[llvm-commits] CVS: llvm/docs/TestingGuide.html

Tanya Brethour tbrethou at cs.uiuc.edu
Wed Dec 8 09:35:47 PST 2004

Changes in directory llvm/docs:

TestingGuide.html updated: 1.18 -> 1.19
Log message:

Removed QMTest reference.

Diffs of the changes:  (+12 -118)

Index: llvm/docs/TestingGuide.html
diff -u llvm/docs/TestingGuide.html:1.18 llvm/docs/TestingGuide.html:1.19
--- llvm/docs/TestingGuide.html:1.18	Wed Dec  8 10:52:51 2004
+++ llvm/docs/TestingGuide.html	Wed Dec  8 11:35:31 2004
@@ -23,7 +23,6 @@
   <li><a href="#tree">LLVM Test Suite Tree</a></li>
   <li><a href="#dgstructure">DejaGNU Structure</a></li>
-  <li><a href="#qmstructure">QMTest Structure</a></li>
   <li><a href="#progstructure"><tt>llvm-test</tt> Structure</a></li>
   <li><a href="#run">Running the LLVM Tests</a></li>
   <li><a href="#nightly">Running the nightly tester</a></li>
@@ -60,18 +59,8 @@
 <dd>The Feature and Regressions tests are organized and run by DejaGNU.</dd>
 <dt><a href="http://expect.nist.gov/">Expect</a></dt>
 <dd>Expect is required by DejaGNU.</dd>
-<dd>Tclsh is required by DejaGNU. </dd>
-<dt><a href="http://www.qmtest.com">QMTest</a></dt>
-<dd>The LLVM test suite uses QMTest to organize and run tests. <b>Note:
-you will need <a href="http://llvm.cs.uiuc.edu/qm-2.0.3.tar.gz">QMTest
-2.0.3 (source tar.gz file)</a> to be successful. The tests do not run with
-any other version.</b> (optional, required only for QMTest)</dd>
-<dt><a href="http://www.python.org">Python</a></dt>
-<dd>You will need a Python interpreter that works with QMTest. Python will
-need zlib and SAX support enabled. (optional, required only for QMTest) </dd>
+<dt><a href="http://www.tcl.tk/software/tcltk/">tcl</a></dt>
+<dd>Tcl is required by DejaGNU. </dd>
 <dt><a href="http://www.netlib.org/f2c">F2C</a></dt>
 <dd>For now, LLVM does not have a Fortran front-end, but using F2C, we can run
@@ -129,24 +118,6 @@
 <dd><b>Note: If you are running the tests with <tt>objdir != subdir</tt> you must have run the complete testsuite before you can specify a subdirectory.</b></dd>
-<p>To run the simple tests (i.e. those that do basic testing of
-LLVM), using QMTest:</p>
-% gmake -C llvm/test qmtest
-<p>To run only the basic feature tests, QMTest supports the following
-% gmake -C llvm/test Feature.t
-<p>To run only the regression tests, QMTest supports the following
-% gmake -C llvm/test Regression.t
 <p>To run the comprehensive test suite (tests that compile and execute whole 
 programs), run the <tt>llvm-test</tt> tests:</p>
@@ -270,11 +241,6 @@
 location of these external programs is configured by the llvm-test
 <tt>configure</tt> script.</p></li>
-<p>This directory contains the QMTest information files.  Inside this directory
-are QMTest administration files and the Python code that implements the LLVM
-test and database classes.</p></li>
@@ -285,7 +251,7 @@
 <div class="doc_text">
 <p>The LLVM test suite is partially driven by DejaGNU and partially
 driven by GNU Make. Specifically, the Features and Regression tests
-are all driven by DejaGNU (and optionally QMTest). The llvm-test
+are all driven by DejaGNU. The llvm-test
 module is currently driven by a set of Makefiles.</p>
 <p>The DejaGNU structure is very simple, but does require some
@@ -356,78 +322,6 @@
-<div class="doc_section"><a name="qmstructure">QMTest Structure</a></div>
-<div class="doc_text">
-<p>The Feature and Regression tests can also be run using QMTest.</p>
-<p>The QMTest system needs to have several pieces of information available;
-these pieces of configuration information are known collectively as the
-"context" in QMTest parlance.  Since the context for LLVM is relatively large,
-the master Makefile in llvm/test sets it for you.</p>
-<p>The LLVM database class makes the subdirectories of llvm/test a QMTest test
-database.  For each directory that contains tests driven by QMTest, it knows
-what type of test the source file is and how to run it.</p>
-<p>Hence, the QMTest namespace is essentially what you see in the Feature and
