[llvm-commits] CVS: nightlytest-serverside/individualfilesizegraph.php drawfilesizegraph.php NightlyTester.php

Patrick Jenkins pjenkins at apple.com
Tue Aug 1 16:20:00 PDT 2006

Changes in directory nightlytest-serverside:

individualfilesizegraph.php added (r1.1)
drawfilesizegraph.php updated: 1.1 -> 1.2
NightlyTester.php updated: 1.9 -> 1.10
Log message:

Adding support for drawing graphs of an arbitrary number of file sizes over time.

Diffs of the changes:  (+485 -38)

 NightlyTester.php           |   13 -
 drawfilesizegraph.php       |   83 +++++---
 individualfilesizegraph.php |  427 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 3 files changed, 485 insertions(+), 38 deletions(-)

Index: nightlytest-serverside/individualfilesizegraph.php
diff -c /dev/null nightlytest-serverside/individualfilesizegraph.php:1.1
*** /dev/null	Tue Aug  1 18:19:55 2006
--- nightlytest-serverside/individualfilesizegraph.php	Tue Aug  1 18:19:44 2006
*** 0 ****
--- 1,427 ----
+ <?php
+ /*if(!(include "jpgraph.php")){
+         die("Error: could not load necessary files!\n");
+ }
+ if(!(include "jpgraph_line.php")){
+         die("Error: could not load necessary files!\n");
+ }
+ if(!(include "jpgraph_utils.inc")){
+         die("Error: could not load necessary files!\n");
+ }
+ if(!(include "jpgraph_date.php")){
+         die("Error: could not load necessary files!\n");
+ }*/
+ if(!(include "NightlyTester2.php")){
+         die("Error: could not load necessary files!\n");
+ }
+ $DEBUG=0;
+ /********************************
+  *
+  * printing the appropriate error
+  * image if necessary
+  *
+  ********************************/
+ function printErrorMsg( $error_string, $DEBUG=0 ){
+         if($DEBUG){
+                 print "$error_string";
+         }
+         $xsize=500;
+         $ysize=300;
+         if(!$DEBUG){
+                 $error_image = ImageCreate($xsize, $ysize);
+                 $white = imagecolorallocate($error_image, 255, 255, 255);
+                 $black = imagecolorallocate($error_image, 0,0,0);
+                 ImageFill($error_image, 0, 0, $white);
+                 imagerectangle($error_image,0,0,$xsize-1,$ysize-1,$black);
+                 imagestring($error_image, 14, 5, 5, $error_string, $black);
+                 header("Content-type: image/png");
+                 imagepng($error_image);
+                 imagedestroy($error_image);
+         }
+         exit(0);
+ }
+ /********************************
+  *
+  * gathering url information and creating query
+  * If url is invalid an error image will be
+  * returned.
