[llvm-commits] CVS: llvm-www/pubs/index.html
Misha Brukman
brukman at cs.uiuc.edu
Thu Oct 7 20:23:00 PDT 2004
Changes in directory llvm-www/pubs:
index.html updated: 1.7 -> 1.8
Log message:
Span the entries to the full 80 cols that we have available, making it easier to
read and modify the HTML on the publication page.
Diffs of the changes: (+72 -97)
Index: llvm-www/pubs/index.html
diff -u llvm-www/pubs/index.html:1.7 llvm-www/pubs/index.html:1.8
--- llvm-www/pubs/index.html:1.7 Wed Sep 22 20:59:05 2004
+++ llvm-www/pubs/index.html Thu Oct 7 22:22:48 2004
@@ -1,102 +1,77 @@
<!--#include virtual="../header.incl" -->
-<div class="www_sectiontitle">LLVM Related Publications</div>
+<div class="www_sectiontitle">LLVM-Related Publications</div>
- <ol>
- <li>"<a href="2004-09-22-LCPCLLVMTutorial.html">
- The LLVM Compiler Framework and Infrastructure Tutorial</a>"<br>
- Chris Lattner and Vikram Adve. <a
- href="http://www.ecn.purdue.edu/LCPC2004/">LCPC'04</a> <a
- href="http://www.ecn.purdue.edu/LCPC2004/miniws.html">Mini Workshop on
- Compiler Research Infrastructures</a>, West Lafayette,
- Indiana, Sep. 2004.
- <li>"<a href="2004-01-30-CGO-LLVM.html">
- LLVM: A Compilation Framework for Lifelong Program
- Analysis & Transformation</a>"<br>
- Chris Lattner and Vikram Adve. Proc. of the 2004
- <a href="http://www.cgo.org/">International Symposium
- on Code Generation and Optimization</a> (CGO'04),
- Palo Alto, California, Mar. 2004.
- <li>"<a href="2003-10-01-LLVA.html">
- LLVA: A Low-level Virtual Instruction Set
- Architecture</a>"<br>Vikram Adve, Chris Lattner,
- Michael Brukman, Anand Shukla, and Brian Gaeke.
- <a href="http://www.microarch.org/micro36/"><i>Proc.
- of the 36th annual ACM/IEEE international symposium on
- Microarchitecture (MICRO-36)</i></a>, San Diego, CA,
- December 2003.
- <li>"<a href="2003-09-30-LifelongOptimizationTR.html">
- LLVM: A Compilation Framework for Lifelong Program
- Analysis & Transformation</a>"<br>
- Chris Lattner & Vikram Adve.
- Technical Report #UIUCDCS-R-2003-2380, Computer Science
- Dept., Univ. of Illinois, Sep. 2003. (to appear in CGO'04)
- <li>"<a href="2003-07-18-ShuklaMSThesis.html">Lightweight,
- Cross-Procedure Tracing for Runtime Optimization</a>"<br>
- Anand Shukla. <i>Masters Thesis</i>, July 2003</li>
- <li>"<a href="2003-07-18-StanleyMSThesis.html"> Language
- Extensions for Performance-Oriented Programming</a>"<br>
- Joel Stanley. <i>Masters Thesis</i>, July 2003</li>
- <li>"<a href="2003-05-05-LCTES03-CodeSafety.html">
- Memory Safety Without Runtime Checks or Garbage
- Collection</a>"<br>
- Dinakar Dhurjati, Sumant Kowshik, Vikram Adve and
- Chris Lattner. <a
- href="http://www.cs.purdue.edu/s3/LCTES03/">
- <i>Proc. Languages Compilers and Tools for
- Embedded Systems 2003 (LCTES 03)</i></a>, San Diego,
- CA, June 2003. </li>
- <li>"<a
- href="2003-05-01-GCCSummit2003.html">Architecture
- For a Next-Generation GCC</a>"<br>
- Chris Lattner & Vikram Adve, <i>
- <a href="http://www.gccsummit.org/2003/">First
- Annual GCC Developers' Summit</a></i>,
- Ottawa, Canada, May 2003.<br>
- </li>
- <li>"<a href="2003-04-29-DataStructureAnalysisTR.html">Data
- Structure Analysis: An Efficient Context-Sensitive
- Heap Analysis</a>"<br>
- Chris Lattner & Vikram Adve, <i>Technical
- Report #UIUCDCS-R-2003-2340, Computer
- Science Dept., Univ. of Illinois</i>,
- Apr. 2003.<br>
- </li>
- <li>"<a href="2002-12-LattnerMSThesis.html">LLVM:
- An Infrastructure for Multi-Stage
- Optimization</a>"<br>
- Chris Lattner. <i>Masters Thesis</i>, Dec. 2002</li>
- <li>"<a href="2002-08-08-CASES02-ControlC.html">
- Ensuring
- Code Safety Without Runtime Checks for
- Real-Time Control Systems</a>"<br>
- Sumant Kowshik, Dinakar Dhurjati, and
- Vikram Adve. <a href="http://www.crest.gatech.edu/conferences/cases2002/"><i>Proc. Int'l Conf. on
- Compilers, Architecture and Synthesis for
- Embedded Systems (CASES02)</i></a>, Grenoble,
- France, Oct. 2002. </li>
- <li>"<a
- href="2002-08-09-LLVMCompilationStrategy.html">The
- LLVM Instruction Set and Compilation
- Strategy</a>"<br>
- Chris Lattner & Vikram Adve, <i>Technical
- Report #UIUCDCS-R-2002-2292, Computer
- Science Dept., Univ. of Illinois</i>,
- Aug. 2002.<br>
- </li>
- <li>"<a
- href="2002-06-AutomaticPoolAllocation.html">Automatic
- Pool Allocation for Disjoint Data
- Structures</a>,"<br>
- Chris Lattner & Vikram Adve, <a
- href="http://research.microsoft.com/~trishulc/msp2002/"><i>ACM
- SIGPLAN Workshop on Memory System
- Performance (MSP)</i></a>,
- Berlin, Germany, June 2002.<br>
- </li>
- </ol><p>
+<li>"<a href="2004-09-22-LCPCLLVMTutorial.html">The LLVM Compiler Framework and
+Infrastructure Tutorial</a>"<br> Chris Lattner and Vikram Adve. <a
+href="http://www.ecn.purdue.edu/LCPC2004/">LCPC'04</a> <a
+href="http://www.ecn.purdue.edu/LCPC2004/miniws.html">Mini Workshop on Compiler
+Research Infrastructures</a>, West Lafayette, Indiana, Sep. 2004.</li>
+<li>"<a href="2004-01-30-CGO-LLVM.html">LLVM: A Compilation Framework for
+Lifelong Program Analysis & Transformation</a>"<br> Chris Lattner and Vikram
+Adve. Proc. of the 2004 <a href="http://www.cgo.org/">International Symposium
+on Code Generation and Optimization</a> (CGO'04), Palo Alto, California, Mar.
