[llvm-commits] CVS: llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/Prolangs-C/unix-smail/Makefile Makefile.yur alias.c defs.h deliver.c getopt.c getpath.c headers.c main.c map.c misc.c pw.c resolve.c str.c sysexits.h

Chris Lattner lattner at cs.uiuc.edu
Tue Oct 5 14:25:26 PDT 2004

Changes in directory llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/Prolangs-C/unix-smail:

Makefile added (r1.1)
Makefile.yur added (r1.1)
alias.c added (r1.1)
defs.h added (r1.1)
deliver.c added (r1.1)
getopt.c added (r1.1)
getpath.c added (r1.1)
headers.c added (r1.1)
main.c added (r1.1)
map.c added (r1.1)
misc.c added (r1.1)
pw.c added (r1.1)
resolve.c added (r1.1)
str.c added (r1.1)
sysexits.h added (r1.1)
Log message:

New benchmark, no input duh

Diffs of the changes:  (+3552 -0)

Index: llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/Prolangs-C/unix-smail/Makefile
diff -c /dev/null llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/Prolangs-C/unix-smail/Makefile:1.1
*** /dev/null	Tue Oct  5 16:25:25 2004
--- llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/Prolangs-C/unix-smail/Makefile	Tue Oct  5 16:25:14 2004
*** 0 ****
--- 1,5 ----
+ LEVEL = ../../../..
+ PROG = smail
+ include $(LEVEL)/MultiSource/Makefile.multisrc

Index: llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/Prolangs-C/unix-smail/Makefile.yur
diff -c /dev/null llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/Prolangs-C/unix-smail/Makefile.yur:1.1
*** /dev/null	Tue Oct  5 16:25:25 2004
--- llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/Prolangs-C/unix-smail/Makefile.yur	Tue Oct  5 16:25:14 2004
*** 0 ****
--- 1,55 ----
+ # Makefile for smail (not a installation makefile)
+ # @(#)Makefile	2.5 (smail) 9/15/87
+ #
+ # System V Release 2.0 sites can use -lmalloc for a faster malloc
+ #
+ #LIBS	=	-lmalloc
+ OBJECTS =	main.o map.o resolve.o deliver.o misc.o alias.o pw.o headers.o getpath.o str.o getopt.o
+ all: smail svbinmail lcasep pathproc mkfnames nptx
+ smail:		$(OBJECTS)
+ 		cc $(CFLAGS) $(OBJECTS) -o smail $(LIBS)
+ adf:
+ 	../ptt -aX $(OBJECTS:.o=.c) ../pttlibfile.c
+ test_adf:
+ 	@exec doall smail "-aX -D_NO_LONGLONG $(OBJECTS:.o=.c) ../pttlibfile.c" 0 0
+ $(OBJECTS):	defs.h
+ 		cc $(CFLAGS) -c $<
+ svbinmail:	svbinmail.c defs.h
+ 		cc $(CFLAGS) svbinmail.c -o svbinmail
+ lcasep:		lcasep.c
+ 		cc $(CFLAGS) lcasep.c -o lcasep
+ pathproc:	pathproc.sh
+ 		cp pathproc.sh pathproc
+ 		chmod 755 pathproc
+ mkfnames:	mkfnames.sh
+ 		cp mkfnames.sh mkfnames
+ 		chmod 755 mkfnames
+ nptx:		nptx.o pw.o str.o
+ 		cc $(CFLAGS) nptx.o pw.o str.o -o nptx $(LIBS)
+ nptx.o:		nptx.c
+ 		cc $(CFLAGS) -c nptx.c
+ install:	all
+ 		@echo read doc/Install
+ clean:
+ 		rm -f *.o *.ln a.out core
+ clobber:	clean
+ 		rm -f smail rmail lcasep pathproc mkfnames svbinmail nptx

Index: llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/Prolangs-C/unix-smail/alias.c
diff -c /dev/null llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/Prolangs-C/unix-smail/alias.c:1.1
*** /dev/null	Tue Oct  5 16:25:25 2004
--- llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/Prolangs-C/unix-smail/alias.c	Tue Oct  5 16:25:14 2004
*** 0 ****
--- 1,569 ----
+ #ifndef lint
+ static char *sccsid = "@(#)alias.c	2.5 (smail) 9/15/87";
+ #endif
+ #include <stdio.h>
+ #include <sys/types.h>
+ #include <sys/stat.h>
+ #include <pwd.h>
+ #include "defs.h"
+ #include <ctype.h>
+ extern enum edebug debug;	/* verbose and debug modes		*/
+ extern char hostdomain[];
+ extern char hostname[];
+ extern char *aliasfile;
+ /*
+ **
+ ** Picture of the alias graph structure
+ **
+ **	head
+ **       |
+ **       v
+ **	maps -> mark -> gjm -> mel -> NNULL
+ **       |
+ **       v
+ **	sys ->  root -> ron -> NNULL
+ **       |
+ **       v
+ **	root -> mark -> chris -> lda -> NNULL
+ **       |
+ **       v
+ **      NNULL
+ */
+ typedef struct alias_node node;
+ static struct alias_node {
+ 	char *string;
+ 	node *horz;
+ 	node *vert;
+ };
+ #ifndef SENDMAIL
+ static node aliases = {"", 0, 0}; /* this is the 'dummy header' */
+ #endif /* not SENDMAIL */
+ /*
+ ** lint free forms of NULL
+ */
+ #define NNULL	((node   *) 0)
+ #define CNULL	('\0')
+ /*
+ ** string parsing macros
+ */
+ #define SKIPWORD(Z)  while(*Z!=' ' && *Z!='\t' && *Z!='\n' && *Z!=',') Z++;
+ #define SKIPSPACE(Z) while(*Z==' ' || *Z=='\t' || *Z=='\n' || *Z==',') Z++;
+ static int nargc = 0;
+ static char *nargv[MAXARGS];
+ void	add_horz();
+ void	load_alias(), strip_comments();
+ int	recipients();
+ node	*pop();
+ #ifndef SENDMAIL
+ node	*v_search(), *h_search();
+ char	*tilde();
+ #endif	/* not SENDMAIL */
+ /* our horizontal linked list looks like a stack */
+ #define push		add_horz
+ #define escape(s)	((*s != '\\') ? (s) : (s+1))
+ char **alias(int *pargc,char **argv)
+ {
+ /*
+ **  alias the addresses
+ */
+ 	int	i;
+ 	char	domain[SMLBUF], ubuf[SMLBUF], *user;
+ 	node	*addr, addrstk;
+ 	node	*flist,  fliststk, *u;
+ #ifndef SENDMAIL
+ 	FILE	*fp;
+ 	node	*a;
+ 	char	*home, buf[SMLBUF];
+ 	int	aliased;
+ 	struct	stat st;
+ #endif /* not SENDMAIL */
+ #ifdef FULLNAME
+ 	char *res_fname();	/* Does fullname processing */
+ #endif
+ 	addr  = &addrstk;
+ 	flist = &fliststk;
+ 	user  = ubuf;
+ 	addr->horz = NNULL;
+ 	flist->horz  = NNULL;
+ 	/*
+ 	** push all of the addresses onto a stack
+ 	*/
+ 	for(i=0; i < *pargc; i++) {
+ 		push(addr, argv[i]);
+ 	}
+ 	/*
+ 	** for each adress, check for included files, aliases,
+ 	** full name mapping, and .forward files
+ 	*/
+ 	while((nargc < MAXARGS) && ((u = pop(addr)) != NNULL)) {
+ #ifndef SENDMAIL
+ 		if(strncmpic(u->string, ":include:", 9) == 0) {
+ 			/*
+ 			** make sure it's a full path name
+ 			** don't allow multiple sourcing
+ 			** of a given include file
+ 			*/
+ 			char *p = u->string + 9;
+ 			if((*p == '/')
+ 			&& (h_search(flist, p) == NULL)) {
+ 				push(flist, p);
+ 				if((stat(p, &st) >= 0)
+ 				&&((st.st_mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFREG)
+ 				&&((fp = fopen(p, "r")) != NULL)) {
+ 					while(fgets(buf, sizeof buf, fp)) {
+ 						(void) recipients(addr, buf);
+ 					}
+ 					(void) fclose(fp);
+ 				}
+ 			}
+ 			continue;
+ 		}
+ #endif /* not SENDMAIL */
+ 		/*
+ 		** parse the arg to see if it's to be aliased
+ 		*/
+ 		if(islocal(u->string, domain, ubuf) == 0) {
+ 			goto aliasing_complete;
+ 		}
+ 		/*
+ 		** local form - try to alias user
+ 		** aliases file takes precedence over ~user/.forward
+ 		** since that's the way that sendmail does it.
+ 		*/
+ 		/* squish 'user' into lower case */
+ 		for(user = ubuf; *user ; user++) {
+ 			*user = lower(*user);
+ 		}
+ #endif
+ 		user = escape(ubuf);
+ 		(void) strcpy(u->string, user);	/* local => elide domain */
+ #ifndef SENDMAIL
+ 		/*
+ 		** check for alias - all this complication is necessary
+ 		** to handle perverted aliases like these:
+ 		** # mail to 's' resolves to 't' 'm' and 'rmt!j'
+ 		** s	t,g,j,m
+ 		** g	j,m
+ 		** j	rmt!j
+ 		** # mail to 'a' resolves to 'rmt!d'
+ 		** a	b c
+ 		** b	c
+ 		** c	rmt!d
+ 		** # mail to x resolves to 'x'
+ 		** x	local!x
+ 		** # mail to 'y' resolves to 'y' and 'z'
+ 		** y	\y z
+ 		*/
+ 		if(((a = v_search(user)) != NNULL)) {
+ 			char dtmpb[SMLBUF], utmpb[SMLBUF], *ut;
+ 			int user_inalias = 0;
+ 			node *t = a;
+ 			for(a = a->horz; a != NNULL; a=a->horz) {
+ 				if(islocal(a->string, dtmpb, utmpb)) {
+ 					/* squish 'utmpb' into lower case */
+ 					for(ut = utmpb; *ut ; ut++) {
+ 						*ut = lower(*ut);
+ 					}
+ #endif
+ 					ut = escape(utmpb);
+ #ifdef CASEALIAS
+ 					if(strcmp(ut, user) == 0)
+ #else
+ 					if(strcmpic(ut, user) == 0)
+ #endif
+ 					{
+ 						user_inalias = 1;
+ 					} else {
+ 						push(addr, a->string);
+ 					}
+ 				} else {
+ 					push(addr, a->string);
+ 				}
+ 			}
+ 			t->horz = NNULL; /* truncate horz list of aliases */
+ 			if(user_inalias == 0) {
+ 				continue;
+ 			}
+ 		}
+ 		if((home = tilde(user)) != NULL) {
+ 			/* don't allow multiple sourcing
+ 			** of a given .forward file
+ 			*/
+ 			if((h_search(flist, home) != NULL)) {
+ 				continue;
+ 			}
+ 			push(flist, home);
+ 			/*
+ 			** check for ~user/.forward file
+ 			** must be a regular, readable file
+ 			*/
+ 			(void) sprintf(buf, "%s/%s", home, ".forward");
+ 			if((stat(buf, &st) >= 0)
+ 			&&((st.st_mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFREG)
+ 			&&((st.st_mode & 0444)   == 0444)
+ 			&&((fp = fopen(buf, "r")) != NULL)) {
+ 				aliased = 0;
+ 				while(fgets(buf, sizeof buf, fp)) {
+ 					aliased |= recipients(addr, buf);
+ 				}
+ 				(void) fclose(fp);
+ 				if(aliased) {
+ 					continue;
+ 				}
+ 			}
+ 		}
+ #endif /* not SENDMAIL */
+ #ifdef FULLNAME
+ 		/*
+ 		** Do possible fullname substitution.
+ 		*/
+ #ifdef DOT_REQD
+ 		if (index(user, '.') != NULL)
+ #endif
+ 		{
+ 			static char t_dom[SMLBUF], t_unam[SMLBUF];
+ 			char *t_user = res_fname(user);
+ 			if (t_user != NULL) {
+ 				if(islocal(t_user, t_dom, t_unam) == 0) {
+ 					/* aliased to non-local address */
+ 					push(addr, t_user);
+ 					continue;
+ 				}
+ 				if(strcmp(t_unam, user) != 0) {
+ 					/* aliased to different local address */
+ 					push(addr, t_unam);
+ 					continue;
+ 				}
+ 			}
+ 		}
+ #endif
+ aliasing_complete:
+ 		user = escape(u->string);
+ 		for(i=0; i < nargc; i++) {
+ 			if(strcmpic(nargv[i], user) == 0) {
+ 				break;
+ 			}
+ 		}
+ 		if(i == nargc) {
+ 			nargv[nargc++] = user;
+ 		}
+ 	}
+ 	*pargc     = nargc;
+ 	return(nargv);
+ }
+ #ifndef SENDMAIL
+ /*
+ ** v_search
+ **	given an string, look for its alias in
+ **	the 'vertical' linked list of aliases.
+ */
+ node *v_search(char *user)
+ {
+ 	node *head;
+ 	node *a;
+ 	static int loaded = 0;
+ 	head = &aliases;
+ 	if(loaded == 0) {
+ 		load_alias(head, aliasfile);
+ 		loaded = 1;
+ 	}
+ 	for(a = head->vert; a != NNULL; a = a->vert) {
+ #ifdef CASEALIAS
+ 		if(strcmp(a->string, user) == 0)
+ #else
+ 		if(strcmpic(a->string, user) == 0)
+ #endif
+ 		{
+ 			break;
+ 		}
+ 	}
+ 	if(a == NNULL) {		/* not in graph */
+ 		return(NNULL);
+ 	}
+ 	return(a);
+ }
+ /*
+ ** h_search
+ **	given an string, look for it in
+ **	a 'horizontal' linked list of strings.
+ */
+ node *h_search(node *head,char *str)
+ {
+ 	node *a;
+ 	for(a = head->horz; a != NNULL; a = a->horz) {
+ #ifdef CASEALIAS
+ 		if(strcmp(a->string, str) == 0)
+ #else
+ 		if(strcmpic(a->string, str) == 0)
+ #endif
+ 		{
+ 			break;
+ 		}
+ 	}
+ 	return(a);
+ }
+ #endif /* not SENDMAIL */
+ /*
+ ** load_alias
+ **	parse an 'aliases' file and add the aliases to the alias graph.
+ **	Handle inclusion of other 'aliases' files.
+ */
+ void load_alias(node *head,char *filename)
+ {
+ 	FILE *fp;
+ 	node *v, *h, *add_vert();
+ 	char domain[SMLBUF], user[SMLBUF];
+ 	char *p, *b, buf[SMLBUF];
+ 	if((fp = fopen(filename,"r")) == NULL) {
+ DEBUG("load_alias open('%s') failed\n", filename);
+ 		return;
+ 	}
+ 	while(fgets(buf, sizeof buf, fp) != NULL) {
+ 		p = buf;
+ 		if((*p == '#') || (*p == '\n')) {
+ 			continue;
+ 		}
+ 		/*
+ 		** include another file of aliases
+ 		*/
+ 		if(strncmp(p, ":include:", 9) == 0) {
+ 			char *nl;
+ 			p += 9;
+ 			if((nl = index(p, '\n')) != NULL) {
+ 				*nl = CNULL;
+ 			}
+ DEBUG("load_alias '%s' includes file '%s'\n", filename, p);
+ 			load_alias(head, p);
+ 			continue;
+ 		}
+ 		/*
+ 		**  if the first char on the line is a space or tab
+ 		**  then it's a continuation line.  Otherwise,
+ 		**  we start a new alias.
+ 		*/
+ 		if(*p != ' ' && *p != '\t') {
+ 			b = p;
+ 			SKIPWORD(p);
+ 			*p++ = CNULL;
+ 			/*
+ 			** be sure that the alias is in local form
+ 			*/
+ 			if(islocal(b, domain, user) == 0) {
+ 				/*
+ 				** non-local alias format - skip it
+ 				*/
+ 				continue;
+ 			}
+ 			/*
+ 			** add the alias to the (vertical) list of aliases
+ 			*/
+ 			if((h = add_vert(head, user)) == NNULL) {
+ DEBUG("load_alias for '%s' failed\n", b);
+ 				return;
+ 			}
+ 		}
+ 		/*
+ 		**  Next on the line is the list of recipents.
+ 		**  Strip out each word and add it to the
+ 		**  horizontal linked list.
+ 		*/
+ 		(void) recipients(h, p);
+ 	}
+ 	(void) fclose(fp);
+ 	/*
+ 	** strip out aliases which have no members
+ 	*/
+ 	for(v = head; v->vert != NNULL; ) {
+ 		if(v->vert->horz == NNULL) {
+ 			v->vert = v->vert->vert;
+ 		} else {
+ 			v = v->vert;
+ 		}
+ 	}
+ }
+ /*
+ ** add each word in a string (*p) of recipients
+ ** to the (horizontal) linked list associated with 'h'
+ */
+ int recipients(node *h,char *p)
+ {
+ 	char *b, d[SMLBUF], u[SMLBUF];
+ 	int ret = 0;
+ 	strip_comments(p);	/* strip out stuff in ()'s */
+ 	SKIPSPACE(p);		/* skip leading whitespace on line */
+ 	while((*p != NULL) && (*p != '#')) {
+ 		b = p;
+ 		if(*b == '"') {
+ 			if((p = index(++b, '"')) == NULL) {
+ 				/* syntax error - no matching quote */
+ 				/* skip the rest of the line */
+ 				return(ret);
+ 			}
+ 		} else {
+ 			SKIPWORD(p);
+ 		}
+ 		if(*p != CNULL) {
+ 			*p++ = CNULL;
+ 		}
+ 		/* don't allow aliases of the form
+ 		** a	a
+ 		*/
+ 		if((islocal(b, d, u) == 0)
+ 		|| (strcmpic(h->string, u) != 0)) {
+ 			add_horz(h, b);
+ 			ret = 1;
+ 		}
+ 	}
+ 	return(ret);
+ }
+ /*
+ ** some aliases may have comments on the line like:
+ **
+ ** moderators	moderator at somehost.domain	(Moderator's Name)
+ **		moderator at anotherhost.domain	(Another Moderator's Name)
+ **
+ ** strip out the stuff in ()'s
+ **
+ */
+ void strip_comments(char *p)
+ {
+ 	char *b;
+ 	while((p = index(p, '(')) != NULL) {
+ 		b = p++;	/*
+ 				** save pointer to open parenthesis
+ 				*/
+ 		if((p = index(p, ')')) != NULL) {/* look for close paren */
+ 			(void) strcpy(b, ++p);	 /* slide string left    */
+ 		} else {
+ 			*b = CNULL;	/* no paren, skip rest of line  */
+ 			break;
+ 		}
+ 	}
+ }
+ /*
+ ** add_vert - add a (vertical) link to the chain of aliases.
+ */
+ node *add_vert(node *head,char *str)
+ {
+ 	char *p, *malloc();
+ /*	void free();         */
+ 	node *new;
+ 	/*
+ 	** strip colons off the end of alias names
+ 	*/
+ 	if((p = index(str, ':')) != NULL) {
+ 		*p = CNULL;
+ 	}
+ 	if((new = (node *) malloc(sizeof(node))) != NNULL) {
+ 		if((new->string = malloc((unsigned) strlen(str)+1)) == NULL) {
+ 			free(new);
+ 			new = NNULL;
+ 		} else {
+ 			(void) strcpy(new->string, str);
+ 			new->vert   = head->vert;
+ 			new->horz   = NNULL;
+ 			head->vert  = new;
+ /*DEBUG("add_vert %s->%s\n", head->string, new->string);/* */
+ 		}
+ 	}
+ 	return(new);
+ }
+ /*
+ ** add_horz - add a (horizontal) link to the chain of recipients.
+ */
+ void add_horz(node *head,char *str)
+ {
+ 	char *malloc();
+ 	node *new;
+ 	if((new = (node *) malloc(sizeof(node))) != NNULL) {
+ 		if((new->string = malloc((unsigned) strlen(str)+1)) == NULL) {
+ 			free(new);
+ 			new = NNULL;
+ 		} else {
+ 			(void) strcpy(new->string, str);
+ 			new->horz  = head->horz;
+ 			new->vert  = NNULL;
+ 			head->horz = new;
+ 		}
+ /*DEBUG("add_horz %s->%s\n", head->string, new->string);/* */
+ 	}
+ }
+ node *pop(node *head)
+ {
+ 	node *ret = NNULL;
+ 	if(head != NNULL) {
+ 		ret = head->horz;
+ 		if(ret != NNULL) {
+ 			head->horz = ret->horz;
+ 		}
+ 	}
+ 	return(ret);
+ }

