[llvm-commits] CVS: llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/ASCI_Purple/SMG2000/HYPRE_config.h HYPRE_pcg.c HYPRE_struct_grid.c HYPRE_struct_ls.h HYPRE_struct_matrix.c HYPRE_struct_mv.h HYPRE_struct_pcg.c HYPRE_struct_smg.c HYPRE_struct_stencil.c HYPRE_struct_vector.c HYPRE_utilities.h LICENSE.txt Makefile box.c box_algebra.c box_alloc.c box_neighbors.c coarsen.c communication.c communication_info.c computation.c cyclic_reduction.c general.c general.h grow.c headers.h hypre_box_smp_forloop.h hypre_smp_forloop.h krylov.h memory.c memory.h mpistubs.c mpistubs.h pcg.c pcg_struct.c point_relax.c project.c random.c semi_interp.c semi_restrict.c smg.c smg.h smg2000.c smg2_setup_rap.c smg3_setup_rap.c smg_axpy.c smg_relax.c smg_residual.c smg_setup.c smg_setup_interp.c smg_setup_rap.c smg_setup_restrict.c smg_solve.c struct_axpy.c struct_copy.c struct_grid.c struct_innerprod.c struct_io.c struct_ls.h struct_matrix.c struct_matrix_mask.c struct_matvec.c struct_mv.h struct_scale.c struct_stencil.! c struct_vector.c threading.c threading.h timer.c timing.c timing.h utilities.h

Duraid Madina duraid at octopus.com.au
Sun Apr 10 22:22:19 PDT 2005

Changes in directory llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/ASCI_Purple/SMG2000:

HYPRE_config.h added (r1.1)
HYPRE_pcg.c added (r1.1)
HYPRE_struct_grid.c added (r1.1)
HYPRE_struct_ls.h added (r1.1)
HYPRE_struct_matrix.c added (r1.1)
HYPRE_struct_mv.h added (r1.1)
HYPRE_struct_pcg.c added (r1.1)
HYPRE_struct_smg.c added (r1.1)
HYPRE_struct_stencil.c added (r1.1)
HYPRE_struct_vector.c added (r1.1)
HYPRE_utilities.h added (r1.1)
LICENSE.txt added (r1.1)
Makefile added (r1.1)
box.c added (r1.1)
box_algebra.c added (r1.1)
box_alloc.c added (r1.1)
box_neighbors.c added (r1.1)
coarsen.c added (r1.1)
communication.c added (r1.1)
communication_info.c added (r1.1)
computation.c added (r1.1)
cyclic_reduction.c added (r1.1)
general.c added (r1.1)
general.h added (r1.1)
grow.c added (r1.1)
headers.h added (r1.1)
hypre_box_smp_forloop.h added (r1.1)
hypre_smp_forloop.h added (r1.1)
krylov.h added (r1.1)
memory.c added (r1.1)
memory.h added (r1.1)
mpistubs.c added (r1.1)
mpistubs.h added (r1.1)
pcg.c added (r1.1)
pcg_struct.c added (r1.1)
point_relax.c added (r1.1)
project.c added (r1.1)
random.c added (r1.1)
semi_interp.c added (r1.1)
semi_restrict.c added (r1.1)
smg.c added (r1.1)
smg.h added (r1.1)
smg2000.c added (r1.1)
smg2_setup_rap.c added (r1.1)
smg3_setup_rap.c added (r1.1)
smg_axpy.c added (r1.1)
smg_relax.c added (r1.1)
smg_residual.c added (r1.1)
smg_setup.c added (r1.1)
smg_setup_interp.c added (r1.1)
smg_setup_rap.c added (r1.1)
smg_setup_restrict.c added (r1.1)
smg_solve.c added (r1.1)
struct_axpy.c added (r1.1)
struct_copy.c added (r1.1)
struct_grid.c added (r1.1)
struct_innerprod.c added (r1.1)
struct_io.c added (r1.1)
struct_ls.h added (r1.1)
struct_matrix.c added (r1.1)
struct_matrix_mask.c added (r1.1)
struct_matvec.c added (r1.1)
struct_mv.h added (r1.1)
struct_scale.c added (r1.1)
struct_stencil.c added (r1.1)
struct_vector.c added (r1.1)
threading.c added (r1.1)
threading.h added (r1.1)
timer.c added (r1.1)
timing.c added (r1.1)
timing.h added (r1.1)
utilities.h added (r1.1)
Log message:

* add the SMG2000 benchmark. This one is brutal on memory, anything
you can do in terms of prefetching/unrolling/SWP will probably help.

Diffs of the changes:  (+28313 -0)

 HYPRE_config.h          |    2 
 HYPRE_pcg.c             |  187 ++++
 HYPRE_struct_grid.c     |   97 ++
 HYPRE_struct_ls.h       |  671 +++++++++++++++
 HYPRE_struct_matrix.c   |  247 +++++
 HYPRE_struct_mv.h       |  344 ++++++++
 HYPRE_struct_pcg.c      |  473 +++++++++++
 HYPRE_struct_smg.c      |  191 ++++
 HYPRE_struct_stencil.c  |   68 +
 HYPRE_struct_vector.c   |  312 +++++++
 HYPRE_utilities.h       |   60 +
 LICENSE.txt             |   43 +
 Makefile                |   15 
 box.c                   |  437 ++++++++++
 box_algebra.c           |  397 +++++++++
 box_alloc.c             |  143 +++
 box_neighbors.c         |  344 ++++++++
 coarsen.c               |  832 +++++++++++++++++++
 communication.c         | 1569 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 communication_info.c    |  701 ++++++++++++++++
 computation.c           |  405 +++++++++
 cyclic_reduction.c      | 1215 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 general.c               |   38 
 general.h               |   33 
 grow.c                  |   96 ++
 headers.h               |   15 
 hypre_box_smp_forloop.h |   20 
 hypre_smp_forloop.h     |   52 +
 krylov.h                |  851 +++++++++++++++++++
 memory.c                |  311 +++++++
 memory.h                |  125 ++
 mpistubs.c              |  496 +++++++++++
 mpistubs.h              |  192 ++++
 pcg.c                   |  658 +++++++++++++++
 pcg_struct.c            |  245 +++++
 point_relax.c           |  779 ++++++++++++++++++
 project.c               |  118 ++
 random.c                |   49 +
 semi_interp.c           |  333 +++++++
 semi_restrict.c         |  301 +++++++
 smg.c                   |  423 +++++++++
 smg.h                   |  114 ++
 smg2000.c               |  638 ++++++++++++++
 smg2_setup_rap.c        |  985 +++++++++++++++++++++++
 smg3_setup_rap.c        | 2044 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 smg_axpy.c              |   76 +
 smg_relax.c             |  989 +++++++++++++++++++++++
 smg_residual.c          |  356 ++++++++
 smg_setup.c             |  435 ++++++++++
 smg_setup_interp.c      |  315 +++++++
 smg_setup_rap.c         |  135 +++
 smg_setup_restrict.c    |   46 +
 smg_solve.c             |  327 +++++++
 struct_axpy.c           |   75 +
 struct_copy.c           |   75 +
 struct_grid.c           |  667 +++++++++++++++
 struct_innerprod.c      |  117 ++
 struct_io.c             |  154 +++
 struct_ls.h             |  431 ++++++++++
 struct_matrix.c         |  928 +++++++++++++++++++++
 struct_matrix_mask.c    |  124 ++
 struct_matvec.c         |  610 ++++++++++++++
 struct_mv.h             | 1685 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 struct_scale.c          |   66 +
 struct_stencil.c        |  212 ++++
 struct_vector.c         |  921 +++++++++++++++++++++
 threading.c             |  263 ++++++
 threading.h             |   81 +
 timer.c                 |   45 +
 timing.c                |  626 ++++++++++++++
 timing.h                |  130 +++
 utilities.h             |  755 +++++++++++++++++
 72 files changed, 28313 insertions(+)

Index: llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/ASCI_Purple/SMG2000/HYPRE_config.h
diff -c /dev/null llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/ASCI_Purple/SMG2000/HYPRE_config.h:1.1
*** /dev/null	Mon Apr 11 00:22:17 2005
--- llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/ASCI_Purple/SMG2000/HYPRE_config.h	Mon Apr 11 00:22:07 2005
*** 0 ****
--- 1,2 ----
+ /* All configuration for SMG2000 is done in the Makefile */

Index: llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/ASCI_Purple/SMG2000/HYPRE_pcg.c
diff -c /dev/null llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/ASCI_Purple/SMG2000/HYPRE_pcg.c:1.1
*** /dev/null	Mon Apr 11 00:22:18 2005
--- llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/ASCI_Purple/SMG2000/HYPRE_pcg.c	Mon Apr 11 00:22:07 2005
*** 0 ****
--- 1,187 ----
+ /*BHEADER**********************************************************************
+  * (c) 2000   The Regents of the University of California
+  *
+  * See the file COPYRIGHT_and_DISCLAIMER for a complete copyright
+  * notice, contact person, and disclaimer.
+  *
+  * $Revision: 1.1 $
+  *********************************************************************EHEADER*/
+ /******************************************************************************
+  *
+  * HYPRE_PCG interface
+  *
+  *****************************************************************************/
+ #include "krylov.h"
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * HYPRE_PCGCreate does not exist.  Call the appropriate function which
+  * also specifies the vector type, e.g. HYPRE_ParCSRPCGCreate
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * HYPRE_PCGDestroy
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ /*
+ int 
+ HYPRE_PCGDestroy( HYPRE_Solver solver )*/
+ /* >>> This is something we can't do without knowing the vector_type.
+    We can't save it in and pull it out of solver because that isn't
+    really a known struct. */
+ /*
+ {
+    if ( vector_type=="ParCSR" ) {
+       return HYPRE_ParCSRPCGDestroy( HYPRE_Solver solver );
+    }
+    else {
+       return 0;
+    }
+ }*/
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * HYPRE_PCGSetup
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int 
+ HYPRE_PCGSetup( HYPRE_Solver solver,
+                 HYPRE_Matrix A,
+                 HYPRE_Vector b,
+                 HYPRE_Vector x      )
+ {
+    return( hypre_PCGSetup( solver,
+                            A,
+                            b,
+                            x ) );
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * HYPRE_PCGSolve
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int 
+ HYPRE_PCGSolve( HYPRE_Solver solver,
+                 HYPRE_Matrix A,
+                 HYPRE_Vector b,
+                 HYPRE_Vector x      )
+ {
+    return( hypre_PCGSolve( (void *) solver,
+                            (void *) A,
+                            (void *) b,
+                            (void *) x ) );
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * HYPRE_PCGSetTol
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ HYPRE_PCGSetTol( HYPRE_Solver solver,
+                  double             tol    )
+ {
+    return( hypre_PCGSetTol( (void *) solver, tol ) );
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * HYPRE_PCGSetMaxIter
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ HYPRE_PCGSetMaxIter( HYPRE_Solver solver,
+                      int                max_iter )
+ {
+    return( hypre_PCGSetMaxIter( (void *) solver, max_iter ) );
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * HYPRE_PCGSetStopCrit
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ HYPRE_PCGSetStopCrit( HYPRE_Solver solver,
+                       int          stop_crit )
+ {
+    return( hypre_PCGSetStopCrit( (void *) solver, stop_crit ) );
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * HYPRE_PCGSetTwoNorm
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ HYPRE_PCGSetTwoNorm( HYPRE_Solver solver,
+                      int                two_norm )
+ {
+    return( hypre_PCGSetTwoNorm( (void *) solver, two_norm ) );
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * HYPRE_PCGSetRelChange
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ HYPRE_PCGSetRelChange( HYPRE_Solver solver,
+                        int                rel_change )
+ {
+    return( hypre_PCGSetRelChange( (void *) solver, rel_change ) );
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * HYPRE_PCGSetPrecond
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ HYPRE_PCGSetPrecond( HYPRE_Solver         solver,
+                      HYPRE_PtrToSolverFcn precond,
+                      HYPRE_PtrToSolverFcn precond_setup,
+                      HYPRE_Solver         precond_solver )
+ {
+    return( hypre_PCGSetPrecond( (void *) solver,
+                                 precond, precond_setup,
+                                 (void *) precond_solver ) );
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * HYPRE_PCGGetPrecond
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ HYPRE_PCGGetPrecond( HYPRE_Solver  solver,
+                      HYPRE_Solver *precond_data_ptr )
+ {
+    return( hypre_PCGGetPrecond( (void *)     solver,
+                                 (HYPRE_Solver *) precond_data_ptr ) );
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * HYPRE_PCGSetLogging
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ HYPRE_PCGSetLogging( HYPRE_Solver solver,
+                      int                logging )
+ {
+    return( hypre_PCGSetLogging( (void *) solver, logging ) );
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * HYPRE_PCGGetNumIterations
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ HYPRE_PCGGetNumIterations( HYPRE_Solver  solver,
+                            int                *num_iterations )
+ {
+    return( hypre_PCGGetNumIterations( (void *) solver, num_iterations ) );
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * HYPRE_PCGGetFinalRelativeResidualNorm
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ HYPRE_PCGGetFinalRelativeResidualNorm( HYPRE_Solver  solver,
+                                        double             *norm   )
+ {
+    return( hypre_PCGGetFinalRelativeResidualNorm( (void *) solver, norm ) );
+ }

Index: llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/ASCI_Purple/SMG2000/HYPRE_struct_grid.c
diff -c /dev/null llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/ASCI_Purple/SMG2000/HYPRE_struct_grid.c:1.1
*** /dev/null	Mon Apr 11 00:22:18 2005
--- llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/ASCI_Purple/SMG2000/HYPRE_struct_grid.c	Mon Apr 11 00:22:07 2005
*** 0 ****
--- 1,97 ----
+ /*BHEADER**********************************************************************
+  * (c) 1997   The Regents of the University of California
+  *
+  * See the file COPYRIGHT_and_DISCLAIMER for a complete copyright
+  * notice, contact person, and disclaimer.
+  *
+  * $Revision: 1.1 $
+  *********************************************************************EHEADER*/
+ /******************************************************************************
+  *
+  * HYPRE_StructGrid interface
+  *
+  *****************************************************************************/
+ #include "headers.h"
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * HYPRE_StructGridCreate
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ HYPRE_StructGridCreate( MPI_Comm          comm,
+                         int               dim,
+                         HYPRE_StructGrid *grid )
+ {
+    int ierr;
+    ierr = hypre_StructGridCreate(comm, dim, grid);
+    return ierr;
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * HYPRE_StructGridDestroy
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ HYPRE_StructGridDestroy( HYPRE_StructGrid grid )
+ {
+    return ( hypre_StructGridDestroy(grid) );
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * HYPRE_StructGridSetExtents
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ HYPRE_StructGridSetExtents( HYPRE_StructGrid  grid,
+                             int              *ilower,
+                             int              *iupper )
+ {
+    hypre_Index  new_ilower;
+    hypre_Index  new_iupper;
+    int          d;
+    hypre_ClearIndex(new_ilower);
+    hypre_ClearIndex(new_iupper);
+    for (d = 0; d < hypre_StructGridDim((hypre_StructGrid *) grid); d++)
+    {
+       hypre_IndexD(new_ilower, d) = ilower[d];
+       hypre_IndexD(new_iupper, d) = iupper[d];
+    }
+    return ( hypre_StructGridSetExtents(grid, new_ilower, new_iupper) );
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * HYPRE_SetStructGridPeriodicity
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ HYPRE_StructGridSetPeriodic( HYPRE_StructGrid  grid,
+                              int              *periodic )
+ {
+    hypre_Index  new_periodic;
+    int          d;
+    hypre_ClearIndex(new_periodic);
+    for (d = 0; d < hypre_StructGridDim(grid); d++)
+    {
+       hypre_IndexD(new_periodic, d) = periodic[d];
+    }
+    return ( hypre_StructGridSetPeriodic(grid, new_periodic) );
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * HYPRE_StructGridAssemble
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ HYPRE_StructGridAssemble( HYPRE_StructGrid grid )
+ {
+    return ( hypre_StructGridAssemble(grid) );
+ }

Index: llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/ASCI_Purple/SMG2000/HYPRE_struct_ls.h
diff -c /dev/null llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/ASCI_Purple/SMG2000/HYPRE_struct_ls.h:1.1
*** /dev/null	Mon Apr 11 00:22:18 2005
--- llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/ASCI_Purple/SMG2000/HYPRE_struct_ls.h	Mon Apr 11 00:22:07 2005
*** 0 ****
--- 1,671 ----
+ /*BHEADER**********************************************************************
+  * (c) 2000   The Regents of the University of California
+  *
+  * See the file COPYRIGHT_and_DISCLAIMER for a complete copyright
+  * notice, contact person, and disclaimer.
+  *
+  * $Revision: 1.1 $
+  *********************************************************************EHEADER*/
+ /******************************************************************************
+  *
+  * Header file for HYPRE_ls library
+  *
+  *****************************************************************************/
+ #include "HYPRE_config.h"
+ #include "HYPRE_utilities.h"
+ #include "HYPRE_struct_mv.h"
+ #ifdef __cplusplus
+ extern "C" {
+ #endif
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ /**
+  * @name Struct Solvers
+  *
+  * These solvers use matrix/vector storage schemes that are tailored
+  * to structured grid problems.
+  *
+  * @memo Linear solvers for structured grids
+  **/
+ /*@{*/
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ /**
+  * @name Struct Solvers
+  **/
+ /*@{*/
+ struct hypre_StructSolver_struct;
+ /**
+  * The solver object.
+  **/
+ typedef struct hypre_StructSolver_struct *HYPRE_StructSolver;
+ typedef int (*HYPRE_PtrToStructSolverFcn)(HYPRE_StructSolver,
+                                           HYPRE_StructMatrix,
+                                           HYPRE_StructVector,
+                                           HYPRE_StructVector);
+ /*@}*/
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ /**
+  * @name Struct Jacobi Solver
+  **/
+ /*@{*/
+ /**
+  * Create a solver object.
+  **/
+ int HYPRE_StructJacobiCreate(MPI_Comm            comm,
+                              HYPRE_StructSolver *solver);
+ /**
+  * Destroy a solver object.  An object should be explicitly destroyed
+  * using this destructor when the user's code no longer needs direct
+  * access to it.  Once destroyed, the object must not be referenced
+  * again.  Note that the object may not be deallocated at the
+  * completion of this call, since there may be internal package
+  * references to the object.  The object will then be destroyed when
+  * all internal reference counts go to zero.
+  **/
+ int HYPRE_StructJacobiDestroy(HYPRE_StructSolver solver);
+ /**
+  **/
+ int HYPRE_StructJacobiSetup(HYPRE_StructSolver solver,
+                             HYPRE_StructMatrix A,
+                             HYPRE_StructVector b,
+                             HYPRE_StructVector x);
+ /**
+  * Solve the system.
+  **/
+ int HYPRE_StructJacobiSolve(HYPRE_StructSolver solver,
+                             HYPRE_StructMatrix A,
+                             HYPRE_StructVector b,
+                             HYPRE_StructVector x);
+ /**
+  * (Optional) Set the convergence tolerance.
+  **/
+ int HYPRE_StructJacobiSetTol(HYPRE_StructSolver solver,
+                              double             tol);
+ /**
+  * (Optional) Set maximum number of iterations.
+  **/
+ int HYPRE_StructJacobiSetMaxIter(HYPRE_StructSolver solver,
+                                  int                max_iter);
+ /**
+  * (Optional) Use a zero initial guess.
+  **/
+ int HYPRE_StructJacobiSetZeroGuess(HYPRE_StructSolver solver);
+ /**
+  * (Optional) Use a nonzero initial guess.
+  **/
+ int HYPRE_StructJacobiSetNonZeroGuess(HYPRE_StructSolver solver);
+ /**
+  * Return the number of iterations taken.
+  **/
+ int HYPRE_StructJacobiGetNumIterations(HYPRE_StructSolver  solver,
+                                        int                *num_iterations);
+ /**
+  * Return the norm of the final relative residual.
+  **/
+ int HYPRE_StructJacobiGetFinalRelativeResidualNorm(HYPRE_StructSolver  solver,
+                                                    double             *norm);
+ /*@}*/
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ /**
+  * @name Struct PFMG Solver
+  **/
+ /*@{*/
+ /**
+  * Create a solver object.
+  **/
+ int HYPRE_StructPFMGCreate(MPI_Comm            comm,
+                            HYPRE_StructSolver *solver);
+ /**
+  * Destroy a solver object.
+  **/
+ int HYPRE_StructPFMGDestroy(HYPRE_StructSolver solver);
+ /**
+  **/
+ int HYPRE_StructPFMGSetup(HYPRE_StructSolver solver,
+                           HYPRE_StructMatrix A,
+                           HYPRE_StructVector b,
+                           HYPRE_StructVector x);
+ /**
+  * Solve the system.
+  **/
+ int HYPRE_StructPFMGSolve(HYPRE_StructSolver solver,
+                           HYPRE_StructMatrix A,
+                           HYPRE_StructVector b,
+                           HYPRE_StructVector x);
+ /**
+  * (Optional) Set the convergence tolerance.
+  **/
+ int HYPRE_StructPFMGSetTol(HYPRE_StructSolver solver,
+                            double             tol);
+ /**
+  * (Optional) Set maximum number of iterations.
+  **/
+ int HYPRE_StructPFMGSetMaxIter(HYPRE_StructSolver solver,
+                                int                max_iter);
+ /**
+  * (Optional) Additionally require that the relative difference in
+  * successive iterates be small.
+  **/
+ int HYPRE_StructPFMGSetRelChange(HYPRE_StructSolver solver,
+                                  int                rel_change);
+ /**
+  * (Optional) Use a zero initial guess.
+  **/
+ int HYPRE_StructPFMGSetZeroGuess(HYPRE_StructSolver solver);
+ /**
+  * (Optional) Use a nonzero initial guess.
+  **/
+ int HYPRE_StructPFMGSetNonZeroGuess(HYPRE_StructSolver solver);
+ /**
+  * (Optional) Set relaxation type.
+  **/
+ int HYPRE_StructPFMGSetRelaxType(HYPRE_StructSolver solver,
+                                  int                relax_type);
+ /**
+  * (Optional) Set number of pre-relaxation sweeps.
+  **/
+ int HYPRE_StructPFMGSetNumPreRelax(HYPRE_StructSolver solver,
+                                    int                num_pre_relax);
+ /**
+  * (Optional) Set number of post-relaxation sweeps.
+  **/
+ int HYPRE_StructPFMGSetNumPostRelax(HYPRE_StructSolver solver,
+                                     int                num_post_relax);
+ /**
+  * (Optional) Skip relaxation on certain grids for isotropic problems.
+  **/
+ int HYPRE_StructPFMGSetSkipRelax(HYPRE_StructSolver solver,
+                                  int                skip_relax);
+ /*
+  **/
+ int HYPRE_StructPFMGSetDxyz(HYPRE_StructSolver  solver,
+                             double             *dxyz);
+ /**
+  * (Optional) Set the amount of logging to do.
+  **/
+ int HYPRE_StructPFMGSetLogging(HYPRE_StructSolver solver,
+                                int                logging);
+ /**
+  * Return the number of iterations taken.
+  **/
+ int HYPRE_StructPFMGGetNumIterations(HYPRE_StructSolver  solver,
+                                      int                *num_iterations);
+ /**
+  * Return the norm of the final relative residual.
+  **/
+ int HYPRE_StructPFMGGetFinalRelativeResidualNorm(HYPRE_StructSolver  solver,
+                                                  double             *norm);
+ /*@}*/
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ /**
+  * @name Struct SMG Solver
+  **/
+ /*@{*/
+ /**
+  * Create a solver object.
+  **/
+ int HYPRE_StructSMGCreate(MPI_Comm            comm,
+                           HYPRE_StructSolver *solver);
+ /**
+  * Destroy a solver object.
+  **/
+ int HYPRE_StructSMGDestroy(HYPRE_StructSolver solver);
+ /**
+  **/
+ int HYPRE_StructSMGSetup(HYPRE_StructSolver solver,
+                          HYPRE_StructMatrix A,
+                          HYPRE_StructVector b,
+                          HYPRE_StructVector x);
+ /**
+  * Solve the system.
+  **/
+ int HYPRE_StructSMGSolve(HYPRE_StructSolver solver,
+                          HYPRE_StructMatrix A,
+                          HYPRE_StructVector b,
+                          HYPRE_StructVector x);
+ /*
+  **/
+ int HYPRE_StructSMGSetMemoryUse(HYPRE_StructSolver solver,
+                                 int                memory_use);
+ /**
+  * (Optional) Set the convergence tolerance.
+  **/
+ int HYPRE_StructSMGSetTol(HYPRE_StructSolver solver,
+                           double             tol);
+ /**
+  * (Optional) Set maximum number of iterations.
+  **/
+ int HYPRE_StructSMGSetMaxIter(HYPRE_StructSolver solver,
+                               int                max_iter);
+ /**
+  * (Optional) Additionally require that the relative difference in
+  * successive iterates be small.
+  **/
+ int HYPRE_StructSMGSetRelChange(HYPRE_StructSolver solver,
+                                 int                rel_change);
+ /**
+  * (Optional) Use a zero initial guess.
+  **/
+ int HYPRE_StructSMGSetZeroGuess(HYPRE_StructSolver solver);
+ /**
+  * (Optional) Use a nonzero initial guess.
+  **/
+ int HYPRE_StructSMGSetNonZeroGuess(HYPRE_StructSolver solver);
+ /**
+  * (Optional) Set number of pre-relaxation sweeps.
+  **/
+ int HYPRE_StructSMGSetNumPreRelax(HYPRE_StructSolver solver,
+                                   int                num_pre_relax);
+ /**
+  * (Optional) Set number of post-relaxation sweeps.
+  **/
+ int HYPRE_StructSMGSetNumPostRelax(HYPRE_StructSolver solver,
+                                    int                num_post_relax);
+ /**
+  * (Optional) Set the amount of logging to do.
+  **/
+ int HYPRE_StructSMGSetLogging(HYPRE_StructSolver solver,
+                               int                logging);
+ /**
+  * Return the number of iterations taken.
+  **/
+ int HYPRE_StructSMGGetNumIterations(HYPRE_StructSolver  solver,
+                                     int                *num_iterations);
+ /**
+  * Return the norm of the final relative residual.
+  **/
+ int HYPRE_StructSMGGetFinalRelativeResidualNorm(HYPRE_StructSolver  solver,
+                                                 double             *norm);
+ /*@}*/
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ /**
+  * @name Struct PCG Solver
+  **/
+ /*@{*/
+ /**
+  * Create a solver object.
+  **/
+ int HYPRE_StructPCGCreate(MPI_Comm            comm,
+                           HYPRE_StructSolver *solver);
+ /**
+  * Destroy a solver object.
+  **/
+ int HYPRE_StructPCGDestroy(HYPRE_StructSolver solver);
+ /**
+  **/
+ int HYPRE_StructPCGSetup(HYPRE_StructSolver solver,
+                          HYPRE_StructMatrix A,
+                          HYPRE_StructVector b,
+                          HYPRE_StructVector x);
+ /**
+  * Solve the system.
+  **/
+ int HYPRE_StructPCGSolve(HYPRE_StructSolver solver,
+                          HYPRE_StructMatrix A,
+                          HYPRE_StructVector b,
+                          HYPRE_StructVector x);
+ /**
+  * (Optional) Set the convergence tolerance.
+  **/
+ int HYPRE_StructPCGSetTol(HYPRE_StructSolver solver,
+                           double             tol);
+ /**
+  * (Optional) Set maximum number of iterations.
+  **/
+ int HYPRE_StructPCGSetMaxIter(HYPRE_StructSolver solver,
+                               int                max_iter);
+ /**
+  * (Optional) Use the two-norm in stopping criteria.
+  **/
+ int HYPRE_StructPCGSetTwoNorm(HYPRE_StructSolver solver,
+                               int                two_norm);
+ /**
+  * (Optional) Additionally require that the relative difference in
+  * successive iterates be small.
+  **/
+ int HYPRE_StructPCGSetRelChange(HYPRE_StructSolver solver,
+                                 int                rel_change);
+ /**
+  * (Optional) Set the preconditioner to use.
+  **/
+ int HYPRE_StructPCGSetPrecond(HYPRE_StructSolver         solver,
+                               HYPRE_PtrToStructSolverFcn precond,
+                               HYPRE_PtrToStructSolverFcn precond_setup,
+                               HYPRE_StructSolver         precond_solver);
+ /**
+  * (Optional) Set the amount of logging to do.
+  **/
+ int HYPRE_StructPCGSetLogging(HYPRE_StructSolver solver,
+                               int                logging);
+ /**
+  * Return the number of iterations taken.
+  **/
+ int HYPRE_StructPCGGetNumIterations(HYPRE_StructSolver  solver,
+                                     int                *num_iterations);
+ /**
+  * Return the norm of the final relative residual.
+  **/
+ int HYPRE_StructPCGGetFinalRelativeResidualNorm(HYPRE_StructSolver  solver,
+                                                 double             *norm);
+ /**
+  * Setup routine for diagonal preconditioning.
+  **/
+ int HYPRE_StructDiagScaleSetup(HYPRE_StructSolver solver,
+                                HYPRE_StructMatrix A,
+                                HYPRE_StructVector y,
+                                HYPRE_StructVector x);
+ /**
+  * Solve routine for diagonal preconditioning.
+  **/
+ int HYPRE_StructDiagScale(HYPRE_StructSolver solver,
+                           HYPRE_StructMatrix HA,
+                           HYPRE_StructVector Hy,
+                           HYPRE_StructVector Hx);
+ /*@}*/
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ /*
+  * @name Struct GMRES Solver
+  **/
+ /*@{*/
+ /**
+  * Create a solver object.
+  **/
+ int
+ HYPRE_StructGMRESCreate( MPI_Comm comm, HYPRE_StructSolver *solver );
+ /**
+  * Destroy a solver object.
+  **/
+ int 
+ HYPRE_StructGMRESDestroy( HYPRE_StructSolver solver );
+ /**
+  * set up
+  **/
+ int 
+ HYPRE_StructGMRESSetup( HYPRE_StructSolver solver,
+                       HYPRE_StructMatrix A,
+                       HYPRE_StructVector b,
+                         HYPRE_StructVector x      );
+ /**
+  * Solve the system.
+  **/
+ int 
+ HYPRE_StructGMRESSolve( HYPRE_StructSolver solver,
+                       HYPRE_StructMatrix A,
+                       HYPRE_StructVector b,
+                         HYPRE_StructVector x      );
+ /**
+  * (Optional) Set the convergence tolerance.
+  **/
+ int
+ HYPRE_StructGMRESSetTol( HYPRE_StructSolver solver,
+                          double             tol    );
+ /**
+  * (Optional) Set maximum number of iterations.
+  **/
+ int
+ HYPRE_StructGMRESSetMaxIter( HYPRE_StructSolver solver,
+                              int                max_iter );
+ /**
+  * (Optional) Set the preconditioner to use.
+  **/
+ int
+ HYPRE_StructGMRESSetPrecond( HYPRE_StructSolver         solver,
+                            HYPRE_PtrToStructSolverFcn precond,
+                            HYPRE_PtrToStructSolverFcn precond_setup,
+                              HYPRE_StructSolver         precond_solver );
+ /**
+  * (Optional) Set the amount of logging to do.
+  **/
+ int
+ HYPRE_StructGMRESSetLogging( HYPRE_StructSolver solver,
+                              int                logging );
+ /**
+  * Return the number of iterations taken.
+  **/
+ int
+ HYPRE_StructGMRESGetNumIterations( HYPRE_StructSolver  solver,
+                                    int                *num_iterations );
+ /**
+  * Return the norm of the final relative residual.
+  **/
+ int
+ HYPRE_StructGMRESGetFinalRelativeResidualNorm( HYPRE_StructSolver  solver,
+                                                double             *norm   );
+ /*@}*/
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ /*
+  * @name Struct SparseMSG Solver
+  **/
+ int HYPRE_StructSparseMSGCreate(MPI_Comm            comm,
+                                 HYPRE_StructSolver *solver);
+ int HYPRE_StructSparseMSGDestroy(HYPRE_StructSolver solver);
+ int HYPRE_StructSparseMSGSetup(HYPRE_StructSolver solver,
+                                HYPRE_StructMatrix A,
+                                HYPRE_StructVector b,
+                                HYPRE_StructVector x);
+ int HYPRE_StructSparseMSGSolve(HYPRE_StructSolver solver,
+                                HYPRE_StructMatrix A,
+                                HYPRE_StructVector b,
+                                HYPRE_StructVector x);
+ int HYPRE_StructSparseMSGSetTol(HYPRE_StructSolver solver,
+                                 double             tol);
+ int HYPRE_StructSparseMSGSetMaxIter(HYPRE_StructSolver solver,
+                                     int                max_iter);
+ int HYPRE_StructSparseMSGSetJump(HYPRE_StructSolver solver,
+                                  int                jump);
+ int HYPRE_StructSparseMSGSetRelChange(HYPRE_StructSolver solver,
+                                       int                rel_change);
+ int HYPRE_StructSparseMSGSetZeroGuess(HYPRE_StructSolver solver);
+ int HYPRE_StructSparseMSGSetNonZeroGuess(HYPRE_StructSolver solver);
+ int HYPRE_StructSparseMSGSetRelaxType(HYPRE_StructSolver solver,
+                                       int                relax_type);
+ int HYPRE_StructSparseMSGSetNumPreRelax(HYPRE_StructSolver solver,
+                                         int                num_pre_relax);
+ int HYPRE_StructSparseMSGSetNumPostRelax(HYPRE_StructSolver solver,
+                                          int                num_post_relax);
+ int HYPRE_StructSparseMSGSetNumFineRelax(HYPRE_StructSolver solver,
+                                          int                num_fine_relax);
+ int HYPRE_StructSparseMSGSetLogging(HYPRE_StructSolver solver,
+                                     int                logging);
+ int HYPRE_StructSparseMSGGetNumIterations(HYPRE_StructSolver  solver,
+                                           int                *num_iterations);
+ int HYPRE_StructSparseMSGGetFinalRelativeResidualNorm(HYPRE_StructSolver  solver,
+                                                       double             *norm);
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ /*
+  * @name Struct Hybrid Solver
+  **/
+ int HYPRE_StructHybridCreate(MPI_Comm            comm,
+                              HYPRE_StructSolver *solver);
+ int HYPRE_StructHybridDestroy(HYPRE_StructSolver solver);
+ int HYPRE_StructHybridSetup(HYPRE_StructSolver solver,
+                             HYPRE_StructMatrix A,
+                             HYPRE_StructVector b,
+                             HYPRE_StructVector x);
+ int HYPRE_StructHybridSolve(HYPRE_StructSolver solver,
+                             HYPRE_StructMatrix A,
+                             HYPRE_StructVector b,
+                             HYPRE_StructVector x);
+ int HYPRE_StructHybridSetTol(HYPRE_StructSolver solver,
+                              double             tol);
+ int HYPRE_StructHybridSetConvergenceTol(HYPRE_StructSolver solver,
+                                         double             cf_tol);
+ int HYPRE_StructHybridSetDSCGMaxIter(HYPRE_StructSolver solver,
+                                      int                dscg_max_its);
+ int HYPRE_StructHybridSetPCGMaxIter(HYPRE_StructSolver solver,
+                                     int                pcg_max_its);
+ int HYPRE_StructHybridSetTwoNorm(HYPRE_StructSolver solver,
+                                  int                two_norm);
+ int HYPRE_StructHybridSetRelChange(HYPRE_StructSolver solver,
+                                    int                rel_change);
+ int HYPRE_StructHybridSetPrecond(HYPRE_StructSolver         solver,
+                                  HYPRE_PtrToStructSolverFcn precond,
+                                  HYPRE_PtrToStructSolverFcn precond_setup,
+                                  HYPRE_StructSolver         precond_solver);
+ int HYPRE_StructHybridSetLogging(HYPRE_StructSolver solver,
+                                  int                logging);
+ int HYPRE_StructHybridGetNumIterations(HYPRE_StructSolver  solver,
+                                        int                *num_its);
+ int HYPRE_StructHybridGetDSCGNumIterations(HYPRE_StructSolver  solver,
+                                            int                *dscg_num_its);
+ int HYPRE_StructHybridGetPCGNumIterations(HYPRE_StructSolver  solver,
+                                           int                *pcg_num_its);
+ int HYPRE_StructHybridGetFinalRelativeResidualNorm(HYPRE_StructSolver  solver,
+                                                    double             *norm);
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ /*@}*/
+ #ifdef __cplusplus
+ }
+ #endif
+ #endif

Index: llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/ASCI_Purple/SMG2000/HYPRE_struct_matrix.c
diff -c /dev/null llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/ASCI_Purple/SMG2000/HYPRE_struct_matrix.c:1.1
*** /dev/null	Mon Apr 11 00:22:18 2005
--- llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/ASCI_Purple/SMG2000/HYPRE_struct_matrix.c	Mon Apr 11 00:22:07 2005
*** 0 ****
--- 1,247 ----
+ /*BHEADER**********************************************************************
+  * (c) 1997   The Regents of the University of California
+  *
+  * See the file COPYRIGHT_and_DISCLAIMER for a complete copyright
+  * notice, contact person, and disclaimer.
+  *
+  * $Revision: 1.1 $
+  *********************************************************************EHEADER*/
+ /******************************************************************************
+  *
+  * HYPRE_StructMatrix interface
+  *
+  *****************************************************************************/
+ #include "headers.h"
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * HYPRE_StructMatrixCreate
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ HYPRE_StructMatrixCreate( MPI_Comm             comm,
+                           HYPRE_StructGrid     grid,
+                           HYPRE_StructStencil  stencil,
+                           HYPRE_StructMatrix  *matrix )
+ {
+    *matrix = hypre_StructMatrixCreate(comm, grid, stencil);
+    return 0;
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * HYPRE_StructMatrixDestroy
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int 
+ HYPRE_StructMatrixDestroy( HYPRE_StructMatrix matrix )
+ {
+    return( hypre_StructMatrixDestroy(matrix) );
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * HYPRE_StructMatrixInitialize
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ HYPRE_StructMatrixInitialize( HYPRE_StructMatrix matrix )
+ {
+    return ( hypre_StructMatrixInitialize(matrix) );
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * HYPRE_StructMatrixSetValues
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int 
+ HYPRE_StructMatrixSetValues( HYPRE_StructMatrix  matrix,
+                              int                *grid_index,
+                              int                 num_stencil_indices,
+                              int                *stencil_indices,
+                              double             *values )
+ {
+    hypre_Index  new_grid_index;
+    int          d;
+    int          ierr = 0;
+    hypre_ClearIndex(new_grid_index);
+    for (d = 0; d < hypre_StructGridDim(hypre_StructMatrixGrid(matrix)); d++)
+    {
+       hypre_IndexD(new_grid_index, d) = grid_index[d];
+    }
+    ierr = hypre_StructMatrixSetValues(matrix, new_grid_index,
+                                       num_stencil_indices, stencil_indices,
+                                       values, 0);
+    return (ierr);
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * HYPRE_StructMatrixSetBoxValues
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int 
+ HYPRE_StructMatrixSetBoxValues( HYPRE_StructMatrix  matrix,
+                                 int                *ilower,
+                                 int                *iupper,
+                                 int                 num_stencil_indices,
+                                 int                *stencil_indices,
+                                 double             *values )
+ {
+    hypre_Index         new_ilower;
+    hypre_Index         new_iupper;
+    hypre_Box          *new_value_box;
+    int                 d;
+    int                 ierr = 0;
+    hypre_ClearIndex(new_ilower);
+    hypre_ClearIndex(new_iupper);
+    for (d = 0; d < hypre_StructGridDim(hypre_StructMatrixGrid(matrix)); d++)
+    {
+       hypre_IndexD(new_ilower, d) = ilower[d];
+       hypre_IndexD(new_iupper, d) = iupper[d];
+    }
+    new_value_box = hypre_BoxCreate();
+    hypre_BoxSetExtents(new_value_box, new_ilower, new_iupper);
+    ierr = hypre_StructMatrixSetBoxValues(matrix, new_value_box,
+                                          num_stencil_indices, stencil_indices,
+                                          values, 0);
+    hypre_BoxDestroy(new_value_box);
+    return (ierr);
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * HYPRE_StructMatrixAddToValues
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int 
+ HYPRE_StructMatrixAddToValues( HYPRE_StructMatrix  matrix,
+                                int                *grid_index,
+                                int                 num_stencil_indices,
+                                int                *stencil_indices,
+                                double             *values )
+ {
+    hypre_Index         new_grid_index;
+    int                 d;
+    int                 ierr = 0;
+    hypre_ClearIndex(new_grid_index);
+    for (d = 0; d < hypre_StructGridDim(hypre_StructMatrixGrid(matrix)); d++)
+    {
+       hypre_IndexD(new_grid_index, d) = grid_index[d];
+    }
+    ierr = hypre_StructMatrixSetValues(matrix, new_grid_index,
+                                       num_stencil_indices, stencil_indices,
+                                       values, 1);
+    return (ierr);
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * HYPRE_StructMatrixAddToBoxValues
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int 
+ HYPRE_StructMatrixAddToBoxValues( HYPRE_StructMatrix  matrix,
+                                   int                *ilower,
+                                   int                *iupper,
+                                   int                 num_stencil_indices,
+                                   int                *stencil_indices,
+                                   double             *values )
+ {
+    hypre_Index         new_ilower;
+    hypre_Index         new_iupper;
+    hypre_Box          *new_value_box;
+    int                 d;
+    int                 ierr = 0;
+    hypre_ClearIndex(new_ilower);
+    hypre_ClearIndex(new_iupper);
+    for (d = 0; d < hypre_StructGridDim(hypre_StructMatrixGrid(matrix)); d++)
+    {
+       hypre_IndexD(new_ilower, d) = ilower[d];
+       hypre_IndexD(new_iupper, d) = iupper[d];
+    }
+    new_value_box = hypre_BoxCreate();
+    hypre_BoxSetExtents(new_value_box, new_ilower, new_iupper);
+    ierr = hypre_StructMatrixSetBoxValues(matrix, new_value_box,
+                                          num_stencil_indices, stencil_indices,
+                                          values, 1);
+    hypre_BoxDestroy(new_value_box);
+    return (ierr);
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * HYPRE_StructMatrixAssemble
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int 
+ HYPRE_StructMatrixAssemble( HYPRE_StructMatrix matrix )
+ {
+    return( hypre_StructMatrixAssemble(matrix) );
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * HYPRE_StructMatrixSetNumGhost
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ HYPRE_StructMatrixSetNumGhost( HYPRE_StructMatrix  matrix,
+                                int                *num_ghost )
+ {
+    return ( hypre_StructMatrixSetNumGhost(matrix, num_ghost) );
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * HYPRE_StructMatrixGetGrid
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ HYPRE_StructMatrixGetGrid( HYPRE_StructMatrix matrix, HYPRE_StructGrid *grid )
+ {
+    int ierr = 0;
+    *grid = hypre_StructMatrixGrid(matrix);
+    return ierr;
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * HYPRE_StructMatrixSetSymmetric
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ HYPRE_StructMatrixSetSymmetric( HYPRE_StructMatrix  matrix,
+                                 int                 symmetric )
+ {
+    int ierr  = 0;
+    hypre_StructMatrixSymmetric(matrix) = symmetric;
+    return ierr;
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * HYPRE_StructMatrixPrint
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ HYPRE_StructMatrixPrint( char               *filename,
+                          HYPRE_StructMatrix  matrix,
+                          int                 all )
+ {
+    return ( hypre_StructMatrixPrint(filename, matrix, all) );
+ }

Index: llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/ASCI_Purple/SMG2000/HYPRE_struct_mv.h
diff -c /dev/null llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/ASCI_Purple/SMG2000/HYPRE_struct_mv.h:1.1
*** /dev/null	Mon Apr 11 00:22:18 2005
--- llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/ASCI_Purple/SMG2000/HYPRE_struct_mv.h	Mon Apr 11 00:22:07 2005
*** 0 ****
--- 1,344 ----
+ /*BHEADER**********************************************************************
+  * (c) 2000   The Regents of the University of California
+  *
+  * See the file COPYRIGHT_and_DISCLAIMER for a complete copyright
+  * notice, contact person, and disclaimer.
+  *
+  * $Revision: 1.1 $
+  *********************************************************************EHEADER*/
+ #include "HYPRE_config.h"
+ #include "HYPRE_utilities.h"
+ #ifdef __cplusplus
+ extern "C" {
+ #endif
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ /**
+  * @name Struct System Interface
+  *
+  * This interface represents a structured-grid conceptual view of a
+  * linear system.
+  *
+  * @memo A structured-grid conceptual interface
+  * @author Robert D. Falgout
+  **/
+ /*@{*/
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ /**
+  * @name Struct Grids
+  **/
+ /*@{*/
+ struct hypre_StructGrid_struct;
+ /**
+  * A grid object is constructed out of several ``boxes'', defined on a
+  * global abstract index space.
+  **/
+ typedef struct hypre_StructGrid_struct *HYPRE_StructGrid;
+ /**
+  * Create an {\tt ndim}-dimensional grid object.
+  **/
+ int HYPRE_StructGridCreate(MPI_Comm          comm,
+                            int               ndim,
+                            HYPRE_StructGrid *grid);
+ /**
+  * Destroy a grid object.  An object should be explicitly destroyed
+  * using this destructor when the user's code no longer needs direct
+  * access to it.  Once destroyed, the object must not be referenced
+  * again.  Note that the object may not be deallocated at the
+  * completion of this call, since there may be internal package
+  * references to the object.  The object will then be destroyed when
+  * all internal reference counts go to zero.
+  **/
+ int HYPRE_StructGridDestroy(HYPRE_StructGrid grid);
+ /**
+  * Set the extents for a box on the grid.
+  **/
+ int HYPRE_StructGridSetExtents(HYPRE_StructGrid  grid,
+                                int              *ilower,
+                                int              *iupper);
+ /**
+  * Finalize the construction of the grid before using.
+  **/
+ int HYPRE_StructGridAssemble(HYPRE_StructGrid grid);
+ /**
+  * (Optional) Set periodic.
+  **/
+ int HYPRE_StructGridSetPeriodic(HYPRE_StructGrid  grid,
+                                 int              *periodic);
+ /*@}*/
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ /**
+  * @name Struct Stencils
+  **/
+ /*@{*/
+ struct hypre_StructStencil_struct;
+ /**
+  * The stencil object.
+  **/
+ typedef struct hypre_StructStencil_struct *HYPRE_StructStencil;
+ /**
+  * Create a stencil object for the specified number of spatial dimensions
+  * and stencil entries.
+  **/
+ int HYPRE_StructStencilCreate(int                  ndim,
+                               int                  size,
+                               HYPRE_StructStencil *stencil);
+ /**
+  * Destroy a stencil object.
+  **/
+ int HYPRE_StructStencilDestroy(HYPRE_StructStencil stencil);
+ /**
+  * Set a stencil entry.
+  *
+  * NOTE: The name of this routine will eventually be changed to
+  * {\tt HYPRE\_StructStencilSetEntry}.
+  **/
+ int HYPRE_StructStencilSetElement(HYPRE_StructStencil  stencil,
+                                   int                  entry,
+                                   int                 *offset);
+ /*@}*/
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ /**
+  * @name Struct Matrices
+  **/
+ /*@{*/
+ struct hypre_StructMatrix_struct;
+ /**
+  * The matrix object.
+  **/
+ typedef struct hypre_StructMatrix_struct *HYPRE_StructMatrix;
+ /**
+  * Create a matrix object.
+  **/
+ int HYPRE_StructMatrixCreate(MPI_Comm             comm,
+                              HYPRE_StructGrid     grid,
+                              HYPRE_StructStencil  stencil,
+                              HYPRE_StructMatrix  *matrix);
+ /**
+  * Destroy a matrix object.
+  **/
+ int HYPRE_StructMatrixDestroy(HYPRE_StructMatrix matrix);
+ /**
+  * Prepare a matrix object for setting coefficient values.
+  **/
+ int HYPRE_StructMatrixInitialize(HYPRE_StructMatrix matrix);
+ /**
+  * Set matrix coefficients index by index.
+  **/
+ int HYPRE_StructMatrixSetValues(HYPRE_StructMatrix  matrix,
+                                 int                *index,
+                                 int                 nentries,
+                                 int                *entries,
+                                 double             *values);
+ /**
+  * Set matrix coefficients a box at a time.
+  **/
+ int HYPRE_StructMatrixSetBoxValues(HYPRE_StructMatrix  matrix,
+                                    int                *ilower,
+                                    int                *iupper,
+                                    int                 nentries,
+                                    int                *entries,
+                                    double             *values);
+ /**
+  * Add to matrix coefficients index by index.
+  **/
+ int HYPRE_StructMatrixAddToValues(HYPRE_StructMatrix  matrix,
+                                   int                *index,
+                                   int                 nentries,
+                                   int                *entries,
+                                   double             *values);
+ /**
+  * Add to matrix coefficients a box at a time.
+  **/
+ int HYPRE_StructMatrixAddToBoxValues(HYPRE_StructMatrix  matrix,
+                                      int                *ilower,
+                                      int                *iupper,
+                                      int                 nentries,
+                                      int                *entries,
+                                      double             *values);
+ /**
+  * Finalize the construction of the matrix before using.
+  **/
+ int HYPRE_StructMatrixAssemble(HYPRE_StructMatrix matrix);
+ /**
+  * (Optional) Define symmetry properties of the matrix.  By default,
+  * matrices are assumed to be nonsymmetric.  Significant storage
+  * savings can be made if the matrix is symmetric.
+  **/
+ int HYPRE_StructMatrixSetSymmetric(HYPRE_StructMatrix  matrix,
+                                    int                 symmetric);
+ /**
+  * Print the matrix to file.  This is mainly for debugging purposes.
+  **/
+ int HYPRE_StructMatrixPrint(char               *filename,
+                             HYPRE_StructMatrix  matrix,
+                             int                 all);
+ /*@}*/
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ /**
+  * @name Struct Vectors
+  **/
+ /*@{*/
+ struct hypre_StructVector_struct;
+ /**
+  * The vector object.
+  **/
+ typedef struct hypre_StructVector_struct *HYPRE_StructVector;
+ /**
+  * Create a vector object.
+  **/
+ int HYPRE_StructVectorCreate(MPI_Comm            comm,
+                              HYPRE_StructGrid    grid,
+                              HYPRE_StructVector *vector);
+ /**
+  * Destroy a vector object.
+  **/
+ int HYPRE_StructVectorDestroy(HYPRE_StructVector vector);
+ /**
+  * Prepare a vector object for setting coefficient values.
+  **/
+ int HYPRE_StructVectorInitialize(HYPRE_StructVector vector);
+ /**
+  * Set vector coefficients index by index.
+  **/
+ int HYPRE_StructVectorSetValues(HYPRE_StructVector  vector,
+                                 int                *index,
+                                 double              value);
+ /**
+  * Set vector coefficients a box at a time.
+  **/
+ int HYPRE_StructVectorSetBoxValues(HYPRE_StructVector  vector,
+                                    int                *ilower,
+                                    int                *iupper,
+                                    double             *values);
+ /**
+  * Set vector coefficients index by index.
+  **/
+ int HYPRE_StructVectorAddToValues(HYPRE_StructVector  vector,
+                                   int                *index,
+                                   double              value);
+ /**
+  * Set vector coefficients a box at a time.
+  **/
+ int HYPRE_StructVectorAddToBoxValues(HYPRE_StructVector  vector,
+                                      int                *ilower,
+                                      int                *iupper,
+                                      double             *values);
+ /**
+  * Finalize the construction of the vector before using.
+  **/
+ int HYPRE_StructVectorAssemble(HYPRE_StructVector vector);
+ /**
+  * Get vector coefficients index by index.
+  **/
+ int HYPRE_StructVectorGetValues(HYPRE_StructVector  vector,
+                                 int                *index,
+                                 double             *value);
+ /**
+  * Get vector coefficients a box at a time.
+  **/
+ int HYPRE_StructVectorGetBoxValues(HYPRE_StructVector  vector,
+                                    int                *ilower,
+                                    int                *iupper,
+                                    double             *values);
+ /**
+  * Print the vector to file.  This is mainly for debugging purposes.
+  **/
+ int HYPRE_StructVectorPrint(char               *filename,
+                             HYPRE_StructVector  vector,
+                             int                 all);
+ /*@}*/
+ /*@}*/
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * Miscellaneous: These probably do not belong in the interface.
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int HYPRE_StructMatrixSetNumGhost(HYPRE_StructMatrix  matrix,
+                                   int                *num_ghost);
+ int HYPRE_StructMatrixGetGrid(HYPRE_StructMatrix  matrix,
+                               HYPRE_StructGrid   *grid);
+ struct hypre_CommPkg_struct;
+ typedef struct hypre_CommPkg_struct *HYPRE_CommPkg;
+ int HYPRE_StructVectorSetNumGhost(HYPRE_StructVector  vector,
+                                   int                *num_ghost);
+ int HYPRE_StructVectorSetConstantValues(HYPRE_StructVector vector,
+                                         double             values);
+ int HYPRE_StructVectorGetMigrateCommPkg(HYPRE_StructVector  from_vector,
+                                         HYPRE_StructVector  to_vector,
+                                         HYPRE_CommPkg      *comm_pkg);
+ int HYPRE_StructVectorMigrate(HYPRE_CommPkg      comm_pkg,
+                               HYPRE_StructVector from_vector,
+                               HYPRE_StructVector to_vector);
+ int HYPRE_CommPkgDestroy(HYPRE_CommPkg comm_pkg);
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ #ifdef __cplusplus
+ }
+ #endif
+ #endif

Index: llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/ASCI_Purple/SMG2000/HYPRE_struct_pcg.c
diff -c /dev/null llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/ASCI_Purple/SMG2000/HYPRE_struct_pcg.c:1.1
*** /dev/null	Mon Apr 11 00:22:18 2005
--- llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/ASCI_Purple/SMG2000/HYPRE_struct_pcg.c	Mon Apr 11 00:22:07 2005
*** 0 ****
--- 1,473 ----
+ /*BHEADER**********************************************************************
+  * (c) 1998   The Regents of the University of California
+  *
+  * See the file COPYRIGHT_and_DISCLAIMER for a complete copyright
+  * notice, contact person, and disclaimer.
+  *
+  * $Revision: 1.1 $
+  *********************************************************************EHEADER*/
+ #include "headers.h"
+ /*==========================================================================*/
+ /** Creates a new PCG solver object.
+ {\bf Input files:}
+ headers.h
+ @return Error code.
+ @param comm [IN]
+   MPI communicator
+ @param solver [OUT]
+   solver structure
+ @see HYPRE_StructPCGDestroy */
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ HYPRE_StructPCGCreate( MPI_Comm comm, HYPRE_StructSolver *solver )
+ {
+    /* The function names with a PCG in them are in
+       struct_ls/pcg_struct.c .  These functions do rather little -
+       e.g., cast to the correct type - before calling something else.
+       These names should be called, e.g., hypre_struct_Free, to reduce the
+       chance of name conflicts. */
+    hypre_PCGFunctions * pcg_functions =
+       hypre_PCGFunctionsCreate(
+          hypre_CAlloc, hypre_StructKrylovFree, hypre_StructKrylovCreateVector,
+          hypre_StructKrylovDestroyVector, hypre_StructKrylovMatvecCreate,
+          hypre_StructKrylovMatvec, hypre_StructKrylovMatvecDestroy,
+          hypre_StructKrylovInnerProd, hypre_StructKrylovCopyVector,
+          hypre_StructKrylovClearVector,
+          hypre_StructKrylovScaleVector, hypre_StructKrylovAxpy,
+          hypre_StructKrylovIdentitySetup, hypre_StructKrylovIdentity );
+    *solver = ( (HYPRE_StructSolver) hypre_PCGCreate( pcg_functions ) );
+    return 0;
+ }
+ /*==========================================================================*/
+ /*==========================================================================*/
+ /** Destroys a PCG solver object.
+ {\bf Input files:}
+ headers.h
+ @return Error code.
+ @param solver [IN/OUT]
+   solver structure
+ @see HYPRE_StructPCGCreate */
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int 
+ HYPRE_StructPCGDestroy( HYPRE_StructSolver solver )
+ {
+    return( hypre_PCGDestroy( (void *) solver ) );
+ }
+ /*==========================================================================*/
+ /*==========================================================================*/
+ /** Precomputes tasks necessary for doing the solve.  This routine
+ ensures that the setup for the preconditioner is also called.
+ NOTE: This is supposed to be an optional call, but currently is required.
+ {\bf Input files:}
+ headers.h
+ @return Error code.
+ @param solver [IN/OUT]
+   solver structure
+ @param A [IN]
+   coefficient matrix
+ @param b [IN]
+   right-hand-side vector
+ @param x [IN]
+   unknown vector
+ @see HYPRE_StructPCGSolve */
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int 
+ HYPRE_StructPCGSetup( HYPRE_StructSolver solver,
+                       HYPRE_StructMatrix A,
+                       HYPRE_StructVector b,
+                       HYPRE_StructVector x      )
+ {
+    return( HYPRE_PCGSetup( (HYPRE_Solver) solver,
+                            (HYPRE_Matrix) A,
+                            (HYPRE_Vector) b,
+                            (HYPRE_Vector) x ) );
+ }
+ /*==========================================================================*/
+ /*==========================================================================*/
+ /** Performs the PCG linear solve.
+ {\bf Input files:}
+ headers.h
+ @return Error code.
+ @param solver [IN/OUT]
+   solver structure
+ @param A [IN]
+   coefficient matrix
+ @param b [IN]
+   right-hand-side vector
+ @param x [IN]
+   unknown vector
+ @see HYPRE_StructPCGSetup */
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int 
+ HYPRE_StructPCGSolve( HYPRE_StructSolver solver,
+                       HYPRE_StructMatrix A,
+                       HYPRE_StructVector b,
+                       HYPRE_StructVector x      )
+ {
+    return( HYPRE_PCGSolve( (HYPRE_Solver) solver,
+                            (HYPRE_Matrix) A,
+                            (HYPRE_Vector) b,
+                            (HYPRE_Vector) x ) );
+ }
+ /*==========================================================================*/
+ /*==========================================================================*/
+ /** (Optional) Set the stopping tolerance.
+ {\bf Input files:}
+ headers.h
+ @return Error code.
+ @param solver [IN/OUT]
+   solver structure
+ @param tol [IN]
+   PCG solver tolerance
+ @see HYPRE_StructPCGSolve, HYPRE_StructPCGSetup   */
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ HYPRE_StructPCGSetTol( HYPRE_StructSolver solver,
+                        double             tol    )
+ {
+    return( HYPRE_PCGSetTol( (HYPRE_Solver) solver, tol ) );
+ }
+ /*==========================================================================*/
+ /*==========================================================================*/
+ /** (Optional) Set the maximum number of iterations.
+ {\bf Input files:}
+ headers.h
+ @return Error code.
+ @param solver [IN/OUT]
+   solver structure
+ @param max_iter [IN]
+   PCG solver maximum number of iterations
+ @see HYPRE_StructPCGSolve, HYPRE_StructPCGSetup */
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ HYPRE_StructPCGSetMaxIter( HYPRE_StructSolver solver,
+                            int                max_iter )
+ {
+    return( HYPRE_PCGSetMaxIter( (HYPRE_Solver) solver, max_iter ) );
+ }
+ /*==========================================================================*/
+ /*==========================================================================*/
+ /** (Optional) Set the type of norm to use in the stopping criteria.
+ If parameter two\_norm is set to 0, the preconditioner norm is used.
+ If set to 1, the two-norm is used.
+ {\bf Input files:}
+ headers.h
+ @return Error code.
+ @param solver [IN/OUT]
+   solver structure
+ @param two_norm [IN]
+   boolean indicating whether or not to use the two-norm
+ @see HYPRE_StructPCGSolve, HYPRE_StructPCGSetup */
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ HYPRE_StructPCGSetTwoNorm( HYPRE_StructSolver solver,
+                            int                two_norm )
+ {
+    return( HYPRE_PCGSetTwoNorm( (HYPRE_Solver) solver, two_norm ) );
+ }
+ /*==========================================================================*/
+ /*==========================================================================*/
+ /** (Optional) Set whether or not to do an additional relative change
+ stopping test.  If parameter rel\_change is set to 0, no additional
+ stopping test is done.  If set to 1, the additional test is done.
+ {\bf Input files:}
+ headers.h
+ @return Error code.
+ @param solver [IN/OUT]
+   solver structure
+ @param rel_change [IN]
+   boolean indicating whether or not to do relative change test
+ @see HYPRE_StructPCGSolve, HYPRE_StructPCGSetup */
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ HYPRE_StructPCGSetRelChange( HYPRE_StructSolver solver,
+                              int                rel_change )
+ {
+    return( HYPRE_PCGSetRelChange( (HYPRE_Solver) solver, rel_change ) );
+ }
+ /*==========================================================================*/
+ /*==========================================================================*/
+ /** (Optional) Sets the precondioner to use in PCG.  The Default is no
+ preconditioner, i.e. the solver is just conjugate gradients (CG).
+ {\bf Input files:}
+ headers.h
+ @return Error code.
+ @param solver [IN/OUT]
+   solver structure
+ @param precond [IN]
+   pointer to the preconditioner solve function
+ @param precond_setup [IN]
+   pointer to the preconditioner setup function
+ @param precond_solver [IN/OUT]
+   preconditioner solver structure
+ @see HYPRE_StructPCGSolve, HYPRE_StructPCGSetup*/
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ HYPRE_StructPCGSetPrecond( HYPRE_StructSolver         solver,
+                            HYPRE_PtrToStructSolverFcn precond,
+                            HYPRE_PtrToStructSolverFcn precond_setup,
+                            HYPRE_StructSolver         precond_solver )
+ {
+    return( HYPRE_PCGSetPrecond( (HYPRE_Solver) solver,
+                                 (HYPRE_PtrToSolverFcn) precond,
+                                 (HYPRE_PtrToSolverFcn) precond_setup,
+                                 (HYPRE_Solver) precond_solver ) );
+ }
+ /*==========================================================================*/
+ /*==========================================================================*/
+ /** (Optional) Set the type of logging to do.  Currently, if parameter
+ logging is set to 0, no logging is done.  If set to 1, the norms and
+ relative norms for each iteration are saved.
+ {\bf Input files:}
+ headers.h
+ @return Error code.
+ @param solver [IN/OUT]
+   solver structure
+ @param logging [IN]
+   integer indicating what type of logging to do
+ @see HYPRE_StructPCGSolve, HYPRE_StructPCGSetup */
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ HYPRE_StructPCGSetLogging( HYPRE_StructSolver solver,
+                            int                logging )
+ {
+    return( HYPRE_PCGSetLogging( (HYPRE_Solver) solver, logging ) );
+ }
+ /*==========================================================================*/
+ /*==========================================================================*/
+ /** (Optional) Gets the number of iterations done in the solve.
+ {\bf Input files:}
+ headers.h
+ @return Error code.
+ @param solver [IN]
+   solver structure
+ @param num_iterations [OUT]
+   number of iterations
+ @see HYPRE_StructPCGSolve, HYPRE_StructPCGSetup */
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ HYPRE_StructPCGGetNumIterations( HYPRE_StructSolver  solver,
+                                  int                *num_iterations )
+ {
+    return( HYPRE_PCGGetNumIterations( (HYPRE_Solver) solver, num_iterations ) );
+ }
+ /*==========================================================================*/
+ /*==========================================================================*/
+ /** (Optional) Gets the final relative residual norm for the solve.
+ {\bf Input files:}
+ headers.h
+ @return Error code.
+ @param solver [IN]
+   solver structure
+ @param norm [OUT]
+   final relative residual norm
+ @see HYPRE_StructPCGSolve, HYPRE_StructPCGSetup */
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ HYPRE_StructPCGGetFinalRelativeResidualNorm( HYPRE_StructSolver  solver,
+                                              double             *norm   )
+ {
+    return( HYPRE_PCGGetFinalRelativeResidualNorm( (HYPRE_Solver) solver, norm ) );
+ }
+ /*==========================================================================*/
+ /*==========================================================================*/
+ /** Setup routine for diagonally scaling a vector.
+ {\bf Input files:}
+ headers.h
+ @return Error code.
+ @param solver [IN/OUT]
+   solver structure
+ @param A [IN]
+   coefficient matrix
+ @param b [IN]
+   right-hand-side vector
+ @param x [IN]
+   unknown vector
+ @see HYPRE_StructDiagScale */
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int 
+ HYPRE_StructDiagScaleSetup( HYPRE_StructSolver solver,
+                             HYPRE_StructMatrix A,
+                             HYPRE_StructVector y,
+                             HYPRE_StructVector x      )
+ {
+    return 0;
+ }
+ /*==========================================================================*/
+ /*==========================================================================*/
+ /** Diagonally scale a vector.
+ {\bf Input files:}
+ headers.h
+ @return Error code.
+ @param solver [IN/OUT]
+   solver structure
+ @param A [IN]
+   coefficient matrix
+ @param b [IN]
+   right-hand-side vector
+ @param x [IN]
+   unknown vector
+ @see HYPRE_StructDiagScaleSetup */
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * HYPRE_StructDiagScale
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int 
+ HYPRE_StructDiagScale( HYPRE_StructSolver solver,
+                        HYPRE_StructMatrix HA,
+                        HYPRE_StructVector Hy,
+                        HYPRE_StructVector Hx      )
+ {
+    hypre_StructMatrix   *A = (hypre_StructMatrix *) HA;
+    hypre_StructVector   *y = (hypre_StructVector *) Hy;
+    hypre_StructVector   *x = (hypre_StructVector *) Hx;
+    hypre_BoxArray       *boxes;
+    hypre_Box            *box;
+    hypre_Box            *A_data_box;
+    hypre_Box            *y_data_box;
+    hypre_Box            *x_data_box;
+    double               *Ap;
+    double               *yp;
+    double               *xp;
+    int                   Ai;
+    int                   yi;
+    int                   xi;
+    hypre_Index           index;
+    hypre_IndexRef        start;
+    hypre_Index           stride;
+    hypre_Index           loop_size;
+    int                   i;
+    int                   loopi, loopj, loopk;
+    int                   ierr = 0;
+    /* x = D^{-1} y */
+    hypre_SetIndex(stride, 1, 1, 1);
+    boxes = hypre_StructGridBoxes(hypre_StructMatrixGrid(A));
+    hypre_ForBoxI(i, boxes)
+       {
+          box = hypre_BoxArrayBox(boxes, i);
+          A_data_box = hypre_BoxArrayBox(hypre_StructMatrixDataSpace(A), i);
+          x_data_box = hypre_BoxArrayBox(hypre_StructVectorDataSpace(x), i);
+          y_data_box = hypre_BoxArrayBox(hypre_StructVectorDataSpace(y), i);
+          hypre_SetIndex(index, 0, 0, 0);
+          Ap = hypre_StructMatrixExtractPointerByIndex(A, i, index);
+          xp = hypre_StructVectorBoxData(x, i);
+          yp = hypre_StructVectorBoxData(y, i);
+          start  = hypre_BoxIMin(box);
+          hypre_BoxGetSize(box, loop_size);
+          hypre_BoxLoop3Begin(loop_size,
+                              A_data_box, start, stride, Ai,
+                              x_data_box, start, stride, xi,
+                              y_data_box, start, stride, yi);
+ #define HYPRE_BOX_SMP_PRIVATE loopk,loopi,loopj,yi,xi,Ai
+ #include "hypre_box_smp_forloop.h"
+          hypre_BoxLoop3For(loopi, loopj, loopk, Ai, xi, yi)
+             {
+                xp[xi] = yp[yi] / Ap[Ai];
+             }
+          hypre_BoxLoop3End(Ai, xi, yi);
+       }
+    return ierr;
+ }

Index: llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/ASCI_Purple/SMG2000/HYPRE_struct_smg.c
diff -c /dev/null llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/ASCI_Purple/SMG2000/HYPRE_struct_smg.c:1.1
*** /dev/null	Mon Apr 11 00:22:18 2005
--- llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/ASCI_Purple/SMG2000/HYPRE_struct_smg.c	Mon Apr 11 00:22:07 2005
*** 0 ****
--- 1,191 ----
+ /*BHEADER**********************************************************************
+  * (c) 1997   The Regents of the University of California
+  *
+  * See the file COPYRIGHT_and_DISCLAIMER for a complete copyright
+  * notice, contact person, and disclaimer.
+  *
+  * $Revision: 1.1 $
+  *********************************************************************EHEADER*/
+ /******************************************************************************
+  *
+  * HYPRE_StructSMG interface
+  *
+  *****************************************************************************/
+ #include "headers.h"
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * HYPRE_StructSMGCreate
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ HYPRE_StructSMGCreate( MPI_Comm comm, HYPRE_StructSolver *solver )
+ {
+    *solver = ( (HYPRE_StructSolver) hypre_SMGCreate( comm ) );
+    return 0;
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * HYPRE_StructSMGDestroy
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int 
+ HYPRE_StructSMGDestroy( HYPRE_StructSolver solver )
+ {
+    return( hypre_SMGDestroy( (void *) solver ) );
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * HYPRE_StructSMGSetup
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int 
+ HYPRE_StructSMGSetup( HYPRE_StructSolver solver,
+                       HYPRE_StructMatrix A,
+                       HYPRE_StructVector b,
+                       HYPRE_StructVector x      )
+ {
+    return( hypre_SMGSetup( (void *) solver,
+                            (hypre_StructMatrix *) A,
+                            (hypre_StructVector *) b,
+                            (hypre_StructVector *) x ) );
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * HYPRE_StructSMGSolve
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int 
+ HYPRE_StructSMGSolve( HYPRE_StructSolver solver,
+                       HYPRE_StructMatrix A,
+                       HYPRE_StructVector b,
+                       HYPRE_StructVector x      )
+ {
+    return( hypre_SMGSolve( (void *) solver,
+                            (hypre_StructMatrix *) A,
+                            (hypre_StructVector *) b,
+                            (hypre_StructVector *) x ) );
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * HYPRE_StructSMGSetMemoryUse
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ HYPRE_StructSMGSetMemoryUse( HYPRE_StructSolver solver,
+                              int                memory_use )
+ {
+    return( hypre_SMGSetMemoryUse( (void *) solver, memory_use ) );
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * HYPRE_StructSMGSetTol
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ HYPRE_StructSMGSetTol( HYPRE_StructSolver solver,
+                        double             tol    )
+ {
+    return( hypre_SMGSetTol( (void *) solver, tol ) );
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * HYPRE_StructSMGSetMaxIter
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ HYPRE_StructSMGSetMaxIter( HYPRE_StructSolver solver,
+                            int                max_iter  )
+ {
+    return( hypre_SMGSetMaxIter( (void *) solver, max_iter ) );
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * HYPRE_StructSMGSetRelChange
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ HYPRE_StructSMGSetRelChange( HYPRE_StructSolver solver,
+                              int                rel_change  )
+ {
+    return( hypre_SMGSetRelChange( (void *) solver, rel_change ) );
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * HYPRE_StructSMGSetZeroGuess
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ HYPRE_StructSMGSetZeroGuess( HYPRE_StructSolver solver )
+ {
+    return( hypre_SMGSetZeroGuess( (void *) solver, 1 ) );
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * HYPRE_StructSMGSetNonZeroGuess
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ HYPRE_StructSMGSetNonZeroGuess( HYPRE_StructSolver solver )
+ {
+    return( hypre_SMGSetZeroGuess( (void *) solver, 0 ) );
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * HYPRE_StructSMGSetNumPreRelax
+  *
+  * Note that we require at least 1 pre-relax sweep. 
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ HYPRE_StructSMGSetNumPreRelax( HYPRE_StructSolver solver,
+                                int                num_pre_relax )
+ {
+    return( hypre_SMGSetNumPreRelax( (void *) solver, num_pre_relax) );
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * HYPRE_StructSMGSetNumPostRelax
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ HYPRE_StructSMGSetNumPostRelax( HYPRE_StructSolver solver,
+                                 int                num_post_relax )
+ {
+    return( hypre_SMGSetNumPostRelax( (void *) solver, num_post_relax) );
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * HYPRE_StructSMGSetLogging
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ HYPRE_StructSMGSetLogging( HYPRE_StructSolver solver,
+                            int                logging )
+ {
+    return( hypre_SMGSetLogging( (void *) solver, logging) );
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * HYPRE_StructSMGGetNumIterations
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ HYPRE_StructSMGGetNumIterations( HYPRE_StructSolver  solver,
+                                  int                *num_iterations )
+ {
+    return( hypre_SMGGetNumIterations( (void *) solver, num_iterations ) );
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * HYPRE_StructSMGGetFinalRelativeResidualNorm
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ HYPRE_StructSMGGetFinalRelativeResidualNorm( HYPRE_StructSolver  solver,
+                                              double             *norm   )
+ {
+    return( hypre_SMGGetFinalRelativeResidualNorm( (void *) solver, norm ) );
+ }

Index: llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/ASCI_Purple/SMG2000/HYPRE_struct_stencil.c
diff -c /dev/null llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/ASCI_Purple/SMG2000/HYPRE_struct_stencil.c:1.1
*** /dev/null	Mon Apr 11 00:22:18 2005
--- llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/ASCI_Purple/SMG2000/HYPRE_struct_stencil.c	Mon Apr 11 00:22:07 2005
*** 0 ****
--- 1,68 ----
+ /*BHEADER**********************************************************************
+  * (c) 1997   The Regents of the University of California
+  *
+  * See the file COPYRIGHT_and_DISCLAIMER for a complete copyright
+  * notice, contact person, and disclaimer.
+  *
+  * $Revision: 1.1 $
+  *********************************************************************EHEADER*/
+ /******************************************************************************
+  *
+  * HYPRE_StructStencil interface
+  *
+  *****************************************************************************/
+ #include "headers.h"
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * HYPRE_StructStencilCreate
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ HYPRE_StructStencilCreate( int                  dim,
+                            int                  size,
+                            HYPRE_StructStencil *stencil )
+ {
+    hypre_Index  *shape;
+    shape = hypre_CTAlloc(hypre_Index, size);
+    *stencil = hypre_StructStencilCreate(dim, size, shape);
+    return 0;
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * HYPRE_StructStencilSetElement
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ HYPRE_StructStencilSetElement( HYPRE_StructStencil  stencil,
+                                int                  element_index,
+                                int                 *offset )
+ {
+    int           ierr = 0;
+    hypre_Index  *shape;
+    int           d;
+    shape = hypre_StructStencilShape(stencil);
+    hypre_ClearIndex(shape[element_index]);
+    for (d = 0; d < hypre_StructStencilDim(stencil); d++)
+    {
+       hypre_IndexD(shape[element_index], d) = offset[d];
+    }
+    return ierr;
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * HYPRE_StructStencilDestroy
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ HYPRE_StructStencilDestroy( HYPRE_StructStencil stencil )
+ {
+    return ( hypre_StructStencilDestroy(stencil) );
+ }

Index: llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/ASCI_Purple/SMG2000/HYPRE_struct_vector.c
diff -c /dev/null llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/ASCI_Purple/SMG2000/HYPRE_struct_vector.c:1.1
*** /dev/null	Mon Apr 11 00:22:18 2005
--- llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/ASCI_Purple/SMG2000/HYPRE_struct_vector.c	Mon Apr 11 00:22:07 2005
*** 0 ****
--- 1,312 ----
+ /*BHEADER**********************************************************************
+  * (c) 1997   The Regents of the University of California
+  *
+  * See the file COPYRIGHT_and_DISCLAIMER for a complete copyright
+  * notice, contact person, and disclaimer.
+  *
+  * $Revision: 1.1 $
+  *********************************************************************EHEADER*/
+ /******************************************************************************
+  *
+  * HYPRE_StructVector interface
+  *
+  *****************************************************************************/
+ #include "headers.h"
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * HYPRE_StructVectorCreate
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ HYPRE_StructVectorCreate( MPI_Comm             comm,
+                           HYPRE_StructGrid     grid,
+                           HYPRE_StructVector  *vector )
+ {
+    int ierr = 0;
+    *vector = hypre_StructVectorCreate(comm, grid);
+    return ierr;
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * HYPRE_StructVectorDestroy
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int 
+ HYPRE_StructVectorDestroy( HYPRE_StructVector struct_vector )
+ {
+    return( hypre_StructVectorDestroy(struct_vector) );
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * HYPRE_StructVectorInitialize
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ HYPRE_StructVectorInitialize( HYPRE_StructVector vector )
+ {
+    return ( hypre_StructVectorInitialize(vector) );
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * HYPRE_StructVectorSetValues
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int 
+ HYPRE_StructVectorSetValues( HYPRE_StructVector  vector,
+                              int                *grid_index,
+                              double              values )
+ {
+    hypre_Index  new_grid_index;
+    int          d;
+    int          ierr = 0;
+    hypre_ClearIndex(new_grid_index);
+    for (d = 0; d < hypre_StructGridDim(hypre_StructVectorGrid(vector)); d++)
+    {
+       hypre_IndexD(new_grid_index, d) = grid_index[d];
+    }
+    ierr = hypre_StructVectorSetValues(vector, new_grid_index, values, 0);
+    return ierr;
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * HYPRE_StructVectorSetBoxValues
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int 
+ HYPRE_StructVectorSetBoxValues( HYPRE_StructVector  vector,
+                                 int                *ilower,
+                                 int                *iupper,
+                                 double             *values )
+ {
+    hypre_Index   new_ilower;
+    hypre_Index   new_iupper;
+    hypre_Box    *new_value_box;
+    int           d;
+    int           ierr = 0;
+    hypre_ClearIndex(new_ilower);
+    hypre_ClearIndex(new_iupper);
+    for (d = 0; d < hypre_StructGridDim(hypre_StructVectorGrid(vector)); d++)
+    {
+       hypre_IndexD(new_ilower, d) = ilower[d];
+       hypre_IndexD(new_iupper, d) = iupper[d];
+    }
+    new_value_box = hypre_BoxCreate();
+    hypre_BoxSetExtents(new_value_box, new_ilower, new_iupper);
+    ierr = hypre_StructVectorSetBoxValues(vector, new_value_box, values, 0 );
+    hypre_BoxDestroy(new_value_box);
+    return ierr;
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * HYPRE_StructVectorAddToValues
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int 
+ HYPRE_StructVectorAddToValues( HYPRE_StructVector  vector,
+                                int                *grid_index,
+                                double              values )
+ {
+    hypre_Index  new_grid_index;
+    int          d;
+    int          ierr = 0;
+    hypre_ClearIndex(new_grid_index);
+    for (d = 0; d < hypre_StructGridDim(hypre_StructVectorGrid(vector)); d++)
+    {
+       hypre_IndexD(new_grid_index, d) = grid_index[d];
+    }
+    ierr = hypre_StructVectorSetValues(vector, new_grid_index, values, 1);
+    return ierr;
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * HYPRE_StructVectorAddToBoxValues
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int 
+ HYPRE_StructVectorAddToBoxValues( HYPRE_StructVector  vector,
+                                   int                *ilower,
+                                   int                *iupper,
+                                   double             *values )
+ {
+    hypre_Index   new_ilower;
+    hypre_Index   new_iupper;
+    hypre_Box    *new_value_box;
+    int           d;
+    int           ierr = 0;
+    hypre_ClearIndex(new_ilower);
+    hypre_ClearIndex(new_iupper);
+    for (d = 0; d < hypre_StructGridDim(hypre_StructVectorGrid(vector)); d++)
+    {
+       hypre_IndexD(new_ilower, d) = ilower[d];
+       hypre_IndexD(new_iupper, d) = iupper[d];
+    }
+    new_value_box = hypre_BoxCreate();
+    hypre_BoxSetExtents(new_value_box, new_ilower, new_iupper);
+    ierr = hypre_StructVectorSetBoxValues(vector, new_value_box, values, 1);
+    hypre_BoxDestroy(new_value_box);
+    return ierr;
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * HYPRE_StructVectorGetValues
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int 
+ HYPRE_StructVectorGetValues( HYPRE_StructVector  vector,
+                              int                *grid_index,
+                              double             *values_ptr )
+ {
+    hypre_Index  new_grid_index;
+    int          d;
+    int          ierr = 0;
+    hypre_ClearIndex(new_grid_index);
+    for (d = 0; d < hypre_StructGridDim(hypre_StructVectorGrid(vector)); d++)
+    {
+       hypre_IndexD(new_grid_index, d) = grid_index[d];
+    }
+    ierr = hypre_StructVectorGetValues(vector, new_grid_index, values_ptr);
+    return ierr;
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * HYPRE_StructVectorGetBoxValues
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int 
+ HYPRE_StructVectorGetBoxValues( HYPRE_StructVector  vector,
+                                 int                *ilower,
+                                 int                *iupper,
+                                 double             *values )
+ {
+    hypre_Index   new_ilower;
+    hypre_Index   new_iupper;
+    hypre_Box    *new_value_box;
+    int           d;
+    int           ierr = 0;
+    hypre_ClearIndex(new_ilower);
+    hypre_ClearIndex(new_iupper);
+    for (d = 0; d < hypre_StructGridDim(hypre_StructVectorGrid(vector)); d++)
+    {
+       hypre_IndexD(new_ilower, d) = ilower[d];
+       hypre_IndexD(new_iupper, d) = iupper[d];
+    }
+    new_value_box = hypre_BoxCreate();
+    hypre_BoxSetExtents(new_value_box, new_ilower, new_iupper);
+    ierr = hypre_StructVectorGetBoxValues(vector, new_value_box, values);
+    hypre_BoxDestroy(new_value_box);
+    return ierr;
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * HYPRE_StructVectorAssemble
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int 
+ HYPRE_StructVectorAssemble( HYPRE_StructVector vector )
+ {
+    return( hypre_StructVectorAssemble(vector) );
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * HYPRE_StructVectorPrint
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ HYPRE_StructVectorPrint( char               *filename,
+                          HYPRE_StructVector  vector,
+                          int                 all )
+ {
+    return ( hypre_StructVectorPrint(filename, vector, all) );
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * HYPRE_StructVectorSetNumGhost
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ HYPRE_StructVectorSetNumGhost( HYPRE_StructVector  vector,
+                                int                *num_ghost )
+ {
+    return ( hypre_StructVectorSetNumGhost(vector, num_ghost) );
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * HYPRE_StructVectorSetConstantValues
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ HYPRE_StructVectorSetConstantValues( HYPRE_StructVector  vector,
+                                      double              values )
+ {
+    return( hypre_StructVectorSetConstantValues(vector, values) );
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * HYPRE_StructVectorGetMigrateCommPkg
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ HYPRE_StructVectorGetMigrateCommPkg( HYPRE_StructVector  from_vector,
+                                      HYPRE_StructVector  to_vector,
+                                      HYPRE_CommPkg      *comm_pkg )
+ {
+    int ierr = 0;
+    *comm_pkg = hypre_StructVectorGetMigrateCommPkg(from_vector, to_vector);
+    return ierr;
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * HYPRE_StructVectorMigrate
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int 
+ HYPRE_StructVectorMigrate( HYPRE_CommPkg      comm_pkg,
+                            HYPRE_StructVector from_vector,
+                            HYPRE_StructVector to_vector )
+ {
+    return( hypre_StructVectorMigrate( comm_pkg, from_vector, to_vector) );
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * HYPRE_CommPkgDestroy
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ HYPRE_CommPkgDestroy( HYPRE_CommPkg comm_pkg )
+ {
+    return ( hypre_CommPkgDestroy(comm_pkg) );
+ }

Index: llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/ASCI_Purple/SMG2000/HYPRE_utilities.h
diff -c /dev/null llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/ASCI_Purple/SMG2000/HYPRE_utilities.h:1.1
*** /dev/null	Mon Apr 11 00:22:18 2005
--- llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/ASCI_Purple/SMG2000/HYPRE_utilities.h	Mon Apr 11 00:22:07 2005
*** 0 ****
--- 1,60 ----
+ /*BHEADER**********************************************************************
+  * (c) 1998   The Regents of the University of California
+  *
+  * See the file COPYRIGHT_and_DISCLAIMER for a complete copyright
+  * notice, contact person, and disclaimer.
+  *
+  * $Revision: 1.1 $
+  *********************************************************************EHEADER*/
+ /******************************************************************************
+  *
+  * Header file for HYPRE_utilities library
+  *
+  *****************************************************************************/
+ #include <HYPRE_config.h>
+ #include "mpi.h"
+ #endif
+ #include <omp.h>
+ #endif
+ #ifdef __cplusplus
+ extern "C" {
+ #endif
+ /* 
+  * Before a version of HYPRE goes out the door, increment the version
+  * number and check in this file (for CVS to substitute the Date).
+  */
+ #define HYPRE_Version() "HYPRE 1.4.0b $Date: 2005/04/11 05:22:07 $ Compiled: " __DATE__ " " __TIME__
+ #ifndef hypre_MAX_THREADS
+ #define hypre_MAX_THREADS 128
+ #endif
+ #endif
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * Structures
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ typedef int MPI_Comm;
+ #endif
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * Prototypes
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ #ifdef __cplusplus
+ }
+ #endif
+ #endif

Index: llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/ASCI_Purple/SMG2000/LICENSE.txt
diff -c /dev/null llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/ASCI_Purple/SMG2000/LICENSE.txt:1.1
*** /dev/null	Mon Apr 11 00:22:18 2005
--- llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/ASCI_Purple/SMG2000/LICENSE.txt	Mon Apr 11 00:22:07 2005
*** 0 ****
--- 1,43 ----
+ This work was produced at the University of California, Lawrence
+ Livermore National Laboratory (UC LLNL) under contract
+ no. W-7405-ENG-48 (Contract 48) between the U.S. Department of Energy
+ (DOE) and The Regents of the University of California (University) for
+ the operation of UC LLNL. The rights of the Federal Government are
+ reserved under Contract 48 subject to the restrictions agreed upon by
+ the DOE and University as allowed under DOE Acquisition Letter 97-1.
+ This work was prepared as an account of work sponsored by an agency of
+ the United States Government. Neither the United States Government nor
+ the University of California nor any of their employees, makes any
+ warranty, express or implied, or assumes any liability or
+ responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any
+ information, apparatus, product, or process disclosed, or represents
+ that its use would not infringe privately-owned rights.  Reference
+ herein to any specific commercial products, process, or service by
+ trade name, trademark, manufacturer or otherwise does not necessarily
+ constitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by
+ the United States Government or the University of California. The
+ views and opinions of authors expressed herein do not necessarily
+ state or reflect those of the United States Government or the
+ University of California, and shall not be used for advertising or
+ product endorsement purposes.
+ Commercialization of this product is prohibited without notifying the
+ Department of Energy (DOE) or Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
+ (LLNL).

Index: llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/ASCI_Purple/SMG2000/Makefile
diff -c /dev/null llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/ASCI_Purple/SMG2000/Makefile:1.1
*** /dev/null	Mon Apr 11 00:22:18 2005
--- llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/ASCI_Purple/SMG2000/Makefile	Mon Apr 11 00:22:07 2005
*** 0 ****
--- 1,15 ----
+ LEVEL = ../../../..
+ PROG     = smg2000 
+ CPPFLAGS += -I. 
+ LIBS += -lm
+ LDFLAGS += -lm
+ #include $(LLVM_OBJ_ROOT)/Makefile.config
+ RUN_OPTIONS ="-n 100 40 100 -c 0.1 1.0 10.0"
+ include	../../../Makefile.multisrc

Index: llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/ASCI_Purple/SMG2000/box.c
diff -c /dev/null llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/ASCI_Purple/SMG2000/box.c:1.1
*** /dev/null	Mon Apr 11 00:22:18 2005
--- llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/ASCI_Purple/SMG2000/box.c	Mon Apr 11 00:22:07 2005
*** 0 ****
--- 1,437 ----
+ /*BHEADER**********************************************************************
+  * (c) 1997   The Regents of the University of California
+  *
+  * See the file COPYRIGHT_and_DISCLAIMER for a complete copyright
+  * notice, contact person, and disclaimer.
+  *
+  * $Revision: 1.1 $
+  *********************************************************************EHEADER*/
+ /******************************************************************************
+  *
+  * Member functions for hypre_Box class:
+  *   Basic class functions.
+  *
+  *****************************************************************************/
+ #include "headers.h"
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_BoxCreate
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ hypre_Box *
+ hypre_BoxCreate( )
+ {
+    hypre_Box *box;
+ #if 1
+    box = hypre_TAlloc(hypre_Box, 1);
+ #else
+    box = hypre_BoxAlloc();
+ #endif
+    return box;
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_BoxSetExtents
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ hypre_BoxSetExtents( hypre_Box  *box,
+                      hypre_Index imin,
+                      hypre_Index imax )
+ {
+    int        ierr = 0;
+    hypre_CopyIndex(imin, hypre_BoxIMin(box));
+    hypre_CopyIndex(imax, hypre_BoxIMax(box));
+    return ierr;
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_BoxArrayCreate
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ hypre_BoxArray *
+ hypre_BoxArrayCreate( int size )
+ {
+    hypre_BoxArray *box_array;
+    box_array = hypre_TAlloc(hypre_BoxArray, 1);
+    hypre_BoxArrayBoxes(box_array)     = hypre_CTAlloc(hypre_Box, size);
+    hypre_BoxArraySize(box_array)      = size;
+    hypre_BoxArrayAllocSize(box_array) = size;
+    return box_array;
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_BoxArraySetSize
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ hypre_BoxArraySetSize( hypre_BoxArray  *box_array,
+                        int              size      )
+ {
+    int  ierr  = 0;
+    int  alloc_size;
+    alloc_size = hypre_BoxArrayAllocSize(box_array);
+    if (size > alloc_size)
+    {
+       alloc_size = size + hypre_BoxArrayExcess;
+       hypre_BoxArrayBoxes(box_array) =
+          hypre_TReAlloc(hypre_BoxArrayBoxes(box_array),
+                         hypre_Box, alloc_size);
+       hypre_BoxArrayAllocSize(box_array) = alloc_size;
+    }
+    hypre_BoxArraySize(box_array) = size;
+    return ierr;
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_BoxArrayArrayCreate
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ hypre_BoxArrayArray *
+ hypre_BoxArrayArrayCreate( int size )
+ {
+    hypre_BoxArrayArray  *box_array_array;
+    int                   i;
+    box_array_array = hypre_CTAlloc(hypre_BoxArrayArray, 1);
+    hypre_BoxArrayArrayBoxArrays(box_array_array) =
+       hypre_CTAlloc(hypre_BoxArray *, size);
+    for (i = 0; i < size; i++)
+    {
+       hypre_BoxArrayArrayBoxArray(box_array_array, i) = hypre_BoxArrayCreate(0);
+    }
+    hypre_BoxArrayArraySize(box_array_array) = size;
+    return box_array_array;
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_BoxDestroy
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int 
+ hypre_BoxDestroy( hypre_Box *box )
+ {
+    int ierr = 0;
+    if (box)
+    {
+ #if 1
+       hypre_TFree(box);
+ #else
+       hypre_BoxFree(box);
+ #endif
+    }
+    return ierr;
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_BoxArrayDestroy
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int 
+ hypre_BoxArrayDestroy( hypre_BoxArray *box_array )
+ {
+    int  ierr = 0;
+    if (box_array)
+    {
+       hypre_TFree(hypre_BoxArrayBoxes(box_array));
+       hypre_TFree(box_array);
+    }
+    return ierr;
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_BoxArrayArrayDestroy
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ hypre_BoxArrayArrayDestroy( hypre_BoxArrayArray *box_array_array )
+ {
+    int  ierr = 0;
+    int  i;
+    if (box_array_array)
+    {
+       hypre_ForBoxArrayI(i, box_array_array)
+          hypre_BoxArrayDestroy(
+             hypre_BoxArrayArrayBoxArray(box_array_array, i));
+       hypre_TFree(hypre_BoxArrayArrayBoxArrays(box_array_array));
+       hypre_TFree(box_array_array);
+    }
+    return ierr;
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_BoxDuplicate:
+  *   Return a duplicate box.
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ hypre_Box *
+ hypre_BoxDuplicate( hypre_Box *box )
+ {
+    hypre_Box  *new_box;
+    new_box = hypre_BoxCreate();
+    hypre_CopyBox(box, new_box);
+    return new_box;
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_BoxArrayDuplicate:
+  *   Return a duplicate box_array.
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ hypre_BoxArray *
+ hypre_BoxArrayDuplicate( hypre_BoxArray *box_array )
+ {
+    hypre_BoxArray  *new_box_array;
+    int              i;
+    new_box_array = hypre_BoxArrayCreate(hypre_BoxArraySize(box_array));
+    hypre_ForBoxI(i, box_array)
+       {
+          hypre_CopyBox(hypre_BoxArrayBox(box_array, i),
+                        hypre_BoxArrayBox(new_box_array, i));
+       }
+    return new_box_array;
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_BoxArrayArrayDuplicate:
+  *   Return a duplicate box_array_array.
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ hypre_BoxArrayArray *
+ hypre_BoxArrayArrayDuplicate( hypre_BoxArrayArray *box_array_array )
+ {
+    hypre_BoxArrayArray  *new_box_array_array;
+    hypre_BoxArray      **new_box_arrays;
+    int                   new_size;
+    hypre_BoxArray      **box_arrays;
+    int                   i;
+    new_size = hypre_BoxArrayArraySize(box_array_array);
+    new_box_array_array = hypre_BoxArrayArrayCreate(new_size);
+    if (new_size)
+    {
+       new_box_arrays = hypre_BoxArrayArrayBoxArrays(new_box_array_array);
+       box_arrays     = hypre_BoxArrayArrayBoxArrays(box_array_array);
+       for (i = 0; i < new_size; i++)
+       {
+          hypre_AppendBoxArray(box_arrays[i], new_box_arrays[i]);
+       }
+    }
+    return new_box_array_array;
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_AppendBox:
+  *   Append box to the end of box_array.
+  *   The box_array may be empty.
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int 
+ hypre_AppendBox( hypre_Box      *box,
+                  hypre_BoxArray *box_array )
+ {
+    int  ierr  = 0;
+    int  size;
+    size = hypre_BoxArraySize(box_array);
+    hypre_BoxArraySetSize(box_array, (size + 1));
+    hypre_CopyBox(box, hypre_BoxArrayBox(box_array, size));
+    return ierr;
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_DeleteBox:
+  *   Delete box from box_array.
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int 
+ hypre_DeleteBox( hypre_BoxArray *box_array,
+                  int             index     )
+ {
+    int  ierr  = 0;
+    int  i;
+    for (i = index; i < hypre_BoxArraySize(box_array) - 1; i++)
+    {
+       hypre_CopyBox(hypre_BoxArrayBox(box_array, i+1),
+                     hypre_BoxArrayBox(box_array, i));
+    }
+    hypre_BoxArraySize(box_array) --;
+    return ierr;
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_AppendBoxArray:
+  *   Append box_array_0 to the end of box_array_1.
+  *   The box_array_1 may be empty.
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int 
+ hypre_AppendBoxArray( hypre_BoxArray *box_array_0,
+                       hypre_BoxArray *box_array_1 )
+ {
+    int  ierr  = 0;
+    int  size, size_0;
+    int  i;
+    size   = hypre_BoxArraySize(box_array_1);
+    size_0 = hypre_BoxArraySize(box_array_0);
+    hypre_BoxArraySetSize(box_array_1, (size + size_0));
+    /* copy box_array_0 boxes into box_array_1 */
+    for (i = 0; i < size_0; i++)
+    {
+       hypre_CopyBox(hypre_BoxArrayBox(box_array_0, i),
+                     hypre_BoxArrayBox(box_array_1, size + i));
+    }
+    return ierr;
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_BoxGetSize:
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ hypre_BoxGetSize( hypre_Box   *box,
+                   hypre_Index  size )
+ {
+    hypre_IndexD(size, 0) = hypre_BoxSizeD(box, 0);
+    hypre_IndexD(size, 1) = hypre_BoxSizeD(box, 1);
+    hypre_IndexD(size, 2) = hypre_BoxSizeD(box, 2);
+    return 0;
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_BoxGetStrideSize:
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int 
+ hypre_BoxGetStrideSize( hypre_Box   *box,
+                         hypre_Index  stride,
+                         hypre_Index  size   )
+ {
+    int  d, s;
+    for (d = 0; d < 3; d++)
+    {
+       s = hypre_BoxSizeD(box, d);
+       if (s > 0)
+       {
+          s = (s - 1) / hypre_IndexD(stride, d) + 1;
+       }
+       hypre_IndexD(size, d) = s;
+    }
+    return 0;
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_IModPeriod:
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int 
+ hypre_IModPeriod( int   i,
+                   int   period )
+ {
+    int  i_mod_p;
+    int  shift;
+    if (period == 0)
+    {
+       i_mod_p = i;
+    }
+    else if (i >= period)
+    {
+       i_mod_p = i % period;
+    }
+    else if (i < 0)
+    {
+       shift = ( -i / period + 1 ) * period;
+       i_mod_p = ( i + shift ) % period;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+       i_mod_p = i;
+    }
+    return i_mod_p;
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_IModPeriodX:
+  *  Perhaps should be a macro?
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ hypre_IModPeriodX( hypre_Index  index,
+                    hypre_Index  periodic )
+ {
+    return hypre_IModPeriod(hypre_IndexX(index), hypre_IndexX(periodic));
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_IModPeriodY:
+  *  Perhaps should be a macro?
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ hypre_IModPeriodY( hypre_Index  index,
+                    hypre_Index  periodic )
+ {
+    return hypre_IModPeriod(hypre_IndexY(index), hypre_IndexY(periodic));
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_IModPeriodZ:
+  *  Perhaps should be a macro?
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ hypre_IModPeriodZ( hypre_Index  index,
+                    hypre_Index  periodic )
+ {
+    return hypre_IModPeriod(hypre_IndexZ(index), hypre_IndexZ(periodic));
+ }

Index: llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/ASCI_Purple/SMG2000/box_algebra.c
diff -c /dev/null llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/ASCI_Purple/SMG2000/box_algebra.c:1.1
*** /dev/null	Mon Apr 11 00:22:18 2005
--- llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/ASCI_Purple/SMG2000/box_algebra.c	Mon Apr 11 00:22:07 2005
*** 0 ****
--- 1,397 ----
+ /*BHEADER**********************************************************************
+  * (c) 1997   The Regents of the University of California
+  *
+  * See the file COPYRIGHT_and_DISCLAIMER for a complete copyright
+  * notice, contact person, and disclaimer.
+  *
+  * $Revision: 1.1 $
+  *********************************************************************EHEADER*/
+ /******************************************************************************
+  *
+  * Member functions for hypre_Box class:
+  *   Box algebra functions.
+  *
+  *****************************************************************************/
+ #include "headers.h"
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_IntersectBoxes:
+  *   Intersect box1 and box2.
+  *   If the boxes do not intersect, the result is a box with zero volume.
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ hypre_IntersectBoxes( hypre_Box *box1,
+                       hypre_Box *box2,
+                       hypre_Box *ibox )
+ {
+    int          ierr = 0;
+    int          d;
+    /* find x, y, and z bounds */
+    for (d = 0; d < 3; d++)
+    {
+       hypre_BoxIMinD(ibox, d) =
+          hypre_max(hypre_BoxIMinD(box1, d), hypre_BoxIMinD(box2, d));
+       hypre_BoxIMaxD(ibox, d) =
+          hypre_min(hypre_BoxIMaxD(box1, d), hypre_BoxIMaxD(box2, d));
+    }
+    return ierr;
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_SubtractBoxes:
+  *   Compute box1 - box2.
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ hypre_SubtractBoxes( hypre_Box      *box1,
+                      hypre_Box      *box2,
+                      hypre_BoxArray *box_array )
+ {
+    int         ierr = 0;
+    hypre_Box  *box;
+    hypre_Box  *rembox;
+    int         d, size;
+    /*------------------------------------------------------
+     * Set the box array size to the maximum possible,
+     * plus one, to have space for the remainder box.
+     *------------------------------------------------------*/
+    hypre_BoxArraySetSize(box_array, 7);
+    /*------------------------------------------------------
+     * Subtract the boxes by cutting box1 in x, y, then z
+     *------------------------------------------------------*/
+    rembox = hypre_BoxArrayBox(box_array, 6);
+    hypre_CopyBox(box1, rembox);
+    size = 0;
+    for (d = 0; d < 3; d++)
+    {
+       /* if the boxes do not intersect, the subtraction is trivial */
+       if ( (hypre_BoxIMinD(box2, d) > hypre_BoxIMaxD(rembox, d)) ||
+            (hypre_BoxIMaxD(box2, d) < hypre_BoxIMinD(rembox, d)) )
+       {
+          hypre_CopyBox(box1, hypre_BoxArrayBox(box_array, 0));
+          size = 1;
+          break;
+       }
+       /* update the box array */
+       else
+       {
+          if ( hypre_BoxIMinD(box2, d) > hypre_BoxIMinD(rembox, d) )
+          {
+             box = hypre_BoxArrayBox(box_array, size);
+             hypre_CopyBox(rembox, box);
+             hypre_BoxIMaxD(box, d) = hypre_BoxIMinD(box2, d) - 1;
+             hypre_BoxIMinD(rembox, d) = hypre_BoxIMinD(box2, d);
+             size++;
+          }
+          if ( hypre_BoxIMaxD(box2, d) < hypre_BoxIMaxD(rembox, d) )
+          {
+             box = hypre_BoxArrayBox(box_array, size);
+             hypre_CopyBox(rembox, box);
+             hypre_BoxIMinD(box, d) = hypre_BoxIMaxD(box2, d) + 1;
+             hypre_BoxIMaxD(rembox, d) = hypre_BoxIMaxD(box2, d);
+             size++;
+          }
+       }
+    }
+    hypre_BoxArraySetSize(box_array, size);
+    return ierr;
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_UnionBoxes:
+  *   Compute the union of all boxes.
+  *
+  * To compute the union, we first construct a logically rectangular,
+  * variably spaced, 3D grid called block.  Each cell (i,j,k) of block
+  * corresponds to a box with extents given by
+  *
+  *   iminx = block_index[0][i]
+  *   iminy = block_index[1][j]
+  *   iminz = block_index[2][k]
+  *   imaxx = block_index[0][i+1] - 1
+  *   imaxy = block_index[1][j+1] - 1
+  *   imaxz = block_index[2][k+1] - 1
+  *
+  * The size of block is given by
+  *
+  *   sizex = block_sz[0]
+  *   sizey = block_sz[1]
+  *   sizez = block_sz[2]
+  *
+  * We initially set all cells of block that are part of the union to
+  *
+  *   factor[2] + factor[1] + factor[0]
+  *
+  * where
+  *
+  *   factor[0] = 1;
+  *   factor[1] = (block_sz[0] + 1);
+  *   factor[2] = (block_sz[1] + 1) * factor[1];
+  *
+  * The cells of block are then "joined" in x first, then y, then z.
+  * The result is that each nonzero entry of block corresponds to a
+  * box in the union with extents defined by factoring the entry, then
+  * indexing into the block_index array.
+  *
+  * Note: Special care has to be taken for boxes of size 0.
+  *
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ hypre_UnionBoxes( hypre_BoxArray *boxes )
+ {
+    int              ierr = 0;
+    hypre_Box       *box;
+    int             *block_index[3];
+    int              block_sz[3], block_volume;
+    int             *block;
+    int              index;
+    int              size;
+    int              factor[3];
+    int              iminmax[2], imin[3], imax[3];
+    int              ii[3], dd[3];
+    int              join;
+    int              i_tmp0, i_tmp1;
+    int              ioff, joff, koff;
+    int              bi, d, i, j, k;
+    int              index_not_there;
+    /*------------------------------------------------------
+     * If the size of boxes is less than 2, return
+     *------------------------------------------------------*/
+    if (hypre_BoxArraySize(boxes) < 2)
+    {
+       return ierr;
+    }
+    /*------------------------------------------------------
+     * Set up the block_index array
+     *------------------------------------------------------*/
+    i_tmp0 = 2 * hypre_BoxArraySize(boxes);
+    block_index[0] = hypre_TAlloc(int, 3 * i_tmp0);
+    block_sz[0] = 0;
+    for (d = 1; d < 3; d++)
+    {
+       block_index[d] = block_index[d-1] + i_tmp0;
+       block_sz[d] = 0;
+    }
+    hypre_ForBoxI(bi, boxes)
+       {
+          box = hypre_BoxArrayBox(boxes, bi);
+          for (d = 0; d < 3; d++)
+          {
+             iminmax[0] = hypre_BoxIMinD(box, d);
+             iminmax[1] = hypre_BoxIMaxD(box, d) + 1;
+             for (i = 0; i < 2; i++)
+             {
+                /* find the new index position in the block_index array */
+                index_not_there = 1;
+                for (j = 0; j < block_sz[d]; j++)
+                {
+                   if (iminmax[i] <= block_index[d][j])
+                   {
+                      if (iminmax[i] == block_index[d][j])
+                         index_not_there = 0;
+                      break;
+                   }
+                }
+                /* if the index is already there, don't add it again */
+                if (index_not_there)
+                {
+                   for (k = block_sz[d]; k > j; k--)
+                      block_index[d][k] = block_index[d][k-1];
+                   block_index[d][j] = iminmax[i];
+                   block_sz[d]++;
+                }
+             }
+          }
+       }
+    for (d = 0; d < 3; d++)
+       block_sz[d]--;
+    block_volume = block_sz[0] * block_sz[1] * block_sz[2];
+    /*------------------------------------------------------
+     * Set factor values
+     *------------------------------------------------------*/
+    factor[0] = 1;
+    factor[1] = (block_sz[0] + 1);
+    factor[2] = (block_sz[1] + 1) * factor[1];
+    /*------------------------------------------------------
+     * Set up the block array
+     *------------------------------------------------------*/
+    block = hypre_CTAlloc(int, block_volume);
+    hypre_ForBoxI(bi, boxes)
+       {
+          box = hypre_BoxArrayBox(boxes, bi);
+          /* find the block_index indices corresponding to the current box */
+          for (d = 0; d < 3; d++)
+          {
+             j = 0;
+             while (hypre_BoxIMinD(box, d) != block_index[d][j])
+                j++;
+             imin[d] = j;
+             while (hypre_BoxIMaxD(box, d) + 1 != block_index[d][j])
+                j++;
+             imax[d] = j;
+          }
+          /* note: boxes of size zero will not be added to block */
+          for (k = imin[2]; k < imax[2]; k++)
+          {
+             for (j = imin[1]; j < imax[1]; j++)
+             {
+                for (i = imin[0]; i < imax[0]; i++)
+                {
+                   index = ((k) * block_sz[1] + j) * block_sz[0] + i;
+                   block[index] = factor[2] + factor[1] + factor[0];
+                }
+             }
+          }
+       }
+    /*------------------------------------------------------
+     * Join block array in x, then y, then z
+     *
+     * Notes:
+     *   - ii[0], ii[1], and ii[2] correspond to indices
+     *     in x, y, and z respectively.
+     *   - dd specifies the order in which to loop over
+     *     the three dimensions.
+     *------------------------------------------------------*/
+    for (d = 0; d < 3; d++)
+    {
+       switch(d)
+       {
+          case 0: /* join in x */
+          dd[0] = 0;
+          dd[1] = 1;
+          dd[2] = 2;
+          break;
+          case 1: /* join in y */
+          dd[0] = 1;
+          dd[1] = 0;
+          dd[2] = 2;
+          break;
+          case 2: /* join in z */
+          dd[0] = 2;
+          dd[1] = 1;
+          dd[2] = 0;
+          break;
+       }
+       for (ii[dd[2]] = 0; ii[dd[2]] < block_sz[dd[2]]; ii[dd[2]]++)
+       {
+          for (ii[dd[1]] = 0; ii[dd[1]] < block_sz[dd[1]]; ii[dd[1]]++)
+          {
+             join = 0;
+             for (ii[dd[0]] = 0; ii[dd[0]] < block_sz[dd[0]]; ii[dd[0]]++)
+             {
+                index = ((ii[2]) * block_sz[1] + ii[1]) * block_sz[0] + ii[0];
+                if ((join) && (block[index] == i_tmp1))
+                {
+                   block[index]  = 0;
+                   block[i_tmp0] += factor[dd[0]];
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                   if (block[index])
+                   {
+                      i_tmp0 = index;
+                      i_tmp1 = block[index];
+                      join  = 1;
+                   }
+                   else
+                      join = 0;
+                }
+             }
+          }
+       }
+    }
+    /*------------------------------------------------------
+     * Set up the boxes BoxArray
+     *------------------------------------------------------*/
+    size = 0;
+    for (index = 0; index < block_volume; index++)
+    {
+       if (block[index])
+          size++;
+    }
+    hypre_BoxArraySetSize(boxes, size);
+    index = 0;
+    size = 0;
+    for (k = 0; k < block_sz[2]; k++)
+    {
+       for (j = 0; j < block_sz[1]; j++)
+       {
+          for (i = 0; i < block_sz[0]; i++)
+          {
+             if (block[index])
+             {
+                ioff = (block[index] % factor[1])            ;
+                joff = (block[index] % factor[2]) / factor[1];
+                koff = (block[index]            ) / factor[2];
+                box = hypre_BoxArrayBox(boxes, size);
+                hypre_BoxIMinD(box, 0) = block_index[0][i];
+                hypre_BoxIMinD(box, 1) = block_index[1][j];
+                hypre_BoxIMinD(box, 2) = block_index[2][k];
+                hypre_BoxIMaxD(box, 0) = block_index[0][i + ioff] - 1;
+                hypre_BoxIMaxD(box, 1) = block_index[1][j + joff] - 1;
+                hypre_BoxIMaxD(box, 2) = block_index[2][k + koff] - 1;
+                size++;
+             }
+             index++;
+          }
+       }
+    }
+    /*---------------------------------------------------------
+     * Clean up and return
+     *---------------------------------------------------------*/
+    hypre_TFree(block_index[0]);
+    hypre_TFree(block);
+    return ierr;
+ }

Index: llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/ASCI_Purple/SMG2000/box_alloc.c
diff -c /dev/null llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/ASCI_Purple/SMG2000/box_alloc.c:1.1
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*** 0 ****
--- 1,143 ----
+ /*BHEADER**********************************************************************
+  * (c) 1997   The Regents of the University of California
+  *
+  * See the file COPYRIGHT_and_DISCLAIMER for a complete copyright
+  * notice, contact person, and disclaimer.
+  *
+  * $Revision: 1.1 $
+  *********************************************************************EHEADER*/
+ /******************************************************************************
+  *
+  * Box allocation routines.  These hopefully increase efficiency
+  * and reduce memory fragmentation.
+  *
+  *****************************************************************************/
+ #include "headers.h"
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * Box memory data structure and static variables used to manage free
+  * list and blocks to be freed by the finalization routine.
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ union box_memory
+ {
+    union box_memory *d_next;
+    hypre_Box         d_box;
+ };
+ static union box_memory *s_free      = NULL;
+ static union box_memory *s_finalize  = NULL;
+ static int               s_at_a_time = 1000;
+ static int               s_count     = 0;
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * Allocate a new block of memory and thread it into the free list.  The
+  * first block will always be put on the finalize list to be freed by
+  * the hypre_BoxFinalizeMemory() routine to remove memory leaks.
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ static int
+ hypre_AllocateBoxBlock()
+ {
+    int               ierr = 0;
+    union box_memory *ptr;
+    int               i;
+    ptr = hypre_TAlloc(union box_memory, s_at_a_time);
+    ptr[0].d_next = s_finalize;
+    s_finalize = &ptr[0];
+    for (i = (s_at_a_time - 1); i > 0; i--)
+    {
+       ptr[i].d_next = s_free;
+       s_free = &ptr[i];
+    }
+    return ierr;
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * Set up the allocation block size and allocate the first memory block.
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ hypre_BoxInitializeMemory( const int at_a_time )
+ {
+    int ierr = 0;
+    if (at_a_time > 0)
+    {
+       s_at_a_time = at_a_time;
+    }
+    return ierr;
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * Free all of the memory used to manage boxes.  This should only be
+  * called at the end of the program to collect free memory.  The blocks
+  * in the finalize list are freed.
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ hypre_BoxFinalizeMemory()
+ {
+    int               ierr = 0;
+    union box_memory *byebye;
+    while (s_finalize)
+    {
+       byebye = s_finalize;
+       s_finalize = (s_finalize -> d_next);
+       hypre_TFree(byebye);
+    }
+    s_finalize = NULL;
+    s_free = NULL;
+    return ierr;
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * Allocate a box from the free list.  If no boxes exist on the free
+  * list, then allocate a block of memory to repopulate the free list.
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ hypre_Box *
+ hypre_BoxAlloc()
+ {
+    union box_memory *ptr = NULL;
+    if (!s_free)
+    {
+       hypre_AllocateBoxBlock();
+    }
+    ptr = s_free;
+    s_free = (s_free -> d_next);
+    s_count++;
+    return( &(ptr -> d_box) );
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * Put a box back on the free list.
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ hypre_BoxFree( hypre_Box *box )
+ {
+    int               ierr = 0;
+    union box_memory *ptr = (union box_memory *) box;
+    (ptr -> d_next) = s_free;
+    s_free = ptr;
+    s_count--;
+    if (!s_count)
+    {
+       hypre_BoxFinalizeMemory();
+    }
+    return ierr;
+ }

Index: llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/ASCI_Purple/SMG2000/box_neighbors.c
diff -c /dev/null llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/ASCI_Purple/SMG2000/box_neighbors.c:1.1
*** /dev/null	Mon Apr 11 00:22:18 2005
--- llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/ASCI_Purple/SMG2000/box_neighbors.c	Mon Apr 11 00:22:07 2005
*** 0 ****
--- 1,344 ----
+ /*BHEADER**********************************************************************
+  * (c) 1998   The Regents of the University of California
+  *
+  * See the file COPYRIGHT_and_DISCLAIMER for a complete copyright
+  * notice, contact person, and disclaimer.
+  *
+  * $Revision: 1.1 $
+  *********************************************************************EHEADER*/
+ /******************************************************************************
+  *
+  * Member functions for the hypre_BoxNeighbors class.
+  *
+  *****************************************************************************/
+ #include "headers.h"
+ #define DEBUG 0
+ #if DEBUG
+ char       filename[255];
+ FILE      *file;
+ int        my_rank;
+ hypre_Box *box;
+ static int debug_count = 0;
+ #endif
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_RankLinkCreate:
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ hypre_RankLinkCreate( int              rank,
+                       hypre_RankLink **rank_link_ptr)
+ {
+    hypre_RankLink  *rank_link;
+    rank_link = hypre_TAlloc(hypre_RankLink, 1);
+    hypre_RankLinkRank(rank_link) = rank;
+    hypre_RankLinkNext(rank_link) = NULL;
+    *rank_link_ptr = rank_link;
+    return 0;
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_RankLinkDestroy:
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ hypre_RankLinkDestroy( hypre_RankLink  *rank_link )
+ {
+    int  ierr = 0;
+    if (rank_link)
+    {
+       hypre_TFree(rank_link);
+    }
+    return ierr;
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_BoxNeighborsCreate:
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ hypre_BoxNeighborsCreate( hypre_BoxArray      *boxes,
+                           int                 *procs,
+                           int                 *ids,
+                           int                  first_local,
+                           int                  num_local,
+                           int                  num_periodic,
+                           hypre_BoxNeighbors **neighbors_ptr )
+ {
+    hypre_BoxNeighbors  *neighbors;
+    neighbors = hypre_CTAlloc(hypre_BoxNeighbors, 1);
+    hypre_BoxNeighborsRankLinks(neighbors) =
+       hypre_CTAlloc(hypre_RankLinkArray, num_local);
+    hypre_BoxNeighborsBoxes(neighbors)           = boxes;
+    hypre_BoxNeighborsProcs(neighbors)           = procs;
+    hypre_BoxNeighborsIDs(neighbors)             = ids;
+    hypre_BoxNeighborsFirstLocal(neighbors)      = first_local;
+    hypre_BoxNeighborsNumLocal(neighbors)        = num_local;
+    hypre_BoxNeighborsNumPeriodic(neighbors)     = num_periodic;
+    *neighbors_ptr = neighbors;
+    return 0;
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_BoxNeighborsAssemble:
+  *
+  * Finds boxes that are "near" the local boxes,
+  * where near is defined by `max_distance'.
+  *
+  * Note: A box is not a neighbor of itself, but it will appear
+  * in the `boxes' BoxArray.
+  *
+  * Note: The box ids remain in increasing order, and the box procs
+  * remain in non-decreasing order.
+  *
+  * Note: All boxes on my processor remain in the neighborhood.  However,
+  * they may not be a neighbor of any local box.
+  *
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ hypre_BoxNeighborsAssemble( hypre_BoxNeighbors *neighbors,
+                             int                 max_distance,
+                             int                 prune )
+ {
+    hypre_BoxArray      *boxes;
+    int                 *procs;
+    int                 *ids;
+    int                  first_local;
+    int                  num_local;
+    int                  num_periodic;
+    int                  keep_box;
+    int                  num_boxes;
+    hypre_RankLink      *rank_link;
+    hypre_Box           *local_box;
+    hypre_Box           *neighbor_box;
+    int                  distance;
+    int                  distance_index[3];
+    int                  diff;
+    int                  i, j, d, ilocal, inew;
+    int                  ierr = 0;
+    /*---------------------------------------------
+     * Find neighboring boxes
+     *---------------------------------------------*/
+    boxes           = hypre_BoxNeighborsBoxes(neighbors);
+    procs           = hypre_BoxNeighborsProcs(neighbors);
+    ids             = hypre_BoxNeighborsIDs(neighbors);
+    first_local     = hypre_BoxNeighborsFirstLocal(neighbors);
+    num_local       = hypre_BoxNeighborsNumLocal(neighbors);
+    num_periodic    = hypre_BoxNeighborsNumPeriodic(neighbors);
+    /*---------------------------------------------
+     * Find neighboring boxes
+     *---------------------------------------------*/
+    inew = 0;
+    num_boxes = 0;
+    hypre_ForBoxI(i, boxes)
+       {
+          keep_box = 0;
+          for (j = 0; j < num_local + num_periodic; j++)
+          {
+             ilocal = first_local + j;
+             if (i != ilocal)
+             {
+                local_box = hypre_BoxArrayBox(boxes, ilocal);
+                neighbor_box = hypre_BoxArrayBox(boxes, i);
+                /* compute distance info */
+                distance = 0;
+                for (d = 0; d < 3; d++)
+                {
+                   distance_index[d] = 0;
+                   diff = hypre_BoxIMinD(neighbor_box, d) -
+                      hypre_BoxIMaxD(local_box, d);
+                   if (diff > 0)
+                   {
+                      distance_index[d] = 1;
+                      distance = hypre_max(distance, diff);
+                   }
+                   diff = hypre_BoxIMinD(local_box, d) -
+                      hypre_BoxIMaxD(neighbor_box, d);
+                   if (diff > 0)
+                   {
+                      distance_index[d] = -1;
+                      distance = hypre_max(distance, diff);
+                   }
+                }
+                /* create new rank_link */
+                if (distance <= max_distance)
+                {
+                   keep_box = 1;
+                   if (j < num_local)
+                   {
+                      hypre_RankLinkCreate(num_boxes, &rank_link);
+                      hypre_RankLinkNext(rank_link) =
+                         hypre_BoxNeighborsRankLink(neighbors, j,
+                                                    distance_index[0],
+                                                    distance_index[1],
+                                                    distance_index[2]);
+                      hypre_BoxNeighborsRankLink(neighbors, j,
+                                                 distance_index[0],
+                                                 distance_index[1],
+                                                 distance_index[2]) = rank_link;
+                   }
+                }
+             }
+             else
+             {
+                keep_box = 1;
+             }
+          }
+          if (prune)
+          {
+             /* use procs array to store which boxes to keep */
+             if (keep_box)
+             {
+                procs[i] = -procs[i];
+                if (inew < i)
+                {
+                   procs[inew] = i;
+                }
+                inew = i + 1;
+                num_boxes++;
+             }
+          }
+          else
+          {
+             /* keep all of the boxes */
+             num_boxes++;
+          }
+       }
+    if (prune)
+    {
+       i = 0;
+       for (inew = 0; inew < num_boxes; inew++)
+       {
+          if (procs[i] > 0)
+          {
+             i = procs[i];
+          }
+          hypre_CopyBox(hypre_BoxArrayBox(boxes, i),
+                        hypre_BoxArrayBox(boxes, inew));
+          procs[inew] = -procs[i];
+          ids[inew]   = ids[i];
+          if (i == first_local)
+          {
+             first_local = inew;
+          }
+          i++;
+       }
+    }
+    hypre_BoxArraySetSize(boxes, num_boxes);
+    hypre_BoxNeighborsFirstLocal(neighbors) = first_local;
+ #if DEBUG
+    MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &my_rank);
+    sprintf(filename, "zneighbors.%05d", my_rank);
+    if ((file = fopen(filename, "a")) == NULL)
+    {
+       printf("Error: can't open output file %s\n", filename);
+       exit(1);
+    }
+    fprintf(file, "\n\n============================\n\n");
+    fprintf(file, "\n\n%d\n\n", debug_count++);
+    fprintf(file, "num_boxes = %d\n", num_boxes);
+    for (i = 0; i < num_boxes; i++)
+    {
+       box = hypre_BoxArrayBox(boxes, i);
+       fprintf(file, "(%d,%d,%d) X (%d,%d,%d) ; (%d,%d); %d\n",
+               hypre_BoxIMinX(box),hypre_BoxIMinY(box),hypre_BoxIMinZ(box),
+               hypre_BoxIMaxX(box),hypre_BoxIMaxY(box),hypre_BoxIMaxZ(box),
+               procs[i], ids[i], hypre_BoxVolume(box));
+    }
+    fprintf(file, "first_local  = %d\n", first_local);
+    fprintf(file, "num_local    = %d\n", num_local);
+    fprintf(file, "num_periodic = %d\n", num_periodic);
+    fprintf(file, "max_distance = %d\n", max_distance);
+    fprintf(file, "\n");
+    fflush(file);
+    fclose(file);
+ #endif
+    return ierr;
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_BoxNeighborsDestroy:
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ hypre_BoxNeighborsDestroy( hypre_BoxNeighbors  *neighbors )
+ {
+    hypre_RankLink  *rank_link;
+    hypre_RankLink  *next_rank_link;
+    int              b, i, j, k;
+    int              ierr = 0;
+    if (neighbors)
+    {
+       for (b = 0; b < hypre_BoxNeighborsNumLocal(neighbors); b++)
+       {
+          for (k = -1; k <= 1; k++)
+          {
+             for (j = -1; j <= 1; j++)
+             {
+                for (i = -1; i <= 1; i++)
+                {
+                   rank_link =
+                      hypre_BoxNeighborsRankLink(neighbors, b, i, j, k);
+                   while (rank_link)
+                   {
+                      next_rank_link = hypre_RankLinkNext(rank_link);
+                      hypre_RankLinkDestroy(rank_link);
+                      rank_link = next_rank_link;
+                   }
+                }
+             }
+          }
+       }
+       hypre_BoxArrayDestroy(hypre_BoxNeighborsBoxes(neighbors));
+       hypre_TFree(hypre_BoxNeighborsProcs(neighbors));
+       hypre_TFree(hypre_BoxNeighborsIDs(neighbors));
+       hypre_TFree(hypre_BoxNeighborsRankLinks(neighbors));
+       hypre_TFree(neighbors);
+    }
+    return ierr;
+ }

