[llvm-commits] CVS: llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/mediabench/mpeg2/mpeg2dec/EXAMPLES Makefile README config.h display.c getbits.c getblk.c gethdr.c getpic.c getvlc.c getvlc.h global.h idct.c idctref.c motion.c mpeg2dec.c mpeg2dec.h recon.c spatscal.c store.c subspic.c systems.c verify.c
Dinakar Dhurjati
dhurjati at cs.uiuc.edu
Tue Jan 11 10:05:45 PST 2005
Changes in directory llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/mediabench/mpeg2/mpeg2dec:
EXAMPLES added (r1.1)
Makefile added (r1.1)
README added (r1.1)
config.h added (r1.1)
display.c added (r1.1)
getbits.c added (r1.1)
getblk.c added (r1.1)
gethdr.c added (r1.1)
getpic.c added (r1.1)
getvlc.c added (r1.1)
getvlc.h added (r1.1)
global.h added (r1.1)
idct.c added (r1.1)
idctref.c added (r1.1)
motion.c added (r1.1)
mpeg2dec.c added (r1.1)
mpeg2dec.h added (r1.1)
recon.c added (r1.1)
spatscal.c added (r1.1)
store.c added (r1.1)
subspic.c added (r1.1)
systems.c added (r1.1)
verify.c added (r1.1)
Log message:
Added media bench to llvm-test
Diffs of the changes: (+9941 -0)
Index: llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/mediabench/mpeg2/mpeg2dec/EXAMPLES
diff -c /dev/null llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/mediabench/mpeg2/mpeg2dec/EXAMPLES:1.1
*** /dev/null Tue Jan 11 12:05:43 2005
--- llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/mediabench/mpeg2/mpeg2dec/EXAMPLES Tue Jan 11 12:05:31 2005
*** 0 ****
--- 1,49 ----
+ 1. to decode a bitstream with double precision IDCT, such as
+ to create a reference reconstruction set of frames:
+ mpeg2decode -r -f -o0 rec%d -b bitstream.mpg
+ 2. to decode a bitstream with fast integer IDCT, such as
+ to create a test reconstruction set of frames:
+ mpeg2decode -f -o0 rec%d -b bitstream.mpg
+ 3. To substitute reference pictures with external reference
+ pictures (ref%d):
+ mpeg2decode -f -x ref%d -b bitstream.mpg -o0 rec%d
+ 4. Same as 3. only using a single large concatenated file for the
+ sequence of reconstruction frames.
+ mpeg2decode -f -g -x ref%d bitstream.mpg -o0 rec%d
+ 5. Decode an SNR enhancement bitstream at the same time as base layer
+ stream:
+ mpeg2decode -o0 rec%d -e snr_bitstream.mpg -b base_bitstream.mpg
+ 6. Decode a Spatially scalable bitstream
+ Step 1: create lower layer reconstruction
+ mpeg2decode -f -o0 llrec%d -b base_layer.mpg
+ Step 2: decode enhancement bitstream, combined reconstruction.
+ mpeg2decode -f -l llrec%d -b enhancement_layer.mpg -o0 rec%d
+ ------------
+ where:
+ -o0 specifies .Y, .U, .V input
+ -f specifies field interleaved format
+ -b is the bitstream flag
+ -g specifies substitute file is a large concatendated one.
+ -e substitution flag
+ ref.pic filename of substitution sequence
+ bitstream.mpg bitstream
+ test%d output file pattern
Index: llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/mediabench/mpeg2/mpeg2dec/Makefile
diff -c /dev/null llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/mediabench/mpeg2/mpeg2dec/Makefile:1.1
*** /dev/null Tue Jan 11 12:05:44 2005
--- llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/mediabench/mpeg2/mpeg2dec/Makefile Tue Jan 11 12:05:31 2005
*** 0 ****
--- 1,16 ----
+ LEVEL = ../../../../..
+ RUN_OPTIONS = -b $(SourceDir)/../data/mei16v2.m2v -r -f -o0 \
+ $(SourceDir)/../data/tmp%d
+ PROG = mpeg2decode
+ LIBS += -lm
+ LDFLAGS += -lm
+ Source = display.c gethdr.c idct.c mpeg2dec.c store.c verify.c\
+ getbits.c getpic.c idctref.c recon.c subspic.c\
+ getblk.c getvlc.c motion.c spatscal.c systems.c
+ include $(LEVEL)/MultiSource/Makefile.multisrc
Index: llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/mediabench/mpeg2/mpeg2dec/README
diff -c /dev/null llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/mediabench/mpeg2/mpeg2dec/README:1.1
*** /dev/null Tue Jan 11 12:05:44 2005
--- llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/mediabench/mpeg2/mpeg2dec/README Tue Jan 11 12:05:31 2005
*** 0 ****
--- 1,44 ----
+ January 9, 1995:
+ =====
+ Pre-release caveats:
+ - has only been tested with gcc. (I'm not sure we will even bother
+ with acc, or cc in the future).
+ - I'm fully aware of the warnings received by -Wall
+ - Verifier still not integrated (due to complexity), although
+ experimental vbv_delay code included in verify.c
+ December 20, 1995
+ ===============================================================
+ Frame buffer substitution edition of decoder.
+ Restrictions:
+ - temporal_reference in bitstream must be correct.
+ - substitute pictures must have pixel (luminance samples) width
+ and height equal to coded_picture_width (mb_width*16) and
+ coded_picture_height (mb_height*16) rather than horizontal_size
+ and vertical_size, respectively.
+ - all input pictures must be interleaved into a frame.
+ - frame count (index) is based on absolute display frame order with
+ no repeated (3:2 pulldown) fields or frames.
+ --------------------------------------------------------
+ Notes:
+ - command line arguements in this edition differ from verifier
+ style. This decoder's arguments are the same as the
+ public distribution's (July 4, 1994) code .
+ please note that this code, with frame buffer substitution, when it
+ is released will use the verifier style of arguments.
+ - Carsten's updated spatial scalability decoder routines have been
+ incorperated.
Index: llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/mediabench/mpeg2/mpeg2dec/config.h
diff -c /dev/null llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/mediabench/mpeg2/mpeg2dec/config.h:1.1
*** /dev/null Tue Jan 11 12:05:44 2005
--- llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/mediabench/mpeg2/mpeg2dec/config.h Tue Jan 11 12:05:31 2005
*** 0 ****
--- 1,44 ----
+ /* config.h, configuration defines */
+ /* Copyright (C) 1996, MPEG Software Simulation Group. All Rights Reserved. */
+ /*
+ * Disclaimer of Warranty
+ *
+ * These software programs are available to the user without any license fee or
+ * royalty on an "as is" basis. The MPEG Software Simulation Group disclaims
+ * any and all warranties, whether express, implied, or statuary, including any
+ * implied warranties or merchantability or of fitness for a particular
+ * purpose. In no event shall the copyright-holder be liable for any
+ * incidental, punitive, or consequential damages of any kind whatsoever
+ * arising from the use of these programs.
+ *
+ * This disclaimer of warranty extends to the user of these programs and user's
+ * customers, employees, agents, transferees, successors, and assigns.
+ *
+ * The MPEG Software Simulation Group does not represent or warrant that the
+ * programs furnished hereunder are free of infringement of any third-party
+ * patents.
+ *
+ * Commercial implementations of MPEG-1 and MPEG-2 video, including shareware,
+ * are subject to royalty fees to patent holders. Many of these patents are
+ * general enough such that they are unavoidable regardless of implementation
+ * design.
+ *
+ */
+ /* define NON_ANSI_COMPILER for compilers without function prototyping */
+ /* #define NON_ANSI_COMPILER */
+ #define _ANSI_ARGS_(x) ()
+ #else
+ #define _ANSI_ARGS_(x) x
+ #endif
+ #define RB "rb"
+ #define WB "wb"
+ #ifndef O_BINARY
+ #define O_BINARY 0
+ #endif
Index: llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/mediabench/mpeg2/mpeg2dec/display.c
diff -c /dev/null llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/mediabench/mpeg2/mpeg2dec/display.c:1.1
*** /dev/null Tue Jan 11 12:05:45 2005
--- llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/mediabench/mpeg2/mpeg2dec/display.c Tue Jan 11 12:05:31 2005
*** 0 ****
--- 1,1218 ----
+ /* display.c, X11 interface */
+ /* Copyright (C) 1996, MPEG Software Simulation Group. All Rights Reserved. */
+ /*
+ * Disclaimer of Warranty
+ *
+ * These software programs are available to the user without any license fee or
+ * royalty on an "as is" basis. The MPEG Software Simulation Group disclaims
+ * any and all warranties, whether express, implied, or statuary, including any
+ * implied warranties or merchantability or of fitness for a particular
+ * purpose. In no event shall the copyright-holder be liable for any
+ * incidental, punitive, or consequential damages of any kind whatsoever
+ * arising from the use of these programs.
+ *
+ * This disclaimer of warranty extends to the user of these programs and user's
+ * customers, employees, agents, transferees, successors, and assigns.
+ *
+ * The MPEG Software Simulation Group does not represent or warrant that the
+ * programs furnished hereunder are free of infringement of any third-party
+ * patents.
+ *
+ * Commercial implementations of MPEG-1 and MPEG-2 video, including shareware,
+ * are subject to royalty fees to patent holders. Many of these patents are
+ * general enough such that they are unavoidable regardless of implementation
+ * design.
+ *
+ */
+ #ifdef DISPLAY
+ /* the Xlib interface is closely modeled after
+ * mpeg_play 2.0 by the Berkeley Plateau Research Group
+ */
+ #include <stdio.h>
+ #include <stdlib.h>
+ #include <X11/Xlib.h>
+ #include <X11/Xutil.h>
+ #include "config.h"
+ #include "global.h"
+ /* private prototypes */
+ static void Display_Image _ANSI_ARGS_((XImage *Ximage_Ptr, unsigned char *Dithered_Image));
+ static void Dither_Frame _ANSI_ARGS_((unsigned char *src[]));
+ static void Dither_Top_Field _ANSI_ARGS_((unsigned char *src[], unsigned char *dst));
+ static void Dither_Bottom_Field _ANSI_ARGS_((unsigned char *src[], unsigned char *dst));
+ static void Dither_Top_Field420 _ANSI_ARGS_((unsigned char *src[],
+ unsigned char *dst));
+ static void Dither_Bottom_Field420 _ANSI_ARGS_((unsigned char *src[],
+ unsigned char *dst));
+ /* local data */
+ static unsigned char *Dithered_Image, *Dithered_Image2;
+ static unsigned char Y_Table[256+16];
+ static unsigned char Cb_Table[128+16];
+ static unsigned char Cr_Table[128+16];
+ /* X11 related variables */
+ static Display *Display_Ptr;
+ static Window Window_Instance;
+ static GC GC_Instance;
+ static XImage *Ximage_Ptr, *Ximage_Ptr2;
+ static unsigned char Pixel[256];
+ #ifdef SH_MEM
+ #include <sys/ipc.h>
+ #include <sys/shm.h>
+ #include <X11/extensions/XShm.h>
+ static int HandleXError _ANSI_ARGS_((Display *dpy, XErrorEvent *event));
+ static void InstallXErrorHandler _ANSI_ARGS_((void));
+ static void DeInstallXErrorHandler _ANSI_ARGS_((void));
+ static int Shmem_Flag;
+ static XShmSegmentInfo Shminfo1, Shminfo2;
+ static int gXErrorFlag;
+ static int CompletionType = -1;
+ static int HandleXError(Dpy, Event)
+ Display *Dpy;
+ XErrorEvent *Event;
+ {
+ gXErrorFlag = 1;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ static void InstallXErrorHandler()
+ {
+ XSetErrorHandler(HandleXError);
+ XFlush(Display_Ptr);
+ }
+ static void DeInstallXErrorHandler()
+ {
+ XSetErrorHandler(NULL);
+ XFlush(Display_Ptr);
+ }
+ #endif
+ /* connect to server, create and map window,
+ * allocate colors and (shared) memory
+ */
+ void Initialize_Display_Process(name)
+ char *name;
+ {
+ int crv, cbu, cgu, cgv;
+ int Y, Cb, Cr, R, G, B;
+ int i;
+ char dummy;
+ int screen;
+ Colormap cmap;
+ int private;
+ XColor xcolor;
+ unsigned int fg, bg;
+ char *hello = "MPEG-2 Display";
+ XSizeHints hint;
+ XVisualInfo vinfo;
+ XEvent xev;
+ unsigned long tmp_pixel;
+ XWindowAttributes xwa;
+ Display_Ptr = XOpenDisplay(name);
+ if (Display_Ptr == NULL)
+ Error("Can not open display\n");
+ screen = DefaultScreen(Display_Ptr);
+ hint.x = 200;
+ hint.y = 200;
+ hint.width = horizontal_size;
+ hint.height = vertical_size;
+ hint.flags = PPosition | PSize;
+ /* Get some colors */
+ bg = WhitePixel (Display_Ptr, screen);
+ fg = BlackPixel (Display_Ptr, screen);
+ /* Make the window */
+ if (!XMatchVisualInfo(Display_Ptr, screen, 8, PseudoColor, &vinfo))
+ {
+ if (!XMatchVisualInfo(Display_Ptr, screen, 8, GrayScale, &vinfo))
+ Error("requires 8 bit display\n");
+ }
+ Window_Instance = XCreateSimpleWindow (Display_Ptr, DefaultRootWindow (Display_Ptr),
+ hint.x, hint.y, hint.width, hint.height, 4, fg, bg);
+ XSelectInput(Display_Ptr, Window_Instance, StructureNotifyMask);
+ /* Tell other applications about this window */
+ XSetStandardProperties (Display_Ptr, Window_Instance, hello, hello, None, NULL, 0, &hint);
+ /* Map window. */
+ XMapWindow(Display_Ptr, Window_Instance);
+ /* Wait for map. */
+ do
+ {
+ XNextEvent(Display_Ptr, &xev);
+ }
+ while (xev.type != MapNotify || xev.xmap.event != Window_Instance);
+ XSelectInput(Display_Ptr, Window_Instance, NoEventMask);
+ /* matrix coefficients */
+ crv = Inverse_Table_6_9[matrix_coefficients][0];
+ cbu = Inverse_Table_6_9[matrix_coefficients][1];
+ cgu = Inverse_Table_6_9[matrix_coefficients][2];
+ cgv = Inverse_Table_6_9[matrix_coefficients][3];
+ /* allocate colors */
+ GC_Instance = DefaultGC(Display_Ptr, screen);
+ cmap = DefaultColormap(Display_Ptr, screen);
+ private = 0;
+ /* color allocation:
+ * i is the (internal) 8 bit color number, it consists of separate
+ * bit fields for Y, U and V: i = (yyyyuuvv), we don't use yyyy=0000
+ * and yyyy=1111, this leaves 32 colors for other applications
+ *
+ * the allocated colors correspond to the following Y, U and V values:
+ * Y: 24, 40, 56, 72, 88, 104, 120, 136, 152, 168, 184, 200, 216, 232
+ * U,V: -48, -16, 16, 48
+ *
+ * U and V values span only about half the color space; this gives
+ * usually much better quality, although highly saturated colors can
+ * not be displayed properly
+ *
+ * translation to R,G,B is implicitly done by the color look-up table
+ */
+ for (i=16; i<240; i++)
+ {
+ /* color space conversion */
+ Y = 16*((i>>4)&15) + 8;
+ Cb = 32*((i>>2)&3) - 48;
+ Cr = 32*(i&3) - 48;
+ Y = 76309 * (Y - 16); /* (255/219)*65536 */
+ R = Clip[(Y + crv*Cr + 32768)>>16];
+ G = Clip[(Y - cgu*Cb - cgv*Cr + 32768)>>16];
+ B = Clip[(Y + cbu*Cb + 32786)>>16];
+ /* X11 colors are 16 bit */
+ xcolor.red = R << 8;
+ xcolor.green = G << 8;
+ xcolor.blue = B << 8;
+ if (XAllocColor(Display_Ptr, cmap, &xcolor) != 0)
+ Pixel[i] = xcolor.pixel;
+ else
+ {
+ /* allocation failed, have to use a private colormap */
+ if (private)
+ Error("Couldn't allocate private colormap");
+ private = 1;
+ if (!Quiet_Flag)
+ fprintf(stderr, "Using private colormap (%d colors were available).\n",
+ i-16);
+ /* Free colors. */
+ while (--i >= 16)
+ {
+ tmp_pixel = Pixel[i]; /* because XFreeColors expects unsigned long */
+ XFreeColors(Display_Ptr, cmap, &tmp_pixel, 1, 0);
+ }
+ /* i is now 15, this restarts the outer loop */
+ /* create private colormap */
+ XGetWindowAttributes(Display_Ptr, Window_Instance, &xwa);
+ cmap = XCreateColormap(Display_Ptr, Window_Instance, xwa.visual, AllocNone);
+ XSetWindowColormap(Display_Ptr, Window_Instance, cmap);
+ }
+ }
+ #ifdef SH_MEM
+ if (XShmQueryExtension(Display_Ptr))
+ Shmem_Flag = 1;
+ else
+ {
+ Shmem_Flag = 0;
+ if (!Quiet_Flag)
+ fprintf(stderr, "Shared memory not supported\nReverting to normal Xlib\n");
+ }
+ if (Shmem_Flag)
+ CompletionType = XShmGetEventBase(Display_Ptr) + ShmCompletion;
+ InstallXErrorHandler();
+ if (Shmem_Flag)
+ {
+ Ximage_Ptr = XShmCreateImage(Display_Ptr, None, 8, ZPixmap, NULL,
+ &Shminfo1,
+ Coded_Picture_Width, Coded_Picture_Height);
+ if (!progressive_sequence)
+ Ximage_Ptr2 = XShmCreateImage(Display_Ptr, None, 8, ZPixmap, NULL,
+ &Shminfo2,
+ Coded_Picture_Width, Coded_Picture_Height);
+ /* If no go, then revert to normal Xlib calls. */
+ if (Ximage_Ptr==NULL || (!progressive_sequence && Ximage_Ptr2==NULL))
+ {
+ if (Ximage_Ptr!=NULL)
+ XDestroyImage(Ximage_Ptr);
+ if (!progressive_sequence && Ximage_Ptr2!=NULL)
+ XDestroyImage(Ximage_Ptr2);
+ if (!Quiet_Flag)
+ fprintf(stderr, "Shared memory error, disabling (Ximage error)\n");
+ goto shmemerror;
+ }
+ /* Success here, continue. */
+ Shminfo1.shmid = shmget(IPC_PRIVATE,
+ Ximage_Ptr->bytes_per_line * Ximage_Ptr->height,
+ IPC_CREAT | 0777);
+ if (!progressive_sequence)
+ Shminfo2.shmid = shmget(IPC_PRIVATE,
+ Ximage_Ptr2->bytes_per_line * Ximage_Ptr2->height,
+ IPC_CREAT | 0777);
+ if (Shminfo1.shmid<0 || (!progressive_sequence && Shminfo2.shmid<0))
+ {
+ XDestroyImage(Ximage_Ptr);
+ if (!progressive_sequence)
+ XDestroyImage(Ximage_Ptr2);
+ if (!Quiet_Flag)
+ fprintf(stderr, "Shared memory error, disabling (seg id error)\n");
+ goto shmemerror;
+ }
+ Shminfo1.shmaddr = (char *) shmat(Shminfo1.shmid, 0, 0);
+ Shminfo2.shmaddr = (char *) shmat(Shminfo2.shmid, 0, 0);
+ if (Shminfo1.shmaddr==((char *) -1) ||
+ (!progressive_sequence && Shminfo2.shmaddr==((char *) -1)))
+ {
+ XDestroyImage(Ximage_Ptr);
+ if (Shminfo1.shmaddr!=((char *) -1))
+ shmdt(Shminfo1.shmaddr);
+ if (!progressive_sequence)
+ {
+ XDestroyImage(Ximage_Ptr2);
+ if (Shminfo2.shmaddr!=((char *) -1))
+ shmdt(Shminfo2.shmaddr);
+ }
+ if (!Quiet_Flag)
+ {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Shared memory error, disabling (address error)\n");
+ }
+ goto shmemerror;
+ }
+ Ximage_Ptr->data = Shminfo1.shmaddr;
+ Dithered_Image = (unsigned char *)Ximage_Ptr->data;
+ Shminfo1.readOnly = False;
+ XShmAttach(Display_Ptr, &Shminfo1);
+ if (!progressive_sequence)
+ {
+ Ximage_Ptr2->data = Shminfo2.shmaddr;
+ Dithered_Image2 = (unsigned char *)Ximage_Ptr2->data;
+ Shminfo2.readOnly = False;
+ XShmAttach(Display_Ptr, &Shminfo2);
+ }
+ XSync(Display_Ptr, False);
+ if (gXErrorFlag)
+ {
+ /* Ultimate failure here. */
+ XDestroyImage(Ximage_Ptr);
+ shmdt(Shminfo1.shmaddr);
+ if (!progressive_sequence)
+ {
+ XDestroyImage(Ximage_Ptr2);
+ shmdt(Shminfo2.shmaddr);
+ }
+ if (!Quiet_Flag)
+ fprintf(stderr, "Shared memory error, disabling.\n");
+ gXErrorFlag = 0;
+ goto shmemerror;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ shmctl(Shminfo1.shmid, IPC_RMID, 0);
+ if (!progressive_sequence)
+ shmctl(Shminfo2.shmid, IPC_RMID, 0);
+ }
+ if (!Quiet_Flag)
+ {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Sharing memory.\n");
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ shmemerror:
+ Shmem_Flag = 0;
+ #endif
+ Ximage_Ptr = XCreateImage(Display_Ptr,None,8,ZPixmap,0,&dummy,
+ Coded_Picture_Width,Coded_Picture_Height,8,0);
+ if (!(Dithered_Image = (unsigned char *)malloc(Coded_Picture_Width*
+ Coded_Picture_Height)))
+ Error("malloc failed");
+ if (!progressive_sequence)
+ {
+ Ximage_Ptr2 = XCreateImage(Display_Ptr,None,8,ZPixmap,0,&dummy,
+ Coded_Picture_Width,Coded_Picture_Height,8,0);
+ if (!(Dithered_Image2 = (unsigned char *)malloc(Coded_Picture_Width*
+ Coded_Picture_Height)))
+ Error("malloc failed");
+ }
+ #ifdef SH_MEM
+ }
+ DeInstallXErrorHandler();
+ #endif
+ }
+ void Terminate_Display_Process()
+ {
+ #ifdef SH_MEM
+ if (Shmem_Flag)
+ {
+ XShmDetach(Display_Ptr, &Shminfo1);
+ XDestroyImage(Ximage_Ptr);
+ shmdt(Shminfo1.shmaddr);
+ if (!progressive_sequence)
+ {
+ XShmDetach(Display_Ptr, &Shminfo2);
+ XDestroyImage(Ximage_Ptr2);
+ shmdt(Shminfo2.shmaddr);
+ }
+ }
+ #endif
+ }
+ static void Display_Image(Ximage_Ptr,Dithered_Image)
+ XImage *Ximage_Ptr;
+ unsigned char *Dithered_Image;
+ {
+ /* display dithered image */
+ #ifdef SH_MEM
+ if (Shmem_Flag)
+ {
+ XShmPutImage(Display_Ptr, Window_Instance, GC_Instance, Ximage_Ptr,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, Ximage_Ptr->width, Ximage_Ptr->height, True);
+ XFlush(Display_Ptr);
+ while (1)
+ {
+ XEvent xev;
+ XNextEvent(Display_Ptr, &xev);
+ if (xev.type == CompletionType)
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ #endif
+ {
+ Ximage_Ptr->data = (char *) Dithered_Image;
+ XPutImage(Display_Ptr, Window_Instance, GC_Instance, Ximage_Ptr, 0, 0, 0, 0, Ximage_Ptr->width, Ximage_Ptr->height);
+ }
+ }
+ void Display_Second_Field()
+ {
+ Display_Image(Ximage_Ptr2,Dithered_Image2);
+ }
+ /* 4x4 ordered dither
+ *
+ * threshold pattern:
+ * 0 8 2 10
+ * 12 4 14 6
+ * 3 11 1 9
+ * 15 7 13 5
+ */
+ void Initialize_Dither_Matrix()
+ {
+ int i, v;
+ for (i=-8; i<256+8; i++)
+ {
+ v = i>>4;
+ if (v<1)
+ v = 1;
+ else if (v>14)
+ v = 14;
+ Y_Table[i+8] = v<<4;
+ }
+ for (i=0; i<128+16; i++)
+ {
+ v = (i-40)>>4;
+ if (v<0)
+ v = 0;
+ else if (v>3)
+ v = 3;
+ Cb_Table[i] = v<<2;
+ Cr_Table[i] = v;
+ }
+ }
+ void dither(src)
+ unsigned char *src[];
+ {
+ /* should this test only the display flag, not progressive_sequence ? --CF */
+ /* CHANGE 95/05/13: progressive_sequence -> progressive_frame */
+ if( progressive_frame || Display_Progressive_Flag)
+ Dither_Frame(src);
+ else
+ {
+ if ((picture_structure==FRAME_PICTURE && top_field_first) || picture_structure==BOTTOM_FIELD)
+ {
+ /* top field first */
+ if (chroma_format==CHROMA420 && hiQdither)
+ {
+ Dither_Top_Field420(src,Dithered_Image);
+ Dither_Bottom_Field420(src,Dithered_Image2);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Dither_Top_Field(src,Dithered_Image);
+ Dither_Bottom_Field(src,Dithered_Image2);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* bottom field first */
+ if (chroma_format==CHROMA420 && hiQdither)
+ {
+ Dither_Bottom_Field420(src,Dithered_Image);
+ Dither_Top_Field420(src,Dithered_Image2);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Dither_Bottom_Field(src,Dithered_Image);
+ Dither_Top_Field(src,Dithered_Image2);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Display_Image(Ximage_Ptr,Dithered_Image);
+ }
+ static void Dither_Frame(src)
+ unsigned char *src[];
+ {
+ int i,j;
+ int y,u,v;
+ unsigned char *py,*pu,*pv,*dst;
+ py = src[0];
+ pu = src[1];
+ pv = src[2];
+ dst = Dithered_Image;
+ for (j=0; j<Coded_Picture_Height; j+=4)
+ {
+ /* line j + 0 */
+ for (i=0; i<Coded_Picture_Width; i+=4)
+ {
+ y = *py++;
+ u = *pu++ >> 1;
+ v = *pv++ >> 1;
+ *dst++ = Pixel[Y_Table[y]|Cb_Table[u]|Cr_Table[v]];
+ y = *py++;
+ if (chroma_format==CHROMA444)
+ {
+ u = *pu++ >> 1;
+ v = *pv++ >> 1;
+ }
+ *dst++ = Pixel[Y_Table[y+8]|Cb_Table[u+8]|Cr_Table[v+8]];
+ y = *py++;
+ u = *pu++ >> 1;
+ v = *pv++ >> 1;
+ *dst++ = Pixel[Y_Table[y+2]|Cb_Table[u+2]|Cr_Table[v+2]];
+ y = *py++;
+ if (chroma_format==CHROMA444)
+ {
+ u = *pu++ >> 1;
+ v = *pv++ >> 1;
+ }
+ *dst++ = Pixel[Y_Table[y+10]|Cb_Table[u+10]|Cr_Table[v+10]];
+ }
+ if (chroma_format==CHROMA420)
+ {
+ pu -= Chroma_Width;
+ pv -= Chroma_Width;
+ }
+ /* line j + 1 */
+ for (i=0; i<Coded_Picture_Width; i+=4)
+ {
+ y = *py++;
+ u = *pu++ >> 1;
+ v = *pv++ >> 1;
+ *dst++ = Pixel[Y_Table[y+12]|Cb_Table[u+12]|Cr_Table[v+12]];
+ y = *py++;
+ if (chroma_format==CHROMA444)
+ {
+ u = *pu++ >> 1;
+ v = *pv++ >> 1;
+ }
+ *dst++ = Pixel[Y_Table[y+4]|Cb_Table[u+4]|Cr_Table[v+4]];
+ y = *py++;
+ u = *pu++ >> 1;
+ v = *pv++ >> 1;
+ *dst++ = Pixel[Y_Table[y+14]|Cb_Table[u+14]|Cr_Table[v+14]];
+ y = *py++;
+ if (chroma_format==CHROMA444)
+ {
+ u = *pu++ >> 1;
+ v = *pv++ >> 1;
+ }
+ *dst++ = Pixel[Y_Table[y+6]|Cb_Table[u+6]|Cr_Table[v+6]];
+ }
+ /* line j + 2 */
+ for (i=0; i<Coded_Picture_Width; i+=4)
+ {
+ y = *py++;
+ u = *pu++ >> 1;
+ v = *pv++ >> 1;
+ *dst++ = Pixel[Y_Table[y+3]|Cb_Table[u+3]|Cr_Table[v+3]];
+ y = *py++;
+ if (chroma_format==CHROMA444)
+ {
+ u = *pu++ >> 1;
+ v = *pv++ >> 1;
+ }
+ *dst++ = Pixel[Y_Table[y+11]|Cb_Table[u+11]|Cr_Table[v+11]];
+ y = *py++;
+ u = *pu++ >> 1;
+ v = *pv++ >> 1;
+ *dst++ = Pixel[Y_Table[y+1]|Cb_Table[u+1]|Cr_Table[v+1]];
+ y = *py++;
+ if (chroma_format==CHROMA444)
+ {
+ u = *pu++ >> 1;
+ v = *pv++ >> 1;
+ }
+ *dst++ = Pixel[Y_Table[y+9]|Cb_Table[u+9]|Cr_Table[v+9]];
+ }
+ if (chroma_format==CHROMA420)
+ {
+ pu -= Chroma_Width;
+ pv -= Chroma_Width;
+ }
+ /* line j + 3 */
+ for (i=0; i<Coded_Picture_Width; i+=4)
+ {
+ y = *py++;
+ u = *pu++ >> 1;
+ v = *pv++ >> 1;
+ *dst++ = Pixel[Y_Table[y+15]|Cb_Table[u+15]|Cr_Table[v+15]];
+ y = *py++;
+ if (chroma_format==CHROMA444)
+ {
+ u = *pu++ >> 1;
+ v = *pv++ >> 1;
+ }
+ *dst++ = Pixel[Y_Table[y+7]|Cb_Table[u+7]|Cr_Table[v+7]];
+ y = *py++;
+ u = *pu++ >> 1;
+ v = *pv++ >> 1;
+ *dst++ = Pixel[Y_Table[y+13]|Cb_Table[u+13]|Cr_Table[v+13]];
+ y = *py++;
+ if (chroma_format==CHROMA444)
+ {
+ u = *pu++ >> 1;
+ v = *pv++ >> 1;
+ }
+ *dst++ = Pixel[Y_Table[y+5]|Cb_Table[u+5]|Cr_Table[v+5]];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ static void Dither_Top_Field(src,dst)
+ unsigned char *src[];
+ unsigned char *dst;
+ {
+ int i,j;
+ int y,Y2,u,v;
+ unsigned char *py,*Y2_ptr,*pu,*pv,*dst2;
+ py = src[0];
+ Y2_ptr = src[0] + (Coded_Picture_Width<<1);
+ pu = src[1];
+ pv = src[2];
+ dst2 = dst + Coded_Picture_Width;
+ for (j=0; j<Coded_Picture_Height; j+=4)
+ {
+ /* line j + 0, j + 1 */
+ for (i=0; i<Coded_Picture_Width; i+=4)
+ {
+ y = *py++;
+ Y2 = *Y2_ptr++;
+ u = *pu++ >> 1;
+ v = *pv++ >> 1;
+ *dst++ = Pixel[Y_Table[y]|Cb_Table[u]|Cr_Table[v]];
+ *dst2++ = Pixel[Y_Table[((y+Y2)>>1)+12]|Cb_Table[u+12]|Cr_Table[v+12]];
+ y = *py++;
+ Y2 = *Y2_ptr++;
+ if (chroma_format==CHROMA444)
+ {
+ u = *pu++ >> 1;
+ v = *pv++ >> 1;
+ }
+ *dst++ = Pixel[Y_Table[y+8]|Cb_Table[u+8]|Cr_Table[v+8]];
+ *dst2++ = Pixel[Y_Table[((y+Y2)>>1)+4]|Cb_Table[u+4]|Cr_Table[v+4]];
+ y = *py++;
+ Y2 = *Y2_ptr++;
+ u = *pu++ >> 1;
+ v = *pv++ >> 1;
+ *dst++ = Pixel[Y_Table[y+2]|Cb_Table[u+2]|Cr_Table[v+2]];
+ *dst2++ = Pixel[Y_Table[((y+Y2)>>1)+14]|Cb_Table[u+14]|Cr_Table[v+14]];
+ y = *py++;
+ Y2 = *Y2_ptr++;
+ if (chroma_format==CHROMA444)
+ {
+ u = *pu++ >> 1;
+ v = *pv++ >> 1;
+ }
+ *dst++ = Pixel[Y_Table[y+10]|Cb_Table[u+10]|Cr_Table[v+10]];
+ *dst2++ = Pixel[Y_Table[((y+Y2)>>1)+6]|Cb_Table[u+6]|Cr_Table[v+6]];
+ }
+ py += Coded_Picture_Width;
+ if (j!=(Coded_Picture_Height-4))
+ Y2_ptr += Coded_Picture_Width;
+ else
+ Y2_ptr -= Coded_Picture_Width;
+ dst += Coded_Picture_Width;
+ dst2 += Coded_Picture_Width;
+ if (chroma_format==CHROMA420)
+ {
+ pu -= Chroma_Width;
+ pv -= Chroma_Width;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ pu += Chroma_Width;
+ pv += Chroma_Width;
+ }
+ /* line j + 2, j + 3 */
+ for (i=0; i<Coded_Picture_Width; i+=4)
+ {
+ y = *py++;
+ Y2 = *Y2_ptr++;
+ u = *pu++ >> 1;
+ v = *pv++ >> 1;
+ *dst++ = Pixel[Y_Table[y+3]|Cb_Table[u+3]|Cr_Table[v+3]];
+ *dst2++ = Pixel[Y_Table[((y+Y2)>>1)+15]|Cb_Table[u+15]|Cr_Table[v+15]];
+ y = *py++;
+ Y2 = *Y2_ptr++;
+ if (chroma_format==CHROMA444)
+ {
+ u = *pu++ >> 1;
+ v = *pv++ >> 1;
+ }
+ *dst++ = Pixel[Y_Table[y+11]|Cb_Table[u+11]|Cr_Table[v+11]];
+ *dst2++ = Pixel[Y_Table[((y+Y2)>>1)+7]|Cb_Table[u+7]|Cr_Table[v+7]];
+ y = *py++;
+ Y2 = *Y2_ptr++;
+ u = *pu++ >> 1;
+ v = *pv++ >> 1;
+ *dst++ = Pixel[Y_Table[y+1]|Cb_Table[u+1]|Cr_Table[v+1]];
+ *dst2++ = Pixel[Y_Table[((y+Y2)>>1)+13]|Cb_Table[u+13]|Cr_Table[v+13]];
+ y = *py++;
+ Y2 = *Y2_ptr++;
+ if (chroma_format==CHROMA444)
+ {
+ u = *pu++ >> 1;
+ v = *pv++ >> 1;
+ }
+ *dst++ = Pixel[Y_Table[y+9]|Cb_Table[u+9]|Cr_Table[v+9]];
+ *dst2++ = Pixel[Y_Table[((y+Y2)>>1)+5]|Cb_Table[u+5]|Cr_Table[v+5]];
+ }
+ py += Coded_Picture_Width;
+ Y2_ptr += Coded_Picture_Width;
+ dst += Coded_Picture_Width;
+ dst2 += Coded_Picture_Width;
+ pu += Chroma_Width;
+ pv += Chroma_Width;
+ }
+ }
+ static void Dither_Bottom_Field(src,dst)
+ unsigned char *src[];
+ unsigned char *dst;
+ {
+ int i,j;
+ int y,Y2,u,v;
+ unsigned char *py,*Y2_ptr,*pu,*pv,*dst2;
+ py = src[0] + Coded_Picture_Width;
+ Y2_ptr = py;
+ pu = src[1] + Chroma_Width;
+ pv = src[2] + Chroma_Width;
+ dst2 = dst + Coded_Picture_Width;
+ for (j=0; j<Coded_Picture_Height; j+=4)
+ {
+ /* line j + 0, j + 1 */
+ for (i=0; i<Coded_Picture_Width; i+=4)
+ {
+ y = *py++;
+ Y2 = *Y2_ptr++;
+ u = *pu++ >> 1;
+ v = *pv++ >> 1;
+ *dst++ = Pixel[Y_Table[((y+Y2)>>1)]|Cb_Table[u]|Cr_Table[v]];
+ *dst2++ = Pixel[Y_Table[Y2+12]|Cb_Table[u+12]|Cr_Table[v+12]];
+ y = *py++;
+ Y2 = *Y2_ptr++;
+ if (chroma_format==CHROMA444)
+ {
+ u = *pu++ >> 1;
+ v = *pv++ >> 1;
+ }
+ *dst++ = Pixel[Y_Table[((y+Y2)>>1)+8]|Cb_Table[u+8]|Cr_Table[v+8]];
+ *dst2++ = Pixel[Y_Table[Y2+4]|Cb_Table[u+4]|Cr_Table[v+4]];
+ y = *py++;
+ Y2 = *Y2_ptr++;
+ u = *pu++ >> 1;
+ v = *pv++ >> 1;
+ *dst++ = Pixel[Y_Table[((y+Y2)>>1)+2]|Cb_Table[u+2]|Cr_Table[v+2]];
+ *dst2++ = Pixel[Y_Table[Y2+14]|Cb_Table[u+14]|Cr_Table[v+14]];
+ y = *py++;
+ Y2 = *Y2_ptr++;
+ if (chroma_format==CHROMA444)
+ {
+ u = *pu++ >> 1;
+ v = *pv++ >> 1;
+ }
+ *dst++ = Pixel[Y_Table[((y+Y2)>>1)+10]|Cb_Table[u+10]|Cr_Table[v+10]];
+ *dst2++ = Pixel[Y_Table[Y2+6]|Cb_Table[u+6]|Cr_Table[v+6]];