+  *
+  ********************************/
+ $error_msg="";
+ $mysql_link = mysql_connect("","llvm","ll2002vm") or die("Error: could not connect to database!\n");
+ mysql_select_db("nightlytestresults");
+ if($mysql_link==FALSE){
+ 	$URL_ERROR=1;
+ 	$error_msg="Could not connect to database $!\n";
+ }                        
+ if(isset($HTTP_GET_VARS['files'])){
+         $files_arr=$HTTP_GET_VARS["files"];
+ 	$files_url="";
+ 	foreach ($files_arr as $f){
+ 	  $files_url.="&files[]=$f";
+ 	}
+ }
+ else{$URL_ERROR=1;$error_msg="no value for measure";}
+ if(isset($HTTP_GET_VARS['xsize'])){
+         $xsize=$HTTP_GET_VARS['xsize'];
+ }
+ else{$xsize=800;}
+ if(isset($HTTP_GET_VARS['ysize'])){
+         $ysize = $HTTP_GET_VARS['ysize'];
+ }else{$ysize=500;}
+ if(isset($HTTP_GET_VARS['name'])){
+         $name = $HTTP_GET_VARS['name'];
+ }
+ else{$name = "Results Graph";}
+ if(isset($HTTP_GET_VARS['machine'])){
+         $machine_id=$HTTP_GET_VARS['machine'];
+ 	$machine=$machine_id;
+ }
+ else{$URL_ERROR=1;$error_msg="no value for machine";}
+ if(isset($HTTP_GET_VARS['start'])){
+ 	if(preg_match("/\d\d\d\d\-\d\d\-\d\d \d\d:\d\d:\d\d/", "{$HTTP_GET_VARS['start']}")>0){
+ 	        $start = $HTTP_GET_VARS['start'];
+         	$start_query = "and added >= \"$start\"";
+ 		$start_url = "&start=$start";
+ 	}
+ 	else{
+ 		print "Error: Incorrect URL!\n";
+                 die();
+ 	}
+ }
+ else{
+ 	$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM night WHERE machine=$machine ORDER BY added ASC") or die (mysql_error());
+ 	$recent=mysql_fetch_array($result);
+ 	$start = $recent['added'];
+ 	mysql_free_result($result);
+ 	$start_url="&start=$start";
+         $start_query = " and added >= \"$start\"";
+ }
+ if(isset($HTTP_GET_VARS['end'])){
+ 	if(preg_match("/\d\d\d\d\-\d\d\-\d\d \d\d:\d\d:\d\d/", "{$HTTP_GET_VARS['end']}")>0){
+         	$end = $HTTP_GET_VARS['end'];
+         	$end_query = "and added <= \"$end\"";
+ 	}
+ 	else{
+                 print "Error: Incorrect URL!\n";
+                 die();
+         }
+ }
+ else{
+ 	$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM night WHERE machine=$machine ORDER BY added DESC") or die (mysql_error());
+ 	$recent=mysql_fetch_array($result);
+ 	$end = $recent['added'];
+ 	mysql_free_result($result);
+ 	$end_url = "&end=$end";
+         $end_query = " and added <= \"$end\"";
+ }
+ if(isset($HTTP_GET_VARS['normalize'])){
+         if(strcmp($HTTP_GET_VARS['normalize'],"true")==0){
+                 $NORMALIZE=1;
+         	$normalize_url = "&normalize=true";
+ 		$def_normalize="CHECKED";
+ 		$def_unnormalize="";
+ 	}
+         else{
+ 		$normalize_url="";
+                 $NORMALIZE=0;
+ 		$def_normalize="";
+ 		$def_unnormalize="CHECKED";
+         }
+ }
+ else{
+         $NORMALIZE=0;
+ 	$normalize_url="";
+ 	$def_normalize="";
+ 	$def_unnormalize="CHECKED";
+ }
+ if(isset($HTTP_GET_VARS['showdata'])){
+         if(strcmp($HTTP_GET_VARS['showdata'],"true")==0){
+ 		$SHOWDATA=1;
+                 $showdata="&showdata=true";
+         }
+         else{
+                 $SHOWDATA=0;
+                 $showdata="";
+         }
+ }
+ else{
+         $showdata="";
+ }
+ if(isset($HTTP_GET_VARS['showpoints'])){
+         if(strcmp($HTTP_GET_VARS['showpoints'],"true")==0){
