[llvm-commits] CVS: CVSROOT/commit-diffs.pl

John Criswell criswell at cs.uiuc.edu
Fri Nov 3 08:44:03 PST 2006

Changes in directory CVSROOT:

commit-diffs.pl added (r1.1)
Log message:

Commit diffs script for InternalCVS repository.  Simply is able to send
email to multiple people.

Diffs of the changes:  (+240 -0)

 commit-diffs.pl |  240 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 files changed, 240 insertions(+)

Index: CVSROOT/commit-diffs.pl
diff -c /dev/null CVSROOT/commit-diffs.pl:1.1
*** /dev/null	Fri Nov  3 10:44:03 2006
--- CVSROOT/commit-diffs.pl	Fri Nov  3 10:43:53 2006
*** 0 ****
--- 1,240 ----
+ #! /usr/bin/perl
+ use POSIX qw(uname);
+ # We have to spawn another process to avoid CVS locking.
+ if (fork()) {
+   exit(0);
+ }
+ $DEFAULT_ADMIN = 'llvm-commits\@cs.uiuc.edu';
+ $DEBUG = 0;
+   'reid'      => 'Reid Spencer <reid at x10sys.com>',
+   'sampo'     => 'Nate Begeman <natebegeman at mac.com>',
+   'jeffc'     => 'Jeff Cohen <jeffc at jolt-lang.org>',
+   'duraid'    => 'Duraid Madina <duraid at octopus.com.au>',
+   'jlaskey'   => 'Jim Laskey <jlaskey at apple.com>',
+   'evancheng' => 'Evan Cheng <evan.cheng at apple.com>',
+   'resistor'  => 'Owen Anderson <resistor at mac.com>',
+   'rafael'    => 'Rafael Espindola <rafael.espindola at gmail.com>',
+   'ghost'     => 'Vladimir Prus <ghost at cs.msu.su>',
+   'dpatel'    => 'Devang Patel <dpatel at apple.com>',
+   'patjenk'   => 'Patrick Jenkins <pjenkins at apple.com>',
+   'asl'       => 'Anton Korobeynikov <asl at math.spbu.ru>',
+   'void'      => 'Bill Wendling <isanbard at gmail.com>',
+   'nicholas'  => 'Nick Lewycky <nicholas at mxc.ca>',
+   'lattner'   => 'Chris Lattner <sabre at nondot.org>',
+   'tbrethou'  => 'Tanya Lattner <tonic at nondot.org>',
+   'sheng'     => 'Zhou Sheng <zhousheng00 at gmail.com>'
+ );
+ # A trivial script example to send mail on every CVS commit.
+ # The mail sent includes change summary, log message and a unidiff
+ # about the changes.
+ # Original author: Jouni Heikniemi <jouni at heikniemi.net>
+ # This script was improved by Misha & Chris:
+ # * Hacked to work under Unix
+ # * Displays contents of new files (`cvs diff -r0 -r1.1')
+ # * Displays branch name in the subject line
+ # Brian Gaeke added support for people who commit via 'pserver'
+ # using the separate CVSROOT/passwd file.
+ ######################################################################
+ # CVS loginfo format specifier '%{sVv}' produces items like
+ # 'source.c,1.2,1.3', 'source2.c,NONE,1.1' and 'source3.c,1.5,NONE'
+ # for change, add and remove, respectively. This method parses
+ # those to a hash and returns a ref to it.
+ sub createChangeItem($) { #($)
+   my @arr = split(',', shift);
+   my %change;
+   $change{'filename'} = $arr[0];
+   $change{'oldrev'} = $arr[1];
+   $change{'newrev'} = $arr[2];
+   if ($arr[1] eq 'NONE') {
+     $change{'type'} = 'add';
+   } elsif ($arr[2] eq 'NONE') {
+     $change{'type'} = 'rm';
+   } else {
+     $change{'type'} = 'c';
+   }
+   return \%change;
+ }
+ ## Main code:
+ # Do a small delay so that the main CVS task finishes and
+ # releases locks first.
+ sleep 10;
+ if ($DEBUG) {
+   for (my $i = 0; $i <= $#ARGV; ++$i) {
+     print "ARGV[$i] = '$ARGV[$i]'\n";
+   }
+ }
+ # Find out who we shall send mail to
+ my $target = $ARGV[1] || $DEFAULT_ADMIN;
+ # Manipulate the CVS's change info; see docs for further information.
+ my @changes = split(' ', $ARGV[0]);
+ my $changedir = shift @changes;
+ if ($DEBUG) {
+     print join("\n--\n", @changes);
+     print "num changes: " .scalar(@changes) . "\n";
+ }
+ if ($changes[0] ne "-") {  # Ignore " - New directory" messages
+   for ($j=0; $j < scalar(@changes); $j++) {
+     $changeItems[$j] = createChangeItem($changes[$j]);
+   }
+ }
+ print "changedir: $changedir\n" if $DEBUG;
+ my @loginfodata = <STDIN>;
+ #print "loginfo: ". join("\n--\n", @loginfodata) if $DEBUG;
+ # Pick up the committer's log message and branch from the loginfo we received
+ my @logmessage;
