[llvm-commits] CVS: llvm/lib/Target/SparcV9/SparcV9CodeEmitter.cpp SparcV9CodeEmitter.h

Chris Lattner lattner at cs.uiuc.edu
Mon Nov 22 12:25:22 PST 2004

Changes in directory llvm/lib/Target/SparcV9:

SparcV9CodeEmitter.cpp updated: 1.74 -> 1.75
SparcV9CodeEmitter.h updated: 1.18 -> 1.19
Log message:

Remove JIT-specific code from the code emitter.

Diffs of the changes:  (+35 -569)

Index: llvm/lib/Target/SparcV9/SparcV9CodeEmitter.cpp
diff -u llvm/lib/Target/SparcV9/SparcV9CodeEmitter.cpp:1.74 llvm/lib/Target/SparcV9/SparcV9CodeEmitter.cpp:1.75
--- llvm/lib/Target/SparcV9/SparcV9CodeEmitter.cpp:1.74	Sat Nov 20 17:53:26 2004
+++ llvm/lib/Target/SparcV9/SparcV9CodeEmitter.cpp	Mon Nov 22 14:25:10 2004
@@ -31,22 +31,13 @@
 #include "llvm/Target/TargetMachine.h"
 #include "llvm/Target/TargetData.h"
 #include "llvm/Support/Debug.h"
-#include "llvm/ADT/hash_set"
-#include "llvm/ADT/Statistic.h"
 #include "SparcV9Internals.h"
 #include "SparcV9TargetMachine.h"
 #include "SparcV9RegInfo.h"
 #include "SparcV9CodeEmitter.h"
+#include "SparcV9Relocations.h"
 #include "MachineFunctionInfo.h"
-#include "llvm/Config/alloca.h"
-namespace llvm {
-namespace {
-  Statistic<> OverwrittenCalls("call-ovwr", "Number of over-written calls");
-  Statistic<> UnmodifiedCalls("call-skip", "Number of unmodified calls");
-  Statistic<> CallbackCalls("callback", "Number CompilationCallback() calls");
+using namespace llvm;
 bool SparcV9TargetMachine::addPassesToEmitMachineCode(FunctionPassManager &PM,
                                                       MachineCodeEmitter &MCE) {
@@ -55,424 +46,8 @@
   return false;
-namespace {
-  class JITResolver {
-    SparcV9CodeEmitter &SparcV9;
-    MachineCodeEmitter &MCE;
-    /// LazyCodeGenMap - Keep track of call sites for functions that are to be
-    /// lazily resolved.
-    ///
-    std::map<uint64_t, Function*> LazyCodeGenMap;
-    /// LazyResolverMap - Keep track of the lazy resolver created for a
-    /// particular function so that we can reuse them if necessary.
-    ///
-    std::map<Function*, uint64_t> LazyResolverMap;
-  public:
-    enum CallType { ShortCall, FarCall };
-  private:
-    /// We need to keep track of whether we used a simple call or a far call
-    /// (many instructions) in sequence. This means we need to keep track of
-    /// what type of stub we generate.
-    static std::map<uint64_t, CallType> LazyCallFlavor;
-  public:
-    JITResolver(SparcV9CodeEmitter &V9,
-                MachineCodeEmitter &mce) : SparcV9(V9), MCE(mce) {}
-    uint64_t getLazyResolver(Function *F);
-    uint64_t addFunctionReference(uint64_t Address, Function *F);
-    void deleteFunctionReference(uint64_t Address);
-    void addCallFlavor(uint64_t Address, CallType Flavor) {
-      LazyCallFlavor[Address] = Flavor;
-    }
-    // Utility functions for accessing data from static callback
-    uint64_t getCurrentPCValue() {
-      return MCE.getCurrentPCValue();
-    }
-    unsigned getBinaryCodeForInstr(MachineInstr &MI) {
-      return SparcV9.getBinaryCodeForInstr(MI);
-    }
-    inline void insertFarJumpAtAddr(int64_t Value, uint64_t Addr);
-    void insertJumpAtAddr(int64_t Value, uint64_t &Addr);
-  private:
-    uint64_t emitStubForFunction(Function *F);
-    static void SaveRegisters(uint64_t DoubleFP[], uint64_t CC[],
-                              uint64_t Globals[]);
-    static void RestoreRegisters(uint64_t DoubleFP[], uint64_t CC[],
-                                 uint64_t Globals[]);
-    static void CompilationCallback();
-    uint64_t resolveFunctionReference(uint64_t RetAddr);
-  };
-  JITResolver *TheJITResolver;
-  std::map<uint64_t, JITResolver::CallType> JITResolver::LazyCallFlavor;
-/// addFunctionReference - This method is called when we need to emit the
-/// address of a function that has not yet been emitted, so we don't know the
-/// address.  Instead, we emit a call to the CompilationCallback method, and
-/// keep track of where we are.