Index: llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/Prolangs-C/unix-smail/defs.h
diff -c /dev/null llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/Prolangs-C/unix-smail/defs.h:1.1
*** /dev/null	Tue Oct  5 16:25:25 2004
--- llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/Prolangs-C/unix-smail/defs.h	Tue Oct  5 16:25:14 2004
*** 0 ****
--- 1,323 ----
+ /*
+ **
+ **  Defs.h:  header file for rmail/smail.
+ **
+ **  Configuration options for rmail/smail.
+ **	default configuration is:
+ **	full domain name is 'hostname.uucp' (get registered!)
+ **	path file is /usr/lib/uucp/paths.
+ **	no log, no record, use sendmail.
+ ** 
+ **  You can change these in the next few blocks.
+ **
+ */
+ /*
+ **	@(#)defs.h	2.5 (smail) 9/15/87
+ */
+ #ifndef VERSION
+ #define	VERSION	"smail2.5"
+ #endif
+ /*#define BSD				/* if system is a Berkeley system */
+ /*#define SENDMAIL "/usr/lib/sendmail"	/* Turn off to use /bin/(l)mail only */
+ #ifdef BSD
+ #define GETHOSTNAME			/* use gethostname() */
+ #else
+ #define UNAME 				/* use uname() */
+ #endif
+ /* if defined, HOSTNAME overrides UNAME and GETHOSTNAME */
+ /*#define HOSTNAME	"host"		/* literal name */
+ /*#define HOSTDOMAIN	"host.dom"	/* overrides default HOSTNAME.MYDOM */
+ /*
+  * .UUCP here is just for testing, GET REGISTERED in COM, EDU, etc.
+  * See INFO.REGISTRY for details.
+  */
+ #define MYDOM		".UUCP"		/* literal domain suffix */
+ /*
+  * WARNING: DOMGATE is only for qualified gateways - use caution.
+  * If you don't fully understand it - don't use it!
+  * If you are not completely sure you need it - don't use it!
+  * If you are not prepared to handle all addresses to MYDOM - don't use it!
+  *
+  * if defined, DOMGATE (DOMain GATEway) will cause addresses of the form
+  *
+  *	user at MYDOM or MYDOM!user
+  *
+  * (with and without the leading '.' on MYDOM)
+  * to be seen treated simply 'user' - a purely local address.
+  * Then, it is left to the aliasing code to map it back to a
+  * non-local address if necessary.
+  */
+ /*#define DOMGATE		/* Act as Domain Gateway */
+ /*
+  * HIDDENHOSTS allows hosts that serve as domain gateways to hide
+  * the subdomains beneath them.  Mail that originates at any of
+  * the hosts in the subdomain will appear to come from the gateway host.
+  * Hence, mail from
+  *
+  * 		anything.hostdomain!user
+  *
+  * will appear to come from 
+  *
+  * 		hostdomain!user
+  *
+  * A consequence is that return mail to hostdomain!user would need to
+  * be forwarded to the proper subdomain via aliases or other forwarding
+  * facilities.
+  *
+  * If you're using sendmail, then if defined here,
+  * it should be used in ruleset 4 of the sendmail.cf, too.
+  */
+ /*#define HIDDENHOSTS			/* hide subdomains of hostdomain */
+ /*
+  * Mail that would otherwise be undeliverable will be passed to the
+  * aliased SMARTHOST for potential delivery.
+  *
+  * Be sure that the host you specify in your pathalias input knows that you're
+  * using it as a relay, or you might upset somebody when they find out some
+  * other way.  If you're using 'foovax' as your relay, and below you have
+  * #define SMARTHOST "smart-host", then the pathalias alias would be:
+  *
+  *	smart-host = foovax
+  */
+ #define SMARTHOST  "smart-host"	/* pathalias alias for relay host */
+ /*
+ **  ALIAS and CASEALIAS are used only if SENDMAIL is NOT defined.
+ **  Sites using sendmail have to let sendmail do the aliasing.
+ **  LOWERLOGNAME maps all local login names into lower case.  This
+ **  helps sites who have only upper case send mail to mixed case sites.
+ */
+ #define ALIAS	"/usr/lib/aliases"	/* location of mail aliases       */
+ /*#define CASEALIAS			/* make aliases case sensitive    */
+ /*#define LOWERLOGNAME			/* map local logins to lower case */
+ /*
+  * defining FULLNAME means that Full Name resolution
+  * will be attempted when necessary.
+  *
+  * the Full Name information will be taken from a
+  * list of {Full Name, address} pairs.
+  * The names in the list must be sorted
+  * without regard to upper/lower case.
+  *
+  * defining DOT_REQD says that the user name must contain a '.' for
+  * the Full Name search to be done.
+  *
+  * All full name searches are case insensitive.
+  *
+  */
+ #define FULLNAME	"/usr/lib/fullnames"
+ 					/* list of Full Name, address pairs */
+ /*#define DOT_REQD			/* Must be George.P.Burdell at gatech.EDU
+ 					** not just  Burdell at gatech.EDU
+ 					*/
+ /*
+ **	PATHS is name of pathalias file.  This is mandatory.
+ **	Define LOG if you want a log of mail.  This can be handy for
+ **	debugging and traffic analysis.
+ **	Define RECORD for a copy of all mail.  This uses much time and
+ **	space and is only used for extreme debugging cases.
+ */
+ #ifndef PATHS
+ #define PATHS	"/usr/lib/uucp/paths"	/* location of the path database */
+ #endif
+ /*#define LOG	"/usr/spool/uucp/mail.log"	/* log of uucp mail */
+ /*#define RECORD	"/tmp/mail.log"		/* record of uucp mail */
+ /*
+ **  Mailer options:
+ **	RMAIL is the command to invoke rmail on machine sys.
+ **	RARG is how to insulate metacharacters from RMAIL. 
+ **	LMAIL is the command to invoke the local mail transfer agent.
+ **	LARG is how to insulate metacharacters from LMAIL. 
+ **	RLARG is LARG with host! on the front - to pass a uux addr to sendmail.
+ **	SENDMAIL selects one of two sets of defines below for either
+ **	using sendmail or /bin/lmail.
+ */	
+ #ifndef UUX
+ #define UUX		"/usr/bin/uux"	/* location of uux command   */
+ #endif
+ #ifndef SMAIL
+ #define SMAIL		"/bin/smail"	/* location of smail command */
+ #endif
+ /*
+ ** command used to retry failed mail, flag is used to set the routing level.
+ */
+ #define VFLAG		((debug == VERBOSE)?"-v":"")
+ #define RETRY(flag)	"%s %s %s -f %s ", SMAIL, VFLAG, flag, spoolfile
+ /*
+ ** use the -a if you have it.  This sometimes helps failed mail and warning
+ ** messages get back to where the mail originated.
+ **
+ ** some versions of uux can't do '-a' - pick one of the next two definitions
+ */
+ #define RMAIL(flags,from,sys) "%s -a%s %s - %s!rmail",UUX,from,flags,sys /* */
+ /*#define RMAIL(flags,from,sys) "%s %s - %s!rmail",UUX,flags,sys /* */
+ #define RARG(user)		" '(%s)'",user
+ #define RFROM(frm,now,host) 	"From %s  %.24s remote from %s\n",frm,now,host
+ #ifdef SENDMAIL
+ #define HANDLE	JUSTUUCP	/* see HANDLE definition below */
+ #define ROUTING JUSTDOMAIN	/* see ROUTING definition below */
+ #define LMAIL(frm,sys) 	"%s -em -f%s",SENDMAIL,frm
+ #define LARG(user)		" '%s'",postmaster(user)
+ #define RLARG(sys,frm)		" '%s!%s'",sys,frm
+ #define LFROM(frm,now,host)	"From %s %.24s\n",frm,now
+ #else
+ #define HANDLE	ALL
+ #ifdef BSD
+ #define LMAIL(frm,sys)		"/bin/mail"	/* BSD local delivery agent */
+ #else
+ #define LMAIL(frm,sys)		"/bin/lmail"	/* SV  local delivery agent */
+ #endif
+ #define LARG(user)		" '%s'",postmaster(user)
+ #define RLARG(sys,frm)		" '%s!%s'",sys,frm
+ #define LFROM(frm,now,host)	"From %s %.24s\n",frm,now
+ #endif
+ /*
+ **	The following definitions affect the queueing algorithm for uux.
+ **
+ **	DEFQUEUE	if defined the default is to queue uux mail
+ **
+ **	QUEUECOST	remote mail with a cost of less than QUEUECOST
+ **			will be handed to uux for immediate delivery.
+ **
+ **	MAXNOQUEUE	don't allow more than 'n' immediate delivery
+ **			jobs to be started on a single invocation of smail.
+ **	
+ **	GETCOST		if defined, the paths file will be searched for
+ **			each address to discover the cost of the route.
+ **			this allows informed decisions about whether to
+ **			use the queue flags when calling uux.  The price
+ **			is in the overhead of a paths file search for
+ **			addresses that are not going to be routed.
+ */
+ #define DEFQUEUE			/* default is to queue uux jobs */
+ #define QUEUECOST		100	/* deliver immediately if the cost
+ 					/* is DEDICATED+LOW or better */
+ #define MAXNOQUEUE		2	/* max UUX_NOQUEUE jobs         */
+ #define GETCOST				/* search for cost		*/
+ #define UUX_QUEUE		"-r"	/* uux flag for queueing	*/
+ #define UUX_NOQUEUE		""	/* uux with immediate delivery	*/
+ /*
+ ** Normally, all mail destined for the local host is delivered with a single
+ ** call to the local mailer, and all remote mail is delivered with one call
+ ** to the remote mailer for each remote host.  This kind of 'batching' saves
+ ** on the cpu overhead.
+ **
+ ** MAXCLEN is used to limit the length of commands that are exec'd by smail.
+ ** This is done to keep other program's buffers from overflowing, or to
+ ** allow for less intelligent commands which can take only one argument
+ ** at a time (e.g., 4.1 /bin/mail).  To disable the batching, set MAXCLEN
+ ** a small value (like 0).
+ */
+ #define MAXCLEN			128	/* longest command allowed (approx.)
+ 					/* this is to keep other's buffers
+ 					** from overflowing
+ 					*/
+ /*
+ */
+ #define SMLBUF	512	/* small buffer (handle one item) */
+ #define BIGBUF	4096	/* handle lots of items */
+ #define MAXPATH	32	/* number of elements in ! path */
+ #define MAXDOMS	16	/* number of subdomains in . domain */
+ #define MAXARGS	500	/* number of arguments */
+ #ifndef NULL
+ #define NULL	0
+ #endif
+ #define DEBUG 		if (debug==YES) (void) printf
+ #define ADVISE 		if (debug!=NO) (void) printf
+ #define error(stat,msg,a)	{ (void) fprintf(stderr, msg, a); exit(stat); }
+ #define lower(c) 		( isupper(c) ? c-'A'+'a' : c )
+ enum eform {	/* format of addresses */
+ 	ERROR, 		/* bad or invalidated format */
+ 	LOCAL, 		/* just a local name */
+ 	DOMAIN, 	/* user at domain or domain!user */
+ 	UUCP,		/* host!address */
+ 	ROUTE,		/* intermediate form - to be routed */
+ 	SENT		/* sent to a mailer on a previous pass */
+ };
+ enum ehandle { 	/* what addresses can we handle? (don't kick to LMAIL) */
+ 	ALL,		/* UUCP and DOMAIN addresses */
+ 	JUSTUUCP,	/* UUCP only; set by -l  */
+ 	NONE		/* all mail is LOCAL; set by -L */
+ };
+ enum erouting {	/* when to route A!B!C!D */
+ 	JUSTDOMAIN,	/* route A if A is a domain */
+ 	ALWAYS,		/* route A always; set by -r */
+ 	REROUTE		/* route C, B, or A (whichever works); set by -R */
+ };
+ enum edebug {	/* debug modes */
+ 	NO,		/* normal deliver */
+ 	VERBOSE,	/* talk alot */
+ 	YES		/* talk and don't deliver */
+ };
+ #ifdef BSD
+ #include <strings.h>
+ #include <sysexits.h>
+ #else
+ #include <string.h>
+ #include "sysexits.h"
+ #define	index	strchr
+ #define	rindex	strrchr
+ #endif
+ extern void exit(), perror();
+ extern unsigned sleep();