+                 $SHOWPOINTS=1;
+ 		$showpoints="&showpoints=true";
+         }
+         else{
+                 $showpoints="";
+         }
+ }
+ else{
+         $showpoints="";
+ }
+ /********************************
+  *
+  * printing error image if necessary
+  *
+  ********************************/
+ if($URL_ERROR==1){
+         printErrorMsg("URL Error: $error_msg. Could not draw graph.");
+ }
+ /********************************
+  *
+  * creating the page
+  *
+  ********************************/
+ ?>
+ <html>
+ <head>
+ <title>LLVM Nightly Test Results Machine Graph</title>
+ <script language="javascript">
+ function toggleLayer(whichLayer)
+ {
+ if (document.getElementById)
+ {
+ // this is the way the standards work
+ var style2 = document.getElementById(whichLayer).style;
+ style2.display = style2.display? "":"none";
+ var link  = document.getElementById(whichLayer+"_").innerHTML;
+ if(link.indexOf("(+)") >= 0){
+       document.getElementById(whichLayer+"_").innerHTML="(-)"+link.substring(3,link.length);
+ }
+ else{
+       document.getElementById(whichLayer+"_").innerHTML="(+)"+link.substring(3,link.length);
+ }
+ }//end if
+ else if (document.all)
+ {
+ // this is the way old msie versions work
+ var style2 = document.all[whichLayer].style;
+ style2.display = style2.display? "":"none";
+ var link  = document.all[wwhichLayer+"_"].innerHTML;
+ if(link.indexOf("(+)") >= 0){
+       document.all[whichLayer+"_"].innerHTML="(-)"+link.substring(3,link.length);
+ }
+ else{
+       document.all[whichLayer+"_"].innerHTML="(+)"+link.substring(3,link.length);
+ }
+ }
+ else if (document.layers)
+ {
+ // this is the way nn4 works
+ var style2 = document.layers[whichLayer].style;
+ style2.display = style2.display? "":"none";
+ var link  = document.layers[whichLayer+"_"].innerHTML;
+ if(link.indexOf("(+)") >= 0){
+       document.layers[whichLayer+"_"].innerHTML="(-)"+link.substring(3,link.length);
+ }
+ else{
+       document.layers[whichLayer+"_"].innerHTML="(+)"+link.substring(3,link.length);
+ }
+ }
+ }//end function
+ </script>
+ </head>
+ <body>
+ <center><font size=+3 face=Verdana><b>LLVM Nightly Test Results File Size Graph</b></font></cen\
+ ter><br>
+ <table cellspacing=4 cellpadding=4 border=0>
+         <tr align=left>
+                 <td valign=top>
+                         <?
+ 			$machine = $HTTP_GET_VARS['machine'];
+                         $night=-1;
+ 			include 'sidebar.php';
+                         ?>
+                 </td>
+                 <td>
+ <?php
+ print "\t<img src=\"drawfilesizegraph.php?name=File Size&xsize=$xsize&ysize=$ysize&machine=$machine_id$files_url&end=$end$normalize_url$start_url$showdata$showpoints\" alt=\"File Size Graph\" height=$ysize width=$xsize><br>\n";
+ /********************************
+  *
+  * creating resize links
+  *
+  ********************************/
+ $new_x = 1.25 * $xsize;
+ $new_y = 1.25 * $ysize;
+ print "Resize: <a href=\"individualfilesizegraph.php?name=File Size&xsize=$new_x&ysize=$new_y&machine=$machine$files_url&end=$end$normalize_url&start=$start\">Bigger</a> |\n";
+ $new_x = .8 * $xsize;
+ $new_y = .8 * $ysize;
+ print "<a href=\"individualfilesizegraph.php?name=File Size&xsize=$new_x&ysize=$new_y&machine=$machine$files_url&end=$end$normalize_url&start=$start\">Smaller</a><br>\n";
