[llvm-commits] CVS: llvm/include/llvm/System/Path.h

Reid Spencer reid at x10sys.com
Thu Jul 7 20:09:14 PDT 2005

Changes in directory llvm/include/llvm/System:

Path.h updated: 1.25 -> 1.26
Log message:

Final Changes For PR495: http://llvm.cs.uiuc.edu/PR495 :

This chagne just renames some sys::Path methods to ensure they are not 
misused. The Path documentation now divides methods into two dimensions: 
Path/Disk and accessor/mutator. Path accessors and mutators only operate 
on the Path object itself without making any disk accesses. Disk accessors 
and mutators will also access or modify the file system. Because of the
potentially destructive nature of disk mutators, it was decided that all
such methods should end in the work "Disk" to ensure the user recognizes
that the change will occur on the file system. This patch makes that
change. The method name changes are:

makeReadable        -> makeReadableOnDisk
makeWriteable       -> makeWriteableOnDisk
makeExecutable      -> makeExecutableOnDisk
setStatusInfo       -> setStatusInfoOnDisk
createDirectory     -> createDirectoryOnDisk
createFile          -> createFileOnDisk
createTemporaryFile -> createTemporaryFileOnDisk
destroy             -> eraseFromDisk
rename              -> renamePathOnDisk

These changes pass the Linux Deja Gnu tests.

Diffs of the changes:  (+129 -124)

 Path.h |  253 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------------------
 1 files changed, 129 insertions(+), 124 deletions(-)

