[llvm-commits] CVS: llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/Prolangs-C/compiler/Makefile emitter.c error.c global.h init.c lexer.c main.c parser.c symbol.c

Chris Lattner lattner at cs.uiuc.edu
Tue Oct 5 12:24:17 PDT 2004

Changes in directory llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/Prolangs-C/compiler:

Makefile added (r1.1)
emitter.c added (r1.1)
error.c added (r1.1)
global.h added (r1.1)
init.c added (r1.1)
lexer.c added (r1.1)
main.c added (r1.1)
parser.c added (r1.1)
symbol.c added (r1.1)
Log message:

New benchmark, also missing an input

Diffs of the changes:  (+2374 -0)

Index: llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/Prolangs-C/compiler/Makefile
diff -c /dev/null llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/Prolangs-C/compiler/Makefile:1.1
*** /dev/null	Tue Oct  5 14:24:17 2004
--- llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/Prolangs-C/compiler/Makefile	Tue Oct  5 14:24:06 2004
*** 0 ****
--- 1,6 ----
+ LEVEL = ../../../..
+ PROG = compiler
+ #STDIN_FILENAME = $(SourceDir)/testset
+ include $(LEVEL)/MultiSource/Makefile.multisrc

Index: llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/Prolangs-C/compiler/emitter.c
diff -c /dev/null llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/Prolangs-C/compiler/emitter.c:1.1
*** /dev/null	Tue Oct  5 14:24:17 2004
--- llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/Prolangs-C/compiler/emitter.c	Tue Oct  5 14:24:06 2004
*** 0 ****
--- 1,171 ----
+ /****  emitter.c  *******************************************************/
+ #include "global.h"
+ void emit(int t, int tval, float rval)   /*  generates output */
+ {
+   if (ErrorFlag)
+     return;
+   ++NumberC;
+   if (NumberC >= 8)
+    {
+      printf("\n");
+      NumberC = 0;
+    }          /* end if NumberC */
+   switch(t) {
+   case RADD: 
+     printf("RADD, ");
+     break;
+   case ADD:
+     printf("ADD, ");
+     break;
+   case RSUB: 
+     printf("RSUB, ");
+     break;
+   case SUB:
+     printf("SUB, ");
+     break;
+   case RMUL: 
+     printf("RMUL, ");
+     break;
+   case MUL:
+     printf("MUL, ");
+     break;
+   case RDIV:
+     printf("RDIV, ");
+     break;
+   case DIV:
+     printf("DIV, ");
+     break;
+     printf("'%s#%d, ", LocalTable[tval].lexptr, Scope);
+     break;
+     printf("'%s#0, ", GlobalTable[tval].lexptr);
+     break;
+   case WRITEI:
+     printf("WRITEI, ");
+     break;
+   case WRITEF:
+     printf("WRITER, ");
+     break;
+   case WRITELN:
+     printf("NEWLINE, ");
+     break;
+   case STORE:
+     printf("ST, ");
+     break;    
+   case IST:
+     printf("IST, ");
+     break;
+   case STH:
+     printf("STH, ");
+     break;
+   case VAL:
+     printf("VAL, ");
+     break;
+   case VALB:
+     printf("VALB, ");
+     break;
+     printf("@%s#0, ",GlobalTable[tval].lexptr);
+     break;
+     printf(">%s#%d, ", LocalTable[tval].lexptr, Scope);
+     break;
+   case READ:
+     printf("READ, ");
+     break;
+   case NUM:
+     printf("%d, ", tval);
+   break;
+   case RNUM:
+     printf("%16.4e, ", rval); 
+   break;
+   case GLO_DECL:  /* here tval is a subscript to the symbol table */
+     printf("%s#0 = %d, ", GlobalTable[tval].lexptr, DecCount);
+     break;
+   case LOC_DECL:
+     printf("%s#%d = %d, ", LocalTable[tval].lexptr, Scope, offset);
+     break;
+   case NEG:
+     printf("NEG, ");
+     break;
+   case RNEG:
+     printf("RNEG, ");
+     break;
+   case INT:
+     printf("FIX, "); 
+     break;
+   case FLOAT:
+     printf("FLOAT, "); 
+     break;
+   case POP:
+     printf("POP, "); 
+     break;
+   case LABEL_CODE:
+     printf("$%d: ", tval);
+     break;
+     printf("$%d, ", tval);
+     break;
+   case COMP:
+     printf("COMP, ");
+     break;
+   case SWAP:
+     printf("SWAP, ");
+     break;
+   case BEQ:
+     printf("BEQ, ");
+     break;
+   case BNE:
+     printf("BNE, ");
+     break; 
+   case B:
+     printf("B, ");
+     break;
+   case STHB:
+     printf("STHB, ");
+     break;
+   case LABEL_FUNC:
+     printf("%s: ", GlobalTable[tval].lexptr);
+     break;
+   case ISTB:
+     printf("ISTB, ");
+     break;
+   case STORE_RA:
+     printf("RA%s = 0, ", GlobalTable[tval].lexptr);
+     printf("'RA%s, ", GlobalTable[tval].lexptr);
+     printf("istb, ");
+     break;
+     printf("frame%s = %d, ", GlobalTable[tval].lexptr, offset);
+     break;
+     printf("'frame%s, ", GlobalTable[tval].lexptr);
+     break;
+   case IB:
+     printf("IB, ");
+     break;
+   case DB:
+     printf("DB, ");
+     break;
+   case PUSH_RA:
+     printf(">RA%s, ", GlobalTable[tval].lexptr);
+     break;
+   case BEGIN:
+     printf("\n%%%d, START: $3, sb, $2, $1, b,\n", DecCount);
+     NumberC = 0;
+     break;
+   case END:
+     printf("\n$2: STOP, $3: ->START.\n");
+     break;
+   case NOTDEC:
+     printf("\n Function %s called but not parsed.\n",GlobalTable[tval].lexptr);
+     break;
+   default:
+     printf("token %d, tval %d, rval %f\n", t, tval, rval);
+   }
+ }

Index: llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/Prolangs-C/compiler/error.c
diff -c /dev/null llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/Prolangs-C/compiler/error.c:1.1
*** /dev/null	Tue Oct  5 14:24:17 2004
--- llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/Prolangs-C/compiler/error.c	Tue Oct  5 14:24:06 2004
*** 0 ****
--- 1,39 ----
+ /****  error.c  **********************************************************/
+ #include "global.h"
+ extern void match(int t);
+ void error(char *m)    /*   generates all error messages */
+ {
+   ErrorFlag = 1;
+   printf("\nERROR: line %d: %s \n", lineno, m);
+   if (lookahead == DONE)
+     return;
+   printf("Skipping: ");
+   while ((lookahead != ';') && (lookahead != EOF))
+   {
+     lookahead = getc(stdin);
+     if (lookahead == '\n')
+       ++lineno;
+     if (lookahead != EOF)
+       printf ("%c", lookahead);
+   }
+   if (lookahead == EOF)
+   {
+     lookahead = DONE;
+     return;
+   }
+   else
+     match(';');
+   printf("\n continuing parsing...\n");
+   return;
+ }

