[llvm-commits] CVS: llvm-java/lib/ClassFile/ClassFile.cpp Makefile
Alkis Evlogimenos
alkis at cs.uiuc.edu
Thu Apr 15 16:01:10 PDT 2004
Changes in directory llvm-java/lib/ClassFile:
ClassFile.cpp added (r1.1)
Makefile added (r1.1)
Log message:
Initial checking of the llvm java-frontend. This contains a skeleton and a preliminary ClassFile parsing library
Diffs of the changes: (+386 -0)
Index: llvm-java/lib/ClassFile/ClassFile.cpp
diff -c /dev/null llvm-java/lib/ClassFile/ClassFile.cpp:1.1
*** /dev/null Thu Apr 15 16:01:00 2004
--- llvm-java/lib/ClassFile/ClassFile.cpp Thu Apr 15 16:00:50 2004
*** 0 ****
--- 1,372 ----
+ //===-- ClassFile.cpp - ClassFile class -----------------------------------===//
+ //
+ // The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+ //
+ // This file was developed by the LLVM research group and is distributed under
+ // the University of Illinois Open Source License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+ //
+ //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
+ //
+ // This file contains the implementation of the ClassFile library. It
+ // is used by the LLVM Java frontend to parse Java Class files.
+ //
+ //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
+ #include <llvm/Java/ClassFile.h>
+ #include <cassert>
+ #include <functional>
+ #include <iostream>
+ #include <iterator>
+ using namespace llvm::Java;
+ //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
+ // Utility functions
+ namespace {
+ char bool2cross(bool v)
+ {
+ return v ? 'x' : ' ';
+ }
+ uint8_t readU1(std::istream& is) {
+ char val;
+ if (!is.get(val))
+ throw ClassFileParseError("unexpected end of input");
+ return val;
+ }
+ uint16_t readU2(std::istream& is) {
+ return (readU1(is) << 8) | readU1(is);
+ }
+ uint32_t readU4(std::istream& is) {
+ return (readU2(is) << 16) | readU2(is);
+ }
+ uint64_t readU8(std::istream& is) {
+ uint64_t hi = readU4(is), lo = readU4(is);
+ return hi << 32 | lo;
+ }
+ float int2float(uint32_t v) {
+ union { uint32_t in; float out; } tmp;
+ tmp.in = v;
+ return tmp.out;
+ }
+ double long2double(uint64_t v) {
+ union { uint64_t in; double out; } tmp;
+ tmp.in = v;
+ return tmp.out;
+ }
+ };
+ //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
+ // ClassFileParseError implementation
+ ClassFileParseError::~ClassFileParseError() throw()
+ {
+ }
+ //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
+ // Constant implementation
+ Constant* Constant::readConstant(const ClassFile::ConstantPool& cp,
+ std::istream& is)
+ {
+ Constant::Tag tag = static_cast<Constant::Tag>(readU1(is));
+ switch (tag) {
+ case Constant::CLASS:
+ return new ConstantClass(cp, is);
+ case Constant::FIELD_REF:
+ return new ConstantFieldRef(cp, is);
+ case Constant::METHOD_REF:
+ return new ConstantMethodRef(cp, is);
+ case Constant::INTERFACE_METHOD_REF:
+ return new ConstantInterfaceMethodRef(cp, is);
+ case Constant::STRING:
+ return new ConstantString(cp, is);
+ case Constant::INTEGER:
+ return new ConstantInteger(cp, is);
+ case Constant::FLOAT:
+ return new ConstantFloat(cp, is);
+ case Constant::LONG:
+ return new ConstantLong(cp, is);
+ case Constant::DOUBLE:
+ return new ConstantDouble(cp, is);
+ case Constant::NAME_AND_TYPE:
+ return new ConstantNameAndType(cp, is);
+ case Constant::UTF8:
+ return new ConstantUtf8(cp, is);
+ default:
+ assert(0 && "Unknown constant tag");
+ }
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ Constant::~Constant()
+ {
+ }
+ std::ostream& Constant::dump(std::ostream& os) const
+ {
+ // FIXME
+ return os;
+ }