Index: llvm/include/llvm/System/Path.h
diff -u llvm/include/llvm/System/Path.h:1.25 llvm/include/llvm/System/Path.h:1.26
--- llvm/include/llvm/System/Path.h:1.25	Thu Jul  7 21:48:04 2005
+++ llvm/include/llvm/System/Path.h	Thu Jul  7 22:08:58 2005
@@ -27,21 +27,28 @@
   /// in the operating system's filesystem and provides various basic operations
   /// on it.  Note that this class only represents the name of a path to a file
   /// or directory which may or may not be valid for a given machine's file
-  /// system. A Path ensures that the name it encapsulates is syntactical valid
-  /// for the operating system it is running on but does not ensure correctness
-  /// for any particular file system. A Path either references a file or a
-  /// directory and the distinction is consistently maintained. Most operations
-  /// on the class have invariants that require the Path object to be either a
-  /// file path or a directory path, but not both. Those operations will also
-  /// leave the object as either a file path or object path. There is exactly
-  /// one invalid Path which is the empty path. The class should never allow any
-  /// other syntactically invalid non-empty path name to be assigned. Empty
-  /// paths are required in order to indicate an error result. If the path is
-  /// empty, the isValid operation will return false. All operations will fail
-  /// if isValid is false. Operations that change the path will either return
-  /// false if it would cause a syntactically invalid path name (in which case
-  /// the Path object is left unchanged) or throw an std::string exception
-  /// indicating the error.
+  /// system. The class is patterned after the java.io.File class with various 
+  /// extensions and several omissions (not relevant to LLVM).  A Path object 
+  /// ensures that the path it encapsulates is syntactically valid for the 
+  /// operating system it is running on but does not ensure correctness for 
+  /// any particular file system. That is, a syntactically valid path might 
+  /// specify path components that do not exist in the file system and using
+  /// such a Path to act on the file system could produce errors. There is one
+  /// invalid Path value which is permitted: the empty path.  The class should 
+  /// never allow a syntactically invalid non-empty path name to be assigned. 
+  /// Empty paths are required in order to indicate an error result in some
+  /// situations. If the path is empty, the isValid operation will return 
+  /// false. All operations will fail if isValid is false. Operations that 
+  /// change the path will either return false if it would cause a syntactically
+  /// invalid path name (in which case the Path object is left unchanged) or 
+  /// throw an std::string exception indicating the error. The methods are
+  /// grouped into four basic categories: Path Accessors (provide information
+  /// about the path without accessing disk), Disk Accessors (provide
+  /// information about the underlying file or directory), Path Mutators
+  /// (change the path information, not the disk), and Disk Mutators (change
+  /// the disk file/directory referenced by the path). The Disk Mutator methods
+  /// all have the word "disk" embedded in their method name to reinforce the
+  /// notion that the operation modifies the file system.
   /// @since 1.4
   /// @brief An abstraction for operating system paths.
   class Path {
@@ -76,8 +83,8 @@
       /// directory is a top level directory above which there are no more
       /// directories. For example, on UNIX, the root directory is /. On Windows
       /// it is C:\. Other operating systems may have different notions of
-      /// what the root directory is.
-      /// @throws nothing
+      /// what the root directory is or none at all. In that case, a consistent
+      /// default root directory will be used.
       static Path GetRootDirectory();
       /// Construct a path to a unique temporary directory that is created in
@@ -93,8 +100,7 @@
       /// library paths suitable for linking into programs. This function *must*
       /// return the value of LLVM_LIB_SEARCH_PATH as the first item in \p Paths
       /// if that environment variable is set and it references a directory.
-      /// @throws nothing
-      /// @brief Construct a path to the first system library directory
+      /// @brief Construct a path to the system library directory
       static void GetSystemLibraryPaths(std::vector<sys::Path>& Paths);
       /// Construct a vector of sys::Path that contains the "standard" bytecode
@@ -116,7 +122,6 @@
       /// implementation must ensure that this is a well-known (same on many
       /// systems) directory in which llvm configuration files exist. For
       /// example, on Unix, the /etc/llvm directory has been selected.
-      /// @throws nothing
       /// @brief Construct a path to the default LLVM configuration directory
       static Path GetLLVMDefaultConfigDir();
@@ -124,7 +129,6 @@
       /// implementation must ensure that this refers to the "etc" directory of
       /// the LLVM installation. This is the location where configuration files
       /// will be located for a particular installation of LLVM on a machine.
-      /// @throws nothing
       /// @brief Construct a path to the LLVM installed configuration directory
       static Path GetLLVMConfigDir();
@@ -134,7 +138,6 @@
       /// variable "HOME" could be used on Unix. If a given operating system
       /// does not have the concept of a user's home directory, this static
       /// constructor must provide the same result as GetRootDirectory.
-      /// @throws nothing
       /// @brief Construct a path to the current user's "home" directory
       static Path GetUserHomeDirectory();
@@ -151,7 +154,6 @@
       /// empty one. Other invalid names are not permitted. Empty paths are
