[llvm-commits] CVS: llvm/test/Programs/MultiSource/Applications/kimwitu++/AUTHORS CHANGES COPYING Makefile README abs.cc abs.h config.h defs.h defs.hh error.cc error.h gen.cc gen.h getopt.h gutil.cc gutil.h k.cc k.h kimwl.cc kimwy.cc kimwy.h main.cc main.h occur.cc occur.h parse.cc parse.h pat.cc pat.h rk.cc rk.h unpk.cc unpk.h util.cc util.h yystype.h

John Criswell criswell at cs.uiuc.edu
Tue Apr 6 15:26:41 PDT 2004

Changes in directory llvm/test/Programs/MultiSource/Applications/kimwitu++:

AUTHORS added (r1.1)
CHANGES added (r1.1)
COPYING added (r1.1)
Makefile added (r1.1)
README added (r1.1)
abs.cc added (r1.1)
abs.h added (r1.1)
config.h added (r1.1)
defs.h added (r1.1)
defs.hh added (r1.1)
error.cc added (r1.1)
error.h added (r1.1)
gen.cc added (r1.1)
gen.h added (r1.1)
getopt.h added (r1.1)
gutil.cc added (r1.1)
gutil.h added (r1.1)
k.cc added (r1.1)
k.h added (r1.1)
kimwl.cc added (r1.1)
kimwy.cc added (r1.1)
kimwy.h added (r1.1)
main.cc added (r1.1)
main.h added (r1.1)
occur.cc added (r1.1)
occur.h added (r1.1)
parse.cc added (r1.1)
parse.h added (r1.1)
pat.cc added (r1.1)
pat.h added (r1.1)
rk.cc added (r1.1)
rk.h added (r1.1)
unpk.cc added (r1.1)
unpk.h added (r1.1)
util.cc added (r1.1)
util.h added (r1.1)
yystype.h added (r1.1)

Log message:

Initial import of kimwitu++.  This is based on version 2.3.8.
Kimwitu++ is analagous to a midterm exam for LLVM C++ programs.  If LLVM
can handle kimwitu++, we're in pretty good shape.

Diffs of the changes:  (+65971 -0)

Index: llvm/test/Programs/MultiSource/Applications/kimwitu++/AUTHORS
diff -c /dev/null llvm/test/Programs/MultiSource/Applications/kimwitu++/AUTHORS:1.1
*** /dev/null	Tue Apr  6 15:25:25 2004
--- llvm/test/Programs/MultiSource/Applications/kimwitu++/AUTHORS	Tue Apr  6 15:25:06 2004
*** 0 ****
--- 1,13 ----
+ Authors of Kimwitu++.
+ Axel Belinfante <Axel.Belinfante at cs.utwente.nl>.  Wrote the original
+ Kimwitu program.
+ The structure-file-io reading and writing code has been derived, in part,
+ from The Synthesizer Generator (tm), see the LICENSE file.
+ Michael Piefel <piefel at informatik.hu-berlin.de>.  Derived Kimwitu++.
+ Various hacks and improvements written by Ralf Schröder <schroed2 at informatik.
+ hu-berlin.de>, Martin v. Löwis <loewis at informatik.hu-berlin.de>, Carsten
+ Dumke <carsten.dumke at gmx.net>, Gerd Kurzbach <kurzbach at iti.de>.

Index: llvm/test/Programs/MultiSource/Applications/kimwitu++/CHANGES
diff -c /dev/null llvm/test/Programs/MultiSource/Applications/kimwitu++/CHANGES:1.1
*** /dev/null	Tue Apr  6 15:25:25 2004
--- llvm/test/Programs/MultiSource/Applications/kimwitu++/CHANGES	Tue Apr  6 15:25:07 2004
*** 0 ****
--- 1,129 ----
+ This is the list of user-visible changes in kimwitu++. Please see
+ src/ChangeLog for a more detailed list.
+ * Changes in kimwitu++ 2.3.7
+ ** new option --operator-cast to have an operator_cast<>() just like
+    phylum_cast<>() or dynamic_cast<>()
+ ** support for named subphyla for greater type safety
+ * Changes in kimwitu++ 2.3.6
+ ** new option -W allows greater control of warning levels
+ ** new option --rw-loop generates iterative rewrite algorithm (instead of
+    recursive) and greater control (or hacking)
+ * Changes in kimwitu++ 2.3.5
+ ** New options for error reporting format
+ ** Allow {con,de}structors for any class (but give warning)
+ ** Add options to morph line directives into comments
+ * Changes in kimwitu++ 2.3.1
+ ** Version number of generating Kimwitu++ goes into the generated code as
+    a number of #define's (KIMWITUVERSIONMAJOR, *MINOR, *MICRO)
+ ** Rename kc_.views to .views (should have happened before).
+ ** Added a virtual default_unparse method to have replaceable default
+    unparse behaviour. There is not yet a Kimwitu++ syntax extension for it.
+ * Changes in kimwitu++ 2.3.0
+ ** Change back the semantic of append to return the element for the list
+    where we insert the value.
+ ** This warrants a version number bump 3.0: Give warnings for overlapping
+    patterns in unparse, rewrite and with.
+ ** Support for g++ 3.2
+ ** --no-linedirec does not emit any line directives now.
+ * Changes in kimwitu++ 2.2.0
+ ** Removed the kc_ prefix in many places. There are some macros you can use
+    to get the old names, you just have to define DEPRECATED.
+ ** Renamed kc_tag_ to impl_; macros as above.
+ ** Changed language macros to is_language and set_language.
+ * Changes in kimwitu++ 2.1.4
+ ** Allow conversion operators in phyla.
+ * Changes in kimwitu++ 2.1.3
+ ** Lines can have arbitrary lengths now.
+ * Changes in kimwitu++ 2.1.2
+ ** User-defined member functions now possible for primitive phyla. This
+    is actually a bug fix, but since it never worked before it can be
+    considered a new feature.
+ * Changes in kimwitu++ 2.1.0
+ ** Some care is taken to allow unparsing of lists to be done iteratively
+    instead of recursively by default. Faster and leaner on stack space.
+ ** Some more lists in kimwitu++ itself unparsing iteratively even though not
+    using default unparsing. Now very large files can be processed.
+ ** If available, kimwitu++ now uses hash sets for storing casestrings. This can
+    speed up things dramatically. Use -DUSE_HASHSET while compiling k.cc
+ * Changes in kimwitu++ 2.0.3
+ ** Using getopt_long now, this make option parsing more robust
+ * Changes in kimwitu++ 2.0.2
+ ** Added terminator statement to attributeOf
+ ** Fixed some namespace-related bugs
+ * Changes in kimwitu++ 2.0.0
+ ** Brought Kimwitu++ in sync with Kimwitu 4.6
+ ** Added option --overwrite to always overwrite generated files, even if they
+    did not change
+ ** Renamed the fprintdotheader and fprintdotfooter functions into ...prologue
+    and ...epilogue, because these names better reflect their use
+ * Changes in kimwitu++ 1.3.12
+ ** Note: This really is not a step from 1.3.5, but rather one from 2.0; I just
+    missed the chance to change to 1.9999 earlier
+ ** Added option --yystype (generates YYSTYPE in yystype.h)
+ ** Changed CSGIO functions (read takes reference, both throw exceptions)
+ ** Keywords `%member' and `%attr';
+    the latter generates attributes which are handled by CSGIO
+ ** Keywords `%ctor' and `%dtor' (not really, they appeared in some
+    earlier version, but I forget which)
+ ** All in namespace kc
+ ** Keyword `%option' to specify fixed options in file instead of
+    on command line
+ * Changes in kimwitu++ 1.3.5
+ ** Added options --smart-pointer and --weak-pointer
+ ** Made rviews and uviews work the same way once more
+ * Changes in kimwitu++ 1.3.4
+ ** Changed a whole lot of type names for printer functions
+ ** Added real old-style printer function support
+ * Changes in kimwitu++ 1.3.3
+ ** Fixed old nullary operators bug
+ * Changes in kimwitu++ 1.3.2
+ ** Added keyword `provided'
+ ** made option `--verbose' work
+ * Changes in kimwitu++ 1.2.3
+ ** Prettied up print method
+ * Changes in kimwitu++ 1.2.1
+ ** Change kc_uviews::view to be a pointer type.
+ * Changes in kimwitu++ 1.2
+ ** Rename KC_UView and uview to uview_class and uview_enum;
+    introduce uview as uview_class &.
+ ** Change option names to use dashes instead of underscores.
+ ** Remove support for non-sharing CSGIO
+    (This was a feature to make kimwitu 4 compatible with earlier versions)
+ ** Add is_nil method to lists.
+ * Changes in kimwitu++ 1.1.1
+ ** Rename kc_view_count to kc_last_uview; add kc_last_rview.
+ ** Fix old kimwitu double-rewrite bug.
+ * Changes in kimwitu++ 1.1
+ ** Rename kc_view_names to kc_uviews
+    To access view objects, you can use the kc_uviews array.
+ ** The subphyla union has been removed; 
+    the subphyla are now called <phylum>_<number>.
+ ** The KC_SUBPHYLUM data structurs have been removed;
+    access to subphyla is now possible via the subphylum method.
+ ** Lists now produce a single class only;
+    the Nillist is represented with two null subphyla.
+ ** Syntax for C++ operators and overloading is now recognized.

Index: llvm/test/Programs/MultiSource/Applications/kimwitu++/COPYING
diff -c /dev/null llvm/test/Programs/MultiSource/Applications/kimwitu++/COPYING:1.1
*** /dev/null	Tue Apr  6 15:25:25 2004
--- llvm/test/Programs/MultiSource/Applications/kimwitu++/COPYING	Tue Apr  6 15:25:07 2004
*** 0 ****
--- 1,340 ----
+ 		       Version 2, June 1991
+  Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+                        59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+  Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
+  of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
+ 			    Preamble
+   The licenses for most software are designed to take away your
+ freedom to share and change it.  By contrast, the GNU General Public
+ License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free
+ software--to make sure the software is free for all its users.  This
+ General Public License applies to most of the Free Software
+ Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to
+ using it.  (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by
+ the GNU Library General Public License instead.)  You can apply it to
+ your programs, too.
+   When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
+ price.  Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
+ have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
+ this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it
+ if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it
+ in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things.
+   To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid
+ anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights.
+ These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you
+ distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it.
+   For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether
+ gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that
+ you have.  You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the
+ source code.  And you must show them these terms so they know their
+ rights.
+   We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and
+ (2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy,
+ distribute and/or modify the software.
+   Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain
+ that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free
+ software.  If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we
+ want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so
+ that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original
+ authors' reputations.
+   Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software
+ patents.  We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free
+ program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the
+ program proprietary.  To prevent this, we have made it clear that any
+ patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all.
+   The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
+ modification follow.
+   0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains
+ a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed
+ under the terms of this General Public License.  The "Program", below,
+ refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program"
+ means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law:
+ that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it,
+ either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another
+ language.  (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in
+ the term "modification".)  Each licensee is addressed as "you".
+ Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not
+ covered by this License; they are outside its scope.  The act of
+ running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program
+ is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the
+ Program (independent of having been made by running the Program).
+ Whether that is true depends on what the Program does.
+   1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's
+ source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you
+ conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate
+ copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the
+ notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty;
+ and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License
+ along with the Program.
+ You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and
+ you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee.
+   2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion
+ of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and
+ distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1
+ above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
+     a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices
+     stating that you changed the files and the date of any change.
+     b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in
+     whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any
+     part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third
+     parties under the terms of this License.
+     c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively
+     when run, you must cause it, when started running for such
+     interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an
+     announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a
+     notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide
+     a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under
+     these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this
+     License.  (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but
+     does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on
+     the Program is not required to print an announcement.)
+ These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole.  If
+ identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program,
+ and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in
+ themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those
+ sections when you distribute them as separate works.  But when you
+ distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based
+ on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of
+ this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the
+ entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it.
+ Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest
+ your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to
+ exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or
+ collective works based on the Program.
+ In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program
+ with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of
+ a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under
+ the scope of this License.
+   3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it,
+ under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of
+ Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following:
+     a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable
+     source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections
+     1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or,
+     b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three
+     years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your
+     cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete
+     machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be
+     distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium
+     customarily used for software interchange; or,
+     c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer
+     to distribute corresponding source code.  (This alternative is
+     allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you
+     received the program in object code or executable form with such
+     an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.)
+ The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for
+ making modifications to it.  For an executable work, complete source
+ code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any
+ associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to
+ control compilation and installation of the executable.  However, as a
+ special exception, the source code distributed need not include
+ anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary
+ form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the
+ operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component
+ itself accompanies the executable.
+ If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering
+ access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent
+ access to copy the source code from the same place counts as
+ distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not
+ compelled to copy the source along with the object code.
+   4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program
+ except as expressly provided under this License.  Any attempt
+ otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is
+ void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License.
+ However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under
+ this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such
+ parties remain in full compliance.
+   5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not
+ signed it.  However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or
+ distribute the Program or its derivative works.  These actions are
+ prohibited by law if you do not accept this License.  Therefore, by
+ modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the
+ Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and
+ all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying
+ the Program or works based on it.
+   6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the
+ Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the
+ original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to
+ these terms and conditions.  You may not impose any further
+ restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein.
+ You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to
+ this License.
+   7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent
+ infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues),
+ conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
+ otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
+ excuse you from the conditions of this License.  If you cannot
+ distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
+ License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you
+ may not distribute the Program at all.  For example, if a patent
+ license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by
+ all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then
+ the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to
+ refrain entirely from distribution of the Program.
+ If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under
+ any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to
+ apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other
+ circumstances.
+ It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any
+ patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any
+ such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the
+ integrity of the free software distribution system, which is
+ implemented by public license practices.  Many people have made
+ generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed
+ through that system in reliance on consistent application of that
+ system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing
+ to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot
+ impose that choice.
+ This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to
+ be a consequence of the rest of this License.
+   8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in
+ certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the
+ original copyright holder who places the Program under this License
+ may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding
+ those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among
+ countries not thus excluded.  In such case, this License incorporates
+ the limitation as if written in the body of this License.
+   9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions
+ of the General Public License from time to time.  Such new versions will
+ be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to
+ address new problems or concerns.
+ Each version is given a distinguishing version number.  If the Program
+ specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any
+ later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions
+ either of that version or of any later version published by the Free
+ Software Foundation.  If the Program does not specify a version number of
+ this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software
+ Foundation.
+   10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free
+ programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author
+ to ask for permission.  For software which is copyrighted by the Free
+ Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes
+ make exceptions for this.  Our decision will be guided by the two goals
+ of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and
+ of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally.
+ 			    NO WARRANTY
+ 	    How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs
+   If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest
+ possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it
+ free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms.
+   To do so, attach the following notices to the program.  It is safest
+ to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively
+ convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least
+ the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
+     <one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.>
+     Copyright (C) <year>  <name of author>
+     This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+     it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+     the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+     (at your option) any later version.
+     This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+     but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+     GNU General Public License for more details.
+     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+     along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+     Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+ Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
+ If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this
+ when it starts in an interactive mode:
+     Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) year  name of author
+     Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'.
+     This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
+     under certain conditions; type `show c' for details.
+ The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate
+ parts of the General Public License.  Of course, the commands you use may
+ be called something other than `show w' and `show c'; they could even be
+ mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your program.
+ You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your
+ school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if
+ necessary.  Here is a sample; alter the names:
+   Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program
+   `Gnomovision' (which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker.
+   <signature of Ty Coon>, 1 April 1989
+   Ty Coon, President of Vice
+ This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into
+ proprietary programs.  If your program is a subroutine library, you may
+ consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the
+ library.  If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Library General
+ Public License instead of this License.

Index: llvm/test/Programs/MultiSource/Applications/kimwitu++/Makefile
diff -c /dev/null llvm/test/Programs/MultiSource/Applications/kimwitu++/Makefile:1.1
*** /dev/null	Tue Apr  6 15:25:25 2004
--- llvm/test/Programs/MultiSource/Applications/kimwitu++/Makefile	Tue Apr  6 15:25:07 2004
*** 0 ****
--- 1,7 ----
+ LEVEL = ../../../../..
+ PROG = kc
+ LDFLAGS = -lstdc++
+ LIBS += -lstdc++
+ RUN_OPTIONS = -o -v $(BUILD_SRC_DIR)/inputs/rpn.k $(BUILD_SRC_DIR)/inputs/main.k $(BUILD_SRC_DIR)/inputs/abs.k
+ include ../../Makefile.multisrc

Index: llvm/test/Programs/MultiSource/Applications/kimwitu++/README
diff -c /dev/null llvm/test/Programs/MultiSource/Applications/kimwitu++/README:1.1
*** /dev/null	Tue Apr  6 15:25:25 2004
--- llvm/test/Programs/MultiSource/Applications/kimwitu++/README	Tue Apr  6 15:25:07 2004
*** 0 ****
--- 1,105 ----
+  =--------------
+  =
+  =  The Term Processor Kimwitu++
+  =
+  =--------------
+ Kimwitu++ is a system that supports the construction of programs that use
+ trees or terms as their main data structure.
+ For the Kimwitu++ web site (including newest version) have a look at
+ its homepage on http://site.informatik.hu-berlin.de/kimwitu++. 
+ Kimwitu++ is derived from Kimwitu 4.4, see http://purl.oclc.org/net/kimwitu.
+ How is this distribution structured?
+   Sources:
+ 	src/*
+ 	src/Gen.boot/*
+     The Term Processor was made using itself.
+     The src directory contains the `real' *.k (Kimwitu++ input) sources.
+     The src/Gen.boot directory contains the *.{h,cc} kc++-generated files
+     that you need to bootstrap it.
+     A src/Gen.* directory, where * is your target architecture, will be
+     created while kc++ is being made. It will contain (links to) the
+     kc-generated files used for boot-strapping, the compiled .o files
+     and the linked binary executable kc++.
+   Manual:
+ 	man/man/kc++.1
+     Tells you all you need to know to invoke kc++ (Kimwitu++).
+   Documentation:
+ 	doc/*
+     The documentation is not yet avaiable. You can use the documentation
+     for Kimwitu instead, using a short kc->kc++ transition guide.
+ How do I install Kimwitu?
+   Please refer to INSTALL.
+ Which architectures are supported?
+   Kimwitu++ just reads and writes text files, in principle it should run
+   on any architecture you can think of.
+   Development is done mainly on Solaris and GNU/Linux, these will be supported
+   best. Probably also Windows NT.
+ Do I need a running Kimwitu++ to install Kimwitu++?
+   No, you don't. src directory contains everything needed to bootstrap
+   Kimwitu++.
+ Why do you bother me with all this non-sense about bootstrapping and all?
+   If you ever need to apply a patch, you will need to know how to change
+   Kimwitu++, and you will need the `real' *.k sources of Kimwitu++, not the
+   generated *.{h,cc} stuff in src.
+ How do I make changes in Kimwitu++?
+   You don't want to. You ask us to change Kimwitu++ if you find anything that
+   needs to be changed.
+   But, if you need to change anything in the sources of Kimwitu++, you should
+   make your change in the src directory, *not* in the Gen.* directory, because
+   the contents of that directory will be overwritten during the making of the
+   new Kimwitu++.
+   Note that in this case you will *need* a running Kimwitu++ to build the new
+   one. After making your changes, execute `make' or `make s1' in the src
+   directory. If everything is ok, you will find a new binary src/Gen.*/kc++_s1.
+ Who should I contact if I find anything that needs to be changed?
+ (Or have other questions related to Kimwitu++.)
+   For original Kimwitu it is:
+     Axel Belinfante <belinfan at cs.utwente.nl> tel.  +31/53 4893774
+     You can contact me for any question related to Kimwitu.
+   For Kimwitu++, please contact:
+     Martin von Löwis <loewis at informatik.hu-berlin.de> or
+     Michael Piefel <piefel at informatik.hu-berlin.de>,
+     both from Humboldt-University, Berlin
+ What is the licence?
+   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the Licence, or
+   (at your option) any later version.
+   Please refer to the file GPL containing the GNU General Public License in
+   version 2. The terms of the licence allow the development of commercial
+   software with Kimwitu++.

Index: llvm/test/Programs/MultiSource/Applications/kimwitu++/abs.cc
diff -c /dev/null llvm/test/Programs/MultiSource/Applications/kimwitu++/abs.cc:1.1
*** /dev/null	Tue Apr  6 15:25:25 2004
--- llvm/test/Programs/MultiSource/Applications/kimwitu++/abs.cc	Tue Apr  6 15:25:07 2004
*** 0 ****
--- 1,54 ----
+ /* translation of file "abs.k" */
+ /* generated by:
+  *  @(#)$Author: criswell $
+  */
+ #define KC_FUNCTIONS_abs_
+ #include <stdlib.h>
+ #include "k.h"
+ #include "abs.h"
+ namespace kc { }
+ using namespace kc;
+ /* included stuff */
+ //
+ // The Termprocessor Kimwitu++
+ //
+ // Copyright (C) 1991 University of Twente, Dept TIOS.
+ // Copyright (C) 1998-2003 Humboldt-University of Berlin, Institute of Informatics
+ // All rights reserved.
+ //
+ // Kimwitu++ is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ // the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ // (at your option) any later version.
+ //
+ // Kimwitu++ is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ // GNU General Public License for more details.
+ //
+ // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ // along with Kimwitu++; if not, write to the Free Software
+ // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+ //
+ static char abs_kAccesSid[] = "@(#)$Id: abs.cc,v 1.1 2004/04/06 20:25:07 criswell Exp $";
+ /* end included stuff */
+ namespace kc {
+ #endif
+ impl_fileline_FileLine::impl_fileline_FileLine(casestring _file, int _line)
+ {
+     file = (_file!=0) ? _file : mkcasestring("");
+     line=_line;
+ }
+ } // namespace kc

Index: llvm/test/Programs/MultiSource/Applications/kimwitu++/abs.h
diff -c /dev/null llvm/test/Programs/MultiSource/Applications/kimwitu++/abs.h:1.1
*** /dev/null	Tue Apr  6 15:25:25 2004
--- llvm/test/Programs/MultiSource/Applications/kimwitu++/abs.h	Tue Apr  6 15:25:07 2004
*** 0 ****
--- 1,42 ----
+ /* translation of file "abs.k" */
+ /* generated by:
+  *  @(#)$Author: criswell $
+  */
+ #include "k.h"    /* in case a user forgets */
+ namespace kc { }
+ using namespace kc;
+ /* included stuff */
+ //
+ // The Termprocessor Kimwitu++
+ //
+ // Copyright (C) 1991 University of Twente, Dept TIOS.
+ // Copyright (C) 1998-2003 Humboldt-University of Berlin, Institute of Informatics
+ // All rights reserved.
+ //
+ // Kimwitu++ is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ // the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ // (at your option) any later version.
+ //
+ // Kimwitu++ is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ // GNU General Public License for more details.
+ //
+ // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ // along with Kimwitu++; if not, write to the Free Software
+ // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+ //
+ /* end included stuff */
+ namespace kc {
+ } // namespace kc
+ #endif // !  KC_FUNCTIONS_abs_HEADER

Index: llvm/test/Programs/MultiSource/Applications/kimwitu++/config.h
diff -c /dev/null llvm/test/Programs/MultiSource/Applications/kimwitu++/config.h:1.1
*** /dev/null	Tue Apr  6 15:25:25 2004
--- llvm/test/Programs/MultiSource/Applications/kimwitu++/config.h	Tue Apr  6 15:25:07 2004
*** 0 ****
--- 1,69 ----
+ /* src/config.h.  Generated by configure.  */
+ /* src/config.h.in.  Generated from configure.ac by autoheader.  */
+ /* Define to 1 if you don't have `vprintf' but do have `_doprnt.' */
+ #define HAVE_DOPRNT 1
+ /* Define to 1 if you have the <ext/hash_set> header file. */
+ #define HAVE_EXT_HASH_SET 1
+ /* Define to 1 if you have the <hash_set> header file. */
+ /* #undef HAVE_HASH_SET */
+ /* Define to 1 if you have the <inttypes.h> header file. */
+ #define HAVE_INTTYPES_H 1
+ /* Define to 1 if you have the <memory.h> header file. */
+ #define HAVE_MEMORY_H 1
+ /* Define to 1 if you have the <stdint.h> header file. */
+ #define HAVE_STDINT_H 1
+ /* Define to 1 if you have the <stdlib.h> header file. */
+ #define HAVE_STDLIB_H 1
+ /* Define to 1 if you have the <strings.h> header file. */
+ #define HAVE_STRINGS_H 1
+ /* Define to 1 if you have the <string.h> header file. */
+ #define HAVE_STRING_H 1
+ /* Define to 1 if you have the <sys/stat.h> header file. */
+ #define HAVE_SYS_STAT_H 1
+ /* Define to 1 if you have the <sys/types.h> header file. */
+ #define HAVE_SYS_TYPES_H 1
+ /* Define to 1 if you have the <unistd.h> header file. */
+ #define HAVE_UNISTD_H 1
+ /* Define to 1 if you have the `vprintf' function. */
+ #define HAVE_VPRINTF 1
+ /* Define if your Python's _tkinter is builtin */
+ /* #undef NEED_TKINTER */
+ /* Define to the address where bug reports for this package should be sent. */
+ #define PACKAGE_BUGREPORT "piefel at informatik.hu-berlin.de"
+ /* Define to the full name of this package. */
+ #define PACKAGE_NAME "Kimwitu++"
+ /* Define to the full name and version of this package. */
+ #define PACKAGE_STRING "Kimwitu++ 2.3.8"
+ /* Define to the one symbol short name of this package. */
+ #define PACKAGE_TARNAME "kimwitu++"
+ /* Define to the version of this package. */
+ #define PACKAGE_VERSION "2.3.8"
+ /* Define as the return type of signal handlers (`int' or `void'). */
+ #define RETSIGTYPE void
+ /* Define to 1 if you have the ANSI C header files. */
+ #define STDC_HEADERS 1
+ /* Define to 1 if `lex' declares `yytext' as a `char *' by default, not a
+    `char[]'. */
+ #define YYTEXT_POINTER 1

Index: llvm/test/Programs/MultiSource/Applications/kimwitu++/defs.h
diff -c /dev/null llvm/test/Programs/MultiSource/Applications/kimwitu++/defs.h:1.1
*** /dev/null	Tue Apr  6 15:25:25 2004
--- llvm/test/Programs/MultiSource/Applications/kimwitu++/defs.h	Tue Apr  6 15:25:07 2004
*** 0 ****
--- 1,11 ----
+ /* this file is automatically generated by 'make'; do not edit! */
+ #ifndef DEFS_H
+ # define  RCSMAKEID "@(#)$Id: defs.h,v 1.1 2004/04/06 20:25:07 criswell Exp $"
+ # define  KIMWITUCOPYRIGHT "@(#)$Author: criswell $"
+ # define  KC_USE_STAT
+ # define  KIMWITUVERSIONSTRING "2.3.8"
+ #endif /* DEFS_H */

Index: llvm/test/Programs/MultiSource/Applications/kimwitu++/defs.hh
diff -c /dev/null llvm/test/Programs/MultiSource/Applications/kimwitu++/defs.hh:1.1
*** /dev/null	Tue Apr  6 15:25:25 2004
--- llvm/test/Programs/MultiSource/Applications/kimwitu++/defs.hh	Tue Apr  6 15:25:07 2004
*** 0 ****
--- 1,11 ----
+ /* this file is automatically generated by 'make'; do not edit! */
+ #ifndef DEFS_H
+ # define  RCSMAKEID "@(#)$Id: defs.hh,v 1.1 2004/04/06 20:25:07 criswell Exp $"
+ # define  KIMWITUCOPYRIGHT "@(#)$Author: criswell $"
+ # define  KC_USE_STAT
+ # define  KIMWITUVERSIONSTRING "2.3.8"
+ #endif /* DEFS_H */

Index: llvm/test/Programs/MultiSource/Applications/kimwitu++/error.cc
diff -c /dev/null llvm/test/Programs/MultiSource/Applications/kimwitu++/error.cc:1.1
*** /dev/null	Tue Apr  6 15:25:26 2004
--- llvm/test/Programs/MultiSource/Applications/kimwitu++/error.cc	Tue Apr  6 15:25:10 2004
*** 0 ****
--- 1,427 ----
+ /* translation of file "error.k" */
+ /* generated by:
+  *  @(#)$Author: criswell $
+  */
+ #define KC_FUNCTIONS_error_
+ #include <stdlib.h>
+ #include "k.h"
+ #include "error.h"
+ namespace kc { }
+ using namespace kc;
+ /* included stuff */
+ //
+ // The Termprocessor Kimwitu++
+ //
+ // Copyright (C) 1991 University of Twente, Dept TIOS.
+ // Copyright (C) 1998-2003 Humboldt-University of Berlin, Institute of Informatics
+ // All rights reserved.
+ //
+ // Kimwitu++ is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ // the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ // (at your option) any later version.
+ //
+ // Kimwitu++ is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ // GNU General Public License for more details.
+ //
+ // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ // along with Kimwitu++; if not, write to the Free Software
+ // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+ //
+ static char error_kAccesSid[] = "@(#)$Id: error.cc,v 1.1 2004/04/06 20:25:10 criswell Exp $";
+ bool gp_no_fatal_problems;
+ #define QUOTEDBACKSLASH '\\'
+ # define KC_MAX_STRING_LEN 200
+ #endif /* !KC_MAX_STRING_LEN */
+ viewnameoption ug_viewnameopt;
+ int kc_filePrinter::indent_level = 4;
+ kc_filePrinter::kc_filePrinter(FILE* f):file(f)
+ {
+     lineno=0;
+     no_of_printed_string_chars=0;
+     doit=false;
+     lastChar='\n';
+     indent=0;
+     bs_cnt=0;
+     inString=false;
+     inChar=false;
+     inComment=false;
+     inCppComment=false;
+     spacePending=false;
+     beginOfLine = false;
+     keyword=0;
+     indentKeyword=false;
+     inPreProStmt=false;
+ }
+ kc_filePrinter v_stdout_printer(stdout);
+ kc_filePrinter v_hfile_printer;
+ kc_filePrinter v_ccfile_printer;
+ printer_functor_class v_null_printer;
+ bool kc_filePrinter::check_keyword(const char* s)
+ {
+     bool res=false;
+     if(inPreProStmt) { // just to ignore #if and #else
+ 	if(!isspace(*s))
+ 	    inPreProStmt=false;
+     }
+     else if(!keyword) {
+ 	if(*s=='#')
+ 	    inPreProStmt=true;
+ 	else if(*s=='i' || *s=='e' || *s=='d' || *s=='w') // 'if', 'else', 'do', 'while'
+ 	    keyword=s; // 'for' not supported yet
+     }
+     else if(!isalnum(*s) && *s!='_') { // end of identifier
+ 	ptrdiff_t length=s-keyword;
+ 	if(
+ 		(length==2 && strncmp(keyword,"if",length)==0) ||
+ 		(length==4 && strncmp(keyword,"else",length)==0) ||
+ 		(length==2 && strncmp(keyword,"do",length)==0) ||
+ 		(length==5 && strncmp(keyword,"while",length)==0))
+ 	    res=true; // keyword found
+ 	keyword=0;
+     }
+     return res;
+ }
+ void kc_filePrinter::operator()(const char *s, uview v)
+ {
+     char c;
+     assertCond(file != 0);
+     switch(v) {
+ 	case view_no_of_printed_string_chars_reset_enum:
+ 	no_of_printed_string_chars = 0;
+ 	break;
+ 	case view_printer_outputfileline_enum:
+ 	fprintf( file, "\n" ); lineno = lineno +1;
+ 	if(g_options.linedirec)
+ 	    fprintf( file, "%s %d \"%s%s\"\n", pg_line, lineno+1, g_options.dir_line.c_str(),filename.c_str() );
+ 	lineno = lineno +1;
+ 	lastChar='\n';
+ 	break;
+ 	default:
+ 	while((c=*s++)) {
+ 	    switch( c ) {
+ 		case '\0': return;
+ 		case '\n':
+ 		/* if (*s == QUOTEDBACKSLASH) s++; */
+ 		lineno = lineno +1;
+ 		beginOfLine = true;
+ 		default:
+ 		if (v == view_gen_unpstr_c) {
+ 		    if (no_of_printed_string_chars >= KC_MAX_STRING_LEN) {
+ 			if (doit) {
+ 			    fprintf( file, "\"), " );
+ 			    ug_viewnameopt->unparse( *this, view_gen_unparsedefs_other_c );
+ 			    fprintf( file, " );\n		  kc_printer(kc_t(\"" );
+ 			    lineno = lineno +1;
+ 			    no_of_printed_string_chars = 0;
+ 			    doit = false;
+ 			} else {
+ 			    switch( c ) {
+ 				case '\\':
+ 				case '\n':
+ 				break;
+ 				default:
+ 				doit = true;
+ 			    }
+ 			}
+ 		    }
+ 		    no_of_printed_string_chars = no_of_printed_string_chars +1;
+ 		} else if (v == view_filename) {
+ 		    /* duplicate (= escape) backslashes in file names.
+ 		     * we do this to help those that work on windows etc.
+ 		     */
+ 		    if (c == QUOTEDBACKSLASH) { /* we have to quote it! */
+ 			putc( c, file );
+ 		    }
+ 		}
+ 		if(inString) {
+ 		    if(c=='"' && bs_cnt%2==0)
+ 			inString=false;
+ 		    putc( c, file );
+ 		    lastChar=c;
+ 		}
+ 		else if(inChar) {
+ 		    if(c=='\'' && bs_cnt%2==0)
+ 			inChar=false;
+ 		    putc( c, file );
+ 		    lastChar=c;
+ 		}
+ 		else if(inComment) {
+ 		    if(c=='/' && lastChar=='*')
+ 			inComment=false; /* C comments */
+ 		    switch(c) {
+ 			case '\v': case '\r': case '\b': break;
+ 			default:
+ 			putc( c, file );
+ 			lastChar=c;
+ 		    }
+ 		}
+ 		else if(inCppComment) {
+ 		    if(c=='\n')
+ 			inCppComment=false; /* C++ comments */
+ 		    switch(c) {
+ 			case '\v': case '\r': case '\b': break;
+ 			default:
+ 			putc( c, file );
+ 			lastChar=c;
+ 		    }
+ 		}
+ 		else {
+ 		    int indent_offset=0;
+ 		    if(!indentKeyword) {
+ 			indentKeyword=check_keyword(s-1);
+ 			if(indentKeyword)
+ 			    ++indent;
+ 		    }
+ 		    switch(c) {
+ 			case ';':
+ 			if(indentKeyword) {
+ 			    --indent;
+ 			    indentKeyword=false;
+ 			}
+ 			goto default_case;
+ 			case '{':
+ 			if(indentKeyword) {
+ 			    --indent;
+ 			    indentKeyword=false;
+ 			}
+ 			// no break
+ 			case '(':
+ 			indent_offset=1;
+ 			goto default_case;
+ 			case '\v':
+ 			++indent;
+ 			break;
+ 			case '}':
+ 			case ')':
+ 			if(indent) --indent;
+ 			goto default_case;
+ 			case '\r':
+ 			if(indent) --indent;
+ 			break;
+ 			case '\b':
+ 			lastChar=c;
+ 			break;
+ 			case ' ':
+ 			case '\t':
+ 			if(lastChar=='\b' || !beginOfLine)
+ 			    goto default_case;
+ 			if(isspace(lastChar))
+ 			    break;
+ 			if(isalnum(lastChar) || lastChar=='_' || lastChar=='"' || lastChar=='\'' || lastChar==')' || lastChar=='}') {
+ 			    if(isalnum(*(s+1))|| *(s+1)=='_'|| *(s+1)=='"' || *(s+1)=='\'') {
+ 				c=' ';
+ 				goto default_case;
+ 			    }
+ 			    spacePending=true;
+ 			}
+ 			break;
+ 			default:
+ 			default_case:
+ 			if(lastChar=='\n' && c!='\n' && c!='#') {
+ 			    for(int i=indent*indent_level;i>0;)
+ 			    if(i>=8) {
+ 				putc('\t',file);
+ 				i-=8;
+ 			    } else {
+ 				for(int k=0;k<i;k++)
+ 				putc(' ',file);
+ 				i=0;
+ 			    }
+ 			}
+ 			if(!isspace(c))
+ 			    beginOfLine = false;
+ 			if(c=='"' && bs_cnt%2==0)
+ 			    inString=true;
+ 			else if(c=='\'' && bs_cnt%2==0)
+ 			    inChar=true;
+ 			else if(c=='/' && lastChar=='/')
+ 			    inCppComment=true; /* C++ comments */
+ 			else if(c=='*' && lastChar=='/')
+ 			    inComment=true; /* C comments */
+ 			if(spacePending) {
+ 			    if(isalnum(c)|| c=='_' || c=='"' || c=='\'')
+ 				putc( ' ', file );
+ 			    spacePending=false;
+ 			}
+ 			putc( c, file );
+ 			lastChar=c;
+ 			indent+=indent_offset;
+ 		    }
+ 		}
+ 		if(c=='\\')
+ 		    ++bs_cnt;
+ 		else
+ 		    bs_cnt=0;
+ 	    }
+ 	}
+ 	keyword=0; // no keyword check between different strings
+     }
+ }
+ void kc_filePrinter::init(const char *name, const char *mode, const string &_filename)
+ {
+     file=fopen(name, mode);
+     if (file==0) v_report( Fatal( NoFileLine(), Problem4S( "cannot create temporary ", _filename.c_str(), " file:", name )));
+     lineno = 1;
+     filename = _filename;
+     lastChar='\n';
+     indent=0;
+     inString=false;
+     inComment=false;
+     inCppComment=false;
+     spacePending=false;
+     beginOfLine=false;
+ }
+ /* end included stuff */
+ namespace kc {
+ #endif
+ static  void v_stderr_printer (const char *s, uview v);
+ problem Problem1S(const char *s1)
+ {
+     return Problem1( mkcasestring( s1 ));
+ }
+ problem Problem1S1we(const char *s1, withexpression we)
+ {
+     return Problem1we( mkcasestring( s1 ), we );
+ }
+ problem Problem1S1ID(const char *s1, ID id)
+ {
+     return Problem1ID( mkcasestring( s1 ), id );
+ }
+ problem Problem1S1tID(const char *s1, ID id)
+ {
+     return Problem1tID( mkcasestring( s1 ), id );
+ }
+ problem Problem1S1ID1S1ID(const char *s1, ID id1, const char *s2, ID id2)
+ {
+     return Problem1ID1ID( mkcasestring( s1 ), id1, mkcasestring( s2 ), id2 );
+ }
+ problem Problem1S1t1S1ID(const char *s1, IDtype id1, const char *s2, ID id2)
+ {
+     return Problem1t1ID( mkcasestring( s1 ), id1, mkcasestring( s2 ), id2 );
+ }
+ problem Problem1S1INT(const char *s1, INT i1)
+ {
+     return Problem1INT( mkcasestring( s1 ), i1 );
+ }
+ problem Problem1S1int1S(const char *s1, int i1, const char *s2)
+ {
+     return Problem1int1( mkcasestring( s1 ), mkinteger(i1), mkcasestring( s2 ) );
+ }
+ problem Problem1S1INT1S1ID(const char *s1, INT i1, const char *s2, ID id2)
+ {
+     return Problem1INT1ID( mkcasestring( s1 ), i1, mkcasestring( s2 ), id2 );
+ }
+ problem Problem1S1ID1S1ID1S1ID(const char *s1, ID id1, const char *s2, ID id2, const char *s3, ID id3)
+ {
+     return Problem1ID1ID1ID( mkcasestring( s1 ), id1, mkcasestring( s2 ), id2, mkcasestring( s3 ), id3 );
+ }
+ problem Problem1S1INT1S1ID1S1ID(const char *s1, INT i1, const char *s2, ID id2, const char *s3, ID id3)
+ {
+     return Problem1INT1ID1ID( mkcasestring( s1 ), i1, mkcasestring( s2 ), id2, mkcasestring( s3 ), id3 );
+ }
+ problem Problem1S1storageoption1S1ID(const char *s1, storageoption so, const char *s2, ID id)
+ {
+     return Problem1storageoption1ID( mkcasestring( s1 ), so, mkcasestring( s2 ), id );
+ }
+ problem Problem2S(const char *s1, const char *s2)
+ {
+     return Problem2( mkcasestring( s1 ), mkcasestring( s2 ));
+ }
+ problem ProblemSC(const char *s1, casestring s2)
+ {
+     return Problem2( mkcasestring( s1 ), s2 );
+ }
+ problem Problem3S(const char *s1, const char *s2, const char *s3)
+ {
+     return Problem3( mkcasestring( s1 ), mkcasestring( s2 ), mkcasestring( s3 ));
+ }
+ problem Problem4S(const char *s1, const char *s2, const char *s3, const char *s4)
+ {
+     return Problem4( mkcasestring( s1 ), mkcasestring( s2 ), mkcasestring( s3 ), mkcasestring( s4 ) );
+ }
+ problem Problem3S1int1S(const char *s1, const char *s2, const char *s3, int i1, const char *s4)
+ {
+     return Problem3int1( mkcasestring( s1 ), mkcasestring( s2 ), mkcasestring( s3 ), mkinteger(i1), mkcasestring( s4 ) );
+ }
+ void v_report(error e)
+ {
+     if(g_options.msg_format.length()) {
+ 	view_error_format_class v(g_options.msg_format);
+ 	e->unparse( v_stderr_printer, v );
+     }
+     else
+     e->unparse( v_stderr_printer, view_error );
+ }
+ static  void v_stderr_printer(const char *s, uview v)
+ {
+     fflush( stdout );
+     fprintf( stderr, "%s", s );
+     fflush( stderr );
+ }
+ } // namespace kc

Index: llvm/test/Programs/MultiSource/Applications/kimwitu++/error.h
diff -c /dev/null llvm/test/Programs/MultiSource/Applications/kimwitu++/error.h:1.1
*** /dev/null	Tue Apr  6 15:25:26 2004
--- llvm/test/Programs/MultiSource/Applications/kimwitu++/error.h	Tue Apr  6 15:25:10 2004
*** 0 ****
--- 1,163 ----
+ /* translation of file "error.k" */
+ /* generated by:
+  *  @(#)$Author: criswell $
+  */
+ #ifndef KC_FUNCTIONS_error_HEADER
+ #define KC_FUNCTIONS_error_HEADER
+ #include "k.h"    /* in case a user forgets */
+ namespace kc { }
+ using namespace kc;
+ /* included stuff */
+ //
+ // The Termprocessor Kimwitu++
+ //
+ // Copyright (C) 1991 University of Twente, Dept TIOS.
+ // Copyright (C) 1998-2003 Humboldt-University of Berlin, Institute of Informatics
+ // All rights reserved.
+ //
+ // Kimwitu++ is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ // the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ // (at your option) any later version.
+ //
+ // Kimwitu++ is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ // GNU General Public License for more details.
+ //
+ // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ // along with Kimwitu++; if not, write to the Free Software
+ // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+ //
+ #include "unpk.h" /* for the definition of uview and printer_functor_class */
+ extern bool gp_no_fatal_problems;
+ #include <cctype>
+ #include <string>
+ using std::string;
+ // Cater for broken compilers (eg. MacOS gcc)
+ #ifndef isalpha
+ using std::isalpha;
+ using std::isalnum;
+ #endif
+ #include <unistd.h>
+ namespace kc {
+     class view_error_format_class : public view_error_format_baseclass {
+ 	public:
+ 	view_error_format_class(const std::string& fmt): msg(fmt) { }
+ 	void program(const char* p) { replace("%p",p); }
+ 	void file(const char* f) { replace("%f",f); }
+ 	void line(INTEGER l) {
+ 	    char buf[30];
+ 	    sprintf(buf,"%d",l);
+ 	    replace("%l",buf);
+ 	}
+ 	void column(INTEGER c) {
+ 	    char buf[30];
+ 	    sprintf(buf,"%d",c);
+ 	    replace("%c",buf);
+ 	}
+ 	void severity(const char* s) { replace("%s",s); }
+ 	const char* get_msg() {
+ 	    // discard unused patterns
+ 	    program("");
+ 	    file("");
+ 	    replace("%l","");
+ 	    replace("%c","");
+ 	    char* buf;
+ 	    replace("%d",buf=getcwd(NULL,0)); // current directory
+ 	    free(buf);
+ 	    severity("");
+ 	    return msg.c_str();
+ 	}
+ 	void replace(const char* s1, const char* s2) {
+ 	    std::string::size_type pos;
+ 	    while((pos=msg.find(s1)) != std::string::npos) {
+ 		msg.replace(pos,strlen(s1),s2);
+ 	    }
+ 	}
+ 	private:
+ 	std::string msg;
+     };
+ }
+ class kc_filePrinter : public printer_functor_class {
+     public:
+     kc_filePrinter(FILE *f=0);
+     virtual void operator()(const char* s, uview v);
+     int fclose()
+     {
+ 	int temp=0;
+ 	if (file)
+ 	    temp=::fclose(file);
+ 	file=0;
+ 	return temp;
+     }
+     void init(const char *name, const char *mode, const string &type);
+     bool check_keyword(const char*);
+     FILE *destination() { return file; }
+     private:
+     FILE *file;
+     int lineno;
+     string filename;
+     int no_of_printed_string_chars; /* to split long double-quoted strings */
+     bool doit;
+     char lastChar;
+     int indent;
+     int bs_cnt;
+     bool inString;
+     bool inChar;
+     bool inComment;
+     bool inCppComment;
+     bool spacePending;
+     bool beginOfLine;
+     const char* keyword;
+     bool indentKeyword;
+     bool inPreProStmt;
+     static int indent_level;
+ };
+ extern kc_filePrinter v_stdout_printer;
+ extern kc_filePrinter v_hfile_printer;
+ extern kc_filePrinter v_ccfile_printer;
+ extern printer_functor_class v_null_printer;
+ /* end included stuff */
+ namespace kc {
+ problem Problem1S (const char *s1);
+ problem Problem1S1we (const char *s1, withexpression we);
+ problem Problem1S1ID (const char *s1, ID id);
+ problem Problem1S1tID (const char *s1, ID id);
+ problem Problem1S1ID1S1ID (const char *s1, ID id1, const char *s2, ID id2);
+ problem Problem1S1t1S1ID (const char *s1, IDtype id1, const char *s2, ID id2);
+ problem Problem1S1INT (const char *s1, INT i1);
+ problem Problem1S1int1S (const char *s1, int i1, const char *s2);
+ problem Problem1S1INT1S1ID (const char *s1, INT i1, const char *s2, ID id2);
+ problem Problem1S1ID1S1ID1S1ID (const char *s1, ID id1, const char *s2, ID id2, const char *s3, ID id3);
+ problem Problem1S1INT1S1ID1S1ID (const char *s1, INT i1, const char *s2, ID id2, const char *s3, ID id3);
+ problem Problem1S1storageoption1S1ID (const char *s1, storageoption so, const char *s2, ID id);
+ problem Problem2S (const char *s1, const char *s2);
+ problem ProblemSC (const char *s1, casestring s2);
+ problem Problem3S (const char *s1, const char *s2, const char *s3);
+ problem Problem4S (const char *s1, const char *s2, const char *s3, const char *s4);
+ problem Problem3S1int1S (const char *s1, const char *s2, const char *s3, int i1, const char *s4);
+ void v_report (error e);
+ } // namespace kc
+ #endif // !  KC_FUNCTIONS_error_HEADER

Index: llvm/test/Programs/MultiSource/Applications/kimwitu++/gen.cc
diff -c /dev/null llvm/test/Programs/MultiSource/Applications/kimwitu++/gen.cc:1.1
*** /dev/null	Tue Apr  6 15:25:26 2004
--- llvm/test/Programs/MultiSource/Applications/kimwitu++/gen.cc	Tue Apr  6 15:25:11 2004
*** 0 ****
--- 1,189 ----
+ /* translation of file "gen.k" */
+ /* generated by:
+  *  @(#)$Author: criswell $
+  */
+ #define KC_FUNCTIONS_gen_
+ #include <stdlib.h>
+ #include "k.h"
+ #include "gen.h"
+ namespace kc { }
+ using namespace kc;
+ /* included stuff */
+ //
+ // The Termprocessor Kimwitu++
+ //
+ // Copyright (C) 1991 University of Twente, Dept TIOS.
+ // Copyright (C) 1998-2003 Humboldt-University of Berlin, Institute of Informatics
+ // All rights reserved.
+ //
+ // Kimwitu++ is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ // the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ // (at your option) any later version.
+ //
+ // Kimwitu++ is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ // GNU General Public License for more details.
+ //
+ // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ // along with Kimwitu++; if not, write to the Free Software
+ // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+ //
+ static char gen_kAccesSid[] = "@(#)$Id: gen.cc,v 1.1 2004/04/06 20:25:11 criswell Exp $";
+ /* end included stuff */
+ namespace kc {
+ #endif
+ enum_operators f_selofoperator(ID oid)
+ {
+     int kc_i, kc_end = one_before_first_operator;
+     kc_i=kc_end;
+     {
+ 	phylumdeclarations kc_fe_selvar_1 =  Thephylumdeclarations ;
+ 	while(
+ 		kc_fe_selvar_1->prod_sel() == sel_Consphylumdeclarations
+ 	    ) {
+ 	    phylumdeclaration kc_selvar_0_1 = kc_fe_selvar_1->phylumdeclaration_1;
+ 	    {
+ 		{
+ 		    {
+ 			const phylumdeclaration p = kc_selvar_0_1;
+ 			{
+ 			    phylumdeclaration kc_selvar_1_1 = phylum_cast<phylumdeclaration>(p);
+ 			    if ((kc_selvar_1_1->prod_sel() == sel_PhylumDeclaration) && (phylum_cast<const impl_phylumdeclaration_PhylumDeclaration*>(kc_selvar_1_1)->productionblock_1->prod_sel() == sel_ListAlternatives)) {
+ 				const alternatives alts = phylum_cast<const impl_productionblock_ListAlternatives*>(phylum_cast<const impl_phylumdeclaration_PhylumDeclaration*>(kc_selvar_1_1)->productionblock_1)->alternatives_1;
+ 				{
+ 				    alternatives kc_fe_selvar_1 =  alts ;
+ 				    while(
+ 					    kc_fe_selvar_1->prod_sel() == sel_Consalternatives
+ 					) {
+ 					alternative kc_selvar_2_1 = kc_fe_selvar_1->alternative_1;
+ 					{
+ 					    {
+ 						if ((kc_selvar_2_1->prod_sel() == sel_Alternative)) {
+ 						    const ID id = phylum_cast<const impl_alternative_Alternative*>(kc_selvar_2_1)->ID_1;
+ 						    kc_end++;
+ 						    if (oid->eq(id)) kc_i=kc_end;
+ 						} else
+ 						{/* EMPTY */ /*skip: no matching pattern in foreach patterns*/}
+ 					    }
+ 					}
+ 					kc_fe_selvar_1 = kc_fe_selvar_1->alternatives_1;
+ 				    }
+ 				}
+ 			    } else
+ 				if ((kc_selvar_1_1->prod_sel() == sel_PhylumDeclaration) && (phylum_cast<const impl_phylumdeclaration_PhylumDeclaration*>(kc_selvar_1_1)->productionblock_1->prod_sel() == sel_NonlistAlternatives)) {
+ 				const alternatives alts = phylum_cast<const impl_productionblock_NonlistAlternatives*>(phylum_cast<const impl_phylumdeclaration_PhylumDeclaration*>(kc_selvar_1_1)->productionblock_1)->alternatives_1;
+ 				{
+ 				    alternatives kc_fe_selvar_1 =  alts ;
+ 				    while(
+ 					    kc_fe_selvar_1->prod_sel() == sel_Consalternatives
+ 					) {
+ 					alternative kc_selvar_2_1 = kc_fe_selvar_1->alternative_1;
+ 					{
+ 					    {
+ 						if ((kc_selvar_2_1->prod_sel() == sel_Alternative)) {
+ 						    const ID id = phylum_cast<const impl_alternative_Alternative*>(kc_selvar_2_1)->ID_1;
+ 						    kc_end++;
+ 						    if (oid->eq(id)) kc_i=kc_end;
+ 						} else
+ 						{/* EMPTY */ /*skip: no matching pattern in foreach patterns*/}
+ 					    }
+ 					}
+ 					kc_fe_selvar_1 = kc_fe_selvar_1->alternatives_1;
+ 				    }
+ 				}
+ 			    } else
+ 				if ((kc_selvar_1_1->prod_sel() == sel_PhylumDeclaration) && (phylum_cast<const impl_phylumdeclaration_PhylumDeclaration*>(kc_selvar_1_1)->productionblock_1->prod_sel() == sel_PredefinedAlternatives)) {
+ 				const alternatives alts = phylum_cast<const impl_productionblock_PredefinedAlternatives*>(phylum_cast<const impl_phylumdeclaration_PhylumDeclaration*>(kc_selvar_1_1)->productionblock_1)->alternatives_1;
+ 				{
+ 				    alternatives kc_fe_selvar_1 =  alts ;
+ 				    while(
+ 					    kc_fe_selvar_1->prod_sel() == sel_Consalternatives
+ 					) {
+ 					alternative kc_selvar_2_1 = kc_fe_selvar_1->alternative_1;
+ 					{
+ 					    {
+ 						if ((kc_selvar_2_1->prod_sel() == sel_Alternative)) {
+ 						    const ID id = phylum_cast<const impl_alternative_Alternative*>(kc_selvar_2_1)->ID_1;
+ 						    kc_end++;
+ 						    if (oid->eq(id)) kc_i=kc_end;
+ 						} else
+ 						{/* EMPTY */ /*skip: no matching pattern in foreach patterns*/}
+ 					    }
+ 					}
+ 					kc_fe_selvar_1 = kc_fe_selvar_1->alternatives_1;
+ 				    }
+ 				}
+ 			    } else
+ 			    { kc_no_default_in_with( "f_selofoperator", __LINE__, __FILE__ );
+ 				return static_cast<enum_operators>(0); }
+ 			}
+ 		    }
+ 		}
+ 	    }
+ 	    kc_fe_selvar_1 = kc_fe_selvar_1->phylumdeclarations_1;
+ 	}
+     }
+     return static_cast<enum_operators>(kc_end-kc_i+1);
+ }
+ void freespineandelements(unparseviewsinfo a_unparseviewsinfo)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum kc_p = a_unparseviewsinfo;
+     while(kc_p) {
+ 	if (kc_p->subphylum(0)) kc_p->subphylum(0)->free(false);
+ 	kc_p = kc_p->subphylum(1);
+     };
+     a_unparseviewsinfo->freelist();
+ }
+ void freespineandelements(rewriteviewsinfo a_rewriteviewsinfo)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum kc_p = a_rewriteviewsinfo;
+     while(kc_p) {
+ 	if (kc_p->subphylum(0)) kc_p->subphylum(0)->free(false);
+ 	kc_p = kc_p->subphylum(1);
+     };
+     a_rewriteviewsinfo->freelist();
+ }
+ } // namespace kc

Index: llvm/test/Programs/MultiSource/Applications/kimwitu++/gen.h
diff -c /dev/null llvm/test/Programs/MultiSource/Applications/kimwitu++/gen.h:1.1
*** /dev/null	Tue Apr  6 15:25:26 2004
--- llvm/test/Programs/MultiSource/Applications/kimwitu++/gen.h	Tue Apr  6 15:25:11 2004
*** 0 ****
--- 1,18 ----
+ /* translation of file "gen.k" */
+ /* generated by:
+  *  @(#)$Author: criswell $
+  */
+ #include "k.h"    /* in case a user forgets */
+ namespace kc {
+ enum_operators f_selofoperator (ID oid);
+ void freespineandelements (unparseviewsinfo a_unparseviewsinfo);
+ void freespineandelements (rewriteviewsinfo a_rewriteviewsinfo);
+ } // namespace kc
+ #endif // !  KC_FUNCTIONS_gen_HEADER

Index: llvm/test/Programs/MultiSource/Applications/kimwitu++/getopt.h
diff -c /dev/null llvm/test/Programs/MultiSource/Applications/kimwitu++/getopt.h:1.1
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--- llvm/test/Programs/MultiSource/Applications/kimwitu++/getopt.h	Tue Apr  6 15:25:11 2004
*** 0 ****
--- 1,182 ----
+ /* Declarations for getopt.
+    Copyright (C) 1989-1994, 1996-1999, 2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+    This file is part of the GNU C Library.
+    The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+    modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+    License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+    version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+    The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+    Lesser General Public License for more details.
+    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+    License along with the GNU C Library; if not, write to the Free
+    Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
+    02111-1307 USA.  */
+ /* $Id: getopt.h,v 1.1 2004/04/06 20:25:11 criswell Exp $
+  * Modified for kimwitu++ */
+ #ifndef _GETOPT_H
+ #ifndef __need_getopt
+ # define _GETOPT_H 1
+ #endif
+ /* If __GNU_LIBRARY__ is not already defined, either we are being used
+    standalone, or this is the first header included in the source file.
+    If we are being used with glibc, we need to include <features.h>, but
+    that does not exist if we are standalone.  So: if __GNU_LIBRARY__ is
+    not defined, include <ctype.h>, which will pull in <features.h> for us
+    if it's from glibc.  (Why ctype.h?  It's guaranteed to exist and it
+    doesn't flood the namespace with stuff the way some other headers do.)  */
+ #if !defined __GNU_LIBRARY__
+ # include <ctype.h>
+ #endif
+ #ifdef	__cplusplus
+ extern "C" {
+ #endif
+ /* For communication from `getopt' to the caller.
+    When `getopt' finds an option that takes an argument,
+    the argument value is returned here.
+    Also, when `ordering' is RETURN_IN_ORDER,
+    each non-option ARGV-element is returned here.  */
+ extern char *optarg;
+ /* Index in ARGV of the next element to be scanned.
+    This is used for communication to and from the caller
+    and for communication between successive calls to `getopt'.
+    On entry to `getopt', zero means this is the first call; initialize.
+    When `getopt' returns -1, this is the index of the first of the
+    non-option elements that the caller should itself scan.
+    Otherwise, `optind' communicates from one call to the next
+    how much of ARGV has been scanned so far.  */
+ extern int optind;
+ /* Callers store zero here to inhibit the error message `getopt' prints
+    for unrecognized options.  */
+ extern int opterr;
+ /* Set to an option character which was unrecognized.  */
+ extern int optopt;
+ #ifndef __need_getopt
+ /* Describe the long-named options requested by the application.
+    The LONG_OPTIONS argument to getopt_long or getopt_long_only is a vector
+    of `struct option' terminated by an element containing a name which is
+    zero.
+    The field `has_arg' is:
+    no_argument		(or 0) if the option does not take an argument,
+    required_argument	(or 1) if the option requires an argument,
+    optional_argument	(or 2) if the option takes an optional argument.
+    If the field `flag' is not NULL, it points to a variable that is set
+    to the value given in the field `val' when the option is found, but
+    left unchanged if the option is not found.
+    To have a long-named option do something other than set an `int' to
+    a compiled-in constant, such as set a value from `optarg', set the
+    option's `flag' field to zero and its `val' field to a nonzero
+    value (the equivalent single-letter option character, if there is
+    one).  For long options that have a zero `flag' field, `getopt'
+    returns the contents of the `val' field.  */
+ struct option
+ {
+ # if (defined __STDC__ && __STDC__) || defined __cplusplus
+   const char *name;
+ # else
+   char *name;
+ # endif
+   /* has_arg can't be an enum because some compilers complain about
+      type mismatches in all the code that assumes it is an int.  */
+   int has_arg;
+   int *flag;
+   int val;
+ };
+ /* Names for the values of the `has_arg' field of `struct option'.  */
+ # define no_argument		0
+ # define required_argument	1
+ # define optional_argument	2
+ #endif	/* need getopt */
+ /* Get definitions and prototypes for functions to process the
+    arguments in ARGV (ARGC of them, minus the program name) for
+    options given in OPTS.
+    Return the option character from OPTS just read.  Return -1 when
+    there are no more options.  For unrecognized options, or options
+    missing arguments, `optopt' is set to the option letter, and '?' is
+    returned.
+    The OPTS string is a list of characters which are recognized option
+    letters, optionally followed by colons, specifying that that letter
+    takes an argument, to be placed in `optarg'.
+    If a letter in OPTS is followed by two colons, its argument is
+    optional.  This behavior is specific to the GNU `getopt'.
+    The argument `--' causes premature termination of argument
+    scanning, explicitly telling `getopt' that there are no more
+    options.
+    If OPTS begins with `--', then non-option arguments are treated as
+    arguments to the option '\0'.  This behavior is specific to the GNU
+    `getopt'.  */
+ #if (defined __STDC__ && __STDC__) || defined __cplusplus
+ # ifdef __GNU_LIBRARY__
+ /* Many other libraries have conflicting prototypes for getopt, with
+    differences in the consts, in stdlib.h.  To avoid compilation
+    errors, only prototype getopt for the GNU C library.  */
+ /* extern int getopt (int argc, char *const *argv, const char *__shortopts); */
+ # else /* not __GNU_LIBRARY__ */
+ /* extern int getopt (); */
+ # endif /* __GNU_LIBRARY__ */
+ # ifndef __need_getopt
+ extern int getopt_long (int argc, char *const *argv, const char *__shortopts,
+ 		        const struct option *__longopts, int *__longind);
+ extern int getopt_long_only (int argc, char *const *argv,
+ 			     const char *__shortopts,
+ 		             const struct option *__longopts, int *__longind);
+ /* Internal only.  Users should not call this directly.  */
+ extern int _getopt_internal (int argc, char *const *argv,
+ 			     const char *__shortopts,
+ 		             const struct option *__longopts, int *__longind,
+ 			     int __long_only);
+ # endif
+ #else /* not __STDC__ */
+ extern int getopt ();
+ # ifndef __need_getopt
+ extern int getopt_long ();
+ extern int getopt_long_only ();
+ extern int _getopt_internal ();
+ # endif
+ #endif /* __STDC__ */
+ #ifdef	__cplusplus
+ }
+ #endif
+ /* Make sure we later can get all the definitions and declarations.  */
+ #undef __need_getopt
+ #endif /* getopt.h */

Index: llvm/test/Programs/MultiSource/Applications/kimwitu++/gutil.cc
diff -c /dev/null llvm/test/Programs/MultiSource/Applications/kimwitu++/gutil.cc:1.1
*** /dev/null	Tue Apr  6 15:25:26 2004
--- llvm/test/Programs/MultiSource/Applications/kimwitu++/gutil.cc	Tue Apr  6 15:25:11 2004
*** 0 ****
--- 1,1204 ----
+ /* translation of file "gutil.k" */
+ /* generated by:
+  *  @(#)$Author: criswell $
+  */
+ #define KC_FUNCTIONS_gutil_
+ #include <stdlib.h>
+ #include "k.h"
+ #include "gutil.h"
+ namespace kc { }
+ using namespace kc;
+ /* included stuff */
+ //
+ // The Termprocessor Kimwitu++
+ //
+ // Copyright (C) 1991 University of Twente, Dept TIOS.
+ // Copyright (C) 1998-2003 Humboldt-University of Berlin, Institute of Informatics
+ // All rights reserved.
+ //
+ // Kimwitu++ is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ // the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ // (at your option) any later version.
+ //
+ // Kimwitu++ is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ // GNU General Public License for more details.
+ //
+ // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ // along with Kimwitu++; if not, write to the Free Software
+ // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+ //
+ static char gutil_kAccesSid[] = "@(#)$Id: gutil.cc,v 1.1 2004/04/06 20:25:11 criswell Exp $";
+ /* string(s) stuff */
+ #include <string.h>
+ #include <ctype.h>
+ phylumdeclaration The_abstract_phylum_decl;
+ phylumdeclaration The_abstract_phylum_ref_decl;
+ phylumdeclaration The_abstract_list_decl;
+ #include "util.h"
+ #include "parse.h"
+ #include "unpk.h"
+ #include <ctype.h>
+ static ID global_filterview; /* to be used by filteronview */
+ #include "rk.h"		/* for the rewrite_withcasesinfo call below */
+ /* end included stuff */
+ namespace kc {
+ #endif
+ static  bool f_attributes_to_initialize (attributes attr);
+ static  bool f_constructors_in_members (fndeclarations dcl);
+ static  bool f_destructors_in_members (fndeclarations dcl);
+ static  bool f_post_create_in_members (fndeclarations dcl);
+ static  bool f_rewrite_in_members (fndeclarations dcl);
+ static  ac_parameter_declaration lookup_and_create_ac_parameter_declaration (ID a_fnarg, ac_declaration_list C_vardecls);
+ static  bool filterrewriteruleinfoonview (rewriteruleinfo a_rewriteruleinfo);
+ static  bool filterunparsedeclinfoonview (unparsedeclinfo a_unparsedeclinfo);
+ static  bool is_viewname_in_rewriteruleinfo (ID a_view, rewriteruleinfo a_rewriteruleinfo);
+ static  bool is_viewname_in_unparsedeclinfo (ID a_view, unparsedeclinfo a_unparsedeclinfo);
+ static  bool is_viewname_in_viewnames (ID a_view, viewnames a_viewnames);
+ static  ID f_operatorofelem_patternrepresentation (elem_patternrepresentation a_elem_patternrepresentation);
+ static  ID f_operatorofpaths (paths a_paths);
+ static  ID f_operatorofpath (path a_path);
+ static  elem_patternrepresentation f_outmost_nl_preds_in_patternrepresentation (patternrepresentation p);
+ static  bool f_outmost_nl_preds_in_elem_patternrepresentation (elem_patternrepresentation e_p);
+ static  bool f_outmost_nl_preds_in_paths (paths p);
+ bool f_something_to_initialize(Ccode_option cco)
+ {
+     {
+ 	Ccode_option kc_selvar_0_1 = phylum_cast<Ccode_option>( cco );
+ 	if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_CcodeOption)) {
+ 	    const attributes attr = phylum_cast<const impl_Ccode_option_CcodeOption*>(kc_selvar_0_1)->attributes_1;
+ 	    const Ctexts ct = phylum_cast<const impl_Ccode_option_CcodeOption*>(kc_selvar_0_1)->Ctexts_1;
+ 	    return (f_attributes_to_initialize( attr ) || (! f_NilCtexts( ct )));
+ 	} else
+ 	{ kc_no_default_in_with( "f_something_to_initialize", __LINE__, __FILE__ );
+ 	    return static_cast<bool>(0); }
+     }
+ }
+ bool f_something_to_initialize(alternative a)
+ {
+     return false;
+ }
+ bool f_NilCtexts(Ctexts c)
+ {
+     {
+ 	Ctexts kc_selvar_0_1 = phylum_cast<Ctexts>( c );
+ 	if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_ConsCtexts)) {
+ 	    return false; 
+ 	    	} else
+ 	    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_NilCtexts)) {
+ 	    return true; 
+ 	    	} else
+ 	{ kc_no_default_in_with( "f_NilCtexts", __LINE__, __FILE__ );
+ 	    return static_cast<bool>(0); }
+     }
+ }
+ static  bool f_attributes_to_initialize(attributes attr)
+ {
+     {
+ 	attributes kc_fe_selvar_1 =  attr ;
+ 	while(
+ 		kc_fe_selvar_1->prod_sel() == sel_Consattributes
+ 	    ) {
+ 	    attribute kc_selvar_0_1 = kc_fe_selvar_1->attribute_1;
+ 	    {
+ 		{
+ 		    {
+ 			const attribute a = kc_selvar_0_1;
+ 			{
+ 			    attribute kc_selvar_1_1 = phylum_cast<attribute>( a );
+ 			    if ((kc_selvar_1_1->prod_sel() == sel_Attribute) && (phylum_cast<const impl_attribute_Attribute*>(kc_selvar_1_1)->attribute_initialisation_option_1->prod_sel() == sel_Yesattribute_initialisation)) {
+ 				return true;
+ 			    } else
+ 				if ((kc_selvar_1_1->prod_sel() == sel_Attribute) && (phylum_cast<const impl_attribute_Attribute*>(kc_selvar_1_1)->attribute_initialisation_option_1->prod_sel() == sel_Noattribute_initialisation)) {
+ 				/*EMPTY*/
+ 					} else
+ 			    { kc_no_default_in_with( "f_attributes_to_initialize", __LINE__, __FILE__ );
+ 				return static_cast<bool>(0); }
+ 			}
+ 		    }
+ 		}
+ 	    }
+ 	    kc_fe_selvar_1 = kc_fe_selvar_1->attributes_1;
+ 	}
+     }
+     return false;
+ }
+ static  bool f_constructors_in_members(fndeclarations dcl)
+ {{
+ 	fndeclarations kc_selvar_0_1 = phylum_cast<fndeclarations>(dcl);
+ 	if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_Consfndeclarations) && ((kc_selvar_0_1)->fndeclaration_1->prod_sel() == sel_FnAcDeclaration) && (phylum_cast<const impl_fndeclaration_FnAcDeclaration*>((kc_selvar_0_1)->fndeclaration_1)->fnclass_1->prod_sel() == sel_ConstructorFn)) {
+ 	    return true; 
+ 	    	} else
+ 	    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_Consfndeclarations)) {
+ 	    const fndeclarations tail = (kc_selvar_0_1)->fndeclarations_1;
+ 	    return f_constructors_in_members(tail); 
+ 	    	} else
+ 	{
+ 	    return false; 
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ bool f_constructors_in_operatordecl(alternative op)
+ {
+     return f_constructors_in_members(op->additional_members);
+ }
+ bool f_constructors_in_phylumdecl(phylumdeclaration ph)
+ {
+     return f_constructors_in_members(ph->additional_members);
+ }
+ static  bool f_destructors_in_members(fndeclarations dcl)
+ {{
+ 	fndeclarations kc_selvar_0_1 = phylum_cast<fndeclarations>(dcl);
+ 	if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_Consfndeclarations) && ((kc_selvar_0_1)->fndeclaration_1->prod_sel() == sel_FnAcDeclaration) && (phylum_cast<const impl_fndeclaration_FnAcDeclaration*>((kc_selvar_0_1)->fndeclaration_1)->fnclass_1->prod_sel() == sel_DestructorFn)) {
+ 	    return true; 
+ 	    	} else
+ 	    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_Consfndeclarations)) {
+ 	    const fndeclarations tail = (kc_selvar_0_1)->fndeclarations_1;
+ 	    return f_destructors_in_members(tail); 
+ 	    	} else
+ 	{
+ 	    return false; 
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ bool f_destructors_in_operatordecl(alternative op)
+ {
+     return f_destructors_in_members(op->additional_members);
+ }
+ bool f_destructors_in_phylumdecl(phylumdeclaration ph)
+ {
+     return f_destructors_in_members(ph->additional_members);
+ }
+ bool f_no_params(ac_parameter_type_list p)
+ {{
+ 	ac_parameter_type_list kc_selvar_0_1 = phylum_cast<ac_parameter_type_list>(p);
+ 	if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_AcParList) && (phylum_cast<const impl_ac_parameter_type_list_AcParList*>(kc_selvar_0_1)->ac_parameter_list_1->prod_sel() == sel_Nilac_parameter_list)) {
+ 	    return true; 
+ 	    	} else
+ 	{
+ 	    return false; 
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ static  bool f_post_create_in_members(fndeclarations dcl)
+ {{
+ 	fndeclarations kc_selvar_0_1 = phylum_cast<fndeclarations>(dcl);
+ 	if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_Consfndeclarations) && ((kc_selvar_0_1)->fndeclaration_1->prod_sel() == sel_FnAcDeclaration) && (phylum_cast<const impl_fndeclaration_FnAcDeclaration*>((kc_selvar_0_1)->fndeclaration_1)->ac_declarator_1->prod_sel() == sel_AcDeclarator) && (phylum_cast<const impl_ac_declarator_AcDeclarator*>(phylum_cast<const impl_fndeclaration_FnAcDeclaration*>((kc_selvar_0_1)->fndeclaration_1)->ac_declarator_1)->ac_direct_declarator_1->prod_sel() == sel_AcQualifiedDeclProto) && (phylum_cast<const impl_ac_direct_declarator_AcQualifiedDeclProto*>(phylum_cast<const impl_ac_declarator_AcDeclarator*>(phylum_cast<const impl_fndeclaration_FnAcDeclaration*>((kc_selvar_0_1)->fndeclaration_1)->ac_declarator_1)->ac_direct_declarator_1)->ac_direct_declarator_1->prod_sel() == sel_AcDirectDeclId) && (phylum_cast<const impl_ac_direct_declarator_AcDirectDeclId*>(phylum_cast<const impl_ac_direct_declarator_AcQualifiedDeclProto*>(phylum_cast<const impl_ac_declarator_A!
 cDeclarator*>(phylum_cast<const impl_fndeclaration_FnAcDeclaration*>((kc_selvar_0_1)->fndeclaration_1)->ac_declarator_1)->ac_direct_declarator_1)->ac_direct_declarator_1)->ID_1->prod_sel() == sel_Id) && (phylum_cast<const impl_ID_Id*>(phylum_cast<const impl_ac_direct_declarator_AcDirectDeclId*>(phylum_cast<const impl_ac_direct_declarator_AcQualifiedDeclProto*>(phylum_cast<const impl_ac_declarator_AcDeclarator*>(phylum_cast<const impl_fndeclaration_FnAcDeclaration*>((kc_selvar_0_1)->fndeclaration_1)->ac_declarator_1)->ac_direct_declarator_1)->ac_direct_declarator_1)->ID_1)->uniqID_1->prod_sel() == sel_Str) && (kc_strcmp(phylum_cast<const impl_uniqID_Str*>(phylum_cast<const impl_ID_Id*>(phylum_cast<const impl_ac_direct_declarator_AcDirectDeclId*>(phylum_cast<const impl_ac_direct_declarator_AcQualifiedDeclProto*>(phylum_cast<const impl_ac_declarator_AcDeclarator*>(phylum_cast<const impl_fndeclaration_FnAcDeclaration*>((kc_selvar_0_1)->fndeclaration_1)->ac_declarator_1)->ac_dir!
ng_1->name, kc_t("post_create"))==0) && (phylum_cast<const impl_fndeclaration_FnAcDeclaration*>((kc_selvar_0_1)->fndeclaration_1)->fnclass_1->prod_sel() == sel_MemberFn)) {
+ 	    return true; 
+ 	    	} else
+ 	    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_Consfndeclarations)) {
+ 	    const fndeclarations tail = (kc_selvar_0_1)->fndeclarations_1;
+ 	    return f_post_create_in_members(tail); 
+ 	    	} else
+ 	{
+ 	    return false; 
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ bool f_post_create_in_operatordecl(alternative op)
+ {
+     return f_post_create_in_members(op->additional_members);
+ }
+ bool f_post_create_in_phylumdecl(phylumdeclaration ph)
+ {
+     return f_post_create_in_members(ph->additional_members);
+ }
+ static  bool f_rewrite_in_members(fndeclarations dcl)
+ {{
+ 	fndeclarations kc_selvar_0_1 = phylum_cast<fndeclarations>(dcl);
+ 	if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_Consfndeclarations) && ((kc_selvar_0_1)->fndeclaration_1->prod_sel() == sel_FnAcDeclaration) && (phylum_cast<const impl_fndeclaration_FnAcDeclaration*>((kc_selvar_0_1)->fndeclaration_1)->ac_declarator_1->prod_sel() == sel_AcDeclarator) && (phylum_cast<const impl_ac_declarator_AcDeclarator*>(phylum_cast<const impl_fndeclaration_FnAcDeclaration*>((kc_selvar_0_1)->fndeclaration_1)->ac_declarator_1)->ac_direct_declarator_1->prod_sel() == sel_AcQualifiedDeclProto) && (phylum_cast<const impl_ac_direct_declarator_AcQualifiedDeclProto*>(phylum_cast<const impl_ac_declarator_AcDeclarator*>(phylum_cast<const impl_fndeclaration_FnAcDeclaration*>((kc_selvar_0_1)->fndeclaration_1)->ac_declarator_1)->ac_direct_declarator_1)->ac_direct_declarator_1->prod_sel() == sel_AcDirectDeclId) && (phylum_cast<const impl_ac_direct_declarator_AcDirectDeclId*>(phylum_cast<const impl_ac_direct_declarator_AcQualifiedDeclProto*>(phylum_cast<const impl_ac_declarator_A!
 cDeclarator*>(phylum_cast<const impl_fndeclaration_FnAcDeclaration*>((kc_selvar_0_1)->fndeclaration_1)->ac_declarator_1)->ac_direct_declarator_1)->ac_direct_declarator_1)->ID_1->prod_sel() == sel_Id) && (phylum_cast<const impl_ID_Id*>(phylum_cast<const impl_ac_direct_declarator_AcDirectDeclId*>(phylum_cast<const impl_ac_direct_declarator_AcQualifiedDeclProto*>(phylum_cast<const impl_ac_declarator_AcDeclarator*>(phylum_cast<const impl_fndeclaration_FnAcDeclaration*>((kc_selvar_0_1)->fndeclaration_1)->ac_declarator_1)->ac_direct_declarator_1)->ac_direct_declarator_1)->ID_1)->uniqID_1->prod_sel() == sel_Str) && (kc_strcmp(phylum_cast<const impl_uniqID_Str*>(phylum_cast<const impl_ID_Id*>(phylum_cast<const impl_ac_direct_declarator_AcDirectDeclId*>(phylum_cast<const impl_ac_direct_declarator_AcQualifiedDeclProto*>(phylum_cast<const impl_ac_declarator_AcDeclarator*>(phylum_cast<const impl_fndeclaration_FnAcDeclaration*>((kc_selvar_0_1)->fndeclaration_1)->ac_declarator_1)->ac_dir!
ng_1->name, kc_t("rewrite"))==0) && (phylum_cast<const impl_fndeclaration_FnAcDeclaration*>((kc_selvar_0_1)->fndeclaration_1)->fnclass_1->prod_sel() == sel_MemberFn)) {
+ 	    return true; 
+ 	    	} else
+ 	    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_Consfndeclarations)) {
+ 	    const fndeclarations tail = (kc_selvar_0_1)->fndeclarations_1;
+ 	    return f_rewrite_in_members(tail); 
+ 	    	} else
+ 	{
+ 	    return false; 
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ bool f_rewrite_in_phylumdecl(phylumdeclaration ph)
+ {
+     return f_rewrite_in_members(ph->additional_members);
+ }
+ bool f_rewrite_in_operatordecl(alternative op)
+ {{
+ 	alternative kc_selvar_0_1 = phylum_cast<alternative>(op);
+ 	if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_Alternative)) {
+ 	    const ID oid = phylum_cast<const impl_alternative_Alternative*>(kc_selvar_0_1)->ID_1;
+ 	    if(f_rewrite_in_members(op->additional_members))
+ 	    return true;
+ 	    return f_rewrite_in_phylumdecl(f_phylumdeclofid(f_phylumofoperator(oid)));
+ 	} else
+ 	{
+ 	    return false; 
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ ID f_phylumofwithcasesinfo(withcasesinfo wcso)
+ {
+     ID id;
+     {
+ 	withcasesinfo kc_selvar_0_1 = phylum_cast<withcasesinfo>( wcso );
+ 	if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_Conswithcasesinfo)) {
+ 	    const withcaseinfo wco = (kc_selvar_0_1)->withcaseinfo_1;
+ 	    const withcasesinfo r_wcso = (kc_selvar_0_1)->withcasesinfo_1;
+ 	    {
+ 		withcaseinfo kc_selvar_1_1 = phylum_cast<withcaseinfo>( wco );
+ 		if ((kc_selvar_1_1->prod_sel() == sel_Withcaseinfo)) {
+ 		    const patternrepresentation patrep = phylum_cast<const impl_withcaseinfo_Withcaseinfo*>(kc_selvar_1_1)->patternrepresentation_1;
+ 		    if ( (id = f_phylumofpatternrepresentation( patrep ))->eq( f_emptyId() )) {
+ 			return f_phylumofwithcasesinfo( r_wcso );
+ 		    } else {
+ 			return id;
+ 		    }   
+ 		    	} else
+ 		{ kc_no_default_in_with( "f_phylumofwithcasesinfo", __LINE__, __FILE__ );
+ 		    return static_cast<ID>(0); }
+ 	    }
+ 	} else
+ 	    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_Nilwithcasesinfo)) {
+ 	    v_report(NonFatal( NoFileLine(), Problem1S( "Error: can not find type of with expression" )));
+ 	    return Id( Str( mkcasestring( "KC_ERRORunknownTYPE" )));
+ 	} else
+ 	{ kc_no_default_in_with( "f_phylumofwithcasesinfo", __LINE__, __FILE__ );
+ 	    return static_cast<ID>(0); }
+     }
+ }
+ ID f_phylumofpatternrepresentation(patternrepresentation a_patrep)
+ {
+     {
+ 	patternrepresentation kc_selvar_0_1 = phylum_cast<patternrepresentation>( a_patrep );
+ 	if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_Conspatternrepresentation)) {
+ 	    const elem_patternrepresentation a_patrep_elem = (kc_selvar_0_1)->elem_patternrepresentation_1;
+ 	    const patternrepresentation r_patrep = (kc_selvar_0_1)->patternrepresentation_1;
+ 	    {
+ 		elem_patternrepresentation kc_selvar_1_1 = phylum_cast<elem_patternrepresentation>( a_patrep_elem );
+ 		if ((kc_selvar_1_1->prod_sel() == sel_PROperPredicate)) {
+ 		    const ID id = phylum_cast<const impl_elem_patternrepresentation_PROperPredicate*>(kc_selvar_1_1)->ID_1;
+ 		    return f_phylumofoperator( id );
+ 		} else
+ 		{
+ 		    return f_phylumofpatternrepresentation( r_patrep );
+ 		}
+ 	    }
+ 	} else
+ 	    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_Nilpatternrepresentation)) {
+ 	    return f_emptyId();
+ 	} else
+ 	{ kc_no_default_in_with( "f_phylumofpatternrepresentation", __LINE__, __FILE__ );
+ 	    return static_cast<ID>(0); }
+     }
+ }
+ ac_parameter_type_list sort_extend_parameter_type_list(ac_declaration_list C_vardecls, ac_declarator decl)
+ {{
+ 	ac_declarator kc_selvar_0_1 = phylum_cast<ac_declarator>(decl);
+ 	if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_AcDeclarator)) {
+ 	    const ac_direct_declarator add = phylum_cast<const impl_ac_declarator_AcDeclarator*>(kc_selvar_0_1)->ac_direct_declarator_1;
+ 	    {
+ 		ac_direct_declarator kc_selvar_1_1 = phylum_cast<ac_direct_declarator>( add );
+ 		if ((kc_selvar_1_1->prod_sel() == sel_AcQualifiedDeclProto)) {
+ 		    const ac_parameter_type_list fn_proto = phylum_cast<const impl_ac_direct_declarator_AcQualifiedDeclProto*>(kc_selvar_1_1)->ac_parameter_type_list_1;
+ 		    return fn_proto; 
+ 		    	} else
+ 		    if ((kc_selvar_1_1->prod_sel() == sel_AcDirectDeclProto)) {
+ 		    const ac_parameter_type_list fn_proto = phylum_cast<const impl_ac_direct_declarator_AcDirectDeclProto*>(kc_selvar_1_1)->ac_parameter_type_list_1;
+ 		    return fn_proto; 
+ 		    	} else
+ 		    if ((kc_selvar_1_1->prod_sel() == sel_AcDirectDeclArray)) {
+ 		    return AcParList( Nilac_parameter_list() ); 
+ 		    	} else
+ 		    if ((kc_selvar_1_1->prod_sel() == sel_AcDirectDeclPack)) {
+ 		    return AcParList( Nilac_parameter_list() ); 
+ 		    	} else
+ 		    if ((kc_selvar_1_1->prod_sel() == sel_AcDirectDeclId)) {
+ 		    return AcParList( Nilac_parameter_list() ); 
+ 		    	} else
+ 		{ kc_no_default_in_with( "sort_extend_parameter_type_list", __LINE__, __FILE__ );
+ 		    return static_cast<ac_parameter_type_list>(0); }
+ 	    }
+ 	} else
+ 	{ kc_no_default_in_with( "sort_extend_parameter_type_list", __LINE__, __FILE__ );
+ 	    return static_cast<ac_parameter_type_list>(0); }
+     }
+ }
+ ac_parameter_list t_sort_extend_parameter_list(ac_declaration_list C_vardecls, ac_identifier_list fn_args, ac_parameter_list temp)
+ {
+     {
+ 	ac_identifier_list kc_selvar_0_1 = phylum_cast<ac_identifier_list>( fn_args );
+ 	if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_Consac_identifier_list)) {
+ 	    const ID a_fnarg = (kc_selvar_0_1)->ID_1;
+ 	    const ac_identifier_list r_fnargs = (kc_selvar_0_1)->ac_identifier_list_1;
+ 	    temp =  t_sort_extend_parameter_list( C_vardecls, r_fnargs, temp );
+ 	    return Consac_parameter_list( lookup_and_create_ac_parameter_declaration( a_fnarg, C_vardecls ), temp );
+ 	} else
+ 	    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_Nilac_identifier_list)) {
+ 	    return temp; 
+ 	    	} else
+ 	{ kc_no_default_in_with( "t_sort_extend_parameter_list", __LINE__, __FILE__ );
+ 	    return static_cast<ac_parameter_list>(0); }
+     }
+ }
+ static  ac_parameter_declaration lookup_and_create_ac_parameter_declaration(ID a_fnarg, ac_declaration_list C_vardecls)
+ {
+     ac_parameter_declaration result = 0;
+     int number_of_results = 0;
+     {
+ 	ac_declaration_list kc_fe_selvar_1 =  C_vardecls ;
+ 	while(
+ 		kc_fe_selvar_1->prod_sel() == sel_Consac_declaration_list
+ 	    ) {
+ 	    ac_declaration kc_selvar_0_1 = kc_fe_selvar_1->ac_declaration_1;
+ 	    {
+ 		{
+ 		    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_AcDeclaration)) {
+ 			const ac_declaration_specifiers type = phylum_cast<const impl_ac_declaration_AcDeclaration*>(kc_selvar_0_1)->ac_declaration_specifiers_1;
+ 			const ac_init_declarator_list cvars = phylum_cast<const impl_ac_declaration_AcDeclaration*>(kc_selvar_0_1)->ac_init_declarator_list_1;
+ 			{
+ 			    ac_init_declarator_list kc_fe_selvar_1 =  cvars ;
+ 			    while(
+ 				    kc_fe_selvar_1->prod_sel() == sel_Consac_init_declarator_list
+ 				) {
+ 				ac_init_declarator kc_selvar_1_1 = kc_fe_selvar_1->ac_init_declarator_1;
+ 				{
+ 				    {
+ 					if ((kc_selvar_1_1->prod_sel() == sel_AcInitDecl)) {
+ 					    const ac_declarator decl = phylum_cast<const impl_ac_init_declarator_AcInitDecl*>(kc_selvar_1_1)->ac_declarator_1;
+ 					    ID name = f_ID_of_declarator( decl );
+ 					    if (name->eq( a_fnarg ) ) {
+ 						result = AcParDeclDecl( type, decl, Noac_constant_expression());
+ 						number_of_results++;
+ 					    }   
+ 					    	} else
+ 					{/* EMPTY */ /*skip: no matching pattern in foreach patterns*/}
+ 				    }
+ 				}
+ 				kc_fe_selvar_1 = kc_fe_selvar_1->ac_init_declarator_list_1;
+ 			    }
+ 			}
+ 		    } else
+ 		    {/* EMPTY */ /*skip: no matching pattern in foreach patterns*/}
+ 		}
+ 	    }
+ 	    kc_fe_selvar_1 = kc_fe_selvar_1->ac_declaration_list_1;
+ 	}
+     }
+     if (number_of_results == 1) {
+ 	return result;
+     } else {
+ 	if (number_of_results > 1) {
+ 	    v_report(Warning( FileLine( a_fnarg->file, a_fnarg->line ), Problem1S1ID( "more than one type defined for function argument:", a_fnarg )));
+ 	} else { 
+ 	    v_report(Warning( FileLine( a_fnarg->file, a_fnarg->line ), Problem1S1ID( "can not find type of function argument:", a_fnarg )));
+ 	}
+ 	return AcParDeclDecl(
+ 	    Consac_declaration_specifiers(
+ 		AcDeclSpecTypeSpec(
+ 		    AcTypeSpec( Id( Str( mkcasestring( "KC_ERRORunknownTYPE" ))))),
+ 		Nilac_declaration_specifiers()),
+ 	    AcDeclarator(
+ 		Nopointer(),
+ 		AcNoRef(),
+ 		AcDirectDeclId( a_fnarg )),
+ 	    Noac_constant_expression());
+     }
+ }
+ void unparse(const char *s, printer_functor printer_fn, uview v)
+ {
+     printer_fn( s, v );
+ }
+ charruns impl_charruns::set(int _n)
+ { number=_n; return this; 
+ }
+ ID f_mkselvar(const char *prefix, int level)
+ {
+     char fixbuf[BUFSIZ] ;
+     char *dynbuf = 0;
+     char *buf = 0;
+     ID id;
+     if (strlen(prefix) + MKSELVARMAXINTREPR + 1 > BUFSIZ) {
+ 	dynbuf = new char[strlen(prefix) + MKSELVARMAXINTREPR + 1];
+ 	buf = dynbuf;
+     } else {
+ 	buf = fixbuf;
+     }
+     strcpy( buf, prefix );
+     sprintf( &buf[strlen(prefix)], "%d", level );
+     id = Id( Str( mkcasestring( buf )));
+     if (dynbuf != 0) {
+ 	delete[] dynbuf;
+     }
+     return id;
+ }
+ ID f_mkselvar2(const char *prefix, int level, int branch)
+ {
+     char fixbuf[BUFSIZ] ;
+     char *dynbuf = 0;
+     char *buf = 0;
+     ID id;
+     int constant_factor = MKSELVARMAXINTREPR + 1 + MKSELVARMAXINTREPR + 1;
+     if (strlen(prefix) + constant_factor > BUFSIZ) {
+ 	dynbuf = new char[strlen(prefix) + constant_factor];
+ 	buf = dynbuf;
+     } else {
+ 	buf = fixbuf;
+     }
+     strcpy( buf, prefix );
+     sprintf( &buf[strlen(prefix)], "%d_%d", level, branch );
+     id = Id( Str( mkcasestring( buf )));
+     if (dynbuf != 0) {
+ 	delete[] dynbuf;
+     }
+     return id;
+ }
+ char *f_mk_filename(casestring a_casestring, const char *suffix)
+ {
+     char const *basename;
+     if ((basename = strrchr( a_casestring->name, '/' )) == 0)
+     basename = a_casestring->name;
+     if (*basename == '/')
+     basename++;
+     else if (*basename == '"')
+     basename++;
+     size_t baselen = strlen(basename);
+     char *filename = new char[baselen+strlen(suffix)+1];
+     strcpy( filename, basename );
+     if (baselen > 0 && filename[baselen-1] == '"' ) {
+ 	filename[baselen-1] = '\0';
+ 	baselen--;
+     }
+     if ( baselen > 1 && (filename[baselen-1] == 'k' && filename[baselen-2] == '.' ))
+     baselen-=2;
+     if (strlen(suffix)==0) {
+ 	filename[baselen]='\0';
+ 	return filename;
+     }
+     filename[baselen] = '.';
+     char *eofn=filename+baselen+1;
+     while ((*eofn++=*suffix++)) ;
+     return filename;
+ }
+ char *f_mk_filename(casestring a_casestring, const string &suffix)
+ {
+     return f_mk_filename(a_casestring, suffix.c_str());
+ }
+ char *f_make_identifier_basename(const char *fn)
+ {
+     char *nn;
+     size_t len = strlen(fn);
+     assertCond(len >2);
+     nn = new char[len-2+1]; 
+     strncpy(nn, fn, len-2);
+     nn[len-2] = '\0';
+     for (unsigned i=0; i < len-2; i++) {
+ 	if (! isalnum(nn[i])) {
+ 	    nn[i] = '_';
+ 	}   }
+     return nn;
+ }
+ rewriterulesinfo f_rewriterulesinfoofalternativeinview(alternative a_alternative, ID a_view)
+ {
+     global_filterview = a_view;
+     return a_alternative->rewriteinfo->filter( filterrewriteruleinfoonview );
+ }
+ rewriteviewsinfo f_rewriteviewsinfo_of_alternative(alternative a_alternative, viewnames a_views)
+ {
+     rewriterulesinfo tmp_rulesinfo = a_alternative->rewriteinfo;
+     rewriteviewsinfo tmp_viewsinfo = Nilrewriteviewsinfo();
+     {
+ 	viewnames kc_fe_selvar_1 =  a_views ;
+ 	while(
+ 		kc_fe_selvar_1->prod_sel() == sel_Consviewnames
+ 	    ) {
+ 	    ID kc_selvar_0_1 = kc_fe_selvar_1->ID_1;
+ 	    {
+ 		{
+ 		    {
+ 			const ID a_view = kc_selvar_0_1;
+ 			global_filterview = a_view;
+ 			tmp_viewsinfo = Consrewriteviewsinfo( Rewriteviewinfo( a_view, tmp_rulesinfo->filter( filterrewriteruleinfoonview )), tmp_viewsinfo );
+ 		    }
+ 		}
+ 	    }
+ 	    kc_fe_selvar_1 = kc_fe_selvar_1->viewnames_1;
+ 	}
+     }
+     return tmp_viewsinfo;
+ }
+ unparseviewsinfo f_unparseviewsinfo_of_alternative(alternative a_alternative, viewnames a_views)
+ {
+     unparsedeclsinfo tmp_declsinfo = a_alternative->unparseinfo;
+     unparseviewsinfo tmp_viewsinfo = Nilunparseviewsinfo();
+     {
+ 	viewnames kc_fe_selvar_1 =  a_views ;
+ 	while(
+ 		kc_fe_selvar_1->prod_sel() == sel_Consviewnames
+ 	    ) {
+ 	    ID kc_selvar_0_1 = kc_fe_selvar_1->ID_1;
+ 	    {
+ 		{
+ 		    {
+ 			const ID a_view = kc_selvar_0_1;
+ 			global_filterview = a_view;
+ 			tmp_viewsinfo = Consunparseviewsinfo( Unparseviewinfo( a_view, tmp_declsinfo->filter( filterunparsedeclinfoonview )), tmp_viewsinfo );
+ 		    }
+ 		}
+ 	    }
+ 	    kc_fe_selvar_1 = kc_fe_selvar_1->viewnames_1;
+ 	}
+     }
+     return tmp_viewsinfo;
+ }
+ static  bool filterrewriteruleinfoonview(rewriteruleinfo a_rewriteruleinfo)
+ {
+     return is_viewname_in_rewriteruleinfo( global_filterview, a_rewriteruleinfo );
+ }
+ static  bool filterunparsedeclinfoonview(unparsedeclinfo a_unparsedeclinfo)
+ {
+     return is_viewname_in_unparsedeclinfo( global_filterview, a_unparsedeclinfo );
+ }
+ static  bool is_viewname_in_rewriteruleinfo(ID a_view, rewriteruleinfo a_rewriteruleinfo)
+ {
+     {
+ 	rewriteruleinfo kc_selvar_0_1 = phylum_cast<rewriteruleinfo>( a_rewriteruleinfo );
+ 	if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_Rewriteruleinfo) && (phylum_cast<const impl_rewriteruleinfo_Rewriteruleinfo*>(kc_selvar_0_1)->rewriteclause_1->prod_sel() == sel_RewriteClause)) {
+ 	    const viewnames a_viewnames = phylum_cast<const impl_rewriteclause_RewriteClause*>(phylum_cast<const impl_rewriteruleinfo_Rewriteruleinfo*>(kc_selvar_0_1)->rewriteclause_1)->viewnames_1;
+ 	    return is_viewname_in_viewnames( a_view, a_viewnames );
+ 	} else
+ 	{ kc_no_default_in_with( "is_viewname_in_rewriteruleinfo", __LINE__, __FILE__ );
+ 	    return static_cast<bool>(0); }
+     }
+ }
+ static  bool is_viewname_in_unparsedeclinfo(ID a_view, unparsedeclinfo a_unparsedeclinfo)
+ {
+     {
+ 	unparsedeclinfo kc_selvar_0_1 = phylum_cast<unparsedeclinfo>( a_unparsedeclinfo );
+ 	if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_Unparsedeclinfo) && (phylum_cast<const impl_unparsedeclinfo_Unparsedeclinfo*>(kc_selvar_0_1)->unparseclause_1->prod_sel() == sel_UnparseClause)) {
+ 	    const viewnames a_viewnames = phylum_cast<const impl_unparseclause_UnparseClause*>(phylum_cast<const impl_unparsedeclinfo_Unparsedeclinfo*>(kc_selvar_0_1)->unparseclause_1)->viewnames_1;
+ 	    return is_viewname_in_viewnames( a_view, a_viewnames );
+ 	} else
+ 	{ kc_no_default_in_with( "is_viewname_in_unparsedeclinfo", __LINE__, __FILE__ );
+ 	    return static_cast<bool>(0); }
+     }
+ }
+ static  bool is_viewname_in_viewnames(ID a_view, viewnames a_viewnames)
+ {
+     {
+ 	viewnames kc_fe_selvar_1 =  a_viewnames ;
+ 	while(
+ 		kc_fe_selvar_1->prod_sel() == sel_Consviewnames
+ 	    ) {
+ 	    ID kc_selvar_0_1 = kc_fe_selvar_1->ID_1;
+ 	    {
+ 		{
+ 		    {
+ 			const ID a_viewname = kc_selvar_0_1;
+ 			if ( a_view->eq( a_viewname ) ) {
+ 			    return true;
+ 			}   
+ 		    }
+ 		}
+ 	    }
+ 	    kc_fe_selvar_1 = kc_fe_selvar_1->viewnames_1;
+ 	}
+     }
+     return false;
+ }
+ ID f_typeof(path a_path)
+ {
+     if (a_path->id->eq(f_emptyId())) {
+ 	{
+ 	    path kc_selvar_0_1 = phylum_cast<path>( a_path );
+ 	    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_Conspath)) {
+ 		const integer i = (kc_selvar_0_1)->integer_1;
+ 		const path r_path = (kc_selvar_0_1)->path_1;
+ 		return f_subphylumofoperator( r_path->op, Int( i ) );
+ 	    } else
+ 		if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_Nilpath)) {
+ 		return f_phylumofoperator( a_path->op );
+ 	    } else
+ 	    { kc_no_default_in_with( "f_typeof", __LINE__, __FILE__ );
+ 		return static_cast<ID>(0); }
+ 	}
+     } else {
+ 	return a_path->id;
+     }
+ }
+ ID f_operatorofpatternrepresentation(patternrepresentation a_patternrepresentation)
+ {
+     {
+ 	patternrepresentation kc_selvar_0_1 = phylum_cast<patternrepresentation>( a_patternrepresentation );
+ 	if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_Conspatternrepresentation)) {
+ 	    const elem_patternrepresentation e = (kc_selvar_0_1)->elem_patternrepresentation_1;
+ 	    return f_operatorofelem_patternrepresentation( e );
+ 	} else
+ 	    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_Nilpatternrepresentation)) {
+ 	    return f_emptyId();
+ 	} else
+ 	{ kc_no_default_in_with( "f_operatorofpatternrepresentation", __LINE__, __FILE__ );
+ 	    return static_cast<ID>(0); }
+     }
+ }
+ static  ID f_operatorofelem_patternrepresentation(elem_patternrepresentation a_elem_patternrepresentation)
+ {
+     {
+ 	elem_patternrepresentation kc_selvar_0_1 = phylum_cast<elem_patternrepresentation>( a_elem_patternrepresentation );
+ 	if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_PRDefault)) {
+ 	    return f_emptyId(); 
+ 	    	} else
+ 	    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_PRUserPredicate)) {
+ 	    return f_emptyId(); 
+ 	    	} else
+ 	    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_PRIntLiteral)) {
+ 	    const path p = phylum_cast<const impl_elem_patternrepresentation_PRIntLiteral*>(kc_selvar_0_1)->path_1;
+ 	    return f_operatorofpath( p ); 
+ 	    	} else
+ 	    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_PRStringLiteral)) {
+ 	    const path p = phylum_cast<const impl_elem_patternrepresentation_PRStringLiteral*>(kc_selvar_0_1)->path_1;
+ 	    return f_operatorofpath( p ); 
+ 	    	} else
+ 	    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_PRWildcard)) {
+ 	    const path p = phylum_cast<const impl_elem_patternrepresentation_PRWildcard*>(kc_selvar_0_1)->path_1;
+ 	    return f_operatorofpath( p ); 
+ 	    	} else
+ 	    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_PRNonLeafBinding)) {
+ 	    const path p = phylum_cast<const impl_elem_patternrepresentation_PRNonLeafBinding*>(kc_selvar_0_1)->path_1;
+ 	    return f_operatorofpath( p ); 
+ 	    	} else
+ 	    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_PROperPredicate)) {
+ 	    const path p = phylum_cast<const impl_elem_patternrepresentation_PROperPredicate*>(kc_selvar_0_1)->path_1;
+ 	    return f_operatorofpath( p ); 
+ 	    	} else
+ 	    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_PRBinding)) {
+ 	    const path p = phylum_cast<const impl_elem_patternrepresentation_PRBinding*>(kc_selvar_0_1)->path_1;
+ 	    return f_operatorofpath( p ); 
+ 	    	} else
+ 	    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_PRVarPredicate)) {
+ 	    const paths ps = phylum_cast<const impl_elem_patternrepresentation_PRVarPredicate*>(kc_selvar_0_1)->paths_1;
+ 	    return f_operatorofpaths( ps ); 
+ 	    	} else
+ 	{ kc_no_default_in_with( "f_operatorofelem_patternrepresentation", __LINE__, __FILE__ );
+ 	    return static_cast<ID>(0); }
+     }
+ }
+ static  ID f_operatorofpaths(paths a_paths)
+ {
+     {
+ 	paths kc_selvar_0_1 = phylum_cast<paths>( a_paths );
+ 	if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_Conspaths)) {
+ 	    const path p = (kc_selvar_0_1)->path_1;
+ 	    return f_operatorofpath( p );
+ 	} else
+ 	    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_Nilpaths)) {
+ 	    return f_emptyId();
+ 	} else
+ 	{ kc_no_default_in_with( "f_operatorofpaths", __LINE__, __FILE__ );
+ 	    return static_cast<ID>(0); }
+     }
+ }
+ static  ID f_operatorofpath(path a_path)
+ {
+     {
+ 	path kc_selvar_0_1 = phylum_cast<path>( a_path );
+ 	if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_Conspath)) {
+ 	    const path r_path = (kc_selvar_0_1)->path_1;
+ 	    return r_path->op;
+ 	} else
+ 	    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_Nilpath)) {
+ 	    return a_path->op;
+ 	} else
+ 	{ kc_no_default_in_with( "f_operatorofpath", __LINE__, __FILE__ );
+ 	    return static_cast<ID>(0); }
+     }
+ }
+ ID f_typeofunpsubterm(unpsubterm a_unpsubterm, ID a_operator)
+ {
+     {
+ 	unpsubterm kc_selvar_0_1 = phylum_cast<unpsubterm>( a_unpsubterm );
+ 	if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_UnpCastedVariable)) {
+ 	    const ID a_cast = phylum_cast<const impl_unpsubterm_UnpCastedVariable*>(kc_selvar_0_1)->ID_1;
+ 	    return a_cast; 
+ 	    	} else
+ 	    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_UnpDollarvarAttr)) {
+ 	    const INT i = phylum_cast<const impl_unpsubterm_UnpDollarvarAttr*>(kc_selvar_0_1)->INT_1;
+ 	    const unpattributes a_unpattributes = phylum_cast<const impl_unpsubterm_UnpDollarvarAttr*>(kc_selvar_0_1)->unpattributes_1;
+ 	    return f_check_unpattributes_in_phylum( a_unpattributes, f_subphylumofoperator( a_operator, i ) ); 
+ 	    	} else
+ 	    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_UnpSubAttr)) {
+ 	    const ID an_id = phylum_cast<const impl_unpsubterm_UnpSubAttr*>(kc_selvar_0_1)->ID_1;
+ 	    const unpattributes an_unpattributes = phylum_cast<const impl_unpsubterm_UnpSubAttr*>(kc_selvar_0_1)->unpattributes_1;
+ 	    return f_check_unpattributes_in_phylum( an_unpattributes, f_phylumofpatternID( an_id ) ); 
+ 	    	} else
+ 	    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_UnpDollarvarTerm)) {
+ 	    const INT i = phylum_cast<const impl_unpsubterm_UnpDollarvarTerm*>(kc_selvar_0_1)->INT_1;
+ 	    return f_subphylumofoperator( a_operator, i ); 
+ 	    	} else
+ 	    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_UnpSubTerm)) {
+ 	    const ID a_id = phylum_cast<const impl_unpsubterm_UnpSubTerm*>(kc_selvar_0_1)->ID_1;
+ 	    return f_phylumofpatternID( a_id ); 
+ 	    	} else
+ 	{ kc_no_default_in_with( "f_typeofunpsubterm", __LINE__, __FILE__ );
+ 	    return static_cast<ID>(0); }
+     }
+ }
+ elem_patternrepresentation f_outmost_nl_preds_in_rewriterulesinfo(rewriterulesinfo ri)
+ {
+     {
+ 	rewriterulesinfo kc_selvar_0_1 = phylum_cast<rewriterulesinfo>( ri );
+ 	if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_Consrewriterulesinfo) && ((kc_selvar_0_1)->rewriteruleinfo_1->prod_sel() == sel_Rewriteruleinfo)) {
+ 	    const patternrepresentation preds = phylum_cast<const impl_rewriteruleinfo_Rewriteruleinfo*>((kc_selvar_0_1)->rewriteruleinfo_1)->patternrepresentation_1;
+ 	    const rewriterulesinfo r_ri = (kc_selvar_0_1)->rewriterulesinfo_1;
+ 	    elem_patternrepresentation epr =
+ 	    f_outmost_nl_preds_in_patternrepresentation( preds );
+ 	    return epr ? epr
+ 	    : f_outmost_nl_preds_in_rewriterulesinfo( r_ri );
+ 	} else
+ 	    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_Nilrewriterulesinfo)) {
+ 	    return 0; 
+ 	    	} else
+ 	{ kc_no_default_in_with( "f_outmost_nl_preds_in_rewriterulesinfo", __LINE__, __FILE__ );
+ 	    return static_cast<elem_patternrepresentation>(0); }
+     }
+ }
+ elem_patternrepresentation f_outmost_nl_preds_in_unparsedeclsinfo(unparsedeclsinfo ri)
+ {
+     {
+ 	unparsedeclsinfo kc_selvar_0_1 = phylum_cast<unparsedeclsinfo>( ri );
+ 	if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_Consunparsedeclsinfo) && ((kc_selvar_0_1)->unparsedeclinfo_1->prod_sel() == sel_Unparsedeclinfo)) {
+ 	    const patternrepresentation preds = phylum_cast<const impl_unparsedeclinfo_Unparsedeclinfo*>((kc_selvar_0_1)->unparsedeclinfo_1)->patternrepresentation_1;
+ 	    const unparsedeclsinfo r_ri = (kc_selvar_0_1)->unparsedeclsinfo_1;
+ 	    elem_patternrepresentation epr =
+ 	    f_outmost_nl_preds_in_patternrepresentation( preds );
+ 	    return epr ? epr
+ 	    : f_outmost_nl_preds_in_unparsedeclsinfo( r_ri );
+ 	} else
+ 	    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_Nilunparsedeclsinfo)) {
+ 	    return 0; 
+ 	    	} else
+ 	{ kc_no_default_in_with( "f_outmost_nl_preds_in_unparsedeclsinfo", __LINE__, __FILE__ );
+ 	    return static_cast<elem_patternrepresentation>(0); }
+     }
+ }
+ static  elem_patternrepresentation f_outmost_nl_preds_in_patternrepresentation(patternrepresentation p)
+ {
+     {
+ 	patternrepresentation kc_selvar_0_1 = phylum_cast<patternrepresentation>( p );
+ 	if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_Conspatternrepresentation)) {
+ 	    const elem_patternrepresentation a_p = (kc_selvar_0_1)->elem_patternrepresentation_1;
+ 	    const patternrepresentation r_p = (kc_selvar_0_1)->patternrepresentation_1;
+ 	    return f_outmost_nl_preds_in_elem_patternrepresentation( a_p ) ? a_p
+ 	    : f_outmost_nl_preds_in_patternrepresentation( r_p );
+ 	} else
+ 	    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_Nilpatternrepresentation)) {
+ 	    return 0; 
+ 	    	} else
+ 	{ kc_no_default_in_with( "f_outmost_nl_preds_in_patternrepresentation", __LINE__, __FILE__ );
+ 	    return static_cast<elem_patternrepresentation>(0); }
+     }
+ }
+ static  bool f_outmost_nl_preds_in_elem_patternrepresentation(elem_patternrepresentation e_p)
+ {
+     {
+ 	elem_patternrepresentation kc_selvar_0_1 = phylum_cast<elem_patternrepresentation>( e_p );
+ 	if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_PRVarPredicate)) {
+ 	    const paths a_p = phylum_cast<const impl_elem_patternrepresentation_PRVarPredicate*>(kc_selvar_0_1)->paths_1;
+ 	    return f_outmost_nl_preds_in_paths( a_p );
+ 	} else
+ 	{
+ 	    return false; 
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ static  bool f_outmost_nl_preds_in_paths(paths p)
+ {
+     {
+ 	paths kc_selvar_0_1 = phylum_cast<paths>( p );
+ 	if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_Conspaths) && ((kc_selvar_0_1)->path_1->prod_sel() == sel_Conspath)) {
+ 	    const paths r_p = (kc_selvar_0_1)->paths_1;
+ 	    return f_outmost_nl_preds_in_paths( r_p );
+ 	} else
+ 	    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_Conspaths) && ((kc_selvar_0_1)->path_1->prod_sel() == sel_Nilpath)) {
+ 	    return true; 
+ 	    	} else
+ 	    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_Nilpaths)) {
+ 	    return false; 
+ 	    	} else
+ 	{ kc_no_default_in_with( "f_outmost_nl_preds_in_paths", __LINE__, __FILE__ );
+ 	    return static_cast<bool>(0); }
+     }
+ }
+ bool f_is_known_ptr_type(ID id)
+ {
+     static phylumnames known = 0;
+     if (! known ) {		
+ 	known = Nilphylumnames();
+ 	known = Consphylumnames( Id( Str( mkcasestring( "size_t" ))), known );
+ 	known = Consphylumnames( Id( Str( mkcasestring( "unsigned" ))), known );
+ 	known = Consphylumnames( Id( Str( mkcasestring( "enum_phyla" ))), known );
+ 	known = Consphylumnames( Id( Str( mkcasestring( "enum_operators" ))), known );
+ 	known = Consphylumnames( Id( Str( mkcasestring( "KC_UNIQ_INFO" ))), known );
+ 	known = Consphylumnames( Id( Str( mkcasestring( "bool" ))), known );
+ 	known = Consphylumnames( Id( Str( mkcasestring( "hashtable_t" ))), known );
+ 	known = Consphylumnames( Id( Str( mkcasestring( "KC_IO_STATUS" ))), known );
+ 	known = Consphylumnames( Id( Str( mkcasestring( "uview" ))), known );
+ 	known = Consphylumnames( Id( Str( mkcasestring( "rview" ))), known );
+     }
+     {
+ 	phylumnames kc_fe_selvar_1 =  known ;
+ 	while(
+ 		kc_fe_selvar_1->prod_sel() == sel_Consphylumnames
+ 	    ) {
+ 	    ID kc_selvar_0_1 = kc_fe_selvar_1->ID_1;
+ 	    {
+ 		{
+ 		    {
+ 			const ID pn = kc_selvar_0_1;
+ 			if ( pn->eq( id )) {
+ 			    return true;
+ 			}	
+ 		    }
+ 		}
+ 	    }
+ 	    kc_fe_selvar_1 = kc_fe_selvar_1->phylumnames_1;
+ 	}
+     }
+     return false;
+ }
+ withcasesinfo rewrite_withcasesinfo(withcasesinfo a_withcasesinfo)
+ {{
+ 	withcasesinfo kc_selvar_0_1 = phylum_cast<withcasesinfo>(a_withcasesinfo);
+ 	if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_Conswithcasesinfo) && ((kc_selvar_0_1)->withcaseinfo_1->prod_sel() == sel_Withcaseinfo)) {
+ 	    const patternrepresentation p = phylum_cast<const impl_withcaseinfo_Withcaseinfo*>((kc_selvar_0_1)->withcaseinfo_1)->patternrepresentation_1;
+ 	    const patternrepresentation b = phylum_cast<const impl_withcaseinfo_Withcaseinfo*>((kc_selvar_0_1)->withcaseinfo_1)->patternrepresentation_2;
+ 	    const Ctext ct = phylum_cast<const impl_withcaseinfo_Withcaseinfo*>((kc_selvar_0_1)->withcaseinfo_1)->Ctext_1;
+ 	    const withcasesinfo r = (kc_selvar_0_1)->withcasesinfo_1;
+ 	    return Conswithcasesinfo(
+ 		Withcaseinfo( p->rewrite(base_rview), b, ct ),
+ 		rewrite_withcasesinfo( r ) );
+ 	} else
+ 	    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_Nilwithcasesinfo)) {
+ 	    return kc_selvar_0_1; 
+ 	    	} else
+ 	{ kc_no_default_in_with( "rewrite_withcasesinfo", __LINE__, __FILE__ );
+ 	    return static_cast<withcasesinfo>(0); }
+     }
+ }
+ int pos_of_sole_dollar_or_pattern_in_patternchain(patternchain a_patternchain)
+ {
+     return t_pos_of_sole_dollar_or_pattern_in_patternchain(a_patternchain, -2, 1);
+ }
+ int t_pos_of_sole_dollar_or_pattern_in_patternchain(patternchain a_patternchain, int tmp_result, int pos)
+ {
+     if (tmp_result == -1) { 
+ 	return tmp_result;
+     }
+     {
+ 	patternchain kc_selvar_0_1 = phylum_cast<patternchain>( a_patternchain );
+ 	if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_Conspatternchain)) {
+ 	    const patternchainitem h = (kc_selvar_0_1)->patternchainitem_1;
+ 	    const patternchain t = (kc_selvar_0_1)->patternchain_1;
+ 	    tmp_result = t_pos_of_sole_dollar_or_pattern_in_patternchain( t, tmp_result, pos+1 );
+ 	    if (tmp_result == -1) { 
+ 		return tmp_result;
+ 	    }
+ 	    {
+ 		patternchainitem kc_selvar_1_1 = phylum_cast<patternchainitem>( h );
+ 		if ((kc_selvar_1_1->prod_sel() == sel_PatternchainitemDollarid)) {
+ 		    return tmp_result >= 0 ?  -1  : pos;
+ 		} else
+ 		    if ((kc_selvar_1_1->prod_sel() == sel_PatternchainitemOutmost)) {
+ 		    const outmostpattern p = phylum_cast<const impl_patternchainitem_PatternchainitemOutmost*>(kc_selvar_1_1)->outmostpattern_1;
+ 		    {
+ 			outmostpattern kc_selvar_2_1 = phylum_cast<outmostpattern>( p );
+ 			if ((kc_selvar_2_1->prod_sel() == sel_OPOperatorWildcard) && (phylum_cast<const impl_outmostpattern_OPOperatorWildcard*>(kc_selvar_2_1)->ID_1->prod_sel() == sel_Id)) {
+ 			    const uniqID uid = phylum_cast<const impl_ID_Id*>(phylum_cast<const impl_outmostpattern_OPOperatorWildcard*>(kc_selvar_2_1)->ID_1)->uniqID_1;
+ 			    {
+ 				IDtype kc_selvar_3_1 = phylum_cast<IDtype>( uid->type );
+ 				if ((kc_selvar_3_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITUnknown)) {
+ 				    return tmp_result;
+ 				} else
+ 				    if ((kc_selvar_3_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITPatternVariable)) {
+ 				    return tmp_result;
+ 				} else
+ 				{
+ 				    if (tmp_result >= 0) {
+ 					return -1; 
+ 				    } else {
+ 					return pos;
+ 				    }   
+ 				}
+ 			    }
+ 			} else
+ 			{
+ 			    return tmp_result >= 0 ?  -1  : pos;
+ 			}
+ 		    }
+ 		} else
+ 		{
+ 		    return -1; 
+ 		}
+ 	    }
+ 	} else
+ 	{
+ 	    return tmp_result;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ string f_getidentfromstring(const char **c)
+ {
+     string s="";
+     if (isalnum(**c) || **c=='_')
+     while (isalnum(**c) || **c=='_') s+=*(*c)++;
+     else
+     while (!(isalnum(**c) || **c=='_' || **c=='\0')) s+=*(*c)++;
+     return s;
+ }
+ } // namespace kc