-uint64_t JITResolver::addFunctionReference(uint64_t Address, Function *F) {
-  LazyCodeGenMap[Address] = F;
-  return (intptr_t)&JITResolver::CompilationCallback;
-/// deleteFunctionReference - If we are emitting a far call, we already added a
-/// reference to the function, but it is now incorrect, since the address to the
-/// JIT resolver is too far away to be a simple call instruction. This is used
-/// to remove the address from the map.
-void JITResolver::deleteFunctionReference(uint64_t Address) {
-  std::map<uint64_t, Function*>::iterator I = LazyCodeGenMap.find(Address);
-  assert(I != LazyCodeGenMap.end() && "Not in map!");
-  LazyCodeGenMap.erase(I);  
-uint64_t JITResolver::resolveFunctionReference(uint64_t RetAddr) {
-  std::map<uint64_t, Function*>::iterator I = LazyCodeGenMap.find(RetAddr);
-  assert(I != LazyCodeGenMap.end() && "Not in map!");
-  Function *F = I->second;
-  LazyCodeGenMap.erase(I);
-  return MCE.forceCompilationOf(F);
-uint64_t JITResolver::getLazyResolver(Function *F) {
-  std::map<Function*, uint64_t>::iterator I = LazyResolverMap.lower_bound(F);
-  if (I != LazyResolverMap.end() && I->first == F) return I->second;
-  uint64_t Stub = emitStubForFunction(F);
-  LazyResolverMap.insert(I, std::make_pair(F, Stub));
-  return Stub;
-void JITResolver::insertJumpAtAddr(int64_t JumpTarget, uint64_t &Addr) {
-  DEBUG(std::cerr << "Emitting a jump to 0x" << std::hex << JumpTarget << "\n");
-  // If the target function is close enough to fit into the 19bit disp of
-  // BA, we should use this version, as it's much cheaper to generate.
-  int64_t BranchTarget = (JumpTarget-Addr) >> 2;
-  if (BranchTarget >= (1 << 19) || BranchTarget <= -(1 << 19)) {
-    TheJITResolver->insertFarJumpAtAddr(JumpTarget, Addr);
-  } else {
-    // ba <target>
-    MachineInstr *I = BuildMI(V9::BA, 1).addSImm(BranchTarget);
-    *((unsigned*)(intptr_t)Addr) = getBinaryCodeForInstr(*I);
-    Addr += 4;
-    delete I;
-    // nop
-    I = BuildMI(V9::NOP, 0);
-    *((unsigned*)(intptr_t)Addr) = getBinaryCodeForInstr(*I);
-    delete I;
-  }
-void JITResolver::insertFarJumpAtAddr(int64_t Target, uint64_t Addr) {
-  static const unsigned 
-    o6 = SparcV9IntRegClass::o6, g0 = SparcV9IntRegClass::g0,
-    g1 = SparcV9IntRegClass::g1, g5 = SparcV9IntRegClass::g5;
-  MachineInstr* BinaryCode[] = {
-    //
-    // Get address to branch into %g1, using %g5 as a temporary
-    //
-    // sethi %uhi(Target), %g5     ;; get upper 22 bits of Target into %g5
-    BuildMI(V9::SETHI, 2).addSImm(Target >> 42).addReg(g5),
-    // or %g5, %ulo(Target), %g5   ;; get 10 lower bits of upper word into %g5
-    BuildMI(V9::ORi, 3).addReg(g5).addSImm((Target >> 32) & 0x03ff).addReg(g5),
-    // sllx %g5, 32, %g5           ;; shift those 10 bits to the upper word
-    BuildMI(V9::SLLXi6, 3).addReg(g5).addSImm(32).addReg(g5),
-    // sethi %hi(Target), %g1      ;; extract bits 10-31 into the dest reg
-    BuildMI(V9::SETHI, 2).addSImm((Target >> 10) & 0x03fffff).addReg(g1),
-    // or %g5, %g1, %g1            ;; get upper word (in %g5) into %g1
-    BuildMI(V9::ORr, 3).addReg(g5).addReg(g1).addReg(g1),
-    // or %g1, %lo(Target), %g1    ;; get lowest 10 bits of Target into %g1
-    BuildMI(V9::ORi, 3).addReg(g1).addSImm(Target & 0x03ff).addReg(g1),
-    // jmpl %g1, %g0, %g0          ;; indirect branch on %g1
-    BuildMI(V9::JMPLRETr, 3).addReg(g1).addReg(g0).addReg(g0),
-    // nop                         ;; delay slot
-    BuildMI(V9::NOP, 0)
-  };
-  for (unsigned i=0, e=sizeof(BinaryCode)/sizeof(BinaryCode[0]); i!=e; ++i) {
-    *((unsigned*)(intptr_t)Addr) = getBinaryCodeForInstr(*BinaryCode[i]);
-    delete BinaryCode[i];
-    Addr += 4;
-  }
