);
+ }
+ struct LoopApplyEvaluator
+ {
+   template<class Op, class Dom>
+   static /*__attribute__((leafify))*/
+   void evaluate(const Op &op, const Dom &domain)
+   {
+     PoomaCTAssert<(Dom::unitStride)>::test();
+     evaluate(op, domain, WrappedInt<Dom::dimensions>());
+   }
+   template<class Op, class Domain>
+   inline static void evaluate(const Op &op, const Domain &domain, WrappedInt<1>)
+   {
+     Op localOp(op);
+     int f0 = domain[0].first();
+     int e0 = domain[0].last();
+ ;
+ #pragma omp parallel for if (e0-f0 > 512)
+     for (int i0 = f0; i0 <= e0; ++i0)
+       localOp(i0);
+   }
+   template<class Op, class Domain>
+   inline static void evaluate(const Op &op, const Domain &domain, WrappedInt<2>)
+   {
+     Op localOp(op);
+     int f0 = domain[0].first();
+     int f1 = domain[1].first();
+     int e0 = domain[0].last();
+     int e1 = domain[1].last();
+ #pragma omp parallel for
+     for (int i1 = f1; i1 <= e1; ++i1) {
+ ;
+       for (int i0 = f0; i0 <= e0; ++i0)
+  localOp(i0, i1);
+     }
+   }
+   template<class Op, class Domain>
+   inline static void evaluate(const Op &op, const Domain &domain, WrappedInt<3>)
+   {
+     Op localOp(op);
+     int f0 = domain[0].first();
+     int f1 = domain[1].first();
+     int f2 = domain[2].first();
+     int e0 = domain[0].last();
+     int e1 = domain[1].last();
+     int e2 = domain[2].last();
+ #pragma omp parallel for
+     for (int i2 = f2; i2 <= e2; ++i2)
+       for (int i1 = f1; i1 <= e1; ++i1) {
+ ;
+  for (int i0 = f0; i0 <= e0; ++i0)
+    localOp(i0,i1,i2);
+       }
+   }
+   template<class Op, class Domain>
+   inline static void evaluate(const Op &op, const Domain &domain, WrappedInt<4>)
+   {
+     Op localOp(op);
+     int f0 = domain[0].first();
+     int f1 = domain[1].first();
+     int f2 = domain[2].first();
+     int f3 = domain[3].first();
+     int e0 = domain[0].last();
+     int e1 = domain[1].last();
+     int e2 = domain[2].last();
+     int e3 = domain[3].last();
+ #pragma omp parallel for
+     for (int i3 = f3; i3 <= e3; ++i3)
+       for (int i2 = f2; i2 <= e2; ++i2)
+  for (int i1 = f1; i1 <= e1; ++i1) {
+ ;
+    for (int i0 = f0; i0 <= e0; ++i0)
+      localOp(i0,i1,i2,i3);
+  }
+   }
+   template<class Op, class Domain>
+   inline static void evaluate(const Op &op, const Domain &domain, WrappedInt<5>)
+   {
+     Op localOp(op);
+     int f0 = domain[0].first();
+     int f1 = domain[1].first();
+     int f2 = domain[2].first();
+     int f3 = domain[3].first();
+     int f4 = domain[4].first();
+     int e0 = domain[0].last();
+     int e1 = domain[1].last();
+     int e2 = domain[2].last();
+     int e3 = domain[3].last();
+     int e4 = domain[4].last();
+ #pragma omp parallel for
+     for (int i4 = f4; i4 <= e4; ++i4)
+       for (int i3 = f3; i3 <= e3; ++i3)
+  for (int i2 = f2; i2 <= e2; ++i2)
+    for (int i1 = f1; i1 <= e1; ++i1) {
+ ;
+      for (int i0 = f0; i0 <= e0; ++i0)
+        localOp(i0,i1,i2,i3,i4);
+    }
+   }
+   template<class Op, class Domain>
+   inline static void evaluate(const Op &op, const Domain &domain, WrappedInt<6>)
+   {
+     Op localOp(op);
+     int f0 = domain[0].first();
+     int f1 = domain[1].first();
+     int f2 = domain[2].first();
+     int f3 = domain[3].first();
+     int f4 = domain[4].first();
+     int f5 = domain[5].first();
+     int e0 = domain[0].last();
+     int e1 = domain[1].last();
+     int e2 = domain[2].last();
+     int e3 = domain[3].last();
+     int e4 = domain[4].last();
+     int e5 = domain[5].last();
+ #pragma omp parallel for
+     for (int i5 = f5; i5 <= e5; ++i5)
+       for (int i4 = f4; i4 <= e4; ++i4)
+  for (int i3 = f3; i3 <= e3; ++i3)
+    for (int i2 = f2; i2 <= e2; ++i2)
+      for (int i1 = f1; i1 <= e1; ++i1) {
+ ;
+        for (int i0 = f0; i0 <= e0; ++i0)
+   localOp(i0,i1,i2,i3,i4,i5);
+      }
+   }
+   template<class Op, class Domain>
+   inline static void evaluate(const Op &op, const Domain &domain, WrappedInt<7>)
+   {
+     Op localOp(op);
+     int f0 = domain[0].first();
+     int f1 = domain[1].first();
+     int f2 = domain[2].first();
+     int f3 = domain[3].first();
+     int f4 = domain[4].first();
+     int f5 = domain[5].first();
+     int f6 = domain[6].first();
+     int e0 = domain[0].last();
+     int e1 = domain[1].last();
+     int e2 = domain[2].last();
+     int e3 = domain[3].last();
+     int e4 = domain[4].last();
+     int e5 = domain[5].last();
+     int e6 = domain[6].last();
+ #pragma omp parallel for
+     for (int i6 = f6; i6 <= e6; ++i6)
+       for (int i5 = f5; i5 <= e5; ++i5)
+  for (int i4 = f4; i4 <= e4; ++i4)
+    for (int i3 = f3; i3 <= e3; ++i3)
+      for (int i2 = f2; i2 <= e2; ++i2)
+        for (int i1 = f1; i1 <= e1; ++i1) {
+ ;
+   for (int i0 = f0; i0 <= e0; ++i0)
+     localOp(i0,i1,i2,i3,i4,i5,i6);
+        }
+   }
+ };
+ template<class MultiArg, class Function>
+ class MultiArgKernel
+   : public Pooma::Iterate_t
+ {
+ public:
+   MultiArgKernel(const MultiArg &multiArg,
+     const Function &function,
+     std::vector<bool> &write,
+     std::vector<bool> &read)
+     : Pooma::Iterate_t(Pooma::scheduler()),
+       multiArg_m(multiArg), function_m(function),
+       write_m(write), read_m(read)
+   {
+     DataObjectRequest<BlockAffinity> getAffinity;
+     hintAffinity(engineFunctor(multiArg.a1_m.engine(), getAffinity));
+     typedef DataObjectRequest<WriteRequest> WriteRequest_t;
+     typedef DataObjectRequest<ReadRequest> ReadRequest_t;
+     WriteRequest_t writeReq(*this);
+     applyMultiArgIf(multiArg, ExpressionApply<WriteRequest_t>(writeReq),
+       write_m);
+     ReadRequest_t readReq(writeReq);
+     applyMultiArgIf(multiArg, ExpressionApply<ReadRequest_t>(readReq),
+       read_m);
+   }
+   virtual ~MultiArgKernel()
+   {
+     typedef DataObjectRequest<WriteRelease> WriteRequest_t;
+     typedef DataObjectRequest<ReadRelease> ReadRequest_t;
+     WriteRequest_t writeReq;
+     applyMultiArgIf(multiArg_m, ExpressionApply<WriteRequest_t>(writeReq),
+       write_m);
+     ReadRequest_t readReq(writeReq);
+     applyMultiArgIf(multiArg_m, ExpressionApply<ReadRequest_t>(readReq),
+       read_m);
+   }
+   virtual void /*__attribute__((leafify))*/ run()
+   {
+     function_m(multiArg_m);
+   }
+ private:
+   MultiArg multiArg_m;
+   Function function_m;
+   std::vector<bool> write_m;
+   std::vector<bool> read_m;
+ };
+ template<int Dim>
+ class SimpleIntersectorData
+   : public RefCounted
+ {
+ public:
+   typedef SimpleIntersectorData<Dim> This_t;
+   typedef INode<Dim> INode_t;
+   typedef std::vector<INode_t> INodeContainer_t;
+   typedef typename INodeContainer_t::const_iterator const_iterator;
+   typedef Unique::Value_t LayoutID_t;
+   enum { dimensions = Dim };
+   inline SimpleIntersectorData(const Interval<Dim> &domain, const GuardLayers<Dim> &extent)
+     : seenFirst_m(false), domain_m(domain), extent_m(extent)
+   {
+   }
+   inline ~SimpleIntersectorData() { }
+   template<class Engine>
+   void intersect(const Engine &engine, bool useGuards)
+   {
+     typedef typename Engine::Layout_t Layout_t;
+     typedef typename NewEngine<Engine, Interval<Dim> >::Type_t NewEngine_t;
+     const Layout_t &layout(engine.layout());
+     if (!seenFirst_m)
+     {
+       firstID_m = layout.ID();
+       seenFirst_m = true;
+       int key = GlobalIDDataBase::nullNodeKey();
+       layout.touches(domain_m, std::back_inserter(inodes_m),
+        TouchesConstructINode<Dim>(firstID_m, key, &gidStore_m));
+     }
+     else
+     {
+       shared(layout.ID(), firstID_m);
+     }
+     if (useGuards) {
+       expressionApply(NewEngine_t(engine, grow(domain_m, extent_m)),
+         IntersectorTag<Intersector<Dim> >(lhsi_m));
+     } else {
+       expressionApply(NewEngine_t(engine, domain_m),
+         IntersectorTag<Intersector<Dim> >(lhsi_m));
+     }
+   }
+   inline
+   void shared(LayoutID_t id1, LayoutID_t id2)
+   {
+     gidStore_m.shared(id1,id2);
+   }
+   SimpleIntersectorData(const This_t &);
+   This_t &operator=(const This_t &);
+   LayoutID_t firstID_m;
+   bool seenFirst_m;
+   INodeContainer_t inodes_m;
+   GlobalIDDataBase gidStore_m;
+   Interval<Dim> domain_m;
+   GuardLayers<Dim> extent_m;
+   Intersector<Dim> lhsi_m;
+ };
+ template<int Dim>
+ class SimpleIntersector
+ {
+ public:
+   typedef SimpleIntersectorData<Dim> SimpleIntersectorData_t;
+   typedef SimpleIntersector<Dim> This_t;
+   typedef typename SimpleIntersectorData_t::INode_t INode_t;
+   typedef typename SimpleIntersectorData_t::INodeContainer_t INodeContainer_t;
+   typedef typename SimpleIntersectorData_t::const_iterator const_iterator;
+   typedef RefCountedPtr<SimpleIntersectorData_t> DataPtr_t;
+   typedef NullCombine Combine_t;
+   enum { dimensions = Dim };
+   SimpleIntersector(const Interval<Dim> &domain, const GuardLayers<Dim> &extent)
+     : pdata_m(new SimpleIntersectorData_t(domain, extent)), useGuards_m(true)
+   { }
+   SimpleIntersector(const This_t &model)
+     : pdata_m(model.pdata_m), useGuards_m(model.useGuards())
+   { }
+   This_t &operator=(const This_t &model)
+   {
+     if (this != &model) {
+       pdata_m = model.pdata_m;
+       useGuards_m = model.useGuards_m;
+     }
+     return *this;
+   }
+   ~SimpleIntersector() { }
+   inline DataPtr_t &data() { return pdata_m; }
+   inline const DataPtr_t &data() const { return pdata_m; }
+   inline const_iterator begin() const { return data()->inodes_m.begin(); }
+   inline const_iterator end() const { return data()->inodes_m.end(); }
+   inline int size() const { return data()->inodes_m.size(); }
+   template<class Engine>
+   inline
+   void intersect(const Engine &l) const
+   {
+     data()->intersect(l, useGuards());
+   }
+   inline
+   bool useGuards() const
+   {
+     return useGuards_m;
+   }
+   inline
+   void useGuards(bool f) const
+   {
+     useGuards_m = f;
+   }
+   template<class A>
+   void operator()(const A &a, bool f) const
+   {
+     useGuards(f);
+     expressionApply(a, *this);
+   }
+ private:
+   DataPtr_t pdata_m;
+   mutable bool useGuards_m;
+ };
+ template<class Eng, int Dim>
+ struct DefaultExpressionApply<Eng, SimpleIntersector<Dim> >
+ {
+   typedef int Type_t;
+   inline static
+   Type_t apply(const Eng &,
+         const ExpressionApply<SimpleIntersector<Dim> > &)
+   {
+     PoomaCTAssert<(!(Eng::multiPatch))>::test();
+     return true;
+   }
+ };
+ template<class LT, class PT>
+ struct MultiPatch;
+ template <int Dim, class T, class LayoutTag, class PatchTag>
+ struct LeafFunctor<Engine<Dim, T, MultiPatch<LayoutTag,PatchTag> >,
+   ExpressionApply<SimpleIntersector<Dim> > >
+ {
+   typedef int Type_t;
+   static Type_t
+   apply(const Engine<Dim,T,MultiPatch<LayoutTag,PatchTag> > &engine,
+  const ExpressionApply<SimpleIntersector<Dim> > &apply)
+   {
+     apply.tag().intersect(engine);
+     if (apply.tag().useGuards())
+       engine.fillGuards(apply.tag().data()->extent_m);
+     return 0;
+   }
+ };
+ template <int Dim, class T, class LT, class PatchTag, int BD>
+ struct LeafFunctor<Engine<Dim, T, MultiPatchView<LT,PatchTag,BD> >,
+   ExpressionApply<SimpleIntersector<Dim> > >
+ {
+   typedef int Type_t;
+   static Type_t
+   apply(const Engine<Dim,T,MultiPatchView<LT,PatchTag,BD> > &engine,
+  const ExpressionApply<SimpleIntersector<Dim> > &apply)
+   {
+     apply.tag().intersect(engine);
+     if (apply.tag().useGuards())
+       engine.fillGuards(apply.tag().data()->extent_m);
+     return 0;
+   }
+ };
+ template <int Dim, int size>
+ class ScalarCodeInfo
+ {
+ public:
+   enum { dimensions = Dim };
+   enum { arguments = size };
+   typedef std::vector<bool> BoolVector_t;
+   ScalarCodeInfo()
+     : extent_m(GuardLayers<Dim>(0)),
+       useGuards_m(arguments, true),
+       writers_m(arguments, false),
+       readers_m(arguments, true)
+   {
+     useGuards_m[0] = false;
+     writers_m[0] = true;
+     readers_m[0] = true;
+   }
+   void extent(const GuardLayers<Dim> &g)
+   {
+     extent_m = g;
+   }
+   GuardLayers<Dim>& extent()
+   {
+     return extent_m;
+   }
+   const GuardLayers<Dim>& extent() const
+   {
+     return extent_m;
+   }
+   void write(int i, bool f, bool r = true)
+   {
+     writers_m[i] = f;
+     readers_m[i] = r;
+   }
+   BoolVector_t &writers()
+   {
+     return writers_m;
+   }
+   BoolVector_t &readers()
+   {
+     return readers_m;
+   }
+   void useGuards(int i, bool f)
+   {
+     useGuards_m[i] = f;
+   }
+   BoolVector_t &useGuards()
+   {
+     return useGuards_m;
+   }
+   inline Interval<Dim> extendDomain(const Interval<Dim> &domain) const
+   {
+     return grow(domain, extent_m);
+   }
+   inline Interval<Dim> evaluationDomain(const Interval<Dim> &domain) const
+   {
+     Interval<Dim> ret;
+     for (int d = 0; d < Dim; ++d)
+     {
+       ret[d] = Interval<1>(extent_m.lower(d),
+       domain[d].last() - domain[d].first()
+       + extent_m.lower(d));
+     }
+     return ret;
+   }
+   inline INode<Dim> extendDomain(const INode<Dim> &inode) const
+   {
+     return INode<Dim>(inode, extendDomain(inode.domain()));
+   }
+ private:
+   GuardLayers<Dim> extent_m;
+   BoolVector_t useGuards_m;
+   BoolVector_t writers_m;
+   BoolVector_t readers_m;
+ };
+ template<class MultiArg> struct MultiArgEvaluatorTag;
+ template<class MeshTag, class T, class EngineTag> class Field;
+ template<int Dim, class T, class EngineTag> class Array;
+ template<class EvalTag>
+ struct MultiArgEvaluator
+ {
+ };
+ struct EngineWriteNotifier
+ {
+   EngineWriteNotifier()
+   {
+   }
+   template<class A>
+   inline void dirtyRelations(const A &a, const WrappedInt<true>&) const
+   {
+     a.notifyPostWrite();
+   }
+   template<class A>
+   inline void dirtyRelations(const A &, const WrappedInt<false>&) const
+   {
+   }
+   template<class A>
+   void operator()(const A &a) const
+   {
+     notifyEngineWrite(a.engine());
+     dirtyRelations(a, WrappedInt<A::hasRelations>());
+   }
+   template<class MeshTag, class T, class Expr>
+   void operator()(const Field<MeshTag, T, ExpressionTag<Expr> >&) const
+   {
+     if (__builtin_expect(!!(false), true)) {} else Pooma::toss_cookies("writing to expression engine?", "/home/rguenth/ix86/pooma/tat-serial/pooma/linux/src/Evaluator/MultiArgEvaluator.h", 124);
+   }
+   template<int Dim, class T, class Expr>
+   void operator()(const Array<Dim, T, ExpressionTag<Expr> >&) const
+   {
+     if (__builtin_expect(!!(false), true)) {} else Pooma::toss_cookies("writing to expression engine?", "/home/rguenth/ix86/pooma/tat-serial/pooma/linux/src/Evaluator/MultiArgEvaluator.h", 130);
+   }
+ };
+ struct UpdateNotifier
+ {
+   UpdateNotifier()
+   {
+   }
+   template<class A>
+   void operator()(const A &a) const
+   {
+     forEach(a, PerformUpdateTag(), NullCombine());
+   }
+ };
+ template <int Dim>
+ struct CheckDomain
+ {
+   CheckDomain(const Interval<Dim>&d) : d_m(d) {}
+   template <class A>
+   void operator()(const A &a) const
+   {
+     a(d_m);
+   }
+   Interval<Dim> d_m;
+ };
+ template<>
+ struct MultiArgEvaluator<MainEvaluatorTag>
+ {
+ public:
+   MultiArgEvaluator() {}
+   ~MultiArgEvaluator() {}
+   template<class MultiArg, class Function, int Dim, class Kernel>
+   static void
+   evaluate(const MultiArg &multiArg,
+     const Function &function,
+     const Interval<Dim> &domain,
+     const Kernel &kernel)
+   {
+     typedef typename MultiArgEvaluatorTag<MultiArg>::Evaluator_t Evaluator_t;
+     ScalarCodeInfo<Dim, MultiArg::size> info;
+     function.scalarCodeInfo(info);
+     Pooma::beginExpression();
+     applyMultiArgIf(multiArg, UpdateNotifier(), info.readers());
+     MultiArgEvaluator<Evaluator_t>::evaluate(multiArg, function,
+           domain, info, kernel);
+     applyMultiArgIf(multiArg, EngineWriteNotifier(), info.writers());
+     Pooma::endExpression();
+   }
+   template<class A1, class Function, int Dim, class Kernel>
+   static void
+   createIterate(const A1& a1,
+   const Function& function,
+   const Interval<Dim> &domain,
+   ScalarCodeInfo<Dim, A1::size> &info,
+   const Kernel &)
+   {
+     Kernel kernelf(function, domain);
+     Pooma::Iterate_t *iterate =
+       new MultiArgKernel<A1, Kernel>(a1, kernelf,
+          info.writers(), info.readers());
+     Pooma::scheduler().handOff(iterate);
+   }
+ };
+ template<>
+ struct MultiArgEvaluator<SinglePatchEvaluatorTag>
+ {
+ public:
+   MultiArgEvaluator() {}
+   ~MultiArgEvaluator() {}
+   template<class MultiArg, class Function, int Dim, class Kernel>
+   static void
+   evaluate(const MultiArg& multiArg,
+     const Function& function,
+     Interval<Dim> domain,
+     ScalarCodeInfo<Dim, MultiArg::size> &info,
+     const Kernel &kernel)
+   {
+     Interval<Dim> newDom = info.extendDomain(domain);
+     Interval<Dim> evalDom = info.evaluationDomain(domain);
+     MultiArgEvaluator<MainEvaluatorTag>::createIterate(multiArg(newDom),
+              function,
+              evalDom, info,
+              kernel);
+   }
+ };
+ template<>
+ struct MultiArgEvaluator<MultiPatchEvaluatorTag>
+ {
+ public:
+   MultiArgEvaluator() {}
+   ~MultiArgEvaluator() {}
+   template<class MultiArg, class Function, int Dim, class Kernel>
+   static void
+   evaluate(const MultiArg &multiArg,
+     const Function &function,
+     const Interval<Dim> &domain,
+     ScalarCodeInfo<Dim, MultiArg::size> &info,
+     const Kernel &kernel)
+   {
+     typedef SimpleIntersector<Dim> Inter_t;
+     Inter_t inter(domain, info.extent());
+     applyMultiArg(multiArg, inter, info.useGuards());
+     typename Inter_t::const_iterator i = inter.begin();
+     while (i != inter.end())
+     {
+       INode<Dim> inode = info.extendDomain(*i);
+       Interval<Dim> evalDom = info.evaluationDomain((*i).domain());
+       MultiArgEvaluator<MainEvaluatorTag>::createIterate(multiArg(inode),
+         function,
+         evalDom, info,
+         kernel);
+       ++i;
+     }
+   }
+ };
+ template <>
+ struct MultiArgEvaluator<RemoteSinglePatchEvaluatorTag>
+ {
+   MultiArgEvaluator() { }
+   ~MultiArgEvaluator() { }
+   template<class MultiArg, class Function, int Dim, class Kernel>
+   static void
+   evaluate(const MultiArg &multiArg,
+     const Function &function,
+     const Interval<Dim> &domain,
+     ScalarCodeInfo<Dim, MultiArg::size> &info,
+     const Kernel &kernel)
+   {
+     GatherContexts gtag;
+     engineFunctor(multiArg.a1_m.engine(), gtag);
+     int lhsContext = gtag.mostCommonContext();
+     expressionApply(multiArg, RemoteSend(lhsContext));
+     EngineView<RemoteView> view;
+     if (lhsContext == -1 || Pooma::context() == lhsContext)
+     {
+       MultiArgEvaluator<SinglePatchEvaluatorTag> speval;
+       speval.evaluate(
+         forEach(multiArg, view, TreeCombine()),
+         function, domain, info, kernel
+         );
+     }
+   }
+ };
+ template <>
+ struct MultiArgEvaluator<RemoteMultiPatchEvaluatorTag>
+ {
+   MultiArgEvaluator() { }
+   ~MultiArgEvaluator() { }
+   template<class MultiArg, class Function, int Dim, class Kernel>
+   static void
+   evaluate(const MultiArg &multiArg,
+     const Function &function,
+     const Interval<Dim> &domain,
+     ScalarCodeInfo<Dim, MultiArg::size> &info,
+     const Kernel &kernel)
+   {
+     typedef SimpleIntersector<Dim> Inter_t;
+     Inter_t inter(domain, info.extent());
+     applyMultiArg(multiArg, inter, info.useGuards());
+     typename Inter_t::const_iterator i = inter.begin();
+     while (i != inter.end())
+     {
+       INode<Dim> inode = info.extendDomain(*i);
+       Interval<Dim> evalDom = info.evaluationDomain((*i).domain());
+       MultiArgEvaluator<RemoteSinglePatchEvaluatorTag>().
+  evaluate(multiArg(inode),
+    function, evalDom, info, kernel);
+       ++i;
+     }
+   }
+ };
+ template<class A1>
+ struct MultiArgEvaluatorTag<MultiArg1<A1> >
+ {
+   typedef typename EvaluatorTag1<A1>::Evaluator_t Evaluator_t;
+ };
+ template<class A1, class A2>
+ struct MultiArgEvaluatorTag<MultiArg2<A1, A2> >
+ {
+   typedef typename EvaluatorTag1<A1>::Evaluator_t Eval1_t;
+   typedef typename EvaluatorTag1<A2>::Evaluator_t Eval2_t;
+   typedef typename EvaluatorCombine<Eval1_t, Eval2_t>::Evaluator_t Evaluator_t;
+ };
+ template<class A1, class A2, class A3>
+ struct MultiArgEvaluatorTag<MultiArg3<A1, A2, A3> >
+ {
+   typedef typename EvaluatorTag1<A1>::Evaluator_t Eval1_t;
+   typedef typename EvaluatorTag1<A2>::Evaluator_t Eval2_t;
+   typedef typename EvaluatorTag1<A3>::Evaluator_t Eval3_t;
+   typedef typename EvaluatorCombine<Eval1_t, Eval2_t>::Evaluator_t Eval12_t;
+   typedef typename EvaluatorCombine<Eval3_t, Eval12_t>::Evaluator_t
+   Evaluator_t;
+ };
+ template<class A1, class A2, class A3, class A4>
+ struct MultiArgEvaluatorTag<MultiArg4<A1, A2, A3, A4> >
+ {
+   typedef typename EvaluatorTag1<A1>::Evaluator_t Eval1_t;
+   typedef typename EvaluatorTag1<A2>::Evaluator_t Eval2_t;
+   typedef typename EvaluatorTag1<A3>::Evaluator_t Eval3_t;
+   typedef typename EvaluatorTag1<A4>::Evaluator_t Eval4_t;
+   typedef typename EvaluatorCombine<Eval1_t, Eval2_t>::Evaluator_t Eval12_t;
+   typedef typename EvaluatorCombine<Eval3_t, Eval4_t>::Evaluator_t Eval34_t;
+   typedef typename EvaluatorCombine<Eval12_t, Eval34_t>::Evaluator_t Evaluator_t;
+ };
+ template<class A1, class A2, class A3, class A4, class A5>
+ struct MultiArgEvaluatorTag<MultiArg5<A1, A2, A3, A4, A5> >
+ {
+   typedef typename EvaluatorTag1<A1>::Evaluator_t Eval1_t;
+   typedef typename EvaluatorTag1<A2>::Evaluator_t Eval2_t;
+   typedef typename EvaluatorTag1<A3>::Evaluator_t Eval3_t;
+   typedef typename EvaluatorTag1<A4>::Evaluator_t Eval4_t;
+   typedef typename EvaluatorTag1<A5>::Evaluator_t Eval5_t;
+   typedef typename EvaluatorCombine<Eval1_t, Eval2_t>::Evaluator_t Eval12_t;
+   typedef typename EvaluatorCombine<Eval3_t, Eval4_t>::Evaluator_t Eval34_t;
+   typedef typename EvaluatorCombine<Eval12_t, Eval34_t>::Evaluator_t Eval1234_t;
+   typedef typename EvaluatorCombine<Eval1234_t, Eval5_t>::Evaluator_t Evaluator_t;
+ };
+ template<class A1, class A2, class A3, class A4, class A5, class A6>
+ struct MultiArgEvaluatorTag<MultiArg6<A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6> >
+ {
+   typedef typename EvaluatorTag1<A1>::Evaluator_t Eval1_t;
+   typedef typename EvaluatorTag1<A2>::Evaluator_t Eval2_t;
+   typedef typename EvaluatorTag1<A3>::Evaluator_t Eval3_t;
+   typedef typename EvaluatorTag1<A4>::Evaluator_t Eval4_t;
+   typedef typename EvaluatorTag1<A5>::Evaluator_t Eval5_t;
+   typedef typename EvaluatorTag1<A6>::Evaluator_t Eval6_t;
+   typedef typename EvaluatorCombine<Eval1_t, Eval2_t>::Evaluator_t Eval12_t;
+   typedef typename EvaluatorCombine<Eval3_t, Eval4_t>::Evaluator_t Eval34_t;
+   typedef typename EvaluatorCombine<Eval5_t, Eval6_t>::Evaluator_t Eval56_t;
+   typedef typename EvaluatorCombine<Eval12_t, Eval34_t>::Evaluator_t Eval1234_t;
+   typedef typename EvaluatorCombine<Eval1234_t, Eval56_t>::Evaluator_t Evaluator_t;
+ };
+ template<class A1, class A2, class A3, class A4, class A5, class A6, class A7>
+ struct MultiArgEvaluatorTag<MultiArg7<A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7> >
+ {
+   typedef typename EvaluatorTag1<A1>::Evaluator_t Eval1_t;
+   typedef typename EvaluatorTag1<A2>::Evaluator_t Eval2_t;
+   typedef typename EvaluatorTag1<A3>::Evaluator_t Eval3_t;
+   typedef typename EvaluatorTag1<A4>::Evaluator_t Eval4_t;
+   typedef typename EvaluatorTag1<A5>::Evaluator_t Eval5_t;
+   typedef typename EvaluatorTag1<A6>::Evaluator_t Eval6_t;
+   typedef typename EvaluatorTag1<A7>::Evaluator_t Eval7_t;
+   typedef typename EvaluatorCombine<Eval1_t, Eval2_t>::Evaluator_t Eval12_t;
+   typedef typename EvaluatorCombine<Eval3_t, Eval12_t>::Evaluator_t Eval123_t;
+   typedef typename EvaluatorCombine<Eval4_t, Eval123_t>::Evaluator_t Eval1234_t;
+   typedef typename EvaluatorCombine<Eval5_t, Eval1234_t>::Evaluator_t Eval12345_t;
+   typedef typename EvaluatorCombine<Eval6_t, Eval12345_t>::Evaluator_t Eval123456_t;
+   typedef typename EvaluatorCombine<Eval7_t, Eval123456_t>::Evaluator_t
+   Evaluator_t;
+ };
+ template<class A1, class Tag>
+ struct LeafFunctor<MultiArg1<A1>, ExpressionApply<Tag> >
+ {
+   typedef int Type_t;
+   inline static
+   Type_t apply(const MultiArg1<A1> &multiarg,
+         const ExpressionApply<Tag> &tag)
+   {
+     leafFunctor(multiarg.a1_m, tag);
+     return 0;
+   }
+ };
+ template<class A1, class Tag>
+ struct LeafFunctor<MultiArg1<A1>, EngineView<Tag> >
+ {
+   typedef typename LeafFunctor<A1, EngineView<Tag> >::Type_t Type1_t;
+   typedef MultiArg1<Type1_t> Type_t;
+   inline static
+   Type_t apply(const MultiArg1<A1> &multiarg,
+         const EngineView<Tag> &tag)
+   {
+     return Type_t(
+     leafFunctor(multiarg.a1_m, tag)
+     );
+   }
+ };
+ template<class A1, class A2, class Tag>
+ struct LeafFunctor<MultiArg2<A1, A2>, ExpressionApply<Tag> >
+ {
+   typedef int Type_t;
+   inline static
+   Type_t apply(const MultiArg2<A1, A2> &multiarg,
+         const ExpressionApply<Tag> &tag)
+   {
+     leafFunctor(multiarg.a1_m, tag);
+     leafFunctor(multiarg.a2_m, tag);
+     return 0;
+   }
+ };
+ template<class A1, class A2, class Tag>
+ struct LeafFunctor<MultiArg2<A1, A2>, EngineView<Tag> >
+ {
+   typedef typename LeafFunctor<A1, EngineView<Tag> >::Type_t Type1_t;
+   typedef typename LeafFunctor<A2, EngineView<Tag> >::Type_t Type2_t;
+   typedef MultiArg2<Type1_t, Type2_t> Type_t;
+   inline static
+   Type_t apply(const MultiArg2<A1, A2> &multiarg,
+         const EngineView<Tag> &tag)
+   {
+     return Type_t(
+     leafFunctor(multiarg.a1_m, tag),
+     leafFunctor(multiarg.a2_m, tag)
+     );
+   }
+ };
+ template<class A1, class A2, class A3, class Tag>
+ struct LeafFunctor<MultiArg3<A1, A2, A3>,
+   ExpressionApply<Tag> >
+ {
+   typedef int Type_t;
+   inline static
+   Type_t apply(const MultiArg3<A1, A2, A3> &multiarg,
+         const ExpressionApply<Tag> &tag)
+   {
+     leafFunctor(multiarg.a1_m, tag);
+     leafFunctor(multiarg.a2_m, tag);
+     leafFunctor(multiarg.a3_m, tag);
+     return 0;
+   }
+ };
+ template<class A1, class A2, class A3, class Tag>
+ struct LeafFunctor<MultiArg3<A1, A2, A3>, EngineView<Tag> >
+ {
+   typedef typename LeafFunctor<A1, EngineView<Tag> >::Type_t Type1_t;
+   typedef typename LeafFunctor<A2, EngineView<Tag> >::Type_t Type2_t;
+   typedef typename LeafFunctor<A3, EngineView<Tag> >::Type_t Type3_t;
+   typedef MultiArg3<Type1_t, Type2_t, Type3_t> Type_t;
+   inline static
+   Type_t apply(const MultiArg3<A1, A2, A3> &multiarg,
+         const EngineView<Tag> &tag)
+   {
+     return Type_t(
+     leafFunctor(multiarg.a1_m, tag),
+     leafFunctor(multiarg.a2_m, tag),
+     leafFunctor(multiarg.a3_m, tag)
+     );
+   }
+ };
+ template<class A1, class A2, class A3, class A4, class Tag>
+ struct LeafFunctor<MultiArg4<A1, A2, A3, A4>,
+   ExpressionApply<Tag> >
+ {
+   typedef int Type_t;
+   inline static
+   Type_t apply(const MultiArg4<A1, A2, A3, A4> &multiarg,
+         const ExpressionApply<Tag> &tag)
+   {
+     leafFunctor(multiarg.a1_m, tag);
+     leafFunctor(multiarg.a2_m, tag);
+     leafFunctor(multiarg.a3_m, tag);
+     leafFunctor(multiarg.a4_m, tag);
+     return 0;
+   }
+ };
+ template<class A1, class A2, class A3, class A4, class Tag>
+ struct LeafFunctor<MultiArg4<A1, A2, A3, A4>, EngineView<Tag> >
+ {
+   typedef typename LeafFunctor<A1, EngineView<Tag> >::Type_t Type1_t;
+   typedef typename LeafFunctor<A2, EngineView<Tag> >::Type_t Type2_t;
+   typedef typename LeafFunctor<A3, EngineView<Tag> >::Type_t Type3_t;
+   typedef typename LeafFunctor<A4, EngineView<Tag> >::Type_t Type4_t;
+   typedef MultiArg4<Type1_t, Type2_t, Type3_t, Type4_t> Type_t;
+   inline static
+   Type_t apply(const MultiArg4<A1, A2, A3, A4> &multiarg,
+         const EngineView<Tag> &tag)
+   {
+     return Type_t(
+     leafFunctor(multiarg.a1_m, tag),
+     leafFunctor(multiarg.a2_m, tag),
+     leafFunctor(multiarg.a3_m, tag),
+     leafFunctor(multiarg.a4_m, tag)
+     );
+   }
+ };
+ template<class A1, class A2, class A3, class A4, class A5, class Tag>
+ struct LeafFunctor<MultiArg5<A1, A2, A3, A4, A5>,
+   ExpressionApply<Tag> >
+ {
+   typedef int Type_t;
+   inline static
+   Type_t apply(const MultiArg5<A1, A2, A3, A4, A5> &multiarg,
+         const ExpressionApply<Tag> &tag)
+   {
+     leafFunctor(multiarg.a1_m, tag);
+     leafFunctor(multiarg.a2_m, tag);
+     leafFunctor(multiarg.a3_m, tag);
+     leafFunctor(multiarg.a4_m, tag);
+     leafFunctor(multiarg.a5_m, tag);
+     return 0;
+   }
+ };
+ template<class A1, class A2, class A3, class A4, class A5, class Tag>
+ struct LeafFunctor<MultiArg5<A1, A2, A3, A4, A5>, EngineView<Tag> >
+ {
+   typedef typename LeafFunctor<A1, EngineView<Tag> >::Type_t Type1_t;
+   typedef typename LeafFunctor<A2, EngineView<Tag> >::Type_t Type2_t;
+   typedef typename LeafFunctor<A3, EngineView<Tag> >::Type_t Type3_t;
+   typedef typename LeafFunctor<A4, EngineView<Tag> >::Type_t Type4_t;
+   typedef typename LeafFunctor<A5, EngineView<Tag> >::Type_t Type5_t;
+   typedef MultiArg5<Type1_t, Type2_t, Type3_t, Type4_t, Type5_t> Type_t;
+   inline static
+   Type_t apply(const MultiArg5<A1, A2, A3, A4, A5> &multiarg,
+         const EngineView<Tag> &tag)
+   {
+     return Type_t(
+     leafFunctor(multiarg.a1_m, tag),
+     leafFunctor(multiarg.a2_m, tag),
+     leafFunctor(multiarg.a3_m, tag),
+     leafFunctor(multiarg.a4_m, tag),
+     leafFunctor(multiarg.a5_m, tag)
+     );
+   }
+ };
+ template<class A1, class A2, class A3, class A4, class A5,
+   class A6, class Tag>
+ struct LeafFunctor<MultiArg6<A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6>,
+   ExpressionApply<Tag> >
+ {
+   typedef int Type_t;
+   inline static
+   Type_t apply(const MultiArg6<A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6> &multiarg,
+         const ExpressionApply<Tag> &tag)
+   {
+     leafFunctor(multiarg.a1_m, tag);
+     leafFunctor(multiarg.a2_m, tag);
+     leafFunctor(multiarg.a3_m, tag);
+     leafFunctor(multiarg.a4_m, tag);
+     leafFunctor(multiarg.a5_m, tag);
+     leafFunctor(multiarg.a6_m, tag);
+     return 0;
+   }
+ };
+ template<class A1, class A2, class A3, class A4, class A5,
+   class A6, class Tag>
+ struct LeafFunctor<MultiArg6<A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6>, EngineView<Tag> >
+ {
+   typedef typename LeafFunctor<A1, EngineView<Tag> >::Type_t Type1_t;
+   typedef typename LeafFunctor<A2, EngineView<Tag> >::Type_t Type2_t;
+   typedef typename LeafFunctor<A3, EngineView<Tag> >::Type_t Type3_t;
+   typedef typename LeafFunctor<A4, EngineView<Tag> >::Type_t Type4_t;
+   typedef typename LeafFunctor<A5, EngineView<Tag> >::Type_t Type5_t;
+   typedef typename LeafFunctor<A6, EngineView<Tag> >::Type_t Type6_t;
+   typedef MultiArg6<Type1_t, Type2_t, Type3_t, Type4_t, Type5_t,
+     Type6_t> Type_t;
+   inline static
+   Type_t apply(const MultiArg6<A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6> &multiarg,
+         const EngineView<Tag> &tag)
+   {
+     return Type_t(
+     leafFunctor(multiarg.a1_m, tag),
+     leafFunctor(multiarg.a2_m, tag),
+     leafFunctor(multiarg.a3_m, tag),
+     leafFunctor(multiarg.a4_m, tag),
+     leafFunctor(multiarg.a5_m, tag),
+     leafFunctor(multiarg.a6_m, tag)
+     );
+   }
+ };
+ template<class A1, class A2, class A3, class A4, class A5,
+   class A6, class A7, class Tag>
+ struct LeafFunctor<MultiArg7<A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7>,
+   ExpressionApply<Tag> >
+ {
+   typedef int Type_t;
+   inline static
+   Type_t apply(const MultiArg7<A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7> &multiarg,
+         const ExpressionApply<Tag> &tag)
+   {
+     leafFunctor(multiarg.a1_m, tag);
+     leafFunctor(multiarg.a2_m, tag);
+     leafFunctor(multiarg.a3_m, tag);
+     leafFunctor(multiarg.a4_m, tag);
+     leafFunctor(multiarg.a5_m, tag);
+     leafFunctor(multiarg.a6_m, tag);
+     leafFunctor(multiarg.a7_m, tag);
+     return 0;
+   }
+ };
+ template<class A1, class A2, class A3, class A4, class A5,
+   class A6, class A7, class Tag>
+ struct LeafFunctor<MultiArg7<A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7>, EngineView<Tag> >
+ {
+   typedef typename LeafFunctor<A1, EngineView<Tag> >::Type_t Type1_t;
+   typedef typename LeafFunctor<A2, EngineView<Tag> >::Type_t Type2_t;
+   typedef typename LeafFunctor<A3, EngineView<Tag> >::Type_t Type3_t;
+   typedef typename LeafFunctor<A4, EngineView<Tag> >::Type_t Type4_t;
+   typedef typename LeafFunctor<A5, EngineView<Tag> >::Type_t Type5_t;
+   typedef typename LeafFunctor<A6, EngineView<Tag> >::Type_t Type6_t;
+   typedef typename LeafFunctor<A7, EngineView<Tag> >::Type_t Type7_t;
+   typedef MultiArg7<Type1_t, Type2_t, Type3_t, Type4_t, Type5_t,
+     Type6_t, Type7_t> Type_t;
+   inline static
+   Type_t apply(const MultiArg7<A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7> &multiarg,
+         const EngineView<Tag> &tag)
+   {
+     return Type_t(
+     leafFunctor(multiarg.a1_m, tag),
+     leafFunctor(multiarg.a2_m, tag),
+     leafFunctor(multiarg.a3_m, tag),
+     leafFunctor(multiarg.a4_m, tag),
+     leafFunctor(multiarg.a5_m, tag),
+     leafFunctor(multiarg.a6_m, tag),
+     leafFunctor(multiarg.a7_m, tag)
+     );
+   }
+ };
+ template<class MA, class Function>
+ struct ApplyMultiArgLoc;
+ template<class A1, class Function>
+ struct ApplyMultiArgLoc<MultiArg1<A1>, Function>
+ {
+   ApplyMultiArgLoc(const MultiArg1<A1> &multiArg, const Function &function)
+     : multiArg_m(multiArg), function_m(function)
+   {
+   }
+   void operator()(int i0) const
+   {
+     function_m(multiArg_m.a1_m, Loc<1>(i0));
+   }
+   void operator()(int i0, int i1) const
+   {
+     function_m(multiArg_m.a1_m, Loc<2>(i0, i1));
+   }
+   void operator()(int i0, int i1, int i2) const
+   {
+     function_m(multiArg_m.a1_m, Loc<3>(i0, i1, i2));
+   }
+   void operator()(int i0, int i1, int i2, int i3) const
+   {
+     function_m(multiArg_m.a1_m, Loc<4>(i0, i1, i2, i3));
+   }
+   const MultiArg1<A1> &multiArg_m;
+   const Function &function_m;
+ };
+ template<class A1, class A2, class Function>
+ struct ApplyMultiArgLoc<MultiArg2<A1, A2>, Function>
+ {
+   ApplyMultiArgLoc(const MultiArg2<A1, A2> &multiArg,const Function &function)
+     : multiArg_m(multiArg), function_m(function)
+   {
+   }
+   void operator()(int i0) const
+   {
+     function_m(multiArg_m.a1_m, multiArg_m.a2_m, Loc<1>(i0));
+   }
+   void operator()(int i0, int i1) const
+   {
+     function_m(multiArg_m.a1_m, multiArg_m.a2_m, Loc<2>(i0, i1));
+   }
+   void operator()(int i0, int i1, int i2) const
+   {
+     function_m(multiArg_m.a1_m, multiArg_m.a2_m, Loc<3>(i0, i1, i2));
+   }
+   void operator()(int i0, int i1, int i2, int i3) const
+   {
+     function_m(multiArg_m.a1_m, multiArg_m.a2_m, Loc<4>(i0, i1, i2, i3));
+   }
+   const MultiArg2<A1, A2> &multiArg_m;
+   const Function &function_m;
+ };
+ template<class A1, class A2, class A3, class Function>
+ struct ApplyMultiArgLoc<MultiArg3<A1, A2, A3>, Function>
+ {
+   ApplyMultiArgLoc(const MultiArg3<A1, A2, A3> &multiArg,
+      const Function &function)
+     : multiArg_m(multiArg), function_m(function)
+   {
+   }
+   void operator()(int i0) const
+   {
+     function_m(multiArg_m.a1_m, multiArg_m.a2_m, multiArg_m.a3_m,
+         Loc<1>(i0));
+   }
+   void operator()(int i0, int i1) const
+   {
+     function_m(multiArg_m.a1_m, multiArg_m.a2_m, multiArg_m.a3_m,
+         Loc<2>(i0, i1));
+   }
+   void operator()(int i0, int i1, int i2) const
+   {
+     function_m(multiArg_m.a1_m, multiArg_m.a2_m, multiArg_m.a3_m,
+         Loc<3>(i0, i1, i2));
+   }
+   void operator()(int i0, int i1, int i2, int i3) const
+   {
+     function_m(multiArg_m.a1_m, multiArg_m.a2_m, multiArg_m.a3_m,
+         Loc<4>(i0, i1, i2, i3));
+   }
+   const MultiArg3<A1, A2, A3> &multiArg_m;
+   const Function &function_m;
+ };
+ template<class A1, class A2, class A3, class A4, class A5, class A6, class A7, class Function>
+ struct ApplyMultiArgLoc<MultiArg7<A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7>, Function>
+ {
+   ApplyMultiArgLoc(const MultiArg7<A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7> &multiArg,
+      const Function &function)
+     : multiArg_m(multiArg), function_m(function)
+   {
+   }
+   void operator()(int i0) const
+   {
+     function_m(multiArg_m.a1_m, multiArg_m.a2_m, multiArg_m.a3_m,
+                multiArg_m.a4_m, multiArg_m.a5_m, multiArg_m.a6_m,
+                multiArg_m.a7_m, Loc<1>(i0));
+   }
+   void operator()(int i0, int i1) const
+   {
+     function_m(multiArg_m.a1_m, multiArg_m.a2_m, multiArg_m.a3_m,
+                multiArg_m.a4_m, multiArg_m.a5_m, multiArg_m.a6_m,
+                multiArg_m.a7_m, Loc<2>(i0, i1));
+   }
+   void operator()(int i0, int i1, int i2) const
+   {
+     function_m(multiArg_m.a1_m, multiArg_m.a2_m, multiArg_m.a3_m,
+                multiArg_m.a4_m, multiArg_m.a5_m, multiArg_m.a6_m,
+                multiArg_m.a7_m, Loc<3>(i0, i1, i2));
+   }
+   void operator()(int i0, int i1, int i2, int i3) const
+   {
+     function_m(multiArg_m.a1_m, multiArg_m.a2_m, multiArg_m.a3_m,
+                multiArg_m.a4_m, multiArg_m.a5_m, multiArg_m.a6_m,
+                multiArg_m.a7_m, Loc<4>(i0, i1, i2, i3));
+   }
+   const MultiArg7<A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7> &multiArg_m;
+   const Function &function_m;
+ };
+ template<class A1, class A2, class A3, class A4, class A5, class A6, class Function>
+ struct ApplyMultiArgLoc<MultiArg6<A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6>, Function>
+ {
+   ApplyMultiArgLoc(const MultiArg6<A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6> &multiArg,
+      const Function &function)
+     : multiArg_m(multiArg), function_m(function)
+   {
+   }
+   void operator()(int i0) const
+   {
+     function_m(multiArg_m.a1_m, multiArg_m.a2_m, multiArg_m.a3_m,
+                multiArg_m.a4_m, multiArg_m.a5_m, multiArg_m.a6_m,
+                Loc<1>(i0));
+   }
+   void operator()(int i0, int i1) const
+   {
+     function_m(multiArg_m.a1_m, multiArg_m.a2_m, multiArg_m.a3_m,
+                multiArg_m.a4_m, multiArg_m.a5_m, multiArg_m.a6_m,
+                 Loc<2>(i0, i1));
+   }
+   void operator()(int i0, int i1, int i2) const
+   {
+     function_m(multiArg_m.a1_m, multiArg_m.a2_m, multiArg_m.a3_m,
+                multiArg_m.a4_m, multiArg_m.a5_m, multiArg_m.a6_m,
+                Loc<3>(i0, i1, i2));
+   }
+   void operator()(int i0, int i1, int i2, int i3) const
+   {
+     function_m(multiArg_m.a1_m, multiArg_m.a2_m, multiArg_m.a3_m,
+                multiArg_m.a4_m, multiArg_m.a5_m, multiArg_m.a6_m,
+                Loc<4>(i0, i1, i2, i3));
+   }
+   const MultiArg6<A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6> &multiArg_m;
+   const Function &function_m;
+ };
+ template<class A1, class A2, class A3, class A4, class Function>
+ struct ApplyMultiArgLoc<MultiArg4<A1, A2, A3, A4>, Function>
+ {
+   ApplyMultiArgLoc(const MultiArg4<A1, A2, A3, A4> &multiArg,
+      const Function &function)
+     : multiArg_m(multiArg), function_m(function)
+   {
+   }
+   void operator()(int i0) const
+   {
+     function_m(multiArg_m.a1_m, multiArg_m.a2_m, multiArg_m.a3_m,
+                multiArg_m.a4_m,
+                Loc<1>(i0));
+   }
+   void operator()(int i0, int i1) const
+   {
+     function_m(multiArg_m.a1_m, multiArg_m.a2_m, multiArg_m.a3_m,
+                multiArg_m.a4_m,
+                 Loc<2>(i0, i1));
+   }
+   void operator()(int i0, int i1, int i2) const
+   {
+     function_m(multiArg_m.a1_m, multiArg_m.a2_m, multiArg_m.a3_m,
+                multiArg_m.a4_m,
+                Loc<3>(i0, i1, i2));
+   }
+   void operator()(int i0, int i1, int i2, int i3) const
+   {
+     function_m(multiArg_m.a1_m, multiArg_m.a2_m, multiArg_m.a3_m,
+                multiArg_m.a4_m,
+                Loc<4>(i0, i1, i2, i3));
+   }
+   const MultiArg4<A1, A2, A3, A4> &multiArg_m;
+   const Function &function_m;
+ };
+ template<class A1, class A2, class A3, class A4, class A5, class Function>
+ struct ApplyMultiArgLoc<MultiArg5<A1, A2, A3, A4, A5>, Function>
+ {
+   ApplyMultiArgLoc(const MultiArg5<A1, A2, A3, A4, A5> &multiArg,
+      const Function &function)
+     : multiArg_m(multiArg), function_m(function)
+   {
+   }
+   void operator()(int i0) const
+   {
+     function_m(multiArg_m.a1_m, multiArg_m.a2_m, multiArg_m.a3_m,
+                multiArg_m.a4_m, multiArg_m.a5_m,
+                Loc<1>(i0));
+   }
+   void operator()(int i0, int i1) const
+   {
+     function_m(multiArg_m.a1_m, multiArg_m.a2_m, multiArg_m.a3_m,
+                multiArg_m.a4_m, multiArg_m.a5_m,
+                 Loc<2>(i0, i1));
+   }
+   void operator()(int i0, int i1, int i2) const
+   {
+     function_m(multiArg_m.a1_m, multiArg_m.a2_m, multiArg_m.a3_m,
+                multiArg_m.a4_m, multiArg_m.a5_m,
+                Loc<3>(i0, i1, i2));
+   }
+   void operator()(int i0, int i1, int i2, int i3) const
+   {
+     function_m(multiArg_m.a1_m, multiArg_m.a2_m, multiArg_m.a3_m,
+                multiArg_m.a4_m, multiArg_m.a5_m,
+                Loc<4>(i0, i1, i2, i3));
+   }
+   const MultiArg5<A1, A2, A3, A4, A5> &multiArg_m;
+   const Function &function_m;
+ };
+ template<class Function, int Dim>
+ struct EvaluateLocLoop
+ {
+   EvaluateLocLoop()
+   {
+   }
+   EvaluateLocLoop(const Function &function, const Interval<Dim> &domain)
+     : function_m(function), domain_m(domain)
+   {
+   }
+   template<class MultiArg>
+   void operator()(MultiArg &multiArg) const
+   {
+     ApplyMultiArgLoc<MultiArg, Function> op(multiArg, function_m);
+     LoopApplyEvaluator::evaluate(op, domain_m);
+   }
+   Function function_m;
+   Interval<Dim> domain_m;
+ };
+ template<class Function>
+ struct ScalarCode
+ {
+   ScalarCode()
+   {
+   }
+   ScalarCode(const Function &function)
+     : function_m(function)
+   {
+   }
+   template <class LHS>
+   ScalarCode(const ScalarCode<Function>& sc, const LHS&)
+     : function_m(sc.function_m)
+   {
+   }
+   template<class F>
+   static inline bool checkValidity(const F& f, WrappedInt<false>)
+   {
+     return true;
+   }
+   template<class F>
+   static inline bool checkValidity(const F& f, WrappedInt<true>)
+   {
+     return f.centeringSize() == 1 && f.numMaterials() == 1;
+   }
+   template<class F1>
+   void operator()(const F1 &f1, const Interval<F1::dimensions> &evalDom) const
+   {
+     ;
+     MultiArg1<F1> multiArg(f1);
+     EvaluateLocLoop<Function, F1::dimensions> kernel(function_m, evalDom);
+     MultiArgEvaluator<MainEvaluatorTag>::
+       evaluate(multiArg, function_m, evalDom, kernel);
+   }
+   template<class F1>
+   inline void operator()(const F1 &f1) const
+   {
+     (*this)(f1, f1.physicalDomain());
+   }
+   template<class F1, class F2>
+   void operator()(const F1 &f1, const Interval<F1::dimensions> &evalDom,
+                   const F2 &f2) const
+   {
+     ;
+     MultiArg2<F1, F2> multiArg(f1, f2);
+     EvaluateLocLoop<Function, F1::dimensions> kernel(function_m, evalDom);
+     MultiArgEvaluator<MainEvaluatorTag>::
+       evaluate(multiArg, function_m, evalDom, kernel);
+   }
+   template<class F1, class F2>
+   inline void operator()(const F1 &f1, const F2 &f2) const
+   {
+     (*this)(f1, f1.physicalDomain(), f2);
+   }
+   template<class F1, class F2, class F3>
+   void operator()(const F1 &f1, const Interval<F1::dimensions> &evalDom,
+                   const F2 &f2, const F3 &f3) const
+   {
+     ;
+     MultiArg3<F1, F2, F3> multiArg(f1, f2, f3);
+     EvaluateLocLoop<Function, F1::dimensions> kernel(function_m, evalDom);
+     MultiArgEvaluator<MainEvaluatorTag>::
+       evaluate(multiArg, function_m, evalDom, kernel);
+   }
+   template<class F1, class F2, class F3>
+   inline void operator()(const F1 &f1, const F2 &f2, const F3 &f3) const
+   {
+     (*this)(f1, f1.physicalDomain(), f2, f3);
+   }
+   template<class F1, class F2, class F3, class F4>
+   void operator()(const F1 &f1, const Interval<F1::dimensions> &evalDom,
+     const F2 &f2, const F3 &f3, const F4 &f4) const
+   {
+     ;
+     MultiArg4<F1, F2, F3, F4> multiArg(f1, f2, f3, f4);
+     EvaluateLocLoop<Function, F1::dimensions> kernel(function_m, evalDom);
+     MultiArgEvaluator<MainEvaluatorTag>::
+       evaluate(multiArg, function_m, evalDom, kernel);
+   }
+   template<class F1, class F2, class F3, class F4>
+   inline void operator()(const F1 &f1, const F2 &f2, const F3 &f3, const F4 &f4) const
+   {
+     (*this)(f1, f1.physicalDomain(), f2, f3, f4);
+   }
+   template<class F1, class F2, class F3, class F4, class F5>
+   void operator()(const F1 &f1, const Interval<F1::dimensions> &evalDom,
+     const F2 &f2, const F3 &f3, const F4 &f4, const F5 &f5) const
+   {
+     ;
+     MultiArg5<F1, F2, F3, F4, F5> multiArg(f1, f2, f3, f4, f5);
+     EvaluateLocLoop<Function, F1::dimensions> kernel(function_m, evalDom);
+     MultiArgEvaluator<MainEvaluatorTag>::
+       evaluate(multiArg, function_m, evalDom, kernel);
+   }
+   template<class F1, class F2, class F3, class F4, class F5>
+   inline void operator()(const F1 &f1, const F2 &f2, const F3 &f3, const F4 &f4,
+     const F5 &f5) const
+   {
+     (*this)(f1, f1.physicalDomain(), f2, f3, f4, f5);
+   }
+   template<class F1, class F2, class F3, class F4, class F5, class F6>
+   void operator()(const F1 &f1, const Interval<F1::dimensions> &evalDom,
+     const F2 &f2, const F3 &f3, const F4 &f4, const F5 &f5,
+     const F6 &f6) const
+   {
+     ;
+     MultiArg6<F1, F2, F3, F4, F5, F6> multiArg(f1, f2, f3, f4, f5, f6);
+     EvaluateLocLoop<Function, F1::dimensions> kernel(function_m, evalDom);
+     MultiArgEvaluator<MainEvaluatorTag>::
+       evaluate(multiArg, function_m, evalDom, kernel);
+   }
+   template<class F1, class F2, class F3, class F4, class F5, class F6>
+   inline void operator()(const F1 &f1, const F2 &f2, const F3 &f3, const F4 &f4,
+     const F5 &f5, const F6 &f6) const
+   {
+     (*this)(f1, f1.physicalDomain(), f2, f3, f4, f5, f6);
+   }
+   template<class F1, class F2, class F3, class F4, class F5, class F6, class F7>
+   void operator()(const F1 &f1, const Interval<F1::dimensions> &evalDom,
+     const F2 &f2, const F3 &f3, const F4 &f4,
+     const F5 &f5, const F6 &f6, const F7 &f7) const
+   {
+     ;
+     MultiArg7<F1, F2, F3, F4, F5, F6, F7> multiArg(f1, f2, f3, f4, f5, f6, f7);
+     EvaluateLocLoop<Function, F1::dimensions> kernel(function_m, evalDom);
+     MultiArgEvaluator<MainEvaluatorTag>::
+       evaluate(multiArg, function_m, evalDom, kernel);
+   }
+   template<class F1, class F2, class F3, class F4, class F5, class F6, class F7>
+   inline void operator()(const F1 &f1, const F2 &f2, const F3 &f3, const F4 &f4,
+     const F5 &f5, const F6 &f6, const F7 &f7) const
+   {
+     (*this)(f1, f1.physicalDomain(), f2, f3, f4, f5, f6, f7);
+   }
+   Function function_m;
+ };
+ template<class InputField>
+ struct PackLocalPatches
+ {
+   typedef typename InputField::Element_t Element_t;
+   PackLocalPatches(RefCountedBlockPtr<Element_t> block)
+     : block_m(block)
+   {
+   }
+   inline void operator()(const Element_t &t)
+   {
+     *block_m = t;
+     ++block_m;
+   }
+   RefCountedBlockPtr<Element_t> block_m;
+   int total_m;
+ };
+ template<class InputField>
+ RefCountedBlockPtr<typename InputField::Element_t>
+ pack(const InputField &field)
+ {
+   Pooma::blockAndEvaluate();
+   typedef typename InputField::Element_t Element_t;
+   int size, i;
+   size = 0;
+   for (i = 0; i < field.numPatchesLocal(); ++i)
+   {
+     size += field.patchLocal(i).domain().size();
+   }
+   RefCountedBlockPtr<Element_t> ret(size);
+   RefCountedBlockPtr<Element_t> current = ret;
+   for (i = 0; i < field.numPatchesLocal(); ++i)
+   {
+     typedef typename Patch<InputField>::Type_t PatchField_t;
+     PatchField_t patch = field.patchLocal(i);
+     PackLocalPatches<PatchField_t> packFunctor(current);
+     EngineBlockSerialize::apply(packFunctor, patch, patch.domain());
+     current += patch.domain().size();
+   }
+   return ret;
+ }
+ template<class InputField>
+ struct UnPackLocalPatches
+ {
+   typedef typename InputField::Element_t Element_t;
+   UnPackLocalPatches(RefCountedBlockPtr<Element_t> block)
+     : block_m(block)
+   {
+   }
+   inline void operator()(Element_t &t)
+   {
+     t = *block_m;
+     ++block_m;
+   }
+   RefCountedBlockPtr<Element_t> block_m;
+   int total_m;
+ };
+ template<class InputField, class T>
+ void
+ unpack(const InputField &field, RefCountedBlockPtr<T> block)
+ {
+   Pooma::blockAndEvaluate();
+   int i;
+   RefCountedBlockPtr<T> current = block;
+   for (i = 0; i < field.numPatchesLocal(); ++i)
+   {
+     typedef typename Patch<InputField>::Type_t PatchField_t;
+     PatchField_t patch = field.patchLocal(i);
+     UnPackLocalPatches<PatchField_t> unpackFunctor(current);
+     EngineBlockSerialize::apply(unpackFunctor, patch, patch.physicalDomain());
+     current += patch.physicalDomain().size();
+   }
+ }
+ struct FarLeftTag;
+ template<class G, class T, class E> class Field;
+ template<class Expr>
+ struct MakeFieldReturn;
+ template<class Op, class Leaf>
+ struct MakeFieldReturn<UnaryNode<Op, Leaf> >
+ {
+   typedef UnaryNode<Op, Leaf> Tree_t;
+   typedef typename
+     ForEach<Tree_t, DomainFunctorTag, DomainFunctorTag>::Type_t Domain_t;
+   enum { dim = Domain_t::dimensions };
+   typedef typename ForEach<Tree_t, EvalLeaf<dim>, OpCombine>::Type_t T_t;
+   typedef Engine<dim, T_t, ExpressionTag<Tree_t> > Engine_t;
+   typedef typename ForEach<Tree_t, FarLeftTag, FarLeftTag>::
+     Type_t::MeshTag_t MeshTag_t;
+   typedef Field<MeshTag_t, T_t, ExpressionTag<Tree_t> > Expression_t;
+   inline static
+   Expression_t make(const Tree_t &tree)
+     {
+       return Expression_t(Engine_t(tree));
+     }
+ };
+ template<class Op, class Left, class Right>
+ struct MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<Op, Left, Right> >
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<Op, Left, Right> Tree_t;
+   typedef typename
+     ForEach<Tree_t, DomainFunctorTag, DomainFunctorTag>::Type_t Domain_t;
+   enum { dim = Domain_t::dimensions };
+   typedef typename ForEach<Tree_t, EvalLeaf<dim>, OpCombine>::Type_t T_t;
+   typedef Engine<dim, T_t, ExpressionTag<Tree_t> > Engine_t;
+   typedef typename ForEach<Tree_t, FarLeftTag, FarLeftTag>::
+     Type_t::MeshTag_t MeshTag_t;
+   typedef Field<MeshTag_t, T_t, ExpressionTag<Tree_t> >
+     Expression_t;
+   inline static
+   Expression_t make(const Tree_t &tree)
+     {
+       return Expression_t(Engine_t(tree));
+     }
+ };
+ template<class Op, class Left, class Middle, class Right>
+ struct MakeFieldReturn<TrinaryNode<Op, Left, Middle, Right> >
+ {
+   typedef TrinaryNode<Op, Left, Middle, Right> Tree_t;
+   typedef typename
+     ForEach<Tree_t, DomainFunctorTag, DomainFunctorTag>::Type_t Domain_t;
+   enum { dim = Domain_t::dimensions };
+   typedef typename ForEach<Tree_t, EvalLeaf<dim>, OpCombine>::Type_t T_t;
+   typedef Engine<dim, T_t, ExpressionTag<Tree_t> > Engine_t;
+   typedef typename ForEach<Tree_t, FarLeftTag, FarLeftTag>::
+     Type_t::MeshTag_t MeshTag_t;
+   typedef Field<MeshTag_t, T_t, ExpressionTag<Tree_t> > Expression_t;
+   inline static
+   Expression_t make(const Tree_t &tree)
+     {
+       return Expression_t(Engine_t(tree));
+     }
+ };
+ template<class G, class T, class E> class Field;
+ template<class G1,class T1,class E1>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<UnaryNode<FnArcCos,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ acos(const Field<G1,T1,E1> & l)
+ {
+   typedef UnaryNode<FnArcCos,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::make(l)));
+ }
+ template<class G1,class T1,class E1>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<UnaryNode<FnArcSin,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ asin(const Field<G1,T1,E1> & l)
+ {
+   typedef UnaryNode<FnArcSin,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::make(l)));
+ }
+ template<class G1,class T1,class E1>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<UnaryNode<FnArcTan,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ atan(const Field<G1,T1,E1> & l)
+ {
+   typedef UnaryNode<FnArcTan,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::make(l)));
+ }
+ template<class G1,class T1,class E1>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<UnaryNode<FnCeil,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ ceil(const Field<G1,T1,E1> & l)
+ {
+   typedef UnaryNode<FnCeil,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::make(l)));
+ }
+ template<class G1,class T1,class E1>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<UnaryNode<FnCos,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ cos(const Field<G1,T1,E1> & l)
+ {
+   typedef UnaryNode<FnCos,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::make(l)));
+ }
+ template<class G1,class T1,class E1>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<UnaryNode<FnHypCos,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ cosh(const Field<G1,T1,E1> & l)
+ {
+   typedef UnaryNode<FnHypCos,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::make(l)));
+ }
+ template<class G1,class T1,class E1>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<UnaryNode<FnExp,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ exp(const Field<G1,T1,E1> & l)
+ {
+   typedef UnaryNode<FnExp,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::make(l)));
+ }
+ template<class G1,class T1,class E1>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<UnaryNode<FnFabs,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ fabs(const Field<G1,T1,E1> & l)
+ {
+   typedef UnaryNode<FnFabs,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::make(l)));
+ }
+ template<class G1,class T1,class E1>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<UnaryNode<FnFloor,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ floor(const Field<G1,T1,E1> & l)
+ {
+   typedef UnaryNode<FnFloor,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::make(l)));
+ }
+ template<class G1,class T1,class E1>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<UnaryNode<FnLog,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ log(const Field<G1,T1,E1> & l)
+ {
+   typedef UnaryNode<FnLog,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::make(l)));
+ }
+ template<class G1,class T1,class E1>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<UnaryNode<FnLog10,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ log10(const Field<G1,T1,E1> & l)
+ {
+   typedef UnaryNode<FnLog10,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::make(l)));
+ }
+ template<class G1,class T1,class E1>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<UnaryNode<FnSin,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ sin(const Field<G1,T1,E1> & l)
+ {
+   typedef UnaryNode<FnSin,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::make(l)));
+ }
+ template<class G1,class T1,class E1>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<UnaryNode<FnHypSin,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ sinh(const Field<G1,T1,E1> & l)
+ {
+   typedef UnaryNode<FnHypSin,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::make(l)));
+ }
+ template<class G1,class T1,class E1>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<UnaryNode<FnSqrt,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ sqrt(const Field<G1,T1,E1> & l)
+ {
+   typedef UnaryNode<FnSqrt,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::make(l)));
+ }
+ template<class G1,class T1,class E1>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<UnaryNode<FnTan,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ tan(const Field<G1,T1,E1> & l)
+ {
+   typedef UnaryNode<FnTan,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::make(l)));
+ }
+ template<class G1,class T1,class E1>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<UnaryNode<FnHypTan,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ tanh(const Field<G1,T1,E1> & l)
+ {
+   typedef UnaryNode<FnHypTan,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::make(l)));
+ }
+ template<class G1,class T1,class E1>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<UnaryNode<OpUnaryMinus,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator-(const Field<G1,T1,E1> & l)
+ {
+   typedef UnaryNode<OpUnaryMinus,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::make(l)));
+ }
+ template<class G1,class T1,class E1>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<UnaryNode<OpUnaryPlus,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator+(const Field<G1,T1,E1> & l)
+ {
+   typedef UnaryNode<OpUnaryPlus,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::make(l)));
+ }
+ template<class G1,class T1,class E1>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<UnaryNode<OpBitwiseNot,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator~(const Field<G1,T1,E1> & l)
+ {
+   typedef UnaryNode<OpBitwiseNot,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::make(l)));
+ }
+ template<class G1,class T1,class E1>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<UnaryNode<OpIdentity,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ PETE_identity(const Field<G1,T1,E1> & l)
+ {
+   typedef UnaryNode<OpIdentity,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::make(l)));
+ }
+ template<class G1,class T1,class E1>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<UnaryNode<OpNot,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator!(const Field<G1,T1,E1> & l)
+ {
+   typedef UnaryNode<OpNot,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::make(l)));
+ }
+ template<class T1,class G2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<UnaryNode<OpCast<T1>,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ peteCast(const T1&, const Field<G2,T2,E2> & l)
+ {
+   typedef UnaryNode<OpCast<T1>,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::make(l)));
+ }
+ template<class G1,class T1,class E1,class G2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<OpAdd,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator+(const Field<G1,T1,E1> & l,const Field<G2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpAdd,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class G1,class T1,class E1,class G2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<OpSubtract,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator-(const Field<G1,T1,E1> & l,const Field<G2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpSubtract,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class G1,class T1,class E1,class G2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<OpMultiply,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator*(const Field<G1,T1,E1> & l,const Field<G2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpMultiply,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class G1,class T1,class E1,class G2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<OpDivide,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator/(const Field<G1,T1,E1> & l,const Field<G2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpDivide,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class G1,class T1,class E1,class G2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<OpMod,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator%(const Field<G1,T1,E1> & l,const Field<G2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpMod,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class G1,class T1,class E1,class G2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<OpBitwiseAnd,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator&(const Field<G1,T1,E1> & l,const Field<G2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpBitwiseAnd,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class G1,class T1,class E1,class G2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<OpBitwiseOr,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator|(const Field<G1,T1,E1> & l,const Field<G2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpBitwiseOr,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class G1,class T1,class E1,class G2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<OpBitwiseXor,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator^(const Field<G1,T1,E1> & l,const Field<G2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpBitwiseXor,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class G1,class T1,class E1,class G2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<FnLdexp,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ ldexp(const Field<G1,T1,E1> & l,const Field<G2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<FnLdexp,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class G1,class T1,class E1,class G2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<FnPow,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ pow(const Field<G1,T1,E1> & l,const Field<G2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<FnPow,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class G1,class T1,class E1,class G2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<FnFmod,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ fmod(const Field<G1,T1,E1> & l,const Field<G2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<FnFmod,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class G1,class T1,class E1,class G2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<FnArcTan2,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ atan2(const Field<G1,T1,E1> & l,const Field<G2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<FnArcTan2,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class G1,class T1,class E1,class G2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<OpLT,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator<(const Field<G1,T1,E1> & l,const Field<G2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpLT,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class G1,class T1,class E1,class G2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<OpLE,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator<=(const Field<G1,T1,E1> & l,const Field<G2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpLE,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class G1,class T1,class E1,class G2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<OpGT,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator>(const Field<G1,T1,E1> & l,const Field<G2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpGT,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class G1,class T1,class E1,class G2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<OpGE,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator>=(const Field<G1,T1,E1> & l,const Field<G2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpGE,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class G1,class T1,class E1,class G2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<OpEQ,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator==(const Field<G1,T1,E1> & l,const Field<G2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpEQ,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class G1,class T1,class E1,class G2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<OpNE,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator!=(const Field<G1,T1,E1> & l,const Field<G2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpNE,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class G1,class T1,class E1,class G2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<OpAnd,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator&&(const Field<G1,T1,E1> & l,const Field<G2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpAnd,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class G1,class T1,class E1,class G2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<OpOr,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator||(const Field<G1,T1,E1> & l,const Field<G2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpOr,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class G1,class T1,class E1,class G2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<OpLeftShift,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator<<(const Field<G1,T1,E1> & l,const Field<G2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpLeftShift,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class G1,class T1,class E1,class G2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<OpRightShift,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator>>(const Field<G1,T1,E1> & l,const Field<G2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpRightShift,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class G1,class T1,class E1,int D2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<OpAdd,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator+(const Field<G1,T1,E1> & l,const Array<D2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpAdd,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class G1,class T1,class E1,class T2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<OpAdd,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<T2 >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator+(const Field<G1,T1,E1> & l,const T2 & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpAdd,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<T2 >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<T2 >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class G1,class T1,class E1,int D2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<OpSubtract,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator-(const Field<G1,T1,E1> & l,const Array<D2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpSubtract,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class G1,class T1,class E1,class T2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<OpSubtract,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<T2 >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator-(const Field<G1,T1,E1> & l,const T2 & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpSubtract,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<T2 >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<T2 >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class G1,class T1,class E1,int D2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<OpMultiply,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator*(const Field<G1,T1,E1> & l,const Array<D2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpMultiply,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class G1,class T1,class E1,class T2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<OpMultiply,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<T2 >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator*(const Field<G1,T1,E1> & l,const T2 & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpMultiply,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<T2 >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<T2 >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class G1,class T1,class E1,int D2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<OpDivide,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator/(const Field<G1,T1,E1> & l,const Array<D2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpDivide,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class G1,class T1,class E1,class T2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<OpDivide,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<T2 >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator/(const Field<G1,T1,E1> & l,const T2 & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpDivide,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<T2 >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<T2 >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class G1,class T1,class E1,int D2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<OpMod,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator%(const Field<G1,T1,E1> & l,const Array<D2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpMod,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class G1,class T1,class E1,class T2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<OpMod,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<T2 >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator%(const Field<G1,T1,E1> & l,const T2 & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpMod,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<T2 >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<T2 >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class G1,class T1,class E1,int D2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<OpBitwiseAnd,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator&(const Field<G1,T1,E1> & l,const Array<D2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpBitwiseAnd,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class G1,class T1,class E1,class T2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<OpBitwiseAnd,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<T2 >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator&(const Field<G1,T1,E1> & l,const T2 & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpBitwiseAnd,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<T2 >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<T2 >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class G1,class T1,class E1,int D2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<OpBitwiseOr,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator|(const Field<G1,T1,E1> & l,const Array<D2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpBitwiseOr,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class G1,class T1,class E1,class T2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<OpBitwiseOr,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<T2 >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator|(const Field<G1,T1,E1> & l,const T2 & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpBitwiseOr,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<T2 >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<T2 >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class G1,class T1,class E1,int D2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<OpBitwiseXor,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator^(const Field<G1,T1,E1> & l,const Array<D2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpBitwiseXor,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class G1,class T1,class E1,class T2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<OpBitwiseXor,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<T2 >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator^(const Field<G1,T1,E1> & l,const T2 & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpBitwiseXor,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<T2 >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<T2 >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class G1,class T1,class E1,int D2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<FnLdexp,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ ldexp(const Field<G1,T1,E1> & l,const Array<D2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<FnLdexp,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class G1,class T1,class E1,class T2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<FnLdexp,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<T2 >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ ldexp(const Field<G1,T1,E1> & l,const T2 & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<FnLdexp,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<T2 >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<T2 >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class G1,class T1,class E1,int D2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<FnPow,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ pow(const Field<G1,T1,E1> & l,const Array<D2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<FnPow,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class G1,class T1,class E1,class T2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<FnPow,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<T2 >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ pow(const Field<G1,T1,E1> & l,const T2 & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<FnPow,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<T2 >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<T2 >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class G1,class T1,class E1,int D2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<FnFmod,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ fmod(const Field<G1,T1,E1> & l,const Array<D2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<FnFmod,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class G1,class T1,class E1,class T2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<FnFmod,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<T2 >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ fmod(const Field<G1,T1,E1> & l,const T2 & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<FnFmod,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<T2 >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<T2 >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class G1,class T1,class E1,int D2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<FnArcTan2,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ atan2(const Field<G1,T1,E1> & l,const Array<D2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<FnArcTan2,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class G1,class T1,class E1,class T2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<FnArcTan2,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<T2 >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ atan2(const Field<G1,T1,E1> & l,const T2 & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<FnArcTan2,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<T2 >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<T2 >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class G1,class T1,class E1,int D2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<OpLT,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator<(const Field<G1,T1,E1> & l,const Array<D2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpLT,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class G1,class T1,class E1,class T2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<OpLT,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<T2 >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator<(const Field<G1,T1,E1> & l,const T2 & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpLT,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<T2 >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<T2 >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class G1,class T1,class E1,int D2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<OpLE,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator<=(const Field<G1,T1,E1> & l,const Array<D2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpLE,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class G1,class T1,class E1,class T2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<OpLE,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<T2 >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator<=(const Field<G1,T1,E1> & l,const T2 & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpLE,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<T2 >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<T2 >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class G1,class T1,class E1,int D2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<OpGT,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator>(const Field<G1,T1,E1> & l,const Array<D2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpGT,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class G1,class T1,class E1,class T2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<OpGT,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<T2 >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator>(const Field<G1,T1,E1> & l,const T2 & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpGT,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<T2 >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<T2 >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class G1,class T1,class E1,int D2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<OpGE,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator>=(const Field<G1,T1,E1> & l,const Array<D2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpGE,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class G1,class T1,class E1,class T2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<OpGE,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<T2 >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator>=(const Field<G1,T1,E1> & l,const T2 & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpGE,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<T2 >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<T2 >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class G1,class T1,class E1,int D2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<OpEQ,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator==(const Field<G1,T1,E1> & l,const Array<D2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpEQ,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class G1,class T1,class E1,class T2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<OpEQ,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<T2 >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator==(const Field<G1,T1,E1> & l,const T2 & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpEQ,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<T2 >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<T2 >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class G1,class T1,class E1,int D2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<OpNE,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator!=(const Field<G1,T1,E1> & l,const Array<D2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpNE,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class G1,class T1,class E1,class T2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<OpNE,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<T2 >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator!=(const Field<G1,T1,E1> & l,const T2 & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpNE,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<T2 >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<T2 >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class G1,class T1,class E1,int D2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<OpAnd,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator&&(const Field<G1,T1,E1> & l,const Array<D2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpAnd,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class G1,class T1,class E1,class T2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<OpAnd,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<T2 >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator&&(const Field<G1,T1,E1> & l,const T2 & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpAnd,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<T2 >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<T2 >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class G1,class T1,class E1,int D2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<OpOr,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator||(const Field<G1,T1,E1> & l,const Array<D2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpOr,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class G1,class T1,class E1,class T2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<OpOr,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<T2 >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator||(const Field<G1,T1,E1> & l,const T2 & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpOr,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<T2 >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<T2 >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class G1,class T1,class E1,int D2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<OpLeftShift,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator<<(const Field<G1,T1,E1> & l,const Array<D2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpLeftShift,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class G1,class T1,class E1,class T2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<OpLeftShift,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<T2 >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator<<(const Field<G1,T1,E1> & l,const T2 & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpLeftShift,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<T2 >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<T2 >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class G1,class T1,class E1,int D2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<OpRightShift,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator>>(const Field<G1,T1,E1> & l,const Array<D2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpRightShift,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class G1,class T1,class E1,class T2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<OpRightShift,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<T2 >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator>>(const Field<G1,T1,E1> & l,const T2 & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpRightShift,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<T2 >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<T2 >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1,class G2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<OpAdd,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator+(const Array<D1,T1,E1> & l,const Field<G2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpAdd,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class T1,class G2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<OpAdd,
+   typename CreateLeaf<T1 >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator+(const T1 & l,const Field<G2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpAdd,
+     typename CreateLeaf<T1 >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<T1 >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1,class G2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<OpSubtract,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator-(const Array<D1,T1,E1> & l,const Field<G2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpSubtract,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class T1,class G2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<OpSubtract,
+   typename CreateLeaf<T1 >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator-(const T1 & l,const Field<G2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpSubtract,
+     typename CreateLeaf<T1 >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<T1 >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1,class G2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<OpMultiply,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator*(const Array<D1,T1,E1> & l,const Field<G2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpMultiply,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class T1,class G2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<OpMultiply,
+   typename CreateLeaf<T1 >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator*(const T1 & l,const Field<G2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpMultiply,
+     typename CreateLeaf<T1 >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<T1 >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1,class G2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<OpDivide,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator/(const Array<D1,T1,E1> & l,const Field<G2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpDivide,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class T1,class G2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<OpDivide,
+   typename CreateLeaf<T1 >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator/(const T1 & l,const Field<G2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpDivide,
+     typename CreateLeaf<T1 >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<T1 >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1,class G2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<OpMod,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator%(const Array<D1,T1,E1> & l,const Field<G2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpMod,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class T1,class G2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<OpMod,
+   typename CreateLeaf<T1 >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator%(const T1 & l,const Field<G2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpMod,
+     typename CreateLeaf<T1 >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<T1 >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1,class G2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<OpBitwiseAnd,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator&(const Array<D1,T1,E1> & l,const Field<G2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpBitwiseAnd,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class T1,class G2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<OpBitwiseAnd,
+   typename CreateLeaf<T1 >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator&(const T1 & l,const Field<G2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpBitwiseAnd,
+     typename CreateLeaf<T1 >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<T1 >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1,class G2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<OpBitwiseOr,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator|(const Array<D1,T1,E1> & l,const Field<G2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpBitwiseOr,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class T1,class G2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<OpBitwiseOr,
+   typename CreateLeaf<T1 >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator|(const T1 & l,const Field<G2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpBitwiseOr,
+     typename CreateLeaf<T1 >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<T1 >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1,class G2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<OpBitwiseXor,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator^(const Array<D1,T1,E1> & l,const Field<G2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpBitwiseXor,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class T1,class G2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<OpBitwiseXor,
+   typename CreateLeaf<T1 >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator^(const T1 & l,const Field<G2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpBitwiseXor,
+     typename CreateLeaf<T1 >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<T1 >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1,class G2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<FnLdexp,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ ldexp(const Array<D1,T1,E1> & l,const Field<G2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<FnLdexp,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class T1,class G2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<FnLdexp,
+   typename CreateLeaf<T1 >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ ldexp(const T1 & l,const Field<G2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<FnLdexp,
+     typename CreateLeaf<T1 >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<T1 >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1,class G2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<FnPow,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ pow(const Array<D1,T1,E1> & l,const Field<G2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<FnPow,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class T1,class G2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<FnPow,
+   typename CreateLeaf<T1 >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ pow(const T1 & l,const Field<G2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<FnPow,
+     typename CreateLeaf<T1 >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<T1 >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1,class G2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<FnFmod,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ fmod(const Array<D1,T1,E1> & l,const Field<G2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<FnFmod,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class T1,class G2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<FnFmod,
+   typename CreateLeaf<T1 >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ fmod(const T1 & l,const Field<G2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<FnFmod,
+     typename CreateLeaf<T1 >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<T1 >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1,class G2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<FnArcTan2,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ atan2(const Array<D1,T1,E1> & l,const Field<G2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<FnArcTan2,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class T1,class G2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<FnArcTan2,
+   typename CreateLeaf<T1 >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ atan2(const T1 & l,const Field<G2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<FnArcTan2,
+     typename CreateLeaf<T1 >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<T1 >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1,class G2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<OpLT,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator<(const Array<D1,T1,E1> & l,const Field<G2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpLT,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class T1,class G2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<OpLT,
+   typename CreateLeaf<T1 >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator<(const T1 & l,const Field<G2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpLT,
+     typename CreateLeaf<T1 >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<T1 >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1,class G2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<OpLE,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator<=(const Array<D1,T1,E1> & l,const Field<G2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpLE,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class T1,class G2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<OpLE,
+   typename CreateLeaf<T1 >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator<=(const T1 & l,const Field<G2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpLE,
+     typename CreateLeaf<T1 >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<T1 >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1,class G2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<OpGT,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator>(const Array<D1,T1,E1> & l,const Field<G2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpGT,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class T1,class G2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<OpGT,
+   typename CreateLeaf<T1 >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator>(const T1 & l,const Field<G2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpGT,
+     typename CreateLeaf<T1 >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<T1 >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1,class G2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<OpGE,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator>=(const Array<D1,T1,E1> & l,const Field<G2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpGE,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class T1,class G2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<OpGE,
+   typename CreateLeaf<T1 >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator>=(const T1 & l,const Field<G2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpGE,
+     typename CreateLeaf<T1 >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<T1 >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1,class G2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<OpEQ,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator==(const Array<D1,T1,E1> & l,const Field<G2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpEQ,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class T1,class G2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<OpEQ,
+   typename CreateLeaf<T1 >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator==(const T1 & l,const Field<G2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpEQ,