+ }
+ if (j==0)
+ py -= Coded_Picture_Width;
+ else
+ py += Coded_Picture_Width;
+ Y2_ptr += Coded_Picture_Width;
+ dst += Coded_Picture_Width;
+ dst2 += Coded_Picture_Width;
+ if (chroma_format==CHROMA420)
+ {
+ pu -= Chroma_Width;
+ pv -= Chroma_Width;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ pu += Chroma_Width;
+ pv += Chroma_Width;
+ }
+ /* line j + 2. j + 3 */
+ for (i=0; i<Coded_Picture_Width; i+=4)
+ {
+ y = *py++;
+ Y2 = *Y2_ptr++;
+ u = *pu++ >> 1;
+ v = *pv++ >> 1;
+ *dst++ = Pixel[Y_Table[((y+Y2)>>1)+3]|Cb_Table[u+3]|Cr_Table[v+3]];
+ *dst2++ = Pixel[Y_Table[Y2+15]|Cb_Table[u+15]|Cr_Table[v+15]];
+ y = *py++;
+ Y2 = *Y2_ptr++;
+ if (chroma_format==CHROMA444)
+ {
+ u = *pu++ >> 1;
+ v = *pv++ >> 1;
+ }
+ *dst++ = Pixel[Y_Table[((y+Y2)>>1)+11]|Cb_Table[u+11]|Cr_Table[v+11]];
+ *dst2++ = Pixel[Y_Table[Y2+7]|Cb_Table[u+7]|Cr_Table[v+7]];
+ y = *py++;
+ Y2 = *Y2_ptr++;
+ u = *pu++ >> 1;
+ v = *pv++ >> 1;
+ *dst++ = Pixel[Y_Table[((y+Y2)>>1)+1]|Cb_Table[u+1]|Cr_Table[v+1]];
+ *dst2++ = Pixel[Y_Table[Y2+13]|Cb_Table[u+13]|Cr_Table[v+13]];
+ y = *py++;
+ Y2 = *Y2_ptr++;
+ if (chroma_format==CHROMA444)
+ {
+ u = *pu++ >> 1;
+ v = *pv++ >> 1;
+ }
+ *dst++ = Pixel[Y_Table[((y+Y2)>>1)+9]|Cb_Table[u+9]|Cr_Table[v+9]];
+ *dst2++ = Pixel[Y_Table[Y2+5]|Cb_Table[u+5]|Cr_Table[v+5]];
+ }
+ py += Coded_Picture_Width;
+ Y2_ptr += Coded_Picture_Width;
+ dst += Coded_Picture_Width;
+ dst2 += Coded_Picture_Width;
+ pu += Chroma_Width;
+ pv += Chroma_Width;
+ }
+ }
+ static void Dither_Top_Field420(src,dst)
+ unsigned char *src[];
+ unsigned char *dst;
+ {
+ int i,j;
+ int Y1,Cb1,Cr1,Y2,Cb2,Cr2;
+ unsigned char *Y1_ptr,*Cb1_ptr,*Cr1_ptr,*Y2_ptr,*Cb2_ptr,*Cr2_ptr,*dst2;
+ Y1_ptr = src[0];
+ Cb1_ptr = src[1];
+ Cr1_ptr = src[2];
+ Y2_ptr = Y1_ptr + (Coded_Picture_Width<<1);
+ Cb2_ptr = Cb1_ptr + (Chroma_Width<<1);
+ Cr2_ptr = Cr1_ptr + (Chroma_Width<<1);
+ dst2 = dst + Coded_Picture_Width;
+ for (j=0; j<Coded_Picture_Height; j+=4)
+ {
+ /* line j + 0, j + 1 */
+ for (i=0; i<Coded_Picture_Width; i+=4)
+ {
+ Y1 = *Y1_ptr++;
+ Y2 = *Y2_ptr++;
+ Cb1 = *Cb1_ptr++ >> 1;
+ Cr1 = *Cr1_ptr++ >> 1;
+ Cb2 = *Cb2_ptr++ >> 1;
+ Cr2 = *Cr2_ptr++ >> 1;
+ *dst++ = Pixel[Y_Table[((3*Y1+Y2)>>2)]|Cb_Table[Cb1]|Cr_Table[Cr1]];
+ *dst2++ = Pixel[Y_Table[((Y1+3*Y2)>>2)+12]|Cb_Table[((3*Cb1+Cb2)>>2)+12]
+ |Cr_Table[((3*Cr1+Cr2)>>2)+12]];
+ Y1 = *Y1_ptr++;
+ Y2 = *Y2_ptr++;
+ *dst++ = Pixel[Y_Table[((3*Y1+Y2)>>2)+8]|Cb_Table[Cb1+8]|Cr_Table[Cr1+8]];
+ *dst2++ = Pixel[Y_Table[((Y1+3*Y2)>>2)+4]|Cb_Table[((3*Cb1+Cb2)>>2)+4]
+ |Cr_Table[((3*Cr1+Cr2)>>2)+4]];
+ Y1 = *Y1_ptr++;
+ Y2 = *Y2_ptr++;
+ Cb1 = *Cb1_ptr++ >> 1;
+ Cr1 = *Cr1_ptr++ >> 1;
+ Cb2 = *Cb2_ptr++ >> 1;
+ Cr2 = *Cr2_ptr++ >> 1;
+ *dst++ = Pixel[Y_Table[((3*Y1+Y2)>>2)+2]|Cb_Table[Cb1+2]|Cr_Table[Cr1+2]];
+ *dst2++ = Pixel[Y_Table[((Y1+3*Y2)>>2)+14]|Cb_Table[((3*Cb1+Cb2)>>2)+14]
+ |Cr_Table[((3*Cr1+Cr2)>>2)+14]];
+ Y1 = *Y1_ptr++;
+ Y2 = *Y2_ptr++;
+ *dst++ = Pixel[Y_Table[((3*Y1+Y2)>>2)+10]|Cb_Table[Cb1+10]|Cr_Table[Cr1+10]];
+ *dst2++ = Pixel[Y_Table[((Y1+3*Y2)>>2)+6]|Cb_Table[((3*Cb1+Cb2)>>2)+6]
+ |Cr_Table[((3*Cr1+Cr2)>>2)+6]];
+ }
+ Y1_ptr += Coded_Picture_Width;
+ if (j!=(Coded_Picture_Height-4))
+ Y2_ptr += Coded_Picture_Width;
+ else
+ Y2_ptr -= Coded_Picture_Width;
+ Cb1_ptr -= Chroma_Width;
+ Cr1_ptr -= Chroma_Width;
+ Cb2_ptr -= Chroma_Width;
+ Cr2_ptr -= Chroma_Width;
+ dst += Coded_Picture_Width;
+ dst2 += Coded_Picture_Width;
+ /* line j + 2, j + 3 */
+ for (i=0; i<Coded_Picture_Width; i+=4)
+ {
+ Y1 = *Y1_ptr++;
+ Y2 = *Y2_ptr++;
+ Cb1 = *Cb1_ptr++ >> 1;
+ Cr1 = *Cr1_ptr++ >> 1;
+ Cb2 = *Cb2_ptr++ >> 1;
+ Cr2 = *Cr2_ptr++ >> 1;
+ *dst++ = Pixel[Y_Table[((3*Y1+Y2)>>2)+3]|Cb_Table[((Cb1+Cb2)>>1)+3]
+ |Cr_Table[((Cr1+Cr2)>>1)+3]];
+ *dst2++ = Pixel[Y_Table[((Y1+3*Y2)>>2)+15]|Cb_Table[((Cb1+3*Cb2)>>2)+15]
+ |Cr_Table[((Cr1+3*Cr2)>>2)+15]];
+ Y1 = *Y1_ptr++;
+ Y2 = *Y2_ptr++;
+ *dst++ = Pixel[Y_Table[((3*Y1+Y2)>>2)+11]|Cb_Table[((Cb1+Cb2)>>1)+11]
+ |Cr_Table[((Cr1+Cr2)>>1)+11]];
+ *dst2++ = Pixel[Y_Table[((Y1+3*Y2)>>2)+7]|Cb_Table[((Cb1+3*Cb2)>>2)+7]
+ |Cr_Table[((Cr1+3*Cr2)>>2)+7]];
+ Y1 = *Y1_ptr++;
+ Y2 = *Y2_ptr++;
+ Cb1 = *Cb1_ptr++ >> 1;
+ Cr1 = *Cr1_ptr++ >> 1;
+ Cb2 = *Cb2_ptr++ >> 1;
+ Cr2 = *Cr2_ptr++ >> 1;
+ *dst++ = Pixel[Y_Table[((3*Y1+Y2)>>2)+1]|Cb_Table[((Cb1+Cb2)>>1)+1]
+ |Cr_Table[((Cr1+Cr2)>>1)+1]];
+ *dst2++ = Pixel[Y_Table[((Y1+3*Y2)>>2)+13]|Cb_Table[((Cb1+3*Cb2)>>2)+13]
+ |Cr_Table[((Cr1+3*Cr2)>>2)+13]];
+ Y1 = *Y1_ptr++;
+ Y2 = *Y2_ptr++;
+ *dst++ = Pixel[Y_Table[((3*Y1+Y2)>>2)+9]|Cb_Table[((Cb1+Cb2)>>1)+9]
+ |Cr_Table[((Cr1+Cr2)>>1)+9]];
+ *dst2++ = Pixel[Y_Table[((Y1+3*Y2)>>2)+5]|Cb_Table[((Cb1+3*Cb2)>>2)+5]
+ |Cr_Table[((Cr1+3*Cr2)>>2)+5]];
+ }
+ Y1_ptr += Coded_Picture_Width;
+ Y2_ptr += Coded_Picture_Width;
+ Cb1_ptr += Chroma_Width;
+ Cr1_ptr += Chroma_Width;
+ if (j!=(Coded_Picture_Height-8))
+ {
+ Cb2_ptr += Chroma_Width;
+ Cr2_ptr += Chroma_Width;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Cb2_ptr -= Chroma_Width;
+ Cr2_ptr -= Chroma_Width;
+ }
+ dst += Coded_Picture_Width;
+ dst2+= Coded_Picture_Width;
+ }
+ }
+ static void Dither_Bottom_Field420(src,dst)
+ unsigned char *src[];
+ unsigned char *dst;
+ {
+ int i,j;
+ int Y1,Cb1,Cr1,Y2,Cb2,Cr2;
+ unsigned char *Y1_ptr,*Cb1_ptr,*Cr1_ptr,*Y2_ptr,*Cb2_ptr,*Cr2_ptr,*dst2;
+ Y2_ptr = Y1_ptr = src[0] + Coded_Picture_Width;
+ Cb2_ptr = Cb1_ptr = src[1] + Chroma_Width;
+ Cr2_ptr = Cr1_ptr = src[2] + Chroma_Width;
+ dst2 = dst;
+ for (j=0; j<Coded_Picture_Height; j+=4)
+ {
+ /* line j + 0, j + 1 */
+ for (i=0; i<Coded_Picture_Width; i+=4)
+ {
+ Y1 = *Y1_ptr++;
+ Y2 = *Y2_ptr++;
+ Cb1 = *Cb1_ptr++ >> 1;
+ Cr1 = *Cr1_ptr++ >> 1;
+ Cb2 = *Cb2_ptr++ >> 1;
+ Cr2 = *Cr2_ptr++ >> 1;
+ *dst++ = Pixel[Y_Table[((3*Y1+Y2)>>2)+15]|Cb_Table[((3*Cb1+Cb2)>>2)+15]
+ |Cr_Table[((3*Cr1+Cr2)>>2)+15]];
+ *dst2++ = Pixel[Y_Table[((Y1+3*Y2)>>2)]|Cb_Table[((Cb1+Cb2)>>1)]
+ |Cr_Table[((Cr1+Cr2)>>1)]];
+ Y1 = *Y1_ptr++;
+ Y2 = *Y2_ptr++;
+ *dst++ = Pixel[Y_Table[((3*Y1+Y2)>>2)+7]|Cb_Table[((3*Cb1+Cb2)>>2)+7]
+ |Cr_Table[((3*Cr1+Cr2)>>2)+7]];
+ *dst2++ = Pixel[Y_Table[((Y1+3*Y2)>>2)+8]|Cb_Table[((Cb1+Cb2)>>1)+8]
+ |Cr_Table[((Cr1+Cr2)>>1)+8]];
+ Y1 = *Y1_ptr++;
+ Y2 = *Y2_ptr++;
+ Cb1 = *Cb1_ptr++ >> 1;
+ Cr1 = *Cr1_ptr++ >> 1;
+ Cb2 = *Cb2_ptr++ >> 1;
+ Cr2 = *Cr2_ptr++ >> 1;
+ *dst++ = Pixel[Y_Table[((3*Y1+Y2)>>2)+13]|Cb_Table[((3*Cb1+Cb2)>>2)+13]
+ |Cr_Table[((3*Cr1+Cr2)>>2)+13]];
+ *dst2++ = Pixel[Y_Table[((Y1+3*Y2)>>2)+2]|Cb_Table[((Cb1+Cb2)>>1)+2]
+ |Cr_Table[((Cr1+Cr2)>>1)+2]];
+ Y1 = *Y1_ptr++;
+ Y2 = *Y2_ptr++;
+ *dst++ = Pixel[Y_Table[((3*Y1+Y2)>>2)+5]|Cb_Table[((3*Cb1+Cb2)>>2)+5]
+ |Cr_Table[((3*Cr1+Cr2)>>2)+5]];
+ *dst2++ = Pixel[Y_Table[((Y1+3*Y2)>>2)+10]|Cb_Table[((Cb1+Cb2)>>1)+10]
+ |Cr_Table[((Cr1+Cr2)>>1)+10]];
+ }
+ if (j!=0)
+ Y1_ptr += Coded_Picture_Width;
+ else
+ Y1_ptr -= Coded_Picture_Width;
+ Y2_ptr += Coded_Picture_Width;
+ Cb1_ptr -= Chroma_Width;
+ Cr1_ptr -= Chroma_Width;
+ Cb2_ptr -= Chroma_Width;
+ Cr2_ptr -= Chroma_Width;
+ if (j!=0)
+ dst += Coded_Picture_Width;
+ dst2 += Coded_Picture_Width;
+ /* line j + 2, j + 3 */
+ for (i=0; i<Coded_Picture_Width; i+=4)
+ {
+ Y1 = *Y1_ptr++;
+ Y2 = *Y2_ptr++;
+ Cb1 = *Cb1_ptr++ >> 1;
+ Cr1 = *Cr1_ptr++ >> 1;
+ Cb2 = *Cb2_ptr++ >> 1;
+ Cr2 = *Cr2_ptr++ >> 1;
+ *dst++ = Pixel[Y_Table[((3*Y1+Y2)>>2)+12]|Cb_Table[((Cb1+3*Cb2)>>2)+12]
+ |Cr_Table[((Cr1+3*Cr2)>>2)+12]];
+ *dst2++ = Pixel[Y_Table[((Y1+3*Y2)>>2)+3]|Cb_Table[Cb2+3]
+ |Cr_Table[Cr2+3]];
+ Y1 = *Y1_ptr++;
+ Y2 = *Y2_ptr++;
+ *dst++ = Pixel[Y_Table[((3*Y1+Y2)>>2)+4]|Cb_Table[((Cb1+3*Cb2)>>2)+4]
+ |Cr_Table[((Cr1+3*Cr2)>>2)+4]];
+ *dst2++ = Pixel[Y_Table[((Y1+3*Y2)>>2)+11]|Cb_Table[Cb2+11]
+ |Cr_Table[Cr2+11]];
+ Y1 = *Y1_ptr++;
+ Y2 = *Y2_ptr++;
+ Cb1 = *Cb1_ptr++ >> 1;
+ Cr1 = *Cr1_ptr++ >> 1;
+ Cb2 = *Cb2_ptr++ >> 1;
+ Cr2 = *Cr2_ptr++ >> 1;
+ *dst++ = Pixel[Y_Table[((3*Y1+Y2)>>2)+14]|Cb_Table[((Cb1+3*Cb2)>>2)+14]
+ |Cr_Table[((Cr1+3*Cr2)>>2)+14]];
+ *dst2++ = Pixel[Y_Table[((Y1+3*Y2)>>2)+1]|Cb_Table[Cb2+1]
+ |Cr_Table[Cr2+1]];
+ Y1 = *Y1_ptr++;
+ Y2 = *Y2_ptr++;
+ *dst++ = Pixel[Y_Table[((3*Y1+Y2)>>2)+6]|Cb_Table[((Cb1+3*Cb2)>>2)+6]
+ |Cr_Table[((Cr1+3*Cr2)>>2)+6]];
+ *dst2++ = Pixel[Y_Table[((Y1+3*Y2)>>2)+9]|Cb_Table[Cb2+9]
+ |Cr_Table[Cr2+9]];
+ }
+ Y1_ptr += Coded_Picture_Width;
+ Y2_ptr += Coded_Picture_Width;
+ if (j!=0)
+ {
+ Cb1_ptr += Chroma_Width;
+ Cr1_ptr += Chroma_Width;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Cb1_ptr -= Chroma_Width;
+ Cr1_ptr -= Chroma_Width;
+ }
+ Cb2_ptr += Chroma_Width;
+ Cr2_ptr += Chroma_Width;
+ dst += Coded_Picture_Width;
+ dst2+= Coded_Picture_Width;
+ }
+ Y2_ptr -= (Coded_Picture_Width<<1);
+ Cb2_ptr -= (Chroma_Width<<1);
+ Cr2_ptr -= (Chroma_Width<<1);
+ /* dither last line */
+ for (i=0; i<Coded_Picture_Width; i+=4)
+ {
+ Y1 = *Y1_ptr++;
+ Y2 = *Y2_ptr++;
+ Cb1 = *Cb1_ptr++ >> 1;
+ Cr1 = *Cr1_ptr++ >> 1;
+ Cb2 = *Cb2_ptr++ >> 1;
+ Cr2 = *Cr2_ptr++ >> 1;
+ *dst++ = Pixel[Y_Table[((3*Y1+Y2)>>2)+15]|Cb_Table[((3*Cb1+Cb2)>>2)+15]
+ |Cr_Table[((3*Cr1+Cr2)>>2)+15]];
+ Y1 = *Y1_ptr++;
+ Y2 = *Y2_ptr++;
+ *dst++ = Pixel[Y_Table[((3*Y1+Y2)>>2)+7]|Cb_Table[((3*Cb1+Cb2)>>2)+7]
+ |Cr_Table[((3*Cr1+Cr2)>>2)+7]];
+ Y1 = *Y1_ptr++;
+ Y2 = *Y2_ptr++;
+ Cb1 = *Cb1_ptr++ >> 1;
+ Cr1 = *Cr1_ptr++ >> 1;
+ Cb2 = *Cb2_ptr++ >> 1;
+ Cr2 = *Cr2_ptr++ >> 1;
+ *dst++ = Pixel[Y_Table[((3*Y1+Y2)>>2)+13]|Cb_Table[((3*Cb1+Cb2)>>2)+13]
+ |Cr_Table[((3*Cr1+Cr2)>>2)+13]];
+ Y1 = *Y1_ptr++;
+ Y2 = *Y2_ptr++;
+ *dst++ = Pixel[Y_Table[((3*Y1+Y2)>>2)+5]|Cb_Table[((3*Cb1+Cb2)>>2)+5]
+ |Cr_Table[((3*Cr1+Cr2)>>2)+5]];
+ }
+ }
+ #endif
Index: llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/mediabench/mpeg2/mpeg2dec/getbits.c
diff -c /dev/null llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/mediabench/mpeg2/mpeg2dec/getbits.c:1.1
*** /dev/null Tue Jan 11 12:05:45 2005
--- llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/mediabench/mpeg2/mpeg2dec/getbits.c Tue Jan 11 12:05:31 2005
*** 0 ****
--- 1,202 ----
+ /* getbits.c, bit level routines */
+ /*
+ * All modifications (mpeg2decode -> mpeg2play) are
+ * Copyright (C) 1996, Stefan Eckart. All Rights Reserved.
+ */
+ /* Copyright (C) 1996, MPEG Software Simulation Group. All Rights Reserved. */
+ /*
+ * Disclaimer of Warranty
+ *
+ * These software programs are available to the user without any license fee or
+ * royalty on an "as is" basis. The MPEG Software Simulation Group disclaims
+ * any and all warranties, whether express, implied, or statuary, including any
+ * implied warranties or merchantability or of fitness for a particular
+ * purpose. In no event shall the copyright-holder be liable for any
+ * incidental, punitive, or consequential damages of any kind whatsoever
+ * arising from the use of these programs.
+ *
+ * This disclaimer of warranty extends to the user of these programs and user's
+ * customers, employees, agents, transferees, successors, and assigns.
+ *
+ * The MPEG Software Simulation Group does not represent or warrant that the
+ * programs furnished hereunder are free of infringement of any third-party
+ * patents.
+ *
+ * Commercial implementations of MPEG-1 and MPEG-2 video, including shareware,
+ * are subject to royalty fees to patent holders. Many of these patents are
+ * general enough such that they are unavoidable regardless of implementation
+ * design.
+ *
+ */
+ #include <stdio.h>
+ #include <stdlib.h>
+ #include "config.h"
+ #include "global.h"
+ /* initialize buffer, call once before first getbits or showbits */
+ void Initialize_Buffer()
+ {
+ ld->Incnt = 0;
+ ld->Rdptr = ld->Rdbfr + 2048;
+ ld->Rdmax = ld->Rdptr;
+ #ifdef VERIFY
+ /* only the verifier uses this particular bit counter
+ * Bitcnt keeps track of the current parser position with respect
+ * to the video elementary stream being decoded, regardless
+ * of whether or not it is wrapped within a systems layer stream
+ */
+ ld->Bitcnt = 0;
+ #endif
+ ld->Bfr = 0;
+ Flush_Buffer(0); /* fills valid data into bfr */
+ }
+ void Fill_Buffer()
+ {
+ int Buffer_Level;
+ Buffer_Level = read(ld->Infile,ld->Rdbfr,2048);
+ ld->Rdptr = ld->Rdbfr;
+ if (System_Stream_Flag)
+ ld->Rdmax -= 2048;
+ /* end of the bitstream file */
+ if (Buffer_Level < 2048)
+ {
+ /* just to be safe */
+ if (Buffer_Level < 0)
+ Buffer_Level = 0;
+ /* pad until the next to the next 32-bit word boundary */
+ while (Buffer_Level & 3)
+ ld->Rdbfr[Buffer_Level++] = 0;
+ /* pad the buffer with sequence end codes */
+ while (Buffer_Level < 2048)
+ {
+ ld->Rdbfr[Buffer_Level++] = SEQUENCE_END_CODE>>24;
+ ld->Rdbfr[Buffer_Level++] = SEQUENCE_END_CODE>>16;
+ ld->Rdbfr[Buffer_Level++] = SEQUENCE_END_CODE>>8;
+ ld->Rdbfr[Buffer_Level++] = SEQUENCE_END_CODE&0xff;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* MPEG-1 system layer demultiplexer */
+ int Get_Byte()
+ {
+ while(ld->Rdptr >= ld->Rdbfr+2048)
+ {
+ read(ld->Infile,ld->Rdbfr,2048);
+ ld->Rdptr -= 2048;
+ ld->Rdmax -= 2048;
+ }
+ return *ld->Rdptr++;
+ }
+ /* extract a 16-bit word from the bitstream buffer */
+ int Get_Word()
+ {
+ int Val;
+ Val = Get_Byte();
+ return (Val<<8) | Get_Byte();
+ }
+ /* return next n bits (right adjusted) without advancing */
+ unsigned int Show_Bits(N)
+ int N;
+ {
+ return ld->Bfr >> (32-N);
+ }
+ /* return next bit (could be made faster than Get_Bits(1)) */
+ unsigned int Get_Bits1()
+ {
+ return Get_Bits(1);
+ }
+ /* advance by n bits */
+ void Flush_Buffer(N)
+ int N;
+ {
+ int Incnt;
+ ld->Bfr <<= N;
+ Incnt = ld->Incnt -= N;
+ if (Incnt <= 24)
+ {
+ if (System_Stream_Flag && (ld->Rdptr >= ld->Rdmax-4))
+ {
+ do
+ {
+ if (ld->Rdptr >= ld->Rdmax)
+ Next_Packet();
+ ld->Bfr |= Get_Byte() << (24 - Incnt);
+ Incnt += 8;
+ }
+ while (Incnt <= 24);
+ }
+ else if (ld->Rdptr < ld->Rdbfr+2044)
+ {
+ do
+ {
+ ld->Bfr |= *ld->Rdptr++ << (24 - Incnt);
+ Incnt += 8;
+ }
+ while (Incnt <= 24);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ do
+ {
+ if (ld->Rdptr >= ld->Rdbfr+2048)
+ Fill_Buffer();
+ ld->Bfr |= *ld->Rdptr++ << (24 - Incnt);
+ Incnt += 8;
+ }
+ while (Incnt <= 24);
+ }
+ ld->Incnt = Incnt;
+ }
+ #ifdef VERIFY
+ ld->Bitcnt += N;
+ #endif /* VERIFY */
+ }
+ /* return next n bits (right adjusted) */
+ unsigned int Get_Bits(N)
+ int N;
+ {
+ unsigned int Val;
+ Val = Show_Bits(N);
+ Flush_Buffer(N);
+ return Val;
+ }
Index: llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/mediabench/mpeg2/mpeg2dec/getblk.c
diff -c /dev/null llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/mediabench/mpeg2/mpeg2dec/getblk.c:1.1
*** /dev/null Tue Jan 11 12:05:45 2005
--- llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/mediabench/mpeg2/mpeg2dec/getblk.c Tue Jan 11 12:05:31 2005
*** 0 ****
--- 1,570 ----
+ /* getblk.c, DCT block decoding */
+ /* Copyright (C) 1996, MPEG Software Simulation Group. All Rights Reserved. */
+ /*
+ * Disclaimer of Warranty
+ *
+ * These software programs are available to the user without any license fee or
+ * royalty on an "as is" basis. The MPEG Software Simulation Group disclaims
+ * any and all warranties, whether express, implied, or statuary, including any
+ * implied warranties or merchantability or of fitness for a particular
+ * purpose. In no event shall the copyright-holder be liable for any
+ * incidental, punitive, or consequential damages of any kind whatsoever
+ * arising from the use of these programs.
+ *
+ * This disclaimer of warranty extends to the user of these programs and user's
+ * customers, employees, agents, transferees, successors, and assigns.
+ *
+ * The MPEG Software Simulation Group does not represent or warrant that the
+ * programs furnished hereunder are free of infringement of any third-party
+ * patents.
+ *
+ * Commercial implementations of MPEG-1 and MPEG-2 video, including shareware,
+ * are subject to royalty fees to patent holders. Many of these patents are
+ * general enough such that they are unavoidable regardless of implementation
+ * design.
+ *
+ */
+ #include <stdio.h>
+ #include "config.h"
+ #include "global.h"
+ /* defined in getvlc.h */
+ typedef struct {
+ char run, level, len;
+ } DCTtab;
+ extern DCTtab DCTtabfirst[],DCTtabnext[],DCTtab0[],DCTtab1[];
+ extern DCTtab DCTtab2[],DCTtab3[],DCTtab4[],DCTtab5[],DCTtab6[];
+ extern DCTtab DCTtab0a[],DCTtab1a[];
+ /* decode one intra coded MPEG-1 block */
+ void Decode_MPEG1_Intra_Block(comp,dc_dct_pred)
+ int comp;
+ int dc_dct_pred[];
+ {
+ int val, i, j, sign;
+ unsigned int code;
+ DCTtab *tab;
+ short *bp;
+ bp = ld->block[comp];
+ /* ISO/IEC 11172-2 section Block layer. */
+ /* decode DC coefficients */
+ if (comp<4)
+ bp[0] = (dc_dct_pred[0]+=Get_Luma_DC_dct_diff()) << 3;
+ else if (comp==4)
+ bp[0] = (dc_dct_pred[1]+=Get_Chroma_DC_dct_diff()) << 3;
+ else
+ bp[0] = (dc_dct_pred[2]+=Get_Chroma_DC_dct_diff()) << 3;
+ if (Fault_Flag) return;
+ /* D-pictures do not contain AC coefficients */
+ if(picture_coding_type == D_TYPE)
+ return;
+ /* decode AC coefficients */
+ for (i=1; ; i++)
+ {
+ code = Show_Bits(16);
+ if (code>=16384)
+ tab = &DCTtabnext[(code>>12)-4];
+ else if (code>=1024)
+ tab = &DCTtab0[(code>>8)-4];
+ else if (code>=512)
+ tab = &DCTtab1[(code>>6)-8];
+ else if (code>=256)
+ tab = &DCTtab2[(code>>4)-16];
+ else if (code>=128)
+ tab = &DCTtab3[(code>>3)-16];
+ else if (code>=64)
+ tab = &DCTtab4[(code>>2)-16];
+ else if (code>=32)
+ tab = &DCTtab5[(code>>1)-16];
+ else if (code>=16)
+ tab = &DCTtab6[code-16];
+ else
+ {
+ if (!Quiet_Flag)
+ printf("invalid Huffman code in Decode_MPEG1_Intra_Block()\n");
+ Fault_Flag = 1;
+ return;
+ }
+ Flush_Buffer(tab->len);
+ if (tab->run==64) /* end_of_block */
+ return;
+ if (tab->run==65) /* escape */
+ {
+ i+= Get_Bits(6);
+ val = Get_Bits(8);
+ if (val==0)
+ val = Get_Bits(8);
+ else if (val==128)
+ val = Get_Bits(8) - 256;
+ else if (val>128)
+ val -= 256;
+ if((sign = (val<0)))
+ val = -val;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ i+= tab->run;
+ val = tab->level;
+ sign = Get_Bits(1);
+ }
+ if (i>=64)
+ {
+ if (!Quiet_Flag)
+ fprintf(stderr,"DCT coeff index (i) out of bounds (intra)\n");
+ Fault_Flag = 1;
+ return;
+ }
+ j = scan[ZIG_ZAG][i];
+ val = (val*ld->quantizer_scale*ld->intra_quantizer_matrix[j]) >> 3;
+ /* mismatch control ('oddification') */
+ if (val!=0) /* should always be true, but it's not guaranteed */
+ val = (val-1) | 1; /* equivalent to: if ((val&1)==0) val = val - 1; */
+ /* saturation */
+ if (!sign)
+ bp[j] = (val>2047) ? 2047 : val; /* positive */
+ else
+ bp[j] = (val>2048) ? -2048 : -val; /* negative */
+ }
+ }
+ /* decode one non-intra coded MPEG-1 block */
+ void Decode_MPEG1_Non_Intra_Block(comp)
+ int comp;
+ {
+ int val, i, j, sign;
+ unsigned int code;
+ DCTtab *tab;
+ short *bp;
+ bp = ld->block[comp];
+ /* decode AC coefficients */
+ for (i=0; ; i++)
+ {
+ code = Show_Bits(16);
+ if (code>=16384)
+ {
+ if (i==0)
+ tab = &DCTtabfirst[(code>>12)-4];
+ else
+ tab = &DCTtabnext[(code>>12)-4];
+ }
+ else if (code>=1024)
+ tab = &DCTtab0[(code>>8)-4];
+ else if (code>=512)
+ tab = &DCTtab1[(code>>6)-8];
+ else if (code>=256)
+ tab = &DCTtab2[(code>>4)-16];
+ else if (code>=128)
+ tab = &DCTtab3[(code>>3)-16];
+ else if (code>=64)
+ tab = &DCTtab4[(code>>2)-16];
+ else if (code>=32)
+ tab = &DCTtab5[(code>>1)-16];
+ else if (code>=16)
+ tab = &DCTtab6[code-16];
+ else
+ {
+ if (!Quiet_Flag)
+ printf("invalid Huffman code in Decode_MPEG1_Non_Intra_Block()\n");
+ Fault_Flag = 1;
+ return;
+ }
+ Flush_Buffer(tab->len);
+ if (tab->run==64) /* end_of_block */
+ return;
+ if (tab->run==65) /* escape */
+ {
+ i+= Get_Bits(6);
+ val = Get_Bits(8);
+ if (val==0)
+ val = Get_Bits(8);
+ else if (val==128)
+ val = Get_Bits(8) - 256;
+ else if (val>128)
+ val -= 256;
+ if((sign = (val<0)))
+ val = -val;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ i+= tab->run;
+ val = tab->level;
+ sign = Get_Bits(1);
+ }
+ if (i>=64)
+ {
+ if (!Quiet_Flag)
+ fprintf(stderr,"DCT coeff index (i) out of bounds (inter)\n");
+ Fault_Flag = 1;
+ return;
+ }
+ j = scan[ZIG_ZAG][i];
+ val = (((val<<1)+1)*ld->quantizer_scale*ld->non_intra_quantizer_matrix[j]) >> 4;
+ /* mismatch control ('oddification') */
+ if (val!=0) /* should always be true, but it's not guaranteed */
+ val = (val-1) | 1; /* equivalent to: if ((val&1)==0) val = val - 1; */
+ /* saturation */
+ if (!sign)
+ bp[j] = (val>2047) ? 2047 : val; /* positive */
+ else
+ bp[j] = (val>2048) ? -2048 : -val; /* negative */
+ }
+ }
+ /* decode one intra coded MPEG-2 block */
+ void Decode_MPEG2_Intra_Block(comp,dc_dct_pred)
+ int comp;
+ int dc_dct_pred[];
+ {
+ int val, i, j, sign, nc, cc, run;
+ unsigned int code;
+ DCTtab *tab;
+ short *bp;
+ int *qmat;
+ struct layer_data *ld1;
+ /* with data partitioning, data always goes to base layer */
+ ld1 = (ld->scalable_mode==SC_DP) ? &base : ld;
+ bp = ld1->block[comp];
+ if (base.scalable_mode==SC_DP)
+ if (base.priority_breakpoint<64)
+ ld = &enhan;
+ else
+ ld = &base;
+ cc = (comp<4) ? 0 : (comp&1)+1;
+ qmat = (comp<4 || chroma_format==CHROMA420)
+ ? ld1->intra_quantizer_matrix
+ : ld1->chroma_intra_quantizer_matrix;
+ /* ISO/IEC 13818-2 section 7.2.1: decode DC coefficients */
+ if (cc==0)
+ val = (dc_dct_pred[0]+= Get_Luma_DC_dct_diff());
+ else if (cc==1)
+ val = (dc_dct_pred[1]+= Get_Chroma_DC_dct_diff());
+ else
+ val = (dc_dct_pred[2]+= Get_Chroma_DC_dct_diff());
+ if (Fault_Flag) return;
+ bp[0] = val << (3-intra_dc_precision);
+ nc=0;
+ #ifdef TRACE
+ if (Trace_Flag)
+ printf("DCT(%d)i:",comp);
+ #endif /* TRACE */
+ /* decode AC coefficients */
+ for (i=1; ; i++)
+ {
+ code = Show_Bits(16);
+ if (code>=16384 && !intra_vlc_format)
+ tab = &DCTtabnext[(code>>12)-4];
+ else if (code>=1024)
+ {
+ if (intra_vlc_format)
+ tab = &DCTtab0a[(code>>8)-4];
+ else
+ tab = &DCTtab0[(code>>8)-4];
+ }
+ else if (code>=512)
+ {
+ if (intra_vlc_format)
+ tab = &DCTtab1a[(code>>6)-8];
+ else
+ tab = &DCTtab1[(code>>6)-8];
+ }
+ else if (code>=256)
+ tab = &DCTtab2[(code>>4)-16];
+ else if (code>=128)
+ tab = &DCTtab3[(code>>3)-16];
+ else if (code>=64)
+ tab = &DCTtab4[(code>>2)-16];
+ else if (code>=32)
+ tab = &DCTtab5[(code>>1)-16];
+ else if (code>=16)
+ tab = &DCTtab6[code-16];
+ else
+ {
+ if (!Quiet_Flag)
+ printf("invalid Huffman code in Decode_MPEG2_Intra_Block()\n");
+ Fault_Flag = 1;
+ return;
+ }
+ Flush_Buffer(tab->len);
+ #ifdef TRACE
+ if (Trace_Flag)
+ {
+ printf(" (");
+ Print_Bits(code,16,tab->len);
+ }
+ #endif /* TRACE */
+ if (tab->run==64) /* end_of_block */
+ {
+ #ifdef TRACE
+ if (Trace_Flag)
+ printf("): EOB\n");
+ #endif /* TRACE */
+ return;
+ }
+ if (tab->run==65) /* escape */
+ {
+ #ifdef TRACE
+ if (Trace_Flag)
+ {
+ putchar(' ');
+ Print_Bits(Show_Bits(6),6,6);
+ }
+ #endif /* TRACE */
+ i+= run = Get_Bits(6);
+ #ifdef TRACE
+ if (Trace_Flag)
+ {
+ putchar(' ');
+ Print_Bits(Show_Bits(12),12,12);
+ }
+ #endif /* TRACE */
+ val = Get_Bits(12);
+ if ((val&2047)==0)
+ {
+ if (!Quiet_Flag)
+ printf("invalid escape in Decode_MPEG2_Intra_Block()\n");
+ Fault_Flag = 1;
+ return;
+ }
+ if((sign = (val>=2048)))
+ val = 4096 - val;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ i+= run = tab->run;
+ val = tab->level;
+ sign = Get_Bits(1);
+ #ifdef TRACE
+ if (Trace_Flag)
+ printf("%d",sign);
+ #endif /* TRACE */
+ }
+ if (i>=64)
+ {
+ if (!Quiet_Flag)
+ fprintf(stderr,"DCT coeff index (i) out of bounds (intra2)\n");
+ Fault_Flag = 1;
+ return;
+ }
+ #ifdef TRACE
+ if (Trace_Flag)
+ printf("): %d/%d",run,sign ? -val : val);
+ #endif /* TRACE */
+ j = scan[ld1->alternate_scan][i];
+ val = (val * ld1->quantizer_scale * qmat[j]) >> 4;
+ bp[j] = sign ? -val : val;
+ nc++;
+ if (base.scalable_mode==SC_DP && nc==base.priority_breakpoint-63)
+ ld = &enhan;
+ }
+ }
+ /* decode one non-intra coded MPEG-2 block */
+ void Decode_MPEG2_Non_Intra_Block(comp)
+ int comp;
+ {
+ int val, i, j, sign, nc, run;
+ unsigned int code;
+ DCTtab *tab;
+ short *bp;
+ int *qmat;
+ struct layer_data *ld1;
+ /* with data partitioning, data always goes to base layer */
+ ld1 = (ld->scalable_mode==SC_DP) ? &base : ld;
+ bp = ld1->block[comp];
+ if (base.scalable_mode==SC_DP)
+ if (base.priority_breakpoint<64)
+ ld = &enhan;
+ else
+ ld = &base;
+ qmat = (comp<4 || chroma_format==CHROMA420)
+ ? ld1->non_intra_quantizer_matrix
+ : ld1->chroma_non_intra_quantizer_matrix;
+ nc = 0;
+ #ifdef TRACE
+ if (Trace_Flag)
+ printf("DCT(%d)n:",comp);
+ #endif /* TRACE */
+ /* decode AC coefficients */
+ for (i=0; ; i++)
+ {
+ code = Show_Bits(16);
+ if (code>=16384)
+ {
+ if (i==0)
+ tab = &DCTtabfirst[(code>>12)-4];
+ else
+ tab = &DCTtabnext[(code>>12)-4];
+ }
+ else if (code>=1024)
+ tab = &DCTtab0[(code>>8)-4];
+ else if (code>=512)
+ tab = &DCTtab1[(code>>6)-8];
+ else if (code>=256)
+ tab = &DCTtab2[(code>>4)-16];
+ else if (code>=128)
+ tab = &DCTtab3[(code>>3)-16];
+ else if (code>=64)
+ tab = &DCTtab4[(code>>2)-16];
+ else if (code>=32)
+ tab = &DCTtab5[(code>>1)-16];
+ else if (code>=16)
+ tab = &DCTtab6[code-16];
+ else
+ {
+ if (!Quiet_Flag)
+ printf("invalid Huffman code in Decode_MPEG2_Non_Intra_Block()\n");
+ Fault_Flag = 1;
+ return;
+ }
+ Flush_Buffer(tab->len);
+ #ifdef TRACE
+ if (Trace_Flag)
+ {
+ printf(" (");
+ Print_Bits(code,16,tab->len);
+ }
+ #endif /* TRACE */
+ if (tab->run==64) /* end_of_block */
+ {
+ #ifdef TRACE
+ if (Trace_Flag)
+ printf("): EOB\n");
+ #endif /* TRACE */
+ return;
+ }
+ if (tab->run==65) /* escape */
+ {
+ #ifdef TRACE
+ if (Trace_Flag)
+ {
+ putchar(' ');
+ Print_Bits(Show_Bits(6),6,6);
+ }
+ #endif /* TRACE */
+ i+= run = Get_Bits(6);
+ #ifdef TRACE
+ if (Trace_Flag)
+ {
+ putchar(' ');
+ Print_Bits(Show_Bits(12),12,12);
+ }
+ #endif /* TRACE */
+ val = Get_Bits(12);
+ if ((val&2047)==0)
+ {
+ if (!Quiet_Flag)
+ printf("invalid escape in Decode_MPEG2_Intra_Block()\n");
+ Fault_Flag = 1;
+ return;
+ }
+ if((sign = (val>=2048)))
+ val = 4096 - val;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ i+= run = tab->run;
+ val = tab->level;
+ sign = Get_Bits(1);
+ #ifdef TRACE
+ if (Trace_Flag)
+ printf("%d",sign);
+ #endif /* TRACE */
+ }
+ if (i>=64)
+ {
+ if (!Quiet_Flag)
+ fprintf(stderr,"DCT coeff index (i) out of bounds (inter2)\n");
+ Fault_Flag = 1;
+ return;
+ }
+ #ifdef TRACE
+ if (Trace_Flag)
+ printf("): %d/%d",run,sign?-val:val);
+ #endif /* TRACE */
+ j = scan[ld1->alternate_scan][i];
+ val = (((val<<1)+1) * ld1->quantizer_scale * qmat[j]) >> 5;
+ bp[j] = sign ? -val : val;
+ nc++;
+ if (base.scalable_mode==SC_DP && nc==base.priority_breakpoint-63)
+ ld = &enhan;
+ }
+ }
Index: llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/mediabench/mpeg2/mpeg2dec/gethdr.c
diff -c /dev/null llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/mediabench/mpeg2/mpeg2dec/gethdr.c:1.1
*** /dev/null Tue Jan 11 12:05:45 2005
--- llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/mediabench/mpeg2/mpeg2dec/gethdr.c Tue Jan 11 12:05:31 2005
*** 0 ****
--- 1,1077 ----
+ /* gethdr.c, header decoding */
+ /* Copyright (C) 1996, MPEG Software Simulation Group. All Rights Reserved. */
+ /*
+ * Disclaimer of Warranty
+ *
+ * These software programs are available to the user without any license fee or
+ * royalty on an "as is" basis. The MPEG Software Simulation Group disclaims
+ * any and all warranties, whether express, implied, or statuary, including any
+ * implied warranties or merchantability or of fitness for a particular
+ * purpose. In no event shall the copyright-holder be liable for any
+ * incidental, punitive, or consequential damages of any kind whatsoever
+ * arising from the use of these programs.
+ *
+ * This disclaimer of warranty extends to the user of these programs and user's
+ * customers, employees, agents, transferees, successors, and assigns.
+ *
+ * The MPEG Software Simulation Group does not represent or warrant that the
+ * programs furnished hereunder are free of infringement of any third-party
+ * patents.
+ *
+ * Commercial implementations of MPEG-1 and MPEG-2 video, including shareware,
+ * are subject to royalty fees to patent holders. Many of these patents are
+ * general enough such that they are unavoidable regardless of implementation
+ * design.