       /// provided so that they can be used to indicate null or error results in
       /// other lib/System functionality.
-      /// @throws nothing
       /// @brief Construct an empty (and invalid) path.
       Path() : path() {}
@@ -160,7 +162,7 @@
       /// which it is running. This allows a path to be taken in from outside
       /// the program. However, if the path is not valid, the Path object will
       /// be set to an empty string and an exception will be thrown.
-      /// @throws std::string if the path string is not legal.
+      /// @throws std::string if \p unverified_path is not legal.
       /// @param unverified_path The path to verify and assign.
       /// @brief Construct a Path from a string.
       explicit Path(const std::string& unverified_path);
@@ -171,7 +173,6 @@
       /// Makes a copy of \p that to \p this.
       /// @returns \p this
-      /// @throws nothing
       /// @brief Assignment Operator
       Path & operator = ( const Path & that ) {
         path = that.path;
@@ -180,7 +181,6 @@
       /// Compares \p this Path with \p that Path for equality.
       /// @returns true if \p this and \p that refer to the same thing.
-      /// @throws nothing
       /// @brief Equality Operator
       bool operator == (const Path& that) const {
         return 0 == path.compare(that.path) ;
@@ -188,7 +188,6 @@
       /// Compares \p this Path with \p that Path for inequality.
       /// @returns true if \p this and \p that refer to different things.
-      /// @throws nothing
       /// @brief Inequality Operator
       bool operator !=( const Path & that ) const {
         return 0 != path.compare( that.path );
@@ -199,14 +198,13 @@
       /// std::map). The comparison is done lexicographically as defined by
       /// the std::string::compare method.
       /// @returns true if \p this path is lexicographically less than \p that.
-      /// @throws nothing
       /// @brief Less Than Operator
       bool operator< (const Path& that) const {
         return 0 > path.compare( that.path );
     /// @}
-    /// @name Accessors
+    /// @name Path Accessors
     /// @{
       /// This function will use an operating system specific algorithm to
@@ -225,8 +223,38 @@
       /// @brief Determines if the path name is empty (invalid).
       bool isEmpty() const { return path.empty(); }
+      /// This function returns the current contents of the path as a
+      /// std::string. This allows the underlying path string to be manipulated.
+      /// @returns std::string containing the path name.
+      /// @brief Returns the path as a std::string.
+      const std::string& toString() const { return path; }
+      /// This function returns the last component of the path name. The last
+      /// component is the file or directory name occuring after the last
+      /// directory separator. If no directory separator is present, the entire
+      /// path name is returned (i.e. same as toString).
+      /// @returns std::string containing the last component of the path name.
+      /// @brief Returns the last component of the path name.
+      std::string getLast() const;
+      /// This function strips off the path and suffix of the file or directory
+      /// name and returns just the basename. For example /a/foo.bar would cause
+      /// this function to return "foo".
+      /// @returns std::string containing the basename of the path
+      /// @brief Get the base name of the path
+      std::string getBasename() const;
+      /// Obtain a 'C' string for the path name.
+      /// @returns a 'C' string containing the path name.
+      /// @brief Returns the path as a C string.
+      const char* const c_str() const { return path.c_str(); }
+    /// @}
+    /// @name Disk Accessors
+    /// @{
+    public:
       /// This function determines if the object referenced by this path is
-      /// a file or not. This function accesses the under lying file system to
+      /// a file or not. This function accesses the underlying file system to
       /// determine the type of entity referenced by the path.
       /// @returns true if this path name references a file.
       /// @brief Determines if the path name references a file.
@@ -328,28 +356,6 @@
       /// system.
       bool canExecute() const;
-      /// This function returns the current contents of the path as a
-      /// std::string. This allows the underlying path string to be manipulated
-      /// by other software.
-      /// @returns std::string containing the path name.
-      /// @brief Returns the path as a std::string.
-      const std::string& toString() const { return path; }
-      /// This function returns the last component of the path name. The last
-      /// component is the file or directory name occuring after the last
-      /// directory separator.
-      /// @returns std::string containing the last component of the path name.
-      /// @brief Returns the last component of the path name.
-      std::string getLast() const;
-      /// This function strips off the path and suffix of the file or directory
-      /// name and returns just the basename. For example /a/foo.bar would cause
-      /// this function to return "foo".
-      /// @returns std::string containing the basename of the path
-      /// @throws nothing
-      /// @brief Get the base name of the path
-      std::string getBasename() const;
       /// This function builds a list of paths that are the names of the
       /// files and directories in a directory.
       /// @returns false if \p this is not a directory, true otherwise
@@ -357,40 +363,10 @@
       /// @brief Build a list of directory's contents.
       bool getDirectoryContents(std::set<Path>& paths) const;
-      /// This method attempts to destroy the file or directory named by the 