+     typename CreateLeaf<T1 >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<T1 >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1,class G2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<OpNE,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator!=(const Array<D1,T1,E1> & l,const Field<G2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpNE,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class T1,class G2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<OpNE,
+   typename CreateLeaf<T1 >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator!=(const T1 & l,const Field<G2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpNE,
+     typename CreateLeaf<T1 >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<T1 >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1,class G2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<OpAnd,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator&&(const Array<D1,T1,E1> & l,const Field<G2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpAnd,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class T1,class G2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<OpAnd,
+   typename CreateLeaf<T1 >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator&&(const T1 & l,const Field<G2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpAnd,
+     typename CreateLeaf<T1 >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<T1 >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1,class G2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<OpOr,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator||(const Array<D1,T1,E1> & l,const Field<G2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpOr,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class T1,class G2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<OpOr,
+   typename CreateLeaf<T1 >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator||(const T1 & l,const Field<G2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpOr,
+     typename CreateLeaf<T1 >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<T1 >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class G1,class T1,class E1,class T2,class T3>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<TrinaryNode<FnWhere,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<T2 >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<T3 >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ where(const Field<G1,T1,E1> & c,const T2 & t,const T3 & f)
+ {
+   typedef TrinaryNode<FnWhere,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<T2 >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<T3 >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::make(c),
+     CreateLeaf<T2 >::make(t),
+     CreateLeaf<T3 >::make(f)));
+ }
+ template<int D, class T, class EngineTag> class Tensor;
+ template<class OutputEngineTag, int D, class T, class EngineTag>
+ Tensor<D, T, OutputEngineTag>
+ symmetrize(const Tensor<D, T, EngineTag> &x);
+ template<class G, class T, class E> class Field;
+ template<class G1,class T1,class E1>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<UnaryNode<FnReal,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ real(const Field<G1,T1,E1> & l)
+ {
+   typedef UnaryNode<FnReal,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::make(l)));
+ }
+ template<class G1,class T1,class E1>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<UnaryNode<FnImag,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ imag(const Field<G1,T1,E1> & l)
+ {
+   typedef UnaryNode<FnImag,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::make(l)));
+ }
+ template<class G1,class T1,class E1>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<UnaryNode<FnAbs,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ abs(const Field<G1,T1,E1> & l)
+ {
+   typedef UnaryNode<FnAbs,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::make(l)));
+ }
+ template<class G1,class T1,class E1>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<UnaryNode<FnArg,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ arg(const Field<G1,T1,E1> & l)
+ {
+   typedef UnaryNode<FnArg,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::make(l)));
+ }
+ template<class G1,class T1,class E1>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<UnaryNode<FnNorm,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ norm(const Field<G1,T1,E1> & l)
+ {
+   typedef UnaryNode<FnNorm,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::make(l)));
+ }
+ template<class G1,class T1,class E1>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<UnaryNode<FnConj,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ conj(const Field<G1,T1,E1> & l)
+ {
+   typedef UnaryNode<FnConj,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::make(l)));
+ }
+ template<class G1,class T1,class E1>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<UnaryNode<FnPow2,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ pow2(const Field<G1,T1,E1> & l)
+ {
+   typedef UnaryNode<FnPow2,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::make(l)));
+ }
+ template<class G1,class T1,class E1>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<UnaryNode<FnPow3,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ pow3(const Field<G1,T1,E1> & l)
+ {
+   typedef UnaryNode<FnPow3,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::make(l)));
+ }
+ template<class G1,class T1,class E1>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<UnaryNode<FnPow4,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ pow4(const Field<G1,T1,E1> & l)
+ {
+   typedef UnaryNode<FnPow4,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::make(l)));
+ }
+ template<class G1,class T1,class E1>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<UnaryNode<FnMagnitude,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ magnitude(const Field<G1,T1,E1> & l)
+ {
+   typedef UnaryNode<FnMagnitude,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::make(l)));
+ }
+ template<class G1,class T1,class E1>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<UnaryNode<FnTrace,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ trace(const Field<G1,T1,E1> & l)
+ {
+   typedef UnaryNode<FnTrace,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::make(l)));
+ }
+ template<class G1,class T1,class E1>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<UnaryNode<FnDet,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ det(const Field<G1,T1,E1> & l)
+ {
+   typedef UnaryNode<FnDet,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::make(l)));
+ }
+ template<class G1,class T1,class E1>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<UnaryNode<FnTranspose,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ transpose(const Field<G1,T1,E1> & l)
+ {
+   typedef UnaryNode<FnTranspose,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::make(l)));
+ }
+ template<class OutputSymmetry,class G1,class T1,class E1>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<UnaryNode<FnSymmetrize<OutputSymmetry>,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ symmetrize(const Field<G1,T1,E1> & l)
+ {
+   typedef UnaryNode<FnSymmetrize<OutputSymmetry>,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::make(l)));
+ }
+ template<class G1,class T1,class E1,class G2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<FnDot,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ dot(const Field<G1,T1,E1> & l,const Field<G2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<FnDot,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class G1,class T1,class E1,class G2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<FnPolar,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ polar(const Field<G1,T1,E1> & l,const Field<G2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<FnPolar,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class G1,class T1,class E1,class G2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<FnOuterProduct,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ outerProduct(const Field<G1,T1,E1> & l,const Field<G2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<FnOuterProduct,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class G1,class T1,class E1,class G2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<FnOuterProductAsTinyMatrix,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ outerProductAsTinyMatrix(const Field<G1,T1,E1> & l,const Field<G2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<FnOuterProductAsTinyMatrix,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class G1,class T1,class E1,class G2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<FnDotDot,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ dotdot(const Field<G1,T1,E1> & l,const Field<G2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<FnDotDot,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class G1,class T1,class E1,class G2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<FnMin,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ min(const Field<G1,T1,E1> & l,const Field<G2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<FnMin,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class G1,class T1,class E1,class G2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<FnMax,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ max(const Field<G1,T1,E1> & l,const Field<G2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<FnMax,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class G1,class T1,class E1,class G2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<OpLT2,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ LT(const Field<G1,T1,E1> & l,const Field<G2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpLT2,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class G1,class T1,class E1,class G2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<OpLE2,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ LE(const Field<G1,T1,E1> & l,const Field<G2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpLE2,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class G1,class T1,class E1,class G2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<OpGT2,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ GT(const Field<G1,T1,E1> & l,const Field<G2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpGT2,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class G1,class T1,class E1,class G2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<OpGE2,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ GE(const Field<G1,T1,E1> & l,const Field<G2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpGE2,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class G1,class T1,class E1,class G2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<OpEQ2,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ EQ(const Field<G1,T1,E1> & l,const Field<G2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpEQ2,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class G1,class T1,class E1,class G2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<OpNE2,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ NE(const Field<G1,T1,E1> & l,const Field<G2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpNE2,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class G1,class T1,class E1,int D2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<FnDot,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ dot(const Field<G1,T1,E1> & l,const Array<D2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<FnDot,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class G1,class T1,class E1,class T2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<FnDot,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<T2 >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ dot(const Field<G1,T1,E1> & l,const T2 & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<FnDot,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<T2 >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<T2 >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class G1,class T1,class E1,int D2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<FnPolar,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ polar(const Field<G1,T1,E1> & l,const Array<D2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<FnPolar,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class G1,class T1,class E1,class T2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<FnPolar,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<T2 >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ polar(const Field<G1,T1,E1> & l,const T2 & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<FnPolar,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<T2 >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<T2 >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class G1,class T1,class E1,int D2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<FnOuterProduct,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ outerProduct(const Field<G1,T1,E1> & l,const Array<D2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<FnOuterProduct,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class G1,class T1,class E1,class T2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<FnOuterProduct,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<T2 >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ outerProduct(const Field<G1,T1,E1> & l,const T2 & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<FnOuterProduct,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<T2 >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<T2 >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class G1,class T1,class E1,int D2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<FnOuterProductAsTinyMatrix,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ outerProductAsTinyMatrix(const Field<G1,T1,E1> & l,const Array<D2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<FnOuterProductAsTinyMatrix,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class G1,class T1,class E1,class T2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<FnOuterProductAsTinyMatrix,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<T2 >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ outerProductAsTinyMatrix(const Field<G1,T1,E1> & l,const T2 & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<FnOuterProductAsTinyMatrix,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<T2 >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<T2 >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class G1,class T1,class E1,int D2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<FnDotDot,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ dotdot(const Field<G1,T1,E1> & l,const Array<D2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<FnDotDot,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class G1,class T1,class E1,class T2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<FnDotDot,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<T2 >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ dotdot(const Field<G1,T1,E1> & l,const T2 & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<FnDotDot,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<T2 >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<T2 >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class G1,class T1,class E1,int D2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<FnMin,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ min(const Field<G1,T1,E1> & l,const Array<D2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<FnMin,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class G1,class T1,class E1,class T2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<FnMin,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<T2 >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ min(const Field<G1,T1,E1> & l,const T2 & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<FnMin,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<T2 >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<T2 >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class G1,class T1,class E1,int D2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<FnMax,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ max(const Field<G1,T1,E1> & l,const Array<D2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<FnMax,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class G1,class T1,class E1,class T2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<FnMax,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<T2 >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ max(const Field<G1,T1,E1> & l,const T2 & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<FnMax,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<T2 >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<T2 >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class G1,class T1,class E1,int D2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<OpLT2,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ LT(const Field<G1,T1,E1> & l,const Array<D2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpLT2,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class G1,class T1,class E1,class T2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<OpLT2,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<T2 >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ LT(const Field<G1,T1,E1> & l,const T2 & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpLT2,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<T2 >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<T2 >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class G1,class T1,class E1,int D2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<OpLE2,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ LE(const Field<G1,T1,E1> & l,const Array<D2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpLE2,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class G1,class T1,class E1,class T2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<OpLE2,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<T2 >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ LE(const Field<G1,T1,E1> & l,const T2 & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpLE2,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<T2 >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<T2 >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class G1,class T1,class E1,int D2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<OpGT2,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ GT(const Field<G1,T1,E1> & l,const Array<D2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpGT2,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class G1,class T1,class E1,class T2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<OpGT2,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<T2 >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ GT(const Field<G1,T1,E1> & l,const T2 & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpGT2,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<T2 >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<T2 >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class G1,class T1,class E1,int D2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<OpGE2,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ GE(const Field<G1,T1,E1> & l,const Array<D2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpGE2,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class G1,class T1,class E1,class T2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<OpGE2,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<T2 >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ GE(const Field<G1,T1,E1> & l,const T2 & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpGE2,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<T2 >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<T2 >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class G1,class T1,class E1,int D2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<OpEQ2,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ EQ(const Field<G1,T1,E1> & l,const Array<D2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpEQ2,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class G1,class T1,class E1,class T2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<OpEQ2,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<T2 >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ EQ(const Field<G1,T1,E1> & l,const T2 & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpEQ2,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<T2 >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<T2 >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class G1,class T1,class E1,int D2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<OpNE2,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ NE(const Field<G1,T1,E1> & l,const Array<D2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpNE2,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class G1,class T1,class E1,class T2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<OpNE2,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<T2 >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ NE(const Field<G1,T1,E1> & l,const T2 & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpNE2,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<T2 >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<T2 >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1,class G2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<FnDot,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ dot(const Array<D1,T1,E1> & l,const Field<G2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<FnDot,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class T1,class G2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<FnDot,
+   typename CreateLeaf<T1 >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ dot(const T1 & l,const Field<G2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<FnDot,
+     typename CreateLeaf<T1 >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<T1 >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1,class G2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<FnPolar,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ polar(const Array<D1,T1,E1> & l,const Field<G2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<FnPolar,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class T1,class G2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<FnPolar,
+   typename CreateLeaf<T1 >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ polar(const T1 & l,const Field<G2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<FnPolar,
+     typename CreateLeaf<T1 >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<T1 >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1,class G2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<FnOuterProduct,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ outerProduct(const Array<D1,T1,E1> & l,const Field<G2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<FnOuterProduct,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class T1,class G2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<FnOuterProduct,
+   typename CreateLeaf<T1 >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ outerProduct(const T1 & l,const Field<G2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<FnOuterProduct,
+     typename CreateLeaf<T1 >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<T1 >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1,class G2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<FnOuterProductAsTinyMatrix,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ outerProductAsTinyMatrix(const Array<D1,T1,E1> & l,const Field<G2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<FnOuterProductAsTinyMatrix,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class T1,class G2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<FnOuterProductAsTinyMatrix,
+   typename CreateLeaf<T1 >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ outerProductAsTinyMatrix(const T1 & l,const Field<G2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<FnOuterProductAsTinyMatrix,
+     typename CreateLeaf<T1 >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<T1 >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1,class G2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<FnDotDot,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ dotdot(const Array<D1,T1,E1> & l,const Field<G2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<FnDotDot,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class T1,class G2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<FnDotDot,
+   typename CreateLeaf<T1 >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ dotdot(const T1 & l,const Field<G2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<FnDotDot,
+     typename CreateLeaf<T1 >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<T1 >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1,class G2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<FnMin,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ min(const Array<D1,T1,E1> & l,const Field<G2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<FnMin,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class T1,class G2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<FnMin,
+   typename CreateLeaf<T1 >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ min(const T1 & l,const Field<G2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<FnMin,
+     typename CreateLeaf<T1 >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<T1 >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1,class G2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<FnMax,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ max(const Array<D1,T1,E1> & l,const Field<G2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<FnMax,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class T1,class G2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<FnMax,
+   typename CreateLeaf<T1 >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ max(const T1 & l,const Field<G2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<FnMax,
+     typename CreateLeaf<T1 >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<T1 >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1,class G2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<OpLT2,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ LT(const Array<D1,T1,E1> & l,const Field<G2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpLT2,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class T1,class G2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<OpLT2,
+   typename CreateLeaf<T1 >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ LT(const T1 & l,const Field<G2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpLT2,
+     typename CreateLeaf<T1 >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<T1 >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1,class G2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<OpLE2,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ LE(const Array<D1,T1,E1> & l,const Field<G2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpLE2,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class T1,class G2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<OpLE2,
+   typename CreateLeaf<T1 >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ LE(const T1 & l,const Field<G2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpLE2,
+     typename CreateLeaf<T1 >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<T1 >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1,class G2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<OpGT2,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ GT(const Array<D1,T1,E1> & l,const Field<G2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpGT2,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class T1,class G2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<OpGT2,
+   typename CreateLeaf<T1 >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ GT(const T1 & l,const Field<G2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpGT2,
+     typename CreateLeaf<T1 >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<T1 >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1,class G2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<OpGE2,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ GE(const Array<D1,T1,E1> & l,const Field<G2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpGE2,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class T1,class G2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<OpGE2,
+   typename CreateLeaf<T1 >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ GE(const T1 & l,const Field<G2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpGE2,
+     typename CreateLeaf<T1 >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<T1 >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1,class G2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<OpEQ2,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ EQ(const Array<D1,T1,E1> & l,const Field<G2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpEQ2,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class T1,class G2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<OpEQ2,
+   typename CreateLeaf<T1 >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ EQ(const T1 & l,const Field<G2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpEQ2,
+     typename CreateLeaf<T1 >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<T1 >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1,class G2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<OpNE2,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ NE(const Array<D1,T1,E1> & l,const Field<G2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpNE2,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class T1,class G2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<OpNE2,
+   typename CreateLeaf<T1 >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ NE(const T1 & l,const Field<G2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpNE2,
+     typename CreateLeaf<T1 >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<T1 >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class G, class T, class E> class Field;
+ template<class G1,class T1,class E1,int D2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<OpAdd,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Vector<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator+(const Field<G1,T1,E1> & l,const Vector<D2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpAdd,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Vector<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Vector<D2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class G1,class T1,class E1,int D2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<OpAdd,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Tensor<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator+(const Field<G1,T1,E1> & l,const Tensor<D2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpAdd,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Tensor<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Tensor<D2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class G1,class T1,class E1,int DR2,int DC2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<OpAdd,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<TinyMatrix<DR2,DC2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator+(const Field<G1,T1,E1> & l,const TinyMatrix<DR2,DC2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpAdd,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<TinyMatrix<DR2,DC2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<TinyMatrix<DR2,DC2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class G1,class T1,class E1,int D2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<OpSubtract,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Vector<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator-(const Field<G1,T1,E1> & l,const Vector<D2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpSubtract,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Vector<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Vector<D2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class G1,class T1,class E1,int D2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<OpSubtract,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Tensor<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator-(const Field<G1,T1,E1> & l,const Tensor<D2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpSubtract,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Tensor<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Tensor<D2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class G1,class T1,class E1,int DR2,int DC2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<OpSubtract,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<TinyMatrix<DR2,DC2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator-(const Field<G1,T1,E1> & l,const TinyMatrix<DR2,DC2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpSubtract,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<TinyMatrix<DR2,DC2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<TinyMatrix<DR2,DC2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class G1,class T1,class E1,int D2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<OpMultiply,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Vector<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator*(const Field<G1,T1,E1> & l,const Vector<D2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpMultiply,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Vector<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Vector<D2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class G1,class T1,class E1,int D2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<OpMultiply,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Tensor<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator*(const Field<G1,T1,E1> & l,const Tensor<D2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpMultiply,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Tensor<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Tensor<D2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class G1,class T1,class E1,int DR2,int DC2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<OpMultiply,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<TinyMatrix<DR2,DC2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator*(const Field<G1,T1,E1> & l,const TinyMatrix<DR2,DC2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpMultiply,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<TinyMatrix<DR2,DC2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<TinyMatrix<DR2,DC2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class G1,class T1,class E1,int D2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<OpDivide,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Vector<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator/(const Field<G1,T1,E1> & l,const Vector<D2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpDivide,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Vector<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Vector<D2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class G1,class T1,class E1,int D2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<OpDivide,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Tensor<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator/(const Field<G1,T1,E1> & l,const Tensor<D2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpDivide,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Tensor<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Tensor<D2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class G1,class T1,class E1,int DR2,int DC2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<OpDivide,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<TinyMatrix<DR2,DC2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator/(const Field<G1,T1,E1> & l,const TinyMatrix<DR2,DC2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpDivide,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<TinyMatrix<DR2,DC2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<TinyMatrix<DR2,DC2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class G1,class T1,class E1,int D2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<OpMod,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Vector<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator%(const Field<G1,T1,E1> & l,const Vector<D2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpMod,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Vector<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Vector<D2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class G1,class T1,class E1,int D2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<OpMod,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Tensor<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator%(const Field<G1,T1,E1> & l,const Tensor<D2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpMod,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Tensor<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Tensor<D2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class G1,class T1,class E1,int DR2,int DC2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<OpMod,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<TinyMatrix<DR2,DC2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator%(const Field<G1,T1,E1> & l,const TinyMatrix<DR2,DC2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpMod,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<TinyMatrix<DR2,DC2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<TinyMatrix<DR2,DC2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class G1,class T1,class E1,int D2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<OpBitwiseAnd,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Vector<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator&(const Field<G1,T1,E1> & l,const Vector<D2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpBitwiseAnd,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Vector<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Vector<D2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class G1,class T1,class E1,int D2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<OpBitwiseAnd,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Tensor<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator&(const Field<G1,T1,E1> & l,const Tensor<D2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpBitwiseAnd,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Tensor<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Tensor<D2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class G1,class T1,class E1,int DR2,int DC2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<OpBitwiseAnd,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<TinyMatrix<DR2,DC2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator&(const Field<G1,T1,E1> & l,const TinyMatrix<DR2,DC2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpBitwiseAnd,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<TinyMatrix<DR2,DC2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<TinyMatrix<DR2,DC2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class G1,class T1,class E1,int D2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<OpBitwiseOr,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Vector<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator|(const Field<G1,T1,E1> & l,const Vector<D2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpBitwiseOr,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Vector<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Vector<D2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class G1,class T1,class E1,int D2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<OpBitwiseOr,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Tensor<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator|(const Field<G1,T1,E1> & l,const Tensor<D2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpBitwiseOr,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Tensor<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Tensor<D2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class G1,class T1,class E1,int DR2,int DC2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<OpBitwiseOr,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<TinyMatrix<DR2,DC2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator|(const Field<G1,T1,E1> & l,const TinyMatrix<DR2,DC2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpBitwiseOr,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<TinyMatrix<DR2,DC2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<TinyMatrix<DR2,DC2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class G1,class T1,class E1,int D2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<OpBitwiseXor,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Vector<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator^(const Field<G1,T1,E1> & l,const Vector<D2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpBitwiseXor,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Vector<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Vector<D2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class G1,class T1,class E1,int D2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<OpBitwiseXor,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Tensor<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator^(const Field<G1,T1,E1> & l,const Tensor<D2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpBitwiseXor,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Tensor<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Tensor<D2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class G1,class T1,class E1,int DR2,int DC2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<OpBitwiseXor,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<TinyMatrix<DR2,DC2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator^(const Field<G1,T1,E1> & l,const TinyMatrix<DR2,DC2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpBitwiseXor,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<TinyMatrix<DR2,DC2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<TinyMatrix<DR2,DC2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class G1,class T1,class E1,int D2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<FnDot,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Vector<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ dot(const Field<G1,T1,E1> & l,const Vector<D2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<FnDot,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Vector<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Vector<D2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class G1,class T1,class E1,int D2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<FnDot,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Tensor<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ dot(const Field<G1,T1,E1> & l,const Tensor<D2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<FnDot,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Tensor<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Tensor<D2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class G1,class T1,class E1,int DR2,int DC2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<FnDot,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<TinyMatrix<DR2,DC2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ dot(const Field<G1,T1,E1> & l,const TinyMatrix<DR2,DC2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<FnDot,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<TinyMatrix<DR2,DC2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<TinyMatrix<DR2,DC2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class G1,class T1,class E1,int D2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<FnLdexp,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Vector<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ ldexp(const Field<G1,T1,E1> & l,const Vector<D2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<FnLdexp,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Vector<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Vector<D2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class G1,class T1,class E1,int D2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<FnLdexp,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Tensor<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ ldexp(const Field<G1,T1,E1> & l,const Tensor<D2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<FnLdexp,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Tensor<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Tensor<D2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class G1,class T1,class E1,int DR2,int DC2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<FnLdexp,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<TinyMatrix<DR2,DC2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ ldexp(const Field<G1,T1,E1> & l,const TinyMatrix<DR2,DC2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<FnLdexp,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<TinyMatrix<DR2,DC2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<TinyMatrix<DR2,DC2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class G1,class T1,class E1,int D2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<FnPow,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Vector<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ pow(const Field<G1,T1,E1> & l,const Vector<D2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<FnPow,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Vector<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Vector<D2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class G1,class T1,class E1,int D2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<FnPow,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Tensor<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ pow(const Field<G1,T1,E1> & l,const Tensor<D2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<FnPow,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Tensor<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Tensor<D2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class G1,class T1,class E1,int DR2,int DC2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<FnPow,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<TinyMatrix<DR2,DC2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ pow(const Field<G1,T1,E1> & l,const TinyMatrix<DR2,DC2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<FnPow,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<TinyMatrix<DR2,DC2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<TinyMatrix<DR2,DC2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class G1,class T1,class E1,int D2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<FnFmod,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Vector<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ fmod(const Field<G1,T1,E1> & l,const Vector<D2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<FnFmod,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Vector<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Vector<D2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class G1,class T1,class E1,int D2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<FnFmod,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Tensor<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ fmod(const Field<G1,T1,E1> & l,const Tensor<D2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<FnFmod,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Tensor<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Tensor<D2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class G1,class T1,class E1,int DR2,int DC2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<FnFmod,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<TinyMatrix<DR2,DC2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ fmod(const Field<G1,T1,E1> & l,const TinyMatrix<DR2,DC2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<FnFmod,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<TinyMatrix<DR2,DC2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<TinyMatrix<DR2,DC2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class G1,class T1,class E1,int D2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<FnArcTan2,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Vector<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ atan2(const Field<G1,T1,E1> & l,const Vector<D2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<FnArcTan2,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Vector<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Vector<D2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class G1,class T1,class E1,int D2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<FnArcTan2,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Tensor<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ atan2(const Field<G1,T1,E1> & l,const Tensor<D2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<FnArcTan2,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Tensor<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Tensor<D2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class G1,class T1,class E1,int DR2,int DC2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<FnArcTan2,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<TinyMatrix<DR2,DC2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ atan2(const Field<G1,T1,E1> & l,const TinyMatrix<DR2,DC2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<FnArcTan2,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<TinyMatrix<DR2,DC2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<TinyMatrix<DR2,DC2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class G1,class T1,class E1,int D2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<OpEQ,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Vector<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator==(const Field<G1,T1,E1> & l,const Vector<D2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpEQ,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Vector<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Vector<D2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class G1,class T1,class E1,int D2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<OpEQ,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Tensor<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator==(const Field<G1,T1,E1> & l,const Tensor<D2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpEQ,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Tensor<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Tensor<D2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class G1,class T1,class E1,int DR2,int DC2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<OpEQ,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<TinyMatrix<DR2,DC2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator==(const Field<G1,T1,E1> & l,const TinyMatrix<DR2,DC2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpEQ,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<TinyMatrix<DR2,DC2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<TinyMatrix<DR2,DC2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class G1,class T1,class E1,int D2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<OpNE,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Vector<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator!=(const Field<G1,T1,E1> & l,const Vector<D2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpNE,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Vector<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Vector<D2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class G1,class T1,class E1,int D2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<OpNE,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Tensor<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator!=(const Field<G1,T1,E1> & l,const Tensor<D2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpNE,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Tensor<D2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Tensor<D2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class G1,class T1,class E1,int DR2,int DC2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<OpNE,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<TinyMatrix<DR2,DC2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator!=(const Field<G1,T1,E1> & l,const TinyMatrix<DR2,DC2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpNE,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<TinyMatrix<DR2,DC2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<TinyMatrix<DR2,DC2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1,class G2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<OpAdd,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Vector<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator+(const Vector<D1,T1,E1> & l,const Field<G2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpAdd,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Vector<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Vector<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1,class G2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<OpAdd,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Tensor<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator+(const Tensor<D1,T1,E1> & l,const Field<G2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpAdd,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Tensor<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Tensor<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int DR1,int DC1,class T1,class E1,class G2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<OpAdd,
+   typename CreateLeaf<TinyMatrix<DR1,DC1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator+(const TinyMatrix<DR1,DC1,T1,E1> & l,const Field<G2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpAdd,
+     typename CreateLeaf<TinyMatrix<DR1,DC1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<TinyMatrix<DR1,DC1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1,class G2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<OpSubtract,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Vector<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator-(const Vector<D1,T1,E1> & l,const Field<G2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpSubtract,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Vector<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Vector<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1,class G2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<OpSubtract,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Tensor<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator-(const Tensor<D1,T1,E1> & l,const Field<G2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpSubtract,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Tensor<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Tensor<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int DR1,int DC1,class T1,class E1,class G2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<OpSubtract,
+   typename CreateLeaf<TinyMatrix<DR1,DC1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator-(const TinyMatrix<DR1,DC1,T1,E1> & l,const Field<G2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpSubtract,
+     typename CreateLeaf<TinyMatrix<DR1,DC1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<TinyMatrix<DR1,DC1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1,class G2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<OpMultiply,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Vector<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator*(const Vector<D1,T1,E1> & l,const Field<G2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpMultiply,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Vector<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Vector<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1,class G2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<OpMultiply,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Tensor<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator*(const Tensor<D1,T1,E1> & l,const Field<G2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpMultiply,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Tensor<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Tensor<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int DR1,int DC1,class T1,class E1,class G2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<OpMultiply,
+   typename CreateLeaf<TinyMatrix<DR1,DC1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator*(const TinyMatrix<DR1,DC1,T1,E1> & l,const Field<G2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpMultiply,
+     typename CreateLeaf<TinyMatrix<DR1,DC1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<TinyMatrix<DR1,DC1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1,class G2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<OpDivide,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Vector<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator/(const Vector<D1,T1,E1> & l,const Field<G2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpDivide,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Vector<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Vector<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1,class G2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<OpDivide,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Tensor<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator/(const Tensor<D1,T1,E1> & l,const Field<G2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpDivide,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Tensor<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Tensor<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int DR1,int DC1,class T1,class E1,class G2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<OpDivide,
+   typename CreateLeaf<TinyMatrix<DR1,DC1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator/(const TinyMatrix<DR1,DC1,T1,E1> & l,const Field<G2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpDivide,
+     typename CreateLeaf<TinyMatrix<DR1,DC1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<TinyMatrix<DR1,DC1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1,class G2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<OpMod,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Vector<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator%(const Vector<D1,T1,E1> & l,const Field<G2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpMod,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Vector<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Vector<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1,class G2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<OpMod,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Tensor<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator%(const Tensor<D1,T1,E1> & l,const Field<G2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpMod,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Tensor<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Tensor<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int DR1,int DC1,class T1,class E1,class G2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<OpMod,
+   typename CreateLeaf<TinyMatrix<DR1,DC1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator%(const TinyMatrix<DR1,DC1,T1,E1> & l,const Field<G2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpMod,
+     typename CreateLeaf<TinyMatrix<DR1,DC1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<TinyMatrix<DR1,DC1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1,class G2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<OpBitwiseAnd,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Vector<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator&(const Vector<D1,T1,E1> & l,const Field<G2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpBitwiseAnd,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Vector<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Vector<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1,class G2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<OpBitwiseAnd,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Tensor<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator&(const Tensor<D1,T1,E1> & l,const Field<G2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpBitwiseAnd,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Tensor<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Tensor<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int DR1,int DC1,class T1,class E1,class G2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<OpBitwiseAnd,
+   typename CreateLeaf<TinyMatrix<DR1,DC1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator&(const TinyMatrix<DR1,DC1,T1,E1> & l,const Field<G2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpBitwiseAnd,
+     typename CreateLeaf<TinyMatrix<DR1,DC1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<TinyMatrix<DR1,DC1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1,class G2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<OpBitwiseOr,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Vector<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator|(const Vector<D1,T1,E1> & l,const Field<G2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpBitwiseOr,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Vector<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Vector<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1,class G2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<OpBitwiseOr,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Tensor<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator|(const Tensor<D1,T1,E1> & l,const Field<G2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpBitwiseOr,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Tensor<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Tensor<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int DR1,int DC1,class T1,class E1,class G2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<OpBitwiseOr,
+   typename CreateLeaf<TinyMatrix<DR1,DC1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator|(const TinyMatrix<DR1,DC1,T1,E1> & l,const Field<G2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpBitwiseOr,
+     typename CreateLeaf<TinyMatrix<DR1,DC1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<TinyMatrix<DR1,DC1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1,class G2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<OpBitwiseXor,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Vector<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator^(const Vector<D1,T1,E1> & l,const Field<G2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpBitwiseXor,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Vector<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Vector<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1,class G2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<OpBitwiseXor,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Tensor<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator^(const Tensor<D1,T1,E1> & l,const Field<G2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpBitwiseXor,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Tensor<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Tensor<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int DR1,int DC1,class T1,class E1,class G2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<OpBitwiseXor,
+   typename CreateLeaf<TinyMatrix<DR1,DC1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator^(const TinyMatrix<DR1,DC1,T1,E1> & l,const Field<G2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpBitwiseXor,
+     typename CreateLeaf<TinyMatrix<DR1,DC1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<TinyMatrix<DR1,DC1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1,class G2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<FnDot,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Vector<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ dot(const Vector<D1,T1,E1> & l,const Field<G2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<FnDot,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Vector<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Vector<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1,class G2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<FnDot,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Tensor<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ dot(const Tensor<D1,T1,E1> & l,const Field<G2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<FnDot,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Tensor<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Tensor<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int DR1,int DC1,class T1,class E1,class G2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<FnDot,
+   typename CreateLeaf<TinyMatrix<DR1,DC1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ dot(const TinyMatrix<DR1,DC1,T1,E1> & l,const Field<G2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<FnDot,
+     typename CreateLeaf<TinyMatrix<DR1,DC1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<TinyMatrix<DR1,DC1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1,class G2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<FnLdexp,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Vector<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ ldexp(const Vector<D1,T1,E1> & l,const Field<G2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<FnLdexp,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Vector<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Vector<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1,class G2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<FnLdexp,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Tensor<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ ldexp(const Tensor<D1,T1,E1> & l,const Field<G2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<FnLdexp,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Tensor<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Tensor<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int DR1,int DC1,class T1,class E1,class G2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<FnLdexp,
+   typename CreateLeaf<TinyMatrix<DR1,DC1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ ldexp(const TinyMatrix<DR1,DC1,T1,E1> & l,const Field<G2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<FnLdexp,
+     typename CreateLeaf<TinyMatrix<DR1,DC1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<TinyMatrix<DR1,DC1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1,class G2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<FnPow,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Vector<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ pow(const Vector<D1,T1,E1> & l,const Field<G2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<FnPow,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Vector<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Vector<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1,class G2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<FnPow,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Tensor<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ pow(const Tensor<D1,T1,E1> & l,const Field<G2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<FnPow,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Tensor<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Tensor<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int DR1,int DC1,class T1,class E1,class G2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<FnPow,
+   typename CreateLeaf<TinyMatrix<DR1,DC1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ pow(const TinyMatrix<DR1,DC1,T1,E1> & l,const Field<G2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<FnPow,
+     typename CreateLeaf<TinyMatrix<DR1,DC1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<TinyMatrix<DR1,DC1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1,class G2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<FnFmod,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Vector<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ fmod(const Vector<D1,T1,E1> & l,const Field<G2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<FnFmod,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Vector<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Vector<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1,class G2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<FnFmod,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Tensor<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ fmod(const Tensor<D1,T1,E1> & l,const Field<G2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<FnFmod,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Tensor<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Tensor<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int DR1,int DC1,class T1,class E1,class G2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<FnFmod,
+   typename CreateLeaf<TinyMatrix<DR1,DC1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ fmod(const TinyMatrix<DR1,DC1,T1,E1> & l,const Field<G2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<FnFmod,
+     typename CreateLeaf<TinyMatrix<DR1,DC1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<TinyMatrix<DR1,DC1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1,class G2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<FnArcTan2,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Vector<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ atan2(const Vector<D1,T1,E1> & l,const Field<G2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<FnArcTan2,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Vector<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Vector<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1,class G2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<FnArcTan2,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Tensor<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ atan2(const Tensor<D1,T1,E1> & l,const Field<G2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<FnArcTan2,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Tensor<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Tensor<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int DR1,int DC1,class T1,class E1,class G2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<FnArcTan2,
+   typename CreateLeaf<TinyMatrix<DR1,DC1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ atan2(const TinyMatrix<DR1,DC1,T1,E1> & l,const Field<G2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<FnArcTan2,
+     typename CreateLeaf<TinyMatrix<DR1,DC1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<TinyMatrix<DR1,DC1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1,class G2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<OpEQ,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Vector<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator==(const Vector<D1,T1,E1> & l,const Field<G2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpEQ,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Vector<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Vector<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1,class G2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<OpEQ,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Tensor<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator==(const Tensor<D1,T1,E1> & l,const Field<G2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpEQ,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Tensor<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Tensor<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int DR1,int DC1,class T1,class E1,class G2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<OpEQ,
+   typename CreateLeaf<TinyMatrix<DR1,DC1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator==(const TinyMatrix<DR1,DC1,T1,E1> & l,const Field<G2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpEQ,
+     typename CreateLeaf<TinyMatrix<DR1,DC1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<TinyMatrix<DR1,DC1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1,class G2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<OpNE,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Vector<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator!=(const Vector<D1,T1,E1> & l,const Field<G2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpNE,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Vector<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Vector<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int D1,class T1,class E1,class G2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<OpNE,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Tensor<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator!=(const Tensor<D1,T1,E1> & l,const Field<G2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpNE,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Tensor<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Tensor<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<int DR1,int DC1,class T1,class E1,class G2,class T2,class E2>
+ inline typename MakeFieldReturn<BinaryNode<OpNE,
+   typename CreateLeaf<TinyMatrix<DR1,DC1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ operator!=(const TinyMatrix<DR1,DC1,T1,E1> & l,const Field<G2,T2,E2> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<OpNE,
+     typename CreateLeaf<TinyMatrix<DR1,DC1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeFieldReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<TinyMatrix<DR1,DC1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Field<G2,T2,E2> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ struct FarLeftTag;
+ template<class G, class T, class E> class Field;
+ template<class GeometryTag, class T, class Expr>
+ struct CreateLeaf<Field<GeometryTag, T, ExpressionTag<Expr> > >
+ {
+   typedef Field<GeometryTag, T, ExpressionTag<Expr> > Input_t;
+   typedef Expr Leaf_t;
+   typedef const Leaf_t &Return_t;
+   inline static
+   Return_t make(const Input_t &f)
+     {
+       return f.engine().expression();
+     }
+ };
+ template<class GeometryTag, class T, class EngineTag>
+ struct CreateLeaf<Field<GeometryTag, T, EngineTag> >
+ {
+   typedef Field<GeometryTag, T, EngineTag> Input_t;
+   typedef Reference<Input_t> Leaf_t;
+   typedef Leaf_t Return_t;
+   inline static
+   Return_t make(const Input_t &f)
+     {
+       return Leaf_t(f);
+     }
+ };
+ template<class GeometryTag, class T, class EngineTag>
+ struct CreateLeaf<Scalar<Field<GeometryTag, T, EngineTag> > >
+ {
+   typedef Scalar<Field<GeometryTag, T, EngineTag> > Input_t;
+   typedef Scalar<ErrorType> Leaf_t;
+   typedef Leaf_t Return_t;
+   inline static
+   Return_t make(const Input_t &)
+     {
+       return ErrorType();
+     }
+ };
+ template <int Dim>
+ class Centering;
+ template <int Dim>
+ class CanonicalCentering;
+ enum CenteringType {
+  VertexType,
+  EdgeType,
+  FaceType,
+  CellType
+ };
+ enum ContinuityType {
+  Continuous = 0,
+  Discontinuous
+ };
+ enum {
+  XDim = 1,
+  YDim = XDim << 1,
+  ZDim = YDim << 1,
+  AllDim = XDim | YDim | ZDim
+ };
+ template <int Dim>
+ class Centering
+ {
+ public:
+   typedef Loc<Dim> Orientation;
+   typedef Vector<Dim> Position;
+   typedef std::vector<Orientation> Orientations;
+   typedef std::vector<Position> Positions;
+   Centering(CenteringType cent = CellType, ContinuityType cont = Continuous)
+     : centering_type_m(cent), discontinuous_m(cont),
+       orientations_m(0), positions_m(0)
+     { }
+   Centering(CenteringType cent, ContinuityType cont,
+      const Orientations &orientations, const Positions &positions)
+     : centering_type_m(cent), discontinuous_m(cont),
+       orientations_m(orientations), positions_m(positions)
+   {
+       return;
+   }
+   Centering(const Centering<Dim>& model, int c)
+     : centering_type_m(model.centering_type_m),
+       discontinuous_m(model.discontinuous_m),
+       orientations_m(1, model.orientations_m[c]),
+       positions_m(1, model.positions_m[c])
+     { }
+   Centering<Dim> operator[](int iSubField) const
+   {
+     return Centering<Dim>(*this, iSubField);
+   }
+   ~Centering() { }
+   inline CenteringType centeringType() const
+     {
+       return centering_type_m;
+     }
+   inline ContinuityType continuityType() const
+     {
+       return discontinuous_m;
+     }
+   inline bool discontinuous() const
+   {
+     return discontinuous_m == Discontinuous;
+   }
+   inline bool continuous() const
+   {
+     return discontinuous_m == Continuous;
+   }
+   inline const Orientations &orientations() const
+   {
+     return orientations_m;
+   }
+   inline const Positions &positions() const
+   {
+     return positions_m;
+   }
+   inline const Orientation &orientation(int i) const
+   {
+     return orientations_m[i];
+   }
+   inline const Position &position(int i) const
+   {
+     return positions_m[i];
+   }
+   inline int size() const
+   {
+     return orientations_m.size();
+   }
+   inline void
+   addValue(const Orientation &orientation,
+     const Position &position)
+     {
+       orientations_m.push_back(orientation);
+       positions_m.push_back(position);
+       return;
+     }
+ private:
+   CenteringType centering_type_m;
+   ContinuityType discontinuous_m;
+   Orientations orientations_m;
+   Positions positions_m;
+ };
+ template <int Dim>
+ class CanonicalCentering {
+ public:
+   CanonicalCentering();
+   ~CanonicalCentering () {
+     if (--class_count_m == 0) {
+       for (int i = 0; i <= CellType; ++i) {
+  for (int j = 0; j < 2; ++j)
+    delete [] centering_table_m[i][j];
+  delete [] centering_table_m[i];
+       }
+       delete [] centering_table_m;
+     }
+   }
+   inline Centering<Dim> operator()
+     (const enum CenteringType type,
+      const enum ContinuityType discontinuous,
+      int dimension = 0) const
+   {
+     if (dimension == 0)
+       dimension = AllDim;
+     dimension %= (1<<Dim);
+     return centering_table_m[type][discontinuous][dimension];
+   }
+ private:
+   inline static void addValue(typename Centering<Dim>::Orientations &os,
+          typename Centering<Dim>::Positions &pos,
+          const typename Centering<Dim>::Orientation &o,
+          const typename Centering<Dim>::Position &p)
+   {
+     os.push_back(o);
+     pos.push_back(p);
+     return;
+   }
+   template <class T>
+   inline static
+   T combine(const T &op1, const T &op2)
+   {
+     T answer(op1);
+     answer.insert(answer.end(), op2.begin(), op2.end());
+     return answer;
+   }
+   static int class_count_m;
+   static Centering<Dim>*** centering_table_m;
+ };
+ template <int Dim>
+ std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &o,
+                          const Centering<Dim> &centering)
+ {
+   switch (centering.centeringType())
+   {
+   case VertexType:
+     o << "Vertex";
+     break;
+   case EdgeType:
+     o << "Edge";
+     break;
+   case FaceType:
+     o << "Face";
+     break;
+   case CellType:
+     o << "Cell";
+     break;
+   }
+   o << "," << (centering.continuous() ? "Continuous" : "Discontinuous")
+     << ",{";
+   for (int i = 0; i < centering.size();)
+   {
+     o << "[" << centering.orientation(i)
+       << "," << centering.position(i) << "]";
+     ++i;
+     if (i < centering.size())
+       o << ",";
+   }
+   o << "}";
+   return o;
+ }
+ template <int Dim>
+ bool operator==(const Centering<Dim> &centering1, const Centering<Dim> &centering2)
+ {
+   return
+     centering1.centeringType() == centering2.centeringType() &&
+     centering1.discontinuous() == centering2.discontinuous() &&
+     centering1.orientations() == centering2.orientations() &&
+     centering1.positions() == centering2.positions();
+ }
+ template <int Dim>
+ bool operator!=(const Centering<Dim> &centering1, const Centering<Dim> &centering2)
+ {
+   return !(centering1 == centering2);
+ }
+ template <int Dim>
+ int CanonicalCentering<Dim>::class_count_m = 0;
+ template <int Dim>
+ Centering<Dim>*** CanonicalCentering<Dim>::centering_table_m = 0;
+ extern const CanonicalCentering<1> canonicalCenteringOne_g;
+ extern const CanonicalCentering<2> canonicalCenteringTwo_g;
+ extern const CanonicalCentering<3> canonicalCenteringThree_g;
+ template <int Dim>
+ const Centering<Dim> canonicalCentering
+     (const enum CenteringType type,
+      const enum ContinuityType discontinuous,
+      const int dimension = 0);
+ template <>
+ const Centering<1> canonicalCentering<1>
+     (const enum CenteringType type,
+      const enum ContinuityType discontinuous,
+      const int dimension);
+ template <>
+ const Centering<2> canonicalCentering<2>
+     (const enum CenteringType type,
+      const enum ContinuityType discontinuous,
+      const int dimension);
+ template <>
+ const Centering<3> canonicalCentering<3>
+     (const enum CenteringType type,
+      const enum ContinuityType discontinuous,
+      const int dimension);
+ template<int Dim>
+ inline Interval<Dim>
+ cellDomainToCenteringDomain(const Interval<Dim> &cellDom,
+                             const Centering<Dim> &centering, int i)
+ {
+   if (centering.discontinuous())
+   {
+     return cellDom;
+   }
+   else
+   {
+     return shrinkRight(growRight(cellDom, 1), centering.orientation(i));
+   }
+ }
+ template<int Dim>
+ inline Interval<Dim>
+ centeringDomainToCellDomain(const Interval<Dim> &cDom,
+                             const Centering<Dim> &centering, int i)
+ {
+   if (centering.discontinuous())
+   {
+     return cDom;
+   }
+   else
+   {
+     return shrinkRight(growRight(cDom, centering.orientation(i)), 1);
+   }
+ }
+ template <int Dim>
+ class FieldOffset;
+ template <int Dim>
+ class FieldOffsetList;
+ template <int Dim>
+ class FieldOffset {
+ public:
+   FieldOffset(const Loc<Dim> &loc, const int subFieldNumber = 0)
+     : cell_offset_m(loc), subfield_number_m(subFieldNumber)
+   {
+     return;
+   }
+   FieldOffset()
+     : cell_offset_m(Loc<Dim>()), subfield_number_m(0)
+   {}
+   inline void setSubFieldNumber(int subFieldNumber)
+     {
+       subfield_number_m = subFieldNumber;
+       return;
+     }
+   inline Loc<Dim> &modifyCellOffset()
+     {
+       return cell_offset_m;
+     }
+   inline const Loc<Dim> &cellOffset() const
+     {
+       return cell_offset_m;
+     }
+   inline int subFieldNumber() const
+     {
+       return subfield_number_m;
+     }
+ private:
+   Loc<Dim> cell_offset_m;
+   int subfield_number_m;
+ };
+ template <int Dim>
+ std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &o,
+     const FieldOffset<Dim> &fieldOffset)
+ {
+   return o << "FieldOffset: (" << fieldOffset.cellOffset()
+     << ", " << fieldOffset.subFieldNumber() << ")";
+ }
+ template <int Dim>
+ inline bool
+ operator==(const FieldOffset<Dim> &fieldOffset1,
+     const FieldOffset<Dim> &fieldOffset2)
+ {
+   return
+     fieldOffset1.cellOffset() == fieldOffset2.cellOffset() &&
+     fieldOffset1.subFieldNumber() == fieldOffset2.subFieldNumber();
+ }
+ template <int Dim>
+ inline bool
+ operator!=(const FieldOffset<Dim> &fieldOffset1,
+     const FieldOffset<Dim> &fieldOffset2)
+ {
+   return !(fieldOffset1 == fieldOffset2);
+ }
+ template <int Dim>
+ class FieldOffsetList
+ {
+ public:
+   typedef size_t size_type;
+   typedef FieldOffset<Dim>& reference;
+   typedef const FieldOffset<Dim>& const_reference;
+   size_type size() const
+   {
+     return v_m.size();
+   }
+   const_reference operator[](const size_type n) const
+   {
+     return v_m[n];
+   }
+   FieldOffsetList() {}
+   FieldOffsetList(const size_type sz)
+   {
+     v_m.reserve(sz);
+   }
+   FieldOffsetList(const std::vector<FieldOffset<Dim> > &v) {
+     v_m.resize(v.size());
+     std::copy(v.begin(), v.end(), v_m.begin());
+   }
+   FieldOffsetList &operator=(const std::vector<FieldOffset<Dim> > &v)
+   {
+     v_m.resize(v.size());
+     std::copy(v.begin(), v.end(), v_m.begin());
+     return *this;
+   }
+   reference operator[](const size_type n)
+   {
+     return v_m[n];
+   }
+ private:
+   std::vector<FieldOffset<Dim> > v_m;
+ };
+ template <int Dim>
+ std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &o,
+     const FieldOffsetList<Dim> &fieldOffsetList)
+ {
+   o << "FieldOffsetList:\n";
+   for (int index = 0; index < fieldOffsetList.size(); ++index)
+     o << fieldOffsetList[index] << std::endl;
+   return o;
+ }
+ template<class GeometryTag, class T, class Expr, int Dim,
+          class BinaryFunction>
+ inline
+ T
+ accumulate(BinaryFunction binary_op,
+     const Field<GeometryTag, T, Expr>& field,
+     const FieldOffsetList<Dim> &lst,
+     const Loc<Dim> &loc)
+ {
+   typedef typename Field<GeometryTag, T, Expr>::T_t T_t;
+   typedef typename FieldOffsetList<Dim>::size_type size_type;
+   PoomaCTAssert<((Field<GeometryTag, T, Expr>::dimensions == Dim))>::test();
+   const size_type lstLength = lst.size();
+   if (__builtin_expect(!!(lstLength > 0), true)) {} else Pooma::toss_cookies("accumulate must be given a nonempty list.", "/home/rguenth/ix86/pooma/tat-serial/pooma/linux/src/Field/FieldOffset.h", 334);
+   T_t init = field(lst[0], loc);
+   for (size_type i = 1; i < lstLength ; ++i)
+     init = binary_op(init, field(lst[i], loc));
+   return init;
+ }
+ template<class GeometryTag, class T, class Expr, int Dim>
+ inline
+ T
+ sum(const Field<GeometryTag, T, Expr>& field,
+     const FieldOffsetList<Dim> &lst,
+     const Loc<Dim> &loc)
+ {
+   typedef typename Field<GeometryTag, T, Expr>::T_t T_t;
+   PoomaCTAssert<((Field<GeometryTag, T, Expr>::dimensions == Dim))>::test();
+   return accumulate(std::plus<T_t>(), field, lst, loc);
+ }
+ template<class GeometryTag, class T, class Expr, int Dim>
+ inline
+ T
+ av(const Field<GeometryTag, T, Expr>& field,
+    const FieldOffsetList<Dim> &lst,
+    const Loc<Dim> &loc)
+ {
+   typedef typename Field<GeometryTag, T, Expr>::T_t T_t;
+   PoomaCTAssert<((Field<GeometryTag, T, Expr>::dimensions == Dim))>::test();
+   return sum(field, lst, loc) / lst.size();
+ }
+ template <class T>
+ struct fomin : public std::binary_function<T, T, T>
+ {
+   T operator()(const T &op1, const T &op2) const {
+     return std::min(op1, op2);
+   }
+ };
+ template<class GeometryTag, class T, class Expr, int Dim>
+ inline
+ T
+ min(const Field<GeometryTag, T, Expr>& field,
+     const FieldOffsetList<Dim> &lst,
+     const Loc<Dim> &loc)
+ {
+   typedef typename Field<GeometryTag, T, Expr>::T_t T_t;
+   PoomaCTAssert<((Field<GeometryTag, T, Expr>::dimensions == Dim))>::test();
+   return accumulate(fomin<T_t>(), field, lst, loc);
+ }
+ template <class T>
+ struct fomax : public std::binary_function<T, T, T>
+ {
+   T operator()(const T &op1, const T &op2) const {
+     return std::max(op1, op2);
+   }
+ };
+ template<class GeometryTag, class T, class Expr, int Dim>
+ inline
+ T
+ max(const Field<GeometryTag, T, Expr>& field,
+     const FieldOffsetList<Dim> &lst,
+     const Loc<Dim> &loc)
+ {
+   typedef typename Field<GeometryTag, T, Expr>::T_t T_t;
+   PoomaCTAssert<((Field<GeometryTag, T, Expr>::dimensions == Dim))>::test();
+   return accumulate(fomax<T_t>(), field, lst, loc);
+ }
+ template <class GeometryTag, class T, class Expr, int Dim>
+ inline
+ typename
+ View2<Field<GeometryTag, T, Expr>, std::vector<FieldOffset<Dim> >,
+       Centering<Dim> >::Type_t
+ replicate(const Field<GeometryTag, T, Expr>& field,
+           const std::vector<FieldOffsetList<Dim> > &vec,
+           const Centering<Dim> &centering)
+ {
+   PoomaCTAssert<((Field<GeometryTag, T, Expr>::dimensions == Dim))>::test();
+   typedef typename std::vector<FieldOffsetList<Dim> >::size_type vsize_type;
+   if (__builtin_expect(!!(vec.size() > 0), true)) {} else Pooma::toss_cookies("Cannot replicate no values.", "/home/rguenth/ix86/pooma/tat-serial/pooma/linux/src/Field/FieldOffset.h", 445);
+   if (__builtin_expect(!!(vec.size() == centering.size()), true)) {} else Pooma::toss_cookies("Vector and output centering sizes must match.", "/home/rguenth/ix86/pooma/tat-serial/pooma/linux/src/Field/FieldOffset.h", 447);
+   std::vector<FieldOffset<Dim> > vecFO(vec.size());
+   for (vsize_type i = 0; i < vec.size(); ++i) {
+     if (__builtin_expect(!!(vec[i].size() == 1), true)) {} else Pooma::toss_cookies("Can replicate only one value.", "/home/rguenth/ix86/pooma/tat-serial/pooma/linux/src/Field/FieldOffset.h", 451);
+     vecFO[i] = vec[i][0];
+   }
+   return field(vecFO, centering);
+ }
+ #include <numeric>
+ template <int Dim, bool IntraCellOnly = false>
+ class NearestNeighborClass {
+ public:
+   typedef FieldOffset<Dim> FieldOffset_t;
+   typedef FieldOffsetList<Dim> FieldOffsetList_t;
+   typedef std::vector<FieldOffset_t> FieldOffset_vt;
+   typedef std::vector<FieldOffsetList_t> Answer_t;
+   typedef Centering<Dim> Center;
+   typedef typename Center::Positions Positions;
+   typedef typename Center::Position Position;
+   typedef std::pair<int, Position> MinimumPair;
+   typedef std::vector<MinimumPair> MinimumSet;
+   NearestNeighborClass() {}
+   inline Answer_t
+   operator()(const Center &inputCentering, const Center &outputCentering)
+   {
+     if (__builtin_expect(!!(inputCentering.size() > 0), true)) {} else Pooma::toss_cookies("The input centering must be non-empty.", "/home/rguenth/ix86/pooma/tat-serial/pooma/linux/src/Field/NearestNeighbors.h", 95);
+     Answer_t answer;
+     answer.resize(outputCentering.size());
+     const Positions inputPositions = inputCentering.positions();
+     const Positions outputPositions = outputCentering.positions();
+     for (typename Answer_t::size_type outputIndex = 0;
+   outputIndex < outputCentering.size();
+   ++outputIndex)
+       answer[outputIndex] = nearestNeighbors(inputPositions,
+           outputPositions[outputIndex]);
+     return answer;
+   }
+   inline FieldOffsetList_t
+   operator()(const Center &inputCentering,
+       const FieldOffset_t &fieldOffset,
+       const Center &outputCentering)
+   {
+     if (__builtin_expect(!!(inputCentering.size() > 0), true)) {} else Pooma::toss_cookies("The input centering must be non-empty.", "/home/rguenth/ix86/pooma/tat-serial/pooma/linux/src/Field/NearestNeighbors.h", 122);
+     if (__builtin_expect(!!(fieldOffset.subFieldNumber() < outputCentering.size()), true)) {} else Pooma::toss_cookies("The field offset must correspond to the output centering.", "/home/rguenth/ix86/pooma/tat-serial/pooma/linux/src/Field/NearestNeighbors.h", 124);
+     return nearestNeighbors(inputCentering.positions(),
+        outputCentering.position(fieldOffset.subFieldNumber()));
+   }
+   inline std::vector<FieldOffsetList_t>
+   operator()(const Center &inputCentering,
+       const FieldOffsetList_t &fieldOffsetList,
+       const Center &outputCentering)
+   {
+     if (__builtin_expect(!!(inputCentering.size() > 0), true)) {} else Pooma::toss_cookies("The input centering must be non-empty.", "/home/rguenth/ix86/pooma/tat-serial/pooma/linux/src/Field/NearestNeighbors.h", 140);
+     Answer_t answer;
+     answer.resize(fieldOffsetList.size());
+     const Positions inputPositions = inputCentering.positions();
+     for (typename FieldOffsetList_t::size_type folIndex = 0;
+   folIndex < outputCentering.size();
+   ++folIndex) {
+       if (__builtin_expect(!!(fieldOffsetList[folIndex].subFieldNumber() < outputCentering.size()), true)) {} else Pooma::toss_cookies("The field offset must correspond to the output centering.", "/home/rguenth/ix86/pooma/tat-serial/pooma/linux/src/Field/NearestNeighbors.h", 152);
+       answer[folIndex] =
+  nearestNeighbors(inputPositions,
+     outputCentering.position(fieldOffsetList[folIndex].subFieldNumber()));
+     }
+     return answer;
+   }
+ private:
+   inline FieldOffsetList_t
+   nearestNeighbors(const Positions &inputPositions,
+      const Position outputValue)
+   {
+     MinimumSet minimumSet;
+     typename Positions::size_type inputIndex = 0;
+     Position positionDifference = inputPositions[inputIndex] - outputValue;
+     double minimumDistance =
+       (IntraCellOnly ?
+        manhattanDistance<Manhattan>(positionDifference) :
+        manhattanDistance<ManhattanGrid>(positionDifference));
+     minimumSet.push_back(std::make_pair(inputIndex, positionDifference));
+     for (++inputIndex;
+   inputIndex < inputPositions.size();
+   ++inputIndex) {
+       positionDifference = inputPositions[inputIndex] - outputValue;
+       const double distance =
+  (IntraCellOnly ?