+ *
+ */
+ #include <stdio.h>
+ #include "config.h"
+ #include "global.h"
+ /* private prototypes */
+ static void sequence_header _ANSI_ARGS_((void));
+ static void group_of_pictures_header _ANSI_ARGS_((void));
+ static void picture_header _ANSI_ARGS_((void));
+ static void extension_and_user_data _ANSI_ARGS_((void));
+ static void sequence_extension _ANSI_ARGS_((void));
+ static void sequence_display_extension _ANSI_ARGS_((void));
+ static void quant_matrix_extension _ANSI_ARGS_((void));
+ static void sequence_scalable_extension _ANSI_ARGS_((void));
+ static void picture_display_extension _ANSI_ARGS_((void));
+ static void picture_coding_extension _ANSI_ARGS_((void));
+ static void picture_spatial_scalable_extension _ANSI_ARGS_((void));
+ static void picture_temporal_scalable_extension _ANSI_ARGS_((void));
+ static int extra_bit_information _ANSI_ARGS_((void));
+ static void copyright_extension _ANSI_ARGS_((void));
+ static void user_data _ANSI_ARGS_((void));
+ static void user_data _ANSI_ARGS_((void));
+ /* introduced in September 1995 to assist spatial scalable decoding */
+ static void Update_Temporal_Reference_Tacking_Data _ANSI_ARGS_((void));
+ /* private variables */
+ static int Temporal_Reference_Base = 0;
+ static int True_Framenum_max = -1;
+ static int Temporal_Reference_GOP_Reset = 0;
+ #define RESERVED -1
+ static double frame_rate_Table[16] =
+ {
+ 0.0,
+ ((23.0*1000.0)/1001.0),
+ 24.0,
+ 25.0,
+ ((30.0*1000.0)/1001.0),
+ 30.0,
+ 50.0,
+ ((60.0*1000.0)/1001.0),
+ 60.0,
+ };
+ /*
+ * decode headers from one input stream
+ * until an End of Sequence or picture start code
+ * is found
+ */
+ int Get_Hdr()
+ {
+ unsigned int code;
+ for (;;)
+ {
+ /* look for next_start_code */
+ next_start_code();
+ code = Get_Bits32();
+ switch (code)
+ {
+ sequence_header();
+ break;
+ group_of_pictures_header();
+ break;
+ picture_header();
+ return 1;
+ break;
+ return 0;
+ break;
+ default:
+ if (!Quiet_Flag)
+ fprintf(stderr,"Unexpected next_start_code %08x (ignored)\n",code);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* align to start of next next_start_code */
+ void next_start_code()
+ {
+ /* byte align */
+ Flush_Buffer(ld->Incnt&7);
+ while (Show_Bits(24)!=0x01L)
+ Flush_Buffer(8);
+ }
+ /* decode sequence header */
+ static void sequence_header()
+ {
+ int i;
+ int pos;
+ pos = ld->Bitcnt;
+ horizontal_size = Get_Bits(12);
+ vertical_size = Get_Bits(12);
+ aspect_ratio_information = Get_Bits(4);
+ frame_rate_code = Get_Bits(4);
+ bit_rate_value = Get_Bits(18);
+ marker_bit("sequence_header()");
+ vbv_buffer_size = Get_Bits(10);
+ constrained_parameters_flag = Get_Bits(1);
+ if((ld->load_intra_quantizer_matrix = Get_Bits(1)))
+ {
+ for (i=0; i<64; i++)
+ ld->intra_quantizer_matrix[scan[ZIG_ZAG][i]] = Get_Bits(8);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ for (i=0; i<64; i++)
+ ld->intra_quantizer_matrix[i] = default_intra_quantizer_matrix[i];
+ }
+ if((ld->load_non_intra_quantizer_matrix = Get_Bits(1)))
+ {
+ for (i=0; i<64; i++)
+ ld->non_intra_quantizer_matrix[scan[ZIG_ZAG][i]] = Get_Bits(8);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ for (i=0; i<64; i++)
+ ld->non_intra_quantizer_matrix[i] = 16;
+ }
+ /* copy luminance to chrominance matrices */
+ for (i=0; i<64; i++)
+ {
+ ld->chroma_intra_quantizer_matrix[i] =
+ ld->intra_quantizer_matrix[i];
+ ld->chroma_non_intra_quantizer_matrix[i] =
+ ld->non_intra_quantizer_matrix[i];
+ }
+ #ifdef VERBOSE
+ if (Verbose_Flag > NO_LAYER)
+ {
+ printf("sequence header (byte %d)\n",(pos>>3)-4);
+ if (Verbose_Flag > SEQUENCE_LAYER)
+ {
+ printf(" horizontal_size=%d\n",horizontal_size);
+ printf(" vertical_size=%d\n",vertical_size);
+ printf(" aspect_ratio_information=%d\n",aspect_ratio_information);
+ printf(" frame_rate_code=%d",frame_rate_code);
+ printf(" bit_rate_value=%d\n",bit_rate_value);
+ printf(" vbv_buffer_size=%d\n",vbv_buffer_size);
+ printf(" constrained_parameters_flag=%d\n",constrained_parameters_flag);
+ printf(" load_intra_quantizer_matrix=%d\n",ld->load_intra_quantizer_matrix);
+ printf(" load_non_intra_quantizer_matrix=%d\n",ld->load_non_intra_quantizer_matrix);
+ }
+ }
+ #endif /* VERBOSE */
+ #ifdef VERIFY
+ verify_sequence_header++;
+ #endif /* VERIFY */
+ extension_and_user_data();
+ }
+ /* decode group of pictures header */
+ /* ISO/IEC 13818-2 section */
+ static void group_of_pictures_header()
+ {
+ int pos;
+ if (ld == &base)
+ {
+ Temporal_Reference_Base = True_Framenum_max + 1; /* *CH* */
+ Temporal_Reference_GOP_Reset = 1;
+ }
+ pos = ld->Bitcnt;
+ drop_flag = Get_Bits(1);
+ hour = Get_Bits(5);
+ minute = Get_Bits(6);
+ marker_bit("group_of_pictures_header()");
+ sec = Get_Bits(6);
+ frame = Get_Bits(6);
+ closed_gop = Get_Bits(1);
+ broken_link = Get_Bits(1);
+ #ifdef VERBOSE
+ if (Verbose_Flag > NO_LAYER)
+ {
+ printf("group of pictures (byte %d)\n",(pos>>3)-4);
+ if (Verbose_Flag > SEQUENCE_LAYER)
+ {
+ printf(" drop_flag=%d\n",drop_flag);
+ printf(" timecode %d:%02d:%02d:%02d\n",hour,minute,sec,frame);
+ printf(" closed_gop=%d\n",closed_gop);
+ printf(" broken_link=%d\n",broken_link);
+ }
+ }
+ #endif /* VERBOSE */
+ #ifdef VERIFY
+ verify_group_of_pictures_header++;
+ #endif /* VERIFY */
+ extension_and_user_data();
+ }
+ /* decode picture header */
+ /* ISO/IEC 13818-2 section 6.2.3 */
+ static void picture_header()
+ {
+ int pos;
+ int Extra_Information_Byte_Count;
+ /* unless later overwritten by picture_spatial_scalable_extension() */
+ ld->pict_scal = 0;
+ pos = ld->Bitcnt;
+ temporal_reference = Get_Bits(10);
+ picture_coding_type = Get_Bits(3);
+ vbv_delay = Get_Bits(16);
+ if (picture_coding_type==P_TYPE || picture_coding_type==B_TYPE)
+ {
+ full_pel_forward_vector = Get_Bits(1);
+ forward_f_code = Get_Bits(3);
+ }
+ if (picture_coding_type==B_TYPE)
+ {
+ full_pel_backward_vector = Get_Bits(1);
+ backward_f_code = Get_Bits(3);
+ }
+ #ifdef VERBOSE
+ if (Verbose_Flag>NO_LAYER)
+ {
+ printf("picture header (byte %d)\n",(pos>>3)-4);
+ if (Verbose_Flag>SEQUENCE_LAYER)
+ {
+ printf(" temporal_reference=%d\n",temporal_reference);
+ printf(" picture_coding_type=%d\n",picture_coding_type);
+ printf(" vbv_delay=%d\n",vbv_delay);
+ if (picture_coding_type==P_TYPE || picture_coding_type==B_TYPE)
+ {
+ printf(" full_pel_forward_vector=%d\n",full_pel_forward_vector);
+ printf(" forward_f_code =%d\n",forward_f_code);
+ }
+ if (picture_coding_type==B_TYPE)
+ {
+ printf(" full_pel_backward_vector=%d\n",full_pel_backward_vector);
+ printf(" backward_f_code =%d\n",backward_f_code);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ #endif /* VERBOSE */
+ #ifdef VERIFY
+ verify_picture_header++;
+ #endif /* VERIFY */
+ Extra_Information_Byte_Count =
+ extra_bit_information();
+ extension_and_user_data();
+ /* update tracking information used to assist spatial scalability */
+ Update_Temporal_Reference_Tacking_Data();
+ }
+ /* decode slice header */
+ /* ISO/IEC 13818-2 section 6.2.4 */
+ int slice_header()
+ {
+ int slice_vertical_position_extension;
+ int quantizer_scale_code;
+ int pos;
+ int slice_picture_id_enable = 0;
+ int slice_picture_id = 0;
+ int extra_information_slice = 0;
+ pos = ld->Bitcnt;
+ slice_vertical_position_extension =
+ (ld->MPEG2_Flag && vertical_size>2800) ? Get_Bits(3) : 0;
+ if (ld->scalable_mode==SC_DP)
+ ld->priority_breakpoint = Get_Bits(7);
+ quantizer_scale_code = Get_Bits(5);
+ ld->quantizer_scale =
+ ld->MPEG2_Flag ? (ld->q_scale_type ? Non_Linear_quantizer_scale[quantizer_scale_code] : quantizer_scale_code<<1) : quantizer_scale_code;
+ /* slice_id introduced in March 1995 as part of the video corridendum
+ (after the IS was drafted in November 1994) */
+ if (Get_Bits(1))
+ {
+ ld->intra_slice = Get_Bits(1);
+ slice_picture_id_enable = Get_Bits(1);
+ slice_picture_id = Get_Bits(6);
+ extra_information_slice = extra_bit_information();
+ }
+ else
+ ld->intra_slice = 0;
+ #ifdef VERBOSE
+ if (Verbose_Flag>PICTURE_LAYER)
+ {
+ printf("slice header (byte %d)\n",(pos>>3)-4);
+ if (Verbose_Flag>SLICE_LAYER)
+ {
+ if (ld->MPEG2_Flag && vertical_size>2800)
+ printf(" slice_vertical_position_extension=%d\n",slice_vertical_position_extension);
+ if (ld->scalable_mode==SC_DP)
+ printf(" priority_breakpoint=%d\n",ld->priority_breakpoint);
+ printf(" quantizer_scale_code=%d\n",quantizer_scale_code);
+ printf(" slice_picture_id_enable = %d\n", slice_picture_id_enable);
+ if(slice_picture_id_enable)
+ printf(" slice_picture_id = %d\n", slice_picture_id);
+ }
+ }
+ #endif /* VERBOSE */
+ #ifdef VERIFY
+ verify_slice_header++;
+ #endif /* VERIFY */
+ return slice_vertical_position_extension;
+ }
+ /* decode extension and user data */
+ /* ISO/IEC 13818-2 section */
+ static void extension_and_user_data()
+ {
+ int code,ext_ID;
+ next_start_code();
+ while ((code = Show_Bits(32))==EXTENSION_START_CODE || code==USER_DATA_START_CODE)
+ {
+ {
+ Flush_Buffer32();
+ ext_ID = Get_Bits(4);
+ switch (ext_ID)
+ {
+ sequence_extension();
+ break;
+ sequence_display_extension();
+ break;
+ quant_matrix_extension();
+ break;
+ sequence_scalable_extension();
+ break;
+ picture_display_extension();
+ break;
+ picture_coding_extension();
+ break;
+ picture_spatial_scalable_extension();
+ break;
+ picture_temporal_scalable_extension();
+ break;
+ copyright_extension();
+ break;
+ default:
+ fprintf(stderr,"reserved extension start code ID %d\n",ext_ID);
+ break;
+ }
+ next_start_code();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ #ifdef VERBOSE
+ if (Verbose_Flag>NO_LAYER)
+ printf("user data\n");
+ #endif /* VERBOSE */
+ Flush_Buffer32();
+ user_data();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* decode sequence extension */
+ /* ISO/IEC 13818-2 section */
+ static void sequence_extension()
+ {
+ int horizontal_size_extension;
+ int vertical_size_extension;
+ int bit_rate_extension;
+ int vbv_buffer_size_extension;
+ int pos;
+ /* derive bit position for trace */
+ #ifdef VERBOSE
+ pos = ld->Bitcnt;
+ #endif
+ ld->MPEG2_Flag = 1;
+ ld->scalable_mode = SC_NONE; /* unless overwritten by sequence_scalable_extension() */
+ layer_id = 0; /* unless overwritten by sequence_scalable_extension() */
+ profile_and_level_indication = Get_Bits(8);
+ progressive_sequence = Get_Bits(1);
+ chroma_format = Get_Bits(2);
+ horizontal_size_extension = Get_Bits(2);
+ vertical_size_extension = Get_Bits(2);
+ bit_rate_extension = Get_Bits(12);
+ marker_bit("sequence_extension");
+ vbv_buffer_size_extension = Get_Bits(8);
+ low_delay = Get_Bits(1);
+ frame_rate_extension_n = Get_Bits(2);
+ frame_rate_extension_d = Get_Bits(5);
+ frame_rate = frame_rate_Table[frame_rate_code] *
+ ((frame_rate_extension_n+1)/(frame_rate_extension_d+1));
+ /* special case for 422 profile & level must be made */
+ if((profile_and_level_indication>>7) & 1)
+ { /* escape bit of profile_and_level_indication set */
+ /* 4:2:2 Profile @ Main Level */
+ if((profile_and_level_indication&15)==5)
+ {
+ profile = PROFILE_422;
+ level = MAIN_LEVEL;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ profile = profile_and_level_indication >> 4; /* Profile is upper nibble */
+ level = profile_and_level_indication & 0xF; /* Level is lower nibble */
+ }
+ horizontal_size = (horizontal_size_extension<<12) | (horizontal_size&0x0fff);
+ vertical_size = (vertical_size_extension<<12) | (vertical_size&0x0fff);
+ /* ISO/IEC 13818-2 does not define bit_rate_value to be composed of
+ * both the original bit_rate_value parsed in sequence_header() and
+ * the optional bit_rate_extension in sequence_extension_header().
+ * However, we use it for bitstream verification purposes.
+ */
+ bit_rate_value += (bit_rate_extension << 18);
+ bit_rate = ((double) bit_rate_value) * 400.0;
+ vbv_buffer_size += (vbv_buffer_size_extension << 10);
+ #ifdef VERBOSE
+ if (Verbose_Flag>NO_LAYER)
+ {
+ printf("sequence extension (byte %d)\n",(pos>>3)-4);
+ if (Verbose_Flag>SEQUENCE_LAYER)
+ {
+ printf(" profile_and_level_indication=%d\n",profile_and_level_indication);
+ if (profile_and_level_indication<128)
+ {
+ printf(" profile=%d, level=%d\n",profile,level);
+ }
+ printf(" progressive_sequence=%d\n",progressive_sequence);
+ printf(" chroma_format=%d\n",chroma_format);
+ printf(" horizontal_size_extension=%d\n",horizontal_size_extension);
+ printf(" vertical_size_extension=%d\n",vertical_size_extension);
+ printf(" bit_rate_extension=%d\n",bit_rate_extension);
+ printf(" vbv_buffer_size_extension=%d\n",vbv_buffer_size_extension);
+ printf(" low_delay=%d\n",low_delay);
+ printf(" frame_rate_extension_n=%d\n",frame_rate_extension_n);
+ printf(" frame_rate_extension_d=%d\n",frame_rate_extension_d);
+ }
+ }
+ #endif /* VERBOSE */
+ #ifdef VERIFY
+ verify_sequence_extension++;
+ #endif /* VERIFY */
+ }
+ /* decode sequence display extension */
+ static void sequence_display_extension()
+ {
+ int pos;
+ pos = ld->Bitcnt;
+ video_format = Get_Bits(3);
+ color_description = Get_Bits(1);
+ if (color_description)
+ {
+ color_primaries = Get_Bits(8);
+ transfer_characteristics = Get_Bits(8);
+ matrix_coefficients = Get_Bits(8);
+ }
+ display_horizontal_size = Get_Bits(14);
+ marker_bit("sequence_display_extension");
+ display_vertical_size = Get_Bits(14);
+ #ifdef VERBOSE
+ if (Verbose_Flag>NO_LAYER)
+ {
+ printf("sequence display extension (byte %d)\n",(pos>>3)-4);
+ if (Verbose_Flag>SEQUENCE_LAYER)
+ {
+ printf(" video_format=%d\n",video_format);
+ printf(" color_description=%d\n",color_description);
+ if (color_description)
+ {
+ printf(" color_primaries=%d\n",color_primaries);
+ printf(" transfer_characteristics=%d\n",transfer_characteristics);
+ printf(" matrix_coefficients=%d\n",matrix_coefficients);
+ }
+ printf(" display_horizontal_size=%d\n",display_horizontal_size);
+ printf(" display_vertical_size=%d\n",display_vertical_size);
+ }
+ }
+ #endif /* VERBOSE */
+ #ifdef VERIFY
+ verify_sequence_display_extension++;
+ #endif /* VERIFY */
+ }
+ /* decode quant matrix entension */
+ /* ISO/IEC 13818-2 section */
+ static void quant_matrix_extension()
+ {
+ int i;
+ int pos;
+ pos = ld->Bitcnt;
+ if((ld->load_intra_quantizer_matrix = Get_Bits(1)))
+ {
+ for (i=0; i<64; i++)
+ {
+ ld->chroma_intra_quantizer_matrix[scan[ZIG_ZAG][i]]
+ = ld->intra_quantizer_matrix[scan[ZIG_ZAG][i]]
+ = Get_Bits(8);
+ }
+ }
+ if((ld->load_non_intra_quantizer_matrix = Get_Bits(1)))
+ {
+ for (i=0; i<64; i++)
+ {
+ ld->chroma_non_intra_quantizer_matrix[scan[ZIG_ZAG][i]]
+ = ld->non_intra_quantizer_matrix[scan[ZIG_ZAG][i]]
+ = Get_Bits(8);
+ }
+ }
+ if((ld->load_chroma_intra_quantizer_matrix = Get_Bits(1)))
+ {
+ for (i=0; i<64; i++)
+ ld->chroma_intra_quantizer_matrix[scan[ZIG_ZAG][i]] = Get_Bits(8);
+ }
+ if((ld->load_chroma_non_intra_quantizer_matrix = Get_Bits(1)))
+ {
+ for (i=0; i<64; i++)
+ ld->chroma_non_intra_quantizer_matrix[scan[ZIG_ZAG][i]] = Get_Bits(8);
+ }
+ #ifdef VERBOSE
+ if (Verbose_Flag>NO_LAYER)
+ {
+ printf("quant matrix extension (byte %d)\n",(pos>>3)-4);
+ printf(" load_intra_quantizer_matrix=%d\n",
+ ld->load_intra_quantizer_matrix);
+ printf(" load_non_intra_quantizer_matrix=%d\n",
+ ld->load_non_intra_quantizer_matrix);
+ printf(" load_chroma_intra_quantizer_matrix=%d\n",
+ ld->load_chroma_intra_quantizer_matrix);
+ printf(" load_chroma_non_intra_quantizer_matrix=%d\n",
+ ld->load_chroma_non_intra_quantizer_matrix);
+ }
+ #endif /* VERBOSE */
+ #ifdef VERIFY
+ verify_quant_matrix_extension++;
+ #endif /* VERIFY */
+ }
+ /* decode sequence scalable extension */
+ /* ISO/IEC 13818-2 section */
+ static void sequence_scalable_extension()
+ {
+ int pos;
+ pos = ld->Bitcnt;
+ /* values (without the +1 offset) of scalable_mode are defined in
+ Table 6-10 of ISO/IEC 13818-2 */
+ ld->scalable_mode = Get_Bits(2) + 1; /* add 1 to make SC_DP != SC_NONE */
+ layer_id = Get_Bits(4);
+ if (ld->scalable_mode==SC_SPAT)
+ {
+ lower_layer_prediction_horizontal_size = Get_Bits(14);
+ marker_bit("sequence_scalable_extension()");
+ lower_layer_prediction_vertical_size = Get_Bits(14);
+ horizontal_subsampling_factor_m = Get_Bits(5);
+ horizontal_subsampling_factor_n = Get_Bits(5);
+ vertical_subsampling_factor_m = Get_Bits(5);
+ vertical_subsampling_factor_n = Get_Bits(5);
+ }
+ if (ld->scalable_mode==SC_TEMP)
+ Error("temporal scalability not implemented\n");
+ #ifdef VERBOSE
+ if (Verbose_Flag>NO_LAYER)
+ {
+ printf("sequence scalable extension (byte %d)\n",(pos>>3)-4);
+ if (Verbose_Flag>SEQUENCE_LAYER)
+ {
+ printf(" scalable_mode=%d\n",ld->scalable_mode-1);
+ printf(" layer_id=%d\n",layer_id);
+ if (ld->scalable_mode==SC_SPAT)
+ {
+ printf(" lower_layer_prediction_horiontal_size=%d\n",
+ lower_layer_prediction_horizontal_size);
+ printf(" lower_layer_prediction_vertical_size=%d\n",
+ lower_layer_prediction_vertical_size);
+ printf(" horizontal_subsampling_factor_m=%d\n",
+ horizontal_subsampling_factor_m);
+ printf(" horizontal_subsampling_factor_n=%d\n",
+ horizontal_subsampling_factor_n);
+ printf(" vertical_subsampling_factor_m=%d\n",
+ vertical_subsampling_factor_m);
+ printf(" vertical_subsampling_factor_n=%d\n",
+ vertical_subsampling_factor_n);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ #endif /* VERBOSE */
+ #ifdef VERIFY
+ verify_sequence_scalable_extension++;
+ #endif /* VERIFY */
+ }
+ /* decode picture display extension */
+ /* ISO/IEC 13818-2 section */
+ static void picture_display_extension()
+ {
+ int i;
+ int number_of_frame_center_offsets;
+ int pos;
+ pos = ld->Bitcnt;
+ /* based on ISO/IEC 13818-2 section 6.3.12
+ (November 1994) Picture display extensions */
+ /* derive number_of_frame_center_offsets */
+ if(progressive_sequence)
+ {
+ if(repeat_first_field)
+ {
+ if(top_field_first)
+ number_of_frame_center_offsets = 3;
+ else
+ number_of_frame_center_offsets = 2;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ number_of_frame_center_offsets = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(picture_structure!=FRAME_PICTURE)
+ {
+ number_of_frame_center_offsets = 1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(repeat_first_field)
+ number_of_frame_center_offsets = 3;
+ else
+ number_of_frame_center_offsets = 2;
+ }
+ }
+ /* now parse */
+ for (i=0; i<number_of_frame_center_offsets; i++)
+ {
+ frame_center_horizontal_offset[i] = Get_Bits(16);
+ marker_bit("picture_display_extension, first marker bit");
+ frame_center_vertical_offset[i] = Get_Bits(16);
+ marker_bit("picture_display_extension, second marker bit");
+ }
+ #ifdef VERBOSE
+ if (Verbose_Flag>NO_LAYER)
+ {
+ printf("picture display extension (byte %d)\n",(pos>>3)-4);
+ if (Verbose_Flag>SEQUENCE_LAYER)
+ {
+ for (i=0; i<number_of_frame_center_offsets; i++)
+ {
+ printf(" frame_center_horizontal_offset[%d]=%d\n",i,
+ frame_center_horizontal_offset[i]);
+ printf(" frame_center_vertical_offset[%d]=%d\n",i,
+ frame_center_vertical_offset[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ #endif /* VERBOSE */
+ #ifdef VERIFY
+ verify_picture_display_extension++;
+ #endif /* VERIFY */
+ }
+ /* decode picture coding extension */
+ static void picture_coding_extension()
+ {
+ int pos;
+ pos = ld->Bitcnt;
+ f_code[0][0] = Get_Bits(4);
+ f_code[0][1] = Get_Bits(4);
+ f_code[1][0] = Get_Bits(4);
+ f_code[1][1] = Get_Bits(4);
+ intra_dc_precision = Get_Bits(2);
+ picture_structure = Get_Bits(2);
+ top_field_first = Get_Bits(1);
+ frame_pred_frame_dct = Get_Bits(1);
+ concealment_motion_vectors = Get_Bits(1);
+ ld->q_scale_type = Get_Bits(1);
+ intra_vlc_format = Get_Bits(1);
+ ld->alternate_scan = Get_Bits(1);
+ repeat_first_field = Get_Bits(1);
+ chroma_420_type = Get_Bits(1);
+ progressive_frame = Get_Bits(1);
+ composite_display_flag = Get_Bits(1);
+ if (composite_display_flag)
+ {
+ v_axis = Get_Bits(1);
+ field_sequence = Get_Bits(3);
+ sub_carrier = Get_Bits(1);
+ burst_amplitude = Get_Bits(7);
+ sub_carrier_phase = Get_Bits(8);
+ }
+ #ifdef VERBOSE
+ if (Verbose_Flag>NO_LAYER)
+ {
+ printf("picture coding extension (byte %d)\n",(pos>>3)-4);
+ if (Verbose_Flag>SEQUENCE_LAYER)
+ {
+ printf(" forward horizontal f_code=%d\n", f_code[0][0]);
+ printf(" forward vertical f_code=%d\n", f_code[0][1]);
+ printf(" backward horizontal f_code=%d\n", f_code[1][0]);
+ printf(" backward_vertical f_code=%d\n", f_code[1][1]);
+ printf(" intra_dc_precision=%d\n",intra_dc_precision);
+ printf(" picture_structure=%d\n",picture_structure);
+ printf(" top_field_first=%d\n",top_field_first);
+ printf(" frame_pred_frame_dct=%d\n",frame_pred_frame_dct);
+ printf(" concealment_motion_vectors=%d\n",concealment_motion_vectors);
+ printf(" q_scale_type=%d\n",ld->q_scale_type);
+ printf(" intra_vlc_format=%d\n",intra_vlc_format);
+ printf(" alternate_scan=%d\n",ld->alternate_scan);
+ printf(" repeat_first_field=%d\n",repeat_first_field);
+ printf(" chroma_420_type=%d\n",chroma_420_type);
+ printf(" progressive_frame=%d\n",progressive_frame);
+ printf(" composite_display_flag=%d\n",composite_display_flag);
+ if (composite_display_flag)
+ {
+ printf(" v_axis=%d\n",v_axis);
+ printf(" field_sequence=%d\n",field_sequence);
+ printf(" sub_carrier=%d\n",sub_carrier);
+ printf(" burst_amplitude=%d\n",burst_amplitude);
+ printf(" sub_carrier_phase=%d\n",sub_carrier_phase);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ #endif /* VERBOSE */
+ #ifdef VERIFY
+ verify_picture_coding_extension++;
+ #endif /* VERIFY */
+ }
+ /* decode picture spatial scalable extension */
+ /* ISO/IEC 13818-2 section */
+ static void picture_spatial_scalable_extension()
+ {
+ int pos;
+ pos = ld->Bitcnt;
+ ld->pict_scal = 1; /* use spatial scalability in this picture */
+ lower_layer_temporal_reference = Get_Bits(10);
+ marker_bit("picture_spatial_scalable_extension(), first marker bit");
+ lower_layer_horizontal_offset = Get_Bits(15);
+ if (lower_layer_horizontal_offset>=16384)
+ lower_layer_horizontal_offset-= 32768;
+ marker_bit("picture_spatial_scalable_extension(), second marker bit");
+ lower_layer_vertical_offset = Get_Bits(15);
+ if (lower_layer_vertical_offset>=16384)
+ lower_layer_vertical_offset-= 32768;
+ spatial_temporal_weight_code_table_index = Get_Bits(2);
+ lower_layer_progressive_frame = Get_Bits(1);
+ lower_layer_deinterlaced_field_select = Get_Bits(1);
+ #ifdef VERBOSE
+ if (Verbose_Flag>NO_LAYER)
+ {
+ printf("picture spatial scalable extension (byte %d)\n",(pos>>3)-4);
+ if (Verbose_Flag>SEQUENCE_LAYER)
+ {
+ printf(" lower_layer_temporal_reference=%d\n",lower_layer_temporal_reference);
+ printf(" lower_layer_horizontal_offset=%d\n",lower_layer_horizontal_offset);
+ printf(" lower_layer_vertical_offset=%d\n",lower_layer_vertical_offset);
+ printf(" spatial_temporal_weight_code_table_index=%d\n",
+ spatial_temporal_weight_code_table_index);
+ printf(" lower_layer_progressive_frame=%d\n",lower_layer_progressive_frame);
+ printf(" lower_layer_deinterlaced_field_select=%d\n",lower_layer_deinterlaced_field_select);
+ }
+ }
+ #endif /* VERBOSE */
+ #ifdef VERIFY
+ verify_picture_spatial_scalable_extension++;
+ #endif /* VERIFY */
+ }
+ /* decode picture temporal scalable extension
+ *
+ * not implemented
+ */
+ /* ISO/IEC 13818-2 section */
+ static void picture_temporal_scalable_extension()
+ {
+ Error("temporal scalability not supported\n");
+ #ifdef VERIFY
+ verify_picture_temporal_scalable_extension++;
+ #endif /* VERIFY */
+ }
+ /* decode extra bit information */
+ /* ISO/IEC 13818-2 section */
+ static int extra_bit_information()
+ {
+ int Byte_Count = 0;
+ while (Get_Bits1())
+ {
+ Flush_Buffer(8);
+ Byte_Count++;
+ }
+ return(Byte_Count);
+ }
+ /* ISO/IEC 13818-2 section 5.3 */
+ /* Purpose: this function is mainly designed to aid in bitstream conformance
+ testing. A simple Flush_Buffer(1) would do */
+ void marker_bit(text)
+ char *text;
+ {
+ int marker;
+ marker = Get_Bits(1);
+ #ifdef VERIFY
+ if(!marker)
+ printf("ERROR: %s--marker_bit set to 0",text);
+ #endif
+ }
+ /* ISO/IEC 13818-2 sections and */
+ static void user_data()
+ {
+ /* skip ahead to the next start code */
+ next_start_code();
+ }
+ /* Copyright extension */
+ /* ISO/IEC 13818-2 section */
+ /* (header added in November, 1994 to the IS document) */
+ static void copyright_extension()
+ {
+ int pos;
+ int reserved_data;
+ pos = ld->Bitcnt;
+ copyright_flag = Get_Bits(1);
+ copyright_identifier = Get_Bits(8);
+ original_or_copy = Get_Bits(1);
+ /* reserved */
+ reserved_data = Get_Bits(7);
+ marker_bit("copyright_extension(), first marker bit");
+ copyright_number_1 = Get_Bits(20);
+ marker_bit("copyright_extension(), second marker bit");
+ copyright_number_2 = Get_Bits(22);
+ marker_bit("copyright_extension(), third marker bit");
+ copyright_number_3 = Get_Bits(22);
+ if(Verbose_Flag>NO_LAYER)
+ {
+ printf("copyright_extension (byte %d)\n",(pos>>3)-4);
+ if (Verbose_Flag>SEQUENCE_LAYER)
+ {
+ printf(" copyright_flag =%d\n",copyright_flag);
+ printf(" copyright_identifier=%d\n",copyright_identifier);
+ printf(" original_or_copy = %d (original=1, copy=0)\n",
+ original_or_copy);
+ printf(" copyright_number_1=%d\n",copyright_number_1);
+ printf(" copyright_number_2=%d\n",copyright_number_2);
+ printf(" copyright_number_3=%d\n",copyright_number_3);
+ }
+ }
+ #ifdef VERIFY
+ verify_copyright_extension++;
+ #endif /* VERIFY */
+ }
+ /* introduced in September 1995 to assist Spatial Scalability */
+ static void Update_Temporal_Reference_Tacking_Data()
+ {
+ static int temporal_reference_wrap = 0;
+ static int temporal_reference_old = 0;
+ if (ld == &base) /* *CH* */
+ {
+ if (picture_coding_type!=B_TYPE && temporal_reference!=temporal_reference_old)
+ /* check first field of */
+ {
+ /* non-B-frame */
+ if (temporal_reference_wrap)
+ {/* wrap occured at previous I- or P-frame */
+ /* now all intervening B-frames which could
+ still have high temporal_reference values are done */
+ Temporal_Reference_Base += 1024;
+ temporal_reference_wrap = 0;
+ }
+ /* distinguish from a reset */
+ if (temporal_reference<temporal_reference_old && !Temporal_Reference_GOP_Reset)
+ temporal_reference_wrap = 1; /* we must have just passed a GOP-Header! */
+ temporal_reference_old = temporal_reference;
+ Temporal_Reference_GOP_Reset = 0;
+ }
+ True_Framenum = Temporal_Reference_Base + temporal_reference;
+ /* temporary wrap of TR at 1024 for M frames */
+ if (temporal_reference_wrap && temporal_reference <= temporal_reference_old)
+ True_Framenum += 1024;
+ True_Framenum_max = (True_Framenum > True_Framenum_max) ?
+ True_Framenum : True_Framenum_max;
+ }
+ }
Index: llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/mediabench/mpeg2/mpeg2dec/getpic.c
diff -c /dev/null llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/mediabench/mpeg2/mpeg2dec/getpic.c:1.1
*** /dev/null Tue Jan 11 12:05:45 2005
--- llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/mediabench/mpeg2/mpeg2dec/getpic.c Tue Jan 11 12:05:31 2005
*** 0 ****
--- 1,1225 ----
+ /* getpic.c, picture decoding */
+ /* Copyright (C) 1996, MPEG Software Simulation Group. All Rights Reserved. */
+ /*
+ * Disclaimer of Warranty
+ *
+ * These software programs are available to the user without any license fee or
+ * royalty on an "as is" basis. The MPEG Software Simulation Group disclaims
+ * any and all warranties, whether express, implied, or statuary, including any
+ * implied warranties or merchantability or of fitness for a particular
+ * purpose. In no event shall the copyright-holder be liable for any
+ * incidental, punitive, or consequential damages of any kind whatsoever
+ * arising from the use of these programs.
+ *
+ * This disclaimer of warranty extends to the user of these programs and user's
+ * customers, employees, agents, transferees, successors, and assigns.
+ *
+ * The MPEG Software Simulation Group does not represent or warrant that the
+ * programs furnished hereunder are free of infringement of any third-party
+ * patents.
+ *
+ * Commercial implementations of MPEG-1 and MPEG-2 video, including shareware,
+ * are subject to royalty fees to patent holders. Many of these patents are
+ * general enough such that they are unavoidable regardless of implementation
+ * design.
