[llvm-commits] CVS: llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/Prolangs-C++/greed/README dosgreed.cpp dosgreed.hpp greed.hpp
Chris Lattner
lattner at cs.uiuc.edu
Mon Oct 4 13:01:29 PDT 2004
Changes in directory llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/Prolangs-C++/greed:
README added (r1.1)
dosgreed.cpp added (r1.1)
dosgreed.hpp added (r1.1)
greed.hpp added (r1.1)
Log message:
Initial checkin of all of the source
Diffs of the changes: (+971 -0)
Index: llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/Prolangs-C++/greed/README
diff -c /dev/null llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/Prolangs-C++/greed/README:1.1
*** /dev/null Mon Oct 4 15:01:24 2004
--- llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/Prolangs-C++/greed/README Mon Oct 4 15:01:14 2004
*** 0 ****
--- 1,3 ----
+ Obtained from Dinesh Adithan of Tata Consultancy Services, Pune, India.
+ The game of "greed" for DOS. Source unknown (perhaps known to Dinesh).
+ August, 1993 : Hemant
Index: llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/Prolangs-C++/greed/dosgreed.cpp
diff -c /dev/null llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/Prolangs-C++/greed/dosgreed.cpp:1.1
*** /dev/null Mon Oct 4 15:01:29 2004
--- llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/Prolangs-C++/greed/dosgreed.cpp Mon Oct 4 15:01:14 2004
*** 0 ****
--- 1,799 ----
+ // the DOS version of GREED
+ #include "dosgreed.hpp"
+ // greed member function definitions
+ char *strcpy(char *str1, char *str2) {return "";}
+ char *strcat(char *str1, char *str2) {return "";}
+ static char sBuffer [BUFFER_SIZE];
+ // greed class definitions
+ // **********************************************************************
+ static void code (char *buffer, int size)
+ {
+ for (size--; size >= 0; size--)
+ buffer [size] ^= 0x5A;
+ }
+ // **********************************************************************
+ uchar Greed::GetPlayTable (uint X, uint Y)
+ {
+ return cPlayTable [Y * nMaxX + X];
+ }
+ // **********************************************************************
+ uchar Greed::SetPlayTable (uint X, uint Y, uchar Value)
+ {
+ return cPlayTable [Y * nMaxX + X] = Value;
+ }
+ // **********************************************************************
+ int Greed::GetCurrentScore (void)
+ {
+ return nScore;
+ }
+ // **********************************************************************
+ int Greed::GetSeed (void)
+ {
+ return iSeed;
+ }
+ // **********************************************************************
+ int Greed::IsHighScore (void)
+ {
+ // returns MAX_SCORE if not a high score
+ // else returns position in the score table
+ for (int i = MAX_SCORE - 1; i >= 0; i--)
+ if (nScore <= ScoreCard [i].nScore)
+ return i + 1;
+ return 0;
+ } // end of IsHighScore
+ // **********************************************************************
+ void Greed::InsertHighScore (char *pszName)
+ {
+ int pos;
+ // check if really a high score
+ pos = IsHighScore ();
+ if (pos == MAX_SCORE)
+ return;
+ // insert the new score displacing the last one
+ for (int i = MAX_SCORE - 1; i > pos; i--) {
+ strcpy(ScoreCard [i].szName, ScoreCard [i - 1].szName);
+ ScoreCard [i].nScore = ScoreCard [i - 1].nScore;
+ ScoreCard [i].iSeed = ScoreCard [i - 1].iSeed;
+ }
+ // copy the new name
+ ScoreCard [pos].nScore = nScore;
+ ScoreCard [pos].iSeed = iSeed;
+ strcpy (ScoreCard [pos].szName, pszName);
+ // encode the score file
+ strcpy(sBuffer,"game");
+ code (sBuffer, SCORE_CARD_SIZE);
+ // save the file
+ // WriteFile (szScoreFile, sBuffer, SCORE_CARD_SIZE);