-void JITResolver::SaveRegisters(uint64_t DoubleFP[], uint64_t CC[], 
-                                uint64_t Globals[]) {
-#if defined(__sparcv9)
-  __asm__ __volatile__ (// Save condition-code registers
-                        "stx %%fsr, %0;\n\t" 
-                        "rd %%fprs, %1;\n\t" 
-                        "rd %%ccr,  %2;\n\t"
-                        : "=m"(CC[0]), "=r"(CC[1]), "=r"(CC[2]));
-  __asm__ __volatile__ (// Save globals g1 and g5
-                        "stx %%g1, %0;\n\t"
-                        "stx %%g5, %0;\n\t"
-                        : "=m"(Globals[0]), "=m"(Globals[1]));
-  // GCC says: `asm' only allows up to thirty parameters!
-  __asm__ __volatile__ (// Save Single/Double FP registers, part 1
-                        "std  %%f0,  %0;\n\t"  "std  %%f2,  %1;\n\t"
-                        "std  %%f4,  %2;\n\t"  "std  %%f6,  %3;\n\t"
-                        "std  %%f8,  %4;\n\t"  "std  %%f10, %5;\n\t"
-                        "std  %%f12, %6;\n\t"  "std  %%f14, %7;\n\t"
-                        "std  %%f16, %8;\n\t"  "std  %%f18, %9;\n\t"
-                        "std  %%f20, %10;\n\t" "std  %%f22, %11;\n\t"
-                        "std  %%f24, %12;\n\t" "std  %%f26, %13;\n\t"
-                        "std  %%f28, %14;\n\t" "std  %%f30, %15;\n\t"
-                        : "=m"(DoubleFP[ 0]), "=m"(DoubleFP[ 1]),
-                          "=m"(DoubleFP[ 2]), "=m"(DoubleFP[ 3]),
-                          "=m"(DoubleFP[ 4]), "=m"(DoubleFP[ 5]),
-                          "=m"(DoubleFP[ 6]), "=m"(DoubleFP[ 7]),
-                          "=m"(DoubleFP[ 8]), "=m"(DoubleFP[ 9]),
-                          "=m"(DoubleFP[10]), "=m"(DoubleFP[11]),
-                          "=m"(DoubleFP[12]), "=m"(DoubleFP[13]),
-                          "=m"(DoubleFP[14]), "=m"(DoubleFP[15]));
-  __asm__ __volatile__ (// Save Double FP registers, part 2
-                        "std %%f32, %0;\n\t"  "std %%f34, %1;\n\t"
-                        "std %%f36, %2;\n\t"  "std %%f38, %3;\n\t"
-                        "std %%f40, %4;\n\t"  "std %%f42, %5;\n\t"
-                        "std %%f44, %6;\n\t"  "std %%f46, %7;\n\t"
-                        "std %%f48, %8;\n\t"  "std %%f50, %9;\n\t"
-                        "std %%f52, %10;\n\t" "std %%f54, %11;\n\t"
-                        "std %%f56, %12;\n\t" "std %%f58, %13;\n\t"
-                        "std %%f60, %14;\n\t" "std %%f62, %15;\n\t"
-                        : "=m"(DoubleFP[16]), "=m"(DoubleFP[17]),
-                          "=m"(DoubleFP[18]), "=m"(DoubleFP[19]),
-                          "=m"(DoubleFP[20]), "=m"(DoubleFP[21]),
-                          "=m"(DoubleFP[22]), "=m"(DoubleFP[23]),
-                          "=m"(DoubleFP[24]), "=m"(DoubleFP[25]),
-                          "=m"(DoubleFP[26]), "=m"(DoubleFP[27]),
-                          "=m"(DoubleFP[28]), "=m"(DoubleFP[29]),
-                          "=m"(DoubleFP[30]), "=m"(DoubleFP[31]));
-  abort();
-void JITResolver::RestoreRegisters(uint64_t DoubleFP[], uint64_t CC[], 
-                                   uint64_t Globals[])
-#if defined(__sparcv9)
-  __asm__ __volatile__ (// Restore condition-code registers
-                        "ldx %0,    %%fsr;\n\t" 
-                        "wr  %1, 0, %%fprs;\n\t"
-                        "wr  %2, 0, %%ccr;\n\t" 
-                        :: "m"(CC[0]), "r"(CC[1]), "r"(CC[2]));
-  __asm__ __volatile__ (// Restore globals g1 and g5
-                        "ldx %0, %%g1;\n\t"
-                        "ldx %0, %%g5;\n\t"
-                        :: "m"(Globals[0]), "m"(Globals[1]));
-  // GCC says: `asm' only allows up to thirty parameters!