+ *
+ */
+ #include <stdio.h>
+ #include "config.h"
+ #include "global.h"
+ /* private prototypes*/
+ static void picture_data _ANSI_ARGS_((int framenum));
+ static void macroblock_modes _ANSI_ARGS_((int *pmacroblock_type, int *pstwtype,
+ int *pstwclass, int *pmotion_type, int *pmotion_vector_count, int *pmv_format, int *pdmv,
+ int *pmvscale, int *pdct_type));
+ static void Clear_Block _ANSI_ARGS_((int comp));
+ static void Sum_Block _ANSI_ARGS_((int comp));
+ static void Saturate _ANSI_ARGS_((short *bp));
+ static void Add_Block _ANSI_ARGS_((int comp, int bx, int by,
+ int dct_type, int addflag));
+ static void Update_Picture_Buffers _ANSI_ARGS_((void));
+ static void frame_reorder _ANSI_ARGS_((int bitstream_framenum,
+ int sequence_framenum));
+ static void Decode_SNR_Macroblock _ANSI_ARGS_((int *SNRMBA, int *SNRMBAinc,
+ int MBA, int MBAmax, int *dct_type));
+ static void motion_compensation _ANSI_ARGS_((int MBA, int macroblock_type,
+ int motion_type, int PMV[2][2][2], int motion_vertical_field_select[2][2],
+ int dmvector[2], int stwtype, int dct_type));
+ static void skipped_macroblock _ANSI_ARGS_((int dc_dct_pred[3],
+ int PMV[2][2][2], int *motion_type, int motion_vertical_field_select[2][2],
+ int *stwtype, int *macroblock_type));
+ static int slice _ANSI_ARGS_((int framenum, int MBAmax));
+ static int start_of_slice _ANSI_ARGS_ ((int MBAmax, int *MBA,
+ int *MBAinc, int dc_dct_pred[3], int PMV[2][2][2]));
+ static int decode_macroblock _ANSI_ARGS_((int *macroblock_type,
+ int *stwtype, int *stwclass, int *motion_type, int *dct_type,
+ int PMV[2][2][2], int dc_dct_pred[3],
+ int motion_vertical_field_select[2][2], int dmvector[2]));
+ /* decode one frame or field picture */
+ void Decode_Picture(bitstream_framenum, sequence_framenum)
+ int bitstream_framenum, sequence_framenum;
+ {
+ if (picture_structure==FRAME_PICTURE && Second_Field)
+ {
+ /* recover from illegal number of field pictures */
+ printf("odd number of field pictures\n");
+ Second_Field = 0;
+ }
+ /* IMPLEMENTATION: update picture buffer pointers */
+ Update_Picture_Buffers();
+ #ifdef VERIFY
+ Check_Headers(bitstream_framenum, sequence_framenum);
+ #endif /* VERIFY */
+ /* ISO/IEC 13818-4 section "frame buffer intercept method" */
+ /* (section number based on November 1995 (Dallas) draft of the
+ conformance document) */
+ if(Ersatz_Flag)
+ Substitute_Frame_Buffer(bitstream_framenum, sequence_framenum);
+ /* form spatial scalable picture */
+ /* form spatial scalable picture */
+ /* ISO/IEC 13818-2 section 7.7: Spatial scalability */
+ if (base.pict_scal && !Second_Field)
+ {
+ Spatial_Prediction();
+ }
+ /* decode picture data ISO/IEC 13818-2 section */
+ picture_data(bitstream_framenum);
+ /* write or display current or previously decoded reference frame */
+ /* ISO/IEC 13818-2 section Frame reordering */
+ frame_reorder(bitstream_framenum, sequence_framenum);
+ if (picture_structure!=FRAME_PICTURE)
+ Second_Field = !Second_Field;
+ }
+ /* decode all macroblocks of the current picture */
+ /* stages described in ISO/IEC 13818-2 section 7 */
+ static void picture_data(framenum)
+ int framenum;
+ {
+ int MBAmax;
+ int ret;
+ /* number of macroblocks per picture */
+ MBAmax = mb_width*mb_height;
+ if (picture_structure!=FRAME_PICTURE)
+ MBAmax>>=1; /* field picture has half as mnay macroblocks as frame */
+ for(;;)
+ {
+ if((ret=slice(framenum, MBAmax))<0)
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ /* decode all macroblocks of the current picture */
+ /* ISO/IEC 13818-2 section 6.3.16 */
+ static int slice(framenum, MBAmax)
+ int framenum, MBAmax;
+ {
+ int MBA;
+ int MBAinc, macroblock_type, motion_type, dct_type;
+ int dc_dct_pred[3];
+ int PMV[2][2][2], motion_vertical_field_select[2][2];
+ int dmvector[2];
+ int stwtype, stwclass;
+ int SNRMBA, SNRMBAinc;
+ int ret;
+ MBA = 0; /* macroblock address */
+ MBAinc = 0;
+ if((ret=start_of_slice(MBAmax, &MBA, &MBAinc, dc_dct_pred, PMV))!=1)
+ return(ret);
+ if (Two_Streams && enhan.scalable_mode==SC_SNR)
+ {
+ SNRMBAinc=0;
+ }
+ Fault_Flag=0;
+ for (;;)
+ {
+ /* this is how we properly exit out of picture */
+ if (MBA>=MBAmax)
+ return(-1); /* all macroblocks decoded */
+ #ifdef TRACE
+ if (Trace_Flag)
+ printf("frame %d, MB %d\n",framenum,MBA);
+ #endif /* TRACE */
+ #ifdef DISPLAY
+ if (!progressive_frame && picture_structure==FRAME_PICTURE
+ && MBA==(MBAmax>>1) && framenum!=0 && Output_Type==T_X11
+ && !Display_Progressive_Flag)
+ {
+ Display_Second_Field();
+ }
+ #endif
+ ld = &base;
+ if (MBAinc==0)
+ {
+ if (base.scalable_mode==SC_DP && base.priority_breakpoint==1)
+ ld = &enhan;
+ if (!Show_Bits(23) || Fault_Flag) /* next_start_code or fault */
+ {
+ resync: /* if Fault_Flag: resynchronize to next next_start_code */
+ Fault_Flag = 0;
+ return(0); /* trigger: go to next slice */
+ }
+ else /* neither next_start_code nor Fault_Flag */
+ {
+ if (base.scalable_mode==SC_DP && base.priority_breakpoint==1)
+ ld = &enhan;
+ /* decode macroblock address increment */
+ MBAinc = Get_macroblock_address_increment();
+ if (Fault_Flag) goto resync;
+ }
+ }
+ if (MBA>=MBAmax)
+ {
+ /* MBAinc points beyond picture dimensions */
+ if (!Quiet_Flag)
+ printf("Too many macroblocks in picture\n");
+ return(-1);
+ }
+ if (MBAinc==1) /* not skipped */
+ {
+ ret = decode_macroblock(¯oblock_type, &stwtype, &stwclass,
+ &motion_type, &dct_type, PMV, dc_dct_pred,
+ motion_vertical_field_select, dmvector);
+ if(ret==-1)
+ return(-1);
+ if(ret==0)
+ goto resync;
+ }
+ else /* MBAinc!=1: skipped macroblock */
+ {
+ /* ISO/IEC 13818-2 section 7.6.6 */
+ skipped_macroblock(dc_dct_pred, PMV, &motion_type,
+ motion_vertical_field_select, &stwtype, ¯oblock_type);
+ }
+ /* ISO/IEC 13818-2 section 7.8 */
+ /* NOTE: we currently ignore faults encountered in this routine */
+ if (Two_Streams && enhan.scalable_mode==SC_SNR)
+ Decode_SNR_Macroblock(&SNRMBA, &SNRMBAinc, MBA, MBAmax, &dct_type);
+ /* ISO/IEC 13818-2 section 7.6 */
+ motion_compensation(MBA, macroblock_type, motion_type, PMV,
+ motion_vertical_field_select, dmvector, stwtype, dct_type);
+ /* advance to next macroblock */
+ MBA++;
+ MBAinc--;
+ if (Two_Streams && enhan.scalable_mode==SC_SNR)
+ {
+ SNRMBAinc--;
+ }
+ if (MBA>=MBAmax)
+ return(-1); /* all macroblocks decoded */
+ }
+ }
+ /* ISO/IEC 13818-2 section Macroblock modes */
+ static void macroblock_modes(pmacroblock_type,pstwtype,pstwclass,
+ pmotion_type,pmotion_vector_count,pmv_format,pdmv,pmvscale,pdct_type)
+ int *pmacroblock_type, *pstwtype, *pstwclass;
+ int *pmotion_type, *pmotion_vector_count, *pmv_format, *pdmv, *pmvscale;
+ int *pdct_type;
+ {
+ int macroblock_type;
+ int stwtype, stwcode, stwclass;
+ int motion_type = 0;
+ int motion_vector_count, mv_format, dmv, mvscale;
+ int dct_type;
+ static unsigned char stwc_table[3][4]
+ = { {6,3,7,4}, {2,1,5,4}, {2,5,7,4} };
+ static unsigned char stwclass_table[9]
+ = {0, 1, 2, 1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 4};
+ /* get macroblock_type */
+ macroblock_type = Get_macroblock_type();
+ if (Fault_Flag) return;
+ /* get spatial_temporal_weight_code */
+ if (macroblock_type & MB_WEIGHT)
+ {
+ if (spatial_temporal_weight_code_table_index==0)
+ stwtype = 4;
+ else
+ {
+ stwcode = Get_Bits(2);
+ #ifdef TRACE
+ if (Trace_Flag)
+ {
+ printf("spatial_temporal_weight_code (");
+ Print_Bits(stwcode,2,2);
+ printf("): %d\n",stwcode);
+ }
+ #endif /* TRACE */
+ stwtype = stwc_table[spatial_temporal_weight_code_table_index-1][stwcode];
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ stwtype = (macroblock_type & MB_CLASS4) ? 8 : 0;
+ /* SCALABILITY: derive spatial_temporal_weight_class (Table 7-18) */
+ stwclass = stwclass_table[stwtype];
+ /* get frame/field motion type */
+ {
+ if (picture_structure==FRAME_PICTURE) /* frame_motion_type */
+ {
+ motion_type = frame_pred_frame_dct ? MC_FRAME : Get_Bits(2);
+ #ifdef TRACE
+ if (!frame_pred_frame_dct && Trace_Flag)
+ {
+ printf("frame_motion_type (");
+ Print_Bits(motion_type,2,2);
+ printf("): %s\n",motion_type==MC_FIELD?"Field":
+ motion_type==MC_FRAME?"Frame":
+ motion_type==MC_DMV?"Dual_Prime":"Invalid");
+ }
+ #endif /* TRACE */
+ }
+ else /* field_motion_type */
+ {
+ motion_type = Get_Bits(2);
+ #ifdef TRACE
+ if (Trace_Flag)
+ {
+ printf("field_motion_type (");
+ Print_Bits(motion_type,2,2);
+ printf("): %s\n",motion_type==MC_FIELD?"Field":
+ motion_type==MC_16X8?"16x8 MC":
+ motion_type==MC_DMV?"Dual_Prime":"Invalid");
+ }
+ #endif /* TRACE */
+ }
+ }
+ else if ((macroblock_type & MACROBLOCK_INTRA) && concealment_motion_vectors)
+ {
+ /* concealment motion vectors */
+ motion_type = (picture_structure==FRAME_PICTURE) ? MC_FRAME : MC_FIELD;
+ }
+ #if 0
+ else
+ {
+ printf("maroblock_modes(): unknown macroblock type\n");
+ motion_type = -1;
+ }
+ #endif
+ /* derive motion_vector_count, mv_format and dmv, (table 6-17, 6-18) */
+ if (picture_structure==FRAME_PICTURE)
+ {
+ motion_vector_count = (motion_type==MC_FIELD && stwclass<2) ? 2 : 1;
+ mv_format = (motion_type==MC_FRAME) ? MV_FRAME : MV_FIELD;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ motion_vector_count = (motion_type==MC_16X8) ? 2 : 1;
+ mv_format = MV_FIELD;
+ }
+ dmv = (motion_type==MC_DMV); /* dual prime */
+ /* field mv predictions in frame pictures have to be scaled
+ * ISO/IEC 13818-2 section Decoding the motion vectors
+ * IMPLEMENTATION: mvscale is derived for later use in motion_vectors()
+ * it displaces the stage:
+ *
+ * if((mv_format=="field")&&(t==1)&&(picture_structure=="Frame picture"))
+ * prediction = PMV[r][s][t] DIV 2;
+ */
+ mvscale = ((mv_format==MV_FIELD) && (picture_structure==FRAME_PICTURE));
+ /* get dct_type (frame DCT / field DCT) */
+ dct_type = (picture_structure==FRAME_PICTURE)
+ && (!frame_pred_frame_dct)
+ ? Get_Bits(1)
+ : 0;
+ #ifdef TRACE
+ if (Trace_Flag && (picture_structure==FRAME_PICTURE)
+ && (!frame_pred_frame_dct)
+ printf("dct_type (%d): %s\n",dct_type,dct_type?"Field":"Frame");
+ #endif /* TRACE */
+ /* return values */
+ *pmacroblock_type = macroblock_type;
+ *pstwtype = stwtype;
+ *pstwclass = stwclass;
+ *pmotion_type = motion_type;
+ *pmotion_vector_count = motion_vector_count;
+ *pmv_format = mv_format;
+ *pdmv = dmv;
+ *pmvscale = mvscale;
+ *pdct_type = dct_type;
+ }
+ /* move/add 8x8-Block from block[comp] to backward_reference_frame */
+ /* copy reconstructed 8x8 block from block[comp] to current_frame[]
+ * ISO/IEC 13818-2 section 7.6.8: Adding prediction and coefficient data
+ * This stage also embodies some of the operations implied by:
+ * - ISO/IEC 13818-2 section 7.6.7: Combining predictions
+ * - ISO/IEC 13818-2 section 6.1.3: Macroblock
+ */
+ static void Add_Block(comp,bx,by,dct_type,addflag)
+ int comp,bx,by,dct_type,addflag;
+ {
+ int cc,i, j, iincr;
+ unsigned char *rfp;
+ short *bp;
+ /* derive color component index */
+ /* equivalent to ISO/IEC 13818-2 Table 7-1 */
+ cc = (comp<4) ? 0 : (comp&1)+1; /* color component index */
+ if (cc==0)
+ {
+ /* luminance */
+ if (picture_structure==FRAME_PICTURE)
+ if (dct_type)
+ {
+ /* field DCT coding */
+ rfp = current_frame[0]
+ + Coded_Picture_Width*(by+((comp&2)>>1)) + bx + ((comp&1)<<3);
+ iincr = (Coded_Picture_Width<<1) - 8;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* frame DCT coding */
+ rfp = current_frame[0]
+ + Coded_Picture_Width*(by+((comp&2)<<2)) + bx + ((comp&1)<<3);
+ iincr = Coded_Picture_Width - 8;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* field picture */
+ rfp = current_frame[0]
+ + (Coded_Picture_Width<<1)*(by+((comp&2)<<2)) + bx + ((comp&1)<<3);
+ iincr = (Coded_Picture_Width<<1) - 8;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* chrominance */
+ /* scale coordinates */
+ if (chroma_format!=CHROMA444)
+ bx >>= 1;
+ if (chroma_format==CHROMA420)
+ by >>= 1;
+ if (picture_structure==FRAME_PICTURE)
+ {
+ if (dct_type && (chroma_format!=CHROMA420))
+ {
+ /* field DCT coding */
+ rfp = current_frame[cc]
+ + Chroma_Width*(by+((comp&2)>>1)) + bx + (comp&8);
+ iincr = (Chroma_Width<<1) - 8;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* frame DCT coding */
+ rfp = current_frame[cc]
+ + Chroma_Width*(by+((comp&2)<<2)) + bx + (comp&8);
+ iincr = Chroma_Width - 8;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* field picture */
+ rfp = current_frame[cc]
+ + (Chroma_Width<<1)*(by+((comp&2)<<2)) + bx + (comp&8);
+ iincr = (Chroma_Width<<1) - 8;
+ }
+ }
+ bp = ld->block[comp];
+ if (addflag)
+ {
+ for (i=0; i<8; i++)
+ {
+ for (j=0; j<8; j++)
+ {
+ *rfp = Clip[*bp++ + *rfp];
+ rfp++;
+ }
+ rfp+= iincr;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ for (i=0; i<8; i++)
+ {
+ for (j=0; j<8; j++)
+ *rfp++ = Clip[*bp++ + 128];
+ rfp+= iincr;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* ISO/IEC 13818-2 section 7.8 */
+ static void Decode_SNR_Macroblock(SNRMBA, SNRMBAinc, MBA, MBAmax, dct_type)
+ int *SNRMBA, *SNRMBAinc;
+ int MBA, MBAmax;
+ int *dct_type;
+ {
+ int SNRmacroblock_type, SNRcoded_block_pattern, SNRdct_type, dummy;
+ int slice_vert_pos_ext, quantizer_scale_code, comp, code;
+ ld = &enhan;
+ if (*SNRMBAinc==0)
+ {
+ if (!Show_Bits(23)) /* next_start_code */
+ {
+ next_start_code();
+ code = Show_Bits(32);
+ {
+ /* only slice headers are allowed in picture_data */
+ if (!Quiet_Flag)
+ printf("SNR: Premature end of picture\n");
+ return;
+ }
+ Flush_Buffer32();
+ /* decode slice header (may change quantizer_scale) */
+ slice_vert_pos_ext = slice_header();
+ /* decode macroblock address increment */
+ *SNRMBAinc = Get_macroblock_address_increment();
+ /* set current location */
+ ((slice_vert_pos_ext<<7) + (code&255) - 1)*mb_width + *SNRMBAinc - 1;
+ *SNRMBAinc = 1; /* first macroblock in slice: not skipped */
+ }
+ else /* not next_start_code */
+ {
+ if (*SNRMBA>=MBAmax)
+ {
+ if (!Quiet_Flag)
+ printf("Too many macroblocks in picture\n");
+ return;
+ }
+ /* decode macroblock address increment */
+ *SNRMBAinc = Get_macroblock_address_increment();
+ }
+ }
+ if (*SNRMBA!=MBA)
+ {
+ /* streams out of sync */
+ if (!Quiet_Flag)
+ printf("Cant't synchronize streams\n");
+ return;
+ }
+ if (*SNRMBAinc==1) /* not skipped */
+ {
+ macroblock_modes(&SNRmacroblock_type, &dummy, &dummy,
+ &dummy, &dummy, &dummy, &dummy, &dummy,
+ &SNRdct_type);
+ if (SNRmacroblock_type & MACROBLOCK_PATTERN)
+ *dct_type = SNRdct_type;
+ if (SNRmacroblock_type & MACROBLOCK_QUANT)
+ {
+ quantizer_scale_code = Get_Bits(5);
+ ld->quantizer_scale =
+ ld->q_scale_type ? Non_Linear_quantizer_scale[quantizer_scale_code] : quantizer_scale_code<<1;
+ }
+ /* macroblock_pattern */
+ if (SNRmacroblock_type & MACROBLOCK_PATTERN)
+ {
+ SNRcoded_block_pattern = Get_coded_block_pattern();
+ if (chroma_format==CHROMA422)
+ SNRcoded_block_pattern = (SNRcoded_block_pattern<<2) | Get_Bits(2); /* coded_block_pattern_1 */
+ else if (chroma_format==CHROMA444)
+ SNRcoded_block_pattern = (SNRcoded_block_pattern<<6) | Get_Bits(6); /* coded_block_pattern_2 */
+ }
+ else
+ SNRcoded_block_pattern = 0;
+ /* decode blocks */
+ for (comp=0; comp<block_count; comp++)
+ {
+ Clear_Block(comp);
+ if (SNRcoded_block_pattern & (1<<(block_count-1-comp)))
+ Decode_MPEG2_Non_Intra_Block(comp);
+ }
+ }
+ else /* SNRMBAinc!=1: skipped macroblock */
+ {
+ for (comp=0; comp<block_count; comp++)
+ Clear_Block(comp);
+ }
+ ld = &base;
+ }
+ /* IMPLEMENTATION: set scratch pad macroblock to zero */
+ static void Clear_Block(comp)
+ int comp;
+ {
+ short *Block_Ptr;
+ int i;
+ Block_Ptr = ld->block[comp];
+ for (i=0; i<64; i++)
+ *Block_Ptr++ = 0;
+ }
+ /* SCALABILITY: add SNR enhancement layer block data to base layer */
+ /* ISO/IEC 13818-2 section Addition of coefficients from the two layes */
+ static void Sum_Block(comp)
+ int comp;
+ {
+ short *Block_Ptr1, *Block_Ptr2;
+ int i;
+ Block_Ptr1 = base.block[comp];
+ Block_Ptr2 = enhan.block[comp];
+ for (i=0; i<64; i++)
+ *Block_Ptr1++ += *Block_Ptr2++;
+ }
+ /* limit coefficients to -2048..2047 */
+ /* ISO/IEC 13818-2 section 7.4.3 and 7.4.4: Saturation and Mismatch control */
+ static void Saturate(Block_Ptr)
+ short *Block_Ptr;
+ {
+ int i, sum, val;
+ sum = 0;
+ /* ISO/IEC 13818-2 section 7.4.3: Saturation */
+ for (i=0; i<64; i++)
+ {
+ val = Block_Ptr[i];
+ if (val>2047)
+ val = 2047;
+ else if (val<-2048)
+ val = -2048;
+ Block_Ptr[i] = val;
+ sum+= val;
+ }
+ /* ISO/IEC 13818-2 section 7.4.4: Mismatch control */
+ if ((sum&1)==0)
+ Block_Ptr[63]^= 1;
+ }
+ /* reuse old picture buffers as soon as they are no longer needed
+ based on life-time axioms of MPEG */
+ static void Update_Picture_Buffers()
+ {
+ int cc; /* color component index */
+ unsigned char *tmp; /* temporary swap pointer */
+ for (cc=0; cc<3; cc++)
+ {
+ /* B pictures do not need to be save for future reference */
+ if (picture_coding_type==B_TYPE)
+ {
+ current_frame[cc] = auxframe[cc];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* only update at the beginning of the coded frame */
+ if (!Second_Field)
+ {
+ tmp = forward_reference_frame[cc];
+ /* the previously decoded reference frame is stored
+ coincident with the location where the backward
+ reference frame is stored (backwards prediction is not
+ needed in P pictures) */
+ forward_reference_frame[cc] = backward_reference_frame[cc];
+ /* update pointer for potential future B pictures */
+ backward_reference_frame[cc] = tmp;
+ }
+ /* can erase over old backward reference frame since it is not used
+ in a P picture, and since any subsequent B pictures will use the
+ previously decoded I or P frame as the backward_reference_frame */
+ current_frame[cc] = backward_reference_frame[cc];
+ }
+ one-time folding of a line offset into the pointer which stores the
+ memory address of the current frame saves offsets and conditional
+ branches throughout the remainder of the picture processing loop */
+ if (picture_structure==BOTTOM_FIELD)
+ current_frame[cc]+= (cc==0) ? Coded_Picture_Width : Chroma_Width;
+ }
+ }
+ /* store last frame */
+ void Output_Last_Frame_of_Sequence(Framenum)
+ int Framenum;
+ {
+ if (Second_Field)
+ printf("last frame incomplete, not stored\n");
+ else
+ Write_Frame(backward_reference_frame,Framenum-1);
+ }
+ static void frame_reorder(Bitstream_Framenum, Sequence_Framenum)
+ int Bitstream_Framenum, Sequence_Framenum;
+ {
+ /* tracking variables to insure proper output in spatial scalability */
+ static int Oldref_progressive_frame, Newref_progressive_frame;
+ if (Sequence_Framenum!=0)
+ {
+ if (picture_structure==FRAME_PICTURE || Second_Field)
+ {
+ if (picture_coding_type==B_TYPE)
+ Write_Frame(auxframe,Bitstream_Framenum-1);
+ else
+ {
+ Newref_progressive_frame = progressive_frame;
+ progressive_frame = Oldref_progressive_frame;
+ Write_Frame(forward_reference_frame,Bitstream_Framenum-1);
+ Oldref_progressive_frame = progressive_frame = Newref_progressive_frame;
+ }
+ }
+ #ifdef DISPLAY
+ else if (Output_Type==T_X11)
+ {
+ if(!Display_Progressive_Flag)
+ Display_Second_Field();
+ }
+ #endif
+ }
+ else
+ Oldref_progressive_frame = progressive_frame;
+ }
+ /* ISO/IEC 13818-2 section 7.6 */
+ static void motion_compensation(MBA, macroblock_type, motion_type, PMV,
+ motion_vertical_field_select, dmvector, stwtype, dct_type)
+ int MBA;
+ int macroblock_type;
+ int motion_type;
+ int PMV[2][2][2];
+ int motion_vertical_field_select[2][2];
+ int dmvector[2];
+ int stwtype;
+ int dct_type;
+ {
+ int bx, by;
+ int comp;
+ /* derive current macroblock position within picture */
+ /* ISO/IEC 13818-2 section and */
+ bx = 16*(MBA%mb_width);
+ by = 16*(MBA/mb_width);
+ /* motion compensation */
+ if (!(macroblock_type & MACROBLOCK_INTRA))
+ form_predictions(bx,by,macroblock_type,motion_type,PMV,
+ motion_vertical_field_select,dmvector,stwtype);
+ /* SCALABILITY: Data Partitioning */
+ if (base.scalable_mode==SC_DP)
+ ld = &base;
+ /* copy or add block data into picture */
+ for (comp=0; comp<block_count; comp++)
+ {
+ /* ISO/IEC 13818-2 section Addition of coefficients from
+ the two a layers */
+ if (Two_Streams && enhan.scalable_mode==SC_SNR)
+ Sum_Block(comp); /* add SNR enhancement layer data to base layer */
+ /* MPEG-2 saturation and mismatch control */
+ /* base layer could be MPEG-1 stream, enhancement MPEG-2 SNR */
+ /* ISO/IEC 13818-2 section 7.4.3 and 7.4.4: Saturation and Mismatch control */
+ if ((Two_Streams && enhan.scalable_mode==SC_SNR) || ld->MPEG2_Flag)
+ Saturate(ld->block[comp]);
+ /* ISO/IEC 13818-2 section Annex A: inverse DCT */
+ if (Reference_IDCT_Flag)
+ Reference_IDCT(ld->block[comp]);
+ else
+ Fast_IDCT(ld->block[comp]);
+ /* ISO/IEC 13818-2 section 7.6.8: Adding prediction and coefficient data */
+ Add_Block(comp,bx,by,dct_type,(macroblock_type & MACROBLOCK_INTRA)==0);
+ }
+ }
+ /* ISO/IEC 13818-2 section 7.6.6 */
+ static void skipped_macroblock(dc_dct_pred, PMV, motion_type,
+ motion_vertical_field_select, stwtype, macroblock_type)
+ int dc_dct_pred[3];
+ int PMV[2][2][2];
+ int *motion_type;
+ int motion_vertical_field_select[2][2];
+ int *stwtype;
+ int *macroblock_type;
+ {
+ int comp;
+ /* SCALABILITY: Data Paritioning */
+ if (base.scalable_mode==SC_DP)
+ ld = &base;
+ for (comp=0; comp<block_count; comp++)
+ Clear_Block(comp);
+ /* reset intra_dc predictors */
+ /* ISO/IEC 13818-2 section 7.2.1: DC coefficients in intra blocks */
+ dc_dct_pred[0]=dc_dct_pred[1]=dc_dct_pred[2]=0;
+ /* reset motion vector predictors */
+ /* ISO/IEC 13818-2 section Resetting motion vector predictors */
+ if (picture_coding_type==P_TYPE)
+ PMV[0][0][0]=PMV[0][0][1]=PMV[1][0][0]=PMV[1][0][1]=0;
+ /* derive motion_type */
+ if (picture_structure==FRAME_PICTURE)
+ *motion_type = MC_FRAME;
+ else
+ {
+ *motion_type = MC_FIELD;
+ /* predict from field of same parity */
+ /* ISO/IEC 13818-2 section and P field picture and B field
+ picture */
+ motion_vertical_field_select[0][0]=motion_vertical_field_select[0][1] =
+ (picture_structure==BOTTOM_FIELD);
+ }
+ /* skipped I are spatial-only predicted, */
+ /* skipped P and B are temporal-only predicted */
+ /* ISO/IEC 13818-2 section 7.7.6: Skipped macroblocks */
+ *stwtype = (picture_coding_type==I_TYPE) ? 8 : 0;
+ *macroblock_type&= ~MACROBLOCK_INTRA;
+ }
+ /* return==-1 means go to next picture */
+ /* the expression "start of slice" is used throughout the normative
+ body of the MPEG specification */
+ static int start_of_slice(MBAmax, MBA, MBAinc,
+ dc_dct_pred, PMV)
+ int MBAmax;
+ int *MBA;
+ int *MBAinc;
+ int dc_dct_pred[3];
+ int PMV[2][2][2];
+ {
+ unsigned int code;
+ int slice_vert_pos_ext;
+ ld = &base;
+ Fault_Flag = 0;
+ next_start_code();
+ code = Show_Bits(32);
+ {
+ /* only slice headers are allowed in picture_data */
+ if (!Quiet_Flag)
+ printf("start_of_slice(): Premature end of picture\n");
+ return(-1); /* trigger: go to next picture */
+ }
+ Flush_Buffer32();
+ /* decode slice header (may change quantizer_scale) */
+ slice_vert_pos_ext = slice_header();
+ /* SCALABILITY: Data Partitioning */
+ if (base.scalable_mode==SC_DP)
+ {
+ ld = &enhan;
+ next_start_code();
+ code = Show_Bits(32);
+ {
+ /* only slice headers are allowed in picture_data */
+ if (!Quiet_Flag)
+ printf("DP: Premature end of picture\n");
+ return(-1); /* trigger: go to next picture */
+ }
+ Flush_Buffer32();
+ /* decode slice header (may change quantizer_scale) */
+ slice_vert_pos_ext = slice_header();
+ if (base.priority_breakpoint!=1)
+ ld = &base;
+ }
+ /* decode macroblock address increment */
+ *MBAinc = Get_macroblock_address_increment();
+ if (Fault_Flag)
+ {
+ printf("start_of_slice(): MBAinc unsuccessful\n");
+ return(0); /* trigger: go to next slice */
+ }
+ /* set current location */
+ /* NOTE: the arithmetic used to derive macroblock_address below is
+ * equivalent to ISO/IEC 13818-2 section 6.3.17: Macroblock
+ */
+ *MBA = ((slice_vert_pos_ext<<7) + (code&255) - 1)*mb_width + *MBAinc - 1;
+ *MBAinc = 1; /* first macroblock in slice: not skipped */
+ /* reset all DC coefficient and motion vector predictors */
+ /* reset all DC coefficient and motion vector predictors */
+ /* ISO/IEC 13818-2 section 7.2.1: DC coefficients in intra blocks */
+ dc_dct_pred[0]=dc_dct_pred[1]=dc_dct_pred[2]=0;
+ /* ISO/IEC 13818-2 section Resetting motion vector predictors */
+ PMV[0][0][0]=PMV[0][0][1]=PMV[1][0][0]=PMV[1][0][1]=0;
+ PMV[0][1][0]=PMV[0][1][1]=PMV[1][1][0]=PMV[1][1][1]=0;
+ /* successfull: trigger decode macroblocks in slice */
+ return(1);
+ }
+ /* ISO/IEC 13818-2 sections 7.2 through 7.5 */
+ static int decode_macroblock(macroblock_type, stwtype, stwclass,
+ motion_type, dct_type, PMV, dc_dct_pred,
+ motion_vertical_field_select, dmvector)
+ int *macroblock_type;
+ int *stwtype;
+ int *stwclass;
+ int *motion_type;
+ int *dct_type;
+ int PMV[2][2][2];
+ int dc_dct_pred[3];
+ int motion_vertical_field_select[2][2];
+ int dmvector[2];
+ {
+ /* locals */
+ int quantizer_scale_code;
+ int comp;
+ int motion_vector_count;
+ int mv_format;
+ int dmv;
+ int mvscale;
+ int coded_block_pattern;
+ /* SCALABILITY: Data Patitioning */
+ if (base.scalable_mode==SC_DP)
+ {
+ if (base.priority_breakpoint<=2)
+ ld = &enhan;
+ else
+ ld = &base;
+ }
+ /* ISO/IEC 13818-2 section Macroblock modes */
+ macroblock_modes(macroblock_type, stwtype, stwclass,
+ motion_type, &motion_vector_count, &mv_format, &dmv, &mvscale,
+ dct_type);
+ if (Fault_Flag) return(0); /* trigger: go to next slice */
+ if (*macroblock_type & MACROBLOCK_QUANT)
+ {
+ quantizer_scale_code = Get_Bits(5);
+ #ifdef TRACE
+ if (Trace_Flag)
+ {
+ printf("quantiser_scale_code (");
+ Print_Bits(quantizer_scale_code,5,5);
+ printf("): %d\n",quantizer_scale_code);
+ }
+ #endif /* TRACE */
+ /* ISO/IEC 13818-2 section Quantizer scale factor */
+ if (ld->MPEG2_Flag)
+ ld->quantizer_scale =
+ ld->q_scale_type ? Non_Linear_quantizer_scale[quantizer_scale_code]
+ : (quantizer_scale_code << 1);
+ else
+ ld->quantizer_scale = quantizer_scale_code;
+ /* SCALABILITY: Data Partitioning */
+ if (base.scalable_mode==SC_DP)
+ /* make sure base.quantizer_scale is valid */
+ base.quantizer_scale = ld->quantizer_scale;
+ }
+ /* motion vectors */
+ /* ISO/IEC 13818-2 section Motion vectors */
+ /* decode forward motion vectors */
+ if ((*macroblock_type & MACROBLOCK_MOTION_FORWARD)
+ || ((*macroblock_type & MACROBLOCK_INTRA)
+ && concealment_motion_vectors))
+ {
+ if (ld->MPEG2_Flag)
+ motion_vectors(PMV,dmvector,motion_vertical_field_select,
+ 0,motion_vector_count,mv_format,f_code[0][0]-1,f_code[0][1]-1,
+ dmv,mvscale);
+ else
+ motion_vector(PMV[0][0],dmvector,
+ forward_f_code-1,forward_f_code-1,0,0,full_pel_forward_vector);
+ }
+ if (Fault_Flag) return(0); /* trigger: go to next slice */
+ /* decode backward motion vectors */
+ if (*macroblock_type & MACROBLOCK_MOTION_BACKWARD)
+ {
+ if (ld->MPEG2_Flag)
+ motion_vectors(PMV,dmvector,motion_vertical_field_select,
+ 1,motion_vector_count,mv_format,f_code[1][0]-1,f_code[1][1]-1,0,
+ mvscale);
+ else
+ motion_vector(PMV[0][1],dmvector,
+ backward_f_code-1,backward_f_code-1,0,0,full_pel_backward_vector);
+ }
+ if (Fault_Flag) return(0); /* trigger: go to next slice */
+ if ((*macroblock_type & MACROBLOCK_INTRA) && concealment_motion_vectors)
+ Flush_Buffer(1); /* remove marker_bit */
+ if (base.scalable_mode==SC_DP && base.priority_breakpoint==3)
+ ld = &enhan;
+ /* macroblock_pattern */
+ /* ISO/IEC 13818-2 section Coded block pattern */
+ if (*macroblock_type & MACROBLOCK_PATTERN)
+ {
+ coded_block_pattern = Get_coded_block_pattern();
+ if (chroma_format==CHROMA422)
+ {
+ /* coded_block_pattern_1 */
+ coded_block_pattern = (coded_block_pattern<<2) | Get_Bits(2);
+ #ifdef TRACE
+ if (Trace_Flag)
+ {
+ printf("coded_block_pattern_1: ");
+ Print_Bits(coded_block_pattern,2,2);
+ printf(" (%d)\n",coded_block_pattern&3);
+ }
+ #endif /* TRACE */
+ }
+ else if (chroma_format==CHROMA444)
+ {
+ /* coded_block_pattern_2 */
+ coded_block_pattern = (coded_block_pattern<<6) | Get_Bits(6);
+ #ifdef TRACE
+ if (Trace_Flag)
+ {
+ printf("coded_block_pattern_2: ");
+ Print_Bits(coded_block_pattern,6,6);
+ printf(" (%d)\n",coded_block_pattern&63);
+ }
+ #endif /* TRACE */
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ coded_block_pattern = (*macroblock_type & MACROBLOCK_INTRA) ?
+ (1<<block_count)-1 : 0;
+ if (Fault_Flag) return(0); /* trigger: go to next slice */
+ /* decode blocks */
+ for (comp=0; comp<block_count; comp++)
+ {
+ /* SCALABILITY: Data Partitioning */
+ if (base.scalable_mode==SC_DP)
+ ld = &base;
+ Clear_Block(comp);
+ if (coded_block_pattern & (1<<(block_count-1-comp)))
+ {
+ if (*macroblock_type & MACROBLOCK_INTRA)
+ {
+ if (ld->MPEG2_Flag)
+ Decode_MPEG2_Intra_Block(comp,dc_dct_pred);
+ else
+ Decode_MPEG1_Intra_Block(comp,dc_dct_pred);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (ld->MPEG2_Flag)
+ Decode_MPEG2_Non_Intra_Block(comp);
+ else
+ Decode_MPEG1_Non_Intra_Block(comp);
+ }
+ if (Fault_Flag) return(0); /* trigger: go to next slice */
+ }
+ }
+ if(picture_coding_type==D_TYPE)
+ {
+ /* remove end_of_macroblock (always 1, prevents startcode emulation) */
+ /* ISO/IEC 11172-2 section and */
+ marker_bit("D picture end_of_macroblock bit");
+ }
+ /* reset intra_dc predictors */
+ /* ISO/IEC 13818-2 section 7.2.1: DC coefficients in intra blocks */
+ if (!(*macroblock_type & MACROBLOCK_INTRA))
+ dc_dct_pred[0]=dc_dct_pred[1]=dc_dct_pred[2]=0;
+ /* reset motion vector predictors */
+ if ((*macroblock_type & MACROBLOCK_INTRA) && !concealment_motion_vectors)
+ {
+ /* intra mb without concealment motion vectors */
+ /* ISO/IEC 13818-2 section Resetting motion vector predictors */
+ PMV[0][0][0]=PMV[0][0][1]=PMV[1][0][0]=PMV[1][0][1]=0;
+ PMV[0][1][0]=PMV[0][1][1]=PMV[1][1][0]=PMV[1][1][1]=0;
+ }
+ /* special "No_MC" macroblock_type case */
+ /* ISO/IEC 13818-2 section Prediction in P pictures */
+ if ((picture_coding_type==P_TYPE)
+ {
+ /* non-intra mb without forward mv in a P picture */
+ /* ISO/IEC 13818-2 section Resetting motion vector predictors */
+ PMV[0][0][0]=PMV[0][0][1]=PMV[1][0][0]=PMV[1][0][1]=0;
+ /* derive motion_type */
+ /* ISO/IEC 13818-2 section Macroblock modes, frame_motion_type */
+ if (picture_structure==FRAME_PICTURE)
+ *motion_type = MC_FRAME;
+ else
+ {
+ *motion_type = MC_FIELD;
+ /* predict from field of same parity */
+ motion_vertical_field_select[0][0] = (picture_structure==BOTTOM_FIELD);
+ }
+ }
+ if (*stwclass==4)
+ {
+ /* purely spatially predicted macroblock */
+ /* ISO/IEC 13818-2 section Resetting motion vector predictions */
+ PMV[0][0][0]=PMV[0][0][1]=PMV[1][0][0]=PMV[1][0][1]=0;
+ PMV[0][1][0]=PMV[0][1][1]=PMV[1][1][0]=PMV[1][1][1]=0;
+ }
+ /* successfully decoded macroblock */
+ return(1);
+ } /* decode_macroblock */
Index: llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/mediabench/mpeg2/mpeg2dec/getvlc.c
diff -c /dev/null llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/mediabench/mpeg2/mpeg2dec/getvlc.c:1.1
*** /dev/null Tue Jan 11 12:05:45 2005
--- llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/mediabench/mpeg2/mpeg2dec/getvlc.c Tue Jan 11 12:05:31 2005
*** 0 ****
--- 1,799 ----
+ /* getvlc.c, variable length decoding */
+ /* Copyright (C) 1996, MPEG Software Simulation Group. All Rights Reserved. */
+ /*
+ * Disclaimer of Warranty
+ *
+ * These software programs are available to the user without any license fee or
+ * royalty on an "as is" basis. The MPEG Software Simulation Group disclaims
+ * any and all warranties, whether express, implied, or statuary, including any
+ * implied warranties or merchantability or of fitness for a particular
+ * purpose. In no event shall the copyright-holder be liable for any
+ * incidental, punitive, or consequential damages of any kind whatsoever
+ * arising from the use of these programs.
+ *
+ * This disclaimer of warranty extends to the user of these programs and user's
+ * customers, employees, agents, transferees, successors, and assigns.
+ *
+ * The MPEG Software Simulation Group does not represent or warrant that the
+ * programs furnished hereunder are free of infringement of any third-party
+ * patents.
+ *
+ * Commercial implementations of MPEG-1 and MPEG-2 video, including shareware,
+ * are subject to royalty fees to patent holders. Many of these patents are
+ * general enough such that they are unavoidable regardless of implementation
+ * design.
+ *
+ */
+ #include <stdio.h>
+ #include "config.h"
+ #include "global.h"
+ #include "getvlc.h"
+ /* private prototypes */
+ /* generic picture macroblock type processing functions */
+ static int Get_I_macroblock_type _ANSI_ARGS_((void));
+ static int Get_P_macroblock_type _ANSI_ARGS_((void));
+ static int Get_B_macroblock_type _ANSI_ARGS_((void));
+ static int Get_D_macroblock_type _ANSI_ARGS_((void));
+ /* spatial picture macroblock type processing functions */
+ static int Get_I_Spatial_macroblock_type _ANSI_ARGS_((void));
+ static int Get_P_Spatial_macroblock_type _ANSI_ARGS_((void));
+ static int Get_B_Spatial_macroblock_type _ANSI_ARGS_((void));
+ static int Get_SNR_macroblock_type _ANSI_ARGS_((void));
+ int Get_macroblock_type()
+ {
+ int macroblock_type = 0;
+ if (ld->scalable_mode==SC_SNR)
+ macroblock_type = Get_SNR_macroblock_type();
+ else
+ {
+ switch (picture_coding_type)
+ {
+ case I_TYPE:
+ macroblock_type = ld->pict_scal ? Get_I_Spatial_macroblock_type() : Get_I_macroblock_type();
+ break;
+ case P_TYPE:
+ macroblock_type = ld->pict_scal ? Get_P_Spatial_macroblock_type() : Get_P_macroblock_type();
+ break;
+ case B_TYPE:
+ macroblock_type = ld->pict_scal ? Get_B_Spatial_macroblock_type() : Get_B_macroblock_type();
+ break;
+ case D_TYPE:
+ macroblock_type = Get_D_macroblock_type();
+ break;
+ default:
+ printf("Get_macroblock_type(): unrecognized picture coding type\n");
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return macroblock_type;
+ }
+ static int Get_I_macroblock_type()
+ {
+ #ifdef TRACE
+ if (Trace_Flag)
+ printf("macroblock_type(I) ");
+ #endif /* TRACE */
+ if (Get_Bits1())
+ {
+ #ifdef TRACE
+ if (Trace_Flag)
+ printf("(1): Intra (1)\n");
+ #endif /* TRACE */
+ return 1;
+ }
+ if (!Get_Bits1())
+ {
+ if (!Quiet_Flag)
+ printf("Invalid macroblock_type code\n");
+ Fault_Flag = 1;
+ }
+ #ifdef TRACE
+ if (Trace_Flag)
+ printf("(01): Intra, Quant (17)\n");
+ #endif /* TRACE */
+ return 17;
+ }
+ static char *MBdescr[]={
+ "", "Intra", "No MC, Coded", "",
+ "Bwd, Not Coded", "", "Bwd, Coded", "",
+ "Fwd, Not Coded", "", "Fwd, Coded", "",
+ "Interp, Not Coded", "", "Interp, Coded", "",
+ "", "Intra, Quant", "No MC, Coded, Quant", "",
+ "", "", "Bwd, Coded, Quant", "",
+ "", "", "Fwd, Coded, Quant", "",
+ "", "", "Interp, Coded, Quant", ""
+ };
+ static int Get_P_macroblock_type()
+ {
+ int code;
+ #ifdef TRACE
+ if (Trace_Flag)
+ printf("macroblock_type(P) (");
+ #endif /* TRACE */
+ if ((code = Show_Bits(6))>=8)
+ {
+ code >>= 3;
+ Flush_Buffer(PMBtab0[code].len);
+ #ifdef TRACE
+ if (Trace_Flag)
+ {
+ Print_Bits(code,3,PMBtab0[code].len);
+ printf("): %s (%d)\n",MBdescr[(int)PMBtab0[code].val],PMBtab0[code].val);
+ }
+ #endif /* TRACE */
+ return PMBtab0[code].val;
+ }
+ if (code==0)
+ {
+ if (!Quiet_Flag)
+ printf("Invalid macroblock_type code\n");
+ Fault_Flag = 1;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ Flush_Buffer(PMBtab1[code].len);
+ #ifdef TRACE
+ if (Trace_Flag)
+ {
+ Print_Bits(code,6,PMBtab1[code].len);
+ printf("): %s (%d)\n",MBdescr[(int)PMBtab1[code].val],PMBtab1[code].val);
+ }
+ #endif /* TRACE */
+ return PMBtab1[code].val;
+ }
+ static int Get_B_macroblock_type()
+ {
+ int code;
+ #ifdef TRACE
+ if (Trace_Flag)
+ printf("macroblock_type(B) (");
+ #endif /* TRACE */
+ if ((code = Show_Bits(6))>=8)
+ {
+ code >>= 2;
+ Flush_Buffer(BMBtab0[code].len);
+ #ifdef TRACE
+ if (Trace_Flag)
+ {
+ Print_Bits(code,4,BMBtab0[code].len);
+ printf("): %s (%d)\n",MBdescr[(int)BMBtab0[code].val],BMBtab0[code].val);
+ }
+ #endif /* TRACE */
+ return BMBtab0[code].val;
+ }
+ if (code==0)
+ {
+ if (!Quiet_Flag)
+ printf("Invalid macroblock_type code\n");
+ Fault_Flag = 1;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ Flush_Buffer(BMBtab1[code].len);
+ #ifdef TRACE
+ if (Trace_Flag)
+ {
+ Print_Bits(code,6,BMBtab1[code].len);
+ printf("): %s (%d)\n",MBdescr[(int)BMBtab1[code].val],BMBtab1[code].val);
+ }
+ #endif /* TRACE */
+ return BMBtab1[code].val;
+ }
+ static int Get_D_macroblock_type()
+ {
+ if (!Get_Bits1())
+ {
+ if (!Quiet_Flag)
+ printf("Invalid macroblock_type code\n");
+ Fault_Flag=1;
+ }
+ return 1;
+ }
+ /* macroblock_type for pictures with spatial scalability */
+ static int Get_I_Spatial_macroblock_type()
+ {
+ int code;
+ #ifdef TRACE
+ if (Trace_Flag)
+ printf("macroblock_type(I,spat) (");
+ #endif /* TRACE */
+ code = Show_Bits(4);
+ if (code==0)
+ {
+ if (!Quiet_Flag)
+ printf("Invalid macroblock_type code\n");
+ Fault_Flag = 1;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ #ifdef TRACE
+ if (Trace_Flag)
+ {
+ Print_Bits(code,4,spIMBtab[code].len);
+ printf("): %02x\n",spIMBtab[code].val);
+ }
+ #endif /* TRACE */
+ Flush_Buffer(spIMBtab[code].len);
+ return spIMBtab[code].val;
+ }
+ static int Get_P_Spatial_macroblock_type()
+ {
+ int code;
+ #ifdef TRACE
+ if (Trace_Flag)
+ printf("macroblock_type(P,spat) (");
+ #endif /* TRACE */
+ code = Show_Bits(7);
+ if (code<2)
+ {
+ if (!Quiet_Flag)
+ printf("Invalid macroblock_type code\n");
+ Fault_Flag = 1;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (code>=16)
+ {
+ code >>= 3;
+ Flush_Buffer(spPMBtab0[code].len);
+ #ifdef TRACE
+ if (Trace_Flag)
+ {
+ Print_Bits(code,4,spPMBtab0[code].len);
+ printf("): %02x\n",spPMBtab0[code].val);
+ }
+ #endif /* TRACE */
+ return spPMBtab0[code].val;
+ }
+ Flush_Buffer(spPMBtab1[code].len);
+ #ifdef TRACE
+ if (Trace_Flag)
+ {
+ Print_Bits(code,7,spPMBtab1[code].len);
+ printf("): %02x\n",spPMBtab1[code].val);
+ }
+ #endif /* TRACE */
+ return spPMBtab1[code].val;
+ }
+ static int Get_B_Spatial_macroblock_type()
+ {
+ int code;
+ VLCtab *p;
+ #ifdef TRACE
+ if (Trace_Flag)
+ printf("macroblock_type(B,spat) (");
+ #endif /* TRACE */
+ code = Show_Bits(9);
+ if (code>=64)
+ p = &spBMBtab0[(code>>5)-2];
+ else if (code>=16)
+ p = &spBMBtab1[(code>>2)-4];
+ else if (code>=8)
+ p = &spBMBtab2[code-8];
+ else
+ {
+ if (!Quiet_Flag)
+ printf("Invalid macroblock_type code\n");
+ Fault_Flag = 1;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ Flush_Buffer(p->len);
+ #ifdef TRACE
+ if (Trace_Flag)
+ {
+ Print_Bits(code,9,p->len);
+ printf("): %02x\n",p->val);
+ }
+ #endif /* TRACE */
+ return p->val;
+ }
+ static int Get_SNR_macroblock_type()
+ {
+ int code;
+ #ifdef TRACE /* *CH* */
+ if (Trace_Flag)
+ printf("macroblock_type(SNR) (");
+ #endif TRACE
+ code = Show_Bits(3);
+ if (code==0)
+ {
+ if (!Quiet_Flag)
+ printf("Invalid macroblock_type code\n");
+ Fault_Flag = 1;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ Flush_Buffer(SNRMBtab[code].len);
+ #ifdef TRACE /* *CH* */
+ if (Trace_Flag)
+ {
+ Print_Bits(code,3,SNRMBtab[code].len);
+ printf("): %s (%d)\n",MBdescr[(int)SNRMBtab[code].val],SNRMBtab[code].val);
+ }
+ #endif TRACE
+ return SNRMBtab[code].val;
+ }
+ int Get_motion_code()
+ {
+ int code;
+ #ifdef TRACE
+ if (Trace_Flag)
+ printf("motion_code (");
+ #endif /* TRACE */
+ if (Get_Bits1())
+ {
+ #ifdef TRACE
+ if (Trace_Flag)
+ printf("0): 0\n");
+ #endif /* TRACE */
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if ((code = Show_Bits(9))>=64)
+ {
+ code >>= 6;
+ Flush_Buffer(MVtab0[code].len);
+ #ifdef TRACE
+ if (Trace_Flag)
+ {
+ Print_Bits(code,3,MVtab0[code].len);
+ printf("%d): %d\n",
+ Show_Bits(1),Show_Bits(1)?-MVtab0[code].val:MVtab0[code].val);
+ }
+ #endif /* TRACE */
+ return Get_Bits1()?-MVtab0[code].val:MVtab0[code].val;
+ }
+ if (code>=24)
+ {
+ code >>= 3;
+ Flush_Buffer(MVtab1[code].len);
+ #ifdef TRACE
+ if (Trace_Flag)
+ {
+ Print_Bits(code,6,MVtab1[code].len);
+ printf("%d): %d\n",
+ Show_Bits(1),Show_Bits(1)?-MVtab1[code].val:MVtab1[code].val);
+ }
+ #endif /* TRACE */
+ return Get_Bits1()?-MVtab1[code].val:MVtab1[code].val;
+ }
+ if ((code-=12)<0)
+ {
+ if (!Quiet_Flag)
+ /* HACK */
+ printf("Invalid motion_vector code (MBA %d, pic %d)\n", global_MBA, global_pic);
+ Fault_Flag=1;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ Flush_Buffer(MVtab2[code].len);
+ #ifdef TRACE
+ if (Trace_Flag)
+ {
+ Print_Bits(code+12,9,MVtab2[code].len);
+ printf("%d): %d\n",
+ Show_Bits(1),Show_Bits(1)?-MVtab2[code].val:MVtab2[code].val);
+ }
+ #endif /* TRACE */
+ return Get_Bits1() ? -MVtab2[code].val : MVtab2[code].val;
+ }
+ /* get differential motion vector (for dual prime prediction) */
+ int Get_dmvector()
+ {
+ #ifdef TRACE
+ if (Trace_Flag)
+ printf("dmvector (");
+ #endif /* TRACE */
+ if (Get_Bits(1))
+ {
+ #ifdef TRACE
+ if (Trace_Flag)
+ printf(Show_Bits(1) ? "11): -1\n" : "10): 1\n");
+ #endif /* TRACE */
+ return Get_Bits(1) ? -1 : 1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ #ifdef TRACE
+ if (Trace_Flag)
+ printf("0): 0\n");
+ #endif /* TRACE */
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ int Get_coded_block_pattern()
+ {
+ int code;
+ #ifdef TRACE
+ if (Trace_Flag)
+ printf("coded_block_pattern_420 (");
+ #endif /* TRACE */
+ if ((code = Show_Bits(9))>=128)
+ {
+ code >>= 4;
+ Flush_Buffer(CBPtab0[code].len);
+ #ifdef TRACE
+ if (Trace_Flag)
+ {
+ Print_Bits(code,5,CBPtab0[code].len);
+ printf("): ");
+ Print_Bits(CBPtab0[code].val,6,6);
+ printf(" (%d)\n",CBPtab0[code].val);
+ }
+ #endif /* TRACE */
+ return CBPtab0[code].val;
+ }
+ if (code>=8)
+ {
+ code >>= 1;
+ Flush_Buffer(CBPtab1[code].len);
+ #ifdef TRACE
+ if (Trace_Flag)
+ {
+ Print_Bits(code,8,CBPtab1[code].len);
+ printf("): ");
+ Print_Bits(CBPtab1[code].val,6,6);
+ printf(" (%d)\n",CBPtab1[code].val);
+ }
+ #endif /* TRACE */
+ return CBPtab1[code].val;
+ }
+ if (code<1)
+ {
+ if (!Quiet_Flag)
+ printf("Invalid coded_block_pattern code\n");
+ Fault_Flag = 1;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ Flush_Buffer(CBPtab2[code].len);
+ #ifdef TRACE
+ if (Trace_Flag)
+ {
+ Print_Bits(code,9,CBPtab2[code].len);
+ printf("): ");
+ Print_Bits(CBPtab2[code].val,6,6);
+ printf(" (%d)\n",CBPtab2[code].val);
+ }
+ #endif /* TRACE */
+ return CBPtab2[code].val;
+ }
+ int Get_macroblock_address_increment()
+ {
+ int code, val;
+ #ifdef TRACE
+ if (Trace_Flag)
+ printf("macroblock_address_increment (");
+ #endif /* TRACE */
+ val = 0;
+ while ((code = Show_Bits(11))<24)
+ {
+ if (code!=15) /* if not macroblock_stuffing */
+ {
+ if (code==8) /* if macroblock_escape */
+ {
+ #ifdef TRACE
+ if (Trace_Flag)
+ printf("00000001000 ");
+ #endif /* TRACE */
+ val+= 33;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (!Quiet_Flag)
+ printf("Invalid macroblock_address_increment code\n");
+ Fault_Flag = 1;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ }
+ else /* macroblock suffing */
+ {
+ #ifdef TRACE
+ if (Trace_Flag)
+ printf("00000001111 ");
+ #endif /* TRACE */
+ }
+ Flush_Buffer(11);
+ }
+ /* macroblock_address_increment == 1 */
+ /* ('1' is in the MSB position of the lookahead) */
+ if (code>=1024)
+ {
+ Flush_Buffer(1);
+ #ifdef TRACE
+ if (Trace_Flag)
+ printf("1): %d\n",val+1);
+ #endif /* TRACE */
+ return val + 1;
+ }
+ /* codes 00010 ... 011xx */
+ if (code>=128)
+ {
+ /* remove leading zeros */
+ code >>= 6;
+ Flush_Buffer(MBAtab1[code].len);
+ #ifdef TRACE
+ if (Trace_Flag)
+ {
+ Print_Bits(code,5,MBAtab1[code].len);
+ printf("): %d\n",val+MBAtab1[code].val);
+ }
+ #endif /* TRACE */
+ return val + MBAtab1[code].val;
+ }
+ /* codes 00000011000 ... 0000111xxxx */
+ code-= 24; /* remove common base */
+ Flush_Buffer(MBAtab2[code].len);
+ #ifdef TRACE
+ if (Trace_Flag)
+ {
+ Print_Bits(code+24,11,MBAtab2[code].len);
+ printf("): %d\n",val+MBAtab2[code].val);
+ }
+ #endif /* TRACE */
+ return val + MBAtab2[code].val;
+ }
+ /* combined MPEG-1 and MPEG-2 stage. parse VLC and
+ perform dct_diff arithmetic.