Index: llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/Prolangs-C/compiler/global.h
diff -c /dev/null llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/Prolangs-C/compiler/global.h:1.1
*** /dev/null	Tue Oct  5 14:24:17 2004
--- llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/Prolangs-C/compiler/global.h	Tue Oct  5 14:24:06 2004
*** 0 ****
--- 1,133 ----
+ /****** global.h ********************************************************/
+ #include <stdio.h>
+ #include <ctype.h>
+ /*
+ extern char *strcpy();
+ extern int strcmp();
+ */
+ #define STRMAX 999    /* size of lexemes array */
+ #define SYMMAX 100    /* size of symtable */
+ #define BSIZE  128           /* buffer size */
+ #define NONE   -1
+ #define EOS   '\0'           /* END OF STRING */
+ #define NUM    256           /* token for integers */
+ #define ID     259           /* token for identifiers */
+ #define DONE   260           /* token for end of file */
+ #define RNUM   2001          /* token for real numbers */
+ #define INT    2002          /* token for the string "int" */
+ #define FLOAT  2003          /* token for the string "float" */
+ #define POP    2004          /* token for poping to a labeled location */
+ #define PUSH_LABEL 2005      /* token for outputing push from labeled loc. */
+ #define ARRAY  2006          /* token for an array referance */
+ #define WHILE  2007          /* token for the keyword while */
+ #define IF     2008          /* token for the keyword if */
+ #define READ   2009          /* token for the keyword read */
+ #define WRITE  2010          /* token for the keyword write */
+ #define WRITELN 2011         /* token for the keyword writeln */
+ #define EQUAL  2012          /* token for == */
+ #define NEQUAL 2013          /* token for != */
+ #define LABEL_CODE 2014      /* emitter code to label an assemble stmt */
+ #define PUSH_CODE_LABEL 2015 /* emitter code to push code labels */
+ #define COMP   2016          /* emitter code for comp opcode */
+ #define BEQ    2017          /* emitter code for BEQ */ 
+ #define B      2018          /* emitter code for B */
+ #define STORE  2020          /* emitter code to output ST */
+ #define STH    2022          /* emitter code for STH command */
+ #define VAL    2023          /* emitter code for VAL command */
+ #define ELSE   2024          /* token for keyword else */
+ #define BNE    2025          /* emitter code for BNE command */
+ #define BEGIN  2026          /* emitter code: print special char at start prg*/
+ #define END    2027          /* emitter code: print special char at end prog */
+ #define IST    2028          /* emitter code for IST instruction */
+ #define ADD    2029          /* emitter code for ADD */
+ #define RADD   2030          /* emitter code for RADD */
+ #define SUB    2031          /* emitter code for SUB */
+ #define RSUB   2032          /* emitter code for RSUB */
+ #define MUL    2033          /* emitter code for MUL */
+ #define RMUL   2034          /* emitter code for RMUL */
+ #define DIV    2035          /* emitter code for DIV */
+ #define RDIV   2036          /* emitter code for RDIV */
+ #define SWAP   2037          /* emitter code for SWAP */
+ #define NEG    2038          /* emitter code for NEG */
+ #define RNEG   2039          /* emitter code for RNEG */
+ #define FIX    2040          /* emitter code for FIX */
+ #define PARAM  2041          /* code for parameters in symbol tables */
+ #define RETURN 2042          /* token for return keyword */
+ #define READF  2043          /* token for readf() */
+ #define READI  2044          /* token for readi() */
+ #define WRITEF 2045          /* token for writef() */
+ #define WRITEI 2046          /* token for writei() */
+ #define LOC_DECL 2047        /* emitter code for a local declaration */
+ #define GLO_DECL 2048        /* emitter code for a global declaration */
+ #define PUSH_LOC_VAR_ADDR 2049 /* emitter code to push the address of a
+                                   local variable */
+ #define PUSH_GLO_VAR_ADDR 2050 /* emitter code to push the address of a
+                                   global varialbe */
+ #define PUSH_LOC_VAR_VALUE 2051 /* emitter code to push value stored
+                                   in a local variable */
+ #define PUSH_GLO_VAR_VALUE 2052 /* emitter code to push value stored
+                                   in a global variable */
+ #define STHB       2053      /* emitter code for STHB */
+ #define LABEL_FUNC 2054      /* emitter code to insert function name in code */
+ #define ISTB       2055      /* emitter code for ISTB instruction */
+ #define STORE_RA   2056      /* emitter code to store return address */
+ #define SAVE_FRAMESIZE 2057  /* emitter code to save frame size */
+ #define PUSH_RA    2058      /* emitter code to push the return address */
+ #define PUSH_FRAMESIZE 2059  /* emitter code for pushing the frame size */
+ #define IB         2060      /* emitter code for ib */
+ #define DB         2061      /* emitter code for db */
+ #define NOTDEC     2062      /* emitter code for funtion not parsed */
+ #define VALB       2063      /* emitter code for VALB */
+ int     lookahead;           /* token code number */
+ int     tokenval;            /* value of token attribute */
+ float   ftokenval;           /* global for float RNUM attribute */
+ int     FloatFlag;           /* used as boolean, 1 if we doing float calcs. */
+ int     ErrorFlag;           /* 1 if an error has occured, 0 otherwise */
+ int     DecCount;            /* keeps track of memeory locations */
+ int     offset;              /* offset within an activation record, local var*/
+ int     lineno;              /* the current line number */
+ int     LabelCounter;        /* used to create new labels for the mach. code */
+ int     NumberC;             /* keeps track of number of commands emitted */
+ char    lexbuf[BSIZE];       /* stores lexeme to be inserted into symtable */
+ int     LocalIndex;          /* value returned from lookup in loctable */
+ int     GlobalIndex;         /* value returned from lookup to glotable */
+ int     NextLookahead;       /* the next token of the input */
+ int     NextTokenval;        /* the tokenval associated with the next token */
+ float   NextFtokenval;       /* the ftokenval associated with the next token */
+ int     PreviousLookahead;   /* the token that was last matched */
+ int     PreviousTokenval;    /* tokenval associated with the previous token*/
+ float   PreviousFtokenval;   /* ftokenval associated with the previous token*/
+ int     Scope;               /* the label assoc. with the current function
+                                 to be used in the creation of unique labels */
+ int     ReturnLabel;         /* stores the label to jump out of a function
+                                 if a return is encountered */
+ int     CallReturnAddr;      /* return address of a function call */
+ int     FuncNameIndex;       /* stores the index of the current function
+                                 name*/
+ int     ArrayParsed;         /* flag set to 1 if PushArrayCellAddr() called
+                                 while lookahead is ARRAY */
+ struct entry {   /* form of symbol table entry */
+      char *lexptr;           /* ptr to lexeme */
+      int  token;             /* token: ID or ARRAY */
+      int  type;              /* type of entry: INT or FLOAT */
+      int  size;              /* size of entry: 1 for INT or FLOAT, 
+                                 larger for arrays */
+      int  function;          /* non-zero if is a function.
+                                 field is > 0 if function called but not parsed,
+                                 field is < 0 if function body has been parsed*/
+      int  functionlabel;     /* stores the machine code label associated
+                                 with the function */
+    };
+ struct entry GlobalTable[SYMMAX];    /* Global  symbol table */
+ struct entry LocalTable[SYMMAX];    /* Local symbol table */

Index: llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/Prolangs-C/compiler/init.c
diff -c /dev/null llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/Prolangs-C/compiler/init.c:1.1
*** /dev/null	Tue Oct  5 14:24:17 2004
--- llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/Prolangs-C/compiler/init.c	Tue Oct  5 14:24:06 2004
*** 0 ****
--- 1,42 ----
+ /****  init.c  ********************************************************/
+ #include "global.h"
+ extern int GlobalInsert(char s[], int tok, int type, int size, int function,
+                         int functionlabel);
+ /* contains all keywords to be added to the symbol table */
+ struct entry keywords[] = {
+   { "int", INT, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
+   { "float", FLOAT, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
+   { "while", WHILE, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
+   { "if", IF, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
+   { "else", ELSE, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
+   { "read", READ, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
+   { "write", WRITE, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
+   { "writeln", WRITELN, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
+   { "return", RETURN, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
+   { "readf", READF, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
+   { "readi", READI, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
+   { "writef", WRITEF, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
+   { "writei", WRITEI, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
+   {  0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }
+   };
+ void init(void)
+ {
+   /* loads keywords into symtable */
+   struct entry *p;
+   for (p = keywords; p->token; p++)
+     (void) GlobalInsert(p->lexptr, p->token, p->type, p->size, 0, 0);
+   lineno = 1;
+   LabelCounter = 1;
+   DecCount = 2;
+   ErrorFlag = 0;
+   NumberC = 0;
+ }

