[llvm-commits] CVS: llvm/utils/findmisopt
Reid Spencer
reid at x10sys.com
Wed Nov 8 16:26:32 PST 2006
Changes in directory llvm/utils:
findmisopt added (r1.1)
Log message:
Add a utility script to find a mis-optimization problem. This sometimes
helps when bugpoint can't find the problem directly because it needs the
set of optimizations that cause the program to fail.
Diffs of the changes: (+125 -0)
findmisopt | 125 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
1 files changed, 125 insertions(+)
Index: llvm/utils/findmisopt
diff -c /dev/null llvm/utils/findmisopt:1.1
*** /dev/null Wed Nov 8 18:26:27 2006
--- llvm/utils/findmisopt Wed Nov 8 18:26:17 2006
*** 0 ****
--- 1,125 ----
+ #!/bin/bash
+ #
+ # findmisopt
+ #
+ # This is a quick and dirty hack to potentially find a misoptimization
+ # problem. Mostly its to work around problems in bugpoint that prevent
+ # it from finding a problem unless the set of failing optimizations are
+ # known and given to it on the command line.
+ #
+ # Given a bytecode file that produces correct output (or return code),
+ # this script will run through all the optimizations passes that gccas
+ # uses (in the same order) and will narrow down which optimizations
+ # cause the program either generate different output or return a
+ # different result code. When the passes have been narrowed down,
+ # bugpoint is invoked to further refine the problem to its origin.
+ #
+ # Usage:
+ # findmisopt bcfile outdir progargs [match]
+ #
+ # Where:
+ # bcfile
+ # is the bytecode file input (the unoptimized working case)
+ # outdir
+ # is a directory into which intermediate results are placed
+ # progargs
+ # is a single argument containing all the arguments the program needs
+ # match
+ # if specified to any value causes the result code of the program to
+ # be used to determine success/fail. If not specified success/fail is
+ # determined by diffing the program's output with the non-optimized
+ # output.
+ #
+ bcfile="$1"
+ outdir="$2"
+ args="$3"
+ match="$4"
+ name=`basename $bcfile .bc`
+ ll="$outdir/${name}.ll"
+ s="$outdir/${name}.s"
+ prog="$outdir/${name}"
+ out="$outdir/${name}.out"
+ optbc="$outdir/${name}.opt.bc"
+ optll="$outdir/${name}.opt.ll"
+ opts="$outdir/${name}.opt.s"
+ optprog="$outdir/${name}.opt"
+ optout="$outdir/${name}.opt.out"
+ echo "Test Name: $name"
+ echo "Unoptimized program: $prog"
+ echo " Optimized program: $optprog"
+ # Generate the disassembly
+ llvm-dis "$bcfile" -o "$ll" -f || exit 1
+ # Generate the non-optimized program
+ llc "$bcfile" -o "$s" -f || exit 1
+ gcc "$s" -o "$prog" || exit 1
+ # Define the list of optimizations to run
+ all_switches="-verify -lowersetjmp -funcresolve -raiseallocs -simplifycfg -mem2reg -globalopt -globaldce -ipconstprop -deadargelim -instcombine -simplifycfg -prune-eh -inline -simplify-libcalls -argpromotion -raise -tailduplicate -simplifycfg -scalarrepl -instcombine -predsimplify -condprop -tailcallelim -simplifycfg -reassociate -licm -loop-unswitch -instcombine -indvars -loop-unroll -instcombine -load-vn -gcse -sccp -instcombine -condprop -dse -dce -simplifycfg -deadtypeelim -constmerge"
+ # Current set of switches is empty
+ function tryit {
+ switches_to_use="$1"
+ opt $switches_to_use "$bcfile" -o "$optbc" -f || exit
+ llvm-dis "$optbc" -o "$optll" -f || exit
+ llc "$optbc" -o "$opts" -f || exit
+ gcc "$opts" -o "$optprog" || exit
+ "$prog" $args > "$out"
+ ex1=$?
+ "$optprog" $args > "$optout"
+ ex2=$?
+ if [ -n "$match" ] ; then
+ if [ "$ex1" -ne "$ex2" ] ; then
+ echo "Return code not the same with these switches:"
+ echo $switches
+ echo "Unoptimized returned: $ex1"
+ echo "Optimized returned: $ex2"
+ return 0
+ fi
+ else
+ diff "$out" "$optout" > /dev/null
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then
+ echo "Diff fails with these switches:"
+ echo $switches
+ echo "Differences:"
+ diff "$out" "$optout"
+ return 0;
+ fi
+ fi
+ return 1
+ }
+ for sw in $all_switches ; do
+ switches="$switches $sw"
+ if tryit "$switches" ; then
+ break;
+ fi
+ done
+ final=""
+ while [ ! -z "$switches" ] ; do
+ trimmed=`echo "$switches" | sed -e 's/^ *\(-[^ ]*\).*/\1/'`
+ switches=`echo "$switches" | sed -e 's/^ *-[^ ]* *//'`
+ echo "Trimmed $trimmed from left"
+ tryit "$final $switches"
+ if [ "$?" -eq "0" ] ; then
+ echo "Still Failing .. continuing ..."
+ continue
+ else
+ echo "Found required early pass: $trimmed"
+ final="$final $trimmed"
+ continue
+ fi
+ echo "Next Loop"
+ done
+ echo "Smallest Optimization list= $final"
+ bpcmd="bugpoint -run-llc --output "$out" --input /dev/null $bcfile $final --args $args"
+ echo "Running: $bpcmd"
+ $bpcmd
+ echo "Finished."
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