+   manhattanDistance<Manhattan>(positionDifference) :
+   manhattanDistance<ManhattanGrid>(positionDifference));
+       if (distance < minimumDistance + epsilon) {
+  if (distance < minimumDistance) {
+    minimumSet.clear();
+    minimumDistance = distance;
+  }
+  minimumSet.push_back(std::make_pair(inputIndex,
+          positionDifference));
+       }
+     }
+     FieldOffset_vt answerHolder;
+     if (IntraCellOnly) {
+       for (typename MinimumSet::size_type minIndex = 0;
+     minIndex < minimumSet.size();
+     ++minIndex)
+  answerHolder.push_back(FieldOffset_t(Loc<Dim>(0),
+           minimumSet[minIndex].first));
+     }
+     else {
+       FieldOffset_vt partialAnswer;
+       for (typename MinimumSet::size_type minIndex = 0;
+     minIndex < minimumSet.size();
+     ++minIndex)
+  {
+    partialAnswer = computeCellOffsets(minimumSet[minIndex].first,
+           minimumSet[minIndex].second);
+    answerHolder.insert(answerHolder.end(),
+          partialAnswer.begin(), partialAnswer.end());
+  }
+       std::sort(answerHolder.begin(), answerHolder.end(),
+   CompareFieldOffset());
+       answerHolder.erase(std::unique(answerHolder.begin(),
+          answerHolder.end(),
+          EqualFieldOffset()),
+     answerHolder.end());
+     }
+     return answerHolder;
+   }
+   struct ManhattanGrid : public std::binary_function<double, double, double>
+   {
+     double operator()(const double totalSoFar, double coordinate) const {
+       const double absCoordinate = std::abs(coordinate);
+       return totalSoFar + std::min(absCoordinate, 1-absCoordinate);
+     }
+   };
+   struct Manhattan : public std::binary_function<double, double, double>
+   {
+     double operator()(const double totalSoFar, double coordinate) const {
+       return totalSoFar + std::abs(coordinate);
+     }
+   };
+   template <class Distance>
+   inline static
+   double manhattanDistance(const Position &difference)
+   {
+     double answer = 0.0;;
+     for (int coordinate = Dim-1; coordinate >= 0; --coordinate)
+       answer = Distance()(answer, difference(coordinate));
+     return answer;
+   }
+   inline static const FieldOffset_vt
+   computeCellOffsets(const int inputValueIndex, const Position &difference)
+   {
+     FieldOffset_vt answer(1);
+     int numTuples = 1;
+     int cellOffsetCoordinates[2];
+     int numOffsets;
+     for (int dimension = 0; dimension < Dim; ++dimension) {
+       numOffsets =
+  convertDifferenceToCellOffsets(difference(dimension),
+            cellOffsetCoordinates);
+       if (__builtin_expect(!!(numOffsets >= 1 && numOffsets <= 2), true)) {} else Pooma::toss_cookies("Incorrect number of cell offsets", "/home/rguenth/ix86/pooma/tat-serial/pooma/linux/src/Field/NearestNeighbors.h", 309);
+       if (numOffsets == 2)
+  answer.insert(answer.end(), answer.begin(), answer.end());
+       for (int coc = 0; coc < numOffsets; ++coc)
+  for (int tuple = 0; tuple < numTuples; ++tuple)
+    answer[numTuples * coc + tuple].modifyCellOffset()[dimension] =
+      cellOffsetCoordinates[coc];
+       numTuples *= numOffsets;
+     }
+     for (int i = numTuples-1; i >= 0; --i)
+       answer[i].setSubFieldNumber(inputValueIndex);
+     return answer;
+   }
+   inline static
+   int convertDifferenceToCellOffsets(const double difference,
+          int cellOffsetCoordinate[])
+   {
+     if (difference < -0.5 - epsilon) {
+       cellOffsetCoordinate[0] = +1;
+       return 1;
+     }
+     else if (std::abs(difference + 0.5) < epsilon) {
+       cellOffsetCoordinate[0] = +1;
+       cellOffsetCoordinate[1] = 0;
+       return 2;
+     }
+     else if (difference <= 0.5 - epsilon) {
+       cellOffsetCoordinate[0] = 0;
+       return 1;
+     }
+     else if (std::abs(difference - 0.5) < epsilon) {
+       cellOffsetCoordinate[0] = 0;
+       cellOffsetCoordinate[1] = -1;
+       return 2;
+     }
+     else if (difference < 1.0 + epsilon) {
+       cellOffsetCoordinate[0] = -1;
+       return 1;
+     }
+     else {
+       if (__builtin_expect(!!(0), true)) {} else Pooma::toss_cookies("Out of range difference", "/home/rguenth/ix86/pooma/tat-serial/pooma/linux/src/Field/NearestNeighbors.h", 361);
+       return 0;
+     }
+   }
+   struct CompareFieldOffset :
+     public std::binary_function<FieldOffset_t, FieldOffset_t, bool> {
+     bool operator()(const FieldOffset_t &op1, const FieldOffset_t &op2) {
+       return (op1.cellOffset() < op2.cellOffset()) ||
+  (op1.cellOffset() == op2.cellOffset() &&
+   op1.subFieldNumber() < op2.subFieldNumber());
+     }
+   };
+   struct EqualFieldOffset :
+     public std::binary_function<FieldOffset_t, FieldOffset_t, bool> {
+     bool operator()(const FieldOffset_t &op1, const FieldOffset_t &op2) {
+       return op1.cellOffset() == op2.cellOffset() &&
+  op1.subFieldNumber() == op2.subFieldNumber();
+     }
+   };
+   static const double epsilon;
+ };
+ template <int Dim, bool IntraCellOnly>
+ const double
+ NearestNeighborClass<Dim, IntraCellOnly>::epsilon = 1.0e-08;
+ template <int Dim>
+ inline
+ std::vector<FieldOffsetList<Dim> >
+ nearestNeighbors(const Centering<Dim> &inputCentering,
+    const Centering<Dim> &outputCentering)
+ {
+   return NearestNeighborClass<Dim>()(inputCentering, outputCentering);
+ }
+ template <int Dim>
+ inline
+ std::vector<FieldOffsetList<Dim> >
+ nearestNeighbors(const Centering<Dim> &inputCentering,
+    const Centering<Dim> &outputCentering,
+    const bool)
+ {
+   return NearestNeighborClass<Dim, true>()(inputCentering, outputCentering);
+ }
+ template <int Dim>
+ inline
+ std::vector<FieldOffsetList<Dim> >
+ nearestNeighbors(const Centering<Dim> &inputCentering,
+    const FieldOffsetList<Dim> &fOL,
+    const Centering<Dim> &outputCentering)
+ {
+   return NearestNeighborClass<Dim>()(inputCentering, fOL, outputCentering);
+ }
+ template <int Dim>
+ inline
+ std::vector<FieldOffsetList<Dim> >
+ nearestNeighbors(const Centering<Dim> &inputCentering,
+    const FieldOffsetList<Dim> &fOL,
+    const Centering<Dim> &outputCentering,
+    const bool)
+ {
+   return NearestNeighborClass<Dim, true>()
+     (inputCentering, fOL, outputCentering);
+ }
+ template <int Dim>
+ inline
+ FieldOffsetList<Dim>
+ nearestNeighbors(const Centering<Dim> &inputCentering,
+    const FieldOffset<Dim> &fieldOffset,
+    const Centering<Dim> &outputCentering)
+ {
+   return NearestNeighborClass<Dim>()
+     (inputCentering, fieldOffset, outputCentering);
+ }
+ template <int Dim>
+ inline
+ FieldOffsetList<Dim>
+ nearestNeighbors(const Centering<Dim> &inputCentering,
+    const FieldOffset<Dim> &fieldOffset,
+    const Centering<Dim> &outputCentering,
+    const bool)
+ {
+   return NearestNeighborClass<Dim, true>()
+     (inputCentering, fieldOffset, outputCentering);
+ }
+ template<int Dim>
+ inline Vector<Dim, double>
+ inputPosition(const Centering<Dim> &inputCentering,
+               const FieldOffset<Dim> &fieldOffset)
+ {
+   Vector<Dim, double> ret =
+     inputCentering.position(fieldOffset.subFieldNumber());
+   for (int i = 0; i < Dim; ++i)
+     ret(i) += fieldOffset.cellOffset()[i].first();
+   return ret;
+ }
+ class PrintField;
+ template<int Dim>
+ struct PerformPrintField
+ {
+   template <class S, class A>
+   static void print(const PrintField &, S &, const A &);
+ };
+ template<>
+ struct PerformPrintField<1>
+ {
+   template<class S, class A>
+   static void print(const PrintField &, S &, const A &);
+ };
+ class PrintField
+ {
+ public:
+   PrintField(int domainWidth = 3, int dataWidth = 10,
+       int dataPrecision = 4, int carReturn = -1,
+       bool scientific = false, int spacing = 1)
+     : domainwidth_m(domainWidth), datawidth_m(dataWidth),
+       dataprecision_m(dataPrecision), carreturn_m(carReturn),
+       spacing_m(spacing), scientific_m(scientific)
+     {
+       ;
+       ;
+       ;
+       ;
+     }
+   PrintField(const PrintField &a)
+     : domainwidth_m(a.domainwidth_m), datawidth_m(a.datawidth_m),
+       dataprecision_m(a.dataprecision_m), carreturn_m(a.carreturn_m),
+       scientific_m(a.scientific_m)
+     {
+     }
+   ~PrintField()
+     {
+     }
+   template<class S, class A>
+   void print(S &s, const A &a) const
+     {
+       forEach(a, PerformUpdateTag(), NullCombine());
+       Pooma::blockAndEvaluate();
+       for (int m = 0; m < a.numMaterials(); m++)
+         for (int c = 0; c < a.centeringSize(); c++)
+           {
+             s << "Material #" << m << ", Centering #" << c << " " << a.centering(c)
+               << "\n"<< "-------------\n";
+             PerformPrintField<A::dimensions>::print(*this, s, a.subField(m, c));
+           }
+     }
+   int domainWidth() const
+     {
+       return domainwidth_m;
+     }
+   void setDomainWidth(int val)
+     {
+       domainwidth_m = val;
+       ;
+     }
+   int dataWidth() const
+     {
+       return datawidth_m;
+     }
+   void setDataWidth(int val)
+     {
+       datawidth_m = val;
+       ;
+     }
+   int dataPrecision() const
+     {
+       return dataprecision_m;
+     }
+   void setDataPrecision(int val)
+     {
+       dataprecision_m = val;
+       ;
+     }
+   int carReturn() const
+     {
+       return carreturn_m;
+     }
+   void setCarReturn(int val)
+     {
+       carreturn_m = val;
+     }
+   bool scientific() const
+     {
+       return scientific_m;
+     }
+   void setScientific(bool val)
+     {
+       scientific_m = val;
+     }
+   int spacing() const
+     {
+       return spacing_m;
+     }
+   void setSpacing(int val)
+     {
+       spacing_m = val;
+       ;
+     }
+ private:
+   int domainwidth_m;
+   int datawidth_m;
+   int dataprecision_m;
+   int carreturn_m;
+   int spacing_m;
+   bool scientific_m;
+ };
+ template<class S, class A>
+ void
+ PerformPrintField<1>::print(const PrintField &p, S &s, const A &a)
+ {
+   PoomaCTAssert<(A::dimensions == 1)>::test();
+   typedef typename A::Domain_t Domain_t;
+   typedef typename Domain_t::const_iterator Iterator_t;
+   Iterator_t griditer = a.domain().begin();
+   Iterator_t enditer = a.domain().end();
+   s << "[";
+   if (a.domain()[0].first() < 0)
+     s.fill(' ');
+   else
+     s.fill('0');
+   s.width(p.domainWidth());
+   s << a.domain()[0].first() << ":";
+   if (a.domain()[0].last() < 0)
+     s.fill(' ');
+   else
+     s.fill('0');
+   s.width(p.domainWidth());
+   s << a.domain()[0].last() << "] = ";
+   s.fill(' ');
+   int i, printed = 0;
+   while (griditer != enditer)
+     {
+       int spacing = 0;
+       if (printed > 0)
+      {
+        spacing = p.spacing();
+        if (p.carReturn() >= 0 && printed >= p.carReturn())
+             {
+               s << "\n";
+            spacing = 2*p.domainWidth() + 6;
+            printed = 0;
+          }
+      }
+       for (i=0; i < spacing; ++i)
+         s << " ";
+       if (p.scientific())
+         s.setf(std::ios::scientific);
+       s.precision(p.dataPrecision());
+       s.width(p.dataWidth());
+       s << a.read(*griditer);
+       ++griditer;
+       ++printed;
+     }
+   s << "\n";
+ }
+ template<int Dim>
+ template<class S, class A>
+ void
+ PerformPrintField<Dim>::print(const PrintField &p, S &s, const A &a)
+ {
+   int i, j, k;
+   PoomaCTAssert<(A::dimensions == Dim && Dim > 1)>::test();
+   typedef typename A::Domain_t Domain_t;
+   typedef typename Domain_t::Element_t Element_t;
+   typedef typename Domain_t::const_iterator Iterator_t;
+   Iterator_t griditer = a.domain().begin();
+   Iterator_t enditer = a.domain().end();
+   Element_t x0 = a.domain()[0].first();
+   Element_t x1 = a.domain()[0].last();
+   Element_t xs = a.domain()[0].stride();
+   Element_t y0 = a.domain()[1].first();
+   Element_t y1 = a.domain()[1].last();
+   Element_t ys = a.domain()[1].stride();
+   while (griditer != enditer)
+     {
+       if (Dim > 2)
+      {
+        s << '\n' << a.domain()[0] << a.domain()[1];
+        for (i=2; i < Dim; ++i)
+          s << "[" << (*griditer)[i].first() << "]";
+        s << ":" << '\n';
+        s << "----------------------------------------------------\n";
+         }
+       for (j=y0; j <= y1; j += ys)
+      {
+        s << "[";
+           if (x0 < 0)
+             s.fill(' ');
+           else
+             s.fill('0');
+           s.width(p.domainWidth());
+           s << x0 << ":";
+           if (x1 < 0)
+             s.fill(' ');
+           else
+             s.fill('0');
+           s.width(p.domainWidth());
+        s << x1 << "]";
+        for (i=1; i < Dim; ++i)
+          {
+            s << "[";
+               if ((*griditer)[i].first() < 0)
+                 s.fill(' ');
+               else
+                 s.fill('0');
+               s.width(p.domainWidth());
+            s << (*griditer)[i].first() << "]";
+          }
+        s.fill(' ');
+           s << " = ";
+        int printed = 0;
+        for (i=x0; i <= x1; i += xs)
+          {
+            int spacing = 0;
+            if (printed > 0)
+           {
+             spacing = p.spacing();
+             if (p.carReturn() >= 0 && printed >= p.carReturn())
+               {
+                 s << '\n';
+                 spacing = (Dim + 1)*(p.domainWidth() + 2) + 4;
+                 printed = 0;
+               }
+           }
+            for (k=0; k < spacing; ++k)
+           s << ' ';
+            if (p.scientific())
+           s.setf(std::ios::scientific);
+            s.precision(p.dataPrecision());
+            s.width(p.dataWidth());
+            s << a.read(*griditer);
+            ++griditer;
+            ++printed;
+          }
+        s << '\n';
+         }
+     }
+ }
+ template<int Dim>
+ struct FieldEnginePatch
+ {
+   FieldEnginePatch(int patch, Interval<Dim> domain)
+     : patch_m(patch), domain_m(domain)
+   { }
+   int patch_m;
+   Interval<Dim> domain_m;
+ };
+ namespace Pooma {
+   unsigned int activeRelationGroups();
+   bool isRelationGroupActive(unsigned int groups);
+   void activateRelationGroup(unsigned int group);
+   void deactivateRelationGroup(unsigned int group);
+   unsigned int newRelationGroup();
+ }
+ class RelationListItem {
+ public:
+   RelationListItem()
+   : priority_m(0),
+     groups_m(Pooma::activeRelationGroups()),
+     dirty_m(true)
+     { }
+   RelationListItem(const RelationListItem &model)
+   : priority_m(model.priority_m),
+     groups_m(model.groups_m),
+     dirty_m(model.dirty_m)
+     { }
+   virtual ~RelationListItem() { }
+   virtual void apply() = 0;
+   virtual void notifyPreRead()
+     {
+       if (Pooma::isRelationGroupActive(groups_m) && dirty_m)
+         {
+           apply();
+           clearDirty();
+         }
+     }
+   virtual void notifyPostWrite()
+     {
+       setDirty();
+     }
+   inline bool dirty() const { return dirty_m; }
+   inline unsigned int priority() const { return priority_m; }
+   virtual void setDirty()
+     {
+       dirty_m = true;
+     }
+   virtual void clearDirty()
+     {
+       dirty_m = false;
+     }
+   inline void setPriority(unsigned int p)
+     {
+       priority_m = p;
+     }
+ private:
+   unsigned int priority_m;
+   unsigned int groups_m;
+   bool dirty_m;
+ };
+ namespace Pooma {
+   struct DontCopyRelations { };
+ }
+ template<class Target>
+ class RelationRetargetBase : public RelationListItem {
+ public:
+   RelationRetargetBase(const Target &target)
+   : target_m(target, Pooma::DontCopyRelations())
+     { }
+   RelationRetargetBase(const RelationRetargetBase<Target> &model)
+   : RelationListItem(model),
+     target_m(model.target_m)
+     { }
+   virtual ~RelationRetargetBase() { }
+   Target &target() { return target_m; }
+   const Target &target() const { return target_m; }
+   virtual RelationListItem *retarget(const Target &target) const = 0;
+ protected:
+   Target target_m;
+ };
+ template<class Target, class Functor>
+ class RelationBase : public RelationRetargetBase<Target> {
+ public:
+   RelationBase(const Target &t, const Functor &f)
+   : RelationRetargetBase<Target>(t),
+     functor_m(f, t)
+     { }
+   RelationBase(const RelationBase<Target, Functor> &model)
+   : RelationRetargetBase<Target>(model),
+     functor_m(model.functor_m)
+     { }
+   virtual ~RelationBase() { }
+   Functor &functor() { return functor_m; }
+   const Functor &functor() const { return functor_m; }
+ protected:
+   Functor functor_m;
+ };
+ class RelationListData : public RefCounted
+ {
+ public:
+   RelationListData()
+     { }
+   RelationListData(const RelationListData &model)
+   : data_m(model.data_m)
+     { }
+   RelationListData &operator=(const RelationListData &rhs)
+     {
+       data_m = rhs.data_m;
+       return *this;
+     }
+   ~RelationListData()
+     {
+       typedef List_t::size_type size_type;
+       for (size_type i = 0; i < data_m.size(); i++)
+         delete data_m[i];
+     }
+   inline int size() const
+     {
+       return data_m.size();
+     }
+   inline RelationListItem *elem(int i) const
+     {
+       return data_m[i];
+     }
+   inline RelationListItem* &elem(int i)
+     {
+       return data_m[i];
+     }
+   void add(RelationListItem *item)
+     {
+       data_m.push_back(item);
+       int i = size() - 1;
+       while (i > 0)
+         {
+           if (data_m[i]->priority() <= data_m[i]->priority())
+             break;
+           data_m[i] = data_m[i - 1];
+           data_m[i - 1] = item;
+           --i;
+         }
+     }
+ private:
+   typedef std::vector<RelationListItem *> List_t;
+   List_t data_m;
+ };
+ class RelationList {
+ public:
+   RelationList()
+   : list_m(new RelationListData)
+     { }
+   RelationList(const RelationList &model)
+   : list_m(model.list_m)
+     { }
+   ~RelationList() { }
+   template<class Target>
+   void makeOwnCopy(const Target &t)
+     {
+       list_m = new RelationListData(*list_m);
+       for (int i = 0; i < list_m->size(); i++)
+         {
+           RelationRetargetBase<Target> *u =
+             dynamic_cast<RelationRetargetBase<Target> *>(list_m->elem(i));
+           if (u != NULL)
+             list_m->elem(i) = u->retarget(t);
+         }
+     }
+   inline void erase()
+     {
+      list_m = new RelationListData;
+     }
+   void addRelation(RelationListItem *item)
+     {
+       list_m->add(item);
+     }
+   void notifyPreRead() const
+     {
+       for (int i = 0; i < list_m->size(); ++i)
+         list_m->elem(i)->notifyPreRead();
+     }
+   void notifyPostWrite() const
+     {
+       for (int i = 0; i < list_m->size(); ++i)
+         list_m->elem(i)->notifyPostWrite();
+     }
+   void setDirty() const
+     {
+       for (int i = 0; i < list_m->size(); ++i)
+         list_m->elem(i)->setDirty();
+     }
+   void clearDirty() const
+     {
+       for (int i = 0; i < list_m->size(); ++i)
+         list_m->elem(i)->clearDirty();
+     }
+   bool dirty() const
+     {
+       for (int i = 0; i < list_m->size(); ++i)
+         if (list_m->elem(i)->dirty())
+    return true;
+       return false;
+     }
+   inline RelationListItem *operator()(int i) const
+     {
+       return list_m->elem(i);
+     }
+   inline RelationListItem *operator()(int i)
+     {
+       return list_m->elem(i);
+     }
+   inline int size() const { return list_m->size(); }
+ private:
+   RefCountedPtr<RelationListData> list_m;
+ };
+ template<int Dim, class T, class EngineTag> class Engine;
+ template<class Components> class ComponentWrapper;
+ namespace Pooma {
+   struct MaterialViewTag {};
+   struct CenteringViewTag {};
+ }
+ template <int Dim, class T, class EngineTag>
+ class FieldEngineBaseData
+ {
+ public:
+   FieldEngineBaseData()
+     : engine_m()
+   { }
+   template<class Initializer>
+   FieldEngineBaseData(const Initializer &init)
+     : engine_m(init)
+   { }
+   FieldEngineBaseData(const Pooma::NoInit &)
+     : engine_m()
+   { }
+   template<class Initializer>
+   FieldEngineBaseData(const Initializer &init, const RelationList &l)
+     : engine_m(init),
+       relations_m(l)
+   { }
+   template<class Engine, class Domain>
+   FieldEngineBaseData(const Engine &e,
+                       const Domain &d, const RelationList &l)
+     : engine_m(NewEngineEngine<Engine, Domain>::apply(e, d),
+                NewEngineDomain<Engine, Domain>::apply(e, d)),
+       relations_m(l)
+   {
+   }
+   const Engine<Dim, T, EngineTag> &engine() const { return engine_m; }
+   Engine<Dim, T, EngineTag> &engine() { return engine_m; }
+   RelationList &relations() const { return relations_m; }
+ private:
+   Engine<Dim, T, EngineTag> engine_m;
+   mutable RelationList relations_m;
+ };
+ template<class Mesh, class T, class EngineTag>
+ class FieldEngine
+ {
+ public:
+   enum { dimensions = Mesh::dimensions };
+   enum { Dim = dimensions };
+   typedef FieldEngine<Mesh, T, EngineTag> This_t;
+   typedef FieldEngineBaseData<Dim, T, EngineTag> Data_t;
+   typedef Engine<Dim, T, EngineTag> Engine_t;
+   typedef typename Engine_t::Domain_t Domain_t;
+   typedef typename Engine_t::Layout_t Layout_t;
+   typedef typename Engine_t::Element_t Element_t;
+   typedef typename Engine_t::ElementRef_t ElementRef_t;
+   typedef GuardLayers<Dim> GuardLayers_t;
+   FieldEngine()
+     : num_materials_m(0),
+       physicalCellDomain_m(Pooma::NoInit()),
+       guards_m(0)
+   { }
+   template<class Layout2>
+   FieldEngine(const Centering<Dim> &centering, const Layout2 &layout,
+               const Mesh &mesh, int materials = 1)
+     : num_materials_m(materials),
+       centering_m(centering),
+       stride_m(centering.size()),
+       physicalCellDomain_m(layout.domain()),
+       guards_m(layout.externalGuards()),
+       mesh_m(mesh)
+   {
+     physicalCellDomain_m = shrinkRight(shrink(physicalCellDomain_m, guards_m), 1);
+     addSubFields();
+     for (int m = 0; m < numMaterials(); ++m)
+     {
+       for (int c = 0; c < centering.size(); ++ c)
+       {
+         data(m, c) = Data_t(layout);
+       }
+     }
+   }
+   FieldEngine(const This_t &model)
+     : num_materials_m(model.num_materials_m),
+       centering_m(model.centering_m),
+       stride_m(model.stride_m),
+       data_m(model.data_m),
+       physicalCellDomain_m(model.physicalCellDomain_m),
+       guards_m(model.guards_m),
+       mesh_m(model.mesh_m)
+   {
+   }
+   FieldEngine(const This_t &model, int subField)
+     : num_materials_m(1),
+       centering_m(model.centering_m, subField % model.centeringSize()),
+       stride_m(model.stride_m),
+       data_m(model.data_m + subField),
+       physicalCellDomain_m(model.physicalCellDomain_m),
+       guards_m(model.guards_m),
+       mesh_m(model.mesh_m)
+   {
+   }
+   FieldEngine(const This_t &model, int m, int c)
+     : num_materials_m(1),
+       centering_m(model.centering_m, c),
+       stride_m(model.stride_m),
+       data_m(model.data_m + model.stride_m * m + c),
+       physicalCellDomain_m(model.physicalCellDomain_m),
+       guards_m(model.guards_m),
+       mesh_m(model.mesh_m)
+   {
+   }
+   FieldEngine(const This_t &model, int c, const Pooma::CenteringViewTag&)
+     : num_materials_m(model.num_materials_m),
+       centering_m(model.centering_m, c),
+       stride_m(model.stride_m),
+       data_m(model.data_m + c),
+       physicalCellDomain_m(model.physicalCellDomain_m),
+       guards_m(model.guards_m),
+       mesh_m(model.mesh_m)
+   {
+   }
+   FieldEngine(const This_t &model, int m, const Pooma::MaterialViewTag&)
+     : num_materials_m(1),
+       centering_m(model.centering_m),
+       stride_m(model.stride_m),
+       data_m(model.data_m + m * model.stride_m),
+       physicalCellDomain_m(model.physicalCellDomain_m),
+       guards_m(model.guards_m),
+       mesh_m(model.mesh_m)
+   {
+   }
+   template<class T2, class EngineTag2>
+   FieldEngine(const FieldEngine<Mesh, T2, EngineTag2> &model,
+               const Domain_t &d)
+     : num_materials_m(model.numMaterials()),
+       centering_m(model.centering()),
+       stride_m(model.centeringSize()),
+       guards_m(0),
+       mesh_m(model.mesh(), inputDomainToVertexDomain(d))
+   {
+     addSubFields();
+     physicalCellDomain_m = d;
+     if (centeringSize() == 1)
+     {
+       physicalCellDomain_m =
+         centeringDomainToCellDomain(physicalCellDomain_m, centering_m, 0);
+     }
+     for (int c = 0; c < centeringSize(); ++c)
+     {
+       Domain_t dc(cellDomainToCenteringDomain(physicalCellDomain_m, centering_m, c));
+       for (int m = 0; m < numMaterials(); ++m)
+       {
+         data(m, c) = Data_t(model.data(m, c).engine(), dc, model.data(m, c).relations());
+       }
+     }
+     physicalCellDomain_m -= d.firsts();
+   }
+   template<class Mesh2, class T2, class EngineTag2, class Domain>
+   FieldEngine(const FieldEngine<Mesh2, T2, EngineTag2> &model,
+               const Domain &d)
+     : num_materials_m(model.numMaterials()),
+       centering_m(model.centering()),
+       stride_m(model.centeringSize()),
+       guards_m(0)
+   {
+     addSubFields();
+     ;
+     for (int m = 0; m < numMaterials(); ++m)
+     {
+       data(m, 0) = Data_t(model.data(m, 0).engine(), d,
+                           model.data(m, 0).relations());
+     }
+     mesh_m = Mesh(DomainLayout<Dim>(inputDomainToVertexDomain(data(0,0).engine().domain())));
+     physicalCellDomain_m = mesh_m.physicalCellDomain();
+   }
+   template<class Mesh2, class EngineTag2>
+   FieldEngine(const FieldEngine<Mesh2, T, EngineTag2> &model,
+               const SliceInterval<Mesh2::dimensions, Dim> &d)
+   {
+     initSlice(model, d);
+   }
+   template<class Mesh2, class EngineTag2>
+   FieldEngine(const FieldEngine<Mesh2, T, EngineTag2> &model,
+               const SliceRange<Mesh2::dimensions, Dim> &d)
+   {
+     initSlice(model, d);
+   }
+   template<class Mesh2, class EngineTag2>
+   FieldEngine(const FieldEngine<Mesh2, T, EngineTag2> &model,
+        const SliceInterval<Dim, Mesh2::dimensions> &d,
+        const Interval<Dim>& totalDomain)
+   {
+     initSlice(model, d, totalDomain);
+   }
+   template<class T2, class EngineTag2>
+   FieldEngine(const FieldEngine<Mesh, T2, EngineTag2> &model,
+               const INode<Dim> &i)
+     : num_materials_m(model.numMaterials()),
+       centering_m(model.centering()),
+       stride_m(model.centeringSize()),
+       guards_m(0),
+       mesh_m(model.mesh(),
+              inputDomainToVertexDomain(i.domain()))
+   {
+     addSubFields();
+     physicalCellDomain_m = i.domain();
+     if (centeringSize() == 1)
+     {
+       physicalCellDomain_m =
+         centeringDomainToCellDomain(physicalCellDomain_m, centering_m, 0);
+     }
+     for (int c = 0; c < centeringSize(); ++ c)
+     {
+       INode<Dim> ic(i, cellDomainToCenteringDomain(physicalCellDomain_m, centering_m, c));
+       for (int m = 0; m < numMaterials(); ++m)
+       {
+         data(m, c) = Data_t(model.data(m, c).engine(), ic, model.data(m, c).relations());
+       }
+     }
+     physicalCellDomain_m -= i.domain().firsts();
+   }
+   template<class Mesh2, class T2, class EngineTag2, class Tag>
+   FieldEngine(const FieldEngine<Mesh2, T2, EngineTag2> &model,
+               const EngineView<Tag> &ev)
+     : num_materials_m(model.numMaterials()),
+       centering_m(model.centering()),
+       stride_m(model.centeringSize()),
+       physicalCellDomain_m(model.physicalCellDomain()),
+       guards_m(model.guardLayers()),
+       mesh_m(model.mesh())
+   {
+     typedef typename FieldEngine<Mesh2, T2, EngineTag2>::Engine_t EngIn_t;
+     typedef LeafFunctor<EngIn_t, EngineView<Tag> > Functor_t;
+     addSubFields();
+     for (int m = 0; m < numMaterials(); ++m)
+     {
+       for (int c = 0; c < centeringSize(); ++c)
+       {
+         data(m, c)
+           = Data_t(Functor_t::apply(model.data(m, c).engine(), ev),
+                    model.data(m, c).relations());
+       }
+     }
+   }
+   template<class EngineTag2>
+   FieldEngine(const FieldEngine<Mesh, T, EngineTag2> &model,
+               const FieldEnginePatch<Dim> &p)
+     : num_materials_m(model.numMaterials()),
+       centering_m(model.centering()),
+       stride_m(model.centeringSize()),
+       guards_m(model.guardLayers()),
+       mesh_m(model.mesh())
+   {
+     ;
+     addSubFields();
+     data(0, 0) = Data_t(engineFunctor(model.engine(), EnginePatch(p.patch_m)));
+     physicalCellDomain_m =
+       centeringDomainToCellDomain(p.domain_m, centering_m, 0);
+   }
+   template<class Mesh2, class T2, class EngineTag2, class Components>
+   FieldEngine(const FieldEngine<Mesh2, T2, EngineTag2> &model,
+               const ComponentWrapper<Components> &cw)
+     : num_materials_m(model.numMaterials()),
+       centering_m(model.centering()),
+       stride_m(model.centeringSize()),
+       physicalCellDomain_m(model.physicalCellDomain()),
+       guards_m(model.guardLayers()),
+       mesh_m(model.mesh())
+   {
+     addSubFields();
+     for (int m = 0; m < numMaterials(); ++m)
+     {
+       for (int c = 0; c < centeringSize(); ++ c)
+       {
+         data(m, c) =
+           Data_t(Engine_t(model.data(m, c).engine(), cw.components()),
+                  model.data(m, c).relations());
+       }
+     }
+   }
+   FieldEngine(const This_t &model,
+               const Pooma::DontCopyRelations &d)
+     : num_materials_m(model.numMaterials()),
+       centering_m(model.centering()),
+       stride_m(model.centeringSize()),
+       physicalCellDomain_m(model.physicalCellDomain_m),
+       guards_m(model.guardLayers()),
+       mesh_m(model.mesh())
+   {
+     addSubFields();
+     for (int m = 0; m < numMaterials(); ++m)
+     {
+       for (int c = 0; c < centeringSize(); ++ c)
+       {
+         data(m, c) = Data_t(model.data(m, c).engine());
+       }
+     }
+   }
+   void initialize(const This_t &model)
+   {
+     num_materials_m = model.num_materials_m;
+     stride_m = model.stride_m;
+     centering_m = model.centering_m;
+     data_m = model.data_m;
+     physicalCellDomain_m = model.physicalCellDomain_m;
+     guards_m = model.guards_m;
+     mesh_m = model.mesh_m;
+   }
+   void addSubFields()
+   {
+     ;
+     int size = numMaterials() * centeringSize();
+     data_m.reserve(size);
+     data_m.resize(size);
+   }
+   int numSubFields() const
+   {
+     return numMaterials() * centeringSize();
+   }
+   Engine_t &engine()
+   {
+     ;
+     return data_m->engine();
+   }
+   const Engine_t &engine() const
+   {
+     ;
+     return data_m->engine();
+   }
+   Engine_t &engine(int m, int c)
+   {
+     ;
+     return data(m,c).engine();
+   }
+   const Engine_t &engine(int m, int c) const
+   {
+     ;
+     return data(m,c).engine();
+   }
+   RelationList &relations() const
+   {
+     ;
+     return data_m->relations();
+   }
+   RelationList &relations(int m, int c) const
+   {
+     ;
+     return data(m, c).relations();
+   }
+   const GuardLayers_t &guardLayers() const
+   {
+     return guards_m;
+   }
+   GuardLayers_t &guardLayers()
+   {
+     return guards_m;
+   }
+   int numMaterials() const
+   {
+     return num_materials_m;
+   }
+   Domain_t &physicalCellDomain()
+   {
+     return physicalCellDomain_m;
+   }
+   const Domain_t &physicalCellDomain() const
+   {
+     return physicalCellDomain_m;
+   }
+   Domain_t totalCellDomain() const
+   {
+     return grow(physicalCellDomain_m, guards_m);
+   }
+   Domain_t physicalDomain() const
+   {
+     if (centeringSize() == 1)
+       return cellDomainToCenteringDomain(physicalCellDomain_m, centering_m, 0);
+     else
+       return physicalCellDomain_m;
+   }
+   Domain_t physicalDomain(int i) const
+   {
+     return cellDomainToCenteringDomain(physicalCellDomain_m, centering_m, i);
+   }
+   Domain_t totalDomain() const
+   {
+     if (centeringSize() == 1)
+       return cellDomainToCenteringDomain(totalCellDomain(), centering_m, 0);
+     else
+       return totalCellDomain();
+   }
+   Domain_t totalDomain(int i) const
+   {
+     return cellDomainToCenteringDomain(totalCellDomain(), centering_m, i);
+   }
+   const Centering<Dim> &centering() const
+   {
+     return centering_m;
+   }
+   int centeringSize() const
+   {
+     return centering_m.size();
+   }
+   Mesh &mesh()
+   {
+     return mesh_m;
+   }
+   const Mesh &mesh() const
+   {
+     return mesh_m;
+   }
+   template<class Subject>
+   void makeOwnCopy(const Subject &s)
+   {
+     ;
+     RefCountedBlockPtr<Data_t> model = data_m;
+     data_m = RefCountedBlockPtr<Data_t>();
+     stride_m = centeringSize();
+     addSubFields();
+     for (int m = 0; m < numMaterials(); ++m)
+     {
+       for (int c = 0; c < centeringSize(); ++ c)
+       {
+         data(m, c) = model[m*stride_m + c];
+         data(m, c).engine().makeOwnCopy();
+         data(m, c).relations().makeOwnCopy(s.subField(m, c));
+       }
+     }
+   }
+   Domain_t
+   inputDomainToVertexDomain(const Domain_t &d) const
+   {
+     if (centeringSize() == 1)
+       return growRight(centeringDomainToCellDomain(d, centering(), 0), 1);
+     else
+       return growRight(d, 1);
+   }
+   inline Data_t &
+   data(int material, int centering)
+   {
+     ;
+     return data_m[material * stride_m + centering];
+   }
+   inline const Data_t &
+   data(int material, int centering) const
+   {
+     ;
+     return data_m[material * stride_m + centering];
+   }
+ private:
+   template <class FE, class Domain>
+   void initSlice(const FE& model, const Domain& d)
+   {
+     ;
+     num_materials_m = model.numMaterials();
+     stride_m = 1;
+     typename Centering<Dim>::Orientation orientation;
+     typename Centering<Dim>::Position position;
+     int j=0;
+     for (int i=0; i<FE::dimensions; ++i)
+       {
+  if (d.ignorable(i))
+    continue;
+  orientation[j] = model.centering().orientation(0)[i];
+  position(j) = model.centering().position(0)(i);
+  guards_m.lower(j) = model.guardLayers().lower(i);
+  guards_m.upper(j) = model.guardLayers().upper(i);
+  physicalCellDomain_m[j] = model.physicalCellDomain()[i];
+  ++j;
+       }
+     centering_m.addValue(orientation, position);
+     addSubFields();
+     for (int m = 0; m < numMaterials(); ++m)
+     {
+       data(m, 0) = Data_t(model.data(m, 0).engine(), d,
+                           model.data(m, 0).relations());
+     }
+     mesh_m = Mesh(DomainLayout<Dim>(growRight(physicalCellDomain(), 1),
+         guardLayers()));
+   }
+   template <class FE>
+   void initSlice(const FE& model,
+    const SliceInterval<Dim, FE::dimensions>& d,
+    const Interval<Dim>& totalDomain)
+   {
+     ;
+     num_materials_m = model.numMaterials();
+     stride_m = 1;
+     typename Centering<Dim>::Orientation orientation;
+     typename Centering<Dim>::Position position;
+     int j=0;
+     for (int i=0; i<Dim; ++i)
+       {
+  if (d.ignorable(i)) {
+    if (model.centering().centeringType() == CellType) {
+      orientation[i] = 1;
+      position(i) = 0.5;
+    } else {
+      orientation[i] = 0;
+      position(i) = 0.0;
+    }
+    guards_m.lower(i) = 0;
+    guards_m.upper(i) = 0;
+    physicalCellDomain_m[i] = totalDomain[i];
+  } else {
+    orientation[i] = model.centering().orientation(0)[j];
+    position(i) = model.centering().position(0)(j);
+    guards_m.lower(i) = model.guardLayers().lower(j);
+    guards_m.upper(i) = model.guardLayers().upper(j);
+    physicalCellDomain_m[i] = model.physicalCellDomain()[j];
+    ++j;
+  }
+       }
+     centering_m.addValue(orientation, position);
+     addSubFields();
+     for (int m = 0; m < numMaterials(); ++m)
+     {
+       typedef typename NewEngine<typename FE::Engine_t, SliceInterval<Dim, FE::dimensions> >::Type_t NewEngine_t;
+       data(m, 0) = Data_t(NewEngine_t(model.data(m, 0).engine(), d, totalDomain),
+                           model.data(m, 0).relations());
+     }
+     mesh_m = Mesh(DomainLayout<Dim>(growRight(physicalCellDomain(), 1),
+         guardLayers()));
+   }
+   unsigned int num_materials_m;
+   Centering<Dim> centering_m;
+   int stride_m;
+   RefCountedBlockPtr<Data_t> data_m;
+   Domain_t physicalCellDomain_m;
+   GuardLayers_t guards_m;
+   Mesh mesh_m;
+ };
+ template<class Mesh, class T, class EngineTag, class Tag>
+ struct LeafFunctor<FieldEngine<Mesh, T, EngineTag>,
+                    ExpressionApply<Tag> >
+ {
+   typedef FieldEngine<Mesh, T, EngineTag> Subject_t;
+   typedef typename Subject_t::Engine_t Engine_t;
+   typedef LeafFunctor<Engine_t, ExpressionApply<Tag> > LeafFunctor_t;
+   typedef int Type_t;
+   inline static
+   Type_t apply(const Subject_t &fieldEngineBase,
+         const ExpressionApply<Tag> &tag)
+   {
+     for (int m = 0; m < fieldEngineBase.numMaterials(); ++m)
+     {
+       for (int c = 0; c < fieldEngineBase.centeringSize(); ++ c)
+       {
+         LeafFunctor_t::apply(fieldEngineBase.data(m, c).engine(), tag);
+       }
+     }
+     return 0;
+   }
+ };
+ struct CompressibleBrick;
+ template<class Mesh, class T, class EngineTag>
+ class Field;
+ template<class LTag, class EngineTag>
+ struct MultiPatch;
+ template<int Dim> struct NoMesh;
+ struct Brick;
+ template<class Subject> class SubFieldView;
+ template<class Subject, class Domain, bool SV>
+ struct View1Implementation;
+ template <class Subject, class Domain>
+ struct ReverseSliceView;
+ class RelationListItem;
+ template <int Dim>
+ class FieldOffset;
+ template <int Dim>
+ class FieldOffsetList;
+ template<class Mesh, class T, class EngineTag,
+   class MeshTag2, class T2, class EngineTag2, class Op>
+ const Field<Mesh, T, EngineTag> &
+ assign(const Field<Mesh, T, EngineTag> &lhs,
+        const Field<MeshTag2, T2, EngineTag2> &rhs,
+        const Op &op);
+ template<class Mesh, class T, class EngineTag,
+  int Dim2, class T2, class EngineTag2, class Op>
+ const Field<Mesh, T, EngineTag> &
+ assign(const Field<Mesh, T, EngineTag> &lhs,
+        const Array<Dim2, T2, EngineTag2> &rhs, const Op &op);
+ template<class Mesh, class T, class EngineTag, class T1, class Op>
+ const Field<Mesh, T, EngineTag> &
+ assign(const Field<Mesh, T, EngineTag> &lhs,
+        const T1 &rhs, const Op &op);
+ template<class Mesh, class T, class EngineTag,
+  int Dim2, class T2, class EngineTag2, class Op>
+ const Array<Dim2, T2, EngineTag2> &
+ assign(const Array<Dim2, T2, EngineTag2> &lhs,
+        const Field<Mesh, T, EngineTag> &rhs, const Op &op);
+ template<class Mesh, class T, class EngineTag,
+  class F, class B, class Op>
+ const Field<Mesh, T, EngineTag> &
+ assign(const Field<Mesh, T, EngineTag> &lhs,
+        const WhereProxy<F, B> &rhs,
+        const Op &op);
+ struct SubFieldViewFunctorTag;
+ template<class Mesh, class T, class EngineTag>
+ class SubFieldView<Field<Mesh, T, EngineTag> > {
+ public:
+   typedef Field<Mesh, T, EngineTag> Type_t;
+   inline static Type_t make(const Type_t &s, int iSubField)
+     {
+       ;
+       return Type_t(s, iSubField);
+     }
+   inline static Type_t make(const Type_t &s, int m, int c)
+   {
+     ;
+     return Type_t(s, m, c);
+   }
+   inline static Type_t make(const Type_t &s, int c, const Pooma::CenteringViewTag &tag)
+   {
+     ;
+     return Type_t(s, c, tag);
+   }
+   inline static Type_t make(const Type_t &s, int m, const Pooma::MaterialViewTag &tag)
+   {
+     ;
+     return Type_t(s, m, tag);
+   }
+ };
+ template<class Mesh, class T, class Expr>
+ class SubFieldView<Field<Mesh, T, ExpressionTag<Expr> > > {
+ public:
+   typedef Field<Mesh, T, ExpressionTag<Expr> > Subject_t;
+   typedef
+     typename ForEach<Expr, SubFieldViewFunctorTag, TreeCombine>::Type_t
+       Expr_t;
+   typedef Field<Mesh, T, ExpressionTag<Expr_t> > Type_t;
+   inline static Type_t make(const Subject_t &s, int iSubField)
+     {
+       ;
+       return Type_t(s, iSubField);
+     }
+   inline static Type_t make(const Subject_t &s, int m, int c)
+   {
+     ;
+     return Type_t(s, m, c);
+   }
+   inline static Type_t make(const Subject_t &s, int c, const Pooma::CenteringViewTag &tag)
+   {
+     ;
+     return Type_t(s, c, tag);
+   }
+   inline static Type_t make(const Subject_t &s, int m, const Pooma::MaterialViewTag &tag)
+   {
+     ;
+     return Type_t(s, m, tag);
+   }
+ };
+ template<class Mesh, class T, class EngineTag, class Domain>
+ struct View1Implementation<Field<Mesh, T, EngineTag>, Domain, true>
+ {
+   typedef Field<Mesh, T, EngineTag> Subject_t;
+   typedef typename Subject_t::Element_t ReadType_t;
+   typedef typename Subject_t::ElementRef_t Type_t;
+   template<class S1, class Combine>
+   inline static
+   Type_t make(const Subject_t &f, const S1 &s1,
+        const Combine &)
+     {
+       ;
+       Domain s(Combine::make(f, s1));
+       ;
+       return f.engine()(s);
+     }
+   template<class S1, class S2, class Combine>
+   inline static
+   Type_t make(const Subject_t &f,
+        const S1 &s1, const S2 &s2,
+        const Combine &)
+     {
+       ;
+       Domain s(Combine::make(f, s1, s2));
+       ;
+       return f.engine()(s);
+     }
+   template<class S1, class S2, class S3,
+     class Combine>
+   inline static
+   Type_t make(const Subject_t &f,
+        const S1 &s1, const S2 &s2, const S3 &s3,
+        const Combine &)
+     {
+       ;
+       Domain s(Combine::make(f, s1, s2, s3));
+       ;
+       return f.engine()(s);
+     }
+   template<class S1, class Combine>
+   inline static
+   ReadType_t makeRead(const Subject_t &f, const S1 &s1,
+        const Combine &)
+     {
+       ;
+       Domain s(Combine::make(f, s1));
+       ;
+       return f.engine().read(s);
+     }
+   template<class S1, class S2, class Combine>
+   inline static
+   ReadType_t makeRead(const Subject_t &f,
+        const S1 &s1, const S2 &s2,
+        const Combine &)
+     {
+       ;
+       Domain s(Combine::make(f, s1, s2));
+       ;
+       return f.engine().read(s);
+     }
+   template<class S1, class S2, class S3,
+     class Combine>
+   inline static
+   ReadType_t makeRead(const Subject_t &f,
+        const S1 &s1, const S2 &s2, const S3 &s3,
+        const Combine &)
+     {
+       ;
+       Domain s(Combine::make(f, s1, s2, s3));
+       ;
+       return f.engine().read(s);
+     }
+ };
+ template<int Dim, class Mesh, class Domain>
+ struct NewMeshTag
+ {
+   typedef NoMesh<Dim> Type_t;
+ };
+ template<int Dim, class Mesh>
+ struct NewMeshTag<Dim, Mesh, Interval<Dim> >
+ {
+   typedef Mesh Type_t;
+ };
+ template<int Dim, class Mesh>
+ struct NewMeshTag<Dim, Mesh, INode<Dim> >
+ {
+   typedef Mesh Type_t;
+ };
+ template<class Mesh, class T, class EngineTag, class Domain>
+ struct View1Implementation<Field<Mesh, T, EngineTag>, Domain, false>
+ {
+   typedef Field<Mesh, T, EngineTag> Subject_t;
+   typedef typename Subject_t::Engine_t Engine_t;
+   typedef typename NewEngine<Engine_t, Domain>::Type_t NewEngine_t;
+   typedef typename NewEngine_t::Element_t NewT_t;
+   typedef typename NewEngine_t::Tag_t NewEngineTag_t;
+   typedef typename
+     NewMeshTag<NewEngine_t::dimensions, Mesh, Domain>::Type_t
+       NewMeshTag_t;
+   typedef Field<NewMeshTag_t, NewT_t, NewEngineTag_t> ReadType_t;
+   typedef Field<NewMeshTag_t, NewT_t, NewEngineTag_t> Type_t;
+   template<class S1, class Combine>
+   static
+   Type_t make(const Subject_t &f, const S1 &s1,
+        const Combine &)
+     {
+       Domain s(Combine::make(f, s1));
+       ;
+       return Type_t(f, s);
+     }
+   template<class S1, class S2, class Combine>
+   static
+   Type_t make(const Subject_t &f, const S1 &s1,
+        const S2 &s2, const Combine &)
+     {
+       Domain s(Combine::make(f, s1, s2));
+       ;
+       return Type_t(f, s);
+     }
+   template<class S1, class S2, class S3,
+     class Combine>
+   static
+   Type_t make(const Subject_t &f,
+        const S1 &s1, const S2 &s2, const S3 &s3,
+        const Combine &)
+     {
+       Domain s(Combine::make(f, s1, s2, s3));
+       ;
+       return Type_t(f, s);
+     }
+   template<class S1, class Combine>
+   inline static
+   Type_t makeRead(const Subject_t &f, const S1 &s1,
+        const Combine &c)
+     {
+       return make(f, s1, c);
+     }
+   template<class S1, class S2, class Combine>
+   inline static
+   Type_t makeRead(const Subject_t &f, const S1 &s1,
+        const S2 &s2, const Combine &c)
+     {
+       return make(f, s1, s2, c);
+     }
+   template<class S1, class S2, class S3,
+     class Combine>
+   inline static
+   Type_t makeRead(const Subject_t &f,
+        const S1 &s1, const S2 &s2, const S3 &s3,
+        const Combine &c)
+     {
+       return make(f, s1, s2, s3, c);
+     }
+ };
+ template<class Mesh, class T, class EngineTag, class Sub1>
+ struct View1<Field<Mesh, T, EngineTag>, Sub1>
+ {
+   typedef Field<Mesh, T, EngineTag> Subject_t;
+   typedef typename Subject_t::Domain_t Domain_t;
+   typedef TemporaryNewDomain1<Domain_t, Sub1> NewDomain_t;
+   typedef typename NewDomain_t::SliceType_t SDomain_t;
+   enum { sv = DomainTraits<SDomain_t>::singleValued };
+   typedef View1Implementation<Subject_t, SDomain_t, sv> Dispatch_t;
+   typedef CombineDomainOpt<NewDomain_t, sv> Combine_t;
+   typedef typename Dispatch_t::ReadType_t ReadType_t;
+   typedef typename Dispatch_t::Type_t Type_t;
+   inline static
+   Type_t make(const Subject_t &f, const Sub1 &s1)
+     {
+       return Dispatch_t::make(f, s1, Combine_t());
+     }
+   inline static
+   ReadType_t makeRead(const Subject_t &f, const Sub1 &s1)
+     {
+       return Dispatch_t::makeRead(f, s1, Combine_t());
+     }
+ };
+ template<class Mesh, class T, class EngineTag>
+ struct View1<Field<Mesh, T, EngineTag>, int>
+ {
+   typedef Field<Mesh, T, EngineTag> Subject_t;
+   typedef typename Subject_t::Element_t ReadType_t;
+   typedef typename Subject_t::ElementRef_t Type_t;
+   inline static
+   Type_t make(const Subject_t &f, int s1)
+     {
+       ;
+       ;
+       return f.engine()(s1);
+     }
+   inline static
+   ReadType_t makeRead(const Subject_t &f, int s1)
+     {
+       ;
+       ;
+       return f.engine().read(s1);
+     }
+ };
+ template<class Mesh, class T, class EngineTag>
+ struct View1<Field<Mesh, T, EngineTag>, Loc<Mesh::dimensions> >
+ {
+   typedef Field<Mesh, T, EngineTag> Subject_t;
+   typedef typename Subject_t::Element_t ReadType_t;
+   typedef typename Subject_t::ElementRef_t Type_t;
+   inline static
+   Type_t make(const Subject_t &f, const Loc<Mesh::dimensions>& s1)
+     {
+       ;
+       return f.engine()(s1);
+     }
+   inline static
+   ReadType_t makeRead(const Subject_t &f, const Loc<Mesh::dimensions>& s1)
+     {
+       ;
+       return f.engine().read(s1);
+     }
+ };
+ template<class Mesh, class T, class EngineTag,
+   class Sub1, class Sub2>
+ struct View2<Field<Mesh, T, EngineTag>, Sub1, Sub2>
+ {
+   typedef Field<Mesh, T, EngineTag> Subject_t;
+   typedef typename Subject_t::Domain_t Domain_t;
+   typedef NewDomain2<Sub1, Sub2> NewDomain_t;
+   typedef typename NewDomain_t::SliceType_t SDomain_t;
+   enum { sv = DomainTraits<SDomain_t>::singleValued };
+   typedef View1Implementation<Subject_t, SDomain_t, sv> Dispatch_t;
+   typedef CombineDomainOpt<NewDomain_t, sv> Combine_t;
+   typedef typename Dispatch_t::ReadType_t ReadType_t;
+   typedef typename Dispatch_t::Type_t Type_t;
+   inline static
+   Type_t make(const Subject_t &f, const Sub1 &s1, const Sub2 &s2)
+     {
+       return Dispatch_t::make(f, s1, s2, Combine_t());
+     }
+   inline static
+   ReadType_t makeRead(const Subject_t &f, const Sub1 &s1, const Sub2 &s2)
+     {
+       return Dispatch_t::makeRead(f, s1, s2, Combine_t());
+     }
+ };
+ template<class Mesh, class T, class EngineTag>
+ struct View2<Field<Mesh, T, EngineTag>, int, int>
+ {
+   typedef Field<Mesh, T, EngineTag> Subject_t;
+   typedef typename Subject_t::Element_t ReadType_t;
+   typedef typename Subject_t::ElementRef_t Type_t;
+   inline static
+   Type_t make(const Subject_t &f, int s1, int s2)
+     {
+       ;
+       ;
+       return f.engine()(s1, s2);
+     }
+   inline static
+   ReadType_t makeRead(const Subject_t &f, int s1, int s2)
+     {
+       ;
+       ;
+       return f.engine().read(s1, s2);
+     }
+ };
+ template<class Mesh, class T, class EngineTag, int Dim>
+ struct View2<Field<Mesh, T, EngineTag>,
+              FieldOffset<Dim>,
+              Loc<Dim> >
+ {
+   typedef Field<Mesh, T, EngineTag> Subject_t;
+   enum { dimensions = Subject_t::dimensions };
+   typedef typename Subject_t::Element_t ReadType_t;
+   typedef typename Subject_t::ElementRef_t Type_t;
+   inline static
+   Type_t make(const Subject_t &f,
+        const FieldOffset<dimensions> &fo,
+        const Loc<dimensions> &loc)
+     {
+       PoomaCTAssert<(dimensions == Dim)>::test();
+       if (f.numSubFields() > 1) {
+  ;
+  return f[fo.subFieldNumber()].engine()(loc + fo.cellOffset());
+       }
+       else {
+  ;
+  return f.engine()(loc + fo.cellOffset());
+       }
+     }
+   inline static
+   ReadType_t makeRead(const Subject_t &f,
+         const FieldOffset<dimensions> &fo,
+         const Loc<dimensions> &loc)
+     {
+       if (f.numSubFields() > 1) {
+  ;
+  return f[fo.subFieldNumber()].engine().read(loc + fo.cellOffset());
+       }
+       else {
+  ;
+  return f.engine().read(loc + fo.cellOffset());
+       }
+     }
+ };
+ template<class Mesh, class T, class EngineTag,
+   class Sub1, class Sub2, class Sub3>
+ struct View3<Field<Mesh, T, EngineTag>, Sub1, Sub2, Sub3>
+ {
+   typedef Field<Mesh, T, EngineTag> Subject_t;
+   typedef typename Subject_t::Domain_t Domain_t;
+   typedef NewDomain3<Sub1, Sub2, Sub3> NewDomain_t;
+   typedef typename NewDomain_t::SliceType_t SDomain_t;
+   enum { sv = DomainTraits<SDomain_t>::singleValued };
+   typedef View1Implementation<Subject_t, SDomain_t, sv> Dispatch_t;
+   typedef CombineDomainOpt<NewDomain_t, sv> Combine_t;
+   typedef typename Dispatch_t::ReadType_t ReadType_t;
+   typedef typename Dispatch_t::Type_t Type_t;
+   inline static
+   Type_t make(const Subject_t &f, const Sub1 &s1, const Sub2 &s2,
+     const Sub3 &s3)
+     {
+       return Dispatch_t::make(f, s1, s2, s3, Combine_t());
+     }
+   inline static
+   ReadType_t makeRead(const Subject_t &f, const Sub1 &s1, const Sub2 &s2,
+     const Sub3 &s3)
+     {
+       return Dispatch_t::makeRead(f, s1, s2, s3, Combine_t());
+     }
+ };
+ template<class Mesh, class T, class EngineTag>
+ struct View3<Field<Mesh, T, EngineTag>, int, int, int>
+ {
+   typedef Field<Mesh, T, EngineTag> Subject_t;
+   typedef typename Subject_t::Element_t ReadType_t;
+   typedef typename Subject_t::ElementRef_t Type_t;
+   inline static
+   Type_t make(const Subject_t &f, int s1, int s2, int s3)
+     {
+       ;
+       ;
+       return f.engine()(s1, s2, s3);
+     }
+   inline static
+   ReadType_t makeRead(const Subject_t &f, int s1, int s2, int s3)
+     {
+       ;
+       ;
+       return f.engine().read(s1, s2, s3);
+     }
+ };
+ template <int SliceDim, class Mesh, class T, class EngineTag, int Dim>
+ struct ReverseSliceView<Field<Mesh, T, EngineTag>, SliceInterval<Dim, SliceDim> >
+ {
+   typedef Field<Mesh, T, EngineTag> Subject_t;
+   typedef SliceInterval<Dim, SliceDim> Domain_t;
+   typedef typename NewEngine<typename Subject_t::Engine_t, Domain_t>::Type_t NewEngine_t;
+   typedef Field<NoMesh<Dim>, T, typename NewEngine_t::Tag_t> Type_t;
+   inline static
+   Type_t make(const Subject_t &a, const SliceInterval<Dim, SliceDim>& dom,
+        const Interval<Dim>& totalDom)
+   {
+     PoomaCTAssert<(Mesh::dimensions == SliceDim)>::test();
+     ;
+     return Type_t(typename Type_t::FieldEngine_t(a.fieldEngine(), dom, totalDom));
+   }
+ };
+ template<class Subject> struct Patch;
+ template<class Mesh, class T, class EngineTag>
+ struct Patch<Field<Mesh, T, EngineTag> >
+ {
+   typedef Field<Mesh, T, EngineTag> Subject_t;
+   typedef typename Subject_t::Engine_t OldEngine_t;
+   typedef typename EngineFunctor<OldEngine_t, EnginePatch>::Type_t Engine_t;
+   typedef Field<Mesh, T, typename Engine_t::Tag_t> Type_t;
+   enum { dim = OldEngine_t::dimensions };
+   inline static
+   Type_t make(const Subject_t &f, int i)
+   {
+     ;
+     return Type_t(f, FieldEnginePatch<dim>(i, f.physicalDomain()));
+   }
+ };
+ template<class Mesh, class T, class LTag, class EngineTag>
+ struct Patch<Field<Mesh, T, MultiPatch<LTag, EngineTag> > >
+ {
+   typedef Field<Mesh, T, MultiPatch<LTag, EngineTag> > Subject_t;
+   typedef typename Subject_t::Engine_t OldEngine_t;
+   typedef typename EngineFunctor<OldEngine_t, EnginePatch>::Type_t Engine_t;
+   typedef Field<Mesh, T, typename Engine_t::Tag_t> Type_t;
+   enum { dim = OldEngine_t::dimensions };
+   typedef typename OldEngine_t::Layout_t Layout_t;
+   typedef typename Layout_t::Value_t Node_t;
+   inline static
+   Type_t make(const Subject_t &f, int i)
+   {
+     ;
+     Node_t *node = f.engine().layout().nodeListLocal()[i];
+     return Type_t(f, FieldEnginePatch<dim>(i, intersect(f.physicalDomain(),
+                                                         node->domain())));
+   }
+ };
+ template<class Components, class Subject> struct ComponentView;
+ template<class Components, class Mesh, class T, class EngineTag>
+ struct ComponentView<Components, Field<Mesh, T, EngineTag> >
+ {
+   typedef Field<Mesh, T, EngineTag> Subject_t;
+   typedef Engine<Mesh::dimensions, T, EngineTag> Engine_t;
+   typedef typename Engine_t::Element_t Element_t;
+   typedef typename ComponentAccess<Element_t, Components>::Element_t NewT_t;
+   typedef CompFwd<Engine_t, Components> NewEngineTag_t;
+   typedef Field<Mesh, NewT_t, NewEngineTag_t> Type_t;
+   inline static
+   Type_t make(const Subject_t &f, const Components &c)
+     {
+       return Type_t(f, ComponentWrapper<Components>(c));
+     }
+ };
+ template<class Mesh,
+          class T = double,
+          class EngineTag = Brick>
+ class Field {
+ public:
+   typedef Mesh MeshTag_t;
+   typedef Mesh Mesh_t;
+   typedef T T_t;
+   typedef EngineTag EngineTag_t;
+   typedef Field<Mesh, T, EngineTag> This_t;
+   typedef FieldEngine<Mesh, T, EngineTag> FieldEngine_t;
+   enum { dimensions = FieldEngine_t::dimensions };
+   enum { coordinateDimensions = MeshTag_t::coordinateDimensions };
+   typedef Engine<dimensions, T, EngineTag> Engine_t;
+   typedef typename Engine_t::Element_t Element_t;
+   typedef typename Engine_t::ElementRef_t ElementRef_t;
+   typedef typename Engine_t::Layout_t Layout_t;
+   typedef typename Engine_t::Domain_t Domain_t;
+   typedef Centering<dimensions> Centering_t;
+   enum { hasRelations = true };
+   Field()
+   : fieldEngine_m()
+     { }
+   template<class I1>
+   explicit Field(const I1 &i1)
+     : fieldEngine_m(i1)
+   { }
+   template<class Layout2>
+   Field(const Centering_t &centering, const Layout2 &layout, const Mesh_t &mesh)
+     : fieldEngine_m(centering, layout, mesh)
+   { }
+   template<class Layout2>
+   Field(int materials, const Centering_t &centering, const Layout2 &layout, const Mesh_t &mesh)
+     : fieldEngine_m(centering, layout, mesh, materials)
+   { }
+   template<class I1, class I2>
+   Field(const Centering_t &centering, const Layout_t &layout, const I1 &i1, const I2 &i2)
+     : fieldEngine_m(centering, layout, Mesh_t(layout, i1, i2))
+   { }
+   Field(const Centering_t &centering, const Layout_t &layout)
+     : fieldEngine_m(centering, layout, Mesh_t(layout))
+   { }
+   template<class I1, class I2>
+   Field(int materials, const Centering_t &centering, const Layout_t &layout,
+         const I1 &i1, const I2 &i2)
+     : fieldEngine_m(centering, layout, Mesh_t(layout, i1, i2), materials)
+   { }
+   Field(const This_t &model)
+   : fieldEngine_m(model.fieldEngine())
+   { }
+   void initialize(const This_t &model)
+   {
+     fieldEngine_m = model.fieldEngine();
+   }
+   template<class Layout2>
+   void
+   initialize(const Centering_t &centering, const Layout2 &layout,
+              const Mesh_t &mesh)
+   {
+     fieldEngine_m = FieldEngine_t(centering, layout, mesh);
+   }
+   template<class Layout2>
+   void
+   initialize(int materials, const Centering_t &centering,
+              const Layout2 &layout, const Mesh_t &mesh)
+   {
+     fieldEngine_m = FieldEngine_t(centering, layout, mesh, materials);
+   }
+   void
+   initialize(const Centering_t &centering, const Layout_t &layout)
+   {
+     fieldEngine_m = FieldEngine_t(centering, layout, Mesh_t(layout));
+   }
+   template<class GT2, class T2, class ET2, class Initializer>
+   Field(const Field<GT2, T2, ET2> &model, const Initializer &i)
+   : fieldEngine_m(model.fieldEngine(), i)
+   { }
+   template<class ET2>
+   Field(const Field<Mesh, T, ET2> &model, int m, int c)
+     : fieldEngine_m(model.fieldEngine(), m, c)
+   { }
+   template<class ET2>
+   Field(const Field<Mesh, T, ET2> &model, int c, const Pooma::CenteringViewTag &tag)
+     : fieldEngine_m(model.fieldEngine(), c, tag)
+   { }
+   template<class ET2>
+   Field(const Field<Mesh, T, ET2> &model, int m, const Pooma::MaterialViewTag &tag)
+     : fieldEngine_m(model.fieldEngine(), m, tag)
+   { }
+   ~Field() { }
+   inline const Engine_t &engine() const
+     {
+       return fieldEngine_m.engine();
+     }
+   inline Engine_t &engine()
+     {
+       return fieldEngine_m.engine();
+     }
+   inline const FieldEngine_t &fieldEngine() const
+     {
+       return fieldEngine_m;
+     }
+   inline FieldEngine_t &fieldEngine()
+     {
+       return fieldEngine_m;
+     }
+   inline int numSubFields() const
+     {
+       return fieldEngine_m.numSubFields();
+     }
+   const Centering<dimensions> &centering() const
+   {
+     return fieldEngine().centering();
+   }
+   const Centering<dimensions> centering(int c) const
+   {
+     return fieldEngine().centering()[c];
+   }
+   inline int centeringSize() const
+   {
+     return fieldEngine().centeringSize();
+   }
+   inline int numMaterials() const
+     {
+       return fieldEngine().numMaterials();
+     }
+   inline const Domain_t& physicalCellDomain() const
+     {
+       return fieldEngine_m.physicalCellDomain();
+     }
+   inline Domain_t totalCellDomain() const
+     {
+       return fieldEngine_m.totalCellDomain();
+     }
+   Domain_t physicalDomain(int iSubfield) const
+     {
+       return fieldEngine_m.physicalDomain(iSubfield);
+     }
+   Domain_t totalDomain(int iSubfield) const
+     {
+       return fieldEngine_m.totalDomain(iSubfield);
+     }
+   Domain_t physicalDomain() const
+     {
+       return fieldEngine_m.physicalDomain();
+     }
+   Domain_t totalDomain() const
+     {
+       return fieldEngine_m.totalDomain();
+     }
+   Domain_t domain() const
+     {
+       return fieldEngine_m.physicalDomain();
+     }
+   inline
+   const Mesh_t &mesh() const
+   {
+     return fieldEngine_m.mesh();
+   }
+   inline Layout_t layout() const
+   {
+     return fieldEngine_m.engine(0, 0).layout();
+   }
+   void makeOwnCopy()
+   {
+     fieldEngine_m.makeOwnCopy(*this);
+   }
+   inline typename SubFieldView<This_t>::Type_t
+   operator[](int iSubfield) const
+     {
+       typedef SubFieldView<This_t> Ret_t;
+       return Ret_t::make(*this, iSubfield);
+     }
+   inline typename SubFieldView<This_t>::Type_t
+   subField(int m, int c) const
+   {
+     typedef SubFieldView<This_t> Ret_t;
+     return Ret_t::make(*this, m, c);
+   }
+   inline typename SubFieldView<This_t>::Type_t
+   center(int c) const
+   {
+     typedef SubFieldView<This_t> Ret_t;
+     return Ret_t::make(*this, c, Pooma::CenteringViewTag());
+   }
+   inline typename SubFieldView<This_t>::Type_t
+   material(int m) const
+   {
+     ;
+     typedef SubFieldView<This_t> Ret_t;
+     return Ret_t::make(*this, m, Pooma::MaterialViewTag());
+   }
+   inline typename View1<This_t, Domain_t>::ReadType_t
+   read() const
+     {
+       typedef View1<This_t, Domain_t> Ret_t;
+       return Ret_t::makeRead(*this, physicalDomain());
+     }
+   inline typename View1<This_t, Domain_t>::ReadType_t
+   readAll() const
+     {
+       typedef View1<This_t, Domain_t> Ret_t;
+       return Ret_t::makeRead(*this, totalDomain());
+     }
+   template<class Sub1>
+   inline typename View1<This_t, Sub1>::ReadType_t
+   read(const Sub1 &s1) const
+     {
+       typedef View1<This_t, Sub1> Ret_t;
+       return Ret_t::makeRead(*this, s1);
+     }
+   template<class Sub1, class Sub2>
+   inline typename View2<This_t, Sub1, Sub2>::ReadType_t
+   read(const Sub1 &s1, const Sub2 &s2) const
+     {
+       typedef View2<This_t, Sub1, Sub2> Ret_t;
+       return Ret_t::makeRead(*this, s1, s2);
+     }
+   template<class Sub1, class Sub2, class Sub3>
+   inline typename View3<This_t, Sub1, Sub2, Sub3>::ReadType_t
+   read(const Sub1 &s1, const Sub2 &s2, const Sub3 &s3) const
+     {
+       typedef View3<This_t, Sub1, Sub2, Sub3> Ret_t;
+       return Ret_t::makeRead(*this, s1, s2, s3);
+     }
+   inline typename View1<This_t, Domain_t>::Type_t
+   operator()() const
+     {
+       typedef View1<This_t, Domain_t> Ret_t;
+       return Ret_t::make(*this, physicalDomain());
+     }
+   inline typename View1<This_t, Domain_t>::Type_t
+   all() const
+     {
+       typedef View1<This_t, Domain_t> Ret_t;
+       return Ret_t::make(*this, totalDomain());
+     }
+   template<class Sub1>
+   inline typename View1<This_t, Sub1>::Type_t
+   operator()(const Sub1 &s1) const
+     {
+       typedef View1<This_t, Sub1> Ret_t;
+       return Ret_t::make(*this, s1);
+     }
+   template<class Sub1, class Sub2>
+   inline typename View2<This_t, Sub1, Sub2>::Type_t
+   operator()(const Sub1 &s1, const Sub2 &s2) const
+     {
+       typedef View2<This_t, Sub1, Sub2> Ret_t;
+       return Ret_t::make(*this, s1, s2);
+     }
+   template<class Sub1, class Sub2, class Sub3>
+   inline typename View3<This_t, Sub1, Sub2, Sub3>::Type_t
+   operator()(const Sub1 &s1, const Sub2 &s2, const Sub3 &s3) const
+     {
+       typedef View3<This_t, Sub1, Sub2, Sub3> Ret_t;
+       return Ret_t::make(*this, s1, s2, s3);
+     }
+   inline typename ComponentView<Loc<1>, This_t>::Type_t
+   comp(int i1) const
+   {
+     return ComponentView<Loc<1>, This_t>::make(*this, Loc<1>(i1));
+   }
+   inline typename ComponentView<Loc<2>, This_t>::Type_t
+   comp(int i1, int i2) const
+   {
+     return ComponentView<Loc<2>, This_t>::make(*this, Loc<2>(i1, i2));
+   }
+   template<class Components>
+   inline typename ComponentView<Components, This_t>::Type_t
+   comp(const Components &loc) const
+   {
+     return ComponentView<Components, This_t>::make(*this, loc);
+   }
+   inline typename Patch<This_t>::Type_t
+   patchLocal(EnginePatch::PatchID_t i) const
+     {
+       return Patch<This_t>::make(*this, i);
+     }
+   inline int
+   numPatchesLocal() const
+   {
+     return engineFunctor(engine(), EngineNumPatches());
+   }
+   This_t &operator=(const This_t &rhs)
+     {
+       assign(*this, rhs, OpAssign());
+       return *this;
+     }
+   const This_t &operator=(const This_t &rhs) const
+     {
+       return assign(*this, rhs, OpAssign());
+     }
+   template<class T1>
+   const This_t &operator=(const T1 &rhs) const
+     {
+       return assign(*this, rhs, OpAssign());
+     }
+   template<class T1>
+   const This_t &operator+=(const T1 &rhs) const
+     {
+       return assign(*this, rhs, OpAddAssign());
+     }
+   template<class T1>
+   const This_t &operator-=(const T1 &rhs) const
+     {
+       return assign(*this, rhs, OpSubtractAssign());
+     }
+   template<class T1>
+   const This_t &operator*=(const T1 &rhs) const
+     {
+       return assign(*this, rhs, OpMultiplyAssign());
+     }
+   template<class T1>
+   const This_t &operator/=(const T1 &rhs) const
+     {
+       return assign(*this, rhs, OpDivideAssign());
+     }
+   template<class T1>
+   const This_t &operator%=(const T1 &rhs) const
+     {
+       return assign(*this, rhs, OpModAssign());
+     }
+   template<class T1>
+   const This_t &operator|=(const T1 &rhs) const
+     {
+       return assign(*this, rhs, OpBitwiseOrAssign());
+     }
+   template<class T1>
+   const This_t &operator&=(const T1 &rhs) const
+     {
+       return assign(*this, rhs, OpBitwiseAndAssign());
+     }
+   template<class T1>
+   const This_t &operator^=(const T1 &rhs) const
+     {
+       return assign(*this, rhs, OpBitwiseXorAssign());
+     }
+   template<class T1>
+   const This_t &operator<<=(const T1 &rhs) const
+     {
+       return assign(*this, rhs, OpLeftShiftAssign());
+     }
+   template<class T1>
+   const This_t &operator>>=(const T1 &rhs) const
+     {
+       return assign(*this, rhs, OpRightShiftAssign());
+     }
+   void addRelation(RelationListItem *item) const
+   {
+     ;
+     fieldEngine_m.relations().addRelation(item);
+   }
+   void removeRelations()
+   {
+     for (int m = 0; m < numMaterials(); ++m)
+     {
+       for (int c = 0; c < centering().size(); ++ c)
+       {
+         fieldEngine_m.data(m, c).relations().erase();
+       }
+     }
+   }
+   void applyRelations(bool makeDirty = false) const
+   {
+     for (int m = 0; m < numMaterials(); ++m)
+     {
+       for (int c = 0; c < centering().size(); ++ c)
+       {
+         if (makeDirty)
+           fieldEngine_m.data(m, c).relations().setDirty();
+         fieldEngine_m.data(m, c).relations().notifyPreRead();
+       }
+     }
+   }
+   void notifyPreRead() const
+   {
+     for (int m = 0; m < numMaterials(); ++m)
+       for (int c = 0; c < centering().size(); ++c)
+         fieldEngine_m.data(m, c).relations().notifyPreRead();
+   }
+   void notifyPostWrite() const
+   {
+     for (int m = 0; m < numMaterials(); ++m)
+       for (int c = 0; c < centering().size(); ++c)
+         fieldEngine_m.data(m, c).relations().notifyPostWrite();
+   }
+   void setDirty() const
+   {
+     for (int m = 0; m < numMaterials(); ++m)
+     {
+       for (int c = 0; c < centering().size(); ++ c)
+       {
+         fieldEngine_m.data(m, c).relations().setDirty();
+       }
+     }
+   }
+   void clearDirty() const
+   {
+     for (int m = 0; m < numMaterials(); ++m)
+     {
+       for (int c = 0; c < centering().size(); ++ c)
+       {
+         fieldEngine_m.data(m, c).relations().clearDirty();
+       }
+     }
+   }
+   bool isDirty() const
+   {
+     for (int m = 0; m < numMaterials(); ++m)
+     {
+       for (int c = 0; c < centering().size(); ++ c)
+       {
+         if (fieldEngine_m.data(m, c).relations().dirty())
+    return true;
+       }
+     }
+     return false;
+   }
+ private:
+   FieldEngine_t fieldEngine_m;
+ };
+ template<class Op>
+ struct AssignOpReadWriteTraits
+ {
+   enum { readLHS = true };
+ };
+ template<>
+ struct AssignOpReadWriteTraits<OpAssign>
+ {
+   enum { readLHS = false };
+ };
+ template<class Mesh, class T, class EngineTag, int Dim>
+ struct LeafFunctor<Field<Mesh, T, EngineTag>, ConformTag<Dim> >
+ {
+   typedef bool Type_t;
+   static Type_t apply1(const Interval<Dim> &d,
+     const ConformTag<Dim> &ct)
+     {
+       return conforms(d, ct);
+     }
+   template<int Dim2>
+   static Type_t apply1(const Interval<Dim2> &d,
+     const ConformTag<Dim> &ct)
+     {
+       return false;
+     }
+   static Type_t apply(const Field<Mesh, T, EngineTag> &f,
+     const ConformTag<Dim> &ct)
+     {
+       return apply1(f.physicalDomain(), ct);
+     }
+ };
+ template<class Mesh, class T, class EngineTag, class RequestType>
+ struct LeafFunctor<Field<Mesh, T, EngineTag>,
+   DataObjectRequest<RequestType> >
+ {
+   typedef Field<Mesh, T, EngineTag> Subject_t;
+   typedef typename Subject_t::FieldEngine_t FieldEngine_t;
+   typedef LeafFunctor<FieldEngine_t, DataObjectRequest<RequestType> >
+     LeafFunctor_t;
+   typedef typename LeafFunctor_t::Type_t Type_t;
+   enum { dataObject = LeafFunctor_t::dataObject };
+   inline static
+   Type_t apply(const Subject_t &f,
+             const DataObjectRequest<RequestType> &functor)
+     {
+       return LeafFunctor_t::apply(f.fieldEngine(), functor);
+     }
+ };
+ template<class Mesh, class T, class EngineTag, class RequestType>
+ struct LeafFunctor<FieldEngine<Mesh, T, EngineTag>,
+   DataObjectRequest<RequestType> >
+ {
+   typedef typename FieldEngine<Mesh, T, EngineTag>::Engine_t
+     Engine_t;
+   enum { dataObject = Engine_t::dataObject };
+   typedef typename DataObjectRequest<RequestType>::Type_t Type_t;
+   inline static
+   Type_t apply(const FieldEngine<Mesh, T, EngineTag> &f,
+             const DataObjectRequest<RequestType> &functor)
+     {
+       return DataObjectApply<dataObject>::apply(f.engine(), functor);
+     }
+ };
+ template<class Mesh, class T, class EngineTag>
+ struct LeafFunctor<Field<Mesh, T, EngineTag>, DomainFunctorTag>
+ {
+   typedef typename Field<Mesh, T, EngineTag>::Domain_t Type_t;
+   inline static Type_t apply(const Field<Mesh, T, EngineTag> &f,
+     const DomainFunctorTag &)
+     {
+       return f.physicalDomain() - f.physicalDomain().firsts();
+     }
+ };
+ template<class Mesh, class T, class EngineTag, class Tag>
+ struct LeafFunctor<Field<Mesh, T, EngineTag>, ExpressionApply<Tag> >
+ {
+   typedef Field<Mesh, T, EngineTag> Subject_t;
+   typedef typename Subject_t::FieldEngine_t FieldEngine_t;
+   typedef LeafFunctor<FieldEngine_t, ExpressionApply<Tag> > LeafFunctor_t;
+   typedef int Type_t;
+   inline static
+   Type_t apply(const Subject_t &field,
+         const ExpressionApply<Tag> &tag)
+     {
+       return LeafFunctor_t::apply(field.fieldEngine(), tag);
+     }
+ };
+ template<class Mesh, class T, class EngineTag, class Tag>
+ struct LeafFunctor<Field<Mesh, T, EngineTag>, EngineView<Tag> >
+ {
+   typedef Field<Mesh, T, EngineTag> Subject_t;
+   typedef typename Subject_t::Engine_t Engine_t;
+   typedef typename LeafFunctor<Engine_t, EngineView<Tag> >::Type_t NewEngine_t;
+   typedef typename NewEngine_t::Tag_t NewEngineTag_t;
+   typedef Field<Mesh, T, NewEngineTag_t> Type_t;
+   inline static
+   Type_t apply(const Subject_t &field,
+         const EngineView<Tag> &tag)
+   {
+     return Type_t(field, tag);
+   }
+ };
+ template<class Mesh, class T, class EngineTag, class Tag>
+ struct LeafFunctor<Field<Mesh, T, EngineTag>, EngineFunctorTag<Tag> >
+ {
+   typedef typename Field<Mesh,T,EngineTag>::Engine_t Engine_t;
+   typedef typename EngineFunctor<Engine_t,Tag>::Type_t Type_t;
+   inline static
+   Type_t apply(const Field<Mesh, T, EngineTag> &field,
+         const EngineFunctorTag<Tag> &tag)
+   {
+     return EngineFunctor<Engine_t,Tag>::apply(field.engine(), tag.tag());
+   }
+ };
+ template<class Mesh, class T, class EngineTag, class Tag>
+ struct EngineFunctor<Field<Mesh, T, EngineTag>, Tag>
+ {
+   typedef typename Field<Mesh, T, EngineTag>::Engine_t Engine_t;
+   typedef typename EngineFunctor<Engine_t, Tag>::Type_t Type_t;
+   inline static
+   Type_t apply(const Field<Mesh, T, EngineTag> &field,
+             const Tag &tag)
+     {
+       return engineFunctor(field.engine(), tag);
+     }
+ };
+ template<class Mesh, class T, class EngineTag, int Dim>
+ struct LeafFunctor<Field<Mesh, T, EngineTag>, EvalLeaf<Dim> >
+ {
+   typedef typename Field<Mesh, T, EngineTag>::Element_t Type_t;
+   inline static
+   Type_t apply(const Field<Mesh, T, EngineTag> &f,
+     const EvalLeaf<Dim> &t)
+     {
+       return t.eval(f.engine());
+     }
+ };
+ template<class Mesh, class T, class EngineTag>
+ struct LeafFunctor<Field<Mesh, T, EngineTag>,
+   PerformUpdateTag>
+ {
+   typedef Field<Mesh, T, EngineTag> Subject_t;
+   typedef int Type_t;
+   inline static
+   Type_t apply(const Subject_t &f, const PerformUpdateTag &)
+     {
+       f.notifyPreRead();
+       return 0;
+     }
+ };
+ template<class Mesh, class T, class Expr>
+ struct LeafFunctor<Field<Mesh, T, ExpressionTag<Expr> >,
+   PerformUpdateTag>
+ {
+   typedef Field<Mesh, T, ExpressionTag<Expr> > Subject_t;
+   typedef int Type_t;
+   inline static
+   Type_t apply(const Subject_t &f, const PerformUpdateTag &tag)
+     {
+       forEach(f.engine().expression(), tag, NullCombine());
+       return 0;
+     }
+ };
+ template<class Mesh, class T, class EngineTag>
+ struct LeafFunctor<Field<Mesh, T, EngineTag>, SubFieldViewFunctorTag>
+ {
+   typedef Field<Mesh, T, EngineTag> Type_t;