+ /********************************
+  *
+  * creating links to other time frames
+  *
+  ********************************/
+ $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM night WHERE machine=$machine ORDER BY added ASC") or die (mysql_error());
+ $recent=mysql_fetch_array($result);
+ $all_tests = $recent['added'];
+ mysql_free_result($result);
+ $length_statement="\"$end\" - INTERVAL 1 YEAR";
+ $length_query=mysql_query("SELECT $length_statement") or die(mysql_error());
+ $row = mysql_fetch_array($length_query);
+ mysql_free_result($length_query);
+ $one_year = $row[0];
+ $length_statement="\"$end\" - INTERVAL 6 MONTH";
+ $length_query=mysql_query("SELECT $length_statement") or die(mysql_error());
+ $row = mysql_fetch_array($length_query);
+ mysql_free_result($length_query);
+ $six_month = $row[0];
+ $length_statement="\"$end\" - INTERVAL 3 MONTH";
+ $length_query=mysql_query("SELECT $length_statement") or die(mysql_error());
+ $row = mysql_fetch_array($length_query);
+ mysql_free_result($length_query);
+ $three_month = $row[0];
+ $length_statement="\"$end\" - INTERVAL 1 MONTH";
+ $length_query=mysql_query("SELECT $length_statement") or die(mysql_error());
+ $row = mysql_fetch_array($length_query);
+ mysql_free_result($length_query);
+ $one_month = $row[0];
+ $length_statement="\"$end\" - INTERVAL 7 DAY";
+ $length_query=mysql_query("SELECT $length_statement") or die(mysql_error());
+ $row = mysql_fetch_array($length_query);
+ mysql_free_result($length_query);
+ $one_week = $row[0];
+ if(strcmp($start, $all_tests)!=0){
+ 	print "Time: <a href=\"individualfilesizegraph.php?name=File Size&xsize=$xsize&ysize=$ysize&machine=$machine&night=$night$files_url&end=$end&$normalize_url$showpoints$showdata&start=$all_tests\">All</a> |\n";
+ }
+ else{ print "Time: <b>All</b> |";}
+ if(strcmp($start, $one_year)!=0){
+ 	print "<a href=\"individualfilesizegraph.php?name=File Size&xsize=$xsize&ysize=$ysize&machine=$machine&night=$night$files_url&end=$end$normalize_url$showpoints$showdata&start=$one_year\">1 year</a> | \n";
+ }
+ else { print " <b>1 year</b> |";}
+ if(strcmp($start, $six_month)!=0){
+ 	print "<a href=\"individualfilesizegraph.php?name=File Size&xsize=$xsize&ysize=$ysize&machine=$machine&night=$night$files_url&end=$end$normalize_url$showpoints$showdata&start=$six_month\">6 months</a> | \n";
+ } 
+ else { print " <b>6 months</b> |";}
+ if(strcmp($start, $three_month)!=0){
+ 	print "<a href=\"individualfilesizegraph.php?name=File Size&xsize=$xsize&ysize=$ysize&machine=$machine&night=$night$files_url&end=$end$normalize_url$showpoints$showdata&start=$three_month\">3 months</a> | \n";
+ }
+ else { print " <b>3 months</b> |";}
+ if(strcmp($start, $one_month)!=0){
+ 	print "<a href=\"individualfilesizegraph.php?name=File Size&xsize=$xsize&ysize=$ysize&machine=$machine&night=$night$files_url&end=$end$normalize_url$showpoints$showdata&start=$one_month\">1 month</a> | \n";
+ }
+ else { print " <b>1 month</b> |";}
+ if(strcmp($start, $one_week)!=0){
+ 	print "<a href=\"individualfilesizegraph.php?name=File Size&xsize=$xsize&ysize=$ysize&machine=$machine&night=$night$files_url&end=$end$normalize_url$showpoints$showdata&start=$one_week&showdata=true&showpoints=true\">1 week</a><br> \n";