Index: llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/Prolangs-C/compiler/lexer.c
diff -c /dev/null llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/Prolangs-C/compiler/lexer.c:1.1
*** /dev/null	Tue Oct  5 14:24:17 2004
--- llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/Prolangs-C/compiler/lexer.c	Tue Oct  5 14:24:06 2004
*** 0 ****
--- 1,231 ----
+ /**** lexer.c ***************************************************************/
+ # include "global.h"
+ extern int Number(int t);
+ extern int Indentifier(int t);
+ extern int Equal(int t);
+ extern int Nequal(int t);
+ extern void error(char *m);
+ extern int LocalLookup(char s[]);
+ extern int GlobalLookup(char s[]);
+ int lexan(void)
+ {
+   int t;  /* temp to check next char in input */
+   while (1)
+   {
+     t = getc(stdin);
+     if (t == ' ' || t == '\t')
+       ;  /* strip out white space */
+     else if (t == '\n')
+       ++lineno;
+     else if (isdigit(t) || t == '.' )
+       return (Number(t));
+     else if ( isalpha(t) || t == '_')
+       return(Indentifier(t));
+     else if (t == '=')
+       return (Equal(t) );
+     else if (t == '!')
+       return (Nequal(t) );
+     else if (t == EOF)
+       return(DONE);
+     else
+     {
+       NextTokenval = NONE;
+       return(t);
+     } /* end else */
+   }  /* end while (1) */
+ }  /* end lexan */
+ /* ======================================================================= */
+ int Indentifier(int t)
+ {
+   int b = 0; /* used as a index to lexbuf */
+   if (t == '_')
+   {
+     lexbuf[b] = t;
+     ++b;
+     t = getc(stdin);
+     if (t == '_')
+     {
+       error("Indentifier cannot begin with a double underscore");
+       return(lookahead);
+     }  /* end if (t == '_') */
+   }   /* end if (t == '_') */
+   if (isalpha(t))
+   {
+     lexbuf[b] = t;
+     ++b;
+     t = getc(stdin);
+   }  /* end if (isalpha(t)) */
+   else
+   {
+     error("improperly formed indentifier");
+     return(lookahead);
+   }  /* end else */
+   while (isalpha(t) || isdigit(t) || t == '_')
+   {
+     lexbuf[b] = t;
+     ++b;
+     t = getc(stdin);
+   }  /* end while */
+   (void) ungetc (t, stdin);  
+   lexbuf[b] = EOS;
+   LocalIndex = LocalLookup(lexbuf);
+   GlobalIndex = GlobalLookup(lexbuf);
+   if (LocalIndex)
+     return(LocalTable[LocalIndex].token);
+   else if (GlobalIndex)
+     return (GlobalTable[GlobalIndex].token);
+   else
+     return(ID);
+ }
+ /* ======================================================================== */
+ int Equal(int t)
+ {
+   t = getc(stdin);
+   if (t == '=')
+     return(EQUAL);
+   else
+   {
+     (void) ungetc(t,stdin);
+     NextTokenval = NONE;
+     return('=');
+   } /* end else */
+ }  /* end Equal function */
+ /* ======================================================================= */
+ int Nequal(int t)
+ {
+   t = getc(stdin);
+   if (t == '=')
+     return(NEQUAL);
+   else
+   {
+     (void) ungetc(t,stdin);
+     NextTokenval = NONE;
+     return('!');
+   }  /* end else */
+ }  /* end function Nequal */
+ /* ====================================================================== */
+ int Number(int t)
+ {
+   int DecimalAsInt; /* temp holder of the number */
+   int Exponent;
+   int NumOfZeros;
+   NextFtokenval = 0.0; 
+   NextTokenval = 0;
+   /* get interger portion of float or the whole integer */
+   if (isdigit (t))
+   {
+     (void) ungetc(t, stdin);
+     scanf("%d", &NextTokenval);
+     t = getc(stdin);
+     if ((t != '.') && (t != 'e') && (t != 'E'))
+     {
+       (void) ungetc(t, stdin);
+       return (NUM);
+     }
+   } /* end if t is digit */
+   /* NextTokenval set at this point or NUM has been returned */
+   if (t == '.')
+   {
+     t = getc(stdin);
+     NumOfZeros = 0;
+     /* 
+        counts the number of zeros left of decimal and right of the
+        first non-zero digit.
+     */
+     while (t == '0')
+     {
+       ++NumOfZeros;
+       t = getc(stdin);
+     } /* end while t == 0 */
+     /* reads the number after any leading zeros */
+     if (isdigit (t))
+     {
+       (void) ungetc(t, stdin);
+       scanf("%d", &DecimalAsInt);
+       NextFtokenval = (float) DecimalAsInt;
+       /* converts the decimal characters into a decimal of the number */
+       while (NextFtokenval >= 1.0)
+       {
+         NextFtokenval /= 10;
+       } /* end NextFtokenval > 1 */
+       if (NumOfZeros > 0)
+       {
+         while (NumOfZeros > 0)
+         {
+           NextFtokenval /= 10;
+           --NumOfZeros;
+         } /* end num of zeros > 0 */
+       } /* end if num of zeros > 0 */
+       t = getc(stdin); /* not needed here, but used later */
+     } /* end if t is digit */
+   } /* end if t == . */
+   /* tokenval and ftokenval set if needed, otherwise still zero */
+   NextFtokenval += NextTokenval;
+   if ((t == 'e') || (t == 'E'))
+   {
+     t = getc(stdin);
+     if ((t == '+') || (t == '-') || (isdigit (t)))
+     {
+       (void) ungetc(t, stdin);
+       scanf("%d", &Exponent);
+       t = getc(stdin); /* used for error checking, but also used later */
+       if (t == '.')
+       {
+         error("Exponents must be integer values");
+         return(lookahead);
+       } /* end if exponent value is a float */
+       if (Exponent > 0)
+       {
+         while (Exponent > 0)
+         {
+           NextFtokenval *= 10;
+           --Exponent;
+         } /* end while */
+       } /* end if Exponent > 0 */
+       else
+       {
+         while (Exponent < 0)
+         {
+           NextFtokenval /= 10;
+           ++Exponent;
+         } /* end while */
+       } /* end else Exponent > 0 */
+     } /* end if t is +, -, or a digit */
+   } /* if t == e or t == E */
+   (void) ungetc(t, stdin);
+   return(RNUM);
+ } /* end isdigit or . */

Index: llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/Prolangs-C/compiler/main.c
diff -c /dev/null llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/Prolangs-C/compiler/main.c:1.1
*** /dev/null	Tue Oct  5 14:24:17 2004
--- llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/Prolangs-C/compiler/main.c	Tue Oct  5 14:24:06 2004
*** 0 ****
--- 1,13 ----
+ /****  main.c  *********************************************************/
+ #include "global.h"
+ extern void init(void);
+ extern void parse(void);
+ int main(void)
+ {
+   init();
+   parse();
+   return 0;     /*  successful termination  */
+ }