Index: llvm/test/Programs/MultiSource/Applications/kimwitu++/gutil.h
diff -c /dev/null llvm/test/Programs/MultiSource/Applications/kimwitu++/gutil.h:1.1
*** /dev/null	Tue Apr  6 15:25:26 2004
--- llvm/test/Programs/MultiSource/Applications/kimwitu++/gutil.h	Tue Apr  6 15:25:12 2004
*** 0 ****
--- 1,81 ----
+ /* translation of file "gutil.k" */
+ /* generated by:
+  *  @(#)$Author: criswell $
+  */
+ #ifndef KC_FUNCTIONS_gutil_HEADER
+ #define KC_FUNCTIONS_gutil_HEADER
+ #include "k.h"    /* in case a user forgets */
+ namespace kc { }
+ using namespace kc;
+ /* included stuff */
+ //
+ // The Termprocessor Kimwitu++
+ //
+ // Copyright (C) 1991 University of Twente, Dept TIOS.
+ // Copyright (C) 1998-2003 Humboldt-University of Berlin, Institute of Informatics
+ // All rights reserved.
+ //
+ // Kimwitu++ is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ // the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ // (at your option) any later version.
+ //
+ // Kimwitu++ is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ // GNU General Public License for more details.
+ //
+ // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ // along with Kimwitu++; if not, write to the Free Software
+ // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+ //
+ extern phylumdeclaration The_abstract_phylum_decl;
+ extern phylumdeclaration The_abstract_phylum_ref_decl;
+ extern phylumdeclaration The_abstract_list_decl;
+ /* end included stuff */
+ namespace kc {
+ bool f_something_to_initialize (Ccode_option cco);
+ bool f_something_to_initialize (alternative a);
+ bool f_NilCtexts (Ctexts c);
+ bool f_constructors_in_operatordecl (alternative op);
+ bool f_constructors_in_phylumdecl (phylumdeclaration ph);
+ bool f_destructors_in_operatordecl (alternative op);
+ bool f_destructors_in_phylumdecl (phylumdeclaration ph);
+ bool f_no_params (ac_parameter_type_list p);
+ bool f_post_create_in_operatordecl (alternative op);
+ bool f_post_create_in_phylumdecl (phylumdeclaration ph);
+ bool f_rewrite_in_phylumdecl (phylumdeclaration ph);
+ bool f_rewrite_in_operatordecl (alternative op);
+ ID f_phylumofwithcasesinfo (withcasesinfo wcso);
+ ID f_phylumofpatternrepresentation (patternrepresentation a_patrep);
+ ac_parameter_type_list sort_extend_parameter_type_list (ac_declaration_list C_vardecls, ac_declarator decl);
+ ac_parameter_list t_sort_extend_parameter_list (ac_declaration_list C_vardecls, ac_identifier_list fn_args, ac_parameter_list temp);
+ void unparse (const char *s, printer_functor printer_fn, uview v);
+ ID f_mkselvar (const char *prefix, int level);
+ ID f_mkselvar2 (const char *prefix, int level, int branch);
+ char *f_mk_filename (casestring a_casestring, const char *suffix);
+ char *f_mk_filename (casestring a_casestring, const string &suffix);
+ char *f_make_identifier_basename (const char *fn);
+ rewriterulesinfo f_rewriterulesinfoofalternativeinview (alternative a_alternative, ID a_view);
+ rewriteviewsinfo f_rewriteviewsinfo_of_alternative (alternative a_alternative, viewnames a_views);
+ unparseviewsinfo f_unparseviewsinfo_of_alternative (alternative a_alternative, viewnames a_views);
+ ID f_typeof (path a_path);
+ ID f_operatorofpatternrepresentation (patternrepresentation a_patternrepresentation);
+ ID f_typeofunpsubterm (unpsubterm a_unpsubterm, ID a_operator);
+ elem_patternrepresentation f_outmost_nl_preds_in_rewriterulesinfo (rewriterulesinfo ri);
+ elem_patternrepresentation f_outmost_nl_preds_in_unparsedeclsinfo (unparsedeclsinfo ri);
+ bool f_is_known_ptr_type (ID id);
+ withcasesinfo rewrite_withcasesinfo (withcasesinfo a_withcasesinfo);
+ int pos_of_sole_dollar_or_pattern_in_patternchain (patternchain a_patternchain);
+ int t_pos_of_sole_dollar_or_pattern_in_patternchain (patternchain a_patternchain, int tmp_result, int pos);
+ string f_getidentfromstring (const char **c);
+ } // namespace kc
+ #endif // !  KC_FUNCTIONS_gutil_HEADER