Index: llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/ASCI_Purple/SMG2000/coarsen.c
diff -c /dev/null llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/ASCI_Purple/SMG2000/coarsen.c:1.1
*** /dev/null	Mon Apr 11 00:22:18 2005
--- llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/ASCI_Purple/SMG2000/coarsen.c	Mon Apr 11 00:22:07 2005
*** 0 ****
--- 1,832 ----
+ /*BHEADER**********************************************************************
+  * (c) 2000   The Regents of the University of California
+  *
+  * See the file COPYRIGHT_and_DISCLAIMER for a complete copyright
+  * notice, contact person, and disclaimer.
+  *
+  * $Revision: 1.1 $
+  *********************************************************************EHEADER*/
+ #include "headers.h"
+ #define DEBUG 0
+ #if DEBUG
+ char       filename[255];
+ FILE      *file;
+ static int debug_count = 0;
+ #endif
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_StructMapFineToCoarse
+  *
+  * NOTE: findex and cindex are indexes on the fine and coarse index space,
+  * and do not stand for "F-pt index" and "C-pt index".
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ hypre_StructMapFineToCoarse( hypre_Index findex,
+                              hypre_Index index,
+                              hypre_Index stride,
+                              hypre_Index cindex )
+ {
+    hypre_IndexX(cindex) =
+       (hypre_IndexX(findex) - hypre_IndexX(index)) / hypre_IndexX(stride);
+    hypre_IndexY(cindex) =
+       (hypre_IndexY(findex) - hypre_IndexY(index)) / hypre_IndexY(stride);
+    hypre_IndexZ(cindex) =
+       (hypre_IndexZ(findex) - hypre_IndexZ(index)) / hypre_IndexZ(stride);
+    return 0;
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_StructMapCoarseToFine
+  *
+  * NOTE: findex and cindex are indexes on the fine and coarse index space,
+  * and do not stand for "F-pt index" and "C-pt index".
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ hypre_StructMapCoarseToFine( hypre_Index cindex,
+                              hypre_Index index,
+                              hypre_Index stride,
+                              hypre_Index findex ) 
+ {
+    hypre_IndexX(findex) =
+       hypre_IndexX(cindex) * hypre_IndexX(stride) + hypre_IndexX(index);
+    hypre_IndexY(findex) =
+       hypre_IndexY(cindex) * hypre_IndexY(stride) + hypre_IndexY(index);
+    hypre_IndexZ(findex) =
+       hypre_IndexZ(cindex) * hypre_IndexZ(stride) + hypre_IndexZ(index);
+    return 0;
+ }
+ #if 1
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_StructCoarsen    - NEW
+  *
+  * This routine coarsens the grid, 'fgrid', by the coarsening factor,
+  * 'stride', using the index mapping in 'hypre_StructMapFineToCoarse'.
+  * The basic algorithm is as follows:
+  *
+  * 1. Coarsen the neighborhood boxes.
+  *
+  * 2. Loop through neighborhood boxes, and compute the minimum
+  * positive outside xyz distances from local boxes to neighbor boxes.
+  * If some xyz distance is less than desired, receive neighborhood
+  * information from the neighbor box processor.
+  *
+  * 3. Loop through neighborhood boxes, and compute the minimum
+  * positive outside xyz distances from neighbor boxes to local boxes.
+  * If some xyz distance is less than desired, send neighborhood
+  * information to the neighbor box processor.
+  *
+  * 4. If the boolean variable, 'prune', is nonzero, eliminate boxes of
+  * size zero from the coarse grid.
+  *
+  * Notes:
+  *
+  * 1. All neighborhood info is sent.
+  *
+  * 2. Positive outside difference, d, is defined as follows:
+  *
+  *               |<---- d ---->|
+  *         ------        ------
+  *        |      |      |      |
+  *        | box1 |      | box2 | 
+  *        |      |      |      |
+  *         ------        ------
+  *
+  * 3. Neighborhoods must contain all boxes associated with the
+  * processor where it lives.  In particular, "periodic boxes", (i.e.,
+  * those boxes that were shifted to handle periodicity) associated
+  * with local boxes should remain in the neighborhood.  The neighbor
+  * class routines insure this.
+  *
+  * 4. Processor numbers must appear in non-decreasing order in the
+  * neighborhood box array, and IDs must be unique and appear in
+  * increasing order.
+  *
+  * 5. Neighborhood information only needs to be exchanged the first
+  * time a box boundary moves within the max_distance perimeter.
+  *
+  * 6. Boxes of size zero must also be considered when determining
+  * neighborhood information exchanges.
+  *
+  * 7. This routine will work only if the coarsening factor is <= 2.
+  * To extend this algorithm to work with larger coarsening factors,
+  * more than one exchange of neighbor information will be needed after
+  * each processor coarsens its own neighborhood.
+  *
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ #define hypre_StructCoarsenBox(box, index, stride) \
+ hypre_ProjectBox(box, index, stride);\
+ hypre_StructMapFineToCoarse(hypre_BoxIMin(box), index, stride,\
+                             hypre_BoxIMin(box));\
+ hypre_StructMapFineToCoarse(hypre_BoxIMax(box), index, stride,\
+                             hypre_BoxIMax(box))
+ int
+ hypre_StructCoarsen( hypre_StructGrid  *fgrid,
+                      hypre_Index        index,
+                      hypre_Index        stride,
+                      int                prune,
+                      hypre_StructGrid **cgrid_ptr )
+ {
+    int ierr = 0;
+    hypre_StructGrid   *cgrid;
+    MPI_Comm            comm;
+    int                 dim;
+    hypre_BoxNeighbors *neighbors;
+    hypre_BoxArray     *hood_boxes;
+    int                 num_hood;
+    int                *hood_procs;
+    int                *hood_ids;
+    int                 first_local;
+    int                 num_local;
+    int                 num_periodic;
+    int                 max_distance;
+    hypre_Box          *bounding_box;
+    hypre_Index         periodic;
+    MPI_Request        *send_requests;
+    MPI_Status         *send_status;
+    int                *send_buffer;
+    int                 send_size;
+    MPI_Request        *recv_requests;
+    MPI_Status         *recv_status;
+    int               **recv_buffers;
+    int                *recv_sizes;
+    int                 my_rank;
+    int                *send_procs;
+    int                *recv_procs;
+    int                 num_sends;
+    int                 num_recvs;
+    hypre_BoxArray     *new_hood_boxes;
+    int                 new_num_hood;
+    int                *new_hood_procs;
+    int                *new_hood_ids;
+    int                 new_first_local;
+    int                 new_num_local;
+    int                 new_num_periodic;
+    hypre_Box          *box;
+    hypre_Box          *local_box;
+    hypre_Box          *neighbor_box;
+    hypre_Box          *local_cbox;
+    hypre_Box          *neighbor_cbox;
+    hypre_Index         imin;
+    hypre_Index         imax;
+    int                 alloc_size;
+    double              perimeter_count, cperimeter_count;
+    /*double              diff, distance, perimeter_count, cperimeter_count;*/
+    int                *iarray;
+    int                *jrecv;
+    int                 i, j, d, ilocal;
+    int                 data_id, min_id, jj;
+    /*-----------------------------------------
+     * Copy needed info from fgrid
+     *-----------------------------------------*/
+    comm         = hypre_StructGridComm(fgrid);
+    dim          = hypre_StructGridDim(fgrid);
+    neighbors    = hypre_StructGridNeighbors(fgrid);
+    hood_boxes   = hypre_BoxArrayDuplicate(hypre_BoxNeighborsBoxes(neighbors));
+    num_hood     = hypre_BoxArraySize(hood_boxes);
+    iarray  = hypre_BoxNeighborsProcs(neighbors);
+    hood_procs = hypre_TAlloc(int, num_hood);
+    for (i = 0; i < num_hood; i++)
+    {
+       hood_procs[i] = iarray[i];
+    }
+    iarray = hypre_BoxNeighborsIDs(neighbors);
+    hood_ids  = hypre_TAlloc(int, num_hood);
+    for (i = 0; i < num_hood; i++)
+    {
+       hood_ids[i] = iarray[i];
+    }
+    first_local  = hypre_BoxNeighborsFirstLocal(neighbors);
+    num_local    = hypre_BoxNeighborsNumLocal(neighbors);
+    num_periodic = hypre_BoxNeighborsNumPeriodic(neighbors);
+    max_distance = hypre_StructGridMaxDistance(fgrid);
+    bounding_box = hypre_BoxDuplicate(hypre_StructGridBoundingBox(fgrid));
+    hypre_CopyIndex(hypre_StructGridPeriodic(fgrid), periodic);
+    MPI_Comm_rank(comm, &my_rank);
+ #if DEBUG
+    sprintf(filename, "zcoarsen.%05d", my_rank);
+    if ((file = fopen(filename, "a")) == NULL)
+    {
+       printf("Error: can't open output file %s\n", filename);
+       exit(1);
+    }
+    fprintf(file, "\n\n============================\n\n");
+    fprintf(file, "\n\n%d\n\n", debug_count++);
+    fprintf(file, "num_hood = %d\n", num_hood);
+    for (i = 0; i < num_hood; i++)
+    {
+       box = hypre_BoxArrayBox(hood_boxes, i);
+       fprintf(file, "(%d,%d,%d) X (%d,%d,%d) ; (%d,%d); %d\n",
+               hypre_BoxIMinX(box),hypre_BoxIMinY(box),hypre_BoxIMinZ(box),
+               hypre_BoxIMaxX(box),hypre_BoxIMaxY(box),hypre_BoxIMaxZ(box),
+               hood_procs[i], hood_ids[i], hypre_BoxVolume(box));
+    }
+    fprintf(file, "first_local  = %d\n", first_local);
+    fprintf(file, "num_local    = %d\n", num_local);
+    fprintf(file, "num_periodic = %d\n", num_periodic);
+ #endif
+    /*-----------------------------------------
+     * Coarsen bounding box
+     *-----------------------------------------*/
+    hypre_StructCoarsenBox(bounding_box, index, stride);
+    /*-----------------------------------------
+     * Coarsen neighborhood boxes & determine
+     * send / recv procs
+     *
+     * NOTE: Currently, this always communicates
+     * with all neighboring processes.
+     *-----------------------------------------*/
+    local_cbox = hypre_BoxCreate();
+    neighbor_cbox = hypre_BoxCreate();
+    num_recvs = 0;
+    num_sends = 0;
+    recv_procs = NULL;
+    send_procs = NULL;
+    for (i = 0; i < num_hood; i++)
+    {
+       if (hood_procs[i] != my_rank)
+       {
+          for (j = 0; j < num_local; j++)
+          {
+             ilocal = first_local + j;
+             local_box    = hypre_BoxArrayBox(hood_boxes, ilocal);
+             neighbor_box = hypre_BoxArrayBox(hood_boxes, i);
+             /* coarsen boxes being considered */
+             hypre_CopyBox(local_box, local_cbox);
+             hypre_StructCoarsenBox(local_cbox, index, stride);
+             hypre_CopyBox(neighbor_box, neighbor_cbox);
+             hypre_StructCoarsenBox(neighbor_cbox, index, stride);
+             /*-----------------------
+              * Receive info?
+              *-----------------------*/
+ /* always communicate */
+ #if 0
+             perimeter_count = 0;
+             cperimeter_count = 0;
+             for (d = 0; d < 3; d++)
+             {
+                distance = max_distance;
+                diff = hypre_BoxIMaxD(neighbor_box, d) -
+                   hypre_BoxIMaxD(local_box, d);
+                if (diff > 0)
+                {
+                   distance = hypre_min(distance, diff);
+                }
+                diff = hypre_BoxIMinD(local_box, d) -
+                   hypre_BoxIMinD(neighbor_box, d);
+                if (diff > 0)
+                {
+                   distance = hypre_min(distance, diff);
+                }
+                if (distance < max_distance)
+                {
+                   perimeter_count++;
+                }
+                distance = max_distance;
+                diff = hypre_BoxIMaxD(neighbor_cbox, d) -
+                   hypre_BoxIMaxD(local_cbox, d);
+                if (diff > 0)
+                {
+                   distance = hypre_min(distance, diff);
+                }
+                diff = hypre_BoxIMinD(local_cbox, d) -
+                   hypre_BoxIMinD(neighbor_cbox, d);
+                if (diff > 0)
+                {
+                   distance = hypre_min(distance, diff);
+                }
+                if (distance < max_distance)
+                {
+                   cperimeter_count++;
+                }
+             }
+ #else
+             perimeter_count = 0;
+             cperimeter_count = 1;
+ #endif
+             if (cperimeter_count > perimeter_count)
+             {
+                if (num_recvs == 0)
+                {
+                   recv_procs = hypre_TAlloc(int, num_hood);
+                   recv_procs[num_recvs] = hood_procs[i];
+                   num_recvs++;
+                }
+                else if (hood_procs[i] != recv_procs[num_recvs-1])
+                {
+                   recv_procs[num_recvs] = hood_procs[i];
+                   num_recvs++;
+                }
+             }
+             /*-----------------------
+              * Send info?
+              *-----------------------*/
+ /* always communicate */
+ #if 0
+             perimeter_count = 0;
+             cperimeter_count = 0;
+             for (d = 0; d < 3; d++)
+             {
+                distance = max_distance;
+                diff = hypre_BoxIMaxD(local_box, d) -
+                   hypre_BoxIMaxD(neighbor_box, d);
+                if (diff > 0)
+                {
+                   distance = hypre_min(distance, diff);
+                }
+                diff = hypre_BoxIMinD(neighbor_box, d) -
+                   hypre_BoxIMinD(local_box, d);
+                if (diff > 0)
+                {
+                   distance = hypre_min(distance, diff);
+                }
+                if (distance < max_distance)
+                {
+                   perimeter_count++;
+                }
+                distance = max_distance;
+                diff = hypre_BoxIMaxD(local_cbox, d) -
+                   hypre_BoxIMaxD(neighbor_cbox, d);
+                if (diff > 0)
+                {
+                   distance = hypre_min(distance, diff);
+                }
+                diff = hypre_BoxIMinD(neighbor_cbox, d) -
+                   hypre_BoxIMinD(local_cbox, d);
+                if (diff > 0)
+                {
+                   distance = hypre_min(distance, diff);
+                }
+                if (distance < max_distance)
+                {
+                   cperimeter_count++;
+                }
+             }
+ #else
+             perimeter_count = 0;
+             cperimeter_count = 1;
+ #endif
+             if (cperimeter_count > perimeter_count)
+             {
+                if (num_sends == 0)
+                {
+                   send_procs = hypre_TAlloc(int, num_hood);
+                   send_procs[num_sends] = hood_procs[i];
+                   num_sends++;
+                }
+                else if (hood_procs[i] != send_procs[num_sends-1])
+                {
+                   send_procs[num_sends] = hood_procs[i];
+                   num_sends++;
+                }
+             }
+          }
+       }
+    }
+    hypre_BoxDestroy(local_cbox);
+    hypre_BoxDestroy(neighbor_cbox);
+    /* coarsen neighborhood boxes */
+    for (i = 0; i < num_hood; i++)
+    {
+       box = hypre_BoxArrayBox(hood_boxes, i);
+       hypre_StructCoarsenBox(box, index, stride);
+    }
+ #if DEBUG
+    fprintf(file, "num_recvs = %d\n", num_recvs);
+    for (i = 0; i < num_recvs; i++)
+    {
+       fprintf(file, "%d ", recv_procs[i]);
+    }
+    fprintf(file, "\n");
+    fprintf(file, "num_sends = %d\n", num_sends);
+    for (i = 0; i < num_sends; i++)
+    {
+       fprintf(file, "%d ", send_procs[i]);
+    }
+    fprintf(file, "\n");
+    fflush(file);
+    fclose(file);
+ #endif
+    /*-----------------------------------------
+     * Exchange neighbor info with other procs
+     *-----------------------------------------*/
+    /* neighbor size info - post receives */
+    if (num_recvs)
+    {
+       recv_requests = hypre_TAlloc(MPI_Request, num_recvs);
+       recv_status   = hypre_TAlloc(MPI_Status, num_recvs);
+       recv_sizes = hypre_TAlloc(int, num_recvs);
+       for (i = 0; i < num_recvs; i++)
+       {
+          MPI_Irecv(&recv_sizes[i], 1, MPI_INT,
+                    recv_procs[i], 0, comm, &recv_requests[i]);
+       }
+    }
+    /* neighbor size info - post sends */
+    if (num_sends)
+    {
+       send_requests = hypre_TAlloc(MPI_Request, num_sends);
+       send_status   = hypre_TAlloc(MPI_Status, num_sends);
+       send_size = 8 * hypre_BoxArraySize(hood_boxes);
+       for (i = 0; i < num_sends; i++)
+       {
+          MPI_Isend(&send_size, 1, MPI_INT,
+                    send_procs[i], 0, comm, &send_requests[i]);
+       }
+    }
+    /* neighbor size info - complete receives */
+    if (num_recvs)
+    {
+       MPI_Waitall(num_recvs, recv_requests, recv_status);
+    }
+    /* neighbor size info - complete sends */
+    if (num_sends)
+    {
+       MPI_Waitall(num_sends, send_requests, send_status);
+    }
+    /*-----------------------------------------*/
+    /* neighbor info - post receives */
+    if (num_recvs)
+    {
+       recv_buffers = hypre_TAlloc(int *, num_recvs);
+       for (i = 0; i < num_recvs; i++)
+       {
+          recv_buffers[i] = hypre_SharedTAlloc(int, recv_sizes[i]);
+          MPI_Irecv(recv_buffers[i], recv_sizes[i], MPI_INT,
+                    recv_procs[i], 0, comm, &recv_requests[i]);
+       }
+    }
+    /* neighbor info - post sends */
+    if (num_sends)
+    {
+       /* pack the send buffer */
+       send_buffer = hypre_SharedTAlloc(int, send_size);
+       j = 0;
+       for (i = 0; i < num_hood; i++)
+       {
+          send_buffer[j++] = hood_ids[i];
+          send_buffer[j++] = hood_procs[i];
+          box = hypre_BoxArrayBox(hood_boxes, i);
+          for (d = 0; d < 3; d++)
+          {
+             send_buffer[j++] = hypre_BoxIMinD(box, d);
+             send_buffer[j++] = hypre_BoxIMaxD(box, d);
+          }
+       }
+       for (i = 0; i < num_sends; i++)
+       {
+          MPI_Isend(send_buffer, send_size, MPI_INT,
+                    send_procs[i], 0, comm, &send_requests[i]);
+       }
+    }
+    /* neighbor info - complete receives */
+    if (num_recvs)
+    {
+       MPI_Waitall(num_recvs, recv_requests, recv_status);
+       hypre_TFree(recv_requests);
+       hypre_TFree(recv_status);
+    }
+    /* neighbor info - complete sends */
+    if (num_sends)
+    {
+       MPI_Waitall(num_sends, send_requests, send_status);
+       hypre_TFree(send_requests);
+       hypre_TFree(send_status);
+       hypre_TFree(send_buffer);
+    }
+    /*-----------------------------------------
+     * Unpack the recv buffers to create
+     * new neighborhood info
+     *-----------------------------------------*/
+    if (num_recvs)
+    {
+       alloc_size = num_hood;
+       new_hood_boxes = hypre_BoxArrayCreate(alloc_size);
+       hypre_BoxArraySetSize(new_hood_boxes, 0);
+       new_hood_procs = hypre_TAlloc(int, alloc_size);
+       new_hood_ids   = hypre_TAlloc(int, alloc_size);
+       box = hypre_BoxCreate();
+       j = 0;
+       jrecv = hypre_CTAlloc(int, num_recvs);
+       new_num_hood = 0;
+       while (1)
+       {
+          data_id = -2;
+          /* inspect neighborhood */
+          if (j < num_hood)
+          {
+             if (data_id == -2)
+             {
+                min_id  = hood_ids[j];
+                data_id = -1;
+             }
+             else if (hood_ids[j] < min_id)
+             {
+                min_id = hood_ids[j];
+                data_id = -1;
+             }
+             else if (hood_ids[j] == min_id)
+             {
+                j++;
+             }
+          }
+          /* inspect recv buffer neighborhoods */
+          for (i = 0; i < num_recvs; i++)
+          {
+             jj = jrecv[i];
+             if (jj < recv_sizes[i])
+             {
+                if (data_id == -2)
+                {
+                   min_id  = recv_buffers[i][jj];
+                   data_id = i;
+                }
+                else if (recv_buffers[i][jj] < min_id)
+                {
+                   min_id = recv_buffers[i][jj];
+                   data_id = i;
+                }
+                else if (recv_buffers[i][jj] == min_id)
+                {
+                   jrecv[i] += 8;
+                }
+             }
+          }
+          /* put data into new neighborhood structures */
+          if (data_id > -2)
+          {
+             if (new_num_hood == alloc_size)
+             {
+                alloc_size += num_hood;
+                new_hood_procs =
+                   hypre_TReAlloc(new_hood_procs, int, alloc_size);
+                new_hood_ids =
+                   hypre_TReAlloc(new_hood_ids,   int, alloc_size);
+             }
+             if (data_id == -1)
+             {
+                /* get data from neighborhood */
+                new_hood_procs[new_num_hood] = hood_procs[j];
+                new_hood_ids[new_num_hood]   = hood_ids[j];
+                hypre_AppendBox(hypre_BoxArrayBox(hood_boxes, j),
+                                new_hood_boxes);
+                if (j == first_local)
+                {
+                   new_first_local = new_num_hood;
+                }
+                j++;
+             }
+             else
+             {
+                /* get data from recv buffer neighborhoods */
+                jj = jrecv[data_id];
+                new_hood_ids[new_num_hood]   = recv_buffers[data_id][jj++];
+                new_hood_procs[new_num_hood] = recv_buffers[data_id][jj++];
+                for (d = 0; d < 3; d++)
+                {
+                   hypre_IndexD(imin, d) = recv_buffers[data_id][jj++];
+                   hypre_IndexD(imax, d) = recv_buffers[data_id][jj++];
+                }
+                hypre_BoxSetExtents(box, imin, imax);
+                hypre_AppendBox(box, new_hood_boxes);
+                jrecv[data_id] = jj;
+             }
+             new_num_hood++;
+          }
+          else
+          {
+             break;
+          }
+       }
+       for (i = 0; i < num_recvs; i++)
+       {
+          hypre_TFree(recv_buffers[i]);
+       }
+       hypre_TFree(recv_buffers);
+       hypre_TFree(recv_sizes);
+       hypre_BoxDestroy(box);
+       hypre_TFree(jrecv);
+       hypre_BoxArrayDestroy(hood_boxes);
+       hypre_TFree(hood_procs);
+       hypre_TFree(hood_ids);
+       hood_boxes  = new_hood_boxes;
+       num_hood    = new_num_hood;
+       hood_procs  = new_hood_procs;
+       hood_ids    = new_hood_ids;
+       first_local = new_first_local;
+    }
+    hypre_TFree(send_procs);
+    hypre_TFree(recv_procs);
+    /*-----------------------------------------
+     * Eliminate boxes of size zero
+     *-----------------------------------------*/
+    if (prune)
+    {
+       j = 0;
+       new_first_local = -1;
+       new_num_local = 0;
+       new_num_periodic = 0;
+       for (i = 0; i < num_hood; i++)
+       {
+          box = hypre_BoxArrayBox(hood_boxes, i);
+          if ( hypre_BoxVolume(box) )
+          {
+             hypre_CopyBox(box, hypre_BoxArrayBox(hood_boxes, j));
+             hood_procs[j] = hood_procs[i];
+             hood_ids[j]   = hood_ids[i];
+             if ((i >= first_local) &&
+                 (i <  first_local + num_local))
+             {
+                if (new_first_local == -1)
+                {
+                   new_first_local = j;
+                }
+                new_num_local++;
+             }
+             else if ((i >= first_local + num_local) &&
+                      (i <  first_local + num_local + num_periodic))
+             {
+                new_num_periodic++;
+             }
+             j++;
+          }
+       }
+       num_hood = j;
+       hypre_BoxArraySetSize(hood_boxes, num_hood);
+       first_local  = new_first_local;
+       num_local    = new_num_local;
+       num_periodic = new_num_periodic;
+    }
+    /*-----------------------------------------
+     * Build the coarse grid
+     *-----------------------------------------*/
+    hypre_StructGridCreate(comm, dim, &cgrid);
+    /* set neighborhood */
+    hypre_StructGridSetHood(cgrid, hood_boxes, hood_procs, hood_ids,
+                            first_local, num_local, num_periodic, bounding_box);
+    hypre_StructGridSetHoodInfo(cgrid, max_distance);
+    /* set periodicity */
+    for (d = 0; d < dim; d++)
+    {
+       if (hypre_IndexD(periodic, d) > 0)
+       {
+          hypre_IndexD(periodic, d) =
+             hypre_IndexD(periodic, d) / hypre_IndexD(stride, d);
+       }
+    }
+    hypre_StructGridSetPeriodic(cgrid, periodic);
+    hypre_StructGridAssemble(cgrid);
+    *cgrid_ptr = cgrid;
+    return ierr;
+ }
+ #undef hypre_StructCoarsenBox
+ #else
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_StructCoarsen    - TEMPORARY
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ hypre_StructCoarsen( hypre_StructGrid  *fgrid,
+                      hypre_Index        index,
+                      hypre_Index        stride,
+                      int                prune,
+                      hypre_StructGrid **cgrid_ptr )
+ {
+    int ierr = 0;
+    hypre_StructGrid *cgrid;
+    MPI_Comm          comm  = hypre_StructGridComm(fgrid);
+    int               dim   = hypre_StructGridDim(fgrid);
+    hypre_BoxArray   *boxes;
+    hypre_Index       periodic;
+    hypre_Box        *box;
+    int               i, d;
+    hypre_StructGridCreate(comm, dim, &cgrid);
+    /* coarsen boxes */
+    boxes = hypre_BoxArrayDuplicate(hypre_StructGridBoxes(fgrid));
+    hypre_ProjectBoxArray(boxes, index, stride);
+    for (i = 0; i < hypre_BoxArraySize(boxes); i++)
+    {
+       box = hypre_BoxArrayBox(boxes, i);
+       hypre_StructMapFineToCoarse(hypre_BoxIMin(box), index, stride,
+                                   hypre_BoxIMin(box));
+       hypre_StructMapFineToCoarse(hypre_BoxIMax(box), index, stride,
+                                   hypre_BoxIMax(box));
+    }
+    /* set boxes */
+    hypre_StructGridSetBoxes(cgrid, boxes);
+    /* set periodicity */
+    hypre_CopyIndex(hypre_StructGridPeriodic(fgrid), periodic);
+    for (d = 0; d < dim; d++)
+    {
+       if (hypre_IndexD(periodic, d) > 0)
+       {
+          hypre_IndexD(periodic, d) =
+             hypre_IndexD(periodic, d) / hypre_IndexD(stride, d);
+       }
+    }
+    hypre_StructGridSetPeriodic(cgrid, periodic);
+    hypre_StructGridAssemble(cgrid);
+    *cgrid_ptr = cgrid;
+    return ierr;
+ }
+ #endif

Index: llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/ASCI_Purple/SMG2000/communication.c
diff -c /dev/null llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/ASCI_Purple/SMG2000/communication.c:1.1
*** /dev/null	Mon Apr 11 00:22:18 2005
--- llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/ASCI_Purple/SMG2000/communication.c	Mon Apr 11 00:22:07 2005
*** 0 ****
--- 1,1569 ----
+ /*BHEADER**********************************************************************
+  * (c) 1997   The Regents of the University of California
+  *
+  * See the file COPYRIGHT_and_DISCLAIMER for a complete copyright
+  * notice, contact person, and disclaimer.
+  *
+  * $Revision: 1.1 $
+  *********************************************************************EHEADER*/
+ #include "headers.h"
+ /*==========================================================================*/
+ /*==========================================================================*/
+ /** Create a communication package.  A grid-based description of a
+ communication exchange is passed in.  This description is then
+ compiled into an intermediate processor-based description of the
+ communication.  It may further be compiled into a form based on the
+ message-passing layer in the routine hypre\_CommitCommPkg.  This
+ proceeds as follows based on several compiler flags:
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item If HYPRE\_COMM\_SIMPLE is defined, the intermediate
+ processor-based description is not compiled into a form based on
+ the message-passing layer.  This intermediate description is used
+ directly to pack and unpack buffers during the communications.
+ No MPI derived datatypes are used.
+ \item Else if HYPRE\_COMM\_VOLATILE is defined, the communication
+ package is not committed, and the intermediate processor-based
+ description is retained.  The package is committed at communication
+ time.
+ \item Else the communication package is committed, and the intermediate
+ processor-based description is freed up.
+ \end{itemize}
+ {\bf Note:}
+ The input boxes and processes are destroyed.
+ {\bf Input files:}
+ headers.h
+ @return Communication package.
+ @param send_boxes [IN]
+   description of the grid data to be sent to other processors.
+ @param recv_boxes [IN]
+   description of the grid data to be received from other processors.
+ @param send_data_space [IN]
+   description of the stored grid data associated with the sends.
+ @param recv_data_space [IN]
+   description of the stored grid data associated with the receives.
+ @param send_processes [IN]
+   processors that data is to be sent to.
+ @param recv_processes [IN]
+   processors that data is to be received from.
+ @param num_values [IN]
+   number of data values to be sent for each grid index.
+ @param comm [IN]
+   communicator.
+ @see hypre_CommPkgCreateInfo, hypre_CommPkgCommit, hypre_CommPkgDestroy */
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+   hypre_CommPkg *
+   hypre_CommPkgCreate( hypre_BoxArrayArray   *send_boxes,
+                        hypre_BoxArrayArray   *recv_boxes,
+                        hypre_Index            send_stride,
+                        hypre_Index            recv_stride,
+                        hypre_BoxArray        *send_data_space,
+                        hypre_BoxArray        *recv_data_space,
+                        int                  **send_processes,
+                        int                  **recv_processes,
+                        int                    num_values,
+                        MPI_Comm               comm,
+                        hypre_Index            periodic            )
+ {
+    hypre_CommPkg    *comm_pkg;
+    int               num_sends;
+    int              *send_procs;
+    hypre_CommType  **send_types;
+    int               num_recvs;
+    int              *recv_procs;
+    hypre_CommType  **recv_types;
+    hypre_CommType   *copy_from_type;
+    hypre_CommType   *copy_to_type;
+    int               i;
+    /*------------------------------------------------------
+     * Put arguments into hypre_CommPkg
+     *------------------------------------------------------*/
+    comm_pkg = hypre_CTAlloc(hypre_CommPkg, 1);
+    hypre_CommPkgNumValues(comm_pkg)     = num_values;
+    hypre_CommPkgComm(comm_pkg)          = comm;
+    /*------------------------------------------------------
+     * Set up communication information
+     *------------------------------------------------------*/
+    hypre_CommPkgCreateInfo(send_boxes, send_stride,
+                            send_data_space, send_processes,
+                            num_values, comm, periodic,
+                            &num_sends, &send_procs,
+                            &send_types, &copy_from_type);
+    hypre_CommPkgNumSends(comm_pkg)     = num_sends;
+    hypre_CommPkgSendProcs(comm_pkg)    = send_procs;
+    hypre_CommPkgSendTypes(comm_pkg)    = send_types;
+    hypre_CommPkgCopyFromType(comm_pkg) = copy_from_type;
+    hypre_CommPkgCreateInfo(recv_boxes, recv_stride,
+                            recv_data_space, recv_processes,
+                            num_values, comm,  periodic,
+                            &num_recvs, &recv_procs,
+                            &recv_types, &copy_to_type);
+    hypre_CommPkgNumRecvs(comm_pkg)   = num_recvs;
+    hypre_CommPkgRecvProcs(comm_pkg)  = recv_procs;
+    hypre_CommPkgRecvTypes(comm_pkg)  = recv_types;
+    hypre_CommPkgCopyToType(comm_pkg) = copy_to_type;
+    /*------------------------------------------------------
+     * Destroy the input boxes and processes
+     *------------------------------------------------------*/
+    hypre_ForBoxArrayI(i, send_boxes)
+       hypre_TFree(send_processes[i]);
+    hypre_BoxArrayArrayDestroy(send_boxes);
+    hypre_TFree(send_processes);
+    hypre_ForBoxArrayI(i, recv_boxes)
+       hypre_TFree(recv_processes[i]);
+    hypre_BoxArrayArrayDestroy(recv_boxes);
+    hypre_TFree(recv_processes);
+ #if defined(HYPRE_COMM_SIMPLE) || defined(HYPRE_COMM_VOLATILE)
+ #else
+    hypre_CommPkgCommit(comm_pkg);
+    /* free up comm types */
+    for (i = 0; i < hypre_CommPkgNumSends(comm_pkg); i++)
+       hypre_CommTypeDestroy(hypre_CommPkgSendType(comm_pkg, i));
+    hypre_TFree(hypre_CommPkgSendTypes(comm_pkg));
+    for (i = 0; i < hypre_CommPkgNumRecvs(comm_pkg); i++)
+       hypre_CommTypeDestroy(hypre_CommPkgRecvType(comm_pkg, i));
+    hypre_TFree(hypre_CommPkgRecvTypes(comm_pkg));
+ #endif
+    return comm_pkg;
+ }
+ /*==========================================================================*/
+ /*==========================================================================*/
+ /** Destroy a communication package.
+ {\bf Input files:}
+ headers.h
+ @return Error code.
+ @param comm_pkg [IN/OUT]
+   communication package.
+ @see hypre_CommPkgCreate */
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ hypre_CommPkgDestroy( hypre_CommPkg *comm_pkg )
+ {
+    int ierr = 0;
+ #if defined(HYPRE_COMM_SIMPLE) || defined(HYPRE_COMM_VOLATILE)
+    int               i;
+ #else
+ #endif
+    if (comm_pkg)
+    {
+ #if defined(HYPRE_COMM_SIMPLE) || defined(HYPRE_COMM_VOLATILE)
+       /* free up comm types */
+       for (i = 0; i < hypre_CommPkgNumSends(comm_pkg); i++)
+          hypre_CommTypeDestroy(hypre_CommPkgSendType(comm_pkg, i));
+       hypre_TFree(hypre_CommPkgSendTypes(comm_pkg));
+       for (i = 0; i < hypre_CommPkgNumRecvs(comm_pkg); i++)
+          hypre_CommTypeDestroy(hypre_CommPkgRecvType(comm_pkg, i));
+       hypre_TFree(hypre_CommPkgRecvTypes(comm_pkg));
+ #else
+       hypre_CommPkgUnCommit(comm_pkg);
+ #endif
+       hypre_TFree(hypre_CommPkgSendProcs(comm_pkg));
+       hypre_TFree(hypre_CommPkgRecvProcs(comm_pkg));
+       hypre_CommTypeDestroy(hypre_CommPkgCopyFromType(comm_pkg));
+       hypre_CommTypeDestroy(hypre_CommPkgCopyToType(comm_pkg));
+       hypre_TFree(comm_pkg);
+    }
+    return ierr;
+ }
+ /*==========================================================================*/
+ /*==========================================================================*/
+ /** Initialize a non-blocking communication exchange.
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item If HYPRE\_COMM\_SIMPLE is defined, the communication buffers are
+ created, the send buffer is manually packed, and the communication
+ requests are posted.  No MPI derived datatypes are used.
+ \item Else if HYPRE\_COMM\_VOLATILE is defined, the communication
+ package is committed, the communication requests are posted, then
+ the communication package is un-committed.
+ \item Else the communication requests are posted.
+ \end{itemize}
+ {\bf Input files:}
+ headers.h
+ @return Error code.
+ @param comm_pkg [IN]
+   communication package.
+ @param send_data [IN]
+   reference pointer for the send data.
+ @param recv_data [IN]
+   reference pointer for the recv data.
+ @param comm_handle [OUT]
+   communication handle.
+ @see hypre_FinalizeCommunication, hypre_CommPkgCreate */
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ #if defined(HYPRE_COMM_SIMPLE)
+ int
+ hypre_InitializeCommunication( hypre_CommPkg     *comm_pkg,
+                                double            *send_data,
+                                double            *recv_data,
+                                hypre_CommHandle **comm_handle_ptr )
+ {
+    int                  ierr = 0;
+    hypre_CommHandle    *comm_handle;
+    int                  num_sends = hypre_CommPkgNumSends(comm_pkg);
+    int                  num_recvs = hypre_CommPkgNumRecvs(comm_pkg);
+    MPI_Comm             comm      = hypre_CommPkgComm(comm_pkg);
+    int                  num_requests;
+    MPI_Request         *requests;
+    MPI_Status          *status;
+    double             **send_buffers;
+    double             **recv_buffers;
+    int                 *send_sizes;
+    int                 *recv_sizes;
+    hypre_CommType      *send_type;
+    hypre_CommTypeEntry *send_entry;
+    hypre_CommType      *recv_type;
+    hypre_CommTypeEntry *recv_entry;
+    int                 *length_array;
+    int                 *stride_array;
+    double              *iptr, *jptr, *kptr, *lptr, *bptr;
+    int                  i, j, k, ii, jj, kk, ll;
+    int                  entry_size, total_size;
+    /*--------------------------------------------------------------------
+     * allocate requests and status
+     *--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+    num_requests = num_sends + num_recvs;
+    requests = hypre_CTAlloc(MPI_Request, num_requests);
+    status   = hypre_CTAlloc(MPI_Status, num_requests);
+    /*--------------------------------------------------------------------
+     * allocate buffers
+     *--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+    /* allocate send buffers */
+    send_buffers = hypre_TAlloc(double *, num_sends);
+    send_sizes = hypre_TAlloc(int, num_sends);
+    total_size = 0;
+    for (i = 0; i < num_sends; i++)
+    {
+       send_type = hypre_CommPkgSendType(comm_pkg, i);
+       send_sizes[i] = 0;
+       for (j = 0; j < hypre_CommTypeNumEntries(send_type); j++)
+       {
+          send_entry = hypre_CommTypeCommEntry(send_type, j);
+          length_array = hypre_CommTypeEntryLengthArray(send_entry);
+          entry_size = 1;
+          for (k = 0; k < 4; k++)
+          {
+             entry_size *= length_array[k];
+          }
+          send_sizes[i] += entry_size;
+       }
+       total_size += send_sizes[i];
+    }
+    if (num_sends > 0)
+    {
+       send_buffers[0] = hypre_SharedTAlloc(double, total_size);
+       for (i = 1; i < num_sends; i++)
+       {
+          send_buffers[i] = send_buffers[i-1] + send_sizes[i-1];
+       }
+    }
+    /* allocate recv buffers */
+    recv_buffers = hypre_TAlloc(double *, num_recvs);
+    recv_sizes = hypre_TAlloc(int, num_recvs);
+    total_size = 0;
+    for (i = 0; i < num_recvs; i++)
+    {
+       recv_type = hypre_CommPkgRecvType(comm_pkg, i);
+       recv_sizes[i] = 0;
+       for (j = 0; j < hypre_CommTypeNumEntries(recv_type); j++)
+       {
+          recv_entry = hypre_CommTypeCommEntry(recv_type, j);
+          length_array = hypre_CommTypeEntryLengthArray(recv_entry);
+          entry_size = 1;
+          for (k = 0; k < 4; k++)
+          {
+             entry_size *= length_array[k];
+          }
+          recv_sizes[i] += entry_size;
+       }
+       total_size += recv_sizes[i];
+    }
+    if (num_recvs > 0)
+    {
+       recv_buffers[0] = hypre_SharedTAlloc(double, total_size);
+       for (i = 1; i < num_recvs; i++)
+       {
+          recv_buffers[i] = recv_buffers[i-1] + recv_sizes[i-1];
+       }
+    }
+    /*--------------------------------------------------------------------
+     * pack send buffers
+     *--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+    for (i = 0; i < num_sends; i++)
+    {
+       send_type = hypre_CommPkgSendType(comm_pkg, i);
+       bptr = (double *) send_buffers[i];
+       for (j = 0; j < hypre_CommTypeNumEntries(send_type); j++)
+       {
+          send_entry = hypre_CommTypeCommEntry(send_type, j);
+          length_array = hypre_CommTypeEntryLengthArray(send_entry);
+          stride_array = hypre_CommTypeEntryStrideArray(send_entry);
+          lptr = send_data + hypre_CommTypeEntryOffset(send_entry);
+          for (ll = 0; ll < length_array[3]; ll++)
+          {
+             kptr = lptr;
+             for (kk = 0; kk < length_array[2]; kk++)
+             {
+                jptr = kptr;
+                for (jj = 0; jj < length_array[1]; jj++)
+                {
+                   if (stride_array[0] == 1)
+                   {
+                      memcpy(bptr, jptr, length_array[0]*sizeof(double));
+                   }
+                   else
+                   {
+                      iptr = jptr;
+                      for (ii = 0; ii < length_array[0]; ii++)
+                      {
+                         bptr[ii] = *iptr;
+                         iptr += stride_array[0];
+                      }
+                   }
+                   bptr += length_array[0];
+                   jptr += stride_array[1];
+                }
+                kptr += stride_array[2];
+             }
+             lptr += stride_array[3];
+          }
+       }
+    }
+    /*--------------------------------------------------------------------
+     * post receives and initiate sends
+     *--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+    j = 0;
+    for(i = 0; i < num_recvs; i++)
+    {
+       MPI_Irecv(recv_buffers[i], recv_sizes[i], MPI_DOUBLE, 
+                 hypre_CommPkgRecvProc(comm_pkg, i), 
+                 0, comm, &requests[j++]);
+    }
+    for(i = 0; i < num_sends; i++)
+    {
+       MPI_Isend(send_buffers[i], send_sizes[i], MPI_DOUBLE, 
+                 hypre_CommPkgSendProc(comm_pkg, i), 
+                 0, comm, &requests[j++]);
+    }
+    hypre_ExchangeLocalData(comm_pkg, send_data, recv_data);
+    /*--------------------------------------------------------------------
+     * set up comm_handle and return
+     *--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+    comm_handle = hypre_TAlloc(hypre_CommHandle, 1);
+    hypre_CommHandleCommPkg(comm_handle)     = comm_pkg;
+    hypre_CommHandleSendData(comm_handle)    = send_data;
+    hypre_CommHandleRecvData(comm_handle)    = recv_data;
+    hypre_CommHandleNumRequests(comm_handle) = num_requests;
+    hypre_CommHandleRequests(comm_handle)    = requests;
+    hypre_CommHandleStatus(comm_handle)      = status;
+    hypre_CommHandleSendBuffers(comm_handle) = send_buffers;
+    hypre_CommHandleRecvBuffers(comm_handle) = recv_buffers;
+    hypre_CommHandleSendSizes(comm_handle)   = send_sizes;
+    hypre_CommHandleRecvSizes(comm_handle)   = recv_sizes;
+    *comm_handle_ptr = comm_handle;
+    return ierr;
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ #else
+ int
+ hypre_InitializeCommunication( hypre_CommPkg     *comm_pkg,
+                                double            *send_data,
+                                double            *recv_data,
+                                hypre_CommHandle **comm_handle_ptr )
+ {
+    int                  ierr = 0;
+    hypre_CommHandle    *comm_handle;
+    int                  num_sends  = hypre_CommPkgNumSends(comm_pkg);
+    int                  num_recvs  = hypre_CommPkgNumRecvs(comm_pkg);
+    MPI_Comm             comm       = hypre_CommPkgComm(comm_pkg);
+    int                  num_requests;
+    MPI_Request         *requests;
+    MPI_Status          *status;
+    int                  i, j;
+    /*--------------------------------------------------------------------
+     * allocate requests and status
+     *--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+    num_requests = num_sends + num_recvs;
+    requests = hypre_CTAlloc(MPI_Request, num_requests);
+    status   = hypre_CTAlloc(MPI_Status, num_requests);
+    /*--------------------------------------------------------------------
+     * post receives and initiate sends
+     *--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ #if defined(HYPRE_COMM_VOLATILE)
+    /* commit the communication package */
+    hypre_CommPkgCommit(comm_pkg);
+ #else
+ #endif
+    j = 0;
+    for(i = 0; i < num_recvs; i++)
+    {
+       MPI_Irecv((void *)recv_data, 1,
+                 hypre_CommPkgRecvMPIType(comm_pkg, i), 
+                 hypre_CommPkgRecvProc(comm_pkg, i), 
+                 0, comm, &requests[j++]);
+    }
+    for(i = 0; i < num_sends; i++)
+    {
+       MPI_Isend((void *)send_data, 1,
+                 hypre_CommPkgSendMPIType(comm_pkg, i), 
+                 hypre_CommPkgSendProc(comm_pkg, i), 
+                 0, comm, &requests[j++]);
+    }
+ #if defined(HYPRE_COMM_VOLATILE)
+    /* un-commit the communication package */
+    hypre_CommPkgUnCommit(comm_pkg);
+ #else
+ #endif
+    hypre_ExchangeLocalData(comm_pkg, send_data, recv_data);
+    /*--------------------------------------------------------------------
+     * set up comm_handle and return
+     *--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+    comm_handle = hypre_TAlloc(hypre_CommHandle, 1);
+    hypre_CommHandleCommPkg(comm_handle)     = comm_pkg;
+    hypre_CommHandleSendData(comm_handle)    = send_data;
+    hypre_CommHandleRecvData(comm_handle)    = recv_data;
+    hypre_CommHandleNumRequests(comm_handle) = num_requests;
+    hypre_CommHandleRequests(comm_handle)    = requests;
+    hypre_CommHandleStatus(comm_handle)      = status;
+    *comm_handle_ptr = comm_handle;
+    return ierr;
+ }
+ #endif
+ /*==========================================================================*/
+ /*==========================================================================*/
+ /** Finalize a communication exchange.  This routine blocks until all
+ of the communication requests are completed.
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item If HYPRE\_COMM\_SIMPLE is defined, the communication requests
+ are completed, and the receive buffer is manually unpacked.
+ \item Else if HYPRE\_COMM\_VOLATILE is defined, the communication requests
+ are completed and the communication package is un-committed.
+ \item Else the communication requests are completed.
+ \end{itemize}
+ {\bf Input files:}
+ headers.h
+ @return Error code.
+ @param comm_handle [IN/OUT]
+   communication handle.
+ @see hypre_InitializeCommunication, hypre_CommPkgCreate */
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ #if defined(HYPRE_COMM_SIMPLE)
+ int
+ hypre_FinalizeCommunication( hypre_CommHandle *comm_handle )
+ {
+    int              ierr = 0;
+    hypre_CommPkg   *comm_pkg     = hypre_CommHandleCommPkg(comm_handle);
+    double         **send_buffers = hypre_CommHandleSendBuffers(comm_handle);
+    double         **recv_buffers = hypre_CommHandleRecvBuffers(comm_handle);
+    int             *send_sizes   = hypre_CommHandleSendSizes(comm_handle);
+    int             *recv_sizes   = hypre_CommHandleRecvSizes(comm_handle);
+    int              num_sends    = hypre_CommPkgNumSends(comm_pkg);
+    int              num_recvs    = hypre_CommPkgNumRecvs(comm_pkg);
+    hypre_CommType      *recv_type;
+    hypre_CommTypeEntry *recv_entry;
+    int                 *length_array;
+    int                 *stride_array;
+    double              *iptr, *jptr, *kptr, *lptr, *bptr;
+    int                  i, j, ii, jj, kk, ll;
+    /*--------------------------------------------------------------------
+     * finish communications
+     *--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+    if (hypre_CommHandleNumRequests(comm_handle))
+    {
+       MPI_Waitall(hypre_CommHandleNumRequests(comm_handle),
+                   hypre_CommHandleRequests(comm_handle),
+                   hypre_CommHandleStatus(comm_handle));
+    }
+    /*--------------------------------------------------------------------
+     * unpack recv buffers
+     *--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+    for (i = 0; i < num_recvs; i++)
+    {
+       recv_type = hypre_CommPkgRecvType(comm_pkg, i);
+       bptr = (double *) recv_buffers[i];
+       for (j = 0; j < hypre_CommTypeNumEntries(recv_type); j++)
+       {
+          recv_entry = hypre_CommTypeCommEntry(recv_type, j);
+          length_array = hypre_CommTypeEntryLengthArray(recv_entry);
+          stride_array = hypre_CommTypeEntryStrideArray(recv_entry);
+          lptr = hypre_CommHandleRecvData(comm_handle) +
+             hypre_CommTypeEntryOffset(recv_entry);
+          for (ll = 0; ll < length_array[3]; ll++)
+          {
+             kptr = lptr;
+             for (kk = 0; kk < length_array[2]; kk++)
+             {
+                jptr = kptr;
+                for (jj = 0; jj < length_array[1]; jj++)
+                {
+                   if (stride_array[0] == 1)
+                   {
+                      memcpy(jptr, bptr, length_array[0]*sizeof(double));
+                   }
+                   else
+                   {
+                      iptr = jptr;
+                      for (ii = 0; ii < length_array[0]; ii++)
+                      {
+                         *iptr = bptr[ii];
+                         iptr += stride_array[0];
+                      }
+                   }
+                   bptr += length_array[0];
+                   jptr += stride_array[1];
+                }
+                kptr += stride_array[2];
+             }
+             lptr += stride_array[3];
+          }
+       }
+    }
+    /*--------------------------------------------------------------------
+     * Free up communication handle
+     *--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+    hypre_TFree(hypre_CommHandleRequests(comm_handle));
+    hypre_TFree(hypre_CommHandleStatus(comm_handle));
+    if (num_sends > 0)
+    {
+       hypre_SharedTFree(send_buffers[0]);
+    }
+    if (num_recvs > 0)
+    {
+       hypre_SharedTFree(recv_buffers[0]);
+    }
+    hypre_TFree(send_buffers);
+    hypre_TFree(recv_buffers);
+    hypre_TFree(send_sizes);
+    hypre_TFree(recv_sizes);
+    hypre_TFree(comm_handle);
+    return ierr;
+ }
+ #else
+ int
+ hypre_FinalizeCommunication( hypre_CommHandle *comm_handle )
+ {
+    int  ierr = 0;
+    if (hypre_CommHandleNumRequests(comm_handle))
+    {
+       MPI_Waitall(hypre_CommHandleNumRequests(comm_handle),
+                   hypre_CommHandleRequests(comm_handle),
+                   hypre_CommHandleStatus(comm_handle));
+    }
+    /*--------------------------------------------------------------------
+     * Free up communication handle
+     *--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+    hypre_TFree(hypre_CommHandleRequests(comm_handle));
+    hypre_TFree(hypre_CommHandleStatus(comm_handle));
+    hypre_TFree(comm_handle);
+    return ierr;
+ }
+ #endif
+ /*==========================================================================*/
+ /*==========================================================================*/
+ /** Execute local data exchanges.
+ {\bf Input files:}
+ headers.h
+ @return Error code.
+ @param comm_pkg [IN]
+   communication package.
+ @param send_data [IN]
+   reference pointer for the send data.
+ @param recv_data [IN]
+   reference pointer for the recv data.
+ @see hypre_InitializeCommunication */
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ hypre_ExchangeLocalData( hypre_CommPkg *comm_pkg,
+                          double        *send_data,
+                          double        *recv_data )
+ {
+    hypre_CommType      *copy_from_type;
+    hypre_CommType      *copy_to_type;
+    hypre_CommTypeEntry *copy_from_entry;
+    hypre_CommTypeEntry *copy_to_entry;
+    double              *from_dp;
+    int                 *from_stride_array;
+    int                  from_i;
+    double              *to_dp;
+    int                 *to_stride_array;
+    int                  to_i;
+    int                 *length_array;
+    int                  i0, i1, i2, i3;
+    int                  i;
+    int                  ierr = 0;
+    /*--------------------------------------------------------------------
+     * copy local data
+     *--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+    copy_from_type = hypre_CommPkgCopyFromType(comm_pkg);
+    copy_to_type   = hypre_CommPkgCopyToType(comm_pkg);
+    for (i = 0; i < hypre_CommTypeNumEntries(copy_from_type); i++)
+    {
+       copy_from_entry = hypre_CommTypeCommEntry(copy_from_type, i);
+       copy_to_entry   = hypre_CommTypeCommEntry(copy_to_type, i);
+       from_dp = send_data + hypre_CommTypeEntryOffset(copy_from_entry);
+       to_dp   = recv_data + hypre_CommTypeEntryOffset(copy_to_entry);
+       /* copy data only when necessary */
+       if (to_dp != from_dp)
+       {
+          length_array = hypre_CommTypeEntryLengthArray(copy_from_entry);
+          from_stride_array = hypre_CommTypeEntryStrideArray(copy_from_entry);
+          to_stride_array = hypre_CommTypeEntryStrideArray(copy_to_entry);
+          for (i3 = 0; i3 < length_array[3]; i3++)
+          {
+             for (i2 = 0; i2 < length_array[2]; i2++)
+             {
+                for (i1 = 0; i1 < length_array[1]; i1++)
+                {
+                   from_i = (i3*from_stride_array[3] +
+                             i2*from_stride_array[2] +
+                             i1*from_stride_array[1]  );
+                   to_i = (i3*to_stride_array[3] +
+                           i2*to_stride_array[2] +
+                           i1*to_stride_array[1]  );
+                   for (i0 = 0; i0 < length_array[0]; i0++)
+                   {
+                      to_dp[to_i] = from_dp[from_i];
+                      from_i += from_stride_array[0];
+                      to_i += to_stride_array[0];
+                   }
+                }
+             }
+          }
+       }
+    }
+    return ( ierr );
+ }
+ /*==========================================================================*/
+ /*==========================================================================*/
+ /** Create a communication type.
+ {\bf Input files:}
+ headers.h
+ @return Communication type.
+ @param comm_entries [IN]
+   array of pointers to communication type entries.
+ @param num_entries [IN]
+   number of elements in comm\_entries array.
+ @see hypre_CommTypeDestroy */
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ hypre_CommType *
+ hypre_CommTypeCreate( hypre_CommTypeEntry **comm_entries,
+                       int                   num_entries  )
+ {
+    hypre_CommType      *comm_type;
+    comm_type = hypre_TAlloc(hypre_CommType, 1);
+    hypre_CommTypeCommEntries(comm_type) = comm_entries;
+    hypre_CommTypeNumEntries(comm_type)  = num_entries;
+    return comm_type;
+ }
+ /*==========================================================================*/
+ /*==========================================================================*/
+ /** Destroy a communication type.
+ {\bf Input files:}
+ headers.h
+ @return Error code.
+ @param comm_type [IN]
+   communication type.
+ @see hypre_CommTypeCreate */
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int 
+ hypre_CommTypeDestroy( hypre_CommType *comm_type )
+ {
+    int                   ierr = 0;
+    hypre_CommTypeEntry  *comm_entry;
+    int                   i;
+    if (comm_type)
+    {
+       if ( hypre_CommTypeCommEntries(comm_type) != NULL )
+       {
+          for (i = 0; i < hypre_CommTypeNumEntries(comm_type); i++)
+          {
+             comm_entry = hypre_CommTypeCommEntry(comm_type, i);
+             hypre_CommTypeEntryDestroy(comm_entry);
+          }
+       }
+       hypre_TFree(hypre_CommTypeCommEntries(comm_type));
+       hypre_TFree(comm_type);
+    }
+    return ierr;
+ }
+ /*==========================================================================*/
+ /*==========================================================================*/
+ /** Create a communication type entry.
+ {\bf Input files:}
+ headers.h
+ @return Communication type entry.
+ @param box [IN]
+   description of the grid data to be communicated.
+ @param data_box [IN]
+   description of the stored grid data.
+ @param num_values [IN]
+   number of data values to be communicated for each grid index.
+ @param data_box_offset [IN]
+   offset from some location in memory of the data associated with the
+   imin index of data_box.
+ @see hypre_CommTypeEntryDestroy */
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ hypre_CommTypeEntry *
+ hypre_CommTypeEntryCreate( hypre_Box   *box,
+                            hypre_Index  stride,
+                            hypre_Box   *data_box,
+                            int          num_values,
+                            int          data_box_offset )
+ {
+    hypre_CommTypeEntry  *comm_entry;
+    int                  *length_array;
+    int                  *stride_array;
+    hypre_Index           size;
+    int                   i, j, dim;
+    comm_entry = hypre_TAlloc(hypre_CommTypeEntry, 1);
+    /*------------------------------------------------------
+     * Set imin, imax, and offset
+     *------------------------------------------------------*/
+    hypre_CopyIndex(hypre_BoxIMin(box),
+                    hypre_CommTypeEntryIMin(comm_entry));
+    hypre_CopyIndex(hypre_BoxIMax(box),
+                    hypre_CommTypeEntryIMax(comm_entry));
+    hypre_CommTypeEntryOffset(comm_entry) =
+       data_box_offset + hypre_BoxIndexRank(data_box, hypre_BoxIMin(box));
+    /*------------------------------------------------------
+     * Set length_array, stride_array, and dim
+     *------------------------------------------------------*/
+    length_array = hypre_CommTypeEntryLengthArray(comm_entry);
+    stride_array = hypre_CommTypeEntryStrideArray(comm_entry);
+    /* initialize length_array */
+    hypre_BoxGetStrideSize(box, stride, size);
+    for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
+       length_array[i] = hypre_IndexD(size, i);
+    length_array[3] = num_values;
+    /* initialize stride_array */
+    for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
+    {
+       stride_array[i] = hypre_IndexD(stride, i);
+       for (j = 0; j < i; j++)
+          stride_array[i] *= hypre_BoxSizeD(data_box, j);
+    }
+    stride_array[3] = hypre_BoxVolume(data_box);
+    /* eliminate dimensions with length_array = 1 */
+    dim = 4;
+    i = 0;
+    while (i < dim)
+    {
+       if(length_array[i] == 1)
+       {
+          for(j = i; j < (dim - 1); j++)
+          {
+             length_array[j] = length_array[j+1];
+             stride_array[j] = stride_array[j+1];
+          }
+          length_array[dim - 1] = 1;
+          stride_array[dim - 1] = 1;
+          dim--;
+       }
+       else
+       {
+          i++;
+       }
+    }
+ #if 0
+    /* sort the array according to length_array (largest to smallest) */
+    for (i = (dim-1); i > 0; i--)
+       for (j = 0; j < i; j++)
+          if (length_array[j] < length_array[j+1])
+          {
+             i_tmp             = length_array[j];
+             length_array[j]   = length_array[j+1];
+             length_array[j+1] = i_tmp;
+             i_tmp             = stride_array[j];
+             stride_array[j]   = stride_array[j+1];
+             stride_array[j+1] = i_tmp;
+          }
+ #endif
+    /* if every len was 1 we need to fix to communicate at least one */
+    if(!dim)
+       dim = 1;
+    hypre_CommTypeEntryDim(comm_entry) = dim;
+    return comm_entry;
+ }
+ /*==========================================================================*/
+ /*==========================================================================*/
+ /** Destroy a communication type entry.
+ {\bf Input files:}
+ headers.h
+ @return Error code.
+ @param comm_entry [IN/OUT]
+   communication type entry.
+ @see hypre_CommTypeEntryCreate */
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ hypre_CommTypeEntryDestroy( hypre_CommTypeEntry *comm_entry )
+ {
+    int ierr = 0;
+    if (comm_entry)
+    {
+       hypre_TFree(comm_entry);
+    }
+    return ierr;
+ }
+ /*==========================================================================*/
+ /*==========================================================================*/
+ /** Compute a processor-based description of a communication from a
+ grid-based one.  Used to construct a communication package.
+ {\bf Input files:}
+ headers.h
+ @return Error code.
+ @param boxes [IN]
+   description of the grid data to be communicated to other processors.
+ @param data_space [IN]
+   description of the stored grid data associated with the communications.
+ @param processes [IN]
+   processors that data is to be communicated with.
+ @param num_values [IN]
+   number of data values to be communicated for each grid index.
+ @param comm [IN]
+   communicator.
+ @param num_comms_ptr [OUT]
+   number of communications.  The number of communications is defined
+   by the number of processors involved in the communications, not
+   counting ``my processor''.
+ @param comm_processes_ptr [OUT]
+   processor 
+ ranks involved in the communications.
+ @param comm_types_ptr [OUT]
+   inter-processor communication types.
+ @param copy_type_ptr [OUT]
+   intra-processor communication type (copies).
+ @see hypre_CommPkgCreate, hypre_CommTypeSort */
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ hypre_CommPkgCreateInfo( hypre_BoxArrayArray   *boxes,
+                          hypre_Index            stride,
+                          hypre_BoxArray        *data_space,
+                          int                  **processes,
+                          int                    num_values,
+                          MPI_Comm               comm,
+                          hypre_Index            periodic,
+                          int                   *num_comms_ptr,
+                          int                  **comm_processes_ptr,
+                          hypre_CommType      ***comm_types_ptr,
+                          hypre_CommType       **copy_type_ptr)
+ {
+    int                    num_comms;
+    int                   *comm_processes;
+    hypre_CommType       **comm_types;
+    hypre_CommType        *copy_type;
+    hypre_CommTypeEntry ***comm_entries;
+    int                   *num_entries;
+    hypre_BoxArray        *box_array;
+    hypre_Box             *box;
+    hypre_Box             *data_box;
+    int                    data_box_offset;
+    int                    i, j, p, m;
+    int                    num_procs, my_proc;
+    int                    ierr = 0;
+    /*---------------------------------------------------------
+     * Misc stuff
+     *---------------------------------------------------------*/
+    MPI_Comm_size(comm, &num_procs );
+    MPI_Comm_rank(comm, &my_proc );
+    /*------------------------------------------------------
+     * Loop over boxes and compute num_entries.
+     *------------------------------------------------------*/
+    num_entries = hypre_CTAlloc(int, num_procs);
+    num_comms = 0;
+    hypre_ForBoxArrayI(i, boxes)
+       {
+          box_array = hypre_BoxArrayArrayBoxArray(boxes, i);
+          hypre_ForBoxI(j, box_array)
+             {
+                box = hypre_BoxArrayBox(box_array, j);
+                p = processes[i][j];
+                if (hypre_BoxVolume(box) != 0)
+                {
+                   num_entries[p]++;
+                   if ((num_entries[p] == 1) && (p != my_proc))
+                   {
+                      num_comms++;
+                   }
+                }
+             }
+       }
+    /*------------------------------------------------------
+     * Loop over boxes and compute comm_entries
+     * and comm_processes.
+     *------------------------------------------------------*/
+    comm_entries = hypre_CTAlloc(hypre_CommTypeEntry **, num_procs);
+    comm_processes  = hypre_TAlloc(int, num_comms);
+    m = 0;
+    data_box_offset = 0;
+    hypre_ForBoxArrayI(i, boxes)
+       {
+          box_array = hypre_BoxArrayArrayBoxArray(boxes, i);
+          data_box = hypre_BoxArrayBox(data_space, i);
+          hypre_ForBoxI(j, box_array)
+             {
+                box = hypre_BoxArrayBox(box_array, j);
+                p = processes[i][j];
+                if (hypre_BoxVolume(box) != 0)
+                {
+                   /* allocate comm_entries pointer */
+                   if (comm_entries[p] == NULL)
+                   {
+                      comm_entries[p] =
+                         hypre_CTAlloc(hypre_CommTypeEntry *, num_entries[p]);
+                      num_entries[p] = 0;
+                      if (p != my_proc)
+                      {
+                         comm_processes[m] = p;
+                         m++;
+                      }
+                   }
+                   comm_entries[p][num_entries[p]] =
+                      hypre_CommTypeEntryCreate(box, stride, data_box,
+                                                num_values, data_box_offset);
+                   num_entries[p]++;
+                }
+             }
+          data_box_offset += hypre_BoxVolume(data_box) * num_values;
+       }
+    /*------------------------------------------------------
+     * Loop over comm_entries and build comm_types
+     *------------------------------------------------------*/
+    comm_types = hypre_TAlloc(hypre_CommType *, num_comms);
+    for (m = 0; m < num_comms; m++)
+    {
+       p = comm_processes[m];
+       comm_types[m] = hypre_CommTypeCreate(comm_entries[p], num_entries[p]);
+       hypre_CommTypeSort(comm_types[m], periodic);
+    }
+    /*------------------------------------------------------
+     * Build copy_type
+     *------------------------------------------------------*/
+    if (comm_entries[my_proc] != NULL)
+    {
+       p = my_proc;
+       copy_type = hypre_CommTypeCreate(comm_entries[p], num_entries[p]);
+       hypre_CommTypeSort(copy_type, periodic);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+       copy_type = hypre_CommTypeCreate(NULL, 0);
+    }
+    /*------------------------------------------------------
+     * Return
+     *------------------------------------------------------*/
+    hypre_TFree(comm_entries);
+    hypre_TFree(num_entries);
+    *num_comms_ptr      = num_comms;
+    *comm_processes_ptr = comm_processes;
+    *comm_types_ptr     = comm_types;
+    *copy_type_ptr      = copy_type;
+    return ierr;
+ }
+ /*==========================================================================*/
+ /*==========================================================================*/
+ /** Sort the entries of a communication type.  This routine is used to
+ maintain consistency in communications.
+ {\bf Input files:}
+ headers.h
+ {\bf Note:}
+ The entries are sorted by imin first.  Entries with common imin are
+ then sorted by imax.  This assumes that imin and imax define a unique
+ communication type.
+ @return Error code.
+ @param comm_type [IN/OUT]
+   communication type to be sorted.
+ @see hypre_CommPkgCreateInfo */
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ hypre_CommTypeSort( hypre_CommType  *comm_type,
+                     hypre_Index      periodic )
+ {
+    hypre_CommTypeEntry  **comm_entries = hypre_CommTypeCommEntries(comm_type);
+    int                    num_entries  = hypre_CommTypeNumEntries(comm_type);
+    hypre_CommTypeEntry   *comm_entry;
+    hypre_IndexRef         imin0, imin1;
+    int                   *imax0, *imax1;
+    int                    swap;
+    int                    i, j, ii, jj;
+    int                    ierr = 0;
+ #if 1
+    /*------------------------------------------------
+     * Sort by imin:
+     *------------------------------------------------*/
+    for (i = (num_entries - 1); i > 0; i--)
+    {
+       for (j = 0; j < i; j++)
+       {
+          swap = 0;
+          imin0 = hypre_CommTypeEntryIMin(comm_entries[j]);
+          imin1 = hypre_CommTypeEntryIMin(comm_entries[j+1]);
+          if ( hypre_IModPeriodZ(imin0, periodic) > 
+               hypre_IModPeriodZ(imin1, periodic) )
+          {
+             swap = 1;
+          }
+          else if ( hypre_IModPeriodZ(imin0, periodic) == 
+                    hypre_IModPeriodZ(imin1, periodic) )
+          {
+             if ( hypre_IModPeriodY(imin0, periodic) > 
+                  hypre_IModPeriodY(imin1, periodic) )
+             {
+                swap = 1;
+             }
+             else if ( hypre_IModPeriodY(imin0, periodic) == 
+                       hypre_IModPeriodY(imin1, periodic) )
+             {
+                if ( hypre_IModPeriodX(imin0, periodic) > 
+                     hypre_IModPeriodX(imin1, periodic) )
+                {
+                   swap = 1;
+                }
+             }
+          }
+          if (swap)
+          {
+             comm_entry        = comm_entries[j];
+             comm_entries[j]   = comm_entries[j+1];
+             comm_entries[j+1] = comm_entry;
+          }
+       }
+    }
+    /*------------------------------------------------
+     * Sort entries with common imin by imax:
+     *------------------------------------------------*/
+    for (ii = 0; ii < (num_entries - 1); ii = jj)
+    {
+       /* want jj where entries ii through jj-1 have common imin */
+       imin0 = hypre_CommTypeEntryIMin(comm_entries[ii]);
+       for (jj = (ii + 1); jj < num_entries; jj++)
+       {
+          imin1 = hypre_CommTypeEntryIMin(comm_entries[jj]);
+          if ( ( hypre_IModPeriodX(imin0, periodic) !=
+                 hypre_IModPeriodX(imin1, periodic) ) ||
+               ( hypre_IModPeriodY(imin0, periodic) != 
+                 hypre_IModPeriodY(imin1, periodic) ) ||
+               ( hypre_IModPeriodZ(imin0, periodic) !=
+                 hypre_IModPeriodZ(imin1, periodic) ) )
+          {
+             break;
+          }
+       }
+       /* sort entries ii through jj-1 by imax */
+       for (i = (jj - 1); i > ii; i--)
+       {
+          for (j = ii; j < i; j++)
+          {
+             swap = 0;
+             imax0 = hypre_CommTypeEntryIMax(comm_entries[j]);
+             imax1 = hypre_CommTypeEntryIMax(comm_entries[j+1]);
+             if ( hypre_IModPeriodZ(imax0, periodic) >
+                  hypre_IModPeriodZ(imax1, periodic) )
+             {
+                swap = 1;
+             }
+             else if ( hypre_IModPeriodZ(imax0, periodic) ==
+                       hypre_IModPeriodZ(imax1, periodic) )
+             {
+                if ( hypre_IModPeriodY(imax0, periodic) >
+                     hypre_IModPeriodY(imax1, periodic) )
+                {
+                   swap = 1;
+                }
+                else if ( hypre_IModPeriodY(imax0, periodic) ==
+                          hypre_IModPeriodY(imax1, periodic) )
+                {
+                   if ( hypre_IModPeriodX(imax0, periodic) >
+                        hypre_IModPeriodX(imax1, periodic) )
+                   {
+                      swap = 1;
+                   }
+                }
+             }
+             if (swap)
+             {
+                comm_entry        = comm_entries[j];
+                comm_entries[j]   = comm_entries[j+1];
+                comm_entries[j+1] = comm_entry;
+             }
+          }
+       }
+    }
+ #endif
+    return ierr;
+ }
+ /*==========================================================================*/
+ /*==========================================================================*/
+ /** Compile a communication package into a form based on the
+ message-passing layer.
+ {\bf Input files:}
+ headers.h
+ @return Error code.
+ @param comm_pkg [IN/OUT]
+   communication package.
+ @see hypre_CommPkgCreate, hypre_InitializeCommunication,
+   hypre_CommTypeBuildMPI, hypre_CommPkgUnCommit */
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ hypre_CommPkgCommit( hypre_CommPkg *comm_pkg )
+ {
+    int  ierr = 0;
+    /* create send MPI_Datatypes */
+    hypre_CommPkgSendMPITypes(comm_pkg) =
+       hypre_TAlloc(MPI_Datatype, hypre_CommPkgNumSends(comm_pkg));
+    hypre_CommTypeBuildMPI(hypre_CommPkgNumSends(comm_pkg),
+                           hypre_CommPkgSendProcs(comm_pkg),
+                           hypre_CommPkgSendTypes(comm_pkg),
+                           hypre_CommPkgSendMPITypes(comm_pkg));
+    /* create recv MPI_Datatypes */
+    hypre_CommPkgRecvMPITypes(comm_pkg) =
+       hypre_TAlloc(MPI_Datatype, hypre_CommPkgNumRecvs(comm_pkg));
+    hypre_CommTypeBuildMPI(hypre_CommPkgNumRecvs(comm_pkg),
+                           hypre_CommPkgRecvProcs(comm_pkg),
+                           hypre_CommPkgRecvTypes(comm_pkg),
+                           hypre_CommPkgRecvMPITypes(comm_pkg));
+    return ierr;
+ }
+ /*==========================================================================*/
+ /*==========================================================================*/
+ /** Destroy the message-passing-layer component of the communication
+ package.
+ {\bf Input files:}
+ headers.h
+ @return Error code.
+ @param comm_pkg [IN/OUT]
+   communication package.
+ @see hypre_CommPkgCommit */
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ hypre_CommPkgUnCommit( hypre_CommPkg *comm_pkg )
+ {
+    MPI_Datatype  *types;
+    int            i;
+    int            ierr = 0;
+    if (comm_pkg)
+    {
+       types = hypre_CommPkgSendMPITypes(comm_pkg);
+       if (types)
+       {
+          for (i = 0; i < hypre_CommPkgNumSends(comm_pkg); i++)
+             MPI_Type_free(&types[i]);
+          hypre_TFree(types);
+       }
+       types = hypre_CommPkgRecvMPITypes(comm_pkg);
+       if (types)
+       {
+          for (i = 0; i < hypre_CommPkgNumRecvs(comm_pkg); i++)
+             MPI_Type_free(&types[i]);
+          hypre_TFree(types);
+       }
+    }
+    return ierr;
+ }
+ /*==========================================================================*/
+ /*==========================================================================*/
+ /** Create an MPI-based description of a communication from a
+ processor-based one.
+ {\bf Input files:}
+ headers.h
+ @return Error code.
+ @param num_comms [IN]
+   number of communications.
+ @param comm_procs [IN]
+   processor ranks involved in the communications.
+ @param comm_types [IN]
+   processor-based communication types.
+ @param comm_mpi_types [OUT]
+   MPI derived data-types.
+ @see hypre_CommPkgCommit, hypre_CommTypeEntryBuildMPI */
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ hypre_CommTypeBuildMPI( int               num_comms,
+                         int              *comm_procs,
+                         hypre_CommType  **comm_types,
+                         MPI_Datatype     *comm_mpi_types )
+ {
+    hypre_CommType       *comm_type;
+    hypre_CommTypeEntry  *comm_entry;
+    int                   num_entries;
+    int                  *comm_entry_blocklengths;
+    MPI_Aint             *comm_entry_displacements;
+    MPI_Datatype         *comm_entry_mpi_types;
+    int                   m, i;
+    int                   ierr = 0;
+    for (m = 0; m < num_comms; m++)
+    {
+       comm_type = comm_types[m];
+       num_entries = hypre_CommTypeNumEntries(comm_type);
+       comm_entry_blocklengths = hypre_TAlloc(int, num_entries);
+       comm_entry_displacements = hypre_TAlloc(MPI_Aint, num_entries);
+       comm_entry_mpi_types = hypre_TAlloc(MPI_Datatype, num_entries);
+       for (i = 0; i < num_entries; i++)
+       {
+          comm_entry = hypre_CommTypeCommEntry(comm_type, i);
+          /* set blocklengths */
+          comm_entry_blocklengths[i] = 1;
+          /* compute displacements */
+          comm_entry_displacements[i] =
+             hypre_CommTypeEntryOffset(comm_entry) * sizeof(double);
+          /* compute types */
+          hypre_CommTypeEntryBuildMPI(comm_entry, &comm_entry_mpi_types[i]);
+       }
+       /* create `comm_mpi_types' */
+       MPI_Type_struct(num_entries, comm_entry_blocklengths,
+                       comm_entry_displacements, comm_entry_mpi_types,
+                       &comm_mpi_types[m]);
+       MPI_Type_commit(&comm_mpi_types[m]);
+       /* free up memory */
+       for (i = 0; i < num_entries; i++)
+          MPI_Type_free(&comm_entry_mpi_types[i]);
+       hypre_TFree(comm_entry_blocklengths);
+       hypre_TFree(comm_entry_displacements);
+       hypre_TFree(comm_entry_mpi_types);
+    }
+    return ierr;
+ }
+ /*==========================================================================*/
+ /*==========================================================================*/
+ /** Create an MPI-based description of a communication entry.
+ {\bf Input files:}
+ headers.h
+ @return Error code.
+ @param comm_entry [IN]
+   communication entry.
+ @param comm_entry_mpi_type [OUT]
+   MPI derived data-type.
+ @see hypre_CommTypeBuildMPI */
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ hypre_CommTypeEntryBuildMPI( hypre_CommTypeEntry *comm_entry,
+                              MPI_Datatype        *comm_entry_mpi_type )
+ {
+    int           dim          = hypre_CommTypeEntryDim(comm_entry);
+    int          *length_array = hypre_CommTypeEntryLengthArray(comm_entry);
+    int          *stride_array = hypre_CommTypeEntryStrideArray(comm_entry);
+    MPI_Datatype *old_type;
+    MPI_Datatype *new_type;
+    MPI_Datatype *tmp_type;
+    int           i;
+    int           ierr = 0;
+    if (dim == 1)
+    {
+       MPI_Type_hvector(length_array[0], 1,
+                        (MPI_Aint)(stride_array[0]*sizeof(double)),
+                        MPI_DOUBLE, comm_entry_mpi_type);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+       old_type = hypre_CTAlloc(MPI_Datatype, 1);
+       new_type = hypre_CTAlloc(MPI_Datatype, 1);
+       MPI_Type_hvector(length_array[0], 1,
+                        (MPI_Aint)(stride_array[0]*sizeof(double)),
+                        MPI_DOUBLE, old_type);
+       for (i = 1; i < (dim - 1); i++)
+       {
+          MPI_Type_hvector(length_array[i], 1,
+                           (MPI_Aint)(stride_array[i]*sizeof(double)),
+                           *old_type, new_type);
+          MPI_Type_free(old_type);
+          tmp_type = old_type;
+          old_type = new_type;
+          new_type = tmp_type;
+       }
+       MPI_Type_hvector(length_array[i], 1,
+                        (MPI_Aint)(stride_array[i]*sizeof(double)),
+                        *old_type, comm_entry_mpi_type);
+       MPI_Type_free(old_type);
+       hypre_TFree(old_type);
+       hypre_TFree(new_type);
+    }
+    return ierr;
+ }

Index: llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/ASCI_Purple/SMG2000/communication_info.c
diff -c /dev/null llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/ASCI_Purple/SMG2000/communication_info.c:1.1
*** /dev/null	Mon Apr 11 00:22:18 2005
--- llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/ASCI_Purple/SMG2000/communication_info.c	Mon Apr 11 00:22:07 2005
*** 0 ****
--- 1,701 ----
+ /*BHEADER**********************************************************************
+  * (c) 1998   The Regents of the University of California
+  *
+  * See the file COPYRIGHT_and_DISCLAIMER for a complete copyright
+  * notice, contact person, and disclaimer.
+  *
+  * $Revision: 1.1 $
+  *********************************************************************EHEADER*/
+ /******************************************************************************
+  * 
+  *****************************************************************************/
+ #include "headers.h"
+ /*==========================================================================*/
+ /*==========================================================================*/
+ /** Return descriptions of communications patterns for a given
+ grid-stencil computation.  These patterns are defined by intersecting
+ the data dependencies of each box (including data dependencies within
+ the box) with its neighbor boxes.
+ {\bf Note:} It is assumed that the grids neighbor information is
+ sufficiently large.
+ {\bf Note:} No concept of data ownership is assumed.  As a result,
+ problematic communications patterns can be produced when the grid
+ boxes overlap.  For example, it is likely that some boxes will have
+ send and receive patterns that overlap.
+ {\bf Input files:}
+ headers.h
+ @return Error code.
+ @param grid [IN]
+   computational grid
+ @param stencil [IN]
+   computational stencil
+ @param send_boxes_ptr [OUT]
+   description of the grid data to be sent to other processors.
+ @param recv_boxes_ptr [OUT]
+   description of the grid data to be received from other processors.
+ @param send_procs_ptr [OUT]
+   processors that data is to be sent to.
+ @param recv_procs_ptr [OUT]
+   processors that data is to be received from.
+ @see hypre_CreateComputeInfo */
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ hypre_CreateCommInfoFromStencil( hypre_StructGrid      *grid,
+                                  hypre_StructStencil   *stencil,
+                                  hypre_BoxArrayArray  **send_boxes_ptr,
+                                  hypre_BoxArrayArray  **recv_boxes_ptr,
+                                  int                 ***send_procs_ptr,
+                                  int                 ***recv_procs_ptr )
+ {
+    int                      ierr = 0;
+    /* output variables */
+    hypre_BoxArrayArray     *send_boxes;
+    hypre_BoxArrayArray     *recv_boxes;
+    int                    **send_procs;
+    int                    **recv_procs;
+    /* internal variables */
+    hypre_BoxArray          *boxes = hypre_StructGridBoxes(grid);
+    hypre_BoxNeighbors      *neighbors;
+    hypre_BoxArray          *neighbor_boxes;
+    int                     *neighbor_procs;
+    hypre_Box               *neighbor_box;
+    hypre_Index             *stencil_shape;
+    hypre_IndexRef           stencil_offset;
+    hypre_Box               *box;
+    hypre_Box               *shift_box;
+    hypre_BoxArray          *send_box_array;
+    hypre_BoxArray          *recv_box_array;
+    int                      send_box_array_size;
+    int                      recv_box_array_size;
+    hypre_BoxArray         **cbox_arrays;
+    int                     *cbox_arrays_i;
+    int                      num_cbox_arrays;
+    int                      i, j, k, m, n;
+    int                      s, d;
+    /* temporary work variables */
+    hypre_Box               *box0;
+    /*------------------------------------------------------
+     * Determine neighbors:
+     *------------------------------------------------------*/
+    neighbors = hypre_StructGridNeighbors(grid);
+    /*------------------------------------------------------
+     * Compute send/recv boxes and procs
+     *------------------------------------------------------*/
+    send_boxes = hypre_BoxArrayArrayCreate(hypre_BoxArraySize(boxes));
+    recv_boxes = hypre_BoxArrayArrayCreate(hypre_BoxArraySize(boxes));
+    send_procs = hypre_CTAlloc(int *, hypre_BoxArraySize(boxes));
+    recv_procs = hypre_CTAlloc(int *, hypre_BoxArraySize(boxes));
+    stencil_shape = hypre_StructStencilShape(stencil);
+    neighbor_boxes = hypre_BoxNeighborsBoxes(neighbors);
+    neighbor_procs = hypre_BoxNeighborsProcs(neighbors);
+    box0 = hypre_BoxCreate();
+    shift_box = hypre_BoxCreate();
+    cbox_arrays =
+       hypre_CTAlloc(hypre_BoxArray *, hypre_BoxArraySize(neighbor_boxes));
+    cbox_arrays_i =
+       hypre_CTAlloc(int, hypre_BoxArraySize(neighbor_boxes));
+    hypre_ForBoxI(i, boxes)
+       {
+          box = hypre_BoxArrayBox(boxes, i);
+          hypre_CopyBox(box, shift_box);
+          /*------------------------------------------------
+           * Compute recv_box_array for box i
+           *------------------------------------------------*/
+          num_cbox_arrays = 0;
+          for (s = 0; s < hypre_StructStencilSize(stencil); s++)
+          {
+             stencil_offset = stencil_shape[s];
+             /* shift box by stencil_offset */
+             for (d = 0; d < 3; d++)
+             {
+                hypre_BoxIMinD(shift_box, d) =
+                   hypre_BoxIMinD(box, d) + hypre_IndexD(stencil_offset, d);
+                hypre_BoxIMaxD(shift_box, d) =
+                   hypre_BoxIMaxD(box, d) + hypre_IndexD(stencil_offset, d);
+             }
+             hypre_BeginBoxNeighborsLoop(j, neighbors, i, stencil_offset)
+                {
+                   neighbor_box = hypre_BoxArrayBox(neighbor_boxes, j);
+                   hypre_IntersectBoxes(shift_box, neighbor_box, box0);
+                   if (hypre_BoxVolume(box0))
+                   {
+                      if (cbox_arrays[j] == NULL)
+                      {
+                         cbox_arrays[j] = hypre_BoxArrayCreate(0);
+                         cbox_arrays_i[num_cbox_arrays] = j;
+                         num_cbox_arrays++;
+                      }
+                      hypre_AppendBox(box0, cbox_arrays[j]);
+                   }
+                }
+             hypre_EndBoxNeighborsLoop;
+          }
+          /* union the boxes in cbox_arrays */
+          recv_box_array_size = 0;
+          for (m = 0; m < num_cbox_arrays; m++)
+          {
+             j = cbox_arrays_i[m];
+             hypre_UnionBoxes(cbox_arrays[j]);
+             recv_box_array_size += hypre_BoxArraySize(cbox_arrays[j]);
+          }
+          /* create recv_box_array and recv_procs */
+          recv_box_array = hypre_BoxArrayArrayBoxArray(recv_boxes, i);
+          hypre_BoxArraySetSize(recv_box_array, recv_box_array_size);
+          recv_procs[i] = hypre_CTAlloc(int, recv_box_array_size);
+          n = 0;
+          for (m = 0; m < num_cbox_arrays; m++)
+          {
+             j = cbox_arrays_i[m];
+             hypre_ForBoxI(k, cbox_arrays[j])
+                {
+                   recv_procs[i][n] = neighbor_procs[j];
+                   hypre_CopyBox(hypre_BoxArrayBox(cbox_arrays[j], k),
+                                 hypre_BoxArrayBox(recv_box_array, n));
+                   n++;
+                }
+             hypre_BoxArrayDestroy(cbox_arrays[j]);
+             cbox_arrays[j] = NULL;
+          }
+          /*------------------------------------------------
+           * Compute send_box_array for box i
+           *------------------------------------------------*/
+          num_cbox_arrays = 0;
+          for (s = 0; s < hypre_StructStencilSize(stencil); s++)
+          {
+             stencil_offset = stencil_shape[s];
+             /* transpose stencil_offset */
+             for (d = 0; d < 3; d++)
+             {
+                hypre_IndexD(stencil_offset, d) =
+                   -hypre_IndexD(stencil_offset, d);
+             }
+             /* shift box by transpose stencil_offset */
+             for (d = 0; d < 3; d++)
+             {
+                hypre_BoxIMinD(shift_box, d) =
+                   hypre_BoxIMinD(box, d) + hypre_IndexD(stencil_offset, d);
+                hypre_BoxIMaxD(shift_box, d) =
+                   hypre_BoxIMaxD(box, d) + hypre_IndexD(stencil_offset, d);
+             }
+             hypre_BeginBoxNeighborsLoop(j, neighbors, i, stencil_offset)
+                {
+                   neighbor_box = hypre_BoxArrayBox(neighbor_boxes, j);
+                   hypre_IntersectBoxes(shift_box, neighbor_box, box0);
+                   if (hypre_BoxVolume(box0))
+                   {
+                      /* shift box0 back */
+                      for (d = 0; d < 3; d++)
+                      {
+                         hypre_BoxIMinD(box0, d) -=
+                            hypre_IndexD(stencil_offset, d);
+                         hypre_BoxIMaxD(box0, d) -=
+                            hypre_IndexD(stencil_offset, d);
+                      }
+                      if (cbox_arrays[j] == NULL)
+                      {
+                         cbox_arrays[j] = hypre_BoxArrayCreate(0);
+                         cbox_arrays_i[num_cbox_arrays] = j;
+                         num_cbox_arrays++;
+                      }
+                      hypre_AppendBox(box0, cbox_arrays[j]);
+                   }
+                }
+             hypre_EndBoxNeighborsLoop;
+             /* restore stencil_offset */
+             for (d = 0; d < 3; d++)
+             {
+                hypre_IndexD(stencil_offset, d) =
+                   -hypre_IndexD(stencil_offset, d);
+             }
+          }
+          /* union the boxes in cbox_arrays */
+          send_box_array_size = 0;
+          for (m = 0; m < num_cbox_arrays; m++)
+          {
+             j = cbox_arrays_i[m];
+             hypre_UnionBoxes(cbox_arrays[j]);
+             send_box_array_size += hypre_BoxArraySize(cbox_arrays[j]);
+          }
+          /* create send_box_array and send_procs */
+          send_box_array = hypre_BoxArrayArrayBoxArray(send_boxes, i);
+          hypre_BoxArraySetSize(send_box_array, send_box_array_size);
+          send_procs[i] = hypre_CTAlloc(int, send_box_array_size);
+          n = 0;
+          for (m = 0; m < num_cbox_arrays; m++)
+          {
+             j = cbox_arrays_i[m];
+             hypre_ForBoxI(k, cbox_arrays[j])
+                {
+                   send_procs[i][n] = neighbor_procs[j];
+                   hypre_CopyBox(hypre_BoxArrayBox(cbox_arrays[j], k),
+                                 hypre_BoxArrayBox(send_box_array, n));
+                   n++;
+                }
+             hypre_BoxArrayDestroy(cbox_arrays[j]);
+             cbox_arrays[j] = NULL;
+          }
+       }
+    hypre_TFree(cbox_arrays);
+    hypre_TFree(cbox_arrays_i);
+    hypre_BoxDestroy(shift_box);
+    hypre_BoxDestroy(box0);
+    /*------------------------------------------------------
+     * Return
+     *------------------------------------------------------*/
+    *send_boxes_ptr = send_boxes;
+    *recv_boxes_ptr = recv_boxes;
+    *send_procs_ptr = send_procs;
+    *recv_procs_ptr = recv_procs;
+    return ierr;
+ }
+ /*==========================================================================*/
+ /*==========================================================================*/
+ /** Return descriptions of communications patterns for a given grid
+ with "ghost zones".  These patterns are defined by intersecting each
+ box, "grown" by the number of "ghost zones", with its neighbor boxes.
+ {\bf Note:} It is assumed that the grids neighbor information is
+ sufficiently large.
+ {\bf Input files:}
+ headers.h
+ @return Error code.
+ @param grid [IN]
+   computational grid
+ @param num_ghost [IN]
+   number of ghost zones in each direction
+ @param send_boxes_ptr [OUT]
+   description of the grid data to be sent to other processors.
+ @param recv_boxes_ptr [OUT]
+   description of the grid data to be received from other processors.
+ @param send_procs_ptr [OUT]
+   processors that data is to be sent to.
+ @param recv_procs_ptr [OUT]
+   processors that data is to be received from.
+ @see hypre_CreateCommInfoFromStencil */
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ hypre_CreateCommInfoFromNumGhost( hypre_StructGrid      *grid,
+                                   int                   *num_ghost,
+                                   hypre_BoxArrayArray  **send_boxes_ptr,
+                                   hypre_BoxArrayArray  **recv_boxes_ptr,
+                                   int                 ***send_procs_ptr,
+                                   int                 ***recv_procs_ptr )
+ {
+    int                      ierr = 0;
+    /* output variables */
+    hypre_BoxArrayArray     *send_boxes;
+    hypre_BoxArrayArray     *recv_boxes;
+    int                    **send_procs;
+    int                    **recv_procs;
+    /* internal variables */
+    hypre_BoxArray          *boxes = hypre_StructGridBoxes(grid);
+    int                     *ids   = hypre_StructGridIDs(grid);
+    hypre_BoxNeighbors      *neighbors;
+    hypre_BoxArray          *neighbor_boxes;
+    int                     *neighbor_procs;
+    int                     *neighbor_ids;
+    hypre_Box               *neighbor_box;
+    hypre_Box               *box;
+    hypre_Box               *grow_box;
+    hypre_BoxArray          *send_box_array;
+    hypre_BoxArray          *recv_box_array;
+    int                      send_box_array_size;
+    int                      recv_box_array_size;
+    hypre_BoxArray         **cbox_arrays;
+    int                     *cbox_arrays_i;
+    int                      num_cbox_arrays;
+    int                      i, j, k, m, n, d;
+    /* temporary work variables */
+    hypre_Box               *box0;
+    /*------------------------------------------------------
+     * Determine neighbors:
+     *------------------------------------------------------*/
+    neighbors = hypre_StructGridNeighbors(grid);
+    /*------------------------------------------------------
+     * Compute send/recv boxes and procs
+     *------------------------------------------------------*/
+    send_boxes = hypre_BoxArrayArrayCreate(hypre_BoxArraySize(boxes));
+    recv_boxes = hypre_BoxArrayArrayCreate(hypre_BoxArraySize(boxes));
+    send_procs = hypre_CTAlloc(int *, hypre_BoxArraySize(boxes));
+    recv_procs = hypre_CTAlloc(int *, hypre_BoxArraySize(boxes));
+    neighbor_boxes = hypre_BoxNeighborsBoxes(neighbors);
+    neighbor_procs = hypre_BoxNeighborsProcs(neighbors);
+    neighbor_ids   = hypre_BoxNeighborsIDs(neighbors);
+    box0 = hypre_BoxCreate();
+    grow_box = hypre_BoxCreate();
+    cbox_arrays =
+       hypre_CTAlloc(hypre_BoxArray *, hypre_BoxArraySize(neighbor_boxes));
+    cbox_arrays_i =
+       hypre_CTAlloc(int, hypre_BoxArraySize(neighbor_boxes));
+    hypre_ForBoxI(i, boxes)
+       {
+          box = hypre_BoxArrayBox(boxes, i);
+          hypre_CopyBox(box, grow_box);
+          /*------------------------------------------------
+           * Compute recv_box_array for box i
+           *------------------------------------------------*/
+          num_cbox_arrays = 0;
+          /* grow box by num_ghost */
+          for (d = 0; d < 3; d++)
+          {
+             hypre_BoxIMinD(grow_box, d) =
+                hypre_BoxIMinD(box, d) - num_ghost[2*d];
+             hypre_BoxIMaxD(grow_box, d) =
+                hypre_BoxIMaxD(box, d) + num_ghost[2*d + 1];
+          }
+          hypre_ForBoxI(j, neighbor_boxes)
+             {
+                if (ids[i] != neighbor_ids[j])
+                {
+                   neighbor_box = hypre_BoxArrayBox(neighbor_boxes, j);
+                   hypre_IntersectBoxes(grow_box, neighbor_box, box0);
+                   if (hypre_BoxVolume(box0))
+                   {
+                      if (cbox_arrays[j] == NULL)
+                      {
+                         cbox_arrays[j] = hypre_BoxArrayCreate(0);
+                         cbox_arrays_i[num_cbox_arrays] = j;
+                         num_cbox_arrays++;
+                      }
+                      hypre_AppendBox(box0, cbox_arrays[j]);
+                   }
+                }
+             }
+          /* union the boxes in cbox_arrays */
+          recv_box_array_size = 0;
+          for (m = 0; m < num_cbox_arrays; m++)
+          {
+             j = cbox_arrays_i[m];
+             hypre_UnionBoxes(cbox_arrays[j]);
+             recv_box_array_size += hypre_BoxArraySize(cbox_arrays[j]);
+          }
+          /* create recv_box_array and recv_procs */
+          recv_box_array = hypre_BoxArrayArrayBoxArray(recv_boxes, i);
+          hypre_BoxArraySetSize(recv_box_array, recv_box_array_size);
+          recv_procs[i] = hypre_CTAlloc(int, recv_box_array_size);
+          n = 0;
+          for (m = 0; m < num_cbox_arrays; m++)
+          {
+             j = cbox_arrays_i[m];
+             hypre_ForBoxI(k, cbox_arrays[j])
+                {
+                   recv_procs[i][n] = neighbor_procs[j];
+                   hypre_CopyBox(hypre_BoxArrayBox(cbox_arrays[j], k),
+                                 hypre_BoxArrayBox(recv_box_array, n));
+                   n++;
+                }
+             hypre_BoxArrayDestroy(cbox_arrays[j]);
+             cbox_arrays[j] = NULL;
+          }
+          /*------------------------------------------------
+           * Compute send_box_array for box i
+           *------------------------------------------------*/
+          num_cbox_arrays = 0;
+          hypre_ForBoxI(j, neighbor_boxes)
+             {
+                if (ids[i] != neighbor_ids[j])
+                {
+                   neighbor_box = hypre_BoxArrayBox(neighbor_boxes, j);
+                   /* grow neighbor box by num_ghost */
+                   for (d = 0; d < 3; d++)
+                   {
+                      hypre_BoxIMinD(grow_box, d) =
+                         hypre_BoxIMinD(neighbor_box, d) - num_ghost[2*d];
+                      hypre_BoxIMaxD(grow_box, d) =
+                         hypre_BoxIMaxD(neighbor_box, d) + num_ghost[2*d + 1];
+                   }
+                   hypre_IntersectBoxes(box, grow_box, box0);
+                   if (hypre_BoxVolume(box0))
+                   {
+                      if (cbox_arrays[j] == NULL)
+                      {
+                         cbox_arrays[j] = hypre_BoxArrayCreate(0);
+                         cbox_arrays_i[num_cbox_arrays] = j;
+                         num_cbox_arrays++;
+                      }
+                      hypre_AppendBox(box0, cbox_arrays[j]);
+                   }
+                }
+             }
+          /* union the boxes in cbox_arrays */
+          send_box_array_size = 0;
+          for (m = 0; m < num_cbox_arrays; m++)
+          {
+             j = cbox_arrays_i[m];
+             hypre_UnionBoxes(cbox_arrays[j]);
+             send_box_array_size += hypre_BoxArraySize(cbox_arrays[j]);
+          }
+          /* create send_box_array and send_procs */
+          send_box_array = hypre_BoxArrayArrayBoxArray(send_boxes, i);
+          hypre_BoxArraySetSize(send_box_array, send_box_array_size);
+          send_procs[i] = hypre_CTAlloc(int, send_box_array_size);
+          n = 0;
+          for (m = 0; m < num_cbox_arrays; m++)
+          {
+             j = cbox_arrays_i[m];
+             hypre_ForBoxI(k, cbox_arrays[j])
+                {
+                   send_procs[i][n] = neighbor_procs[j];
+                   hypre_CopyBox(hypre_BoxArrayBox(cbox_arrays[j], k),
+                                 hypre_BoxArrayBox(send_box_array, n));
+                   n++;
+                }
+             hypre_BoxArrayDestroy(cbox_arrays[j]);
+             cbox_arrays[j] = NULL;
+          }
+       }
+    hypre_TFree(cbox_arrays);
+    hypre_TFree(cbox_arrays_i);
+    hypre_BoxDestroy(grow_box);
+    hypre_BoxDestroy(box0);
+    /*------------------------------------------------------
+     * Return
+     *------------------------------------------------------*/
+    *send_boxes_ptr = send_boxes;
+    *recv_boxes_ptr = recv_boxes;
+    *send_procs_ptr = send_procs;
+    *recv_procs_ptr = recv_procs;
+    return ierr;
+ }
+ /*==========================================================================*/
+ /*==========================================================================*/
+ /** Return descriptions of communications patterns for migrating data
+ from one grid distribution to another.
+ {\bf Input files:}
+ headers.h
+ @return Error code.
+ @param from_grid [IN]
+   grid distribution to migrate data from.
+ @param to_grid [IN]
+   grid distribution to migrate data to.
+ @param send_boxes_ptr [OUT]
+   description of the grid data to be sent to other processors.
+ @param recv_boxes_ptr [OUT]
+   description of the grid data to be received from other processors.
+ @param send_procs_ptr [OUT]
+   processors that data is to be sent to.
+ @param recv_procs_ptr [OUT]
+   processors that data is to be received from.
+ @see hypre_StructMatrixMigrate, hypre_StructVectorMigrate */
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ hypre_CreateCommInfoFromGrids( hypre_StructGrid      *from_grid,
+                                hypre_StructGrid      *to_grid,
+                                hypre_BoxArrayArray  **send_boxes_ptr,
+                                hypre_BoxArrayArray  **recv_boxes_ptr,
+                                int                 ***send_procs_ptr,
+                                int                 ***recv_procs_ptr )
+ {
+    int                      ierr = 0;
+    /* output variables */
+    hypre_BoxArrayArray     *send_boxes;
+    hypre_BoxArrayArray     *recv_boxes;
+    int                    **send_procs;
+    int                    **recv_procs;
+    hypre_BoxArrayArray     *comm_boxes;
+    int                    **comm_procs;
+    hypre_BoxArray          *comm_box_array;
+    hypre_Box               *comm_box;
+    hypre_StructGrid        *local_grid;
+    hypre_StructGrid        *remote_grid;
+    hypre_BoxArray          *local_boxes;
+    hypre_BoxArray          *remote_boxes;
+    hypre_BoxArray          *remote_all_boxes;
+    int                     *remote_all_procs;
+    int                      remote_first_local;
+    hypre_Box               *local_box;
+    hypre_Box               *remote_box;
+    int                      i, j, k, r;
+    /*------------------------------------------------------
+     * Set up communication info
+     *------------------------------------------------------*/
+    for (r = 0; r < 2; r++)
+    {
+       switch(r)
+       {
+          case 0:
+          local_grid  = from_grid;
+          remote_grid = to_grid;
+          break;
+          case 1:
+          local_grid  = to_grid;
+          remote_grid = from_grid;
+          break;
+       }
+       /*---------------------------------------------------
+        * Compute comm_boxes and comm_procs
+        *---------------------------------------------------*/
+       local_boxes  = hypre_StructGridBoxes(local_grid);
+       remote_boxes = hypre_StructGridBoxes(remote_grid);
+       hypre_GatherAllBoxes(hypre_StructGridComm(remote_grid), remote_boxes,
+                            &remote_all_boxes,
+                            &remote_all_procs,
+                            &remote_first_local);
+       comm_boxes = hypre_BoxArrayArrayCreate(hypre_BoxArraySize(local_boxes));
+       comm_procs = hypre_CTAlloc(int *, hypre_BoxArraySize(local_boxes));
+       comm_box = hypre_BoxCreate();
+       hypre_ForBoxI(i, local_boxes)
+          {
+             local_box = hypre_BoxArrayBox(local_boxes, i);
+             comm_box_array = hypre_BoxArrayArrayBoxArray(comm_boxes, i);
+             comm_procs[i] =
+                hypre_CTAlloc(int, hypre_BoxArraySize(remote_all_boxes));
+             hypre_ForBoxI(j, remote_all_boxes)
+                {
+                   remote_box = hypre_BoxArrayBox(remote_all_boxes, j);
+                   hypre_IntersectBoxes(local_box, remote_box, comm_box);
+                   if (hypre_BoxVolume(comm_box))
+                   {
+                      k = hypre_BoxArraySize(comm_box_array);
+                      comm_procs[i][k] = remote_all_procs[j];
+                      hypre_AppendBox(comm_box, comm_box_array);
+                   }
+                }
+             comm_procs[i] =
+                hypre_TReAlloc(comm_procs[i],
+                               int, hypre_BoxArraySize(comm_box_array));
+          }
+       hypre_BoxDestroy(comm_box);
+       hypre_BoxArrayDestroy(remote_all_boxes);
+       hypre_TFree(remote_all_procs);
+       switch(r)
+       {
+          case 0:
+          send_boxes = comm_boxes;
+          send_procs = comm_procs;
+          break;
+          case 1:
+          recv_boxes = comm_boxes;
+          recv_procs = comm_procs;
+          break;
+       }
+    }
+    /*------------------------------------------------------
+     * Return
+     *------------------------------------------------------*/
+    *send_boxes_ptr = send_boxes;
+    *recv_boxes_ptr = recv_boxes;
+    *send_procs_ptr = send_procs;
+    *recv_procs_ptr = recv_procs;
+    return ierr;
+ }

Index: llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/ASCI_Purple/SMG2000/computation.c
diff -c /dev/null llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/ASCI_Purple/SMG2000/computation.c:1.1
*** /dev/null	Mon Apr 11 00:22:18 2005
--- llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/ASCI_Purple/SMG2000/computation.c	Mon Apr 11 00:22:07 2005
*** 0 ****
--- 1,405 ----
+ /*BHEADER**********************************************************************
+  * (c) 1997   The Regents of the University of California
+  *
+  * See the file COPYRIGHT_and_DISCLAIMER for a complete copyright
+  * notice, contact person, and disclaimer.
+  *
+  * $Revision: 1.1 $
+  *********************************************************************EHEADER*/
+ /******************************************************************************
+  * 
+  *****************************************************************************/
+ #include "headers.h"
+ /*==========================================================================*/
+ /*==========================================================================*/
+ /** Return descriptions of communications and computations patterns
+ for a given grid-stencil computation.  If HYPRE\_OVERLAP\_COMM\_COMP
+ is defined, then the patterns are computed to allow for overlapping
+ communications and computations.  The default is no overlap.
+ {\bf Note:} This routine assumes that the grid boxes do not overlap.
+ {\bf Input files:}
+ headers.h
+ @return Error code.
+ @param grid [IN]
+   computational grid
+ @param stencil [IN]
+   computational stencil
+ @param send_boxes_ptr [OUT]
+   description of the grid data to be sent to other processors.
+ @param recv_boxes_ptr [OUT]
+   description of the grid data to be received from other processors.
+ @param send_processes_ptr [OUT]
+   processors that data is to be sent to.
+ @param recv_processes_ptr [OUT]
+   processors that data is to be received from.
+ @param indt_boxes_ptr [OUT]
+   description of computations that do not depend on communicated data.
+ @param dept_boxes_ptr [OUT]
+   description of computations that depend on communicated data.
+ @see hypre_CreateCommInfoFromStencil */
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+   int
+   hypre_CreateComputeInfo( hypre_StructGrid      *grid,
+                         hypre_StructStencil   *stencil,
+                         hypre_BoxArrayArray  **send_boxes_ptr,
+                         hypre_BoxArrayArray  **recv_boxes_ptr,
+                         int                 ***send_processes_ptr,
+                         int                 ***recv_processes_ptr,
+                         hypre_BoxArrayArray  **indt_boxes_ptr,
+                         hypre_BoxArrayArray  **dept_boxes_ptr     )
+ {
+    int                      ierr = 0;
+    /* output variables */
+    hypre_BoxArrayArray     *send_boxes;
+    hypre_BoxArrayArray     *recv_boxes;
+    int                    **send_processes;
+    int                    **recv_processes;
+    hypre_BoxArrayArray     *indt_boxes;
+    hypre_BoxArrayArray     *dept_boxes;
+    /* internal variables */
+    hypre_BoxArray          *boxes;
+    hypre_BoxArray          *cbox_array;
+    hypre_Box               *cbox;
+    int                      i;
+    hypre_Box               *rembox;
+    hypre_Index             *stencil_shape;
+    int                      border[3][2] = {{0, 0}, {0, 0}, {0, 0}};
+    int                      cbox_array_size;
+    int                      s, d;
+ #endif
+    /*------------------------------------------------------
+     * Extract needed grid info
+     *------------------------------------------------------*/
+    boxes = hypre_StructGridBoxes(grid);
+    /*------------------------------------------------------
+     * Get communication info
+     *------------------------------------------------------*/
+    hypre_CreateCommInfoFromStencil(grid, stencil,
+                                    &send_boxes, &recv_boxes,
+                                    &send_processes, &recv_processes);
+    /*------------------------------------------------------
+     * Compute border info
+     *------------------------------------------------------*/
+    stencil_shape = hypre_StructStencilShape(stencil);
+    for (s = 0; s < hypre_StructStencilSize(stencil); s++)
+    {
+       for (d = 0; d < 3; d++)
+       {
+          i = hypre_IndexD(stencil_shape[s], d);
+          if (i < 0)
+          {
+             border[d][0] = hypre_max(border[d][0], -i);
+          }
+          else if (i > 0)
+          {
+             border[d][1] = hypre_max(border[d][1], i);
+          }
+       }
+    }
+    /*------------------------------------------------------
+     * Set up the dependent boxes
+     *------------------------------------------------------*/
+    dept_boxes = hypre_BoxArrayArrayCreate(hypre_BoxArraySize(boxes));
+    rembox = hypre_BoxCreate();
+    hypre_ForBoxI(i, boxes)
+       {
+          cbox_array = hypre_BoxArrayArrayBoxArray(dept_boxes, i);
+          hypre_BoxArraySetSize(cbox_array, 6);
+          hypre_CopyBox(hypre_BoxArrayBox(boxes, i), rembox);
+          cbox_array_size = 0;
+          for (d = 0; d < 3; d++)
+          {
+             if ( (hypre_BoxVolume(rembox)) && (border[d][0]) )
+             {
+                cbox = hypre_BoxArrayBox(cbox_array, cbox_array_size);
+                hypre_CopyBox(rembox, cbox);
+                hypre_BoxIMaxD(cbox, d) =
+                   hypre_BoxIMinD(cbox, d) + border[d][0] - 1;
+                hypre_BoxIMinD(rembox, d) =
+                   hypre_BoxIMinD(cbox, d) + border[d][0];
+                cbox_array_size++;
+             }
+             if ( (hypre_BoxVolume(rembox)) && (border[d][1]) )
+             {
+                cbox = hypre_BoxArrayBox(cbox_array, cbox_array_size);
+                hypre_CopyBox(rembox, cbox);
+                hypre_BoxIMinD(cbox, d) =
+                   hypre_BoxIMaxD(cbox, d) - border[d][1] + 1;
+                hypre_BoxIMaxD(rembox, d) =
+                   hypre_BoxIMaxD(cbox, d) - border[d][1];
+                cbox_array_size++;
+             }
+          }
+          hypre_BoxArraySetSize(cbox_array, cbox_array_size);
+       }
+    hypre_BoxDestroy(rembox);
+    /*------------------------------------------------------
+     * Set up the independent boxes
+     *------------------------------------------------------*/
+    indt_boxes = hypre_BoxArrayArrayCreate(hypre_BoxArraySize(boxes));
+    hypre_ForBoxI(i, boxes)
+       {
+          cbox_array = hypre_BoxArrayArrayBoxArray(indt_boxes, i);
+          hypre_BoxArraySetSize(cbox_array, 1);
+          cbox = hypre_BoxArrayBox(cbox_array, 0);
+          hypre_CopyBox(hypre_BoxArrayBox(boxes, i), cbox);
+          for (d = 0; d < 3; d++)
+          {
+             if ( (border[d][0]) )
+             {
+                hypre_BoxIMinD(cbox, d) += border[d][0];
+             }
+             if ( (border[d][1]) )
+             {
+                hypre_BoxIMaxD(cbox, d) -= border[d][1];
+             }
+          }
+       }
+ #else
+    /*------------------------------------------------------
+     * Set up the independent boxes
+     *------------------------------------------------------*/
+    indt_boxes = hypre_BoxArrayArrayCreate(hypre_BoxArraySize(boxes));
+    /*------------------------------------------------------
+     * Set up the dependent boxes
+     *------------------------------------------------------*/
+    dept_boxes = hypre_BoxArrayArrayCreate(hypre_BoxArraySize(boxes));
+    hypre_ForBoxI(i, boxes)
+       {
+          cbox_array = hypre_BoxArrayArrayBoxArray(dept_boxes, i);
+          hypre_BoxArraySetSize(cbox_array, 1);
+          cbox = hypre_BoxArrayBox(cbox_array, 0);
+          hypre_CopyBox(hypre_BoxArrayBox(boxes, i), cbox);
+       }
+ #endif
+    /*------------------------------------------------------
+     * Return
+     *------------------------------------------------------*/
+    *send_boxes_ptr = send_boxes;
+    *recv_boxes_ptr = recv_boxes;
+    *send_processes_ptr = send_processes;
+    *recv_processes_ptr = recv_processes;
+    *indt_boxes_ptr = indt_boxes;
+    *dept_boxes_ptr = dept_boxes;
+    return ierr;
+ }
+ /*==========================================================================*/
+ /*==========================================================================*/
+ /** Create a computation package from a grid-based description of a
+ communication-computation pattern.
+ {\bf Note:}
+ The input boxes and processes are destroyed.
+ {\bf Input files:}
+ headers.h
+ @return Error code.
+ @param send_boxes [IN]
+   description of the grid data to be sent to other processors.
+ @param recv_boxes [IN]
+   description of the grid data to be received from other processors.
+ @param send_stride [IN]
+   stride to use for send data.
+ @param recv_stride [IN]
+   stride to use for receive data.
+ @param send_processes [IN]
+   processors that data is to be sent to.
+ @param recv_processes [IN]
+   processors that data is to be received from.
+ @param indt_boxes_ptr [IN]
+   description of computations that do not depend on communicated data.
+ @param dept_boxes_ptr [IN]
+   description of computations that depend on communicated data.
+ @param stride [IN]
+   stride to use for computations.
+ @param grid [IN]
+   computational grid
+ @param data_space [IN]
+   description of the stored data associated with the grid.
+ @param num_values [IN]
+   number of data values associated with each grid index.
+ @param compute_pkg_ptr [OUT]
+   pointer to a computation package
+ @see hypre_CommPkgCreate, hypre_ComputePkgDestroy */
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+   int
+   hypre_ComputePkgCreate( hypre_BoxArrayArray   *send_boxes,
+                           hypre_BoxArrayArray   *recv_boxes,
+                           hypre_Index            send_stride,
+                           hypre_Index            recv_stride,
+                           int                  **send_processes,
+                           int                  **recv_processes,
+                           hypre_BoxArrayArray   *indt_boxes,
+                           hypre_BoxArrayArray   *dept_boxes,
+                           hypre_Index            stride,
+                           hypre_StructGrid      *grid,
+                           hypre_BoxArray        *data_space,
+                           int                    num_values,
+                           hypre_ComputePkg     **compute_pkg_ptr )
+ {
+    int                ierr = 0;
+    hypre_ComputePkg  *compute_pkg;
+    compute_pkg = hypre_CTAlloc(hypre_ComputePkg, 1);
+    hypre_ComputePkgCommPkg(compute_pkg)     =
+       hypre_CommPkgCreate(send_boxes, recv_boxes,
+                           send_stride, recv_stride,
+                           data_space, data_space,
+                           send_processes, recv_processes,
+                           num_values, hypre_StructGridComm(grid),
+                           hypre_StructGridPeriodic(grid));
+    hypre_ComputePkgIndtBoxes(compute_pkg)   = indt_boxes;
+    hypre_ComputePkgDeptBoxes(compute_pkg)   = dept_boxes;
+    hypre_CopyIndex(stride, hypre_ComputePkgStride(compute_pkg));
+    hypre_StructGridRef(grid, &hypre_ComputePkgGrid(compute_pkg));
+    hypre_ComputePkgDataSpace(compute_pkg)   = data_space;
+    hypre_ComputePkgNumValues(compute_pkg)   = num_values;
+    *compute_pkg_ptr = compute_pkg;
+    return ierr;
+ }
+ /*==========================================================================*/
+ /*==========================================================================*/
+ /** Destroy a computation package.
+ {\bf Input files:}
+ headers.h
+ @return Error code.
+ @param compute_pkg [IN/OUT]
+   computation package.
+ @see hypre_ComputePkgCreate */
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ hypre_ComputePkgDestroy( hypre_ComputePkg *compute_pkg )
+ {
+    int ierr = 0;
+    if (compute_pkg)
+    {
+       hypre_CommPkgDestroy(hypre_ComputePkgCommPkg(compute_pkg));
+       hypre_BoxArrayArrayDestroy(hypre_ComputePkgIndtBoxes(compute_pkg));
+       hypre_BoxArrayArrayDestroy(hypre_ComputePkgDeptBoxes(compute_pkg));
+       hypre_StructGridDestroy(hypre_ComputePkgGrid(compute_pkg));
+       hypre_TFree(compute_pkg);
+    }
+    return ierr;
+ }
+ /*==========================================================================*/
+ /*==========================================================================*/
+ /** Initialize a non-blocking communication exchange.  The independent
+ computations may be done after a call to this routine, to allow for
+ overlap of communications and computations.
+ {\bf Input files:}
+ headers.h
+ @return Error code.
+ @param compute_pkg [IN]
+   computation package.
+ @param data [IN]
+   pointer to the associated data.
+ @param comm_handle [OUT]
+   communication handle.
+ @see hypre_FinalizeIndtComputations, hypre_ComputePkgCreate,
+ hypre_InitializeCommunication */
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ hypre_InitializeIndtComputations( hypre_ComputePkg  *compute_pkg,
+                                   double            *data,
+                                   hypre_CommHandle **comm_handle_ptr )
+ {
+    int            ierr = 0;
+    hypre_CommPkg *comm_pkg = hypre_ComputePkgCommPkg(compute_pkg);
+    ierr = hypre_InitializeCommunication(comm_pkg, data, data, comm_handle_ptr);
+    return ierr;
+ }
+ /*==========================================================================*/
+ /*==========================================================================*/
+ /** Finalize a communication exchange.  The dependent computations may
+ be done after a call to this routine.
+ {\bf Input files:}
+ headers.h
+ @return Error code.
+ @param comm_handle [IN/OUT]
+   communication handle.
+ @see hypre_InitializeIndtComputations, hypre_FinalizeCommunication */
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ hypre_FinalizeIndtComputations( hypre_CommHandle *comm_handle )
+ {
+    int ierr = 0;
+    ierr = hypre_FinalizeCommunication(comm_handle);
+    return ierr;
+ }