Index: llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/Prolangs-C/compiler/parser.c
diff -c /dev/null llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/Prolangs-C/compiler/parser.c:1.1
*** /dev/null	Tue Oct  5 14:24:17 2004
--- llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/Prolangs-C/compiler/parser.c	Tue Oct  5 14:24:06 2004
*** 0 ****
--- 1,1543 ----
+ /****  parser.c  ***************************************************/
+ #include "global.h"
+ extern void emit(int t, int tval, float rval);
+ extern void error(char *m);
+ extern int lexan(void);
+ extern int GlobalInsert(char s[], int tok, int type, int size, int function,
+                         int functionlabel);
+ extern void CheckMain(void);
+ extern void AllBodsParsed(void);
+ extern void LocalReset(void);
+ extern int LocalInsert(char s[], int tok, int type, int size,int function,
+ 		       int functionlabel);
+ extern void ParamInt(void);
+ int term(void);
+ void match(int t);
+ int expr(void);
+ void PushArrayCellAddr(void);
+ void DeclOrF(void);
+ void GlobalScopeAndInsert(int type);
+ void GlobalVarList(int type);
+ void exprTest(void);
+ void exprAssg(void);
+ void parseAStmt(void);
+ void parse(void);
+ int factor(void);
+ void ExprList(void);
+ void FunctionList(void);
+ void FunctionDef(int type);
+ void MoreParams(void);
+ void ParamList(void);
+ void DecList(void);
+ void VarList(int type);
+ void FstmtList(void);
+ int term(void)
+ {
+   int t; /* temporary holder of tokens */
+   int leftExpr, rightExpr;
+   leftExpr = factor();
+   if (ErrorFlag)
+     return -99;
+   while(lookahead == '*' || lookahead == '/')
+   {
+       t = lookahead;
+       match(lookahead); 
+       if (ErrorFlag)
+         return -99;
+       rightExpr = factor(); 
+       if (ErrorFlag)
+         return -99;
+       if (leftExpr == rightExpr)
+       {
+         if (leftExpr)
+         {
+           if (t == '*')
+             emit(RMUL, 0, 0.0);
+           else 
+             emit(RDIV, 0, 0.0);
+           leftExpr = 1;
+         }
+         else
+         {
+           if (t == '*')
+             emit(MUL, 0, 0.0);
+           else
+             emit(DIV, 0, 0.0);         
+           leftExpr = 0;
+         }
+       }
+       else
+       {
+         if (leftExpr)
+         {
+           emit(FLOAT, 0, 0.0);
+           if (t == '*')
+             emit(RMUL, 0, 0.0);
+           else
+             emit(RDIV, 0, 0.0);
+         }
+         else
+         {
+           emit(NUM, 1, 0.0);
+           emit(IST, 0, 0.0);
+           emit(FLOAT, 0, 0.0);
+           emit(NUM, 1, 0.0);
+           emit(VAL, 0, 0.0);
+           if (t == '*')
+             emit(RMUL, 0, 0.0);
+           else
+             emit(RDIV, 0, 0.0);
+         }
+         leftExpr = 1;
+       } /* end else leftExpr == rightExpr */
+   }
+   if (FloatFlag)
+     return(1);
+   else
+     return (leftExpr);
+ }
+ /* ========================================================================= */
+ void match(int t) /* verify that t was the last token, then get next token */
+              /* token to verify as last found */
+ {
+   if (lookahead == t)
+   {
+     PreviousLookahead = lookahead;
+     PreviousTokenval = tokenval;
+     PreviousFtokenval = ftokenval;
+     lookahead = NextLookahead;
+     tokenval = NextTokenval;
+     ftokenval = NextFtokenval;
+     if (NextLookahead != DONE)
+       NextLookahead = lexan();
+   }
+   else 
+   {
+     switch (lookahead)
+     {
+       case WHILE:
+       case IF:
+         error("Missing ; at end of previous statement");
+         break;
+     }
+     if (ErrorFlag)
+       return;
+     switch (t)
+     {
+       case ')':
+         error("Missing right parenthesis or illegal operator");
+         break;
+       default:
+         printf("\n In default of match lookahead = %d",lookahead);
+         error("syntax error");
+         break;
+     } /* end switch */
+   }   /* else */  
+ }
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ int expr(void)
+ {
+   int t;  /* temporary holder of tokens */
+   int leftExpr, rightExpr;
+   leftExpr = term();
+   if (ErrorFlag)
+     return -99;
+   while(lookahead == '+' || lookahead == '-')
+   {
+       t = lookahead;
+       match(lookahead);
+       if (ErrorFlag)
+         return -99;
+       rightExpr = term();
+       if (ErrorFlag)
+         return -99;
+       if (leftExpr == rightExpr)
+       {
+         if (leftExpr)
+         {
+           if (t == '+')
+             emit(RADD, 0, 0.0);
+           else
+             emit(RSUB, 0, 0.0);
+           leftExpr = 1;
+         }
+         else
+         {
+           if (t == '+')
+             emit(ADD, 0, 0.0);
+           else
+             emit(SUB, 0, 0.0);
+           leftExpr = 0;
+         }
+       }
+       else
+       {
+         if (leftExpr)
+         {
+           emit(FLOAT, 0, 0.0);
+           if (t == '+')
+             emit(RADD, 0, 0.0);
+           else
+             emit(RSUB, 0, 0.0);
+         }
+         else
+         {
+           emit(NUM, 1, 0.0);
+           emit(IST, 0, 0.0);
+           emit(FLOAT, 0, 0.0);
+           emit(NUM, 1, 0.0);
+           emit(VAL, 0, 0.0);
+           if (t == '+')
+             emit(RADD, 0, 0.0);
+           else
+             emit(RSUB, 0, 0.0);
+         }
+         leftExpr = 1;
+       } /* end else leftExpr == rightExpr */
+   }
+   if (FloatFlag)
+     return(1);
+   else
+     return(leftExpr);
+ }
+ /* ========================================================================= */
+ void PushArrayCellAddr(void) /* calculate address of array cell on stack */
+ {
+   int tempTokenval;
+   if ( !(ArrayParsed))
+   {
+     ArrayParsed = 1;
+     tempTokenval = tokenval;
+     if (LocalIndex)
+       emit(PUSH_LOC_VAR_ADDR, LocalIndex, 0.0);
+     else if (GlobalIndex)
+       emit(PUSH_GLO_VAR_ADDR, GlobalIndex, 0.0);
+     else
+     {
+       error("Compiler error, array lexeme not found in any table");
+       return;
+     }
+     match(ARRAY);
+     if (ErrorFlag)
+       return;
+     match('[');
+     if (ErrorFlag)
+       return;
+     FloatFlag = 0;
+     FloatFlag = expr();
+     if (ErrorFlag)
+       return;
+     if (lookahead != ']')
+     {
+       error("Missing ']'");
+       return;
+     }
+     if (FloatFlag)
+     {
+       error("Array index must be an integer value");
+       return;
+     }
+     emit(ADD, 0, 0.0);
+     lookahead = ARRAY;
+     tokenval = tempTokenval;
+   } /* end if !ArrayParsed */
+   else
+     ArrayParsed = 0;
+ } /* end PushArrayCellAddr */
+ /* ============================================================= */
+ void DeclOrF(void)
+ {
+   int type;   /* stores type to call other functions with */
+   int temp;  
+   Scope = 0;  /* set scope to zero to mean global variables */
+   while(1)
+   {
+     if (lookahead == ID)
+     {
+       emit(BEGIN, 0, 0.0);
+       LabelCounter = 4; /* first 3 label used by emit BEGIN */
+       /* insert an implicit call to main into the symbol tabel */
+       temp = GlobalInsert ("main",ID,INT,0,1,1);
+       if (ErrorFlag)
+         return;
+       if (strcmp("main", lexbuf) == 0)
+          GlobalIndex = temp;
+       FunctionDef (INT);
+       if (ErrorFlag)
+         return;
+       return;
+     }
+     else if (lookahead == INT)
+     {
+       match (INT);
+       if (ErrorFlag)
+         return;
+     }
+     else
+     {
+       match (FLOAT);
+       if (ErrorFlag)
+         return;
+     }
+     if (NextLookahead == '(')
+     {
+       emit(BEGIN, 0, 0.0);
+       LabelCounter = 4; /* first 3 labels used by emit BAGIN */
+       /* insert an implicit call to main into the symbol tabel */
+       temp = GlobalInsert ("main",ID,INT,0,1,1);
+       if (ErrorFlag)
+         return;
+       if (strcmp("main", lexbuf) == 0)
+         GlobalIndex = temp;
+       FunctionDef(PreviousLookahead);
+       if (ErrorFlag)
+         return;
+       return;
+     }
+     else
+     {
+       type = PreviousLookahead;
+       GlobalScopeAndInsert (type);
+       if (ErrorFlag)
+         return;
+       GlobalVarList (type);
+       if (ErrorFlag)
+         return;
+       match(';');
+       if (ErrorFlag)
+         return;
+     } /* end if != '(' */
+   } /* end while(1) */
+ } /* end DeclOrF */
+ /* ============================================================= */
+ void GlobalScopeAndInsert(int type)
+ {
+   int tempGlobalIndex;
+   if (LocalIndex)
+   {
+     error("Compiler error! global lexeme found in local symbol table");
+     return;
+   } /* end LocalIndex */
+   else if (GlobalIndex)
+   {
+     if (GlobalTable[GlobalIndex].function)
+     {
+       error("Attempting to define a function name as an identifier");
+       return;
+     } /* end if */
+     else
+     {
+       error("Attempting to define a global variable twice");
+       return;
+     } /* end else */
+   } /* end else ifGlobalIndex */
+   else
+   {
+     if (NextLookahead == '[')
+     {
+       tempGlobalIndex = GlobalIndex = GlobalInsert(lexbuf, ARRAY, type,0,0,0);
+       if (ErrorFlag)
+         return;
+       match(ID);
+       if (ErrorFlag)
+         return;
+       match('[');
+       if (ErrorFlag)
+         return;
+       if (lookahead == NUM)
+       {