+ };
+ template<int Dim, class T, class EngineTag>
+ struct LeafFunctor<Array<Dim, T, EngineTag>, SubFieldViewFunctorTag>
+ {
+   typedef Array<Dim, T, EngineTag> Type_t;
+ };
+ template<class T>
+ struct LeafFunctor<Scalar<T>, SubFieldViewFunctorTag>
+ {
+   typedef Scalar<T> Type_t;
+ };
+ template<class Mesh, class T, class EngineTag, class Domain>
+ struct LeafFunctor<Field<Mesh, T, EngineTag>, ViewFunctorTag<Domain> >
+ {
+   typedef typename View1<Field<Mesh, T, EngineTag>, Domain>::Type_t
+     Type_t;
+ };
+ template <class Mesh, class T, class EngineTag>
+ std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &o,
+   const Field<Mesh, T, EngineTag> &cf)
+ {
+   Pooma::blockAndEvaluate();
+   PrintField().print(o, cf);
+   return o;
+ }
+ template <class Mesh, class T, class EngineTag>
+ std::fstream &operator<<(std::fstream &f,
+   const Field<Mesh, T, EngineTag> &cf)
+ {
+   Pooma::blockAndEvaluate();
+   PrintField().print(f, cf);
+   return f;
+ }
+ struct ExpressionIsField { };
+ template<class Mesh, class T, class EngineTag>
+ struct ExpressionTraits<Field<Mesh, T, EngineTag> >
+ {
+   typedef ExpressionIsField Type_t;
+ };
+ template<>
+ struct CombineExpressionTraits<ExpressionIsField, ExpressionIsField>
+ {
+   typedef ExpressionIsField Type_t;
+ };
+ template<>
+ struct CombineExpressionTraits<ExpressionIsField, ExpressionIsScalar>
+ {
+   typedef ExpressionIsField Type_t;
+ };
+ template<>
+ struct CombineExpressionTraits<ExpressionIsScalar, ExpressionIsField>
+ {
+   typedef ExpressionIsField Type_t;
+ };
+ template<>
+ struct CombineExpressionTraits<ExpressionIsField, ExpressionIsArray>
+ {
+   typedef ExpressionIsField Type_t;
+ };
+ template<>
+ struct CombineExpressionTraits<ExpressionIsArray, ExpressionIsField>
+ {
+   typedef ExpressionIsField Type_t;
+ };
+ template<class Mesh, class T, class EngineTag,
+  int Dim2, class T2, class EngineTag2, class Op>
+ const Field<Mesh, T, EngineTag> &
+ assign(const Field<Mesh, T, EngineTag> &lhs,
+        const Array<Dim2, T2, EngineTag2> &rhs, const Op &op)
+ {
+   for (int m = 0; m < lhs.numMaterials(); ++m)
+     {
+       for (int c = 0; c < lhs.centeringSize(); ++c)
+         {
+           const Field<Mesh, T, EngineTag> &l = lhs.subField(m, c);
+           if (AssignOpReadWriteTraits<Op>::readLHS)
+             l.notifyPreRead();
+           Evaluator<MainEvaluatorTag>().evaluate(l, op, rhs);
+           l.notifyPostWrite();
+         }
+     }
+   return lhs;
+ }
+ template<class Mesh, class T, class EngineTag,
+   class Mesh2, class T2, class EngineTag2, class Op>
+ const Field<Mesh, T, EngineTag> &
+ assign(const Field<Mesh, T, EngineTag> &lhs,
+        const Field<Mesh2, T2, EngineTag2> &rhs,
+        const Op &op)
+ {
+   ;
+   for (int m = 0; m < lhs.numMaterials(); ++m)
+     {
+       for (int c = 0; c < lhs.centeringSize(); ++c)
+         {
+           const Field<Mesh, T, EngineTag> &l = lhs.subField(m, c);
+           const typename SubFieldView<Field<Mesh2, T2, EngineTag2> >::Type_t &r =
+             rhs.subField(m, c);
+           forEach(r, PerformUpdateTag(), NullCombine());
+           if (AssignOpReadWriteTraits<Op>::readLHS)
+             l.notifyPreRead();
+           Evaluator<MainEvaluatorTag>().evaluate(l, op, r);
+           l.notifyPostWrite();
+         }
+     }
+   return lhs;
+ }
+ template<class Mesh, class T, class EngineTag, class T1, class Op>
+ const Field<Mesh, T, EngineTag> &
+ assign(const Field<Mesh, T, EngineTag> &lhs, const T1 &rhs,
+        const Op &op)
+ {
+   for (int m = 0; m < lhs.numMaterials(); ++m)
+     {
+       for (int c = 0; c < lhs.centeringSize(); ++c)
+         {
+           const Field<Mesh, T, EngineTag> &l = lhs.subField(m, c);
+           if (AssignOpReadWriteTraits<Op>::readLHS)
+             l.notifyPreRead();
+           typedef Field<Mesh, T, EngineTag> LHS_t;
+           Array<LHS_t::dimensions, T1, ConstantFunction> rhsExpr(l.physicalDomain());
+           rhsExpr.engine().setConstant(rhs);
+           Evaluator<MainEvaluatorTag>().evaluate(l, op, rhsExpr);
+           l.notifyPostWrite();
+         }
+     }
+   return lhs;
+ }
+ template<class Mesh, class T, class EngineTag,
+  int Dim2, class T2, class EngineTag2, class Op>
+ const Array<Dim2, T2, EngineTag2> &
+ assign(const Array<Dim2, T2, EngineTag2> &lhs,
+        const Field<Mesh, T, EngineTag> &rhs, const Op &op)
+ {
+   ;
+   forEach(rhs, PerformUpdateTag(), NullCombine());
+   Evaluator<MainEvaluatorTag>().evaluate(lhs, op, rhs);
+   return lhs;
+ }
+ template<class Tree>
+ struct ConvertWhereProxy<ExpressionIsField, Tree>
+ {
+   typedef MakeFieldReturn<Tree> Make_t;
+ };
+ template<class Mesh, class T, class EngineTag,
+  class F, class B, class Op>
+ const Field<Mesh, T, EngineTag> &
+ assign(const Field<Mesh, T, EngineTag> &lhs,
+        const WhereProxy<F, B> &rhs, const Op &op)
+ {
+   assign(lhs, rhs.whereMask(), rhs.opMask(op));
+   return lhs;
+ }
+ template<class Mesh, class T, class EngineTag>
+ inline bool compressed(const Field<Mesh, T, EngineTag> &f)
+ {
+   ;
+   return compressed(f.engine());
+ }
+ template<class Mesh, class T, class EngineTag>
+ inline long elementsCompressed(const Field<Mesh, T, EngineTag> &f)
+ {
+   ;
+   return elementsCompressed(f.engine());
+ }
+ template<class Mesh, class T, class LTag>
+ void
+ compress(Field<Mesh, T, MultiPatch<LTag,CompressibleBrick> > &f)
+ {
+   for (int m = 0; m < f.numMaterials(); ++m)
+   {
+     for (int c = 0; c < f.centeringSize(); ++c)
+     {
+       compress(f.fieldEngine().data(m, c).engine());
+     }
+   }
+ }
+ template<class Mesh, class T, class LTag>
+ void
+ uncompress(Field<Mesh, T, MultiPatch<LTag,CompressibleBrick> > &f)
+ {
+   for (int m = 0; m < f.numMaterials(); ++m)
+   {
+     for (int c = 0; c < f.centeringSize(); ++c)
+     {
+       uncompress(f.fieldEngine().data(m, c).engine());
+     }
+   }
+ }
+ template<int Dim, class T, class EngineTag>
+ inline int numMaterials(const Array<Dim, T, EngineTag> &a)
+ {
+   return 1;
+ }
+ template<class Mesh, class T, class EngineTag>
+ inline int numMaterials(const Field<Mesh, T, EngineTag> &f)
+ {
+   return f.numMaterials();
+ }
+ template<int Dim, class T, class EngineTag>
+ inline int centeringSize(const Array<Dim, T, EngineTag> &a)
+ {
+   return 1;
+ }
+ template<class Mesh, class T, class EngineTag>
+ inline int centeringSize(const Field<Mesh, T, EngineTag> &f)
+ {
+   return f.centeringSize();
+ }
+ template<int Dim, class T, class EngineTag>
+ inline Array<Dim, T, EngineTag> &subField(Array<Dim, T, EngineTag> &a, int, int)
+ {
+   return a;
+ }
+ template<class Mesh, class T, class EngineTag>
+ inline typename SubFieldView<Field<Mesh, T, EngineTag> >::Type_t
+ subField(Field<Mesh, T, EngineTag> &f, int m, int c)
+ {
+   return f.subField(m, c);
+ }
+ template<class Mesh, class T, class EngineTag> class Field;
+ struct FarLeftTag
+ {
+ };
+ template<class G1, class T1, class E1, class Op>
+ struct Combine1<Field<G1, T1, E1>, Op, FarLeftTag>
+ {
+   typedef Field<G1, T1, E1> Type_t;
+   inline static
+   const Type_t &combine(const Field<G1, T1, E1> &a,
+    const FarLeftTag &)
+     {
+       return a;
+     }
+ };
+ template<class G1, class T1, class E1, class G2, class T2, class E2,
+   class Op>
+ struct Combine2<Field<G1, T1, E1>, Field<G2, T2, E2>, Op, FarLeftTag>
+ {
+   typedef Field<G1, T1, E1> Type_t;
+   inline static
+   const Type_t &combine(const Field<G1, T1, E1> &a,
+                         const Field<G2, T2, E2> &, FarLeftTag)
+     {
+       return a;
+     }
+ };
+ template<class T, class G2, class T2, class E2, class Op>
+ struct Combine2<T, Field<G2, T2, E2>, Op, FarLeftTag>
+ {
+   typedef Field<G2, T2, E2> Type_t;
+   inline static
+   const Type_t &combine(const T &,
+                         const Field<G2, T2, E2> &b, FarLeftTag)
+     {
+       return b;
+     }
+ };
+ template<class G1, class T1, class E1, class T, class Op>
+ struct Combine2<Field<G1, T1, E1>, T, Op, FarLeftTag>
+ {
+   typedef Field<G1, T1, E1> Type_t;
+   inline static
+   const Type_t &combine(const Field<G1, T1, E1> &a,
+                         const T &, FarLeftTag)
+     {
+       return a;
+     }
+ };
+ template<class T, class Op>
+ struct Combine2<ErrorType, T, Op, FarLeftTag>
+ {
+   typedef T Type_t;
+   inline static
+   const Type_t &combine(const ErrorType& e, const T& t,
+           FarLeftTag)
+   {
+     return t;
+   }
+ };
+ template<class T, class Op>
+ struct Combine2<T, ErrorType, Op, FarLeftTag>
+ {
+   typedef T Type_t;
+   inline static
+   const Type_t &combine(const T& t, const ErrorType& e,
+           FarLeftTag)
+   {
+     return t;
+   }
+ };
+ template<class A,class B,class C,class Op>
+ struct Combine3<A, B, C, Op, FarLeftTag>
+ {
+   typedef typename Combine2<A, B, Op, FarLeftTag>::Type_t Type1_t;
+   typedef typename Combine2<Type1_t, C, Op, FarLeftTag>::Type_t Type_t;
+   inline static
+   const Type_t &combine(const A& a, const B& b, const C& c,
+    const FarLeftTag& t)
+   {
+     return
+       Combine2<Type1_t, C,
+       Op, FarLeftTag>::combine(Combine2<A, B, Op,
+           FarLeftTag>::combine(a, b, t), c, t);
+   }
+ };
+ template<class GeometryTag, class T, class EngineTag>
+ struct LeafFunctor<Field<GeometryTag, T, EngineTag>, FarLeftTag>
+ {
+   typedef Field<GeometryTag, T, EngineTag> Type_t;
+   inline static
+   const Type_t &apply(const Field<GeometryTag, T, EngineTag> &f,
+     const FarLeftTag &)
+     {
+       return f;
+     }
+ };
+ template<int Dim, class T, class EngineTag>
+ struct LeafFunctor<Array<Dim, T, EngineTag>, FarLeftTag>
+ {
+   typedef ErrorType Type_t;
+   inline static
+   const Type_t &apply(const Array<Dim, T, EngineTag> &a,
+     const FarLeftTag &)
+     {
+       return Type_t();
+     }
+ };
+ template<class T>
+ struct LeafFunctor<Scalar<T>, FarLeftTag>
+ {
+   typedef Scalar<T> Type_t;
+   inline static
+   const Type_t &apply(const Scalar<T> &s, const FarLeftTag &)
+     {
+       return s;
+     }
+ };
+ template<class Mesh, class T, class Expr>
+ class FieldEngine<Mesh, T, ExpressionTag<Expr> >
+ {
+ public:
+   enum { dimensions = Mesh::dimensions };
+   enum { Dim = dimensions };
+   typedef ExpressionTag<Expr> EngineTag_t;
+   typedef FieldEngine<Mesh, T, EngineTag_t> This_t;
+   typedef Engine<Dim, T, EngineTag_t> Engine_t;
+   typedef typename Engine_t::Domain_t Domain_t;
+   typedef typename Engine_t::Layout_t Layout_t;
+   typedef typename Engine_t::Element_t Element_t;
+   typedef typename Engine_t::ElementRef_t ElementRef_t;
+   typedef GuardLayers<Dim> GuardLayers_t;
+   typedef typename ForEach<Expr, FarLeftTag, FarLeftTag>::Type_t
+     ReferenceField_t;
+   FieldEngine(const Engine_t &e)
+   : engine_m(e),
+     referenceField_m(
+       forEachRef(engine_m.expression(), FarLeftTag(), FarLeftTag()))
+     { }
+   template<class Expr2, class Domain>
+   FieldEngine(const FieldEngine<Mesh, T, ExpressionTag<Expr2> > &model,
+     const Domain &d)
+   : engine_m(NewEngineEngine<Engine<Dim, T, ExpressionTag<Expr2> >, Domain>::apply(model.engine(), d),
+       NewEngineDomain<Engine<Dim, T, ExpressionTag<Expr2> >, Domain>::apply(model.engine(), d)
+       ),
+     referenceField_m(
+       forEachRef(engine_m.expression(), FarLeftTag(), FarLeftTag()))
+     { }
+   template<class Expr2>
+   FieldEngine(const FieldEngine<Mesh, T, ExpressionTag<Expr2> > &model, int m, int c)
+     : engine_m(Expr(model.engine().expression(), m, c)),
+       referenceField_m(forEachRef(engine_m.expression(),
+                                   FarLeftTag(), FarLeftTag()))
+   { }
+   template<class Expr2>
+   FieldEngine(const FieldEngine<Mesh, T, ExpressionTag<Expr2> > &model, int m,
+        const Pooma::MaterialViewTag& tag)
+     : engine_m(Expr(model.engine().expression(), m, tag)),
+       referenceField_m(forEachRef(engine_m.expression(),
+                                   FarLeftTag(), FarLeftTag()))
+   { }
+   template<class Expr2>
+   FieldEngine(const FieldEngine<Mesh, T, ExpressionTag<Expr2> > &model, int c,
+        const Pooma::CenteringViewTag& tag)
+     : engine_m(Expr(model.engine().expression(), c, tag)),
+       referenceField_m(forEachRef(engine_m.expression(),
+                                   FarLeftTag(), FarLeftTag()))
+   { }
+   template<class Expr2>
+   FieldEngine(const FieldEngine<Mesh, T, ExpressionTag<Expr2> > &model, int iSubField)
+     : engine_m(Expr(model.engine().expression, iSubField)),
+       referenceField_m(forEachRef(engine_m.expression(),
+                                   FarLeftTag(), FarLeftTag()))
+   { }
+   FieldEngine(const FieldEngine<Mesh, T, ExpressionTag<Expr> > &other)
+   : engine_m(other.engine()),
+     referenceField_m(forEachRef(engine_m.expression(),
+     FarLeftTag(), FarLeftTag()))
+   { }
+   int numSubFields() const
+     {
+       return referenceField().numSubFields();
+     }
+   const Engine_t &engine() const
+     {
+       return engine_m;
+     }
+   Engine_t &engine()
+     {
+       return engine_m;
+     }
+   const ReferenceField_t &referenceField() const
+   {
+     return referenceField_m;
+   }
+   const Domain_t &physicalCellDomain() const
+     {
+       return referenceField().physicalCellDomain();
+     }
+   Domain_t totalCellDomain() const
+     {
+       return referenceField().totalCellDomain();
+     }
+   Domain_t physicalDomain() const
+     {
+       return referenceField().physicalDomain();
+     }
+   Domain_t totalDomain() const
+     {
+       return referenceField().totalDomain();
+     }
+   Domain_t physicalDomain(int iSubField) const
+     {
+       return referenceField().physicalDomain(iSubField);
+     }
+   Domain_t totalDomain(int iSubField) const
+     {
+       return referenceField().totalDomain(iSubField);
+     }
+   const Centering<Dim> &centering() const
+   {
+     return referenceField().centering();
+   }
+   int centeringSize() const
+     {
+       return referenceField().centeringSize();
+     }
+   int numMaterials() const
+     {
+       return referenceField().numMaterials();
+     }
+   Mesh &mesh()
+   {
+     return referenceField().mesh();
+   }
+   const Mesh &mesh() const
+   {
+     return referenceField().mesh();
+   }
+ private:
+   This_t &operator=(const This_t &other);
+   Engine_t engine_m;
+   const ReferenceField_t &referenceField_m;
+ };
+ template<class Mesh, class T, class Expr, class Tag>
+ struct LeafFunctor<FieldEngine<Mesh, T, ExpressionTag<Expr> >,
+   ExpressionApply<Tag> >
+ {
+   typedef FieldEngine<Mesh, T, ExpressionTag<Expr> > Subject_t;
+   typedef typename Subject_t::Engine_t Engine_t;
+   typedef LeafFunctor<Engine_t, ExpressionApply<Tag> > LeafFunctor_t;
+   typedef int Type_t;
+   inline static
+   Type_t apply(const Subject_t &fieldEngineBase,
+         const ExpressionApply<Tag> &tag)
+   {
+     LeafFunctor_t::apply(fieldEngineBase.engine(), tag);
+     return 0;
+   }
+ };
+ struct RectilinearTag {};
+ struct UniformRectilinearTag {};
+ struct CartesianTag {
+   enum { x = 0, y = 1, z = 2 };
+ };
+ struct CylindricalTag {
+   enum { r = 0, z = 1, phi = 2 };
+ };
+ struct SphericalTag {
+   enum { r = 0, theta = 1, phi = 2};
+ };
+ template<class MeshTraits> struct CartesianRM;
+ template<class MeshTraits> struct CartesianURM;
+ template<class MeshTraits> struct CylindricalRM;
+ template<class MeshTraits> struct CylindricalURM;
+ template<class MeshTraits> struct SphericalRM;
+ template<class MeshTraits> struct SphericalURM;
+ template<class MeshTraits> class RectilinearMeshData;
+ template<class MeshTraits> class RectilinearMesh;
+ template<class MeshTraits> class UniformRectilinearMeshData;
+ template<class MeshTraits> class UniformRectilinearMesh;
+ template <int Dim, typename T = double, class MeshTag = UniformRectilinearTag, class CoordinateSystemTag = CartesianTag, int CDim = Dim>
+ struct MeshTraits;
+ template <int Dim, typename T, class MeshTag, class CoordinateSystemTag, int CDim>
+ struct MeshTraitsBase
+ {
+   typedef MeshTraits<Dim, T, MeshTag, CoordinateSystemTag, CDim> MeshTraits_t;
+   typedef MeshTag MeshTag_t;
+   typedef CoordinateSystemTag CoordinateSystemTag_t;
+   typedef T T_t;
+   enum { dimensions = Dim };
+   enum { coordinateDimensions = CDim };
+   typedef T Scalar_t;
+   typedef Loc<Dim> Loc_t;
+   typedef Interval<Dim> Domain_t;
+   typedef Vector<CDim, T> PointType_t;
+   typedef Vector<CDim, T> VectorType_t;
+   typedef Vector<CDim, int> CIndexType_t;
+ };
+ template <int Dim, typename T, int CDim>
+ struct MeshTraits<Dim, T, RectilinearTag, CartesianTag, CDim>
+   : MeshTraitsBase<Dim, T, RectilinearTag, CartesianTag, CDim>
+ {
+   typedef typename MeshTraitsBase<Dim, T, RectilinearTag, CartesianTag, CDim>::MeshTraits_t MeshTraits_t;
+   typedef CartesianRM<MeshTraits_t> CoordinateSystem_t;
+   typedef RectilinearMeshData<MeshTraits_t> MeshData_t;
+   typedef RectilinearMesh<MeshTraits_t> Mesh_t;
+   typedef Array<1, T, Brick> SpacingsType_t[CDim];
+   typedef Array<1, T, Brick> PositionsType_t[CDim];
+ };
+ template <int Dim, typename T, int CDim>
+ struct MeshTraits<Dim, T, UniformRectilinearTag, CartesianTag, CDim>
+   : public MeshTraitsBase<Dim, T, UniformRectilinearTag, CartesianTag, CDim>
+ {
+   typedef typename MeshTraitsBase<Dim, T, UniformRectilinearTag, CartesianTag, CDim>::MeshTraits_t MeshTraits_t;
+   typedef CartesianURM<MeshTraits_t> CoordinateSystem_t;
+   typedef UniformRectilinearMeshData<MeshTraits_t> MeshData_t;
+   typedef UniformRectilinearMesh<MeshTraits_t> Mesh_t;
+   typedef Vector<CDim, T> SpacingsType_t;
+   typedef Vector<CDim, T> PositionsType_t;
+ };
+ template <int Dim, typename T, int CDim>
+ struct MeshTraits<Dim, T, RectilinearTag, CylindricalTag, CDim>
+   : public MeshTraitsBase<Dim, T, RectilinearTag, CylindricalTag, CDim>
+ {
+   typedef typename MeshTraitsBase<Dim, T, RectilinearTag, CylindricalTag, CDim>::MeshTraits_t MeshTraits_t;
+   typedef CylindricalRM<MeshTraits_t> CoordinateSystem_t;
+   typedef RectilinearMeshData<MeshTraits_t> MeshData_t;
+   typedef RectilinearMesh<MeshTraits_t> Mesh_t;
+   typedef Array<1, T, Brick> SpacingsType_t[CDim];
+   typedef Array<1, T, Brick> PositionsType_t[CDim];
+ };
+ template <int Dim, typename T, int CDim>
+ struct MeshTraits<Dim, T, UniformRectilinearTag, CylindricalTag, CDim>
+   : public MeshTraitsBase<Dim, T, UniformRectilinearTag, CylindricalTag, CDim>
+ {
+   typedef typename MeshTraitsBase<Dim, T, UniformRectilinearTag, CylindricalTag, CDim>::MeshTraits_t MeshTraits_t;
+   typedef CylindricalURM<MeshTraits_t> CoordinateSystem_t;
+   typedef UniformRectilinearMeshData<MeshTraits_t> MeshData_t;
+   typedef UniformRectilinearMesh<MeshTraits_t> Mesh_t;
+   typedef Vector<CDim, T> SpacingsType_t;
+   typedef Vector<CDim, T> PositionsType_t;
+ };
+ template <int Dim, typename T, int CDim>
+ struct MeshTraits<Dim, T, RectilinearTag, SphericalTag, CDim>
+   : MeshTraitsBase<Dim, T, RectilinearTag, SphericalTag, CDim>
+ {
+   typedef typename MeshTraitsBase<Dim, T, RectilinearTag, SphericalTag, CDim>::MeshTraits_t MeshTraits_t;
+   typedef SphericalRM<MeshTraits_t> CoordinateSystem_t;
+   typedef RectilinearMeshData<MeshTraits_t> MeshData_t;
+   typedef RectilinearMesh<MeshTraits_t> Mesh_t;
+   typedef Array<1, T, Brick> SpacingsType_t[CDim];
+   typedef Array<1, T, Brick> PositionsType_t[CDim];
+ };
+ template <int Dim, typename T, int CDim>
+ struct MeshTraits<Dim, T, UniformRectilinearTag, SphericalTag, CDim>
+   : MeshTraitsBase<Dim, T, UniformRectilinearTag, SphericalTag, CDim>
+ {
+   typedef typename MeshTraitsBase<Dim, T, UniformRectilinearTag, SphericalTag, CDim>::MeshTraits_t MeshTraits_t;
+   typedef SphericalURM<MeshTraits_t> CoordinateSystem_t;
+   typedef UniformRectilinearMeshData<MeshTraits_t> MeshData_t;
+   typedef UniformRectilinearMesh<MeshTraits_t> Mesh_t;
+   typedef Vector<CDim, T> SpacingsType_t;
+   typedef Vector<CDim, T> PositionsType_t;
+ };
+ template <int Dim>
+ class NoMeshData : public RefCounted
+ {
+ public:
+   NoMeshData()
+     {
+     }
+   template<class Layout>
+   explicit NoMeshData(const Layout &layout)
+   : physicalVertexDomain_m(layout.innerDomain()),
+     physicalCellDomain_m(shrinkRight(physicalVertexDomain_m, 1)),
+     totalVertexDomain_m(layout.domain()),
+     totalCellDomain_m(shrinkRight(totalVertexDomain_m, 1))
+     {
+     }
+   NoMeshData(const NoMeshData<Dim> &model)
+   : physicalVertexDomain_m(model.physicalVertexDomain_m),
+     physicalCellDomain_m(model.physicalCellDomain_m),
+     totalVertexDomain_m(model.totalVertexDomain_m),
+     totalCellDomain_m(model.totalCellDomain_m)
+     {
+     }
+   NoMeshData(const Interval<Dim> &d)
+   : physicalVertexDomain_m(d - d.firsts()),
+     physicalCellDomain_m(shrinkRight(physicalVertexDomain_m, 1)),
+     totalVertexDomain_m(d - d.firsts()),
+     totalCellDomain_m(shrinkRight(totalVertexDomain_m, 1))
+     {
+     }
+   NoMeshData(const NoMeshData<Dim> &model, const FieldEnginePatch<Dim> &p)
+   : physicalVertexDomain_m(p.domain_m),
+     physicalCellDomain_m(shrinkRight(physicalVertexDomain_m, 1)),
+     totalVertexDomain_m(p.domain_m),
+     totalCellDomain_m(shrinkRight(totalVertexDomain_m, 1))
+     {
+     }
+   NoMeshData<Dim> &operator=(const NoMeshData<Dim> &rhs)
+     {
+       if (this != &rhs)
+         {
+           physicalVertexDomain_m = rhs.physicalVertexDomain_m;
+           physicalCellDomain_m = rhs.physicalCellDomain_m;
+           totalVertexDomain_m = rhs.totalVertexDomain_m;
+           totalCellDomain_m = rhs.totalCellDomain_m;
+         }
+       return *this;
+     }
+   ~NoMeshData()
+     {
+     }
+   inline const Interval<Dim> &physicalVertexDomain() const
+     {
+       return physicalVertexDomain_m;
+     }
+   inline const Interval<Dim> &physicalCellDomain() const
+     {
+       return physicalCellDomain_m;
+     }
+   inline const Interval<Dim> &totalVertexDomain() const
+     {
+       return totalVertexDomain_m;
+     }
+   inline const Interval<Dim> &totalCellDomain() const
+     {
+       return totalCellDomain_m;
+     }
+ private:
+   Interval<Dim> physicalVertexDomain_m, physicalCellDomain_m;
+   Interval<Dim> totalVertexDomain_m, totalCellDomain_m;
+ };
+ template<int Dim>
+ class NoMesh
+ {
+ public:
+   enum { dimensions = Dim };
+   enum { coordinateDimensions = Dim };
+   inline NoMesh()
+   : data_m(new NoMeshData<Dim>)
+     {
+     }
+   template<class Layout>
+   inline explicit NoMesh(const Layout &layout)
+   : data_m(new NoMeshData<Dim>(layout))
+     {
+     }
+   inline explicit NoMesh(const NoMeshData<Dim> &data)
+   : data_m(new NoMeshData<Dim>(data))
+     {
+     }
+   inline NoMesh(const NoMesh<Dim> &model)
+   : data_m(model.data_m)
+     {
+     }
+   inline NoMesh(const NoMesh<Dim> &model, const Interval<Dim> &d)
+   : data_m(new NoMeshData<Dim>(d))
+     {
+     }
+   NoMesh(const NoMesh<Dim> &model, const INode<Dim> &i)
+   : data_m(new NoMeshData<Dim>(i.domain()))
+     {
+     }
+   inline NoMesh(const NoMesh<Dim> &model, const FieldEnginePatch<Dim> &p)
+   : data_m(new NoMeshData<Dim>(*model.data_m, p))
+     {
+     }
+   template<class Mesh, class Domain>
+   inline NoMesh(const Mesh &, const Domain &d)
+     {
+       Interval<Dim> dom;
+       for (int i = 0; i < Dim; i++)
+         dom[i] = d[i].size();
+       data_m = new NoMeshData<Dim>(dom);
+     }
+   ~NoMesh() { }
+   const NoMeshData<Dim>& data() const
+     {
+       return *data_m;
+     }
+   NoMesh<Dim> &
+   operator=(const NoMesh<Dim> &rhs)
+     {
+       if (&rhs != this)
+         {
+           data_m = rhs.data_m;
+         }
+       return *this;
+     }
+   inline const Interval<Dim> &physicalVertexDomain() const
+     {
+       return data_m->physicalVertexDomain();
+     }
+   inline const Interval<Dim> &physicalCellDomain() const
+     {
+       return data_m->physicalCellDomain();
+     }
+   inline const Interval<Dim> &totalVertexDomain() const
+     {
+       return data_m->totalVertexDomain();
+     }
+   inline const Interval<Dim> &totalCellDomain() const
+     {
+       return data_m->totalCellDomain();
+     }
+ private:
+   RefCountedPtr<NoMeshData<Dim> > data_m;
+ };
+ template <class MeshTraits>
+ class UniformRectilinearMeshData : public NoMeshData<MeshTraits::dimensions>
+ {
+ public:
+   typedef typename MeshTraits::MeshData_t MeshData_t;
+   typedef typename MeshTraits::Domain_t Domain_t;
+   typedef typename MeshTraits::Scalar_t Scalar_t;
+   typedef typename MeshTraits::PointType_t PointType_t;
+   typedef typename MeshTraits::VectorType_t VectorType_t;
+   typedef typename MeshTraits::SpacingsType_t SpacingsType_t;
+   typedef typename MeshTraits::PositionsType_t PositionsType_t;
+   enum { dimensions = MeshTraits::dimensions };
+   UniformRectilinearMeshData()
+     {
+     }
+   template<class Layout>
+   UniformRectilinearMeshData(
+     const Layout &layout,
+     const PointType_t &origin,
+     const SpacingsType_t &spacings)
+   : NoMeshData<dimensions>(layout),
+     origin_m(origin),
+     spacings_m(spacings)
+     {
+     }
+   UniformRectilinearMeshData(const MeshData_t &model)
+   : NoMeshData<dimensions>(model),
+     origin_m(model.origin_m),
+     spacings_m(model.spacings_m)
+     {
+     }
+   UniformRectilinearMeshData(const MeshData_t &model,
+                              const Domain_t &d)
+   : NoMeshData<dimensions>(d),
+     origin_m(model.origin_m),
+     spacings_m(model.spacings_m)
+     {
+       for (int i = 0; i < dimensions; i++)
+         origin_m(i) +=
+           spacings_m(i) *
+             (d[i].first() - model.physicalCellDomain()[i].first());
+     }
+   MeshData_t &
+   operator=(const MeshData_t &rhs)
+     {
+       if (this != &rhs)
+         {
+           NoMeshData<dimensions>::operator=(rhs);
+           origin_m = rhs.origin_m;
+           spacings_m = rhs.spacings_m;
+         }
+       return *this;
+     }
+   ~UniformRectilinearMeshData() { }
+   inline const SpacingsType_t &spacings() const
+     {
+       return spacings_m;
+     }
+   inline const PointType_t &origin() const
+     {
+       return origin_m;
+     }
+ private:
+   PointType_t origin_m;
+   SpacingsType_t spacings_m;
+ };
+ template<class MeshTraits>
+ class UniformRectilinearMesh : public MeshTraits::CoordinateSystem_t
+ {
+ public:
+   typedef MeshTraits MeshTraits_t;
+   typedef typename MeshTraits::CoordinateSystem_t CoordinateSystem_t;
+   typedef typename MeshTraits::Mesh_t Mesh_t;
+   typedef typename MeshTraits::MeshData_t MeshData_t;
+   typedef typename MeshTraits::Loc_t Loc_t;
+   typedef typename MeshTraits::Domain_t Domain_t;
+   typedef typename MeshTraits::Scalar_t Scalar_t;
+   typedef typename MeshTraits::PointType_t PointType_t;
+   typedef typename MeshTraits::VectorType_t VectorType_t;
+   typedef typename MeshTraits::PositionsType_t PositionsType_t;
+   typedef typename MeshTraits::SpacingsType_t SpacingsType_t;
+   typedef typename MeshTraits::T_t T_t;
+   enum { dimensions = MeshTraits::dimensions };
+   enum { coordinateDimensions = MeshTraits::coordinateDimensions };
+   UniformRectilinearMesh()
+   : data_m(new MeshData_t())
+     {
+     }
+   template<class Layout>
+   inline UniformRectilinearMesh(const Layout &layout,
+                                 const PointType_t &origin,
+                                 const SpacingsType_t &spacings)
+   : data_m(new MeshData_t(layout, origin, spacings))
+     {
+     }
+   template<class Layout>
+   inline explicit UniformRectilinearMesh(const Layout &layout)
+   : data_m(new MeshData_t(layout,
+                                                   PointType_t(0),
+                                                   SpacingsType_t(1)))
+     {
+     }
+   inline UniformRectilinearMesh(const Mesh_t &model)
+   : data_m(model.data_m)
+     {
+     }
+   inline UniformRectilinearMesh(const Mesh_t &model,
+                                 const Domain_t &d)
+   : data_m(new MeshData_t(*model.data_m, d))
+     {
+     }
+   inline UniformRectilinearMesh(const Mesh_t &model,
+                                 const INode<dimensions> &i)
+   : data_m(new MeshData_t(*model.data_m, i.domain()))
+     {
+     }
+   inline Mesh_t &
+   operator=(const Mesh_t &rhs)
+     {
+       if (&rhs != this)
+         {
+           data_m = rhs.data_m;
+         }
+       return *this;
+     }
+   ~UniformRectilinearMesh()
+     {
+     }
+   const MeshData_t& data() const
+     {
+       return *data_m;
+     }
+   inline const Domain_t &physicalVertexDomain() const
+     {
+       return data_m->physicalVertexDomain();
+     }
+   inline const Domain_t &physicalCellDomain() const
+     {
+       return data_m->physicalCellDomain();
+     }
+   inline const Domain_t &totalVertexDomain() const
+     {
+       return data_m->totalVertexDomain();
+     }
+   inline const Domain_t &totalCellDomain() const
+     {
+       return data_m->totalCellDomain();
+     }
+   inline const PointType_t &origin() const
+     {
+       return data_m->origin();
+     }
+   inline const SpacingsType_t &spacings() const
+     {
+       return data_m->spacings();
+     }
+   inline Loc_t cellContaining(const PointType_t &point) const
+     {
+       Loc_t loc((Pooma::NoInit()));
+       for (int i = 0; i < dimensions; i++)
+         loc[i] =
+           Loc<1>(static_cast<int>((point(i) - origin()(i)) / spacings()(i)));
+       return loc;
+     }
+   inline PointType_t vertexPosition(const Loc_t &loc) const
+     {
+       PointType_t point;
+       for (int i = 0; i < dimensions; i++)
+         point(i) = origin()(i) + spacings()(i) *
+           (loc[i].first() - physicalCellDomain()[i].first());
+       return point;
+     }
+   inline Scalar_t vertexPosition(int dim, int i) const
+     {
+       return origin()(dim) + spacings()(dim)
+               * (i - physicalCellDomain()[dim].first());
+     }
+   inline PointType_t cellPosition(const Loc_t &loc) const
+     {
+       PointType_t point;
+       for (int i=0; i<dimensions; i++)
+  point(i) = origin()(i) + spacings()(i)
+    * (loc[i].first() - physicalCellDomain()[i].first() + 0.5);
+       return point;
+     }
+   inline Scalar_t cellPosition(int dim, int i) const
+     {
+       return origin()(dim) + spacings()(dim)
+                * (i - physicalCellDomain()[dim].first() + 0.5);
+     }
+   inline VectorType_t vertexSpacing(const Loc_t &loc) const
+     {
+       return spacings();
+     }
+   inline Scalar_t vertexSpacing(int dim, int = 0) const
+     {
+       return spacings()(dim);
+     }
+   inline VectorType_t cellSpacing(const Loc_t &loc) const
+     {
+       return spacings();
+     }
+   inline Scalar_t cellSpacing(int dim, int = 0) const
+     {
+       return spacings()(dim);
+     }
+ private:
+   RefCountedPtr<MeshData_t > data_m;
+ };
+ template <class MeshTraits>
+ struct GenericURM {
+   typedef typename MeshTraits::T_t T_t;
+   typedef typename MeshTraits::Mesh_t Mesh_t;
+   typedef typename MeshTraits::PointType_t PointType_t;
+   typedef typename MeshTraits::VectorType_t VectorType_t;
+   typedef typename MeshTraits::SpacingsType_t SpacingsType_t;
+   typedef typename MeshTraits::Loc_t Loc_t;
+   typedef typename MeshTraits::CIndexType_t CIndexType_t;
+   enum { dimensions = MeshTraits::dimensions };
+   enum { coordinateDimensions = MeshTraits::coordinateDimensions };
+   class PositionsFunctor {
+   public:
+     PositionsFunctor() { }
+     PositionsFunctor(const Mesh_t &m,
+                      const Centering<dimensions> &c)
+       : origin_m(m.origin()), spacings_m(m.spacings())
+       {
+         for (int i = 0; i < dimensions; i++)
+           origin_m(i) += spacings_m(i) *
+             (c.position(0)(i) - m.physicalCellDomain()[i].first());
+       }
+     inline PointType_t operator()(int i0) const
+       {
+  CIndexType_t i(0);
+  i(0) = i0;
+         return origin_m + i * spacings_m;
+       }
+     inline PointType_t operator()(int i0, int i1) const
+       {
+  CIndexType_t i(0);
+  i(0) = i0;
+  i(1) = i1;
+         return origin_m + i * spacings_m;
+       }
+     inline PointType_t operator()(int i0, int i1, int i2) const
+       {
+  CIndexType_t i(0);
+  i(0) = i0;
+  i(1) = i1;
+  i(2) = i2;
+         return origin_m + i * spacings_m;
+       }
+   private:
+     PointType_t origin_m;
+     SpacingsType_t spacings_m;
+   };
+   typedef IndexFunction<PositionsFunctor> PositionsEngineTag_t;
+   template <class PositionsEngineTag>
+   void initializePositions(
+     Engine<dimensions, PointType_t, PositionsEngineTag> &e,
+     const Centering<dimensions> &c) const
+     {
+       e.setFunctor(typename PositionsEngineTag::Functor_t(static_cast<const Mesh_t&>(*this), c));
+     }
+   typedef ConstantFunction SpacingsEngineTag_t;
+   void initializeSpacings(
+     Engine<dimensions, VectorType_t, SpacingsEngineTag_t> &e,
+     const Centering<dimensions> &) const
+     {
+       e.setConstant(static_cast<const Mesh_t&>(*this).spacings());
+     }
+   typedef ConstantFunction NormalsEngineTag_t;
+   void initializeNormals(
+     Engine<dimensions, VectorType_t, NormalsEngineTag_t> &e,
+     const Centering<dimensions> &c,
+     bool outward = true) const
+     {
+       ;
+       ;
+       VectorType_t normal;
+       for (int i = 0; i < dimensions; i++)
+         {
+           normal(i) = static_cast<T_t>(1 - c.orientation(0)[i].first());
+           if (outward && c.position(0)(i) == 0.0)
+             normal(i) *= static_cast<T_t>(-1);
+         }
+       e.setConstant(normal);
+     }
+   inline T_t DDX0(int) const { return 0.5; }
+   inline T_t DDX0(const Loc_t&) const { return 0.5; }
+   inline T_t DDX1(int) const { return 0.5; }
+   inline T_t DDX1(const Loc_t&) const { return 0.5; }
+   inline T_t DDY0(int) const { return 0.5; }
+   inline T_t DDY0(const Loc_t&) const { return 0.5; }
+   inline T_t DDY1(int) const { return 0.5; }
+   inline T_t DDY1(const Loc_t&) const { return 0.5; }
+   inline T_t DDZ0(int) const { return 0.5; }
+   inline T_t DDZ0(const Loc_t&) const { return 0.5; }
+   inline T_t DDZ1(int) const { return 0.5; }
+   inline T_t DDZ1(const Loc_t&) const { return 0.5; }
+ };
+ template <class MeshTraits>
+ class RectilinearMeshData : public NoMeshData<MeshTraits::dimensions>
+ {
+ public:
+   typedef typename MeshTraits::Domain_t Domain_t;
+   typedef typename MeshTraits::MeshData_t MeshData_t;
+   typedef typename MeshTraits::Scalar_t Scalar_t;
+   typedef typename MeshTraits::PointType_t PointType_t;
+   typedef typename MeshTraits::VectorType_t VectorType_t;
+   typedef typename MeshTraits::SpacingsType_t SpacingsType_t;
+   typedef typename MeshTraits::PositionsType_t PositionsType_t;
+   enum { dimensions = MeshTraits::dimensions };
+   RectilinearMeshData()
+     {
+     }
+   template<class Layout>
+   RectilinearMeshData(
+     const Layout &layout,
+     const PointType_t &origin,
+     const SpacingsType_t &spacings)
+   : NoMeshData<dimensions>(layout),
+     origin_m(origin)
+     {
+       typedef Engine<1, Scalar_t, Brick> Engine_t;
+       for (int i=0; i<dimensions; i++) {
+  Interval<1> dom(layout.domain()[i]), idom(layout.innerDomain()[i]);
+  spacings_m[i].engine() = Engine_t(dom);
+  spacings_m[i] = spacings[i];
+  Pooma::blockAndEvaluate();
+  positions_m[i].engine() = Engine_t(dom);
+  positions_m[i](idom.min()) = origin_m(i);
+  for (int j=idom.min()-1; j>=dom.min(); j--)
+    positions_m[i](j) = positions_m[i].read(j+1) - spacings_m[i].read(j);
+  for (int j=idom.min()+1; j<=dom.max(); j++)
+    positions_m[i](j) = positions_m[i].read(j-1) + spacings_m[i].read(j-1);
+       }
+     }
+   template<class Layout>
+   RectilinearMeshData(
+     const Layout &layout,
+     const PointType_t &origin,
+     const VectorType_t &spacings)
+   : NoMeshData<dimensions>(layout),
+     origin_m(origin)
+     {
+       for (int i=0; i<dimensions; i++) {
+  Interval<1> dom(layout.domain()[i]), idom(layout.innerDomain()[i]);
+  spacings_m[i].engine() = Engine<1, Scalar_t, Brick>(dom, spacings(i));
+  positions_m[i].engine() = Engine<1, Scalar_t, Brick>(dom);
+  positions_m[i](idom.min()) = origin_m(i);
+  for (int j=idom.min()-1; j>=dom.min(); j--)
+    positions_m[i](j) = positions_m[i].read(j+1) - spacings_m[i].read(j);
+  for (int j=idom.min()+1; j<=dom.max(); j++)
+    positions_m[i](j) = positions_m[i].read(j-1) + spacings_m[i].read(j-1);
+       }
+     }
+   RectilinearMeshData(const MeshData_t &model)
+   : NoMeshData<dimensions>(model),
+     origin_m(model.origin_m)
+     {
+       for (int i=0; i<dimensions; i++) {
+  spacings_m[i].engine() = model.spacings_m[i].engine();
+  positions_m[i].engine() = model.positions_m[i].engine();
+       }
+     }
+   RectilinearMeshData(const MeshData_t &model,
+         const Interval<dimensions> &d)
+   : NoMeshData<dimensions>(d)
+     {
+       typedef Engine<1, Scalar_t, Brick> Engine_t;
+       for (int i = 0; i < dimensions; i++) {
+  Interval<1> dom(d[i]);
+  Interval<1> viewdom(dom.size());
+  spacings_m[i].engine() = Engine_t(&model.spacings_m[i](dom)(0),
+        viewdom);
+  positions_m[i].engine() = Engine_t(&model.positions_m[i](dom)(0),
+         viewdom);
+  origin_m(i) = model.positions_m[i].read(dom.min());
+       }
+     }
+   MeshData_t &
+   operator=(const MeshData_t &rhs)
+     {
+       if (this != &rhs)
+         {
+           NoMeshData<dimensions>::operator=(rhs);
+           origin_m = rhs.origin_m;
+    for (int i=0; i<dimensions; i++) {
+      spacings_m[i].engine() = rhs.spacings_m[i].engine();
+      positions_m[i].engine() = rhs.positions_m[i].engine();
+    }
+         }
+       return *this;
+     }
+   ~RectilinearMeshData() { }
+   inline const SpacingsType_t &spacings() const
+     {
+       return spacings_m;
+     }
+   inline const PositionsType_t &positions() const
+     {
+       return positions_m;
+     }
+   inline const PointType_t &origin() const
+     {
+       return origin_m;
+     }
+ private:
+   PointType_t origin_m;
+   SpacingsType_t spacings_m;
+   PositionsType_t positions_m;
+ };
+ template<class MeshTraits>
+ class RectilinearMesh : public MeshTraits::CoordinateSystem_t
+ {
+ public:
+   typedef MeshTraits MeshTraits_t;
+   typedef typename MeshTraits::Mesh_t Mesh_t;
+   typedef typename MeshTraits::MeshData_t MeshData_t;
+   typedef typename MeshTraits::CoordinateSystem_t CoordinateSystem_t;
+   typedef typename MeshTraits::Domain_t Domain_t;
+   typedef typename MeshTraits::Loc_t Loc_t;
+   typedef typename MeshTraits::T_t T_t;
+   typedef typename MeshTraits::Scalar_t Scalar_t;
+   typedef typename MeshTraits::PointType_t PointType_t;
+   typedef typename MeshTraits::VectorType_t VectorType_t;
+   typedef typename MeshTraits::SpacingsType_t SpacingsType_t;
+   typedef typename MeshTraits::PositionsType_t PositionsType_t;
+   enum { dimensions = MeshTraits::dimensions };
+   enum { coordinateDimensions = MeshTraits::coordinateDimensions };
+   RectilinearMesh()
+   : data_m(new MeshData_t)
+     {
+     }
+   template<class Layout>
+   inline RectilinearMesh(const Layout &layout,
+     const PointType_t &origin,
+     const SpacingsType_t &spacings)
+   : data_m(new MeshData_t(layout, origin, spacings))
+     {
+     }
+   template<class Layout>
+   inline RectilinearMesh(const Layout &layout,
+     const PointType_t &origin,
+     const PointType_t &spacings)
+   : data_m(new MeshData_t(layout, origin, spacings))
+     {
+     }
+   template<class Layout>
+   inline explicit RectilinearMesh(const Layout &layout)
+   : data_m(new MeshData_t(layout,
+         PointType_t(0),
+         PointType_t(1)))
+     {
+     }
+   inline RectilinearMesh(const Mesh_t &model)
+   : data_m(model.data_m)
+     {
+     }
+   inline RectilinearMesh(const Mesh_t &model,
+     const Domain_t &d)
+   : data_m(new MeshData_t(*model.data_m, d))
+     {
+     }
+   inline RectilinearMesh(const Mesh_t &model,
+     const INode<dimensions> &i)
+   : data_m(new MeshData_t(*model.data_m, i.domain()))
+     {
+     }
+   inline Mesh_t &
+   operator=(const Mesh_t &rhs)
+     {
+       if (&rhs != this)
+         {
+           data_m = rhs.data_m;
+         }
+       return *this;
+     }
+   ~RectilinearMesh()
+     {
+     }
+   const MeshData_t& data() const
+     {
+       return *data_m;
+     }
+   inline const Domain_t &physicalVertexDomain() const
+     {
+       return data_m->physicalVertexDomain();
+     }
+   inline const Domain_t &physicalCellDomain() const
+     {
+       return data_m->physicalCellDomain();
+     }
+   inline const Domain_t &totalVertexDomain() const
+     {
+       return data_m->totalVertexDomain();
+     }
+   inline const Domain_t &totalCellDomain() const
+     {
+       return data_m->totalCellDomain();
+     }
+   inline const PointType_t &origin() const
+     {
+       return data_m->origin();
+     }
+   inline const SpacingsType_t &spacings() const
+     {
+       return data_m->spacings();
+     }
+   inline const PositionsType_t &positions() const
+     {
+       return data_m->positions();
+     }
+   inline Loc_t cellContaining(const PointType_t &point) const
+     {
+       Loc_t loc((Pooma::NoInit()));
+       for (int i = 0; i < dimensions; i++)
+  {
+    const T_t *start = &positions()[i](0);
+    const T_t *finish = start + positions()[i].physicalDomain()[i].length();
+    const T_t *p = std::lower_bound(start, finish, point(i));
+    int j = static_cast<int>(std::distance(start, p));
+    if (*p == point(i))
+      loc[i] = j;
+    else
+      loc[i] = j-1;
+  }
+       return loc;
+     }
+   inline PointType_t vertexPosition(const Loc_t &loc) const
+     {
+       PointType_t point;
+       for (int i = 0; i < dimensions; i++)
+         point(i) = positions()[i](loc[i]);
+       return point;
+     }
+   inline Scalar_t vertexPosition(int dim, int i) const
+     {
+       return positions()[dim](i);
+     }
+   inline PointType_t cellPosition(const Loc_t &loc) const
+     {
+       PointType_t point;
+       for (int i=0; i<dimensions; i++)
+  point(i) = positions()[i](loc[i]) + 0.5*spacings()[i](loc[i]);
+       return point;
+     }
+   inline Scalar_t cellPosition(int dim, int i) const
+     {
+       return positions()[dim](i) + 0.5*spacings()[dim](i);
+     }
+   inline VectorType_t vertexSpacing(const Loc_t &loc) const
+     {
+       VectorType_t delta;
+       for (int i=0; i<dimensions; i++)
+  delta(i) = spacings()[i](loc[i]);
+       return delta;
+     }
+   inline Scalar_t vertexSpacing(int dim, int i) const
+     {
+       return spacings()[dim](i);
+     }
+   inline VectorType_t cellSpacing(const Loc_t &loc) const
+     {
+       VectorType_t delta;
+       for (int i=0; i<dimensions; i++)
+  delta(i) = 0.5 * (spacings()[i](loc[i]) + spacings()[i](loc[i]+1));
+       return delta;
+     }
+   inline Scalar_t cellSpacing(int dim, int i) const
+     {
+       return 0.5*(spacings()[dim](i) + spacings()[dim](i+1));
+     }
+ private:
+   RefCountedPtr<MeshData_t> data_m;
+ };
+ template <class MeshTraits>
+ struct GenericRM {
+   typedef typename MeshTraits::T_t T_t;
+   typedef typename MeshTraits::Mesh_t Mesh_t;
+   typedef typename MeshTraits::PointType_t PointType_t;
+   typedef typename MeshTraits::VectorType_t VectorType_t;
+   typedef typename MeshTraits::SpacingsType_t SpacingsType_t;
+   typedef typename MeshTraits::PositionsType_t PositionsType_t;
+   typedef typename MeshTraits::Loc_t Loc_t;
+   enum { dimensions = MeshTraits::dimensions };
+   enum { coordinateDimensions = MeshTraits::coordinateDimensions };
+   class PositionsFunctor {
+   public:
+     PositionsFunctor() { }
+     PositionsFunctor(const Mesh_t &m,
+                      const Centering<dimensions> &c)
+       : centering_m(c.position(0))
+       {
+  for (int i=0; i<dimensions; i++) {
+    positions_m[i].engine() = m.positions()[i].engine();
+    spacings_m[i].engine() = m.spacings()[i].engine();
+  }
+       }
+     PositionsFunctor(const PositionsFunctor &m)
+       : centering_m(m.centering_m)
+     {
+       for (int i=0; i<dimensions; i++) {
+  positions_m[i].engine() = m.positions_m[i].engine();
+  spacings_m[i].engine() = m.spacings_m[i].engine();
+       }
+     }
+     PositionsFunctor& operator=(const PositionsFunctor &m)
+     {
+       centering_m = m.centering_m;
+       for (int i=0; i<dimensions; i++) {
+  positions_m[i].engine() = m.positions_m[i].engine();
+  spacings_m[i].engine() = m.spacings_m[i].engine();
+       }
+       return *this;
+     }
+     inline PointType_t operator()(int i0) const
+       {
+         return PointType_t(positions_m[0].read(i0) + spacings_m[0].read(i0)*centering_m(0));
+       }
+     inline PointType_t operator()(int i0, int i1) const
+       {
+         return PointType_t(positions_m[0].read(i0) + spacings_m[0].read(i0)*centering_m(0),
+       positions_m[1].read(i1) + spacings_m[1].read(i1)*centering_m(1));
+       }
+     inline PointType_t operator()(int i0, int i1, int i2) const
+       {
+         return PointType_t(positions_m[0].read(i0) + spacings_m[0].read(i0)*centering_m(0),
+       positions_m[1].read(i1) + spacings_m[1].read(i1)*centering_m(1),
+       positions_m[2].read(i2) + spacings_m[2].read(i2)*centering_m(2));
+       }
+   private:
+     PositionsType_t positions_m;
+     SpacingsType_t spacings_m;
+     typename Centering<dimensions>::Position centering_m;
+   };
+   typedef IndexFunction<PositionsFunctor> PositionsEngineTag_t;
+   template <class PositionsEngineTag>
+   void initializePositions(
+     Engine<dimensions, PointType_t, PositionsEngineTag> &e,
+     const Centering<dimensions> &c) const
+     {
+       e.setFunctor(typename PositionsEngineTag::Functor_t(static_cast<const Mesh_t&>(*this), c));
+     }
+   class SpacingsFunctor {
+   public:
+     SpacingsFunctor() { }
+     SpacingsFunctor(const Mesh_t &m,
+       const Centering<dimensions> &c)
+       : centering_m(c.position(0))
+       {
+  for (int i=0; i<dimensions; i++)
+    spacings_m[i].engine() = m.spacings()[i].engine();
+       }
+     SpacingsFunctor(const SpacingsFunctor &m)
+       : centering_m(m.centering_m)
+     {
+       for (int i=0; i<dimensions; i++)
+  spacings_m[i].engine() = m.spacings_m[i].engine();
+     }
+     SpacingsFunctor& operator=(const SpacingsFunctor &m)
+     {
+       centering_m = m.centering_m;
+       for (int i=0; i<dimensions; i++)
+  spacings_m[i].engine() = m.spacings_m[i].engine();
+       return *this;
+     }
+     inline VectorType_t operator()(int i0) const
+       {
+         return VectorType_t(spacings_m[0].read(i0)
+       + (spacings_m[0].read(i0+1)-spacings_m[0].read(i0))*centering_m(0));
+       }
+     inline VectorType_t operator()(int i0, int i1) const
+       {
+         return VectorType_t(spacings_m[0].read(i0)
+       + (spacings_m[0].read(i0+1)-spacings_m[0].read(i0))*centering_m(0),
+       spacings_m[1].read(i1)
+       + (spacings_m[1].read(i1+1)-spacings_m[1].read(i1))*centering_m(1));
+       }
+     inline VectorType_t operator()(int i0, int i1, int i2) const
+       {
+         return VectorType_t(spacings_m[0].read(i0)
+       + (spacings_m[0].read(i0+1)-spacings_m[0].read(i0))*centering_m(0),
+       spacings_m[1].read(i1)
+       + (spacings_m[1].read(i1+1)-spacings_m[1].read(i1))*centering_m(1),
+       spacings_m[2].read(i2)
+       + (spacings_m[2].read(i2+1)-spacings_m[2].read(i2))*centering_m(2));
+       }
+   private:
+     SpacingsType_t spacings_m;
+     typename Centering<dimensions>::Position centering_m;
+   };
+   typedef IndexFunction<SpacingsFunctor> SpacingsEngineTag_t;
+   void initializeSpacings(
+     Engine<dimensions, PointType_t, SpacingsEngineTag_t> &e,
+     const Centering<dimensions> &c) const
+     {
+       e.setFunctor(SpacingsFunctor(static_cast<const Mesh_t&>(*this), c));
+     }
+   typedef ConstantFunction NormalsEngineTag_t;
+   void initializeNormals(
+     Engine<dimensions, VectorType_t, NormalsEngineTag_t> &e,
+     const Centering<dimensions> &c,
+     bool outward = true) const
+     {
+       ;
+       ;
+       VectorType_t normal;
+       for (int i = 0; i < dimensions; i++)
+         {
+           normal(i) = static_cast<T_t>(1 - c.orientation(0)[i].first());
+           if (outward && c.position(0)(i) == 0.0)
+             normal(i) *= static_cast<T_t>(-1);
+         }
+       e.setConstant(normal);
+     }
+   inline T_t DDX0(int i) const
+   {
+     return (static_cast<const Mesh_t&>(*this).cellPosition( 0, i)
+      - static_cast<const Mesh_t&>(*this).vertexPosition( 0, i))
+       / static_cast<const Mesh_t&>(*this).cellSpacing( 0, i-1);
+   }
+   inline T_t DDX0(const Loc_t& l) const { return DDX0(l[0].first()); }
+   inline T_t DDX1(int i) const
+   {
+     return (static_cast<const Mesh_t&>(*this).vertexPosition( 0, i)
+      - static_cast<const Mesh_t&>(*this).cellPosition( 0, i-1))
+       / static_cast<const Mesh_t&>(*this).cellSpacing( 0, i-1);
+   }
+   inline T_t DDX1(const Loc_t& l) const { return DDX0(l[0].first()); }
+   inline T_t DDY0(int j) const
+   {
+     return (static_cast<const Mesh_t&>(*this).cellPosition( 1, j)
+      - static_cast<const Mesh_t&>(*this).vertexPosition( 1, j))
+       / static_cast<const Mesh_t&>(*this).cellSpacing( 1, j-1);
+   }
+   inline T_t DDY0(const Loc_t& l) const { return DDX0(l[0].first()); }
+   inline T_t DDY1(int j) const
+   {
+     return (static_cast<const Mesh_t&>(*this).vertexPosition( 1, j)
+      - static_cast<const Mesh_t&>(*this).cellPosition( 1, j-1))
+       / static_cast<const Mesh_t&>(*this).cellSpacing( 1, j-1);
+   }
+   inline T_t DDY1(const Loc_t& l) const { return DDX0(l[0].first()); }
+   inline T_t DDZ0(int k) const
+   {
+     return (static_cast<const Mesh_t&>(*this).cellPosition( 2, k)
+      - static_cast<const Mesh_t&>(*this).vertexPosition( 2, k))
+       / static_cast<const Mesh_t&>(*this).cellSpacing( 2, k-1);
+   }
+   inline T_t DDZ0(const Loc_t& l) const { return DDX0(l[0].first()); }
+   inline T_t DDZ1(int k) const
+   {
+     return (static_cast<const Mesh_t&>(*this).vertexPosition( 1, k)
+      - static_cast<const Mesh_t&>(*this).cellPosition( 1, k-1))
+       / static_cast<const Mesh_t&>(*this).cellSpacing( 1, k-1);
+   }
+   inline T_t DDZ1(const Loc_t& l) const { return DDX0(l[0].first()); }
+ };
+ template <class MeshTraits>
+ struct CartesianRM : public GenericRM<MeshTraits> {
+   typedef typename MeshTraits::T_t T_t;
+   typedef typename MeshTraits::Mesh_t Mesh_t;
+   typedef typename MeshTraits::PointType_t PointType_t;
+   typedef typename MeshTraits::VectorType_t VectorType_t;
+   typedef typename MeshTraits::SpacingsType_t SpacingsType_t;
+   typedef typename MeshTraits::PositionsType_t PositionsType_t;
+   enum { dimensions = MeshTraits::dimensions };
+   enum { coordinateDimensions = MeshTraits::coordinateDimensions };
+   class GeneralVolumesFunctor {
+   public:
+     GeneralVolumesFunctor() { }
+     GeneralVolumesFunctor(const Mesh_t &m,
+      const Centering<dimensions> &c)
+       : orientation_m(c.orientation(0))
+       {
+  for (int i=0; i<dimensions; i++)
+    spacings_m[i].engine() = m.spacings()[i].engine();
+       }
+     GeneralVolumesFunctor(const GeneralVolumesFunctor &m)
+       : orientation_m(m.orientation_m)
+       {
+  for (int i=0; i<dimensions; i++)
+    spacings_m[i].engine() = m.spacings_m[i].engine();
+       }
+     GeneralVolumesFunctor& operator=(const GeneralVolumesFunctor &m)
+     {
+       orientation_m = m.orientation_m;
+       for (int i=0; i<dimensions; i++)
+  spacings_m[i].engine() = m.spacings_m[i].engine();
+       return *this;
+     }
+     inline T_t operator()(int i0) const
+       {
+  return spacings_m[0].read(i0);
+       }
+     inline T_t operator()(int i0, int i1) const
+       {
+  if (orientation_m[0].first() == 0)
+    return spacings_m[1].read(i1);
+  else if (orientation_m[1].first() == 0)
+    return spacings_m[0].read(i0);
+  else
+    return spacings_m[0].read(i0) * spacings_m[1].read(i1);
+       }
+     inline T_t operator()(int i0, int i1, int i2) const
+       {
+  T_t volume = static_cast<T_t>(1);
+  if (orientation_m[0].first() != 0)
+    volume *= spacings_m[0].read(i0);
+  if (orientation_m[1].first() != 0)
+    volume *= spacings_m[1].read(i1);
+  if (orientation_m[2].first() != 0)
+    volume *= spacings_m[2].read(i2);
+  return volume;
+       }
+   private:
+     SpacingsType_t spacings_m;
+     typename Centering<dimensions>::Orientation orientation_m;
+   };
+   typedef IndexFunction<GeneralVolumesFunctor> CellVolumesEngineTag_t;
+   void initializeCellVolumes(
+     Engine<dimensions, T_t, CellVolumesEngineTag_t> &e,
+     const Centering<dimensions> &c) const
+     {
+       ;
+       ;
+       e.setFunctor(GeneralVolumesFunctor(static_cast<const Mesh_t&>(*this), c));
+     }
+   typedef IndexFunction<GeneralVolumesFunctor> FaceAreasEngineTag_t;
+   void initializeFaceAreas(
+     Engine<dimensions, T_t, FaceAreasEngineTag_t> &e,
+     const Centering<dimensions> &c) const
+     {
+       ;
+       ;
+       e.setFunctor(GeneralVolumesFunctor(static_cast<const Mesh_t&>(*this), c));
+     }
+   typedef IndexFunction<GeneralVolumesFunctor> EdgeLengthsEngineTag_t;
+   void initializeEdgeLengths(
+     Engine<dimensions, T_t, EdgeLengthsEngineTag_t> &e,
+     const Centering<dimensions> &c) const
+     {
+       ;
+       ;
+       e.setFunctor(GeneralVolumesFunctor(static_cast<const Mesh_t&>(*this), c));
+     }
+   class SphericalPositionsFunctor {
+   public:
+     SphericalPositionsFunctor() {}
+     SphericalPositionsFunctor(const Mesh_t &m,
+          const Centering<dimensions> &c)
+       : centering_m(c.position(0))
+     {
+       for (int i = 0; i < dimensions; i++) {
+  positions_m[i].engine() = m.positions()[i].engine();
+  spacings_m[i].engine() = m.spacings()[i].engine();
+       }
+     }
+     SphericalPositionsFunctor& operator=(const SphericalPositionsFunctor& m)
+     {
+       centering_m = m.centering_m;
+       for (int i = 0; i < dimensions; i++) {
+  positions_m[i].engine() = m.positions_m[i].engine();
+  spacings_m[i].engine() = m.spacings_m[i].engine();
+       }
+       return *this;
+     }
+     inline PointType_t operator()(int i0) const
+     {
+       return PointType_t(positions_m[0].read(i0) + spacings_m[0].read(i0)*centering_m(0));
+     }
+     inline PointType_t operator()(int i0, int i1) const
+     {
+       PointType_t x(positions_m[0].read(i0) + spacings_m[0].read(i0)*centering_m(0),
+       positions_m[1].read(i1) + spacings_m[1].read(i1)*centering_m(1));
+       return PointType_t(norm(x),
+     atan2(x(0), x(1)));
+     }
+     inline PointType_t operator()(int i0, int i1, int i2) const
+     {
+       PointType_t x(positions_m[0].read(i0) + spacings_m[0].read(i0)*centering_m(0),
+       positions_m[1].read(i1) + spacings_m[1].read(i1)*centering_m(1),
+       positions_m[2].read(i2) + spacings_m[2].read(i2)*centering_m(2));
+       T_t r = norm(x);
+       return PointType_t(r,
+     acos(x(2)/r),
+     atan2(x(1), x(0)));
+     }
+   private:
+     PositionsType_t positions_m;
+     SpacingsType_t spacings_m;
+     typename Centering<dimensions>::Position centering_m;
+   };
+   class CylindricalPositionsFunctor {
+   public:
+     CylindricalPositionsFunctor() {}
+     CylindricalPositionsFunctor(const Mesh_t &m,
+          const Centering<dimensions> &c)
+       : centering_m(c.position(0))
+     {
+       for (int i = 0; i < dimensions; i++) {
+  positions_m[i].engine() = m.positions()[i].engine();
+  spacings_m[i].engine() = m.spacings()[i].engine();
+       }
+     }
+     CylindricalPositionsFunctor& operator=(const CylindricalPositionsFunctor& m)
+     {
+       centering_m = m.centering_m;
+       for (int i = 0; i < dimensions; i++) {
+  positions_m[i].engine() = m.positions_m[i].engine();
+  spacings_m[i].engine() = m.spacings_m[i].engine();
+       }
+       return *this;
+     }
+     inline PointType_t operator()(int i0) const
+     {
+       return PointType_t(positions_m[0].read(i0) + spacings_m[0].read(i0)*centering_m(0));
+     }
+     inline PointType_t operator()(int i0, int i1) const
+     {
+       return PointType_t(positions_m[0].read(i0) + spacings_m[0].read(i0)*centering_m(0),
+     positions_m[1].read(i1) + spacings_m[1].read(i1)*centering_m(1));
+     }
+     inline PointType_t operator()(int i0, int i1, int i2) const
+     {
+       PointType_t x(positions_m[0].read(i0) + spacings_m[0].read(i0)*centering_m(0),
+       positions_m[1].read(i1) + spacings_m[1].read(i1)*centering_m(1),
+       positions_m[2].read(i2) + spacings_m[2].read(i2)*centering_m(2));
+       return PointType_t(norm(Vector<2, T_t>(x(0), x(1))),
+     x(2),
+     atan2(x(1), x(0)));
+     }
+   private:
+     PositionsType_t positions_m;
+     SpacingsType_t spacings_m;
+     typename Centering<dimensions>::Position centering_m;
+   };
+   typedef IndexFunction<typename GenericRM<MeshTraits>::PositionsFunctor> CartesianPositionsEngineTag_t;
+   typedef IndexFunction<CylindricalPositionsFunctor> CylindricalPositionsEngineTag_t;
+   typedef IndexFunction<SphericalPositionsFunctor> SphericalPositionsEngineTag_t;
+   inline T_t VOLXA(int i) const
+   {
+     return static_cast<const Mesh_t&>(*this).cellSpacing( 0, i);
+   }
+   inline T_t VOLXA(const Loc<dimensions>& l) const { return VOLXA(l[0].first()); }
+   inline T_t VOLYA(int j) const
+   {
+     return static_cast<const Mesh_t&>(*this).cellSpacing( 1, j);
+   }
+   inline T_t VOLYA(const Loc<dimensions>& l) const { return VOLYA(l[1].first()); }
+   inline T_t VOLZA(int k) const
+   {
+     return static_cast<const Mesh_t&>(*this).cellSpacing( 2, k);
+   }
+   inline T_t VOLZA(const Loc<dimensions>& l) const { return VOLZA(l[2].first()); }
+   inline T_t VOLXB(int i) const
+   {
+     return static_cast<const Mesh_t&>(*this).vertexSpacing( 0, i);
+   }
+   inline T_t VOLXB(const Loc<dimensions>& l) const { return VOLXB(l[0].first()); }
+   inline T_t VOLYB(int j) const
+   {
+     return static_cast<const Mesh_t&>(*this).vertexSpacing( 1, j);
+   }
+   inline T_t VOLYB(const Loc<dimensions>& l) const { return VOLYB(l[1].first()); }
+   inline T_t VOLZB(int k) const
+   {
+     return static_cast<const Mesh_t&>(*this).vertexSpacing( 2, k);
+   }
+   inline T_t VOLZB(const Loc<dimensions>& l) const { return VOLZB(l[2].first()); }
+   inline One<T_t> SURXA(int) const { return One<T_t>(); }
+   inline One<T_t> SURXA(const Loc<dimensions>&) const { return One<T_t>(); }
+   inline One<T_t> SURYA(int) const { return One<T_t>(); }
+   inline One<T_t> SURYA(const Loc<dimensions>&) const { return One<T_t>(); }
+   inline One<T_t> SURZA(int) const { return One<T_t>(); }
+   inline One<T_t> SURZA(const Loc<dimensions>&) const { return One<T_t>(); }
+   inline One<T_t> SURXB(int) const { return One<T_t>(); }
+   inline One<T_t> SURXB(const Loc<dimensions>&) const { return One<T_t>(); }
+   inline One<T_t> SURYB(int) const { return One<T_t>(); }
+   inline One<T_t> SURYB(const Loc<dimensions>&) const { return One<T_t>(); }
+   inline One<T_t> SURZB(int) const { return One<T_t>(); }
+   inline One<T_t> SURZB(const Loc<dimensions>&) const { return One<T_t>(); }
+   inline Zero<T_t> CCXA(int) const { return Zero<T_t>(); }
+   inline Zero<T_t> CCXA(const Loc<dimensions>&) const { return Zero<T_t>(); }
+   inline Zero<T_t> CCYA(int) const { return Zero<T_t>(); }
+   inline Zero<T_t> CCYA(const Loc<dimensions>&) const { return Zero<T_t>(); }
+   inline Zero<T_t> CCZA(int) const { return Zero<T_t>(); }
+   inline Zero<T_t> CCZA(const Loc<dimensions>&) const { return Zero<T_t>(); }
+   inline Zero<T_t> CCXB(int) const { return Zero<T_t>(); }
+   inline Zero<T_t> CCXB(const Loc<dimensions>&) const { return Zero<T_t>(); }
+   inline Zero<T_t> CCYB(int) const { return Zero<T_t>(); }
+   inline Zero<T_t> CCYB(const Loc<dimensions>&) const { return Zero<T_t>(); }
+   inline Zero<T_t> CCZB(int) const { return Zero<T_t>(); }
+   inline Zero<T_t> CCZB(const Loc<dimensions>&) const { return Zero<T_t>(); }
+   inline One<T_t> GEOXG(int) const { return One<T_t>(); }
+   inline One<T_t> GEOXG(const Loc<dimensions>&) const { return One<T_t>(); }
+   inline One<T_t> GEOXH(int) const { return One<T_t>(); }
+   inline One<T_t> GEOXH(const Loc<dimensions>&) const { return One<T_t>(); }
+   inline One<T_t> GEOYH(int) const { return One<T_t>(); }
+   inline One<T_t> GEOYH(const Loc<dimensions>&) const { return One<T_t>(); }
+   inline One<T_t> GEOXGA(int) const { return One<T_t>(); }
+   inline One<T_t> GEOXGA(const Loc<dimensions>&) const { return One<T_t>(); }
+   inline One<T_t> GEOXHA(int) const { return One<T_t>(); }
+   inline One<T_t> GEOXHA(const Loc<dimensions>&) const { return One<T_t>(); }
+   inline One<T_t> GEOYHA(int) const { return One<T_t>(); }
+   inline One<T_t> GEOYHA(const Loc<dimensions>&) const { return One<T_t>(); }
+ };
+ template <class MeshTraits>
+ struct CartesianURM : public GenericURM<MeshTraits> {
+   typedef typename MeshTraits::T_t T_t;
+   typedef typename MeshTraits::Mesh_t Mesh_t;
+   typedef typename MeshTraits::PointType_t PointType_t;
+   typedef typename MeshTraits::VectorType_t VectorType_t;
+   typedef typename MeshTraits::SpacingsType_t SpacingsType_t;
+   enum { dimensions = MeshTraits::dimensions };
+   enum { coordinateDimensions = MeshTraits::coordinateDimensions };
+   inline void initializeGeneralVolume(
+     Engine<dimensions, T_t, ConstantFunction> &e,
+     const Centering<dimensions> &c) const
+     {
+       T_t volume = static_cast<T_t>(1);
+       for (int i = 0; i < dimensions; i++)
+         {
+           if (c.orientation(0)[i].first() != 0)
+             volume *= static_cast<const Mesh_t&>(*this).spacings()(i);
+         }
+       e.setConstant(volume);
+     }
+   typedef ConstantFunction CellVolumesEngineTag_t;
+   void initializeCellVolumes(
+     Engine<dimensions, T_t, CellVolumesEngineTag_t> &e,
+     const Centering<dimensions> &c) const
+     {
+       ;
+       ;
+       initializeGeneralVolume(e, c);
+     }
+   typedef ConstantFunction FaceAreasEngineTag_t;
+   void initializeFaceAreas(
+     Engine<dimensions, T_t, FaceAreasEngineTag_t> &e,
+     const Centering<dimensions> &c) const
+     {
+       ;
+       ;
+       initializeGeneralVolume(e, c);
+     }
+   typedef ConstantFunction EdgeLengthsEngineTag_t;
+   void initializeEdgeLengths(
+     Engine<dimensions, T_t, EdgeLengthsEngineTag_t> &e,
+     const Centering<dimensions> &c) const
+     {
+       ;
+       ;
+       initializeGeneralVolume(e, c);
+     }
+   class SphericalPositionsFunctor {
+   public:
+     SphericalPositionsFunctor() {}
+     SphericalPositionsFunctor(const Mesh_t &m,
+          const Centering<dimensions> &c)
+       : origin_m(m.origin()), spacings_m(m.spacings())
+     {
+       for (int i = 0; i < dimensions; i++)
+  origin_m(i) += spacings_m(i) *
+    (c.position(0)(i) - m.physicalCellDomain()[i].first());
+     }
+     inline PointType_t operator()(int i0) const
+     {
+       return origin_m + PointType_t(i0) * spacings_m;
+     }
+     inline PointType_t operator()(int i0, int i1) const
+     {
+       PointType_t x(origin_m + PointType_t(i0, i1) * spacings_m);
+       return PointType_t(norm(x),
+     atan2(x(0), x(1)));
+     }
+     inline PointType_t operator()(int i0, int i1, int i2) const
+     {
+       PointType_t x(origin_m + PointType_t(i0, i1, i2) * spacings_m);
+       T_t r = norm(x);
+       return PointType_t(r,
+     acos(x(2)/r),
+     atan2(x(1), x(0)));
+     }
+   private:
+     PointType_t origin_m;
+     SpacingsType_t spacings_m;
+   };
+   class CylindricalPositionsFunctor {
+   public:
+     CylindricalPositionsFunctor() {}
+     CylindricalPositionsFunctor(const Mesh_t &m,
+            const Centering<dimensions> &c)
+       : origin_m(m.origin()), spacings_m(m.spacings())
+     {
+       for (int i = 0; i < dimensions; i++)
+  origin_m(i) += spacings_m(i) *
+    (c.position(0)(i) - m.physicalCellDomain()[i].first());
+     }
+     inline PointType_t operator()(int i0) const
+     {
+       return origin_m + PointType_t(i0) * spacings_m;
+     }
+     inline PointType_t operator()(int i0, int i1) const
+     {
+       return origin_m + PointType_t(i0, i1) * spacings_m;
+     }
+     inline PointType_t operator()(int i0, int i1, int i2) const
+     {
+       PointType_t x(origin_m + PointType_t(i0, i1, i2) * spacings_m);
+       return PointType_t(norm(Vector<2, T_t>(x(0), x(1))),
+     x(2),
+     atan2(x(1), x(0)));
+     }
+   private:
+     PointType_t origin_m;
+     SpacingsType_t spacings_m;
+   };
+   typedef IndexFunction<typename GenericURM<MeshTraits>::PositionsFunctor> CartesianPositionsEngineTag_t;
+   typedef IndexFunction<CylindricalPositionsFunctor> CylindricalPositionsEngineTag_t;
+   typedef IndexFunction<SphericalPositionsFunctor> SphericalPositionsEngineTag_t;
+   inline T_t VOLXA(int) const
+   {
+     return static_cast<const Mesh_t&>(*this).spacings()(0);
+   }
+   inline T_t VOLXA(const Loc<dimensions>&) const { return VOLXA(0); }
+   inline T_t VOLYA(int) const
+   {
+     return static_cast<const Mesh_t&>(*this).spacings()(1);
+   }
+   inline T_t VOLYA(const Loc<dimensions>&) const { return VOLYA(0); }
+   inline T_t VOLZA(int) const
+   {
+     return static_cast<const Mesh_t&>(*this).spacings()(2);
+   }
+   inline T_t VOLZA(const Loc<dimensions>&) const { return VOLZA(0); }
+   inline T_t VOLXB(int) const
+   {
+     return static_cast<const Mesh_t&>(*this).spacings()(0);
+   }
+   inline T_t VOLXB(const Loc<dimensions>&) const { return VOLXB(0); }
+   inline T_t VOLYB(int) const
+   {
+     return static_cast<const Mesh_t&>(*this).spacings()(1);
+   }
+   inline T_t VOLYB(const Loc<dimensions>&) const { return VOLYB(0); }
+   inline T_t VOLZB(int) const
+   {
+     return static_cast<const Mesh_t&>(*this).spacings()(2);
+   }
+   inline T_t VOLZB(const Loc<dimensions>&) const { return VOLZB(0); }
+   inline One<T_t> SURXA(int) const { return One<T_t>(); }
+   inline One<T_t> SURXA(const Loc<dimensions>&) const { return One<T_t>(); }
+   inline One<T_t> SURYA(int) const { return One<T_t>(); }
+   inline One<T_t> SURYA(const Loc<dimensions>&) const { return One<T_t>(); }
+   inline One<T_t> SURZA(int) const { return One<T_t>(); }
+   inline One<T_t> SURZA(const Loc<dimensions>&) const { return One<T_t>(); }
+   inline One<T_t> SURXB(int) const { return One<T_t>(); }
+   inline One<T_t> SURXB(const Loc<dimensions>&) const { return One<T_t>(); }
+   inline One<T_t> SURYB(int) const { return One<T_t>(); }
+   inline One<T_t> SURYB(const Loc<dimensions>&) const { return One<T_t>(); }
+   inline One<T_t> SURZB(int) const { return One<T_t>(); }
+   inline One<T_t> SURZB(const Loc<dimensions>&) const { return One<T_t>(); }
+   inline Zero<T_t> CCXA(int) const { return Zero<T_t>(); }
+   inline Zero<T_t> CCXA(const Loc<dimensions>&) const { return Zero<T_t>(); }
+   inline Zero<T_t> CCYA(int) const { return Zero<T_t>(); }
+   inline Zero<T_t> CCYA(const Loc<dimensions>&) const { return Zero<T_t>(); }
+   inline Zero<T_t> CCZA(int) const { return Zero<T_t>(); }
+   inline Zero<T_t> CCZA(const Loc<dimensions>&) const { return Zero<T_t>(); }
+   inline Zero<T_t> CCXB(int) const { return Zero<T_t>(); }
+   inline Zero<T_t> CCXB(const Loc<dimensions>&) const { return Zero<T_t>(); }
+   inline Zero<T_t> CCYB(int) const { return Zero<T_t>(); }
+   inline Zero<T_t> CCYB(const Loc<dimensions>&) const { return Zero<T_t>(); }
+   inline Zero<T_t> CCZB(int) const { return Zero<T_t>(); }
+   inline Zero<T_t> CCZB(const Loc<dimensions>&) const { return Zero<T_t>(); }
+   inline One<T_t> GEOXG(int) const { return One<T_t>(); }
+   inline One<T_t> GEOXG(const Loc<dimensions>&) const { return One<T_t>(); }
+   inline One<T_t> GEOXH(int) const { return One<T_t>(); }
+   inline One<T_t> GEOXH(const Loc<dimensions>&) const { return One<T_t>(); }
+   inline One<T_t> GEOYH(int) const { return One<T_t>(); }
+   inline One<T_t> GEOYH(const Loc<dimensions>&) const { return One<T_t>(); }
+   inline One<T_t> GEOXGA(int) const { return One<T_t>(); }
+   inline One<T_t> GEOXGA(const Loc<dimensions>&) const { return One<T_t>(); }
+   inline One<T_t> GEOXHA(int) const { return One<T_t>(); }
+   inline One<T_t> GEOXHA(const Loc<dimensions>&) const { return One<T_t>(); }
+   inline One<T_t> GEOYHA(int) const { return One<T_t>(); }
+   inline One<T_t> GEOYHA(const Loc<dimensions>&) const { return One<T_t>(); }
+ };
+ template <class MeshTraits>
+ struct CylindricalRM : public GenericRM<MeshTraits> {
+   typedef typename MeshTraits::T_t T_t;
+   typedef typename MeshTraits::Mesh_t Mesh_t;
+   typedef typename MeshTraits::PointType_t PointType_t;
+   typedef typename MeshTraits::VectorType_t VectorType_t;
+   typedef typename MeshTraits::SpacingsType_t SpacingsType_t;
+   typedef typename MeshTraits::PositionsType_t PositionsType_t;
+   enum { dimensions = MeshTraits::dimensions };
+   enum { coordinateDimensions = MeshTraits::coordinateDimensions };
+   class GeneralVolumesFunctor {
+   public:
+     GeneralVolumesFunctor() { }
+     GeneralVolumesFunctor(const Mesh_t &m,
+      const Centering<dimensions> &c)
+       : orientation_m(c.orientation(0))
+       {
+  for (int i=0; i<dimensions; i++) {
+    spacings_m[i].engine() = m.spacings()[i].engine();
+    positions_m[i].engine() = m.positions()[i].engine();
+  }
+       }
+     GeneralVolumesFunctor(const GeneralVolumesFunctor &m)
+       : orientation_m(m.orientation_m)
+       {
+  for (int i=0; i<dimensions; i++) {
+    spacings_m[i].engine() = m.spacings_m[i].engine();
+    positions_m[i].engine() = m.positions_m[i].engine();
+  }
+       }
+     GeneralVolumesFunctor& operator=(const GeneralVolumesFunctor &m)
+     {
+       orientation_m = m.orientation_m;
+       for (int i=0; i<dimensions; i++) {
+  spacings_m[i].engine() = m.spacings_m[i].engine();
+  positions_m[i].engine() = m.positions_m[i].engine();
+       }
+       return *this;
+     }
+     inline T_t r(int i0) const
+       {
+  return positions_m[0].read(i0);
+       }
+     inline T_t operator()(int i0) const
+       {
+  return spacings_m[0].read(i0);
+       }
+     inline T_t operator()(int i0, int i1) const
+       {
+  if (orientation_m[0].first() == 0)
+    return spacings_m[1].read(i1);
+  else if (orientation_m[1].first() == 0)
+    return spacings_m[0].read(i0);
+  else
+    return spacings_m[0].read(i0) * spacings_m[1].read(i1);
+       }
+     inline T_t operator()(int i0, int i1, int i2) const
+       {
+  if (orientation_m[0].first() != 0
+      && orientation_m[1].first() != 0
+      && orientation_m[2].first() != 0) {
+    T_t r1 = r(i0);
+    T_t r2 = r(i0+1);
+    return 0.5*(r2*r2 - r1*r1) * spacings_m[1].read(i1) * spacings_m[2].read(i2);
+  } else if (orientation_m[0].first() != 0
+      && orientation_m[1].first() != 0)
+    return spacings_m[0].read(i0)*spacings_m[1].read(i1);
+  else if (orientation_m[0].first() != 0
+    && orientation_m[2].first() != 0) {
+    T_t r1 = r(i0);
+    T_t r2 = r(i0+1);
+    return 0.5*(r2*r2 - r1*r1) * spacings_m[2].read(i2);
+  } else if (orientation_m[1].first() != 0
+      && orientation_m[2].first() != 0)
+    return r(i0)*spacings_m[1].read(i1)*spacings_m[2].read(i2);
+  else if (orientation_m[0].first() != 0)
+    return spacings_m[0].read(i0);
+  else if (orientation_m[1].first() != 0)
+    return spacings_m[1].read(i1);
+  else if (orientation_m[2].first() != 0)
+    return r(i0)*spacings_m[2].read(i2);
+       }
+   private:
+     SpacingsType_t spacings_m;
+     PositionsType_t positions_m;
+     typename Centering<dimensions>::Orientation orientation_m;
+   };
+   typedef IndexFunction<GeneralVolumesFunctor> CellVolumesEngineTag_t;
+   void initializeCellVolumes(
+     Engine<dimensions, T_t, CellVolumesEngineTag_t> &e,
+     const Centering<dimensions> &c) const
+     {
+       ;
+       ;
+       e.setFunctor(GeneralVolumesFunctor(static_cast<const Mesh_t&>(*this), c));
+     }
+   typedef IndexFunction<GeneralVolumesFunctor> FaceAreasEngineTag_t;