Index: llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/ASCI_Purple/SMG2000/cyclic_reduction.c
diff -c /dev/null llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/ASCI_Purple/SMG2000/cyclic_reduction.c:1.1
*** /dev/null	Mon Apr 11 00:22:18 2005
--- llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/ASCI_Purple/SMG2000/cyclic_reduction.c	Mon Apr 11 00:22:07 2005
*** 0 ****
--- 1,1215 ----
+ /*BHEADER**********************************************************************
+  * (c) 1997   The Regents of the University of California
+  *
+  * See the file COPYRIGHT_and_DISCLAIMER for a complete copyright
+  * notice, contact person, and disclaimer.
+  *
+  * $Revision: 1.1 $
+  *********************************************************************EHEADER*/
+ /******************************************************************************
+  * Cyclic reduction algorithm (coded as if it were a 1D MG method)
+  *
+  *****************************************************************************/
+ #include "headers.h"
+ #define DEBUG 0
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * Macros
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ #define hypre_CycRedSetCIndex(base_index, base_stride, level, cdir, cindex) \
+ {\
+    if (level > 0)\
+       hypre_SetIndex(cindex, 0, 0, 0);\
+    else\
+       hypre_CopyIndex(base_index,  cindex);\
+    hypre_IndexD(cindex, cdir) += 0;\
+ }
+ #define hypre_CycRedSetFIndex(base_index, base_stride, level, cdir, findex) \
+ {\
+    if (level > 0)\
+       hypre_SetIndex(findex, 0, 0, 0);\
+    else\
+       hypre_CopyIndex(base_index,  findex);\
+    hypre_IndexD(findex, cdir) += 1;\
+ }
+ #define hypre_CycRedSetStride(base_index, base_stride, level, cdir, stride) \
+ {\
+    if (level > 0)\
+       hypre_SetIndex(stride, 1, 1, 1);\
+    else\
+       hypre_CopyIndex(base_stride, stride);\
+    hypre_IndexD(stride, cdir) *= 2;\
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_CyclicReductionData data structure
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ typedef struct
+ {
+    MPI_Comm              comm;
+    int                   num_levels;
+    int                   cdir;         /* coarsening direction */
+    hypre_Index           base_index;
+    hypre_Index           base_stride;
+    hypre_StructGrid    **grid_l;
+    hypre_BoxArray       *base_points;
+    hypre_BoxArray      **fine_points_l;
+    double               *data;
+    hypre_StructMatrix  **A_l;
+    hypre_StructVector  **x_l;
+    hypre_ComputePkg    **down_compute_pkg_l;
+    hypre_ComputePkg    **up_compute_pkg_l;
+    int                   time_index;
+    int                   solve_flops;
+ } hypre_CyclicReductionData;
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_CyclicReductionCreate
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ void *
+ hypre_CyclicReductionCreate( MPI_Comm  comm )
+ {
+    hypre_CyclicReductionData *cyc_red_data;
+    cyc_red_data = hypre_CTAlloc(hypre_CyclicReductionData, 1);
+    (cyc_red_data -> comm) = comm;
+    (cyc_red_data -> cdir) = 0;
+    (cyc_red_data -> time_index)  = hypre_InitializeTiming("CyclicReduction");
+    /* set defaults */
+    hypre_SetIndex((cyc_red_data -> base_index), 0, 0, 0);
+    hypre_SetIndex((cyc_red_data -> base_stride), 1, 1, 1);
+    return (void *) cyc_red_data;
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_CycRedCreateCoarseOp
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ hypre_StructMatrix *
+ hypre_CycRedCreateCoarseOp( hypre_StructMatrix *A,
+                             hypre_StructGrid   *coarse_grid,
+                             int                 cdir        )
+ {
+    hypre_StructMatrix    *Ac;
+    hypre_Index           *Ac_stencil_shape;
+    hypre_StructStencil   *Ac_stencil;
+    int                    Ac_stencil_size;
+    int                    Ac_stencil_dim;
+    int                    Ac_num_ghost[] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
+    int                    i;
+    int                    stencil_rank;
+    Ac_stencil_dim = 1;
+    /*-----------------------------------------------
+     * Define Ac_stencil
+     *-----------------------------------------------*/
+    stencil_rank = 0;
+    /*-----------------------------------------------
+     * non-symmetric case:
+     *
+     * 3 point fine grid stencil produces 3 point Ac
+     *-----------------------------------------------*/
+    if (!hypre_StructMatrixSymmetric(A))
+    {
+       Ac_stencil_size = 3;
+       Ac_stencil_shape = hypre_CTAlloc(hypre_Index, Ac_stencil_size);
+       for (i = -1; i < 2; i++)
+       {
+          /* Storage for 3 elements (c,w,e) */
+          hypre_SetIndex(Ac_stencil_shape[stencil_rank],i,0,0);
+          stencil_rank++;
+       }
+    }
+    /*-----------------------------------------------
+     * symmetric case:
+     *
+     * 3 point fine grid stencil produces 3 point Ac
+     *
+     * Only store the lower triangular part + diagonal = 2 entries,
+     * lower triangular means the lower triangular part on the matrix
+     * in the standard lexicalgraphic ordering.
+     *-----------------------------------------------*/
+    else
+    {
+       Ac_stencil_size = 2;
+       Ac_stencil_shape = hypre_CTAlloc(hypre_Index, Ac_stencil_size);
+       for (i = -1; i < 1; i++)
+       {
+          /* Storage for 2 elements in (c,w) */
+          hypre_SetIndex(Ac_stencil_shape[stencil_rank],i,0,0);
+          stencil_rank++;
+       }
+    }
+    Ac_stencil = hypre_StructStencilCreate(Ac_stencil_dim, Ac_stencil_size,
+                                        Ac_stencil_shape);
+    Ac = hypre_StructMatrixCreate(hypre_StructMatrixComm(A),
+                               coarse_grid, Ac_stencil);
+    hypre_StructStencilDestroy(Ac_stencil);
+    /*-----------------------------------------------
+     * Coarse operator in symmetric iff fine operator is
+     *-----------------------------------------------*/
+    hypre_StructMatrixSymmetric(Ac) = hypre_StructMatrixSymmetric(A);
+    /*-----------------------------------------------
+     * Set number of ghost points
+     *-----------------------------------------------*/
+    Ac_num_ghost[2*cdir]     = 1;
+    if (!hypre_StructMatrixSymmetric(A))
+    {
+      Ac_num_ghost[2*cdir + 1] = 1;
+    }
+    hypre_StructMatrixSetNumGhost(Ac, Ac_num_ghost);
+    hypre_StructMatrixInitializeShell(Ac);
+    return Ac;
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_CycRedSetupCoarseOp
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ hypre_CycRedSetupCoarseOp( hypre_StructMatrix *A,
+                            hypre_StructMatrix *Ac,
+                            hypre_Index         cindex,
+                            hypre_Index         cstride )
+ {
+    hypre_Index             index;
+    hypre_StructGrid       *fgrid;
+    int                    *fgrid_ids;
+    hypre_StructGrid       *cgrid;
+    hypre_BoxArray         *cgrid_boxes;
+    int                    *cgrid_ids;
+    hypre_Box              *cgrid_box;
+    hypre_IndexRef          cstart;
+    hypre_Index             stridec;
+    hypre_Index             fstart;
+    hypre_IndexRef          stridef;
+    hypre_Index             loop_size;
+    int                     fi, ci;
+    int                     loopi, loopj, loopk;
+    hypre_Box              *A_dbox;
+    hypre_Box              *Ac_dbox;
+    double                 *a_cc, *a_cw, *a_ce;
+    double                 *ac_cc, *ac_cw, *ac_ce;
+    int                     iA, iAm1, iAp1;
+    int                     iAc;
+    int                     xOffsetA; 
+    int                     ierr = 0;
+    stridef = cstride;
+    hypre_SetIndex(stridec, 1, 1, 1);
+    fgrid = hypre_StructMatrixGrid(A);
+    fgrid_ids = hypre_StructGridIDs(fgrid);
+    cgrid = hypre_StructMatrixGrid(Ac);
+    cgrid_boxes = hypre_StructGridBoxes(cgrid);
+    cgrid_ids = hypre_StructGridIDs(cgrid);
+    fi = 0;
+    hypre_ForBoxI(ci, cgrid_boxes)
+       {
+          while (fgrid_ids[fi] != cgrid_ids[ci])
+          {
+             fi++;
+          }
+          cgrid_box = hypre_BoxArrayBox(cgrid_boxes, ci);
+          cstart = hypre_BoxIMin(cgrid_box);
+          hypre_StructMapCoarseToFine(cstart, cindex, cstride, fstart);
+          A_dbox = hypre_BoxArrayBox(hypre_StructMatrixDataSpace(A), fi);
+          Ac_dbox = hypre_BoxArrayBox(hypre_StructMatrixDataSpace(Ac), ci);
+          /*-----------------------------------------------
+           * Extract pointers for 3-point fine grid operator:
+           * 
+           * a_cc is pointer for center coefficient
+           * a_cw is pointer for west coefficient
+           * a_ce is pointer for east coefficient
+           *-----------------------------------------------*/
+          hypre_SetIndex(index,0,0,0);
+          a_cc = hypre_StructMatrixExtractPointerByIndex(A, fi, index);
+          hypre_SetIndex(index,-1,0,0);
+          a_cw = hypre_StructMatrixExtractPointerByIndex(A, fi, index);
+          hypre_SetIndex(index,1,0,0);
+          a_ce = hypre_StructMatrixExtractPointerByIndex(A, fi, index);
+          /*-----------------------------------------------
+           * Extract pointers for coarse grid operator - always 3-point:
+           *
+           * If A is symmetric so is Ac.  We build only the
+           * lower triangular part (plus diagonal).
+           * 
+           * ac_cc is pointer for center coefficient (etc.)
+           *-----------------------------------------------*/
+          hypre_SetIndex(index,0,0,0);
+          ac_cc = hypre_StructMatrixExtractPointerByIndex(Ac, ci, index);
+          hypre_SetIndex(index,-1,0,0);
+          ac_cw = hypre_StructMatrixExtractPointerByIndex(Ac, ci, index);
+          if(!hypre_StructMatrixSymmetric(A))
+          {
+             hypre_SetIndex(index,1,0,0);
+             ac_ce = hypre_StructMatrixExtractPointerByIndex(Ac, ci, index);
+          }
+          /*-----------------------------------------------
+           * Define offsets for fine grid stencil and interpolation
+           *
+           * In the BoxLoop below I assume iA and iP refer
+           * to data associated with the point which we are
+           * building the stencil for.  The below offsets
+           * are used in refering to data associated with
+           * other points. 
+           *-----------------------------------------------*/
+          hypre_SetIndex(index,1,0,0);
+          xOffsetA = hypre_BoxOffsetDistance(A_dbox,index); 
+          /*-----------------------------------------------
+           * non-symmetric case
+           *-----------------------------------------------*/
+          if(!hypre_StructMatrixSymmetric(A))
+          {
+             hypre_BoxGetSize(cgrid_box, loop_size);
+             hypre_BoxLoop2Begin(loop_size,
+                                 A_dbox, fstart, stridef, iA,
+                                 Ac_dbox, cstart, stridec, iAc);
+ #define HYPRE_BOX_SMP_PRIVATE loopk,loopi,loopj,iA,iAc,iAm1,iAp1
+ #include "hypre_box_smp_forloop.h"
+             hypre_BoxLoop2For(loopi, loopj, loopk, iA, iAc)
+                {
+                   iAm1 = iA - xOffsetA;
+                   iAp1 = iA + xOffsetA;
+                   ac_cw[iAc] = - a_cw[iA] *a_cw[iAm1] / a_cc[iAm1];
+                   ac_cc[iAc] = a_cc[iA]
+                      - a_cw[iA] * a_ce[iAm1] / a_cc[iAm1]   
+                      - a_ce[iA] * a_cw[iAp1] / a_cc[iAp1];   
+                   ac_ce[iAc] = - a_ce[iA] *a_ce[iAp1] / a_cc[iAp1];
+                }
+             hypre_BoxLoop2End(iA, iAc);
+          }
+          /*-----------------------------------------------
+           * symmetric case
+           *-----------------------------------------------*/
+          else
+          {
+             hypre_BoxGetSize(cgrid_box, loop_size);
+             hypre_BoxLoop2Begin(loop_size,
+                                 A_dbox, fstart, stridef, iA,
+                                 Ac_dbox, cstart, stridec, iAc);
+ #define HYPRE_BOX_SMP_PRIVATE loopk,loopi,loopj,iA,iAc,iAm1,iAp1
+ #include "hypre_box_smp_forloop.h"
+             hypre_BoxLoop2For(loopi, loopj, loopk, iA, iAc)
+                {
+                   iAm1 = iA - xOffsetA;
+                   iAp1 = iA + xOffsetA;
+                   ac_cw[iAc] = - a_cw[iA] *a_cw[iAm1] / a_cc[iAm1];
+                   ac_cc[iAc] = a_cc[iA]
+                      - a_cw[iA] * a_ce[iAm1] / a_cc[iAm1]   
+                      - a_ce[iA] * a_cw[iAp1] / a_cc[iAp1];   
+                }
+             hypre_BoxLoop2End(iA, iAc);
+          }
+       } /* end ForBoxI */
+    hypre_StructMatrixAssemble(Ac);
+    /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+     * Collapse stencil in periodic direction on coarsest grid.
+     *-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+    if (hypre_IndexX(hypre_StructGridPeriodic(cgrid)) == 1)
+    {
+       hypre_ForBoxI(ci, cgrid_boxes)
+       {
+          cgrid_box = hypre_BoxArrayBox(cgrid_boxes, ci);
+          cstart = hypre_BoxIMin(cgrid_box);
+          Ac_dbox = hypre_BoxArrayBox(hypre_StructMatrixDataSpace(Ac), ci);
+          /*-----------------------------------------------
+           * Extract pointers for coarse grid operator - always 3-point:
+           *
+           * If A is symmetric so is Ac.  We build only the
+           * lower triangular part (plus diagonal).
+           *
+           * ac_cc is pointer for center coefficient (etc.)
+           *-----------------------------------------------*/
+          hypre_SetIndex(index,0,0,0);
+          ac_cc = hypre_StructMatrixExtractPointerByIndex(Ac, ci, index);
+          hypre_SetIndex(index,-1,0,0);
+          ac_cw = hypre_StructMatrixExtractPointerByIndex(Ac, ci, index);
+          if(!hypre_StructMatrixSymmetric(A))
+          {
+             hypre_SetIndex(index,1,0,0);
+             ac_ce = hypre_StructMatrixExtractPointerByIndex(Ac, ci, index);
+          }
+          /*-----------------------------------------------
+           * non-symmetric case
+           *-----------------------------------------------*/
+          if(!hypre_StructMatrixSymmetric(A))
+          {
+             hypre_BoxGetSize(cgrid_box, loop_size);
+             hypre_BoxLoop1Begin(loop_size,
+                                 Ac_dbox, cstart, stridec, iAc);
+ #define HYPRE_BOX_SMP_PRIVATE loopk,loopi,loopj,iAc
+ #include "hypre_box_smp_forloop.h"
+             hypre_BoxLoop1For(loopi, loopj, loopk, iAc)
+                {
+                   ac_cc[iAc] += (ac_cw[iAc] + ac_ce[iAc]);
+                   ac_cw[iAc]  =  0.0;
+                   ac_ce[iAc]  =  0.0;
+                }
+             hypre_BoxLoop1End(iAc);
+          }
+          /*-----------------------------------------------
+           * symmetric case
+           *-----------------------------------------------*/
+          else
+          {
+             hypre_BoxGetSize(cgrid_box, loop_size);
+             hypre_BoxLoop1Begin(loop_size,
+                                 Ac_dbox, cstart, stridec, iAc);
+ #define HYPRE_BOX_SMP_PRIVATE loopk,loopi,loopj,iAc
+ #include "hypre_box_smp_forloop.h"
+             hypre_BoxLoop1For(loopi, loopj, loopk, iAc)
+                {
+                   ac_cc[iAc] += (2.0  *  ac_cw[iAc]);
+                   ac_cw[iAc]  =  0.0;
+                }
+             hypre_BoxLoop1End(iAc);
+          }
+       } /* end ForBoxI */
+    }
+    hypre_StructMatrixAssemble(Ac);
+    return ierr;
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_CyclicReductionSetup
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ hypre_CyclicReductionSetup( void               *cyc_red_vdata,
+                             hypre_StructMatrix *A,
+                             hypre_StructVector *b,
+                             hypre_StructVector *x             )
+ {
+    hypre_CyclicReductionData *cyc_red_data = cyc_red_vdata;
+    MPI_Comm                comm        = (cyc_red_data -> comm);
+    int                     cdir        = (cyc_red_data -> cdir);
+    hypre_IndexRef          base_index  = (cyc_red_data -> base_index);
+    hypre_IndexRef          base_stride = (cyc_red_data -> base_stride);
+    int                     num_levels;
+    hypre_StructGrid      **grid_l;
+    hypre_BoxArray         *base_points;
+    hypre_BoxArray        **fine_points_l;
+    double                 *data;
+    int                     data_size = 0;
+    hypre_StructMatrix    **A_l;
+    hypre_StructVector    **x_l;
+    hypre_ComputePkg      **down_compute_pkg_l;
+    hypre_ComputePkg      **up_compute_pkg_l;
+    hypre_Index             cindex;
+    hypre_Index             findex;
+    hypre_Index             stride;
+    hypre_BoxArrayArray    *send_boxes;
+    hypre_BoxArrayArray    *recv_boxes;
+    int                   **send_processes;
+    int                   **recv_processes;
+    hypre_BoxArrayArray    *indt_boxes;
+    hypre_BoxArrayArray    *dept_boxes;
+    hypre_StructGrid       *grid;
+    hypre_Box              *cbox;
+    int                     l;
+    int                     flop_divisor;
+    int                     x_num_ghost[] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
+    int                     ierr = 0;
+    /*-----------------------------------------------------
+     * Set up coarse grids
+     *-----------------------------------------------------*/
+    grid = hypre_StructMatrixGrid(A);
+    /* Compute a preliminary num_levels value based on the grid */
+    cbox = hypre_BoxDuplicate(hypre_StructGridBoundingBox(grid));
+    num_levels = hypre_Log2(hypre_BoxSizeD(cbox, cdir)) + 2;
+    grid_l    = hypre_TAlloc(hypre_StructGrid *, num_levels);
+    hypre_StructGridRef(grid, &grid_l[0]);
+    for (l = 0; ; l++)
+    {
+       /* set cindex and stride */
+       hypre_CycRedSetCIndex(base_index, base_stride, l, cdir, cindex);
+       hypre_CycRedSetStride(base_index, base_stride, l, cdir, stride);
+       /* check to see if we should coarsen */
+       if ( hypre_BoxIMinD(cbox, cdir) == hypre_BoxIMaxD(cbox, cdir) )
+       {
+          /* stop coarsening */
+          break;
+       }
+       /* coarsen cbox */
+       hypre_ProjectBox(cbox, cindex, stride);
+       hypre_StructMapFineToCoarse(hypre_BoxIMin(cbox), cindex, stride,
+                                   hypre_BoxIMin(cbox));
+       hypre_StructMapFineToCoarse(hypre_BoxIMax(cbox), cindex, stride,
+                                   hypre_BoxIMax(cbox));
+       /* coarsen the grid */
+       hypre_StructCoarsen(grid_l[l], cindex, stride, 1, &grid_l[l+1]);
+    }
+    num_levels = l + 1;
+    /* free up some things */
+    hypre_BoxDestroy(cbox);
+    (cyc_red_data -> num_levels)      = num_levels;
+    (cyc_red_data -> grid_l)          = grid_l;
+    /*-----------------------------------------------------
+     * Set up base points
+     *-----------------------------------------------------*/
+    base_points = hypre_BoxArrayDuplicate(hypre_StructGridBoxes(grid_l[0]));
+    hypre_ProjectBoxArray(base_points, base_index, base_stride);
+    (cyc_red_data -> base_points) = base_points;
+    /*-----------------------------------------------------
+     * Set up fine points
+     *-----------------------------------------------------*/
+    fine_points_l   = hypre_TAlloc(hypre_BoxArray *,  num_levels);
+    for (l = 0; l < (num_levels - 1); l++)
+    {
+       hypre_CycRedSetCIndex(base_index, base_stride, l, cdir, cindex);
+       hypre_CycRedSetFIndex(base_index, base_stride, l, cdir, findex);
+       hypre_CycRedSetStride(base_index, base_stride, l, cdir, stride);
+       fine_points_l[l] =
+          hypre_BoxArrayDuplicate(hypre_StructGridBoxes(grid_l[l]));
+       hypre_ProjectBoxArray(fine_points_l[l], findex, stride);
+    }
+    fine_points_l[l] =
+       hypre_BoxArrayDuplicate(hypre_StructGridBoxes(grid_l[l]));
+    if (num_levels == 1)
+    {
+       hypre_ProjectBoxArray(fine_points_l[l], base_index, base_stride);
+    }
+    (cyc_red_data -> fine_points_l)   = fine_points_l;
+    /*-----------------------------------------------------
+     * Set up matrix and vector structures
+     *-----------------------------------------------------*/
+    A_l  = hypre_TAlloc(hypre_StructMatrix *, num_levels);
+    x_l  = hypre_TAlloc(hypre_StructVector *, num_levels);
+    A_l[0] = hypre_StructMatrixRef(A);
+    x_l[0] = hypre_StructVectorRef(x);
+    x_num_ghost[2*cdir]     = 1;
+    x_num_ghost[2*cdir + 1] = 1;
+    for (l = 0; l < (num_levels - 1); l++)
+    {
+       A_l[l+1] = hypre_CycRedCreateCoarseOp(A_l[l], grid_l[l+1], cdir);
+       data_size += hypre_StructMatrixDataSize(A_l[l+1]);
+       x_l[l+1] = hypre_StructVectorCreate(comm, grid_l[l+1]);
+       hypre_StructVectorSetNumGhost(x_l[l+1], x_num_ghost);
+       hypre_StructVectorInitializeShell(x_l[l+1]);
+       data_size += hypre_StructVectorDataSize(x_l[l+1]);
+    }
+    data = hypre_SharedCTAlloc(double, data_size);
+    (cyc_red_data -> data) = data;
+    for (l = 0; l < (num_levels - 1); l++)
+    {
+       hypre_StructMatrixInitializeData(A_l[l+1], data);
+       data += hypre_StructMatrixDataSize(A_l[l+1]);
+       hypre_StructVectorInitializeData(x_l[l+1], data);
+       hypre_StructVectorAssemble(x_l[l+1]);
+       data += hypre_StructVectorDataSize(x_l[l+1]);
+    }
+    (cyc_red_data -> A_l)  = A_l;
+    (cyc_red_data -> x_l)  = x_l;
+    /*-----------------------------------------------------
+     * Set up coarse grid operators
+     *-----------------------------------------------------*/
+    for (l = 0; l < (num_levels - 1); l++)
+    {
+       hypre_CycRedSetCIndex(base_index, base_stride, l, cdir, cindex);
+       hypre_CycRedSetStride(base_index, base_stride, l, cdir, stride);
+       hypre_CycRedSetupCoarseOp(A_l[l], A_l[l+1], cindex, stride);
+    }
+    /*----------------------------------------------------------
+     * Set up compute packages
+     *----------------------------------------------------------*/
+    down_compute_pkg_l = hypre_TAlloc(hypre_ComputePkg *, (num_levels - 1));
+    up_compute_pkg_l   = hypre_TAlloc(hypre_ComputePkg *, (num_levels - 1));
+    for (l = 0; l < (num_levels - 1); l++)
+    {
+       hypre_CycRedSetCIndex(base_index, base_stride, l, cdir, cindex);
+       hypre_CycRedSetFIndex(base_index, base_stride, l, cdir, findex);
+       hypre_CycRedSetStride(base_index, base_stride, l, cdir, stride);
+       hypre_CreateComputeInfo(grid_l[l], hypre_StructMatrixStencil(A_l[l]),
+                               &send_boxes, &recv_boxes,
+                               &send_processes, &recv_processes,
+                               &indt_boxes, &dept_boxes);
+       /* down-cycle */
+       hypre_ProjectBoxArrayArray(send_boxes, findex, stride);
+       hypre_ProjectBoxArrayArray(recv_boxes, findex, stride);
+       hypre_ProjectBoxArrayArray(indt_boxes, cindex, stride);
+       hypre_ProjectBoxArrayArray(dept_boxes, cindex, stride);
+       hypre_ComputePkgCreate(send_boxes, recv_boxes,
+                              stride, stride,
+                              send_processes, recv_processes,
+                              indt_boxes, dept_boxes,
+                              stride, grid_l[l],
+                              hypre_StructVectorDataSpace(x_l[l]), 1,
+                              &down_compute_pkg_l[l]);
+       hypre_CreateComputeInfo(grid_l[l], hypre_StructMatrixStencil(A_l[l]),
+                               &send_boxes, &recv_boxes,
+                               &send_processes, &recv_processes,
+                               &indt_boxes, &dept_boxes);
+       /* up-cycle */
+       hypre_ProjectBoxArrayArray(send_boxes, cindex, stride);
+       hypre_ProjectBoxArrayArray(recv_boxes, cindex, stride);
+       hypre_ProjectBoxArrayArray(indt_boxes, findex, stride);
+       hypre_ProjectBoxArrayArray(dept_boxes, findex, stride);
+       hypre_ComputePkgCreate(send_boxes, recv_boxes,
+                              stride, stride,
+                              send_processes, recv_processes,
+                              indt_boxes, dept_boxes,
+                              stride, grid_l[l],
+                              hypre_StructVectorDataSpace(x_l[l]), 1,
+                              &up_compute_pkg_l[l]);
+    }
+    (cyc_red_data -> down_compute_pkg_l) = down_compute_pkg_l;
+    (cyc_red_data -> up_compute_pkg_l)   = up_compute_pkg_l;
+    /*-----------------------------------------------------
+     * Compute solve flops
+     *-----------------------------------------------------*/
+    flop_divisor = (hypre_IndexX(base_stride) *
+                    hypre_IndexY(base_stride) *
+                    hypre_IndexZ(base_stride)  );
+    (cyc_red_data -> solve_flops) =
+       hypre_StructVectorGlobalSize(x_l[0])/2/flop_divisor;
+    (cyc_red_data -> solve_flops) +=
+       5*hypre_StructVectorGlobalSize(x_l[0])/2/flop_divisor;
+    for (l = 1; l < (num_levels - 1); l++)
+    {
+       (cyc_red_data -> solve_flops) +=
+          10*hypre_StructVectorGlobalSize(x_l[l])/2;
+    }
+    if (num_levels > 1)
+    {
+       (cyc_red_data -> solve_flops) +=  
+           hypre_StructVectorGlobalSize(x_l[l])/2;
+    }
+    /*-----------------------------------------------------
+     * Finalize some things
+     *-----------------------------------------------------*/
+ #if DEBUG
+    {
+       char  filename[255];
+       /* debugging stuff */
+       for (l = 0; l < num_levels; l++)
+       {
+          sprintf(filename, "yout_A.%02d", l);
+          hypre_StructMatrixPrint(filename, A_l[l], 0);
+       }
+    }
+ #endif
+    return ierr;
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_CyclicReduction
+  *
+  * The solution vectors on each level are also used to store the
+  * right-hand-side data.  We can do this because of the red-black
+  * nature of the algorithm and the fact that the method is exact,
+  * allowing one to assume initial guesses of zero on all grid levels.
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ hypre_CyclicReduction( void               *cyc_red_vdata,
+                        hypre_StructMatrix *A,
+                        hypre_StructVector *b,
+                        hypre_StructVector *x             )
+ {
+    hypre_CyclicReductionData *cyc_red_data = cyc_red_vdata;
+    int                   num_levels      = (cyc_red_data -> num_levels);
+    int                   cdir            = (cyc_red_data -> cdir);
+    hypre_IndexRef        base_index      = (cyc_red_data -> base_index);
+    hypre_IndexRef        base_stride     = (cyc_red_data -> base_stride);
+    hypre_BoxArray       *base_points     = (cyc_red_data -> base_points);
+    hypre_BoxArray      **fine_points_l   = (cyc_red_data -> fine_points_l);
+    hypre_StructMatrix  **A_l             = (cyc_red_data -> A_l);
+    hypre_StructVector  **x_l             = (cyc_red_data -> x_l);
+    hypre_ComputePkg    **down_compute_pkg_l =
+       (cyc_red_data -> down_compute_pkg_l);
+    hypre_ComputePkg    **up_compute_pkg_l   =
+       (cyc_red_data -> up_compute_pkg_l);
+    hypre_StructGrid     *fgrid;
+    int                  *fgrid_ids;
+    hypre_StructGrid     *cgrid;
+    hypre_BoxArray       *cgrid_boxes;
+    int                  *cgrid_ids;
+    hypre_CommHandle     *comm_handle;
+    hypre_BoxArrayArray  *compute_box_aa;
+    hypre_BoxArray       *compute_box_a;
+    hypre_Box            *compute_box;
+    hypre_Box            *A_dbox;
+    hypre_Box            *x_dbox;
+    hypre_Box            *b_dbox;
+    hypre_Box            *xc_dbox;
+    double               *Ap, *Awp, *Aep;
+    double               *xp, *xwp, *xep;
+    double               *bp;
+    double               *xcp;
+    int                   Ai;
+    int                   xi;
+    int                   bi;
+    int                   xci;
+    hypre_Index           cindex;
+    hypre_Index           stride;
+    hypre_Index           index;
+    hypre_Index           loop_size;
+    hypre_Index           start;
+    hypre_Index           startc;
+    hypre_Index           stridec;
+    int                   compute_i, fi, ci, j, l;
+    int                   loopi, loopj, loopk;
+    int                   ierr = 0;
+    hypre_BeginTiming(cyc_red_data -> time_index);
+    /*--------------------------------------------------
+     * Initialize some things
+     *--------------------------------------------------*/
+    hypre_SetIndex(stridec, 1, 1, 1);
+    hypre_StructMatrixDestroy(A_l[0]);
+    hypre_StructVectorDestroy(x_l[0]);
+    A_l[0] = hypre_StructMatrixRef(A);
+    x_l[0] = hypre_StructVectorRef(x);
+    /*--------------------------------------------------
+     * Copy b into x
+     *--------------------------------------------------*/
+    compute_box_a = base_points;
+    hypre_ForBoxI(fi, compute_box_a)
+       {
+          compute_box = hypre_BoxArrayBox(compute_box_a, fi);
+          x_dbox = hypre_BoxArrayBox(hypre_StructVectorDataSpace(x), fi);
+          b_dbox = hypre_BoxArrayBox(hypre_StructVectorDataSpace(b), fi);
+          xp = hypre_StructVectorBoxData(x, fi);
+          bp = hypre_StructVectorBoxData(b, fi);
+          hypre_CopyIndex(hypre_BoxIMin(compute_box), start);
+          hypre_BoxGetStrideSize(compute_box, base_stride, loop_size);
+          hypre_BoxLoop2Begin(loop_size,
+                                 x_dbox, start, base_stride, xi,
+                                 b_dbox, start, base_stride, bi);
+ #define HYPRE_BOX_SMP_PRIVATE loopk,loopi,loopj,xi,bi
+ #include "hypre_box_smp_forloop.h"
+          hypre_BoxLoop2For(loopi, loopj, loopk, xi, bi)
+             {
+                xp[xi] = bp[bi];
+             }
+          hypre_BoxLoop2End(xi, bi);
+       }
+    /*--------------------------------------------------
+     * Down cycle:
+     *
+     * 1) Do an F-relaxation sweep with zero initial guess
+     * 2) Compute and inject residual at C-points
+     *    - computations are at C-points
+     *    - communications are at F-points
+     *
+     * Notes:
+     * - Before these two steps are executed, the
+     * fine-grid solution vector contains the right-hand-side.
+     * - After these two steps are executed, the fine-grid
+     * solution vector contains the right-hand side at
+     * C-points and the current solution approximation at
+     * F-points.  The coarse-grid solution vector contains
+     * the restricted (injected) fine-grid residual.
+     * - The coarsest grid solve is built into this loop
+     * because it involves the same code as step 1.
+     *--------------------------------------------------*/
+    /* The break out of this loop is just before step 2 below */
+    for (l = 0; ; l++)
+    {
+       /* set cindex and stride */
+       hypre_CycRedSetCIndex(base_index, base_stride, l, cdir, cindex);
+       hypre_CycRedSetStride(base_index, base_stride, l, cdir, stride);
+       /* Step 1 */
+       compute_box_a = fine_points_l[l];
+       hypre_ForBoxI(fi, compute_box_a)
+          {
+             compute_box = hypre_BoxArrayBox(compute_box_a, fi);
+             A_dbox =
+                hypre_BoxArrayBox(hypre_StructMatrixDataSpace(A_l[l]), fi);
+             x_dbox =
+                hypre_BoxArrayBox(hypre_StructVectorDataSpace(x_l[l]), fi);
+             hypre_SetIndex(index, 0, 0, 0);
+             Ap = hypre_StructMatrixExtractPointerByIndex(A_l[l], fi, index);
+             xp = hypre_StructVectorBoxData(x_l[l], fi);
+             hypre_CopyIndex(hypre_BoxIMin(compute_box), start);
+             hypre_BoxGetStrideSize(compute_box, stride, loop_size);
+             hypre_BoxLoop2Begin(loop_size,
+                                 A_dbox, start, stride, Ai,
+                                 x_dbox, start, stride, xi);
+ #define HYPRE_BOX_SMP_PRIVATE loopk,loopi,loopj,Ai,xi
+ #include "hypre_box_smp_forloop.h"
+             hypre_BoxLoop2For(loopi, loopj, loopk, Ai, xi)
+                {
+                   xp[xi] /= Ap[Ai]; 
+                }
+             hypre_BoxLoop2End(Ai, xi);
+          }
+       if (l == (num_levels - 1))
+          break;
+       /* Step 2 */
+       fgrid = hypre_StructVectorGrid(x_l[l]);
+       fgrid_ids = hypre_StructGridIDs(fgrid);
+       cgrid = hypre_StructVectorGrid(x_l[l+1]);
+       cgrid_boxes = hypre_StructGridBoxes(cgrid);
+       cgrid_ids = hypre_StructGridIDs(cgrid);
+       for (compute_i = 0; compute_i < 2; compute_i++)
+       {
+          switch(compute_i)
+          {
+             case 0:
+             {
+                xp = hypre_StructVectorData(x_l[l]);
+                hypre_InitializeIndtComputations(down_compute_pkg_l[l], xp,
+                                                 &comm_handle);
+                compute_box_aa =
+                   hypre_ComputePkgIndtBoxes(down_compute_pkg_l[l]);
+             }
+             break;
+             case 1:
+             {
+                hypre_FinalizeIndtComputations(comm_handle);
+                compute_box_aa =
+                   hypre_ComputePkgDeptBoxes(down_compute_pkg_l[l]);
+             }
+             break;
+          }
+          fi = 0;
+          hypre_ForBoxArrayI(ci, cgrid_boxes)
+             {
+                while (fgrid_ids[fi] != cgrid_ids[ci])
+                {
+                   fi++;
+                }
+                compute_box_a =
+                   hypre_BoxArrayArrayBoxArray(compute_box_aa, fi);
+                A_dbox =
+                   hypre_BoxArrayBox(hypre_StructMatrixDataSpace(A_l[l]), fi);
+                x_dbox =
+                   hypre_BoxArrayBox(hypre_StructVectorDataSpace(x_l[l]), fi);
+                xc_dbox =
+                   hypre_BoxArrayBox(hypre_StructVectorDataSpace(x_l[l+1]), ci);
+                xp  = hypre_StructVectorBoxData(x_l[l], fi);
+                xcp = hypre_StructVectorBoxData(x_l[l+1], ci);
+                hypre_SetIndex(index, -1, 0, 0);
+                Awp =
+                   hypre_StructMatrixExtractPointerByIndex(A_l[l], fi, index);
+                xwp = hypre_StructVectorBoxData(x_l[l], fi) +
+                   hypre_BoxOffsetDistance(x_dbox, index);
+                hypre_SetIndex(index,  1, 0, 0);
+                Aep =
+                   hypre_StructMatrixExtractPointerByIndex(A_l[l], fi, index);
+                xep = hypre_StructVectorBoxData(x_l[l], fi) +
+                   hypre_BoxOffsetDistance(x_dbox, index);
+                hypre_ForBoxI(j, compute_box_a)
+                   {
+                      compute_box = hypre_BoxArrayBox(compute_box_a, j);
+                      hypre_CopyIndex(hypre_BoxIMin(compute_box), start);
+                      hypre_StructMapFineToCoarse(start, cindex, stride,
+                                                  startc);
+                      hypre_BoxGetStrideSize(compute_box, stride, loop_size);
+                      hypre_BoxLoop3Begin(loop_size,
+                                          A_dbox, start, stride, Ai,
+                                          x_dbox, start, stride, xi,
+                                          xc_dbox, startc, stridec, xci);
+ #define HYPRE_BOX_SMP_PRIVATE loopk,loopi,loopj,Ai,xi,xci
+ #include "hypre_box_smp_forloop.h"
+                      hypre_BoxLoop3For(loopi, loopj, loopk, Ai, xi, xci)
+                         {
+                            xcp[xci] = xp[xi] -
+                               Awp[Ai]*xwp[xi] -
+                               Aep[Ai]*xep[xi];
+                         }
+                      hypre_BoxLoop3End(Ai, xi, xci);
+                   }
+             }
+       }
+    }
+    /*--------------------------------------------------
+     * Up cycle:
+     *
+     * 1) Inject coarse error into fine-grid solution
+     *    vector (this is the solution at the C-points)
+     * 2) Do an F-relaxation sweep on Ax = 0 and update
+     *    solution at F-points
+     *    - computations are at F-points
+     *    - communications are at C-points
+     *--------------------------------------------------*/
+    for (l = (num_levels - 2); l >= 0; l--)
+    {
+       /* set cindex and stride */
+       hypre_CycRedSetCIndex(base_index, base_stride, l, cdir, cindex);
+       hypre_CycRedSetStride(base_index, base_stride, l, cdir, stride);
+       /* Step 1 */
+       fgrid = hypre_StructVectorGrid(x_l[l]);
+       fgrid_ids = hypre_StructGridIDs(fgrid);
+       cgrid = hypre_StructVectorGrid(x_l[l+1]);
+       cgrid_boxes = hypre_StructGridBoxes(cgrid);
+       cgrid_ids = hypre_StructGridIDs(cgrid);
+       fi = 0;
+       hypre_ForBoxI(ci, cgrid_boxes)
+          {
+             while (fgrid_ids[fi] != cgrid_ids[ci])
+             {
+                fi++;
+             }
+             compute_box = hypre_BoxArrayBox(cgrid_boxes, ci);
+             hypre_CopyIndex(hypre_BoxIMin(compute_box), startc);
+             hypre_StructMapCoarseToFine(startc, cindex, stride, start);
+             x_dbox =
+                hypre_BoxArrayBox(hypre_StructVectorDataSpace(x_l[l]), fi);
+             xc_dbox =
+                hypre_BoxArrayBox(hypre_StructVectorDataSpace(x_l[l+1]), ci);
+             xp  = hypre_StructVectorBoxData(x_l[l], fi);
+             xcp = hypre_StructVectorBoxData(x_l[l+1], ci);
+             hypre_BoxGetSize(compute_box, loop_size);
+             hypre_BoxLoop2Begin(loop_size,
+                                 x_dbox, start, stride, xi,
+                                 xc_dbox, startc, stridec, xci);
+ #define HYPRE_BOX_SMP_PRIVATE loopk,loopi,loopj,xi,xci
+ #include "hypre_box_smp_forloop.h"
+             hypre_BoxLoop2For(loopi, loopj, loopk, xi, xci)
+                {
+                   xp[xi] = xcp[xci];
+                }
+             hypre_BoxLoop2End(xi, xci);
+          }
+       /* Step 2 */
+       for (compute_i = 0; compute_i < 2; compute_i++)
+       {
+          switch(compute_i)
+          {
+             case 0:
+             {
+                xp = hypre_StructVectorData(x_l[l]);
+                hypre_InitializeIndtComputations(up_compute_pkg_l[l], xp,
+                                                 &comm_handle);
+                compute_box_aa =
+                   hypre_ComputePkgIndtBoxes(up_compute_pkg_l[l]);
+             }
+             break;
+             case 1:
+             {
+                hypre_FinalizeIndtComputations(comm_handle);
+                compute_box_aa =
+                   hypre_ComputePkgDeptBoxes(up_compute_pkg_l[l]);
+             }
+             break;
+          }
+          hypre_ForBoxArrayI(fi, compute_box_aa)
+             {
+                compute_box_a =
+                   hypre_BoxArrayArrayBoxArray(compute_box_aa, fi);
+                A_dbox =
+                   hypre_BoxArrayBox(hypre_StructMatrixDataSpace(A_l[l]), fi);
+                x_dbox =
+                   hypre_BoxArrayBox(hypre_StructVectorDataSpace(x_l[l]), fi);
+                hypre_SetIndex(index, 0, 0, 0);
+                Ap = hypre_StructMatrixExtractPointerByIndex(A_l[l], fi, index);
+                xp = hypre_StructVectorBoxData(x_l[l], fi);
+                hypre_SetIndex(index, -1, 0, 0);
+                Awp =
+                   hypre_StructMatrixExtractPointerByIndex(A_l[l], fi, index);
+                xwp = hypre_StructVectorBoxData(x_l[l], fi) +
+                   hypre_BoxOffsetDistance(x_dbox, index);
+                hypre_SetIndex(index,  1, 0, 0);
+                Aep =
+                   hypre_StructMatrixExtractPointerByIndex(A_l[l], fi, index);
+                xep = hypre_StructVectorBoxData(x_l[l], fi) +
+                   hypre_BoxOffsetDistance(x_dbox, index);
+                hypre_ForBoxI(j, compute_box_a)
+                   {
+                      compute_box = hypre_BoxArrayBox(compute_box_a, j);
+                      hypre_CopyIndex(hypre_BoxIMin(compute_box), start);
+                      hypre_BoxGetStrideSize(compute_box, stride, loop_size);
+                      hypre_BoxLoop2Begin(loop_size,
+                                          A_dbox, start, stride, Ai,
+                                          x_dbox, start, stride, xi);
+ #define HYPRE_BOX_SMP_PRIVATE loopk,loopi,loopj,Ai,xi
+ #include "hypre_box_smp_forloop.h"
+                      hypre_BoxLoop2For(loopi, loopj, loopk, Ai, xi)
+                         {
+                            xp[xi] -= (Awp[Ai]*xwp[xi] +
+                                       Aep[Ai]*xep[xi]  ) / Ap[Ai];
+                         }
+                      hypre_BoxLoop2End(Ai, xi);
+                   }
+             }
+       }
+    }
+    /*-----------------------------------------------------
+     * Finalize some things
+     *-----------------------------------------------------*/
+    hypre_IncFLOPCount(cyc_red_data -> solve_flops);
+    hypre_EndTiming(cyc_red_data -> time_index);
+    return ierr;
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_CyclicReductionSetBase
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ hypre_CyclicReductionSetBase( void        *cyc_red_vdata,
+                               hypre_Index  base_index,
+                               hypre_Index  base_stride )
+ {
+    hypre_CyclicReductionData *cyc_red_data = cyc_red_vdata;
+    int                      d;
+    int                      ierr = 0;
+    for (d = 0; d < 3; d++)
+    {
+       hypre_IndexD((cyc_red_data -> base_index),  d) =
+          hypre_IndexD(base_index,  d);
+       hypre_IndexD((cyc_red_data -> base_stride), d) =
+          hypre_IndexD(base_stride, d);
+    }
+    return ierr;
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_CyclicReductionDestroy
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ hypre_CyclicReductionDestroy( void *cyc_red_vdata )
+ {
+    hypre_CyclicReductionData *cyc_red_data = cyc_red_vdata;
+    int l;
+    int ierr = 0;
+    if (cyc_red_data)
+    {
+       hypre_BoxArrayDestroy(cyc_red_data -> base_points);
+       hypre_StructGridDestroy(cyc_red_data -> grid_l[0]);
+       hypre_StructMatrixDestroy(cyc_red_data -> A_l[0]);
+       hypre_StructVectorDestroy(cyc_red_data -> x_l[0]);
+       for (l = 0; l < ((cyc_red_data -> num_levels) - 1); l++)
+       {
+          hypre_StructGridDestroy(cyc_red_data -> grid_l[l+1]);
+          hypre_BoxArrayDestroy(cyc_red_data -> fine_points_l[l]);
+          hypre_StructMatrixDestroy(cyc_red_data -> A_l[l+1]);
+          hypre_StructVectorDestroy(cyc_red_data -> x_l[l+1]);
+          hypre_ComputePkgDestroy(cyc_red_data -> down_compute_pkg_l[l]);
+          hypre_ComputePkgDestroy(cyc_red_data -> up_compute_pkg_l[l]);
+       }
+       hypre_BoxArrayDestroy(cyc_red_data -> fine_points_l[l]);
+       hypre_SharedTFree(cyc_red_data -> data); 
+       hypre_TFree(cyc_red_data -> grid_l);
+       hypre_TFree(cyc_red_data -> fine_points_l);
+       hypre_TFree(cyc_red_data -> A_l);
+       hypre_TFree(cyc_red_data -> x_l);
+       hypre_TFree(cyc_red_data -> down_compute_pkg_l);
+       hypre_TFree(cyc_red_data -> up_compute_pkg_l);
+       hypre_FinalizeTiming(cyc_red_data -> time_index);
+       hypre_TFree(cyc_red_data);
+    }
+    return ierr;
+ }

Index: llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/ASCI_Purple/SMG2000/general.c
diff -c /dev/null llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/ASCI_Purple/SMG2000/general.c:1.1
*** /dev/null	Mon Apr 11 00:22:18 2005
--- llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/ASCI_Purple/SMG2000/general.c	Mon Apr 11 00:22:07 2005
*** 0 ****
--- 1,38 ----
+ /*BHEADER**********************************************************************
+  * (c) 1997   The Regents of the University of California
+  *
+  * See the file COPYRIGHT_and_DISCLAIMER for a complete copyright
+  * notice, contact person, and disclaimer.
+  *
+  * $Revision: 1.1 $
+  *********************************************************************EHEADER*/
+ /******************************************************************************
+  *
+  *
+  *****************************************************************************/
+ #include "headers.h"
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_Log2:
+  *   This routine returns the integer, floor(log_2(p)).
+  *   If p <= 0, it returns a -1.
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ hypre_Log2(int p)
+ {
+    int  e;
+    if (p <= 0)
+       return -1;
+    e = 0;
+    while (p > 1)
+    {
+       e += 1;
+       p /= 2;
+    }
+    return  e;
+ }

Index: llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/ASCI_Purple/SMG2000/general.h
diff -c /dev/null llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/ASCI_Purple/SMG2000/general.h:1.1
*** /dev/null	Mon Apr 11 00:22:18 2005
--- llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/ASCI_Purple/SMG2000/general.h	Mon Apr 11 00:22:07 2005
*** 0 ****
--- 1,33 ----
+ /*BHEADER**********************************************************************
+  * (c) 1997   The Regents of the University of California
+  *
+  * See the file COPYRIGHT_and_DISCLAIMER for a complete copyright
+  * notice, contact person, and disclaimer.
+  *
+  * $Revision: 1.1 $
+  *********************************************************************EHEADER*/
+ /******************************************************************************
+  *
+  * General structures and values
+  *
+  *****************************************************************************/
+ #ifndef hypre_GENERAL_HEADER
+ #define hypre_GENERAL_HEADER
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * Define various functions
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ #ifndef hypre_max
+ #define hypre_max(a,b)  (((a)<(b)) ? (b) : (a))
+ #endif
+ #ifndef hypre_min
+ #define hypre_min(a,b)  (((a)<(b)) ? (a) : (b))
+ #endif
+ #ifndef hypre_round
+ #define hypre_round(x)  ( ((x) < 0.0) ? ((int)(x - 0.5)) : ((int)(x + 0.5)) )
+ #endif
+ #endif

Index: llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/ASCI_Purple/SMG2000/grow.c
diff -c /dev/null llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/ASCI_Purple/SMG2000/grow.c:1.1
*** /dev/null	Mon Apr 11 00:22:18 2005
--- llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/ASCI_Purple/SMG2000/grow.c	Mon Apr 11 00:22:07 2005
*** 0 ****
--- 1,96 ----
+ /*BHEADER**********************************************************************
+  * (c) 1997   The Regents of the University of California
+  *
+  * See the file COPYRIGHT_and_DISCLAIMER for a complete copyright
+  * notice, contact person, and disclaimer.
+  *
+  * $Revision: 1.1 $
+  *********************************************************************EHEADER*/
+ /******************************************************************************
+  *
+  * Routines for "growing" boxes.
+  *
+  *****************************************************************************/
+ #include "headers.h"
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_GrowBoxByStencil:
+  *    The argument `transpose' is a boolean that indicates whether
+  *    or not to use the transpose of the stencil.
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ hypre_BoxArray *
+ hypre_GrowBoxByStencil( hypre_Box           *box,
+                         hypre_StructStencil *stencil,
+                         int                  transpose )
+ {
+    hypre_BoxArray   *grow_box_array;
+    hypre_BoxArray   *shift_box_array;
+    hypre_Box        *shift_box;
+    hypre_Index      *stencil_shape;
+    int               s, d;
+    stencil_shape = hypre_StructStencilShape(stencil);
+    shift_box_array = hypre_BoxArrayCreate(hypre_StructStencilSize(stencil));
+    shift_box = hypre_BoxCreate();
+    for (s = 0; s < hypre_StructStencilSize(stencil); s++)
+    {
+       if (transpose)
+          for (d = 0; d < 3; d++)
+          {
+             hypre_BoxIMinD(shift_box, d) =
+                hypre_BoxIMinD(box, d) - hypre_IndexD(stencil_shape[s], d);
+             hypre_BoxIMaxD(shift_box, d) =
+                hypre_BoxIMaxD(box, d) - hypre_IndexD(stencil_shape[s], d);
+          }
+       else
+          for (d = 0; d < 3; d++)
+          {
+             hypre_BoxIMinD(shift_box, d) =
+                hypre_BoxIMinD(box, d) + hypre_IndexD(stencil_shape[s], d);
+             hypre_BoxIMaxD(shift_box, d) =
+                hypre_BoxIMaxD(box, d) + hypre_IndexD(stencil_shape[s], d);
+          }
+       hypre_CopyBox(shift_box, hypre_BoxArrayBox(shift_box_array, s));
+    }
+    hypre_BoxDestroy(shift_box);
+    hypre_UnionBoxes(shift_box_array);
+    grow_box_array = shift_box_array;
+    return grow_box_array;
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_GrowBoxArrayByStencil:
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ hypre_BoxArrayArray *
+ hypre_GrowBoxArrayByStencil( hypre_BoxArray      *box_array,
+                              hypre_StructStencil *stencil,
+                              int                  transpose )
+ {
+    hypre_BoxArrayArray     *grow_box_array_array;
+    int                      i;
+    grow_box_array_array =
+       hypre_BoxArrayArrayCreate(hypre_BoxArraySize(box_array));
+    hypre_ForBoxI(i, box_array)
+       {
+          hypre_BoxArrayDestroy(
+             hypre_BoxArrayArrayBoxArray(grow_box_array_array, i));
+          hypre_BoxArrayArrayBoxArray(grow_box_array_array, i) =
+             hypre_GrowBoxByStencil(hypre_BoxArrayBox(box_array, i),
+                                    stencil, transpose);
+       }
+    return grow_box_array_array;
+ }

Index: llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/ASCI_Purple/SMG2000/headers.h
diff -c /dev/null llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/ASCI_Purple/SMG2000/headers.h:1.1
*** /dev/null	Mon Apr 11 00:22:18 2005
--- llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/ASCI_Purple/SMG2000/headers.h	Mon Apr 11 00:22:07 2005
*** 0 ****
--- 1,15 ----
+ /*BHEADER**********************************************************************
+  * (c) 1997   The Regents of the University of California
+  *
+  * See the file COPYRIGHT_and_DISCLAIMER for a complete copyright
+  * notice, contact person, and disclaimer.
+  *
+  * $Revision: 1.1 $
+  *********************************************************************EHEADER*/
+ #include <stdlib.h>
+ #include <stdio.h>
+ #include <math.h>
+ #include "struct_ls.h"
+ #include "struct_mv.h"

Index: llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/ASCI_Purple/SMG2000/hypre_box_smp_forloop.h
diff -c /dev/null llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/ASCI_Purple/SMG2000/hypre_box_smp_forloop.h:1.1
*** /dev/null	Mon Apr 11 00:22:18 2005
--- llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/ASCI_Purple/SMG2000/hypre_box_smp_forloop.h	Mon Apr 11 00:22:07 2005
*** 0 ****
--- 1,20 ----
+ /*BHEADER**********************************************************************
+  * (c) 1997   The Regents of the University of California
+  *
+  * See the file COPYRIGHT_and_DISCLAIMER for a complete copyright
+  * notice, contact person, and disclaimer.
+  *
+  * $Revision: 1.1 $
+  *********************************************************************EHEADER*/
+ HYPRE_BOX_SMP_PRIVATE,hypre__nx,hypre__ny,hypre__nz,hypre__block
+ #include "hypre_smp_forloop.h"
+ #else
+ HYPRE_BOX_SMP_PRIVATE,hypre__nx,hypre__ny,hypre__nz
+ #include "hypre_smp_forloop.h"
+ #endif

Index: llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/ASCI_Purple/SMG2000/hypre_smp_forloop.h
diff -c /dev/null llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/ASCI_Purple/SMG2000/hypre_smp_forloop.h:1.1
*** /dev/null	Mon Apr 11 00:22:18 2005
--- llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/ASCI_Purple/SMG2000/hypre_smp_forloop.h	Mon Apr 11 00:22:07 2005
*** 0 ****
--- 1,52 ----
+ /*BHEADER**********************************************************************
+  * (c) 1998   The Regents of the University of California
+  *
+  * See the file COPYRIGHT_and_DISCLAIMER for a complete copyright
+  * notice, contact person, and disclaimer.
+  *
+  * $Revision: 1.1 $
+  *********************************************************************EHEADER*/
+ /*****************************************************************************
+  *	Wrapper code for SMP compiler directives.  Translates 
+  *	hypre SMP directives into the appropriate Open MP,
+  *	IBM, SGI, or pgcc (Red) SMP compiler directives.
+  ****************************************************************************/
+ #endif
+ #pragma omp parallel for private(HYPRE_SMP_PRIVATE) schedule(static)
+ #endif
+ #pragma omp parallel for private(HYPRE_SMP_PRIVATE) \
+ schedule(static)
+ #endif
+ #endif
+ #pragma parallel
+ #pragma pfor
+ #pragma schedtype(gss)
+ #pragma chunksize(10)
+ #endif
+ #pragma parallel_loop
+ #pragma schedule (guided,10)
+ #endif
+ #pragma parallel local(HYPRE_SMP_PRIVATE) pfor
+ #endif
+ #endif
+ #endif

Index: llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/ASCI_Purple/SMG2000/krylov.h
diff -c /dev/null llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/ASCI_Purple/SMG2000/krylov.h:1.1
*** /dev/null	Mon Apr 11 00:22:18 2005
--- llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/ASCI_Purple/SMG2000/krylov.h	Mon Apr 11 00:22:07 2005
*** 0 ****
--- 1,851 ----
+ /*BHEADER**********************************************************************
+  * (c) 2000   The Regents of the University of California
+  *
+  * See the file COPYRIGHT_and_DISCLAIMER for a complete copyright
+  * notice, contact person, and disclaimer.
+  *
+  * $Revision: 1.1 $
+  *********************************************************************EHEADER*/
+ /******************************************************************************
+  *
+  * krylov solver headers
+  *
+  *****************************************************************************/
+ #include <stdlib.h>
+ #include <stdio.h>
+ #include <math.h>
+ #ifndef max
+ #define max(a,b)  (((a)<(b)) ? (b) : (a))
+ #endif
+ #define hypre_CTAllocF(type, count, funcs) \
+ ( (type *)(*(funcs->CAlloc))\
+ ((unsigned int)(count), (unsigned int)sizeof(type)) )
+ #define hypre_TFreeF( ptr, funcs ) \
+ ( (*(funcs->Free))((char *)ptr), ptr = NULL )
+ /* A pointer to a type which is never defined, sort of works like void* ... */
+ struct hypre_Solver_struct;
+ typedef struct hypre_Solver_struct *HYPRE_Solver;
+ /* similar pseudo-void* for Matrix and Vector: */
+ #endif
+ struct hypre_Matrix_struct;
+ typedef struct hypre_Matrix_struct *HYPRE_Matrix;
+ #endif
+ struct hypre_Vector_struct;
+ typedef struct hypre_Vector_struct *HYPRE_Vector;
+ #endif
+ typedef int (*HYPRE_PtrToSolverFcn)(HYPRE_Solver,
+                                     HYPRE_Matrix,
+                                     HYPRE_Vector,
+                                     HYPRE_Vector);
+ #endif
+ /*BHEADER**********************************************************************
+  * (c) 2000   The Regents of the University of California
+  *
+  * See the file COPYRIGHT_and_DISCLAIMER for a complete copyright
+  * notice, contact person, and disclaimer.
+  *
+  * $Revision: 1.1 $
+  *********************************************************************EHEADER*/
+ /******************************************************************************
+  *
+  * BiCGSTAB bicgstab
+  *
+  *****************************************************************************/
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ /**
+  * @name Generic BiCGSTAB Interface
+  *
+  * A general description of the interface goes here...
+  *
+  * @memo A generic BiCGSTAB linear solver interface
+  * @version 0.1
+  * @author Jeffrey F. Painter
+  **/
+ /*@{*/
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_BiCGSTABData and hypre_BiCGSTABFunctions
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ /**
+  * @name BiCGSTAB structs
+  *
+  * Description...
+  **/
+ /*@{*/
+ /**
+  * The {\tt hypre\_BiCGSTABSFunctions} object ...
+  **/
+ /* functions in pcg_struct.c which aren't used here:
+ char *hypre_ParKrylovCAlloc( int count , int elt_size );
+ int hypre_ParKrylovFree( char *ptr );
+ void *hypre_ParKrylovCreateVectorArray( int n , void *vvector );
+ int hypre_ParKrylovMatvecT( void *matvec_data , double alpha , void *A , void *x , double beta , void *y );
+ int hypre_ParKrylovClearVector( void *x );
+ */
+ /* functions in pcg_struct.c which are used here:
+   void *hypre_ParKrylovCreateVector( void *vvector );
+   int hypre_ParKrylovDestroyVector( void *vvector );
+   void *hypre_ParKrylovMatvecCreate( void *A , void *x );
+   int hypre_ParKrylovMatvec( void *matvec_data , double alpha , void *A , void *x , double beta , void *y );
+   int hypre_ParKrylovMatvecDestroy( void *matvec_data );
+   double hypre_ParKrylovInnerProd( void *x , void *y );
+   int hypre_ParKrylovCopyVector( void *x , void *y );
+   int hypre_ParKrylovScaleVector( double alpha , void *x );
+   int hypre_ParKrylovAxpy( double alpha , void *x , void *y );
+   int hypre_ParKrylovCommInfo( void *A , int *my_id , int *num_procs );
+   int hypre_ParKrylovIdentitySetup( void *vdata , void *A , void *b , void *x );
+   int hypre_ParKrylovIdentity( void *vdata , void *A , void *b , void *x );
+ */
+ typedef struct
+ {
+   void *(*CreateVector)( void *vvector );
+   int (*DestroyVector)( void *vvector );
+   void *(*MatvecCreate)( void *A , void *x );
+   int (*Matvec)( void *matvec_data , double alpha , void *A , void *x , double beta , void *y );
+   int (*MatvecDestroy)( void *matvec_data );
+   double (*InnerProd)( void *x , void *y );
+   int (*CopyVector)( void *x , void *y );
+   int (*ScaleVector)( double alpha , void *x );
+   int (*Axpy)( double alpha , void *x , void *y );
+   int (*CommInfo)( void *A , int *my_id , int *num_procs );
+   int (*IdentitySetup)( void *vdata , void *A , void *b , void *x );
+   int (*Identity)( void *vdata , void *A , void *b , void *x );
+    int    (*precond)();
+    int    (*precond_setup)();
+ } hypre_BiCGSTABFunctions;
+ /**
+  * The {\tt hypre\_BiCGSTABData} object ...
+  **/
+ typedef struct
+ {
+    int      min_iter;
+    int      max_iter;
+    int      stop_crit;
+    double   tol;
+    double   rel_residual_norm;
+    void  *A;
+    void  *r;
+    void  *r0;
+    void  *s;
+    void  *v;
+    void  *p;
+    void  *q;
+    void  *matvec_data;
+    void    *precond_data;
+    hypre_BiCGSTABFunctions * functions;
+    /* log info (always logged) */
+    int      num_iterations;
+    /* additional log info (logged when `logging' > 0) */
+    int      logging;
+    double  *norms;
+    char    *log_file_name;
+ } hypre_BiCGSTABData;
+ #ifdef __cplusplus
+ extern "C" {
+ #endif
+ /**
+  * @name generic BiCGSTAB Solver
+  *
+  * Description...
+  **/
+ /*@{*/
+ /**
+  * Description...
+  *
+  * @param param [IN] ...
+  **/
+    hypre_BiCGSTABFunctions *
+    hypre_BiCGSTABFunctionsCreate(
+       void *(*CreateVector)( void *vvector ),
+       int (*DestroyVector)( void *vvector ),
+       void *(*MatvecCreate)( void *A , void *x ),
+       int (*Matvec)( void *matvec_data , double alpha , void *A , void *x , double beta , void *y ),
+       int (*MatvecDestroy)( void *matvec_data ),
+       double (*InnerProd)( void *x , void *y ),
+       int (*CopyVector)( void *x , void *y ),
+       int (*ScaleVector)( double alpha , void *x ),
+       int (*Axpy)( double alpha , void *x , void *y ),
+       int (*CommInfo)( void *A , int *my_id , int *num_procs ),
+       int    (*precond)(),
+       int    (*precond_setup)()
+       );
+ /**
+  * Description...
+  *
+  * @param param [IN] ...
+  **/
+ void *
+ hypre_BiCGSTABCreate( hypre_BiCGSTABFunctions * bicgstab_functions );
+ #ifdef __cplusplus
+ }
+ #endif
+ #endif
+ /*BHEADER**********************************************************************
+  * (c) 2000   The Regents of the University of California
+  *
+  * See the file COPYRIGHT_and_DISCLAIMER for a complete copyright
+  * notice, contact person, and disclaimer.
+  *
+  * $Revision: 1.1 $
+  *********************************************************************EHEADER*/
+ /******************************************************************************
+  *
+  * cgnr (conjugate gradient on the normal equations A^TAx = A^Tb) functions
+  *
+  *****************************************************************************/
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ /**
+  * @name Generic CGNR Interface
+  *
+  * A general description of the interface goes here...
+  *
+  * @memo A generic CGNR linear solver interface
+  * @version 0.1
+  * @author Jeffrey F. Painter
+  **/
+ /*@{*/
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_CGNRData and hypre_CGNRFunctions
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ /**
+  * @name CGNR structs
+  *
+  * Description...
+  **/
+ /*@{*/
+ /**
+  * The {\tt hypre\_CGNRSFunctions} object ...
+  **/
+ typedef struct
+ {
+    int    (*CommInfo)      ( void  *A, int   *my_id, int   *num_procs );
+    void * (*CreateVector)  ( void *vector );
+    int    (*DestroyVector) ( void *vector );
+    void * (*MatvecCreate)  ( void *A, void *x );
+    int    (*Matvec)        ( void *matvec_data, double alpha, void *A,
+                              void *x, double beta, void *y );
+    int    (*MatvecT)       ( void *matvec_data, double alpha, void *A,
+                              void *x, double beta, void *y );
+    int    (*MatvecDestroy) ( void *matvec_data );
+    double (*InnerProd)     ( void *x, void *y );
+    int    (*CopyVector)    ( void *x, void *y );
+    int    (*ClearVector)   ( void *x );
+    int    (*ScaleVector)   ( double alpha, void *x );
+    int    (*Axpy)          ( double alpha, void *x, void *y );
+    int    (*precond_setup) ( void *vdata, void *A, void *b, void *x );
+    int    (*precond)       ( void *vdata, void *A, void *b, void *x );
+    int    (*precondT)       ( void *vdata, void *A, void *b, void *x );
+ } hypre_CGNRFunctions;
+ /**
+  * The {\tt hypre\_CGNRData} object ...
+  **/
+ typedef struct
+ {
+    double   tol;
+    double   rel_residual_norm;
+    int      min_iter;
+    int      max_iter;
+    int      stop_crit;
+    void    *A;
+    void    *p;
+    void    *q;
+    void    *r;
+    void    *t;
+    void    *matvec_data;
+    void    *precond_data;
+    hypre_CGNRFunctions * functions;
+    /* log info (always logged) */
+    int      num_iterations;
+    /* additional log info (logged when `logging' > 0) */
+    int      logging;
+    double  *norms;
+    char    *log_file_name;
+ } hypre_CGNRData;
+ #ifdef __cplusplus
+ extern "C" {
+ #endif
+ /**
+  * @name generic CGNR Solver
+  *
+  * Description...
+  **/
+ /*@{*/
+ /**
+  * Description...
+  *
+  * @param param [IN] ...
+  **/
+ hypre_CGNRFunctions *
+ hypre_CGNRFunctionsCreate(
+    int    (*CommInfo)      ( void  *A, int   *my_id, int   *num_procs ),
+    void * (*CreateVector)  ( void *vector ),
+    int    (*DestroyVector) ( void *vector ),
+    void * (*MatvecCreate)  ( void *A, void *x ),
+    int    (*Matvec)        ( void *matvec_data, double alpha, void *A,
+                              void *x, double beta, void *y ),
+    int    (*MatvecT)        ( void *matvec_data, double alpha, void *A,
+                              void *x, double beta, void *y ),
+    int    (*MatvecDestroy) ( void *matvec_data ),
+    double (*InnerProd)     ( void *x, void *y ),
+    int    (*CopyVector)    ( void *x, void *y ),
+    int    (*ClearVector)   ( void *x ),
+    int    (*ScaleVector)   ( double alpha, void *x ),
+    int    (*Axpy)          ( double alpha, void *x, void *y ),
+    int    (*PrecondSetup)  ( void *vdata, void *A, void *b, void *x ),
+    int    (*Precond)       ( void *vdata, void *A, void *b, void *x ),
+    int    (*PrecondT)       ( void *vdata, void *A, void *b, void *x )
+    );
+ /**
+  * Description...
+  *
+  * @param param [IN] ...
+  **/
+ void *
+ hypre_CGNRCreate( hypre_CGNRFunctions *cgnr_functions );
+ #ifdef __cplusplus
+ }
+ #endif
+ #endif
+ /*BHEADER**********************************************************************
+  * (c) 2000   The Regents of the University of California
+  *
+  * See the file COPYRIGHT_and_DISCLAIMER for a complete copyright
+  * notice, contact person, and disclaimer.
+  *
+  * $Revision: 1.1 $
+  *********************************************************************EHEADER*/
+ /******************************************************************************
+  *
+  * GMRES gmres
+  *
+  *****************************************************************************/
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ /**
+  * @name Generic GMRES Interface
+  *
+  * A general description of the interface goes here...
+  *
+  * @memo A generic GMRES linear solver interface
+  * @version 0.1
+  * @author Jeffrey F. Painter
+  **/
+ /*@{*/
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_GMRESData and hypre_GMRESFunctions
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ /**
+  * @name GMRES structs
+  *
+  * Description...
+  **/
+ /*@{*/
+ /**
+  * The {\tt hypre\_GMRESFunctions} object ...
+  **/
+ typedef struct
+ {
+    char * (*CAlloc)        ( int count, int elt_size );
+    int    (*Free)          ( char *ptr );
+    int    (*CommInfo)      ( void  *A, int   *my_id, int   *num_procs );
+    void * (*CreateVector)  ( void *vector );
+    void * (*CreateVectorArray)  ( int size, void *vectors );
+    int    (*DestroyVector) ( void *vector );
+    void * (*MatvecCreate)  ( void *A, void *x );
+    int    (*Matvec)        ( void *matvec_data, double alpha, void *A,
+                              void *x, double beta, void *y );
+    int    (*MatvecDestroy) ( void *matvec_data );
+    double (*InnerProd)     ( void *x, void *y );
+    int    (*CopyVector)    ( void *x, void *y );
+    int    (*ClearVector)   ( void *x );
+    int    (*ScaleVector)   ( double alpha, void *x );
+    int    (*Axpy)          ( double alpha, void *x, void *y );
+    int    (*precond)();
+    int    (*precond_setup)();
+ } hypre_GMRESFunctions;
+ /**
+  * The {\tt hypre\_GMRESData} object ...
+  **/
+ typedef struct
+ {
+    int      k_dim;
+    int      min_iter;
+    int      max_iter;
+    int      stop_crit;
+    double   tol;
+    double   rel_residual_norm;
+    void  *A;
+    void  *r;
+    void  *w;
+    void  **p;
+    void  *matvec_data;
+    void    *precond_data;
+    hypre_GMRESFunctions * functions;
+    /* log info (always logged) */
+    int      num_iterations;
+    /* additional log info (logged when `logging' > 0) */
+    int      logging;
+    double  *norms;
+    char    *log_file_name;
+ } hypre_GMRESData;
+ #ifdef __cplusplus
+ extern "C" {
+ #endif
+ /**
+  * @name generic GMRES Solver
+  *
+  * Description...
+  **/
+ /*@{*/
+ /**
+  * Description...
+  *
+  * @param param [IN] ...
+  **/
+ hypre_GMRESFunctions *
+ hypre_GMRESFunctionsCreate(
+    char * (*CAlloc)        ( int count, int elt_size ),
+    int    (*Free)          ( char *ptr ),
+    int    (*CommInfo)      ( void  *A, int   *my_id, int   *num_procs ),
+    void * (*CreateVector)  ( void *vector ),
+    void * (*CreateVectorArray)  ( int size, void *vectors ),
+    int    (*DestroyVector) ( void *vector ),
+    void * (*MatvecCreate)  ( void *A, void *x ),
+    int    (*Matvec)        ( void *matvec_data, double alpha, void *A,
+                              void *x, double beta, void *y ),
+    int    (*MatvecDestroy) ( void *matvec_data ),
+    double (*InnerProd)     ( void *x, void *y ),
+    int    (*CopyVector)    ( void *x, void *y ),
+    int    (*ClearVector)   ( void *x ),
+    int    (*ScaleVector)   ( double alpha, void *x ),
+    int    (*Axpy)          ( double alpha, void *x, void *y ),
+    int    (*PrecondSetup)  ( void *vdata, void *A, void *b, void *x ),
+    int    (*Precond)       ( void *vdata, void *A, void *b, void *x )
+    );
+ /**
+  * Description...
+  *
+  * @param param [IN] ...
+  **/
+ void *
+ hypre_GMRESCreate( hypre_GMRESFunctions *gmres_functions );
+ #ifdef __cplusplus
+ }
+ #endif
+ #endif
+ /*BHEADER**********************************************************************
+  * (c) 2000   The Regents of the University of California
+  *
+  * See the file COPYRIGHT_and_DISCLAIMER for a complete copyright
+  * notice, contact person, and disclaimer.
+  *
+  * $Revision: 1.1 $
+  *********************************************************************EHEADER*/
+ /******************************************************************************
+  *
+  * Preconditioned conjugate gradient (Omin) headers
+  *
+  *****************************************************************************/
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ /**
+  * @name Generic PCG Interface
+  *
+  * A general description of the interface goes here...
+  *
+  * @memo A generic PCG linear solver interface
+  * @version 0.1
+  * @author Jeffrey F. Painter
+  **/
+ /*@{*/
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_PCGData and hypre_PCGFunctions
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ /**
+  * @name PCG structs
+  *
+  * Description...
+  **/
+ /*@{*/
+ /**
+  * The {\tt hypre\_PCGSFunctions} object ...
+  **/
+ typedef struct
+ {
+    char * (*CAlloc)        ( int count, int elt_size );
+    int    (*Free)          ( char *ptr );
+    void * (*CreateVector)  ( void *vector );
+    int    (*DestroyVector) ( void *vector );
+    void * (*MatvecCreate)  ( void *A, void *x );
+    int    (*Matvec)        ( void *matvec_data, double alpha, void *A,
+                              void *x, double beta, void *y );
+    int    (*MatvecDestroy) ( void *matvec_data );
+    double (*InnerProd)     ( void *x, void *y );
+    int    (*CopyVector)    ( void *x, void *y );
+    int    (*ClearVector)   ( void *x );
+    int    (*ScaleVector)   ( double alpha, void *x );
+    int    (*Axpy)          ( double alpha, void *x, void *y );
+    int    (*precond)();
+    int    (*precond_setup)();
+ } hypre_PCGFunctions;
+ /**
+  * The {\tt hypre\_PCGData} object ...
+  **/
+ /* rel_change!=0 means: if pass the other stopping criteria,
+  also check the relative change in the solution x.
+    stop_crit!=0 means: absolute error tolerance rather than
+  the usual relative error tolerance on the residual.  Never
+  applies if rel_change!=0.
+ */
+ typedef struct
+ {
+    double   tol;
+    double   cf_tol;
+    int      max_iter;
+    int      two_norm;
+    int      rel_change;
+    int      stop_crit;
+    void    *A;
+    void    *p;
+    void    *s;
+    void    *r;
+    void    *matvec_data;
+    void    *precond_data;
+    hypre_PCGFunctions * functions;
+    /* log info (always logged) */
+    int      num_iterations;
+    /* additional log info (logged when `logging' > 0) */
+    int      logging;
+    double  *norms;
+    double  *rel_norms;
+ } hypre_PCGData;
+ #ifdef __cplusplus
+ extern "C" {
+ #endif
+ /**
+  * @name generic PCG Solver
+  *
+  * Description...
+  **/
+ /*@{*/
+ /**
+  * Description...
+  *
+  * @param param [IN] ...
+  **/
+ hypre_PCGFunctions *
+ hypre_PCGFunctionsCreate(
+    char * (*CAlloc)        ( int count, int elt_size ),
+    int    (*Free)          ( char *ptr ),
+    void * (*CreateVector)  ( void *vector ),
+    int    (*DestroyVector) ( void *vector ),
+    void * (*MatvecCreate)  ( void *A, void *x ),
+    int    (*Matvec)        ( void *matvec_data, double alpha, void *A,
+                              void *x, double beta, void *y ),
+    int    (*MatvecDestroy) ( void *matvec_data ),
+    double (*InnerProd)     ( void *x, void *y ),
+    int    (*CopyVector)    ( void *x, void *y ),
+    int    (*ClearVector)   ( void *x ),
+    int    (*ScaleVector)   ( double alpha, void *x ),
+    int    (*Axpy)          ( double alpha, void *x, void *y ),
+    int    (*PrecondSetup)  ( void *vdata, void *A, void *b, void *x ),
+    int    (*Precond)       ( void *vdata, void *A, void *b, void *x )
+    );
+ /**
+  * Description...
+  *
+  * @param param [IN] ...
+  **/
+ void *
+ hypre_PCGCreate( hypre_PCGFunctions *pcg_functions );
+ #ifdef __cplusplus
+ }
+ #endif
+ #endif
+ #ifndef hypre_KRYLOV_HEADER
+ #define hypre_KRYLOV_HEADER
+ #ifdef __cplusplus
+ extern "C" {
+ #endif
+ /* HYPRE_bicgstab.c */
+ int HYPRE_BiCGSTABDestroy( HYPRE_Solver solver );
+ int HYPRE_BiCGSTABSetup( HYPRE_Solver solver , HYPRE_Matrix A , HYPRE_Vector b , HYPRE_Vector x );
+ int HYPRE_BiCGSTABSolve( HYPRE_Solver solver , HYPRE_Matrix A , HYPRE_Vector b , HYPRE_Vector x );
+ int HYPRE_BiCGSTABSetTol( HYPRE_Solver solver , double tol );
+ int HYPRE_BiCGSTABSetMinIter( HYPRE_Solver solver , int min_iter );
+ int HYPRE_BiCGSTABSetMaxIter( HYPRE_Solver solver , int max_iter );
+ int HYPRE_BiCGSTABSetStopCrit( HYPRE_Solver solver , int stop_crit );
+ int HYPRE_BiCGSTABSetPrecond( HYPRE_Solver solver , HYPRE_PtrToSolverFcn precond , HYPRE_PtrToSolverFcn precond_setup , HYPRE_Solver precond_solver );
+ int HYPRE_BiCGSTABGetPrecond( HYPRE_Solver solver , HYPRE_Solver *precond_data_ptr );
+ int HYPRE_BiCGSTABSetLogging( HYPRE_Solver solver , int logging );
+ int HYPRE_BiCGSTABGetNumIterations( HYPRE_Solver solver , int *num_iterations );
+ int HYPRE_BiCGSTABGetFinalRelativeResidualNorm( HYPRE_Solver solver , double *norm );
+ /* HYPRE_cgnr.c */
+ int HYPRE_CGNRDestroy( HYPRE_Solver solver );
+ int HYPRE_CGNRSetup( HYPRE_Solver solver , HYPRE_Matrix A , HYPRE_Vector b , HYPRE_Vector x );
+ int HYPRE_CGNRSolve( HYPRE_Solver solver , HYPRE_Matrix A , HYPRE_Vector b , HYPRE_Vector x );
+ int HYPRE_CGNRSetTol( HYPRE_Solver solver , double tol );
+ int HYPRE_CGNRSetMinIter( HYPRE_Solver solver , int min_iter );
+ int HYPRE_CGNRSetMaxIter( HYPRE_Solver solver , int max_iter );
+ int HYPRE_CGNRSetStopCrit( HYPRE_Solver solver , int stop_crit );
+ int HYPRE_CGNRSetPrecond( HYPRE_Solver solver , HYPRE_PtrToSolverFcn precond , HYPRE_PtrToSolverFcn precondT , HYPRE_PtrToSolverFcn precond_setup , HYPRE_Solver precond_solver );
+ int HYPRE_CGNRGetPrecond( HYPRE_Solver solver , HYPRE_Solver *precond_data_ptr );
+ int HYPRE_CGNRSetLogging( HYPRE_Solver solver , int logging );
+ int HYPRE_CGNRGetNumIterations( HYPRE_Solver solver , int *num_iterations );
+ int HYPRE_CGNRGetFinalRelativeResidualNorm( HYPRE_Solver solver , double *norm );
+ /* HYPRE_gmres.c */
+ int HYPRE_GMRESSetup( HYPRE_Solver solver , HYPRE_Matrix A , HYPRE_Vector b , HYPRE_Vector x );
+ int HYPRE_GMRESSolve( HYPRE_Solver solver , HYPRE_Matrix A , HYPRE_Vector b , HYPRE_Vector x );
+ int HYPRE_GMRESSetKDim( HYPRE_Solver solver , int k_dim );
+ int HYPRE_GMRESSetTol( HYPRE_Solver solver , double tol );
+ int HYPRE_GMRESSetMinIter( HYPRE_Solver solver , int min_iter );
+ int HYPRE_GMRESSetMaxIter( HYPRE_Solver solver , int max_iter );
+ int HYPRE_GMRESSetStopCrit( HYPRE_Solver solver , int stop_crit );
+ int HYPRE_GMRESSetPrecond( HYPRE_Solver solver , HYPRE_PtrToSolverFcn precond , HYPRE_PtrToSolverFcn precond_setup , HYPRE_Solver precond_solver );
+ int HYPRE_GMRESGetPrecond( HYPRE_Solver solver , HYPRE_Solver *precond_data_ptr );
+ int HYPRE_GMRESSetLogging( HYPRE_Solver solver , int logging );
+ int HYPRE_GMRESGetNumIterations( HYPRE_Solver solver , int *num_iterations );
+ int HYPRE_GMRESGetFinalRelativeResidualNorm( HYPRE_Solver solver , double *norm );
+ /* HYPRE_pcg.c */
+ int HYPRE_PCGSetup( HYPRE_Solver solver , HYPRE_Matrix A , HYPRE_Vector b , HYPRE_Vector x );
+ int HYPRE_PCGSolve( HYPRE_Solver solver , HYPRE_Matrix A , HYPRE_Vector b , HYPRE_Vector x );
+ int HYPRE_PCGSetTol( HYPRE_Solver solver , double tol );
+ int HYPRE_PCGSetMaxIter( HYPRE_Solver solver , int max_iter );
+ int HYPRE_PCGSetStopCrit( HYPRE_Solver solver , int stop_crit );
+ int HYPRE_PCGSetTwoNorm( HYPRE_Solver solver , int two_norm );
+ int HYPRE_PCGSetRelChange( HYPRE_Solver solver , int rel_change );
+ int HYPRE_PCGSetPrecond( HYPRE_Solver solver , HYPRE_PtrToSolverFcn precond , HYPRE_PtrToSolverFcn precond_setup , HYPRE_Solver precond_solver );
+ int HYPRE_PCGGetPrecond( HYPRE_Solver solver , HYPRE_Solver *precond_data_ptr );
+ int HYPRE_PCGSetLogging( HYPRE_Solver solver , int logging );
+ int HYPRE_PCGGetNumIterations( HYPRE_Solver solver , int *num_iterations );
+ int HYPRE_PCGGetFinalRelativeResidualNorm( HYPRE_Solver solver , double *norm );
+ /* bicgstab.c */
+ hypre_BiCGSTABFunctions *hypre_BiCGSTABFunctionsCreate( void *(*CreateVector )(void *vvector ), int (*DestroyVector )(void *vvector ), void *(*MatvecCreate )(void *A ,void *x ), int (*Matvec )(void *matvec_data ,double alpha ,void *A ,void *x ,double beta ,void *y ), int (*MatvecDestroy )(void *matvec_data ), double (*InnerProd )(void *x ,void *y ), int (*CopyVector )(void *x ,void *y ), int (*ScaleVector )(double alpha ,void *x ), int (*Axpy )(double alpha ,void *x ,void *y ), int (*CommInfo )(void *A ,int *my_id ,int *num_procs ), int (*precond )(), int (*precond_setup )());
+ void *hypre_BiCGSTABCreate( hypre_BiCGSTABFunctions *bicgstab_functions );
+ int hypre_BiCGSTABDestroy( void *bicgstab_vdata );
+ int hypre_BiCGSTABSetup( void *bicgstab_vdata , void *A , void *b , void *x );
+ int hypre_BiCGSTABSolve( void *bicgstab_vdata , void *A , void *b , void *x );
+ int hypre_BiCGSTABSetTol( void *bicgstab_vdata , double tol );
+ int hypre_BiCGSTABSetMinIter( void *bicgstab_vdata , int min_iter );
+ int hypre_BiCGSTABSetMaxIter( void *bicgstab_vdata , int max_iter );
+ int hypre_BiCGSTABSetStopCrit( void *bicgstab_vdata , double stop_crit );
+ int hypre_BiCGSTABSetPrecond( void *bicgstab_vdata , int (*precond )(), int (*precond_setup )(), void *precond_data );
+ int hypre_BiCGSTABGetPrecond( void *bicgstab_vdata , HYPRE_Solver *precond_data_ptr );
+ int hypre_BiCGSTABSetLogging( void *bicgstab_vdata , int logging );
+ int hypre_BiCGSTABGetNumIterations( void *bicgstab_vdata , int *num_iterations );
+ int hypre_BiCGSTABGetFinalRelativeResidualNorm( void *bicgstab_vdata , double *relative_residual_norm );
+ /* cgnr.c */
+ hypre_CGNRFunctions *hypre_CGNRFunctionsCreate( int (*CommInfo )(void *A ,int *my_id ,int *num_procs ), void *(*CreateVector )(void *vector ), int (*DestroyVector )(void *vector ), void *(*MatvecCreate )(void *A ,void *x ), int (*Matvec )(void *matvec_data ,double alpha ,void *A ,void *x ,double beta ,void *y ), int (*MatvecT )(void *matvec_data ,double alpha ,void *A ,void *x ,double beta ,void *y ), int (*MatvecDestroy )(void *matvec_data ), double (*InnerProd )(void *x ,void *y ), int (*CopyVector )(void *x ,void *y ), int (*ClearVector )(void *x ), int (*ScaleVector )(double alpha ,void *x ), int (*Axpy )(double alpha ,void *x ,void *y ), int (*PrecondSetup )(void *vdata ,void *A ,void *b ,void *x ), int (*Precond )(void *vdata ,void *A ,void *b ,void *x ), int (*PrecondT )(void *vdata ,void *A ,void *b ,void *x ));
+ void *hypre_CGNRCreate( hypre_CGNRFunctions *cgnr_functions );
+ int hypre_CGNRDestroy( void *cgnr_vdata );
+ int hypre_CGNRSetup( void *cgnr_vdata , void *A , void *b , void *x );
+ int hypre_CGNRSolve( void *cgnr_vdata , void *A , void *b , void *x );
+ int hypre_CGNRSetTol( void *cgnr_vdata , double tol );
+ int hypre_CGNRSetMinIter( void *cgnr_vdata , int min_iter );
+ int hypre_CGNRSetMaxIter( void *cgnr_vdata , int max_iter );
+ int hypre_CGNRSetStopCrit( void *cgnr_vdata , int stop_crit );
+ int hypre_CGNRSetPrecond( void *cgnr_vdata , int (*precond )(), int (*precondT )(), int (*precond_setup )(), void *precond_data );
+ int hypre_CGNRGetPrecond( void *cgnr_vdata , HYPRE_Solver *precond_data_ptr );
+ int hypre_CGNRSetLogging( void *cgnr_vdata , int logging );
+ int hypre_CGNRGetNumIterations( void *cgnr_vdata , int *num_iterations );
+ int hypre_CGNRGetFinalRelativeResidualNorm( void *cgnr_vdata , double *relative_residual_norm );
+ /* gmres.c */
+ hypre_GMRESFunctions *hypre_GMRESFunctionsCreate( char *(*CAlloc )(int count ,int elt_size ), int (*Free )(char *ptr ), int (*CommInfo )(void *A ,int *my_id ,int *num_procs ), void *(*CreateVector )(void *vector ), void *(*CreateVectorArray )(int size ,void *vectors ), int (*DestroyVector )(void *vector ), void *(*MatvecCreate )(void *A ,void *x ), int (*Matvec )(void *matvec_data ,double alpha ,void *A ,void *x ,double beta ,void *y ), int (*MatvecDestroy )(void *matvec_data ), double (*InnerProd )(void *x ,void *y ), int (*CopyVector )(void *x ,void *y ), int (*ClearVector )(void *x ), int (*ScaleVector )(double alpha ,void *x ), int (*Axpy )(double alpha ,void *x ,void *y ), int (*PrecondSetup )(void *vdata ,void *A ,void *b ,void *x ), int (*Precond )(void *vdata ,void *A ,void *b ,void *x ));
+ void *hypre_GMRESCreate( hypre_GMRESFunctions *gmres_functions );
+ int hypre_GMRESDestroy( void *gmres_vdata );
+ int hypre_GMRESSetup( void *gmres_vdata , void *A , void *b , void *x );
+ int hypre_GMRESSolve( void *gmres_vdata , void *A , void *b , void *x );
+ int hypre_GMRESSetKDim( void *gmres_vdata , int k_dim );
+ int hypre_GMRESSetTol( void *gmres_vdata , double tol );
+ int hypre_GMRESSetMinIter( void *gmres_vdata , int min_iter );
+ int hypre_GMRESSetMaxIter( void *gmres_vdata , int max_iter );
+ int hypre_GMRESSetStopCrit( void *gmres_vdata , double stop_crit );
+ int hypre_GMRESSetPrecond( void *gmres_vdata , int (*precond )(), int (*precond_setup )(), void *precond_data );
+ int hypre_GMRESGetPrecond( void *gmres_vdata , HYPRE_Solver *precond_data_ptr );
+ int hypre_GMRESSetLogging( void *gmres_vdata , int logging );
+ int hypre_GMRESGetNumIterations( void *gmres_vdata , int *num_iterations );
+ int hypre_GMRESGetFinalRelativeResidualNorm( void *gmres_vdata , double *relative_residual_norm );
+ /* pcg.c */
+ hypre_PCGFunctions *hypre_PCGFunctionsCreate( char *(*CAlloc )(int count ,int elt_size ), int (*Free )(char *ptr ), void *(*CreateVector )(void *vector ), int (*DestroyVector )(void *vector ), void *(*MatvecCreate )(void *A ,void *x ), int (*Matvec )(void *matvec_data ,double alpha ,void *A ,void *x ,double beta ,void *y ), int (*MatvecDestroy )(void *matvec_data ), double (*InnerProd )(void *x ,void *y ), int (*CopyVector )(void *x ,void *y ), int (*ClearVector )(void *x ), int (*ScaleVector )(double alpha ,void *x ), int (*Axpy )(double alpha ,void *x ,void *y ), int (*PrecondSetup )(void *vdata ,void *A ,void *b ,void *x ), int (*Precond )(void *vdata ,void *A ,void *b ,void *x ));
+ void *hypre_PCGCreate( hypre_PCGFunctions *pcg_functions );
+ int hypre_PCGDestroy( void *pcg_vdata );
+ int hypre_PCGSetup( void *pcg_vdata , void *A , void *b , void *x );
+ int hypre_PCGSolve( void *pcg_vdata , void *A , void *b , void *x );
+ int hypre_PCGSetTol( void *pcg_vdata , double tol );
+ int hypre_PCGSetConvergenceFactorTol( void *pcg_vdata , double cf_tol );
+ int hypre_PCGSetMaxIter( void *pcg_vdata , int max_iter );
+ int hypre_PCGSetTwoNorm( void *pcg_vdata , int two_norm );
+ int hypre_PCGSetRelChange( void *pcg_vdata , int rel_change );
+ int hypre_PCGSetStopCrit( void *pcg_vdata , int stop_crit );
+ int hypre_PCGGetPrecond( void *pcg_vdata , HYPRE_Solver *precond_data_ptr );
+ int hypre_PCGSetPrecond( void *pcg_vdata , int (*precond )(), int (*precond_setup )(), void *precond_data );
+ int hypre_PCGSetLogging( void *pcg_vdata , int logging );
+ int hypre_PCGGetNumIterations( void *pcg_vdata , int *num_iterations );
+ int hypre_PCGPrintLogging( void *pcg_vdata , int myid );
+ int hypre_PCGGetFinalRelativeResidualNorm( void *pcg_vdata , double *relative_residual_norm );
+ #ifdef __cplusplus
+ }
+ #endif
+ #endif

Index: llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/ASCI_Purple/SMG2000/memory.c
diff -c /dev/null llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/ASCI_Purple/SMG2000/memory.c:1.1
*** /dev/null	Mon Apr 11 00:22:18 2005
--- llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/ASCI_Purple/SMG2000/memory.c	Mon Apr 11 00:22:07 2005
*** 0 ****
--- 1,311 ----
+ /*BHEADER**********************************************************************
+  * (c) 1997   The Regents of the University of California
+  *
+  * See the file COPYRIGHT_and_DISCLAIMER for a complete copyright
+  * notice, contact person, and disclaimer.
+  *
+  * $Revision: 1.1 $
+  *********************************************************************EHEADER*/
+ /******************************************************************************
+  *
+  * Memory management utilities
+  *
+  *****************************************************************************/
+ #include <stdlib.h>
+ #include <stdio.h>
+ #include "utilities.h"
+ #include "threading.h"
+ #include "umalloc_local.h"
+ #define _umalloc_(size) (threadid == hypre_NumThreads) ? \
+                         (char *) malloc(size) : \
+                         (char *) _umalloc(_uparam[threadid].myheap, size)
+ #define _ucalloc_(count, size) (threadid == hypre_NumThreads) ? \
+                                (char *) calloc(count, size) : \
+                                (char *) _ucalloc(_uparam[threadid].myheap,\
+                                                  count, size)
+ #define _urealloc_(ptr, size) (threadid == hypre_NumThreads) ? \
+                               (char *) realloc(ptr, size) : \
+                               (char *) _urealloc(ptr, size)
+ #define _ufree_(ptr)          (threadid == hypre_NumThreads) ? \
+                               free(ptr) : _ufree(ptr)
+ #endif
+ #else
+ #endif
+ #endif
+ /******************************************************************************
+  *
+  * Standard routines
+  *
+  *****************************************************************************/
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_OutOfMemory
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ hypre_OutOfMemory( int size )
+ {
+    printf("Out of memory trying to allocate %d bytes\n", size);
+    fflush(stdout);
+    return 0;
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_MAlloc
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ char *
+ hypre_MAlloc( int size )
+ {
+    char *ptr;
+    if (size > 0)
+    {
+       int threadid = hypre_GetThreadID();
+       ptr = _umalloc_(size);
+ #else
+       ptr = malloc(size);
+ #endif
+ #if 1
+       if (ptr == NULL)
+       {
+         hypre_OutOfMemory(size);
+       }
+ #endif
+    }
+    else
+    {
+       ptr = NULL;
+    }
+    return ptr;
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_CAlloc
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ char *
+ hypre_CAlloc( int count,
+               int elt_size )
+ {
+    char *ptr;
+    int   size = count*elt_size;
+    if (size > 0)
+    {
+       int threadid = hypre_GetThreadID();
+       ptr = _ucalloc_(count, elt_size);
+ #else
+       ptr = calloc(count, elt_size);
+ #endif
+ #if 1
+       if (ptr == NULL)
+       {
+         hypre_OutOfMemory(size);
+       }
+ #endif
+    }
+    else
+    {
+       ptr = NULL;
+    }
+    return ptr;
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_ReAlloc
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ char *
+ hypre_ReAlloc( char *ptr,
+                int   size )
+ {
+    if (ptr == NULL)
+    {
+       ptr = hypre_MAlloc(size);
+    }
+    else if (size == 0)
+    {
+       hypre_Free(ptr);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+       int threadid = hypre_GetThreadID();
+       ptr = _urealloc_(ptr, size);
+    }
+ #else
+    ptr = realloc(ptr, size);
+ #endif
+ #if 1
+    if ((ptr == NULL) && (size > 0))
+    {
+       hypre_OutOfMemory(size);
+    }
+ #endif
+    return ptr;
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_Free
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ void
+ hypre_Free( char *ptr )
+ {
+    if (ptr)
+    {
+       int threadid = hypre_GetThreadID();
+       _ufree_(ptr);
+ #else
+       free(ptr);
+ #endif
+    }
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * These Shared routines are for one thread to allocate memory for data
+  * will be visible to all threads.  The file-scope pointer
+  * global_alloc_ptr is used in these routines.
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ char *global_alloc_ptr;
+ double *global_data_ptr;
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_SharedMAlloc
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ char *
+ hypre_SharedMAlloc( int size )
+ {
+    char *ptr;
+    int unthreaded = pthread_equal(initial_thread, pthread_self());
+    int I_call_malloc = unthreaded ||
+                        pthread_equal(hypre_thread[0],pthread_self());
+    if (I_call_malloc) {
+       global_alloc_ptr = hypre_MAlloc( size );
+    }
+    hypre_barrier(&talloc_mtx, unthreaded);
+    ptr = global_alloc_ptr;
+    hypre_barrier(&talloc_mtx, unthreaded);
+    return ptr;
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_SharedCAlloc
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ char *
+ hypre_SharedCAlloc( int count,
+               int elt_size )
+ {
+    char *ptr;
+    int unthreaded = pthread_equal(initial_thread, pthread_self());
+    int I_call_calloc = unthreaded ||
+                        pthread_equal(hypre_thread[0],pthread_self());
+    if (I_call_calloc) {
+       global_alloc_ptr = hypre_CAlloc( count, elt_size );
+    }
+    hypre_barrier(&talloc_mtx, unthreaded);
+    ptr = global_alloc_ptr;
+    hypre_barrier(&talloc_mtx, unthreaded);
+    return ptr;
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_SharedReAlloc
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ char *
+ hypre_SharedReAlloc( char *ptr,
+                      int   size )
+ {
+    int unthreaded = pthread_equal(initial_thread, pthread_self());
+    int I_call_realloc = unthreaded ||
+                        pthread_equal(hypre_thread[0],pthread_self());
+    if (I_call_realloc) {
+       global_alloc_ptr = hypre_ReAlloc( ptr, size );
+    }
+    hypre_barrier(&talloc_mtx, unthreaded);
+    ptr = global_alloc_ptr;
+    hypre_barrier(&talloc_mtx, unthreaded);
+    return ptr;
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_SharedFree
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ void
+ hypre_SharedFree( char *ptr )
+ {
+    int unthreaded = pthread_equal(initial_thread, pthread_self());
+    int I_call_free = unthreaded ||
+                      pthread_equal(hypre_thread[0],pthread_self());
+    hypre_barrier(&talloc_mtx, unthreaded);
+    if (I_call_free) {
+       hypre_Free(ptr);
+    }
+    hypre_barrier(&talloc_mtx, unthreaded);
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_IncrementSharedDataPtr
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ double *
+ hypre_IncrementSharedDataPtr( double *ptr, int size )
+ {
+    int unthreaded = pthread_equal(initial_thread, pthread_self());
+    int I_increment = unthreaded ||
+                      pthread_equal(hypre_thread[0],pthread_self());
+    if (I_increment) {
+       global_data_ptr = ptr + size;
+    }
+    hypre_barrier(&talloc_mtx, unthreaded);
+    ptr = global_data_ptr;
+    hypre_barrier(&talloc_mtx, unthreaded);
+    return ptr;
+ }
+ #endif

Index: llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/ASCI_Purple/SMG2000/memory.h
diff -c /dev/null llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/ASCI_Purple/SMG2000/memory.h:1.1
*** /dev/null	Mon Apr 11 00:22:18 2005
--- llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/ASCI_Purple/SMG2000/memory.h	Mon Apr 11 00:22:07 2005
*** 0 ****
--- 1,125 ----
+ /*BHEADER**********************************************************************
+  * (c) 1997   The Regents of the University of California
+  *
+  * See the file COPYRIGHT_and_DISCLAIMER for a complete copyright
+  * notice, contact person, and disclaimer.
+  *
+  * $Revision: 1.1 $
+  *********************************************************************EHEADER*/
+ /******************************************************************************
+  *
+  * Header file for memory management utilities
+  *
+  *****************************************************************************/
+ #ifndef hypre_MEMORY_HEADER
+ #define hypre_MEMORY_HEADER
+ #ifdef __cplusplus
+ extern "C" {
+ #endif
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * Use "Debug Malloc Library", dmalloc
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ #define hypre_InitMemoryDebug(id)    hypre_InitMemoryDebugDML(id)
+ #define hypre_FinalizeMemoryDebug()  hypre_FinalizeMemoryDebugDML()
+ #define hypre_TAlloc(type, count) \
+ ( (type *)hypre_MAllocDML((unsigned int)(sizeof(type) * (count)),\
+                           __FILE__, __LINE__) )
+ #define hypre_CTAlloc(type, count) \
+ ( (type *)hypre_CAllocDML((unsigned int)(count), (unsigned int)sizeof(type),\
+                           __FILE__, __LINE__) )
+ #define hypre_TReAlloc(ptr, type, count) \
+ ( (type *)hypre_ReAllocDML((char *)ptr,\
+                            (unsigned int)(sizeof(type) * (count)),\
+                            __FILE__, __LINE__) )
+ #define hypre_TFree(ptr) \
+ ( hypre_FreeDML((char *)ptr, __FILE__, __LINE__), ptr = NULL )
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * Use standard memory routines
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ #else
+ #define hypre_InitMemoryDebug(id)
+ #define hypre_FinalizeMemoryDebug()  
+ #define hypre_TAlloc(type, count) \
+ ( (type *)hypre_MAlloc((unsigned int)(sizeof(type) * (count))) )
+ #define hypre_CTAlloc(type, count) \
+ ( (type *)hypre_CAlloc((unsigned int)(count), (unsigned int)sizeof(type)) )
+ #define hypre_TReAlloc(ptr, type, count) \
+ ( (type *)hypre_ReAlloc((char *)ptr, (unsigned int)(sizeof(type) * (count))) )
+ #define hypre_TFree(ptr) \
+ ( hypre_Free((char *)ptr), ptr = NULL )
+ #endif
+ #define hypre_SharedTAlloc(type, count) \
+ ( (type *)hypre_SharedMAlloc((unsigned int)(sizeof(type) * (count))) )
+ #define hypre_SharedCTAlloc(type, count) \
+ ( (type *)hypre_SharedCAlloc((unsigned int)(count),\
+                              (unsigned int)sizeof(type)) )
+ #define hypre_SharedTReAlloc(ptr, type, count) \
+ ( (type *)hypre_SharedReAlloc((char *)ptr,\
+                               (unsigned int)(sizeof(type) * (count))) )
+ #define hypre_SharedTFree(ptr) \
+ ( hypre_SharedFree((char *)ptr), ptr = NULL )
+ #else
+ #define hypre_SharedTAlloc(type, count) hypre_TAlloc(type, (count))
+ #define hypre_SharedCTAlloc(type, count) hypre_CTAlloc(type, (count))
+ #define hypre_SharedTReAlloc(type, count) hypre_TReAlloc(type, (count))
+ #define hypre_SharedTFree(ptr) hypre_TFree(ptr)
+ #endif
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * Prototypes
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ /* memory.c */
+ int hypre_OutOfMemory( int size );
+ char *hypre_MAlloc( int size );
+ char *hypre_CAlloc( int count , int elt_size );
+ char *hypre_ReAlloc( char *ptr , int size );
+ void hypre_Free( char *ptr );
+ char *hypre_SharedMAlloc( int size );
+ char *hypre_SharedCAlloc( int count , int elt_size );
+ char *hypre_SharedReAlloc( char *ptr , int size );
+ void hypre_SharedFree( char *ptr );
+ double *hypre_IncrementSharedDataPtr( double *ptr , int size );
+ /* memory_dmalloc.c */
+ int hypre_InitMemoryDebugDML( int id );
+ int hypre_FinalizeMemoryDebugDML( void );
+ char *hypre_MAllocDML( int size , char *file , int line );
+ char *hypre_CAllocDML( int count , int elt_size , char *file , int line );
+ char *hypre_ReAllocDML( char *ptr , int size , char *file , int line );
+ void hypre_FreeDML( char *ptr , char *file , int line );
+ #ifdef __cplusplus
+ }
+ #endif
+ #endif

Index: llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/ASCI_Purple/SMG2000/mpistubs.c
diff -c /dev/null llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/ASCI_Purple/SMG2000/mpistubs.c:1.1
*** /dev/null	Mon Apr 11 00:22:18 2005
--- llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/ASCI_Purple/SMG2000/mpistubs.c	Mon Apr 11 00:22:07 2005
*** 0 ****
--- 1,496 ----
+ /*BHEADER**********************************************************************
+  * (c) 1998   The Regents of the University of California
+  *
+  * See the file COPYRIGHT_and_DISCLAIMER for a complete copyright
+  * notice, contact person, and disclaimer.
+  *
+  * $Revision: 1.1 $
+  *********************************************************************EHEADER*/
+ /******************************************************************************
+  *
+  *  Fake mpi stubs to generate serial codes without mpi
+  *
+  *****************************************************************************/
+ #include "utilities.h"
+ int
+ hypre_MPI_Init( int    *argc,
+                 char ***argv )
+ {
+    return(0);
+ }
+ int
+ hypre_MPI_Finalize( )
+ {
+    return(0);
+ }
+ int
+ hypre_MPI_Abort( hypre_MPI_Comm  comm,
+                  int             errorcode )
+ {
+    return(0);
+ }
+ double
+ hypre_MPI_Wtime( )
+ {
+    return(0.0);
+ }
+ double
+ hypre_MPI_Wtick( )
+ {
+    return(0.0);
+ }
+ int
+ hypre_MPI_Barrier( hypre_MPI_Comm comm )
+ {
+    return(0);
+ }
+ int
+ hypre_MPI_Comm_create( hypre_MPI_Comm  comm,
+                        hypre_MPI_Group group,
+                        hypre_MPI_Comm *newcomm )
+ {
+    return(0);
+ }
+ int
+ hypre_MPI_Comm_dup( hypre_MPI_Comm  comm,
+                     hypre_MPI_Comm *newcomm )
+ {
+    return(0);
+ }
+ int
+ hypre_MPI_Comm_size( hypre_MPI_Comm comm,
+                      int           *size )
+ { 
+    *size = 1;
+    return(0);
+ }
+ int
+ hypre_MPI_Comm_rank( hypre_MPI_Comm comm,
+                      int           *rank )
+ { 
+    *rank = 0;
+    return(0);
+ }
+ int
+ hypre_MPI_Comm_free( hypre_MPI_Comm *comm )
+ {
+    return 0;
+ }
+ int
+ hypre_MPI_Comm_group( hypre_MPI_Comm   comm,
+                       hypre_MPI_Group *group )
+ {
+    return(0);
+ }
+ int
+ hypre_MPI_Group_incl( hypre_MPI_Group  group,
+                       int              n,
+                       int             *ranks,
+                       hypre_MPI_Group *newgroup )
+ {
+    return(0);
+ }
+ int
+ hypre_MPI_Group_free( hypre_MPI_Group *group )
+ {
+    return 0;
+ }
+ int
+ hypre_MPI_Address( void           *location,
+                    hypre_MPI_Aint *address )
+ {
+    return(0);
+ }
+ int
+ hypre_MPI_Get_count( hypre_MPI_Status   *status,
+                      hypre_MPI_Datatype  datatype,
+                      int                *count )
+ {
+    return(0);
+ }
+ int
+ hypre_MPI_Alltoall( void              *sendbuf,
+                     int                sendcount,
+                     hypre_MPI_Datatype sendtype,
+                     void              *recvbuf,
+                     int                recvcount,
+                     hypre_MPI_Datatype recvtype,
+                     hypre_MPI_Comm     comm )
+ {
+    return(0);
+ }
+ int
+ hypre_MPI_Allgather( void              *sendbuf,
+                      int                sendcount,
+                      hypre_MPI_Datatype sendtype,
+                      void              *recvbuf,
+                      int                recvcount,
+                      hypre_MPI_Datatype recvtype,
+                      hypre_MPI_Comm     comm ) 
+ {
+    int i;
+    switch (sendtype)
+    {
+       case hypre_MPI_INT:
+       {
+          int *crecvbuf = (int *)recvbuf;
+          int *csendbuf = (int *)sendbuf;
+          for (i = 0; i < sendcount; i++)
+          {
+ 	    crecvbuf[i] = csendbuf[i];
+          }
+       } 
+       break;
+       case hypre_MPI_DOUBLE:
+       {
+          double *crecvbuf = (double *)recvbuf;
+          double *csendbuf = (double *)sendbuf;
+          for (i = 0; i < sendcount; i++)
+          {
+ 	    crecvbuf[i] = csendbuf[i];
+          }
+       } 
+       break;
+       case hypre_MPI_CHAR:
+       {
+          char *crecvbuf = (char *)recvbuf;
+          char *csendbuf = (char *)sendbuf;
+          for (i = 0; i < sendcount; i++)
+          {
+ 	    crecvbuf[i] = csendbuf[i];
+          }
+       } 
+       break;
+    }
+    return(0);
+ }
+ int
+ hypre_MPI_Allgatherv( void              *sendbuf,
+                       int                sendcount,
+                       hypre_MPI_Datatype sendtype,
+                       void              *recvbuf,
+                       int               *recvcounts,
+                       int               *displs, 
+                       hypre_MPI_Datatype recvtype,
+                       hypre_MPI_Comm     comm ) 
+ { 
+    return ( hypre_MPI_Allgather(sendbuf, sendcount, sendtype,
+                                 recvbuf, *recvcounts, recvtype, comm) );
+ }
+ int
+ hypre_MPI_Gather( void              *sendbuf,
+                   int                sendcount,
+                   hypre_MPI_Datatype sendtype,
+                   void              *recvbuf,
+                   int                recvcount,
+                   hypre_MPI_Datatype recvtype,
+                   int                root,
+                   hypre_MPI_Comm     comm )
+ {
+    return ( hypre_MPI_Allgather(sendbuf, sendcount, sendtype,
+                                 recvbuf, recvcount, recvtype, comm) );
+ }
+ int
+ hypre_MPI_Scatter( void              *sendbuf,
+                    int                sendcount,
+                    hypre_MPI_Datatype sendtype,
+                    void              *recvbuf,
+                    int                recvcount,
+                    hypre_MPI_Datatype recvtype,
+                    int                root,
+                    hypre_MPI_Comm     comm )
+ {
+    return ( hypre_MPI_Allgather(sendbuf, sendcount, sendtype,
+                                 recvbuf, recvcount, recvtype, comm) );
+ }
+ int
+ hypre_MPI_Bcast( void              *buffer,
+                  int                count,
+                  hypre_MPI_Datatype datatype,
+                  int                root,
+                  hypre_MPI_Comm     comm ) 
+ { 
+    return(0);
+ }
+ int
+ hypre_MPI_Send( void              *buf,
+                 int                count,
+                 hypre_MPI_Datatype datatype,
+                 int                dest,
+                 int                tag,
+                 hypre_MPI_Comm     comm ) 
+ { 
+    return(0);
+ }
+ int
+ hypre_MPI_Recv( void              *buf,
+                 int                count,
+                 hypre_MPI_Datatype datatype,
+                 int                source,
+                 int                tag,
+                 hypre_MPI_Comm     comm,
+                 hypre_MPI_Status  *status )
+ { 
+    return(0);
+ }
+ int
+ hypre_MPI_Isend( void              *buf,
+                  int                count,
+                  hypre_MPI_Datatype datatype,
+                  int                dest,
+                  int                tag,
+                  hypre_MPI_Comm     comm,
+                  hypre_MPI_Request *request )
+ { 
+    return(0);
+ }
+ int
+ hypre_MPI_Irecv( void              *buf,
+                  int                count,
+                  hypre_MPI_Datatype datatype,
+                  int                source,
+                  int                tag,
+                  hypre_MPI_Comm     comm,
+                  hypre_MPI_Request *request )
+ { 
+    return(0);
+ }
+ int
+ hypre_MPI_Send_init( void              *buf,
+                      int                count,
+                      hypre_MPI_Datatype datatype,
+                      int                dest,
+                      int                tag, 
+                      hypre_MPI_Comm     comm,
+                      hypre_MPI_Request *request )
+ {
+    return 0;
+ }
+ int
+ hypre_MPI_Recv_init( void              *buf,
+                      int                count,
+                      hypre_MPI_Datatype datatype,
+                      int                dest,
+                      int                tag, 
+                      hypre_MPI_Comm     comm,
+                      hypre_MPI_Request *request )
+ {
+    return 0;
+ }
+ int
+ hypre_MPI_Irsend( void              *buf,
+                   int                count,
+                   hypre_MPI_Datatype datatype,
+                   int                dest,
+                   int                tag, 
+                   hypre_MPI_Comm     comm,
+                   hypre_MPI_Request *request )
+ {
+    return 0;
+ }
+ int
+ hypre_MPI_Startall( int                count,
+                     hypre_MPI_Request *array_of_requests )
+ {
+    return 0;
+ }
+ int
+ hypre_MPI_Probe( int               source,
+                  int               tag,
+                  hypre_MPI_Comm    comm,
+                  hypre_MPI_Status *status )
+ {
+    return 0;
+ }
+ int
+ hypre_MPI_Iprobe( int               source,
+                   int               tag,
+                   hypre_MPI_Comm    comm,
+                   int              *flag,
+                   hypre_MPI_Status *status )
+ {
+    return 0;
+ }
+ int
+ hypre_MPI_Test( hypre_MPI_Request *request,
+                 int               *flag,
+                 hypre_MPI_Status  *status )
+ {
+    *flag = 1;
+    return(0);
+ }
+ int
+ hypre_MPI_Testall( int                count,
+                    hypre_MPI_Request *array_of_requests,
+                    int               *flag,
+                    hypre_MPI_Status  *array_of_statuses )
+ {
+    *flag = 1;
+    return(0);
+ }
+ int
+ hypre_MPI_Wait( hypre_MPI_Request *request,
+                 hypre_MPI_Status  *status )
+ {
+    return(0);
+ }
+ int
+ hypre_MPI_Waitall( int                count,
+                    hypre_MPI_Request *array_of_requests,
+                    hypre_MPI_Status  *array_of_statuses )
+ {
+    return(0);
+ }
+ int
+ hypre_MPI_Waitany( int                count,
+                    hypre_MPI_Request *array_of_requests,
+                    int               *index,
+                    hypre_MPI_Status  *status )
+ {
+    return(0);
+ }
+ int
+ hypre_MPI_Allreduce( void              *sendbuf,
+                      void              *recvbuf,
+                      int                count,
+                      hypre_MPI_Datatype datatype,
+                      hypre_MPI_Op       op,
+                      hypre_MPI_Comm     comm )
+ { 
+    switch (datatype)
+    {
+       case hypre_MPI_INT:
+       {
+          int *crecvbuf = (int *)recvbuf;
+          int *csendbuf = (int *)sendbuf;
+          crecvbuf[0] = csendbuf[0];
+       } 
+       break;
+       case hypre_MPI_DOUBLE:
+       {
+          double *crecvbuf = (double *)recvbuf;
+          double *csendbuf = (double *)sendbuf;
+          crecvbuf[0] = csendbuf[0];
+       } 
+       break;
+       case hypre_MPI_CHAR:
+       {
+          char *crecvbuf = (char *)recvbuf;
+          char *csendbuf = (char *)sendbuf;
+          crecvbuf[0] = csendbuf[0];
+       } 
+       break;
+    }
+    return(0);
+ }
+ int
+ hypre_MPI_Request_free( hypre_MPI_Request *request )
+ {
+    return 0;
+ }
+ int
+ hypre_MPI_Type_contiguous( int                 count,
+                            hypre_MPI_Datatype  oldtype,
+                            hypre_MPI_Datatype *newtype )
+ {
+    return(0);
+ }
+ int
+ hypre_MPI_Type_vector( int                 count,
+                        int                 blocklength,
+                        int                 stride,
+                        hypre_MPI_Datatype  oldtype,
+                        hypre_MPI_Datatype *newtype )
+ {
+    return(0);
+ }
+ int
+ hypre_MPI_Type_hvector( int                 count,
+                         int                 blocklength,
+                         hypre_MPI_Aint      stride,
+                         hypre_MPI_Datatype  oldtype,
+                         hypre_MPI_Datatype *newtype )
+ {
+    return(0);
+ }
+ int
+ hypre_MPI_Type_struct( int                 count,
+                        int                *array_of_blocklengths,
+                        hypre_MPI_Aint     *array_of_displacements,
+                        hypre_MPI_Datatype *array_of_types,
+                        hypre_MPI_Datatype *newtype )
+ {
+    return(0);
+ }
+ int
+ hypre_MPI_Type_commit( hypre_MPI_Datatype *datatype )
+ {
+    return(0);
+ }
+ int
+ hypre_MPI_Type_free( hypre_MPI_Datatype *datatype )
+ {
+    return(0);
+ }
+ #else
+ /* this is used only to eliminate compiler warnings */
+ int hypre_empty;
+ #endif

Index: llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/ASCI_Purple/SMG2000/mpistubs.h
diff -c /dev/null llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/ASCI_Purple/SMG2000/mpistubs.h:1.1
*** /dev/null	Mon Apr 11 00:22:18 2005
--- llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/ASCI_Purple/SMG2000/mpistubs.h	Mon Apr 11 00:22:07 2005
*** 0 ****
--- 1,192 ----
+ /*BHEADER**********************************************************************
+  * (c) 1998   The Regents of the University of California
+  *
+  * See the file COPYRIGHT_and_DISCLAIMER for a complete copyright
+  * notice, contact person, and disclaimer.
+  *
+  * $Revision: 1.1 $
+  *********************************************************************EHEADER*/
+ /******************************************************************************
+  *
+  *  Fake mpi stubs to generate serial codes without mpi
+  *
+  *****************************************************************************/
+ #ifndef hypre_MPISTUBS
+ #define hypre_MPISTUBS
+ #ifdef __cplusplus
+ extern "C" {
+ #endif
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * Change all MPI names to hypre_MPI names to avoid link conflicts
+  *
+  * NOTE: MPI_Comm is the only MPI symbol in the HYPRE user interface,
+  * and is defined in `HYPRE_utilities.h'.
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ #define MPI_Comm            hypre_MPI_Comm            
+ #define MPI_Group           hypre_MPI_Group            
+ #define MPI_Request         hypre_MPI_Request          
+ #define MPI_Datatype        hypre_MPI_Datatype         
+ #define MPI_Status          hypre_MPI_Status           
+ #define MPI_Op              hypre_MPI_Op               
+ #define MPI_Aint            hypre_MPI_Aint             
+ #define MPI_COMM_WORLD      hypre_MPI_COMM_WORLD       
+ #define MPI_BOTTOM  	    hypre_MPI_BOTTOM
+ #define MPI_DOUBLE          hypre_MPI_DOUBLE           
+ #define MPI_INT             hypre_MPI_INT              
+ #define MPI_CHAR            hypre_MPI_CHAR             
+ #define MPI_LONG            hypre_MPI_LONG             
+ #define MPI_SUM             hypre_MPI_SUM              
+ #define MPI_MIN             hypre_MPI_MIN              
+ #define MPI_MAX             hypre_MPI_MAX              
+ #define MPI_LOR             hypre_MPI_LOR              
+ #define MPI_UNDEFINED       hypre_MPI_UNDEFINED        
+ #define MPI_REQUEST_NULL    hypre_MPI_REQUEST_NULL        
+ #define MPI_ANY_SOURCE      hypre_MPI_ANY_SOURCE        
+ #define MPI_Init            hypre_MPI_Init             
+ #define MPI_Finalize        hypre_MPI_Finalize         
+ #define MPI_Abort           hypre_MPI_Abort         
+ #define MPI_Wtime           hypre_MPI_Wtime            
+ #define MPI_Wtick           hypre_MPI_Wtick            
+ #define MPI_Barrier         hypre_MPI_Barrier          
+ #define MPI_Comm_create     hypre_MPI_Comm_create      
+ #define MPI_Comm_dup        hypre_MPI_Comm_dup         
+ #define MPI_Comm_group      hypre_MPI_Comm_group       
+ #define MPI_Comm_size       hypre_MPI_Comm_size        
+ #define MPI_Comm_rank       hypre_MPI_Comm_rank        
+ #define MPI_Comm_free       hypre_MPI_Comm_free        
+ #define MPI_Group_incl      hypre_MPI_Group_incl       
+ #define MPI_Group_free      hypre_MPI_Group_free        
+ #define MPI_Address         hypre_MPI_Address        
+ #define MPI_Get_count       hypre_MPI_Get_count        
+ #define MPI_Alltoall        hypre_MPI_Alltoall        
+ #define MPI_Allgather       hypre_MPI_Allgather        
+ #define MPI_Allgatherv      hypre_MPI_Allgatherv       
+ #define MPI_Gather          hypre_MPI_Gather       
+ #define MPI_Scatter         hypre_MPI_Scatter       
+ #define MPI_Bcast           hypre_MPI_Bcast            
+ #define MPI_Send            hypre_MPI_Send             
+ #define MPI_Recv            hypre_MPI_Recv             
+ #define MPI_Isend           hypre_MPI_Isend            
+ #define MPI_Irecv           hypre_MPI_Irecv            
+ #define MPI_Send_init       hypre_MPI_Send_init             
+ #define MPI_Recv_init       hypre_MPI_Recv_init             
+ #define MPI_Irsend          hypre_MPI_Irsend             
+ #define MPI_Startall        hypre_MPI_Startall             
+ #define MPI_Probe           hypre_MPI_Probe             
+ #define MPI_Iprobe          hypre_MPI_Iprobe             
+ #define MPI_Test            hypre_MPI_Test             
+ #define MPI_Testall         hypre_MPI_Testall
+ #define MPI_Wait            hypre_MPI_Wait             
+ #define MPI_Waitall         hypre_MPI_Waitall          
+ #define MPI_Waitany         hypre_MPI_Waitany          
+ #define MPI_Allreduce       hypre_MPI_Allreduce        
+ #define MPI_Request_free    hypre_MPI_Request_free        
+ #define MPI_Type_contiguous hypre_MPI_Type_contiguous     
+ #define MPI_Type_vector     hypre_MPI_Type_vector     
+ #define MPI_Type_hvector    hypre_MPI_Type_hvector     
+ #define MPI_Type_struct     hypre_MPI_Type_struct      
+ #define MPI_Type_commit     hypre_MPI_Type_commit
+ #define MPI_Type_free       hypre_MPI_Type_free        
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * Types, etc.
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ /* These types have associated creation and destruction routines */
+ typedef int hypre_MPI_Comm;
+ typedef int hypre_MPI_Group;
+ typedef int hypre_MPI_Request;
+ typedef int hypre_MPI_Datatype;
+ typedef struct { int MPI_SOURCE; } hypre_MPI_Status;
+ typedef int  hypre_MPI_Op;
+ typedef int  hypre_MPI_Aint;
+ #define  hypre_MPI_COMM_WORLD 0
+ #define  hypre_MPI_BOTTOM  0x0
+ #define  hypre_MPI_DOUBLE 0
+ #define  hypre_MPI_INT 1
+ #define  hypre_MPI_CHAR 2
+ #define  hypre_MPI_LONG 3
+ #define  hypre_MPI_SUM 0
+ #define  hypre_MPI_MIN 1
+ #define  hypre_MPI_MAX 2
+ #define  hypre_MPI_LOR 3
+ #define  hypre_MPI_UNDEFINED -9999
+ #define  hypre_MPI_REQUEST_NULL  0
+ #define  hypre_MPI_ANY_SOURCE    1
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * Prototypes
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ /* mpistubs.c */
+ int hypre_MPI_Init( int *argc , char ***argv );
+ int hypre_MPI_Finalize( void );
+ int hypre_MPI_Abort( hypre_MPI_Comm comm , int errorcode );
+ double hypre_MPI_Wtime( void );
+ double hypre_MPI_Wtick( void );
+ int hypre_MPI_Barrier( hypre_MPI_Comm comm );
+ int hypre_MPI_Comm_create( hypre_MPI_Comm comm , hypre_MPI_Group group , hypre_MPI_Comm *newcomm );
+ int hypre_MPI_Comm_dup( hypre_MPI_Comm comm , hypre_MPI_Comm *newcomm );
+ int hypre_MPI_Comm_size( hypre_MPI_Comm comm , int *size );
+ int hypre_MPI_Comm_rank( hypre_MPI_Comm comm , int *rank );
+ int hypre_MPI_Comm_free( hypre_MPI_Comm *comm );
+ int hypre_MPI_Comm_group( hypre_MPI_Comm comm , hypre_MPI_Group *group );
+ int hypre_MPI_Group_incl( hypre_MPI_Group group , int n , int *ranks , hypre_MPI_Group *newgroup );
+ int hypre_MPI_Group_free( hypre_MPI_Group *group );
+ int hypre_MPI_Address( void *location , hypre_MPI_Aint *address );
+ int hypre_MPI_Get_count( hypre_MPI_Status *status , hypre_MPI_Datatype datatype , int *count );
+ int hypre_MPI_Alltoall( void *sendbuf , int sendcount , hypre_MPI_Datatype sendtype , void *recvbuf , int recvcount , hypre_MPI_Datatype recvtype , hypre_MPI_Comm comm );
+ int hypre_MPI_Allgather( void *sendbuf , int sendcount , hypre_MPI_Datatype sendtype , void *recvbuf , int recvcount , hypre_MPI_Datatype recvtype , hypre_MPI_Comm comm );
+ int hypre_MPI_Allgatherv( void *sendbuf , int sendcount , hypre_MPI_Datatype sendtype , void *recvbuf , int *recvcounts , int *displs , hypre_MPI_Datatype recvtype , hypre_MPI_Comm comm );
+ int hypre_MPI_Gather( void *sendbuf , int sendcount , hypre_MPI_Datatype sendtype , void *recvbuf , int recvcount , hypre_MPI_Datatype recvtype , int root , hypre_MPI_Comm comm );
+ int hypre_MPI_Scatter( void *sendbuf , int sendcount , hypre_MPI_Datatype sendtype , void *recvbuf , int recvcount , hypre_MPI_Datatype recvtype , int root , hypre_MPI_Comm comm );
+ int hypre_MPI_Bcast( void *buffer , int count , hypre_MPI_Datatype datatype , int root , hypre_MPI_Comm comm );
+ int hypre_MPI_Send( void *buf , int count , hypre_MPI_Datatype datatype , int dest , int tag , hypre_MPI_Comm comm );
+ int hypre_MPI_Recv( void *buf , int count , hypre_MPI_Datatype datatype , int source , int tag , hypre_MPI_Comm comm , hypre_MPI_Status *status );
+ int hypre_MPI_Isend( void *buf , int count , hypre_MPI_Datatype datatype , int dest , int tag , hypre_MPI_Comm comm , hypre_MPI_Request *request );
+ int hypre_MPI_Irecv( void *buf , int count , hypre_MPI_Datatype datatype , int source , int tag , hypre_MPI_Comm comm , hypre_MPI_Request *request );
+ int hypre_MPI_Send_init( void *buf , int count , hypre_MPI_Datatype datatype , int dest , int tag , hypre_MPI_Comm comm , hypre_MPI_Request *request );
+ int hypre_MPI_Recv_init( void *buf , int count , hypre_MPI_Datatype datatype , int dest , int tag , hypre_MPI_Comm comm , hypre_MPI_Request *request );
+ int hypre_MPI_Irsend( void *buf , int count , hypre_MPI_Datatype datatype , int dest , int tag , hypre_MPI_Comm comm , hypre_MPI_Request *request );
+ int hypre_MPI_Startall( int count , hypre_MPI_Request *array_of_requests );
+ int hypre_MPI_Probe( int source , int tag , hypre_MPI_Comm comm , hypre_MPI_Status *status );
+ int hypre_MPI_Iprobe( int source , int tag , hypre_MPI_Comm comm , int *flag , hypre_MPI_Status *status );
+ int hypre_MPI_Test( hypre_MPI_Request *request , int *flag , hypre_MPI_Status *status );
+ int hypre_MPI_Testall( int count , hypre_MPI_Request *array_of_requests , int *flag , hypre_MPI_Status *array_of_statuses );
+ int hypre_MPI_Wait( hypre_MPI_Request *request , hypre_MPI_Status *status );
+ int hypre_MPI_Waitall( int count , hypre_MPI_Request *array_of_requests , hypre_MPI_Status *array_of_statuses );
+ int hypre_MPI_Waitany( int count , hypre_MPI_Request *array_of_requests , int *index , hypre_MPI_Status *status );
+ int hypre_MPI_Allreduce( void *sendbuf , void *recvbuf , int count , hypre_MPI_Datatype datatype , hypre_MPI_Op op , hypre_MPI_Comm comm );
+ int hypre_MPI_Request_free( hypre_MPI_Request *request );
+ int hypre_MPI_Type_contiguous( int count , hypre_MPI_Datatype oldtype , hypre_MPI_Datatype *newtype );
+ int hypre_MPI_Type_vector( int count , int blocklength , int stride , hypre_MPI_Datatype oldtype , hypre_MPI_Datatype *newtype );
+ int hypre_MPI_Type_hvector( int count , int blocklength , hypre_MPI_Aint stride , hypre_MPI_Datatype oldtype , hypre_MPI_Datatype *newtype );
+ int hypre_MPI_Type_struct( int count , int *array_of_blocklengths , hypre_MPI_Aint *array_of_displacements , hypre_MPI_Datatype *array_of_types , hypre_MPI_Datatype *newtype );
+ int hypre_MPI_Type_commit( hypre_MPI_Datatype *datatype );
+ int hypre_MPI_Type_free( hypre_MPI_Datatype *datatype );
+ #ifdef __cplusplus
+ }
+ #endif
+ #endif
+ #endif

Index: llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/ASCI_Purple/SMG2000/pcg.c
diff -c /dev/null llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/ASCI_Purple/SMG2000/pcg.c:1.1
*** /dev/null	Mon Apr 11 00:22:18 2005
--- llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/ASCI_Purple/SMG2000/pcg.c	Mon Apr 11 00:22:07 2005
*** 0 ****
--- 1,658 ----
+ /*BHEADER**********************************************************************
+  * (c) 2000   The Regents of the University of California
+  *
+  * See the file COPYRIGHT_and_DISCLAIMER for a complete copyright
+  * notice, contact person, and disclaimer.
+  *
+  * $Revision: 1.1 $
+  *********************************************************************EHEADER*/
+ /******************************************************************************
+  *
+  * Preconditioned conjugate gradient (Omin) functions
+  *
+  *****************************************************************************/
+ /* This was based on the pcg.c formerly in struct_ls, with
+    changes (GetPrecond and stop_crit) for compatibility with the pcg.c
+    in parcsr_ls and elsewhere.  Incompatibilities with the
+    parcsr_ls version:
+    - logging is different; no attempt has been made to be the same
+    - treatment of b=0 in Ax=b is different: this returns x=0; the parcsr
+    version iterates with a special stopping criterion
+ */
+ #include "krylov.h"
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_PCGFunctionsCreate
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ hypre_PCGFunctions *
+ hypre_PCGFunctionsCreate(
+    char * (*CAlloc)        ( int count, int elt_size ),
+    int    (*Free)          ( char *ptr ),
+    void * (*CreateVector)  ( void *vector ),
+    int    (*DestroyVector) ( void *vector ),
+    void * (*MatvecCreate)  ( void *A, void *x ),
+    int    (*Matvec)        ( void *matvec_data, double alpha, void *A,
+                              void *x, double beta, void *y ),
+    int    (*MatvecDestroy) ( void *matvec_data ),
+    double (*InnerProd)     ( void *x, void *y ),
+    int    (*CopyVector)    ( void *x, void *y ),
+    int    (*ClearVector)   ( void *x ),
+    int    (*ScaleVector)   ( double alpha, void *x ),
+    int    (*Axpy)          ( double alpha, void *x, void *y ),
+    int    (*PrecondSetup)  ( void *vdata, void *A, void *b, void *x ),
+    int    (*Precond)       ( void *vdata, void *A, void *b, void *x )
+    )
+ {
+    hypre_PCGFunctions * pcg_functions;
+    pcg_functions = (hypre_PCGFunctions *)
+       CAlloc( 1, sizeof(hypre_PCGFunctions) );
+    pcg_functions->CAlloc = CAlloc;
+    pcg_functions->Free = Free;
+    pcg_functions->CreateVector = CreateVector;
+    pcg_functions->DestroyVector = DestroyVector;
+    pcg_functions->MatvecCreate = MatvecCreate;
+    pcg_functions->Matvec = Matvec;
+    pcg_functions->MatvecDestroy = MatvecDestroy;
+    pcg_functions->InnerProd = InnerProd;
+    pcg_functions->CopyVector = CopyVector;
+    pcg_functions->ClearVector = ClearVector;
+    pcg_functions->ScaleVector = ScaleVector;
+    pcg_functions->Axpy = Axpy;
+ /* default preconditioner must be set here but can be changed later... */
+    pcg_functions->precond_setup = PrecondSetup;
+    pcg_functions->precond       = Precond;
+    return pcg_functions;
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_PCGCreate
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ void *
+ hypre_PCGCreate( hypre_PCGFunctions *pcg_functions )
+ {
+    hypre_PCGData *pcg_data;
+    pcg_data = hypre_CTAllocF(hypre_PCGData, 1, pcg_functions);
+    pcg_data -> functions = pcg_functions;
+    /* set defaults */
+    (pcg_data -> tol)          = 1.0e-06;
+    (pcg_data -> cf_tol)      = 0.0;
+    (pcg_data -> max_iter)     = 1000;
+    (pcg_data -> two_norm)     = 0;
+    (pcg_data -> rel_change)   = 0;
+    (pcg_data -> stop_crit)    = 0;
+    (pcg_data -> matvec_data)  = NULL;
+    (pcg_data -> precond_data)  = NULL;
+    (pcg_data -> logging)      = 0;
+    (pcg_data -> norms)        = NULL;
+    (pcg_data -> rel_norms)    = NULL;
+    return (void *) pcg_data;
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_PCGDestroy
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ hypre_PCGDestroy( void *pcg_vdata )
+ {
+    hypre_PCGData *pcg_data = pcg_vdata;
+    hypre_PCGFunctions *pcg_functions = pcg_data->functions;
+    int ierr = 0;
+    if (pcg_data)
+    {
+       if ((pcg_data -> logging) > 0)
+       {
+          hypre_TFreeF( pcg_data -> norms, pcg_functions );
+          hypre_TFreeF( pcg_data -> rel_norms, pcg_functions );
+       }
+       (*(pcg_functions->MatvecDestroy))(pcg_data -> matvec_data);
+       (*(pcg_functions->DestroyVector))(pcg_data -> p);
+       (*(pcg_functions->DestroyVector))(pcg_data -> s);
+       (*(pcg_functions->DestroyVector))(pcg_data -> r);
+       hypre_TFreeF( pcg_data, pcg_functions );
+       hypre_TFreeF( pcg_functions, pcg_functions );
+    }
+    return(ierr);
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_PCGSetup
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ hypre_PCGSetup( void *pcg_vdata,
+                 void *A,
+                 void *b,
+                 void *x         )
+ {
+    hypre_PCGData *pcg_data = pcg_vdata;
+    hypre_PCGFunctions *pcg_functions = pcg_data->functions;
+    int            max_iter         = (pcg_data -> max_iter);
+    int          (*precond_setup)() = (pcg_functions -> precond_setup);
+    void          *precond_data     = (pcg_data -> precond_data);
+    int            ierr = 0;
+    (pcg_data -> A) = A;
+    /*--------------------------------------------------
+     * The arguments for CreateVector are important to
+     * maintain consistency between the setup and
+     * compute phases of matvec and the preconditioner.
+     *--------------------------------------------------*/
+    (pcg_data -> p) = (*(pcg_functions->CreateVector))(x);
+    (pcg_data -> s) = (*(pcg_functions->CreateVector))(x);
+    (pcg_data -> r) = (*(pcg_functions->CreateVector))(b);
+    (pcg_data -> matvec_data) = (*(pcg_functions->MatvecCreate))(A, x);
+    precond_setup(precond_data, A, b, x);
+    /*-----------------------------------------------------
+     * Allocate space for log info
+     *-----------------------------------------------------*/
+    if ((pcg_data -> logging) > 0)
+    {
+       (pcg_data -> norms)     = hypre_CTAllocF( double, max_iter + 1,
+                                                pcg_functions);
+       (pcg_data -> rel_norms) = hypre_CTAllocF( double, max_iter + 1,
+                                                pcg_functions );
+    }
+    return ierr;
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_PCGSolve
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  *
+  * We use the following convergence test as the default (see Ashby, Holst,
+  * Manteuffel, and Saylor):
+  *
+  *       ||e||_A                           ||r||_C
+  *       -------  <=  [kappa_A(C*A)]^(1/2) -------  < tol
+  *       ||x||_A                           ||b||_C
+  *
+  * where we let (for the time being) kappa_A(CA) = 1.
+  * We implement the test as:
+  *
+  *       gamma = <C*r,r>/<C*b,b>  <  (tol^2) = eps
+  *
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ hypre_PCGSolve( void *pcg_vdata,
+                 void *A,
+                 void *b,
+                 void *x         )
+ {
+    hypre_PCGData  *pcg_data     = pcg_vdata;
+    hypre_PCGFunctions *pcg_functions = pcg_data->functions;
+    double          tol          = (pcg_data -> tol);
+    double          cf_tol       = (pcg_data -> cf_tol);
+    int             max_iter     = (pcg_data -> max_iter);
+    int             two_norm     = (pcg_data -> two_norm);
+    int             rel_change   = (pcg_data -> rel_change);
+    int             stop_crit    = (pcg_data -> stop_crit);
+    void           *p            = (pcg_data -> p);
+    void           *s            = (pcg_data -> s);
+    void           *r            = (pcg_data -> r);
+    void           *matvec_data  = (pcg_data -> matvec_data);
+    int           (*precond)()   = (pcg_functions -> precond);
+    void           *precond_data = (pcg_data -> precond_data);
+    int             logging      = (pcg_data -> logging);
+    double         *norms        = (pcg_data -> norms);
+    double         *rel_norms    = (pcg_data -> rel_norms);
+    double          alpha, beta;
+    double          gamma, gamma_old;
+    double          bi_prod, i_prod, eps;
+    double          pi_prod, xi_prod;
+    double          i_prod_0;
+    double          cf_ave_0 = 0.0;
+    double          cf_ave_1 = 0.0;
+    double          weight;
+    double          guard_zero_residual; 
+    int             i = 0;
+    int             ierr = 0;
+    /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+     * With relative change convergence test on, it is possible to attempt
+     * another iteration with a zero residual. This causes the parameter
+     * alpha to go NaN. The guard_zero_residual parameter is to circumvent
+     * this. Perhaps it should be set to something non-zero (but small).
+     *-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+    guard_zero_residual = 0.0;
+    /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+     * Start pcg solve
+     *-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+    /* compute eps */
+    if (two_norm)
+    {
+       /* bi_prod = <b,b> */
+       bi_prod = (*(pcg_functions->InnerProd))(b, b);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+       /* bi_prod = <C*b,b> */
+       (*(pcg_functions->ClearVector))(p);
+       precond(precond_data, A, b, p);
+       bi_prod = (*(pcg_functions->InnerProd))(p, b);
+    };
+    eps = tol*tol;
+    if ( bi_prod > 0.0 ) {
+       if ( stop_crit && !rel_change ) {  /* absolute tolerance */
+          eps = eps / bi_prod;
+       }
+    }
+    else    /* bi_prod==0.0: the rhs vector b is zero */
+    {
+       /* Set x equal to zero and return */
+       (*(pcg_functions->CopyVector))(b, x);
+       if (logging > 0)
+       {
+          norms[0]     = 0.0;
+          rel_norms[i] = 0.0;
+       }
+       ierr = 0;
+       return ierr;
+    };
+    /* r = b - Ax */
+    (*(pcg_functions->CopyVector))(b, r);
+    (*(pcg_functions->Matvec))(matvec_data, -1.0, A, x, 1.0, r);
+    /* Set initial residual norm */
+    if (logging > 0 || cf_tol > 0.0)
+    {
+       i_prod_0   = (*(pcg_functions->InnerProd))(r,r);
+       if (logging > 0) norms[0] = sqrt(i_prod_0);
+    }
+    /* p = C*r */
+    (*(pcg_functions->ClearVector))(p);
+    precond(precond_data, A, r, p);
+    /* gamma = <r,p> */
+    gamma = (*(pcg_functions->InnerProd))(r,p);
+    while ((i+1) <= max_iter)
+    {
+       i++;
+       /* s = A*p */
+       (*(pcg_functions->Matvec))(matvec_data, 1.0, A, p, 0.0, s);
+       /* alpha = gamma / <s,p> */
+       alpha = gamma / (*(pcg_functions->InnerProd))(s, p);
+       gamma_old = gamma;
+       /* x = x + alpha*p */
+       (*(pcg_functions->Axpy))(alpha, p, x);
+       /* r = r - alpha*s */
+       (*(pcg_functions->Axpy))(-alpha, s, r);
+       /* s = C*r */
+       (*(pcg_functions->ClearVector))(s);
+       precond(precond_data, A, r, s);
+       /* gamma = <r,s> */
+       gamma = (*(pcg_functions->InnerProd))(r, s);
+       /* set i_prod for convergence test */
+       if (two_norm)
+          i_prod = (*(pcg_functions->InnerProd))(r,r);
+       else
+          i_prod = gamma;
+ #if 0
+       if (two_norm)
+          printf("Iter (%d): ||r||_2 = %e, ||r||_2/||b||_2 = %e\n",
+                 i, sqrt(i_prod), (bi_prod ? sqrt(i_prod/bi_prod) : 0));
+       else
+          printf("Iter (%d): ||r||_C = %e, ||r||_C/||b||_C = %e\n",
+                 i, sqrt(i_prod), (bi_prod ? sqrt(i_prod/bi_prod) : 0));
+ #endif
+       /* log norm info */
+       if (logging > 0)
+       {
+          norms[i]     = sqrt(i_prod);
+          rel_norms[i] = bi_prod ? sqrt(i_prod/bi_prod) : 0;
+       }
+       /* check for convergence */
+       if (i_prod / bi_prod < eps)
+       {
+          if (rel_change && i_prod > guard_zero_residual)
+          {
+             pi_prod = (*(pcg_functions->InnerProd))(p,p);
+             xi_prod = (*(pcg_functions->InnerProd))(x,x);
+             if ((alpha*alpha*pi_prod/xi_prod) < eps)
+                break;
+          }
+          else
+          {
+             break;
+          }
+       }
+       /*--------------------------------------------------------------------
+        * Optional test to see if adequate progress is being made.
+        * The average convergence factor is recorded and compared
+        * against the tolerance 'cf_tol'. The weighting factor is  
+        * intended to pay more attention to the test when an accurate
+        * estimate for average convergence factor is available.  
+        *--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+       if (cf_tol > 0.0)
+       {
+          cf_ave_0 = cf_ave_1;
+          cf_ave_1 = pow( i_prod / i_prod_0, 1.0/(2.0*i)); 
+          weight   = fabs(cf_ave_1 - cf_ave_0);
+          weight   = weight / max(cf_ave_1, cf_ave_0);
+          weight   = 1.0 - weight;
+ #if 0
+          printf("I = %d: cf_new = %e, cf_old = %e, weight = %e\n",
+                 i, cf_ave_1, cf_ave_0, weight );
+ #endif
+          if (weight * cf_ave_1 > cf_tol) break;
+       }
+       /* beta = gamma / gamma_old */
+       beta = gamma / gamma_old;
+       /* p = s + beta p */
+       (*(pcg_functions->ScaleVector))(beta, p);   
+       (*(pcg_functions->Axpy))(1.0, s, p);
+    }
+ #if 0
+    if (two_norm)
+       printf("Iterations = %d: ||r||_2 = %e, ||r||_2/||b||_2 = %e\n",
+              i, sqrt(i_prod), (bi_prod ? sqrt(i_prod/bi_prod) : 0));
+    else
+       printf("Iterations = %d: ||r||_C = %e, ||r||_C/||b||_C = %e\n",
+              i, sqrt(i_prod), (bi_prod ? sqrt(i_prod/bi_prod) : 0));
+ #endif
+    /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+     * Print log
+     *-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ #if 0
+    if (logging > 0)
+    {
+       if (two_norm)
+       {
+          printf("Iters       ||r||_2    ||r||_2/||b||_2\n");
+          printf("-----    ------------    ------------ \n");
+       }
+       else
+       {
+          printf("Iters       ||r||_C    ||r||_C/||b||_C\n");
+          printf("-----    ------------    ------------ \n");
+       }
+       for (j = 1; j <= i; j++)
+       {
+          printf("% 5d    %e    %e\n", j, norms[j], rel_norms[j]);
+       }
+    }
+ #endif
+    (pcg_data -> num_iterations) = i;
+    return ierr;
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_PCGSetTol
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ hypre_PCGSetTol( void   *pcg_vdata,
+                  double  tol       )
+ {
+    hypre_PCGData *pcg_data = pcg_vdata;
+    int            ierr = 0;
+    (pcg_data -> tol) = tol;
+    return ierr;
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_PCGSetConvergenceTol
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ hypre_PCGSetConvergenceFactorTol( void   *pcg_vdata,
+                                   double  cf_tol   )
+ {
+    hypre_PCGData *pcg_data = pcg_vdata;
+    int            ierr = 0;
+    (pcg_data -> cf_tol) = cf_tol;
+    return ierr;
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_PCGSetMaxIter
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ hypre_PCGSetMaxIter( void *pcg_vdata,
+                      int   max_iter  )
+ {
+    hypre_PCGData *pcg_data = pcg_vdata;
+    int            ierr = 0;
+    (pcg_data -> max_iter) = max_iter;
+    return ierr;
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_PCGSetTwoNorm
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ hypre_PCGSetTwoNorm( void *pcg_vdata,
+                      int   two_norm  )
+ {
+    hypre_PCGData *pcg_data = pcg_vdata;
+    int            ierr = 0;
+    (pcg_data -> two_norm) = two_norm;
+    return ierr;
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_PCGSetRelChange
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ hypre_PCGSetRelChange( void *pcg_vdata,
+                        int   rel_change  )
+ {
+    hypre_PCGData *pcg_data = pcg_vdata;
+    int            ierr = 0;
+    (pcg_data -> rel_change) = rel_change;
+    return ierr;
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_PCGSetStopCrit
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ hypre_PCGSetStopCrit( void *pcg_vdata,
+                        int   stop_crit  )
+ {
+    hypre_PCGData *pcg_data = pcg_vdata;
+    int            ierr = 0;
+    (pcg_data -> stop_crit) = stop_crit;
+    return ierr;
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_PCGGetPrecond
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ hypre_PCGGetPrecond( void         *pcg_vdata,
+                      HYPRE_Solver *precond_data_ptr )
+ {
+    hypre_PCGData *pcg_data = pcg_vdata;
+    int            ierr = 0;
+    *precond_data_ptr = (HYPRE_Solver)(pcg_data -> precond_data);
+    return ierr;
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_PCGSetPrecond
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ hypre_PCGSetPrecond( void  *pcg_vdata,
+                      int  (*precond)(),
+                      int  (*precond_setup)(),
+                      void  *precond_data )
+ {
+    hypre_PCGData *pcg_data = pcg_vdata;
+    hypre_PCGFunctions *pcg_functions = pcg_data->functions;
+    int            ierr = 0;
+    (pcg_functions -> precond)       = precond;
+    (pcg_functions -> precond_setup) = precond_setup;
+    (pcg_data -> precond_data)  = precond_data;
+    return ierr;
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_PCGSetLogging
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ hypre_PCGSetLogging( void *pcg_vdata,
+                      int   logging)
+ {
+    hypre_PCGData *pcg_data = pcg_vdata;
+    int            ierr = 0;
+    (pcg_data -> logging) = logging;
+    return ierr;
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_PCGGetNumIterations
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ hypre_PCGGetNumIterations( void *pcg_vdata,
+                            int  *num_iterations )
+ {
+    hypre_PCGData *pcg_data = pcg_vdata;
+    int            ierr = 0;
+    *num_iterations = (pcg_data -> num_iterations);
+    return ierr;
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_PCGPrintLogging
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ hypre_PCGPrintLogging( void *pcg_vdata,
+                        int   myid)
+ {
+    hypre_PCGData *pcg_data = pcg_vdata;
+    int            num_iterations  = (pcg_data -> num_iterations);
+    int            logging         = (pcg_data -> logging);
+    double        *norms           = (pcg_data -> norms);
+    double        *rel_norms       = (pcg_data -> rel_norms);
+    int            i;
+    int            ierr = 0;
+    if (myid == 0)
+    {
+       if (logging > 0)
+       {
+          for (i = 0; i < num_iterations; i++)
+          {
+             printf("Residual norm[%d] = %e   ", i, norms[i]);
+             printf("Relative residual norm[%d] = %e\n", i, rel_norms[i]);
+          }
+       }
+    }
+    return ierr;
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_PCGGetFinalRelativeResidualNorm
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ hypre_PCGGetFinalRelativeResidualNorm( void   *pcg_vdata,
+                                        double *relative_residual_norm )
+ {
+    hypre_PCGData *pcg_data = pcg_vdata;
+    int            num_iterations  = (pcg_data -> num_iterations);
+    int            logging         = (pcg_data -> logging);
+    double        *rel_norms       = (pcg_data -> rel_norms);
+    int            ierr = -1;
+    if (logging > 0)
+    {
+       *relative_residual_norm = rel_norms[num_iterations];
+       ierr = 0;
+    }
+    return ierr;
+ }