+ } // end of InsetHighScore
+ // **********************************************************************
+ Score *Greed::GetHighScore (int Pos)
+ {
+ return &ScoreCard [(Pos >= 0 && Pos < MAX_SCORE) ? Pos : 0];
+ } // end of GetHighScore
+ // **********************************************************************
+ int Greed::AddScore (int nDeltaX, int nDeltaY)
+ {
+ // calculates the score to be added depending upon the direction of move
+ // returns number of moves to make; 0 if no move possible
+ int nNewXPos, nNewYPos;
+ nNewXPos = nXPos + nDeltaX;
+ nNewYPos = nYPos + nDeltaY;
+ // is X out of range
+ if (nNewXPos < 0 || nNewXPos >= nMaxX) return 0;
+ // is Y out of range
+ if (nNewYPos < 0 || nNewYPos >= nMaxY) return 0;
+ uchar ucScoreInc = GetPlayTable (nNewXPos, nNewYPos);
+ // is it an illegal position
+ if (ucScoreInc == '.') return 0;
+ nScore += ucScoreInc - '0';
+ return ucScoreInc - '0';
+ } // end of AddScore
+ // **********************************************************************
+ int Greed::UpdateTable (int nDeltaX, int nDeltaY, int nNumber)
+ {
+ // update table i.e fill table with dots
+ // the number of dots are given by nNumber
+ // if table position is already filled with a dot then it returns TRUE
+ // else FALSE
+ int nNewXPos, nNewYPos;
+ if (nNumber == 0)
+ return TRUE;
+ for (; nNumber > 0; nNumber --) {
+ // if out of range we should be at the same spot
+ nNewXPos = nXPos + nDeltaX;
+ nNewYPos = nYPos + nDeltaY;
+ // is X out of range
+ if (nNewXPos < 0 || nNewXPos >= nMaxX) return TRUE;
+ // is Y out of range
+ if (nNewYPos < 0 || nNewYPos >= nMaxY) return TRUE;
+ // in range
+ nXPos = nNewXPos; nYPos = nNewYPos;
+ // is it an illegal position ?
+ if (GetPlayTable (nXPos, nYPos) == '.') return TRUE;
+ SetPlayTable (nXPos, nYPos, '.');
+ UpdateScreen ();
+ };
+ return FALSE;
+ } // end of UpdateTable
+ // **********************************************************************
+ void Greed::FillTable (void)
+ {
+ // fills up the table with random numbers; no zeroes allowed
+ // also sets up initial X and Y position
+ // srand (iSeed); sets random seed
+ int nPosition = 0,i;
+ char szBuffer [10]; // buffer for sprintf
+ char bFilled = FALSE;
+ while (!bFilled) {
+ strcpy(szBuffer, "game");
+ i=0;
+ while (szBuffer[i]) {
+ if (szBuffer[i] != '0')
+ cPlayTable [nPosition++] = szBuffer[i];
+ i++;
+ if (nPosition >= (nMaxX * nMaxY)) {
+ bFilled = TRUE;
+ cPlayTable [nPosition] = '\0';
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ nXPos = 50 % nMaxX;
+ nYPos = 50 % nMaxY;
+ } // end of FillTable
+ // **********************************************************************
+ void Greed::NewGame (int Seed)
+ {
+ // used at start of game to fill up the table and update the screen
+ iSeed = Seed;
+ FillTable ();
+ nScore = GetPlayTable (nXPos, nYPos) - '0';
+ SetPlayTable (nXPos, nYPos, '.');
+ FillScreen ();
+ } // end of NewGame
+ // **********************************************************************
+ int Greed::SaveGame (void)
+ {
+ // saves the current game
+ strcpy(sBuffer,"game");
+ strcat (sBuffer, cPlayTable);
+ code (sBuffer, SAVE_FILE_SIZE);
+ // write to file
+ return 1; // WriteFile (szSaveFile, sBuffer, SAVE_FILE_SIZE);
+ } // end of SaveGame
+ // **********************************************************************
+ int Greed::RestoreGame (void)
+ {
+ // restores the game
+ if (strcpy(sBuffer,"game")) return TRUE;
+ code (sBuffer, SAVE_FILE_SIZE);
+ nScore = iSeed = nXPos = nYPos = nMaxX = nMaxY = 0;
+ char *cTempPlayTable = "game";
+ if (cTempPlayTable == 0) {