+   void initializeFaceAreas(
+     Engine<dimensions, T_t, FaceAreasEngineTag_t> &e,
+     const Centering<dimensions> &c) const
+     {
+       ;
+       ;
+       e.setFunctor(GeneralVolumesFunctor(static_cast<const Mesh_t&>(*this), c));
+     }
+   typedef IndexFunction<GeneralVolumesFunctor> EdgeLengthsEngineTag_t;
+   void initializeEdgeLengths(
+     Engine<dimensions, T_t, EdgeLengthsEngineTag_t> &e,
+     const Centering<dimensions> &c) const
+     {
+       ;
+       ;
+       e.setFunctor(GeneralVolumesFunctor(static_cast<const Mesh_t&>(*this), c));
+     }
+   class CartesianPositionsFunctor {
+   public:
+     CartesianPositionsFunctor() {}
+     CartesianPositionsFunctor(const Mesh_t &m,
+          const Centering<dimensions> &c)
+       : centering_m(c.position(0))
+     {
+       for (int i = 0; i < dimensions; i++) {
+  positions_m[i].engine() = m.positions()[i].engine();
+  spacings_m[i].engine() = m.spacings()[i].engine();
+       }
+     }
+     CartesianPositionsFunctor& operator=(const CartesianPositionsFunctor& m)
+     {
+       centering_m = m.centering_m;
+       for (int i = 0; i < dimensions; i++) {
+  positions_m[i].engine() = m.positions_m[i].engine();
+  spacings_m[i].engine() = m.spacings_m[i].engine();
+       }
+       return *this;
+     }
+     inline PointType_t operator()(int i0) const
+     {
+       return PointType_t(positions_m[0].read(i0) + spacings_m[0].read(i0)*centering_m(0));
+     }
+     inline PointType_t operator()(int i0, int i1) const
+     {
+       return PointType_t(positions_m[0].read(i0) + spacings_m[0].read(i0)*centering_m(0),
+     positions_m[1].read(i1) + spacings_m[1].read(i1)*centering_m(1));
+     }
+     inline PointType_t operator()(int i0, int i1, int i2) const
+     {
+       PointType_t r(positions_m[0].read(i0) + spacings_m[0].read(i0)*centering_m(0),
+       positions_m[1].read(i1) + spacings_m[1].read(i1)*centering_m(1),
+       positions_m[2].read(i2) + spacings_m[2].read(i2)*centering_m(2));
+       return PointType_t(r(0)*cos(r(2)),
+                          r(0)*sin(r(2)),
+                          r(1));
+     }
+   private:
+     PositionsType_t positions_m;
+     SpacingsType_t spacings_m;
+     typename Centering<dimensions>::Position centering_m;
+   };
+   class SphericalPositionsFunctor {
+   public:
+     SphericalPositionsFunctor() {}
+     SphericalPositionsFunctor(const Mesh_t &m,
+          const Centering<dimensions> &c)
+       : centering_m(c.position(0))
+     {
+       for (int i = 0; i < dimensions; i++) {
+  positions_m[i].engine() = m.positions()[i].engine();
+  spacings_m[i].engine() = m.spacings()[i].engine();
+       }
+     }
+     SphericalPositionsFunctor& operator=(const SphericalPositionsFunctor& m)
+     {
+       centering_m = m.centering_m;
+       for (int i = 0; i < dimensions; i++) {
+  positions_m[i].engine() = m.positions_m[i].engine();
+  spacings_m[i].engine() = m.spacings_m[i].engine();
+       }
+       return *this;
+     }
+     inline PointType_t operator()(int i0) const
+     {
+       return PointType_t(positions_m[0].read(i0) + spacings_m[0].read(i0)*centering_m(0));
+     }
+     inline PointType_t operator()(int i0, int i1) const
+     {
+       PointType_t r(positions_m[0].read(i0) + spacings_m[0].read(i0)*centering_m(0),
+       positions_m[1].read(i1) + spacings_m[1].read(i1)*centering_m(1));
+       T_t R = hypot(r(0), r(1));
+       return PointType_t(R,
+     acos(r(1)/R));
+     }
+     inline PointType_t operator()(int i0, int i1, int i2) const
+     {
+       PointType_t r(positions_m[0].read(i0) + spacings_m[0].read(i0)*centering_m(0),
+       positions_m[1].read(i1) + spacings_m[1].read(i1)*centering_m(1),
+       positions_m[2].read(i2) + spacings_m[2].read(i2)*centering_m(2));
+       T_t R = hypot(r(0), r(1));
+       return PointType_t(R,
+     acos(r(1)/R),
+                          r(2));
+     }
+   private:
+     PositionsType_t positions_m;
+     SpacingsType_t spacings_m;
+     typename Centering<dimensions>::Position centering_m;
+   };
+   typedef IndexFunction<CartesianPositionsFunctor> CartesianPositionsEngineTag_t;
+   typedef IndexFunction<typename GenericRM<MeshTraits>::PositionsFunctor> CylindricalPositionsEngineTag_t;
+   typedef IndexFunction<SphericalPositionsFunctor> SphericalPositionsEngineTag_t;
+   inline T_t VOLXA(int i) const
+   {
+     return 0.5*(std::pow(static_cast<const Mesh_t&>(*this).cellPosition( 0, i), 2)
+   - std::pow(static_cast<const Mesh_t&>(*this).cellPosition( 0, i-1), 2));
+   }
+   inline T_t VOLXA(const Loc<dimensions>& l) const { return VOLXA(l[0].first()); }
+   inline T_t VOLYA(int j) const
+   {
+     return static_cast<const Mesh_t&>(*this).cellSpacing( 1, j);
+   }
+   inline T_t VOLYA(const Loc<dimensions>& l) const { return VOLYA(l[1].first()); }
+   inline T_t VOLZA(int k) const
+   {
+     return static_cast<const Mesh_t&>(*this).cellSpacing( 2, k);
+   }
+   inline T_t VOLZA(const Loc<dimensions>& l) const { return VOLZA(l[2].first()); }
+   inline T_t VOLXB(int i) const
+   {
+     return 0.5*(std::pow(static_cast<const Mesh_t&>(*this).vertexPosition( 0, i+1), 2)
+   - std::pow(static_cast<const Mesh_t&>(*this).vertexPosition( 0, i), 2));
+   }
+   inline T_t VOLXB(const Loc<dimensions>& l) const { return VOLXB(l[0].first()); }
+   inline T_t VOLYB(int j) const
+   {
+     return static_cast<const Mesh_t&>(*this).vertexSpacing( 1, j);
+   }
+   inline T_t VOLYB(const Loc<dimensions>& l) const { return VOLYB(l[1].first()); }
+   inline T_t VOLZB(int k) const
+   {
+     return static_cast<const Mesh_t&>(*this).vertexSpacing( 2, k);
+   }
+   inline T_t VOLZB(const Loc<dimensions>& l) const { return VOLZB(l[2].first()); }
+   inline T_t SURXA(int i) const
+   {
+     return static_cast<const Mesh_t&>(*this).vertexPosition( 0, i);
+   }
+   inline T_t SURXA(const Loc<dimensions>& l) const { return SURXA(l[0].first()); }
+   inline One<T_t> SURYA(int) const { return One<T_t>(); }
+   inline One<T_t> SURYA(const Loc<dimensions>&) const { return One<T_t>(); }
+   inline One<T_t> SURZA(int) const { return One<T_t>(); }
+   inline One<T_t> SURZA(const Loc<dimensions>&) const { return One<T_t>(); }
+   inline T_t SURXB(int i) const
+   {
+     return static_cast<const Mesh_t&>(*this).cellPosition( 0, i);
+   }
+   inline T_t SURXB(const Loc<dimensions>& l) const { return SURXB(l[0].first()); }
+   inline One<T_t> SURYB(int) const { return One<T_t>(); }
+   inline One<T_t> SURYB(const Loc<dimensions>&) const { return One<T_t>(); }
+   inline One<T_t> SURZB(int) const { return One<T_t>(); }
+   inline One<T_t> SURZB(const Loc<dimensions>&) const { return One<T_t>(); }
+   inline One<T_t> CCXA(int) const { return One<T_t>(); }
+   inline One<T_t> CCXA(const Loc<dimensions>&) const { return One<T_t>(); }
+   inline Zero<T_t> CCYA(int) const { return Zero<T_t>(); }
+   inline Zero<T_t> CCYA(const Loc<dimensions>&) const { return Zero<T_t>(); }
+   inline Zero<T_t> CCZA(int) const { return Zero<T_t>(); }
+   inline Zero<T_t> CCZA(const Loc<dimensions>&) const { return Zero<T_t>(); }
+   inline One<T_t> CCXB(int) const { return One<T_t>(); }
+   inline One<T_t> CCXB(const Loc<dimensions>&) const { return One<T_t>(); }
+   inline Zero<T_t> CCYB(int) const { return Zero<T_t>(); }
+   inline Zero<T_t> CCYB(const Loc<dimensions>&) const { return Zero<T_t>(); }
+   inline Zero<T_t> CCZB(int) const { return Zero<T_t>(); }
+   inline Zero<T_t> CCZB(const Loc<dimensions>&) const { return Zero<T_t>(); }
+   inline One<T_t> GEOXG(int) const { return One<T_t>(); }
+   inline One<T_t> GEOXG(const Loc<dimensions>&) const { return One<T_t>(); }
+   inline T_t GEOXH(int i) const
+   {
+     return static_cast<const Mesh_t&>(*this).cellPosition( 0, i);
+   }
+   inline T_t GEOXH(const Loc<dimensions>& l) const { return GEOXH(l[0].first()); }
+   inline One<T_t> GEOYH(int) const { return One<T_t>(); }
+   inline One<T_t> GEOYH(const Loc<dimensions>&) const { return One<T_t>(); }
+   inline One<T_t> GEOXGA(int) const { return One<T_t>(); }
+   inline One<T_t> GEOXGA(const Loc<dimensions>&) const { return One<T_t>(); }
+   inline T_t GEOXHA(int i) const
+   {
+     return static_cast<const Mesh_t&>(*this).vertexPosition( 0, i);
+   }
+   inline T_t GEOXHA(const Loc<dimensions>& l) const { return GEOXH(l[0].first()); }
+   inline One<T_t> GEOYHA(int) const { return One<T_t>(); }
+   inline One<T_t> GEOYHA(const Loc<dimensions>&) const { return One<T_t>(); }
+ };
+ template <class MeshTraits>
+ struct CylindricalURM : public GenericURM<MeshTraits> {
+   typedef typename MeshTraits::T_t T_t;
+   typedef typename MeshTraits::Mesh_t Mesh_t;
+   typedef typename MeshTraits::PointType_t PointType_t;
+   typedef typename MeshTraits::VectorType_t VectorType_t;
+   typedef typename MeshTraits::SpacingsType_t SpacingsType_t;
+   enum { dimensions = MeshTraits::dimensions };
+   enum { coordinateDimensions = MeshTraits::coordinateDimensions };
+   class GeneralVolumesFunctor {
+   public:
+     GeneralVolumesFunctor() { }
+     GeneralVolumesFunctor(const Mesh_t &m,
+      const Centering<dimensions> &c)
+       : spacings_m(m.spacings()),
+         orientation_m(c.orientation(0)),
+         origin_m(m.origin())
+       {
+       }
+     inline T_t r(int i0) const
+       {
+  return origin_m(0)+i0*spacings_m(0);
+       }
+     inline T_t operator()(int i0) const
+       {
+  return spacings_m(0);
+       }
+     inline T_t operator()(int i0, int i1) const
+       {
+  if (orientation_m[0].first() == 0)
+    return spacings_m(1);
+  else if (orientation_m[1].first() == 0)
+    return spacings_m(0);
+  else
+    return spacings_m(0) * spacings_m(1);
+       }
+     inline T_t operator()(int i0, int i1, int i2) const
+       {
+  if (orientation_m[0].first() != 0
+      && orientation_m[1].first() != 0
+      && orientation_m[2].first() != 0) {
+    T_t r1 = r(i0);
+    T_t r2 = r(i0+1);
+    return 0.5*(r2*r2 - r1*r1) * spacings_m(1) * spacings_m(2);
+  } else if (orientation_m[0].first() != 0
+      && orientation_m[1].first() != 0)
+    return spacings_m(0) * spacings_m(1);
+  else if (orientation_m[0].first() != 0
+    && orientation_m[2].first() != 0) {
+    T_t r1 = r(i0);
+    T_t r2 = r(i0+1);
+    return 0.5*(r2*r2 - r1*r1) * spacings_m(2);
+  } else if (orientation_m[1].first() != 0
+      && orientation_m[2].first() != 0)
+    return r(i0)*spacings_m(1) * spacings_m(2);
+  else if (orientation_m[0].first() != 0)
+    return spacings_m(0);
+  else if (orientation_m[1].first() != 0)
+    return spacings_m(1);
+  else if (orientation_m[2].first() != 0)
+    return r(i0)*spacings_m(2);
+       }
+   private:
+     SpacingsType_t spacings_m;
+     typename Centering<dimensions>::Orientation orientation_m;
+     PointType_t origin_m;
+   };
+   typedef IndexFunction<GeneralVolumesFunctor> CellVolumesEngineTag_t;
+   void initializeCellVolumes(
+     Engine<dimensions, T_t, CellVolumesEngineTag_t> &e,
+     const Centering<dimensions> &c) const
+     {
+       ;
+       ;
+       e.setFunctor(GeneralVolumesFunctor(static_cast<const Mesh_t&>(*this), c));
+     }
+   typedef IndexFunction<GeneralVolumesFunctor> FaceAreasEngineTag_t;
+   void initializeFaceAreas(
+     Engine<dimensions, T_t, FaceAreasEngineTag_t> &e,
+     const Centering<dimensions> &c) const
+     {
+       ;
+       ;
+       e.setFunctor(GeneralVolumesFunctor(static_cast<const Mesh_t&>(*this), c));
+     }
+   typedef IndexFunction<GeneralVolumesFunctor> EdgeLengthsEngineTag_t;
+   void initializeEdgeLengths(
+     Engine<dimensions, T_t, EdgeLengthsEngineTag_t> &e,
+     const Centering<dimensions> &c) const
+     {
+       ;
+       ;
+       e.setFunctor(GeneralVolumesFunctor(static_cast<const Mesh_t&>(*this), c));
+     }
+   class CartesianPositionsFunctor {
+   public:
+     CartesianPositionsFunctor() {}
+     CartesianPositionsFunctor(const Mesh_t &m,
+                               const Centering<dimensions> &c)
+       : origin_m(m.origin()), spacings_m(m.spacings())
+     {
+       for (int i = 0; i < dimensions; i++)
+         origin_m(i) += spacings_m(i) *
+           (c.position(0)(i) - m.physicalCellDomain()[i].first());
+     }
+     inline PointType_t operator()(int i0) const
+     {
+       return origin_m + PointType_t(i0) * spacings_m;
+     }
+     inline PointType_t operator()(int i0, int i1) const
+     {
+       return origin_m + PointType_t(i0, i1) * spacings_m;
+     }
+     inline PointType_t operator()(int i0, int i1, int i2) const
+     {
+       PointType_t r(origin_m + PointType_t(i0, i1, i2) * spacings_m);
+       return PointType_t(r(0)*cos(r(2)),
+                          r(0)*sin(r(2)),
+                          r(1));
+     }
+   private:
+     PointType_t origin_m;
+     SpacingsType_t spacings_m;
+   };
+   class SphericalPositionsFunctor {
+   public:
+     SphericalPositionsFunctor() {}
+     SphericalPositionsFunctor(const Mesh_t &m,
+                               const Centering<dimensions> &c)
+       : origin_m(m.origin()), spacings_m(m.spacings())
+     {
+       for (int i = 0; i < dimensions; i++)
+         origin_m(i) += spacings_m(i) *
+           (c.position(0)(i) - m.physicalCellDomain()[i].first());
+     }
+     inline PointType_t operator()(int i0) const
+     {
+       return origin_m + PointType_t(i0) * spacings_m;
+     }
+     inline PointType_t operator()(int i0, int i1) const
+     {
+       PointType_t r(origin_m + PointType_t(i0, i1) * spacings_m);
+       T_t R = hypot(r(0), r(1));
+       return PointType_t(R,
+     acos(r(1)/R));
+     }
+     inline PointType_t operator()(int i0, int i1, int i2) const
+     {
+       PointType_t r(origin_m + PointType_t(i0, i1, i2) * spacings_m);
+       T_t R = hypot(r(0), r(1));
+       return PointType_t(R,
+     acos(r(1)/R),
+                          r(2));
+     }
+   private:
+     PointType_t origin_m;
+     SpacingsType_t spacings_m;
+   };
+   typedef IndexFunction<CartesianPositionsFunctor> CartesianPositionsEngineTag_t;
+   typedef IndexFunction<typename GenericURM<MeshTraits>::PositionsFunctor> CylindricalPositionsEngineTag_t;
+   typedef IndexFunction<SphericalPositionsFunctor> SphericalPositionsEngineTag_t;
+   inline T_t VOLXA(int i) const
+   {
+     return 0.5*(std::pow(static_cast<const Mesh_t&>(*this).cellPosition( 0, i), 2)
+   - std::pow(static_cast<const Mesh_t&>(*this).cellPosition( 0, i-1), 2));
+   }
+   inline T_t VOLXA(const Loc<dimensions>& l) const { return VOLXA(l[0].first()); }
+   inline T_t VOLYA(int) const
+   {
+     return static_cast<const Mesh_t&>(*this).spacings()(1);
+   }
+   inline T_t VOLYA(const Loc<dimensions>&) const { return VOLYA(0); }
+   inline T_t VOLZA(int) const
+   {
+     return static_cast<const Mesh_t&>(*this).spacings()(2);
+   }
+   inline T_t VOLZA(const Loc<dimensions>&) const { return VOLZA(0); }
+   inline T_t VOLXB(int i) const
+   {
+     return 0.5*(std::pow(static_cast<const Mesh_t&>(*this).vertexPosition( 0, i+1), 2)
+   - std::pow(static_cast<const Mesh_t&>(*this).vertexPosition( 0, i), 2));
+   }
+   inline T_t VOLXB(const Loc<dimensions>& l) const { return VOLXB(l[0].first()); }
+   inline T_t VOLYB(int) const
+   {
+     return static_cast<const Mesh_t&>(*this).spacings()(1);
+   }
+   inline T_t VOLYB(const Loc<dimensions>&) const { return VOLYB(0); }
+   inline T_t VOLZB(int) const
+   {
+     return static_cast<const Mesh_t&>(*this).spacings()(2);
+   }
+   inline T_t VOLZB(const Loc<dimensions>&) const { return VOLZB(0); }
+   inline T_t SURXA(int i) const
+   {
+     return static_cast<const Mesh_t&>(*this).vertexPosition( 0, i);
+   }
+   inline T_t SURXA(const Loc<dimensions>& l) const { return SURXA(l[0].first()); }
+   inline One<T_t> SURYA(int) const { return One<T_t>(); }
+   inline One<T_t> SURYA(const Loc<dimensions>&) const { return One<T_t>(); }
+   inline One<T_t> SURZA(int) const { return One<T_t>(); }
+   inline One<T_t> SURZA(const Loc<dimensions>&) const { return One<T_t>(); }
+   inline T_t SURXB(int i) const
+   {
+     return static_cast<const Mesh_t&>(*this).cellPosition( 0, i);
+   }
+   inline T_t SURXB(const Loc<dimensions>& l) const { return SURXB(l[0].first()); }
+   inline One<T_t> SURYB(int) const { return One<T_t>(); }
+   inline One<T_t> SURYB(const Loc<dimensions>&) const { return One<T_t>(); }
+   inline One<T_t> SURZB(int) const { return One<T_t>(); }
+   inline One<T_t> SURZB(const Loc<dimensions>&) const { return One<T_t>(); }
+   inline One<T_t> CCXA(int) const { return One<T_t>(); }
+   inline One<T_t> CCXA(const Loc<dimensions>&) const { return One<T_t>(); }
+   inline Zero<T_t> CCYA(int) const { return Zero<T_t>(); }
+   inline Zero<T_t> CCYA(const Loc<dimensions>&) const { return Zero<T_t>(); }
+   inline Zero<T_t> CCZA(int) const { return Zero<T_t>(); }
+   inline Zero<T_t> CCZA(const Loc<dimensions>&) const { return Zero<T_t>(); }
+   inline One<T_t> CCXB(int) const { return One<T_t>(); }
+   inline One<T_t> CCXB(const Loc<dimensions>&) const { return One<T_t>(); }
+   inline Zero<T_t> CCYB(int) const { return Zero<T_t>(); }
+   inline Zero<T_t> CCYB(const Loc<dimensions>&) const { return Zero<T_t>(); }
+   inline Zero<T_t> CCZB(int) const { return Zero<T_t>(); }
+   inline Zero<T_t> CCZB(const Loc<dimensions>&) const { return Zero<T_t>(); }
+   inline One<T_t> GEOXG(int) const { return One<T_t>(); }
+   inline One<T_t> GEOXG(const Loc<dimensions>&) const { return One<T_t>(); }
+   inline T_t GEOXH(int i) const
+   {
+     return static_cast<const Mesh_t&>(*this).cellPosition( 0, i);
+   }
+   inline T_t GEOXH(const Loc<dimensions>& l) const { return GEOXH(l[0].first()); }
+   inline One<T_t> GEOYH(int) const { return One<T_t>(); }
+   inline One<T_t> GEOYH(const Loc<dimensions>&) const { return One<T_t>(); }
+   inline One<T_t> GEOXGA(int) const { return One<T_t>(); }
+   inline One<T_t> GEOXGA(const Loc<dimensions>&) const { return One<T_t>(); }
+   inline T_t GEOXHA(int i) const
+   {
+     return static_cast<const Mesh_t&>(*this).vertexPosition( 0, i);
+   }
+   inline T_t GEOXHA(const Loc<dimensions>& l) const { return GEOXH(l[0].first()); }
+   inline One<T_t> GEOYHA(int) const { return One<T_t>(); }
+   inline One<T_t> GEOYHA(const Loc<dimensions>&) const { return One<T_t>(); }
+ };
+ template <class MeshTraits>
+ struct SphericalRM : public GenericRM<MeshTraits> {
+   typedef typename MeshTraits::T_t T_t;
+   typedef typename MeshTraits::Mesh_t Mesh_t;
+   typedef typename MeshTraits::PointType_t PointType_t;
+   typedef typename MeshTraits::VectorType_t VectorType_t;
+   typedef typename MeshTraits::SpacingsType_t SpacingsType_t;
+   typedef typename MeshTraits::PositionsType_t PositionsType_t;
+   enum { dimensions = MeshTraits::dimensions };
+   class GeneralVolumesFunctor {
+   public:
+     GeneralVolumesFunctor() { }
+     GeneralVolumesFunctor(const Mesh_t &m,
+      const Centering<dimensions> &c)
+       : orientation_m(c.orientation(0))
+       {
+  for (int i=0; i<dimensions; i++) {
+    spacings_m[i].engine() = m.spacings()[i].engine();
+    positions_m[i].engine() = m.positions()[i].engine();
+  }
+       }
+     GeneralVolumesFunctor(const GeneralVolumesFunctor &m)
+       : orientation_m(m.orientation_m)
+       {
+  for (int i=0; i<dimensions; i++) {
+    spacings_m[i].engine() = m.spacings_m[i].engine();
+    positions_m[i].engine() = m.positions_m[i].engine();
+  }
+       }
+     GeneralVolumesFunctor& operator=(const GeneralVolumesFunctor &m)
+     {
+       orientation_m = m.orientation_m;
+       for (int i=0; i<dimensions; i++) {
+  spacings_m[i].engine() = m.spacings_m[i].engine();
+  positions_m[i].engine() = m.positions_m[i].engine();
+       }
+       return *this;
+     }
+     inline T_t r(int i0) const
+       {
+  return positions_m[0].read(i0);
+       }
+     inline T_t theta(int i1) const
+       {
+  return positions_m[1].read(i1);
+       }
+     inline T_t phi(int i2) const
+       {
+  return positions_m[2].read(i2);
+       }
+     inline T_t operator()(int i0) const
+       {
+  return spacings_m[0].read(i0);
+       }
+     inline T_t operator()(int i0, int i1) const
+       {
+  if (orientation_m[0].first() == 0)
+    return r(i0)*spacings_m[1].read(i1);
+  else if (orientation_m[1].first() == 0)
+    return spacings_m[0].read(i0);
+  else {
+    T_t r1 = r(i0);
+    T_t r2 = r(i0+1);
+    return 0.5*(r2*r2 - r1*r1) * spacings_m[1].read(i1);
+  }
+       }
+     inline T_t operator()(int i0, int i1, int i2) const
+       {
+  if (orientation_m[0].first() != 0
+      && orientation_m[1].first() != 0
+      && orientation_m[2].first() != 0) {
+    T_t r1 = r(i0);
+    T_t r2 = r(i0+1);
+    return (r2*r2*r2 - r1*r1*r1)/3.0
+      * (cos(theta(i1)) - cos(theta(i1+1)))
+      * spacings_m[2].read(i2);
+  } else if (orientation_m[0].first() != 0
+      && orientation_m[1].first() != 0) {
+    T_t r1 = r(i0);
+    T_t r2 = r(i0+1);
+    return 0.5*(r2*r2 - r1*r1) * spacings_m[1].read(i1);
+  } else if (orientation_m[0].first() != 0
+    && orientation_m[2].first() != 0) {
+    T_t r1 = r(i0);
+    T_t r2 = r(i0+1);
+    return 0.5*(r2*r2 - r1*r1)*sin(theta(i1)) * spacings_m[2].read(i2);
+  } else if (orientation_m[1].first() != 0
+    && orientation_m[2].first() != 0) {
+    T_t r1 = r(i0);
+    return - r1*r1 * spacings_m[2].read(i2) * (cos(theta(i1+1)) - cos(theta(i1)));
+  } else if (orientation_m[0].first() != 0)
+    return spacings_m[0].read(i0);
+  else if (orientation_m[1].first() != 0)
+    return r(i0)*spacings_m[1].read(i1);
+  else if (orientation_m[2].first() != 0)
+    return r(i0)*sin(theta(i1)) * spacings_m[2].read(i2);
+       }
+   private:
+     SpacingsType_t spacings_m;
+     SpacingsType_t positions_m;
+     typename Centering<dimensions>::Orientation orientation_m;
+   };
+   typedef IndexFunction<GeneralVolumesFunctor> CellVolumesEngineTag_t;
+   void initializeCellVolumes(
+     Engine<dimensions, T_t, CellVolumesEngineTag_t> &e,
+     const Centering<dimensions> &c) const
+     {
+       ;
+       ;
+       e.setFunctor(GeneralVolumesFunctor(static_cast<const Mesh_t&>(*this), c));
+     }
+   typedef IndexFunction<GeneralVolumesFunctor> FaceAreasEngineTag_t;
+   void initializeFaceAreas(
+     Engine<dimensions, T_t, FaceAreasEngineTag_t> &e,
+     const Centering<dimensions> &c) const
+     {
+       ;
+       ;
+       e.setFunctor(GeneralVolumesFunctor(static_cast<const Mesh_t&>(*this), c));
+     }
+   typedef IndexFunction<GeneralVolumesFunctor> EdgeLengthsEngineTag_t;
+   void initializeEdgeLengths(
+     Engine<dimensions, T_t, EdgeLengthsEngineTag_t> &e,
+     const Centering<dimensions> &c) const
+     {
+       ;
+       ;
+       e.setFunctor(GeneralVolumesFunctor(static_cast<const Mesh_t&>(*this), c));
+     }
+   class CartesianPositionsFunctor {
+   public:
+     CartesianPositionsFunctor() {}
+     CartesianPositionsFunctor(const Mesh_t &m,
+          const Centering<dimensions> &c)
+       : centering_m(c.position(0))
+     {
+       for (int i = 0; i < dimensions; i++) {
+  positions_m[i].engine() = m.positions()[i].engine();
+  spacings_m[i].engine() = m.spacings()[i].engine();
+       }
+     }
+     CartesianPositionsFunctor& operator=(const CartesianPositionsFunctor& m)
+     {
+       centering_m = m.centering_m;
+       for (int i = 0; i < dimensions; i++) {
+  positions_m[i].engine() = m.positions_m[i].engine();
+  spacings_m[i].engine() = m.spacings_m[i].engine();
+       }
+       return *this;
+     }
+     inline PointType_t operator()(int i0) const
+     {
+       return PointType_t(positions_m[0].read(i0) + spacings_m[0].read(i0)*centering_m(0));
+     }
+     inline PointType_t operator()(int i0, int i1) const
+     {
+       PointType_t r(positions_m[0].read(i0) + spacings_m[0].read(i0)*centering_m(0),
+       positions_m[1].read(i1) + spacings_m[1].read(i1)*centering_m(1));
+       return PointType_t(r(0)*sin(r(1)),
+     r(0)*cos(r(1)));
+     }
+     inline PointType_t operator()(int i0, int i1, int i2) const
+     {
+       PointType_t r(positions_m[0].read(i0) + spacings_m[0].read(i0)*centering_m(0),
+       positions_m[1].read(i1) + spacings_m[1].read(i1)*centering_m(1),
+       positions_m[2].read(i2) + spacings_m[2].read(i2)*centering_m(2));
+       return PointType_t(r(0)*sin(r(1))*cos(r(2)),
+     r(0)*sin(r(1))*sin(r(2)),
+     r(0)*cos(r(1)));
+     }
+   private:
+     PositionsType_t positions_m;
+     SpacingsType_t spacings_m;
+     typename Centering<dimensions>::Position centering_m;
+   };
+   class CylindricalPositionsFunctor {
+   public:
+     CylindricalPositionsFunctor() {}
+     CylindricalPositionsFunctor(const Mesh_t &m,
+          const Centering<dimensions> &c)
+       : centering_m(c.position(0))
+     {
+       for (int i = 0; i < dimensions; i++) {
+  positions_m[i].engine() = m.positions()[i].engine();
+  spacings_m[i].engine() = m.spacings()[i].engine();
+       }
+     }
+     CylindricalPositionsFunctor& operator=(const CylindricalPositionsFunctor& m)
+     {
+       centering_m = m.centering_m;
+       for (int i = 0; i < dimensions; i++) {
+  positions_m[i].engine() = m.positions_m[i].engine();
+  spacings_m[i].engine() = m.spacings_m[i].engine();
+       }
+       return *this;
+     }
+     inline PointType_t operator()(int i0) const
+     {
+       return PointType_t(positions_m[0].read(i0) + spacings_m[0].read(i0)*centering_m(0));
+     }
+     inline PointType_t operator()(int i0, int i1) const
+     {
+       PointType_t r(positions_m[0].read(i0) + spacings_m[0].read(i0)*centering_m(0),
+       positions_m[1].read(i1) + spacings_m[1].read(i1)*centering_m(1));
+       return PointType_t(r(0)*sin(r(1)),
+     r(0)*cos(r(1)));
+     }
+     inline PointType_t operator()(int i0, int i1, int i2) const
+     {
+       PointType_t r(positions_m[0].read(i0) + spacings_m[0].read(i0)*centering_m(0),
+       positions_m[1].read(i1) + spacings_m[1].read(i1)*centering_m(1),
+       positions_m[2].read(i2) + spacings_m[2].read(i2)*centering_m(2));
+       return PointType_t(r(0)*sin(r(1)),
+     r(0)*cos(r(1)),
+     r(2));
+     }
+   private:
+     PositionsType_t positions_m;
+     SpacingsType_t spacings_m;
+     typename Centering<dimensions>::Position centering_m;
+   };
+   typedef IndexFunction<CartesianPositionsFunctor> CartesianPositionsEngineTag_t;
+   typedef IndexFunction<CylindricalPositionsFunctor> CylindricalPositionsEngineTag_t;
+   typedef IndexFunction<typename GenericRM<MeshTraits>::PositionsFunctor> SphericalPositionsEngineTag_t;
+   inline T_t VOLXA(int i) const
+   {
+     return (1.0/3.0)*(std::pow(static_cast<const Mesh_t&>(*this).cellPosition( 0, i), 3)
+         - std::pow(static_cast<const Mesh_t&>(*this).cellPosition( 0, i-1), 3));
+   }
+   inline T_t VOLXA(const Loc<dimensions>& l) const { return VOLXA(l[0].first()); }
+   inline T_t VOLYA(int j) const
+   {
+     return std::cos(static_cast<const Mesh_t&>(*this).cellPosition( 1, j-1))
+       - std::cos(static_cast<const Mesh_t&>(*this).cellPosition( 1, j));
+   }
+   inline T_t VOLYA(const Loc<dimensions>& l) const { return VOLYA(l[1].first()); }
+   inline T_t VOLZA(int k) const
+   {
+     return static_cast<const Mesh_t&>(*this).cellSpacing( 2, k-1);
+   }
+   inline T_t VOLZA(const Loc<dimensions>& l) const { return VOLZA(l[2].first()); }
+   inline T_t VOLXB(int i) const
+   {
+     return (1.0/3.0)*(std::pow(static_cast<const Mesh_t&>(*this).cellPosition( 0, i+1), 3)
+         - std::pow(static_cast<const Mesh_t&>(*this).cellPosition( 0, i), 3));
+   }
+   inline T_t VOLXB(const Loc<dimensions>& l) const { return VOLXB(l[0].first()); }
+   inline T_t VOLYB(int j) const
+   {
+     return std::cos(static_cast<const Mesh_t&>(*this).cellPosition( 1, j))
+       - std::cos(static_cast<const Mesh_t&>(*this).cellPosition( 1, j+1));
+    }
+   inline T_t VOLYB(const Loc<dimensions>& l) const { return VOLYB(l[1].first()); }
+   inline T_t VOLZB(int k) const
+   {
+     return static_cast<const Mesh_t&>(*this).vertexSpacing( 2, k);
+   }
+   inline T_t VOLZB(const Loc<dimensions>& l) const { return VOLZB(l[2].first()); }
+   inline T_t SURXA(int i) const
+   {
+     return std::pow(static_cast<const Mesh_t&>(*this).vertexPosition( 0, i), 2);
+   }
+   inline T_t SURXA(const Loc<dimensions>& l) const { return SURXA(l[0].first()); }
+   inline T_t SURYA(int j) const
+   {
+     return std::sin(static_cast<const Mesh_t&>(*this).vertexPosition( 1, j));
+   }
+   inline T_t SURYA(const Loc<dimensions>& l) const { return SURYA(l[1].first()); }
+   inline One<T_t> SURZA(int) const { return One<T_t>(); }
+   inline One<T_t> SURZA(const Loc<dimensions>&) const { return One<T_t>(); }
+   inline T_t SURXB(int i) const
+   {
+     return std::pow(static_cast<const Mesh_t&>(*this).cellPosition( 0, i), 2);
+   }
+   inline T_t SURXB(const Loc<dimensions>& l) const { return SURXB(l[0].first()); }
+   inline T_t SURYB(int j) const
+   {
+     return std::sin(static_cast<const Mesh_t&>(*this).cellPosition( 1, j));
+   }
+   inline T_t SURYB(const Loc<dimensions>& l) const { return SURYB(l[1].first()); }
+   inline One<T_t> SURZB(int) const { return One<T_t>(); }
+   inline One<T_t> SURZB(const Loc<dimensions>&) const { return One<T_t>(); }
+   inline T_t CCXA(int i) const
+   {
+     return static_cast<const Mesh_t&>(*this).vertexPosition( 0, i);
+   }
+   inline T_t CCXA(const Loc<dimensions>& l) const { return CCXA(l[0].first()); }
+   inline T_t CCYA(int j) const
+   {
+     return 0.5*std::cos(static_cast<const Mesh_t&>(*this).vertexPosition( 1, j));
+   }
+   inline T_t CCYA(const Loc<dimensions>& l) const { return CCYA(l[1].first()); }
+   inline Zero<T_t> CCZA(int) const { return Zero<T_t>(); }
+   inline Zero<T_t> CCZA(const Loc<dimensions>&) const { return Zero<T_t>(); }
+   inline T_t CCXB(int i) const
+   {
+     return static_cast<const Mesh_t&>(*this).cellPosition( 0, i);
+   }
+   inline T_t CCXB(const Loc<dimensions>& l) const { return CCXB(l[0].first()); }
+   inline T_t CCYB(int j) const
+   {
+     return 0.5*std::cos(static_cast<const Mesh_t&>(*this).cellPosition( 1, j));
+   }
+   inline T_t CCYB(const Loc<dimensions>& l) const { return CCYB(l[1].first()); }
+   inline Zero<T_t> CCZB(int) const { return Zero<T_t>(); }
+   inline Zero<T_t> CCZB(const Loc<dimensions>&) const { return Zero<T_t>(); }
+   inline T_t GEOXG(int i) const
+   {
+     return static_cast<const Mesh_t&>(*this).cellPosition( 0, i);
+   }
+   inline T_t GEOXG(const Loc<dimensions>& l) const { return GEOXG(l[0].first()); }
+   inline T_t GEOXH(int i) const
+   {
+     return static_cast<const Mesh_t&>(*this).cellPosition( 0, i);
+   }
+   inline T_t GEOXH(const Loc<dimensions>& l) const { return GEOXH(l[0].first()); }
+   inline T_t GEOYH(int j) const
+   {
+     return std::sin(static_cast<const Mesh_t&>(*this).cellPosition( 1, j));
+   }
+   inline T_t GEOYH(const Loc<dimensions>& l) const { return GEOYH(l[1].first()); }
+   inline T_t GEOXGA(int i) const
+   {
+     return static_cast<const Mesh_t&>(*this).vertexPosition( 0, i);
+   }
+   inline T_t GEOXGA(const Loc<dimensions>& l) const { return GEOXG(l[0].first()); }
+   inline T_t GEOXHA(int i) const
+   {
+     return static_cast<const Mesh_t&>(*this).vertexPosition( 0, i);
+   }
+   inline T_t GEOXHA(const Loc<dimensions>& l) const { return GEOXH(l[0].first()); }
+   inline T_t GEOYHA(int j) const
+   {
+     return std::sin(static_cast<const Mesh_t&>(*this).vertexPosition( 1, j));
+   }
+   inline T_t GEOYHA(const Loc<dimensions>& l) const { return GEOYH(l[1].first()); }
+ };
+ template <class MeshTraits>
+ struct SphericalURM : public GenericURM<MeshTraits> {
+   typedef typename MeshTraits::T_t T_t;
+   typedef typename MeshTraits::Mesh_t Mesh_t;
+   typedef typename MeshTraits::PointType_t PointType_t;
+   typedef typename MeshTraits::VectorType_t VectorType_t;
+   typedef typename MeshTraits::SpacingsType_t SpacingsType_t;
+   enum { dimensions = MeshTraits::dimensions };
+   class GeneralVolumesFunctor {
+   public:
+     GeneralVolumesFunctor() { }
+     GeneralVolumesFunctor(const Mesh_t &m,
+      const Centering<dimensions> &c)
+       : spacings_m(m.spacings()),
+         orientation_m(c.orientation(0)),
+         origin_m(m.origin())
+       {
+       }
+     inline T_t r(int i0) const
+       {
+  return origin_m(0)+i0*spacings_m(0);
+       }
+     inline T_t theta(int i1) const
+       {
+  return origin_m(1)+i1*spacings_m(1);
+       }
+     inline T_t operator()(int i0) const
+       {
+  return spacings_m(0);
+       }
+     inline T_t operator()(int i0, int i1) const
+       {
+  if (orientation_m[0].first() == 0)
+    return r(i0)*spacings_m(1);
+  else if (orientation_m[1].first() == 0)
+    return spacings_m(0);
+  else {
+    T_t r1 = r(i0);
+    T_t r2 = r(i0+1);
+    return 0.5*(r2*r2 - r1*r1) * spacings_m(1);
+  }
+       }
+     inline T_t operator()(int i0, int i1, int i2) const
+       {
+  if (orientation_m[0].first() != 0
+      && orientation_m[1].first() != 0
+      && orientation_m[2].first() != 0) {
+    T_t r1 = r(i0);
+    T_t r2 = r1 + spacings_m(0);
+    return (r2*r2*r2 - r1*r1*r1)/3.0
+      * (cos(theta(i1)) - cos(theta(i1+1)))
+      * spacings_m(2);
+  } else if (orientation_m[0].first() != 0
+    && orientation_m[1].first() != 0) {
+    T_t r1 = r(i0);
+    T_t r2 = r1 + spacings_m(0);
+    return 0.5*(r2*r2 - r1*r1) * spacings_m(1);
+  } else if (orientation_m[0].first() != 0
+    && orientation_m[2].first() != 0) {
+    T_t r1 = r(i0);
+    T_t r2 = r(i0+1);
+    return 0.5*(r2*r2 - r1*r1)*sin(theta(i1)) * spacings_m(2);
+  } else if (orientation_m[1].first() != 0
+    && orientation_m[2].first() != 0) {
+    T_t r1 = r(i0);
+    return - r1*r1 * spacings_m(2) * (cos(theta(i1+1)) - cos(theta(i1)));
+  } else if (orientation_m[0].first() != 0)
+    return spacings_m(0);
+  else if (orientation_m[1].first() != 0)
+    return r(i0)*spacings_m(1);
+  else if (orientation_m[2].first() != 0)
+    return r(i0)*sin(theta(i1)) * spacings_m(2);
+       }
+   private:
+     SpacingsType_t spacings_m;
+     typename Centering<dimensions>::Orientation orientation_m;
+     PointType_t origin_m;
+   };
+   typedef IndexFunction<GeneralVolumesFunctor> CellVolumesEngineTag_t;
+   void initializeCellVolumes(
+     Engine<dimensions, T_t, CellVolumesEngineTag_t> &e,
+     const Centering<dimensions> &c) const
+     {
+       ;
+       ;
+       e.setFunctor(GeneralVolumesFunctor(static_cast<const Mesh_t&>(*this), c));
+     }
+   typedef IndexFunction<GeneralVolumesFunctor> FaceAreasEngineTag_t;
+   void initializeFaceAreas(
+     Engine<dimensions, T_t, FaceAreasEngineTag_t> &e,
+     const Centering<dimensions> &c) const
+     {
+       ;
+       ;
+       e.setFunctor(GeneralVolumesFunctor(static_cast<const Mesh_t&>(*this), c));
+     }
+   typedef IndexFunction<GeneralVolumesFunctor> EdgeLengthsEngineTag_t;
+   void initializeEdgeLengths(
+     Engine<dimensions, T_t, EdgeLengthsEngineTag_t> &e,
+     const Centering<dimensions> &c) const
+     {
+       ;
+       ;
+       e.setFunctor(GeneralVolumesFunctor(static_cast<const Mesh_t&>(*this), c));
+     }
+   class CartesianPositionsFunctor {
+   public:
+     CartesianPositionsFunctor() {}
+     CartesianPositionsFunctor(const Mesh_t &m,
+          const Centering<dimensions> &c)
+       : origin_m(m.origin()), spacings_m(m.spacings())
+     {
+       for (int i = 0; i < dimensions; i++)
+  origin_m(i) += spacings_m(i) *
+    (c.position(0)(i) - m.physicalCellDomain()[i].first());
+     }
+     inline PointType_t operator()(int i0) const
+     {
+       return origin_m + PointType_t(i0) * spacings_m;
+     }
+     inline PointType_t operator()(int i0, int i1) const
+     {
+       PointType_t r(origin_m + PointType_t(i0, i1) * spacings_m);
+       return PointType_t(r(0)*sin(r(1)),
+     r(0)*cos(r(1)));
+     }
+     inline PointType_t operator()(int i0, int i1, int i2) const
+     {
+       PointType_t r(origin_m + PointType_t(i0, i1, i2) * spacings_m);
+       return PointType_t(r(0)*sin(r(1))*cos(r(2)),
+     r(0)*sin(r(1))*sin(r(2)),
+     r(0)*cos(r(1)));
+     }
+   private:
+     PointType_t origin_m;
+     SpacingsType_t spacings_m;
+   };
+   class CylindricalPositionsFunctor {
+   public:
+     CylindricalPositionsFunctor() {}
+     CylindricalPositionsFunctor(const Mesh_t &m,
+            const Centering<dimensions> &c)
+       : origin_m(m.origin()), spacings_m(m.spacings())
+     {
+       for (int i = 0; i < dimensions; i++)
+  origin_m(i) += spacings_m(i) *
+    (c.position(0)(i) - m.physicalCellDomain()[i].first());
+     }
+     inline PointType_t operator()(int i0) const
+     {
+       return origin_m + PointType_t(i0) * spacings_m;
+     }
+     inline PointType_t operator()(int i0, int i1) const
+     {
+       PointType_t r(origin_m + PointType_t(i0, i1) * spacings_m);
+       return PointType_t(r(0)*sin(r(1)),
+     r(0)*cos(r(1)));
+     }
+     inline PointType_t operator()(int i0, int i1, int i2) const
+     {
+       PointType_t r(origin_m + PointType_t(i0, i1, i2) * spacings_m);
+       return PointType_t(r(0)*sin(r(1)),
+     r(0)*cos(r(1)),
+     r(2));
+     }
+   private:
+     PointType_t origin_m;
+     SpacingsType_t spacings_m;
+   };
+   typedef IndexFunction<CartesianPositionsFunctor> CartesianPositionsEngineTag_t;
+   typedef IndexFunction<CylindricalPositionsFunctor> CylindricalPositionsEngineTag_t;
+   typedef IndexFunction<typename GenericURM<MeshTraits>::PositionsFunctor> SphericalPositionsEngineTag_t;
+   inline T_t VOLXA(int i) const
+   {
+     return (std::pow(static_cast<const Mesh_t&>(*this).cellPosition( 0, i), 3)
+      - std::pow(static_cast<const Mesh_t&>(*this).cellPosition( 0, i-1), 3))
+       / 3.0;
+   }
+   inline T_t VOLXA(const Loc<dimensions>& l) const { return VOLXA(l[0].first()); }
+   inline T_t VOLYA(int j) const
+   {
+     return std::cos(static_cast<const Mesh_t&>(*this).cellPosition( 1, j-1))
+       - std::cos(static_cast<const Mesh_t&>(*this).cellPosition( 1, j));
+   }
+   inline T_t VOLYA(const Loc<dimensions>& l) const { return VOLYA(l[1].first()); }
+   inline T_t VOLZA(int) const
+   {
+     return static_cast<const Mesh_t&>(*this).spacings()(2);
+   }
+   inline T_t VOLZA(const Loc<dimensions>&) const { return VOLZA(0); }
+   inline T_t VOLXB(int i) const
+   {
+     return (std::pow(static_cast<const Mesh_t&>(*this).vertexPosition( 0, i+1), 3)
+      - std::pow(static_cast<const Mesh_t&>(*this).vertexPosition( 0, i), 3))
+       / 3.0;
+   }
+   inline T_t VOLXB(const Loc<dimensions>& l) const { return VOLXB(l[0].first()); }
+   inline T_t VOLYB(int j) const
+   {
+     return std::cos(static_cast<const Mesh_t&>(*this).vertexPosition( 1, j))
+       - std::cos(static_cast<const Mesh_t&>(*this).vertexPosition( 1, j+1));
+   }
+   inline T_t VOLYB(const Loc<dimensions>& l) const { return VOLYB(l[1].first()); }
+   inline T_t VOLZB(int) const
+   {
+     return static_cast<const Mesh_t&>(*this).spacings()(2);
+   }
+   inline T_t VOLZB(const Loc<dimensions>&) const { return VOLZB(0); }
+   inline T_t SURXA(int i) const
+   {
+     return std::pow(static_cast<const Mesh_t&>(*this).vertexPosition( 0, i), 2);
+   }
+   inline T_t SURXA(const Loc<dimensions>& l) const { return SURXA(l[0].first()); }
+   inline T_t SURYA(int j) const
+   {
+     return std::sin(static_cast<const Mesh_t&>(*this).vertexPosition( 1, j));
+   }
+   inline T_t SURYA(const Loc<dimensions>& l) const { return SURYA(l[1].first()); }
+   inline One<T_t> SURZA(int) const { return One<T_t>(); }
+   inline One<T_t> SURZA(const Loc<dimensions>&) const { return One<T_t>(); }
+   inline T_t SURXB(int i) const
+   {
+     return std::pow(static_cast<const Mesh_t&>(*this).cellPosition( 0, i), 2);
+   }
+   inline T_t SURXB(const Loc<dimensions>& l) const { return SURXB(l[0].first()); }
+   inline T_t SURYB(int j) const
+   {
+     return std::sin(static_cast<const Mesh_t&>(*this).cellPosition( 1, j));
+   }
+   inline T_t SURYB(const Loc<dimensions>& l) const { return SURYB(l[1].first()); }
+   inline One<T_t> SURZB(int) const { return One<T_t>(); }
+   inline One<T_t> SURZB(const Loc<dimensions>&) const { return One<T_t>(); }
+   inline T_t CCXA(int i) const
+   {
+     return static_cast<const Mesh_t&>(*this).vertexPosition( 0, i);
+   }
+   inline T_t CCXA(const Loc<dimensions>& l) const { return CCXA(l[0].first()); }
+   inline T_t CCYA(int j) const
+   {
+     return 0.5*std::cos(static_cast<const Mesh_t&>(*this).vertexPosition( 1, j));
+   }
+   inline T_t CCYA(const Loc<dimensions>& l) const { return CCYA(l[1].first()); }
+   inline Zero<T_t> CCZA(int) const { return Zero<T_t>(); }
+   inline Zero<T_t> CCZA(const Loc<dimensions>&) const { return Zero<T_t>(); }
+   inline T_t CCXB(int i) const
+   {
+     return static_cast<const Mesh_t&>(*this).cellPosition( 0, i);
+   }
+   inline T_t CCXB(const Loc<dimensions>& l) const { return CCXB(l[0].first()); }
+   inline T_t CCYB(int j) const
+   {
+     return 0.5*std::cos(static_cast<const Mesh_t&>(*this).cellPosition( 1, j));
+   }
+   inline T_t CCYB(const Loc<dimensions>& l) const { return CCYB(l[1].first()); }
+   inline Zero<T_t> CCZB(int) const { return Zero<T_t>(); }
+   inline Zero<T_t> CCZB(const Loc<dimensions>&) const { return Zero<T_t>(); }
+   inline T_t GEOXG(int i) const
+   {
+     return static_cast<const Mesh_t&>(*this).cellPosition( 0, i);
+   }
+   inline T_t GEOXG(const Loc<dimensions>& l) const { return GEOXG(l[0].first()); }
+   inline T_t GEOXH(int i) const
+   {
+     return static_cast<const Mesh_t&>(*this).cellPosition( 0, i);
+   }
+   inline T_t GEOXH(const Loc<dimensions>& l) const { return GEOXH(l[0].first()); }
+   inline T_t GEOYH(int j) const
+   {
+     return std::sin(static_cast<const Mesh_t&>(*this).cellPosition( 1, j));
+   }
+   inline T_t GEOYH(const Loc<dimensions>& l) const { return GEOYH(l[1].first()); }
+   inline T_t GEOXGA(int i) const
+   {
+     return static_cast<const Mesh_t&>(*this).vertexPosition( 0, i);
+   }
+   inline T_t GEOXGA(const Loc<dimensions>& l) const { return GEOXG(l[0].first()); }
+   inline T_t GEOXHA(int i) const
+   {
+     return static_cast<const Mesh_t&>(*this).vertexPosition( 0, i);
+   }
+   inline T_t GEOXHA(const Loc<dimensions>& l) const { return GEOXH(l[0].first()); }
+   inline T_t GEOYHA(int j) const
+   {
+     return std::sin(static_cast<const Mesh_t&>(*this).vertexPosition( 1, j));
+   }
+   inline T_t GEOYHA(const Loc<dimensions>& l) const { return GEOYH(l[1].first()); }
+ };
+ template<class Mesh, class T, class EngineTag> class Field;
+ namespace Pooma {
+ template<class Mesh>
+ struct PositionsTraits {
+   typedef Field<NoMesh<Mesh::dimensions>,
+     typename Mesh::PointType_t,
+     typename Mesh::PositionsEngineTag_t> Type_t;
+   typedef Field<NoMesh<Mesh::dimensions>,
+     typename Mesh::PointType_t,
+     typename Mesh::CartesianPositionsEngineTag_t> CartesianType_t;
+   typedef Field<NoMesh<Mesh::dimensions>,
+     typename Mesh::PointType_t,
+     typename Mesh::CylindricalPositionsEngineTag_t> CylindricalType_t;
+   typedef Field<NoMesh<Mesh::dimensions>,
+     typename Mesh::PointType_t,
+     typename Mesh::SphericalPositionsEngineTag_t> SphericalType_t;
+ };
+ template<class Mesh, class T, class EngineTag>
+ typename PositionsTraits<Mesh>::Type_t
+ positions(const Field<Mesh, T, EngineTag> &f)
+ {
+   NoMesh<Mesh::dimensions> m(f.layout());
+   typename PositionsTraits<Mesh>::Type_t
+     of(f.numMaterials(), f.centering(), f.layout(), m);
+   for (int i = 0; i < of.numMaterials(); i++)
+     for (int j = 0; j < of.centeringSize(); j++)
+       f.mesh().initializePositions(of.subField(i, j).engine(), of.centering(j));
+   return of;
+ }
+ template<class Mesh, int Dim>
+ typename PositionsTraits<Mesh>::Type_t
+ positions(const Mesh &mesh, Centering<Dim> c)
+ {
+   GuardLayers<Mesh::dimensions> g;
+   for (int i = 0; i < Mesh::dimensions; ++i) {
+     g.lower(i) = mesh.physicalVertexDomain()[i].min() - mesh.totalVertexDomain()[i].min();
+     g.upper(i) = mesh.totalVertexDomain()[i].max() - mesh.physicalVertexDomain()[i].max();
+   }
+   DomainLayout<Mesh::dimensions> layout(mesh.physicalVertexDomain(), g);
+   NoMesh<Mesh::dimensions> m(layout);
+   typename PositionsTraits<Mesh>::Type_t
+     of(1, c, layout, m);
+   for (int j = 0; j < of.centeringSize(); j++)
+     mesh.initializePositions(of.subField(0, j).engine(), of.centering(j));
+   return of;
+ }
+ template<class Mesh, class T, class EngineTag>
+ typename PositionsTraits<Mesh>::CartesianType_t
+ cartesianPositions(const Field<Mesh, T, EngineTag> &f)
+ {
+   NoMesh<Mesh::dimensions> m(f.layout());
+   typename PositionsTraits<Mesh>::CartesianType_t
+     of(f.numMaterials(), f.centering(), f.layout(), m);
+   for (int i = 0; i < of.numMaterials(); i++)
+     for (int j = 0; j < of.centeringSize(); j++)
+       f.mesh().initializePositions(of.subField(i, j).engine(), of.centering(j));
+   return of;
+ }
+ template<class Mesh, class T, class EngineTag>
+ typename PositionsTraits<Mesh>::CylindricalType_t
+ cylindricalPositions(const Field<Mesh, T, EngineTag> &f)
+ {
+   NoMesh<Mesh::dimensions> m(f.layout());
+   typename PositionsTraits<Mesh>::CylindricalType_t
+     of(f.numMaterials(), f.centering(), f.layout(), m);
+   for (int i = 0; i < of.numMaterials(); i++)
+     for (int j = 0; j < of.centeringSize(); j++)
+       f.mesh().initializePositions(of.subField(i, j).engine(), of.centering(j));
+   return of;
+ }
+ template<class Mesh, class T, class EngineTag>
+ typename PositionsTraits<Mesh>::SphericalType_t
+ sphericalPositions(const Field<Mesh, T, EngineTag> &f)
+ {
+   NoMesh<Mesh::dimensions> m(f.layout());
+   typename PositionsTraits<Mesh>::SphericalType_t
+     of(f.numMaterials(), f.centering(), f.layout(), m);
+   for (int i = 0; i < of.numMaterials(); i++)
+     for (int j = 0; j < of.centeringSize(); j++)
+       f.mesh().initializePositions(of.subField(i, j).engine(), of.centering(j));
+   return of;
+ }
+ template<class Mesh>
+ struct SpacingsTraits {
+   typedef Field<NoMesh<Mesh::dimensions>,
+     typename Mesh::VectorType_t,
+     typename Mesh::SpacingsEngineTag_t> Type_t;
+ };
+ template<class Mesh, class T, class EngineTag>
+ typename SpacingsTraits<Mesh>::Type_t
+ spacings(const Field<Mesh, T, EngineTag> &f)
+ {
+   NoMesh<Mesh::dimensions> m(f.layout());
+   typename SpacingsTraits<Mesh>::Type_t
+     of(f.numMaterials(), f.centering(), f.layout(), m);
+   for (int i = 0; i < of.numMaterials(); i++)
+     for (int j = 0; j < of.centeringSize(); j++)
+       f.mesh().initializeSpacings(of.subField(i, j).engine(), of.centering(j));
+   return of;
+ }
+ template<class Mesh, int Dim>
+ typename SpacingsTraits<Mesh>::Type_t
+ spacings(const Mesh &mesh, Centering<Dim> c)
+ {
+   GuardLayers<Mesh::dimensions> g;
+   for (int i = 0; i < Mesh::dimensions; ++i) {
+     g.lower(i) = mesh.physicalVertexDomain()[i].min() - mesh.totalVertexDomain()[i].min();
+     g.upper(i) = mesh.totalVertexDomain()[i].max() - mesh.physicalVertexDomain()[i].max();
+   }
+   DomainLayout<Mesh::dimensions> layout(mesh.physicalVertexDomain(), g);
+   NoMesh<Mesh::dimensions> m(layout);
+   typename SpacingsTraits<Mesh>::Type_t
+     of(1, c, layout, m);
+   for (int j = 0; j < of.centeringSize(); j++)
+     mesh.initializeSpacings(of.subField(0, j).engine(), of.centering(j));
+   return of;
+ }
+ template<class Mesh>
+ struct NormalsTraits {
+   typedef Field<NoMesh<Mesh::dimensions>,
+     typename Mesh::VectorType_t,
+     typename Mesh::NormalsEngineTag_t> Type_t;
+ };
+ template<class Mesh, class T, class EngineTag>
+ typename NormalsTraits<Mesh>::Type_t
+ outwardNormals(const Field<Mesh, T, EngineTag> &f)
+ {
+   NoMesh<Mesh::dimensions> m(f.layout());
+   Centering<Mesh::dimensions> c =
+     canonicalCentering<Mesh::dimensions>(FaceType, Discontinuous);
+   typename NormalsTraits<Mesh>::Type_t
+     of(f.numMaterials(), c, f.layout(), m);
+   for (int i = 0; i < of.numMaterials(); i++)
+     for (int j = 0; j < of.centeringSize(); j++)
+       f.mesh().initializeNormals(of.subField(i, j).engine(), of.centering(j), true);
+   return of;
+ }
+ template<class Mesh, class T, class EngineTag>
+ typename NormalsTraits<Mesh>::Type_t
+ coordinateNormals(const Field<Mesh, T, EngineTag> &f)
+ {
+   NoMesh<Mesh::dimensions> m(f.layout());
+   Centering<Mesh::dimensions> c =
+     canonicalCentering<Mesh::dimensions>(FaceType, Continuous);
+   typename NormalsTraits<Mesh>::Type_t
+     of(f.numMaterials(), c, f.layout(), m);
+   for (int i = 0; i < of.numMaterials(); i++)
+     for (int j = 0; j < of.centeringSize(); j++)
+       f.mesh().initializeNormals(of.subField(i, j).engine(), of.centering(j), false);
+   return of;
+ }
+ template<class Mesh>
+ struct CellVolumesTraits {
+   typedef Field<NoMesh<Mesh::dimensions>,
+     typename Mesh::Scalar_t,
+     typename Mesh::CellVolumesEngineTag_t> Type_t;
+ };
+ template<class Mesh, class T, class EngineTag>
+ typename CellVolumesTraits<Mesh>::Type_t
+ cellVolumes(const Field<Mesh, T, EngineTag> &f)
+ {
+   NoMesh<Mesh::dimensions> m(f.layout());
+   Centering<Mesh::dimensions> c =
+     canonicalCentering<Mesh::dimensions>(CellType, Continuous);
+   typename CellVolumesTraits<Mesh>::Type_t
+     of(f.numMaterials(), c, f.layout(), m);
+   for (int i = 0; i < of.numMaterials(); i++)
+     f.mesh().initializeCellVolumes(of.subField(i, 0).engine(), of.centering(0));
+   return of;
+ }
+ template<class Mesh>
+ struct FaceAreasTraits {
+   typedef Field<NoMesh<Mesh::dimensions>,
+     typename Mesh::Scalar_t,
+     typename Mesh::FaceAreasEngineTag_t> Type_t;
+ };
+ template<class Mesh, class T, class EngineTag>
+ typename FaceAreasTraits<Mesh>::Type_t
+ faceAreas(const Field<Mesh, T, EngineTag> &f)
+ {
+   NoMesh<Mesh::dimensions> m(f.layout());
+   Centering<Mesh::dimensions> c =
+     canonicalCentering<Mesh::dimensions>(FaceType, Continuous);
+   typename FaceAreasTraits<Mesh>::Type_t
+     of(f.numMaterials(), c, f.layout(), m);
+   for (int i = 0; i < of.numMaterials(); i++)
+     for (int j = 0; j < of.centeringSize(); j++)
+       f.mesh().initializeFaceAreas(of.subField(i, j).engine(), of.centering(j));
+   return of;
+ }
+ template<class Mesh>
+ struct EdgeLengthsTraits {
+   typedef Field<NoMesh<Mesh::dimensions>,
+     typename Mesh::Scalar_t,
+     typename Mesh::EdgeLengthsEngineTag_t> Type_t;
+ };
+ template<class Mesh, class T, class EngineTag>
+ typename EdgeLengthsTraits<Mesh>::Type_t
+ edgeLengths(const Field<Mesh, T, EngineTag> &f)
+ {
+   NoMesh<Mesh::dimensions> m(f.layout());
+   Centering<Mesh::dimensions> c =
+     canonicalCentering<Mesh::dimensions>(EdgeType, Continuous);
+   typename EdgeLengthsTraits<Mesh>::Type_t
+     of(f.numMaterials(), c, f.layout(), m);
+   for (int i = 0; i < of.numMaterials(); i++)
+     for (int j = 0; j < of.centeringSize(); j++)
+       f.mesh().initializeEdgeLengths(of.subField(i, j).engine(), of.centering(j));
+   return of;
+ }
+ }
+ using Pooma::PositionsTraits;
+ using Pooma::positions;
+ using Pooma::NormalsTraits;
+ using Pooma::outwardNormals;
+ using Pooma::coordinateNormals;
+ using Pooma::CellVolumesTraits;
+ using Pooma::cellVolumes;
+ using Pooma::FaceAreasTraits;
+ using Pooma::faceAreas;
+ using Pooma::EdgeLengthsTraits;
+ using Pooma::edgeLengths;
+ class InfluenceRelation : public RelationListItem
+ {
+ public:
+   template<class Target>
+   InfluenceRelation(const Target &t)
+   : RelationListItem(),
+     list_m(const_cast<RelationList*>(&t.fieldEngine().relations()))
+     {
+       setPriority(100u);
+     }
+   InfluenceRelation(const InfluenceRelation &model)
+   : RelationListItem(model), list_m(model.list_m)
+     { }
+   InfluenceRelation() { }
+   void setDirty()
+     {
+       if (!dirty())
+         {
+           RelationListItem::setDirty();
+           list_m->setDirty();
+         }
+     }
+   void apply() { }
+ private:
+   RelationList *list_m;
+ };
+ template<class Target, class RelationFunctor>
+ class Relation0: public RelationBase<Target, RelationFunctor>
+ {
+ public:
+   Relation0(const Target &t, const RelationFunctor &f)
+   : RelationBase<Target, RelationFunctor>(t, f)
+   { }
+   ~Relation0()
+   { }
+   void apply()
+   {
+     this->functor_m(this->target_m);
+   }
+   virtual RelationListItem *retarget(const Target &target) const
+   {
+     return new Relation0<Target, RelationFunctor>(target, this->functor_m);
+   }
+ };
+ template<class Target, class R1, class RelationFunctor>
+ class Relation1: public RelationBase<Target, RelationFunctor>
+ {
+ public:
+   Relation1(const Target &t, const R1 &r,
+     const RelationFunctor &f)
+   : RelationBase<Target, RelationFunctor>(t, f), r1_m(r)
+   { }
+   ~Relation1()
+   { }
+   void apply()
+   {
+     this->functor_m(this->target_m, r1_m);
+   }
+   virtual RelationListItem *retarget(const Target &target) const
+   {
+     r1_m.addRelation(new InfluenceRelation(target));
+     return new Relation1<Target, R1, RelationFunctor>
+                  (target, r1_m, this->functor_m);
+   }
+ protected:
+   R1 r1_m;
+ };
+ template<class Target, class R1, class R2, class RelationFunctor>
+ class Relation2: public RelationBase<Target, RelationFunctor>
+ {
+ public:
+   Relation2(const Target &t, const R1 &r1, const R2 &r2,
+     const RelationFunctor &f)
+   : RelationBase<Target, RelationFunctor>(t, f), r1_m(r1), r2_m(r2)
+   { }
+   ~Relation2()
+   { }
+   void apply()
+   {
+     this->functor_m(this->target_m, r1_m, r2_m);
+   }
+   virtual RelationListItem *retarget(const Target &target) const
+   {
+     r1_m.addRelation(new InfluenceRelation(target));
+     r2_m.addRelation(new InfluenceRelation(target));
+     return new Relation2<Target, R1, R2, RelationFunctor>
+                  (target, r1_m, r2_m, this->functor_m);
+   }
+ protected:
+   R1 r1_m;
+   R2 r2_m;
+ };
+ template<class Target, class R1, class R2, class R3, class RelationFunctor>
+ class Relation3: public RelationBase<Target, RelationFunctor>
+ {
+ public:
+   Relation3(const Target &t, const R1 &r1, const R2 &r2, const R3 &r3,
+             const RelationFunctor &f)
+   : RelationBase<Target, RelationFunctor>(t, f),
+     r1_m(r1),
+     r2_m(r2),
+     r3_m(r3)
+   { }
+   ~Relation3()
+   { }
+   void apply()
+   {
+     this->functor_m(this->target_m, r1_m, r2_m, r3_m);
+   }
+   virtual RelationListItem *retarget(const Target &target) const
+   {
+     r1_m.addRelation(new InfluenceRelation(target));
+     r2_m.addRelation(new InfluenceRelation(target));
+     r3_m.addRelation(new InfluenceRelation(target));
+     return new Relation3<Target, R1, R2, R3, RelationFunctor>
+       (target, r1_m, r2_m, r3_m, this->functor_m);
+   }
+ protected:
+   R1 r1_m;
+   R2 r2_m;
+   R3 r3_m;
+ };
+ template<class Target, class R1, class R2, class R3, class R4,
+          class RelationFunctor>
+ class Relation4: public RelationBase<Target, RelationFunctor>
+ {
+ public:
+   Relation4(const Target &t, const R1 &r1, const R2 &r2, const R3 &r3,
+             const R4 &r4, const RelationFunctor &f)
+   : RelationBase<Target, RelationFunctor>(t, f),
+     r1_m(r1),
+     r2_m(r2),
+     r3_m(r3),
+     r4_m(r4)
+   { }
+   ~Relation4()
+   { }
+   void apply()
+   {
+     this->functor_m(this->target_m, r1_m, r2_m, r3_m, r4_m);
+   }
+   virtual RelationListItem *retarget(const Target &target) const
+   {
+     r1_m.addRelation(new InfluenceRelation(target));
+     r2_m.addRelation(new InfluenceRelation(target));
+     r3_m.addRelation(new InfluenceRelation(target));
+     r4_m.addRelation(new InfluenceRelation(target));
+     return new Relation4<Target, R1, R2, R3, R4, RelationFunctor>
+       (target, r1_m, r2_m, r3_m, r4_m, this->functor_m);
+   }
+ protected:
+   R1 r1_m;
+   R2 r2_m;
+   R3 r3_m;
+   R4 r4_m;
+ };
+ template<class Target, class R1, class R2, class R3, class R4, class R5,
+          class RelationFunctor>
+ class Relation5: public RelationBase<Target, RelationFunctor>
+ {
+ public:
+   Relation5(const Target &t, const R1 &r1, const R2 &r2, const R3 &r3,
+             const R4 &r4, const R5 &r5, const RelationFunctor &f)
+   : RelationBase<Target, RelationFunctor>(t, f),
+     r1_m(r1),
+     r2_m(r2),
+     r3_m(r3),
+     r4_m(r4),
+     r5_m(r5)
+   { }
+   ~Relation5()
+   { }
+   void apply()
+   {
+     this->functor_m(this->target_m, r1_m, r2_m, r3_m, r4_m, r5_m);
+   }
+   virtual RelationListItem *retarget(const Target &target) const
+   {
+     r1_m.addRelation(new InfluenceRelation(target));
+     r2_m.addRelation(new InfluenceRelation(target));
+     r3_m.addRelation(new InfluenceRelation(target));
+     r4_m.addRelation(new InfluenceRelation(target));
+     r5_m.addRelation(new InfluenceRelation(target));
+     return new Relation5<Target, R1, R2, R3, R4, R5, RelationFunctor>
+       (target, r1_m, r2_m, r3_m, r4_m, r5_m, this->functor_m);
+   }
+ protected:
+   R1 r1_m;
+   R2 r2_m;
+   R3 r3_m;
+   R4 r4_m;
+   R5 r5_m;
+ };
+ template<class Target, class R1, class R2, class R3, class R4, class R5,
+          class R6, class RelationFunctor>
+ class Relation6: public RelationBase<Target, RelationFunctor>
+ {
+ public:
+   Relation6(const Target &t, const R1 &r1, const R2 &r2, const R3 &r3,
+             const R4 &r4, const R5 &r5, const R6 &r6, const RelationFunctor &f)
+   : RelationBase<Target, RelationFunctor>(t, f),
+     r1_m(r1),
+     r2_m(r2),
+     r3_m(r3),
+     r4_m(r4),
+     r5_m(r5),
+     r6_m(r6)
+   { }
+   ~Relation6()
+   { }
+   void apply()
+   {
+     this->functor_m(this->target_m, r1_m, r2_m, r3_m, r4_m, r5_m, r6_m);
+   }
+   virtual RelationListItem *retarget(const Target &target) const
+   {
+     r1_m.addRelation(new InfluenceRelation(target));
+     r2_m.addRelation(new InfluenceRelation(target));
+     r3_m.addRelation(new InfluenceRelation(target));
+     r4_m.addRelation(new InfluenceRelation(target));
+     r5_m.addRelation(new InfluenceRelation(target));
+     r6_m.addRelation(new InfluenceRelation(target));
+     return new Relation6<Target, R1, R2, R3, R4, R5, R6, RelationFunctor>
+       (target, r1_m, r2_m, r3_m, r4_m, r5_m, r6_m, this->functor_m);
+   }
+ protected:
+   R1 r1_m;
+   R2 r2_m;
+   R3 r3_m;
+   R4 r4_m;
+   R5 r5_m;
+   R6 r6_m;
+ };
+ template<class L>
+ class RelationFunctionPtr0 {
+ public:
+   RelationFunctionPtr0(void (*f)(const L &))
+   : f_m(f)
+   { }
+   RelationFunctionPtr0(const RelationFunctionPtr0<L> &init, const L &)
+   : f_m(init.f_m)
+   { }
+   inline void operator()(const L &l)
+   {
+     f_m(l);
+   }
+ private:
+   void (*f_m)(const L &);
+ };
+ template<class L, class R1>
+ class RelationFunctionPtr1 {
+ public:
+   RelationFunctionPtr1(void (*f)(const L &, const R1 &))
+   : f_m(f)
+   { }
+   RelationFunctionPtr1(const RelationFunctionPtr1<L, R1> &init, const L &)
+   : f_m(init.f_m)
+   { }
+   inline void operator()(const L &l, const R1 &r1)
+   {
+     f_m(l, r1);
+   }
+ private:
+   void (*f_m)(const L &, const R1 &);
+ };
+ template<class L, class R1, class R2>
+ class RelationFunctionPtr2 {
+ public:
+   RelationFunctionPtr2(void (*f)(const L &, const R1 &, const R2 &))
+   : f_m(f)
+   { }
+   RelationFunctionPtr2(const RelationFunctionPtr2<L, R1, R2> &init, const L &)
+   : f_m(init.f_m)
+   { }
+   inline void operator()(const L &l, const R1 &r1, const R2 &r2)
+   {
+     f_m(l, r1, r2);
+   }
+ private:
+   void (*f_m)(const L &, const R1 &, const R2 &);
+ };
+ template<class L, class R1, class R2, class R3>
+ class RelationFunctionPtr3 {
+ public:
+   RelationFunctionPtr3(void (*f)(const L &,
+     const R1 &, const R2 &, const R3 &))
+   : f_m(f)
+   { }
+   RelationFunctionPtr3(
+     const RelationFunctionPtr3<L, R1, R2, R3> &model)
+   : f_m(model.f_m)
+   { }
+   RelationFunctionPtr3(
+     const RelationFunctionPtr3<L, R1, R2, R3> &init, const L &)
+   : f_m(init.f_m)
+   { }
+   inline void operator()(const L &l, const R1 &r1, const R2 &r2,
+     const R3 &r3)
+   {
+     f_m(l, r1, r2, r3);
+   }
+ private:
+   void (*f_m)(const L &, const R1 &, const R2 &, const R3 &);
+ };
+ template<class L, class R1, class R2, class R3, class R4>
+ class RelationFunctionPtr4 {
+ public:
+   RelationFunctionPtr4(void (*f)(const L &,
+     const R1 &, const R2 &, const R3 &, const R4 &))
+   : f_m(f)
+   { }
+   RelationFunctionPtr4(
+     const RelationFunctionPtr4<L, R1, R2, R3, R4> &model)
+   : f_m(model.f_m)
+   { }
+   RelationFunctionPtr4(
+     const RelationFunctionPtr4<L, R1, R2, R3, R4> &init, const L &)
+   : f_m(init.f_m)
+   { }
+   inline void operator()(const L &l, const R1 &r1, const R2 &r2,
+     const R3 &r3, const R4 &r4)
+   {
+     f_m(l, r1, r2, r3, r4);
+   }
+ private:
+   void (*f_m)(const L &, const R1 &, const R2 &,
+     const R3 &, const R4 &);
+ };
+ template<class L,
+   class R1, class R2, class R3, class R4, class R5>
+ class RelationFunctionPtr5 {
+ public:
+   RelationFunctionPtr5(void (*f)(const L &,
+     const R1 &, const R2 &, const R3 &, const R4 &, const R5 &))
+   : f_m(f)
+   { }
+   RelationFunctionPtr5(
+     const RelationFunctionPtr5<L, R1, R2, R3, R4, R5> &model)
+   : f_m(model.f_m)
+   { }
+   RelationFunctionPtr5(
+     const RelationFunctionPtr5<L, R1, R2, R3, R4, R5> &init, const L &)
+   : f_m(init.f_m)
+   { }
+   inline void operator()(const L &l, const R1 &r1, const R2 &r2,
+     const R3 &r3, const R4 &r4, const R5 &r5)
+   {
+     f_m(l, r1, r2, r3, r4, r5);
+   }
+ private:
+   void (*f_m)(const L &, const R1 &, const R2 &,
+     const R3 &, const R4 &, const R5 &);
+ };
+ template<class L,
+   class R1, class R2, class R3, class R4, class R5, class R6>
+ class RelationFunctionPtr6 {
+ public:
+   RelationFunctionPtr6(void (*f)(const L &,
+     const R1 &, const R2 &, const R3 &, const R4 &, const R5 &, const R6 &))
+   : f_m(f)
+   { }
+   RelationFunctionPtr6(
+     const RelationFunctionPtr6<L, R1, R2, R3, R4, R5, R6> &model)
+   : f_m(model.f_m)
+   { }
+   RelationFunctionPtr6(
+     const RelationFunctionPtr6<L, R1, R2, R3, R4, R5, R6> &init, const L &)
+   : f_m(init.f_m)
+   { }
+   inline void operator()(const L &l, const R1 &r1, const R2 &r2,
+     const R3 &r3, const R4 &r4, const R5 &r5, const R6 &r6)
+   {
+     f_m(l, r1, r2, r3, r4, r5, r6);
+   }
+ private:
+   void (*f_m)(const L &, const R1 &, const R2 &,
+     const R3 &, const R4 &, const R5 &, const R6 &);
+ };
+ template<class C, class L>
+ class RelationMemberPtr0 {
+ public:
+   RelationMemberPtr0(const C &obj, void (C::*f)(const L &))
+   : obj_m(obj), f_m(f)
+   { }
+   RelationMemberPtr0(const RelationMemberPtr0<C, L> &model)
+   : obj_m(model.obj_m), f_m(model.f_m)
+   { }
+   RelationMemberPtr0(const RelationMemberPtr0<C, L> &init, const L &)
+   : obj_m(init.obj_m), f_m(init.f_m)
+   { }
+   inline void operator()(const L &l)
+   {
+     (obj_m.*f_m)(l);
+   }
+ private:
+   C obj_m;
+   void (C::*f_m)(const L &);
+ };
+ template<class C, class L, class R1>
+ class RelationMemberPtr1 {
+ public:
+   RelationMemberPtr1(const C &obj, void (C::*f)(const L &,
+     const R1 &))
+   : obj_m(obj), f_m(f)
+   { }
+   RelationMemberPtr1(const RelationMemberPtr1<C, L, R1> &model)
+   : obj_m(model.obj_m), f_m(model.f_m)
+   { }
+   RelationMemberPtr1(const RelationMemberPtr1<C, L, R1> &init, const L &)
+   : obj_m(init.obj_m), f_m(init.f_m)
+   { }
+   inline void operator()(const L &l, const R1 &r1)
+   {
+     (obj_m.*f_m)(l, r1);
+   }
+ private:
+   C obj_m;
+   void (C::*f_m)(const L &, const R1 &);
+ };
+ template<class C, class L, class R1, class R2>
+ class RelationMemberPtr2 {
+ public:
+   RelationMemberPtr2(const C &obj, void (C::*f)(const L &,
+     const R1 &, const R2 &))
+   : obj_m(obj), f_m(f)
+   { }
+   RelationMemberPtr2(const RelationMemberPtr2<C, L, R1, R2> &model)
+   : obj_m(model.obj_m), f_m(model.f_m)
+   { }
+   RelationMemberPtr2(const RelationMemberPtr2<C, L, R1, R2> &init, const L &)
+   : obj_m(init.obj_m), f_m(init.f_m)
+   { }
+   inline void operator()(const L &l, const R1 &r1, const R2 &r2)
+   {
+     (obj_m.*f_m)(l, r1, r2);
+   }
+ private:
+   C obj_m;
+   void (C::*f_m)(const L &, const R1 &, const R2 &);
+ };
+ template<class C, class L, class R1, class R2, class R3>
+ class RelationMemberPtr3 {
+ public:
+   RelationMemberPtr3(const C &obj, void (C::*f)(const L &,
+     const R1 &, const R2 &, const R3 &))
+   : obj_m(obj), f_m(f)
+   { }
+   RelationMemberPtr3(
+     const RelationMemberPtr3<C, L, R1, R2, R3> &model)
+   : obj_m(model.obj_m), f_m(model.f_m)
+   { }
+   RelationMemberPtr3(
+     const RelationMemberPtr3<C, L, R1, R2, R3> &init, const L &)
+   : obj_m(init.obj_m), f_m(init.f_m)
+   { }
+   inline void operator()(const L &l, const R1 &r1, const R2 &r2,
+     const R3 &r3)
+   {
+     (obj_m.*f_m)(l, r1, r2, r3);
+   }
+ private:
+   C obj_m;
+   void (C::*f_m)(const L &, const R1 &, const R2 &, const R3 &);
+ };
+ template<class C, class L, class R1, class R2, class R3, class R4>
+ class RelationMemberPtr4 {
+ public:
+   RelationMemberPtr4(const C &obj, void (C::*f)(const L &,
+     const R1 &, const R2 &, const R3 &, const R4 &))
+   : obj_m(obj), f_m(f)
+   { }
+   RelationMemberPtr4(
+     const RelationMemberPtr4<C, L, R1, R2, R3, R4> &model)
+   : obj_m(model.obj_m), f_m(model.f_m)
+   { }
+   RelationMemberPtr4(
+     const RelationMemberPtr4<C, L, R1, R2, R3, R4> &init, const L &)
+   : obj_m(init.obj_m), f_m(init.f_m)
+   { }
+   inline void operator()(const L &l, const R1 &r1, const R2 &r2,
+     const R3 &r3, const R4 &r4)
+   {
+     (obj_m.*f_m)(l, r1, r2, r3, r4);
+   }
+ private:
+   C obj_m;
+   void (C::*f_m)(const L &, const R1 &, const R2 &,
+     const R3 &, const R4 &);
+ };
+ template<class C, class L,
+   class R1, class R2, class R3, class R4, class R5>
+ class RelationMemberPtr5 {
+ public:
+   RelationMemberPtr5(const C &obj, void (C::*f)(const L &,
+     const R1 &, const R2 &, const R3 &, const R4 &, const R5 &))
+   : obj_m(obj), f_m(f)
+   { }
+   RelationMemberPtr5(
+     const RelationMemberPtr5<C, L, R1, R2, R3, R4, R5> &model)
+   : obj_m(model.obj_m), f_m(model.f_m)
+   { }
+   RelationMemberPtr5(
+     const RelationMemberPtr5<C, L, R1, R2, R3, R4, R5> &init, const L &)
+   : obj_m(init.obj_m), f_m(init.f_m)
+   { }
+   inline void operator()(const L &l, const R1 &r1, const R2 &r2,
+     const R3 &r3, const R4 &r4, const R5 &r5)
+   {
+     (obj_m.*f_m)(l, r1, r2, r3, r4, r5);
+   }
+ private:
+   C obj_m;
+   void (C::*f_m)(const L &, const R1 &, const R2 &,
+     const R3 &, const R4 &, const R5 &);
+ };
+ template<class C, class L,
+   class R1, class R2, class R3, class R4, class R5, class R6>
+ class RelationMemberPtr6 {
+ public:
+   RelationMemberPtr6(const C &obj, void (C::*f)(const L &,
+     const R1 &, const R2 &, const R3 &, const R4 &, const R5 &, const R6 &))
+   : obj_m(obj), f_m(f)
+   { }
+   RelationMemberPtr6(
+     const RelationMemberPtr6<C, L, R1, R2, R3, R4, R5, R6> &model)
+   : obj_m(model.obj_m), f_m(model.f_m)
+   { }
+   RelationMemberPtr6(
+     const RelationMemberPtr6<C, L, R1, R2, R3, R4, R5, R6> &init, const L &)
+   : obj_m(init.obj_m), f_m(init.f_m)
+   { }
+   inline void operator()(const L &l, const R1 &r1, const R2 &r2,
+     const R3 &r3, const R4 &r4, const R5 &r5, const R6 &r6)
+   {
+     (obj_m.*f_m)(l, r1, r2, r3, r4, r5, r6);
+   }
+ private:
+   C obj_m;
+   void (C::*f_m)(const L &, const R1 &, const R2 &,
+     const R3 &, const R4 &, const R5 &, const R6 &);
+ };
+ template<class RelationFunctor>
+ struct RelationFunctorTraits {
+   enum { defaultPriority = 0 };
+ };
+ namespace Pooma {
+   template<class RelationFunctor, class L>
+   void newRelation(const RelationFunctor &f, const L &l)
+   {
+     for (int m = 0; m < l.numMaterials(); ++m)
+       {
+         for (int c = 0; c < l.centeringSize(); ++c)
+           {
+             const L &lsub = l.subField(m, c);
+             RelationListItem *r = new Relation0<L, RelationFunctor>(lsub, f);
+             r->setPriority(RelationFunctorTraits<RelationFunctor>::defaultPriority);
+             lsub.addRelation(r);
+           }
+       }
+   }
+   template<class RelationFunctor, class L, class R1>
+   void newRelation(const RelationFunctor &f, const L &l,
+                    const R1 &r1)
+   {
+     for (int m = 0; m < l.numMaterials(); ++m)
+       {
+         for (int c = 0; c < l.centeringSize(); ++c)
+           {
+             const L &lsub = l.subField(m, c);
+             const R1 &r1sub = r1.subField(m, c);
+             r1sub.addRelation(new InfluenceRelation(lsub));
+             RelationListItem *r = new
+               Relation1<L, R1, RelationFunctor>
+                 (lsub, r1sub, f);
+             lsub.addRelation(r);
+           }
+       }
+   }
+   template<class RelationFunctor, class L, class R1, class R2>
+   void newRelation(const RelationFunctor &f, const L &l,
+                    const R1 &r1, const R2 &r2)
+   {
+     for (int m = 0; m < l.numMaterials(); ++m)
+       {
+         for (int c = 0; c < l.centeringSize(); ++c)
+           {
+             const L &lsub = l.subField(m, c);
+             const R1 &r1sub = r1.subField(m, c);
+             const R2 &r2sub = r2.subField(m, c);
+             r1sub.addRelation(new InfluenceRelation(lsub));
+             r2sub.addRelation(new InfluenceRelation(lsub));
+             RelationListItem *r =
+               new Relation2<L, R1, R2, RelationFunctor>(lsub, r1sub, r2sub, f);
+             lsub.addRelation(r);
+           }
+       }
+   }
+   template<class RelationFunctor, class L, class R1, class R2, class R3>
+   void newRelation(const RelationFunctor &f, const L &l,
+                    const R1 &r1, const R2 &r2, const R3 &r3)
+   {
+     for (int m = 0; m < l.numMaterials(); ++m)
+       {
+         for (int c = 0; c < l.centeringSize(); ++c)
+           {
+             const L &lsub = l.subField(m, c);
+             const R1 &r1sub = r1.subField(m, c);
+             const R2 &r2sub = r2.subField(m, c);
+             const R3 &r3sub = r3.subField(m, c);
+             r1sub.addRelation(new InfluenceRelation(lsub));
+             r2sub.addRelation(new InfluenceRelation(lsub));
+             r3sub.addRelation(new InfluenceRelation(lsub));
+             RelationListItem *r = new
+               Relation3<L, R1, R2, R3, RelationFunctor>
+                 (lsub, r1sub, r2sub, r3sub, f);
+             lsub.addRelation(r);
+           }
+       }
+   }
+   template<class RelationFunctor, class L, class R1, class R2, class R3,
+     class R4>
+   void newRelation(const RelationFunctor &f, const L &l,
+                    const R1 &r1, const R2 &r2,
+                    const R3 &r3, const R4 &r4)
+   {
+     for (int m = 0; m < l.numMaterials(); ++m)
+       {
+         for (int c = 0; c < l.centeringSize(); ++c)
+           {
+             const L &lsub = l.subField(m, c);
+             const R1 &r1sub = r1.subField(m, c);
+             const R2 &r2sub = r2.subField(m, c);
+             const R3 &r3sub = r3.subField(m, c);
+             const R4 &r4sub = r4.subField(m, c);
+             r1sub.addRelation(new InfluenceRelation(lsub));
+             r2sub.addRelation(new InfluenceRelation(lsub));
+             r3sub.addRelation(new InfluenceRelation(lsub));
+             r4sub.addRelation(new InfluenceRelation(lsub));
+             RelationListItem *r = new
+               Relation4<L, R1, R2, R3, R4, RelationFunctor>
+                 (lsub, r1sub, r2sub, r3sub, r4sub, f);
+             lsub.addRelation(r);
+           }
+       }
+   }
+   template<class RelationFunctor, class L, class R1, class R2, class R3,
+     class R4, class R5>
+   void newRelation(const RelationFunctor &f, const L &l,
+                    const R1 &r1, const R2 &r2,
+                    const R3 &r3, const R4 &r4, const R5 &r5)
+   {
+     for (int m = 0; m < l.numMaterials(); ++m)
+       {
+         for (int c = 0; c < l.centeringSize(); ++c)
+           {
+             const L &lsub = l.subField(m, c);