Index: llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/ASCI_Purple/SMG2000/pcg_struct.c
diff -c /dev/null llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/ASCI_Purple/SMG2000/pcg_struct.c:1.1
*** /dev/null	Mon Apr 11 00:22:18 2005
--- llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/ASCI_Purple/SMG2000/pcg_struct.c	Mon Apr 11 00:22:07 2005
*** 0 ****
--- 1,245 ----
+ /*BHEADER**********************************************************************
+  * (c) 1998   The Regents of the University of California
+  *
+  * See the file COPYRIGHT_and_DISCLAIMER for a complete copyright
+  * notice, contact person, and disclaimer.
+  *
+  * $Revision: 1.1 $
+  *********************************************************************EHEADER*/
+ /******************************************************************************
+  *
+  * Struct matrix-vector implementation of PCG interface routines.
+  *
+  *****************************************************************************/
+ #include "headers.h"
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_StructKrylovCAlloc
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ char *
+ hypre_StructKrylovCAlloc( int count,
+                  int elt_size )
+ {
+    return( hypre_CAlloc( count, elt_size ) );
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_StructKrylovFree
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ hypre_StructKrylovFree( char *ptr )
+ {
+    int ierr = 0;
+    hypre_Free( ptr );
+    return ierr;
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_StructKrylovCreateVector
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ void *
+ hypre_StructKrylovCreateVector( void *vvector )
+ {
+    hypre_StructVector *vector = vvector;
+    hypre_StructVector *new_vector;
+    new_vector = hypre_StructVectorCreate( hypre_StructVectorComm(vector),
+                                           hypre_StructVectorGrid(vector) );
+    hypre_StructVectorInitialize(new_vector);
+    hypre_StructVectorAssemble(new_vector);
+    return ( (void *) new_vector );
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_StructKrylovCreateVectorArray
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ void *
+ hypre_StructKrylovCreateVectorArray(int n, void *vvector )
+ {
+    hypre_StructVector *vector = vvector;
+    hypre_StructVector **new_vector;
+    int i;
+    new_vector = hypre_CTAlloc(hypre_StructVector*,n);
+    for (i=0; i < n; i++)
+    {
+       HYPRE_StructVectorCreate(hypre_StructVectorComm(vector),
+                                 hypre_StructVectorGrid(vector),
+                                 (HYPRE_StructVector *) &new_vector[i] );
+       HYPRE_StructVectorInitialize((HYPRE_StructVector) new_vector[i]);
+       HYPRE_StructVectorAssemble((HYPRE_StructVector) new_vector[i]);
+    }
+    return ( (void *) new_vector );
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_StructKrylovDestroyVector
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ hypre_StructKrylovDestroyVector( void *vvector )
+ {
+    hypre_StructVector *vector = vvector;
+    return( hypre_StructVectorDestroy( vector ) );
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_StructKrylovMatvecCreate
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ void *
+ hypre_StructKrylovMatvecCreate( void   *A,
+                        void   *x )
+ {
+    void *matvec_data;
+    matvec_data = hypre_StructMatvecCreate();
+    hypre_StructMatvecSetup(matvec_data, A, x);
+    return ( matvec_data );
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_StructKrylovMatvec
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ hypre_StructKrylovMatvec( void   *matvec_data,
+                  double  alpha,
+                  void   *A,
+                  void   *x,
+                  double  beta,
+                  void   *y           )
+ {
+    return ( hypre_StructMatvecCompute( matvec_data,
+                                        alpha,
+                                        (hypre_StructMatrix *) A,
+                                        (hypre_StructVector *) x,
+                                        beta,
+                                        (hypre_StructVector *) y ) );
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_StructKrylovMatvecDestroy
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ hypre_StructKrylovMatvecDestroy( void *matvec_data )
+ {
+    return ( hypre_StructMatvecDestroy( matvec_data ) );
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_StructKrylovInnerProd
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ double
+ hypre_StructKrylovInnerProd( void *x, 
+                     void *y )
+ {
+    return ( hypre_StructInnerProd( (hypre_StructVector *) x,
+                                    (hypre_StructVector *) y ) );
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_StructKrylovCopyVector
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ hypre_StructKrylovCopyVector( void *x, 
+                      void *y )
+ {
+    return ( hypre_StructCopy( (hypre_StructVector *) x,
+                               (hypre_StructVector *) y ) );
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_StructKrylovClearVector
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ hypre_StructKrylovClearVector( void *x )
+ {
+    return ( hypre_StructVectorSetConstantValues( (hypre_StructVector *) x,
+                                                  0.0 ) );
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_StructKrylovScaleVector
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ hypre_StructKrylovScaleVector( double  alpha,
+                       void   *x     )
+ {
+    return ( hypre_StructScale( alpha, (hypre_StructVector *) x ) );
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_StructKrylovAxpy
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ hypre_StructKrylovAxpy( double alpha,
+                void   *x,
+                void   *y )
+ {
+    return ( hypre_StructAxpy( alpha, (hypre_StructVector *) x,
+                               (hypre_StructVector *) y ) );
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_StructKrylovIdentitySetup (for a default preconditioner)
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ hypre_StructKrylovIdentitySetup( void *vdata,
+                         void *A,
+                         void *b,
+                         void *x     )
+ {
+    return 0;
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_StructKrylovIdentity (for a default preconditioner)
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ hypre_StructKrylovIdentity( void *vdata,
+                    void *A,
+                    void *b,
+                    void *x     )
+ {
+    return( hypre_StructKrylovCopyVector( b, x ) );
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_StructKrylovCommInfo
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ hypre_StructKrylovCommInfo( void  *A,
+                       int   *my_id,
+                       int   *num_procs )
+ {
+    MPI_Comm comm = hypre_StructMatrixComm((hypre_StructMatrix *) A);
+    MPI_Comm_size(comm,num_procs);
+    MPI_Comm_rank(comm,my_id);
+    return 0;
+ }

Index: llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/ASCI_Purple/SMG2000/point_relax.c
diff -c /dev/null llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/ASCI_Purple/SMG2000/point_relax.c:1.1
*** /dev/null	Mon Apr 11 00:22:18 2005
--- llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/ASCI_Purple/SMG2000/point_relax.c	Mon Apr 11 00:22:07 2005
*** 0 ****
--- 1,779 ----
+ /*BHEADER**********************************************************************
+  * (c) 1999   The Regents of the University of California
+  *
+  * See the file COPYRIGHT_and_DISCLAIMER for a complete copyright
+  * notice, contact person, and disclaimer.
+  *
+  * $Revision: 1.1 $
+  *********************************************************************EHEADER*/
+ /******************************************************************************
+  *
+  *
+  *****************************************************************************/
+ #include "headers.h"
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_PointRelaxData data structure
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ typedef struct
+ {
+    MPI_Comm                comm;
+    double                  tol;                /* not yet used */
+    int                     max_iter;
+    int                     rel_change;         /* not yet used */
+    int                     zero_guess;
+    double                  weight;
+    int                     num_pointsets;
+    int                    *pointset_sizes;
+    int                    *pointset_ranks;
+    hypre_Index            *pointset_strides;
+    hypre_Index           **pointset_indices;
+    hypre_StructMatrix     *A;
+    hypre_StructVector     *b;
+    hypre_StructVector     *x;
+    hypre_StructVector     *t;
+    int                     diag_rank;
+    hypre_ComputePkg      **compute_pkgs;
+    /* log info (always logged) */
+    int                     num_iterations;
+    int                     time_index;
+    int                     flops;
+ } hypre_PointRelaxData;
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_PointRelaxCreate
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ void *
+ hypre_PointRelaxCreate( MPI_Comm  comm )
+ {
+    hypre_PointRelaxData *relax_data;
+    hypre_Index           stride;
+    hypre_Index           indices[1];
+    relax_data = hypre_CTAlloc(hypre_PointRelaxData, 1);
+    (relax_data -> comm)       = comm;
+    (relax_data -> time_index) = hypre_InitializeTiming("PointRelax");
+    /* set defaults */
+    (relax_data -> tol)              = 1.0e-06;
+    (relax_data -> max_iter)         = 1000;
+    (relax_data -> rel_change)       = 0;
+    (relax_data -> zero_guess)       = 0;
+    (relax_data -> weight)           = 1.0;
+    (relax_data -> num_pointsets)    = 0;
+    (relax_data -> pointset_sizes)   = NULL;
+    (relax_data -> pointset_ranks)   = NULL;
+    (relax_data -> pointset_strides) = NULL;
+    (relax_data -> pointset_indices) = NULL;
+    (relax_data -> t)                = NULL;
+    hypre_SetIndex(stride, 1, 1, 1);
+    hypre_SetIndex(indices[0], 0, 0, 0);
+    hypre_PointRelaxSetNumPointsets((void *) relax_data, 1);
+    hypre_PointRelaxSetPointset((void *) relax_data, 0, 1, stride, indices);
+    return (void *) relax_data;
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_PointRelaxDestroy
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ hypre_PointRelaxDestroy( void *relax_vdata )
+ {
+    hypre_PointRelaxData *relax_data = relax_vdata;
+    int                   i;
+    int                   ierr = 0;
+    if (relax_data)
+    {
+       for (i = 0; i < (relax_data -> num_pointsets); i++)
+       {
+          hypre_TFree(relax_data -> pointset_indices[i]);
+          hypre_ComputePkgDestroy(relax_data -> compute_pkgs[i]);
+       }
+       hypre_TFree(relax_data -> pointset_sizes);
+       hypre_TFree(relax_data -> pointset_ranks);
+       hypre_TFree(relax_data -> pointset_strides);
+       hypre_TFree(relax_data -> pointset_indices);
+       hypre_StructMatrixDestroy(relax_data -> A);
+       hypre_StructVectorDestroy(relax_data -> b);
+       hypre_StructVectorDestroy(relax_data -> x);
+       hypre_TFree(relax_data -> compute_pkgs);
+       hypre_StructVectorDestroy(relax_data -> t);
+       hypre_FinalizeTiming(relax_data -> time_index);
+       hypre_TFree(relax_data);
+    }
+    return ierr;
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_PointRelaxSetup
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ hypre_PointRelaxSetup( void               *relax_vdata,
+                        hypre_StructMatrix *A,
+                        hypre_StructVector *b,
+                        hypre_StructVector *x           )
+ {
+    hypre_PointRelaxData  *relax_data = relax_vdata;
+    int                    num_pointsets    = (relax_data -> num_pointsets);
+    int                   *pointset_sizes   = (relax_data -> pointset_sizes);
+    hypre_Index           *pointset_strides = (relax_data -> pointset_strides);
+    hypre_Index          **pointset_indices = (relax_data -> pointset_indices);
+    hypre_StructVector    *t;
+    int                    diag_rank;
+    hypre_ComputePkg     **compute_pkgs;
+    hypre_Index            unit_stride;
+    hypre_Index            diag_index;
+    hypre_IndexRef         stride;
+    hypre_IndexRef         index;
+    hypre_StructGrid      *grid;
+    hypre_StructStencil   *stencil;
+    hypre_BoxArrayArray   *send_boxes;
+    hypre_BoxArrayArray   *recv_boxes;
+    int                  **send_processes;
+    int                  **recv_processes;
+    hypre_BoxArrayArray   *indt_boxes;
+    hypre_BoxArrayArray   *dept_boxes;
+    hypre_BoxArrayArray   *orig_indt_boxes;
+    hypre_BoxArrayArray   *orig_dept_boxes;
+    hypre_BoxArrayArray   *box_aa;
+    hypre_BoxArray        *box_a;
+    hypre_Box             *box;
+    int                    box_aa_size;
+    int                    box_a_size;
+    hypre_BoxArrayArray   *new_box_aa;
+    hypre_BoxArray        *new_box_a;
+    hypre_Box             *new_box;
+    double                 scale;
+    int                    frac;
+    int                    i, j, k, p, m, compute_i;
+    int                    ierr = 0;
+    /*----------------------------------------------------------
+     * Set up the temp vector
+     *----------------------------------------------------------*/
+    if ((relax_data -> t) == NULL)
+    {
+       t = hypre_StructVectorCreate(hypre_StructVectorComm(b),
+                                    hypre_StructVectorGrid(b));
+       hypre_StructVectorSetNumGhost(t, hypre_StructVectorNumGhost(b));
+       hypre_StructVectorInitialize(t);
+       hypre_StructVectorAssemble(t);
+       (relax_data -> t) = t;
+    }
+    /*----------------------------------------------------------
+     * Find the matrix diagonal
+     *----------------------------------------------------------*/
+    grid    = hypre_StructMatrixGrid(A);
+    stencil = hypre_StructMatrixStencil(A);
+    hypre_SetIndex(diag_index, 0, 0, 0);
+    diag_rank = hypre_StructStencilElementRank(stencil, diag_index);
+    /*----------------------------------------------------------
+     * Set up the compute packages
+     *----------------------------------------------------------*/
+    hypre_SetIndex(unit_stride, 1, 1, 1);
+    compute_pkgs = hypre_CTAlloc(hypre_ComputePkg *, num_pointsets);
+    for (p = 0; p < num_pointsets; p++)
+    {
+       hypre_CreateComputeInfo(grid, stencil,
+                            &send_boxes, &recv_boxes,
+                            &send_processes, &recv_processes,
+                            &orig_indt_boxes, &orig_dept_boxes);
+       stride = pointset_strides[p];
+       for (compute_i = 0; compute_i < 2; compute_i++)
+       {
+          switch(compute_i)
+          {
+             case 0:
+             box_aa = orig_indt_boxes;
+             break;
+             case 1:
+             box_aa = orig_dept_boxes;
+             break;
+          }
+          box_aa_size = hypre_BoxArrayArraySize(box_aa);
+          new_box_aa = hypre_BoxArrayArrayCreate(box_aa_size);
+          for (i = 0; i < box_aa_size; i++)
+          {
+             box_a = hypre_BoxArrayArrayBoxArray(box_aa, i);
+             box_a_size = hypre_BoxArraySize(box_a);
+             new_box_a = hypre_BoxArrayArrayBoxArray(new_box_aa, i);
+             hypre_BoxArraySetSize(new_box_a, box_a_size * pointset_sizes[p]);
+             k = 0;
+             for (m = 0; m < pointset_sizes[p]; m++)
+             {
+                index  = pointset_indices[p][m];
+                for (j = 0; j < box_a_size; j++)
+                {
+                   box = hypre_BoxArrayBox(box_a, j);
+                   new_box = hypre_BoxArrayBox(new_box_a, k);
+                   hypre_CopyBox(box, new_box);
+                   hypre_ProjectBox(new_box, index, stride);
+                   k++;
+                }
+             }
+          }
+          switch(compute_i)
+          {
+             case 0:
+             indt_boxes = new_box_aa;
+             break;
+             case 1:
+             dept_boxes = new_box_aa;
+             break;
+          }
+       }
+       hypre_ComputePkgCreate(send_boxes, recv_boxes,
+                              unit_stride, unit_stride,
+                              send_processes, recv_processes,
+                              indt_boxes, dept_boxes,
+                              stride, grid,
+                              hypre_StructVectorDataSpace(x), 1,
+                              &compute_pkgs[p]);
+       hypre_BoxArrayArrayDestroy(orig_indt_boxes);
+       hypre_BoxArrayArrayDestroy(orig_dept_boxes);
+    }
+    /*----------------------------------------------------------
+     * Set up the relax data structure
+     *----------------------------------------------------------*/
+    (relax_data -> A) = hypre_StructMatrixRef(A);
+    (relax_data -> x) = hypre_StructVectorRef(x);
+    (relax_data -> b) = hypre_StructVectorRef(b);
+    (relax_data -> diag_rank)    = diag_rank;
+    (relax_data -> compute_pkgs) = compute_pkgs;
+    /*-----------------------------------------------------
+     * Compute flops
+     *-----------------------------------------------------*/
+    scale = 0.0;
+    for (p = 0; p < num_pointsets; p++)
+    {
+       stride = pointset_strides[p];
+       frac   = hypre_IndexX(stride);
+       frac  *= hypre_IndexY(stride);
+       frac  *= hypre_IndexZ(stride);
+       scale += (pointset_sizes[p] / frac);
+    }
+    (relax_data -> flops) = scale * (hypre_StructMatrixGlobalSize(A) +
+                                     hypre_StructVectorGlobalSize(x));
+    return ierr;
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_PointRelax
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ hypre_PointRelax( void               *relax_vdata,
+                   hypre_StructMatrix *A,
+                   hypre_StructVector *b,
+                   hypre_StructVector *x           )
+ {
+    hypre_PointRelaxData  *relax_data = relax_vdata;
+    int                    max_iter         = (relax_data -> max_iter);
+    int                    zero_guess       = (relax_data -> zero_guess);
+    double                 weight           = (relax_data -> weight);
+    int                    num_pointsets    = (relax_data -> num_pointsets);
+    int                   *pointset_ranks   = (relax_data -> pointset_ranks);
+    hypre_Index           *pointset_strides = (relax_data -> pointset_strides);
+    hypre_StructVector    *t                = (relax_data -> t);
+    int                    diag_rank        = (relax_data -> diag_rank);
+    hypre_ComputePkg     **compute_pkgs     = (relax_data -> compute_pkgs);
+    hypre_ComputePkg      *compute_pkg;
+    hypre_CommHandle      *comm_handle;
+    hypre_BoxArrayArray   *compute_box_aa;
+    hypre_BoxArray        *compute_box_a;
+    hypre_Box             *compute_box;
+    hypre_Box             *A_data_box;
+    hypre_Box             *b_data_box;
+    hypre_Box             *x_data_box;
+    hypre_Box             *t_data_box;
+    int                    Ai;
+    int                    bi;
+    int                    xi;
+    int                    ti;
+    double                *Ap;
+    double                *bp;
+    double                *xp;
+    double                *tp;
+    hypre_IndexRef         stride;
+    hypre_IndexRef         start;
+    hypre_Index            loop_size;
+    hypre_StructStencil   *stencil;
+    hypre_Index           *stencil_shape;
+    int                    stencil_size;
+    int                    iter, p, compute_i, i, j, si;
+    int                    loopi, loopj, loopk;
+    int                    pointset;
+    int                    ierr = 0;
+    /*----------------------------------------------------------
+     * Initialize some things and deal with special cases
+     *----------------------------------------------------------*/
+    hypre_BeginTiming(relax_data -> time_index);
+    hypre_StructMatrixDestroy(relax_data -> A);
+    hypre_StructVectorDestroy(relax_data -> b);
+    hypre_StructVectorDestroy(relax_data -> x);
+    (relax_data -> A) = hypre_StructMatrixRef(A);
+    (relax_data -> x) = hypre_StructVectorRef(x);
+    (relax_data -> b) = hypre_StructVectorRef(b);
+    (relax_data -> num_iterations) = 0;
+    /* if max_iter is zero, return */
+    if (max_iter == 0)
+    {
+       /* if using a zero initial guess, return zero */
+       if (zero_guess)
+       {
+          hypre_StructVectorSetConstantValues(x, 0.0);
+       }
+       hypre_EndTiming(relax_data -> time_index);
+       return ierr;
+    }
+    stencil       = hypre_StructMatrixStencil(A);
+    stencil_shape = hypre_StructStencilShape(stencil);
+    stencil_size  = hypre_StructStencilSize(stencil);
+    /*----------------------------------------------------------
+     * Do zero_guess iteration
+     *----------------------------------------------------------*/
+    p    = 0;
+    iter = 0;
+    if (zero_guess)
+    {
+       pointset = pointset_ranks[p];
+       compute_pkg = compute_pkgs[pointset];
+       stride = pointset_strides[pointset];
+       for (compute_i = 0; compute_i < 2; compute_i++)
+       {
+          switch(compute_i)
+          {
+             case 0:
+             {
+                compute_box_aa = hypre_ComputePkgIndtBoxes(compute_pkg);
+             }
+             break;
+             case 1:
+             {
+                compute_box_aa = hypre_ComputePkgDeptBoxes(compute_pkg);
+             }
+             break;
+          }
+          hypre_ForBoxArrayI(i, compute_box_aa)
+             {
+                compute_box_a = hypre_BoxArrayArrayBoxArray(compute_box_aa, i);
+                A_data_box =
+                   hypre_BoxArrayBox(hypre_StructMatrixDataSpace(A), i);
+                b_data_box =
+                   hypre_BoxArrayBox(hypre_StructVectorDataSpace(b), i);
+                x_data_box =
+                   hypre_BoxArrayBox(hypre_StructVectorDataSpace(x), i);
+                Ap = hypre_StructMatrixBoxData(A, i, diag_rank);
+                bp = hypre_StructVectorBoxData(b, i);
+                xp = hypre_StructVectorBoxData(x, i);
+                hypre_ForBoxI(j, compute_box_a)
+                   {
+                      compute_box = hypre_BoxArrayBox(compute_box_a, j);
+                      start  = hypre_BoxIMin(compute_box);
+                      hypre_BoxGetStrideSize(compute_box, stride, loop_size);
+                      hypre_BoxLoop3Begin(loop_size,
+                                          A_data_box, start, stride, Ai,
+                                          b_data_box, start, stride, bi,
+                                          x_data_box, start, stride, xi);
+ #define HYPRE_BOX_SMP_PRIVATE loopk,loopi,loopj,Ai,bi,xi
+ #include "hypre_box_smp_forloop.h"
+                      hypre_BoxLoop3For(loopi, loopj, loopk, Ai, bi, xi)
+                         {
+                            xp[xi] = bp[bi] / Ap[Ai];
+                         }
+                      hypre_BoxLoop3End(Ai, bi, xi);
+                   }
+             }
+       }
+       if (weight != 1.0)
+       {
+          hypre_StructScale(weight, x);
+       }
+       p    = (p + 1) % num_pointsets;
+       iter = iter + (p == 0);
+    }
+    /*----------------------------------------------------------
+     * Do regular iterations
+     *----------------------------------------------------------*/
+    while (iter < max_iter)
+    {
+       pointset = pointset_ranks[p];
+       compute_pkg = compute_pkgs[pointset];
+       stride = pointset_strides[pointset];
+       hypre_StructCopy(x, t);
+       for (compute_i = 0; compute_i < 2; compute_i++)
+       {
+          switch(compute_i)
+          {
+             case 0:
+             {
+                xp = hypre_StructVectorData(x);
+                hypre_InitializeIndtComputations(compute_pkg, xp, &comm_handle);
+                compute_box_aa = hypre_ComputePkgIndtBoxes(compute_pkg);
+             }
+             break;
+             case 1:
+             {
+                hypre_FinalizeIndtComputations(comm_handle);
+                compute_box_aa = hypre_ComputePkgDeptBoxes(compute_pkg);
+             }
+             break;
+          }
+          hypre_ForBoxArrayI(i, compute_box_aa)
+             {
+                compute_box_a = hypre_BoxArrayArrayBoxArray(compute_box_aa, i);
+                A_data_box =
+                   hypre_BoxArrayBox(hypre_StructMatrixDataSpace(A), i);
+                b_data_box =
+                   hypre_BoxArrayBox(hypre_StructVectorDataSpace(b), i);
+                x_data_box =
+                   hypre_BoxArrayBox(hypre_StructVectorDataSpace(x), i);
+                t_data_box =
+                   hypre_BoxArrayBox(hypre_StructVectorDataSpace(t), i);
+                bp = hypre_StructVectorBoxData(b, i);
+                tp = hypre_StructVectorBoxData(t, i);
+                hypre_ForBoxI(j, compute_box_a)
+                   {
+                      compute_box = hypre_BoxArrayBox(compute_box_a, j);
+                      start  = hypre_BoxIMin(compute_box);
+                      hypre_BoxGetStrideSize(compute_box, stride, loop_size);
+                      hypre_BoxLoop2Begin(loop_size,
+                                          b_data_box, start, stride, bi,
+                                          t_data_box, start, stride, ti);
+ #define HYPRE_BOX_SMP_PRIVATE loopk,loopi,loopj,bi,ti
+ #include "hypre_box_smp_forloop.h"
+                      hypre_BoxLoop2For(loopi, loopj, loopk, bi, ti)
+                         {
+                            tp[ti] = bp[bi];
+                         }
+                      hypre_BoxLoop2End(bi, ti);
+                      for (si = 0; si < stencil_size; si++)
+                      {
+                         if (si != diag_rank)
+                         {
+                            Ap = hypre_StructMatrixBoxData(A, i, si);
+                            xp = hypre_StructVectorBoxData(x, i) +
+                               hypre_BoxOffsetDistance(x_data_box,
+                                                       stencil_shape[si]);
+                            hypre_BoxLoop3Begin(loop_size,
+                                                A_data_box, start, stride, Ai,
+                                                x_data_box, start, stride, xi,
+                                                t_data_box, start, stride, ti);
+ #define HYPRE_BOX_SMP_PRIVATE loopk,loopi,loopj,Ai,xi,ti
+ #include "hypre_box_smp_forloop.h"
+                            hypre_BoxLoop3For(loopi, loopj, loopk, Ai, xi, ti)
+                               {
+                                  tp[ti] -= Ap[Ai] * xp[xi];
+                               }
+                            hypre_BoxLoop3End(Ai, xi, ti);
+                         }
+                      }
+                      Ap = hypre_StructMatrixBoxData(A, i, diag_rank);
+                      hypre_BoxLoop2Begin(loop_size,
+                                          A_data_box, start, stride, Ai,
+                                          t_data_box, start, stride, ti);
+ #define HYPRE_BOX_SMP_PRIVATE loopk,loopi,loopj,Ai,ti
+ #include "hypre_box_smp_forloop.h"
+                      hypre_BoxLoop2For(loopi, loopj, loopk, Ai, ti)
+                         {
+                            tp[ti] /= Ap[Ai];
+                         }
+                      hypre_BoxLoop2End(Ai, ti);
+                   }
+             }
+       }
+       if (weight != 1.0)
+       {
+          hypre_StructScale((1.0 - weight), x);
+          hypre_StructAxpy(weight, t, x);
+       }
+       else
+       {
+          hypre_StructCopy(t, x);
+       }
+       p    = (p + 1) % num_pointsets;
+       iter = iter + (p == 0);
+    }
+    (relax_data -> num_iterations) = iter;
+    /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+     * Return
+     *-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+    hypre_IncFLOPCount(relax_data -> flops);
+    hypre_EndTiming(relax_data -> time_index);
+    return ierr;
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_PointRelaxSetTol
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ hypre_PointRelaxSetTol( void   *relax_vdata,
+                         double  tol         )
+ {
+    hypre_PointRelaxData *relax_data = relax_vdata;
+    int                   ierr = 0;
+    (relax_data -> tol) = tol;
+    return ierr;
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_PointRelaxSetMaxIter
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ hypre_PointRelaxSetMaxIter( void *relax_vdata,
+                             int   max_iter    )
+ {
+    hypre_PointRelaxData *relax_data = relax_vdata;
+    int                   ierr = 0;
+    (relax_data -> max_iter) = max_iter;
+    return ierr;
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_PointRelaxSetZeroGuess
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ hypre_PointRelaxSetZeroGuess( void *relax_vdata,
+                               int   zero_guess  )
+ {
+    hypre_PointRelaxData *relax_data = relax_vdata;
+    int                   ierr = 0;
+    (relax_data -> zero_guess) = zero_guess;
+    return ierr;
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_PointRelaxSetWeight
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ hypre_PointRelaxSetWeight( void    *relax_vdata,
+                            double   weight      )
+ {
+    hypre_PointRelaxData *relax_data = relax_vdata;
+    int                   ierr = 0;
+    (relax_data -> weight) = weight;
+    return ierr;
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_PointRelaxSetNumPointsets
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ hypre_PointRelaxSetNumPointsets( void *relax_vdata,
+                                  int   num_pointsets )
+ {
+    hypre_PointRelaxData *relax_data = relax_vdata;
+    int                   i;
+    int                   ierr = 0;
+    /* free up old pointset memory */
+    for (i = 0; i < (relax_data -> num_pointsets); i++)
+    {
+       hypre_TFree(relax_data -> pointset_indices[i]);
+    }
+    hypre_TFree(relax_data -> pointset_sizes);
+    hypre_TFree(relax_data -> pointset_ranks);
+    hypre_TFree(relax_data -> pointset_strides);
+    hypre_TFree(relax_data -> pointset_indices);
+    /* alloc new pointset memory */
+    (relax_data -> num_pointsets)    = num_pointsets;
+    (relax_data -> pointset_sizes)   = hypre_TAlloc(int, num_pointsets);
+    (relax_data -> pointset_ranks)   = hypre_TAlloc(int, num_pointsets);
+    (relax_data -> pointset_strides) = hypre_TAlloc(hypre_Index, num_pointsets);
+    (relax_data -> pointset_indices) = hypre_TAlloc(hypre_Index *,
+                                                    num_pointsets);
+    for (i = 0; i < num_pointsets; i++)
+    {
+       (relax_data -> pointset_sizes[i]) = 0;
+       (relax_data -> pointset_ranks[i]) = i;
+       (relax_data -> pointset_indices[i]) = NULL;
+    }
+    return ierr;
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_PointRelaxSetPointset
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ hypre_PointRelaxSetPointset( void        *relax_vdata,
+                              int          pointset,
+                              int          pointset_size,
+                              hypre_Index  pointset_stride,
+                              hypre_Index *pointset_indices )
+ {
+    hypre_PointRelaxData *relax_data = relax_vdata;
+    int                   i;
+    int                   ierr = 0;
+    /* free up old pointset memory */
+    hypre_TFree(relax_data -> pointset_indices[pointset]);
+    /* alloc new pointset memory */
+    (relax_data -> pointset_indices[pointset]) =
+       hypre_TAlloc(hypre_Index, pointset_size);
+    (relax_data -> pointset_sizes[pointset]) = pointset_size;
+    hypre_CopyIndex(pointset_stride,
+                    (relax_data -> pointset_strides[pointset]));
+    for (i = 0; i < pointset_size; i++)
+    {
+       hypre_CopyIndex(pointset_indices[i],
+                       (relax_data -> pointset_indices[pointset][i]));
+    }
+    return ierr;
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_PointRelaxSetPointsetRank
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ hypre_PointRelaxSetPointsetRank( void *relax_vdata,
+                                  int   pointset,
+                                  int   pointset_rank )
+ {
+    hypre_PointRelaxData *relax_data = relax_vdata;
+    int                   ierr = 0;
+    (relax_data -> pointset_ranks[pointset]) = pointset_rank;
+    return ierr;
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_PointRelaxSetTempVec
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ hypre_PointRelaxSetTempVec( void               *relax_vdata,
+                             hypre_StructVector *t           )
+ {
+    hypre_PointRelaxData *relax_data = relax_vdata;
+    int                   ierr = 0;
+    hypre_StructVectorDestroy(relax_data -> t);
+    (relax_data -> t) = hypre_StructVectorRef(t);
+    return ierr;
+ }

Index: llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/ASCI_Purple/SMG2000/project.c
diff -c /dev/null llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/ASCI_Purple/SMG2000/project.c:1.1
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--- llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/ASCI_Purple/SMG2000/project.c	Mon Apr 11 00:22:07 2005
*** 0 ****
--- 1,118 ----
+ /*BHEADER**********************************************************************
+  * (c) 1997   The Regents of the University of California
+  *
+  * See the file COPYRIGHT_and_DISCLAIMER for a complete copyright
+  * notice, contact person, and disclaimer.
+  *
+  * $Revision: 1.1 $
+  *********************************************************************EHEADER*/
+ /******************************************************************************
+  *
+  * Projection routines.
+  *
+  *****************************************************************************/
+ #include "headers.h"
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_ProjectBox:
+  *   Projects a box onto a strided index space that contains the
+  *   index `index' and has stride `stride'.
+  *
+  *   Note: An "empty" projection is represented by a box with volume 0.
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ hypre_ProjectBox( hypre_Box    *box,
+                   hypre_Index   index,
+                   hypre_Index   stride )
+ {
+    int  i, s, d, hl, hu, kl, ku;
+    int  ierr = 0;
+    /*------------------------------------------------------
+     * project in all 3 dimensions
+     *------------------------------------------------------*/
+    for (d = 0; d < 3; d++)
+    {
+       i = hypre_IndexD(index, d);
+       s = hypre_IndexD(stride, d);
+       hl = hypre_BoxIMinD(box, d) - i;
+       hu = hypre_BoxIMaxD(box, d) - i;
+       if ( hl <= 0 )
+          kl = (int) (hl / s);
+       else
+          kl = (int) ((hl + (s-1)) / s);
+       if ( hu >= 0 )
+          ku = (int) (hu / s);
+       else
+          ku = (int) ((hu - (s-1)) / s);
+       hypre_BoxIMinD(box, d) = i + kl * s;
+       hypre_BoxIMaxD(box, d) = i + ku * s;
+    }
+    return ierr;
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_ProjectBoxArray:
+  *
+  *   Note: The dimensions of the modified box array are not changed.
+  *   So, it is possible to have boxes with volume 0.
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ hypre_ProjectBoxArray( hypre_BoxArray  *box_array,
+                        hypre_Index      index,
+                        hypre_Index      stride    )
+ {
+    hypre_Box  *box;
+    int         i;
+    int         ierr = 0;
+    hypre_ForBoxI(i, box_array)
+       {
+          box = hypre_BoxArrayBox(box_array, i);
+          hypre_ProjectBox(box, index, stride);
+       }
+    return ierr;
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_ProjectBoxArrayArray:
+  *
+  *   Note: The dimensions of the modified box array-array are not changed.
+  *   So, it is possible to have boxes with volume 0.
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ hypre_ProjectBoxArrayArray( hypre_BoxArrayArray  *box_array_array,
+                             hypre_Index           index,
+                             hypre_Index           stride          )
+ {
+    hypre_BoxArray  *box_array;
+    hypre_Box       *box;
+    int              i, j;
+    int              ierr = 0;
+    hypre_ForBoxArrayI(i, box_array_array)
+       {
+          box_array = hypre_BoxArrayArrayBoxArray(box_array_array, i);
+          hypre_ForBoxI(j, box_array)
+             {
+                box = hypre_BoxArrayBox(box_array, j);
+                hypre_ProjectBox(box, index, stride);
+             }
+       }
+    return ierr;
+ }

Index: llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/ASCI_Purple/SMG2000/random.c
diff -c /dev/null llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/ASCI_Purple/SMG2000/random.c:1.1
*** /dev/null	Mon Apr 11 00:22:18 2005
--- llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/ASCI_Purple/SMG2000/random.c	Mon Apr 11 00:22:07 2005
*** 0 ****
--- 1,49 ----
+ /*BHEADER**********************************************************************
+  * (c) 1996   The Regents of the University of California
+  *
+  * See the file COPYRIGHT_and_DISCLAIMER for a complete copyright
+  * notice, contact person, and disclaimer.
+  *
+  * $Revision: 1.1 $
+  *********************************************************************EHEADER*/
+ /******************************************************************************
+  *
+  * Routines for generating random numbers.
+  *
+  *****************************************************************************/
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * Static variables
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ static int Seed = 13579;
+ #define L 1664525
+ #define M 1024
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_SeedRand:
+  *   The seed must always be positive.
+  *
+  *   Note: the internal seed must be positive and odd, so it is set
+  *   to (2*input_seed - 1);
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ void  hypre_SeedRand(seed)
+ int   seed;
+ {
+    Seed = (2*seed - 1) % M;
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_Rand
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ double  hypre_Rand()
+ {
+    Seed = (L * Seed) % M;
+    return ( ((double) Seed) / ((double) M) );
+ }

Index: llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/ASCI_Purple/SMG2000/semi_interp.c
diff -c /dev/null llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/ASCI_Purple/SMG2000/semi_interp.c:1.1
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*** 0 ****
--- 1,333 ----
+ /*BHEADER**********************************************************************
+  * (c) 2000   The Regents of the University of California
+  *
+  * See the file COPYRIGHT_and_DISCLAIMER for a complete copyright
+  * notice, contact person, and disclaimer.
+  *
+  * $Revision: 1.1 $
+  *********************************************************************EHEADER*/
+ /******************************************************************************
+  *
+  *
+  *****************************************************************************/
+ #include "headers.h"
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_SemiInterpData data structure
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ typedef struct
+ {
+    hypre_StructMatrix *P;
+    int                 P_stored_as_transpose;
+    hypre_ComputePkg   *compute_pkg;
+    hypre_Index         cindex;
+    hypre_Index         findex;
+    hypre_Index         stride;
+    int                 time_index;
+ } hypre_SemiInterpData;
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_SemiInterpCreate
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ void *
+ hypre_SemiInterpCreate( )
+ {
+    hypre_SemiInterpData *interp_data;
+    interp_data = hypre_CTAlloc(hypre_SemiInterpData, 1);
+    (interp_data -> time_index)  = hypre_InitializeTiming("SemiInterp");
+    return (void *) interp_data;
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_SemiInterpSetup
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ hypre_SemiInterpSetup( void               *interp_vdata,
+                        hypre_StructMatrix *P,
+                        int                 P_stored_as_transpose,
+                        hypre_StructVector *xc,
+                        hypre_StructVector *e,
+                        hypre_Index         cindex,
+                        hypre_Index         findex,
+                        hypre_Index         stride       )
+ {
+    hypre_SemiInterpData   *interp_data = interp_vdata;
+    hypre_StructGrid       *grid;
+    hypre_StructStencil    *stencil;
+    hypre_BoxArrayArray    *send_boxes;
+    hypre_BoxArrayArray    *recv_boxes;
+    int                   **send_processes;
+    int                   **recv_processes;
+    hypre_BoxArrayArray    *indt_boxes;
+    hypre_BoxArrayArray    *dept_boxes;
+    hypre_ComputePkg       *compute_pkg;
+    int                     ierr = 0;
+    /*----------------------------------------------------------
+     * Set up the compute package
+     *----------------------------------------------------------*/
+    grid    = hypre_StructVectorGrid(e);
+    stencil = hypre_StructMatrixStencil(P);
+    hypre_CreateComputeInfo(grid, stencil,
+                         &send_boxes, &recv_boxes,
+                         &send_processes, &recv_processes,
+                         &indt_boxes, &dept_boxes);
+    hypre_ProjectBoxArrayArray(send_boxes, cindex, stride);
+    hypre_ProjectBoxArrayArray(recv_boxes, cindex, stride);
+    hypre_ProjectBoxArrayArray(indt_boxes, findex, stride);
+    hypre_ProjectBoxArrayArray(dept_boxes, findex, stride);
+    hypre_ComputePkgCreate(send_boxes, recv_boxes,
+                        stride, stride,
+                        send_processes, recv_processes,
+                        indt_boxes, dept_boxes,
+                        stride, grid,
+                        hypre_StructVectorDataSpace(e), 1,
+                        &compute_pkg);
+    /*----------------------------------------------------------
+     * Set up the interp data structure
+     *----------------------------------------------------------*/
+    (interp_data -> P) = hypre_StructMatrixRef(P);
+    (interp_data -> P_stored_as_transpose) = P_stored_as_transpose;
+    (interp_data -> compute_pkg) = compute_pkg;
+    hypre_CopyIndex(cindex, (interp_data -> cindex));
+    hypre_CopyIndex(findex, (interp_data -> findex));
+    hypre_CopyIndex(stride, (interp_data -> stride));
+    return ierr;
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_SemiInterp:
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ hypre_SemiInterp( void               *interp_vdata,
+                   hypre_StructMatrix *P,
+                   hypre_StructVector *xc,
+                   hypre_StructVector *e            )
+ {
+    int ierr = 0;
+    hypre_SemiInterpData   *interp_data = interp_vdata;
+    int                     P_stored_as_transpose;
+    hypre_ComputePkg       *compute_pkg;
+    hypre_IndexRef          cindex;
+    hypre_IndexRef          findex;
+    hypre_IndexRef          stride;
+    hypre_StructGrid       *fgrid;
+    int                    *fgrid_ids;
+    hypre_StructGrid       *cgrid;
+    hypre_BoxArray         *cgrid_boxes;
+    int                    *cgrid_ids;
+    hypre_CommHandle       *comm_handle;
+    hypre_BoxArrayArray    *compute_box_aa;
+    hypre_BoxArray         *compute_box_a;
+    hypre_Box              *compute_box;
+    hypre_Box              *P_dbox;
+    hypre_Box              *xc_dbox;
+    hypre_Box              *e_dbox;
+    int                     Pi;
+    int                     xci;
+    int                     ei;
+    double                 *Pp0, *Pp1;
+    double                 *xcp;
+    double                 *ep, *ep0, *ep1;
+    hypre_Index             loop_size;
+    hypre_Index             start;
+    hypre_Index             startc;
+    hypre_Index             stridec;
+    hypre_StructStencil    *stencil;
+    hypre_Index            *stencil_shape;
+    int                     compute_i, fi, ci, j;
+    int                     loopi, loopj, loopk;
+    /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+     * Initialize some things
+     *-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+    hypre_BeginTiming(interp_data -> time_index);
+    P_stored_as_transpose = (interp_data -> P_stored_as_transpose);
+    compute_pkg   = (interp_data -> compute_pkg);
+    cindex        = (interp_data -> cindex);
+    findex        = (interp_data -> findex);
+    stride        = (interp_data -> stride);
+    stencil       = hypre_StructMatrixStencil(P);
+    stencil_shape = hypre_StructStencilShape(stencil);
+    hypre_SetIndex(stridec, 1, 1, 1);
+    /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+     * Compute e at coarse points (injection)
+     *-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+    fgrid = hypre_StructVectorGrid(e);
+    fgrid_ids = hypre_StructGridIDs(fgrid);
+    cgrid = hypre_StructVectorGrid(xc);
+    cgrid_boxes = hypre_StructGridBoxes(cgrid);
+    cgrid_ids = hypre_StructGridIDs(cgrid);
+    fi = 0;
+    hypre_ForBoxI(ci, cgrid_boxes)
+       {
+          while (fgrid_ids[fi] != cgrid_ids[ci])
+          {
+             fi++;
+          }
+          compute_box = hypre_BoxArrayBox(cgrid_boxes, ci);
+          hypre_CopyIndex(hypre_BoxIMin(compute_box), startc);
+          hypre_StructMapCoarseToFine(startc, cindex, stride, start);
+          e_dbox  = hypre_BoxArrayBox(hypre_StructVectorDataSpace(e), fi);
+          xc_dbox = hypre_BoxArrayBox(hypre_StructVectorDataSpace(xc), ci);
+          ep  = hypre_StructVectorBoxData(e, fi);
+          xcp = hypre_StructVectorBoxData(xc, ci);
+          hypre_BoxGetSize(compute_box, loop_size);
+          hypre_BoxLoop2Begin(loop_size,
+                              e_dbox, start, stride, ei,
+                              xc_dbox, startc, stridec, xci);
+ #define HYPRE_BOX_SMP_PRIVATE loopk,loopi,loopj,ei,xci
+ #include "hypre_box_smp_forloop.h"
+          hypre_BoxLoop2For(loopi, loopj, loopk, ei, xci)
+             {
+                ep[ei] = xcp[xci];
+             }
+          hypre_BoxLoop2End(ei, xci);
+       }
+    /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+     * Compute e at fine points
+     *-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+    for (compute_i = 0; compute_i < 2; compute_i++)
+    {
+       switch(compute_i)
+       {
+          case 0:
+          {
+             ep = hypre_StructVectorData(e);
+             hypre_InitializeIndtComputations(compute_pkg, ep, &comm_handle);
+             compute_box_aa = hypre_ComputePkgIndtBoxes(compute_pkg);
+          }
+          break;
+          case 1:
+          {
+             hypre_FinalizeIndtComputations(comm_handle);
+             compute_box_aa = hypre_ComputePkgDeptBoxes(compute_pkg);
+          }
+          break;
+       }
+       hypre_ForBoxArrayI(fi, compute_box_aa)
+          {
+             compute_box_a = hypre_BoxArrayArrayBoxArray(compute_box_aa, fi);
+             P_dbox = hypre_BoxArrayBox(hypre_StructMatrixDataSpace(P), fi);
+             e_dbox = hypre_BoxArrayBox(hypre_StructVectorDataSpace(e), fi);
+             if (P_stored_as_transpose)
+             {
+                Pp0 = hypre_StructMatrixBoxData(P, fi, 1);
+                Pp1 = hypre_StructMatrixBoxData(P, fi, 0) -
+                   hypre_BoxOffsetDistance(P_dbox, stencil_shape[0]);
+             }
+             else
+             {
+                Pp0 = hypre_StructMatrixBoxData(P, fi, 0);
+                Pp1 = hypre_StructMatrixBoxData(P, fi, 1);
+             }
+             ep  = hypre_StructVectorBoxData(e, fi);
+             ep0 = ep + hypre_BoxOffsetDistance(e_dbox, stencil_shape[0]);
+             ep1 = ep + hypre_BoxOffsetDistance(e_dbox, stencil_shape[1]);
+             hypre_ForBoxI(j, compute_box_a)
+                {
+                   compute_box = hypre_BoxArrayBox(compute_box_a, j);
+                   hypre_CopyIndex(hypre_BoxIMin(compute_box), start);
+                   hypre_StructMapFineToCoarse(start, findex, stride, startc);
+                   hypre_BoxGetStrideSize(compute_box, stride, loop_size);
+                   hypre_BoxLoop2Begin(loop_size,
+                                       P_dbox, startc, stridec, Pi,
+                                       e_dbox, start, stride, ei);
+ #define HYPRE_BOX_SMP_PRIVATE loopk,loopi,loopj,Pi,ei
+ #include "hypre_box_smp_forloop.h"
+                   hypre_BoxLoop2For(loopi, loopj, loopk, Pi, ei)
+                      {
+                         ep[ei] =  (Pp0[Pi] * ep0[ei] +
+                                    Pp1[Pi] * ep1[ei]);
+                      }
+                   hypre_BoxLoop2End(Pi, ei);
+                }
+          }
+    }
+    /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+     * Return
+     *-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+    hypre_IncFLOPCount(3*hypre_StructVectorGlobalSize(xc));
+    hypre_EndTiming(interp_data -> time_index);
+    return ierr;
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_SemiInterpDestroy
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ hypre_SemiInterpDestroy( void *interp_vdata )
+ {
+    int ierr = 0;
+    hypre_SemiInterpData *interp_data = interp_vdata;
+    if (interp_data)
+    {
+       hypre_StructMatrixDestroy(interp_data -> P);
+       hypre_ComputePkgDestroy(interp_data -> compute_pkg);
+       hypre_FinalizeTiming(interp_data -> time_index);
+       hypre_TFree(interp_data);
+    }
+    return ierr;
+ }

Index: llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/ASCI_Purple/SMG2000/semi_restrict.c
diff -c /dev/null llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/ASCI_Purple/SMG2000/semi_restrict.c:1.1
*** /dev/null	Mon Apr 11 00:22:18 2005
--- llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/ASCI_Purple/SMG2000/semi_restrict.c	Mon Apr 11 00:22:07 2005
*** 0 ****
--- 1,301 ----
+ /*BHEADER**********************************************************************
+  * (c) 2000   The Regents of the University of California
+  *
+  * See the file COPYRIGHT_and_DISCLAIMER for a complete copyright
+  * notice, contact person, and disclaimer.
+  *
+  * $Revision: 1.1 $
+  *********************************************************************EHEADER*/
+ /******************************************************************************
+  *
+  *
+  *****************************************************************************/
+ #include "headers.h"
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_SemiRestrictData data structure
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ typedef struct
+ {
+    hypre_StructMatrix *R;
+    int                 R_stored_as_transpose;
+    hypre_ComputePkg   *compute_pkg;
+    hypre_Index         cindex;
+    hypre_Index         stride;
+    int                 time_index;
+ } hypre_SemiRestrictData;
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_SemiRestrictCreate
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ void *
+ hypre_SemiRestrictCreate( )
+ {
+    hypre_SemiRestrictData *restrict_data;
+    restrict_data = hypre_CTAlloc(hypre_SemiRestrictData, 1);
+    (restrict_data -> time_index)  = hypre_InitializeTiming("SemiRestrict");
+    return (void *) restrict_data;
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_SemiRestrictSetup
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ hypre_SemiRestrictSetup( void               *restrict_vdata,
+                          hypre_StructMatrix *R,
+                          int                 R_stored_as_transpose,
+                          hypre_StructVector *r,
+                          hypre_StructVector *rc,
+                          hypre_Index         cindex,
+                          hypre_Index         findex,
+                          hypre_Index         stride                )
+ {
+    hypre_SemiRestrictData *restrict_data = restrict_vdata;
+    hypre_StructGrid       *grid;
+    hypre_StructStencil    *stencil;
+    hypre_BoxArrayArray    *send_boxes;
+    hypre_BoxArrayArray    *recv_boxes;
+    int                   **send_processes;
+    int                   **recv_processes;
+    hypre_BoxArrayArray    *indt_boxes;
+    hypre_BoxArrayArray    *dept_boxes;
+    hypre_ComputePkg       *compute_pkg;
+    int                     ierr = 0;
+    /*----------------------------------------------------------
+     * Set up the compute package
+     *----------------------------------------------------------*/
+    grid    = hypre_StructVectorGrid(r);
+    stencil = hypre_StructMatrixStencil(R);
+    hypre_CreateComputeInfo(grid, stencil,
+                         &send_boxes, &recv_boxes,
+                         &send_processes, &recv_processes,
+                         &indt_boxes, &dept_boxes);
+    hypre_ProjectBoxArrayArray(send_boxes, findex, stride);
+    hypre_ProjectBoxArrayArray(recv_boxes, findex, stride);
+    hypre_ProjectBoxArrayArray(indt_boxes, cindex, stride);
+    hypre_ProjectBoxArrayArray(dept_boxes, cindex, stride);
+    hypre_ComputePkgCreate(send_boxes, recv_boxes,
+                           stride, stride,
+                           send_processes, recv_processes,
+                           indt_boxes, dept_boxes,
+                           stride, grid,
+                           hypre_StructVectorDataSpace(r), 1,
+                           &compute_pkg);
+    /*----------------------------------------------------------
+     * Set up the restrict data structure
+     *----------------------------------------------------------*/
+    (restrict_data -> R) = hypre_StructMatrixRef(R);
+    (restrict_data -> R_stored_as_transpose) = R_stored_as_transpose;
+    (restrict_data -> compute_pkg) = compute_pkg;
+    hypre_CopyIndex(cindex ,(restrict_data -> cindex));
+    hypre_CopyIndex(stride ,(restrict_data -> stride));
+    return ierr;
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_SemiRestrict:
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ hypre_SemiRestrict( void               *restrict_vdata,
+                     hypre_StructMatrix *R,
+                     hypre_StructVector *r,
+                     hypre_StructVector *rc             )
+ {
+    int ierr = 0;
+    hypre_SemiRestrictData *restrict_data = restrict_vdata;
+    int                     R_stored_as_transpose;
+    hypre_ComputePkg       *compute_pkg;
+    hypre_IndexRef          cindex;
+    hypre_IndexRef          stride;
+    hypre_StructGrid       *fgrid;
+    int                    *fgrid_ids;
+    hypre_StructGrid       *cgrid;
+    hypre_BoxArray         *cgrid_boxes;
+    int                    *cgrid_ids;
+    hypre_CommHandle       *comm_handle;
+    hypre_BoxArrayArray    *compute_box_aa;
+    hypre_BoxArray         *compute_box_a;
+    hypre_Box              *compute_box;
+    hypre_Box              *R_dbox;
+    hypre_Box              *r_dbox;
+    hypre_Box              *rc_dbox;
+    int                     Ri;
+    int                     ri;
+    int                     rci;
+    double                 *Rp0, *Rp1;
+    double                 *rp, *rp0, *rp1;
+    double                 *rcp;
+    hypre_Index             loop_size;
+    hypre_IndexRef          start;
+    hypre_Index             startc;
+    hypre_Index             stridec;
+    hypre_StructStencil    *stencil;
+    hypre_Index            *stencil_shape;
+    int                     compute_i, fi, ci, j;
+    int                     loopi, loopj, loopk;
+    /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+     * Initialize some things.
+     *-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+    hypre_BeginTiming(restrict_data -> time_index);
+    R_stored_as_transpose = (restrict_data -> R_stored_as_transpose);
+    compute_pkg   = (restrict_data -> compute_pkg);
+    cindex        = (restrict_data -> cindex);
+    stride        = (restrict_data -> stride);
+    stencil       = hypre_StructMatrixStencil(R);
+    stencil_shape = hypre_StructStencilShape(stencil);
+    hypre_SetIndex(stridec, 1, 1, 1);
+    /*--------------------------------------------------------------------
+     * Restrict the residual.
+     *--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+    fgrid = hypre_StructVectorGrid(r);
+    fgrid_ids = hypre_StructGridIDs(fgrid);
+    cgrid = hypre_StructVectorGrid(rc);
+    cgrid_boxes = hypre_StructGridBoxes(cgrid);
+    cgrid_ids = hypre_StructGridIDs(cgrid);
+    for (compute_i = 0; compute_i < 2; compute_i++)
+    {
+       switch(compute_i)
+       {
+          case 0:
+          {
+             rp = hypre_StructVectorData(r);
+             hypre_InitializeIndtComputations(compute_pkg, rp, &comm_handle);
+             compute_box_aa = hypre_ComputePkgIndtBoxes(compute_pkg);
+          }
+          break;
+          case 1:
+          {
+             hypre_FinalizeIndtComputations(comm_handle);
+             compute_box_aa = hypre_ComputePkgDeptBoxes(compute_pkg);
+          }
+          break;
+       }
+       fi = 0;
+       hypre_ForBoxArrayI(ci, cgrid_boxes)
+          {
+             while (fgrid_ids[fi] != cgrid_ids[ci])
+             {
+                fi++;
+             }
+             compute_box_a = hypre_BoxArrayArrayBoxArray(compute_box_aa, fi);
+             R_dbox  = hypre_BoxArrayBox(hypre_StructMatrixDataSpace(R),  fi);
+             r_dbox  = hypre_BoxArrayBox(hypre_StructVectorDataSpace(r),  fi);
+             rc_dbox = hypre_BoxArrayBox(hypre_StructVectorDataSpace(rc), ci);
+             if (R_stored_as_transpose)
+             {
+                Rp0 = hypre_StructMatrixBoxData(R, fi, 1) -
+                   hypre_BoxOffsetDistance(R_dbox, stencil_shape[1]);
+                Rp1 = hypre_StructMatrixBoxData(R, fi, 0);
+             }
+             else
+             {
+                Rp0 = hypre_StructMatrixBoxData(R, fi, 0);
+                Rp1 = hypre_StructMatrixBoxData(R, fi, 1);
+             }
+             rp  = hypre_StructVectorBoxData(r, fi);
+             rp0 = rp + hypre_BoxOffsetDistance(r_dbox, stencil_shape[0]);
+             rp1 = rp + hypre_BoxOffsetDistance(r_dbox, stencil_shape[1]);
+             rcp = hypre_StructVectorBoxData(rc, ci);
+             hypre_ForBoxI(j, compute_box_a)
+                {
+                   compute_box = hypre_BoxArrayBox(compute_box_a, j);
+                   start  = hypre_BoxIMin(compute_box);
+                   hypre_StructMapFineToCoarse(start, cindex, stride, startc);
+                   hypre_BoxGetStrideSize(compute_box, stride, loop_size);
+                   hypre_BoxLoop3Begin(loop_size,
+                                       R_dbox,  startc, stridec, Ri,
+                                       r_dbox,  start,  stride,  ri,
+                                       rc_dbox, startc, stridec, rci);
+ #define HYPRE_BOX_SMP_PRIVATE loopk,loopi,loopj,Ri,ri,rci
+ #include "hypre_box_smp_forloop.h"
+                   hypre_BoxLoop3For(loopi, loopj, loopk, Ri, ri, rci)
+                      {
+                         rcp[rci] = rp[ri] + (Rp0[Ri] * rp0[ri] +
+                                              Rp1[Ri] * rp1[ri]);
+                      }
+                   hypre_BoxLoop3End(Ri, ri, rci);
+                }
+          }
+    }
+    /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+     * Return
+     *-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+    hypre_IncFLOPCount(4*hypre_StructVectorGlobalSize(rc));
+    hypre_EndTiming(restrict_data -> time_index);
+    return ierr;
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_SemiRestrictDestroy
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ hypre_SemiRestrictDestroy( void *restrict_vdata )
+ {
+    int ierr = 0;
+    hypre_SemiRestrictData *restrict_data = restrict_vdata;
+    if (restrict_data)
+    {
+       hypre_StructMatrixDestroy(restrict_data -> R);
+       hypre_ComputePkgDestroy(restrict_data -> compute_pkg);
+       hypre_FinalizeTiming(restrict_data -> time_index);
+       hypre_TFree(restrict_data);
+    }
+    return ierr;
+ }

Index: llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/ASCI_Purple/SMG2000/smg.c
diff -c /dev/null llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/ASCI_Purple/SMG2000/smg.c:1.1
*** /dev/null	Mon Apr 11 00:22:18 2005
--- llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/ASCI_Purple/SMG2000/smg.c	Mon Apr 11 00:22:07 2005
*** 0 ****
--- 1,423 ----
+ /*BHEADER**********************************************************************
+  * (c) 1997   The Regents of the University of California
+  *
+  * See the file COPYRIGHT_and_DISCLAIMER for a complete copyright
+  * notice, contact person, and disclaimer.
+  *
+  * $Revision: 1.1 $
+  *********************************************************************EHEADER*/
+ /******************************************************************************
+  *
+  *
+  *****************************************************************************/
+ #include "headers.h"
+ #include "smg.h"
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_SMGCreate
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ void *
+ hypre_SMGCreate( MPI_Comm  comm )
+ {
+    hypre_SMGData *smg_data;
+    smg_data = hypre_CTAlloc(hypre_SMGData, 1);
+    (smg_data -> comm)        = comm;
+    (smg_data -> time_index)  = hypre_InitializeTiming("SMG");
+    /* set defaults */
+    (smg_data -> memory_use) = 0;
+    (smg_data -> tol)        = 1.0e-06;
+    (smg_data -> max_iter)   = 200;
+    (smg_data -> rel_change) = 0;
+    (smg_data -> zero_guess) = 0;
+    (smg_data -> max_levels) = 0;
+    (smg_data -> num_pre_relax)  = 1;
+    (smg_data -> num_post_relax) = 1;
+    (smg_data -> cdir) = 2;
+    hypre_SetIndex((smg_data -> base_index), 0, 0, 0);
+    hypre_SetIndex((smg_data -> base_stride), 1, 1, 1);
+    (smg_data -> logging) = 0;
+    /* initialize */
+    (smg_data -> num_levels) = -1;
+    return (void *) smg_data;
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_SMGDestroy
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ hypre_SMGDestroy( void *smg_vdata )
+ {
+    hypre_SMGData *smg_data = smg_vdata;
+    int l;
+    int ierr = 0;
+    if (smg_data)
+    {
+       if ((smg_data -> logging) > 0)
+       {
+          hypre_TFree(smg_data -> norms);
+          hypre_TFree(smg_data -> rel_norms);
+       }
+       if ((smg_data -> num_levels) > -1)
+       {
+          for (l = 0; l < ((smg_data -> num_levels) - 1); l++)
+          {
+             hypre_SMGRelaxDestroy(smg_data -> relax_data_l[l]);
+             hypre_SMGResidualDestroy(smg_data -> residual_data_l[l]);
+             hypre_SemiRestrictDestroy(smg_data -> restrict_data_l[l]);
+             hypre_SemiInterpDestroy(smg_data -> interp_data_l[l]);
+          }
+          hypre_SMGRelaxDestroy(smg_data -> relax_data_l[l]);
+          if (l == 0)
+          {
+             hypre_SMGResidualDestroy(smg_data -> residual_data_l[l]);
+          }
+          hypre_TFree(smg_data -> relax_data_l);
+          hypre_TFree(smg_data -> residual_data_l);
+          hypre_TFree(smg_data -> restrict_data_l);
+          hypre_TFree(smg_data -> interp_data_l);
+          hypre_StructVectorDestroy(smg_data -> tb_l[0]);
+          hypre_StructVectorDestroy(smg_data -> tx_l[0]);
+          hypre_StructGridDestroy(smg_data -> grid_l[0]);
+          hypre_StructMatrixDestroy(smg_data -> A_l[0]);
+          hypre_StructVectorDestroy(smg_data -> b_l[0]);
+          hypre_StructVectorDestroy(smg_data -> x_l[0]);
+          for (l = 0; l < ((smg_data -> num_levels) - 1); l++)
+          {
+             hypre_StructGridDestroy(smg_data -> grid_l[l+1]);
+             hypre_StructGridDestroy(smg_data -> PT_grid_l[l+1]);
+             hypre_StructMatrixDestroy(smg_data -> A_l[l+1]);
+             if (smg_data -> PT_l[l] == smg_data -> R_l[l])
+             {
+                hypre_StructMatrixDestroy(smg_data -> PT_l[l]);
+             }
+             else
+             {
+                hypre_StructMatrixDestroy(smg_data -> PT_l[l]);
+                hypre_StructMatrixDestroy(smg_data -> R_l[l]);
+             }
+             hypre_StructVectorDestroy(smg_data -> b_l[l+1]);
+             hypre_StructVectorDestroy(smg_data -> x_l[l+1]);
+             hypre_StructVectorDestroy(smg_data -> tb_l[l+1]);
+             hypre_StructVectorDestroy(smg_data -> tx_l[l+1]);
+          }
+          hypre_SharedTFree(smg_data -> data);
+          hypre_TFree(smg_data -> grid_l);
+          hypre_TFree(smg_data -> PT_grid_l);
+          hypre_TFree(smg_data -> A_l);
+          hypre_TFree(smg_data -> PT_l);
+          hypre_TFree(smg_data -> R_l);
+          hypre_TFree(smg_data -> b_l);
+          hypre_TFree(smg_data -> x_l);
+          hypre_TFree(smg_data -> tb_l);
+          hypre_TFree(smg_data -> tx_l);
+       }
+       hypre_FinalizeTiming(smg_data -> time_index);
+       hypre_TFree(smg_data);
+    }
+    return(ierr);
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_SMGSetMemoryUse
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ hypre_SMGSetMemoryUse( void *smg_vdata,
+                        int   memory_use )
+ {
+    hypre_SMGData *smg_data = smg_vdata;
+    int            ierr = 0;
+    (smg_data -> memory_use) = memory_use;
+    return ierr;
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_SMGSetTol
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ hypre_SMGSetTol( void   *smg_vdata,
+                  double  tol       )
+ {
+    hypre_SMGData *smg_data = smg_vdata;
+    int            ierr = 0;
+    (smg_data -> tol) = tol;
+    return ierr;
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_SMGSetMaxIter
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ hypre_SMGSetMaxIter( void *smg_vdata,
+                      int   max_iter  )
+ {
+    hypre_SMGData *smg_data = smg_vdata;
+    int            ierr = 0;
+    (smg_data -> max_iter) = max_iter;
+    return ierr;
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_SMGSetRelChange
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ hypre_SMGSetRelChange( void *smg_vdata,
+                        int   rel_change  )
+ {
+    hypre_SMGData *smg_data = smg_vdata;
+    int            ierr = 0;
+    (smg_data -> rel_change) = rel_change;
+    return ierr;
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_SMGSetZeroGuess
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ hypre_SMGSetZeroGuess( void *smg_vdata,
+                        int   zero_guess )
+ {
+    hypre_SMGData *smg_data = smg_vdata;
+    int            ierr = 0;
+    (smg_data -> zero_guess) = zero_guess;
+    return ierr;
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_SMGSetNumPreRelax
+  * Note that we require at least 1 pre-relax sweep. 
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ hypre_SMGSetNumPreRelax( void *smg_vdata,
+                          int   num_pre_relax )
+ {
+    hypre_SMGData *smg_data = smg_vdata;
+    int            ierr = 0;
+    (smg_data -> num_pre_relax) = hypre_max(num_pre_relax,1);
+    return ierr;
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_SMGSetNumPostRelax
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ hypre_SMGSetNumPostRelax( void *smg_vdata,
+                           int   num_post_relax )
+ {
+    hypre_SMGData *smg_data = smg_vdata;
+    int            ierr = 0;
+    (smg_data -> num_post_relax) = num_post_relax;
+    return ierr;
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_SMGSetBase
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ hypre_SMGSetBase( void        *smg_vdata,
+                   hypre_Index  base_index,
+                   hypre_Index  base_stride )
+ {
+    hypre_SMGData *smg_data = smg_vdata;
+    int            d;
+    int            ierr = 0;
+    for (d = 0; d < 3; d++)
+    {
+       hypre_IndexD((smg_data -> base_index),  d) =
+          hypre_IndexD(base_index,  d);
+       hypre_IndexD((smg_data -> base_stride), d) =
+          hypre_IndexD(base_stride, d);
+    }
+    return ierr;
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_SMGSetLogging
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ hypre_SMGSetLogging( void *smg_vdata,
+                      int   logging)
+ {
+    hypre_SMGData *smg_data = smg_vdata;
+    int            ierr = 0;
+    (smg_data -> logging) = logging;
+    return ierr;
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_SMGGetNumIterations
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ hypre_SMGGetNumIterations( void *smg_vdata,
+                            int  *num_iterations )
+ {
+    hypre_SMGData *smg_data = smg_vdata;
+    int            ierr = 0;
+    *num_iterations = (smg_data -> num_iterations);
+    return ierr;
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_SMGPrintLogging
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ hypre_SMGPrintLogging( void *smg_vdata,
+                        int   myid)
+ {
+    hypre_SMGData *smg_data = smg_vdata;
+    int          ierr = 0;
+    int          i;
+    int          num_iterations  = (smg_data -> num_iterations);
+    int          logging   = (smg_data -> logging);
+    double      *norms     = (smg_data -> norms);
+    double      *rel_norms = (smg_data -> rel_norms);
+    if (myid == 0)
+    {
+       if (logging > 0)
+       {
+          for (i = 0; i < num_iterations; i++)
+          {
+             printf("Residual norm[%d] = %e   ",i,norms[i]);
+             printf("Relative residual norm[%d] = %e\n",i,rel_norms[i]);
+          }
+       }
+    }
+    return ierr;
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_SMGGetFinalRelativeResidualNorm
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ hypre_SMGGetFinalRelativeResidualNorm( void   *smg_vdata,
+                                        double *relative_residual_norm )
+ {
+    hypre_SMGData *smg_data = smg_vdata;
+    int            max_iter        = (smg_data -> max_iter);
+    int            num_iterations  = (smg_data -> num_iterations);
+    int            logging         = (smg_data -> logging);
+    double        *rel_norms       = (smg_data -> rel_norms);
+    int            ierr = -1;
+    if (logging > 0)
+    {
+       if (num_iterations == max_iter)
+       {
+          *relative_residual_norm = rel_norms[num_iterations-1];
+       }
+       else
+       {
+          *relative_residual_norm = rel_norms[num_iterations];
+       }
+       ierr = 0;
+    }
+    return ierr;
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_SMGSetStructVectorConstantValues
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ hypre_SMGSetStructVectorConstantValues( hypre_StructVector *vector,
+                                         double              values,
+                                         hypre_BoxArray     *box_array,
+                                         hypre_Index         stride    )
+ {
+    int    ierr = 0;
+    hypre_Box          *v_data_box;
+    int                 vi;
+    double             *vp;
+    hypre_Box          *box;
+    hypre_Index         loop_size;
+    hypre_IndexRef      start;
+    int                 loopi, loopj, loopk;
+    int                 i;
+    /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+     * Set the vector coefficients
+     *-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+    hypre_ForBoxI(i, box_array)
+       {
+          box   = hypre_BoxArrayBox(box_array, i);
+          start = hypre_BoxIMin(box);
+          v_data_box =
+             hypre_BoxArrayBox(hypre_StructVectorDataSpace(vector), i);
+          vp = hypre_StructVectorBoxData(vector, i);
+          hypre_BoxGetStrideSize(box, stride, loop_size);
+          hypre_BoxLoop1Begin(loop_size,
+                              v_data_box, start, stride, vi);
+ #define HYPRE_BOX_SMP_PRIVATE loopk,loopi,loopj,vi
+ #include "hypre_box_smp_forloop.h"
+          hypre_BoxLoop1For(loopi, loopj, loopk, vi)
+             {
+                vp[vi] = values;
+             }
+          hypre_BoxLoop1End(vi);
+       }
+    return ierr;
+ }

Index: llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/ASCI_Purple/SMG2000/smg.h
diff -c /dev/null llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/ASCI_Purple/SMG2000/smg.h:1.1
*** /dev/null	Mon Apr 11 00:22:18 2005
--- llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/ASCI_Purple/SMG2000/smg.h	Mon Apr 11 00:22:07 2005
*** 0 ****
--- 1,114 ----
+ /*BHEADER**********************************************************************
+  * (c) 1997   The Regents of the University of California
+  *
+  * See the file COPYRIGHT_and_DISCLAIMER for a complete copyright
+  * notice, contact person, and disclaimer.
+  *
+  * $Revision: 1.1 $
+  *********************************************************************EHEADER*/
+ /******************************************************************************
+  *
+  * Header info for the SMG solver
+  *
+  *****************************************************************************/
+ #ifndef hypre_SMG_HEADER
+ #define hypre_SMG_HEADER
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_SMGData:
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ typedef struct
+ {
+    MPI_Comm              comm;
+    int                   memory_use;
+    double                tol;
+    int                   max_iter;
+    int                   rel_change;
+    int                   zero_guess;
+    int                   max_levels;  /* max_level <= 0 means no limit */
+    int                   num_levels;
+    int                   num_pre_relax;  /* number of pre relaxation sweeps */
+    int                   num_post_relax; /* number of post relaxation sweeps */
+    int                   cdir;  /* coarsening direction */
+    /* base index space info */
+    hypre_Index           base_index;
+    hypre_Index           base_stride;
+    hypre_StructGrid    **grid_l;
+    hypre_StructGrid    **PT_grid_l;
+    double               *data;
+    hypre_StructMatrix  **A_l;
+    hypre_StructMatrix  **PT_l;
+    hypre_StructMatrix  **R_l;
+    hypre_StructVector  **b_l;
+    hypre_StructVector  **x_l;
+    /* temp vectors */
+    hypre_StructVector  **tb_l;
+    hypre_StructVector  **tx_l;
+    hypre_StructVector  **r_l;
+    hypre_StructVector  **e_l;
+    void                **relax_data_l;
+    void                **residual_data_l;
+    void                **restrict_data_l;
+    void                **interp_data_l;
+    /* log info (always logged) */
+    int                   num_iterations;
+    int                   time_index;
+    /* additional log info (logged when `logging' > 0) */
+    int                   logging;
+    double               *norms;
+    double               *rel_norms;
+ } hypre_SMGData;
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * Utility routines:
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ #define hypre_SMGSetBIndex(base_index, base_stride, level, bindex) \
+ {\
+    if (level > 0)\
+       hypre_SetIndex(bindex, 0, 0, 0);\
+    else\
+       hypre_CopyIndex(base_index, bindex);\
+ }
+ #define hypre_SMGSetBStride(base_index, base_stride, level, bstride) \
+ {\
+    if (level > 0)\
+       hypre_SetIndex(bstride, 1, 1, 1);\
+    else\
+       hypre_CopyIndex(base_stride, bstride);\
+ }
+ #define hypre_SMGSetCIndex(base_index, base_stride, level, cdir, cindex) \
+ {\
+    hypre_SMGSetBIndex(base_index, base_stride, level, cindex);\
+    hypre_IndexD(cindex, cdir) += 0;\
+ }
+ #define hypre_SMGSetFIndex(base_index, base_stride, level, cdir, findex) \
+ {\
+    hypre_SMGSetBIndex(base_index, base_stride, level, findex);\
+    hypre_IndexD(findex, cdir) += 1;\
+ }
+ #define hypre_SMGSetStride(base_index, base_stride, level, cdir, stride) \
+ {\
+    hypre_SMGSetBStride(base_index, base_stride, level, stride);\
+    hypre_IndexD(stride, cdir) *= 2;\
+ }
+ #endif

Index: llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/ASCI_Purple/SMG2000/smg2000.c
diff -c /dev/null llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/ASCI_Purple/SMG2000/smg2000.c:1.1
*** /dev/null	Mon Apr 11 00:22:18 2005
--- llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/ASCI_Purple/SMG2000/smg2000.c	Mon Apr 11 00:22:07 2005
*** 0 ****
--- 1,638 ----
+ #include <stdlib.h>
+ #include <stdio.h>
+ #include <math.h>
+ #include "utilities.h"
+ #include "HYPRE_struct_ls.h"
+ #include "krylov.h"
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * Test driver for structured matrix interface (structured storage)
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ /*----------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * Standard 7-point laplacian in 3D with grid and anisotropy determined
+  * as command line arguments.  Do `driver -help' for usage info.
+  *----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ main( int   argc,
+       char *argv[] )
+ {
+    int                 arg_index;
+    int                 print_usage;
+    int                 nx, ny, nz;
+    int                 P, Q, R;
+    int                 bx, by, bz;
+    double              cx, cy, cz;
+    int                 solver_id;
+    int                 A_num_ghost[6] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
+    HYPRE_StructMatrix  A;
+    HYPRE_StructVector  b;
+    HYPRE_StructVector  x;
+    HYPRE_StructSolver  solver;
+    HYPRE_StructSolver  precond;
+    int                 num_iterations;
+    int                 time_index;
+    double              final_res_norm;
+    int                 num_procs, myid;
+    int                 p, q, r;
+    int                 dim;
+    int                 n_pre, n_post;
+    int                 nblocks, volume;
+    int               **iupper;
+    int               **ilower;
+    int                 istart[3];
+    int               **offsets;
+    HYPRE_StructGrid    grid;
+    HYPRE_StructStencil stencil;
+    int                *stencil_indices;
+    double             *values;
+    int                 i, s, d;
+    int                 ix, iy, iz, ib;
+    /*-----------------------------------------------------------
+     * Initialize some stuff
+     *-----------------------------------------------------------*/
+    /* Initialize MPI */
+    MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);
+    MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &num_procs );
+    MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &myid );
+    /*-----------------------------------------------------------
+     * Set defaults
+     *-----------------------------------------------------------*/
+    dim = 3;
+    nx = 10;
+    ny = 10;
+    nz = 10;
+    P  = num_procs;
+    Q  = 1;
+    R  = 1;
+    bx = 1;
+    by = 1;
+    bz = 1;
+    cx = 1.0;
+    cy = 1.0;
+    cz = 1.0;
+    n_pre  = 1;
+    n_post = 1;
+    solver_id = 0;
+    istart[0] = -17;
+    istart[1] =  0 ;
+    istart[2] =  32;
+    /*-----------------------------------------------------------
+     * Parse command line
+     *-----------------------------------------------------------*/
+    print_usage = 0;
+    arg_index = 1;
+    while (arg_index < argc)
+    {
+       if ( strcmp(argv[arg_index], "-n") == 0 )
+       {
+          arg_index++;
+          nx = atoi(argv[arg_index++]);
+          ny = atoi(argv[arg_index++]);
+          nz = atoi(argv[arg_index++]);
+       }
+       else if ( strcmp(argv[arg_index], "-P") == 0 )
+       {
+          arg_index++;
+          P  = atoi(argv[arg_index++]);
+          Q  = atoi(argv[arg_index++]);
+          R  = atoi(argv[arg_index++]);
+       }
+       else if ( strcmp(argv[arg_index], "-b") == 0 )
+       {
+          arg_index++;
+          bx = atoi(argv[arg_index++]);
+          by = atoi(argv[arg_index++]);
+          bz = atoi(argv[arg_index++]);
+       }
+       else if ( strcmp(argv[arg_index], "-c") == 0 )
+       {
+          arg_index++;
+          cx = atof(argv[arg_index++]);
+          cy = atof(argv[arg_index++]);
+          cz = atof(argv[arg_index++]);
+       }
+       else if ( strcmp(argv[arg_index], "-v") == 0 )
+       {
+          arg_index++;
+          n_pre = atoi(argv[arg_index++]);
+          n_post = atoi(argv[arg_index++]);
+       }
+       else if ( strcmp(argv[arg_index], "-d") == 0 )
+       {
+          arg_index++;
+          dim = atoi(argv[arg_index++]);
+       }
+       else if ( strcmp(argv[arg_index], "-solver") == 0 )
+       {
+          arg_index++;
+          solver_id = atoi(argv[arg_index++]);
+       }
+       else if ( strcmp(argv[arg_index], "-help") == 0 )
+       {
+          print_usage = 1;
+          break;
+       }
+       else
+       {
+          break;
+       }
+    }
+    /*-----------------------------------------------------------
+     * Print usage info
+     *-----------------------------------------------------------*/
+    if ( (print_usage) && (myid == 0) )
+    {
+       printf("\n");
+       printf("Usage: %s [<options>]\n", argv[0]);
+       printf("\n");
+       printf("  -n <nx> <ny> <nz>    : problem size per block\n");
+       printf("  -P <Px> <Py> <Pz>    : processor topology\n");
+       printf("  -b <bx> <by> <bz>    : blocking per processor\n");
+       printf("  -c <cx> <cy> <cz>    : diffusion coefficients\n");
+       printf("  -v <n_pre> <n_post>  : number of pre and post relaxations\n");
+       printf("  -d <dim>             : problem dimension (2 or 3)\n");
+       printf("  -solver <ID>         : solver ID (default = 0)\n");
+       printf("                         0 - SMG\n");
+       printf("                         1 - CG with SMG precond\n");
+       printf("                         2 - CG with diagonal scaling\n");
+       printf("                         3 - CG\n");
+       printf("\n");
+    }
+    if ( print_usage )
+    {
+       exit(1);
+    }
+    /*-----------------------------------------------------------
+     * Check a few things
+     *-----------------------------------------------------------*/
+    if ((P*Q*R) != num_procs)
+    {
+       printf("Error: Invalid number of processors or processor topology \n");
+       exit(1);
+    }
+    /*-----------------------------------------------------------
+     * Print driver parameters
+     *-----------------------------------------------------------*/
+    if (myid == 0)
+    {
+       printf("Running with these driver parameters:\n");
+       printf("  (nx, ny, nz)    = (%d, %d, %d)\n", nx, ny, nz);
+       printf("  (Px, Py, Pz)    = (%d, %d, %d)\n", P,  Q,  R);
+       printf("  (bx, by, bz)    = (%d, %d, %d)\n", bx, by, bz);
+       printf("  (cx, cy, cz)    = (%f, %f, %f)\n", cx, cy, cz);
+       printf("  (n_pre, n_post) = (%d, %d)\n", n_pre, n_post);
+       printf("  dim             = %d\n", dim);
+       printf("  solver ID       = %d\n", solver_id);
+    }
+    /*-----------------------------------------------------------
+     * Synchronize so that timings make sense
+     *-----------------------------------------------------------*/
+    MPI_Barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD);
+    time_index = hypre_InitializeTiming("Struct Interface");
+    hypre_BeginTiming(time_index);
+    /*-----------------------------------------------------------
+     * Set up the grid structure
+     *-----------------------------------------------------------*/
+    switch (dim)
+    {
+       case 1:
+          volume  = nx;
+          nblocks = bx;
+          stencil_indices = hypre_CTAlloc(int, 2);
+          offsets = hypre_CTAlloc(int*, 2);
+          offsets[0] = hypre_CTAlloc(int, 1);
+          offsets[0][0] = -1; 
+          offsets[1] = hypre_CTAlloc(int, 1);
+          offsets[1][0] = 0; 
+          /* compute p from P and myid */
+          p = myid % P;
+          break;
+       case 2:
+          volume  = nx*ny;
+          nblocks = bx*by;
+          stencil_indices = hypre_CTAlloc(int, 3);
+          offsets = hypre_CTAlloc(int*, 3);
+          offsets[0] = hypre_CTAlloc(int, 2);
+          offsets[0][0] = -1; 
+          offsets[0][1] = 0; 
+          offsets[1] = hypre_CTAlloc(int, 2);
+          offsets[1][0] = 0; 
+          offsets[1][1] = -1; 
+          offsets[2] = hypre_CTAlloc(int, 2);
+          offsets[2][0] = 0; 
+          offsets[2][1] = 0; 
+          /* compute p,q from P,Q and myid */
+          p = myid % P;
+          q = (( myid - p)/P) % Q;
+          break;
+       case 3:
+          volume  = nx*ny*nz;
+          nblocks = bx*by*bz;
+          stencil_indices = hypre_CTAlloc(int, 4);
+          offsets = hypre_CTAlloc(int*, 4);
+          offsets[0] = hypre_CTAlloc(int, 3);
+          offsets[0][0] = -1; 
+          offsets[0][1] = 0; 
+          offsets[0][2] = 0; 
+          offsets[1] = hypre_CTAlloc(int, 3);
+          offsets[1][0] = 0; 
+          offsets[1][1] = -1; 
+          offsets[1][2] = 0; 
+          offsets[2] = hypre_CTAlloc(int, 3);
+          offsets[2][0] = 0; 
+          offsets[2][1] = 0; 
+          offsets[2][2] = -1; 
+          offsets[3] = hypre_CTAlloc(int, 3);
+          offsets[3][0] = 0; 
+          offsets[3][1] = 0; 
+          offsets[3][2] = 0; 
+          /* compute p,q,r from P,Q,R and myid */
+          p = myid % P;
+          q = (( myid - p)/P) % Q;
+          r = ( myid - p - P*q)/( P*Q );
+          break;
+    }
+    ilower = hypre_CTAlloc(int*, nblocks);
+    iupper = hypre_CTAlloc(int*, nblocks);
+    for (i = 0; i < nblocks; i++)
+    {
+       ilower[i] = hypre_CTAlloc(int, dim);
+       iupper[i] = hypre_CTAlloc(int, dim);
+    }
+    for (i = 0; i < dim; i++)
+    {
+       A_num_ghost[2*i] = 1;
+       A_num_ghost[2*i + 1] = 1;
+    }
+    /* compute ilower and iupper from (p,q,r), (bx,by,bz), and (nx,ny,nz) */
+    ib = 0;
+    switch (dim)
+    {
+       case 1:
+          for (ix = 0; ix < bx; ix++)
+          {
+             ilower[ib][0] = istart[0]+ nx*(bx*p+ix);
+             iupper[ib][0] = istart[0]+ nx*(bx*p+ix+1) - 1;
+             ib++;
+          }
+          break;
+       case 2:
+          for (iy = 0; iy < by; iy++)
+             for (ix = 0; ix < bx; ix++)
+             {
+                ilower[ib][0] = istart[0]+ nx*(bx*p+ix);
+                iupper[ib][0] = istart[0]+ nx*(bx*p+ix+1) - 1;
+                ilower[ib][1] = istart[1]+ ny*(by*q+iy);
+                iupper[ib][1] = istart[1]+ ny*(by*q+iy+1) - 1;
+                ib++;
+             }
+          break;
+       case 3:
+          for (iz = 0; iz < bz; iz++)
+             for (iy = 0; iy < by; iy++)
+                for (ix = 0; ix < bx; ix++)
+                {
+                   ilower[ib][0] = istart[0]+ nx*(bx*p+ix);
+                   iupper[ib][0] = istart[0]+ nx*(bx*p+ix+1) - 1;
+                   ilower[ib][1] = istart[1]+ ny*(by*q+iy);
+                   iupper[ib][1] = istart[1]+ ny*(by*q+iy+1) - 1;
+                   ilower[ib][2] = istart[2]+ nz*(bz*r+iz);
+                   iupper[ib][2] = istart[2]+ nz*(bz*r+iz+1) - 1;
+                   ib++;
+                }
+          break;
+    } 
+    HYPRE_StructGridCreate(MPI_COMM_WORLD, dim, &grid);
+    for (ib = 0; ib < nblocks; ib++)
+    {
+       HYPRE_StructGridSetExtents(grid, ilower[ib], iupper[ib]);
+    }
+    HYPRE_StructGridAssemble(grid);
+    /*-----------------------------------------------------------
+     * Set up the stencil structure
+     *-----------------------------------------------------------*/
+    HYPRE_StructStencilCreate(dim, dim + 1, &stencil);
+    for (s = 0; s < dim + 1; s++)
+    {
+       HYPRE_StructStencilSetElement(stencil, s, offsets[s]);
+    }
+    /*-----------------------------------------------------------
+     * Set up the matrix structure
+     *-----------------------------------------------------------*/
+    HYPRE_StructMatrixCreate(MPI_COMM_WORLD, grid, stencil, &A);
+    HYPRE_StructMatrixSetSymmetric(A, 1);
+    HYPRE_StructMatrixSetNumGhost(A, A_num_ghost);
+    HYPRE_StructMatrixInitialize(A);
+    /*-----------------------------------------------------------
+     * Fill in the matrix elements
+     *-----------------------------------------------------------*/
+    values = hypre_CTAlloc(double, (dim +1)*volume);
+    /* Set the coefficients for the grid */
+    for (i = 0; i < (dim + 1)*volume; i += (dim + 1))
+    {
+       for (s = 0; s < (dim + 1); s++)
+       {
+          stencil_indices[s] = s;
+          switch (dim)
+          {
+             case 1:
+                values[i  ] = -cx;
+                values[i+1] = 2.0*(cx);
+                break;
+             case 2:
+                values[i  ] = -cx;
+                values[i+1] = -cy;
+                values[i+2] = 2.0*(cx+cy);
+                break;
+             case 3:
+                values[i  ] = -cx;
+                values[i+1] = -cy;
+                values[i+2] = -cz;
+                values[i+3] = 2.0*(cx+cy+cz);
+                break;
+          }
+       }
+    }
+    for (ib = 0; ib < nblocks; ib++)
+    {
+       HYPRE_StructMatrixSetBoxValues(A, ilower[ib], iupper[ib], (dim+1),
+                                      stencil_indices, values);
+    }
+    /* Zero out stencils reaching to real boundary */
+    for (i = 0; i < volume; i++)
+    {
+       values[i] = 0.0;
+    }
+    for (d = 0; d < dim; d++)
+    {
+       for (ib = 0; ib < nblocks; ib++)
+       {
+          if( ilower[ib][d] == istart[d] )
+          {
+             i = iupper[ib][d];
+             iupper[ib][d] = istart[d];
+             stencil_indices[0] = d;
+             HYPRE_StructMatrixSetBoxValues(A, ilower[ib], iupper[ib],
+                                            1, stencil_indices, values);
+             iupper[ib][d] = i;
+          }
+       }
+    }
+    HYPRE_StructMatrixAssemble(A);
+ #if 0
+    HYPRE_StructMatrixPrint("driver.out.A", A, 0);
+ #endif
+    hypre_TFree(values);
+    /*-----------------------------------------------------------
+     * Set up the linear system
+     *-----------------------------------------------------------*/
+    values = hypre_CTAlloc(double, volume);
+    HYPRE_StructVectorCreate(MPI_COMM_WORLD, grid, &b);
+    HYPRE_StructVectorInitialize(b);
+    for (i = 0; i < volume; i++)
+    {
+       values[i] = 1.0;
+    }
+    for (ib = 0; ib < nblocks; ib++)
+    {
+       HYPRE_StructVectorSetBoxValues(b, ilower[ib], iupper[ib], values);
+    }
+    HYPRE_StructVectorAssemble(b);
+ #if 0
+    HYPRE_StructVectorPrint("driver.out.b", b, 0);
+ #endif
+    HYPRE_StructVectorCreate(MPI_COMM_WORLD, grid, &x);
+    HYPRE_StructVectorInitialize(x);
+    for (i = 0; i < volume; i++)
+    {
+       values[i] = 0.0;
+    }
+    for (ib = 0; ib < nblocks; ib++)
+    {
+       HYPRE_StructVectorSetBoxValues(x, ilower[ib], iupper[ib], values);
+    }
+    HYPRE_StructVectorAssemble(x);
+ #if 0
+    HYPRE_StructVectorPrint("driver.out.x0", x, 0);
+ #endif
+    hypre_TFree(values);
+    hypre_EndTiming(time_index);
+    hypre_PrintTiming("Struct Interface", MPI_COMM_WORLD);
+    hypre_FinalizeTiming(time_index);
+    hypre_ClearTiming();
+    /*-----------------------------------------------------------
+     * Solve the system using SMG
+     *-----------------------------------------------------------*/
+    if (solver_id == 0)
+    {
+       time_index = hypre_InitializeTiming("SMG Setup");
+       hypre_BeginTiming(time_index);
+       HYPRE_StructSMGCreate(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &solver);
+       HYPRE_StructSMGSetMemoryUse(solver, 0);
+       HYPRE_StructSMGSetMaxIter(solver, 50);
+       HYPRE_StructSMGSetTol(solver, 1.0e-06);
+       HYPRE_StructSMGSetRelChange(solver, 0);
+       HYPRE_StructSMGSetNumPreRelax(solver, n_pre);
+       HYPRE_StructSMGSetNumPostRelax(solver, n_post);
+       HYPRE_StructSMGSetLogging(solver, 1);
+       HYPRE_StructSMGSetup(solver, A, b, x);
+       hypre_EndTiming(time_index);
+       hypre_PrintTiming("Setup phase times", MPI_COMM_WORLD);
+       hypre_FinalizeTiming(time_index);
+       hypre_ClearTiming();
+       time_index = hypre_InitializeTiming("SMG Solve");
+       hypre_BeginTiming(time_index);
+       HYPRE_StructSMGSolve(solver, A, b, x);
+       hypre_EndTiming(time_index);
+       hypre_PrintTiming("Solve phase times", MPI_COMM_WORLD);
+       hypre_FinalizeTiming(time_index);
+       hypre_ClearTiming();
+       HYPRE_StructSMGGetNumIterations(solver, &num_iterations);
+       HYPRE_StructSMGGetFinalRelativeResidualNorm(solver, &final_res_norm);
+       HYPRE_StructSMGDestroy(solver);
+    }
+    /*-----------------------------------------------------------
+     * Solve the system using CG
+     *-----------------------------------------------------------*/
+    if (solver_id > 0)
+    {
+       time_index = hypre_InitializeTiming("PCG Setup");
+       hypre_BeginTiming(time_index);
+       HYPRE_StructPCGCreate(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &solver);
+       HYPRE_PCGSetMaxIter( (HYPRE_Solver)solver, 50 );
+       HYPRE_PCGSetTol( (HYPRE_Solver)solver, 1.0e-06 );
+       HYPRE_PCGSetTwoNorm( (HYPRE_Solver)solver, 1 );
+       HYPRE_PCGSetRelChange( (HYPRE_Solver)solver, 0 );
+       HYPRE_PCGSetLogging( (HYPRE_Solver)solver, 1 );
+       if (solver_id == 1)
+       {
+          /* use symmetric SMG as preconditioner */
+          HYPRE_StructSMGCreate(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &precond);
+          HYPRE_StructSMGSetMemoryUse(precond, 0);
+          HYPRE_StructSMGSetMaxIter(precond, 1);
+          HYPRE_StructSMGSetTol(precond, 0.0);
+          HYPRE_StructSMGSetZeroGuess(precond);
+          HYPRE_StructSMGSetNumPreRelax(precond, n_pre);
+          HYPRE_StructSMGSetNumPostRelax(precond, n_post);
+          HYPRE_StructSMGSetLogging(precond, 0);
+          HYPRE_PCGSetPrecond((HYPRE_Solver) solver,
+                              (HYPRE_PtrToSolverFcn) HYPRE_StructSMGSolve,
+                              (HYPRE_PtrToSolverFcn) HYPRE_StructSMGSetup,
+                              (HYPRE_Solver) precond);
+       }
+       else if (solver_id == 2)
+       {
+          /* use diagonal scaling as preconditioner */
+          precond = NULL;
+          HYPRE_PCGSetPrecond((HYPRE_Solver) solver,
+                              (HYPRE_PtrToSolverFcn) HYPRE_StructDiagScale,
+                              (HYPRE_PtrToSolverFcn) HYPRE_StructDiagScaleSetup,
+                              (HYPRE_Solver) precond);
+       }
+       HYPRE_PCGSetup((HYPRE_Solver)solver,
+                      (HYPRE_Matrix)A, (HYPRE_Vector)b, (HYPRE_Vector)x);
+       hypre_EndTiming(time_index);
+       hypre_PrintTiming("Setup phase times", MPI_COMM_WORLD);
+       hypre_FinalizeTiming(time_index);
+       hypre_ClearTiming();
+       time_index = hypre_InitializeTiming("PCG Solve");
+       hypre_BeginTiming(time_index);
+       HYPRE_PCGSolve((HYPRE_Solver)solver,
+                      (HYPRE_Matrix)A, (HYPRE_Vector)b, (HYPRE_Vector)x);
+       hypre_EndTiming(time_index);
+       hypre_PrintTiming("Solve phase times", MPI_COMM_WORLD);
+       hypre_FinalizeTiming(time_index);
+       hypre_ClearTiming();
+       HYPRE_PCGGetNumIterations((HYPRE_Solver)solver, &num_iterations);
+       HYPRE_PCGGetFinalRelativeResidualNorm((HYPRE_Solver)solver,
+                                             &final_res_norm);
+       HYPRE_StructPCGDestroy(solver);
+       if (solver_id == 1)
+       {
+          HYPRE_StructSMGDestroy(precond);
+       }
+    }
+    /*-----------------------------------------------------------
+     * Print the solution and other info
+     *-----------------------------------------------------------*/
+ #if 0
+    HYPRE_StructVectorPrint("driver.out.x", x, 0);
+ #endif
+    if (myid == 0)
+    {
+       printf("\n");
+       printf("Iterations = %d\n", num_iterations);
+       printf("Final Relative Residual Norm = %e\n", final_res_norm);
+       printf("\n");
+    }
+    /*-----------------------------------------------------------
+     * Finalize things
+     *-----------------------------------------------------------*/
+    HYPRE_StructGridDestroy(grid);
+    HYPRE_StructStencilDestroy(stencil);
+    HYPRE_StructMatrixDestroy(A);
+    HYPRE_StructVectorDestroy(b);
+    HYPRE_StructVectorDestroy(x);
+    for (i = 0; i < nblocks; i++)
+    {
+       hypre_TFree(iupper[i]);
+       hypre_TFree(ilower[i]);
+    }
+    hypre_TFree(ilower);
+    hypre_TFree(iupper);
+    hypre_TFree(stencil_indices);
+    for ( i = 0; i < (dim + 1); i++)
+       hypre_TFree(offsets[i]);
+    hypre_TFree(offsets);
+    /* Finalize MPI */
+    MPI_Finalize();
+    return (0);
+ }

Index: llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/ASCI_Purple/SMG2000/smg2_setup_rap.c
diff -c /dev/null llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/ASCI_Purple/SMG2000/smg2_setup_rap.c:1.1
*** /dev/null	Mon Apr 11 00:22:18 2005
--- llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/ASCI_Purple/SMG2000/smg2_setup_rap.c	Mon Apr 11 00:22:07 2005
*** 0 ****
--- 1,985 ----
+ /*BHEADER**********************************************************************
+  * (c) 1997   The Regents of the University of California
+  *
+  * See the file COPYRIGHT_and_DISCLAIMER for a complete copyright
+  * notice, contact person, and disclaimer.
+  *
+  * $Revision: 1.1 $
+  *********************************************************************EHEADER*/
+ /******************************************************************************
+  *
+  *
+  *****************************************************************************/
+ #include "headers.h"
+ #include "smg.h"
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_SMG2CreateRAPOp 
+  *    Sets up new coarse grid operator stucture.
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ hypre_StructMatrix *
+ hypre_SMG2CreateRAPOp( hypre_StructMatrix *R,
+                        hypre_StructMatrix *A,
+                        hypre_StructMatrix *PT,
+                        hypre_StructGrid   *coarse_grid )
+ {
+    hypre_StructMatrix    *RAP;
+    hypre_Index           *RAP_stencil_shape;
+    hypre_StructStencil   *RAP_stencil;
+    int                    RAP_stencil_size;
+    int                    RAP_stencil_dim;
+    int                    RAP_num_ghost[] = {1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0};
+    int                    j, i;
+    int                    stencil_rank;
+    RAP_stencil_dim = 2;
+    /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+     * Define RAP_stencil
+     *-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+    stencil_rank = 0;
+    /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+     * non-symmetric case
+     *-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+    if (!hypre_StructMatrixSymmetric(A))
+    {
+       /*--------------------------------------------------------------------
+        * 5 or 9 point fine grid stencil produces 9 point RAP
+        *--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+       RAP_stencil_size = 9;
+       RAP_stencil_shape = hypre_CTAlloc(hypre_Index, RAP_stencil_size);
+       for (j = -1; j < 2; j++)
+       {
+          for (i = -1; i < 2; i++)
+          {
+             /*--------------------------------------------------------------
+              * Storage for 9 elements (c,w,e,n,s,sw,se,nw,se)
+              *--------------------------------------------------------------*/
+             hypre_SetIndex(RAP_stencil_shape[stencil_rank],i,j,0);
+             stencil_rank++;
+          }
+       }
+    }
+    /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+     * symmetric case
+     *-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+    else
+    {
+       /*--------------------------------------------------------------------
+        * 5 or 9 point fine grid stencil produces 9 point RAP
+        * Only store the lower triangular part + diagonal = 5 entries,
+        * lower triangular means the lower triangular part on the matrix
+        * in the standard lexicalgraphic ordering.
+        *--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+       RAP_stencil_size = 5;
+       RAP_stencil_shape = hypre_CTAlloc(hypre_Index, RAP_stencil_size);
+       for (j = -1; j < 1; j++)
+       {
+          for (i = -1; i < 2; i++)
+          {
+             /*--------------------------------------------------------------
+              * Store 5 elements in (c,w,s,sw,se)
+              *--------------------------------------------------------------*/
+             if( i+j <=0 )
+             {
+                hypre_SetIndex(RAP_stencil_shape[stencil_rank],i,j,0);
+                stencil_rank++;
+             }
+          }
+       }
+    }
+    RAP_stencil = hypre_StructStencilCreate(RAP_stencil_dim, RAP_stencil_size,
+                                         RAP_stencil_shape);
+    RAP = hypre_StructMatrixCreate(hypre_StructMatrixComm(A),
+                                   coarse_grid, RAP_stencil);
+    hypre_StructStencilDestroy(RAP_stencil);
+    /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+     * Coarse operator in symmetric iff fine operator is
+     *-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+    hypre_StructMatrixSymmetric(RAP) = hypre_StructMatrixSymmetric(A);
+    /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+     * Set number of ghost points
+     *-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+    if (hypre_StructMatrixSymmetric(A))
+    {
+       RAP_num_ghost[1] = 0;
+       RAP_num_ghost[3] = 0;
+    }
+    hypre_StructMatrixSetNumGhost(RAP, RAP_num_ghost);
+    return RAP;
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * Routines to build RAP. These routines are fairly general
+  *  1) No assumptions about symmetry of A
+  *  2) No assumption that R = transpose(P)
+  *  3) 5 or 9-point fine grid A 
+  *
+  * I am, however, assuming that the c-to-c interpolation is the identity.
+  *
+  * I've written two routines - hypre_SMG2BuildRAPSym to build the
+  * lower triangular part of RAP (including the diagonal) and
+  * hypre_SMG2BuildRAPNoSym to build the upper triangular part of RAP
+  * (excluding the diagonal). So using symmetric storage, only the
+  * first routine would be called. With full storage both would need to
+  * be called.
+  *
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ hypre_SMG2BuildRAPSym( hypre_StructMatrix *A,
+                        hypre_StructMatrix *PT,
+                        hypre_StructMatrix *R,
+                        hypre_StructMatrix *RAP,
+                        hypre_Index         cindex,
+                        hypre_Index         cstride )
+ {
+    hypre_Index           index;
+    hypre_StructStencil  *fine_stencil;
+    int                   fine_stencil_size;
+    hypre_StructGrid     *fgrid;
+    int                  *fgrid_ids;
+    hypre_StructGrid     *cgrid;
+    hypre_BoxArray       *cgrid_boxes;
+    int                  *cgrid_ids;
+    hypre_Box            *cgrid_box;
+    hypre_IndexRef        cstart;
+    hypre_Index           stridec;
+    hypre_Index           fstart;
+    hypre_IndexRef        stridef;
+    hypre_Index           loop_size;
+    int                   fi, ci;
+    int                   loopi, loopj, loopk;
+    hypre_Box            *A_dbox;
+    hypre_Box            *PT_dbox;
+    hypre_Box            *R_dbox;
+    hypre_Box            *RAP_dbox;
+    double               *pa, *pb;
+    double               *ra, *rb;
+    double               *a_cc, *a_cw, *a_ce, *a_cs, *a_cn;
+    double               *a_csw, *a_cse, *a_cnw;
+    double               *rap_cc, *rap_cw, *rap_cs;
+    double               *rap_csw, *rap_cse;
+    int                  iA, iAm1, iAp1;
+    int                  iAc;
+    int                  iP, iP1;
+    int                  iR;
+    int                  yOffsetA; 
+    int                  xOffsetP; 
+    int                  yOffsetP; 
+    int                  ierr = 0;
+    fine_stencil = hypre_StructMatrixStencil(A);
+    fine_stencil_size = hypre_StructStencilSize(fine_stencil);
+    stridef = cstride;
+    hypre_SetIndex(stridec, 1, 1, 1);
+    fgrid = hypre_StructMatrixGrid(A);
+    fgrid_ids = hypre_StructGridIDs(fgrid);
+    cgrid = hypre_StructMatrixGrid(RAP);
+    cgrid_boxes = hypre_StructGridBoxes(cgrid);
+    cgrid_ids = hypre_StructGridIDs(cgrid);
+    fi = 0;
+    hypre_ForBoxI(ci, cgrid_boxes)
+       {
+          while (fgrid_ids[fi] != cgrid_ids[ci])
+          {
+             fi++;
+          }
+          cgrid_box = hypre_BoxArrayBox(cgrid_boxes, ci);
+          cstart = hypre_BoxIMin(cgrid_box);
+          hypre_StructMapCoarseToFine(cstart, cindex, cstride, fstart);
+          A_dbox = hypre_BoxArrayBox(hypre_StructMatrixDataSpace(A), fi);
+          PT_dbox = hypre_BoxArrayBox(hypre_StructMatrixDataSpace(PT), fi);
+          R_dbox = hypre_BoxArrayBox(hypre_StructMatrixDataSpace(R), fi);
+          RAP_dbox = hypre_BoxArrayBox(hypre_StructMatrixDataSpace(RAP), ci);
+          /*-----------------------------------------------------------------
+           * Extract pointers for interpolation operator:
+           * pa is pointer for weight for f-point above c-point 
+           * pb is pointer for weight for f-point below c-point 
+           *-----------------------------------------------------------------*/
+          hypre_SetIndex(index,0,1,0);
+          pa = hypre_StructMatrixExtractPointerByIndex(PT, fi, index);
+          hypre_SetIndex(index,0,-1,0);
+          pb = hypre_StructMatrixExtractPointerByIndex(PT, fi, index);
+          /*-----------------------------------------------------------------
+           * Extract pointers for restriction operator:
+           * ra is pointer for weight for f-point above c-point 
+           * rb is pointer for weight for f-point below c-point 
+           *-----------------------------------------------------------------*/
+          hypre_SetIndex(index,0,1,0);
+          ra = hypre_StructMatrixExtractPointerByIndex(R, fi, index);
+          hypre_SetIndex(index,0,-1,0);
+          rb = hypre_StructMatrixExtractPointerByIndex(R, fi, index);
+          /*-----------------------------------------------------------------
+           * Extract pointers for 5-point fine grid operator:
+           * 
+           * a_cc is pointer for center coefficient
+           * a_cw is pointer for west coefficient
+           * a_ce is pointer for east coefficient
+           * a_cs is pointer for south coefficient
+           * a_cn is pointer for north coefficient
+           *-----------------------------------------------------------------*/
+          hypre_SetIndex(index,0,0,0);
+          a_cc = hypre_StructMatrixExtractPointerByIndex(A, fi, index);
+          hypre_SetIndex(index,-1,0,0);
+          a_cw = hypre_StructMatrixExtractPointerByIndex(A, fi, index);
+          hypre_SetIndex(index,1,0,0);
+          a_ce = hypre_StructMatrixExtractPointerByIndex(A, fi, index);
+          hypre_SetIndex(index,0,-1,0);
+          a_cs = hypre_StructMatrixExtractPointerByIndex(A, fi, index);
+          hypre_SetIndex(index,0,1,0);
+          a_cn = hypre_StructMatrixExtractPointerByIndex(A, fi, index);
+          /*-----------------------------------------------------------------
+           * Extract additional pointers for 9-point fine grid operator:
+           *
+           * a_csw is pointer for southwest coefficient
+           * a_cse is pointer for southeast coefficient
+           * a_cnw is pointer for northwest coefficient
+           * a_cne is pointer for northeast coefficient
+           *-----------------------------------------------------------------*/
+          if(fine_stencil_size > 5)
+          {
+             hypre_SetIndex(index,-1,-1,0);
+             a_csw = hypre_StructMatrixExtractPointerByIndex(A, fi, index);
+             hypre_SetIndex(index,1,-1,0);
+             a_cse = hypre_StructMatrixExtractPointerByIndex(A, fi, index);
+             hypre_SetIndex(index,-1,1,0);
+             a_cnw = hypre_StructMatrixExtractPointerByIndex(A, fi, index);
+          }
+          /*-----------------------------------------------------------------
+           * Extract pointers for coarse grid operator - always 9-point:
+           *
+           * We build only the lower triangular part (plus diagonal).
+           * 
+           * rap_cc is pointer for center coefficient (etc.)
+           *-----------------------------------------------------------------*/
+          hypre_SetIndex(index,0,0,0);
+          rap_cc = hypre_StructMatrixExtractPointerByIndex(RAP, ci, index);
+          hypre_SetIndex(index,-1,0,0);
+          rap_cw = hypre_StructMatrixExtractPointerByIndex(RAP, ci, index);
+          hypre_SetIndex(index,0,-1,0);
+          rap_cs = hypre_StructMatrixExtractPointerByIndex(RAP, ci, index);
+          hypre_SetIndex(index,-1,-1,0);
+          rap_csw = hypre_StructMatrixExtractPointerByIndex(RAP, ci, index);
+          hypre_SetIndex(index,1,-1,0);
+          rap_cse = hypre_StructMatrixExtractPointerByIndex(RAP, ci, index);
+          /*-----------------------------------------------------------------
+           * Define offsets for fine grid stencil and interpolation
+           *
+           * In the BoxLoop below I assume iA and iP refer to data associated
+           * with the point which we are building the stencil for. The below
+           * Offsets are used in refering to data associated with other points. 
+           *-----------------------------------------------------------------*/
+          hypre_SetIndex(index,0,1,0);
+          yOffsetA = hypre_BoxOffsetDistance(A_dbox,index); 
+          yOffsetP = hypre_BoxOffsetDistance(PT_dbox,index); 
+          hypre_SetIndex(index,1,0,0);
+          xOffsetP = hypre_BoxOffsetDistance(PT_dbox,index); 
+          /*-----------------------------------------------------------------
+           * Switch statement to direct control to apropriate BoxLoop depending
+           * on stencil size. Default is full 9-point.
+           *-----------------------------------------------------------------*/
+          switch (fine_stencil_size)
+          {
+             /*--------------------------------------------------------------
+              * Loop for symmetric 5-point fine grid operator; produces a
+              * symmetric 9-point coarse grid operator. We calculate only the
+              * lower triangular stencil entries: (southwest, south, southeast,
+              * west, and center).
+              *--------------------------------------------------------------*/
+             case 5:
+             hypre_BoxGetSize(cgrid_box, loop_size);
+             hypre_BoxLoop4Begin(loop_size,
+                                 PT_dbox,  cstart, stridec, iP,
+                                 R_dbox,   cstart, stridec, iR,
+                                 A_dbox,   fstart, stridef, iA,
+                                 RAP_dbox, cstart, stridec, iAc);
+ #define HYPRE_BOX_SMP_PRIVATE loopk,loopi,loopj,iP,iR,iA,iAc,iAm1,iAp1,iP1
+ #include "hypre_box_smp_forloop.h"
+             hypre_BoxLoop4For(loopi, loopj, loopk, iP, iR, iA, iAc)
+                {
+                   iAm1 = iA - yOffsetA;
+                   iAp1 = iA + yOffsetA;
+                   iP1 = iP - yOffsetP - xOffsetP;
+                   rap_csw[iAc] = rb[iR] * a_cw[iAm1] * pa[iP1];
+                   iP1 = iP - yOffsetP;
+                   rap_cs[iAc] = rb[iR] * a_cc[iAm1] * pa[iP1]
+                      +          rb[iR] * a_cs[iAm1]
+                      +                   a_cs[iA]   * pa[iP1];
+                   iP1 = iP - yOffsetP + xOffsetP;
+                   rap_cse[iAc] = rb[iR] * a_ce[iAm1] * pa[iP1];
+                   iP1 = iP - xOffsetP;
+                   rap_cw[iAc] =          a_cw[iA]
+                      +          rb[iR] * a_cw[iAm1] * pb[iP1]
+                      +          ra[iR] * a_cw[iAp1] * pa[iP1];
+                   rap_cc[iAc] =          a_cc[iA]
+                      +          rb[iR] * a_cc[iAm1] * pb[iP]
+                      +          ra[iR] * a_cc[iAp1] * pa[iP]
+                      +          rb[iR] * a_cn[iAm1]
+                      +          ra[iR] * a_cs[iAp1]
+                      +                   a_cs[iA]   * pb[iP]
+                      +                   a_cn[iA]   * pa[iP];
+                }
+             hypre_BoxLoop4End(iP, iR, iA, iAc);
+             break;
+             /*--------------------------------------------------------------
+              * Loop for symmetric 9-point fine grid operator; produces a
+              * symmetric 9-point coarse grid operator. We calculate only the
+              * lower triangular stencil entries: (southwest, south, southeast,
+              * west, and center).
+              *--------------------------------------------------------------*/
+             default:
+             hypre_BoxGetSize(cgrid_box, loop_size);
+             hypre_BoxLoop4Begin(loop_size,
+                                 PT_dbox,  cstart, stridec, iP,
+                                 R_dbox,   cstart, stridec, iR,
+                                 A_dbox,   fstart, stridef, iA,
+                                 RAP_dbox, cstart, stridec, iAc);
+ #define HYPRE_BOX_SMP_PRIVATE loopk,loopi,loopj,iP,iR,iA,iAc,iAm1,iAp1,iP1
+ #include "hypre_box_smp_forloop.h"
+             hypre_BoxLoop4For(loopi, loopj, loopk, iP, iR, iA, iAc)
+                {
+                   iAm1 = iA - yOffsetA;
+                   iAp1 = iA + yOffsetA;
+                   iP1 = iP - yOffsetP - xOffsetP;
+                   rap_csw[iAc] = rb[iR] * a_cw[iAm1] * pa[iP1]
+                      +           rb[iR] * a_csw[iAm1]
+                      +                    a_csw[iA]  * pa[iP1];
+                   iP1 = iP - yOffsetP;
+                   rap_cs[iAc] = rb[iR] * a_cc[iAm1] * pa[iP1]
+                      +          rb[iR] * a_cs[iAm1]
+                      +                   a_cs[iA]   * pa[iP1];
+                   iP1 = iP - yOffsetP + xOffsetP;
+                   rap_cse[iAc] = rb[iR] * a_ce[iAm1] * pa[iP1]
+                      +           rb[iR] * a_cse[iAm1]
+                      +                    a_cse[iA]  * pa[iP1];
+                   iP1 = iP - xOffsetP;
+                   rap_cw[iAc] =          a_cw[iA]
+                      +          rb[iR] * a_cw[iAm1] * pb[iP1]
+                      +          ra[iR] * a_cw[iAp1] * pa[iP1]
+                      +          rb[iR] * a_cnw[iAm1]
+                      +          ra[iR] * a_csw[iAp1]
+                      +                   a_csw[iA]  * pb[iP1]
+                      +                   a_cnw[iA]  * pa[iP1];
+                   rap_cc[iAc] =          a_cc[iA]
+                      +          rb[iR] * a_cc[iAm1] * pb[iP]
+                      +          ra[iR] * a_cc[iAp1] * pa[iP]
+                      +          rb[iR] * a_cn[iAm1]
+                      +          ra[iR] * a_cs[iAp1]
+                      +                   a_cs[iA]   * pb[iP]
+                      +                   a_cn[iA]   * pa[iP];
+                }
+             hypre_BoxLoop4End(iP, iR, iA, iAc);
+             break;
+          } /* end switch statement */
+       } /* end ForBoxI */
+    return ierr;
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ hypre_SMG2BuildRAPNoSym( hypre_StructMatrix *A,
+                          hypre_StructMatrix *PT,
+                          hypre_StructMatrix *R,
+                          hypre_StructMatrix *RAP,
+                          hypre_Index         cindex,
+                          hypre_Index         cstride )
+ {
+    hypre_Index             index;
+    hypre_StructStencil  *fine_stencil;
+    int                   fine_stencil_size;
+    hypre_StructGrid     *fgrid;
+    int                  *fgrid_ids;
+    hypre_StructGrid     *cgrid;
+    hypre_BoxArray       *cgrid_boxes;
+    int                  *cgrid_ids;
+    hypre_Box            *cgrid_box;
+    hypre_IndexRef        cstart;
+    hypre_Index           stridec;
+    hypre_Index           fstart;
+    hypre_IndexRef        stridef;
+    hypre_Index           loop_size;
+    int                   fi, ci;
+    int                   loopi, loopj, loopk;
+    hypre_Box            *A_dbox;
+    hypre_Box            *PT_dbox;
+    hypre_Box            *R_dbox;
+    hypre_Box            *RAP_dbox;
+    double               *pa, *pb;
+    double               *ra, *rb;
+    double               *a_cc, *a_cw, *a_ce, *a_cn;
+    double               *a_cse, *a_cnw, *a_cne;
+    double               *rap_ce, *rap_cn;
+    double               *rap_cnw, *rap_cne;
+    int                  iA, iAm1, iAp1;
+    int                  iAc;
+    int                  iP, iP1;
+    int                  iR;
+    int                  yOffsetA;
+    int                  xOffsetP;
+    int                  yOffsetP;
+    int                  ierr = 0;
+    fine_stencil = hypre_StructMatrixStencil(A);
+    fine_stencil_size = hypre_StructStencilSize(fine_stencil);
+    stridef = cstride;
+    hypre_SetIndex(stridec, 1, 1, 1);
+    fgrid = hypre_StructMatrixGrid(A);
+    fgrid_ids = hypre_StructGridIDs(fgrid);
+    cgrid = hypre_StructMatrixGrid(RAP);
+    cgrid_boxes = hypre_StructGridBoxes(cgrid);
+    cgrid_ids = hypre_StructGridIDs(cgrid);
+    fi = 0;
+    hypre_ForBoxI(ci, cgrid_boxes)
+       {
+          while (fgrid_ids[fi] != cgrid_ids[ci])
+          {
+             fi++;
+          }
+          cgrid_box = hypre_BoxArrayBox(cgrid_boxes, ci);
+          cstart = hypre_BoxIMin(cgrid_box);
+          hypre_StructMapCoarseToFine(cstart, cindex, cstride, fstart);
+          A_dbox = hypre_BoxArrayBox(hypre_StructMatrixDataSpace(A), fi);
+          PT_dbox = hypre_BoxArrayBox(hypre_StructMatrixDataSpace(PT), fi);
+          R_dbox = hypre_BoxArrayBox(hypre_StructMatrixDataSpace(R), fi);
+          RAP_dbox = hypre_BoxArrayBox(hypre_StructMatrixDataSpace(RAP), ci);
+          /*-----------------------------------------------------------------
+           * Extract pointers for interpolation operator:
+           * pa is pointer for weight for f-point above c-point 
+           * pb is pointer for weight for f-point below c-point 
+           *-----------------------------------------------------------------*/
+          hypre_SetIndex(index,0,1,0);
+          pa = hypre_StructMatrixExtractPointerByIndex(PT, fi, index);
+          hypre_SetIndex(index,0,-1,0);
+          pb = hypre_StructMatrixExtractPointerByIndex(PT, fi, index);
+          /*-----------------------------------------------------------------
+           * Extract pointers for restriction operator:
+           * ra is pointer for weight for f-point above c-point 
+           * rb is pointer for weight for f-point below c-point 
+           *-----------------------------------------------------------------*/
+          hypre_SetIndex(index,0,1,0);
+          ra = hypre_StructMatrixExtractPointerByIndex(R, fi, index);
+          hypre_SetIndex(index,0,-1,0);
+          rb = hypre_StructMatrixExtractPointerByIndex(R, fi, index);
+          /*-----------------------------------------------------------------
+           * Extract pointers for 5-point fine grid operator:
+           * 
+           * a_cc is pointer for center coefficient
+           * a_cw is pointer for west coefficient
+           * a_ce is pointer for east coefficient
+           * a_cs is pointer for south coefficient
+           * a_cn is pointer for north coefficient
+           *-----------------------------------------------------------------*/
+          hypre_SetIndex(index,0,0,0);
+          a_cc = hypre_StructMatrixExtractPointerByIndex(A, fi, index);
+          hypre_SetIndex(index,-1,0,0);
+          a_cw = hypre_StructMatrixExtractPointerByIndex(A, fi, index);
+          hypre_SetIndex(index,1,0,0);
+          a_ce = hypre_StructMatrixExtractPointerByIndex(A, fi, index);
+          hypre_SetIndex(index,0,1,0);
+          a_cn = hypre_StructMatrixExtractPointerByIndex(A, fi, index);
+          /*-----------------------------------------------------------------
+           * Extract additional pointers for 9-point fine grid operator:
+           *
+           * a_csw is pointer for southwest coefficient
+           * a_cse is pointer for southeast coefficient
+           * a_cnw is pointer for northwest coefficient
+           * a_cne is pointer for northeast coefficient
+           *-----------------------------------------------------------------*/
+          if(fine_stencil_size > 5)
+          {
+             hypre_SetIndex(index,1,-1,0);
+             a_cse = hypre_StructMatrixExtractPointerByIndex(A, fi, index);
+             hypre_SetIndex(index,-1,1,0);
+             a_cnw = hypre_StructMatrixExtractPointerByIndex(A, fi, index);
+             hypre_SetIndex(index,1,1,0);
+             a_cne = hypre_StructMatrixExtractPointerByIndex(A, fi, index);
+          }
+          /*-----------------------------------------------------------------
+           * Extract pointers for coarse grid operator - always 9-point:
+           *
+           * We build only the upper triangular part.
+           *
+           * rap_ce is pointer for east coefficient (etc.)
+           *-----------------------------------------------------------------*/
+          hypre_SetIndex(index,1,0,0);
+          rap_ce = hypre_StructMatrixExtractPointerByIndex(RAP, ci, index);
+          hypre_SetIndex(index,0,1,0);
+          rap_cn = hypre_StructMatrixExtractPointerByIndex(RAP, ci, index);
+          hypre_SetIndex(index,1,1,0);
+          rap_cne = hypre_StructMatrixExtractPointerByIndex(RAP, ci, index);
+          hypre_SetIndex(index,-1,1,0);
+          rap_cnw = hypre_StructMatrixExtractPointerByIndex(RAP, ci, index);
+          /*-----------------------------------------------------------------
+           * Define offsets for fine grid stencil and interpolation
+           *
+           * In the BoxLoop below I assume iA and iP refer to data associated
+           * with the point which we are building the stencil for. The below
+           * Offsets are used in refering to data associated with other points. 
+           *-----------------------------------------------------------------*/
+          hypre_SetIndex(index,0,1,0);
+          yOffsetA = hypre_BoxOffsetDistance(A_dbox,index); 
+          yOffsetP = hypre_BoxOffsetDistance(PT_dbox,index); 
+          hypre_SetIndex(index,1,0,0);
+          xOffsetP = hypre_BoxOffsetDistance(PT_dbox,index); 
+          /*-----------------------------------------------------------------
+           * Switch statement to direct control to apropriate BoxLoop depending
+           * on stencil size. Default is full 27-point.
+           *-----------------------------------------------------------------*/
+          switch (fine_stencil_size)
+          {
+             /*--------------------------------------------------------------
+              * Loop for 5-point fine grid operator; produces upper triangular
+              * part of 9-point coarse grid operator - excludes diagonal.
+              * stencil entries: (northeast, north, northwest, and east)
+              *--------------------------------------------------------------*/
+             case 5:
+             hypre_BoxGetSize(cgrid_box, loop_size);
+             hypre_BoxLoop4Begin(loop_size,
+                                 PT_dbox,  cstart, stridec, iP,
+                                 R_dbox,   cstart, stridec, iR,
+                                 A_dbox,   fstart, stridef, iA,
+                                 RAP_dbox, cstart, stridec, iAc);
+ #define HYPRE_BOX_SMP_PRIVATE loopk,loopi,loopj,iP,iR,iA,iAc,iAm1,iAp1,iP1
+ #include "hypre_box_smp_forloop.h"
+             hypre_BoxLoop4For(loopi, loopj, loopk, iP, iR, iA, iAc)
+                {
+                   iAm1 = iA - yOffsetA;
+                   iAp1 = iA + yOffsetA;
+                   iP1 = iP + yOffsetP + xOffsetP;
+                   rap_cne[iAc] = ra[iR] * a_ce[iAp1] * pb[iP1];
+                   iP1 = iP + yOffsetP;
+                   rap_cn[iAc] = ra[iR] * a_cc[iAp1] * pb[iP1]
+                      +          ra[iR] * a_cn[iAp1]
+                      +                   a_cn[iA]   * pb[iP1];
+                   iP1 = iP + yOffsetP - xOffsetP;
+                   rap_cnw[iAc] = ra[iR] * a_cw[iAp1] * pb[iP1];
+                   iP1 = iP + xOffsetP;
+                   rap_ce[iAc] =          a_ce[iA]
+                      +          rb[iR] * a_ce[iAm1] * pb[iP1]
+                      +          ra[iR] * a_ce[iAp1] * pa[iP1];
+                }
+             hypre_BoxLoop4End(iP, iR, iA, iAc);
+             break;
+             /*--------------------------------------------------------------
+              * Loop for 9-point fine grid operator; produces upper triangular
+              * part of 9-point coarse grid operator - excludes diagonal.
+              * stencil entries: (northeast, north, northwest, and east)
+              *--------------------------------------------------------------*/
+             default:
+             hypre_BoxGetSize(cgrid_box, loop_size);
+             hypre_BoxLoop4Begin(loop_size,
+                                 PT_dbox,  cstart, stridec, iP,
+                                 R_dbox,   cstart, stridec, iR,
+                                 A_dbox,   fstart, stridef, iA,
+                                 RAP_dbox, cstart, stridec, iAc);
+ #define HYPRE_BOX_SMP_PRIVATE loopk,loopi,loopj,iP,iR,iA,iAc,iAm1,iAp1,iP1
+ #include "hypre_box_smp_forloop.h"
+             hypre_BoxLoop4For(loopi, loopj, loopk, iP, iR, iA, iAc)
+                {
+                   iAm1 = iA - yOffsetA;
+                   iAp1 = iA + yOffsetA;
+                   iP1 = iP + yOffsetP + xOffsetP;
+                   rap_cne[iAc] = ra[iR] * a_ce[iAp1] * pb[iP1]
+                      +           ra[iR] * a_cne[iAp1]
+                      +                    a_cne[iA]  * pb[iP1];
+                   iP1 = iP + yOffsetP;
+                   rap_cn[iAc] = ra[iR] * a_cc[iAp1] * pb[iP1]
+                      +          ra[iR] * a_cn[iAp1]
+                      +                   a_cn[iA]   * pb[iP1];
+                   iP1 = iP + yOffsetP - xOffsetP;
+                   rap_cnw[iAc] = ra[iR] * a_cw[iAp1] * pb[iP1]
+                      +           ra[iR] * a_cnw[iAp1]
+                      +                    a_cnw[iA]  * pb[iP1];
+                   iP1 = iP + xOffsetP;
+                   rap_ce[iAc] =          a_ce[iA]
+                      +          rb[iR] * a_ce[iAm1] * pb[iP1]
+                      +          ra[iR] * a_ce[iAp1] * pa[iP1]
+                      +          rb[iR] * a_cne[iAm1]
+                      +          ra[iR] * a_cse[iAp1]
+                      +                   a_cse[iA]  * pb[iP1]
+                      +                   a_cne[iA]  * pa[iP1];
+                }
+             hypre_BoxLoop4End(iP, iR, iA, iAc);
+             break;
+          } /* end switch statement */
+       } /* end ForBoxI */
+    return ierr;
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_SMG2RAPPeriodicSym 
+  *    Collapses stencil in periodic direction on coarsest grid.
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ hypre_SMG2RAPPeriodicSym( hypre_StructMatrix *RAP,
+                           hypre_Index         cindex,
+                           hypre_Index         cstride )
+ {
+    hypre_Index             index;
+    hypre_StructGrid       *cgrid;
+    hypre_BoxArray         *cgrid_boxes;
+    hypre_Box              *cgrid_box;
+    hypre_IndexRef          cstart;
+    hypre_Index             stridec;
+    hypre_Index             loop_size;
+    int                  ci;
+    int                  loopi, loopj, loopk;
+    hypre_Box              *RAP_dbox;
+    double               *rap_cc, *rap_cw, *rap_cs;
+    double               *rap_csw, *rap_cse;
+    int                  iAc;
+    int                  iAcm1;
+    int                  xOffset;
+    double               zero = 0.0;
+    int                  ierr = 0;
+    hypre_SetIndex(stridec, 1, 1, 1);
+    cgrid = hypre_StructMatrixGrid(RAP);
+    cgrid_boxes = hypre_StructGridBoxes(cgrid);
+    if (hypre_IndexY(hypre_StructGridPeriodic(cgrid)) == 1)
+    {
+       hypre_StructMatrixAssemble(RAP);
+       hypre_ForBoxI(ci, cgrid_boxes)
+       {
+          cgrid_box = hypre_BoxArrayBox(cgrid_boxes, ci);
+          cstart = hypre_BoxIMin(cgrid_box);
+          RAP_dbox =
+          hypre_BoxArrayBox(hypre_StructMatrixDataSpace(RAP), ci);
+          hypre_SetIndex(index,1,0,0);
+          xOffset = hypre_BoxOffsetDistance(RAP_dbox,index); 
+          /*-----------------------------------------------------------------
+           * Extract pointers for coarse grid operator - always 9-point:
+           *-----------------------------------------------------------------*/
+          hypre_SetIndex(index,0,0,0);
+          rap_cc = hypre_StructMatrixExtractPointerByIndex(RAP, ci, index);
+          hypre_SetIndex(index,-1,0,0);
+          rap_cw = hypre_StructMatrixExtractPointerByIndex(RAP, ci, index);
+          hypre_SetIndex(index,0,-1,0);
+          rap_cs = hypre_StructMatrixExtractPointerByIndex(RAP, ci, index);
+          hypre_SetIndex(index,-1,-1,0);
+          rap_csw = hypre_StructMatrixExtractPointerByIndex(RAP, ci, index);
+          hypre_SetIndex(index,1,-1,0);
+          rap_cse = hypre_StructMatrixExtractPointerByIndex(RAP, ci, index);
+          hypre_BoxGetSize(cgrid_box, loop_size);
+          hypre_BoxLoop1Begin(loop_size,
+                              RAP_dbox, cstart, stridec, iAc);
+ #define HYPRE_BOX_SMP_PRIVATE loopk,loopi,loopj,iAc,iAcm1
+ #include "hypre_box_smp_forloop.h"
+          hypre_BoxLoop1For(loopi, loopj, loopk, iAc)
+             {
+                iAcm1 = iAc - xOffset;
+                rap_cw[iAc] += (rap_cse[iAcm1] + rap_csw[iAc]);
+                rap_cc[iAc] += (2.0 * rap_cs[iAc]);
+             }
+          hypre_BoxLoop1End(iAc);
+          hypre_BoxLoop1Begin(loop_size,
+                              RAP_dbox, cstart, stridec, iAc);
+ #define HYPRE_BOX_SMP_PRIVATE loopk,loopi,loopj,iAc
+ #include "hypre_box_smp_forloop.h"
+          hypre_BoxLoop1For(loopi, loopj, loopk, iAc)
+             {
+                rap_csw[iAc] = zero;
+                rap_cs[iAc] = zero;
+                rap_cse[iAc] = zero;
+             }
+          hypre_BoxLoop1End(iAc);
+       } /* end ForBoxI */
+    }
+    return ierr;
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_SMG2RAPPeriodicNoSym 
+  *    Collapses stencil in periodic direction on coarsest grid.
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ hypre_SMG2RAPPeriodicNoSym( hypre_StructMatrix *RAP,
+                             hypre_Index         cindex,
+                             hypre_Index         cstride )
+ {
+    hypre_Index             index;
+    hypre_StructGrid       *cgrid;
+    hypre_BoxArray         *cgrid_boxes;
+    hypre_Box              *cgrid_box;
+    hypre_IndexRef          cstart;
+    hypre_Index             stridec;
+    hypre_Index             loop_size;
+    int                  ci;
+    int                  loopi, loopj, loopk;
+    hypre_Box              *RAP_dbox;
+    double               *rap_cc, *rap_cw, *rap_cs;
+    double               *rap_csw, *rap_cse;
+    double               *rap_ce, *rap_cn;
+    double               *rap_cnw, *rap_cne;
+    int                  iAc;
+    double               zero = 0.0;
+    int                  ierr = 0;
+    hypre_SetIndex(stridec, 1, 1, 1);
+    cgrid = hypre_StructMatrixGrid(RAP);
+    cgrid_boxes = hypre_StructGridBoxes(cgrid);
+    if (hypre_IndexY(hypre_StructGridPeriodic(cgrid)) == 1)
+    {
+       hypre_ForBoxI(ci, cgrid_boxes)
+       {
+          cgrid_box = hypre_BoxArrayBox(cgrid_boxes, ci);
+          cstart = hypre_BoxIMin(cgrid_box);
+          RAP_dbox = hypre_BoxArrayBox(hypre_StructMatrixDataSpace(RAP), ci);
+          /*-----------------------------------------------------------------
+           * Extract pointers for coarse grid operator - always 9-point:
+           *-----------------------------------------------------------------*/
+          hypre_SetIndex(index,0,0,0);
+          rap_cc = hypre_StructMatrixExtractPointerByIndex(RAP, ci, index);
+          hypre_SetIndex(index,-1,0,0);
+          rap_cw = hypre_StructMatrixExtractPointerByIndex(RAP, ci, index);
+          hypre_SetIndex(index,0,-1,0);
+          rap_cs = hypre_StructMatrixExtractPointerByIndex(RAP, ci, index);
+          hypre_SetIndex(index,-1,-1,0);
+          rap_csw = hypre_StructMatrixExtractPointerByIndex(RAP, ci, index);
+          hypre_SetIndex(index,1,-1,0);
+          rap_cse = hypre_StructMatrixExtractPointerByIndex(RAP, ci, index);
+          hypre_SetIndex(index,1,0,0);
+          rap_ce = hypre_StructMatrixExtractPointerByIndex(RAP, ci, index);
+          hypre_SetIndex(index,0,1,0);
+          rap_cn = hypre_StructMatrixExtractPointerByIndex(RAP, ci, index);
+          hypre_SetIndex(index,1,1,0);
+          rap_cne = hypre_StructMatrixExtractPointerByIndex(RAP, ci, index);
+          hypre_SetIndex(index,-1,1,0);
+          rap_cnw = hypre_StructMatrixExtractPointerByIndex(RAP, ci, index);
+          hypre_BoxGetSize(cgrid_box, loop_size);
+          hypre_BoxLoop1Begin(loop_size,
+                              RAP_dbox, cstart, stridec, iAc);
+ #define HYPRE_BOX_SMP_PRIVATE loopk,loopi,loopj,iAc
+ #include "hypre_box_smp_forloop.h"
+          hypre_BoxLoop1For(loopi, loopj, loopk, iAc)
+             {
+                rap_cw[iAc] += (rap_cnw[iAc] + rap_csw[iAc]);
+                rap_cnw[iAc] = zero;
+                rap_csw[iAc] = zero;
+                rap_cc[iAc] += (rap_cn[iAc] + rap_cs[iAc]);
+                rap_cn[iAc] = zero;
+                rap_cs[iAc] = zero;
+                rap_ce[iAc] += (rap_cne[iAc] + rap_cse[iAc]);
+                rap_cne[iAc] = zero;
+                rap_cse[iAc] = zero;
+             }
+          hypre_BoxLoop1End(iAc);
+       } /* end ForBoxI */
+    }
+    return ierr;
+ }