Index: llvm/test/Programs/MultiSource/Applications/kimwitu++/k.cc
diff -c /dev/null llvm/test/Programs/MultiSource/Applications/kimwitu++/k.cc:1.1
*** /dev/null	Tue Apr  6 15:25:26 2004
--- llvm/test/Programs/MultiSource/Applications/kimwitu++/k.cc	Tue Apr  6 15:25:12 2004
*** 0 ****
--- 1,13440 ----
+ /* translation of file(s)
+ 	"abs.k"
+ 	"main.k"
+ 	"parse.k"
+ 	"error.k"
+ 	"occur.k"
+ 	"util.k"
+ 	"gen.k"
+ 	"gutil.k"
+ 	"pat.k"
+  */
+ /* generated by:
+  *  @(#)$Author: criswell $
+  */
+ #define KC_TYPES
+ #include "k.h"
+ #include <stdio.h>
+ #include <ctype.h>
+ #include <string>
+ #include <sys/types.h>
+ #include <stdlib.h>
+ #ifdef _MSC_VER
+ #pragma warning( disable : 4786 )
+ #endif
+ #include <new>
+ #include <set>
+ #include <list>
+ #include <algorithm>
+ #if !defined(USE_HASHSET) && (defined(__GNUC__) || defined(__ICC) || defined(__ECC)) \
+ && !defined(DONT_USE_HASHSET)
+ #  define USE_HASHSET
+ #endif
+ #ifdef USE_HASHSET
+ #  if defined(__GNUC__) && __GNUC__>2
+ #    include <ext/hash_set>
+ #  else
+ #    include <hash_set>
+ #  endif
+ #endif
+ using namespace std;
+ namespace kc {
+ inline bool
+ ht_less(casestring p1, casestring p2){
+     return kc_strcmp(p1->name, p2->name)<0;
+ }
+ inline bool
+ ht_less(nocasestring p1, nocasestring p2){
+     return kc_strcasecmp(p1->name, p2->name)<0;
+ }
+ inline bool
+ ht_less(real p1, real p2){
+     return p1->value < p2->value;
+ }
+ inline bool
+ ht_less(integer p1, integer p2){
+     return p1->value < p2->value;
+ }
+ inline bool
+ ht_less(voidptr p1, voidptr p2){
+     return p1->pointer < p2->pointer;
+ }
+ bool
+ ht_less(abstract_phylum p1, abstract_phylum p2)
+ {
+     enum_operators prod_sel=p1->prod_sel();
+     enum_operators prod_sel2=p2->prod_sel();
+     if(prod_sel<prod_sel2)
+ 	return true;
+     if(prod_sel>prod_sel2)
+ 	return false;
+     switch(prod_sel) {
+ 	case sel_NoCaseStr:
+ 	    return ht_less(static_cast<nocasestring>(p1),static_cast<nocasestring>(p2));
+ 	case sel__Str:
+ 	    return ht_less(static_cast<casestring>(p1),static_cast<casestring>(p2));
+ 	case sel__Real:
+ 	    return ht_less(static_cast<real>(p1),static_cast<real>(p2));
+ 	case sel__Int:
+ 	    return ht_less(static_cast<integer>(p1),static_cast<integer>(p2));
+ 	case sel__VoidPtr:
+ 	    return ht_less(static_cast<voidptr>(p1),static_cast<voidptr>(p2));
+ 	default: {
+ 	    int i=0;
+ 	    bool still_unique = kc_storageclass_still_uniq[phylum_info[p1->phylum()].uniq_stored];
+ 	    abstract_phylum sub1=0;
+ 	    do {
+ 		sub1=p1->subphylum(i);
+ 		abstract_phylum sub2=p2->subphylum(i);
+ 		if(still_unique) {
+ 		    if(sub1<sub2)
+ 			return true;
+ 		    if(sub2<sub1)
+ 			return false;
+ 		}
+ 		else {
+ 		    if(ht_less(sub1, sub2))
+ 			return true;
+ 		    if(ht_less(sub2, sub1))
+ 			return false;
+ 		}
+ 		++i;
+ 	    } while(sub1);
+ 	}
+     }
+     return false;
+ }
+ template<typename T>
+ class phylum_less : std::binary_function<T, T, bool>
+ {
+     public:
+     bool operator()(const T& X, const T& Y) const
+ 	{ return ht_less(X,Y); }
+ };
+ inline void deletefun(c_abstract_phylum t){
+     delete const_cast<abstract_phylum>(t);
+ }
+ #ifdef USE_HASHSET
+ struct hashitem {
+     size_t hashvalue;
+     casestring contents;
+     hashitem(casestring cs): contents(cs) {
+ 	unsigned long h = 0;
+ 	kc_char const *s = cs->name;
+ 	for ( ; *s; ++s)
+ 	    h = 5*h + *s;
+ 	hashvalue=(size_t)h;
+     }
+ };
+ inline void deletefunhashitem(hashitem t) {
+     delete t.contents;
+ }
+ #  ifdef __GNUC__
+ struct eq_hashitem { bool operator()(hashitem hi1, hashitem hi2) const {
+ 	return kc_strcmp(hi1.contents->name, hi2.contents->name) == 0; } };
+ struct hash_hashitem { size_t operator()(hashitem hi) const {
+ 	return hi.hashvalue; } };
+ #  else
+ struct comp_hashitem {
+     enum { bucket_size = 4, min_buckets = 8 };
+     // bucket_size and min_buckets are just guesses
+     size_t operator()(const hashitem hi) const {
+ 	return hi.hashvalue; }
+     bool operator()(const hashitem hi1, const hashitem hi2) const {
+ 	return kc_strcmp(hi1.contents->name, hi2.contents->name) < 0; }
+ };
+ #  endif // Whether gcc or icc
+ #endif // Whether hash or not
+ struct hashtable_level
+ {
+     hashtable_level(bool cod = true): clean_on_destruction(cod) { }
+     void clear(bool free_entries=true) {
+ 	if(free_entries)
+ 	    clear_entries();
+ 	_casestring.clear();
+ 	_nocasestring.clear();
+ 	_integer.clear();
+ 	_real.clear();
+ 	_voidptr.clear();
+ 	_abstract_phylum.clear();
+     }
+     void clear_entries() {
+ #ifdef USE_HASHSET
+ 	std::for_each(_casestring.begin(),_casestring.end(),deletefunhashitem);
+ #else
+ 	std::for_each(_casestring.begin(),_casestring.end(),deletefun);
+ #endif
+ 	std::for_each(_nocasestring.begin(),_nocasestring.end(),deletefun);
+ 	std::for_each(_integer.begin(),_integer.end(),deletefun);
+ 	std::for_each(_real.begin(),_real.end(),deletefun);
+ 	std::for_each(_voidptr.begin(),_voidptr.end(),deletefun);
+ 	std::for_each(_abstract_phylum.begin(),_abstract_phylum.end(),deletefun);
+     }
+     ~hashtable_level() {
+ 	clear(clean_on_destruction);
+     }
+     abstract_phylum check_insert(abstract_phylum t) {
+ 	return *_abstract_phylum.insert(t).first;
+     }
+     casestring check_insert(casestring t) {
+ #ifdef USE_HASHSET
+ 	return (*_casestring.insert(hashitem(t)).first).contents;
+ #else
+ 	return *_casestring.insert(t).first;
+ #endif
+     }
+     nocasestring check_insert(nocasestring t) {
+ 	return *_nocasestring.insert(t).first;
+     }
+     integer check_insert(integer t) {
+ 	return *_integer.insert(t).first;
+     }
+     real check_insert(real t) {
+ 	return *_real.insert(t).first;
+     }
+     voidptr check_insert(voidptr t) {
+ 	return *_voidptr.insert(t).first;
+     }
+ private:
+     bool clean_on_destruction;
+ #ifdef USE_HASHSET
+ #  ifdef __GNUC__
+ #    if __GNUC__==2 || (__GNUC__==3 && __GNUC_MINOR__==0)
+     std::hash_set<hashitem, hash_hashitem, eq_hashitem> _casestring;
+ #    else
+     __gnu_cxx::hash_set<hashitem, hash_hashitem, eq_hashitem> _casestring;
+ #    endif
+ #  else
+     std::hash_set<hashitem, comp_hashitem> _casestring;
+ #  endif
+ #else
+     std::set<casestring, phylum_less<casestring> > _casestring;
+ #endif
+     std::set<nocasestring, phylum_less<nocasestring> > _nocasestring;
+     std::set<integer, phylum_less<integer> > _integer;
+     std::set<real, phylum_less<real> > _real;
+     std::set<voidptr, phylum_less<voidptr> > _voidptr;
+     std::set<abstract_phylum, phylum_less<abstract_phylum> > _abstract_phylum;
+ };
+ class hashtable_stack: public std::list<hashtable_level> {
+ public:
+     hashtable_stack(): _pos(begin()) { }
+     void inc_level() { _pos=insert(_pos, hashtable_level()); }
+     void dec_level() { if(valid() && _pos!=end()) ++_pos; }
+     void free_level() { if(_pos!=begin()) { erase(begin(),_pos);_pos=begin(); } }
+     bool valid() const { return !empty(); }
+     hashtable_level& get_level() { return *_pos; }
+     template<typename T>
+     T check_insert(T t) {
+ 	return dynamic_cast<T>((*_pos).check_insert(t));
+     }
+ private:
+     iterator _pos;
+ };
+ class hashtable_struct_t {
+ public:
+     // don't clean _static_level on destruction (program ends)
+     hashtable_struct_t(): _static_level(false), _to_be_freed(false),  _dynamic(false) { }
+     template <typename T>
+     T ht_check_insert(T t) {
+ 	if(_dynamic && _dynamic_level.valid())
+ 	    return _dynamic_level.check_insert(t);
+ 	else
+ 	    return dynamic_cast<T>(_static_level.check_insert(t));
+     }
+     void ht_static() {_dynamic=false; }
+     void ht_dynamic() {
+ 	_dynamic=true;
+ 	if(!_dynamic_level.valid())
+ 	    _dynamic_level.inc_level();
+     }
+     void ht_inc_level() { _dynamic_level.inc_level(); }
+     void ht_dec_level() { _dynamic_level.dec_level(); }
+     void ht_free_level() { _dynamic_level.free_level(); }
+     void ht_clear() { _static_level.clear(); _dynamic_level.clear(); _dynamic=false; }
+     bool to_be_freed() { return _to_be_freed; }
+     void set_to_be_freed(bool b=true) { _to_be_freed=b; }
+ private:
+     hashtable_level _static_level;
+     hashtable_stack _dynamic_level;
+     bool _to_be_freed; /* should be true for dynamic, false for statically allocated structures */
+     bool _dynamic;
+ };
+ impl_nocasestring_NoCaseStr::impl_nocasestring_NoCaseStr(const kc_char* _name) : name(_name) { }
+ void impl_nocasestring_NoCaseStr::make_own(int length) {
+     kc_char *newname=new kc_char[length+1];
+     for (int i=0; i < length && name[i]; ++i)
+     newname[i] = kc_tolower(name[i]);
+     newname[length]=0;
+     name=newname;
+ }
+ impl_casestring__Str::impl_casestring__Str(const kc_char* _name) : name(_name) { }
+ void impl_casestring__Str::make_own(int length) {
+     kc_char *newname=kc_strncpy(new kc_char[length+1],name,length);
+     newname[length]=0;
+     name=newname;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_bindingidmark_BindingIdMark::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return uniqID_1;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_bindingidmarks::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return bindingidmark_1;
+ 	case 1: return bindingidmarks_1;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_countedphylumdeclaration_CountedPhylumdeclaration::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return uniqID_1;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_countedphylumdeclarations::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return countedphylumdeclaration_1;
+ 	case 1: return countedphylumdeclarations_1;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_addedphylumdeclaration_AddedPhylumdeclaration::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return uniqID_1;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_addedphylumdeclarations::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return addedphylumdeclaration_1;
+ 	case 1: return addedphylumdeclarations_1;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_problem_Problem6::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return casestring_1;
+ 	case 1: return casestring_2;
+ 	case 2: return casestring_3;
+ 	case 3: return casestring_4;
+ 	case 4: return casestring_5;
+ 	case 5: return casestring_6;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_problem_Problem5::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return casestring_1;
+ 	case 1: return casestring_2;
+ 	case 2: return casestring_3;
+ 	case 3: return casestring_4;
+ 	case 4: return casestring_5;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_problem_Problem4::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return casestring_1;
+ 	case 1: return casestring_2;
+ 	case 2: return casestring_3;
+ 	case 3: return casestring_4;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_problem_Problem3int1::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return casestring_1;
+ 	case 1: return casestring_2;
+ 	case 2: return casestring_3;
+ 	case 3: return integer_1;
+ 	case 4: return casestring_4;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_problem_Problem3::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return casestring_1;
+ 	case 1: return casestring_2;
+ 	case 2: return casestring_3;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_problem_Problem2::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return casestring_1;
+ 	case 1: return casestring_2;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_problem_Problem1storageoption1ID::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return casestring_1;
+ 	case 1: return storageoption_1;
+ 	case 2: return casestring_2;
+ 	case 3: return ID_1;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_problem_Problem1INT1ID1ID::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return casestring_1;
+ 	case 1: return INT_1;
+ 	case 2: return casestring_2;
+ 	case 3: return ID_1;
+ 	case 4: return casestring_3;
+ 	case 5: return ID_2;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_problem_Problem1ID1ID1ID::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return casestring_1;
+ 	case 1: return ID_1;
+ 	case 2: return casestring_2;
+ 	case 3: return ID_2;
+ 	case 4: return casestring_3;
+ 	case 5: return ID_3;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_problem_Problem1INT1ID::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return casestring_1;
+ 	case 1: return INT_1;
+ 	case 2: return casestring_2;
+ 	case 3: return ID_1;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_problem_Problem1int1::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return casestring_1;
+ 	case 1: return integer_1;
+ 	case 2: return casestring_2;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_problem_Problem1INT::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return casestring_1;
+ 	case 1: return INT_1;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_problem_Problem1t1ID::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return casestring_1;
+ 	case 1: return IDtype_1;
+ 	case 2: return casestring_2;
+ 	case 3: return ID_1;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_problem_Problem1ID1ID::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return casestring_1;
+ 	case 1: return ID_1;
+ 	case 2: return casestring_2;
+ 	case 3: return ID_2;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_problem_Problem1we::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return casestring_1;
+ 	case 1: return withexpression_1;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_problem_Problem1tID::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return casestring_1;
+ 	case 1: return ID_1;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_problem_Problem1ID::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return casestring_1;
+ 	case 1: return ID_1;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_problem_Problem1::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return casestring_1;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_error_Warning::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return fileline_1;
+ 	case 1: return problem_1;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_error_NonFatal::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return fileline_1;
+ 	case 1: return problem_1;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_error_Fatal::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return fileline_1;
+ 	case 1: return problem_1;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_baseclass_list::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return ID_1;
+ 	case 1: return baseclass_list_1;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_baseclass_decl_BaseClassDecl::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return ID_1;
+ 	case 1: return baseclass_list_1;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_baseclass_declarations::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return baseclass_decl_1;
+ 	case 1: return baseclass_declarations_1;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_ac_base_init_AcBaseInit::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return ID_1;
+ 	case 1: return ac_constant_expression_1;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_ac_base_init_list::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return ac_base_init_1;
+ 	case 1: return ac_base_init_list_1;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_ac_opt_base_init_list_AcYesBaseInit::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return ac_base_init_list_1;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_ac_constant_expression_list::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return ac_constant_expression_1;
+ 	case 1: return ac_constant_expression_list_1;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_ac_constant_expression_AcConstExpr::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return Cexpression_1;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_ac_constant_expression_option_Yesac_constant_expression::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return ac_constant_expression_1;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_ac_direct_abstract_declarator_AcDirAbsdeclFn::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return ac_direct_abstract_declarator_option_1;
+ 	case 1: return ac_parameter_type_list_1;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_ac_direct_abstract_declarator_AcDirAbsdeclArray::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return ac_direct_abstract_declarator_option_1;
+ 	case 1: return ac_constant_expression_option_1;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_ac_direct_abstract_declarator_AcDirAbsdeclPack::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return ac_abstract_declarator_1;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_ac_direct_abstract_declarator_option_Yesac_direct_abstract_declarator::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return ac_direct_abstract_declarator_1;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_ac_abstract_declarator_AcAbsdeclDirdecl::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return ac_pointer_option_1;
+ 	case 1: return ac_direct_abstract_declarator_1;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_ac_abstract_declarator_AcAbsdeclPointer::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return ac_pointer_1;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_ac_identifier_list::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return ID_1;
+ 	case 1: return ac_identifier_list_1;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_ac_parameter_declaration_AcParDeclAbsdecl::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return ac_declaration_specifiers_1;
+ 	case 1: return ac_abstract_declarator_1;
+ 	case 2: return ac_constant_expression_option_1;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_ac_parameter_declaration_AcParDeclDecl::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return ac_declaration_specifiers_1;
+ 	case 1: return ac_declarator_1;
+ 	case 2: return ac_constant_expression_option_1;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_ac_parameter_list::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return ac_parameter_declaration_1;
+ 	case 1: return ac_parameter_list_1;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_ac_parameter_type_list_AcParList3Dot::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return ac_parameter_list_1;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_ac_parameter_type_list_AcParList::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return ac_parameter_list_1;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_ac_type_qualifier_list::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return ac_type_qualifier_1;
+ 	case 1: return ac_type_qualifier_list_1;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_ac_class_qualifier_list::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return ID_1;
+ 	case 1: return ac_class_qualifier_list_1;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_ac_class_qualifier_help_list::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return ac_direct_declarator_1;
+ 	case 1: return ac_class_qualifier_help_list_1;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_ac_operator_name_AcOperatorName::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return casestring_1;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_ac_pointer_AcPointerCons::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return ac_type_qualifier_list_1;
+ 	case 1: return ac_pointer_1;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_ac_pointer_AcPointerNil::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return ac_type_qualifier_list_1;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_ac_pointer_option_Yespointer::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return ac_pointer_1;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_ac_direct_declarator_AcOperatorDeclId::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return ac_operator_name_1;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_ac_direct_declarator_AcConvOperatorDecl::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return ID_1;
+ 	case 1: return ID_2;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_ac_direct_declarator_AcMemberDecl::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return ID_1;
+ 	case 1: return ID_2;
+ 	case 2: return ac_constant_expression_list_1;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_ac_direct_declarator_AcQualifiedDeclProto::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return ac_class_qualifier_list_1;
+ 	case 1: return ac_direct_declarator_1;
+ 	case 2: return ac_parameter_type_list_1;
+ 	case 3: return ac_type_qualifier_1;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_ac_direct_declarator_AcDirectDeclProto::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return ac_direct_declarator_1;
+ 	case 1: return ac_parameter_type_list_1;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_ac_direct_declarator_AcDirectDeclArray::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return ac_direct_declarator_1;
+ 	case 1: return ac_constant_expression_option_1;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_ac_direct_declarator_AcDirectDeclPack::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return ac_declarator_1;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_ac_direct_declarator_AcDirectDeclId::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return ID_1;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_ac_declarator_AcDeclarator::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return ac_pointer_option_1;
+ 	case 1: return ac_ref_option_1;
+ 	case 2: return ac_direct_declarator_1;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_ac_init_declarator_AcInitDecl::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return ac_declarator_1;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_ac_init_declarator_list::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return ac_init_declarator_1;
+ 	case 1: return ac_init_declarator_list_1;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_ac_type_specifier_AcTypeSpec::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return ID_1;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_ac_declaration_specifier_AcDeclSpecTypeQual::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return ac_type_qualifier_1;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_ac_declaration_specifier_AcDeclSpecTypeSpec::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return ac_type_specifier_1;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_ac_declaration_specifier_AcDeclSpecStorageSpec::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return ac_storage_class_specifier_1;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_ac_declaration_specifiers::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return ac_declaration_specifier_1;
+ 	case 1: return ac_declaration_specifiers_1;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_ac_declaration_list::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return ac_declaration_1;
+ 	case 1: return ac_declaration_list_1;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_ac_declaration_AcDeclaration::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return ac_declaration_specifiers_1;
+ 	case 1: return ac_init_declarator_list_1;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_unparsedeclinfo_Unparsedeclinfo::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return patternrepresentation_1;
+ 	case 1: return patternrepresentation_2;
+ 	case 2: return unparseclause_1;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_unparsedeclsinfo::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return unparsedeclinfo_1;
+ 	case 1: return unparsedeclsinfo_1;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_unparseviewinfo_Unparseviewinfo::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return ID_1;
+ 	case 1: return unparsedeclsinfo_1;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_unparseviewsinfo::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return unparseviewinfo_1;
+ 	case 1: return unparseviewsinfo_1;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_rewriteviewinfo_Rewriteviewinfo::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return ID_1;
+ 	case 1: return rewriterulesinfo_1;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_rewriteviewsinfo::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return rewriteviewinfo_1;
+ 	case 1: return rewriteviewsinfo_1;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_withcaseinfo_Withcaseinfo::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return patternrepresentation_1;
+ 	case 1: return patternrepresentation_2;
+ 	case 2: return Ctext_1;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_withcasesinfo::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return withcaseinfo_1;
+ 	case 1: return withcasesinfo_1;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_rewriteruleinfo_Rewriteruleinfo::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return patternrepresentation_1;
+ 	case 1: return patternrepresentation_2;
+ 	case 2: return rewriteclause_1;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_rewriterulesinfo::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return rewriteruleinfo_1;
+ 	case 1: return rewriterulesinfo_1;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_argsnumbers::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return integer_1;
+ 	case 1: return argsnumbers_1;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_paths::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return path_1;
+ 	case 1: return paths_1;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_path::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return integer_1;
+ 	case 1: return path_1;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_elem_patternrepresentation_PRIntLiteral::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return path_1;
+ 	case 1: return INT_1;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_elem_patternrepresentation_PRStringLiteral::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return path_1;
+ 	case 1: return CexpressionDQ_1;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_elem_patternrepresentation_PRWildcard::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return path_1;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_elem_patternrepresentation_PRNonLeafBinding::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return path_1;
+ 	case 1: return ID_1;
+ 	case 2: return patternrepresentation_1;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_elem_patternrepresentation_PRUserPredicate::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return Cexpression_1;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_elem_patternrepresentation_PROperPredicate::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return path_1;
+ 	case 1: return ID_1;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_elem_patternrepresentation_PRVarPredicate::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return paths_1;
+ 	case 1: return ID_1;
+ 	case 2: return patternrepresentation_1;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_elem_patternrepresentation_PRBinding::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return path_1;
+ 	case 1: return ID_1;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_patternrepresentation::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return elem_patternrepresentation_1;
+ 	case 1: return patternrepresentation_1;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_patternrepresentations::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return patternrepresentation_1;
+ 	case 1: return patternrepresentations_1;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_variables::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return ID_1;
+ 	case 1: return variables_1;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_phyla::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return ID_1;
+ 	case 1: return phyla_1;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_operators::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return ID_1;
+ 	case 1: return operators_1;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_IDtype_ITLanguageName::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return integer_1;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_IDtype_ITPatternVariable::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return ID_1;
+ 	case 1: return integer_1;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_IDtype_ITUserFunction::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return fnclass_1;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_IDtype_ITUserOperator::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return alternative_1;
+ 	case 1: return ID_1;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_IDtype_ITPredefinedOperator::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return alternative_1;
+ 	case 1: return ID_1;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_IDtype_ITUserPhylum::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return phylumdeclaration_1;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_IDtype_ITPredefinedPhylum::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return phylumdeclaration_1;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_scopetypefileline_ScopeTypeFileLine::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return integer_1;
+ 	case 1: return IDtype_1;
+ 	case 2: return casestring_1;
+ 	case 3: return integer_2;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_scopetypefilelinestack::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return scopetypefileline_1;
+ 	case 1: return scopetypefilelinestack_1;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_languagenames::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return ID_1;
+ 	case 1: return languagenames_1;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_languageoption_LanguageList::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return languagenames_1;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_viewnameoption_YesViewname::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return ID_1;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_unpattributes::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return ID_1;
+ 	case 1: return unpattributes_1;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_unpsubterm_UnpCastedVariable::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return ID_1;
+ 	case 1: return ID_2;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_unpsubterm_UnpDollarvarAttr::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return INT_1;
+ 	case 1: return unpattributes_1;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_unpsubterm_UnpSubAttr::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return ID_1;
+ 	case 1: return unpattributes_1;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_unpsubterm_UnpDollarvarTerm::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return INT_1;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_unpsubterm_UnpSubTerm::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return ID_1;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_unparseitem_UViewVarDecl::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return ID_1;
+ 	case 1: return ID_2;
+ 	case 2: return Cexpression_1;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_unparseitem_UnpBody::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return languageoption_1;
+ 	case 1: return unparseitems_1;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_unparseitem_UnpCtext::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return languageoption_1;
+ 	case 1: return Ctext_1;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_unparseitem_UnpSubexpr::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return languageoption_1;
+ 	case 1: return unpsubterm_1;
+ 	case 2: return viewnameoption_1;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_unparseitem_UnpStr::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return languageoption_1;
+ 	case 1: return CexpressionDQ_1;
+ 	case 2: return viewnameoption_1;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_unparseitems::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return unparseitem_1;
+ 	case 1: return unparseitems_1;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_viewnames::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return ID_1;
+ 	case 1: return viewnames_1;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_unparseclause_UnparseClause::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return viewnames_1;
+ 	case 1: return unparseitems_1;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_unparseclauses::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return unparseclause_1;
+ 	case 1: return unparseclauses_1;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_unparsedeclaration_UnparseDeclaration::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return outmostpatterns_1;
+ 	case 1: return unparseclauses_1;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_unparsedeclarations::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return unparsedeclaration_1;
+ 	case 1: return unparsedeclarations_1;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_withcase_Withcase::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return patternchains_1;
+ 	case 1: return Ctext_1;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_withcases::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return withcase_1;
+ 	case 1: return withcases_1;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_withexpression_WECexpression::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return Cexpression_1;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_withexpression_WEVariable::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return ID_1;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_withexpressions::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return withexpression_1;
+ 	case 1: return withexpressions_1;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_contextinfo_InForeachContext::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return patternchain_1;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_foreach_after_ForeachAfter::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return patternchain_1;
+ 	case 1: return idCexpressions_1;
+ 	case 2: return withexpressions_1;
+ 	case 3: return Ctext_1;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_Ctext_elem_CTextWithexpression::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return withexpressions_1;
+ 	case 1: return withcases_1;
+ 	case 2: return contextinfo_1;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_Ctext_elem_CTextForeachexpression::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return patternchain_1;
+ 	case 1: return idCexpressions_1;
+ 	case 2: return withexpressions_1;
+ 	case 3: return Ctext_1;
+ 	case 4: return foreach_after_1;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_Ctext_elem_CTextCbody::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return Ctext_1;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_Ctext_elem_CTextCexpressionSQ::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return CexpressionSQ_1;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_Ctext_elem_CTextCexpressionDQ::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return CexpressionDQ_1;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_Ctext_elem_CTextNl::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return integer_1;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_Ctext_elem_CTextDollarVar::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return INT_1;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_Ctext_elem_CTextLine::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return casestring_1;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_Ctext::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return Ctext_elem_1;
+ 	case 1: return Ctext_1;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_fnclass_StaticFn::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return casestring_1;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_fndeclaration_AcMemberDeclaration::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return ac_declaration_specifiers_1;
+ 	case 1: return ac_declarator_1;
+ 	case 2: return ac_constant_expression_option_1;
+ 	case 3: return fnclass_1;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_fndeclaration_FnAcDeclaration::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return ac_declaration_specifiers_1;
+ 	case 1: return ac_declarator_1;
+ 	case 2: return ac_declaration_list_1;
+ 	case 3: return ac_opt_base_init_list_1;
+ 	case 4: return Ctext_1;
+ 	case 5: return ID_1;
+ 	case 6: return fnclass_1;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_fndeclarations::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return fndeclaration_1;
+ 	case 1: return fndeclarations_1;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_fnfile_FnFile::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return casestring_1;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_fnfiles::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return fnfile_1;
+ 	case 1: return fnfiles_1;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_terms::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return term_1;
+ 	case 1: return terms_1;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_term_TIntLiteral::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return INT_1;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_term_TStringLiteral::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return CexpressionDQ_1;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_term_TCTerm::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return CexpressionSQ_1;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_term_TMemberVarDot::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return term_1;
+ 	case 1: return ID_1;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_term_TMemberVar::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return term_1;
+ 	case 1: return ID_1;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_term_TMethodDot::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return term_1;
+ 	case 1: return ID_1;
+ 	case 2: return terms_1;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_term_TMethod::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return term_1;
+ 	case 1: return ID_1;
+ 	case 2: return terms_1;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_term_TOperator::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return ID_1;
+ 	case 1: return terms_1;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_term_TVariable::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return ID_1;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_patterns::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return pattern_1;
+ 	case 1: return patterns_1;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_pattern_PIntLiteral::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return INT_1;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_pattern_PStringLiteral::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return CexpressionDQ_1;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_pattern_PNonLeafVariable::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return ID_1;
+ 	case 1: return pattern_1;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_pattern_POperator::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return ID_1;
+ 	case 1: return patterns_1;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_pattern_PVariable::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return ID_1;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_outmostpattern_OPDefault::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return Cexpression_1;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_outmostpattern_OPWildcard::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return Cexpression_1;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_outmostpattern_OPNonLeafVariable::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return ID_1;
+ 	case 1: return outmostpattern_1;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_outmostpattern_OPOperator::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return ID_1;
+ 	case 1: return patterns_1;
+ 	case 2: return Cexpression_1;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_outmostpattern_OPOperatorWildcard::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return ID_1;
+ 	case 1: return Cexpression_1;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_patternchainitem_PatternchainitemDollarid::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return ID_1;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_patternchainitem_PatternchainitemGroup::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return patternchains_1;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_patternchainitem_PatternchainitemOutmost::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return outmostpattern_1;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_outmostpatterns::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return outmostpattern_1;
+ 	case 1: return outmostpatterns_1;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_patternchain::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return patternchainitem_1;
+ 	case 1: return patternchain_1;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_patternchains::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return patternchain_1;
+ 	case 1: return patternchains_1;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_rewriteclause_RewriteClause::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return viewnames_1;
+ 	case 1: return term_1;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_rewriteclauses::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return rewriteclause_1;
+ 	case 1: return rewriteclauses_1;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_rwdeclaration_RwDeclaration::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return outmostpatterns_1;
+ 	case 1: return rewriteclauses_1;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_rwdeclarations::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return rwdeclaration_1;
+ 	case 1: return rwdeclarations_1;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_includedeclaration_IncludeDeclaration::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return casestring_1;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_includedeclarations::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return includedeclaration_1;
+ 	case 1: return includedeclarations_1;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_includefile_IncludeFile::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return casestring_1;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_includefiles::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return includefile_1;
+ 	case 1: return includefiles_1;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_Ctexts::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return Ctext_1;
+ 	case 1: return Ctexts_1;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_idCexpression_IdCexpression::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return ID_1;
+ 	case 1: return Cexpression_1;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_idCexpressions::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return idCexpression_1;
+ 	case 1: return idCexpressions_1;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_CexpressionSQ_elem_CExpressionSQPart::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return casestring_1;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_CexpressionSQ::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return CexpressionSQ_elem_1;
+ 	case 1: return CexpressionSQ_1;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_CexpressionDQ_elem_CExpressionDQPart::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return casestring_1;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_CexpressionDQ::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return CexpressionDQ_elem_1;
+ 	case 1: return CexpressionDQ_1;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_Cexpression_elem_CExpressionArray::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return Cexpression_1;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_Cexpression_elem_CExpressionPack::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return Cexpression_1;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_Cexpression_elem_CExpressionSQ::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return CexpressionSQ_1;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_Cexpression_elem_CExpressionDQ::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return CexpressionDQ_1;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_Cexpression_elem_CExpressionDollarvar::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return INT_1;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_Cexpression_elem_CExpressionPart::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return casestring_1;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_Cexpression::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return Cexpression_elem_1;
+ 	case 1: return Cexpression_1;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_attribute_initialisation_option_Yesattribute_initialisation::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return Cexpression_1;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_attribute_Attribute::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return ID_1;
+ 	case 1: return ID_2;
+ 	case 2: return attribute_initialisation_option_1;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_attributes::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return attribute_1;
+ 	case 1: return attributes_1;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_Ccode_option_CcodeOption::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return attributes_1;
+ 	case 1: return Ctexts_1;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_argument_Argument::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return ID_1;
+ 	case 1: return integer_1;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_arguments::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return ID_1;
+ 	case 1: return arguments_1;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_alternative_Alternative::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return ID_1;
+ 	case 1: return arguments_1;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_alternatives::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return alternative_1;
+ 	case 1: return alternatives_1;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_productionblock_PredefinedAlternatives::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return alternatives_1;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_productionblock_NonlistAlternatives::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return alternatives_1;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_productionblock_ListAlternatives::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return alternatives_1;
+ 	case 1: return ID_1;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_storageclasses::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return ID_1;
+ 	case 1: return storageclasses_1;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_storageoption_PositiveStorageOption::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return ID_1;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_storageoption_NegativeStorageOption::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return ID_1;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_phylumdeclaration_PhylumDeclaration::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return ID_1;
+ 	case 1: return storageoption_1;
+ 	case 2: return productionblock_1;
+ 	case 3: return Ccode_option_1;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_phylumnames::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return ID_1;
+ 	case 1: return phylumnames_1;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_phylumdeclarations::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return phylumdeclaration_1;
+ 	case 1: return phylumdeclarations_1;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_phylumdeclarationsroot_PhylumDeclarations::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return phylumdeclarations_1;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_STRING_String::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return casestring_1;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_INT_Int::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return integer_1;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_ID_Id::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return uniqID_1;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum impl_uniqID_Str::subphylum(int no) const
+ {
+     switch(no){
+ 	case 0: return casestring_1;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ void impl_bindingidmark_BindingIdMark::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = uniqID_1 = dynamic_cast<uniqID>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_bindingidmarks::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = bindingidmark_1 = dynamic_cast<bindingidmark>(val);break;
+ 	case 1: newval = bindingidmarks_1 = dynamic_cast<bindingidmarks>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_countedphylumdeclaration_CountedPhylumdeclaration::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = uniqID_1 = dynamic_cast<uniqID>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_countedphylumdeclarations::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = countedphylumdeclaration_1 = dynamic_cast<countedphylumdeclaration>(val);break;
+ 	case 1: newval = countedphylumdeclarations_1 = dynamic_cast<countedphylumdeclarations>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_addedphylumdeclaration_AddedPhylumdeclaration::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = uniqID_1 = dynamic_cast<uniqID>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_addedphylumdeclarations::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = addedphylumdeclaration_1 = dynamic_cast<addedphylumdeclaration>(val);break;
+ 	case 1: newval = addedphylumdeclarations_1 = dynamic_cast<addedphylumdeclarations>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_problem_Problem6::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = casestring_1 = dynamic_cast<casestring>(val);break;
+ 	case 1: newval = casestring_2 = dynamic_cast<casestring>(val);break;
+ 	case 2: newval = casestring_3 = dynamic_cast<casestring>(val);break;
+ 	case 3: newval = casestring_4 = dynamic_cast<casestring>(val);break;
+ 	case 4: newval = casestring_5 = dynamic_cast<casestring>(val);break;
+ 	case 5: newval = casestring_6 = dynamic_cast<casestring>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_problem_Problem5::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = casestring_1 = dynamic_cast<casestring>(val);break;
+ 	case 1: newval = casestring_2 = dynamic_cast<casestring>(val);break;
+ 	case 2: newval = casestring_3 = dynamic_cast<casestring>(val);break;
+ 	case 3: newval = casestring_4 = dynamic_cast<casestring>(val);break;
+ 	case 4: newval = casestring_5 = dynamic_cast<casestring>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_problem_Problem4::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = casestring_1 = dynamic_cast<casestring>(val);break;
+ 	case 1: newval = casestring_2 = dynamic_cast<casestring>(val);break;
+ 	case 2: newval = casestring_3 = dynamic_cast<casestring>(val);break;
+ 	case 3: newval = casestring_4 = dynamic_cast<casestring>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_problem_Problem3int1::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = casestring_1 = dynamic_cast<casestring>(val);break;
+ 	case 1: newval = casestring_2 = dynamic_cast<casestring>(val);break;
+ 	case 2: newval = casestring_3 = dynamic_cast<casestring>(val);break;
+ 	case 3: newval = integer_1 = dynamic_cast<integer>(val);break;
+ 	case 4: newval = casestring_4 = dynamic_cast<casestring>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_problem_Problem3::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = casestring_1 = dynamic_cast<casestring>(val);break;
+ 	case 1: newval = casestring_2 = dynamic_cast<casestring>(val);break;
+ 	case 2: newval = casestring_3 = dynamic_cast<casestring>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_problem_Problem2::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = casestring_1 = dynamic_cast<casestring>(val);break;
+ 	case 1: newval = casestring_2 = dynamic_cast<casestring>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_problem_Problem1storageoption1ID::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = casestring_1 = dynamic_cast<casestring>(val);break;
+ 	case 1: newval = storageoption_1 = dynamic_cast<storageoption>(val);break;
+ 	case 2: newval = casestring_2 = dynamic_cast<casestring>(val);break;
+ 	case 3: newval = ID_1 = dynamic_cast<ID>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_problem_Problem1INT1ID1ID::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = casestring_1 = dynamic_cast<casestring>(val);break;
+ 	case 1: newval = INT_1 = dynamic_cast<INT>(val);break;
+ 	case 2: newval = casestring_2 = dynamic_cast<casestring>(val);break;
+ 	case 3: newval = ID_1 = dynamic_cast<ID>(val);break;
+ 	case 4: newval = casestring_3 = dynamic_cast<casestring>(val);break;
+ 	case 5: newval = ID_2 = dynamic_cast<ID>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_problem_Problem1ID1ID1ID::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = casestring_1 = dynamic_cast<casestring>(val);break;
+ 	case 1: newval = ID_1 = dynamic_cast<ID>(val);break;
+ 	case 2: newval = casestring_2 = dynamic_cast<casestring>(val);break;
+ 	case 3: newval = ID_2 = dynamic_cast<ID>(val);break;
+ 	case 4: newval = casestring_3 = dynamic_cast<casestring>(val);break;
+ 	case 5: newval = ID_3 = dynamic_cast<ID>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_problem_Problem1INT1ID::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = casestring_1 = dynamic_cast<casestring>(val);break;
+ 	case 1: newval = INT_1 = dynamic_cast<INT>(val);break;
+ 	case 2: newval = casestring_2 = dynamic_cast<casestring>(val);break;
+ 	case 3: newval = ID_1 = dynamic_cast<ID>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_problem_Problem1int1::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = casestring_1 = dynamic_cast<casestring>(val);break;
+ 	case 1: newval = integer_1 = dynamic_cast<integer>(val);break;
+ 	case 2: newval = casestring_2 = dynamic_cast<casestring>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_problem_Problem1INT::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = casestring_1 = dynamic_cast<casestring>(val);break;
+ 	case 1: newval = INT_1 = dynamic_cast<INT>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_problem_Problem1t1ID::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = casestring_1 = dynamic_cast<casestring>(val);break;
+ 	case 1: newval = IDtype_1 = dynamic_cast<IDtype>(val);break;
+ 	case 2: newval = casestring_2 = dynamic_cast<casestring>(val);break;
+ 	case 3: newval = ID_1 = dynamic_cast<ID>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_problem_Problem1ID1ID::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = casestring_1 = dynamic_cast<casestring>(val);break;
+ 	case 1: newval = ID_1 = dynamic_cast<ID>(val);break;
+ 	case 2: newval = casestring_2 = dynamic_cast<casestring>(val);break;
+ 	case 3: newval = ID_2 = dynamic_cast<ID>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_problem_Problem1we::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = casestring_1 = dynamic_cast<casestring>(val);break;
+ 	case 1: newval = withexpression_1 = dynamic_cast<withexpression>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_problem_Problem1tID::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = casestring_1 = dynamic_cast<casestring>(val);break;
+ 	case 1: newval = ID_1 = dynamic_cast<ID>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_problem_Problem1ID::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = casestring_1 = dynamic_cast<casestring>(val);break;
+ 	case 1: newval = ID_1 = dynamic_cast<ID>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_problem_Problem1::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = casestring_1 = dynamic_cast<casestring>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_error_Warning::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = fileline_1 = dynamic_cast<fileline>(val);break;
+ 	case 1: newval = problem_1 = dynamic_cast<problem>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_error_NonFatal::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = fileline_1 = dynamic_cast<fileline>(val);break;
+ 	case 1: newval = problem_1 = dynamic_cast<problem>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_error_Fatal::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = fileline_1 = dynamic_cast<fileline>(val);break;
+ 	case 1: newval = problem_1 = dynamic_cast<problem>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_baseclass_list::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = ID_1 = dynamic_cast<ID>(val);break;
+ 	case 1: newval = baseclass_list_1 = dynamic_cast<baseclass_list>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_baseclass_decl_BaseClassDecl::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = ID_1 = dynamic_cast<ID>(val);break;
+ 	case 1: newval = baseclass_list_1 = dynamic_cast<baseclass_list>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_baseclass_declarations::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = baseclass_decl_1 = dynamic_cast<baseclass_decl>(val);break;
+ 	case 1: newval = baseclass_declarations_1 = dynamic_cast<baseclass_declarations>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_ac_base_init_AcBaseInit::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = ID_1 = dynamic_cast<ID>(val);break;
+ 	case 1: newval = ac_constant_expression_1 = dynamic_cast<ac_constant_expression>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_ac_base_init_list::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = ac_base_init_1 = dynamic_cast<ac_base_init>(val);break;
+ 	case 1: newval = ac_base_init_list_1 = dynamic_cast<ac_base_init_list>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_ac_opt_base_init_list_AcYesBaseInit::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = ac_base_init_list_1 = dynamic_cast<ac_base_init_list>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_ac_constant_expression_list::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = ac_constant_expression_1 = dynamic_cast<ac_constant_expression>(val);break;
+ 	case 1: newval = ac_constant_expression_list_1 = dynamic_cast<ac_constant_expression_list>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_ac_constant_expression_AcConstExpr::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = Cexpression_1 = dynamic_cast<Cexpression>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_ac_constant_expression_option_Yesac_constant_expression::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = ac_constant_expression_1 = dynamic_cast<ac_constant_expression>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_ac_direct_abstract_declarator_AcDirAbsdeclFn::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = ac_direct_abstract_declarator_option_1 = dynamic_cast<ac_direct_abstract_declarator_option>(val);break;
+ 	case 1: newval = ac_parameter_type_list_1 = dynamic_cast<ac_parameter_type_list>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_ac_direct_abstract_declarator_AcDirAbsdeclArray::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = ac_direct_abstract_declarator_option_1 = dynamic_cast<ac_direct_abstract_declarator_option>(val);break;
+ 	case 1: newval = ac_constant_expression_option_1 = dynamic_cast<ac_constant_expression_option>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_ac_direct_abstract_declarator_AcDirAbsdeclPack::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = ac_abstract_declarator_1 = dynamic_cast<ac_abstract_declarator>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_ac_direct_abstract_declarator_option_Yesac_direct_abstract_declarator::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = ac_direct_abstract_declarator_1 = dynamic_cast<ac_direct_abstract_declarator>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_ac_abstract_declarator_AcAbsdeclDirdecl::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = ac_pointer_option_1 = dynamic_cast<ac_pointer_option>(val);break;
+ 	case 1: newval = ac_direct_abstract_declarator_1 = dynamic_cast<ac_direct_abstract_declarator>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_ac_abstract_declarator_AcAbsdeclPointer::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = ac_pointer_1 = dynamic_cast<ac_pointer>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_ac_identifier_list::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = ID_1 = dynamic_cast<ID>(val);break;
+ 	case 1: newval = ac_identifier_list_1 = dynamic_cast<ac_identifier_list>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_ac_parameter_declaration_AcParDeclAbsdecl::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = ac_declaration_specifiers_1 = dynamic_cast<ac_declaration_specifiers>(val);break;
+ 	case 1: newval = ac_abstract_declarator_1 = dynamic_cast<ac_abstract_declarator>(val);break;
+ 	case 2: newval = ac_constant_expression_option_1 = dynamic_cast<ac_constant_expression_option>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_ac_parameter_declaration_AcParDeclDecl::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = ac_declaration_specifiers_1 = dynamic_cast<ac_declaration_specifiers>(val);break;
+ 	case 1: newval = ac_declarator_1 = dynamic_cast<ac_declarator>(val);break;
+ 	case 2: newval = ac_constant_expression_option_1 = dynamic_cast<ac_constant_expression_option>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_ac_parameter_list::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = ac_parameter_declaration_1 = dynamic_cast<ac_parameter_declaration>(val);break;
+ 	case 1: newval = ac_parameter_list_1 = dynamic_cast<ac_parameter_list>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_ac_parameter_type_list_AcParList3Dot::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = ac_parameter_list_1 = dynamic_cast<ac_parameter_list>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_ac_parameter_type_list_AcParList::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = ac_parameter_list_1 = dynamic_cast<ac_parameter_list>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_ac_type_qualifier_list::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = ac_type_qualifier_1 = dynamic_cast<ac_type_qualifier>(val);break;
+ 	case 1: newval = ac_type_qualifier_list_1 = dynamic_cast<ac_type_qualifier_list>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_ac_class_qualifier_list::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = ID_1 = dynamic_cast<ID>(val);break;
+ 	case 1: newval = ac_class_qualifier_list_1 = dynamic_cast<ac_class_qualifier_list>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_ac_class_qualifier_help_list::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = ac_direct_declarator_1 = dynamic_cast<ac_direct_declarator>(val);break;
+ 	case 1: newval = ac_class_qualifier_help_list_1 = dynamic_cast<ac_class_qualifier_help_list>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_ac_operator_name_AcOperatorName::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = casestring_1 = dynamic_cast<casestring>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_ac_pointer_AcPointerCons::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = ac_type_qualifier_list_1 = dynamic_cast<ac_type_qualifier_list>(val);break;
+ 	case 1: newval = ac_pointer_1 = dynamic_cast<ac_pointer>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_ac_pointer_AcPointerNil::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = ac_type_qualifier_list_1 = dynamic_cast<ac_type_qualifier_list>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_ac_pointer_option_Yespointer::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = ac_pointer_1 = dynamic_cast<ac_pointer>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_ac_direct_declarator_AcOperatorDeclId::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = ac_operator_name_1 = dynamic_cast<ac_operator_name>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_ac_direct_declarator_AcConvOperatorDecl::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = ID_1 = dynamic_cast<ID>(val);break;
+ 	case 1: newval = ID_2 = dynamic_cast<ID>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_ac_direct_declarator_AcMemberDecl::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = ID_1 = dynamic_cast<ID>(val);break;
+ 	case 1: newval = ID_2 = dynamic_cast<ID>(val);break;
+ 	case 2: newval = ac_constant_expression_list_1 = dynamic_cast<ac_constant_expression_list>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_ac_direct_declarator_AcQualifiedDeclProto::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = ac_class_qualifier_list_1 = dynamic_cast<ac_class_qualifier_list>(val);break;
+ 	case 1: newval = ac_direct_declarator_1 = dynamic_cast<ac_direct_declarator>(val);break;
+ 	case 2: newval = ac_parameter_type_list_1 = dynamic_cast<ac_parameter_type_list>(val);break;
+ 	case 3: newval = ac_type_qualifier_1 = dynamic_cast<ac_type_qualifier>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_ac_direct_declarator_AcDirectDeclProto::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = ac_direct_declarator_1 = dynamic_cast<ac_direct_declarator>(val);break;
+ 	case 1: newval = ac_parameter_type_list_1 = dynamic_cast<ac_parameter_type_list>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_ac_direct_declarator_AcDirectDeclArray::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = ac_direct_declarator_1 = dynamic_cast<ac_direct_declarator>(val);break;
+ 	case 1: newval = ac_constant_expression_option_1 = dynamic_cast<ac_constant_expression_option>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_ac_direct_declarator_AcDirectDeclPack::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = ac_declarator_1 = dynamic_cast<ac_declarator>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_ac_direct_declarator_AcDirectDeclId::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = ID_1 = dynamic_cast<ID>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_ac_declarator_AcDeclarator::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = ac_pointer_option_1 = dynamic_cast<ac_pointer_option>(val);break;
+ 	case 1: newval = ac_ref_option_1 = dynamic_cast<ac_ref_option>(val);break;
+ 	case 2: newval = ac_direct_declarator_1 = dynamic_cast<ac_direct_declarator>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_ac_init_declarator_AcInitDecl::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = ac_declarator_1 = dynamic_cast<ac_declarator>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_ac_init_declarator_list::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = ac_init_declarator_1 = dynamic_cast<ac_init_declarator>(val);break;
+ 	case 1: newval = ac_init_declarator_list_1 = dynamic_cast<ac_init_declarator_list>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_ac_type_specifier_AcTypeSpec::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = ID_1 = dynamic_cast<ID>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_ac_declaration_specifier_AcDeclSpecTypeQual::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = ac_type_qualifier_1 = dynamic_cast<ac_type_qualifier>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_ac_declaration_specifier_AcDeclSpecTypeSpec::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = ac_type_specifier_1 = dynamic_cast<ac_type_specifier>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_ac_declaration_specifier_AcDeclSpecStorageSpec::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = ac_storage_class_specifier_1 = dynamic_cast<ac_storage_class_specifier>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_ac_declaration_specifiers::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = ac_declaration_specifier_1 = dynamic_cast<ac_declaration_specifier>(val);break;
+ 	case 1: newval = ac_declaration_specifiers_1 = dynamic_cast<ac_declaration_specifiers>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_ac_declaration_list::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = ac_declaration_1 = dynamic_cast<ac_declaration>(val);break;
+ 	case 1: newval = ac_declaration_list_1 = dynamic_cast<ac_declaration_list>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_ac_declaration_AcDeclaration::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = ac_declaration_specifiers_1 = dynamic_cast<ac_declaration_specifiers>(val);break;
+ 	case 1: newval = ac_init_declarator_list_1 = dynamic_cast<ac_init_declarator_list>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_unparsedeclinfo_Unparsedeclinfo::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = patternrepresentation_1 = dynamic_cast<patternrepresentation>(val);break;
+ 	case 1: newval = patternrepresentation_2 = dynamic_cast<patternrepresentation>(val);break;
+ 	case 2: newval = unparseclause_1 = dynamic_cast<unparseclause>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_unparsedeclsinfo::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = unparsedeclinfo_1 = dynamic_cast<unparsedeclinfo>(val);break;
+ 	case 1: newval = unparsedeclsinfo_1 = dynamic_cast<unparsedeclsinfo>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_unparseviewinfo_Unparseviewinfo::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = ID_1 = dynamic_cast<ID>(val);break;
+ 	case 1: newval = unparsedeclsinfo_1 = dynamic_cast<unparsedeclsinfo>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_unparseviewsinfo::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = unparseviewinfo_1 = dynamic_cast<unparseviewinfo>(val);break;
+ 	case 1: newval = unparseviewsinfo_1 = dynamic_cast<unparseviewsinfo>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_rewriteviewinfo_Rewriteviewinfo::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = ID_1 = dynamic_cast<ID>(val);break;
+ 	case 1: newval = rewriterulesinfo_1 = dynamic_cast<rewriterulesinfo>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_rewriteviewsinfo::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = rewriteviewinfo_1 = dynamic_cast<rewriteviewinfo>(val);break;
+ 	case 1: newval = rewriteviewsinfo_1 = dynamic_cast<rewriteviewsinfo>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_withcaseinfo_Withcaseinfo::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = patternrepresentation_1 = dynamic_cast<patternrepresentation>(val);break;
+ 	case 1: newval = patternrepresentation_2 = dynamic_cast<patternrepresentation>(val);break;
+ 	case 2: newval = Ctext_1 = dynamic_cast<Ctext>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_withcasesinfo::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = withcaseinfo_1 = dynamic_cast<withcaseinfo>(val);break;
+ 	case 1: newval = withcasesinfo_1 = dynamic_cast<withcasesinfo>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_rewriteruleinfo_Rewriteruleinfo::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = patternrepresentation_1 = dynamic_cast<patternrepresentation>(val);break;
+ 	case 1: newval = patternrepresentation_2 = dynamic_cast<patternrepresentation>(val);break;
+ 	case 2: newval = rewriteclause_1 = dynamic_cast<rewriteclause>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_rewriterulesinfo::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = rewriteruleinfo_1 = dynamic_cast<rewriteruleinfo>(val);break;
+ 	case 1: newval = rewriterulesinfo_1 = dynamic_cast<rewriterulesinfo>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_argsnumbers::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = integer_1 = dynamic_cast<integer>(val);break;
+ 	case 1: newval = argsnumbers_1 = dynamic_cast<argsnumbers>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_paths::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = path_1 = dynamic_cast<path>(val);break;
+ 	case 1: newval = paths_1 = dynamic_cast<paths>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_path::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = integer_1 = dynamic_cast<integer>(val);break;
+ 	case 1: newval = path_1 = dynamic_cast<path>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_elem_patternrepresentation_PRIntLiteral::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = path_1 = dynamic_cast<path>(val);break;
+ 	case 1: newval = INT_1 = dynamic_cast<INT>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_elem_patternrepresentation_PRStringLiteral::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = path_1 = dynamic_cast<path>(val);break;
+ 	case 1: newval = CexpressionDQ_1 = dynamic_cast<CexpressionDQ>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_elem_patternrepresentation_PRWildcard::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = path_1 = dynamic_cast<path>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_elem_patternrepresentation_PRNonLeafBinding::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = path_1 = dynamic_cast<path>(val);break;
+ 	case 1: newval = ID_1 = dynamic_cast<ID>(val);break;
+ 	case 2: newval = patternrepresentation_1 = dynamic_cast<patternrepresentation>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_elem_patternrepresentation_PRUserPredicate::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = Cexpression_1 = dynamic_cast<Cexpression>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_elem_patternrepresentation_PROperPredicate::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = path_1 = dynamic_cast<path>(val);break;
+ 	case 1: newval = ID_1 = dynamic_cast<ID>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_elem_patternrepresentation_PRVarPredicate::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = paths_1 = dynamic_cast<paths>(val);break;
+ 	case 1: newval = ID_1 = dynamic_cast<ID>(val);break;
+ 	case 2: newval = patternrepresentation_1 = dynamic_cast<patternrepresentation>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_elem_patternrepresentation_PRBinding::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = path_1 = dynamic_cast<path>(val);break;
+ 	case 1: newval = ID_1 = dynamic_cast<ID>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_patternrepresentation::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = elem_patternrepresentation_1 = dynamic_cast<elem_patternrepresentation>(val);break;
+ 	case 1: newval = patternrepresentation_1 = dynamic_cast<patternrepresentation>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_patternrepresentations::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = patternrepresentation_1 = dynamic_cast<patternrepresentation>(val);break;
+ 	case 1: newval = patternrepresentations_1 = dynamic_cast<patternrepresentations>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_variables::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = ID_1 = dynamic_cast<ID>(val);break;
+ 	case 1: newval = variables_1 = dynamic_cast<variables>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_phyla::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = ID_1 = dynamic_cast<ID>(val);break;
+ 	case 1: newval = phyla_1 = dynamic_cast<phyla>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_operators::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = ID_1 = dynamic_cast<ID>(val);break;
+ 	case 1: newval = operators_1 = dynamic_cast<operators>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_IDtype_ITLanguageName::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = integer_1 = dynamic_cast<integer>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_IDtype_ITPatternVariable::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = ID_1 = dynamic_cast<ID>(val);break;
+ 	case 1: newval = integer_1 = dynamic_cast<integer>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_IDtype_ITUserFunction::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = fnclass_1 = dynamic_cast<fnclass>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_IDtype_ITUserOperator::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = alternative_1 = dynamic_cast<alternative>(val);break;
+ 	case 1: newval = ID_1 = dynamic_cast<ID>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_IDtype_ITPredefinedOperator::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = alternative_1 = dynamic_cast<alternative>(val);break;
+ 	case 1: newval = ID_1 = dynamic_cast<ID>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_IDtype_ITUserPhylum::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = phylumdeclaration_1 = dynamic_cast<phylumdeclaration>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_IDtype_ITPredefinedPhylum::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = phylumdeclaration_1 = dynamic_cast<phylumdeclaration>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_scopetypefileline_ScopeTypeFileLine::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = integer_1 = dynamic_cast<integer>(val);break;
+ 	case 1: newval = IDtype_1 = dynamic_cast<IDtype>(val);break;
+ 	case 2: newval = casestring_1 = dynamic_cast<casestring>(val);break;
+ 	case 3: newval = integer_2 = dynamic_cast<integer>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_scopetypefilelinestack::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = scopetypefileline_1 = dynamic_cast<scopetypefileline>(val);break;
+ 	case 1: newval = scopetypefilelinestack_1 = dynamic_cast<scopetypefilelinestack>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_languagenames::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = ID_1 = dynamic_cast<ID>(val);break;
+ 	case 1: newval = languagenames_1 = dynamic_cast<languagenames>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_languageoption_LanguageList::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = languagenames_1 = dynamic_cast<languagenames>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_viewnameoption_YesViewname::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = ID_1 = dynamic_cast<ID>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_unpattributes::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = ID_1 = dynamic_cast<ID>(val);break;
+ 	case 1: newval = unpattributes_1 = dynamic_cast<unpattributes>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_unpsubterm_UnpCastedVariable::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = ID_1 = dynamic_cast<ID>(val);break;
+ 	case 1: newval = ID_2 = dynamic_cast<ID>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_unpsubterm_UnpDollarvarAttr::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = INT_1 = dynamic_cast<INT>(val);break;
+ 	case 1: newval = unpattributes_1 = dynamic_cast<unpattributes>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_unpsubterm_UnpSubAttr::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = ID_1 = dynamic_cast<ID>(val);break;
+ 	case 1: newval = unpattributes_1 = dynamic_cast<unpattributes>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_unpsubterm_UnpDollarvarTerm::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = INT_1 = dynamic_cast<INT>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_unpsubterm_UnpSubTerm::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = ID_1 = dynamic_cast<ID>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_unparseitem_UViewVarDecl::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = ID_1 = dynamic_cast<ID>(val);break;
+ 	case 1: newval = ID_2 = dynamic_cast<ID>(val);break;
+ 	case 2: newval = Cexpression_1 = dynamic_cast<Cexpression>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_unparseitem_UnpBody::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = languageoption_1 = dynamic_cast<languageoption>(val);break;
+ 	case 1: newval = unparseitems_1 = dynamic_cast<unparseitems>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_unparseitem_UnpCtext::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = languageoption_1 = dynamic_cast<languageoption>(val);break;
+ 	case 1: newval = Ctext_1 = dynamic_cast<Ctext>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_unparseitem_UnpSubexpr::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = languageoption_1 = dynamic_cast<languageoption>(val);break;
+ 	case 1: newval = unpsubterm_1 = dynamic_cast<unpsubterm>(val);break;
+ 	case 2: newval = viewnameoption_1 = dynamic_cast<viewnameoption>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_unparseitem_UnpStr::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = languageoption_1 = dynamic_cast<languageoption>(val);break;
+ 	case 1: newval = CexpressionDQ_1 = dynamic_cast<CexpressionDQ>(val);break;
+ 	case 2: newval = viewnameoption_1 = dynamic_cast<viewnameoption>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_unparseitems::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = unparseitem_1 = dynamic_cast<unparseitem>(val);break;
+ 	case 1: newval = unparseitems_1 = dynamic_cast<unparseitems>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_viewnames::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = ID_1 = dynamic_cast<ID>(val);break;
+ 	case 1: newval = viewnames_1 = dynamic_cast<viewnames>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_unparseclause_UnparseClause::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = viewnames_1 = dynamic_cast<viewnames>(val);break;
+ 	case 1: newval = unparseitems_1 = dynamic_cast<unparseitems>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_unparseclauses::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = unparseclause_1 = dynamic_cast<unparseclause>(val);break;
+ 	case 1: newval = unparseclauses_1 = dynamic_cast<unparseclauses>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_unparsedeclaration_UnparseDeclaration::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = outmostpatterns_1 = dynamic_cast<outmostpatterns>(val);break;
+ 	case 1: newval = unparseclauses_1 = dynamic_cast<unparseclauses>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_unparsedeclarations::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = unparsedeclaration_1 = dynamic_cast<unparsedeclaration>(val);break;
+ 	case 1: newval = unparsedeclarations_1 = dynamic_cast<unparsedeclarations>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_withcase_Withcase::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = patternchains_1 = dynamic_cast<patternchains>(val);break;
+ 	case 1: newval = Ctext_1 = dynamic_cast<Ctext>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_withcases::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = withcase_1 = dynamic_cast<withcase>(val);break;
+ 	case 1: newval = withcases_1 = dynamic_cast<withcases>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_withexpression_WECexpression::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = Cexpression_1 = dynamic_cast<Cexpression>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_withexpression_WEVariable::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = ID_1 = dynamic_cast<ID>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_withexpressions::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = withexpression_1 = dynamic_cast<withexpression>(val);break;
+ 	case 1: newval = withexpressions_1 = dynamic_cast<withexpressions>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_contextinfo_InForeachContext::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = patternchain_1 = dynamic_cast<patternchain>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_foreach_after_ForeachAfter::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = patternchain_1 = dynamic_cast<patternchain>(val);break;
+ 	case 1: newval = idCexpressions_1 = dynamic_cast<idCexpressions>(val);break;
+ 	case 2: newval = withexpressions_1 = dynamic_cast<withexpressions>(val);break;
+ 	case 3: newval = Ctext_1 = dynamic_cast<Ctext>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_Ctext_elem_CTextWithexpression::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = withexpressions_1 = dynamic_cast<withexpressions>(val);break;
+ 	case 1: newval = withcases_1 = dynamic_cast<withcases>(val);break;
+ 	case 2: newval = contextinfo_1 = dynamic_cast<contextinfo>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_Ctext_elem_CTextForeachexpression::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = patternchain_1 = dynamic_cast<patternchain>(val);break;
+ 	case 1: newval = idCexpressions_1 = dynamic_cast<idCexpressions>(val);break;
+ 	case 2: newval = withexpressions_1 = dynamic_cast<withexpressions>(val);break;
+ 	case 3: newval = Ctext_1 = dynamic_cast<Ctext>(val);break;
+ 	case 4: newval = foreach_after_1 = dynamic_cast<foreach_after>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_Ctext_elem_CTextCbody::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = Ctext_1 = dynamic_cast<Ctext>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_Ctext_elem_CTextCexpressionSQ::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = CexpressionSQ_1 = dynamic_cast<CexpressionSQ>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_Ctext_elem_CTextCexpressionDQ::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = CexpressionDQ_1 = dynamic_cast<CexpressionDQ>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_Ctext_elem_CTextNl::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = integer_1 = dynamic_cast<integer>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_Ctext_elem_CTextDollarVar::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = INT_1 = dynamic_cast<INT>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_Ctext_elem_CTextLine::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = casestring_1 = dynamic_cast<casestring>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_Ctext::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = Ctext_elem_1 = dynamic_cast<Ctext_elem>(val);break;
+ 	case 1: newval = Ctext_1 = dynamic_cast<Ctext>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_fnclass_StaticFn::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = casestring_1 = dynamic_cast<casestring>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_fndeclaration_AcMemberDeclaration::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = ac_declaration_specifiers_1 = dynamic_cast<ac_declaration_specifiers>(val);break;
+ 	case 1: newval = ac_declarator_1 = dynamic_cast<ac_declarator>(val);break;
+ 	case 2: newval = ac_constant_expression_option_1 = dynamic_cast<ac_constant_expression_option>(val);break;
+ 	case 3: newval = fnclass_1 = dynamic_cast<fnclass>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_fndeclaration_FnAcDeclaration::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = ac_declaration_specifiers_1 = dynamic_cast<ac_declaration_specifiers>(val);break;
+ 	case 1: newval = ac_declarator_1 = dynamic_cast<ac_declarator>(val);break;
+ 	case 2: newval = ac_declaration_list_1 = dynamic_cast<ac_declaration_list>(val);break;
+ 	case 3: newval = ac_opt_base_init_list_1 = dynamic_cast<ac_opt_base_init_list>(val);break;
+ 	case 4: newval = Ctext_1 = dynamic_cast<Ctext>(val);break;
+ 	case 5: newval = ID_1 = dynamic_cast<ID>(val);break;
+ 	case 6: newval = fnclass_1 = dynamic_cast<fnclass>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_fndeclarations::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = fndeclaration_1 = dynamic_cast<fndeclaration>(val);break;
+ 	case 1: newval = fndeclarations_1 = dynamic_cast<fndeclarations>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_fnfile_FnFile::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = casestring_1 = dynamic_cast<casestring>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_fnfiles::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = fnfile_1 = dynamic_cast<fnfile>(val);break;
+ 	case 1: newval = fnfiles_1 = dynamic_cast<fnfiles>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_terms::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = term_1 = dynamic_cast<term>(val);break;
+ 	case 1: newval = terms_1 = dynamic_cast<terms>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_term_TIntLiteral::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = INT_1 = dynamic_cast<INT>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_term_TStringLiteral::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = CexpressionDQ_1 = dynamic_cast<CexpressionDQ>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_term_TCTerm::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = CexpressionSQ_1 = dynamic_cast<CexpressionSQ>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_term_TMemberVarDot::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = term_1 = dynamic_cast<term>(val);break;
+ 	case 1: newval = ID_1 = dynamic_cast<ID>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_term_TMemberVar::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = term_1 = dynamic_cast<term>(val);break;
+ 	case 1: newval = ID_1 = dynamic_cast<ID>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_term_TMethodDot::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = term_1 = dynamic_cast<term>(val);break;
+ 	case 1: newval = ID_1 = dynamic_cast<ID>(val);break;
+ 	case 2: newval = terms_1 = dynamic_cast<terms>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_term_TMethod::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = term_1 = dynamic_cast<term>(val);break;
+ 	case 1: newval = ID_1 = dynamic_cast<ID>(val);break;
+ 	case 2: newval = terms_1 = dynamic_cast<terms>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_term_TOperator::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = ID_1 = dynamic_cast<ID>(val);break;
+ 	case 1: newval = terms_1 = dynamic_cast<terms>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_term_TVariable::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = ID_1 = dynamic_cast<ID>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_patterns::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = pattern_1 = dynamic_cast<pattern>(val);break;
+ 	case 1: newval = patterns_1 = dynamic_cast<patterns>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_pattern_PIntLiteral::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = INT_1 = dynamic_cast<INT>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_pattern_PStringLiteral::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = CexpressionDQ_1 = dynamic_cast<CexpressionDQ>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_pattern_PNonLeafVariable::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = ID_1 = dynamic_cast<ID>(val);break;
+ 	case 1: newval = pattern_1 = dynamic_cast<pattern>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_pattern_POperator::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = ID_1 = dynamic_cast<ID>(val);break;
+ 	case 1: newval = patterns_1 = dynamic_cast<patterns>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_pattern_PVariable::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = ID_1 = dynamic_cast<ID>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_outmostpattern_OPDefault::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = Cexpression_1 = dynamic_cast<Cexpression>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_outmostpattern_OPWildcard::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = Cexpression_1 = dynamic_cast<Cexpression>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_outmostpattern_OPNonLeafVariable::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = ID_1 = dynamic_cast<ID>(val);break;
+ 	case 1: newval = outmostpattern_1 = dynamic_cast<outmostpattern>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_outmostpattern_OPOperator::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = ID_1 = dynamic_cast<ID>(val);break;
+ 	case 1: newval = patterns_1 = dynamic_cast<patterns>(val);break;
+ 	case 2: newval = Cexpression_1 = dynamic_cast<Cexpression>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_outmostpattern_OPOperatorWildcard::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = ID_1 = dynamic_cast<ID>(val);break;
+ 	case 1: newval = Cexpression_1 = dynamic_cast<Cexpression>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_patternchainitem_PatternchainitemDollarid::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = ID_1 = dynamic_cast<ID>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_patternchainitem_PatternchainitemGroup::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = patternchains_1 = dynamic_cast<patternchains>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_patternchainitem_PatternchainitemOutmost::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = outmostpattern_1 = dynamic_cast<outmostpattern>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_outmostpatterns::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = outmostpattern_1 = dynamic_cast<outmostpattern>(val);break;
+ 	case 1: newval = outmostpatterns_1 = dynamic_cast<outmostpatterns>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_patternchain::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = patternchainitem_1 = dynamic_cast<patternchainitem>(val);break;
+ 	case 1: newval = patternchain_1 = dynamic_cast<patternchain>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_patternchains::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = patternchain_1 = dynamic_cast<patternchain>(val);break;
+ 	case 1: newval = patternchains_1 = dynamic_cast<patternchains>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_rewriteclause_RewriteClause::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = viewnames_1 = dynamic_cast<viewnames>(val);break;
+ 	case 1: newval = term_1 = dynamic_cast<term>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_rewriteclauses::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = rewriteclause_1 = dynamic_cast<rewriteclause>(val);break;
+ 	case 1: newval = rewriteclauses_1 = dynamic_cast<rewriteclauses>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_rwdeclaration_RwDeclaration::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = outmostpatterns_1 = dynamic_cast<outmostpatterns>(val);break;
+ 	case 1: newval = rewriteclauses_1 = dynamic_cast<rewriteclauses>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_rwdeclarations::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = rwdeclaration_1 = dynamic_cast<rwdeclaration>(val);break;
+ 	case 1: newval = rwdeclarations_1 = dynamic_cast<rwdeclarations>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_includedeclaration_IncludeDeclaration::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = casestring_1 = dynamic_cast<casestring>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_includedeclarations::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = includedeclaration_1 = dynamic_cast<includedeclaration>(val);break;
+ 	case 1: newval = includedeclarations_1 = dynamic_cast<includedeclarations>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_includefile_IncludeFile::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = casestring_1 = dynamic_cast<casestring>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_includefiles::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = includefile_1 = dynamic_cast<includefile>(val);break;
+ 	case 1: newval = includefiles_1 = dynamic_cast<includefiles>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_Ctexts::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = Ctext_1 = dynamic_cast<Ctext>(val);break;
+ 	case 1: newval = Ctexts_1 = dynamic_cast<Ctexts>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_idCexpression_IdCexpression::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = ID_1 = dynamic_cast<ID>(val);break;
+ 	case 1: newval = Cexpression_1 = dynamic_cast<Cexpression>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_idCexpressions::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = idCexpression_1 = dynamic_cast<idCexpression>(val);break;
+ 	case 1: newval = idCexpressions_1 = dynamic_cast<idCexpressions>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_CexpressionSQ_elem_CExpressionSQPart::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = casestring_1 = dynamic_cast<casestring>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_CexpressionSQ::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = CexpressionSQ_elem_1 = dynamic_cast<CexpressionSQ_elem>(val);break;
+ 	case 1: newval = CexpressionSQ_1 = dynamic_cast<CexpressionSQ>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_CexpressionDQ_elem_CExpressionDQPart::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = casestring_1 = dynamic_cast<casestring>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_CexpressionDQ::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = CexpressionDQ_elem_1 = dynamic_cast<CexpressionDQ_elem>(val);break;
+ 	case 1: newval = CexpressionDQ_1 = dynamic_cast<CexpressionDQ>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_Cexpression_elem_CExpressionArray::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = Cexpression_1 = dynamic_cast<Cexpression>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_Cexpression_elem_CExpressionPack::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = Cexpression_1 = dynamic_cast<Cexpression>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_Cexpression_elem_CExpressionSQ::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = CexpressionSQ_1 = dynamic_cast<CexpressionSQ>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_Cexpression_elem_CExpressionDQ::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = CexpressionDQ_1 = dynamic_cast<CexpressionDQ>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_Cexpression_elem_CExpressionDollarvar::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = INT_1 = dynamic_cast<INT>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_Cexpression_elem_CExpressionPart::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = casestring_1 = dynamic_cast<casestring>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_Cexpression::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = Cexpression_elem_1 = dynamic_cast<Cexpression_elem>(val);break;
+ 	case 1: newval = Cexpression_1 = dynamic_cast<Cexpression>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_attribute_initialisation_option_Yesattribute_initialisation::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = Cexpression_1 = dynamic_cast<Cexpression>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_attribute_Attribute::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = ID_1 = dynamic_cast<ID>(val);break;
+ 	case 1: newval = ID_2 = dynamic_cast<ID>(val);break;
+ 	case 2: newval = attribute_initialisation_option_1 = dynamic_cast<attribute_initialisation_option>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_attributes::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = attribute_1 = dynamic_cast<attribute>(val);break;
+ 	case 1: newval = attributes_1 = dynamic_cast<attributes>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_Ccode_option_CcodeOption::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = attributes_1 = dynamic_cast<attributes>(val);break;
+ 	case 1: newval = Ctexts_1 = dynamic_cast<Ctexts>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_argument_Argument::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = ID_1 = dynamic_cast<ID>(val);break;
+ 	case 1: newval = integer_1 = dynamic_cast<integer>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_arguments::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = ID_1 = dynamic_cast<ID>(val);break;
+ 	case 1: newval = arguments_1 = dynamic_cast<arguments>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_alternative_Alternative::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = ID_1 = dynamic_cast<ID>(val);break;
+ 	case 1: newval = arguments_1 = dynamic_cast<arguments>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_alternatives::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = alternative_1 = dynamic_cast<alternative>(val);break;
+ 	case 1: newval = alternatives_1 = dynamic_cast<alternatives>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_productionblock_PredefinedAlternatives::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = alternatives_1 = dynamic_cast<alternatives>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_productionblock_NonlistAlternatives::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = alternatives_1 = dynamic_cast<alternatives>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_productionblock_ListAlternatives::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = alternatives_1 = dynamic_cast<alternatives>(val);break;
+ 	case 1: newval = ID_1 = dynamic_cast<ID>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_storageclasses::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = ID_1 = dynamic_cast<ID>(val);break;
+ 	case 1: newval = storageclasses_1 = dynamic_cast<storageclasses>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_storageoption_PositiveStorageOption::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = ID_1 = dynamic_cast<ID>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_storageoption_NegativeStorageOption::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = ID_1 = dynamic_cast<ID>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_phylumdeclaration_PhylumDeclaration::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = ID_1 = dynamic_cast<ID>(val);break;
+ 	case 1: newval = storageoption_1 = dynamic_cast<storageoption>(val);break;
+ 	case 2: newval = productionblock_1 = dynamic_cast<productionblock>(val);break;
+ 	case 3: newval = Ccode_option_1 = dynamic_cast<Ccode_option>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_phylumnames::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = ID_1 = dynamic_cast<ID>(val);break;
+ 	case 1: newval = phylumnames_1 = dynamic_cast<phylumnames>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_phylumdeclarations::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = phylumdeclaration_1 = dynamic_cast<phylumdeclaration>(val);break;
+ 	case 1: newval = phylumdeclarations_1 = dynamic_cast<phylumdeclarations>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_phylumdeclarationsroot_PhylumDeclarations::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = phylumdeclarations_1 = dynamic_cast<phylumdeclarations>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_STRING_String::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = casestring_1 = dynamic_cast<casestring>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_INT_Int::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = integer_1 = dynamic_cast<integer>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_ID_Id::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = uniqID_1 = dynamic_cast<uniqID>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void impl_uniqID_Str::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum newval=0;
+     switch(no) {
+ 	case 0: newval = casestring_1 = dynamic_cast<casestring>(val);break;
+     }
+     assertNonNull(newval);
+ }
+ void
+ copy_attributes(enum_phyla copyPhy, c_abstract_phylum kc_p1, abstract_phylum kc_p2)
+ {
+     switch(copyPhy) {
+     case phylum_uniqID: {
+ 	c_uniqID p1 = dynamic_cast<c_uniqID>(kc_p1);
+ 	uniqID p2 = dynamic_cast<uniqID>(kc_p2);
+ 	p2->type = p1->type;
+ 	p2->line = p1->line;
+ 	p2->file = p1->file;
+ 	p2->scopeinfo = p1->scopeinfo;
+ 	break;
+     }
+     case phylum_ID: {
+ 	c_ID p1 = dynamic_cast<c_ID>(kc_p1);
+ 	ID p2 = dynamic_cast<ID>(kc_p2);
+ 	p2->type = p1->type;
+ 	p2->named_subphylum = p1->named_subphylum;
+ 	p2->line = p1->line;
+ 	p2->file = p1->file;
+ 	break;
+     }
+     case phylum_INT: {
+ 	c_INT p1 = dynamic_cast<c_INT>(kc_p1);
+ 	INT p2 = dynamic_cast<INT>(kc_p2);
+ 	p2->line = p1->line;
+ 	p2->file = p1->file;
+ 	break;
+     }
+     case phylum_STRING: {
+ 	c_STRING p1 = dynamic_cast<c_STRING>(kc_p1);
+ 	STRING p2 = dynamic_cast<STRING>(kc_p2);
+ 	p2->line = p1->line;
+ 	p2->file = p1->file;
+ 	break;
+     }
+     case phylum_phylumdeclaration: {
+ 	c_phylumdeclaration p1 = dynamic_cast<c_phylumdeclaration>(kc_p1);
+ 	phylumdeclaration p2 = dynamic_cast<phylumdeclaration>(kc_p2);
+ 	p2->marked = p1->marked;
+ 	p2->additional_members = p1->additional_members;
+ 	p2->base_classes = p1->base_classes;
+ 	break;
+     }
+     case phylum_storageclasses:
+ 	dynamic_cast<storageclasses>(kc_p2)->phyla = dynamic_cast<c_storageclasses>(kc_p1)->phyla;
+ 	break;
+     case phylum_alternative: {
+ 	c_alternative p1 = dynamic_cast<c_alternative>(kc_p1);
+ 	alternative p2 = dynamic_cast<alternative>(kc_p2);
+ 	p2->rewriteinfo = p1->rewriteinfo;
+ 	p2->unparseinfo = p1->unparseinfo;
+ 	p2->additional_members = p1->additional_members;
+ 	p2->base_classes = p1->base_classes;
+ 	break;
+     }
+     case phylum_arguments:
+ 	dynamic_cast<arguments>(kc_p2)->seqnr = dynamic_cast<c_arguments>(kc_p1)->seqnr;
+ 	break;
+     case phylum_Cexpression: {
+ 	c_Cexpression p1 = dynamic_cast<c_Cexpression>(kc_p1);
+ 	Cexpression p2 = dynamic_cast<Cexpression>(kc_p2);
+ 	p2->line = p1->line;
+ 	p2->file = p1->file;
+ 	break;
+     }
+     case phylum_idCexpression:
+ 	dynamic_cast<idCexpression>(kc_p2)->id = dynamic_cast<c_idCexpression>(kc_p1)->id;
+ 	break;
+     case phylum_includefile: {
+ 	c_includefile p1 = dynamic_cast<c_includefile>(kc_p1);
+ 	includefile p2 = dynamic_cast<includefile>(kc_p2);
+ 	p2->inc_type = p1->inc_type;
+ 	p2->inc = p1->inc;
+ 	break;
+     }
+     case phylum_includedeclaration: {
+ 	c_includedeclaration p1 = dynamic_cast<c_includedeclaration>(kc_p1);
+ 	includedeclaration p2 = dynamic_cast<includedeclaration>(kc_p2);
+ 	p2->line = p1->line;
+ 	p2->file = p1->file;
+ 	break;
+     }
+     case phylum_patternchains: {
+ 	c_patternchains p1 = dynamic_cast<c_patternchains>(kc_p1);
+ 	patternchains p2 = dynamic_cast<patternchains>(kc_p2);
+ 	p2->line = p1->line;
+ 	p2->file = p1->file;
+ 	break;
+     }
+     case phylum_patternchain: {
+ 	c_patternchain p1 = dynamic_cast<c_patternchain>(kc_p1);
+ 	patternchain p2 = dynamic_cast<patternchain>(kc_p2);
+ 	p2->line = p1->line;
+ 	p2->file = p1->file;
+ 	break;
+     }
+     case phylum_patternchainitem: {
+ 	c_patternchainitem p1 = dynamic_cast<c_patternchainitem>(kc_p1);
+ 	patternchainitem p2 = dynamic_cast<patternchainitem>(kc_p2);
+ 	p2->line = p1->line;
+ 	p2->file = p1->file;
+ 	p2->type = p1->type;
+ 	break;
+     }
+     case phylum_outmostpattern: {
+ 	c_outmostpattern p1 = dynamic_cast<c_outmostpattern>(kc_p1);
+ 	outmostpattern p2 = dynamic_cast<outmostpattern>(kc_p2);
+ 	p2->line = p1->line;
+ 	p2->file = p1->file;
+ 	p2->type = p1->type;
+ 	break;
+     }
+     case phylum_term: {
+ 	c_term p1 = dynamic_cast<c_term>(kc_p1);
+ 	term p2 = dynamic_cast<term>(kc_p2);
+ 	p2->line = p1->line;
+ 	p2->file = p1->file;
+ 	break;
+     }
+     case phylum_fnfile:
+ 	dynamic_cast<fnfile>(kc_p2)->fns = dynamic_cast<c_fnfile>(kc_p1)->fns;
+ 	break;
+     case phylum_fndeclaration: {
+ 	c_fndeclaration p1 = dynamic_cast<c_fndeclaration>(kc_p1);
+ 	fndeclaration p2 = dynamic_cast<fndeclaration>(kc_p2);
+ 	p2->sorted = p1->sorted;
+ 	p2->last_line = p1->last_line;
+ 	p2->file = p1->file;
+ 	p2->is_attr = p1->is_attr;
+ 	break;
+     }
+     case phylum_Ctext: {
+ 	c_Ctext p1 = dynamic_cast<c_Ctext>(kc_p1);
+ 	Ctext p2 = dynamic_cast<Ctext>(kc_p2);
+ 	p2->line = p1->line;
+ 	p2->file = p1->file;
+ 	break;
+     }
+     case phylum_Ctext_elem: {
+ 	c_Ctext_elem p1 = dynamic_cast<c_Ctext_elem>(kc_p1);
+ 	Ctext_elem p2 = dynamic_cast<Ctext_elem>(kc_p2);
+ 	p2->line = p1->line;
+ 	p2->file = p1->file;
+ 	break;
+     }
+     case phylum_foreach_after: {
+ 	c_foreach_after p1 = dynamic_cast<c_foreach_after>(kc_p1);
+ 	foreach_after p2 = dynamic_cast<foreach_after>(kc_p2);
+ 	p2->line = p1->line;
+ 	p2->file = p1->file;
+ 	break;
+     }
+     case phylum_withexpressions: {
+ 	c_withexpressions p1 = dynamic_cast<c_withexpressions>(kc_p1);
+ 	withexpressions p2 = dynamic_cast<withexpressions>(kc_p2);
+ 	p2->type = p1->type;
+ 	p2->line = p1->line;
+ 	p2->file = p1->file;
+ 	break;
+     }
+     case phylum_withexpression: {
+ 	c_withexpression p1 = dynamic_cast<c_withexpression>(kc_p1);
+ 	withexpression p2 = dynamic_cast<withexpression>(kc_p2);
+ 	p2->type = p1->type;
+ 	p2->line = p1->line;
+ 	p2->file = p1->file;
+ 	break;
+     }
+     case phylum_withcases:
+ 	dynamic_cast<withcases>(kc_p2)->wcinfo = dynamic_cast<c_withcases>(kc_p1)->wcinfo;
+ 	break;
+     case phylum_withcase:
+ 	dynamic_cast<withcase>(kc_p2)->wcinfo = dynamic_cast<c_withcase>(kc_p1)->wcinfo;
+ 	break;
+     case phylum_unparsedeclaration:
+ 	dynamic_cast<unparsedeclaration>(kc_p2)->patternreps = dynamic_cast<c_unparsedeclaration>(kc_p1)->patternreps;
+ 	break;
+     case phylum_viewnames:
+ 	dynamic_cast<viewnames>(kc_p2)->is_extern = dynamic_cast<c_viewnames>(kc_p1)->is_extern;
+ 	break;
+     case phylum_unparseitem:
+ 	dynamic_cast<unparseitem>(kc_p2)->text_nr = dynamic_cast<c_unparseitem>(kc_p1)->text_nr;
+ 	break;
+     case phylum_fileline: {
+ 	c_fileline p1 = dynamic_cast<c_fileline>(kc_p1);
+ 	fileline p2 = dynamic_cast<fileline>(kc_p2);
+ 	p2->file = p1->file;
+ 	p2->line = p1->line;
+ 	break;
+     }
+     case phylum_elem_patternrepresentation: {
+ 	c_elem_patternrepresentation p1 = dynamic_cast<c_elem_patternrepresentation>(kc_p1);
+ 	elem_patternrepresentation p2 = dynamic_cast<elem_patternrepresentation>(kc_p2);
+ 	p2->line = p1->line;
+ 	p2->file = p1->file;
+ 	p2->type = p1->type;
+ 	break;
+     }
+     case phylum_path: {
+ 	c_path p1 = dynamic_cast<c_path>(kc_p1);
+ 	path p2 = dynamic_cast<path>(kc_p2);
+ 	p2->op = p1->op;
+ 	p2->id = p1->id;
+ 	break;
+     }
+     case phylum_ac_operator_name: {
+ 	c_ac_operator_name p1 = dynamic_cast<c_ac_operator_name>(kc_p1);
+ 	ac_operator_name p2 = dynamic_cast<ac_operator_name>(kc_p2);
+ 	p2->line = p1->line;
+ 	p2->file = p1->file;
+ 	break;
+     }
+     case phylum_addedphylumdeclaration:
+ 	dynamic_cast<addedphylumdeclaration>(kc_p2)->added = dynamic_cast<c_addedphylumdeclaration>(kc_p1)->added;
+ 	break;
+     case phylum_countedphylumdeclaration:
+ 	dynamic_cast<countedphylumdeclaration>(kc_p2)->count = dynamic_cast<c_countedphylumdeclaration>(kc_p1)->count;
+ 	break;
+     case phylum_charruns:
+ 	dynamic_cast<charruns>(kc_p2)->number = dynamic_cast<c_charruns>(kc_p1)->number;
+ 	break;
+     case phylum_bindingidmark:
+ 	dynamic_cast<bindingidmark>(kc_p2)->marked = dynamic_cast<c_bindingidmark>(kc_p1)->marked;
+ 	break;
+     case one_before_first_phylum: // just to avoid a warning about missing case if empty
+     default:
+ 	break; // it's alright, no attributes to copy
+     }
+     enum_operators copyOp=kc_p1->prod_sel();
+     for (int i=operator_info[copyOp].no_attrs-1; i>=0; --i)
+ 	attributeOf(kc_p2, i)=attributeOf(const_cast<abstract_phylum>(kc_p1), i);
+ }
+ KC_PHYLUM_INFO phylum_info[] = {
+     { "", one_before_first_operator, one_before_first_operator, (kc_storageclass_t)0 }, /* dummy element */
+     { "nocasestring", sel_NoCaseStr, sel_NoCaseStr, uniq },
+     { "casestring", sel__Str, sel__Str, uniq },
+     { "real", sel__Real, sel__Real, uniq },
+     { "integer", sel__Int, sel__Int, uniq },
+     { "voidptr", sel__VoidPtr, sel__VoidPtr, uniq },
+     { "uniqID", sel_Str, sel_Str, uniq },
+     { "ID", sel_Id, sel_Id, kc_not_uniq },
+     { "INT", sel_Int, sel_Int, kc_not_uniq },
+     { "STRING", sel_String, sel_String, kc_not_uniq },
+     { "phylumdeclarationsroot", sel_PhylumDeclarations, sel_PhylumDeclarations, kc_not_uniq },
+     { "phylumdeclarations", sel_Nilphylumdeclarations, sel_Consphylumdeclarations, kc_not_uniq },
+     { "phylumnames", sel_Nilphylumnames, sel_Consphylumnames, kc_not_uniq },
+     { "phylumdeclaration", sel_PhylumDeclaration, sel_PhylumDeclaration, kc_not_uniq },
+     { "storageoption", sel_NoStorageOption, sel_PositiveStorageOption, kc_not_uniq },
+     { "storageclasses", sel_Nilstorageclasses, sel_Consstorageclasses, kc_not_uniq },
+     { "productionblock", sel_Emptyproductionblock, sel_PredefinedAlternatives, kc_not_uniq },
+     { "alternatives", sel_Nilalternatives, sel_Consalternatives, kc_not_uniq },
+     { "alternative", sel_Alternative, sel_Alternative, kc_not_uniq },
+     { "arguments", sel_Nilarguments, sel_Consarguments, kc_not_uniq },
+     { "argument", sel_Argument, sel_Argument, kc_not_uniq },
+     { "Ccode_option", sel_CcodeOption, sel_CcodeOption, kc_not_uniq },
+     { "attributes", sel_Nilattributes, sel_Consattributes, kc_not_uniq },
+     { "attribute", sel_Attribute, sel_Attribute, kc_not_uniq },
+     { "attribute_initialisation_option", sel_Noattribute_initialisation, sel_Yesattribute_initialisation, kc_not_uniq },
+     { "Cexpression", sel_NilCexpression, sel_ConsCexpression, kc_not_uniq },
+     { "Cexpression_elem", sel_CExpressionPart, sel_CExpressionArray, kc_not_uniq },
+     { "CexpressionDQ", sel_NilCexpressionDQ, sel_ConsCexpressionDQ, kc_not_uniq },
+     { "CexpressionDQ_elem", sel_CExpressionDQPart, sel_CExpressionDQNl, kc_not_uniq },
+     { "CexpressionSQ", sel_NilCexpressionSQ, sel_ConsCexpressionSQ, kc_not_uniq },
+     { "CexpressionSQ_elem", sel_CExpressionSQPart, sel_CExpressionSQNl, kc_not_uniq },
+     { "idCexpressions", sel_NilidCexpressions, sel_ConsidCexpressions, kc_not_uniq },
+     { "idCexpression", sel_IdCexpression, sel_IdCexpression, kc_not_uniq },
+     { "Ctexts", sel_NilCtexts, sel_ConsCtexts, kc_not_uniq },