+ Error (0);
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ // free allocated table and allocate new size
+ cPlayTable = 0;
+ cPlayTable = cTempPlayTable;
+ strcpy (cPlayTable, "game");
+ FillScreen ();
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ // **********************************************************************
+ Greed::Greed (uint nXmax, uint nYmax, char *pszScoreFile, char *pszSaveFile)
+ {
+ // checks validity of table size
+ nMaxX = (nXmax == 0) ? DEFAULT_X : nXmax;
+ nMaxY = (nYmax == 0) ? DEFAULT_Y : nYmax;
+ cPlayTable = 0;
+ if (pszScoreFile == 0 || *pszScoreFile == '\0')
+ strcpy (szScoreFile, DEFAULT_SCORE_FILE);
+ else
+ strcpy (szScoreFile, pszScoreFile);
+ if (pszSaveFile == 0 || *pszSaveFile == '\0')
+ strcpy (szSaveFile, DEFAULT_SAVE_FILE);
+ else
+ strcpy (szSaveFile, pszSaveFile);
+ } // end of greed constructor
+ // **********************************************************************
+ void Greed::Initialize (void)
+ {
+ // Gets memory for the playing table
+ cPlayTable = "game";
+ if (cPlayTable == 0) {
+ Error (0);
+ // exit (1);
+ }
+ cPlayTable [nMaxX * nMaxY + 1] = '\0';
+ NewGame (0);
+ // initialize the score card
+ if (strcpy(sBuffer, "game")) {
+ // unable to read score file
+ // create new score card
+ Score dummy;
+ dummy.szName [0] = '\0';
+ dummy.nScore = 0;
+ dummy.iSeed = 0;
+ for (int i = 0; i < MAX_SCORE; i++) {
+ strcpy(ScoreCard [i].szName, dummy.szName);
+ ScoreCard [i].nScore = dummy.nScore;
+ ScoreCard [i].iSeed = dummy.iSeed;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ code (sBuffer, SCORE_CARD_SIZE);
+ strcpy(sBuffer,"game");
+ }
+ }
+ // **********************************************************************
+ Greed::~Greed (void)
+ {
+ if (cPlayTable) cPlayTable=0;;
+ }
+ // **********************************************************************
+ int Greed::MoveNorth (void)
+ {
+ return UpdateTable ( 0, -1, AddScore ( 0, -1));
+ }
+ int Greed::MoveSouth (void)
+ {
+ return UpdateTable ( 0, 1, AddScore ( 0, 1));
+ }
+ int Greed::MoveEast (void)
+ {
+ return UpdateTable ( 1, 0, AddScore ( 1, 0));
+ }
+ int Greed::MoveWest (void)
+ {
+ return UpdateTable (-1, 0, AddScore (-1, 0));
+ }
+ int Greed::MoveNorthEast (void)
+ {
+ return UpdateTable ( 1, -1, AddScore ( 1, -1));
+ }
+ int Greed::MoveSouthEast (void)
+ {
+ return UpdateTable ( 1, 1, AddScore ( 1, 1));
+ }
+ int Greed::MoveNorthWest (void)
+ {
+ return UpdateTable (-1, -1, AddScore (-1, -1));
+ }
+ int Greed::MoveSouthWest (void)
+ {
+ return UpdateTable (-1, 1, AddScore (-1, 1));
+ }
+ // **********************************************************************
+ void Dosgreed::UpdateScreen (void)
+ {
+ #if 0
+ // updates screen and score
+ gotoxy (nXPos + 1, nYPos + 1);
+ putch ('.');
+ gotoxy (8, nMaxY + 1); clreol ();
+ cprintf ("%d", GetCurrentScore ());
+ // restore cursor back to its position
+ gotoxy (nXPos + 1, nYPos + 1);
+ #endif
+ } // end of UpdateScreen
+ // **********************************************************************
+ void Dosgreed::FillScreen (void)
+ {
+ #if 0
+ // fills screen with the numbers and shows initial score
+ clrscr ();
+ for (int Y = 0; Y < nMaxY; Y++) {
+ int CurrY = wherey (); // find current Y position
+ for (int X = 0; X < nMaxX; X++) // display one line
+ putch (GetPlayTable (X, Y));
+ // has cursor gone to the next line
+ if (wherey () == CurrY) { // if not make it go to
+ putch ('\n'); putch ('\r'); // the next line
+ }
+ }
+ gotoxy (1, nMaxY + 1); clreol ();
+ cprintf ("Score: %d", GetCurrentScore ());
+ // restore cursor back to its position