+         GlobalTable[tempGlobalIndex].size = tokenval;
+         match(NUM);
+       }  /* end if (lookahead == num) */
+       else
+       {
+         error("Improperly formed array definition");
+         return;
+       } /* end else */
+       match(']');
+       if (ErrorFlag)
+         return;
+       emit(GLO_DECL, tempGlobalIndex, 0.0);
+       DecCount += GlobalTable[tempGlobalIndex].size;
+     } /* end if next == '[' */
+     else  /* regular ID */
+     {
+       GlobalIndex = GlobalInsert(lexbuf, ID, type, 1, 0, 0);
+       if (ErrorFlag)
+         return;
+       emit(GLO_DECL, GlobalIndex, 0.0);
+       ++DecCount;
+       match(ID);
+       if (ErrorFlag)
+         return;
+     } /* end else */
+   } /* end else */
+ } /* end GlobalScopeAndInsert */
+ /* ============================================================= */
+ void GlobalVarList(int type)
+ {
+   while (lookahead == ',')
+   {
+     match(',');
+     if (ErrorFlag)
+       return;
+     if (lookahead == ID || lookahead == ARRAY)
+     {
+       GlobalScopeAndInsert (type);
+       if (ErrorFlag)
+         return;
+     } /* end if ID or ARRAY */
+     else
+     {
+       error("Expected an identifier or array");
+       return;
+     } /* end else */
+   } /* end while loop */
+ } /* end GlobalVarList */
+ /* ============================================================= */
+ void exprTest(void)
+ {
+   int tempTrue, tempDone;
+   int tempOperation;
+   int TempFloatFlag;
+   FloatFlag = 0;
+   FloatFlag = expr();
+   if (ErrorFlag)
+     return;
+   while ((lookahead == EQUAL) || (lookahead == NEQUAL))
+   {
+     tempOperation = lookahead;
+     if (lookahead == EQUAL)
+       match(EQUAL);
+     else
+       match(NEQUAL);
+     if (ErrorFlag)
+       return;
+     TempFloatFlag = FloatFlag;
+     if (TempFloatFlag)
+     {
+       FloatFlag = 0;
+       FloatFlag = expr();
+       if (!(FloatFlag))
+       { emit(FLOAT, 0, 0.0);
+         FloatFlag = 1;
+       }
+     }
+     else
+     {
+       FloatFlag = expr();
+       if (FloatFlag)
+       {
+         emit(NUM, 1, 0.0);
+         emit(IST, 0, 0.0);
+         emit(FLOAT, 0, 0.0);
+         emit(NUM, 1, 0.0);
+         emit(VAL, 0, 0.0);
+       }
+     } 
+     if (ErrorFlag)
+       return;
+     emit(COMP, 0, 0.0);
+     tempTrue = LabelCounter;
+     ++LabelCounter;
+     tempDone = LabelCounter;
+     ++LabelCounter;
+     emit(PUSH_CODE_LABEL, tempTrue, 0.0);
+     if (tempOperation == EQUAL)
+       emit(BEQ, 0, 0.0);
+     else
+       emit(BNE, 0, 0.0);
+     emit(NUM, 0, 0.0);
+     emit(PUSH_CODE_LABEL, tempDone, 0.0);
+     emit(B, 0, 0.0);
+     emit(LABEL_CODE, tempTrue, 0.0);
+     emit(NUM, 1, 0.0);
+     emit(LABEL_CODE, tempDone, 0.0);
+   } /* end if */
+ } /* end exprTest */
+ /* ========================================================================= */
+ void exprAssg(void)
+ {
+   int  tempLocalIndex, tempGlobalIndex; /* temp indices during recursion */
+   switch (lookahead)
+   {
+     case ARRAY:
+       tempLocalIndex = LocalIndex;
+       tempGlobalIndex = GlobalIndex;
+       PushArrayCellAddr();
+       if (ErrorFlag)
+         return;
+       if (NextLookahead == '=')
+       {
+         ArrayParsed = 0;
+         match(ARRAY);
+         if (ErrorFlag)
+           return;
+         match('=');
+         if (ErrorFlag)
+           return;
+         FloatFlag = 0;
+         exprAssg();
+         if (ErrorFlag)
+           return;
+         if (tempLocalIndex)
+         {
+           if ((LocalTable[tempLocalIndex].type == INT) && (FloatFlag))
+           {
+             emit(INT, 0, 0.0);
+             FloatFlag = 0;
+           }
+           else if ((LocalTable[tempLocalIndex].type == FLOAT) && ( !FloatFlag))
+           {
+             emit(FLOAT, 0, 0.0);
+             FloatFlag = 1;
+           }
+           emit(STHB ,0 ,0.0);
+         }
+         else if (tempGlobalIndex)
+         {
+           if ((GlobalTable[tempGlobalIndex].type == INT) && (FloatFlag))
+           {
+             emit(INT, 0, 0.0);
+             FloatFlag = 0;
+           }
+           else if((GlobalTable[tempGlobalIndex].type == FLOAT) && (!FloatFlag))
+           {
+             emit(FLOAT, 0, 0.0);
+             FloatFlag = 1;
+           }
+           emit(STH, 0, 0.0);
+         }
+         emit(SWAP, 0, 0.0);
+         emit(POP, 0, 0.0);
+       } /* end if NextLookahead == '=' */
+       else
+       {
+         exprTest();
+         if (ErrorFlag)
+           return;
+       } /* end else of if lookahead == '=' */
+       break;
+     case ID:
+       tempLocalIndex = LocalIndex;
+       tempGlobalIndex = GlobalIndex;
+       if (NextLookahead == '=')
+       {
+         if (LocalIndex)
+           emit(PUSH_LOC_VAR_ADDR, LocalIndex, 0.0);
+         else if (GlobalIndex)
+           emit(PUSH_GLO_VAR_ADDR, GlobalIndex, 0.0);
+         else
+         {
+           error("Compiler error, variable lexeme not found in any table");
+           return;
+         }
+         match(ID);
+         if (ErrorFlag)
+           return;
+         match('=');
+         if (ErrorFlag)
+           return;
+         FloatFlag = 0;
+         exprAssg();
+         if (ErrorFlag) 
+           return;
+         if (tempLocalIndex)
+         {
+           if ((LocalTable[tempLocalIndex].type == INT) && (FloatFlag))
+           {
+             emit(INT, 0, 0.0);
+             FloatFlag = 0;
+           }
+           else if ((LocalTable[tempLocalIndex].type == FLOAT) && ( !FloatFlag))
+           {
+             emit(FLOAT, 0, 0.0);
+             FloatFlag = 1;
+           }
+           emit(STHB, 0, 0.0);
+         }
+         else if (tempGlobalIndex)
+         {
+           if ((GlobalTable[tempGlobalIndex].type == INT) && (FloatFlag))
+           {
+             emit(INT, 0, 0.0);
+             FloatFlag = 0;
+           }
+           else if((GlobalTable[tempGlobalIndex].type == FLOAT) && (!FloatFlag))
+           {
+             emit(FLOAT, 0, 0.0);
+             FloatFlag = 1;
+           }
+           emit(STH, 0, 0.0);
+         }
+         emit(SWAP, 0, 0.0);
+         emit(POP, 0, 0.0);
+       }
+       else
+       {
+         exprTest();
+         if (ErrorFlag)
+           return;
+       }
+       break;
+     default:
+       exprTest();
+       if (ErrorFlag)
+         return;
+   } /* end switch */
+   return;
+ } /* end exprAssg */
+ /* ========================================================================= */
+ void parseAStmt(void) /* parse a single statement */
+ {
+   int tempLabel1, tempLabel2;
+   switch (lookahead)
+   {
+     case WHILE:
+       match(WHILE);
+       if (ErrorFlag)
+         return;
+       tempLabel1 = LabelCounter;
+       ++LabelCounter;
+       tempLabel2 = LabelCounter;
+       ++LabelCounter;
+       emit(LABEL_CODE, tempLabel1, 0.0);
+       emit(PUSH_CODE_LABEL, tempLabel2, 0.0);
+       match('(');
+       if (ErrorFlag)
+         return;
+       FloatFlag = 0;
+       exprAssg();
+       if (ErrorFlag)
+         return;
+       match(')');
+       if (ErrorFlag)
+         return;
+       if (FloatFlag)
+         emit(RNUM, 0, 0.0); /* push 0.0  */
+       else
+         emit(NUM, 0 ,0.0); /* push 0 */
+       emit(COMP, 0, 0.0);
+       emit(BEQ, 0, 0.0);
+       parseAStmt();
+       if (ErrorFlag)
+         return;
+       emit(PUSH_CODE_LABEL, tempLabel1, 0.0);
+       emit(B, 0, 0.0);
+       emit(LABEL_CODE, tempLabel2, 0.0);
+       break;
+     case IF:
+       match(IF);
+       if (ErrorFlag)
+         return;
+       tempLabel1 = LabelCounter;
+       ++LabelCounter;
+       emit(PUSH_CODE_LABEL, tempLabel1, 0.0);
+       match('(');
+       if (ErrorFlag)
+         return;
+       FloatFlag = 0;
+       exprAssg();
+       if (ErrorFlag)
+         return;
+       match(')');
+       if (ErrorFlag)
+         return;
+       if (FloatFlag)
+         emit(RNUM, 0, 0.0);  /* push 0.0 */
+       else
+         emit(NUM, 0, 0.0);  /* push 0 */
+       emit(COMP, 0, 0.0);
+       emit(BEQ, 0, 0.0);
+       parseAStmt();
+       if (ErrorFlag)
+         return;
+       if (lookahead == ELSE)
+       {
+         match (ELSE);
+         if (ErrorFlag)
+           return;
+         tempLabel2 = LabelCounter;
+ 	++LabelCounter;
+         emit(PUSH_CODE_LABEL, tempLabel2, 0.0);
+         emit(B, 0, 0.0);
+         emit(LABEL_CODE, tempLabel1, 0.0);
+         parseAStmt();
+         if (ErrorFlag)
+           return;
+         emit(LABEL_CODE, tempLabel2, 0.0);
+       } /* end if lookahead == ELSE */
+       else
+       {
+         emit(LABEL_CODE, tempLabel1, 0.0);
+       } /* end else lookahead == ELSE */
+       break;
+     case '{':
+       match('{');
+       do
+       {
+         parseAStmt();
+         if (ErrorFlag)
+           ErrorFlag = 0;
+       } while ((lookahead != '}') && (lookahead != DONE));
+       match('}');
+       if (ErrorFlag)
+         return;
+       break;
+     case RETURN:
+       if (NextLookahead == ';')
+       {
+         match(RETURN);
+         if (ErrorFlag)
+           return;
+         match(';');
+         if (ErrorFlag)
+           return;
+         if (GlobalTable[FuncNameIndex].type == INT)
+           emit(NUM, 1, 0.0);
+ 	else