+             const R1 &r1sub = r1.subField(m, c);
+             const R2 &r2sub = r2.subField(m, c);
+             const R3 &r3sub = r3.subField(m, c);
+             const R4 &r4sub = r4.subField(m, c);
+             const R5 &r5sub = r5.subField(m, c);
+             r1sub.addRelation(new InfluenceRelation(lsub));
+             r2sub.addRelation(new InfluenceRelation(lsub));
+             r3sub.addRelation(new InfluenceRelation(lsub));
+             r4sub.addRelation(new InfluenceRelation(lsub));
+             r5sub.addRelation(new InfluenceRelation(lsub));
+             RelationListItem *r = new
+               Relation5<L, R1, R2, R3, R4, R5, RelationFunctor>
+                 (lsub, r1sub, r2sub, r3sub, r4sub, r5sub, f);
+             lsub.addRelation(r);
+           }
+       }
+   }
+   template<class RelationFunctor, class L, class R1, class R2, class R3,
+     class R4, class R5, class R6>
+   void newRelation(const RelationFunctor &f, const L &l,
+                    const R1 &r1, const R2 &r2,
+                    const R3 &r3, const R4 &r4, const R5 &r5, const R6 &r6)
+   {
+     for (int m = 0; m < l.numMaterials(); ++m)
+       {
+         for (int c = 0; c < l.centeringSize(); ++c)
+           {
+             const L &lsub = l.subField(m, c);
+             const R1 &r1sub = r1.subField(m, c);
+             const R2 &r2sub = r2.subField(m, c);
+             const R3 &r3sub = r3.subField(m, c);
+             const R4 &r4sub = r4.subField(m, c);
+             const R5 &r5sub = r5.subField(m, c);
+             const R6 &r6sub = r6.subField(m, c);
+             r1sub.addRelation(new InfluenceRelation(lsub));
+             r2sub.addRelation(new InfluenceRelation(lsub));
+             r3sub.addRelation(new InfluenceRelation(lsub));
+             r4sub.addRelation(new InfluenceRelation(lsub));
+             r5sub.addRelation(new InfluenceRelation(lsub));
+             r6sub.addRelation(new InfluenceRelation(lsub));
+             RelationListItem *r = new
+               Relation6<L, R1, R2, R3, R4, R5, R6, RelationFunctor>
+                 (lsub, r1sub, r2sub, r3sub, r4sub, r5sub, r6sub, f);
+             lsub.addRelation(r);
+           }
+       }
+   }
+   template<class L>
+   RelationFunctionPtr0<L>
+   functionPtr(void (*f)(const L &))
+   {
+     return RelationFunctionPtr0<L>(f);
+   }
+   template<class L, class R1>
+   RelationFunctionPtr1<L, R1>
+   functionPtr(void (*f)(const L &, const R1 &))
+   {
+     return RelationFunctionPtr1<L, R1>(f);
+   }
+   template<class L, class R1, class R2>
+   RelationFunctionPtr2<L, R1, R2>
+   functionPtr(void (*f)(const L &, const R1 &, const R2 &))
+   {
+     return RelationFunctionPtr2<L, R1, R2>(f);
+   }
+   template<class L, class R1, class R2, class R3>
+   RelationFunctionPtr3<L, R1, R2, R3>
+   functionPtr(void (*f)(const L &, const R1 &, const R2 &, const R3 &))
+   {
+     return RelationFunctionPtr3<L, R1, R2, R3>(f);
+   }
+   template<class L, class R1, class R2, class R3, class R4>
+   RelationFunctionPtr4<L, R1, R2, R3, R4>
+   functionPtr(void (*f)(const L &, const R1 &, const R2 &, const R3 &,
+     const R4 &r4))
+   {
+     return RelationFunctionPtr4<L, R1, R2, R3, R4>(f);
+   }
+   template<class L, class R1, class R2, class R3,
+     class R4, class R5>
+   RelationFunctionPtr5<L, R1, R2, R3, R4, R5>
+   functionPtr(void (*f)(const L &, const R1 &, const R2 &, const R3 &,
+     const R4 &r4, const R5 &r5))
+   {
+     return RelationFunctionPtr5<L, R1, R2, R3, R4, R5>(f);
+   }
+   template<class L, class R1, class R2, class R3,
+     class R4, class R5, class R6>
+   RelationFunctionPtr6<L, R1, R2, R3, R4, R5, R6>
+   functionPtr(void (*f)(const L &, const R1 &, const R2 &, const R3 &,
+     const R4 &r4, const R5 &r5, const R6 &r6))
+   {
+     return RelationFunctionPtr6<L, R1, R2, R3, R4, R5, R6>(f);
+   }
+   template<class C, class L>
+   RelationMemberPtr0<C, L>
+   memberPtr(const C &obj, void (C::*f)(const L &))
+   {
+     return RelationMemberPtr0<C, L>(obj, f);
+   }
+   template<class C, class L, class R1>
+   RelationMemberPtr1<C, L, R1>
+   memberPtr(const C &obj, void (C::*f)(const L &, const R1 &))
+   {
+     return RelationMemberPtr1<C, L, R1>(obj, f);
+   }
+   template<class C, class L, class R1, class R2>
+   RelationMemberPtr2<C, L, R1, R2>
+   memberPtr(const C &obj, void (C::*f)(const L &, const R1 &, const R2 &))
+   {
+     return RelationMemberPtr2<C, L, R1, R2>(obj, f);
+   }
+   template<class C, class L, class R1, class R2, class R3>
+   RelationMemberPtr3<C, L, R1, R2, R3>
+   memberPtr(const C &obj,
+     void (C::*f)(const L &, const R1 &, const R2 &, const R3 &))
+   {
+     return RelationMemberPtr3<C, L, R1, R2, R3>(obj, f);
+   }
+   template<class C, class L, class R1, class R2, class R3,
+     class R4>
+   RelationMemberPtr4<C, L, R1, R2, R3, R4>
+   memberPtr(const C &obj,
+     void (C::*f)(const L &, const R1 &, const R2 &, const R3 &,
+     const R4 &r4))
+   {
+     return RelationMemberPtr4<C, L, R1, R2, R3, R4>(obj, f);
+   }
+   template<class C, class L, class R1, class R2, class R3,
+     class R4, class R5>
+   RelationMemberPtr5<C, L, R1, R2, R3, R4, R5>
+   memberPtr(const C &obj,
+     void (C::*f)(const L &, const R1 &, const R2 &, const R3 &,
+     const R4 &r4, const R5 &r5))
+   {
+     return RelationMemberPtr5<C, L, R1, R2, R3, R4, R5>(obj, f);
+   }
+   template<class C, class L, class R1, class R2, class R3,
+     class R4, class R5, class R6>
+   RelationMemberPtr6<C, L, R1, R2, R3, R4, R5, R6>
+   memberPtr(const C &obj,
+     void (C::*f)(const L &, const R1 &, const R2 &, const R3 &,
+     const R4 &r4, const R5 &r5, const R6 &r6))
+   {
+     return RelationMemberPtr6<C, L, R1, R2, R3, R4, R5, R6>(obj, f);
+   }
+ }
+ template<int Dim, class T>
+ class ConstantFaceBC
+ {
+ public:
+   ConstantFaceBC(int face, const T &constant,
+     bool enforceConstantBoundary = false)
+   : domain_m(Pooma::NoInit()),
+     face_m(face),
+     constant_m(constant),
+     enforceConstantBoundary_m(enforceConstantBoundary)
+     { }
+   ConstantFaceBC(const ConstantFaceBC<Dim, T> &model)
+   : domain_m(model.domain_m),
+     face_m(model.face_m),
+     constant_m(model.constant_m),
+     enforceConstantBoundary_m(model.enforceConstantBoundary_m)
+     { }
+   template<class Target>
+   ConstantFaceBC(const ConstantFaceBC<Dim, T> &init, const Target &t)
+   : domain_m(t.totalDomain()),
+     face_m(init.face_m),
+     constant_m(init.constant_m),
+     enforceConstantBoundary_m(init.enforceConstantBoundary_m)
+   {
+     ;
+     int d = face_m / 2;
+     int adjust;
+     if (enforceConstantBoundary_m &&
+         t.centering().orientation(0)[d].min() == 0)
+       adjust = 0;
+     else
+       adjust = 1;
+     if (face_m & 1)
+       {
+         int nGuards = t.fieldEngine().guardLayers().upper(d);
+         domain_m[d] = Interval<1>(domain_m[d].max() - nGuards + adjust,
+              domain_m[d].max());
+       }
+     else
+       {
+         int nGuards = t.fieldEngine().guardLayers().lower(d);
+         domain_m[d] = Interval<1>(domain_m[d].min(),
+       domain_m[d].min() + nGuards - adjust);
+       }
+   }
+   ConstantFaceBC<Dim, T> &operator=(const ConstantFaceBC<Dim, T> &rhs)
+   {
+     domain_m = rhs.domain_m;
+     face_m = rhs.face_m;
+     constant_m = rhs.constant_m;
+     enforceConstantBoundary_m = rhs.enforceConstantBoundary_m;
+     return *this;
+   }
+   T constant() const { return constant_m; }
+   void setConstant(T newConstant) { constant_m = newConstant; }
+   int face() const { return face_m; }
+   template<class Target>
+   void operator()(const Target &t) const
+   {
+     t(domain_m) = constant_m;
+   }
+ private:
+   Interval<Dim> domain_m;
+   int face_m;
+   T constant_m;
+   bool enforceConstantBoundary_m;
+ };
+ template<int Dim, class T>
+ struct RelationFunctorTraits<ConstantFaceBC<Dim, T> > {
+   enum { defaultPriority = 100 };
+ };
+ namespace Pooma {
+   template<class Target, class T>
+   void addConstantFaceBC(const Target &f, int face, const T &constant,
+     bool enforceConstantBoundary = false)
+   {
+     newRelation(ConstantFaceBC<Target::dimensions, T>
+       (face, constant, enforceConstantBoundary), f);
+   }
+   template<class Target, class T>
+   void addAllConstantFaceBC(const Target &f, const T &constant,
+     bool enforceConstantBoundary = false)
+   {
+     for (int i = 0; i < 2 * Target::dimensions; i++)
+       {
+         addConstantFaceBC(f, i, constant, enforceConstantBoundary);
+       }
+   }
+ }
+ template<int Dim>
+ class ReflectFaceBase
+ {
+ public:
+   ReflectFaceBase(int face, bool enforceZeroBoundary = false)
+   : domain_m(Pooma::NoInit()),
+     vertFaceDomain_m(Pooma::NoInit()),
+     srcRange_m(Pooma::NoInit()),
+     face_m(face),
+     enforceZeroBoundary_m(enforceZeroBoundary)
+     { }
+   ReflectFaceBase(const ReflectFaceBase<Dim> &model)
+   : domain_m(model.domain_m),
+     vertFaceDomain_m(model.vertFaceDomain_m),
+     srcRange_m(model.srcRange_m),
+     face_m(model.face_m),
+     enforceZeroBoundary_m(model.enforceZeroBoundary_m)
+     { }
+   template<class Target>
+   ReflectFaceBase(const ReflectFaceBase<Dim> &init, const Target &t)
+   : domain_m(t.totalDomain()),
+     vertFaceDomain_m(t.totalDomain()),
+     srcRange_m(Pooma::NoInit()),
+     face_m(init.face_m),
+     enforceZeroBoundary_m(init.enforceZeroBoundary_m)
+   {
+     ;
+     for (int dd = 0; dd < Dim; ++dd)
+       {
+         srcRange_m[dd] =
+           Range<1>(domain_m[dd].min(), domain_m[dd].max(), 1);
+       }
+     int d = face_m / 2;
+     int adjust = 1 - t.centering().orientation(0)[d].min();
+     if (face_m & 1)
+       {
+         int nGuards = t.fieldEngine().guardLayers().upper(d);
+  if (adjust == 1)
+    {
+             vertFaceDomain_m[d] =
+        Interval<1>(t.physicalDomain()[d].max(),
+      t.physicalDomain()[d].max());
+           }
+         srcRange_m[d] =
+           Range<1>(t.physicalDomain()[d].max() - adjust,
+      t.physicalDomain()[d].max() - adjust - (nGuards - 1),
+      -1);
+         domain_m[d] = Interval<1>(domain_m[d].max() - (nGuards - 1),
+       domain_m[d].max());
+       }
+     else
+       {
+         int nGuards = t.fieldEngine().guardLayers().lower(d);
+  if (adjust == 1)
+    {
+             vertFaceDomain_m[d] =
+               Interval<1>(t.physicalDomain()[d].min(),
+      t.physicalDomain()[d].min());
+     }
+         srcRange_m[d] =
+           Range<1>(t.physicalDomain()[d].min() + adjust +
+      (nGuards - 1),
+      t.physicalDomain()[d].min() + adjust, -1);
+  domain_m[d] = Interval<1>(domain_m[d].min(),
+       domain_m[d].min() + (nGuards - 1));
+       }
+   }
+   ReflectFaceBase<Dim> &operator=(const ReflectFaceBase<Dim> &rhs)
+   {
+     domain_m = rhs.domain_m;
+     vertFaceDomain_m = rhs.vertFaceDomain_m;
+     srcRange_m = rhs.srcRange_m;
+     face_m = rhs.face_m;
+     enforceZeroBoundary_m = rhs.enforceZeroBoundary_m;
+     return *this;
+   }
+   int face() const { return face_m; }
+   bool enforceZeroBoundary() const { return enforceZeroBoundary_m; }
+ protected:
+   Interval<Dim> domain_m, vertFaceDomain_m;
+   Range<Dim> srcRange_m;
+   int face_m;
+   bool enforceZeroBoundary_m;
+ };
+ template<int Dim>
+ class PosReflectFaceBC : public ReflectFaceBase<Dim>
+ {
+ public:
+   PosReflectFaceBC(int face, bool enforceZeroBoundary = false)
+     : ReflectFaceBase<Dim>(face, enforceZeroBoundary)
+   {}
+   template<class Target>
+   PosReflectFaceBC(const PosReflectFaceBC<Dim>& init, const Target &t)
+     : ReflectFaceBase<Dim>(init, t)
+   {}
+   template<class Target>
+   void operator()(const Target &t) const
+   {
+     t(this->domain_m) = t(this->srcRange_m);
+     if (this->enforceZeroBoundary_m &&
+         t.centering().orientation(0)[this->face_m / 2].min() == 0)
+       {
+         typedef typename Target::Element_t T;
+         t(this->vertFaceDomain_m) = T(0.0);
+       }
+   }
+ };
+ template<int Dim>
+ class NegReflectFaceBC : public ReflectFaceBase<Dim>
+ {
+ public:
+   NegReflectFaceBC(int face, bool enforceZeroBoundary = false)
+     : ReflectFaceBase<Dim>(face, enforceZeroBoundary)
+   {}
+   template<class Target>
+   NegReflectFaceBC(const NegReflectFaceBC<Dim>& init, const Target &t)
+     : ReflectFaceBase<Dim>(init, t)
+   {}
+   template<class Target>
+   void operator()(const Target &t) const
+   {
+     t(this->domain_m) = -t(this->srcRange_m);
+     if (this->enforceZeroBoundary_m &&
+         t.centering().orientation(0)[this->face_m / 2].min() == 0)
+       {
+         typedef typename Target::Element_t T;
+         t(this->vertFaceDomain_m) = T(0.0);
+       }
+   }
+ };
+ template<int Dim>
+ struct RelationFunctorTraits<PosReflectFaceBC<Dim> > {
+   enum { defaultPriority = 100 };
+ };
+ template<int Dim>
+ struct RelationFunctorTraits<NegReflectFaceBC<Dim> > {
+   enum { defaultPriority = 100 };
+ };
+ namespace Pooma {
+   template<class Target>
+   void addPosReflectFaceBC(const Target &f, int face,
+     bool enforceZeroBoundary = false)
+   {
+       newRelation(PosReflectFaceBC<Target::dimensions>
+         (face, enforceZeroBoundary), f);
+   }
+   template<class Target>
+   void addAllPosReflectFaceBC(const Target &f, bool enforceZeroBoundary = false)
+   {
+     for (int i = 0; i < 2 * Target::dimensions; i++)
+       {
+         addPosReflectFaceBC(f, i, enforceZeroBoundary);
+       }
+   }
+   template<class Target>
+   void addNegReflectFaceBC(const Target &f, int face,
+     bool enforceZeroBoundary = false)
+   {
+       newRelation(NegReflectFaceBC<Target::dimensions>
+         (face, enforceZeroBoundary), f);
+   }
+   template<class Target>
+   void addAllNegReflectFaceBC(const Target &f, bool enforceZeroBoundary = false)
+   {
+     for (int i = 0; i < 2 * Target::dimensions; i++)
+       {
+         addNegReflectFaceBC(f, i, enforceZeroBoundary);
+       }
+   }
+ }
+ template<int Dim>
+ class PeriodicFaceBC
+ {
+ public:
+   PeriodicFaceBC(int face)
+   : domain_m(Pooma::NoInit()),
+     srcDomain_m(Pooma::NoInit()),
+     face_m(face)
+     { }
+   PeriodicFaceBC(const PeriodicFaceBC<Dim> &model)
+   : domain_m(model.domain_m),
+     srcDomain_m(model.srcDomain_m),
+     face_m(model.face_m)
+     { }
+   template<class Target>
+   PeriodicFaceBC(const PeriodicFaceBC<Dim> &init, const Target &t)
+   : domain_m(t.totalDomain()),
+     srcDomain_m(t.totalDomain()),
+     face_m(init.face_m)
+   {
+     ;
+     int d = face_m / 2;
+     int adjust = 1 - t.centering().orientation(0)[d].min();
+     if (face_m & 1)
+       {
+         int nGuards = t.fieldEngine().guardLayers().upper(d);
+  domain_m[d] =
+           Interval<1>(domain_m[d].max() - nGuards,
+                domain_m[d].max());
+  srcDomain_m[d] =
+    Interval<1>(domain_m[d].min() -
+         (t.physicalDomain()[d].length() - 1 - adjust),
+          domain_m[d].max() -
+          (t.physicalDomain()[d].length() - 1 - adjust));
+       }
+     else
+       {
+         int nGuards = t.fieldEngine().guardLayers().lower(d);
+  domain_m[d] = Interval<1>(domain_m[d].min(),
+       domain_m[d].min() + (nGuards - 1) + adjust);
+  srcDomain_m[d] =
+    Interval<1>(domain_m[d].min() +
+         (t.physicalDomain()[d].length() - 1 - adjust),
+         domain_m[d].max() +
+          (t.physicalDomain()[d].length() - 1 - adjust));
+       }
+   }
+   PeriodicFaceBC<Dim> &operator=(const PeriodicFaceBC<Dim> &rhs)
+   {
+     if (&rhs != this)
+       {
+         domain_m = rhs.domain_m;
+         srcDomain_m = rhs.srcDomain_m;
+         face_m = rhs.face_m;
+       }
+     return *this;
+   }
+   int face() const { return face_m; }
+   template<class Target>
+   void operator()(const Target &t) const
+   {
+     t(domain_m) = t(srcDomain_m);
+   }
+ private:
+   Interval<Dim> domain_m, srcDomain_m;
+   int face_m;
+ };
+ template<int Dim>
+ struct RelationFunctorTraits<PeriodicFaceBC<Dim> > {
+   enum { defaultPriority = 100 };
+ };
+ namespace Pooma {
+   template<class Target>
+   void addPeriodicFaceBC(const Target &f, int face)
+   {
+     newRelation(PeriodicFaceBC<Target::dimensions>(face), f);
+   }
+   template<class Target>
+   void addAllPeriodicFaceBC(const Target &f)
+   {
+     for (int i = 0; i < 2 * Target::dimensions; i++)
+       {
+         addPeriodicFaceBC(f, i);
+       }
+   }
+ }
+ template<int Dim>
+ class ZeroGradientFaceBC
+ {
+ public:
+   ZeroGradientFaceBC(int face)
+   : srcDomain_m(Pooma::NoInit()),
+     face_m(face)
+     { }
+   ZeroGradientFaceBC(const ZeroGradientFaceBC<Dim> &model)
+   : srcDomain_m(model.srcDomain_m),
+     domains_m(model.domains_m),
+     face_m(model.face_m)
+     { }
+   template<class Target>
+   ZeroGradientFaceBC(const ZeroGradientFaceBC<Dim> &init, const Target &t)
+   : srcDomain_m(t.totalDomain()),
+     face_m(init.face_m)
+   {
+     ;
+     int d = face_m / 2;
+     int adjust = 1 - t.centering().orientation(0)[d].min();
+     if (face_m & 1)
+       {
+         int nGuards = t.fieldEngine().guardLayers().upper(d);
+  domains_m.resize(nGuards+adjust, t.totalDomain());
+  srcDomain_m[d] =
+           Interval<1>(t.physicalDomain()[d].max() - adjust,
+                t.physicalDomain()[d].max() - adjust);
+  for (int i=0; i<nGuards+adjust; i++)
+    domains_m[i][d] =
+      Interval<1>(t.physicalDomain()[d].max() -adjust + i + 1,
+    t.physicalDomain()[d].max() -adjust + i + 1);
+       }
+     else
+       {
+         int nGuards = t.fieldEngine().guardLayers().lower(d);
+  domains_m.resize(nGuards+adjust, t.totalDomain());
+  srcDomain_m[d] = Interval<1>(t.physicalDomain()[d].min()+adjust,
+           t.physicalDomain()[d].min()+adjust);
+  for (int i=0; i<nGuards+adjust; i++)
+    domains_m[i][d] =
+      Interval<1>(t.physicalDomain()[d].min() +adjust - i - 1,
+    t.physicalDomain()[d].min() +adjust - i - 1);
+       }
+   }
+   ZeroGradientFaceBC<Dim> &operator=(const ZeroGradientFaceBC<Dim> &rhs)
+   {
+     if (&rhs != this)
+       {
+         domains_m = rhs.domains_m;
+         srcDomain_m = rhs.srcDomain_m;
+         face_m = rhs.face_m;
+       }
+     return *this;
+   }
+   int face() const { return face_m; }
+   template<class Target>
+   void operator()(const Target &t) const
+   {
+     for (int i=0; i<domains_m.size(); i++) {
+       t(domains_m[i]) = t(srcDomain_m);
+     }
+   }
+ private:
+   Interval<Dim> srcDomain_m;
+   std::vector<Interval<Dim> > domains_m;
+   int face_m;
+ };
+ template<int Dim>
+ struct RelationFunctorTraits<ZeroGradientFaceBC<Dim> > {
+   enum { defaultPriority = 100 };
+ };
+ namespace Pooma {
+   template<class Target>
+   void addZeroGradientFaceBC(const Target &f, int face)
+   {
+     newRelation(ZeroGradientFaceBC<Target::dimensions>(face), f);
+   }
+   template<class Target>
+   void addAllZeroGradientFaceBC(const Target &f)
+   {
+     for (int i = 0; i < 2 * Target::dimensions; i++)
+       {
+         addZeroGradientFaceBC(f, i);
+       }
+   }
+ }
+ template<class Functor, class Expression>
+ struct FieldStencilSimple
+ {
+   typedef typename Expression::MeshTag_t MeshTag_t;
+   enum { outputDim = Expression::dimensions };
+   typedef typename Functor::OutputElement_t OutputElement_t;
+   typedef StencilEngine<Functor, Expression> OutputEngineTag_t;
+   typedef Field<MeshTag_t, OutputElement_t, OutputEngineTag_t> Type_t;
+   typedef Engine<outputDim, OutputElement_t, OutputEngineTag_t> SEngine_t;
+   static inline
+   Type_t make(const Functor &stencil, const Expression &f)
+   {
+  return make(stencil, f, f.physicalDomain());
+   }
+   static inline
+   Type_t make(const Functor &stencil, const Expression &f, const Interval<outputDim> &domain)
+   {
+  Type_t h(stencil.outputCentering(), f.layout(), f.mesh());
+  h.fieldEngine().engine() = SEngine_t(stencil, f, domain);
+  return h;
+   }
+   template<class Accumulate>
+   static inline
+   Type_t make(const Expression &f,
+               const std::vector<FieldOffsetList<outputDim> > &nn,
+               const Centering<outputDim> &outputCentering,
+               Accumulate accumulate = Accumulate())
+   {
+     ;
+     Type_t h(outputCentering, f.layout(), f.mesh());
+     h.fieldEngine().physicalCellDomain() = f.fieldEngine().physicalCellDomain();
+     h.fieldEngine().guardLayers() = f.fieldEngine().guardLayers();
+     if (outputCentering.size() == 1)
+     {
+       h.fieldEngine().engine()
+         = SEngine_t(Functor(nn[0], outputCentering, f.centering(),
+                             accumulate),
+                     f, h.physicalDomain());
+     }
+     else
+     {
+       int oc;
+       for (oc = 0; oc < nn.size(); ++oc)
+       {
+         h[oc].fieldEngine().guardLayers() = f.fieldEngine().guardLayers();
+         h[oc].fieldEngine().engine()
+           = SEngine_t(Functor(nn[oc], outputCentering[oc], f.centering(),
+                               accumulate),
+                       f, h[oc].physicalDomain());
+       }
+     }
+     return h;
+   }
+ };
+ template<class T2, class Mesh>
+ class DivVertToCell;
+ template<class T2, int Dim, class TM>
+ class DivVertToCell<Vector<Dim, T2>, UniformRectilinearMesh<MeshTraits<Dim, TM, UniformRectilinearTag, CartesianTag> > >
+ {
+ public:
+   typedef T2 OutputElement_t;
+   Centering<Dim> outputCentering() const
+   {
+     return canonicalCentering<Dim>(CellType, Continuous, AllDim);
+   }
+   Centering<Dim> inputCentering() const
+   {
+     return canonicalCentering<Dim>(VertexType, Continuous, AllDim);
+   }
+   DivVertToCell()
+   {
+     for (int d = 0; d < Dim; ++d)
+     {
+       fact_m(d) = 1.0;
+     }
+   }
+   template<class FE>
+   DivVertToCell(const FE &fieldEngine)
+   {
+     for (int d = 0; d < Dim; ++d)
+     {
+       fact_m(d) = 1 / fieldEngine.mesh().spacings()(d);
+     }
+   }
+   int lowerExtent(int d) const { return 0; }
+   int upperExtent(int d) const { return 1; }
+   template<class F>
+   inline OutputElement_t
+   operator()(const F &f, int i1) const
+   {
+     return OutputElement_t
+       (fact_m(0)*(f.read(i1+1)(0) - f.read(i1)(0)));
+   }
+   template<class F>
+   inline OutputElement_t
+   operator()(const F &f, int i1, int i2) const
+   {
+     return OutputElement_t
+       (0.5*(fact_m(0)*(f.read(i1+1,i2)(0) - f.read(i1,i2)(0)
+        + f.read(i1+1,i2+1)(0) - f.read(i1,i2+1)(0))
+    + fact_m(1)*(f.read(i1, i2+1)(1) - f.read(i1, i2)(1)
+        + f.read(i1+1,i2+1)(1) - f.read(i1+1,i2)(1))));
+   }
+   template<class F>
+   inline OutputElement_t
+   operator()(const F &f, int i1, int i2, int i3) const
+   {
+     return OutputElement_t
+       (0.25*(fact_m(0)*(f.read(i1+1,i2, i3)(0) - f.read(i1,i2, i3)(0)
+         + f.read(i1+1,i2+1,i3)(0) - f.read(i1,i2+1,i3)(0)
+         + f.read(i1+1,i2, i3+1)(0) - f.read(i1,i2, i3+1)(0)
+         + f.read(i1+1,i2+1,i3+1)(0) - f.read(i1,i2+1,i3+1)(0))
+     + fact_m(1)*(f.read(i1, i2+1,i3)(1) - f.read(i1, i2,i3)(1)
+         + f.read(i1+1,i2+1,i3)(1) - f.read(i1+1,i2,i3)(1)
+         + f.read(i1, i2+1,i3+1)(1) - f.read(i1, i2,i3+1)(1)
+         + f.read(i1+1,i2+1,i3+1)(1) - f.read(i1+1,i2,i3+1)(1))
+     + fact_m(2)*(f.read(i1, i2, i3+1)(2) - f.read(i1, i2, i3)(2)
+         + f.read(i1+1,i2, i3+1)(2) - f.read(i1+1,i2, i3)(2)
+         + f.read(i1, i2+1,i3+1)(2) - f.read(i1, i2+1,i3)(2)
+         + f.read(i1+1,i2+1,i3+1)(2) - f.read(i1+1,i2+1,i3)(2))));
+   }
+ private:
+   Vector<Dim, TM> fact_m;
+ };
+ template<class T2, class Mesh>
+ class DivCellToVert;
+ template<class T2, int Dim, class TM>
+ class DivCellToVert<Vector<Dim, T2>, UniformRectilinearMesh<MeshTraits<Dim, TM> > >
+ {
+ public:
+   typedef T2 OutputElement_t;
+   Centering<Dim> outputCentering() const
+   {
+     return canonicalCentering<Dim>(CellType, Continuous, AllDim);
+   }
+   Centering<Dim> inputCentering() const
+   {
+     return canonicalCentering<Dim>(VertexType, Continuous, AllDim);
+   }
+   DivCellToVert()
+   {
+     for (int d = 0; d < Dim; ++d)
+     {
+       fact_m(d) = 1.0;
+     }
+   }
+   template<class FE>
+   DivCellToVert(const FE &fieldEngine)
+   {
+     for (int d = 0; d < Dim; ++d)
+     {
+       fact_m(d) = 1 / fieldEngine.mesh().spacings()(d);
+     }
+   }
+   int lowerExtent(int d) const { return 0; }
+   int upperExtent(int d) const { return 1; }
+   template<class F>
+   inline OutputElement_t
+   operator()(const F &f, int i1) const
+   {
+     return OutputElement_t
+       (fact_m(0)*(f.read(i1)(0) - f.read(i1-1)(0)));
+   }
+   template<class F>
+   inline OutputElement_t
+   operator()(const F &f, int i1, int i2) const
+   {
+     return OutputElement_t
+       (0.5*(fact_m(0)*(f.read(i1,i2-1)(0) - f.read(i1-1,i2-1)(0)
+        + f.read(i1,i2)(0) - f.read(i1-1,i2)(0))
+    + fact_m(1)*(f.read(i1-1,i2)(1) - f.read(i1-1,i2-1)(1)
+        + f.read(i1, i2)(1) - f.read(i1, i2-1)(1))));
+   }
+   template<class F>
+   inline OutputElement_t
+   operator()(const F &f, int i1, int i2, int i3) const
+   {
+     return OutputElement_t
+       (0.25*(fact_m(0)*(f.read(i1,i2-1,i3-1)(0) - f.read(i1-1,i2-1,i3-1)(0)
+         + f.read(i1,i2, i3-1)(0) - f.read(i1-1,i2, i3-1)(0)
+         + f.read(i1,i2-1,i3)(0) - f.read(i1-1,i2-1,i3)(0)
+         + f.read(i1,i2, i3)(0) - f.read(i1-1,i2, i3)(0))
+     + fact_m(1)*(f.read(i1-1,i2,i3-1)(1) - f.read(i1-1,i2-1,i3-1)(1)
+         + f.read(i1, i2,i3-1)(1) - f.read(i1, i2-1,i3-1)(1)
+         + f.read(i1-1,i2,i3)(1) - f.read(i1-1,i2-1,i3)(1)
+         + f.read(i1, i2,i3)(1) - f.read(i1, i2-1,i3)(1))
+     + fact_m(2)*(f.read(i1-1,i2-1,i3)(2) - f.read(i1-1,i2-1,i3-1)(2)
+         + f.read(i1, i2-1,i3)(2) - f.read(i1, i2-1,i3-1)(2)
+         + f.read(i1-1,i2, i3)(2) - f.read(i1-1,i2, i3-1)(2)
+         + f.read(i1, i2, i3)(2) - f.read(i1, i2, i3-1)(2))));
+   }
+ private:
+   Vector<Dim, TM> fact_m;
+ };
+ template<class T2, class Mesh, CenteringType OC>
+ class DivSameToSame;
+ template<class T2, int Dim, class TM, CenteringType OC>
+ class DivSameToSame<Vector<Dim, T2>, UniformRectilinearMesh<MeshTraits<Dim, TM, UniformRectilinearTag, CartesianTag> >, OC>
+ {
+ public:
+   typedef T2 OutputElement_t;
+   Centering<Dim> outputCentering() const
+   {
+     return canonicalCentering<Dim>(OC, Continuous);
+   }
+   Centering<Dim> inputCentering() const
+   {
+     return canonicalCentering<Dim>(OC, Continuous);
+   }
+   DivSameToSame()
+   {
+     for (int d = 0; d < Dim; ++d)
+     {
+       fact_m(d) = 0.5;
+     }
+   }
+   template<class FE>
+   DivSameToSame(const FE &fieldEngine)
+   {
+     for (int d = 0; d < Dim; ++d)
+     {
+       fact_m(d) = 0.5 / fieldEngine.mesh().spacings()(d);
+     }
+   }
+   int lowerExtent(int d) const { return 1; }
+   int upperExtent(int d) const { return 1; }
+   template<class F>
+   inline OutputElement_t
+   operator()(const F &f, int i1) const
+   {
+     return OutputElement_t
+       (fact_m(0)*(f.read(i1+1)(0) - f.read(i1-1)(0)));
+   }
+   template<class F>
+   inline OutputElement_t
+   operator()(const F &f, int i1, int i2) const
+   {
+     return OutputElement_t
+       (fact_m(0)*(f.read(i1+1,i2)(0) - f.read(i1-1,i2)(0))
+      + fact_m(1)*(f.read(i1, i2+1)(1) - f.read(i1, i2-1)(1)));
+   }
+   template<class F>
+   inline OutputElement_t
+   operator()(const F &f, int i1, int i2, int i3) const
+   {
+     return OutputElement_t
+       (fact_m(0)*(f.read(i1+1,i2, i3)(0) - f.read(i1-1,i2, i3)(0))
+      + fact_m(1)*(f.read(i1, i2+1,i3)(1) - f.read(i1, i2-1,i3)(1))
+      + fact_m(2)*(f.read(i1, i2, i3+1)(2) - f.read(i1, i2, i3-1)(2)));
+   }
+ private:
+   Vector<Dim, TM> fact_m;
+ };
+ template<class T2, class Mesh>
+ class DivCellToVert;
+ template<class T2, class Mesh>
+ class DivVertToCell;
+ template<class T2, class Mesh, CenteringType OC>
+ class DivSameToSame;
+ template<class Mesh, class T, class EngineTag>
+ typename
+ FieldStencilSimple<DivSameToSame<T, Mesh, CellType>,
+   Field<Mesh, T, EngineTag> >::Type_t
+ divCellToCell(const Field<Mesh, T, EngineTag> &f)
+ {
+   typedef DivSameToSame<T, Mesh, CellType> Div_t;
+   typedef FieldStencilSimple<Div_t, Field<Mesh, T, EngineTag> > Ret_t;
+   return Ret_t::make(Div_t(f.fieldEngine()), f);
+ }
+ template<class Mesh, class T, class EngineTag>
+ typename
+ FieldStencilSimple<DivVertToCell<T, Mesh>,
+   Field<Mesh, T, EngineTag> >::Type_t
+ divVertToCell(const Field<Mesh, T, EngineTag> &f)
+ {
+   typedef DivVertToCell<T, Mesh> Div_t;
+   typedef FieldStencilSimple<Div_t, Field<Mesh, T, EngineTag> > Ret_t;
+   return Ret_t::make(Div_t(f.fieldEngine()), f);
+ }
+ template<class Mesh, class T, class EngineTag>
+ typename
+ FieldStencilSimple<DivCellToVert<T, Mesh>,
+   Field<Mesh, T, EngineTag> >::Type_t
+ divCellToVert(const Field<Mesh, T, EngineTag> &f)
+ {
+   typedef DivCellToVert<T, Mesh> Div_t;
+   typedef FieldStencilSimple<Div_t, Field<Mesh, T, EngineTag> > Ret_t;
+   return Ret_t::make(Div_t(f.fieldEngine()), f);
+ }
+ template<class Mesh, class T, class EngineTag>
+ typename
+ FieldStencilSimple<DivSameToSame<T, Mesh, VertexType>,
+   Field<Mesh, T, EngineTag> >::Type_t
+ divVertToVert(const Field<Mesh, T, EngineTag> &f)
+ {
+   typedef DivSameToSame<T, Mesh, VertexType> Div_t;
+   typedef FieldStencilSimple<Div_t, Field<Mesh, T, EngineTag> > Ret_t;
+   return Ret_t::make(Div_t(f.fieldEngine()), f);
+ }
+ template<class D1,class T1,class E1>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<BinaryNode<FnMin,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ min(const Field<D1,T1,E1> & l,const Field<D1,T1,E1> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<FnMin,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Field<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Field<D1,T1,E1> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template<class D1,class T1,class E1>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<BinaryNode<FnMax,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ max(const Field<D1,T1,E1> & l,const Field<D1,T1,E1> & r)
+ {
+   typedef BinaryNode<FnMax,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Field<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l),
+     CreateLeaf<Field<D1,T1,E1> >::make(r)));
+ }
+ template <int Dim>
+ class DomainLayout;
+ template<class Functor> class FieldShift;
+ template <class Expression>
+ struct FieldShift;
+ template<int Dim, class T, class Expression>
+ class Engine<Dim, T, FieldShift<Expression> >
+ {
+ public:
+   typedef FieldShift<Expression> Tag_t;
+   typedef Expression Expression_t;
+   typedef Engine<Dim, T, Tag_t> This_t;
+   typedef This_t Engine_t;
+   typedef Interval<Dim> Domain_t;
+   typedef T Element_t;
+   typedef ErrorType ElementRef_t;
+   typedef typename Expression_t::Engine_t ExprEngine_t;
+   typedef DomainLayout<Dim> Layout_t;
+   enum { dimensions = Dim };
+   enum { hasDataObject = ExprEngine_t::hasDataObject };
+   enum { dynamic = false };
+   enum { zeroBased = false };
+   enum { multiPatch = ExprEngine_t::multiPatch };
+   Engine()
+     : domain_m(Pooma::NoInit()), exprEngine_m()
+   {
+   }
+   template<class Layout>
+   explicit Engine(const Layout &layout)
+     : domain_m(layout.domain()), exprEngine_m()
+   {
+   }
+   Engine(const Expression_t &f, const Loc<Dim> &offset, Domain_t domain)
+     : domain_m(domain),
+       offset_m(offset),
+       exprEngine_m(f)
+   {
+   }
+   Engine(const This_t &model)
+     : domain_m(model.domain()),
+       offset_m(model.offset_m),
+       exprEngine_m(model.exprEngine())
+   {
+   }
+   This_t &operator=(const This_t &model)
+   {
+     domain_m = model.domain();
+     offset_m = model.offset_m;
+     exprEngine_m = model.exprEngine();
+     return *this;
+   }
+   inline Element_t read(int i) const
+   {
+     return exprEngine()(i + offset_m[0].first());
+   }
+   inline Element_t read(int i, int j) const
+   {
+     return exprEngine()(i + offset_m[0].first(),
+                         j + offset_m[1].first());
+   }
+   inline Element_t read(int i, int j, int k) const
+   {
+     return exprEngine()(i + offset_m[0].first(),
+                         j + offset_m[1].first(),
+                         k + offset_m[2].first());
+   }
+   inline Element_t read(const Loc<Dim> &loc) const
+   {
+     return exprEngine()(loc + offset_m);
+   }
+   inline Element_t operator()(int i) const
+   {
+     return read(i);
+   }
+   inline Element_t operator()(int i, int j) const
+   {
+     return read(i, j);
+   }
+   inline Element_t operator()(int i, int j, int k) const
+   {
+     return read(i, j, k);
+   }
+   inline Element_t operator()(const Loc<Dim> &loc) const
+   {
+     return read(loc);
+   }
+   inline const Domain_t &domain() const { return domain_m; }
+   inline Loc<Dim> offset() const
+   {
+     return offset_m;
+   }
+   inline const Expression_t &exprEngine() const { return exprEngine_m; }
+   template<class RequestType>
+   inline
+   typename DataObjectRequest<RequestType>::Type_t
+   dataObjectRequest(const DataObjectRequest<RequestType> &req) const
+   {
+     return exprEngine().engine().dataObjectRequest(req);
+   }
+   inline
+   Interval<Dim> viewDomain(const Interval<Dim> &domain) const
+   {
+     Interval<Dim> ret;
+     int d;
+     for (d = 0; d < Dim; ++d)
+     {
+       ret[d] =
+  Interval<1>(
+       domain[d].first() + offset_m[d].first(),
+       domain[d].last() + offset_m[d].first()
+       );
+     }
+     return ret;
+   }
+   inline
+   INode<Dim> viewDomain(const INode<Dim> &inode) const
+   {
+     return INode<Dim>(inode, viewDomain(inode.domain()));
+   }
+   inline
+   Interval<Dim> intersectDomain() const
+   {
+     Interval<Dim> ret;
+     int d;
+     for (d = 0; d < Dim; ++d)
+     {
+       ret[d] =
+  Interval<1>(
+       domain_m[d].first() + offset_m[d].first(),
+                     domain_m[d].last() + offset_m[d].first()
+       );
+     }
+     return ret;
+   }
+ private:
+   Interval<Dim> domain_m;
+   Loc<Dim> offset_m;
+   Expression_t exprEngine_m;
+ };
+ template <int Dim, class T, class E>
+ struct NewEngine<Engine<Dim, T, FieldShift<E> >, Interval<Dim> >
+ {
+   typedef typename NewEngine<E, Interval<Dim> >::Type_t Type_t;
+ };
+ template <int Dim, class T, class E>
+ struct NewEngineEngine<Engine<Dim, T, FieldShift<E> >, Interval<Dim> >
+ {
+   typedef typename NewEngineEngine<E, Interval<Dim> >::Type_t Type_t;
+   static inline
+   Type_t apply(const Engine<Dim, T, FieldShift<E> > &e, const Interval<Dim> &d)
+   {
+     return NewEngineEngine<E, Interval<Dim> >::apply(e.exprEngine(),
+                                                      e.viewDomain(d));
+   }
+ };
+ template <int Dim, class T, class E>
+ struct NewEngineDomain<Engine<Dim, T, FieldShift<E> >, Interval<Dim> >
+ {
+   typedef typename NewEngineDomain<E, Interval<Dim> >::Type_t Type_t;
+   static inline
+   Type_t apply(const Engine<Dim, T, FieldShift<E> > &e, const Interval<Dim> &d)
+   {
+     return NewEngineDomain<E, Interval<Dim> >::apply(e.exprEngine(),
+                                                      e.viewDomain(d));
+   }
+ };
+ template <int Dim, class T, class E>
+ struct NewEngine<Engine<Dim, T, FieldShift<E> >, INode<Dim> >
+ {
+   typedef typename NewEngine<E, INode<Dim> >::Type_t Type_t;
+ };
+ template <int Dim, class T, class E>
+ struct NewEngineEngine<Engine<Dim, T, FieldShift<E> >, INode<Dim> >
+ {
+   typedef typename NewEngineEngine<E, INode<Dim> >::Type_t Type_t;
+   static inline
+   Type_t apply(const Engine<Dim, T, FieldShift<E> > &e, const INode<Dim> &d)
+   {
+     return NewEngineEngine<E, INode<Dim> >::apply(e.exprEngine(),
+                                                   e.viewDomain(d));
+   }
+ };
+ template <int Dim, class T, class E>
+ struct NewEngineDomain<Engine<Dim, T, FieldShift<E> >, INode<Dim> >
+ {
+   typedef typename NewEngineDomain<E, INode<Dim> >::Type_t Type_t;
+   static inline
+   Type_t apply(const Engine<Dim, T, FieldShift<E> > &e, const INode<Dim> &d)
+   {
+     return NewEngineDomain<E, INode<Dim> >::apply(e.exprEngine(),
+                                                   e.viewDomain(d));
+   }
+ };
+ template<class Expression>
+ struct FieldShiftSimple
+ {
+   typedef typename Expression::MeshTag_t MeshTag_t;
+   typedef typename Expression::Element_t OutputElement_t;
+   enum { outputDim = Expression::dimensions };
+   typedef typename Expression::Engine_t InputEngine_t;
+   typedef FieldShift<InputEngine_t> OutputEngineTag_t;
+   typedef Field<MeshTag_t, OutputElement_t, OutputEngineTag_t> Type_t;
+   typedef Engine<outputDim, OutputElement_t, OutputEngineTag_t> SEngine_t;
+   static inline
+   Type_t make(const Expression &f,
+        const FieldOffset<outputDim> &s1,
+               const Centering<outputDim> &centering)
+   {
+     Type_t h(centering, f.layout(), f.mesh());
+     h.fieldEngine().physicalCellDomain() = f.fieldEngine().physicalCellDomain();
+     Expression fld =
+       (f.numSubFields() > 1) ? f[s1.subFieldNumber()] : f;
+     const Loc<outputDim> &offset = s1.cellOffset();
+     GuardLayers<outputDim> og(fld.fieldEngine().guardLayers());
+     for (int d = 0; d < outputDim; d++)
+       {
+  og.lower(d) += offset[d].first();
+  og.upper(d) -= offset[d].first();
+       }
+     h.fieldEngine().guardLayers() = og;
+     h.fieldEngine().engine() = SEngine_t(fld.engine(), offset, fld.domain());
+     return h;
+   }
+   static inline
+   Type_t make(const Expression &f,
+        const std::vector<FieldOffset<outputDim> > &vs1,
+               const Centering<outputDim> &centering)
+   {
+     typedef typename std::vector<FieldOffset<outputDim> >::size_type size_type;
+     Type_t h(centering, f.layout(), f.mesh());
+     h.fieldEngine().physicalCellDomain() = f.fieldEngine().physicalCellDomain();
+     if (__builtin_expect(!!(vs1.size() == centering.size()), true)) {} else Pooma::toss_cookies("The FieldOffset vector's length must match the centering's size.", "/home/rguenth/ix86/pooma/tat-serial/pooma/linux/src/Field/DiffOps/FieldShiftEngine.h", 433);
+     for (size_type s1Index = 0; s1Index < vs1.size(); ++s1Index) {
+       const FieldOffset<outputDim> s1 = vs1[s1Index];
+       Type_t hField = (h.numSubFields() > 1) ? h[s1Index] : h;
+       Expression fld =
+  (f.numSubFields() > 1) ? f[s1.subFieldNumber()] : f;
+       const Loc<outputDim> &offset = s1.cellOffset();
+       GuardLayers<outputDim> og(fld.fieldEngine().guardLayers());
+       for (int d = 0; d < outputDim; d++)
+  {
+    og.lower(d) += offset[d].first();
+    og.upper(d) -= offset[d].first();
+  }
+       hField.fieldEngine().guardLayers() = og;
+       hField.fieldEngine().engine() =
+  SEngine_t(fld.engine(), offset, fld.domain());
+     }
+     return h;
+   }
+ };
+ template<class Expression>
+ struct EvaluatorEngineTraits<FieldShift<Expression> >
+ {
+   typedef typename CreateLeaf<Expression>::Leaf_t Expr_t;
+   typedef typename
+     ForEach<Expr_t, EvaluatorTypeTag, EvaluatorCombineTag>::Type_t
+       Evaluator_t;
+ };
+ template<int Dim, class Intersect>
+ class FieldShiftIntersector
+ {
+ public:
+   typedef typename Intersect::IntersectorData_t IntersectorData_t;
+   typedef FieldShiftIntersector<Dim, Intersect> This_t;
+   typedef typename IntersectorData_t::const_iterator const_iterator;
+   typedef RefCountedPtr<IntersectorData_t> DataPtr_t;
+   typedef Interval<Dim> Domain_t;
+   enum { dimensions = Intersect::dimensions };
+   FieldShiftIntersector(const This_t &model)
+     : domain_m(model.domain_m), intersector_m(model.intersector_m)
+   { }
+   FieldShiftIntersector(const Domain_t &dom, const Intersect &intersect)
+     : domain_m(dom), intersector_m(intersect)
+   { }
+   This_t &operator=(const This_t &model)
+   {
+     if (this != &model)
+     {
+       domain_m = model.domain_m;
+       intersector_m = model.intersector_m;
+     }
+     return *this;
+   }
+   ~FieldShiftIntersector() { }
+   inline DataPtr_t &data() { return intersector_m.data(); }
+   inline const DataPtr_t &data() const { return intersector_m.data(); }
+   inline const_iterator begin() const { return data()->inodes_m.begin(); }
+   inline const_iterator end() const { return data()->inodes_m.end(); }
+   template<class Engine>
+   inline void intersect(const Engine &engine)
+   {
+     typedef typename NewEngine<Engine, Interval<Dim> >::Type_t NewEngine_t;
+     NewEngine_t newEngine(engine, domain_m);
+     intersector_m.intersect(newEngine);
+     data()->shared(engine.layout().ID(), newEngine.layout().ID());
+   }
+   template<class Engine, int Dim2>
+   inline bool intersect(const Engine &engine, const GuardLayers<Dim2> &)
+   {
+     intersect(engine);
+     return true;
+   }
+ private:
+   Interval<Dim> domain_m;
+   Intersect intersector_m;
+ };
+ template <int Dim, class T, class Expression, class Intersect>
+ struct LeafFunctor<Engine<Dim, T, FieldShift<Expression> >,
+   ExpressionApply<IntersectorTag<Intersect> > >
+ {
+   typedef int Type_t;
+   static
+   int apply(const Engine<Dim, T, FieldShift<Expression> >
+      &engine, const ExpressionApply<IntersectorTag<Intersect> > &tag)
+   {
+     typedef FieldShiftIntersector<Dim, Intersect> NewIntersector_t;
+     NewIntersector_t newIntersector(engine.intersectDomain(),
+         tag.tag().intersector_m);
+     expressionApply(engine.field(),
+       IntersectorTag<NewIntersector_t>(newIntersector));
+     return 0;
+   }
+ };
+ template<class RequestType> class DataObjectRequest;
+ template <int Dim, class T, class Expression, class RequestType>
+ struct EngineFunctor<Engine<Dim, T, FieldShift<Expression> >,
+   DataObjectRequest<RequestType> >
+ {
+   typedef typename DataObjectRequest<RequestType>::Type_t Type_t;
+   static Type_t
+   apply(const Engine<Dim, T, FieldShift<Expression> > &engine,
+  const DataObjectRequest<RequestType> &tag)
+   {
+     return engineFunctor(engine.field().engine(), tag);
+   }
+ };
+ template <int Dim, class T, class Expression, class Tag>
+ struct LeafFunctor<Engine<Dim, T, FieldShift<Expression> >,
+   EngineView<Tag> >
+ {
+   typedef LeafFunctor<Expression, EngineView<Tag> > LeafFunctor_t;
+   typedef typename LeafFunctor_t::Type_t NewViewed_t;
+   typedef Engine<Dim, T, FieldShift<NewViewed_t> > Type_t;
+   static
+   Type_t apply(const Engine<Dim, T,
+         FieldShift<Expression> > &engine,
+         const EngineView<Tag> &tag)
+   {
+     return Type_t(LeafFunctor_t::apply(engine.field(), tag), engine);
+   }
+ };
+ template <int Dim, class T, class Expression, class Tag>
+ struct LeafFunctor<Engine<Dim, T, FieldShift<Expression> >,
+                    ExpressionApply<Tag> >
+ {
+   typedef LeafFunctor<Expression, ExpressionApply<Tag> > LeafFunctor_t;
+   typedef int Type_t;
+   static
+   Type_t apply(const Engine<Dim, T,
+         FieldShift<Expression> > &engine,
+         const ExpressionApply<Tag> &tag)
+   {
+     return LeafFunctor_t::apply(engine.field(), tag);
+   }
+ };
+ template<class MeshTag, class T, class EngineTag, int Dim>
+ struct View2<Field<MeshTag, T, EngineTag>, FieldOffset<Dim>,
+              Centering<Dim> >
+ {
+   typedef Field<MeshTag, T, EngineTag> Subject_t;
+   typedef typename Subject_t::Engine_t Engine_t;
+   typedef Field<MeshTag, T, FieldShift<Engine_t> > ReadType_t;
+   typedef Field<MeshTag, T, FieldShift<Engine_t> > Type_t;
+   inline static
+   Type_t make(const Subject_t &f, const FieldOffset<Dim> &s1,
+               const Centering<Dim> &c)
+   {
+     PoomaCTAssert<(Dim == Subject_t::dimensions)>::test();
+     return FieldShiftSimple<Subject_t>::make(f, s1, c);
+   }
+   inline static
+   ReadType_t makeRead(const Subject_t &f, const FieldOffset<Dim> &s1,
+                       const Centering<Dim> &c)
+   {
+     PoomaCTAssert<(Dim == Subject_t::dimensions)>::test();
+     return FieldShiftSimple<Subject_t>::make(f, s1, c);
+   }
+ };
+ template<class MeshTag, class T, class EngineTag, int Dim>
+ struct View2<Field<MeshTag, T, EngineTag>, std::vector<FieldOffset<Dim> >,
+              Centering<Dim> >
+ {
+   typedef Field<MeshTag, T, EngineTag> Subject_t;
+   typedef typename Subject_t::Engine_t Engine_t;
+   typedef Field<MeshTag, T, FieldShift<Engine_t> > ReadType_t;
+   typedef Field<MeshTag, T, FieldShift<Engine_t> > Type_t;
+   inline static
+   Type_t make(const Subject_t &f,
+        const std::vector<FieldOffset<Dim> > &s1,
+               const Centering<Dim> &c)
+   {
+     PoomaCTAssert<(Dim == Subject_t::dimensions)>::test();
+     return FieldShiftSimple<Subject_t>::make(f, s1, c);
+   }
+   inline static
+   ReadType_t makeRead(const Subject_t &f,
+         const std::vector<FieldOffset<Dim> > &s1,
+                       const Centering<Dim> &c)
+   {
+     PoomaCTAssert<(Dim == Subject_t::dimensions)>::test();
+     return FieldShiftSimple<Subject_t>::make(f, s1, c);
+   }
+ };
+ template<class T, int Dim, class Accumulate>
+ class FieldOffsetReduction
+ {
+ public:
+   typedef T OutputElement_t;
+   const Centering<Dim> &outputCentering() const
+   {
+     return outputCentering_m;
+   }
+   const Centering<Dim> &inputCentering() const
+   {
+     return inputCentering_m;
+   }
+   int lowerExtent(int d) const { return lower_m[d]; }
+   int upperExtent(int d) const { return upper_m[d]; }
+   FieldOffsetReduction()
+   {
+   }
+   FieldOffsetReduction(const FieldOffsetList<Dim> &neighbors,
+                        const Centering<Dim> &outputCentering,
+                        const Centering<Dim> &inputCentering,
+                        Accumulate accumulate = Accumulate())
+     : neighbors_m(neighbors),
+       outputCentering_m(outputCentering),
+       inputCentering_m(inputCentering),
+       accumulate_m(accumulate)
+   {
+     if (__builtin_expect(!!(neighbors.size() > 0), true)) {} else Pooma::toss_cookies("no support for empty accumulation", "/home/rguenth/ix86/pooma/tat-serial/pooma/linux/src/Field/DiffOps/FieldOffsetReduction.h", 115);
+     ;
+     int d, i;
+     for (d = 0; d < Dim; ++d)
+     {
+       upper_m[d] = 0;
+       lower_m[d] = 0;
+     }
+     for (i = 0; i < neighbors_m.size(); ++i)
+     {
+       for (d = 0; d < Dim; ++d)
+       {
+         if (-neighbors_m[i].cellOffset()[d].first() > lower_m[d])
+         {
+           lower_m[d] = -neighbors_m[i].cellOffset()[d].first();
+         }
+         if (neighbors_m[i].cellOffset()[d].first() > upper_m[d])
+         {
+           upper_m[d] = neighbors_m[i].cellOffset()[d].first();
+         }
+       }
+     }
+   }
+   template<class F>
+   inline OutputElement_t
+   operator()(const F &f, int i1) const
+   {
+     T ret = f(neighbors_m[0], Loc<1>(i1));
+     for (int i = 1; i < neighbors_m.size(); ++i)
+     {
+       ret = accumulate_m(ret, f(neighbors_m[i], Loc<1>(i1)));
+     }
+     return ret;
+   }
+   template<class F>
+   inline OutputElement_t
+   operator()(const F &f, int i1, int i2) const
+   {
+     T ret = f(neighbors_m[0], Loc<2>(i1, i2));
+     for (int i = 1; i < neighbors_m.size(); ++i)
+     {
+       ret = accumulate_m(ret, f(neighbors_m[i], Loc<2>(i1, i2)));
+     }
+     return ret;
+   }
+   template<class F>
+   inline OutputElement_t
+   operator()(const F &f, int i1, int i2, int i3) const
+   {
+     T ret = f(neighbors_m[0], Loc<3>(i1, i2, i3));
+     for (int i = 1; i < neighbors_m.size(); ++i)
+     {
+       ret = accumulate_m(ret, f(neighbors_m[i], Loc<3>(i1, i2, i3)));
+     }
+     return ret;
+   }
+ private:
+   FieldOffsetList<Dim> neighbors_m;
+   Centering<Dim> outputCentering_m;
+   Centering<Dim> inputCentering_m;
+   Accumulate accumulate_m;
+   int lower_m[Dim];
+   int upper_m[Dim];
+ };
+ template<class GeometryTag, class T, class EngineTag, int Dim>
+ typename FieldStencilSimple<FieldOffsetReduction<T, Dim, OpAdd>,
+                             Field<GeometryTag, T, EngineTag> >::Type_t
+ sum(const Field<GeometryTag, T, EngineTag> &f,
+     const std::vector<FieldOffsetList<Dim> > &nn,
+     const Centering<Dim> &outputCentering)
+ {
+   typedef FieldOffsetReduction<T, Dim, OpAdd> Functor_t;
+   typedef Field<GeometryTag, T, EngineTag> Field_t;
+   return FieldStencilSimple<Functor_t, Field_t>::make(f, nn, outputCentering,
+                                                       OpAdd());
+ }
+ template <int Dim>
+ struct Deltas
+ {
+   static const DomainDelta<Dim, 0> dX;
+   static const DomainDelta<Dim, 1> dY;
+   static const DomainDelta<Dim, 2> dZ;
+ };
+ template <int Dim>
+ const DomainDelta<Dim, 0> Deltas<Dim>::dX;
+ template <int Dim>
+ const DomainDelta<Dim, 1> Deltas<Dim>::dY;
+ template <int Dim>
+ const DomainDelta<Dim, 2> Deltas<Dim>::dZ;
+ static const DomainDelta<3, 0> dX;
+ static const DomainDelta<3, 1> dY;
+ static const DomainDelta<3, 2> dZ;
+ template <int dim, class MeshTag = UniformRectilinearTag, class CoordinateSystemTag = CartesianTag>
+ struct SerialTraits {
+   typedef MeshTag MeshTag_t;
+   typedef CoordinateSystemTag CoordinateSystemTag_t;
+   enum { Dim = dim };
+   typedef DomainLayout<dim> Layout_t;
+   typedef MeshTraits<dim, double, MeshTag, CoordinateSystemTag> MeshTraits_t;
+   typedef typename MeshTraits_t::Mesh_t Mesh_t;
+   typedef Brick Engine_t;
+   typedef CompressibleBrick CompressibleEngine_t;
+   static void createLayout(DomainLayout<Dim>& l,
+       const Grid<Dim>&, const Interval<Dim>& domain,
+       const GuardLayers<Dim>&, const GuardLayers<Dim>& egc)
+   {
+     l = DomainLayout<Dim>(domain, egc);
+   }
+ };
+ template <int dim, class MeshTag = UniformRectilinearTag, class CoordinateSystemTag = CartesianTag>
+ struct ParallelTraits {
+   typedef MeshTag MeshTag_t;
+   typedef CoordinateSystemTag CoordinateSystemTag_t;
+   enum { Dim = dim };
+   typedef GridLayout<dim> Layout_t;
+   typedef MeshTraits<dim, double, MeshTag, CoordinateSystemTag> MeshTraits_t;
+   typedef typename MeshTraits_t::Mesh_t Mesh_t;
+   typedef MultiPatch<GridTag, Remote<Brick> > Engine_t;
+   typedef MultiPatch<GridTag, Remote<CompressibleBrick> > CompressibleEngine_t;
+   static void createLayout(GridLayout<Dim>& l,
+       const Grid<Dim>& grid, const Interval<Dim>&,
+       const GuardLayers<Dim>& igc, const GuardLayers<Dim>& egc)
+   {
+     l = GridLayout<Dim>(grid, igc, egc, DistributedTag());
+   }
+ };
+ template <int dim, class MeshTag = UniformRectilinearTag, class CoordinateSystemTag = CartesianTag>
+ struct SerialMPTraits {
+   typedef MeshTag MeshTag_t;
+   typedef CoordinateSystemTag CoordinateSystemTag_t;
+   enum { Dim = dim };
+   typedef GridLayout<dim> Layout_t;
+   typedef MeshTraits<dim, double, MeshTag, CoordinateSystemTag> MeshTraits_t;
+   typedef typename MeshTraits_t::Mesh_t Mesh_t;
+   typedef MultiPatch<GridTag, Brick> Engine_t;
+   typedef MultiPatch<GridTag, CompressibleBrick> CompressibleEngine_t;
+   static void createLayout(GridLayout<Dim>& l,
+       const Grid<Dim>& grid, const Interval<Dim>&,
+       const GuardLayers<Dim>& igc, const GuardLayers<Dim>& egc)
+   {
+     l = GridLayout<Dim>(grid, igc, egc, DistributedTag());
+   }
+ };
+ template <class ComputeTraits>
+ struct RhalkTraits : public ComputeTraits {
+   typedef ComputeTraits ComputeTraits_t;
+   typedef typename ComputeTraits::Layout_t Layout_t;
+   typedef typename ComputeTraits::Mesh_t Mesh_t;
+   typedef typename ComputeTraits::Engine_t Engine_t;
+   typedef typename ComputeTraits::CompressibleEngine_t CompressibleEngine_t;
+   enum { Dim = ComputeTraits::Dim };
+   typedef Centering<Dim> Centering_t;
+   typedef typename Mesh_t::PositionsType_t Positions_t;
+   typedef typename Mesh_t::SpacingsType_t Spacings_t;
+   typedef Interval<Dim> Domain_t;
+   typedef Loc<Dim> Loc_t;
+   typedef Field<Mesh_t, double, Engine_t> Scalar_t;
+   typedef Field<Mesh_t, Vector<Dim, double>, Engine_t> Vector_t;
+ };
+ enum { Dim = 3 };
+ typedef RhalkTraits<ParallelTraits<Dim, UniformRectilinearTag, CartesianTag> > Traits_t;
+ extern GuardLayers<Dim> corr_v[Dim];
+ extern bool a_dump_debug_f;
+ inline void enable_fp_exceptions(void)
+ {
+   fexcept_t f;
+ }
+ inline void disable_fp_exceptions(void)
+ {
+ }
+ #include <fstream>
+ namespace Pooma {
+ Inform pinfo("Pooma");
+ Inform pwarn("Warning", std::cerr, Inform::allContexts);
+ Inform perr("Error", std::cerr, Inform::allContexts);
+ Inform pdebug("** Debug **", std::cerr, Inform::allContexts);
+ Context_t myContext_g = 0;
+ int numContexts_g = 1;
+ int expression_g = 0;
+   namespace {
+     bool initialized_s = false;
+     bool weInitializedRTS_s = false, weInitializedArch_s = false;
+     Options options_s;
+     Scheduler_t mainScheduler_s;
+     Statistics statistics_s;
+     std::ofstream *logstream_s = 0;
+     Inform::ID_t pinfoLogID_s;
+     Inform::ID_t pwarnLogID_s;
+     Inform::ID_t perrLogID_s;
+     Inform::ID_t pdebugLogID_s;
+     void defAbortHandler_s()
+     {
+       std::cerr << "In default abort handler." << std::endl;
+     }
+     AbortHandler_t currentAbortHandler_s = defAbortHandler_s;
+     long reductionFilter_s(long val)
+     {
+       ReduceOverContexts<long, OpAddAssign> reduce(val, 0);
+       return reduce;
+     }
+     void cleanup_s()
+     {
+       if (printStats())
+         statistics_s.print(pinfo, reductionFilter_s);
+       logMessages(0);
+       infoMessages(false);
+       warnMessages(false);
+       errorMessages(false);
+       debugLevel(Inform::off);
+     }
+   }
+ namespace { Pooma::StatisticsData *statNumExpressions_s = statistics_s.add("Number of expressions evaluated"); } void incrementNumExpressions(long val) { static Pooma::Mutex_t mutex; mutex.lock(); statNumExpressions_s->increment(val); mutex.unlock(); }
+ namespace { Pooma::StatisticsData *statNumZBExpressions_s = statistics_s.add("Number of zero-based expressions evaluated"); } void incrementNumZBExpressions(long val) { static Pooma::Mutex_t mutex; mutex.lock(); statNumZBExpressions_s->increment(val); mutex.unlock(); }
+ namespace { Pooma::StatisticsData *statNumMultiPatchExpressions_s = statistics_s.add("Number of multi-patch expressions evaluated"); } void incrementNumMultiPatchExpressions(long val) { static Pooma::Mutex_t mutex; mutex.lock(); statNumMultiPatchExpressions_s->increment(val); mutex.unlock(); }
+ namespace { Pooma::StatisticsData *statNumCompressedAssigns_s = statistics_s.add("Number of fully compressed assignments"); } void incrementNumCompressedAssigns(long val) { static Pooma::Mutex_t mutex; mutex.lock(); statNumCompressedAssigns_s->increment(val); mutex.unlock(); }
+ namespace { Pooma::StatisticsData *statNumAssignsRequiringUnCompression_s = statistics_s.add("Number of assignments requiring uncompression"); } void incrementNumAssignsRequiringUnCompression(long val) { static Pooma::Mutex_t mutex; mutex.lock(); statNumAssignsRequiringUnCompression_s->increment(val); mutex.unlock(); }
+ namespace { Pooma::StatisticsData *statNumInlineEvaluations_s = statistics_s.add("Number of assignments using the inline evaluator"); } void incrementNumInlineEvaluations(long val) { static Pooma::Mutex_t mutex; mutex.lock(); statNumInlineEvaluations_s->increment(val); mutex.unlock(); }
+ namespace { Pooma::StatisticsData *statNumLocalPatchesEvaluated_s = statistics_s.add("Number of local patches evaluated"); } void incrementNumLocalPatchesEvaluated(long val) { static Pooma::Mutex_t mutex; mutex.lock(); statNumLocalPatchesEvaluated_s->increment(val); mutex.unlock(); }
+ namespace { Pooma::StatisticsData *statNumReductions_s = statistics_s.add("Number of reductions performed"); } void incrementNumReductions(long val) { static Pooma::Mutex_t mutex; mutex.lock(); statNumReductions_s->increment(val); mutex.unlock(); }
+ namespace { Pooma::StatisticsData *statNumUnCompresses_s = statistics_s.add("Number of times a compressible block uncompresses"); } void incrementNumUnCompresses(long val) { static Pooma::Mutex_t mutex; mutex.lock(); statNumUnCompresses_s->increment(val); mutex.unlock(); }
+ namespace { Pooma::StatisticsData *statNumUnsuccessfulTryCompresses_s = statistics_s.add("Number of times a compression attempt fails"); } void incrementNumUnsuccessfulTryCompresses(long val) { static Pooma::Mutex_t mutex; mutex.lock(); statNumUnsuccessfulTryCompresses_s->increment(val); mutex.unlock(); }
+ namespace { Pooma::StatisticsData *statNumSuccessfulTryCompresses_s = statistics_s.add("Number of times a compression attempt succeeds"); } void incrementNumSuccessfulTryCompresses(long val) { static Pooma::Mutex_t mutex; mutex.lock(); statNumSuccessfulTryCompresses_s->increment(val); mutex.unlock(); }
+ namespace { Pooma::StatisticsData *statNumPolls_s = statistics_s.add("Number of calls to Pooma::poll()"); } void incrementNumPolls(long val) { static Pooma::Mutex_t mutex; mutex.lock(); statNumPolls_s->increment(val); mutex.unlock(); }
+ bool initialize(int &argc, char ** &argv, bool initRTS, bool getCLArgsArch,
+   bool initArch)
+ {
+   if (getCLArgsArch)
+     Pooma::Arch::getCommandLineArguments(argc, argv);
+   Options opts(argc, argv);
+   return initialize(opts, initRTS, initArch);
+ }
+ bool initialize(Options &opts, bool initRTS, bool initArch)
+ {
+   if (__builtin_expect(!!(!initialized_s), true)) {} else Pooma::toss_cookies("You can only call Pooma::initialize once.", "/home/rguenth/ix86/pooma/tat-serial/pooma/linux/src/Pooma/Pooma.cmpl.cpp", 306);
+   initialized_s = true;
+   weInitializedRTS_s = initRTS;
+   weInitializedArch_s = initArch;
+   if (initArch)
+     Pooma::Arch::initialize();
+   debugLevel(opts.debug());
+   options_s = opts;
+   if (initRTS)
+   {
+     Smarts::concurrency(opts.concurrency());
+   }
+   myContext_g = 0;
+   numContexts_g = 1;
+   logstream_s = 0;
+   logMessages(opts.logfile().c_str());
+   infoMessages(opts.printInfo());
+   warnMessages(opts.printWarnings());
+   errorMessages(opts.printErrors());
+   Inform::setContext(myContext_g);
+   Inform::setNumContexts(numContexts_g);
+   return true;
+ }
+ bool finalize()
+ {
+   return finalize(weInitializedRTS_s, weInitializedArch_s);
+ }
+ bool finalize(bool quitRTS, bool quitArch)
+ {
+   Pooma::blockAndEvaluate();
+   if (initialized_s)
+   {
+     Smarts::wait();
+     cleanup_s();
+     if (quitRTS)
+     {
+     }
+   }
+   if (quitArch)
+     Pooma::Arch::finalize();
+   return true;
+ }
+ void pAbort(int errorcode)
+ {
+   pAbort("Pooma::pAbort called.", errorcode);
+ }
+ void pAbort(const char *msg, int)
+ {
+   if (msg != 0)
+     std::cerr << msg << std::endl;
+   currentAbortHandler_s();
+   if (initialized_s)
+   {
+     cleanup_s();
+   }
+   ::abort();
+ }
+ AbortHandler_t abortHandler()
+ {
+   return currentAbortHandler_s;
+ }
+ AbortHandler_t abortHandler(AbortHandler_t ah)
+ {
+   AbortHandler_t oldah = currentAbortHandler_s;
+   currentAbortHandler_s = ah;
+   return oldah;
+ }
+ AbortHandler_t resetAbortHandler()
+ {
+   return abortHandler(defAbortHandler_s);
+ }
+ const char *version()
+ {
+   ;
+   return "FreePOOMA 2.4.devel";
+ }
+ int majorVersion()
+ {
+   ;
+   return 2;
+ }
+ int minorVersion()
+ {
+   ;
+   return 4;
+ }
+ const char *buildDate()
+ {
+   ;
+   return "Wed Mar 23 16:19:43 CET 2005";
+ }
+ bool printStats()
+ {
+   ;
+   return options_s.printStats();
+ }
+ void printStats(bool on)
+ {
+   ;
+   options_s.printStats(on);
+ }
+ bool infoMessages()
+ {
+   ;
+   return (pinfo.outputLevel() >= 0);
+ }
+ void infoMessages(bool on)
+ {
+   ;
+   pinfo.setOutputLevel(on ? Inform::on : Inform::off);
+ }
+ bool warnMessages()
+ {
+   ;
+   return (pwarn.outputLevel() >= 0);
+ }
+ void warnMessages(bool on)
+ {
+   ;
+   pwarn.setOutputLevel(on ? Inform::on : Inform::off);
+ }
+ bool errorMessages()
+ {
+   ;
+   return (perr.outputLevel() >= 0);
+ }
+ void errorMessages(bool on)
+ {
+   ;
+   perr.setOutputLevel(on ? Inform::on : Inform::off);
+ }
+ void logMessages(const char *filename)
+ {
+   ;
+   if (logstream_s != 0)
+     {
+       pinfo.close(pinfoLogID_s);
+       pwarn.close(pwarnLogID_s);
+       perr.close(perrLogID_s);
+       pdebug.close(pdebugLogID_s);
+       delete logstream_s;
+       logstream_s = 0;
+     }
+   if (filename != 0 && *filename != 0)
+     {
+       logstream_s = new std::ofstream(filename, std::ios::out);
+       pinfoLogID_s = pinfo.open(*logstream_s);
+       pwarnLogID_s = pwarn.open(*logstream_s);
+       perrLogID_s = perr.open(*logstream_s);
+       pdebugLogID_s = pdebug.open(*logstream_s);
+       pinfo.setOutputLevel(pinfo.outputLevel());
+       pwarn.setOutputLevel(pwarn.outputLevel());
+       perr.setOutputLevel(perr.outputLevel());
+       pdebug.setOutputLevel(pdebug.outputLevel());
+     }
+ }
+ int debugLevel()
+ {
+   ;
+   return pdebug.outputLevel();
+ }
+ void debugLevel(int level)
+ {
+   ;
+   pdebug.setOutputLevel(level);
+ }
+ bool neverCompress()
+ {
+   ;
+   return options_s.neverCompress();
+ }
+ void neverCompress(bool p)
+ {
+   ;
+   options_s.neverCompress(p);
+ }
+ bool deferredGuardFills()
+ {
+   ;
+   return options_s.deferredGuardFills();
+ }
+ void deferredGuardFills(bool p)
+ {
+   ;
+   options_s.deferredGuardFills(p);
+ }
+ Scheduler_t &scheduler()
+ {
+   ;
+   return mainScheduler_s;
+ }
+ void blockAndEvaluate()
+ {
+   ;
+   mainScheduler_s.blockingEvaluate();
+ }
+ bool hardInit()
+ {
+   ;
+   return options_s.hardInit();
+ }
+ void hardInit(bool on)
+ {
+   ;
+   options_s.hardInit(on);
+ }
+ bool hardRun()
+ {
+   ;
+   return options_s.hardRun();
+ }
+ void hardRun(bool on)
+ {
+   ;
+   options_s.hardRun(on);
+ }
+ bool lockThreads()
+ {
+   ;
+   return options_s.lockThreads();
+ }
+ void lockThreads(bool on)
+ {
+   ;
+   options_s.lockThreads(on);
+ }
+ bool blockingExpressions()
+ {
+   ;
+   return options_s.blockingExpressions();
+ }
+ void blockingExpressions(bool on)
+ {
+   ;
+   options_s.blockingExpressions(on);
+ }
+ }
+ extern "C" void pooma_stop_here();
+ void Pooma::stopHere()
+ {
+   ::pooma_stop_here();
+ }
+ extern "C" void pooma_stop_here()
+ {
+ }
+ namespace Pooma {
+ class PatchSizeSyncer
+ {
+ public:
+   typedef Grid<1> Grid_t;
+   PatchSizeSyncer(int contextKey, Grid_t &localGrid);
+   ~PatchSizeSyncer();
+  void calcGlobalGrid(Grid_t &globalGrid);
+ private:
+   int myContext_m;
+   int numContexts_m;
+   int localKey_m;
+   Grid_t localGrid_m;
+   typedef std::pair<int,Grid_t *> Elem_t;
+   std::vector<Elem_t> gridList_m;
+   PatchSizeSyncer(const PatchSizeSyncer &);
+   PatchSizeSyncer &operator=(const PatchSizeSyncer &);
+   static int tag_s;
+ };
+ }
+ template<class T>
+ class CollectFromContexts
+ {
+ public:
+   CollectFromContexts(const T &val, int context = 0, bool valid = true)
+     {
+       ;
+       ;
+       value_m = val;
+     }
+   T &operator[](int i)
+     {
+       ;
+       return value_m;
+     }
+   T operator[](int i) const
+     {
+       ;
+       return value_m;
+     }
+ private:
+   T value_m;
+ };
+ namespace Pooma {
+ PatchSizeSyncer::PatchSizeSyncer(int contextKey, Grid_t &localGrid)
+   : myContext_m(Pooma::context()),
+     numContexts_m(Pooma::contexts()),
+     localKey_m(contextKey),
+     localGrid_m(localGrid)
+ {
+   if (myContext_m == 0) gridList_m.reserve(numContexts_m);
+ }
+ PatchSizeSyncer::~PatchSizeSyncer()
+ {
+   ;
+   for (int i = 0; i < gridList_m.size(); ++i)
+     delete gridList_m[i].second;
+ }
+ namespace {
+ struct ElemCompare
+ {
+   typedef std::pair<int,Grid<1>*> Elem_t;
+   inline bool operator()(const Elem_t &l, const Elem_t &r)
+   {
+     return l.first < r.first;
+   }
+ };
+ }
+ void PatchSizeSyncer::calcGlobalGrid(Grid_t &globalGrid)
+ {
+   globalGrid = localGrid_m;
+ }
+ }
+ TagGenerator tagGenerator_g;
+ namespace Pooma {
+ int expectedMessages_g = 0;
+ void initializeCheetahHelpers(int contexts)
+ {
+   tagGenerator_g = TagGenerator(contexts);
+   expectedMessages_g = 0;
+ }
+ void finalizeCheetahHelpers()
+ {
+   ;
+ }
+ int sendTag(int context)
+ {
+   return tagGenerator_g.send(context);
+ }
+ int receiveTag(int context)
+ {
+   return tagGenerator_g.receive(context);
+ }
+ }
+ const unsigned int Inform::bufSize = 32000;
+ Pooma::Mutex_t Inform::outputMutex_s;
+ Inform::Context_t Inform::context_s = 0;
+ Inform::Context_t Inform::nContexts_s = 1;
+ class InformStream
+ {
+ public:
+   InformStream(std::ostream *s, Inform::Context_t oc)
+     : stream_m(s), close_m(false), outputContext_m(oc), level_m(0)
+   {
+     ;
+   }
+   InformStream(const char *fname, int mode, Inform::Context_t oc)
+     : stream_m(0), close_m(true), outputContext_m(oc), level_m(0)
+   {
+     ;
+     ;
+     if (oc < 0 || oc == Inform::context()) {
+       if (mode == Inform::out)
+  stream_m = new std::ofstream(fname, std::ios::out);
+       else
+  stream_m = new std::ofstream(fname, std::ios::app);
+     }
+   }
+   ~InformStream()
+   {
+     if (close_m && stream_m != 0)
+       delete stream_m;
+   }
+   Inform::Context_t outputContext() const
+   {
+     return outputContext_m;
+   }
+   void setOutputContext(Inform::Context_t val)
+   {
+     outputContext_m = val;
+   }
+   Inform::Level_t outputLevel() const
+   {
+     return level_m;
+   }
+   void setOutputLevel(Inform::Level_t val)
+   {
+     level_m = val;
+   }
+   void print(Inform::Level_t l, const std::string &prefix, const char *msg)
+   {
+     if (shouldPrint(l))
+       {
+         if (prefix.length() > 0)
+           {
+             *stream_m << prefix;
+             if (Inform::numContexts() > 1)
+               {
+                 if ((outputContext_m == Inform::allContexts) ||
+                     (outputContext_m == Inform::context()))
+                   {
+                     *stream_m << "{" << Inform::context() << "}";
+                   }
+               }
+             *stream_m << "> ";
+           }
+         *stream_m << msg << "\n";
+         stream_m->flush();
+       }
+   }
+ private:
+   std::ostream *stream_m;
+   bool close_m;
+   Inform::Context_t outputContext_m;
+   Inform::Level_t level_m;
+   bool shouldPrint(Inform::Level_t level)
+   {
+     ;
+     if (stream_m == 0)
+       return false;
+     return (level <= level_m &&
+      (outputContext_m == Inform::context() ||
+       outputContext_m == Inform::allContexts));
+   }
+ };
+ namespace std {
+   Inform &endl(Inform &inf)
+   {
+     inf.flush();
+     return inf;
+   }
+   Inform &flush(Inform &inf)
+   {
+     inf.flush();
+     return inf;
+   }
+   Inform &lock(Inform &inf)
+   {
+     inf.lock();
+     return inf;
+   }
+   Inform &unlock(Inform &inf)
+   {
+     inf.unlock();
+     return inf;
+   }
+ }
+ Inform::Inform(const char *prefix, Context_t outputContext)
+   : prefix_m(""), outputContext_m(outputContext), level_m(0),
+     message_m(0), buffer_m(0), nextID_m(0)
+ {
+   open(outputContext);
+   setup(prefix);
+ }
+ Inform::Inform(const char *prefix, const char *fname, int writemode,
+         Context_t outputContext)
+   : prefix_m(""), outputContext_m(outputContext), level_m(0),
+     message_m(0), buffer_m(0), nextID_m(0)
+ {
+   open(fname, writemode, outputContext);
+   setup(prefix);
+ }
+ Inform::Inform(const char *prefix, std::ostream &outstream,
+                Context_t outputContext)
+   : prefix_m(""), outputContext_m(outputContext), level_m(0),
+     message_m(0), buffer_m(0), nextID_m(0)
+ {
+   open(outstream, outputContext);
+   setup(prefix);
+ }
+ Inform::~Inform()
+ {
+   close();
+   delete message_m;
+   if (buffer_m != 0)
+     delete [] buffer_m;
+ }
+ Inform::ID_t Inform::open(Context_t oc)
+ {
+   streams_m.insert(Value_t(nextID_m, new InformStream(&std::cout, oc)));
+   return nextID_m++;
+ }
+ Inform::ID_t Inform::open(const char *fname, int mode, Context_t oc)
+ {
+   streams_m.insert(Value_t(nextID_m, new InformStream(fname, mode, oc)));
+   return nextID_m++;
+ }
+ Inform::ID_t Inform::open(std::ostream &outstream, Context_t oc)
+ {
+   streams_m.insert(Value_t(nextID_m, new InformStream(&outstream, oc)));
+   return nextID_m++;
+ }
+ void Inform::close(ID_t id)
+ {
+   iterator s = streams_m.find(id);
+   ;
+   delete ((*s).second);
+   streams_m.erase(s);
+ }
+ void Inform::close()
+ {
+   for (iterator a = streams_m.begin(); a != streams_m.end(); ++a)
+     delete ((*a).second);
+   streams_m.erase(streams_m.begin(), streams_m.end());
+ }
+ Inform::Level_t Inform::outputLevel(ID_t id) const
+ {
+   InformStream *s = findStream(id);
+   ;
+   return s->outputLevel();
+ }
+ void Inform::setOutputLevel(Level_t newval, ID_t id)
+ {
+   InformStream *s = findStream(id);
+   ;
+   s->setOutputLevel(newval);
+ }
+ void Inform::setOutputLevel(Level_t newval)
+ {
+   for (iterator a = streams_m.begin(); a != streams_m.end(); ++a)
+     (*a).second->setOutputLevel(newval);
+ }
+ Inform::Context_t Inform::outputContext(ID_t id) const
+ {
+   InformStream *s = findStream(id);
+   ;
+   return s->outputContext();
+ }
+ void Inform::setOutputContext(Context_t outputContext, ID_t id)
+ {
+   InformStream *s = findStream(id);
+   ;
+   s->setOutputContext(outputContext);
+ }
+ void Inform::setOutputContext(Context_t outputContext)
+ {
+   for (iterator a = streams_m.begin(); a != streams_m.end(); ++a)
+     (*a).second->setOutputContext(outputContext);
+ }
+ void Inform::flush()
+ {
+   *message_m << std::ends;
+   outputMutex_s.lock();
+   std::string formatstr = message_m->str();
+   char *outputbuf = new char[formatstr.length() + 2];
+   char *endbuf = outputbuf;
+   char *begbuf = outputbuf;
+   const char *formatbuf = formatstr.c_str();
+   do {
+     while (*formatbuf != '\n' && *formatbuf != '\0')
+       *endbuf++ = *formatbuf++;
+     *endbuf = '\0';
+     if (*formatbuf == '\n')
+       ++formatbuf;
+     for (iterator a = streams_m.begin(); a != streams_m.end(); ++a)
+       (*a).second->print(level_m, prefix_m, begbuf);
+     begbuf = endbuf;
+   } while (*formatbuf != '\0');
+   message_m->str( std::string() );
+   delete [] outputbuf;
+   outputMutex_s.unlock();
+ }
+ InformStream *Inform::findStream(ID_t id) const
+ {
+   const_iterator s = streams_m.find(id);
+   if (s != streams_m.end())
+     return (*s).second;
+   else
+     return 0;
+ }
+ void Inform::setup(const char *prefix)
+ {
+   setPrefix(prefix);
+   buffer_m = 0;
+   message_m = new std::ostringstream(std::ios::out);
+ }
+ void Inform::setPrefix(const char *prefix)
+ {
+   if (prefix == 0 || *prefix == '\0')
+     prefix_m = "";
+   else
+     prefix_m = prefix;
+ }
+ Pool::Pool(size_t sz)
+   :
+   head_m(0),
+   outstandingAllocs_m(0),
+   bsize_m(roundToAlign(sz)),
+   nblock_m(blocksInPage(bsize_m))
+ {
+ }
+ Pool::Pool()
+   :
+   head_m(0),
+   outstandingAllocs_m(0),
+   bsize_m(0),
+   nblock_m(0)
+ {
+ }
+ Pool::~Pool()
+ {
+   if (__builtin_expect(!!(outstandingAllocs_m==0), true)) {} else Pooma::toss_cookies("Not all of the pooled memory was freed!", "/home/rguenth/ix86/pooma/tat-serial/pooma/linux/src/Utilities/Pool.cmpl.cpp", 73);
+   for (std::vector<char*>::iterator p=chunks_m.begin(); p!=chunks_m.end(); ++p)
+     delete [] *p;
+ }
+ void Pool::grow()
+ {
+   size_t alloc_this;
+   if ( bsize_m>page )
+     alloc_this = bsize_m;
+   else
+     alloc_this = page;
+   char *start = new char[alloc_this];
+   chunks_m.push_back(start);
+   char *last = start + (nblock_m-1)*bsize_m;
+   for (char *p=start; p!=last; p+=bsize_m)
+     ((Link*)p)->next_m = (Link*)(p+bsize_m);
+   ((Link*)last)->next_m = head_m;
+   head_m = (Link*)start;
+ }
+ //#include <execinfo.h>
+ namespace Pooma {
+ Assertion::Assertion(const char *msg, const char *file, int line)
+ {
+   msg_m = new char[strlen(msg) + 1];
+   strcpy(msg_m, msg);
+   file_m = new char[strlen(file) + 1];
+   strcpy(file_m, file);
+   line_m = line;
+ }
+ Assertion::Assertion(const Assertion &a)
+ {
+   msg_m = new char[strlen(a.what())+1];
+   strcpy(msg_m, a.what());
+   file_m = new char[strlen(a.file())+1];
+   strcpy(file_m, a.file());
+   line_m = a.line();
+ }
+ Assertion &Assertion::operator=(const Assertion &a)
+ {
+   msg_m = new char[strlen(a.what())+1];
+   strcpy(msg_m, a.what());
+   file_m = new char[strlen(a.file())+1];
+   strcpy(file_m, a.file());
+   line_m = a.line();
+   return *this;
+ }
+ void toss_cookies(const char *msg, const char *file, int line ...)