+ gotoxy (nXPos + 1, nYPos + 1);
+ #endif
+ } // end of FillScree
+ // **********************************************************************
+ void Dosgreed::GameEnd (void)
+ {
+ int CurrScore;
+ char szName [22];
+ //gotoxy (nXPos + 1, nYPos + 1);
+ //putch ('*');
+ //SplSound ();
+ MsgAtBot ("Viciously strike a key to continue");
+ CurrScore = IsHighScore ();
+ if (CurrScore < MAX_SCORE) {
+ //gotoxy (15, nMaxY + 1); clreol ();
+ //cputs ("Thou art a Greedy Pig; Enter thy name ");
+ szName [0] = (char) 20;
+ // insert name
+ InsertHighScore ("a");
+ //gotoxy (15, nMaxY + 1); clreol ();
+ ShowScore (CurrScore);
+ MsgAtBot ("Viciously strike a key to continue");
+ }
+ } // end of GameEnd
+ // **********************************************************************
+ int Dosgreed::ReadFile (char *pszFileName, char *psBuffer, int iSize)
+ {
+ int iHandle;
+ int iBytesRead;
+ iHandle = 1; //open (pszFileName, O_BINARY | O_RDWR | O_CREAT,
+ //S_IREAD | S_IWRITE); // flags for create file
+ if (iHandle == -1) { // error in opening file
+ Error (0);
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ iBytesRead = 1; //read (iHandle, psBuffer, iSize);
+ if (iBytesRead == -1) { // error in reading file
+ Error (0);
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ if (iBytesRead != iSize) { // invalid file
+ Error ("Could Not Read File");
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ // close (iHandle);
+ return FALSE;
+ } // end of ReadFile
+ // **********************************************************************
+ int Dosgreed::WriteFile (char *pszFileName, char *psBuffer, int iSize)
+ {
+ int iHandle;
+ int iBytesWritten;
+ iHandle = 1; //open (pszFileName, O_BINARY | O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC,
+ // S_IREAD | S_IWRITE); // flags for create file
+ if (iHandle == -1) { // error in opening file
+ Error (0);
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ iBytesWritten = 1; // write (iHandle, psBuffer, iSize);
+ if (iBytesWritten == -1) { // error in writing file
+ Error (0);
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ if (iBytesWritten != iSize) { // invalid file
+ Error ("Could Not Write File");
+ }
+ // close (iHandle);
+ return FALSE;
+ } // end of ReadFile
+ // **********************************************************************
+ void Dosgreed::Error (int ErrorNo)
+ {
+ char *ErrMsg;
+ strcpy(ErrMsg,"err"); //strerror (ErrorNo);
+ // ErrMsg [strlen (ErrMsg) - 1] = '\0';
+ MsgAtBot (ErrMsg);
+ } // end of function Error
+ // **********************************************************************
+ void Dosgreed::Error (char *ErrorMsg)
+ {
+ MsgAtBot (ErrorMsg);
+ }
+ // **********************************************************************
+ void Dosgreed::ShowScore (int HighLight)
+ {
+ // Highlight = -1 if no high light wanted
+ const ScoreStart = 7;
+ //window (10, ScoreStart, 70, ScoreStart + MAX_SCORE + 2);
+ //textcolor (BLUE); textbackground (CYAN);
+ //clrscr ();
+ // show heading
+ //window (13, ScoreStart, 70, ScoreStart + MAX_SCORE + 2);
+ //cprintf (" The Top Ten Pigs\n\r");
+ //cprintf ("%-5s%-30s%-10s%-10s", "No", "Name", "Seed", "Score");
+ //window (13, ScoreStart + 2, 70, ScoreStart + MAX_SCORE + 2);
+ //textcolor (YELLOW);
+ // show hi scores
+ Score *HiScore;
+ for (int i = 0; i < MAX_SCORE; i++) {
+ HiScore = GetHighScore (i);
+ //gotoxy (1, i + 1);
+ //cprintf ("%-5d%-30s%-10d%-10d", i + 1, HiScore.szName,
+ // HiScore.iSeed, HiScore.nScore);
+ }
+ //window (11, ScoreStart + 2, 70, ScoreStart + MAX_SCORE + 2);