-  __asm__ __volatile__ (// Restore Single/Double FP registers, part 1
-                        "ldd %0,  %%f0;\n\t"   "ldd %1, %%f2;\n\t" 
-                        "ldd %2,  %%f4;\n\t"   "ldd %3, %%f6;\n\t" 
-                        "ldd %4,  %%f8;\n\t"   "ldd %5, %%f10;\n\t" 
-                        "ldd %6,  %%f12;\n\t"  "ldd %7, %%f14;\n\t" 
-                        "ldd %8,  %%f16;\n\t"  "ldd %9, %%f18;\n\t" 
-                        "ldd %10, %%f20;\n\t" "ldd %11, %%f22;\n\t"
-                        "ldd %12, %%f24;\n\t" "ldd %13, %%f26;\n\t"
-                        "ldd %14, %%f28;\n\t" "ldd %15, %%f30;\n\t"
-                        :: "m"(DoubleFP[0]), "m"(DoubleFP[1]),
-                           "m"(DoubleFP[2]), "m"(DoubleFP[3]),
-                           "m"(DoubleFP[4]), "m"(DoubleFP[5]),
-                           "m"(DoubleFP[6]), "m"(DoubleFP[7]),
-                           "m"(DoubleFP[8]), "m"(DoubleFP[9]),
-                           "m"(DoubleFP[10]), "m"(DoubleFP[11]),
-                           "m"(DoubleFP[12]), "m"(DoubleFP[13]),
-                           "m"(DoubleFP[14]), "m"(DoubleFP[15]));
-  __asm__ __volatile__ (// Restore Double FP registers, part 2
-                        "ldd %0, %%f32;\n\t"  "ldd %1, %%f34;\n\t"
-                        "ldd %2, %%f36;\n\t"  "ldd %3, %%f38;\n\t"
-                        "ldd %4, %%f40;\n\t"  "ldd %5, %%f42;\n\t"
-                        "ldd %6, %%f44;\n\t"  "ldd %7, %%f46;\n\t"
-                        "ldd %8, %%f48;\n\t"  "ldd %9, %%f50;\n\t"
-                        "ldd %10, %%f52;\n\t" "ldd %11, %%f54;\n\t"
-                        "ldd %12, %%f56;\n\t" "ldd %13, %%f58;\n\t"
-                        "ldd %14, %%f60;\n\t" "ldd %15, %%f62;\n\t"
-                        :: "m"(DoubleFP[16]), "m"(DoubleFP[17]),
-                           "m"(DoubleFP[18]), "m"(DoubleFP[19]),
-                           "m"(DoubleFP[20]), "m"(DoubleFP[21]),
-                           "m"(DoubleFP[22]), "m"(DoubleFP[23]),
-                           "m"(DoubleFP[24]), "m"(DoubleFP[25]),
-                           "m"(DoubleFP[26]), "m"(DoubleFP[27]),
-                           "m"(DoubleFP[28]), "m"(DoubleFP[29]),
-                           "m"(DoubleFP[30]), "m"(DoubleFP[31]));
-  abort();
-void JITResolver::CompilationCallback() {
-  // Local space to save the registers
-  uint64_t DoubleFP[32];
-  uint64_t CC[3];
-  uint64_t Globals[2];
-  SaveRegisters(DoubleFP, CC, Globals);
-  ++CallbackCalls;
-  uint64_t CameFrom = (uint64_t)(intptr_t)__builtin_return_address(0);
-  uint64_t CameFrom1 = (uint64_t)(intptr_t)__builtin_return_address(1);
-  int64_t Target = (int64_t)TheJITResolver->resolveFunctionReference(CameFrom);
-  DEBUG(std::cerr << "In callback! Addr=0x" << std::hex << CameFrom << "\n");
-  register int64_t returnAddr = 0;
-#if defined(__sparcv9)
-  __asm__ __volatile__ ("add %%i7, %%g0, %0" : "=r" (returnAddr) : );
-  DEBUG(std::cerr << "Read i7 (return addr) = "
-                  << std::hex << returnAddr << ", value: "
-                  << std::hex << *(unsigned*)returnAddr << "\n");
-  abort();
-  // If we can rewrite the ORIGINAL caller, we eliminate the whole need for a
-  // trampoline function stub!!