+           emit(RNUM, 0, 1.0);
+       } /* end if */
+       else
+       {
+         match(RETURN);
+         if (ErrorFlag)
+           return;
+         exprAssg();
+         if (ErrorFlag)
+           return;
+         match(';');
+         if (ErrorFlag)
+           return;
+       } /* end else */
+       emit(PUSH_CODE_LABEL, ReturnLabel, 0.0);
+       emit(B, 0, 0.0);
+       break;
+     default:  /* assignment statement */
+       exprAssg();
+       if (ErrorFlag)
+         return;
+       emit(POP, 0, 0.0);
+       match(';');
+       return;
+   } /* end switch */
+   return;
+ } /* end parseAStmt */
+ /* ========================================================================= */
+ void parse(void) /* parse a list of functions */
+ {
+   /* prime NextLookahead */
+   lookahead = 1;
+   match (lookahead);
+   if (ErrorFlag)
+     ErrorFlag = 0;
+   /* prime lookahead */
+   lookahead = 1;
+   match (lookahead);
+   if (ErrorFlag)
+     ErrorFlag = 0;
+   DeclOrF(); /* parses the global var. declarations and the first function */
+   if (ErrorFlag)
+     return;
+   FunctionList();
+   if (ErrorFlag)
+     return;
+   CheckMain();
+   AllBodsParsed();
+   if (ErrorFlag)
+     return;
+   emit(END, 0, 0.0);
+   return;
+ } /* end parse */
+ /* ========================================================================= */
+ int factor(void)
+ {
+   int temp;
+   int tempLocalIndex, tempGlobalIndex;
+   char templexbuf[30];
+   switch(lookahead) {
+   case '(':
+     match('('); 
+     if (ErrorFlag)
+       return -99;
+     switch (lookahead)
+     {
+       case INT:
+         match (INT);
+         if (ErrorFlag)
+           return -99;
+         match (')');
+         if (ErrorFlag)
+           return -99;
+         temp = factor();
+         if (ErrorFlag)
+           return -99;
+         if (temp)
+           emit(INT, 0, 0.0);
+         return(0);
+         break;
+       case FLOAT:
+         match (FLOAT);
+         if (ErrorFlag)
+           return -99;
+         match (')');
+         if (ErrorFlag)
+           return -99;
+         temp = factor();
+         if (ErrorFlag)
+           return -99;
+         if ( !temp)
+           emit(FLOAT, 0, 0.0);
+         return(1); 
+         break;
+       default:
+         FloatFlag = 0;
+         exprAssg();
+         if (ErrorFlag)
+           return -99;
+         match(')');
+         if (ErrorFlag)
+           return -99;
+         if (FloatFlag)
+           return(1);
+         else
+           return(0);
+         break;
+     } /* end switch */
+     break;
+   case NUM:
+     emit(NUM, tokenval, 0.0);
+     match(NUM);
+     if (ErrorFlag)
+       return -99;
+     return(0); /* meaning false float flag */
+     break;
+   case RNUM:
+     emit(RNUM, tokenval, ftokenval);
+     match(RNUM);
+     if (ErrorFlag)
+       return -99;
+     return(1); /* meaning true float flag */
+     break;
+   case ID:
+     if (NextLookahead == '(')
+     {
+       /* function call */
+       tempLocalIndex = LocalIndex;
+       tempGlobalIndex = GlobalIndex;
+       strcpy (templexbuf, lexbuf);
+       match(ID);
+       if (ErrorFlag)
+         return -99;
+       match('(');
+       if (ErrorFlag)
+         return -99;
+       ExprList();
+       if (ErrorFlag)
+         return -99;
+       match(')');
+       if (ErrorFlag)
+         return -99;
+       /* prepare to branch to function */
+       CallReturnAddr = LabelCounter;
+       ++LabelCounter;
+       emit(PUSH_CODE_LABEL, CallReturnAddr, 0.0);
+       emit(PUSH_FRAMESIZE, FuncNameIndex, 0.0);
+       emit(IB, 0, 0.0);
+       /* branch to function */
+       if (tempLocalIndex)
+       {
+         error("Function called is to a local variable");
+         return -99;
+       } /* end LocalIndex */
+       else if (tempGlobalIndex)
+       {
+         if (!(GlobalTable[tempGlobalIndex].function))
+         {
+           error("Function called is to a global variable");
+           return -99;
+         } /* end if !function */
+         else
+         {
+           emit(PUSH_CODE_LABEL,GlobalTable[tempGlobalIndex].functionlabel,0.0);
+         } /* end else !function */
+       } /* end GlobalIndex */
+       else /* lexeme not in any symbol table */
+       {
+         tempGlobalIndex = GlobalInsert (templexbuf,ID,INT,0,1,LabelCounter);
+         if (ErrorFlag)
+           ErrorFlag = 0;
+         ++LabelCounter;
+         emit(PUSH_CODE_LABEL, GlobalTable[tempGlobalIndex].functionlabel, 0.0);
+       } /* end insert function name */
+       emit(B, 0, 0.0);
+       /* return sequence */
+       emit(LABEL_CODE, CallReturnAddr, 0.0);
+       emit(PUSH_FRAMESIZE, FuncNameIndex, 0.0);
+       emit(DB, 0, 0.0);
+       if (GlobalTable[tempGlobalIndex].function < 0) /* function defined */
+       {
+         if (GlobalTable[tempGlobalIndex].type == INT)
+           return(0);
+         else
+           return(1);
+       }
+       else /* default return type of undefined function is INT */
+         return(0);
+     } /* end if NextLookahead == ')' */
+     else if ( !(LocalIndex || GlobalIndex))
+     {
+       error("attempting to use an undefined variable");
+       return -99;
+     }
+     if (LocalIndex)
+       emit(PUSH_LOC_VAR_VALUE, LocalIndex, 0.0);
+     else if (GlobalIndex)
+       emit(PUSH_GLO_VAR_VALUE, GlobalIndex, 0.0);
+     else
+     {
+       error("Compiler error, lexeme was not found in any table");
+       break;
+     }
+     tempLocalIndex = LocalIndex;
+     tempGlobalIndex = GlobalIndex;
+     match(ID);
+     if (ErrorFlag)
+       return -99;
+     if (tempLocalIndex)
+     {
+       if (LocalTable[tempLocalIndex].type == FLOAT)
+         return(1);
+       else
+         return(0);
+     }
+     else
+     {
+       if (GlobalTable[tempGlobalIndex].type == FLOAT)
+         return(1);
+       else
+         return(0);
+     }
+     break;
+   case ARRAY:
+     tempLocalIndex = LocalIndex;
+     tempGlobalIndex = GlobalIndex;
+     PushArrayCellAddr();
+     if (ErrorFlag)
+       return -99;
+     ArrayParsed = 0;
+     match(ARRAY);
+     if (ErrorFlag)
+       return -99;
+     if (tempLocalIndex)
+       emit(VALB, 0, 0.0);
+     else if (tempGlobalIndex)
+       emit(VAL, 0, 0.0);
+     else
+     {
+       error("using an undefined array referance");
+       return -99;
+     }
+     if (tempLocalIndex)
+     {
+       if (LocalTable[tempLocalIndex].type == FLOAT)
+         return(1);
+       else
+         return(0);
+     }
+     else
+     {
+       if (GlobalTable[tempGlobalIndex].type == FLOAT)
+         return(1);
+       else
+         return(0);
+     }
+     break;
+   case '-':
+     match('-'); 
+     if (ErrorFlag)
+       return -99;
+     temp=factor(); 
+     if (ErrorFlag)
+       return -99;
+     if (temp)
+       emit(RNEG, 0, 0.0);
+     else
+       emit(NEG, 0, 0.0);
+     return(temp);
+     break;
+   case READF:
+     match(READF);
+     if (ErrorFlag)
+       return -99;
+     match ('(');
+     if (ErrorFlag)
+       return -99;
+     match (')');
+     if (ErrorFlag)
+       return -99;
+     emit(READ, 0, 0.0);
+     emit(FLOAT, 0, 0.0);
+     return(1);
+     break;
+   case READI:
+     match(READI);
+     if (ErrorFlag)
+       return -99;
+     match('(');
+     if (ErrorFlag)
+       return -99;
+     match(')');
+     if (ErrorFlag)
+       return -99;
+     emit(READ, 0, 0.0);
+     emit(INT, 0, 0.0);
+     return(0);
+     break;
+   case WRITEF:
+     match (WRITEF);
+     if (ErrorFlag)
+       return -99;
+     match('(');
+     if (ErrorFlag)
+       return -99;
+     FloatFlag = 0;
+     exprAssg();
+     if (ErrorFlag)
+       return -99;
+     if ( !(FloatFlag))
+     {
+       emit(FLOAT, 0, 0.0);
+       FloatFlag = 1;
+     }
+     match(')');
+     if (ErrorFlag)
+       return -99;
+     emit(WRITEF, 0, 0.0);
+     emit(RNUM, 1, 1.0);
+     return(1);
+     break;
+   case WRITEI:
+     match(WRITEI);
+     if (ErrorFlag)
+       return -99;
+     match('(');
+     if (ErrorFlag)
+       return -99;
+     FloatFlag = 0;
+     exprAssg();
+     if (ErrorFlag)
+       return -99;
+     if (FloatFlag)
+     {
+       emit(INT, 0, 0.0);
+       FloatFlag = 0;
+     }
+     match(')');
+     if (ErrorFlag)
+       return -99;
+     emit(WRITEI, 0, 0.0);
+     emit(NUM, 1, 0.0);
+     return(0);
+     break;
+   case WRITELN:
+     match(WRITELN);
+     if (ErrorFlag)
+       return -99;
+     match('(');
+     if (ErrorFlag)
+       return -99;
+     match(')');
+     if (ErrorFlag)
+       return -99;
+     emit(WRITELN, 0, 0.0);
+     emit(NUM, 1, 0.0);
+     return(0);
+     break;
+   default:
+     /* error used to be called from here */
+     error("Illegal operator");
+     return(0);
+   }
+   return -99;
+ }
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+ void ExprList(void)
+ {
+   if (lookahead != ')') 
+   {
+     exprAssg();
+     if (ErrorFlag)
+       return;
+     while (lookahead == ',')
+     {
+       match(',');
+       if (ErrorFlag)
+         return;
+       exprAssg();
+       if (ErrorFlag)
+         return;
+     } /* end while */
+   } /* end if ) */
+ } /* end ExprList */
+ /* ========================================================================= */
+ void FunctionList(void)