+ MPEG-1: ISO/IEC 11172-2 section
+ MPEG-2: ISO/IEC 13818-2 section 7.2.1
+ Note: the arithmetic here is presented more elegantly than
+ the spec, yet the results, dct_diff, are the same.
+ */
+ int Get_Luma_DC_dct_diff()
+ {
+ int code, size, dct_diff;
+ #ifdef TRACE
+ /*
+ if (Trace_Flag)
+ printf("dct_dc_size_luminance: (");
+ */
+ #endif /* TRACE */
+ /* decode length */
+ code = Show_Bits(5);
+ if (code<31)
+ {
+ size = DClumtab0[code].val;
+ Flush_Buffer(DClumtab0[code].len);
+ #ifdef TRACE
+ /*
+ if (Trace_Flag)
+ {
+ Print_Bits(code,5,DClumtab0[code].len);
+ printf("): %d",size);
+ }
+ */
+ #endif /* TRACE */
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ code = Show_Bits(9) - 0x1f0;
+ size = DClumtab1[code].val;
+ Flush_Buffer(DClumtab1[code].len);
+ #ifdef TRACE
+ /*
+ if (Trace_Flag)
+ {
+ Print_Bits(code+0x1f0,9,DClumtab1[code].len);
+ printf("): %d",size);
+ }
+ */
+ #endif /* TRACE */
+ }
+ #ifdef TRACE
+ /*
+ if (Trace_Flag)
+ printf(", dct_dc_differential (");
+ */
+ #endif /* TRACE */
+ if (size==0)
+ dct_diff = 0;
+ else
+ {
+ dct_diff = Get_Bits(size);
+ #ifdef TRACE
+ /*
+ if (Trace_Flag)
+ Print_Bits(dct_diff,size,size);
+ */
+ #endif /* TRACE */
+ if ((dct_diff & (1<<(size-1)))==0)
+ dct_diff-= (1<<size) - 1;
+ }
+ #ifdef TRACE
+ /*
+ if (Trace_Flag)
+ printf("): %d\n",dct_diff);
+ */
+ #endif /* TRACE */
+ return dct_diff;
+ }
+ int Get_Chroma_DC_dct_diff()
+ {
+ int code, size, dct_diff;
+ #ifdef TRACE
+ /*
+ if (Trace_Flag)
+ printf("dct_dc_size_chrominance: (");
+ */
+ #endif /* TRACE */
+ /* decode length */
+ code = Show_Bits(5);
+ if (code<31)
+ {
+ size = DCchromtab0[code].val;
+ Flush_Buffer(DCchromtab0[code].len);
+ #ifdef TRACE
+ /*
+ if (Trace_Flag)
+ {
+ Print_Bits(code,5,DCchromtab0[code].len);
+ printf("): %d",size);
+ }
+ */
+ #endif /* TRACE */
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ code = Show_Bits(10) - 0x3e0;
+ size = DCchromtab1[code].val;
+ Flush_Buffer(DCchromtab1[code].len);
+ #ifdef TRACE
+ /*
+ if (Trace_Flag)
+ {
+ Print_Bits(code+0x3e0,10,DCchromtab1[code].len);
+ printf("): %d",size);
+ }
+ */
+ #endif /* TRACE */
+ }
+ #ifdef TRACE
+ /*
+ if (Trace_Flag)
+ printf(", dct_dc_differential (");
+ */
+ #endif /* TRACE */
+ if (size==0)
+ dct_diff = 0;
+ else
+ {
+ dct_diff = Get_Bits(size);
+ #ifdef TRACE
+ /*
+ if (Trace_Flag)
+ Print_Bits(dct_diff,size,size);
+ */
+ #endif /* TRACE */
+ if ((dct_diff & (1<<(size-1)))==0)
+ dct_diff-= (1<<size) - 1;
+ }
+ #ifdef TRACE
+ /*
+ if (Trace_Flag)
+ printf("): %d\n",dct_diff);
+ */
+ #endif /* TRACE */
+ return dct_diff;
+ }
Index: llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/mediabench/mpeg2/mpeg2dec/getvlc.h
diff -c /dev/null llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/mediabench/mpeg2/mpeg2dec/getvlc.h:1.1
*** /dev/null Tue Jan 11 12:05:45 2005
--- llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/mediabench/mpeg2/mpeg2dec/getvlc.h Tue Jan 11 12:05:31 2005
*** 0 ****
--- 1,491 ----
+ /* getvlc.h, variable length code tables */
+ /* Copyright (C) 1996, MPEG Software Simulation Group. All Rights Reserved. */
+ /*
+ * Disclaimer of Warranty
+ *
+ * These software programs are available to the user without any license fee or
+ * royalty on an "as is" basis. The MPEG Software Simulation Group disclaims
+ * any and all warranties, whether express, implied, or statuary, including any
+ * implied warranties or merchantability or of fitness for a particular
+ * purpose. In no event shall the copyright-holder be liable for any
+ * incidental, punitive, or consequential damages of any kind whatsoever
+ * arising from the use of these programs.
+ *
+ * This disclaimer of warranty extends to the user of these programs and user's
+ * customers, employees, agents, transferees, successors, and assigns.
+ *
+ * The MPEG Software Simulation Group does not represent or warrant that the
+ * programs furnished hereunder are free of infringement of any third-party
+ * patents.
+ *
+ * Commercial implementations of MPEG-1 and MPEG-2 video, including shareware,
+ * are subject to royalty fees to patent holders. Many of these patents are
+ * general enough such that they are unavoidable regardless of implementation
+ * design.
+ *
+ */
+ /* NOTE: #define constants such as MACROBLOCK_QUANT are upper case
+ as per C programming convention. However, the MPEG document
+ (ISO/IEC 13818-2) lists them in all lower case (e.g. Annex B) */
+ /* NOTE: the VLC tables are in a flash format---a transformation
+ of the tables in Annex B to a form more convenient towards
+ parallel (more than one-bit-at-a-time) decoding */
+ typedef struct {
+ char val, len;
+ } VLCtab;
+ typedef struct {
+ char run, level, len;
+ } DCTtab;
+ /* Table B-3, macroblock_type in P-pictures, codes 001..1xx */
+ static VLCtab PMBtab0[8] = {
+ {ERROR,0},
+ };
+ /* Table B-3, macroblock_type in P-pictures, codes 000001..00011x */
+ static VLCtab PMBtab1[8] = {
+ {ERROR,0},
+ };
+ /* Table B-4, macroblock_type in B-pictures, codes 0010..11xx */
+ static VLCtab BMBtab0[16] = {
+ {ERROR,0},
+ {ERROR,0},
+ };
+ /* Table B-4, macroblock_type in B-pictures, codes 000001..00011x */
+ static VLCtab BMBtab1[8] = {
+ {ERROR,0},
+ };
+ /* Table B-5, macroblock_type in spat. scal. I-pictures, codes 0001..1xxx */
+ static VLCtab spIMBtab[16] = {
+ {ERROR,0},
+ };
+ /* Table B-6, macroblock_type in spat. scal. P-pictures, codes 0010..11xx */
+ static VLCtab spPMBtab0[16] =
+ {
+ {ERROR,0},
+ {ERROR,0},
+ };
+ /* Table B-6, macroblock_type in spat. scal. P-pictures, codes 0000010..000111x */
+ static VLCtab spPMBtab1[16] = {
+ {ERROR,0},
+ {ERROR,0},
+ };
+ /* Table B-7, macroblock_type in spat. scal. B-pictures, codes 0010..11xx */
+ static VLCtab spBMBtab0[14] = {
+ };
+ /* Table B-7, macroblock_type in spat. scal. B-pictures, codes 0000100..000111x */
+ static VLCtab spBMBtab1[12] = {
+ };
+ /* Table B-7, macroblock_type in spat. scal. B-pictures, codes 00000100x..000001111 */
+ static VLCtab spBMBtab2[8] = {
+ };
+ /* Table B-8, macroblock_type in spat. scal. B-pictures, codes 001..1xx */
+ static VLCtab SNRMBtab[8] = {
+ {ERROR,0},
+ {0,3},
+ };
+ /* Table B-10, motion_code, codes 0001 ... 01xx */
+ static VLCtab MVtab0[8] =
+ { {ERROR,0}, {3,3}, {2,2}, {2,2}, {1,1}, {1,1}, {1,1}, {1,1}
+ };
+ /* Table B-10, motion_code, codes 0000011 ... 000011x */
+ static VLCtab MVtab1[8] =
+ { {ERROR,0}, {ERROR,0}, {ERROR,0}, {7,6}, {6,6}, {5,6}, {4,5}, {4,5}
+ };
+ /* Table B-10, motion_code, codes 0000001100 ... 000001011x */
+ static VLCtab MVtab2[12] =
+ { {16,9}, {15,9}, {14,9}, {13,9},
+ {12,9}, {11,9}, {10,8}, {10,8},
+ {9,8}, {9,8}, {8,8}, {8,8}
+ };
+ /* Table B-9, coded_block_pattern, codes 01000 ... 111xx */
+ static VLCtab CBPtab0[32] =
+ { {ERROR,0}, {ERROR,0}, {ERROR,0}, {ERROR,0},
+ {ERROR,0}, {ERROR,0}, {ERROR,0}, {ERROR,0},
+ {62,5}, {2,5}, {61,5}, {1,5}, {56,5}, {52,5}, {44,5}, {28,5},
+ {40,5}, {20,5}, {48,5}, {12,5}, {32,4}, {32,4}, {16,4}, {16,4},
+ {8,4}, {8,4}, {4,4}, {4,4}, {60,3}, {60,3}, {60,3}, {60,3}
+ };
+ /* Table B-9, coded_block_pattern, codes 00000100 ... 001111xx */
+ static VLCtab CBPtab1[64] =
+ { {ERROR,0}, {ERROR,0}, {ERROR,0}, {ERROR,0},
+ {58,8}, {54,8}, {46,8}, {30,8},
+ {57,8}, {53,8}, {45,8}, {29,8}, {38,8}, {26,8}, {37,8}, {25,8},
+ {43,8}, {23,8}, {51,8}, {15,8}, {42,8}, {22,8}, {50,8}, {14,8},
+ {41,8}, {21,8}, {49,8}, {13,8}, {35,8}, {19,8}, {11,8}, {7,8},
+ {34,7}, {34,7}, {18,7}, {18,7}, {10,7}, {10,7}, {6,7}, {6,7},
+ {33,7}, {33,7}, {17,7}, {17,7}, {9,7}, {9,7}, {5,7}, {5,7},
+ {63,6}, {63,6}, {63,6}, {63,6}, {3,6}, {3,6}, {3,6}, {3,6},
+ {36,6}, {36,6}, {36,6}, {36,6}, {24,6}, {24,6}, {24,6}, {24,6}
+ };
+ /* Table B-9, coded_block_pattern, codes 000000001 ... 000000111 */
+ static VLCtab CBPtab2[8] =
+ { {ERROR,0}, {0,9}, {39,9}, {27,9}, {59,9}, {55,9}, {47,9}, {31,9}
+ };
+ /* Table B-1, macroblock_address_increment, codes 00010 ... 011xx */
+ static VLCtab MBAtab1[16] =
+ { {ERROR,0}, {ERROR,0}, {7,5}, {6,5}, {5,4}, {5,4}, {4,4}, {4,4},
+ {3,3}, {3,3}, {3,3}, {3,3}, {2,3}, {2,3}, {2,3}, {2,3}
+ };
+ /* Table B-1, macroblock_address_increment, codes 00000011000 ... 0000111xxxx */
+ static VLCtab MBAtab2[104] =
+ {
+ {33,11}, {32,11}, {31,11}, {30,11}, {29,11}, {28,11}, {27,11}, {26,11},
+ {25,11}, {24,11}, {23,11}, {22,11}, {21,10}, {21,10}, {20,10}, {20,10},
+ {19,10}, {19,10}, {18,10}, {18,10}, {17,10}, {17,10}, {16,10}, {16,10},
+ {15,8}, {15,8}, {15,8}, {15,8}, {15,8}, {15,8}, {15,8}, {15,8},
+ {14,8}, {14,8}, {14,8}, {14,8}, {14,8}, {14,8}, {14,8}, {14,8},
+ {13,8}, {13,8}, {13,8}, {13,8}, {13,8}, {13,8}, {13,8}, {13,8},
+ {12,8}, {12,8}, {12,8}, {12,8}, {12,8}, {12,8}, {12,8}, {12,8},
+ {11,8}, {11,8}, {11,8}, {11,8}, {11,8}, {11,8}, {11,8}, {11,8},
+ {10,8}, {10,8}, {10,8}, {10,8}, {10,8}, {10,8}, {10,8}, {10,8},
+ {9,7}, {9,7}, {9,7}, {9,7}, {9,7}, {9,7}, {9,7}, {9,7},
+ {9,7}, {9,7}, {9,7}, {9,7}, {9,7}, {9,7}, {9,7}, {9,7},
+ {8,7}, {8,7}, {8,7}, {8,7}, {8,7}, {8,7}, {8,7}, {8,7},
+ {8,7}, {8,7}, {8,7}, {8,7}, {8,7}, {8,7}, {8,7}, {8,7}
+ };
+ /* Table B-12, dct_dc_size_luminance, codes 00xxx ... 11110 */
+ static VLCtab DClumtab0[32] =
+ { {1, 2}, {1, 2}, {1, 2}, {1, 2}, {1, 2}, {1, 2}, {1, 2}, {1, 2},
+ {2, 2}, {2, 2}, {2, 2}, {2, 2}, {2, 2}, {2, 2}, {2, 2}, {2, 2},
+ {0, 3}, {0, 3}, {0, 3}, {0, 3}, {3, 3}, {3, 3}, {3, 3}, {3, 3},
+ {4, 3}, {4, 3}, {4, 3}, {4, 3}, {5, 4}, {5, 4}, {6, 5}, {ERROR, 0}
+ };
+ /* Table B-12, dct_dc_size_luminance, codes 111110xxx ... 111111111 */
+ static VLCtab DClumtab1[16] =
+ { {7, 6}, {7, 6}, {7, 6}, {7, 6}, {7, 6}, {7, 6}, {7, 6}, {7, 6},
+ {8, 7}, {8, 7}, {8, 7}, {8, 7}, {9, 8}, {9, 8}, {10,9}, {11,9}
+ };
+ /* Table B-13, dct_dc_size_chrominance, codes 00xxx ... 11110 */
+ static VLCtab DCchromtab0[32] =
+ { {0, 2}, {0, 2}, {0, 2}, {0, 2}, {0, 2}, {0, 2}, {0, 2}, {0, 2},
+ {1, 2}, {1, 2}, {1, 2}, {1, 2}, {1, 2}, {1, 2}, {1, 2}, {1, 2},
+ {2, 2}, {2, 2}, {2, 2}, {2, 2}, {2, 2}, {2, 2}, {2, 2}, {2, 2},
+ {3, 3}, {3, 3}, {3, 3}, {3, 3}, {4, 4}, {4, 4}, {5, 5}, {ERROR, 0}
+ };
+ /* Table B-13, dct_dc_size_chrominance, codes 111110xxxx ... 1111111111 */
+ static VLCtab DCchromtab1[32] =
+ { {6, 6}, {6, 6}, {6, 6}, {6, 6}, {6, 6}, {6, 6}, {6, 6}, {6, 6},
+ {6, 6}, {6, 6}, {6, 6}, {6, 6}, {6, 6}, {6, 6}, {6, 6}, {6, 6},
+ {7, 7}, {7, 7}, {7, 7}, {7, 7}, {7, 7}, {7, 7}, {7, 7}, {7, 7},
+ {8, 8}, {8, 8}, {8, 8}, {8, 8}, {9, 9}, {9, 9}, {10,10}, {11,10}
+ };
+ /* Table B-14, DCT coefficients table zero,
+ * codes 0100 ... 1xxx (used for first (DC) coefficient)
+ */
+ DCTtab DCTtabfirst[12] =
+ {
+ {0,2,4}, {2,1,4}, {1,1,3}, {1,1,3},
+ {0,1,1}, {0,1,1}, {0,1,1}, {0,1,1},
+ {0,1,1}, {0,1,1}, {0,1,1}, {0,1,1}
+ };
+ /* Table B-14, DCT coefficients table zero,
+ * codes 0100 ... 1xxx (used for all other coefficients)
+ */
+ DCTtab DCTtabnext[12] =
+ {
+ {0,2,4}, {2,1,4}, {1,1,3}, {1,1,3},
+ {64,0,2}, {64,0,2}, {64,0,2}, {64,0,2}, /* EOB */
+ {0,1,2}, {0,1,2}, {0,1,2}, {0,1,2}
+ };
+ /* Table B-14, DCT coefficients table zero,
+ * codes 000001xx ... 00111xxx
+ */
+ DCTtab DCTtab0[60] =
+ {
+ {65,0,6}, {65,0,6}, {65,0,6}, {65,0,6}, /* Escape */
+ {2,2,7}, {2,2,7}, {9,1,7}, {9,1,7},
+ {0,4,7}, {0,4,7}, {8,1,7}, {8,1,7},
+ {7,1,6}, {7,1,6}, {7,1,6}, {7,1,6},
+ {6,1,6}, {6,1,6}, {6,1,6}, {6,1,6},
+ {1,2,6}, {1,2,6}, {1,2,6}, {1,2,6},
+ {5,1,6}, {5,1,6}, {5,1,6}, {5,1,6},
+ {13,1,8}, {0,6,8}, {12,1,8}, {11,1,8},
+ {3,2,8}, {1,3,8}, {0,5,8}, {10,1,8},
+ {0,3,5}, {0,3,5}, {0,3,5}, {0,3,5},
+ {0,3,5}, {0,3,5}, {0,3,5}, {0,3,5},
+ {4,1,5}, {4,1,5}, {4,1,5}, {4,1,5},
+ {4,1,5}, {4,1,5}, {4,1,5}, {4,1,5},
+ {3,1,5}, {3,1,5}, {3,1,5}, {3,1,5},
+ {3,1,5}, {3,1,5}, {3,1,5}, {3,1,5}
+ };
+ /* Table B-15, DCT coefficients table one,
+ * codes 000001xx ... 11111111
+ */
+ DCTtab DCTtab0a[252] =
+ {
+ {65,0,6}, {65,0,6}, {65,0,6}, {65,0,6}, /* Escape */
+ {7,1,7}, {7,1,7}, {8,1,7}, {8,1,7},
+ {6,1,7}, {6,1,7}, {2,2,7}, {2,2,7},
+ {0,7,6}, {0,7,6}, {0,7,6}, {0,7,6},
+ {0,6,6}, {0,6,6}, {0,6,6}, {0,6,6},
+ {4,1,6}, {4,1,6}, {4,1,6}, {4,1,6},
+ {5,1,6}, {5,1,6}, {5,1,6}, {5,1,6},
+ {1,5,8}, {11,1,8}, {0,11,8}, {0,10,8},
+ {13,1,8}, {12,1,8}, {3,2,8}, {1,4,8},
+ {2,1,5}, {2,1,5}, {2,1,5}, {2,1,5},
+ {2,1,5}, {2,1,5}, {2,1,5}, {2,1,5},
+ {1,2,5}, {1,2,5}, {1,2,5}, {1,2,5},
+ {1,2,5}, {1,2,5}, {1,2,5}, {1,2,5},
+ {3,1,5}, {3,1,5}, {3,1,5}, {3,1,5},
+ {3,1,5}, {3,1,5}, {3,1,5}, {3,1,5},
+ {1,1,3}, {1,1,3}, {1,1,3}, {1,1,3},
+ {1,1,3}, {1,1,3}, {1,1,3}, {1,1,3},
+ {1,1,3}, {1,1,3}, {1,1,3}, {1,1,3},
+ {1,1,3}, {1,1,3}, {1,1,3}, {1,1,3},
+ {1,1,3}, {1,1,3}, {1,1,3}, {1,1,3},
+ {1,1,3}, {1,1,3}, {1,1,3}, {1,1,3},
+ {1,1,3}, {1,1,3}, {1,1,3}, {1,1,3},
+ {1,1,3}, {1,1,3}, {1,1,3}, {1,1,3},
+ {64,0,4}, {64,0,4}, {64,0,4}, {64,0,4}, /* EOB */
+ {64,0,4}, {64,0,4}, {64,0,4}, {64,0,4},
+ {64,0,4}, {64,0,4}, {64,0,4}, {64,0,4},
+ {64,0,4}, {64,0,4}, {64,0,4}, {64,0,4},
+ {0,3,4}, {0,3,4}, {0,3,4}, {0,3,4},
+ {0,3,4}, {0,3,4}, {0,3,4}, {0,3,4},
+ {0,3,4}, {0,3,4}, {0,3,4}, {0,3,4},
+ {0,3,4}, {0,3,4}, {0,3,4}, {0,3,4},
+ {0,1,2}, {0,1,2}, {0,1,2}, {0,1,2},
+ {0,1,2}, {0,1,2}, {0,1,2}, {0,1,2},
+ {0,1,2}, {0,1,2}, {0,1,2}, {0,1,2},
+ {0,1,2}, {0,1,2}, {0,1,2}, {0,1,2},
+ {0,1,2}, {0,1,2}, {0,1,2}, {0,1,2},
+ {0,1,2}, {0,1,2}, {0,1,2}, {0,1,2},
+ {0,1,2}, {0,1,2}, {0,1,2}, {0,1,2},
+ {0,1,2}, {0,1,2}, {0,1,2}, {0,1,2},
+ {0,1,2}, {0,1,2}, {0,1,2}, {0,1,2},
+ {0,1,2}, {0,1,2}, {0,1,2}, {0,1,2},
+ {0,1,2}, {0,1,2}, {0,1,2}, {0,1,2},
+ {0,1,2}, {0,1,2}, {0,1,2}, {0,1,2},
+ {0,1,2}, {0,1,2}, {0,1,2}, {0,1,2},
+ {0,1,2}, {0,1,2}, {0,1,2}, {0,1,2},
+ {0,1,2}, {0,1,2}, {0,1,2}, {0,1,2},
+ {0,1,2}, {0,1,2}, {0,1,2}, {0,1,2},
+ {0,2,3}, {0,2,3}, {0,2,3}, {0,2,3},
+ {0,2,3}, {0,2,3}, {0,2,3}, {0,2,3},
+ {0,2,3}, {0,2,3}, {0,2,3}, {0,2,3},
+ {0,2,3}, {0,2,3}, {0,2,3}, {0,2,3},
+ {0,2,3}, {0,2,3}, {0,2,3}, {0,2,3},
+ {0,2,3}, {0,2,3}, {0,2,3}, {0,2,3},
+ {0,2,3}, {0,2,3}, {0,2,3}, {0,2,3},
+ {0,2,3}, {0,2,3}, {0,2,3}, {0,2,3},
+ {0,4,5}, {0,4,5}, {0,4,5}, {0,4,5},
+ {0,4,5}, {0,4,5}, {0,4,5}, {0,4,5},
+ {0,5,5}, {0,5,5}, {0,5,5}, {0,5,5},
+ {0,5,5}, {0,5,5}, {0,5,5}, {0,5,5},
+ {9,1,7}, {9,1,7}, {1,3,7}, {1,3,7},
+ {10,1,7}, {10,1,7}, {0,8,7}, {0,8,7},
+ {0,9,7}, {0,9,7}, {0,12,8}, {0,13,8},
+ {2,3,8}, {4,2,8}, {0,14,8}, {0,15,8}
+ };
+ /* Table B-14, DCT coefficients table zero,
+ * codes 0000001000 ... 0000001111
+ */
+ DCTtab DCTtab1[8] =
+ {
+ {16,1,10}, {5,2,10}, {0,7,10}, {2,3,10},
+ {1,4,10}, {15,1,10}, {14,1,10}, {4,2,10}
+ };
+ /* Table B-15, DCT coefficients table one,
+ * codes 000000100x ... 000000111x
+ */
+ DCTtab DCTtab1a[8] =
+ {
+ {5,2,9}, {5,2,9}, {14,1,9}, {14,1,9},
+ {2,4,10}, {16,1,10}, {15,1,9}, {15,1,9}
+ };
+ /* Table B-14/15, DCT coefficients table zero / one,
+ * codes 000000010000 ... 000000011111
+ */
+ DCTtab DCTtab2[16] =
+ {
+ {0,11,12}, {8,2,12}, {4,3,12}, {0,10,12},
+ {2,4,12}, {7,2,12}, {21,1,12}, {20,1,12},
+ {0,9,12}, {19,1,12}, {18,1,12}, {1,5,12},
+ {3,3,12}, {0,8,12}, {6,2,12}, {17,1,12}
+ };
+ /* Table B-14/15, DCT coefficients table zero / one,
+ * codes 0000000010000 ... 0000000011111
+ */
+ DCTtab DCTtab3[16] =
+ {
+ {10,2,13}, {9,2,13}, {5,3,13}, {3,4,13},
+ {2,5,13}, {1,7,13}, {1,6,13}, {0,15,13},
+ {0,14,13}, {0,13,13}, {0,12,13}, {26,1,13},
+ {25,1,13}, {24,1,13}, {23,1,13}, {22,1,13}
+ };
+ /* Table B-14/15, DCT coefficients table zero / one,
+ * codes 00000000010000 ... 00000000011111
+ */
+ DCTtab DCTtab4[16] =
+ {
+ {0,31,14}, {0,30,14}, {0,29,14}, {0,28,14},
+ {0,27,14}, {0,26,14}, {0,25,14}, {0,24,14},
+ {0,23,14}, {0,22,14}, {0,21,14}, {0,20,14},
+ {0,19,14}, {0,18,14}, {0,17,14}, {0,16,14}
+ };
+ /* Table B-14/15, DCT coefficients table zero / one,
+ * codes 000000000010000 ... 000000000011111
+ */
+ DCTtab DCTtab5[16] =
+ {
+ {0,40,15}, {0,39,15}, {0,38,15}, {0,37,15},
+ {0,36,15}, {0,35,15}, {0,34,15}, {0,33,15},
+ {0,32,15}, {1,14,15}, {1,13,15}, {1,12,15},
+ {1,11,15}, {1,10,15}, {1,9,15}, {1,8,15}
+ };
+ /* Table B-14/15, DCT coefficients table zero / one,
+ * codes 0000000000010000 ... 0000000000011111
+ */
+ DCTtab DCTtab6[16] =
+ {
+ {1,18,16}, {1,17,16}, {1,16,16}, {1,15,16},
+ {6,3,16}, {16,2,16}, {15,2,16}, {14,2,16},
+ {13,2,16}, {12,2,16}, {11,2,16}, {31,1,16},
+ {30,1,16}, {29,1,16}, {28,1,16}, {27,1,16}
+ };
Index: llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/mediabench/mpeg2/mpeg2dec/global.h
diff -c /dev/null llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/mediabench/mpeg2/mpeg2dec/global.h:1.1
*** /dev/null Tue Jan 11 12:05:45 2005
--- llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/mediabench/mpeg2/mpeg2dec/global.h Tue Jan 11 12:05:32 2005
*** 0 ****
--- 1,488 ----
+ /* global.h, global variables */
+ /* Copyright (C) 1996, MPEG Software Simulation Group. All Rights Reserved. */
+ /*
+ * Disclaimer of Warranty
+ *
+ * These software programs are available to the user without any license fee or
+ * royalty on an "as is" basis. The MPEG Software Simulation Group disclaims
+ * any and all warranties, whether express, implied, or statuary, including any
+ * implied warranties or merchantability or of fitness for a particular
+ * purpose. In no event shall the copyright-holder be liable for any
+ * incidental, punitive, or consequential damages of any kind whatsoever
+ * arising from the use of these programs.
+ *
+ * This disclaimer of warranty extends to the user of these programs and user's
+ * customers, employees, agents, transferees, successors, and assigns.
+ *
+ * The MPEG Software Simulation Group does not represent or warrant that the
+ * programs furnished hereunder are free of infringement of any third-party
+ * patents.
+ *
+ * Commercial implementations of MPEG-1 and MPEG-2 video, including shareware,
+ * are subject to royalty fees to patent holders. Many of these patents are
+ * general enough such that they are unavoidable regardless of implementation
+ * design.
+ *
+ */
+ #include "mpeg2dec.h"
+ /* choose between declaration (GLOBAL undefined)
+ * and definition (GLOBAL defined)
+ * GLOBAL is defined in exactly one file mpeg2dec.c)
+ */
+ #ifndef GLOBAL
+ #define EXTERN extern
+ #else
+ #define EXTERN
+ #endif
+ /* prototypes of global functions */
+ /* readpic.c */
+ void Substitute_Frame_Buffer _ANSI_ARGS_ ((int bitstream_framenum,
+ int sequence_framenum));
+ /* Get_Bits.c */
+ void Initialize_Buffer _ANSI_ARGS_((void));
+ void Fill_Buffer _ANSI_ARGS_((void));
+ unsigned int Show_Bits _ANSI_ARGS_((int n));
+ unsigned int Get_Bits1 _ANSI_ARGS_((void));
+ void Flush_Buffer _ANSI_ARGS_((int n));
+ unsigned int Get_Bits _ANSI_ARGS_((int n));
+ int Get_Byte _ANSI_ARGS_((void));
+ int Get_Word _ANSI_ARGS_((void));
+ /* systems.c */
+ void Next_Packet _ANSI_ARGS_((void));
+ int Get_Long _ANSI_ARGS_((void));
+ void Flush_Buffer32 _ANSI_ARGS_((void));
+ unsigned int Get_Bits32 _ANSI_ARGS_((void));
+ /* getblk.c */
+ void Decode_MPEG1_Intra_Block _ANSI_ARGS_((int comp, int dc_dct_pred[]));
+ void Decode_MPEG1_Non_Intra_Block _ANSI_ARGS_((int comp));
+ void Decode_MPEG2_Intra_Block _ANSI_ARGS_((int comp, int dc_dct_pred[]));
+ void Decode_MPEG2_Non_Intra_Block _ANSI_ARGS_((int comp));
+ /* gethdr.c */
+ int Get_Hdr _ANSI_ARGS_((void));
+ void next_start_code _ANSI_ARGS_((void));
+ int slice_header _ANSI_ARGS_((void));
+ void marker_bit _ANSI_ARGS_((char *text));
+ /* getpic.c */
+ void Decode_Picture _ANSI_ARGS_((int bitstream_framenum,
+ int sequence_framenum));
+ void Output_Last_Frame_of_Sequence _ANSI_ARGS_((int framenum));
+ /* getvlc.c */
+ int Get_macroblock_type _ANSI_ARGS_((void));
+ int Get_motion_code _ANSI_ARGS_((void));
+ int Get_dmvector _ANSI_ARGS_((void));
+ int Get_coded_block_pattern _ANSI_ARGS_((void));
+ int Get_macroblock_address_increment _ANSI_ARGS_((void));
+ int Get_Luma_DC_dct_diff _ANSI_ARGS_((void));
+ int Get_Chroma_DC_dct_diff _ANSI_ARGS_((void));
+ /* idct.c */
+ void Fast_IDCT _ANSI_ARGS_((short *block));
+ void Initialize_Fast_IDCT _ANSI_ARGS_((void));
+ /* Reference_IDCT.c */
+ void Initialize_Reference_IDCT _ANSI_ARGS_((void));
+ void Reference_IDCT _ANSI_ARGS_((short *block));
+ /* motion.c */
+ void motion_vectors _ANSI_ARGS_((int PMV[2][2][2], int dmvector[2],
+ int motion_vertical_field_select[2][2], int s, int motion_vector_count,
+ int mv_format, int h_r_size, int v_r_size, int dmv, int mvscale));
+ void motion_vector _ANSI_ARGS_((int *PMV, int *dmvector,
+ int h_r_size, int v_r_size, int dmv, int mvscale, int full_pel_vector));
+ void Dual_Prime_Arithmetic _ANSI_ARGS_((int DMV[][2], int *dmvector, int mvx, int mvy));
+ /* mpeg2dec.c */
+ void Error _ANSI_ARGS_((char *text));
+ void Warning _ANSI_ARGS_((char *text));
+ void Print_Bits _ANSI_ARGS_((int code, int bits, int len));
+ /* recon.c */
+ void form_predictions _ANSI_ARGS_((int bx, int by, int macroblock_type,
+ int motion_type, int PMV[2][2][2], int motion_vertical_field_select[2][2],
+ int dmvector[2], int stwtype));
+ /* spatscal.c */
+ void Spatial_Prediction _ANSI_ARGS_((void));
+ /* store.c */
+ void Write_Frame _ANSI_ARGS_((unsigned char *src[], int frame));
+ #ifdef DISPLAY
+ /* display.c */
+ void Initialize_Display_Process _ANSI_ARGS_((char *name));
+ void Terminate_Display_Process _ANSI_ARGS_((void));
+ void Display_Second_Field _ANSI_ARGS_((void));
+ void dither _ANSI_ARGS_((unsigned char *src[]));
+ void Initialize_Dither_Matrix _ANSI_ARGS_((void));
+ #endif
+ /* global variables */
+ EXTERN char Version[]
+ #ifdef GLOBAL
+ ="mpeg2decode V1.2a, 96/07/19"
+ #endif
+ ;
+ EXTERN char Author[]
+ #ifdef GLOBAL
+ ="(C) 1996, MPEG Software Simulation Group"
+ #endif
+ ;
+ /* zig-zag and alternate scan patterns */
+ EXTERN unsigned char scan[2][64]
+ #ifdef GLOBAL
+ =
+ {
+ { /* Zig-Zag scan pattern */
+ 0,1,8,16,9,2,3,10,17,24,32,25,18,11,4,5,
+ 12,19,26,33,40,48,41,34,27,20,13,6,7,14,21,28,
+ 35,42,49,56,57,50,43,36,29,22,15,23,30,37,44,51,
+ 58,59,52,45,38,31,39,46,53,60,61,54,47,55,62,63
+ },
+ { /* Alternate scan pattern */
+ 0,8,16,24,1,9,2,10,17,25,32,40,48,56,57,49,
+ 41,33,26,18,3,11,4,12,19,27,34,42,50,58,35,43,
+ 51,59,20,28,5,13,6,14,21,29,36,44,52,60,37,45,
+ 53,61,22,30,7,15,23,31,38,46,54,62,39,47,55,63
+ }
+ }
+ #endif
+ ;
+ /* default intra quantization matrix */
+ EXTERN unsigned char default_intra_quantizer_matrix[64]
+ #ifdef GLOBAL
+ =
+ {
+ 8, 16, 19, 22, 26, 27, 29, 34,
+ 16, 16, 22, 24, 27, 29, 34, 37,
+ 19, 22, 26, 27, 29, 34, 34, 38,
+ 22, 22, 26, 27, 29, 34, 37, 40,
+ 22, 26, 27, 29, 32, 35, 40, 48,
+ 26, 27, 29, 32, 35, 40, 48, 58,
+ 26, 27, 29, 34, 38, 46, 56, 69,
+ 27, 29, 35, 38, 46, 56, 69, 83
+ }
+ #endif
+ ;
+ /* non-linear quantization coefficient table */
+ EXTERN unsigned char Non_Linear_quantizer_scale[32]
+ #ifdef GLOBAL
+ =
+ {
+ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,
+ 8,10,12,14,16,18,20,22,
+ 24,28,32,36,40,44,48,52,
+ 56,64,72,80,88,96,104,112
+ }
+ #endif
+ ;
+ /* color space conversion coefficients
+ * for YCbCr -> RGB mapping
+ *
+ * entries are {crv,cbu,cgu,cgv}
+ *
+ * crv=(255/224)*65536*(1-cr)/0.5
+ * cbu=(255/224)*65536*(1-cb)/0.5
+ * cgu=(255/224)*65536*(cb/cg)*(1-cb)/0.5
+ * cgv=(255/224)*65536*(cr/cg)*(1-cr)/0.5
+ *
+ * where Y=cr*R+cg*G+cb*B (cr+cg+cb=1)
+ */
+ /* ISO/IEC 13818-2 section 6.3.6 sequence_display_extension() */
+ EXTERN int Inverse_Table_6_9[8][4]
+ #ifdef GLOBAL
+ =
+ {
+ {117504, 138453, 13954, 34903}, /* no sequence_display_extension */
+ {117504, 138453, 13954, 34903}, /* ITU-R Rec. 709 (1990) */
+ {104597, 132201, 25675, 53279}, /* unspecified */
+ {104597, 132201, 25675, 53279}, /* reserved */
+ {104448, 132798, 24759, 53109}, /* FCC */
+ {104597, 132201, 25675, 53279}, /* ITU-R Rec. 624-4 System B, G */
+ {104597, 132201, 25675, 53279}, /* SMPTE 170M */
+ {117579, 136230, 16907, 35559} /* SMPTE 240M (1987) */
+ }
+ #endif
+ ;
+ /* output types (Output_Type) */
+ #define T_YUV 0
+ #define T_SIF 1
+ #define T_TGA 2
+ #define T_PPM 3
+ #define T_X11 4
+ #define T_X11HIQ 5
+ /* decoder operation control variables */
+ EXTERN int Output_Type;
+ EXTERN int hiQdither;
+ /* decoder operation control flags */
+ EXTERN int Quiet_Flag;
+ EXTERN int Trace_Flag;
+ EXTERN int Fault_Flag;
+ EXTERN int Verbose_Flag;
+ EXTERN int Two_Streams;
+ EXTERN int Spatial_Flag;
+ EXTERN int Reference_IDCT_Flag;
+ EXTERN int Frame_Store_Flag;
+ EXTERN int System_Stream_Flag;
+ EXTERN int Display_Progressive_Flag;
+ EXTERN int Ersatz_Flag;
+ EXTERN int Big_Picture_Flag;
+ EXTERN int Verify_Flag;
+ EXTERN int Stats_Flag;
+ EXTERN int User_Data_Flag;
+ EXTERN int Main_Bitstream_Flag;
+ /* filenames */
+ EXTERN char *Output_Picture_Filename;
+ EXTERN char *Substitute_Picture_Filename;
+ EXTERN char *Main_Bitstream_Filename;
+ EXTERN char *Enhancement_Layer_Bitstream_Filename;
+ /* buffers for multiuse purposes */
+ EXTERN char Error_Text[256];
+ EXTERN unsigned char *Clip;
+ /* pointers to generic picture buffers */
+ EXTERN unsigned char *backward_reference_frame[3];
+ EXTERN unsigned char *forward_reference_frame[3];
+ EXTERN unsigned char *auxframe[3];
+ EXTERN unsigned char *current_frame[3];
+ EXTERN unsigned char *substitute_frame[3];
+ /* pointers to scalability picture buffers */
+ EXTERN unsigned char *llframe0[3];
+ EXTERN unsigned char *llframe1[3];
+ EXTERN short *lltmp;
+ EXTERN char *Lower_Layer_Picture_Filename;
+ /* non-normative variables derived from normative elements */
+ EXTERN int Coded_Picture_Width;
+ EXTERN int Coded_Picture_Height;
+ EXTERN int Chroma_Width;
+ EXTERN int Chroma_Height;
+ EXTERN int block_count;
+ EXTERN int Second_Field;
+ EXTERN int profile, level;
+ /* normative derived variables (as per ISO/IEC 13818-2) */
+ EXTERN int horizontal_size;
+ EXTERN int vertical_size;
+ EXTERN int mb_width;
+ EXTERN int mb_height;
+ EXTERN double bit_rate;
+ EXTERN double frame_rate;
+ /* headers */
+ /* ISO/IEC 13818-2 section sequence_header() */
+ EXTERN int aspect_ratio_information;
+ EXTERN int frame_rate_code;
+ EXTERN int bit_rate_value;
+ EXTERN int vbv_buffer_size;
+ EXTERN int constrained_parameters_flag;
+ /* ISO/IEC 13818-2 section sequence_extension() */
+ EXTERN int profile_and_level_indication;
+ EXTERN int progressive_sequence;
+ EXTERN int chroma_format;
+ EXTERN int low_delay;
+ EXTERN int frame_rate_extension_n;
+ EXTERN int frame_rate_extension_d;
+ /* ISO/IEC 13818-2 section sequence_display_extension() */
+ EXTERN int video_format;
+ EXTERN int color_description;
+ EXTERN int color_primaries;
+ EXTERN int transfer_characteristics;
+ EXTERN int matrix_coefficients;
+ EXTERN int display_horizontal_size;
+ EXTERN int display_vertical_size;
+ /* ISO/IEC 13818-2 section 6.2.3: picture_header() */
+ EXTERN int temporal_reference;
+ EXTERN int picture_coding_type;
+ EXTERN int vbv_delay;
+ EXTERN int full_pel_forward_vector;
+ EXTERN int forward_f_code;
+ EXTERN int full_pel_backward_vector;
+ EXTERN int backward_f_code;
+ /* ISO/IEC 13818-2 section picture_coding_extension() header */
+ EXTERN int f_code[2][2];
+ EXTERN int intra_dc_precision;
+ EXTERN int picture_structure;
+ EXTERN int top_field_first;
+ EXTERN int frame_pred_frame_dct;
+ EXTERN int concealment_motion_vectors;
+ EXTERN int intra_vlc_format;
+ EXTERN int repeat_first_field;
+ EXTERN int chroma_420_type;
+ EXTERN int progressive_frame;
+ EXTERN int composite_display_flag;
+ EXTERN int v_axis;
+ EXTERN int field_sequence;
+ EXTERN int sub_carrier;
+ EXTERN int burst_amplitude;
+ EXTERN int sub_carrier_phase;
+ /* ISO/IEC 13818-2 section picture_display_extension() header */
+ EXTERN int frame_center_horizontal_offset[3];
+ EXTERN int frame_center_vertical_offset[3];
+ /* ISO/IEC 13818-2 section sequence_scalable_extension() header */
+ EXTERN int layer_id;
+ EXTERN int lower_layer_prediction_horizontal_size;
+ EXTERN int lower_layer_prediction_vertical_size;
+ EXTERN int horizontal_subsampling_factor_m;
+ EXTERN int horizontal_subsampling_factor_n;
+ EXTERN int vertical_subsampling_factor_m;
+ EXTERN int vertical_subsampling_factor_n;
+ /* ISO/IEC 13818-2 section picture_spatial_scalable_extension() header */
+ EXTERN int lower_layer_temporal_reference;
+ EXTERN int lower_layer_horizontal_offset;
+ EXTERN int lower_layer_vertical_offset;
+ EXTERN int spatial_temporal_weight_code_table_index;
+ EXTERN int lower_layer_progressive_frame;
+ EXTERN int lower_layer_deinterlaced_field_select;
+ /* ISO/IEC 13818-2 section copyright_extension() header */
+ EXTERN int copyright_flag;
+ EXTERN int copyright_identifier;
+ EXTERN int original_or_copy;
+ EXTERN int copyright_number_1;
+ EXTERN int copyright_number_2;
+ EXTERN int copyright_number_3;
+ /* ISO/IEC 13818-2 section group_of_pictures_header() */
+ EXTERN int drop_flag;
+ EXTERN int hour;
+ EXTERN int minute;
+ EXTERN int sec;
+ EXTERN int frame;
+ EXTERN int closed_gop;
+ EXTERN int broken_link;
+ /* layer specific variables (needed for SNR and DP scalability) */
+ EXTERN struct layer_data {
+ /* bit input */
+ int Infile;
+ unsigned char Rdbfr[2048];
+ unsigned char *Rdptr;
+ unsigned char Inbfr[16];
+ /* from mpeg2play */
+ unsigned int Bfr;
+ unsigned char *Rdmax;
+ int Incnt;
+ int Bitcnt;
+ /* sequence header and quant_matrix_extension() */
+ int intra_quantizer_matrix[64];
+ int non_intra_quantizer_matrix[64];
+ int chroma_intra_quantizer_matrix[64];
+ int chroma_non_intra_quantizer_matrix[64];
+ int load_intra_quantizer_matrix;
+ int load_non_intra_quantizer_matrix;
+ int load_chroma_intra_quantizer_matrix;
+ int load_chroma_non_intra_quantizer_matrix;
+ int MPEG2_Flag;
+ /* sequence scalable extension */
+ int scalable_mode;
+ /* picture coding extension */
+ int q_scale_type;
+ int alternate_scan;
+ /* picture spatial scalable extension */
+ int pict_scal;
+ /* slice/macroblock */
+ int priority_breakpoint;
+ int quantizer_scale;
+ int intra_slice;
+ short block[12][64];
+ } base, enhan, *ld;
+ #ifdef VERIFY
+ EXTERN int verify_sequence_header;
+ EXTERN int verify_group_of_pictures_header;
+ EXTERN int verify_picture_header;
+ EXTERN int verify_slice_header;
+ EXTERN int verify_sequence_extension;
+ EXTERN int verify_sequence_display_extension;
+ EXTERN int verify_quant_matrix_extension;
+ EXTERN int verify_sequence_scalable_extension;
+ EXTERN int verify_picture_display_extension;
+ EXTERN int verify_picture_coding_extension;
+ EXTERN int verify_picture_spatial_scalable_extension;
+ EXTERN int verify_picture_temporal_scalable_extension;
+ EXTERN int verify_copyright_extension;
+ #endif /* VERIFY */
+ EXTERN int Decode_Layer;
+ /* verify.c */
+ #ifdef VERIFY
+ void Check_Headers _ANSI_ARGS_((int Bitstream_Framenum, int Sequence_Framenum));
+ void Clear_Verify_Headers _ANSI_ARGS_((void));
+ #endif /* VERIFY */
+ EXTERN int global_MBA;
+ EXTERN int global_pic;
+ EXTERN int True_Framenum;
Index: llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/mediabench/mpeg2/mpeg2dec/idct.c
diff -c /dev/null llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/mediabench/mpeg2/mpeg2dec/idct.c:1.1
*** /dev/null Tue Jan 11 12:05:45 2005
--- llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/mediabench/mpeg2/mpeg2dec/idct.c Tue Jan 11 12:05:32 2005
*** 0 ****
--- 1,211 ----
+ /* idct.c, inverse fast discrete cosine transform */
+ /* Copyright (C) 1996, MPEG Software Simulation Group. All Rights Reserved. */
+ /*
+ * Disclaimer of Warranty
+ *
+ * These software programs are available to the user without any license fee or
+ * royalty on an "as is" basis. The MPEG Software Simulation Group disclaims
+ * any and all warranties, whether express, implied, or statuary, including any
+ * implied warranties or merchantability or of fitness for a particular
+ * purpose. In no event shall the copyright-holder be liable for any
+ * incidental, punitive, or consequential damages of any kind whatsoever
+ * arising from the use of these programs.