-  unsigned OrigCallInst = *((unsigned*)(intptr_t)CameFrom1);
-  int64_t OrigTarget = (Target-CameFrom1) >> 2;
-  if ((OrigCallInst & (1 << 30)) && 
-      (OrigTarget <= (1 << 30) && OrigTarget >= -(1 << 30)))
-  {
-    // The original call instruction was CALL <immed>, which means we can
-    // overwrite it directly, since the offset will fit into 30 bits
-    MachineInstr *C = BuildMI(V9::CALL, 1).addSImm(OrigTarget);
-    *((unsigned*)(intptr_t)CameFrom1)=TheJITResolver->getBinaryCodeForInstr(*C);
-    delete C;
-    ++OverwrittenCalls;
-  } else {
-    ++UnmodifiedCalls;
-  }
-  // Rewrite the call target so that we don't fault every time we execute it.
-  //
-  static const unsigned o6 = SparcV9IntRegClass::o6;
-  // Subtract enough to overwrite up to the 'save' instruction
-  // This depends on whether we made a short call (1 instruction) or the
-  // farCall (7 instructions)
-  uint64_t Offset = (LazyCallFlavor[CameFrom] == ShortCall) ? 4 : 28;
-  uint64_t CodeBegin = CameFrom - Offset;
-  // FIXME FIXME FIXME FIXME: __builtin_frame_address doesn't work if frame
-  // pointer elimination has been performed.  Having a variable sized alloca
-  // disables frame pointer elimination currently, even if it's dead.  This is
-  // a gross hack.
-  alloca(42+Offset);
-  // Make sure that what we're about to overwrite is indeed "save"
-  MachineInstr *SV =BuildMI(V9::SAVEi, 3).addReg(o6).addSImm(-192).addReg(o6);
-  unsigned SaveInst = TheJITResolver->getBinaryCodeForInstr(*SV);
-  delete SV;
-  unsigned CodeInMem = *(unsigned*)(intptr_t)CodeBegin;
-  if (CodeInMem != SaveInst) {
-    std::cerr << "About to overwrite smthg not a save instr!";
-    abort();
-  }
-  // Overwrite it
-  TheJITResolver->insertJumpAtAddr(Target, CodeBegin);
-  // Flush the I-Cache: FLUSH clears out a doubleword at a given address
-  // Self-modifying code MUST clear out the I-Cache to be portable
-#if defined(__sparcv9)
-  for (int i = -Offset, e = 32-((int64_t)Offset); i < e; i += 8)
-    __asm__ __volatile__ ("flush %%i7 + %0" : : "r" (i));
-  // Change the return address to re-execute the restore, then the jump.
-  DEBUG(std::cerr << "Callback returning to: 0x"
-                  << std::hex << (CameFrom-Offset-12) << "\n");
-#if defined(__sparcv9)
-  __asm__ __volatile__ ("sub %%i7, %0, %%i7" : : "r" (Offset+12));
-  RestoreRegisters(DoubleFP, CC, Globals);
-/// emitStubForFunction - This method is used by the JIT when it needs to emit
-/// the address of a function for a function whose code has not yet been
-/// generated.  In order to do this, it generates a stub which jumps to the lazy
-/// function compiler, which will eventually get fixed to call the function
-/// directly.