Index: llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/ASCI_Purple/SMG2000/smg3_setup_rap.c
diff -c /dev/null llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/ASCI_Purple/SMG2000/smg3_setup_rap.c:1.1
*** /dev/null	Mon Apr 11 00:22:18 2005
--- llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/ASCI_Purple/SMG2000/smg3_setup_rap.c	Mon Apr 11 00:22:07 2005
*** 0 ****
--- 1,2044 ----
+ /*BHEADER**********************************************************************
+  * (c) 1997   The Regents of the University of California
+  *
+  * See the file COPYRIGHT_and_DISCLAIMER for a complete copyright
+  * notice, contact person, and disclaimer.
+  *
+  * $Revision: 1.1 $
+  *********************************************************************EHEADER*/
+ /******************************************************************************
+  *
+  *
+  *****************************************************************************/
+ #include "headers.h"
+ #include "smg.h"
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_SMG3CreateRAPOp 
+  *    Sets up new coarse grid operator stucture.
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ hypre_StructMatrix *
+ hypre_SMG3CreateRAPOp( hypre_StructMatrix *R,
+                        hypre_StructMatrix *A,
+                        hypre_StructMatrix *PT,
+                        hypre_StructGrid   *coarse_grid )
+ {
+    hypre_StructMatrix    *RAP;
+    hypre_Index           *RAP_stencil_shape;
+    hypre_StructStencil   *RAP_stencil;
+    int                    RAP_stencil_size;
+    int                    RAP_stencil_dim;
+    int                    RAP_num_ghost[] = {1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1};
+    hypre_StructStencil   *A_stencil;
+    int                    A_stencil_size;
+    int                    k, j, i;
+    int                    stencil_rank;
+    RAP_stencil_dim = 3;
+    A_stencil = hypre_StructMatrixStencil(A);
+    A_stencil_size = hypre_StructStencilSize(A_stencil);
+    /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+     * Define RAP_stencil
+     *-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+    stencil_rank = 0;
+    /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+     * non-symmetric case
+     *-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+    if (!hypre_StructMatrixSymmetric(A))
+    {
+       /*--------------------------------------------------------------------
+        * 7 or 15 point fine grid stencil produces 15 point RAP
+        *--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+       if( A_stencil_size <= 15)
+       {
+          RAP_stencil_size = 15;
+          RAP_stencil_shape = hypre_CTAlloc(hypre_Index, RAP_stencil_size);
+          for (k = -1; k < 2; k++)
+          {
+             for (j = -1; j < 2; j++)
+             {
+                for (i = -1; i < 2; i++)
+                {
+                   /*--------------------------------------------------------
+                    * Storage for c,w,e,n,s elements in each plane
+                    *--------------------------------------------------------*/
+                   if( i*j == 0 )
+                   {
+                      hypre_SetIndex(RAP_stencil_shape[stencil_rank],i,j,k);
+                      stencil_rank++;
+                   }
+                }
+             }
+          }
+       }
+       /*--------------------------------------------------------------------
+        * 19 or 27 point fine grid stencil produces 27 point RAP
+        *--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+       else
+       {
+          RAP_stencil_size = 27;
+          RAP_stencil_shape = hypre_CTAlloc(hypre_Index, RAP_stencil_size);
+          for (k = -1; k < 2; k++)
+          {
+             for (j = -1; j < 2; j++)
+             {
+                for (i = -1; i < 2; i++)
+                {
+                   /*--------------------------------------------------------
+                    * Storage for 9 elements (c,w,e,n,s,sw,se,nw,se) in
+                    * each plane
+                    *--------------------------------------------------------*/
+                   hypre_SetIndex(RAP_stencil_shape[stencil_rank],i,j,k);
+                   stencil_rank++;
+                }
+             }
+          }
+       }
+    }
+    /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+     * symmetric case
+     *-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+    else
+    {
+       /*--------------------------------------------------------------------
+        * 7 or 15 point fine grid stencil produces 15 point RAP
+        * Only store the lower triangular part + diagonal = 8 entries,
+        * lower triangular means the lower triangular part on the matrix
+        * in the standard lexicalgraphic ordering.
+        *--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+       if( A_stencil_size <= 15)
+       {
+          RAP_stencil_size = 8;
+          RAP_stencil_shape = hypre_CTAlloc(hypre_Index, RAP_stencil_size);
+          for (k = -1; k < 1; k++)
+          {
+             for (j = -1; j < 2; j++)
+             {
+                for (i = -1; i < 2; i++)
+                {
+                   /*--------------------------------------------------------
+                    * Store  5 elements in lower plane (c,w,e,s,n)  
+                    * and 3 elements in same plane (c,w,s)
+                    *--------------------------------------------------------*/
+                   if( i*j == 0 && i+j+k <= 0)
+                   {
+                      hypre_SetIndex(RAP_stencil_shape[stencil_rank],i,j,k);
+                      stencil_rank++;
+                   }
+                }
+             }
+          }
+       }
+       /*--------------------------------------------------------------------
+        * 19 or 27 point fine grid stencil produces 27 point RAP
+        * Only store the lower triangular part + diagonal = 14 entries,
+        * lower triangular means the lower triangular part on the matrix
+        * in the standard lexicalgraphic ordering.
+        *--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+       else
+       {
+          RAP_stencil_size = 14;
+          RAP_stencil_shape = hypre_CTAlloc(hypre_Index, RAP_stencil_size);
+          for (k = -1; k < 1; k++)
+          {
+             for (j = -1; j < 2; j++)
+             {
+                for (i = -1; i < 2; i++)
+                {
+                   /*--------------------------------------------------------
+                    * Store  9 elements in lower plane (c,w,e,s,n,sw,se,nw,ne)  
+                    * and 5 elements in same plane (c,w,s,sw,se)
+                    *--------------------------------------------------------*/
+                   if( k < 0 || (i+j+k <=0 && j < 1) )
+                   {
+                      hypre_SetIndex(RAP_stencil_shape[stencil_rank],i,j,k);
+                      stencil_rank++;
+                   }
+                }
+             }
+          }
+       }
+    }
+    RAP_stencil = hypre_StructStencilCreate(RAP_stencil_dim, RAP_stencil_size,
+                                            RAP_stencil_shape);
+    RAP = hypre_StructMatrixCreate(hypre_StructMatrixComm(A),
+                                   coarse_grid, RAP_stencil);
+    hypre_StructStencilDestroy(RAP_stencil);
+    /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+     * Coarse operator in symmetric iff fine operator is
+     *-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+    hypre_StructMatrixSymmetric(RAP) = hypre_StructMatrixSymmetric(A);
+    /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+     * Set number of ghost points
+     *-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+    if (hypre_StructMatrixSymmetric(A))
+    {
+       RAP_num_ghost[1] = 0;
+       RAP_num_ghost[3] = 0;
+       RAP_num_ghost[5] = 0;
+    }
+    hypre_StructMatrixSetNumGhost(RAP, RAP_num_ghost);
+    return RAP;
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * Routines to build RAP. These routines are fairly general
+  *  1) No assumptions about symmetry of A
+  *  2) No assumption that R = transpose(P)
+  *  3) 7,15,19 or 27-point fine grid A 
+  *
+  * I am, however, assuming that the c-to-c interpolation is the identity.
+  *
+  * I've written a two routines - hypre_SMG3BuildRAPSym to build the lower
+  * triangular part of RAP (including the diagonal) and
+  * hypre_SMG3BuildRAPNoSym to build the upper triangular part of RAP
+  * (excluding the diagonal). So using symmetric storage, only the first
+  * routine would be called. With full storage both would need to be called.
+  *
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ hypre_SMG3BuildRAPSym( hypre_StructMatrix *A,
+                        hypre_StructMatrix *PT,
+                        hypre_StructMatrix *R,
+                        hypre_StructMatrix *RAP,
+                        hypre_Index         cindex,
+                        hypre_Index         cstride )
+ {
+    hypre_Index           index;
+    hypre_StructStencil  *fine_stencil;
+    int                   fine_stencil_size;
+    hypre_StructGrid     *fgrid;
+    int                  *fgrid_ids;
+    hypre_StructGrid     *cgrid;
+    hypre_BoxArray       *cgrid_boxes;
+    int                  *cgrid_ids;
+    hypre_Box            *cgrid_box;
+    hypre_IndexRef        cstart;
+    hypre_Index           stridec;
+    hypre_Index           fstart;
+    hypre_IndexRef        stridef;
+    hypre_Index           loop_size;
+    int                   fi, ci;
+    int                   loopi, loopj, loopk;
+    hypre_Box            *A_dbox;
+    hypre_Box            *PT_dbox;
+    hypre_Box            *R_dbox;
+    hypre_Box            *RAP_dbox;
+    double               *pa, *pb;
+    double               *ra, *rb;
+    double               *a_cc, *a_cw, *a_ce, *a_cs, *a_cn;
+    double               *a_ac, *a_aw, *a_as;
+    double               *a_bc, *a_bw, *a_be, *a_bs, *a_bn;
+    double               *a_csw, *a_cse, *a_cnw, *a_cne;
+    double               *a_asw, *a_ase;
+    double               *a_bsw, *a_bse, *a_bnw, *a_bne;
+    double               *rap_cc, *rap_cw, *rap_cs;
+    double               *rap_bc, *rap_bw, *rap_be, *rap_bs, *rap_bn;
+    double               *rap_csw, *rap_cse;
+    double               *rap_bsw, *rap_bse, *rap_bnw, *rap_bne;
+    int                   iA, iAm1, iAp1;
+    int                   iAc;
+    int                   iP, iP1;
+    int                   iR;
+    int                   zOffsetA; 
+    int                   xOffsetP; 
+    int                   yOffsetP; 
+    int                   zOffsetP; 
+    int                   ierr = 0;
+    fine_stencil = hypre_StructMatrixStencil(A);
+    fine_stencil_size = hypre_StructStencilSize(fine_stencil);
+    stridef = cstride;
+    hypre_SetIndex(stridec, 1, 1, 1);
+    fgrid = hypre_StructMatrixGrid(A);
+    fgrid_ids = hypre_StructGridIDs(fgrid);
+    cgrid = hypre_StructMatrixGrid(RAP);
+    cgrid_boxes = hypre_StructGridBoxes(cgrid);
+    cgrid_ids = hypre_StructGridIDs(cgrid);
+    fi = 0;
+    hypre_ForBoxI(ci, cgrid_boxes)
+       {
+          while (fgrid_ids[fi] != cgrid_ids[ci])
+          {
+             fi++;
+          }
+          cgrid_box = hypre_BoxArrayBox(cgrid_boxes, ci);
+          cstart = hypre_BoxIMin(cgrid_box);
+          hypre_StructMapCoarseToFine(cstart, cindex, cstride, fstart);
+          A_dbox = hypre_BoxArrayBox(hypre_StructMatrixDataSpace(A), fi);
+          PT_dbox = hypre_BoxArrayBox(hypre_StructMatrixDataSpace(PT), fi);
+          R_dbox = hypre_BoxArrayBox(hypre_StructMatrixDataSpace(R), fi);
+          RAP_dbox = hypre_BoxArrayBox(hypre_StructMatrixDataSpace(RAP), ci);
+          /*-----------------------------------------------------------------
+           * Extract pointers for interpolation operator:
+           * pa is pointer for weight for f-point above c-point 
+           * pb is pointer for weight for f-point below c-point 
+           *-----------------------------------------------------------------*/
+          hypre_SetIndex(index,0,0,1);
+          pa = hypre_StructMatrixExtractPointerByIndex(PT, fi, index);
+          hypre_SetIndex(index,0,0,-1);
+          pb = hypre_StructMatrixExtractPointerByIndex(PT, fi, index);
+          /*-----------------------------------------------------------------
+           * Extract pointers for restriction operator:
+           * ra is pointer for weight for f-point above c-point 
+           * rb is pointer for weight for f-point below c-point 
+           *-----------------------------------------------------------------*/
+          hypre_SetIndex(index,0,0,1);
+          ra = hypre_StructMatrixExtractPointerByIndex(R, fi, index);
+          hypre_SetIndex(index,0,0,-1);
+          rb = hypre_StructMatrixExtractPointerByIndex(R, fi, index);
+          /*-----------------------------------------------------------------
+           * Extract pointers for 7-point fine grid operator:
+           * 
+           * a_cc is pointer for center coefficient
+           * a_cw is pointer for west coefficient in same plane
+           * a_ce is pointer for east coefficient in same plane
+           * a_cs is pointer for south coefficient in same plane
+           * a_cn is pointer for north coefficient in same plane
+           * a_ac is pointer for center coefficient in plane above
+           * a_bc is pointer for center coefficient in plane below
+           *-----------------------------------------------------------------*/
+          hypre_SetIndex(index,0,0,0);
+          a_cc = hypre_StructMatrixExtractPointerByIndex(A, fi, index);
+          hypre_SetIndex(index,-1,0,0);
+          a_cw = hypre_StructMatrixExtractPointerByIndex(A, fi, index);
+          hypre_SetIndex(index,1,0,0);
+          a_ce = hypre_StructMatrixExtractPointerByIndex(A, fi, index);
+          hypre_SetIndex(index,0,-1,0);
+          a_cs = hypre_StructMatrixExtractPointerByIndex(A, fi, index);
+          hypre_SetIndex(index,0,1,0);
+          a_cn = hypre_StructMatrixExtractPointerByIndex(A, fi, index);
+          hypre_SetIndex(index,0,0,1);
+          a_ac = hypre_StructMatrixExtractPointerByIndex(A, fi, index);
+          hypre_SetIndex(index,0,0,-1);
+          a_bc = hypre_StructMatrixExtractPointerByIndex(A, fi, index);
+          /*-----------------------------------------------------------------
+           * Extract additional pointers for 15-point fine grid operator:
+           *
+           * a_aw is pointer for west coefficient in plane above
+           * a_ae is pointer for east coefficient in plane above
+           * a_as is pointer for south coefficient in plane above
+           * a_an is pointer for north coefficient in plane above
+           * a_bw is pointer for west coefficient in plane below
+           * a_be is pointer for east coefficient in plane below
+           * a_bs is pointer for south coefficient in plane below
+           * a_bn is pointer for north coefficient in plane below
+           *-----------------------------------------------------------------*/
+          if(fine_stencil_size > 7)
+          {
+             hypre_SetIndex(index,-1,0,1);
+             a_aw = hypre_StructMatrixExtractPointerByIndex(A, fi, index);
+             hypre_SetIndex(index,0,-1,1);
+             a_as = hypre_StructMatrixExtractPointerByIndex(A, fi, index);
+             hypre_SetIndex(index,-1,0,-1);
+             a_bw = hypre_StructMatrixExtractPointerByIndex(A, fi, index);
+             hypre_SetIndex(index,1,0,-1);
+             a_be = hypre_StructMatrixExtractPointerByIndex(A, fi, index);
+             hypre_SetIndex(index,0,-1,-1);
+             a_bs = hypre_StructMatrixExtractPointerByIndex(A, fi, index);
+             hypre_SetIndex(index,0,1,-1);
+             a_bn = hypre_StructMatrixExtractPointerByIndex(A, fi, index);
+          }
+          /*-----------------------------------------------------------------
+           * Extract additional pointers for 19-point fine grid operator:
+           *
+           * a_csw is pointer for southwest coefficient in same plane
+           * a_cse is pointer for southeast coefficient in same plane
+           * a_cnw is pointer for northwest coefficient in same plane
+           * a_cne is pointer for northeast coefficient in same plane
+           *-----------------------------------------------------------------*/
+          if(fine_stencil_size > 15)
+          {
+             hypre_SetIndex(index,-1,-1,0);
+             a_csw = hypre_StructMatrixExtractPointerByIndex(A, fi, index);
+             hypre_SetIndex(index,1,-1,0);
+             a_cse = hypre_StructMatrixExtractPointerByIndex(A, fi, index);
+             hypre_SetIndex(index,-1,1,0);
+             a_cnw = hypre_StructMatrixExtractPointerByIndex(A, fi, index);
+             hypre_SetIndex(index,1,1,0);
+             a_cne = hypre_StructMatrixExtractPointerByIndex(A, fi, index);
+          }
+          /*-----------------------------------------------------------------
+           * Extract additional pointers for 27-point fine grid operator:
+           *
+           * a_asw is pointer for southwest coefficient in plane above
+           * a_ase is pointer for southeast coefficient in plane above
+           * a_anw is pointer for northwest coefficient in plane above
+           * a_ane is pointer for northeast coefficient in plane above
+           * a_bsw is pointer for southwest coefficient in plane below
+           * a_bse is pointer for southeast coefficient in plane below
+           * a_bnw is pointer for northwest coefficient in plane below
+           * a_bne is pointer for northeast coefficient in plane below
+           *-----------------------------------------------------------------*/
+          if(fine_stencil_size > 19)
+          {
+             hypre_SetIndex(index,-1,-1,1);
+             a_asw = hypre_StructMatrixExtractPointerByIndex(A, fi, index);
+             hypre_SetIndex(index,1,-1,1);
+             a_ase = hypre_StructMatrixExtractPointerByIndex(A, fi, index);
+             hypre_SetIndex(index,-1,-1,-1);
+             a_bsw = hypre_StructMatrixExtractPointerByIndex(A, fi, index);
+             hypre_SetIndex(index,1,-1,-1);
+             a_bse = hypre_StructMatrixExtractPointerByIndex(A, fi, index);
+             hypre_SetIndex(index,-1,1,-1);
+             a_bnw = hypre_StructMatrixExtractPointerByIndex(A, fi, index);
+             hypre_SetIndex(index,1,1,-1);
+             a_bne = hypre_StructMatrixExtractPointerByIndex(A, fi, index);
+          }
+          /*-----------------------------------------------------------------
+           * Extract pointers for 15-point coarse grid operator:
+           *
+           * We build only the lower triangular part (plus diagonal).
+           * 
+           * rap_cc is pointer for center coefficient (etc.)
+           *-----------------------------------------------------------------*/
+          hypre_SetIndex(index,0,0,0);
+          rap_cc = hypre_StructMatrixExtractPointerByIndex(RAP, ci, index);
+          hypre_SetIndex(index,-1,0,0);
+          rap_cw = hypre_StructMatrixExtractPointerByIndex(RAP, ci, index);
+          hypre_SetIndex(index,0,-1,0);
+          rap_cs = hypre_StructMatrixExtractPointerByIndex(RAP, ci, index);
+          hypre_SetIndex(index,0,0,-1);
+          rap_bc = hypre_StructMatrixExtractPointerByIndex(RAP, ci, index);
+          hypre_SetIndex(index,-1,0,-1);
+          rap_bw = hypre_StructMatrixExtractPointerByIndex(RAP, ci, index);
+          hypre_SetIndex(index,1,0,-1);
+          rap_be = hypre_StructMatrixExtractPointerByIndex(RAP, ci, index);
+          hypre_SetIndex(index,0,-1,-1);
+          rap_bs = hypre_StructMatrixExtractPointerByIndex(RAP, ci, index);
+          hypre_SetIndex(index,0,1,-1);
+          rap_bn = hypre_StructMatrixExtractPointerByIndex(RAP, ci, index);
+          /*-----------------------------------------------------------------
+           * Extract additional pointers for 27-point coarse grid operator:
+           *
+           * A 27-point coarse grid operator is produced when the fine grid 
+           * stencil is 19 or 27 point.
+           *
+           * We build only the lower triangular part.
+           *
+           * rap_csw is pointer for southwest coefficient in same plane (etc.)
+           *-----------------------------------------------------------------*/
+          if(fine_stencil_size > 15)
+          {
+             hypre_SetIndex(index,-1,-1,0);
+             rap_csw =
+                hypre_StructMatrixExtractPointerByIndex(RAP, ci, index);
+             hypre_SetIndex(index,1,-1,0);
+             rap_cse =
+                hypre_StructMatrixExtractPointerByIndex(RAP, ci, index);
+             hypre_SetIndex(index,-1,-1,-1);
+             rap_bsw =
+                hypre_StructMatrixExtractPointerByIndex(RAP, ci, index);
+             hypre_SetIndex(index,1,-1,-1);
+             rap_bse =
+                hypre_StructMatrixExtractPointerByIndex(RAP, ci, index);
+             hypre_SetIndex(index,-1,1,-1);
+             rap_bnw =
+                hypre_StructMatrixExtractPointerByIndex(RAP, ci, index);
+             hypre_SetIndex(index,1,1,-1);
+             rap_bne =
+                hypre_StructMatrixExtractPointerByIndex(RAP, ci, index);
+          }
+          /*-----------------------------------------------------------------
+           * Define offsets for fine grid stencil and interpolation
+           *
+           * In the BoxLoop below I assume iA and iP refer to data associated
+           * with the point which we are building the stencil for. The below
+           * Offsets are used in refering to data associated with other points. 
+           *-----------------------------------------------------------------*/
+          hypre_SetIndex(index,0,0,1);
+          zOffsetA = hypre_BoxOffsetDistance(A_dbox,index); 
+          zOffsetP = hypre_BoxOffsetDistance(PT_dbox,index); 
+          hypre_SetIndex(index,0,1,0);
+          yOffsetP = hypre_BoxOffsetDistance(PT_dbox,index); 
+          hypre_SetIndex(index,1,0,0);
+          xOffsetP = hypre_BoxOffsetDistance(PT_dbox,index); 
+          /*--------------------------------------------------------------------
+           * Switch statement to direct control to apropriate BoxLoop depending
+           * on stencil size. Default is full 27-point.
+           *-----------------------------------------------------------------*/
+          switch (fine_stencil_size)
+          {
+             /*--------------------------------------------------------------
+              * Loop for symmetric 7-point fine grid operator; produces a
+              * symmetric 15-point coarse grid operator. We calculate only the
+              * lower triangular stencil entries: (below-south, below-west,
+              * below-center, below-east, below-north, center-south,
+              * center-west, and center-center).
+              *--------------------------------------------------------------*/
+             case 7:
+             hypre_BoxGetSize(cgrid_box, loop_size);
+             hypre_BoxLoop4Begin(loop_size,
+                                 PT_dbox,  cstart, stridec, iP,
+                                 R_dbox,   cstart, stridec, iR,
+                                 A_dbox,   fstart, stridef, iA,
+                                 RAP_dbox, cstart, stridec, iAc);
+ #define HYPRE_BOX_SMP_PRIVATE loopk,loopi,loopj,iP,iR,iA,iAc,iAm1,iAp1,iP1
+ #include "hypre_box_smp_forloop.h"
+             hypre_BoxLoop4For(loopi, loopj, loopk, iP, iR, iA, iAc)
+                {
+                   iAm1 = iA - zOffsetA;
+                   iAp1 = iA + zOffsetA;
+                   iP1 = iP - zOffsetP - yOffsetP;
+                   rap_bs[iAc] = rb[iR] * a_cs[iAm1] * pa[iP1];
+                   iP1 = iP - zOffsetP - xOffsetP;
+                   rap_bw[iAc] = rb[iR] * a_cw[iAm1] * pa[iP1];
+                   iP1 = iP - zOffsetP; 
+                   rap_bc[iAc] =          a_bc[iA]   * pa[iP1]
+                      +          rb[iR] * a_cc[iAm1] * pa[iP1]
+                      +          rb[iR] * a_bc[iAm1];
+                   iP1 = iP - zOffsetP + xOffsetP;
+                   rap_be[iAc] = rb[iR] * a_ce[iAm1] * pa[iP1];
+                   iP1 = iP - zOffsetP + yOffsetP;
+                   rap_bn[iAc] = rb[iR] * a_cn[iAm1] * pa[iP1];
+                   iP1 = iP - yOffsetP;
+                   rap_cs[iAc] =          a_cs[iA]
+                      +          rb[iR] * a_cs[iAm1] * pb[iP1]
+                      +          ra[iR] * a_cs[iAp1] * pa[iP1];
+                   iP1 = iP - xOffsetP;
+                   rap_cw[iAc] =          a_cw[iA]
+                      +          rb[iR] * a_cw[iAm1] * pb[iP1]
+                      +          ra[iR] * a_cw[iAp1] * pa[iP1];
+                   rap_cc[iAc] =          a_cc[iA]
+                      +          rb[iR] * a_cc[iAm1] * pb[iP]
+                      +          ra[iR] * a_cc[iAp1] * pa[iP]
+                      +          rb[iR] * a_ac[iAm1]
+                      +          ra[iR] * a_bc[iAp1]
+                      +                   a_bc[iA]   * pb[iP]
+                      +                   a_ac[iA]   * pa[iP];
+                }
+             hypre_BoxLoop4End(iP, iR, iA, iAc);
+             break;
+             /*--------------------------------------------------------------
+              * Loop for symmetric 15-point fine grid operator; produces a
+              * symmetric 15-point coarse grid operator. We calculate only the
+              * lower triangular stencil entries: (below-south, below-west,
+              * below-center, below-east, below-north, center-south,
+              * center-west, and center-center).
+              *--------------------------------------------------------------*/
+             case 15:
+             hypre_BoxGetSize(cgrid_box, loop_size);
+             hypre_BoxLoop4Begin(loop_size,
+                                 PT_dbox,  cstart, stridec, iP,
+                                 R_dbox,   cstart, stridec, iR,
+                                 A_dbox,   fstart, stridef, iA,
+                                 RAP_dbox, cstart, stridec, iAc);
+ #define HYPRE_BOX_SMP_PRIVATE loopk,loopi,loopj,iP,iR,iA,iAc,iAm1,iAp1,iP1
+ #include "hypre_box_smp_forloop.h"
+             hypre_BoxLoop4For(loopi, loopj, loopk, iP, iR, iA, iAc)
+                {
+                   iAm1 = iA - zOffsetA;
+                   iAp1 = iA + zOffsetA;
+                   iP1 = iP - zOffsetP - yOffsetP;
+                   rap_bs[iAc] = rb[iR] * a_cs[iAm1] * pa[iP1]
+                      +          rb[iR] * a_bs[iAm1]
+                      +                   a_bs[iA]   * pa[iP1];
+                   iP1 = iP - zOffsetP - xOffsetP;
+                   rap_bw[iAc] = rb[iR] * a_cw[iAm1] * pa[iP1]
+                      +          rb[iR] * a_bw[iAm1]
+                      +                   a_bw[iA]   * pa[iP1];
+                   iP1 = iP - zOffsetP; 
+                   rap_bc[iAc] =          a_bc[iA]   * pa[iP1]
+                      +          rb[iR] * a_cc[iAm1] * pa[iP1]
+                      +          rb[iR] * a_bc[iAm1];
+                   iP1 = iP - zOffsetP + xOffsetP;
+                   rap_be[iAc] = rb[iR] * a_ce[iAm1] * pa[iP1]
+                      +          rb[iR] * a_be[iAm1]
+                      +                   a_be[iA]   * pa[iP1];
+                   iP1 = iP - zOffsetP + yOffsetP;
+                   rap_bn[iAc] = rb[iR] * a_cn[iAm1] * pa[iP1]
+                      +          rb[iR] * a_bn[iAm1]
+                      +                   a_bn[iA]   * pa[iP1];
+                   iP1 = iP - yOffsetP;
+                   rap_cs[iAc] =          a_cs[iA]
+                      +          rb[iR] * a_cs[iAm1] * pb[iP1]
+                      +          ra[iR] * a_cs[iAp1] * pa[iP1]
+                      +                   a_bs[iA]   * pb[iP1]
+                      +                   a_as[iA]   * pa[iP1]
+                      +          rb[iR] * a_as[iAm1]
+                      +          ra[iR] * a_bs[iAp1];
+                   iP1 = iP - xOffsetP;
+                   rap_cw[iAc] =          a_cw[iA]
+                      +          rb[iR] * a_cw[iAm1] * pb[iP1]
+                      +          ra[iR] * a_cw[iAp1] * pa[iP1]
+                      +                   a_bw[iA]   * pb[iP1]
+                      +                   a_aw[iA]   * pa[iP1]
+                      +          rb[iR] * a_aw[iAm1]
+                      +          ra[iR] * a_bw[iAp1];
+                   rap_cc[iAc] =          a_cc[iA]
+                      +          rb[iR] * a_cc[iAm1] * pb[iP]
+                      +          ra[iR] * a_cc[iAp1] * pa[iP]
+                      +          rb[iR] * a_ac[iAm1]
+                      +          ra[iR] * a_bc[iAp1]
+                      +                   a_bc[iA]   * pb[iP]
+                      +                   a_ac[iA]   * pa[iP];
+                }
+             hypre_BoxLoop4End(iP, iR, iA, iAc);
+             break;
+             /*--------------------------------------------------------------
+              * Loop for symmetric 19-point fine grid operator; produces a
+              * symmetric 27-point coarse grid operator. We calculate only the
+              * lower triangular stencil entries: (below-southwest, below-south,
+              * below-southeast, below-west, below-center, below-east,
+              * below-northwest, below-north, below-northeast, center-southwest,
+              * center-south, center-southeast, center-west, and center-center).
+              *--------------------------------------------------------------*/
+             case 19:
+             hypre_BoxGetSize(cgrid_box, loop_size);
+             hypre_BoxLoop4Begin(loop_size,
+                                 PT_dbox,  cstart, stridec, iP,
+                                 R_dbox,   cstart, stridec, iR,
+                                 A_dbox,   fstart, stridef, iA,
+                                 RAP_dbox, cstart, stridec, iAc);
+ #define HYPRE_BOX_SMP_PRIVATE loopk,loopi,loopj,iP,iR,iA,iAc,iAm1,iAp1,iP1
+ #include "hypre_box_smp_forloop.h"
+             hypre_BoxLoop4For(loopi, loopj, loopk, iP, iR, iA, iAc)
+                {
+                   iAm1 = iA - zOffsetA;
+                   iAp1 = iA + zOffsetA;
+                   iP1 = iP - zOffsetP - yOffsetP - xOffsetP;
+                   rap_bsw[iAc] = rb[iR] * a_csw[iAm1] * pa[iP1];
+                   iP1 = iP - zOffsetP - yOffsetP;
+                   rap_bs[iAc] = rb[iR] * a_cs[iAm1] * pa[iP1]
+                      +          rb[iR] * a_bs[iAm1]
+                      +                   a_bs[iA]   * pa[iP1];
+                   iP1 = iP - zOffsetP - yOffsetP + xOffsetP;
+                   rap_bse[iAc] = rb[iR] * a_cse[iAm1] * pa[iP1];
+                   iP1 = iP - zOffsetP - xOffsetP;
+                   rap_bw[iAc] = rb[iR] * a_cw[iAm1] * pa[iP1]
+                      +          rb[iR] * a_bw[iAm1]
+                      +                   a_bw[iA]   * pa[iP1];
+                   iP1 = iP - zOffsetP; 
+                   rap_bc[iAc] =          a_bc[iA] * pa[iP1]
+                      +          rb[iR] * a_cc[iAm1] * pa[iP1]
+                      +          rb[iR] * a_bc[iAm1];
+                   iP1 = iP - zOffsetP + xOffsetP;
+                   rap_be[iAc] = rb[iR] * a_ce[iAm1] * pa[iP1]
+                      +          rb[iR] * a_be[iAm1]
+                      +                   a_be[iA]   * pa[iP1];
+                   iP1 = iP - zOffsetP + yOffsetP - xOffsetP;
+                   rap_bnw[iAc] = rb[iR] * a_cnw[iAm1] * pa[iP1];
+                   iP1 = iP - zOffsetP + yOffsetP;
+                   rap_bn[iAc] = rb[iR] * a_cn[iAm1] * pa[iP1]
+                      +          rb[iR] * a_bn[iAm1]
+                      +                   a_bn[iA]   * pa[iP1];
+                   iP1 = iP - zOffsetP + yOffsetP + xOffsetP;
+                   rap_bne[iAc] = rb[iR] * a_cne[iAm1] * pa[iP1];
+                   iP1 = iP - yOffsetP - xOffsetP;
+                   rap_csw[iAc] =         a_csw[iA]
+                      +          rb[iR] * a_csw[iAm1] * pb[iP1]
+                      +          ra[iR] * a_csw[iAp1] * pa[iP1];
+                   iP1 = iP - yOffsetP;
+                   rap_cs[iAc] =          a_cs[iA]
+                      +          rb[iR] * a_cs[iAm1] * pb[iP1]
+                      +          ra[iR] * a_cs[iAp1] * pa[iP1]
+                      +                   a_bs[iA]   * pb[iP1]
+                      +                   a_as[iA]   * pa[iP1]
+                      +          rb[iR] * a_as[iAm1]
+                      +          ra[iR] * a_bs[iAp1];
+                   iP1 = iP - yOffsetP + xOffsetP;
+                   rap_cse[iAc] =          a_cse[iA]
+                      +          rb[iR] * a_cse[iAm1] * pb[iP1]
+                      +          ra[iR] * a_cse[iAp1] * pa[iP1];
+                   iP1 = iP - xOffsetP;
+                   rap_cw[iAc] =          a_cw[iA]
+                      +          rb[iR] * a_cw[iAm1] * pb[iP1]
+                      +          ra[iR] * a_cw[iAp1] * pa[iP1]
+                      +                   a_bw[iA]   * pb[iP1]
+                      +                   a_aw[iA]   * pa[iP1]
+                      +          rb[iR] * a_aw[iAm1]
+                      +          ra[iR] * a_bw[iAp1];
+                   rap_cc[iAc] =          a_cc[iA]
+                      +          rb[iR] * a_cc[iAm1] * pb[iP]
+                      +          ra[iR] * a_cc[iAp1] * pa[iP]
+                      +          rb[iR] * a_ac[iAm1]
+                      +          ra[iR] * a_bc[iAp1]
+                      +                   a_bc[iA]   * pb[iP]
+                      +                   a_ac[iA]   * pa[iP];
+                }
+             hypre_BoxLoop4End(iP, iR, iA, iAc);
+             break;
+             /*--------------------------------------------------------------
+              * Loop for symmetric 27-point fine grid operator; produces a
+              * symmetric 27-point coarse grid operator. We calculate only the
+              * lower triangular stencil entries: (below-southwest, below-south,
+              * below-southeast, below-west, below-center, below-east,
+              * below-northwest, below-north, below-northeast, center-southwest,
+              * center-south, center-southeast, center-west, and center-center).
+              *--------------------------------------------------------------*/
+             default:
+             hypre_BoxGetSize(cgrid_box, loop_size);
+             hypre_BoxLoop4Begin(loop_size,
+                                 PT_dbox,  cstart, stridec, iP,
+                                 R_dbox,   cstart, stridec, iR,
+                                 A_dbox,   fstart, stridef, iA,
+                                 RAP_dbox, cstart, stridec, iAc);
+ #define HYPRE_BOX_SMP_PRIVATE loopk,loopi,loopj,iP,iR,iA,iAc,iAm1,iAp1,iP1
+ #include "hypre_box_smp_forloop.h"
+             hypre_BoxLoop4For(loopi, loopj, loopk, iP, iR, iA, iAc)
+                {
+                   iAm1 = iA - zOffsetA;
+                   iAp1 = iA + zOffsetA;
+                   iP1 = iP - zOffsetP - yOffsetP - xOffsetP;
+                   rap_bsw[iAc] = rb[iR] * a_csw[iAm1] * pa[iP1]
+                      +           rb[iR] * a_bsw[iAm1]
+                      +                    a_bsw[iA]   * pa[iP1];
+                   iP1 = iP - zOffsetP - yOffsetP;
+                   rap_bs[iAc] = rb[iR] * a_cs[iAm1] * pa[iP1]
+                      +          rb[iR] * a_bs[iAm1]
+                      +                   a_bs[iA]   * pa[iP1];
+                   iP1 = iP - zOffsetP - yOffsetP + xOffsetP;
+                   rap_bse[iAc] = rb[iR] * a_cse[iAm1] * pa[iP1]
+                      +           rb[iR] * a_bse[iAm1]
+                      +                    a_bse[iA]   * pa[iP1];
+                   iP1 = iP - zOffsetP - xOffsetP;
+                   rap_bw[iAc] = rb[iR] * a_cw[iAm1] * pa[iP1]
+                      +          rb[iR] * a_bw[iAm1]
+                      +                   a_bw[iA]   * pa[iP1];
+                   iP1 = iP - zOffsetP; 
+                   rap_bc[iAc] =          a_bc[iA] * pa[iP1]
+                      +          rb[iR] * a_cc[iAm1] * pa[iP1]
+                      +          rb[iR] * a_bc[iAm1];
+                   iP1 = iP - zOffsetP + xOffsetP;
+                   rap_be[iAc] = rb[iR] * a_ce[iAm1] * pa[iP1]
+                      +          rb[iR] * a_be[iAm1]
+                      +                   a_be[iA]   * pa[iP1];
+                   iP1 = iP - zOffsetP + yOffsetP - xOffsetP;
+                   rap_bnw[iAc] = rb[iR] * a_cnw[iAm1] * pa[iP1]
+                      +           rb[iR] * a_bnw[iAm1]
+                      +                    a_bnw[iA]   * pa[iP1];
+                   iP1 = iP - zOffsetP + yOffsetP;
+                   rap_bn[iAc] = rb[iR] * a_cn[iAm1] * pa[iP1]
+                      +          rb[iR] * a_bn[iAm1]
+                      +                   a_bn[iA]   * pa[iP1];
+                   iP1 = iP - zOffsetP + yOffsetP + xOffsetP;
+                   rap_bne[iAc] = rb[iR] * a_cne[iAm1] * pa[iP1]
+                      +           rb[iR] * a_bne[iAm1]
+                      +                    a_bne[iA]   * pa[iP1];
+                   iP1 = iP - yOffsetP - xOffsetP;
+                   rap_csw[iAc] =          a_csw[iA]
+                      +          rb[iR] * a_csw[iAm1] * pb[iP1]
+                      +          ra[iR] * a_csw[iAp1] * pa[iP1]
+                      +                   a_bsw[iA]   * pb[iP1]
+                      +                   a_asw[iA]   * pa[iP1]
+                      +          rb[iR] * a_asw[iAm1]
+                      +          ra[iR] * a_bsw[iAp1];
+                   iP1 = iP - yOffsetP;
+                   rap_cs[iAc] =          a_cs[iA]
+                      +          rb[iR] * a_cs[iAm1] * pb[iP1]
+                      +          ra[iR] * a_cs[iAp1] * pa[iP1]
+                      +                   a_bs[iA]   * pb[iP1]
+                      +                   a_as[iA]   * pa[iP1]
+                      +          rb[iR] * a_as[iAm1]
+                      +          ra[iR] * a_bs[iAp1];
+                   iP1 = iP - yOffsetP + xOffsetP;
+                   rap_cse[iAc] =          a_cse[iA]
+                      +          rb[iR] * a_cse[iAm1] * pb[iP1]
+                      +          ra[iR] * a_cse[iAp1] * pa[iP1]
+                      +                   a_bse[iA]   * pb[iP1]
+                      +                   a_ase[iA]   * pa[iP1]
+                      +          rb[iR] * a_ase[iAm1]
+                      +          ra[iR] * a_bse[iAp1];
+                   iP1 = iP - xOffsetP;
+                   rap_cw[iAc] =          a_cw[iA]
+                      +          rb[iR] * a_cw[iAm1] * pb[iP1]
+                      +          ra[iR] * a_cw[iAp1] * pa[iP1]
+                      +                   a_bw[iA]   * pb[iP1]
+                      +                   a_aw[iA]   * pa[iP1]
+                      +          rb[iR] * a_aw[iAm1]
+                      +          ra[iR] * a_bw[iAp1];
+                   rap_cc[iAc] =          a_cc[iA]
+                      +          rb[iR] * a_cc[iAm1] * pb[iP]
+                      +          ra[iR] * a_cc[iAp1] * pa[iP]
+                      +          rb[iR] * a_ac[iAm1]
+                      +          ra[iR] * a_bc[iAp1]
+                      +                   a_bc[iA]   * pb[iP]
+                      +                   a_ac[iA]   * pa[iP];
+                }
+             hypre_BoxLoop4End(iP, iR, iA, iAc);
+             break;
+          } /* end switch statement */
+       } /* end ForBoxI */
+    return ierr;
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ hypre_SMG3BuildRAPNoSym( hypre_StructMatrix *A,
+                          hypre_StructMatrix *PT,
+                          hypre_StructMatrix *R,
+                          hypre_StructMatrix *RAP,
+                          hypre_Index         cindex,
+                          hypre_Index         cstride )
+ {
+    hypre_Index           index;
+    hypre_StructStencil  *fine_stencil;
+    int                   fine_stencil_size;
+    hypre_StructGrid     *fgrid;
+    int                  *fgrid_ids;
+    hypre_StructGrid     *cgrid;
+    hypre_BoxArray       *cgrid_boxes;
+    int                  *cgrid_ids;
+    hypre_Box            *cgrid_box;
+    hypre_IndexRef        cstart;
+    hypre_Index           stridec;
+    hypre_Index           fstart;
+    hypre_IndexRef        stridef;
+    hypre_Index           loop_size;
+    int                   fi, ci;
+    int                   loopi, loopj, loopk;
+    hypre_Box            *A_dbox;
+    hypre_Box            *PT_dbox;
+    hypre_Box            *R_dbox;
+    hypre_Box            *RAP_dbox;
+    double               *pa, *pb;
+    double               *ra, *rb;
+    double               *a_cc, *a_cw, *a_ce, *a_cs, *a_cn;
+    double               *a_ac, *a_aw, *a_ae, *a_as, *a_an;
+    double               *a_be, *a_bn;
+    double               *a_csw, *a_cse, *a_cnw, *a_cne;
+    double               *a_asw, *a_ase, *a_anw, *a_ane;
+    double               *a_bnw, *a_bne;
+    double               *rap_ce, *rap_cn;
+    double               *rap_ac, *rap_aw, *rap_ae, *rap_as, *rap_an;
+    double               *rap_cnw, *rap_cne;
+    double               *rap_asw, *rap_ase, *rap_anw, *rap_ane;
+    int                  iA, iAm1, iAp1;
+    int                  iAc;
+    int                  iP, iP1;
+    int                  iR;
+    int                  zOffsetA;
+    int                  xOffsetP;
+    int                  yOffsetP;
+    int                  zOffsetP;
+    int                  ierr = 0;
+    fine_stencil = hypre_StructMatrixStencil(A);
+    fine_stencil_size = hypre_StructStencilSize(fine_stencil);
+    stridef = cstride;
+    hypre_SetIndex(stridec, 1, 1, 1);
+    fgrid = hypre_StructMatrixGrid(A);
+    fgrid_ids = hypre_StructGridIDs(fgrid);
+    cgrid = hypre_StructMatrixGrid(RAP);
+    cgrid_boxes = hypre_StructGridBoxes(cgrid);
+    cgrid_ids = hypre_StructGridIDs(cgrid);
+    fi = 0;
+    hypre_ForBoxI(ci, cgrid_boxes)
+       {
+          while (fgrid_ids[fi] != cgrid_ids[ci])
+          {
+             fi++;
+          }
+          cgrid_box = hypre_BoxArrayBox(cgrid_boxes, ci);
+          cstart = hypre_BoxIMin(cgrid_box);
+          hypre_StructMapCoarseToFine(cstart, cindex, cstride, fstart);
+          A_dbox = hypre_BoxArrayBox(hypre_StructMatrixDataSpace(A), fi);
+          PT_dbox = hypre_BoxArrayBox(hypre_StructMatrixDataSpace(PT), fi);
+          R_dbox = hypre_BoxArrayBox(hypre_StructMatrixDataSpace(R), fi);
+          RAP_dbox = hypre_BoxArrayBox(hypre_StructMatrixDataSpace(RAP), ci);
+          /*-----------------------------------------------------------------
+           * Extract pointers for interpolation operator:
+           * pa is pointer for weight for f-point above c-point 
+           * pb is pointer for weight for f-point below c-point 
+           *-----------------------------------------------------------------*/
+          hypre_SetIndex(index,0,0,1);
+          pa = hypre_StructMatrixExtractPointerByIndex(PT, fi, index);
+          hypre_SetIndex(index,0,0,-1);
+          pb = hypre_StructMatrixExtractPointerByIndex(PT, fi, index);
+          /*-----------------------------------------------------------------
+           * Extract pointers for restriction operator:
+           * ra is pointer for weight for f-point above c-point 
+           * rb is pointer for weight for f-point below c-point 
+           *-----------------------------------------------------------------*/
+          hypre_SetIndex(index,0,0,1);
+          ra = hypre_StructMatrixExtractPointerByIndex(R, fi, index);
+          hypre_SetIndex(index,0,0,-1);
+          rb = hypre_StructMatrixExtractPointerByIndex(R, fi, index);
+          /*-----------------------------------------------------------------
+           * Extract pointers for 7-point fine grid operator:
+           * 
+           * a_cc is pointer for center coefficient
+           * a_cw is pointer for west coefficient in same plane
+           * a_ce is pointer for east coefficient in same plane
+           * a_cs is pointer for south coefficient in same plane
+           * a_cn is pointer for north coefficient in same plane
+           * a_ac is pointer for center coefficient in plane above
+           * a_bc is pointer for center coefficient in plane below
+           *-----------------------------------------------------------------*/
+          hypre_SetIndex(index,0,0,0);
+          a_cc = hypre_StructMatrixExtractPointerByIndex(A, fi, index);
+          hypre_SetIndex(index,-1,0,0);
+          a_cw = hypre_StructMatrixExtractPointerByIndex(A, fi, index);
+          hypre_SetIndex(index,1,0,0);
+          a_ce = hypre_StructMatrixExtractPointerByIndex(A, fi, index);
+          hypre_SetIndex(index,0,-1,0);
+          a_cs = hypre_StructMatrixExtractPointerByIndex(A, fi, index);
+          hypre_SetIndex(index,0,1,0);
+          a_cn = hypre_StructMatrixExtractPointerByIndex(A, fi, index);
+          hypre_SetIndex(index,0,0,1);
+          a_ac = hypre_StructMatrixExtractPointerByIndex(A, fi, index);
+          /*-----------------------------------------------------------------
+           * Extract additional pointers for 15-point fine grid operator:
+           *
+           * a_aw is pointer for west coefficient in plane above
+           * a_ae is pointer for east coefficient in plane above
+           * a_as is pointer for south coefficient in plane above
+           * a_an is pointer for north coefficient in plane above
+           * a_bw is pointer for west coefficient in plane below
+           * a_be is pointer for east coefficient in plane below
+           * a_bs is pointer for south coefficient in plane below
+           * a_bn is pointer for north coefficient in plane below
+           *-----------------------------------------------------------------*/
+          if(fine_stencil_size > 7)
+          {
+             hypre_SetIndex(index,-1,0,1);
+             a_aw = hypre_StructMatrixExtractPointerByIndex(A, fi, index);
+             hypre_SetIndex(index,1,0,1);
+             a_ae = hypre_StructMatrixExtractPointerByIndex(A, fi, index);
+             hypre_SetIndex(index,0,-1,1);
+             a_as = hypre_StructMatrixExtractPointerByIndex(A, fi, index);
+             hypre_SetIndex(index,0,1,1);
+             a_an = hypre_StructMatrixExtractPointerByIndex(A, fi, index);
+             hypre_SetIndex(index,1,0,-1);
+             a_be = hypre_StructMatrixExtractPointerByIndex(A, fi, index);
+             hypre_SetIndex(index,0,1,-1);
+             a_bn = hypre_StructMatrixExtractPointerByIndex(A, fi, index);
+          }
+          /*-----------------------------------------------------------------
+           * Extract additional pointers for 19-point fine grid operator:
+           *
+           * a_csw is pointer for southwest coefficient in same plane
+           * a_cse is pointer for southeast coefficient in same plane
+           * a_cnw is pointer for northwest coefficient in same plane
+           * a_cne is pointer for northeast coefficient in same plane
+           *-----------------------------------------------------------------*/
+          if(fine_stencil_size > 15)
+          {
+             hypre_SetIndex(index,-1,-1,0);
+             a_csw = hypre_StructMatrixExtractPointerByIndex(A, fi, index);
+             hypre_SetIndex(index,1,-1,0);
+             a_cse = hypre_StructMatrixExtractPointerByIndex(A, fi, index);
+             hypre_SetIndex(index,-1,1,0);
+             a_cnw = hypre_StructMatrixExtractPointerByIndex(A, fi, index);
+             hypre_SetIndex(index,1,1,0);
+             a_cne = hypre_StructMatrixExtractPointerByIndex(A, fi, index);
+          }
+          /*-----------------------------------------------------------------
+           * Extract additional pointers for 27-point fine grid operator:
+           *
+           * a_asw is pointer for southwest coefficient in plane above
+           * a_ase is pointer for southeast coefficient in plane above
+           * a_anw is pointer for northwest coefficient in plane above
+           * a_ane is pointer for northeast coefficient in plane above
+           * a_bsw is pointer for southwest coefficient in plane below
+           * a_bse is pointer for southeast coefficient in plane below
+           * a_bnw is pointer for northwest coefficient in plane below
+           * a_bne is pointer for northeast coefficient in plane below
+           *-----------------------------------------------------------------*/
+          if(fine_stencil_size > 19)
+          {
+             hypre_SetIndex(index,-1,-1,1);
+             a_asw = hypre_StructMatrixExtractPointerByIndex(A, fi, index);
+             hypre_SetIndex(index,1,-1,1);
+             a_ase = hypre_StructMatrixExtractPointerByIndex(A, fi, index);
+             hypre_SetIndex(index,-1,1,1);
+             a_anw = hypre_StructMatrixExtractPointerByIndex(A, fi, index);
+             hypre_SetIndex(index,1,1,1);
+             a_ane = hypre_StructMatrixExtractPointerByIndex(A, fi, index);
+             hypre_SetIndex(index,-1,1,-1);
+             a_bnw = hypre_StructMatrixExtractPointerByIndex(A, fi, index);
+             hypre_SetIndex(index,1,1,-1);
+             a_bne = hypre_StructMatrixExtractPointerByIndex(A, fi, index);
+          }
+          /*-----------------------------------------------------------------
+           * Extract pointers for 15-point coarse grid operator:
+           *
+           * We build only the upper triangular part (excluding diagonal).
+           * 
+           * rap_ce is pointer for east coefficient in same plane (etc.)
+           *-----------------------------------------------------------------*/
+          hypre_SetIndex(index,1,0,0);
+          rap_ce = hypre_StructMatrixExtractPointerByIndex(RAP, ci, index);
+          hypre_SetIndex(index,0,1,0);
+          rap_cn = hypre_StructMatrixExtractPointerByIndex(RAP, ci, index);
+          hypre_SetIndex(index,0,0,1);
+          rap_ac = hypre_StructMatrixExtractPointerByIndex(RAP, ci, index);
+          hypre_SetIndex(index,-1,0,1);
+          rap_aw = hypre_StructMatrixExtractPointerByIndex(RAP, ci, index);
+          hypre_SetIndex(index,1,0,1);
+          rap_ae = hypre_StructMatrixExtractPointerByIndex(RAP, ci, index);
+          hypre_SetIndex(index,0,-1,1);
+          rap_as = hypre_StructMatrixExtractPointerByIndex(RAP, ci, index);
+          hypre_SetIndex(index,0,1,1);
+          rap_an = hypre_StructMatrixExtractPointerByIndex(RAP, ci, index);
+          /*-----------------------------------------------------------------
+           * Extract additional pointers for 27-point coarse grid operator:
+           *
+           * A 27-point coarse grid operator is produced when the fine grid 
+           * stencil is 19 or 27 point.
+           *
+           * We build only the upper triangular part.
+           *
+           * rap_cnw is pointer for northwest coefficient in same plane (etc.)
+           *-----------------------------------------------------------------*/
+          if(fine_stencil_size > 15)
+          {
+             hypre_SetIndex(index,-1,1,0);
+             rap_cnw =
+                hypre_StructMatrixExtractPointerByIndex(RAP, ci, index);
+             hypre_SetIndex(index,1,1,0);
+             rap_cne =
+                hypre_StructMatrixExtractPointerByIndex(RAP, ci, index);
+             hypre_SetIndex(index,-1,-1,1);
+             rap_asw =
+                hypre_StructMatrixExtractPointerByIndex(RAP, ci, index);
+             hypre_SetIndex(index,1,-1,1);
+             rap_ase =
+                hypre_StructMatrixExtractPointerByIndex(RAP, ci, index);
+             hypre_SetIndex(index,-1,1,1);
+             rap_anw =
+                hypre_StructMatrixExtractPointerByIndex(RAP, ci, index);
+             hypre_SetIndex(index,1,1,1);
+             rap_ane =
+                hypre_StructMatrixExtractPointerByIndex(RAP, ci, index);
+          }
+          /*-----------------------------------------------------------------
+           * Define offsets for fine grid stencil and interpolation
+           *
+           * In the BoxLoop below I assume iA and iP refer to data associated
+           * with the point which we are building the stencil for. The below
+           * Offsets are used in refering to data associated with other points. 
+           *-----------------------------------------------------------------*/
+          hypre_SetIndex(index,0,0,1);
+          zOffsetA = hypre_BoxOffsetDistance(A_dbox,index); 
+          zOffsetP = hypre_BoxOffsetDistance(PT_dbox,index); 
+          hypre_SetIndex(index,0,1,0);
+          yOffsetP = hypre_BoxOffsetDistance(PT_dbox,index); 
+          hypre_SetIndex(index,1,0,0);
+          xOffsetP = hypre_BoxOffsetDistance(PT_dbox,index); 
+          /*-----------------------------------------------------------------
+           * Switch statement to direct control to apropriate BoxLoop depending
+           * on stencil size. Default is full 27-point.
+           *-----------------------------------------------------------------*/
+          switch (fine_stencil_size)
+          {
+             /*--------------------------------------------------------------
+              * Loop for 7-point fine grid operator; produces upper triangular
+              * part of 15-point coarse grid operator. stencil entries:
+              * (above-north, above-east, above-center, above-west,
+              * above-south, center-north, and center-east).
+              *--------------------------------------------------------------*/
+             case 7:
+             hypre_BoxGetSize(cgrid_box, loop_size);
+             hypre_BoxLoop4Begin(loop_size,
+                                 PT_dbox,  cstart, stridec, iP,
+                                 R_dbox,   cstart, stridec, iR,
+                                 A_dbox,   fstart, stridef, iA,
+                                 RAP_dbox, cstart, stridec, iAc);
+ #define HYPRE_BOX_SMP_PRIVATE loopk,loopi,loopj,iP,iR,iA,iAc,iAm1,iAp1,iP1
+ #include "hypre_box_smp_forloop.h"
+             hypre_BoxLoop4For(loopi, loopj, loopk, iP, iR, iA, iAc)
+                {
+                   iAm1 = iA - zOffsetA;
+                   iAp1 = iA + zOffsetA;
+                   iP1 = iP + zOffsetP + yOffsetP;
+                   rap_an[iAc] = ra[iR] * a_cn[iAp1] * pb[iP1];
+                   iP1 = iP + zOffsetP + xOffsetP;
+                   rap_ae[iAc] = ra[iR] * a_ce[iAp1] * pb[iP1];
+                   iP1 = iP + zOffsetP; 
+                   rap_ac[iAc] =          a_ac[iA]   * pb[iP1]
+                      +          ra[iR] * a_cc[iAp1] * pb[iP1]
+                      +          ra[iR] * a_ac[iAp1];
+                   iP1 = iP + zOffsetP - xOffsetP;
+                   rap_aw[iAc] = ra[iR] * a_cw[iAp1] * pb[iP1];
+                   iP1 = iP + zOffsetP - yOffsetP;
+                   rap_as[iAc] = ra[iR] * a_cs[iAp1] * pb[iP1];
+                   iP1 = iP + yOffsetP;
+                   rap_cn[iAc] =          a_cn[iA]
+                      +          rb[iR] * a_cn[iAm1] * pb[iP1]
+                      +          ra[iR] * a_cn[iAp1] * pa[iP1];
+                   iP1 = iP + xOffsetP;
+                   rap_ce[iAc] =          a_ce[iA]
+                      +          rb[iR] * a_ce[iAm1] * pb[iP1]
+                      +          ra[iR] * a_ce[iAp1] * pa[iP1];
+                }
+             hypre_BoxLoop4End(iP, iR, iA, iAc);
+             break;
+             /*--------------------------------------------------------------
+              * Loop for 15-point fine grid operator; produces upper triangular
+              * part of 15-point coarse grid operator. stencil entries:
+              * (above-north, above-east, above-center, above-west,
+              * above-south, center-north, and center-east).
+              *--------------------------------------------------------------*/
+             case 15:
+             hypre_BoxGetSize(cgrid_box, loop_size);
+             hypre_BoxLoop4Begin(loop_size,
+                                 PT_dbox,  cstart, stridec, iP,
+                                 R_dbox,   cstart, stridec, iR,
+                                 A_dbox,   fstart, stridef, iA,
+                                 RAP_dbox, cstart, stridec, iAc);
+ #define HYPRE_BOX_SMP_PRIVATE loopk,loopi,loopj,iP,iR,iA,iAc,iAm1,iAp1,iP1
+ #include "hypre_box_smp_forloop.h"
+             hypre_BoxLoop4For(loopi, loopj, loopk, iP, iR, iA, iAc)
+                {
+                   iAm1 = iA - zOffsetA;
+                   iAp1 = iA + zOffsetA;
+                   iP1 = iP + zOffsetP + yOffsetP;
+                   rap_an[iAc] = ra[iR] * a_cn[iAp1] * pb[iP1]
+                      +          ra[iR] * a_an[iAp1]
+                      +                   a_an[iA]   * pb[iP1];
+                   iP1 = iP + zOffsetP + xOffsetP;
+                   rap_ae[iAc] = ra[iR] * a_ce[iAp1] * pb[iP1]
+                      +          ra[iR] * a_ae[iAp1]
+                      +                   a_ae[iA]   * pb[iP1];
+                   iP1 = iP + zOffsetP; 
+                   rap_ac[iAc] =          a_ac[iA]   * pb[iP1]
+                      +          ra[iR] * a_cc[iAp1] * pb[iP1]
+                      +          ra[iR] * a_ac[iAp1];
+                   iP1 = iP + zOffsetP - xOffsetP;
+                   rap_aw[iAc] = ra[iR] * a_cw[iAp1] * pb[iP1]
+                      +          ra[iR] * a_aw[iAp1]
+                      +                   a_aw[iA]   * pb[iP1];
+                   iP1 = iP + zOffsetP - yOffsetP;
+                   rap_as[iAc] = ra[iR] * a_cs[iAp1] * pb[iP1]
+                      +          ra[iR] * a_as[iAp1]
+                      +                   a_as[iA]   * pb[iP1];
+                   iP1 = iP + yOffsetP;
+                   rap_cn[iAc] =          a_cn[iA]
+                      +          rb[iR] * a_cn[iAm1] * pb[iP1]
+                      +          ra[iR] * a_cn[iAp1] * pa[iP1]
+                      +                   a_bn[iA]   * pb[iP1]
+                      +                   a_an[iA]   * pa[iP1]
+                      +          rb[iR] * a_an[iAm1]
+                      +          ra[iR] * a_bn[iAp1];
+                   iP1 = iP + xOffsetP;
+                   rap_ce[iAc] =          a_ce[iA]
+                      +          rb[iR] * a_ce[iAm1] * pb[iP1]
+                      +          ra[iR] * a_ce[iAp1] * pa[iP1]
+                      +                   a_be[iA]   * pb[iP1]
+                      +                   a_ae[iA]   * pa[iP1]
+                      +          rb[iR] * a_ae[iAm1]
+                      +          ra[iR] * a_be[iAp1];
+                }
+             hypre_BoxLoop4End(iP, iR, iA, iAc);
+             break;
+             /*--------------------------------------------------------------
+              * Loop for 19-point fine grid operator; produces upper triangular
+              * part of 27-point coarse grid operator. stencil entries:
+              * (above-northeast, above-north, above-northwest, above-east,
+              * above-center, above-west, above-southeast, above-south,
+              * above-southwest, center-northeast, center-north,
+              * center-northwest, and center-east).
+              *--------------------------------------------------------------*/
+             case 19:
+             hypre_BoxGetSize(cgrid_box, loop_size);
+             hypre_BoxLoop4Begin(loop_size,
+                                 PT_dbox,  cstart, stridec, iP,
+                                 R_dbox,   cstart, stridec, iR,
+                                 A_dbox,   fstart, stridef, iA,
+                                 RAP_dbox, cstart, stridec, iAc);
+ #define HYPRE_BOX_SMP_PRIVATE loopk,loopi,loopj,iP,iR,iA,iAc,iAm1,iAp1,iP1
+ #include "hypre_box_smp_forloop.h"
+             hypre_BoxLoop4For(loopi, loopj, loopk, iP, iR, iA, iAc)
+                {
+                   iAm1 = iA - zOffsetA;
+                   iAp1 = iA + zOffsetA;
+                   iP1 = iP + zOffsetP + yOffsetP + xOffsetP;
+                   rap_ane[iAc] = ra[iR] * a_cne[iAp1] * pb[iP1];
+                   iP1 = iP + zOffsetP + yOffsetP;
+                   rap_an[iAc] = ra[iR] * a_cn[iAp1] * pb[iP1]
+                      +          ra[iR] * a_an[iAp1]
+                      +                   a_an[iA]   * pb[iP1];
+                   iP1 = iP + zOffsetP + yOffsetP - xOffsetP;
+                   rap_anw[iAc] = ra[iR] * a_cnw[iAp1] * pb[iP1];
+                   iP1 = iP + zOffsetP + xOffsetP;
+                   rap_ae[iAc] = ra[iR] * a_ce[iAp1] * pb[iP1]
+                      +          ra[iR] * a_ae[iAp1]
+                      +                   a_ae[iA]   * pb[iP1];
+                   iP1 = iP + zOffsetP; 
+                   rap_ac[iAc] =          a_ac[iA]   * pb[iP1]
+                      +          ra[iR] * a_cc[iAp1] * pb[iP1]
+                      +          ra[iR] * a_ac[iAp1];
+                   iP1 = iP + zOffsetP - xOffsetP;
+                   rap_aw[iAc] = ra[iR] * a_cw[iAp1] * pb[iP1]
+                      +          ra[iR] * a_aw[iAp1]
+                      +                   a_aw[iA]   * pb[iP1];
+                   iP1 = iP + zOffsetP - yOffsetP + xOffsetP;
+                   rap_ase[iAc] = ra[iR] * a_cse[iAp1] * pb[iP1];
+                   iP1 = iP + zOffsetP - yOffsetP;
+                   rap_as[iAc] = ra[iR] * a_cs[iAp1] * pb[iP1]
+                      +          ra[iR] * a_as[iAp1]
+                      +                   a_as[iA]   * pb[iP1];
+                   iP1 = iP + zOffsetP - yOffsetP - xOffsetP;
+                   rap_asw[iAc] = ra[iR] * a_csw[iAp1] * pb[iP1];
+                   iP1 = iP + yOffsetP + xOffsetP;
+                   rap_cne[iAc] =         a_cne[iA]
+                      +          rb[iR] * a_cne[iAm1] * pb[iP1]
+                      +          ra[iR] * a_cne[iAp1] * pa[iP1];
+                   iP1 = iP + yOffsetP;
+                   rap_cn[iAc] =          a_cn[iA]
+                      +          rb[iR] * a_cn[iAm1] * pb[iP1]
+                      +          ra[iR] * a_cn[iAp1] * pa[iP1]
+                      +                   a_bn[iA]   * pb[iP1]
+                      +                   a_an[iA]   * pa[iP1]
+                      +          rb[iR] * a_an[iAm1]
+                      +          ra[iR] * a_bn[iAp1];
+                   iP1 = iP + yOffsetP - xOffsetP;
+                   rap_cnw[iAc] =         a_cnw[iA]
+                      +          rb[iR] * a_cnw[iAm1] * pb[iP1]
+                      +          ra[iR] * a_cnw[iAp1] * pa[iP1];
+                   iP1 = iP + xOffsetP;
+                   rap_ce[iAc] =          a_ce[iA]
+                      +          rb[iR] * a_ce[iAm1] * pb[iP1]
+                      +          ra[iR] * a_ce[iAp1] * pa[iP1]
+                      +                   a_be[iA]   * pb[iP1]
+                      +                   a_ae[iA]   * pa[iP1]
+                      +          rb[iR] * a_ae[iAm1]
+                      +          ra[iR] * a_be[iAp1];
+                }
+             hypre_BoxLoop4End(iP, iR, iA, iAc);
+             break;
+             /*--------------------------------------------------------------
+              * Loop for 27-point fine grid operator; produces upper triangular
+              * part of 27-point coarse grid operator. stencil entries:
+              * (above-northeast, above-north, above-northwest, above-east,
+              * above-center, above-west, above-southeast, above-south,
+              * above-southwest, center-northeast, center-north,
+              * center-northwest, and center-east).
+              *--------------------------------------------------------------*/
+             default:
+             hypre_BoxGetSize(cgrid_box, loop_size);
+             hypre_BoxLoop4Begin(loop_size,
+                                 PT_dbox,  cstart, stridec, iP,
+                                 R_dbox,   cstart, stridec, iR,
+                                 A_dbox,   fstart, stridef, iA,
+                                 RAP_dbox, cstart, stridec, iAc);
+ #define HYPRE_BOX_SMP_PRIVATE loopk,loopi,loopj,iP,iR,iA,iAc,iAm1,iAp1,iP1
+ #include "hypre_box_smp_forloop.h"
+             hypre_BoxLoop4For(loopi, loopj, loopk, iP, iR, iA, iAc)
+                {
+                   iAm1 = iA - zOffsetA;
+                   iAp1 = iA + zOffsetA;
+                   iP1 = iP + zOffsetP + yOffsetP + xOffsetP;
+                   rap_ane[iAc] = ra[iR] * a_cne[iAp1] * pb[iP1]
+                      +           ra[iR] * a_ane[iAp1]
+                      +                    a_ane[iA]   * pb[iP1];
+                   iP1 = iP + zOffsetP + yOffsetP;
+                   rap_an[iAc] = ra[iR] * a_cn[iAp1] * pb[iP1]
+                      +          ra[iR] * a_an[iAp1]
+                      +                   a_an[iA]   * pb[iP1];
+                   iP1 = iP + zOffsetP + yOffsetP - xOffsetP;
+                   rap_anw[iAc] = ra[iR] * a_cnw[iAp1] * pb[iP1]
+                      +           ra[iR] * a_anw[iAp1]
+                      +                    a_anw[iA]   * pb[iP1];
+                   iP1 = iP + zOffsetP + xOffsetP;
+                   rap_ae[iAc] = ra[iR] * a_ce[iAp1] * pb[iP1]
+                      +          ra[iR] * a_ae[iAp1]
+                      +                   a_ae[iA]   * pb[iP1];
+                   iP1 = iP + zOffsetP; 
+                   rap_ac[iAc] =          a_ac[iA]   * pb[iP1]
+                      +          ra[iR] * a_cc[iAp1] * pb[iP1]
+                      +          ra[iR] * a_ac[iAp1];
+                   iP1 = iP + zOffsetP - xOffsetP;
+                   rap_aw[iAc] = ra[iR] * a_cw[iAp1] * pb[iP1]
+                      +          ra[iR] * a_aw[iAp1]
+                      +                   a_aw[iA]   * pb[iP1];
+                   iP1 = iP + zOffsetP - yOffsetP + xOffsetP;
+                   rap_ase[iAc] = ra[iR] * a_cse[iAp1] * pb[iP1]
+                      +           ra[iR] * a_ase[iAp1]
+                      +                    a_ase[iA]   * pb[iP1];
+                   iP1 = iP + zOffsetP - yOffsetP;
+                   rap_as[iAc] = ra[iR] * a_cs[iAp1] * pb[iP1]
+                      +          ra[iR] * a_as[iAp1]
+                      +                   a_as[iA]   * pb[iP1];
+                   iP1 = iP + zOffsetP - yOffsetP - xOffsetP;
+                   rap_asw[iAc] = ra[iR] * a_csw[iAp1] * pb[iP1]
+                      +           ra[iR] * a_asw[iAp1]
+                      +                    a_asw[iA]   * pb[iP1];
+                   iP1 = iP + yOffsetP + xOffsetP;
+                   rap_cne[iAc] =         a_cne[iA]
+                      +          rb[iR] * a_cne[iAm1] * pb[iP1]
+                      +          ra[iR] * a_cne[iAp1] * pa[iP1]
+                      +                   a_bne[iA]   * pb[iP1]
+                      +                   a_ane[iA]   * pa[iP1]
+                      +          rb[iR] * a_ane[iAm1]
+                      +          ra[iR] * a_bne[iAp1];
+                   iP1 = iP + yOffsetP;
+                   rap_cn[iAc] =          a_cn[iA]
+                      +          rb[iR] * a_cn[iAm1] * pb[iP1]
+                      +          ra[iR] * a_cn[iAp1] * pa[iP1]
+                      +                   a_bn[iA]   * pb[iP1]
+                      +                   a_an[iA]   * pa[iP1]
+                      +          rb[iR] * a_an[iAm1]
+                      +          ra[iR] * a_bn[iAp1];
+                   iP1 = iP + yOffsetP - xOffsetP;
+                   rap_cnw[iAc] =         a_cnw[iA]
+                      +          rb[iR] * a_cnw[iAm1] * pb[iP1]
+                      +          ra[iR] * a_cnw[iAp1] * pa[iP1]
+                      +                   a_bnw[iA]   * pb[iP1]
+                      +                   a_anw[iA]   * pa[iP1]
+                      +          rb[iR] * a_anw[iAm1]
+                      +          ra[iR] * a_bnw[iAp1];
+                   iP1 = iP + xOffsetP;
+                   rap_ce[iAc] =          a_ce[iA]
+                      +          rb[iR] * a_ce[iAm1] * pb[iP1]
+                      +          ra[iR] * a_ce[iAp1] * pa[iP1]
+                      +                   a_be[iA]   * pb[iP1]
+                      +                   a_ae[iA]   * pa[iP1]
+                      +          rb[iR] * a_ae[iAm1]
+                      +          ra[iR] * a_be[iAp1];
+                }
+             hypre_BoxLoop4End(iP, iR, iA, iAc);
+             break;
+          } /* end switch statement */
+       } /* end ForBoxI */
+    return ierr;
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_SMG3RAPPeriodicSym 
+  *    Collapses stencil in periodic direction on coarsest grid.
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ hypre_SMG3RAPPeriodicSym( hypre_StructMatrix *RAP,
+                           hypre_Index         cindex,
+                           hypre_Index         cstride )
+ {
+    hypre_Index             index;
+    hypre_StructGrid       *cgrid;
+    hypre_BoxArray         *cgrid_boxes;
+    hypre_Box              *cgrid_box;
+    hypre_IndexRef          cstart;
+    hypre_Index             stridec;
+    hypre_Index             loop_size;
+    int                  ci;
+    int                  loopi, loopj, loopk;
+    hypre_Box           *RAP_dbox;
+    double               *rap_bc, *rap_bw, *rap_be, *rap_bs, *rap_bn;
+    double               *rap_cc, *rap_cw,  *rap_cs;
+    double               *rap_bsw, *rap_bse, *rap_bnw, *rap_bne;
+    double               *rap_csw, *rap_cse;
+    int                  iAc;
+    int                  iAcmx;
+    int                  iAcmy;
+    int                  iAcmxmy;
+    int                  iAcpxmy;
+    int                  xOffset;
+    int                  yOffset;
+    double               zero = 0.0;
+    hypre_StructStencil *stencil;
+    int                  stencil_size;
+    int                  ierr = 0;
+    stencil = hypre_StructMatrixStencil(RAP);
+    stencil_size = hypre_StructStencilSize(stencil);
+    hypre_SetIndex(stridec, 1, 1, 1);
+    cgrid = hypre_StructMatrixGrid(RAP);
+    cgrid_boxes = hypre_StructGridBoxes(cgrid);
+    if (hypre_IndexZ(hypre_StructGridPeriodic(cgrid)) == 1)
+    {
+       hypre_StructMatrixAssemble(RAP);
+       hypre_ForBoxI(ci, cgrid_boxes)
+          {
+             cgrid_box = hypre_BoxArrayBox(cgrid_boxes, ci);
+             cstart = hypre_BoxIMin(cgrid_box);
+             RAP_dbox = hypre_BoxArrayBox(hypre_StructMatrixDataSpace(RAP), ci);
+             hypre_SetIndex(index,1,0,0);
+             xOffset = hypre_BoxOffsetDistance(RAP_dbox,index);
+             hypre_SetIndex(index,0,1,0);
+             yOffset = hypre_BoxOffsetDistance(RAP_dbox,index);
+             /*-----------------------------------------------------------------
+              * Extract pointers for 15-point coarse grid operator:
+              *-----------------------------------------------------------------*/
+             hypre_SetIndex(index,0,0,-1);
+             rap_bc = hypre_StructMatrixExtractPointerByIndex(RAP, ci, index);
+             hypre_SetIndex(index,-1,0,-1);
+             rap_bw = hypre_StructMatrixExtractPointerByIndex(RAP, ci, index);
+             hypre_SetIndex(index,1,0,-1);
+             rap_be = hypre_StructMatrixExtractPointerByIndex(RAP, ci, index);
+             hypre_SetIndex(index,0,-1,-1);
+             rap_bs = hypre_StructMatrixExtractPointerByIndex(RAP, ci, index);
+             hypre_SetIndex(index,0,1,-1);
+             rap_bn = hypre_StructMatrixExtractPointerByIndex(RAP, ci, index);
+             hypre_SetIndex(index,0,0,0);
+             rap_cc = hypre_StructMatrixExtractPointerByIndex(RAP, ci, index);
+             hypre_SetIndex(index,-1,0,0);
+             rap_cw = hypre_StructMatrixExtractPointerByIndex(RAP, ci, index);
+             hypre_SetIndex(index,0,-1,0);
+             rap_cs = hypre_StructMatrixExtractPointerByIndex(RAP, ci, index);
+             /*-----------------------------------------------------------------
+              * Extract additional pointers for 27-point coarse grid operator:
+              *-----------------------------------------------------------------*/
+             if(stencil_size == 27)
+             {
+                hypre_SetIndex(index,-1,-1,-1);
+                rap_bsw = hypre_StructMatrixExtractPointerByIndex(RAP, ci, index);
+                hypre_SetIndex(index,1,-1,-1);
+                rap_bse = hypre_StructMatrixExtractPointerByIndex(RAP, ci, index);
+                hypre_SetIndex(index,-1,1,-1);
+                rap_bnw = hypre_StructMatrixExtractPointerByIndex(RAP, ci, index);
+                hypre_SetIndex(index,1,1,-1);
+                rap_bne = hypre_StructMatrixExtractPointerByIndex(RAP, ci, index);
+                hypre_SetIndex(index,-1,-1,0);
+                rap_csw = hypre_StructMatrixExtractPointerByIndex(RAP, ci, index);
+                hypre_SetIndex(index,1,-1,0);
+                rap_cse = hypre_StructMatrixExtractPointerByIndex(RAP, ci, index);
+             }
+             /*-----------------------------------------------------------------
+              * Collapse 15 point operator.
+              *-----------------------------------------------------------------*/
+             hypre_BoxGetSize(cgrid_box, loop_size);
+             hypre_BoxLoop1Begin(loop_size,
+                                 RAP_dbox,  cstart, stridec, iAc);
+ #define HYPRE_BOX_SMP_PRIVATE loopk,loopi,loopj,iAc,iAcmx,iAcmy
+ #include "hypre_box_smp_forloop.h"
+             hypre_BoxLoop1For(loopi, loopj, loopk, iAc)
+                {
+                   iAcmx = iAc - xOffset;
+                   iAcmy = iAc - yOffset;
+                   rap_cc[iAc] += (2.0 * rap_bc[iAc]);
+                   rap_cw[iAc] += (rap_bw[iAc] + rap_be[iAcmx]);
+                   rap_cs[iAc] += (rap_bs[iAc] + rap_bn[iAcmy]);
+                }
+             hypre_BoxLoop1End(iAc);
+             hypre_BoxLoop1Begin(loop_size,
+                                 RAP_dbox,  cstart, stridec, iAc);
+ #define HYPRE_BOX_SMP_PRIVATE loopk,loopi,loopj,iAc
+ #include "hypre_box_smp_forloop.h"
+             hypre_BoxLoop1For(loopi, loopj, loopk, iAc)
+                {
+                   rap_bc[iAc]  = zero;
+                   rap_bw[iAc]  = zero;
+                   rap_be[iAc]  = zero;
+                   rap_bs[iAc]  = zero;
+                   rap_bn[iAc]  = zero;
+                }
+             hypre_BoxLoop1End(iAc);
+             /*-----------------------------------------------------------------
+              * Collapse additional entries for 27 point operator.
+              *-----------------------------------------------------------------*/
+             if (stencil_size == 27)
+             {
+                hypre_BoxGetSize(cgrid_box, loop_size);
+                hypre_BoxLoop1Begin(loop_size,
+                                    RAP_dbox,  cstart, stridec, iAc);
+ #define HYPRE_BOX_SMP_PRIVATE loopk,loopi,loopj,iAc,iAcmxmy,iAcpxmy
+ #include "hypre_box_smp_forloop.h"
+                hypre_BoxLoop1For(loopi, loopj, loopk, iAc)
+                   {
+                      iAcmxmy = iAc - xOffset - yOffset;
+                      iAcpxmy = iAc + xOffset - yOffset;
+                      rap_csw[iAc] += (rap_bsw[iAc] + rap_bne[iAcmxmy]);
+                      rap_cse[iAc] += (rap_bse[iAc] + rap_bnw[iAcpxmy]);
+                   }
+                hypre_BoxLoop1End(iAc);
+                hypre_BoxLoop1Begin(loop_size,
+                                    RAP_dbox,  cstart, stridec, iAc);
+ #define HYPRE_BOX_SMP_PRIVATE loopk,loopi,loopj,iAc
+ #include "hypre_box_smp_forloop.h"
+                hypre_BoxLoop1For(loopi, loopj, loopk, iAc)
+                   {
+                      rap_bsw[iAc]  = zero;
+                      rap_bse[iAc]  = zero;
+                      rap_bnw[iAc]  = zero;
+                      rap_bne[iAc]  = zero;
+                   }
+                hypre_BoxLoop1End(iAc);
+             }
+          } /* end ForBoxI */
+    }
+    return ierr;
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_SMG3RAPPeriodicNoSym 
+  *    Collapses stencil in periodic direction on coarsest grid.
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ hypre_SMG3RAPPeriodicNoSym( hypre_StructMatrix *RAP,
+                             hypre_Index         cindex,
+                             hypre_Index         cstride )
+ {
+    hypre_Index             index;
+    hypre_StructGrid       *cgrid;
+    hypre_BoxArray         *cgrid_boxes;
+    hypre_Box              *cgrid_box;
+    hypre_IndexRef          cstart;
+    hypre_Index             stridec;
+    hypre_Index             loop_size;
+    int                  ci;
+    int                  loopi, loopj, loopk;
+    hypre_Box           *RAP_dbox;
+    double               *rap_bc, *rap_bw, *rap_be, *rap_bs, *rap_bn;
+    double               *rap_cc, *rap_cw, *rap_ce, *rap_cs, *rap_cn;
+    double               *rap_ac, *rap_aw, *rap_ae, *rap_as, *rap_an;
+    double               *rap_bsw, *rap_bse, *rap_bnw, *rap_bne;
+    double               *rap_csw, *rap_cse, *rap_cnw, *rap_cne;
+    double               *rap_asw, *rap_ase, *rap_anw, *rap_ane;
+    int                  iAc;
+    double               zero = 0.0;
+    hypre_StructStencil *stencil;
+    int                  stencil_size;
+    int                  ierr = 0;
+    stencil = hypre_StructMatrixStencil(RAP);
+    stencil_size = hypre_StructStencilSize(stencil);
+    hypre_SetIndex(stridec, 1, 1, 1);
+    cgrid = hypre_StructMatrixGrid(RAP);
+    cgrid_boxes = hypre_StructGridBoxes(cgrid);
+    if (hypre_IndexZ(hypre_StructGridPeriodic(cgrid)) == 1)
+    {
+       hypre_ForBoxI(ci, cgrid_boxes)
+          {
+             cgrid_box = hypre_BoxArrayBox(cgrid_boxes, ci);
+             cstart = hypre_BoxIMin(cgrid_box);
+             RAP_dbox = hypre_BoxArrayBox(hypre_StructMatrixDataSpace(RAP), ci);
+             /*-----------------------------------------------------------------
+              * Extract pointers for 15-point coarse grid operator:
+              *-----------------------------------------------------------------*/
+             hypre_SetIndex(index,0,0,-1);
+             rap_bc = hypre_StructMatrixExtractPointerByIndex(RAP, ci, index);
+             hypre_SetIndex(index,-1,0,-1);
+             rap_bw = hypre_StructMatrixExtractPointerByIndex(RAP, ci, index);
+             hypre_SetIndex(index,1,0,-1);
+             rap_be = hypre_StructMatrixExtractPointerByIndex(RAP, ci, index);
+             hypre_SetIndex(index,0,-1,-1);
+             rap_bs = hypre_StructMatrixExtractPointerByIndex(RAP, ci, index);
+             hypre_SetIndex(index,0,1,-1);
+             rap_bn = hypre_StructMatrixExtractPointerByIndex(RAP, ci, index);
+             hypre_SetIndex(index,0,0,0);
+             rap_cc = hypre_StructMatrixExtractPointerByIndex(RAP, ci, index);
+             hypre_SetIndex(index,-1,0,0);
+             rap_cw = hypre_StructMatrixExtractPointerByIndex(RAP, ci, index);
+             hypre_SetIndex(index,1,0,0);
+             rap_ce = hypre_StructMatrixExtractPointerByIndex(RAP, ci, index);
+             hypre_SetIndex(index,0,-1,0);
+             rap_cs = hypre_StructMatrixExtractPointerByIndex(RAP, ci, index);
+             hypre_SetIndex(index,0,1,0);
+             rap_cn = hypre_StructMatrixExtractPointerByIndex(RAP, ci, index);
+             hypre_SetIndex(index,0,0,1);
+             rap_ac = hypre_StructMatrixExtractPointerByIndex(RAP, ci, index);
+             hypre_SetIndex(index,-1,0,1);
+             rap_aw = hypre_StructMatrixExtractPointerByIndex(RAP, ci, index);
+             hypre_SetIndex(index,1,0,1);
+             rap_ae = hypre_StructMatrixExtractPointerByIndex(RAP, ci, index);
+             hypre_SetIndex(index,0,-1,1);
+             rap_as = hypre_StructMatrixExtractPointerByIndex(RAP, ci, index);
+             hypre_SetIndex(index,0,1,1);
+             rap_an = hypre_StructMatrixExtractPointerByIndex(RAP, ci, index);
+             /*-----------------------------------------------------------------
+              * Extract additional pointers for 27-point coarse grid operator:
+              *-----------------------------------------------------------------*/
+             if(stencil_size == 27)
+             {
+                hypre_SetIndex(index,-1,-1,-1);
+                rap_bsw = hypre_StructMatrixExtractPointerByIndex(RAP, ci, index);
+                hypre_SetIndex(index,1,-1,-1);
+                rap_bse = hypre_StructMatrixExtractPointerByIndex(RAP, ci, index);
+                hypre_SetIndex(index,-1,1,-1);
+                rap_bnw = hypre_StructMatrixExtractPointerByIndex(RAP, ci, index);
+                hypre_SetIndex(index,1,1,-1);
+                rap_bne = hypre_StructMatrixExtractPointerByIndex(RAP, ci, index);
+                hypre_SetIndex(index,-1,-1,0);
+                rap_csw = hypre_StructMatrixExtractPointerByIndex(RAP, ci, index);
+                hypre_SetIndex(index,1,-1,0);
+                rap_cse = hypre_StructMatrixExtractPointerByIndex(RAP, ci, index);
+                hypre_SetIndex(index,-1,1,0);
+                rap_cnw = hypre_StructMatrixExtractPointerByIndex(RAP, ci, index);
+                hypre_SetIndex(index,1,1,0);
+                rap_cne = hypre_StructMatrixExtractPointerByIndex(RAP, ci, index);
+                hypre_SetIndex(index,-1,-1,1);
+                rap_asw = hypre_StructMatrixExtractPointerByIndex(RAP, ci, index);
+                hypre_SetIndex(index,1,-1,1);
+                rap_ase = hypre_StructMatrixExtractPointerByIndex(RAP, ci, index);
+                hypre_SetIndex(index,-1,1,1);
+                rap_anw = hypre_StructMatrixExtractPointerByIndex(RAP, ci, index);
+                hypre_SetIndex(index,1,1,1);
+                rap_ane = hypre_StructMatrixExtractPointerByIndex(RAP, ci, index);
+             }
+             /*-----------------------------------------------------------------
+              * Collapse 15 point operator.
+              *-----------------------------------------------------------------*/
+             hypre_BoxGetSize(cgrid_box, loop_size);
+             hypre_BoxLoop1Begin(loop_size,
+                                 RAP_dbox,  cstart, stridec, iAc);
+ #define HYPRE_BOX_SMP_PRIVATE loopk,loopi,loopj,iAc
+ #include "hypre_box_smp_forloop.h"
+             hypre_BoxLoop1For(loopi, loopj, loopk, iAc)
+                {
+                   rap_cc[iAc] += (rap_bc[iAc] + rap_ac[iAc]);
+                   rap_bc[iAc]  = zero;
+                   rap_ac[iAc]  = zero;
+                   rap_cw[iAc] += (rap_bw[iAc] + rap_aw[iAc]);
+                   rap_bw[iAc]  = zero;
+                   rap_aw[iAc]  = zero;
+                   rap_ce[iAc] += (rap_be[iAc] + rap_ae[iAc]);
+                   rap_be[iAc]  = zero;
+                   rap_ae[iAc]  = zero;
+                   rap_cs[iAc] += (rap_bs[iAc] + rap_as[iAc]);
+                   rap_bs[iAc]  = zero;
+                   rap_as[iAc]  = zero;
+                   rap_cn[iAc] += (rap_bn[iAc] + rap_an[iAc]);
+                   rap_bn[iAc]  = zero;
+                   rap_an[iAc]  = zero;
+                }
+             hypre_BoxLoop1End(iAc);
+             /*-----------------------------------------------------------------
+              * Collapse additional entries for 27 point operator.
+              *-----------------------------------------------------------------*/
+             if (stencil_size == 27)
+             {
+                hypre_BoxGetSize(cgrid_box, loop_size);
+                hypre_BoxLoop1Begin(loop_size,
+                                    RAP_dbox,  cstart, stridec, iAc);
+ #define HYPRE_BOX_SMP_PRIVATE loopk,loopi,loopj,iAc
+ #include "hypre_box_smp_forloop.h"
+                hypre_BoxLoop1For(loopi, loopj, loopk, iAc)
+                   {
+                      rap_csw[iAc] += (rap_bsw[iAc] + rap_asw[iAc]);
+                      rap_bsw[iAc]  = zero;
+                      rap_asw[iAc]  = zero;
+                      rap_cse[iAc] += (rap_bse[iAc] + rap_ase[iAc]);
+                      rap_bse[iAc]  = zero;
+                      rap_ase[iAc]  = zero;
+                      rap_cnw[iAc] += (rap_bnw[iAc] + rap_anw[iAc]);
+                      rap_bnw[iAc]  = zero;
+                      rap_anw[iAc]  = zero;
+                      rap_cne[iAc] += (rap_bne[iAc] + rap_ane[iAc]);
+                      rap_bne[iAc]  = zero;
+                      rap_ane[iAc]  = zero;            
+                   }
+                hypre_BoxLoop1End(iAc);
+             }
+          } /* end ForBoxI */
+    }
+    return ierr;
+ }

Index: llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/ASCI_Purple/SMG2000/smg_axpy.c
diff -c /dev/null llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/ASCI_Purple/SMG2000/smg_axpy.c:1.1
*** /dev/null	Mon Apr 11 00:22:18 2005
--- llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/ASCI_Purple/SMG2000/smg_axpy.c	Mon Apr 11 00:22:07 2005
*** 0 ****
--- 1,76 ----
+ /*BHEADER**********************************************************************
+  * (c) 2000   The Regents of the University of California
+  *
+  * See the file COPYRIGHT_and_DISCLAIMER for a complete copyright
+  * notice, contact person, and disclaimer.
+  *
+  * $Revision: 1.1 $
+  *********************************************************************EHEADER*/
+ /******************************************************************************
+  *
+  * SMG axpy routine
+  *
+  *****************************************************************************/
+ #include "headers.h"
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_SMGAxpy
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ hypre_SMGAxpy( double              alpha,
+                hypre_StructVector *x,
+                hypre_StructVector *y,
+                hypre_Index         base_index,
+                hypre_Index         base_stride )
+ {
+    int ierr = 0;
+    hypre_Box        *x_data_box;
+    hypre_Box        *y_data_box;
+    int               xi;
+    int               yi;
+    double           *xp;
+    double           *yp;
+    hypre_BoxArray   *boxes;
+    hypre_Box        *box;
+    hypre_Index       loop_size;
+    hypre_IndexRef    start;
+    int               i;
+    int               loopi, loopj, loopk;
+    box = hypre_BoxCreate();
+    boxes = hypre_StructGridBoxes(hypre_StructVectorGrid(y));
+    hypre_ForBoxI(i, boxes)
+       {
+          hypre_CopyBox(hypre_BoxArrayBox(boxes, i), box);
+          hypre_ProjectBox(box, base_index, base_stride);
+          start = hypre_BoxIMin(box);
+          x_data_box = hypre_BoxArrayBox(hypre_StructVectorDataSpace(x), i);
+          y_data_box = hypre_BoxArrayBox(hypre_StructVectorDataSpace(y), i);
+          xp = hypre_StructVectorBoxData(x, i);
+          yp = hypre_StructVectorBoxData(y, i);
+          hypre_BoxGetStrideSize(box, base_stride, loop_size);
+          hypre_BoxLoop2Begin(loop_size,
+                              x_data_box, start, base_stride, xi,
+                              y_data_box, start, base_stride, yi);
+ #define HYPRE_BOX_SMP_PRIVATE loopk,loopi,loopj,xi,yi
+ #include "hypre_box_smp_forloop.h"
+ 	 hypre_BoxLoop2For(loopi, loopj, loopk, xi, yi)
+             {
+                yp[yi] += alpha * xp[xi];
+             }
+          hypre_BoxLoop2End(xi, yi);
+       }
+    hypre_BoxDestroy(box);
+    return ierr;
+ }

Index: llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/ASCI_Purple/SMG2000/smg_relax.c
diff -c /dev/null llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/ASCI_Purple/SMG2000/smg_relax.c:1.1
*** /dev/null	Mon Apr 11 00:22:18 2005
--- llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/ASCI_Purple/SMG2000/smg_relax.c	Mon Apr 11 00:22:07 2005
*** 0 ****
--- 1,989 ----
+ /*BHEADER**********************************************************************
+  * (c) 1997   The Regents of the University of California
+  *
+  * See the file COPYRIGHT_and_DISCLAIMER for a complete copyright
+  * notice, contact person, and disclaimer.
+  *
+  * $Revision: 1.1 $
+  *********************************************************************EHEADER*/
+ /******************************************************************************
+  *
+  *
+  *****************************************************************************/
+ #include "headers.h"
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_SMGRelaxData data structure
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ typedef struct
+ {
+    int                     setup_temp_vec;
+    int                     setup_a_rem;
+    int                     setup_a_sol;
+    MPI_Comm                comm;
+    int                     memory_use;
+    double                  tol;
+    int                     max_iter;
+    int                     zero_guess;
+    int                     num_spaces;
+    int                    *space_indices;
+    int                    *space_strides;
+    int                     num_pre_spaces;
+    int                     num_reg_spaces;
+    int                    *pre_space_ranks;
+    int                    *reg_space_ranks;
+    hypre_Index             base_index;
+    hypre_Index             base_stride;
+    hypre_BoxArray         *base_box_array;
+    int                     stencil_dim;
+    hypre_StructMatrix     *A;
+    hypre_StructVector     *b;
+    hypre_StructVector     *x;
+    hypre_StructVector     *temp_vec;
+    hypre_StructMatrix     *A_sol;  /* Coefficients of A that make up
+                                       the (sol)ve part of the relaxation */
+    hypre_StructMatrix     *A_rem;  /* Coefficients of A (rem)aining:
+                                       A_rem = A - A_sol                  */
+    void                  **residual_data;  /* Array of size `num_spaces' */
+    void                  **solve_data;     /* Array of size `num_spaces' */
+    /* log info (always logged) */
+    int                     num_iterations;
+    int                     time_index;
+    int                     num_pre_relax;
+    int                     num_post_relax;
+ } hypre_SMGRelaxData;
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_SMGRelaxCreate
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ void *
+ hypre_SMGRelaxCreate( MPI_Comm  comm )
+ {
+    hypre_SMGRelaxData *relax_data;
+    relax_data = hypre_CTAlloc(hypre_SMGRelaxData, 1);
+    (relax_data -> setup_temp_vec) = 1;
+    (relax_data -> setup_a_rem)    = 1;
+    (relax_data -> setup_a_sol)    = 1;
+    (relax_data -> comm)           = comm;
+    (relax_data -> base_box_array) = NULL;
+    (relax_data -> time_index)     = hypre_InitializeTiming("SMGRelax");
+    /* set defaults */
+    (relax_data -> memory_use)         = 0;
+    (relax_data -> tol)                = 1.0e-06;
+    (relax_data -> max_iter)           = 1000;
+    (relax_data -> zero_guess)         = 0;
+    (relax_data -> num_spaces)         = 1;
+    (relax_data -> space_indices)      = hypre_TAlloc(int, 1);
+    (relax_data -> space_strides)      = hypre_TAlloc(int, 1);
+    (relax_data -> space_indices[0])   = 0;
+    (relax_data -> space_strides[0])   = 1;
+    (relax_data -> num_pre_spaces)     = 0;
+    (relax_data -> num_reg_spaces)     = 1;
+    (relax_data -> pre_space_ranks)    = NULL;
+    (relax_data -> reg_space_ranks)    = hypre_TAlloc(int, 1);
+    (relax_data -> reg_space_ranks[0]) = 0;
+    hypre_SetIndex((relax_data -> base_index), 0, 0, 0);
+    hypre_SetIndex((relax_data -> base_stride), 1, 1, 1);
+    (relax_data -> A)                  = NULL;
+    (relax_data -> b)                  = NULL;
+    (relax_data -> x)                  = NULL;
+    (relax_data -> temp_vec)           = NULL;
+    (relax_data -> num_pre_relax) = 1;
+    (relax_data -> num_post_relax) = 1;
+    return (void *) relax_data;
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_SMGRelaxDestroyTempVec
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ hypre_SMGRelaxDestroyTempVec( void *relax_vdata )
+ {
+    hypre_SMGRelaxData  *relax_data = relax_vdata;
+    int                  ierr = 0;
+    hypre_StructVectorDestroy(relax_data -> temp_vec);
+    (relax_data -> setup_temp_vec) = 1;
+    return ierr;
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_SMGRelaxDestroyARem
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ hypre_SMGRelaxDestroyARem( void *relax_vdata )
+ {
+    hypre_SMGRelaxData  *relax_data = relax_vdata;
+    int                  i;
+    int                  ierr = 0;
+    if (relax_data -> A_rem)
+    {
+       for (i = 0; i < (relax_data -> num_spaces); i++)
+       {
+          hypre_SMGResidualDestroy(relax_data -> residual_data[i]);
+       }
+       hypre_TFree(relax_data -> residual_data);
+       hypre_StructMatrixDestroy(relax_data -> A_rem);
+       (relax_data -> A_rem) = NULL;
+    }
+    (relax_data -> setup_a_rem) = 1;
+    return ierr;
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_SMGRelaxDestroyASol
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ hypre_SMGRelaxDestroyASol( void *relax_vdata )
+ {
+    hypre_SMGRelaxData  *relax_data = relax_vdata;
+    int                  stencil_dim;
+    int                  i;
+    int                  ierr = 0;
+    if (relax_data -> A_sol)
+    {
+       stencil_dim = (relax_data -> stencil_dim);
+       for (i = 0; i < (relax_data -> num_spaces); i++)
+       {
+          if (stencil_dim > 2)
+             hypre_SMGDestroy(relax_data -> solve_data[i]);
+          else
+             hypre_CyclicReductionDestroy(relax_data -> solve_data[i]);
+       }
+       hypre_TFree(relax_data -> solve_data);
+       hypre_StructMatrixDestroy(relax_data -> A_sol);
+       (relax_data -> A_sol) = NULL;
+    }
+    (relax_data -> setup_a_sol) = 1;
+    return ierr;
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_SMGRelaxDestroy
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ hypre_SMGRelaxDestroy( void *relax_vdata )
+ {
+    hypre_SMGRelaxData *relax_data = relax_vdata;
+    int                 ierr = 0;
+    if (relax_data)
+    {
+       hypre_TFree(relax_data -> space_indices);
+       hypre_TFree(relax_data -> space_strides);
+       hypre_TFree(relax_data -> pre_space_ranks);
+       hypre_TFree(relax_data -> reg_space_ranks);
+       hypre_BoxArrayDestroy(relax_data -> base_box_array);
+       hypre_StructMatrixDestroy(relax_data -> A);
+       hypre_StructVectorDestroy(relax_data -> b);
+       hypre_StructVectorDestroy(relax_data -> x);
+       hypre_SMGRelaxDestroyTempVec(relax_vdata);
+       hypre_SMGRelaxDestroyARem(relax_vdata);
+       hypre_SMGRelaxDestroyASol(relax_vdata);
+       hypre_FinalizeTiming(relax_data -> time_index);
+       hypre_TFree(relax_data);
+    }
+    return ierr;
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_SMGRelax
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ hypre_SMGRelax( void               *relax_vdata,
+                 hypre_StructMatrix *A,
+                 hypre_StructVector *b,
+                 hypre_StructVector *x           )
+ {
+    hypre_SMGRelaxData   *relax_data = relax_vdata;
+    int                   zero_guess;
+    int                   stencil_dim;
+    hypre_StructVector   *temp_vec;
+    hypre_StructMatrix   *A_sol;
+    hypre_StructMatrix   *A_rem;
+    void                **residual_data;
+    void                **solve_data;
+    hypre_IndexRef        base_stride;
+    hypre_BoxArray       *base_box_a;
+    double                zero = 0.0;
+    int                   max_iter;
+    int                   num_spaces;
+    int                  *space_ranks;
+    int                   i, j, k, is;
+    int                   ierr = 0;
+    /*----------------------------------------------------------
+     * Note: The zero_guess stuff is not handled correctly
+     * for general relaxation parameters.  It is correct when
+     * the spaces are independent sets in the direction of
+     * relaxation.
+     *----------------------------------------------------------*/
+    hypre_BeginTiming(relax_data -> time_index);
+    /*----------------------------------------------------------
+     * Set up the solver
+     *----------------------------------------------------------*/
+    /* insure that the solver memory gets fully set up */
+    if ((relax_data -> setup_a_sol) > 0)
+    {
+       (relax_data -> setup_a_sol) = 2;
+    }
+    hypre_SMGRelaxSetup(relax_vdata, A, b, x);
+    zero_guess      = (relax_data -> zero_guess);
+    stencil_dim     = (relax_data -> stencil_dim);
+    temp_vec        = (relax_data -> temp_vec);
+    A_sol           = (relax_data -> A_sol);
+    A_rem           = (relax_data -> A_rem);
+    residual_data   = (relax_data -> residual_data);
+    solve_data      = (relax_data -> solve_data);
+    /*----------------------------------------------------------
+     * Set zero values
+     *----------------------------------------------------------*/
+    if (zero_guess)
+    {
+       base_stride = (relax_data -> base_stride);
+       base_box_a = (relax_data -> base_box_array);
+       ierr = hypre_SMGSetStructVectorConstantValues(x, zero, base_box_a,
+                                                     base_stride); 
+    }
+    /*----------------------------------------------------------
+     * Iterate
+     *----------------------------------------------------------*/
+    for (k = 0; k < 2; k++)
+    {
+       switch(k)
+       {
+          /* Do pre-relaxation iterations */
+          case 0:
+          max_iter    = 1;
+          num_spaces  = (relax_data -> num_pre_spaces);
+          space_ranks = (relax_data -> pre_space_ranks);
+          break;
+          /* Do regular relaxation iterations */
+          case 1:
+          max_iter    = (relax_data -> max_iter);
+          num_spaces  = (relax_data -> num_reg_spaces);
+          space_ranks = (relax_data -> reg_space_ranks);
+          break;
+       }
+       for (i = 0; i < max_iter; i++)
+       {
+          for (j = 0; j < num_spaces; j++)
+          {
+             is = space_ranks[j];
+             hypre_SMGResidual(residual_data[is], A_rem, x, b, temp_vec);
+             if (stencil_dim > 2)
+                hypre_SMGSolve(solve_data[is], A_sol, temp_vec, x);
+             else
+                hypre_CyclicReduction(solve_data[is], A_sol, temp_vec, x);
+          }
+          (relax_data -> num_iterations) = (i + 1);
+       }
+    }
+    /*----------------------------------------------------------
+     * Free up memory according to memory_use parameter
+     *----------------------------------------------------------*/
+    if ((stencil_dim - 1) <= (relax_data -> memory_use))
+    {
+       hypre_SMGRelaxDestroyASol(relax_vdata);
+    }
+    hypre_EndTiming(relax_data -> time_index);
+    return ierr;
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_SMGRelaxSetup
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ hypre_SMGRelaxSetup( void               *relax_vdata,
+                      hypre_StructMatrix *A,
+                      hypre_StructVector *b,
+                      hypre_StructVector *x           )
+ {
+    hypre_SMGRelaxData  *relax_data = relax_vdata;
+    int                  stencil_dim;
+    int                  a_sol_test;
+    int                  ierr = 0;
+    stencil_dim = hypre_StructStencilDim(hypre_StructMatrixStencil(A));
+    (relax_data -> stencil_dim) = stencil_dim;
+    hypre_StructMatrixDestroy(relax_data -> A);
+    hypre_StructVectorDestroy(relax_data -> b);
+    hypre_StructVectorDestroy(relax_data -> x);
+    (relax_data -> A) = hypre_StructMatrixRef(A);
+    (relax_data -> b) = hypre_StructVectorRef(b);
+    (relax_data -> x) = hypre_StructVectorRef(x);
+    /*----------------------------------------------------------
+     * Set up memory according to memory_use parameter.
+     *
+     * If a subset of the solver memory is not to be set up
+     * until the solve is actually done, it's "setup" tag
+     * should have a value greater than 1.
+     *----------------------------------------------------------*/
+    if ((stencil_dim - 1) <= (relax_data -> memory_use))
+    {
+       a_sol_test = 1;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+       a_sol_test = 0;
+    }
+    /*----------------------------------------------------------
+     * Set up the solver
+     *----------------------------------------------------------*/
+    if ((relax_data -> setup_temp_vec) > 0)
+    {
+       ierr = hypre_SMGRelaxSetupTempVec(relax_vdata, A, b, x);
+    }
+    if ((relax_data -> setup_a_rem) > 0)
+    {
+       ierr = hypre_SMGRelaxSetupARem(relax_vdata, A, b, x);
+    }
+    if ((relax_data -> setup_a_sol) > a_sol_test)
+    {
+       ierr = hypre_SMGRelaxSetupASol(relax_vdata, A, b, x);
+    }
+    if ((relax_data -> base_box_array) == NULL)
+    {
+       ierr = hypre_SMGRelaxSetupBaseBoxArray(relax_vdata, A, b, x);
+    }
+    return ierr;
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_SMGRelaxSetupTempVec
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ hypre_SMGRelaxSetupTempVec( void               *relax_vdata,
+                             hypre_StructMatrix *A,
+                             hypre_StructVector *b,
+                             hypre_StructVector *x           )
+ {
+    hypre_SMGRelaxData  *relax_data = relax_vdata;
+    hypre_StructVector  *temp_vec   = (relax_data -> temp_vec);
+    int                  ierr = 0;
+    /*----------------------------------------------------------
+     * Set up data
+     *----------------------------------------------------------*/
+    if ((relax_data -> temp_vec) == NULL)
+    {
+       temp_vec = hypre_StructVectorCreate(hypre_StructVectorComm(b),
+                                           hypre_StructVectorGrid(b));
+       hypre_StructVectorSetNumGhost(temp_vec, hypre_StructVectorNumGhost(b));
+       hypre_StructVectorInitialize(temp_vec);
+       hypre_StructVectorAssemble(temp_vec);
+       (relax_data -> temp_vec) = temp_vec;
+    }
+    (relax_data -> setup_temp_vec) = 0;
+    return ierr;
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_SMGRelaxSetupARem
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ hypre_SMGRelaxSetupARem( void               *relax_vdata,
+                          hypre_StructMatrix *A,
+                          hypre_StructVector *b,
+                          hypre_StructVector *x           )
+ {
+    hypre_SMGRelaxData   *relax_data = relax_vdata;
+    int                   num_spaces    = (relax_data -> num_spaces);
+    int                  *space_indices = (relax_data -> space_indices);
+    int                  *space_strides = (relax_data -> space_strides);
+    hypre_StructVector   *temp_vec      = (relax_data -> temp_vec);
+    hypre_StructStencil  *stencil       = hypre_StructMatrixStencil(A);     
+    hypre_Index          *stencil_shape = hypre_StructStencilShape(stencil);
+    int                   stencil_size  = hypre_StructStencilSize(stencil); 
+    int                   stencil_dim   = hypre_StructStencilDim(stencil);
+    hypre_StructMatrix   *A_rem;
+    void                **residual_data;
+    hypre_Index           base_index;
+    hypre_Index           base_stride;
+    int                   num_stencil_indices;
+    int                  *stencil_indices;
+    int                   i;
+    int                   ierr = 0;
+    /*----------------------------------------------------------
+     * Free up old data before putting new data into structure
+     *----------------------------------------------------------*/
+    hypre_SMGRelaxDestroyARem(relax_vdata);
+    /*----------------------------------------------------------
+     * Set up data
+     *----------------------------------------------------------*/
+    hypre_CopyIndex((relax_data -> base_index),  base_index);
+    hypre_CopyIndex((relax_data -> base_stride), base_stride);
+    stencil_indices = hypre_TAlloc(int, stencil_size);
+    num_stencil_indices = 0;
+    for (i = 0; i < stencil_size; i++)
+    {
+       if (hypre_IndexD(stencil_shape[i], (stencil_dim - 1)) != 0)
+       {
+          stencil_indices[num_stencil_indices] = i;
+          num_stencil_indices++;
+       }
+    }
+    A_rem = hypre_StructMatrixCreateMask(A, num_stencil_indices, stencil_indices);
+    hypre_TFree(stencil_indices);
+    /* Set up residual_data */
+    residual_data = hypre_TAlloc(void *, num_spaces);
+    for (i = 0; i < num_spaces; i++)
+    {
+       hypre_IndexD(base_index,  (stencil_dim - 1)) = space_indices[i];
+       hypre_IndexD(base_stride, (stencil_dim - 1)) = space_strides[i];
+       residual_data[i] = hypre_SMGResidualCreate();
+       hypre_SMGResidualSetBase(residual_data[i], base_index, base_stride);
+       hypre_SMGResidualSetup(residual_data[i], A_rem, x, b, temp_vec);
+    }
+    (relax_data -> A_rem)         = A_rem;
+    (relax_data -> residual_data) = residual_data;
+    (relax_data -> setup_a_rem) = 0;
+    return ierr;
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_SMGRelaxSetupASol
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ hypre_SMGRelaxSetupASol( void               *relax_vdata,
+                          hypre_StructMatrix *A,
+                          hypre_StructVector *b,
+                          hypre_StructVector *x           )
+ {
+    hypre_SMGRelaxData   *relax_data = relax_vdata;
+    int                   num_spaces    = (relax_data -> num_spaces);
+    int                  *space_indices = (relax_data -> space_indices);
+    int                  *space_strides = (relax_data -> space_strides);
+    hypre_StructVector   *temp_vec      = (relax_data -> temp_vec);
+    int                   num_pre_relax   = (relax_data -> num_pre_relax);
+    int                   num_post_relax  = (relax_data -> num_post_relax);
+    hypre_StructStencil  *stencil       = hypre_StructMatrixStencil(A);     
+    hypre_Index          *stencil_shape = hypre_StructStencilShape(stencil);
+    int                   stencil_size  = hypre_StructStencilSize(stencil); 
+    int                   stencil_dim   = hypre_StructStencilDim(stencil);
+    hypre_StructMatrix   *A_sol;
+    void                **solve_data;
+    hypre_Index           base_index;
+    hypre_Index           base_stride;
+    int                   num_stencil_indices;
+    int                  *stencil_indices;
+    int                   i;
+    int                   ierr = 0;
+    /*----------------------------------------------------------
+     * Free up old data before putting new data into structure
+     *----------------------------------------------------------*/
+    hypre_SMGRelaxDestroyASol(relax_vdata);
+    /*----------------------------------------------------------
+     * Set up data
+     *----------------------------------------------------------*/
+    hypre_CopyIndex((relax_data -> base_index),  base_index);
+    hypre_CopyIndex((relax_data -> base_stride), base_stride);
+    stencil_indices = hypre_TAlloc(int, stencil_size);
+    num_stencil_indices = 0;
+    for (i = 0; i < stencil_size; i++)
+    {
+       if (hypre_IndexD(stencil_shape[i], (stencil_dim - 1)) == 0)
+       {
+          stencil_indices[num_stencil_indices] = i;
+          num_stencil_indices++;
+       }
+    }
+    A_sol = hypre_StructMatrixCreateMask(A, num_stencil_indices, stencil_indices);
+    hypre_StructStencilDim(hypre_StructMatrixStencil(A_sol)) = stencil_dim - 1;
+    hypre_TFree(stencil_indices);
+    /* Set up solve_data */
+    solve_data    = hypre_TAlloc(void *, num_spaces);
+    for (i = 0; i < num_spaces; i++)
+    {
+       hypre_IndexD(base_index,  (stencil_dim - 1)) = space_indices[i];
+       hypre_IndexD(base_stride, (stencil_dim - 1)) = space_strides[i];
+       if (stencil_dim > 2)
+       {
+          solve_data[i] = hypre_SMGCreate(relax_data -> comm);
+          hypre_SMGSetNumPreRelax( solve_data[i], num_pre_relax);
+          hypre_SMGSetNumPostRelax( solve_data[i], num_post_relax);
+          hypre_SMGSetBase(solve_data[i], base_index, base_stride);
+          hypre_SMGSetMemoryUse(solve_data[i], (relax_data -> memory_use));
+          hypre_SMGSetTol(solve_data[i], 0.0);
+          hypre_SMGSetMaxIter(solve_data[i], 1);
+          hypre_SMGSetup(solve_data[i], A_sol, temp_vec, x);
+       }
+       else
+       {
+          solve_data[i] = hypre_CyclicReductionCreate(relax_data -> comm);
+          hypre_CyclicReductionSetBase(solve_data[i], base_index, base_stride);
+          hypre_CyclicReductionSetup(solve_data[i], A_sol, temp_vec, x);
+       }
+    }
+    (relax_data -> A_sol)      = A_sol;
+    (relax_data -> solve_data) = solve_data;
+    (relax_data -> setup_a_sol) = 0;
+    return ierr;
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_SMGRelaxSetTempVec
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ hypre_SMGRelaxSetTempVec( void               *relax_vdata,
+                           hypre_StructVector *temp_vec    )
+ {
+    hypre_SMGRelaxData *relax_data = relax_vdata;
+    int                 ierr = 0;
+    hypre_SMGRelaxDestroyTempVec(relax_vdata);
+    (relax_data -> temp_vec) = hypre_StructVectorRef(temp_vec);
+    (relax_data -> setup_temp_vec) = 1;
+    (relax_data -> setup_a_rem)    = 1;
+    (relax_data -> setup_a_sol)    = 1;
+    return ierr;
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_SMGRelaxSetMemoryUse
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ hypre_SMGRelaxSetMemoryUse( void *relax_vdata,
+                             int   memory_use  )
+ {
+    hypre_SMGRelaxData *relax_data = relax_vdata;
+    int               ierr = 0;
+    (relax_data -> memory_use) = memory_use;
+    return ierr;
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_SMGRelaxSetTol
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ hypre_SMGRelaxSetTol( void   *relax_vdata,
+                       double  tol         )
+ {
+    hypre_SMGRelaxData *relax_data = relax_vdata;
+    int                 ierr = 0;
+    (relax_data -> tol) = tol;
+    return ierr;
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_SMGRelaxSetMaxIter
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ hypre_SMGRelaxSetMaxIter( void *relax_vdata,
+                           int   max_iter    )
+ {
+    hypre_SMGRelaxData *relax_data = relax_vdata;
+    int                 ierr = 0;
+    (relax_data -> max_iter) = max_iter;
+    return ierr;
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_SMGRelaxSetZeroGuess
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ hypre_SMGRelaxSetZeroGuess( void *relax_vdata,
+                             int   zero_guess  )
+ {
+    hypre_SMGRelaxData *relax_data = relax_vdata;
+    int                 ierr = 0;
+    (relax_data -> zero_guess) = zero_guess;
+    return ierr;
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_SMGRelaxSetNumSpaces
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ hypre_SMGRelaxSetNumSpaces( void *relax_vdata,
+                             int   num_spaces      )
+ {
+    hypre_SMGRelaxData *relax_data = relax_vdata;
+    int                 i;
+    int                 ierr = 0;
+    (relax_data -> num_spaces) = num_spaces;
+    hypre_TFree(relax_data -> space_indices);
+    hypre_TFree(relax_data -> space_strides);
+    hypre_TFree(relax_data -> pre_space_ranks);
+    hypre_TFree(relax_data -> reg_space_ranks);
+    (relax_data -> space_indices)   = hypre_TAlloc(int, num_spaces);
+    (relax_data -> space_strides)   = hypre_TAlloc(int, num_spaces);
+    (relax_data -> num_pre_spaces)  = 0;
+    (relax_data -> num_reg_spaces)  = num_spaces;
+    (relax_data -> pre_space_ranks) = NULL;
+    (relax_data -> reg_space_ranks) = hypre_TAlloc(int, num_spaces);
+    for (i = 0; i < num_spaces; i++)
+    {
+       (relax_data -> space_indices[i]) = 0;
+       (relax_data -> space_strides[i]) = 1;
+       (relax_data -> reg_space_ranks[i]) = i;
+    }
+    (relax_data -> setup_temp_vec) = 1;
+    (relax_data -> setup_a_rem)    = 1;
+    (relax_data -> setup_a_sol)    = 1;
+    return ierr;
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_SMGRelaxSetNumPreSpaces
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ hypre_SMGRelaxSetNumPreSpaces( void *relax_vdata,
+                                int   num_pre_spaces )
+ {
+    hypre_SMGRelaxData *relax_data = relax_vdata;
+    int                 i;
+    int                 ierr = 0;
+    (relax_data -> num_pre_spaces) = num_pre_spaces;
+    hypre_TFree(relax_data -> pre_space_ranks);
+    (relax_data -> pre_space_ranks) = hypre_TAlloc(int, num_pre_spaces);
+    for (i = 0; i < num_pre_spaces; i++)
+       (relax_data -> pre_space_ranks[i]) = 0;
+    return ierr;
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_SMGRelaxSetNumRegSpaces
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ hypre_SMGRelaxSetNumRegSpaces( void *relax_vdata,
+                                int   num_reg_spaces )
+ {
+    hypre_SMGRelaxData *relax_data = relax_vdata;
+    int                 i;
+    int                 ierr = 0;
+    (relax_data -> num_reg_spaces) = num_reg_spaces;
+    hypre_TFree(relax_data -> reg_space_ranks);
+    (relax_data -> reg_space_ranks) = hypre_TAlloc(int, num_reg_spaces);
+    for (i = 0; i < num_reg_spaces; i++)
+       (relax_data -> reg_space_ranks[i]) = 0;
+    return ierr;
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_SMGRelaxSetSpace
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ hypre_SMGRelaxSetSpace( void *relax_vdata,
+                         int   i,
+                         int   space_index,
+                         int   space_stride )
+ {
+    hypre_SMGRelaxData *relax_data = relax_vdata;
+    int                 ierr = 0;
+    (relax_data -> space_indices[i]) = space_index;
+    (relax_data -> space_strides[i]) = space_stride;
+    (relax_data -> setup_temp_vec) = 1;
+    (relax_data -> setup_a_rem)    = 1;
+    (relax_data -> setup_a_sol)    = 1;
+    return ierr;
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_SMGRelaxSetRegSpaceRank
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ hypre_SMGRelaxSetRegSpaceRank( void *relax_vdata,
+                                int   i,
+                                int   reg_space_rank )
+ {
+    hypre_SMGRelaxData *relax_data = relax_vdata;
+    int                 ierr = 0;
+    (relax_data -> reg_space_ranks[i]) = reg_space_rank;
+    return ierr;
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_SMGRelaxSetPreSpaceRank
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ hypre_SMGRelaxSetPreSpaceRank( void *relax_vdata,
+                                int   i,
+                                int   pre_space_rank  )
+ {
+    hypre_SMGRelaxData *relax_data = relax_vdata;
+    int                 ierr = 0;
+    (relax_data -> pre_space_ranks[i]) = pre_space_rank;
+    return ierr;
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_SMGRelaxSetBase
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ hypre_SMGRelaxSetBase( void        *relax_vdata,
+                        hypre_Index  base_index,
+                        hypre_Index  base_stride )
+ {
+    hypre_SMGRelaxData *relax_data = relax_vdata;
+    int                 d;
+    int                 ierr = 0;
+    for (d = 0; d < 3; d++)
+    {
+       hypre_IndexD((relax_data -> base_index),  d) =
+          hypre_IndexD(base_index,  d);
+       hypre_IndexD((relax_data -> base_stride), d) =
+          hypre_IndexD(base_stride, d);
+    }
+    if ((relax_data -> base_box_array) != NULL)
+    {
+       hypre_BoxArrayDestroy((relax_data -> base_box_array));
+       (relax_data -> base_box_array) = NULL;
+    }
+    (relax_data -> setup_temp_vec) = 1;
+    (relax_data -> setup_a_rem)    = 1;
+    (relax_data -> setup_a_sol)    = 1;
+    return ierr;
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_SMGRelaxSetNumPreRelax
+  * Note that we require at least 1 pre-relax sweep.
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ hypre_SMGRelaxSetNumPreRelax( void *relax_vdata,
+                               int   num_pre_relax )
+ {
+    hypre_SMGRelaxData *relax_data = relax_vdata;
+    int                 ierr = 0;
+    (relax_data -> num_pre_relax) = hypre_max(num_pre_relax,1);
+    return ierr;
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_SMGRelaxSetNumPostRelax
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ hypre_SMGRelaxSetNumPostRelax( void *relax_vdata,
+                                int   num_post_relax )
+ {
+    hypre_SMGRelaxData *relax_data = relax_vdata;
+    int                 ierr = 0;
+    (relax_data -> num_post_relax) = num_post_relax;
+    return ierr;
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_SMGRelaxSetNewMatrixStencil
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ hypre_SMGRelaxSetNewMatrixStencil( void                *relax_vdata,
+                                    hypre_StructStencil *diff_stencil )
+ {
+    hypre_SMGRelaxData *relax_data = relax_vdata;
+    hypre_Index        *stencil_shape = hypre_StructStencilShape(diff_stencil);
+    int                 stencil_size  = hypre_StructStencilSize(diff_stencil); 
+    int                 stencil_dim   = hypre_StructStencilDim(diff_stencil);
+    int                 i;
+    int                 ierr = 0;
+    for (i = 0; i < stencil_size; i++)
+    {
+       if (hypre_IndexD(stencil_shape[i], (stencil_dim - 1)) != 0)
+       {
+          (relax_data -> setup_a_rem) = 1;
+       }
+       else
+       {
+          (relax_data -> setup_a_sol) = 1;
+       }
+    }
+    return ierr;
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_SMGRelaxSetupBaseBoxArray
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ hypre_SMGRelaxSetupBaseBoxArray( void               *relax_vdata,
+                                  hypre_StructMatrix *A,
+                                  hypre_StructVector *b,
+                                  hypre_StructVector *x           )
+ {
+    hypre_SMGRelaxData  *relax_data = relax_vdata;
+    hypre_StructGrid    *grid;
+    hypre_BoxArray      *boxes;
+    hypre_BoxArray      *base_box_array;
+    int                  ierr = 0;
+    grid  = hypre_StructVectorGrid(x);
+    boxes = hypre_StructGridBoxes(grid);
+    base_box_array = hypre_BoxArrayDuplicate(boxes);
+    hypre_ProjectBoxArray(base_box_array, 
+                          (relax_data -> base_index),
+                          (relax_data -> base_stride));
+    (relax_data -> base_box_array) = base_box_array;
+    return ierr;
+ }