+ if (HighLight != -1) {
+ //gotoxy (1, HighLight + 1);
+ //putch ('*');
+ }
+ // restore window
+ // struct text_info TextInfo;
+ // gettextinfo (&TextInfo);
+ // window (1, 1, TextInfo.screenwidth, TextInfo.screenheight);
+ // textcolor (LIGHTGRAY); textbackground (BLACK);
+ } // end of function ShowScore
+ // **********************************************************************
+ void Dosgreed::Setup (void)
+ {
+ // textmode (C4350); // VGA 50 line mode
+ // textcolor (LIGHTGRAY); textbackground (BLACK);
+ nLastLine = DEFAULT_Y + 1;
+ nLastCol = DEFAULT_X;
+ // randomize ();
+ Initialize ();
+ }
+ // **********************************************************************
+ void Dosgreed::PlayGame (void)
+ {
+ int bGameEnd = FALSE;
+ char ch1, ch2;
+ Setup ();
+ for (;;) {
+ while (! bGameEnd) {
+ ch1 = 'a'; // tolower (getch ());
+ if (ch1 == 0)
+ ch2 = 'b'; // getch ();
+ else
+ ch2 = ch1;
+ bGameEnd = MoveNorthWest ();
+ bGameEnd = MoveNorth ();
+ bGameEnd = MoveNorthEast ();
+ bGameEnd = MoveWest ();
+ bGameEnd = MoveEast ();
+ bGameEnd = MoveSouthWest ();
+ bGameEnd = MoveSouth ();
+ bGameEnd = MoveSouthEast ();
+ ShowHelp ();
+ FillScreen ();
+ if (SaveGame ())
+ Error ("Game could not be Saved");
+ if (RestoreGame ())
+ Error ("Game could not be Restored");
+ ShowScore (-1);
+ FillScreen ();
+ NewGame (0);
+ {
+ int Number;
+ Number = GetInteger ();
+ if (Number != -1) // valid number
+ NewGame (Number);
+ else
+ FillScreen ();
+ }
+ if (bGameEnd) {
+ GameEnd ();
+ do {
+ ch1 = 'c'; // toupper (getch ());
+ //if (ch1 == 0) getch ();
+ } while (ch1 != 'N' && ch1 != 'Y');
+ if (ch1 == 'N') {
+ }
+ else {
+ NewGame (0);
+ bGameEnd = FALSE;
+ }
+ } // end of check if game end
+ } // end of while loop
+ } // end of infinite loop
+ } // end of function PlayGame
+ int SoundFlag = FALSE;
+ int nLastLine, nLastCol;
+ // **********************************************************************
+ void Sound (void)
+ {
+ if (SoundFlag) {
+ //sound (340); delay (50);
+ //sound (240); delay (50);
+ //nosound ();
+ }
+ }
+ // **********************************************************************
+ void SplSound (void)
+ {
+ if (SoundFlag) {
+ //sound (500); delay (50);
+ //sound (400); delay (50);
+ //sound (300); delay (50);
+ //sound (200); delay (50);
+ //nosound ();
+ }
+ }
+ // **********************************************************************
+ void MsgAtBot (char *msg)
+ {
+ // displays a message in the middle of the last line of the screen
+ char ch;
+ int x, y,
+ NewXPos;
+ x = 0; y = 0; // save current cursor posn
+ NewXPos = (nLastCol - 0) >> 1;
+ NewXPos = (NewXPos > 12) ? NewXPos : 15;// should spill into Score: 12345
+ //gotoxy (NewXPos, nLastLine);
+ //cputs (msg);
+ //ch = getch (); if (ch == 0) getch (); // flush extra keys
+ //gotoxy (15, nLastLine); clreol ();
+ //gotoxy (x, y);
+ }
+ // **********************************************************************
+ void ShowHelp (void)
+ {
+ #if 0
+ // shows the help screen
+ window (9, 1, 72, 24);
+ textcolor (BROWN); textbackground (CYAN);
+ clrscr ();
+ window (11, 2, 70, 23);
+ cputs (" ³ ³\n\r");
+ cputs (" ³ Other Keys Playing Keys ³\n\r");
+ cputs (" ³ F1 This Help Screen ³\n\r");
+ cputs (" ³ Q W E ³\n\r");
+ cputs (" ³ F2 Save Game A D ³\n\r");
+ cputs (" ³ F3 Restore Game Z X C ³\n\r");
+ cputs (" ³ F4 Show High Scores ³\n\r");
+ cputs (" ³ 7 8 9 ³\n\r");
+ cputs (" ³ F5 New Game 4 6 ³\n\r");
+ cputs (" ³ F6 Enter A Seed 1 2 3 ³\n\r");
+ cputs (" ³ ³\n\r");
+ cputs (" ³ F7 Sound Toggle Home \x18 PgUp ³\n\r");
+ cputs (" ³ \x1BÄ Ä\x1A ³\n\r");