-uint64_t JITResolver::emitStubForFunction(Function *F) {
-  MCE.startFunctionStub(44);
-  DEBUG(std::cerr << "Emitting stub at addr: 0x" 
-                  << std::hex << MCE.getCurrentPCValue() << "\n");
-  unsigned o6 = SparcV9IntRegClass::o6, g0 = SparcV9IntRegClass::g0;
-  // restore %g0, 0, %g0
-  MachineInstr *R = BuildMI(V9::RESTOREi, 3).addMReg(g0).addSImm(0)
-                                            .addMReg(g0, MachineOperand::Def);
-  SparcV9.emitWord(SparcV9.getBinaryCodeForInstr(*R));
-  delete R;
-  // save %sp, -192, %sp
-  MachineInstr *SV = BuildMI(V9::SAVEi, 3).addReg(o6).addSImm(-192).addReg(o6);
-  SparcV9.emitWord(SparcV9.getBinaryCodeForInstr(*SV));
-  delete SV;
-  int64_t CurrPC = MCE.getCurrentPCValue();
-  int64_t Addr = (int64_t)addFunctionReference(CurrPC, F);
-  int64_t CallTarget = (Addr-CurrPC) >> 2;
-  if (CallTarget >= (1 << 29) || CallTarget <= -(1 << 29)) {
-    // Since this is a far call, the actual address of the call is shifted
-    // by the number of instructions it takes to calculate the exact address
-    deleteFunctionReference(CurrPC);
-    SparcV9.emitFarCall(Addr, F);
-  } else {
-    // call CallTarget              ;; invoke the callback
-    MachineInstr *Call = BuildMI(V9::CALL, 1).addSImm(CallTarget);
-    SparcV9.emitWord(SparcV9.getBinaryCodeForInstr(*Call));
-    delete Call;
-    // nop                          ;; call delay slot
-    MachineInstr *Nop = BuildMI(V9::NOP, 0);
-    SparcV9.emitWord(SparcV9.getBinaryCodeForInstr(*Nop));
-    delete Nop;
-    addCallFlavor(CurrPC, ShortCall);
-  }
-  SparcV9.emitWord(0xDEADBEEF); // marker so that we know it's really a stub
-  return (intptr_t)MCE.finishFunctionStub(F)+4; /* 1 instr past the restore */
 SparcV9CodeEmitter::SparcV9CodeEmitter(TargetMachine &tm,
-                                       MachineCodeEmitter &M): TM(tm), MCE(M)
-  TheJITResolver = new JITResolver(*this, M);
-SparcV9CodeEmitter::~SparcV9CodeEmitter() {
-  delete TheJITResolver;
+                                       MachineCodeEmitter &M): TM(tm), MCE(M) {}
 void SparcV9CodeEmitter::emitWord(unsigned Val) {
@@ -550,62 +125,12 @@
-// WARNING: if the call used the delay slot to do meaningful work, that's not
-// being accounted for, and the behavior will be incorrect!!
-inline void SparcV9CodeEmitter::emitFarCall(uint64_t Target, Function *F) {
-  static const unsigned o6 = SparcV9IntRegClass::o6,
-      o7 = SparcV9IntRegClass::o7, g0 = SparcV9IntRegClass::g0,
-      g1 = SparcV9IntRegClass::g1, g5 = SparcV9IntRegClass::g5;
-  MachineInstr* BinaryCode[] = {
-    //
-    // Get address to branch into %g1, using %g5 as a temporary
-    //
-    // sethi %uhi(Target), %g5   ;; get upper 22 bits of Target into %g5
-    BuildMI(V9::SETHI, 2).addSImm(Target >> 42).addReg(g5),
-    // or %g5, %ulo(Target), %g5 ;; get 10 lower bits of upper word into %1
-    BuildMI(V9::ORi, 3).addReg(g5).addSImm((Target >> 32) & 0x03ff).addReg(g5),
-    // sllx %g5, 32, %g5         ;; shift those 10 bits to the upper word
-    BuildMI(V9::SLLXi6, 3).addReg(g5).addSImm(32).addReg(g5),
-    // sethi %hi(Target), %g1    ;; extract bits 10-31 into the dest reg
-    BuildMI(V9::SETHI, 2).addSImm((Target >> 10) & 0x03fffff).addReg(g1),
-    // or %g5, %g1, %g1          ;; get upper word (in %g5) into %g1
-    BuildMI(V9::ORr, 3).addReg(g5).addReg(g1).addReg(g1),
-    // or %g1, %lo(Target), %g1  ;; get lowest 10 bits of Target into %g1
-    BuildMI(V9::ORi, 3).addReg(g1).addSImm(Target & 0x03ff).addReg(g1),
-    // jmpl %g1, %g0, %o7        ;; indirect call on %g1
-    BuildMI(V9::JMPLRETr, 3).addReg(g1).addReg(g0).addReg(o7),
-    // nop                       ;; delay slot
-    BuildMI(V9::NOP, 0)
-  };
-  for (unsigned i=0, e=sizeof(BinaryCode)/sizeof(BinaryCode[0]); i!=e; ++i) {
-    // This is where we save the return address in the LazyResolverMap!!