Index: llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/ASCI_Purple/SMG2000/smg_residual.c
diff -c /dev/null llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/ASCI_Purple/SMG2000/smg_residual.c:1.1
*** /dev/null	Mon Apr 11 00:22:18 2005
--- llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/ASCI_Purple/SMG2000/smg_residual.c	Mon Apr 11 00:22:07 2005
*** 0 ****
--- 1,356 ----
+ /*BHEADER**********************************************************************
+  * (c) 1997   The Regents of the University of California
+  *
+  * See the file COPYRIGHT_and_DISCLAIMER for a complete copyright
+  * notice, contact person, and disclaimer.
+  *
+  * $Revision: 1.1 $
+  *********************************************************************EHEADER*/
+ /******************************************************************************
+  *
+  * Routine for computing residuals in the SMG code
+  *
+  *****************************************************************************/
+ #include "headers.h"
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_SMGResidualData data structure
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ typedef struct
+ {
+    hypre_Index          base_index;
+    hypre_Index          base_stride;
+    hypre_StructMatrix  *A;
+    hypre_StructVector  *x;
+    hypre_StructVector  *b;
+    hypre_StructVector  *r;
+    hypre_BoxArray      *base_points;
+    hypre_ComputePkg    *compute_pkg;
+    int                  time_index;
+    int                  flops;
+ } hypre_SMGResidualData;
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_SMGResidualCreate
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ void *
+ hypre_SMGResidualCreate( )
+ {
+    hypre_SMGResidualData *residual_data;
+    residual_data = hypre_CTAlloc(hypre_SMGResidualData, 1);
+    (residual_data -> time_index)  = hypre_InitializeTiming("SMGResidual");
+    /* set defaults */
+    hypre_SetIndex((residual_data -> base_index), 0, 0, 0);
+    hypre_SetIndex((residual_data -> base_stride), 1, 1, 1);
+    return (void *) residual_data;
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_SMGResidualSetup
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ hypre_SMGResidualSetup( void               *residual_vdata,
+                         hypre_StructMatrix *A,
+                         hypre_StructVector *x,
+                         hypre_StructVector *b,
+                         hypre_StructVector *r              )
+ {
+    int ierr = 0;
+    hypre_SMGResidualData  *residual_data = residual_vdata;
+    hypre_IndexRef          base_index  = (residual_data -> base_index);
+    hypre_IndexRef          base_stride = (residual_data -> base_stride);
+    hypre_Index             unit_stride;
+    hypre_StructGrid       *grid;
+    hypre_StructStencil    *stencil;
+    hypre_BoxArrayArray    *send_boxes;
+    hypre_BoxArrayArray    *recv_boxes;
+    int                   **send_processes;
+    int                   **recv_processes;
+    hypre_BoxArrayArray    *indt_boxes;
+    hypre_BoxArrayArray    *dept_boxes;
+    hypre_BoxArray         *base_points;
+    hypre_ComputePkg       *compute_pkg;
+    /*----------------------------------------------------------
+     * Set up base points and the compute package
+     *----------------------------------------------------------*/
+    grid    = hypre_StructMatrixGrid(A);
+    stencil = hypre_StructMatrixStencil(A);
+    hypre_SetIndex(unit_stride, 1, 1, 1);
+    base_points = hypre_BoxArrayDuplicate(hypre_StructGridBoxes(grid));
+    hypre_ProjectBoxArray(base_points, base_index, base_stride);
+    hypre_CreateComputeInfo(grid, stencil,
+                         &send_boxes, &recv_boxes,
+                         &send_processes, &recv_processes,
+                         &indt_boxes, &dept_boxes);
+    hypre_ProjectBoxArrayArray(indt_boxes, base_index, base_stride);
+    hypre_ProjectBoxArrayArray(dept_boxes, base_index, base_stride);
+    hypre_ComputePkgCreate(send_boxes, recv_boxes,
+                        unit_stride, unit_stride,
+                        send_processes, recv_processes,
+                        indt_boxes, dept_boxes,
+                        base_stride, grid,
+                        hypre_StructVectorDataSpace(x), 1,
+                        &compute_pkg);
+    /*----------------------------------------------------------
+     * Set up the residual data structure
+     *----------------------------------------------------------*/
+    (residual_data -> A)           = hypre_StructMatrixRef(A);
+    (residual_data -> x)           = hypre_StructVectorRef(x);
+    (residual_data -> b)           = hypre_StructVectorRef(b);
+    (residual_data -> r)           = hypre_StructVectorRef(r);
+    (residual_data -> base_points) = base_points;
+    (residual_data -> compute_pkg) = compute_pkg;
+    /*-----------------------------------------------------
+     * Compute flops
+     *-----------------------------------------------------*/
+    (residual_data -> flops) =
+       (hypre_StructMatrixGlobalSize(A) + hypre_StructVectorGlobalSize(x)) /
+       (hypre_IndexX(base_stride) *
+        hypre_IndexY(base_stride) *
+        hypre_IndexZ(base_stride)  );
+    return ierr;
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_SMGResidual
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ hypre_SMGResidual( void               *residual_vdata,
+                    hypre_StructMatrix *A,
+                    hypre_StructVector *x,
+                    hypre_StructVector *b,
+                    hypre_StructVector *r              )
+ {
+    int ierr = 0;
+    hypre_SMGResidualData  *residual_data = residual_vdata;
+    hypre_IndexRef          base_stride = (residual_data -> base_stride);
+    hypre_BoxArray         *base_points = (residual_data -> base_points);
+    hypre_ComputePkg       *compute_pkg = (residual_data -> compute_pkg);
+    hypre_CommHandle       *comm_handle;
+    hypre_BoxArrayArray    *compute_box_aa;
+    hypre_BoxArray         *compute_box_a;
+    hypre_Box              *compute_box;
+    hypre_Box              *A_data_box;
+    hypre_Box              *x_data_box;
+    hypre_Box              *b_data_box;
+    hypre_Box              *r_data_box;
+    int                     Ai;
+    int                     xi;
+    int                     bi;
+    int                     ri;
+    double                 *Ap;
+    double                 *xp;
+    double                 *bp;
+    double                 *rp;
+    hypre_Index             loop_size;
+    hypre_IndexRef          start;
+    hypre_StructStencil    *stencil;
+    hypre_Index            *stencil_shape;
+    int                     stencil_size;
+    int                     compute_i, i, j, si;
+    int                     loopi, loopj, loopk;
+    hypre_BeginTiming(residual_data -> time_index);
+    /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+     * Compute residual r = b - Ax
+     *-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+    stencil       = hypre_StructMatrixStencil(A);
+    stencil_shape = hypre_StructStencilShape(stencil);
+    stencil_size  = hypre_StructStencilSize(stencil);
+    for (compute_i = 0; compute_i < 2; compute_i++)
+    {
+       switch(compute_i)
+       {
+          case 0:
+          {
+             xp = hypre_StructVectorData(x);
+             hypre_InitializeIndtComputations(compute_pkg, xp, &comm_handle);
+             compute_box_aa = hypre_ComputePkgIndtBoxes(compute_pkg);
+             /*----------------------------------------
+              * Copy b into r
+              *----------------------------------------*/
+             compute_box_a = base_points;
+             hypre_ForBoxI(i, compute_box_a)
+                {
+                   compute_box = hypre_BoxArrayBox(compute_box_a, i);
+                   start = hypre_BoxIMin(compute_box);
+                   b_data_box =
+                      hypre_BoxArrayBox(hypre_StructVectorDataSpace(b), i);
+                   r_data_box =
+                      hypre_BoxArrayBox(hypre_StructVectorDataSpace(r), i);
+                   bp = hypre_StructVectorBoxData(b, i);
+                   rp = hypre_StructVectorBoxData(r, i);
+                   hypre_BoxGetStrideSize(compute_box, base_stride, loop_size);
+                   hypre_BoxLoop2Begin(loop_size,
+                                       b_data_box, start, base_stride, bi,
+                                       r_data_box, start, base_stride, ri);
+ #define HYPRE_BOX_SMP_PRIVATE loopk,loopi,loopj,bi,ri
+ #include "hypre_box_smp_forloop.h"
+                   hypre_BoxLoop2For(loopi, loopj, loopk, bi, ri)
+                      {
+                         rp[ri] = bp[bi];
+                      }
+                   hypre_BoxLoop2End(bi, ri);
+                }
+          }
+          break;
+          case 1:
+          {
+             hypre_FinalizeIndtComputations(comm_handle);
+             compute_box_aa = hypre_ComputePkgDeptBoxes(compute_pkg);
+          }
+          break;
+       }
+       /*--------------------------------------------------------------------
+        * Compute r -= A*x
+        *--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+       hypre_ForBoxArrayI(i, compute_box_aa)
+          {
+             compute_box_a = hypre_BoxArrayArrayBoxArray(compute_box_aa, i);
+             A_data_box = hypre_BoxArrayBox(hypre_StructMatrixDataSpace(A), i);
+             x_data_box = hypre_BoxArrayBox(hypre_StructVectorDataSpace(x), i);
+             r_data_box = hypre_BoxArrayBox(hypre_StructVectorDataSpace(r), i);
+             rp = hypre_StructVectorBoxData(r, i);
+             hypre_ForBoxI(j, compute_box_a)
+                {
+                   compute_box = hypre_BoxArrayBox(compute_box_a, j);
+                   start  = hypre_BoxIMin(compute_box);
+                   for (si = 0; si < stencil_size; si++)
+                   {
+                      Ap = hypre_StructMatrixBoxData(A, i, si);
+                      xp = hypre_StructVectorBoxData(x, i) +
+                         hypre_BoxOffsetDistance(x_data_box, stencil_shape[si]);
+                      hypre_BoxGetStrideSize(compute_box, base_stride,
+                                             loop_size);
+                      hypre_BoxLoop3Begin(loop_size,
+                                          A_data_box, start, base_stride, Ai,
+                                          x_data_box, start, base_stride, xi,
+                                          r_data_box, start, base_stride, ri);
+ #define HYPRE_BOX_SMP_PRIVATE loopk,loopi,loopj,Ai,xi,ri
+ #include "hypre_box_smp_forloop.h"
+                      hypre_BoxLoop3For(loopi, loopj, loopk, Ai, xi, ri)
+                         {
+                            rp[ri] -= Ap[Ai] * xp[xi];
+                         }
+                      hypre_BoxLoop3End(Ai, xi, ri);
+                   }
+                }
+          }
+    }
+    /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+     * Return
+     *-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+    hypre_IncFLOPCount(residual_data -> flops);
+    hypre_EndTiming(residual_data -> time_index);
+    return ierr;
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_SMGResidualSetBase
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ hypre_SMGResidualSetBase( void        *residual_vdata,
+                           hypre_Index  base_index,
+                           hypre_Index  base_stride )
+ {
+    hypre_SMGResidualData *residual_data = residual_vdata;
+    int                    d;
+    int                    ierr = 0;
+    for (d = 0; d < 3; d++)
+    {
+       hypre_IndexD((residual_data -> base_index),  d)
+          = hypre_IndexD(base_index,  d);
+       hypre_IndexD((residual_data -> base_stride), d)
+          = hypre_IndexD(base_stride, d);
+    }
+    return ierr;
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_SMGResidualDestroy
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ hypre_SMGResidualDestroy( void *residual_vdata )
+ {
+    int ierr = 0;
+    hypre_SMGResidualData *residual_data = residual_vdata;
+    if (residual_data)
+    {
+       hypre_StructMatrixDestroy(residual_data -> A);
+       hypre_StructVectorDestroy(residual_data -> x);
+       hypre_StructVectorDestroy(residual_data -> b);
+       hypre_StructVectorDestroy(residual_data -> r);
+       hypre_BoxArrayDestroy(residual_data -> base_points);
+       hypre_ComputePkgDestroy(residual_data -> compute_pkg );
+       hypre_FinalizeTiming(residual_data -> time_index);
+       hypre_TFree(residual_data);
+    }
+    return ierr;
+ }

Index: llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/ASCI_Purple/SMG2000/smg_setup.c
diff -c /dev/null llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/ASCI_Purple/SMG2000/smg_setup.c:1.1
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--- llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/ASCI_Purple/SMG2000/smg_setup.c	Mon Apr 11 00:22:07 2005
*** 0 ****
--- 1,435 ----
+ /*BHEADER**********************************************************************
+  * (c) 1997   The Regents of the University of California
+  *
+  * See the file COPYRIGHT_and_DISCLAIMER for a complete copyright
+  * notice, contact person, and disclaimer.
+  *
+  * $Revision: 1.1 $
+  *********************************************************************EHEADER*/
+ /******************************************************************************
+  *
+  *
+  *****************************************************************************/
+ #include "headers.h"
+ #include "smg.h"
+ #define DEBUG 0
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_SMGSetup
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ hypre_SMGSetup( void               *smg_vdata,
+                 hypre_StructMatrix *A,
+                 hypre_StructVector *b,
+                 hypre_StructVector *x        )
+ {
+    hypre_SMGData        *smg_data = smg_vdata;
+    MPI_Comm              comm = (smg_data -> comm);
+    hypre_IndexRef        base_index  = (smg_data -> base_index);
+    hypre_IndexRef        base_stride = (smg_data -> base_stride);
+    int                   n_pre   = (smg_data -> num_pre_relax);
+    int                   n_post  = (smg_data -> num_post_relax);
+    int                   max_iter;
+    int                   max_levels;
+    int                   num_levels;
+    int                   cdir;
+    hypre_Index           bindex;
+    hypre_Index           bstride;
+    hypre_Index           cindex;
+    hypre_Index           findex;
+    hypre_Index           stride;
+    hypre_StructGrid    **grid_l;
+    hypre_StructGrid    **PT_grid_l;
+    double               *data;
+    int                   data_size = 0;
+    hypre_StructMatrix  **A_l;
+    hypre_StructMatrix  **PT_l;
+    hypre_StructMatrix  **R_l;
+    hypre_StructVector  **b_l;
+    hypre_StructVector  **x_l;
+    /* temp vectors */
+    hypre_StructVector  **tb_l;
+    hypre_StructVector  **tx_l;
+    hypre_StructVector  **r_l;
+    hypre_StructVector  **e_l;
+    double               *b_data;
+    double               *x_data;
+    int                   b_data_alloced;
+    int                   x_data_alloced;
+    void                **relax_data_l;
+    void                **residual_data_l;
+    void                **restrict_data_l;
+    void                **interp_data_l;
+    hypre_StructGrid     *grid;
+    hypre_Box            *cbox;
+    int                   i, l;
+    int                   b_num_ghost[]  = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
+    int                   x_num_ghost[]  = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
+    int                   ierr = 0;
+ #if DEBUG
+    char                  filename[255];
+ #endif
+    /*-----------------------------------------------------
+     * Set up coarsening direction
+     *-----------------------------------------------------*/
+    cdir = hypre_StructStencilDim(hypre_StructMatrixStencil(A)) - 1;
+    (smg_data -> cdir) = cdir;
+    /*-----------------------------------------------------
+     * Set up coarse grids
+     *-----------------------------------------------------*/
+    grid = hypre_StructMatrixGrid(A);
+    /* Compute a new max_levels value based on the grid */
+    cbox = hypre_BoxDuplicate(hypre_StructGridBoundingBox(grid));
+    max_levels = hypre_Log2(hypre_BoxSizeD(cbox, cdir)) + 2;
+    if ((smg_data -> max_levels) > 0)
+    {
+       max_levels = hypre_min(max_levels, (smg_data -> max_levels));
+    }
+    (smg_data -> max_levels) = max_levels;
+    grid_l = hypre_TAlloc(hypre_StructGrid *, max_levels);
+    PT_grid_l = hypre_TAlloc(hypre_StructGrid *, max_levels);
+    PT_grid_l[0] = NULL;
+    hypre_StructGridRef(grid, &grid_l[0]);
+    for (l = 0; ; l++)
+    {
+       /* set cindex and stride */
+       hypre_SMGSetCIndex(base_index, base_stride, l, cdir, cindex);
+       hypre_SMGSetStride(base_index, base_stride, l, cdir, stride);
+       /* check to see if we should coarsen */
+       if ( ( hypre_BoxIMinD(cbox, cdir) == hypre_BoxIMaxD(cbox, cdir) ) ||
+            (l == (max_levels - 1)) )
+       {
+          /* stop coarsening */
+          break;
+       }
+       /* coarsen cbox */
+       hypre_ProjectBox(cbox, cindex, stride);
+       hypre_StructMapFineToCoarse(hypre_BoxIMin(cbox), cindex, stride,
+                                   hypre_BoxIMin(cbox));
+       hypre_StructMapFineToCoarse(hypre_BoxIMax(cbox), cindex, stride,
+                                   hypre_BoxIMax(cbox));
+       /* build the interpolation grid */
+       hypre_StructCoarsen(grid_l[l], cindex, stride, 0, &PT_grid_l[l+1]);
+       /* build the coarse grid */
+       hypre_StructCoarsen(grid_l[l], cindex, stride, 1, &grid_l[l+1]);
+    }
+    num_levels = l + 1;
+    /* free up some things */
+    hypre_BoxDestroy(cbox);
+    (smg_data -> num_levels) = num_levels;
+    (smg_data -> grid_l)     = grid_l;
+    (smg_data -> PT_grid_l)  = PT_grid_l;
+    /*-----------------------------------------------------
+     * Set up matrix and vector structures
+     *-----------------------------------------------------*/
+    A_l  = hypre_TAlloc(hypre_StructMatrix *, num_levels);
+    PT_l = hypre_TAlloc(hypre_StructMatrix *, num_levels - 1);
+    R_l  = hypre_TAlloc(hypre_StructMatrix *, num_levels - 1);
+    b_l  = hypre_TAlloc(hypre_StructVector *, num_levels);
+    x_l  = hypre_TAlloc(hypre_StructVector *, num_levels);
+    tb_l = hypre_TAlloc(hypre_StructVector *, num_levels);
+    tx_l = hypre_TAlloc(hypre_StructVector *, num_levels);
+    r_l  = tx_l;
+    e_l  = tx_l;
+    A_l[0] = hypre_StructMatrixRef(A);
+    b_l[0] = hypre_StructVectorRef(b);
+    x_l[0] = hypre_StructVectorRef(x);
+    for (i = 0; i <= cdir; i++)
+    {
+       x_num_ghost[2*i]     = 1;
+       x_num_ghost[2*i + 1] = 1;
+    }
+    tb_l[0] = hypre_StructVectorCreate(comm, grid_l[0]);
+    hypre_StructVectorSetNumGhost(tb_l[0], hypre_StructVectorNumGhost(b));
+    hypre_StructVectorInitializeShell(tb_l[0]);
+    data_size += hypre_StructVectorDataSize(tb_l[0]);
+    tx_l[0] = hypre_StructVectorCreate(comm, grid_l[0]);
+    hypre_StructVectorSetNumGhost(tx_l[0], hypre_StructVectorNumGhost(x));
+    hypre_StructVectorInitializeShell(tx_l[0]);
+    data_size += hypre_StructVectorDataSize(tx_l[0]);
+    for (l = 0; l < (num_levels - 1); l++)
+    {
+       PT_l[l]  = hypre_SMGCreateInterpOp(A_l[l], PT_grid_l[l+1], cdir);
+       hypre_StructMatrixInitializeShell(PT_l[l]);
+       data_size += hypre_StructMatrixDataSize(PT_l[l]);
+       if (hypre_StructMatrixSymmetric(A))
+       {
+          R_l[l] = PT_l[l];
+       }
+       else
+       {
+          R_l[l] = PT_l[l];
+ #if 0
+          /* Allow R != PT for non symmetric case */
+          /* NOTE: Need to create a non-pruned grid for this to work */
+          R_l[l]   = hypre_SMGCreateRestrictOp(A_l[l], grid_l[l+1], cdir);
+          hypre_StructMatrixInitializeShell(R_l[l]);
+          data_size += hypre_StructMatrixDataSize(R_l[l]);
+ #endif
+       }
+       A_l[l+1] = hypre_SMGCreateRAPOp(R_l[l], A_l[l], PT_l[l], grid_l[l+1]);
+       hypre_StructMatrixInitializeShell(A_l[l+1]);
+       data_size += hypre_StructMatrixDataSize(A_l[l+1]);
+       b_l[l+1] = hypre_StructVectorCreate(comm, grid_l[l+1]);
+       hypre_StructVectorSetNumGhost(b_l[l+1], b_num_ghost);
+       hypre_StructVectorInitializeShell(b_l[l+1]);
+       data_size += hypre_StructVectorDataSize(b_l[l+1]);
+       x_l[l+1] = hypre_StructVectorCreate(comm, grid_l[l+1]);
+       hypre_StructVectorSetNumGhost(x_l[l+1], x_num_ghost);
+       hypre_StructVectorInitializeShell(x_l[l+1]);
+       data_size += hypre_StructVectorDataSize(x_l[l+1]);
+       tb_l[l+1] = hypre_StructVectorCreate(comm, grid_l[l+1]);
+       hypre_StructVectorSetNumGhost(tb_l[l+1], hypre_StructVectorNumGhost(b));
+       hypre_StructVectorInitializeShell(tb_l[l+1]);
+       tx_l[l+1] = hypre_StructVectorCreate(comm, grid_l[l+1]);
+       hypre_StructVectorSetNumGhost(tx_l[l+1], hypre_StructVectorNumGhost(x));
+       hypre_StructVectorInitializeShell(tx_l[l+1]);
+    }
+    data = hypre_SharedCTAlloc(double, data_size);
+    (smg_data -> data) = data;
+    hypre_StructVectorInitializeData(tb_l[0], data);
+    hypre_StructVectorAssemble(tb_l[0]);
+    data += hypre_StructVectorDataSize(tb_l[0]);
+    hypre_StructVectorInitializeData(tx_l[0], data);
+    hypre_StructVectorAssemble(tx_l[0]);
+    data += hypre_StructVectorDataSize(tx_l[0]);
+    for (l = 0; l < (num_levels - 1); l++)
+    {
+       hypre_StructMatrixInitializeData(PT_l[l], data);
+       data += hypre_StructMatrixDataSize(PT_l[l]);
+ #if 0
+       /* Allow R != PT for non symmetric case */
+       if (!hypre_StructMatrixSymmetric(A))
+       {
+          hypre_StructMatrixInitializeData(R_l[l], data);
+          data += hypre_StructMatrixDataSize(R_l[l]);
+       }
+ #endif
+       hypre_StructMatrixInitializeData(A_l[l+1], data);
+       data += hypre_StructMatrixDataSize(A_l[l+1]);
+       hypre_StructVectorInitializeData(b_l[l+1], data);
+       hypre_StructVectorAssemble(b_l[l+1]);
+       data += hypre_StructVectorDataSize(b_l[l+1]);
+       hypre_StructVectorInitializeData(x_l[l+1], data);
+       hypre_StructVectorAssemble(x_l[l+1]);
+       data += hypre_StructVectorDataSize(x_l[l+1]);
+       hypre_StructVectorInitializeData(tb_l[l+1],
+                                        hypre_StructVectorData(tb_l[0]));
+       hypre_StructVectorAssemble(tb_l[l+1]);
+       hypre_StructVectorInitializeData(tx_l[l+1],
+                                        hypre_StructVectorData(tx_l[0]));
+       hypre_StructVectorAssemble(tx_l[l+1]);
+    }
+    (smg_data -> A_l)  = A_l;
+    (smg_data -> PT_l) = PT_l;
+    (smg_data -> R_l)  = R_l;
+    (smg_data -> b_l)  = b_l;
+    (smg_data -> x_l)  = x_l;
+    (smg_data -> tb_l) = tb_l;
+    (smg_data -> tx_l) = tx_l;
+    (smg_data -> r_l)  = r_l;
+    (smg_data -> e_l)  = e_l;
+    /*-----------------------------------------------------
+     * Set up multigrid operators and call setup routines
+     *
+     * Note: The routine that sets up interpolation uses
+     * the same relaxation routines used in the solve
+     * phase of the algorithm.  To do this, the data for
+     * the fine-grid unknown and right-hand-side vectors
+     * is temporarily changed to temporary data.
+     *-----------------------------------------------------*/
+    relax_data_l    = hypre_TAlloc(void *, num_levels);
+    residual_data_l = hypre_TAlloc(void *, num_levels);
+    restrict_data_l = hypre_TAlloc(void *, num_levels);
+    interp_data_l   = hypre_TAlloc(void *, num_levels);
+    /* temporarily set the data for x_l[0] and b_l[0] to temp data */
+    b_data = hypre_StructVectorData(b_l[0]);
+    b_data_alloced = hypre_StructVectorDataAlloced(b_l[0]);
+    x_data = hypre_StructVectorData(x_l[0]);
+    x_data_alloced = hypre_StructVectorDataAlloced(x_l[0]);
+    hypre_StructVectorInitializeData(b_l[0], hypre_StructVectorData(tb_l[0]));
+    hypre_StructVectorInitializeData(x_l[0], hypre_StructVectorData(tx_l[0]));
+    hypre_StructVectorAssemble(b_l[0]);
+    hypre_StructVectorAssemble(x_l[0]);
+    for (l = 0; l < (num_levels - 1); l++)
+    {
+       hypre_SMGSetBIndex(base_index, base_stride, l, bindex);
+       hypre_SMGSetBStride(base_index, base_stride, l, bstride);
+       hypre_SMGSetCIndex(base_index, base_stride, l, cdir, cindex);
+       hypre_SMGSetFIndex(base_index, base_stride, l, cdir, findex);
+       hypre_SMGSetStride(base_index, base_stride, l, cdir, stride);
+       /* set up relaxation */
+       relax_data_l[l] = hypre_SMGRelaxCreate(comm);
+       hypre_SMGRelaxSetBase(relax_data_l[l], bindex, bstride);
+       hypre_SMGRelaxSetMemoryUse(relax_data_l[l], (smg_data -> memory_use));
+       hypre_SMGRelaxSetTol(relax_data_l[l], 0.0);
+       hypre_SMGRelaxSetNumSpaces(relax_data_l[l], 2);
+       hypre_SMGRelaxSetSpace(relax_data_l[l], 0,
+                              hypre_IndexD(cindex, cdir),
+                              hypre_IndexD(stride, cdir));
+       hypre_SMGRelaxSetSpace(relax_data_l[l], 1,
+                              hypre_IndexD(findex, cdir),
+                              hypre_IndexD(stride, cdir));
+       hypre_SMGRelaxSetTempVec(relax_data_l[l], tb_l[l]);
+       hypre_SMGRelaxSetNumPreRelax( relax_data_l[l], n_pre);
+       hypre_SMGRelaxSetNumPostRelax( relax_data_l[l], n_post);
+       hypre_SMGRelaxSetup(relax_data_l[l], A_l[l], b_l[l], x_l[l]);
+       hypre_SMGSetupInterpOp(relax_data_l[l], A_l[l], b_l[l], x_l[l],
+                              PT_l[l], cdir, cindex, findex, stride);
+       /* (re)set relaxation parameters */
+       hypre_SMGRelaxSetNumPreSpaces(relax_data_l[l], 0);
+       hypre_SMGRelaxSetNumRegSpaces(relax_data_l[l], 2);
+       hypre_SMGRelaxSetup(relax_data_l[l], A_l[l], b_l[l], x_l[l]);
+       /* set up the residual routine */
+       residual_data_l[l] = hypre_SMGResidualCreate();
+       hypre_SMGResidualSetBase(residual_data_l[l], bindex, bstride);
+       hypre_SMGResidualSetup(residual_data_l[l],
+                              A_l[l], x_l[l], b_l[l], r_l[l]);
+       /* set up the interpolation routine */
+       interp_data_l[l] = hypre_SemiInterpCreate();
+       hypre_SemiInterpSetup(interp_data_l[l], PT_l[l], 1, x_l[l+1], e_l[l],
+                             cindex, findex, stride);
+       /* set up the restriction operator */
+ #if 0
+       /* Allow R != PT for non symmetric case */
+       if (!hypre_StructMatrixSymmetric(A))
+          hypre_SMGSetupRestrictOp(A_l[l], R_l[l], tx_l[l], cdir,
+                                   cindex, stride);
+ #endif
+       /* set up the restriction routine */
+       restrict_data_l[l] = hypre_SemiRestrictCreate();
+       hypre_SemiRestrictSetup(restrict_data_l[l], R_l[l], 0, r_l[l], b_l[l+1],
+                               cindex, findex, stride);
+       /* set up the coarse grid operator */
+       hypre_SMGSetupRAPOp(R_l[l], A_l[l], PT_l[l], A_l[l+1],
+                           cindex, stride);
+    }
+    hypre_SMGSetBIndex(base_index, base_stride, l, bindex);
+    hypre_SMGSetBStride(base_index, base_stride, l, bstride);
+    relax_data_l[l] = hypre_SMGRelaxCreate(comm);
+    hypre_SMGRelaxSetBase(relax_data_l[l], bindex, bstride);
+    hypre_SMGRelaxSetTol(relax_data_l[l], 0.0);
+    hypre_SMGRelaxSetMaxIter(relax_data_l[l], 1);
+    hypre_SMGRelaxSetTempVec(relax_data_l[l], tb_l[l]);
+    hypre_SMGRelaxSetNumPreRelax( relax_data_l[l], n_pre);
+    hypre_SMGRelaxSetNumPostRelax( relax_data_l[l], n_post);
+    hypre_SMGRelaxSetup(relax_data_l[l], A_l[l], b_l[l], x_l[l]);
+    /* set up the residual routine in case of a single grid level */
+    if( l == 0 )
+    {
+       residual_data_l[l] = hypre_SMGResidualCreate();
+       hypre_SMGResidualSetBase(residual_data_l[l], bindex, bstride);
+       hypre_SMGResidualSetup(residual_data_l[l],
+                              A_l[l], x_l[l], b_l[l], r_l[l]);
+    }
+    /* set the data for x_l[0] and b_l[0] the way they were */
+    hypre_StructVectorInitializeData(b_l[0], b_data);
+    hypre_StructVectorDataAlloced(b_l[0]) = b_data_alloced;
+    hypre_StructVectorInitializeData(x_l[0], x_data);
+    hypre_StructVectorDataAlloced(x_l[0]) = x_data_alloced;
+    hypre_StructVectorAssemble(b_l[0]);
+    hypre_StructVectorAssemble(x_l[0]);
+    (smg_data -> relax_data_l)      = relax_data_l;
+    (smg_data -> residual_data_l)   = residual_data_l;
+    (smg_data -> restrict_data_l)   = restrict_data_l;
+    (smg_data -> interp_data_l)     = interp_data_l;
+    /*-----------------------------------------------------
+     * Allocate space for log info
+     *-----------------------------------------------------*/
+    if ((smg_data -> logging) > 0)
+    {
+       max_iter = (smg_data -> max_iter);
+       (smg_data -> norms)     = hypre_TAlloc(double, max_iter);
+       (smg_data -> rel_norms) = hypre_TAlloc(double, max_iter);
+    }
+ #if DEBUG
+    if(hypre_StructGridDim(grid_l[0]) == 3)
+    {
+       for (l = 0; l < (num_levels - 1); l++)
+       {
+          sprintf(filename, "zout_A.%02d", l);
+          hypre_StructMatrixPrint(filename, A_l[l], 0);
+          sprintf(filename, "zout_PT.%02d", l);
+          hypre_StructMatrixPrint(filename, PT_l[l], 0);
+       }
+       sprintf(filename, "zout_A.%02d", l);
+       hypre_StructMatrixPrint(filename, A_l[l], 0);
+    }
+ #endif
+    return ierr;
+ }

Index: llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/ASCI_Purple/SMG2000/smg_setup_interp.c
diff -c /dev/null llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/ASCI_Purple/SMG2000/smg_setup_interp.c:1.1
*** /dev/null	Mon Apr 11 00:22:18 2005
--- llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/ASCI_Purple/SMG2000/smg_setup_interp.c	Mon Apr 11 00:22:07 2005
*** 0 ****
--- 1,315 ----
+ /*BHEADER**********************************************************************
+  * (c) 1997   The Regents of the University of California
+  *
+  * See the file COPYRIGHT_and_DISCLAIMER for a complete copyright
+  * notice, contact person, and disclaimer.
+  *
+  * $Revision: 1.1 $
+  *********************************************************************EHEADER*/
+ /******************************************************************************
+  *
+  *
+  *****************************************************************************/
+ #include "headers.h"
+ #include "smg.h"
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_SMGCreateInterpOp
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ hypre_StructMatrix *
+ hypre_SMGCreateInterpOp( hypre_StructMatrix *A,
+                          hypre_StructGrid   *cgrid,
+                          int                 cdir  )
+ {
+    hypre_StructMatrix   *PT;
+    hypre_StructStencil  *stencil;
+    hypre_Index          *stencil_shape;
+    int                   stencil_size;
+    int                   stencil_dim;
+    int                   num_ghost[] = {1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1};
+    int                   i;
+    /* set up stencil */
+    stencil_size = 2;
+    stencil_dim = hypre_StructStencilDim(hypre_StructMatrixStencil(A));
+    stencil_shape = hypre_CTAlloc(hypre_Index, stencil_size);
+    for (i = 0; i < stencil_size; i++)
+    {
+       hypre_SetIndex(stencil_shape[i], 0, 0, 0);
+    }
+    hypre_IndexD(stencil_shape[0], cdir) = -1;
+    hypre_IndexD(stencil_shape[1], cdir) =  1;
+    stencil =
+       hypre_StructStencilCreate(stencil_dim, stencil_size, stencil_shape);
+    /* set up matrix */
+    PT = hypre_StructMatrixCreate(hypre_StructMatrixComm(A), cgrid, stencil);
+    hypre_StructMatrixSetNumGhost(PT, num_ghost);
+    hypre_StructStencilDestroy(stencil);
+    return PT;
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_SMGSetupInterpOp
+  *
+  *    This routine uses SMGRelax to set up the interpolation operator.
+  *
+  *    To illustrate how it proceeds, consider setting up the the {0, 0, -1}
+  *    stencil coefficient of P^T.  This coefficient corresponds to the
+  *    {0, 0, 1} coefficient of P.  Do one sweep of plane relaxation on the
+  *    fine grid points for the system, A_mask x = b, with initial guess
+  *    x_0 = all ones and right-hand-side b = all zeros.  The A_mask matrix
+  *    contains all coefficients of A except for those in the same direction
+  *    as {0, 0, -1}.
+  *
+  *    The relaxation data for the multigrid algorithm is passed in and used.
+  *    When this routine returns, the only modified relaxation parameters
+  *    are MaxIter, RegSpace and PreSpace info, the right-hand-side and
+  *    solution info.
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ hypre_SMGSetupInterpOp( void               *relax_data,
+                         hypre_StructMatrix *A,
+                         hypre_StructVector *b,
+                         hypre_StructVector *x,
+                         hypre_StructMatrix *PT,
+                         int                 cdir,
+                         hypre_Index         cindex,
+                         hypre_Index         findex,
+                         hypre_Index         stride    )
+ {
+    hypre_StructMatrix   *A_mask;
+    hypre_StructStencil  *A_stencil;
+    hypre_Index          *A_stencil_shape;
+    int                   A_stencil_size;
+    hypre_StructStencil  *PT_stencil;
+    hypre_Index          *PT_stencil_shape;
+    int                   PT_stencil_size;
+    int                  *stencil_indices;
+    int                   num_stencil_indices;
+    hypre_StructGrid     *fgrid;
+    hypre_StructStencil  *compute_pkg_stencil;
+    hypre_Index          *compute_pkg_stencil_shape;
+    int                   compute_pkg_stencil_size = 1;
+    int                   compute_pkg_stencil_dim = 1;
+    hypre_ComputePkg     *compute_pkg;
+    hypre_BoxArrayArray  *send_boxes;
+    hypre_BoxArrayArray  *recv_boxes;
+    int                 **send_processes;
+    int                 **recv_processes;
+    hypre_BoxArrayArray  *indt_boxes;
+    hypre_BoxArrayArray  *dept_boxes;
+    hypre_CommHandle     *comm_handle;
+    hypre_BoxArrayArray  *compute_box_aa;
+    hypre_BoxArray       *compute_box_a;
+    hypre_Box            *compute_box;
+    hypre_Box            *PT_data_box;
+    hypre_Box            *x_data_box;
+    double               *PTp;
+    double               *xp;
+    int                   PTi;
+    int                   xi;
+    hypre_Index           loop_size;
+    hypre_Index           start;
+    hypre_Index           startc;
+    hypre_Index           stridec;
+    int                   si, sj, d;
+    int                   compute_i, i, j;
+    int                   loopi, loopj, loopk;
+    int                   ierr = 0;
+    /*--------------------------------------------------------
+     * Initialize some things
+     *--------------------------------------------------------*/
+    hypre_SetIndex(stridec, 1, 1, 1);
+    fgrid = hypre_StructMatrixGrid(A);
+    A_stencil = hypre_StructMatrixStencil(A);
+    A_stencil_shape = hypre_StructStencilShape(A_stencil);
+    A_stencil_size  = hypre_StructStencilSize(A_stencil);
+    PT_stencil = hypre_StructMatrixStencil(PT);
+    PT_stencil_shape = hypre_StructStencilShape(PT_stencil);
+    PT_stencil_size  = hypre_StructStencilSize(PT_stencil);
+    /* Set up relaxation parameters */
+    hypre_SMGRelaxSetMaxIter(relax_data, 1);
+    hypre_SMGRelaxSetNumPreSpaces(relax_data, 0);
+    hypre_SMGRelaxSetNumRegSpaces(relax_data, 1);
+    hypre_SMGRelaxSetRegSpaceRank(relax_data, 0, 1);
+    compute_pkg_stencil_shape =
+       hypre_CTAlloc(hypre_Index, compute_pkg_stencil_size);
+    compute_pkg_stencil = hypre_StructStencilCreate(compute_pkg_stencil_dim,
+                                                    compute_pkg_stencil_size,
+                                                    compute_pkg_stencil_shape);
+    for (si = 0; si < PT_stencil_size; si++)
+    {
+       /*-----------------------------------------------------
+        * Compute A_mask matrix: This matrix contains all
+        * stencil coefficients of A except for the coefficients
+        * in the opposite direction of the current P stencil
+        * coefficient being computed (same direction for P^T).
+        *-----------------------------------------------------*/
+       stencil_indices = hypre_TAlloc(int, A_stencil_size);
+       num_stencil_indices = 0;
+       for (sj = 0; sj < A_stencil_size; sj++)
+       {
+          if (hypre_IndexD(A_stencil_shape[sj],  cdir) !=
+              hypre_IndexD(PT_stencil_shape[si], cdir)   )
+          {
+             stencil_indices[num_stencil_indices] = sj;
+             num_stencil_indices++;
+          }
+       }
+       A_mask =
+          hypre_StructMatrixCreateMask(A, num_stencil_indices, stencil_indices);
+       hypre_TFree(stencil_indices);
+       /*-----------------------------------------------------
+        * Do relaxation sweep to compute coefficients
+        *-----------------------------------------------------*/
+       hypre_StructVectorClearGhostValues(x);
+       hypre_StructVectorSetConstantValues(x, 1.0);
+       hypre_StructVectorSetConstantValues(b, 0.0);
+       hypre_SMGRelaxSetNewMatrixStencil(relax_data, PT_stencil);
+       hypre_SMGRelaxSetup(relax_data, A_mask, b, x);
+       hypre_SMGRelax(relax_data, A_mask, b, x);
+       /*-----------------------------------------------------
+        * Free up A_mask matrix
+        *-----------------------------------------------------*/
+       hypre_StructMatrixDestroy(A_mask);
+       /*-----------------------------------------------------
+        * Set up compute package for communication of 
+        * coefficients from fine to coarse across processor
+        * boundaries.
+        *-----------------------------------------------------*/
+       hypre_CopyIndex(PT_stencil_shape[si], compute_pkg_stencil_shape[0]);
+       hypre_CreateComputeInfo(fgrid, compute_pkg_stencil,
+                               &send_boxes, &recv_boxes,
+                               &send_processes, &recv_processes,
+                               &indt_boxes, &dept_boxes);
+       hypre_ProjectBoxArrayArray(send_boxes, findex, stride);
+       hypre_ProjectBoxArrayArray(recv_boxes, findex, stride);
+       hypre_ProjectBoxArrayArray(indt_boxes, cindex, stride);
+       hypre_ProjectBoxArrayArray(dept_boxes, cindex, stride);
+       hypre_ComputePkgCreate(send_boxes, recv_boxes,
+                              stride, stride,
+                              send_processes, recv_processes,
+                              indt_boxes, dept_boxes,
+                              stride, fgrid,
+                              hypre_StructVectorDataSpace(x), 1,
+                              &compute_pkg);
+       /*-----------------------------------------------------
+        * Copy coefficients from x into P^T
+        *-----------------------------------------------------*/
+       for (compute_i = 0; compute_i < 2; compute_i++)
+       {
+          switch(compute_i)
+          {
+             case 0:
+             {
+                xp = hypre_StructVectorData(x);
+                hypre_InitializeIndtComputations(compute_pkg, xp, &comm_handle);
+                compute_box_aa = hypre_ComputePkgIndtBoxes(compute_pkg);
+             }
+             break;
+             case 1:
+             {
+                hypre_FinalizeIndtComputations(comm_handle);
+                compute_box_aa = hypre_ComputePkgDeptBoxes(compute_pkg);
+             }
+             break;
+          }
+          hypre_ForBoxArrayI(i, compute_box_aa)
+             {
+                compute_box_a =
+                   hypre_BoxArrayArrayBoxArray(compute_box_aa, i);
+                x_data_box  =
+                   hypre_BoxArrayBox(hypre_StructVectorDataSpace(x), i);
+                PT_data_box =
+                   hypre_BoxArrayBox(hypre_StructMatrixDataSpace(PT), i);
+                xp  = hypre_StructVectorBoxData(x, i);
+                PTp = hypre_StructMatrixBoxData(PT, i, si);
+                hypre_ForBoxI(j, compute_box_a)
+                   {
+                      compute_box = hypre_BoxArrayBox(compute_box_a, j);
+                      hypre_CopyIndex(hypre_BoxIMin(compute_box), start);
+                      hypre_StructMapFineToCoarse(start, cindex, stride,
+                                                  startc);
+                      /* shift start index to appropriate F-point */
+                      for (d = 0; d < 3; d++)
+                      {
+                         hypre_IndexD(start, d) +=
+                            hypre_IndexD(PT_stencil_shape[si], d);
+                      }
+                      hypre_BoxGetStrideSize(compute_box, stride, loop_size);
+                      hypre_BoxLoop2Begin(loop_size,
+                                          x_data_box,  start,  stride,  xi,
+                                          PT_data_box, startc, stridec, PTi);
+ #define HYPRE_BOX_SMP_PRIVATE loopk,loopi,loopj,xi,PTi
+ #include "hypre_box_smp_forloop.h"
+                      hypre_BoxLoop2For(loopi, loopj, loopk, xi, PTi)
+                         {
+                            PTp[PTi] = xp[xi];
+                         }
+                      hypre_BoxLoop2End(xi, PTi);
+                   }
+             }
+       }
+       /*-----------------------------------------------------
+        * Free up compute package info
+        *-----------------------------------------------------*/
+       hypre_ComputePkgDestroy(compute_pkg);
+    }
+    /* Tell SMGRelax that the stencil has changed */
+    hypre_SMGRelaxSetNewMatrixStencil(relax_data, PT_stencil);
+    hypre_StructStencilDestroy(compute_pkg_stencil);
+    hypre_StructMatrixAssemble(PT);
+    return ierr;
+ }

Index: llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/ASCI_Purple/SMG2000/smg_setup_rap.c
diff -c /dev/null llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/ASCI_Purple/SMG2000/smg_setup_rap.c:1.1
*** /dev/null	Mon Apr 11 00:22:18 2005
--- llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/ASCI_Purple/SMG2000/smg_setup_rap.c	Mon Apr 11 00:22:07 2005
*** 0 ****
--- 1,135 ----
+ /*BHEADER**********************************************************************
+  * (c) 1997   The Regents of the University of California
+  *
+  * See the file COPYRIGHT_and_DISCLAIMER for a complete copyright
+  * notice, contact person, and disclaimer.
+  *
+  * $Revision: 1.1 $
+  *********************************************************************EHEADER*/
+ /******************************************************************************
+  *
+  *
+  *****************************************************************************/
+ #include "headers.h"
+ #include "smg.h"
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_SMGCreateRAPOp
+  *
+  *   Wrapper for 2 and 3d CreateRAPOp routines which set up new coarse
+  *   grid structures.
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ hypre_StructMatrix *
+ hypre_SMGCreateRAPOp( hypre_StructMatrix *R,
+                       hypre_StructMatrix *A,
+                       hypre_StructMatrix *PT,
+                       hypre_StructGrid   *coarse_grid )
+ {
+    hypre_StructMatrix    *RAP;
+    hypre_StructStencil   *stencil;
+    stencil = hypre_StructMatrixStencil(A);
+    switch (hypre_StructStencilDim(stencil)) 
+    {
+       case 2:
+       RAP = hypre_SMG2CreateRAPOp(R ,A, PT, coarse_grid);
+       break;
+       case 3:
+       RAP = hypre_SMG3CreateRAPOp(R ,A, PT, coarse_grid);
+       break;
+    } 
+    return RAP;
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_SMGSetupRAPOp
+  *
+  * Wrapper for 2 and 3d, symmetric and non-symmetric routines to calculate
+  * entries in RAP. Incomplete error handling at the moment. 
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ hypre_SMGSetupRAPOp( hypre_StructMatrix *R,
+                      hypre_StructMatrix *A,
+                      hypre_StructMatrix *PT,
+                      hypre_StructMatrix *Ac,
+                      hypre_Index         cindex,
+                      hypre_Index         cstride )
+ {
+    int ierr = 0;
+    hypre_StructStencil   *stencil;
+    stencil = hypre_StructMatrixStencil(A);
+    switch (hypre_StructStencilDim(stencil)) 
+    {
+       case 2:
+       /*--------------------------------------------------------------------
+        *    Set lower triangular (+ diagonal) coefficients
+        *--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+       ierr = hypre_SMG2BuildRAPSym(A, PT, R, Ac, cindex, cstride);
+       /*--------------------------------------------------------------------
+        *    For non-symmetric A, set upper triangular coefficients as well
+        *--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+       if(!hypre_StructMatrixSymmetric(A))
+       {
+          ierr += hypre_SMG2BuildRAPNoSym(A, PT, R, Ac, cindex, cstride);
+          /*-----------------------------------------------------------------
+           *    Collapse stencil for periodic probems on coarsest grid.
+           *-----------------------------------------------------------------*/
+          ierr = hypre_SMG2RAPPeriodicNoSym(Ac, cindex, cstride);
+       }
+       else
+       {
+          /*-----------------------------------------------------------------
+           *    Collapse stencil for periodic problems on coarsest grid.
+           *-----------------------------------------------------------------*/
+          ierr = hypre_SMG2RAPPeriodicSym(Ac, cindex, cstride);
+       }
+       break;
+       case 3:
+       /*--------------------------------------------------------------------
+        *    Set lower triangular (+ diagonal) coefficients
+        *--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+       ierr = hypre_SMG3BuildRAPSym(A, PT, R, Ac, cindex, cstride);
+       /*--------------------------------------------------------------------
+        *    For non-symmetric A, set upper triangular coefficients as well
+        *--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+       if(!hypre_StructMatrixSymmetric(A))
+       {
+          ierr += hypre_SMG3BuildRAPNoSym(A, PT, R, Ac, cindex, cstride);
+          /*-----------------------------------------------------------------
+           *    Collapse stencil for periodic probems on coarsest grid.
+           *-----------------------------------------------------------------*/
+          ierr = hypre_SMG3RAPPeriodicNoSym(Ac, cindex, cstride);
+       }
+       else
+       {
+          /*-----------------------------------------------------------------
+           *    Collapse stencil for periodic problems on coarsest grid.
+           *-----------------------------------------------------------------*/
+          ierr = hypre_SMG3RAPPeriodicSym(Ac, cindex, cstride);
+       }
+       break;
+    }
+    hypre_StructMatrixAssemble(Ac);
+    return ierr;
+ }

Index: llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/ASCI_Purple/SMG2000/smg_setup_restrict.c
diff -c /dev/null llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/ASCI_Purple/SMG2000/smg_setup_restrict.c:1.1
*** /dev/null	Mon Apr 11 00:22:18 2005
--- llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/ASCI_Purple/SMG2000/smg_setup_restrict.c	Mon Apr 11 00:22:07 2005
*** 0 ****
--- 1,46 ----
+ /*BHEADER**********************************************************************
+  * (c) 1997   The Regents of the University of California
+  *
+  * See the file COPYRIGHT_and_DISCLAIMER for a complete copyright
+  * notice, contact person, and disclaimer.
+  *
+  * $Revision: 1.1 $
+  *********************************************************************EHEADER*/
+ /******************************************************************************
+  *
+  *
+  *****************************************************************************/
+ #include "headers.h"
+ #include "smg.h"
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_SMGCreateRestrictOp
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ hypre_StructMatrix *
+ hypre_SMGCreateRestrictOp( hypre_StructMatrix *A,
+                            hypre_StructGrid   *cgrid,
+                            int                 cdir  )
+ {
+    hypre_StructMatrix *R = NULL;
+    return R;
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_SMGSetupRestrictOp
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ hypre_SMGSetupRestrictOp( hypre_StructMatrix *A,
+                           hypre_StructMatrix *R,
+                           hypre_StructVector *temp_vec,
+                           int                 cdir,
+                           hypre_Index         cindex,
+                           hypre_Index         cstride  )
+ {
+    int ierr = 0;
+    return ierr;
+ }

Index: llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/ASCI_Purple/SMG2000/smg_solve.c
diff -c /dev/null llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/ASCI_Purple/SMG2000/smg_solve.c:1.1
*** /dev/null	Mon Apr 11 00:22:18 2005
--- llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/ASCI_Purple/SMG2000/smg_solve.c	Mon Apr 11 00:22:07 2005
*** 0 ****
--- 1,327 ----
+ /*BHEADER**********************************************************************
+  * (c) 1997   The Regents of the University of California
+  *
+  * See the file COPYRIGHT_and_DISCLAIMER for a complete copyright
+  * notice, contact person, and disclaimer.
+  *
+  * $Revision: 1.1 $
+  *********************************************************************EHEADER*/
+ /******************************************************************************
+  *
+  *
+  *****************************************************************************/
+ #include "headers.h"
+ #include "smg.h"
+ #define DEBUG 0
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_SMGSolve
+  *    This is the main solve routine for the Schaffer multigrid method.
+  *    This solver works for 1D, 2D, or 3D linear systems.  The dimension
+  *    is determined by the hypre_StructStencilDim argument of the matrix
+  *    stencil.  The hypre_StructGridDim argument of the matrix grid is
+  *    allowed to be larger than the dimension of the solver, and in fact,
+  *    this feature is used in the smaller-dimensional solves required
+  *    in the relaxation method for both the 2D and 3D algorithms.  This
+  *    allows one to do multiple 2D or 1D solves in parallel (e.g., multiple
+  *    2D solves, where the 2D problems are "stacked" planes in 3D).
+  *    The only additional requirement is that the linear system(s) data
+  *    be contiguous in memory.
+  *
+  * Notes:
+  * - Iterations are counted as follows: 1 iteration consists of a
+  *   V-cycle plus an extra pre-relaxation.  If the number of MG levels
+  *   is equal to 1, then only the extra pre-relaxation step is done at
+  *   each iteration.  When the solver exits because the maximum number
+  *   of iterations is reached, the last extra pre-relaxation is not done.
+  *   This allows one to use the solver as a preconditioner for conjugate
+  *   gradient and insure symmetry.
+  * - hypre_SMGRelax is the relaxation routine.  There are different "data"
+  *   structures for each call to reflect different arguments and parameters.
+  *   One important parameter sets whether or not an initial guess of zero
+  *   is to be used in the relaxation.
+  * - hypre_SMGResidual computes the residual, b - Ax.
+  * - hypre_SemiRestrict restricts the residual to the coarse grid.
+  * - hypre_SemiInterp interpolates the coarse error and adds it to the
+  *   fine grid solution.
+  *
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ hypre_SMGSolve( void               *smg_vdata,
+                 hypre_StructMatrix *A,
+                 hypre_StructVector *b,
+                 hypre_StructVector *x         )
+ {
+    hypre_SMGData        *smg_data = smg_vdata;
+    double                tol             = (smg_data -> tol);
+    int                   max_iter        = (smg_data -> max_iter);
+    int                   rel_change      = (smg_data -> rel_change);
+    int                   zero_guess      = (smg_data -> zero_guess);
+    int                   num_levels      = (smg_data -> num_levels);
+    int                   num_pre_relax   = (smg_data -> num_pre_relax);
+    int                   num_post_relax  = (smg_data -> num_post_relax);
+    hypre_IndexRef        base_index      = (smg_data -> base_index);
+    hypre_IndexRef        base_stride     = (smg_data -> base_stride);
+    hypre_StructMatrix  **A_l             = (smg_data -> A_l);
+    hypre_StructMatrix  **PT_l            = (smg_data -> PT_l);
+    hypre_StructMatrix  **R_l             = (smg_data -> R_l);
+    hypre_StructVector  **b_l             = (smg_data -> b_l);
+    hypre_StructVector  **x_l             = (smg_data -> x_l);
+    hypre_StructVector  **r_l             = (smg_data -> r_l);
+    hypre_StructVector  **e_l             = (smg_data -> e_l);
+    void                **relax_data_l    = (smg_data -> relax_data_l);
+    void                **residual_data_l = (smg_data -> residual_data_l);
+    void                **restrict_data_l = (smg_data -> restrict_data_l);
+    void                **interp_data_l   = (smg_data -> interp_data_l);
+    int                   logging         = (smg_data -> logging);
+    double               *norms           = (smg_data -> norms);
+    double               *rel_norms       = (smg_data -> rel_norms);
+    double                b_dot_b, r_dot_r, eps;
+    double                e_dot_e, x_dot_x;
+    int                   i, l;
+    int                   ierr = 0;
+ #if DEBUG
+    char                  filename[255];
+ #endif
+    /*-----------------------------------------------------
+     * Initialize some things and deal with special cases
+     *-----------------------------------------------------*/
+    hypre_BeginTiming(smg_data -> time_index);
+    hypre_StructMatrixDestroy(A_l[0]);
+    hypre_StructVectorDestroy(b_l[0]);
+    hypre_StructVectorDestroy(x_l[0]);
+    A_l[0] = hypre_StructMatrixRef(A);
+    b_l[0] = hypre_StructVectorRef(b);
+    x_l[0] = hypre_StructVectorRef(x);
+    (smg_data -> num_iterations) = 0;
+    /* if max_iter is zero, return */
+    if (max_iter == 0)
+    {
+       /* if using a zero initial guess, return zero */
+       if (zero_guess)
+       {
+          hypre_StructVectorSetConstantValues(x, 0.0);
+       }
+       hypre_EndTiming(smg_data -> time_index);
+       return ierr;
+    }
+    /* part of convergence check */
+    if (tol > 0.0)
+    {
+       /* eps = (tol^2) */
+       b_dot_b = hypre_StructInnerProd(b_l[0], b_l[0]);
+       eps = tol*tol;
+       /* if rhs is zero, return a zero solution */
+       if (b_dot_b == 0.0)
+       {
+          hypre_StructVectorSetConstantValues(x, 0.0);
+          if (logging > 0)
+          {
+             norms[0]     = 0.0;
+             rel_norms[0] = 0.0;
+          }
+          hypre_EndTiming(smg_data -> time_index);
+          return ierr;
+       }
+    }
+    /*-----------------------------------------------------
+     * Do V-cycles:
+     *   For each index l, "fine" = l, "coarse" = (l+1)
+     *-----------------------------------------------------*/
+    for (i = 0; i < max_iter; i++)
+    {
+       /*--------------------------------------------------
+        * Down cycle
+        *--------------------------------------------------*/
+       /* fine grid pre-relaxation */
+       if (num_levels > 1)
+       {
+          hypre_SMGRelaxSetRegSpaceRank(relax_data_l[0], 0, 0);
+          hypre_SMGRelaxSetRegSpaceRank(relax_data_l[0], 1, 1);
+       }
+       hypre_SMGRelaxSetMaxIter(relax_data_l[0], num_pre_relax);
+       hypre_SMGRelaxSetZeroGuess(relax_data_l[0], zero_guess);
+       hypre_SMGRelax(relax_data_l[0], A_l[0], b_l[0], x_l[0]);
+       zero_guess = 0;
+       /* compute fine grid residual (b - Ax) */
+       hypre_SMGResidual(residual_data_l[0], A_l[0], x_l[0], b_l[0], r_l[0]);
+       /* convergence check */
+       if (tol > 0.0)
+       {
+          r_dot_r = hypre_StructInnerProd(r_l[0], r_l[0]);
+          if (logging > 0)
+          {
+             norms[i] = sqrt(r_dot_r);
+             if (b_dot_b > 0)
+                rel_norms[i] = sqrt(r_dot_r/b_dot_b);
+             else
+                rel_norms[i] = 0.0;
+          }
+          /* always do at least 1 V-cycle */
+          if ((r_dot_r/b_dot_b < eps) && (i > 0))
+          {
+             if (rel_change)
+             {
+                if ((e_dot_e/x_dot_x) < eps)
+                   break;
+             }
+             else
+             {
+                break;
+             }
+          }
+       }
+       if (num_levels > 1)
+       {
+          /* restrict fine grid residual */
+          hypre_SemiRestrict(restrict_data_l[0], R_l[0], r_l[0], b_l[1]);
+ #if DEBUG
+          if(hypre_StructStencilDim(hypre_StructMatrixStencil(A)) == 3)
+          {
+             sprintf(filename, "zout_xdown.%02d", 0);
+             hypre_StructVectorPrint(filename, x_l[0], 0);
+             sprintf(filename, "zout_rdown.%02d", 0);
+             hypre_StructVectorPrint(filename, r_l[0], 0);
+             sprintf(filename, "zout_b.%02d", 1);
+             hypre_StructVectorPrint(filename, b_l[1], 0);
+          }
+ #endif
+          for (l = 1; l <= (num_levels - 2); l++)
+          {
+             /* pre-relaxation */
+             hypre_SMGRelaxSetRegSpaceRank(relax_data_l[l], 0, 0);
+             hypre_SMGRelaxSetRegSpaceRank(relax_data_l[l], 1, 1);
+             hypre_SMGRelaxSetMaxIter(relax_data_l[l], num_pre_relax);
+             hypre_SMGRelaxSetZeroGuess(relax_data_l[l], 1);
+             hypre_SMGRelax(relax_data_l[l], A_l[l], b_l[l], x_l[l]);
+             /* compute residual (b - Ax) */
+             hypre_SMGResidual(residual_data_l[l],
+                               A_l[l], x_l[l], b_l[l], r_l[l]);
+             /* restrict residual */
+             hypre_SemiRestrict(restrict_data_l[l], R_l[l], r_l[l], b_l[l+1]);
+ #if DEBUG
+             if(hypre_StructStencilDim(hypre_StructMatrixStencil(A)) == 3)
+             {
+                sprintf(filename, "zout_xdown.%02d", l);
+                hypre_StructVectorPrint(filename, x_l[l], 0);
+                sprintf(filename, "zout_rdown.%02d", l);
+                hypre_StructVectorPrint(filename, r_l[l], 0);
+                sprintf(filename, "zout_b.%02d", l+1);
+                hypre_StructVectorPrint(filename, b_l[l+1], 0);
+             }
+ #endif
+          }
+          /*--------------------------------------------------
+           * Bottom
+           *--------------------------------------------------*/
+          hypre_SMGRelaxSetZeroGuess(relax_data_l[l], 1);
+          hypre_SMGRelax(relax_data_l[l], A_l[l], b_l[l], x_l[l]);
+ #if DEBUG
+          if(hypre_StructStencilDim(hypre_StructMatrixStencil(A)) == 3)
+          {
+             sprintf(filename, "zout_xbottom.%02d", l);
+             hypre_StructVectorPrint(filename, x_l[l], 0);
+          }
+ #endif
+          /*--------------------------------------------------
+           * Up cycle
+           *--------------------------------------------------*/
+          for (l = (num_levels - 2); l >= 1; l--)
+          {
+             /* interpolate error and correct (x = x + Pe_c) */
+             hypre_SemiInterp(interp_data_l[l], PT_l[l], x_l[l+1], e_l[l]);
+             hypre_StructAxpy(1.0, e_l[l], x_l[l]);
+ #if DEBUG
+             if(hypre_StructStencilDim(hypre_StructMatrixStencil(A)) == 3)
+             {
+                sprintf(filename, "zout_eup.%02d", l);
+                hypre_StructVectorPrint(filename, e_l[l], 0);
+                sprintf(filename, "zout_xup.%02d", l);
+                hypre_StructVectorPrint(filename, x_l[l], 0);
+             }
+ #endif
+             /* post-relaxation */
+             hypre_SMGRelaxSetRegSpaceRank(relax_data_l[l], 0, 1);
+             hypre_SMGRelaxSetRegSpaceRank(relax_data_l[l], 1, 0);
+             hypre_SMGRelaxSetMaxIter(relax_data_l[l], num_post_relax);
+             hypre_SMGRelaxSetZeroGuess(relax_data_l[l], 0);
+             hypre_SMGRelax(relax_data_l[l], A_l[l], b_l[l], x_l[l]);
+          }
+          /* interpolate error and correct on fine grid (x = x + Pe_c) */
+          hypre_SemiInterp(interp_data_l[0], PT_l[0], x_l[1], e_l[0]);
+          hypre_SMGAxpy(1.0, e_l[0], x_l[0], base_index, base_stride);
+ #if DEBUG
+          if(hypre_StructStencilDim(hypre_StructMatrixStencil(A)) == 3)
+          {
+             sprintf(filename, "zout_eup.%02d", 0);
+             hypre_StructVectorPrint(filename, e_l[0], 0);
+             sprintf(filename, "zout_xup.%02d", 0);
+             hypre_StructVectorPrint(filename, x_l[0], 0);
+          }
+ #endif
+       }
+       /* part of convergence check */
+       if ((tol > 0.0) && (rel_change))
+       {
+          if (num_levels > 1)
+          {
+             e_dot_e = hypre_StructInnerProd(e_l[0], e_l[0]);
+             x_dot_x = hypre_StructInnerProd(x_l[0], x_l[0]);
+          }
+          else
+          {
+             e_dot_e = 0.0;
+             x_dot_x = 1.0;
+          }
+       }
+       /* fine grid post-relaxation */
+       if (num_levels > 1)
+       {
+          hypre_SMGRelaxSetRegSpaceRank(relax_data_l[0], 0, 1);
+          hypre_SMGRelaxSetRegSpaceRank(relax_data_l[0], 1, 0);
+       }
+       hypre_SMGRelaxSetMaxIter(relax_data_l[0], num_post_relax);
+       hypre_SMGRelaxSetZeroGuess(relax_data_l[0], 0);
+       hypre_SMGRelax(relax_data_l[0], A_l[0], b_l[0], x_l[0]);
+       (smg_data -> num_iterations) = (i + 1);
+    }
+    hypre_EndTiming(smg_data -> time_index);
+    return ierr;
+ }

Index: llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/ASCI_Purple/SMG2000/struct_axpy.c
diff -c /dev/null llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/ASCI_Purple/SMG2000/struct_axpy.c:1.1
*** /dev/null	Mon Apr 11 00:22:18 2005
--- llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/ASCI_Purple/SMG2000/struct_axpy.c	Mon Apr 11 00:22:07 2005
*** 0 ****
--- 1,75 ----
+ /*BHEADER**********************************************************************
+  * (c) 1997   The Regents of the University of California
+  *
+  * See the file COPYRIGHT_and_DISCLAIMER for a complete copyright
+  * notice, contact person, and disclaimer.
+  *
+  * $Revision: 1.1 $
+  *********************************************************************EHEADER*/
+ /******************************************************************************
+  *
+  * Structured axpy routine
+  *
+  *****************************************************************************/
+ #include "headers.h"
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_StructAxpy
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ hypre_StructAxpy( double              alpha,
+                   hypre_StructVector *x,
+                   hypre_StructVector *y     )
+ {
+    int ierr = 0;
+    hypre_Box        *x_data_box;
+    hypre_Box        *y_data_box;
+    int               xi;
+    int               yi;
+    double           *xp;
+    double           *yp;
+    hypre_BoxArray   *boxes;
+    hypre_Box        *box;
+    hypre_Index       loop_size;
+    hypre_IndexRef    start;
+    hypre_Index       unit_stride;
+    int               i;
+    int               loopi, loopj, loopk;
+    hypre_SetIndex(unit_stride, 1, 1, 1);
+    boxes = hypre_StructGridBoxes(hypre_StructVectorGrid(y));
+    hypre_ForBoxI(i, boxes)
+       {
+          box   = hypre_BoxArrayBox(boxes, i);
+          start = hypre_BoxIMin(box);
+          x_data_box = hypre_BoxArrayBox(hypre_StructVectorDataSpace(x), i);
+          y_data_box = hypre_BoxArrayBox(hypre_StructVectorDataSpace(y), i);
+          xp = hypre_StructVectorBoxData(x, i);
+          yp = hypre_StructVectorBoxData(y, i);
+          hypre_BoxGetSize(box, loop_size);
+          hypre_BoxLoop2Begin(loop_size,
+                              x_data_box, start, unit_stride, xi,
+                              y_data_box, start, unit_stride, yi);
+ #define HYPRE_BOX_SMP_PRIVATE loopk,loopi,loopj,xi,yi
+ #include "hypre_box_smp_forloop.h"
+ 	 hypre_BoxLoop2For(loopi, loopj, loopk, xi, yi)
+             {
+                yp[yi] += alpha * xp[xi];
+             }
+          hypre_BoxLoop2End(xi, yi);
+       }
+    return ierr;
+ }

Index: llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/ASCI_Purple/SMG2000/struct_copy.c
diff -c /dev/null llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/ASCI_Purple/SMG2000/struct_copy.c:1.1
*** /dev/null	Mon Apr 11 00:22:18 2005
--- llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/ASCI_Purple/SMG2000/struct_copy.c	Mon Apr 11 00:22:07 2005
*** 0 ****
--- 1,75 ----
+ /*BHEADER**********************************************************************
+  * (c) 1997   The Regents of the University of California
+  *
+  * See the file COPYRIGHT_and_DISCLAIMER for a complete copyright
+  * notice, contact person, and disclaimer.
+  *
+  * $Revision: 1.1 $
+  *********************************************************************EHEADER*/
+ /******************************************************************************
+  *
+  * Structured copy routine
+  *
+  *****************************************************************************/
+ #include "headers.h"
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_StructCopy
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ hypre_StructCopy( hypre_StructVector *x,
+                   hypre_StructVector *y     )
+ {
+    int ierr = 0;
+    hypre_Box       *x_data_box;
+    hypre_Box       *y_data_box;
+    int              xi;
+    int              yi;
+    double          *xp;
+    double          *yp;
+    hypre_BoxArray  *boxes;
+    hypre_Box       *box;
+    hypre_Index      loop_size;
+    hypre_IndexRef   start;
+    hypre_Index      unit_stride;
+    int              i;
+    int              loopi, loopj, loopk;
+    hypre_SetIndex(unit_stride, 1, 1, 1);
+    boxes = hypre_StructGridBoxes(hypre_StructVectorGrid(y));
+    hypre_ForBoxI(i, boxes)
+       {
+          box   = hypre_BoxArrayBox(boxes, i);
+          start = hypre_BoxIMin(box);
+          x_data_box = hypre_BoxArrayBox(hypre_StructVectorDataSpace(x), i);
+          y_data_box = hypre_BoxArrayBox(hypre_StructVectorDataSpace(y), i);
+          xp = hypre_StructVectorBoxData(x, i);
+          yp = hypre_StructVectorBoxData(y, i);
+          hypre_BoxGetSize(box, loop_size);
+          hypre_BoxLoop2Begin(loop_size,
+                              x_data_box, start, unit_stride, xi,
+                              y_data_box, start, unit_stride, yi);
+ #define HYPRE_BOX_SMP_PRIVATE loopk,loopi,loopj,xi,yi
+ #include "hypre_box_smp_forloop.h"
+ 	 hypre_BoxLoop2For(loopi, loopj, loopk, xi, yi)
+             {
+                yp[yi] = xp[xi];
+             }
+          hypre_BoxLoop2End(xi, yi);
+       }
+    return ierr;
+ }

Index: llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/ASCI_Purple/SMG2000/struct_grid.c
diff -c /dev/null llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/ASCI_Purple/SMG2000/struct_grid.c:1.1
*** /dev/null	Mon Apr 11 00:22:18 2005
--- llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/ASCI_Purple/SMG2000/struct_grid.c	Mon Apr 11 00:22:07 2005
*** 0 ****
--- 1,667 ----
+ /*BHEADER**********************************************************************
+  * (c) 1997   The Regents of the University of California
+  *
+  * See the file COPYRIGHT_and_DISCLAIMER for a complete copyright
+  * notice, contact person, and disclaimer.
+  *
+  * $Revision: 1.1 $
+  *********************************************************************EHEADER*/
+ /******************************************************************************
+  *
+  * Member functions for hypre_StructGrid class.
+  *
+  *****************************************************************************/
+ #include "headers.h"
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_StructGridCreate
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ hypre_StructGridCreate( MPI_Comm           comm,
+                         int                dim,
+                         hypre_StructGrid **grid_ptr)
+ {
+    hypre_StructGrid    *grid;
+    grid = hypre_TAlloc(hypre_StructGrid, 1);
+    hypre_StructGridComm(grid)        = comm;
+    hypre_StructGridDim(grid)         = dim;
+    hypre_StructGridBoxes(grid)       = hypre_BoxArrayCreate(0);
+    hypre_StructGridIDs(grid)         = NULL;
+    hypre_StructGridNeighbors(grid)   = NULL;
+    hypre_StructGridMaxDistance(grid) = 2;
+    hypre_StructGridBoundingBox(grid) = NULL;
+    hypre_StructGridLocalSize(grid)   = 0;
+    hypre_StructGridGlobalSize(grid)  = 0;
+    hypre_SetIndex(hypre_StructGridPeriodic(grid), 0, 0, 0);
+    hypre_StructGridRefCount(grid)     = 1;
+    *grid_ptr = grid;
+    return 0;
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_StructGridRef
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ hypre_StructGridRef( hypre_StructGrid  *grid,
+                      hypre_StructGrid **grid_ref)
+ {
+    hypre_StructGridRefCount(grid) ++;
+    *grid_ref = grid;
+    return 0;
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_StructGridDestroy
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int 
+ hypre_StructGridDestroy( hypre_StructGrid *grid )
+ {
+    int ierr = 0;
+    if (grid)
+    {
+       hypre_StructGridRefCount(grid) --;
+       if (hypre_StructGridRefCount(grid) == 0)
+       {
+          hypre_BoxDestroy(hypre_StructGridBoundingBox(grid));
+          hypre_BoxNeighborsDestroy(hypre_StructGridNeighbors(grid));
+          hypre_TFree(hypre_StructGridIDs(grid));
+          hypre_BoxArrayDestroy(hypre_StructGridBoxes(grid));
+          hypre_TFree(grid);
+       }
+    }
+    return ierr;
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_StructGridSetHoodInfo
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int 
+ hypre_StructGridSetHoodInfo( hypre_StructGrid  *grid,
+                              int                max_distance )
+ {
+    int          ierr = 0;
+    hypre_StructGridMaxDistance(grid) = max_distance;
+    return ierr;
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_StructGridSetPeriodic
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int 
+ hypre_StructGridSetPeriodic( hypre_StructGrid  *grid,
+                              hypre_Index        periodic)
+ {
+    int          ierr = 0;
+    hypre_CopyIndex(periodic, hypre_StructGridPeriodic(grid));
+    return ierr;
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_StructGridSetExtents
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int 
+ hypre_StructGridSetExtents( hypre_StructGrid  *grid,
+                             hypre_Index        ilower,
+                             hypre_Index        iupper )
+ {
+    int          ierr = 0;
+    hypre_Box   *box;
+    box = hypre_BoxCreate();
+    hypre_BoxSetExtents(box, ilower, iupper);
+    hypre_AppendBox(box, hypre_StructGridBoxes(grid));
+    hypre_BoxDestroy(box);
+    return ierr;
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_StructGridSetBoxes
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int 
+ hypre_StructGridSetBoxes( hypre_StructGrid *grid,
+                           hypre_BoxArray   *boxes )
+ {
+    int ierr = 0;
+    hypre_TFree(hypre_StructGridBoxes(grid));
+    hypre_StructGridBoxes(grid) = boxes;
+    return ierr;
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_StructGridSetHood
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int 
+ hypre_StructGridSetHood( hypre_StructGrid *grid,
+                          hypre_BoxArray   *hood_boxes,
+                          int              *hood_procs,
+                          int              *hood_ids,
+                          int               first_local,
+                          int               num_local,
+                          int               num_periodic,
+                          hypre_Box        *bounding_box )
+ {
+    int                  ierr = 0;
+    hypre_BoxArray      *boxes;
+    int                 *ids;
+    hypre_BoxNeighbors  *neighbors;
+    int                  i, ilocal;
+    boxes = hypre_BoxArrayCreate(num_local);
+    ids = hypre_TAlloc(int, num_local);
+    for (i = 0; i < num_local; i++)
+    {
+       ilocal = first_local + i;
+       hypre_CopyBox(hypre_BoxArrayBox(hood_boxes, ilocal),
+                     hypre_BoxArrayBox(boxes, i));
+       ids[i] = hood_ids[ilocal];
+    }
+    hypre_TFree(hypre_StructGridBoxes(grid));
+    hypre_TFree(hypre_StructGridIDs(grid));
+    hypre_StructGridBoxes(grid) = boxes;
+    hypre_StructGridIDs(grid)   = ids;
+    hypre_BoxNeighborsCreate(hood_boxes, hood_procs, hood_ids,
+                             first_local, num_local, num_periodic, &neighbors);
+    hypre_StructGridNeighbors(grid) = neighbors;
+    hypre_BoxDestroy(hypre_StructGridBoundingBox(grid));
+    hypre_StructGridBoundingBox(grid) = bounding_box;
+    return ierr;
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_StructGridAssemble
+  *
+  * NOTE: Box ids are set here.  They are globally unique, and appear
+  * in increasing order.
+  *
+  * NOTE: Box procs are set here.  They appear in non-decreasing order.
+  *
+  * NOTE: The boxes in `all_boxes' appear as follows, for example:
+  *
+  *   proc:     0 0 0 0 1 1 2 2 2 2 ...
+  *   ID:       0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ...
+  *   periodic:     * *   *     * *
+  *
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int 
+ hypre_StructGridAssemble( hypre_StructGrid *grid )
+ {
+    int                  ierr = 0;
+    hypre_BoxArray      *boxes;
+    hypre_Box           *box;
+    int                  size;
+    int                  prune;
+    int                  i;
+    boxes = hypre_StructGridBoxes(grid);
+    prune = 1;
+    if (hypre_StructGridNeighbors(grid) == NULL)
+    {
+       MPI_Comm            comm = hypre_StructGridComm(grid);
+       int                 dim  = hypre_StructGridDim(grid);
+       int                *ids;
+       hypre_BoxNeighbors *neighbors;
+       hypre_Box          *bounding_box;
+       hypre_BoxArray     *all_boxes;
+       int                *all_procs;
+       int                *all_ids;
+       int                 first_local;
+       int                 num_local;
+       int                 num_periodic;
+       int                 d, idmin, idmax;
+       /* gather grid box info */
+       hypre_GatherAllBoxes(comm, boxes, &all_boxes, &all_procs, &first_local);
+       num_local = hypre_BoxArraySize(boxes);
+       /* set bounding box */
+       bounding_box = hypre_BoxCreate();
+       for (d = 0; d < dim; d++)
+       {
+          idmin = hypre_BoxIMinD(hypre_BoxArrayBox(all_boxes, 0), d);
+          idmax = hypre_BoxIMaxD(hypre_BoxArrayBox(all_boxes, 0), d);
+          hypre_ForBoxI(i, all_boxes)
+             {
+                box = hypre_BoxArrayBox(all_boxes, i);
+                idmin = hypre_min(idmin, hypre_BoxIMinD(box, d));
+                idmax = hypre_max(idmax, hypre_BoxIMaxD(box, d));
+             }
+          hypre_BoxIMinD(bounding_box, d) = idmin;
+          hypre_BoxIMaxD(bounding_box, d) = idmax;
+       }
+       for (d = dim; d < 3; d++)
+       {
+          hypre_BoxIMinD(bounding_box, d) = 0;
+          hypre_BoxIMaxD(bounding_box, d) = 0;
+       }
+       hypre_StructGridBoundingBox(grid) = bounding_box;
+       /* set global size */
+       size = 0;
+       hypre_ForBoxI(i, all_boxes)
+          {
+             box = hypre_BoxArrayBox(all_boxes, i);
+             size += hypre_BoxVolume(box);
+          }
+       hypre_StructGridGlobalSize(grid) = size;
+       /* modify all_boxes as required for periodicity */
+       hypre_StructGridPeriodicAllBoxes(grid, &all_boxes, &all_procs,
+                                        &first_local, &num_periodic);
+       /* set all_ids */
+       all_ids = hypre_TAlloc(int, hypre_BoxArraySize(all_boxes));
+       hypre_ForBoxI(i, all_boxes)
+          {
+             all_ids[i] = i;
+          }
+       /* set neighbors */
+       hypre_BoxNeighborsCreate(all_boxes, all_procs, all_ids,
+                                first_local, num_local, num_periodic,
+                                &neighbors);
+       hypre_StructGridNeighbors(grid) = neighbors;
+       /* set ids */
+       ids = hypre_TAlloc(int, hypre_BoxArraySize(boxes));
+       hypre_ForBoxI(i, boxes)
+          {
+             ids[i] = all_ids[first_local + i];
+          }
+       hypre_StructGridIDs(grid) = ids;
+       prune = 1;
+    }
+    hypre_BoxNeighborsAssemble(hypre_StructGridNeighbors(grid),
+                               hypre_StructGridMaxDistance(grid), prune);
+    /* compute local size */
+    size = 0;
+    hypre_ForBoxI(i, boxes)
+       {
+          box = hypre_BoxArrayBox(boxes, i);
+          size += hypre_BoxVolume(box);
+       }
+    hypre_StructGridLocalSize(grid) = size;
+    return ierr;
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_GatherAllBoxes
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ hypre_GatherAllBoxes(MPI_Comm         comm,
+                      hypre_BoxArray  *boxes,
+                      hypre_BoxArray **all_boxes_ptr,
+                      int            **all_procs_ptr,
+                      int             *first_local_ptr)
+ {
+    hypre_BoxArray    *all_boxes;
+    int               *all_procs;
+    int                first_local;
+    int                all_boxes_size;
+    hypre_Box         *box;
+    hypre_Index        imin;
+    hypre_Index        imax;
+    int                num_all_procs, my_rank;
+    int               *sendbuf;
+    int                sendcount;
+    int               *recvbuf;
+    int               *recvcounts;
+    int               *displs;
+    int                recvbuf_size;
+    int                i, p, b, ab, d;
+    int                ierr = 0;
+    /*-----------------------------------------------------
+     * Accumulate the box info
+     *-----------------------------------------------------*/
+    MPI_Comm_size(comm, &num_all_procs);
+    MPI_Comm_rank(comm, &my_rank);
+    /* compute recvcounts and displs */
+    sendcount = 7*hypre_BoxArraySize(boxes);
+    recvcounts = hypre_SharedTAlloc(int, num_all_procs);
+    displs = hypre_TAlloc(int, num_all_procs);
+    MPI_Allgather(&sendcount, 1, MPI_INT,
+                  recvcounts, 1, MPI_INT, comm);
+    displs[0] = 0;
+    recvbuf_size = recvcounts[0];
+    for (p = 1; p < num_all_procs; p++)
+    {
+       displs[p] = displs[p-1] + recvcounts[p-1];
+       recvbuf_size += recvcounts[p];
+    }
+    /* allocate sendbuf and recvbuf */
+    sendbuf = hypre_TAlloc(int, sendcount);
+    recvbuf = hypre_SharedTAlloc(int, recvbuf_size);
+    /* put local box extents and process number into sendbuf */
+    i = 0;
+    for (b = 0; b < hypre_BoxArraySize(boxes); b++)
+    {
+       sendbuf[i++] = my_rank;
+       box = hypre_BoxArrayBox(boxes, b);
+       for (d = 0; d < 3; d++)
+       {
+          sendbuf[i++] = hypre_BoxIMinD(box, d);
+          sendbuf[i++] = hypre_BoxIMaxD(box, d);
+       }
+    }
+    /* get global grid info */
+    MPI_Allgatherv(sendbuf, sendcount, MPI_INT,
+                   recvbuf, recvcounts, displs, MPI_INT, comm);
+    /* sort recvbuf by process rank? */
+    /*-----------------------------------------------------
+     * Create all_boxes, all_procs, and first_local
+     *-----------------------------------------------------*/
+    /* unpack recvbuf box info */
+    all_boxes_size = recvbuf_size / 7;
+    all_boxes = hypre_BoxArrayCreate(all_boxes_size);
+    all_procs = hypre_TAlloc(int, all_boxes_size);
+    first_local = -1;
+    i  = 0;
+    p  = 0;
+    ab = 0;
+    box = hypre_BoxCreate();
+    while (i < recvbuf_size)
+    {
+       all_procs[p] = recvbuf[i++];
+       for (d = 0; d < 3; d++)
+       {
+          hypre_IndexD(imin, d) = recvbuf[i++];
+          hypre_IndexD(imax, d) = recvbuf[i++];
+       }
+       hypre_BoxSetExtents(box, imin, imax);
+       hypre_CopyBox(box, hypre_BoxArrayBox(all_boxes, ab));
+       ab++;
+       if ((first_local < 0) && (all_procs[p] == my_rank))
+       {
+          first_local = p;
+       }
+       p++;
+    }
+    hypre_BoxDestroy(box);
+    /*-----------------------------------------------------
+     * Return
+     *-----------------------------------------------------*/
+    hypre_TFree(sendbuf);
+    hypre_SharedTFree(recvbuf);
+    hypre_SharedTFree(recvcounts);
+    hypre_TFree(displs);
+    *all_boxes_ptr = all_boxes;
+    *all_procs_ptr = all_procs;
+    *first_local_ptr = first_local;
+    return ierr;
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_StructGridPrint
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ hypre_StructGridPrint( FILE             *file,
+                        hypre_StructGrid *grid )
+ {
+    int              ierr = 0;
+    hypre_BoxArray  *boxes;
+    hypre_Box       *box;
+    int              i;
+    fprintf(file, "%d\n", hypre_StructGridDim(grid));
+    boxes = hypre_StructGridBoxes(grid);
+    fprintf(file, "%d\n", hypre_BoxArraySize(boxes));
+    hypre_ForBoxI(i, boxes)
+       {
+          box = hypre_BoxArrayBox(boxes, i);
+          fprintf(file, "%d:  (%d, %d, %d)  x  (%d, %d, %d)\n",
+                  i,
+                  hypre_BoxIMinX(box),
+                  hypre_BoxIMinY(box),
+                  hypre_BoxIMinZ(box),
+                  hypre_BoxIMaxX(box),
+                  hypre_BoxIMaxY(box),
+                  hypre_BoxIMaxZ(box));
+       }
+    return ierr;
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_StructGridRead
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ hypre_StructGridRead( MPI_Comm           comm,
+                       FILE              *file,
+                       hypre_StructGrid **grid_ptr )
+ {
+    int ierr = 0;
+    hypre_StructGrid *grid;
+    hypre_Index       ilower;
+    hypre_Index       iupper;
+    int               dim;
+    int               num_boxes;
+    int               i, idummy;
+    fscanf(file, "%d\n", &dim);
+    hypre_StructGridCreate(comm, dim, &grid);
+    fscanf(file, "%d\n", &num_boxes);
+    for (i = 0; i < num_boxes; i++)
+    {
+       fscanf(file, "%d:  (%d, %d, %d)  x  (%d, %d, %d)\n",
+              &idummy,
+              &hypre_IndexX(ilower),
+              &hypre_IndexY(ilower),
+              &hypre_IndexZ(ilower),
+              &hypre_IndexX(iupper),
+              &hypre_IndexY(iupper),
+              &hypre_IndexZ(iupper));
+       hypre_StructGridSetExtents(grid, ilower, iupper);
+    }
+    hypre_StructGridAssemble(grid);
+    *grid_ptr = grid;
+    return ierr;
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_StructGridPeriodicAllBoxes
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int 
+ hypre_StructGridPeriodicAllBoxes( hypre_StructGrid  *grid,
+                                   hypre_BoxArray   **all_boxes_ptr,
+                                   int              **all_procs_ptr,
+                                   int               *first_local_ptr,
+                                   int               *num_periodic_ptr )
+ {
+    int               ierr = 0;
+    int               new_num_periodic = 0;
+    int               px = hypre_IndexX(hypre_StructGridPeriodic(grid));
+    int               py = hypre_IndexY(hypre_StructGridPeriodic(grid));
+    int               pz = hypre_IndexZ(hypre_StructGridPeriodic(grid));
+    int               i_periodic = 0;
+    int               j_periodic = 0;
+    int               k_periodic = 0;
+    if (px != 0)
+       i_periodic = 1;
+    if (py != 0)
+       j_periodic = 1;
+    if (pz != 0)
+       k_periodic = 1;
+    if( !(i_periodic == 0 && j_periodic == 0 && k_periodic == 0) )
+    {
+       hypre_BoxArray   *new_all_boxes;
+       int              *new_all_procs;
+       int               new_first_local;
+       hypre_BoxArray   *all_boxes   = *all_boxes_ptr;
+       int              *all_procs   = *all_procs_ptr;
+       int               first_local = *first_local_ptr;
+       int               num_local;
+       int               num_periodic;
+       hypre_Box        *box;
+       int               num_all, new_num_all;
+       int               i, inew, ip, jp, kp;
+       int               first_i, first_inew;
+       num_all  = hypre_BoxArraySize(all_boxes);
+       new_num_all = num_all * ((1+2*i_periodic) *
+                                (1+2*j_periodic) *
+                                (1+2*k_periodic));
+       new_all_boxes = hypre_BoxArrayCreate(new_num_all);
+       new_all_procs = hypre_TAlloc(int, new_num_all);
+       /* add boxes required for periodicity */
+       i = 0;
+       inew = 0;
+       while (i < num_all)
+       {
+          first_i    = i;
+          first_inew = inew;
+          for (i = first_i; i < num_all; i++)
+          {
+             if (all_procs[i] != all_procs[first_i])
+             {
+                break;
+             }
+             hypre_CopyBox(hypre_BoxArrayBox(all_boxes, i),
+                           hypre_BoxArrayBox(new_all_boxes, inew));
+             new_all_procs[inew] = all_procs[i];
+             inew++;
+          }
+          num_local = i - first_i;
+          for (ip = -i_periodic; ip <= i_periodic; ip++)
+          {
+             for (jp = -j_periodic; jp <= j_periodic; jp++)
+             {
+                for (kp = -k_periodic; kp <= k_periodic; kp++)
+                {
+                   if( !(ip == 0 && jp == 0 && kp == 0) )
+                   {
+                      for (i = first_i; i < (first_i + num_local); i++)
+                      {
+                         box = hypre_BoxArrayBox(new_all_boxes, inew);
+                         hypre_CopyBox(hypre_BoxArrayBox(all_boxes, i), box);
+                         /* shift box */
+                         hypre_BoxIMinD(box, 0) =
+                            hypre_BoxIMinD(box, 0) + (ip * px);
+                         hypre_BoxIMinD(box, 1) =
+                            hypre_BoxIMinD(box, 1) + (jp * py);
+                         hypre_BoxIMinD(box, 2) =
+                            hypre_BoxIMinD(box, 2) + (kp * pz);
+                         hypre_BoxIMaxD(box, 0) =
+                            hypre_BoxIMaxD(box, 0) + (ip * px);
+                         hypre_BoxIMaxD(box, 1) =
+                            hypre_BoxIMaxD(box, 1) + (jp * py);
+                         hypre_BoxIMaxD(box, 2) =
+                            hypre_BoxIMaxD(box, 2) + (kp * pz);
+                         new_all_procs[inew] = all_procs[i];
+                         inew++;
+                      }
+                   }
+                }
+             }
+          }
+          num_periodic = inew - first_inew - num_local;
+          if (first_i == first_local)
+          {
+             new_first_local  = first_inew;
+             new_num_periodic = num_periodic;
+          }
+       }
+       hypre_BoxArraySetSize(new_all_boxes, inew);
+       hypre_BoxArrayDestroy(all_boxes);
+       hypre_TFree(all_procs);
+       *all_boxes_ptr   = new_all_boxes;
+       *all_procs_ptr   = new_all_procs;
+       *first_local_ptr = new_first_local;
+    }
+    *num_periodic_ptr = new_num_periodic;
+    return ierr;
+ }

Index: llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/ASCI_Purple/SMG2000/struct_innerprod.c
diff -c /dev/null llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/ASCI_Purple/SMG2000/struct_innerprod.c:1.1
*** /dev/null	Mon Apr 11 00:22:18 2005
--- llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/ASCI_Purple/SMG2000/struct_innerprod.c	Mon Apr 11 00:22:07 2005
*** 0 ****
--- 1,117 ----
+ /*BHEADER**********************************************************************
+  * (c) 1997   The Regents of the University of California
+  *
+  * See the file COPYRIGHT_and_DISCLAIMER for a complete copyright
+  * notice, contact person, and disclaimer.
+  *
+  * $Revision: 1.1 $
+  *********************************************************************EHEADER*/
+ /******************************************************************************
+  *
+  * Structured inner product routine
+  *
+  *****************************************************************************/
+ #include "headers.h"
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_StructInnerProd
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ double          *local_result_ref[hypre_MAX_THREADS];
+ #endif
+ double           final_innerprod_result;
+ double
+ hypre_StructInnerProd(  hypre_StructVector *x,
+                         hypre_StructVector *y )
+ {
+    double           local_result;
+    double           process_result;
+    hypre_Box       *x_data_box;
+    hypre_Box       *y_data_box;
+    int              xi;
+    int              yi;
+    double          *xp;
+    double          *yp;
+    hypre_BoxArray  *boxes;
+    hypre_Box       *box;
+    hypre_Index      loop_size;
+    hypre_IndexRef   start;
+    hypre_Index      unit_stride;
+    int              i;
+    int              loopi, loopj, loopk;
+    int              threadid = hypre_GetThreadID();
+ #endif
+    local_result = 0.0;
+    process_result = 0.0;
+    hypre_SetIndex(unit_stride, 1, 1, 1);
+    boxes = hypre_StructGridBoxes(hypre_StructVectorGrid(y));
+    hypre_ForBoxI(i, boxes)
+       {
+          box   = hypre_BoxArrayBox(boxes, i);
+          start = hypre_BoxIMin(box);
+          x_data_box = hypre_BoxArrayBox(hypre_StructVectorDataSpace(x), i);
+          y_data_box = hypre_BoxArrayBox(hypre_StructVectorDataSpace(y), i);
+          xp = hypre_StructVectorBoxData(x, i);
+          yp = hypre_StructVectorBoxData(y, i);
+          hypre_BoxGetSize(box, loop_size);
+    local_result_ref[threadid] = &local_result;
+ #endif
+          hypre_BoxLoop2Begin(loop_size,
+                              x_data_box, start, unit_stride, xi,
+                              y_data_box, start, unit_stride, yi);
+ #define HYPRE_BOX_SMP_PRIVATE loopk,loopi,loopj,xi,yi
+ #define HYPRE_SMP_REDUCTION_VARS local_result
+ #include "hypre_box_smp_forloop.h"
+ 	 hypre_BoxLoop2For(loopi, loopj, loopk, xi, yi)
+             {
+                local_result += xp[xi] * yp[yi];
+             }
+          hypre_BoxLoop2End(xi, yi);
+       }
+    if (threadid != hypre_NumThreads)
+    {
+       for (i = 0; i < hypre_NumThreads; i++)
+          process_result += *local_result_ref[i];
+    }
+    else
+       process_result = *local_result_ref[threadid];
+ #else
+    process_result = local_result;
+ #endif
+    MPI_Allreduce(&process_result, &final_innerprod_result, 1,
+                  MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_SUM, hypre_StructVectorComm(x));
+    if (threadid == 0 || threadid == hypre_NumThreads)
+ #endif
+    hypre_IncFLOPCount(2*hypre_StructVectorGlobalSize(x));
+    return final_innerprod_result;
+ }

Index: llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/ASCI_Purple/SMG2000/struct_io.c
diff -c /dev/null llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/ASCI_Purple/SMG2000/struct_io.c:1.1
*** /dev/null	Mon Apr 11 00:22:18 2005
--- llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/ASCI_Purple/SMG2000/struct_io.c	Mon Apr 11 00:22:07 2005
*** 0 ****
--- 1,154 ----
+ /*BHEADER**********************************************************************
+  * (c) 1997   The Regents of the University of California
+  *
+  * See the file COPYRIGHT_and_DISCLAIMER for a complete copyright
+  * notice, contact person, and disclaimer.
+  *
+  * $Revision: 1.1 $
+  *********************************************************************EHEADER*/
+ /******************************************************************************
+  *
+  * Functions for scanning and printing "box-dimensioned" data.
+  *
+  *****************************************************************************/
+ #endif
+ #include "headers.h"
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_PrintBoxArrayData
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ hypre_PrintBoxArrayData( FILE            *file,
+                          hypre_BoxArray  *box_array,
+                          hypre_BoxArray  *data_space,
+                          int              num_values,
+                          double          *data       )
+ {
+    int              ierr = 0;
+    hypre_Box       *box;
+    hypre_Box       *data_box;
+    int              data_box_volume;
+    int              datai;
+    hypre_Index      loop_size;
+    hypre_IndexRef   start;
+    hypre_Index      stride;
+    int              i, j;
+    int              loopi, loopj, loopk;
+    /*----------------------------------------
+     * Print data
+     *----------------------------------------*/
+    hypre_SetIndex(stride, 1, 1, 1);
+    hypre_ForBoxI(i, box_array)
+       {
+          box      = hypre_BoxArrayBox(box_array, i);
+          data_box = hypre_BoxArrayBox(data_space, i);
+          start = hypre_BoxIMin(box);
+          data_box_volume = hypre_BoxVolume(data_box);
+          hypre_BoxGetSize(box, loop_size);
+ 	 hypre_BoxLoop1Begin(loop_size,
+                              data_box, start, stride, datai);
+ #define HYPRE_BOX_SMP_PRIVATE loopk,loopi,loopj,datai
+ #include "hypre_box_smp_forloop.h"
+ 	 hypre_BoxLoop1For(loopi, loopj, loopk, datai)
+             {
+                for (j = 0; j < num_values; j++)
+                {
+ 		  fprintf(file, "%d: (%d, %d, %d; %d) %e\n",
+                           i,
+                           hypre_IndexX(start) + loopi,
+                           hypre_IndexY(start) + loopj,
+                           hypre_IndexZ(start) + loopk,
+                           j,
+                           data[datai + j*data_box_volume]);
+                }
+             }
+          hypre_BoxLoop1End(datai);
+          data += num_values*data_box_volume;
+       }
+    return ierr;
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_ReadBoxArrayData
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ hypre_ReadBoxArrayData( FILE            *file,
+                         hypre_BoxArray  *box_array,
+                         hypre_BoxArray  *data_space,
+                         int              num_values,
+                         double          *data       )
+ {
+    int              ierr = 0;
+    hypre_Box       *box;
+    hypre_Box       *data_box;
+    int              data_box_volume;
+    int              datai;
+    hypre_Index      loop_size;
+    hypre_IndexRef   start;
+    hypre_Index      stride;
+    int              i, j, idummy;
+    int              loopi, loopj, loopk;
+    /*----------------------------------------
+     * Read data
+     *----------------------------------------*/
+    hypre_SetIndex(stride, 1, 1, 1);
+    hypre_ForBoxI(i, box_array)
+       {
+          box      = hypre_BoxArrayBox(box_array, i);
+          data_box = hypre_BoxArrayBox(data_space, i);
+          start = hypre_BoxIMin(box);
+          data_box_volume = hypre_BoxVolume(data_box);
+          hypre_BoxGetSize(box, loop_size);
+ 	 hypre_BoxLoop1Begin(loop_size,
+                              data_box, start, stride, datai);
+ #define HYPRE_BOX_SMP_PRIVATE loopk,loopi,loopj,datai
+ #include "hypre_box_smp_forloop.h"
+ 	 hypre_BoxLoop1For(loopi, loopj, loopk, datai)
+             {
+                for (j = 0; j < num_values; j++)
+                {
+                   fscanf(file, "%d: (%d, %d, %d; %d) %le\n",
+                          &idummy,
+                          &idummy,
+                          &idummy,
+                          &idummy,
+                          &idummy,
+                          &data[datai + j*data_box_volume]);
+ 	       }
+ 	   }
+          hypre_BoxLoop1End(datai);
+          data += num_values*data_box_volume;
+       }
+    return ierr;
+ }

Index: llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/ASCI_Purple/SMG2000/struct_ls.h
diff -c /dev/null llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/ASCI_Purple/SMG2000/struct_ls.h:1.1
*** /dev/null	Mon Apr 11 00:22:18 2005
--- llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/ASCI_Purple/SMG2000/struct_ls.h	Mon Apr 11 00:22:07 2005
*** 0 ****
--- 1,431 ----
+ #include <HYPRE_config.h>
+ #include "HYPRE_struct_ls.h"
+ #ifndef hypre_STRUCT_LS_HEADER
+ #define hypre_STRUCT_LS_HEADER
+ #include "utilities.h"
+ #include "struct_mv.h"
+ #include "krylov.h"
+ #ifdef __cplusplus
+ extern "C" {
+ #endif
+ /* HYPRE_struct_gmres.c */
+ int HYPRE_StructGMRESCreate( MPI_Comm comm , HYPRE_StructSolver *solver );
+ int HYPRE_StructGMRESDestroy( HYPRE_StructSolver solver );
+ int HYPRE_StructGMRESSetup( HYPRE_StructSolver solver , HYPRE_StructMatrix A , HYPRE_StructVector b , HYPRE_StructVector x );
+ int HYPRE_StructGMRESSolve( HYPRE_StructSolver solver , HYPRE_StructMatrix A , HYPRE_StructVector b , HYPRE_StructVector x );
+ int HYPRE_StructGMRESSetTol( HYPRE_StructSolver solver , double tol );
+ int HYPRE_StructGMRESSetMaxIter( HYPRE_StructSolver solver , int max_iter );
+ int HYPRE_StructGMRESSetPrecond( HYPRE_StructSolver solver , HYPRE_PtrToStructSolverFcn precond , HYPRE_PtrToStructSolverFcn precond_setup , HYPRE_StructSolver precond_solver );
+ int HYPRE_StructGMRESSetLogging( HYPRE_StructSolver solver , int logging );
+ int HYPRE_StructGMRESGetNumIterations( HYPRE_StructSolver solver , int *num_iterations );
+ int HYPRE_StructGMRESGetFinalRelativeResidualNorm( HYPRE_StructSolver solver , double *norm );
+ /* HYPRE_struct_hybrid.c */
+ int HYPRE_StructHybridCreate( MPI_Comm comm , HYPRE_StructSolver *solver );
+ int HYPRE_StructHybridDestroy( HYPRE_StructSolver solver );
+ int HYPRE_StructHybridSetup( HYPRE_StructSolver solver , HYPRE_StructMatrix A , HYPRE_StructVector b , HYPRE_StructVector x );
+ int HYPRE_StructHybridSolve( HYPRE_StructSolver solver , HYPRE_StructMatrix A , HYPRE_StructVector b , HYPRE_StructVector x );
+ int HYPRE_StructHybridSetTol( HYPRE_StructSolver solver , double tol );
+ int HYPRE_StructHybridSetConvergenceTol( HYPRE_StructSolver solver , double cf_tol );
+ int HYPRE_StructHybridSetDSCGMaxIter( HYPRE_StructSolver solver , int dscg_max_its );
+ int HYPRE_StructHybridSetPCGMaxIter( HYPRE_StructSolver solver , int pcg_max_its );
+ int HYPRE_StructHybridSetTwoNorm( HYPRE_StructSolver solver , int two_norm );
+ int HYPRE_StructHybridSetRelChange( HYPRE_StructSolver solver , int rel_change );
+ int HYPRE_StructHybridSetPrecond( HYPRE_StructSolver solver , HYPRE_PtrToStructSolverFcn precond , HYPRE_PtrToStructSolverFcn precond_setup , HYPRE_StructSolver precond_solver );
+ int HYPRE_StructHybridSetLogging( HYPRE_StructSolver solver , int logging );
+ int HYPRE_StructHybridGetNumIterations( HYPRE_StructSolver solver , int *num_its );
+ int HYPRE_StructHybridGetDSCGNumIterations( HYPRE_StructSolver solver , int *dscg_num_its );
+ int HYPRE_StructHybridGetPCGNumIterations( HYPRE_StructSolver solver , int *pcg_num_its );
+ int HYPRE_StructHybridGetFinalRelativeResidualNorm( HYPRE_StructSolver solver , double *norm );
+ /* HYPRE_struct_jacobi.c */
+ int HYPRE_StructJacobiCreate( MPI_Comm comm , HYPRE_StructSolver *solver );
+ int HYPRE_StructJacobiDestroy( HYPRE_StructSolver solver );
+ int HYPRE_StructJacobiSetup( HYPRE_StructSolver solver , HYPRE_StructMatrix A , HYPRE_StructVector b , HYPRE_StructVector x );
+ int HYPRE_StructJacobiSolve( HYPRE_StructSolver solver , HYPRE_StructMatrix A , HYPRE_StructVector b , HYPRE_StructVector x );
+ int HYPRE_StructJacobiSetTol( HYPRE_StructSolver solver , double tol );
+ int HYPRE_StructJacobiSetMaxIter( HYPRE_StructSolver solver , int max_iter );
+ int HYPRE_StructJacobiSetZeroGuess( HYPRE_StructSolver solver );
+ int HYPRE_StructJacobiSetNonZeroGuess( HYPRE_StructSolver solver );
+ int HYPRE_StructJacobiGetNumIterations( HYPRE_StructSolver solver , int *num_iterations );
+ int HYPRE_StructJacobiGetFinalRelativeResidualNorm( HYPRE_StructSolver solver , double *norm );
+ /* HYPRE_struct_pcg.c */
+ int HYPRE_StructPCGCreate( MPI_Comm comm , HYPRE_StructSolver *solver );
+ int HYPRE_StructPCGDestroy( HYPRE_StructSolver solver );
+ int HYPRE_StructPCGSetup( HYPRE_StructSolver solver , HYPRE_StructMatrix A , HYPRE_StructVector b , HYPRE_StructVector x );
+ int HYPRE_StructPCGSolve( HYPRE_StructSolver solver , HYPRE_StructMatrix A , HYPRE_StructVector b , HYPRE_StructVector x );
+ int HYPRE_StructPCGSetTol( HYPRE_StructSolver solver , double tol );
+ int HYPRE_StructPCGSetMaxIter( HYPRE_StructSolver solver , int max_iter );
+ int HYPRE_StructPCGSetTwoNorm( HYPRE_StructSolver solver , int two_norm );
+ int HYPRE_StructPCGSetRelChange( HYPRE_StructSolver solver , int rel_change );
+ int HYPRE_StructPCGSetPrecond( HYPRE_StructSolver solver , HYPRE_PtrToStructSolverFcn precond , HYPRE_PtrToStructSolverFcn precond_setup , HYPRE_StructSolver precond_solver );
+ int HYPRE_StructPCGSetLogging( HYPRE_StructSolver solver , int logging );
+ int HYPRE_StructPCGGetNumIterations( HYPRE_StructSolver solver , int *num_iterations );
+ int HYPRE_StructPCGGetFinalRelativeResidualNorm( HYPRE_StructSolver solver , double *norm );
+ int HYPRE_StructDiagScaleSetup( HYPRE_StructSolver solver , HYPRE_StructMatrix A , HYPRE_StructVector y , HYPRE_StructVector x );
+ int HYPRE_StructDiagScale( HYPRE_StructSolver solver , HYPRE_StructMatrix HA , HYPRE_StructVector Hy , HYPRE_StructVector Hx );
+ /* HYPRE_struct_pfmg.c */
+ int HYPRE_StructPFMGCreate( MPI_Comm comm , HYPRE_StructSolver *solver );
+ int HYPRE_StructPFMGDestroy( HYPRE_StructSolver solver );
+ int HYPRE_StructPFMGSetup( HYPRE_StructSolver solver , HYPRE_StructMatrix A , HYPRE_StructVector b , HYPRE_StructVector x );
+ int HYPRE_StructPFMGSolve( HYPRE_StructSolver solver , HYPRE_StructMatrix A , HYPRE_StructVector b , HYPRE_StructVector x );
+ int HYPRE_StructPFMGSetTol( HYPRE_StructSolver solver , double tol );
+ int HYPRE_StructPFMGSetMaxIter( HYPRE_StructSolver solver , int max_iter );
+ int HYPRE_StructPFMGSetRelChange( HYPRE_StructSolver solver , int rel_change );
+ int HYPRE_StructPFMGSetZeroGuess( HYPRE_StructSolver solver );
+ int HYPRE_StructPFMGSetNonZeroGuess( HYPRE_StructSolver solver );
+ int HYPRE_StructPFMGSetRelaxType( HYPRE_StructSolver solver , int relax_type );
+ int HYPRE_StructPFMGSetNumPreRelax( HYPRE_StructSolver solver , int num_pre_relax );
+ int HYPRE_StructPFMGSetNumPostRelax( HYPRE_StructSolver solver , int num_post_relax );
+ int HYPRE_StructPFMGSetSkipRelax( HYPRE_StructSolver solver , int skip_relax );
+ int HYPRE_StructPFMGSetDxyz( HYPRE_StructSolver solver , double *dxyz );
+ int HYPRE_StructPFMGSetLogging( HYPRE_StructSolver solver , int logging );
+ int HYPRE_StructPFMGGetNumIterations( HYPRE_StructSolver solver , int *num_iterations );
+ int HYPRE_StructPFMGGetFinalRelativeResidualNorm( HYPRE_StructSolver solver , double *norm );
+ /* HYPRE_struct_smg.c */
+ int HYPRE_StructSMGCreate( MPI_Comm comm , HYPRE_StructSolver *solver );
+ int HYPRE_StructSMGDestroy( HYPRE_StructSolver solver );
+ int HYPRE_StructSMGSetup( HYPRE_StructSolver solver , HYPRE_StructMatrix A , HYPRE_StructVector b , HYPRE_StructVector x );
+ int HYPRE_StructSMGSolve( HYPRE_StructSolver solver , HYPRE_StructMatrix A , HYPRE_StructVector b , HYPRE_StructVector x );
+ int HYPRE_StructSMGSetMemoryUse( HYPRE_StructSolver solver , int memory_use );
+ int HYPRE_StructSMGSetTol( HYPRE_StructSolver solver , double tol );
+ int HYPRE_StructSMGSetMaxIter( HYPRE_StructSolver solver , int max_iter );
+ int HYPRE_StructSMGSetRelChange( HYPRE_StructSolver solver , int rel_change );
+ int HYPRE_StructSMGSetZeroGuess( HYPRE_StructSolver solver );
+ int HYPRE_StructSMGSetNonZeroGuess( HYPRE_StructSolver solver );
+ int HYPRE_StructSMGSetNumPreRelax( HYPRE_StructSolver solver , int num_pre_relax );
+ int HYPRE_StructSMGSetNumPostRelax( HYPRE_StructSolver solver , int num_post_relax );
+ int HYPRE_StructSMGSetLogging( HYPRE_StructSolver solver , int logging );
+ int HYPRE_StructSMGGetNumIterations( HYPRE_StructSolver solver , int *num_iterations );
+ int HYPRE_StructSMGGetFinalRelativeResidualNorm( HYPRE_StructSolver solver , double *norm );
+ /* HYPRE_struct_sparse_msg.c */
+ int HYPRE_StructSparseMSGCreate( MPI_Comm comm , HYPRE_StructSolver *solver );
+ int HYPRE_StructSparseMSGDestroy( HYPRE_StructSolver solver );
+ int HYPRE_StructSparseMSGSetup( HYPRE_StructSolver solver , HYPRE_StructMatrix A , HYPRE_StructVector b , HYPRE_StructVector x );
+ int HYPRE_StructSparseMSGSolve( HYPRE_StructSolver solver , HYPRE_StructMatrix A , HYPRE_StructVector b , HYPRE_StructVector x );
+ int HYPRE_StructSparseMSGSetTol( HYPRE_StructSolver solver , double tol );
+ int HYPRE_StructSparseMSGSetMaxIter( HYPRE_StructSolver solver , int max_iter );
+ int HYPRE_StructSparseMSGSetJump( HYPRE_StructSolver solver , int jump );
+ int HYPRE_StructSparseMSGSetRelChange( HYPRE_StructSolver solver , int rel_change );
+ int HYPRE_StructSparseMSGSetZeroGuess( HYPRE_StructSolver solver );
+ int HYPRE_StructSparseMSGSetNonZeroGuess( HYPRE_StructSolver solver );
+ int HYPRE_StructSparseMSGSetRelaxType( HYPRE_StructSolver solver , int relax_type );
+ int HYPRE_StructSparseMSGSetNumPreRelax( HYPRE_StructSolver solver , int num_pre_relax );
+ int HYPRE_StructSparseMSGSetNumPostRelax( HYPRE_StructSolver solver , int num_post_relax );
+ int HYPRE_StructSparseMSGSetNumFineRelax( HYPRE_StructSolver solver , int num_fine_relax );
+ int HYPRE_StructSparseMSGSetLogging( HYPRE_StructSolver solver , int logging );
+ int HYPRE_StructSparseMSGGetNumIterations( HYPRE_StructSolver solver , int *num_iterations );
+ int HYPRE_StructSparseMSGGetFinalRelativeResidualNorm( HYPRE_StructSolver solver , double *norm );
+ /* coarsen.c */
+ int hypre_StructMapFineToCoarse( hypre_Index findex , hypre_Index index , hypre_Index stride , hypre_Index cindex );
+ int hypre_StructMapCoarseToFine( hypre_Index cindex , hypre_Index index , hypre_Index stride , hypre_Index findex );
+ int hypre_StructCoarsen( hypre_StructGrid *fgrid , hypre_Index index , hypre_Index stride , int prune , hypre_StructGrid **cgrid_ptr );
+ int hypre_StructCoarsen( hypre_StructGrid *fgrid , hypre_Index index , hypre_Index stride , int prune , hypre_StructGrid **cgrid_ptr );
+ /* cyclic_reduction.c */
+ void *hypre_CyclicReductionCreate( MPI_Comm comm );
+ hypre_StructMatrix *hypre_CycRedCreateCoarseOp( hypre_StructMatrix *A , hypre_StructGrid *coarse_grid , int cdir );
+ int hypre_CycRedSetupCoarseOp( hypre_StructMatrix *A , hypre_StructMatrix *Ac , hypre_Index cindex , hypre_Index cstride );
+ int hypre_CyclicReductionSetup( void *cyc_red_vdata , hypre_StructMatrix *A , hypre_StructVector *b , hypre_StructVector *x );
+ int hypre_CyclicReduction( void *cyc_red_vdata , hypre_StructMatrix *A , hypre_StructVector *b , hypre_StructVector *x );
+ int hypre_CyclicReductionSetBase( void *cyc_red_vdata , hypre_Index base_index , hypre_Index base_stride );
+ int hypre_CyclicReductionDestroy( void *cyc_red_vdata );
+ /* general.c */
+ int hypre_Log2( int p );
+ /* hybrid.c */
+ void *hypre_HybridCreate( MPI_Comm comm );
+ int hypre_HybridDestroy( void *hybrid_vdata );
+ int hypre_HybridSetTol( void *hybrid_vdata , double tol );
+ int hypre_HybridSetConvergenceTol( void *hybrid_vdata , double cf_tol );
+ int hypre_HybridSetDSCGMaxIter( void *hybrid_vdata , int dscg_max_its );
+ int hypre_HybridSetPCGMaxIter( void *hybrid_vdata , int pcg_max_its );
+ int hypre_HybridSetTwoNorm( void *hybrid_vdata , int two_norm );
+ int hypre_HybridSetRelChange( void *hybrid_vdata , int rel_change );
+ int hypre_HybridSetPrecond( void *pcg_vdata , int (*pcg_precond_solve )(), int (*pcg_precond_setup )(), void *pcg_precond );
+ int hypre_HybridSetLogging( void *hybrid_vdata , int logging );
+ int hypre_HybridGetNumIterations( void *hybrid_vdata , int *num_its );
+ int hypre_HybridGetDSCGNumIterations( void *hybrid_vdata , int *dscg_num_its );
+ int hypre_HybridGetPCGNumIterations( void *hybrid_vdata , int *pcg_num_its );
+ int hypre_HybridGetFinalRelativeResidualNorm( void *hybrid_vdata , double *final_rel_res_norm );
+ int hypre_HybridSetup( void *hybrid_vdata , hypre_StructMatrix *A , hypre_StructVector *b , hypre_StructVector *x );
+ int hypre_HybridSolve( void *hybrid_vdata , hypre_StructMatrix *A , hypre_StructVector *b , hypre_StructVector *x );
+ /* jacobi.c */
+ void *hypre_JacobiCreate( MPI_Comm comm );
+ int hypre_JacobiDestroy( void *jacobi_vdata );
+ int hypre_JacobiSetup( void *jacobi_vdata , hypre_StructMatrix *A , hypre_StructVector *b , hypre_StructVector *x );
+ int hypre_JacobiSolve( void *jacobi_vdata , hypre_StructMatrix *A , hypre_StructVector *b , hypre_StructVector *x );
+ int hypre_JacobiSetTol( void *jacobi_vdata , double tol );
+ int hypre_JacobiSetMaxIter( void *jacobi_vdata , int max_iter );
+ int hypre_JacobiSetZeroGuess( void *jacobi_vdata , int zero_guess );
+ int hypre_JacobiSetTempVec( void *jacobi_vdata , hypre_StructVector *t );
+ /* pcg_struct.c */
+ char *hypre_StructKrylovCAlloc( int count , int elt_size );
+ int hypre_StructKrylovFree( char *ptr );
+ void *hypre_StructKrylovCreateVector( void *vvector );
+ void *hypre_StructKrylovCreateVectorArray( int n , void *vvector );
+ int hypre_StructKrylovDestroyVector( void *vvector );
+ void *hypre_StructKrylovMatvecCreate( void *A , void *x );
+ int hypre_StructKrylovMatvec( void *matvec_data , double alpha , void *A , void *x , double beta , void *y );
+ int hypre_StructKrylovMatvecDestroy( void *matvec_data );
+ double hypre_StructKrylovInnerProd( void *x , void *y );
+ int hypre_StructKrylovCopyVector( void *x , void *y );
+ int hypre_StructKrylovClearVector( void *x );
+ int hypre_StructKrylovScaleVector( double alpha , void *x );
+ int hypre_StructKrylovAxpy( double alpha , void *x , void *y );
+ int hypre_StructKrylovIdentitySetup( void *vdata , void *A , void *b , void *x );
+ int hypre_StructKrylovIdentity( void *vdata , void *A , void *b , void *x );
+ int hypre_StructKrylovCommInfo( void *A , int *my_id , int *num_procs );
+ /* pfmg.c */
+ void *hypre_PFMGCreate( MPI_Comm comm );
+ int hypre_PFMGDestroy( void *pfmg_vdata );
+ int hypre_PFMGSetTol( void *pfmg_vdata , double tol );
+ int hypre_PFMGSetMaxIter( void *pfmg_vdata , int max_iter );
+ int hypre_PFMGSetRelChange( void *pfmg_vdata , int rel_change );
+ int hypre_PFMGSetZeroGuess( void *pfmg_vdata , int zero_guess );
+ int hypre_PFMGSetRelaxType( void *pfmg_vdata , int relax_type );
+ int hypre_PFMGSetNumPreRelax( void *pfmg_vdata , int num_pre_relax );
+ int hypre_PFMGSetNumPostRelax( void *pfmg_vdata , int num_post_relax );
+ int hypre_PFMGSetSkipRelax( void *pfmg_vdata , int skip_relax );
+ int hypre_PFMGSetDxyz( void *pfmg_vdata , double *dxyz );
+ int hypre_PFMGSetLogging( void *pfmg_vdata , int logging );
+ int hypre_PFMGGetNumIterations( void *pfmg_vdata , int *num_iterations );
+ int hypre_PFMGPrintLogging( void *pfmg_vdata , int myid );
+ int hypre_PFMGGetFinalRelativeResidualNorm( void *pfmg_vdata , double *relative_residual_norm );
+ /* pfmg2_setup_rap.c */
+ hypre_StructMatrix *hypre_PFMG2CreateRAPOp( hypre_StructMatrix *R , hypre_StructMatrix *A , hypre_StructMatrix *P , hypre_StructGrid *coarse_grid , int cdir );
+ int hypre_PFMG2BuildRAPSym( hypre_StructMatrix *A , hypre_StructMatrix *P , hypre_StructMatrix *R , int cdir , hypre_Index cindex , hypre_Index cstride , hypre_StructMatrix *RAP );
+ int hypre_PFMG2BuildRAPNoSym( hypre_StructMatrix *A , hypre_StructMatrix *P , hypre_StructMatrix *R , int cdir , hypre_Index cindex , hypre_Index cstride , hypre_StructMatrix *RAP );
+ /* pfmg3_setup_rap.c */
+ hypre_StructMatrix *hypre_PFMG3CreateRAPOp( hypre_StructMatrix *R , hypre_StructMatrix *A , hypre_StructMatrix *P , hypre_StructGrid *coarse_grid , int cdir );
+ int hypre_PFMG3BuildRAPSym( hypre_StructMatrix *A , hypre_StructMatrix *P , hypre_StructMatrix *R , int cdir , hypre_Index cindex , hypre_Index cstride , hypre_StructMatrix *RAP );
+ int hypre_PFMG3BuildRAPNoSym( hypre_StructMatrix *A , hypre_StructMatrix *P , hypre_StructMatrix *R , int cdir , hypre_Index cindex , hypre_Index cstride , hypre_StructMatrix *RAP );
+ /* pfmg_relax.c */
+ void *hypre_PFMGRelaxCreate( MPI_Comm comm );
+ int hypre_PFMGRelaxDestroy( void *pfmg_relax_vdata );
+ int hypre_PFMGRelax( void *pfmg_relax_vdata , hypre_StructMatrix *A , hypre_StructVector *b , hypre_StructVector *x );
+ int hypre_PFMGRelaxSetup( void *pfmg_relax_vdata , hypre_StructMatrix *A , hypre_StructVector *b , hypre_StructVector *x );
+ int hypre_PFMGRelaxSetType( void *pfmg_relax_vdata , int relax_type );
+ int hypre_PFMGRelaxSetPreRelax( void *pfmg_relax_vdata );
+ int hypre_PFMGRelaxSetPostRelax( void *pfmg_relax_vdata );
+ int hypre_PFMGRelaxSetTol( void *pfmg_relax_vdata , double tol );
+ int hypre_PFMGRelaxSetMaxIter( void *pfmg_relax_vdata , int max_iter );
+ int hypre_PFMGRelaxSetZeroGuess( void *pfmg_relax_vdata , int zero_guess );
+ int hypre_PFMGRelaxSetTempVec( void *pfmg_relax_vdata , hypre_StructVector *t );
+ /* pfmg_setup.c */
+ int hypre_PFMGSetup( void *pfmg_vdata , hypre_StructMatrix *A , hypre_StructVector *b , hypre_StructVector *x );
+ int hypre_PFMGComputeDxyz( hypre_StructMatrix *A , double *dxyz );
+ /* pfmg_setup_interp.c */
+ hypre_StructMatrix *hypre_PFMGCreateInterpOp( hypre_StructMatrix *A , hypre_StructGrid *cgrid , int cdir );
+ int hypre_PFMGSetupInterpOp( hypre_StructMatrix *A , int cdir , hypre_Index findex , hypre_Index stride , hypre_StructMatrix *P );
+ /* pfmg_setup_rap.c */
+ hypre_StructMatrix *hypre_PFMGCreateRAPOp( hypre_StructMatrix *R , hypre_StructMatrix *A , hypre_StructMatrix *P , hypre_StructGrid *coarse_grid , int cdir );
+ int hypre_PFMGSetupRAPOp( hypre_StructMatrix *R , hypre_StructMatrix *A , hypre_StructMatrix *P , int cdir , hypre_Index cindex , hypre_Index cstride , hypre_StructMatrix *Ac );
+ /* pfmg_solve.c */
+ int hypre_PFMGSolve( void *pfmg_vdata , hypre_StructMatrix *A , hypre_StructVector *b , hypre_StructVector *x );
+ /* point_relax.c */
+ void *hypre_PointRelaxCreate( MPI_Comm comm );
+ int hypre_PointRelaxDestroy( void *relax_vdata );
+ int hypre_PointRelaxSetup( void *relax_vdata , hypre_StructMatrix *A , hypre_StructVector *b , hypre_StructVector *x );
+ int hypre_PointRelax( void *relax_vdata , hypre_StructMatrix *A , hypre_StructVector *b , hypre_StructVector *x );
+ int hypre_PointRelaxSetTol( void *relax_vdata , double tol );
+ int hypre_PointRelaxSetMaxIter( void *relax_vdata , int max_iter );
+ int hypre_PointRelaxSetZeroGuess( void *relax_vdata , int zero_guess );
+ int hypre_PointRelaxSetWeight( void *relax_vdata , double weight );
+ int hypre_PointRelaxSetNumPointsets( void *relax_vdata , int num_pointsets );
+ int hypre_PointRelaxSetPointset( void *relax_vdata , int pointset , int pointset_size , hypre_Index pointset_stride , hypre_Index *pointset_indices );
+ int hypre_PointRelaxSetPointsetRank( void *relax_vdata , int pointset , int pointset_rank );
+ int hypre_PointRelaxSetTempVec( void *relax_vdata , hypre_StructVector *t );
+ /* semi_interp.c */
+ void *hypre_SemiInterpCreate( void );
+ int hypre_SemiInterpSetup( void *interp_vdata , hypre_StructMatrix *P , int P_stored_as_transpose , hypre_StructVector *xc , hypre_StructVector *e , hypre_Index cindex , hypre_Index findex , hypre_Index stride );
+ int hypre_SemiInterp( void *interp_vdata , hypre_StructMatrix *P , hypre_StructVector *xc , hypre_StructVector *e );
+ int hypre_SemiInterpDestroy( void *interp_vdata );
+ /* semi_restrict.c */
+ void *hypre_SemiRestrictCreate( void );
+ int hypre_SemiRestrictSetup( void *restrict_vdata , hypre_StructMatrix *R , int R_stored_as_transpose , hypre_StructVector *r , hypre_StructVector *rc , hypre_Index cindex , hypre_Index findex , hypre_Index stride );
+ int hypre_SemiRestrict( void *restrict_vdata , hypre_StructMatrix *R , hypre_StructVector *r , hypre_StructVector *rc );
+ int hypre_SemiRestrictDestroy( void *restrict_vdata );
+ /* smg.c */
+ void *hypre_SMGCreate( MPI_Comm comm );
+ int hypre_SMGDestroy( void *smg_vdata );
+ int hypre_SMGSetMemoryUse( void *smg_vdata , int memory_use );
+ int hypre_SMGSetTol( void *smg_vdata , double tol );
+ int hypre_SMGSetMaxIter( void *smg_vdata , int max_iter );
+ int hypre_SMGSetRelChange( void *smg_vdata , int rel_change );
+ int hypre_SMGSetZeroGuess( void *smg_vdata , int zero_guess );
+ int hypre_SMGSetNumPreRelax( void *smg_vdata , int num_pre_relax );
+ int hypre_SMGSetNumPostRelax( void *smg_vdata , int num_post_relax );
+ int hypre_SMGSetBase( void *smg_vdata , hypre_Index base_index , hypre_Index base_stride );
+ int hypre_SMGSetLogging( void *smg_vdata , int logging );
+ int hypre_SMGGetNumIterations( void *smg_vdata , int *num_iterations );
+ int hypre_SMGPrintLogging( void *smg_vdata , int myid );
+ int hypre_SMGGetFinalRelativeResidualNorm( void *smg_vdata , double *relative_residual_norm );
+ int hypre_SMGSetStructVectorConstantValues( hypre_StructVector *vector , double values , hypre_BoxArray *box_array , hypre_Index stride );
+ /* smg2_setup_rap.c */
+ hypre_StructMatrix *hypre_SMG2CreateRAPOp( hypre_StructMatrix *R , hypre_StructMatrix *A , hypre_StructMatrix *PT , hypre_StructGrid *coarse_grid );
+ int hypre_SMG2BuildRAPSym( hypre_StructMatrix *A , hypre_StructMatrix *PT , hypre_StructMatrix *R , hypre_StructMatrix *RAP , hypre_Index cindex , hypre_Index cstride );
+ int hypre_SMG2BuildRAPNoSym( hypre_StructMatrix *A , hypre_StructMatrix *PT , hypre_StructMatrix *R , hypre_StructMatrix *RAP , hypre_Index cindex , hypre_Index cstride );
+ int hypre_SMG2RAPPeriodicSym( hypre_StructMatrix *RAP , hypre_Index cindex , hypre_Index cstride );
+ int hypre_SMG2RAPPeriodicNoSym( hypre_StructMatrix *RAP , hypre_Index cindex , hypre_Index cstride );
+ /* smg3_setup_rap.c */
+ hypre_StructMatrix *hypre_SMG3CreateRAPOp( hypre_StructMatrix *R , hypre_StructMatrix *A , hypre_StructMatrix *PT , hypre_StructGrid *coarse_grid );
+ int hypre_SMG3BuildRAPSym( hypre_StructMatrix *A , hypre_StructMatrix *PT , hypre_StructMatrix *R , hypre_StructMatrix *RAP , hypre_Index cindex , hypre_Index cstride );
+ int hypre_SMG3BuildRAPNoSym( hypre_StructMatrix *A , hypre_StructMatrix *PT , hypre_StructMatrix *R , hypre_StructMatrix *RAP , hypre_Index cindex , hypre_Index cstride );
+ int hypre_SMG3RAPPeriodicSym( hypre_StructMatrix *RAP , hypre_Index cindex , hypre_Index cstride );
+ int hypre_SMG3RAPPeriodicNoSym( hypre_StructMatrix *RAP , hypre_Index cindex , hypre_Index cstride );
+ /* smg_axpy.c */
+ int hypre_SMGAxpy( double alpha , hypre_StructVector *x , hypre_StructVector *y , hypre_Index base_index , hypre_Index base_stride );
+ /* smg_relax.c */
+ void *hypre_SMGRelaxCreate( MPI_Comm comm );
+ int hypre_SMGRelaxDestroyTempVec( void *relax_vdata );
+ int hypre_SMGRelaxDestroyARem( void *relax_vdata );
+ int hypre_SMGRelaxDestroyASol( void *relax_vdata );
+ int hypre_SMGRelaxDestroy( void *relax_vdata );
+ int hypre_SMGRelax( void *relax_vdata , hypre_StructMatrix *A , hypre_StructVector *b , hypre_StructVector *x );
+ int hypre_SMGRelaxSetup( void *relax_vdata , hypre_StructMatrix *A , hypre_StructVector *b , hypre_StructVector *x );
+ int hypre_SMGRelaxSetupTempVec( void *relax_vdata , hypre_StructMatrix *A , hypre_StructVector *b , hypre_StructVector *x );
+ int hypre_SMGRelaxSetupARem( void *relax_vdata , hypre_StructMatrix *A , hypre_StructVector *b , hypre_StructVector *x );
+ int hypre_SMGRelaxSetupASol( void *relax_vdata , hypre_StructMatrix *A , hypre_StructVector *b , hypre_StructVector *x );
+ int hypre_SMGRelaxSetTempVec( void *relax_vdata , hypre_StructVector *temp_vec );
+ int hypre_SMGRelaxSetMemoryUse( void *relax_vdata , int memory_use );
+ int hypre_SMGRelaxSetTol( void *relax_vdata , double tol );
+ int hypre_SMGRelaxSetMaxIter( void *relax_vdata , int max_iter );
+ int hypre_SMGRelaxSetZeroGuess( void *relax_vdata , int zero_guess );
+ int hypre_SMGRelaxSetNumSpaces( void *relax_vdata , int num_spaces );
+ int hypre_SMGRelaxSetNumPreSpaces( void *relax_vdata , int num_pre_spaces );
+ int hypre_SMGRelaxSetNumRegSpaces( void *relax_vdata , int num_reg_spaces );
+ int hypre_SMGRelaxSetSpace( void *relax_vdata , int i , int space_index , int space_stride );
+ int hypre_SMGRelaxSetRegSpaceRank( void *relax_vdata , int i , int reg_space_rank );
+ int hypre_SMGRelaxSetPreSpaceRank( void *relax_vdata , int i , int pre_space_rank );
+ int hypre_SMGRelaxSetBase( void *relax_vdata , hypre_Index base_index , hypre_Index base_stride );
+ int hypre_SMGRelaxSetNumPreRelax( void *relax_vdata , int num_pre_relax );
+ int hypre_SMGRelaxSetNumPostRelax( void *relax_vdata , int num_post_relax );
+ int hypre_SMGRelaxSetNewMatrixStencil( void *relax_vdata , hypre_StructStencil *diff_stencil );
+ int hypre_SMGRelaxSetupBaseBoxArray( void *relax_vdata , hypre_StructMatrix *A , hypre_StructVector *b , hypre_StructVector *x );
+ /* smg_residual.c */
+ void *hypre_SMGResidualCreate( void );
+ int hypre_SMGResidualSetup( void *residual_vdata , hypre_StructMatrix *A , hypre_StructVector *x , hypre_StructVector *b , hypre_StructVector *r );
+ int hypre_SMGResidual( void *residual_vdata , hypre_StructMatrix *A , hypre_StructVector *x , hypre_StructVector *b , hypre_StructVector *r );
+ int hypre_SMGResidualSetBase( void *residual_vdata , hypre_Index base_index , hypre_Index base_stride );
+ int hypre_SMGResidualDestroy( void *residual_vdata );
+ /* smg_residual_unrolled.c */
+ void *hypre_SMGResidualCreate( void );
+ int hypre_SMGResidualSetup( void *residual_vdata , hypre_StructMatrix *A , hypre_StructVector *x , hypre_StructVector *b , hypre_StructVector *r );
+ int hypre_SMGResidual( void *residual_vdata , hypre_StructMatrix *A , hypre_StructVector *x , hypre_StructVector *b , hypre_StructVector *r );
+ int hypre_SMGResidualSetBase( void *residual_vdata , hypre_Index base_index , hypre_Index base_stride );
+ int hypre_SMGResidualDestroy( void *residual_vdata );
+ /* smg_setup.c */
+ int hypre_SMGSetup( void *smg_vdata , hypre_StructMatrix *A , hypre_StructVector *b , hypre_StructVector *x );
+ /* smg_setup_interp.c */
+ hypre_StructMatrix *hypre_SMGCreateInterpOp( hypre_StructMatrix *A , hypre_StructGrid *cgrid , int cdir );
+ int hypre_SMGSetupInterpOp( void *relax_data , hypre_StructMatrix *A , hypre_StructVector *b , hypre_StructVector *x , hypre_StructMatrix *PT , int cdir , hypre_Index cindex , hypre_Index findex , hypre_Index stride );
+ /* smg_setup_rap.c */
+ hypre_StructMatrix *hypre_SMGCreateRAPOp( hypre_StructMatrix *R , hypre_StructMatrix *A , hypre_StructMatrix *PT , hypre_StructGrid *coarse_grid );
+ int hypre_SMGSetupRAPOp( hypre_StructMatrix *R , hypre_StructMatrix *A , hypre_StructMatrix *PT , hypre_StructMatrix *Ac , hypre_Index cindex , hypre_Index cstride );
+ /* smg_setup_restrict.c */
+ hypre_StructMatrix *hypre_SMGCreateRestrictOp( hypre_StructMatrix *A , hypre_StructGrid *cgrid , int cdir );
+ int hypre_SMGSetupRestrictOp( hypre_StructMatrix *A , hypre_StructMatrix *R , hypre_StructVector *temp_vec , int cdir , hypre_Index cindex , hypre_Index cstride );
+ /* smg_solve.c */
+ int hypre_SMGSolve( void *smg_vdata , hypre_StructMatrix *A , hypre_StructVector *b , hypre_StructVector *x );
+ /* sparse_msg.c */
+ void *hypre_SparseMSGCreate( MPI_Comm comm );
+ int hypre_SparseMSGDestroy( void *smsg_vdata );
+ int hypre_SparseMSGSetTol( void *smsg_vdata , double tol );
+ int hypre_SparseMSGSetMaxIter( void *smsg_vdata , int max_iter );
+ int hypre_SparseMSGSetJump( void *smsg_vdata , int jump );
+ int hypre_SparseMSGSetRelChange( void *smsg_vdata , int rel_change );
+ int hypre_SparseMSGSetZeroGuess( void *smsg_vdata , int zero_guess );
+ int hypre_SparseMSGSetRelaxType( void *smsg_vdata , int relax_type );
+ int hypre_SparseMSGSetNumPreRelax( void *smsg_vdata , int num_pre_relax );
+ int hypre_SparseMSGSetNumPostRelax( void *smsg_vdata , int num_post_relax );
+ int hypre_SparseMSGSetNumFineRelax( void *smsg_vdata , int num_fine_relax );
+ int hypre_SparseMSGSetLogging( void *smsg_vdata , int logging );
+ int hypre_SparseMSGGetNumIterations( void *smsg_vdata , int *num_iterations );
+ int hypre_SparseMSGPrintLogging( void *smsg_vdata , int myid );
+ int hypre_SparseMSGGetFinalRelativeResidualNorm( void *smsg_vdata , double *relative_residual_norm );
+ /* sparse_msg2_setup_rap.c */
+ hypre_StructMatrix *hypre_SparseMSG2CreateRAPOp( hypre_StructMatrix *R , hypre_StructMatrix *A , hypre_StructMatrix *P , hypre_StructGrid *coarse_grid , int cdir );
+ int hypre_SparseMSG2BuildRAPSym( hypre_StructMatrix *A , hypre_StructMatrix *P , hypre_StructMatrix *R , int cdir , hypre_Index cindex , hypre_Index cstride , hypre_Index stridePR , hypre_StructMatrix *RAP );
+ int hypre_SparseMSG2BuildRAPNoSym( hypre_StructMatrix *A , hypre_StructMatrix *P , hypre_StructMatrix *R , int cdir , hypre_Index cindex , hypre_Index cstride , hypre_Index stridePR , hypre_StructMatrix *RAP );
+ /* sparse_msg3_setup_rap.c */
+ hypre_StructMatrix *hypre_SparseMSG3CreateRAPOp( hypre_StructMatrix *R , hypre_StructMatrix *A , hypre_StructMatrix *P , hypre_StructGrid *coarse_grid , int cdir );
+ int hypre_SparseMSG3BuildRAPSym( hypre_StructMatrix *A , hypre_StructMatrix *P , hypre_StructMatrix *R , int cdir , hypre_Index cindex , hypre_Index cstride , hypre_Index stridePR , hypre_StructMatrix *RAP );
+ int hypre_SparseMSG3BuildRAPNoSym( hypre_StructMatrix *A , hypre_StructMatrix *P , hypre_StructMatrix *R , int cdir , hypre_Index cindex , hypre_Index cstride , hypre_Index stridePR , hypre_StructMatrix *RAP );
+ /* sparse_msg_filter.c */
+ int hypre_SparseMSGFilterSetup( hypre_StructMatrix *A , int *num_grids , int lx , int ly , int lz , int jump , hypre_StructVector *visitx , hypre_StructVector *visity , hypre_StructVector *visitz );
+ int hypre_SparseMSGFilter( hypre_StructVector *visit , hypre_StructVector *e , int lx , int ly , int lz , int jump );
+ int hypre_SparseMSGFilterSetup( hypre_StructMatrix *A , int *num_grids , int lx , int ly , int lz , int jump , hypre_StructVector *visitx , hypre_StructVector *visity , hypre_StructVector *visitz );
+ int hypre_SparseMSGFilter( hypre_StructVector *visit , hypre_StructVector *e , int lx , int ly , int lz , int jump );
+ /* sparse_msg_interp.c */
+ void *hypre_SparseMSGInterpCreate( void );
+ int hypre_SparseMSGInterpSetup( void *interp_vdata , hypre_StructMatrix *P , hypre_StructVector *xc , hypre_StructVector *e , hypre_Index cindex , hypre_Index findex , hypre_Index stride , hypre_Index strideP );
+ int hypre_SparseMSGInterp( void *interp_vdata , hypre_StructMatrix *P , hypre_StructVector *xc , hypre_StructVector *e );
+ int hypre_SparseMSGInterpDestroy( void *interp_vdata );
+ /* sparse_msg_restrict.c */
+ void *hypre_SparseMSGRestrictCreate( void );
+ int hypre_SparseMSGRestrictSetup( void *restrict_vdata , hypre_StructMatrix *R , hypre_StructVector *r , hypre_StructVector *rc , hypre_Index cindex , hypre_Index findex , hypre_Index stride , hypre_Index strideR );
+ int hypre_SparseMSGRestrict( void *restrict_vdata , hypre_StructMatrix *R , hypre_StructVector *r , hypre_StructVector *rc );
+ int hypre_SparseMSGRestrictDestroy( void *restrict_vdata );
+ /* sparse_msg_setup.c */
+ int hypre_SparseMSGSetup( void *smsg_vdata , hypre_StructMatrix *A , hypre_StructVector *b , hypre_StructVector *x );
+ /* sparse_msg_setup_rap.c */
+ hypre_StructMatrix *hypre_SparseMSGCreateRAPOp( hypre_StructMatrix *R , hypre_StructMatrix *A , hypre_StructMatrix *P , hypre_StructGrid *coarse_grid , int cdir );
+ int hypre_SparseMSGSetupRAPOp( hypre_StructMatrix *R , hypre_StructMatrix *A , hypre_StructMatrix *P , int cdir , hypre_Index cindex , hypre_Index cstride , hypre_Index stridePR , hypre_StructMatrix *Ac );
+ /* sparse_msg_solve.c */
+ int hypre_SparseMSGSolve( void *smsg_vdata , hypre_StructMatrix *A , hypre_StructVector *b , hypre_StructVector *x );
+ #ifdef __cplusplus
+ }
+ #endif
+ #endif