+ {
+   va_list ap;
+   va_start(ap,line);
+   char buf[256];
+   vsprintf(buf, msg, ap);
+   va_end(ap);
+   Assertion a(buf, file, line);
+   Pooma::stopHere();
+   fprintf(stderr, "### POOMA Assertion Failure on context %i ###\n", Pooma::context());
+   fprintf(stderr, "### %s\n", a.what());
+   fprintf(stderr, "### File %s; Line %d.\n", a.file(), a.line());
+   Pooma::pAbort();
+ }
+ }
+ Unique::Value_t Unique::next_s = 0;
+ Pooma::Mutex_t Unique::mutex_s;
+ bool findLeftCommonEndpoint(int a0, int a1, int s, int b0, int b1, int t,
+        int &endpoint)
+ {
+   ;
+   if (s < 0) s = -s;
+   if (t < 0) t = -t;
+   if (a0 > b0) {
+     int tmp;
+     tmp = a0; a0 = b0; b0 = tmp;
+     tmp = a1; a1 = b1; b1 = tmp;
+     tmp = s; s = t; t = tmp;
+   }
+   int i1 = b0 - ((b0 - a0) % s);
+   int i2 = b0;
+   int maxdiff = 0;
+   int minright = a1;
+   if (b1 < a1)
+     minright = b1;
+   while (i1 <= minright && i2 <= minright) {
+     while (i1 < i2)
+       i1 += s;
+     int newdiff = i1 - i2;
+     if (i1 == i2 || newdiff == maxdiff) {
+       break;
+     } else if (newdiff > maxdiff) {
+       maxdiff = newdiff;
+     }
+     i2 += t;
+   }
+   if (i1 == i2 && i1 <= minright) {
+     endpoint = i1;
+     return true;
+   } else {
+     return false;
+   }
+ }
+ int findLCM(int s, int t)
+ {
+   ;
+   int i1 = s, i2 = t;
+   if (s > t) {
+     s = t;
+     t = i1;
+     i1 = s;
+     i2 = t;
+   }
+   while (i1 != i2) {
+     while (i1 < i2)
+       i1 += s;
+     if (i1 > i2)
+       i2 += t;
+   }
+   return i1;
+ }
+ bool findIntersectionEndpoints(int a0, int a1, int s, int b0, int b1, int t,
+                                int &left, int &right, int &stride)
+ {
+   ;
+   if (s < 0) s = -s;
+   if (t < 0) t = -t;
+   if (!findLeftCommonEndpoint(a0, a1, s, b0, b1, t, left))
+     return false;
+   stride = findLCM(s, t);
+   int m = a1;
+   if (b1 < a1)
+     m = b1;
+   right = m - ((m - left) % stride);
+   return true;
+ }
+ GlobalIDDataBase::NodeKey_t
+ GlobalIDDataBase::push(LayoutID_t layoutID, int context, GlobalID_t globalID)
+ {
+   int ret = data_m.size();
+   data_m.push_back(Pack(layoutID, context, globalID, nullNodeKey()));
+   return ret;
+ }
+ GlobalIDDataBase::NodeKey_t
+ GlobalIDDataBase::push(LayoutID_t layoutID,
+          int context,
+          GlobalID_t globalID,
+          NodeKey_t parentNode)
+ {
+   int ret = data_m.size();
+   data_m.push_back(Pack(layoutID, context, globalID, parentNode));
+   return ret;
+ }
+ void
+ GlobalIDDataBase::shared(LayoutID_t idNew, LayoutID_t idOld)
+ {
+   Shared_t::const_iterator p = shared_m.find(idOld);
+   if (p != shared_m.end())
+   {
+     idOld = p->second;
+   }
+   Shared_t::value_type i(idNew, idOld);
+   shared_m.insert(i);
+ }
+ GlobalIDDataBase::GlobalID_t
+ GlobalIDDataBase::globalID(LayoutID_t layoutID, NodeKey_t key) const
+ {
+   Shared_t::const_iterator p = shared_m.find(layoutID);
+   if (p != shared_m.end())
+   {
+     layoutID = p->second;
+   }
+   while( key != nullNodeKey() )
+   {
+     if (data_m[key].layoutID() == layoutID)
+     {
+       return data_m[key].globalID();
+     }
+     else
+     {
+       key = data_m[key].parent();
+     }
+   }
+   ;
+   return -1;
+ }
+ int
+ GlobalIDDataBase::context(LayoutID_t layoutID, NodeKey_t key) const
+ {
+   Shared_t::const_iterator p = shared_m.find(layoutID);
+   if (p != shared_m.end())
+   {
+     layoutID = p->second;
+   }
+   while( key != nullNodeKey() )
+   {
+     if (data_m[key].layoutID() == layoutID)
+     {
+       return data_m[key].context();
+     }
+     else
+     {
+       key = data_m[key].parent();
+     }
+   }
+   ;
+   return -1;
+ }
+ int
+ GlobalIDDataBase::context(NodeKey_t key) const
+ {
+   ;
+   return data_m[key].context();
+ }
+ bool
+ GlobalIDDataBase::contextParticipates(int context, NodeKey_t key) const
+ {
+   while( key != nullNodeKey() )
+   {
+     if (data_m[key].context() == context)
+     {
+       return true;
+     }
+     else
+     {
+       key = data_m[key].parent();
+     }
+   }
+   return false;
+ }
+ namespace Pooma {
+   namespace {
+     unsigned int activeGroups_g = 1;
+     unsigned int numGroups_g = 1;
+   }
+   unsigned int activeRelationGroups()
+     {
+       return activeGroups_g;
+     }
+   bool isRelationGroupActive(unsigned int groups)
+     {
+       return (groups & activeGroups_g) != 0;
+     }
+   void activateRelationGroup(unsigned int group)
+     {
+       blockAndEvaluate();
+       activeGroups_g |= group;
+     }
+   void deactivateRelationGroup(unsigned int group)
+     {
+       blockAndEvaluate();
+       activeGroups_g &= ~group;
+     }
+   unsigned int newRelationGroup()
+     {
+       unsigned int n = (1 << numGroups_g++);
+       activateRelationGroup(n);
+       return n;
+     }
+ }
+ template <int Dim>
+ CanonicalCentering<Dim>::CanonicalCentering()
+ {
+   Centering<Dim> centering;
+   typename Centering<Dim>::Orientation orientation;
+   typename Centering<Dim>::Position position;
+   typename Centering<Dim>::Orientations orientations[Dim][2];
+   typename Centering<Dim>::Positions positions[Dim][2];
+   enum { x = 0, y, z };
+   if (class_count_m == 0) {
+     centering_table_m = new Centering<Dim>**[CellType+1];
+     for (int i = 0; i <= CellType; ++i) {
+       centering_table_m[i] = new Centering<Dim>*[2];
+       for (int j = 0; j < 2; ++j)
+  centering_table_m[i][j] = new Centering<Dim>[1<<Dim];
+     }
+   }
+   ++class_count_m;
+   centering = Centering<Dim>(CellType, Continuous);
+   orientation = 1;
+   position = 0.5;
+   centering.addValue(orientation, position);
+   centering_table_m[CellType][Continuous][AllDim%(1<<Dim)] = centering;
+   orientation = 0; orientation[0] = 1;
+   position = 0.0; position(0) = 0.5;
+   addValue(orientations[x][Continuous],
+     positions[x][Continuous],
+     orientation, position);
+   orientations[x][Discontinuous] =
+     orientations[x][Continuous];
+   positions[x][Discontinuous] =
+     positions[x][Continuous];
+   if (Dim > 1) {
+     position(1) = 1.0;
+     addValue(orientations[x][Discontinuous],
+       positions[x][Discontinuous],
+       orientation, position);
+     if (Dim > 2) {
+       position(2) = 1.0;
+       addValue(orientations[x][Discontinuous],
+         positions[x][Discontinuous],
+         orientation, position);
+       position(1) = 0.0;
+       addValue(orientations[x][Discontinuous],
+         positions[x][Discontinuous],
+         orientation, position);
+     }
+   }
+   if (Dim > 1) {
+     orientation = 0; orientation[1] = 1;
+     position = 0.0; position(1) = 0.5;
+     addValue(orientations[y][Continuous],
+       positions[y][Continuous],
+       orientation, position);
+     orientations[y][Discontinuous] =
+       orientations[y][Continuous];
+     positions[y][Discontinuous] =
+       positions[y][Continuous];
+     position(0) = 1.0;
+     addValue(orientations[y][Discontinuous],
+       positions[y][Discontinuous],
+       orientation, position);
+     if (Dim > 2) {
+       position(2) = 1.0;
+       addValue(orientations[y][Discontinuous],
+         positions[y][Discontinuous],
+         orientation, position);
+       position(0) = 0.0;
+       addValue(orientations[y][Discontinuous],
+         positions[y][Discontinuous],
+         orientation, position);
+     }
+   }
+   if (Dim > 2) {
+     orientation = 0; orientation[2] = 1;
+     position = 0.0; position(2) = 0.5;
+     addValue(orientations[z][Continuous],
+       positions[z][Continuous],
+       orientation, position);
+     orientations[z][Discontinuous] =
+       orientations[z][Continuous];
+     positions[z][Discontinuous] =
+       positions[z][Continuous];
+     position(0) = 1.0;
+     addValue(orientations[z][Discontinuous],
+       positions[z][Discontinuous],
+       orientation, position);
+     position(1) = 1.0;
+     addValue(orientations[z][Discontinuous],
+       positions[z][Discontinuous],
+       orientation, position);
+     position(0) = 0.0;
+     addValue(orientations[z][Discontinuous],
+       positions[z][Discontinuous],
+       orientation, position);
+   }
+   for (int cont = 0; cont < 2; ++cont) {
+     centering_table_m[EdgeType][cont][XDim] =
+       Centering<Dim>(EdgeType, static_cast<enum ContinuityType>(cont),
+        orientations[x][cont], positions[x][cont]);
+     if (Dim > 1) {
+       centering_table_m[EdgeType][cont][YDim] =
+  Centering<Dim>(EdgeType, static_cast<enum ContinuityType>(cont),
+          orientations[y][cont], positions[y][cont]);
+       centering_table_m[EdgeType][cont][XDim|YDim] =
+  Centering<Dim>(EdgeType, static_cast<enum ContinuityType>(cont),
+          combine(orientations[x][cont],orientations[y][cont]),
+          combine(positions[x][cont], positions[y][cont]));
+     }
+     if (Dim > 2) {
+       centering_table_m[EdgeType][cont][ZDim] =
+  Centering<Dim>(EdgeType, static_cast<enum ContinuityType>(cont),
+          orientations[z][cont], positions[z][cont]);
+       centering_table_m[EdgeType][cont][XDim|ZDim] =
+  Centering<Dim>(EdgeType, static_cast<enum ContinuityType>(cont),
+          combine(orientations[x][cont],orientations[z][cont]),
+          combine(positions[x][cont], positions[z][cont]));
+       centering_table_m[EdgeType][cont][YDim|ZDim] =
+  Centering<Dim>(EdgeType, static_cast<enum ContinuityType>(cont),
+          combine(orientations[y][cont],orientations[z][cont]),
+          combine(positions[y][cont], positions[z][cont]));
+       centering_table_m[EdgeType][cont][XDim|YDim|ZDim] =
+  Centering<Dim>(EdgeType, static_cast<enum ContinuityType>(cont),
+          combine(orientations[x][cont],
+           combine(orientations[y][cont],orientations[z][cont])),
+          combine(positions[x][cont],
+           combine(positions[y][cont], positions[z][cont])));
+     }
+   }
+   for (int dim = 0; dim < Dim; ++dim)
+     for (int cont = 0; cont < 2; ++cont)
+       {
+  orientations[dim][cont].clear();
+  positions[dim][cont].clear();
+       }
+   orientation = 1; orientation[0] = 0;
+   position = 0.5; position(0) = 0.0;
+   addValue(orientations[x][Continuous],
+     positions[x][Continuous],
+     orientation, position);
+   orientations[x][Discontinuous] =
+     orientations[x][Continuous];
+   positions[x][Discontinuous] =
+     positions[x][Continuous];
+   position(0) = 1.0;
+   addValue(orientations[x][Discontinuous],
+     positions[x][Discontinuous],
+     orientation, position);
+   if (Dim > 1) {
+     orientation = 1; orientation[1] = 0;
+     position = 0.5; position(1) = 0.0;
+     addValue(orientations[y][Continuous],
+       positions[y][Continuous],
+       orientation, position);
+     orientations[y][Discontinuous] =
+       orientations[y][Continuous];
+     positions[y][Discontinuous] =
+       positions[y][Continuous];
+     position(1) = 1.0;
+     addValue(orientations[y][Discontinuous],
+       positions[y][Discontinuous],
+       orientation, position);
+   }
+   if (Dim > 2) {
+     orientation = 1; orientation[2] = 0;
+     position = 0.5; position(2) = 0.0;
+     addValue(orientations[z][Continuous],
+       positions[z][Continuous],
+       orientation, position);
+     orientations[z][Discontinuous] =
+       orientations[z][Continuous];
+     positions[z][Discontinuous] =
+       positions[z][Continuous];
+     position(2) = 1.0;
+     addValue(orientations[z][Discontinuous],
+       positions[z][Discontinuous],
+       orientation, position);
+   }
+   for (int cont = 0; cont < 2; ++cont) {
+     centering_table_m[FaceType][cont][XDim] =
+       Centering<Dim>(FaceType, static_cast<enum ContinuityType>(cont),
+        orientations[x][cont], positions[x][cont]);
+     if (Dim > 1) {
+       centering_table_m[FaceType][cont][XDim|YDim] =
+  Centering<Dim>(FaceType, static_cast<enum ContinuityType>(cont),
+          combine(orientations[x][cont],orientations[y][cont]),
+          combine(positions[x][cont], positions[y][cont]));
+       centering_table_m[FaceType][cont][YDim] =
+  Centering<Dim>(FaceType, static_cast<enum ContinuityType>(cont),
+          orientations[y][cont], positions[y][cont]);
+     }
+     if (Dim > 2) {
+       centering_table_m[FaceType][cont][ZDim] =
+  Centering<Dim>(FaceType, static_cast<enum ContinuityType>(cont),
+          orientations[z][cont], positions[z][cont]);
+       centering_table_m[FaceType][cont][XDim|ZDim] =
+  Centering<Dim>(FaceType, static_cast<enum ContinuityType>(cont),
+          combine(orientations[x][cont],orientations[z][cont]),
+          combine(positions[x][cont], positions[z][cont]));
+       centering_table_m[FaceType][cont][YDim|ZDim] =
+  Centering<Dim>(FaceType, static_cast<enum ContinuityType>(cont),
+          combine(orientations[y][cont],orientations[z][cont]),
+          combine(positions[y][cont], positions[z][cont]));
+       centering_table_m[FaceType][cont][XDim|YDim|ZDim] =
+  Centering<Dim>(FaceType, static_cast<enum ContinuityType>(cont),
+          combine(orientations[x][cont],
+           combine(orientations[y][cont],orientations[z][cont])),
+          combine(positions[x][cont],
+           combine(positions[y][cont], positions[z][cont])));
+     }
+   }
+   for (int dim = 0; dim < Dim; ++dim)
+     for (int cont = 0; cont < 2; ++cont)
+       {
+  orientations[dim][cont].clear();
+  positions[dim][cont].clear();
+       }
+   centering = Centering<Dim>(VertexType, Continuous);
+   orientation = 0;
+   position = 0.0;
+   centering.addValue(orientation, position);
+   centering_table_m[VertexType][Continuous][AllDim%(1<<Dim)] =
+     centering;
+   centering = Centering<Dim>(VertexType, Discontinuous);
+   orientation = 0;
+   position = 0.0;
+   centering.addValue(orientation, position);
+   position(0) = 1.0; centering.addValue(orientation, position);
+   if (Dim > 1) {
+     position(1) = 1.0; centering.addValue(orientation, position);
+     position(0) = 0.0; centering.addValue(orientation, position);
+     if (Dim > 2) {
+       position(2) = 1.0; centering.addValue(orientation, position);
+       position(0) = 1.0; centering.addValue(orientation, position);
+       position(1) = 0.0; centering.addValue(orientation, position);
+       position(0) = 0.0; centering.addValue(orientation, position);
+     }
+   }
+   centering_table_m[VertexType][Discontinuous][AllDim%(1<<Dim)] =
+     centering;
+   return;
+ }
+ const CanonicalCentering<1> canonicalCenteringOne_g;
+ const CanonicalCentering<2> canonicalCenteringTwo_g;
+ const CanonicalCentering<3> canonicalCenteringThree_g;
+ template <int Dim>
+ const Centering<Dim> canonicalCentering
+     (const enum CenteringType type,
+      const enum ContinuityType discontinuous,
+      const int dimension);
+ template <>
+ const Centering<1> canonicalCentering<1>
+     (const enum CenteringType type,
+      const enum ContinuityType discontinuous,
+      const int dimension)
+ {
+   return canonicalCenteringOne_g(type, discontinuous, dimension);
+ }
+ template <>
+ const Centering<2> canonicalCentering<2>
+     (const enum CenteringType type,
+      const enum ContinuityType discontinuous,
+      const int dimension)
+ {
+   return canonicalCenteringTwo_g(type, discontinuous, dimension);
+ }
+ template <>
+ const Centering<3> canonicalCentering<3>
+     (const enum CenteringType type,
+      const enum ContinuityType discontinuous,
+      const int dimension)
+ {
+   return canonicalCenteringThree_g(type, discontinuous, dimension);
+ }
+ template class CanonicalCentering<1>;
+ template class CanonicalCentering<2>;
+ template class CanonicalCentering<3>;
+ void UniformMapper::map(const List_t& templist) const
+ {
+   int contexts = Pooma::contexts();
+   int npc = blocks_m.first() / contexts;
+   int remainder = blocks_m.first() % contexts;
+   int index = 0;
+   for (int c=0; c<contexts; ++c)
+   {
+     for (int i=0; i<npc; ++i)
+       templist[index++]->context() = c;
+     if (c < remainder)
+       templist[index++]->context() = c;
+   }
+   setAffinity(templist);
+ }
+ namespace Pooma {
+ Options::Options()
+ {
+   reset();
+ }
+ Options::Options(int &argc, char ** argv)
+ {
+   reset();
+   parse(argc, argv);
+ }
+ Options::Options(const Options &opts)
+ {
+   *this = opts;
+ }
+ Options &Options::operator=(const Options &opts)
+ {
+   concurrency_m = opts.concurrency();
+   info_m = opts.printInfo();
+   warn_m = opts.printWarnings();
+   err_m = opts.printErrors();
+   logfile_m = opts.logfile();
+   stats_m = opts.printStats();
+   debug_m = opts.debug();
+   neverCompress_m = opts.neverCompress();
+   deferredFills_m = opts.deferredGuardFills();
+   hardinit_m = opts.hardInit();
+   hardrun_m = opts.hardRun();
+   lockthreads_m = opts.lockThreads();
+   blockingExpressions_m = opts.blockingExpressions();
+   return *this;
+ }
+ Options::~Options()
+ {
+ }
+ void Options::usage()
+ {
+   Inform msg("POOMA Usage", std::cerr);
+   msg << ">>>-----------------------------------<<<\n";
+   msg << ">>> POOMA command-line option summary <<<\n";
+   msg << ">>>-----------------------------------<<<\n";
+   msg << "Standard options:\n";
+   msg << "--pooma-threads <N> ......... set concurrency level (N >= 1)\n";
+   msg << "--pooma-info ................ turn on output of info messages\n";
+   msg << "--pooma-warn ................ turn on output of warning messages\n";
+   msg << "--pooma-err ................. turn on output of error messages\n";
+   msg << "--pooma-log <file> .......... turn on logging of output to <file>\n";
+   msg << "--pooma-stats ............... turn on output of stats at end\n";
+   msg << "--pooma-nocompress .......... disable compression of\n";
+   msg << "                              compressible brick-engines\n";
+   msg << "--pooma-help ................ print out this summary\n";
+   msg << "Developer options:\n";
+   msg << "--pooma-debug <N> ........... set debug output level to <N>\n";
+   msg << "--pooma-smarts-hardinit\n";
+   msg << "--pooma-smarts-hardrun\n";
+   msg << "--pooma-smarts-lockthreads\n";
+   msg << "--pooma-blocking-expressions\n";
+   msg << "All options exist as \"yes\" and \"no\" pairs.\n";
+   msg << "For example --pooma-info and --pooma-noinfo.\n";
+   msg << "The \"no\" versions listed above imply that \"yes\" is the default.";
+   msg << std::endl;
+ }
+ void Options::reset()
+ {
+   concurrency_m = 1;
+   info_m = true;
+   warn_m = true;
+   err_m = true;
+   logfile_m = "";
+   stats_m = false;
+   debug_m = Inform::off;
+   neverCompress_m = false;
+   deferredFills_m = true;
+   hardinit_m = true;
+   hardrun_m = false;
+   lockthreads_m = false;
+   blockingExpressions_m = false;
+ }
+ void Options::parse(int &argc, char ** &argv)
+ {
+   if (argc < 2)
+     return;
+   int retargc = 1;
+   char **retargv = new char *[argc];
+   retargv[0] = argv[0];
+   int i = 1;
+   while (i < argc)
+     {
+       bool argok = true;
+       bool argvalerr = false;
+       std::string word(argv[i]);
+       if (word == "--pooma-threads")
+  {
+    argok = intArgument(argc, argv, i+1, concurrency_m);
+    argvalerr = (concurrency_m < 1);
+    ++i;
+  }
+       else if (word == "--pooma-nothreads")
+  {
+    concurrency_m = 1;
+  }
+       else if (word == "--pooma-info" || word == "--pooma-noinfo")
+  {
+    info_m = (word == "--pooma-info");
+  }
+       else if (word == "--pooma-nocompress" || word == "--pooma-compress")
+  {
+    neverCompress_m = (word == "--pooma-nocompress");
+  }
+       else if (word == "--pooma-nodeferred-guardfills" ||
+                word == "--pooma-deferred-guardfills")
+  {
+    deferredFills_m = (word == "--pooma-deferred-guardfills");
+  }
+       else if (word == "--pooma-warn" || word == "--pooma-nowarn")
+  {
+    warn_m = (word == "--pooma-warn");
+  }
+       else if (word == "--pooma-err" || word == "--pooma-noerr")
+  {
+    err_m = (word == "--pooma-err");
+  }
+       else if (word == "--pooma-stats" || word == "--pooma-nostats")
+  {
+    stats_m = (word == "--pooma-stats");
+  }
+       else if (word == "--pooma-log")
+  {
+    argok = stringArgument(argc, argv, i+1, logfile_m);
+    ++i;
+  }
+       else if (word == "--pooma-debug")
+  {
+    argok = intArgument(argc, argv, i+1, debug_m);
+    ++i;
+  }
+       else if (word == "--pooma-nodebug")
+  {
+    debug_m = Inform::off;
+  }
+       else if (word == "--pooma-smarts-hardinit")
+  {
+    hardinit_m = true;
+  }
+       else if (word == "--pooma-smarts-nohardinit")
+  {
+    hardinit_m = false;
+  }
+       else if (word == "--pooma-smarts-hardrun")
+  {
+    hardrun_m = true;
+  }
+       else if (word == "--pooma-smarts-nohardrun")
+  {
+    hardrun_m = false;
+  }
+       else if (word == "--pooma-smarts-lockthreads")
+  {
+    lockthreads_m = true;
+  }
+       else if (word == "--pooma-smarts-nolockthreads")
+  {
+    lockthreads_m = false;
+  }
+       else if (word == "--pooma-blocking-expressions")
+  {
+    blockingExpressions_m = true;
+  }
+       else if (word == "--pooma-noblocking-expressions")
+  {
+    blockingExpressions_m = false;
+  }
+       else if (word == "--pooma-help")
+  {
+    usage();
+    exit(0);
+  }
+       else
+  {
+    retargv[retargc++] = argv[i];
+  }
+       if (!argok)
+  {
+    std::cerr << "\nERROR: Bad format for POOMA command-line option '";
+    std::cerr << word.c_str() << "'.\n" << std::endl;
+    usage();
+    exit(0);
+  }
+       if (argvalerr)
+  {
+    std::cerr << "\n";
+    std::cerr << "ERROR: Illegal value for POOMA command-line option '";
+    std::cerr << word.c_str() << "'.\n" << std::endl;
+    usage();
+    exit(0);
+  }
+       ++i;
+     }
+   argc = retargc;
+   for (i = 0; i < retargc; ++i) argv[i] = retargv[i];
+   delete [] retargv;
+ }
+ bool intArgument(int argc, char **argv, int pos, int &val)
+ {
+   if (pos >= argc)
+     return false;
+   char firstchar = argv[pos][0];
+   if (firstchar < '0' || firstchar > '9')
+     {
+       if ((firstchar != '-' && firstchar != '+') || argv[pos][1] == 0 ||
+    (argv[pos][1] < '0' || argv[pos][1] > '9'))
+  return false;
+     }
+   val = atoi(argv[pos]);
+   return true;
+ }
+ bool stringArgument(int argc, char **argv, int pos, std::string &val)
+ {
+   if (pos >= argc)
+     return false;
+   val = argv[pos];
+   return true;
+ }
+ bool doubleArgument(int argc, char **argv, int pos, double &val)
+ {
+   if (pos >= argc)
+     return false;
+   val = atof(argv[pos]);
+   return true;
+ }
+ }
+ namespace Pooma {
+ Statistics::Statistics()
+ {
+ }
+ Statistics::~Statistics()
+ {
+   for (int i = 0; i < statList_m.size(); ++i)
+     {
+       delete statList_m[i];
+     }
+ }
+ long Statistics::defaultFilter(long val)
+ {
+   return val;
+ }
+ void Statistics::print(Inform &o, long (*filter)(long))
+ {
+   int i, j;
+   if (statList_m.size() == 0)
+     return;
+   o << "Runtime statistics summary:" << std::endl;
+   for (i = 0; i < statList_m.size(); ++i)
+     {
+       o << statList_m[i]->description() << " ";
+       int numperiods = 53 - strlen(statList_m[i]->description().c_str());
+       if (numperiods < 2)
+         numperiods = 2;
+       for (j = 0; j < numperiods; ++j)
+         o << ".";
+       o << " " << std::setw(12) << filter(statList_m[i]->value()) << std::endl;
+     }
+ }
+ }
+ namespace EOS {
+   typedef enum {
+     IdealAdiabatic = 0,
+     Last = 4
+   } Eos_t;
+   struct pg_ig
+   {
+     pg_ig() {}
+     template <class F1>
+     pg_ig(const pg_ig& f, const F1&) {}
+     template <class F1, class F2, class F3, class F4>
+     void operator()(const F1& pg, const F2& T, const F3& rh, const F4& xmue) const
+     {
+       Interval<F1::dimensions> I = pg.totalDomain();
+       pg(I) = (T*rh/xmue)(I);
+     }
+   };
+   struct cs_adiabatic
+   {
+     cs_adiabatic() {}
+     cs_adiabatic(double gamma) : gamma_m(gamma) {}
+     template <class F>
+     cs_adiabatic(const cs_adiabatic& f, const F&)
+       : gamma_m(f.gamma_m) {}
+     template <class F1, class F2, class F3>
+     void operator()(const F1& cs, const F2& pg, const F3& rh) const
+     {
+       Interval<F1::dimensions> I = cs.totalDomain();
+       cs(I) = (sqrt(gamma_m * pg/rh))(I);
+     }
+     double gamma_m;
+   };
+ }
+ namespace Hacks {
+   struct limit_rh
+   {
+     limit_rh() {}
+     limit_rh(double rhomin) : rhomin_m(rhomin) {}
+     template <class F>
+     limit_rh(const limit_rh& l, const F&) : rhomin_m(l.rhomin_m) {}
+     template <class F>
+     void operator()(const F& rh);
+     double rhomin_m;
+   };
+   template <class F>
+   void checkRegularity(const F& f);
+ };
+ namespace Hacks {
+   template <class F>
+   void limit_rh::operator()(const F& rh)
+   {
+     Interval<F::dimensions> I = rh.physicalDomain();
+     rh(I) = where(rh(I) < rhomin_m, rhomin_m);
+   }
+   template <int Dim>
+   struct CheckRegularity {
+     CheckRegularity() {}
+     inline void scalarCodeInfo(ScalarCodeInfo<Dim, 1> &i) const
+     {
+       i.write(0, false);
+       i.useGuards(0, false);
+     }
+     template <class F1>
+     inline void operator()(const F1 &f, const Loc<Dim>& I) const
+     {
+       if (std::isnan(f(I)))
+  Pooma::pAbort("NaN detected");
+       if (std::isinf(f(I)))
+  Pooma::pAbort("Inf detected");
+     }
+   };
+   template <class F>
+   void checkRegularity(const F& f)
+   {
+     ScalarCode<CheckRegularity<F::dimensions> >()(f);
+   }
+ };
+ namespace CFL {
+   template <int Dim>
+   struct CflFunctor : public Deltas<Dim> {
+     CflFunctor(double omrot, bool vis) : omrot_m(omrot), vis_m(vis) {}
+     inline void scalarCodeInfo(ScalarCodeInfo<Dim, 4> &i) const
+     {
+       for (int d=0; d<Dim; ++d)
+  i.extent().upper(d) = 1;
+       i.write(0, true, false);
+       i.write(1, false);
+       i.write(2, false);
+       i.write(3, false);
+       i.useGuards(1, false);
+       i.useGuards(2, false);
+       i.useGuards(3, true);
+     }
+     using Deltas<Dim>::dX;
+     using Deltas<Dim>::dY;
+     using Deltas<Dim>::dZ;
+     template <class F1, class F2, class F3, class F4>
+     inline void operator()(const F1 &dt, const F2 &cs, const F3 &nue, const F4 &v,
+       const Loc<Dim>& I) const
+     {
+       const typename F1::Mesh_t &m = dt.mesh();
+       double dtmin = m.vertexSpacing(0, I[0].first()+1)
+  / (std::max(fabs(v.fieldEngine().engine(0, 0).read(I)), fabs(v.fieldEngine().engine(0, 0).read(I+dX)))
+     + cs.read(I));
+       if (Dim > 1)
+  dtmin = std::min(dtmin,
+     m.vertexSpacing(1, I[1].first()+1)
+     / (std::max(fabs(v.fieldEngine().engine(0, 1).read(I)), fabs(v.fieldEngine().engine(0, 1).read(I+dY)))
+        + cs.read(I)/m.GEOXG(I)));
+       if (Dim > 2)
+  dtmin = std::min(dtmin,
+     m.vertexSpacing(2, I[2].first()+1)
+     / (std::max(fabs(v.fieldEngine().engine(0, 2).read(I))+omrot_m, fabs(v.fieldEngine().engine(0, 2).read(I+dZ))+omrot_m)
+        + cs.read(I)/(m.GEOXH(I)*m.GEOYH(I))));
+  dt(I) = dtmin;
+     }
+     const double omrot_m;
+     const bool vis_m;
+   };
+   template <int Dim, class F1, class F2, class F3, class F4>
+   double schritt(const F1 &v, const F2 &cs, const F3 &nue,
+    const F4 &scratch, double omrot, bool vis_f)
+   {
+     Interval<Dim> I(cs.physicalDomain());
+     ScalarCode<CflFunctor<Dim> >(CflFunctor<Dim>(omrot, vis_f))(scratch, I, cs, nue, v);
+     return min(scratch(I));
+   }
+ }
+ GuardLayers<Dim> corr_v[Dim];
+ Interval<Dim> vertexDomain;
+ Vector<Dim> origin;
+ Traits_t::Spacings_t spacings;
+ double gamma_, K, cartvis_nr, cartvis_av;
+ Vector<2> smooth;
+ std::string commandline;
+ Vector<Dim, int> periodicity;
+ std::vector<Loc<Dim> > dump_points;
+ EOS::Eos_t eos;
+ bool a_nr_f = false;
+ int a_nr = std::numeric_limits<int>::max();
+ bool a_end_t_f = false;
+ double a_end_t = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
+ bool a_blocks_f = false;
+ Loc<Dim> a_blocks;
+ bool a_cfl_f = false;
+ double a_cfl = 0.5;
+ bool a_constant_timestep_f = false;
+ double dt;
+ bool a_min_dt_f = false;
+ double a_min_dt = 0.0;
+ bool a_max_dt_f = false;
+ double a_max_dt = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
+ bool a_cartvis_f = false;
+ bool a_eos_f = false;
+ EOS::Eos_t a_eos;
+ bool a_rhomin_f = false;
+ double a_rhomin = 1e-6;
+ namespace Adv5 {
+   template<class F1, class F2, class F3, class F4, class F5, class F6, class F7, class F8, class F9>
+   void advect(double dt,
+        const F1 &rh, const F2 &v, double omrot_, const F3 &T,
+        const F4 &flm, const F5 &fle, const F6 &flvv,
+        const F7 &flvc, const F8 &cv, const F9 &ekin,
+        bool eeq, bool ietot);
+ }
+ namespace Adv5 {
+   template <int Dim>
+   struct Ekin : public Deltas<Dim> {
+     inline void scalarCodeInfo(ScalarCodeInfo<Dim, 2> &i) const
+     {
+       i.extent(GuardLayers<Dim>(Loc<Dim>(0), Loc<Dim>(1)));
+       i.write(0, true);
+       i.write(1, false);
+       i.useGuards(0, false);
+       i.useGuards(1, true);
+     }
+     using Deltas<Dim>::dX;
+     using Deltas<Dim>::dY;
+     using Deltas<Dim>::dZ;
+     template <class F1, class F2>
+     inline void operator()(const F1 &ekin, const F2 &v, const Loc<Dim>& I) const
+     {
+       const typename F1::Mesh_t &m = ekin.mesh();
+       double ek = (v.fieldEngine().engine(0, 0).read(I)+v.fieldEngine().engine(0, 0).read(I+dX)) * (v.fieldEngine().engine(0, 0).read(I)+v.fieldEngine().engine(0, 0).read(I+dX));
+       if (Dim > 1)
+  ek += (v.fieldEngine().engine(0, 1).read(I)+v.fieldEngine().engine(0, 1).read(I+dY)) * (v.fieldEngine().engine(0, 1).read(I)+v.fieldEngine().engine(0, 1).read(I+dY)) * std::pow(m.GEOXG(I), 2);
+       if (Dim > 2)
+  ek += (v.fieldEngine().engine(0, 2).read(I)+v.fieldEngine().engine(0, 2).read(I+dZ)) * (v.fieldEngine().engine(0, 2).read(I)+v.fieldEngine().engine(0, 2).read(I+dZ)) * std::pow(m.GEOXH(I)*m.GEOYH(I), 2);
+       ekin(I) = ek / 8.0;
+     }
+   };
+   template <int Dim>
+   struct VelupdX : public Deltas<Dim> {
+     inline void scalarCodeInfo(ScalarCodeInfo<Dim, 2> &i) const
+     {
+       i.extent().lower(0) = 1;
+       i.write(0, true);
+       i.write(1, false);
+       i.useGuards(0, false);
+       i.useGuards(1, true);
+     }
+     using Deltas<Dim>::dX;
+     using Deltas<Dim>::dY;
+     using Deltas<Dim>::dZ;
+     template <class F1, class F2>
+     inline void operator()(const F1 &vx, const F2 &rh, const Loc<Dim>& I) const
+     {
+       const typename F1::Mesh_t &m = rh.mesh();
+       vx(I) = vx(I)
+  / (m.DDX1(I)*rh(I)+m.DDX0(I)*rh(I-dX));
+     }
+   };
+   template <int Dim>
+   struct VelupdY : public Deltas<Dim> {
+     inline void scalarCodeInfo(ScalarCodeInfo<Dim, 2> &i) const
+     {
+       i.extent().lower(1) = 1;
+       i.write(0, true);
+       i.write(1, false);
+       i.useGuards(0, false);
+       i.useGuards(1, true);
+     }
+     using Deltas<Dim>::dX;
+     using Deltas<Dim>::dY;
+     using Deltas<Dim>::dZ;
+     template <class F1, class F2>
+     inline void operator()(const F1 &vy, const F2 &rh, const Loc<Dim>& I) const
+     {
+       const typename F1::Mesh_t &m = rh.mesh();
+       vy(I) = vy(I)
+  / ((m.DDY1(I)*rh(I)+m.DDY0(I)*rh(I-dY))
+     * std::pow(m.GEOXG(I), 2));
+     }
+   };
+   template <int Dim>
+   struct VelupdZ : public Deltas<Dim> {
+     inline void scalarCodeInfo(ScalarCodeInfo<Dim, 2> &i) const
+     {
+       i.extent().lower(2) = 1;
+       i.write(0, true);
+       i.write(1, false);
+       i.useGuards(0, false);
+       i.useGuards(1, true);
+     }
+     using Deltas<Dim>::dX;
+     using Deltas<Dim>::dY;
+     using Deltas<Dim>::dZ;
+     template <class F1, class F2>
+     inline void operator()(const F1 &vz, const F2 &rh, const Loc<Dim>& I) const
+     {
+       const typename F1::Mesh_t &m = rh.mesh();
+       vz(I) = vz(I)
+  / ((m.DDZ1(I)*rh(I)+m.DDZ0(I)*rh(I-dZ))
+     * std::pow(m.GEOXH(I),2) * std::pow(m.GEOYH(I),2));
+     }
+   };
+   namespace X {
+     template <int Dim>
+     struct Massflow : public Deltas<Dim> {
+       Massflow(double dt_) : dt(dt_) {}
+       inline void scalarCodeInfo(ScalarCodeInfo<Dim, 3> &i) const
+       {
+  i.extent().lower(0) = 2;
+  i.extent().upper(0) = 1;
+  i.write(0, true, false);
+  i.write(1, false);
+  i.write(2, false);
+  i.useGuards(0, false);
+  i.useGuards(1, true);
+  i.useGuards(2, false);
+       }
+       double dt;
+       using Deltas<Dim>::dX;
+       using Deltas<Dim>::dY;
+       using Deltas<Dim>::dZ;
+       template <class F1, class F2, class F3>
+       inline void operator()(const F1 &flmx, const F2 &rh, const F3 &vx, const Loc<Dim>& I) const
+       {
+  const typename F1::Mesh_t &m = rh.mesh();
+  double s = vx(I)*dt;
+  Loc<Dim> IND = s > 0.0 ? I-dX : I;
+  double grad1 = (rh(IND)-rh(IND-dX)) * (rh(IND+dX)-rh(IND));
+  double grad = grad1 > 0.0
+    ? 2.0*grad1 / ((rh(IND)-rh(IND-dX))*m.cellSpacing(IND+dX)(0)
+     + (rh(IND+dX)-rh(IND))*m.cellSpacing(IND)(0))
+    : 0.0;
+  flmx(I) = (m.SURXA(I)-m.CCXA(I)*s) * s
+    * (rh(IND)
+       + (m.vertexPosition(I)(0) - m.cellPosition(IND)(0) - 0.5*s) * grad);
+       }
+     };
+     template <int Dim>
+     struct Energyflux : public Deltas<Dim> {
+       Energyflux(double dt_) : dt(dt_) {}
+       inline void scalarCodeInfo(ScalarCodeInfo<Dim, 4> &i) const
+       {
+  i.extent().lower(0) = 2;
+  i.extent().upper(0) = 1;
+  i.write(0, true, false);
+  i.write(1, false);
+  i.write(2, false);
+  i.write(3, false);
+  i.useGuards(0, false);
+  i.useGuards(1, true);
+  i.useGuards(2, false);
+  i.useGuards(3, false);
+       }
+       double dt;
+       using Deltas<Dim>::dX;
+       using Deltas<Dim>::dY;
+       using Deltas<Dim>::dZ;
+       template <class F1, class F2, class F3, class F4>
+       inline void operator()(const F1 &flex, const F2 &T, const F3 &vx, const F4 &flmx,
+         const Loc<Dim>& I) const
+       {
+  const typename F3::Mesh_t &m = T.mesh();
+  Loc<Dim> IND = Pooma::NoInit();
+  double s, ddm1, dd, ddp1, grad1, grad;
+  s = vx(I)*dt;
+  IND = s > 0.0 ? I-dX : I;
+  ddm1 = T(IND-dX);
+  dd = T(IND);
+  ddp1 = T(IND+dX);
+  grad1 = (dd-ddm1)*(ddp1-dd);
+  grad = grad1 > 0.0
+    ? 2.0*grad1 / ((ddp1-dd)*m.cellSpacing(IND)(0)
+     + (dd-ddm1)*m.cellSpacing(IND+dX)(0))
+    : 0.0;
+  flex(I) = flmx(I)
+    * (dd + (m.vertexPosition(I)(0) - m.cellPosition(IND)(0) - 0.5*s) * grad);
+       }
+     };
+     template <int Dim>
+     struct MomentumfluxX : public Deltas<Dim> {
+       MomentumfluxX(double dt_) : dt(dt_) {}
+       inline void scalarCodeInfo(ScalarCodeInfo<Dim, 3> &i) const
+       {
+  i.extent().lower(0) = 1;
+  i.extent().upper(0) = 2;
+  i.write(0, true, false);
+  i.write(1, false);
+  i.write(2, false);
+  i.useGuards(0, false);
+  i.useGuards(1, true);
+  i.useGuards(2, true);
+       }
+       double dt;
+       using Deltas<Dim>::dX;
+       using Deltas<Dim>::dY;
+       using Deltas<Dim>::dZ;
+       template <class F1, class F2, class F3>
+       inline void operator()(const F1 &flx, const F2 &vx, const F3 &flmx,
+         const Loc<Dim>& I) const
+       {
+  const typename F3::Mesh_t &m = flx.mesh();
+  Loc<Dim> IND = Pooma::NoInit();
+  double s, ddm1, dd, ddp1, grad1, grad;
+  s = (vx(I) + vx(I+dX)) * 0.5*dt;
+  IND = s > 0.0 ? I : I+dX;
+  ddm1 = vx(IND-dX);
+  dd = vx(IND);
+  ddp1 = vx(IND+dX);
+  grad1 = (dd-ddm1)*(ddp1-dd);
+  grad = grad1 > 0.0
+    ? 2.0*grad1 / ((ddp1-dd)*m.vertexSpacing(IND)(0)
+     + (dd-ddm1)*m.vertexSpacing(IND+dX)(0))
+    : 0.0;
+  flx(I) = 0.5*(flmx(I) + flmx(I+dX))
+    * (dd + (m.cellPosition(I)(0) - m.vertexPosition(IND)(0) - 0.5*s) * grad);
+       }
+     };
+     template <int Dim>
+     struct MomentumfluxY : public Deltas<Dim> {
+       MomentumfluxY(double dt_) : dt(dt_) {}
+       inline void scalarCodeInfo(ScalarCodeInfo<Dim, 4> &i) const
+       {
+  i.extent().lower(0) = 2;
+  i.extent().upper(0) = 1;
+  i.extent().lower(1) = 1;
+  i.write(0, true, false);
+  i.write(1, false);
+  i.write(2, false);
+  i.write(3, false);
+  i.useGuards(0, false);
+  i.useGuards(1, true);
+  i.useGuards(2, true);
+  i.useGuards(3, true);
+       }
+       double dt;
+       using Deltas<Dim>::dX;
+       using Deltas<Dim>::dY;
+       using Deltas<Dim>::dZ;
+       template <class F1, class F2, class F3, class F4>
+       inline void operator()(const F1 &flx, const F2 &vx, const F3 &vy, const F4 &flmx,
+         const Loc<Dim>& I) const
+       {
+  const typename F3::Mesh_t &m = flx.mesh();
+  Loc<Dim> IND = Pooma::NoInit();
+  double s, ddm1, dd, ddp1, grad1, grad;
+  s = (m.DDY1(I)*vx(I) + m.DDY0(I)*vx(I-dY)) * dt;
+  IND = s > 0.0 ? I-dX : I;
+  ddm1 = vy(IND-dX) * std::pow(m.GEOXG(IND-dX), 2);
+  dd = vy(IND) * std::pow(m.GEOXG(IND), 2);
+  ddp1 = vy(IND+dX) * std::pow(m.GEOXG(IND+dX), 2);
+  grad1 = (dd-ddm1)*(ddp1-dd);
+  grad = grad1 > 0.0
+    ? 2.0*grad1 / ((ddp1-dd)*m.cellSpacing(IND)(0)
+     + (dd-ddm1)*m.cellSpacing(IND+dX)(0))
+    : 0.0;
+  flx(I) = (m.DDY1(I)*flmx(I) + m.DDY0(I)*flmx(I-dY))
+    * (dd + (m.vertexPosition(I)(0) - m.cellPosition(IND)(0) - 0.5*s) * grad);
+       }
+     };
+     template <int Dim>
+     struct MomentumfluxZ : public Deltas<Dim> {
+       MomentumfluxZ(double dt_) : dt(dt_) {}
+       inline void scalarCodeInfo(ScalarCodeInfo<Dim, 4> &i) const
+       {
+  i.extent().lower(0) = 2;
+  i.extent().upper(0) = 1;
+  i.extent().lower(2) = 1;
+  i.write(0, true, false);
+  i.write(1, false);
+  i.write(2, false);
+  i.write(3, false);
+  i.useGuards(0, false);
+  i.useGuards(1, true);
+  i.useGuards(2, true);
+  i.useGuards(3, true);
+       }
+       double dt;
+       using Deltas<Dim>::dX;
+       using Deltas<Dim>::dY;
+       using Deltas<Dim>::dZ;
+       template <class F1, class F2, class F3, class F4>
+       inline void operator()(const F1 &flx, const F2 &vx, const F3 &vz, const F4 &flmx,
+         const Loc<Dim>& I) const
+       {
+  const typename F3::Mesh_t &m = flx.mesh();
+  Loc<Dim> IND = Pooma::NoInit();
+  double s, ddm1, dd, ddp1, grad1, grad;
+  s = (m.DDZ1(I)*vx(I)
+       + m.DDZ0(I)*vx(I-dZ)) * dt;
+  IND = s > 0.0 ? I-dX : I;
+  ddm1 = vz.read(IND-dX)
+    * std::pow(m.GEOXH(IND-dX), 2) * std::pow(m.GEOYH(I), 2);
+  dd = vz.read(IND)
+    * std::pow(m.GEOXH(IND), 2) * std::pow(m.GEOYH(I), 2);
+  ddp1 = vz.read(IND+dX)
+    * std::pow(m.GEOXH(IND+dX), 2) * std::pow(m.GEOYH(I), 2);
+  grad1 = (dd-ddm1)*(ddp1-dd);
+  grad = grad1 > 0.0
+    ? 2.0*grad1 / ((ddp1-dd)*m.cellSpacing(IND)(0)
+     + (dd-ddm1)*m.cellSpacing(IND+dX)(0))
+    : 0.0;
+  flx(I) = (m.DDZ1(I)*flmx(I) + m.DDZ0(I)*flmx(I-dZ))
+    * (dd + (m.vertexPosition(I)(0) - m.cellPosition(IND)(0) - 0.5*s) * grad);
+       }
+     };
+     template <int Dim>
+     struct Energyflux2 : public Deltas<Dim> {
+       inline void scalarCodeInfo(ScalarCodeInfo<Dim, 3> &i) const
+       {
+  i.extent().upper(0) = 1;
+  i.write(0, true);
+  i.write(1, false);
+  i.write(2, false);
+  i.useGuards(0, false);
+  i.useGuards(1, false);
+  i.useGuards(2, true);
+       }
+       using Deltas<Dim>::dX;
+       template <class F1, class F2, class F3>
+       inline void operator()(const F1 &T, const F2 &rh, const F3 &flex,
+         const Loc<Dim>& I) const
+       {
+  const typename F3::Mesh_t &m = T.mesh();
+  T(I) = T(I)*rh(I)
+    - (flex(I+dX) - flex(I)) / m.VOLXB(I);
+       }
+     };
+     template <int Dim>
+     struct Momentumflux2X : public Deltas<Dim> {
+       inline void scalarCodeInfo(ScalarCodeInfo<Dim, 3> &i) const
+       {
+  i.extent().lower(0) = 1;
+  i.write(0, true);
+  i.write(1, false);
+  i.write(2, false);
+  i.useGuards(0, false);
+  i.useGuards(1, true);
+  i.useGuards(2, true);
+       }
+       using Deltas<Dim>::dX;
+       using Deltas<Dim>::dY;
+       using Deltas<Dim>::dZ;
+       template <class F1, class F2, class F3>
+       inline void operator()(const F1 &vx, const F2 &rh, const F3 &flx,
+         const Loc<Dim>& I) const
+       {
+  const typename F1::Mesh_t &m = rh.mesh();
+  vx(I) = vx(I)
+    * (m.DDX1(I)*rh(I)+m.DDX0(I)*rh(I-dX))
+    - (flx(I) - flx(I-dX)) / m.VOLXA(I);
+       }
+     };
+     template <int Dim>
+     struct Momentumflux2Y : public Deltas<Dim> {
+       inline void scalarCodeInfo(ScalarCodeInfo<Dim, 3> &i) const
+       {
+  i.extent().upper(0) = 1;
+  i.extent().lower(1) = 1;
+  i.write(0, true);
+  i.write(1, false);
+  i.write(2, false);
+  i.useGuards(0, false);
+  i.useGuards(1, true);
+  i.useGuards(2, true);
+       }
+       using Deltas<Dim>::dX;
+       using Deltas<Dim>::dY;
+       using Deltas<Dim>::dZ;
+       template <class F1, class F2, class F3>
+       inline void operator()(const F1 &vy, const F2 &rh, const F3 &flx,
+         const Loc<Dim>& I) const
+       {
+  const typename F1::Mesh_t &m = rh.mesh();
+  vy(I) = vy(I) * std::pow(m.GEOXG(I), 2)
+    * (m.DDY1(I)*rh(I)+m.DDY0(I)*rh(I-dY))
+    - (flx(I+dX) - flx(I)) / m.VOLXB(I);
+       }
+     };
+     template <int Dim>
+     struct Momentumflux2Z : public Deltas<Dim> {
+       Momentumflux2Z(double omrot) : omrot_m(omrot) {}
+       inline void scalarCodeInfo(ScalarCodeInfo<Dim, 3> &i) const
+       {
+  i.extent().upper(0) = 1;
+  i.extent().lower(2) = 1;
+  i.write(0, true);
+  i.write(1, false);
+  i.write(2, false);
+  i.useGuards(0, false);
+  i.useGuards(1, true);
+  i.useGuards(2, true);
+       }
+       using Deltas<Dim>::dX;
+       using Deltas<Dim>::dY;
+       using Deltas<Dim>::dZ;
+       template <class F1, class F2, class F3>
+       inline void operator()(const F1 &vz, const F2 &rh, const F3 &flx,
+         const Loc<Dim>& I) const
+       {
+  const typename F1::Mesh_t &m = rh.mesh();
+  vz(I) = (vz(I) + omrot_m) * std::pow(m.GEOXH(I), 2) * std::pow(m.GEOYH(I), 2)
+    * (m.DDZ1(I)*rh(I)+m.DDZ0(I)*rh(I-dZ))
+    - (flx(I+dX) - flx(I)) / m.VOLXB(I);
+       }
+       const double omrot_m;
+     };
+     template <int Dim>
+     struct Densupd : public Deltas<Dim> {
+       inline void scalarCodeInfo(ScalarCodeInfo<Dim, 2> &i) const
+       {
+  i.extent().upper(0) = 1;
+  i.write(0, true);
+  i.write(1, false);
+  i.useGuards(0, false);
+  i.useGuards(1, true);
+       }
+       using Deltas<Dim>::dX;
+       template <class F1, class F2>
+       inline void operator()(const F1 &rh, const F2 &flmx, const Loc<Dim>& I) const
+       {
+  const typename F1::Mesh_t &m = rh.mesh();
+  rh(I) = rh(I) - (flmx(I+dX)-flmx(I))/m.VOLXB(I);
+       }
+     };
+     template<int Dim, class F1, class F2, class F3, class F4, class F5, class F6, class F7, class F8, class F9>
+     inline
+     void advect(double dt,
+   const F1 &rh, const F2 &v, const F3 &T,
+   const F4 &flm, const F5 &fle, const F6 &flvv, const F7 &flvc,
+   const F8 &cv, const F9 &ekin,
+   double omrot, bool eeq, bool ietot)
+     {
+       (ScalarCode<Massflow<Dim> >(dt))(flm.center(0),
+            rh, v.center(0));
+       if (eeq) {
+  if (ietot) {
+    Interval<Dim> I(T.physicalDomain());
+    ScalarCode<Ekin<Dim> >()(ekin, v);
+    T(I) = (cv*T + ekin)(I);
+  }
+  (ScalarCode<Energyflux<Dim> >(dt))(fle.center(0),
+         T, v.center(0), flm.center(0));
+  ScalarCode<Energyflux2<Dim> >()(T, T.physicalDomain(),
+      rh, fle.center(0));
+       }
+       (ScalarCode<MomentumfluxX<Dim> >(dt))(flvc,
+          v.center(0), flm.center(0));
+       if (Dim > 1)
+  (ScalarCode<MomentumfluxY<Dim> >(dt))(flvv.comp(1), shrink(flvv.physicalDomain(), corr_v[1]),
+            v.center(0), v.center(1), flm.center(0));
+       if (Dim > 2)
+  (ScalarCode<MomentumfluxZ<Dim> >(dt))(flvv.comp(2), shrink(flvv.physicalDomain(), corr_v[2]),
+            v.center(0), v.center(2)+omrot, flm.center(0));
+       ScalarCode<Momentumflux2X<Dim> >()(v.center(0), shrink(v.center(0).physicalDomain(), corr_v[0]),
+       rh, flvc);
+       if (Dim > 1)
+  ScalarCode<Momentumflux2Y<Dim> >()(v.center(1), shrink(v.center(1).physicalDomain(), corr_v[1]),
+         rh, flvv.comp(1));
+       if (Dim > 2)
+  (ScalarCode<Momentumflux2Z<Dim> >(omrot))(v.center(2), shrink(v.center(2).physicalDomain(), corr_v[2]),
+         rh, flvv.comp(2));
+       ScalarCode<Densupd<Dim> >()(rh, rh.physicalDomain(), flm.center(0));
+       ScalarCode<VelupdX<Dim> >()(v.center(0), shrink(v.center(0).physicalDomain(), corr_v[0]), rh);
+       if (Dim > 1)
+  ScalarCode<VelupdY<Dim> >()(v.center(1), shrink(v.center(1).physicalDomain(), corr_v[1]), rh);
+       if (Dim > 2) {
+  ScalarCode<VelupdZ<Dim> >()(v.center(2), shrink(v.center(2).physicalDomain(), corr_v[2]), rh);
+  if (omrot != 0.0)
+    v.center(2)(shrink(v.center(2).physicalDomain(), corr_v[2])) -= omrot;
+       }
+       if (eeq) {
+  Interval<Dim> I(T.physicalDomain());
+  if (!ietot)
+    T(I) = (T / rh)(I);
+  else {
+    ScalarCode<Ekin<Dim> >()(ekin, v);
+    T(I) = ((T / rh - ekin)/cv)(I);
+  }
+       }
+     }
+   };
+   namespace Y {
+     template <int Dim>
+     struct Massflow : public Deltas<Dim> {
+       Massflow(double dt_) : dt(dt_) {}
+       inline void scalarCodeInfo(ScalarCodeInfo<Dim, 3> &i) const
+       {
+  i.extent().lower(1) = 2;
+  i.extent().upper(1) = 1;
+  i.write(0, true, false);
+  i.write(1, false);
+  i.write(2, false);
+  i.useGuards(0, false);
+  i.useGuards(1, true);
+  i.useGuards(2, false);
+       }
+       double dt;
+       using Deltas<Dim>::dX;
+       using Deltas<Dim>::dY;
+       using Deltas<Dim>::dZ;
+       template <class F1, class F2, class F3>
+       inline void operator()(const F1 &flmx, const F2 &rh, const F3 &vy, const Loc<Dim>& I) const
+       {
+  const typename F1::Mesh_t &m = rh.mesh();
+  double s = vy(I)*dt;
+  Loc<Dim> IND = s > 0.0 ? I-dY : I;
+  double grad1 = (rh(IND)-rh(IND-dY)) * (rh(IND+dY)-rh(IND));
+  double grad = grad1 > 0.0
+    ? 2.0*grad1 / ((rh(IND)-rh(IND-dY))*m.cellSpacing(IND+dY)(1)
+     + (rh(IND+dY)-rh(IND))*m.cellSpacing(IND)(1))
+    : 0.0;
+  flmx(I) = (m.SURYA(I)+m.CCYA(I)*s) * s
+    * (rh(IND)
+       + (m.vertexPosition(I)(1) - m.cellPosition(IND)(1) - 0.5*s) * grad);
+       }
+     };
+     template <int Dim>
+     struct Energyflux : public Deltas<Dim> {
+       Energyflux(double dt_) : dt(dt_) {}
+       inline void scalarCodeInfo(ScalarCodeInfo<Dim, 4> &i) const
+       {
+  i.extent().lower(1) = 2;
+  i.extent().upper(1) = 1;
+  i.write(0, true, false);
+  i.write(1, false);
+  i.write(2, false);
+  i.write(3, false);
+  i.useGuards(0, false);
+  i.useGuards(1, true);
+  i.useGuards(2, false);
+  i.useGuards(3, false);
+       }
+       double dt;
+       using Deltas<Dim>::dX;
+       using Deltas<Dim>::dY;
+       using Deltas<Dim>::dZ;
+       template <class F1, class F2, class F3, class F4>
+       inline void operator()(const F1 &flex, const F2 &T, const F3 &vy, const F4 &flmx,
+         const Loc<Dim>& I) const
+       {
+  const typename F3::Mesh_t &m = T.mesh();
+  Loc<Dim> IND = Pooma::NoInit();
+  double s, ddm1, dd, ddp1, grad1, grad;
+  s = vy(I)*dt;
+  IND = s > 0.0 ? I-dY : I;
+  ddm1 = T(IND-dY);
+  dd = T(IND);
+  ddp1 = T(IND+dY);
+  grad1 = (dd-ddm1)*(ddp1-dd);
+  grad = grad1 > 0.0
+    ? 2.0*grad1 / ((ddp1-dd)*m.cellSpacing(IND)(1)
+     + (dd-ddm1)*m.cellSpacing(IND+dY)(1))
+    : 0.0;
+  flex(I) = flmx(I)
+    * (dd + (m.vertexPosition(I)(1) - m.cellPosition(IND)(1) - 0.5*s) * grad);
+       }
+     };
+     template <int Dim>
+     struct MomentumfluxX : public Deltas<Dim> {
+       MomentumfluxX(double dt_) : dt(dt_) {}
+       inline void scalarCodeInfo(ScalarCodeInfo<Dim, 4> &i) const
+       {
+  i.extent().lower(0) = 1;
+  i.extent().lower(1) = 2;
+  i.extent().upper(1) = 1;
+  i.write(0, true, false);
+  i.write(1, false);
+  i.write(2, false);
+  i.write(3, false);
+  i.useGuards(0, false);
+  i.useGuards(1, true);
+  i.useGuards(2, true);
+  i.useGuards(3, true);
+       }
+       double dt;
+       using Deltas<Dim>::dX;
+       using Deltas<Dim>::dY;
+       using Deltas<Dim>::dZ;
+       template <class F1, class F2, class F3, class F4>
+       inline void operator()(const F1 &flx, const F2 &vy, const F3 &vx, const F4 &flmx,
+         const Loc<Dim>& I) const
+       {
+  const typename F3::Mesh_t &m = flx.mesh();
+  Loc<Dim> IND = Pooma::NoInit();
+  double s, ddm1, dd, ddp1, grad1, grad;
+  s = (m.DDX1(I)*vy(I) + m.DDX0(I)*vy(I-dX)) * dt;
+  IND = s > 0.0 ? I-dY : I;
+  ddm1 = vx(IND-dY);
+  dd = vx(IND);
+  ddp1 = vx(IND+dY);
+  grad1 = (dd-ddm1)*(ddp1-dd);
+  grad = grad1 > 0.0
+    ? 2.0*grad1 / ((ddp1-dd)*m.cellSpacing(IND)(1)
+     + (dd-ddm1)*m.cellSpacing(IND+dY)(1))
+    : 0.0;
+  flx(I) = (m.DDX1(I)*flmx(I) + m.DDX0(I)*flmx(I-dX))
+    * (dd + (m.vertexPosition(I)(1) - m.cellPosition(IND)(1) - 0.5*s) * grad);
+       }
+     };
+     template <int Dim>
+     struct MomentumfluxY : public Deltas<Dim> {
+       MomentumfluxY(double dt_) : dt(dt_) {}
+       inline void scalarCodeInfo(ScalarCodeInfo<Dim, 3> &i) const
+       {
+  i.extent().lower(1) = 1;
+  i.extent().upper(1) = 2;
+  i.write(0, true, false);
+  i.write(1, false);
+  i.write(2, false);
+  i.useGuards(0, false);
+  i.useGuards(1, true);
+  i.useGuards(2, true);
+       }
+       double dt;
+       using Deltas<Dim>::dX;
+       using Deltas<Dim>::dY;
+       using Deltas<Dim>::dZ;
+       template <class F1, class F2, class F3>
+       inline void operator()(const F1 &flx, const F2 &vy, const F3 &flmx,
+         const Loc<Dim>& I) const
+       {
+  const typename F3::Mesh_t &m = flx.mesh();
+  Loc<Dim> IND = Pooma::NoInit();
+  double s, ddm1, dd, ddp1, grad1, grad;
+  s = (vy(I) + vy(I+dY)) * 0.5 * dt;
+  IND = s > 0.0 ? I : I+dY;
+  ddm1 = vy(IND-dY) * std::pow(m.GEOXG(I), 2);
+  dd = vy(IND) * std::pow(m.GEOXG(I), 2);
+  ddp1 = vy(IND+dY) * std::pow(m.GEOXG(I), 2);
+  grad1 = (dd-ddm1)*(ddp1-dd);
+  grad = grad1 > 0.0
+    ? 2.0*grad1 / ((ddp1-dd)*m.vertexSpacing(IND)(1)
+     + (dd-ddm1)*m.vertexSpacing(IND+dY)(1))
+    : 0.0;
+  flx(I) = 0.5*(flmx(I) + flmx(I+dY))
+    * (dd + (m.cellPosition(I)(1) - m.vertexPosition(IND)(1) - 0.5*s) * grad);
+       }
+     };
+     template <int Dim>
+     struct MomentumfluxZ : public Deltas<Dim> {
+       MomentumfluxZ(double dt_) : dt(dt_) {}
+       inline void scalarCodeInfo(ScalarCodeInfo<Dim, 4> &i) const
+       {
+  i.extent().lower(1) = 2;
+  i.extent().upper(1) = 1;
+  i.extent().lower(2) = 1;
+  i.write(0, true, false);
+  i.write(1, false);
+  i.write(2, false);
+  i.write(3, false);
+  i.useGuards(0, false);
+  i.useGuards(1, true);
+  i.useGuards(2, true);
+  i.useGuards(3, true);
+       }
+       double dt;
+       using Deltas<Dim>::dX;
+       using Deltas<Dim>::dY;
+       using Deltas<Dim>::dZ;
+       template <class F1, class F2, class F3, class F4>
+       inline void operator()(const F1 &flx, const F2 &vy, const F3 &vz, const F4 &flmx,
+         const Loc<Dim>& I) const
+       {
+  const typename F3::Mesh_t &m = flx.mesh();
+  Loc<Dim> IND = Pooma::NoInit();
+  double s, ddm1, dd, ddp1, grad1, grad;
+  s = (m.DDZ1(I)*vy(I)
+       + m.DDZ0(I)*vy(I-dZ)) * dt;
+  IND = s > 0.0 ? I-dY : I;
+  ddm1 = vz.read(IND-dY)
+    * std::pow(m.GEOXH(I), 2) * std::pow(m.GEOYH(IND-dY), 2);
+  dd = vz.read(IND)
+    * std::pow(m.GEOXH(I), 2) * std::pow(m.GEOYH(IND), 2);
+  ddp1 = vz.read(IND+dY)
+    * std::pow(m.GEOXH(I), 2) * std::pow(m.GEOYH(IND+dY), 2);
+  grad1 = (dd-ddm1)*(ddp1-dd);
+  grad = grad1 > 0.0
+    ? 2.0*grad1 / ((ddp1-dd)*m.cellSpacing(IND)(1)
+     + (dd-ddm1)*m.cellSpacing(IND+dY)(1))
+    : 0.0;
+  flx(I) = (m.DDZ1(I)*flmx(I) + m.DDZ0(I)*flmx(I-dZ))
+    * (dd + (m.vertexPosition(I)(1) - m.cellPosition(IND)(1) - 0.5*s) * grad);
+       }
+     };
+     template <int Dim>
+     struct Energyflux2 : public Deltas<Dim> {
+       Energyflux2() {}
+       inline void scalarCodeInfo(ScalarCodeInfo<Dim, 3> &i) const
+       {
+  i.extent().upper(1) = 1;
+  i.write(0, true);
+  i.write(1, false);
+  i.write(2, false);
+  i.useGuards(0, false);
+  i.useGuards(1, false);
+  i.useGuards(2, true);
+       }
+       using Deltas<Dim>::dY;
+       template <class F1, class F2, class F3>
+       inline void operator()(const F1 &T, const F2 &rh, const F3 &flex,
+         const Loc<Dim>& I) const
+       {
+  const typename F3::Mesh_t &m = T.mesh();
+  T(I) = T(I)*rh(I)
+    - (flex(I+dY) - flex(I)) / m.VOLYB(I);
+       }
+     };
+     template <int Dim>
+     struct Momentumflux2X : public Deltas<Dim> {
+       inline void scalarCodeInfo(ScalarCodeInfo<Dim, 3> &i) const
+       {
+  i.extent().lower(0) = 1;
+  i.extent().upper(1) = 1;
+  i.write(0, true);
+  i.write(1, false);
+  i.write(2, false);
+  i.useGuards(0, false);
+  i.useGuards(1, true);
+  i.useGuards(2, true);
+       }
+       using Deltas<Dim>::dX;
+       using Deltas<Dim>::dY;
+       using Deltas<Dim>::dZ;
+       template <class F1, class F2, class F3>
+       inline void operator()(const F1 &vx, const F2 &rh, const F3 &flx,
+         const Loc<Dim>& I) const
+       {
+  const typename F1::Mesh_t &m = rh.mesh();
+  vx(I) = vx(I)
+    * (m.DDX1(I)*rh(I)+m.DDX0(I)*rh(I-dX))
+    - (flx(I+dY) - flx(I)) / m.VOLYB(I);
+       }
+     };
+     template <int Dim>
+     struct Momentumflux2Y : public Deltas<Dim> {
+       inline void scalarCodeInfo(ScalarCodeInfo<Dim, 3> &i) const
+       {
+  i.extent().lower(1) = 1;
+  i.write(0, true);
+  i.write(1, false);
+  i.write(2, false);
+  i.useGuards(0, false);
+  i.useGuards(1, true);
+  i.useGuards(2, true);
+       }
+       using Deltas<Dim>::dX;
+       using Deltas<Dim>::dY;
+       using Deltas<Dim>::dZ;
+       template <class F1, class F2, class F3>
+       inline void operator()(const F1 &vy, const F2 &rh, const F3 &flx,
+         const Loc<Dim>& I) const
+       {
+  const typename F1::Mesh_t &m = rh.mesh();
+  vy(I) = vy(I) * std::pow(m.GEOXG(I), 2)
+    * (m.DDY1(I)*rh(I)+m.DDY0(I)*rh(I-dY))
+    - (flx(I) - flx(I-dY)) / m.VOLYA(I);
+       }
+     };
+     template <int Dim>
+     struct Momentumflux2Z : public Deltas<Dim> {
+       Momentumflux2Z(double omrot) : omrot_m(omrot) {}
+       inline void scalarCodeInfo(ScalarCodeInfo<Dim, 3> &i) const
+       {
+  i.extent().upper(1) = 1;
+  i.extent().lower(2) = 1;
+  i.write(0, true);
+  i.write(1, false);
+  i.write(2, false);
+  i.useGuards(0, false);
+  i.useGuards(1, true);
+  i.useGuards(2, true);
+       }
+       using Deltas<Dim>::dX;
+       using Deltas<Dim>::dY;
+       using Deltas<Dim>::dZ;
+       template <class F1, class F2, class F3>
+       inline void operator()(const F1 &vz, const F2 &rh, const F3 &flx,
+         const Loc<Dim>& I) const
+       {
+  const typename F1::Mesh_t &m = rh.mesh();
+  vz(I) = (vz(I)+omrot_m) * std::pow(m.GEOXH(I), 2) * std::pow(m.GEOYH(I), 2)
+    * (m.DDZ1(I)*rh(I)+m.DDZ0(I)*rh(I-dZ))
+    - (flx(I+dY) - flx(I)) / m.VOLYB(I);
+       }
+       const double omrot_m;
+     };
+     template <int Dim>
+     struct Densupd : public Deltas<Dim> {
+       inline void scalarCodeInfo(ScalarCodeInfo<Dim, 2> &i) const
+       {
+  i.extent().upper(1) = 1;
+  i.write(0, true);
+  i.write(1, false);
+  i.useGuards(0, false);
+  i.useGuards(1, true);
+       }
+       using Deltas<Dim>::dY;
+       template <class F1, class F2>
+       inline void operator()(const F1 &rh, const F2 &flmx, const Loc<Dim>& I) const
+       {
+  const typename F1::Mesh_t &m = rh.mesh();
+  rh(I) = rh(I) - (flmx(I+dY)-flmx(I))/m.VOLYB(I);
+       }
+     };
+     template<int Dim, class F1, class F2, class F3, class F4, class F5, class F6, class F7, class F8, class F9>
+     inline
+     void advect(double dt,
+   const F1 &rh, const F2 &v, const F3 &T,
+   const F4 &flm, const F5 &fle, const F6 &flvv, const F7 &flvc,
+   const F8 &cv, const F9 &ekin,
+   double omrot, bool eeq, bool ietot)
+     {
+       (ScalarCode<Massflow<Dim> >(dt))(flm.center(1),
+            rh, v.center(1));
+       if (eeq) {
+  if (ietot) {
+    Interval<Dim> I(T.physicalDomain());
+    ScalarCode<Ekin<Dim> >()(ekin, v);
+    T(I) = (cv*T + ekin)(I);
+  }
+  (ScalarCode<Energyflux<Dim> >(dt))(fle.center(1),
+         T, v.center(1), flm.center(1));
+  ScalarCode<Energyflux2<Dim> >()(T, T.physicalDomain(),
+      rh, fle.center(1));
+       }
+       (ScalarCode<MomentumfluxX<Dim> >(dt))(flvv.comp(0), shrink(flvv.physicalDomain(), corr_v[0]),
+          v.center(1), v.center(0), flm.center(1));
+       if (Dim > 1)
+  (ScalarCode<MomentumfluxY<Dim> >(dt))(flvc,
+            v.center(1), flm.center(1));
+       if (Dim > 2)
+  (ScalarCode<MomentumfluxZ<Dim> >(dt))(flvv.comp(2), shrink(flvv.physicalDomain(), corr_v[2]),
+            v.center(1), v.center(2)+omrot, flm.center(1));
+       ScalarCode<Momentumflux2X<Dim> >()(v.center(0), shrink(v.center(0).physicalDomain(), corr_v[0]),
+       rh, flvv.comp(0));
+       if (Dim > 1)
+  ScalarCode<Momentumflux2Y<Dim> >()(v.center(1), shrink(v.center(1).physicalDomain(), corr_v[1]),
+         rh, flvc);
+       if (Dim > 2)
+  (ScalarCode<Momentumflux2Z<Dim> >(omrot))(v.center(2), shrink(v.center(2).physicalDomain(), corr_v[2]),
+         rh, flvv.comp(2));
+       ScalarCode<Densupd<Dim> >()(rh, rh.physicalDomain(), flm.center(1));
+       ScalarCode<VelupdX<Dim> >()(v.center(0), shrink(v.center(0).physicalDomain(), corr_v[0]), rh);
+       if (Dim > 1)
+  ScalarCode<VelupdY<Dim> >()(v.center(1), shrink(v.center(1).physicalDomain(), corr_v[1]), rh);
+       if (Dim > 2) {
+  ScalarCode<VelupdZ<Dim> >()(v.center(2), shrink(v.center(2).physicalDomain(), corr_v[2]), rh);
+  if (omrot != 0.0)
+    v.center(2)(shrink(v.center(2).physicalDomain(), corr_v[2])) -= omrot;
+       }
+       if (eeq) {
+  Interval<Dim> I(T.physicalDomain());
+  if (!ietot)
+    T(I) = (T / rh)(I);
+  else {
+    ScalarCode<Ekin<Dim> >()(ekin, v);
+    T(I) = ((T / rh - ekin)/cv)(I);
+  }
+       }
+     }
+   };
+   namespace Z {
+     template <int Dim>
+     struct Massflow : public Deltas<Dim> {
+       Massflow(double dt_) : dt(dt_) {}
+       inline void scalarCodeInfo(ScalarCodeInfo<Dim, 3> &i) const
+       {
+  i.extent().lower(2) = 2;
+  i.extent().upper(2) = 1;
+  i.write(0, true, false);
+  i.write(1, false);
+  i.write(2, false);
+  i.useGuards(0, false);
+  i.useGuards(1, true);
+  i.useGuards(2, false);
+       }
+       double dt;
+       using Deltas<Dim>::dX;
+       using Deltas<Dim>::dY;
+       using Deltas<Dim>::dZ;
+       template <class F1, class F2, class F3>
+       inline void operator()(const F1 &flmx, const F2 &rh, const F3 &vz, const Loc<Dim>& I) const
+       {
+  const typename F1::Mesh_t &m = rh.mesh();
+  double s = vz(I)*dt;
+  Loc<Dim> IND = s > 0.0 ? I-dZ : I;
+  double grad1 = (rh(IND)-rh(IND-dZ)) * (rh(IND+dZ)-rh(IND));
+  double grad = grad1 > 0.0
+    ? 2.0*grad1 / ((rh(IND)-rh(IND-dZ))*m.cellSpacing(IND+dZ)(2)
+     + (rh(IND+dZ)-rh(IND))*m.cellSpacing(IND)(2))
+    : 0.0;
+  flmx(I) = (m.SURZA(I)-m.CCZA(I)*s) * s
+    * (rh(IND)
+       + (m.vertexPosition(I)(2) - m.cellPosition(IND)(2) - 0.5*s) * grad);
+       }
+     };
+     template <int Dim>
+     struct Energyflux : public Deltas<Dim> {
+       Energyflux(double dt_) : dt(dt_) {}
+       inline void scalarCodeInfo(ScalarCodeInfo<Dim, 4> &i) const
+       {
+  i.extent().lower(2) = 2;
+  i.extent().upper(2) = 1;
+  i.write(0, true, false);
+  i.write(1, false);
+  i.write(2, false);
+  i.write(3, false);
+  i.useGuards(0, false);
+  i.useGuards(1, true);
+  i.useGuards(2, false);
+  i.useGuards(3, false);
+       }
+       double dt;
+       using Deltas<Dim>::dX;
+       using Deltas<Dim>::dY;
+       using Deltas<Dim>::dZ;
+       template <class F1, class F2, class F3, class F4>
+       inline void operator()(const F1 &flex, const F2 &T, const F3 &vz, const F4 &flmx,
+         const Loc<Dim>& I) const
+       {
+  const typename F3::Mesh_t &m = T.mesh();
+  Loc<Dim> IND = Pooma::NoInit();
+  double s, ddm1, dd, ddp1, grad1, grad;
+  s = vz(I)*dt;
+  IND = s > 0.0 ? I-dZ : I;
+  ddm1 = T(IND-dZ);
+  dd = T(IND);
+  ddp1 = T(IND+dZ);
+  grad1 = (dd-ddm1)*(ddp1-dd);
+  grad = grad1 > 0.0
+    ? 2.0*grad1 / ((ddp1-dd)*m.cellSpacing(IND)(2)
+     + (dd-ddm1)*m.cellSpacing(IND+dZ)(2))
+    : 0.0;
+  flex(I) = flmx(I)