-    if (i == 6 && F != 0) { // Do this right before the JMPL
-      uint64_t CurrPC = MCE.getCurrentPCValue();
-      TheJITResolver->addFunctionReference(CurrPC, F);
-      // Remember that this is a far call, to subtract appropriate offset later
-      TheJITResolver->addCallFlavor(CurrPC, JITResolver::FarCall);
-    }
-    emitWord(getBinaryCodeForInstr(*BinaryCode[i]));
-    delete BinaryCode[i];
-  }
-void SparcV9JITInfo::replaceMachineCodeForFunction (void *Old, void *New) {
-  assert (TheJITResolver &&
-          "Can only call replaceMachineCodeForFunction from within JIT");
-  uint64_t Target = (uint64_t)(intptr_t)New;
-  uint64_t CodeBegin = (uint64_t)(intptr_t)Old;
-  TheJITResolver->insertJumpAtAddr(Target, CodeBegin);
 int64_t SparcV9CodeEmitter::getMachineOpValue(MachineInstr &MI,
                                               MachineOperand &MO) {
   int64_t rv = 0; // Return value; defaults to 0 for unhandled cases
                   // or things that get fixed up later by the JIT.
-  if (MO.isPCRelativeDisp()) {
+  if (MO.isPCRelativeDisp() || MO.isGlobalAddress()) {
     DEBUG(std::cerr << "PCRelativeDisp: ");
     Value *V = MO.getVRegValue();
     if (BasicBlock *BB = dyn_cast<BasicBlock>(V)) {
@@ -617,48 +142,35 @@
       // So undo that: give the instruction (CI - PC) / 4
       rv = (CI->getRawValue() - MCE.getCurrentPCValue()) / 4;
     } else if (GlobalValue *GV = dyn_cast<GlobalValue>(V)) {
-      // same as MO.isGlobalAddress()
-      DEBUG(std::cerr << "GlobalValue: ");
-      // external function calls, etc.?
-      if (Function *F = dyn_cast<Function>(GV)) {
-        DEBUG(std::cerr << "Function: ");
-        // NOTE: This results in stubs being generated even for
-        // external, native functions, which is not optimal. See PR103.
-        rv = (int64_t)MCE.getGlobalValueAddress(F);
-        if (rv == 0) {
-          DEBUG(std::cerr << "not yet generated\n");
-          // Function has not yet been code generated!
-          TheJITResolver->addFunctionReference(MCE.getCurrentPCValue(), F);
-          // Delayed resolution...
-          rv = TheJITResolver->getLazyResolver(F);
-        } else {
-          DEBUG(std::cerr << "already generated: 0x" << std::hex << rv << "\n");
-        }
-      } else {
-        rv = (int64_t)MCE.getGlobalValueAddress(GV);
-        DEBUG(std::cerr << "Global addr: 0x" << std::hex << rv << "\n");
-      }
-      // The real target of the call is Addr = PC + (rv * 4)
-      // So undo that: give the instruction (Addr - PC) / 4
+      unsigned Reloc;
+      bool isLocal = false;
       if (MI.getOpcode() == V9::CALL) {
-        int64_t CurrPC = MCE.getCurrentPCValue();
-        DEBUG(std::cerr << "rv addr: 0x" << std::hex << rv << "\n"
-                        << "curr PC: 0x" << std::hex << CurrPC << "\n");
-        int64_t CallInstTarget = (rv - CurrPC) >> 2;
-        if (CallInstTarget >= (1<<29) || CallInstTarget <= -(1<<29)) {
-          DEBUG(std::cerr << "Making far call!\n");
-          // address is out of bounds for the 30-bit call,
-          // make an indirect jump-and-link
-          emitFarCall(rv);
-          // this invalidates the instruction so that the call with an incorrect
-          // address will not be emitted
-          rv = 0; 
-        } else {
-          // The call fits into 30 bits, so just return the corrected address
-          rv = CallInstTarget;
-        }
-        DEBUG(std::cerr << "returning addr: 0x" << rv << "\n");
+        Reloc = V9::reloc_pcrel_call;
+#if 0   // FIXME: No need to emit stubs for internal functions.