Index: llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/ASCI_Purple/SMG2000/struct_matrix.c
diff -c /dev/null llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/ASCI_Purple/SMG2000/struct_matrix.c:1.1
*** /dev/null	Mon Apr 11 00:22:18 2005
--- llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/ASCI_Purple/SMG2000/struct_matrix.c	Mon Apr 11 00:22:07 2005
*** 0 ****
--- 1,928 ----
+ /*BHEADER**********************************************************************
+  * (c) 1997   The Regents of the University of California
+  *
+  * See the file COPYRIGHT_and_DISCLAIMER for a complete copyright
+  * notice, contact person, and disclaimer.
+  *
+  * $Revision: 1.1 $
+  *********************************************************************EHEADER*/
+ /******************************************************************************
+  *
+  * Member functions for hypre_StructMatrix class.
+  *
+  *****************************************************************************/
+ #include "headers.h"
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_StructMatrixExtractPointerByIndex
+  *    Returns pointer to data for stencil entry coresponding to
+  *    `index' in `matrix'. If the index does not exist in the matrix's
+  *    stencil, the NULL pointer is returned. 
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ double *
+ hypre_StructMatrixExtractPointerByIndex( hypre_StructMatrix *matrix,
+                                          int                 b,
+                                          hypre_Index         index  )
+ {
+    hypre_StructStencil   *stencil;
+    int                    rank;
+    stencil = hypre_StructMatrixStencil(matrix);
+    rank = hypre_StructStencilElementRank( stencil, index );
+    if ( rank >= 0 )
+       return hypre_StructMatrixBoxData(matrix, b, rank);
+    else
+       return NULL;  /* error - invalid index */
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_StructMatrixCreate
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ hypre_StructMatrix *
+ hypre_StructMatrixCreate( MPI_Comm             comm,
+                           hypre_StructGrid    *grid,
+                           hypre_StructStencil *user_stencil )
+ {
+    hypre_StructMatrix  *matrix;
+    int                  i;
+    matrix = hypre_CTAlloc(hypre_StructMatrix, 1);
+    hypre_StructMatrixComm(matrix)        = comm;
+    hypre_StructGridRef(grid, &hypre_StructMatrixGrid(matrix));
+    hypre_StructMatrixUserStencil(matrix) =
+       hypre_StructStencilRef(user_stencil);
+    hypre_StructMatrixDataAlloced(matrix) = 1;
+    hypre_StructMatrixRefCount(matrix)    = 1;
+    /* set defaults */
+    hypre_StructMatrixSymmetric(matrix) = 0;
+    for (i = 0; i < 6; i++)
+       hypre_StructMatrixNumGhost(matrix)[i] = 0;
+    return matrix;
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_StructMatrixRef
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ hypre_StructMatrix *
+ hypre_StructMatrixRef( hypre_StructMatrix *matrix )
+ {
+    hypre_StructMatrixRefCount(matrix) ++;
+    return matrix;
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_StructMatrixDestroy
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int 
+ hypre_StructMatrixDestroy( hypre_StructMatrix *matrix )
+ {
+    int  i;
+    int  ierr = 0;
+    if (matrix)
+    {
+       hypre_StructMatrixRefCount(matrix) --;
+       if (hypre_StructMatrixRefCount(matrix) == 0)
+       {
+          if (hypre_StructMatrixDataAlloced(matrix))
+          {
+             hypre_SharedTFree(hypre_StructMatrixData(matrix));
+          }
+          hypre_CommPkgDestroy(hypre_StructMatrixCommPkg(matrix));
+          hypre_ForBoxI(i, hypre_StructMatrixDataSpace(matrix))
+             hypre_TFree(hypre_StructMatrixDataIndices(matrix)[i]);
+          hypre_TFree(hypre_StructMatrixDataIndices(matrix));
+          hypre_BoxArrayDestroy(hypre_StructMatrixDataSpace(matrix));
+          hypre_TFree(hypre_StructMatrixSymmElements(matrix));
+          hypre_StructStencilDestroy(hypre_StructMatrixUserStencil(matrix));
+          hypre_StructStencilDestroy(hypre_StructMatrixStencil(matrix));
+          hypre_StructGridDestroy(hypre_StructMatrixGrid(matrix));
+          hypre_TFree(matrix);
+       }
+    }
+    return ierr;
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_StructMatrixInitializeShell
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int 
+ hypre_StructMatrixInitializeShell( hypre_StructMatrix *matrix )
+ {
+    int    ierr = 0;
+    hypre_StructGrid     *grid;
+    hypre_StructStencil  *user_stencil;
+    hypre_StructStencil  *stencil;
+    hypre_Index          *stencil_shape;
+    int                   stencil_size;
+    int                   num_values;
+    int                  *symm_elements;
+    int                  *num_ghost;
+    int                   extra_ghost[] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
+    hypre_BoxArray       *data_space;
+    hypre_BoxArray       *boxes;
+    hypre_Box            *box;
+    hypre_Box            *data_box;
+    int                 **data_indices;
+    int                   data_size;
+    int                   data_box_volume;
+    int                   i, j, d;
+    grid = hypre_StructMatrixGrid(matrix);
+    /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+     * Set up stencil and num_values:
+     *    The stencil is a "symmetrized" version of the user's stencil
+     *    as computed by hypre_StructStencilSymmetrize.
+     *
+     *    The `symm_elements' array is used to determine what data is
+     *    explicitely stored (symm_elements[i] < 0) and what data does is
+     *    not explicitely stored (symm_elements[i] >= 0), but is instead
+     *    stored as the transpose coefficient at a neighboring grid point.
+     *-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+    if (hypre_StructMatrixStencil(matrix) == NULL)
+    {
+       user_stencil = hypre_StructMatrixUserStencil(matrix);
+       hypre_StructStencilSymmetrize(user_stencil, &stencil, &symm_elements);
+       stencil_shape = hypre_StructStencilShape(stencil);
+       stencil_size  = hypre_StructStencilSize(stencil);
+       if (!hypre_StructMatrixSymmetric(matrix))
+       {
+          /* store all element data */
+          for (i = 0; i < stencil_size; i++)
+             symm_elements[i] = -1;
+          num_values = stencil_size;
+       }
+       else
+       {
+          num_values = (stencil_size + 1) / 2;
+       }
+       hypre_StructMatrixStencil(matrix)   = stencil;
+       hypre_StructMatrixSymmElements(matrix) = symm_elements;
+       hypre_StructMatrixNumValues(matrix) = num_values;
+    }
+    /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+     * Set ghost-layer size for symmetric storage
+     *   - All stencil coeffs are to be available at each point in the
+     *     grid, as well as in the user-specified ghost layer.
+     *-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+    num_ghost     = hypre_StructMatrixNumGhost(matrix);
+    stencil       = hypre_StructMatrixStencil(matrix);
+    stencil_shape = hypre_StructStencilShape(stencil);
+    stencil_size  = hypre_StructStencilSize(stencil);
+    symm_elements = hypre_StructMatrixSymmElements(matrix);
+    for (i = 0; i < stencil_size; i++)
+    {
+       if (symm_elements[i] >= 0)
+       {
+          for (d = 0; d < 3; d++)
+          {
+             extra_ghost[2*d] =
+                hypre_max(extra_ghost[2*d], -hypre_IndexD(stencil_shape[i], d));
+             extra_ghost[2*d + 1] =
+                hypre_max(extra_ghost[2*d + 1],  hypre_IndexD(stencil_shape[i], d));
+          }
+       }
+    }
+    for (d = 0; d < 3; d++)
+    {
+       num_ghost[2*d]     += extra_ghost[2*d];
+       num_ghost[2*d + 1] += extra_ghost[2*d + 1];
+    }
+    /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+     * Set up data_space
+     *-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+    if (hypre_StructMatrixDataSpace(matrix) == NULL)
+    {
+       boxes = hypre_StructGridBoxes(grid);
+       data_space = hypre_BoxArrayCreate(hypre_BoxArraySize(boxes));
+       hypre_ForBoxI(i, boxes)
+          {
+             box = hypre_BoxArrayBox(boxes, i);
+             data_box = hypre_BoxArrayBox(data_space, i);
+             hypre_CopyBox(box, data_box);
+             for (d = 0; d < 3; d++)
+             {
+                hypre_BoxIMinD(data_box, d) -= num_ghost[2*d];
+                hypre_BoxIMaxD(data_box, d) += num_ghost[2*d + 1];
+             }
+          }
+       hypre_StructMatrixDataSpace(matrix) = data_space;
+    }
+    /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+     * Set up data_indices array and data-size
+     *-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+    if (hypre_StructMatrixDataIndices(matrix) == NULL)
+    {
+       data_space = hypre_StructMatrixDataSpace(matrix);
+       data_indices = hypre_CTAlloc(int *, hypre_BoxArraySize(data_space));
+       data_size = 0;
+       hypre_ForBoxI(i, data_space)
+          {
+             data_box = hypre_BoxArrayBox(data_space, i);
+             data_box_volume  = hypre_BoxVolume(data_box);
+             data_indices[i] = hypre_CTAlloc(int, stencil_size);
+             /* set pointers for "stored" coefficients */
+             for (j = 0; j < stencil_size; j++)
+             {
+                if (symm_elements[j] < 0)
+                {
+                   data_indices[i][j] = data_size;
+                   data_size += data_box_volume;
+                }
+             }
+             /* set pointers for "symmetric" coefficients */
+             for (j = 0; j < stencil_size; j++)
+             {
+                if (symm_elements[j] >= 0)
+                {
+                   data_indices[i][j] = data_indices[i][symm_elements[j]] +
+                      hypre_BoxOffsetDistance(data_box, stencil_shape[j]);
+                }
+             }
+          }
+       hypre_StructMatrixDataIndices(matrix) = data_indices;
+       hypre_StructMatrixDataSize(matrix)    = data_size;
+    }
+    /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+     * Set total number of nonzero coefficients
+     *-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+    hypre_StructMatrixGlobalSize(matrix) =
+       hypre_StructGridGlobalSize(grid) * stencil_size;
+    /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+     * Return
+     *-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+    return ierr;
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_StructMatrixInitializeData
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ hypre_StructMatrixInitializeData( hypre_StructMatrix *matrix,
+                                   double             *data   )
+ {
+    int             ierr = 0;
+    hypre_BoxArray *data_boxes;
+    hypre_Box      *data_box;
+    hypre_Index     loop_size;
+    hypre_Index     index;
+    hypre_IndexRef  start;
+    hypre_Index     stride;
+    double         *datap;
+    int             datai;
+    int             i;
+    int             loopi, loopj, loopk;
+    hypre_StructMatrixData(matrix) = data;
+    hypre_StructMatrixDataAlloced(matrix) = 0;
+    /*-------------------------------------------------
+     * If the matrix has a diagonal, set these entries
+     * to 1 everywhere.  This reduces the complexity of
+     * many computations by eliminating divide-by-zero
+     * in the ghost region.
+     *-------------------------------------------------*/
+    hypre_SetIndex(index, 0, 0, 0);
+    hypre_SetIndex(stride, 1, 1, 1);
+    data_boxes = hypre_StructMatrixDataSpace(matrix);
+    hypre_ForBoxI(i, data_boxes)
+       {
+          datap = hypre_StructMatrixExtractPointerByIndex(matrix, i, index);
+          if (datap)
+          {
+             data_box = hypre_BoxArrayBox(data_boxes, i);
+             start = hypre_BoxIMin(data_box);
+             hypre_BoxGetSize(data_box, loop_size);
+             hypre_BoxLoop1Begin(loop_size,
+                                 data_box, start, stride, datai);
+ #define HYPRE_BOX_SMP_PRIVATE loopk,loopi,loopj,datai
+ #include "hypre_box_smp_forloop.h"
+             hypre_BoxLoop1For(loopi, loopj, loopk, datai)
+                {
+                   datap[datai] = 1.0;        
+                }
+             hypre_BoxLoop1End(datai);
+          }
+       }
+    return ierr;
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_StructMatrixInitialize
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int 
+ hypre_StructMatrixInitialize( hypre_StructMatrix *matrix )
+ {
+    int    ierr = 0;
+    double *data;
+    ierr = hypre_StructMatrixInitializeShell(matrix);
+    data = hypre_SharedCTAlloc(double, hypre_StructMatrixDataSize(matrix));
+    hypre_StructMatrixInitializeData(matrix, data);
+    hypre_StructMatrixDataAlloced(matrix) = 1;
+    return ierr;
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_StructMatrixSetValues
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int 
+ hypre_StructMatrixSetValues( hypre_StructMatrix *matrix,
+                              hypre_Index         grid_index,
+                              int                 num_stencil_indices,
+                              int                *stencil_indices,
+                              double             *values,
+                              int                 add_to              )
+ {
+    int    ierr = 0;
+    hypre_BoxArray     *boxes;
+    hypre_Box          *box;
+    double             *matp;
+    int                 i, s;
+    boxes = hypre_StructGridBoxes(hypre_StructMatrixGrid(matrix));
+    hypre_ForBoxI(i, boxes)
+       {
+          box = hypre_BoxArrayBox(boxes, i);
+          if ((hypre_IndexX(grid_index) >= hypre_BoxIMinX(box)) &&
+              (hypre_IndexX(grid_index) <= hypre_BoxIMaxX(box)) &&
+              (hypre_IndexY(grid_index) >= hypre_BoxIMinY(box)) &&
+              (hypre_IndexY(grid_index) <= hypre_BoxIMaxY(box)) &&
+              (hypre_IndexZ(grid_index) >= hypre_BoxIMinZ(box)) &&
+              (hypre_IndexZ(grid_index) <= hypre_BoxIMaxZ(box))   )
+          {
+             if (add_to)
+             {
+                for (s = 0; s < num_stencil_indices; s++)
+                {
+                   matp = hypre_StructMatrixBoxDataValue(matrix, i,
+                                                         stencil_indices[s],
+                                                         grid_index);
+                   *matp += values[s];
+                }
+             }
+             else
+             {
+                for (s = 0; s < num_stencil_indices; s++)
+                {
+                   matp = hypre_StructMatrixBoxDataValue(matrix, i,
+                                                         stencil_indices[s],
+                                                         grid_index);
+                   *matp = values[s];
+                }
+             }
+          }
+       }
+    return(ierr);
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_StructMatrixSetBoxValues
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int 
+ hypre_StructMatrixSetBoxValues( hypre_StructMatrix *matrix,
+                                 hypre_Box          *value_box,
+                                 int                 num_stencil_indices,
+                                 int                *stencil_indices,
+                                 double             *values,
+                                 int                 add_to              )
+ {
+    int    ierr = 0;
+    hypre_BoxArray  *grid_boxes;
+    hypre_Box       *grid_box;
+    hypre_BoxArray  *box_array;
+    hypre_Box       *box;
+    hypre_BoxArray  *data_space;
+    hypre_Box       *data_box;
+    hypre_IndexRef   data_start;
+    hypre_Index      data_stride;
+    int              datai;
+    double          *datap;
+    hypre_Box       *dval_box;
+    hypre_Index      dval_start;
+    hypre_Index      dval_stride;
+    int              dvali;
+    hypre_Index      loop_size;
+    int              i, s;
+    int              loopi, loopj, loopk;
+    /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+     * Set up `box_array' by intersecting `box' with the grid boxes
+     *-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+    grid_boxes = hypre_StructGridBoxes(hypre_StructMatrixGrid(matrix));
+    box_array = hypre_BoxArrayCreate(hypre_BoxArraySize(grid_boxes));
+    box = hypre_BoxCreate();
+    hypre_ForBoxI(i, grid_boxes)
+       {
+          grid_box = hypre_BoxArrayBox(grid_boxes, i);
+          hypre_IntersectBoxes(value_box, grid_box, box);
+          hypre_CopyBox(box, hypre_BoxArrayBox(box_array, i));
+       }
+    hypre_BoxDestroy(box);
+    /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+     * Set the matrix coefficients
+     *-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+    if (box_array)
+    {
+       data_space = hypre_StructMatrixDataSpace(matrix);
+       hypre_SetIndex(data_stride, 1, 1, 1);
+       dval_box = hypre_BoxDuplicate(value_box);
+       hypre_BoxIMinD(dval_box, 0) *= num_stencil_indices;
+       hypre_BoxIMaxD(dval_box, 0) *= num_stencil_indices;
+       hypre_BoxIMaxD(dval_box, 0) += num_stencil_indices - 1;
+       hypre_SetIndex(dval_stride, num_stencil_indices, 1, 1);
+       hypre_ForBoxI(i, box_array)
+          {
+             box      = hypre_BoxArrayBox(box_array, i);
+             data_box = hypre_BoxArrayBox(data_space, i);
+             /* if there was an intersection */
+             if (box)
+             {
+                data_start = hypre_BoxIMin(box);
+                hypre_CopyIndex(data_start, dval_start);
+                hypre_IndexD(dval_start, 0) *= num_stencil_indices;
+                for (s = 0; s < num_stencil_indices; s++)
+                {
+                   datap = hypre_StructMatrixBoxData(matrix, i,
+                                                     stencil_indices[s]);
+                   hypre_BoxGetSize(box, loop_size);
+                   if (add_to)
+                   {
+                      hypre_BoxLoop2Begin(loop_size,
+                                          data_box,data_start,data_stride,datai,
+                                          dval_box,dval_start,dval_stride,dvali);
+ #define HYPRE_BOX_SMP_PRIVATE loopk,loopi,loopj,datai,dvali
+ #include "hypre_box_smp_forloop.h"
+                      hypre_BoxLoop2For(loopi, loopj, loopk, datai, dvali)
+                         {
+                            datap[datai] += values[dvali];
+                         }
+                      hypre_BoxLoop2End(datai, dvali);
+                   }
+                   else
+                   {
+                      hypre_BoxLoop2Begin(loop_size,
+                                          data_box,data_start,data_stride,datai,
+                                          dval_box,dval_start,dval_stride,dvali);
+ #define HYPRE_BOX_SMP_PRIVATE loopk,loopi,loopj,datai,dvali
+ #include "hypre_box_smp_forloop.h"
+                      hypre_BoxLoop2For(loopi, loopj, loopk, datai, dvali)
+                         {
+                            datap[datai] = values[dvali];
+                         }
+                      hypre_BoxLoop2End(datai, dvali);
+                   }
+                   hypre_IndexD(dval_start, 0) ++;
+                }
+             }
+          }
+       hypre_BoxDestroy(dval_box);
+    }
+    hypre_BoxArrayDestroy(box_array);
+    return(ierr);
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_StructMatrixAssemble
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int 
+ hypre_StructMatrixAssemble( hypre_StructMatrix *matrix )
+ {
+    int    ierr = 0;
+    int                   *num_ghost = hypre_StructMatrixNumGhost(matrix);
+    hypre_BoxArrayArray   *send_boxes;
+    hypre_BoxArrayArray   *recv_boxes;
+    int                  **send_processes;
+    int                  **recv_processes;
+    hypre_Index            unit_stride;
+    hypre_CommPkg         *comm_pkg;
+    hypre_CommHandle      *comm_handle;
+    /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+     * If the CommPkg has not been set up, set it up
+     *-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+    comm_pkg = hypre_StructMatrixCommPkg(matrix);
+    if (!comm_pkg)
+    {
+       hypre_SetIndex(unit_stride, 1, 1, 1);
+       hypre_CreateCommInfoFromNumGhost(hypre_StructMatrixGrid(matrix),
+                                        num_ghost,
+                                        &send_boxes, &recv_boxes,
+                                        &send_processes, &recv_processes);
+       comm_pkg = hypre_CommPkgCreate(send_boxes, recv_boxes,
+                                      unit_stride, unit_stride,
+                                      hypre_StructMatrixDataSpace(matrix),
+                                      hypre_StructMatrixDataSpace(matrix),
+                                      send_processes, recv_processes,
+                                      hypre_StructMatrixNumValues(matrix),
+                                      hypre_StructMatrixComm(matrix),
+                                      hypre_StructGridPeriodic(
+                                         hypre_StructMatrixGrid(matrix)));
+       hypre_StructMatrixCommPkg(matrix) = comm_pkg;
+    }
+    /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+     * Update the ghost data
+     *-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+    hypre_InitializeCommunication(comm_pkg,
+                                  hypre_StructMatrixData(matrix),
+                                  hypre_StructMatrixData(matrix),
+                                  &comm_handle);
+    hypre_FinalizeCommunication(comm_handle);
+    return(ierr);
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_StructMatrixSetNumGhost
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ hypre_StructMatrixSetNumGhost( hypre_StructMatrix *matrix,
+                                int                *num_ghost )
+ {
+    int  ierr = 0;
+    int  i;
+    for (i = 0; i < 6; i++)
+       hypre_StructMatrixNumGhost(matrix)[i] = num_ghost[i];
+    return ierr;
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_StructMatrixPrint
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ hypre_StructMatrixPrint( char               *filename,
+                          hypre_StructMatrix *matrix,
+                          int                 all      )
+ {
+    int                   ierr = 0;
+    FILE                 *file;
+    char                  new_filename[255];
+    hypre_StructGrid     *grid;
+    hypre_BoxArray       *boxes;
+    hypre_StructStencil  *stencil;
+    hypre_Index          *stencil_shape;
+    int                   num_values;
+    hypre_BoxArray       *data_space;
+    int                  *symm_elements;
+    int                   i, j;
+    int                   myid;
+    /*----------------------------------------
+     * Open file
+     *----------------------------------------*/
+ #if MPI_Comm_rank == hypre_thread_MPI_Comm_rank
+ #undef MPI_Comm_rank
+ #endif
+ #endif
+    MPI_Comm_rank(hypre_StructMatrixComm(matrix), &myid);
+    sprintf(new_filename, "%s.%05d", filename, myid);
+    if ((file = fopen(new_filename, "w")) == NULL)
+    {
+       printf("Error: can't open output file %s\n", new_filename);
+       exit(1);
+    }
+    /*----------------------------------------
+     * Print header info
+     *----------------------------------------*/
+    fprintf(file, "StructMatrix\n");
+    fprintf(file, "\nSymmetric: %d\n", hypre_StructMatrixSymmetric(matrix));
+    /* print grid info */
+    fprintf(file, "\nGrid:\n");
+    grid = hypre_StructMatrixGrid(matrix);
+    hypre_StructGridPrint(file, grid);
+    /* print stencil info */
+    fprintf(file, "\nStencil:\n");
+    stencil = hypre_StructMatrixStencil(matrix);
+    stencil_shape = hypre_StructStencilShape(stencil);
+    num_values = hypre_StructMatrixNumValues(matrix);
+    symm_elements = hypre_StructMatrixSymmElements(matrix);
+    fprintf(file, "%d\n", num_values);
+    j = 0;
+    for (i = 0; i < hypre_StructStencilSize(stencil); i++)
+    {
+       if (symm_elements[i] < 0)
+       {
+          fprintf(file, "%d: %d %d %d\n", j++,
+                  hypre_IndexX(stencil_shape[i]),
+                  hypre_IndexY(stencil_shape[i]),
+                  hypre_IndexZ(stencil_shape[i]));
+       }
+    }
+    /*----------------------------------------
+     * Print data
+     *----------------------------------------*/
+    data_space = hypre_StructMatrixDataSpace(matrix);
+    if (all)
+       boxes = data_space;
+    else
+       boxes = hypre_StructGridBoxes(grid);
+    fprintf(file, "\nData:\n");
+    hypre_PrintBoxArrayData(file, boxes, data_space, num_values,
+                            hypre_StructMatrixData(matrix));
+    /*----------------------------------------
+     * Close file
+     *----------------------------------------*/
+    fflush(file);
+    fclose(file);
+    return ierr;
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_StructMatrixMigrate
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int 
+ hypre_StructMatrixMigrate( hypre_StructMatrix *from_matrix,
+                            hypre_StructMatrix *to_matrix   )
+ {
+    hypre_BoxArrayArray   *send_boxes;
+    hypre_BoxArrayArray   *recv_boxes;
+    int                  **send_processes;
+    int                  **recv_processes;
+    hypre_Index            unit_stride;
+    hypre_CommPkg         *comm_pkg;
+    hypre_CommHandle      *comm_handle;
+    int                    ierr = 0;
+    /*------------------------------------------------------
+     * Set up hypre_CommPkg
+     *------------------------------------------------------*/
+    hypre_SetIndex(unit_stride, 1, 1, 1);
+    hypre_CreateCommInfoFromGrids(hypre_StructMatrixGrid(from_matrix),
+                                  hypre_StructMatrixGrid(to_matrix),
+                                  &send_boxes, &recv_boxes,
+                                  &send_processes, &recv_processes);
+    comm_pkg = hypre_CommPkgCreate(send_boxes, recv_boxes,
+                                   unit_stride, unit_stride,
+                                   hypre_StructMatrixDataSpace(from_matrix),
+                                   hypre_StructMatrixDataSpace(to_matrix),
+                                   send_processes, recv_processes,
+                                   hypre_StructMatrixNumValues(from_matrix),
+                                   hypre_StructMatrixComm(from_matrix),
+                                   hypre_StructGridPeriodic(
+                                      hypre_StructMatrixGrid(from_matrix)));
+    /* is this correct for periodic? */
+    /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+     * Migrate the matrix data
+     *-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+    hypre_InitializeCommunication(comm_pkg,
+                                  hypre_StructMatrixData(from_matrix),
+                                  hypre_StructMatrixData(to_matrix),
+                                  &comm_handle);
+    hypre_FinalizeCommunication(comm_handle);
+    return ierr;
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_StructMatrixRead
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ hypre_StructMatrix *
+ hypre_StructMatrixRead( MPI_Comm   comm,
+                         char      *filename,
+                         int       *num_ghost )
+ {
+    FILE                 *file;
+    char                  new_filename[255];
+    hypre_StructMatrix   *matrix;
+    hypre_StructGrid     *grid;
+    hypre_BoxArray       *boxes;
+    int                   dim;
+    hypre_StructStencil  *stencil;
+    hypre_Index          *stencil_shape;
+    int                   stencil_size;
+    int                   num_values;
+    hypre_BoxArray       *data_space;
+    int                   symmetric;
+    int                   i, idummy;
+    int                   myid;
+    /*----------------------------------------
+     * Open file
+     *----------------------------------------*/
+ #if MPI_Comm_rank == hypre_thread_MPI_Comm_rank
+ #undef MPI_Comm_rank
+ #endif
+ #endif
+    MPI_Comm_rank(comm, &myid );
+    sprintf(new_filename, "%s.%05d", filename, myid);
+    if ((file = fopen(new_filename, "r")) == NULL)
+    {
+       printf("Error: can't open output file %s\n", new_filename);
+       exit(1);
+    }
+    /*----------------------------------------
+     * Read header info
+     *----------------------------------------*/
+    fscanf(file, "StructMatrix\n");
+    fscanf(file, "\nSymmetric: %d\n", &symmetric);
+    /* read grid info */
+    fscanf(file, "\nGrid:\n");
+    hypre_StructGridRead(comm,file,&grid);
+    /* read stencil info */
+    fscanf(file, "\nStencil:\n");
+    dim = hypre_StructGridDim(grid);
+    fscanf(file, "%d\n", &stencil_size);
+    stencil_shape = hypre_CTAlloc(hypre_Index, stencil_size);
+    for (i = 0; i < stencil_size; i++)
+    {
+       fscanf(file, "%d: %d %d %d\n", &idummy,
+              &hypre_IndexX(stencil_shape[i]),
+              &hypre_IndexY(stencil_shape[i]),
+              &hypre_IndexZ(stencil_shape[i]));
+    }
+    stencil = hypre_StructStencilCreate(dim, stencil_size, stencil_shape);
+    /*----------------------------------------
+     * Initialize the matrix
+     *----------------------------------------*/
+    matrix = hypre_StructMatrixCreate(comm, grid, stencil);
+    hypre_StructMatrixSymmetric(matrix) = symmetric;
+    hypre_StructMatrixSetNumGhost(matrix, num_ghost);
+    hypre_StructMatrixInitialize(matrix);
+    /*----------------------------------------
+     * Read data
+     *----------------------------------------*/
+    boxes      = hypre_StructGridBoxes(grid);
+    data_space = hypre_StructMatrixDataSpace(matrix);
+    num_values = hypre_StructMatrixNumValues(matrix);
+    fscanf(file, "\nData:\n");
+    hypre_ReadBoxArrayData(file, boxes, data_space, num_values,
+                           hypre_StructMatrixData(matrix));
+    /*----------------------------------------
+     * Assemble the matrix
+     *----------------------------------------*/
+    hypre_StructMatrixAssemble(matrix);
+    /*----------------------------------------
+     * Close file
+     *----------------------------------------*/
+    fclose(file);
+    return matrix;
+ }

Index: llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/ASCI_Purple/SMG2000/struct_matrix_mask.c
diff -c /dev/null llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/ASCI_Purple/SMG2000/struct_matrix_mask.c:1.1
*** /dev/null	Mon Apr 11 00:22:18 2005
--- llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/ASCI_Purple/SMG2000/struct_matrix_mask.c	Mon Apr 11 00:22:07 2005
*** 0 ****
--- 1,124 ----
+ /*BHEADER**********************************************************************
+  * (c) 1997   The Regents of the University of California
+  *
+  * See the file COPYRIGHT_and_DISCLAIMER for a complete copyright
+  * notice, contact person, and disclaimer.
+  *
+  * $Revision: 1.1 $
+  *********************************************************************EHEADER*/
+ /******************************************************************************
+  *
+  * Member functions for hypre_StructMatrix class.
+  *
+  *****************************************************************************/
+ #include "headers.h"
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_StructMatrixCreateMask
+  *    This routine returns the matrix, `mask', containing pointers to
+  *    some of the data in the input matrix `matrix'.  This can be useful,
+  *    for example, to construct "splittings" of a matrix for use in
+  *    iterative methods.  The key note here is that the matrix `mask' does
+  *    NOT contain a copy of the data in `matrix', but it can be used as
+  *    if it were a normal StructMatrix object.
+  *
+  *    Notes:
+  *    (1) Only the stencil, data_indices, and global_size components of the
+  *        StructMatrix structure are modified.
+  *    (2) PrintStructMatrix will not correctly print the stencil-to-data
+  *        correspondence.
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ hypre_StructMatrix *
+ hypre_StructMatrixCreateMask( hypre_StructMatrix *matrix,
+                               int                 num_stencil_indices,
+                               int                *stencil_indices     )
+ {
+    hypre_StructMatrix   *mask;
+    hypre_StructStencil  *stencil;
+    hypre_Index          *stencil_shape;
+    int                   stencil_size;
+    hypre_Index          *mask_stencil_shape;
+    int                   mask_stencil_size;
+    hypre_BoxArray       *data_space;
+    int                 **data_indices;
+    int                 **mask_data_indices;
+    int                   i, j;
+    stencil       = hypre_StructMatrixStencil(matrix);
+    stencil_shape = hypre_StructStencilShape(stencil);
+    stencil_size  = hypre_StructStencilSize(stencil);
+    mask = hypre_CTAlloc(hypre_StructMatrix, 1);
+    hypre_StructMatrixComm(mask) = hypre_StructMatrixComm(matrix);
+    hypre_StructGridRef(hypre_StructMatrixGrid(matrix),
+                        &hypre_StructMatrixGrid(mask));
+    hypre_StructMatrixUserStencil(mask) =
+       hypre_StructStencilRef(hypre_StructMatrixUserStencil(matrix));
+    mask_stencil_size  = num_stencil_indices;
+    mask_stencil_shape = hypre_CTAlloc(hypre_Index, num_stencil_indices);
+    for (i = 0; i < num_stencil_indices; i++)
+    {
+       hypre_CopyIndex(stencil_shape[stencil_indices[i]],
+                       mask_stencil_shape[i]);
+    }
+    hypre_StructMatrixStencil(mask) =
+       hypre_StructStencilCreate(hypre_StructStencilDim(stencil),
+                                 mask_stencil_size,
+                                 mask_stencil_shape);
+    hypre_StructMatrixNumValues(mask) = hypre_StructMatrixNumValues(matrix);
+    hypre_StructMatrixDataSpace(mask) =
+       hypre_BoxArrayDuplicate(hypre_StructMatrixDataSpace(matrix));
+    hypre_StructMatrixData(mask) = hypre_StructMatrixData(matrix);
+    hypre_StructMatrixDataAlloced(mask) = 0;
+    hypre_StructMatrixDataSize(mask) = hypre_StructMatrixDataSize(matrix);
+    data_space   = hypre_StructMatrixDataSpace(matrix);
+    data_indices = hypre_StructMatrixDataIndices(matrix);
+    mask_data_indices = hypre_CTAlloc(int *, hypre_BoxArraySize(data_space));
+    hypre_ForBoxI(i, data_space)
+       {
+          mask_data_indices[i] = hypre_TAlloc(int, num_stencil_indices);
+          for (j = 0; j < num_stencil_indices; j++)
+          {
+             mask_data_indices[i][j] = data_indices[i][stencil_indices[j]];
+          }
+       }
+    hypre_StructMatrixDataIndices(mask) = mask_data_indices;
+    hypre_StructMatrixSymmetric(mask) = hypre_StructMatrixSymmetric(matrix);
+    hypre_StructMatrixSymmElements(mask) = hypre_TAlloc(int, stencil_size);
+    for (i = 0; i < stencil_size; i++)
+    {
+       hypre_StructMatrixSymmElements(mask)[i] =
+          hypre_StructMatrixSymmElements(matrix)[i];
+    }
+    for (i = 0; i < 6; i++)
+    {
+       hypre_StructMatrixNumGhost(mask)[i] =
+          hypre_StructMatrixNumGhost(matrix)[i];
+    }
+    hypre_StructMatrixGlobalSize(mask) =
+       hypre_StructGridGlobalSize(hypre_StructMatrixGrid(mask)) *
+       mask_stencil_size;
+    hypre_StructMatrixCommPkg(mask) = NULL;
+    hypre_StructMatrixRefCount(mask) = 1;
+    return mask;
+ }

Index: llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/ASCI_Purple/SMG2000/struct_matvec.c
diff -c /dev/null llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/ASCI_Purple/SMG2000/struct_matvec.c:1.1
*** /dev/null	Mon Apr 11 00:22:18 2005
--- llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/ASCI_Purple/SMG2000/struct_matvec.c	Mon Apr 11 00:22:07 2005
*** 0 ****
--- 1,610 ----
+ /*BHEADER**********************************************************************
+  * (c) 1997   The Regents of the University of California
+  *
+  * See the file COPYRIGHT_and_DISCLAIMER for a complete copyright
+  * notice, contact person, and disclaimer.
+  *
+  * $Revision: 1.1 $
+  *********************************************************************EHEADER*/
+ /******************************************************************************
+  *
+  * Structured matrix-vector multiply routine
+  *
+  *****************************************************************************/
+ #include "headers.h"
+ /* this currently cannot be greater than 7 */
+ #ifdef MAX_DEPTH
+ #undef MAX_DEPTH
+ #endif
+ #define MAX_DEPTH 7
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_StructMatvecData data structure
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ typedef struct
+ {
+    hypre_StructMatrix  *A;
+    hypre_StructVector  *x;
+    hypre_ComputePkg    *compute_pkg;
+ } hypre_StructMatvecData;
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_StructMatvecCreate
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ void *
+ hypre_StructMatvecCreate( )
+ {
+    hypre_StructMatvecData *matvec_data;
+    matvec_data = hypre_CTAlloc(hypre_StructMatvecData, 1);
+    return (void *) matvec_data;
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_StructMatvecSetup
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ hypre_StructMatvecSetup( void               *matvec_vdata,
+                          hypre_StructMatrix *A,
+                          hypre_StructVector *x            )
+ {
+    int ierr = 0;
+    hypre_StructMatvecData  *matvec_data = matvec_vdata;
+    hypre_StructGrid        *grid;
+    hypre_StructStencil     *stencil;
+    hypre_BoxArrayArray     *send_boxes;
+    hypre_BoxArrayArray     *recv_boxes;
+    int                    **send_processes;
+    int                    **recv_processes;
+    hypre_BoxArrayArray     *indt_boxes;
+    hypre_BoxArrayArray     *dept_boxes;
+    hypre_Index              unit_stride;
+    hypre_ComputePkg        *compute_pkg;
+    /*----------------------------------------------------------
+     * Set up the compute package
+     *----------------------------------------------------------*/
+    grid    = hypre_StructMatrixGrid(A);
+    stencil = hypre_StructMatrixStencil(A);
+    hypre_CreateComputeInfo(grid, stencil,
+                         &send_boxes, &recv_boxes,
+                         &send_processes, &recv_processes,
+                         &indt_boxes, &dept_boxes);
+    hypre_SetIndex(unit_stride, 1, 1, 1);
+    hypre_ComputePkgCreate(send_boxes, recv_boxes,
+                           unit_stride, unit_stride,
+                           send_processes, recv_processes,
+                           indt_boxes, dept_boxes,
+                           unit_stride,
+                           grid, hypre_StructVectorDataSpace(x), 1,
+                           &compute_pkg);
+    /*----------------------------------------------------------
+     * Set up the matvec data structure
+     *----------------------------------------------------------*/
+    (matvec_data -> A)           = hypre_StructMatrixRef(A);
+    (matvec_data -> x)           = hypre_StructVectorRef(x);
+    (matvec_data -> compute_pkg) = compute_pkg;
+    return ierr;
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_StructMatvecCompute
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ hypre_StructMatvecCompute( void               *matvec_vdata,
+                            double              alpha,
+                            hypre_StructMatrix *A,
+                            hypre_StructVector *x,
+                            double              beta,
+                            hypre_StructVector *y            )
+ {
+    int ierr = 0;
+    hypre_StructMatvecData  *matvec_data = matvec_vdata;
+    hypre_ComputePkg        *compute_pkg;
+    hypre_CommHandle        *comm_handle;
+    hypre_BoxArrayArray     *compute_box_aa;
+    hypre_BoxArray          *compute_box_a;
+    hypre_Box               *compute_box;
+    hypre_Box               *A_data_box;
+    hypre_Box               *x_data_box;
+    hypre_Box               *y_data_box;
+    int                      Ai;
+    int                      xi;
+    int                      xoff0;
+    int                      xoff1;
+    int                      xoff2;
+    int                      xoff3;
+    int                      xoff4;
+    int                      xoff5;
+    int                      xoff6;
+    int                      yi;
+    double                  *Ap0;
+    double                  *Ap1;
+    double                  *Ap2;
+    double                  *Ap3;
+    double                  *Ap4;
+    double                  *Ap5;
+    double                  *Ap6;
+    double                  *xp;
+    double                  *yp;
+    hypre_BoxArray          *boxes;
+    hypre_Box               *box;
+    hypre_Index              loop_size;
+    hypre_IndexRef           start;
+    hypre_IndexRef           stride;
+    hypre_StructStencil     *stencil;
+    hypre_Index             *stencil_shape;
+    int                      stencil_size;
+    int                      depth;
+    double                   temp;
+    int                      compute_i, i, j, si;
+    int                      loopi, loopj, loopk;
+    /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+     * Initialize some things
+     *-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+    compute_pkg = (matvec_data -> compute_pkg);
+    stride = hypre_ComputePkgStride(compute_pkg);
+    /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+     * Do (alpha == 0.0) computation
+     *-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+    if (alpha == 0.0)
+    {
+       boxes = hypre_StructGridBoxes(hypre_StructMatrixGrid(A));
+       hypre_ForBoxI(i, boxes)
+          {
+             box   = hypre_BoxArrayBox(boxes, i);
+             start = hypre_BoxIMin(box);
+             y_data_box = hypre_BoxArrayBox(hypre_StructVectorDataSpace(y), i);
+             yp = hypre_StructVectorBoxData(y, i);
+             hypre_BoxGetSize(box, loop_size);
+             hypre_BoxLoop1Begin(loop_size,
+                                 y_data_box, start, stride, yi);
+ #define HYPRE_BOX_SMP_PRIVATE loopk,loopi,loopj,yi
+ #include "hypre_box_smp_forloop.h"
+             hypre_BoxLoop1For(loopi, loopj, loopk, yi)
+                {
+                   yp[yi] *= beta;
+                }
+             hypre_BoxLoop1End(yi);
+          }
+       return ierr;
+    }
+    /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+     * Do (alpha != 0.0) computation
+     *-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+    stencil       = hypre_StructMatrixStencil(A);
+    stencil_shape = hypre_StructStencilShape(stencil);
+    stencil_size  = hypre_StructStencilSize(stencil);
+    for (compute_i = 0; compute_i < 2; compute_i++)
+    {
+       switch(compute_i)
+       {
+          case 0:
+          {
+             xp = hypre_StructVectorData(x);
+             hypre_InitializeIndtComputations(compute_pkg, xp, &comm_handle);
+             compute_box_aa = hypre_ComputePkgIndtBoxes(compute_pkg);
+             /*--------------------------------------------------------------
+              * initialize y= (beta/alpha)*y
+              *--------------------------------------------------------------*/
+             temp = beta / alpha;
+             if (temp != 1.0)
+             {
+                boxes = hypre_StructGridBoxes(hypre_StructMatrixGrid(A));
+                hypre_ForBoxI(i, boxes)
+                   {
+                      box   = hypre_BoxArrayBox(boxes, i);
+                      start = hypre_BoxIMin(box);
+                      y_data_box =
+                         hypre_BoxArrayBox(hypre_StructVectorDataSpace(y), i);
+                      yp = hypre_StructVectorBoxData(y, i);
+                      if (temp == 0.0)
+                      {
+                         hypre_BoxGetSize(box, loop_size);
+                         hypre_BoxLoop1Begin(loop_size,
+                                             y_data_box, start, stride, yi);
+ #define HYPRE_BOX_SMP_PRIVATE loopk,loopi,loopj,yi
+ #include "hypre_box_smp_forloop.h"
+                         hypre_BoxLoop1For(loopi, loopj, loopk, yi)
+                            {
+                               yp[yi] = 0.0;
+                            }
+                         hypre_BoxLoop1End(yi);
+                      }
+                      else
+                      {
+                         hypre_BoxGetSize(box, loop_size);
+                         hypre_BoxLoop1Begin(loop_size,
+                                             y_data_box, start, stride, yi);
+ #define HYPRE_BOX_SMP_PRIVATE loopk,loopi,loopj,yi
+ #include "hypre_box_smp_forloop.h"
+                         hypre_BoxLoop1For(loopi, loopj, loopk, yi)
+                            {
+                               yp[yi] *= temp;
+                            }
+                         hypre_BoxLoop1End(yi);
+                      }
+                   }
+             }
+          }
+          break;
+          case 1:
+          {
+             hypre_FinalizeIndtComputations(comm_handle);
+             compute_box_aa = hypre_ComputePkgDeptBoxes(compute_pkg);
+          }
+          break;
+       }
+       /*--------------------------------------------------------------------
+        * y += A*x
+        *--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+       hypre_ForBoxArrayI(i, compute_box_aa)
+          {
+             compute_box_a = hypre_BoxArrayArrayBoxArray(compute_box_aa, i);
+             A_data_box = hypre_BoxArrayBox(hypre_StructMatrixDataSpace(A), i);
+             x_data_box = hypre_BoxArrayBox(hypre_StructVectorDataSpace(x), i);
+             y_data_box = hypre_BoxArrayBox(hypre_StructVectorDataSpace(y), i);
+             xp = hypre_StructVectorBoxData(x, i);
+             yp = hypre_StructVectorBoxData(y, i);
+             hypre_ForBoxI(j, compute_box_a)
+                {
+                   compute_box = hypre_BoxArrayBox(compute_box_a, j);
+                   hypre_BoxGetSize(compute_box, loop_size);
+                   start  = hypre_BoxIMin(compute_box);
+                   /* unroll up to depth MAX_DEPTH */
+                   for (si = 0; si < stencil_size; si+= MAX_DEPTH)
+                   {
+                      depth = hypre_min(MAX_DEPTH, (stencil_size -si));
+                      switch(depth)
+                      {
+                         case 7:
+                         Ap0 = hypre_StructMatrixBoxData(A, i, si+0);
+                         Ap1 = hypre_StructMatrixBoxData(A, i, si+1);
+                         Ap2 = hypre_StructMatrixBoxData(A, i, si+2);
+                         Ap3 = hypre_StructMatrixBoxData(A, i, si+3);
+                         Ap4 = hypre_StructMatrixBoxData(A, i, si+4);
+                         Ap5 = hypre_StructMatrixBoxData(A, i, si+5);
+                         Ap6 = hypre_StructMatrixBoxData(A, i, si+6);
+                         xoff0 = hypre_BoxOffsetDistance(x_data_box,
+                                                         stencil_shape[si+0]);
+                         xoff1 = hypre_BoxOffsetDistance(x_data_box,
+                                                         stencil_shape[si+1]);
+                         xoff2 = hypre_BoxOffsetDistance(x_data_box,
+                                                         stencil_shape[si+2]);
+                         xoff3 = hypre_BoxOffsetDistance(x_data_box,
+                                                         stencil_shape[si+3]);
+                         xoff4 = hypre_BoxOffsetDistance(x_data_box,
+                                                         stencil_shape[si+4]);
+                         xoff5 = hypre_BoxOffsetDistance(x_data_box,
+                                                         stencil_shape[si+5]);
+                         xoff6 = hypre_BoxOffsetDistance(x_data_box,
+                                                         stencil_shape[si+6]);
+                         hypre_BoxLoop3Begin(loop_size,
+                                             A_data_box, start, stride, Ai,
+                                             x_data_box, start, stride, xi,
+                                             y_data_box, start, stride, yi);
+ #define HYPRE_BOX_SMP_PRIVATE loopk,loopi,loopj,yi,xi,Ai
+ #include "hypre_box_smp_forloop.h"
+                         hypre_BoxLoop3For(loopi, loopj, loopk, Ai, xi, yi)
+                            {
+                               yp[yi] +=
+                                  Ap0[Ai] * xp[xi + xoff0] +
+                                  Ap1[Ai] * xp[xi + xoff1] +
+                                  Ap2[Ai] * xp[xi + xoff2] +
+                                  Ap3[Ai] * xp[xi + xoff3] +
+                                  Ap4[Ai] * xp[xi + xoff4] +
+                                  Ap5[Ai] * xp[xi + xoff5] +
+                                  Ap6[Ai] * xp[xi + xoff6];
+                            }
+                         hypre_BoxLoop3End(Ai, xi, yi);
+                         break;
+                         case 6:
+                         Ap0 = hypre_StructMatrixBoxData(A, i, si+0);
+                         Ap1 = hypre_StructMatrixBoxData(A, i, si+1);
+                         Ap2 = hypre_StructMatrixBoxData(A, i, si+2);
+                         Ap3 = hypre_StructMatrixBoxData(A, i, si+3);
+                         Ap4 = hypre_StructMatrixBoxData(A, i, si+4);
+                         Ap5 = hypre_StructMatrixBoxData(A, i, si+5);
+                         xoff0 = hypre_BoxOffsetDistance(x_data_box,
+                                                         stencil_shape[si+0]);
+                         xoff1 = hypre_BoxOffsetDistance(x_data_box,
+                                                         stencil_shape[si+1]);
+                         xoff2 = hypre_BoxOffsetDistance(x_data_box,
+                                                         stencil_shape[si+2]);
+                         xoff3 = hypre_BoxOffsetDistance(x_data_box,
+                                                         stencil_shape[si+3]);
+                         xoff4 = hypre_BoxOffsetDistance(x_data_box,
+                                                         stencil_shape[si+4]);
+                         xoff5 = hypre_BoxOffsetDistance(x_data_box,
+                                                         stencil_shape[si+5]);
+                         hypre_BoxLoop3Begin(loop_size,
+                                             A_data_box, start, stride, Ai,
+                                             x_data_box, start, stride, xi,
+                                             y_data_box, start, stride, yi);
+ #define HYPRE_BOX_SMP_PRIVATE loopk,loopi,loopj,yi,xi,Ai
+ #include "hypre_box_smp_forloop.h"
+                         hypre_BoxLoop3For(loopi, loopj, loopk, Ai, xi, yi)
+                            {
+                               yp[yi] +=
+                                  Ap0[Ai] * xp[xi + xoff0] +
+                                  Ap1[Ai] * xp[xi + xoff1] +
+                                  Ap2[Ai] * xp[xi + xoff2] +
+                                  Ap3[Ai] * xp[xi + xoff3] +
+                                  Ap4[Ai] * xp[xi + xoff4] +
+                                  Ap5[Ai] * xp[xi + xoff5];
+                            }
+                         hypre_BoxLoop3End(Ai, xi, yi);
+                         break;
+                         case 5:
+                         Ap0 = hypre_StructMatrixBoxData(A, i, si+0);
+                         Ap1 = hypre_StructMatrixBoxData(A, i, si+1);
+                         Ap2 = hypre_StructMatrixBoxData(A, i, si+2);
+                         Ap3 = hypre_StructMatrixBoxData(A, i, si+3);
+                         Ap4 = hypre_StructMatrixBoxData(A, i, si+4);
+                         xoff0 = hypre_BoxOffsetDistance(x_data_box,
+                                                         stencil_shape[si+0]);
+                         xoff1 = hypre_BoxOffsetDistance(x_data_box,
+                                                         stencil_shape[si+1]);
+                         xoff2 = hypre_BoxOffsetDistance(x_data_box,
+                                                         stencil_shape[si+2]);
+                         xoff3 = hypre_BoxOffsetDistance(x_data_box,
+                                                         stencil_shape[si+3]);
+                         xoff4 = hypre_BoxOffsetDistance(x_data_box,
+                                                         stencil_shape[si+4]);
+                         hypre_BoxLoop3Begin(loop_size,
+                                             A_data_box, start, stride, Ai,
+                                             x_data_box, start, stride, xi,
+                                             y_data_box, start, stride, yi);
+ #define HYPRE_BOX_SMP_PRIVATE loopk,loopi,loopj,yi,xi,Ai
+ #include "hypre_box_smp_forloop.h"
+                         hypre_BoxLoop3For(loopi, loopj, loopk, Ai, xi, yi)
+                            {
+                               yp[yi] +=
+                                  Ap0[Ai] * xp[xi + xoff0] +
+                                  Ap1[Ai] * xp[xi + xoff1] +
+                                  Ap2[Ai] * xp[xi + xoff2] +
+                                  Ap3[Ai] * xp[xi + xoff3] +
+                                  Ap4[Ai] * xp[xi + xoff4]; 
+                            }
+                         hypre_BoxLoop3End(Ai, xi, yi);
+                         break;
+                         case 4:
+                         Ap0 = hypre_StructMatrixBoxData(A, i, si+0);
+                         Ap1 = hypre_StructMatrixBoxData(A, i, si+1);
+                         Ap2 = hypre_StructMatrixBoxData(A, i, si+2);
+                         Ap3 = hypre_StructMatrixBoxData(A, i, si+3);
+                         xoff0 = hypre_BoxOffsetDistance(x_data_box,
+                                                         stencil_shape[si+0]);
+                         xoff1 = hypre_BoxOffsetDistance(x_data_box,
+                                                         stencil_shape[si+1]);
+                         xoff2 = hypre_BoxOffsetDistance(x_data_box,
+                                                         stencil_shape[si+2]);
+                         xoff3 = hypre_BoxOffsetDistance(x_data_box,
+                                                         stencil_shape[si+3]);
+                         hypre_BoxLoop3Begin(loop_size,
+                                             A_data_box, start, stride, Ai,
+                                             x_data_box, start, stride, xi,
+                                             y_data_box, start, stride, yi);
+ #define HYPRE_BOX_SMP_PRIVATE loopk,loopi,loopj,yi,xi,Ai
+ #include "hypre_box_smp_forloop.h"
+                         hypre_BoxLoop3For(loopi, loopj, loopk, Ai, xi, yi)
+                            {
+                               yp[yi] +=
+                                  Ap0[Ai] * xp[xi + xoff0] +
+                                  Ap1[Ai] * xp[xi + xoff1] +
+                                  Ap2[Ai] * xp[xi + xoff2] +
+                                  Ap3[Ai] * xp[xi + xoff3];
+                            }
+                         hypre_BoxLoop3End(Ai, xi, yi);
+                         break;
+                         case 3:
+                         Ap0 = hypre_StructMatrixBoxData(A, i, si+0);
+                         Ap1 = hypre_StructMatrixBoxData(A, i, si+1);
+                         Ap2 = hypre_StructMatrixBoxData(A, i, si+2);
+                         xoff0 = hypre_BoxOffsetDistance(x_data_box,
+                                                         stencil_shape[si+0]);
+                         xoff1 = hypre_BoxOffsetDistance(x_data_box,
+                                                         stencil_shape[si+1]);
+                         xoff2 = hypre_BoxOffsetDistance(x_data_box,
+                                                         stencil_shape[si+2]);
+                         hypre_BoxLoop3Begin(loop_size,
+                                             A_data_box, start, stride, Ai,
+                                             x_data_box, start, stride, xi,
+                                             y_data_box, start, stride, yi);
+ #define HYPRE_BOX_SMP_PRIVATE loopk,loopi,loopj,yi,xi,Ai
+ #include "hypre_box_smp_forloop.h"
+                         hypre_BoxLoop3For(loopi, loopj, loopk, Ai, xi, yi)
+                            {
+                               yp[yi] +=
+                                  Ap0[Ai] * xp[xi + xoff0] +
+                                  Ap1[Ai] * xp[xi + xoff1] +
+                                  Ap2[Ai] * xp[xi + xoff2]; 
+                            }
+                         hypre_BoxLoop3End(Ai, xi, yi);
+                         break;
+                         case 2:
+                         Ap0 = hypre_StructMatrixBoxData(A, i, si+0);
+                         Ap1 = hypre_StructMatrixBoxData(A, i, si+1);
+                         xoff0 = hypre_BoxOffsetDistance(x_data_box,
+                                                         stencil_shape[si+0]);
+                         xoff1 = hypre_BoxOffsetDistance(x_data_box,
+                                                         stencil_shape[si+1]);
+                         hypre_BoxLoop3Begin(loop_size,
+                                             A_data_box, start, stride, Ai,
+                                             x_data_box, start, stride, xi,
+                                             y_data_box, start, stride, yi);
+ #define HYPRE_BOX_SMP_PRIVATE loopk,loopi,loopj,yi,xi,Ai
+ #include "hypre_box_smp_forloop.h"
+                         hypre_BoxLoop3For(loopi, loopj, loopk, Ai, xi, yi)
+                            {
+                               yp[yi] +=
+                                  Ap0[Ai] * xp[xi + xoff0] +
+                                  Ap1[Ai] * xp[xi + xoff1];
+                            }
+                         hypre_BoxLoop3End(Ai, xi, yi);
+                         break;
+                         case 1:
+                         Ap0 = hypre_StructMatrixBoxData(A, i, si+0);
+                         xoff0 = hypre_BoxOffsetDistance(x_data_box,
+                                                         stencil_shape[si+0]);
+                         hypre_BoxLoop3Begin(loop_size,
+                                             A_data_box, start, stride, Ai,
+                                             x_data_box, start, stride, xi,
+                                             y_data_box, start, stride, yi);
+ #define HYPRE_BOX_SMP_PRIVATE loopk,loopi,loopj,yi,xi,Ai
+ #include "hypre_box_smp_forloop.h"
+                         hypre_BoxLoop3For(loopi, loopj, loopk, Ai, xi, yi)
+                            {
+                               yp[yi] +=
+                                  Ap0[Ai] * xp[xi + xoff0];
+                            }
+                         hypre_BoxLoop3End(Ai, xi, yi);
+                         break;
+                      }
+                   }
+                   if (alpha != 1.0)
+                   {
+                      hypre_BoxLoop1Begin(loop_size,
+                                          y_data_box, start, stride, yi);
+ #define HYPRE_BOX_SMP_PRIVATE loopk,loopi,loopj,yi
+ #include "hypre_box_smp_forloop.h"
+                      hypre_BoxLoop1For(loopi, loopj, loopk, yi)
+                         {
+                            yp[yi] *= alpha;
+                         }
+                      hypre_BoxLoop1End(yi);
+                   }
+                }
+          }
+    }
+    return ierr;
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_StructMatvecDestroy
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ hypre_StructMatvecDestroy( void *matvec_vdata )
+ {
+    int ierr = 0;
+    hypre_StructMatvecData *matvec_data = matvec_vdata;
+    if (matvec_data)
+    {
+       hypre_StructMatrixDestroy(matvec_data -> A);
+       hypre_StructVectorDestroy(matvec_data -> x);
+       hypre_ComputePkgDestroy(matvec_data -> compute_pkg );
+       hypre_TFree(matvec_data);
+    }
+    return ierr;
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_StructMatvec
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ hypre_StructMatvec( double              alpha,
+                     hypre_StructMatrix *A,
+                     hypre_StructVector *x,
+                     double              beta,
+                     hypre_StructVector *y     )
+ {
+    int ierr = 0;
+    void *matvec_data;
+    matvec_data = hypre_StructMatvecCreate();
+    ierr = hypre_StructMatvecSetup(matvec_data, A, x);
+    ierr = hypre_StructMatvecCompute(matvec_data, alpha, A, x, beta, y);
+    ierr = hypre_StructMatvecDestroy(matvec_data);
+    return ierr;
+ }

Index: llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/ASCI_Purple/SMG2000/struct_mv.h
diff -c /dev/null llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/ASCI_Purple/SMG2000/struct_mv.h:1.1
*** /dev/null	Mon Apr 11 00:22:18 2005
--- llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/ASCI_Purple/SMG2000/struct_mv.h	Mon Apr 11 00:22:07 2005
*** 0 ****
--- 1,1685 ----
+ #include <HYPRE_config.h>
+ #include "HYPRE_struct_mv.h"
+ #ifndef hypre_STRUCT_MV_HEADER
+ #define hypre_STRUCT_MV_HEADER
+ #include "utilities.h"
+ #ifdef __cplusplus
+ extern "C" {
+ #endif
+ /*BHEADER**********************************************************************
+  * (c) 1997   The Regents of the University of California
+  *
+  * See the file COPYRIGHT_and_DISCLAIMER for a complete copyright
+  * notice, contact person, and disclaimer.
+  *
+  * $Revision: 1.1 $
+  *********************************************************************EHEADER*/
+ /******************************************************************************
+  *
+  * Header info for the Box structures
+  *
+  *****************************************************************************/
+ #ifndef hypre_BOX_HEADER
+ #define hypre_BOX_HEADER
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_Index:
+  *   This is used to define indices in index space, or dimension
+  *   sizes of boxes.
+  *
+  *   The spatial dimensions x, y, and z may be specified by the
+  *   integers 0, 1, and 2, respectively (see the hypre_IndexD macro below).
+  *   This simplifies the code in the hypre_Box class by reducing code
+  *   replication.
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ typedef int  hypre_Index[3];
+ typedef int *hypre_IndexRef;
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_Box:
+  *   Structure describing a cartesian region of some index space.
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ typedef struct hypre_Box_struct
+ {
+    hypre_Index imin;           /* min bounding indices */
+    hypre_Index imax;           /* max bounding indices */
+ } hypre_Box;
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_BoxArray:
+  *   An array of boxes.
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ typedef struct hypre_BoxArray_struct
+ {
+    hypre_Box  *boxes;         /* Array of boxes */
+    int         size;          /* Size of box array */
+    int         alloc_size;    /* Size of currently alloced space */
+ } hypre_BoxArray;
+ #define hypre_BoxArrayExcess 10
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_BoxArrayArray:
+  *   An array of box arrays.
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ typedef struct hypre_BoxArrayArray_struct
+ {
+    hypre_BoxArray  **box_arrays;    /* Array of pointers to box arrays */
+    int               size;          /* Size of box array array */
+ } hypre_BoxArrayArray;
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * Accessor macros: hypre_Index
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ #define hypre_IndexD(index, d)  (index[d])
+ #define hypre_IndexX(index)     hypre_IndexD(index, 0)
+ #define hypre_IndexY(index)     hypre_IndexD(index, 1)
+ #define hypre_IndexZ(index)     hypre_IndexD(index, 2)
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * Member functions: hypre_Index
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ #define hypre_SetIndex(index, ix, iy, iz) \
+ ( hypre_IndexX(index) = ix,\
+   hypre_IndexY(index) = iy,\
+   hypre_IndexZ(index) = iz )
+ #define hypre_ClearIndex(index)  hypre_SetIndex(index, 0, 0, 0)
+ #define hypre_CopyIndex(index1, index2) \
+ ( hypre_IndexX(index2) = hypre_IndexX(index1),\
+   hypre_IndexY(index2) = hypre_IndexY(index1),\
+   hypre_IndexZ(index2) = hypre_IndexZ(index1) )
+ #define hypre_CopyToCleanIndex(in_index, ndim, out_index) \
+ {\
+    int d;\
+    for (d = 0; d < ndim; d++)\
+    {\
+       hypre_IndexD(out_index, d) = hypre_IndexD(in_index, d);\
+    }\
+    for (d = ndim; d < 3; d++)\
+    {\
+       hypre_IndexD(out_index, d) = 0;\
+    }\
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * Accessor macros: hypre_Box
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ #define hypre_BoxIMin(box)     ((box) -> imin)
+ #define hypre_BoxIMax(box)     ((box) -> imax)
+ #define hypre_BoxIMinD(box, d) (hypre_IndexD(hypre_BoxIMin(box), d))
+ #define hypre_BoxIMaxD(box, d) (hypre_IndexD(hypre_BoxIMax(box), d))
+ #define hypre_BoxSizeD(box, d) \
+ hypre_max(0, (hypre_BoxIMaxD(box, d) - hypre_BoxIMinD(box, d) + 1))
+ #define hypre_BoxIMinX(box)    hypre_BoxIMinD(box, 0)
+ #define hypre_BoxIMinY(box)    hypre_BoxIMinD(box, 1)
+ #define hypre_BoxIMinZ(box)    hypre_BoxIMinD(box, 2)
+ #define hypre_BoxIMaxX(box)    hypre_BoxIMaxD(box, 0)
+ #define hypre_BoxIMaxY(box)    hypre_BoxIMaxD(box, 1)
+ #define hypre_BoxIMaxZ(box)    hypre_BoxIMaxD(box, 2)
+ #define hypre_BoxSizeX(box)    hypre_BoxSizeD(box, 0)
+ #define hypre_BoxSizeY(box)    hypre_BoxSizeD(box, 1)
+ #define hypre_BoxSizeZ(box)    hypre_BoxSizeD(box, 2)
+ #define hypre_CopyBox(box1, box2) \
+ ( hypre_CopyIndex(hypre_BoxIMin(box1), hypre_BoxIMin(box2)),\
+   hypre_CopyIndex(hypre_BoxIMax(box1), hypre_BoxIMax(box2)) )
+ #define hypre_BoxVolume(box) \
+ (hypre_BoxSizeX(box) * hypre_BoxSizeY(box) * hypre_BoxSizeZ(box))
+ #define hypre_BoxIndexRank(box, index) \
+ ((hypre_IndexX(index) - hypre_BoxIMinX(box)) + \
+  ((hypre_IndexY(index) - hypre_BoxIMinY(box)) + \
+    ((hypre_IndexZ(index) - hypre_BoxIMinZ(box)) * \
+     hypre_BoxSizeY(box))) * \
+   hypre_BoxSizeX(box))
+ #define hypre_BoxOffsetDistance(box, index) \
+ (hypre_IndexX(index) + \
+  (hypre_IndexY(index) + \
+   (hypre_IndexZ(index) * \
+    hypre_BoxSizeY(box))) * \
+  hypre_BoxSizeX(box))
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * Accessor macros: hypre_BoxArray
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ #define hypre_BoxArrayBoxes(box_array)     ((box_array) -> boxes)
+ #define hypre_BoxArrayBox(box_array, i)    &((box_array) -> boxes[(i)])
+ #define hypre_BoxArraySize(box_array)      ((box_array) -> size)
+ #define hypre_BoxArrayAllocSize(box_array) ((box_array) -> alloc_size)
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * Accessor macros: hypre_BoxArrayArray
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ #define hypre_BoxArrayArrayBoxArrays(box_array_array) \
+ ((box_array_array) -> box_arrays)
+ #define hypre_BoxArrayArrayBoxArray(box_array_array, i) \
+ ((box_array_array) -> box_arrays[(i)])
+ #define hypre_BoxArrayArraySize(box_array_array) \
+ ((box_array_array) -> size)
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * Looping macros:
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ #define hypre_ForBoxI(i, box_array) \
+ for (i = 0; i < hypre_BoxArraySize(box_array); i++)
+ #define hypre_ForBoxArrayI(i, box_array_array) \
+ for (i = 0; i < hypre_BoxArrayArraySize(box_array_array); i++)
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * BoxLoop macros:
+  *
+  * NOTE: PThreads version of BoxLoop looping macros are in `box_pthreads.h'.
+  *
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ #define hypre_BoxLoopDeclareS(dbox, stride, sx, sy, sz) \
+ int  sx = (hypre_IndexX(stride));\
+ int  sy = (hypre_IndexY(stride)*hypre_BoxSizeX(dbox));\
+ int  sz = (hypre_IndexZ(stride)*\
+            hypre_BoxSizeX(dbox)*hypre_BoxSizeY(dbox))
+ #define hypre_BoxLoopDeclareN(loop_size) \
+ int  hypre__nx = hypre_IndexX(loop_size);\
+ int  hypre__ny = hypre_IndexY(loop_size);\
+ int  hypre__nz = hypre_IndexZ(loop_size);\
+ int  hypre__mx = hypre__nx;\
+ int  hypre__my = hypre__ny;\
+ int  hypre__mz = hypre__nz;\
+ int  hypre__dir, hypre__max;\
+ int  hypre__div, hypre__mod;\
+ int  hypre__block, hypre__num_blocks;\
+ hypre__dir = 0;\
+ hypre__max = hypre__nx;\
+ if (hypre__ny > hypre__max)\
+ {\
+    hypre__dir = 1;\
+    hypre__max = hypre__ny;\
+ }\
+ if (hypre__nz > hypre__max)\
+ {\
+    hypre__dir = 2;\
+    hypre__max = hypre__nz;\
+ }\
+ hypre__num_blocks = hypre_NumThreads();\
+ if (hypre__max < hypre__num_blocks)\
+ {\
+    hypre__num_blocks = hypre__max;\
+ }\
+ if (hypre__num_blocks > 0)\
+ {\
+    hypre__div = hypre__max / hypre__num_blocks;\
+    hypre__mod = hypre__max % hypre__num_blocks;\
+ }
+ #define hypre_BoxLoopSet(i, j, k) \
+ i = 0;\
+ j = 0;\
+ k = 0;\
+ hypre__nx = hypre__mx;\
+ hypre__ny = hypre__my;\
+ hypre__nz = hypre__mz;\
+ if (hypre__num_blocks > 1)\
+ {\
+    if (hypre__dir == 0)\
+    {\
+       i = hypre__block * hypre__div + hypre_min(hypre__mod, hypre__block);\
+       hypre__nx = hypre__div + ((hypre__mod > hypre__block) ? 1 : 0);\
+    }\
+    else if (hypre__dir == 1)\
+    {\
+       j = hypre__block * hypre__div + hypre_min(hypre__mod, hypre__block);\
+       hypre__ny = hypre__div + ((hypre__mod > hypre__block) ? 1 : 0);\
+    }\
+    else if (hypre__dir == 2)\
+    {\
+       k = hypre__block * hypre__div + hypre_min(hypre__mod, hypre__block);\
+       hypre__nz = hypre__div + ((hypre__mod > hypre__block) ? 1 : 0);\
+    }\
+ }
+ /*-----------------------------------*/
+ #define hypre_BoxLoop0Begin(loop_size)\
+ {\
+    hypre_BoxLoopDeclareN(loop_size);
+ #define hypre_BoxLoop0For(i, j, k)\
+    for (hypre__block = 0; hypre__block < hypre__num_blocks; hypre__block++)\
+    {\
+    hypre_BoxLoopSet(i, j, k);\
+    for (k = 0; k < hypre__nz; k++)\
+    {\
+       for (j = 0; j < hypre__ny; j++)\
+       {\
+          for (i = 0; i < hypre__nx; i++)\
+          {
+ #define hypre_BoxLoop0End()\
+          }\
+       }\
+    }\
+    }\
+ }
+ /*-----------------------------------*/
+ #define hypre_BoxLoop1Begin(loop_size,\
+ 			    dbox1, start1, stride1, i1)\
+ {\
+    int  hypre__i1start = hypre_BoxIndexRank(dbox1, start1);\
+    hypre_BoxLoopDeclareS(dbox1, stride1, hypre__sx1, hypre__sy1, hypre__sz1);\
+    hypre_BoxLoopDeclareN(loop_size);
+ #define hypre_BoxLoop1For(i, j, k, i1)\
+    for (hypre__block = 0; hypre__block < hypre__num_blocks; hypre__block++)\
+    {\
+    hypre_BoxLoopSet(i, j, k);\
+    i1 = hypre__i1start + i*hypre__sx1 + j*hypre__sy1 + k*hypre__sz1;\
+    for (k = 0; k < hypre__nz; k++)\
+    {\
+       for (j = 0; j < hypre__ny; j++)\
+       {\
+          for (i = 0; i < hypre__nx; i++)\
+          {
+ #define hypre_BoxLoop1End(i1)\
+             i1 += hypre__sx1;\
+          }\
+          i1 += hypre__sy1 - hypre__nx*hypre__sx1;\
+       }\
+       i1 += hypre__sz1 - hypre__ny*hypre__sy1;\
+    }\
+    }\
+ }
+ /*-----------------------------------*/
+ #define hypre_BoxLoop2Begin(loop_size,\
+ 			    dbox1, start1, stride1, i1,\
+ 			    dbox2, start2, stride2, i2)\
+ {\
+    int  hypre__i1start = hypre_BoxIndexRank(dbox1, start1);\
+    int  hypre__i2start = hypre_BoxIndexRank(dbox2, start2);\
+    hypre_BoxLoopDeclareS(dbox1, stride1, hypre__sx1, hypre__sy1, hypre__sz1);\
+    hypre_BoxLoopDeclareS(dbox2, stride2, hypre__sx2, hypre__sy2, hypre__sz2);\
+    hypre_BoxLoopDeclareN(loop_size);
+ #define hypre_BoxLoop2For(i, j, k, i1, i2)\
+    for (hypre__block = 0; hypre__block < hypre__num_blocks; hypre__block++)\
+    {\
+    hypre_BoxLoopSet(i, j, k);\
+    i1 = hypre__i1start + i*hypre__sx1 + j*hypre__sy1 + k*hypre__sz1;\
+    i2 = hypre__i2start + i*hypre__sx2 + j*hypre__sy2 + k*hypre__sz2;\
+    for (k = 0; k < hypre__nz; k++)\
+    {\
+       for (j = 0; j < hypre__ny; j++)\
+       {\
+          for (i = 0; i < hypre__nx; i++)\
+          {
+ #define hypre_BoxLoop2End(i1, i2)\
+             i1 += hypre__sx1;\
+             i2 += hypre__sx2;\
+          }\
+          i1 += hypre__sy1 - hypre__nx*hypre__sx1;\
+          i2 += hypre__sy2 - hypre__nx*hypre__sx2;\
+       }\
+       i1 += hypre__sz1 - hypre__ny*hypre__sy1;\
+       i2 += hypre__sz2 - hypre__ny*hypre__sy2;\
+    }\
+    }\
+ }
+ /*-----------------------------------*/
+ #define hypre_BoxLoop3Begin(loop_size,\
+ 			    dbox1, start1, stride1, i1,\
+ 			    dbox2, start2, stride2, i2,\
+                             dbox3, start3, stride3, i3)\
+ {\
+    int  hypre__i1start = hypre_BoxIndexRank(dbox1, start1);\
+    int  hypre__i2start = hypre_BoxIndexRank(dbox2, start2);\
+    int  hypre__i3start = hypre_BoxIndexRank(dbox3, start3);\
+    hypre_BoxLoopDeclareS(dbox1, stride1, hypre__sx1, hypre__sy1, hypre__sz1);\
+    hypre_BoxLoopDeclareS(dbox2, stride2, hypre__sx2, hypre__sy2, hypre__sz2);\
+    hypre_BoxLoopDeclareS(dbox3, stride3, hypre__sx3, hypre__sy3, hypre__sz3);\
+    hypre_BoxLoopDeclareN(loop_size);
+ #define hypre_BoxLoop3For(i, j, k, i1, i2, i3)\
+    for (hypre__block = 0; hypre__block < hypre__num_blocks; hypre__block++)\
+    {\
+    hypre_BoxLoopSet(i, j, k);\
+    i1 = hypre__i1start + i*hypre__sx1 + j*hypre__sy1 + k*hypre__sz1;\
+    i2 = hypre__i2start + i*hypre__sx2 + j*hypre__sy2 + k*hypre__sz2;\
+    i3 = hypre__i3start + i*hypre__sx3 + j*hypre__sy3 + k*hypre__sz3;\
+    for (k = 0; k < hypre__nz; k++)\
+    {\
+       for (j = 0; j < hypre__ny; j++)\
+       {\
+          for (i = 0; i < hypre__nx; i++)\
+          {
+ #define hypre_BoxLoop3End(i1, i2, i3)\
+             i1 += hypre__sx1;\
+             i2 += hypre__sx2;\
+             i3 += hypre__sx3;\
+          }\
+          i1 += hypre__sy1 - hypre__nx*hypre__sx1;\
+          i2 += hypre__sy2 - hypre__nx*hypre__sx2;\
+          i3 += hypre__sy3 - hypre__nx*hypre__sx3;\
+       }\
+       i1 += hypre__sz1 - hypre__ny*hypre__sy1;\
+       i2 += hypre__sz2 - hypre__ny*hypre__sy2;\
+       i3 += hypre__sz3 - hypre__ny*hypre__sy3;\
+    }\
+    }\
+ }
+ /*-----------------------------------*/
+ #define hypre_BoxLoop4Begin(loop_size,\
+ 			    dbox1, start1, stride1, i1,\
+ 			    dbox2, start2, stride2, i2,\
+                             dbox3, start3, stride3, i3,\
+                             dbox4, start4, stride4, i4)\
+ {\
+    int  hypre__i1start = hypre_BoxIndexRank(dbox1, start1);\
+    int  hypre__i2start = hypre_BoxIndexRank(dbox2, start2);\
+    int  hypre__i3start = hypre_BoxIndexRank(dbox3, start3);\
+    int  hypre__i4start = hypre_BoxIndexRank(dbox4, start4);\
+    hypre_BoxLoopDeclareS(dbox1, stride1, hypre__sx1, hypre__sy1, hypre__sz1);\
+    hypre_BoxLoopDeclareS(dbox2, stride2, hypre__sx2, hypre__sy2, hypre__sz2);\
+    hypre_BoxLoopDeclareS(dbox3, stride3, hypre__sx3, hypre__sy3, hypre__sz3);\
+    hypre_BoxLoopDeclareS(dbox4, stride4, hypre__sx4, hypre__sy4, hypre__sz4);\
+    hypre_BoxLoopDeclareN(loop_size);
+ #define hypre_BoxLoop4For(i, j, k, i1, i2, i3, i4)\
+    for (hypre__block = 0; hypre__block < hypre__num_blocks; hypre__block++)\
+    {\
+    hypre_BoxLoopSet(i, j, k);\
+    i1 = hypre__i1start + i*hypre__sx1 + j*hypre__sy1 + k*hypre__sz1;\
+    i2 = hypre__i2start + i*hypre__sx2 + j*hypre__sy2 + k*hypre__sz2;\
+    i3 = hypre__i3start + i*hypre__sx3 + j*hypre__sy3 + k*hypre__sz3;\
+    i4 = hypre__i4start + i*hypre__sx4 + j*hypre__sy4 + k*hypre__sz4;\
+    for (k = 0; k < hypre__nz; k++)\
+    {\
+       for (j = 0; j < hypre__ny; j++)\
+       {\
+          for (i = 0; i < hypre__nx; i++)\
+          {
+ #define hypre_BoxLoop4End(i1, i2, i3, i4)\
+             i1 += hypre__sx1;\
+             i2 += hypre__sx2;\
+             i3 += hypre__sx3;\
+             i4 += hypre__sx4;\
+          }\
+          i1 += hypre__sy1 - hypre__nx*hypre__sx1;\
+          i2 += hypre__sy2 - hypre__nx*hypre__sx2;\
+          i3 += hypre__sy3 - hypre__nx*hypre__sx3;\
+          i4 += hypre__sy4 - hypre__nx*hypre__sx4;\
+       }\
+       i1 += hypre__sz1 - hypre__ny*hypre__sy1;\
+       i2 += hypre__sz2 - hypre__ny*hypre__sy2;\
+       i3 += hypre__sz3 - hypre__ny*hypre__sy3;\
+       i4 += hypre__sz4 - hypre__ny*hypre__sy4;\
+    }\
+    }\
+ }
+ /*-----------------------------------*/
+ #endif  /* ifndef HYPRE_USE_PTHREADS */
+ #endif
+ /*BHEADER**********************************************************************
+  * (c) 1998   The Regents of the University of California
+  *
+  * See the file COPYRIGHT_and_DISCLAIMER for a complete copyright
+  * notice, contact person, and disclaimer.
+  *
+  * $Revision: 1.1 $
+  *********************************************************************EHEADER*/
+ /******************************************************************************
+  *
+  * Header info for the Box structures
+  *
+  *****************************************************************************/
+ #ifndef hypre_BOX_PTHREADS_HEADER
+ #define hypre_BOX_PTHREADS_HEADER
+ #include <pthread.h>
+ #include "threading.h"
+ extern volatile int hypre_thread_counter;
+ extern int iteration_counter;
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * Threaded Looping macros:
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ #ifndef CHUNK_GOAL
+ #define CHUNK_GOAL (hypre_NumThreads*1)
+ #endif
+ #ifndef MIN_VOL
+ #define MIN_VOL 125
+ #endif
+ #ifndef MAX_VOL
+ #define MAX_VOL 64000
+ #endif
+ #define hypre_BoxLoopDeclare(loop_size, data_box, stride, iinc, jinc, kinc) \
+ int  iinc = (hypre_IndexX(stride));\
+ int  jinc = (hypre_IndexY(stride)*hypre_BoxSizeX(data_box) -\
+              hypre_IndexX(loop_size)*hypre_IndexX(stride));\
+ int  kinc = (hypre_IndexZ(stride)*\
+              hypre_BoxSizeX(data_box)*hypre_BoxSizeY(data_box) -\
+              hypre_IndexY(loop_size)*\
+              hypre_IndexY(stride)*hypre_BoxSizeX(data_box))
+ #define vol_cbrt(vol) (int) pow((double)(vol), 1. / 3.) 
+ #define hypre_ThreadLoopBegin(local_counter, init_val, stop_val, tl_index,\
+ 			      tl_mtx, tl_body)\
+    for (local_counter = ifetchadd(&tl_index, &tl_mtx) + init_val;\
+         local_counter < stop_val;\
+         local_counter = ifetchadd(&tl_index, &tl_mtx) + init_val)\
+      {\
+ 	tl_body;
+ #define hypre_ThreadLoop(tl_index,\
+                          tl_count, tl_release, tl_mtx)\
+   if (pthread_equal(initial_thread, pthread_self()) == 0)\
+    {\
+       pthread_mutex_lock(&tl_mtx);\
+       tl_count++;\
+       if (tl_count < hypre_NumThreads)\
+       {\
+          pthread_mutex_unlock(&tl_mtx);\
+          while (!tl_release);\
+          pthread_mutex_lock(&tl_mtx);\
+          tl_count--;\
+          pthread_mutex_unlock(&tl_mtx);\
+          while (tl_release);\
+       }\
+       else\
+       {\
+          tl_count--;\
+          tl_index = 0;\
+          pthread_mutex_unlock(&tl_mtx);\
+          tl_release = 1;\
+          while (tl_count);\
+          tl_release = 0;\
+       }\
+    }\
+    else\
+       tl_index = 0
+ #define hypre_ThreadLoopOld(local_counter, init_val, stop_val, tl_index,\
+                          tl_count, tl_release, tl_mtx, tl_body)\
+ {\
+    for (local_counter = ifetchadd(&tl_index, &tl_mtx) + init_val;\
+         local_counter < stop_val;\
+         local_counter = ifetchadd(&tl_index, &tl_mtx) + init_val)\
+    {\
+       tl_body;\
+    }\
+    if (pthread_equal(initial_thread, pthread_self()) == 0)\
+    {\
+       pthread_mutex_lock(&tl_mtx);\
+       tl_count++;\
+       if (tl_count < hypre_NumThreads)\
+       {\
+          pthread_mutex_unlock(&tl_mtx);\
+          while (!tl_release);\
+          pthread_mutex_lock(&tl_mtx);\
+          tl_count--;\
+          pthread_mutex_unlock(&tl_mtx);\
+          while (tl_release);\
+       }\
+       else\
+       {\
+          tl_count--;\
+          tl_index = 0;\
+          pthread_mutex_unlock(&tl_mtx);\
+          tl_release = 1;\
+          while (tl_count);\
+          tl_release = 0;\
+       }\
+    }\
+    else\
+       tl_index = 0;\
+ }
+ #define hypre_ChunkLoopExternalSetup(hypre__nx, hypre__ny, hypre__nz)\
+    int target_vol, target_area, target_len;\
+    int cbrt_tar_vol, sqrt_tar_area;\
+    int edge_divisor;\
+    int znumchunk, ynumchunk, xnumchunk;\
+    int hypre__cz, hypre__cy, hypre__cx;\
+    int numchunks;\
+    int clfreq[3], clreset[3];\
+    int clstart[3];\
+    int clfinish[3];\
+    int chunkcount;\
+    target_vol    = hypre_min(hypre_max((hypre__nx * hypre__ny * hypre__nz) / CHUNK_GOAL,\
+                            MIN_VOL), MAX_VOL);\
+    cbrt_tar_vol  = (int) (pow ((double)target_vol, 1./3.));\
+    edge_divisor  = hypre__nz / cbrt_tar_vol + !!(hypre__nz % cbrt_tar_vol);\
+    hypre__cz     = hypre__nz / edge_divisor + !!(hypre__nz % edge_divisor);\
+    znumchunk     = hypre__nz / hypre__cz + !!(hypre__nz % hypre__cz);\
+    target_area   = target_vol / hypre__cz;\
+    sqrt_tar_area = (int) (sqrt((double)target_area));\
+    edge_divisor  = hypre__ny / sqrt_tar_area + !!(hypre__ny % sqrt_tar_area);\
+    hypre__cy     = hypre__ny / edge_divisor + !!(hypre__ny % edge_divisor);\
+    ynumchunk     = hypre__ny / hypre__cy + !!(hypre__ny % hypre__cy);\
+    target_len    = target_area / hypre__cy;\
+    edge_divisor  = hypre__nx / target_len + !!(hypre__nx % target_len);\
+    hypre__cx     = hypre__nx / edge_divisor + !!(hypre__nx % edge_divisor);\
+    xnumchunk     = hypre__nx / hypre__cx + !!(hypre__nx % hypre__cx);\
+    numchunks     = znumchunk * ynumchunk * xnumchunk;\
+    clfreq[0]     = 1;\
+    clreset[0]    = xnumchunk;\
+    clfreq[1]     = clreset[0];\
+    clreset[1]    = ynumchunk * xnumchunk;\
+    clfreq[2]     = clreset[1];\
+    clreset[2]    = znumchunk * ynumchunk * xnumchunk
+ #define hypre_ChunkLoopInternalSetup(clstart, clfinish, clreset, clfreq,\
+                                      hypre__nx, hypre__ny, hypre__nz,\
+                                      hypre__cx, hypre__cy, hypre__cz,\
+                                      chunkcount)\
+       clstart[0] = ((chunkcount % clreset[0]) / clfreq[0]) * hypre__cx;\
+       if (clstart[0] < hypre__nx - hypre__cx)\
+          clfinish[0] = clstart[0] + hypre__cx;\
+       else\
+          clfinish[0] = hypre__nx;\
+       clstart[1] = ((chunkcount % clreset[1]) / clfreq[1]) * hypre__cy;\
+       if (clstart[1] < hypre__ny - hypre__cy)\
+          clfinish[1] = clstart[1] + hypre__cy;\
+       else\
+          clfinish[1] = hypre__ny;\
+       clstart[2] = ((chunkcount % clreset[2]) / clfreq[2]) * hypre__cz;\
+       if (clstart[2] < hypre__nz - hypre__cz)\
+          clfinish[2] = clstart[2] + hypre__cz;\
+       else\
+          clfinish[2] = hypre__nz
+ #define hypre_BoxLoop0Begin(loop_size)\
+ {\
+    int hypre__nx = hypre_IndexX(loop_size);\
+    int hypre__ny = hypre_IndexY(loop_size);\
+    int hypre__nz = hypre_IndexZ(loop_size);\
+    if (hypre__nx && hypre__ny && hypre__nz )\
+    {\
+       hypre_ChunkLoopExternalSetup(hypre__nx, hypre__ny, hypre__nz);\
+       hypre_ThreadLoopBegin(chunkcount, 0, numchunks, iteration_counter,\
+                        hypre_mutex_boxloops,\
+          hypre_ChunkLoopInternalSetup(clstart, clfinish, clreset, clfreq,\
+                                       hypre__nx, hypre__ny, hypre__nz,\
+                                       hypre__cx, hypre__cy, hypre__cz,\
+                                       chunkcount));
+ #define hypre_BoxLoop0For(i, j, k)\
+          for (k = clstart[2]; k < clfinish[2]; k++ )\
+ 	 {\
+             for (j = clstart[1]; j < clfinish[1]; j++ )\
+             {\
+                for (i = clstart[0]; i < clfinish[0]; i++ )\
+                {
+ #define hypre_BoxLoop0End() }}}hypre_ThreadLoop(iteration_counter,\
+ 			     hypre_thread_counter, hypre_thread_release,\
+ 					      hypre_mutex_boxloops);}}}
+ #define hypre_BoxLoop1Begin(loop_size,\
+ 			    data_box1, start1, stride1, i1)\
+ {\
+    hypre_BoxLoopDeclare(loop_size, data_box1, stride1,\
+                         hypre__iinc1, hypre__jinc1, hypre__kinc1);\
+    int hypre__nx = hypre_IndexX(loop_size);\
+    int hypre__ny = hypre_IndexY(loop_size);\
+    int hypre__nz = hypre_IndexZ(loop_size);\
+    int orig_i1 = hypre_BoxIndexRank(data_box1, start1);\
+    if (hypre__nx && hypre__ny && hypre__nz )\
+    {\
+       hypre_ChunkLoopExternalSetup(hypre__nx, hypre__ny, hypre__nz);\
+       hypre_ThreadLoopBegin(chunkcount, 0, numchunks, iteration_counter,\
+                        hypre_mutex_boxloops,\
+          hypre_ChunkLoopInternalSetup(clstart, clfinish, clreset, clfreq,\
+                                       hypre__nx, hypre__ny, hypre__nz,\
+                                       hypre__cx, hypre__cy, hypre__cz,\
+                                       chunkcount));
+ #define hypre_BoxLoop1For(i, j, k, i1)\
+          for (k = clstart[2]; k < clfinish[2]; k++)\
+ 	   {\
+             for (j = clstart[1]; j < clfinish[1]; j++)\
+             {\
+                for (i = clstart[0]; i < clfinish[0]; i++)\
+                {\
+                   i1 = orig_i1 +\
+                       (i + hypre__nx*j + hypre__nx*hypre__ny*k)*hypre__iinc1 +\
+                       (j + hypre__ny*k)*hypre__jinc1 + k*hypre__kinc1;
+ #define hypre_BoxLoop1End(i1) }}}hypre_ThreadLoop(iteration_counter,\
+ 			     hypre_thread_counter, hypre_thread_release,\
+ 					      hypre_mutex_boxloops);}}}
+ #define hypre_BoxLoop2Begin(loop_size,\
+ 			    data_box1, start1, stride1, i1,\
+                             data_box2, start2, stride2, i2)\
+ {\
+    hypre_BoxLoopDeclare(loop_size, data_box1, stride1,\
+                         hypre__iinc1, hypre__jinc1, hypre__kinc1);\
+    hypre_BoxLoopDeclare(loop_size, data_box2, stride2,\
+                         hypre__iinc2, hypre__jinc2, hypre__kinc2);\
+    int hypre__nx = hypre_IndexX(loop_size);\
+    int hypre__ny = hypre_IndexY(loop_size);\
+    int hypre__nz = hypre_IndexZ(loop_size);\
+    int orig_i1 = hypre_BoxIndexRank(data_box1, start1);\
+    int orig_i2 = hypre_BoxIndexRank(data_box2, start2);\
+    if (hypre__nx && hypre__ny && hypre__nz )\
+    {\
+       hypre_ChunkLoopExternalSetup(hypre__nx, hypre__ny, hypre__nz);\
+       hypre_ThreadLoopBegin(chunkcount, 0, numchunks, iteration_counter,\
+                        hypre_mutex_boxloops,\
+          hypre_ChunkLoopInternalSetup(clstart, clfinish, clreset, clfreq,\
+                                       hypre__nx, hypre__ny, hypre__nz,\
+                                       hypre__cx, hypre__cy, hypre__cz,\
+                                       chunkcount))
+ #define hypre_BoxLoop2For(i, j, k, i1, i2)\
+          for (k = clstart[2]; k < clfinish[2]; k++)\
+ 	   {\
+             for (j = clstart[1]; j < clfinish[1]; j++)\
+             {\
+                for (i = clstart[0]; i < clfinish[0]; i++)\
+                {\
+                   i1 = orig_i1 +\
+                       (i + hypre__nx*j + hypre__nx*hypre__ny*k)*hypre__iinc1 +\
+                       (j + hypre__ny*k)*hypre__jinc1 + k*hypre__kinc1;\
+                   i2 = orig_i2 +\
+                       (i + hypre__nx*j + hypre__nx*hypre__ny*k)*hypre__iinc2 +\
+                       (j + hypre__ny*k)*hypre__jinc2 + k*hypre__kinc2;
+ #define hypre_BoxLoop2End(i1, i2) }}}hypre_ThreadLoop(iteration_counter,\
+                        hypre_thread_counter, hypre_thread_release,\
+                        hypre_mutex_boxloops);}}}
+ #define hypre_BoxLoop3Begin(loop_size,\
+ 			    data_box1, start1, stride1, i1,\
+                             data_box2, start2, stride2, i2,\
+                             data_box3, start3, stride3, i3)\
+ {\
+    hypre_BoxLoopDeclare(loop_size, data_box1, stride1,\
+                         hypre__iinc1, hypre__jinc1, hypre__kinc1);\
+    hypre_BoxLoopDeclare(loop_size, data_box2, stride2,\
+                         hypre__iinc2, hypre__jinc2, hypre__kinc2);\
+    hypre_BoxLoopDeclare(loop_size, data_box3, stride3,\
+                         hypre__iinc3, hypre__jinc3, hypre__kinc3);\
+    int hypre__nx = hypre_IndexX(loop_size);\
+    int hypre__ny = hypre_IndexY(loop_size);\
+    int hypre__nz = hypre_IndexZ(loop_size);\
+    int orig_i1 = hypre_BoxIndexRank(data_box1, start1);\
+    int orig_i2 = hypre_BoxIndexRank(data_box2, start2);\
+    int orig_i3 = hypre_BoxIndexRank(data_box3, start3);\
+    if (hypre__nx && hypre__ny && hypre__nz )\
+    {\
+       hypre_ChunkLoopExternalSetup(hypre__nx, hypre__ny, hypre__nz);\
+       hypre_ThreadLoopBegin(chunkcount, 0, numchunks, iteration_counter,\
+                        hypre_mutex_boxloops,\
+          hypre_ChunkLoopInternalSetup(clstart, clfinish, clreset, clfreq,\
+                                       hypre__nx, hypre__ny, hypre__nz,\
+                                       hypre__cx, hypre__cy, hypre__cz,\
+                                       chunkcount))
+ #define hypre_BoxLoop3For(i, j, k, i1, i2, i3)\
+          for (k = clstart[2]; k < clfinish[2]; k++)\
+ 	   {\
+             for (j = clstart[1]; j < clfinish[1]; j++)\
+             {\
+                for (i = clstart[0]; i < clfinish[0]; i++)\
+                {\
+                   i1 = orig_i1 +\
+                       (i + hypre__nx*j + hypre__nx*hypre__ny*k)*hypre__iinc1 +\
+                       (j + hypre__ny*k)*hypre__jinc1 + k*hypre__kinc1;\
+                   i2 = orig_i2 +\
+                       (i + hypre__nx*j + hypre__nx*hypre__ny*k)*hypre__iinc2 +\
+                       (j + hypre__ny*k)*hypre__jinc2 + k*hypre__kinc2;\
+                   i3 = orig_i3 +\
+                       (i + hypre__nx*j + hypre__nx*hypre__ny*k)*hypre__iinc3 +\
+                       (j + hypre__ny*k)*hypre__jinc3 + k*hypre__kinc3;\
+ #define hypre_BoxLoop3End(i1, i2, i3) }}}hypre_ThreadLoop(iteration_counter,\
+ 			     hypre_thread_counter, hypre_thread_release,\
+ 					      hypre_mutex_boxloops);}}}
+ #define hypre_BoxLoop4Begin(loop_size,\
+ 			    data_box1, start1, stride1, i1,\
+                             data_box2, start2, stride2, i2,\
+                             data_box3, start3, stride3, i3,\
+                             data_box4, start4, stride4, i4)\
+ {\
+    hypre_BoxLoopDeclare(loop_size, data_box1, stride1,\
+                         hypre__iinc1, hypre__jinc1, hypre__kinc1);\
+    hypre_BoxLoopDeclare(loop_size, data_box2, stride2,\
+                         hypre__iinc2, hypre__jinc2, hypre__kinc2);\
+    hypre_BoxLoopDeclare(loop_size, data_box3, stride3,\
+                         hypre__iinc3, hypre__jinc3, hypre__kinc3);\
+    hypre_BoxLoopDeclare(loop_size, data_box4, stride4,\
+                         hypre__iinc4, hypre__jinc4, hypre__kinc4);\
+    int hypre__nx = hypre_IndexX(loop_size);\
+    int hypre__ny = hypre_IndexY(loop_size);\
+    int hypre__nz = hypre_IndexZ(loop_size);\
+    int orig_i1 = hypre_BoxIndexRank(data_box1, start1);\
+    int orig_i2 = hypre_BoxIndexRank(data_box2, start2);\
+    int orig_i3 = hypre_BoxIndexRank(data_box3, start3);\
+    int orig_i4 = hypre_BoxIndexRank(data_box4, start4);\
+    if (hypre__nx && hypre__ny && hypre__nz )\
+    {\
+       hypre_ChunkLoopExternalSetup(hypre__nx, hypre__ny, hypre__nz);\
+       hypre_ThreadLoopBegin(chunkcount, 0, numchunks, iteration_counter,\
+                        hypre_mutex_boxloops,\
+          hypre_ChunkLoopInternalSetup(clstart, clfinish, clreset, clfreq,\
+                                       hypre__nx, hypre__ny, hypre__nz,\
+                                       hypre__cx, hypre__cy, hypre__cz,\
+                                       chunkcount))
+ #define hypre_BoxLoop4For(i, j, k, i1, i2, i3, i4)\
+          for (k = clstart[2]; k < clfinish[2]; k++)\
+ 	   {\
+             for (j = clstart[1]; j < clfinish[1]; j++)\
+             {\
+                for (i = clstart[0]; i < clfinish[0]; i++)\
+                {\
+                   i1 = orig_i1 +\
+                       (i + hypre__nx*j + hypre__nx*hypre__ny*k)*hypre__iinc1 +\
+                       (j + hypre__ny*k)*hypre__jinc1 + k*hypre__kinc1;\
+                   i2 = orig_i2 +\
+                       (i + hypre__nx*j + hypre__nx*hypre__ny*k)*hypre__iinc2 +\
+                       (j + hypre__ny*k)*hypre__jinc2 + k*hypre__kinc2;\
+                   i3 = orig_i3 +\
+                       (i + hypre__nx*j + hypre__nx*hypre__ny*k)*hypre__iinc3 +\
+                       (j + hypre__ny*k)*hypre__jinc3 + k*hypre__kinc3;\
+                   i4 = orig_i4 +\
+                       (i + hypre__nx*j + hypre__nx*hypre__ny*k)*hypre__iinc4 +\
+                       (j + hypre__ny*k)*hypre__jinc4 + k*hypre__kinc4;\
+ #define hypre_BoxLoop4End(i1, i2, i3, i4) }}}hypre_ThreadLoop(iteration_counter,\
+ 			     hypre_thread_counter, hypre_thread_release,\
+ 					      hypre_mutex_boxloops);}}}
+ #endif
+ #endif
+ /*BHEADER**********************************************************************
+  * (c) 1998   The Regents of the University of California
+  *
+  * See the file COPYRIGHT_and_DISCLAIMER for a complete copyright
+  * notice, contact person, and disclaimer.
+  *
+  * $Revision: 1.1 $
+  *********************************************************************EHEADER*/
+ /******************************************************************************
+  *
+  * Header info for the hypre_BoxNeighbors structures
+  *
+  *****************************************************************************/
+ #ifndef hypre_BOX_NEIGHBORS_HEADER
+ #define hypre_BOX_NEIGHBORS_HEADER
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_RankLink:
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ typedef struct hypre_RankLink_struct
+ {
+    int                           rank;
+    struct hypre_RankLink_struct *next;
+ } hypre_RankLink;
+ typedef hypre_RankLink *hypre_RankLinkArray[3][3][3];
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_BoxNeighbors:
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ typedef struct hypre_BoxNeighbors_struct
+ {
+    hypre_BoxArray      *boxes;            /* boxes in the neighborhood */
+    int                 *procs;            /* procs for 'boxes' */
+    int                 *ids;              /* ids for 'boxes' */
+    int                  first_local;      /* first local box address */
+    int                  num_local;        /* number of local boxes */
+    int                  num_periodic;     /* number of periodic boxes */
+    hypre_RankLinkArray *rank_links;      /* neighbors of local boxes */
+ } hypre_BoxNeighbors;
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * Accessor macros: hypre_RankLink
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ #define hypre_RankLinkRank(link)      ((link) -> rank)
+ #define hypre_RankLinkDistance(link)  ((link) -> distance)
+ #define hypre_RankLinkNext(link)      ((link) -> next)
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * Accessor macros: hypre_BoxNeighbors
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ #define hypre_BoxNeighborsBoxes(neighbors)       ((neighbors) -> boxes)
+ #define hypre_BoxNeighborsProcs(neighbors)       ((neighbors) -> procs)
+ #define hypre_BoxNeighborsIDs(neighbors)         ((neighbors) -> ids)
+ #define hypre_BoxNeighborsFirstLocal(neighbors)  ((neighbors) -> first_local)
+ #define hypre_BoxNeighborsNumLocal(neighbors)    ((neighbors) -> num_local)
+ #define hypre_BoxNeighborsNumPeriodic(neighbors) ((neighbors) -> num_periodic)
+ #define hypre_BoxNeighborsRankLinks(neighbors)   ((neighbors) -> rank_links)
+ #define hypre_BoxNeighborsNumBoxes(neighbors) \
+ (hypre_BoxArraySize(hypre_BoxNeighborsBoxes(neighbors)))
+ #define hypre_BoxNeighborsRankLink(neighbors, b, i, j, k) \
+ (hypre_BoxNeighborsRankLinks(neighbors)[b][i+1][j+1][k+1])
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * Looping macros:
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ #define hypre_BeginBoxNeighborsLoop(n, neighbors, b, distance_index)\
+ {\
+    int             hypre__istart = 0;\
+    int             hypre__jstart = 0;\
+    int             hypre__kstart = 0;\
+    int             hypre__istop  = 0;\
+    int             hypre__jstop  = 0;\
+    int             hypre__kstop  = 0;\
+    hypre_RankLink *hypre__rank_link;\
+    int             hypre__i, hypre__j, hypre__k;\
+ \
+    hypre__i = hypre_IndexX(distance_index);\
+    if (hypre__i < 0)\
+       hypre__istart = -1;\
+    else if (hypre__i > 0)\
+       hypre__istop = 1;\
+ \
+    hypre__j = hypre_IndexY(distance_index);\
+    if (hypre__j < 0)\
+       hypre__jstart = -1;\
+    else if (hypre__j > 0)\
+       hypre__jstop = 1;\
+ \
+    hypre__k = hypre_IndexZ(distance_index);\
+    if (hypre__k < 0)\
+       hypre__kstart = -1;\
+    else if (hypre__k > 0)\
+       hypre__kstop = 1;\
+ \
+    for (hypre__k = hypre__kstart; hypre__k <= hypre__kstop; hypre__k++)\
+    {\
+       for (hypre__j = hypre__jstart; hypre__j <= hypre__jstop; hypre__j++)\
+       {\
+          for (hypre__i = hypre__istart; hypre__i <= hypre__istop; hypre__i++)\
+          {\
+             hypre__rank_link = \
+                hypre_BoxNeighborsRankLink(neighbors, b,\
+                                           hypre__i, hypre__j, hypre__k);\
+             while (hypre__rank_link)\
+             {\
+                n = hypre_RankLinkRank(hypre__rank_link);
+ #define hypre_EndBoxNeighborsLoop\
+                hypre__rank_link = hypre_RankLinkNext(hypre__rank_link);\
+             }\
+          }\
+       }\
+    }\
+ }
+ #endif
+ /*BHEADER**********************************************************************
+  * (c) 1997   The Regents of the University of California
+  *
+  * See the file COPYRIGHT_and_DISCLAIMER for a complete copyright
+  * notice, contact person, and disclaimer.
+  *
+  * $Revision: 1.1 $
+  *********************************************************************EHEADER*/
+ /******************************************************************************
+  *
+  * Header info for the hypre_StructGrid structures
+  *
+  *****************************************************************************/
+ #ifndef hypre_STRUCT_GRID_HEADER
+ #define hypre_STRUCT_GRID_HEADER
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_StructGrid:
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ typedef struct hypre_StructGrid_struct
+ {
+    MPI_Comm             comm;
+    int                  dim;          /* Number of grid dimensions */
+    hypre_BoxArray      *boxes;        /* Array of boxes in this process */
+    int                 *ids;          /* Unique IDs for boxes */
+    hypre_BoxNeighbors  *neighbors;    /* Neighbors of boxes */
+    int                  max_distance; /* Neighborhood size */
+    hypre_Box           *bounding_box; /* Bounding box around grid */
+    int                  local_size;   /* Number of grid points locally */
+    int                  global_size;  /* Total number of grid points */
+    hypre_Index          periodic;     /* Indicates if grid is periodic */
+    int                  ref_count;
+ } hypre_StructGrid;
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * Accessor macros: hypre_StructGrid
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ #define hypre_StructGridComm(grid)          ((grid) -> comm)
+ #define hypre_StructGridDim(grid)           ((grid) -> dim)
+ #define hypre_StructGridBoxes(grid)         ((grid) -> boxes)
+ #define hypre_StructGridIDs(grid)           ((grid) -> ids)
+ #define hypre_StructGridNeighbors(grid)     ((grid) -> neighbors)
+ #define hypre_StructGridMaxDistance(grid)   ((grid) -> max_distance)
+ #define hypre_StructGridBoundingBox(grid)   ((grid) -> bounding_box)
+ #define hypre_StructGridLocalSize(grid)     ((grid) -> local_size)
+ #define hypre_StructGridGlobalSize(grid)    ((grid) -> global_size)
+ #define hypre_StructGridPeriodic(grid)      ((grid) -> periodic)
+ #define hypre_StructGridRefCount(grid)      ((grid) -> ref_count)
+ #define hypre_StructGridBox(grid, i) \
+ (hypre_BoxArrayBox(hypre_StructGridBoxes(grid), i))
+ #define hypre_StructGridNumBoxes(grid) \
+ (hypre_BoxArraySize(hypre_StructGridBoxes(grid)))
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * Looping macros:
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ #define hypre_ForStructGridBoxI(i, grid) \
+ hypre_ForBoxI(i, hypre_StructGridBoxes(grid))
+ #endif
+ /*BHEADER**********************************************************************
+  * (c) 1997   The Regents of the University of California
+  *
+  * See the file COPYRIGHT_and_DISCLAIMER for a complete copyright
+  * notice, contact person, and disclaimer.
+  *
+  * $Revision: 1.1 $
+  *********************************************************************EHEADER*/
+ /******************************************************************************
+  *
+  * Header info for hypre_StructStencil data structures
+  *
+  *****************************************************************************/
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_StructStencil
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ typedef struct hypre_StructStencil_struct
+ {
+    hypre_Index   *shape;   /* Description of a stencil's shape */
+    int            size;    /* Number of stencil coefficients */
+    int            max_offset;
+    int            dim;     /* Number of dimensions */
+    int            ref_count;
+ } hypre_StructStencil;
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * Accessor functions for the hypre_StructStencil structure
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ #define hypre_StructStencilShape(stencil)      ((stencil) -> shape)
+ #define hypre_StructStencilSize(stencil)       ((stencil) -> size)
+ #define hypre_StructStencilMaxOffset(stencil)  ((stencil) -> max_offset)
+ #define hypre_StructStencilDim(stencil)        ((stencil) -> dim)
+ #define hypre_StructStencilRefCount(stencil)   ((stencil) -> ref_count)
+ #define hypre_StructStencilElement(stencil, i) \
+ hypre_StructStencilShape(stencil)[i]
+ #endif
+ /*BHEADER**********************************************************************
+  * (c) 1997   The Regents of the University of California
+  *
+  * See the file COPYRIGHT_and_DISCLAIMER for a complete copyright
+  * notice, contact person, and disclaimer.
+  *
+  * $Revision: 1.1 $
+  *********************************************************************EHEADER*/
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_CommTypeEntry:
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ typedef struct hypre_CommTypeEntry_struct
+ {
+    hypre_Index  imin;             /* global imin for the data */
+    hypre_Index  imax;             /* global imin for the data */
+    int          offset;           /* offset for the data */
+    int          dim;              /* dimension of the communication */
+    int          length_array[4];
+    int          stride_array[4];
+ } hypre_CommTypeEntry;
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_CommType:
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ typedef struct hypre_CommType_struct
+ {
+    hypre_CommTypeEntry  **comm_entries;
+    int                    num_entries;
+ } hypre_CommType;
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_CommPkg:
+  *   Structure containing information for doing communications
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ typedef struct hypre_CommPkg_struct
+ {
+    int                    num_values;
+    MPI_Comm               comm;
+    int                    num_sends;
+    int                    num_recvs;
+    int                   *send_procs;
+    int                   *recv_procs;
+    /* remote communication information */
+    hypre_CommType       **send_types;
+    hypre_CommType       **recv_types;
+    MPI_Datatype          *send_mpi_types;
+    MPI_Datatype          *recv_mpi_types;
+    /* local copy information */
+    hypre_CommType        *copy_from_type;
+    hypre_CommType        *copy_to_type;
+ } hypre_CommPkg;
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * CommHandle:
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ typedef struct hypre_CommHandle_struct
+ {
+    hypre_CommPkg  *comm_pkg;
+    double         *send_data;
+    double         *recv_data;
+    int             num_requests;
+    MPI_Request    *requests;
+    MPI_Status     *status;
+ #if defined(HYPRE_COMM_SIMPLE)
+    double        **send_buffers;
+    double        **recv_buffers;
+    int            *send_sizes;
+    int            *recv_sizes;
+ #endif
+ } hypre_CommHandle;
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * Accessor macros: hypre_CommTypeEntry
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ #define hypre_CommTypeEntryIMin(entry)          (entry -> imin)
+ #define hypre_CommTypeEntryIMax(entry)          (entry -> imax)
+ #define hypre_CommTypeEntryOffset(entry)        (entry -> offset)
+ #define hypre_CommTypeEntryDim(entry)           (entry -> dim)
+ #define hypre_CommTypeEntryLengthArray(entry)   (entry -> length_array)
+ #define hypre_CommTypeEntryStrideArray(entry)   (entry -> stride_array)
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * Accessor macros: hypre_CommType
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ #define hypre_CommTypeCommEntries(type)   (type -> comm_entries)
+ #define hypre_CommTypeCommEntry(type, i)  (type -> comm_entries[i])
+ #define hypre_CommTypeNumEntries(type)    (type -> num_entries)
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * Accessor macros: hypre_CommPkg
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ #define hypre_CommPkgNumValues(comm_pkg)       (comm_pkg -> num_values)
+ #define hypre_CommPkgComm(comm_pkg)            (comm_pkg -> comm)
+ #define hypre_CommPkgNumSends(comm_pkg)        (comm_pkg -> num_sends)
+ #define hypre_CommPkgNumRecvs(comm_pkg)        (comm_pkg -> num_recvs)
+ #define hypre_CommPkgSendProcs(comm_pkg)       (comm_pkg -> send_procs)
+ #define hypre_CommPkgSendProc(comm_pkg, i)     (comm_pkg -> send_procs[i])
+ #define hypre_CommPkgRecvProcs(comm_pkg)       (comm_pkg -> recv_procs)
+ #define hypre_CommPkgRecvProc(comm_pkg, i)     (comm_pkg -> recv_procs[i])
+ #define hypre_CommPkgSendTypes(comm_pkg)       (comm_pkg -> send_types)
+ #define hypre_CommPkgSendType(comm_pkg, i)     (comm_pkg -> send_types[i])
+ #define hypre_CommPkgRecvTypes(comm_pkg)       (comm_pkg -> recv_types)
+ #define hypre_CommPkgRecvType(comm_pkg, i)     (comm_pkg -> recv_types[i])
+ #define hypre_CommPkgSendMPITypes(comm_pkg)    (comm_pkg -> send_mpi_types)
+ #define hypre_CommPkgSendMPIType(comm_pkg, i)  (comm_pkg -> send_mpi_types[i])
+ #define hypre_CommPkgRecvMPITypes(comm_pkg)    (comm_pkg -> recv_mpi_types)
+ #define hypre_CommPkgRecvMPIType(comm_pkg, i)  (comm_pkg -> recv_mpi_types[i])
+ #define hypre_CommPkgCopyFromType(comm_pkg)    (comm_pkg -> copy_from_type)
+ #define hypre_CommPkgCopyToType(comm_pkg)      (comm_pkg -> copy_to_type)
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * Accessor macros: hypre_CommHandle
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ #define hypre_CommHandleCommPkg(comm_handle)     (comm_handle -> comm_pkg)
+ #define hypre_CommHandleSendData(comm_handle)    (comm_handle -> send_data)
+ #define hypre_CommHandleRecvData(comm_handle)    (comm_handle -> recv_data)
+ #define hypre_CommHandleNumRequests(comm_handle) (comm_handle -> num_requests)
+ #define hypre_CommHandleRequests(comm_handle)    (comm_handle -> requests)
+ #define hypre_CommHandleStatus(comm_handle)      (comm_handle -> status)
+ #if defined(HYPRE_COMM_SIMPLE)
+ #define hypre_CommHandleSendBuffers(comm_handle) (comm_handle -> send_buffers)
+ #define hypre_CommHandleRecvBuffers(comm_handle) (comm_handle -> recv_buffers)
+ #define hypre_CommHandleSendSizes(comm_handle)   (comm_handle -> send_sizes)
+ #define hypre_CommHandleRecvSizes(comm_handle)   (comm_handle -> recv_sizes)
+ #endif
+ #endif
+ /*BHEADER**********************************************************************
+  * (c) 1997   The Regents of the University of California
+  *
+  * See the file COPYRIGHT_and_DISCLAIMER for a complete copyright
+  * notice, contact person, and disclaimer.
+  *
+  * $Revision: 1.1 $
+  *********************************************************************EHEADER*/
+ /******************************************************************************
+  *
+  * Header info for computation
+  *
+  *****************************************************************************/
+ #ifndef hypre_COMPUTATION_HEADER
+ #define hypre_COMPUTATION_HEADER
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_ComputePkg:
+  *   Structure containing information for doing computations.
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ typedef struct hypre_ComputePkg_struct
+ {
+    hypre_CommPkg         *comm_pkg;
+    hypre_BoxArrayArray   *indt_boxes;
+    hypre_BoxArrayArray   *dept_boxes;
+    hypre_Index            stride;
+    hypre_StructGrid      *grid;
+    hypre_BoxArray        *data_space;
+    int                    num_values;
+ } hypre_ComputePkg;
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * Accessor macros: hypre_ComputePkg
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ #define hypre_ComputePkgCommPkg(compute_pkg)      (compute_pkg -> comm_pkg)
+ #define hypre_ComputePkgIndtBoxes(compute_pkg)    (compute_pkg -> indt_boxes)
+ #define hypre_ComputePkgDeptBoxes(compute_pkg)    (compute_pkg -> dept_boxes)
+ #define hypre_ComputePkgStride(compute_pkg)       (compute_pkg -> stride)
+ #define hypre_ComputePkgGrid(compute_pkg)         (compute_pkg -> grid)
+ #define hypre_ComputePkgDataSpace(compute_pkg)    (compute_pkg -> data_space)
+ #define hypre_ComputePkgNumValues(compute_pkg)    (compute_pkg -> num_values)
+ #endif
+ /*BHEADER**********************************************************************
+  * (c) 1997   The Regents of the University of California
+  *
+  * See the file COPYRIGHT_and_DISCLAIMER for a complete copyright
+  * notice, contact person, and disclaimer.
+  *
+  * $Revision: 1.1 $
+  *********************************************************************EHEADER*/
+ /******************************************************************************
+  *
+  * Header info for the hypre_StructMatrix structures
+  *
+  *****************************************************************************/
+ #ifndef hypre_STRUCT_MATRIX_HEADER
+ #define hypre_STRUCT_MATRIX_HEADER
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_StructMatrix:
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ typedef struct hypre_StructMatrix_struct
+ {
+    MPI_Comm              comm;
+    hypre_StructGrid     *grid;
+    hypre_StructStencil  *user_stencil;
+    hypre_StructStencil  *stencil;
+    int                   num_values;   /* Number of "stored" coefficients */
+    hypre_BoxArray       *data_space;
+    double               *data;         /* Pointer to matrix data */
+    int                   data_alloced; /* Boolean used for freeing data */
+    int                   data_size;    /* Size of matrix data */
+    int                 **data_indices; /* num-boxes by stencil-size array
+                                           of indices into the data array.
+                                           data_indices[b][s] is the starting
+                                           index of matrix data corresponding
+                                           to box b and stencil coefficient s */
+    int                   symmetric;    /* Is the matrix symmetric */
+    int                  *symm_elements;/* Which elements are "symmetric" */
+    int                   num_ghost[6]; /* Num ghost layers in each direction */
+    int                   global_size;  /* Total number of nonzero coeffs */
+    hypre_CommPkg        *comm_pkg;     /* Info on how to update ghost data */
+    int                   ref_count;
+ } hypre_StructMatrix;
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * Accessor macros: hypre_StructMatrix
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ #define hypre_StructMatrixComm(matrix)          ((matrix) -> comm)
+ #define hypre_StructMatrixGrid(matrix)          ((matrix) -> grid)
+ #define hypre_StructMatrixUserStencil(matrix)   ((matrix) -> user_stencil)
+ #define hypre_StructMatrixStencil(matrix)       ((matrix) -> stencil)
+ #define hypre_StructMatrixNumValues(matrix)     ((matrix) -> num_values)
+ #define hypre_StructMatrixDataSpace(matrix)     ((matrix) -> data_space)
+ #define hypre_StructMatrixData(matrix)          ((matrix) -> data)
+ #define hypre_StructMatrixDataAlloced(matrix)   ((matrix) -> data_alloced)
+ #define hypre_StructMatrixDataSize(matrix)      ((matrix) -> data_size)
+ #define hypre_StructMatrixDataIndices(matrix)   ((matrix) -> data_indices)
+ #define hypre_StructMatrixSymmetric(matrix)     ((matrix) -> symmetric)
+ #define hypre_StructMatrixSymmElements(matrix)  ((matrix) -> symm_elements)
+ #define hypre_StructMatrixNumGhost(matrix)      ((matrix) -> num_ghost)
+ #define hypre_StructMatrixGlobalSize(matrix)    ((matrix) -> global_size)
+ #define hypre_StructMatrixCommPkg(matrix)       ((matrix) -> comm_pkg)
+ #define hypre_StructMatrixRefCount(matrix)      ((matrix) -> ref_count)
+ #define hypre_StructMatrixBox(matrix, b) \
+ hypre_BoxArrayBox(hypre_StructMatrixDataSpace(matrix), b)
+ #define hypre_StructMatrixBoxData(matrix, b, s) \
+ (hypre_StructMatrixData(matrix) + hypre_StructMatrixDataIndices(matrix)[b][s])
+ #define hypre_StructMatrixBoxDataValue(matrix, b, s, index) \
+ (hypre_StructMatrixBoxData(matrix, b, s) + \
+  hypre_BoxIndexRank(hypre_StructMatrixBox(matrix, b), index))
+ #endif
+ /*BHEADER**********************************************************************
+  * (c) 1997   The Regents of the University of California
+  *
+  * See the file COPYRIGHT_and_DISCLAIMER for a complete copyright
+  * notice, contact person, and disclaimer.
+  *
+  * $Revision: 1.1 $
+  *********************************************************************EHEADER*/
+ /******************************************************************************
+  *
+  * Header info for the hypre_StructVector structures
+  *
+  *****************************************************************************/
+ #ifndef hypre_STRUCT_VECTOR_HEADER
+ #define hypre_STRUCT_VECTOR_HEADER
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_StructVector:
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ typedef struct hypre_StructVector_struct
+ {
+    MPI_Comm              comm;
+    hypre_StructGrid     *grid;
+    hypre_BoxArray       *data_space;
+    double               *data;         /* Pointer to vector data */
+    int                   data_alloced; /* Boolean used for freeing data */
+    int                   data_size;    /* Size of vector data */
+    int                  *data_indices; /* num-boxes array of indices into
+                                           the data array.  data_indices[b]
+                                           is the starting index of vector
+                                           data corresponding to box b. */
+    int                   num_ghost[6]; /* Num ghost layers in each direction */
+    int                   global_size;  /* Total number coefficients */
+    int                   ref_count;
+ } hypre_StructVector;
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * Accessor macros: hypre_StructVector
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ #define hypre_StructVectorComm(vector)          ((vector) -> comm)
+ #define hypre_StructVectorGrid(vector)          ((vector) -> grid)
+ #define hypre_StructVectorDataSpace(vector)     ((vector) -> data_space)
+ #define hypre_StructVectorData(vector)          ((vector) -> data)
+ #define hypre_StructVectorDataAlloced(vector)   ((vector) -> data_alloced)
+ #define hypre_StructVectorDataSize(vector)      ((vector) -> data_size)
+ #define hypre_StructVectorDataIndices(vector)   ((vector) -> data_indices)
+ #define hypre_StructVectorNumGhost(vector)      ((vector) -> num_ghost)
+ #define hypre_StructVectorGlobalSize(vector)    ((vector) -> global_size)
+ #define hypre_StructVectorRefCount(vector)      ((vector) -> ref_count)
+ #define hypre_StructVectorBox(vector, b) \
+ hypre_BoxArrayBox(hypre_StructVectorDataSpace(vector), b)
+ #define hypre_StructVectorBoxData(vector, b) \
+ (hypre_StructVectorData(vector) + hypre_StructVectorDataIndices(vector)[b])
+ #define hypre_StructVectorBoxDataValue(vector, b, index) \
+ (hypre_StructVectorBoxData(vector, b) + \
+  hypre_BoxIndexRank(hypre_StructVectorBox(vector, b), index))
+ #endif
+ /* HYPRE_struct_grid.c */
+ int HYPRE_StructGridCreate( MPI_Comm comm , int dim , HYPRE_StructGrid *grid );
+ int HYPRE_StructGridDestroy( HYPRE_StructGrid grid );
+ int HYPRE_StructGridSetExtents( HYPRE_StructGrid grid , int *ilower , int *iupper );
+ int HYPRE_StructGridSetPeriodic( HYPRE_StructGrid grid , int *periodic );
+ int HYPRE_StructGridAssemble( HYPRE_StructGrid grid );
+ /* HYPRE_struct_matrix.c */
+ int HYPRE_StructMatrixCreate( MPI_Comm comm , HYPRE_StructGrid grid , HYPRE_StructStencil stencil , HYPRE_StructMatrix *matrix );
+ int HYPRE_StructMatrixDestroy( HYPRE_StructMatrix matrix );
+ int HYPRE_StructMatrixInitialize( HYPRE_StructMatrix matrix );
+ int HYPRE_StructMatrixSetValues( HYPRE_StructMatrix matrix , int *grid_index , int num_stencil_indices , int *stencil_indices , double *values );
+ int HYPRE_StructMatrixSetBoxValues( HYPRE_StructMatrix matrix , int *ilower , int *iupper , int num_stencil_indices , int *stencil_indices , double *values );
+ int HYPRE_StructMatrixAddToValues( HYPRE_StructMatrix matrix , int *grid_index , int num_stencil_indices , int *stencil_indices , double *values );
+ int HYPRE_StructMatrixAddToBoxValues( HYPRE_StructMatrix matrix , int *ilower , int *iupper , int num_stencil_indices , int *stencil_indices , double *values );
+ int HYPRE_StructMatrixAssemble( HYPRE_StructMatrix matrix );
+ int HYPRE_StructMatrixSetNumGhost( HYPRE_StructMatrix matrix , int *num_ghost );
+ int HYPRE_StructMatrixGetGrid( HYPRE_StructMatrix matrix , HYPRE_StructGrid *grid );
+ int HYPRE_StructMatrixSetSymmetric( HYPRE_StructMatrix matrix , int symmetric );
+ int HYPRE_StructMatrixPrint( char *filename , HYPRE_StructMatrix matrix , int all );
+ /* HYPRE_struct_stencil.c */
+ int HYPRE_StructStencilCreate( int dim , int size , HYPRE_StructStencil *stencil );
+ int HYPRE_StructStencilSetElement( HYPRE_StructStencil stencil , int element_index , int *offset );
+ int HYPRE_StructStencilDestroy( HYPRE_StructStencil stencil );
+ /* HYPRE_struct_vector.c */
+ int HYPRE_StructVectorCreate( MPI_Comm comm , HYPRE_StructGrid grid , HYPRE_StructVector *vector );
+ int HYPRE_StructVectorDestroy( HYPRE_StructVector struct_vector );
+ int HYPRE_StructVectorInitialize( HYPRE_StructVector vector );
+ int HYPRE_StructVectorSetValues( HYPRE_StructVector vector , int *grid_index , double values );
+ int HYPRE_StructVectorSetBoxValues( HYPRE_StructVector vector , int *ilower , int *iupper , double *values );
+ int HYPRE_StructVectorAddToValues( HYPRE_StructVector vector , int *grid_index , double values );
+ int HYPRE_StructVectorAddToBoxValues( HYPRE_StructVector vector , int *ilower , int *iupper , double *values );
+ int HYPRE_StructVectorGetValues( HYPRE_StructVector vector , int *grid_index , double *values_ptr );
+ int HYPRE_StructVectorGetBoxValues( HYPRE_StructVector vector , int *ilower , int *iupper , double *values );
+ int HYPRE_StructVectorAssemble( HYPRE_StructVector vector );
+ int HYPRE_StructVectorPrint( char *filename , HYPRE_StructVector vector , int all );
+ int HYPRE_StructVectorSetNumGhost( HYPRE_StructVector vector , int *num_ghost );
+ int HYPRE_StructVectorSetConstantValues( HYPRE_StructVector vector , double values );
+ int HYPRE_StructVectorGetMigrateCommPkg( HYPRE_StructVector from_vector , HYPRE_StructVector to_vector , HYPRE_CommPkg *comm_pkg );
+ int HYPRE_StructVectorMigrate( HYPRE_CommPkg comm_pkg , HYPRE_StructVector from_vector , HYPRE_StructVector to_vector );
+ int HYPRE_CommPkgDestroy( HYPRE_CommPkg comm_pkg );
+ /* box.c */
+ hypre_Box *hypre_BoxCreate( void );
+ int hypre_BoxSetExtents( hypre_Box *box , hypre_Index imin , hypre_Index imax );
+ hypre_BoxArray *hypre_BoxArrayCreate( int size );
+ int hypre_BoxArraySetSize( hypre_BoxArray *box_array , int size );
+ hypre_BoxArrayArray *hypre_BoxArrayArrayCreate( int size );
+ int hypre_BoxDestroy( hypre_Box *box );
+ int hypre_BoxArrayDestroy( hypre_BoxArray *box_array );
+ int hypre_BoxArrayArrayDestroy( hypre_BoxArrayArray *box_array_array );
+ hypre_Box *hypre_BoxDuplicate( hypre_Box *box );
+ hypre_BoxArray *hypre_BoxArrayDuplicate( hypre_BoxArray *box_array );
+ hypre_BoxArrayArray *hypre_BoxArrayArrayDuplicate( hypre_BoxArrayArray *box_array_array );
+ int hypre_AppendBox( hypre_Box *box , hypre_BoxArray *box_array );
+ int hypre_DeleteBox( hypre_BoxArray *box_array , int index );
+ int hypre_AppendBoxArray( hypre_BoxArray *box_array_0 , hypre_BoxArray *box_array_1 );
+ int hypre_BoxGetSize( hypre_Box *box , hypre_Index size );
+ int hypre_BoxGetStrideSize( hypre_Box *box , hypre_Index stride , hypre_Index size );
+ int hypre_IModPeriod( int i , int period );
+ int hypre_IModPeriodX( hypre_Index index , hypre_Index periodic );
+ int hypre_IModPeriodY( hypre_Index index , hypre_Index periodic );
+ int hypre_IModPeriodZ( hypre_Index index , hypre_Index periodic );
+ /* box_algebra.c */
+ int hypre_IntersectBoxes( hypre_Box *box1 , hypre_Box *box2 , hypre_Box *ibox );
+ int hypre_SubtractBoxes( hypre_Box *box1 , hypre_Box *box2 , hypre_BoxArray *box_array );
+ int hypre_UnionBoxes( hypre_BoxArray *boxes );
+ /* box_alloc.c */
+ int hypre_BoxInitializeMemory( const int at_a_time );
+ int hypre_BoxFinalizeMemory( void );
+ hypre_Box *hypre_BoxAlloc( void );
+ int hypre_BoxFree( hypre_Box *box );
+ /* box_neighbors.c */
+ int hypre_RankLinkCreate( int rank , hypre_RankLink **rank_link_ptr );
+ int hypre_RankLinkDestroy( hypre_RankLink *rank_link );
+ int hypre_BoxNeighborsCreate( hypre_BoxArray *boxes , int *procs , int *ids , int first_local , int num_local , int num_periodic , hypre_BoxNeighbors **neighbors_ptr );
+ int hypre_BoxNeighborsAssemble( hypre_BoxNeighbors *neighbors , int max_distance , int prune );
+ int hypre_BoxNeighborsDestroy( hypre_BoxNeighbors *neighbors );
+ /* communication.c */
+ hypre_CommPkg *hypre_CommPkgCreate( hypre_BoxArrayArray *send_boxes , hypre_BoxArrayArray *recv_boxes , hypre_Index send_stride , hypre_Index recv_stride , hypre_BoxArray *send_data_space , hypre_BoxArray *recv_data_space , int **send_processes , int **recv_processes , int num_values , MPI_Comm comm , hypre_Index periodic );
+ int hypre_CommPkgDestroy( hypre_CommPkg *comm_pkg );
+ int hypre_InitializeCommunication( hypre_CommPkg *comm_pkg , double *send_data , double *recv_data , hypre_CommHandle **comm_handle_ptr );
+ int hypre_InitializeCommunication( hypre_CommPkg *comm_pkg , double *send_data , double *recv_data , hypre_CommHandle **comm_handle_ptr );
+ int hypre_FinalizeCommunication( hypre_CommHandle *comm_handle );
+ int hypre_FinalizeCommunication( hypre_CommHandle *comm_handle );
+ int hypre_ExchangeLocalData( hypre_CommPkg *comm_pkg , double *send_data , double *recv_data );
+ hypre_CommType *hypre_CommTypeCreate( hypre_CommTypeEntry **comm_entries , int num_entries );
+ int hypre_CommTypeDestroy( hypre_CommType *comm_type );
+ hypre_CommTypeEntry *hypre_CommTypeEntryCreate( hypre_Box *box , hypre_Index stride , hypre_Box *data_box , int num_values , int data_box_offset );
+ int hypre_CommTypeEntryDestroy( hypre_CommTypeEntry *comm_entry );
+ int hypre_CommPkgCreateInfo( hypre_BoxArrayArray *boxes , hypre_Index stride , hypre_BoxArray *data_space , int **processes , int num_values , MPI_Comm comm , hypre_Index periodic , int *num_comms_ptr , int **comm_processes_ptr , hypre_CommType ***comm_types_ptr , hypre_CommType **copy_type_ptr );
+ int hypre_CommTypeSort( hypre_CommType *comm_type , hypre_Index periodic );
+ int hypre_CommPkgCommit( hypre_CommPkg *comm_pkg );
+ int hypre_CommPkgUnCommit( hypre_CommPkg *comm_pkg );
+ int hypre_CommTypeBuildMPI( int num_comms , int *comm_procs , hypre_CommType **comm_types , MPI_Datatype *comm_mpi_types );
+ int hypre_CommTypeEntryBuildMPI( hypre_CommTypeEntry *comm_entry , MPI_Datatype *comm_entry_mpi_type );
+ /* communication_info.c */
+ int hypre_CreateCommInfoFromStencil( hypre_StructGrid *grid , hypre_StructStencil *stencil , hypre_BoxArrayArray **send_boxes_ptr , hypre_BoxArrayArray **recv_boxes_ptr , int ***send_procs_ptr , int ***recv_procs_ptr );
+ int hypre_CreateCommInfoFromNumGhost( hypre_StructGrid *grid , int *num_ghost , hypre_BoxArrayArray **send_boxes_ptr , hypre_BoxArrayArray **recv_boxes_ptr , int ***send_procs_ptr , int ***recv_procs_ptr );
+ int hypre_CreateCommInfoFromGrids( hypre_StructGrid *from_grid , hypre_StructGrid *to_grid , hypre_BoxArrayArray **send_boxes_ptr , hypre_BoxArrayArray **recv_boxes_ptr , int ***send_procs_ptr , int ***recv_procs_ptr );
+ /* computation.c */
+ int hypre_CreateComputeInfo( hypre_StructGrid *grid , hypre_StructStencil *stencil , hypre_BoxArrayArray **send_boxes_ptr , hypre_BoxArrayArray **recv_boxes_ptr , int ***send_processes_ptr , int ***recv_processes_ptr , hypre_BoxArrayArray **indt_boxes_ptr , hypre_BoxArrayArray **dept_boxes_ptr );
+ int hypre_ComputePkgCreate( hypre_BoxArrayArray *send_boxes , hypre_BoxArrayArray *recv_boxes , hypre_Index send_stride , hypre_Index recv_stride , int **send_processes , int **recv_processes , hypre_BoxArrayArray *indt_boxes , hypre_BoxArrayArray *dept_boxes , hypre_Index stride , hypre_StructGrid *grid , hypre_BoxArray *data_space , int num_values , hypre_ComputePkg **compute_pkg_ptr );
+ int hypre_ComputePkgDestroy( hypre_ComputePkg *compute_pkg );
+ int hypre_InitializeIndtComputations( hypre_ComputePkg *compute_pkg , double *data , hypre_CommHandle **comm_handle_ptr );
+ int hypre_FinalizeIndtComputations( hypre_CommHandle *comm_handle );
+ /* grow.c */
+ hypre_BoxArray *hypre_GrowBoxByStencil( hypre_Box *box , hypre_StructStencil *stencil , int transpose );
+ hypre_BoxArrayArray *hypre_GrowBoxArrayByStencil( hypre_BoxArray *box_array , hypre_StructStencil *stencil , int transpose );
+ /* project.c */
+ int hypre_ProjectBox( hypre_Box *box , hypre_Index index , hypre_Index stride );
+ int hypre_ProjectBoxArray( hypre_BoxArray *box_array , hypre_Index index , hypre_Index stride );
+ int hypre_ProjectBoxArrayArray( hypre_BoxArrayArray *box_array_array , hypre_Index index , hypre_Index stride );
+ /* struct_axpy.c */
+ int hypre_StructAxpy( double alpha , hypre_StructVector *x , hypre_StructVector *y );
+ /* struct_copy.c */
+ int hypre_StructCopy( hypre_StructVector *x , hypre_StructVector *y );
+ /* struct_grid.c */
+ int hypre_StructGridCreate( MPI_Comm comm , int dim , hypre_StructGrid **grid_ptr );
+ int hypre_StructGridRef( hypre_StructGrid *grid , hypre_StructGrid **grid_ref );
+ int hypre_StructGridDestroy( hypre_StructGrid *grid );
+ int hypre_StructGridSetHoodInfo( hypre_StructGrid *grid , int max_distance );
+ int hypre_StructGridSetPeriodic( hypre_StructGrid *grid , hypre_Index periodic );
+ int hypre_StructGridSetExtents( hypre_StructGrid *grid , hypre_Index ilower , hypre_Index iupper );
+ int hypre_StructGridSetBoxes( hypre_StructGrid *grid , hypre_BoxArray *boxes );
+ int hypre_StructGridSetHood( hypre_StructGrid *grid , hypre_BoxArray *hood_boxes , int *hood_procs , int *hood_ids , int first_local , int num_local , int num_periodic , hypre_Box *bounding_box );
+ int hypre_StructGridAssemble( hypre_StructGrid *grid );
+ int hypre_GatherAllBoxes( MPI_Comm comm , hypre_BoxArray *boxes , hypre_BoxArray **all_boxes_ptr , int **all_procs_ptr , int *first_local_ptr );
+ int hypre_StructGridPrint( FILE *file , hypre_StructGrid *grid );
+ int hypre_StructGridRead( MPI_Comm comm , FILE *file , hypre_StructGrid **grid_ptr );
+ int hypre_StructGridPeriodicAllBoxes( hypre_StructGrid *grid , hypre_BoxArray **all_boxes_ptr , int **all_procs_ptr , int *first_local_ptr , int *num_periodic_ptr );
+ /* struct_innerprod.c */
+ double hypre_StructInnerProd( hypre_StructVector *x , hypre_StructVector *y );
+ /* struct_io.c */
+ int hypre_PrintBoxArrayData( FILE *file , hypre_BoxArray *box_array , hypre_BoxArray *data_space , int num_values , double *data );
+ int hypre_ReadBoxArrayData( FILE *file , hypre_BoxArray *box_array , hypre_BoxArray *data_space , int num_values , double *data );
+ /* struct_matrix.c */
+ double *hypre_StructMatrixExtractPointerByIndex( hypre_StructMatrix *matrix , int b , hypre_Index index );
+ hypre_StructMatrix *hypre_StructMatrixCreate( MPI_Comm comm , hypre_StructGrid *grid , hypre_StructStencil *user_stencil );
+ hypre_StructMatrix *hypre_StructMatrixRef( hypre_StructMatrix *matrix );
+ int hypre_StructMatrixDestroy( hypre_StructMatrix *matrix );
+ int hypre_StructMatrixInitializeShell( hypre_StructMatrix *matrix );
+ int hypre_StructMatrixInitializeData( hypre_StructMatrix *matrix , double *data );
+ int hypre_StructMatrixInitialize( hypre_StructMatrix *matrix );
+ int hypre_StructMatrixSetValues( hypre_StructMatrix *matrix , hypre_Index grid_index , int num_stencil_indices , int *stencil_indices , double *values , int add_to );
+ int hypre_StructMatrixSetBoxValues( hypre_StructMatrix *matrix , hypre_Box *value_box , int num_stencil_indices , int *stencil_indices , double *values , int add_to );
+ int hypre_StructMatrixAssemble( hypre_StructMatrix *matrix );
+ int hypre_StructMatrixSetNumGhost( hypre_StructMatrix *matrix , int *num_ghost );
+ int hypre_StructMatrixPrint( char *filename , hypre_StructMatrix *matrix , int all );
+ int hypre_StructMatrixMigrate( hypre_StructMatrix *from_matrix , hypre_StructMatrix *to_matrix );
+ hypre_StructMatrix *hypre_StructMatrixRead( MPI_Comm comm , char *filename , int *num_ghost );
+ /* struct_matrix_mask.c */
+ hypre_StructMatrix *hypre_StructMatrixCreateMask( hypre_StructMatrix *matrix , int num_stencil_indices , int *stencil_indices );
+ /* struct_matvec.c */
+ void *hypre_StructMatvecCreate( void );
+ int hypre_StructMatvecSetup( void *matvec_vdata , hypre_StructMatrix *A , hypre_StructVector *x );
+ int hypre_StructMatvecCompute( void *matvec_vdata , double alpha , hypre_StructMatrix *A , hypre_StructVector *x , double beta , hypre_StructVector *y );
+ int hypre_StructMatvecDestroy( void *matvec_vdata );
+ int hypre_StructMatvec( double alpha , hypre_StructMatrix *A , hypre_StructVector *x , double beta , hypre_StructVector *y );
+ /* struct_scale.c */
+ int hypre_StructScale( double alpha , hypre_StructVector *y );
+ /* struct_stencil.c */
+ hypre_StructStencil *hypre_StructStencilCreate( int dim , int size , hypre_Index *shape );
+ hypre_StructStencil *hypre_StructStencilRef( hypre_StructStencil *stencil );
+ int hypre_StructStencilDestroy( hypre_StructStencil *stencil );
+ int hypre_StructStencilElementRank( hypre_StructStencil *stencil , hypre_Index stencil_element );
+ int hypre_StructStencilSymmetrize( hypre_StructStencil *stencil , hypre_StructStencil **symm_stencil_ptr , int **symm_elements_ptr );
+ /* struct_vector.c */
+ hypre_StructVector *hypre_StructVectorCreate( MPI_Comm comm , hypre_StructGrid *grid );
+ hypre_StructVector *hypre_StructVectorRef( hypre_StructVector *vector );
+ int hypre_StructVectorDestroy( hypre_StructVector *vector );
+ int hypre_StructVectorInitializeShell( hypre_StructVector *vector );
+ int hypre_StructVectorInitializeData( hypre_StructVector *vector , double *data );
+ int hypre_StructVectorInitialize( hypre_StructVector *vector );
+ int hypre_StructVectorSetValues( hypre_StructVector *vector , hypre_Index grid_index , double values , int add_to );
+ int hypre_StructVectorSetBoxValues( hypre_StructVector *vector , hypre_Box *value_box , double *values , int add_to );
+ int hypre_StructVectorGetValues( hypre_StructVector *vector , hypre_Index grid_index , double *values_ptr );
+ int hypre_StructVectorGetBoxValues( hypre_StructVector *vector , hypre_Box *value_box , double *values );
+ int hypre_StructVectorSetNumGhost( hypre_StructVector *vector , int *num_ghost );
+ int hypre_StructVectorAssemble( hypre_StructVector *vector );
+ int hypre_StructVectorSetConstantValues( hypre_StructVector *vector , double values );
+ int hypre_StructVectorClearGhostValues( hypre_StructVector *vector );
+ int hypre_StructVectorClearAllValues( hypre_StructVector *vector );
+ hypre_CommPkg *hypre_StructVectorGetMigrateCommPkg( hypre_StructVector *from_vector , hypre_StructVector *to_vector );
+ int hypre_StructVectorMigrate( hypre_CommPkg *comm_pkg , hypre_StructVector *from_vector , hypre_StructVector *to_vector );
+ int hypre_StructVectorPrint( char *filename , hypre_StructVector *vector , int all );
+ hypre_StructVector *hypre_StructVectorRead( MPI_Comm comm , char *filename , int *num_ghost );
+ #ifdef __cplusplus
+ }
+ #endif
+ #endif