+ cputs (" ³ F8 Dos Shell End \x19 PgDn ³\n\r");
+ cputs (" ³ <RETURN> ³\n\r");
+ cputs (" ³ <ESC> Quits ³\n\r");
+ cputs (" ³ Dos Greed for Pigs ³\n\r");
+ cputs (" ³ written by ³\n\r");
+ cputs (" ³ Dinesh Adithan ³\n\r");
+ // restore window
+ struct text_info TextInfo;
+ gettextinfo (&TextInfo);
+ window (1, 1, TextInfo.screenwidth, TextInfo.screenheight);
+ textcolor (LIGHTGRAY); textbackground (BLACK);
+ #endif
+ } // end of function ShowHelp
+ // **********************************************************************
+ int GetInteger (void)
+ {
+ return 0;
+ #if 0
+ int size = 0;
+ char num [16], ch;
+ do {
+ ch = getch ();
+ switch (ch) {
+ case '0' : case '1' : case '2' : case '3' :case '4' :
+ case '5' : case '6' : case '7' : case '8' :case '9' :
+ if (size < 15)
+ putch (num [size++] = ch);
+ else
+ Sound ();
+ break;
+ case '\b' :
+ if (size > 0) {
+ num [--size] = ' ';
+ cputs ("\b \b");
+ }
+ else
+ Sound ();
+ break;
+ case '\r' :
+ if (size > 0) {
+ num [size] = '\0';
+ return atoi (num);
+ }
+ else
+ Sound ();
+ break;
+ case 27 : // ESC key
+ return -1;
+ default :
+ Sound ();
+ }
+ } while (TRUE);
+ #endif
+ } // end of function GetInteger
+ // **********************************************************************
+ main ()
+ {
+ Dosgreed PlayTable (DEFAULT_X, DEFAULT_Y /* can be 49 */);
+ PlayTable.PlayGame ();
+ return 0;
+ }
Index: llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/Prolangs-C++/greed/dosgreed.hpp
diff -c /dev/null llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/Prolangs-C++/greed/dosgreed.hpp:1.1
*** /dev/null Mon Oct 4 15:01:29 2004
--- llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/Prolangs-C++/greed/dosgreed.hpp Mon Oct 4 15:01:14 2004
*** 0 ****
--- 1,45 ----
+ #ifndef DOSGREED_H
+ #define DOSGREED_H
+ #include "greed.hpp"
+ class Dosgreed : public Greed {
+ virtual void UpdateScreen (void);
+ virtual void Error (int ErrorNo);
+ virtual void Error (char *ErrorMsg);
+ virtual int ReadFile (char *pszFileName,
+ char *psBuffer, int iSize);
+ virtual int WriteFile (char *pszFileName,
+ char *psBuffer, int iSize);
+ public:
+ Dosgreed (uint nXmax, uint nYmax,
+ char *pszScoreFile = DEFAULT_SCORE_FILE,
+ char *pszSaveFile = DEFAULT_SAVE_FILE)
+ : Greed (nXmax, nYmax,
+ pszScoreFile, pszSaveFile) {};
+ void ShowScore (int HighLight);
+ // Highlight = -1 if no high light wanted
+ void Setup (void);
+ void PlayGame (void);
+ virtual void GameEnd (void);
+ virtual void FillScreen (void);
+ virtual ~Dosgreed () {};
+ };
+ // Support functions for PlayGame
+ extern void MsgAtBot (char *Message);
+ extern void Sound (void);
+ extern void SplSound (void);
+ extern void ShowHelp (void);
+ extern int GetInteger (void);
+ extern int SoundFlag;
+ extern int nLastLine, nLastCol;
+ #endif // of DOSGREED_H
Index: llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/Prolangs-C++/greed/greed.hpp
diff -c /dev/null llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/Prolangs-C++/greed/greed.hpp:1.1
*** /dev/null Mon Oct 4 15:01:29 2004
--- llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/Prolangs-C++/greed/greed.hpp Mon Oct 4 15:01:14 2004
*** 0 ****
--- 1,124 ----
+ // Greed header file
+ // class definition and function prototypes
+ extern "C" {
+ char *strcpy(char *str1, char *str2);
+ char *strcat(char *str1, char *str2);
+ }
+ #ifndef GREED_H
+ #define GREED_H
+ #ifndef TRUE
+ #define TRUE -1
+ #endif
+ #ifndef FALSE
+ #define FALSE 0
+ #endif
+ const DEFAULT_X = 80; // default dimensions
+ const DEFAULT_Y = 24;
+ // buffer for encoding and decoding etc.