-      /// last component of the Path. If the Path refers to a directory and the
-      /// \p destroy_contents is false, an attempt will be made to remove just 
-      /// the directory (the final Path component). If \p destroy_contents is 
-      /// true, an attempt will be made to remove the entire contents of the 
-      /// directory, recursively. If the Path refers to a file, the
-      /// \p destroy_contents parameter is ignored.
-      /// @param destroy_contents Indicates whether the contents of a destroyed
-      /// directory should also be destroyed (recursively).
-      /// @returns true if the file/directory was destroyed, false if the path
-      /// refers to something that is neither a file nor a directory.
-      /// @throws std::string if there is an error.
-      /// @brief Removes the file or directory from the filesystem.
-      bool destroy( bool destroy_contents = false ) const;
-      /// Obtain a 'C' string for the path name.
-      /// @returns a 'C' string containing the path name.
-      /// @brief Returns the path as a C string.
-      const char* const c_str() const { return path.c_str(); }
-    /// @}
-    /// @name Mutators
-    /// @{
-    public:
-      /// The path name is cleared and becomes empty. This is an invalid
-      /// path name but is the *only* invalid path name. This is provided
-      /// so that path objects can be used to indicate the lack of a
-      /// valid path being found.
-      void clear() { path.clear(); }
       /// This function returns status information about the file. The type of
       /// path (file or directory) is updated to reflect the actual contents
       /// of the file system. If the file does not exist, false is returned.
-      /// For other (hard I/O) errors, a std::string is throwing indicating the
+      /// For other (hard I/O) errors, a std::string is thrown indicating the
       /// problem.
       /// @throws std::string if an error occurs.
       /// @brief Get file status.
@@ -411,37 +387,30 @@
         StatusInfo info; getStatusInfo(info); return info.fileSize;
-      /// This method attempts to make the file referenced by the Path object
-      /// available for reading so that the readable() method will return true.
-      /// @brief Make the file readable;
-      void makeReadable();
-      /// This method attempts to make the file referenced by the Path object
-      /// available for writing so that the writable() method will return true.
-      /// @brief Make the file writable;
-      void makeWriteable();
-      /// This method attempts to make the file referenced by the Path object
-      /// available for execution so that the executable() method will return
-      /// true.
-      /// @brief Make the file readable;
-      void makeExecutable();
+    /// @}
+    /// @name Path Mutators
+    /// @{
+    public:
+      /// The path name is cleared and becomes empty. This is an invalid
+      /// path name but is the *only* invalid path name. This is provided
+      /// so that path objects can be used to indicate the lack of a
+      /// valid path being found.
+      /// @brief Make the path empty.
+      void clear() { path.clear(); }
       /// This method sets the Path object to \p unverified_path. This can fail
       /// if the \p unverified_path does not pass the syntactic checks of the
-      /// isValid method. If verification fails, the Path object remains 
+      /// isValid() method. If verification fails, the Path object remains 
       /// unchanged and false is returned. Otherwise true is returned and the
       /// Path object takes on the path value of \p unverified_path
       /// @returns true if the path was set, false otherwise.
       /// @param unverified_path The path to be set in Path object.
-      /// @throws nothing
       /// @brief Set a full path from a std::string
       bool set(const std::string& unverified_path);
       /// One path component is removed from the Path. If only one component is
       /// present in the path, the Path object becomes empty. If the Path object
       /// is empty, no change is made.
-      /// @throws nothing
       /// @returns false if the path component could not be removed.
       /// @brief Removes the last directory component of the Path.
       bool eraseComponent();
@@ -449,7 +418,6 @@
       /// The \p component is added to the end of the Path if it is a legal
       /// name for the operating system. A directory separator will be added if
       /// needed. 
-      /// @throws nothing
       /// @returns false if the path component could not be added.
       /// @brief Appends one path component to the Path.
       bool appendComponent( const std::string& component );
@@ -460,7 +428,6 @@
       /// action is taken and the function returns false. If the path would
       /// become invalid for the host operating system, false is returned.
       /// @returns false if the suffix could not be added, true if it was.
-      /// @throws nothing
       /// @brief Adds a period and the \p suffix to the end of the pathname.
       bool appendSuffix(const std::string& suffix);
@@ -471,7 +438,6 @@
       /// unchanged (i.e. it was already without a suffix) but the function
       /// returns false.
       /// @returns false if there was no suffix to remove, true otherwise.
-      /// @throws nothing
       /// @brief Remove the suffix from a path name.
       bool eraseSuffix();
@@ -483,30 +449,57 @@
       /// @brief Make the current path name unique in the file system.
       void makeUnique( bool reuse_current = true );
+    /// @}
+    /// @name Disk Mutators
+    /// @{
+    public:
+      /// This method attempts to make the file referenced by the Path object
+      /// available for reading so that the canRead() method will return true.
+      /// @brief Make the file readable;
+      void makeReadableOnDisk();