+<li>"<a href="2003-10-01-LLVA.html">LLVA: A Low-level Virtual Instruction Set
+Architecture</a>"<br> Vikram Adve, Chris Lattner, Michael Brukman, Anand Shukla,
+and Brian Gaeke. <a href="http://www.microarch.org/micro36/"><i>Proc. of the
+36th annual ACM/IEEE international symposium on Microarchitecture
+(MICRO-36)</i></a>, San Diego, CA, December 2003.</li>
+<li>"<a href="2003-09-30-LifelongOptimizationTR.html">LLVM: A Compilation
+Framework for Lifelong Program Analysis & Transformation</a>"<br> Chris
+Lattner & Vikram Adve. Technical Report #UIUCDCS-R-2003-2380, Computer
+Science Dept., Univ. of Illinois, Sep. 2003. (to appear in CGO'04)
+<li>"<a href="2003-07-18-ShuklaMSThesis.html">Lightweight, Cross-Procedure
+Tracing for Runtime Optimization</a>"<br> Anand Shukla. <i>Masters Thesis</i>,
+July 2003</li>
+<li>"<a href="2003-07-18-StanleyMSThesis.html">Language Extensions for
+Performance-Oriented Programming</a>"<br> Joel Stanley. <i>Masters Thesis</i>,
+July 2003</li>
+<li>"<a href="2003-05-05-LCTES03-CodeSafety.html">Memory Safety Without Runtime
+Checks or Garbage Collection</a>"<br> Dinakar Dhurjati, Sumant Kowshik, Vikram
+Adve and Chris Lattner. <a href="http://www.cs.purdue.edu/s3/LCTES03/"> <i>Proc.
+Languages Compilers and Tools for Embedded Systems 2003 (LCTES 03)</i></a>, San
+Diego, CA, June 2003. </li>
+<li>"<a href="2003-05-01-GCCSummit2003.html">Architecture For a Next-Generation
+GCC</a>"<br> Chris Lattner & Vikram Adve, <i> <a
+href="http://www.gccsummit.org/2003/">First Annual GCC Developers'
+Summit</a></i>, Ottawa, Canada, May 2003.<br> </li>
+<li>"<a href="2003-04-29-DataStructureAnalysisTR.html">Data Structure Analysis:
+An Efficient Context-Sensitive Heap Analysis</a>"<br> Chris Lattner & Vikram
+Adve, <i>Technical Report #UIUCDCS-R-2003-2340, Computer Science Dept., Univ. of
+Illinois</i>, Apr. 2003.<br> </li>
+<li>"<a href="2002-12-LattnerMSThesis.html">LLVM: An Infrastructure for
+Multi-Stage Optimization</a>"<br> Chris Lattner. <i>Masters Thesis</i>, Dec.
+<li>"<a href="2002-08-08-CASES02-ControlC.html">Ensuring Code Safety Without
+Runtime Checks for Real-Time Control Systems</a>"<br> Sumant Kowshik, Dinakar
+Dhurjati, and Vikram Adve. <a
+href="http://www.crest.gatech.edu/conferences/cases2002/"><i>Proc. Int'l Conf.
+on Compilers, Architecture and Synthesis for Embedded Systems (CASES02)</i></a>,
+Grenoble, France, Oct. 2002. </li>
+<li>"<a href="2002-08-09-LLVMCompilationStrategy.html">The LLVM Instruction Set
+and Compilation Strategy</a>"<br> Chris Lattner & Vikram Adve, <i>Technical
+Report #UIUCDCS-R-2002-2292, Computer Science Dept., Univ. of Illinois</i>, Aug.
+2002.<br> </li>
+<li>"<a href="2002-06-AutomaticPoolAllocation.html">Automatic Pool Allocation
+for Disjoint Data Structures</a>,"<br> Chris Lattner & Vikram Adve, <a
+href="http://research.microsoft.com/~trishulc/msp2002/"><i>ACM SIGPLAN Workshop
+on Memory System Performance (MSP)</i></a>, Berlin, Germany, June 2002.<br>
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