+ {
+   do
+   {
+     ErrorFlag = 0;
+     FloatFlag = 0;
+     LocalReset();
+     switch(lookahead)
+     {
+       case ID:
+        FunctionDef(INT);
+        if (ErrorFlag)
+          return;
+        break;
+       case INT:
+        match(INT);
+        if (ErrorFlag)
+          return;
+        FunctionDef(INT);
+        if (ErrorFlag)
+          return;
+        break;
+       case FLOAT:
+        match(FLOAT);
+        if (ErrorFlag)
+          return;
+        FunctionDef(FLOAT);
+        if (ErrorFlag)
+          return;
+       case DONE:
+        break;
+       default:
+        error("Unexpected token found");
+        return;
+        break;
+     }  /*  end for switch statement */
+   } 
+   while (lookahead != DONE);
+ }  /* end FunctionList */
+ /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ void FunctionDef(int type)
+ {
+   offset = 1;
+   if (lookahead != ID)
+   {
+     error("Invalid function defintion structure. Expected ID");
+     return;
+   }  /*  end if lookahead  */
+   if (LocalIndex)
+   {
+     error("Compiler error, function name in local symbol table");
+     return;
+   }  /* end if LocalIndex */
+   else if (GlobalIndex)
+   {
+     if (!(GlobalTable[GlobalIndex].function))
+     {
+       error("Attempting to redefine a global variable as a function name");
+       return;
+     }   /* end if GlobalTable */
+     else if (GlobalTable[GlobalIndex].function < 0)
+     {
+       error("Redefining a function.");
+       return;
+     }    /*  end else if GlobalTable */
+     else if (GlobalTable[GlobalIndex].function > 0)
+     /* function is a postive value, already called not defined */
+     {
+       GlobalTable[GlobalIndex].type = type;
+       FuncNameIndex = GlobalIndex;
+       GlobalTable[GlobalIndex].function = -1;
+     }   /* end else if function > 0 */
+     else
+     {
+       error("Compiler error, functiondef is confused");
+       return;
+     }
+   } /* end else if (GlobalIndex) */
+   else /* ID not in any tabel */
+   {
+     GlobalIndex = GlobalInsert (lexbuf,ID,type,0,-1,LabelCounter);
+     if (ErrorFlag)
+       ErrorFlag = 0;
+     FuncNameIndex = GlobalIndex;
+     ++LabelCounter;
+   }  /* end else */
+   Scope = GlobalTable[GlobalIndex].functionlabel;
+   /* label function */
+   emit(LABEL_FUNC, GlobalIndex, 0.0);
+   emit(LABEL_CODE, Scope, 0.0);
+   /* store return address */
+   emit(STORE_RA, FuncNameIndex, 0.0);
+   ReturnLabel = LabelCounter;
+   ++LabelCounter;
+   match(ID);
+   if (ErrorFlag)
+     ErrorFlag = 0;
+   match('(');
+   if (ErrorFlag)
+     ErrorFlag = 0;
+   if ( strcmp(GlobalTable[FuncNameIndex].lexptr, "main") == 0)
+   {
+     if (lookahead == ')')
+     {
+       match(')');
+       if (ErrorFlag)
+         return;
+     } /* end if lookahead == ')' */
+     else
+     {
+       error("Function main cannot have parameters.");
+       return;
+     } /* end else */
+   } /* end if function is main */
+   else
+   {
+     ParamList();
+     if (ErrorFlag)
+       ErrorFlag = 0;
+     match(')');
+     if (ErrorFlag)
+       ErrorFlag = 0;
+   } /* end else (function is something other than main) */
+   DecList();
+   if (ErrorFlag)
+     ErrorFlag = 0;
+   emit(SAVE_FRAMESIZE, FuncNameIndex, 0.0);
+   FstmtList();
+   if (ErrorFlag)
+     return;
+   if (GlobalTable[FuncNameIndex].type == INT)
+     emit(NUM, 1, 0.0);
+   else
+     emit(RNUM, 0, 1.0);
+   emit(LABEL_CODE, ReturnLabel, 0.0);
+   emit(PUSH_RA, FuncNameIndex, 0.0);
+   emit(B, 0, 0.0);
+ } /* end function Def */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ void MoreParams(void)
+ {
+   int tempLocalIndex;
+   if (lookahead == ',')
+   {
+     match(',');
+     if (ErrorFlag)
+       return;
+     if (lookahead != ID)
+     {
+       error("Improperly formed parameter list");
+       return;
+     }
+     if (GlobalIndex)
+     {
+       if (GlobalTable[GlobalIndex].function)
+       {
+         error("Cannot use a function name as parameter");
+         return;
+       }  /* end if GlobalTable */
+     }   /* GlobalIndex */
+     if (LocalIndex)
+     {
+       error("Trying to use a prameter twice");
+       return;
+     }  /* end else if (LocalIndex) */
+     else
+     {
+       tempLocalIndex = LocalIndex = LocalInsert (lexbuf,ID,PARAM,1,0,0);
+       if (ErrorFlag)
+         return;
+     }  /* end else */
+     match (ID);
+     if (ErrorFlag)
+       return;
+     MoreParams();
+     if (ErrorFlag)
+       return;
+     emit(LOC_DECL, tempLocalIndex, 0.0);
+     emit(PUSH_LOC_VAR_ADDR, tempLocalIndex, 0.0);
+     emit(ISTB, 0, 0.0);
+     ++offset;
+   } /* end if lookahead == ',' */
+ } /* end MoreParams() */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ void ParamList(void)
+ {
+   int tempLocalIndex;
+   if (lookahead == ID)
+   {
+     if (GlobalIndex)
+     {
+       if (GlobalTable[GlobalIndex].function)
+       {
+         error("Cannot use a function name as parameter");
+         return;
+       }  /* end if GlobalTable */
+     }   /* GlobalIndex */
+     if (LocalIndex)
+     {
+       error("Trying to use a parameter twice");
+       return;
+     }  /* end else if (LocalIndex) */
+     else
+     {
+       tempLocalIndex = LocalIndex = LocalInsert (lexbuf,ID,PARAM,1,0,0);
+       if (ErrorFlag)
+         return;
+     }  /* end else */
+     match (ID);
+     if (ErrorFlag)
+       return;
+     MoreParams();
+     if (ErrorFlag)
+       return;
+     emit(LOC_DECL, tempLocalIndex, 0.0);
+     emit(PUSH_LOC_VAR_ADDR, tempLocalIndex, 0.0);
+     emit(ISTB, 0, 0.0);
+     ++offset;
+   } /* end if lookahead == ID */
+ } /* end paramlist() */
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+ void DecList(void)
+ {
+   while ((lookahead == INT) || (lookahead == FLOAT))
+   {
+     match (lookahead); /* obviously must be INT or FLOAT */
+     if (ErrorFlag)
+       return;
+     VarList (PreviousLookahead);
+     if (ErrorFlag)
+       return;
+   }  /* end while ((lookahead == INT) || (loookahead == FLOAT)) */
+   ParamInt();
+ }  /* end function DecList */
+ /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ void VarList(int type)
+ {
+   int tempLocalIndex;
+   do
+   {
+     if (GlobalIndex)
+     {
+       if (GlobalTable[GlobalIndex].function)
+       {
+         error ("Cannot use a function name as a parameter");
+         return;
+       }  /* end if GlogalTable */
+     }  /* end if (GlobalIndex) */
+     if (LocalIndex)
+     {
+       if (LocalTable[LocalIndex].type == PARAM)
+       {
+         if (NextLookahead == '[')
+           error ("Cannot pass an array as a parameter");
+         else
+         {
+           LocalTable[LocalIndex].type = type;
+           match(ID);
+           if (ErrorFlag)
+             return;
+         } /* end else */
+       } /* end if LocalTable[LocalIndex] */
+       else
+       {
+         error ("Trying to redefine a variable");
+         return;
+       }  /* end else */
+     }  /* end if LocalIndex */
+     else  /* variable is not entered as a local so insert */
+     {
+       if (NextLookahead == '[')
+       {
+         tempLocalIndex = LocalIndex = LocalInsert (lexbuf,ARRAY,type,0,0,0);
+         if (ErrorFlag)
+           return;
+         lookahead = ARRAY;
+         match (ARRAY);
+         if (ErrorFlag)
+           return;
+         match ('[');
+         if (ErrorFlag)
+           return;
+         if (lookahead == NUM)
+         {
+           LocalTable[tempLocalIndex].size = tokenval;
+           if (ErrorFlag)
+             return;
+         }
+         else
+         {
+           error("Array declarations requires an integer within []");
+           return;
+         }
+         match (NUM);
+         if (ErrorFlag)
+           return;
+         match (']');
+         if (ErrorFlag)
+    	  return;
+         emit(LOC_DECL, tempLocalIndex, 0.0);
+         offset += LocalTable[tempLocalIndex].size;
+       } /* end if nextlook */
+       else
+       {
+         LocalIndex = LocalInsert(lexbuf,ID,type,1,0,0);
+         if (ErrorFlag)
+           return;
+         emit(LOC_DECL, LocalIndex, 0.0);
+         ++offset;
+         match (ID);
+         if (ErrorFlag)
+           return;
+       } /* end else */
+     } /* end else */
+    switch (lookahead)
+    {
+      case ',':
+        match (',');
+        if (ErrorFlag)
+  	 return;
+        break;
+      case ';':
+        match (';');
+        if (ErrorFlag)
+ 	 return;
+        return;
+        break;
+      default:
+        error ("badly formed declarations");
+        return;
+    } /* end switch (lookahead) */
+  } while ((lookahead == ID) || (lookahead == ARRAY));
+  error("can only use ID  or ARRAAY");
+  return;
+ } /* end function VarList */
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ void FstmtList(void)
+ {
+   match ('{');
+   if (ErrorFlag)
+     ErrorFlag = 0;
+   do
+   {
+     parseAStmt();
+     if (ErrorFlag)
+       ErrorFlag = 0;
+   }
+   while ((lookahead != '}') && (lookahead != DONE));
+   if (lookahead == DONE)
+   {
+      error("Unexpected end of file");
+      return;
+   } /* end if */
+   else
+   {
+     match ('}');
+     if (ErrorFlag)
+       return;
+   } /* end else */
+ } /* end function FstmtList */ 	