Index: llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/Prolangs-C/unix-smail/deliver.c
diff -c /dev/null llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/Prolangs-C/unix-smail/deliver.c:1.1
*** /dev/null	Tue Oct  5 16:25:25 2004
--- llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/Prolangs-C/unix-smail/deliver.c	Tue Oct  5 16:25:14 2004
*** 0 ****
--- 1,480 ----
+ /*
+ **  Deliver.c
+ **
+ **  Routines to effect delivery of mail for rmail/smail. 
+ **
+ */
+ #ifndef lint
+ static char 	*sccsid="@(#)deliver.c	2.5 (smail) 9/15/87";
+ #endif
+ # include	<stdio.h>
+ # include	<sys/types.h>
+ # include	<sys/stat.h>
+ # include	<ctype.h>
+ # include	<signal.h>
+ # include	"defs.h"
+ extern int  exitstat;		/* set if a forked mailer fails */
+ extern enum edebug debug;	/* how verbose we are 		*/ 
+ extern char hostname[];		/* our uucp hostname 		*/
+ extern char hostdomain[];	/* our host's domain 		*/
+ extern enum ehandle handle;	/* what we handle		*/
+ extern enum erouting routing;	/* how we're routing addresses  */
+ extern char *uuxargs;		/* arguments given to uux       */
+ extern int  queuecost;		/* threshold for queueing mail  */
+ extern int  maxnoqueue;		/* max number of uucico's       */
+ extern char *spoolfile;		/* file name of spooled message */
+ extern FILE *spoolfp;		/* file ptr  to spooled message */
+ extern int spoolmaster;		/* set if creator of spoolfile  */
+ extern char nows[];		/* local time in ctime(3) format*/
+ extern char arpanows[];		/* local time in arpadate format*/
+ char stderrfile[20];		/* error file for stderr traping*/
+ extern char *postmaster(char *user);
+ void return_mail(char *from,char *fcommand);
+ /*
+ **
+ **  deliver():  hand the letter to the proper mail programs.
+ **
+ **  Issues one command for each different host of <hostv>,
+ **  constructing the proper command for LOCAL or UUCP mail.
+ **  Note that LOCAL mail has blank host names.
+ **
+ **  The <userv> names for each host are arguments to the command.
+ ** 
+ **  Prepends a "From" line to the letter just before going 
+ **  out, with a "remote from <hostname>" if it is a UUCP letter.
+ **
+ */
+ void deliver(int argc,char *hostv[],char *userv[],enum eform formv[],
+              int costv[])
+ {
+ 	FILE *out;			/* pipe to mailer		*/
+ 	FILE *popen();			/* to fork a mailer 		*/
+ #ifdef RECORD
+ 	void record();			/* record all transactions	*/
+ #endif
+ #ifdef LOG
+ 	void log();
+ #endif
+ 	char *mktemp();
+ 	char from[SMLBUF];		/* accumulated from argument 	*/
+ 	char lcommand[SMLBUF];		/* local command issued 	*/
+ 	char rcommand[SMLBUF];		/* remote command issued	*/
+ 	char scommand[SMLBUF];		/* retry  command issued	*/
+ 	char *command;			/* actual command		*/
+ 	char buf[SMLBUF];		/* copying rest of the letter   */
+ 	enum eform form;		/* holds form[i] for speed 	*/
+ 	long size;			/* number of bytes of message 	*/
+ 	char *flags;			/* flags for uux		*/
+ 	char *sflag;			/* flag  for smail		*/
+ 	int i, j, status, retrying;
+ 	char *c, *postmaster();
+ 	int failcount = 0;
+ 	int noqcnt = 0;			/* number of uucico's started   */
+ 	char *uux_noqueue = UUX_NOQUEUE;/* uucico starts immediately    */
+ 	char *uux_queue   = UUX_QUEUE;	/* uucico job gets queued       */
+ 	off_t message;
+ 	struct stat st;
+ /*
+ ** rewind the spool file and read the collapsed From_ line
+ */
+ 	(void) fseek(spoolfp, 0L, 0);
+ 	(void) fgets(from, sizeof(from), spoolfp);
+ 	if((c = index(from, '\n')) != 0) *c = '\0';
+ 	message = ftell(spoolfp);
+ /*
+ **  We pass through the list of addresses.
+ */
+ 	stderrfile[0] = '\0';
+ 	for(i = 0; i < argc; i++) {
+ 		char *lend = lcommand;
+ 		char *rend = rcommand;
+ 		char *send = scommand;
+ /*
+ **  If we don't have sendmail, arrange to trap standard error
+ **  for inclusion in the message that is returned with failed mail.
+ */
+ 		(void) unlink(stderrfile);
+ 		(void) strcpy(stderrfile, "/tmp/stderrXXXXXX");
+ 		(void) mktemp(stderrfile);
+ 		(void) freopen(stderrfile, "w", stderr);
+ 		if(debug != YES) {
+ 			(void) freopen(stderrfile, "w", stdout);
+ 		}
+ 		*lend = *rend = *send = '\0';
+ /*
+ **  If form == ERROR, the address was bad 
+ **  If form == SENT, it has been sent on a  previous pass.
+ */
+ 		form = formv[i];
+ 		if (form == SENT) {
+ 			continue;
+ 		}
+ /*
+ **  Build the command based on whether this is local mail or uucp mail.
+ **  By default, don't allow more than 'maxnoqueue' uucico commands to
+ **  be started by a single invocation of 'smail'.
+ */
+ 		if(uuxargs == NULL) {	/* flags not set on command line */
+ 			if(noqcnt < maxnoqueue && costv[i] <= queuecost) {
+ 				flags = uux_noqueue;
+ 			} else {
+ 				flags = uux_queue;
+ 			}
+ 		} else {
+ 			flags = uuxargs;
+ 		}
+ 		retrying = 0;
+ 		if(routing == JUSTDOMAIN) {
+ 			sflag = "-r";
+ 		} else if(routing == ALWAYS) {
+ 			sflag = "-R";
+ 		} else {
+ 			sflag = "";
+ 		}
+ 		(void) sprintf(lcommand, LMAIL(from, hostv[i]));
+ 		(void) sprintf(rcommand, RMAIL(flags, from, hostv[i]));
+ /*
+ **  For each address with the same host name and form, append the user
+ **  name to the command line, and set form = ERROR so we skip this address
+ **  on later passes. 
+ */
+ 		/* we initialized lend (rend) to point at the
+ 		 * beginning of its buffer, so that at
+ 		 * least one address will be used regardless
+ 		 * of the length of lcommand (rcommand).
+ 		 */
+ 		for (j = i; j < argc; j++) {
+ 		        int tmp1,tmp2;		  
+ 			if ((formv[j] != form)
+ 			 || (strcmpic(hostv[i], hostv[j]) != 0)
+ 			 || ((tmp1 = (lend - lcommand)) > MAXCLEN)
+ 			 || ((tmp2 = (rend - rcommand)) > MAXCLEN)) {
+ 				continue;
+ 			}
+ 			/*
+ 			** seek to the end of scommand
+ 			** and add on a 'smail' command
+ 			** multiple commands are separated by ';'
+ 			*/
+ 			send += strlen(send);
+ 			if(send != scommand) {
+ 				*send++ = ';' ;
+ 			}
+ 			(void) sprintf(send, RETRY(sflag));
+ 			send += strlen(send);
+ 			lend += strlen(lend);
+ 			rend += strlen(rend);
+ 			if (form == LOCAL) {
+ 				(void) sprintf(lend, LARG(userv[j]));
+ 				(void) sprintf(send, LARG(userv[j]));
+ 			} else {
+ 				(void) sprintf(lend, RLARG(hostv[i], userv[j]));
+ 				(void) sprintf(send, RLARG(hostv[i], userv[j]));
+ 			}
+ 			(void) sprintf(rend, RARG(userv[j]));
+ 			formv[j] = SENT;
+ 		}
+ retry:
+ /*
+ ** rewind the spool file and read the collapsed From_ line
+ */
+ 		(void) fseek(spoolfp, message, 0);
+ 		/* if the address was in a bogus form (usually DOMAIN),
+ 		** then don't bother trying the uux.
+ 		**
+ 		** Rather, go straight to the next smail routing level.
+ 		*/
+ 		if(form == ERROR) {
+ 			static char errbuf[SMLBUF];
+ 			(void) sprintf(errbuf,
+ 				"address resolution ('%s' @ '%s') failed",
+ 					userv[i], hostv[i]);
+ 			command = errbuf;
+ 			size    = 0;
+ 			goto form_error;
+ 		}
+ 		if (retrying) {
+ 			command = scommand;
+ 		} else if (form == LOCAL) {
+ 			command = lcommand;
+ 		} else {
+ 			command = rcommand;
+ 			if(flags == uux_noqueue) {
+ 				noqcnt++;
+ 			}
+ 		}
+ 		ADVISE("COMMAND: %s\n", command);
+ /*
+ ** Fork the mailer and set it up for writing so we can send the mail to it,
+ ** or for debugging divert the output to stdout.
+ */
+ /*
+ ** We may try to write on a broken pipe, if the uux'd host
+ ** is unknown to us.  Ignore this signal, since we can use the
+ ** return value of the pclose() as our indication of failure.
+ */
+ 		(void) signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN);
+ 		if (debug == YES) {
+ 			out = stdout;
+ 		} else {
+ 			failcount = 0;
+ 			do {
+ 				out = popen(command, "w");
+ 				if (out) break;
+ 				/*
+ 				 * Fork failed.  System probably overloaded.
+ 				 * Wait awhile and try again 10 times.
+ 				 * If it keeps failing, probably some
+ 				 * other problem, like no uux or smail.
+ 				 */
+ 				(void) sleep(60);
+ 			} while (++failcount < 10);
+ 		}
+ 		if(out == NULL) {
+ 			exitstat = EX_UNAVAILABLE;
+ 			(void) printf("couldn't execute %s.\n", command);
+ 			continue;
+ 		}
+ 		size = 0;
+ 		if(fstat(fileno(spoolfp), &st) >= 0) {
+ 			size = st.st_size - message;
+ 		}
+ /*
+ **  Output our From_ line.
+ */
+ 		if (form == LOCAL) {
+ #ifdef SENDMAIL
+ 			(void) sprintf(buf, LFROM(from, nows, hostname));
+ 			size += strlen(buf);
+ 			(void) fputs(buf, out);
+ #else
+ 			char *p;
+ 			if((p=index(from, '!')) == NULL) {
+ 				(void) sprintf(buf,
+ 					LFROM(from, nows, hostname));
+ 				size += strlen(buf);
+ 				(void) fputs(buf, out);
+ 			} else {
+ 				*p = NULL;
+ 				(void) sprintf(buf, RFROM(p+1, nows, from));
+ 				size += strlen(buf);
+ 				(void) fputs(buf, out);
+ 				*p = '!';
+ 			}
+ #endif
+ 		} else {
+ 			(void) sprintf(buf, RFROM(from, nows, hostname));
+ 			size += strlen(buf);
+ 			(void) fputs(buf, out);
+ 		}
+ #ifdef SENDMAIL
+ /*
+ **  If using sendmail, insert a Received: line only for mail
+ **  that is being passed to uux.  If not using sendmail, always
+ **  insert the received line, since sendmail isn't there to do it.
+ */
+ 		if(command == rcommand && handle != ALL)
+ #endif
+ 		{
+ 			(void) sprintf(buf,
+ 				"Received: by %s (%s)\n\tid AA%05d; %s\n",
+ 					hostdomain, VERSION,
+ 					getpid(), arpanows);
+ 			size += strlen(buf);
+ 			(void) fputs(buf, out);
+ 		}
+ /*
+ **  Copy input.
+ */
+ 		while(fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), spoolfp) != NULL) {
+ 			(void) fputs(buf, out);
+ 		}
+ /*
+ **  Get exit status and if non-zero, set global exitstat so when we exit
+ **  we can indicate an error.
+ */
+ form_error:
+ 		if (debug != YES) {
+ 			if(form == ERROR) {
+ 				exitstat = EX_NOHOST;
+ 			} else if (status = pclose(out)) {
+ 				exitstat = status >> 8;
+ 			}
+ 			/*
+ 			 * The 'retrying' check prevents a smail loop.
+ 			 */
+ 			if(exitstat != 0) {
+ 				/*
+ 				** the mail failed, probably because the host
+ 				** being uux'ed isn't in L.sys or local user
+ 				** is unknown.
+ 				*/
+ 				if((retrying == 0)	/* first pass */
+ 				&& (routing != REROUTE)	/* have higher level */
+ 				&& (form != LOCAL)) {	/* can't route local */
+ 					/*
+ 					** Try again using a higher
+ 					** level of routing.
+ 					*/
+ 					ADVISE("%s failed (%d)\ntrying %s\n",
+ 						command, exitstat, scommand);
+ 					exitstat = 0;
+ 					retrying = 1;
+ 					form = SENT;
+ 					goto retry;
+ 				}
+ 				/*
+ 				** if we have no other routing possibilities
+ 				** see that the mail is returned to sender.
+ 				*/
+ 				if((routing == REROUTE)
+ 			        || (form == LOCAL)) {
+ 					/*
+ 					** if this was our last chance,
+ 					** return the mail to the sender.
+ 					*/
+ 					ADVISE("%s failed (%d)\n",
+ 						command, exitstat);
+ 					(void) fseek(spoolfp, message, 0);
+ #ifdef SENDMAIL
+ 					/* if we have sendmail, then it
+ 					** was handed the mail, which failed.
+ 					** sendmail returns the failed mail
+ 					** for us, so we need not do it again.
+ 					*/
+ 					if(form != LOCAL)
+ #endif
+ 					{
+ 						return_mail(from, command);
+ 					}
+ 					exitstat = 0;
+ 				}
+ 			}
+ # ifdef LOG
+ 			else {
+ 				if(retrying == 0) log(command, from, size); /* */
+ 			}
+ # endif
+ 		}
+ 	}
+ /*
+ **  Update logs and records.
+ */
+ # ifdef RECORD
+ 	(void) fseek(spoolfp, message, 0);
+ 	record(command, from, size);
+ # endif
+ /*
+ **  close spool file pointer.
+ **  if we created it, then unlink file.
+ */
+ 	(void) fclose(spoolfp);
+ 	if(spoolmaster) {
+ 		(void) unlink(spoolfile);
+ 	}
+ 	(void) unlink(stderrfile);
+ }
+ /*
+ ** return mail to sender, as determined by From_ line.
+ */
+ void return_mail(char *from,char *fcommand)
+ {
+ 	char buf[SMLBUF];
+ 	char domain[SMLBUF], user[SMLBUF];
+ 	char *r;
+ 	FILE *fp, *out, *popen();
+ 	int i = 0;
+ 	r = buf;
+ 	(void) sprintf(r, "%s %s", SMAIL, VFLAG);
+ 	r += strlen(r);
+ 	if(islocal(from, domain, user)) {
+ 		(void) sprintf(r, LARG(user));
+ 	} else {
+ 		(void) sprintf(r, RLARG(domain, user));
+ 	}
+ 	i = 0;
+ 	do {
+ 		out = popen(buf, "w");
+ 		if (out) break;
+ 		/*
+ 		 * Fork failed.  System probably overloaded.
+ 		 * Wait awhile and try again 10 times.
+ 		 * If it keeps failing, probably some
+ 		 * other problem, like no uux or smail.
+ 		 */
+ 		(void) sleep(60);
+ 	} while (++i < 10);
+ 	if(out == NULL) {
+ 		(void) printf("couldn't execute %s.\n", buf);
+ 		return;
+ 	}
+ 	(void) fprintf(out, "Date: %s\n", arpanows);
+ 	(void) fprintf(out, "From: MAILER-DAEMON@%s\n", hostdomain);
+ 	(void) fprintf(out, "Subject: failed mail\n");
+ 	(void) fprintf(out, "To: %s\n", from);
+ 	(void) fprintf(out, "\n");
+ 	(void) fprintf(out, "=======     command failed      =======\n\n");
+ 	(void) fprintf(out, " COMMAND: %s\n\n", fcommand);
+ 	(void) fprintf(out, "======= standard error follows  =======\n");
+ 	(void) fflush(stderr);
+ 	if((fp = fopen(stderrfile, "r")) != NULL) {
+ 		while(fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), fp) != NULL) {
+ 			(void) fputs(buf, out);
+ 		}
+ 	}
+ 	(void) fclose(fp);
+ 	(void) fprintf(out, "======= text of message follows =======\n");
+ /*
+ **  Copy input.
+ */
+ 	(void) fprintf(out, "From %s\n", from);
+ 	while(fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), spoolfp) != NULL) {
+ 		(void) fputs(buf, out);
+ 	}
+ 	(void) pclose(out);
+ }