+    * (dd + (m.vertexPosition(I)(2) - m.cellPosition(IND)(2) - 0.5*s) * grad);
+       }
+     };
+     template <int Dim>
+     struct MomentumfluxX : public Deltas<Dim> {
+       MomentumfluxX(double dt_) : dt(dt_) {}
+       inline void scalarCodeInfo(ScalarCodeInfo<Dim, 4> &i) const
+       {
+  i.extent().lower(0) = 1;
+  i.extent().lower(2) = 2;
+  i.extent().upper(2) = 1;
+  i.write(0, true, false);
+  i.write(1, false);
+  i.write(2, false);
+  i.write(3, false);
+  i.useGuards(0, false);
+  i.useGuards(1, true);
+  i.useGuards(2, true);
+  i.useGuards(3, true);
+       }
+       double dt;
+       using Deltas<Dim>::dX;
+       using Deltas<Dim>::dY;
+       using Deltas<Dim>::dZ;
+       template <class F1, class F2, class F3, class F4>
+       inline void operator()(const F1 &flx, const F2 &vz, const F3 &vx, const F4 &flmx,
+         const Loc<Dim>& I) const
+       {
+  const typename F3::Mesh_t &m = flx.mesh();
+  Loc<Dim> IND = Pooma::NoInit();
+  double s, ddm1, dd, ddp1, grad1, grad;
+  s = (m.DDX1(I)*vz(I) + m.DDX0(I)*vz(I-dX)) * dt;
+  IND = s > 0.0 ? I-dZ : I;
+  ddm1 = vx(IND-dZ);
+  dd = vx(IND);
+  ddp1 = vx(IND+dZ);
+  grad1 = (dd-ddm1)*(ddp1-dd);
+  grad = grad1 > 0.0
+    ? 2.0*grad1 / ((ddp1-dd)*m.cellSpacing(IND)(2)
+     + (dd-ddm1)*m.cellSpacing(IND+dZ)(2))
+    : 0.0;
+  flx(I) = (m.DDX1(I)*flmx(I) + m.DDX0(I)*flmx(I-dX))
+    * (dd + (m.vertexPosition(I)(2) - m.cellPosition(IND)(2) - 0.5*s) * grad);
+       }
+     };
+     template <int Dim>
+     struct MomentumfluxY : public Deltas<Dim> {
+       MomentumfluxY(double dt_) : dt(dt_) {}
+       inline void scalarCodeInfo(ScalarCodeInfo<Dim, 4> &i) const
+       {
+  i.extent().lower(1) = 1;
+  i.extent().lower(2) = 2;
+  i.extent().upper(2) = 1;
+  i.write(0, true, false);
+  i.write(1, false);
+  i.write(2, false);
+  i.write(3, false);
+  i.useGuards(0, false);
+  i.useGuards(1, true);
+  i.useGuards(2, true);
+  i.useGuards(3, true);
+       }
+       double dt;
+       using Deltas<Dim>::dX;
+       using Deltas<Dim>::dY;
+       using Deltas<Dim>::dZ;
+       template <class F1, class F2, class F3, class F4>
+       inline void operator()(const F1 &flx, const F2 &vz, const F3 &vy, const F4 &flmx,
+         const Loc<Dim>& I) const
+       {
+  const typename F3::Mesh_t &m = flx.mesh();
+  Loc<Dim> IND = Pooma::NoInit();
+  double s, ddm1, dd, ddp1, grad1, grad;
+  s = (m.DDY1(I)*vz(I)
+       + m.DDY0(I)*vz(I-dY)) * dt;
+  IND = s > 0.0 ? I-dZ : I;
+  ddm1 = vy(IND-dZ) * std::pow(m.GEOXG(I), 2);
+  dd = vy(IND) * std::pow(m.GEOXG(I), 2);
+  ddp1 = vy(IND+dZ) * std::pow(m.GEOXG(I), 2);
+  grad1 = (dd-ddm1)*(ddp1-dd);
+  grad = grad1 > 0.0
+    ? 2.0*grad1 / ((ddp1-dd)*m.cellSpacing(IND)(2)
+     + (dd-ddm1)*m.cellSpacing(IND+dZ)(2))
+    : 0.0;
+  flx(I) = (m.DDY1(I)*flmx(I) + m.DDY0(I)*flmx(I-dY))
+    * (dd + (m.vertexPosition(I)(2) - m.cellPosition(IND)(2) - 0.5*s) * grad);
+       }
+     };
+     template <int Dim>
+     struct MomentumfluxZ : public Deltas<Dim> {
+       MomentumfluxZ(double dt_) : dt(dt_) {}
+       inline void scalarCodeInfo(ScalarCodeInfo<Dim, 3> &i) const
+       {
+  i.extent().lower(2) = 1;
+  i.extent().upper(2) = 2;
+  i.write(0, true, false);
+  i.write(1, false);
+  i.write(2, false);
+  i.useGuards(0, false);
+  i.useGuards(1, true);
+  i.useGuards(2, true);
+       }
+       double dt;
+       using Deltas<Dim>::dX;
+       using Deltas<Dim>::dY;
+       using Deltas<Dim>::dZ;
+       template <class F1, class F2, class F3>
+       inline void operator()(const F1 &flx, const F2 &vz, const F3 &flmx,
+         const Loc<Dim>& I) const
+       {
+  const typename F3::Mesh_t &m = flx.mesh();
+  Loc<Dim> IND = Pooma::NoInit();
+  double s, ddm1, dd, ddp1, grad1, grad;
+  s = (vz(I) + vz(I+dZ)) * 0.5*dt;
+  IND = s > 0.0 ? I : I+dZ;
+  ddm1 = vz(IND-dZ)
+    * std::pow(m.GEOXH(I), 2) * std::pow(m.GEOYH(I), 2);
+  dd = vz(IND)
+    * std::pow(m.GEOXH(I), 2) * std::pow(m.GEOYH(I), 2);
+  ddp1 = vz(IND+dZ)
+    * std::pow(m.GEOXH(I), 2) * std::pow(m.GEOYH(I), 2);
+  grad1 = (dd-ddm1)*(ddp1-dd);
+  grad = grad1 > 0.0
+    ? 2.0*grad1 / ((ddp1-dd)*m.vertexSpacing(IND)(2)
+     + (dd-ddm1)*m.vertexSpacing(IND+dZ)(2))
+    : 0.0;
+  flx(I) = 0.5*(flmx(I) + flmx(I+dZ))
+    * (dd + (m.cellPosition(I)(2) - m.vertexPosition(IND)(2) - 0.5*s) * grad);
+       }
+     };
+     template <int Dim>
+     struct Energyflux2 : public Deltas<Dim> {
+       inline void scalarCodeInfo(ScalarCodeInfo<Dim, 3> &i) const
+       {
+  i.extent().upper(2) = 1;
+  i.write(0, true);
+  i.write(1, false);
+  i.write(2, false);
+  i.useGuards(0, false);
+  i.useGuards(1, false);
+  i.useGuards(2, true);
+       }
+       using Deltas<Dim>::dZ;
+       template <class F1, class F2, class F3>
+       inline void operator()(const F1 &T, const F2 &rh, const F3 &flex,
+         const Loc<Dim>& I) const
+       {
+  const typename F3::Mesh_t &m = T.mesh();
+  T(I) = T(I)*rh(I)
+    - (flex(I+dZ) - flex(I)) / m.VOLZB(I);
+       }
+     };
+     template <int Dim>
+     struct Momentumflux2X : public Deltas<Dim> {
+       inline void scalarCodeInfo(ScalarCodeInfo<Dim, 3> &i) const
+       {
+  i.extent().lower(0) = 1;
+  i.extent().upper(2) = 1;
+  i.write(0, true);
+  i.write(1, false);
+  i.write(2, false);
+  i.useGuards(0, false);
+  i.useGuards(1, true);
+  i.useGuards(2, true);
+       }
+       using Deltas<Dim>::dX;
+       using Deltas<Dim>::dY;
+       using Deltas<Dim>::dZ;
+       template <class F1, class F2, class F3>
+       inline void operator()(const F1 &vx, const F2 &rh, const F3 &flx,
+         const Loc<Dim>& I) const
+       {
+  const typename F1::Mesh_t &m = rh.mesh();
+  vx(I) = vx(I)
+    * (m.DDX1(I)*rh(I)+m.DDX0(I)*rh(I-dX))
+    - (flx(I+dZ) - flx(I)) / m.VOLZA(I);
+       }
+     };
+     template <int Dim>
+     struct Momentumflux2Y : public Deltas<Dim> {
+       inline void scalarCodeInfo(ScalarCodeInfo<Dim, 3> &i) const
+       {
+  i.extent().lower(1) = 1;
+  i.extent().upper(2) = 1;
+  i.write(0, true);
+  i.write(1, false);
+  i.write(2, false);
+  i.useGuards(0, false);
+  i.useGuards(1, true);
+  i.useGuards(2, true);
+       }
+       using Deltas<Dim>::dX;
+       using Deltas<Dim>::dY;
+       using Deltas<Dim>::dZ;
+       template <class F1, class F2, class F3>
+       inline void operator()(const F1 &vy, const F2 &rh, const F3 &flx,
+         const Loc<Dim>& I) const
+       {
+  const typename F1::Mesh_t &m = rh.mesh();
+  vy(I) = vy(I) * std::pow(m.GEOXG(I), 2)
+    * (m.DDY1(I)*rh(I)+m.DDY0(I)*rh(I-dY))
+    - (flx(I+dZ) - flx(I)) / m.VOLZB(I);
+       }
+     };
+     template <int Dim>
+     struct Momentumflux2Z : public Deltas<Dim> {
+       inline void scalarCodeInfo(ScalarCodeInfo<Dim, 3> &i) const
+       {
+  i.extent().lower(2) = 1;
+  i.write(0, true);
+  i.write(1, false);
+  i.write(2, false);
+  i.useGuards(0, false);
+  i.useGuards(1, true);
+  i.useGuards(2, true);
+       }
+       using Deltas<Dim>::dX;
+       using Deltas<Dim>::dY;
+       using Deltas<Dim>::dZ;
+       template <class F1, class F2, class F3>
+       inline void operator()(const F1 &vz, const F2 &rh, const F3 &flx,
+         const Loc<Dim>& I) const
+       {
+  const typename F1::Mesh_t &m = rh.mesh();
+  vz(I) = vz(I) * std::pow(m.GEOXH(I), 2) * std::pow(m.GEOYH(I), 2)
+    * (m.DDZ1(I)*rh(I)+m.DDZ0(I)*rh(I-dZ))
+    - (flx(I) - flx(I-dZ)) / m.VOLZB(I);
+       }
+     };
+     template <int Dim>
+     struct Densupd : public Deltas<Dim> {
+       inline void scalarCodeInfo(ScalarCodeInfo<Dim, 2> &i) const
+       {
+  i.extent().upper(2) = 1;
+  i.write(0, true);
+  i.write(1, false);
+  i.useGuards(0, false);
+  i.useGuards(1, true);
+       }
+       using Deltas<Dim>::dZ;
+       template <class F1, class F2>
+       inline void operator()(const F1 &rh, const F2 &flmx, const Loc<Dim>& I) const
+       {
+  const typename F1::Mesh_t &m = rh.mesh();
+  rh(I) = rh(I) - (flmx(I+dZ)-flmx(I))/m.VOLZB(I);
+       }
+     };
+     template<int Dim, class F1, class F2, class F3, class F4, class F5, class F6, class F7, class F8, class F9>
+     inline
+     void advect(double dt,
+   const F1 &rh, const F2 &v, const F3 &T,
+   const F4 &flm, const F5 &fle, const F6 &flvv, const F7 &flvc,
+   const F8 &cv, const F9 &ekin,
+   bool eeq, bool ietot)
+     {
+       (ScalarCode<Massflow<Dim> >(dt))(flm.center(2),
+            rh, v.center(2));
+       if (eeq) {
+  if (ietot) {
+    Interval<Dim> I(T.physicalDomain());
+    ScalarCode<Ekin<Dim> >()(ekin, v);
+    T(I) = (cv*T + ekin)(I);
+  }
+  (ScalarCode<Energyflux<Dim> >(dt))(fle.center(2),
+         T, v.center(2), flm.center(2));
+  ScalarCode<Energyflux2<Dim> >()(T, T.physicalDomain(), rh, fle.center(2));
+       }
+       (ScalarCode<MomentumfluxX<Dim> >(dt))(flvv.comp(0), shrink(flvv.physicalDomain(), corr_v[0]),
+          v.center(2), v.center(0), flm.center(2));
+       if (Dim > 1)
+  (ScalarCode<MomentumfluxY<Dim> >(dt))(flvv.comp(1), shrink(flvv.physicalDomain(), corr_v[1]),
+            v.center(2), v.center(1), flm.center(2));
+       if (Dim > 2)
+  (ScalarCode<MomentumfluxZ<Dim> >(dt))(flvc,
+            v.center(2), flm.center(2));
+       ScalarCode<Momentumflux2X<Dim> >()(v.center(0), shrink(v.center(0).physicalDomain(), corr_v[0]),
+       rh, flvv.comp(0));
+       if (Dim > 1)
+  ScalarCode<Momentumflux2Y<Dim> >()(v.center(1), shrink(v.center(1).physicalDomain(), corr_v[1]),
+         rh, flvv.comp(1));
+       if (Dim > 2)
+  ScalarCode<Momentumflux2Z<Dim> >()(v.center(2), shrink(v.center(2).physicalDomain(), corr_v[2]),
+         rh, flvc);
+       ScalarCode<Densupd<Dim> >()(rh, rh.physicalDomain(), flm.center(2));
+       ScalarCode<VelupdX<Dim> >()(v.center(0), shrink(v.center(0).physicalDomain(), corr_v[0]), rh);
+       if (Dim > 1)
+  ScalarCode<VelupdY<Dim> >()(v.center(1), shrink(v.center(1).physicalDomain(), corr_v[1]), rh);
+       if (Dim > 2)
+  ScalarCode<VelupdZ<Dim> >()(v.center(2), shrink(v.center(2).physicalDomain(), corr_v[2]), rh);
+       if (eeq) {
+  Interval<Dim> I(T.physicalDomain());
+  if (!ietot)
+    T(I) = (T / rh)(I);
+  else {
+    ScalarCode<Ekin<Dim> >()(ekin, v);
+    T(I) = ((T / rh - ekin)/cv)(I);
+  }
+       }
+     }
+   };
+   template <class CoordinateSystemTag>
+   double omrotForAdvect(double omrot) { return omrot; }
+   template <>
+   double omrotForAdvect<CartesianTag>(double omrot) { return 0.0; }
+   template<class F1, class F2, class F3, class F4, class F5, class F6, class F7, class F8, class F9>
+   void advect(double dt,
+        const F1 &rh, const F2 &v, double omrot_, const F3 &T,
+        const F4 &flm, const F5 &fle, const F6 &flvv,
+        const F7 &flvc, const F8 &cv, const F9 &ekin,
+        bool eeq, bool ietot)
+   {
+     static int it = 0;
+     enum { Dim = F1::dimensions };
+     double omrot = omrotForAdvect<typename F1::Mesh_t::MeshTraits_t::CoordinateSystemTag_t>(omrot_);
+     if (it++ % 2 == 0) {
+       X::advect<Dim>(dt, rh, v, T, flm, fle, flvv, flvc, cv, ekin, omrot, eeq, ietot);
+       Y::advect<Dim>(dt, rh, v, T, flm, fle, flvv, flvc, cv, ekin, omrot, eeq, ietot);
+       Z::advect<Dim>(dt, rh, v, T, flm, fle, flvv, flvc, cv, ekin, eeq, ietot);
+     } else {
+       Z::advect<Dim>(dt, rh, v, T, flm, fle, flvv, flvc, cv, ekin, eeq, ietot);
+       Y::advect<Dim>(dt, rh, v, T, flm, fle, flvv, flvc, cv, ekin, omrot, eeq, ietot);
+       X::advect<Dim>(dt, rh, v, T, flm, fle, flvv, flvc, cv, ekin, omrot, eeq, ietot);
+     }
+   }
+ };
+ namespace Forgas {
+   template <class F1, class F2, class F3, class F4, class F5,
+      class F6, class F7, class F8, class F9, class F10,
+      class F11, class F12, class F13,
+      class F14, class F15, class F16, class F17>
+   void force(double dt, const F1 &rh, F2 &T, F3 &v, double omrot, F4 &pg, const F5 &ph,
+       const F11& cs, const F6 &cv, const F7 &dlmdlt, const F8 &xmue,
+       const F9 &vint, F10 &cent, const F12 &a_pg, const F13 &gradv,
+       const F14 &Tii, const F15 &Tij, const F16 &fvis, const F17 &eta, bool vis,
+       double c_nr, bool cartvis_f, bool eeq);
+   template <class F1, class F2, class F3, class F4, class F5,
+      class F6, class F7, class F8, class F9, class F10, class F11,
+      class F12, class F13, class F14, class F15>
+   void force(double dt, const F1 &rh, const F2 &T, const F3 &v, double omrot, F4 &pg, const F5 &ph,
+       const F11 &cs, const F6 &cv, const F7 &dlmdlt, const F8 &xmue,
+       const F9 &vint, const F10 &cent,
+       const F12 &Tii, const F13 &Tij, const F14 &fvis, const F15 &eta, bool vis,
+       double c_nr, double c_av, bool cartvis_f, bool eeq);
+ }
+ namespace Forgas {
+ template <class F>
+ struct IsSpherical {
+   enum { result = false };
+ };
+ template <template <class> class Mesh, int Dim, class MeshTag, class T, class E>
+ struct IsSpherical<Field<Mesh<MeshTraits<Dim, T, MeshTag, SphericalTag> >, T, E> > {
+   enum { result = true };
+ };
+ template <class F>
+ static bool isSpherical()
+ {
+   return IsSpherical<F>::result;
+ }
+ template <class F>
+ struct IsNotCartesian {
+   enum { result = true };
+ };
+ template <template <class> class Mesh, int Dim, class MeshTag, class T, class E>
+ struct IsNotCartesian<Field<Mesh<MeshTraits<Dim, T, MeshTag, CartesianTag> >, T, E> > {
+   enum { result = false };
+ };
+ template <class F>
+ static bool isNotCartesian()
+ {
+   return IsNotCartesian<F>::result;
+ }
+ template <class CAV>
+ struct ViscTii : public Deltas<3> {
+   ViscTii(const CAV& av) : c_av(av) {}
+   inline void scalarCodeInfo(ScalarCodeInfo<3, 4> &i) const
+   {
+     i.extent(GuardLayers<3>(Loc<3>(0), Loc<3>(1)));
+     i.write(0, true);
+     i.write(1, false);
+     i.write(2, false);
+     i.write(3, false);
+     i.useGuards(0, false);
+     i.useGuards(1, true);
+     i.useGuards(2, false);
+     i.useGuards(3, false);
+   }
+   using Deltas<3>::dX;
+   using Deltas<3>::dY;
+   using Deltas<3>::dZ;
+   template <class F1, class F2, class F3, class F4>
+   inline void operator()(const F1 &T, const F2 &v, const F4 &rh, const F3 &eta,
+     const Loc<3>& I) const
+   {
+     const typename F1::Mesh_t &m = T.mesh();
+     double divu = ((m.SURXA(I+dX)*v.fieldEngine().engine(0, 0).read(I+dX) - m.SURXA(I)*v.fieldEngine().engine(0, 0).read(I))/m.VOLXB(I)
+      + (m.SURYA(I+dY)*v.fieldEngine().engine(0, 1).read(I+dY) - m.SURYA(I)*v.fieldEngine().engine(0, 1).read(I))/m.VOLYB(I)
+      + (m.SURZA(I+dZ)*v.fieldEngine().engine(0, 2).read(I+dZ) - m.SURZA(I)*v.fieldEngine().engine(0, 2).read(I))/m.VOLZB(I));
+     T(I)(0) = 2.0 * eta.read(I) * rh.read(I)
+       * ((v.fieldEngine().engine(0, 0).read(I+dX) - v.fieldEngine().engine(0, 0).read(I))/m.vertexSpacing(I+dX)(0)
+   - 1.0/3.0 * divu)
+       - rh.read(I)*c_av*std::pow(std::min(divu, 0.0)*m.vertexSpacing(I)(0), 2);
+     T(I)(1) = 2.0 * eta.read(I) * rh.read(I)
+       * ((v.fieldEngine().engine(0, 1).read(I+dY) - v.fieldEngine().engine(0, 1).read(I))/m.vertexSpacing(I+dY)(1)
+   + (isSpherical<F1>() ? (v.fieldEngine().engine(0, 0).read(I) + v.fieldEngine().engine(0, 0).read(I+dX))/(2.0*m.cellPosition(I)(0)) : 0.0)
+   - 1.0/3.0 * divu)
+       - rh.read(I)*c_av*std::pow(std::min(divu, 0.0)*m.vertexSpacing(I)(0), 2);
+     T(I)(2) = 2.0 * eta.read(I) * rh.read(I)
+       * ((v.fieldEngine().engine(0, 2).read(I+dZ) - v.fieldEngine().engine(0, 2).read(I))/m.vertexSpacing(I+dZ)(2)
+   + (isNotCartesian<F1>() ? 0.5 * (v.fieldEngine().engine(0, 0).read(I) + v.fieldEngine().engine(0, 0).read(I+dX))/m.cellPosition(I)(0) : 0.0)
+   - (isSpherical<F1>() ? 0.5 * (v.fieldEngine().engine(0, 1).read(I) + v.fieldEngine().engine(0, 1).read(I+dY))/tan(m.cellPosition(I)(1)) : 0.0)
+   - 1.0/3.0 * divu)
+       - rh.read(I)*c_av*std::pow(std::min(divu, 0.0)*m.vertexSpacing(I)(0), 2);
+   }
+   CAV c_av;
+ };
+ struct Txy : public Deltas<3> {
+   Txy() {}
+   inline void scalarCodeInfo(ScalarCodeInfo<3, 2> &i) const
+   {
+     i.extent().lower(0) = 1;
+     i.extent().lower(1) = 1;
+     i.write(0, true);
+     i.write(1, false);
+     i.useGuards(0, false);
+     i.useGuards(1, true);
+   }
+   using Deltas<3>::dX;
+   using Deltas<3>::dY;
+   using Deltas<3>::dZ;
+   template <class F1, class F2>
+   inline void operator()(const F1 &T, const F2 &v,
+     const Loc<3>& I) const
+   {
+     const typename F1::Mesh_t &m = T.mesh();
+     T(I) = (v.fieldEngine().engine(0, 1).read(I) - v.fieldEngine().engine(0, 1).read(I-dX)) * m.GEOXGA(I) / m.cellSpacing(I)(0)
+       + (v.fieldEngine().engine(0, 0).read(I) - v.fieldEngine().engine(0, 0).read(I-dY)) / (m.GEOXGA(I) * m.cellSpacing(I)(1));
+   }
+ };
+ struct Txz : public Deltas<3> {
+   Txz() {}
+   inline void scalarCodeInfo(ScalarCodeInfo<3, 2> &i) const
+   {
+     i.extent().lower(0) = 1;
+     i.extent().lower(2) = 1;
+     i.write(0, true);
+     i.write(1, false);
+     i.useGuards(0, false);
+     i.useGuards(1, true);
+   }
+   using Deltas<3>::dX;
+   using Deltas<3>::dY;
+   using Deltas<3>::dZ;
+   template <class F1, class F2>
+   inline void operator()(const F1 &T, const F2 &v,
+     const Loc<3>& I) const
+   {
+     const typename F1::Mesh_t &m = T.mesh();
+     T(I) = (v.fieldEngine().engine(0, 2).read(I) - v.fieldEngine().engine(0, 2).read(I-dX)) * m.GEOXH(I) * m.GEOYH(I) / m.cellSpacing(I)(0)
+       + (v.fieldEngine().engine(0, 0).read(I) - v.fieldEngine().engine(0, 0).read(I-dZ)) / (m.GEOXH(I) * m.GEOYH(I) * m.cellSpacing(I)(2));
+   }
+ };
+ struct Tyz : public Deltas<3> {
+   Tyz() {}
+   inline void scalarCodeInfo(ScalarCodeInfo<3, 2> &i) const
+   {
+     i.extent().lower(1) = 1;
+     i.extent().lower(2) = 1;
+     i.write(0, true);
+     i.write(1, false);
+     i.useGuards(0, false);
+     i.useGuards(1, true);
+   }
+   using Deltas<3>::dX;
+   using Deltas<3>::dY;
+   using Deltas<3>::dZ;
+   template <class F1, class F2>
+   inline void operator()(const F1 &T, const F2 &v,
+     const Loc<3>& I) const
+   {
+     const typename F1::Mesh_t &m = T.mesh();
+     T(I) = (v.fieldEngine().engine(0, 2).read(I) - v.fieldEngine().engine(0, 2).read(I-dY)) * m.GEOYHA(I) / m.cellSpacing(I)(1)
+       + (v.fieldEngine().engine(0, 1).read(I) - v.fieldEngine().engine(0, 1).read(I-dZ)) / (m.GEOYHA(I) * m.cellSpacing(I)(2));
+   }
+ };
+ struct ViscForceX : public Deltas<3> {
+   ViscForceX() {}
+   inline void scalarCodeInfo(ScalarCodeInfo<3, 3> &i) const
+   {
+     i.extent().lower(0) = 1;
+     i.extent().upper(1) = 1;
+     i.extent().upper(2) = 1;
+     i.write(0, true);
+     i.write(1, false);
+     i.write(2, false);
+     i.useGuards(0, false);
+     i.useGuards(1, true);
+     i.useGuards(2, true);
+   }
+   using Deltas<3>::dX;
+   using Deltas<3>::dY;
+   using Deltas<3>::dZ;
+   template <class F1, class F2, class F3>
+   inline void operator()(const F1 &f, const F2 &Tii, const F3 &Tij,
+     const Loc<3>& I) const
+   {
+     const typename F1::Mesh_t &m = f.mesh();
+     f(I) = (Tii(I)(0) * m.SURXB(I) - Tii(I-dX)(0) * m.SURXB(I-dX)) / m.VOLXA(I-dX)
+       + (Tij.fieldEngine().engine(0, 0).read(I+dY) * m.SURYA(I+dY) - Tij.fieldEngine().engine(0, 0).read(I) * m.SURYA(I)) / (m.VOLYB(I)*m.GEOXHA(I))
+       + (Tij.fieldEngine().engine(0, 1).read(I+dZ) * m.SURZA(I+dZ) - Tij.fieldEngine().engine(0, 1).read(I) * m.SURZA(I)) / (m.VOLZB(I)*m.GEOXHA(I)*m.GEOYH(I))
+       - (isNotCartesian<F1>() ? ((isSpherical<F1>() ? Tii(I-dX)(1) + Tii(I)(1) : 0.0)
+      + Tii(I-dX)(2) + Tii(I)(2)) / (2.0*m.vertexPosition(I)(0))
+   : 0.0);
+   }
+ };
+ struct ViscForceY : public Deltas<3> {
+   ViscForceY() {}
+   inline void scalarCodeInfo(ScalarCodeInfo<3, 3> &i) const
+   {
+     i.extent().lower(1) = 1;
+     i.extent().upper(0) = 1;
+     i.extent().upper(2) = 1;
+     i.write(0, true);
+     i.write(1, false);
+     i.write(2, false);
+     i.useGuards(0, false);
+     i.useGuards(1, true);
+     i.useGuards(2, true);
+   }
+   using Deltas<3>::dX;
+   using Deltas<3>::dY;
+   using Deltas<3>::dZ;
+   template <class F1, class F2, class F3>
+   inline void operator()(const F1 &f, const F2 &Tii, const F3 &Tij,
+     const Loc<3>& I) const
+   {
+     const typename F1::Mesh_t &m = f.mesh();
+     f(I) = (Tij.fieldEngine().engine(0, 0).read(I+dX) * m.SURXA(I+dX) - Tij.fieldEngine().engine(0, 0).read(I) * m.SURXA(I)) / m.VOLXB(I)
+       + (Tii(I)(1) * m.SURYB(I) - Tii(I-dY)(1) * m.SURYB(I-dY)) / (m.VOLYA(I-dY)*m.GEOXG(I))
+       + (Tij.fieldEngine().engine(0, 2).read(I+dZ) * m.SURZA(I+dZ) - Tij.fieldEngine().engine(0, 2).read(I) * m.SURZA(I)) / (m.VOLZB(I)*m.GEOXH(I)*m.GEOYHA(I))
+       + (isSpherical<F1>() ? (Tij.fieldEngine().engine(0, 0).read(I) + Tij.fieldEngine().engine(0, 0).read(I+dX)
+          + (Tii(I-dY)(2) + Tii(I)(2)) / tan(m.cellPosition(I)(1))) / (2.0*m.cellPosition(I)(0))
+   : 0.0);
+   }
+ };
+ struct ViscForceZ : public Deltas<3> {
+   ViscForceZ() {}
+   inline void scalarCodeInfo(ScalarCodeInfo<3, 3> &i) const
+   {
+     i.extent().lower(2) = 1;
+     i.extent().upper(0) = 1;
+     i.extent().upper(1) = 1;
+     i.write(0, true);
+     i.write(1, false);
+     i.write(2, false);
+     i.useGuards(0, false);
+     i.useGuards(1, true);
+     i.useGuards(2, true);
+   }
+   using Deltas<3>::dX;
+   using Deltas<3>::dY;
+   using Deltas<3>::dZ;
+   template <class F1, class F2, class F3>
+   inline void operator()(const F1 &f, const F2 &Tii, const F3 &Tij,
+     const Loc<3>& I) const
+   {
+     const typename F1::Mesh_t &m = f.mesh();
+     f(I) = (Tij.fieldEngine().engine(0, 1).read(I+dX) * m.SURXA(I+dX) - Tij.fieldEngine().engine(0, 1).read(I) * m.SURXA(I)) / m.VOLXB(I)
+       + (Tij.fieldEngine().engine(0, 2).read(I+dY) * m.SURYA(I+dY) - Tij.fieldEngine().engine(0, 2).read(I) * m.SURYA(I)) / (m.VOLYB(I)*m.GEOXG(I))
+       + (Tii(I)(2) * m.SURZB(I) - Tii(I-dZ)(2) * m.SURZB(I-dZ)) / (m.VOLZA(I)*m.GEOXH(I)*m.GEOYH(I))
+       + (isNotCartesian<F1>() ? ((Tij.fieldEngine().engine(0, 1).read(I) + Tij.fieldEngine().engine(0, 1).read(I+dX)
+       - (isSpherical<F1>() ? (Tij.fieldEngine().engine(0, 2).read(I) + Tij.fieldEngine().engine(0, 2).read(I+dY))
+          / tan(m.cellPosition(I)(1))
+          : 0.0))
+      / (2.0*m.cellPosition(I)(0)))
+   : 0.0);
+   }
+ };
+   template <int Dim>
+   struct TGuess : public Deltas<Dim> {
+     TGuess(double dt_) : dt(dt_) {}
+     inline void scalarCodeInfo(ScalarCodeInfo<Dim, 7> &i) const
+     {
+       i.extent(GuardLayers<Dim>(Loc<Dim>(0), Loc<Dim>(1)));
+       i.write(0, true);
+       i.write(1, false);
+       i.write(2, false);
+       i.write(3, false);
+       i.write(4, false);
+       i.write(5, false);
+       i.write(6, false);
+       i.useGuards(0, false);
+       i.useGuards(1, false);
+       i.useGuards(2, false);
+       i.useGuards(3, true);
+       i.useGuards(4, false);
+       i.useGuards(5, false);
+       i.useGuards(6, false);
+     }
+     double dt;
+     using Deltas<Dim>::dX;
+     using Deltas<Dim>::dY;
+     using Deltas<Dim>::dZ;
+     template <class F1, class F2, class F3, class F4, class F5, class F6, class F7>
+     inline void operator()(const F1 &pg, const F2 &T, const F3 &rh, const F4 &v,
+       const F5 &cv, const F6 &dlmdlt, const F7 &xmue, const Loc<Dim>& I) const
+     {
+       const typename F1::Mesh_t &m = pg.mesh();
+       double g = (m.SURXA(I+dX)*v.fieldEngine().engine(0, 0).read(I+dX)
+     - m.SURXA(I)*v.fieldEngine().engine(0, 0).read(I)) / m.VOLXB(I);
+       if (Dim > 1)
+  g += (m.SURYA(I+dY)*v.fieldEngine().engine(0, 1).read(I+dY)
+        - m.SURYA(I)*v.fieldEngine().engine(0, 1).read(I)) / m.VOLYB(I);
+       if (Dim > 2)
+  g += (m.SURZA(I+dZ)*v.fieldEngine().engine(0, 2).read(I+dZ)
+        - m.SURZA(I)*v.fieldEngine().engine(0, 2).read(I)) / m.VOLZB(I);
+       double tguess = T(I)
+  - (dt
+     * pg(I) / rh(I) / cv.read(I)
+     * (1.0 - dlmdlt.read(I))
+     * g);
+       pg(I) = tguess * rh(I) / xmue.read(I);
+     }
+   };
+   template <int Dim>
+   struct CentX : public Deltas<Dim> {
+     CentX(double omrot) : omrot_m(omrot) {}
+     inline void scalarCodeInfo(ScalarCodeInfo<Dim, 4> &i) const
+     {
+       i.extent().lower(0) = 1;
+       i.extent().upper(1) = 1;
+       if (Dim > 2)
+  i.extent().upper(2) = 1;
+       i.write(0, true, false);
+       i.write(1, false);
+       i.write(2, false);
+       i.write(3, false);
+       i.useGuards(0, false);
+       i.useGuards(1, false);
+       i.useGuards(2, true);
+       if (Dim > 2)
+  i.useGuards(3, true);
+     }
+     using Deltas<Dim>::dX;
+     using Deltas<Dim>::dY;
+     using Deltas<Dim>::dZ;
+     template <template <class> class Mesh, class MeshTag, class T, class EngineTag,
+        class F2, class F3, class F4>
+     inline void operator()(const Field<Mesh<MeshTraits<Dim, T, MeshTag, CartesianTag> >,
+                   T, EngineTag> &centx,
+       const F4 &vx, const F2 &vy, const F3 &vz,
+       const Loc<Dim>& I) const
+     {
+       const typename MeshTraits<Dim, T, MeshTag, CartesianTag>::Mesh_t &m = centx.mesh();
+       centx(I) = omrot_m*omrot_m*m.vertexPosition(I)(0);
+     }
+     template <template <class> class Mesh, class MeshTag, class T, class EngineTag,
+        class F2, class F3, class F4>
+     inline void operator()(const Field<Mesh<MeshTraits<Dim, T, MeshTag, CylindricalTag> >,
+                   T, EngineTag> &centx,
+       const F4 &vx, const F2 &vy, const F3 &vz,
+       const Loc<Dim>& I) const
+     {
+       const typename MeshTraits<Dim, T, MeshTag, CylindricalTag>::Mesh_t &m = centx.mesh();
+       double hq = 0.5*(m.DDX0(I)*(vz(I-dX) + vz(I-dX+dZ))
+          + m.DDX1(I)*(vz(I) + vz(I+dZ))) + omrot_m;
+       centx(I) = m.vertexPosition(I)(0) * std::pow(hq, 2);
+     }
+     template <template <class> class Mesh, class MeshTag, class T, class EngineTag,
+        class F2, class F3, class F4>
+     inline void operator()(const Field<Mesh<MeshTraits<Dim, T, MeshTag, SphericalTag> >,
+                   T, EngineTag> &centx,
+       const F4 &vx, const F2 &vy, const F3 &vz,
+       const Loc<Dim>& I) const
+     {
+       const typename MeshTraits<Dim, T, MeshTag, SphericalTag>::Mesh_t &m = centx.mesh();
+       double hq = 0.5*(m.DDX0(I)*(vz(I-dX) + vz(I-dX+dZ))
+          + m.DDX1(I)*(vz(I) + vz(I+dZ))) + omrot_m;
+       double gq = 0.5*(m.DDX0(I)*(vy(I-dX+dY) + vy(I-dX))
+          + m.DDX1(I)*(vy(I+dY) + vy(I)));
+       centx(I) = m.vertexPosition(I)(0)
+  * (std::pow(gq, 2) + std::pow(hq*sin(m.cellPosition(I)(1)), 2));
+     }
+     const double omrot_m;
+   };
+   template <int Dim>
+   struct CentY : public Deltas<Dim> {
+     CentY(double omrot) : omrot_m(omrot) {}
+     inline void scalarCodeInfo(ScalarCodeInfo<Dim, 4> &i) const
+     {
+       i.extent().upper(0) = 1;
+       i.extent().lower(1) = 1;
+       if (Dim > 2)
+  i.extent().upper(2) = 1;
+       i.write(0, true, false);
+       i.write(1, false);
+       i.write(2, false);
+       i.write(3, false);
+       i.useGuards(0, false);
+       i.useGuards(1, true);
+       i.useGuards(2, false);
+       if (Dim > 2)
+  i.useGuards(3, true);
+     }
+     using Deltas<Dim>::dY;
+     using Deltas<Dim>::dZ;
+     template <template <class> class Mesh, class MeshTag, class T, class EngineTag,
+        class F2, class F3, class F4>
+     inline void operator()(const Field<Mesh<MeshTraits<Dim, T, MeshTag, CartesianTag> >,
+                   T, EngineTag> &centy,
+       const F4 &vx, const F2 &vy, const F3 &vz,
+       const Loc<Dim>& I) const
+     {
+       const typename MeshTraits<Dim, T, MeshTag, CartesianTag>::Mesh_t &m = centy.mesh();
+       centy(I) = - omrot_m*omrot_m*m.vertexPosition(I)(1);
+     }
+     template <template <class> class Mesh, class MeshTag, class T, class EngineTag,
+        class F2, class F3, class F4>
+     inline void operator()(const Field<Mesh<MeshTraits<Dim, T, MeshTag, CylindricalTag> >,
+                   T, EngineTag> &centy,
+       const F4 &vx, const F2 &vy, const F3 &vz,
+       const Loc<Dim>& I) const
+     {
+       centy(I) = 0.0;
+     }
+     template <template <class> class Mesh, class MeshTag, class T, class EngineTag,
+        class F2, class F3, class F4>
+     inline void operator()(const Field<Mesh<MeshTraits<Dim, T, MeshTag, SphericalTag> >,
+                   T, EngineTag> &centy,
+       const F4 &vx, const F2 &vy, const F3 &vz,
+       const Loc<Dim>& I) const
+     {
+       const typename MeshTraits<Dim, T, MeshTag, SphericalTag>::Mesh_t &m = centy.mesh();
+       double hq = 0.5*(m.DDY0(I)*(vz(I-dY) + vz(I-dY+dZ))
+          + m.DDY1(I)*(vz(I) + vz(I+dZ))) + omrot_m;
+       centy(I) = -cos(m.vertexPosition(I)(1)) * sin(m.vertexPosition(I)(1)) * std::pow(hq, 2)
+  * m.cellPosition(I)(0);
+     }
+     const double omrot_m;
+   };
+   template <int Dim>
+   struct VXUpd : public Deltas<Dim> {
+     VXUpd(double dt_) : dt(dt_) {}
+     inline void scalarCodeInfo(ScalarCodeInfo<Dim, 6> &i) const
+     {
+       i.extent().lower(0) = 1;
+       i.write(0, true);
+       i.write(1, false);
+       i.write(2, false);
+       i.write(3, false);
+       i.write(4, false);
+       i.write(5, false);
+       i.useGuards(0, false);
+       i.useGuards(1, true);
+       i.useGuards(2, true);
+       i.useGuards(3, true);
+       i.useGuards(4, false);
+       i.useGuards(5, false);
+     }
+     double dt;
+     using Deltas<Dim>::dX;
+     using Deltas<Dim>::dY;
+     using Deltas<Dim>::dZ;
+     template <class F1, class F2, class F3, class F4, class F5, class F6>
+     inline void operator()(const F1 &vx, const F2 &rh, const F3 &pg, const F4 &ph,
+       const F5 &centx, const F6 &fvisx, const Loc<Dim>& I) const
+     {
+       const typename F1::Mesh_t &m = rh.mesh();
+       vx(I) = vx(I)
+  + dt * ((-(pg.read(I)-pg.read(I-dX)) / m.cellSpacing(I)(0)
+    + fvisx(I))
+   / (m.DDX1(I)*rh(I)+m.DDX0(I)*rh(I-dX))
+   - (ph(I)-ph(I-dX)) / m.cellSpacing(I)(0)
+   + centx(I));
+     }
+   };
+   template <int Dim>
+   struct VYUpd : public Deltas<Dim> {
+     VYUpd(double dt_) : dt(dt_) {}
+     inline void scalarCodeInfo(ScalarCodeInfo<Dim, 6> &i) const
+     {
+       i.extent().lower(1) = 1;
+       i.write(0, true);
+       i.write(1, false);
+       i.write(2, false);
+       i.write(3, false);
+       i.write(4, false);
+       i.write(5, false);
+       i.useGuards(0, false);
+       i.useGuards(1, true);
+       i.useGuards(2, true);
+       i.useGuards(3, true);
+       i.useGuards(4, false);
+       i.useGuards(5, false);
+     }
+     double dt;
+     using Deltas<Dim>::dX;
+     using Deltas<Dim>::dY;
+     using Deltas<Dim>::dZ;
+     template <class F1, class F2, class F3, class F4, class F5, class F6>
+     inline void operator()(const F1 &vy, const F2 &rh, const F3 &pg, const F4 &ph,
+       const F5 &centy, const F6 &fvisy, const Loc<Dim>& I) const
+     {
+       const typename F1::Mesh_t &m = rh.mesh();
+       vy(I) = vy(I)
+  + (dt * ((-(pg.read(I)-pg.read(I-dY)) / (m.cellSpacing(I)(1) * m.GEOXG(I))
+     + fvisy(I))
+    / (m.DDY1(I)*rh(I)+m.DDY0(I)*rh(I-dY))
+    -((ph(I)-ph(I-dY))
+      / (m.cellSpacing(I)(1) * m.GEOXG(I)))
+    - centy(I))
+     / m.GEOXG(I));
+     }
+   };
+   template <int Dim>
+   struct VZUpd : public Deltas<Dim> {
+     VZUpd(double dt_) : dt(dt_) {}
+     inline void scalarCodeInfo(ScalarCodeInfo<Dim, 5> &i) const
+     {
+       i.extent().lower(2) = 1;
+       i.write(0, true);
+       i.write(1, false);
+       i.write(2, false);
+       i.write(3, false);
+       i.write(4, false);
+       i.useGuards(0, false);
+       i.useGuards(1, true);
+       i.useGuards(2, true);
+       i.useGuards(3, true);
+       i.useGuards(4, true);
+     }
+     double dt;
+     using Deltas<Dim>::dX;
+     using Deltas<Dim>::dY;
+     using Deltas<Dim>::dZ;
+     template <class F1, class F2, class F3, class F4, class F5>
+     inline void operator()(const F1 &vz, const F2 &rh, const F3 &pg, const F4 &ph,
+       const F5 &fvisz, const Loc<Dim>& I) const
+     {
+       const typename F1::Mesh_t &m = rh.mesh();
+       vz(I) = vz(I)
+  + (dt * ((-(pg.read(I)-pg.read(I-dZ)) / (m.cellSpacing(I)(2)*m.GEOXH(I)*m.GEOYH(I))
+     + fvisz(I))
+    / (m.DDZ1(I)*rh(I)+m.DDZ0(I)*rh(I-dZ))
+    -((ph(I)-ph(I-dZ))
+      / (m.cellSpacing(I)(2)*m.GEOXH(I)*m.GEOYH(I)))
+                           )
+     / (m.GEOXH(I)*m.GEOYH(I)));
+     }
+   };
+   template <int Dim>
+   struct TUpd : public Deltas<Dim> {
+     TUpd(double dt_) : dt(dt_) {}
+     inline void scalarCodeInfo(ScalarCodeInfo<Dim, 6> &i) const
+     {
+       i.extent(GuardLayers<Dim>(Loc<Dim>(0), Loc<Dim>(1)));
+       i.write(0, true);
+       i.write(1, false);
+       i.write(2, false);
+       i.write(3, false);
+       i.write(4, false);
+       i.write(5, false);
+       i.useGuards(0, false);
+       i.useGuards(1, false);
+       i.useGuards(2, true);
+       i.useGuards(3, false);
+       i.useGuards(4, false);
+       i.useGuards(5, false);
+     }
+     double dt;
+     using Deltas<Dim>::dX;
+     using Deltas<Dim>::dY;
+     using Deltas<Dim>::dZ;
+     template <class F1, class F2, class F3, class F4, class F5, class F6>
+     inline void operator()(const F1 &T, const F2 &rh, const F3 &v, const F4 &pg,
+       const F5 &cv, const F6 &dlmdlt, const Loc<Dim>& I) const
+     {
+       const typename F1::Mesh_t &m = T.mesh();
+       double g = (m.SURXA(I+dX)*v.fieldEngine().engine(0, 0).read(I+dX)
+     - m.SURXA(I)*v.fieldEngine().engine(0, 0).read(I)) / m.VOLXB(I);
+       if (Dim > 1)
+  g += (m.SURYA(I+dY)*v.fieldEngine().engine(0, 1).read(I+dY)
+        - m.SURYA(I)*v.fieldEngine().engine(0, 1).read(I)) / m.VOLYB(I);
+       if (Dim > 2)
+  g += (m.SURZA(I+dZ)*v.fieldEngine().engine(0, 2).read(I+dZ)
+        - m.SURZA(I)*v.fieldEngine().engine(0, 2).read(I)) / m.VOLZB(I);
+       T(I) = T(I)
+  - (dt
+     * pg.read(I) / rh(I) / cv.read(I)
+     * (1.0 - dlmdlt.read(I))
+     * g);
+     }
+   };
+   template <int Dim>
+   struct GradV : public Deltas<Dim> {
+     inline void scalarCodeInfo(ScalarCodeInfo<Dim, 2> &i) const
+     {
+       i.extent(GuardLayers<Dim>(Loc<Dim>(0), Loc<Dim>(1)));
+       i.write(0, true, false);
+       i.write(1, false);
+       i.useGuards(0, false);
+       i.useGuards(1, true);
+     }
+     using Deltas<Dim>::dX;
+     using Deltas<Dim>::dY;
+     using Deltas<Dim>::dZ;
+     template <class F1, class F2>
+     inline void operator()(const F1 &grad_v, const F2 &v, const Loc<Dim>& I) const
+     {
+       const typename F1::Mesh_t &m = grad_v.mesh();
+       grad_v(I)(0) = (m.SURXA(I+dX)*v.fieldEngine().engine(0, 0).read(I+dX)
+         - m.SURXA(I)*v.fieldEngine().engine(0, 0).read(I))/m.VOLXB(I);
+       if (Dim > 1)
+  grad_v(I)(1) = (m.SURYA(I+dY)*v.fieldEngine().engine(0, 1).read(I+dY)
+    - m.SURYA(I)*v.fieldEngine().engine(0, 1).read(I))/m.VOLYB(I);
+       if (Dim > 2)
+  grad_v(I)(2) = (m.SURZA(I+dZ)*v.fieldEngine().engine(0, 2).read(I+dZ)
+    - m.SURZA(I)*v.fieldEngine().engine(0, 2).read(I))/m.VOLZB(I);
+     }
+   };
+   template <int Dim>
+   struct GradVdX : public Deltas<Dim> {
+     inline void scalarCodeInfo(ScalarCodeInfo<Dim, 2> &i) const
+     {
+       i.extent(GuardLayers<Dim>(Loc<Dim>(0), Loc<Dim>(1)));
+       i.write(0, true, false);
+       i.write(1, false);
+       i.useGuards(0, false);
+       i.useGuards(1, true);
+     }
+     using Deltas<Dim>::dX;
+     using Deltas<Dim>::dY;
+     using Deltas<Dim>::dZ;
+     template <class F1, class F2>
+     inline void operator()(const F1 &grad_v, const F2 &v, const Loc<Dim>& I) const
+     {
+       const typename F1::Mesh_t &m = grad_v.mesh();
+       grad_v(I)(0) = (m.SURXA(I+dX)*v.fieldEngine().engine(0, 0).read(I+dX)
+         - m.SURXA(I)*v.fieldEngine().engine(0, 0).read(I));
+       if (Dim > 1)
+  grad_v(I)(1) = (m.SURYA(I+dY)*v.fieldEngine().engine(0, 1).read(I+dY)
+    - m.SURYA(I)*v.fieldEngine().engine(0, 1).read(I));
+       if (Dim > 2)
+  grad_v(I)(2) = (m.SURZA(I+dZ)*v.fieldEngine().engine(0, 2).read(I+dZ)
+    - m.SURZA(I)*v.fieldEngine().engine(0, 2).read(I));
+     }
+   };
+   template <int Dim>
+   struct APressure : public Deltas<Dim> {
+     APressure(double cnr, double cav) : c_nr(cnr), c_av(cav) {}
+     inline void scalarCodeInfo(ScalarCodeInfo<Dim, 4> &i) const
+     {
+       i.extent(GuardLayers<Dim>(Loc<Dim>(0), Loc<Dim>(1)));
+       i.write(0, true);
+       i.write(1, false);
+       i.write(2, false);
+       i.write(3, false);
+       i.useGuards(0, false);
+       i.useGuards(1, false);
+       i.useGuards(2, true);
+       i.useGuards(3, false);
+     }
+     using Deltas<Dim>::dX;
+     using Deltas<Dim>::dY;
+     using Deltas<Dim>::dZ;
+     template <class F1, class F2, class F3, class F4>
+     inline void operator()(const F1 &pg, const F2 &rh, const F3 &v, const F4 &cs,
+       const Loc<Dim>& I) const
+     {
+       const typename F1::Mesh_t &m = pg.mesh();
+       double q = (m.SURXA(I+dX)*v.fieldEngine().engine(0, 0).read(I+dX)
+     - m.SURXA(I)*v.fieldEngine().engine(0, 0).read(I))/m.VOLXB(I);
+       if (Dim > 1)
+  q += (m.SURYA(I+dY)*v.fieldEngine().engine(0, 1).read(I+dY)
+        - m.SURYA(I)*v.fieldEngine().engine(0, 1).read(I))/m.VOLYB(I);
+       if (Dim > 2)
+  q += (m.SURZA(I+dZ)*v.fieldEngine().engine(0, 2).read(I+dZ)
+        - m.SURZA(I)*v.fieldEngine().engine(0, 2).read(I))/m.VOLZB(I);
+       if (q >= 0.0)
+  return;
+       q *= m.vertexSpacing(I)(0);
+       pg(I) += c_nr * q * q * rh(I);
+       pg(I) -= c_av * rh(I) * cs(I) * q;
+     }
+   private:
+     const double c_nr, c_av;
+   };
+   template <class CoordinateSystemTag>
+   struct ApplyCoriolis
+   {
+     template <class F1, class F2>
+     static void applyCoriolis(const F1&, const F2&, double) {}
+   };
+   template <int Dim>
+   struct CoriolisX : public Deltas<Dim> {
+     CoriolisX(double dphi) : sin2o_m(sin(2*dphi)), cos2o_m(cos(2*dphi)) {}
+     inline void scalarCodeInfo(ScalarCodeInfo<Dim, 2> &i) const
+     {
+       i.extent().lower(0) = 1;
+       i.extent().upper(1) = 1;
+       i.write(0, true);
+       i.write(1, false);
+       i.useGuards(0, false);
+       i.useGuards(1, true);
+     }
+     using Deltas<Dim>::dX;
+     using Deltas<Dim>::dY;
+     template <class F1, class F2>
+     inline void operator()(const F1 &vx, const F2 &v, const Loc<Dim>& I) const
+     {
+       const typename F1::Mesh_t &m = v.mesh();
+       double vyx = 0.5*(m.DDX0(I)*(v.fieldEngine().engine(0, 1).read(I-dX)
+        + v.fieldEngine().engine(0, 1).read(I-dX+dY))
+    + m.DDX1(I)*(v.fieldEngine().engine(0, 1).read(I)
+          + v.fieldEngine().engine(0, 1).read(I+dY)));
+       vx(I) = v.fieldEngine().engine(0, 0).read(I)*cos2o_m + vyx*sin2o_m;
+     }
+   private:
+     const double sin2o_m, cos2o_m;
+   };
+   template <int Dim>
+   struct CoriolisY : public Deltas<Dim> {
+     CoriolisY(double dphi) : sin2o_m(sin(2*dphi)), cos2o_m(cos(2*dphi)) {}
+     inline void scalarCodeInfo(ScalarCodeInfo<Dim, 2> &i) const
+     {
+       i.extent().lower(1) = 1;
+       i.extent().upper(0) = 1;
+       i.write(0, true);
+       i.write(1, false);
+       i.useGuards(0, false);
+       i.useGuards(1, true);
+     }
+     using Deltas<Dim>::dX;
+     using Deltas<Dim>::dY;
+     template <class F1, class F2>
+     inline void operator()(const F1 &vy, const F2 &v, const Loc<Dim>& I) const
+     {
+       const typename F1::Mesh_t &m = v.mesh();
+       double vxy = 0.5*(m.DDY1(I)*(v.fieldEngine().engine(0, 0).read(I)
+        + v.fieldEngine().engine(0, 0).read(I+dX))
+    + m.DDY0(I)*(v.fieldEngine().engine(0, 0).read(I-dY)
+          + v.fieldEngine().engine(0, 0).read(I-dY+dX)));
+       vy(I) = -vxy*sin2o_m + v.fieldEngine().engine(0, 1).read(I)*cos2o_m;
+     }
+   private:
+     const double sin2o_m, cos2o_m;
+   };
+   template <>
+   struct ApplyCoriolis<CartesianTag>
+   {
+     template <class F1, class F2>
+     static void applyCoriolis(const F1& v, const F2& scratchv, double dphi)
+     {
+       (ScalarCode<CoriolisX<Dim> >(dphi))(scratchv.center(0), v);
+       (ScalarCode<CoriolisY<Dim> >(dphi))(scratchv.center(1), v);
+       v.center(0) = scratchv.center(0);
+       v.center(1) = scratchv.center(1);
+     }
+   };
+   template <class F1, class F2>
+   void applyCoriolis(const F1& v, const F2& scratchv, double omrot, double dt)
+   {
+     ApplyCoriolis<typename F1::Mesh_t::MeshTraits_t::CoordinateSystemTag_t>
+       ::applyCoriolis(v, scratchv, omrot*dt);
+   }
+ template <class Tag, class T>
+ struct FnSave
+ {
+   inline T
+   operator()(const T &a) const
+   {
+     val = a;
+     return a;
+   }
+   static T val;
+ };
+ template <class Tag, class T>
+ T FnSave<Tag, T>::val;
+ template<class Tag, int D1,class T1,class E1>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<UnaryNode<FnSave<Tag, T1>,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ save(const Array<D1,T1,E1> & l)
+ {
+   typedef UnaryNode<FnSave<Tag, T1>,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Array<D1,T1,E1> >::make(l)));
+ }
+ template<class Tag, class M1,class T1,class E1>
+ inline typename MakeReturn<UnaryNode<FnSave<Tag, T1>,
+   typename CreateLeaf<Field<M1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t> >::Expression_t
+ save(const Field<M1,T1,E1> & l)
+ {
+   typedef UnaryNode<FnSave<Tag, T1>,
+     typename CreateLeaf<Field<M1,T1,E1> >::Leaf_t> Tree_t;
+   return MakeReturn<Tree_t>::make(Tree_t(
+     CreateLeaf<Field<M1,T1,E1> >::make(l)));
+ }
+ template <class Tag, class T>
+ struct SaveRef
+ {
+   SaveRef() {}
+   inline
+   operator T() const
+   {
+     return FnSave<Tag, T>::val;
+   }
+ };
+ template<class Tag, class T>
+ inline Expression<Scalar<SaveRef<Tag, T> > >
+ ref()
+ {
+   return Expression<Scalar<SaveRef<Tag, T> > >(SaveRef<Tag, T>());
+ }
+ struct DivV {};
+   template <class F1, class F2, class F3, class F4, class F5,
+      class F6, class F7, class F8, class F9, class F10,
+      class F11, class F12, class F13,
+      class F14, class F15, class F16, class F17>
+   void force(double dt, const F1 &rh, F2 &T, F3 &v, double omrot, F4 &pg, const F5 &ph,
+       const F11& cs, const F6 &cv, const F7 &dlmdlt, const F8 &xmue,
+       const F9 &vint, F10 &cent, const F12 &a_pg, const F13 &gradv,
+       const F14 &Tii, const F15 &Tij, const F16 &fvis, const F17 &eta, bool vis,
+       double c_nr, bool cartvis_f, bool eeq)
+   {
+     enum { Dim = F1::dimensions };
+     if (Dim == 3) {
+       (ScalarCode<CentX<Dim> >(omrot))(cent.center(0), shrink(cent.center(0).physicalDomain(), corr_v[0]),
+            v.center(0), v.center(1), v.center(2));
+       (ScalarCode<CentY<Dim> >(omrot))(cent.center(1), shrink(cent.center(1).physicalDomain(), corr_v[1]),
+            v.center(0), v.center(1), v.center(2));
+     } else if (Dim == 2) {
+       (ScalarCode<CentX<Dim> >(omrot))(cent.center(0), shrink(cent.center(0).physicalDomain(), corr_v[0]),
+            v.center(0), v.center(1), v.center(0));
+       (ScalarCode<CentY<Dim> >(omrot))(cent.center(1), shrink(cent.center(1).physicalDomain(), corr_v[1]),
+            v.center(0), v.center(1), v.center(0));
+     }
+     if ((cartvis_f && !vis) || eeq) {
+       Interval<Dim> I(grow(a_pg.physicalDomain(), GuardLayers<Dim>(1)));
+       ScalarCode<GradV<Dim> >()(gradv, I, v);
+     }
+     if (cartvis_f && !vis) {
+       Interval<Dim> I(grow(a_pg.physicalDomain(), GuardLayers<Dim>(1)));
+       a_pg(I) = where(save<DivV>(dot(gradv, Vector<Dim>(1))(I)) < 0.0,
+         (c_nr * rh * pow2(Pooma::spacings(rh).comp(0)) * ref<DivV, double>())(I),
+         0.0);
+     }
+     if (eeq) {
+       Interval<Dim> I(grow(a_pg.physicalDomain(), GuardLayers<Dim>(1)));
+       pg(I) = (T(I) - (0.5*dt * pg(I)
+          / rh(I) / cv.read(I)
+          * (1.0 - dlmdlt.read(I)) * dot(gradv(I), Vector<Dim>(1)))) * rh(I) / xmue.read(I);
+       pg.clearDirty();
+     }
+     if (eeq) {
+       vint.all() = v.all();
+     }
+       fvis.all() = 0.0;
+     if (cartvis_f && !vis) {
+       (ScalarCode<VXUpd<Dim> >(dt))(v.center(0), shrink(v.center(0).physicalDomain(), corr_v[0]),
+         rh,
+         pg + a_pg * min(gradv.comp(0), 0.0),
+         ph, cent.center(0), fvis.center(0));
+       if (Dim > 1)
+  (ScalarCode<VYUpd<Dim> >(dt))(v.center(1), shrink(v.center(1).physicalDomain(), corr_v[1]),
+           rh,
+           pg + a_pg * min(gradv.comp(1), 0.0),
+           ph, cent.center(1), fvis.center(1));
+       if (Dim > 2)
+  (ScalarCode<VZUpd<Dim> >(dt))(v.center(2), shrink(v.center(2).physicalDomain(), corr_v[2]),
+           rh,
+           pg + a_pg * min(gradv.comp(2), 0.0),
+           ph, fvis.center(2));
+     } else {
+       (ScalarCode<VXUpd<Dim> >(dt))(v.center(0), shrink(v.center(0).physicalDomain(), corr_v[0]),
+         rh, pg, ph, cent.center(0), fvis.center(0));
+       if (Dim > 1)
+  (ScalarCode<VYUpd<Dim> >(dt))(v.center(1), shrink(v.center(1).physicalDomain(), corr_v[1]),
+           rh, pg, ph, cent.center(1), fvis.center(1));
+       if (Dim > 2)
+  (ScalarCode<VZUpd<Dim> >(dt))(v.center(2), shrink(v.center(2).physicalDomain(), corr_v[2]),
+           rh, pg, ph, fvis.center(2));
+     }
+     if (omrot != 0.0)
+       applyCoriolis(v, cent, omrot, dt);
+     if (eeq) {
+       for (int i=0; i<Dim; ++i)
+  vint.center(i).all() = 0.5*(vint.center(i).all() + v.center(i).all());
+       if (cartvis_f && !vis)
+  (ScalarCode<TUpd<Dim> >(dt))(T, T.physicalDomain(), rh, vint,
+          pg + a_pg * dot(gradv, Vector<Dim>(1)), cv, dlmdlt);
+       else
+  (ScalarCode<TUpd<Dim> >(dt))(T, T.physicalDomain(), rh, vint, pg, cv, dlmdlt);
+     }
+   }
+   template <class F1, class F2, class F3, class F4, class F5,
+      class F6, class F7, class F8, class F9, class F10, class F11,
+      class F12, class F13, class F14, class F15>
+   void force(double dt, const F1 &rh, const F2 &T, const F3 &v, double omrot, F4 &pg, const F5 &ph,
+       const F11 &cs, const F6 &cv, const F7 &dlmdlt, const F8 &xmue,
+       const F9 &vint, const F10 &cent,
+       const F12 &Tii, const F13 &Tij, const F14 &fvis, const F15 &eta, bool vis,
+       double c_nr, double c_av, bool cartvis_f, bool eeq)
+   {
+     enum { Dim = F1::dimensions };
+     if (Dim == 3) {
+       (ScalarCode<CentX<Dim> >(omrot))(cent.center(0), shrink(cent.center(0).physicalDomain(), corr_v[0]),
+            v.center(0), v.center(1), v.center(2));
+       (ScalarCode<CentY<Dim> >(omrot))(cent.center(1), shrink(cent.center(1).physicalDomain(), corr_v[1]),
+            v.center(0), v.center(1), v.center(2));
+     } else if (Dim == 2) {
+       (ScalarCode<CentX<Dim> >(omrot))(cent.center(0), shrink(cent.center(0).physicalDomain(), corr_v[0]),
+            v.center(0), v.center(1), v.center(0));
+       (ScalarCode<CentY<Dim> >(omrot))(cent.center(1), shrink(cent.center(1).physicalDomain(), corr_v[1]),
+            v.center(0), v.center(1), v.center(0));
+     }
+     if (eeq) {
+       (ScalarCode<TGuess<Dim> >(0.5*dt))(pg, pg.physicalDomain(),
+       T, rh, v, cv, dlmdlt, xmue);
+       pg.clearDirty();
+       vint.all() = v.all();
+     }
+     if (cartvis_f && !vis) {
+       (ScalarCode<APressure<Dim> >(APressure<Dim>(c_nr, c_av)))(pg, pg.physicalDomain(), rh, v, cs);
+       pg.clearDirty();
+     }
+       fvis.all() = 0.0;
+     (ScalarCode<VXUpd<Dim> >(dt))(v.center(0), shrink(v.center(0).physicalDomain(), corr_v[0]),
+       rh, pg, ph, cent.center(0), fvis.center(0));
+     if (Dim > 1)
+       (ScalarCode<VYUpd<Dim> >(dt))(v.center(1), shrink(v.center(1).physicalDomain(), corr_v[1]),
+         rh, pg, ph, cent.center(1), fvis.center(1));
+     if (Dim > 2)
+       (ScalarCode<VZUpd<Dim> >(dt))(v.center(2), shrink(v.center(2).physicalDomain(), corr_v[2]),
+         rh, pg, ph, fvis.center(2));
+     if (omrot != 0.0)
+       applyCoriolis(v, cent, omrot, dt);
+     if (eeq) {
+       for (int i=0; i<Dim; ++i)
+  vint.center(i).all() = 0.5*(vint.center(i).all() + v.center(i).all());
+       (ScalarCode<TUpd<Dim> >(dt))(T, T.physicalDomain(), rh, vint, pg, cv, dlmdlt);
+     }
+   }
+ };
+ Loc<Dim> vdom(64, 64, 64);
+ void usage(int ret)
+ {
+   std::cerr
+     << "Usage: tramp3d-v4\n"
+     << "  --help|-h|-?        show this command line help\n"
+     << "  --num-iter|-n       number of iterations to perform [Inf]\n"
+     << "  --end-t|-t          time to stop simulation [Inf]\n"
+     << "  --cfl               cfl number [0.6]\n"
+     << "  --dt                constant timestep, used with cfl number [off]\n"
+     << "  --min-dt            minimum timestep allowed\n"
+     << "  --max-dt            maximum timestep allowed\n"
+     << "  --blocks nx ny nz   processor setup [automatic]\n"
+     << "  --cartvis nr av     artificial viscosity NR AV [off]\n"
+     << "  --eos n             choose eos\n"
+     << "  --rhomin rho        density floor [off]\n"
+     << "  --blocking-expressions  set blocking expressions [off]\n"
+     << "  --domain x y z      computational vertex domain [64x64x64]\n\n"
+     << "A particularly benchmarky and checky command-line includes\n"
+     << "both artificial viscosity and density minimum via f.i.\n"
+     << "  ./tramp3d-v4 --cartvis 1.0 0.0 --rhomin 1e-8\n"
+     << std::flush;
+   Pooma::finalize();
+   exit(ret);
+ }
+ void handle_cmd_args(int argc, char** argv)
+ {
+   int i = 1;
+   while (i < argc) {
+     if (strcmp(argv[i], "--help") == 0
+  || strcmp(argv[i], "-h") == 0
+  || strcmp(argv[i], "-?") == 0) {
+       usage(0);
+     } else if (argc > i+1
+         && (strcmp(argv[i], "--num-iter") == 0
+      || strcmp(argv[i], "-n") == 0)) {
+       a_nr_f = true;
+       a_nr = atoi(argv[i+1]);
+       i += 1;
+     } else if (argc > i+1
+         && (strcmp(argv[i], "--end-t") == 0
+      || strcmp(argv[i], "-t") == 0)) {
+       a_end_t_f = true;
+       a_end_t = atof(argv[i+1]);
+       i += 1;
+     } else if (argc > i+Dim
+       && strcmp(argv[i], "--blocks") == 0) {
+       a_blocks_f = true;
+       a_blocks[0] = Loc<1>(atoi(argv[i+1]));
+       if (Dim > 1)
+  a_blocks[1] = Loc<1>(atoi(argv[i+2]));
+       if (Dim > 2)
+  a_blocks[2] = Loc<1>(atoi(argv[i+3]));
+       i += 3;
+     } else if (argc > i+Dim
+       && strcmp(argv[i], "--domain") == 0) {
+       vdom[0] = Loc<1>(atoi(argv[i+1]));
+       if (Dim > 1)
+  vdom[1] = Loc<1>(atoi(argv[i+2]));
+       if (Dim > 2)
+  vdom[2] = Loc<1>(atoi(argv[i+3]));
+       i += 3;
+     } else if (argc > i+1
+         && strcmp(argv[i], "--cfl") == 0) {
+       a_cfl_f = true;
+       a_cfl = atof(argv[i+1]);
+       i += 1;
+     } else if (argc > i+1
+         && strcmp(argv[i], "--dt") == 0) {
+       a_constant_timestep_f = true;
+       dt = atof(argv[i+1]);
+       i += 1;
+     } else if (argc > i+1
+         && strcmp(argv[i], "--min-dt") == 0) {
+       a_min_dt_f = true;
+       a_min_dt = atof(argv[i+1]);
+       i += 1;
+     } else if (argc > i+1
+         && strcmp(argv[i], "--max-dt") == 0) {
+       a_max_dt_f = true;
+       a_max_dt = atof(argv[i+1]);
+       i += 1;
+     } else if (argc > i+2
+         && strcmp(argv[i], "--cartvis") == 0) {
+       a_cartvis_f = true;
+       cartvis_nr = atof(argv[i+1]);
+       cartvis_av = atof(argv[i+2]);
+       i += 2;
+     } else if (argc > i+1
+         && strcmp(argv[i], "--rhomin") == 0) {
+       a_rhomin_f = true;
+       a_rhomin = atof(argv[i+1]);
+       i += 1;
+     } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "--blocking-expressions") == 0) {
+       Pooma::blockingExpressions(true);
+     } else {
+       std::cerr << "Unknown option " << argv[i] << ".\n\n";
+       usage(1);
+     }
+     ++i;
+   }
+   commandline.append(argv[0]);
+   for (int i=1; i<argc; ++i) {
+     commandline.append(" ");
+     commandline.append(argv[i]);
+   }
+ }
+ static void initSpacings(Array<1, double, Brick> s[Dim], const Interval<Dim>& dom)
+ {
+   for (int i=0; i<Dim; ++i)
+     s[i].engine() = Engine<1, double, Brick>(grow(dom[i], 2));
+ }
+ static void initSpacings(Vector<Dim>& s, const Interval<Dim>&)
+ {
+ }
+ int main(int argc, char** argv)
+ {
+     Pooma::initialize(argc,argv);
+     Pooma::blockingExpressions(false);
+   Inform out;
+   if (argc == 1)
+     usage(1);
+   handle_cmd_args(argc, argv);
+   origin = Vector<Dim>(-1.0);
+   for (int i=0; i<Dim; ++i) {
+     vertexDomain[i] = Interval<1>(vdom[i].min());
+     spacings(i) = 2.0/(vertexDomain[i].size()-1);
+   }
+   periodicity = Vector<Dim, int>(1);
+   if (a_blocks[0].min() == 0)
+     a_blocks = makeRBlocks(vertexDomain, Pooma::contexts());
+   Grid<Dim> grid = makeRGrid(vertexDomain, a_blocks);
+   for (int i=0; i<Dim; ++i) {
+     corr_v[i] = GuardLayers<Dim>(0);
+     corr_v[i].lower(i) = 1;
+     corr_v[i].upper(i) = 1;
+   }
+   Traits_t::Layout_t layout;
+   Traits_t::createLayout(layout, grid, vertexDomain,
+     GuardLayers<Dim>(2),
+     GuardLayers<Dim>(2));
+   Traits_t::Mesh_t mesh(layout, origin, spacings);
+   Traits_t::Layout_t layout1;
+   Traits_t::createLayout(layout1, grid, vertexDomain,
+     GuardLayers<Dim>(1),
+     GuardLayers<Dim>(1));
+   Traits_t::Mesh_t mesh1(layout1, origin, spacings);
+   Traits_t::Layout_t layout0;
+   Traits_t::createLayout(layout0, grid, vertexDomain,
+     GuardLayers<Dim>(0),
+     GuardLayers<Dim>(0));
+   Traits_t::Mesh_t mesh0(layout0, origin, spacings);
+   Traits_t::Centering_t cell = canonicalCentering<Traits_t::Dim>(CellType, Continuous);
+   Traits_t::Centering_t face = canonicalCentering<Traits_t::Dim>(FaceType, Continuous);
+   Traits_t::Centering_t edge = canonicalCentering<Traits_t::Dim>(EdgeType, Continuous);
+   Traits_t::Centering_t vertex = canonicalCentering<Traits_t::Dim>(VertexType, Continuous);
+   Traits_t::Scalar_t rh(cell, layout, mesh);
+   Traits_t::Scalar_t v(face, layout, mesh);
+   Traits_t::Scalar_t T;
+   Traits_t::Scalar_t pg(cell, layout, mesh);
+   Traits_t::Scalar_t ph(cell, layout, mesh);
+   Traits_t::Scalar_t cs(cell, layout, mesh);
+   rh.all() = std::numeric_limits<double>::signaling_NaN();
+   for (int i=0; i<Dim; ++i)
+     v.center(i).all() = std::numeric_limits<double>::signaling_NaN();
+   pg.all() = std::numeric_limits<double>::signaling_NaN();
+   ph.all() = std::numeric_limits<double>::signaling_NaN();
+   cs.all() = std::numeric_limits<double>::signaling_NaN();
+   double t;
+   Traits_t::Scalar_t scratchv(vertex, layout, mesh);
+   Traits_t::Scalar_t scratchc(cell, layout, mesh);
+   Traits_t::Vector_t scratchc_v(cell, layout, mesh);
+   Traits_t::Vector_t scratchc_v2;
+   Traits_t::Scalar_t flm(face, layout1, mesh1);
+   Traits_t::Scalar_t fle;
+   Traits_t::Vector_t flvv(vertex, layout0, mesh0);
+   Traits_t::Scalar_t flvc(cell, layout0, mesh0);
+   Traits_t::Scalar_t Tij;
+   scratchv.all() = std::numeric_limits<double>::signaling_NaN();
+   scratchc.all() = std::numeric_limits<double>::signaling_NaN();
+   scratchc_v.all() = Vector<Dim>(std::numeric_limits<double>::signaling_NaN());
+   for (int i=0; i<Dim; ++i)
+     flm.center(i).all() = std::numeric_limits<double>::signaling_NaN();
+   flvc.all() = std::numeric_limits<double>::signaling_NaN();
+   flvv.all() = Vector<Dim>(std::numeric_limits<double>::signaling_NaN());
+   Field<Traits_t::Mesh_t, double, ConstantFunction> cv(cell, layout, mesh);
+   Field<Traits_t::Mesh_t, Zero<double>, ConstantFunction> dlmdlt(cell, layout, mesh);
+   Field<Traits_t::Mesh_t, double, ConstantFunction> xmue(cell, layout, mesh);
+   Field<Traits_t::Mesh_t, double, ConstantFunction> nue(cell, layout, mesh);
+   int it;
+     it = 0;
+   it++;
+     t = 0.0;
+     T.initialize(cell, layout, mesh);
+   bool eeq = true;
+   if (eeq) {
+     fle.initialize(face, layout0, mesh0);
+     for (int i=0; i<Dim; ++i)
+       fle.center(i).all() = std::numeric_limits<double>::signaling_NaN();
+   }
+   bool ietot = true;
+     gamma_ = 1.33;
+     K = 4.0*3.14159265358979323846/(1.0/(gamma_-1.0)+1.0);
+     if (! a_cartvis_f) {
+     cartvis_nr = 0.0;
+     cartvis_av = 0.0;
+     }
+   xmue.engine().setConstant(2.3);
+   cv.engine().setConstant(1.0/(xmue.engine().constant()*(gamma_-1.0)));
+   nue.engine().setConstant(0.0);
+   {
+     Interval<Dim> I(rh.physicalDomain());
+     rh(I) = 0.1;
+     v.all() = 0.0;
+     T(I) = 99.0/exp(100.0*pow(norm(positions(T)(I)-Vector<Dim>(0.25)), 2.0))+1.0;
+     Pooma::addAllPeriodicFaceBC(rh);
+     Pooma::addAllPeriodicFaceBC(T);
+     Pooma::addAllPeriodicFaceBC(v);
+   }
+   Traits_t::Scalar_t vint(v);
+   vint.makeOwnCopy();
+   vint.all() = std::numeric_limits<double>::signaling_NaN();
+   Traits_t::Scalar_t cent(face, layout0, mesh0);
+   cent.all() = 0.0;
+     ph.initialize(rh);
+     ph.makeOwnCopy();
+     ph.all() = 0.0;
+   eos = EOS::IdealAdiabatic;
+   double rh0 = sum(rh);
+   double T0 = sum(rh*T);
+   out << "Using\n"
+       << "  using " << a_blocks << " block setup for computation on domain " << vertexDomain << "\n"
+       << "  " << (eeq ? "" : "not ") << "solving eeq\n";
+   if (a_constant_timestep_f)
+     out << "  time increments fixed at " << dt << ", cfl " << a_cfl << "\n";
+   else
+     out << "  time increments from [" << a_min_dt << ", " << a_max_dt << "], cfl " << a_cfl << "\n";
+   out << "  starting at t = " << t << ", i = " << it << "\n"
+       << "  cell physical/total domain " << rh.physicalDomain() << ", " << rh.totalDomain() << "\n"
+       << "  face  physical/total domain " << v.physicalDomain() << ", " << v.totalDomain() << "\n";
+   if (periodicity(0)
+       || (Dim > 1 && periodicity(1))
+       || (Dim > 2 && periodicity(2))) {
+     out << "  periodic boundaries in";
+     if (periodicity(0))
+       out << " X";
+     if (Dim > 1 && periodicity(1))
+       out << " Y";
+     if (Dim > 2 && periodicity(2))
+       out << " Z";
+     out << "\n";
+   }
+   out << std::flush;
+   struct timeval end_time, start_time;
+   gettimeofday(&start_time, NULL);
+   if (a_rhomin_f)
+     Pooma::newRelation(Hacks::limit_rh(a_rhomin), rh);
+   switch (eos) {
+   case EOS::IdealAdiabatic:
+     Pooma::newRelation(EOS::pg_ig(), pg, T, rh, xmue);
+     Pooma::newRelation(EOS::cs_adiabatic(gamma_), cs, pg, rh);
+     break;
+   }
+   double iteration_time = 0.0;
+   for (; it<=a_nr && t<=a_end_t; it++) {
+     if (!a_constant_timestep_f) {
+       double dt_ = CFL::schritt<Dim>(v, cs, nue,
+                        scratchc,
+                        0.0, false);
+       if (dt_ <= 0.0 || std::isnan(dt_) || std::isinf(dt_)) {
+  out << "dt is " << dt_ << std::endl;
+  Pooma::pAbort("Blowup.");
+       }
+       dt = std::min(a_max_dt, std::max(a_min_dt, a_cfl*dt_));
+     }
+     t += dt;
+     gettimeofday(&end_time, NULL);
+     out << "i = " << it << "\t t = " << t << "\t dt = " << dt
+  << " (" << end_time.tv_sec + end_time.tv_usec/1000000.0 - start_time.tv_sec - start_time.tv_usec/1000000.0 << "s/it)" << std::endl;
+     iteration_time += end_time.tv_sec + end_time.tv_usec/1000000.0 - start_time.tv_sec - start_time.tv_usec/1000000.0;
+     start_time = end_time;
+     Adv5::advect(dt, rh, v, 0.0, T, flm, fle, flvv, flvc, cv, scratchc, eeq, ietot);
+     Forgas::force(dt,
+     rh, T, v, 0.0, pg, ph,
+     cs, cv, dlmdlt, xmue, vint, cent,
+     scratchc_v , Tij, flm , nue*rh, false,
+     cartvis_nr, cartvis_av, a_cartvis_f,
+     eeq);
+       Hacks::checkRegularity(rh);
+       Hacks::checkRegularity(v.center(0));
+       if (Dim > 1)
+  Hacks::checkRegularity(v.center(1));
+       if (Dim > 2)
+  Hacks::checkRegularity(v.center(2));
+   }
+   out << "Time spent in iteration: " << iteration_time << std::endl;
+   out << "Correctness:"
+       << "\n\tsum(rh) difference = " << sum(rh)-rh0
+       << "\n\tsum(vx) = " << sum(v.center(0))
+       << "\n\tsum(vy) = " << sum(v.center(1))
+       << "\n\tsum(vz) = " << sum(v.center(2))
+       << "\n\tsum(rh*T) difference = " << sum(rh*T)-T0 << std::endl;
+   Pooma::finalize();
+   return 0;
+ }

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