+ *
+ * This disclaimer of warranty extends to the user of these programs and user's
+ * customers, employees, agents, transferees, successors, and assigns.
+ *
+ * The MPEG Software Simulation Group does not represent or warrant that the
+ * programs furnished hereunder are free of infringement of any third-party
+ * patents.
+ *
+ * Commercial implementations of MPEG-1 and MPEG-2 video, including shareware,
+ * are subject to royalty fees to patent holders. Many of these patents are
+ * general enough such that they are unavoidable regardless of implementation
+ * design.
+ *
+ */
+ /**********************************************************/
+ /* inverse two dimensional DCT, Chen-Wang algorithm */
+ /* (cf. IEEE ASSP-32, pp. 803-816, Aug. 1984) */
+ /* 32-bit integer arithmetic (8 bit coefficients) */
+ /* 11 mults, 29 adds per DCT */
+ /* sE, 18.8.91 */
+ /**********************************************************/
+ /* coefficients extended to 12 bit for IEEE1180-1990 */
+ /* compliance sE, 2.1.94 */
+ /**********************************************************/
+ /* this code assumes >> to be a two's-complement arithmetic */
+ /* right shift: (-2)>>1 == -1 , (-3)>>1 == -2 */
+ #include "config.h"
+ #define W1 2841 /* 2048*sqrt(2)*cos(1*pi/16) */
+ #define W2 2676 /* 2048*sqrt(2)*cos(2*pi/16) */
+ #define W3 2408 /* 2048*sqrt(2)*cos(3*pi/16) */
+ #define W5 1609 /* 2048*sqrt(2)*cos(5*pi/16) */
+ #define W6 1108 /* 2048*sqrt(2)*cos(6*pi/16) */
+ #define W7 565 /* 2048*sqrt(2)*cos(7*pi/16) */
+ /* global declarations */
+ void Initialize_Fast_IDCT _ANSI_ARGS_((void));
+ void Fast_IDCT _ANSI_ARGS_((short *block));
+ /* private data */
+ static short iclip[1024]; /* clipping table */
+ static short *iclp;
+ /* private prototypes */
+ static void idctrow _ANSI_ARGS_((short *blk));
+ static void idctcol _ANSI_ARGS_((short *blk));
+ /* row (horizontal) IDCT
+ *
+ * 7 pi 1
+ * dst[k] = sum c[l] * src[l] * cos( -- * ( k + - ) * l )
+ * l=0 8 2
+ *
+ * where: c[0] = 128
+ * c[1..7] = 128*sqrt(2)
+ */
+ static void idctrow(blk)
+ short *blk;
+ {
+ int x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8;
+ /* shortcut */
+ if (!((x1 = blk[4]<<11) | (x2 = blk[6]) | (x3 = blk[2]) |
+ (x4 = blk[1]) | (x5 = blk[7]) | (x6 = blk[5]) | (x7 = blk[3])))
+ {
+ blk[0]=blk[1]=blk[2]=blk[3]=blk[4]=blk[5]=blk[6]=blk[7]=blk[0]<<3;
+ return;
+ }
+ x0 = (blk[0]<<11) + 128; /* for proper rounding in the fourth stage */
+ /* first stage */
+ x8 = W7*(x4+x5);
+ x4 = x8 + (W1-W7)*x4;
+ x5 = x8 - (W1+W7)*x5;
+ x8 = W3*(x6+x7);
+ x6 = x8 - (W3-W5)*x6;
+ x7 = x8 - (W3+W5)*x7;
+ /* second stage */
+ x8 = x0 + x1;
+ x0 -= x1;
+ x1 = W6*(x3+x2);
+ x2 = x1 - (W2+W6)*x2;
+ x3 = x1 + (W2-W6)*x3;
+ x1 = x4 + x6;
+ x4 -= x6;
+ x6 = x5 + x7;
+ x5 -= x7;
+ /* third stage */
+ x7 = x8 + x3;
+ x8 -= x3;
+ x3 = x0 + x2;
+ x0 -= x2;
+ x2 = (181*(x4+x5)+128)>>8;
+ x4 = (181*(x4-x5)+128)>>8;
+ /* fourth stage */
+ blk[0] = (x7+x1)>>8;
+ blk[1] = (x3+x2)>>8;
+ blk[2] = (x0+x4)>>8;
+ blk[3] = (x8+x6)>>8;
+ blk[4] = (x8-x6)>>8;
+ blk[5] = (x0-x4)>>8;
+ blk[6] = (x3-x2)>>8;
+ blk[7] = (x7-x1)>>8;
+ }
+ /* column (vertical) IDCT
+ *
+ * 7 pi 1
+ * dst[8*k] = sum c[l] * src[8*l] * cos( -- * ( k + - ) * l )
+ * l=0 8 2
+ *
+ * where: c[0] = 1/1024
+ * c[1..7] = (1/1024)*sqrt(2)
+ */
+ static void idctcol(blk)
+ short *blk;
+ {
+ int x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8;
+ /* shortcut */
+ if (!((x1 = (blk[8*4]<<8)) | (x2 = blk[8*6]) | (x3 = blk[8*2]) |
+ (x4 = blk[8*1]) | (x5 = blk[8*7]) | (x6 = blk[8*5]) | (x7 = blk[8*3])))
+ {
+ blk[8*0]=blk[8*1]=blk[8*2]=blk[8*3]=blk[8*4]=blk[8*5]=blk[8*6]=blk[8*7]=
+ iclp[(blk[8*0]+32)>>6];
+ return;
+ }
+ x0 = (blk[8*0]<<8) + 8192;
+ /* first stage */
+ x8 = W7*(x4+x5) + 4;
+ x4 = (x8+(W1-W7)*x4)>>3;
+ x5 = (x8-(W1+W7)*x5)>>3;
+ x8 = W3*(x6+x7) + 4;
+ x6 = (x8-(W3-W5)*x6)>>3;
+ x7 = (x8-(W3+W5)*x7)>>3;
+ /* second stage */
+ x8 = x0 + x1;
+ x0 -= x1;
+ x1 = W6*(x3+x2) + 4;
+ x2 = (x1-(W2+W6)*x2)>>3;
+ x3 = (x1+(W2-W6)*x3)>>3;
+ x1 = x4 + x6;
+ x4 -= x6;
+ x6 = x5 + x7;
+ x5 -= x7;
+ /* third stage */
+ x7 = x8 + x3;
+ x8 -= x3;
+ x3 = x0 + x2;
+ x0 -= x2;
+ x2 = (181*(x4+x5)+128)>>8;
+ x4 = (181*(x4-x5)+128)>>8;
+ /* fourth stage */
+ blk[8*0] = iclp[(x7+x1)>>14];
+ blk[8*1] = iclp[(x3+x2)>>14];
+ blk[8*2] = iclp[(x0+x4)>>14];
+ blk[8*3] = iclp[(x8+x6)>>14];
+ blk[8*4] = iclp[(x8-x6)>>14];
+ blk[8*5] = iclp[(x0-x4)>>14];
+ blk[8*6] = iclp[(x3-x2)>>14];
+ blk[8*7] = iclp[(x7-x1)>>14];
+ }
+ /* two dimensional inverse discrete cosine transform */
+ void Fast_IDCT(block)
+ short *block;
+ {
+ int i;
+ for (i=0; i<8; i++)
+ idctrow(block+8*i);
+ for (i=0; i<8; i++)
+ idctcol(block+i);
+ }
+ void Initialize_Fast_IDCT()
+ {
+ int i;
+ iclp = iclip+512;
+ for (i= -512; i<512; i++)
+ iclp[i] = (i<-256) ? -256 : ((i>255) ? 255 : i);
+ }
Index: llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/mediabench/mpeg2/mpeg2dec/idctref.c
diff -c /dev/null llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/mediabench/mpeg2/mpeg2dec/idctref.c:1.1
*** /dev/null Tue Jan 11 12:05:45 2005
--- llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/mediabench/mpeg2/mpeg2dec/idctref.c Tue Jan 11 12:05:32 2005
*** 0 ****
--- 1,108 ----
+ /* Reference_IDCT.c, Inverse Discrete Fourier Transform, double precision */
+ /* Copyright (C) 1996, MPEG Software Simulation Group. All Rights Reserved. */
+ /*
+ * Disclaimer of Warranty
+ *
+ * These software programs are available to the user without any license fee or
+ * royalty on an "as is" basis. The MPEG Software Simulation Group disclaims
+ * any and all warranties, whether express, implied, or statuary, including any
+ * implied warranties or merchantability or of fitness for a particular
+ * purpose. In no event shall the copyright-holder be liable for any
+ * incidental, punitive, or consequential damages of any kind whatsoever
+ * arising from the use of these programs.
+ *
+ * This disclaimer of warranty extends to the user of these programs and user's
+ * customers, employees, agents, transferees, successors, and assigns.
+ *
+ * The MPEG Software Simulation Group does not represent or warrant that the
+ * programs furnished hereunder are free of infringement of any third-party
+ * patents.
+ *
+ * Commercial implementations of MPEG-1 and MPEG-2 video, including shareware,
+ * are subject to royalty fees to patent holders. Many of these patents are
+ * general enough such that they are unavoidable regardless of implementation
+ * design.
+ *
+ */
+ /* Perform IEEE 1180 reference (64-bit floating point, separable 8x1
+ * direct matrix multiply) Inverse Discrete Cosine Transform
+ */
+ /* Here we use math.h to generate constants. Compiler results may
+ vary a little */
+ #include <math.h>
+ #include "config.h"
+ #ifndef PI
+ # ifdef M_PI
+ # define PI M_PI
+ # else
+ # define PI 3.14159265358979323846
+ # endif
+ #endif
+ /* global declarations */
+ void Initialize_Fast_IDCTref _ANSI_ARGS_((void));
+ void Reference_IDCT _ANSI_ARGS_((short *block));
+ /* private data */
+ /* cosine transform matrix for 8x1 IDCT */
+ static double c[8][8];
+ /* initialize DCT coefficient matrix */
+ void Initialize_Reference_IDCT()
+ {
+ int freq, time;
+ double scale;
+ for (freq=0; freq < 8; freq++)
+ {
+ scale = (freq == 0) ? sqrt(0.125) : 0.5;
+ for (time=0; time<8; time++)
+ c[freq][time] = scale*cos((PI/8.0)*freq*(time + 0.5));
+ }
+ }
+ /* perform IDCT matrix multiply for 8x8 coefficient block */
+ void Reference_IDCT(block)
+ short *block;
+ {
+ int i, j, k, v;
+ double partial_product;
+ double tmp[64];
+ for (i=0; i<8; i++)
+ for (j=0; j<8; j++)
+ {
+ partial_product = 0.0;
+ for (k=0; k<8; k++)
+ partial_product+= c[k][j]*block[8*i+k];
+ tmp[8*i+j] = partial_product;
+ }
+ /* Transpose operation is integrated into address mapping by switching
+ loop order of i and j */
+ for (j=0; j<8; j++)
+ for (i=0; i<8; i++)
+ {
+ partial_product = 0.0;
+ for (k=0; k<8; k++)
+ partial_product+= c[k][i]*tmp[8*k+j];
+ v = (int) floor(partial_product+0.5);
+ block[8*i+j] = (v<-256) ? -256 : ((v>255) ? 255 : v);
+ }
+ }
Index: llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/mediabench/mpeg2/mpeg2dec/motion.c
diff -c /dev/null llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/mediabench/mpeg2/mpeg2dec/motion.c:1.1
*** /dev/null Tue Jan 11 12:05:45 2005
--- llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/mediabench/mpeg2/mpeg2dec/motion.c Tue Jan 11 12:05:32 2005
*** 0 ****
--- 1,236 ----
+ /* motion.c, motion vector decoding */
+ /* Copyright (C) 1996, MPEG Software Simulation Group. All Rights Reserved. */
+ /*
+ * Disclaimer of Warranty
+ *
+ * These software programs are available to the user without any license fee or
+ * royalty on an "as is" basis. The MPEG Software Simulation Group disclaims
+ * any and all warranties, whether express, implied, or statuary, including any
+ * implied warranties or merchantability or of fitness for a particular
+ * purpose. In no event shall the copyright-holder be liable for any
+ * incidental, punitive, or consequential damages of any kind whatsoever
+ * arising from the use of these programs.
+ *
+ * This disclaimer of warranty extends to the user of these programs and user's
+ * customers, employees, agents, transferees, successors, and assigns.
+ *
+ * The MPEG Software Simulation Group does not represent or warrant that the
+ * programs furnished hereunder are free of infringement of any third-party
+ * patents.
+ *
+ * Commercial implementations of MPEG-1 and MPEG-2 video, including shareware,
+ * are subject to royalty fees to patent holders. Many of these patents are
+ * general enough such that they are unavoidable regardless of implementation
+ * design.
+ *
+ */
+ #include <stdio.h>
+ #include "config.h"
+ #include "global.h"
+ /* private prototypes */
+ static void decode_motion_vector _ANSI_ARGS_((int *pred, int r_size, int motion_code,
+ int motion_residualesidual, int full_pel_vector));
+ /* ISO/IEC 13818-2 sections,, and 7.6.3: Motion vectors */
+ void motion_vectors(PMV,dmvector,
+ motion_vertical_field_select,s,motion_vector_count,mv_format,h_r_size,v_r_size,dmv,mvscale)
+ int PMV[2][2][2];
+ int dmvector[2];
+ int motion_vertical_field_select[2][2];
+ int s, motion_vector_count, mv_format, h_r_size, v_r_size, dmv, mvscale;
+ {
+ if (motion_vector_count==1)
+ {
+ if (mv_format==MV_FIELD && !dmv)
+ {
+ motion_vertical_field_select[1][s] = motion_vertical_field_select[0][s] = Get_Bits(1);
+ #ifdef TRACE
+ if (Trace_Flag)
+ {
+ printf("motion_vertical_field_select[][%d] (%d): %d\n",s,
+ motion_vertical_field_select[0][s],motion_vertical_field_select[0][s]);
+ }
+ #endif /* TRACE */
+ }
+ motion_vector(PMV[0][s],dmvector,h_r_size,v_r_size,dmv,mvscale,0);
+ /* update other motion vector predictors */
+ PMV[1][s][0] = PMV[0][s][0];
+ PMV[1][s][1] = PMV[0][s][1];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ motion_vertical_field_select[0][s] = Get_Bits(1);
+ #ifdef TRACE
+ if (Trace_Flag)
+ {
+ printf("motion_vertical_field_select[0][%d] (%d): %d\n",s,
+ motion_vertical_field_select[0][s],motion_vertical_field_select[0][s]);
+ }
+ #endif /* TRACE */
+ motion_vector(PMV[0][s],dmvector,h_r_size,v_r_size,dmv,mvscale,0);
+ motion_vertical_field_select[1][s] = Get_Bits(1);
+ #ifdef TRACE
+ if (Trace_Flag)
+ {
+ printf("motion_vertical_field_select[1][%d] (%d): %d\n",s,
+ motion_vertical_field_select[1][s],motion_vertical_field_select[1][s]);
+ }
+ #endif /* TRACE */
+ motion_vector(PMV[1][s],dmvector,h_r_size,v_r_size,dmv,mvscale,0);
+ }
+ }
+ /* get and decode motion vector and differential motion vector
+ for one prediction */
+ void motion_vector(PMV,dmvector,
+ h_r_size,v_r_size,dmv,mvscale,full_pel_vector)
+ int *PMV;
+ int *dmvector;
+ int h_r_size;
+ int v_r_size;
+ int dmv; /* MPEG-2 only: get differential motion vectors */
+ int mvscale; /* MPEG-2 only: field vector in frame pic */
+ int full_pel_vector; /* MPEG-1 only */
+ {
+ int motion_code, motion_residual;
+ /* horizontal component */
+ /* ISO/IEC 13818-2 Table B-10 */
+ motion_code = Get_motion_code();
+ motion_residual = (h_r_size!=0 && motion_code!=0) ? Get_Bits(h_r_size) : 0;
+ #ifdef TRACE
+ if (Trace_Flag)
+ {
+ if (h_r_size!=0 && motion_code!=0)
+ {
+ printf("motion_residual (");
+ Print_Bits(motion_residual,h_r_size,h_r_size);
+ printf("): %d\n",motion_residual);
+ }
+ }
+ #endif /* TRACE */
+ decode_motion_vector(&PMV[0],h_r_size,motion_code,motion_residual,full_pel_vector);
+ if (dmv)
+ dmvector[0] = Get_dmvector();
+ /* vertical component */
+ motion_code = Get_motion_code();
+ motion_residual = (v_r_size!=0 && motion_code!=0) ? Get_Bits(v_r_size) : 0;
+ #ifdef TRACE
+ if (Trace_Flag)
+ {
+ if (v_r_size!=0 && motion_code!=0)
+ {
+ printf("motion_residual (");
+ Print_Bits(motion_residual,v_r_size,v_r_size);
+ printf("): %d\n",motion_residual);
+ }
+ }
+ #endif /* TRACE */
+ if (mvscale)
+ PMV[1] >>= 1; /* DIV 2 */
+ decode_motion_vector(&PMV[1],v_r_size,motion_code,motion_residual,full_pel_vector);
+ if (mvscale)
+ PMV[1] <<= 1;
+ if (dmv)
+ dmvector[1] = Get_dmvector();
+ #ifdef TRACE
+ if (Trace_Flag)
+ printf("PMV = %d,%d\n",PMV[0],PMV[1]);
+ #endif /* TRACE */
+ }
+ /* calculate motion vector component */
+ /* ISO/IEC 13818-2 section Decoding the motion vectors */
+ /* Note: the arithmetic here is more elegant than that which is shown
+ in The end results (PMV[][][]) should, however, be the same. */
+ static void decode_motion_vector(pred,r_size,motion_code,motion_residual,full_pel_vector)
+ int *pred;
+ int r_size, motion_code, motion_residual;
+ int full_pel_vector; /* MPEG-1 (ISO/IEC 11172-1) support */
+ {
+ int lim, vec;
+ lim = 16<<r_size;
+ vec = full_pel_vector ? (*pred >> 1) : (*pred);
+ if (motion_code>0)
+ {
+ vec+= ((motion_code-1)<<r_size) + motion_residual + 1;
+ if (vec>=lim)
+ vec-= lim + lim;
+ }
+ else if (motion_code<0)
+ {
+ vec-= ((-motion_code-1)<<r_size) + motion_residual + 1;
+ if (vec<-lim)
+ vec+= lim + lim;
+ }
+ *pred = full_pel_vector ? (vec<<1) : vec;
+ }
+ /* ISO/IEC 13818-2 section Dual prime additional arithmetic */
+ void Dual_Prime_Arithmetic(DMV,dmvector,mvx,mvy)
+ int DMV[][2];
+ int *dmvector; /* differential motion vector */
+ int mvx, mvy; /* decoded mv components (always in field format) */
+ {
+ if (picture_structure==FRAME_PICTURE)
+ {
+ if (top_field_first)
+ {
+ /* vector for prediction of top field from bottom field */
+ DMV[0][0] = ((mvx +(mvx>0))>>1) + dmvector[0];
+ DMV[0][1] = ((mvy +(mvy>0))>>1) + dmvector[1] - 1;
+ /* vector for prediction of bottom field from top field */
+ DMV[1][0] = ((3*mvx+(mvx>0))>>1) + dmvector[0];
+ DMV[1][1] = ((3*mvy+(mvy>0))>>1) + dmvector[1] + 1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* vector for prediction of top field from bottom field */
+ DMV[0][0] = ((3*mvx+(mvx>0))>>1) + dmvector[0];
+ DMV[0][1] = ((3*mvy+(mvy>0))>>1) + dmvector[1] - 1;
+ /* vector for prediction of bottom field from top field */
+ DMV[1][0] = ((mvx +(mvx>0))>>1) + dmvector[0];
+ DMV[1][1] = ((mvy +(mvy>0))>>1) + dmvector[1] + 1;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* vector for prediction from field of opposite 'parity' */
+ DMV[0][0] = ((mvx+(mvx>0))>>1) + dmvector[0];
+ DMV[0][1] = ((mvy+(mvy>0))>>1) + dmvector[1];
+ /* correct for vertical field shift */
+ if (picture_structure==TOP_FIELD)
+ DMV[0][1]--;
+ else
+ DMV[0][1]++;
+ }
+ }
Index: llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/mediabench/mpeg2/mpeg2dec/mpeg2dec.c
diff -c /dev/null llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/mediabench/mpeg2/mpeg2dec/mpeg2dec.c:1.1
*** /dev/null Tue Jan 11 12:05:45 2005
--- llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/mediabench/mpeg2/mpeg2dec/mpeg2dec.c Tue Jan 11 12:05:32 2005
*** 0 ****
--- 1,765 ----
+ /* mpeg2dec.c, main(), initialization, option processing */
+ /* Copyright (C) 1996, MPEG Software Simulation Group. All Rights Reserved. */
+ /*
+ * Disclaimer of Warranty
+ *
+ * These software programs are available to the user without any license fee or
+ * royalty on an "as is" basis. The MPEG Software Simulation Group disclaims
+ * any and all warranties, whether express, implied, or statuary, including any
+ * implied warranties or merchantability or of fitness for a particular
+ * purpose. In no event shall the copyright-holder be liable for any
+ * incidental, punitive, or consequential damages of any kind whatsoever
+ * arising from the use of these programs.
+ *
+ * This disclaimer of warranty extends to the user of these programs and user's
+ * customers, employees, agents, transferees, successors, and assigns.
+ *
+ * The MPEG Software Simulation Group does not represent or warrant that the
+ * programs furnished hereunder are free of infringement of any third-party
+ * patents.
+ *
+ * Commercial implementations of MPEG-1 and MPEG-2 video, including shareware,
+ * are subject to royalty fees to patent holders. Many of these patents are
+ * general enough such that they are unavoidable regardless of implementation
+ * design.
+ *
+ */
+ #include <stdio.h>
+ #include <stdlib.h>
+ #include <ctype.h>
+ #include <fcntl.h>
+ #define GLOBAL
+ #include "config.h"
+ #include "global.h"
+ /* private prototypes */
+ static int video_sequence _ANSI_ARGS_((int *framenum));
+ static int Decode_Bitstream _ANSI_ARGS_((void));
+ static int Headers _ANSI_ARGS_((void));
+ static void Initialize_Sequence _ANSI_ARGS_((void));
+ static void Initialize_Decoder _ANSI_ARGS_((void));
+ static void Deinitialize_Sequence _ANSI_ARGS_((void));
+ static void Process_Options _ANSI_ARGS_((int argc, char *argv[]));
+ #if OLD
+ static int Get_Val _ANSI_ARGS_((char *argv[]));
+ #endif
+ /* #define DEBUG */
+ static void Clear_Options();
+ #ifdef DEBUG
+ static void Print_Options();
+ #endif
+ int main(argc,argv)
+ int argc;
+ char *argv[];
+ {
+ int ret, code;
+ Clear_Options();
+ /* decode command line arguments */
+ Process_Options(argc,argv);
+ #ifdef DEBUG
+ Print_Options();
+ #endif
+ ld = &base; /* select base layer context */
+ /* open MPEG base layer bitstream file(s) */
+ /* NOTE: this is either a base layer stream or a spatial enhancement stream */
+ if ((base.Infile=open(Main_Bitstream_Filename,O_RDONLY|O_BINARY))<0)
+ {
+ fprintf(stderr,"Base layer input file %s not found\n", Main_Bitstream_Filename);
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ if(base.Infile != 0)
+ {
+ Initialize_Buffer();
+ if(Show_Bits(8)==0x47)
+ {
+ sprintf(Error_Text,"Decoder currently does not parse transport streams\n");
+ Error(Error_Text);
+ }
+ next_start_code();
+ code = Show_Bits(32);
+ switch(code)
+ {
+ break;
+ System_Stream_Flag = 1;
+ System_Stream_Flag = 1;
+ break;
+ default:
+ sprintf(Error_Text,"Unable to recognize stream type\n");
+ Error(Error_Text);
+ break;
+ }
+ lseek(base.Infile, 0l, 0);
+ Initialize_Buffer();
+ }
+ if(base.Infile!=0)
+ {
+ lseek(base.Infile, 0l, 0);
+ }
+ Initialize_Buffer();
+ if(Two_Streams)
+ {
+ ld = &enhan; /* select enhancement layer context */
+ if ((enhan.Infile = open(Enhancement_Layer_Bitstream_Filename,O_RDONLY|O_BINARY))<0)
+ {
+ sprintf(Error_Text,"enhancment layer bitstream file %s not found\n",
+ Enhancement_Layer_Bitstream_Filename);
+ Error(Error_Text);
+ }
+ Initialize_Buffer();
+ ld = &base;
+ }
+ Initialize_Decoder();
+ ret = Decode_Bitstream();
+ close(base.Infile);
+ if (Two_Streams)
+ close(enhan.Infile);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ /* IMPLEMENTAION specific rouintes */
+ static void Initialize_Decoder()
+ {
+ int i;
+ /* Clip table */
+ if (!(Clip=(unsigned char *)malloc(1024)))
+ Error("Clip[] malloc failed\n");
+ Clip += 384;
+ for (i=-384; i<640; i++)
+ Clip[i] = (i<0) ? 0 : ((i>255) ? 255 : i);
+ /* IDCT */
+ if (Reference_IDCT_Flag)
+ Initialize_Reference_IDCT();
+ else
+ Initialize_Fast_IDCT();
+ }
+ /* mostly IMPLEMENTAION specific rouintes */
+ static void Initialize_Sequence()
+ {
+ int cc, size;
+ static int Table_6_20[3] = {6,8,12};
+ /* check scalability mode of enhancement layer */
+ if (Two_Streams && (enhan.scalable_mode!=SC_SNR) && (base.scalable_mode!=SC_DP))
+ Error("unsupported scalability mode\n");
+ /* force MPEG-1 parameters for proper decoder behavior */
+ /* see ISO/IEC 13818-2 section D.9.14 */
+ if (!base.MPEG2_Flag)
+ {
+ progressive_sequence = 1;
+ progressive_frame = 1;
+ picture_structure = FRAME_PICTURE;
+ frame_pred_frame_dct = 1;
+ chroma_format = CHROMA420;
+ matrix_coefficients = 5;
+ }
+ /* round to nearest multiple of coded macroblocks */
+ /* ISO/IEC 13818-2 section 6.3.3 sequence_header() */
+ mb_width = (horizontal_size+15)/16;
+ mb_height = (base.MPEG2_Flag && !progressive_sequence) ? 2*((vertical_size+31)/32)
+ : (vertical_size+15)/16;
+ Coded_Picture_Width = 16*mb_width;
+ Coded_Picture_Height = 16*mb_height;
+ /* ISO/IEC 13818-2 sections,, and */
+ Chroma_Width = (chroma_format==CHROMA444) ? Coded_Picture_Width
+ : Coded_Picture_Width>>1;
+ Chroma_Height = (chroma_format!=CHROMA420) ? Coded_Picture_Height
+ : Coded_Picture_Height>>1;
+ /* derived based on Table 6-20 in ISO/IEC 13818-2 section 6.3.17 */
+ block_count = Table_6_20[chroma_format-1];
+ for (cc=0; cc<3; cc++)
+ {
+ if (cc==0)
+ size = Coded_Picture_Width*Coded_Picture_Height;
+ else
+ size = Chroma_Width*Chroma_Height;
+ if (!(backward_reference_frame[cc] = (unsigned char *)malloc(size)))
+ Error("backward_reference_frame[] malloc failed\n");
+ if (!(forward_reference_frame[cc] = (unsigned char *)malloc(size)))
+ Error("forward_reference_frame[] malloc failed\n");
+ if (!(auxframe[cc] = (unsigned char *)malloc(size)))
+ Error("auxframe[] malloc failed\n");
+ if(Ersatz_Flag)
+ if (!(substitute_frame[cc] = (unsigned char *)malloc(size)))
+ Error("substitute_frame[] malloc failed\n");
+ if (base.scalable_mode==SC_SPAT)
+ {
+ /* this assumes lower layer is 4:2:0 */
+ if (!(llframe0[cc] = (unsigned char *)malloc((lower_layer_prediction_horizontal_size*lower_layer_prediction_vertical_size)/(cc?4:1))))
+ Error("llframe0 malloc failed\n");
+ if (!(llframe1[cc] = (unsigned char *)malloc((lower_layer_prediction_horizontal_size*lower_layer_prediction_vertical_size)/(cc?4:1))))
+ Error("llframe1 malloc failed\n");
+ }
+ }
+ /* SCALABILITY: Spatial */
+ if (base.scalable_mode==SC_SPAT)
+ {
+ if (!(lltmp = (short *)malloc(lower_layer_prediction_horizontal_size*((lower_layer_prediction_vertical_size*vertical_subsampling_factor_n)/vertical_subsampling_factor_m)*sizeof(short))))
+ Error("lltmp malloc failed\n");
+ }
+ #ifdef DISPLAY
+ if (Output_Type==T_X11)
+ {
+ Initialize_Display_Process("");
+ Initialize_Dither_Matrix();
+ }
+ #endif /* DISPLAY */
+ }
+ void Error(text)
+ char *text;
+ {
+ fprintf(stderr,text);
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ /* Trace_Flag output */
+ void Print_Bits(code,bits,len)
+ int code,bits,len;
+ {
+ int i;
+ for (i=0; i<len; i++)
+ printf("%d",(code>>(bits-1-i))&1);
+ }
+ /* option processing */
+ static void Process_Options(argc,argv)
+ int argc; /* argument count */
+ char *argv[]; /* argument vector */
+ {
+ int i, LastArg, NextArg;
+ /* at least one argument should be present */
+ if (argc<2)
+ {
+ printf("\n%s, %s\n",Version,Author);
+ printf("Usage: mpeg2decode {options}\n\
+ Options: -b file main bitstream (base or spatial enhancement layer)\n\
+ -cn file conformance report (n: level)\n\
+ -e file enhancement layer bitstream (SNR or Data Partitioning)\n\
+ -f store/display interlaced video in frame format\n\
+ -g concatenated file format for substitution method (-x)\n\
+ -in file information & statistics report (n: level)\n\
+ -l file file name pattern for lower layer sequence\n\
+ (for spatial scalability)\n\
+ -on file output format (0:YUV 1:SIF 2:TGA 3:PPM 4:X11 5:X11HiQ)\n\
+ -q disable warnings to stderr\n\
+ -r use double precision reference IDCT\n\
+ -t enable low level tracing to stdout\n\
+ -u file print user_data to stdio or file\n\
+ -vn verbose output (n: level)\n\
+ -x file filename pattern of picture substitution sequence\n\n\
+ File patterns: for sequential filenames, \"printf\" style, e.g. rec%%d\n\
+ or rec%%d%%c for fieldwise storage\n\
+ Levels: 0:none 1:sequence 2:picture 3:slice 4:macroblock 5:block\n\n\
+ Example: mpeg2decode -b bitstream.mpg -f -r -o0 rec%%d\n\
+ \n");
+ exit(0);
+ }
+ Output_Type = -1;
+ i = 1;
+ /* command-line options are proceeded by '-' */
+ while(i < argc)
+ {
+ /* check if this is the last argument */
+ LastArg = ((argc-i)==1);
+ /* parse ahead to see if another flag immediately follows current
+ argument (this is used to tell if a filename is missing) */
+ if(!LastArg)
+ NextArg = (argv[i+1][0]=='-');
+ else
+ NextArg = 0;
+ /* second character, [1], after '-' is the switch */
+ if(argv[i][0]=='-')
+ {
+ switch(toupper(argv[i][1]))
+ {
+ /* third character. [2], is the value */
+ case 'B':
+ Main_Bitstream_Flag = 1;
+ if(NextArg || LastArg)
+ {
+ printf("ERROR: -b must be followed the main bitstream filename\n");
+ }
+ else
+ Main_Bitstream_Filename = argv[++i];
+ break;
+ case 'C':
+ #ifdef VERIFY
+ Verify_Flag = atoi(&argv[i][2]);
+ if((Verify_Flag < NO_LAYER) || (Verify_Flag > ALL_LAYERS))
+ {
+ printf("ERROR: -c level (%d) out of range [%d,%d]\n",
+ Verify_Flag, NO_LAYER, ALL_LAYERS);
+ exit(ERROR);
+ }
+ #else /* VERIFY */
+ printf("This program not compiled for Verify_Flag option\n");
+ #endif /* VERIFY */
+ break;
+ case 'E':
+ Two_Streams = 1; /* either Data Partitioning (DP) or SNR Scalability enhancment */
+ if(NextArg || LastArg)
+ {
+ printf("ERROR: -e must be followed by filename\n");
+ exit(ERROR);
+ }
+ else
+ Enhancement_Layer_Bitstream_Filename = argv[++i];
+ break;
+ case 'F':
+ Frame_Store_Flag = 1;
+ break;
+ case 'G':
+ Big_Picture_Flag = 1;
+ break;
+ case 'I':
+ #ifdef VERIFY
+ Stats_Flag = atoi(&argv[i][2]);
+ #else /* VERIFY */
+ printf("WARNING: This program not compiled for -i option\n");
+ #endif /* VERIFY */
+ break;
+ case 'L': /* spatial scalability flag */
+ Spatial_Flag = 1;
+ if(NextArg || LastArg)
+ {
+ printf("ERROR: -l must be followed by filename\n");
+ exit(ERROR);
+ }
+ else
+ Lower_Layer_Picture_Filename = argv[++i];
+ break;
+ case 'O':
+ Output_Type = atoi(&argv[i][2]);
+ if((Output_Type==4) || (Output_Type==5))
+ Output_Picture_Filename = ""; /* no need of filename */
+ else if(NextArg || LastArg)
+ {
+ printf("ERROR: -o must be followed by filename\n");
+ exit(ERROR);
+ }
+ else
+ /* filename is separated by space, so it becomes the next argument */
+ Output_Picture_Filename = argv[++i];
+ #ifdef DISPLAY
+ if (Output_Type==T_X11HIQ)
+ {
+ hiQdither = 1;
+ Output_Type=T_X11;
+ }
+ #endif /* DISPLAY */
+ break;
+ case 'Q':
+ Quiet_Flag = 1;
+ break;
+ case 'R':
+ Reference_IDCT_Flag = 1;
+ break;
+ case 'T':
+ #ifdef TRACE
+ Trace_Flag = 1;
+ #else /* TRACE */
+ printf("WARNING: This program not compiled for -t option\n");
+ #endif /* TRACE */
+ break;
+ case 'U':
+ User_Data_Flag = 1;
+ case 'V':
+ #ifdef VERBOSE
+ Verbose_Flag = atoi(&argv[i][2]);
+ #else /* VERBOSE */
+ printf("This program not compiled for -v option\n");
+ #endif /* VERBOSE */
+ break;
+ case 'X':
+ Ersatz_Flag = 1;
+ if(NextArg || LastArg)
+ {
+ printf("ERROR: -x must be followed by filename\n");
+ exit(ERROR);
+ }
+ else
+ Substitute_Picture_Filename = argv[++i];
+ break;
+ default:
+ fprintf(stderr,"undefined option -%c ignored. Exiting program\n",
+ argv[i][1]);
+ exit(ERROR);
+ } /* switch() */
+ } /* if argv[i][0] == '-' */
+ i++;
+ /* check for bitstream filename argument (there must always be one, at the very end
+ of the command line arguments */
+ } /* while() */
+ /* options sense checking */
+ if(Main_Bitstream_Flag!=1)
+ {
+ printf("There must be a main bitstream specified (-b filename)\n");
+ }
+ /* force display process to show frame pictures */
+ if((Output_Type==4 || Output_Type==5) && Frame_Store_Flag)
+ Display_Progressive_Flag = 1;
+ else
+ Display_Progressive_Flag = 0;
+ #ifdef VERIFY
+ /* parse the bitstream, do not actually decode it completely */
+ #if 0
+ if(Output_Type==-1)
+ {
+ Decode_Layer = Verify_Flag;
+ printf("FYI: Decoding bitstream elements up to: %s\n",
+ Layer_Table[Decode_Layer]);
+ }
+ else
+ #endif
+ Decode_Layer = ALL_LAYERS;
+ #endif /* VERIFY */
+ /* no output type specified */
+ if(Output_Type==-1)
+ {
+ Output_Type = 9;
+ Output_Picture_Filename = "";
+ }
+ #ifdef DISPLAY
+ if (Output_Type==T_X11)
+ {
+ if(Frame_Store_Flag)
+ Display_Progressive_Flag = 1;
+ else
+ Display_Progressive_Flag = 0;
+ Frame_Store_Flag = 1; /* to avoid calling dither() twice */
+ }
+ #endif
+ }
+ #ifdef OLD
+ /*
+ this is an old routine used to convert command line arguments
+ into integers
+ */
+ static int Get_Val(argv)
+ char *argv[];
+ {
+ int val;
+ if (sscanf(argv[1]+2,"%d",&val)!=1)
+ return 0;
+ while (isdigit(argv[1][2]))
+ argv[1]++;
+ return val;
+ }
+ #endif
+ static int Headers()
+ {
+ int ret;
+ ld = &base;
+ /* return when end of sequence (0) or picture
+ header has been parsed (1) */
+ ret = Get_Hdr();
+ if (Two_Streams)
+ {
+ ld = &enhan;
+ if (Get_Hdr()!=ret && !Quiet_Flag)
+ fprintf(stderr,"streams out of sync\n");
+ ld = &base;
+ }
+ return ret;
+ }
+ static int Decode_Bitstream()
+ {
+ int ret;
+ int Bitstream_Framenum;
+ Bitstream_Framenum = 0;
+ for(;;)
+ {
+ #ifdef VERIFY
+ Clear_Verify_Headers();
+ #endif /* VERIFY */
+ ret = Headers();
+ if(ret==1)
+ {
+ ret = video_sequence(&Bitstream_Framenum);
+ }
+ else
+ return(ret);
+ }
+ }
+ static void Deinitialize_Sequence()
+ {
+ int i;
+ /* clear flags */
+ base.MPEG2_Flag=0;
+ for(i=0;i<3;i++)
+ {
+ free(backward_reference_frame[i]);
+ free(forward_reference_frame[i]);
+ free(auxframe[i]);
+ if (base.scalable_mode==SC_SPAT)
+ {
+ free(llframe0[i]);
+ free(llframe1[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ if (base.scalable_mode==SC_SPAT)
+ free(lltmp);
+ #ifdef DISPLAY
+ if (Output_Type==T_X11)
+ Terminate_Display_Process();
+ #endif
+ }
+ static int video_sequence(Bitstream_Framenumber)
+ int *Bitstream_Framenumber;
+ {
+ int Bitstream_Framenum;
+ int Sequence_Framenum;
+ int Return_Value;
+ Bitstream_Framenum = *Bitstream_Framenumber;
+ Sequence_Framenum=0;
+ Initialize_Sequence();
+ /* decode picture whose header has already been parsed in
+ Decode_Bitstream() */
+ Decode_Picture(Bitstream_Framenum, Sequence_Framenum);
+ /* update picture numbers */
+ if (!Second_Field)
+ {
+ Bitstream_Framenum++;
+ Sequence_Framenum++;
+ }
+ /* loop through the rest of the pictures in the sequence */
+ while ((Return_Value=Headers()))
+ {
+ Decode_Picture(Bitstream_Framenum, Sequence_Framenum);
+ if (!Second_Field)
+ {
+ Bitstream_Framenum++;
+ Sequence_Framenum++;
+ }
+ }
+ /* put last frame */
+ if (Sequence_Framenum!=0)
+ {
+ Output_Last_Frame_of_Sequence(Bitstream_Framenum);
+ }
+ Deinitialize_Sequence();
+ #ifdef VERIFY
+ Clear_Verify_Headers();
+ #endif /* VERIFY */
+ *Bitstream_Framenumber = Bitstream_Framenum;
+ return(Return_Value);
+ }
+ static void Clear_Options()
+ {
+ Verbose_Flag = 0;
+ Output_Type = 0;
+ Output_Picture_Filename = " ";
+ hiQdither = 0;
+ Output_Type = 0;
+ Frame_Store_Flag = 0;
+ Spatial_Flag = 0;
+ Lower_Layer_Picture_Filename = " ";
+ Reference_IDCT_Flag = 0;
+ Trace_Flag = 0;
+ Quiet_Flag = 0;
+ Ersatz_Flag = 0;
+ Substitute_Picture_Filename = " ";
+ Two_Streams = 0;
+ Enhancement_Layer_Bitstream_Filename = " ";
+ Big_Picture_Flag = 0;
+ Main_Bitstream_Flag = 0;
+ Main_Bitstream_Filename = " ";
+ Verify_Flag = 0;
+ Stats_Flag = 0;
+ User_Data_Flag = 0;
+ }
+ #ifdef DEBUG
+ static void Print_Options()
+ {
+ printf("Verbose_Flag = %d\n", Verbose_Flag);
+ printf("Output_Type = %d\n", Output_Type);
+ printf("Output_Picture_Filename = %s\n", Output_Picture_Filename);
+ printf("hiQdither = %d\n", hiQdither);
+ printf("Output_Type = %d\n", Output_Type);
+ printf("Frame_Store_Flag = %d\n", Frame_Store_Flag);
+ printf("Spatial_Flag = %d\n", Spatial_Flag);
+ printf("Lower_Layer_Picture_Filename = %s\n", Lower_Layer_Picture_Filename);
+ printf("Reference_IDCT_Flag = %d\n", Reference_IDCT_Flag);
+ printf("Trace_Flag = %d\n", Trace_Flag);
+ printf("Quiet_Flag = %d\n", Quiet_Flag);
+ printf("Ersatz_Flag = %d\n", Ersatz_Flag);
+ printf("Substitute_Picture_Filename = %s\n", Substitute_Picture_Filename);
+ printf("Two_Streams = %d\n", Two_Streams);
+ printf("Enhancement_Layer_Bitstream_Filename = %s\n", Enhancement_Layer_Bitstream_Filename);
+ printf("Big_Picture_Flag = %d\n", Big_Picture_Flag);
+ printf("Main_Bitstream_Flag = %d\n", Main_Bitstream_Flag);
+ printf("Main_Bitstream_Filename = %s\n", Main_Bitstream_Filename);
+ printf("Verify_Flag = %d\n", Verify_Flag);
+ printf("Stats_Flag = %d\n", Stats_Flag);
+ printf("User_Data_Flag = %d\n", User_Data_Flag);
+ }
+ #endif
Index: llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/mediabench/mpeg2/mpeg2dec/mpeg2dec.h
diff -c /dev/null llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/mediabench/mpeg2/mpeg2dec/mpeg2dec.h:1.1
*** /dev/null Tue Jan 11 12:05:45 2005
--- llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/mediabench/mpeg2/mpeg2dec/mpeg2dec.h Tue Jan 11 12:05:32 2005
*** 0 ****
--- 1,129 ----
+ /* mpeg2dec.h, MPEG specific defines */
+ /* Copyright (C) 1996, MPEG Software Simulation Group. All Rights Reserved. */
+ /*
+ * Disclaimer of Warranty
+ *
+ * These software programs are available to the user without any license fee or
+ * royalty on an "as is" basis. The MPEG Software Simulation Group disclaims
+ * any and all warranties, whether express, implied, or statuary, including any
+ * implied warranties or merchantability or of fitness for a particular
+ * purpose. In no event shall the copyright-holder be liable for any
+ * incidental, punitive, or consequential damages of any kind whatsoever
+ * arising from the use of these programs.