Index: llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/Prolangs-C/unix-smail/getopt.c
diff -c /dev/null llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/Prolangs-C/unix-smail/getopt.c:1.1
*** /dev/null	Tue Oct  5 16:25:25 2004
--- llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/Prolangs-C/unix-smail/getopt.c	Tue Oct  5 16:25:14 2004
*** 0 ****
--- 1,87 ----
+ /*
+ **	@(#)getopt.c	2.5 (smail) 9/15/87
+ */
+ /*
+  * Here's something you've all been waiting for:  the AT&T public domain
+  * source for getopt(3).  It is the code which was given out at the 1985
+  * UNIFORUM conference in Dallas.  I obtained it by electronic mail
+  * directly from AT&T.  The people there assure me that it is indeed
+  * in the public domain.
+  * 
+  * There is no manual page.  That is because the one they gave out at
+  * UNIFORUM was slightly different from the current System V Release 2
+  * manual page.  The difference apparently involved a note about the
+  * famous rules 5 and 6, recommending using white space between an option
+  * and its first argument, and not grouping options that have arguments.
+  * Getopt itself is currently lenient about both of these things White
+  * space is allowed, but not mandatory, and the last option in a group can
+  * have an argument.  That particular version of the man page evidently
+  * has no official existence, and my source at AT&T did not send a copy.
+  * The current SVR2 man page reflects the actual behavor of this getopt.
+  * However, I am not about to post a copy of anything licensed by AT&T.
+  */
+ /* This include is needed only to get "index" defined as "strchr" on Sys V. */
+ #include "defs.h"
+ #define NULL	0
+ #define EOF	(-1)
+ #define ERR(s, c)	if(opterr){\
+ 	extern int write();\
+ 	char errbuf[2];\
+ 	errbuf[0] = c; errbuf[1] = '\n';\
+ 	(void) write(2, argv[0], (unsigned)strlen(argv[0]));\
+ 	(void) write(2, s, (unsigned)strlen(s));\
+ 	(void) write(2, errbuf, 2);}
+ extern char *index();
+ int	opterr = 1;
+ int	optind = 1;
+ int	optopt;
+ char	*optarg;
+ int getopt(int argc,char **argv,char *opts)
+ {
+ 	static int sp = 1;
+ 	register int c;
+ 	register char *cp;
+ 	if(sp == 1)
+ 		if(optind >= argc ||
+ 		   argv[optind][0] != '-' || argv[optind][1] == '\0')
+ 			return(EOF);
+ 		else if(strcmp(argv[optind], "--") == NULL) {
+ 			optind++;
+ 			return(EOF);
+ 		}
+ 	optopt = c = argv[optind][sp];
+ 	if(c == ':' || (cp=index(opts, c)) == NULL) {
+ 		ERR(": illegal option -- ", c);
+ 		if(argv[optind][++sp] == '\0') {
+ 			optind++;
+ 			sp = 1;
+ 		}
+ 		return('?');
+ 	}
+ 	if(*++cp == ':') {
+ 		if(argv[optind][sp+1] != '\0')
+ 			optarg = &argv[optind++][sp+1];
+ 		else if(++optind >= argc) {
+ 			ERR(": option requires an argument -- ", c);
+ 			sp = 1;
+ 			return('?');
+ 		} else
+ 			optarg = argv[optind++];
+ 		sp = 1;
+ 	} else {
+ 		if(argv[optind][++sp] == '\0') {
+ 			sp = 1;
+ 			optind++;
+ 		}
+ 		optarg = NULL;
+ 	}
+ 	return(c);
+ }

Index: llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/Prolangs-C/unix-smail/getpath.c
diff -c /dev/null llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/Prolangs-C/unix-smail/getpath.c:1.1
*** /dev/null	Tue Oct  5 16:25:25 2004
--- llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/Prolangs-C/unix-smail/getpath.c	Tue Oct  5 16:25:14 2004
*** 0 ****
--- 1,99 ----
+ #ifndef lint
+ static char 	*sccsid="@(#)getpath.c	2.5 (smail) 9/15/87";
+ #endif
+ # include	<stdio.h>
+ # include	<sys/types.h>
+ # include	<ctype.h>
+ # include	"defs.h"
+ extern enum edebug debug;	/* how verbose we are 		*/ 
+ extern char *pathfile;		/* location of path database	*/
+ /*
+ **
+ ** getpath(): look up key in ascii sorted path database.
+ **
+ */
+ int getpath(char *key,char *path,int *cost)
+ {
+ 	long pos, middle, hi, lo;
+ 	static long pathlength = 0;
+ 	register char *s;
+ 	int c;
+ 	static FILE *file;
+ 	int flag;
+ DEBUG("getpath: looking for '%s'\n", key);
+ 	if(pathlength == 0) {	/* open file on first use */
+ 		if((file = fopen(pathfile, "r")) == NULL) {
+ 			(void) printf("can't access %s.\n", pathfile);
+ 			pathlength = -1;
+ 		} else {
+ 			(void) fseek(file, 0L, 2);	/* find length */
+ 			pathlength = ftell(file);
+ 		}
+ 	}
+ 	if( pathlength == -1 )
+ 		return( EX_OSFILE );
+ 	lo = 0;
+ 	hi = pathlength;
+ 	(void) strcpy( path, key );
+ 	(void) strcat( path, "\t" );
+ /*
+ ** "Binary search routines are never written right the first time around."
+ ** - Robert G. Sheldon.
+ */
+ 	for( ;; ) {
+ 		pos = middle = ( hi+lo+1 )/2;
+ 		(void) fseek(file, pos, 0);	/* find midpoint */
+ 		if(pos != 0)
+ 			while(((c = getc(file)) != EOF) && (c != '\n'))
+ 				;	/* go to beginning of next line */
+ 		if(c == EOF) {
+ 			return(EX_NOHOST);
+ 		}
+ 		for( flag = 0, s = path; flag == 0; s++ ) { /* match??? */
+ 			if( *s == '\0' ) {
+ 				goto solved;
+ 			}
+ 			if((c = getc(file)) == EOF) {
+ 				return(EX_NOHOST);
+ 			}
+ 			flag = lower(c) - lower(*s);
+ 		} 
+ 		if(lo >= middle) {		/* failure? */
+ 			return(EX_NOHOST);
+ 		}
+ 		if((c != EOF) && (flag < 0)) {	/* close window */
+ 			lo = middle;
+ 		} else {
+ 			hi = middle - 1;
+ 		}
+ 	}
+ /* 
+ ** Now just copy the result.
+ */
+ solved:
+ 	while(((c  = getc(file)) != EOF) && (c != '\t') && (c != '\n')) {
+ 		*path++ = c;
+ 	}
+ 	*path = '\0';
+ /*
+ ** See if the next field on the line is numeric.
+ ** If so, use it as the cost for the route.
+ */
+ 	if(c == '\t') {
+ 		int tcost = -1;
+ 		while(((c = getc(file)) != EOF) && isdigit(c)) {
+ 			if(tcost < 0) tcost = 0;
+ 			tcost *= 10;
+ 			tcost += c - '0';
+ 		}
+ 		if(tcost >= 0) *cost = tcost;
+ 	}
+ 	return (EX_OK);
+ }