+ #define BUFFER_SIZE 4096
+ #define SCORE_CARD_SIZE (sizeof (Score) * MAX_SCORE)
+ typedef unsigned int uint;
+ typedef unsigned char uchar;
+ const MAX_SCORE = 10;
+ #define DEFAULT_SCORE_FILE "greed.sco"
+ #define DEFAULT_SAVE_FILE "greed.sav"
+ struct Score {
+ char szName [20];
+ uint nScore;
+ int iSeed;
+ };
+ class Greed {
+ private:
+ uint nScore; // current Score
+ int iSeed; // current seed
+ char szScoreFile[256]; // the name of the score file
+ char szSaveFile[256]; // the name of the save game file
+ Score ScoreCard [MAX_SCORE]; // the list of high scores
+ // 0 has highest score
+ void CheckScore (void);
+ int AddScore (int nDeltaX, int nDeltaY);
+ // will return the number of moves to make besides adding the score
+ int UpdateTable (int nDeltaX, int nDeltaY, int nNumber);
+ // will update table with dots
+ void FillTable (void);
+ // randomly fills the table with the numbers seed is iSeed
+ uchar SetPlayTable (uint X, uint Y, uchar Value);
+ // to set character in play table
+ // Private, cannot let others tamper with play table
+ protected:
+ uint nXPos, nYPos; // current X and Y cursor position
+ uint nMaxX, nMaxY; // Max X and Y coordinates
+ // coordinates range from 0 - nMax[XY]-1
+ char *cPlayTable; // the two dimensional playing table
+ uchar GetPlayTable (uint X, uint Y);
+ // to access characters in play table
+ // pure virtual functions
+ virtual void UpdateScreen (void) = 0;
+ virtual void Error (int ErrorNo) = 0;
+ virtual void Error (char *ErrorMsg) = 0;
+ virtual int ReadFile (char *pszFileName,
+ char *psBuffer, int iSize) = 0;
+ virtual int WriteFile (char *pszFileName,
+ char *psBuffer, int iSize) = 0;
+ public:
+ // constructor requires the size of the playing table,
+ // the names of the score file and the save file
+ Greed (uint nXmax, uint nYmax,
+ char *pszScoreFile = DEFAULT_SCORE_FILE,
+ char *pszSaveFile = DEFAULT_SAVE_FILE);
+ virtual ~Greed (void);
+ void Initialize (void);
+ virtual void GameEnd (void) = 0;
+ virtual void FillScreen (void) = 0;
+ // functions handling scores
+ int GetCurrentScore (void);
+ Score *GetHighScore (int Pos);
+ int IsHighScore (void);
+ void InsertHighScore (char *pszName);
+ int GetSeed (void);
+ int SaveGame (void);
+ int RestoreGame (void);
+ void NewGame (int iSeed);
+ int MoveNorth (void); int MoveSouth (void);
+ int MoveEast (void); int MoveWest (void);
+ int MoveNorthEast (void); int MoveNorthWest (void);
+ int MoveSouthEast (void); int MoveSouthWest (void);
+ };
+ #endif // of GREED_H
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