+ *
+ * This disclaimer of warranty extends to the user of these programs and user's
+ * customers, employees, agents, transferees, successors, and assigns.
+ *
+ * The MPEG Software Simulation Group does not represent or warrant that the
+ * programs furnished hereunder are free of infringement of any third-party
+ * patents.
+ *
+ * Commercial implementations of MPEG-1 and MPEG-2 video, including shareware,
+ * are subject to royalty fees to patent holders. Many of these patents are
+ * general enough such that they are unavoidable regardless of implementation
+ * design.
+ *
+ */
+ #define ERROR (-1)
+ #define PICTURE_START_CODE 0x100
+ #define SLICE_START_CODE_MIN 0x101
+ #define USER_DATA_START_CODE 0x1B2
+ #define SEQUENCE_END_CODE 0x1B7
+ #define GROUP_START_CODE 0x1B8
+ #define ISO_END_CODE 0x1B9
+ #define PACK_START_CODE 0x1BA
+ /* scalable_mode */
+ #define SC_NONE 0
+ #define SC_DP 1
+ #define SC_SPAT 2
+ #define SC_SNR 3
+ #define SC_TEMP 4
+ /* picture coding type */
+ #define I_TYPE 1
+ #define P_TYPE 2
+ #define B_TYPE 3
+ #define D_TYPE 4
+ /* picture structure */
+ #define TOP_FIELD 1
+ #define BOTTOM_FIELD 2
+ #define FRAME_PICTURE 3
+ /* macroblock type */
+ /* motion_type */
+ #define MC_FIELD 1
+ #define MC_FRAME 2
+ #define MC_16X8 2
+ #define MC_DMV 3
+ /* mv_format */
+ #define MV_FIELD 0
+ #define MV_FRAME 1
+ /* chroma_format */
+ #define CHROMA420 1
+ #define CHROMA422 2
+ #define CHROMA444 3
+ /* extension start code IDs */
+ #define ZIG_ZAG 0
+ #define PROFILE_422 (128+5)
+ #define MAIN_LEVEL 8
+ /* Layers: used by Verbose_Flag, Verifier_Flag, Stats_Flag, and Trace_Flag */
+ #define NO_LAYER 0
+ #define SEQUENCE_LAYER 1
+ #define PICTURE_LAYER 2
+ #define SLICE_LAYER 3
+ #define BLOCK_LAYER 5
+ #define EVENT_LAYER 6
+ #define ALL_LAYERS 7
+ #define FILENAME_LENGTH 256
+ #define MB_WEIGHT 32
+ #define MB_CLASS4 64
Index: llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/mediabench/mpeg2/mpeg2dec/recon.c
diff -c /dev/null llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/mediabench/mpeg2/mpeg2dec/recon.c:1.1
*** /dev/null Tue Jan 11 12:05:45 2005
--- llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/mediabench/mpeg2/mpeg2dec/recon.c Tue Jan 11 12:05:32 2005
*** 0 ****
--- 1,467 ----
+ /* Predict.c, motion compensation routines */
+ /* Copyright (C) 1996, MPEG Software Simulation Group. All Rights Reserved. */
+ /*
+ * Disclaimer of Warranty
+ *
+ * These software programs are available to the user without any license fee or
+ * royalty on an "as is" basis. The MPEG Software Simulation Group disclaims
+ * any and all warranties, whether express, implied, or statuary, including any
+ * implied warranties or merchantability or of fitness for a particular
+ * purpose. In no event shall the copyright-holder be liable for any
+ * incidental, punitive, or consequential damages of any kind whatsoever
+ * arising from the use of these programs.
+ *
+ * This disclaimer of warranty extends to the user of these programs and user's
+ * customers, employees, agents, transferees, successors, and assigns.
+ *
+ * The MPEG Software Simulation Group does not represent or warrant that the
+ * programs furnished hereunder are free of infringement of any third-party
+ * patents.
+ *
+ * Commercial implementations of MPEG-1 and MPEG-2 video, including shareware,
+ * are subject to royalty fees to patent holders. Many of these patents are
+ * general enough such that they are unavoidable regardless of implementation
+ * design.
+ *
+ */
+ #include <stdio.h>
+ #include "config.h"
+ #include "global.h"
+ /* private prototypes */
+ static void form_prediction _ANSI_ARGS_((unsigned char *src[], int sfield,
+ unsigned char *dst[], int dfield,
+ int lx, int lx2, int w, int h, int x, int y, int dx, int dy,
+ int average_flag));
+ static void form_component_prediction _ANSI_ARGS_((unsigned char *src, unsigned char *dst,
+ int lx, int lx2, int w, int h, int x, int y, int dx, int dy, int average_flag));
+ void form_predictions(bx,by,macroblock_type,motion_type,PMV,motion_vertical_field_select,dmvector,stwtype)
+ int bx, by;
+ int macroblock_type;
+ int motion_type;
+ int PMV[2][2][2], motion_vertical_field_select[2][2], dmvector[2];
+ int stwtype;
+ {
+ int currentfield;
+ unsigned char **predframe;
+ int DMV[2][2];
+ int stwtop, stwbot;
+ stwtop = stwtype%3; /* 0:temporal, 1:(spat+temp)/2, 2:spatial */
+ stwbot = stwtype/3;
+ if ((macroblock_type & MACROBLOCK_MOTION_FORWARD)
+ || (picture_coding_type==P_TYPE))
+ {
+ if (picture_structure==FRAME_PICTURE)
+ {
+ if ((motion_type==MC_FRAME)
+ || !(macroblock_type & MACROBLOCK_MOTION_FORWARD))
+ {
+ /* frame-based prediction (broken into top and bottom halves
+ for spatial scalability prediction purposes) */
+ if (stwtop<2)
+ form_prediction(forward_reference_frame,0,current_frame,0,
+ Coded_Picture_Width,Coded_Picture_Width<<1,16,8,bx,by,
+ PMV[0][0][0],PMV[0][0][1],stwtop);
+ if (stwbot<2)
+ form_prediction(forward_reference_frame,1,current_frame,1,
+ Coded_Picture_Width,Coded_Picture_Width<<1,16,8,bx,by,
+ PMV[0][0][0],PMV[0][0][1],stwbot);
+ }
+ else if (motion_type==MC_FIELD) /* field-based prediction */
+ {
+ /* top field prediction */
+ if (stwtop<2)
+ form_prediction(forward_reference_frame,motion_vertical_field_select[0][0],
+ current_frame,0,Coded_Picture_Width<<1,Coded_Picture_Width<<1,16,8,
+ bx,by>>1,PMV[0][0][0],PMV[0][0][1]>>1,stwtop);
+ /* bottom field prediction */
+ if (stwbot<2)
+ form_prediction(forward_reference_frame,motion_vertical_field_select[1][0],
+ current_frame,1,Coded_Picture_Width<<1,Coded_Picture_Width<<1,16,8,
+ bx,by>>1,PMV[1][0][0],PMV[1][0][1]>>1,stwbot);
+ }
+ else if (motion_type==MC_DMV) /* dual prime prediction */
+ {
+ /* calculate derived motion vectors */
+ Dual_Prime_Arithmetic(DMV,dmvector,PMV[0][0][0],PMV[0][0][1]>>1);
+ if (stwtop<2)
+ {
+ /* predict top field from top field */
+ form_prediction(forward_reference_frame,0,current_frame,0,
+ Coded_Picture_Width<<1,Coded_Picture_Width<<1,16,8,bx,by>>1,
+ PMV[0][0][0],PMV[0][0][1]>>1,0);
+ /* predict and add to top field from bottom field */
+ form_prediction(forward_reference_frame,1,current_frame,0,
+ Coded_Picture_Width<<1,Coded_Picture_Width<<1,16,8,bx,by>>1,
+ DMV[0][0],DMV[0][1],1);
+ }
+ if (stwbot<2)
+ {
+ /* predict bottom field from bottom field */
+ form_prediction(forward_reference_frame,1,current_frame,1,
+ Coded_Picture_Width<<1,Coded_Picture_Width<<1,16,8,bx,by>>1,
+ PMV[0][0][0],PMV[0][0][1]>>1,0);
+ /* predict and add to bottom field from top field */
+ form_prediction(forward_reference_frame,0,current_frame,1,
+ Coded_Picture_Width<<1,Coded_Picture_Width<<1,16,8,bx,by>>1,
+ DMV[1][0],DMV[1][1],1);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ /* invalid motion_type */
+ printf("invalid motion_type\n");
+ }
+ else /* TOP_FIELD or BOTTOM_FIELD */
+ {
+ /* field picture */
+ currentfield = (picture_structure==BOTTOM_FIELD);
+ /* determine which frame to use for prediction */
+ if ((picture_coding_type==P_TYPE) && Second_Field
+ && (currentfield!=motion_vertical_field_select[0][0]))
+ predframe = backward_reference_frame; /* same frame */
+ else
+ predframe = forward_reference_frame; /* previous frame */
+ if ((motion_type==MC_FIELD)
+ || !(macroblock_type & MACROBLOCK_MOTION_FORWARD))
+ {
+ /* field-based prediction */
+ if (stwtop<2)
+ form_prediction(predframe,motion_vertical_field_select[0][0],current_frame,0,
+ Coded_Picture_Width<<1,Coded_Picture_Width<<1,16,16,bx,by,
+ PMV[0][0][0],PMV[0][0][1],stwtop);
+ }
+ else if (motion_type==MC_16X8)
+ {
+ if (stwtop<2)
+ {
+ form_prediction(predframe,motion_vertical_field_select[0][0],current_frame,0,
+ Coded_Picture_Width<<1,Coded_Picture_Width<<1,16,8,bx,by,
+ PMV[0][0][0],PMV[0][0][1],stwtop);
+ /* determine which frame to use for lower half prediction */
+ if ((picture_coding_type==P_TYPE) && Second_Field
+ && (currentfield!=motion_vertical_field_select[1][0]))
+ predframe = backward_reference_frame; /* same frame */
+ else
+ predframe = forward_reference_frame; /* previous frame */
+ form_prediction(predframe,motion_vertical_field_select[1][0],current_frame,0,
+ Coded_Picture_Width<<1,Coded_Picture_Width<<1,16,8,bx,by+8,
+ PMV[1][0][0],PMV[1][0][1],stwtop);
+ }
+ }
+ else if (motion_type==MC_DMV) /* dual prime prediction */
+ {
+ if (Second_Field)
+ predframe = backward_reference_frame; /* same frame */
+ else
+ predframe = forward_reference_frame; /* previous frame */
+ /* calculate derived motion vectors */
+ Dual_Prime_Arithmetic(DMV,dmvector,PMV[0][0][0],PMV[0][0][1]);
+ /* predict from field of same parity */
+ form_prediction(forward_reference_frame,currentfield,current_frame,0,
+ Coded_Picture_Width<<1,Coded_Picture_Width<<1,16,16,bx,by,
+ PMV[0][0][0],PMV[0][0][1],0);
+ /* predict from field of opposite parity */
+ form_prediction(predframe,!currentfield,current_frame,0,
+ Coded_Picture_Width<<1,Coded_Picture_Width<<1,16,16,bx,by,
+ DMV[0][0],DMV[0][1],1);
+ }
+ else
+ /* invalid motion_type */
+ printf("invalid motion_type\n");
+ }
+ stwtop = stwbot = 1;
+ }
+ if (macroblock_type & MACROBLOCK_MOTION_BACKWARD)
+ {
+ if (picture_structure==FRAME_PICTURE)
+ {
+ if (motion_type==MC_FRAME)
+ {
+ /* frame-based prediction */
+ if (stwtop<2)
+ form_prediction(backward_reference_frame,0,current_frame,0,
+ Coded_Picture_Width,Coded_Picture_Width<<1,16,8,bx,by,
+ PMV[0][1][0],PMV[0][1][1],stwtop);
+ if (stwbot<2)
+ form_prediction(backward_reference_frame,1,current_frame,1,
+ Coded_Picture_Width,Coded_Picture_Width<<1,16,8,bx,by,
+ PMV[0][1][0],PMV[0][1][1],stwbot);
+ }
+ else /* field-based prediction */
+ {
+ /* top field prediction */
+ if (stwtop<2)
+ form_prediction(backward_reference_frame,motion_vertical_field_select[0][1],
+ current_frame,0,Coded_Picture_Width<<1,Coded_Picture_Width<<1,16,8,
+ bx,by>>1,PMV[0][1][0],PMV[0][1][1]>>1,stwtop);
+ /* bottom field prediction */
+ if (stwbot<2)
+ form_prediction(backward_reference_frame,motion_vertical_field_select[1][1],
+ current_frame,1,Coded_Picture_Width<<1,Coded_Picture_Width<<1,16,8,
+ bx,by>>1,PMV[1][1][0],PMV[1][1][1]>>1,stwbot);
+ }
+ }
+ else /* TOP_FIELD or BOTTOM_FIELD */
+ {
+ /* field picture */
+ if (motion_type==MC_FIELD)
+ {
+ /* field-based prediction */
+ form_prediction(backward_reference_frame,motion_vertical_field_select[0][1],
+ current_frame,0,Coded_Picture_Width<<1,Coded_Picture_Width<<1,16,16,
+ bx,by,PMV[0][1][0],PMV[0][1][1],stwtop);
+ }
+ else if (motion_type==MC_16X8)
+ {
+ form_prediction(backward_reference_frame,motion_vertical_field_select[0][1],
+ current_frame,0,Coded_Picture_Width<<1,Coded_Picture_Width<<1,16,8,
+ bx,by,PMV[0][1][0],PMV[0][1][1],stwtop);
+ form_prediction(backward_reference_frame,motion_vertical_field_select[1][1],
+ current_frame,0,Coded_Picture_Width<<1,Coded_Picture_Width<<1,16,8,
+ bx,by+8,PMV[1][1][0],PMV[1][1][1],stwtop);
+ }
+ else
+ /* invalid motion_type */
+ printf("invalid motion_type\n");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ static void form_prediction(src,sfield,dst,dfield,lx,lx2,w,h,x,y,dx,dy,average_flag)
+ unsigned char *src[]; /* prediction source buffer */
+ int sfield; /* prediction source field number (0 or 1) */
+ unsigned char *dst[]; /* prediction destination buffer */
+ int dfield; /* prediction destination field number (0 or 1)*/
+ int lx,lx2; /* line strides */
+ int w,h; /* prediction block/sub-block width, height */
+ int x,y; /* pixel co-ordinates of top-left sample in current MB */
+ int dx,dy; /* horizontal, vertical prediction address */
+ int average_flag; /* add prediction error to prediction ? */
+ {
+ /* Y */
+ form_component_prediction(src[0]+(sfield?lx2>>1:0),dst[0]+(dfield?lx2>>1:0),
+ lx,lx2,w,h,x,y,dx,dy,average_flag);
+ if (chroma_format!=CHROMA444)
+ {
+ lx>>=1; lx2>>=1; w>>=1; x>>=1; dx/=2;
+ }
+ if (chroma_format==CHROMA420)
+ {
+ h>>=1; y>>=1; dy/=2;
+ }
+ /* Cb */
+ form_component_prediction(src[1]+(sfield?lx2>>1:0),dst[1]+(dfield?lx2>>1:0),
+ lx,lx2,w,h,x,y,dx,dy,average_flag);
+ /* Cr */
+ form_component_prediction(src[2]+(sfield?lx2>>1:0),dst[2]+(dfield?lx2>>1:0),
+ lx,lx2,w,h,x,y,dx,dy,average_flag);
+ }
+ /* ISO/IEC 13818-2 section 7.6.4: Forming predictions */
+ /* NOTE: the arithmetic below produces numerically equivalent results
+ * to 7.6.4, yet is more elegant. It differs in the following ways:
+ *
+ * 1. the vectors (dx, dy) are based on cartesian frame
+ * coordiantes along a half-pel grid (always positive numbers)
+ * In contrast, vector[r][s][t] are differential (with positive and
+ * negative values). As a result, deriving the integer vectors
+ * (int_vec[t]) from dx, dy is accomplished by a simple right shift.
+ *
+ * 2. Half pel flags (xh, yh) are equivalent to the LSB (Least
+ * Significant Bit) of the half-pel coordinates (dx,dy).
+ *
+ *
+ * NOTE: the work of combining predictions (ISO/IEC 13818-2 section 7.6.7)
+ * is distributed among several other stages. This is accomplished by
+ * folding line offsets into the source and destination (src,dst)
+ * addresses (note the call arguments to form_prediction() in Predict()),
+ * line stride variables lx and lx2, the block dimension variables (w,h),
+ * average_flag, and by the very order in which Predict() is called.
+ * This implementation design (implicitly different than the spec)
+ * was chosen for its elegance.
+ */
+ static void form_component_prediction(src,dst,lx,lx2,w,h,x,y,dx,dy,average_flag)
+ unsigned char *src;
+ unsigned char *dst;
+ int lx; /* raster line increment */
+ int lx2;
+ int w,h;
+ int x,y;
+ int dx,dy;
+ int average_flag; /* flag that signals bi-directional or Dual-Prime
+ averaging ( and if average_flag==1,
+ a previously formed prediction has been stored in
+ pel_pred[] */
+ {
+ int xint; /* horizontal integer sample vector: analogous to int_vec[0] */
+ int yint; /* vertical integer sample vectors: analogous to int_vec[1] */
+ int xh; /* horizontal half sample flag: analogous to half_flag[0] */
+ int yh; /* vertical half sample flag: analogous to half_flag[1] */
+ int i, j, v;
+ unsigned char *s; /* source pointer: analogous to pel_ref[][] */
+ unsigned char *d; /* destination pointer: analogous to pel_pred[][] */
+ /* half pel scaling for integer vectors */
+ xint = dx>>1;
+ yint = dy>>1;
+ /* derive half pel flags */
+ xh = dx & 1;
+ yh = dy & 1;
+ /* compute the linear address of pel_ref[][] and pel_pred[][]
+ based on cartesian/raster cordinates provided */
+ s = src + lx*(y+yint) + x + xint;
+ d = dst + lx*y + x;
+ if (!xh && !yh) /* no horizontal nor vertical half-pel */
+ {
+ if (average_flag)
+ {
+ for (j=0; j<h; j++)
+ {
+ for (i=0; i<w; i++)
+ {
+ v = d[i]+s[i];
+ d[i] = (v+(v>=0?1:0))>>1;
+ }
+ s+= lx2;
+ d+= lx2;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ for (j=0; j<h; j++)
+ {
+ for (i=0; i<w; i++)
+ {
+ d[i] = s[i];
+ }
+ s+= lx2;
+ d+= lx2;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if (!xh && yh) /* no horizontal but vertical half-pel */
+ {
+ if (average_flag)
+ {
+ for (j=0; j<h; j++)
+ {
+ for (i=0; i<w; i++)
+ {
+ v = d[i] + ((unsigned int)(s[i]+s[i+lx]+1)>>1);
+ d[i]=(v+(v>=0?1:0))>>1;
+ }
+ s+= lx2;
+ d+= lx2;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ for (j=0; j<h; j++)
+ {
+ for (i=0; i<w; i++)
+ {
+ d[i] = (unsigned int)(s[i]+s[i+lx]+1)>>1;
+ }
+ s+= lx2;
+ d+= lx2;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if (xh && !yh) /* horizontal but no vertical half-pel */
+ {
+ if (average_flag)
+ {
+ for (j=0; j<h; j++)
+ {
+ for (i=0; i<w; i++)
+ {
+ v = d[i] + ((unsigned int)(s[i]+s[i+1]+1)>>1);
+ d[i] = (v+(v>=0?1:0))>>1;
+ }
+ s+= lx2;
+ d+= lx2;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ for (j=0; j<h; j++)
+ {
+ for (i=0; i<w; i++)
+ {
+ d[i] = (unsigned int)(s[i]+s[i+1]+1)>>1;
+ }
+ s+= lx2;
+ d+= lx2;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else /* if (xh && yh) horizontal and vertical half-pel */
+ {
+ if (average_flag)
+ {
+ for (j=0; j<h; j++)
+ {
+ for (i=0; i<w; i++)
+ {
+ v = d[i] + ((unsigned int)(s[i]+s[i+1]+s[i+lx]+s[i+lx+1]+2)>>2);
+ d[i] = (v+(v>=0?1:0))>>1;
+ }
+ s+= lx2;
+ d+= lx2;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ for (j=0; j<h; j++)
+ {
+ for (i=0; i<w; i++)
+ {
+ d[i] = (unsigned int)(s[i]+s[i+1]+s[i+lx]+s[i+lx+1]+2)>>2;
+ }
+ s+= lx2;
+ d+= lx2;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
Index: llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/mediabench/mpeg2/mpeg2dec/spatscal.c
diff -c /dev/null llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/mediabench/mpeg2/mpeg2dec/spatscal.c:1.1
*** /dev/null Tue Jan 11 12:05:45 2005
--- llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/mediabench/mpeg2/mpeg2dec/spatscal.c Tue Jan 11 12:05:32 2005
*** 0 ****
--- 1,331 ----
+ #include <stdio.h>
+ #include "config.h"
+ #include "global.h"
+ /* private prototypes */
+ static void Read_Lower_Layer_Component_Framewise _ANSI_ARGS_((int comp, int lw, int lh));
+ static void Read_Lower_Layer_Component_Fieldwise _ANSI_ARGS_((int comp, int lw, int lh));
+ static void Make_Spatial_Prediction_Frame _ANSI_ARGS_((int progressive_frame,
+ int llprogressive_frame, unsigned char *fld0, unsigned char *fld1,
+ short *tmp, unsigned char *dst, int llx0, int lly0, int llw, int llh,
+ int horizontal_size, int vertical_size, int vm, int vn, int hm, int hn,
+ int aperture));
+ static void Deinterlace _ANSI_ARGS_((unsigned char *fld0, unsigned char *fld1,
+ int j0, int lx, int ly, int aperture));
+ static void Subsample_Vertical _ANSI_ARGS_((unsigned char *s, short *d,
+ int lx, int lys, int lyd, int m, int n, int j0, int dj));
+ static void Subsample_Horizontal _ANSI_ARGS_((short *s, unsigned char *d,
+ int x0, int lx, int lxs, int lxd, int ly, int m, int n));
+ /* get reference frame */
+ void Spatial_Prediction()
+ {
+ if(Frame_Store_Flag)
+ {
+ Read_Lower_Layer_Component_Framewise(0,lower_layer_prediction_horizontal_size,
+ lower_layer_prediction_vertical_size); /* Y */
+ Read_Lower_Layer_Component_Framewise(1,lower_layer_prediction_horizontal_size>>1,
+ lower_layer_prediction_vertical_size>>1); /* Cb ("U") */
+ Read_Lower_Layer_Component_Framewise(2,lower_layer_prediction_horizontal_size>>1,
+ lower_layer_prediction_vertical_size>>1); /* Cr ("V") */
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Read_Lower_Layer_Component_Fieldwise(0,lower_layer_prediction_horizontal_size,
+ lower_layer_prediction_vertical_size); /* Y */
+ Read_Lower_Layer_Component_Fieldwise(1,lower_layer_prediction_horizontal_size>>1,
+ lower_layer_prediction_vertical_size>>1); /* Cb ("U") */
+ Read_Lower_Layer_Component_Fieldwise(2,lower_layer_prediction_horizontal_size>>1,
+ lower_layer_prediction_vertical_size>>1); /* Cr ("V") */
+ }
+ Make_Spatial_Prediction_Frame /* Y */
+ (progressive_frame,lower_layer_progressive_frame,llframe0[0],llframe1[0],
+ lltmp,current_frame[0],lower_layer_horizontal_offset,
+ lower_layer_vertical_offset,
+ lower_layer_prediction_horizontal_size,
+ lower_layer_prediction_vertical_size,
+ horizontal_size,vertical_size,vertical_subsampling_factor_m,
+ vertical_subsampling_factor_n,horizontal_subsampling_factor_m,
+ horizontal_subsampling_factor_n,
+ picture_structure!=FRAME_PICTURE); /* this changed from CD to DIS */
+ Make_Spatial_Prediction_Frame /* Cb */
+ (progressive_frame,lower_layer_progressive_frame,llframe0[1],llframe1[1],
+ lltmp,current_frame[1],lower_layer_horizontal_offset/2,
+ lower_layer_vertical_offset/2,
+ lower_layer_prediction_horizontal_size>>1,
+ lower_layer_prediction_vertical_size>>1,
+ horizontal_size>>1,vertical_size>>1,vertical_subsampling_factor_m,
+ vertical_subsampling_factor_n,horizontal_subsampling_factor_m,
+ horizontal_subsampling_factor_n,1);
+ Make_Spatial_Prediction_Frame /* Cr */
+ (progressive_frame,lower_layer_progressive_frame,llframe0[2],llframe1[2],
+ lltmp,current_frame[2],lower_layer_horizontal_offset/2,
+ lower_layer_vertical_offset/2,
+ lower_layer_prediction_horizontal_size>>1,
+ lower_layer_prediction_vertical_size>>1,
+ horizontal_size>>1,vertical_size>>1,vertical_subsampling_factor_m,
+ vertical_subsampling_factor_n,horizontal_subsampling_factor_m,
+ horizontal_subsampling_factor_n,1);
+ }
+ static void Read_Lower_Layer_Component_Framewise(comp,lw,lh)
+ int comp;
+ int lw, lh;
+ {
+ FILE *fd;
+ char fname[256];
+ char ext[3][3] = {".Y",".U",".V"};
+ /* char *ext = {".Y",".U",".V"}; */
+ int i,j;
+ sprintf(fname,Lower_Layer_Picture_Filename,True_Framenum);
+ strcat(fname,ext[comp]);
+ #ifdef VERBOSE
+ if (Verbose_Flag>1)
+ printf("reading %s\n",fname);
+ #endif VERBOSE
+ fd=fopen(fname,"rb");
+ if (fd==NULL) exit(-1);
+ for (j=0; j<lh; j++) {
+ for (i=0; i<lw; i++)
+ llframe0[comp][lw*j+i]=getc(fd);
+ if (! lower_layer_progressive_frame) {
+ j++;
+ for (i=0; i<lw; i++)
+ llframe1[comp][lw*j+i]=getc(fd);
+ }
+ }
+ fclose(fd);
+ }
+ static void Read_Lower_Layer_Component_Fieldwise(comp,lw,lh)
+ int comp;
+ int lw, lh;
+ {
+ FILE *fd;
+ char fname[256];
+ char ext[3][3] = {".Y",".U",".V"};
+ /* char *ext = {".Y",".U",".V"}; */
+ int i,j;
+ sprintf(fname,Lower_Layer_Picture_Filename,True_Framenum,lower_layer_progressive_frame ? 'f':'a');
+ strcat(fname,ext[comp]);
+ #ifdef VERBOSE
+ if (Verbose_Flag>1)
+ printf("reading %s\n",fname);
+ #endif VERBOSE
+ fd=fopen(fname,"rb");
+ if (fd==NULL) exit(-1);
+ for (j=0; j<lh; j+=lower_layer_progressive_frame?1:2)
+ for (i=0; i<lw; i++)
+ llframe0[comp][lw*j+i]=getc(fd);
+ fclose(fd);
+ if (! lower_layer_progressive_frame) {
+ sprintf(fname,Lower_Layer_Picture_Filename,True_Framenum,'b');
+ strcat(fname,ext[comp]);
+ #ifdef VERBOSE
+ if (Verbose_Flag>1)
+ printf("reading %s\n",fname);
+ #endif VERBOSE
+ fd=fopen(fname,"rb");
+ if (fd==NULL) exit(-1);
+ for (j=1; j<lh; j+=2)
+ for (i=0; i<lw; i++)
+ llframe1[comp][lw*j+i]=getc(fd);
+ fclose(fd);
+ }
+ }
+ /* form spatial prediction */
+ static void Make_Spatial_Prediction_Frame(progressive_frame,
+ llprogressive_frame,fld0,fld1,tmp,dst,llx0,lly0,llw,llh,horizontal_size,
+ vertical_size,vm,vn,hm,hn,aperture)
+ int progressive_frame,llprogressive_frame;
+ unsigned char *fld0,*fld1;
+ short *tmp;
+ unsigned char *dst;
+ int llx0,lly0,llw,llh,horizontal_size,vertical_size,vm,vn,hm,hn,aperture;
+ {
+ int w, h, x0, llw2, llh2;
+ llw2 = (llw*hn)/hm;
+ llh2 = (llh*vn)/vm;
+ if (llprogressive_frame)
+ {
+ /* progressive -> progressive / interlaced */
+ Subsample_Vertical(fld0,tmp,llw,llh,llh2,vm,vn,0,1);
+ }
+ else if (progressive_frame)
+ {
+ /* interlaced -> progressive */
+ if (lower_layer_deinterlaced_field_select)
+ {
+ Deinterlace(fld1,fld0,0,llw,llh,aperture);
+ Subsample_Vertical(fld1,tmp,llw,llh,llh2,vm,vn,0,1);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Deinterlace(fld0,fld1,1,llw,llh,aperture);
+ Subsample_Vertical(fld0,tmp,llw,llh,llh2,vm,vn,0,1);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* interlaced -> interlaced */
+ Deinterlace(fld0,fld1,1,llw,llh,aperture);
+ Deinterlace(fld1,fld0,0,llw,llh,aperture);
+ Subsample_Vertical(fld0,tmp,llw,llh,llh2,vm,vn,0,2);
+ Subsample_Vertical(fld1,tmp,llw,llh,llh2,vm,vn,1,2);
+ }
+ /* vertical limits */
+ if (lly0<0)
+ {
+ tmp-= llw*lly0;
+ llh2+= lly0;
+ if (llh2<0)
+ llh2 = 0;
+ h = (vertical_size<llh2) ? vertical_size : llh2;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ dst+= horizontal_size*lly0;
+ h= vertical_size - lly0;
+ if (h>llh2)
+ h = llh2;
+ }
+ /* horizontal limits */
+ if (llx0<0)
+ {
+ x0 = -llx0;
+ llw2+= llx0;
+ if (llw2<0)
+ llw2 = 0;
+ w = (horizontal_size<llw2) ? horizontal_size : llw2;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ dst+= llx0;
+ x0 = 0;
+ w = horizontal_size - llx0;
+ if (w>llw2)
+ w = llw2;
+ }
+ Subsample_Horizontal(tmp,dst,x0,w,llw,horizontal_size,h,hm,hn);
+ }
+ /* deinterlace one field (interpolate opposite parity samples)
+ *
+ * deinterlacing is done in-place: if j0=1, fld0 contains the input field in
+ * its even lines and the odd lines are interpolated by this routine
+ * if j0=0, the input field is in the odd lines and the even lines are
+ * interpolated
+ *
+ * fld0: field to be deinterlaced
+ * fld1: other field (referenced by the two field aperture filter)
+ * j0: 0: interpolate even (top) lines, 1: interpolate odd (bottom) lines
+ * lx: width of fld0 and fld1
+ * ly: height of the deinterlaced field (has to be even)
+ * aperture: 1: use one field aperture filter (two field otherwise)
+ */
+ static void Deinterlace(fld0,fld1,j0,lx,ly,aperture)
+ unsigned char *fld0,*fld1;
+ int j0,lx,ly; /* ly has to be even */
+ int aperture;
+ {
+ int i,j,v;
+ unsigned char *p0, *p0m1, *p0p1, *p1, *p1m2, *p1p2;
+ /* deinterlace one field */
+ for (j=j0; j<ly; j+=2)
+ {
+ p0 = fld0+lx*j;
+ p0m1 = (j==0) ? p0+lx : p0-lx;
+ p0p1 = (j==ly-1) ? p0-lx : p0+lx;
+ if (aperture)
+ for (i=0; i<lx; i++)
+ p0[i] = (unsigned int)(p0m1[i] + p0p1[i] + 1)>>1;
+ else
+ {
+ p1 = fld1 + lx*j;
+ p1m2 = (j<2) ? p1 : p1-2*lx;
+ p1p2 = (j>=ly-2) ? p1 : p1+2*lx;
+ for (i=0; i<lx; i++)
+ {
+ v = 8*(p0m1[i]+p0p1[i]) + 2*p1[i] - p1m2[i] - p1p2[i];
+ p0[i] = Clip[(v + ((v>=0) ? 8 : 7))>>4];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* vertical resampling */
+ static void Subsample_Vertical(s,d,lx,lys,lyd,m,n,j0,dj)
+ unsigned char *s;
+ short *d;
+ int lx, lys, lyd, m, n, j0, dj;
+ {
+ int i, j, c1, c2, jd;
+ unsigned char *s1, *s2;
+ short *d1;
+ for (j=j0; j<lyd; j+=dj)
+ {
+ d1 = d + lx*j;
+ jd = (j*m)/n;
+ s1 = s + lx*jd;
+ s2 = (jd<lys-1)? s1+lx : s1;
+ c2 = (16*((j*m)%n) + (n>>1))/n;
+ c1 = 16 - c2;
+ for (i=0; i<lx; i++)
+ d1[i] = c1*s1[i] + c2*s2[i];
+ }
+ }
+ /* horizontal resampling */
+ static void Subsample_Horizontal(s,d,x0,lx,lxs,lxd,ly,m,n)
+ short *s;
+ unsigned char *d;
+ int x0, lx, lxs, lxd, ly, m, n;
+ {
+ int i, i1, j, id, c1, c2, v;
+ short *s1, *s2;
+ unsigned char *d1;
+ for (i1=0; i1<lx; i1++)
+ {
+ d1 = d + i1;
+ i = x0 + i1;
+ id = (i*m)/n;
+ s1 = s+id;
+ s2 = (id<lxs-1) ? s1+1 : s1;
+ c2 = (16*((i*m)%n) + (n>>1))/n;
+ c1 = 16 - c2;
+ for (j=0; j<ly; j++)
+ {
+ v = c1*(*s1) + c2*(*s2);
+ *d1 = (v + ((v>=0) ? 128 : 127))>>8;
+ d1+= lxd;
+ s1+= lxs;
+ s2+= lxs;
+ }
+ }
+ }
Index: llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/mediabench/mpeg2/mpeg2dec/store.c
diff -c /dev/null llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/mediabench/mpeg2/mpeg2dec/store.c:1.1
*** /dev/null Tue Jan 11 12:05:45 2005
--- llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/mediabench/mpeg2/mpeg2dec/store.c Tue Jan 11 12:05:32 2005
*** 0 ****
--- 1,576 ----
+ /* store.c, picture output routines */
+ /* Copyright (C) 1996, MPEG Software Simulation Group. All Rights Reserved. */
+ /*
+ * Disclaimer of Warranty
+ *
+ * These software programs are available to the user without any license fee or
+ * royalty on an "as is" basis. The MPEG Software Simulation Group disclaims
+ * any and all warranties, whether express, implied, or statuary, including any
+ * implied warranties or merchantability or of fitness for a particular
+ * purpose. In no event shall the copyright-holder be liable for any
+ * incidental, punitive, or consequential damages of any kind whatsoever
+ * arising from the use of these programs.
+ *
+ * This disclaimer of warranty extends to the user of these programs and user's
+ * customers, employees, agents, transferees, successors, and assigns.
+ *
+ * The MPEG Software Simulation Group does not represent or warrant that the
+ * programs furnished hereunder are free of infringement of any third-party
+ * patents.
+ *
+ * Commercial implementations of MPEG-1 and MPEG-2 video, including shareware,
+ * are subject to royalty fees to patent holders. Many of these patents are
+ * general enough such that they are unavoidable regardless of implementation
+ * design.