Index: llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/Prolangs-C/unix-smail/headers.c
diff -c /dev/null llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/Prolangs-C/unix-smail/headers.c:1.1
*** /dev/null	Tue Oct  5 16:25:25 2004
--- llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/Prolangs-C/unix-smail/headers.c	Tue Oct  5 16:25:14 2004
*** 0 ****
--- 1,754 ----
+ /*
+ **  message spooing, header and address parsing and completion
+ **  functions for smail/rmail
+ */
+ #ifndef lint
+ static char 	*sccsid="@(#)headers.c	2.5 (smail) 9/15/87";
+ #endif
+ # include	<stdio.h>
+ # include	<sys/types.h>
+ # include	<time.h>
+ # include	<ctype.h>
+ # include	<pwd.h>
+ # include	"defs.h"
+ extern enum edebug debug;	/* how verbose we are 		*/ 
+ extern char hostname[];		/* */
+ extern char hostdomain[];	/* */
+ extern char *spoolfile;		/* file name of spooled message */
+ extern FILE *spoolfp;		/* file ptr  to spooled message */
+ extern int spoolmaster;		/* set if creator of spoolfile  */
+ extern time_t now;		/* time				*/
+ extern char nows[], arpanows[];	/* time strings			*/
+ extern struct tm *gmt, *loc;	/* time structs			*/
+ extern char *from_addr;		/* replacement fromaddr with -F */
+ static char toline[SMLBUF];
+ static char fromline[SMLBUF];
+ static char dateline[SMLBUF];
+ static char midline[SMLBUF];
+ static char *ieof = "NOTNULL";
+ struct reqheaders {
+ 	char *name;
+ 	char *field;
+ 	char have;
+ };
+ static struct reqheaders reqtab[] = {
+ 	"Message-Id:"	,	midline		,	'N'	,
+ 	"Date:"		,	dateline	,	'N'	,
+ 	"From:"		,	fromline	,	'N'	,
+ 	"To:"		,	toline		,	'N'	,
+ 	NULL 		,	NULL		,	'N'
+ };
+ int ssplit(register char *buf,char c,char **ptr);
+ void build(char *domain,char *user,enum eform form,char *result);
+ void haveheaders(char *s);
+ void def_headers(int argc,char **argv,char *from);
+ void def_date(void);
+ void def_mid(void);
+ void def_from(char *from);
+ void def_to(int argc,char **argv);
+ /*
+ **
+ ** parse(): parse <address> into <domain, user, form>.
+ **
+ ** 	input		form
+ **	-----		----
+ **	user		LOCAL
+ **	domain!user	DOMAIN
+ **	user at domain	DOMAIN
+ **	@domain,address	LOCAL	(just for sendmail)
+ **	host!address	UUCP
+ **
+ */
+ enum eform parse(char *address,char *domain,char *user)
+ {
+ 	int parts;
+ 	char *partv[MAXPATH];				/* to crack address */
+ /*
+ **  If this is route address form @domain_a, at domain_b:user at domain_c, ...
+ */
+ 	if(*address == '@')
+ #ifdef SENDMAIL
+ /*
+ **  hand it to sendmail
+ */
+ 	{
+ 		goto local;
+ 	}
+ #else
+ /*
+ **  no sendmail, convert it into a bang path: domain_a!domain_b!domain_c!user
+ */
+ 	{
+ 		char buf[SMLBUF], *p;
+ 		char t_dom[SMLBUF], t_user[SMLBUF];
+ 		(void) strcpy(buf, address+1);		/* elide leading '@' */
+ 		for(p=buf; *p != '\0' ; p++) {	/* search for ',' or ':' */
+ 			if(*p == ':') {		/* reached end of route */
+ 				break;
+ 			}
+ 			if(*p == ',') {		/* elide ','s */
+ 				(void) strcpy(p, p+1);
+ 			}
+ 			if(*p == '@') {		/* convert '@' to '!' */
+ 				*p = '!';
+ 			}
+ 		}
+ 		if(*p != ':') {	/* bad syntax - punt */
+ 			goto local;
+ 		}
+ 		*p = '\0';
+ 		if(parse(p+1, t_dom, t_user) != LOCAL) {
+ 			(void) strcat(buf, "!");
+ 			(void) strcat(buf, t_dom);
+ 		}
+ 		(void) strcat(buf, "!");
+ 		(void) strcat(buf, t_user);
+ 		/* munge the address (yuk)
+ 		** it's OK to copy into 'address', because the machinations
+ 		** above don't increase the string length of the address.
+ 		*/
+ 		(void) strcpy(address, buf);
+ 		/* re-parse the address */
+ 		return(parse(address, domain, user));
+ 	}
+ #endif
+ /*
+ **  Try splitting at @.  If it works, this is user at domain, form DOMAIN.
+ **  Prefer the righthand @ in a at b@c.
+ */
+ 	if ((parts = ssplit(address, '@', partv)) >= 2) {
+ 	        int tmp;
+ 		(void) strcpy(domain, partv[parts-1]);
+ 		(void) strncpy(user, partv[0], (tmp = (partv[parts-1]-partv[0]))-1);
+ 		/* user[partv[parts-1]-partv[0]-1] = '\0'; */
+ 		user[tmp-1] = '\0'; 
+ 		return (DOMAIN);
+ 	} 
+ /*
+ **  Try splitting at !. If it works, see if the piece before the ! has
+ **  a . in it (domain!user, form DOMAIN) or not (host!user, form UUCP).
+ */
+ 	if (ssplit(address, '!', partv) > 1) {
+ 	        int tmp;
+ 		(void) strcpy(user, partv[1]);
+ 		(void) strncpy(domain, partv[0], (tmp = (partv[1]-partv[0]))-1);
+ 		/* domain[partv[1]-partv[0]-1] = '\0'; */
+ 		domain[tmp-1] = '\0'; 
+ 		if((parts = ssplit(domain, '.', partv)) < 2) {
+ 			return(UUCP);
+ 		}
+ 		if(partv[parts-1][0] == '\0') {
+ 			partv[parts-1][-1] = '\0'; /* strip trailing . */
+ 		}
+ 		return (DOMAIN);
+ 	}
+ /* 
+ **  Done trying.  This must be just a user name, form LOCAL.
+ */
+ local:
+ 	(void) strcpy(user, address);
+ 	(void) strcpy(domain, "");
+ 	return(LOCAL);				/* user */
+ }
+ void build(char *domain,char *user,enum eform form,char *result)
+ {
+ 	switch((int) form) {
+ 	case LOCAL:
+ 		(void) sprintf(result, "%s", user); 
+ 		break;
+ 	case UUCP:
+ 		(void) sprintf(result, "%s!%s", domain, user);
+ 		break;
+ 	case DOMAIN:
+ 		(void) sprintf(result, "%s@%s", user, domain);
+ 		break;
+ 	}
+ }
+ /*
+ **  ssplit(): split a line into array pointers.
+ **
+ **  Each pointer wordv[i] points to the first character after the i'th 
+ **  occurence of c in buf.  Note that each wordv[i] includes wordv[i+1].
+ **
+ */
+ int ssplit(register char *buf,char c,char **ptr)
+ {
+         int count = 0;
+         int wasword = 0;
+         for(; *buf; buf++) {
+ 		if (!wasword) {
+ 			count++;
+ 			*ptr++ = buf;
+ 		}
+ 		wasword = (c != *buf);
+         }
+ 	if (!wasword) {
+ 		count++;
+ 		*ptr++ = buf;
+ 	}
+         *ptr = NULL;
+         return(count);
+ }
+ /*
+ ** Determine whether an address is a local address
+ */
+ int islocal(char *addr,char *domain,char *user)
+ {
+ 		enum eform form, parse();
+ 		extern char hostuucp[];
+ 		/*
+ 		** parse the address
+ 		*/
+ 		form = parse(addr, domain, user);
+ 		if((form == LOCAL)			/* user */
+ 		||(strcmpic(domain, hostdomain) == 0)	/* user at hostdomain */
+ 		||(strcmpic(domain, hostname)   == 0)	/* user at hostname */
+ #ifdef DOMGATE
+ 		||(strcmpic(domain, &MYDOM[0]) == 0)	/* user at MYDOM w/ dot */
+ 		||(strcmpic(domain, &MYDOM[1]) == 0)	/* user at MYDOM no dot */
+ #endif
+ 		||(strcmpic(domain, hostuucp)   == 0)) {/* user at hostuucp */
+ 			return(1);
+ 		}
+ 		return(0);
+ }
+ /*
+ ** spool - message spooling module
+ **
+ ** (1) get dates for headers, etc.
+ ** (2) if the message is on the standard input (no '-f')
+ **     (a) create a temp file for spooling the message.
+ **     (b) collapse the From_ headers into a path.
+ **     (c) if the mail originated locally, then
+ **	     (i) establish default headers
+ **	    (ii) scan the message headers for required header fields
+ **	   (iii) add any required message headers that are absent
+ **     (d) copy rest of the message to the spool file
+ **     (e) close the spool file
+ ** (3) open the spool file for reading
+ */
+ void spool(int argc,char **argv)
+ {
+ 	static char *tmpf = "/tmp/rmXXXXXX";	/* temp file name */
+ 	char *mktemp();
+ 	char buf[SMLBUF];
+ 	static char splbuf[SMLBUF];
+ 	char from[SMLBUF], domain[SMLBUF], user[SMLBUF];
+ 	void rline(), scanheaders(), compheaders();
+ 	/*
+ 	** if the mail has already been spooled by
+ 	** a previous invocation of smail don't respool.
+ 	** check the file name to prevent things like
+ 	** rmail -f /etc/passwd badguy at dreadfuldomain
+ 	*/
+ 	if((spoolfile != NULL)
+ 	&& (strncmp(spoolfile, tmpf, strlen(tmpf) - 6) != 0)) {
+ 		error(EX_TEMPFAIL, "spool: bad file name '%s'\n", spoolfile);
+ 	}
+ 	/*
+ 	** set dates in local, arpa, and gmt forms
+ 	*/
+ 	setdates();
+ 	/*
+ 	** If necessary, copy stdin to a temp file.
+ 	*/
+ 	if(spoolfile == NULL) {
+ 		spoolfile = strcpy(splbuf, tmpf);
+ 		(void) mktemp(spoolfile);
+ 		if((spoolfp = fopen(spoolfile, "w")) == NULL) {
+ 			error(EX_CANTCREAT, "can't create %s.\n", spoolfile);
+ 		}
+ 		spoolmaster = 1;
+ 		/*
+ 		** rline reads the standard input,
+ 		** collapsing the From_ and >From_
+ 		** lines into a single uucp path.
+ 		** first non-from_ line is in buf[];
+ 		*/
+ 		rline(from, buf);
+ 		/*
+ 		** if the mail originated here, we parse the header
+ 		** and add any required headers that are missing.
+ 		*/
+ 		if(islocal(from, domain, user) || (from_addr != NULL)) {
+ 			/*
+ 			** initialize default headers
+ 			*/
+ 			def_headers(argc, argv, from);
+ 			/*
+ 			** buf has first, non-from_  line
+ 			*/
+ 			scanheaders(buf);
+ 			/*
+ 			** buf has first, non-header line,
+ 			*/
+ 			compheaders();
+ 			if(buf[0] != '\n') {
+ 				(void) fputs("\n", spoolfp);
+ 			}
+ 		}
+ 		/*
+ 		** now, copy the rest of the letter into the spool file
+ 		** terminate on either EOF or '^.$'
+ 		*/
+ 		while(ieof != NULL) {
+ 			(void) fputs(buf, spoolfp);
+ 			if((fgets(buf, SMLBUF, stdin) == NULL)
+ 			|| (buf[0] == '.' && buf[1] == '\n')) {
+ 				ieof = NULL;
+ 			}
+ 		}
+ 		/*
+ 		** close the spool file, and the standard input.
+ 		*/
+ 		(void) fclose(spoolfp);
+ 		(void) fclose(stdin);	/* you don't see this too often! */
+ 	}
+ 	if((spoolfp = fopen(spoolfile, "r")) == NULL) {
+ 		error(EX_TEMPFAIL, "can't open %s.\n", spoolfile);
+ 	}
+ }
+ /*
+ **
+ **  rline(): collapse From_ and >From_ lines.
+ **
+ **  Same idea as the old rmail, but also turns user at domain to domain!user. 
+ **
+ */
+ void rline(char *from,char *retbuf)
+ {
+ 	int parts;			/* for cracking From_ lines ... */
+ 	char *partv[16];		/* ... apart using ssplit() 	*/
+ 	char user[SMLBUF];		/* for rewriting user at host	*/
+ 	char domain[SMLBUF];		/* "   "         "          	*/
+ 	char addr[SMLBUF];		/* "   "         "          	*/
+ 	enum eform form, parse();	/* "   "         "          	*/
+ 	char *c;
+ 	int nhops, i;
+ 	char buf[SMLBUF], tmp[SMLBUF], *hop[128], *e, *b;
+ 	char *pwuid();
+ 	if(spoolmaster == 0) return;
+ 	buf[0] = from[0] = addr[0] = '\0';
+ /*
+ **  Read each line until we hit EOF or a line not beginning with "From "
+ **  or ">From " (called From_ lines), accumulating the new path in from
+ **  and stuffing the actual sending user (the user name on the last From_ 
+ **  line) in addr.
+ */
+ 	for(;;) {
+ 		(void) strcpy(retbuf, buf);
+ 		if(ieof == NULL) {
+ 			break;
+ 		}
+ 		if((fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), stdin) == NULL)
+ 		|| (buf[0] == '.' && buf[1] == '\n')) {
+ 			ieof = NULL;
+ 			break;
+ 		}
+ 		if (strncmp("From ", buf, 5) 
+ 		    && strncmp(">From ", buf, 6)) {
+ 			break;
+ 		}
+ /*
+ **  Crack the line apart using ssplit.
+ */
+ 		if(c = index(buf, '\n')) {
+ 			*c = '\0';
+ 		}
+ 		parts = ssplit(buf, ' ', partv);
+ /*
+ **  Tack host! onto the from argument if "remote from host" is present.
+ */
+ 		if((parts > 3)
+ 		&& (strncmp("remote from ", partv[parts-3], 12) == 0)) {
+ 			(void) strcat(from, partv[parts-1]);
+ 			(void) strcat(from, "!");
+ 		}
+ /*
+ **  Stuff user name into addr, overwriting the user name from previous 
+ **  From_ lines, since only the last one counts.  Then rewrite user at host 
+ **  into host!user, since @'s don't belong in the From_ argument.
+ */
+ 		if(parts < 2) {
+ 			break;
+ 		} else {
+ 			char *x = partv[1];
+ 			char *q = index(x, ' ');
+ 			if(q != NULL) {
+ 				*q = '\0';
+ 			}
+ 			(void) strcpy(addr, x);
+ 		}
+ 		(void) parse(addr, domain, user);
+ 		if(*domain == '\0') {
+ 			form = LOCAL;
+ 		} else {
+ 			form = UUCP;
+ 		}
+ 		build(domain, user, form, addr);
+ 	}
+ /*
+ **  Now tack the user name onto the from argument.
+ */
+ 	(void) strcat(from, addr);
+ /*
+ **  If we still have no from argument, we have junk headers, but we try
+ **  to get the user's name using /etc/passwd.
+ */
+ 	if (from[0] == '\0') {
+ 		char *login;
+ 		if ((login = pwuid(getuid())) == NULL) {
+ 			(void) strcpy(from, "nobody");	/* bad news */
+ 		} else {
+ 			(void) strcpy(from, login);
+ 		}
+ 	}
+ 	/* split the from line on '!'s */
+ 	nhops = ssplit(from, '!', hop);
+ 	for(i = 0; i < (nhops - 1); i++) {
+ 		b = hop[i];
+ 		if(*b == '\0') {
+ 			continue;
+ 		}
+ 		e = hop[i+1];
+ 		e-- ;
+ 		*e = '\0';	/* null terminate each path segment */
+ 		e++;
+ /*
+ **  Strip hidden hosts:  anything.hostname.MYDOM -> hostname.MYDOM
+ */
+ 		for(p = b;(p = index(p, '.')) != NULL; p++) {
+ 			if(strcmpic(hostdomain, p+1) == 0) {
+ 				(void) strcpy(b, hostdomain);
+ 				break;
+ 			}
+ 		}
+ #endif
+ /*
+ **  Strip useless MYDOM: hostname.MYDOM -> hostname
+ */
+ 		if(strcmpic(hop[i], hostdomain) == 0) {
+ 			(void) strcpy(hop[i], hostname);
+ 		}
+ 	}
+ /*
+ **  Now strip out any redundant information in the From_ line
+ **  a!b!c!c!d	=> a!b!c!d
+ */
+ 	for(i = 0; i < (nhops - 2); i++) {
+ 		b = hop[i];
+ 		e = hop[i+1];
+ 		if(strcmpic(b, e) == 0) {
+ 			*b = '\0';
+ 		}
+ 	}
+ /*
+ **  Reconstruct the From_ line
+ */
+ 	tmp[0] = '\0';			/* empty the tmp buffer */
+ 	for(i = 0; i < (nhops - 1); i++) {
+ 		if((hop[i][0] == '\0')	/* deleted this hop */
+ 		 ||((tmp[0] == '\0')	/* first hop == hostname */
+ 		  &&(strcmpic(hop[i], hostname) == 0))) {
+ 			continue;
+ 		}
+ 		(void) strcat(tmp, hop[i]);
+ 		(void) strcat(tmp, "!");
+ 	}
+ 	(void) strcat(tmp, hop[i]);
+ 	(void) strcpy(from, tmp);
+ 	(void) strcpy(retbuf, buf);
+ 	(void) fprintf(spoolfp, "%s\n", from);
+ }
+ void scanheaders(char *buf)
+ {
+ 	int inheader = 0;
+ 	while(ieof != NULL) {
+ 		if(buf[0] == '\n') {
+ 			break; /* end of headers */
+ 		}
+ 		/*
+ 		** header lines which begin with whitespace
+ 		** are continuation lines
+ 		*/
+ 		if((inheader == 0)
+ 		|| ((buf[0] != ' ' && buf[0] != '\t'))) {
+ 			/* not a continuation line
+ 			** check for header
+ 			*/
+ 			if(isheader(buf) == 0) {
+ 				/*
+ 				** not a header
+ 				*/
+ 				break;
+ 			}
+ 			inheader = 1;
+ 			haveheaders(buf);
+ 		}
+ 		(void) fputs(buf, spoolfp);
+ 		if((fgets(buf, SMLBUF, stdin) == NULL)
+ 		|| (buf[0] == '.' && buf[1] == '\n')) {
+ 			ieof = NULL;
+ 		}
+ 	}
+ 	if(isheader(buf)) {
+ 		buf[0] = '\0';
+ 	}
+ }
+ /*
+ ** complete headers - add any required headers that are not in the message
+ */
+ void compheaders(void)
+ {
+ 	struct reqheaders *i;
+ 	/*
+ 	** look at the table of required headers and
+ 	** add those that are missing to the spooled message.
+ 	*/
+ 	for(i = reqtab; i->name != NULL; i++) {
+ 		if(i->have != 'Y') {
+ 			(void) fprintf(spoolfp, "%s\n", i->field);
+ 		}
+ 	}
+ }
+ /*
+ ** look at a string and determine
+ ** whether or not it is a valid header.
+ */
+ int isheader(char *s)
+ {
+ 	char *p;
+ 	/*
+ 	** header field names must terminate with a colon
+ 	** and may not be null.
+ 	*/
+ 	if(((p = index(s, ':')) == NULL) || (s == p)) {
+ 		return(0);
+ 	}
+ 	/*
+ 	** header field names must consist entirely of
+ 	** printable ascii characters.
+ 	*/
+ 	while(s != p) {
+ 		if((*s < '!') || (*s > '~')) {
+ 			return(0);
+ 		}
+ 		s++;
+ 	}
+ 	/*
+ 	** we hit the ':', so the field may be a header
+ 	*/
+ 	return(1);
+ }
+ /*
+ ** compare the header field to those in the required header table.
+ ** if it matches, then mark the required header as being present
+ ** in the message.
+ */
+ void haveheaders(char *s)
+ {
+ 	struct reqheaders *i;
+ 	for(i = reqtab; i->name != NULL; i++) {
+ 		if(strncmpic(i->name, s, strlen(i->name)) == 0) {
+ 			if((strncmpic("From:", s, 5) == 0)
+ 			&& (from_addr != NULL)) {
+ 				(void) sprintf(s, "From: %s\n", from_addr);
+ 			}
+ 			i->have = 'Y';
+ 			break;
+ 		}
+ 	}
+ }
+ /*
+ ** create default headers for the message.
+ */
+ void def_headers(int argc,char **argv,char *from)
+ {
+ 	def_to(argc, argv);	/* default To:		*/
+ 	def_date();		/* default Date:	*/
+ 	def_from(from);		/* default From: 	*/
+ 	def_mid();		/* default Message-Id:	*/
+ }
+ /*
+ ** default Date: in arpa format
+ */
+ void def_date(void)
+ {
+ 	(void) strcpy(dateline, "Date: ");
+ 	(void) strcat(dateline, arpanows);
+ }
+ /*
+ ** default Message-Id
+ **  Message-Id: <yymmddhhmm.AAppppp at hostdomain>
+ **
+ **	yy	 year
+ **	mm	 month
+ **	dd	 day
+ **	hh	 hour
+ **	mm	 minute
+ **	ppppp	process-id
+ **
+ ** date and time are set by GMT
+ */
+ void def_mid(void)
+ {
+ 	(void) sprintf(midline, "Message-Id: <%02d%02d%02d%02d%02d.AA%05d@%s>",
+ 		gmt->tm_year,
+ 		gmt->tm_mon+1,
+ 		gmt->tm_mday,
+ 		gmt->tm_hour,
+ 		gmt->tm_min,
+ 		getpid(),
+ 		hostdomain);
+ }
+ /*
+ ** default From:
+ **  From: user at hostdomain (Full Name)
+ */
+ void def_from(char *from)
+ {
+ 	char *nameptr;
+ 	char name[SMLBUF];
+ 	char *getenv(), *login;
+ 	char *pwfnam(), *pwuid();
+ 	if (from_addr != NULL) {
+ 		(void) sprintf(fromline, "From: %s", from_addr);
+ 		return;
+ 	}
+ 	name[0] = '\0';
+ 	if((nameptr = getenv("NAME")) != NULL) {
+ 		(void) strcpy(name, nameptr);
+ 	} else if((login = pwuid(getuid())) != NULL) {
+ 		if((nameptr = pwfnam(login)) != NULL) {
+ 			(void) strcpy(name, nameptr);
+ 		}
+ 	}
+ 	if(name[0] != '\0') {
+ 		(void) sprintf(fromline,
+ 			"From: %s@%s (%s)", from, hostdomain, name);
+ 	} else {
+ 		(void) sprintf(fromline,
+ 			"From: %s@%s", from, hostdomain);
+ 	}
+ }
+ /*
+ ** default To:
+ **  To: recip1, recip2, ...
+ **
+ ** lines longer than 50 chars are continued on another line.
+ */
+ void def_to(int argc,char **argv)
+ {
+ 	int i, n;
+ 	char *bol;
+ 	bol = toline;
+ 	(void) strcpy(bol, "To: ");
+ 	for(n = i = 0; i < argc; i++) {
+ 		(void) strcat(bol, argv[i]);
+ 		if((index(argv[i], '!') == NULL)
+ 		&& (index(argv[i], '@') == NULL)) {
+ 			(void) strcat(bol, "@");
+ 			(void) strcat(bol, hostdomain);
+ 		}
+ 		if(i+1 < argc) {
+ 			n = strlen(bol);
+ 			if(n > 50) {
+ 				(void) strcat(bol, ",\n\t");
+ 				bol = bol + strlen(bol);
+ 				*bol = '\0';
+ 				n = 8;
+ 			} else {
+ 				(void) strcat(bol, ", ");
+ 			}
+ 		}
+ 	}
+ }