Index: llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/ASCI_Purple/SMG2000/struct_scale.c
diff -c /dev/null llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/ASCI_Purple/SMG2000/struct_scale.c:1.1
*** /dev/null	Mon Apr 11 00:22:18 2005
--- llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/ASCI_Purple/SMG2000/struct_scale.c	Mon Apr 11 00:22:07 2005
*** 0 ****
--- 1,66 ----
+ /*BHEADER**********************************************************************
+  * (c) 1997   The Regents of the University of California
+  *
+  * See the file COPYRIGHT_and_DISCLAIMER for a complete copyright
+  * notice, contact person, and disclaimer.
+  *
+  * $Revision: 1.1 $
+  *********************************************************************EHEADER*/
+ /******************************************************************************
+  *
+  * Structured scale routine
+  *
+  *****************************************************************************/
+ #include "headers.h"
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_StructScale
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ hypre_StructScale( double              alpha,
+                    hypre_StructVector *y     )
+ {
+    int ierr = 0;
+    hypre_Box       *y_data_box;
+    int              yi;
+    double          *yp;
+    hypre_BoxArray  *boxes;
+    hypre_Box       *box;
+    hypre_Index      loop_size;
+    hypre_IndexRef   start;
+    hypre_Index      unit_stride;
+    int              i;
+    int              loopi, loopj, loopk;
+    hypre_SetIndex(unit_stride, 1, 1, 1);
+    boxes = hypre_StructGridBoxes(hypre_StructVectorGrid(y));
+    hypre_ForBoxI(i, boxes)
+       {
+          box   = hypre_BoxArrayBox(boxes, i);
+          start = hypre_BoxIMin(box);
+          y_data_box = hypre_BoxArrayBox(hypre_StructVectorDataSpace(y), i);
+          yp = hypre_StructVectorBoxData(y, i);
+          hypre_BoxGetSize(box, loop_size);
+ 	 hypre_BoxLoop1Begin(loop_size,
+                              y_data_box, start, unit_stride, yi);
+ #define HYPRE_BOX_SMP_PRIVATE loopk,loopi,loopj,yi
+ #include "hypre_box_smp_forloop.h"
+ 	 hypre_BoxLoop1For(loopi, loopj, loopk, yi)
+             {
+                yp[yi] *= alpha;
+             }
+ 	 hypre_BoxLoop1End(yi);
+       }
+    return ierr;
+ }

Index: llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/ASCI_Purple/SMG2000/struct_stencil.c
diff -c /dev/null llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/ASCI_Purple/SMG2000/struct_stencil.c:1.1
*** /dev/null	Mon Apr 11 00:22:18 2005
--- llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/ASCI_Purple/SMG2000/struct_stencil.c	Mon Apr 11 00:22:07 2005
*** 0 ****
--- 1,212 ----
+ /*BHEADER**********************************************************************
+  * (c) 1997   The Regents of the University of California
+  *
+  * See the file COPYRIGHT_and_DISCLAIMER for a complete copyright
+  * notice, contact person, and disclaimer.
+  *
+  * $Revision: 1.1 $
+  *********************************************************************EHEADER*/
+ /******************************************************************************
+  *
+  * Constructors and destructors for stencil structure.
+  *
+  *****************************************************************************/
+ #include "headers.h"
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_StructStencilCreate
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ hypre_StructStencil *
+ hypre_StructStencilCreate( int           dim,
+                            int           size,
+                            hypre_Index  *shape )
+ {
+    hypre_StructStencil   *stencil;
+    int                    abs_offset;
+    int                    max_offset;
+    int                    s, d;
+    stencil = hypre_TAlloc(hypre_StructStencil, 1);
+    hypre_StructStencilShape(stencil)    = shape;
+    hypre_StructStencilSize(stencil)     = size;
+    hypre_StructStencilDim(stencil)      = dim;
+    hypre_StructStencilRefCount(stencil) = 1;
+    /* compute max_offset */
+    max_offset = 0;
+    for (s = 0; s < size; s++)
+    {
+       for (d = 0; d < 3; d++)
+       {
+          abs_offset = hypre_IndexD(shape[s], d);
+          abs_offset = (abs_offset < 0) ? -abs_offset : abs_offset;
+          max_offset = hypre_max(abs_offset, max_offset);
+       }
+    }
+    hypre_StructStencilMaxOffset(stencil) = max_offset;
+    return stencil;
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_StructStencilRef
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ hypre_StructStencil *
+ hypre_StructStencilRef( hypre_StructStencil *stencil )
+ {
+    hypre_StructStencilRefCount(stencil) ++;
+    return stencil;
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_StructStencilDestroy
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ hypre_StructStencilDestroy( hypre_StructStencil *stencil )
+ {
+    int ierr = 0;
+    if (stencil)
+    {
+       hypre_StructStencilRefCount(stencil) --;
+       if (hypre_StructStencilRefCount(stencil) == 0)
+       {
+          hypre_TFree(hypre_StructStencilShape(stencil));
+          hypre_TFree(stencil);
+       }
+    }
+    return ierr;
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_StructStencilElementRank
+  *    Returns the rank of the `stencil_element' in `stencil'.
+  *    If the element is not found, a -1 is returned.
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ hypre_StructStencilElementRank( hypre_StructStencil *stencil,
+                                 hypre_Index          stencil_element )
+ {
+    hypre_Index  *stencil_shape;
+    int           rank;
+    int           i;
+    rank = -1;
+    stencil_shape = hypre_StructStencilShape(stencil);
+    for (i = 0; i < hypre_StructStencilSize(stencil); i++)
+    {
+       if ((hypre_IndexX(stencil_shape[i]) == hypre_IndexX(stencil_element)) &&
+           (hypre_IndexY(stencil_shape[i]) == hypre_IndexY(stencil_element)) &&
+           (hypre_IndexZ(stencil_shape[i]) == hypre_IndexZ(stencil_element))   )
+       {
+          rank = i;
+          break;
+       }
+    }
+    return rank;
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_StructStencilSymmetrize:
+  *    Computes a new "symmetrized" stencil.
+  *
+  *    An integer array called `symm_elements' is also set up.  A non-negative
+  *    value of `symm_elements[i]' indicates that the `i'th stencil element
+  *    is a "symmetric element".  That is, this stencil element is the
+  *    transpose element of an element that is not a "symmetric element".
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ hypre_StructStencilSymmetrize( hypre_StructStencil  *stencil,
+                                hypre_StructStencil **symm_stencil_ptr,
+                                int                 **symm_elements_ptr )
+ {
+    hypre_Index          *stencil_shape = hypre_StructStencilShape(stencil);
+    int                   stencil_size  = hypre_StructStencilSize(stencil); 
+    hypre_StructStencil  *symm_stencil;
+    hypre_Index          *symm_stencil_shape;
+    int                   symm_stencil_size;
+    int                  *symm_elements;
+    int                   no_symmetric_stencil_element;
+    int                   i, j, d;
+    int                   ierr = 0;
+    /*------------------------------------------------------
+     * Copy stencil elements into `symm_stencil_shape'
+     *------------------------------------------------------*/
+    symm_stencil_shape = hypre_CTAlloc(hypre_Index, 2*stencil_size);
+    for (i = 0; i < stencil_size; i++)
+    {
+       hypre_CopyIndex(stencil_shape[i], symm_stencil_shape[i]);
+    }
+    /*------------------------------------------------------
+     * Create symmetric stencil elements and `symm_elements'
+     *------------------------------------------------------*/
+    symm_elements = hypre_CTAlloc(int, 2*stencil_size);
+    for (i = 0; i < 2*stencil_size; i++)
+       symm_elements[i] = -1;
+    symm_stencil_size = stencil_size;
+    for (i = 0; i < stencil_size; i++)
+    {
+       if (symm_elements[i] < 0)
+       {
+          /* note: start at i to handle "center" element correctly */
+          no_symmetric_stencil_element = 1;
+          for (j = i; j < stencil_size; j++)
+          {
+             if ( (hypre_IndexX(symm_stencil_shape[j]) ==
+                   -hypre_IndexX(symm_stencil_shape[i])  ) &&
+                  (hypre_IndexY(symm_stencil_shape[j]) ==
+                   -hypre_IndexY(symm_stencil_shape[i])  ) &&
+                  (hypre_IndexZ(symm_stencil_shape[j]) ==
+                   -hypre_IndexZ(symm_stencil_shape[i])  )   )
+             {
+                /* only "off-center" elements have symmetric entries */
+                if (i != j)
+                   symm_elements[j] = i;
+                no_symmetric_stencil_element = 0;
+             }
+          }
+          if (no_symmetric_stencil_element)
+          {
+             /* add symmetric stencil element to `symm_stencil' */
+             for (d = 0; d < 3; d++)
+             {
+                hypre_IndexD(symm_stencil_shape[symm_stencil_size], d) =
+                   -hypre_IndexD(symm_stencil_shape[i], d);
+             }
+             symm_elements[symm_stencil_size] = i;
+             symm_stencil_size++;
+          }
+       }
+    }
+    symm_stencil = hypre_StructStencilCreate(hypre_StructStencilDim(stencil),
+                                             symm_stencil_size,
+                                             symm_stencil_shape);
+    *symm_stencil_ptr  = symm_stencil;
+    *symm_elements_ptr = symm_elements;
+    return ierr;
+ }

Index: llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/ASCI_Purple/SMG2000/struct_vector.c
diff -c /dev/null llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/ASCI_Purple/SMG2000/struct_vector.c:1.1
*** /dev/null	Mon Apr 11 00:22:18 2005
--- llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/ASCI_Purple/SMG2000/struct_vector.c	Mon Apr 11 00:22:07 2005
*** 0 ****
--- 1,921 ----
+ /*BHEADER**********************************************************************
+  * (c) 1997   The Regents of the University of California
+  *
+  * See the file COPYRIGHT_and_DISCLAIMER for a complete copyright
+  * notice, contact person, and disclaimer.
+  *
+  * $Revision: 1.1 $
+  *********************************************************************EHEADER*/
+ /******************************************************************************
+  *
+  * Member functions for hypre_StructVector class.
+  *
+  *****************************************************************************/
+ #include "headers.h"
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_StructVectorCreate
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ hypre_StructVector *
+ hypre_StructVectorCreate( MPI_Comm          comm,
+                           hypre_StructGrid *grid )
+ {
+    hypre_StructVector  *vector;
+    int                  i;
+    vector = hypre_CTAlloc(hypre_StructVector, 1);
+    hypre_StructVectorComm(vector)        = comm;
+    hypre_StructGridRef(grid, &hypre_StructVectorGrid(vector));
+    hypre_StructVectorDataAlloced(vector) = 1;
+    hypre_StructVectorRefCount(vector)    = 1;
+    /* set defaults */
+    for (i = 0; i < 6; i++)
+       hypre_StructVectorNumGhost(vector)[i] = 1;
+    return vector;
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_StructVectorRef
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ hypre_StructVector *
+ hypre_StructVectorRef( hypre_StructVector *vector )
+ {
+    hypre_StructVectorRefCount(vector) ++;
+    return vector;
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_StructVectorDestroy
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int 
+ hypre_StructVectorDestroy( hypre_StructVector *vector )
+ {
+    int  ierr = 0;
+    if (vector)
+    {
+       hypre_StructVectorRefCount(vector) --;
+       if (hypre_StructVectorRefCount(vector) == 0)
+       {
+          if (hypre_StructVectorDataAlloced(vector))
+          {
+             hypre_SharedTFree(hypre_StructVectorData(vector));
+          }
+          hypre_TFree(hypre_StructVectorDataIndices(vector));
+          hypre_BoxArrayDestroy(hypre_StructVectorDataSpace(vector));
+          hypre_StructGridDestroy(hypre_StructVectorGrid(vector));
+          hypre_TFree(vector);
+       }
+    }
+    return ierr;
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_StructVectorInitializeShell
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int 
+ hypre_StructVectorInitializeShell( hypre_StructVector *vector )
+ {
+    int    ierr = 0;
+    hypre_StructGrid     *grid;
+    int                  *num_ghost;
+    hypre_BoxArray       *data_space;
+    hypre_BoxArray       *boxes;
+    hypre_Box            *box;
+    hypre_Box            *data_box;
+    int                  *data_indices;
+    int                   data_size;
+    int                   i, d;
+    /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+     * Set up data_space
+     *-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+    grid = hypre_StructVectorGrid(vector);
+    if (hypre_StructVectorDataSpace(vector) == NULL)
+    {
+       num_ghost = hypre_StructVectorNumGhost(vector);
+       boxes = hypre_StructGridBoxes(grid);
+       data_space = hypre_BoxArrayCreate(hypre_BoxArraySize(boxes));
+       hypre_ForBoxI(i, boxes)
+          {
+             box = hypre_BoxArrayBox(boxes, i);
+             data_box = hypre_BoxArrayBox(data_space, i);
+             hypre_CopyBox(box, data_box);
+             for (d = 0; d < 3; d++)
+             {
+                hypre_BoxIMinD(data_box, d) -= num_ghost[2*d];
+                hypre_BoxIMaxD(data_box, d) += num_ghost[2*d + 1];
+             }
+          }
+       hypre_StructVectorDataSpace(vector) = data_space;
+    }
+    /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+     * Set up data_indices array and data_size
+     *-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+    if (hypre_StructVectorDataIndices(vector) == NULL)
+    {
+       data_space = hypre_StructVectorDataSpace(vector);
+       data_indices = hypre_CTAlloc(int, hypre_BoxArraySize(data_space));
+       data_size = 0;
+       hypre_ForBoxI(i, data_space)
+          {
+             data_box = hypre_BoxArrayBox(data_space, i);
+             data_indices[i] = data_size;
+             data_size += hypre_BoxVolume(data_box);
+          }
+       hypre_StructVectorDataIndices(vector) = data_indices;
+       hypre_StructVectorDataSize(vector)    = data_size;
+    }
+    /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+     * Set total number of nonzero coefficients
+     *-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+    hypre_StructVectorGlobalSize(vector) = hypre_StructGridGlobalSize(grid);
+    return ierr;
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_StructVectorInitializeData
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ hypre_StructVectorInitializeData( hypre_StructVector *vector,
+                                   double             *data   )
+ {
+    int ierr = 0;
+    hypre_StructVectorData(vector) = data;
+    hypre_StructVectorDataAlloced(vector) = 0;
+    return ierr;
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_StructVectorInitialize
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int 
+ hypre_StructVectorInitialize( hypre_StructVector *vector )
+ {
+    int    ierr = 0;
+    double *data;
+    ierr = hypre_StructVectorInitializeShell(vector);
+    data = hypre_SharedCTAlloc(double, hypre_StructVectorDataSize(vector));
+    hypre_StructVectorInitializeData(vector, data);
+    hypre_StructVectorDataAlloced(vector) = 1;
+    return ierr;
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_StructVectorSetValues
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int 
+ hypre_StructVectorSetValues( hypre_StructVector *vector,
+                              hypre_Index         grid_index,
+                              double              values,
+                              int                 add_to     )
+ {
+    int    ierr = 0;
+    hypre_BoxArray     *boxes;
+    hypre_Box          *box;
+    double             *vecp;
+    int                 i;
+    boxes = hypre_StructGridBoxes(hypre_StructVectorGrid(vector));
+    hypre_ForBoxI(i, boxes)
+       {
+          box = hypre_BoxArrayBox(boxes, i);
+          if ((hypre_IndexX(grid_index) >= hypre_BoxIMinX(box)) &&
+              (hypre_IndexX(grid_index) <= hypre_BoxIMaxX(box)) &&
+              (hypre_IndexY(grid_index) >= hypre_BoxIMinY(box)) &&
+              (hypre_IndexY(grid_index) <= hypre_BoxIMaxY(box)) &&
+              (hypre_IndexZ(grid_index) >= hypre_BoxIMinZ(box)) &&
+              (hypre_IndexZ(grid_index) <= hypre_BoxIMaxZ(box))   )
+          {
+             vecp = hypre_StructVectorBoxDataValue(vector, i, grid_index);
+             if (add_to)
+             {
+                *vecp += values;
+             }
+             else
+             {
+                *vecp = values;
+             }
+          }
+       }
+    return ierr;
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_StructVectorSetBoxValues
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int 
+ hypre_StructVectorSetBoxValues( hypre_StructVector *vector,
+                                 hypre_Box          *value_box,
+                                 double             *values,
+                                 int                 add_to    )
+ {
+    int    ierr = 0;
+    hypre_BoxArray     *grid_boxes;
+    hypre_Box          *grid_box;
+    hypre_BoxArray     *box_array;
+    hypre_Box          *box;
+    hypre_BoxArray     *data_space;
+    hypre_Box          *data_box;
+    hypre_IndexRef      data_start;
+    hypre_Index         data_stride;
+    int                 datai;
+    double             *datap;
+    hypre_Box          *dval_box;
+    hypre_Index         dval_start;
+    hypre_Index         dval_stride;
+    int                 dvali;
+    hypre_Index         loop_size;
+    int                 i;
+    int                 loopi, loopj, loopk;
+    /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+     * Set up `box_array' by intersecting `box' with the grid boxes
+     *-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+    grid_boxes = hypre_StructGridBoxes(hypre_StructVectorGrid(vector));
+    box_array = hypre_BoxArrayCreate(hypre_BoxArraySize(grid_boxes));
+    box = hypre_BoxCreate();
+    hypre_ForBoxI(i, grid_boxes)
+       {
+          grid_box = hypre_BoxArrayBox(grid_boxes, i);
+          hypre_IntersectBoxes(value_box, grid_box, box);
+          hypre_CopyBox(box, hypre_BoxArrayBox(box_array, i));
+       }
+    hypre_BoxDestroy(box);
+    /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+     * Set the vector coefficients
+     *-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+    if (box_array)
+    {
+       data_space = hypre_StructVectorDataSpace(vector);
+       hypre_SetIndex(data_stride, 1, 1, 1);
+       dval_box = hypre_BoxDuplicate(value_box);
+       hypre_SetIndex(dval_stride, 1, 1, 1);
+       hypre_ForBoxI(i, box_array)
+          {
+             box      = hypre_BoxArrayBox(box_array, i);
+             data_box = hypre_BoxArrayBox(data_space, i);
+             /* if there was an intersection */
+             if (box)
+             {
+                data_start = hypre_BoxIMin(box);
+                hypre_CopyIndex(data_start, dval_start);
+                datap = hypre_StructVectorBoxData(vector, i);
+                hypre_BoxGetSize(box, loop_size);
+                if (add_to)
+                {
+                   hypre_BoxLoop2Begin(loop_size,
+                                       data_box,data_start,data_stride,datai,
+                                       dval_box,dval_start,dval_stride,dvali);
+ #define HYPRE_BOX_SMP_PRIVATE loopk,loopi,loopj,datai,dvali
+ #include "hypre_box_smp_forloop.h"
+                   hypre_BoxLoop2For(loopi, loopj, loopk, datai, dvali)
+                      {
+                         datap[datai] += values[dvali];
+                      }
+                   hypre_BoxLoop2End(datai, dvali);
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                   hypre_BoxLoop2Begin(loop_size,
+                                       data_box,data_start,data_stride,datai,
+                                       dval_box,dval_start,dval_stride,dvali);
+ #define HYPRE_BOX_SMP_PRIVATE loopk,loopi,loopj,datai,dvali
+ #include "hypre_box_smp_forloop.h"
+                   hypre_BoxLoop2For(loopi, loopj, loopk, datai, dvali)
+                      {
+                         datap[datai] = values[dvali];
+                      }
+                   hypre_BoxLoop2End(datai, dvali);
+                }
+             }
+          }
+       hypre_BoxDestroy(dval_box);
+    }
+    hypre_BoxArrayDestroy(box_array);
+    return ierr;
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_StructVectorGetValues
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int 
+ hypre_StructVectorGetValues( hypre_StructVector *vector,
+                              hypre_Index         grid_index,
+                              double             *values_ptr )
+ {
+    int    ierr = 0;
+    double              values;
+    hypre_BoxArray     *boxes;
+    hypre_Box          *box;
+    double             *vecp;
+    int                 i;
+    boxes = hypre_StructGridBoxes(hypre_StructVectorGrid(vector));
+    hypre_ForBoxI(i, boxes)
+       {
+          box = hypre_BoxArrayBox(boxes, i);
+          if ((hypre_IndexX(grid_index) >= hypre_BoxIMinX(box)) &&
+              (hypre_IndexX(grid_index) <= hypre_BoxIMaxX(box)) &&
+              (hypre_IndexY(grid_index) >= hypre_BoxIMinY(box)) &&
+              (hypre_IndexY(grid_index) <= hypre_BoxIMaxY(box)) &&
+              (hypre_IndexZ(grid_index) >= hypre_BoxIMinZ(box)) &&
+              (hypre_IndexZ(grid_index) <= hypre_BoxIMaxZ(box))   )
+          {
+             vecp = hypre_StructVectorBoxDataValue(vector, i, grid_index);
+             values = *vecp;
+          }
+       }
+    *values_ptr = values;
+    return ierr;
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_StructVectorGetBoxValues
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int 
+ hypre_StructVectorGetBoxValues( hypre_StructVector *vector,
+                                 hypre_Box          *value_box,
+                                 double             *values    )
+ {
+    int    ierr = 0;
+    hypre_BoxArray     *grid_boxes;
+    hypre_Box          *grid_box;
+    hypre_BoxArray     *box_array;
+    hypre_Box          *box;
+    hypre_BoxArray     *data_space;
+    hypre_Box          *data_box;
+    hypre_IndexRef      data_start;
+    hypre_Index         data_stride;
+    int                 datai;
+    double             *datap;
+    hypre_Box          *dval_box;
+    hypre_Index         dval_start;
+    hypre_Index         dval_stride;
+    int                 dvali;
+    hypre_Index         loop_size;
+    int                 i;
+    int                 loopi, loopj, loopk;
+    /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+     * Set up `box_array' by intersecting `box' with the grid boxes
+     *-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+    grid_boxes = hypre_StructGridBoxes(hypre_StructVectorGrid(vector));
+    box_array = hypre_BoxArrayCreate(hypre_BoxArraySize(grid_boxes));
+    box = hypre_BoxCreate();
+    hypre_ForBoxI(i, grid_boxes)
+       {
+          grid_box = hypre_BoxArrayBox(grid_boxes, i);
+          hypre_IntersectBoxes(value_box, grid_box, box);
+          hypre_CopyBox(box, hypre_BoxArrayBox(box_array, i));
+       }
+    hypre_BoxDestroy(box);
+    /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+     * Set the vector coefficients
+     *-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+    if (box_array)
+    {
+       data_space = hypre_StructVectorDataSpace(vector);
+       hypre_SetIndex(data_stride, 1, 1, 1);
+       dval_box = hypre_BoxDuplicate(value_box);
+       hypre_SetIndex(dval_stride, 1, 1, 1);
+       hypre_ForBoxI(i, box_array)
+          {
+             box      = hypre_BoxArrayBox(box_array, i);
+             data_box = hypre_BoxArrayBox(data_space, i);
+             /* if there was an intersection */
+             if (box)
+             {
+                data_start = hypre_BoxIMin(box);
+                hypre_CopyIndex(data_start, dval_start);
+                datap = hypre_StructVectorBoxData(vector, i);
+                hypre_BoxGetSize(box, loop_size);
+                hypre_BoxLoop2Begin(loop_size,
+                                    data_box, data_start, data_stride, datai,
+                                    dval_box, dval_start, dval_stride, dvali);
+ #define HYPRE_BOX_SMP_PRIVATE loopk,loopi,loopj,datai,dvali
+ #include "hypre_box_smp_forloop.h"
+                hypre_BoxLoop2For(loopi, loopj, loopk, datai, dvali)
+                   {
+                      values[dvali] = datap[datai];
+                   }
+                hypre_BoxLoop2End(datai, dvali);
+             }
+          }
+       hypre_BoxDestroy(dval_box);
+    }
+    hypre_BoxArrayDestroy(box_array);
+    return ierr;
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_StructVectorSetNumGhost
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ hypre_StructVectorSetNumGhost( hypre_StructVector *vector,
+                                int                *num_ghost )
+ {
+    int  ierr = 0;
+    int  i;
+    for (i = 0; i < 6; i++)
+       hypre_StructVectorNumGhost(vector)[i] = num_ghost[i];
+    return ierr;
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_StructVectorAssemble
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int 
+ hypre_StructVectorAssemble( hypre_StructVector *vector )
+ {
+    int  ierr = 0;
+    return ierr;
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_StructVectorSetConstantValues
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int 
+ hypre_StructVectorSetConstantValues( hypre_StructVector *vector,
+                                      double              values )
+ {
+    int    ierr = 0;
+    hypre_Box          *v_data_box;
+    int                 vi;
+    double             *vp;
+    hypre_BoxArray     *boxes;
+    hypre_Box          *box;
+    hypre_Index         loop_size;
+    hypre_IndexRef      start;
+    hypre_Index         unit_stride;
+    int                 i;
+    int                 loopi, loopj, loopk;
+    /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+     * Set the vector coefficients
+     *-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+    hypre_SetIndex(unit_stride, 1, 1, 1);
+    boxes = hypre_StructGridBoxes(hypre_StructVectorGrid(vector));
+    hypre_ForBoxI(i, boxes)
+       {
+          box      = hypre_BoxArrayBox(boxes, i);
+          start = hypre_BoxIMin(box);
+          v_data_box =
+             hypre_BoxArrayBox(hypre_StructVectorDataSpace(vector), i);
+          vp = hypre_StructVectorBoxData(vector, i);
+          hypre_BoxGetSize(box, loop_size);
+          hypre_BoxLoop1Begin(loop_size,
+                              v_data_box, start, unit_stride, vi);
+ #define HYPRE_BOX_SMP_PRIVATE loopk,loopi,loopj,vi 
+ #include "hypre_box_smp_forloop.h"
+          hypre_BoxLoop1For(loopi, loopj, loopk, vi)
+             {
+                vp[vi] = values;
+             }
+          hypre_BoxLoop1End(vi);
+       }
+    return ierr;
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_StructVectorClearGhostValues
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int 
+ hypre_StructVectorClearGhostValues( hypre_StructVector *vector )
+ {
+    int    ierr = 0;
+    hypre_Box          *v_data_box;
+    int                 vi;
+    double             *vp;
+    hypre_BoxArray     *boxes;
+    hypre_Box          *box;
+    hypre_BoxArray     *diff_boxes;
+    hypre_Box          *diff_box;
+    hypre_Index         loop_size;
+    hypre_IndexRef      start;
+    hypre_Index         unit_stride;
+    int                 i, j;
+    int                 loopi, loopj, loopk;
+    /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+     * Set the vector coefficients
+     *-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+    hypre_SetIndex(unit_stride, 1, 1, 1);
+    boxes = hypre_StructGridBoxes(hypre_StructVectorGrid(vector));
+    diff_boxes = hypre_BoxArrayCreate(0);
+    hypre_ForBoxI(i, boxes)
+       {
+          box        = hypre_BoxArrayBox(boxes, i);
+          v_data_box =
+             hypre_BoxArrayBox(hypre_StructVectorDataSpace(vector), i);
+          vp = hypre_StructVectorBoxData(vector, i);
+          hypre_SubtractBoxes(v_data_box, box, diff_boxes);
+          hypre_ForBoxI(j, diff_boxes)
+             {
+                diff_box = hypre_BoxArrayBox(diff_boxes, j);
+                start = hypre_BoxIMin(diff_box);
+                hypre_BoxGetSize(diff_box, loop_size);
+                hypre_BoxLoop1Begin(loop_size,
+                                    v_data_box, start, unit_stride, vi);
+ #define HYPRE_BOX_SMP_PRIVATE loopk,loopi,loopj,vi 
+ #include "hypre_box_smp_forloop.h"
+                hypre_BoxLoop1For(loopi, loopj, loopk, vi)
+                   {
+                      vp[vi] = 0.0;
+                   }
+                hypre_BoxLoop1End(vi);
+             }
+       }
+    hypre_BoxArrayDestroy(diff_boxes);
+    return ierr;
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_StructVectorClearAllValues
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int 
+ hypre_StructVectorClearAllValues( hypre_StructVector *vector )
+ {
+    int               ierr = 0;
+    int               datai;
+    double           *data;
+    hypre_Index       imin;
+    hypre_Index       imax;
+    hypre_Box        *box;
+    hypre_Index       loop_size;
+    int               loopi, loopj, loopk;
+    /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+     * Set the vector coefficients
+     *-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+    box = hypre_BoxCreate();
+    hypre_SetIndex(imin, 1, 1, 1);
+    hypre_SetIndex(imax, hypre_StructVectorDataSize(vector), 1, 1);
+    hypre_BoxSetExtents(box, imin, imax);
+    data = hypre_StructVectorData(vector);
+    hypre_BoxGetSize(box, loop_size);
+    hypre_BoxLoop1Begin(loop_size,
+                        box, imin, imin, datai);
+ #define HYPRE_BOX_SMP_PRIVATE loopk,loopi,loopj,datai
+ #include "hypre_box_smp_forloop.h"
+    hypre_BoxLoop1For(loopi, loopj, loopk, datai)
+       {
+          data[datai] = 0.0;
+       }
+    hypre_BoxLoop1End(datai);
+    hypre_BoxDestroy(box);
+    return ierr;
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_StructVectorGetMigrateCommPkg
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ hypre_CommPkg *
+ hypre_StructVectorGetMigrateCommPkg( hypre_StructVector *from_vector,
+                                      hypre_StructVector *to_vector   )
+ {
+    hypre_BoxArrayArray   *send_boxes;
+    hypre_BoxArrayArray   *recv_boxes;
+    int                  **send_processes;
+    int                  **recv_processes;
+    int                    num_values;
+    hypre_Index            unit_stride;
+    hypre_CommPkg         *comm_pkg;
+    /*------------------------------------------------------
+     * Set up hypre_CommPkg
+     *------------------------------------------------------*/
+    num_values = 1;
+    hypre_SetIndex(unit_stride, 1, 1, 1);
+    hypre_CreateCommInfoFromGrids(hypre_StructVectorGrid(from_vector),
+                                  hypre_StructVectorGrid(to_vector),
+                                  &send_boxes, &recv_boxes,
+                                  &send_processes, &recv_processes);
+    comm_pkg = hypre_CommPkgCreate(send_boxes, recv_boxes,
+                                   unit_stride, unit_stride,
+                                   hypre_StructVectorDataSpace(from_vector),
+                                   hypre_StructVectorDataSpace(to_vector),
+                                   send_processes, recv_processes,
+                                   num_values,
+                                   hypre_StructVectorComm(from_vector),
+                                   hypre_StructGridPeriodic(
+                                      hypre_StructVectorGrid(from_vector)));
+    /* is this correct for periodic? */
+    return comm_pkg;
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_StructVectorMigrate
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int 
+ hypre_StructVectorMigrate( hypre_CommPkg      *comm_pkg,
+                            hypre_StructVector *from_vector,
+                            hypre_StructVector *to_vector   )
+ {
+    hypre_CommHandle      *comm_handle;
+    int                    ierr = 0;
+    /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+     * Migrate the vector data
+     *-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+    hypre_InitializeCommunication(comm_pkg,
+                                  hypre_StructVectorData(from_vector),
+                                  hypre_StructVectorData(to_vector),
+                                  &comm_handle);
+    hypre_FinalizeCommunication(comm_handle);
+    return ierr;
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_StructVectorPrint
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ hypre_StructVectorPrint( char               *filename,
+                          hypre_StructVector *vector,
+                          int                 all      )
+ {
+    int                ierr = 0;
+    FILE              *file;
+    char               new_filename[255];
+    hypre_StructGrid  *grid;
+    hypre_BoxArray    *boxes;
+    hypre_BoxArray    *data_space;
+    int                myid;
+    /*----------------------------------------
+     * Open file
+     *----------------------------------------*/
+    MPI_Comm_rank(hypre_StructVectorComm(vector), &myid );
+    sprintf(new_filename, "%s.%05d", filename, myid);
+    if ((file = fopen(new_filename, "w")) == NULL)
+    {
+       printf("Error: can't open output file %s\n", new_filename);
+       exit(1);
+    }
+    /*----------------------------------------
+     * Print header info
+     *----------------------------------------*/
+    fprintf(file, "StructVector\n");
+    /* print grid info */
+    fprintf(file, "\nGrid:\n");
+    grid = hypre_StructVectorGrid(vector);
+    hypre_StructGridPrint(file, grid);
+    /*----------------------------------------
+     * Print data
+     *----------------------------------------*/
+    data_space = hypre_StructVectorDataSpace(vector);
+    if (all)
+       boxes = data_space;
+    else
+       boxes = hypre_StructGridBoxes(grid);
+    fprintf(file, "\nData:\n");
+    hypre_PrintBoxArrayData(file, boxes, data_space, 1,
+                            hypre_StructVectorData(vector));
+    /*----------------------------------------
+     * Close file
+     *----------------------------------------*/
+    fflush(file);
+    fclose(file);
+    return ierr;
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_StructVectorRead
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ hypre_StructVector *
+ hypre_StructVectorRead( MPI_Comm   comm,
+                         char      *filename,
+                         int       *num_ghost )
+ {
+    FILE                 *file;
+    char                  new_filename[255];
+    hypre_StructVector   *vector;
+    hypre_StructGrid     *grid;
+    hypre_BoxArray       *boxes;
+    hypre_BoxArray       *data_space;
+    int                   myid;
+    /*----------------------------------------
+     * Open file
+     *----------------------------------------*/
+ #if MPI_Comm_rank == hypre_thread_MPI_Comm_rank
+ #undef MPI_Comm_rank
+ #endif
+ #endif
+    MPI_Comm_rank(comm, &myid );
+    sprintf(new_filename, "%s.%05d", filename, myid);
+    if ((file = fopen(new_filename, "r")) == NULL)
+    {
+       printf("Error: can't open output file %s\n", new_filename);
+       exit(1);
+    }
+    /*----------------------------------------
+     * Read header info
+     *----------------------------------------*/
+    fscanf(file, "StructVector\n");
+    /* read grid info */
+    fscanf(file, "\nGrid:\n");
+    hypre_StructGridRead(comm,file,&grid);
+    /*----------------------------------------
+     * Initialize the vector
+     *----------------------------------------*/
+    vector = hypre_StructVectorCreate(comm, grid);
+    hypre_StructVectorSetNumGhost(vector, num_ghost);
+    hypre_StructVectorInitialize(vector);
+    /*----------------------------------------
+     * Read data
+     *----------------------------------------*/
+    boxes      = hypre_StructGridBoxes(grid);
+    data_space = hypre_StructVectorDataSpace(vector);
+    fscanf(file, "\nData:\n");
+    hypre_ReadBoxArrayData(file, boxes, data_space, 1,
+                           hypre_StructVectorData(vector));
+    /*----------------------------------------
+     * Assemble the vector
+     *----------------------------------------*/
+    hypre_StructVectorAssemble(vector);
+    /*----------------------------------------
+     * Close file
+     *----------------------------------------*/
+    fclose(file);
+    return vector;
+ }

Index: llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/ASCI_Purple/SMG2000/threading.c
diff -c /dev/null llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/ASCI_Purple/SMG2000/threading.c:1.1
*** /dev/null	Mon Apr 11 00:22:18 2005
--- llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/ASCI_Purple/SMG2000/threading.c	Mon Apr 11 00:22:07 2005
*** 0 ****
--- 1,263 ----
+ /*BHEADER********************************************************************** 
+  * See the file COPYRIGHT_and_DISCLAIMER for a complete copyright
+  * notice, contact person, and disclaimer.
+  *
+  * $Revision: 1.1 $
+ *********************************************************************EHEADER*/
+ #include <stdlib.h>
+ #include <stdio.h>
+ #include "utilities.h"
+ #if defined(HYPRE_USING_OPENMP) || defined (HYPRE_USING_PGCC_SMP)
+ int
+ hypre_NumThreads( )
+ {
+    int num_threads;
+ #pragma omp parallel
+    num_threads = omp_get_num_threads();
+ #endif
+    num_threads = 2;
+ #endif
+    return num_threads;
+ }
+ #endif
+ /*!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*/
+ /* The pthreads stuff needs to be reworked */
+ #include "umalloc_local.h"
+ #endif
+ int iteration_counter = 0;
+ volatile int hypre_thread_counter;
+ volatile int work_continue = 1;
+ int HYPRE_InitPthreads( int num_threads )
+ {
+    int err;
+    int i;
+    hypre_qptr =
+           (hypre_workqueue_t) malloc(sizeof(struct hypre_workqueue_struct));
+    hypre_NumThreads = num_threads;
+    initial_thread = pthread_self();
+    if (hypre_qptr != NULL) {
+       pthread_mutex_init(&hypre_qptr->lock, NULL);
+       pthread_cond_init(&hypre_qptr->work_wait, NULL);
+       pthread_cond_init(&hypre_qptr->finish_wait, NULL);
+       hypre_qptr->n_working = hypre_qptr->n_waiting = hypre_qptr->n_queue = 0;
+       hypre_qptr->inp = hypre_qptr->outp = 0;
+       for (i=0; i < hypre_NumThreads; i++) {
+          /* Get initial area to start heap */
+          assert ((_uinitial_block[i] = malloc(INITIAL_HEAP_SIZE))!=NULL);
+          /* Create a user heap */
+          assert ((_uparam[i].myheap = _ucreate(initial_block[i],
+                                     INITIAL_HEAP_SIZE,
+                                     _BLOCK_CLEAN,
+                                     _HEAP_REGULAR,
+                                     _uget_fn,
+                                     _urelease_fn)) != NULL);
+ #endif
+          err=pthread_create(&hypre_thread[i], NULL, 
+                             (void *(*)(void *))hypre_pthread_worker,
+                             (void *)i);
+          assert(err == 0);
+       }
+    }
+    pthread_mutex_init(&hypre_mutex_boxloops, NULL);
+    pthread_mutex_init(&mpi_mtx, NULL);
+    pthread_mutex_init(&talloc_mtx, NULL);
+    pthread_mutex_init(&time_mtx, NULL);
+    pthread_mutex_init(&worker_mtx, NULL);
+    hypre_thread_counter = 0;
+    hypre_thread_release = 0;
+    return (err);
+ }   
+ void hypre_StopWorker(void *i)
+ {
+    work_continue = 0;
+ }
+ void HYPRE_DestroyPthreads( void )
+ {
+    int i;
+    void *status;
+    for (i=0; i < hypre_NumThreads; i++) {
+       hypre_work_put(hypre_StopWorker, (void *) &i);
+    }
+    for (i=0; i<hypre_NumThreads; i++)
+    {
+      _udestroy (_uparam[i].myheap, _FORCE);
+    }
+ #endif
+    for (i=0; i<hypre_NumThreads; i++)
+       pthread_join(hypre_thread[i], &status);
+    pthread_mutex_destroy(&hypre_qptr->lock);
+    pthread_mutex_destroy(&hypre_mutex_boxloops);
+    pthread_mutex_destroy(&mpi_mtx);
+    pthread_mutex_destroy(&talloc_mtx);
+    pthread_mutex_destroy(&time_mtx);
+    pthread_mutex_destroy(&worker_mtx);
+    pthread_cond_destroy(&hypre_qptr->work_wait);
+    pthread_cond_destroy(&hypre_qptr->finish_wait);
+    free (hypre_qptr);
+ }
+ void hypre_pthread_worker( int threadid )
+ {
+    void *argptr;
+    hypre_work_proc_t funcptr;
+    pthread_mutex_lock(&hypre_qptr->lock);
+    hypre_qptr->n_working++;
+    while(work_continue) {
+       while (hypre_qptr->n_queue == 0) {
+          if (--hypre_qptr->n_working == 0)
+             pthread_cond_signal(&hypre_qptr->finish_wait);         
+          hypre_qptr->n_waiting++;
+          pthread_cond_wait(&hypre_qptr->work_wait, &hypre_qptr->lock);
+          hypre_qptr->n_waiting--;
+          hypre_qptr->n_working++;
+       }
+       hypre_qptr->n_queue--;
+       funcptr = hypre_qptr->worker_proc_queue[hypre_qptr->outp];
+       argptr = hypre_qptr->argqueue[hypre_qptr->outp];
+       hypre_qptr->outp = (hypre_qptr->outp + 1) % MAX_QUEUE;
+       pthread_mutex_unlock(&hypre_qptr->lock);
+       (*funcptr)(argptr);
+       hypre_barrier(&worker_mtx, 0);
+       if (work_continue)
+          pthread_mutex_lock(&hypre_qptr->lock);
+    }
+ }
+ void
+ hypre_work_put( hypre_work_proc_t funcptr, void *argptr )
+ {
+    pthread_mutex_lock(&hypre_qptr->lock);
+    if (hypre_qptr->n_waiting) {
+       /* idle workers to be awakened */
+       pthread_cond_signal(&hypre_qptr->work_wait);
+    }
+    assert(hypre_qptr->n_queue != MAX_QUEUE);
+    hypre_qptr->n_queue++;
+    hypre_qptr->worker_proc_queue[hypre_qptr->inp] = funcptr;
+    hypre_qptr->argqueue[hypre_qptr->inp] = argptr;
+    hypre_qptr->inp = (hypre_qptr->inp + 1) % MAX_QUEUE;
+    pthread_mutex_unlock(&hypre_qptr->lock);
+ }
+ /* Wait until all work is done and workers quiesce. */
+ void
+ hypre_work_wait( void )
+ {       
+    pthread_mutex_lock(&hypre_qptr->lock);
+    while(hypre_qptr->n_queue !=0 || hypre_qptr->n_working != 0)
+       pthread_cond_wait(&hypre_qptr->finish_wait, &hypre_qptr->lock);
+    pthread_mutex_unlock(&hypre_qptr->lock);
+ }                               
+ int
+ hypre_fetch_and_add( int *w )
+ {
+    int temp;
+    temp = *w;
+    *w += 1;
+    return temp;
+ }
+ int
+ ifetchadd( int *w, pthread_mutex_t *mutex_fetchadd )
+ {
+    int n;
+    pthread_mutex_lock(mutex_fetchadd);
+    n = *w;
+    *w += 1;                   
+    pthread_mutex_unlock(mutex_fetchadd);
+    return n;
+ }
+ static volatile int thb_count = 0;
+ static volatile int thb_release = 0;
+ void hypre_barrier(pthread_mutex_t *mtx, int unthreaded)
+ {
+    if (!unthreaded) {
+       pthread_mutex_lock(mtx);
+       thb_count++;
+       if (thb_count < hypre_NumThreads) {
+          pthread_mutex_unlock(mtx);
+          while (!thb_release);
+          pthread_mutex_lock(mtx);
+          thb_count--;
+          pthread_mutex_unlock(mtx);
+          while (thb_release);
+       }
+       else if (thb_count == hypre_NumThreads) {
+          thb_count--;
+          pthread_mutex_unlock(mtx);
+          thb_release++;
+          while (thb_count);
+          thb_release = 0;
+       }
+    }
+ }
+ int
+ hypre_GetThreadID( void )
+ {
+    int i;
+    if (pthread_equal(pthread_self(), initial_thread)) 
+       return hypre_NumThreads;
+    for (i = 0; i < hypre_NumThreads; i++)
+    {
+       if (pthread_equal(pthread_self(), hypre_thread[i]))
+          return i;
+    }
+    return -1;
+ }
+ #endif
+ /*!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*/

Index: llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/ASCI_Purple/SMG2000/threading.h
diff -c /dev/null llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/ASCI_Purple/SMG2000/threading.h:1.1
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--- 1,81 ----
+ /*BHEADER**********************************************************************
+  * (c) 1997   The Regents of the University of California
+  *
+  * See the file COPYRIGHT_and_DISCLAIMER for a complete copyright
+  * notice, contact person, and disclaimer.
+  *
+  * $Revision: 1.1 $
+ *********************************************************************EHEADER*/
+ #ifndef hypre_THREADING_HEADER
+ #define hypre_THREADING_HEADER
+ #if defined(HYPRE_USING_OPENMP) || defined (HYPRE_USING_PGCC_SMP)
+ int hypre_NumThreads( void );
+ #else
+ #define hypre_NumThreads() 1
+ #endif
+ /*!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*/
+ /* The pthreads stuff needs to be reworked */
+ #ifndef MAX_QUEUE
+ #define MAX_QUEUE 256
+ #endif
+ #include <pthread.h>
+ /* hypre_work_proc_t typedef'd to be a pointer to a function with a void*
+    argument and a void return type */
+ typedef void (*hypre_work_proc_t)(void *);
+ typedef struct hypre_workqueue_struct {
+    pthread_mutex_t lock;
+    pthread_cond_t work_wait;
+    pthread_cond_t finish_wait;
+    hypre_work_proc_t worker_proc_queue[MAX_QUEUE];
+    int n_working;
+    int n_waiting;
+    int n_queue;
+    int inp;
+    int outp;
+    void *argqueue[MAX_QUEUE];
+ } *hypre_workqueue_t;
+ void hypre_work_put( hypre_work_proc_t funcptr, void *argptr );
+ void hypre_work_wait( void );
+ int HYPRE_InitPthreads( int num_threads );
+ void HYPRE_DestroyPthreads( void );
+ void hypre_pthread_worker( int threadid );
+ int ifetchadd( int *w, pthread_mutex_t *mutex_fetchadd );
+ int hypre_fetch_and_add( int *w );
+ void hypre_barrier(pthread_mutex_t *mpi_mtx, int unthreaded);
+ int hypre_GetThreadID( void );
+ pthread_t initial_thread;
+ pthread_t hypre_thread[hypre_MAX_THREADS];
+ pthread_mutex_t hypre_mutex_boxloops;
+ pthread_mutex_t talloc_mtx;
+ pthread_mutex_t worker_mtx;
+ hypre_workqueue_t hypre_qptr;
+ pthread_mutex_t mpi_mtx;
+ pthread_mutex_t time_mtx;
+ volatile int hypre_thread_release;
+ int hypre_NumThreads = 4;
+ #else
+ extern int hypre_NumThreads;
+ #endif
+ #endif
+ /*!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*/
+ #endif

Index: llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/ASCI_Purple/SMG2000/timer.c
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--- 1,45 ----
+ /*BHEADER**********************************************************************
+  * (c) 1997   The Regents of the University of California
+  *
+  * See the file COPYRIGHT_and_DISCLAIMER for a complete copyright
+  * notice, contact person, and disclaimer.
+  *
+  * $Revision: 1.1 $
+  *********************************************************************EHEADER*/
+ /*
+  * File:	timer.c
+  * Copyright:	(c) 1997 The Regents of the University of California
+  * Author:	Scott Kohn (skohn at llnl.gov)
+  * Description:	somewhat portable timing routines for C++, C, and Fortran
+  *
+  * If TIMER_USE_MPI is defined, then the MPI timers are used to get
+  * wallclock seconds, since we assume that the MPI timers have better
+  * resolution than the system timers.
+  */
+ #include <time.h>
+ #include <sys/times.h>
+ #ifdef TIMER_USE_MPI
+ #include "mpi.h"
+ #endif
+ double time_getWallclockSeconds(void)
+ {
+    return(0.0);
+ }
+ double time_getCPUSeconds(void)
+ {
+    return(0.0);
+ }
+ double time_get_wallclock_seconds_(void)
+ {
+    return(time_getWallclockSeconds());
+ }
+ double time_get_cpu_seconds_(void)
+ {
+    return(time_getCPUSeconds());
+ }

Index: llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/ASCI_Purple/SMG2000/timing.c
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--- llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/ASCI_Purple/SMG2000/timing.c	Mon Apr 11 00:22:07 2005
*** 0 ****
--- 1,626 ----
+ /*BHEADER**********************************************************************
+  * (c) 1997   The Regents of the University of California
+  *
+  * See the file COPYRIGHT_and_DISCLAIMER for a complete copyright
+  * notice, contact person, and disclaimer.
+  *
+  * $Revision: 1.1 $
+  *********************************************************************EHEADER*/
+ /******************************************************************************
+  *
+  * Routines for doing timing.
+  *
+  *****************************************************************************/
+ #include "utilities.h"
+ #include "timing.h"
+ /*-------------------------------------------------------
+  * Timing macros
+  *-------------------------------------------------------*/
+ #define hypre_StartTiming() \
+ hypre_TimingWallCount -= time_getWallclockSeconds();\
+ hypre_TimingCPUCount -= time_getCPUSeconds()
+ #define hypre_StopTiming() \
+ hypre_TimingWallCount += time_getWallclockSeconds();\
+ hypre_TimingCPUCount += time_getCPUSeconds()
+ #define hypre_global_timing_ref(index,field) hypre_global_timing->field
+ #else
+ #define hypre_global_timing_ref(index,field) \
+                                      hypre_global_timing[index].field
+ #endif
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_InitializeTiming
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ hypre_InitializeTiming( char *name )
+ {
+    int      time_index;
+    double  *old_wall_time;
+    double  *old_cpu_time;
+    double  *old_flops;
+    char   **old_name;
+    int     *old_state;
+    int     *old_num_regs;
+    int      new_name;
+    int      i;
+    int      threadid = hypre_GetThreadID();
+ #endif
+    /*-------------------------------------------------------
+     * Allocate global TimingType structure if needed
+     *-------------------------------------------------------*/
+    if (hypre_global_timing == NULL)
+    {
+       hypre_global_timing = hypre_CTAlloc(hypre_TimingType, 1);
+ #else
+       hypre_global_timing = hypre_CTAlloc(hypre_TimingType,
+                                           hypre_NumThreads + 1);
+ #endif
+    }
+    /*-------------------------------------------------------
+     * Check to see if name has already been registered
+     *-------------------------------------------------------*/
+    new_name = 1;
+    for (i = 0; i < (hypre_global_timing_ref(threadid, size)); i++)
+    {
+       if (hypre_TimingNumRegs(i) > 0)
+       {
+          if (strcmp(name, hypre_TimingName(i)) == 0)
+          {
+             new_name = 0;
+             time_index = i;
+             hypre_TimingNumRegs(time_index) ++;
+             break;
+          }
+       }
+    }
+    if (new_name)
+    {
+       for (i = 0; i < hypre_global_timing_ref(threadid ,size); i++)
+       {
+          if (hypre_TimingNumRegs(i) == 0)
+          {
+             break;
+          }
+       }
+       time_index = i;
+    }
+    /*-------------------------------------------------------
+     * Register the new timing name
+     *-------------------------------------------------------*/
+    if (new_name)
+    {
+       if (time_index == (hypre_global_timing_ref(threadid, size)))
+       {
+          old_wall_time = (hypre_global_timing_ref(threadid, wall_time));
+          old_cpu_time  = (hypre_global_timing_ref(threadid, cpu_time));
+          old_flops     = (hypre_global_timing_ref(threadid, flops));
+          old_name      = (hypre_global_timing_ref(threadid, name));
+          old_state     = (hypre_global_timing_ref(threadid, state));
+          old_num_regs  = (hypre_global_timing_ref(threadid, num_regs));
+          (hypre_global_timing_ref(threadid, wall_time)) =
+             hypre_CTAlloc(double, (time_index+1));
+          (hypre_global_timing_ref(threadid, cpu_time))  =
+             hypre_CTAlloc(double, (time_index+1));
+          (hypre_global_timing_ref(threadid, flops))     =
+             hypre_CTAlloc(double, (time_index+1));
+          (hypre_global_timing_ref(threadid, name))      =
+             hypre_CTAlloc(char *, (time_index+1));
+          (hypre_global_timing_ref(threadid, state))     =
+             hypre_CTAlloc(int,    (time_index+1));
+          (hypre_global_timing_ref(threadid, num_regs))  =
+             hypre_CTAlloc(int,    (time_index+1));
+          (hypre_global_timing_ref(threadid, size)) ++;
+          for (i = 0; i < time_index; i++)
+          {
+             hypre_TimingWallTime(i) = old_wall_time[i];
+             hypre_TimingCPUTime(i)  = old_cpu_time[i];
+             hypre_TimingFLOPS(i)    = old_flops[i];
+             hypre_TimingName(i)     = old_name[i];
+             hypre_TimingState(i)    = old_state[i];
+             hypre_TimingNumRegs(i)  = old_num_regs[i];
+          }
+          hypre_TFree(old_wall_time);
+          hypre_TFree(old_cpu_time);
+          hypre_TFree(old_flops);
+          hypre_TFree(old_name);
+          hypre_TFree(old_state);
+          hypre_TFree(old_num_regs);
+       }
+       hypre_TimingName(time_index) = hypre_CTAlloc(char, 80);
+       strncpy(hypre_TimingName(time_index), name, 79);
+       hypre_TimingState(time_index)   = 0;
+       hypre_TimingNumRegs(time_index) = 1;
+       (hypre_global_timing_ref(threadid, num_names)) ++;
+    }
+    return time_index;
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_FinalizeTiming
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ hypre_FinalizeTiming( int time_index )
+ {
+    int  ierr = 0;
+    int  i;
+    int  threadid = hypre_GetThreadID();
+    int  free_global_timing;
+ #endif
+    if (hypre_global_timing == NULL)
+       return ierr;
+    if (time_index < (hypre_global_timing_ref(threadid, size)))
+    {
+       if (hypre_TimingNumRegs(time_index) > 0)
+       {
+          hypre_TimingNumRegs(time_index) --;
+       }
+       if (hypre_TimingNumRegs(time_index) == 0)
+       {
+          hypre_TFree(hypre_TimingName(time_index));
+          (hypre_global_timing_ref(threadid, num_names)) --;
+       }
+    }
+    free_global_timing = 1;
+    for (i = 0; i <= hypre_NumThreads; i++)
+    {  
+       if (hypre_global_timing_ref(i, num_names))
+       {
+          free_global_timing = 0;
+          break;
+       }  
+    }
+    if (free_global_timing)
+    {   
+       pthread_mutex_lock(&time_mtx);
+       if(hypre_global_timing)
+       {
+          for (i = 0; i <= hypre_NumThreads; i++)  
+          {  
+             hypre_TFree(hypre_global_timing_ref(i, wall_time));
+             hypre_TFree(hypre_global_timing_ref(i, cpu_time));
+             hypre_TFree(hypre_global_timing_ref(i, flops));
+             hypre_TFree(hypre_global_timing_ref(i, name));
+             hypre_TFree(hypre_global_timing_ref(i, state));
+             hypre_TFree(hypre_global_timing_ref(i, num_regs));
+          }
+          hypre_TFree(hypre_global_timing);
+          hypre_global_timing = NULL;
+       }
+       pthread_mutex_unlock(&time_mtx);
+    }
+ #else
+    if ((hypre_global_timing -> num_names) == 0)
+    {
+       for (i = 0; i < (hypre_global_timing -> size); i++)
+       {  
+          hypre_TFree(hypre_global_timing_ref(i, wall_time));
+          hypre_TFree(hypre_global_timing_ref(i, cpu_time));
+          hypre_TFree(hypre_global_timing_ref(i, flops));
+          hypre_TFree(hypre_global_timing_ref(i, name));
+          hypre_TFree(hypre_global_timing_ref(i, state));
+          hypre_TFree(hypre_global_timing_ref(i, num_regs));
+       }
+       hypre_TFree(hypre_global_timing);
+       hypre_global_timing = NULL;
+    }
+ #endif
+    return ierr;
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_IncFLOPCount
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ hypre_IncFLOPCount( int inc )
+ {
+    int  ierr = 0;
+    int threadid = hypre_GetThreadID();
+ #endif
+    if (hypre_global_timing == NULL)
+       return ierr;
+    hypre_TimingFLOPCount += (double) (inc);
+    if (threadid != hypre_NumThreads)
+    {
+       pthread_mutex_lock(&time_mtx);
+       hypre_TimingAllFLOPS += (double) (inc);
+       pthread_mutex_unlock(&time_mtx);
+    }
+ #endif
+    return ierr;
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_BeginTiming
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ hypre_BeginTiming( int time_index )
+ {
+    int  ierr = 0;
+    int threadid = hypre_GetThreadID();
+ #endif
+    if (hypre_global_timing == NULL)
+       return ierr;
+    if (hypre_TimingState(time_index) == 0)
+    {
+       hypre_StopTiming();
+       hypre_TimingWallTime(time_index) -= hypre_TimingWallCount;
+       hypre_TimingCPUTime(time_index)  -= hypre_TimingCPUCount;
+       if (threadid != hypre_NumThreads)
+          hypre_TimingFLOPS(time_index)    -= hypre_TimingFLOPCount;
+       else
+          hypre_TimingFLOPS(time_index)    -= hypre_TimingAllFLOPS;
+ #else
+       hypre_TimingFLOPS(time_index)    -= hypre_TimingFLOPCount;
+ #endif
+       hypre_StartTiming();
+    }
+    hypre_TimingState(time_index) ++;
+    return ierr;
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_EndTiming
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ hypre_EndTiming( int time_index )
+ {
+    int  ierr = 0;
+    int  threadid = hypre_GetThreadID();
+ #endif
+    if (hypre_global_timing == NULL)
+       return ierr;
+    hypre_TimingState(time_index) --;
+    if (hypre_TimingState(time_index) == 0)
+    {
+       hypre_StopTiming();
+       hypre_TimingWallTime(time_index) += hypre_TimingWallCount;
+       hypre_TimingCPUTime(time_index)  += hypre_TimingCPUCount;
+       if (threadid != hypre_NumThreads)
+          hypre_TimingFLOPS(time_index)    += hypre_TimingFLOPCount;
+       else
+          hypre_TimingFLOPS(time_index)    += hypre_TimingAllFLOPS;
+ #else
+       hypre_TimingFLOPS(time_index)    += hypre_TimingFLOPCount;
+ #endif
+       hypre_StartTiming();
+    }
+    return ierr;
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_ClearTiming
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+ hypre_ClearTiming( )
+ {
+    int  ierr = 0;
+    int  i;
+    int  threadid = hypre_GetThreadID();
+ #endif
+    if (hypre_global_timing == NULL)
+       return ierr;
+    for (i = 0; i < (hypre_global_timing_ref(threadid,size)); i++)
+    {
+       hypre_TimingWallTime(i) = 0.0;
+       hypre_TimingCPUTime(i)  = 0.0;
+       hypre_TimingFLOPS(i)    = 0.0;
+    }
+    return ierr;
+ }
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * hypre_PrintTiming
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ #ifndef HYPRE_USE_PTHREADS  /* non-threaded version of hypre_PrintTiming */
+ int
+ hypre_PrintTiming( char     *heading,
+                    MPI_Comm  comm  )
+ {
+    int  ierr = 0;
+    double  local_wall_time;
+    double  local_cpu_time;
+    double  wall_time;
+    double  cpu_time;
+    double  wall_mflops;
+    double  cpu_mflops;
+    int     i;
+    int     myrank;
+    if (hypre_global_timing == NULL)
+       return ierr;
+    MPI_Comm_rank(comm, &myrank );
+    /* print heading */
+    if (myrank == 0)
+    {
+       printf("=============================================\n");
+       printf("%s:\n", heading);
+       printf("=============================================\n");
+    }
+    for (i = 0; i < (hypre_global_timing -> size); i++)
+    {
+       if (hypre_TimingNumRegs(i) > 0)
+       {
+          local_wall_time = hypre_TimingWallTime(i);
+          local_cpu_time  = hypre_TimingCPUTime(i);
+          MPI_Allreduce(&local_wall_time, &wall_time, 1,
+                        MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_MAX, comm);
+          MPI_Allreduce(&local_cpu_time, &cpu_time, 1,
+                        MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_MAX, comm);
+          if (myrank == 0)
+          {
+             printf("%s:\n", hypre_TimingName(i));
+             /* print wall clock info */
+             printf("  wall clock time = %f seconds\n", wall_time);
+             if (wall_time)
+                wall_mflops = hypre_TimingFLOPS(i) / wall_time / 1.0E6;
+             else
+                wall_mflops = 0.0;
+             /* printf("  wall MFLOPS     = %f\n", wall_mflops); */
+             /* print CPU clock info */
+             printf("  cpu clock time  = %f seconds\n", cpu_time);
+             if (cpu_time)
+                cpu_mflops = hypre_TimingFLOPS(i) / cpu_time / 1.0E6;
+             else
+                cpu_mflops = 0.0;
+             /* printf("  cpu MFLOPS      = %f\n\n", cpu_mflops); */
+          }
+       }
+    }
+    return ierr;
+ }
+ #else /* threaded version of hypre_PrintTiming */
+ #ifdef MPI_Comm_rank
+ #undef MPI_Comm_rank
+ #endif
+ #ifdef MPI_Allreduce
+ #undef MPI_Allreduce
+ #endif
+ int
+ hypre_PrintTiming( char     *heading,
+                    MPI_Comm  comm  )
+ {
+    int  ierr = 0;
+    double  local_wall_time;
+    double  local_cpu_time;
+    double  wall_time;
+    double  cpu_time;
+    double  wall_mflops;
+    double  cpu_mflops;
+    int     i, j, index;
+    int     myrank;
+    int     my_thread = hypre_GetThreadID();
+    int     threadid;
+    int     max_size;
+    int     num_regs;
+    char    target_name[32];
+    if (my_thread == hypre_NumThreads)
+    {
+       if (hypre_global_timing == NULL)
+          return ierr;
+       MPI_Comm_rank(comm, &myrank );
+       /* print heading */
+       if (myrank == 0)
+       {
+          printf("=============================================\n");
+          printf("%s:\n", heading);
+          printf("=============================================\n");
+       }
+       for (i = 0; i < 7; i++)
+       {
+          switch (i)
+          {
+             case 0:  
+                threadid = my_thread;
+                strcpy(target_name, hypre_TimingName(i));
+                break;
+             case 1:
+                strcpy(target_name, "SMG");
+                break;
+             case 2:
+                strcpy(target_name, "SMGRelax");
+                break;
+             case 3:
+                strcpy(target_name, "SMGResidual");
+                break;
+             case 4:
+                strcpy(target_name, "CyclicReduction");
+                break;
+             case 5:
+                strcpy(target_name, "SMGIntAdd");
+                break;
+             case 6:
+                strcpy(target_name, "SMGRestrict");
+                break;
+          }
+          threadid = 0;
+          for (j = 0; j < hypre_global_timing[threadid].size; j++)
+          {
+             if (strcmp(target_name, hypre_TimingName(j)) == 0)
+             {
+                index = j;
+                break;
+             }
+             else
+                index = -1;
+          }
+          if (i < hypre_global_timing[my_thread].size)
+          {
+             threadid = my_thread;
+             num_regs = hypre_TimingNumRegs(i);
+          }
+          else
+             num_regs = hypre_TimingNumRegs(index);
+          if (num_regs > 0)
+          {
+             local_wall_time = 0.0;
+             local_cpu_time  = 0.0;
+             if (index >= 0)
+             {
+                for (threadid = 0; threadid < hypre_NumThreads; threadid++)
+                {
+                   local_wall_time = 
+                      hypre_max(local_wall_time, hypre_TimingWallTime(index));
+                   local_cpu_time  = 
+                      hypre_max(local_cpu_time, hypre_TimingCPUTime(index));
+                }
+             }
+             if (i < hypre_global_timing[my_thread].size)
+             {
+                threadid         = my_thread;
+                local_wall_time += hypre_TimingWallTime(i);
+                local_cpu_time  += hypre_TimingCPUTime(i);
+             }
+             MPI_Allreduce(&local_wall_time, &wall_time, 1,
+                           MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_MAX, comm);
+             MPI_Allreduce(&local_cpu_time, &cpu_time, 1,
+                           MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_MAX, comm);
+             if (myrank == 0)
+             {
+                printf("%s:\n", target_name);
+                /* print wall clock info */
+                printf("  wall clock time = %f seconds\n", wall_time);
+                wall_mflops = 0.0;
+                if (wall_time)
+                {
+                   if (index >= 0)
+                   {
+                      for (threadid = 0; threadid < hypre_NumThreads; threadid++)
+                      {
+                         wall_mflops += 
+                            hypre_TimingFLOPS(index) / wall_time / 1.0E6;
+                      }
+                   }
+                   if (i < hypre_global_timing[my_thread].size)
+                   {
+                      threadid = my_thread;
+                      wall_mflops += hypre_TimingFLOPS(i) / wall_time / 1.0E6;
+                   }
+                }
+                /* printf("  wall MFLOPS     = %f\n", wall_mflops); */
+                /* print CPU clock info */
+                printf("  cpu clock time  = %f seconds\n", cpu_time);
+                cpu_mflops = 0.0;
+                if (cpu_time)
+                {
+                   if (index >= 0)
+                   {
+                      for (threadid = 0; threadid < hypre_NumThreads; threadid++)
+                      {
+                         cpu_mflops += 
+                            hypre_TimingFLOPS(index) / cpu_time / 1.0E6;
+                      }
+                   }
+                   if (i < hypre_global_timing[my_thread].size)
+                   {
+                      threadid = my_thread;
+                      cpu_mflops += hypre_TimingFLOPS(i) / cpu_time / 1.0E6;
+                   }
+                }
+                /* printf("  cpu MFLOPS      = %f\n\n", cpu_mflops); */
+             }
+          }
+       }
+    }
+    return ierr;
+ }
+ #endif

Index: llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/ASCI_Purple/SMG2000/timing.h
diff -c /dev/null llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/ASCI_Purple/SMG2000/timing.h:1.1
*** /dev/null	Mon Apr 11 00:22:18 2005
--- llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/ASCI_Purple/SMG2000/timing.h	Mon Apr 11 00:22:07 2005
*** 0 ****
--- 1,130 ----
+ /*BHEADER**********************************************************************
+  * (c) 1997   The Regents of the University of California
+  *
+  * See the file COPYRIGHT_and_DISCLAIMER for a complete copyright
+  * notice, contact person, and disclaimer.
+  *
+  * $Revision: 1.1 $
+  *********************************************************************EHEADER*/
+ /******************************************************************************
+  *
+  * Header file for doing timing
+  *
+  *****************************************************************************/
+ #include <stdlib.h>
+ #include <stdio.h>
+ #include <string.h>
+ #ifdef __cplusplus
+ extern "C" {
+ #endif
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * Prototypes for low-level timing routines
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ /* timer.c */
+ double time_getWallclockSeconds( void );
+ double time_getCPUSeconds( void );
+ double time_get_wallclock_seconds_( void );
+ double time_get_cpu_seconds_( void );
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * With timing off
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ #ifndef HYPRE_TIMING
+ #define hypre_InitializeTiming(name) 0
+ #define hypre_IncFLOPCount(inc)
+ #define hypre_BeginTiming(i)
+ #define hypre_EndTiming(i)
+ #define hypre_PrintTiming(heading, comm)
+ #define hypre_FinalizeTiming(index)
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * With timing on
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ #else
+ /*-------------------------------------------------------
+  * Global timing structure
+  *-------------------------------------------------------*/
+ typedef struct
+ {
+    double  *wall_time;
+    double  *cpu_time;
+    double  *flops;
+    char   **name;
+    int     *state;     /* boolean flag to allow for recursive timing */
+    int     *num_regs;  /* count of how many times a name is registered */
+    int      num_names;
+    int      size;
+    double   wall_count;
+    double   CPU_count;
+    double   FLOP_count;
+ } hypre_TimingType;
+ hypre_TimingType *hypre_global_timing = NULL;
+ #else
+ extern hypre_TimingType *hypre_global_timing;
+ #endif
+ /*-------------------------------------------------------
+  * Accessor functions
+  *-------------------------------------------------------*/
+ #define hypre_TimingWallTime(i) (hypre_global_timing -> wall_time[(i)])
+ #define hypre_TimingCPUTime(i)  (hypre_global_timing -> cpu_time[(i)])
+ #define hypre_TimingFLOPS(i)    (hypre_global_timing -> flops[(i)])
+ #define hypre_TimingName(i)     (hypre_global_timing -> name[(i)])
+ #define hypre_TimingState(i)    (hypre_global_timing -> state[(i)])
+ #define hypre_TimingNumRegs(i)  (hypre_global_timing -> num_regs[(i)])
+ #define hypre_TimingWallCount   (hypre_global_timing -> wall_count)
+ #define hypre_TimingCPUCount    (hypre_global_timing -> CPU_count)
+ #define hypre_TimingFLOPCount   (hypre_global_timing -> FLOP_count)
+ #else
+ #define hypre_TimingWallTime(i) (hypre_global_timing[threadid].wall_time[(i)])
+ #define hypre_TimingCPUTime(i)  (hypre_global_timing[threadid].cpu_time[(i)])
+ #define hypre_TimingFLOPS(i)    (hypre_global_timing[threadid].flops[(i)])
+ #define hypre_TimingName(i)     (hypre_global_timing[threadid].name[(i)])
+ #define hypre_TimingState(i)    (hypre_global_timing[threadid].state[(i)])
+ #define hypre_TimingNumRegs(i)  (hypre_global_timing[threadid].num_regs[(i)])
+ #define hypre_TimingWallCount   (hypre_global_timing[threadid].wall_count)
+ #define hypre_TimingCPUCount    (hypre_global_timing[threadid].CPU_count)
+ #define hypre_TimingFLOPCount   (hypre_global_timing[threadid].FLOP_count)
+ #define hypre_TimingAllFLOPS    (hypre_global_timing[hypre_NumThreads].FLOP_count)
+ #endif
+ /*-------------------------------------------------------
+  * Prototypes
+  *-------------------------------------------------------*/
+ /* timing.c */
+ int hypre_InitializeTiming( char *name );
+ int hypre_FinalizeTiming( int time_index );
+ int hypre_IncFLOPCount( int inc );
+ int hypre_BeginTiming( int time_index );
+ int hypre_EndTiming( int time_index );
+ int hypre_ClearTiming( void );
+ int hypre_PrintTiming( char *heading , MPI_Comm comm );
+ #endif
+ #ifdef __cplusplus
+ }
+ #endif
+ #endif

Index: llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/ASCI_Purple/SMG2000/utilities.h
diff -c /dev/null llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/ASCI_Purple/SMG2000/utilities.h:1.1
*** /dev/null	Mon Apr 11 00:22:18 2005
--- llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/ASCI_Purple/SMG2000/utilities.h	Mon Apr 11 00:22:07 2005
*** 0 ****
--- 1,755 ----
+ #include <HYPRE_config.h>
+ #include "HYPRE_utilities.h"
+ #ifndef hypre_UTILITIES_HEADER
+ #define hypre_UTILITIES_HEADER
+ #ifdef __cplusplus
+ extern "C" {
+ #endif
+ /*BHEADER**********************************************************************
+  * (c) 1997   The Regents of the University of California
+  *
+  * See the file COPYRIGHT_and_DISCLAIMER for a complete copyright
+  * notice, contact person, and disclaimer.
+  *
+  * $Revision: 1.1 $
+  *********************************************************************EHEADER*/
+ /******************************************************************************
+  *
+  * General structures and values
+  *
+  *****************************************************************************/
+ #ifndef hypre_GENERAL_HEADER
+ #define hypre_GENERAL_HEADER
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * Define various functions
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ #ifndef hypre_max
+ #define hypre_max(a,b)  (((a)<(b)) ? (b) : (a))
+ #endif
+ #ifndef hypre_min
+ #define hypre_min(a,b)  (((a)<(b)) ? (a) : (b))
+ #endif
+ #ifndef hypre_round
+ #define hypre_round(x)  ( ((x) < 0.0) ? ((int)(x - 0.5)) : ((int)(x + 0.5)) )
+ #endif
+ #endif
+ /*BHEADER**********************************************************************
+  * (c) 1998   The Regents of the University of California
+  *
+  * See the file COPYRIGHT_and_DISCLAIMER for a complete copyright
+  * notice, contact person, and disclaimer.
+  *
+  * $Revision: 1.1 $
+  *********************************************************************EHEADER*/
+ /******************************************************************************
+  *
+  *  Fake mpi stubs to generate serial codes without mpi
+  *
+  *****************************************************************************/
+ #ifndef hypre_MPISTUBS
+ #define hypre_MPISTUBS
+ #ifdef __cplusplus
+ extern "C" {
+ #endif
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * Change all MPI names to hypre_MPI names to avoid link conflicts
+  *
+  * NOTE: MPI_Comm is the only MPI symbol in the HYPRE user interface,
+  * and is defined in `HYPRE_utilities.h'.
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ #define MPI_Comm            hypre_MPI_Comm            
+ #define MPI_Group           hypre_MPI_Group            
+ #define MPI_Request         hypre_MPI_Request          
+ #define MPI_Datatype        hypre_MPI_Datatype         
+ #define MPI_Status          hypre_MPI_Status           
+ #define MPI_Op              hypre_MPI_Op               
+ #define MPI_Aint            hypre_MPI_Aint             
+ #define MPI_COMM_WORLD      hypre_MPI_COMM_WORLD       
+ #define MPI_BOTTOM  	    hypre_MPI_BOTTOM
+ #define MPI_DOUBLE          hypre_MPI_DOUBLE           
+ #define MPI_INT             hypre_MPI_INT              
+ #define MPI_CHAR            hypre_MPI_CHAR             
+ #define MPI_LONG            hypre_MPI_LONG             
+ #define MPI_SUM             hypre_MPI_SUM              
+ #define MPI_MIN             hypre_MPI_MIN              
+ #define MPI_MAX             hypre_MPI_MAX              
+ #define MPI_LOR             hypre_MPI_LOR              
+ #define MPI_UNDEFINED       hypre_MPI_UNDEFINED        
+ #define MPI_REQUEST_NULL    hypre_MPI_REQUEST_NULL        
+ #define MPI_ANY_SOURCE      hypre_MPI_ANY_SOURCE        
+ #define MPI_Init            hypre_MPI_Init             
+ #define MPI_Finalize        hypre_MPI_Finalize         
+ #define MPI_Abort           hypre_MPI_Abort         
+ #define MPI_Wtime           hypre_MPI_Wtime            
+ #define MPI_Wtick           hypre_MPI_Wtick            
+ #define MPI_Barrier         hypre_MPI_Barrier          
+ #define MPI_Comm_create     hypre_MPI_Comm_create      
+ #define MPI_Comm_dup        hypre_MPI_Comm_dup         
+ #define MPI_Comm_group      hypre_MPI_Comm_group       
+ #define MPI_Comm_size       hypre_MPI_Comm_size        
+ #define MPI_Comm_rank       hypre_MPI_Comm_rank        
+ #define MPI_Comm_free       hypre_MPI_Comm_free        
+ #define MPI_Group_incl      hypre_MPI_Group_incl       
+ #define MPI_Group_free      hypre_MPI_Group_free        
+ #define MPI_Address         hypre_MPI_Address        
+ #define MPI_Get_count       hypre_MPI_Get_count        
+ #define MPI_Alltoall        hypre_MPI_Alltoall        
+ #define MPI_Allgather       hypre_MPI_Allgather        
+ #define MPI_Allgatherv      hypre_MPI_Allgatherv       
+ #define MPI_Gather          hypre_MPI_Gather       
+ #define MPI_Scatter         hypre_MPI_Scatter       
+ #define MPI_Bcast           hypre_MPI_Bcast            
+ #define MPI_Send            hypre_MPI_Send             
+ #define MPI_Recv            hypre_MPI_Recv             
+ #define MPI_Isend           hypre_MPI_Isend            
+ #define MPI_Irecv           hypre_MPI_Irecv            
+ #define MPI_Send_init       hypre_MPI_Send_init             
+ #define MPI_Recv_init       hypre_MPI_Recv_init             
+ #define MPI_Irsend          hypre_MPI_Irsend             
+ #define MPI_Startall        hypre_MPI_Startall             
+ #define MPI_Probe           hypre_MPI_Probe             
+ #define MPI_Iprobe          hypre_MPI_Iprobe             
+ #define MPI_Test            hypre_MPI_Test             
+ #define MPI_Testall         hypre_MPI_Testall
+ #define MPI_Wait            hypre_MPI_Wait             
+ #define MPI_Waitall         hypre_MPI_Waitall          
+ #define MPI_Waitany         hypre_MPI_Waitany          
+ #define MPI_Allreduce       hypre_MPI_Allreduce        
+ #define MPI_Request_free    hypre_MPI_Request_free        
+ #define MPI_Type_contiguous hypre_MPI_Type_contiguous     
+ #define MPI_Type_vector     hypre_MPI_Type_vector     
+ #define MPI_Type_hvector    hypre_MPI_Type_hvector     
+ #define MPI_Type_struct     hypre_MPI_Type_struct      
+ #define MPI_Type_commit     hypre_MPI_Type_commit
+ #define MPI_Type_free       hypre_MPI_Type_free        
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * Types, etc.
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ /* These types have associated creation and destruction routines */
+ typedef int hypre_MPI_Comm;
+ typedef int hypre_MPI_Group;
+ typedef int hypre_MPI_Request;
+ typedef int hypre_MPI_Datatype;
+ typedef struct { int MPI_SOURCE; } hypre_MPI_Status;
+ typedef int  hypre_MPI_Op;
+ typedef int  hypre_MPI_Aint;
+ #define  hypre_MPI_COMM_WORLD 0
+ #define  hypre_MPI_BOTTOM  0x0
+ #define  hypre_MPI_DOUBLE 0
+ #define  hypre_MPI_INT 1
+ #define  hypre_MPI_CHAR 2
+ #define  hypre_MPI_LONG 3
+ #define  hypre_MPI_SUM 0
+ #define  hypre_MPI_MIN 1
+ #define  hypre_MPI_MAX 2
+ #define  hypre_MPI_LOR 3
+ #define  hypre_MPI_UNDEFINED -9999
+ #define  hypre_MPI_REQUEST_NULL  0
+ #define  hypre_MPI_ANY_SOURCE    1
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * Prototypes
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ /* mpistubs.c */
+ int hypre_MPI_Init( int *argc , char ***argv );
+ int hypre_MPI_Finalize( void );
+ int hypre_MPI_Abort( hypre_MPI_Comm comm , int errorcode );
+ double hypre_MPI_Wtime( void );
+ double hypre_MPI_Wtick( void );
+ int hypre_MPI_Barrier( hypre_MPI_Comm comm );
+ int hypre_MPI_Comm_create( hypre_MPI_Comm comm , hypre_MPI_Group group , hypre_MPI_Comm *newcomm );
+ int hypre_MPI_Comm_dup( hypre_MPI_Comm comm , hypre_MPI_Comm *newcomm );
+ int hypre_MPI_Comm_size( hypre_MPI_Comm comm , int *size );
+ int hypre_MPI_Comm_rank( hypre_MPI_Comm comm , int *rank );
+ int hypre_MPI_Comm_free( hypre_MPI_Comm *comm );
+ int hypre_MPI_Comm_group( hypre_MPI_Comm comm , hypre_MPI_Group *group );
+ int hypre_MPI_Group_incl( hypre_MPI_Group group , int n , int *ranks , hypre_MPI_Group *newgroup );
+ int hypre_MPI_Group_free( hypre_MPI_Group *group );
+ int hypre_MPI_Address( void *location , hypre_MPI_Aint *address );
+ int hypre_MPI_Get_count( hypre_MPI_Status *status , hypre_MPI_Datatype datatype , int *count );
+ int hypre_MPI_Alltoall( void *sendbuf , int sendcount , hypre_MPI_Datatype sendtype , void *recvbuf , int recvcount , hypre_MPI_Datatype recvtype , hypre_MPI_Comm comm );
+ int hypre_MPI_Allgather( void *sendbuf , int sendcount , hypre_MPI_Datatype sendtype , void *recvbuf , int recvcount , hypre_MPI_Datatype recvtype , hypre_MPI_Comm comm );
+ int hypre_MPI_Allgatherv( void *sendbuf , int sendcount , hypre_MPI_Datatype sendtype , void *recvbuf , int *recvcounts , int *displs , hypre_MPI_Datatype recvtype , hypre_MPI_Comm comm );
+ int hypre_MPI_Gather( void *sendbuf , int sendcount , hypre_MPI_Datatype sendtype , void *recvbuf , int recvcount , hypre_MPI_Datatype recvtype , int root , hypre_MPI_Comm comm );
+ int hypre_MPI_Scatter( void *sendbuf , int sendcount , hypre_MPI_Datatype sendtype , void *recvbuf , int recvcount , hypre_MPI_Datatype recvtype , int root , hypre_MPI_Comm comm );
+ int hypre_MPI_Bcast( void *buffer , int count , hypre_MPI_Datatype datatype , int root , hypre_MPI_Comm comm );
+ int hypre_MPI_Send( void *buf , int count , hypre_MPI_Datatype datatype , int dest , int tag , hypre_MPI_Comm comm );
+ int hypre_MPI_Recv( void *buf , int count , hypre_MPI_Datatype datatype , int source , int tag , hypre_MPI_Comm comm , hypre_MPI_Status *status );
+ int hypre_MPI_Isend( void *buf , int count , hypre_MPI_Datatype datatype , int dest , int tag , hypre_MPI_Comm comm , hypre_MPI_Request *request );
+ int hypre_MPI_Irecv( void *buf , int count , hypre_MPI_Datatype datatype , int source , int tag , hypre_MPI_Comm comm , hypre_MPI_Request *request );
+ int hypre_MPI_Send_init( void *buf , int count , hypre_MPI_Datatype datatype , int dest , int tag , hypre_MPI_Comm comm , hypre_MPI_Request *request );
+ int hypre_MPI_Recv_init( void *buf , int count , hypre_MPI_Datatype datatype , int dest , int tag , hypre_MPI_Comm comm , hypre_MPI_Request *request );
+ int hypre_MPI_Irsend( void *buf , int count , hypre_MPI_Datatype datatype , int dest , int tag , hypre_MPI_Comm comm , hypre_MPI_Request *request );
+ int hypre_MPI_Startall( int count , hypre_MPI_Request *array_of_requests );
+ int hypre_MPI_Probe( int source , int tag , hypre_MPI_Comm comm , hypre_MPI_Status *status );
+ int hypre_MPI_Iprobe( int source , int tag , hypre_MPI_Comm comm , int *flag , hypre_MPI_Status *status );
+ int hypre_MPI_Test( hypre_MPI_Request *request , int *flag , hypre_MPI_Status *status );
+ int hypre_MPI_Testall( int count , hypre_MPI_Request *array_of_requests , int *flag , hypre_MPI_Status *array_of_statuses );
+ int hypre_MPI_Wait( hypre_MPI_Request *request , hypre_MPI_Status *status );
+ int hypre_MPI_Waitall( int count , hypre_MPI_Request *array_of_requests , hypre_MPI_Status *array_of_statuses );
+ int hypre_MPI_Waitany( int count , hypre_MPI_Request *array_of_requests , int *index , hypre_MPI_Status *status );
+ int hypre_MPI_Allreduce( void *sendbuf , void *recvbuf , int count , hypre_MPI_Datatype datatype , hypre_MPI_Op op , hypre_MPI_Comm comm );
+ int hypre_MPI_Request_free( hypre_MPI_Request *request );
+ int hypre_MPI_Type_contiguous( int count , hypre_MPI_Datatype oldtype , hypre_MPI_Datatype *newtype );
+ int hypre_MPI_Type_vector( int count , int blocklength , int stride , hypre_MPI_Datatype oldtype , hypre_MPI_Datatype *newtype );
+ int hypre_MPI_Type_hvector( int count , int blocklength , hypre_MPI_Aint stride , hypre_MPI_Datatype oldtype , hypre_MPI_Datatype *newtype );
+ int hypre_MPI_Type_struct( int count , int *array_of_blocklengths , hypre_MPI_Aint *array_of_displacements , hypre_MPI_Datatype *array_of_types , hypre_MPI_Datatype *newtype );
+ int hypre_MPI_Type_commit( hypre_MPI_Datatype *datatype );
+ int hypre_MPI_Type_free( hypre_MPI_Datatype *datatype );
+ #ifdef __cplusplus
+ }
+ #endif
+ #endif
+ #endif
+ /*BHEADER**********************************************************************
+  * (c) 1997   The Regents of the University of California
+  *
+  * See the file COPYRIGHT_and_DISCLAIMER for a complete copyright
+  * notice, contact person, and disclaimer.
+  *
+  * $Revision: 1.1 $
+  *********************************************************************EHEADER*/
+ /******************************************************************************
+  *
+  * Header file for memory management utilities
+  *
+  *****************************************************************************/
+ #ifndef hypre_MEMORY_HEADER
+ #define hypre_MEMORY_HEADER
+ #ifdef __cplusplus
+ extern "C" {
+ #endif
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * Use "Debug Malloc Library", dmalloc
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ #define hypre_InitMemoryDebug(id)    hypre_InitMemoryDebugDML(id)
+ #define hypre_FinalizeMemoryDebug()  hypre_FinalizeMemoryDebugDML()
+ #define hypre_TAlloc(type, count) \
+ ( (type *)hypre_MAllocDML((unsigned int)(sizeof(type) * (count)),\
+                           __FILE__, __LINE__) )
+ #define hypre_CTAlloc(type, count) \
+ ( (type *)hypre_CAllocDML((unsigned int)(count), (unsigned int)sizeof(type),\
+                           __FILE__, __LINE__) )
+ #define hypre_TReAlloc(ptr, type, count) \
+ ( (type *)hypre_ReAllocDML((char *)ptr,\
+                            (unsigned int)(sizeof(type) * (count)),\
+                            __FILE__, __LINE__) )
+ #define hypre_TFree(ptr) \
+ ( hypre_FreeDML((char *)ptr, __FILE__, __LINE__), ptr = NULL )
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * Use standard memory routines
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ #else
+ #define hypre_InitMemoryDebug(id)
+ #define hypre_FinalizeMemoryDebug()  
+ #define hypre_TAlloc(type, count) \
+ ( (type *)hypre_MAlloc((unsigned int)(sizeof(type) * (count))) )
+ #define hypre_CTAlloc(type, count) \
+ ( (type *)hypre_CAlloc((unsigned int)(count), (unsigned int)sizeof(type)) )
+ #define hypre_TReAlloc(ptr, type, count) \
+ ( (type *)hypre_ReAlloc((char *)ptr, (unsigned int)(sizeof(type) * (count))) )
+ #define hypre_TFree(ptr) \
+ ( hypre_Free((char *)ptr), ptr = NULL )
+ #endif
+ #define hypre_SharedTAlloc(type, count) \
+ ( (type *)hypre_SharedMAlloc((unsigned int)(sizeof(type) * (count))) )
+ #define hypre_SharedCTAlloc(type, count) \
+ ( (type *)hypre_SharedCAlloc((unsigned int)(count),\
+                              (unsigned int)sizeof(type)) )
+ #define hypre_SharedTReAlloc(ptr, type, count) \
+ ( (type *)hypre_SharedReAlloc((char *)ptr,\
+                               (unsigned int)(sizeof(type) * (count))) )
+ #define hypre_SharedTFree(ptr) \
+ ( hypre_SharedFree((char *)ptr), ptr = NULL )
+ #else
+ #define hypre_SharedTAlloc(type, count) hypre_TAlloc(type, (count))
+ #define hypre_SharedCTAlloc(type, count) hypre_CTAlloc(type, (count))
+ #define hypre_SharedTReAlloc(type, count) hypre_TReAlloc(type, (count))
+ #define hypre_SharedTFree(ptr) hypre_TFree(ptr)
+ #endif
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * Prototypes
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ /* memory.c */
+ int hypre_OutOfMemory( int size );
+ char *hypre_MAlloc( int size );
+ char *hypre_CAlloc( int count , int elt_size );
+ char *hypre_ReAlloc( char *ptr , int size );
+ void hypre_Free( char *ptr );
+ char *hypre_SharedMAlloc( int size );
+ char *hypre_SharedCAlloc( int count , int elt_size );
+ char *hypre_SharedReAlloc( char *ptr , int size );
+ void hypre_SharedFree( char *ptr );
+ double *hypre_IncrementSharedDataPtr( double *ptr , int size );
+ /* memory_dmalloc.c */
+ int hypre_InitMemoryDebugDML( int id );
+ int hypre_FinalizeMemoryDebugDML( void );
+ char *hypre_MAllocDML( int size , char *file , int line );
+ char *hypre_CAllocDML( int count , int elt_size , char *file , int line );
+ char *hypre_ReAllocDML( char *ptr , int size , char *file , int line );
+ void hypre_FreeDML( char *ptr , char *file , int line );
+ #ifdef __cplusplus
+ }
+ #endif
+ #endif
+ /* random.c */
+ void hypre_SeedRand( int seed );
+ double hypre_Rand( void );
+ /*BHEADER**********************************************************************
+  * (c) 1998   The Regents of the University of California
+  *
+  * See the file COPYRIGHT_and_DISCLAIMER for a complete copyright
+  * notice, contact person, and disclaimer.
+  *
+  * $Revision: 1.1 $
+  *********************************************************************EHEADER*/
+ /******************************************************************************
+  *
+  *  Fake mpi stubs to generate serial codes without mpi
+  *
+  *****************************************************************************/
+ /*just a test comment*/
+ #ifndef hypre_thread_MPISTUBS
+ #define hypre_thread_MPISTUBS
+ #ifdef __cplusplus
+ extern "C" {
+ #endif
+ #define MPI_Init           hypre_thread_MPI_Init             
+ #define MPI_Wtime          hypre_thread_MPI_Wtime            
+ #define MPI_Wtick          hypre_thread_MPI_Wtick            
+ #define MPI_Barrier        hypre_thread_MPI_Barrier          
+ #define MPI_Finalize       hypre_thread_MPI_Finalize         
+ #define MPI_Comm_group     hypre_thread_MPI_Comm_group       
+ #define MPI_Comm_dup       hypre_thread_MPI_Comm_dup         
+ #define MPI_Group_incl     hypre_thread_MPI_Group_incl       
+ #define MPI_Comm_create    hypre_thread_MPI_Comm_create      
+ #define MPI_Allgather      hypre_thread_MPI_Allgather        
+ #define MPI_Allgatherv     hypre_thread_MPI_Allgatherv       
+ #define MPI_Bcast          hypre_thread_MPI_Bcast            
+ #define MPI_Send           hypre_thread_MPI_Send             
+ #define MPI_Recv           hypre_thread_MPI_Recv             
+ #define MPI_Isend          hypre_thread_MPI_Isend            
+ #define MPI_Irecv          hypre_thread_MPI_Irecv            
+ #define MPI_Wait           hypre_thread_MPI_Wait             
+ #define MPI_Waitall        hypre_thread_MPI_Waitall          
+ #define MPI_Waitany        hypre_thread_MPI_Waitany          
+ #define MPI_Comm_size      hypre_thread_MPI_Comm_size        
+ #define MPI_Comm_rank      hypre_thread_MPI_Comm_rank        
+ #define MPI_Allreduce      hypre_thread_MPI_Allreduce        
+ #define MPI_Type_hvector   hypre_thread_MPI_Type_hvector     
+ #define MPI_Type_struct    hypre_thread_MPI_Type_struct      
+ #define MPI_Type_free      hypre_thread_MPI_Type_free        
+ #define MPI_Type_commit    hypre_thread_MPI_Type_commit        
+ #endif
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * Prototypes
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ /* mpistubs.c */
+ int MPI_Init( int *argc , char ***argv );
+ double MPI_Wtime( void );
+ double MPI_Wtick( void );
+ int MPI_Barrier( MPI_Comm comm );
+ int MPI_Finalize( void );
+ int MPI_Abort( MPI_Comm comm , int errorcode );
+ int MPI_Comm_group( MPI_Comm comm , MPI_Group *group );
+ int MPI_Comm_dup( MPI_Comm comm , MPI_Comm *newcomm );
+ int MPI_Group_incl( MPI_Group group , int n , int *ranks , MPI_Group *newgroup );
+ int MPI_Comm_create( MPI_Comm comm , MPI_Group group , MPI_Comm *newcomm );
+ int MPI_Get_count( MPI_Status *status , MPI_Datatype datatype , int *count );
+ int MPI_Alltoall( void *sendbuf , int sendcount , MPI_Datatype sendtype , void *recvbuf , int recvcount , MPI_Datatype recvtype , MPI_Comm comm );
+ int MPI_Allgather( void *sendbuf , int sendcount , MPI_Datatype sendtype , void *recvbuf , int recvcount , MPI_Datatype recvtype , MPI_Comm comm );
+ int MPI_Allgatherv( void *sendbuf , int sendcount , MPI_Datatype sendtype , void *recvbuf , int *recvcounts , int *displs , MPI_Datatype recvtype , MPI_Comm comm );
+ int MPI_Gather( void *sendbuf , int sendcount , MPI_Datatype sendtype , void *recvbuf , int recvcount , MPI_Datatype recvtype , int root , MPI_Comm comm );
+ int MPI_Scatter( void *sendbuf , int sendcount , MPI_Datatype sendtype , void *recvbuf , int recvcount , MPI_Datatype recvtype , int root , MPI_Comm comm );
+ int MPI_Bcast( void *buffer , int count , MPI_Datatype datatype , int root , MPI_Comm comm );
+ int MPI_Send( void *buf , int count , MPI_Datatype datatype , int dest , int tag , MPI_Comm comm );
+ int MPI_Recv( void *buf , int count , MPI_Datatype datatype , int source , int tag , MPI_Comm comm , MPI_Status *status );
+ int MPI_Isend( void *buf , int count , MPI_Datatype datatype , int dest , int tag , MPI_Comm comm , MPI_Request *request );
+ int MPI_Irecv( void *buf , int count , MPI_Datatype datatype , int source , int tag , MPI_Comm comm , MPI_Request *request );
+ int MPI_Wait( MPI_Request *request , MPI_Status *status );
+ int MPI_Waitall( int count , MPI_Request *array_of_requests , MPI_Status *array_of_statuses );
+ int MPI_Waitany( int count , MPI_Request *array_of_requests , int *index , MPI_Status *status );
+ int MPI_Comm_size( MPI_Comm comm , int *size );
+ int MPI_Comm_rank( MPI_Comm comm , int *rank );
+ int MPI_Allreduce( void *sendbuf , void *recvbuf , int count , MPI_Datatype datatype , MPI_Op op , MPI_Comm comm );
+ int MPI_Address( void *location , MPI_Aint *address );
+ int MPI_Type_contiguous( int count , MPI_Datatype oldtype , MPI_Datatype *newtype );
+ int MPI_Type_vector( int count , int blocklength , int stride , MPI_Datatype oldtype , MPI_Datatype *newtype );
+ int MPI_Type_hvector( int count , int blocklength , MPI_Aint stride , MPI_Datatype oldtype , MPI_Datatype *newtype );
+ int MPI_Type_struct( int count , int *array_of_blocklengths , MPI_Aint *array_of_displacements , MPI_Datatype *array_of_types , MPI_Datatype *newtype );
+ int MPI_Type_free( MPI_Datatype *datatype );
+ int MPI_Type_commit( MPI_Datatype *datatype );
+ int MPI_Request_free( MPI_Request *request );
+ int MPI_Send_init( void *buf , int count , MPI_Datatype datatype , int dest , int tag , MPI_Comm comm , MPI_Request *request );
+ int MPI_Recv_init( void *buf , int count , MPI_Datatype datatype , int dest , int tag , MPI_Comm comm , MPI_Request *request );
+ int MPI_Startall( int count , MPI_Request *array_of_requests );
+ int MPI_Iprobe( int source , int tag , MPI_Comm comm , int *flag , MPI_Status *status );
+ int MPI_Probe( int source , int tag , MPI_Comm comm , MPI_Status *status );
+ int MPI_Irsend( void *buf , int count , MPI_Datatype datatype , int dest , int tag , MPI_Comm comm , MPI_Request *request );
+ #ifdef __cplusplus
+ }
+ #endif
+ #endif
+ #endif
+ /*BHEADER**********************************************************************
+  * (c) 1997   The Regents of the University of California
+  *
+  * See the file COPYRIGHT_and_DISCLAIMER for a complete copyright
+  * notice, contact person, and disclaimer.
+  *
+  * $Revision: 1.1 $
+ *********************************************************************EHEADER*/
+ #ifndef hypre_THREADING_HEADER
+ #define hypre_THREADING_HEADER
+ #if defined(HYPRE_USING_OPENMP) || defined (HYPRE_USING_PGCC_SMP)
+ int hypre_NumThreads( void );
+ #else
+ #define hypre_NumThreads() 1
+ #endif
+ /*!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*/
+ /* The pthreads stuff needs to be reworked */
+ #ifndef MAX_QUEUE
+ #define MAX_QUEUE 256
+ #endif
+ #include <pthread.h>
+ /* hypre_work_proc_t typedef'd to be a pointer to a function with a void*
+    argument and a void return type */
+ typedef void (*hypre_work_proc_t)(void *);
+ typedef struct hypre_workqueue_struct {
+    pthread_mutex_t lock;
+    pthread_cond_t work_wait;
+    pthread_cond_t finish_wait;
+    hypre_work_proc_t worker_proc_queue[MAX_QUEUE];
+    int n_working;
+    int n_waiting;
+    int n_queue;
+    int inp;
+    int outp;
+    void *argqueue[MAX_QUEUE];
+ } *hypre_workqueue_t;
+ void hypre_work_put( hypre_work_proc_t funcptr, void *argptr );
+ void hypre_work_wait( void );
+ int HYPRE_InitPthreads( int num_threads );
+ void HYPRE_DestroyPthreads( void );
+ void hypre_pthread_worker( int threadid );
+ int ifetchadd( int *w, pthread_mutex_t *mutex_fetchadd );
+ int hypre_fetch_and_add( int *w );
+ void hypre_barrier(pthread_mutex_t *mpi_mtx, int unthreaded);
+ int hypre_GetThreadID( void );
+ pthread_t initial_thread;
+ pthread_t hypre_thread[hypre_MAX_THREADS];
+ pthread_mutex_t hypre_mutex_boxloops;
+ pthread_mutex_t talloc_mtx;
+ pthread_mutex_t worker_mtx;
+ hypre_workqueue_t hypre_qptr;
+ pthread_mutex_t mpi_mtx;
+ pthread_mutex_t time_mtx;
+ volatile int hypre_thread_release;
+ int hypre_NumThreads = 4;
+ #else
+ extern int hypre_NumThreads;
+ #endif
+ #endif
+ /*!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*/
+ #endif
+ /*BHEADER**********************************************************************
+  * (c) 1997   The Regents of the University of California
+  *
+  * See the file COPYRIGHT_and_DISCLAIMER for a complete copyright
+  * notice, contact person, and disclaimer.
+  *
+  * $Revision: 1.1 $
+  *********************************************************************EHEADER*/
+ /******************************************************************************
+  *
+  * Header file for doing timing
+  *
+  *****************************************************************************/
+ #include <stdlib.h>
+ #include <stdio.h>
+ #include <string.h>
+ #ifdef __cplusplus
+ extern "C" {
+ #endif
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * Prototypes for low-level timing routines
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ /* timer.c */
+ double time_getWallclockSeconds( void );
+ double time_getCPUSeconds( void );
+ double time_get_wallclock_seconds_( void );
+ double time_get_cpu_seconds_( void );
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * With timing off
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ #ifndef HYPRE_TIMING
+ #define hypre_InitializeTiming(name) 0
+ #define hypre_IncFLOPCount(inc)
+ #define hypre_BeginTiming(i)
+ #define hypre_EndTiming(i)
+ #define hypre_PrintTiming(heading, comm)
+ #define hypre_FinalizeTiming(index)
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * With timing on
+  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ #else
+ /*-------------------------------------------------------
+  * Global timing structure
+  *-------------------------------------------------------*/
+ typedef struct
+ {
+    double  *wall_time;
+    double  *cpu_time;
+    double  *flops;
+    char   **name;
+    int     *state;     /* boolean flag to allow for recursive timing */
+    int     *num_regs;  /* count of how many times a name is registered */
+    int      num_names;
+    int      size;
+    double   wall_count;
+    double   CPU_count;
+    double   FLOP_count;
+ } hypre_TimingType;
+ hypre_TimingType *hypre_global_timing = NULL;
+ #else
+ extern hypre_TimingType *hypre_global_timing;
+ #endif
+ /*-------------------------------------------------------
+  * Accessor functions
+  *-------------------------------------------------------*/
+ #define hypre_TimingWallTime(i) (hypre_global_timing -> wall_time[(i)])
+ #define hypre_TimingCPUTime(i)  (hypre_global_timing -> cpu_time[(i)])
+ #define hypre_TimingFLOPS(i)    (hypre_global_timing -> flops[(i)])
+ #define hypre_TimingName(i)     (hypre_global_timing -> name[(i)])
+ #define hypre_TimingState(i)    (hypre_global_timing -> state[(i)])
+ #define hypre_TimingNumRegs(i)  (hypre_global_timing -> num_regs[(i)])
+ #define hypre_TimingWallCount   (hypre_global_timing -> wall_count)
+ #define hypre_TimingCPUCount    (hypre_global_timing -> CPU_count)
+ #define hypre_TimingFLOPCount   (hypre_global_timing -> FLOP_count)
+ #else
+ #define hypre_TimingWallTime(i) (hypre_global_timing[threadid].wall_time[(i)])
+ #define hypre_TimingCPUTime(i)  (hypre_global_timing[threadid].cpu_time[(i)])
+ #define hypre_TimingFLOPS(i)    (hypre_global_timing[threadid].flops[(i)])
+ #define hypre_TimingName(i)     (hypre_global_timing[threadid].name[(i)])
+ #define hypre_TimingState(i)    (hypre_global_timing[threadid].state[(i)])
+ #define hypre_TimingNumRegs(i)  (hypre_global_timing[threadid].num_regs[(i)])
+ #define hypre_TimingWallCount   (hypre_global_timing[threadid].wall_count)
+ #define hypre_TimingCPUCount    (hypre_global_timing[threadid].CPU_count)
+ #define hypre_TimingFLOPCount   (hypre_global_timing[threadid].FLOP_count)
+ #define hypre_TimingAllFLOPS    (hypre_global_timing[hypre_NumThreads].FLOP_count)
+ #endif
+ /*-------------------------------------------------------
+  * Prototypes
+  *-------------------------------------------------------*/
+ /* timing.c */
+ int hypre_InitializeTiming( char *name );
+ int hypre_FinalizeTiming( int time_index );
+ int hypre_IncFLOPCount( int inc );
+ int hypre_BeginTiming( int time_index );
+ int hypre_EndTiming( int time_index );
+ int hypre_ClearTiming( void );
+ int hypre_PrintTiming( char *heading , MPI_Comm comm );
+ #endif
+ #ifdef __cplusplus
+ }
+ #endif
+ #endif
+ /*BHEADER**********************************************************************
+  * (c) 1997   The Regents of the University of California
+  *
+  * See the file COPYRIGHT_and_DISCLAIMER for a complete copyright
+  * notice, contact person, and disclaimer.
+  *
+  * $Revision: 1.1 $
+  *********************************************************************EHEADER*/
+ /******************************************************************************
+  *
+  * Header file link lists
+  *
+  *****************************************************************************/
+ #include <stdlib.h>
+ #include <stdio.h>
+ #include <string.h>
+ #ifdef __cplusplus
+ extern "C" {
+ #endif
+ #define LIST_HEAD -1
+ #define LIST_TAIL -2
+ struct double_linked_list
+ {
+        int                        data;
+        struct double_linked_list *next_elt;
+        struct double_linked_list *prev_elt;
+        int                        head;
+        int                        tail;
+ };
+ typedef struct double_linked_list hypre_ListElement;
+ typedef hypre_ListElement  *hypre_LinkList;  
+ #ifdef __cplusplus
+ }
+ #endif
+ #endif
+ /* amg_linklist.c */
+ void dispose_elt( hypre_LinkList element_ptr );
+ void remove_point( hypre_LinkList *LoL_head_ptr , hypre_LinkList *LoL_tail_ptr , int measure , int index , int *lists , int *where );
+ hypre_LinkList create_elt( int Item );
+ void enter_on_lists( hypre_LinkList *LoL_head_ptr , hypre_LinkList *LoL_tail_ptr , int measure , int index , int *lists , int *where );
+ /* binsearch.c */
+ int hypre_BinarySearch( int *list , int value , int list_length );
+ /* qsplit.c */
+ int hypre_DoubleQuickSplit( double *values , int *indices , int list_length , int NumberKept );
+ #ifdef __cplusplus
+ }
+ #endif
+ #endif

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