+ }
+ else { print " <b>1 week</b><br>";}
+ if($NORMALIZE==1){
+ 	print "Data normalization: <b>On</b> |\n";
+ 	print "<a href=\"individualfilesizegraph.php?name=File Size&xsize=$xsize&ysize=$ysize&machine=$machine&night=$night$files_url&end=$end&normalize=false&start=$start$showdata$showpoints\">Off</a><br>\n";
+ }
+ else{
+ 	print "Data normalization: <a href=\"individualfilesizegraph.php?name=File Size&xsize=$xsize&ysize=$ysize&machine=$machine&night=$night$files_url&end=$end&normalize=true&start=$start\">On</a> |\n";
+ 	print "<b>Off</b><br>\n";
+ }
+ if($SHOWDATA==1){
+ 	print "Show data on graph: <b>On</b> |\n";
+ 	print "<a href=\"individualfilesizegraph.php?name=File Size&xsize=$xsize&ysize=$ysize&machine=$machine&night=$night$files_url&end=$end$normalize_url&start=$start$showpoints\">Off</a><br>\n";
+ }
+ else{
+ 	print "Show data on graph: <a href=\"individualfilesizegraph.php?name=File Size&xsize=$xsize&ysize=$ysize&machine=$machine&night=$night$files_url&end=$end$normalize_url&start=$start&$showpoints&showdata=true\">On</a> |\n";
+ 	print "<b>Off</b><br>\n";
+ }
+ if($SHOWPOINTS==1){
+ 	print "Show points on graph: <b>On</b> |\n";
+ 	print "<a href=\"individualfilesizegraph.php?name=File Size&xsize=$xsize&ysize=$ysize&machine=$machine&night=$night$files_url&end=$end$normalize_url&start=$start$showdata\">Off</a><br>\n";
+ }
+ else{
+ 	print "Show points on graph: <a href=\"individualfilesizegraph.php?name=File Size&xsize=$xsize&ysize=$ysize&machine=$machine&night=$night$files_url&end=$end$normalize_url&start=$start&$showdata&showpoints=true\">On</a> |\n";
+ 	print "<b>Off</b><br>\n";
+ }
+ /*
+  * Printing out data table
+  *
+  */
+ print "<br><font size=\"-1\"><a href=\"javascript://\"onclick=\"toggleLayer('dataTable');\", id=\"dataTable_\">(-) Data table</a></font>\n";
+ print "<div id=\"dataTable\" style=\"display: none;\">\n";
+ $all_data=array();
+ print "<table border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=6>\n";
+ print "\t<tr>\n";
+ print "\t\t<td>Date</td>\n";
+ foreach ($files_arr as $m){	
+   print "\t\t<td>$m</td>\n";
+   $file_data=get_file_history($mysql_link, $machine_id, $m);
+   array_push($all_data, $file_data);
+ }
+ print "\t</tr>\n";
+ foreach (array_keys($all_data[0]) as $d){
+ 	print "\t<tr>\n";
+ 	print "\t\t<td>$d</td>\n";
+ 	foreach ($all_data as $data){
+ 		print "\t\t<td align=center>{$data[$d][1]}</td>\n";
+ 	}	
+ 	print "\t</tr>\n";
+ }
+ mysql_free_result($night_table_query);
+ print "</table></div>\n";
+ ?>
+ </td></tr></table>
+ </body></html>

Index: nightlytest-serverside/drawfilesizegraph.php
diff -u nightlytest-serverside/drawfilesizegraph.php:1.1 nightlytest-serverside/drawfilesizegraph.php:1.2
--- nightlytest-serverside/drawfilesizegraph.php:1.1	Wed Jul 26 18:22:54 2006
+++ nightlytest-serverside/drawfilesizegraph.php	Tue Aug  1 18:19:44 2006
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@
-else{$URL_ERROR=1;$error_msg="no value for program";}
+else{$URL_ERROR=1;$error_msg="no value for files";}
@@ -185,39 +185,54 @@
 foreach ($files as $file){
-	$data = get_file_history($mysql_link, $machine_id, $file)
+  $data = get_file_history($mysql_link, $machine_id, $file);