+     { "includefiles", sel_Nilincludefiles, sel_Consincludefiles, kc_not_uniq },
+     { "includefile", sel_IncludeFile, sel_IncludeFile, uniq },
+     { "includedeclarations", sel_Nilincludedeclarations, sel_Consincludedeclarations, kc_not_uniq },
+     { "includedeclaration", sel_IncludeDeclaration, sel_IncludeDeclaration, kc_not_uniq },
+     { "rwdeclarations", sel_Nilrwdeclarations, sel_Consrwdeclarations, kc_not_uniq },
+     { "rwdeclaration", sel_RwDeclaration, sel_RwDeclaration, kc_not_uniq },
+     { "rewriteclauses", sel_Nilrewriteclauses, sel_Consrewriteclauses, kc_not_uniq },
+     { "rewriteclause", sel_RewriteClause, sel_RewriteClause, kc_not_uniq },
+     { "patternchains", sel_Nilpatternchains, sel_Conspatternchains, kc_not_uniq },
+     { "patternchain", sel_Nilpatternchain, sel_Conspatternchain, kc_not_uniq },
+     { "outmostpatterns", sel_Niloutmostpatterns, sel_Consoutmostpatterns, kc_not_uniq },
+     { "patternchainitem", sel_PatternchainitemOutmost, sel_PatternchainitemDollarid, kc_not_uniq },
+     { "outmostpattern", sel_OPOperatorWildcard, sel_OPDefault, kc_not_uniq },
+     { "pattern", sel_PVariable, sel_PIntLiteral, kc_not_uniq },
+     { "patterns", sel_Nilpatterns, sel_Conspatterns, kc_not_uniq },
+     { "term", sel_TVariable, sel_TIntLiteral, kc_not_uniq },
+     { "terms", sel_Nilterms, sel_Consterms, kc_not_uniq },
+     { "fnfiles", sel_Nilfnfiles, sel_Consfnfiles, kc_not_uniq },
+     { "fnfile", sel_FnFile, sel_FnFile, uniq },
+     { "fndeclarations", sel_Nilfndeclarations, sel_Consfndeclarations, kc_not_uniq },
+     { "fndeclaration", sel_FnAcDeclaration, sel_AcMemberDeclaration, kc_not_uniq },
+     { "fnclass", sel_GlobalFn, sel_ConvOperatorFn, kc_not_uniq },
+     { "Ctext", sel_NilCtext, sel_ConsCtext, kc_not_uniq },
+     { "Ctext_elem", sel_CTextLine, sel_CTextWithexpression, kc_not_uniq },
+     { "foreach_after", sel_NoForeachAfter, sel_ForeachAfter, kc_not_uniq },
+     { "contextinfo", sel_InForeachContext, sel_NotInForeachContext, kc_not_uniq },
+     { "withexpressions", sel_Nilwithexpressions, sel_Conswithexpressions, kc_not_uniq },
+     { "withexpression", sel_WEVariable, sel_WECexpression, kc_not_uniq },
+     { "withcases", sel_Nilwithcases, sel_Conswithcases, kc_not_uniq },
+     { "withcase", sel_Withcase, sel_Withcase, kc_not_uniq },
+     { "unparsedeclarations", sel_Nilunparsedeclarations, sel_Consunparsedeclarations, kc_not_uniq },
+     { "unparsedeclaration", sel_UnparseDeclaration, sel_UnparseDeclaration, kc_not_uniq },
+     { "unparseclauses", sel_Nilunparseclauses, sel_Consunparseclauses, kc_not_uniq },
+     { "unparseclause", sel_UnparseClause, sel_UnparseClause, kc_not_uniq },
+     { "viewnames", sel_Nilviewnames, sel_Consviewnames, kc_not_uniq },
+     { "unparseitems", sel_Nilunparseitems, sel_Consunparseitems, kc_not_uniq },
+     { "unparseitem", sel_UnpStr, sel_UViewVarDecl, kc_not_uniq },
+     { "unpsubterm", sel_UnpSubTerm, sel_UnpCastedVariable, kc_not_uniq },
+     { "unpattributes", sel_Nilunpattributes, sel_Consunpattributes, kc_not_uniq },
+     { "viewnameoption", sel_NoViewname, sel_YesViewname, kc_not_uniq },
+     { "languageoption", sel_NoLanguagename, sel_LanguageList, kc_not_uniq },
+     { "languagenames", sel_Nillanguagenames, sel_Conslanguagenames, kc_not_uniq },
+     { "fileline", sel_FileLine, sel_PosNoFileLine, kc_not_uniq },
+     { "scopetypefilelinestack", sel_Nilscopetypefilelinestack, sel_Consscopetypefilelinestack, kc_not_uniq },
+     { "scopetypefileline", sel_ScopeTypeFileLine, sel_ScopeTypeFileLine, kc_not_uniq },
+     { "IDtype", sel_ITUnknown, sel_ITLanguageName, kc_not_uniq },
+     { "operators", sel_Niloperators, sel_Consoperators, kc_not_uniq },
+     { "phyla", sel_Nilphyla, sel_Consphyla, kc_not_uniq },
+     { "variables", sel_Nilvariables, sel_Consvariables, kc_not_uniq },
+     { "dollarvarstatus", sel_DVAllowed, sel_DVDisallowed, kc_not_uniq },
+     { "tribool", sel_Equal, sel_Bigger, kc_not_uniq },
+     { "patternrepresentations", sel_Nilpatternrepresentations, sel_Conspatternrepresentations, kc_not_uniq },
+     { "patternrepresentation", sel_Nilpatternrepresentation, sel_Conspatternrepresentation, kc_not_uniq },
+     { "elem_patternrepresentation", sel_PRBinding, sel_PRIntLiteral, kc_not_uniq },
+     { "path", sel_Nilpath, sel_Conspath, kc_not_uniq },
+     { "paths", sel_Nilpaths, sel_Conspaths, kc_not_uniq },
+     { "argsnumbers", sel_Nilargsnumbers, sel_Consargsnumbers, kc_not_uniq },
+     { "rewriterulesinfo", sel_Nilrewriterulesinfo, sel_Consrewriterulesinfo, kc_not_uniq },
+     { "rewriteruleinfo", sel_Rewriteruleinfo, sel_Rewriteruleinfo, kc_not_uniq },
+     { "withcasesinfo", sel_Nilwithcasesinfo, sel_Conswithcasesinfo, kc_not_uniq },
+     { "withcaseinfo", sel_Withcaseinfo, sel_Withcaseinfo, kc_not_uniq },
+     { "rewriteviewsinfo", sel_Nilrewriteviewsinfo, sel_Consrewriteviewsinfo, kc_not_uniq },
+     { "rewriteviewinfo", sel_Rewriteviewinfo, sel_Rewriteviewinfo, kc_not_uniq },
+     { "unparseviewsinfo", sel_Nilunparseviewsinfo, sel_Consunparseviewsinfo, kc_not_uniq },
+     { "unparseviewinfo", sel_Unparseviewinfo, sel_Unparseviewinfo, kc_not_uniq },
+     { "unparsedeclsinfo", sel_Nilunparsedeclsinfo, sel_Consunparsedeclsinfo, kc_not_uniq },
+     { "unparsedeclinfo", sel_Unparsedeclinfo, sel_Unparsedeclinfo, kc_not_uniq },
+     { "ac_declaration", sel_AcDeclaration, sel_AcDeclaration, kc_not_uniq },
+     { "ac_declaration_list", sel_Nilac_declaration_list, sel_Consac_declaration_list, kc_not_uniq },
+     { "ac_declaration_specifiers", sel_Nilac_declaration_specifiers, sel_Consac_declaration_specifiers, kc_not_uniq },
+     { "ac_declaration_specifier", sel_AcDeclSpecStorageSpec, sel_AcDeclSpecTypeQual, kc_not_uniq },
+     { "ac_storage_class_specifier", sel_AcAuto, sel_AcVirtual, kc_not_uniq },
+     { "ac_type_specifier", sel_AcTypeSpec, sel_AcTypeSpec, kc_not_uniq },
+     { "ac_type_qualifier", sel_AcConst, sel_AcNoQualifier, kc_not_uniq },
+     { "ac_init_declarator_list", sel_Nilac_init_declarator_list, sel_Consac_init_declarator_list, kc_not_uniq },
+     { "ac_init_declarator", sel_AcInitDecl, sel_AcInitDecl, kc_not_uniq },
+     { "ac_declarator", sel_AcDeclarator, sel_AcDeclarator, kc_not_uniq },
+     { "ac_direct_declarator", sel_AcDirectDeclId, sel_AcOperatorDeclId, kc_not_uniq },
+     { "ac_pointer_option", sel_Nopointer, sel_Yespointer, kc_not_uniq },
+     { "ac_pointer", sel_AcPointerNil, sel_AcPointerCons, kc_not_uniq },
+     { "ac_ref_option", sel_AcNoRef, sel_AcRef, kc_not_uniq },
+     { "ac_operator_name", sel_AcOperatorName, sel_AcOperatorName, kc_not_uniq },
+     { "ac_class_qualifier_help_list", sel_Nilac_class_qualifier_help_list, sel_Consac_class_qualifier_help_list, kc_not_uniq },
+     { "ac_class_qualifier_list", sel_Nilac_class_qualifier_list, sel_Consac_class_qualifier_list, kc_not_uniq },
+     { "ac_type_qualifier_list", sel_Nilac_type_qualifier_list, sel_Consac_type_qualifier_list, kc_not_uniq },
+     { "ac_parameter_type_list", sel_AcParList, sel_AcParList3Dot, kc_not_uniq },
+     { "ac_parameter_list", sel_Nilac_parameter_list, sel_Consac_parameter_list, kc_not_uniq },
+     { "ac_parameter_declaration", sel_AcParDeclDecl, sel_AcParDeclAbsdecl, kc_not_uniq },
+     { "ac_identifier_list", sel_Nilac_identifier_list, sel_Consac_identifier_list, kc_not_uniq },
+     { "ac_abstract_declarator", sel_AcAbsdeclPointer, sel_AcAbsdeclDirdecl, kc_not_uniq },
+     { "ac_direct_abstract_declarator_option", sel_Noac_direct_abstract_declarator, sel_Yesac_direct_abstract_declarator, kc_not_uniq },
+     { "ac_direct_abstract_declarator", sel_AcDirAbsdeclPack, sel_AcDirAbsdeclFn, kc_not_uniq },
+     { "ac_constant_expression_option", sel_Yesac_constant_expression, sel_Noac_constant_expression, kc_not_uniq },
+     { "ac_constant_expression", sel_AcConstExpr, sel_AcConstExpr, kc_not_uniq },
+     { "ac_constant_expression_list", sel_Nilac_constant_expression_list, sel_Consac_constant_expression_list, kc_not_uniq },
+     { "ac_opt_base_init_list", sel_AcNoBaseInit, sel_AcYesBaseInit, kc_not_uniq },
+     { "ac_base_init_list", sel_Nilac_base_init_list, sel_Consac_base_init_list, kc_not_uniq },
+     { "ac_base_init", sel_AcBaseInit, sel_AcBaseInit, kc_not_uniq },
+     { "baseclass_declarations", sel_Nilbaseclass_declarations, sel_Consbaseclass_declarations, kc_not_uniq },
+     { "baseclass_decl", sel_BaseClassDecl, sel_BaseClassDecl, kc_not_uniq },
+     { "baseclass_list", sel_Nilbaseclass_list, sel_Consbaseclass_list, kc_not_uniq },
+     { "error", sel_Fatal, sel_Warning, kc_not_uniq },
+     { "problem", sel_Problem1, sel_Problem6, kc_not_uniq },
+     { "addedphylumdeclarations", sel_Niladdedphylumdeclarations, sel_Consaddedphylumdeclarations, kc_not_uniq },
+     { "addedphylumdeclaration", sel_AddedPhylumdeclaration, sel_AddedPhylumdeclaration, kc_not_uniq },
+     { "countedphylumdeclarations", sel_Nilcountedphylumdeclarations, sel_Conscountedphylumdeclarations, kc_not_uniq },
+     { "countedphylumdeclaration", sel_CountedPhylumdeclaration, sel_CountedPhylumdeclaration, uniq },
+     { "charruns", sel_Newlines, sel_Stars, uniq },
+     { "bindingidmarks", sel_Nilbindingidmarks, sel_Consbindingidmarks, uniq },
+     { "bindingidmark", sel_BindingIdMark, sel_BindingIdMark, uniq },
+     { "", one_before_first_operator, one_before_first_operator, (kc_storageclass_t)0 } /* last element */
+ };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_Str[] = { phylum_casestring };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_Id[] = { phylum_uniqID };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_Int[] = { phylum_integer };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_String[] = { phylum_casestring };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_PhylumDeclarations[] = { phylum_phylumdeclarations };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_Consphylumdeclarations[] = { phylum_phylumdeclaration, phylum_phylumdeclarations };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_Consphylumnames[] = { phylum_ID, phylum_phylumnames };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_PhylumDeclaration[] = { phylum_ID, phylum_storageoption, phylum_productionblock, phylum_Ccode_option };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_NegativeStorageOption[] = { phylum_ID };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_PositiveStorageOption[] = { phylum_ID };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_Consstorageclasses[] = { phylum_ID, phylum_storageclasses };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_ListAlternatives[] = { phylum_alternatives, phylum_ID };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_NonlistAlternatives[] = { phylum_alternatives };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_PredefinedAlternatives[] = { phylum_alternatives };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_Consalternatives[] = { phylum_alternative, phylum_alternatives };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_Alternative[] = { phylum_ID, phylum_arguments };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_Consarguments[] = { phylum_ID, phylum_arguments };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_Argument[] = { phylum_ID, phylum_integer };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_CcodeOption[] = { phylum_attributes, phylum_Ctexts };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_Consattributes[] = { phylum_attribute, phylum_attributes };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_Attribute[] = { phylum_ID, phylum_ID, phylum_attribute_initialisation_option };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_Yesattribute_initialisation[] = { phylum_Cexpression };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_ConsCexpression[] = { phylum_Cexpression_elem, phylum_Cexpression };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_CExpressionPart[] = { phylum_casestring };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_CExpressionDollarvar[] = { phylum_INT };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_CExpressionDQ[] = { phylum_CexpressionDQ };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_CExpressionSQ[] = { phylum_CexpressionSQ };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_CExpressionPack[] = { phylum_Cexpression };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_CExpressionArray[] = { phylum_Cexpression };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_ConsCexpressionDQ[] = { phylum_CexpressionDQ_elem, phylum_CexpressionDQ };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_CExpressionDQPart[] = { phylum_casestring };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_ConsCexpressionSQ[] = { phylum_CexpressionSQ_elem, phylum_CexpressionSQ };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_CExpressionSQPart[] = { phylum_casestring };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_ConsidCexpressions[] = { phylum_idCexpression, phylum_idCexpressions };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_IdCexpression[] = { phylum_ID, phylum_Cexpression };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_ConsCtexts[] = { phylum_Ctext, phylum_Ctexts };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_Consincludefiles[] = { phylum_includefile, phylum_includefiles };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_IncludeFile[] = { phylum_casestring };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_Consincludedeclarations[] = { phylum_includedeclaration, phylum_includedeclarations };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_IncludeDeclaration[] = { phylum_casestring };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_Consrwdeclarations[] = { phylum_rwdeclaration, phylum_rwdeclarations };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_RwDeclaration[] = { phylum_outmostpatterns, phylum_rewriteclauses };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_Consrewriteclauses[] = { phylum_rewriteclause, phylum_rewriteclauses };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_RewriteClause[] = { phylum_viewnames, phylum_term };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_Conspatternchains[] = { phylum_patternchain, phylum_patternchains };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_Conspatternchain[] = { phylum_patternchainitem, phylum_patternchain };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_Consoutmostpatterns[] = { phylum_outmostpattern, phylum_outmostpatterns };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_PatternchainitemOutmost[] = { phylum_outmostpattern };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_PatternchainitemGroup[] = { phylum_patternchains };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_PatternchainitemDollarid[] = { phylum_ID };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_OPOperatorWildcard[] = { phylum_ID, phylum_Cexpression };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_OPOperator[] = { phylum_ID, phylum_patterns, phylum_Cexpression };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_OPNonLeafVariable[] = { phylum_ID, phylum_outmostpattern };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_OPWildcard[] = { phylum_Cexpression };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_OPDefault[] = { phylum_Cexpression };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_PVariable[] = { phylum_ID };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_POperator[] = { phylum_ID, phylum_patterns };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_PNonLeafVariable[] = { phylum_ID, phylum_pattern };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_PStringLiteral[] = { phylum_CexpressionDQ };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_PIntLiteral[] = { phylum_INT };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_Conspatterns[] = { phylum_pattern, phylum_patterns };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_TVariable[] = { phylum_ID };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_TOperator[] = { phylum_ID, phylum_terms };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_TMethod[] = { phylum_term, phylum_ID, phylum_terms };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_TMethodDot[] = { phylum_term, phylum_ID, phylum_terms };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_TMemberVar[] = { phylum_term, phylum_ID };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_TMemberVarDot[] = { phylum_term, phylum_ID };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_TCTerm[] = { phylum_CexpressionSQ };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_TStringLiteral[] = { phylum_CexpressionDQ };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_TIntLiteral[] = { phylum_INT };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_Consterms[] = { phylum_term, phylum_terms };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_Consfnfiles[] = { phylum_fnfile, phylum_fnfiles };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_FnFile[] = { phylum_casestring };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_Consfndeclarations[] = { phylum_fndeclaration, phylum_fndeclarations };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_FnAcDeclaration[] = { phylum_ac_declaration_specifiers, phylum_ac_declarator, phylum_ac_declaration_list, phylum_ac_opt_base_init_list, phylum_Ctext, phylum_ID, phylum_fnclass };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_AcMemberDeclaration[] = { phylum_ac_declaration_specifiers, phylum_ac_declarator, phylum_ac_constant_expression_option, phylum_fnclass };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_StaticFn[] = { phylum_casestring };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_ConsCtext[] = { phylum_Ctext_elem, phylum_Ctext };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_CTextLine[] = { phylum_casestring };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_CTextDollarVar[] = { phylum_INT };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_CTextNl[] = { phylum_integer };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_CTextCexpressionDQ[] = { phylum_CexpressionDQ };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_CTextCexpressionSQ[] = { phylum_CexpressionSQ };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_CTextCbody[] = { phylum_Ctext };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_CTextForeachexpression[] = { phylum_patternchain, phylum_idCexpressions, phylum_withexpressions, phylum_Ctext, phylum_foreach_after };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_CTextWithexpression[] = { phylum_withexpressions, phylum_withcases, phylum_contextinfo };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_ForeachAfter[] = { phylum_patternchain, phylum_idCexpressions, phylum_withexpressions, phylum_Ctext };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_InForeachContext[] = { phylum_patternchain };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_Conswithexpressions[] = { phylum_withexpression, phylum_withexpressions };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_WEVariable[] = { phylum_ID };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_WECexpression[] = { phylum_Cexpression };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_Conswithcases[] = { phylum_withcase, phylum_withcases };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_Withcase[] = { phylum_patternchains, phylum_Ctext };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_Consunparsedeclarations[] = { phylum_unparsedeclaration, phylum_unparsedeclarations };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_UnparseDeclaration[] = { phylum_outmostpatterns, phylum_unparseclauses };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_Consunparseclauses[] = { phylum_unparseclause, phylum_unparseclauses };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_UnparseClause[] = { phylum_viewnames, phylum_unparseitems };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_Consviewnames[] = { phylum_ID, phylum_viewnames };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_Consunparseitems[] = { phylum_unparseitem, phylum_unparseitems };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_UnpStr[] = { phylum_languageoption, phylum_CexpressionDQ, phylum_viewnameoption };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_UnpSubexpr[] = { phylum_languageoption, phylum_unpsubterm, phylum_viewnameoption };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_UnpCtext[] = { phylum_languageoption, phylum_Ctext };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_UnpBody[] = { phylum_languageoption, phylum_unparseitems };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_UViewVarDecl[] = { phylum_ID, phylum_ID, phylum_Cexpression };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_UnpSubTerm[] = { phylum_ID };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_UnpDollarvarTerm[] = { phylum_INT };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_UnpSubAttr[] = { phylum_ID, phylum_unpattributes };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_UnpDollarvarAttr[] = { phylum_INT, phylum_unpattributes };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_UnpCastedVariable[] = { phylum_ID, phylum_ID };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_Consunpattributes[] = { phylum_ID, phylum_unpattributes };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_YesViewname[] = { phylum_ID };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_LanguageList[] = { phylum_languagenames };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_Conslanguagenames[] = { phylum_ID, phylum_languagenames };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_Consscopetypefilelinestack[] = { phylum_scopetypefileline, phylum_scopetypefilelinestack };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_ScopeTypeFileLine[] = { phylum_integer, phylum_IDtype, phylum_casestring, phylum_integer };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_ITPredefinedPhylum[] = { phylum_phylumdeclaration };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_ITUserPhylum[] = { phylum_phylumdeclaration };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_ITPredefinedOperator[] = { phylum_alternative, phylum_ID };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_ITUserOperator[] = { phylum_alternative, phylum_ID };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_ITUserFunction[] = { phylum_fnclass };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_ITPatternVariable[] = { phylum_ID, phylum_integer };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_ITLanguageName[] = { phylum_integer };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_Consoperators[] = { phylum_ID, phylum_operators };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_Consphyla[] = { phylum_ID, phylum_phyla };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_Consvariables[] = { phylum_ID, phylum_variables };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_Conspatternrepresentations[] = { phylum_patternrepresentation, phylum_patternrepresentations };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_Conspatternrepresentation[] = { phylum_elem_patternrepresentation, phylum_patternrepresentation };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_PRBinding[] = { phylum_path, phylum_ID };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_PRVarPredicate[] = { phylum_paths, phylum_ID, phylum_patternrepresentation };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_PROperPredicate[] = { phylum_path, phylum_ID };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_PRUserPredicate[] = { phylum_Cexpression };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_PRNonLeafBinding[] = { phylum_path, phylum_ID, phylum_patternrepresentation };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_PRWildcard[] = { phylum_path };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_PRStringLiteral[] = { phylum_path, phylum_CexpressionDQ };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_PRIntLiteral[] = { phylum_path, phylum_INT };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_Conspath[] = { phylum_integer, phylum_path };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_Conspaths[] = { phylum_path, phylum_paths };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_Consargsnumbers[] = { phylum_integer, phylum_argsnumbers };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_Consrewriterulesinfo[] = { phylum_rewriteruleinfo, phylum_rewriterulesinfo };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_Rewriteruleinfo[] = { phylum_patternrepresentation, phylum_patternrepresentation, phylum_rewriteclause };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_Conswithcasesinfo[] = { phylum_withcaseinfo, phylum_withcasesinfo };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_Withcaseinfo[] = { phylum_patternrepresentation, phylum_patternrepresentation, phylum_Ctext };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_Consrewriteviewsinfo[] = { phylum_rewriteviewinfo, phylum_rewriteviewsinfo };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_Rewriteviewinfo[] = { phylum_ID, phylum_rewriterulesinfo };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_Consunparseviewsinfo[] = { phylum_unparseviewinfo, phylum_unparseviewsinfo };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_Unparseviewinfo[] = { phylum_ID, phylum_unparsedeclsinfo };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_Consunparsedeclsinfo[] = { phylum_unparsedeclinfo, phylum_unparsedeclsinfo };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_Unparsedeclinfo[] = { phylum_patternrepresentation, phylum_patternrepresentation, phylum_unparseclause };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_AcDeclaration[] = { phylum_ac_declaration_specifiers, phylum_ac_init_declarator_list };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_Consac_declaration_list[] = { phylum_ac_declaration, phylum_ac_declaration_list };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_Consac_declaration_specifiers[] = { phylum_ac_declaration_specifier, phylum_ac_declaration_specifiers };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_AcDeclSpecStorageSpec[] = { phylum_ac_storage_class_specifier };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_AcDeclSpecTypeSpec[] = { phylum_ac_type_specifier };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_AcDeclSpecTypeQual[] = { phylum_ac_type_qualifier };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_AcTypeSpec[] = { phylum_ID };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_Consac_init_declarator_list[] = { phylum_ac_init_declarator, phylum_ac_init_declarator_list };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_AcInitDecl[] = { phylum_ac_declarator };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_AcDeclarator[] = { phylum_ac_pointer_option, phylum_ac_ref_option, phylum_ac_direct_declarator };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_AcDirectDeclId[] = { phylum_ID };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_AcDirectDeclPack[] = { phylum_ac_declarator };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_AcDirectDeclArray[] = { phylum_ac_direct_declarator, phylum_ac_constant_expression_option };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_AcDirectDeclProto[] = { phylum_ac_direct_declarator, phylum_ac_parameter_type_list };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_AcQualifiedDeclProto[] = { phylum_ac_class_qualifier_list, phylum_ac_direct_declarator, phylum_ac_parameter_type_list, phylum_ac_type_qualifier };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_AcMemberDecl[] = { phylum_ID, phylum_ID, phylum_ac_constant_expression_list };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_AcConvOperatorDecl[] = { phylum_ID, phylum_ID };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_AcOperatorDeclId[] = { phylum_ac_operator_name };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_Yespointer[] = { phylum_ac_pointer };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_AcPointerNil[] = { phylum_ac_type_qualifier_list };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_AcPointerCons[] = { phylum_ac_type_qualifier_list, phylum_ac_pointer };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_AcOperatorName[] = { phylum_casestring };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_Consac_class_qualifier_help_list[] = { phylum_ac_direct_declarator, phylum_ac_class_qualifier_help_list };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_Consac_class_qualifier_list[] = { phylum_ID, phylum_ac_class_qualifier_list };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_Consac_type_qualifier_list[] = { phylum_ac_type_qualifier, phylum_ac_type_qualifier_list };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_AcParList[] = { phylum_ac_parameter_list };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_AcParList3Dot[] = { phylum_ac_parameter_list };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_Consac_parameter_list[] = { phylum_ac_parameter_declaration, phylum_ac_parameter_list };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_AcParDeclDecl[] = { phylum_ac_declaration_specifiers, phylum_ac_declarator, phylum_ac_constant_expression_option };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_AcParDeclAbsdecl[] = { phylum_ac_declaration_specifiers, phylum_ac_abstract_declarator, phylum_ac_constant_expression_option };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_Consac_identifier_list[] = { phylum_ID, phylum_ac_identifier_list };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_AcAbsdeclPointer[] = { phylum_ac_pointer };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_AcAbsdeclDirdecl[] = { phylum_ac_pointer_option, phylum_ac_direct_abstract_declarator };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_Yesac_direct_abstract_declarator[] = { phylum_ac_direct_abstract_declarator };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_AcDirAbsdeclPack[] = { phylum_ac_abstract_declarator };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_AcDirAbsdeclArray[] = { phylum_ac_direct_abstract_declarator_option, phylum_ac_constant_expression_option };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_AcDirAbsdeclFn[] = { phylum_ac_direct_abstract_declarator_option, phylum_ac_parameter_type_list };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_Yesac_constant_expression[] = { phylum_ac_constant_expression };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_AcConstExpr[] = { phylum_Cexpression };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_Consac_constant_expression_list[] = { phylum_ac_constant_expression, phylum_ac_constant_expression_list };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_AcYesBaseInit[] = { phylum_ac_base_init_list };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_Consac_base_init_list[] = { phylum_ac_base_init, phylum_ac_base_init_list };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_AcBaseInit[] = { phylum_ID, phylum_ac_constant_expression };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_Consbaseclass_declarations[] = { phylum_baseclass_decl, phylum_baseclass_declarations };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_BaseClassDecl[] = { phylum_ID, phylum_baseclass_list };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_Consbaseclass_list[] = { phylum_ID, phylum_baseclass_list };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_Fatal[] = { phylum_fileline, phylum_problem };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_NonFatal[] = { phylum_fileline, phylum_problem };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_Warning[] = { phylum_fileline, phylum_problem };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_Problem1[] = { phylum_casestring };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_Problem1ID[] = { phylum_casestring, phylum_ID };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_Problem1tID[] = { phylum_casestring, phylum_ID };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_Problem1we[] = { phylum_casestring, phylum_withexpression };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_Problem1ID1ID[] = { phylum_casestring, phylum_ID, phylum_casestring, phylum_ID };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_Problem1t1ID[] = { phylum_casestring, phylum_IDtype, phylum_casestring, phylum_ID };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_Problem1INT[] = { phylum_casestring, phylum_INT };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_Problem1int1[] = { phylum_casestring, phylum_integer, phylum_casestring };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_Problem1INT1ID[] = { phylum_casestring, phylum_INT, phylum_casestring, phylum_ID };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_Problem1ID1ID1ID[] = { phylum_casestring, phylum_ID, phylum_casestring, phylum_ID, phylum_casestring, phylum_ID };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_Problem1INT1ID1ID[] = { phylum_casestring, phylum_INT, phylum_casestring, phylum_ID, phylum_casestring, phylum_ID };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_Problem1storageoption1ID[] = { phylum_casestring, phylum_storageoption, phylum_casestring, phylum_ID };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_Problem2[] = { phylum_casestring, phylum_casestring };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_Problem3[] = { phylum_casestring, phylum_casestring, phylum_casestring };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_Problem3int1[] = { phylum_casestring, phylum_casestring, phylum_casestring, phylum_integer, phylum_casestring };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_Problem4[] = { phylum_casestring, phylum_casestring, phylum_casestring, phylum_casestring };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_Problem5[] = { phylum_casestring, phylum_casestring, phylum_casestring, phylum_casestring, phylum_casestring };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_Problem6[] = { phylum_casestring, phylum_casestring, phylum_casestring, phylum_casestring, phylum_casestring, phylum_casestring };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_Consaddedphylumdeclarations[] = { phylum_addedphylumdeclaration, phylum_addedphylumdeclarations };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_AddedPhylumdeclaration[] = { phylum_uniqID };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_Conscountedphylumdeclarations[] = { phylum_countedphylumdeclaration, phylum_countedphylumdeclarations };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_CountedPhylumdeclaration[] = { phylum_uniqID };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_Consbindingidmarks[] = { phylum_bindingidmark, phylum_bindingidmarks };
+ static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_BindingIdMark[] = { phylum_uniqID };
+ KC_OPERATOR_INFO operator_info[] = {
+     { "", 0, 0, one_before_first_phylum, 0, 0, 0, 0 }, /* dummy element */
+     { "NoCaseStr", 0, true, phylum_nocasestring, 0, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_nocasestring_NoCaseStr) },
+     { "_Str", 0, true, phylum_casestring, 0, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_casestring__Str) },
+     { "_Real", 0, true, phylum_real, 0, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_real__Real) },
+     { "_Int", 0, true, phylum_integer, 0, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_integer__Int) },
+     { "_VoidPtr", 0, true, phylum_voidptr, 0, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_voidptr__VoidPtr) },
+     { "Str", 1, false, phylum_uniqID, kc_subphyla_Str, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_uniqID_Str) },
+     { "Id", 1, false, phylum_ID, kc_subphyla_Id, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_ID_Id) },
+     { "Int", 1, false, phylum_INT, kc_subphyla_Int, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_INT_Int) },
+     { "String", 1, false, phylum_STRING, kc_subphyla_String, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_STRING_String) },
+     { "PhylumDeclarations", 1, false, phylum_phylumdeclarationsroot, kc_subphyla_PhylumDeclarations, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_phylumdeclarationsroot_PhylumDeclarations) },
+     { "Nilphylumdeclarations", 0, false, phylum_phylumdeclarations, 0, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_phylumdeclarations) },
+     { "Consphylumdeclarations", 2, false, phylum_phylumdeclarations, kc_subphyla_Consphylumdeclarations, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_phylumdeclarations) },
+     { "Nilphylumnames", 0, false, phylum_phylumnames, 0, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_phylumnames) },
+     { "Consphylumnames", 2, false, phylum_phylumnames, kc_subphyla_Consphylumnames, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_phylumnames) },
+     { "PhylumDeclaration", 4, false, phylum_phylumdeclaration, kc_subphyla_PhylumDeclaration, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_phylumdeclaration_PhylumDeclaration) },
+     { "NoStorageOption", 0, false, phylum_storageoption, 0, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_storageoption_NoStorageOption) },
+     { "NegativeStorageOption", 1, false, phylum_storageoption, kc_subphyla_NegativeStorageOption, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_storageoption_NegativeStorageOption) },
+     { "PositiveStorageOption", 1, false, phylum_storageoption, kc_subphyla_PositiveStorageOption, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_storageoption_PositiveStorageOption) },
+     { "Nilstorageclasses", 0, false, phylum_storageclasses, 0, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_storageclasses) },
+     { "Consstorageclasses", 2, false, phylum_storageclasses, kc_subphyla_Consstorageclasses, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_storageclasses) },
+     { "Emptyproductionblock", 0, false, phylum_productionblock, 0, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_productionblock_Emptyproductionblock) },
+     { "ListAlternatives", 2, false, phylum_productionblock, kc_subphyla_ListAlternatives, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_productionblock_ListAlternatives) },
+     { "NonlistAlternatives", 1, false, phylum_productionblock, kc_subphyla_NonlistAlternatives, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_productionblock_NonlistAlternatives) },
+     { "PredefinedAlternatives", 1, false, phylum_productionblock, kc_subphyla_PredefinedAlternatives, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_productionblock_PredefinedAlternatives) },
+     { "Nilalternatives", 0, false, phylum_alternatives, 0, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_alternatives) },
+     { "Consalternatives", 2, false, phylum_alternatives, kc_subphyla_Consalternatives, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_alternatives) },
+     { "Alternative", 2, false, phylum_alternative, kc_subphyla_Alternative, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_alternative_Alternative) },
+     { "Nilarguments", 0, false, phylum_arguments, 0, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_arguments) },
+     { "Consarguments", 2, false, phylum_arguments, kc_subphyla_Consarguments, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_arguments) },
+     { "Argument", 2, false, phylum_argument, kc_subphyla_Argument, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_argument_Argument) },
+     { "CcodeOption", 2, false, phylum_Ccode_option, kc_subphyla_CcodeOption, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_Ccode_option_CcodeOption) },
+     { "Nilattributes", 0, false, phylum_attributes, 0, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_attributes) },
+     { "Consattributes", 2, false, phylum_attributes, kc_subphyla_Consattributes, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_attributes) },
+     { "Attribute", 3, false, phylum_attribute, kc_subphyla_Attribute, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_attribute_Attribute) },
+     { "Noattribute_initialisation", 0, false, phylum_attribute_initialisation_option, 0, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_attribute_initialisation_option_Noattribute_initialisation) },
+     { "Yesattribute_initialisation", 1, false, phylum_attribute_initialisation_option, kc_subphyla_Yesattribute_initialisation, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_attribute_initialisation_option_Yesattribute_initialisation) },
+     { "NilCexpression", 0, false, phylum_Cexpression, 0, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_Cexpression) },
+     { "ConsCexpression", 2, false, phylum_Cexpression, kc_subphyla_ConsCexpression, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_Cexpression) },
+     { "CExpressionPart", 1, false, phylum_Cexpression_elem, kc_subphyla_CExpressionPart, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_Cexpression_elem_CExpressionPart) },
+     { "CExpressionDollarvar", 1, false, phylum_Cexpression_elem, kc_subphyla_CExpressionDollarvar, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_Cexpression_elem_CExpressionDollarvar) },
+     { "CExpressionNl", 0, false, phylum_Cexpression_elem, 0, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_Cexpression_elem_CExpressionNl) },
+     { "CExpressionDQ", 1, false, phylum_Cexpression_elem, kc_subphyla_CExpressionDQ, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_Cexpression_elem_CExpressionDQ) },
+     { "CExpressionSQ", 1, false, phylum_Cexpression_elem, kc_subphyla_CExpressionSQ, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_Cexpression_elem_CExpressionSQ) },
+     { "CExpressionPack", 1, false, phylum_Cexpression_elem, kc_subphyla_CExpressionPack, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_Cexpression_elem_CExpressionPack) },
+     { "CExpressionArray", 1, false, phylum_Cexpression_elem, kc_subphyla_CExpressionArray, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_Cexpression_elem_CExpressionArray) },
+     { "NilCexpressionDQ", 0, false, phylum_CexpressionDQ, 0, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_CexpressionDQ) },
+     { "ConsCexpressionDQ", 2, false, phylum_CexpressionDQ, kc_subphyla_ConsCexpressionDQ, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_CexpressionDQ) },
+     { "CExpressionDQPart", 1, false, phylum_CexpressionDQ_elem, kc_subphyla_CExpressionDQPart, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_CexpressionDQ_elem_CExpressionDQPart) },
+     { "CExpressionDQNl", 0, false, phylum_CexpressionDQ_elem, 0, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_CexpressionDQ_elem_CExpressionDQNl) },
+     { "NilCexpressionSQ", 0, false, phylum_CexpressionSQ, 0, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_CexpressionSQ) },
+     { "ConsCexpressionSQ", 2, false, phylum_CexpressionSQ, kc_subphyla_ConsCexpressionSQ, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_CexpressionSQ) },
+     { "CExpressionSQPart", 1, false, phylum_CexpressionSQ_elem, kc_subphyla_CExpressionSQPart, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_CexpressionSQ_elem_CExpressionSQPart) },
+     { "CExpressionSQNl", 0, false, phylum_CexpressionSQ_elem, 0, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_CexpressionSQ_elem_CExpressionSQNl) },
+     { "NilidCexpressions", 0, false, phylum_idCexpressions, 0, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_idCexpressions) },
+     { "ConsidCexpressions", 2, false, phylum_idCexpressions, kc_subphyla_ConsidCexpressions, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_idCexpressions) },
+     { "IdCexpression", 2, false, phylum_idCexpression, kc_subphyla_IdCexpression, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_idCexpression_IdCexpression) },
+     { "NilCtexts", 0, false, phylum_Ctexts, 0, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_Ctexts) },
+     { "ConsCtexts", 2, false, phylum_Ctexts, kc_subphyla_ConsCtexts, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_Ctexts) },
+     { "Nilincludefiles", 0, false, phylum_includefiles, 0, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_includefiles) },
+     { "Consincludefiles", 2, false, phylum_includefiles, kc_subphyla_Consincludefiles, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_includefiles) },
+     { "IncludeFile", 1, false, phylum_includefile, kc_subphyla_IncludeFile, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_includefile_IncludeFile) },
+     { "Nilincludedeclarations", 0, false, phylum_includedeclarations, 0, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_includedeclarations) },
+     { "Consincludedeclarations", 2, false, phylum_includedeclarations, kc_subphyla_Consincludedeclarations, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_includedeclarations) },
+     { "IncludeDeclaration", 1, false, phylum_includedeclaration, kc_subphyla_IncludeDeclaration, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_includedeclaration_IncludeDeclaration) },
+     { "Nilrwdeclarations", 0, false, phylum_rwdeclarations, 0, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_rwdeclarations) },
+     { "Consrwdeclarations", 2, false, phylum_rwdeclarations, kc_subphyla_Consrwdeclarations, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_rwdeclarations) },
+     { "RwDeclaration", 2, false, phylum_rwdeclaration, kc_subphyla_RwDeclaration, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_rwdeclaration_RwDeclaration) },
+     { "Nilrewriteclauses", 0, false, phylum_rewriteclauses, 0, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_rewriteclauses) },
+     { "Consrewriteclauses", 2, false, phylum_rewriteclauses, kc_subphyla_Consrewriteclauses, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_rewriteclauses) },
+     { "RewriteClause", 2, false, phylum_rewriteclause, kc_subphyla_RewriteClause, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_rewriteclause_RewriteClause) },
+     { "Nilpatternchains", 0, false, phylum_patternchains, 0, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_patternchains) },
+     { "Conspatternchains", 2, false, phylum_patternchains, kc_subphyla_Conspatternchains, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_patternchains) },
+     { "Nilpatternchain", 0, false, phylum_patternchain, 0, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_patternchain) },
+     { "Conspatternchain", 2, false, phylum_patternchain, kc_subphyla_Conspatternchain, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_patternchain) },
+     { "Niloutmostpatterns", 0, false, phylum_outmostpatterns, 0, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_outmostpatterns) },
+     { "Consoutmostpatterns", 2, false, phylum_outmostpatterns, kc_subphyla_Consoutmostpatterns, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_outmostpatterns) },
+     { "PatternchainitemOutmost", 1, false, phylum_patternchainitem, kc_subphyla_PatternchainitemOutmost, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_patternchainitem_PatternchainitemOutmost) },
+     { "PatternchainitemGroup", 1, false, phylum_patternchainitem, kc_subphyla_PatternchainitemGroup, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_patternchainitem_PatternchainitemGroup) },
+     { "PatternchainitemDollarid", 1, false, phylum_patternchainitem, kc_subphyla_PatternchainitemDollarid, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_patternchainitem_PatternchainitemDollarid) },
+     { "OPOperatorWildcard", 2, false, phylum_outmostpattern, kc_subphyla_OPOperatorWildcard, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_outmostpattern_OPOperatorWildcard) },
+     { "OPOperator", 3, false, phylum_outmostpattern, kc_subphyla_OPOperator, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_outmostpattern_OPOperator) },
+     { "OPNonLeafVariable", 2, false, phylum_outmostpattern, kc_subphyla_OPNonLeafVariable, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_outmostpattern_OPNonLeafVariable) },
+     { "OPWildcard", 1, false, phylum_outmostpattern, kc_subphyla_OPWildcard, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_outmostpattern_OPWildcard) },
+     { "OPDefault", 1, false, phylum_outmostpattern, kc_subphyla_OPDefault, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_outmostpattern_OPDefault) },
+     { "PVariable", 1, false, phylum_pattern, kc_subphyla_PVariable, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_pattern_PVariable) },
+     { "POperator", 2, false, phylum_pattern, kc_subphyla_POperator, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_pattern_POperator) },
+     { "PNonLeafVariable", 2, false, phylum_pattern, kc_subphyla_PNonLeafVariable, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_pattern_PNonLeafVariable) },
+     { "PWildcard", 0, false, phylum_pattern, 0, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_pattern_PWildcard) },
+     { "PStringLiteral", 1, false, phylum_pattern, kc_subphyla_PStringLiteral, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_pattern_PStringLiteral) },
+     { "PIntLiteral", 1, false, phylum_pattern, kc_subphyla_PIntLiteral, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_pattern_PIntLiteral) },
+     { "Nilpatterns", 0, false, phylum_patterns, 0, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_patterns) },
+     { "Conspatterns", 2, false, phylum_patterns, kc_subphyla_Conspatterns, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_patterns) },
+     { "TVariable", 1, false, phylum_term, kc_subphyla_TVariable, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_term_TVariable) },
+     { "TOperator", 2, false, phylum_term, kc_subphyla_TOperator, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_term_TOperator) },
+     { "TMethod", 3, false, phylum_term, kc_subphyla_TMethod, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_term_TMethod) },
+     { "TMethodDot", 3, false, phylum_term, kc_subphyla_TMethodDot, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_term_TMethodDot) },
+     { "TMemberVar", 2, false, phylum_term, kc_subphyla_TMemberVar, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_term_TMemberVar) },
+     { "TMemberVarDot", 2, false, phylum_term, kc_subphyla_TMemberVarDot, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_term_TMemberVarDot) },
+     { "TCTerm", 1, false, phylum_term, kc_subphyla_TCTerm, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_term_TCTerm) },
+     { "TStringLiteral", 1, false, phylum_term, kc_subphyla_TStringLiteral, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_term_TStringLiteral) },
+     { "TIntLiteral", 1, false, phylum_term, kc_subphyla_TIntLiteral, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_term_TIntLiteral) },
+     { "Nilterms", 0, false, phylum_terms, 0, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_terms) },
+     { "Consterms", 2, false, phylum_terms, kc_subphyla_Consterms, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_terms) },
+     { "Nilfnfiles", 0, false, phylum_fnfiles, 0, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_fnfiles) },
+     { "Consfnfiles", 2, false, phylum_fnfiles, kc_subphyla_Consfnfiles, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_fnfiles) },
+     { "FnFile", 1, false, phylum_fnfile, kc_subphyla_FnFile, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_fnfile_FnFile) },
+     { "Nilfndeclarations", 0, false, phylum_fndeclarations, 0, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_fndeclarations) },
+     { "Consfndeclarations", 2, false, phylum_fndeclarations, kc_subphyla_Consfndeclarations, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_fndeclarations) },
+     { "FnAcDeclaration", 7, false, phylum_fndeclaration, kc_subphyla_FnAcDeclaration, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_fndeclaration_FnAcDeclaration) },
+     { "AcMemberDeclaration", 4, false, phylum_fndeclaration, kc_subphyla_AcMemberDeclaration, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_fndeclaration_AcMemberDeclaration) },
+     { "GlobalFn", 0, false, phylum_fnclass, 0, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_fnclass_GlobalFn) },
+     { "StaticFn", 1, false, phylum_fnclass, kc_subphyla_StaticFn, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_fnclass_StaticFn) },
+     { "MemberFn", 0, false, phylum_fnclass, 0, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_fnclass_MemberFn) },
+     { "ConstructorFn", 0, false, phylum_fnclass, 0, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_fnclass_ConstructorFn) },
+     { "DestructorFn", 0, false, phylum_fnclass, 0, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_fnclass_DestructorFn) },
+     { "ConvOperatorFn", 0, false, phylum_fnclass, 0, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_fnclass_ConvOperatorFn) },
+     { "NilCtext", 0, false, phylum_Ctext, 0, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_Ctext) },
+     { "ConsCtext", 2, false, phylum_Ctext, kc_subphyla_ConsCtext, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_Ctext) },
+     { "CTextLine", 1, false, phylum_Ctext_elem, kc_subphyla_CTextLine, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_Ctext_elem_CTextLine) },
+     { "CTextDollarVar", 1, false, phylum_Ctext_elem, kc_subphyla_CTextDollarVar, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_Ctext_elem_CTextDollarVar) },
+     { "CTextNl", 1, false, phylum_Ctext_elem, kc_subphyla_CTextNl, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_Ctext_elem_CTextNl) },
+     { "CTextCexpressionDQ", 1, false, phylum_Ctext_elem, kc_subphyla_CTextCexpressionDQ, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_Ctext_elem_CTextCexpressionDQ) },
+     { "CTextCexpressionSQ", 1, false, phylum_Ctext_elem, kc_subphyla_CTextCexpressionSQ, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_Ctext_elem_CTextCexpressionSQ) },
+     { "CTextCbody", 1, false, phylum_Ctext_elem, kc_subphyla_CTextCbody, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_Ctext_elem_CTextCbody) },
+     { "CTextForeachexpression", 5, false, phylum_Ctext_elem, kc_subphyla_CTextForeachexpression, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_Ctext_elem_CTextForeachexpression) },
+     { "CTextWithexpression", 3, false, phylum_Ctext_elem, kc_subphyla_CTextWithexpression, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_Ctext_elem_CTextWithexpression) },
+     { "NoForeachAfter", 0, false, phylum_foreach_after, 0, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_foreach_after_NoForeachAfter) },
+     { "ForeachAfter", 4, false, phylum_foreach_after, kc_subphyla_ForeachAfter, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_foreach_after_ForeachAfter) },
+     { "InForeachContext", 1, false, phylum_contextinfo, kc_subphyla_InForeachContext, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_contextinfo_InForeachContext) },
+     { "NotInForeachContext", 0, false, phylum_contextinfo, 0, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_contextinfo_NotInForeachContext) },
+     { "Nilwithexpressions", 0, false, phylum_withexpressions, 0, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_withexpressions) },
+     { "Conswithexpressions", 2, false, phylum_withexpressions, kc_subphyla_Conswithexpressions, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_withexpressions) },
+     { "WEVariable", 1, false, phylum_withexpression, kc_subphyla_WEVariable, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_withexpression_WEVariable) },
+     { "WECexpression", 1, false, phylum_withexpression, kc_subphyla_WECexpression, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_withexpression_WECexpression) },
+     { "Nilwithcases", 0, false, phylum_withcases, 0, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_withcases) },
+     { "Conswithcases", 2, false, phylum_withcases, kc_subphyla_Conswithcases, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_withcases) },
+     { "Withcase", 2, false, phylum_withcase, kc_subphyla_Withcase, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_withcase_Withcase) },
+     { "Nilunparsedeclarations", 0, false, phylum_unparsedeclarations, 0, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_unparsedeclarations) },
+     { "Consunparsedeclarations", 2, false, phylum_unparsedeclarations, kc_subphyla_Consunparsedeclarations, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_unparsedeclarations) },
+     { "UnparseDeclaration", 2, false, phylum_unparsedeclaration, kc_subphyla_UnparseDeclaration, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_unparsedeclaration_UnparseDeclaration) },
+     { "Nilunparseclauses", 0, false, phylum_unparseclauses, 0, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_unparseclauses) },
+     { "Consunparseclauses", 2, false, phylum_unparseclauses, kc_subphyla_Consunparseclauses, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_unparseclauses) },
+     { "UnparseClause", 2, false, phylum_unparseclause, kc_subphyla_UnparseClause, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_unparseclause_UnparseClause) },
+     { "Nilviewnames", 0, false, phylum_viewnames, 0, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_viewnames) },
+     { "Consviewnames", 2, false, phylum_viewnames, kc_subphyla_Consviewnames, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_viewnames) },
+     { "Nilunparseitems", 0, false, phylum_unparseitems, 0, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_unparseitems) },
+     { "Consunparseitems", 2, false, phylum_unparseitems, kc_subphyla_Consunparseitems, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_unparseitems) },
+     { "UnpStr", 3, false, phylum_unparseitem, kc_subphyla_UnpStr, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_unparseitem_UnpStr) },
+     { "UnpSubexpr", 3, false, phylum_unparseitem, kc_subphyla_UnpSubexpr, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_unparseitem_UnpSubexpr) },
+     { "UnpCtext", 2, false, phylum_unparseitem, kc_subphyla_UnpCtext, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_unparseitem_UnpCtext) },
+     { "UnpBody", 2, false, phylum_unparseitem, kc_subphyla_UnpBody, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_unparseitem_UnpBody) },
+     { "UViewVarDecl", 3, false, phylum_unparseitem, kc_subphyla_UViewVarDecl, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_unparseitem_UViewVarDecl) },
+     { "UnpSubTerm", 1, false, phylum_unpsubterm, kc_subphyla_UnpSubTerm, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_unpsubterm_UnpSubTerm) },
+     { "UnpDollarvarTerm", 1, false, phylum_unpsubterm, kc_subphyla_UnpDollarvarTerm, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_unpsubterm_UnpDollarvarTerm) },
+     { "UnpSubAttr", 2, false, phylum_unpsubterm, kc_subphyla_UnpSubAttr, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_unpsubterm_UnpSubAttr) },
+     { "UnpDollarvarAttr", 2, false, phylum_unpsubterm, kc_subphyla_UnpDollarvarAttr, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_unpsubterm_UnpDollarvarAttr) },
+     { "UnpCastedVariable", 2, false, phylum_unpsubterm, kc_subphyla_UnpCastedVariable, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_unpsubterm_UnpCastedVariable) },
+     { "Nilunpattributes", 0, false, phylum_unpattributes, 0, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_unpattributes) },
+     { "Consunpattributes", 2, false, phylum_unpattributes, kc_subphyla_Consunpattributes, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_unpattributes) },
+     { "NoViewname", 0, false, phylum_viewnameoption, 0, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_viewnameoption_NoViewname) },
+     { "YesViewname", 1, false, phylum_viewnameoption, kc_subphyla_YesViewname, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_viewnameoption_YesViewname) },
+     { "NoLanguagename", 0, false, phylum_languageoption, 0, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_languageoption_NoLanguagename) },
+     { "LanguageList", 1, false, phylum_languageoption, kc_subphyla_LanguageList, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_languageoption_LanguageList) },
+     { "Nillanguagenames", 0, false, phylum_languagenames, 0, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_languagenames) },
+     { "Conslanguagenames", 2, false, phylum_languagenames, kc_subphyla_Conslanguagenames, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_languagenames) },
+     { "FileLine", 0, false, phylum_fileline, 0, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_fileline_FileLine) },
+     { "NoFileLine", 0, false, phylum_fileline, 0, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_fileline_NoFileLine) },
+     { "PosNoFileLine", 0, false, phylum_fileline, 0, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_fileline_PosNoFileLine) },
+     { "Nilscopetypefilelinestack", 0, false, phylum_scopetypefilelinestack, 0, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_scopetypefilelinestack) },
+     { "Consscopetypefilelinestack", 2, false, phylum_scopetypefilelinestack, kc_subphyla_Consscopetypefilelinestack, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_scopetypefilelinestack) },
+     { "ScopeTypeFileLine", 4, false, phylum_scopetypefileline, kc_subphyla_ScopeTypeFileLine, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_scopetypefileline_ScopeTypeFileLine) },
+     { "ITUnknown", 0, false, phylum_IDtype, 0, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_IDtype_ITUnknown) },
+     { "ITPredefinedPhylum", 1, false, phylum_IDtype, kc_subphyla_ITPredefinedPhylum, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_IDtype_ITPredefinedPhylum) },
+     { "ITUserPhylum", 1, false, phylum_IDtype, kc_subphyla_ITUserPhylum, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_IDtype_ITUserPhylum) },
+     { "ITPredefinedOperator", 2, false, phylum_IDtype, kc_subphyla_ITPredefinedOperator, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_IDtype_ITPredefinedOperator) },
+     { "ITUserOperator", 2, false, phylum_IDtype, kc_subphyla_ITUserOperator, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_IDtype_ITUserOperator) },
+     { "ITPredefinedStorageClass", 0, false, phylum_IDtype, 0, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_IDtype_ITPredefinedStorageClass) },
+     { "ITStorageClass", 0, false, phylum_IDtype, 0, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_IDtype_ITStorageClass) },
+     { "ITPredefinedUView", 0, false, phylum_IDtype, 0, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_IDtype_ITPredefinedUView) },
+     { "ITUserUView", 0, false, phylum_IDtype, 0, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_IDtype_ITUserUView) },
+     { "ITUViewVar", 0, false, phylum_IDtype, 0, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_IDtype_ITUViewVar) },
+     { "ITPredefinedRView", 0, false, phylum_IDtype, 0, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_IDtype_ITPredefinedRView) },
+     { "ITUserRView", 0, false, phylum_IDtype, 0, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_IDtype_ITUserRView) },
+     { "ITUserFunction", 1, false, phylum_IDtype, kc_subphyla_ITUserFunction, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_IDtype_ITUserFunction) },
+     { "ITPatternVariable", 2, false, phylum_IDtype, kc_subphyla_ITPatternVariable, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_IDtype_ITPatternVariable) },
+     { "ITLanguageName", 1, false, phylum_IDtype, kc_subphyla_ITLanguageName, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_IDtype_ITLanguageName) },
+     { "Niloperators", 0, false, phylum_operators, 0, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_operators) },
+     { "Consoperators", 2, false, phylum_operators, kc_subphyla_Consoperators, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_operators) },
+     { "Nilphyla", 0, false, phylum_phyla, 0, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_phyla) },
+     { "Consphyla", 2, false, phylum_phyla, kc_subphyla_Consphyla, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_phyla) },
+     { "Nilvariables", 0, false, phylum_variables, 0, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_variables) },
+     { "Consvariables", 2, false, phylum_variables, kc_subphyla_Consvariables, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_variables) },
+     { "DVAllowed", 0, false, phylum_dollarvarstatus, 0, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_dollarvarstatus_DVAllowed) },
+     { "DVDisallowed", 0, false, phylum_dollarvarstatus, 0, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_dollarvarstatus_DVDisallowed) },
+     { "Equal", 0, false, phylum_tribool, 0, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_tribool_Equal) },
+     { "Smaller", 0, false, phylum_tribool, 0, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_tribool_Smaller) },
+     { "Bigger", 0, false, phylum_tribool, 0, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_tribool_Bigger) },
+     { "Nilpatternrepresentations", 0, false, phylum_patternrepresentations, 0, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_patternrepresentations) },
+     { "Conspatternrepresentations", 2, false, phylum_patternrepresentations, kc_subphyla_Conspatternrepresentations, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_patternrepresentations) },
+     { "Nilpatternrepresentation", 0, false, phylum_patternrepresentation, 0, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_patternrepresentation) },
+     { "Conspatternrepresentation", 2, false, phylum_patternrepresentation, kc_subphyla_Conspatternrepresentation, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_patternrepresentation) },
+     { "PRBinding", 2, false, phylum_elem_patternrepresentation, kc_subphyla_PRBinding, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_elem_patternrepresentation_PRBinding) },
+     { "PRVarPredicate", 3, false, phylum_elem_patternrepresentation, kc_subphyla_PRVarPredicate, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_elem_patternrepresentation_PRVarPredicate) },
+     { "PROperPredicate", 2, false, phylum_elem_patternrepresentation, kc_subphyla_PROperPredicate, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_elem_patternrepresentation_PROperPredicate) },
+     { "PRUserPredicate", 1, false, phylum_elem_patternrepresentation, kc_subphyla_PRUserPredicate, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_elem_patternrepresentation_PRUserPredicate) },
+     { "PRNonLeafBinding", 3, false, phylum_elem_patternrepresentation, kc_subphyla_PRNonLeafBinding, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_elem_patternrepresentation_PRNonLeafBinding) },
+     { "PRWildcard", 1, false, phylum_elem_patternrepresentation, kc_subphyla_PRWildcard, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_elem_patternrepresentation_PRWildcard) },
+     { "PRDefault", 0, false, phylum_elem_patternrepresentation, 0, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_elem_patternrepresentation_PRDefault) },
+     { "PRStringLiteral", 2, false, phylum_elem_patternrepresentation, kc_subphyla_PRStringLiteral, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_elem_patternrepresentation_PRStringLiteral) },
+     { "PRIntLiteral", 2, false, phylum_elem_patternrepresentation, kc_subphyla_PRIntLiteral, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_elem_patternrepresentation_PRIntLiteral) },
+     { "Nilpath", 0, false, phylum_path, 0, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_path) },
+     { "Conspath", 2, false, phylum_path, kc_subphyla_Conspath, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_path) },
+     { "Nilpaths", 0, false, phylum_paths, 0, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_paths) },
+     { "Conspaths", 2, false, phylum_paths, kc_subphyla_Conspaths, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_paths) },
+     { "Nilargsnumbers", 0, false, phylum_argsnumbers, 0, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_argsnumbers) },
+     { "Consargsnumbers", 2, false, phylum_argsnumbers, kc_subphyla_Consargsnumbers, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_argsnumbers) },
+     { "Nilrewriterulesinfo", 0, false, phylum_rewriterulesinfo, 0, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_rewriterulesinfo) },
+     { "Consrewriterulesinfo", 2, false, phylum_rewriterulesinfo, kc_subphyla_Consrewriterulesinfo, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_rewriterulesinfo) },
+     { "Rewriteruleinfo", 3, false, phylum_rewriteruleinfo, kc_subphyla_Rewriteruleinfo, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_rewriteruleinfo_Rewriteruleinfo) },
+     { "Nilwithcasesinfo", 0, false, phylum_withcasesinfo, 0, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_withcasesinfo) },
+     { "Conswithcasesinfo", 2, false, phylum_withcasesinfo, kc_subphyla_Conswithcasesinfo, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_withcasesinfo) },
+     { "Withcaseinfo", 3, false, phylum_withcaseinfo, kc_subphyla_Withcaseinfo, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_withcaseinfo_Withcaseinfo) },
+     { "Nilrewriteviewsinfo", 0, false, phylum_rewriteviewsinfo, 0, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_rewriteviewsinfo) },
+     { "Consrewriteviewsinfo", 2, false, phylum_rewriteviewsinfo, kc_subphyla_Consrewriteviewsinfo, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_rewriteviewsinfo) },
+     { "Rewriteviewinfo", 2, false, phylum_rewriteviewinfo, kc_subphyla_Rewriteviewinfo, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_rewriteviewinfo_Rewriteviewinfo) },
+     { "Nilunparseviewsinfo", 0, false, phylum_unparseviewsinfo, 0, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_unparseviewsinfo) },
+     { "Consunparseviewsinfo", 2, false, phylum_unparseviewsinfo, kc_subphyla_Consunparseviewsinfo, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_unparseviewsinfo) },
+     { "Unparseviewinfo", 2, false, phylum_unparseviewinfo, kc_subphyla_Unparseviewinfo, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_unparseviewinfo_Unparseviewinfo) },
+     { "Nilunparsedeclsinfo", 0, false, phylum_unparsedeclsinfo, 0, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_unparsedeclsinfo) },
+     { "Consunparsedeclsinfo", 2, false, phylum_unparsedeclsinfo, kc_subphyla_Consunparsedeclsinfo, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_unparsedeclsinfo) },
+     { "Unparsedeclinfo", 3, false, phylum_unparsedeclinfo, kc_subphyla_Unparsedeclinfo, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_unparsedeclinfo_Unparsedeclinfo) },
+     { "AcDeclaration", 2, false, phylum_ac_declaration, kc_subphyla_AcDeclaration, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_ac_declaration_AcDeclaration) },
+     { "Nilac_declaration_list", 0, false, phylum_ac_declaration_list, 0, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_ac_declaration_list) },
+     { "Consac_declaration_list", 2, false, phylum_ac_declaration_list, kc_subphyla_Consac_declaration_list, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_ac_declaration_list) },
+     { "Nilac_declaration_specifiers", 0, false, phylum_ac_declaration_specifiers, 0, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_ac_declaration_specifiers) },
+     { "Consac_declaration_specifiers", 2, false, phylum_ac_declaration_specifiers, kc_subphyla_Consac_declaration_specifiers, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_ac_declaration_specifiers) },
+     { "AcDeclSpecStorageSpec", 1, false, phylum_ac_declaration_specifier, kc_subphyla_AcDeclSpecStorageSpec, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_ac_declaration_specifier_AcDeclSpecStorageSpec) },
+     { "AcDeclSpecTypeSpec", 1, false, phylum_ac_declaration_specifier, kc_subphyla_AcDeclSpecTypeSpec, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_ac_declaration_specifier_AcDeclSpecTypeSpec) },
+     { "AcDeclSpecTypeQual", 1, false, phylum_ac_declaration_specifier, kc_subphyla_AcDeclSpecTypeQual, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_ac_declaration_specifier_AcDeclSpecTypeQual) },
+     { "AcAuto", 0, false, phylum_ac_storage_class_specifier, 0, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_ac_storage_class_specifier_AcAuto) },
+     { "AcRegister", 0, false, phylum_ac_storage_class_specifier, 0, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_ac_storage_class_specifier_AcRegister) },
+     { "AcStatic", 0, false, phylum_ac_storage_class_specifier, 0, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_ac_storage_class_specifier_AcStatic) },
+     { "AcExtern", 0, false, phylum_ac_storage_class_specifier, 0, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_ac_storage_class_specifier_AcExtern) },
+     { "AcTypedef", 0, false, phylum_ac_storage_class_specifier, 0, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_ac_storage_class_specifier_AcTypedef) },
+     { "AcVirtual", 0, false, phylum_ac_storage_class_specifier, 0, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_ac_storage_class_specifier_AcVirtual) },
+     { "AcTypeSpec", 1, false, phylum_ac_type_specifier, kc_subphyla_AcTypeSpec, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_ac_type_specifier_AcTypeSpec) },
+     { "AcConst", 0, false, phylum_ac_type_qualifier, 0, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_ac_type_qualifier_AcConst) },
+     { "AcVolatile", 0, false, phylum_ac_type_qualifier, 0, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_ac_type_qualifier_AcVolatile) },
+     { "AcUnsigned", 0, false, phylum_ac_type_qualifier, 0, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_ac_type_qualifier_AcUnsigned) },
+     { "AcNoQualifier", 0, false, phylum_ac_type_qualifier, 0, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_ac_type_qualifier_AcNoQualifier) },
+     { "Nilac_init_declarator_list", 0, false, phylum_ac_init_declarator_list, 0, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_ac_init_declarator_list) },
+     { "Consac_init_declarator_list", 2, false, phylum_ac_init_declarator_list, kc_subphyla_Consac_init_declarator_list, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_ac_init_declarator_list) },
+     { "AcInitDecl", 1, false, phylum_ac_init_declarator, kc_subphyla_AcInitDecl, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_ac_init_declarator_AcInitDecl) },
+     { "AcDeclarator", 3, false, phylum_ac_declarator, kc_subphyla_AcDeclarator, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_ac_declarator_AcDeclarator) },
+     { "AcDirectDeclId", 1, false, phylum_ac_direct_declarator, kc_subphyla_AcDirectDeclId, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_ac_direct_declarator_AcDirectDeclId) },
+     { "AcDirectDeclPack", 1, false, phylum_ac_direct_declarator, kc_subphyla_AcDirectDeclPack, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_ac_direct_declarator_AcDirectDeclPack) },
+     { "AcDirectDeclArray", 2, false, phylum_ac_direct_declarator, kc_subphyla_AcDirectDeclArray, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_ac_direct_declarator_AcDirectDeclArray) },
+     { "AcDirectDeclProto", 2, false, phylum_ac_direct_declarator, kc_subphyla_AcDirectDeclProto, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_ac_direct_declarator_AcDirectDeclProto) },
+     { "AcQualifiedDeclProto", 4, false, phylum_ac_direct_declarator, kc_subphyla_AcQualifiedDeclProto, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_ac_direct_declarator_AcQualifiedDeclProto) },
+     { "AcMemberDecl", 3, false, phylum_ac_direct_declarator, kc_subphyla_AcMemberDecl, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_ac_direct_declarator_AcMemberDecl) },
+     { "AcConvOperatorDecl", 2, false, phylum_ac_direct_declarator, kc_subphyla_AcConvOperatorDecl, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_ac_direct_declarator_AcConvOperatorDecl) },
+     { "AcOperatorDeclId", 1, false, phylum_ac_direct_declarator, kc_subphyla_AcOperatorDeclId, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_ac_direct_declarator_AcOperatorDeclId) },
+     { "Nopointer", 0, false, phylum_ac_pointer_option, 0, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_ac_pointer_option_Nopointer) },
+     { "Yespointer", 1, false, phylum_ac_pointer_option, kc_subphyla_Yespointer, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_ac_pointer_option_Yespointer) },
+     { "AcPointerNil", 1, false, phylum_ac_pointer, kc_subphyla_AcPointerNil, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_ac_pointer_AcPointerNil) },
+     { "AcPointerCons", 2, false, phylum_ac_pointer, kc_subphyla_AcPointerCons, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_ac_pointer_AcPointerCons) },
+     { "AcNoRef", 0, false, phylum_ac_ref_option, 0, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_ac_ref_option_AcNoRef) },
+     { "AcRef", 0, false, phylum_ac_ref_option, 0, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_ac_ref_option_AcRef) },
+     { "AcOperatorName", 1, false, phylum_ac_operator_name, kc_subphyla_AcOperatorName, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_ac_operator_name_AcOperatorName) },
+     { "Nilac_class_qualifier_help_list", 0, false, phylum_ac_class_qualifier_help_list, 0, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_ac_class_qualifier_help_list) },
+     { "Consac_class_qualifier_help_list", 2, false, phylum_ac_class_qualifier_help_list, kc_subphyla_Consac_class_qualifier_help_list, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_ac_class_qualifier_help_list) },
+     { "Nilac_class_qualifier_list", 0, false, phylum_ac_class_qualifier_list, 0, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_ac_class_qualifier_list) },
+     { "Consac_class_qualifier_list", 2, false, phylum_ac_class_qualifier_list, kc_subphyla_Consac_class_qualifier_list, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_ac_class_qualifier_list) },
+     { "Nilac_type_qualifier_list", 0, false, phylum_ac_type_qualifier_list, 0, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_ac_type_qualifier_list) },
+     { "Consac_type_qualifier_list", 2, false, phylum_ac_type_qualifier_list, kc_subphyla_Consac_type_qualifier_list, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_ac_type_qualifier_list) },
+     { "AcParList", 1, false, phylum_ac_parameter_type_list, kc_subphyla_AcParList, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_ac_parameter_type_list_AcParList) },
+     { "AcParList3Dot", 1, false, phylum_ac_parameter_type_list, kc_subphyla_AcParList3Dot, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_ac_parameter_type_list_AcParList3Dot) },
+     { "Nilac_parameter_list", 0, false, phylum_ac_parameter_list, 0, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_ac_parameter_list) },
+     { "Consac_parameter_list", 2, false, phylum_ac_parameter_list, kc_subphyla_Consac_parameter_list, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_ac_parameter_list) },
+     { "AcParDeclDecl", 3, false, phylum_ac_parameter_declaration, kc_subphyla_AcParDeclDecl, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_ac_parameter_declaration_AcParDeclDecl) },
+     { "AcParDeclAbsdecl", 3, false, phylum_ac_parameter_declaration, kc_subphyla_AcParDeclAbsdecl, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_ac_parameter_declaration_AcParDeclAbsdecl) },
+     { "Nilac_identifier_list", 0, false, phylum_ac_identifier_list, 0, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_ac_identifier_list) },
+     { "Consac_identifier_list", 2, false, phylum_ac_identifier_list, kc_subphyla_Consac_identifier_list, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_ac_identifier_list) },
+     { "AcAbsdeclPointer", 1, false, phylum_ac_abstract_declarator, kc_subphyla_AcAbsdeclPointer, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_ac_abstract_declarator_AcAbsdeclPointer) },
+     { "AcAbsdeclDirdecl", 2, false, phylum_ac_abstract_declarator, kc_subphyla_AcAbsdeclDirdecl, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_ac_abstract_declarator_AcAbsdeclDirdecl) },
+     { "Noac_direct_abstract_declarator", 0, false, phylum_ac_direct_abstract_declarator_option, 0, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_ac_direct_abstract_declarator_option_Noac_direct_abstract_declarator) },
+     { "Yesac_direct_abstract_declarator", 1, false, phylum_ac_direct_abstract_declarator_option, kc_subphyla_Yesac_direct_abstract_declarator, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_ac_direct_abstract_declarator_option_Yesac_direct_abstract_declarator) },
+     { "AcDirAbsdeclPack", 1, false, phylum_ac_direct_abstract_declarator, kc_subphyla_AcDirAbsdeclPack, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_ac_direct_abstract_declarator_AcDirAbsdeclPack) },
+     { "AcDirAbsdeclArray", 2, false, phylum_ac_direct_abstract_declarator, kc_subphyla_AcDirAbsdeclArray, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_ac_direct_abstract_declarator_AcDirAbsdeclArray) },
+     { "AcDirAbsdeclFn", 2, false, phylum_ac_direct_abstract_declarator, kc_subphyla_AcDirAbsdeclFn, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_ac_direct_abstract_declarator_AcDirAbsdeclFn) },
+     { "Yesac_constant_expression", 1, false, phylum_ac_constant_expression_option, kc_subphyla_Yesac_constant_expression, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_ac_constant_expression_option_Yesac_constant_expression) },
+     { "Noac_constant_expression", 0, false, phylum_ac_constant_expression_option, 0, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_ac_constant_expression_option_Noac_constant_expression) },
+     { "AcConstExpr", 1, false, phylum_ac_constant_expression, kc_subphyla_AcConstExpr, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_ac_constant_expression_AcConstExpr) },
+     { "Nilac_constant_expression_list", 0, false, phylum_ac_constant_expression_list, 0, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_ac_constant_expression_list) },
+     { "Consac_constant_expression_list", 2, false, phylum_ac_constant_expression_list, kc_subphyla_Consac_constant_expression_list, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_ac_constant_expression_list) },
+     { "AcNoBaseInit", 0, false, phylum_ac_opt_base_init_list, 0, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_ac_opt_base_init_list_AcNoBaseInit) },
+     { "AcYesBaseInit", 1, false, phylum_ac_opt_base_init_list, kc_subphyla_AcYesBaseInit, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_ac_opt_base_init_list_AcYesBaseInit) },
+     { "Nilac_base_init_list", 0, false, phylum_ac_base_init_list, 0, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_ac_base_init_list) },
+     { "Consac_base_init_list", 2, false, phylum_ac_base_init_list, kc_subphyla_Consac_base_init_list, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_ac_base_init_list) },
+     { "AcBaseInit", 2, false, phylum_ac_base_init, kc_subphyla_AcBaseInit, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_ac_base_init_AcBaseInit) },
+     { "Nilbaseclass_declarations", 0, false, phylum_baseclass_declarations, 0, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_baseclass_declarations) },
+     { "Consbaseclass_declarations", 2, false, phylum_baseclass_declarations, kc_subphyla_Consbaseclass_declarations, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_baseclass_declarations) },
+     { "BaseClassDecl", 2, false, phylum_baseclass_decl, kc_subphyla_BaseClassDecl, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_baseclass_decl_BaseClassDecl) },
+     { "Nilbaseclass_list", 0, false, phylum_baseclass_list, 0, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_baseclass_list) },
+     { "Consbaseclass_list", 2, false, phylum_baseclass_list, kc_subphyla_Consbaseclass_list, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_baseclass_list) },
+     { "Fatal", 2, false, phylum_error, kc_subphyla_Fatal, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_error_Fatal) },
+     { "NonFatal", 2, false, phylum_error, kc_subphyla_NonFatal, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_error_NonFatal) },
+     { "Warning", 2, false, phylum_error, kc_subphyla_Warning, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_error_Warning) },
+     { "Problem1", 1, false, phylum_problem, kc_subphyla_Problem1, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_problem_Problem1) },
+     { "Problem1ID", 2, false, phylum_problem, kc_subphyla_Problem1ID, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_problem_Problem1ID) },
+     { "Problem1tID", 2, false, phylum_problem, kc_subphyla_Problem1tID, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_problem_Problem1tID) },
+     { "Problem1we", 2, false, phylum_problem, kc_subphyla_Problem1we, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_problem_Problem1we) },
+     { "Problem1ID1ID", 4, false, phylum_problem, kc_subphyla_Problem1ID1ID, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_problem_Problem1ID1ID) },
+     { "Problem1t1ID", 4, false, phylum_problem, kc_subphyla_Problem1t1ID, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_problem_Problem1t1ID) },
+     { "Problem1INT", 2, false, phylum_problem, kc_subphyla_Problem1INT, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_problem_Problem1INT) },
+     { "Problem1int1", 3, false, phylum_problem, kc_subphyla_Problem1int1, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_problem_Problem1int1) },
+     { "Problem1INT1ID", 4, false, phylum_problem, kc_subphyla_Problem1INT1ID, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_problem_Problem1INT1ID) },
+     { "Problem1ID1ID1ID", 6, false, phylum_problem, kc_subphyla_Problem1ID1ID1ID, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_problem_Problem1ID1ID1ID) },
+     { "Problem1INT1ID1ID", 6, false, phylum_problem, kc_subphyla_Problem1INT1ID1ID, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_problem_Problem1INT1ID1ID) },
+     { "Problem1storageoption1ID", 4, false, phylum_problem, kc_subphyla_Problem1storageoption1ID, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_problem_Problem1storageoption1ID) },
+     { "Problem2", 2, false, phylum_problem, kc_subphyla_Problem2, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_problem_Problem2) },
+     { "Problem3", 3, false, phylum_problem, kc_subphyla_Problem3, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_problem_Problem3) },
+     { "Problem3int1", 5, false, phylum_problem, kc_subphyla_Problem3int1, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_problem_Problem3int1) },
+     { "Problem4", 4, false, phylum_problem, kc_subphyla_Problem4, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_problem_Problem4) },
+     { "Problem5", 5, false, phylum_problem, kc_subphyla_Problem5, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_problem_Problem5) },
+     { "Problem6", 6, false, phylum_problem, kc_subphyla_Problem6, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_problem_Problem6) },
+     { "Niladdedphylumdeclarations", 0, false, phylum_addedphylumdeclarations, 0, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_addedphylumdeclarations) },
+     { "Consaddedphylumdeclarations", 2, false, phylum_addedphylumdeclarations, kc_subphyla_Consaddedphylumdeclarations, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_addedphylumdeclarations) },
+     { "AddedPhylumdeclaration", 1, false, phylum_addedphylumdeclaration, kc_subphyla_AddedPhylumdeclaration, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_addedphylumdeclaration_AddedPhylumdeclaration) },
+     { "Nilcountedphylumdeclarations", 0, false, phylum_countedphylumdeclarations, 0, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_countedphylumdeclarations) },
+     { "Conscountedphylumdeclarations", 2, false, phylum_countedphylumdeclarations, kc_subphyla_Conscountedphylumdeclarations, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_countedphylumdeclarations) },
+     { "CountedPhylumdeclaration", 1, false, phylum_countedphylumdeclaration, kc_subphyla_CountedPhylumdeclaration, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_countedphylumdeclaration_CountedPhylumdeclaration) },
+     { "Newlines", 0, false, phylum_charruns, 0, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_charruns_Newlines) },
+     { "QuotedNewlines", 0, false, phylum_charruns, 0, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_charruns_QuotedNewlines) },
+     { "Stars", 0, false, phylum_charruns, 0, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_charruns_Stars) },
+     { "Nilbindingidmarks", 0, false, phylum_bindingidmarks, 0, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_bindingidmarks) },
+     { "Consbindingidmarks", 2, false, phylum_bindingidmarks, kc_subphyla_Consbindingidmarks, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_bindingidmarks) },
+     { "BindingIdMark", 1, false, phylum_bindingidmark, kc_subphyla_BindingIdMark, 0, 0, sizeof(impl_bindingidmark_BindingIdMark) },
+     { "", 0, 0, one_before_first_phylum, 0, 0, 0, 0 } /* last element */
+ };
+ static enum_phyla phylumstorageclass_uniq[] = { one_before_first_phylum, phylum_nocasestring, phylum_casestring, phylum_real, phylum_integer, phylum_voidptr, phylum_uniqID, phylum_includefile, phylum_fnfile, phylum_countedphylumdeclaration, phylum_charruns, phylum_bindingidmarks, phylum_bindingidmark, last_phylum };
+ KC_UNIQ_INFO kc_UniqInfo[] = {
+     (KC_UNIQ_INFO)0,
+     phylumstorageclass_uniq
+ };
+ } // namespace kc
+ namespace kc { }
+ using namespace kc;
+ /* included stuff */
+ #include "gutil.h"
+ //
+ // The Termprocessor Kimwitu++
+ //
+ // Copyright (C) 1991 University of Twente, Dept TIOS.
+ // Copyright (C) 1998-2003 Humboldt-University of Berlin, Institute of Informatics
+ // All rights reserved.
+ //
+ // Kimwitu++ is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ // the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ // (at your option) any later version.
+ //
+ // Kimwitu++ is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ // GNU General Public License for more details.
+ //
+ // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ // along with Kimwitu++; if not, write to the Free Software
+ // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+ //
+ /* end included stuff */
+ namespace kc {
+ void
+ kc_no_default_in_with( const char *kc_func, int kc_line, const char *kc_file )
+ {
+     fflush(stdout);
+ #ifdef _AFX
+     const _TCHAR* format=A2CT(KC_NO_DEFAULT_IN_WITH);
+     const _TCHAR* tkc_func=A2CT(kc_func);
+     const _TCHAR* tkc_file=A2CT(kc_file);
+     TRACE( format, tkc_func, tkc_file, kc_line );
+ #ifdef _DEBUG
+     if (AfxAssertFailedLine(kc_file, kc_line))
+ #endif
+ 	AfxDebugBreak();
+ #else
+     fprintf( stderr, KC_NO_DEFAULT_IN_WITH, kc_func, kc_file, kc_line );
+     abort();
+ #else
+     exit( 1 );
+ #endif
+ #endif
+ }
+ void
+ kc_returnless_function( const char *kc_func, int kc_line, const char *kc_file )
+ {
+     fflush(stdout);
+ #ifdef _AFX
+     const _TCHAR* format=_T("Internal Error: function %s does not return a value, at %s:%d");
+     const _TCHAR* tkc_func=A2CT(kc_func);
+     const _TCHAR* tkc_file=A2CT(kc_file);
+     TRACE( format, tkc_func, tkc_file, kc_line );
+ #ifdef _DEBUG
+     if (AfxAssertFailedLine(kc_file, kc_line))
+ #endif
+ 	AfxDebugBreak();
+ #else
+     fprintf( stderr, "Internal Error: function %s does not return a value, at %s:%d", kc_func, kc_file, kc_line );
+     abort();
+ #else
+     exit( 1 );
+ #endif
+ #endif
+ }
+ void
+ kc_assertionFailed(const char *kc_fn, int kc_l)
+ {
+     fflush(stdout);
+ #ifdef _AFX
+     const _TCHAR* format=_T("Internal Error: Assertion failed at %s:%d\n");
+     const _TCHAR* tkc_func=A2CT(kc_fn);
+     TRACE( format, tkc_func, kc_l );
+ #ifdef _DEBUG
+     if (AfxAssertFailedLine(kc_fn, kc_l))
+ #endif
+ 	AfxDebugBreak();
+ #else
+     fprintf( stderr, "Internal Error: Assertion failed at %s:%d\n", kc_fn, kc_l );
+     abort();
+ #else
+     exit( 1 );
+ #endif
+ #endif
+ }
+ void
+ kc_assertionReasonFailed(const char *kc_fn, int kc_l, const char *kc_s)
+ {
+     fflush(stdout);
+ #ifdef _AFX
+     const _TCHAR* format=_T("Internal Error: Assertion failed at file %s:%d: %s\n");
+     const _TCHAR* tkc_func=A2CT(kc_fn);
+     const _TCHAR* tkc_s=A2CT(kc_s);
+     TRACE( format, tkc_func, kc_l, tkc_s );
+ #ifdef _DEBUG
+     if (AfxAssertFailedLine(kc_fn, kc_l))
+ #endif
+ 	AfxDebugBreak();
+ #else
+     fprintf( stderr, "Internal Error: Assertion failed at file %s:%d: %s\n", kc_fn, kc_l, kc_s );
+     abort();
+ #else
+     exit( 1 );
+ #endif
+ #endif
+ }
+ void
+ kc_assertionNonNullFailed(const char *kc_fn, int kc_l, const char *kc_str)
+ {
+     fflush(stdout);
+ #ifdef _AFX
+     const _TCHAR* format=_T("Internal Error: Assertion failed at %s:%d: pointer %s is NULL\n");
+     const _TCHAR* tkc_func=A2CT(kc_fn);
+     const _TCHAR* tkc_s=A2CT(kc_str);
+     TRACE( format , tkc_func, kc_l, tkc_s);
+ #ifdef _DEBUG
+     if (AfxAssertFailedLine(kc_fn, kc_l))
+ #endif
+ 	AfxDebugBreak();
+ #else
+     fprintf( stderr, "Internal Error: Assertion failed at %s:%d: pointer %s is NULL\n", kc_fn, kc_l, kc_str );
+     abort();
+ #else
+     exit( 1 );
+ #endif
+ #endif
+ }
+ void
+ kc_assertionOperatorInPhylumFailed(int kc_op, const char *kc_str1, const char *kc_str2, const char *kc_phy, const char *kc_fn, int kc_l)
+ {
+     fflush(stdout);
+ #ifdef _AFX
+     const _TCHAR* format=_T("Internal Error: Assertion failed at %s:%d: illegal value for (%s) %s%s: %d not a valid operator\n");
+     const _TCHAR* tkc_func=A2CT(kc_fn);
+     const _TCHAR* tkc_s1=A2CT(kc_str1);
+     const _TCHAR* tkc_s2=A2CT(kc_str2);
+     const _TCHAR* tname=A2CT(kc_phy);
+     if ((kc_op <= one_before_first_operator) || (kc_op >= last_operator)) {
+ 	TRACE (format, tkc_func, kc_l, tname, tkc_s1, tkc_s2, kc_op );
+     } else {
+ 	format=_T("Internal Error: Assertion failed at %s:%d: illegal value for (%s) %s%s: %s (%d) is a value of %s\n");
+ 	const _TCHAR* tname2=A2CT(operator_info[kc_op].name);
+ 	const _TCHAR* tname3=A2CT(phylum_info[operator_info[kc_op].phylum].name);
+ 	TRACE(format,tkc_func, kc_l, tname, tkc_s1, tkc_s2, tname2, kc_op, tname3 );
+     }
+ #ifdef _DEBUG
+     if (AfxAssertFailedLine(kc_fn, kc_l))
+ #endif
+ 	AfxDebugBreak();
+ #else
+     if ((kc_op <= one_before_first_operator) || (kc_op >= last_operator)) {
+ 	fprintf( stderr, "Internal Error: Assertion failed at %s:%d: illegal value for (%s) %s%s: %d not a valid operator\n",
+ 	    kc_fn, kc_l, kc_phy, kc_str1, kc_str2, kc_op );
+     } else {
+ 	fprintf( stderr, "Internal Error: Assertion failed at %s:%d: illegal value for (%s) %s%s: %s (%d) is a value of %s\n",
+ 	    kc_fn, kc_l, kc_phy, kc_str1, kc_str2, operator_info[kc_op].name, kc_op, phylum_info[operator_info[kc_op].phylum].name );
+     }
+     abort();
+ #else
+     exit( 1 );
+ #endif
+ #endif
+ }
+ void kc_invalid_operator( const char *kc_func_prefix, enum_phyla kc_phy, int kc_line, const char *kc_file, enum_operators kc_oper )
+ {
+     fflush(stdout);
+ #ifdef _AFX
+     const _TCHAR* format=_T("Internal Error: invalid operator code in %s%s at %s:%d: %s\n");
+     const _TCHAR* tkc_func=A2CT(kc_func_prefix);
+     const _TCHAR* tkc_file=A2CT(kc_file);
+     const _TCHAR* ts1=A2CT(phylumname_or_error( kc_phy ));
+     const _TCHAR* ts2=A2CT(kc_operatorname_or_error( kc_oper ));
+     TRACE( format, tkc_func, ts1, tkc_file, kc_line, ts2);
+ #ifdef _DEBUG
+     if (AfxAssertFailedLine(kc_file, kc_line))
+ #endif
+ 	AfxDebugBreak();
+ #else
+     fprintf( stderr, "Internal Error: invalid operator code in %s%s at %s:%d: %s\n", kc_func_prefix, phylumname_or_error( kc_phy ), kc_file, kc_line, kc_operatorname_or_error( kc_oper ));
+     abort();
+ #else
+     exit( 1 );
+ #endif
+ #endif
+ }
+ const enum_phyla impl_nocasestring::phylum_sel_ = phylum_nocasestring;
+ const enum_phyla impl_casestring::phylum_sel_ = phylum_casestring;
+ const enum_phyla impl_real::phylum_sel_ = phylum_real;
+ impl_real__Real::impl_real__Real(REAL _value)
+     : value(_value) { }
+ const enum_phyla impl_integer::phylum_sel_ = phylum_integer;
+ impl_integer__Int::impl_integer__Int(INTEGER _value)
+     : value(_value) { }
+ const enum_phyla impl_voidptr::phylum_sel_ = phylum_voidptr;
+ impl_voidptr__VoidPtr::impl_voidptr__VoidPtr(void* _pointer)
+     : pointer(_pointer) { }
+ const enum_phyla impl_uniqID::phylum_sel_ = phylum_uniqID;
+ impl_uniqID_Str::impl_uniqID_Str(casestring _casestring_1)
+     : casestring_1(_casestring_1) { }
+ const enum_phyla impl_ID::phylum_sel_ = phylum_ID;
+ impl_ID_Id::impl_ID_Id(uniqID _uniqID_1)
+     : uniqID_1(_uniqID_1) { }
+ const enum_phyla impl_INT::phylum_sel_ = phylum_INT;
+ impl_INT_Int::impl_INT_Int(integer _integer_1)
+     : integer_1(_integer_1) { }
+ const enum_phyla impl_STRING::phylum_sel_ = phylum_STRING;
+ impl_STRING_String::impl_STRING_String(casestring _casestring_1)
+     : casestring_1(_casestring_1) { }
+ const enum_phyla impl_phylumdeclarationsroot::phylum_sel_ = phylum_phylumdeclarationsroot;
+ impl_phylumdeclarationsroot_PhylumDeclarations::impl_phylumdeclarationsroot_PhylumDeclarations(phylumdeclarations _phylumdeclarations_1)
+     : phylumdeclarations_1(_phylumdeclarations_1) { }
+ const enum_phyla impl_phylumdeclarations::phylum_sel_ = phylum_phylumdeclarations;
+ impl_phylumdeclarations::impl_phylumdeclarations(phylumdeclaration p1 , phylumdeclarations p2)
+     : phylumdeclaration_1(p1), phylumdeclarations_1(p2) { }
+ const enum_phyla impl_phylumnames::phylum_sel_ = phylum_phylumnames;
+ impl_phylumnames::impl_phylumnames(ID p1 , phylumnames p2)
+     : ID_1(p1), phylumnames_1(p2) { }
+ const enum_phyla impl_phylumdeclaration::phylum_sel_ = phylum_phylumdeclaration;
+ impl_phylumdeclaration_PhylumDeclaration::impl_phylumdeclaration_PhylumDeclaration(ID _ID_1, storageoption _storageoption_1, productionblock _productionblock_1, Ccode_option _Ccode_option_1)
+     : ID_1(_ID_1), storageoption_1(_storageoption_1), productionblock_1(_productionblock_1), Ccode_option_1(_Ccode_option_1) { }
+ const enum_phyla impl_storageoption::phylum_sel_ = phylum_storageoption;
+ impl_storageoption_PositiveStorageOption::impl_storageoption_PositiveStorageOption(ID _ID_1)
+     : ID_1(_ID_1) { }
+ impl_storageoption_NegativeStorageOption::impl_storageoption_NegativeStorageOption(ID _ID_1)
+     : ID_1(_ID_1) { }
+ impl_storageoption_NoStorageOption::impl_storageoption_NoStorageOption()
+     { }
+ const enum_phyla impl_storageclasses::phylum_sel_ = phylum_storageclasses;
+ impl_storageclasses::impl_storageclasses(ID p1 , storageclasses p2)
+     : ID_1(p1), storageclasses_1(p2) { }
+ const enum_phyla impl_productionblock::phylum_sel_ = phylum_productionblock;
+ impl_productionblock_PredefinedAlternatives::impl_productionblock_PredefinedAlternatives(alternatives _alternatives_1)
+     : alternatives_1(_alternatives_1) { }
+ impl_productionblock_NonlistAlternatives::impl_productionblock_NonlistAlternatives(alternatives _alternatives_1)
+     : alternatives_1(_alternatives_1) { }
+ impl_productionblock_ListAlternatives::impl_productionblock_ListAlternatives(alternatives _alternatives_1, ID _ID_1)
+     : alternatives_1(_alternatives_1), ID_1(_ID_1) { }
+ impl_productionblock_Emptyproductionblock::impl_productionblock_Emptyproductionblock()
+     { }
+ const enum_phyla impl_alternatives::phylum_sel_ = phylum_alternatives;
+ impl_alternatives::impl_alternatives(alternative p1 , alternatives p2)
+     : alternative_1(p1), alternatives_1(p2) { }
+ const enum_phyla impl_alternative::phylum_sel_ = phylum_alternative;
+ impl_alternative_Alternative::impl_alternative_Alternative(ID _ID_1, arguments _arguments_1)
+     : ID_1(_ID_1), arguments_1(_arguments_1) { }
+ const enum_phyla impl_arguments::phylum_sel_ = phylum_arguments;
+ impl_arguments::impl_arguments(ID p1 , arguments p2)
+     : ID_1(p1), arguments_1(p2) { }
+ const enum_phyla impl_argument::phylum_sel_ = phylum_argument;
+ impl_argument_Argument::impl_argument_Argument(ID _ID_1, integer _integer_1)
+     : ID_1(_ID_1), integer_1(_integer_1) { }
+ const enum_phyla impl_Ccode_option::phylum_sel_ = phylum_Ccode_option;
+ impl_Ccode_option_CcodeOption::impl_Ccode_option_CcodeOption(attributes _attributes_1, Ctexts _Ctexts_1)
+     : attributes_1(_attributes_1), Ctexts_1(_Ctexts_1) { }
+ const enum_phyla impl_attributes::phylum_sel_ = phylum_attributes;
+ impl_attributes::impl_attributes(attribute p1 , attributes p2)
+     : attribute_1(p1), attributes_1(p2) { }
+ const enum_phyla impl_attribute::phylum_sel_ = phylum_attribute;
+ impl_attribute_Attribute::impl_attribute_Attribute(ID _ID_1, ID _ID_2, attribute_initialisation_option _attribute_initialisation_option_1)
+     : ID_1(_ID_1), ID_2(_ID_2), attribute_initialisation_option_1(_attribute_initialisation_option_1) { }
+ const enum_phyla impl_attribute_initialisation_option::phylum_sel_ = phylum_attribute_initialisation_option;
+ impl_attribute_initialisation_option_Yesattribute_initialisation::impl_attribute_initialisation_option_Yesattribute_initialisation(Cexpression _Cexpression_1)
+     : Cexpression_1(_Cexpression_1) { }
+ impl_attribute_initialisation_option_Noattribute_initialisation::impl_attribute_initialisation_option_Noattribute_initialisation()
+     { }
+ const enum_phyla impl_Cexpression::phylum_sel_ = phylum_Cexpression;
+ impl_Cexpression::impl_Cexpression(Cexpression_elem p1 , Cexpression p2)
+     : Cexpression_elem_1(p1), Cexpression_1(p2) { }
+ const enum_phyla impl_Cexpression_elem::phylum_sel_ = phylum_Cexpression_elem;
+ impl_Cexpression_elem_CExpressionArray::impl_Cexpression_elem_CExpressionArray(Cexpression _Cexpression_1)
+     : Cexpression_1(_Cexpression_1) { }
+ impl_Cexpression_elem_CExpressionPack::impl_Cexpression_elem_CExpressionPack(Cexpression _Cexpression_1)
+     : Cexpression_1(_Cexpression_1) { }
+ impl_Cexpression_elem_CExpressionSQ::impl_Cexpression_elem_CExpressionSQ(CexpressionSQ _CexpressionSQ_1)
+     : CexpressionSQ_1(_CexpressionSQ_1) { }
+ impl_Cexpression_elem_CExpressionDQ::impl_Cexpression_elem_CExpressionDQ(CexpressionDQ _CexpressionDQ_1)
+     : CexpressionDQ_1(_CexpressionDQ_1) { }
+ impl_Cexpression_elem_CExpressionNl::impl_Cexpression_elem_CExpressionNl()
+     { }
+ impl_Cexpression_elem_CExpressionDollarvar::impl_Cexpression_elem_CExpressionDollarvar(INT _INT_1)
+     : INT_1(_INT_1) { }
+ impl_Cexpression_elem_CExpressionPart::impl_Cexpression_elem_CExpressionPart(casestring _casestring_1)
+     : casestring_1(_casestring_1) { }
+ const enum_phyla impl_CexpressionDQ::phylum_sel_ = phylum_CexpressionDQ;
+ impl_CexpressionDQ::impl_CexpressionDQ(CexpressionDQ_elem p1 , CexpressionDQ p2)
+     : CexpressionDQ_elem_1(p1), CexpressionDQ_1(p2) { }
+ const enum_phyla impl_CexpressionDQ_elem::phylum_sel_ = phylum_CexpressionDQ_elem;
+ impl_CexpressionDQ_elem_CExpressionDQNl::impl_CexpressionDQ_elem_CExpressionDQNl()
+     { }
+ impl_CexpressionDQ_elem_CExpressionDQPart::impl_CexpressionDQ_elem_CExpressionDQPart(casestring _casestring_1)
+     : casestring_1(_casestring_1) { }
+ const enum_phyla impl_CexpressionSQ::phylum_sel_ = phylum_CexpressionSQ;
+ impl_CexpressionSQ::impl_CexpressionSQ(CexpressionSQ_elem p1 , CexpressionSQ p2)
+     : CexpressionSQ_elem_1(p1), CexpressionSQ_1(p2) { }
+ const enum_phyla impl_CexpressionSQ_elem::phylum_sel_ = phylum_CexpressionSQ_elem;
+ impl_CexpressionSQ_elem_CExpressionSQNl::impl_CexpressionSQ_elem_CExpressionSQNl()
+     { }
+ impl_CexpressionSQ_elem_CExpressionSQPart::impl_CexpressionSQ_elem_CExpressionSQPart(casestring _casestring_1)
+     : casestring_1(_casestring_1) { }
+ const enum_phyla impl_idCexpressions::phylum_sel_ = phylum_idCexpressions;
+ impl_idCexpressions::impl_idCexpressions(idCexpression p1 , idCexpressions p2)
+     : idCexpression_1(p1), idCexpressions_1(p2) { }
+ const enum_phyla impl_idCexpression::phylum_sel_ = phylum_idCexpression;
+ impl_idCexpression_IdCexpression::impl_idCexpression_IdCexpression(ID _ID_1, Cexpression _Cexpression_1)
+     : ID_1(_ID_1), Cexpression_1(_Cexpression_1) { }
+ const enum_phyla impl_Ctexts::phylum_sel_ = phylum_Ctexts;
+ impl_Ctexts::impl_Ctexts(Ctext p1 , Ctexts p2)
+     : Ctext_1(p1), Ctexts_1(p2) { }
+ const enum_phyla impl_includefiles::phylum_sel_ = phylum_includefiles;
+ impl_includefiles::impl_includefiles(includefile p1 , includefiles p2)
+     : includefile_1(p1), includefiles_1(p2) { }
+ const enum_phyla impl_includefile::phylum_sel_ = phylum_includefile;
+ impl_includefile_IncludeFile::impl_includefile_IncludeFile(casestring _casestring_1)
+     : casestring_1(_casestring_1) { }
+ const enum_phyla impl_includedeclarations::phylum_sel_ = phylum_includedeclarations;
+ impl_includedeclarations::impl_includedeclarations(includedeclaration p1 , includedeclarations p2)
+     : includedeclaration_1(p1), includedeclarations_1(p2) { }
+ const enum_phyla impl_includedeclaration::phylum_sel_ = phylum_includedeclaration;
+ impl_includedeclaration_IncludeDeclaration::impl_includedeclaration_IncludeDeclaration(casestring _casestring_1)
+     : casestring_1(_casestring_1) { }
+ const enum_phyla impl_rwdeclarations::phylum_sel_ = phylum_rwdeclarations;
+ impl_rwdeclarations::impl_rwdeclarations(rwdeclaration p1 , rwdeclarations p2)
+     : rwdeclaration_1(p1), rwdeclarations_1(p2) { }
+ const enum_phyla impl_rwdeclaration::phylum_sel_ = phylum_rwdeclaration;
+ impl_rwdeclaration_RwDeclaration::impl_rwdeclaration_RwDeclaration(outmostpatterns _outmostpatterns_1, rewriteclauses _rewriteclauses_1)
+     : outmostpatterns_1(_outmostpatterns_1), rewriteclauses_1(_rewriteclauses_1) { }
+ const enum_phyla impl_rewriteclauses::phylum_sel_ = phylum_rewriteclauses;
+ impl_rewriteclauses::impl_rewriteclauses(rewriteclause p1 , rewriteclauses p2)
+     : rewriteclause_1(p1), rewriteclauses_1(p2) { }
+ const enum_phyla impl_rewriteclause::phylum_sel_ = phylum_rewriteclause;
+ impl_rewriteclause_RewriteClause::impl_rewriteclause_RewriteClause(viewnames _viewnames_1, term _term_1)
+     : viewnames_1(_viewnames_1), term_1(_term_1) { }
+ const enum_phyla impl_patternchains::phylum_sel_ = phylum_patternchains;
+ impl_patternchains::impl_patternchains(patternchain p1 , patternchains p2)
+     : patternchain_1(p1), patternchains_1(p2) { }
+ const enum_phyla impl_patternchain::phylum_sel_ = phylum_patternchain;
+ impl_patternchain::impl_patternchain(patternchainitem p1 , patternchain p2)
+     : patternchainitem_1(p1), patternchain_1(p2) { }
+ const enum_phyla impl_outmostpatterns::phylum_sel_ = phylum_outmostpatterns;
+ impl_outmostpatterns::impl_outmostpatterns(outmostpattern p1 , outmostpatterns p2)
+     : outmostpattern_1(p1), outmostpatterns_1(p2) { }
+ const enum_phyla impl_patternchainitem::phylum_sel_ = phylum_patternchainitem;
+ impl_patternchainitem_PatternchainitemDollarid::impl_patternchainitem_PatternchainitemDollarid(ID _ID_1)
+     : ID_1(_ID_1) { }
+ impl_patternchainitem_PatternchainitemGroup::impl_patternchainitem_PatternchainitemGroup(patternchains _patternchains_1)
+     : patternchains_1(_patternchains_1) { }
+ impl_patternchainitem_PatternchainitemOutmost::impl_patternchainitem_PatternchainitemOutmost(outmostpattern _outmostpattern_1)
+     : outmostpattern_1(_outmostpattern_1) { }
+ const enum_phyla impl_outmostpattern::phylum_sel_ = phylum_outmostpattern;
+ impl_outmostpattern_OPDefault::impl_outmostpattern_OPDefault(Cexpression _Cexpression_1)
+     : Cexpression_1(_Cexpression_1) { }
+ impl_outmostpattern_OPWildcard::impl_outmostpattern_OPWildcard(Cexpression _Cexpression_1)
+     : Cexpression_1(_Cexpression_1) { }
+ impl_outmostpattern_OPNonLeafVariable::impl_outmostpattern_OPNonLeafVariable(ID _ID_1, outmostpattern _outmostpattern_1)
+     : ID_1(_ID_1), outmostpattern_1(_outmostpattern_1) { }
+ impl_outmostpattern_OPOperator::impl_outmostpattern_OPOperator(ID _ID_1, patterns _patterns_1, Cexpression _Cexpression_1)
+     : ID_1(_ID_1), patterns_1(_patterns_1), Cexpression_1(_Cexpression_1) { }
+ impl_outmostpattern_OPOperatorWildcard::impl_outmostpattern_OPOperatorWildcard(ID _ID_1, Cexpression _Cexpression_1)
+     : ID_1(_ID_1), Cexpression_1(_Cexpression_1) { }
+ const enum_phyla impl_pattern::phylum_sel_ = phylum_pattern;
+ impl_pattern_PIntLiteral::impl_pattern_PIntLiteral(INT _INT_1)
+     : INT_1(_INT_1) { }
+ impl_pattern_PStringLiteral::impl_pattern_PStringLiteral(CexpressionDQ _CexpressionDQ_1)
+     : CexpressionDQ_1(_CexpressionDQ_1) { }
+ impl_pattern_PWildcard::impl_pattern_PWildcard()
+     { }
+ impl_pattern_PNonLeafVariable::impl_pattern_PNonLeafVariable(ID _ID_1, pattern _pattern_1)
+     : ID_1(_ID_1), pattern_1(_pattern_1) { }
+ impl_pattern_POperator::impl_pattern_POperator(ID _ID_1, patterns _patterns_1)
+     : ID_1(_ID_1), patterns_1(_patterns_1) { }
+ impl_pattern_PVariable::impl_pattern_PVariable(ID _ID_1)
+     : ID_1(_ID_1) { }
+ const enum_phyla impl_patterns::phylum_sel_ = phylum_patterns;
+ impl_patterns::impl_patterns(pattern p1 , patterns p2)
+     : pattern_1(p1), patterns_1(p2) { }
+ const enum_phyla impl_term::phylum_sel_ = phylum_term;
+ impl_term_TIntLiteral::impl_term_TIntLiteral(INT _INT_1)
+     : INT_1(_INT_1) { }
+ impl_term_TStringLiteral::impl_term_TStringLiteral(CexpressionDQ _CexpressionDQ_1)
+     : CexpressionDQ_1(_CexpressionDQ_1) { }
+ impl_term_TCTerm::impl_term_TCTerm(CexpressionSQ _CexpressionSQ_1)
+     : CexpressionSQ_1(_CexpressionSQ_1) { }
+ impl_term_TMemberVarDot::impl_term_TMemberVarDot(term _term_1, ID _ID_1)
+     : term_1(_term_1), ID_1(_ID_1) { }
+ impl_term_TMemberVar::impl_term_TMemberVar(term _term_1, ID _ID_1)
+     : term_1(_term_1), ID_1(_ID_1) { }
+ impl_term_TMethodDot::impl_term_TMethodDot(term _term_1, ID _ID_1, terms _terms_1)
+     : term_1(_term_1), ID_1(_ID_1), terms_1(_terms_1) { }
+ impl_term_TMethod::impl_term_TMethod(term _term_1, ID _ID_1, terms _terms_1)
+     : term_1(_term_1), ID_1(_ID_1), terms_1(_terms_1) { }
+ impl_term_TOperator::impl_term_TOperator(ID _ID_1, terms _terms_1)
+     : ID_1(_ID_1), terms_1(_terms_1) { }
+ impl_term_TVariable::impl_term_TVariable(ID _ID_1)
+     : ID_1(_ID_1) { }
+ const enum_phyla impl_terms::phylum_sel_ = phylum_terms;
+ impl_terms::impl_terms(term p1 , terms p2)
+     : term_1(p1), terms_1(p2) { }
+ const enum_phyla impl_fnfiles::phylum_sel_ = phylum_fnfiles;
+ impl_fnfiles::impl_fnfiles(fnfile p1 , fnfiles p2)
+     : fnfile_1(p1), fnfiles_1(p2) { }
+ const enum_phyla impl_fnfile::phylum_sel_ = phylum_fnfile;
+ impl_fnfile_FnFile::impl_fnfile_FnFile(casestring _casestring_1)
+     : casestring_1(_casestring_1) { }
+ const enum_phyla impl_fndeclarations::phylum_sel_ = phylum_fndeclarations;
+ impl_fndeclarations::impl_fndeclarations(fndeclaration p1 , fndeclarations p2)
+     : fndeclaration_1(p1), fndeclarations_1(p2) { }
+ const enum_phyla impl_fndeclaration::phylum_sel_ = phylum_fndeclaration;
+ impl_fndeclaration_AcMemberDeclaration::impl_fndeclaration_AcMemberDeclaration(ac_declaration_specifiers _ac_declaration_specifiers_1, ac_declarator _ac_declarator_1, ac_constant_expression_option _ac_constant_expression_option_1, fnclass _fnclass_1)
+     : ac_declaration_specifiers_1(_ac_declaration_specifiers_1), ac_declarator_1(_ac_declarator_1), ac_constant_expression_option_1(_ac_constant_expression_option_1), fnclass_1(_fnclass_1) { }
+ impl_fndeclaration_FnAcDeclaration::impl_fndeclaration_FnAcDeclaration(ac_declaration_specifiers _ac_declaration_specifiers_1, ac_declarator _ac_declarator_1, ac_declaration_list _ac_declaration_list_1, ac_opt_base_init_list _ac_opt_base_init_list_1, Ctext _Ctext_1, ID _ID_1, fnclass _fnclass_1)
+     : ac_declaration_specifiers_1(_ac_declaration_specifiers_1), ac_declarator_1(_ac_declarator_1), ac_declaration_list_1(_ac_declaration_list_1), ac_opt_base_init_list_1(_ac_opt_base_init_list_1), Ctext_1(_Ctext_1), ID_1(_ID_1), fnclass_1(_fnclass_1) { }
+ const enum_phyla impl_fnclass::phylum_sel_ = phylum_fnclass;
+ impl_fnclass_ConvOperatorFn::impl_fnclass_ConvOperatorFn()
+     { }
+ impl_fnclass_DestructorFn::impl_fnclass_DestructorFn()
+     { }
+ impl_fnclass_ConstructorFn::impl_fnclass_ConstructorFn()
+     { }
+ impl_fnclass_MemberFn::impl_fnclass_MemberFn()
+     { }
+ impl_fnclass_StaticFn::impl_fnclass_StaticFn(casestring _casestring_1)
+     : casestring_1(_casestring_1) { }
+ impl_fnclass_GlobalFn::impl_fnclass_GlobalFn()
+     { }
+ const enum_phyla impl_Ctext::phylum_sel_ = phylum_Ctext;
+ impl_Ctext::impl_Ctext(Ctext_elem p1 , Ctext p2)
+     : Ctext_elem_1(p1), Ctext_1(p2) { }
+ const enum_phyla impl_Ctext_elem::phylum_sel_ = phylum_Ctext_elem;
+ impl_Ctext_elem_CTextWithexpression::impl_Ctext_elem_CTextWithexpression(withexpressions _withexpressions_1, withcases _withcases_1, contextinfo _contextinfo_1)
+     : withexpressions_1(_withexpressions_1), withcases_1(_withcases_1), contextinfo_1(_contextinfo_1) { }
+ impl_Ctext_elem_CTextForeachexpression::impl_Ctext_elem_CTextForeachexpression(patternchain _patternchain_1, idCexpressions _idCexpressions_1, withexpressions _withexpressions_1, Ctext _Ctext_1, foreach_after _foreach_after_1)
+     : patternchain_1(_patternchain_1), idCexpressions_1(_idCexpressions_1), withexpressions_1(_withexpressions_1), Ctext_1(_Ctext_1), foreach_after_1(_foreach_after_1) { }
+ impl_Ctext_elem_CTextCbody::impl_Ctext_elem_CTextCbody(Ctext _Ctext_1)
+     : Ctext_1(_Ctext_1) { }
+ impl_Ctext_elem_CTextCexpressionSQ::impl_Ctext_elem_CTextCexpressionSQ(CexpressionSQ _CexpressionSQ_1)
+     : CexpressionSQ_1(_CexpressionSQ_1) { }
+ impl_Ctext_elem_CTextCexpressionDQ::impl_Ctext_elem_CTextCexpressionDQ(CexpressionDQ _CexpressionDQ_1)
+     : CexpressionDQ_1(_CexpressionDQ_1) { }
+ impl_Ctext_elem_CTextNl::impl_Ctext_elem_CTextNl(integer _integer_1)
+     : integer_1(_integer_1) { }
+ impl_Ctext_elem_CTextDollarVar::impl_Ctext_elem_CTextDollarVar(INT _INT_1)
+     : INT_1(_INT_1) { }
+ impl_Ctext_elem_CTextLine::impl_Ctext_elem_CTextLine(casestring _casestring_1)
+     : casestring_1(_casestring_1) { }
+ const enum_phyla impl_foreach_after::phylum_sel_ = phylum_foreach_after;
+ impl_foreach_after_ForeachAfter::impl_foreach_after_ForeachAfter(patternchain _patternchain_1, idCexpressions _idCexpressions_1, withexpressions _withexpressions_1, Ctext _Ctext_1)
+     : patternchain_1(_patternchain_1), idCexpressions_1(_idCexpressions_1), withexpressions_1(_withexpressions_1), Ctext_1(_Ctext_1) { }
+ impl_foreach_after_NoForeachAfter::impl_foreach_after_NoForeachAfter()
+     { }
+ const enum_phyla impl_contextinfo::phylum_sel_ = phylum_contextinfo;
+ impl_contextinfo_NotInForeachContext::impl_contextinfo_NotInForeachContext()
+     { }
+ impl_contextinfo_InForeachContext::impl_contextinfo_InForeachContext(patternchain _patternchain_1)