-Regression directories, but there is some magic that the database class performs
-(as described below).</p>
-<p>The QMTest namespace is currently composed of the following tests and test
-<p>These are the feature tests found in the Feature directory.
-They are broken up into the following categories:</p>
-  <li>ad
-    <p>Assembler/Disassembler tests.  These tests verify that a piece of LLVM
-    assembly language can be assembled into bytecode and then disassembled
-    into the original assembly language code.  It does this several times to
-    ensure that assembled output can be disassembled and disassembler output
-    can be assembled.  It also verifies that the give assembly language file
-    can be assembled correctly.</p></li>
-  <li>opt
-    <p>Optimizer tests.  These tests verify that two of the optimizer passes
-    completely optimize a program (i.e.  after a single pass, they cannot
-    optimize a program any further).</p></li>
-  <li>mc
-    <p> Machine code tests.  These tests verify that the LLVM assembly
-    language file can be translated into native assembly code.</p></li>
-  <li>cc
-    <p>C code tests.  These tests verify that the specified LLVM assembly
-    code can be converted into C source code using the C backend.</p></li>
-<p>The LLVM database class looks at every file in the Feature directory and
-creates a fake test hierarchy containing
-<tt>Feature.<testtype>.<testname></tt>.  So, if you add an LLVM
-assembly language file to the Feature directory, it actually creates 5 new
-tests: assembler/disassembler, assembler, optimizer, machine code, and C code.
-  <p>These are the regression tests.  There is one suite for each
-  subdirectory of the Regression directory.  If you add a new subdirectory
-  there, you will need to modify, at least, the <tt>RegressionMap</tt>
-  variable in <tt>QMTest/llvmdb.py</tt> so that QMTest knows how to run the
-  tests in the new subdirectory.</p>
 <div class="doc_section"><a name="progstructure"><tt>llvm-test</tt> 
@@ -494,18 +388,18 @@
 <i>are not</i> executed inside of the LLVM source tree. This is because the
 test suite creates temporary files during execution.</p>
-<p>The master Makefile in llvm/test is capable of running only the QMTest driven
+<p>The master Makefile in llvm/test is capable of running only the DejaGNU driven
 tests. By default, it will run all of these tests.</p>
-<p>To run only the QMTest driven tests, run <tt>gmake qmtest</tt> at the
-command line in llvm/tests.  To run a specific qmtest, suffix the test name with
-".t" when running gmake.</p>
+<p>To run only the DejaGNU driven tests, run <tt>gmake</tt> at the
+command line in llvm/tests.  To run a specific directory of tests, specify the TESTSUITE.
-<p>For example, to run the Regression.LLC tests, type 
-<tt>gmake Regression.LLC.t</tt> in <tt>llvm/tests</tt>.</p>
+<p>For example, to run the Regression tests, type 
+<tt>gmake TESTSUITE=Regression</tt> in <tt>llvm/tests</tt>.</p>
 <p>Note that there are no Makefiles in <tt>llvm/test/Features</tt> and
-<tt>llvm/test/Regression</tt>. You must use QMTest from the <tt>llvm/test</tt>
+<tt>llvm/test/Regression</tt>. You must use DejaGNU from the <tt>llvm/test</tt>
 directory to run them.</p>
 <p>To run the <tt>llvm-test</tt> suite, you need to use the following steps:
@@ -547,7 +441,7 @@
 <p>Some tests are known to fail.  Some are bugs that we have not fixed yet;
-others are features that we haven't added yet (or may never add).  In QMTest,
+others are features that we haven't added yet (or may never add).  In DejaGNU,
 the result for such tests will be XFAIL (eXpected FAILure).  In this way, you
 can tell the difference between an expected and unexpected failure.</p>
@@ -617,7 +511,7 @@
   John T. Criswell<br>
   <a href="http://llvm.cs.uiuc.edu">The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure</a><br/>
-  Last modified: $Date: 2004/12/08 16:52:51 $
+  Last modified: $Date: 2004/12/08 17:35:31 $

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