Index: llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/Prolangs-C/unix-smail/main.c
diff -c /dev/null llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/Prolangs-C/unix-smail/main.c:1.1
*** /dev/null	Tue Oct  5 16:25:25 2004
--- llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/Prolangs-C/unix-smail/main.c	Tue Oct  5 16:25:14 2004
*** 0 ****
--- 1,210 ----
+ /*
+ **
+ **  rmail/smail - UUCP mailer with automatic routing.
+ **
+ **  Christopher Seiwald		/+\
+ **  chris at cbosgd.att.com	+\
+ **  January, 1985		\+/
+ **
+ */
+ #ifndef lint
+ static char 	*sccsid="@(#)main.c	2.5 (smail) 9/15/87";
+ #endif
+ /*
+ **
+ **  usage:  	rmail [options] address...
+ **		smail [options] address...
+ **  options:
+ **		-d 		debug - verbose and don't invoke mailers.
+ **		-v		verbose - just verbose.
+ **		-A		print mapped addresses.  don't invoke mailers.
+ **		-h hostname	set hostname 
+ **		-H hostdomain	set hostdomain (default hostname.MYDOM)
+ **		-p pathfile	path database filename
+ **		-r		force routing of host!address
+ **		-R		reroute even explicit path!user
+ **		-l		user at domain goes to local mailer
+ **		-L		all mail goes local
+ **		-q number	mail queueing cost threshold
+ **		-m number	limit on number of uux_noqueue jobs
+ **		-u string	string of flags for uux
+ **              -F address      name to substitute in From: line
+ **		-a aliasfile	aliases filename (not used with SENDMAIL)
+ **		-n namelist	list of full names for simple aliases
+ */
+ #include	<stdio.h>
+ #include	<ctype.h>
+ #include	"defs.h"
+ int exitstat = 0;		/* exit status, set by resolve, deliver	*/
+ enum edebug debug     = NO;	/* set by -d or -v option		*/
+ enum ehandle handle   = HANDLE;	/* which mail we can handle, see defs.h	*/
+ enum erouting routing = ROUTING;/* to route or not to route, see defs.h */
+ char hostname[SMLBUF]   = "";	/* set by -h, defaults in defs.h 	*/
+ char hostdomain[SMLBUF] = "";	/* set by -H, defaults in defs.h 	*/
+ char hostuucp[SMLBUF] = "";	/* built with hostname+".UUCP"	 	*/
+ char *pathfile  = PATHS;	/* or set by -p 			*/
+ char *uuxargs   = NULL;		/* or set by -u				*/
+ char *aliasfile =
+ #ifdef ALIAS
+ 		ALIAS;		/* or set by -a				*/
+ #else
+ 		NULL;
+ #endif
+ char *fnlist    =
+ #ifdef FULLNAME
+ 		FULLNAME;	/* or set by -n				*/
+ #else
+ 		NULL;
+ #endif
+ int  queuecost  = QUEUECOST;	/* or set by -q				*/
+ char *from_addr = NULL;		/* or set by -F				*/
+ int  maxnoqueue = MAXNOQUEUE;	/* or set by -m                         */
+ int  getcost    = 
+ #ifdef GETCOST
+ 		1;	/* get cost of path even if not routing */
+ #else
+ 		0;
+ #endif
+ char *spoolfile = NULL;		/* name of the file containing letter   */
+ FILE *spoolfp;			/* file pointer to spoolfile		*/
+ int  spoolmaster = 0;		/* indicates 'control' of spoolfile     */
+ void spool();
+ /*
+ **
+ **  rmail/smail: mail stdin letter to argv addresses.
+ **
+ **  After processing command line options and finding our host and domain 
+ **  names, we map addresses into <host,user,form,cost> sets.  Then we deliver.
+ **
+ */
+ int main(int argc,char *argv[])
+ {
+ 	char *hostv[MAXARGS];		/* UUCP neighbor 		*/
+ 	char *userv[MAXARGS];		/* address given to host 	*/
+ 	int  costv[MAXARGS];		/* cost of resolved route	*/
+ 	enum eform formv[MAXARGS];	/* invalid, local, or uucp 	*/
+ 	char *p;
+ 	int c;
+ 	int  printaddr  = 0;		/* or set by -A			*/
+ 	int nargc;
+ 	char **nargv, **alias();
+ 	char *optstr = "cdvArRlLH:h:p:u:q:a:n:m:f:F:";
+ 	extern char *optarg;
+ 	extern int optind;
+ /*
+ **  see if we aren't invoked as rmail
+ */
+ 	if((p = rindex(argv[0], '/')) == NULL) {
+ 		p = argv[0];
+ 	} else {
+ 		p++;
+ 	}
+ 	if(*p != 'r' ) {
+ 		handle = ALL;
+ 	}
+ /*
+ **  Process command line arguments
+ */
+ 	while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, optstr)) != EOF) {
+ 		switch ( c ) {
+ 		case 'd': debug      = YES; 		break;
+ 		case 'v': debug      = VERBOSE; 	break; 
+ 		case 'A': printaddr  = 1; 		break; 
+ 		case 'F': from_addr  = optarg;		break;
+ 		case 'r': routing    = ALWAYS;		break;
+ 		case 'R': routing    = REROUTE;		break;
+ 		case 'l': handle     = JUSTUUCP;	break;
+ 		case 'L': handle     = NONE;		break;
+ 		case 'f': spoolfile  = optarg;		break;
+ 		case 'p': pathfile   = optarg; 		break;
+ 		case 'u': uuxargs    = optarg; 		break;
+ 		case 'a': aliasfile  = optarg; 		break;
+ 		case 'n': fnlist     = optarg; 		break;
+ 		case 'H': (void) strcpy(hostdomain, optarg);	break;
+ 		case 'h': (void) strcpy(hostname, optarg); 	break;
+ 		case 'm': if(isdigit(*optarg)) {
+ 				  maxnoqueue = atoi(optarg);
+ 			  }
+ 			  break;
+ 		case 'c': getcost     = 1;		break;
+ 		case 'q': if(isdigit(*optarg)) {
+ 				  queuecost = atoi(optarg);
+ 			  }
+ 			  break;
+ 		default:
+ 			error( EX_USAGE, "valid flags are %s\n", optstr);
+ 		}
+ 	}
+ 	if ( argc <= optind ) {
+ 		error( EX_USAGE, "usage: %s [flags] address...\n", "smail" );
+ 	}
+ /*
+ **  Get our default hostname and hostdomain.
+ */
+ 	getmynames();
+ /*
+ **  Spool the letter in a temporary file.
+ */
+ 	nargc = argc - optind;
+ 	if(printaddr == 0) {
+ 		spool(nargc, &argv[optind]);
+ 	}
+ /*
+ ** Do aliasing and fullname resolution
+ */
+ 	nargv = alias(&nargc, &argv[optind]);
+ /*
+ **  Map argv addresses to <host, user, form, cost>.
+ */
+ 	map(nargc, nargv, hostv, userv, formv, costv);
+ /*
+ **  If all we want it mapped addresses, print them and exit.
+ */
+ 	if(printaddr) {
+ 		int i;
+ 		char abuf[SMLBUF];
+ 		for(i=nargc-1; i >= 0; i--) {
+ 			if(formv[i] == ERROR) {
+ 				(void) strcpy(abuf, nargv[i]);
+ 			} else {
+ 				build(hostv[i], userv[i], formv[i], abuf);
+ 			}
+ 			(void) fputs(abuf, stdout);
+ 			if(i != 0) (void) putchar(' ');
+ 		}
+ 		(void) putchar('\n');
+ 		exit(0);
+ 	}
+ /*
+ **  Deliver.
+ */
+ 	deliver(nargc, hostv, userv, formv, costv);
+ /*
+ **  Exitstat was set if any resolve or deliver failed, otherwise 0.
+ */
+ 	return( exitstat );
+ }

Index: llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/Prolangs-C/unix-smail/map.c
diff -c /dev/null llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/Prolangs-C/unix-smail/map.c:1.1
*** /dev/null	Tue Oct  5 16:25:25 2004
--- llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/Prolangs-C/unix-smail/map.c	Tue Oct  5 16:25:14 2004
*** 0 ****
--- 1,52 ----
+ #ifndef lint
+ static char 	*sccsid="@(#)map.c	2.5 (smail) 9/15/87";
+ #endif
+ # include	<stdio.h>
+ # include	<sys/types.h>
+ # include	"defs.h"
+ extern int queuecost;
+ /*
+ **
+ **  map(): map addresses into <host, user, form, cost> sets.
+ **
+ **  Calls resolve() for each address of argv.  The result is hostv and 
+ **  userv arrays (pointing into buffers userz and hostz), and formv array.
+ **
+ */
+ void map(int argc,char **argv,char *hostv[],char *userv[],enum eform formv[],
+          int costv[])
+ {
+ 	int i, cost;
+ 	enum eform resolve();
+ 	char *c;
+ 	static char userbuf[BIGBUF], *userz;
+ 	static char hostbuf[BIGBUF], *hostz;
+ 	userz = userbuf;
+ 	hostz = hostbuf;
+ 	for( i=0; i<argc; i++ ) {
+ #ifdef DEFQUEUE
+ 		cost = queuecost+1;		/* default is queueing */
+ #else
+ 		cost = queuecost-1;		/* default is no queueing */
+ #endif
+ 		userv[i] = userz;		/* put results here */
+ 		hostv[i] = hostz;
+ 		if ( **argv == '(' ) {		/* strip () */
+ 			++*argv;
+ 			c = index( *argv, ')' );
+ 			if (c)
+ 				*c = '\0';
+ 		}
+ 						/* here it comes! */
+ 		formv[i] = resolve(*argv++, hostz, userz, &cost);
+ 		costv[i] = cost;
+ 		userz += strlen( userz ) + 1;	/* skip past \0 */
+ 		hostz += strlen( hostz ) + 1;
+ 	}
+ }