+     : patternchain_1(_patternchain_1) { }
+ const enum_phyla impl_withexpressions::phylum_sel_ = phylum_withexpressions;
+ impl_withexpressions::impl_withexpressions(withexpression p1 , withexpressions p2)
+     : withexpression_1(p1), withexpressions_1(p2) { }
+ const enum_phyla impl_withexpression::phylum_sel_ = phylum_withexpression;
+ impl_withexpression_WECexpression::impl_withexpression_WECexpression(Cexpression _Cexpression_1)
+     : Cexpression_1(_Cexpression_1) { }
+ impl_withexpression_WEVariable::impl_withexpression_WEVariable(ID _ID_1)
+     : ID_1(_ID_1) { }
+ const enum_phyla impl_withcases::phylum_sel_ = phylum_withcases;
+ impl_withcases::impl_withcases(withcase p1 , withcases p2)
+     : withcase_1(p1), withcases_1(p2) { }
+ const enum_phyla impl_withcase::phylum_sel_ = phylum_withcase;
+ impl_withcase_Withcase::impl_withcase_Withcase(patternchains _patternchains_1, Ctext _Ctext_1)
+     : patternchains_1(_patternchains_1), Ctext_1(_Ctext_1) { }
+ const enum_phyla impl_unparsedeclarations::phylum_sel_ = phylum_unparsedeclarations;
+ impl_unparsedeclarations::impl_unparsedeclarations(unparsedeclaration p1 , unparsedeclarations p2)
+     : unparsedeclaration_1(p1), unparsedeclarations_1(p2) { }
+ const enum_phyla impl_unparsedeclaration::phylum_sel_ = phylum_unparsedeclaration;
+ impl_unparsedeclaration_UnparseDeclaration::impl_unparsedeclaration_UnparseDeclaration(outmostpatterns _outmostpatterns_1, unparseclauses _unparseclauses_1)
+     : outmostpatterns_1(_outmostpatterns_1), unparseclauses_1(_unparseclauses_1) { }
+ const enum_phyla impl_unparseclauses::phylum_sel_ = phylum_unparseclauses;
+ impl_unparseclauses::impl_unparseclauses(unparseclause p1 , unparseclauses p2)
+     : unparseclause_1(p1), unparseclauses_1(p2) { }
+ const enum_phyla impl_unparseclause::phylum_sel_ = phylum_unparseclause;
+ impl_unparseclause_UnparseClause::impl_unparseclause_UnparseClause(viewnames _viewnames_1, unparseitems _unparseitems_1)
+     : viewnames_1(_viewnames_1), unparseitems_1(_unparseitems_1) { }
+ const enum_phyla impl_viewnames::phylum_sel_ = phylum_viewnames;
+ impl_viewnames::impl_viewnames(ID p1 , viewnames p2)
+     : ID_1(p1), viewnames_1(p2) { }
+ const enum_phyla impl_unparseitems::phylum_sel_ = phylum_unparseitems;
+ impl_unparseitems::impl_unparseitems(unparseitem p1 , unparseitems p2)
+     : unparseitem_1(p1), unparseitems_1(p2) { }
+ const enum_phyla impl_unparseitem::phylum_sel_ = phylum_unparseitem;
+ impl_unparseitem_UViewVarDecl::impl_unparseitem_UViewVarDecl(ID _ID_1, ID _ID_2, Cexpression _Cexpression_1)
+     : ID_1(_ID_1), ID_2(_ID_2), Cexpression_1(_Cexpression_1) { }
+ impl_unparseitem_UnpBody::impl_unparseitem_UnpBody(languageoption _languageoption_1, unparseitems _unparseitems_1)
+     : languageoption_1(_languageoption_1), unparseitems_1(_unparseitems_1) { }
+ impl_unparseitem_UnpCtext::impl_unparseitem_UnpCtext(languageoption _languageoption_1, Ctext _Ctext_1)
+     : languageoption_1(_languageoption_1), Ctext_1(_Ctext_1) { }
+ impl_unparseitem_UnpSubexpr::impl_unparseitem_UnpSubexpr(languageoption _languageoption_1, unpsubterm _unpsubterm_1, viewnameoption _viewnameoption_1)
+     : languageoption_1(_languageoption_1), unpsubterm_1(_unpsubterm_1), viewnameoption_1(_viewnameoption_1) { }
+ impl_unparseitem_UnpStr::impl_unparseitem_UnpStr(languageoption _languageoption_1, CexpressionDQ _CexpressionDQ_1, viewnameoption _viewnameoption_1)
+     : languageoption_1(_languageoption_1), CexpressionDQ_1(_CexpressionDQ_1), viewnameoption_1(_viewnameoption_1) { }
+ const enum_phyla impl_unpsubterm::phylum_sel_ = phylum_unpsubterm;
+ impl_unpsubterm_UnpCastedVariable::impl_unpsubterm_UnpCastedVariable(ID _ID_1, ID _ID_2)
+     : ID_1(_ID_1), ID_2(_ID_2) { }
+ impl_unpsubterm_UnpDollarvarAttr::impl_unpsubterm_UnpDollarvarAttr(INT _INT_1, unpattributes _unpattributes_1)
+     : INT_1(_INT_1), unpattributes_1(_unpattributes_1) { }
+ impl_unpsubterm_UnpSubAttr::impl_unpsubterm_UnpSubAttr(ID _ID_1, unpattributes _unpattributes_1)
+     : ID_1(_ID_1), unpattributes_1(_unpattributes_1) { }
+ impl_unpsubterm_UnpDollarvarTerm::impl_unpsubterm_UnpDollarvarTerm(INT _INT_1)
+     : INT_1(_INT_1) { }
+ impl_unpsubterm_UnpSubTerm::impl_unpsubterm_UnpSubTerm(ID _ID_1)
+     : ID_1(_ID_1) { }
+ const enum_phyla impl_unpattributes::phylum_sel_ = phylum_unpattributes;
+ impl_unpattributes::impl_unpattributes(ID p1 , unpattributes p2)
+     : ID_1(p1), unpattributes_1(p2) { }
+ const enum_phyla impl_viewnameoption::phylum_sel_ = phylum_viewnameoption;
+ impl_viewnameoption_YesViewname::impl_viewnameoption_YesViewname(ID _ID_1)
+     : ID_1(_ID_1) { }
+ impl_viewnameoption_NoViewname::impl_viewnameoption_NoViewname()
+     { }
+ const enum_phyla impl_languageoption::phylum_sel_ = phylum_languageoption;
+ impl_languageoption_LanguageList::impl_languageoption_LanguageList(languagenames _languagenames_1)
+     : languagenames_1(_languagenames_1) { }
+ impl_languageoption_NoLanguagename::impl_languageoption_NoLanguagename()
+     { }
+ const enum_phyla impl_languagenames::phylum_sel_ = phylum_languagenames;
+ impl_languagenames::impl_languagenames(ID p1 , languagenames p2)
+     : ID_1(p1), languagenames_1(p2) { }
+ const enum_phyla impl_fileline::phylum_sel_ = phylum_fileline;
+ impl_fileline_PosNoFileLine::impl_fileline_PosNoFileLine()
+     { }
+ impl_fileline_NoFileLine::impl_fileline_NoFileLine()
+     { }
+ const enum_phyla impl_scopetypefilelinestack::phylum_sel_ = phylum_scopetypefilelinestack;
+ impl_scopetypefilelinestack::impl_scopetypefilelinestack(scopetypefileline p1 , scopetypefilelinestack p2)
+     : scopetypefileline_1(p1), scopetypefilelinestack_1(p2) { }
+ const enum_phyla impl_scopetypefileline::phylum_sel_ = phylum_scopetypefileline;
+ impl_scopetypefileline_ScopeTypeFileLine::impl_scopetypefileline_ScopeTypeFileLine(integer _integer_1, IDtype _IDtype_1, casestring _casestring_1, integer _integer_2)
+     : integer_1(_integer_1), IDtype_1(_IDtype_1), casestring_1(_casestring_1), integer_2(_integer_2) { }
+ const enum_phyla impl_IDtype::phylum_sel_ = phylum_IDtype;
+ impl_IDtype_ITLanguageName::impl_IDtype_ITLanguageName(integer _integer_1)
+     : integer_1(_integer_1) { }
+ impl_IDtype_ITPatternVariable::impl_IDtype_ITPatternVariable(ID _ID_1, integer _integer_1)
+     : ID_1(_ID_1), integer_1(_integer_1) { }
+ impl_IDtype_ITUserFunction::impl_IDtype_ITUserFunction(fnclass _fnclass_1)
+     : fnclass_1(_fnclass_1) { }
+ impl_IDtype_ITUserRView::impl_IDtype_ITUserRView()
+     { }
+ impl_IDtype_ITPredefinedRView::impl_IDtype_ITPredefinedRView()
+     { }
+ impl_IDtype_ITUViewVar::impl_IDtype_ITUViewVar()
+     { }
+ impl_IDtype_ITUserUView::impl_IDtype_ITUserUView()
+     { }
+ impl_IDtype_ITPredefinedUView::impl_IDtype_ITPredefinedUView()
+     { }
+ impl_IDtype_ITStorageClass::impl_IDtype_ITStorageClass()
+     { }
+ impl_IDtype_ITPredefinedStorageClass::impl_IDtype_ITPredefinedStorageClass()
+     { }
+ impl_IDtype_ITUserOperator::impl_IDtype_ITUserOperator(alternative _alternative_1, ID _ID_1)
+     : alternative_1(_alternative_1), ID_1(_ID_1) { }
+ impl_IDtype_ITPredefinedOperator::impl_IDtype_ITPredefinedOperator(alternative _alternative_1, ID _ID_1)
+     : alternative_1(_alternative_1), ID_1(_ID_1) { }
+ impl_IDtype_ITUserPhylum::impl_IDtype_ITUserPhylum(phylumdeclaration _phylumdeclaration_1)
+     : phylumdeclaration_1(_phylumdeclaration_1) { }
+ impl_IDtype_ITPredefinedPhylum::impl_IDtype_ITPredefinedPhylum(phylumdeclaration _phylumdeclaration_1)
+     : phylumdeclaration_1(_phylumdeclaration_1) { }
+ impl_IDtype_ITUnknown::impl_IDtype_ITUnknown()
+     { }
+ const enum_phyla impl_operators::phylum_sel_ = phylum_operators;
+ impl_operators::impl_operators(ID p1 , operators p2)
+     : ID_1(p1), operators_1(p2) { }
+ const enum_phyla impl_phyla::phylum_sel_ = phylum_phyla;
+ impl_phyla::impl_phyla(ID p1 , phyla p2)
+     : ID_1(p1), phyla_1(p2) { }
+ const enum_phyla impl_variables::phylum_sel_ = phylum_variables;
+ impl_variables::impl_variables(ID p1 , variables p2)
+     : ID_1(p1), variables_1(p2) { }
+ const enum_phyla impl_dollarvarstatus::phylum_sel_ = phylum_dollarvarstatus;
+ impl_dollarvarstatus_DVDisallowed::impl_dollarvarstatus_DVDisallowed()
+     { }
+ impl_dollarvarstatus_DVAllowed::impl_dollarvarstatus_DVAllowed()
+     { }
+ const enum_phyla impl_tribool::phylum_sel_ = phylum_tribool;
+ impl_tribool_Bigger::impl_tribool_Bigger()
+     { }
+ impl_tribool_Smaller::impl_tribool_Smaller()
+     { }
+ impl_tribool_Equal::impl_tribool_Equal()
+     { }
+ const enum_phyla impl_patternrepresentations::phylum_sel_ = phylum_patternrepresentations;
+ impl_patternrepresentations::impl_patternrepresentations(patternrepresentation p1 , patternrepresentations p2)
+     : patternrepresentation_1(p1), patternrepresentations_1(p2) { }
+ const enum_phyla impl_patternrepresentation::phylum_sel_ = phylum_patternrepresentation;
+ impl_patternrepresentation::impl_patternrepresentation(elem_patternrepresentation p1 , patternrepresentation p2)
+     : elem_patternrepresentation_1(p1), patternrepresentation_1(p2) { }
+ const enum_phyla impl_elem_patternrepresentation::phylum_sel_ = phylum_elem_patternrepresentation;
+ impl_elem_patternrepresentation_PRIntLiteral::impl_elem_patternrepresentation_PRIntLiteral(path _path_1, INT _INT_1)
+     : path_1(_path_1), INT_1(_INT_1) { }
+ impl_elem_patternrepresentation_PRStringLiteral::impl_elem_patternrepresentation_PRStringLiteral(path _path_1, CexpressionDQ _CexpressionDQ_1)
+     : path_1(_path_1), CexpressionDQ_1(_CexpressionDQ_1) { }
+ impl_elem_patternrepresentation_PRDefault::impl_elem_patternrepresentation_PRDefault()
+     { }
+ impl_elem_patternrepresentation_PRWildcard::impl_elem_patternrepresentation_PRWildcard(path _path_1)
+     : path_1(_path_1) { }
+ impl_elem_patternrepresentation_PRNonLeafBinding::impl_elem_patternrepresentation_PRNonLeafBinding(path _path_1, ID _ID_1, patternrepresentation _patternrepresentation_1)
+     : path_1(_path_1), ID_1(_ID_1), patternrepresentation_1(_patternrepresentation_1) { }
+ impl_elem_patternrepresentation_PRUserPredicate::impl_elem_patternrepresentation_PRUserPredicate(Cexpression _Cexpression_1)
+     : Cexpression_1(_Cexpression_1) { }
+ impl_elem_patternrepresentation_PROperPredicate::impl_elem_patternrepresentation_PROperPredicate(path _path_1, ID _ID_1)
+     : path_1(_path_1), ID_1(_ID_1) { }
+ impl_elem_patternrepresentation_PRVarPredicate::impl_elem_patternrepresentation_PRVarPredicate(paths _paths_1, ID _ID_1, patternrepresentation _patternrepresentation_1)
+     : paths_1(_paths_1), ID_1(_ID_1), patternrepresentation_1(_patternrepresentation_1) { }
+ impl_elem_patternrepresentation_PRBinding::impl_elem_patternrepresentation_PRBinding(path _path_1, ID _ID_1)
+     : path_1(_path_1), ID_1(_ID_1) { }
+ const enum_phyla impl_path::phylum_sel_ = phylum_path;
+ impl_path::impl_path(integer p1 , path p2)
+     : integer_1(p1), path_1(p2) { }
+ const enum_phyla impl_paths::phylum_sel_ = phylum_paths;
+ impl_paths::impl_paths(path p1 , paths p2)
+     : path_1(p1), paths_1(p2) { }
+ const enum_phyla impl_argsnumbers::phylum_sel_ = phylum_argsnumbers;
+ impl_argsnumbers::impl_argsnumbers(integer p1 , argsnumbers p2)
+     : integer_1(p1), argsnumbers_1(p2) { }
+ const enum_phyla impl_rewriterulesinfo::phylum_sel_ = phylum_rewriterulesinfo;
+ impl_rewriterulesinfo::impl_rewriterulesinfo(rewriteruleinfo p1 , rewriterulesinfo p2)
+     : rewriteruleinfo_1(p1), rewriterulesinfo_1(p2) { }
+ const enum_phyla impl_rewriteruleinfo::phylum_sel_ = phylum_rewriteruleinfo;
+ impl_rewriteruleinfo_Rewriteruleinfo::impl_rewriteruleinfo_Rewriteruleinfo(patternrepresentation _patternrepresentation_1, patternrepresentation _patternrepresentation_2, rewriteclause _rewriteclause_1)
+     : patternrepresentation_1(_patternrepresentation_1), patternrepresentation_2(_patternrepresentation_2), rewriteclause_1(_rewriteclause_1) { }
+ const enum_phyla impl_withcasesinfo::phylum_sel_ = phylum_withcasesinfo;
+ impl_withcasesinfo::impl_withcasesinfo(withcaseinfo p1 , withcasesinfo p2)
+     : withcaseinfo_1(p1), withcasesinfo_1(p2) { }
+ const enum_phyla impl_withcaseinfo::phylum_sel_ = phylum_withcaseinfo;
+ impl_withcaseinfo_Withcaseinfo::impl_withcaseinfo_Withcaseinfo(patternrepresentation _patternrepresentation_1, patternrepresentation _patternrepresentation_2, Ctext _Ctext_1)
+     : patternrepresentation_1(_patternrepresentation_1), patternrepresentation_2(_patternrepresentation_2), Ctext_1(_Ctext_1) { }
+ const enum_phyla impl_rewriteviewsinfo::phylum_sel_ = phylum_rewriteviewsinfo;
+ impl_rewriteviewsinfo::impl_rewriteviewsinfo(rewriteviewinfo p1 , rewriteviewsinfo p2)
+     : rewriteviewinfo_1(p1), rewriteviewsinfo_1(p2) { }
+ const enum_phyla impl_rewriteviewinfo::phylum_sel_ = phylum_rewriteviewinfo;
+ impl_rewriteviewinfo_Rewriteviewinfo::impl_rewriteviewinfo_Rewriteviewinfo(ID _ID_1, rewriterulesinfo _rewriterulesinfo_1)
+     : ID_1(_ID_1), rewriterulesinfo_1(_rewriterulesinfo_1) { }
+ const enum_phyla impl_unparseviewsinfo::phylum_sel_ = phylum_unparseviewsinfo;
+ impl_unparseviewsinfo::impl_unparseviewsinfo(unparseviewinfo p1 , unparseviewsinfo p2)
+     : unparseviewinfo_1(p1), unparseviewsinfo_1(p2) { }
+ const enum_phyla impl_unparseviewinfo::phylum_sel_ = phylum_unparseviewinfo;
+ impl_unparseviewinfo_Unparseviewinfo::impl_unparseviewinfo_Unparseviewinfo(ID _ID_1, unparsedeclsinfo _unparsedeclsinfo_1)
+     : ID_1(_ID_1), unparsedeclsinfo_1(_unparsedeclsinfo_1) { }
+ const enum_phyla impl_unparsedeclsinfo::phylum_sel_ = phylum_unparsedeclsinfo;
+ impl_unparsedeclsinfo::impl_unparsedeclsinfo(unparsedeclinfo p1 , unparsedeclsinfo p2)
+     : unparsedeclinfo_1(p1), unparsedeclsinfo_1(p2) { }
+ const enum_phyla impl_unparsedeclinfo::phylum_sel_ = phylum_unparsedeclinfo;
+ impl_unparsedeclinfo_Unparsedeclinfo::impl_unparsedeclinfo_Unparsedeclinfo(patternrepresentation _patternrepresentation_1, patternrepresentation _patternrepresentation_2, unparseclause _unparseclause_1)
+     : patternrepresentation_1(_patternrepresentation_1), patternrepresentation_2(_patternrepresentation_2), unparseclause_1(_unparseclause_1) { }
+ const enum_phyla impl_ac_declaration::phylum_sel_ = phylum_ac_declaration;
+ impl_ac_declaration_AcDeclaration::impl_ac_declaration_AcDeclaration(ac_declaration_specifiers _ac_declaration_specifiers_1, ac_init_declarator_list _ac_init_declarator_list_1)
+     : ac_declaration_specifiers_1(_ac_declaration_specifiers_1), ac_init_declarator_list_1(_ac_init_declarator_list_1) { }
+ const enum_phyla impl_ac_declaration_list::phylum_sel_ = phylum_ac_declaration_list;
+ impl_ac_declaration_list::impl_ac_declaration_list(ac_declaration p1 , ac_declaration_list p2)
+     : ac_declaration_1(p1), ac_declaration_list_1(p2) { }
+ const enum_phyla impl_ac_declaration_specifiers::phylum_sel_ = phylum_ac_declaration_specifiers;
+ impl_ac_declaration_specifiers::impl_ac_declaration_specifiers(ac_declaration_specifier p1 , ac_declaration_specifiers p2)
+     : ac_declaration_specifier_1(p1), ac_declaration_specifiers_1(p2) { }
+ const enum_phyla impl_ac_declaration_specifier::phylum_sel_ = phylum_ac_declaration_specifier;
+ impl_ac_declaration_specifier_AcDeclSpecTypeQual::impl_ac_declaration_specifier_AcDeclSpecTypeQual(ac_type_qualifier _ac_type_qualifier_1)
+     : ac_type_qualifier_1(_ac_type_qualifier_1) { }
+ impl_ac_declaration_specifier_AcDeclSpecTypeSpec::impl_ac_declaration_specifier_AcDeclSpecTypeSpec(ac_type_specifier _ac_type_specifier_1)
+     : ac_type_specifier_1(_ac_type_specifier_1) { }
+ impl_ac_declaration_specifier_AcDeclSpecStorageSpec::impl_ac_declaration_specifier_AcDeclSpecStorageSpec(ac_storage_class_specifier _ac_storage_class_specifier_1)
+     : ac_storage_class_specifier_1(_ac_storage_class_specifier_1) { }
+ const enum_phyla impl_ac_storage_class_specifier::phylum_sel_ = phylum_ac_storage_class_specifier;
+ impl_ac_storage_class_specifier_AcVirtual::impl_ac_storage_class_specifier_AcVirtual()
+     { }
+ impl_ac_storage_class_specifier_AcTypedef::impl_ac_storage_class_specifier_AcTypedef()
+     { }
+ impl_ac_storage_class_specifier_AcExtern::impl_ac_storage_class_specifier_AcExtern()
+     { }
+ impl_ac_storage_class_specifier_AcStatic::impl_ac_storage_class_specifier_AcStatic()
+     { }
+ impl_ac_storage_class_specifier_AcRegister::impl_ac_storage_class_specifier_AcRegister()
+     { }
+ impl_ac_storage_class_specifier_AcAuto::impl_ac_storage_class_specifier_AcAuto()
+     { }
+ const enum_phyla impl_ac_type_specifier::phylum_sel_ = phylum_ac_type_specifier;
+ impl_ac_type_specifier_AcTypeSpec::impl_ac_type_specifier_AcTypeSpec(ID _ID_1)
+     : ID_1(_ID_1) { }
+ const enum_phyla impl_ac_type_qualifier::phylum_sel_ = phylum_ac_type_qualifier;
+ impl_ac_type_qualifier_AcNoQualifier::impl_ac_type_qualifier_AcNoQualifier()
+     { }
+ impl_ac_type_qualifier_AcUnsigned::impl_ac_type_qualifier_AcUnsigned()
+     { }
+ impl_ac_type_qualifier_AcVolatile::impl_ac_type_qualifier_AcVolatile()
+     { }
+ impl_ac_type_qualifier_AcConst::impl_ac_type_qualifier_AcConst()
+     { }
+ const enum_phyla impl_ac_init_declarator_list::phylum_sel_ = phylum_ac_init_declarator_list;
+ impl_ac_init_declarator_list::impl_ac_init_declarator_list(ac_init_declarator p1 , ac_init_declarator_list p2)
+     : ac_init_declarator_1(p1), ac_init_declarator_list_1(p2) { }
+ const enum_phyla impl_ac_init_declarator::phylum_sel_ = phylum_ac_init_declarator;
+ impl_ac_init_declarator_AcInitDecl::impl_ac_init_declarator_AcInitDecl(ac_declarator _ac_declarator_1)
+     : ac_declarator_1(_ac_declarator_1) { }
+ const enum_phyla impl_ac_declarator::phylum_sel_ = phylum_ac_declarator;
+ impl_ac_declarator_AcDeclarator::impl_ac_declarator_AcDeclarator(ac_pointer_option _ac_pointer_option_1, ac_ref_option _ac_ref_option_1, ac_direct_declarator _ac_direct_declarator_1)
+     : ac_pointer_option_1(_ac_pointer_option_1), ac_ref_option_1(_ac_ref_option_1), ac_direct_declarator_1(_ac_direct_declarator_1) { }
+ const enum_phyla impl_ac_direct_declarator::phylum_sel_ = phylum_ac_direct_declarator;
+ impl_ac_direct_declarator_AcOperatorDeclId::impl_ac_direct_declarator_AcOperatorDeclId(ac_operator_name _ac_operator_name_1)
+     : ac_operator_name_1(_ac_operator_name_1) { }
+ impl_ac_direct_declarator_AcConvOperatorDecl::impl_ac_direct_declarator_AcConvOperatorDecl(ID _ID_1, ID _ID_2)
+     : ID_1(_ID_1), ID_2(_ID_2) { }
+ impl_ac_direct_declarator_AcMemberDecl::impl_ac_direct_declarator_AcMemberDecl(ID _ID_1, ID _ID_2, ac_constant_expression_list _ac_constant_expression_list_1)
+     : ID_1(_ID_1), ID_2(_ID_2), ac_constant_expression_list_1(_ac_constant_expression_list_1) { }
+ impl_ac_direct_declarator_AcQualifiedDeclProto::impl_ac_direct_declarator_AcQualifiedDeclProto(ac_class_qualifier_list _ac_class_qualifier_list_1, ac_direct_declarator _ac_direct_declarator_1, ac_parameter_type_list _ac_parameter_type_list_1, ac_type_qualifier _ac_type_qualifier_1)
+     : ac_class_qualifier_list_1(_ac_class_qualifier_list_1), ac_direct_declarator_1(_ac_direct_declarator_1), ac_parameter_type_list_1(_ac_parameter_type_list_1), ac_type_qualifier_1(_ac_type_qualifier_1) { }
+ impl_ac_direct_declarator_AcDirectDeclProto::impl_ac_direct_declarator_AcDirectDeclProto(ac_direct_declarator _ac_direct_declarator_1, ac_parameter_type_list _ac_parameter_type_list_1)
+     : ac_direct_declarator_1(_ac_direct_declarator_1), ac_parameter_type_list_1(_ac_parameter_type_list_1) { }
+ impl_ac_direct_declarator_AcDirectDeclArray::impl_ac_direct_declarator_AcDirectDeclArray(ac_direct_declarator _ac_direct_declarator_1, ac_constant_expression_option _ac_constant_expression_option_1)
+     : ac_direct_declarator_1(_ac_direct_declarator_1), ac_constant_expression_option_1(_ac_constant_expression_option_1) { }
+ impl_ac_direct_declarator_AcDirectDeclPack::impl_ac_direct_declarator_AcDirectDeclPack(ac_declarator _ac_declarator_1)
+     : ac_declarator_1(_ac_declarator_1) { }
+ impl_ac_direct_declarator_AcDirectDeclId::impl_ac_direct_declarator_AcDirectDeclId(ID _ID_1)
+     : ID_1(_ID_1) { }
+ const enum_phyla impl_ac_pointer_option::phylum_sel_ = phylum_ac_pointer_option;
+ impl_ac_pointer_option_Yespointer::impl_ac_pointer_option_Yespointer(ac_pointer _ac_pointer_1)
+     : ac_pointer_1(_ac_pointer_1) { }
+ impl_ac_pointer_option_Nopointer::impl_ac_pointer_option_Nopointer()
+     { }
+ const enum_phyla impl_ac_pointer::phylum_sel_ = phylum_ac_pointer;
+ impl_ac_pointer_AcPointerCons::impl_ac_pointer_AcPointerCons(ac_type_qualifier_list _ac_type_qualifier_list_1, ac_pointer _ac_pointer_1)
+     : ac_type_qualifier_list_1(_ac_type_qualifier_list_1), ac_pointer_1(_ac_pointer_1) { }
+ impl_ac_pointer_AcPointerNil::impl_ac_pointer_AcPointerNil(ac_type_qualifier_list _ac_type_qualifier_list_1)
+     : ac_type_qualifier_list_1(_ac_type_qualifier_list_1) { }
+ const enum_phyla impl_ac_ref_option::phylum_sel_ = phylum_ac_ref_option;
+ impl_ac_ref_option_AcRef::impl_ac_ref_option_AcRef()
+     { }
+ impl_ac_ref_option_AcNoRef::impl_ac_ref_option_AcNoRef()
+     { }
+ const enum_phyla impl_ac_operator_name::phylum_sel_ = phylum_ac_operator_name;
+ impl_ac_operator_name_AcOperatorName::impl_ac_operator_name_AcOperatorName(casestring _casestring_1)
+     : casestring_1(_casestring_1) { }
+ const enum_phyla impl_ac_class_qualifier_help_list::phylum_sel_ = phylum_ac_class_qualifier_help_list;
+ impl_ac_class_qualifier_help_list::impl_ac_class_qualifier_help_list(ac_direct_declarator p1 , ac_class_qualifier_help_list p2)
+     : ac_direct_declarator_1(p1), ac_class_qualifier_help_list_1(p2) { }
+ const enum_phyla impl_ac_class_qualifier_list::phylum_sel_ = phylum_ac_class_qualifier_list;
+ impl_ac_class_qualifier_list::impl_ac_class_qualifier_list(ID p1 , ac_class_qualifier_list p2)
+     : ID_1(p1), ac_class_qualifier_list_1(p2) { }
+ const enum_phyla impl_ac_type_qualifier_list::phylum_sel_ = phylum_ac_type_qualifier_list;
+ impl_ac_type_qualifier_list::impl_ac_type_qualifier_list(ac_type_qualifier p1 , ac_type_qualifier_list p2)
+     : ac_type_qualifier_1(p1), ac_type_qualifier_list_1(p2) { }
+ const enum_phyla impl_ac_parameter_type_list::phylum_sel_ = phylum_ac_parameter_type_list;
+ impl_ac_parameter_type_list_AcParList3Dot::impl_ac_parameter_type_list_AcParList3Dot(ac_parameter_list _ac_parameter_list_1)
+     : ac_parameter_list_1(_ac_parameter_list_1) { }
+ impl_ac_parameter_type_list_AcParList::impl_ac_parameter_type_list_AcParList(ac_parameter_list _ac_parameter_list_1)
+     : ac_parameter_list_1(_ac_parameter_list_1) { }
+ const enum_phyla impl_ac_parameter_list::phylum_sel_ = phylum_ac_parameter_list;
+ impl_ac_parameter_list::impl_ac_parameter_list(ac_parameter_declaration p1 , ac_parameter_list p2)
+     : ac_parameter_declaration_1(p1), ac_parameter_list_1(p2) { }
+ const enum_phyla impl_ac_parameter_declaration::phylum_sel_ = phylum_ac_parameter_declaration;
+ impl_ac_parameter_declaration_AcParDeclAbsdecl::impl_ac_parameter_declaration_AcParDeclAbsdecl(ac_declaration_specifiers _ac_declaration_specifiers_1, ac_abstract_declarator _ac_abstract_declarator_1, ac_constant_expression_option _ac_constant_expression_option_1)
+     : ac_declaration_specifiers_1(_ac_declaration_specifiers_1), ac_abstract_declarator_1(_ac_abstract_declarator_1), ac_constant_expression_option_1(_ac_constant_expression_option_1) { }
+ impl_ac_parameter_declaration_AcParDeclDecl::impl_ac_parameter_declaration_AcParDeclDecl(ac_declaration_specifiers _ac_declaration_specifiers_1, ac_declarator _ac_declarator_1, ac_constant_expression_option _ac_constant_expression_option_1)
+     : ac_declaration_specifiers_1(_ac_declaration_specifiers_1), ac_declarator_1(_ac_declarator_1), ac_constant_expression_option_1(_ac_constant_expression_option_1) { }
+ const enum_phyla impl_ac_identifier_list::phylum_sel_ = phylum_ac_identifier_list;
+ impl_ac_identifier_list::impl_ac_identifier_list(ID p1 , ac_identifier_list p2)
+     : ID_1(p1), ac_identifier_list_1(p2) { }
+ const enum_phyla impl_ac_abstract_declarator::phylum_sel_ = phylum_ac_abstract_declarator;
+ impl_ac_abstract_declarator_AcAbsdeclDirdecl::impl_ac_abstract_declarator_AcAbsdeclDirdecl(ac_pointer_option _ac_pointer_option_1, ac_direct_abstract_declarator _ac_direct_abstract_declarator_1)
+     : ac_pointer_option_1(_ac_pointer_option_1), ac_direct_abstract_declarator_1(_ac_direct_abstract_declarator_1) { }
+ impl_ac_abstract_declarator_AcAbsdeclPointer::impl_ac_abstract_declarator_AcAbsdeclPointer(ac_pointer _ac_pointer_1)
+     : ac_pointer_1(_ac_pointer_1) { }
+ const enum_phyla impl_ac_direct_abstract_declarator_option::phylum_sel_ = phylum_ac_direct_abstract_declarator_option;
+ impl_ac_direct_abstract_declarator_option_Yesac_direct_abstract_declarator::impl_ac_direct_abstract_declarator_option_Yesac_direct_abstract_declarator(ac_direct_abstract_declarator _ac_direct_abstract_declarator_1)
+     : ac_direct_abstract_declarator_1(_ac_direct_abstract_declarator_1) { }
+ impl_ac_direct_abstract_declarator_option_Noac_direct_abstract_declarator::impl_ac_direct_abstract_declarator_option_Noac_direct_abstract_declarator()
+     { }
+ const enum_phyla impl_ac_direct_abstract_declarator::phylum_sel_ = phylum_ac_direct_abstract_declarator;
+ impl_ac_direct_abstract_declarator_AcDirAbsdeclFn::impl_ac_direct_abstract_declarator_AcDirAbsdeclFn(ac_direct_abstract_declarator_option _ac_direct_abstract_declarator_option_1, ac_parameter_type_list _ac_parameter_type_list_1)
+     : ac_direct_abstract_declarator_option_1(_ac_direct_abstract_declarator_option_1), ac_parameter_type_list_1(_ac_parameter_type_list_1) { }
+ impl_ac_direct_abstract_declarator_AcDirAbsdeclArray::impl_ac_direct_abstract_declarator_AcDirAbsdeclArray(ac_direct_abstract_declarator_option _ac_direct_abstract_declarator_option_1, ac_constant_expression_option _ac_constant_expression_option_1)
+     : ac_direct_abstract_declarator_option_1(_ac_direct_abstract_declarator_option_1), ac_constant_expression_option_1(_ac_constant_expression_option_1) { }
+ impl_ac_direct_abstract_declarator_AcDirAbsdeclPack::impl_ac_direct_abstract_declarator_AcDirAbsdeclPack(ac_abstract_declarator _ac_abstract_declarator_1)
+     : ac_abstract_declarator_1(_ac_abstract_declarator_1) { }
+ const enum_phyla impl_ac_constant_expression_option::phylum_sel_ = phylum_ac_constant_expression_option;
+ impl_ac_constant_expression_option_Noac_constant_expression::impl_ac_constant_expression_option_Noac_constant_expression()
+     { }
+ impl_ac_constant_expression_option_Yesac_constant_expression::impl_ac_constant_expression_option_Yesac_constant_expression(ac_constant_expression _ac_constant_expression_1)
+     : ac_constant_expression_1(_ac_constant_expression_1) { }
+ const enum_phyla impl_ac_constant_expression::phylum_sel_ = phylum_ac_constant_expression;
+ impl_ac_constant_expression_AcConstExpr::impl_ac_constant_expression_AcConstExpr(Cexpression _Cexpression_1)
+     : Cexpression_1(_Cexpression_1) { }
+ const enum_phyla impl_ac_constant_expression_list::phylum_sel_ = phylum_ac_constant_expression_list;
+ impl_ac_constant_expression_list::impl_ac_constant_expression_list(ac_constant_expression p1 , ac_constant_expression_list p2)
+     : ac_constant_expression_1(p1), ac_constant_expression_list_1(p2) { }
+ const enum_phyla impl_ac_opt_base_init_list::phylum_sel_ = phylum_ac_opt_base_init_list;
+ impl_ac_opt_base_init_list_AcYesBaseInit::impl_ac_opt_base_init_list_AcYesBaseInit(ac_base_init_list _ac_base_init_list_1)
+     : ac_base_init_list_1(_ac_base_init_list_1) { }
+ impl_ac_opt_base_init_list_AcNoBaseInit::impl_ac_opt_base_init_list_AcNoBaseInit()
+     { }
+ const enum_phyla impl_ac_base_init_list::phylum_sel_ = phylum_ac_base_init_list;
+ impl_ac_base_init_list::impl_ac_base_init_list(ac_base_init p1 , ac_base_init_list p2)
+     : ac_base_init_1(p1), ac_base_init_list_1(p2) { }
+ const enum_phyla impl_ac_base_init::phylum_sel_ = phylum_ac_base_init;
+ impl_ac_base_init_AcBaseInit::impl_ac_base_init_AcBaseInit(ID _ID_1, ac_constant_expression _ac_constant_expression_1)
+     : ID_1(_ID_1), ac_constant_expression_1(_ac_constant_expression_1) { }
+ const enum_phyla impl_baseclass_declarations::phylum_sel_ = phylum_baseclass_declarations;
+ impl_baseclass_declarations::impl_baseclass_declarations(baseclass_decl p1 , baseclass_declarations p2)
+     : baseclass_decl_1(p1), baseclass_declarations_1(p2) { }
+ const enum_phyla impl_baseclass_decl::phylum_sel_ = phylum_baseclass_decl;
+ impl_baseclass_decl_BaseClassDecl::impl_baseclass_decl_BaseClassDecl(ID _ID_1, baseclass_list _baseclass_list_1)
+     : ID_1(_ID_1), baseclass_list_1(_baseclass_list_1) { }
+ const enum_phyla impl_baseclass_list::phylum_sel_ = phylum_baseclass_list;
+ impl_baseclass_list::impl_baseclass_list(ID p1 , baseclass_list p2)
+     : ID_1(p1), baseclass_list_1(p2) { }
+ const enum_phyla impl_error::phylum_sel_ = phylum_error;
+ impl_error_Warning::impl_error_Warning(fileline _fileline_1, problem _problem_1)
+     : fileline_1(_fileline_1), problem_1(_problem_1) { }
+ impl_error_NonFatal::impl_error_NonFatal(fileline _fileline_1, problem _problem_1)
+     : fileline_1(_fileline_1), problem_1(_problem_1) { }
+ impl_error_Fatal::impl_error_Fatal(fileline _fileline_1, problem _problem_1)
+     : fileline_1(_fileline_1), problem_1(_problem_1) { }
+ const enum_phyla impl_problem::phylum_sel_ = phylum_problem;
+ impl_problem_Problem6::impl_problem_Problem6(casestring _casestring_1, casestring _casestring_2, casestring _casestring_3, casestring _casestring_4, casestring _casestring_5, casestring _casestring_6)
+     : casestring_1(_casestring_1), casestring_2(_casestring_2), casestring_3(_casestring_3), casestring_4(_casestring_4), casestring_5(_casestring_5), casestring_6(_casestring_6) { }
+ impl_problem_Problem5::impl_problem_Problem5(casestring _casestring_1, casestring _casestring_2, casestring _casestring_3, casestring _casestring_4, casestring _casestring_5)
+     : casestring_1(_casestring_1), casestring_2(_casestring_2), casestring_3(_casestring_3), casestring_4(_casestring_4), casestring_5(_casestring_5) { }
+ impl_problem_Problem4::impl_problem_Problem4(casestring _casestring_1, casestring _casestring_2, casestring _casestring_3, casestring _casestring_4)
+     : casestring_1(_casestring_1), casestring_2(_casestring_2), casestring_3(_casestring_3), casestring_4(_casestring_4) { }
+ impl_problem_Problem3int1::impl_problem_Problem3int1(casestring _casestring_1, casestring _casestring_2, casestring _casestring_3, integer _integer_1, casestring _casestring_4)
+     : casestring_1(_casestring_1), casestring_2(_casestring_2), casestring_3(_casestring_3), integer_1(_integer_1), casestring_4(_casestring_4) { }
+ impl_problem_Problem3::impl_problem_Problem3(casestring _casestring_1, casestring _casestring_2, casestring _casestring_3)
+     : casestring_1(_casestring_1), casestring_2(_casestring_2), casestring_3(_casestring_3) { }
+ impl_problem_Problem2::impl_problem_Problem2(casestring _casestring_1, casestring _casestring_2)
+     : casestring_1(_casestring_1), casestring_2(_casestring_2) { }
+ impl_problem_Problem1storageoption1ID::impl_problem_Problem1storageoption1ID(casestring _casestring_1, storageoption _storageoption_1, casestring _casestring_2, ID _ID_1)
+     : casestring_1(_casestring_1), storageoption_1(_storageoption_1), casestring_2(_casestring_2), ID_1(_ID_1) { }
+ impl_problem_Problem1INT1ID1ID::impl_problem_Problem1INT1ID1ID(casestring _casestring_1, INT _INT_1, casestring _casestring_2, ID _ID_1, casestring _casestring_3, ID _ID_2)
+     : casestring_1(_casestring_1), INT_1(_INT_1), casestring_2(_casestring_2), ID_1(_ID_1), casestring_3(_casestring_3), ID_2(_ID_2) { }
+ impl_problem_Problem1ID1ID1ID::impl_problem_Problem1ID1ID1ID(casestring _casestring_1, ID _ID_1, casestring _casestring_2, ID _ID_2, casestring _casestring_3, ID _ID_3)
+     : casestring_1(_casestring_1), ID_1(_ID_1), casestring_2(_casestring_2), ID_2(_ID_2), casestring_3(_casestring_3), ID_3(_ID_3) { }
+ impl_problem_Problem1INT1ID::impl_problem_Problem1INT1ID(casestring _casestring_1, INT _INT_1, casestring _casestring_2, ID _ID_1)
+     : casestring_1(_casestring_1), INT_1(_INT_1), casestring_2(_casestring_2), ID_1(_ID_1) { }
+ impl_problem_Problem1int1::impl_problem_Problem1int1(casestring _casestring_1, integer _integer_1, casestring _casestring_2)
+     : casestring_1(_casestring_1), integer_1(_integer_1), casestring_2(_casestring_2) { }
+ impl_problem_Problem1INT::impl_problem_Problem1INT(casestring _casestring_1, INT _INT_1)
+     : casestring_1(_casestring_1), INT_1(_INT_1) { }
+ impl_problem_Problem1t1ID::impl_problem_Problem1t1ID(casestring _casestring_1, IDtype _IDtype_1, casestring _casestring_2, ID _ID_1)
+     : casestring_1(_casestring_1), IDtype_1(_IDtype_1), casestring_2(_casestring_2), ID_1(_ID_1) { }
+ impl_problem_Problem1ID1ID::impl_problem_Problem1ID1ID(casestring _casestring_1, ID _ID_1, casestring _casestring_2, ID _ID_2)
+     : casestring_1(_casestring_1), ID_1(_ID_1), casestring_2(_casestring_2), ID_2(_ID_2) { }
+ impl_problem_Problem1we::impl_problem_Problem1we(casestring _casestring_1, withexpression _withexpression_1)
+     : casestring_1(_casestring_1), withexpression_1(_withexpression_1) { }
+ impl_problem_Problem1tID::impl_problem_Problem1tID(casestring _casestring_1, ID _ID_1)
+     : casestring_1(_casestring_1), ID_1(_ID_1) { }
+ impl_problem_Problem1ID::impl_problem_Problem1ID(casestring _casestring_1, ID _ID_1)
+     : casestring_1(_casestring_1), ID_1(_ID_1) { }
+ impl_problem_Problem1::impl_problem_Problem1(casestring _casestring_1)
+     : casestring_1(_casestring_1) { }
+ const enum_phyla impl_addedphylumdeclarations::phylum_sel_ = phylum_addedphylumdeclarations;
+ impl_addedphylumdeclarations::impl_addedphylumdeclarations(addedphylumdeclaration p1 , addedphylumdeclarations p2)
+     : addedphylumdeclaration_1(p1), addedphylumdeclarations_1(p2) { }
+ const enum_phyla impl_addedphylumdeclaration::phylum_sel_ = phylum_addedphylumdeclaration;
+ impl_addedphylumdeclaration_AddedPhylumdeclaration::impl_addedphylumdeclaration_AddedPhylumdeclaration(uniqID _uniqID_1)
+     : uniqID_1(_uniqID_1) { }
+ const enum_phyla impl_countedphylumdeclarations::phylum_sel_ = phylum_countedphylumdeclarations;
+ impl_countedphylumdeclarations::impl_countedphylumdeclarations(countedphylumdeclaration p1 , countedphylumdeclarations p2)
+     : countedphylumdeclaration_1(p1), countedphylumdeclarations_1(p2) { }
+ const enum_phyla impl_countedphylumdeclaration::phylum_sel_ = phylum_countedphylumdeclaration;
+ impl_countedphylumdeclaration_CountedPhylumdeclaration::impl_countedphylumdeclaration_CountedPhylumdeclaration(uniqID _uniqID_1)
+     : uniqID_1(_uniqID_1) { }
+ const enum_phyla impl_charruns::phylum_sel_ = phylum_charruns;
+ impl_charruns_Stars::impl_charruns_Stars()
+     { }
+ impl_charruns_QuotedNewlines::impl_charruns_QuotedNewlines()
+     { }
+ impl_charruns_Newlines::impl_charruns_Newlines()
+     { }
+ const enum_phyla impl_bindingidmarks::phylum_sel_ = phylum_bindingidmarks;
+ impl_bindingidmarks::impl_bindingidmarks(bindingidmark p1 , bindingidmarks p2)
+     : bindingidmark_1(p1), bindingidmarks_1(p2) { }
+ const enum_phyla impl_bindingidmark::phylum_sel_ = phylum_bindingidmark;
+ impl_bindingidmark_BindingIdMark::impl_bindingidmark_BindingIdMark(uniqID _uniqID_1)
+     : uniqID_1(_uniqID_1) { }
+ static int kc_casestring_strlen =0;
+ static int kc_nocasestring_strlen =0;
+ #  define KC_COLLECT_STATS0(v) v
+ #else
+ #  define KC_COLLECT_STATS0(v)
+ #endif
+ #  define KC_CREATE_STATS(oper) operator_statistics[oper].created++;
+ #endif
+ #  define KC_EXISTINGNOTFOUND_STATS(oper) operator_statistics[oper].existing_not_found++;
+ #endif
+ #  define KC_FREE_CALLED_STATS(oper,rec) operator_statistics[oper].free_called[(rec?true:false)]++;
+ #endif
+ #ifndef KC_FREED_STATS
+ #  define KC_FREED_STATS(oper,rec) operator_statistics[oper].freed[(rec?true:false)]++;
+ #endif
+ static hashtable_struct_t kc_not_uniq_static_hashtable;
+ static hashtable_struct_t uniq_static_hashtable;
+ bool kc_storageclass_still_uniq[] = {
+     true, true };
+ hashtable_t hashtables[] = {
+     &kc_not_uniq_static_hashtable,
+     &uniq_static_hashtable,
+ };
+ const char* kc_storageclassnames[] = { "kc_not_uniq", "uniq" };
+ namespace { // all local to k.cc
+ uniqID kc_initialize_uniqID(uniqID kc_x)
+ {
+     kc_x->type =  ITUnknown();
+     kc_x->line =  0;
+     kc_x->file =  mkcasestring("");
+     kc_x->scopeinfo =  Nilscopetypefilelinestack();
+     return kc_x;
+ }
+ ID kc_initialize_ID(ID kc_x)
+ {
+     kc_x->type =  ITUnknown();
+     kc_x->named_subphylum =  0;
+     kc_x->line =  0;
+     kc_x->file =  mkcasestring("");
+     return kc_x;
+ }
+ INT kc_initialize_INT(INT kc_x)
+ {
+     kc_x->line =  0;
+     kc_x->file =  mkcasestring("");
+     return kc_x;
+ }
+ STRING kc_initialize_STRING(STRING kc_x)
+ {
+     kc_x->line =  0;
+     kc_x->file =  mkcasestring("");
+     return kc_x;
+ }
+ phylumdeclaration kc_initialize_phylumdeclaration(phylumdeclaration kc_x)
+ {
+     kc_x->marked =  0;
+     kc_x->additional_members = Nilfndeclarations();
+     kc_x->base_classes = Nilbaseclass_list();
+     return kc_x;
+ }
+ storageclasses kc_initialize_storageclasses(storageclasses kc_x)
+ {
+     kc_x->phyla =  Nilphylumnames();
+     return kc_x;
+ }
+ alternative kc_initialize_alternative(alternative kc_x)
+ {
+     kc_x->rewriteinfo =  Nilrewriterulesinfo();
+     kc_x->unparseinfo =  Nilunparsedeclsinfo();
+     kc_x->additional_members = Nilfndeclarations();
+     kc_x->base_classes = Nilbaseclass_list();
+     return kc_x;
+ }
+ Cexpression kc_initialize_Cexpression(Cexpression kc_x)
+ {
+     kc_x->line =  0;
+     kc_x->file =  mkcasestring("");
+     return kc_x;
+ }
+ idCexpression kc_initialize_idCexpression(idCexpression kc_x)
+ {
+     kc_x->id =  f_emptyId();
+     return kc_x;
+ }
+ includefile kc_initialize_includefile(includefile kc_x)
+ {
+     kc_x->inc_type =  include_unknown;
+     kc_x->inc[0] = Nilincludedeclarations();
+     kc_x->inc[1] = Nilincludedeclarations();
+     if (Theincludefiles == 0) {
+ 	Theincludefiles = Consincludefiles( kc_x, Nilincludefiles());
+     } else {
+ 	Theincludefiles = Consincludefiles( kc_x, Theincludefiles);
+     }
+     return kc_x;
+ }
+ includedeclaration kc_initialize_includedeclaration(includedeclaration kc_x)
+ {
+     kc_x->line =  0;
+     kc_x->file =  mkcasestring("");
+     return kc_x;
+ }
+ patternchains kc_initialize_patternchains(patternchains kc_x)
+ {
+     kc_x->line =  0;
+     kc_x->file =  mkcasestring("");
+     return kc_x;
+ }
+ patternchain kc_initialize_patternchain(patternchain kc_x)
+ {
+     kc_x->line =  0;
+     kc_x->file =  mkcasestring("");
+     return kc_x;
+ }
+ patternchainitem kc_initialize_patternchainitem(patternchainitem kc_x)
+ {
+     kc_x->line =  0;
+     kc_x->file =  mkcasestring("");
+     kc_x->type =  f_emptyId();
+     return kc_x;
+ }
+ outmostpattern kc_initialize_outmostpattern(outmostpattern kc_x)
+ {
+     kc_x->line =  0;
+     kc_x->file =  mkcasestring("");
+     kc_x->type =  f_emptyId();
+     return kc_x;
+ }
+ term kc_initialize_term(term kc_x)
+ {
+     kc_x->line =  0;
+     kc_x->file =  mkcasestring("");
+     return kc_x;
+ }
+ fnfile kc_initialize_fnfile(fnfile kc_x)
+ {
+     kc_x->fns = Nilfndeclarations();
+     if (Thefnfiles == 0) {
+ 	Thefnfiles = Consfnfiles( kc_x, Nilfnfiles());
+     } else {
+ 	Thefnfiles = Consfnfiles( kc_x, Thefnfiles);
+     }
+     return kc_x;
+ }
+ fndeclaration kc_initialize_fndeclaration(fndeclaration kc_x)
+ {
+     kc_x->last_line =  0;
+     kc_x->file =  mkcasestring("");
+     {
+ 	fndeclaration kc_selvar_0_1 = phylum_cast<fndeclaration>(kc_x);
+ 	if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_FnAcDeclaration)) {
+ 	    const ac_declarator fn_args = phylum_cast<const impl_fndeclaration_FnAcDeclaration*>(kc_selvar_0_1)->ac_declarator_1;
+ 	    const ac_declaration_list C_vardecls = phylum_cast<const impl_fndeclaration_FnAcDeclaration*>(kc_selvar_0_1)->ac_declaration_list_1;
+ 	    kc_selvar_0_1->sorted = sort_extend_parameter_type_list( C_vardecls, fn_args );
+ 	} else
+ 	{
+ 	    kc_selvar_0_1->sorted = AcParList( Nilac_parameter_list() ); 
+ 	}
+     }
+     return kc_x;
+ }
+ Ctext kc_initialize_Ctext(Ctext kc_x)
+ {
+     kc_x->line =  0;
+     kc_x->file =  mkcasestring("");
+     return kc_x;
+ }
+ Ctext_elem kc_initialize_Ctext_elem(Ctext_elem kc_x)
+ {
+     kc_x->line =  0;
+     kc_x->file =  mkcasestring("");
+     return kc_x;
+ }
+ foreach_after kc_initialize_foreach_after(foreach_after kc_x)
+ {
+     kc_x->line =  0;
+     kc_x->file =  mkcasestring("");
+     return kc_x;
+ }
+ withexpressions kc_initialize_withexpressions(withexpressions kc_x)
+ {
+     kc_x->type =  0;
+     kc_x->line =  0;
+     kc_x->file =  mkcasestring("");
+     {
+ 	withexpressions kc_selvar_0_1 = phylum_cast<withexpressions>(kc_x);
+ 	if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_Conswithexpressions)) {
+ 	    const withexpression h = (kc_selvar_0_1)->withexpression_1;
+ 	    const withexpressions t = (kc_selvar_0_1)->withexpressions_1;
+ 	    kc_selvar_0_1->type = Consphylumnames( h->type, t->type );
+ 	    kc_selvar_0_1->line = h->line;
+ 	    kc_selvar_0_1->file = h->file;
+ 	} else
+ 	    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_Nilwithexpressions)) {
+ 	    kc_selvar_0_1->type = Nilphylumnames();
+ 	} else
+ 	    kc_no_default_in_with( "", __LINE__, __FILE__ );
+     }
+     return kc_x;
+ }
+ withexpression kc_initialize_withexpression(withexpression kc_x)
+ {
+     kc_x->type =  f_emptyId();
+     kc_x->line =  0;
+     kc_x->file =  mkcasestring("");
+     {
+ 	withexpression kc_selvar_0_1 = phylum_cast<withexpression>(kc_x);
+ 	if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_WECexpression)) {
+ 	    const Cexpression e = phylum_cast<const impl_withexpression_WECexpression*>(kc_selvar_0_1)->Cexpression_1;
+ 	    kc_selvar_0_1->line = e->line;
+ 	    kc_selvar_0_1->file = e->file;
+ 	} else
+ 	    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_WEVariable)) {
+ 	    const ID id = phylum_cast<const impl_withexpression_WEVariable*>(kc_selvar_0_1)->ID_1;
+ 	    kc_selvar_0_1->line = id->line;
+ 	    kc_selvar_0_1->file = id->file;
+ 	} else
+ 	    kc_no_default_in_with( "", __LINE__, __FILE__ );
+     }
+     return kc_x;
+ }
+ viewnames kc_initialize_viewnames(viewnames kc_x)
+ {
+     kc_x->is_extern = false;
+     return kc_x;
+ }
+ unparseitem kc_initialize_unparseitem(unparseitem kc_x)
+ {
+     kc_x->text_nr = 0;
+     return kc_x;
+ }
+ elem_patternrepresentation kc_initialize_elem_patternrepresentation(elem_patternrepresentation kc_x)
+ {
+     kc_x->line =  0;
+     kc_x->file =  mkcasestring("");
+     kc_x->type =  f_emptyId();
+     return kc_x;
+ }
+ path kc_initialize_path(path kc_x)
+ {
+     kc_x->op =  f_emptyId();
+     kc_x->id =  f_emptyId();
+     return kc_x;
+ }
+ ac_operator_name kc_initialize_ac_operator_name(ac_operator_name kc_x)
+ {
+     kc_x->line =  0;
+     kc_x->file =  mkcasestring("");
+     return kc_x;
+ }
+ addedphylumdeclaration kc_initialize_addedphylumdeclaration(addedphylumdeclaration kc_x)
+ {
+     kc_x->added =  false;
+     if (!pl_addedphylumdeclarations)
+     pl_addedphylumdeclarations =
+     Consaddedphylumdeclarations( kc_x, Niladdedphylumdeclarations() );
+     else
+     pl_addedphylumdeclarations =
+     Consaddedphylumdeclarations( kc_x, pl_addedphylumdeclarations );
+     return kc_x;
+ }
+ countedphylumdeclaration kc_initialize_countedphylumdeclaration(countedphylumdeclaration kc_x)
+ {
+     kc_x->count =  0;
+     if (!pl_countedphylumdeclarations)
+     pl_countedphylumdeclarations =
+     Conscountedphylumdeclarations( kc_x, Nilcountedphylumdeclarations() );
+     else
+     pl_countedphylumdeclarations =
+     Conscountedphylumdeclarations( kc_x, pl_countedphylumdeclarations );
+     return kc_x;
+ }
+ bindingidmark kc_initialize_bindingidmark(bindingidmark kc_x)
+ {
+     kc_x->marked =  false;
+     if (! Thebindingidmarks)
+     Thebindingidmarks = Consbindingidmarks( kc_x, Nilbindingidmarks() );
+     else
+     Thebindingidmarks = Consbindingidmarks( kc_x, Thebindingidmarks );
+     return kc_x;
+ }
+ } // namespace
+ enum_phyla
+ impl_abstract_phylum::phylum() const {
+     return operator_info[prod_sel()].phylum;
+ }
+ const char*
+ impl_abstract_phylum::phylum_name() const {
+     return phylum_info[phylum()].name;
+ }
+ const char*
+ impl_abstract_phylum::op_name() const {
+     return operator_info[prod_sel()].name;
+ }
+ casestring
+ mkcasestring(const kc_char *kc_s, int length)
+ {
+     casestring kc_x=new impl_casestring__Str(kc_s);
+     if(length>=0) 
+ 	kc_x->make_own(length);
+     casestring unique_kc_x=hashtables[uniq]->ht_check_insert((casestring)kc_x);
+     if(unique_kc_x!=kc_x) {
+ 	if(length<0) 
+ 	    kc_x->name=0;
+ 	delete kc_x;
+ 	kc_x=unique_kc_x;
+     } else {
+ 	if(length<0) 
+ 	    kc_x->make_own(static_cast<int>(kc_strlen(kc_s)));
+ 	kc_x->post_create();
+     }
+     return kc_x;
+ }
+ nocasestring
+ mknocasestring(const kc_char *kc_s, int length)
+ {
+     nocasestring kc_x=new impl_nocasestring_NoCaseStr(kc_s);
+     if(length>=0)
+ 	kc_x->make_own(length);
+     nocasestring unique_kc_x=hashtables[uniq]->ht_check_insert((nocasestring)kc_x);
+     if(unique_kc_x!=kc_x) {
+ 	if(length<0)
+ 	    kc_x->name=0;
+ 	delete kc_x;
+ 	kc_x=unique_kc_x;
+     } else {
+ 	if(length<0)
+ 	    kc_x->make_own(static_cast<int>(kc_strlen(kc_s)));
+ 	kc_x->post_create();
+     }
+     return kc_x;
+ }
+ integer
+ mkinteger(const INTEGER kc_i)
+ {
+     integer kc_x =new impl_integer__Int(kc_i);
+     integer unique_kc_x=hashtables[uniq]->ht_check_insert(kc_x);
+     if(unique_kc_x!=kc_x) {
+ 	delete kc_x;
+ 	kc_x=unique_kc_x;
+     } else {
+ 	kc_x->post_create();
+     }
+     return kc_x;
+ }
+ real
+ mkreal(const REAL kc_r)
+ {
+     real kc_x=new impl_real__Real(kc_r);
+     real unique_kc_x=hashtables[uniq]->ht_check_insert(kc_x);
+     if(unique_kc_x!=kc_x) {
+ 	delete kc_x;
+ 	kc_x=unique_kc_x;
+     } else {
+ 	kc_x->post_create();
+     }
+     return kc_x;
+ }
+ voidptr
+ mkvoidptr(void *kc_p)
+ {
+     voidptr kc_x=new impl_voidptr__VoidPtr(kc_p);
+     voidptr unique_kc_x=hashtables[uniq]->ht_check_insert(kc_x);
+     if(unique_kc_x!=kc_x) {
+ 	delete kc_x;
+ 	kc_x=unique_kc_x;
+     } else {
+ 	kc_x->post_create();
+     }
+     return kc_x;
+ }
+ impl_uniqID_Str*
+ Str(casestring _casestring_1) {
+     assertPhylum(_casestring_1, phylum_casestring);
+     uniqID kc_x=new impl_uniqID_Str(_casestring_1);
+     uniqID unique_kc_x= hashtables[uniq]->ht_check_insert(kc_x);
+     if(unique_kc_x!=kc_x) {
+ 	delete kc_x;
+ 	kc_x=unique_kc_x;
+     } else {
+ 	kc_x->post_create();
+ 	kc_x = kc_initialize_uniqID(kc_x);
+     }
+     return static_cast<impl_uniqID_Str*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_ID_Id*
+ Id(uniqID _uniqID_1) {
+     assertPhylum(_uniqID_1, phylum_uniqID);
+     ID kc_x = new impl_ID_Id(_uniqID_1);
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     kc_x = kc_initialize_ID(kc_x);
+     return static_cast<impl_ID_Id*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_INT_Int*
+ Int(integer _integer_1) {
+     assertPhylum(_integer_1, phylum_integer);
+     INT kc_x = new impl_INT_Int(_integer_1);
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     kc_x = kc_initialize_INT(kc_x);
+     return static_cast<impl_INT_Int*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_STRING_String*
+ String(casestring _casestring_1) {
+     assertPhylum(_casestring_1, phylum_casestring);
+     STRING kc_x = new impl_STRING_String(_casestring_1);
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     kc_x = kc_initialize_STRING(kc_x);
+     return static_cast<impl_STRING_String*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_phylumdeclarationsroot_PhylumDeclarations*
+ PhylumDeclarations(phylumdeclarations _phylumdeclarations_1) {
+     assertPhylum(_phylumdeclarations_1, phylum_phylumdeclarations);
+     phylumdeclarationsroot kc_x = new impl_phylumdeclarationsroot_PhylumDeclarations(_phylumdeclarations_1);
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_PhylumDeclarations));
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_phylumdeclarationsroot_PhylumDeclarations*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_phylumdeclarations*
+ Nilphylumdeclarations() {
+     phylumdeclarations kc_x = new impl_phylumdeclarations();
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_Nilphylumdeclarations));
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_EXISTINGNOTFOUND_STATS(sel_Nilphylumdeclarations));
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_phylumdeclarations*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_phylumdeclarations*
+ Consphylumdeclarations(phylumdeclaration _phylumdeclaration_1, phylumdeclarations _phylumdeclarations_1) {
+     assertPhylum(_phylumdeclaration_1, phylum_phylumdeclaration);
+     assertPhylum(_phylumdeclarations_1, phylum_phylumdeclarations);
+     phylumdeclarations kc_x = new impl_phylumdeclarations(_phylumdeclaration_1, _phylumdeclarations_1);
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_Consphylumdeclarations));
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_EXISTINGNOTFOUND_STATS(sel_Consphylumdeclarations));
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_phylumdeclarations*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_phylumnames*
+ Nilphylumnames() {
+     phylumnames kc_x = new impl_phylumnames();
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_Nilphylumnames));
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_phylumnames*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_phylumnames*
+ Consphylumnames(ID _ID_1, phylumnames _phylumnames_1) {
+     assertPhylum(_ID_1, phylum_ID);
+     assertPhylum(_phylumnames_1, phylum_phylumnames);
+     phylumnames kc_x = new impl_phylumnames(_ID_1, _phylumnames_1);
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_Consphylumnames));
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_phylumnames*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_phylumdeclaration_PhylumDeclaration*
+ PhylumDeclaration(ID _ID_1, storageoption _storageoption_1, productionblock _productionblock_1, Ccode_option _Ccode_option_1) {
+     assertPhylum(_ID_1, phylum_ID);
+     assertPhylum(_storageoption_1, phylum_storageoption);
+     assertPhylum(_productionblock_1, phylum_productionblock);
+     assertPhylum(_Ccode_option_1, phylum_Ccode_option);
+     phylumdeclaration kc_x = new impl_phylumdeclaration_PhylumDeclaration(_ID_1, _storageoption_1, _productionblock_1, _Ccode_option_1);
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_PhylumDeclaration));
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     kc_x = kc_initialize_phylumdeclaration(kc_x);
+     return static_cast<impl_phylumdeclaration_PhylumDeclaration*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_storageoption_NoStorageOption*
+ NoStorageOption() {
+     storageoption kc_x = new impl_storageoption_NoStorageOption();
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_NoStorageOption));
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_storageoption_NoStorageOption*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_storageoption_NegativeStorageOption*
+ NegativeStorageOption(ID _ID_1) {
+     assertPhylum(_ID_1, phylum_ID);
+     storageoption kc_x = new impl_storageoption_NegativeStorageOption(_ID_1);
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_NegativeStorageOption));
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_storageoption_NegativeStorageOption*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_storageoption_PositiveStorageOption*
+ PositiveStorageOption(ID _ID_1) {
+     assertPhylum(_ID_1, phylum_ID);
+     storageoption kc_x = new impl_storageoption_PositiveStorageOption(_ID_1);
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_PositiveStorageOption));
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_storageoption_PositiveStorageOption*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_storageclasses*
+ Nilstorageclasses() {
+     storageclasses kc_x = new impl_storageclasses();
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_Nilstorageclasses));
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     kc_x = kc_initialize_storageclasses(kc_x);
+     return static_cast<impl_storageclasses*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_storageclasses*
+ Consstorageclasses(ID _ID_1, storageclasses _storageclasses_1) {
+     assertPhylum(_ID_1, phylum_ID);
+     assertPhylum(_storageclasses_1, phylum_storageclasses);
+     storageclasses kc_x = new impl_storageclasses(_ID_1, _storageclasses_1);
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_Consstorageclasses));
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     kc_x = kc_initialize_storageclasses(kc_x);
+     return static_cast<impl_storageclasses*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_productionblock_Emptyproductionblock*
+ Emptyproductionblock() {
+     productionblock kc_x = new impl_productionblock_Emptyproductionblock();
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_Emptyproductionblock));
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_EXISTINGNOTFOUND_STATS(sel_Emptyproductionblock));
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_productionblock_Emptyproductionblock*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_productionblock_ListAlternatives*
+ ListAlternatives(alternatives _alternatives_1, ID _ID_1) {
+     assertPhylum(_alternatives_1, phylum_alternatives);
+     assertPhylum(_ID_1, phylum_ID);
+     productionblock kc_x = new impl_productionblock_ListAlternatives(_alternatives_1, _ID_1);
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_ListAlternatives));
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_productionblock_ListAlternatives*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_productionblock_NonlistAlternatives*
+ NonlistAlternatives(alternatives _alternatives_1) {
+     assertPhylum(_alternatives_1, phylum_alternatives);
+     productionblock kc_x = new impl_productionblock_NonlistAlternatives(_alternatives_1);
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_NonlistAlternatives));
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_productionblock_NonlistAlternatives*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_productionblock_PredefinedAlternatives*
+ PredefinedAlternatives(alternatives _alternatives_1) {
+     assertPhylum(_alternatives_1, phylum_alternatives);
+     productionblock kc_x = new impl_productionblock_PredefinedAlternatives(_alternatives_1);
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_PredefinedAlternatives));
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_EXISTINGNOTFOUND_STATS(sel_PredefinedAlternatives));
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_productionblock_PredefinedAlternatives*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_alternatives*
+ Nilalternatives() {
+     alternatives kc_x = new impl_alternatives();
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_Nilalternatives));
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_alternatives*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_alternatives*
+ Consalternatives(alternative _alternative_1, alternatives _alternatives_1) {
+     assertPhylum(_alternative_1, phylum_alternative);
+     assertPhylum(_alternatives_1, phylum_alternatives);
+     alternatives kc_x = new impl_alternatives(_alternative_1, _alternatives_1);
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_Consalternatives));
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_alternatives*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_alternative_Alternative*
+ Alternative(ID _ID_1, arguments _arguments_1) {
+     assertPhylum(_ID_1, phylum_ID);
+     assertPhylum(_arguments_1, phylum_arguments);
+     alternative kc_x = new impl_alternative_Alternative(_ID_1, _arguments_1);
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_Alternative));
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     kc_x = kc_initialize_alternative(kc_x);
+     return static_cast<impl_alternative_Alternative*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_arguments*
+ Nilarguments() {
+     arguments kc_x = new impl_arguments();
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_Nilarguments));
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_arguments*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_arguments*
+ Consarguments(ID _ID_1, arguments _arguments_1) {
+     assertPhylum(_ID_1, phylum_ID);
+     assertPhylum(_arguments_1, phylum_arguments);
+     arguments kc_x = new impl_arguments(_ID_1, _arguments_1);
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_Consarguments));
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_arguments*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_argument_Argument*
+ Argument(ID _ID_1, integer _integer_1) {
+     assertPhylum(_ID_1, phylum_ID);
+     assertPhylum(_integer_1, phylum_integer);
+     argument kc_x = new impl_argument_Argument(_ID_1, _integer_1);
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_argument_Argument*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_Ccode_option_CcodeOption*
+ CcodeOption(attributes _attributes_1, Ctexts _Ctexts_1) {
+     assertPhylum(_attributes_1, phylum_attributes);
+     assertPhylum(_Ctexts_1, phylum_Ctexts);
+     Ccode_option kc_x = new impl_Ccode_option_CcodeOption(_attributes_1, _Ctexts_1);
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_CcodeOption));
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_Ccode_option_CcodeOption*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_attributes*
+ Nilattributes() {
+     attributes kc_x = new impl_attributes();
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_Nilattributes));
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_attributes*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_attributes*
+ Consattributes(attribute _attribute_1, attributes _attributes_1) {
+     assertPhylum(_attribute_1, phylum_attribute);
+     assertPhylum(_attributes_1, phylum_attributes);
+     attributes kc_x = new impl_attributes(_attribute_1, _attributes_1);
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_Consattributes));
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_attributes*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_attribute_Attribute*
+ Attribute(ID _ID_1, ID _ID_2, attribute_initialisation_option _attribute_initialisation_option_1) {
+     assertPhylum(_ID_1, phylum_ID);
+     assertPhylum(_ID_2, phylum_ID);
+     assertPhylum(_attribute_initialisation_option_1, phylum_attribute_initialisation_option);
+     attribute kc_x = new impl_attribute_Attribute(_ID_1, _ID_2, _attribute_initialisation_option_1);
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_Attribute));
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_attribute_Attribute*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_attribute_initialisation_option_Noattribute_initialisation*
+ Noattribute_initialisation() {
+     attribute_initialisation_option kc_x = new impl_attribute_initialisation_option_Noattribute_initialisation();
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_Noattribute_initialisation));
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_EXISTINGNOTFOUND_STATS(sel_Noattribute_initialisation));
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_attribute_initialisation_option_Noattribute_initialisation*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_attribute_initialisation_option_Yesattribute_initialisation*
+ Yesattribute_initialisation(Cexpression _Cexpression_1) {
+     assertPhylum(_Cexpression_1, phylum_Cexpression);
+     attribute_initialisation_option kc_x = new impl_attribute_initialisation_option_Yesattribute_initialisation(_Cexpression_1);
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_Yesattribute_initialisation));
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_EXISTINGNOTFOUND_STATS(sel_Yesattribute_initialisation));
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_attribute_initialisation_option_Yesattribute_initialisation*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_Cexpression*
+ NilCexpression() {
+     Cexpression kc_x = new impl_Cexpression();
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_NilCexpression));
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     kc_x = kc_initialize_Cexpression(kc_x);
+     return static_cast<impl_Cexpression*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_Cexpression*
+ ConsCexpression(Cexpression_elem _Cexpression_elem_1, Cexpression _Cexpression_1) {
+     assertPhylum(_Cexpression_elem_1, phylum_Cexpression_elem);
+     assertPhylum(_Cexpression_1, phylum_Cexpression);
+     Cexpression kc_x = new impl_Cexpression(_Cexpression_elem_1, _Cexpression_1);
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_ConsCexpression));
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     kc_x = kc_initialize_Cexpression(kc_x);
+     return static_cast<impl_Cexpression*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_Cexpression_elem_CExpressionPart*
+ CExpressionPart(casestring _casestring_1) {
+     assertPhylum(_casestring_1, phylum_casestring);
+     Cexpression_elem kc_x = new impl_Cexpression_elem_CExpressionPart(_casestring_1);
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_CExpressionPart));
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_Cexpression_elem_CExpressionPart*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_Cexpression_elem_CExpressionDollarvar*
+ CExpressionDollarvar(INT _INT_1) {
+     assertPhylum(_INT_1, phylum_INT);
+     Cexpression_elem kc_x = new impl_Cexpression_elem_CExpressionDollarvar(_INT_1);
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_CExpressionDollarvar));
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_Cexpression_elem_CExpressionDollarvar*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_Cexpression_elem_CExpressionNl*
+ CExpressionNl() {
+     Cexpression_elem kc_x = new impl_Cexpression_elem_CExpressionNl();
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_CExpressionNl));
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_Cexpression_elem_CExpressionNl*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_Cexpression_elem_CExpressionDQ*
+ CExpressionDQ(CexpressionDQ _CexpressionDQ_1) {
+     assertPhylum(_CexpressionDQ_1, phylum_CexpressionDQ);
+     Cexpression_elem kc_x = new impl_Cexpression_elem_CExpressionDQ(_CexpressionDQ_1);
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_Cexpression_elem_CExpressionDQ*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_Cexpression_elem_CExpressionSQ*
+ CExpressionSQ(CexpressionSQ _CexpressionSQ_1) {
+     assertPhylum(_CexpressionSQ_1, phylum_CexpressionSQ);
+     Cexpression_elem kc_x = new impl_Cexpression_elem_CExpressionSQ(_CexpressionSQ_1);
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_Cexpression_elem_CExpressionSQ*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_Cexpression_elem_CExpressionPack*
+ CExpressionPack(Cexpression _Cexpression_1) {
+     assertPhylum(_Cexpression_1, phylum_Cexpression);
+     Cexpression_elem kc_x = new impl_Cexpression_elem_CExpressionPack(_Cexpression_1);
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_CExpressionPack));
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_Cexpression_elem_CExpressionPack*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_Cexpression_elem_CExpressionArray*
+ CExpressionArray(Cexpression _Cexpression_1) {
+     assertPhylum(_Cexpression_1, phylum_Cexpression);
+     Cexpression_elem kc_x = new impl_Cexpression_elem_CExpressionArray(_Cexpression_1);
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_CExpressionArray));
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_Cexpression_elem_CExpressionArray*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_CexpressionDQ*
+ NilCexpressionDQ() {
+     CexpressionDQ kc_x = new impl_CexpressionDQ();
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_NilCexpressionDQ));
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_CexpressionDQ*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_CexpressionDQ*
+ ConsCexpressionDQ(CexpressionDQ_elem _CexpressionDQ_elem_1, CexpressionDQ _CexpressionDQ_1) {
+     assertPhylum(_CexpressionDQ_elem_1, phylum_CexpressionDQ_elem);
+     assertPhylum(_CexpressionDQ_1, phylum_CexpressionDQ);
+     CexpressionDQ kc_x = new impl_CexpressionDQ(_CexpressionDQ_elem_1, _CexpressionDQ_1);
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_ConsCexpressionDQ));
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_CexpressionDQ*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_CexpressionDQ_elem_CExpressionDQPart*
+ CExpressionDQPart(casestring _casestring_1) {
+     assertPhylum(_casestring_1, phylum_casestring);
+     CexpressionDQ_elem kc_x = new impl_CexpressionDQ_elem_CExpressionDQPart(_casestring_1);
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_CExpressionDQPart));
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_CexpressionDQ_elem_CExpressionDQPart*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_CexpressionDQ_elem_CExpressionDQNl*
+ CExpressionDQNl() {
+     CexpressionDQ_elem kc_x = new impl_CexpressionDQ_elem_CExpressionDQNl();
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_CexpressionDQ_elem_CExpressionDQNl*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_CexpressionSQ*
+ NilCexpressionSQ() {
+     CexpressionSQ kc_x = new impl_CexpressionSQ();
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_NilCexpressionSQ));
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_CexpressionSQ*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_CexpressionSQ*
+ ConsCexpressionSQ(CexpressionSQ_elem _CexpressionSQ_elem_1, CexpressionSQ _CexpressionSQ_1) {
+     assertPhylum(_CexpressionSQ_elem_1, phylum_CexpressionSQ_elem);
+     assertPhylum(_CexpressionSQ_1, phylum_CexpressionSQ);
+     CexpressionSQ kc_x = new impl_CexpressionSQ(_CexpressionSQ_elem_1, _CexpressionSQ_1);
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_ConsCexpressionSQ));
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_CexpressionSQ*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_CexpressionSQ_elem_CExpressionSQPart*
+ CExpressionSQPart(casestring _casestring_1) {
+     assertPhylum(_casestring_1, phylum_casestring);
+     CexpressionSQ_elem kc_x = new impl_CexpressionSQ_elem_CExpressionSQPart(_casestring_1);
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_CExpressionSQPart));
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_CexpressionSQ_elem_CExpressionSQPart*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_CexpressionSQ_elem_CExpressionSQNl*
+ CExpressionSQNl() {
+     CexpressionSQ_elem kc_x = new impl_CexpressionSQ_elem_CExpressionSQNl();
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_CexpressionSQ_elem_CExpressionSQNl*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_idCexpressions*
+ NilidCexpressions() {
+     idCexpressions kc_x = new impl_idCexpressions();
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_NilidCexpressions));
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_idCexpressions*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_idCexpressions*
+ ConsidCexpressions(idCexpression _idCexpression_1, idCexpressions _idCexpressions_1) {
+     assertPhylum(_idCexpression_1, phylum_idCexpression);
+     assertPhylum(_idCexpressions_1, phylum_idCexpressions);
+     idCexpressions kc_x = new impl_idCexpressions(_idCexpression_1, _idCexpressions_1);
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_ConsidCexpressions));
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_idCexpressions*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_idCexpression_IdCexpression*
+ IdCexpression(ID _ID_1, Cexpression _Cexpression_1) {
+     assertPhylum(_ID_1, phylum_ID);
+     assertPhylum(_Cexpression_1, phylum_Cexpression);
+     idCexpression kc_x = new impl_idCexpression_IdCexpression(_ID_1, _Cexpression_1);
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_IdCexpression));
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     kc_x = kc_initialize_idCexpression(kc_x);
+     return static_cast<impl_idCexpression_IdCexpression*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_Ctexts*
+ NilCtexts() {
+     Ctexts kc_x = new impl_Ctexts();
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_Ctexts*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_Ctexts*
+ ConsCtexts(Ctext _Ctext_1, Ctexts _Ctexts_1) {
+     assertPhylum(_Ctext_1, phylum_Ctext);
+     assertPhylum(_Ctexts_1, phylum_Ctexts);
+     Ctexts kc_x = new impl_Ctexts(_Ctext_1, _Ctexts_1);
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_Ctexts*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_includefiles*
+ Nilincludefiles() {
+     includefiles kc_x = new impl_includefiles();
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_Nilincludefiles));
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_includefiles*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_includefiles*
+ Consincludefiles(includefile _includefile_1, includefiles _includefiles_1) {
+     assertPhylum(_includefile_1, phylum_includefile);
+     assertPhylum(_includefiles_1, phylum_includefiles);
+     includefiles kc_x = new impl_includefiles(_includefile_1, _includefiles_1);
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_Consincludefiles));
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_includefiles*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_includefile_IncludeFile*
+ IncludeFile(casestring _casestring_1) {
+     assertPhylum(_casestring_1, phylum_casestring);
+     includefile kc_x=new impl_includefile_IncludeFile(_casestring_1);
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_IncludeFile));
+     includefile unique_kc_x= hashtables[uniq]->ht_check_insert(kc_x);
+     if(unique_kc_x!=kc_x) {
+ 	delete kc_x;
+ 	kc_x=unique_kc_x;
+     } else {
+ 	kc_x->post_create();
+ 	kc_x = kc_initialize_includefile(kc_x);
+     }
+     return static_cast<impl_includefile_IncludeFile*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_includedeclarations*
+ Nilincludedeclarations() {
+     includedeclarations kc_x = new impl_includedeclarations();
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_Nilincludedeclarations));
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_EXISTINGNOTFOUND_STATS(sel_Nilincludedeclarations));
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_includedeclarations*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_includedeclarations*
+ Consincludedeclarations(includedeclaration _includedeclaration_1, includedeclarations _includedeclarations_1) {
+     assertPhylum(_includedeclaration_1, phylum_includedeclaration);
+     assertPhylum(_includedeclarations_1, phylum_includedeclarations);
+     includedeclarations kc_x = new impl_includedeclarations(_includedeclaration_1, _includedeclarations_1);
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_Consincludedeclarations));
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_EXISTINGNOTFOUND_STATS(sel_Consincludedeclarations));
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_includedeclarations*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_includedeclaration_IncludeDeclaration*
+ IncludeDeclaration(casestring _casestring_1) {
+     assertPhylum(_casestring_1, phylum_casestring);
+     includedeclaration kc_x = new impl_includedeclaration_IncludeDeclaration(_casestring_1);
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_IncludeDeclaration));
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     kc_x = kc_initialize_includedeclaration(kc_x);
+     return static_cast<impl_includedeclaration_IncludeDeclaration*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_rwdeclarations*
+ Nilrwdeclarations() {
+     rwdeclarations kc_x = new impl_rwdeclarations();
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_Nilrwdeclarations));
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_rwdeclarations*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_rwdeclarations*
+ Consrwdeclarations(rwdeclaration _rwdeclaration_1, rwdeclarations _rwdeclarations_1) {
+     assertPhylum(_rwdeclaration_1, phylum_rwdeclaration);
+     assertPhylum(_rwdeclarations_1, phylum_rwdeclarations);
+     rwdeclarations kc_x = new impl_rwdeclarations(_rwdeclaration_1, _rwdeclarations_1);
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_Consrwdeclarations));
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_rwdeclarations*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_rwdeclaration_RwDeclaration*
+ RwDeclaration(outmostpatterns _outmostpatterns_1, rewriteclauses _rewriteclauses_1) {
+     assertPhylum(_outmostpatterns_1, phylum_outmostpatterns);
+     assertPhylum(_rewriteclauses_1, phylum_rewriteclauses);
+     rwdeclaration kc_x = new impl_rwdeclaration_RwDeclaration(_outmostpatterns_1, _rewriteclauses_1);
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_RwDeclaration));
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_rwdeclaration_RwDeclaration*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_rewriteclauses*
+ Nilrewriteclauses() {
+     rewriteclauses kc_x = new impl_rewriteclauses();
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_Nilrewriteclauses));
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_rewriteclauses*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_rewriteclauses*
+ Consrewriteclauses(rewriteclause _rewriteclause_1, rewriteclauses _rewriteclauses_1) {
+     assertPhylum(_rewriteclause_1, phylum_rewriteclause);
+     assertPhylum(_rewriteclauses_1, phylum_rewriteclauses);
+     rewriteclauses kc_x = new impl_rewriteclauses(_rewriteclause_1, _rewriteclauses_1);
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_Consrewriteclauses));
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_rewriteclauses*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_rewriteclause_RewriteClause*
+ RewriteClause(viewnames _viewnames_1, term _term_1) {
+     assertPhylum(_viewnames_1, phylum_viewnames);
+     assertPhylum(_term_1, phylum_term);
+     rewriteclause kc_x = new impl_rewriteclause_RewriteClause(_viewnames_1, _term_1);
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_RewriteClause));
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_rewriteclause_RewriteClause*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_patternchains*
+ Nilpatternchains() {
+     patternchains kc_x = new impl_patternchains();
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_Nilpatternchains));
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     kc_x = kc_initialize_patternchains(kc_x);
+     return static_cast<impl_patternchains*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_patternchains*
+ Conspatternchains(patternchain _patternchain_1, patternchains _patternchains_1) {
+     assertPhylum(_patternchain_1, phylum_patternchain);
+     assertPhylum(_patternchains_1, phylum_patternchains);
+     patternchains kc_x = new impl_patternchains(_patternchain_1, _patternchains_1);
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_Conspatternchains));
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     kc_x = kc_initialize_patternchains(kc_x);
+     return static_cast<impl_patternchains*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_patternchain*
+ Nilpatternchain() {
+     patternchain kc_x = new impl_patternchain();
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_Nilpatternchain));
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     kc_x = kc_initialize_patternchain(kc_x);
+     return static_cast<impl_patternchain*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_patternchain*
+ Conspatternchain(patternchainitem _patternchainitem_1, patternchain _patternchain_1) {
+     assertPhylum(_patternchainitem_1, phylum_patternchainitem);
+     assertPhylum(_patternchain_1, phylum_patternchain);
+     patternchain kc_x = new impl_patternchain(_patternchainitem_1, _patternchain_1);
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_Conspatternchain));
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     kc_x = kc_initialize_patternchain(kc_x);
+     return static_cast<impl_patternchain*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_outmostpatterns*
+ Niloutmostpatterns() {
+     outmostpatterns kc_x = new impl_outmostpatterns();
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_Niloutmostpatterns));
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_outmostpatterns*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_outmostpatterns*
+ Consoutmostpatterns(outmostpattern _outmostpattern_1, outmostpatterns _outmostpatterns_1) {
+     assertPhylum(_outmostpattern_1, phylum_outmostpattern);
+     assertPhylum(_outmostpatterns_1, phylum_outmostpatterns);
+     outmostpatterns kc_x = new impl_outmostpatterns(_outmostpattern_1, _outmostpatterns_1);
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_Consoutmostpatterns));
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_EXISTINGNOTFOUND_STATS(sel_Consoutmostpatterns));
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_outmostpatterns*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_patternchainitem_PatternchainitemOutmost*
+ PatternchainitemOutmost(outmostpattern _outmostpattern_1) {
+     assertPhylum(_outmostpattern_1, phylum_outmostpattern);
+     patternchainitem kc_x = new impl_patternchainitem_PatternchainitemOutmost(_outmostpattern_1);
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_PatternchainitemOutmost));
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_EXISTINGNOTFOUND_STATS(sel_PatternchainitemOutmost));
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     kc_x = kc_initialize_patternchainitem(kc_x);
+     return static_cast<impl_patternchainitem_PatternchainitemOutmost*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_patternchainitem_PatternchainitemGroup*
+ PatternchainitemGroup(patternchains _patternchains_1) {
+     assertPhylum(_patternchains_1, phylum_patternchains);
+     patternchainitem kc_x = new impl_patternchainitem_PatternchainitemGroup(_patternchains_1);
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_PatternchainitemGroup));
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_EXISTINGNOTFOUND_STATS(sel_PatternchainitemGroup));
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     kc_x = kc_initialize_patternchainitem(kc_x);
+     return static_cast<impl_patternchainitem_PatternchainitemGroup*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_patternchainitem_PatternchainitemDollarid*
+ PatternchainitemDollarid(ID _ID_1) {
+     assertPhylum(_ID_1, phylum_ID);
+     patternchainitem kc_x = new impl_patternchainitem_PatternchainitemDollarid(_ID_1);
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_PatternchainitemDollarid));
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_EXISTINGNOTFOUND_STATS(sel_PatternchainitemDollarid));
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     kc_x = kc_initialize_patternchainitem(kc_x);
+     return static_cast<impl_patternchainitem_PatternchainitemDollarid*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_outmostpattern_OPOperatorWildcard*
+ OPOperatorWildcard(ID _ID_1, Cexpression _Cexpression_1) {
+     assertPhylum(_ID_1, phylum_ID);
+     assertPhylum(_Cexpression_1, phylum_Cexpression);
+     outmostpattern kc_x = new impl_outmostpattern_OPOperatorWildcard(_ID_1, _Cexpression_1);
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_OPOperatorWildcard));
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     kc_x = kc_initialize_outmostpattern(kc_x);
+     return static_cast<impl_outmostpattern_OPOperatorWildcard*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_outmostpattern_OPOperator*
+ OPOperator(ID _ID_1, patterns _patterns_1, Cexpression _Cexpression_1) {
+     assertPhylum(_ID_1, phylum_ID);
+     assertPhylum(_patterns_1, phylum_patterns);
+     assertPhylum(_Cexpression_1, phylum_Cexpression);
+     outmostpattern kc_x = new impl_outmostpattern_OPOperator(_ID_1, _patterns_1, _Cexpression_1);
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     kc_x = kc_initialize_outmostpattern(kc_x);
+     return static_cast<impl_outmostpattern_OPOperator*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_outmostpattern_OPNonLeafVariable*
+ OPNonLeafVariable(ID _ID_1, outmostpattern _outmostpattern_1) {
+     assertPhylum(_ID_1, phylum_ID);
+     assertPhylum(_outmostpattern_1, phylum_outmostpattern);
+     outmostpattern kc_x = new impl_outmostpattern_OPNonLeafVariable(_ID_1, _outmostpattern_1);
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_OPNonLeafVariable));
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     kc_x = kc_initialize_outmostpattern(kc_x);
+     return static_cast<impl_outmostpattern_OPNonLeafVariable*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_outmostpattern_OPWildcard*
+ OPWildcard(Cexpression _Cexpression_1) {
+     assertPhylum(_Cexpression_1, phylum_Cexpression);
+     outmostpattern kc_x = new impl_outmostpattern_OPWildcard(_Cexpression_1);
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     kc_x = kc_initialize_outmostpattern(kc_x);
+     return static_cast<impl_outmostpattern_OPWildcard*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_outmostpattern_OPDefault*
+ OPDefault(Cexpression _Cexpression_1) {
+     assertPhylum(_Cexpression_1, phylum_Cexpression);
+     outmostpattern kc_x = new impl_outmostpattern_OPDefault(_Cexpression_1);
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     kc_x = kc_initialize_outmostpattern(kc_x);
+     return static_cast<impl_outmostpattern_OPDefault*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_pattern_PVariable*
+ PVariable(ID _ID_1) {
+     assertPhylum(_ID_1, phylum_ID);
+     pattern kc_x = new impl_pattern_PVariable(_ID_1);
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_pattern_PVariable*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_pattern_POperator*
+ POperator(ID _ID_1, patterns _patterns_1) {
+     assertPhylum(_ID_1, phylum_ID);
+     assertPhylum(_patterns_1, phylum_patterns);
+     pattern kc_x = new impl_pattern_POperator(_ID_1, _patterns_1);
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_pattern_POperator*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_pattern_PNonLeafVariable*
+ PNonLeafVariable(ID _ID_1, pattern _pattern_1) {
+     assertPhylum(_ID_1, phylum_ID);
+     assertPhylum(_pattern_1, phylum_pattern);
+     pattern kc_x = new impl_pattern_PNonLeafVariable(_ID_1, _pattern_1);
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_PNonLeafVariable));
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_pattern_PNonLeafVariable*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_pattern_PWildcard*
+ PWildcard() {
+     pattern kc_x = new impl_pattern_PWildcard();
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_pattern_PWildcard*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_pattern_PStringLiteral*
+ PStringLiteral(CexpressionDQ _CexpressionDQ_1) {
+     assertPhylum(_CexpressionDQ_1, phylum_CexpressionDQ);
+     pattern kc_x = new impl_pattern_PStringLiteral(_CexpressionDQ_1);
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_PStringLiteral));
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_pattern_PStringLiteral*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_pattern_PIntLiteral*
+ PIntLiteral(INT _INT_1) {
+     assertPhylum(_INT_1, phylum_INT);
+     pattern kc_x = new impl_pattern_PIntLiteral(_INT_1);
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_pattern_PIntLiteral*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_patterns*
+ Nilpatterns() {
+     patterns kc_x = new impl_patterns();
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_Nilpatterns));
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_patterns*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_patterns*
+ Conspatterns(pattern _pattern_1, patterns _patterns_1) {
+     assertPhylum(_pattern_1, phylum_pattern);
+     assertPhylum(_patterns_1, phylum_patterns);
+     patterns kc_x = new impl_patterns(_pattern_1, _patterns_1);
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_Conspatterns));
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_patterns*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_term_TVariable*
+ TVariable(ID _ID_1) {
+     assertPhylum(_ID_1, phylum_ID);
+     term kc_x = new impl_term_TVariable(_ID_1);
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     kc_x = kc_initialize_term(kc_x);
+     return static_cast<impl_term_TVariable*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_term_TOperator*
+ TOperator(ID _ID_1, terms _terms_1) {
+     assertPhylum(_ID_1, phylum_ID);
+     assertPhylum(_terms_1, phylum_terms);
+     term kc_x = new impl_term_TOperator(_ID_1, _terms_1);
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     kc_x = kc_initialize_term(kc_x);
+     return static_cast<impl_term_TOperator*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_term_TMethod*
+ TMethod(term _term_1, ID _ID_1, terms _terms_1) {
+     assertPhylum(_term_1, phylum_term);
+     assertPhylum(_ID_1, phylum_ID);
+     assertPhylum(_terms_1, phylum_terms);
+     term kc_x = new impl_term_TMethod(_term_1, _ID_1, _terms_1);
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     kc_x = kc_initialize_term(kc_x);
+     return static_cast<impl_term_TMethod*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_term_TMethodDot*
+ TMethodDot(term _term_1, ID _ID_1, terms _terms_1) {
+     assertPhylum(_term_1, phylum_term);
+     assertPhylum(_ID_1, phylum_ID);
+     assertPhylum(_terms_1, phylum_terms);
+     term kc_x = new impl_term_TMethodDot(_term_1, _ID_1, _terms_1);
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     kc_x = kc_initialize_term(kc_x);
+     return static_cast<impl_term_TMethodDot*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_term_TMemberVar*
+ TMemberVar(term _term_1, ID _ID_1) {
+     assertPhylum(_term_1, phylum_term);
+     assertPhylum(_ID_1, phylum_ID);
+     term kc_x = new impl_term_TMemberVar(_term_1, _ID_1);
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     kc_x = kc_initialize_term(kc_x);
+     return static_cast<impl_term_TMemberVar*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_term_TMemberVarDot*
+ TMemberVarDot(term _term_1, ID _ID_1) {
+     assertPhylum(_term_1, phylum_term);
+     assertPhylum(_ID_1, phylum_ID);
+     term kc_x = new impl_term_TMemberVarDot(_term_1, _ID_1);
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     kc_x = kc_initialize_term(kc_x);
+     return static_cast<impl_term_TMemberVarDot*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_term_TCTerm*
+ TCTerm(CexpressionSQ _CexpressionSQ_1) {
+     assertPhylum(_CexpressionSQ_1, phylum_CexpressionSQ);
+     term kc_x = new impl_term_TCTerm(_CexpressionSQ_1);
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     kc_x = kc_initialize_term(kc_x);
+     return static_cast<impl_term_TCTerm*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_term_TStringLiteral*
+ TStringLiteral(CexpressionDQ _CexpressionDQ_1) {
+     assertPhylum(_CexpressionDQ_1, phylum_CexpressionDQ);
+     term kc_x = new impl_term_TStringLiteral(_CexpressionDQ_1);
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_TStringLiteral));
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     kc_x = kc_initialize_term(kc_x);
+     return static_cast<impl_term_TStringLiteral*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_term_TIntLiteral*
+ TIntLiteral(INT _INT_1) {
+     assertPhylum(_INT_1, phylum_INT);
+     term kc_x = new impl_term_TIntLiteral(_INT_1);
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     kc_x = kc_initialize_term(kc_x);
+     return static_cast<impl_term_TIntLiteral*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_terms*
+ Nilterms() {
+     terms kc_x = new impl_terms();
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_terms*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_terms*
+ Consterms(term _term_1, terms _terms_1) {
+     assertPhylum(_term_1, phylum_term);
+     assertPhylum(_terms_1, phylum_terms);
+     terms kc_x = new impl_terms(_term_1, _terms_1);
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_Consterms));
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_terms*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_fnfiles*
+ Nilfnfiles() {
+     fnfiles kc_x = new impl_fnfiles();
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_Nilfnfiles));
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_fnfiles*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_fnfiles*
+ Consfnfiles(fnfile _fnfile_1, fnfiles _fnfiles_1) {
+     assertPhylum(_fnfile_1, phylum_fnfile);
+     assertPhylum(_fnfiles_1, phylum_fnfiles);
+     fnfiles kc_x = new impl_fnfiles(_fnfile_1, _fnfiles_1);
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_Consfnfiles));
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_fnfiles*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_fnfile_FnFile*
+ FnFile(casestring _casestring_1) {
+     assertPhylum(_casestring_1, phylum_casestring);
+     fnfile kc_x=new impl_fnfile_FnFile(_casestring_1);
+     fnfile unique_kc_x= hashtables[uniq]->ht_check_insert(kc_x);
+     if(unique_kc_x!=kc_x) {
+ 	delete kc_x;
+ 	kc_x=unique_kc_x;
+     } else {
+ 	kc_x->post_create();
+ 	kc_x = kc_initialize_fnfile(kc_x);
+     }
+     return static_cast<impl_fnfile_FnFile*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_fndeclarations*
+ Nilfndeclarations() {
+     fndeclarations kc_x = new impl_fndeclarations();
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_Nilfndeclarations));
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_fndeclarations*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_fndeclarations*
+ Consfndeclarations(fndeclaration _fndeclaration_1, fndeclarations _fndeclarations_1) {
+     assertPhylum(_fndeclaration_1, phylum_fndeclaration);
+     assertPhylum(_fndeclarations_1, phylum_fndeclarations);
+     fndeclarations kc_x = new impl_fndeclarations(_fndeclaration_1, _fndeclarations_1);
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_Consfndeclarations));
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_fndeclarations*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_fndeclaration_FnAcDeclaration*
+ FnAcDeclaration(ac_declaration_specifiers _ac_declaration_specifiers_1, ac_declarator _ac_declarator_1, ac_declaration_list _ac_declaration_list_1, ac_opt_base_init_list _ac_opt_base_init_list_1, Ctext _Ctext_1, ID _ID_1, fnclass _fnclass_1) {
+     assertPhylum(_ac_declaration_specifiers_1, phylum_ac_declaration_specifiers);
+     assertPhylum(_ac_declarator_1, phylum_ac_declarator);
+     assertPhylum(_ac_declaration_list_1, phylum_ac_declaration_list);
+     assertPhylum(_ac_opt_base_init_list_1, phylum_ac_opt_base_init_list);
+     assertPhylum(_Ctext_1, phylum_Ctext);
+     assertPhylum(_ID_1, phylum_ID);
+     assertPhylum(_fnclass_1, phylum_fnclass);
+     fndeclaration kc_x = new impl_fndeclaration_FnAcDeclaration(_ac_declaration_specifiers_1, _ac_declarator_1, _ac_declaration_list_1, _ac_opt_base_init_list_1, _Ctext_1, _ID_1, _fnclass_1);
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_FnAcDeclaration));
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     kc_x = kc_initialize_fndeclaration(kc_x);
+     return static_cast<impl_fndeclaration_FnAcDeclaration*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_fndeclaration_AcMemberDeclaration*
+ AcMemberDeclaration(ac_declaration_specifiers _ac_declaration_specifiers_1, ac_declarator _ac_declarator_1, ac_constant_expression_option _ac_constant_expression_option_1, fnclass _fnclass_1) {
+     assertPhylum(_ac_declaration_specifiers_1, phylum_ac_declaration_specifiers);
+     assertPhylum(_ac_declarator_1, phylum_ac_declarator);
+     assertPhylum(_ac_constant_expression_option_1, phylum_ac_constant_expression_option);
+     assertPhylum(_fnclass_1, phylum_fnclass);
+     fndeclaration kc_x = new impl_fndeclaration_AcMemberDeclaration(_ac_declaration_specifiers_1, _ac_declarator_1, _ac_constant_expression_option_1, _fnclass_1);
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_AcMemberDeclaration));
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     kc_x = kc_initialize_fndeclaration(kc_x);
+     return static_cast<impl_fndeclaration_AcMemberDeclaration*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_fnclass_GlobalFn*
+ GlobalFn() {
+     fnclass kc_x = new impl_fnclass_GlobalFn();
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_fnclass_GlobalFn*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_fnclass_StaticFn*
+ StaticFn(casestring _casestring_1) {
+     assertPhylum(_casestring_1, phylum_casestring);
+     fnclass kc_x = new impl_fnclass_StaticFn(_casestring_1);
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_fnclass_StaticFn*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_fnclass_MemberFn*
+ MemberFn() {
+     fnclass kc_x = new impl_fnclass_MemberFn();
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_fnclass_MemberFn*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_fnclass_ConstructorFn*
+ ConstructorFn() {
+     fnclass kc_x = new impl_fnclass_ConstructorFn();
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_ConstructorFn));
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_fnclass_ConstructorFn*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_fnclass_DestructorFn*
+ DestructorFn() {
+     fnclass kc_x = new impl_fnclass_DestructorFn();
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_DestructorFn));
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_fnclass_DestructorFn*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_fnclass_ConvOperatorFn*
+ ConvOperatorFn() {
+     fnclass kc_x = new impl_fnclass_ConvOperatorFn();
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_ConvOperatorFn));
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_fnclass_ConvOperatorFn*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_Ctext*
+ NilCtext() {
+     Ctext kc_x = new impl_Ctext();
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     kc_x = kc_initialize_Ctext(kc_x);
+     return static_cast<impl_Ctext*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_Ctext*
+ ConsCtext(Ctext_elem _Ctext_elem_1, Ctext _Ctext_1) {
+     assertPhylum(_Ctext_elem_1, phylum_Ctext_elem);
+     assertPhylum(_Ctext_1, phylum_Ctext);
+     Ctext kc_x = new impl_Ctext(_Ctext_elem_1, _Ctext_1);
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     kc_x = kc_initialize_Ctext(kc_x);
+     return static_cast<impl_Ctext*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_Ctext_elem_CTextLine*
+ CTextLine(casestring _casestring_1) {
+     assertPhylum(_casestring_1, phylum_casestring);
+     Ctext_elem kc_x = new impl_Ctext_elem_CTextLine(_casestring_1);
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     kc_x = kc_initialize_Ctext_elem(kc_x);
+     return static_cast<impl_Ctext_elem_CTextLine*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_Ctext_elem_CTextDollarVar*
+ CTextDollarVar(INT _INT_1) {
+     assertPhylum(_INT_1, phylum_INT);
+     Ctext_elem kc_x = new impl_Ctext_elem_CTextDollarVar(_INT_1);
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     kc_x = kc_initialize_Ctext_elem(kc_x);
+     return static_cast<impl_Ctext_elem_CTextDollarVar*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_Ctext_elem_CTextNl*
+ CTextNl(integer _integer_1) {
+     assertPhylum(_integer_1, phylum_integer);
+     Ctext_elem kc_x = new impl_Ctext_elem_CTextNl(_integer_1);
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     kc_x = kc_initialize_Ctext_elem(kc_x);
+     return static_cast<impl_Ctext_elem_CTextNl*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_Ctext_elem_CTextCexpressionDQ*
+ CTextCexpressionDQ(CexpressionDQ _CexpressionDQ_1) {
+     assertPhylum(_CexpressionDQ_1, phylum_CexpressionDQ);
+     Ctext_elem kc_x = new impl_Ctext_elem_CTextCexpressionDQ(_CexpressionDQ_1);
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_CTextCexpressionDQ));
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     kc_x = kc_initialize_Ctext_elem(kc_x);
+     return static_cast<impl_Ctext_elem_CTextCexpressionDQ*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_Ctext_elem_CTextCexpressionSQ*
+ CTextCexpressionSQ(CexpressionSQ _CexpressionSQ_1) {
+     assertPhylum(_CexpressionSQ_1, phylum_CexpressionSQ);
+     Ctext_elem kc_x = new impl_Ctext_elem_CTextCexpressionSQ(_CexpressionSQ_1);
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_CTextCexpressionSQ));
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     kc_x = kc_initialize_Ctext_elem(kc_x);
+     return static_cast<impl_Ctext_elem_CTextCexpressionSQ*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_Ctext_elem_CTextCbody*
+ CTextCbody(Ctext _Ctext_1) {
+     assertPhylum(_Ctext_1, phylum_Ctext);
+     Ctext_elem kc_x = new impl_Ctext_elem_CTextCbody(_Ctext_1);
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     kc_x = kc_initialize_Ctext_elem(kc_x);
+     return static_cast<impl_Ctext_elem_CTextCbody*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_Ctext_elem_CTextForeachexpression*
+ CTextForeachexpression(patternchain _patternchain_1, idCexpressions _idCexpressions_1, withexpressions _withexpressions_1, Ctext _Ctext_1, foreach_after _foreach_after_1) {
+     assertPhylum(_patternchain_1, phylum_patternchain);
+     assertPhylum(_idCexpressions_1, phylum_idCexpressions);
+     assertPhylum(_withexpressions_1, phylum_withexpressions);
+     assertPhylum(_Ctext_1, phylum_Ctext);
+     assertPhylum(_foreach_after_1, phylum_foreach_after);
+     Ctext_elem kc_x = new impl_Ctext_elem_CTextForeachexpression(_patternchain_1, _idCexpressions_1, _withexpressions_1, _Ctext_1, _foreach_after_1);
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_CTextForeachexpression));
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     kc_x = kc_initialize_Ctext_elem(kc_x);
+     return static_cast<impl_Ctext_elem_CTextForeachexpression*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_Ctext_elem_CTextWithexpression*
+ CTextWithexpression(withexpressions _withexpressions_1, withcases _withcases_1, contextinfo _contextinfo_1) {
+     assertPhylum(_withexpressions_1, phylum_withexpressions);
+     assertPhylum(_withcases_1, phylum_withcases);
+     assertPhylum(_contextinfo_1, phylum_contextinfo);
+     Ctext_elem kc_x = new impl_Ctext_elem_CTextWithexpression(_withexpressions_1, _withcases_1, _contextinfo_1);
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_CTextWithexpression));
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     kc_x = kc_initialize_Ctext_elem(kc_x);
+     return static_cast<impl_Ctext_elem_CTextWithexpression*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_foreach_after_NoForeachAfter*
+ NoForeachAfter() {
+     foreach_after kc_x = new impl_foreach_after_NoForeachAfter();
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_NoForeachAfter));
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     kc_x = kc_initialize_foreach_after(kc_x);
+     return static_cast<impl_foreach_after_NoForeachAfter*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_foreach_after_ForeachAfter*
+ ForeachAfter(patternchain _patternchain_1, idCexpressions _idCexpressions_1, withexpressions _withexpressions_1, Ctext _Ctext_1) {
+     assertPhylum(_patternchain_1, phylum_patternchain);
+     assertPhylum(_idCexpressions_1, phylum_idCexpressions);
+     assertPhylum(_withexpressions_1, phylum_withexpressions);
+     assertPhylum(_Ctext_1, phylum_Ctext);
+     foreach_after kc_x = new impl_foreach_after_ForeachAfter(_patternchain_1, _idCexpressions_1, _withexpressions_1, _Ctext_1);
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_ForeachAfter));
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     kc_x = kc_initialize_foreach_after(kc_x);
+     return static_cast<impl_foreach_after_ForeachAfter*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_contextinfo_InForeachContext*
+ InForeachContext(patternchain _patternchain_1) {
+     assertPhylum(_patternchain_1, phylum_patternchain);
+     contextinfo kc_x = new impl_contextinfo_InForeachContext(_patternchain_1);
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_InForeachContext));
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_contextinfo_InForeachContext*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_contextinfo_NotInForeachContext*
+ NotInForeachContext() {
+     contextinfo kc_x = new impl_contextinfo_NotInForeachContext();
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_NotInForeachContext));
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_contextinfo_NotInForeachContext*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_withexpressions*
+ Nilwithexpressions() {
+     withexpressions kc_x = new impl_withexpressions();
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_Nilwithexpressions));
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     kc_x = kc_initialize_withexpressions(kc_x);
+     return static_cast<impl_withexpressions*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_withexpressions*
+ Conswithexpressions(withexpression _withexpression_1, withexpressions _withexpressions_1) {
+     assertPhylum(_withexpression_1, phylum_withexpression);
+     assertPhylum(_withexpressions_1, phylum_withexpressions);
+     withexpressions kc_x = new impl_withexpressions(_withexpression_1, _withexpressions_1);
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_Conswithexpressions));
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_EXISTINGNOTFOUND_STATS(sel_Conswithexpressions));
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     kc_x = kc_initialize_withexpressions(kc_x);
+     return static_cast<impl_withexpressions*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_withexpression_WEVariable*
+ WEVariable(ID _ID_1) {
+     assertPhylum(_ID_1, phylum_ID);
+     withexpression kc_x = new impl_withexpression_WEVariable(_ID_1);
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     kc_x = kc_initialize_withexpression(kc_x);
+     return static_cast<impl_withexpression_WEVariable*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_withexpression_WECexpression*
+ WECexpression(Cexpression _Cexpression_1) {
+     assertPhylum(_Cexpression_1, phylum_Cexpression);
+     withexpression kc_x = new impl_withexpression_WECexpression(_Cexpression_1);
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_WECexpression));
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     kc_x = kc_initialize_withexpression(kc_x);
+     return static_cast<impl_withexpression_WECexpression*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_withcases*
+ Nilwithcases() {
+     withcases kc_x = new impl_withcases();
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_Nilwithcases));
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_withcases*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_withcases*
+ Conswithcases(withcase _withcase_1, withcases _withcases_1) {
+     assertPhylum(_withcase_1, phylum_withcase);
+     assertPhylum(_withcases_1, phylum_withcases);
+     withcases kc_x = new impl_withcases(_withcase_1, _withcases_1);
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_Conswithcases));
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_withcases*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_withcase_Withcase*
+ Withcase(patternchains _patternchains_1, Ctext _Ctext_1) {
+     assertPhylum(_patternchains_1, phylum_patternchains);
+     assertPhylum(_Ctext_1, phylum_Ctext);
+     withcase kc_x = new impl_withcase_Withcase(_patternchains_1, _Ctext_1);
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_withcase_Withcase*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_unparsedeclarations*
+ Nilunparsedeclarations() {
+     unparsedeclarations kc_x = new impl_unparsedeclarations();
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_Nilunparsedeclarations));
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_EXISTINGNOTFOUND_STATS(sel_Nilunparsedeclarations));
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_unparsedeclarations*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_unparsedeclarations*
+ Consunparsedeclarations(unparsedeclaration _unparsedeclaration_1, unparsedeclarations _unparsedeclarations_1) {
+     assertPhylum(_unparsedeclaration_1, phylum_unparsedeclaration);
+     assertPhylum(_unparsedeclarations_1, phylum_unparsedeclarations);
+     unparsedeclarations kc_x = new impl_unparsedeclarations(_unparsedeclaration_1, _unparsedeclarations_1);
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_Consunparsedeclarations));
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_EXISTINGNOTFOUND_STATS(sel_Consunparsedeclarations));
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_unparsedeclarations*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_unparsedeclaration_UnparseDeclaration*
+ UnparseDeclaration(outmostpatterns _outmostpatterns_1, unparseclauses _unparseclauses_1) {
+     assertPhylum(_outmostpatterns_1, phylum_outmostpatterns);
+     assertPhylum(_unparseclauses_1, phylum_unparseclauses);
+     unparsedeclaration kc_x = new impl_unparsedeclaration_UnparseDeclaration(_outmostpatterns_1, _unparseclauses_1);
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_UnparseDeclaration));
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_unparsedeclaration_UnparseDeclaration*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_unparseclauses*
+ Nilunparseclauses() {
+     unparseclauses kc_x = new impl_unparseclauses();
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_Nilunparseclauses));
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_unparseclauses*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_unparseclauses*
+ Consunparseclauses(unparseclause _unparseclause_1, unparseclauses _unparseclauses_1) {
+     assertPhylum(_unparseclause_1, phylum_unparseclause);
+     assertPhylum(_unparseclauses_1, phylum_unparseclauses);
+     unparseclauses kc_x = new impl_unparseclauses(_unparseclause_1, _unparseclauses_1);
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_Consunparseclauses));
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_unparseclauses*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_unparseclause_UnparseClause*
+ UnparseClause(viewnames _viewnames_1, unparseitems _unparseitems_1) {
+     assertPhylum(_viewnames_1, phylum_viewnames);
+     assertPhylum(_unparseitems_1, phylum_unparseitems);
+     unparseclause kc_x = new impl_unparseclause_UnparseClause(_viewnames_1, _unparseitems_1);
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_UnparseClause));
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_unparseclause_UnparseClause*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_viewnames*
+ Nilviewnames() {
+     viewnames kc_x = new impl_viewnames();
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_Nilviewnames));
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     kc_x = kc_initialize_viewnames(kc_x);
+     return static_cast<impl_viewnames*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_viewnames*
+ Consviewnames(ID _ID_1, viewnames _viewnames_1) {
+     assertPhylum(_ID_1, phylum_ID);
+     assertPhylum(_viewnames_1, phylum_viewnames);
+     viewnames kc_x = new impl_viewnames(_ID_1, _viewnames_1);
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_Consviewnames));
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     kc_x = kc_initialize_viewnames(kc_x);
+     return static_cast<impl_viewnames*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_unparseitems*
+ Nilunparseitems() {
+     unparseitems kc_x = new impl_unparseitems();
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_Nilunparseitems));
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_unparseitems*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_unparseitems*
+ Consunparseitems(unparseitem _unparseitem_1, unparseitems _unparseitems_1) {
+     assertPhylum(_unparseitem_1, phylum_unparseitem);
+     assertPhylum(_unparseitems_1, phylum_unparseitems);
+     unparseitems kc_x = new impl_unparseitems(_unparseitem_1, _unparseitems_1);
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_Consunparseitems));
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_unparseitems*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_unparseitem_UnpStr*
+ UnpStr(languageoption _languageoption_1, CexpressionDQ _CexpressionDQ_1, viewnameoption _viewnameoption_1) {
+     assertPhylum(_languageoption_1, phylum_languageoption);
+     assertPhylum(_CexpressionDQ_1, phylum_CexpressionDQ);
+     assertPhylum(_viewnameoption_1, phylum_viewnameoption);
+     unparseitem kc_x = new impl_unparseitem_UnpStr(_languageoption_1, _CexpressionDQ_1, _viewnameoption_1);
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     kc_x = kc_initialize_unparseitem(kc_x);
+     return static_cast<impl_unparseitem_UnpStr*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_unparseitem_UnpSubexpr*
+ UnpSubexpr(languageoption _languageoption_1, unpsubterm _unpsubterm_1, viewnameoption _viewnameoption_1) {
+     assertPhylum(_languageoption_1, phylum_languageoption);
+     assertPhylum(_unpsubterm_1, phylum_unpsubterm);
+     assertPhylum(_viewnameoption_1, phylum_viewnameoption);
+     unparseitem kc_x = new impl_unparseitem_UnpSubexpr(_languageoption_1, _unpsubterm_1, _viewnameoption_1);
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     kc_x = kc_initialize_unparseitem(kc_x);
+     return static_cast<impl_unparseitem_UnpSubexpr*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_unparseitem_UnpCtext*
+ UnpCtext(languageoption _languageoption_1, Ctext _Ctext_1) {
+     assertPhylum(_languageoption_1, phylum_languageoption);
+     assertPhylum(_Ctext_1, phylum_Ctext);
+     unparseitem kc_x = new impl_unparseitem_UnpCtext(_languageoption_1, _Ctext_1);
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     kc_x = kc_initialize_unparseitem(kc_x);
+     return static_cast<impl_unparseitem_UnpCtext*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_unparseitem_UnpBody*
+ UnpBody(languageoption _languageoption_1, unparseitems _unparseitems_1) {
+     assertPhylum(_languageoption_1, phylum_languageoption);
+     assertPhylum(_unparseitems_1, phylum_unparseitems);
+     unparseitem kc_x = new impl_unparseitem_UnpBody(_languageoption_1, _unparseitems_1);
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     kc_x = kc_initialize_unparseitem(kc_x);
+     return static_cast<impl_unparseitem_UnpBody*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_unparseitem_UViewVarDecl*
+ UViewVarDecl(ID _ID_1, ID _ID_2, Cexpression _Cexpression_1) {
+     assertPhylum(_ID_1, phylum_ID);
+     assertPhylum(_ID_2, phylum_ID);
+     assertPhylum(_Cexpression_1, phylum_Cexpression);
+     unparseitem kc_x = new impl_unparseitem_UViewVarDecl(_ID_1, _ID_2, _Cexpression_1);
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     kc_x = kc_initialize_unparseitem(kc_x);
+     return static_cast<impl_unparseitem_UViewVarDecl*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_unpsubterm_UnpSubTerm*
+ UnpSubTerm(ID _ID_1) {
+     assertPhylum(_ID_1, phylum_ID);
+     unpsubterm kc_x = new impl_unpsubterm_UnpSubTerm(_ID_1);
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_unpsubterm_UnpSubTerm*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_unpsubterm_UnpDollarvarTerm*
+ UnpDollarvarTerm(INT _INT_1) {
+     assertPhylum(_INT_1, phylum_INT);
+     unpsubterm kc_x = new impl_unpsubterm_UnpDollarvarTerm(_INT_1);
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_UnpDollarvarTerm));
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_unpsubterm_UnpDollarvarTerm*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_unpsubterm_UnpSubAttr*
+ UnpSubAttr(ID _ID_1, unpattributes _unpattributes_1) {
+     assertPhylum(_ID_1, phylum_ID);
+     assertPhylum(_unpattributes_1, phylum_unpattributes);
+     unpsubterm kc_x = new impl_unpsubterm_UnpSubAttr(_ID_1, _unpattributes_1);
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_unpsubterm_UnpSubAttr*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_unpsubterm_UnpDollarvarAttr*
+ UnpDollarvarAttr(INT _INT_1, unpattributes _unpattributes_1) {
+     assertPhylum(_INT_1, phylum_INT);
+     assertPhylum(_unpattributes_1, phylum_unpattributes);
+     unpsubterm kc_x = new impl_unpsubterm_UnpDollarvarAttr(_INT_1, _unpattributes_1);
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_UnpDollarvarAttr));
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_unpsubterm_UnpDollarvarAttr*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_unpsubterm_UnpCastedVariable*
+ UnpCastedVariable(ID _ID_1, ID _ID_2) {
+     assertPhylum(_ID_1, phylum_ID);
+     assertPhylum(_ID_2, phylum_ID);
+     unpsubterm kc_x = new impl_unpsubterm_UnpCastedVariable(_ID_1, _ID_2);
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_UnpCastedVariable));
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_unpsubterm_UnpCastedVariable*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_unpattributes*
+ Nilunpattributes() {
+     unpattributes kc_x = new impl_unpattributes();
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_Nilunpattributes));
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_unpattributes*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_unpattributes*
+ Consunpattributes(ID _ID_1, unpattributes _unpattributes_1) {
+     assertPhylum(_ID_1, phylum_ID);
+     assertPhylum(_unpattributes_1, phylum_unpattributes);
+     unpattributes kc_x = new impl_unpattributes(_ID_1, _unpattributes_1);
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_Consunpattributes));
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_unpattributes*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_viewnameoption_NoViewname*
+ NoViewname() {
+     viewnameoption kc_x = new impl_viewnameoption_NoViewname();
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_viewnameoption_NoViewname*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_viewnameoption_YesViewname*
+ YesViewname(ID _ID_1) {
+     assertPhylum(_ID_1, phylum_ID);
+     viewnameoption kc_x = new impl_viewnameoption_YesViewname(_ID_1);
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_YesViewname));