+ my $islogmessage = 0;
+ my $branch = "";
+ foreach $s (@loginfodata) {
+   if ($islogmessage) {
+     $s =~ s|([pP][rR]\s*([0-9]+))|$1: http://llvm.org/PR$2 |g;
+     $s =~ s|([bB][uU][gG]\s*([0-9]+))|$1: http://llvm.org/PR$2 |g;
+     @logmessage = (@logmessage, $s);
+     next;
+   }
+   if ($s =~ /^Log Message:/) {
+     $islogmessage = 1;
+     next;
+   } elsif ($s =~ m/^\s+Tag:/) {
+     $branch = $s;
+     chop $branch;
+     $branch =~ s/^\s+Tag:\s(.+)/$1/;
+   }
+ }
+ # Format the output
+ my $msg = "\n\nChanges in directory $changedir:\n\n";
+ sub find_responsible_party {
+   my $newrev = $m->{'newrev'};
+   my $path = "$changedir/$m->{'filename'}";
+   my @histlines =
+     split ("\n", `cvs history -cal -f $path`);
+   my $DateRE = "[-:/0-9 ]+\\+[0-9]+";
+   my $result = "";
+   foreach my $line (@histlines) {
+     my ($Type, $Date, $UID, $Rev, $Filename);
+     if ($line =~ /([AMRUGC]) ($DateRE) ([^ ]+) +([^ ]+) +([^ ]+) +([^ ]+)/) {
+       ($Type, $Date, $UID, $Rev, $Filename) = ($1, $2, $3, $4, "$6/$5");
+       if ($Rev eq $newrev && $Filename == $path) { return $UID; }
+     }
+   }
+   return undef;
+ }
+ sub get_from {
+   my ($userid) = @_;
+   if (exists $REALNAMESTABLE{$userid}) { return $REALNAMESTABLE{$userid}; }
+   # try the system passwd database.
+   my ($name,$passwd,$uid,$gid,$quota,$cmnt,$gcos, at rest) = getpwnam ($userid);
+   if ($gcos) { return "\"$gcos\" <$userid>"; }
+   return "$userid";  # couldn't find it.
+ }
+ my $diffs = "";
+ my $filePath = "$changedir/";
+ foreach $m (@changeItems) {
+   $filePath .= "$m->{'filename'} ";
+   if ($m->{'type'} eq 'add') {
+     $msg .= "$m->{'filename'} added (r$m->{'newrev'})\n";
+     $diffs .= `cvs -Qf rdiff -r0 -r$m->{'newrev'} $changedir/$m->{'filename'} 2> /dev/null` . "\n\n";
+   } elsif ($m->{'type'} eq 'rm') {
+     $msg .= "$m->{'filename'} (r$m->{'oldrev'}) removed\n";
+   } else {
+     $msg .= "$m->{'filename'} updated: $m->{'oldrev'} -> $m->{'newrev'}\n";
+     $diffs .= `cvs -Qf rdiff -u -r $m->{'oldrev'} -r $m->{'newrev'} $changedir/$m->{'filename'} 2> /dev/null` . "\n\n";
+   }
+   unless ($responsible_party) {
+     $responsible_party = get_from (find_responsible_party ());
+   }
+ }
+ # Do a simple rough count of the differences.
+ $msg .=  "---\nLog message:\n\n" . join('', at logmessage);
+ my $pluses = 0;
+ my $minuses = 0;
+ foreach my $line (split /\n/, $diffs) {
+   if ($line !~ /^\+\+\+ /) {
+     if ($line !~ /^\-\-\- /) {
+       $pluses++ if $line =~ /^\+/;
+       $minuses++ if $line =~ /^\-/;
+     }
+   }
+ }
+ $msg .= "\n---\nDiffs of the changes:  (+$pluses -$minuses)\n\n";
+ # Give diffstat the diff to count.
+ use IPC::Open3;
+ my $DiffStatWrite;
+ my $DiffStatRead;
+ open3($DiffStatWrite, $DiffStatRead, "", "diffstat");
+ print $DiffStatWrite $diffs;
+ close($DiffStatWrite);
+ # Read the input back from diffstat.
+ my $Tmp = $/;
+ undef $/;      # read all at once.
+ $msg .= <$DiffStatRead>;
+ $msg .= "\n\n";
+ close $DiffStatRead;
+ $/ = $tmp;
+ # Finally, add on the diffs themselves.
+ $msg .= $diffs;
+ # Include the branch, if applicable, into the subject line of the email
+ my $emailSubject = "";
+ if ($branch ne "") {
+   $emailSubject = "[$branch]";
+ }
+ $emailSubject .= " CVS: $filePath";
+ # The world cries out for a standard-issue version of Mail::Send.
+ sub send_msg {
+   my ($from, $to, $subject, $msg) = @_;
+   foreach my $prog ("/usr/lib/sendmail", "/usr/sbin/sendmail",
+                     "/usr/libexec/sendmail") {
+     if (-x $prog) { $MAILERPROG = $prog; last; }
+   }
+   die "Can't find sendmail" unless $MAILERPROG && -x $MAILERPROG;
+   open (MAILER, "|$MAILERPROG -oi -oem -t")
+     or die "Can't run sendmail";
+   print MAILER <<END;
+ From: $from
+ To: $to
+ Subject: $subject
+ $msg
+   close MAILER or die "Failed running sendmail";
+ }
+ # Send it.
+ for (my $i = 1; $i <= $#ARGV; ++$i) {
+   send_msg ($responsible_party, $ARGV[$i], $emailSubject, $msg);
+ }
+ exit 0;

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