Index: llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/Prolangs-C/unix-smail/misc.c
diff -c /dev/null llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/Prolangs-C/unix-smail/misc.c:1.1
*** /dev/null	Tue Oct  5 16:25:25 2004
--- llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/Prolangs-C/unix-smail/misc.c	Tue Oct  5 16:25:14 2004
*** 0 ****
--- 1,329 ----
+ /*
+ **  Miscellaneous support functions for smail/rmail
+ */
+ #ifndef lint
+ static char 	*sccsid="@(#)misc.c	2.5 (smail) 9/15/87";
+ #endif
+ # include	<stdio.h>
+ # include	<sys/types.h>
+ # include	<ctype.h>
+ # include	"defs.h"
+ #ifdef BSD
+ # include	<sys/time.h>
+ # include	<sys/timeb.h>
+ #else
+ # include	<time.h>
+ # include	<sys/utsname.h>
+ #endif
+ extern int  exitstat;		/* set if a forked mailer fails */
+ extern enum edebug debug;	/* how verbose we are 		*/ 
+ extern enum ehandle handle;	/* what we handle		*/
+ extern char *uuxargs;		/* arguments given to uux       */
+ extern int  queuecost;		/* threshold for queueing mail  */
+ extern int  maxnoqueue;		/* max number of uucico's       */
+ extern enum erouting routing;	/* when to route addresses	*/
+ extern char hostdomain[];	/* */
+ extern char hostname[];		/* */
+ extern char hostuucp[];		/* */
+ extern char *pathfile;		/* location of path database	*/
+ extern char *spoolfile;		/* file name of spooled message */
+ extern FILE *spoolfp;		/* file ptr  to spooled message */
+ extern int spoolmaster;		/* set if creator of spoolfile  */
+ extern struct tm *localtime();
+ struct tm *gmt, *loc;		/* GMT and local time structure	*/
+ time_t now;			/* current system time		*/
+ char nows[50];			/* time in ctime format		*/
+ char arpanows[50];		/* time in arpa format		*/
+ # ifdef LOG
+ void log(char *command,char *from,long size)
+ {
+ 	FILE *fd;
+ 	char *logtime, tbuf[50];
+ 	int cmask;
+ 	logtime = strcpy(tbuf, nows);
+ 	logtime[16] = '\0';
+ 	logtime += 4;
+ 	cmask = umask(0);
+ 	fd = fopen(LOG, "a");
+ 	(void) umask(cmask);
+ 	if (fd != NULL) {
+ 		(void) fprintf(fd, "%s\t%ld\t%s\t%s\n",
+ 			logtime, size, from, command);
+ 		(void) fclose(fd);
+ 	}
+ }
+ # endif
+ # ifdef RECORD
+ FILE *record(char *command,char *from,long size)
+ {
+ 	FILE *fd;
+ 	char *logtime, buf[SMLBUF];
+ 	int cmask;
+ 	logtime = strcpy(buf, nows);
+ 	logtime[16] = 0;
+ 	logtime += 4;
+ 	cmask = umask(0);
+ 	fd = fopen(RECORD, "a");
+ 	(void) umask(cmask);
+ 	if (fd != NULL) {
+ 		(void) fprintf(fd, "%s: %s, from %s, %ld bytes\n", 
+ 			logtime, command, from, size);
+ 	}
+ 	while(fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), spoolfp) != NULL) {
+ 		(void) fputs(buf, fd);
+ 	}
+ 	(void) fclose(fd);
+ }
+ # endif
+ void setdates(void)
+ {
+ 	time_t time();
+ 	struct tm *gmtime();
+ 	char *ctime(), *arpadate();
+ 	(void) time(&now);
+ 	(void) strcpy(nows, ctime(&now));
+ 	gmt = gmtime(&now);
+ 	loc = localtime(&now);
+ 	(void) strcpy(arpanows, arpadate(nows));
+ }
+ /*
+ **  Note: This routine was taken from sendmail
+ **
+ **  ARPADATE -- Create date in ARPANET format
+ **
+ **	Parameters:
+ **		ud -- unix style date string.  if NULL, one is created.
+ **
+ **	Returns:
+ **		pointer to an ARPANET date field
+ **
+ **	Side Effects:
+ **		none
+ **
+ **		date is stored in a local buffer -- subsequent
+ **		calls will overwrite.
+ **
+ **	Bugs:
+ **		Timezone is computed from local time, rather than
+ **		from whereever (and whenever) the message was sent.
+ **		To do better is very hard.
+ **
+ **		Some sites are now inserting the timezone into the
+ **		local date.  This routine should figure out what
+ **		the format is and work appropriately.
+ */
+ char *arpadate(register char *ud)
+ {
+ 	register char *p;
+ 	register char *q;
+ 	static char b[40];
+ 	extern char *ctime();
+ 	register int i;
+ #ifndef BSD
+ 	extern char *tzname[];
+ 	time_t t, time();
+ #else
+ 	/* V7 and 4BSD */
+ 	struct timeb t;
+ 	extern struct timeb *ftime();
+ 	extern char *timezone();
+ #endif
+ 	/*
+ 	**  Get current time.
+ 	**	This will be used if a null argument is passed and
+ 	**	to resolve the timezone.
+ 	*/
+ #ifndef BSD
+ 	(void) time(&t);
+ 	if (ud == NULL)
+ 		ud = ctime(&t);
+ #else
+ 	/* V7 or 4BSD */
+ 	ftime(&t);
+ 	if (ud == NULL)
+ 		ud = ctime(&t.time);
+ #endif
+ 	/*
+ 	**  Crack the UNIX date line in a singularly unoriginal way.
+ 	*/
+ 	q = b;
+ 	p = &ud[8];		/* 16 */
+ 	if (*p == ' ')
+ 		p++;
+ 	else
+ 		*q++ = *p++;
+ 	*q++ = *p++;
+ 	*q++ = ' ';
+ 	p = &ud[4];		/* Sep */
+ 	*q++ = *p++;
+ 	*q++ = *p++;
+ 	*q++ = *p++;
+ 	*q++ = ' ';
+ 	p = &ud[22];		/* 1979 */
+ 	*q++ = *p++;
+ 	*q++ = *p++;
+ 	*q++ = ' ';
+ 	p = &ud[11];		/* 01:03:52 */
+ 	for (i = 8; i > 0; i--)
+ 		*q++ = *p++;
+ 				/* -PST or -PDT */
+ #ifndef BSD
+ 	p = tzname[localtime(&t)->tm_isdst];
+ #else
+ 	p = timezone(t.timezone, localtime(&t.time)->tm_isdst);
+ #endif
+ 	if (p[3] != '\0')
+ 	{
+ 		/* hours from GMT */
+ 		p += 3;
+ 		*q++ = *p++;
+ 		if (p[1] == ':')
+ 			*q++ = '0';
+ 		else
+ 			*q++ = *p++;
+ 		*q++ = *p++;
+ 		p++;		/* skip ``:'' */
+ 		*q++ = *p++;
+ 		*q++ = *p++;
+ 	}
+ 	else
+ 	{
+ 		*q++ = ' ';
+ 		*q++ = *p++;
+ 		*q++ = *p++;
+ 		*q++ = *p++;
+ 	}
+ 	p = &ud[0];		/* Mon */
+ 	*q++ = ' ';
+ 	*q++ = '(';
+ 	*q++ = *p++;
+ 	*q++ = *p++;
+ 	*q++ = *p++;
+ 	*q++ = ')';
+ 	*q = '\0';
+ 	return (b);
+ }
+ /*
+  *	The user name "postmaster" must be accepted regardless of what
+  *	combination of upper and lower case is used.  This function is
+  *	used to convert all case variants of "postmaster" to all lower
+  *	case.  If the user name passed in is not "postmaster", it is
+  *	returned unchanged.
+  */
+ char *postmaster(char *user)
+ {
+ 	static char *pm = "postmaster";
+ 	if(strcmpic(user, pm) == 0) {
+ 		return(pm);
+ 	} else {
+ 		return(user);
+ 	}
+ }
+ /*
+  * Return 1 iff the string is "UUCP" (ignore case).
+  */
+ int isuucp(char *str)
+ {
+ 	if(strcmpic(str, "UUCP") == 0) {
+ 		return(1);
+ 	} else {
+ 		return(0);
+ 	}
+ }
+ /*
+ ** sform(form) returns a pointer to a string that tells what 'form' means
+ */
+ char *sform(enum eform form)
+ {
+ 	if(form == ERROR)  return("ERROR");
+ 	if(form == LOCAL)  return("LOCAL");
+ 	if(form == DOMAIN) return("DOMAIN");
+ 	if(form == UUCP)   return("UUCP");
+ 	if(form == ROUTE)  return("ROUTE");
+ 	return("UNKNOWN");
+ }
+ /*
+ **
+ **  getmynames(): what is my host name and host domain?
+ **
+ **  Hostname set by -h, failing that by #define HOSTNAME, failing
+ **  that by gethostname() or uname().
+ **  
+ **  Hostdomain set by -h, failing that by #define HOSTDOMAIN,
+ **  failing that as hostname.MYDOM, or as just hostname.
+ **
+ **  See defs.h for the inside story.
+ **
+ */
+ void getmynames(void)
+ {
+ #ifdef HOSTNAME
+ 	if (!*hostname)
+ 		(void) strcpy(hostname, HOSTNAME);
+ #endif
+ 	if (!*hostname)
+ 		gethostname(hostname, SMLBUF - 1);
+ #endif
+ #ifdef UNAME
+ 	if (!*hostname) {
+ 		struct utsname site;
+ 		if (uname(&site) < 0)
+ 			error(EX_SOFTWARE, "uname() call failed", 0);
+ 		(void) strcpy(hostname, site.nodename);
+ 	}
+ #endif
+ 	if (!*hostname)
+ 		error(EX_SOFTWARE, "can't determine hostname.\n", 0);
+ 	if (!*hostdomain)
+ 		(void) strcpy(hostdomain, HOSTDOMAIN);
+ #endif
+ #ifdef MYDOM
+ 	if (!*hostdomain)
+ 		(void) strcat(strcpy(hostdomain, hostname), MYDOM);
+ #endif
+ 	if (!*hostdomain)
+ 		(void) strcpy(hostdomain, hostname);
+ 	(void) strcat(strcpy(hostuucp, hostname), ".UUCP");
+ }

Index: llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/Prolangs-C/unix-smail/pw.c
diff -c /dev/null llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/Prolangs-C/unix-smail/pw.c:1.1
*** /dev/null	Tue Oct  5 16:25:25 2004
--- llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/Prolangs-C/unix-smail/pw.c	Tue Oct  5 16:25:14 2004
*** 0 ****
--- 1,256 ----
+ #ifndef lint
+ static char *sccsid = "@(#)pw.c	2.5 (smail) 9/15/87";
+ #endif
+ #include <stdio.h>
+ #include <sys/types.h>
+ #include <sys/stat.h>
+ #include <pwd.h>
+ #include "defs.h"
+ #include <ctype.h>
+ char *malloc();
+ void free();
+ typedef struct pw_node pwlist;
+ struct pw_node {
+ 	char *lname;			/* login name */
+ 	char *fname;			/* full name  */
+ 	int  uid;			/* user-id    */
+ 	char *home;			/* login name */
+ 	pwlist *vlink;			/* link to next item */
+ };
+ pwlist *pwhead;		/* head of linked list */
+ pwlist *pwparse();	/* head of linked list */
+ #define PNULL	((pwlist *) 0)
+ char *pwfnam(char *user)
+ {
+ 	pwlist *f;
+ 	/*
+ 	** check for previously cached user
+ 	*/
+ 	for(f=pwhead; f != NULL; f=f->vlink) {
+ 		if(strcmp(user, f->lname) == 0) {
+ 			return(f->fname);
+ 		}
+ 	}
+ 	/*
+ 	** not found parse the password file
+ 	*/
+ 	while((f=pwparse()) != PNULL) {
+ 		if(strcmp(user, f->lname) == 0) {
+ 			return(f->fname);
+ 		}
+ 	}
+ 	return(NULL);
+ }
+ char *pwuid(int uid)
+ {
+ 	pwlist *f;
+ 	/*
+ 	** check for previously cached user
+ 	*/
+ 	for(f=pwhead; f != NULL; f=f->vlink) {
+ 		if(uid == f->uid) {
+ 			return(f->lname);
+ 		}
+ 	}
+ 	/*
+ 	** not found parse the password file
+ 	*/
+ 	while((f=pwparse()) != PNULL) {
+ 		if(uid == f->uid) {
+ 			return(f->lname);
+ 		}
+ 	}
+ 	return(NULL);
+ }
+ #ifndef SENDMAIL
+ char *tilde(char *user)
+ {
+ 	pwlist *f;
+ 	/*
+ 	** check for previously cached user
+ 	*/
+ 	for(f=pwhead; f != NULL; f=f->vlink) {
+ 		if(strcmp(user, f->lname) == 0) {
+ 			return(f->home);
+ 		}
+ 	}
+ 	/*
+ 	** not found parse the password file
+ 	*/
+ 	while((f=pwparse()) != PNULL) {
+ 		if(strcmp(user, f->lname) == 0) {
+ 			return(f->home);
+ 		}
+ 	}
+ 	return(NULL);
+ }
+ #endif /* not SENDMAIL */
+ char *fullname(char *gecos)
+ {
+ 	static char fname[SMLBUF];
+ 	register char *cend;
+ 	(void) strcpy(fname, gecos);
+ 	if (cend = index(fname, ','))
+ 		*cend = '\0';
+ 	if (cend = index(fname, '('))
+ 		*cend = '\0';
+ 	/*
+ 	** Skip USG-style 0000-Name nonsense if necessary.
+ 	*/
+ 	if (isdigit(*(cend = fname))) {
+ 		if ((cend = index(fname, '-')) != NULL)
+ 			cend++;
+ 		else
+ 			/*
+ 			** There was no `-' following digits.
+ 			*/
+ 			cend = fname;
+ 	}
+ 	return (cend);
+ }
+ pwlist *pwparse(void)
+ {
+ 	pwlist *f;
+ 	char *p, *name;
+ 	struct passwd *pwent, *getpwent();
+ 	unsigned int i;
+ 	static int pw_eof = 0;
+ 	if((pw_eof == 1)
+ 	|| ((pwent = getpwent()) == (struct passwd *) NULL)) {
+ 		pw_eof = 1;
+ 		return(PNULL);
+ 	}
+ 	/*
+ 	** Get an entry from the password file.
+ 	** Parse relevant strings.
+ 	*/
+ 	f = (pwlist *) malloc(sizeof(pwlist));
+ 	if(f == PNULL) return(PNULL);
+ 	f->vlink = pwhead;
+ 	pwhead   = f;
+ 	f->uid   = pwent->pw_uid;
+ 	i=strlen(pwent->pw_name)+1;
+ 	p = malloc(i);
+ 	if(p == NULL) return(PNULL);
+ 	f->lname = strcpy(p, pwent->pw_name);
+ 	i=strlen(pwent->pw_dir)+1;
+ 	p = malloc(i);
+ 	if(p == NULL) return(PNULL);
+ 	f->home  = strcpy(p, pwent->pw_dir);
+ 	name = fullname(pwent->pw_gecos);
+ 	i=strlen(name)+1;
+ 	p = malloc(i);
+ 	if(p == NULL) return(PNULL);
+ 	f->fname = strcpy(p, name);
+ 	return(f);
+ }
+ #ifdef FULLNAME
+ /*
+ ** Resolve a full name to a login name.
+ ** Not too much smarts here.
+ */
+ char *res_fname(register char *user)
+ {
+ 	long pos, middle, hi, lo;
+ 	static long pathlength = 0;
+ 	register char *s;
+ 	int c;
+ 	static FILE *file;
+ 	int flag;
+ 	char namebuf[SMLBUF], *path;
+ 	extern enum edebug debug;
+ 	extern char *fnlist;
+ DEBUG("res_fname: looking for '%s'\n", user);
+ 	if(pathlength == 0) {	/* open file on first use */
+ 		if((file=fopen(fnlist, "r")) == NULL) {
+ 			DEBUG( "can't access %s.\n", fnlist);
+ 			pathlength = -1;
+ 		} else {
+ 			(void) fseek(file, 0L, 2); 	/* find length */
+ 			pathlength = ftell(file);
+ 		}
+ 	}
+ 	if(pathlength == -1 ) return(NULL);
+ 	lo = 0;
+ 	hi = pathlength;
+ 	path = namebuf;
+ 	(void) strcpy( path, user );
+ 	(void) strcat( path, "\t" );
+ 	for( ;; ) {
+ 		pos = middle = ( hi+lo+1 )/2;
+ 		(void) fseek( file, pos, 0 );	/* find midpoint */
+ 		if (pos != 0)		/* to beginning of next line */
+ 			while( ( c=getc( file ) ) != EOF && c != '\n' );
+ 		for( flag = 0, s = path; flag == 0; s++ ) { /* match??? */
+ 			if ( *s == '\0' ) {
+ 				goto solved;
+ 			}
+ 			c = getc( file );
+ 			flag = lower( c ) - lower( *s );
+ 		} 
+ 		if (lo >= middle)		/* failure? */
+ 			return(NULL);
+ 		if(c != EOF && flag < 0)	/* close window */
+ 			lo = middle;
+ 		else 
+ 			hi = middle - 1;
+ 	}
+ /* 
+ ** Now just copy the result.
+ */
+ solved:
+ 	while(((c  = getc(file)) != EOF) && (c != '\t') && (c != '\n')) {
+ 		*path++ = c;
+ 	}
+ 	if(path == namebuf) {	/* NULL alias field */
+ 		return(NULL);
+ 	}
+ 	*path = '\0';
+ 	if((path = malloc((unsigned) strlen(namebuf)+1)) == NULL) {
+ 		return(NULL);	/* sorry, no memory */
+ 	}
+ 	(void) strcpy(path, namebuf);
+ 	return(path);
+ }
+ #endif	/* FULLNAME */