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_viewnameoption_YesViewname*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_languageoption_NoLanguagename*
+ NoLanguagename() {
+     languageoption kc_x = new impl_languageoption_NoLanguagename();
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_NoLanguagename));
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_languageoption_NoLanguagename*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_languageoption_LanguageList*
+ LanguageList(languagenames _languagenames_1) {
+     assertPhylum(_languagenames_1, phylum_languagenames);
+     languageoption kc_x = new impl_languageoption_LanguageList(_languagenames_1);
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_LanguageList));
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_languageoption_LanguageList*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_languagenames*
+ Nillanguagenames() {
+     languagenames kc_x = new impl_languagenames();
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_Nillanguagenames));
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_languagenames*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_languagenames*
+ Conslanguagenames(ID _ID_1, languagenames _languagenames_1) {
+     assertPhylum(_ID_1, phylum_ID);
+     assertPhylum(_languagenames_1, phylum_languagenames);
+     languagenames kc_x = new impl_languagenames(_ID_1, _languagenames_1);
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_Conslanguagenames));
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_languagenames*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_fileline_FileLine*
+ FileLine(casestring _file, int _line) {
+     fileline kc_x = new impl_fileline_FileLine(_file, _line);
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_fileline_FileLine*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_fileline_NoFileLine*
+ NoFileLine() {
+     fileline kc_x = new impl_fileline_NoFileLine();
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_fileline_NoFileLine*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_fileline_PosNoFileLine*
+ PosNoFileLine() {
+     fileline kc_x = new impl_fileline_PosNoFileLine();
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_fileline_PosNoFileLine*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_scopetypefilelinestack*
+ Nilscopetypefilelinestack() {
+     scopetypefilelinestack kc_x = new impl_scopetypefilelinestack();
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_Nilscopetypefilelinestack));
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_EXISTINGNOTFOUND_STATS(sel_Nilscopetypefilelinestack));
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_scopetypefilelinestack*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_scopetypefilelinestack*
+ Consscopetypefilelinestack(scopetypefileline _scopetypefileline_1, scopetypefilelinestack _scopetypefilelinestack_1) {
+     assertPhylum(_scopetypefileline_1, phylum_scopetypefileline);
+     assertPhylum(_scopetypefilelinestack_1, phylum_scopetypefilelinestack);
+     scopetypefilelinestack kc_x = new impl_scopetypefilelinestack(_scopetypefileline_1, _scopetypefilelinestack_1);
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_Consscopetypefilelinestack));
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_EXISTINGNOTFOUND_STATS(sel_Consscopetypefilelinestack));
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_scopetypefilelinestack*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_scopetypefileline_ScopeTypeFileLine*
+ ScopeTypeFileLine(integer _integer_1, IDtype _IDtype_1, casestring _casestring_1, integer _integer_2) {
+     assertPhylum(_integer_1, phylum_integer);
+     assertPhylum(_IDtype_1, phylum_IDtype);
+     assertPhylum(_casestring_1, phylum_casestring);
+     assertPhylum(_integer_2, phylum_integer);
+     scopetypefileline kc_x = new impl_scopetypefileline_ScopeTypeFileLine(_integer_1, _IDtype_1, _casestring_1, _integer_2);
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_ScopeTypeFileLine));
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_scopetypefileline_ScopeTypeFileLine*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_IDtype_ITUnknown*
+ ITUnknown() {
+     IDtype kc_x = new impl_IDtype_ITUnknown();
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_IDtype_ITUnknown*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_IDtype_ITPredefinedPhylum*
+ ITPredefinedPhylum(phylumdeclaration _phylumdeclaration_1) {
+     assertPhylum(_phylumdeclaration_1, phylum_phylumdeclaration);
+     IDtype kc_x = new impl_IDtype_ITPredefinedPhylum(_phylumdeclaration_1);
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_ITPredefinedPhylum));
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_IDtype_ITPredefinedPhylum*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_IDtype_ITUserPhylum*
+ ITUserPhylum(phylumdeclaration _phylumdeclaration_1) {
+     assertPhylum(_phylumdeclaration_1, phylum_phylumdeclaration);
+     IDtype kc_x = new impl_IDtype_ITUserPhylum(_phylumdeclaration_1);
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_IDtype_ITUserPhylum*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_IDtype_ITPredefinedOperator*
+ ITPredefinedOperator(alternative _alternative_1, ID _ID_1) {
+     assertPhylum(_alternative_1, phylum_alternative);
+     assertPhylum(_ID_1, phylum_ID);
+     IDtype kc_x = new impl_IDtype_ITPredefinedOperator(_alternative_1, _ID_1);
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_ITPredefinedOperator));
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_IDtype_ITPredefinedOperator*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_IDtype_ITUserOperator*
+ ITUserOperator(alternative _alternative_1, ID _ID_1) {
+     assertPhylum(_alternative_1, phylum_alternative);
+     assertPhylum(_ID_1, phylum_ID);
+     IDtype kc_x = new impl_IDtype_ITUserOperator(_alternative_1, _ID_1);
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_IDtype_ITUserOperator*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_IDtype_ITPredefinedStorageClass*
+ ITPredefinedStorageClass() {
+     IDtype kc_x = new impl_IDtype_ITPredefinedStorageClass();
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_ITPredefinedStorageClass));
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_IDtype_ITPredefinedStorageClass*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_IDtype_ITStorageClass*
+ ITStorageClass() {
+     IDtype kc_x = new impl_IDtype_ITStorageClass();
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_IDtype_ITStorageClass*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_IDtype_ITPredefinedUView*
+ ITPredefinedUView() {
+     IDtype kc_x = new impl_IDtype_ITPredefinedUView();
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_ITPredefinedUView));
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_IDtype_ITPredefinedUView*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_IDtype_ITUserUView*
+ ITUserUView() {
+     IDtype kc_x = new impl_IDtype_ITUserUView();
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_IDtype_ITUserUView*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_IDtype_ITUViewVar*
+ ITUViewVar() {
+     IDtype kc_x = new impl_IDtype_ITUViewVar();
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_IDtype_ITUViewVar*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_IDtype_ITPredefinedRView*
+ ITPredefinedRView() {
+     IDtype kc_x = new impl_IDtype_ITPredefinedRView();
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_ITPredefinedRView));
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_IDtype_ITPredefinedRView*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_IDtype_ITUserRView*
+ ITUserRView() {
+     IDtype kc_x = new impl_IDtype_ITUserRView();
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_IDtype_ITUserRView*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_IDtype_ITUserFunction*
+ ITUserFunction(fnclass _fnclass_1) {
+     assertPhylum(_fnclass_1, phylum_fnclass);
+     IDtype kc_x = new impl_IDtype_ITUserFunction(_fnclass_1);
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_IDtype_ITUserFunction*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_IDtype_ITPatternVariable*
+ ITPatternVariable(ID _ID_1, integer _integer_1) {
+     assertPhylum(_ID_1, phylum_ID);
+     assertPhylum(_integer_1, phylum_integer);
+     IDtype kc_x = new impl_IDtype_ITPatternVariable(_ID_1, _integer_1);
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_ITPatternVariable));
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_IDtype_ITPatternVariable*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_IDtype_ITLanguageName*
+ ITLanguageName(integer _integer_1) {
+     assertPhylum(_integer_1, phylum_integer);
+     IDtype kc_x = new impl_IDtype_ITLanguageName(_integer_1);
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_IDtype_ITLanguageName*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_operators*
+ Niloperators() {
+     operators kc_x = new impl_operators();
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_Niloperators));
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_operators*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_operators*
+ Consoperators(ID _ID_1, operators _operators_1) {
+     assertPhylum(_ID_1, phylum_ID);
+     assertPhylum(_operators_1, phylum_operators);
+     operators kc_x = new impl_operators(_ID_1, _operators_1);
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_Consoperators));
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_operators*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_phyla*
+ Nilphyla() {
+     phyla kc_x = new impl_phyla();
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_phyla*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_phyla*
+ Consphyla(ID _ID_1, phyla _phyla_1) {
+     assertPhylum(_ID_1, phylum_ID);
+     assertPhylum(_phyla_1, phylum_phyla);
+     phyla kc_x = new impl_phyla(_ID_1, _phyla_1);
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_Consphyla));
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_phyla*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_variables*
+ Nilvariables() {
+     variables kc_x = new impl_variables();
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_Nilvariables));
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_variables*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_variables*
+ Consvariables(ID _ID_1, variables _variables_1) {
+     assertPhylum(_ID_1, phylum_ID);
+     assertPhylum(_variables_1, phylum_variables);
+     variables kc_x = new impl_variables(_ID_1, _variables_1);
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_Consvariables));
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_variables*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_dollarvarstatus_DVAllowed*
+ DVAllowed() {
+     dollarvarstatus kc_x = new impl_dollarvarstatus_DVAllowed();
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_dollarvarstatus_DVAllowed*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_dollarvarstatus_DVDisallowed*
+ DVDisallowed() {
+     dollarvarstatus kc_x = new impl_dollarvarstatus_DVDisallowed();
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_dollarvarstatus_DVDisallowed*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_tribool_Equal*
+ Equal() {
+     tribool kc_x = new impl_tribool_Equal();
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_tribool_Equal*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_tribool_Smaller*
+ Smaller() {
+     tribool kc_x = new impl_tribool_Smaller();
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_tribool_Smaller*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_tribool_Bigger*
+ Bigger() {
+     tribool kc_x = new impl_tribool_Bigger();
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_tribool_Bigger*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_patternrepresentations*
+ Nilpatternrepresentations() {
+     patternrepresentations kc_x = new impl_patternrepresentations();
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_Nilpatternrepresentations));
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_EXISTINGNOTFOUND_STATS(sel_Nilpatternrepresentations));
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_patternrepresentations*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_patternrepresentations*
+ Conspatternrepresentations(patternrepresentation _patternrepresentation_1, patternrepresentations _patternrepresentations_1) {
+     assertPhylum(_patternrepresentation_1, phylum_patternrepresentation);
+     assertPhylum(_patternrepresentations_1, phylum_patternrepresentations);
+     patternrepresentations kc_x = new impl_patternrepresentations(_patternrepresentation_1, _patternrepresentations_1);
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_Conspatternrepresentations));
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_EXISTINGNOTFOUND_STATS(sel_Conspatternrepresentations));
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_patternrepresentations*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_patternrepresentation*
+ Nilpatternrepresentation() {
+     patternrepresentation kc_x = new impl_patternrepresentation();
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_Nilpatternrepresentation));
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_EXISTINGNOTFOUND_STATS(sel_Nilpatternrepresentation));
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_patternrepresentation*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_patternrepresentation*
+ Conspatternrepresentation(elem_patternrepresentation _elem_patternrepresentation_1, patternrepresentation _patternrepresentation_1) {
+     assertPhylum(_elem_patternrepresentation_1, phylum_elem_patternrepresentation);
+     assertPhylum(_patternrepresentation_1, phylum_patternrepresentation);
+     patternrepresentation kc_x = new impl_patternrepresentation(_elem_patternrepresentation_1, _patternrepresentation_1);
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_Conspatternrepresentation));
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_EXISTINGNOTFOUND_STATS(sel_Conspatternrepresentation));
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_patternrepresentation*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_elem_patternrepresentation_PRBinding*
+ PRBinding(path _path_1, ID _ID_1) {
+     assertPhylum(_path_1, phylum_path);
+     assertPhylum(_ID_1, phylum_ID);
+     elem_patternrepresentation kc_x = new impl_elem_patternrepresentation_PRBinding(_path_1, _ID_1);
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     kc_x = kc_initialize_elem_patternrepresentation(kc_x);
+     return static_cast<impl_elem_patternrepresentation_PRBinding*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_elem_patternrepresentation_PRVarPredicate*
+ PRVarPredicate(paths _paths_1, ID _ID_1, patternrepresentation _patternrepresentation_1) {
+     assertPhylum(_paths_1, phylum_paths);
+     assertPhylum(_ID_1, phylum_ID);
+     assertPhylum(_patternrepresentation_1, phylum_patternrepresentation);
+     elem_patternrepresentation kc_x = new impl_elem_patternrepresentation_PRVarPredicate(_paths_1, _ID_1, _patternrepresentation_1);
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     kc_x = kc_initialize_elem_patternrepresentation(kc_x);
+     return static_cast<impl_elem_patternrepresentation_PRVarPredicate*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_elem_patternrepresentation_PROperPredicate*
+ PROperPredicate(path _path_1, ID _ID_1) {
+     assertPhylum(_path_1, phylum_path);
+     assertPhylum(_ID_1, phylum_ID);
+     elem_patternrepresentation kc_x = new impl_elem_patternrepresentation_PROperPredicate(_path_1, _ID_1);
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_PROperPredicate));
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     kc_x = kc_initialize_elem_patternrepresentation(kc_x);
+     return static_cast<impl_elem_patternrepresentation_PROperPredicate*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_elem_patternrepresentation_PRUserPredicate*
+ PRUserPredicate(Cexpression _Cexpression_1) {
+     assertPhylum(_Cexpression_1, phylum_Cexpression);
+     elem_patternrepresentation kc_x = new impl_elem_patternrepresentation_PRUserPredicate(_Cexpression_1);
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_PRUserPredicate));
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     kc_x = kc_initialize_elem_patternrepresentation(kc_x);
+     return static_cast<impl_elem_patternrepresentation_PRUserPredicate*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_elem_patternrepresentation_PRNonLeafBinding*
+ PRNonLeafBinding(path _path_1, ID _ID_1, patternrepresentation _patternrepresentation_1) {
+     assertPhylum(_path_1, phylum_path);
+     assertPhylum(_ID_1, phylum_ID);
+     assertPhylum(_patternrepresentation_1, phylum_patternrepresentation);
+     elem_patternrepresentation kc_x = new impl_elem_patternrepresentation_PRNonLeafBinding(_path_1, _ID_1, _patternrepresentation_1);
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     kc_x = kc_initialize_elem_patternrepresentation(kc_x);
+     return static_cast<impl_elem_patternrepresentation_PRNonLeafBinding*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_elem_patternrepresentation_PRWildcard*
+ PRWildcard(path _path_1) {
+     assertPhylum(_path_1, phylum_path);
+     elem_patternrepresentation kc_x = new impl_elem_patternrepresentation_PRWildcard(_path_1);
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     kc_x = kc_initialize_elem_patternrepresentation(kc_x);
+     return static_cast<impl_elem_patternrepresentation_PRWildcard*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_elem_patternrepresentation_PRDefault*
+ PRDefault() {
+     elem_patternrepresentation kc_x = new impl_elem_patternrepresentation_PRDefault();
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     kc_x = kc_initialize_elem_patternrepresentation(kc_x);
+     return static_cast<impl_elem_patternrepresentation_PRDefault*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_elem_patternrepresentation_PRStringLiteral*
+ PRStringLiteral(path _path_1, CexpressionDQ _CexpressionDQ_1) {
+     assertPhylum(_path_1, phylum_path);
+     assertPhylum(_CexpressionDQ_1, phylum_CexpressionDQ);
+     elem_patternrepresentation kc_x = new impl_elem_patternrepresentation_PRStringLiteral(_path_1, _CexpressionDQ_1);
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_PRStringLiteral));
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     kc_x = kc_initialize_elem_patternrepresentation(kc_x);
+     return static_cast<impl_elem_patternrepresentation_PRStringLiteral*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_elem_patternrepresentation_PRIntLiteral*
+ PRIntLiteral(path _path_1, INT _INT_1) {
+     assertPhylum(_path_1, phylum_path);
+     assertPhylum(_INT_1, phylum_INT);
+     elem_patternrepresentation kc_x = new impl_elem_patternrepresentation_PRIntLiteral(_path_1, _INT_1);
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     kc_x = kc_initialize_elem_patternrepresentation(kc_x);
+     return static_cast<impl_elem_patternrepresentation_PRIntLiteral*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_path*
+ Nilpath() {
+     path kc_x = new impl_path();
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     kc_x = kc_initialize_path(kc_x);
+     return static_cast<impl_path*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_path*
+ Conspath(integer _integer_1, path _path_1) {
+     assertPhylum(_integer_1, phylum_integer);
+     assertPhylum(_path_1, phylum_path);
+     path kc_x = new impl_path(_integer_1, _path_1);
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     kc_x = kc_initialize_path(kc_x);
+     return static_cast<impl_path*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_paths*
+ Nilpaths() {
+     paths kc_x = new impl_paths();
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_paths*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_paths*
+ Conspaths(path _path_1, paths _paths_1) {
+     assertPhylum(_path_1, phylum_path);
+     assertPhylum(_paths_1, phylum_paths);
+     paths kc_x = new impl_paths(_path_1, _paths_1);
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_Conspaths));
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_paths*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_argsnumbers*
+ Nilargsnumbers() {
+     argsnumbers kc_x = new impl_argsnumbers();
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_Nilargsnumbers));
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_argsnumbers*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_argsnumbers*
+ Consargsnumbers(integer _integer_1, argsnumbers _argsnumbers_1) {
+     assertPhylum(_integer_1, phylum_integer);
+     assertPhylum(_argsnumbers_1, phylum_argsnumbers);
+     argsnumbers kc_x = new impl_argsnumbers(_integer_1, _argsnumbers_1);
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_Consargsnumbers));
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_argsnumbers*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_rewriterulesinfo*
+ Nilrewriterulesinfo() {
+     rewriterulesinfo kc_x = new impl_rewriterulesinfo();
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_Nilrewriterulesinfo));
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_EXISTINGNOTFOUND_STATS(sel_Nilrewriterulesinfo));
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_rewriterulesinfo*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_rewriterulesinfo*
+ Consrewriterulesinfo(rewriteruleinfo _rewriteruleinfo_1, rewriterulesinfo _rewriterulesinfo_1) {
+     assertPhylum(_rewriteruleinfo_1, phylum_rewriteruleinfo);
+     assertPhylum(_rewriterulesinfo_1, phylum_rewriterulesinfo);
+     rewriterulesinfo kc_x = new impl_rewriterulesinfo(_rewriteruleinfo_1, _rewriterulesinfo_1);
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_Consrewriterulesinfo));
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_EXISTINGNOTFOUND_STATS(sel_Consrewriterulesinfo));
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_rewriterulesinfo*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_rewriteruleinfo_Rewriteruleinfo*
+ Rewriteruleinfo(patternrepresentation _patternrepresentation_1, patternrepresentation _patternrepresentation_2, rewriteclause _rewriteclause_1) {
+     assertPhylum(_patternrepresentation_1, phylum_patternrepresentation);
+     assertPhylum(_patternrepresentation_2, phylum_patternrepresentation);
+     assertPhylum(_rewriteclause_1, phylum_rewriteclause);
+     rewriteruleinfo kc_x = new impl_rewriteruleinfo_Rewriteruleinfo(_patternrepresentation_1, _patternrepresentation_2, _rewriteclause_1);
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_Rewriteruleinfo));
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_rewriteruleinfo_Rewriteruleinfo*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_withcasesinfo*
+ Nilwithcasesinfo() {
+     withcasesinfo kc_x = new impl_withcasesinfo();
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_Nilwithcasesinfo));
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_withcasesinfo*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_withcasesinfo*
+ Conswithcasesinfo(withcaseinfo _withcaseinfo_1, withcasesinfo _withcasesinfo_1) {
+     assertPhylum(_withcaseinfo_1, phylum_withcaseinfo);
+     assertPhylum(_withcasesinfo_1, phylum_withcasesinfo);
+     withcasesinfo kc_x = new impl_withcasesinfo(_withcaseinfo_1, _withcasesinfo_1);
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_Conswithcasesinfo));
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_withcasesinfo*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_withcaseinfo_Withcaseinfo*
+ Withcaseinfo(patternrepresentation _patternrepresentation_1, patternrepresentation _patternrepresentation_2, Ctext _Ctext_1) {
+     assertPhylum(_patternrepresentation_1, phylum_patternrepresentation);
+     assertPhylum(_patternrepresentation_2, phylum_patternrepresentation);
+     assertPhylum(_Ctext_1, phylum_Ctext);
+     withcaseinfo kc_x = new impl_withcaseinfo_Withcaseinfo(_patternrepresentation_1, _patternrepresentation_2, _Ctext_1);
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_Withcaseinfo));
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_withcaseinfo_Withcaseinfo*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_rewriteviewsinfo*
+ Nilrewriteviewsinfo() {
+     rewriteviewsinfo kc_x = new impl_rewriteviewsinfo();
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_Nilrewriteviewsinfo));
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_EXISTINGNOTFOUND_STATS(sel_Nilrewriteviewsinfo));
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_rewriteviewsinfo*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_rewriteviewsinfo*
+ Consrewriteviewsinfo(rewriteviewinfo _rewriteviewinfo_1, rewriteviewsinfo _rewriteviewsinfo_1) {
+     assertPhylum(_rewriteviewinfo_1, phylum_rewriteviewinfo);
+     assertPhylum(_rewriteviewsinfo_1, phylum_rewriteviewsinfo);
+     rewriteviewsinfo kc_x = new impl_rewriteviewsinfo(_rewriteviewinfo_1, _rewriteviewsinfo_1);
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_Consrewriteviewsinfo));
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_EXISTINGNOTFOUND_STATS(sel_Consrewriteviewsinfo));
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_rewriteviewsinfo*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_rewriteviewinfo_Rewriteviewinfo*
+ Rewriteviewinfo(ID _ID_1, rewriterulesinfo _rewriterulesinfo_1) {
+     assertPhylum(_ID_1, phylum_ID);
+     assertPhylum(_rewriterulesinfo_1, phylum_rewriterulesinfo);
+     rewriteviewinfo kc_x = new impl_rewriteviewinfo_Rewriteviewinfo(_ID_1, _rewriterulesinfo_1);
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_Rewriteviewinfo));
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_rewriteviewinfo_Rewriteviewinfo*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_unparseviewsinfo*
+ Nilunparseviewsinfo() {
+     unparseviewsinfo kc_x = new impl_unparseviewsinfo();
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_Nilunparseviewsinfo));
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_EXISTINGNOTFOUND_STATS(sel_Nilunparseviewsinfo));
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_unparseviewsinfo*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_unparseviewsinfo*
+ Consunparseviewsinfo(unparseviewinfo _unparseviewinfo_1, unparseviewsinfo _unparseviewsinfo_1) {
+     assertPhylum(_unparseviewinfo_1, phylum_unparseviewinfo);
+     assertPhylum(_unparseviewsinfo_1, phylum_unparseviewsinfo);
+     unparseviewsinfo kc_x = new impl_unparseviewsinfo(_unparseviewinfo_1, _unparseviewsinfo_1);
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_Consunparseviewsinfo));
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_EXISTINGNOTFOUND_STATS(sel_Consunparseviewsinfo));
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_unparseviewsinfo*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_unparseviewinfo_Unparseviewinfo*
+ Unparseviewinfo(ID _ID_1, unparsedeclsinfo _unparsedeclsinfo_1) {
+     assertPhylum(_ID_1, phylum_ID);
+     assertPhylum(_unparsedeclsinfo_1, phylum_unparsedeclsinfo);
+     unparseviewinfo kc_x = new impl_unparseviewinfo_Unparseviewinfo(_ID_1, _unparsedeclsinfo_1);
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_Unparseviewinfo));
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_unparseviewinfo_Unparseviewinfo*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_unparsedeclsinfo*
+ Nilunparsedeclsinfo() {
+     unparsedeclsinfo kc_x = new impl_unparsedeclsinfo();
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_Nilunparsedeclsinfo));
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_EXISTINGNOTFOUND_STATS(sel_Nilunparsedeclsinfo));
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_unparsedeclsinfo*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_unparsedeclsinfo*
+ Consunparsedeclsinfo(unparsedeclinfo _unparsedeclinfo_1, unparsedeclsinfo _unparsedeclsinfo_1) {
+     assertPhylum(_unparsedeclinfo_1, phylum_unparsedeclinfo);
+     assertPhylum(_unparsedeclsinfo_1, phylum_unparsedeclsinfo);
+     unparsedeclsinfo kc_x = new impl_unparsedeclsinfo(_unparsedeclinfo_1, _unparsedeclsinfo_1);
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_Consunparsedeclsinfo));
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_EXISTINGNOTFOUND_STATS(sel_Consunparsedeclsinfo));
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_unparsedeclsinfo*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_unparsedeclinfo_Unparsedeclinfo*
+ Unparsedeclinfo(patternrepresentation _patternrepresentation_1, patternrepresentation _patternrepresentation_2, unparseclause _unparseclause_1) {
+     assertPhylum(_patternrepresentation_1, phylum_patternrepresentation);
+     assertPhylum(_patternrepresentation_2, phylum_patternrepresentation);
+     assertPhylum(_unparseclause_1, phylum_unparseclause);
+     unparsedeclinfo kc_x = new impl_unparsedeclinfo_Unparsedeclinfo(_patternrepresentation_1, _patternrepresentation_2, _unparseclause_1);
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_Unparsedeclinfo));
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_unparsedeclinfo_Unparsedeclinfo*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_ac_declaration_AcDeclaration*
+ AcDeclaration(ac_declaration_specifiers _ac_declaration_specifiers_1, ac_init_declarator_list _ac_init_declarator_list_1) {
+     assertPhylum(_ac_declaration_specifiers_1, phylum_ac_declaration_specifiers);
+     assertPhylum(_ac_init_declarator_list_1, phylum_ac_init_declarator_list);
+     ac_declaration kc_x = new impl_ac_declaration_AcDeclaration(_ac_declaration_specifiers_1, _ac_init_declarator_list_1);
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_AcDeclaration));
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_ac_declaration_AcDeclaration*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_ac_declaration_list*
+ Nilac_declaration_list() {
+     ac_declaration_list kc_x = new impl_ac_declaration_list();
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_Nilac_declaration_list));
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_EXISTINGNOTFOUND_STATS(sel_Nilac_declaration_list));
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_ac_declaration_list*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_ac_declaration_list*
+ Consac_declaration_list(ac_declaration _ac_declaration_1, ac_declaration_list _ac_declaration_list_1) {
+     assertPhylum(_ac_declaration_1, phylum_ac_declaration);
+     assertPhylum(_ac_declaration_list_1, phylum_ac_declaration_list);
+     ac_declaration_list kc_x = new impl_ac_declaration_list(_ac_declaration_1, _ac_declaration_list_1);
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_Consac_declaration_list));
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_EXISTINGNOTFOUND_STATS(sel_Consac_declaration_list));
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_ac_declaration_list*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_ac_declaration_specifiers*
+ Nilac_declaration_specifiers() {
+     ac_declaration_specifiers kc_x = new impl_ac_declaration_specifiers();
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_Nilac_declaration_specifiers));
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_EXISTINGNOTFOUND_STATS(sel_Nilac_declaration_specifiers));
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_ac_declaration_specifiers*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_ac_declaration_specifiers*
+ Consac_declaration_specifiers(ac_declaration_specifier _ac_declaration_specifier_1, ac_declaration_specifiers _ac_declaration_specifiers_1) {
+     assertPhylum(_ac_declaration_specifier_1, phylum_ac_declaration_specifier);
+     assertPhylum(_ac_declaration_specifiers_1, phylum_ac_declaration_specifiers);
+     ac_declaration_specifiers kc_x = new impl_ac_declaration_specifiers(_ac_declaration_specifier_1, _ac_declaration_specifiers_1);
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_Consac_declaration_specifiers));
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_EXISTINGNOTFOUND_STATS(sel_Consac_declaration_specifiers));
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_ac_declaration_specifiers*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_ac_declaration_specifier_AcDeclSpecStorageSpec*
+ AcDeclSpecStorageSpec(ac_storage_class_specifier _ac_storage_class_specifier_1) {
+     assertPhylum(_ac_storage_class_specifier_1, phylum_ac_storage_class_specifier);
+     ac_declaration_specifier kc_x = new impl_ac_declaration_specifier_AcDeclSpecStorageSpec(_ac_storage_class_specifier_1);
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_AcDeclSpecStorageSpec));
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_ac_declaration_specifier_AcDeclSpecStorageSpec*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_ac_declaration_specifier_AcDeclSpecTypeSpec*
+ AcDeclSpecTypeSpec(ac_type_specifier _ac_type_specifier_1) {
+     assertPhylum(_ac_type_specifier_1, phylum_ac_type_specifier);
+     ac_declaration_specifier kc_x = new impl_ac_declaration_specifier_AcDeclSpecTypeSpec(_ac_type_specifier_1);
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_AcDeclSpecTypeSpec));
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_ac_declaration_specifier_AcDeclSpecTypeSpec*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_ac_declaration_specifier_AcDeclSpecTypeQual*
+ AcDeclSpecTypeQual(ac_type_qualifier _ac_type_qualifier_1) {
+     assertPhylum(_ac_type_qualifier_1, phylum_ac_type_qualifier);
+     ac_declaration_specifier kc_x = new impl_ac_declaration_specifier_AcDeclSpecTypeQual(_ac_type_qualifier_1);
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_AcDeclSpecTypeQual));
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_ac_declaration_specifier_AcDeclSpecTypeQual*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_ac_storage_class_specifier_AcAuto*
+ AcAuto() {
+     ac_storage_class_specifier kc_x = new impl_ac_storage_class_specifier_AcAuto();
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_ac_storage_class_specifier_AcAuto*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_ac_storage_class_specifier_AcRegister*
+ AcRegister() {
+     ac_storage_class_specifier kc_x = new impl_ac_storage_class_specifier_AcRegister();
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_ac_storage_class_specifier_AcRegister*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_ac_storage_class_specifier_AcStatic*
+ AcStatic() {
+     ac_storage_class_specifier kc_x = new impl_ac_storage_class_specifier_AcStatic();
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_ac_storage_class_specifier_AcStatic*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_ac_storage_class_specifier_AcExtern*
+ AcExtern() {
+     ac_storage_class_specifier kc_x = new impl_ac_storage_class_specifier_AcExtern();
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_ac_storage_class_specifier_AcExtern*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_ac_storage_class_specifier_AcTypedef*
+ AcTypedef() {
+     ac_storage_class_specifier kc_x = new impl_ac_storage_class_specifier_AcTypedef();
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_ac_storage_class_specifier_AcTypedef*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_ac_storage_class_specifier_AcVirtual*
+ AcVirtual() {
+     ac_storage_class_specifier kc_x = new impl_ac_storage_class_specifier_AcVirtual();
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_ac_storage_class_specifier_AcVirtual*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_ac_type_specifier_AcTypeSpec*
+ AcTypeSpec(ID _ID_1) {
+     assertPhylum(_ID_1, phylum_ID);
+     ac_type_specifier kc_x = new impl_ac_type_specifier_AcTypeSpec(_ID_1);
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_ac_type_specifier_AcTypeSpec*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_ac_type_qualifier_AcConst*
+ AcConst() {
+     ac_type_qualifier kc_x = new impl_ac_type_qualifier_AcConst();
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_ac_type_qualifier_AcConst*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_ac_type_qualifier_AcVolatile*
+ AcVolatile() {
+     ac_type_qualifier kc_x = new impl_ac_type_qualifier_AcVolatile();
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_ac_type_qualifier_AcVolatile*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_ac_type_qualifier_AcUnsigned*
+ AcUnsigned() {
+     ac_type_qualifier kc_x = new impl_ac_type_qualifier_AcUnsigned();
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_ac_type_qualifier_AcUnsigned*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_ac_type_qualifier_AcNoQualifier*
+ AcNoQualifier() {
+     ac_type_qualifier kc_x = new impl_ac_type_qualifier_AcNoQualifier();
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_AcNoQualifier));
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_ac_type_qualifier_AcNoQualifier*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_ac_init_declarator_list*
+ Nilac_init_declarator_list() {
+     ac_init_declarator_list kc_x = new impl_ac_init_declarator_list();
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_Nilac_init_declarator_list));
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_EXISTINGNOTFOUND_STATS(sel_Nilac_init_declarator_list));
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_ac_init_declarator_list*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_ac_init_declarator_list*
+ Consac_init_declarator_list(ac_init_declarator _ac_init_declarator_1, ac_init_declarator_list _ac_init_declarator_list_1) {
+     assertPhylum(_ac_init_declarator_1, phylum_ac_init_declarator);
+     assertPhylum(_ac_init_declarator_list_1, phylum_ac_init_declarator_list);
+     ac_init_declarator_list kc_x = new impl_ac_init_declarator_list(_ac_init_declarator_1, _ac_init_declarator_list_1);
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_Consac_init_declarator_list));
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_EXISTINGNOTFOUND_STATS(sel_Consac_init_declarator_list));
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_ac_init_declarator_list*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_ac_init_declarator_AcInitDecl*
+ AcInitDecl(ac_declarator _ac_declarator_1) {
+     assertPhylum(_ac_declarator_1, phylum_ac_declarator);
+     ac_init_declarator kc_x = new impl_ac_init_declarator_AcInitDecl(_ac_declarator_1);
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_ac_init_declarator_AcInitDecl*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_ac_declarator_AcDeclarator*
+ AcDeclarator(ac_pointer_option _ac_pointer_option_1, ac_ref_option _ac_ref_option_1, ac_direct_declarator _ac_direct_declarator_1) {
+     assertPhylum(_ac_pointer_option_1, phylum_ac_pointer_option);
+     assertPhylum(_ac_ref_option_1, phylum_ac_ref_option);
+     assertPhylum(_ac_direct_declarator_1, phylum_ac_direct_declarator);
+     ac_declarator kc_x = new impl_ac_declarator_AcDeclarator(_ac_pointer_option_1, _ac_ref_option_1, _ac_direct_declarator_1);
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_AcDeclarator));
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_ac_declarator_AcDeclarator*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_ac_direct_declarator_AcDirectDeclId*
+ AcDirectDeclId(ID _ID_1) {
+     assertPhylum(_ID_1, phylum_ID);
+     ac_direct_declarator kc_x = new impl_ac_direct_declarator_AcDirectDeclId(_ID_1);
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_ac_direct_declarator_AcDirectDeclId*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_ac_direct_declarator_AcDirectDeclPack*
+ AcDirectDeclPack(ac_declarator _ac_declarator_1) {
+     assertPhylum(_ac_declarator_1, phylum_ac_declarator);
+     ac_direct_declarator kc_x = new impl_ac_direct_declarator_AcDirectDeclPack(_ac_declarator_1);
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_AcDirectDeclPack));
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_ac_direct_declarator_AcDirectDeclPack*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_ac_direct_declarator_AcDirectDeclArray*
+ AcDirectDeclArray(ac_direct_declarator _ac_direct_declarator_1, ac_constant_expression_option _ac_constant_expression_option_1) {
+     assertPhylum(_ac_direct_declarator_1, phylum_ac_direct_declarator);
+     assertPhylum(_ac_constant_expression_option_1, phylum_ac_constant_expression_option);
+     ac_direct_declarator kc_x = new impl_ac_direct_declarator_AcDirectDeclArray(_ac_direct_declarator_1, _ac_constant_expression_option_1);
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_AcDirectDeclArray));
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_ac_direct_declarator_AcDirectDeclArray*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_ac_direct_declarator_AcDirectDeclProto*
+ AcDirectDeclProto(ac_direct_declarator _ac_direct_declarator_1, ac_parameter_type_list _ac_parameter_type_list_1) {
+     assertPhylum(_ac_direct_declarator_1, phylum_ac_direct_declarator);
+     assertPhylum(_ac_parameter_type_list_1, phylum_ac_parameter_type_list);
+     ac_direct_declarator kc_x = new impl_ac_direct_declarator_AcDirectDeclProto(_ac_direct_declarator_1, _ac_parameter_type_list_1);
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_AcDirectDeclProto));
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_ac_direct_declarator_AcDirectDeclProto*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_ac_direct_declarator_AcQualifiedDeclProto*
+ AcQualifiedDeclProto(ac_class_qualifier_list _ac_class_qualifier_list_1, ac_direct_declarator _ac_direct_declarator_1, ac_parameter_type_list _ac_parameter_type_list_1, ac_type_qualifier _ac_type_qualifier_1) {
+     assertPhylum(_ac_class_qualifier_list_1, phylum_ac_class_qualifier_list);
+     assertPhylum(_ac_direct_declarator_1, phylum_ac_direct_declarator);
+     assertPhylum(_ac_parameter_type_list_1, phylum_ac_parameter_type_list);
+     assertPhylum(_ac_type_qualifier_1, phylum_ac_type_qualifier);
+     ac_direct_declarator kc_x = new impl_ac_direct_declarator_AcQualifiedDeclProto(_ac_class_qualifier_list_1, _ac_direct_declarator_1, _ac_parameter_type_list_1, _ac_type_qualifier_1);
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_AcQualifiedDeclProto));
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_ac_direct_declarator_AcQualifiedDeclProto*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_ac_direct_declarator_AcMemberDecl*
+ AcMemberDecl(ID _ID_1, ID _ID_2, ac_constant_expression_list _ac_constant_expression_list_1) {
+     assertPhylum(_ID_1, phylum_ID);
+     assertPhylum(_ID_2, phylum_ID);
+     assertPhylum(_ac_constant_expression_list_1, phylum_ac_constant_expression_list);
+     ac_direct_declarator kc_x = new impl_ac_direct_declarator_AcMemberDecl(_ID_1, _ID_2, _ac_constant_expression_list_1);
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_ac_direct_declarator_AcMemberDecl*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_ac_direct_declarator_AcConvOperatorDecl*
+ AcConvOperatorDecl(ID _ID_1, ID _ID_2) {
+     assertPhylum(_ID_1, phylum_ID);
+     assertPhylum(_ID_2, phylum_ID);
+     ac_direct_declarator kc_x = new impl_ac_direct_declarator_AcConvOperatorDecl(_ID_1, _ID_2);
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_AcConvOperatorDecl));
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_ac_direct_declarator_AcConvOperatorDecl*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_ac_direct_declarator_AcOperatorDeclId*
+ AcOperatorDeclId(ac_operator_name _ac_operator_name_1) {
+     assertPhylum(_ac_operator_name_1, phylum_ac_operator_name);
+     ac_direct_declarator kc_x = new impl_ac_direct_declarator_AcOperatorDeclId(_ac_operator_name_1);
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_AcOperatorDeclId));
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_ac_direct_declarator_AcOperatorDeclId*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_ac_pointer_option_Nopointer*
+ Nopointer() {
+     ac_pointer_option kc_x = new impl_ac_pointer_option_Nopointer();
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_Nopointer));
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_ac_pointer_option_Nopointer*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_ac_pointer_option_Yespointer*
+ Yespointer(ac_pointer _ac_pointer_1) {
+     assertPhylum(_ac_pointer_1, phylum_ac_pointer);
+     ac_pointer_option kc_x = new impl_ac_pointer_option_Yespointer(_ac_pointer_1);
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_Yespointer));
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_ac_pointer_option_Yespointer*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_ac_pointer_AcPointerNil*
+ AcPointerNil(ac_type_qualifier_list _ac_type_qualifier_list_1) {
+     assertPhylum(_ac_type_qualifier_list_1, phylum_ac_type_qualifier_list);
+     ac_pointer kc_x = new impl_ac_pointer_AcPointerNil(_ac_type_qualifier_list_1);
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_ac_pointer_AcPointerNil*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_ac_pointer_AcPointerCons*
+ AcPointerCons(ac_type_qualifier_list _ac_type_qualifier_list_1, ac_pointer _ac_pointer_1) {
+     assertPhylum(_ac_type_qualifier_list_1, phylum_ac_type_qualifier_list);
+     assertPhylum(_ac_pointer_1, phylum_ac_pointer);
+     ac_pointer kc_x = new impl_ac_pointer_AcPointerCons(_ac_type_qualifier_list_1, _ac_pointer_1);
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_AcPointerCons));
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_ac_pointer_AcPointerCons*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_ac_ref_option_AcNoRef*
+ AcNoRef() {
+     ac_ref_option kc_x = new impl_ac_ref_option_AcNoRef();
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_ac_ref_option_AcNoRef*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_ac_ref_option_AcRef*
+ AcRef() {
+     ac_ref_option kc_x = new impl_ac_ref_option_AcRef();
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_ac_ref_option_AcRef*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_ac_operator_name_AcOperatorName*
+ AcOperatorName(casestring _casestring_1) {
+     assertPhylum(_casestring_1, phylum_casestring);
+     ac_operator_name kc_x = new impl_ac_operator_name_AcOperatorName(_casestring_1);
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_AcOperatorName));
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     kc_x = kc_initialize_ac_operator_name(kc_x);
+     return static_cast<impl_ac_operator_name_AcOperatorName*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_ac_class_qualifier_help_list*
+ Nilac_class_qualifier_help_list() {
+     ac_class_qualifier_help_list kc_x = new impl_ac_class_qualifier_help_list();
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_Nilac_class_qualifier_help_list));
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_EXISTINGNOTFOUND_STATS(sel_Nilac_class_qualifier_help_list));
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_ac_class_qualifier_help_list*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_ac_class_qualifier_help_list*
+ Consac_class_qualifier_help_list(ac_direct_declarator _ac_direct_declarator_1, ac_class_qualifier_help_list _ac_class_qualifier_help_list_1) {
+     assertPhylum(_ac_direct_declarator_1, phylum_ac_direct_declarator);
+     assertPhylum(_ac_class_qualifier_help_list_1, phylum_ac_class_qualifier_help_list);
+     ac_class_qualifier_help_list kc_x = new impl_ac_class_qualifier_help_list(_ac_direct_declarator_1, _ac_class_qualifier_help_list_1);
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_Consac_class_qualifier_help_list));
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_EXISTINGNOTFOUND_STATS(sel_Consac_class_qualifier_help_list));
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_ac_class_qualifier_help_list*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_ac_class_qualifier_list*
+ Nilac_class_qualifier_list() {
+     ac_class_qualifier_list kc_x = new impl_ac_class_qualifier_list();
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_Nilac_class_qualifier_list));
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_EXISTINGNOTFOUND_STATS(sel_Nilac_class_qualifier_list));
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_ac_class_qualifier_list*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_ac_class_qualifier_list*
+ Consac_class_qualifier_list(ID _ID_1, ac_class_qualifier_list _ac_class_qualifier_list_1) {
+     assertPhylum(_ID_1, phylum_ID);
+     assertPhylum(_ac_class_qualifier_list_1, phylum_ac_class_qualifier_list);
+     ac_class_qualifier_list kc_x = new impl_ac_class_qualifier_list(_ID_1, _ac_class_qualifier_list_1);
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_Consac_class_qualifier_list));
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_EXISTINGNOTFOUND_STATS(sel_Consac_class_qualifier_list));
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_ac_class_qualifier_list*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_ac_type_qualifier_list*
+ Nilac_type_qualifier_list() {
+     ac_type_qualifier_list kc_x = new impl_ac_type_qualifier_list();
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_Nilac_type_qualifier_list));
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_EXISTINGNOTFOUND_STATS(sel_Nilac_type_qualifier_list));
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_ac_type_qualifier_list*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_ac_type_qualifier_list*
+ Consac_type_qualifier_list(ac_type_qualifier _ac_type_qualifier_1, ac_type_qualifier_list _ac_type_qualifier_list_1) {
+     assertPhylum(_ac_type_qualifier_1, phylum_ac_type_qualifier);
+     assertPhylum(_ac_type_qualifier_list_1, phylum_ac_type_qualifier_list);
+     ac_type_qualifier_list kc_x = new impl_ac_type_qualifier_list(_ac_type_qualifier_1, _ac_type_qualifier_list_1);
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_Consac_type_qualifier_list));
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_EXISTINGNOTFOUND_STATS(sel_Consac_type_qualifier_list));
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_ac_type_qualifier_list*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_ac_parameter_type_list_AcParList*
+ AcParList(ac_parameter_list _ac_parameter_list_1) {
+     assertPhylum(_ac_parameter_list_1, phylum_ac_parameter_list);
+     ac_parameter_type_list kc_x = new impl_ac_parameter_type_list_AcParList(_ac_parameter_list_1);
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_ac_parameter_type_list_AcParList*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_ac_parameter_type_list_AcParList3Dot*
+ AcParList3Dot(ac_parameter_list _ac_parameter_list_1) {
+     assertPhylum(_ac_parameter_list_1, phylum_ac_parameter_list);
+     ac_parameter_type_list kc_x = new impl_ac_parameter_type_list_AcParList3Dot(_ac_parameter_list_1);
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_ac_parameter_type_list_AcParList3Dot*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_ac_parameter_list*
+ Nilac_parameter_list() {
+     ac_parameter_list kc_x = new impl_ac_parameter_list();
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_Nilac_parameter_list));
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_EXISTINGNOTFOUND_STATS(sel_Nilac_parameter_list));
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_ac_parameter_list*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_ac_parameter_list*
+ Consac_parameter_list(ac_parameter_declaration _ac_parameter_declaration_1, ac_parameter_list _ac_parameter_list_1) {
+     assertPhylum(_ac_parameter_declaration_1, phylum_ac_parameter_declaration);
+     assertPhylum(_ac_parameter_list_1, phylum_ac_parameter_list);
+     ac_parameter_list kc_x = new impl_ac_parameter_list(_ac_parameter_declaration_1, _ac_parameter_list_1);
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_Consac_parameter_list));
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_EXISTINGNOTFOUND_STATS(sel_Consac_parameter_list));
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_ac_parameter_list*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_ac_parameter_declaration_AcParDeclDecl*
+ AcParDeclDecl(ac_declaration_specifiers _ac_declaration_specifiers_1, ac_declarator _ac_declarator_1, ac_constant_expression_option _ac_constant_expression_option_1) {
+     assertPhylum(_ac_declaration_specifiers_1, phylum_ac_declaration_specifiers);
+     assertPhylum(_ac_declarator_1, phylum_ac_declarator);
+     assertPhylum(_ac_constant_expression_option_1, phylum_ac_constant_expression_option);
+     ac_parameter_declaration kc_x = new impl_ac_parameter_declaration_AcParDeclDecl(_ac_declaration_specifiers_1, _ac_declarator_1, _ac_constant_expression_option_1);
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_ac_parameter_declaration_AcParDeclDecl*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_ac_parameter_declaration_AcParDeclAbsdecl*
+ AcParDeclAbsdecl(ac_declaration_specifiers _ac_declaration_specifiers_1, ac_abstract_declarator _ac_abstract_declarator_1, ac_constant_expression_option _ac_constant_expression_option_1) {
+     assertPhylum(_ac_declaration_specifiers_1, phylum_ac_declaration_specifiers);
+     assertPhylum(_ac_abstract_declarator_1, phylum_ac_abstract_declarator);
+     assertPhylum(_ac_constant_expression_option_1, phylum_ac_constant_expression_option);
+     ac_parameter_declaration kc_x = new impl_ac_parameter_declaration_AcParDeclAbsdecl(_ac_declaration_specifiers_1, _ac_abstract_declarator_1, _ac_constant_expression_option_1);
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_AcParDeclAbsdecl));
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_ac_parameter_declaration_AcParDeclAbsdecl*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_ac_identifier_list*
+ Nilac_identifier_list() {
+     ac_identifier_list kc_x = new impl_ac_identifier_list();
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_Nilac_identifier_list));
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_EXISTINGNOTFOUND_STATS(sel_Nilac_identifier_list));
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_ac_identifier_list*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_ac_identifier_list*
+ Consac_identifier_list(ID _ID_1, ac_identifier_list _ac_identifier_list_1) {
+     assertPhylum(_ID_1, phylum_ID);
+     assertPhylum(_ac_identifier_list_1, phylum_ac_identifier_list);
+     ac_identifier_list kc_x = new impl_ac_identifier_list(_ID_1, _ac_identifier_list_1);
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_Consac_identifier_list));
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_EXISTINGNOTFOUND_STATS(sel_Consac_identifier_list));
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_ac_identifier_list*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_ac_abstract_declarator_AcAbsdeclPointer*
+ AcAbsdeclPointer(ac_pointer _ac_pointer_1) {
+     assertPhylum(_ac_pointer_1, phylum_ac_pointer);
+     ac_abstract_declarator kc_x = new impl_ac_abstract_declarator_AcAbsdeclPointer(_ac_pointer_1);
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_AcAbsdeclPointer));
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_ac_abstract_declarator_AcAbsdeclPointer*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_ac_abstract_declarator_AcAbsdeclDirdecl*
+ AcAbsdeclDirdecl(ac_pointer_option _ac_pointer_option_1, ac_direct_abstract_declarator _ac_direct_abstract_declarator_1) {
+     assertPhylum(_ac_pointer_option_1, phylum_ac_pointer_option);
+     assertPhylum(_ac_direct_abstract_declarator_1, phylum_ac_direct_abstract_declarator);
+     ac_abstract_declarator kc_x = new impl_ac_abstract_declarator_AcAbsdeclDirdecl(_ac_pointer_option_1, _ac_direct_abstract_declarator_1);
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_AcAbsdeclDirdecl));
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_ac_abstract_declarator_AcAbsdeclDirdecl*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_ac_direct_abstract_declarator_option_Noac_direct_abstract_declarator*
+ Noac_direct_abstract_declarator() {
+     ac_direct_abstract_declarator_option kc_x = new impl_ac_direct_abstract_declarator_option_Noac_direct_abstract_declarator();
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_Noac_direct_abstract_declarator));
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_EXISTINGNOTFOUND_STATS(sel_Noac_direct_abstract_declarator));
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_ac_direct_abstract_declarator_option_Noac_direct_abstract_declarator*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_ac_direct_abstract_declarator_option_Yesac_direct_abstract_declarator*
+ Yesac_direct_abstract_declarator(ac_direct_abstract_declarator _ac_direct_abstract_declarator_1) {
+     assertPhylum(_ac_direct_abstract_declarator_1, phylum_ac_direct_abstract_declarator);
+     ac_direct_abstract_declarator_option kc_x = new impl_ac_direct_abstract_declarator_option_Yesac_direct_abstract_declarator(_ac_direct_abstract_declarator_1);
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_Yesac_direct_abstract_declarator));
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_EXISTINGNOTFOUND_STATS(sel_Yesac_direct_abstract_declarator));
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_ac_direct_abstract_declarator_option_Yesac_direct_abstract_declarator*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_ac_direct_abstract_declarator_AcDirAbsdeclPack*
+ AcDirAbsdeclPack(ac_abstract_declarator _ac_abstract_declarator_1) {
+     assertPhylum(_ac_abstract_declarator_1, phylum_ac_abstract_declarator);
+     ac_direct_abstract_declarator kc_x = new impl_ac_direct_abstract_declarator_AcDirAbsdeclPack(_ac_abstract_declarator_1);
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_AcDirAbsdeclPack));
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_ac_direct_abstract_declarator_AcDirAbsdeclPack*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_ac_direct_abstract_declarator_AcDirAbsdeclArray*
+ AcDirAbsdeclArray(ac_direct_abstract_declarator_option _ac_direct_abstract_declarator_option_1, ac_constant_expression_option _ac_constant_expression_option_1) {
+     assertPhylum(_ac_direct_abstract_declarator_option_1, phylum_ac_direct_abstract_declarator_option);
+     assertPhylum(_ac_constant_expression_option_1, phylum_ac_constant_expression_option);
+     ac_direct_abstract_declarator kc_x = new impl_ac_direct_abstract_declarator_AcDirAbsdeclArray(_ac_direct_abstract_declarator_option_1, _ac_constant_expression_option_1);
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_AcDirAbsdeclArray));
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_ac_direct_abstract_declarator_AcDirAbsdeclArray*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_ac_direct_abstract_declarator_AcDirAbsdeclFn*
+ AcDirAbsdeclFn(ac_direct_abstract_declarator_option _ac_direct_abstract_declarator_option_1, ac_parameter_type_list _ac_parameter_type_list_1) {
+     assertPhylum(_ac_direct_abstract_declarator_option_1, phylum_ac_direct_abstract_declarator_option);
+     assertPhylum(_ac_parameter_type_list_1, phylum_ac_parameter_type_list);
+     ac_direct_abstract_declarator kc_x = new impl_ac_direct_abstract_declarator_AcDirAbsdeclFn(_ac_direct_abstract_declarator_option_1, _ac_parameter_type_list_1);
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_ac_direct_abstract_declarator_AcDirAbsdeclFn*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_ac_constant_expression_option_Yesac_constant_expression*
+ Yesac_constant_expression(ac_constant_expression _ac_constant_expression_1) {
+     assertPhylum(_ac_constant_expression_1, phylum_ac_constant_expression);
+     ac_constant_expression_option kc_x = new impl_ac_constant_expression_option_Yesac_constant_expression(_ac_constant_expression_1);
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_Yesac_constant_expression));
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_EXISTINGNOTFOUND_STATS(sel_Yesac_constant_expression));
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_ac_constant_expression_option_Yesac_constant_expression*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_ac_constant_expression_option_Noac_constant_expression*
+ Noac_constant_expression() {
+     ac_constant_expression_option kc_x = new impl_ac_constant_expression_option_Noac_constant_expression();
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_Noac_constant_expression));
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_EXISTINGNOTFOUND_STATS(sel_Noac_constant_expression));
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_ac_constant_expression_option_Noac_constant_expression*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_ac_constant_expression_AcConstExpr*
+ AcConstExpr(Cexpression _Cexpression_1) {
+     assertPhylum(_Cexpression_1, phylum_Cexpression);
+     ac_constant_expression kc_x = new impl_ac_constant_expression_AcConstExpr(_Cexpression_1);
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_ac_constant_expression_AcConstExpr*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_ac_constant_expression_list*
+ Nilac_constant_expression_list() {
+     ac_constant_expression_list kc_x = new impl_ac_constant_expression_list();
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_Nilac_constant_expression_list));
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_EXISTINGNOTFOUND_STATS(sel_Nilac_constant_expression_list));
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_ac_constant_expression_list*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_ac_constant_expression_list*
+ Consac_constant_expression_list(ac_constant_expression _ac_constant_expression_1, ac_constant_expression_list _ac_constant_expression_list_1) {
+     assertPhylum(_ac_constant_expression_1, phylum_ac_constant_expression);
+     assertPhylum(_ac_constant_expression_list_1, phylum_ac_constant_expression_list);
+     ac_constant_expression_list kc_x = new impl_ac_constant_expression_list(_ac_constant_expression_1, _ac_constant_expression_list_1);
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_Consac_constant_expression_list));
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_EXISTINGNOTFOUND_STATS(sel_Consac_constant_expression_list));
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_ac_constant_expression_list*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_ac_opt_base_init_list_AcNoBaseInit*
+ AcNoBaseInit() {
+     ac_opt_base_init_list kc_x = new impl_ac_opt_base_init_list_AcNoBaseInit();
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_ac_opt_base_init_list_AcNoBaseInit*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_ac_opt_base_init_list_AcYesBaseInit*
+ AcYesBaseInit(ac_base_init_list _ac_base_init_list_1) {
+     assertPhylum(_ac_base_init_list_1, phylum_ac_base_init_list);
+     ac_opt_base_init_list kc_x = new impl_ac_opt_base_init_list_AcYesBaseInit(_ac_base_init_list_1);
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_ac_opt_base_init_list_AcYesBaseInit*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_ac_base_init_list*
+ Nilac_base_init_list() {
+     ac_base_init_list kc_x = new impl_ac_base_init_list();
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_Nilac_base_init_list));
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_EXISTINGNOTFOUND_STATS(sel_Nilac_base_init_list));
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_ac_base_init_list*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_ac_base_init_list*
+ Consac_base_init_list(ac_base_init _ac_base_init_1, ac_base_init_list _ac_base_init_list_1) {
+     assertPhylum(_ac_base_init_1, phylum_ac_base_init);
+     assertPhylum(_ac_base_init_list_1, phylum_ac_base_init_list);
+     ac_base_init_list kc_x = new impl_ac_base_init_list(_ac_base_init_1, _ac_base_init_list_1);
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_Consac_base_init_list));
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_EXISTINGNOTFOUND_STATS(sel_Consac_base_init_list));
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_ac_base_init_list*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_ac_base_init_AcBaseInit*
+ AcBaseInit(ID _ID_1, ac_constant_expression _ac_constant_expression_1) {
+     assertPhylum(_ID_1, phylum_ID);
+     assertPhylum(_ac_constant_expression_1, phylum_ac_constant_expression);
+     ac_base_init kc_x = new impl_ac_base_init_AcBaseInit(_ID_1, _ac_constant_expression_1);
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_ac_base_init_AcBaseInit*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_baseclass_declarations*
+ Nilbaseclass_declarations() {
+     baseclass_declarations kc_x = new impl_baseclass_declarations();
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_Nilbaseclass_declarations));
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_EXISTINGNOTFOUND_STATS(sel_Nilbaseclass_declarations));
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_baseclass_declarations*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_baseclass_declarations*
+ Consbaseclass_declarations(baseclass_decl _baseclass_decl_1, baseclass_declarations _baseclass_declarations_1) {
+     assertPhylum(_baseclass_decl_1, phylum_baseclass_decl);
+     assertPhylum(_baseclass_declarations_1, phylum_baseclass_declarations);
+     baseclass_declarations kc_x = new impl_baseclass_declarations(_baseclass_decl_1, _baseclass_declarations_1);
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_Consbaseclass_declarations));
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_EXISTINGNOTFOUND_STATS(sel_Consbaseclass_declarations));
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_baseclass_declarations*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_baseclass_decl_BaseClassDecl*
+ BaseClassDecl(ID _ID_1, baseclass_list _baseclass_list_1) {
+     assertPhylum(_ID_1, phylum_ID);
+     assertPhylum(_baseclass_list_1, phylum_baseclass_list);
+     baseclass_decl kc_x = new impl_baseclass_decl_BaseClassDecl(_ID_1, _baseclass_list_1);
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_BaseClassDecl));
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_baseclass_decl_BaseClassDecl*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_baseclass_list*
+ Nilbaseclass_list() {
+     baseclass_list kc_x = new impl_baseclass_list();
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_Nilbaseclass_list));
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_baseclass_list*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_baseclass_list*
+ Consbaseclass_list(ID _ID_1, baseclass_list _baseclass_list_1) {
+     assertPhylum(_ID_1, phylum_ID);
+     assertPhylum(_baseclass_list_1, phylum_baseclass_list);
+     baseclass_list kc_x = new impl_baseclass_list(_ID_1, _baseclass_list_1);
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_Consbaseclass_list));
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_baseclass_list*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_error_Fatal*
+ Fatal(fileline _fileline_1, problem _problem_1) {
+     assertPhylum(_fileline_1, phylum_fileline);
+     assertPhylum(_problem_1, phylum_problem);
+     error kc_x = new impl_error_Fatal(_fileline_1, _problem_1);
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_error_Fatal*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_error_NonFatal*
+ NonFatal(fileline _fileline_1, problem _problem_1) {
+     assertPhylum(_fileline_1, phylum_fileline);
+     assertPhylum(_problem_1, phylum_problem);
+     error kc_x = new impl_error_NonFatal(_fileline_1, _problem_1);
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_error_NonFatal*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_error_Warning*
+ Warning(fileline _fileline_1, problem _problem_1) {
+     assertPhylum(_fileline_1, phylum_fileline);
+     assertPhylum(_problem_1, phylum_problem);
+     error kc_x = new impl_error_Warning(_fileline_1, _problem_1);
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_error_Warning*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_problem_Problem1*
+ Problem1(casestring _casestring_1) {
+     assertPhylum(_casestring_1, phylum_casestring);
+     problem kc_x = new impl_problem_Problem1(_casestring_1);
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_problem_Problem1*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_problem_Problem1ID*
+ Problem1ID(casestring _casestring_1, ID _ID_1) {
+     assertPhylum(_casestring_1, phylum_casestring);
+     assertPhylum(_ID_1, phylum_ID);
+     problem kc_x = new impl_problem_Problem1ID(_casestring_1, _ID_1);
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_problem_Problem1ID*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_problem_Problem1tID*
+ Problem1tID(casestring _casestring_1, ID _ID_1) {
+     assertPhylum(_casestring_1, phylum_casestring);
+     assertPhylum(_ID_1, phylum_ID);
+     problem kc_x = new impl_problem_Problem1tID(_casestring_1, _ID_1);
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_problem_Problem1tID*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_problem_Problem1we*
+ Problem1we(casestring _casestring_1, withexpression _withexpression_1) {
+     assertPhylum(_casestring_1, phylum_casestring);
+     assertPhylum(_withexpression_1, phylum_withexpression);
+     problem kc_x = new impl_problem_Problem1we(_casestring_1, _withexpression_1);
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_Problem1we));
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_problem_Problem1we*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_problem_Problem1ID1ID*
+ Problem1ID1ID(casestring _casestring_1, ID _ID_1, casestring _casestring_2, ID _ID_2) {
+     assertPhylum(_casestring_1, phylum_casestring);
+     assertPhylum(_ID_1, phylum_ID);
+     assertPhylum(_casestring_2, phylum_casestring);
+     assertPhylum(_ID_2, phylum_ID);
+     problem kc_x = new impl_problem_Problem1ID1ID(_casestring_1, _ID_1, _casestring_2, _ID_2);
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_problem_Problem1ID1ID*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_problem_Problem1t1ID*
+ Problem1t1ID(casestring _casestring_1, IDtype _IDtype_1, casestring _casestring_2, ID _ID_1) {
+     assertPhylum(_casestring_1, phylum_casestring);
+     assertPhylum(_IDtype_1, phylum_IDtype);
+     assertPhylum(_casestring_2, phylum_casestring);
+     assertPhylum(_ID_1, phylum_ID);
+     problem kc_x = new impl_problem_Problem1t1ID(_casestring_1, _IDtype_1, _casestring_2, _ID_1);
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_problem_Problem1t1ID*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_problem_Problem1INT*
+ Problem1INT(casestring _casestring_1, INT _INT_1) {
+     assertPhylum(_casestring_1, phylum_casestring);
+     assertPhylum(_INT_1, phylum_INT);
+     problem kc_x = new impl_problem_Problem1INT(_casestring_1, _INT_1);
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_problem_Problem1INT*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_problem_Problem1int1*
+ Problem1int1(casestring _casestring_1, integer _integer_1, casestring _casestring_2) {
+     assertPhylum(_casestring_1, phylum_casestring);
+     assertPhylum(_integer_1, phylum_integer);
+     assertPhylum(_casestring_2, phylum_casestring);
+     problem kc_x = new impl_problem_Problem1int1(_casestring_1, _integer_1, _casestring_2);
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_Problem1int1));
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_problem_Problem1int1*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_problem_Problem1INT1ID*
+ Problem1INT1ID(casestring _casestring_1, INT _INT_1, casestring _casestring_2, ID _ID_1) {
+     assertPhylum(_casestring_1, phylum_casestring);
+     assertPhylum(_INT_1, phylum_INT);
+     assertPhylum(_casestring_2, phylum_casestring);
+     assertPhylum(_ID_1, phylum_ID);
+     problem kc_x = new impl_problem_Problem1INT1ID(_casestring_1, _INT_1, _casestring_2, _ID_1);
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_problem_Problem1INT1ID*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_problem_Problem1ID1ID1ID*
+ Problem1ID1ID1ID(casestring _casestring_1, ID _ID_1, casestring _casestring_2, ID _ID_2, casestring _casestring_3, ID _ID_3) {
+     assertPhylum(_casestring_1, phylum_casestring);
+     assertPhylum(_ID_1, phylum_ID);
+     assertPhylum(_casestring_2, phylum_casestring);
+     assertPhylum(_ID_2, phylum_ID);
+     assertPhylum(_casestring_3, phylum_casestring);
+     assertPhylum(_ID_3, phylum_ID);
+     problem kc_x = new impl_problem_Problem1ID1ID1ID(_casestring_1, _ID_1, _casestring_2, _ID_2, _casestring_3, _ID_3);
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_problem_Problem1ID1ID1ID*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_problem_Problem1INT1ID1ID*
+ Problem1INT1ID1ID(casestring _casestring_1, INT _INT_1, casestring _casestring_2, ID _ID_1, casestring _casestring_3, ID _ID_2) {
+     assertPhylum(_casestring_1, phylum_casestring);
+     assertPhylum(_INT_1, phylum_INT);
+     assertPhylum(_casestring_2, phylum_casestring);
+     assertPhylum(_ID_1, phylum_ID);
+     assertPhylum(_casestring_3, phylum_casestring);
+     assertPhylum(_ID_2, phylum_ID);
+     problem kc_x = new impl_problem_Problem1INT1ID1ID(_casestring_1, _INT_1, _casestring_2, _ID_1, _casestring_3, _ID_2);
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_problem_Problem1INT1ID1ID*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_problem_Problem1storageoption1ID*
+ Problem1storageoption1ID(casestring _casestring_1, storageoption _storageoption_1, casestring _casestring_2, ID _ID_1) {
+     assertPhylum(_casestring_1, phylum_casestring);
+     assertPhylum(_storageoption_1, phylum_storageoption);
+     assertPhylum(_casestring_2, phylum_casestring);
+     assertPhylum(_ID_1, phylum_ID);
+     problem kc_x = new impl_problem_Problem1storageoption1ID(_casestring_1, _storageoption_1, _casestring_2, _ID_1);
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_Problem1storageoption1ID));
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_EXISTINGNOTFOUND_STATS(sel_Problem1storageoption1ID));
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_problem_Problem1storageoption1ID*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_problem_Problem2*
+ Problem2(casestring _casestring_1, casestring _casestring_2) {
+     assertPhylum(_casestring_1, phylum_casestring);
+     assertPhylum(_casestring_2, phylum_casestring);
+     problem kc_x = new impl_problem_Problem2(_casestring_1, _casestring_2);
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_problem_Problem2*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_problem_Problem3*
+ Problem3(casestring _casestring_1, casestring _casestring_2, casestring _casestring_3) {
+     assertPhylum(_casestring_1, phylum_casestring);
+     assertPhylum(_casestring_2, phylum_casestring);
+     assertPhylum(_casestring_3, phylum_casestring);
+     problem kc_x = new impl_problem_Problem3(_casestring_1, _casestring_2, _casestring_3);
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_problem_Problem3*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_problem_Problem3int1*
+ Problem3int1(casestring _casestring_1, casestring _casestring_2, casestring _casestring_3, integer _integer_1, casestring _casestring_4) {
+     assertPhylum(_casestring_1, phylum_casestring);
+     assertPhylum(_casestring_2, phylum_casestring);
+     assertPhylum(_casestring_3, phylum_casestring);
+     assertPhylum(_integer_1, phylum_integer);
+     assertPhylum(_casestring_4, phylum_casestring);
+     problem kc_x = new impl_problem_Problem3int1(_casestring_1, _casestring_2, _casestring_3, _integer_1, _casestring_4);
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_Problem3int1));
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_problem_Problem3int1*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_problem_Problem4*
+ Problem4(casestring _casestring_1, casestring _casestring_2, casestring _casestring_3, casestring _casestring_4) {
+     assertPhylum(_casestring_1, phylum_casestring);
+     assertPhylum(_casestring_2, phylum_casestring);
+     assertPhylum(_casestring_3, phylum_casestring);
+     assertPhylum(_casestring_4, phylum_casestring);
+     problem kc_x = new impl_problem_Problem4(_casestring_1, _casestring_2, _casestring_3, _casestring_4);
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_problem_Problem4*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_problem_Problem5*
+ Problem5(casestring _casestring_1, casestring _casestring_2, casestring _casestring_3, casestring _casestring_4, casestring _casestring_5) {
+     assertPhylum(_casestring_1, phylum_casestring);
+     assertPhylum(_casestring_2, phylum_casestring);
+     assertPhylum(_casestring_3, phylum_casestring);
+     assertPhylum(_casestring_4, phylum_casestring);
+     assertPhylum(_casestring_5, phylum_casestring);
+     problem kc_x = new impl_problem_Problem5(_casestring_1, _casestring_2, _casestring_3, _casestring_4, _casestring_5);
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_problem_Problem5*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_problem_Problem6*
+ Problem6(casestring _casestring_1, casestring _casestring_2, casestring _casestring_3, casestring _casestring_4, casestring _casestring_5, casestring _casestring_6) {
+     assertPhylum(_casestring_1, phylum_casestring);
+     assertPhylum(_casestring_2, phylum_casestring);
+     assertPhylum(_casestring_3, phylum_casestring);
+     assertPhylum(_casestring_4, phylum_casestring);
+     assertPhylum(_casestring_5, phylum_casestring);
+     assertPhylum(_casestring_6, phylum_casestring);
+     problem kc_x = new impl_problem_Problem6(_casestring_1, _casestring_2, _casestring_3, _casestring_4, _casestring_5, _casestring_6);
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_problem_Problem6*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_addedphylumdeclarations*
+ Niladdedphylumdeclarations() {
+     addedphylumdeclarations kc_x = new impl_addedphylumdeclarations();
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_Niladdedphylumdeclarations));
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_EXISTINGNOTFOUND_STATS(sel_Niladdedphylumdeclarations));
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_addedphylumdeclarations*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_addedphylumdeclarations*
+ Consaddedphylumdeclarations(addedphylumdeclaration _addedphylumdeclaration_1, addedphylumdeclarations _addedphylumdeclarations_1) {
+     assertPhylum(_addedphylumdeclaration_1, phylum_addedphylumdeclaration);
+     assertPhylum(_addedphylumdeclarations_1, phylum_addedphylumdeclarations);
+     addedphylumdeclarations kc_x = new impl_addedphylumdeclarations(_addedphylumdeclaration_1, _addedphylumdeclarations_1);
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_Consaddedphylumdeclarations));
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_EXISTINGNOTFOUND_STATS(sel_Consaddedphylumdeclarations));
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_addedphylumdeclarations*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_addedphylumdeclaration_AddedPhylumdeclaration*
+ AddedPhylumdeclaration(uniqID _uniqID_1) {
+     assertPhylum(_uniqID_1, phylum_uniqID);
+     addedphylumdeclaration kc_x = new impl_addedphylumdeclaration_AddedPhylumdeclaration(_uniqID_1);
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_AddedPhylumdeclaration));
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_EXISTINGNOTFOUND_STATS(sel_AddedPhylumdeclaration));
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     kc_x = kc_initialize_addedphylumdeclaration(kc_x);
+     return static_cast<impl_addedphylumdeclaration_AddedPhylumdeclaration*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_countedphylumdeclarations*
+ Nilcountedphylumdeclarations() {
+     countedphylumdeclarations kc_x = new impl_countedphylumdeclarations();
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_Nilcountedphylumdeclarations));
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_EXISTINGNOTFOUND_STATS(sel_Nilcountedphylumdeclarations));
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_countedphylumdeclarations*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_countedphylumdeclarations*
+ Conscountedphylumdeclarations(countedphylumdeclaration _countedphylumdeclaration_1, countedphylumdeclarations _countedphylumdeclarations_1) {
+     assertPhylum(_countedphylumdeclaration_1, phylum_countedphylumdeclaration);
+     assertPhylum(_countedphylumdeclarations_1, phylum_countedphylumdeclarations);
+     countedphylumdeclarations kc_x = new impl_countedphylumdeclarations(_countedphylumdeclaration_1, _countedphylumdeclarations_1);
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_Conscountedphylumdeclarations));
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_EXISTINGNOTFOUND_STATS(sel_Conscountedphylumdeclarations));
+     kc_x->post_create();
+     return static_cast<impl_countedphylumdeclarations*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_countedphylumdeclaration_CountedPhylumdeclaration*
+ CountedPhylumdeclaration(uniqID _uniqID_1) {
+     assertPhylum(_uniqID_1, phylum_uniqID);
+     countedphylumdeclaration kc_x=new impl_countedphylumdeclaration_CountedPhylumdeclaration(_uniqID_1);
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_CountedPhylumdeclaration));
+     countedphylumdeclaration unique_kc_x= hashtables[uniq]->ht_check_insert(kc_x);
+     if(unique_kc_x!=kc_x) {
+ 	delete kc_x;
+ 	kc_x=unique_kc_x;
+     } else {
+ 	KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_EXISTINGNOTFOUND_STATS(sel_CountedPhylumdeclaration));
+ 	kc_x->post_create();
+ 	kc_x = kc_initialize_countedphylumdeclaration(kc_x);
+     }
+     return static_cast<impl_countedphylumdeclaration_CountedPhylumdeclaration*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_charruns_Newlines*
+ Newlines() {
+     charruns kc_x=new impl_charruns_Newlines();
+     charruns unique_kc_x= hashtables[uniq]->ht_check_insert(kc_x);
+     if(unique_kc_x!=kc_x) {
+ 	delete kc_x;
+ 	kc_x=unique_kc_x;
+     } else {
+ 	kc_x->post_create();
+     }
+     return static_cast<impl_charruns_Newlines*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_charruns_QuotedNewlines*
+ QuotedNewlines() {
+     charruns kc_x=new impl_charruns_QuotedNewlines();
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_QuotedNewlines));
+     charruns unique_kc_x= hashtables[uniq]->ht_check_insert(kc_x);
+     if(unique_kc_x!=kc_x) {
+ 	delete kc_x;
+ 	kc_x=unique_kc_x;
+     } else {
+ 	kc_x->post_create();
+     }
+     return static_cast<impl_charruns_QuotedNewlines*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_charruns_Stars*
+ Stars() {
+     charruns kc_x=new impl_charruns_Stars();
+     charruns unique_kc_x= hashtables[uniq]->ht_check_insert(kc_x);
+     if(unique_kc_x!=kc_x) {
+ 	delete kc_x;
+ 	kc_x=unique_kc_x;
+     } else {
+ 	kc_x->post_create();
+     }
+     return static_cast<impl_charruns_Stars*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_bindingidmarks*
+ Nilbindingidmarks() {
+     bindingidmarks kc_x=new impl_bindingidmarks();
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_Nilbindingidmarks));
+     bindingidmarks unique_kc_x= hashtables[uniq]->ht_check_insert(kc_x);
+     if(unique_kc_x!=kc_x) {
+ 	delete kc_x;
+ 	kc_x=unique_kc_x;
+     } else {
+ 	kc_x->post_create();
+     }
+     return static_cast<impl_bindingidmarks*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_bindingidmarks*
+ Consbindingidmarks(bindingidmark _bindingidmark_1, bindingidmarks _bindingidmarks_1) {
+     assertPhylum(_bindingidmark_1, phylum_bindingidmark);
+     assertPhylum(_bindingidmarks_1, phylum_bindingidmarks);
+     bindingidmarks kc_x=new impl_bindingidmarks(_bindingidmark_1, _bindingidmarks_1);
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_Consbindingidmarks));
+     bindingidmarks unique_kc_x= hashtables[uniq]->ht_check_insert(kc_x);
+     if(unique_kc_x!=kc_x) {
+ 	delete kc_x;
+ 	kc_x=unique_kc_x;
+     } else {
+ 	kc_x->post_create();
+     }
+     return static_cast<impl_bindingidmarks*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ impl_bindingidmark_BindingIdMark*
+ BindingIdMark(uniqID _uniqID_1) {
+     assertPhylum(_uniqID_1, phylum_uniqID);
+     bindingidmark kc_x=new impl_bindingidmark_BindingIdMark(_uniqID_1);
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_BindingIdMark));
+     bindingidmark unique_kc_x= hashtables[uniq]->ht_check_insert(kc_x);
+     if(unique_kc_x!=kc_x) {
+ 	delete kc_x;
+ 	kc_x=unique_kc_x;
+     } else {
+ 	kc_x->post_create();
+ 	kc_x = kc_initialize_bindingidmark(kc_x);
+     }
+     return static_cast<impl_bindingidmark_BindingIdMark*>(kc_x);
+ }
+ abstract_phylum
+ kc_create(enum_operators createOp, abstract_phylum kc_p1, abstract_phylum kc_p2, abstract_phylum kc_p3, abstract_phylum kc_p4, abstract_phylum kc_p5, abstract_phylum kc_p6, abstract_phylum kc_p7)
+ {
+     switch(createOp) {
+     case sel__VoidPtr:
+     case sel__Int:
+     case sel__Real:
+     case sel__Str:
+     case sel_NoCaseStr:
+ 	assertionFailed("Cannot create this kind of phylum - predefined phyla must be handled seperately");break;
+     case sel_BindingIdMark:
+ 	return BindingIdMark(phylum_cast<uniqID>(kc_p1));
+     case sel_Consbindingidmarks:
+ 	return Consbindingidmarks(phylum_cast<bindingidmark>(kc_p1), phylum_cast<bindingidmarks>(kc_p2));
+     case sel_Nilbindingidmarks:
+ 	return Nilbindingidmarks();
+     case sel_Stars:
+ 	return Stars();
+     case sel_QuotedNewlines:
+ 	return QuotedNewlines();
+     case sel_Newlines:
+ 	return Newlines();
+     case sel_CountedPhylumdeclaration:
+ 	return CountedPhylumdeclaration(phylum_cast<uniqID>(kc_p1));
+     case sel_Conscountedphylumdeclarations:
+ 	return Conscountedphylumdeclarations(phylum_cast<countedphylumdeclaration>(kc_p1), phylum_cast<countedphylumdeclarations>(kc_p2));
+     case sel_Nilcountedphylumdeclarations:
+ 	return Nilcountedphylumdeclarations();
+     case sel_AddedPhylumdeclaration:
+ 	return AddedPhylumdeclaration(phylum_cast<uniqID>(kc_p1));
+     case sel_Consaddedphylumdeclarations:
+ 	return Consaddedphylumdeclarations(phylum_cast<addedphylumdeclaration>(kc_p1), phylum_cast<addedphylumdeclarations>(kc_p2));
+     case sel_Niladdedphylumdeclarations:
+ 	return Niladdedphylumdeclarations();
+     case sel_Problem6:
+ 	return Problem6(phylum_cast<casestring>(kc_p1), phylum_cast<casestring>(kc_p2), phylum_cast<casestring>(kc_p3), phylum_cast<casestring>(kc_p4), phylum_cast<casestring>(kc_p5), phylum_cast<casestring>(kc_p6));
+     case sel_Problem5:
+ 	return Problem5(phylum_cast<casestring>(kc_p1), phylum_cast<casestring>(kc_p2), phylum_cast<casestring>(kc_p3), phylum_cast<casestring>(kc_p4), phylum_cast<casestring>(kc_p5));
+     case sel_Problem4:
+ 	return Problem4(phylum_cast<casestring>(kc_p1), phylum_cast<casestring>(kc_p2), phylum_cast<casestring>(kc_p3), phylum_cast<casestring>(kc_p4));
+     case sel_Problem3int1:
+ 	return Problem3int1(phylum_cast<casestring>(kc_p1), phylum_cast<casestring>(kc_p2), phylum_cast<casestring>(kc_p3), phylum_cast<integer>(kc_p4), phylum_cast<casestring>(kc_p5));
+     case sel_Problem3:
+ 	return Problem3(phylum_cast<casestring>(kc_p1), phylum_cast<casestring>(kc_p2), phylum_cast<casestring>(kc_p3));
+     case sel_Problem2:
+ 	return Problem2(phylum_cast<casestring>(kc_p1), phylum_cast<casestring>(kc_p2));
+     case sel_Problem1storageoption1ID:
+ 	return Problem1storageoption1ID(phylum_cast<casestring>(kc_p1), phylum_cast<storageoption>(kc_p2), phylum_cast<casestring>(kc_p3), phylum_cast<ID>(kc_p4));
+     case sel_Problem1INT1ID1ID:
+ 	return Problem1INT1ID1ID(phylum_cast<casestring>(kc_p1), phylum_cast<INT>(kc_p2), phylum_cast<casestring>(kc_p3), phylum_cast<ID>(kc_p4), phylum_cast<casestring>(kc_p5), phylum_cast<ID>(kc_p6));
+     case sel_Problem1ID1ID1ID:
+ 	return Problem1ID1ID1ID(phylum_cast<casestring>(kc_p1), phylum_cast<ID>(kc_p2), phylum_cast<casestring>(kc_p3), phylum_cast<ID>(kc_p4), phylum_cast<casestring>(kc_p5), phylum_cast<ID>(kc_p6));
+     case sel_Problem1INT1ID:
+ 	return Problem1INT1ID(phylum_cast<casestring>(kc_p1), phylum_cast<INT>(kc_p2), phylum_cast<casestring>(kc_p3), phylum_cast<ID>(kc_p4));
+     case sel_Problem1int1:
+ 	return Problem1int1(phylum_cast<casestring>(kc_p1), phylum_cast<integer>(kc_p2), phylum_cast<casestring>(kc_p3));
+     case sel_Problem1INT:
+ 	return Problem1INT(phylum_cast<casestring>(kc_p1), phylum_cast<INT>(kc_p2));
+     case sel_Problem1t1ID:
+ 	return Problem1t1ID(phylum_cast<casestring>(kc_p1), phylum_cast<IDtype>(kc_p2), phylum_cast<casestring>(kc_p3), phylum_cast<ID>(kc_p4));
+     case sel_Problem1ID1ID:
+ 	return Problem1ID1ID(phylum_cast<casestring>(kc_p1), phylum_cast<ID>(kc_p2), phylum_cast<casestring>(kc_p3), phylum_cast<ID>(kc_p4));
+     case sel_Problem1we:
+ 	return Problem1we(phylum_cast<casestring>(kc_p1), phylum_cast<withexpression>(kc_p2));
+     case sel_Problem1tID:
+ 	return Problem1tID(phylum_cast<casestring>(kc_p1), phylum_cast<ID>(kc_p2));
+     case sel_Problem1ID:
+ 	return Problem1ID(phylum_cast<casestring>(kc_p1), phylum_cast<ID>(kc_p2));
+     case sel_Problem1:
+ 	return Problem1(phylum_cast<casestring>(kc_p1));
+     case sel_Warning:
+ 	return Warning(phylum_cast<fileline>(kc_p1), phylum_cast<problem>(kc_p2));
+     case sel_NonFatal:
+ 	return NonFatal(phylum_cast<fileline>(kc_p1), phylum_cast<problem>(kc_p2));
+     case sel_Fatal:
+ 	return Fatal(phylum_cast<fileline>(kc_p1), phylum_cast<problem>(kc_p2));
+     case sel_Consbaseclass_list:
+ 	return Consbaseclass_list(phylum_cast<ID>(kc_p1), phylum_cast<baseclass_list>(kc_p2));
+     case sel_Nilbaseclass_list:
+ 	return Nilbaseclass_list();
+     case sel_BaseClassDecl:
+ 	return BaseClassDecl(phylum_cast<ID>(kc_p1), phylum_cast<baseclass_list>(kc_p2));
+     case sel_Consbaseclass_declarations:
+ 	return Consbaseclass_declarations(phylum_cast<baseclass_decl>(kc_p1), phylum_cast<baseclass_declarations>(kc_p2));
+     case sel_Nilbaseclass_declarations:
+ 	return Nilbaseclass_declarations();
+     case sel_AcBaseInit:
+ 	return AcBaseInit(phylum_cast<ID>(kc_p1), phylum_cast<ac_constant_expression>(kc_p2));
+     case sel_Consac_base_init_list:
+ 	return Consac_base_init_list(phylum_cast<ac_base_init>(kc_p1), phylum_cast<ac_base_init_list>(kc_p2));
+     case sel_Nilac_base_init_list:
+ 	return Nilac_base_init_list();
+     case sel_AcYesBaseInit:
+ 	return AcYesBaseInit(phylum_cast<ac_base_init_list>(kc_p1));
+     case sel_AcNoBaseInit:
+ 	return AcNoBaseInit();
+     case sel_Consac_constant_expression_list:
+ 	return Consac_constant_expression_list(phylum_cast<ac_constant_expression>(kc_p1), phylum_cast<ac_constant_expression_list>(kc_p2));
+     case sel_Nilac_constant_expression_list:
+ 	return Nilac_constant_expression_list();
+     case sel_AcConstExpr:
+ 	return AcConstExpr(phylum_cast<Cexpression>(kc_p1));
+     case sel_Noac_constant_expression:
+ 	return Noac_constant_expression();
+     case sel_Yesac_constant_expression:
+ 	return Yesac_constant_expression(phylum_cast<ac_constant_expression>(kc_p1));
+     case sel_AcDirAbsdeclFn:
+ 	return AcDirAbsdeclFn(phylum_cast<ac_direct_abstract_declarator_option>(kc_p1), phylum_cast<ac_parameter_type_list>(kc_p2));
+     case sel_AcDirAbsdeclArray:
+ 	return AcDirAbsdeclArray(phylum_cast<ac_direct_abstract_declarator_option>(kc_p1), phylum_cast<ac_constant_expression_option>(kc_p2));
+     case sel_AcDirAbsdeclPack:
+ 	return AcDirAbsdeclPack(phylum_cast<ac_abstract_declarator>(kc_p1));
+     case sel_Yesac_direct_abstract_declarator:
+ 	return Yesac_direct_abstract_declarator(phylum_cast<ac_direct_abstract_declarator>(kc_p1));
+     case sel_Noac_direct_abstract_declarator:
+ 	return Noac_direct_abstract_declarator();
+     case sel_AcAbsdeclDirdecl:
+ 	return AcAbsdeclDirdecl(phylum_cast<ac_pointer_option>(kc_p1), phylum_cast<ac_direct_abstract_declarator>(kc_p2));
+     case sel_AcAbsdeclPointer:
+ 	return AcAbsdeclPointer(phylum_cast<ac_pointer>(kc_p1));
+     case sel_Consac_identifier_list:
+ 	return Consac_identifier_list(phylum_cast<ID>(kc_p1), phylum_cast<ac_identifier_list>(kc_p2));
+     case sel_Nilac_identifier_list:
+ 	return Nilac_identifier_list();
+     case sel_AcParDeclAbsdecl:
+ 	return AcParDeclAbsdecl(phylum_cast<ac_declaration_specifiers>(kc_p1), phylum_cast<ac_abstract_declarator>(kc_p2), phylum_cast<ac_constant_expression_option>(kc_p3));
+     case sel_AcParDeclDecl:
+ 	return AcParDeclDecl(phylum_cast<ac_declaration_specifiers>(kc_p1), phylum_cast<ac_declarator>(kc_p2), phylum_cast<ac_constant_expression_option>(kc_p3));
+     case sel_Consac_parameter_list:
+ 	return Consac_parameter_list(phylum_cast<ac_parameter_declaration>(kc_p1), phylum_cast<ac_parameter_list>(kc_p2));
+     case sel_Nilac_parameter_list:
+ 	return Nilac_parameter_list();
+     case sel_AcParList3Dot:
+ 	return AcParList3Dot(phylum_cast<ac_parameter_list>(kc_p1));
+     case sel_AcParList:
+ 	return AcParList(phylum_cast<ac_parameter_list>(kc_p1));
+     case sel_Consac_type_qualifier_list:
+ 	return Consac_type_qualifier_list(phylum_cast<ac_type_qualifier>(kc_p1), phylum_cast<ac_type_qualifier_list>(kc_p2));
+     case sel_Nilac_type_qualifier_list:
+ 	return Nilac_type_qualifier_list();
+     case sel_Consac_class_qualifier_list:
+ 	return Consac_class_qualifier_list(phylum_cast<ID>(kc_p1), phylum_cast<ac_class_qualifier_list>(kc_p2));
+     case sel_Nilac_class_qualifier_list:
+ 	return Nilac_class_qualifier_list();
+     case sel_Consac_class_qualifier_help_list:
+ 	return Consac_class_qualifier_help_list(phylum_cast<ac_direct_declarator>(kc_p1), phylum_cast<ac_class_qualifier_help_list>(kc_p2));
+     case sel_Nilac_class_qualifier_help_list:
+ 	return Nilac_class_qualifier_help_list();
+     case sel_AcOperatorName:
+ 	return AcOperatorName(phylum_cast<casestring>(kc_p1));
+     case sel_AcRef:
+ 	return AcRef();
+     case sel_AcNoRef:
+ 	return AcNoRef();
+     case sel_AcPointerCons:
+ 	return AcPointerCons(phylum_cast<ac_type_qualifier_list>(kc_p1), phylum_cast<ac_pointer>(kc_p2));
+     case sel_AcPointerNil:
+ 	return AcPointerNil(phylum_cast<ac_type_qualifier_list>(kc_p1));
+     case sel_Yespointer:
+ 	return Yespointer(phylum_cast<ac_pointer>(kc_p1));
+     case sel_Nopointer:
+ 	return Nopointer();
+     case sel_AcOperatorDeclId:
+ 	return AcOperatorDeclId(phylum_cast<ac_operator_name>(kc_p1));
+     case sel_AcConvOperatorDecl:
+ 	return AcConvOperatorDecl(phylum_cast<ID>(kc_p1), phylum_cast<ID>(kc_p2));
+     case sel_AcMemberDecl:
+ 	return AcMemberDecl(phylum_cast<ID>(kc_p1), phylum_cast<ID>(kc_p2), phylum_cast<ac_constant_expression_list>(kc_p3));
+     case sel_AcQualifiedDeclProto:
+ 	return AcQualifiedDeclProto(phylum_cast<ac_class_qualifier_list>(kc_p1), phylum_cast<ac_direct_declarator>(kc_p2), phylum_cast<ac_parameter_type_list>(kc_p3), phylum_cast<ac_type_qualifier>(kc_p4));
+     case sel_AcDirectDeclProto:
+ 	return AcDirectDeclProto(phylum_cast<ac_direct_declarator>(kc_p1), phylum_cast<ac_parameter_type_list>(kc_p2));
+     case sel_AcDirectDeclArray:
+ 	return AcDirectDeclArray(phylum_cast<ac_direct_declarator>(kc_p1), phylum_cast<ac_constant_expression_option>(kc_p2));
+     case sel_AcDirectDeclPack:
+ 	return AcDirectDeclPack(phylum_cast<ac_declarator>(kc_p1));
+     case sel_AcDirectDeclId:
+ 	return AcDirectDeclId(phylum_cast<ID>(kc_p1));
+     case sel_AcDeclarator:
+ 	return AcDeclarator(phylum_cast<ac_pointer_option>(kc_p1), phylum_cast<ac_ref_option>(kc_p2), phylum_cast<ac_direct_declarator>(kc_p3));
+     case sel_AcInitDecl:
+ 	return AcInitDecl(phylum_cast<ac_declarator>(kc_p1));
+     case sel_Consac_init_declarator_list:
+ 	return Consac_init_declarator_list(phylum_cast<ac_init_declarator>(kc_p1), phylum_cast<ac_init_declarator_list>(kc_p2));
+     case sel_Nilac_init_declarator_list:
+ 	return Nilac_init_declarator_list();
+     case sel_AcNoQualifier:
+ 	return AcNoQualifier();
+     case sel_AcUnsigned:
+ 	return AcUnsigned();
+     case sel_AcVolatile:
+ 	return AcVolatile();
+     case sel_AcConst:
+ 	return AcConst();
+     case sel_AcTypeSpec:
+ 	return AcTypeSpec(phylum_cast<ID>(kc_p1));
+     case sel_AcVirtual:
+ 	return AcVirtual();
+     case sel_AcTypedef:
+ 	return AcTypedef();
+     case sel_AcExtern:
+ 	return AcExtern();
+     case sel_AcStatic:
+ 	return AcStatic();
+     case sel_AcRegister:
+ 	return AcRegister();
+     case sel_AcAuto:
+ 	return AcAuto();
+     case sel_AcDeclSpecTypeQual:
+ 	return AcDeclSpecTypeQual(phylum_cast<ac_type_qualifier>(kc_p1));
+     case sel_AcDeclSpecTypeSpec:
+ 	return AcDeclSpecTypeSpec(phylum_cast<ac_type_specifier>(kc_p1));
+     case sel_AcDeclSpecStorageSpec:
+ 	return AcDeclSpecStorageSpec(phylum_cast<ac_storage_class_specifier>(kc_p1));
+     case sel_Consac_declaration_specifiers:
+ 	return Consac_declaration_specifiers(phylum_cast<ac_declaration_specifier>(kc_p1), phylum_cast<ac_declaration_specifiers>(kc_p2));
+     case sel_Nilac_declaration_specifiers:
+ 	return Nilac_declaration_specifiers();
+     case sel_Consac_declaration_list:
+ 	return Consac_declaration_list(phylum_cast<ac_declaration>(kc_p1), phylum_cast<ac_declaration_list>(kc_p2));
+     case sel_Nilac_declaration_list:
+ 	return Nilac_declaration_list();
+     case sel_AcDeclaration:
+ 	return AcDeclaration(phylum_cast<ac_declaration_specifiers>(kc_p1), phylum_cast<ac_init_declarator_list>(kc_p2));
+     case sel_Unparsedeclinfo:
+ 	return Unparsedeclinfo(phylum_cast<patternrepresentation>(kc_p1), phylum_cast<patternrepresentation>(kc_p2), phylum_cast<unparseclause>(kc_p3));
+     case sel_Consunparsedeclsinfo:
+ 	return Consunparsedeclsinfo(phylum_cast<unparsedeclinfo>(kc_p1), phylum_cast<unparsedeclsinfo>(kc_p2));
+     case sel_Nilunparsedeclsinfo:
+ 	return Nilunparsedeclsinfo();
+     case sel_Unparseviewinfo:
+ 	return Unparseviewinfo(phylum_cast<ID>(kc_p1), phylum_cast<unparsedeclsinfo>(kc_p2));
+     case sel_Consunparseviewsinfo:
+ 	return Consunparseviewsinfo(phylum_cast<unparseviewinfo>(kc_p1), phylum_cast<unparseviewsinfo>(kc_p2));
+     case sel_Nilunparseviewsinfo:
+ 	return Nilunparseviewsinfo();
+     case sel_Rewriteviewinfo:
+ 	return Rewriteviewinfo(phylum_cast<ID>(kc_p1), phylum_cast<rewriterulesinfo>(kc_p2));
+     case sel_Consrewriteviewsinfo:
+ 	return Consrewriteviewsinfo(phylum_cast<rewriteviewinfo>(kc_p1), phylum_cast<rewriteviewsinfo>(kc_p2));
+     case sel_Nilrewriteviewsinfo:
+ 	return Nilrewriteviewsinfo();
+     case sel_Withcaseinfo:
+ 	return Withcaseinfo(phylum_cast<patternrepresentation>(kc_p1), phylum_cast<patternrepresentation>(kc_p2), phylum_cast<Ctext>(kc_p3));
+     case sel_Conswithcasesinfo:
+ 	return Conswithcasesinfo(phylum_cast<withcaseinfo>(kc_p1), phylum_cast<withcasesinfo>(kc_p2));
+     case sel_Nilwithcasesinfo:
+ 	return Nilwithcasesinfo();
+     case sel_Rewriteruleinfo:
+ 	return Rewriteruleinfo(phylum_cast<patternrepresentation>(kc_p1), phylum_cast<patternrepresentation>(kc_p2), phylum_cast<rewriteclause>(kc_p3));
+     case sel_Consrewriterulesinfo:
+ 	return Consrewriterulesinfo(phylum_cast<rewriteruleinfo>(kc_p1), phylum_cast<rewriterulesinfo>(kc_p2));
+     case sel_Nilrewriterulesinfo:
+ 	return Nilrewriterulesinfo();
+     case sel_Consargsnumbers:
+ 	return Consargsnumbers(phylum_cast<integer>(kc_p1), phylum_cast<argsnumbers>(kc_p2));
+     case sel_Nilargsnumbers:
+ 	return Nilargsnumbers();
+     case sel_Conspaths:
+ 	return Conspaths(phylum_cast<path>(kc_p1), phylum_cast<paths>(kc_p2));
+     case sel_Nilpaths:
+ 	return Nilpaths();
+     case sel_Conspath:
+ 	return Conspath(phylum_cast<integer>(kc_p1), phylum_cast<path>(kc_p2));
+     case sel_Nilpath:
+ 	return Nilpath();
+     case sel_PRIntLiteral:
+ 	return PRIntLiteral(phylum_cast<path>(kc_p1), phylum_cast<INT>(kc_p2));
+     case sel_PRStringLiteral:
+ 	return PRStringLiteral(phylum_cast<path>(kc_p1), phylum_cast<CexpressionDQ>(kc_p2));
+     case sel_PRDefault:
+ 	return PRDefault();
+     case sel_PRWildcard:
+ 	return PRWildcard(phylum_cast<path>(kc_p1));
+     case sel_PRNonLeafBinding:
+ 	return PRNonLeafBinding(phylum_cast<path>(kc_p1), phylum_cast<ID>(kc_p2), phylum_cast<patternrepresentation>(kc_p3));
+     case sel_PRUserPredicate:
+ 	return PRUserPredicate(phylum_cast<Cexpression>(kc_p1));
+     case sel_PROperPredicate:
+ 	return PROperPredicate(phylum_cast<path>(kc_p1), phylum_cast<ID>(kc_p2));
+     case sel_PRVarPredicate:
+ 	return PRVarPredicate(phylum_cast<paths>(kc_p1), phylum_cast<ID>(kc_p2), phylum_cast<patternrepresentation>(kc_p3));
+     case sel_PRBinding:
+ 	return PRBinding(phylum_cast<path>(kc_p1), phylum_cast<ID>(kc_p2));
+     case sel_Conspatternrepresentation:
+ 	return Conspatternrepresentation(phylum_cast<elem_patternrepresentation>(kc_p1), phylum_cast<patternrepresentation>(kc_p2));
+     case sel_Nilpatternrepresentation:
+ 	return Nilpatternrepresentation();
+     case sel_Conspatternrepresentations:
+ 	return Conspatternrepresentations(phylum_cast<patternrepresentation>(kc_p1), phylum_cast<patternrepresentations>(kc_p2));
+     case sel_Nilpatternrepresentations:
+ 	return Nilpatternrepresentations();
+     case sel_Bigger:
+ 	return Bigger();
+     case sel_Smaller:
+ 	return Smaller();
+     case sel_Equal:
+ 	return Equal();
+     case sel_DVDisallowed:
+ 	return DVDisallowed();
+     case sel_DVAllowed:
+ 	return DVAllowed();
+     case sel_Consvariables:
+ 	return Consvariables(phylum_cast<ID>(kc_p1), phylum_cast<variables>(kc_p2));
+     case sel_Nilvariables:
+ 	return Nilvariables();
+     case sel_Consphyla:
+ 	return Consphyla(phylum_cast<ID>(kc_p1), phylum_cast<phyla>(kc_p2));
+     case sel_Nilphyla:
+ 	return Nilphyla();
+     case sel_Consoperators:
+ 	return Consoperators(phylum_cast<ID>(kc_p1), phylum_cast<operators>(kc_p2));
+     case sel_Niloperators:
+ 	return Niloperators();
+     case sel_ITLanguageName:
+ 	return ITLanguageName(phylum_cast<integer>(kc_p1));
+     case sel_ITPatternVariable:
+ 	return ITPatternVariable(phylum_cast<ID>(kc_p1), phylum_cast<integer>(kc_p2));
+     case sel_ITUserFunction:
+ 	return ITUserFunction(phylum_cast<fnclass>(kc_p1));
+     case sel_ITUserRView:
+ 	return ITUserRView();
+     case sel_ITPredefinedRView:
+ 	return ITPredefinedRView();
+     case sel_ITUViewVar:
+ 	return ITUViewVar();
+     case sel_ITUserUView:
+ 	return ITUserUView();
+     case sel_ITPredefinedUView:
+ 	return ITPredefinedUView();
+     case sel_ITStorageClass:
+ 	return ITStorageClass();
+     case sel_ITPredefinedStorageClass:
+ 	return ITPredefinedStorageClass();
+     case sel_ITUserOperator:
+ 	return ITUserOperator(phylum_cast<alternative>(kc_p1), phylum_cast<ID>(kc_p2));
+     case sel_ITPredefinedOperator:
+ 	return ITPredefinedOperator(phylum_cast<alternative>(kc_p1), phylum_cast<ID>(kc_p2));
+     case sel_ITUserPhylum:
+ 	return ITUserPhylum(phylum_cast<phylumdeclaration>(kc_p1));
+     case sel_ITPredefinedPhylum:
+ 	return ITPredefinedPhylum(phylum_cast<phylumdeclaration>(kc_p1));
+     case sel_ITUnknown:
+ 	return ITUnknown();
+     case sel_ScopeTypeFileLine:
+ 	return ScopeTypeFileLine(phylum_cast<integer>(kc_p1), phylum_cast<IDtype>(kc_p2), phylum_cast<casestring>(kc_p3), phylum_cast<integer>(kc_p4));
+     case sel_Consscopetypefilelinestack:
+ 	return Consscopetypefilelinestack(phylum_cast<scopetypefileline>(kc_p1), phylum_cast<scopetypefilelinestack>(kc_p2));
+     case sel_Nilscopetypefilelinestack:
+ 	return Nilscopetypefilelinestack();
+     case sel_PosNoFileLine:
+ 	return PosNoFileLine();
+     case sel_NoFileLine:
+ 	return NoFileLine();
+     case sel_FileLine:
+ 	return FileLine();
+     case sel_Conslanguagenames:
+ 	return Conslanguagenames(phylum_cast<ID>(kc_p1), phylum_cast<languagenames>(kc_p2));
+     case sel_Nillanguagenames:
+ 	return Nillanguagenames();
+     case sel_LanguageList:
+ 	return LanguageList(phylum_cast<languagenames>(kc_p1));
+     case sel_NoLanguagename:
+ 	return NoLanguagename();
+     case sel_YesViewname:
+ 	return YesViewname(phylum_cast<ID>(kc_p1));
+     case sel_NoViewname:
+ 	return NoViewname();
+     case sel_Consunpattributes:
+ 	return Consunpattributes(phylum_cast<ID>(kc_p1), phylum_cast<unpattributes>(kc_p2));
+     case sel_Nilunpattributes:
+ 	return Nilunpattributes();
+     case sel_UnpCastedVariable:
+ 	return UnpCastedVariable(phylum_cast<ID>(kc_p1), phylum_cast<ID>(kc_p2));
+     case sel_UnpDollarvarAttr:
+ 	return UnpDollarvarAttr(phylum_cast<INT>(kc_p1), phylum_cast<unpattributes>(kc_p2));
+     case sel_UnpSubAttr:
+ 	return UnpSubAttr(phylum_cast<ID>(kc_p1), phylum_cast<unpattributes>(kc_p2));
+     case sel_UnpDollarvarTerm:
+ 	return UnpDollarvarTerm(phylum_cast<INT>(kc_p1));
+     case sel_UnpSubTerm:
+ 	return UnpSubTerm(phylum_cast<ID>(kc_p1));
+     case sel_UViewVarDecl:
+ 	return UViewVarDecl(phylum_cast<ID>(kc_p1), phylum_cast<ID>(kc_p2), phylum_cast<Cexpression>(kc_p3));
+     case sel_UnpBody:
+ 	return UnpBody(phylum_cast<languageoption>(kc_p1), phylum_cast<unparseitems>(kc_p2));
+     case sel_UnpCtext:
+ 	return UnpCtext(phylum_cast<languageoption>(kc_p1), phylum_cast<Ctext>(kc_p2));
+     case sel_UnpSubexpr:
+ 	return UnpSubexpr(phylum_cast<languageoption>(kc_p1), phylum_cast<unpsubterm>(kc_p2), phylum_cast<viewnameoption>(kc_p3));
+     case sel_UnpStr:
+ 	return UnpStr(phylum_cast<languageoption>(kc_p1), phylum_cast<CexpressionDQ>(kc_p2), phylum_cast<viewnameoption>(kc_p3));
+     case sel_Consunparseitems:
+ 	return Consunparseitems(phylum_cast<unparseitem>(kc_p1), phylum_cast<unparseitems>(kc_p2));
+     case sel_Nilunparseitems:
+ 	return Nilunparseitems();
+     case sel_Consviewnames:
+ 	return Consviewnames(phylum_cast<ID>(kc_p1), phylum_cast<viewnames>(kc_p2));
+     case sel_Nilviewnames:
+ 	return Nilviewnames();
+     case sel_UnparseClause:
+ 	return UnparseClause(phylum_cast<viewnames>(kc_p1), phylum_cast<unparseitems>(kc_p2));
+     case sel_Consunparseclauses:
+ 	return Consunparseclauses(phylum_cast<unparseclause>(kc_p1), phylum_cast<unparseclauses>(kc_p2));
+     case sel_Nilunparseclauses:
+ 	return Nilunparseclauses();
+     case sel_UnparseDeclaration:
+ 	return UnparseDeclaration(phylum_cast<outmostpatterns>(kc_p1), phylum_cast<unparseclauses>(kc_p2));
+     case sel_Consunparsedeclarations:
+ 	return Consunparsedeclarations(phylum_cast<unparsedeclaration>(kc_p1), phylum_cast<unparsedeclarations>(kc_p2));
+     case sel_Nilunparsedeclarations:
+ 	return Nilunparsedeclarations();
+     case sel_Withcase:
+ 	return Withcase(phylum_cast<patternchains>(kc_p1), phylum_cast<Ctext>(kc_p2));
+     case sel_Conswithcases:
+ 	return Conswithcases(phylum_cast<withcase>(kc_p1), phylum_cast<withcases>(kc_p2));
+     case sel_Nilwithcases:
+ 	return Nilwithcases();
+     case sel_WECexpression:
+ 	return WECexpression(phylum_cast<Cexpression>(kc_p1));
+     case sel_WEVariable:
+ 	return WEVariable(phylum_cast<ID>(kc_p1));
+     case sel_Conswithexpressions:
+ 	return Conswithexpressions(phylum_cast<withexpression>(kc_p1), phylum_cast<withexpressions>(kc_p2));
+     case sel_Nilwithexpressions:
+ 	return Nilwithexpressions();
+     case sel_NotInForeachContext:
+ 	return NotInForeachContext();
+     case sel_InForeachContext:
+ 	return InForeachContext(phylum_cast<patternchain>(kc_p1));
+     case sel_ForeachAfter:
+ 	return ForeachAfter(phylum_cast<patternchain>(kc_p1), phylum_cast<idCexpressions>(kc_p2), phylum_cast<withexpressions>(kc_p3), phylum_cast<Ctext>(kc_p4));
+     case sel_NoForeachAfter:
+ 	return NoForeachAfter();
+     case sel_CTextWithexpression:
+ 	return CTextWithexpression(phylum_cast<withexpressions>(kc_p1), phylum_cast<withcases>(kc_p2), phylum_cast<contextinfo>(kc_p3));
+     case sel_CTextForeachexpression:
+ 	return CTextForeachexpression(phylum_cast<patternchain>(kc_p1), phylum_cast<idCexpressions>(kc_p2), phylum_cast<withexpressions>(kc_p3), phylum_cast<Ctext>(kc_p4), phylum_cast<foreach_after>(kc_p5));
+     case sel_CTextCbody:
+ 	return CTextCbody(phylum_cast<Ctext>(kc_p1));
+     case sel_CTextCexpressionSQ:
+ 	return CTextCexpressionSQ(phylum_cast<CexpressionSQ>(kc_p1));
+     case sel_CTextCexpressionDQ:
+ 	return CTextCexpressionDQ(phylum_cast<CexpressionDQ>(kc_p1));
+     case sel_CTextNl:
+ 	return CTextNl(phylum_cast<integer>(kc_p1));
+     case sel_CTextDollarVar:
+ 	return CTextDollarVar(phylum_cast<INT>(kc_p1));
+     case sel_CTextLine:
+ 	return CTextLine(phylum_cast<casestring>(kc_p1));
+     case sel_ConsCtext:
+ 	return ConsCtext(phylum_cast<Ctext_elem>(kc_p1), phylum_cast<Ctext>(kc_p2));
+     case sel_NilCtext:
+ 	return NilCtext();
+     case sel_ConvOperatorFn:
+ 	return ConvOperatorFn();
+     case sel_DestructorFn:
+ 	return DestructorFn();
+     case sel_ConstructorFn:
+ 	return ConstructorFn();
+     case sel_MemberFn:
+ 	return MemberFn();
+     case sel_StaticFn:
+ 	return StaticFn(phylum_cast<casestring>(kc_p1));
+     case sel_GlobalFn:
+ 	return GlobalFn();
+     case sel_AcMemberDeclaration:
+ 	return AcMemberDeclaration(phylum_cast<ac_declaration_specifiers>(kc_p1), phylum_cast<ac_declarator>(kc_p2), phylum_cast<ac_constant_expression_option>(kc_p3), phylum_cast<fnclass>(kc_p4));
+     case sel_FnAcDeclaration:
+ 	return FnAcDeclaration(phylum_cast<ac_declaration_specifiers>(kc_p1), phylum_cast<ac_declarator>(kc_p2), phylum_cast<ac_declaration_list>(kc_p3), phylum_cast<ac_opt_base_init_list>(kc_p4), phylum_cast<Ctext>(kc_p5), phylum_cast<ID>(kc_p6), phylum_cast<fnclass>(kc_p7));
+     case sel_Consfndeclarations:
+ 	return Consfndeclarations(phylum_cast<fndeclaration>(kc_p1), phylum_cast<fndeclarations>(kc_p2));
+     case sel_Nilfndeclarations:
+ 	return Nilfndeclarations();
+     case sel_FnFile:
+ 	return FnFile(phylum_cast<casestring>(kc_p1));
+     case sel_Consfnfiles:
+ 	return Consfnfiles(phylum_cast<fnfile>(kc_p1), phylum_cast<fnfiles>(kc_p2));
+     case sel_Nilfnfiles:
+ 	return Nilfnfiles();
+     case sel_Consterms:
+ 	return Consterms(phylum_cast<term>(kc_p1), phylum_cast<terms>(kc_p2));
+     case sel_Nilterms:
+ 	return Nilterms();
+     case sel_TIntLiteral:
+ 	return TIntLiteral(phylum_cast<INT>(kc_p1));
+     case sel_TStringLiteral:
+ 	return TStringLiteral(phylum_cast<CexpressionDQ>(kc_p1));
+     case sel_TCTerm:
+ 	return TCTerm(phylum_cast<CexpressionSQ>(kc_p1));
+     case sel_TMemberVarDot:
+ 	return TMemberVarDot(phylum_cast<term>(kc_p1), phylum_cast<ID>(kc_p2));
+     case sel_TMemberVar:
+ 	return TMemberVar(phylum_cast<term>(kc_p1), phylum_cast<ID>(kc_p2));
+     case sel_TMethodDot:
+ 	return TMethodDot(phylum_cast<term>(kc_p1), phylum_cast<ID>(kc_p2), phylum_cast<terms>(kc_p3));
+     case sel_TMethod:
+ 	return TMethod(phylum_cast<term>(kc_p1), phylum_cast<ID>(kc_p2), phylum_cast<terms>(kc_p3));
+     case sel_TOperator:
+ 	return TOperator(phylum_cast<ID>(kc_p1), phylum_cast<terms>(kc_p2));
+     case sel_TVariable:
+ 	return TVariable(phylum_cast<ID>(kc_p1));
+     case sel_Conspatterns:
+ 	return Conspatterns(phylum_cast<pattern>(kc_p1), phylum_cast<patterns>(kc_p2));
+     case sel_Nilpatterns:
+ 	return Nilpatterns();
+     case sel_PIntLiteral:
+ 	return PIntLiteral(phylum_cast<INT>(kc_p1));
+     case sel_PStringLiteral:
+ 	return PStringLiteral(phylum_cast<CexpressionDQ>(kc_p1));
+     case sel_PWildcard:
+ 	return PWildcard();
+     case sel_PNonLeafVariable:
+ 	return PNonLeafVariable(phylum_cast<ID>(kc_p1), phylum_cast<pattern>(kc_p2));
+     case sel_POperator:
+ 	return POperator(phylum_cast<ID>(kc_p1), phylum_cast<patterns>(kc_p2));
+     case sel_PVariable:
+ 	return PVariable(phylum_cast<ID>(kc_p1));
+     case sel_OPDefault:
+ 	return OPDefault(phylum_cast<Cexpression>(kc_p1));
+     case sel_OPWildcard:
+ 	return OPWildcard(phylum_cast<Cexpression>(kc_p1));
+     case sel_OPNonLeafVariable:
+ 	return OPNonLeafVariable(phylum_cast<ID>(kc_p1), phylum_cast<outmostpattern>(kc_p2));
+     case sel_OPOperator:
+ 	return OPOperator(phylum_cast<ID>(kc_p1), phylum_cast<patterns>(kc_p2), phylum_cast<Cexpression>(kc_p3));
+     case sel_OPOperatorWildcard:
+ 	return OPOperatorWildcard(phylum_cast<ID>(kc_p1), phylum_cast<Cexpression>(kc_p2));
+     case sel_PatternchainitemDollarid:
+ 	return PatternchainitemDollarid(phylum_cast<ID>(kc_p1));
+     case sel_PatternchainitemGroup:
+ 	return PatternchainitemGroup(phylum_cast<patternchains>(kc_p1));
+     case sel_PatternchainitemOutmost:
+ 	return PatternchainitemOutmost(phylum_cast<outmostpattern>(kc_p1));
+     case sel_Consoutmostpatterns:
+ 	return Consoutmostpatterns(phylum_cast<outmostpattern>(kc_p1), phylum_cast<outmostpatterns>(kc_p2));
+     case sel_Niloutmostpatterns:
+ 	return Niloutmostpatterns();
+     case sel_Conspatternchain:
+ 	return Conspatternchain(phylum_cast<patternchainitem>(kc_p1), phylum_cast<patternchain>(kc_p2));
+     case sel_Nilpatternchain:
+ 	return Nilpatternchain();
+     case sel_Conspatternchains:
+ 	return Conspatternchains(phylum_cast<patternchain>(kc_p1), phylum_cast<patternchains>(kc_p2));
+     case sel_Nilpatternchains:
+ 	return Nilpatternchains();
+     case sel_RewriteClause:
+ 	return RewriteClause(phylum_cast<viewnames>(kc_p1), phylum_cast<term>(kc_p2));
+     case sel_Consrewriteclauses:
+ 	return Consrewriteclauses(phylum_cast<rewriteclause>(kc_p1), phylum_cast<rewriteclauses>(kc_p2));
+     case sel_Nilrewriteclauses:
+ 	return Nilrewriteclauses();
+     case sel_RwDeclaration:
+ 	return RwDeclaration(phylum_cast<outmostpatterns>(kc_p1), phylum_cast<rewriteclauses>(kc_p2));
+     case sel_Consrwdeclarations:
+ 	return Consrwdeclarations(phylum_cast<rwdeclaration>(kc_p1), phylum_cast<rwdeclarations>(kc_p2));
+     case sel_Nilrwdeclarations:
+ 	return Nilrwdeclarations();
+     case sel_IncludeDeclaration:
+ 	return IncludeDeclaration(phylum_cast<casestring>(kc_p1));
+     case sel_Consincludedeclarations:
+ 	return Consincludedeclarations(phylum_cast<includedeclaration>(kc_p1), phylum_cast<includedeclarations>(kc_p2));
+     case sel_Nilincludedeclarations:
+ 	return Nilincludedeclarations();
+     case sel_IncludeFile:
+ 	return IncludeFile(phylum_cast<casestring>(kc_p1));
+     case sel_Consincludefiles:
+ 	return Consincludefiles(phylum_cast<includefile>(kc_p1), phylum_cast<includefiles>(kc_p2));
+     case sel_Nilincludefiles:
+ 	return Nilincludefiles();
+     case sel_ConsCtexts:
+ 	return ConsCtexts(phylum_cast<Ctext>(kc_p1), phylum_cast<Ctexts>(kc_p2));
+     case sel_NilCtexts:
+ 	return NilCtexts();
+     case sel_IdCexpression:
+ 	return IdCexpression(phylum_cast<ID>(kc_p1), phylum_cast<Cexpression>(kc_p2));
+     case sel_ConsidCexpressions:
+ 	return ConsidCexpressions(phylum_cast<idCexpression>(kc_p1), phylum_cast<idCexpressions>(kc_p2));
+     case sel_NilidCexpressions:
+ 	return NilidCexpressions();
+     case sel_CExpressionSQNl:
+ 	return CExpressionSQNl();
+     case sel_CExpressionSQPart:
+ 	return CExpressionSQPart(phylum_cast<casestring>(kc_p1));
+     case sel_ConsCexpressionSQ:
+ 	return ConsCexpressionSQ(phylum_cast<CexpressionSQ_elem>(kc_p1), phylum_cast<CexpressionSQ>(kc_p2));
+     case sel_NilCexpressionSQ:
+ 	return NilCexpressionSQ();
+     case sel_CExpressionDQNl:
+ 	return CExpressionDQNl();
+     case sel_CExpressionDQPart:
+ 	return CExpressionDQPart(phylum_cast<casestring>(kc_p1));
+     case sel_ConsCexpressionDQ:
+ 	return ConsCexpressionDQ(phylum_cast<CexpressionDQ_elem>(kc_p1), phylum_cast<CexpressionDQ>(kc_p2));
+     case sel_NilCexpressionDQ:
+ 	return NilCexpressionDQ();
+     case sel_CExpressionArray:
+ 	return CExpressionArray(phylum_cast<Cexpression>(kc_p1));
+     case sel_CExpressionPack:
+ 	return CExpressionPack(phylum_cast<Cexpression>(kc_p1));
+     case sel_CExpressionSQ:
+ 	return CExpressionSQ(phylum_cast<CexpressionSQ>(kc_p1));
+     case sel_CExpressionDQ:
+ 	return CExpressionDQ(phylum_cast<CexpressionDQ>(kc_p1));
+     case sel_CExpressionNl:
+ 	return CExpressionNl();
+     case sel_CExpressionDollarvar:
+ 	return CExpressionDollarvar(phylum_cast<INT>(kc_p1));
+     case sel_CExpressionPart:
+ 	return CExpressionPart(phylum_cast<casestring>(kc_p1));
+     case sel_ConsCexpression:
+ 	return ConsCexpression(phylum_cast<Cexpression_elem>(kc_p1), phylum_cast<Cexpression>(kc_p2));
+     case sel_NilCexpression:
+ 	return NilCexpression();
+     case sel_Yesattribute_initialisation:
+ 	return Yesattribute_initialisation(phylum_cast<Cexpression>(kc_p1));
+     case sel_Noattribute_initialisation:
+ 	return Noattribute_initialisation();
+     case sel_Attribute:
+ 	return Attribute(phylum_cast<ID>(kc_p1), phylum_cast<ID>(kc_p2), phylum_cast<attribute_initialisation_option>(kc_p3));
+     case sel_Consattributes:
+ 	return Consattributes(phylum_cast<attribute>(kc_p1), phylum_cast<attributes>(kc_p2));
+     case sel_Nilattributes:
+ 	return Nilattributes();
+     case sel_CcodeOption:
+ 	return CcodeOption(phylum_cast<attributes>(kc_p1), phylum_cast<Ctexts>(kc_p2));
+     case sel_Argument:
+ 	return Argument(phylum_cast<ID>(kc_p1), phylum_cast<integer>(kc_p2));
+     case sel_Consarguments:
+ 	return Consarguments(phylum_cast<ID>(kc_p1), phylum_cast<arguments>(kc_p2));
+     case sel_Nilarguments:
+ 	return Nilarguments();
+     case sel_Alternative:
+ 	return Alternative(phylum_cast<ID>(kc_p1), phylum_cast<arguments>(kc_p2));
+     case sel_Consalternatives:
+ 	return Consalternatives(phylum_cast<alternative>(kc_p1), phylum_cast<alternatives>(kc_p2));
+     case sel_Nilalternatives:
+ 	return Nilalternatives();
+     case sel_PredefinedAlternatives:
+ 	return PredefinedAlternatives(phylum_cast<alternatives>(kc_p1));
+     case sel_NonlistAlternatives:
+ 	return NonlistAlternatives(phylum_cast<alternatives>(kc_p1));
+     case sel_ListAlternatives:
+ 	return ListAlternatives(phylum_cast<alternatives>(kc_p1), phylum_cast<ID>(kc_p2));
+     case sel_Emptyproductionblock:
+ 	return Emptyproductionblock();
+     case sel_Consstorageclasses:
+ 	return Consstorageclasses(phylum_cast<ID>(kc_p1), phylum_cast<storageclasses>(kc_p2));
+     case sel_Nilstorageclasses:
+ 	return Nilstorageclasses();
+     case sel_PositiveStorageOption:
+ 	return PositiveStorageOption(phylum_cast<ID>(kc_p1));
+     case sel_NegativeStorageOption:
+ 	return NegativeStorageOption(phylum_cast<ID>(kc_p1));
+     case sel_NoStorageOption:
+ 	return NoStorageOption();
+     case sel_PhylumDeclaration:
+ 	return PhylumDeclaration(phylum_cast<ID>(kc_p1), phylum_cast<storageoption>(kc_p2), phylum_cast<productionblock>(kc_p3), phylum_cast<Ccode_option>(kc_p4));
+     case sel_Consphylumnames:
+ 	return Consphylumnames(phylum_cast<ID>(kc_p1), phylum_cast<phylumnames>(kc_p2));
+     case sel_Nilphylumnames:
+ 	return Nilphylumnames();
+     case sel_Consphylumdeclarations:
+ 	return Consphylumdeclarations(phylum_cast<phylumdeclaration>(kc_p1), phylum_cast<phylumdeclarations>(kc_p2));
+     case sel_Nilphylumdeclarations:
+ 	return Nilphylumdeclarations();
+     case sel_PhylumDeclarations:
+ 	return PhylumDeclarations(phylum_cast<phylumdeclarations>(kc_p1));
+     case sel_String:
+ 	return String(phylum_cast<casestring>(kc_p1));
+     case sel_Int:
+ 	return Int(phylum_cast<integer>(kc_p1));
+     case sel_Id:
+ 	return Id(phylum_cast<uniqID>(kc_p1));
+     case sel_Str:
+ 	return Str(phylum_cast<casestring>(kc_p1));
+     default:
+ 	assertionFailed("Cannot create this kind of phylum - unkown operator id");
+     }
+ }
+ abstract_phylum&
+ attributeOf(abstract_phylum kc_p, int no)
+ {
+     assertionFailed("Cannot select attribute for this kind of phylum - has no attributes");
+ }
+ abstract_phylum
+ impl_abstract_phylum::subphylum(int) const
+ {
+     return 0;
+ }
+ void
+ impl_abstract_phylum::set_subphylum(int,abstract_phylum)
+ {
+ }
+ void
+ impl_abstract_phylum::free(bool kc_rec)
+ {
+     KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_FREE_CALLED_STATS(prod_sel(), kc_rec));
+     if (!phylum_info[phylum()].uniq_stored) {
+ 	if (kc_rec) {
+ 	    abstract_phylum son;
+ 	    for (int kc_i=0; (son = subphylum(kc_i)); kc_i++)
+ 	    {
+ 		if (son!=0) son->free(kc_rec);
+ 		son=0;
+ 	    }
+ 	}
+ 	KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_FREED_STATS(prod_sel(), kc_rec));
+ 	delete this;
+     }
+ }
+ bool
+ impl_abstract_phylum::eq(c_abstract_phylum kc_p2) const
+ {
+     if (this == kc_p2)
+ 	return true;
+     if (prod_sel() != kc_p2->prod_sel())
+ 	return false;
+     int kc_st = phylum_info[phylum()].uniq_stored;
+     if (kc_st && kc_storageclass_still_uniq[kc_st])
+ 	return false;
+     c_abstract_phylum son1;
+     for (int kc_i=0; (son1 = subphylum(kc_i)); kc_i++) {
+ 	if (!son1->eq(kc_p2->subphylum(kc_i)))
+ 	    return false;
+     }
+     return true;
+ }
+ static string kc_indentation = "";
+ static const char *kc_printformat_not_nullary_open = "%s%s(\n";
+ static const char *kc_printformat_list_open = "%s%s\n";
+ static const char *kc_printformat_not_nullary_close = "%s)\n";
+ static const char *kc_printformat_nullary = "%s%s()\n";
+ void
+ impl_abstract_phylum::fprint(FILE*kc_f)
+ {
+     int kc_i;
+     if (!kc_f) kc_f = stdout;
+     abstract_list al = dynamic_cast<abstract_list>(this);
+     if (al != 0 && !al->is_nil()) {
+ 	fprintf(kc_f, kc_printformat_list_open, kc_indentation.c_str(), op_name());
+ 	kc_indentation+="| ";
+ 	subphylum(0)->fprint(kc_f);
+ 	kc_indentation=kc_indentation.substr(0, kc_indentation.length()-2);
+ 	phylum_cast<abstract_list>(subphylum(1))->fprint_list(kc_f);
+ 	kc_indentation=kc_indentation.substr(0, kc_indentation.length()-2);
+     } else // not list
+ 	switch(phylum()) {
+ 	case phylum_voidptr:
+ 	    fprintf(kc_f, "%s%p\n", kc_indentation.c_str(), static_cast<voidptr>(this)->pointer);
+ 	    break;
+ 	case phylum_casestring:
+ 	case phylum_nocasestring:
+ 	    fprintf(kc_f, "%s%s\n", kc_indentation.c_str(), static_cast<casestring>(this)->name);
+ 	    break;
+ 	case phylum_integer:
+ 	    fprintf(kc_f, "%s%i\n", kc_indentation.c_str(), static_cast<integer>(this)->value);
+ 	    break;
+ 	case phylum_real:
+ 	    fprintf(kc_f, "%s%f\n", kc_indentation.c_str(), static_cast<real>(this)->value);
+ 	    break;
+ 	default:
+ 	    if (!subphylum(0)) {
+ 		fprintf(kc_f, kc_printformat_nullary, kc_indentation.c_str(), op_name());
+ 	    } else {
+ 		fprintf(kc_f, kc_printformat_not_nullary_open, kc_indentation.c_str(), op_name());
+ 		kc_indentation+="  ";
+ 		abstract_phylum son;
+ 		for (kc_i=0; (son = subphylum(kc_i)); kc_i++) {
+ 		    son->fprint(kc_f);
+ 		}
+ 		kc_indentation=kc_indentation.substr(0, kc_indentation.length()-2);
+ 		fprintf(kc_f, kc_printformat_not_nullary_close, kc_indentation.c_str());
+ 	    }
+     }
+ }
+ void 
+ impl_abstract_phylum::print()
+ {
+     fprint(stdout);
+ }
+ void 
+ impl_abstract_list::fprint_list(FILE*kc_f)
+ {
+     if (!kc_f)
+ 	kc_f = stdout;
+     if (this->is_nil()) {
+ 	kc_indentation+="`-";
+ 	fprintf(kc_f, kc_printformat_nullary, kc_indentation.c_str(), op_name());
+     } else {
+ 	kc_indentation+="|-";
+ 	fprintf(kc_f, kc_printformat_list_open, kc_indentation.c_str(), op_name());
+ 	kc_indentation=kc_indentation.substr(0, kc_indentation.length()-2);
+ 	kc_indentation+="| ";
+ 	subphylum(0)->fprint(kc_f);
+ 	kc_indentation=kc_indentation.substr(0, kc_indentation.length()-2);
+ 	phylum_cast<abstract_list>(subphylum(1))->fprint_list(kc_f);
+     }
+ }
+ int
+ impl_abstract_list::length() const
+ {
+     int kc_length = 0;
+     c_abstract_phylum kc_p = this;
+     while((kc_p = kc_p->subphylum(1)))
+ 	kc_length++;
+     return kc_length;
+ }
+ void impl_abstract_list::freelist()
+ {
+     abstract_phylum kc_p = this, kc_tmp_p;
+     do {
+ 	kc_tmp_p=kc_p->subphylum(1);
+ 	kc_p->free(false);
+ 	kc_p=kc_tmp_p;
+     } while(kc_p);
+ }
+ abstract_phylum
+ impl_abstract_list::do_concat(c_abstract_phylum kc_p2, enum_operators mk) const
+ {
+     abstract_phylum next = subphylum(1);
+     if(!next)
+ 	return const_cast<abstract_phylum>(kc_p2);
+     return kc_create(mk, subphylum(0), static_cast<abstract_list>(next)->do_concat(kc_p2, mk));
+ }
+ abstract_phylum
+ impl_abstract_list::do_reverse(c_abstract_phylum tail, enum_operators mk) const
+ {
+     for (impl_abstract_list const* iterator_ = this; iterator_->subphylum(1) != 0;
+ 	iterator_ = static_cast<impl_abstract_list const*>(iterator_->subphylum(1)) )
+     tail = kc_create(mk, iterator_->subphylum(0), const_cast<abstract_phylum>(tail));
+     return const_cast<abstract_phylum>(tail);
+ }
+ abstract_phylum
+ impl_abstract_list::last() const
+ {
+     c_abstract_phylum kc_p = this, next = subphylum(1), nextnext;
+ #ifdef _AFX
+     ASSERT(next);
+     if(!next)
+ 	return NULL;
+ #else
+     if(!next){
+ 	fflush(stdout);
+ 	fprintf(stderr, "Internal Error: list::last was called with argument Nil%s\n", phylum_name());
+ 	exit(1);
+     }
+ #endif
+     while ((nextnext = next->subphylum(1))) {
+ 	kc_p = next;
+ 	next = nextnext;
+     }
+     return const_cast<abstract_phylum>(kc_p->subphylum(0));/* XXX remove cast */
+ }
+ abstract_phylum
+ impl_abstract_list::do_map(abstract_phylum (*kc_fp)(abstract_phylum), enum_operators mk)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum el = subphylum(0);
+     if (!el)
+ 	return this;
+     abstract_list next = static_cast<abstract_list>(subphylum(1));
+     return kc_create(mk, kc_fp(el), next->do_map(kc_fp, mk));
+ }
+ abstract_phylum
+ impl_abstract_list::do_filter(bool (*kc_fp)(abstract_phylum), enum_operators mk)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum el = subphylum(0);
+     if (!el)
+ 	return this;
+     abstract_list next = static_cast<abstract_list>(subphylum(1));
+     if ((*kc_fp)(el)) {
+ 	return kc_create(mk, el, next->do_filter(kc_fp, mk));
+     } else {
+ 	return next->do_filter(kc_fp, mk);
+     }
+ }
+ abstract_list
+ impl_abstract_list::do_append(abstract_phylum new_last, abstract_list eol)
+ {
+     abstract_list next = this;
+     while (!next->is_nil())
+ 	next = phylum_cast<abstract_list>(next->subphylum(1));
+     next->set_subphylum(0, new_last);
+     next->set_subphylum(1, eol);
+     return next;
+ }
+ abstract_phylum
+ impl_abstract_list::do_merge(abstract_list second,abstract_phylum(*kc_fp)(abstract_phylum,abstract_phylum), enum_operators mk)
+ {
+     abstract_phylum el = subphylum(0);
+     if (!el)
+ 	return this;
+     abstract_phylum el2 = second->subphylum(0);
+     if (!el2)
+ 	return el2;
+     abstract_list next = static_cast<abstract_list>(subphylum(1));
+     abstract_list next2 = static_cast<abstract_list>(second->subphylum(1));
+     return kc_create(mk, kc_fp(el,el2), next->do_merge(next2, kc_fp, mk));
+ }
+ abstract_phylum
+ impl_abstract_list::do_reduce(abstract_phylum neutral, abstract_phylum(*kc_fp)(abstract_phylum,abstract_phylum)) {
+     abstract_phylum el = subphylum(0);
+     if (!el)
+ 	return neutral;
+     abstract_list next = static_cast<abstract_list>(subphylum(1));
+     return kc_fp(el,next->do_reduce(neutral,kc_fp));
+ }
+ extern const char* kc_storageclassnames[];
+ void do_print_operator_statistics(FILE * kc_f)
+ {
+     unsigned int kc_i;
+     assertNonNull( kc_f );
+     fprintf(kc_f, "%-*s| %-*s| %-*s| %-*s| %-*s| %-*s| %-*s| %-*s| %-*s| %-*s\n", 38 , "Operator", 3, "Sz", 8, "#oper", 8, "#new", 8, "#exist", 8, "#frnrec", 8, "#frrec", 8, "#freed", 8, "#rem", 9, "total (bytes)");
+     fprintf(kc_f, "%-*s|%*s |%*d |%*d |%*d |%*d |%*d |%*d |%*d |%*d\n", 38, "case sensitive strings", 3, "-", 8, operator_statistics[sel__Str].created, 8, operator_statistics[sel__Str].existing_not_found, 8, operator_statistics[sel__Str].created-operator_statistics[sel__Str].existing_not_found, 8, 0, 8, 0, 8, 0, 8, 0, 9, kc_casestring_strlen);
+     fprintf(kc_f, "%-*s|%*s |%*d |%*d |%*d |%*d |%*d |%*d |%*d |%*d\n", 38, "case insensitive strings", 3, "-", 8, operator_statistics[sel_NoCaseStr].created, 8, operator_statistics[sel_NoCaseStr].existing_not_found, 8, operator_statistics[sel_NoCaseStr].created-operator_statistics[sel_NoCaseStr].existing_not_found, 8, 0, 8, 0, 8, 0, 8, 0, 9, kc_nocasestring_strlen);
+     for (kc_i = one_before_first_operator+1; kc_i < last_operator; kc_i++) {
+ 	fprintf(kc_f, "%-*s|%*d |%*d |%*d |%*d |%*d |%*d |%*d |%*d |%*d\n", 38, operator_info[kc_i].name, 3, operator_info[kc_i].size, 8, operator_statistics[kc_i].created, 8, operator_statistics[kc_i].existing_not_found, 8, operator_statistics[kc_i].created-operator_statistics[kc_i].existing_not_found, 8, operator_statistics[kc_i].free_called[false], 8, operator_statistics[kc_i].free_called[true], 8, operator_statistics[kc_i].freed[false]+operator_statistics[kc_i].freed[true], 8, operator_statistics[kc_i].existing_not_found-(operator_statistics[kc_i].freed[false]+operator_statistics[kc_i].freed[true]), 9, operator_info[kc_i].size*(operator_statistics[kc_i].existing_not_found-(operator_statistics[kc_i].freed[false]+operator_statistics[kc_i].freed[true])));
+     }
+ }
+ #endif // KC_STATISTICS
+ const char*
+ phylumname_or_error(enum_phyla kc_phy)
+ {
+     if ((kc_phy <= one_before_first_phylum) || (kc_phy >= last_phylum)) {
+ 	char *kc_strof_error;
+ 	sprintf((kc_strof_error=new char[69]), "Internal Error: unknown phylum number: %d", kc_phy);
+ 	return kc_strof_error;
+     } else {
+ 	return phylum_info[kc_phy].name;
+     }   }
+ const char*
+ kc_operatorname_or_error(enum_operators kc_operator)
+ {
+     if ((kc_operator <= one_before_first_operator) || (kc_operator >= last_operator)) {
+ 	char *kc_strof_error;
+ 	sprintf((kc_strof_error=new char[71]), "Internal Error: unknown operator number: %d", kc_operator);
+ 	return kc_strof_error;
+     } else {
+ 	return operator_info[kc_operator].name;
+     }   }
+ phylumdeclarations
+ concat(c_phylumdeclarations kc_p1, c_phylumdeclarations kc_p2)
+ { return dynamic_cast<phylumdeclarations>(kc_p1->do_concat(kc_p2, sel_Consphylumdeclarations)); }
+ phylumdeclarations
+ impl_phylumdeclarations::reverse() const
+ { return dynamic_cast<phylumdeclarations>(do_reverse(Nilphylumdeclarations(), sel_Consphylumdeclarations)); }
+ phylumdeclaration
+ impl_phylumdeclarations::last() const
+ { return dynamic_cast<phylumdeclaration>(impl_abstract_list::last()); }
+ bool
+ impl_phylumdeclarations::is_nil() const
+ {
+     return phylumdeclaration_1==0 && phylumdeclarations_1==0;
+ }
+ phylumdeclarations
+ impl_phylumdeclarations::map(phylumdeclaration (*kc_fp)(phylumdeclaration))
+ { return dynamic_cast<phylumdeclarations>(do_map((abstract_phylum (*)(abstract_phylum))kc_fp, sel_Consphylumdeclarations)); }
+ phylumdeclarations
+ impl_phylumdeclarations::filter(bool (*kc_fp)(phylumdeclaration))
+ { return dynamic_cast<phylumdeclarations>(do_filter((bool (*)(abstract_phylum))kc_fp, sel_Consphylumdeclarations)); }
+ phylumdeclarations
+ impl_phylumdeclarations::append(phylumdeclaration new_last)
+ {
+     return dynamic_cast<phylumdeclarations>(do_append(new_last, Nilphylumdeclarations()));
+ }
+ phylumdeclarations
+ impl_phylumdeclarations::merge( phylumdeclarations second, phylumdeclaration (*kc_fp)(phylumdeclaration, phylumdeclaration))
+ {
+     return dynamic_cast<phylumdeclarations>(do_merge(second,(abstract_phylum(*)(abstract_phylum,abstract_phylum))kc_fp, sel_Consphylumdeclarations));
+ }
+ phylumdeclaration
+ impl_phylumdeclarations::reduce( phylumdeclaration neutral, phylumdeclaration (*kc_fp)(phylumdeclaration, phylumdeclaration))
+ {
+     return dynamic_cast<phylumdeclaration>(do_reduce(neutral,(abstract_phylum(*)(abstract_phylum,abstract_phylum))kc_fp));
+ }
+ phylumnames
+ concat(c_phylumnames kc_p1, c_phylumnames kc_p2)
+ { return dynamic_cast<phylumnames>(kc_p1->do_concat(kc_p2, sel_Consphylumnames)); }
+ phylumnames
+ impl_phylumnames::reverse() const
+ { return dynamic_cast<phylumnames>(do_reverse(Nilphylumnames(), sel_Consphylumnames)); }
+ ID
+ impl_phylumnames::last() const
+ { return dynamic_cast<ID>(impl_abstract_list::last()); }
+ bool
+ impl_phylumnames::is_nil() const
+ {
+     return ID_1==0 && phylumnames_1==0;
+ }
+ phylumnames
+ impl_phylumnames::map(ID (*kc_fp)(ID))
+ { return dynamic_cast<phylumnames>(do_map((abstract_phylum (*)(abstract_phylum))kc_fp, sel_Consphylumnames)); }
+ phylumnames
+ impl_phylumnames::filter(bool (*kc_fp)(ID))
+ { return dynamic_cast<phylumnames>(do_filter((bool (*)(abstract_phylum))kc_fp, sel_Consphylumnames)); }
+ phylumnames
+ impl_phylumnames::append(ID new_last)
+ {
+     return dynamic_cast<phylumnames>(do_append(new_last, Nilphylumnames()));
+ }
+ phylumnames
+ impl_phylumnames::merge( phylumnames second, ID (*kc_fp)(ID, ID))
+ {
+     return dynamic_cast<phylumnames>(do_merge(second,(abstract_phylum(*)(abstract_phylum,abstract_phylum))kc_fp, sel_Consphylumnames));
+ }
+ ID
+ impl_phylumnames::reduce( ID neutral, ID (*kc_fp)(ID, ID))
+ {
+     return dynamic_cast<ID>(do_reduce(neutral,(abstract_phylum(*)(abstract_phylum,abstract_phylum))kc_fp));
+ }
+ storageclasses
+ concat(c_storageclasses kc_p1, c_storageclasses kc_p2)
+ { return dynamic_cast<storageclasses>(kc_p1->do_concat(kc_p2, sel_Consstorageclasses)); }
+ storageclasses
+ impl_storageclasses::reverse() const
+ { return dynamic_cast<storageclasses>(do_reverse(Nilstorageclasses(), sel_Consstorageclasses)); }
+ ID
+ impl_storageclasses::last() const
+ { return dynamic_cast<ID>(impl_abstract_list::last()); }
+ bool
+ impl_storageclasses::is_nil() const
+ {
+     return ID_1==0 && storageclasses_1==0;
+ }
+ storageclasses
+ impl_storageclasses::map(ID (*kc_fp)(ID))
+ { return dynamic_cast<storageclasses>(do_map((abstract_phylum (*)(abstract_phylum))kc_fp, sel_Consstorageclasses)); }
+ storageclasses
+ impl_storageclasses::filter(bool (*kc_fp)(ID))
+ { return dynamic_cast<storageclasses>(do_filter((bool (*)(abstract_phylum))kc_fp, sel_Consstorageclasses)); }
+ storageclasses
+ impl_storageclasses::append(ID new_last)
+ {
+     return dynamic_cast<storageclasses>(do_append(new_last, Nilstorageclasses()));
+ }
+ storageclasses
+ impl_storageclasses::merge( storageclasses second, ID (*kc_fp)(ID, ID))
+ {
+     return dynamic_cast<storageclasses>(do_merge(second,(abstract_phylum(*)(abstract_phylum,abstract_phylum))kc_fp, sel_Consstorageclasses));
+ }
+ ID
+ impl_storageclasses::reduce( ID neutral, ID (*kc_fp)(ID, ID))
+ {
+     return dynamic_cast<ID>(do_reduce(neutral,(abstract_phylum(*)(abstract_phylum,abstract_phylum))kc_fp));
+ }
+ alternatives
+ concat(c_alternatives kc_p1, c_alternatives kc_p2)
+ { return dynamic_cast<alternatives>(kc_p1->do_concat(kc_p2, sel_Consalternatives)); }
+ alternatives
+ impl_alternatives::reverse() const
+ { return dynamic_cast<alternatives>(do_reverse(Nilalternatives(), sel_Consalternatives)); }
+ alternative
+ impl_alternatives::last() const
+ { return dynamic_cast<alternative>(impl_abstract_list::last()); }
+ bool
+ impl_alternatives::is_nil() const
+ {
+     return alternative_1==0 && alternatives_1==0;
+ }
+ alternatives
+ impl_alternatives::map(alternative (*kc_fp)(alternative))
+ { return dynamic_cast<alternatives>(do_map((abstract_phylum (*)(abstract_phylum))kc_fp, sel_Consalternatives)); }
+ alternatives
+ impl_alternatives::filter(bool (*kc_fp)(alternative))
+ { return dynamic_cast<alternatives>(do_filter((bool (*)(abstract_phylum))kc_fp, sel_Consalternatives)); }
+ alternatives
+ impl_alternatives::append(alternative new_last)
+ {
+     return dynamic_cast<alternatives>(do_append(new_last, Nilalternatives()));
+ }
+ alternatives
+ impl_alternatives::merge( alternatives second, alternative (*kc_fp)(alternative, alternative))
+ {
+     return dynamic_cast<alternatives>(do_merge(second,(abstract_phylum(*)(abstract_phylum,abstract_phylum))kc_fp, sel_Consalternatives));
+ }
+ alternative
+ impl_alternatives::reduce( alternative neutral, alternative (*kc_fp)(alternative, alternative))
+ {
+     return dynamic_cast<alternative>(do_reduce(neutral,(abstract_phylum(*)(abstract_phylum,abstract_phylum))kc_fp));
+ }
+ arguments
+ concat(c_arguments kc_p1, c_arguments kc_p2)
+ { return dynamic_cast<arguments>(kc_p1->do_concat(kc_p2, sel_Consarguments)); }
+ arguments
+ impl_arguments::reverse() const
+ { return dynamic_cast<arguments>(do_reverse(Nilarguments(), sel_Consarguments)); }
+ ID
+ impl_arguments::last() const
+ { return dynamic_cast<ID>(impl_abstract_list::last()); }
+ bool
+ impl_arguments::is_nil() const
+ {
+     return ID_1==0 && arguments_1==0;
+ }
+ arguments
+ impl_arguments::map(ID (*kc_fp)(ID))
+ { return dynamic_cast<arguments>(do_map((abstract_phylum (*)(abstract_phylum))kc_fp, sel_Consarguments)); }
+ arguments
+ impl_arguments::filter(bool (*kc_fp)(ID))
+ { return dynamic_cast<arguments>(do_filter((bool (*)(abstract_phylum))kc_fp, sel_Consarguments)); }
+ arguments
+ impl_arguments::append(ID new_last)
+ {
+     return dynamic_cast<arguments>(do_append(new_last, Nilarguments()));
+ }
+ arguments
+ impl_arguments::merge( arguments second, ID (*kc_fp)(ID, ID))
+ {
+     return dynamic_cast<arguments>(do_merge(second,(abstract_phylum(*)(abstract_phylum,abstract_phylum))kc_fp, sel_Consarguments));
+ }
+ ID
+ impl_arguments::reduce( ID neutral, ID (*kc_fp)(ID, ID))
+ {
+     return dynamic_cast<ID>(do_reduce(neutral,(abstract_phylum(*)(abstract_phylum,abstract_phylum))kc_fp));
+ }
+ attributes
+ concat(c_attributes kc_p1, c_attributes kc_p2)
+ { return dynamic_cast<attributes>(kc_p1->do_concat(kc_p2, sel_Consattributes)); }
+ attributes
+ impl_attributes::reverse() const
+ { return dynamic_cast<attributes>(do_reverse(Nilattributes(), sel_Consattributes)); }
+ attribute
+ impl_attributes::last() const
+ { return dynamic_cast<attribute>(impl_abstract_list::last()); }
+ bool
+ impl_attributes::is_nil() const
+ {
+     return attribute_1==0 && attributes_1==0;
+ }
+ attributes
+ impl_attributes::map(attribute (*kc_fp)(attribute))
+ { return dynamic_cast<attributes>(do_map((abstract_phylum (*)(abstract_phylum))kc_fp, sel_Consattributes)); }
+ attributes
+ impl_attributes::filter(bool (*kc_fp)(attribute))
+ { return dynamic_cast<attributes>(do_filter((bool (*)(abstract_phylum))kc_fp, sel_Consattributes)); }
+ attributes
+ impl_attributes::append(attribute new_last)
+ {
+     return dynamic_cast<attributes>(do_append(new_last, Nilattributes()));
+ }
+ attributes
+ impl_attributes::merge( attributes second, attribute (*kc_fp)(attribute, attribute))
+ {
+     return dynamic_cast<attributes>(do_merge(second,(abstract_phylum(*)(abstract_phylum,abstract_phylum))kc_fp, sel_Consattributes));
+ }
+ attribute
+ impl_attributes::reduce( attribute neutral, attribute (*kc_fp)(attribute, attribute))
+ {
+     return dynamic_cast<attribute>(do_reduce(neutral,(abstract_phylum(*)(abstract_phylum,abstract_phylum))kc_fp));
+ }
+ Cexpression
+ concat(c_Cexpression kc_p1, c_Cexpression kc_p2)
+ { return dynamic_cast<Cexpression>(kc_p1->do_concat(kc_p2, sel_ConsCexpression)); }
+ Cexpression
+ impl_Cexpression::reverse() const
+ { return dynamic_cast<Cexpression>(do_reverse(NilCexpression(), sel_ConsCexpression)); }
+ Cexpression_elem
+ impl_Cexpression::last() const
+ { return dynamic_cast<Cexpression_elem>(impl_abstract_list::last()); }
+ bool
+ impl_Cexpression::is_nil() const
+ {
+     return Cexpression_elem_1==0 && Cexpression_1==0;
+ }
+ Cexpression
+ impl_Cexpression::map(Cexpression_elem (*kc_fp)(Cexpression_elem))
+ { return dynamic_cast<Cexpression>(do_map((abstract_phylum (*)(abstract_phylum))kc_fp, sel_ConsCexpression)); }
+ Cexpression
+ impl_Cexpression::filter(bool (*kc_fp)(Cexpression_elem))
+ { return dynamic_cast<Cexpression>(do_filter((bool (*)(abstract_phylum))kc_fp, sel_ConsCexpression)); }
+ Cexpression
+ impl_Cexpression::append(Cexpression_elem new_last)
+ {
+     return dynamic_cast<Cexpression>(do_append(new_last, NilCexpression()));
+ }
+ Cexpression
+ impl_Cexpression::merge( Cexpression second, Cexpression_elem (*kc_fp)(Cexpression_elem, Cexpression_elem))
+ {
+     return dynamic_cast<Cexpression>(do_merge(second,(abstract_phylum(*)(abstract_phylum,abstract_phylum))kc_fp, sel_ConsCexpression));
+ }
+ Cexpression_elem
+ impl_Cexpression::reduce( Cexpression_elem neutral, Cexpression_elem (*kc_fp)(Cexpression_elem, Cexpression_elem))
+ {
+     return dynamic_cast<Cexpression_elem>(do_reduce(neutral,(abstract_phylum(*)(abstract_phylum,abstract_phylum))kc_fp));
+ }
+ CexpressionDQ
+ concat(c_CexpressionDQ kc_p1, c_CexpressionDQ kc_p2)
+ { return dynamic_cast<CexpressionDQ>(kc_p1->do_concat(kc_p2, sel_ConsCexpressionDQ)); }
+ CexpressionDQ
+ impl_CexpressionDQ::reverse() const
+ { return dynamic_cast<CexpressionDQ>(do_reverse(NilCexpressionDQ(), sel_ConsCexpressionDQ)); }
+ CexpressionDQ_elem
+ impl_CexpressionDQ::last() const
+ { return dynamic_cast<CexpressionDQ_elem>(impl_abstract_list::last()); }
+ bool
+ impl_CexpressionDQ::is_nil() const
+ {
+     return CexpressionDQ_elem_1==0 && CexpressionDQ_1==0;
+ }
+ CexpressionDQ
+ impl_CexpressionDQ::map(CexpressionDQ_elem (*kc_fp)(CexpressionDQ_elem))
+ { return dynamic_cast<CexpressionDQ>(do_map((abstract_phylum (*)(abstract_phylum))kc_fp, sel_ConsCexpressionDQ)); }
+ CexpressionDQ
+ impl_CexpressionDQ::filter(bool (*kc_fp)(CexpressionDQ_elem))
+ { return dynamic_cast<CexpressionDQ>(do_filter((bool (*)(abstract_phylum))kc_fp, sel_ConsCexpressionDQ)); }
+ CexpressionDQ
+ impl_CexpressionDQ::append(CexpressionDQ_elem new_last)
+ {
+     return dynamic_cast<CexpressionDQ>(do_append(new_last, NilCexpressionDQ()));
+ }
+ CexpressionDQ
+ impl_CexpressionDQ::merge( CexpressionDQ second, CexpressionDQ_elem (*kc_fp)(CexpressionDQ_elem, CexpressionDQ_elem))
+ {
+     return dynamic_cast<CexpressionDQ>(do_merge(second,(abstract_phylum(*)(abstract_phylum,abstract_phylum))kc_fp, sel_ConsCexpressionDQ));
+ }
+ CexpressionDQ_elem
+ impl_CexpressionDQ::reduce( CexpressionDQ_elem neutral, CexpressionDQ_elem (*kc_fp)(CexpressionDQ_elem, CexpressionDQ_elem))
+ {
+     return dynamic_cast<CexpressionDQ_elem>(do_reduce(neutral,(abstract_phylum(*)(abstract_phylum,abstract_phylum))kc_fp));
+ }
+ CexpressionSQ
+ concat(c_CexpressionSQ kc_p1, c_CexpressionSQ kc_p2)
+ { return dynamic_cast<CexpressionSQ>(kc_p1->do_concat(kc_p2, sel_ConsCexpressionSQ)); }
+ CexpressionSQ
+ impl_CexpressionSQ::reverse() const
+ { return dynamic_cast<CexpressionSQ>(do_reverse(NilCexpressionSQ(), sel_ConsCexpressionSQ)); }
+ CexpressionSQ_elem
+ impl_CexpressionSQ::last() const
+ { return dynamic_cast<CexpressionSQ_elem>(impl_abstract_list::last()); }
+ bool
+ impl_CexpressionSQ::is_nil() const
+ {
+     return CexpressionSQ_elem_1==0 && CexpressionSQ_1==0;
+ }
+ CexpressionSQ
+ impl_CexpressionSQ::map(CexpressionSQ_elem (*kc_fp)(CexpressionSQ_elem))
+ { return dynamic_cast<CexpressionSQ>(do_map((abstract_phylum (*)(abstract_phylum))kc_fp, sel_ConsCexpressionSQ)); }
+ CexpressionSQ
+ impl_CexpressionSQ::filter(bool (*kc_fp)(CexpressionSQ_elem))
+ { return dynamic_cast<CexpressionSQ>(do_filter((bool (*)(abstract_phylum))kc_fp, sel_ConsCexpressionSQ)); }
+ CexpressionSQ
+ impl_CexpressionSQ::append(CexpressionSQ_elem new_last)
+ {
+     return dynamic_cast<CexpressionSQ>(do_append(new_last, NilCexpressionSQ()));
+ }
+ CexpressionSQ
+ impl_CexpressionSQ::merge( CexpressionSQ second, CexpressionSQ_elem (*kc_fp)(CexpressionSQ_elem, CexpressionSQ_elem))
+ {
+     return dynamic_cast<CexpressionSQ>(do_merge(second,(abstract_phylum(*)(abstract_phylum,abstract_phylum))kc_fp, sel_ConsCexpressionSQ));
+ }
+ CexpressionSQ_elem
+ impl_CexpressionSQ::reduce( CexpressionSQ_elem neutral, CexpressionSQ_elem (*kc_fp)(CexpressionSQ_elem, CexpressionSQ_elem))
+ {
+     return dynamic_cast<CexpressionSQ_elem>(do_reduce(neutral,(abstract_phylum(*)(abstract_phylum,abstract_phylum))kc_fp));
+ }
+ idCexpressions
+ concat(c_idCexpressions kc_p1, c_idCexpressions kc_p2)
+ { return dynamic_cast<idCexpressions>(kc_p1->do_concat(kc_p2, sel_ConsidCexpressions)); }
+ idCexpressions
+ impl_idCexpressions::reverse() const
+ { return dynamic_cast<idCexpressions>(do_reverse(NilidCexpressions(), sel_ConsidCexpressions)); }
+ idCexpression
+ impl_idCexpressions::last() const
+ { return dynamic_cast<idCexpression>(impl_abstract_list::last()); }
+ bool
+ impl_idCexpressions::is_nil() const
+ {
+     return idCexpression_1==0 && idCexpressions_1==0;
+ }
+ idCexpressions
+ impl_idCexpressions::map(idCexpression (*kc_fp)(idCexpression))
+ { return dynamic_cast<idCexpressions>(do_map((abstract_phylum (*)(abstract_phylum))kc_fp, sel_ConsidCexpressions)); }
+ idCexpressions
+ impl_idCexpressions::filter(bool (*kc_fp)(idCexpression))
+ { return dynamic_cast<idCexpressions>(do_filter((bool (*)(abstract_phylum))kc_fp, sel_ConsidCexpressions)); }
+ idCexpressions
+ impl_idCexpressions::append(idCexpression new_last)
+ {
+     return dynamic_cast<idCexpressions>(do_append(new_last, NilidCexpressions()));
+ }
+ idCexpressions
+ impl_idCexpressions::merge( idCexpressions second, idCexpression (*kc_fp)(idCexpression, idCexpression))
+ {
+     return dynamic_cast<idCexpressions>(do_merge(second,(abstract_phylum(*)(abstract_phylum,abstract_phylum))kc_fp, sel_ConsidCexpressions));
+ }
+ idCexpression
+ impl_idCexpressions::reduce( idCexpression neutral, idCexpression (*kc_fp)(idCexpression, idCexpression))
+ {
+     return dynamic_cast<idCexpression>(do_reduce(neutral,(abstract_phylum(*)(abstract_phylum,abstract_phylum))kc_fp));
+ }
+ Ctexts
+ concat(c_Ctexts kc_p1, c_Ctexts kc_p2)
+ { return dynamic_cast<Ctexts>(kc_p1->do_concat(kc_p2, sel_ConsCtexts)); }
+ Ctexts
+ impl_Ctexts::reverse() const
+ { return dynamic_cast<Ctexts>(do_reverse(NilCtexts(), sel_ConsCtexts)); }
+ Ctext
+ impl_Ctexts::last() const
+ { return dynamic_cast<Ctext>(impl_abstract_list::last()); }
+ bool
+ impl_Ctexts::is_nil() const
+ {
+     return Ctext_1==0 && Ctexts_1==0;
+ }
+ Ctexts
+ impl_Ctexts::map(Ctext (*kc_fp)(Ctext))
+ { return dynamic_cast<Ctexts>(do_map((abstract_phylum (*)(abstract_phylum))kc_fp, sel_ConsCtexts)); }
+ Ctexts
+ impl_Ctexts::filter(bool (*kc_fp)(Ctext))
+ { return dynamic_cast<Ctexts>(do_filter((bool (*)(abstract_phylum))kc_fp, sel_ConsCtexts)); }
+ Ctexts
+ impl_Ctexts::append(Ctext new_last)
+ {
+     return dynamic_cast<Ctexts>(do_append(new_last, NilCtexts()));
+ }
+ Ctexts
+ impl_Ctexts::merge( Ctexts second, Ctext (*kc_fp)(Ctext, Ctext))
+ {
+     return dynamic_cast<Ctexts>(do_merge(second,(abstract_phylum(*)(abstract_phylum,abstract_phylum))kc_fp, sel_ConsCtexts));
+ }
+ Ctext
+ impl_Ctexts::reduce( Ctext neutral, Ctext (*kc_fp)(Ctext, Ctext))
+ {
+     return dynamic_cast<Ctext>(do_reduce(neutral,(abstract_phylum(*)(abstract_phylum,abstract_phylum))kc_fp));
+ }
+ includefiles
+ concat(c_includefiles kc_p1, c_includefiles kc_p2)
+ { return dynamic_cast<includefiles>(kc_p1->do_concat(kc_p2, sel_Consincludefiles)); }
+ includefiles
+ impl_includefiles::reverse() const
+ { return dynamic_cast<includefiles>(do_reverse(Nilincludefiles(), sel_Consincludefiles)); }
+ includefile
+ impl_includefiles::last() const
+ { return dynamic_cast<includefile>(impl_abstract_list::last()); }
+ bool
+ impl_includefiles::is_nil() const
+ {
+     return includefile_1==0 && includefiles_1==0;
+ }
+ includefiles
+ impl_includefiles::map(includefile (*kc_fp)(includefile))
+ { return dynamic_cast<includefiles>(do_map((abstract_phylum (*)(abstract_phylum))kc_fp, sel_Consincludefiles)); }
+ includefiles
+ impl_includefiles::filter(bool (*kc_fp)(includefile))
+ { return dynamic_cast<includefiles>(do_filter((bool (*)(abstract_phylum))kc_fp, sel_Consincludefiles)); }
+ includefiles
+ impl_includefiles::append(includefile new_last)
+ {
+     return dynamic_cast<includefiles>(do_append(new_last, Nilincludefiles()));
+ }
+ includefiles
+ impl_includefiles::merge( includefiles second, includefile (*kc_fp)(includefile, includefile))
+ {
+     return dynamic_cast<includefiles>(do_merge(second,(abstract_phylum(*)(abstract_phylum,abstract_phylum))kc_fp, sel_Consincludefiles));
+ }
+ includefile
+ impl_includefiles::reduce( includefile neutral, includefile (*kc_fp)(includefile, includefile))
+ {
+     return dynamic_cast<includefile>(do_reduce(neutral,(abstract_phylum(*)(abstract_phylum,abstract_phylum))kc_fp));
+ }
+ includedeclarations
+ concat(c_includedeclarations kc_p1, c_includedeclarations kc_p2)
+ { return dynamic_cast<includedeclarations>(kc_p1->do_concat(kc_p2, sel_Consincludedeclarations)); }
+ includedeclarations
+ impl_includedeclarations::reverse() const
+ { return dynamic_cast<includedeclarations>(do_reverse(Nilincludedeclarations(), sel_Consincludedeclarations)); }
+ includedeclaration
+ impl_includedeclarations::last() const
+ { return dynamic_cast<includedeclaration>(impl_abstract_list::last()); }
+ bool
+ impl_includedeclarations::is_nil() const
+ {
+     return includedeclaration_1==0 && includedeclarations_1==0;
+ }
+ includedeclarations
+ impl_includedeclarations::map(includedeclaration (*kc_fp)(includedeclaration))
+ { return dynamic_cast<includedeclarations>(do_map((abstract_phylum (*)(abstract_phylum))kc_fp, sel_Consincludedeclarations)); }
+ includedeclarations
+ impl_includedeclarations::filter(bool (*kc_fp)(includedeclaration))
+ { return dynamic_cast<includedeclarations>(do_filter((bool (*)(abstract_phylum))kc_fp, sel_Consincludedeclarations)); }
+ includedeclarations
+ impl_includedeclarations::append(includedeclaration new_last)
+ {
+     return dynamic_cast<includedeclarations>(do_append(new_last, Nilincludedeclarations()));
+ }
+ includedeclarations
+ impl_includedeclarations::merge( includedeclarations second, includedeclaration (*kc_fp)(includedeclaration, includedeclaration))
+ {
+     return dynamic_cast<includedeclarations>(do_merge(second,(abstract_phylum(*)(abstract_phylum,abstract_phylum))kc_fp, sel_Consincludedeclarations));
+ }
+ includedeclaration
+ impl_includedeclarations::reduce( includedeclaration neutral, includedeclaration (*kc_fp)(includedeclaration, includedeclaration))
+ {
+     return dynamic_cast<includedeclaration>(do_reduce(neutral,(abstract_phylum(*)(abstract_phylum,abstract_phylum))kc_fp));
+ }
+ rwdeclarations
+ concat(c_rwdeclarations kc_p1, c_rwdeclarations kc_p2)
+ { return dynamic_cast<rwdeclarations>(kc_p1->do_concat(kc_p2, sel_Consrwdeclarations)); }
+ rwdeclarations
+ impl_rwdeclarations::reverse() const
+ { return dynamic_cast<rwdeclarations>(do_reverse(Nilrwdeclarations(), sel_Consrwdeclarations)); }
+ rwdeclaration
+ impl_rwdeclarations::last() const
+ { return dynamic_cast<rwdeclaration>(impl_abstract_list::last()); }
+ bool
+ impl_rwdeclarations::is_nil() const
+ {
+     return rwdeclaration_1==0 && rwdeclarations_1==0;
+ }
+ rwdeclarations
+ impl_rwdeclarations::map(rwdeclaration (*kc_fp)(rwdeclaration))
+ { return dynamic_cast<rwdeclarations>(do_map((abstract_phylum (*)(abstract_phylum))kc_fp, sel_Consrwdeclarations)); }
+ rwdeclarations
+ impl_rwdeclarations::filter(bool (*kc_fp)(rwdeclaration))
+ { return dynamic_cast<rwdeclarations>(do_filter((bool (*)(abstract_phylum))kc_fp, sel_Consrwdeclarations)); }
+ rwdeclarations
+ impl_rwdeclarations::append(rwdeclaration new_last)
+ {
+     return dynamic_cast<rwdeclarations>(do_append(new_last, Nilrwdeclarations()));
+ }
+ rwdeclarations
+ impl_rwdeclarations::merge( rwdeclarations second, rwdeclaration (*kc_fp)(rwdeclaration, rwdeclaration))
+ {
+     return dynamic_cast<rwdeclarations>(do_merge(second,(abstract_phylum(*)(abstract_phylum,abstract_phylum))kc_fp, sel_Consrwdeclarations));
+ }
+ rwdeclaration
+ impl_rwdeclarations::reduce( rwdeclaration neutral, rwdeclaration (*kc_fp)(rwdeclaration, rwdeclaration))
+ {
+     return dynamic_cast<rwdeclaration>(do_reduce(neutral,(abstract_phylum(*)(abstract_phylum,abstract_phylum))kc_fp));
+ }
+ rewriteclauses
+ concat(c_rewriteclauses kc_p1, c_rewriteclauses kc_p2)
+ { return dynamic_cast<rewriteclauses>(kc_p1->do_concat(kc_p2, sel_Consrewriteclauses)); }
+ rewriteclauses
+ impl_rewriteclauses::reverse() const
+ { return dynamic_cast<rewriteclauses>(do_reverse(Nilrewriteclauses(), sel_Consrewriteclauses)); }
+ rewriteclause
+ impl_rewriteclauses::last() const
+ { return dynamic_cast<rewriteclause>(impl_abstract_list::last()); }
+ bool
+ impl_rewriteclauses::is_nil() const
+ {
+     return rewriteclause_1==0 && rewriteclauses_1==0;
+ }
+ rewriteclauses
+ impl_rewriteclauses::map(rewriteclause (*kc_fp)(rewriteclause))
+ { return dynamic_cast<rewriteclauses>(do_map((abstract_phylum (*)(abstract_phylum))kc_fp, sel_Consrewriteclauses)); }
+ rewriteclauses
+ impl_rewriteclauses::filter(bool (*kc_fp)(rewriteclause))
+ { return dynamic_cast<rewriteclauses>(do_filter((bool (*)(abstract_phylum))kc_fp, sel_Consrewriteclauses)); }
+ rewriteclauses
+ impl_rewriteclauses::append(rewriteclause new_last)
+ {
+     return dynamic_cast<rewriteclauses>(do_append(new_last, Nilrewriteclauses()));
+ }
+ rewriteclauses
+ impl_rewriteclauses::merge( rewriteclauses second, rewriteclause (*kc_fp)(rewriteclause, rewriteclause))
+ {
+     return dynamic_cast<rewriteclauses>(do_merge(second,(abstract_phylum(*)(abstract_phylum,abstract_phylum))kc_fp, sel_Consrewriteclauses));
+ }
+ rewriteclause
+ impl_rewriteclauses::reduce( rewriteclause neutral, rewriteclause (*kc_fp)(rewriteclause, rewriteclause))
+ {
+     return dynamic_cast<rewriteclause>(do_reduce(neutral,(abstract_phylum(*)(abstract_phylum,abstract_phylum))kc_fp));
+ }
+ patternchains
+ concat(c_patternchains kc_p1, c_patternchains kc_p2)
+ { return dynamic_cast<patternchains>(kc_p1->do_concat(kc_p2, sel_Conspatternchains)); }
+ patternchains
+ impl_patternchains::reverse() const
+ { return dynamic_cast<patternchains>(do_reverse(Nilpatternchains(), sel_Conspatternchains)); }
+ patternchain
+ impl_patternchains::last() const
+ { return dynamic_cast<patternchain>(impl_abstract_list::last()); }
+ bool
+ impl_patternchains::is_nil() const
+ {
+     return patternchain_1==0 && patternchains_1==0;
+ }
+ patternchains
+ impl_patternchains::map(patternchain (*kc_fp)(patternchain))
+ { return dynamic_cast<patternchains>(do_map((abstract_phylum (*)(abstract_phylum))kc_fp, sel_Conspatternchains)); }
+ patternchains
+ impl_patternchains::filter(bool (*kc_fp)(patternchain))
+ { return dynamic_cast<patternchains>(do_filter((bool (*)(abstract_phylum))kc_fp, sel_Conspatternchains)); }
+ patternchains
+ impl_patternchains::append(patternchain new_last)
+ {
+     return dynamic_cast<patternchains>(do_append(new_last, Nilpatternchains()));
+ }
+ patternchains
+ impl_patternchains::merge( patternchains second, patternchain (*kc_fp)(patternchain, patternchain))
+ {
+     return dynamic_cast<patternchains>(do_merge(second,(abstract_phylum(*)(abstract_phylum,abstract_phylum))kc_fp, sel_Conspatternchains));
+ }
+ patternchain
+ impl_patternchains::reduce( patternchain neutral, patternchain (*kc_fp)(patternchain, patternchain))
+ {
+     return dynamic_cast<patternchain>(do_reduce(neutral,(abstract_phylum(*)(abstract_phylum,abstract_phylum))kc_fp));
+ }
+ patternchain
+ concat(c_patternchain kc_p1, c_patternchain kc_p2)
+ { return dynamic_cast<patternchain>(kc_p1->do_concat(kc_p2, sel_Conspatternchain)); }
+ patternchain
+ impl_patternchain::reverse() const
+ { return dynamic_cast<patternchain>(do_reverse(Nilpatternchain(), sel_Conspatternchain)); }
+ patternchainitem
+ impl_patternchain::last() const
+ { return dynamic_cast<patternchainitem>(impl_abstract_list::last()); }
+ bool
+ impl_patternchain::is_nil() const
+ {
+     return patternchainitem_1==0 && patternchain_1==0;
+ }
+ patternchain
+ impl_patternchain::map(patternchainitem (*kc_fp)(patternchainitem))
+ { return dynamic_cast<patternchain>(do_map((abstract_phylum (*)(abstract_phylum))kc_fp, sel_Conspatternchain)); }
+ patternchain
+ impl_patternchain::filter(bool (*kc_fp)(patternchainitem))
+ { return dynamic_cast<patternchain>(do_filter((bool (*)(abstract_phylum))kc_fp, sel_Conspatternchain)); }
+ patternchain
+ impl_patternchain::append(patternchainitem new_last)
+ {
+     return dynamic_cast<patternchain>(do_append(new_last, Nilpatternchain()));
+ }
+ patternchain
+ impl_patternchain::merge( patternchain second, patternchainitem (*kc_fp)(patternchainitem, patternchainitem))
+ {
+     return dynamic_cast<patternchain>(do_merge(second,(abstract_phylum(*)(abstract_phylum,abstract_phylum))kc_fp, sel_Conspatternchain));
+ }
+ patternchainitem
+ impl_patternchain::reduce( patternchainitem neutral, patternchainitem (*kc_fp)(patternchainitem, patternchainitem))
+ {
+     return dynamic_cast<patternchainitem>(do_reduce(neutral,(abstract_phylum(*)(abstract_phylum,abstract_phylum))kc_fp));
+ }
+ outmostpatterns
+ concat(c_outmostpatterns kc_p1, c_outmostpatterns kc_p2)
+ { return dynamic_cast<outmostpatterns>(kc_p1->do_concat(kc_p2, sel_Consoutmostpatterns)); }
+ outmostpatterns
+ impl_outmostpatterns::reverse() const
+ { return dynamic_cast<outmostpatterns>(do_reverse(Niloutmostpatterns(), sel_Consoutmostpatterns)); }
+ outmostpattern
+ impl_outmostpatterns::last() const
+ { return dynamic_cast<outmostpattern>(impl_abstract_list::last()); }
+ bool
+ impl_outmostpatterns::is_nil() const
+ {
+     return outmostpattern_1==0 && outmostpatterns_1==0;
+ }
+ outmostpatterns
+ impl_outmostpatterns::map(outmostpattern (*kc_fp)(outmostpattern))
+ { return dynamic_cast<outmostpatterns>(do_map((abstract_phylum (*)(abstract_phylum))kc_fp, sel_Consoutmostpatterns)); }
+ outmostpatterns
+ impl_outmostpatterns::filter(bool (*kc_fp)(outmostpattern))
+ { return dynamic_cast<outmostpatterns>(do_filter((bool (*)(abstract_phylum))kc_fp, sel_Consoutmostpatterns)); }
+ outmostpatterns
+ impl_outmostpatterns::append(outmostpattern new_last)
+ {
+     return dynamic_cast<outmostpatterns>(do_append(new_last, Niloutmostpatterns()));
+ }
+ outmostpatterns
+ impl_outmostpatterns::merge( outmostpatterns second, outmostpattern (*kc_fp)(outmostpattern, outmostpattern))
+ {
+     return dynamic_cast<outmostpatterns>(do_merge(second,(abstract_phylum(*)(abstract_phylum,abstract_phylum))kc_fp, sel_Consoutmostpatterns));
+ }
+ outmostpattern
+ impl_outmostpatterns::reduce( outmostpattern neutral, outmostpattern (*kc_fp)(outmostpattern, outmostpattern))
+ {
+     return dynamic_cast<outmostpattern>(do_reduce(neutral,(abstract_phylum(*)(abstract_phylum,abstract_phylum))kc_fp));
+ }
+ patterns
+ concat(c_patterns kc_p1, c_patterns kc_p2)
+ { return dynamic_cast<patterns>(kc_p1->do_concat(kc_p2, sel_Conspatterns)); }
+ patterns
+ impl_patterns::reverse() const
+ { return dynamic_cast<patterns>(do_reverse(Nilpatterns(), sel_Conspatterns)); }
+ pattern
+ impl_patterns::last() const
+ { return dynamic_cast<pattern>(impl_abstract_list::last()); }
+ bool
+ impl_patterns::is_nil() const
+ {
+     return pattern_1==0 && patterns_1==0;
+ }
+ patterns
+ impl_patterns::map(pattern (*kc_fp)(pattern))
+ { return dynamic_cast<patterns>(do_map((abstract_phylum (*)(abstract_phylum))kc_fp, sel_Conspatterns)); }
+ patterns
+ impl_patterns::filter(bool (*kc_fp)(pattern))
+ { return dynamic_cast<patterns>(do_filter((bool (*)(abstract_phylum))kc_fp, sel_Conspatterns)); }
+ patterns
+ impl_patterns::append(pattern new_last)
+ {
+     return dynamic_cast<patterns>(do_append(new_last, Nilpatterns()));
+ }
+ patterns
+ impl_patterns::merge( patterns second, pattern (*kc_fp)(pattern, pattern))
+ {
+     return dynamic_cast<patterns>(do_merge(second,(abstract_phylum(*)(abstract_phylum,abstract_phylum))kc_fp, sel_Conspatterns));
+ }
+ pattern
+ impl_patterns::reduce( pattern neutral, pattern (*kc_fp)(pattern, pattern))
+ {
+     return dynamic_cast<pattern>(do_reduce(neutral,(abstract_phylum(*)(abstract_phylum,abstract_phylum))kc_fp));
+ }
+ terms
+ concat(c_terms kc_p1, c_terms kc_p2)
+ { return dynamic_cast<terms>(kc_p1->do_concat(kc_p2, sel_Consterms)); }
+ terms
+ impl_terms::reverse() const
+ { return dynamic_cast<terms>(do_reverse(Nilterms(), sel_Consterms)); }
+ term
+ impl_terms::last() const
+ { return dynamic_cast<term>(impl_abstract_list::last()); }
+ bool
+ impl_terms::is_nil() const
+ {
+     return term_1==0 && terms_1==0;
+ }
+ terms
+ impl_terms::map(term (*kc_fp)(term))
+ { return dynamic_cast<terms>(do_map((abstract_phylum (*)(abstract_phylum))kc_fp, sel_Consterms)); }
+ terms
+ impl_terms::filter(bool (*kc_fp)(term))
+ { return dynamic_cast<terms>(do_filter((bool (*)(abstract_phylum))kc_fp, sel_Consterms)); }
+ terms
+ impl_terms::append(term new_last)
+ {
+     return dynamic_cast<terms>(do_append(new_last, Nilterms()));
+ }
+ terms
+ impl_terms::merge( terms second, term (*kc_fp)(term, term))
+ {
+     return dynamic_cast<terms>(do_merge(second,(abstract_phylum(*)(abstract_phylum,abstract_phylum))kc_fp, sel_Consterms));
+ }
+ term
+ impl_terms::reduce( term neutral, term (*kc_fp)(term, term))
+ {
+     return dynamic_cast<term>(do_reduce(neutral,(abstract_phylum(*)(abstract_phylum,abstract_phylum))kc_fp));
+ }
+ fnfiles
+ concat(c_fnfiles kc_p1, c_fnfiles kc_p2)
+ { return dynamic_cast<fnfiles>(kc_p1->do_concat(kc_p2, sel_Consfnfiles)); }
+ fnfiles
+ impl_fnfiles::reverse() const
+ { return dynamic_cast<fnfiles>(do_reverse(Nilfnfiles(), sel_Consfnfiles)); }
+ fnfile
+ impl_fnfiles::last() const
+ { return dynamic_cast<fnfile>(impl_abstract_list::last()); }
+ bool
+ impl_fnfiles::is_nil() const
+ {
+     return fnfile_1==0 && fnfiles_1==0;
+ }
+ fnfiles
+ impl_fnfiles::map(fnfile (*kc_fp)(fnfile))
+ { return dynamic_cast<fnfiles>(do_map((abstract_phylum (*)(abstract_phylum))kc_fp, sel_Consfnfiles)); }
+ fnfiles
+ impl_fnfiles::filter(bool (*kc_fp)(fnfile))
+ { return dynamic_cast<fnfiles>(do_filter((bool (*)(abstract_phylum))kc_fp, sel_Consfnfiles)); }
+ fnfiles
+ impl_fnfiles::append(fnfile new_last)
+ {
+     return dynamic_cast<fnfiles>(do_append(new_last, Nilfnfiles()));
+ }
+ fnfiles
+ impl_fnfiles::merge( fnfiles second, fnfile (*kc_fp)(fnfile, fnfile))
+ {
+     return dynamic_cast<fnfiles>(do_merge(second,(abstract_phylum(*)(abstract_phylum,abstract_phylum))kc_fp, sel_Consfnfiles));
+ }
+ fnfile
+ impl_fnfiles::reduce( fnfile neutral, fnfile (*kc_fp)(fnfile, fnfile))
+ {
+     return dynamic_cast<fnfile>(do_reduce(neutral,(abstract_phylum(*)(abstract_phylum,abstract_phylum))kc_fp));
+ }
+ fndeclarations
+ concat(c_fndeclarations kc_p1, c_fndeclarations kc_p2)
+ { return dynamic_cast<fndeclarations>(kc_p1->do_concat(kc_p2, sel_Consfndeclarations)); }
+ fndeclarations
+ impl_fndeclarations::reverse() const
+ { return dynamic_cast<fndeclarations>(do_reverse(Nilfndeclarations(), sel_Consfndeclarations)); }
+ fndeclaration
+ impl_fndeclarations::last() const
+ { return dynamic_cast<fndeclaration>(impl_abstract_list::last()); }
+ bool
+ impl_fndeclarations::is_nil() const
+ {
+     return fndeclaration_1==0 && fndeclarations_1==0;
+ }
+ fndeclarations
+ impl_fndeclarations::map(fndeclaration (*kc_fp)(fndeclaration))
+ { return dynamic_cast<fndeclarations>(do_map((abstract_phylum (*)(abstract_phylum))kc_fp, sel_Consfndeclarations)); }
+ fndeclarations
+ impl_fndeclarations::filter(bool (*kc_fp)(fndeclaration))
+ { return dynamic_cast<fndeclarations>(do_filter((bool (*)(abstract_phylum))kc_fp, sel_Consfndeclarations)); }
+ fndeclarations
+ impl_fndeclarations::append(fndeclaration new_last)
+ {
+     return dynamic_cast<fndeclarations>(do_append(new_last, Nilfndeclarations()));
+ }
+ fndeclarations
+ impl_fndeclarations::merge( fndeclarations second, fndeclaration (*kc_fp)(fndeclaration, fndeclaration))
+ {
+     return dynamic_cast<fndeclarations>(do_merge(second,(abstract_phylum(*)(abstract_phylum,abstract_phylum))kc_fp, sel_Consfndeclarations));
+ }
+ fndeclaration
+ impl_fndeclarations::reduce( fndeclaration neutral, fndeclaration (*kc_fp)(fndeclaration, fndeclaration))
+ {
+     return dynamic_cast<fndeclaration>(do_reduce(neutral,(abstract_phylum(*)(abstract_phylum,abstract_phylum))kc_fp));
+ }
+ Ctext
+ concat(c_Ctext kc_p1, c_Ctext kc_p2)
+ { return dynamic_cast<Ctext>(kc_p1->do_concat(kc_p2, sel_ConsCtext)); }
+ Ctext
+ impl_Ctext::reverse() const
+ { return dynamic_cast<Ctext>(do_reverse(NilCtext(), sel_ConsCtext)); }
+ Ctext_elem
+ impl_Ctext::last() const
+ { return dynamic_cast<Ctext_elem>(impl_abstract_list::last()); }
+ bool
+ impl_Ctext::is_nil() const
+ {
+     return Ctext_elem_1==0 && Ctext_1==0;
+ }
+ Ctext
+ impl_Ctext::map(Ctext_elem (*kc_fp)(Ctext_elem))
+ { return dynamic_cast<Ctext>(do_map((abstract_phylum (*)(abstract_phylum))kc_fp, sel_ConsCtext)); }
+ Ctext
+ impl_Ctext::filter(bool (*kc_fp)(Ctext_elem))
+ { return dynamic_cast<Ctext>(do_filter((bool (*)(abstract_phylum))kc_fp, sel_ConsCtext)); }
+ Ctext
+ impl_Ctext::append(Ctext_elem new_last)
+ {
+     return dynamic_cast<Ctext>(do_append(new_last, NilCtext()));
+ }
+ Ctext
+ impl_Ctext::merge( Ctext second, Ctext_elem (*kc_fp)(Ctext_elem, Ctext_elem))
+ {
+     return dynamic_cast<Ctext>(do_merge(second,(abstract_phylum(*)(abstract_phylum,abstract_phylum))kc_fp, sel_ConsCtext));
+ }
+ Ctext_elem
+ impl_Ctext::reduce( Ctext_elem neutral, Ctext_elem (*kc_fp)(Ctext_elem, Ctext_elem))
+ {
+     return dynamic_cast<Ctext_elem>(do_reduce(neutral,(abstract_phylum(*)(abstract_phylum,abstract_phylum))kc_fp));
+ }
+ withexpressions
+ concat(c_withexpressions kc_p1, c_withexpressions kc_p2)
+ { return dynamic_cast<withexpressions>(kc_p1->do_concat(kc_p2, sel_Conswithexpressions)); }
+ withexpressions
+ impl_withexpressions::reverse() const
+ { return dynamic_cast<withexpressions>(do_reverse(Nilwithexpressions(), sel_Conswithexpressions)); }
+ withexpression
+ impl_withexpressions::last() const
+ { return dynamic_cast<withexpression>(impl_abstract_list::last()); }
+ bool
+ impl_withexpressions::is_nil() const
+ {
+     return withexpression_1==0 && withexpressions_1==0;
+ }
+ withexpressions
+ impl_withexpressions::map(withexpression (*kc_fp)(withexpression))
+ { return dynamic_cast<withexpressions>(do_map((abstract_phylum (*)(abstract_phylum))kc_fp, sel_Conswithexpressions)); }
+ withexpressions
+ impl_withexpressions::filter(bool (*kc_fp)(withexpression))
+ { return dynamic_cast<withexpressions>(do_filter((bool (*)(abstract_phylum))kc_fp, sel_Conswithexpressions)); }
+ withexpressions
+ impl_withexpressions::append(withexpression new_last)
+ {
+     return dynamic_cast<withexpressions>(do_append(new_last, Nilwithexpressions()));
+ }
+ withexpressions
+ impl_withexpressions::merge( withexpressions second, withexpression (*kc_fp)(withexpression, withexpression))
+ {
+     return dynamic_cast<withexpressions>(do_merge(second,(abstract_phylum(*)(abstract_phylum,abstract_phylum))kc_fp, sel_Conswithexpressions));
+ }
+ withexpression
+ impl_withexpressions::reduce( withexpression neutral, withexpression (*kc_fp)(withexpression, withexpression))
+ {
+     return dynamic_cast<withexpression>(do_reduce(neutral,(abstract_phylum(*)(abstract_phylum,abstract_phylum))kc_fp));
+ }
+ withcases
+ concat(c_withcases kc_p1, c_withcases kc_p2)
+ { return dynamic_cast<withcases>(kc_p1->do_concat(kc_p2, sel_Conswithcases)); }
+ withcases
+ impl_withcases::reverse() const
+ { return dynamic_cast<withcases>(do_reverse(Nilwithcases(), sel_Conswithcases)); }
+ withcase
+ impl_withcases::last() const
+ { return dynamic_cast<withcase>(impl_abstract_list::last()); }
+ bool
+ impl_withcases::is_nil() const
+ {
+     return withcase_1==0 && withcases_1==0;
+ }
+ withcases
+ impl_withcases::map(withcase (*kc_fp)(withcase))
+ { return dynamic_cast<withcases>(do_map((abstract_phylum (*)(abstract_phylum))kc_fp, sel_Conswithcases)); }
+ withcases
+ impl_withcases::filter(bool (*kc_fp)(withcase))
+ { return dynamic_cast<withcases>(do_filter((bool (*)(abstract_phylum))kc_fp, sel_Conswithcases)); }
+ withcases
+ impl_withcases::append(withcase new_last)
+ {
+     return dynamic_cast<withcases>(do_append(new_last, Nilwithcases()));
+ }
+ withcases
+ impl_withcases::merge( withcases second, withcase (*kc_fp)(withcase, withcase))
+ {
+     return dynamic_cast<withcases>(do_merge(second,(abstract_phylum(*)(abstract_phylum,abstract_phylum))kc_fp, sel_Conswithcases));
+ }
+ withcase
+ impl_withcases::reduce( withcase neutral, withcase (*kc_fp)(withcase, withcase))
+ {
+     return dynamic_cast<withcase>(do_reduce(neutral,(abstract_phylum(*)(abstract_phylum,abstract_phylum))kc_fp));
+ }
+ unparsedeclarations
+ concat(c_unparsedeclarations kc_p1, c_unparsedeclarations kc_p2)
+ { return dynamic_cast<unparsedeclarations>(kc_p1->do_concat(kc_p2, sel_Consunparsedeclarations)); }
+ unparsedeclarations
+ impl_unparsedeclarations::reverse() const
+ { return dynamic_cast<unparsedeclarations>(do_reverse(Nilunparsedeclarations(), sel_Consunparsedeclarations)); }
+ unparsedeclaration
+ impl_unparsedeclarations::last() const
+ { return dynamic_cast<unparsedeclaration>(impl_abstract_list::last()); }
+ bool
+ impl_unparsedeclarations::is_nil() const
+ {
+     return unparsedeclaration_1==0 && unparsedeclarations_1==0;
+ }
+ unparsedeclarations
+ impl_unparsedeclarations::map(unparsedeclaration (*kc_fp)(unparsedeclaration))
+ { return dynamic_cast<unparsedeclarations>(do_map((abstract_phylum (*)(abstract_phylum))kc_fp, sel_Consunparsedeclarations)); }
+ unparsedeclarations
+ impl_unparsedeclarations::filter(bool (*kc_fp)(unparsedeclaration))
+ { return dynamic_cast<unparsedeclarations>(do_filter((bool (*)(abstract_phylum))kc_fp, sel_Consunparsedeclarations)); }
+ unparsedeclarations
+ impl_unparsedeclarations::append(unparsedeclaration new_last)
+ {
+     return dynamic_cast<unparsedeclarations>(do_append(new_last, Nilunparsedeclarations()));
+ }
+ unparsedeclarations
+ impl_unparsedeclarations::merge( unparsedeclarations second, unparsedeclaration (*kc_fp)(unparsedeclaration, unparsedeclaration))
+ {
+     return dynamic_cast<unparsedeclarations>(do_merge(second,(abstract_phylum(*)(abstract_phylum,abstract_phylum))kc_fp, sel_Consunparsedeclarations));
+ }
+ unparsedeclaration
+ impl_unparsedeclarations::reduce( unparsedeclaration neutral, unparsedeclaration (*kc_fp)(unparsedeclaration, unparsedeclaration))
+ {
+     return dynamic_cast<unparsedeclaration>(do_reduce(neutral,(abstract_phylum(*)(abstract_phylum,abstract_phylum))kc_fp));
+ }
+ unparseclauses
+ concat(c_unparseclauses kc_p1, c_unparseclauses kc_p2)
+ { return dynamic_cast<unparseclauses>(kc_p1->do_concat(kc_p2, sel_Consunparseclauses)); }
+ unparseclauses
+ impl_unparseclauses::reverse() const
+ { return dynamic_cast<unparseclauses>(do_reverse(Nilunparseclauses(), sel_Consunparseclauses)); }
+ unparseclause
+ impl_unparseclauses::last() const
+ { return dynamic_cast<unparseclause>(impl_abstract_list::last()); }
+ bool
+ impl_unparseclauses::is_nil() const
+ {
+     return unparseclause_1==0 && unparseclauses_1==0;
+ }
+ unparseclauses
+ impl_unparseclauses::map(unparseclause (*kc_fp)(unparseclause))
+ { return dynamic_cast<unparseclauses>(do_map((abstract_phylum (*)(abstract_phylum))kc_fp, sel_Consunparseclauses)); }
+ unparseclauses
+ impl_unparseclauses::filter(bool (*kc_fp)(unparseclause))
+ { return dynamic_cast<unparseclauses>(do_filter((bool (*)(abstract_phylum))kc_fp, sel_Consunparseclauses)); }
+ unparseclauses
+ impl_unparseclauses::append(unparseclause new_last)
+ {
+     return dynamic_cast<unparseclauses>(do_append(new_last, Nilunparseclauses()));
+ }
+ unparseclauses
+ impl_unparseclauses::merge( unparseclauses second, unparseclause (*kc_fp)(unparseclause, unparseclause))
+ {
+     return dynamic_cast<unparseclauses>(do_merge(second,(abstract_phylum(*)(abstract_phylum,abstract_phylum))kc_fp, sel_Consunparseclauses));
+ }
+ unparseclause
+ impl_unparseclauses::reduce( unparseclause neutral, unparseclause (*kc_fp)(unparseclause, unparseclause))
+ {
+     return dynamic_cast<unparseclause>(do_reduce(neutral,(abstract_phylum(*)(abstract_phylum,abstract_phylum))kc_fp));
+ }
+ viewnames
+ concat(c_viewnames kc_p1, c_viewnames kc_p2)
+ { return dynamic_cast<viewnames>(kc_p1->do_concat(kc_p2, sel_Consviewnames)); }
+ viewnames
+ impl_viewnames::reverse() const
+ { return dynamic_cast<viewnames>(do_reverse(Nilviewnames(), sel_Consviewnames)); }
+ ID
+ impl_viewnames::last() const
+ { return dynamic_cast<ID>(impl_abstract_list::last()); }
+ bool
+ impl_viewnames::is_nil() const
+ {
+     return ID_1==0 && viewnames_1==0;
+ }
+ viewnames
+ impl_viewnames::map(ID (*kc_fp)(ID))
+ { return dynamic_cast<viewnames>(do_map((abstract_phylum (*)(abstract_phylum))kc_fp, sel_Consviewnames)); }
+ viewnames
+ impl_viewnames::filter(bool (*kc_fp)(ID))
+ { return dynamic_cast<viewnames>(do_filter((bool (*)(abstract_phylum))kc_fp, sel_Consviewnames)); }
+ viewnames
+ impl_viewnames::append(ID new_last)
+ {
+     return dynamic_cast<viewnames>(do_append(new_last, Nilviewnames()));
+ }
+ viewnames
+ impl_viewnames::merge( viewnames second, ID (*kc_fp)(ID, ID))
+ {
+     return dynamic_cast<viewnames>(do_merge(second,(abstract_phylum(*)(abstract_phylum,abstract_phylum))kc_fp, sel_Consviewnames));
+ }
+ ID
+ impl_viewnames::reduce( ID neutral, ID (*kc_fp)(ID, ID))
+ {
+     return dynamic_cast<ID>(do_reduce(neutral,(abstract_phylum(*)(abstract_phylum,abstract_phylum))kc_fp));
+ }
+ unparseitems
+ concat(c_unparseitems kc_p1, c_unparseitems kc_p2)
+ { return dynamic_cast<unparseitems>(kc_p1->do_concat(kc_p2, sel_Consunparseitems)); }
+ unparseitems
+ impl_unparseitems::reverse() const
+ { return dynamic_cast<unparseitems>(do_reverse(Nilunparseitems(), sel_Consunparseitems)); }
+ unparseitem
+ impl_unparseitems::last() const
+ { return dynamic_cast<unparseitem>(impl_abstract_list::last()); }
+ bool
+ impl_unparseitems::is_nil() const
+ {
+     return unparseitem_1==0 && unparseitems_1==0;
+ }
+ unparseitems
+ impl_unparseitems::map(unparseitem (*kc_fp)(unparseitem))
+ { return dynamic_cast<unparseitems>(do_map((abstract_phylum (*)(abstract_phylum))kc_fp, sel_Consunparseitems)); }
+ unparseitems
+ impl_unparseitems::filter(bool (*kc_fp)(unparseitem))
+ { return dynamic_cast<unparseitems>(do_filter((bool (*)(abstract_phylum))kc_fp, sel_Consunparseitems)); }
+ unparseitems
+ impl_unparseitems::append(unparseitem new_last)
+ {
+     return dynamic_cast<unparseitems>(do_append(new_last, Nilunparseitems()));
+ }
+ unparseitems
+ impl_unparseitems::merge( unparseitems second, unparseitem (*kc_fp)(unparseitem, unparseitem))
+ {
+     return dynamic_cast<unparseitems>(do_merge(second,(abstract_phylum(*)(abstract_phylum,abstract_phylum))kc_fp, sel_Consunparseitems));
+ }
+ unparseitem
+ impl_unparseitems::reduce( unparseitem neutral, unparseitem (*kc_fp)(unparseitem, unparseitem))
+ {
+     return dynamic_cast<unparseitem>(do_reduce(neutral,(abstract_phylum(*)(abstract_phylum,abstract_phylum))kc_fp));
+ }
+ unpattributes
+ concat(c_unpattributes kc_p1, c_unpattributes kc_p2)
+ { return dynamic_cast<unpattributes>(kc_p1->do_concat(kc_p2, sel_Consunpattributes)); }
+ unpattributes
+ impl_unpattributes::reverse() const
+ { return dynamic_cast<unpattributes>(do_reverse(Nilunpattributes(), sel_Consunpattributes)); }
+ ID
+ impl_unpattributes::last() const
+ { return dynamic_cast<ID>(impl_abstract_list::last()); }
+ bool
+ impl_unpattributes::is_nil() const
+ {
+     return ID_1==0 && unpattributes_1==0;
+ }
+ unpattributes
+ impl_unpattributes::map(ID (*kc_fp)(ID))
+ { return dynamic_cast<unpattributes>(do_map((abstract_phylum (*)(abstract_phylum))kc_fp, sel_Consunpattributes)); }
+ unpattributes
+ impl_unpattributes::filter(bool (*kc_fp)(ID))
+ { return dynamic_cast<unpattributes>(do_filter((bool (*)(abstract_phylum))kc_fp, sel_Consunpattributes)); }
+ unpattributes
+ impl_unpattributes::append(ID new_last)
+ {
+     return dynamic_cast<unpattributes>(do_append(new_last, Nilunpattributes()));
+ }
+ unpattributes
+ impl_unpattributes::merge( unpattributes second, ID (*kc_fp)(ID, ID))
+ {
+     return dynamic_cast<unpattributes>(do_merge(second,(abstract_phylum(*)(abstract_phylum,abstract_phylum))kc_fp, sel_Consunpattributes));
+ }
+ ID
+ impl_unpattributes::reduce( ID neutral, ID (*kc_fp)(ID, ID))
+ {
+     return dynamic_cast<ID>(do_reduce(neutral,(abstract_phylum(*)(abstract_phylum,abstract_phylum))kc_fp));
+ }
+ languagenames
+ concat(c_languagenames kc_p1, c_languagenames kc_p2)
+ { return dynamic_cast<languagenames>(kc_p1->do_concat(kc_p2, sel_Conslanguagenames)); }
+ languagenames
+ impl_languagenames::reverse() const
+ { return dynamic_cast<languagenames>(do_reverse(Nillanguagenames(), sel_Conslanguagenames)); }
+ ID
+ impl_languagenames::last() const
+ { return dynamic_cast<ID>(impl_abstract_list::last()); }
+ bool
+ impl_languagenames::is_nil() const
+ {
+     return ID_1==0 && languagenames_1==0;
+ }
+ languagenames
+ impl_languagenames::map(ID (*kc_fp)(ID))
+ { return dynamic_cast<languagenames>(do_map((abstract_phylum (*)(abstract_phylum))kc_fp, sel_Conslanguagenames)); }
+ languagenames
+ impl_languagenames::filter(bool (*kc_fp)(ID))
+ { return dynamic_cast<languagenames>(do_filter((bool (*)(abstract_phylum))kc_fp, sel_Conslanguagenames)); }
+ languagenames
+ impl_languagenames::append(ID new_last)
+ {
+     return dynamic_cast<languagenames>(do_append(new_last, Nillanguagenames()));
+ }
+ languagenames
+ impl_languagenames::merge( languagenames second, ID (*kc_fp)(ID, ID))
+ {
+     return dynamic_cast<languagenames>(do_merge(second,(abstract_phylum(*)(abstract_phylum,abstract_phylum))kc_fp, sel_Conslanguagenames));
+ }
+ ID
+ impl_languagenames::reduce( ID neutral, ID (*kc_fp)(ID, ID))
+ {
+     return dynamic_cast<ID>(do_reduce(neutral,(abstract_phylum(*)(abstract_phylum,abstract_phylum))kc_fp));
+ }
+ scopetypefilelinestack
+ concat(c_scopetypefilelinestack kc_p1, c_scopetypefilelinestack kc_p2)
+ { return dynamic_cast<scopetypefilelinestack>(kc_p1->do_concat(kc_p2, sel_Consscopetypefilelinestack)); }
+ scopetypefilelinestack
+ impl_scopetypefilelinestack::reverse() const
+ { return dynamic_cast<scopetypefilelinestack>(do_reverse(Nilscopetypefilelinestack(), sel_Consscopetypefilelinestack)); }
+ scopetypefileline
+ impl_scopetypefilelinestack::last() const
+ { return dynamic_cast<scopetypefileline>(impl_abstract_list::last()); }
+ bool
+ impl_scopetypefilelinestack::is_nil() const
+ {
+     return scopetypefileline_1==0 && scopetypefilelinestack_1==0;
+ }
+ scopetypefilelinestack
+ impl_scopetypefilelinestack::map(scopetypefileline (*kc_fp)(scopetypefileline))
+ { return dynamic_cast<scopetypefilelinestack>(do_map((abstract_phylum (*)(abstract_phylum))kc_fp, sel_Consscopetypefilelinestack)); }
+ scopetypefilelinestack
+ impl_scopetypefilelinestack::filter(bool (*kc_fp)(scopetypefileline))
+ { return dynamic_cast<scopetypefilelinestack>(do_filter((bool (*)(abstract_phylum))kc_fp, sel_Consscopetypefilelinestack)); }
+ scopetypefilelinestack
+ impl_scopetypefilelinestack::append(scopetypefileline new_last)
+ {
+     return dynamic_cast<scopetypefilelinestack>(do_append(new_last, Nilscopetypefilelinestack()));
+ }
+ scopetypefilelinestack
+ impl_scopetypefilelinestack::merge( scopetypefilelinestack second, scopetypefileline (*kc_fp)(scopetypefileline, scopetypefileline))
+ {
+     return dynamic_cast<scopetypefilelinestack>(do_merge(second,(abstract_phylum(*)(abstract_phylum,abstract_phylum))kc_fp, sel_Consscopetypefilelinestack));
+ }
+ scopetypefileline
+ impl_scopetypefilelinestack::reduce( scopetypefileline neutral, scopetypefileline (*kc_fp)(scopetypefileline, scopetypefileline))
+ {
+     return dynamic_cast<scopetypefileline>(do_reduce(neutral,(abstract_phylum(*)(abstract_phylum,abstract_phylum))kc_fp));
+ }
+ operators
+ concat(c_operators kc_p1, c_operators kc_p2)
+ { return dynamic_cast<operators>(kc_p1->do_concat(kc_p2, sel_Consoperators)); }
+ operators
+ impl_operators::reverse() const
+ { return dynamic_cast<operators>(do_reverse(Niloperators(), sel_Consoperators)); }
+ ID
+ impl_operators::last() const
+ { return dynamic_cast<ID>(impl_abstract_list::last()); }
+ bool
+ impl_operators::is_nil() const
+ {
+     return ID_1==0 && operators_1==0;
+ }
+ operators
+ impl_operators::map(ID (*kc_fp)(ID))
+ { return dynamic_cast<operators>(do_map((abstract_phylum (*)(abstract_phylum))kc_fp, sel_Consoperators)); }
+ operators
+ impl_operators::filter(bool (*kc_fp)(ID))
+ { return dynamic_cast<operators>(do_filter((bool (*)(abstract_phylum))kc_fp, sel_Consoperators)); }
+ operators
+ impl_operators::append(ID new_last)
+ {
+     return dynamic_cast<operators>(do_append(new_last, Niloperators()));
+ }
+ operators
+ impl_operators::merge( operators second, ID (*kc_fp)(ID, ID))
+ {
+     return dynamic_cast<operators>(do_merge(second,(abstract_phylum(*)(abstract_phylum,abstract_phylum))kc_fp, sel_Consoperators));
+ }
+ ID
+ impl_operators::reduce( ID neutral, ID (*kc_fp)(ID, ID))
+ {
+     return dynamic_cast<ID>(do_reduce(neutral,(abstract_phylum(*)(abstract_phylum,abstract_phylum))kc_fp));
+ }
+ phyla
+ concat(c_phyla kc_p1, c_phyla kc_p2)
+ { return dynamic_cast<phyla>(kc_p1->do_concat(kc_p2, sel_Consphyla)); }
+ phyla
+ impl_phyla::reverse() const
+ { return dynamic_cast<phyla>(do_reverse(Nilphyla(), sel_Consphyla)); }
+ ID
+ impl_phyla::last() const
+ { return dynamic_cast<ID>(impl_abstract_list::last()); }
+ bool
+ impl_phyla::is_nil() const
+ {
+     return ID_1==0 && phyla_1==0;
+ }
+ phyla
+ impl_phyla::map(ID (*kc_fp)(ID))
+ { return dynamic_cast<phyla>(do_map((abstract_phylum (*)(abstract_phylum))kc_fp, sel_Consphyla)); }
+ phyla
+ impl_phyla::filter(bool (*kc_fp)(ID))
+ { return dynamic_cast<phyla>(do_filter((bool (*)(abstract_phylum))kc_fp, sel_Consphyla)); }
+ phyla
+ impl_phyla::append(ID new_last)
+ {
+     return dynamic_cast<phyla>(do_append(new_last, Nilphyla()));
+ }
+ phyla
+ impl_phyla::merge( phyla second, ID (*kc_fp)(ID, ID))
+ {
+     return dynamic_cast<phyla>(do_merge(second,(abstract_phylum(*)(abstract_phylum,abstract_phylum))kc_fp, sel_Consphyla));
+ }
+ ID
+ impl_phyla::reduce( ID neutral, ID (*kc_fp)(ID, ID))
+ {
+     return dynamic_cast<ID>(do_reduce(neutral,(abstract_phylum(*)(abstract_phylum,abstract_phylum))kc_fp));
+ }
+ variables
+ concat(c_variables kc_p1, c_variables kc_p2)
+ { return dynamic_cast<variables>(kc_p1->do_concat(kc_p2, sel_Consvariables)); }
+ variables
+ impl_variables::reverse() const
+ { return dynamic_cast<variables>(do_reverse(Nilvariables(), sel_Consvariables)); }
+ ID
+ impl_variables::last() const
+ { return dynamic_cast<ID>(impl_abstract_list::last()); }
+ bool
+ impl_variables::is_nil() const
+ {
+     return ID_1==0 && variables_1==0;
+ }
+ variables
+ impl_variables::map(ID (*kc_fp)(ID))
+ { return dynamic_cast<variables>(do_map((abstract_phylum (*)(abstract_phylum))kc_fp, sel_Consvariables)); }
+ variables
+ impl_variables::filter(bool (*kc_fp)(ID))
+ { return dynamic_cast<variables>(do_filter((bool (*)(abstract_phylum))kc_fp, sel_Consvariables)); }
+ variables
+ impl_variables::append(ID new_last)
+ {
+     return dynamic_cast<variables>(do_append(new_last, Nilvariables()));
+ }
+ variables
+ impl_variables::merge( variables second, ID (*kc_fp)(ID, ID))
+ {
+     return dynamic_cast<variables>(do_merge(second,(abstract_phylum(*)(abstract_phylum,abstract_phylum))kc_fp, sel_Consvariables));
+ }
+ ID
+ impl_variables::reduce( ID neutral, ID (*kc_fp)(ID, ID))
+ {
+     return dynamic_cast<ID>(do_reduce(neutral,(abstract_phylum(*)(abstract_phylum,abstract_phylum))kc_fp));
+ }
+ patternrepresentations
+ concat(c_patternrepresentations kc_p1, c_patternrepresentations kc_p2)
+ { return dynamic_cast<patternrepresentations>(kc_p1->do_concat(kc_p2, sel_Conspatternrepresentations)); }
+ patternrepresentations
+ impl_patternrepresentations::reverse() const
+ { return dynamic_cast<patternrepresentations>(do_reverse(Nilpatternrepresentations(), sel_Conspatternrepresentations)); }
+ patternrepresentation
+ impl_patternrepresentations::last() const
+ { return dynamic_cast<patternrepresentation>(impl_abstract_list::last()); }
+ bool
+ impl_patternrepresentations::is_nil() const
+ {
+     return patternrepresentation_1==0 && patternrepresentations_1==0;
+ }
+ patternrepresentations
+ impl_patternrepresentations::map(patternrepresentation (*kc_fp)(patternrepresentation))
+ { return dynamic_cast<patternrepresentations>(do_map((abstract_phylum (*)(abstract_phylum))kc_fp, sel_Conspatternrepresentations)); }
+ patternrepresentations
+ impl_patternrepresentations::filter(bool (*kc_fp)(patternrepresentation))
+ { return dynamic_cast<patternrepresentations>(do_filter((bool (*)(abstract_phylum))kc_fp, sel_Conspatternrepresentations)); }
+ patternrepresentations
+ impl_patternrepresentations::append(patternrepresentation new_last)
+ {
+     return dynamic_cast<patternrepresentations>(do_append(new_last, Nilpatternrepresentations()));
+ }
+ patternrepresentations
+ impl_patternrepresentations::merge( patternrepresentations second, patternrepresentation (*kc_fp)(patternrepresentation, patternrepresentation))
+ {
+     return dynamic_cast<patternrepresentations>(do_merge(second,(abstract_phylum(*)(abstract_phylum,abstract_phylum))kc_fp, sel_Conspatternrepresentations));
+ }
+ patternrepresentation
+ impl_patternrepresentations::reduce( patternrepresentation neutral, patternrepresentation (*kc_fp)(patternrepresentation, patternrepresentation))
+ {
+     return dynamic_cast<patternrepresentation>(do_reduce(neutral,(abstract_phylum(*)(abstract_phylum,abstract_phylum))kc_fp));
+ }
+ patternrepresentation
+ concat(c_patternrepresentation kc_p1, c_patternrepresentation kc_p2)
+ { return dynamic_cast<patternrepresentation>(kc_p1->do_concat(kc_p2, sel_Conspatternrepresentation)); }
+ patternrepresentation
+ impl_patternrepresentation::reverse() const
+ { return dynamic_cast<patternrepresentation>(do_reverse(Nilpatternrepresentation(), sel_Conspatternrepresentation)); }
+ elem_patternrepresentation
+ impl_patternrepresentation::last() const
+ { return dynamic_cast<elem_patternrepresentation>(impl_abstract_list::last()); }
+ bool
+ impl_patternrepresentation::is_nil() const
+ {
+     return elem_patternrepresentation_1==0 && patternrepresentation_1==0;
+ }
+ patternrepresentation
+ impl_patternrepresentation::map(elem_patternrepresentation (*kc_fp)(elem_patternrepresentation))
+ { return dynamic_cast<patternrepresentation>(do_map((abstract_phylum (*)(abstract_phylum))kc_fp, sel_Conspatternrepresentation)); }
+ patternrepresentation
+ impl_patternrepresentation::filter(bool (*kc_fp)(elem_patternrepresentation))
+ { return dynamic_cast<patternrepresentation>(do_filter((bool (*)(abstract_phylum))kc_fp, sel_Conspatternrepresentation)); }
+ patternrepresentation
+ impl_patternrepresentation::append(elem_patternrepresentation new_last)
+ {
+     return dynamic_cast<patternrepresentation>(do_append(new_last, Nilpatternrepresentation()));
+ }
+ patternrepresentation
+ impl_patternrepresentation::merge( patternrepresentation second, elem_patternrepresentation (*kc_fp)(elem_patternrepresentation, elem_patternrepresentation))
+ {
+     return dynamic_cast<patternrepresentation>(do_merge(second,(abstract_phylum(*)(abstract_phylum,abstract_phylum))kc_fp, sel_Conspatternrepresentation));
+ }
+ elem_patternrepresentation
+ impl_patternrepresentation::reduce( elem_patternrepresentation neutral, elem_patternrepresentation (*kc_fp)(elem_patternrepresentation, elem_patternrepresentation))
+ {
+     return dynamic_cast<elem_patternrepresentation>(do_reduce(neutral,(abstract_phylum(*)(abstract_phylum,abstract_phylum))kc_fp));
+ }
+ path
+ concat(c_path kc_p1, c_path kc_p2)
+ { return dynamic_cast<path>(kc_p1->do_concat(kc_p2, sel_Conspath)); }
+ path
+ impl_path::reverse() const
+ { return dynamic_cast<path>(do_reverse(Nilpath(), sel_Conspath)); }
+ integer
+ impl_path::last() const
+ { return dynamic_cast<integer>(impl_abstract_list::last()); }
+ bool
+ impl_path::is_nil() const
+ {
+     return integer_1==0 && path_1==0;
+ }
+ path
+ impl_path::map(integer (*kc_fp)(integer))
+ { return dynamic_cast<path>(do_map((abstract_phylum (*)(abstract_phylum))kc_fp, sel_Conspath)); }
+ path
+ impl_path::filter(bool (*kc_fp)(integer))
+ { return dynamic_cast<path>(do_filter((bool (*)(abstract_phylum))kc_fp, sel_Conspath)); }
+ path
+ impl_path::append(integer new_last)
+ {
+     return dynamic_cast<path>(do_append(new_last, Nilpath()));
+ }
+ path
+ impl_path::merge( path second, integer (*kc_fp)(integer, integer))
+ {
+     return dynamic_cast<path>(do_merge(second,(abstract_phylum(*)(abstract_phylum,abstract_phylum))kc_fp, sel_Conspath));
+ }
+ integer
+ impl_path::reduce( integer neutral, integer (*kc_fp)(integer, integer))
+ {
+     return dynamic_cast<integer>(do_reduce(neutral,(abstract_phylum(*)(abstract_phylum,abstract_phylum))kc_fp));
+ }
+ paths
+ concat(c_paths kc_p1, c_paths kc_p2)
+ { return dynamic_cast<paths>(kc_p1->do_concat(kc_p2, sel_Conspaths)); }
+ paths
+ impl_paths::reverse() const
+ { return dynamic_cast<paths>(do_reverse(Nilpaths(), sel_Conspaths)); }
+ path
+ impl_paths::last() const
+ { return dynamic_cast<path>(impl_abstract_list::last()); }
+ bool
+ impl_paths::is_nil() const
+ {
+     return path_1==0 && paths_1==0;
+ }
+ paths
+ impl_paths::map(path (*kc_fp)(path))
+ { return dynamic_cast<paths>(do_map((abstract_phylum (*)(abstract_phylum))kc_fp, sel_Conspaths)); }
+ paths
+ impl_paths::filter(bool (*kc_fp)(path))
+ { return dynamic_cast<paths>(do_filter((bool (*)(abstract_phylum))kc_fp, sel_Conspaths)); }
+ paths
+ impl_paths::append(path new_last)
+ {
+     return dynamic_cast<paths>(do_append(new_last, Nilpaths()));
+ }
+ paths
+ impl_paths::merge( paths second, path (*kc_fp)(path, path))
+ {
+     return dynamic_cast<paths>(do_merge(second,(abstract_phylum(*)(abstract_phylum,abstract_phylum))kc_fp, sel_Conspaths));
+ }
+ path
+ impl_paths::reduce( path neutral, path (*kc_fp)(path, path))
+ {
+     return dynamic_cast<path>(do_reduce(neutral,(abstract_phylum(*)(abstract_phylum,abstract_phylum))kc_fp));
+ }
+ argsnumbers
+ concat(c_argsnumbers kc_p1, c_argsnumbers kc_p2)
+ { return dynamic_cast<argsnumbers>(kc_p1->do_concat(kc_p2, sel_Consargsnumbers)); }
+ argsnumbers
+ impl_argsnumbers::reverse() const
+ { return dynamic_cast<argsnumbers>(do_reverse(Nilargsnumbers(), sel_Consargsnumbers)); }
+ integer
+ impl_argsnumbers::last() const
+ { return dynamic_cast<integer>(impl_abstract_list::last()); }
+ bool
+ impl_argsnumbers::is_nil() const
+ {
+     return integer_1==0 && argsnumbers_1==0;
+ }
+ argsnumbers
+ impl_argsnumbers::map(integer (*kc_fp)(integer))
+ { return dynamic_cast<argsnumbers>(do_map((abstract_phylum (*)(abstract_phylum))kc_fp, sel_Consargsnumbers)); }
+ argsnumbers
+ impl_argsnumbers::filter(bool (*kc_fp)(integer))
+ { return dynamic_cast<argsnumbers>(do_filter((bool (*)(abstract_phylum))kc_fp, sel_Consargsnumbers)); }
+ argsnumbers
+ impl_argsnumbers::append(integer new_last)
+ {
+     return dynamic_cast<argsnumbers>(do_append(new_last, Nilargsnumbers()));
+ }
+ argsnumbers
+ impl_argsnumbers::merge( argsnumbers second, integer (*kc_fp)(integer, integer))
+ {
+     return dynamic_cast<argsnumbers>(do_merge(second,(abstract_phylum(*)(abstract_phylum,abstract_phylum))kc_fp, sel_Consargsnumbers));
+ }
+ integer
+ impl_argsnumbers::reduce( integer neutral, integer (*kc_fp)(integer, integer))
+ {
+     return dynamic_cast<integer>(do_reduce(neutral,(abstract_phylum(*)(abstract_phylum,abstract_phylum))kc_fp));
+ }
+ rewriterulesinfo
+ concat(c_rewriterulesinfo kc_p1, c_rewriterulesinfo kc_p2)
+ { return dynamic_cast<rewriterulesinfo>(kc_p1->do_concat(kc_p2, sel_Consrewriterulesinfo)); }
+ rewriterulesinfo
+ impl_rewriterulesinfo::reverse() const
+ { return dynamic_cast<rewriterulesinfo>(do_reverse(Nilrewriterulesinfo(), sel_Consrewriterulesinfo)); }
+ rewriteruleinfo
+ impl_rewriterulesinfo::last() const
+ { return dynamic_cast<rewriteruleinfo>(impl_abstract_list::last()); }
+ bool
+ impl_rewriterulesinfo::is_nil() const
+ {
+     return rewriteruleinfo_1==0 && rewriterulesinfo_1==0;
+ }
+ rewriterulesinfo
+ impl_rewriterulesinfo::map(rewriteruleinfo (*kc_fp)(rewriteruleinfo))
+ { return dynamic_cast<rewriterulesinfo>(do_map((abstract_phylum (*)(abstract_phylum))kc_fp, sel_Consrewriterulesinfo)); }
+ rewriterulesinfo
+ impl_rewriterulesinfo::filter(bool (*kc_fp)(rewriteruleinfo))
+ { return dynamic_cast<rewriterulesinfo>(do_filter((bool (*)(abstract_phylum))kc_fp, sel_Consrewriterulesinfo)); }
+ rewriterulesinfo
+ impl_rewriterulesinfo::append(rewriteruleinfo new_last)
+ {
+     return dynamic_cast<rewriterulesinfo>(do_append(new_last, Nilrewriterulesinfo()));
+ }
+ rewriterulesinfo
+ impl_rewriterulesinfo::merge( rewriterulesinfo second, rewriteruleinfo (*kc_fp)(rewriteruleinfo, rewriteruleinfo))
+ {
+     return dynamic_cast<rewriterulesinfo>(do_merge(second,(abstract_phylum(*)(abstract_phylum,abstract_phylum))kc_fp, sel_Consrewriterulesinfo));
+ }
+ rewriteruleinfo
+ impl_rewriterulesinfo::reduce( rewriteruleinfo neutral, rewriteruleinfo (*kc_fp)(rewriteruleinfo, rewriteruleinfo))
+ {
+     return dynamic_cast<rewriteruleinfo>(do_reduce(neutral,(abstract_phylum(*)(abstract_phylum,abstract_phylum))kc_fp));
+ }
+ withcasesinfo
+ concat(c_withcasesinfo kc_p1, c_withcasesinfo kc_p2)
+ { return dynamic_cast<withcasesinfo>(kc_p1->do_concat(kc_p2, sel_Conswithcasesinfo)); }
+ withcasesinfo
+ impl_withcasesinfo::reverse() const
+ { return dynamic_cast<withcasesinfo>(do_reverse(Nilwithcasesinfo(), sel_Conswithcasesinfo)); }
+ withcaseinfo
+ impl_withcasesinfo::last() const
+ { return dynamic_cast<withcaseinfo>(impl_abstract_list::last()); }
+ bool
+ impl_withcasesinfo::is_nil() const
+ {
+     return withcaseinfo_1==0 && withcasesinfo_1==0;
+ }
+ withcasesinfo
+ impl_withcasesinfo::map(withcaseinfo (*kc_fp)(withcaseinfo))
+ { return dynamic_cast<withcasesinfo>(do_map((abstract_phylum (*)(abstract_phylum))kc_fp, sel_Conswithcasesinfo)); }
+ withcasesinfo
+ impl_withcasesinfo::filter(bool (*kc_fp)(withcaseinfo))
+ { return dynamic_cast<withcasesinfo>(do_filter((bool (*)(abstract_phylum))kc_fp, sel_Conswithcasesinfo)); }
+ withcasesinfo
+ impl_withcasesinfo::append(withcaseinfo new_last)
+ {
+     return dynamic_cast<withcasesinfo>(do_append(new_last, Nilwithcasesinfo()));
+ }
+ withcasesinfo
+ impl_withcasesinfo::merge( withcasesinfo second, withcaseinfo (*kc_fp)(withcaseinfo, withcaseinfo))
+ {
+     return dynamic_cast<withcasesinfo>(do_merge(second,(abstract_phylum(*)(abstract_phylum,abstract_phylum))kc_fp, sel_Conswithcasesinfo));
+ }
+ withcaseinfo
+ impl_withcasesinfo::reduce( withcaseinfo neutral, withcaseinfo (*kc_fp)(withcaseinfo, withcaseinfo))
+ {
+     return dynamic_cast<withcaseinfo>(do_reduce(neutral,(abstract_phylum(*)(abstract_phylum,abstract_phylum))kc_fp));
+ }
+ rewriteviewsinfo
+ concat(c_rewriteviewsinfo kc_p1, c_rewriteviewsinfo kc_p2)
+ { return dynamic_cast<rewriteviewsinfo>(kc_p1->do_concat(kc_p2, sel_Consrewriteviewsinfo)); }
+ rewriteviewsinfo
+ impl_rewriteviewsinfo::reverse() const
+ { return dynamic_cast<rewriteviewsinfo>(do_reverse(Nilrewriteviewsinfo(), sel_Consrewriteviewsinfo)); }
+ rewriteviewinfo
+ impl_rewriteviewsinfo::last() const
+ { return dynamic_cast<rewriteviewinfo>(impl_abstract_list::last()); }
+ bool
+ impl_rewriteviewsinfo::is_nil() const
+ {
+     return rewriteviewinfo_1==0 && rewriteviewsinfo_1==0;
+ }
+ rewriteviewsinfo
+ impl_rewriteviewsinfo::map(rewriteviewinfo (*kc_fp)(rewriteviewinfo))
+ { return dynamic_cast<rewriteviewsinfo>(do_map((abstract_phylum (*)(abstract_phylum))kc_fp, sel_Consrewriteviewsinfo)); }
+ rewriteviewsinfo
+ impl_rewriteviewsinfo::filter(bool (*kc_fp)(rewriteviewinfo))
+ { return dynamic_cast<rewriteviewsinfo>(do_filter((bool (*)(abstract_phylum))kc_fp, sel_Consrewriteviewsinfo)); }
+ rewriteviewsinfo
+ impl_rewriteviewsinfo::append(rewriteviewinfo new_last)
+ {
+     return dynamic_cast<rewriteviewsinfo>(do_append(new_last, Nilrewriteviewsinfo()));
+ }
+ rewriteviewsinfo
+ impl_rewriteviewsinfo::merge( rewriteviewsinfo second, rewriteviewinfo (*kc_fp)(rewriteviewinfo, rewriteviewinfo))
+ {
+     return dynamic_cast<rewriteviewsinfo>(do_merge(second,(abstract_phylum(*)(abstract_phylum,abstract_phylum))kc_fp, sel_Consrewriteviewsinfo));
+ }
+ rewriteviewinfo
+ impl_rewriteviewsinfo::reduce( rewriteviewinfo neutral, rewriteviewinfo (*kc_fp)(rewriteviewinfo, rewriteviewinfo))
+ {
+     return dynamic_cast<rewriteviewinfo>(do_reduce(neutral,(abstract_phylum(*)(abstract_phylum,abstract_phylum))kc_fp));
+ }
+ unparseviewsinfo
+ concat(c_unparseviewsinfo kc_p1, c_unparseviewsinfo kc_p2)
+ { return dynamic_cast<unparseviewsinfo>(kc_p1->do_concat(kc_p2, sel_Consunparseviewsinfo)); }
+ unparseviewsinfo
+ impl_unparseviewsinfo::reverse() const
+ { return dynamic_cast<unparseviewsinfo>(do_reverse(Nilunparseviewsinfo(), sel_Consunparseviewsinfo)); }
+ unparseviewinfo
+ impl_unparseviewsinfo::last() const
+ { return dynamic_cast<unparseviewinfo>(impl_abstract_list::last()); }
+ bool
+ impl_unparseviewsinfo::is_nil() const
+ {
+     return unparseviewinfo_1==0 && unparseviewsinfo_1==0;
+ }
+ unparseviewsinfo
+ impl_unparseviewsinfo::map(unparseviewinfo (*kc_fp)(unparseviewinfo))
+ { return dynamic_cast<unparseviewsinfo>(do_map((abstract_phylum (*)(abstract_phylum))kc_fp, sel_Consunparseviewsinfo)); }
+ unparseviewsinfo
+ impl_unparseviewsinfo::filter(bool (*kc_fp)(unparseviewinfo))
+ { return dynamic_cast<unparseviewsinfo>(do_filter((bool (*)(abstract_phylum))kc_fp, sel_Consunparseviewsinfo)); }
+ unparseviewsinfo
+ impl_unparseviewsinfo::append(unparseviewinfo new_last)
+ {
+     return dynamic_cast<unparseviewsinfo>(do_append(new_last, Nilunparseviewsinfo()));
+ }
+ unparseviewsinfo
+ impl_unparseviewsinfo::merge( unparseviewsinfo second, unparseviewinfo (*kc_fp)(unparseviewinfo, unparseviewinfo))
+ {
+     return dynamic_cast<unparseviewsinfo>(do_merge(second,(abstract_phylum(*)(abstract_phylum,abstract_phylum))kc_fp, sel_Consunparseviewsinfo));
+ }
+ unparseviewinfo
+ impl_unparseviewsinfo::reduce( unparseviewinfo neutral, unparseviewinfo (*kc_fp)(unparseviewinfo, unparseviewinfo))
+ {
+     return dynamic_cast<unparseviewinfo>(do_reduce(neutral,(abstract_phylum(*)(abstract_phylum,abstract_phylum))kc_fp));
+ }
+ unparsedeclsinfo
+ concat(c_unparsedeclsinfo kc_p1, c_unparsedeclsinfo kc_p2)
+ { return dynamic_cast<unparsedeclsinfo>(kc_p1->do_concat(kc_p2, sel_Consunparsedeclsinfo)); }
+ unparsedeclsinfo
+ impl_unparsedeclsinfo::reverse() const
+ { return dynamic_cast<unparsedeclsinfo>(do_reverse(Nilunparsedeclsinfo(), sel_Consunparsedeclsinfo)); }
+ unparsedeclinfo
+ impl_unparsedeclsinfo::last() const
+ { return dynamic_cast<unparsedeclinfo>(impl_abstract_list::last()); }
+ bool
+ impl_unparsedeclsinfo::is_nil() const
+ {
+     return unparsedeclinfo_1==0 && unparsedeclsinfo_1==0;
+ }
+ unparsedeclsinfo
+ impl_unparsedeclsinfo::map(unparsedeclinfo (*kc_fp)(unparsedeclinfo))
+ { return dynamic_cast<unparsedeclsinfo>(do_map((abstract_phylum (*)(abstract_phylum))kc_fp, sel_Consunparsedeclsinfo)); }
+ unparsedeclsinfo
+ impl_unparsedeclsinfo::filter(bool (*kc_fp)(unparsedeclinfo))
+ { return dynamic_cast<unparsedeclsinfo>(do_filter((bool (*)(abstract_phylum))kc_fp, sel_Consunparsedeclsinfo)); }
+ unparsedeclsinfo
+ impl_unparsedeclsinfo::append(unparsedeclinfo new_last)
+ {
+     return dynamic_cast<unparsedeclsinfo>(do_append(new_last, Nilunparsedeclsinfo()));
+ }
+ unparsedeclsinfo
+ impl_unparsedeclsinfo::merge( unparsedeclsinfo second, unparsedeclinfo (*kc_fp)(unparsedeclinfo, unparsedeclinfo))
+ {
+     return dynamic_cast<unparsedeclsinfo>(do_merge(second,(abstract_phylum(*)(abstract_phylum,abstract_phylum))kc_fp, sel_Consunparsedeclsinfo));
+ }
+ unparsedeclinfo
+ impl_unparsedeclsinfo::reduce( unparsedeclinfo neutral, unparsedeclinfo (*kc_fp)(unparsedeclinfo, unparsedeclinfo))
+ {
+     return dynamic_cast<unparsedeclinfo>(do_reduce(neutral,(abstract_phylum(*)(abstract_phylum,abstract_phylum))kc_fp));
+ }
+ ac_declaration_list
+ concat(c_ac_declaration_list kc_p1, c_ac_declaration_list kc_p2)
+ { return dynamic_cast<ac_declaration_list>(kc_p1->do_concat(kc_p2, sel_Consac_declaration_list)); }
+ ac_declaration_list
+ impl_ac_declaration_list::reverse() const
+ { return dynamic_cast<ac_declaration_list>(do_reverse(Nilac_declaration_list(), sel_Consac_declaration_list)); }
+ ac_declaration
+ impl_ac_declaration_list::last() const
+ { return dynamic_cast<ac_declaration>(impl_abstract_list::last()); }
+ bool
+ impl_ac_declaration_list::is_nil() const
+ {
+     return ac_declaration_1==0 && ac_declaration_list_1==0;
+ }
+ ac_declaration_list
+ impl_ac_declaration_list::map(ac_declaration (*kc_fp)(ac_declaration))
+ { return dynamic_cast<ac_declaration_list>(do_map((abstract_phylum (*)(abstract_phylum))kc_fp, sel_Consac_declaration_list)); }
+ ac_declaration_list
+ impl_ac_declaration_list::filter(bool (*kc_fp)(ac_declaration))
+ { return dynamic_cast<ac_declaration_list>(do_filter((bool (*)(abstract_phylum))kc_fp, sel_Consac_declaration_list)); }
+ ac_declaration_list
+ impl_ac_declaration_list::append(ac_declaration new_last)
+ {
+     return dynamic_cast<ac_declaration_list>(do_append(new_last, Nilac_declaration_list()));
+ }
+ ac_declaration_list
+ impl_ac_declaration_list::merge( ac_declaration_list second, ac_declaration (*kc_fp)(ac_declaration, ac_declaration))
+ {
+     return dynamic_cast<ac_declaration_list>(do_merge(second,(abstract_phylum(*)(abstract_phylum,abstract_phylum))kc_fp, sel_Consac_declaration_list));
+ }
+ ac_declaration
+ impl_ac_declaration_list::reduce( ac_declaration neutral, ac_declaration (*kc_fp)(ac_declaration, ac_declaration))
+ {
+     return dynamic_cast<ac_declaration>(do_reduce(neutral,(abstract_phylum(*)(abstract_phylum,abstract_phylum))kc_fp));
+ }
+ ac_declaration_specifiers
+ concat(c_ac_declaration_specifiers kc_p1, c_ac_declaration_specifiers kc_p2)
+ { return dynamic_cast<ac_declaration_specifiers>(kc_p1->do_concat(kc_p2, sel_Consac_declaration_specifiers)); }
+ ac_declaration_specifiers
+ impl_ac_declaration_specifiers::reverse() const
+ { return dynamic_cast<ac_declaration_specifiers>(do_reverse(Nilac_declaration_specifiers(), sel_Consac_declaration_specifiers)); }
+ ac_declaration_specifier
+ impl_ac_declaration_specifiers::last() const
+ { return dynamic_cast<ac_declaration_specifier>(impl_abstract_list::last()); }
+ bool
+ impl_ac_declaration_specifiers::is_nil() const
+ {
+     return ac_declaration_specifier_1==0 && ac_declaration_specifiers_1==0;
+ }
+ ac_declaration_specifiers
+ impl_ac_declaration_specifiers::map(ac_declaration_specifier (*kc_fp)(ac_declaration_specifier))
+ { return dynamic_cast<ac_declaration_specifiers>(do_map((abstract_phylum (*)(abstract_phylum))kc_fp, sel_Consac_declaration_specifiers)); }
+ ac_declaration_specifiers
+ impl_ac_declaration_specifiers::filter(bool (*kc_fp)(ac_declaration_specifier))
+ { return dynamic_cast<ac_declaration_specifiers>(do_filter((bool (*)(abstract_phylum))kc_fp, sel_Consac_declaration_specifiers)); }
+ ac_declaration_specifiers
+ impl_ac_declaration_specifiers::append(ac_declaration_specifier new_last)
+ {
+     return dynamic_cast<ac_declaration_specifiers>(do_append(new_last, Nilac_declaration_specifiers()));
+ }
+ ac_declaration_specifiers
+ impl_ac_declaration_specifiers::merge( ac_declaration_specifiers second, ac_declaration_specifier (*kc_fp)(ac_declaration_specifier, ac_declaration_specifier))
+ {
+     return dynamic_cast<ac_declaration_specifiers>(do_merge(second,(abstract_phylum(*)(abstract_phylum,abstract_phylum))kc_fp, sel_Consac_declaration_specifiers));
+ }
+ ac_declaration_specifier
+ impl_ac_declaration_specifiers::reduce( ac_declaration_specifier neutral, ac_declaration_specifier (*kc_fp)(ac_declaration_specifier, ac_declaration_specifier))
+ {
+     return dynamic_cast<ac_declaration_specifier>(do_reduce(neutral,(abstract_phylum(*)(abstract_phylum,abstract_phylum))kc_fp));
+ }
+ ac_init_declarator_list
+ concat(c_ac_init_declarator_list kc_p1, c_ac_init_declarator_list kc_p2)
+ { return dynamic_cast<ac_init_declarator_list>(kc_p1->do_concat(kc_p2, sel_Consac_init_declarator_list)); }
+ ac_init_declarator_list
+ impl_ac_init_declarator_list::reverse() const
+ { return dynamic_cast<ac_init_declarator_list>(do_reverse(Nilac_init_declarator_list(), sel_Consac_init_declarator_list)); }
+ ac_init_declarator
+ impl_ac_init_declarator_list::last() const
+ { return dynamic_cast<ac_init_declarator>(impl_abstract_list::last()); }
+ bool
+ impl_ac_init_declarator_list::is_nil() const
+ {
+     return ac_init_declarator_1==0 && ac_init_declarator_list_1==0;
+ }
+ ac_init_declarator_list
+ impl_ac_init_declarator_list::map(ac_init_declarator (*kc_fp)(ac_init_declarator))
+ { return dynamic_cast<ac_init_declarator_list>(do_map((abstract_phylum (*)(abstract_phylum))kc_fp, sel_Consac_init_declarator_list)); }
+ ac_init_declarator_list
+ impl_ac_init_declarator_list::filter(bool (*kc_fp)(ac_init_declarator))
+ { return dynamic_cast<ac_init_declarator_list>(do_filter((bool (*)(abstract_phylum))kc_fp, sel_Consac_init_declarator_list)); }
+ ac_init_declarator_list
+ impl_ac_init_declarator_list::append(ac_init_declarator new_last)
+ {
+     return dynamic_cast<ac_init_declarator_list>(do_append(new_last, Nilac_init_declarator_list()));
+ }
+ ac_init_declarator_list
+ impl_ac_init_declarator_list::merge( ac_init_declarator_list second, ac_init_declarator (*kc_fp)(ac_init_declarator, ac_init_declarator))
+ {
+     return dynamic_cast<ac_init_declarator_list>(do_merge(second,(abstract_phylum(*)(abstract_phylum,abstract_phylum))kc_fp, sel_Consac_init_declarator_list));
+ }
+ ac_init_declarator
+ impl_ac_init_declarator_list::reduce( ac_init_declarator neutral, ac_init_declarator (*kc_fp)(ac_init_declarator, ac_init_declarator))
+ {
+     return dynamic_cast<ac_init_declarator>(do_reduce(neutral,(abstract_phylum(*)(abstract_phylum,abstract_phylum))kc_fp));
+ }
+ ac_class_qualifier_help_list
+ concat(c_ac_class_qualifier_help_list kc_p1, c_ac_class_qualifier_help_list kc_p2)
+ { return dynamic_cast<ac_class_qualifier_help_list>(kc_p1->do_concat(kc_p2, sel_Consac_class_qualifier_help_list)); }
+ ac_class_qualifier_help_list
+ impl_ac_class_qualifier_help_list::reverse() const
+ { return dynamic_cast<ac_class_qualifier_help_list>(do_reverse(Nilac_class_qualifier_help_list(), sel_Consac_class_qualifier_help_list)); }
+ ac_direct_declarator
+ impl_ac_class_qualifier_help_list::last() const
+ { return dynamic_cast<ac_direct_declarator>(impl_abstract_list::last()); }
+ bool
+ impl_ac_class_qualifier_help_list::is_nil() const
+ {
+     return ac_direct_declarator_1==0 && ac_class_qualifier_help_list_1==0;
+ }
+ ac_class_qualifier_help_list
+ impl_ac_class_qualifier_help_list::map(ac_direct_declarator (*kc_fp)(ac_direct_declarator))
+ { return dynamic_cast<ac_class_qualifier_help_list>(do_map((abstract_phylum (*)(abstract_phylum))kc_fp, sel_Consac_class_qualifier_help_list)); }
+ ac_class_qualifier_help_list
+ impl_ac_class_qualifier_help_list::filter(bool (*kc_fp)(ac_direct_declarator))
+ { return dynamic_cast<ac_class_qualifier_help_list>(do_filter((bool (*)(abstract_phylum))kc_fp, sel_Consac_class_qualifier_help_list)); }
+ ac_class_qualifier_help_list
+ impl_ac_class_qualifier_help_list::append(ac_direct_declarator new_last)
+ {
+     return dynamic_cast<ac_class_qualifier_help_list>(do_append(new_last, Nilac_class_qualifier_help_list()));
+ }
+ ac_class_qualifier_help_list
+ impl_ac_class_qualifier_help_list::merge( ac_class_qualifier_help_list second, ac_direct_declarator (*kc_fp)(ac_direct_declarator, ac_direct_declarator))
+ {
+     return dynamic_cast<ac_class_qualifier_help_list>(do_merge(second,(abstract_phylum(*)(abstract_phylum,abstract_phylum))kc_fp, sel_Consac_class_qualifier_help_list));
+ }
+ ac_direct_declarator
+ impl_ac_class_qualifier_help_list::reduce( ac_direct_declarator neutral, ac_direct_declarator (*kc_fp)(ac_direct_declarator, ac_direct_declarator))
+ {
+     return dynamic_cast<ac_direct_declarator>(do_reduce(neutral,(abstract_phylum(*)(abstract_phylum,abstract_phylum))kc_fp));
+ }
+ ac_class_qualifier_list
+ concat(c_ac_class_qualifier_list kc_p1, c_ac_class_qualifier_list kc_p2)
+ { return dynamic_cast<ac_class_qualifier_list>(kc_p1->do_concat(kc_p2, sel_Consac_class_qualifier_list)); }
+ ac_class_qualifier_list
+ impl_ac_class_qualifier_list::reverse() const
+ { return dynamic_cast<ac_class_qualifier_list>(do_reverse(Nilac_class_qualifier_list(), sel_Consac_class_qualifier_list)); }
+ ID
+ impl_ac_class_qualifier_list::last() const
+ { return dynamic_cast<ID>(impl_abstract_list::last()); }
+ bool
+ impl_ac_class_qualifier_list::is_nil() const
+ {
+     return ID_1==0 && ac_class_qualifier_list_1==0;
+ }
+ ac_class_qualifier_list
+ impl_ac_class_qualifier_list::map(ID (*kc_fp)(ID))
+ { return dynamic_cast<ac_class_qualifier_list>(do_map((abstract_phylum (*)(abstract_phylum))kc_fp, sel_Consac_class_qualifier_list)); }
+ ac_class_qualifier_list
+ impl_ac_class_qualifier_list::filter(bool (*kc_fp)(ID))
+ { return dynamic_cast<ac_class_qualifier_list>(do_filter((bool (*)(abstract_phylum))kc_fp, sel_Consac_class_qualifier_list)); }
+ ac_class_qualifier_list
+ impl_ac_class_qualifier_list::append(ID new_last)
+ {
+     return dynamic_cast<ac_class_qualifier_list>(do_append(new_last, Nilac_class_qualifier_list()));
+ }
+ ac_class_qualifier_list
+ impl_ac_class_qualifier_list::merge( ac_class_qualifier_list second, ID (*kc_fp)(ID, ID))
+ {
+     return dynamic_cast<ac_class_qualifier_list>(do_merge(second,(abstract_phylum(*)(abstract_phylum,abstract_phylum))kc_fp, sel_Consac_class_qualifier_list));
+ }
+ ID
+ impl_ac_class_qualifier_list::reduce( ID neutral, ID (*kc_fp)(ID, ID))
+ {
+     return dynamic_cast<ID>(do_reduce(neutral,(abstract_phylum(*)(abstract_phylum,abstract_phylum))kc_fp));
+ }
+ ac_type_qualifier_list
+ concat(c_ac_type_qualifier_list kc_p1, c_ac_type_qualifier_list kc_p2)
+ { return dynamic_cast<ac_type_qualifier_list>(kc_p1->do_concat(kc_p2, sel_Consac_type_qualifier_list)); }
+ ac_type_qualifier_list
+ impl_ac_type_qualifier_list::reverse() const
+ { return dynamic_cast<ac_type_qualifier_list>(do_reverse(Nilac_type_qualifier_list(), sel_Consac_type_qualifier_list)); }
+ ac_type_qualifier
+ impl_ac_type_qualifier_list::last() const
+ { return dynamic_cast<ac_type_qualifier>(impl_abstract_list::last()); }
+ bool
+ impl_ac_type_qualifier_list::is_nil() const
+ {
+     return ac_type_qualifier_1==0 && ac_type_qualifier_list_1==0;
+ }
+ ac_type_qualifier_list
+ impl_ac_type_qualifier_list::map(ac_type_qualifier (*kc_fp)(ac_type_qualifier))
+ { return dynamic_cast<ac_type_qualifier_list>(do_map((abstract_phylum (*)(abstract_phylum))kc_fp, sel_Consac_type_qualifier_list)); }
+ ac_type_qualifier_list
+ impl_ac_type_qualifier_list::filter(bool (*kc_fp)(ac_type_qualifier))
+ { return dynamic_cast<ac_type_qualifier_list>(do_filter((bool (*)(abstract_phylum))kc_fp, sel_Consac_type_qualifier_list)); }
+ ac_type_qualifier_list
+ impl_ac_type_qualifier_list::append(ac_type_qualifier new_last)
+ {
+     return dynamic_cast<ac_type_qualifier_list>(do_append(new_last, Nilac_type_qualifier_list()));
+ }
+ ac_type_qualifier_list
+ impl_ac_type_qualifier_list::merge( ac_type_qualifier_list second, ac_type_qualifier (*kc_fp)(ac_type_qualifier, ac_type_qualifier))
+ {
+     return dynamic_cast<ac_type_qualifier_list>(do_merge(second,(abstract_phylum(*)(abstract_phylum,abstract_phylum))kc_fp, sel_Consac_type_qualifier_list));
+ }
+ ac_type_qualifier
+ impl_ac_type_qualifier_list::reduce( ac_type_qualifier neutral, ac_type_qualifier (*kc_fp)(ac_type_qualifier, ac_type_qualifier))
+ {
+     return dynamic_cast<ac_type_qualifier>(do_reduce(neutral,(abstract_phylum(*)(abstract_phylum,abstract_phylum))kc_fp));
+ }
+ ac_parameter_list
+ concat(c_ac_parameter_list kc_p1, c_ac_parameter_list kc_p2)
+ { return dynamic_cast<ac_parameter_list>(kc_p1->do_concat(kc_p2, sel_Consac_parameter_list)); }
+ ac_parameter_list
+ impl_ac_parameter_list::reverse() const
+ { return dynamic_cast<ac_parameter_list>(do_reverse(Nilac_parameter_list(), sel_Consac_parameter_list)); }
+ ac_parameter_declaration
+ impl_ac_parameter_list::last() const
+ { return dynamic_cast<ac_parameter_declaration>(impl_abstract_list::last()); }
+ bool
+ impl_ac_parameter_list::is_nil() const
+ {
+     return ac_parameter_declaration_1==0 && ac_parameter_list_1==0;
+ }
+ ac_parameter_list
+ impl_ac_parameter_list::map(ac_parameter_declaration (*kc_fp)(ac_parameter_declaration))
+ { return dynamic_cast<ac_parameter_list>(do_map((abstract_phylum (*)(abstract_phylum))kc_fp, sel_Consac_parameter_list)); }
+ ac_parameter_list
+ impl_ac_parameter_list::filter(bool (*kc_fp)(ac_parameter_declaration))
+ { return dynamic_cast<ac_parameter_list>(do_filter((bool (*)(abstract_phylum))kc_fp, sel_Consac_parameter_list)); }
+ ac_parameter_list
+ impl_ac_parameter_list::append(ac_parameter_declaration new_last)
+ {
+     return dynamic_cast<ac_parameter_list>(do_append(new_last, Nilac_parameter_list()));
+ }
+ ac_parameter_list
+ impl_ac_parameter_list::merge( ac_parameter_list second, ac_parameter_declaration (*kc_fp)(ac_parameter_declaration, ac_parameter_declaration))
+ {
+     return dynamic_cast<ac_parameter_list>(do_merge(second,(abstract_phylum(*)(abstract_phylum,abstract_phylum))kc_fp, sel_Consac_parameter_list));
+ }
+ ac_parameter_declaration
+ impl_ac_parameter_list::reduce( ac_parameter_declaration neutral, ac_parameter_declaration (*kc_fp)(ac_parameter_declaration, ac_parameter_declaration))
+ {
+     return dynamic_cast<ac_parameter_declaration>(do_reduce(neutral,(abstract_phylum(*)(abstract_phylum,abstract_phylum))kc_fp));
+ }
+ ac_identifier_list
+ concat(c_ac_identifier_list kc_p1, c_ac_identifier_list kc_p2)
+ { return dynamic_cast<ac_identifier_list>(kc_p1->do_concat(kc_p2, sel_Consac_identifier_list)); }
+ ac_identifier_list
+ impl_ac_identifier_list::reverse() const
+ { return dynamic_cast<ac_identifier_list>(do_reverse(Nilac_identifier_list(), sel_Consac_identifier_list)); }
+ ID
+ impl_ac_identifier_list::last() const
+ { return dynamic_cast<ID>(impl_abstract_list::last()); }
+ bool
+ impl_ac_identifier_list::is_nil() const
+ {
+     return ID_1==0 && ac_identifier_list_1==0;
+ }
+ ac_identifier_list
+ impl_ac_identifier_list::map(ID (*kc_fp)(ID))
+ { return dynamic_cast<ac_identifier_list>(do_map((abstract_phylum (*)(abstract_phylum))kc_fp, sel_Consac_identifier_list)); }
+ ac_identifier_list
+ impl_ac_identifier_list::filter(bool (*kc_fp)(ID))
+ { return dynamic_cast<ac_identifier_list>(do_filter((bool (*)(abstract_phylum))kc_fp, sel_Consac_identifier_list)); }
+ ac_identifier_list
+ impl_ac_identifier_list::append(ID new_last)
+ {
+     return dynamic_cast<ac_identifier_list>(do_append(new_last, Nilac_identifier_list()));
+ }
+ ac_identifier_list
+ impl_ac_identifier_list::merge( ac_identifier_list second, ID (*kc_fp)(ID, ID))
+ {
+     return dynamic_cast<ac_identifier_list>(do_merge(second,(abstract_phylum(*)(abstract_phylum,abstract_phylum))kc_fp, sel_Consac_identifier_list));
+ }
+ ID
+ impl_ac_identifier_list::reduce( ID neutral, ID (*kc_fp)(ID, ID))
+ {
+     return dynamic_cast<ID>(do_reduce(neutral,(abstract_phylum(*)(abstract_phylum,abstract_phylum))kc_fp));
+ }
+ ac_constant_expression_list
+ concat(c_ac_constant_expression_list kc_p1, c_ac_constant_expression_list kc_p2)
+ { return dynamic_cast<ac_constant_expression_list>(kc_p1->do_concat(kc_p2, sel_Consac_constant_expression_list)); }
+ ac_constant_expression_list
+ impl_ac_constant_expression_list::reverse() const
+ { return dynamic_cast<ac_constant_expression_list>(do_reverse(Nilac_constant_expression_list(), sel_Consac_constant_expression_list)); }
+ ac_constant_expression
+ impl_ac_constant_expression_list::last() const
+ { return dynamic_cast<ac_constant_expression>(impl_abstract_list::last()); }
+ bool
+ impl_ac_constant_expression_list::is_nil() const
+ {
+     return ac_constant_expression_1==0 && ac_constant_expression_list_1==0;
+ }
+ ac_constant_expression_list
+ impl_ac_constant_expression_list::map(ac_constant_expression (*kc_fp)(ac_constant_expression))
+ { return dynamic_cast<ac_constant_expression_list>(do_map((abstract_phylum (*)(abstract_phylum))kc_fp, sel_Consac_constant_expression_list)); }
+ ac_constant_expression_list
+ impl_ac_constant_expression_list::filter(bool (*kc_fp)(ac_constant_expression))
+ { return dynamic_cast<ac_constant_expression_list>(do_filter((bool (*)(abstract_phylum))kc_fp, sel_Consac_constant_expression_list)); }
+ ac_constant_expression_list
+ impl_ac_constant_expression_list::append(ac_constant_expression new_last)
+ {
+     return dynamic_cast<ac_constant_expression_list>(do_append(new_last, Nilac_constant_expression_list()));
+ }
+ ac_constant_expression_list
+ impl_ac_constant_expression_list::merge( ac_constant_expression_list second, ac_constant_expression (*kc_fp)(ac_constant_expression, ac_constant_expression))
+ {
+     return dynamic_cast<ac_constant_expression_list>(do_merge(second,(abstract_phylum(*)(abstract_phylum,abstract_phylum))kc_fp, sel_Consac_constant_expression_list));
+ }
+ ac_constant_expression
+ impl_ac_constant_expression_list::reduce( ac_constant_expression neutral, ac_constant_expression (*kc_fp)(ac_constant_expression, ac_constant_expression))
+ {
+     return dynamic_cast<ac_constant_expression>(do_reduce(neutral,(abstract_phylum(*)(abstract_phylum,abstract_phylum))kc_fp));
+ }
+ ac_base_init_list
+ concat(c_ac_base_init_list kc_p1, c_ac_base_init_list kc_p2)
+ { return dynamic_cast<ac_base_init_list>(kc_p1->do_concat(kc_p2, sel_Consac_base_init_list)); }
+ ac_base_init_list
+ impl_ac_base_init_list::reverse() const
+ { return dynamic_cast<ac_base_init_list>(do_reverse(Nilac_base_init_list(), sel_Consac_base_init_list)); }
+ ac_base_init
+ impl_ac_base_init_list::last() const
+ { return dynamic_cast<ac_base_init>(impl_abstract_list::last()); }
+ bool
+ impl_ac_base_init_list::is_nil() const
+ {
+     return ac_base_init_1==0 && ac_base_init_list_1==0;
+ }
+ ac_base_init_list
+ impl_ac_base_init_list::map(ac_base_init (*kc_fp)(ac_base_init))
+ { return dynamic_cast<ac_base_init_list>(do_map((abstract_phylum (*)(abstract_phylum))kc_fp, sel_Consac_base_init_list)); }
+ ac_base_init_list
+ impl_ac_base_init_list::filter(bool (*kc_fp)(ac_base_init))
+ { return dynamic_cast<ac_base_init_list>(do_filter((bool (*)(abstract_phylum))kc_fp, sel_Consac_base_init_list)); }
+ ac_base_init_list
+ impl_ac_base_init_list::append(ac_base_init new_last)
+ {
+     return dynamic_cast<ac_base_init_list>(do_append(new_last, Nilac_base_init_list()));
+ }
+ ac_base_init_list
+ impl_ac_base_init_list::merge( ac_base_init_list second, ac_base_init (*kc_fp)(ac_base_init, ac_base_init))
+ {
+     return dynamic_cast<ac_base_init_list>(do_merge(second,(abstract_phylum(*)(abstract_phylum,abstract_phylum))kc_fp, sel_Consac_base_init_list));
+ }
+ ac_base_init
+ impl_ac_base_init_list::reduce( ac_base_init neutral, ac_base_init (*kc_fp)(ac_base_init, ac_base_init))
+ {
+     return dynamic_cast<ac_base_init>(do_reduce(neutral,(abstract_phylum(*)(abstract_phylum,abstract_phylum))kc_fp));
+ }
+ baseclass_declarations
+ concat(c_baseclass_declarations kc_p1, c_baseclass_declarations kc_p2)
+ { return dynamic_cast<baseclass_declarations>(kc_p1->do_concat(kc_p2, sel_Consbaseclass_declarations)); }
+ baseclass_declarations
+ impl_baseclass_declarations::reverse() const
+ { return dynamic_cast<baseclass_declarations>(do_reverse(Nilbaseclass_declarations(), sel_Consbaseclass_declarations)); }
+ baseclass_decl
+ impl_baseclass_declarations::last() const
+ { return dynamic_cast<baseclass_decl>(impl_abstract_list::last()); }
+ bool
+ impl_baseclass_declarations::is_nil() const
+ {
+     return baseclass_decl_1==0 && baseclass_declarations_1==0;
+ }
+ baseclass_declarations
+ impl_baseclass_declarations::map(baseclass_decl (*kc_fp)(baseclass_decl))
+ { return dynamic_cast<baseclass_declarations>(do_map((abstract_phylum (*)(abstract_phylum))kc_fp, sel_Consbaseclass_declarations)); }
+ baseclass_declarations
+ impl_baseclass_declarations::filter(bool (*kc_fp)(baseclass_decl))
+ { return dynamic_cast<baseclass_declarations>(do_filter((bool (*)(abstract_phylum))kc_fp, sel_Consbaseclass_declarations)); }
+ baseclass_declarations
+ impl_baseclass_declarations::append(baseclass_decl new_last)
+ {
+     return dynamic_cast<baseclass_declarations>(do_append(new_last, Nilbaseclass_declarations()));
+ }
+ baseclass_declarations
+ impl_baseclass_declarations::merge( baseclass_declarations second, baseclass_decl (*kc_fp)(baseclass_decl, baseclass_decl))
+ {
+     return dynamic_cast<baseclass_declarations>(do_merge(second,(abstract_phylum(*)(abstract_phylum,abstract_phylum))kc_fp, sel_Consbaseclass_declarations));
+ }
+ baseclass_decl
+ impl_baseclass_declarations::reduce( baseclass_decl neutral, baseclass_decl (*kc_fp)(baseclass_decl, baseclass_decl))
+ {
+     return dynamic_cast<baseclass_decl>(do_reduce(neutral,(abstract_phylum(*)(abstract_phylum,abstract_phylum))kc_fp));
+ }
+ baseclass_list
+ concat(c_baseclass_list kc_p1, c_baseclass_list kc_p2)
+ { return dynamic_cast<baseclass_list>(kc_p1->do_concat(kc_p2, sel_Consbaseclass_list)); }
+ baseclass_list
+ impl_baseclass_list::reverse() const
+ { return dynamic_cast<baseclass_list>(do_reverse(Nilbaseclass_list(), sel_Consbaseclass_list)); }
+ ID
+ impl_baseclass_list::last() const
+ { return dynamic_cast<ID>(impl_abstract_list::last()); }
+ bool
+ impl_baseclass_list::is_nil() const
+ {
+     return ID_1==0 && baseclass_list_1==0;
+ }
+ baseclass_list
+ impl_baseclass_list::map(ID (*kc_fp)(ID))
+ { return dynamic_cast<baseclass_list>(do_map((abstract_phylum (*)(abstract_phylum))kc_fp, sel_Consbaseclass_list)); }
+ baseclass_list
+ impl_baseclass_list::filter(bool (*kc_fp)(ID))
+ { return dynamic_cast<baseclass_list>(do_filter((bool (*)(abstract_phylum))kc_fp, sel_Consbaseclass_list)); }
+ baseclass_list
+ impl_baseclass_list::append(ID new_last)
+ {
+     return dynamic_cast<baseclass_list>(do_append(new_last, Nilbaseclass_list()));
+ }
+ baseclass_list
+ impl_baseclass_list::merge( baseclass_list second, ID (*kc_fp)(ID, ID))
+ {
+     return dynamic_cast<baseclass_list>(do_merge(second,(abstract_phylum(*)(abstract_phylum,abstract_phylum))kc_fp, sel_Consbaseclass_list));
+ }
+ ID
+ impl_baseclass_list::reduce( ID neutral, ID (*kc_fp)(ID, ID))
+ {
+     return dynamic_cast<ID>(do_reduce(neutral,(abstract_phylum(*)(abstract_phylum,abstract_phylum))kc_fp));
+ }
+ addedphylumdeclarations
+ concat(c_addedphylumdeclarations kc_p1, c_addedphylumdeclarations kc_p2)
+ { return dynamic_cast<addedphylumdeclarations>(kc_p1->do_concat(kc_p2, sel_Consaddedphylumdeclarations)); }
+ addedphylumdeclarations
+ impl_addedphylumdeclarations::reverse() const
+ { return dynamic_cast<addedphylumdeclarations>(do_reverse(Niladdedphylumdeclarations(), sel_Consaddedphylumdeclarations)); }
+ addedphylumdeclaration
+ impl_addedphylumdeclarations::last() const
+ { return dynamic_cast<addedphylumdeclaration>(impl_abstract_list::last()); }
+ bool
+ impl_addedphylumdeclarations::is_nil() const
+ {
+     return addedphylumdeclaration_1==0 && addedphylumdeclarations_1==0;
+ }
+ addedphylumdeclarations
+ impl_addedphylumdeclarations::map(addedphylumdeclaration (*kc_fp)(addedphylumdeclaration))
+ { return dynamic_cast<addedphylumdeclarations>(do_map((abstract_phylum (*)(abstract_phylum))kc_fp, sel_Consaddedphylumdeclarations)); }
+ addedphylumdeclarations
+ impl_addedphylumdeclarations::filter(bool (*kc_fp)(addedphylumdeclaration))
+ { return dynamic_cast<addedphylumdeclarations>(do_filter((bool (*)(abstract_phylum))kc_fp, sel_Consaddedphylumdeclarations)); }
+ addedphylumdeclarations
+ impl_addedphylumdeclarations::append(addedphylumdeclaration new_last)
+ {
+     return dynamic_cast<addedphylumdeclarations>(do_append(new_last, Niladdedphylumdeclarations()));
+ }
+ addedphylumdeclarations
+ impl_addedphylumdeclarations::merge( addedphylumdeclarations second, addedphylumdeclaration (*kc_fp)(addedphylumdeclaration, addedphylumdeclaration))
+ {
+     return dynamic_cast<addedphylumdeclarations>(do_merge(second,(abstract_phylum(*)(abstract_phylum,abstract_phylum))kc_fp, sel_Consaddedphylumdeclarations));
+ }
+ addedphylumdeclaration
+ impl_addedphylumdeclarations::reduce( addedphylumdeclaration neutral, addedphylumdeclaration (*kc_fp)(addedphylumdeclaration, addedphylumdeclaration))
+ {
+     return dynamic_cast<addedphylumdeclaration>(do_reduce(neutral,(abstract_phylum(*)(abstract_phylum,abstract_phylum))kc_fp));
+ }
+ countedphylumdeclarations
+ concat(c_countedphylumdeclarations kc_p1, c_countedphylumdeclarations kc_p2)
+ { return dynamic_cast<countedphylumdeclarations>(kc_p1->do_concat(kc_p2, sel_Conscountedphylumdeclarations)); }
+ countedphylumdeclarations
+ impl_countedphylumdeclarations::reverse() const
+ { return dynamic_cast<countedphylumdeclarations>(do_reverse(Nilcountedphylumdeclarations(), sel_Conscountedphylumdeclarations)); }
+ countedphylumdeclaration
+ impl_countedphylumdeclarations::last() const
+ { return dynamic_cast<countedphylumdeclaration>(impl_abstract_list::last()); }
+ bool
+ impl_countedphylumdeclarations::is_nil() const
+ {
+     return countedphylumdeclaration_1==0 && countedphylumdeclarations_1==0;
+ }
+ countedphylumdeclarations
+ impl_countedphylumdeclarations::map(countedphylumdeclaration (*kc_fp)(countedphylumdeclaration))
+ { return dynamic_cast<countedphylumdeclarations>(do_map((abstract_phylum (*)(abstract_phylum))kc_fp, sel_Conscountedphylumdeclarations)); }
+ countedphylumdeclarations
+ impl_countedphylumdeclarations::filter(bool (*kc_fp)(countedphylumdeclaration))
+ { return dynamic_cast<countedphylumdeclarations>(do_filter((bool (*)(abstract_phylum))kc_fp, sel_Conscountedphylumdeclarations)); }
+ countedphylumdeclarations
+ impl_countedphylumdeclarations::append(countedphylumdeclaration new_last)
+ {
+     return dynamic_cast<countedphylumdeclarations>(do_append(new_last, Nilcountedphylumdeclarations()));
+ }
+ countedphylumdeclarations
+ impl_countedphylumdeclarations::merge( countedphylumdeclarations second, countedphylumdeclaration (*kc_fp)(countedphylumdeclaration, countedphylumdeclaration))
+ {
+     return dynamic_cast<countedphylumdeclarations>(do_merge(second,(abstract_phylum(*)(abstract_phylum,abstract_phylum))kc_fp, sel_Conscountedphylumdeclarations));
+ }
+ countedphylumdeclaration
+ impl_countedphylumdeclarations::reduce( countedphylumdeclaration neutral, countedphylumdeclaration (*kc_fp)(countedphylumdeclaration, countedphylumdeclaration))
+ {
+     return dynamic_cast<countedphylumdeclaration>(do_reduce(neutral,(abstract_phylum(*)(abstract_phylum,abstract_phylum))kc_fp));
+ }
+ bindingidmarks
+ concat(c_bindingidmarks kc_p1, c_bindingidmarks kc_p2)
+ { return dynamic_cast<bindingidmarks>(kc_p1->do_concat(kc_p2, sel_Consbindingidmarks)); }
+ bindingidmarks
+ impl_bindingidmarks::reverse() const
+ { return dynamic_cast<bindingidmarks>(do_reverse(Nilbindingidmarks(), sel_Consbindingidmarks)); }
+ bindingidmark
+ impl_bindingidmarks::last() const
+ { return dynamic_cast<bindingidmark>(impl_abstract_list::last()); }
+ bool
+ impl_bindingidmarks::is_nil() const
+ {
+     return bindingidmark_1==0 && bindingidmarks_1==0;
+ }
+ bindingidmarks
+ impl_bindingidmarks::map(bindingidmark (*kc_fp)(bindingidmark))
+ { return dynamic_cast<bindingidmarks>(do_map((abstract_phylum (*)(abstract_phylum))kc_fp, sel_Consbindingidmarks)); }
+ bindingidmarks
+ impl_bindingidmarks::filter(bool (*kc_fp)(bindingidmark))
+ { return dynamic_cast<bindingidmarks>(do_filter((bool (*)(abstract_phylum))kc_fp, sel_Consbindingidmarks)); }
+ bindingidmarks
+ impl_bindingidmarks::append(bindingidmark new_last)
+ {
+     return dynamic_cast<bindingidmarks>(do_append(new_last, Nilbindingidmarks()));
+ }
+ bindingidmarks
+ impl_bindingidmarks::merge( bindingidmarks second, bindingidmark (*kc_fp)(bindingidmark, bindingidmark))
+ {
+     return dynamic_cast<bindingidmarks>(do_merge(second,(abstract_phylum(*)(abstract_phylum,abstract_phylum))kc_fp, sel_Consbindingidmarks));
+ }
+ bindingidmark
+ impl_bindingidmarks::reduce( bindingidmark neutral, bindingidmark (*kc_fp)(bindingidmark, bindingidmark))
+ {
+     return dynamic_cast<bindingidmark>(do_reduce(neutral,(abstract_phylum(*)(abstract_phylum,abstract_phylum))kc_fp));
+ }
+ abstract_phylum
+ impl_abstract_phylum::copy(bool kc_copy_attributes) const
+ {
+     enum_phyla kc_phy = phylum(); // XXX - implement special cases in subclasses - MvL
+     KC_OPERATOR_INFO *kc_op_info = &operator_info[prod_sel()];
+     kc_storageclass_t kc_st = phylum_info[kc_op_info->phylum].uniq_stored;
+     if (kc_st && kc_storageclass_still_uniq[kc_st])
+ 	return const_cast<abstract_phylum>(this);
+     abstract_phylum kc_answer=0;
+     if (kc_phy == phylum_casestring) {
+ 	kc_answer=mkcasestring((dynamic_cast<c_casestring>(this))->name);
+     } else if (kc_phy == phylum_nocasestring) {
+ 	kc_answer=mknocasestring((dynamic_cast<c_nocasestring>(this))->name);
+     } else if (kc_phy == phylum_voidptr) {
+ 	kc_answer=mkvoidptr((dynamic_cast<c_voidptr>(this))->pointer);
+     } else if (kc_phy == phylum_integer) {
+ 	kc_answer=mkinteger((dynamic_cast<c_integer>(this))->value);
+     } else if (kc_phy == phylum_real) {
+ 	kc_answer=mkreal((dynamic_cast<c_real>(this))->value);
+     } else {
+ 	abstract_phylum kc_subtmp[7], child;
+ 	for (int kc_i = 0; (child = subphylum(kc_i)); kc_i++) {
+ 	    kc_subtmp[kc_i] = child->copy(kc_copy_attributes);
+ 	}
+ 	switch(kc_op_info->no_sons) {
+ 	    case 0: kc_answer = kc_create(prod_sel()); break;
+ 	    case 1: kc_answer = kc_create(prod_sel(), kc_subtmp[0]); break;
+ 	    case 2: kc_answer = kc_create(prod_sel(), kc_subtmp[0], kc_subtmp[1]); break;
+ 	    case 3: kc_answer = kc_create(prod_sel(), kc_subtmp[0], kc_subtmp[1], kc_subtmp[2]); break;
+ 	    case 4: kc_answer = kc_create(prod_sel(), kc_subtmp[0], kc_subtmp[1], kc_subtmp[2], kc_subtmp[3]); break;
+ 	    case 5: kc_answer = kc_create(prod_sel(), kc_subtmp[0], kc_subtmp[1], kc_subtmp[2], kc_subtmp[3], kc_subtmp[4]); break;
+ 	    case 6: kc_answer = kc_create(prod_sel(), kc_subtmp[0], kc_subtmp[1], kc_subtmp[2], kc_subtmp[3], kc_subtmp[4], kc_subtmp[5]); break;
+ 	    case 7: kc_answer = kc_create(prod_sel(), kc_subtmp[0], kc_subtmp[1], kc_subtmp[2], kc_subtmp[3], kc_subtmp[4], kc_subtmp[5], kc_subtmp[6]); break;
+ 	    default: assertionFailed("unexpected number of sub-phyla");
+ 	}
+     }
+     if (kc_copy_attributes)
+ 	copy_attributes(kc_phy, this, kc_answer);
+     return kc_answer;
+ }
+ } // namespace kc