+        if (!GV->hasExternalLinkage() && isa<Function>(GV))
+          isLocal = true;
+      } else if (MI.getOpcode() == V9::SETHI) {
+        if (MO.isHiBits64())
+          Reloc = V9::reloc_sethi_hh;
+        else if (MO.isHiBits32())
+          Reloc = V9::reloc_sethi_lm;
+        else
+          assert(0 && "Unknown relocation!");
+      } else if (MI.getOpcode() == V9::ORi) {
+        if (MO.isLoBits32())
+          Reloc = V9::reloc_or_lo;
+        else if (MO.isLoBits64())
+          Reloc = V9::reloc_or_hm;
+        else
+          assert(0 && "Unknown relocation!");
+      } else {
+        assert(0 && "Unknown relocation!");
+      MCE.addRelocation(MachineRelocation(MCE.getCurrentPCOffset(), Reloc, GV,
+                                          0, isLocal));
+      rv = 0;
     } else {
       std::cerr << "ERROR: PC relative disp unhandled:" << MO << "\n";
@@ -677,11 +189,6 @@
   } else if (MO.isImmediate()) {
     rv = MO.getImmedValue();
     DEBUG(std::cerr << "immed: " << rv << "\n");
-  } else if (MO.isGlobalAddress()) {
-    DEBUG(std::cerr << "GlobalAddress: not PC-relative\n");
-    rv = (int64_t)
-      (intptr_t)getGlobalAddress(cast<GlobalValue>(MO.getVRegValue()),
-                                 MI, MO.isPCRelative());
   } else if (MO.isMachineBasicBlock()) {
     // Duplicate code of the above case for VirtualRegister, BasicBlock... 
     // It should really hit this case, but SparcV9 backend uses VRegs instead
@@ -784,47 +291,12 @@
 void SparcV9CodeEmitter::emitBasicBlock(MachineBasicBlock &MBB) {
   currBB = MBB.getBasicBlock();
   BBLocations[currBB] = MCE.getCurrentPCValue();
-  for (MachineBasicBlock::iterator I = MBB.begin(), E = MBB.end(); I != E; ++I){
-    unsigned binCode = getBinaryCodeForInstr(*I);
-    if (binCode == (1 << 30)) {
-      // this is an invalid call: the addr is out of bounds. that means a code
-      // sequence has already been emitted, and this is a no-op
-      DEBUG(std::cerr << "Call suppressed: already emitted far call.\n");
-    } else {
-      emitWord(binCode);
-    }
-  }
+  for (MachineBasicBlock::iterator I = MBB.begin(), E = MBB.end(); I != E; ++I)
+    emitWord(getBinaryCodeForInstr(*I));
-void* SparcV9CodeEmitter::getGlobalAddress(GlobalValue *V, MachineInstr &MI,
-                                           bool isPCRelative)
-  if (isPCRelative) { // must be a call, this is a major hack!
-    // Try looking up the function to see if it is already compiled!
-    if (void *Addr = (void*)(intptr_t)MCE.getGlobalValueAddress(V)) {
-      intptr_t CurByte = MCE.getCurrentPCValue();
-      // The real target of the call is Addr = PC + (target * 4)
-      // CurByte is the PC, Addr we just received
-      return (void*) (((long)Addr - (long)CurByte) >> 2);
-    } else {
-      if (Function *F = dyn_cast<Function>(V)) {
-        // Function has not yet been code generated!
-        TheJITResolver->addFunctionReference(MCE.getCurrentPCValue(),
-                                             cast<Function>(V));
-        // Delayed resolution...
-        return 
-          (void*)(intptr_t)TheJITResolver->getLazyResolver(cast<Function>(V));
-      } else {
-        std::cerr << "Unhandled global: " << *V << "\n";
-        abort();
-      }
-    }
-  } else {
-    return (void*)(intptr_t)MCE.getGlobalValueAddress(V);
-  }
+namespace llvm {
 #include "SparcV9CodeEmitter.inc"
 } // End llvm namespace

Index: llvm/lib/Target/SparcV9/SparcV9CodeEmitter.h
diff -u llvm/lib/Target/SparcV9/SparcV9CodeEmitter.h:1.18 llvm/lib/Target/SparcV9/SparcV9CodeEmitter.h:1.19
--- llvm/lib/Target/SparcV9/SparcV9CodeEmitter.h:1.18	Thu Apr 15 15:23:13 2004
+++ llvm/lib/Target/SparcV9/SparcV9CodeEmitter.h	Mon Nov 22 14:25:10 2004
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@
   SparcV9CodeEmitter(TargetMachine &T, MachineCodeEmitter &M);
-  ~SparcV9CodeEmitter();
+  ~SparcV9CodeEmitter() {}
   const char *getPassName() const { return "SparcV9 Machine Code Emitter"; }
@@ -59,12 +59,6 @@
   unsigned getBinaryCodeForInstr(MachineInstr &MI);
-  /// emitFarCall - produces a code sequence to make a call to a destination
-  /// that does not fit in the 30 bits that a call instruction allows.
-  /// If the function F is non-null, this also saves the return address in
-  /// the LazyResolver map of the JITResolver.
-  void emitFarCall(uint64_t Addr, Function *F = 0);
   /// getMachineOpValue - 

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