+ ConstantMemberRef::ConstantMemberRef(const ClassFile::ConstantPool&cp,
+ std::istream& is)
+ : Constant(cp),
+ classIdx_(readU2(is)),
+ nameAndTypeIdx_(readU2(is))
+ {
+ }
+ ConstantClass::ConstantClass(const ClassFile::ConstantPool& cp,
+ std::istream& is)
+ : Constant(cp),
+ nameIdx_(readU2(is))
+ {
+ }
+ ConstantString::ConstantString(const ClassFile::ConstantPool& cp,
+ std::istream& is)
+ : Constant(cp),
+ stringIdx_(readU2(is))
+ {
+ }
+ ConstantInteger::ConstantInteger(const ClassFile::ConstantPool& cp,
+ std::istream& is)
+ : Constant(cp),
+ value_(static_cast<int32_t>(readU4(is)))
+ {
+ }
+ ConstantFloat::ConstantFloat(const ClassFile::ConstantPool& cp,
+ std::istream& is)
+ : Constant(cp),
+ value_(int2float(readU4(is)))
+ {
+ }
+ ConstantLong::ConstantLong(const ClassFile::ConstantPool& cp,
+ std::istream& is)
+ : Constant(cp),
+ value_(static_cast<int64_t>(readU8(is)))
+ {
+ }
+ ConstantDouble::ConstantDouble(const ClassFile::ConstantPool& cp,
+ std::istream& is)
+ : Constant(cp),
+ value_(long2double(readU8(is)))
+ {
+ }
+ ConstantNameAndType::ConstantNameAndType(const ClassFile::ConstantPool& cp,
+ std::istream& is)
+ : Constant(cp),
+ nameIdx_(readU2(is)),
+ descriptorIdx_(readU2(is))
+ {
+ }
+ ConstantUtf8::ConstantUtf8(const ClassFile::ConstantPool& cp,
+ std::istream& is)
+ : Constant(cp)
+ {
+ uint16_t length = readU2(is);
+ char buf[length];
+ is.read(buf, length);
+ utf8_ = std::string(buf, length);
+ }
+ //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
+ // Field implementation
+ Field::Field(const ClassFile::ConstantPool& cp, std::istream& is)
+ {
+ accessFlags_ = readU2(is);
+ name_ = dynamic_cast<ConstantUtf8*>(cp[readU2(is)]);
+ if (!name_) throw "FIXME: better error message";
+ descriptor_ = dynamic_cast<ConstantUtf8*>(cp[readU2(is)]);
+ }
+ std::ostream& Field::dump(std::ostream& os) const
+ {
+ // FIXME
+ return os;
+ }
+ //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
+ // Method implementation
+ Method::Method(const ClassFile::ConstantPool& cp, std::istream& is)
+ {
+ accessFlags_ = readU2(is);
+ name_ = dynamic_cast<ConstantUtf8*>(cp[readU2(is)]);
+ if (!name_) throw "FIXME: better error message";
+ descriptor_ = dynamic_cast<ConstantUtf8*>(cp[readU2(is)]);
+ }
+ std::ostream& Method::dump(std::ostream& os) const
+ {
+ // FIXME
+ return os;
+ }
+ //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
+ // Attribute implementation
+ Attribute::Attribute(const ClassFile::ConstantPool& cp, std::istream& is)
+ {
+ name_ = dynamic_cast<ConstantUtf8*>(cp[readU2(is)]);
+ if (!name_) throw "FIXME: better error message";
+ uint32_t length = readU4(is);
+ is.ignore(length);
+ }
+ Attribute* Attribute::readAttribute(const ClassFile::ConstantPool& cp,
+ std::istream& is)
+ {
+ return new Attribute(cp, is);
+ }
+ std::ostream& Attribute::dump(std::ostream& os) const
+ {
+ // FIXME
+ return os;
+ }
+ //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
+ // ClassFile implementation
+ ClassFile* ClassFile::readClassFile(std::istream& is)
+ {
+ if (readU1(is) != 0xCA) throw ClassFileParseError("bad magic");
+ if (readU1(is) != 0xFE) throw ClassFileParseError("bad magic");
+ if (readU1(is) != 0xBA) throw ClassFileParseError("bad magic");
+ if (readU1(is) != 0xBE) throw ClassFileParseError("bad magic");
+ return new ClassFile(is);
+ }
+ namespace {
+ void readConstantPool(ClassFile::ConstantPool& cp, std::istream& is)
+ {
+ assert(cp.empty() && "Should not call with a non-empty constant pool");
+ uint16_t count = readU2(is) - 1;
+ cp.reserve(count);
+ while (count--)