+ *
+ */
+ #include <stdio.h>
+ #include <stdlib.h>
+ #include <fcntl.h>
+ #include "config.h"
+ #include "global.h"
+ /* private prototypes */
+ static void store_one _ANSI_ARGS_((char *outname, unsigned char *src[],
+ int offset, int incr, int height));
+ static void store_yuv _ANSI_ARGS_((char *outname, unsigned char *src[],
+ int offset, int incr, int height));
+ static void store_sif _ANSI_ARGS_((char *outname, unsigned char *src[],
+ int offset, int incr, int height));
+ static void store_ppm_tga _ANSI_ARGS_((char *outname, unsigned char *src[],
+ int offset, int incr, int height, int tgaflag));
+ static void store_yuv1 _ANSI_ARGS_((char *name, unsigned char *src,
+ int offset, int incr, int width, int height));
+ static void putbyte _ANSI_ARGS_((int c));
+ static void putword _ANSI_ARGS_((int w));
+ static void conv422to444 _ANSI_ARGS_((unsigned char *src, unsigned char *dst));
+ static void conv420to422 _ANSI_ARGS_((unsigned char *src, unsigned char *dst));
+ #define OBFRSIZE 4096
+ static unsigned char obfr[OBFRSIZE];
+ static unsigned char *optr;
+ static int outfile;
+ /*
+ * store a picture as either one frame or two fields
+ */
+ void Write_Frame(src,frame)
+ unsigned char *src[];
+ int frame;
+ {
+ char outname[FILENAME_LENGTH];
+ if (progressive_sequence || progressive_frame || Frame_Store_Flag)
+ {
+ /* progressive */
+ sprintf(outname,Output_Picture_Filename,frame,'f');
+ store_one(outname,src,0,Coded_Picture_Width,vertical_size);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* interlaced */
+ sprintf(outname,Output_Picture_Filename,frame,'a');
+ store_one(outname,src,0,Coded_Picture_Width<<1,vertical_size>>1);
+ sprintf(outname,Output_Picture_Filename,frame,'b');
+ store_one(outname,src,
+ Coded_Picture_Width,Coded_Picture_Width<<1,vertical_size>>1);
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ * store one frame or one field
+ */
+ static void store_one(outname,src,offset,incr,height)
+ char *outname;
+ unsigned char *src[];
+ int offset, incr, height;
+ {
+ switch (Output_Type)
+ {
+ case T_YUV:
+ store_yuv(outname,src,offset,incr,height);
+ break;
+ case T_SIF:
+ store_sif(outname,src,offset,incr,height);
+ break;
+ case T_TGA:
+ store_ppm_tga(outname,src,offset,incr,height,1);
+ break;
+ case T_PPM:
+ store_ppm_tga(outname,src,offset,incr,height,0);
+ break;
+ #ifdef DISPLAY
+ case T_X11:
+ dither(src);
+ break;
+ #endif
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ /* separate headerless files for y, u and v */
+ static void store_yuv(outname,src,offset,incr,height)
+ char *outname;
+ unsigned char *src[];
+ int offset,incr,height;
+ {
+ int hsize;
+ char tmpname[FILENAME_LENGTH];
+ hsize = horizontal_size;
+ sprintf(tmpname,"%s.Y",outname);
+ store_yuv1(tmpname,src[0],offset,incr,hsize,height);
+ if (chroma_format!=CHROMA444)
+ {
+ offset>>=1; incr>>=1; hsize>>=1;
+ }
+ if (chroma_format==CHROMA420)
+ {
+ height>>=1;
+ }
+ sprintf(tmpname,"%s.U",outname);
+ store_yuv1(tmpname,src[1],offset,incr,hsize,height);
+ sprintf(tmpname,"%s.V",outname);
+ store_yuv1(tmpname,src[2],offset,incr,hsize,height);
+ }
+ /* auxiliary routine */
+ static void store_yuv1(name,src,offset,incr,width,height)
+ char *name;
+ unsigned char *src;
+ int offset,incr,width,height;
+ {
+ int i, j;
+ unsigned char *p;
+ if (!Quiet_Flag)
+ fprintf(stderr,"saving %s\n",name);
+ if ((outfile = open(name,O_CREAT|O_TRUNC|O_WRONLY|O_BINARY,0666))==-1)
+ {
+ sprintf(Error_Text,"Couldn't create %s\n",name);
+ Error(Error_Text);
+ }
+ optr=obfr;
+ for (i=0; i<height; i++)
+ {
+ p = src + offset + incr*i;
+ for (j=0; j<width; j++)
+ putbyte(*p++);
+ }
+ if (optr!=obfr)
+ write(outfile,obfr,optr-obfr);
+ close(outfile);
+ }
+ /*
+ * store as headerless file in U,Y,V,Y format
+ */
+ static void store_sif (outname,src,offset,incr,height)
+ char *outname;
+ unsigned char *src[];
+ int offset, incr, height;
+ {
+ int i,j;
+ unsigned char *py, *pu, *pv;
+ static unsigned char *u422, *v422;
+ if (chroma_format==CHROMA444)
+ Error("4:4:4 not supported for SIF format");
+ if (chroma_format==CHROMA422)
+ {
+ u422 = src[1];
+ v422 = src[2];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (!u422)
+ {
+ if (!(u422 = (unsigned char *)malloc((Coded_Picture_Width>>1)
+ *Coded_Picture_Height)))
+ Error("malloc failed");
+ if (!(v422 = (unsigned char *)malloc((Coded_Picture_Width>>1)
+ *Coded_Picture_Height)))
+ Error("malloc failed");
+ }
+ conv420to422(src[1],u422);
+ conv420to422(src[2],v422);
+ }
+ strcat(outname,".SIF");
+ if (!Quiet_Flag)
+ fprintf(stderr,"saving %s\n",outname);
+ if ((outfile = open(outname,O_CREAT|O_TRUNC|O_WRONLY|O_BINARY,0666))==-1)
+ {
+ sprintf(Error_Text,"Couldn't create %s\n",outname);
+ Error(Error_Text);
+ }
+ optr = obfr;
+ for (i=0; i<height; i++)
+ {
+ py = src[0] + offset + incr*i;
+ pu = u422 + (offset>>1) + (incr>>1)*i;
+ pv = v422 + (offset>>1) + (incr>>1)*i;
+ for (j=0; j<horizontal_size; j+=2)
+ {
+ putbyte(*pu++);
+ putbyte(*py++);
+ putbyte(*pv++);
+ putbyte(*py++);
+ }
+ }
+ if (optr!=obfr)
+ write(outfile,obfr,optr-obfr);
+ close(outfile);
+ }
+ /*
+ * store as PPM (PBMPLUS) or uncompressed Truevision TGA ('Targa') file
+ */
+ static void store_ppm_tga(outname,src,offset,incr,height,tgaflag)
+ char *outname;
+ unsigned char *src[];
+ int offset, incr, height;
+ int tgaflag;
+ {
+ int i, j;
+ int y, u, v, r, g, b;
+ int crv, cbu, cgu, cgv;
+ unsigned char *py, *pu, *pv;
+ static unsigned char tga24[14] = {0,0,2,0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0,0,24,32};
+ char header[FILENAME_LENGTH];
+ static unsigned char *u422, *v422, *u444, *v444;
+ if (chroma_format==CHROMA444)
+ {
+ u444 = src[1];
+ v444 = src[2];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (!u444)
+ {
+ if (chroma_format==CHROMA420)
+ {
+ if (!(u422 = (unsigned char *)malloc((Coded_Picture_Width>>1)
+ *Coded_Picture_Height)))
+ Error("malloc failed");
+ if (!(v422 = (unsigned char *)malloc((Coded_Picture_Width>>1)
+ *Coded_Picture_Height)))
+ Error("malloc failed");
+ }
+ if (!(u444 = (unsigned char *)malloc(Coded_Picture_Width
+ *Coded_Picture_Height)))
+ Error("malloc failed");
+ if (!(v444 = (unsigned char *)malloc(Coded_Picture_Width
+ *Coded_Picture_Height)))
+ Error("malloc failed");
+ }
+ if (chroma_format==CHROMA420)
+ {
+ conv420to422(src[1],u422);
+ conv420to422(src[2],v422);
+ conv422to444(u422,u444);
+ conv422to444(v422,v444);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ conv422to444(src[1],u444);
+ conv422to444(src[2],v444);
+ }
+ }
+ strcat(outname,tgaflag ? ".tga" : ".ppm");
+ if (!Quiet_Flag)
+ fprintf(stderr,"saving %s\n",outname);
+ if ((outfile = open(outname,O_CREAT|O_TRUNC|O_WRONLY|O_BINARY,0666))==-1)
+ {
+ sprintf(Error_Text,"Couldn't create %s\n",outname);
+ Error(Error_Text);
+ }
+ optr = obfr;
+ if (tgaflag)
+ {
+ /* TGA header */
+ for (i=0; i<12; i++)
+ putbyte(tga24[i]);
+ putword(horizontal_size); putword(height);
+ putbyte(tga24[12]); putbyte(tga24[13]);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* PPM header */
+ sprintf(header,"P6\n%d %d\n255\n",horizontal_size,height);
+ for (i=0; header[i]!=0; i++)
+ putbyte(header[i]);
+ }
+ /* matrix coefficients */
+ crv = Inverse_Table_6_9[matrix_coefficients][0];
+ cbu = Inverse_Table_6_9[matrix_coefficients][1];
+ cgu = Inverse_Table_6_9[matrix_coefficients][2];
+ cgv = Inverse_Table_6_9[matrix_coefficients][3];
+ for (i=0; i<height; i++)
+ {
+ py = src[0] + offset + incr*i;
+ pu = u444 + offset + incr*i;
+ pv = v444 + offset + incr*i;
+ for (j=0; j<horizontal_size; j++)
+ {
+ u = *pu++ - 128;
+ v = *pv++ - 128;
+ y = 76309 * (*py++ - 16); /* (255/219)*65536 */
+ r = Clip[(y + crv*v + 32768)>>16];
+ g = Clip[(y - cgu*u - cgv*v + 32768)>>16];
+ b = Clip[(y + cbu*u + 32786)>>16];
+ if (tgaflag)
+ {
+ putbyte(b); putbyte(g); putbyte(r);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ putbyte(r); putbyte(g); putbyte(b);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (optr!=obfr)
+ write(outfile,obfr,optr-obfr);
+ close(outfile);
+ }
+ static void putbyte(c)
+ int c;
+ {
+ *optr++ = c;
+ if (optr == obfr+OBFRSIZE)
+ {
+ write(outfile,obfr,OBFRSIZE);
+ optr = obfr;
+ }
+ }
+ static void putword(w)
+ int w;
+ {
+ putbyte(w); putbyte(w>>8);
+ }
+ /* horizontal 1:2 interpolation filter */
+ static void conv422to444(src,dst)
+ unsigned char *src,*dst;
+ {
+ int i, i2, w, j, im3, im2, im1, ip1, ip2, ip3;
+ w = Coded_Picture_Width>>1;
+ if (base.MPEG2_Flag)
+ {
+ for (j=0; j<Coded_Picture_Height; j++)
+ {
+ for (i=0; i<w; i++)
+ {
+ i2 = i<<1;
+ im2 = (i<2) ? 0 : i-2;
+ im1 = (i<1) ? 0 : i-1;
+ ip1 = (i<w-1) ? i+1 : w-1;
+ ip2 = (i<w-2) ? i+2 : w-1;
+ ip3 = (i<w-3) ? i+3 : w-1;
+ /* FIR filter coefficients (*256): 21 0 -52 0 159 256 159 0 -52 0 21 */
+ /* even samples (0 0 256 0 0) */
+ dst[i2] = src[i];
+ /* odd samples (21 -52 159 159 -52 21) */
+ dst[i2+1] = Clip[(int)(21*(src[im2]+src[ip3])
+ -52*(src[im1]+src[ip2])
+ +159*(src[i]+src[ip1])+128)>>8];
+ }
+ src+= w;
+ dst+= Coded_Picture_Width;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ for (j=0; j<Coded_Picture_Height; j++)
+ {
+ for (i=0; i<w; i++)
+ {
+ i2 = i<<1;
+ im3 = (i<3) ? 0 : i-3;
+ im2 = (i<2) ? 0 : i-2;
+ im1 = (i<1) ? 0 : i-1;
+ ip1 = (i<w-1) ? i+1 : w-1;
+ ip2 = (i<w-2) ? i+2 : w-1;
+ ip3 = (i<w-3) ? i+3 : w-1;
+ /* FIR filter coefficients (*256): 5 -21 70 228 -37 11 */
+ dst[i2] = Clip[(int)( 5*src[im3]
+ -21*src[im2]
+ +70*src[im1]
+ +228*src[i]
+ -37*src[ip1]
+ +11*src[ip2]+128)>>8];
+ dst[i2+1] = Clip[(int)( 5*src[ip3]
+ -21*src[ip2]
+ +70*src[ip1]
+ +228*src[i]
+ -37*src[im1]
+ +11*src[im2]+128)>>8];
+ }
+ src+= w;
+ dst+= Coded_Picture_Width;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* vertical 1:2 interpolation filter */
+ static void conv420to422(src,dst)
+ unsigned char *src,*dst;
+ {
+ int w, h, i, j, j2;
+ int jm6, jm5, jm4, jm3, jm2, jm1, jp1, jp2, jp3, jp4, jp5, jp6, jp7;
+ w = Coded_Picture_Width>>1;
+ h = Coded_Picture_Height>>1;
+ if (progressive_frame)
+ {
+ /* intra frame */
+ for (i=0; i<w; i++)
+ {
+ for (j=0; j<h; j++)
+ {
+ j2 = j<<1;
+ jm3 = (j<3) ? 0 : j-3;
+ jm2 = (j<2) ? 0 : j-2;
+ jm1 = (j<1) ? 0 : j-1;
+ jp1 = (j<h-1) ? j+1 : h-1;
+ jp2 = (j<h-2) ? j+2 : h-1;
+ jp3 = (j<h-3) ? j+3 : h-1;
+ /* FIR filter coefficients (*256): 5 -21 70 228 -37 11 */
+ /* New FIR filter coefficients (*256): 3 -16 67 227 -32 7 */
+ dst[w*j2] = Clip[(int)( 3*src[w*jm3]
+ -16*src[w*jm2]
+ +67*src[w*jm1]
+ +227*src[w*j]
+ -32*src[w*jp1]
+ +7*src[w*jp2]+128)>>8];
+ dst[w*(j2+1)] = Clip[(int)( 3*src[w*jp3]
+ -16*src[w*jp2]
+ +67*src[w*jp1]
+ +227*src[w*j]
+ -32*src[w*jm1]
+ +7*src[w*jm2]+128)>>8];
+ }
+ src++;
+ dst++;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* intra field */
+ for (i=0; i<w; i++)
+ {
+ for (j=0; j<h; j+=2)
+ {
+ j2 = j<<1;
+ /* top field */
+ jm6 = (j<6) ? 0 : j-6;
+ jm4 = (j<4) ? 0 : j-4;
+ jm2 = (j<2) ? 0 : j-2;
+ jp2 = (j<h-2) ? j+2 : h-2;
+ jp4 = (j<h-4) ? j+4 : h-2;
+ jp6 = (j<h-6) ? j+6 : h-2;
+ /* Polyphase FIR filter coefficients (*256): 2 -10 35 242 -18 5 */
+ /* New polyphase FIR filter coefficients (*256): 1 -7 30 248 -21 5 */
+ dst[w*j2] = Clip[(int)( 1*src[w*jm6]
+ -7*src[w*jm4]
+ +30*src[w*jm2]
+ +248*src[w*j]
+ -21*src[w*jp2]
+ +5*src[w*jp4]+128)>>8];
+ /* Polyphase FIR filter coefficients (*256): 11 -38 192 113 -30 8 */
+ /* New polyphase FIR filter coefficients (*256):7 -35 194 110 -24 4 */
+ dst[w*(j2+2)] = Clip[(int)( 7*src[w*jm4]
+ -35*src[w*jm2]
+ +194*src[w*j]
+ +110*src[w*jp2]
+ -24*src[w*jp4]
+ +4*src[w*jp6]+128)>>8];
+ /* bottom field */
+ jm5 = (j<5) ? 1 : j-5;
+ jm3 = (j<3) ? 1 : j-3;
+ jm1 = (j<1) ? 1 : j-1;
+ jp1 = (j<h-1) ? j+1 : h-1;
+ jp3 = (j<h-3) ? j+3 : h-1;
+ jp5 = (j<h-5) ? j+5 : h-1;
+ jp7 = (j<h-7) ? j+7 : h-1;
+ /* Polyphase FIR filter coefficients (*256): 11 -38 192 113 -30 8 */
+ /* New polyphase FIR filter coefficients (*256):7 -35 194 110 -24 4 */
+ dst[w*(j2+1)] = Clip[(int)( 7*src[w*jp5]
+ -35*src[w*jp3]
+ +194*src[w*jp1]
+ +110*src[w*jm1]
+ -24*src[w*jm3]
+ +4*src[w*jm5]+128)>>8];
+ dst[w*(j2+3)] = Clip[(int)( 1*src[w*jp7]
+ -7*src[w*jp5]
+ +30*src[w*jp3]
+ +248*src[w*jp1]
+ -21*src[w*jm1]
+ +5*src[w*jm3]+128)>>8];
+ }
+ src++;
+ dst++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
Index: llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/mediabench/mpeg2/mpeg2dec/subspic.c
diff -c /dev/null llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/mediabench/mpeg2/mpeg2dec/subspic.c:1.1
*** /dev/null Tue Jan 11 12:05:45 2005
--- llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/mediabench/mpeg2/mpeg2dec/subspic.c Tue Jan 11 12:05:32 2005
*** 0 ****
--- 1,392 ----
+ /* #define DEBUG */
+ /* subspic.c, Frame buffer substitution routines */
+ /* Copyright (C) 1996, MPEG Software Simulation Group. All Rights Reserved. */
+ /*
+ * Disclaimer of Warranty
+ *
+ * These software programs are available to the user without any license fee or
+ * royalty on an "as is" basis. The MPEG Software Simulation Group disclaims
+ * any and all warranties, whether express, implied, or statuary, including any
+ * implied warranties or merchantability or of fitness for a particular
+ * purpose. In no event shall the copyright-holder be liable for any
+ * incidental, punitive, or consequential damages of any kind whatsoever
+ * arising from the use of these programs.
+ *
+ * This disclaimer of warranty extends to the user of these programs and user's
+ * customers, employees, agents, transferees, successors, and assigns.
+ *
+ * The MPEG Software Simulation Group does not represent or warrant that the
+ * programs furnished hereunder are free of infringement of any third-party
+ * patents.
+ *
+ * Commercial implementations of MPEG-1 and MPEG-2 video, including shareware,
+ * are subject to royalty fees to patent holders. Many of these patents are
+ * general enough such that they are unavoidable regardless of implementation
+ * design.
+ *
+ */
+ #include <stdio.h>
+ #include <stdlib.h>
+ #include <fcntl.h>
+ #include "config.h"
+ #include "global.h"
+ /* private prototypes*/
+ static void Read_Frame _ANSI_ARGS_((char *filename,
+ unsigned char *frame_buffer[], int framenum));
+ static void Copy_Frame _ANSI_ARGS_((unsigned char *src, unsigned char *dst,
+ int width, int height, int parity, int incr));
+ static int Read_Components _ANSI_ARGS_ ((char *filename,
+ unsigned char *frame[3], int framenum));
+ static int Read_Component _ANSI_ARGS_ ((char *fname, unsigned char *frame,
+ int width, int height));
+ static int Extract_Components _ANSI_ARGS_ ((char *filename,
+ unsigned char *frame[3], int framenum));
+ /* substitute frame buffer routine */
+ void Substitute_Frame_Buffer (bitstream_framenum, sequence_framenum)
+ int bitstream_framenum;
+ int sequence_framenum;
+ {
+ /* static tracking variables */
+ static int previous_temporal_reference;
+ static int previous_bitstream_framenum;
+ static int previous_anchor_temporal_reference;
+ static int previous_anchor_bitstream_framenum;
+ static int previous_picture_coding_type;
+ static int bgate;
+ /* local temporary variables */
+ int substitute_display_framenum;
+ #ifdef DEBUG
+ printf("SUB: seq fn(%d) bitfn(%d) tempref(%d) picstr(%d) type(%d)\n",
+ sequence_framenum, bitstream_framenum, temporal_reference,
+ picture_structure, picture_coding_type);
+ #endif
+ /* we don't substitute at the first picture of a sequence */
+ if((sequence_framenum!=0)||(Second_Field))
+ {
+ /* only at the start of the frame */
+ if ((picture_structure==FRAME_PICTURE)||(!Second_Field))
+ {
+ if(picture_coding_type==P_TYPE)
+ {
+ /* the most recently decoded reference frame needs substituting */
+ substitute_display_framenum = bitstream_framenum - 1;
+ Read_Frame(Substitute_Picture_Filename, forward_reference_frame,
+ substitute_display_framenum);
+ }
+ /* only the first B frame in a consequitve set of B pictures
+ loads a substitute backward_reference_frame since all subsequent
+ B frames predict from the same reference pictures */
+ else if((picture_coding_type==B_TYPE)&&(bgate!=1))
+ {
+ substitute_display_framenum =
+ (previous_temporal_reference - temporal_reference)
+ + bitstream_framenum - 1;
+ Read_Frame(Substitute_Picture_Filename, backward_reference_frame,
+ substitute_display_framenum);
+ }
+ } /* P fields can predict from the two most recently decoded fields, even
+ from the first field of the same frame being decoded */
+ else if(Second_Field && (picture_coding_type==P_TYPE))
+ {
+ /* our favourite case: the IP field picture pair */
+ if((previous_picture_coding_type==I_TYPE)&&(picture_coding_type==P_TYPE))
+ {
+ substitute_display_framenum = bitstream_framenum;
+ }
+ else /* our more generic P field picture pair */
+ {
+ substitute_display_framenum =
+ (temporal_reference - previous_anchor_temporal_reference)
+ + bitstream_framenum - 1;
+ }
+ Read_Frame(Substitute_Picture_Filename, current_frame, substitute_display_framenum);
+ }
+ #ifdef DEBUG
+ else if((picture_coding_type!=B_TYPE)||(picture_coding_type!=D_TYPE))
+ {
+ }
+ #endif
+ }
+ /* set b gate so we don't redundantly load next time around */
+ if(picture_coding_type==B_TYPE)
+ bgate = 1;
+ else
+ bgate = 0;
+ /* update general tracking variables */
+ if((picture_structure==FRAME_PICTURE)||(!Second_Field))
+ {
+ previous_temporal_reference = temporal_reference;
+ previous_bitstream_framenum = bitstream_framenum;
+ }
+ /* update reference frame tracking variables */
+ if((picture_coding_type!=B_TYPE) &&
+ ((picture_structure==FRAME_PICTURE)||Second_Field))
+ {
+ previous_anchor_temporal_reference = temporal_reference;
+ previous_anchor_bitstream_framenum = bitstream_framenum;
+ }
+ previous_picture_coding_type = picture_coding_type;
+ }
+ /* Note: fields are only read to serve as the same-frame reference for
+ a second field */
+ static void Read_Frame(fname,frame,framenum)
+ char *fname;
+ unsigned char *frame[];
+ int framenum;
+ {
+ int parity;
+ int rerr = 0;
+ int field_mode;
+ if(framenum<0)
+ printf("ERROR: framenum (%d) is less than zero\n", framenum);
+ if(Big_Picture_Flag)
+ rerr = Extract_Components(fname, substitute_frame, framenum);
+ else
+ rerr = Read_Components(fname, substitute_frame, framenum);
+ if(rerr!=0)
+ {
+ printf("was unable to substitute frame\n");
+ }
+ /* now copy to the appropriate buffer */
+ /* first field (which we are attempting to substitute) must be
+ of opposite field parity to the current one */
+ if((Second_Field)&&(picture_coding_type==P_TYPE))
+ {
+ parity = (picture_structure==TOP_FIELD ? 1:0);
+ field_mode = (picture_structure==FRAME_PICTURE ? 0:1);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* Like frame structued pictures, B pictures only substitute an entire frame
+ since both fields always predict from the same frame (with respect
+ to forward/backwards directions) */
+ parity = 0;
+ field_mode = 0;
+ }
+ Copy_Frame(substitute_frame[0], frame[0], Coded_Picture_Width,
+ Coded_Picture_Height, parity, field_mode);
+ Copy_Frame(substitute_frame[1], frame[1], Chroma_Width, Chroma_Height,
+ parity, field_mode);
+ Copy_Frame(substitute_frame[2], frame[2], Chroma_Width, Chroma_Height,
+ parity, field_mode);
+ #ifdef VERBOSE
+ if(Verbose_Flag > NO_LAYER)
+ printf("substituted %s %d\n",
+ (field_mode ? (parity?"bottom field":"bottom field"):"frame"), framenum);
+ #endif
+ }
+ static int Read_Components(filename, frame, framenum)
+ char *filename;
+ unsigned char *frame[3];
+ int framenum;
+ {
+ int err = 0;
+ char outname[FILENAME_LENGTH];
+ char name[FILENAME_LENGTH];
+ sprintf(outname,filename,framenum);
+ sprintf(name,"%s.Y",outname);
+ err += Read_Component(name, frame[0], Coded_Picture_Width,
+ Coded_Picture_Height);
+ sprintf(name,"%s.U",outname);
+ err += Read_Component(name, frame[1], Chroma_Width, Chroma_Height);
+ sprintf(name,"%s.V",outname);
+ err += Read_Component(name, frame[2], Chroma_Width, Chroma_Height);
+ return(err);
+ }
+ static int Read_Component(Filename, Frame, Width, Height)
+ char *Filename;
+ unsigned char *Frame;
+ int Width;
+ int Height;
+ {
+ int Size;
+ int Bytes_Read;
+ int Infile;
+ Size = Width*Height;
+ #ifdef DEBUG
+ printf("SUBS: reading %s\n", filename);
+ #endif
+ if(!(Infile=open(Filename,O_RDONLY|O_BINARY))<0)
+ {
+ printf("ERROR: unable to open reference filename (%s)\n", Filename);
+ return(-1);
+ }
+ Bytes_Read = read(Infile, Frame, Size);
+ if(Bytes_Read!=Size)
+ {
+ printf("was able to read only %d bytes of %d of file %s\n",
+ Bytes_Read, Size, Filename);
+ }
+ close(Infile);
+ return(0);
+ }
+ /* optimization: do not open the big file each time. Open once at start
+ of decoder, and close at the very last frame */
+ /* Note: "big" files were used in E-mail exchanges almost exclusively by the
+ MPEG Committee's syntax validation and conformance ad-hoc groups from
+ the year 1993 until 1995 */
+ static int Extract_Components(filename, frame, framenum)
+ char *filename;
+ unsigned char *frame[3];
+ int framenum;
+ {
+ /* int err = 0; */
+ FILE *fd;
+ int line;
+ int size, offset;
+ if (!(fd = fopen(filename,"rb")))
+ {
+ sprintf(Error_Text,"Couldn't open %s\n",filename);
+ return(-1);
+ }
+ /* compute size of each frame (in bytes) */
+ size = (Coded_Picture_Width*Coded_Picture_Height);
+ if(chroma_format==CHROMA444)
+ size = (size * 3);
+ else if(chroma_format==CHROMA422)
+ size = (size * 2);
+ else if(chroma_format==CHROMA420)
+ size = ((size*3)>>1);
+ else
+ printf("ERROR: chroma_format (%d) not recognized\n", chroma_format);
+ /* compute distance into "big" file */
+ offset = size*framenum;
+ #ifdef DEBUG
+ printf("EXTRACTING: frame(%d) offset(%d), size (%d) from %s\n",
+ framenum, offset, size, filename);
+ #endif
+ /* seek to location in big file where desired frame begins */
+ /* note: this offset cannot exceed a few billion bytes due to the */
+ /* obvious limitations of 32-bit integers */
+ fseek(fd, offset, 0);
+ /* Y */
+ for (line=0; line<Coded_Picture_Height; line++)
+ {
+ fread(frame[0]+(line*Coded_Picture_Width),1,Coded_Picture_Width,fd);
+ }
+ /* Cb */
+ for (line=0; line<Chroma_Height; line++)
+ {
+ fread(frame[1]+(line*Chroma_Width),1,Chroma_Width,fd);
+ }
+ /* Cr */
+ for (line=0; line<Chroma_Height; line++)
+ {
+ fread(frame[2]+(line*Chroma_Width),1,Chroma_Width,fd);
+ }
+ fclose(fd);
+ return(0);
+ }
+ static void Copy_Frame(src, dst, width, height, parity, field_mode)
+ unsigned char *src;
+ unsigned char *dst;
+ int width;
+ int height;
+ int parity; /* field parity (top or bottom) to overwrite */
+ int field_mode; /* 0 = frame, 1 = field */
+ {
+ int row, col;
+ int s, d;
+ int incr;
+ s = d = 0;
+ #ifdef DEBUG
+ printf("COPYING (w=%d, h=%d, parity=%d, field_mode=%d)\n",
+ width,height,parity,field_mode);
+ #endif /* DEBUG */
+ if(field_mode)
+ {
+ incr = 2;
+ if(parity==0)
+ s += width;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ incr = 1;
+ }
+ for(row=0; row<height; row+=incr)
+ {
+ for(col=0; col<width; col++)
+ {
+ dst[d+col] = src[s+col];
+ }
+ d += (width*incr);
+ s += (width*incr);
+ }
+ }
Index: llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/mediabench/mpeg2/mpeg2dec/systems.c
diff -c /dev/null llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/mediabench/mpeg2/mpeg2dec/systems.c:1.1
*** /dev/null Tue Jan 11 12:05:45 2005
--- llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/mediabench/mpeg2/mpeg2dec/systems.c Tue Jan 11 12:05:32 2005
*** 0 ****
--- 1,200 ----
+ /* systems.c, systems-specific routines */
+ /* Copyright (C) 1996, MPEG Software Simulation Group. All Rights Reserved. */
+ /*
+ * Disclaimer of Warranty
+ *
+ * These software programs are available to the user without any license fee or
+ * royalty on an "as is" basis. The MPEG Software Simulation Group disclaims
+ * any and all warranties, whether express, implied, or statuary, including any
+ * implied warranties or merchantability or of fitness for a particular
+ * purpose. In no event shall the copyright-holder be liable for any
+ * incidental, punitive, or consequential damages of any kind whatsoever
+ * arising from the use of these programs.
+ *
+ * This disclaimer of warranty extends to the user of these programs and user's
+ * customers, employees, agents, transferees, successors, and assigns.
+ *
+ * The MPEG Software Simulation Group does not represent or warrant that the
+ * programs furnished hereunder are free of infringement of any third-party
+ * patents.
+ *
+ * Commercial implementations of MPEG-1 and MPEG-2 video, including shareware,
+ * are subject to royalty fees to patent holders. Many of these patents are
+ * general enough such that they are unavoidable regardless of implementation
+ * design.
+ *
+ */
+ #include <stdio.h>
+ #include <stdlib.h>
+ #include "config.h"
+ #include "global.h"
+ /* initialize buffer, call once before first getbits or showbits */
+ /* parse system layer, ignore everything we don't need */
+ void Next_Packet()
+ {
+ unsigned int code;
+ int l;
+ for(;;)
+ {
+ code = Get_Long();
+ /* remove system layer byte stuffing */
+ while ((code & 0xffffff00) != 0x100)
+ code = (code<<8) | Get_Byte();
+ switch(code)
+ {
+ case PACK_START_CODE: /* pack header */
+ /* skip pack header (system_clock_reference and mux_rate) */
+ ld->Rdptr += 8;
+ break;
+ code = Get_Word(); /* packet_length */
+ ld->Rdmax = ld->Rdptr + code;
+ code = Get_Byte();
+ if((code>>6)==0x02)
+ {
+ ld->Rdptr++;
+ code=Get_Byte(); /* parse PES_header_data_length */
+ ld->Rdptr+=code; /* advance pointer by PES_header_data_length */
+ printf("MPEG-2 PES packet\n");
+ return;
+ }
+ else if(code==0xff)
+ {
+ /* parse MPEG-1 packet header */
+ while((code=Get_Byte())== 0xFF);
+ }
+ /* stuffing bytes */
+ if(code>=0x40)
+ {
+ if(code>=0x80)
+ {
+ fprintf(stderr,"Error in packet header\n");
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ /* skip STD_buffer_scale */
+ ld->Rdptr++;
+ code = Get_Byte();
+ }
+ if(code>=0x30)
+ {
+ if(code>=0x40)
+ {
+ fprintf(stderr,"Error in packet header\n");
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ /* skip presentation and decoding time stamps */
+ ld->Rdptr += 9;
+ }
+ else if(code>=0x20)
+ {
+ /* skip presentation time stamps */
+ ld->Rdptr += 4;
+ }
+ else if(code!=0x0f)
+ {
+ fprintf(stderr,"Error in packet header\n");
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ return;
+ case ISO_END_CODE: /* end */
+ /* simulate a buffer full of sequence end codes */
+ l = 0;
+ while (l<2048)
+ {
+ ld->Rdbfr[l++] = SEQUENCE_END_CODE>>24;
+ ld->Rdbfr[l++] = SEQUENCE_END_CODE>>16;
+ ld->Rdbfr[l++] = SEQUENCE_END_CODE>>8;
+ ld->Rdbfr[l++] = SEQUENCE_END_CODE&0xff;
+ }
+ ld->Rdptr = ld->Rdbfr;
+ ld->Rdmax = ld->Rdbfr + 2048;
+ return;
+ default:
+ {
+ /* skip system headers and non-video packets*/
+ code = Get_Word();
+ ld->Rdptr += code;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ fprintf(stderr,"Unexpected startcode %08x in system layer\n",code);
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ void Flush_Buffer32()
+ {
+ int Incnt;
+ ld->Bfr = 0;
+ Incnt = ld->Incnt;
+ Incnt -= 32;
+ if (System_Stream_Flag && (ld->Rdptr >= ld->Rdmax-4))
+ {
+ while (Incnt <= 24)
+ {
+ if (ld->Rdptr >= ld->Rdmax)
+ Next_Packet();
+ ld->Bfr |= Get_Byte() << (24 - Incnt);
+ Incnt += 8;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ while (Incnt <= 24)
+ {
+ if (ld->Rdptr >= ld->Rdbfr+2048)
+ Fill_Buffer();
+ ld->Bfr |= *ld->Rdptr++ << (24 - Incnt);
+ Incnt += 8;
+ }
+ }
+ ld->Incnt = Incnt;
+ #ifdef VERIFY
+ ld->Bitcnt += 32;
+ #endif /* VERIFY */
+ }
+ unsigned int Get_Bits32()
+ {
+ unsigned int l;
+ l = Show_Bits(32);
+ Flush_Buffer32();
+ return l;
+ }
+ int Get_Long()
+ {
+ int i;
+ i = Get_Word();
+ return (i<<16) | Get_Word();
+ }
Index: llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/mediabench/mpeg2/mpeg2dec/verify.c
diff -c /dev/null llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/mediabench/mpeg2/mpeg2dec/verify.c:1.1
*** /dev/null Tue Jan 11 12:05:45 2005
--- llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/mediabench/mpeg2/mpeg2dec/verify.c Tue Jan 11 12:05:32 2005
*** 0 ****
--- 1,303 ----
+ /* verify.c
+ *
+ * Bitstream verification routines
+ *
+ *
+ */
+ #ifdef VERIFY
+ #include <stdio.h>
+ #include <stdlib.h>
+ #include <ctype.h>
+ #include <fcntl.h>
+ #include <math.h> /* needed for ceil() */
+ #include "config.h"
+ #include "global.h"
+ /* #define DEBUG */
+ #ifdef DEBUG
+ #define PC
+ #endif
+ #ifdef PC
+ #include <conio.h> /* needed for getch() */
+ #endif /* PC */
+ /*
+ Check picture headers: due to the VBV definition of picture data,
+ this routine must be called immediately before any picture data
+ is parsed. (before the first slice start code, including any slice
+ start code stuffing).
+ */
+ static void Check_VBV_Delay _ANSI_ARGS_((int Bitstream_Framenum, int Sequence_Framenum));
+ void Check_Headers(Bitstream_Framenum, Sequence_Framenum)
+ int Bitstream_Framenum;
+ int Sequence_Framenum;
+ {
+ if((!low_delay)&&(vbv_delay!=0)&&(vbv_delay!=0xFFFF))
+ Check_VBV_Delay(Bitstream_Framenum, Sequence_Framenum);
+ /* clear out the header tracking variables so we have an accurate
+ count next time */
+ Clear_Verify_Headers();
+ }
+ /*
+ * Verify vbv_delay value in picture header
+ * (low_delay==1 checks not implemented. this does not exhaustively test all
+ * possibilities suggested in ISO/IEC 13818-2 Annex C. It only checks
+ * for constant rate streams)
+ *
+ * Q:how do we tell a variable rate stream from a constant rate stream anyway?
+ * it's not as simple as vbv_delay==0xFFFF, since we need meaningful
+ * vbv_delay values to calculate the piecewise rate in the first place!
+ *
+ * Also: no special provisions at the beginning or end of a sequence
+ */
+ static void Check_VBV_Delay(Bitstream_Framenum, Sequence_Framenum)
+ int Bitstream_Framenum;
+ int Sequence_Framenum;
+ {
+ double B; /* buffer size */
+ double Bn; /* buffer fullness for picture n */
+ double R; /* bitrate */
+ double I; /* time interval (t[n+1] - t[n]) */
+ double T; /* inverse of the frame rate (frame period) */
+ int d;
+ int internal_vbv_delay;
+ static int previous_IorP_picture_structure;
+ static int previous_IorP_repeat_first_field;
+ static int previous_IorP_top_field_first;
+ static int previous_vbv_delay;
+ static int previous_bitstream_position;
+ static double previous_Bn;
+ static double E; /* maximum quantization error or mismatch */
+ if((Sequence_Framenum==0)&&(!Second_Field))
+ { /* first coded picture of sequence */
+ R = bit_rate;
+ /* the initial buffer occupancy is taken on faith
+ that is, we believe what is transmitted in the first coded picture header
+ to be the true/actual buffer occupancy */
+ Bn = (R * (double) vbv_delay) / 90000.0;
+ B = 16 * 1024 * vbv_buffer_size;
+ /* maximum quantization error in bitrate (bit_rate_value is quantized/
+ rounded-up to units of 400 bits/sec as per ISO/IEC 13818-2
+ section 6.3.3 */
+ E = (400.0/frame_rate) + 400;
+ #ifdef DEBUG
+ printf("vbv_buffer_size (B) = %.0f, Bn=%f, E=%f, \nbitrate=%f, vbv_delay=%d frame_rate=%f\n",
+ B, Bn, E, bit_rate, vbv_delay, frame_rate);
+ #endif
+ }
+ else /* not the first coded picture of sequence */
+ {
+ /* derive the interval (I). The interval tells us how many constant rate bits
+ * will have been downloaded to the buffer during the current picture period
+ *
+ * interval assumes that:
+ * 1. whilst we are decoding the current I or P picture, we are displaying
+ * the previous I or P picture which was stored in the reorder
+ * buffer (pointed to by forward_reference_frame in this implementation)
+ *
+ * 2. B pictures are output ("displayed") at the time when they are decoded
+ *
+ */
+ if(progressive_sequence) /* Annex C.9 (progressive_sequence==1, low_delay==0) */
+ {
+ T = 1/frame_rate; /* inverse of the frame rate (frame period) */
+ if(picture_coding_type==B_TYPE)
+ {
+ if(repeat_first_field==1)
+ {
+ if(top_field_first==1)
+ I = T*3; /* three frame periods */
+ else
+ I = T*2; /* two frame periods */
+ }
+ else
+ I = T; /* one frame period */
+ }
+ else /* P or I frame */
+ {
+ if(previous_IorP_repeat_first_field==1)
+ {
+ if(previous_IorP_top_field_first==1)
+ I = 3*T;
+ else
+ I = 2*T;
+ }
+ else
+ I = T;
+ }
+ }
+ else /* Annex C.11 (progressive_sequence==0, low_delay==0) */
+ {
+ T = 1/(2*frame_rate); /* inverse of two times the frame rate (field period) */
+ if(picture_coding_type==B_TYPE)
+ {
+ if(picture_structure==FRAME_PICTURE)
+ {
+ if(repeat_first_field==0)
+ I = 2*T; /* two field periods */
+ else
+ I = 3*T; /* three field periods */
+ }
+ else /* B field */
+ {
+ I = T; /* one field period */
+ }
+ }
+ else /* I or P picture */
+ {
+ if(picture_structure==FRAME_PICTURE)
+ {
+ if(previous_IorP_repeat_first_field==0)
+ I = 2*T;
+ else
+ I = 3*T;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(Second_Field==0) /* first field of current frame */
+ I = T;
+ else /* second field of current frame */
+ {
+ /* formula: previous I or P display period (2*T or 3*T) minus the
+ very recent decode period (T) of the first field of the current
+ frame */
+ if(previous_IorP_picture_structure!=FRAME_PICTURE
+ || previous_IorP_repeat_first_field==0)
+ I = 2*T - T; /* a net of one field period */
+ else if(previous_IorP_picture_structure==FRAME_PICTURE
+ && previous_IorP_repeat_first_field==1)
+ I = 3*T - T; /* a net of two field periods */
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* derive coded size of previous picture */
+ d = ld->Bitcnt - previous_bitstream_position;
+ /* Rate = Distance/Time */
+ /* piecewise constant rate (variable rate stream) calculation
+ * R = ((double) d /((previous_vbv_delay - vbv_delay)/90000 + I));
+ */
+ R = bit_rate;
+ /* compute buffer fullness just before removing picture n
+ *
+ * Bn = previous_Bn + (I*R) - d; (recursive formula)
+ *
+ * where:
+ *
+ * n is the current picture
+ *
+ * Bn is the buffer fullness for the current picture
+ *
+ * previous_Bn is the buffer fullness of the previous picture
+ *
+ * (I*R ) is the bits accumulated during the current picture
+ * period
+ *
+ * d is the number of bits removed during the decoding of the
+ * previous picture
+ */
+ Bn = previous_Bn + (I*R) - d;
+ /* compute internally derived vbv_delay (rouding up with ceil()) */
+ internal_vbv_delay = (int) ceil((90000 * Bn / bit_rate));
+ #ifdef DEBUG
+ printf("\nvbv_delay: internal=%d, bitstream=%d\n", internal_vbv_delay, vbv_delay);
+ printf("Bn=%f, prevBn=%f, I=%f, R=%f, d=%d\n", Bn, previous_Bn, I, R, d);
+ printf("frame(%d), pictstruct(%d), picttype(%d)\n", Sequence_Framenum,
+ picture_structure, picture_coding_type);
+ /* report error */
+ if(internal_vbv_delay != vbv_delay)
+ {
+ printf("WARNING: internal_vbv_delay(%d) != vbv_delay(%d)\n",
+ internal_vbv_delay, vbv_delay);
+ }
+ #endif
+ } /* not the first coded picture of sequence */
+ #ifdef PC
+ getch();
+ #endif /* PC */
+ /* update generic tracking variables */
+ previous_bitstream_position = ld->Bitcnt ;
+ previous_vbv_delay = vbv_delay;
+ previous_Bn = Bn;
+ /* reference picture: reordered/delayed output picture */
+ if(picture_coding_type!=B_TYPE)
+ {
+ previous_IorP_repeat_first_field = repeat_first_field;
+ previous_IorP_top_field_first = top_field_first;
+ previous_IorP_picture_structure = picture_structure;
+ }
+ }
+ /* variables to keep track of the occurance of redundant headers between pictures */
+ void Clear_Verify_Headers()
+ {
+ verify_sequence_header = 0;
+ verify_group_of_pictures_header = 0;
+ verify_picture_header = 0;
+ verify_slice_header = 0;
+ verify_sequence_extension = 0;
+ verify_sequence_display_extension = 0;
+ verify_quant_matrix_extension = 0;
+ verify_sequence_scalable_extension = 0;
+ verify_picture_display_extension = 0;
+ verify_picture_coding_extension = 0;
+ verify_picture_spatial_scalable_extension = 0;
+ verify_picture_temporal_scalable_extension = 0;
+ verify_copyright_extension = 0;
+ }
+ #endif /* VERIFY */
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