-	$xdata=array();
-	$values=array();
-	$data_max=-1;
-	foreach ($data as $d){
-		push_array($xdata, $d[0]);
-		if($d[2] > $data_max){ $data_max=$d[2]; }
-		push_array($values, $d[2]);
-	}
-		for($i=0; $i<sizeof($values); $i++){
-			if(is_numeric($values[$i])){
-				$values[$i]=$values[$i]/$data_max;
-			}#end if
-		}#end for
-	}#end if
+  if($DEBUG){
+    print "get_file_history($mysql_link, $machine_id, $file) returned...<br>\n";
+    foreach (array_keys($data) as $x){
+      print "$x {$data["$x"][0]} {$data["$x"][1]} {$data["$x"][2]}<br>\n";
+    }
+  }
+  $xdata=array();
+  $values=array();
+  $data_max=-1;
-	$line_arr[$index] = new LinePlot($values, $xdata);
-	$line_arr[$index]->SetLegend("$file");
-	if($SHOWDATA==1){
-		$line_arr[$index]->value->Show();
-	}
-	if($SHOWPOINTS==1){
-		$line_arr[$index]->mark->SetType(MARK_UTRIANGLE);
-	}
-	$color_index=$index % sizeof($color_arr);
-	$line_arr[$index]->SetColor($color_arr[$color_index]);
-	$graph->Add($line_arr[$index]);
-	$index++;
+  foreach (array_keys($data) as $d){
+    if($data["$d"][1]>0){
+      preg_match("/(\d\d\d\d)\-(\d\d)\-(\d\d)\s(\d\d)\:(\d\d)\:(\d\d)/", $d, $pjs);
+      $seconds = mktime($pjs[4], $pjs[5], $pjs[6], $pjs[2], $pjs[3],$pjs[1]);
+      array_push($xdata, $seconds);
+      if($data["$d"][1] > $data_max){ $data_max=$data["$d"][1]; }
+      if($DEBUG){
+        print "adding $seconds => {$data["$d"][1]}<br>\n";
+      }
+      array_push($values, $data["$d"][1]);
+      $RELEVANT_DATA++;
+    }
+  }
+  if($NORMALIZE){
+    for($i=0; $i<sizeof($values); $i++){
+      if(is_numeric($values[$i])){
+	$values[$i] = $values[$i] / $data_max;
+      }#end if
+}#end for
+}#end if
+  $line_arr[$index] = new LinePlot($values, $xdata);
+  $line_arr[$index]->SetLegend("$file");
+  if($SHOWDATA==1){
+    $line_arr[$index]->value->Show();
+  }
+  if($SHOWPOINTS==1){
+    $line_arr[$index]->mark->SetType(MARK_UTRIANGLE);
+  }
+  $color_index=$index % sizeof($color_arr);
+  $line_arr[$index]->SetColor($color_arr[$color_index]);
+  $graph->Add($line_arr[$index]);
+  $index++;
 }#end foreach

Index: nightlytest-serverside/NightlyTester.php
diff -u nightlytest-serverside/NightlyTester.php:1.9 nightlytest-serverside/NightlyTester.php:1.10
--- nightlytest-serverside/NightlyTester.php:1.9	Tue Aug  1 15:41:37 2006
+++ nightlytest-serverside/NightlyTester.php	Tue Aug  1 18:19:44 2006
@@ -168,7 +168,7 @@
  * particular machine for a specific file
  * Returns: an array with the key being the date and
  * the value being an array containing file name, size
- * and build type
+ * night, and build type
 function get_file_history($mysql_link, $machine_id, $file_name){
@@ -183,10 +183,15 @@
 		$file_query = mysql_query($file_select);
 		$file_array = mysql_fetch_array($file_query);
-		  $result["{$file_array['night']}"]=array("{$file_array[['file']}",
-		  										  "{$file_array[['size']}",
-		  										  "{$file_array[['type']}"));
+		  $result["{$row['added']}"]=array("{$file_array['file']}",
+							  "{$file_array['size']}",
+							  "{$file_array['type']}");
 		}//end if
+		else {
+		  $result["{$row['added']}"]=array("-",
+						   "-",
+						   "-");
+		}
 	}//end while

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