+ cp.push_back(Constant::readConstant(cp, is));
+ }
+ void readInterfaces(ClassFile::Interfaces& i,
+ const ClassFile::ConstantPool& cp,
+ std::istream& is)
+ {
+ assert(i.empty() &&
+ "Should not call with a non-empty interfaces vector");
+ uint16_t count = readU2(is);
+ i.reserve(count);
+ while (count--) {
+ ConstantClass* c = dynamic_cast<ConstantClass*>(cp[readU2(is)]);
+ if (!c) throw "FIXME: give better error message";
+ i.push_back(c);
+ }
+ }
+ void readFields(ClassFile::Fields& f,
+ const ClassFile::ConstantPool& cp,
+ std::istream& is)
+ {
+ assert(f.empty() && "Should not call with a non-empty fields vector");
+ uint16_t count = readU2(is);
+ f.reserve(count);
+ while(count--)
+ f.push_back(Field::readField(cp, is));
+ }
+ void readMethods(ClassFile::Methods& m,
+ const ClassFile::ConstantPool& cp,
+ std::istream& is)
+ {
+ assert(m.empty() && "Should not call with a non-empty methods vector");
+ uint16_t count = readU2(is);
+ m.reserve(count);
+ while(count--)
+ m.push_back(Method::readMethod(cp, is));
+ }
+ void readAttributes(ClassFile::Attributes& a,
+ const ClassFile::ConstantPool& cp,
+ std::istream& is)
+ {
+ assert(a.empty() &&
+ "Should not call with a non-empty attributes vector");
+ uint16_t count = readU2(is);
+ a.reserve(count);
+ while(count--)
+ a.push_back(Attribute::readAttribute(cp, is));
+ }
+ }
+ ClassFile::ClassFile(std::istream& is)
+ {
+ minorV_ = readU2(is);
+ majorV_ = readU2(is);
+ readConstantPool(cPool_, is);
+ accessFlags_ = readU2(is);
+ thisClass_ = dynamic_cast<ConstantClass*>(cPool_[readU2(is)]);
+ if (!thisClass_) throw "FIXME: better error message";
+ superClass_ = dynamic_cast<ConstantClass*>(cPool_[readU2(is)]);
+ if (!superClass_) throw "FIXME: better error message";
+ readInterfaces(interfaces_, cPool_, is);
+ readFields(fields_, cPool_, is);
+ readMethods(methods_, cPool_, is);
+ readAttributes(attributes_, cPool_, is);
+ }
+ std::ostream& ClassFile::dump(std::ostream& os) const
+ {
+ os << "Minor version: " << getMinorVersion() << '\n'
+ << "Major version: " << getMajorVersion() << '\n'
+ << "Access flags (PFSIA): "
+ << bool2cross(isPublic())
+ << bool2cross(isFinal())
+ << bool2cross(isSuper())
+ << bool2cross(isInterface())
+ << bool2cross(isAbstract()) << '\n'
+ << "This class: " << getThisClass() << '\n'
+ << "Super class: " << getSuperClass() << '\n';
+ for (Interfaces::const_iterator
+ i = interfaces_.begin(), e = interfaces_.end(); i != e; ++i)
+ (*i)->dump(os);
+ for (Fields::const_iterator
+ i = fields_.begin(), e = fields_.end(); i != e; ++i)
+ (*i)->dump(os);
+ for (Methods::const_iterator
+ i = methods_.begin(), e = methods_.end(); i != e; ++i)
+ (*i)->dump(os);
+ for (Attributes::const_iterator
+ i = attributes_.begin(), e = attributes_.end(); i != e; ++i)
+ (*i)->dump(os);
+ return os;
+ }
Index: llvm-java/lib/ClassFile/Makefile
diff -c /dev/null llvm-java/lib/ClassFile/Makefile:1.1
*** /dev/null Thu Apr 15 16:01:00 2004
--- llvm-java/lib/ClassFile/Makefile Thu Apr 15 16:00:50 2004
*** 0 ****
--- 1,14 ----
+ ##===- lib/Analysis/Makefile -------------------------------*- Makefile -*-===##
+ #
+ # The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+ #
+ # This file was developed by the LLVM research group and is distributed under
+ # the University of Illinois Open Source License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+ #
+ ##===----------------------------------------------------------------------===##
+ LEVEL = ../..
+ LIBRARYNAME = classfile
+ include $(LEVEL)/Makefile.common
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