Index: llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/Prolangs-C/unix-smail/resolve.c
diff -c /dev/null llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/Prolangs-C/unix-smail/resolve.c:1.1
*** /dev/null	Tue Oct  5 16:25:26 2004
--- llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/Prolangs-C/unix-smail/resolve.c	Tue Oct  5 16:25:14 2004
*** 0 ****
--- 1,267 ----
+ /*
+ **
+ **  Resolve.c
+ **
+ **  Routes then resolves addresses into UUCP or LOCAL.
+ **
+ */
+ #ifndef lint
+ static char 	*sccsid="@(#)resolve.c	2.5 (smail) 9/15/87";
+ #endif
+ #include	<ctype.h>
+ #include	<stdio.h>
+ #include	"defs.h"
+ extern int exitstat;		/* set if address doesn't resolve 	*/
+ extern enum ehandle handle;	/* what mail we can handle		*/
+ extern enum edebug debug;	/* verbose and debug modes		*/
+ extern enum erouting routing;	/* when to route addresses		*/
+ extern char hostdomain[];	/* */
+ extern char hostname[];		/* */
+ extern char *pathfile;		/* location of path database		*/
+ extern int getcost;		/* get path cost even if not routing    */
+ char *sform();
+ /*
+ **
+ **  rsvp(): how to resolve addresses.
+ **
+ **  After parsing an address into <form>, the resolved form will be
+ **  rsvp( form ).  If == ROUTE, we route the parsed address and parse again.
+ **
+ */
+ # define rsvp(a) table[(int)a][(int)handle]
+ enum eform table[5][3] = {
+ /*	all		justuucp	none */
+ {	ERROR, 		ERROR, 		ERROR }, 	/* error */
+ {	LOCAL, 		LOCAL,	 	LOCAL }, 	/* local */
+ {	ROUTE, 		LOCAL, 		LOCAL }, 	/* domain */
+ {	UUCP, 		UUCP, 		LOCAL }, 	/* uucp */
+ {	ERROR, 		ERROR, 		ERROR }};	/* route */
+ /*
+ **
+ **  resolve(): resolve addresses to <host, user, form>.
+ **
+ **  This is a gnarly piece of code, but it does it all.  Each section 
+ **  is documented.
+ **
+ */
+ enum eform resolve(char *address,char *domain,char *user ,int *cost)
+ {
+ 	enum eform form;		/* the returned form	*/ 
+ 	enum eform parse();		/* to crack addresses	*/
+ 	int parts;			/* to ssplit addresses	*/
+ 	char *partv[MAXPATH];		/* "  "      "		*/
+ 	char temp[SMLBUF];		/* "  "      "		*/
+ 	int i;
+ /*
+ **  If we set REROUTE and are prepared to deliver UUCP mail, we split the 
+ **  address apart at !'s and try to resolve successively larger righthand 
+ **  substrings until we succeed.  Otherwise, we just resolve the whole thing 
+ **  once.
+ */
+ 	if ((routing == REROUTE) && (rsvp( UUCP ) == UUCP)) {
+ 		parts = ssplit( address, '!', partv );
+ 	} else {
+ 		parts = 1;
+ 		partv[0] = address;
+ 	}
+ /*
+ **  This for(i) loop selects successively larger
+ **  righthand substrings of the address.
+ */
+ 	for( i = parts - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) {
+ /*
+ **  Parse the address.
+ */
+ 		(void) strcpy( temp, partv[i] );
+ 		form = parse( temp, domain, user );
+ DEBUG("resolve: parse address '%s' = '%s' @ '%s' (%s)\n",
+ 	temp,user,domain,sform(form));
+ /*
+ **  If we are looking at a substring (that's not the entire string)
+ **  which parses to a LOCAL address, we skip to the next larger substring.
+ */
+ 		if((i != 0) && (form == LOCAL))
+ 			continue;
+ /*
+ **  Routing, when required, is the next step.
+ **  We route the address if we have a ROUTE form
+ **  or if we have a UUCP form and we are told to
+ **  route ALWAYS or REROUTE (i.e., routing != JUSTDOMAIN)
+ */
+ 		if((rsvp( form ) == ROUTE)
+ 		 ||((rsvp( form ) == UUCP) && (routing != JUSTDOMAIN ))) {
+ 			int look_smart = 0;
+ 			if((routing == REROUTE) && (i == 0)) {
+ 				look_smart = 1; /* last chance */
+ 			}
+ 			/* route() puts the new route in 'temp' */
+ 			if(route(domain,user,look_smart,temp,cost) != EX_OK) {
+ 				continue;	/* If routing fails, try
+ 						/* next larger substring.
+ 						/* */
+ 			}
+ /*
+ **  After routing, reparse the new route into domain and user. 
+ */
+ 			form = parse( temp, domain, user );
+ DEBUG("resolve: parse route '%s' = '%s' @ '%s' (%s)\n",
+ 	temp,user,domain,sform(form));
+ 		} else if((getcost) && (rsvp(form) == UUCP)) {
+ 			/* get the cost of the route
+ 			** even if we're not going route the mail.
+ 			** this allows smart decisions about using
+ 			** the -r flag to uux when we're not routing.
+ 			*/
+ 			char junk[SMLBUF];
+ 			if(route(domain,user,0,junk,cost) != EX_OK) {
+ 				continue;	/* If routing fails, try
+ 						/* next larger substring.
+ 						/* */
+ 			}
+ 		}
+ 		break;	/* route is resolved */
+ 	}
+ /*
+ **  For LOCAL mail in non-local format, we rewrite the full address into 
+ **  <user> and leave <domain> blank.
+ */
+ 	if ((rsvp( form ) == LOCAL) && (form != LOCAL )) {
+ 		build( domain, user, form, temp );
+ 		(void) strcpy( user, temp );
+ 		(void) strcpy( domain, "" );
+ 		form = LOCAL;
+ 	}
+ /*
+ **  If we were supposed to route an address but failed (form == ERROR), 
+ **  or after routing we are left with an address that still needs to
+ **  be routed (rsvp( form ) == ROUTE), complain.
+ */
+ 	if ((form == ERROR) || (rsvp( form ) == ROUTE )) {
+ 		exitstat = EX_NOHOST;
+ 		ADVISE("resolve failed '%s' = '%s' @ '%s' (%s)\n",
+ 			address, user, domain, sform(form));
+ 		form = ERROR;
+ 	} else {
+ 		ADVISE("resolve '%s' = '%s' @ '%s' (%s)\n",
+ 			address, user, domain, sform(form));
+ 	}
+ 	return ( form );
+ }
+ /*
+ **
+ **  route(): route domain, plug in user.
+ **
+ **  Less complicated than it looks.  Each section is documented.
+ **
+ */
+ int route(char *domain,char *user,int look_smart,char *result,int *cost)
+ {
+ 	int	uucpdom = 0;
+ 	int	domains, step;			/* to split domain	*/
+ 	char	*domainv[MAXDOMS];		/* "  "     "		*/
+ 	char	temp[SMLBUF], path[SMLBUF];
+ /*
+ **  Fully qualify the domain, and then strip the last (top level domain) 
+ **  component off, so that we look it up separately.
+ */
+ 	temp[0] = '.';
+ 	(void) strcpy(temp+1, domain );
+ 	domains = ssplit( temp+1, '.', domainv );
+ /*
+ ** check target domain for the local host name and host domain.
+ ** if it matches, then skip the lookup in the database.
+ ** this prevents mail loops for cases where SMARTHOST is defined
+ ** in the routing table, but the local host is not.  It also is
+ ** a little faster when the local host is the target domain.
+ */
+ 	if((strcmpic(domain, hostname) == 0)
+ 	|| (strcmpic(domain, hostdomain) == 0)) {
+ 		step = 0;
+ 		*cost = 0;
+ 		(void) strcpy(path, "%s");
+ DEBUG("route: '%s' is local\n", domain);
+ 		goto route_complete;
+ 	}
+ 	/* If the domain ends in .UUCP, trim that off. */
+ 	if((domains > 0) && isuucp(domainv[domains-1])) {
+ 		domains--;
+ 		domainv[domains][-1] = '\0';
+ 		uucpdom = 1;
+ 	}
+ /*
+ **  Try to get the path for successive components of the domain.  
+ **  Example for osgd.cb.att.uucp:
+ **	osgd.cb.att
+ **	cb.att
+ **	att
+ **	uucp ( remember stripping top level? )
+ **  Returns with error if we find no path.
+ */
+ 	for(step = 0; (step < domains); step++) {
+ 		if((getpath(domainv[step]-1, path, cost) == EX_OK) /* w/ dot */
+ 		|| (getpath(domainv[step]  , path, cost) == EX_OK))/* no dot */
+ 			break;
+ 	}
+ 	if(step == domains) {
+ 	/*
+ 	** we've looked at each component of the domain without success
+ 	*/
+ 		/*
+ 		** If domain is a UUCP address, look for a UUCP gateway.
+ 		*/
+ 		if((uucpdom == 0) || (getpath(".UUCP", path, cost) != EX_OK)) {
+ 			/*
+ 			** The domain not is a UUCP address, or we can't
+ 			** find a UUCP gateway.  If this is our last chance,
+ 			** look for a smarter host to deliver the mail.
+ 			*/
+ 			if((look_smart == 0)
+ 			|| (getpath(SMARTHOST, path, cost) != EX_OK)) {
+ 				/*
+ 				** All our efforts have been in vain.
+ 				** Tell them the bad news.
+ 				*/
+ 				DEBUG("route '%s' failed\n", domain);
+ 				return( EX_NOHOST );
+ 			}
+ 		}
+ 	}
+ route_complete:
+ DEBUG("route:  '%s' (%s) = '%s' (%d)\n", domain, domainv[step]?domainv[step]:"NULL", path, *cost);
+ /*
+ **  If we matched on the entire domain name, this address is fully resolved, 
+ **  and we plug <user> into it.  If we matched on only part of the domain 
+ **  name, we plug <domain>!<user> in.  
+ */
+ 	build(domain, user, (step == 0) ? LOCAL : UUCP, temp);
+ 	(void) sprintf(result, path, temp);
+ 	return( EX_OK );
+ }

Index: llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/Prolangs-C/unix-smail/str.c
diff -c /dev/null llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/Prolangs-C/unix-smail/str.c:1.1
*** /dev/null	Tue Oct  5 16:25:26 2004
--- llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/Prolangs-C/unix-smail/str.c	Tue Oct  5 16:25:14 2004
*** 0 ****
--- 1,54 ----
+ #ifndef lint
+ static char 	*sccsid="@(#)str.c	2.5 (smail) 9/15/87";
+ #endif
+ #include "defs.h"
+ #include <ctype.h>
+ /*
+ **	strncmpic: string compare, ignore case, stop after 'n' chars
+ */
+ int strncmpic(char *s1,char *s2,int n)
+ {
+ 	register char *u = s1;
+ 	register char *p = s2;
+ 	while((n > 0) && (*p != '\0')) {
+ 		/* chars match or only case different */
+ 		if(lower(*u) == lower(*p)) {
+ 			p++;	/* examine next char */
+ 			u++;
+ 		} else {
+ 			break;	/* no match - stop comparison */
+ 		}
+ 		n--;
+ 	}
+ 	if(n > 0) {
+ 		return(lower(*u) - lower(*p)); /* return "difference" */
+ 	} else {
+ 		return(0);
+ 	}
+ }
+ /*
+ **	strcmpic: string compare, ignore case
+ */
+ int strcmpic(char *s1,char *s2)
+ {
+ 	register char *u = s1;
+ 	register char *p = s2;
+ 	while(*p != '\0') {
+ 		/* chars match or only case different */
+ 		if(lower(*u) == lower(*p)) {
+ 			p++;	/* examine next char */
+ 			u++;
+ 		} else {
+ 			break;	/* no match - stop comparison */
+ 		}
+ 	}
+ 	return(lower(*u) - lower(*p)); /* return "difference" */
+ }

Index: llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/Prolangs-C/unix-smail/sysexits.h
diff -c /dev/null llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/Prolangs-C/unix-smail/sysexits.h:1.1
*** /dev/null	Tue Oct  5 16:25:26 2004
--- llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/Prolangs-C/unix-smail/sysexits.h	Tue Oct  5 16:25:14 2004
*** 0 ****
--- 1,12 ----
+ /*
+ **	@(#)sysexits.h	2.5 (smail) 9/15/87
+ */
+ # define EX_OK		0	/* successful termination */
+ # define EX_USAGE	64	/* command line usage error */
+ # define EX_NOHOST	68	/* host name unknown */
+ # define EX_UNAVAILABLE	69	/* service unavailable */
+ # define EX_SOFTWARE	70	/* internal software error */
+ # define EX_OSFILE	72	/* critical OS file missing */
+ # define EX_CANTCREAT	73	/* can't create (user) output file */
+ # define EX_TEMPFAIL	75	/* temp failure; user is invited to retry */

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