Index: llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/Prolangs-C/compiler/symbol.c
diff -c /dev/null llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/Prolangs-C/compiler/symbol.c:1.1
*** /dev/null	Tue Oct  5 14:24:17 2004
--- llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/Prolangs-C/compiler/symbol.c	Tue Oct  5 14:24:06 2004
*** 0 ****
--- 1,196 ----
+ /****  symbol.c  *****************************************************/
+ #include "global.h"
+ extern void error(char *m);
+ extern void emit(int t, int tval, float rval);
+ char Glexemes[STRMAX]; /* char array to hold global lexemes */
+ char Llexemes[STRMAX]; /* char array to hold local lexemes */
+ /* struct entry LocalTable[SYMMAX];  define the size of the local table */
+ /* struct entry GlobalTable[SYMMAX]; define the size of the global table */
+ int Glastchar = - 1;   /* last used position in Glexemes */
+ int Llastchar = - 1;   /* last used position in Llexemes */
+ int Glastentry = 0;    /* last used position in global table */
+ int Llastentry = 0;   /* last usedentry in local table */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ void OutputLocal(void) /* function used for testing only */
+ {
+   int i; /* temporary index */
+   printf("\n\nLOCAL SYMBOL TABLE\n------------------\n");
+   for (i = 0; i <= Llastentry; i++)
+   {
+     printf("%s\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%d\n", LocalTable[i].lexptr,
+           LocalTable[i].token,
+           LocalTable[i].type,
+           LocalTable[i].size,
+           LocalTable[i].function,
+           LocalTable[i].functionlabel);
+   } /* end for */
+   printf("\n\n");
+ } /* end OutputLocal */
+ /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ void OutputGlobal(void) /* function used for testing only */
+ {
+   int i; /* temporary index */
+   printf("\n\nGLOBAL SYMBOL TABLE\n-------------------\n");
+   for (i = 0; i <= Glastentry; i++)
+   {
+     printf("%s\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%d\n", 
+           GlobalTable[i].lexptr,
+           GlobalTable[i].token,
+           GlobalTable[i].type,
+           GlobalTable[i].size,
+           GlobalTable[i].function,
+           GlobalTable[i].functionlabel);
+   } /* end for */
+   printf("\n\n");
+ } /* end OutputGlobal */
+ /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ int GlobalLookup(char s[])         /* returns position of entry for s */
+ {
+   int p;
+   for (p = Glastentry; p > 0; p = p - 1)
+     if (strcmp(GlobalTable[p].lexptr, s) == 0)
+       return p;
+   return 0;
+ }
+ /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ int LocalLookup(char s[])         /* returns position of entry for s */
+ {
+   int p;
+   for (p = Llastentry; p > 0; p = p - 1)
+     if (strcmp(LocalTable[p].lexptr, s) == 0)
+       return p;
+   return 0;
+ }
+ /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ int GlobalInsert(char s[], int tok, int type, int size, int function, int functionlabel)
+  /* returns position of entry for s */
+ {
+   int len;
+   len = strlen(s);     /* strlen computes length of s */
+   if (Glastentry + 1 >= SYMMAX)
+   {
+     error("symbol table full");
+     return (0);
+   }
+   if (Glastchar + len + 1 >= STRMAX)
+   {
+     error("lexemes array full");
+     return (0);
+   }
+   Glastentry = Glastentry + 1;
+   GlobalTable[Glastentry].token = tok;
+   GlobalTable[Glastentry].lexptr = &Glexemes[Glastchar + 1];
+   Glastchar = Glastchar + len + 1;
+   (void) strcpy(GlobalTable[Glastentry].lexptr, s);
+   GlobalTable[Glastentry].type = type;
+   GlobalTable[Glastentry].size = size;
+   GlobalTable[Glastentry].function = function;
+   GlobalTable[Glastentry].functionlabel = functionlabel;
+   return Glastentry;
+ }
+ /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ int LocalInsert(char s[], int tok, int type, int size,int function,int functionlabel)
+  /* returns position of entry for s */
+ {
+   int len;
+   len = strlen(s);     /* strlen computes length of s */
+   if (Llastentry + 1 >= SYMMAX)
+   {
+     error("symbol table full");
+     return (0);
+   }
+   if (Llastchar + len + 1 >= STRMAX)
+   {
+     error("lexemes array full");
+     return (0);
+   }
+   Llastentry = Llastentry + 1;
+   LocalTable[Llastentry].token = tok;
+   LocalTable[Llastentry].lexptr = &Llexemes[Llastchar + 1];
+   Llastchar = Llastchar + len + 1;
+   (void) strcpy(LocalTable[Llastentry].lexptr, s);
+   LocalTable[Llastentry].type = type;
+   LocalTable[Llastentry].size = size;
+   LocalTable[Llastentry].function = function;
+   LocalTable[Llastentry].functionlabel = functionlabel;
+   return Llastentry;
+ }
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+ void ParamInt(void)
+ /* This function changes all PARAM fields to INT in local table */
+ {
+   int p;
+   for (p = Llastentry; p > 0; p = p - 1)
+     if (LocalTable[p].type == PARAM)
+       LocalTable[p].type = INT;
+ } /* end ParamInt */
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+ void LocalReset(void) /* this function effectively erases the local symbol table */
+ {
+   Llastchar = - 1;
+   Llastentry = 0;
+ } /* end LocalReset */
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+ void AllBodsParsed(void)
+ {
+   int p;
+   int tmpflag = 0;
+   for (p = Glastentry; p > 0; --p)
+   {
+     if (GlobalTable[p].function > 0)
+     {
+       emit(NOTDEC, p, 0.0);
+       tmpflag = 1;
+     } /* end if statement */
+   }  /* end for loop */
+   ErrorFlag = tmpflag;
+ }  /* end function */
+ /* ----------------------------------------------------------- */
+ void CheckMain(void)
+ {
+   int temp;
+   temp = GlobalLookup("main");
+   if (GlobalTable[temp].function > 0)
+   {
+     error("Main never declared");
+     GlobalTable[temp].function = -1;
+   }
+   ErrorFlag = 0; /* will get set again in parse's call to AllBodsParsed */
+ } /* end check main */

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