[llvm-commits] CVS: llvm/test/Regression/Transforms/SimplifyLibCalls/ExitInMain.ll StrCat.ll StrLen.ll 2005-04-24-ExitInMain.ll 2005-04-24-strcat.ll

Reid Spencer reid at x10sys.com
Mon Apr 25 22:22:49 PDT 2005

Changes in directory llvm/test/Regression/Transforms/SimplifyLibCalls:

ExitInMain.ll added (r1.1)
StrCat.ll added (r1.1)
StrLen.ll added (r1.1)
2005-04-24-ExitInMain.ll (r1.2) removed
2005-04-24-strcat.ll (r1.4) removed
Log message:

* Add a test case for StrLenOptimization
* Rename ExitInMain and StrCat tests so they don't have the date the 
  regression was entered since they are feature tests, not regressions.

Diffs of the changes:  (+58 -0)

 ExitInMain.ll |   13 +++++++++++++
 StrCat.ll     |   24 ++++++++++++++++++++++++
 StrLen.ll     |   21 +++++++++++++++++++++
 3 files changed, 58 insertions(+)

Index: llvm/test/Regression/Transforms/SimplifyLibCalls/ExitInMain.ll
diff -c /dev/null llvm/test/Regression/Transforms/SimplifyLibCalls/ExitInMain.ll:1.1
*** /dev/null	Tue Apr 26 00:22:48 2005
--- llvm/test/Regression/Transforms/SimplifyLibCalls/ExitInMain.ll	Tue Apr 26 00:22:38 2005
*** 0 ****
--- 1,13 ----
+ ; Test that the ExitInMainOptimization pass works correctly
+ ; RUN: llvm-as < %s | opt -simplify-libcalls | llvm-dis | grep -c 'ret int 3' | grep 1
+ declare void %exit(int)
+ declare void %exitonly(int)
+ implementation   ; Functions:
+ int %main () {
+         call void %exitonly ( int 3 )
+         call void %exit ( int 3 )
+         ret int 0
+ }

Index: llvm/test/Regression/Transforms/SimplifyLibCalls/StrCat.ll
diff -c /dev/null llvm/test/Regression/Transforms/SimplifyLibCalls/StrCat.ll:1.1
*** /dev/null	Tue Apr 26 00:22:49 2005
--- llvm/test/Regression/Transforms/SimplifyLibCalls/StrCat.ll	Tue Apr 26 00:22:38 2005
*** 0 ****
--- 1,24 ----
+ ; Test that the StrCatOptimizer works correctly
+ ; RUN: llvm-as < %s | opt -simplify-libcalls | llvm-dis | not grep 'call.*strcat'
+ declare sbyte* %strcat(sbyte*,sbyte*)
+ declare int %puts(sbyte*)
+ %hello = constant [6 x sbyte] c"hello\00"
+ %null = constant [1 x sbyte] c"\00"
+ %null_hello = constant [7 x sbyte] c"\00hello\00"
+ implementation   ; Functions:
+ int %main () {
+   %target = alloca [1024 x sbyte]
+   %arg1 = getelementptr [1024 x sbyte]* %target, int 0, int 0
+   store sbyte 0, sbyte* %arg1
+   %arg2 = getelementptr [6 x sbyte]* %hello, int 0, int 0
+   %rslt1 = call sbyte* %strcat(sbyte* %arg1, sbyte* %arg2)
+   %arg3 = getelementptr [1 x sbyte]* %null, int 0, int 0
+   %rslt2 = call sbyte* %strcat(sbyte* %rslt1, sbyte* %arg3)
+   %arg4 = getelementptr [7 x sbyte]* %null_hello, int 0, int 0
+   %rslt3 = call sbyte* %strcat(sbyte* %rslt2, sbyte* %arg4)
+   call int %puts(sbyte* %rslt3)
+   ret int 0
+ }

Index: llvm/test/Regression/Transforms/SimplifyLibCalls/StrLen.ll
diff -c /dev/null llvm/test/Regression/Transforms/SimplifyLibCalls/StrLen.ll:1.1
*** /dev/null	Tue Apr 26 00:22:49 2005
--- llvm/test/Regression/Transforms/SimplifyLibCalls/StrLen.ll	Tue Apr 26 00:22:38 2005
*** 0 ****
--- 1,21 ----
+ ; Test that the StrCatOptimizer works correctly
+ ; RUN: llvm-as < %s | opt -simplify-libcalls | llvm-dis | not grep 'call.*strlen'
+ declare int %strlen(sbyte*)
+ %hello = constant [6 x sbyte] c"hello\00"
+ %null = constant [1 x sbyte] c"\00"
+ %null_hello = constant [7 x sbyte] c"\00hello\00"
+ implementation   ; Functions:
+ int %main () {
+   %hello_p = getelementptr [6 x sbyte]* %hello, int 0, int 0
+   %hello_l = call int %strlen(sbyte* %hello_p)
+   %null_p = getelementptr [1 x sbyte]* %null, int 0, int 0
+   %null_l = call int %strlen(sbyte* %null_p)
+   %null_hello_p = getelementptr [7 x sbyte]* %null_hello, int 0, int 0
+   %null_hello_l = call int %strlen(sbyte* %null_hello_p)
+   %sum1 = add int %hello_l, %null_l
+   %sum2 = add int %sum1, %null_hello_l
+   ret int %sum2
+ }

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