+      /// This method attempts to make the file referenced by the Path object
+      /// available for writing so that the canWrite() method will return true.
+      /// @brief Make the file writable;
+      void makeWriteableOnDisk();
+      /// This method attempts to make the file referenced by the Path object
+      /// available for execution so that the canExecute() method will return
+      /// true.
+      /// @brief Make the file readable;
+      void makeExecutableOnDisk();
+      /// This method allows the last modified time stamp and permission bits 
+      /// to be set on the disk object referenced by the Path.
+      /// @throws std::string if an error occurs.
+      /// @returns true
+      /// @brief Set the status information.
+      bool setStatusInfoOnDisk(const StatusInfo& si) const;
       /// This method attempts to create a directory in the file system with the
       /// same name as the Path object. The \p create_parents parameter controls
       /// whether intermediate directories are created or not. if \p
       /// create_parents is true, then an attempt will be made to create all
-      /// intermediate directories. If \p create_parents is false, then only the
-      /// final directory component of the Path name will be created. The
-      /// created directory will have no entries.
+      /// intermediate directories, as needed. If \p create_parents is false, 
+      /// then only the final directory component of the Path name will be 
+      /// created. The created directory will have no entries.
       /// @returns false if the Path does not reference a directory, true
       /// otherwise.
       /// @param create_parents Determines whether non-existent directory
       /// components other than the last one (the "parents") are created or not.
       /// @throws std::string if an error occurs.
       /// @brief Create the directory this Path refers to.
-      bool createDirectory( bool create_parents = false );
+      bool createDirectoryOnDisk( bool create_parents = false );
       /// This method attempts to create a file in the file system with the same
       /// name as the Path object. The intermediate directories must all exist
-      /// at the time this method is called. Use createDirectories to
+      /// at the time this method is called. Use createDirectoriesOnDisk to
       /// accomplish that. The created file will be empty upon return from this
       /// function.
       /// @returns false if the Path does not reference a file, true otherwise.
       /// @throws std::string if an error occurs.
       /// @brief Create the file this Path refers to.
-      bool createFile();
+      bool createFileOnDisk();
       /// This is like createFile except that it creates a temporary file. A
       /// unique temporary file name is generated based on the contents of
@@ -514,24 +507,37 @@
       /// file is created.  Note that this will both change the Path object
       /// *and* create the corresponding file. This function will ensure that
       /// the newly generated temporary file name is unique in the file system.
-      /// @throws std::string if there is an error
+      /// @param reuse_current When set to true, this parameter indicates that 
+      /// if the current file name does not exist then it will be used without
+      /// modification.
+      /// @returns true if successful, false if the file couldn't be created.
+      /// @throws std::string if there is a hard error creating the temp file
+      /// name.
       /// @brief Create a unique temporary file
-      bool createTemporaryFile(bool reuse_current = false);
+      bool createTemporaryFileOnDisk(bool reuse_current = false);
-      /// This method renames the file referenced by \p this as \p newName. Both
-      /// files must exist before making this call.
-      /// @returns false if the Path does not refer to a file, true otherwise.
+      /// This method renames the file referenced by \p this as \p newName. The
+      /// file referenced by \p this must exist. The file referenced by 
+      /// \p newName does not need to exist.
+      /// @returns true
       /// @throws std::string if there is an file system error.
       /// @brief Rename one file as another.
-      bool rename(const Path& newName);
+      bool renamePathOnDisk(const Path& newName);
-      /// This method sets the access time, modification time, and permission
-      /// mode of the file associated with \p this as given by \p si.
-      /// @returns false if the Path does not refer to a file, true otherwise.
-      /// @throws std::string if the file could not be modified
-      /// @brief Set file times and mode.
-      bool setStatusInfo(const StatusInfo& si ) const ;
+      /// This method attempts to destroy the file or directory named by the 
+      /// last component of the Path. If the Path refers to a directory and the
+      /// \p destroy_contents is false, an attempt will be made to remove just 
+      /// the directory (the final Path component). If \p destroy_contents is 
+      /// true, an attempt will be made to remove the entire contents of the 
+      /// directory, recursively. If the Path refers to a file, the
+      /// \p destroy_contents parameter is ignored.
+      /// @param destroy_contents Indicates whether the contents of a destroyed
+      /// directory should also be destroyed (recursively).
+      /// @returns true if the file/directory was destroyed, false if the path
+      /// refers to something that is neither a file nor a directory.
+      /// @throws std::string if there is an error.
+      /// @brief Removes the file or directory from the filesystem.
+      bool eraseFromDisk( bool destroy_contents = false ) const;
     /// @}
     /// @name Data
@@ -568,5 +574,4 @@

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