Index: llvm/test/Programs/MultiSource/Applications/kimwitu++/k.h
diff -c /dev/null llvm/test/Programs/MultiSource/Applications/kimwitu++/k.h:1.1
*** /dev/null	Tue Apr  6 15:25:26 2004
--- llvm/test/Programs/MultiSource/Applications/kimwitu++/k.h	Tue Apr  6 15:25:12 2004
*** 0 ****
--- 1,7162 ----
+ /* translation of file(s)
+ 	"abs.k"
+ 	"main.k"
+ 	"parse.k"
+ 	"error.k"
+ 	"occur.k"
+ 	"util.k"
+ 	"gen.k"
+ 	"gutil.k"
+ 	"pat.k"
+  */
+ /* generated by:
+  *  @(#)$Author: criswell $
+  */
+ #include <stdio.h>
+ #include <stddef.h>
+ #include <string>
+ namespace kc {
+ #ifndef INTEGER
+ # define INTEGER int
+ #endif
+ #ifndef REAL
+ # define REAL double
+ #endif
+ typedef char kc_cchar_t;
+ typedef unsigned short kc_wchar_t;
+ typedef std::string kc_cstring_t;
+ typedef std::wstring kc_wstring_t;
+ #ifdef KC_UNICODE
+ #define kc_t(TEXT) L ## TEXT
+ typedef kc_wchar_t kc_char;
+ typedef kc_wstring_t kc_string_t;
+ #if defined(_WIN32) && ! defined (__GNUC__)
+ #define kc_strlen wcslen
+ #define kc_strcmp wcscmp
+ #define kc_strcasecmp _wcsicmp
+ #define kc_strcpy wcscpy
+ #define kc_strncpy wcsncpy
+ #define kc_tolower towlower
+ #define kc_print_integer(buf,number) swprintf(buf,kc_t("%d"),number)
+ #define kc_print_real(buf,number) swprintf(buf,kc_t("%g"),number)
+ // needed for printdot and csgio only
+ inline
+ kc_cstring_t kc_to_cstring(const kc_wstring_t& s) {
+     return W2CA(s.c_str());
+ }
+ // needed for csgio only
+ inline
+ kc_wstring_t kc_to_wstring(const kc_cstring_t& s) {
+     return A2CW(s.c_str());
+ }
+ #else
+ // if you want to use UNICODE on other platforms you have to write the following functions by your own
+ int kc_strlen(const kc_char*);
+ int kc_strcmp(const kc_char*,const kc_char*);
+ int kc_strcasecmp(const kc_char*,const kc_char*);
+ int kc_strcpy(kc_char*,const kc_char*);
+ int kc_strncpy(kc_char*,const kc_char*, int);
+ kc_char kc_tolower(kc_char);
+ int kc_print_integer(kc_char* buffer, INTEGER number );
+ int kc_print_real(kc_char* buffer, REAL number);
+ // needed for printdot and csgio only
+ kc_cstring_t kc_to_cstring(const kc_wstring_t& );
+ // needed for csgio only
+ kc_wstring_t kc_to_wstring(const kc_cstring_t& );
+ #endif
+ #else // !KC_UNICODE
+ #define kc_t(TEXT) TEXT  
+ typedef kc_cchar_t kc_char;
+ typedef kc_cstring_t kc_string_t;
+ #define kc_strlen strlen
+ #define kc_strcmp strcmp
+ #if defined(_WIN32) && ! defined (__GNUC__)
+ #define kc_strcasecmp _stricmp
+ #else
+ #define kc_strcasecmp strcasecmp
+ #endif
+ #define kc_strcpy strcpy
+ #define kc_strncpy strncpy
+ #define kc_tolower tolower  
+ #define kc_print_integer(buf,number) sprintf(buf,kc_t("%d"),number)
+ #define kc_print_real(buf,number) sprintf(buf,kc_t("%g"),number)
+ #endif
+ class uview_class;
+ typedef uview_class& uview;
+ typedef const uview_class& c_uview;
+ typedef class printer_functor_class& printer_functor;
+ typedef void (*printer_function)(const kc_char*, uview);
+ class rview_class;
+ typedef rview_class& rview;
+ typedef const rview_class& c_rview;
+ }
+ // Some compilers know __attribute__. Right now we test for the GNU compiler
+ // and Intel's icc (for ia32) and ecc (for ia64).
+ #if !defined __GNUC__ && !defined __ICC && !defined __ECC
+ # define __attribute__(x)
+ #endif
+ // Since all definitions are in namespace kc now, there is no need
+ // give them a kc_ prefix. Old code may still rely on the prefix, so these
+ // macros are generated for backwards compatibility
+ #define kc_PhylumInfo           phylum_info
+ #define kc_OperatorInfo         operator_info
+ #define kc_last_uview           last_uview
+ #define kc_uviews               uviews
+ #define kc_rviews               rviews
+ #define kc_ht_reuse             ht_clear
+ #define kc_ht_clear             ht_clear
+ #define kc_ht_assign            ht_assign
+ #define kc_ht_assigned          ht_assigned
+ #define kc_phylum_nocasestring phylum_nocasestring
+ #define kc_tag_nocasestring_NoCaseStr impl_nocasestring_NoCaseStr
+ #define kc_phylum_casestring phylum_casestring
+ #define kc_tag_casestring__Str impl_casestring__Str
+ #define kc_phylum_real phylum_real
+ #define kc_tag_real__Real impl_real__Real
+ #define kc_phylum_integer phylum_integer
+ #define kc_tag_integer__Int impl_integer__Int
+ #define kc_phylum_voidptr phylum_voidptr
+ #define kc_tag_voidptr__VoidPtr impl_voidptr__VoidPtr
+ #define kc_phylum_uniqID phylum_uniqID
+ #define kc_tag_uniqID_Str impl_uniqID_Str
+ #define kc_phylum_ID phylum_ID
+ #define kc_tag_ID_Id impl_ID_Id
+ #define kc_phylum_INT phylum_INT
+ #define kc_tag_INT_Int impl_INT_Int
+ #define kc_phylum_STRING phylum_STRING
+ #define kc_tag_STRING_String impl_STRING_String
+ #define kc_phylum_phylumdeclarationsroot phylum_phylumdeclarationsroot
+ #define kc_tag_phylumdeclarationsroot_PhylumDeclarations impl_phylumdeclarationsroot_PhylumDeclarations
+ #define kc_phylum_phylumdeclarations phylum_phylumdeclarations
+ #define kc_tag_phylumdeclarations_Nilphylumdeclarations impl_phylumdeclarations_Nilphylumdeclarations
+ #define kc_tag_phylumdeclarations_Consphylumdeclarations impl_phylumdeclarations_Consphylumdeclarations
+ #define kc_phylum_phylumnames phylum_phylumnames
+ #define kc_tag_phylumnames_Nilphylumnames impl_phylumnames_Nilphylumnames
+ #define kc_tag_phylumnames_Consphylumnames impl_phylumnames_Consphylumnames
+ #define kc_phylum_phylumdeclaration phylum_phylumdeclaration
+ #define kc_tag_phylumdeclaration_PhylumDeclaration impl_phylumdeclaration_PhylumDeclaration
+ #define kc_phylum_storageoption phylum_storageoption
+ #define kc_tag_storageoption_NoStorageOption impl_storageoption_NoStorageOption
+ #define kc_tag_storageoption_NegativeStorageOption impl_storageoption_NegativeStorageOption
+ #define kc_tag_storageoption_PositiveStorageOption impl_storageoption_PositiveStorageOption
+ #define kc_phylum_storageclasses phylum_storageclasses
+ #define kc_tag_storageclasses_Nilstorageclasses impl_storageclasses_Nilstorageclasses
+ #define kc_tag_storageclasses_Consstorageclasses impl_storageclasses_Consstorageclasses
+ #define kc_phylum_productionblock phylum_productionblock
+ #define kc_tag_productionblock_Emptyproductionblock impl_productionblock_Emptyproductionblock
+ #define kc_tag_productionblock_ListAlternatives impl_productionblock_ListAlternatives
+ #define kc_tag_productionblock_NonlistAlternatives impl_productionblock_NonlistAlternatives
+ #define kc_tag_productionblock_PredefinedAlternatives impl_productionblock_PredefinedAlternatives
+ #define kc_phylum_alternatives phylum_alternatives
+ #define kc_tag_alternatives_Nilalternatives impl_alternatives_Nilalternatives
+ #define kc_tag_alternatives_Consalternatives impl_alternatives_Consalternatives
+ #define kc_phylum_alternative phylum_alternative
+ #define kc_tag_alternative_Alternative impl_alternative_Alternative
+ #define kc_phylum_arguments phylum_arguments
+ #define kc_tag_arguments_Nilarguments impl_arguments_Nilarguments
+ #define kc_tag_arguments_Consarguments impl_arguments_Consarguments
+ #define kc_phylum_argument phylum_argument
+ #define kc_tag_argument_Argument impl_argument_Argument
+ #define kc_phylum_Ccode_option phylum_Ccode_option
+ #define kc_tag_Ccode_option_CcodeOption impl_Ccode_option_CcodeOption
+ #define kc_phylum_attributes phylum_attributes
+ #define kc_tag_attributes_Nilattributes impl_attributes_Nilattributes
+ #define kc_tag_attributes_Consattributes impl_attributes_Consattributes
+ #define kc_phylum_attribute phylum_attribute
+ #define kc_tag_attribute_Attribute impl_attribute_Attribute
+ #define kc_phylum_attribute_initialisation_option phylum_attribute_initialisation_option
+ #define kc_tag_attribute_initialisation_option_Noattribute_initialisation impl_attribute_initialisation_option_Noattribute_initialisation
+ #define kc_tag_attribute_initialisation_option_Yesattribute_initialisation impl_attribute_initialisation_option_Yesattribute_initialisation
+ #define kc_phylum_Cexpression phylum_Cexpression
+ #define kc_tag_Cexpression_NilCexpression impl_Cexpression_NilCexpression
+ #define kc_tag_Cexpression_ConsCexpression impl_Cexpression_ConsCexpression
+ #define kc_phylum_Cexpression_elem phylum_Cexpression_elem
+ #define kc_tag_Cexpression_elem_CExpressionPart impl_Cexpression_elem_CExpressionPart
+ #define kc_tag_Cexpression_elem_CExpressionDollarvar impl_Cexpression_elem_CExpressionDollarvar
+ #define kc_tag_Cexpression_elem_CExpressionNl impl_Cexpression_elem_CExpressionNl
+ #define kc_tag_Cexpression_elem_CExpressionDQ impl_Cexpression_elem_CExpressionDQ
+ #define kc_tag_Cexpression_elem_CExpressionSQ impl_Cexpression_elem_CExpressionSQ
+ #define kc_tag_Cexpression_elem_CExpressionPack impl_Cexpression_elem_CExpressionPack
+ #define kc_tag_Cexpression_elem_CExpressionArray impl_Cexpression_elem_CExpressionArray
+ #define kc_phylum_CexpressionDQ phylum_CexpressionDQ
+ #define kc_tag_CexpressionDQ_NilCexpressionDQ impl_CexpressionDQ_NilCexpressionDQ
+ #define kc_tag_CexpressionDQ_ConsCexpressionDQ impl_CexpressionDQ_ConsCexpressionDQ
+ #define kc_phylum_CexpressionDQ_elem phylum_CexpressionDQ_elem
+ #define kc_tag_CexpressionDQ_elem_CExpressionDQPart impl_CexpressionDQ_elem_CExpressionDQPart
+ #define kc_tag_CexpressionDQ_elem_CExpressionDQNl impl_CexpressionDQ_elem_CExpressionDQNl
+ #define kc_phylum_CexpressionSQ phylum_CexpressionSQ
+ #define kc_tag_CexpressionSQ_NilCexpressionSQ impl_CexpressionSQ_NilCexpressionSQ
+ #define kc_tag_CexpressionSQ_ConsCexpressionSQ impl_CexpressionSQ_ConsCexpressionSQ
+ #define kc_phylum_CexpressionSQ_elem phylum_CexpressionSQ_elem
+ #define kc_tag_CexpressionSQ_elem_CExpressionSQPart impl_CexpressionSQ_elem_CExpressionSQPart
+ #define kc_tag_CexpressionSQ_elem_CExpressionSQNl impl_CexpressionSQ_elem_CExpressionSQNl
+ #define kc_phylum_idCexpressions phylum_idCexpressions
+ #define kc_tag_idCexpressions_NilidCexpressions impl_idCexpressions_NilidCexpressions
+ #define kc_tag_idCexpressions_ConsidCexpressions impl_idCexpressions_ConsidCexpressions
+ #define kc_phylum_idCexpression phylum_idCexpression
+ #define kc_tag_idCexpression_IdCexpression impl_idCexpression_IdCexpression
+ #define kc_phylum_Ctexts phylum_Ctexts
+ #define kc_tag_Ctexts_NilCtexts impl_Ctexts_NilCtexts
+ #define kc_tag_Ctexts_ConsCtexts impl_Ctexts_ConsCtexts
+ #define kc_phylum_includefiles phylum_includefiles
+ #define kc_tag_includefiles_Nilincludefiles impl_includefiles_Nilincludefiles
+ #define kc_tag_includefiles_Consincludefiles impl_includefiles_Consincludefiles
+ #define kc_phylum_includefile phylum_includefile
+ #define kc_tag_includefile_IncludeFile impl_includefile_IncludeFile
+ #define kc_phylum_includedeclarations phylum_includedeclarations
+ #define kc_tag_includedeclarations_Nilincludedeclarations impl_includedeclarations_Nilincludedeclarations
+ #define kc_tag_includedeclarations_Consincludedeclarations impl_includedeclarations_Consincludedeclarations
+ #define kc_phylum_includedeclaration phylum_includedeclaration
+ #define kc_tag_includedeclaration_IncludeDeclaration impl_includedeclaration_IncludeDeclaration
+ #define kc_phylum_rwdeclarations phylum_rwdeclarations
+ #define kc_tag_rwdeclarations_Nilrwdeclarations impl_rwdeclarations_Nilrwdeclarations
+ #define kc_tag_rwdeclarations_Consrwdeclarations impl_rwdeclarations_Consrwdeclarations
+ #define kc_phylum_rwdeclaration phylum_rwdeclaration
+ #define kc_tag_rwdeclaration_RwDeclaration impl_rwdeclaration_RwDeclaration
+ #define kc_phylum_rewriteclauses phylum_rewriteclauses
+ #define kc_tag_rewriteclauses_Nilrewriteclauses impl_rewriteclauses_Nilrewriteclauses
+ #define kc_tag_rewriteclauses_Consrewriteclauses impl_rewriteclauses_Consrewriteclauses
+ #define kc_phylum_rewriteclause phylum_rewriteclause
+ #define kc_tag_rewriteclause_RewriteClause impl_rewriteclause_RewriteClause
+ #define kc_phylum_patternchains phylum_patternchains
+ #define kc_tag_patternchains_Nilpatternchains impl_patternchains_Nilpatternchains
+ #define kc_tag_patternchains_Conspatternchains impl_patternchains_Conspatternchains
+ #define kc_phylum_patternchain phylum_patternchain
+ #define kc_tag_patternchain_Nilpatternchain impl_patternchain_Nilpatternchain
+ #define kc_tag_patternchain_Conspatternchain impl_patternchain_Conspatternchain
+ #define kc_phylum_outmostpatterns phylum_outmostpatterns
+ #define kc_tag_outmostpatterns_Niloutmostpatterns impl_outmostpatterns_Niloutmostpatterns
+ #define kc_tag_outmostpatterns_Consoutmostpatterns impl_outmostpatterns_Consoutmostpatterns
+ #define kc_phylum_patternchainitem phylum_patternchainitem
+ #define kc_tag_patternchainitem_PatternchainitemOutmost impl_patternchainitem_PatternchainitemOutmost
+ #define kc_tag_patternchainitem_PatternchainitemGroup impl_patternchainitem_PatternchainitemGroup
+ #define kc_tag_patternchainitem_PatternchainitemDollarid impl_patternchainitem_PatternchainitemDollarid
+ #define kc_phylum_outmostpattern phylum_outmostpattern
+ #define kc_tag_outmostpattern_OPOperatorWildcard impl_outmostpattern_OPOperatorWildcard
+ #define kc_tag_outmostpattern_OPOperator impl_outmostpattern_OPOperator
+ #define kc_tag_outmostpattern_OPNonLeafVariable impl_outmostpattern_OPNonLeafVariable
+ #define kc_tag_outmostpattern_OPWildcard impl_outmostpattern_OPWildcard
+ #define kc_tag_outmostpattern_OPDefault impl_outmostpattern_OPDefault
+ #define kc_phylum_pattern phylum_pattern
+ #define kc_tag_pattern_PVariable impl_pattern_PVariable
+ #define kc_tag_pattern_POperator impl_pattern_POperator
+ #define kc_tag_pattern_PNonLeafVariable impl_pattern_PNonLeafVariable
+ #define kc_tag_pattern_PWildcard impl_pattern_PWildcard
+ #define kc_tag_pattern_PStringLiteral impl_pattern_PStringLiteral
+ #define kc_tag_pattern_PIntLiteral impl_pattern_PIntLiteral
+ #define kc_phylum_patterns phylum_patterns
+ #define kc_tag_patterns_Nilpatterns impl_patterns_Nilpatterns
+ #define kc_tag_patterns_Conspatterns impl_patterns_Conspatterns
+ #define kc_phylum_term phylum_term
+ #define kc_tag_term_TVariable impl_term_TVariable
+ #define kc_tag_term_TOperator impl_term_TOperator
+ #define kc_tag_term_TMethod impl_term_TMethod
+ #define kc_tag_term_TMethodDot impl_term_TMethodDot
+ #define kc_tag_term_TMemberVar impl_term_TMemberVar
+ #define kc_tag_term_TMemberVarDot impl_term_TMemberVarDot
+ #define kc_tag_term_TCTerm impl_term_TCTerm
+ #define kc_tag_term_TStringLiteral impl_term_TStringLiteral
+ #define kc_tag_term_TIntLiteral impl_term_TIntLiteral
+ #define kc_phylum_terms phylum_terms
+ #define kc_tag_terms_Nilterms impl_terms_Nilterms
+ #define kc_tag_terms_Consterms impl_terms_Consterms
+ #define kc_phylum_fnfiles phylum_fnfiles
+ #define kc_tag_fnfiles_Nilfnfiles impl_fnfiles_Nilfnfiles
+ #define kc_tag_fnfiles_Consfnfiles impl_fnfiles_Consfnfiles
+ #define kc_phylum_fnfile phylum_fnfile
+ #define kc_tag_fnfile_FnFile impl_fnfile_FnFile
+ #define kc_phylum_fndeclarations phylum_fndeclarations
+ #define kc_tag_fndeclarations_Nilfndeclarations impl_fndeclarations_Nilfndeclarations
+ #define kc_tag_fndeclarations_Consfndeclarations impl_fndeclarations_Consfndeclarations
+ #define kc_phylum_fndeclaration phylum_fndeclaration
+ #define kc_tag_fndeclaration_FnAcDeclaration impl_fndeclaration_FnAcDeclaration
+ #define kc_tag_fndeclaration_AcMemberDeclaration impl_fndeclaration_AcMemberDeclaration
+ #define kc_phylum_fnclass phylum_fnclass
+ #define kc_tag_fnclass_GlobalFn impl_fnclass_GlobalFn
+ #define kc_tag_fnclass_StaticFn impl_fnclass_StaticFn
+ #define kc_tag_fnclass_MemberFn impl_fnclass_MemberFn
+ #define kc_tag_fnclass_ConstructorFn impl_fnclass_ConstructorFn
+ #define kc_tag_fnclass_DestructorFn impl_fnclass_DestructorFn
+ #define kc_tag_fnclass_ConvOperatorFn impl_fnclass_ConvOperatorFn
+ #define kc_phylum_Ctext phylum_Ctext
+ #define kc_tag_Ctext_NilCtext impl_Ctext_NilCtext
+ #define kc_tag_Ctext_ConsCtext impl_Ctext_ConsCtext
+ #define kc_phylum_Ctext_elem phylum_Ctext_elem
+ #define kc_tag_Ctext_elem_CTextLine impl_Ctext_elem_CTextLine
+ #define kc_tag_Ctext_elem_CTextDollarVar impl_Ctext_elem_CTextDollarVar
+ #define kc_tag_Ctext_elem_CTextNl impl_Ctext_elem_CTextNl
+ #define kc_tag_Ctext_elem_CTextCexpressionDQ impl_Ctext_elem_CTextCexpressionDQ
+ #define kc_tag_Ctext_elem_CTextCexpressionSQ impl_Ctext_elem_CTextCexpressionSQ
+ #define kc_tag_Ctext_elem_CTextCbody impl_Ctext_elem_CTextCbody
+ #define kc_tag_Ctext_elem_CTextForeachexpression impl_Ctext_elem_CTextForeachexpression
+ #define kc_tag_Ctext_elem_CTextWithexpression impl_Ctext_elem_CTextWithexpression
+ #define kc_phylum_foreach_after phylum_foreach_after
+ #define kc_tag_foreach_after_NoForeachAfter impl_foreach_after_NoForeachAfter
+ #define kc_tag_foreach_after_ForeachAfter impl_foreach_after_ForeachAfter
+ #define kc_phylum_contextinfo phylum_contextinfo
+ #define kc_tag_contextinfo_InForeachContext impl_contextinfo_InForeachContext
+ #define kc_tag_contextinfo_NotInForeachContext impl_contextinfo_NotInForeachContext
+ #define kc_phylum_withexpressions phylum_withexpressions
+ #define kc_tag_withexpressions_Nilwithexpressions impl_withexpressions_Nilwithexpressions
+ #define kc_tag_withexpressions_Conswithexpressions impl_withexpressions_Conswithexpressions
+ #define kc_phylum_withexpression phylum_withexpression
+ #define kc_tag_withexpression_WEVariable impl_withexpression_WEVariable
+ #define kc_tag_withexpression_WECexpression impl_withexpression_WECexpression
+ #define kc_phylum_withcases phylum_withcases
+ #define kc_tag_withcases_Nilwithcases impl_withcases_Nilwithcases
+ #define kc_tag_withcases_Conswithcases impl_withcases_Conswithcases
+ #define kc_phylum_withcase phylum_withcase
+ #define kc_tag_withcase_Withcase impl_withcase_Withcase
+ #define kc_phylum_unparsedeclarations phylum_unparsedeclarations
+ #define kc_tag_unparsedeclarations_Nilunparsedeclarations impl_unparsedeclarations_Nilunparsedeclarations
+ #define kc_tag_unparsedeclarations_Consunparsedeclarations impl_unparsedeclarations_Consunparsedeclarations
+ #define kc_phylum_unparsedeclaration phylum_unparsedeclaration
+ #define kc_tag_unparsedeclaration_UnparseDeclaration impl_unparsedeclaration_UnparseDeclaration
+ #define kc_phylum_unparseclauses phylum_unparseclauses
+ #define kc_tag_unparseclauses_Nilunparseclauses impl_unparseclauses_Nilunparseclauses
+ #define kc_tag_unparseclauses_Consunparseclauses impl_unparseclauses_Consunparseclauses
+ #define kc_phylum_unparseclause phylum_unparseclause
+ #define kc_tag_unparseclause_UnparseClause impl_unparseclause_UnparseClause
+ #define kc_phylum_viewnames phylum_viewnames
+ #define kc_tag_viewnames_Nilviewnames impl_viewnames_Nilviewnames
+ #define kc_tag_viewnames_Consviewnames impl_viewnames_Consviewnames
+ #define kc_phylum_unparseitems phylum_unparseitems
+ #define kc_tag_unparseitems_Nilunparseitems impl_unparseitems_Nilunparseitems
+ #define kc_tag_unparseitems_Consunparseitems impl_unparseitems_Consunparseitems
+ #define kc_phylum_unparseitem phylum_unparseitem
+ #define kc_tag_unparseitem_UnpStr impl_unparseitem_UnpStr
+ #define kc_tag_unparseitem_UnpSubexpr impl_unparseitem_UnpSubexpr
+ #define kc_tag_unparseitem_UnpCtext impl_unparseitem_UnpCtext
+ #define kc_tag_unparseitem_UnpBody impl_unparseitem_UnpBody
+ #define kc_tag_unparseitem_UViewVarDecl impl_unparseitem_UViewVarDecl
+ #define kc_phylum_unpsubterm phylum_unpsubterm
+ #define kc_tag_unpsubterm_UnpSubTerm impl_unpsubterm_UnpSubTerm
+ #define kc_tag_unpsubterm_UnpDollarvarTerm impl_unpsubterm_UnpDollarvarTerm
+ #define kc_tag_unpsubterm_UnpSubAttr impl_unpsubterm_UnpSubAttr
+ #define kc_tag_unpsubterm_UnpDollarvarAttr impl_unpsubterm_UnpDollarvarAttr
+ #define kc_tag_unpsubterm_UnpCastedVariable impl_unpsubterm_UnpCastedVariable
+ #define kc_phylum_unpattributes phylum_unpattributes
+ #define kc_tag_unpattributes_Nilunpattributes impl_unpattributes_Nilunpattributes
+ #define kc_tag_unpattributes_Consunpattributes impl_unpattributes_Consunpattributes
+ #define kc_phylum_viewnameoption phylum_viewnameoption
+ #define kc_tag_viewnameoption_NoViewname impl_viewnameoption_NoViewname
+ #define kc_tag_viewnameoption_YesViewname impl_viewnameoption_YesViewname
+ #define kc_phylum_languageoption phylum_languageoption
+ #define kc_tag_languageoption_NoLanguagename impl_languageoption_NoLanguagename
+ #define kc_tag_languageoption_LanguageList impl_languageoption_LanguageList
+ #define kc_phylum_languagenames phylum_languagenames
+ #define kc_tag_languagenames_Nillanguagenames impl_languagenames_Nillanguagenames
+ #define kc_tag_languagenames_Conslanguagenames impl_languagenames_Conslanguagenames
+ #define kc_phylum_fileline phylum_fileline
+ #define kc_tag_fileline_FileLine impl_fileline_FileLine
+ #define kc_tag_fileline_NoFileLine impl_fileline_NoFileLine
+ #define kc_tag_fileline_PosNoFileLine impl_fileline_PosNoFileLine
+ #define kc_phylum_scopetypefilelinestack phylum_scopetypefilelinestack
+ #define kc_tag_scopetypefilelinestack_Nilscopetypefilelinestack impl_scopetypefilelinestack_Nilscopetypefilelinestack
+ #define kc_tag_scopetypefilelinestack_Consscopetypefilelinestack impl_scopetypefilelinestack_Consscopetypefilelinestack
+ #define kc_phylum_scopetypefileline phylum_scopetypefileline
+ #define kc_tag_scopetypefileline_ScopeTypeFileLine impl_scopetypefileline_ScopeTypeFileLine
+ #define kc_phylum_IDtype phylum_IDtype
+ #define kc_tag_IDtype_ITUnknown impl_IDtype_ITUnknown
+ #define kc_tag_IDtype_ITPredefinedPhylum impl_IDtype_ITPredefinedPhylum
+ #define kc_tag_IDtype_ITUserPhylum impl_IDtype_ITUserPhylum
+ #define kc_tag_IDtype_ITPredefinedOperator impl_IDtype_ITPredefinedOperator
+ #define kc_tag_IDtype_ITUserOperator impl_IDtype_ITUserOperator
+ #define kc_tag_IDtype_ITPredefinedStorageClass impl_IDtype_ITPredefinedStorageClass
+ #define kc_tag_IDtype_ITStorageClass impl_IDtype_ITStorageClass
+ #define kc_tag_IDtype_ITPredefinedUView impl_IDtype_ITPredefinedUView
+ #define kc_tag_IDtype_ITUserUView impl_IDtype_ITUserUView
+ #define kc_tag_IDtype_ITUViewVar impl_IDtype_ITUViewVar
+ #define kc_tag_IDtype_ITPredefinedRView impl_IDtype_ITPredefinedRView
+ #define kc_tag_IDtype_ITUserRView impl_IDtype_ITUserRView
+ #define kc_tag_IDtype_ITUserFunction impl_IDtype_ITUserFunction
+ #define kc_tag_IDtype_ITPatternVariable impl_IDtype_ITPatternVariable
+ #define kc_tag_IDtype_ITLanguageName impl_IDtype_ITLanguageName
+ #define kc_phylum_operators phylum_operators
+ #define kc_tag_operators_Niloperators impl_operators_Niloperators
+ #define kc_tag_operators_Consoperators impl_operators_Consoperators
+ #define kc_phylum_phyla phylum_phyla
+ #define kc_tag_phyla_Nilphyla impl_phyla_Nilphyla
+ #define kc_tag_phyla_Consphyla impl_phyla_Consphyla
+ #define kc_phylum_variables phylum_variables
+ #define kc_tag_variables_Nilvariables impl_variables_Nilvariables
+ #define kc_tag_variables_Consvariables impl_variables_Consvariables
+ #define kc_phylum_dollarvarstatus phylum_dollarvarstatus
+ #define kc_tag_dollarvarstatus_DVAllowed impl_dollarvarstatus_DVAllowed
+ #define kc_tag_dollarvarstatus_DVDisallowed impl_dollarvarstatus_DVDisallowed
+ #define kc_phylum_tribool phylum_tribool
+ #define kc_tag_tribool_Equal impl_tribool_Equal
+ #define kc_tag_tribool_Smaller impl_tribool_Smaller
+ #define kc_tag_tribool_Bigger impl_tribool_Bigger
+ #define kc_phylum_patternrepresentations phylum_patternrepresentations
+ #define kc_tag_patternrepresentations_Nilpatternrepresentations impl_patternrepresentations_Nilpatternrepresentations
+ #define kc_tag_patternrepresentations_Conspatternrepresentations impl_patternrepresentations_Conspatternrepresentations
+ #define kc_phylum_patternrepresentation phylum_patternrepresentation
+ #define kc_tag_patternrepresentation_Nilpatternrepresentation impl_patternrepresentation_Nilpatternrepresentation
+ #define kc_tag_patternrepresentation_Conspatternrepresentation impl_patternrepresentation_Conspatternrepresentation
+ #define kc_phylum_elem_patternrepresentation phylum_elem_patternrepresentation
+ #define kc_tag_elem_patternrepresentation_PRBinding impl_elem_patternrepresentation_PRBinding
+ #define kc_tag_elem_patternrepresentation_PRVarPredicate impl_elem_patternrepresentation_PRVarPredicate
+ #define kc_tag_elem_patternrepresentation_PROperPredicate impl_elem_patternrepresentation_PROperPredicate
+ #define kc_tag_elem_patternrepresentation_PRUserPredicate impl_elem_patternrepresentation_PRUserPredicate
+ #define kc_tag_elem_patternrepresentation_PRNonLeafBinding impl_elem_patternrepresentation_PRNonLeafBinding
+ #define kc_tag_elem_patternrepresentation_PRWildcard impl_elem_patternrepresentation_PRWildcard
+ #define kc_tag_elem_patternrepresentation_PRDefault impl_elem_patternrepresentation_PRDefault
+ #define kc_tag_elem_patternrepresentation_PRStringLiteral impl_elem_patternrepresentation_PRStringLiteral
+ #define kc_tag_elem_patternrepresentation_PRIntLiteral impl_elem_patternrepresentation_PRIntLiteral
+ #define kc_phylum_path phylum_path
+ #define kc_tag_path_Nilpath impl_path_Nilpath
+ #define kc_tag_path_Conspath impl_path_Conspath
+ #define kc_phylum_paths phylum_paths
+ #define kc_tag_paths_Nilpaths impl_paths_Nilpaths
+ #define kc_tag_paths_Conspaths impl_paths_Conspaths
+ #define kc_phylum_argsnumbers phylum_argsnumbers
+ #define kc_tag_argsnumbers_Nilargsnumbers impl_argsnumbers_Nilargsnumbers
+ #define kc_tag_argsnumbers_Consargsnumbers impl_argsnumbers_Consargsnumbers
+ #define kc_phylum_rewriterulesinfo phylum_rewriterulesinfo
+ #define kc_tag_rewriterulesinfo_Nilrewriterulesinfo impl_rewriterulesinfo_Nilrewriterulesinfo
+ #define kc_tag_rewriterulesinfo_Consrewriterulesinfo impl_rewriterulesinfo_Consrewriterulesinfo
+ #define kc_phylum_rewriteruleinfo phylum_rewriteruleinfo
+ #define kc_tag_rewriteruleinfo_Rewriteruleinfo impl_rewriteruleinfo_Rewriteruleinfo
+ #define kc_phylum_withcasesinfo phylum_withcasesinfo
+ #define kc_tag_withcasesinfo_Nilwithcasesinfo impl_withcasesinfo_Nilwithcasesinfo
+ #define kc_tag_withcasesinfo_Conswithcasesinfo impl_withcasesinfo_Conswithcasesinfo
+ #define kc_phylum_withcaseinfo phylum_withcaseinfo
+ #define kc_tag_withcaseinfo_Withcaseinfo impl_withcaseinfo_Withcaseinfo
+ #define kc_phylum_rewriteviewsinfo phylum_rewriteviewsinfo
+ #define kc_tag_rewriteviewsinfo_Nilrewriteviewsinfo impl_rewriteviewsinfo_Nilrewriteviewsinfo
+ #define kc_tag_rewriteviewsinfo_Consrewriteviewsinfo impl_rewriteviewsinfo_Consrewriteviewsinfo
+ #define kc_phylum_rewriteviewinfo phylum_rewriteviewinfo
+ #define kc_tag_rewriteviewinfo_Rewriteviewinfo impl_rewriteviewinfo_Rewriteviewinfo
+ #define kc_phylum_unparseviewsinfo phylum_unparseviewsinfo
+ #define kc_tag_unparseviewsinfo_Nilunparseviewsinfo impl_unparseviewsinfo_Nilunparseviewsinfo
+ #define kc_tag_unparseviewsinfo_Consunparseviewsinfo impl_unparseviewsinfo_Consunparseviewsinfo
+ #define kc_phylum_unparseviewinfo phylum_unparseviewinfo
+ #define kc_tag_unparseviewinfo_Unparseviewinfo impl_unparseviewinfo_Unparseviewinfo
+ #define kc_phylum_unparsedeclsinfo phylum_unparsedeclsinfo
+ #define kc_tag_unparsedeclsinfo_Nilunparsedeclsinfo impl_unparsedeclsinfo_Nilunparsedeclsinfo
+ #define kc_tag_unparsedeclsinfo_Consunparsedeclsinfo impl_unparsedeclsinfo_Consunparsedeclsinfo
+ #define kc_phylum_unparsedeclinfo phylum_unparsedeclinfo
+ #define kc_tag_unparsedeclinfo_Unparsedeclinfo impl_unparsedeclinfo_Unparsedeclinfo
+ #define kc_phylum_ac_declaration phylum_ac_declaration
+ #define kc_tag_ac_declaration_AcDeclaration impl_ac_declaration_AcDeclaration
+ #define kc_phylum_ac_declaration_list phylum_ac_declaration_list
+ #define kc_tag_ac_declaration_list_Nilac_declaration_list impl_ac_declaration_list_Nilac_declaration_list
+ #define kc_tag_ac_declaration_list_Consac_declaration_list impl_ac_declaration_list_Consac_declaration_list
+ #define kc_phylum_ac_declaration_specifiers phylum_ac_declaration_specifiers
+ #define kc_tag_ac_declaration_specifiers_Nilac_declaration_specifiers impl_ac_declaration_specifiers_Nilac_declaration_specifiers
+ #define kc_tag_ac_declaration_specifiers_Consac_declaration_specifiers impl_ac_declaration_specifiers_Consac_declaration_specifiers
+ #define kc_phylum_ac_declaration_specifier phylum_ac_declaration_specifier
+ #define kc_tag_ac_declaration_specifier_AcDeclSpecStorageSpec impl_ac_declaration_specifier_AcDeclSpecStorageSpec
+ #define kc_tag_ac_declaration_specifier_AcDeclSpecTypeSpec impl_ac_declaration_specifier_AcDeclSpecTypeSpec
+ #define kc_tag_ac_declaration_specifier_AcDeclSpecTypeQual impl_ac_declaration_specifier_AcDeclSpecTypeQual
+ #define kc_phylum_ac_storage_class_specifier phylum_ac_storage_class_specifier
+ #define kc_tag_ac_storage_class_specifier_AcAuto impl_ac_storage_class_specifier_AcAuto
+ #define kc_tag_ac_storage_class_specifier_AcRegister impl_ac_storage_class_specifier_AcRegister
+ #define kc_tag_ac_storage_class_specifier_AcStatic impl_ac_storage_class_specifier_AcStatic
+ #define kc_tag_ac_storage_class_specifier_AcExtern impl_ac_storage_class_specifier_AcExtern
+ #define kc_tag_ac_storage_class_specifier_AcTypedef impl_ac_storage_class_specifier_AcTypedef
+ #define kc_tag_ac_storage_class_specifier_AcVirtual impl_ac_storage_class_specifier_AcVirtual
+ #define kc_phylum_ac_type_specifier phylum_ac_type_specifier
+ #define kc_tag_ac_type_specifier_AcTypeSpec impl_ac_type_specifier_AcTypeSpec
+ #define kc_phylum_ac_type_qualifier phylum_ac_type_qualifier
+ #define kc_tag_ac_type_qualifier_AcConst impl_ac_type_qualifier_AcConst
+ #define kc_tag_ac_type_qualifier_AcVolatile impl_ac_type_qualifier_AcVolatile
+ #define kc_tag_ac_type_qualifier_AcUnsigned impl_ac_type_qualifier_AcUnsigned
+ #define kc_tag_ac_type_qualifier_AcNoQualifier impl_ac_type_qualifier_AcNoQualifier
+ #define kc_phylum_ac_init_declarator_list phylum_ac_init_declarator_list
+ #define kc_tag_ac_init_declarator_list_Nilac_init_declarator_list impl_ac_init_declarator_list_Nilac_init_declarator_list
+ #define kc_tag_ac_init_declarator_list_Consac_init_declarator_list impl_ac_init_declarator_list_Consac_init_declarator_list
+ #define kc_phylum_ac_init_declarator phylum_ac_init_declarator
+ #define kc_tag_ac_init_declarator_AcInitDecl impl_ac_init_declarator_AcInitDecl
+ #define kc_phylum_ac_declarator phylum_ac_declarator
+ #define kc_tag_ac_declarator_AcDeclarator impl_ac_declarator_AcDeclarator
+ #define kc_phylum_ac_direct_declarator phylum_ac_direct_declarator
+ #define kc_tag_ac_direct_declarator_AcDirectDeclId impl_ac_direct_declarator_AcDirectDeclId
+ #define kc_tag_ac_direct_declarator_AcDirectDeclPack impl_ac_direct_declarator_AcDirectDeclPack
+ #define kc_tag_ac_direct_declarator_AcDirectDeclArray impl_ac_direct_declarator_AcDirectDeclArray
+ #define kc_tag_ac_direct_declarator_AcDirectDeclProto impl_ac_direct_declarator_AcDirectDeclProto
+ #define kc_tag_ac_direct_declarator_AcQualifiedDeclProto impl_ac_direct_declarator_AcQualifiedDeclProto
+ #define kc_tag_ac_direct_declarator_AcMemberDecl impl_ac_direct_declarator_AcMemberDecl
+ #define kc_tag_ac_direct_declarator_AcConvOperatorDecl impl_ac_direct_declarator_AcConvOperatorDecl
+ #define kc_tag_ac_direct_declarator_AcOperatorDeclId impl_ac_direct_declarator_AcOperatorDeclId
+ #define kc_phylum_ac_pointer_option phylum_ac_pointer_option
+ #define kc_tag_ac_pointer_option_Nopointer impl_ac_pointer_option_Nopointer
+ #define kc_tag_ac_pointer_option_Yespointer impl_ac_pointer_option_Yespointer
+ #define kc_phylum_ac_pointer phylum_ac_pointer
+ #define kc_tag_ac_pointer_AcPointerNil impl_ac_pointer_AcPointerNil
+ #define kc_tag_ac_pointer_AcPointerCons impl_ac_pointer_AcPointerCons
+ #define kc_phylum_ac_ref_option phylum_ac_ref_option
+ #define kc_tag_ac_ref_option_AcNoRef impl_ac_ref_option_AcNoRef
+ #define kc_tag_ac_ref_option_AcRef impl_ac_ref_option_AcRef
+ #define kc_phylum_ac_operator_name phylum_ac_operator_name
+ #define kc_tag_ac_operator_name_AcOperatorName impl_ac_operator_name_AcOperatorName
+ #define kc_phylum_ac_class_qualifier_help_list phylum_ac_class_qualifier_help_list
+ #define kc_tag_ac_class_qualifier_help_list_Nilac_class_qualifier_help_list impl_ac_class_qualifier_help_list_Nilac_class_qualifier_help_list
+ #define kc_tag_ac_class_qualifier_help_list_Consac_class_qualifier_help_list impl_ac_class_qualifier_help_list_Consac_class_qualifier_help_list
+ #define kc_phylum_ac_class_qualifier_list phylum_ac_class_qualifier_list
+ #define kc_tag_ac_class_qualifier_list_Nilac_class_qualifier_list impl_ac_class_qualifier_list_Nilac_class_qualifier_list
+ #define kc_tag_ac_class_qualifier_list_Consac_class_qualifier_list impl_ac_class_qualifier_list_Consac_class_qualifier_list
+ #define kc_phylum_ac_type_qualifier_list phylum_ac_type_qualifier_list
+ #define kc_tag_ac_type_qualifier_list_Nilac_type_qualifier_list impl_ac_type_qualifier_list_Nilac_type_qualifier_list
+ #define kc_tag_ac_type_qualifier_list_Consac_type_qualifier_list impl_ac_type_qualifier_list_Consac_type_qualifier_list
+ #define kc_phylum_ac_parameter_type_list phylum_ac_parameter_type_list
+ #define kc_tag_ac_parameter_type_list_AcParList impl_ac_parameter_type_list_AcParList
+ #define kc_tag_ac_parameter_type_list_AcParList3Dot impl_ac_parameter_type_list_AcParList3Dot
+ #define kc_phylum_ac_parameter_list phylum_ac_parameter_list
+ #define kc_tag_ac_parameter_list_Nilac_parameter_list impl_ac_parameter_list_Nilac_parameter_list
+ #define kc_tag_ac_parameter_list_Consac_parameter_list impl_ac_parameter_list_Consac_parameter_list
+ #define kc_phylum_ac_parameter_declaration phylum_ac_parameter_declaration
+ #define kc_tag_ac_parameter_declaration_AcParDeclDecl impl_ac_parameter_declaration_AcParDeclDecl
+ #define kc_tag_ac_parameter_declaration_AcParDeclAbsdecl impl_ac_parameter_declaration_AcParDeclAbsdecl
+ #define kc_phylum_ac_identifier_list phylum_ac_identifier_list
+ #define kc_tag_ac_identifier_list_Nilac_identifier_list impl_ac_identifier_list_Nilac_identifier_list
+ #define kc_tag_ac_identifier_list_Consac_identifier_list impl_ac_identifier_list_Consac_identifier_list
+ #define kc_phylum_ac_abstract_declarator phylum_ac_abstract_declarator
+ #define kc_tag_ac_abstract_declarator_AcAbsdeclPointer impl_ac_abstract_declarator_AcAbsdeclPointer
+ #define kc_tag_ac_abstract_declarator_AcAbsdeclDirdecl impl_ac_abstract_declarator_AcAbsdeclDirdecl
+ #define kc_phylum_ac_direct_abstract_declarator_option phylum_ac_direct_abstract_declarator_option
+ #define kc_tag_ac_direct_abstract_declarator_option_Noac_direct_abstract_declarator impl_ac_direct_abstract_declarator_option_Noac_direct_abstract_declarator
+ #define kc_tag_ac_direct_abstract_declarator_option_Yesac_direct_abstract_declarator impl_ac_direct_abstract_declarator_option_Yesac_direct_abstract_declarator
+ #define kc_phylum_ac_direct_abstract_declarator phylum_ac_direct_abstract_declarator
+ #define kc_tag_ac_direct_abstract_declarator_AcDirAbsdeclPack impl_ac_direct_abstract_declarator_AcDirAbsdeclPack
+ #define kc_tag_ac_direct_abstract_declarator_AcDirAbsdeclArray impl_ac_direct_abstract_declarator_AcDirAbsdeclArray
+ #define kc_tag_ac_direct_abstract_declarator_AcDirAbsdeclFn impl_ac_direct_abstract_declarator_AcDirAbsdeclFn
+ #define kc_phylum_ac_constant_expression_option phylum_ac_constant_expression_option
+ #define kc_tag_ac_constant_expression_option_Yesac_constant_expression impl_ac_constant_expression_option_Yesac_constant_expression
+ #define kc_tag_ac_constant_expression_option_Noac_constant_expression impl_ac_constant_expression_option_Noac_constant_expression
+ #define kc_phylum_ac_constant_expression phylum_ac_constant_expression
+ #define kc_tag_ac_constant_expression_AcConstExpr impl_ac_constant_expression_AcConstExpr
+ #define kc_phylum_ac_constant_expression_list phylum_ac_constant_expression_list
+ #define kc_tag_ac_constant_expression_list_Nilac_constant_expression_list impl_ac_constant_expression_list_Nilac_constant_expression_list
+ #define kc_tag_ac_constant_expression_list_Consac_constant_expression_list impl_ac_constant_expression_list_Consac_constant_expression_list
+ #define kc_phylum_ac_opt_base_init_list phylum_ac_opt_base_init_list
+ #define kc_tag_ac_opt_base_init_list_AcNoBaseInit impl_ac_opt_base_init_list_AcNoBaseInit
+ #define kc_tag_ac_opt_base_init_list_AcYesBaseInit impl_ac_opt_base_init_list_AcYesBaseInit
+ #define kc_phylum_ac_base_init_list phylum_ac_base_init_list
+ #define kc_tag_ac_base_init_list_Nilac_base_init_list impl_ac_base_init_list_Nilac_base_init_list
+ #define kc_tag_ac_base_init_list_Consac_base_init_list impl_ac_base_init_list_Consac_base_init_list
+ #define kc_phylum_ac_base_init phylum_ac_base_init
+ #define kc_tag_ac_base_init_AcBaseInit impl_ac_base_init_AcBaseInit
+ #define kc_phylum_baseclass_declarations phylum_baseclass_declarations
+ #define kc_tag_baseclass_declarations_Nilbaseclass_declarations impl_baseclass_declarations_Nilbaseclass_declarations
+ #define kc_tag_baseclass_declarations_Consbaseclass_declarations impl_baseclass_declarations_Consbaseclass_declarations
+ #define kc_phylum_baseclass_decl phylum_baseclass_decl
+ #define kc_tag_baseclass_decl_BaseClassDecl impl_baseclass_decl_BaseClassDecl
+ #define kc_phylum_baseclass_list phylum_baseclass_list
+ #define kc_tag_baseclass_list_Nilbaseclass_list impl_baseclass_list_Nilbaseclass_list
+ #define kc_tag_baseclass_list_Consbaseclass_list impl_baseclass_list_Consbaseclass_list
+ #define kc_phylum_error phylum_error
+ #define kc_tag_error_Fatal impl_error_Fatal
+ #define kc_tag_error_NonFatal impl_error_NonFatal
+ #define kc_tag_error_Warning impl_error_Warning
+ #define kc_phylum_problem phylum_problem
+ #define kc_tag_problem_Problem1 impl_problem_Problem1
+ #define kc_tag_problem_Problem1ID impl_problem_Problem1ID
+ #define kc_tag_problem_Problem1tID impl_problem_Problem1tID
+ #define kc_tag_problem_Problem1we impl_problem_Problem1we
+ #define kc_tag_problem_Problem1ID1ID impl_problem_Problem1ID1ID
+ #define kc_tag_problem_Problem1t1ID impl_problem_Problem1t1ID
+ #define kc_tag_problem_Problem1INT impl_problem_Problem1INT
+ #define kc_tag_problem_Problem1int1 impl_problem_Problem1int1
+ #define kc_tag_problem_Problem1INT1ID impl_problem_Problem1INT1ID
+ #define kc_tag_problem_Problem1ID1ID1ID impl_problem_Problem1ID1ID1ID
+ #define kc_tag_problem_Problem1INT1ID1ID impl_problem_Problem1INT1ID1ID
+ #define kc_tag_problem_Problem1storageoption1ID impl_problem_Problem1storageoption1ID
+ #define kc_tag_problem_Problem2 impl_problem_Problem2
+ #define kc_tag_problem_Problem3 impl_problem_Problem3
+ #define kc_tag_problem_Problem3int1 impl_problem_Problem3int1
+ #define kc_tag_problem_Problem4 impl_problem_Problem4
+ #define kc_tag_problem_Problem5 impl_problem_Problem5
+ #define kc_tag_problem_Problem6 impl_problem_Problem6
+ #define kc_phylum_addedphylumdeclarations phylum_addedphylumdeclarations
+ #define kc_tag_addedphylumdeclarations_Niladdedphylumdeclarations impl_addedphylumdeclarations_Niladdedphylumdeclarations
+ #define kc_tag_addedphylumdeclarations_Consaddedphylumdeclarations impl_addedphylumdeclarations_Consaddedphylumdeclarations
+ #define kc_phylum_addedphylumdeclaration phylum_addedphylumdeclaration
+ #define kc_tag_addedphylumdeclaration_AddedPhylumdeclaration impl_addedphylumdeclaration_AddedPhylumdeclaration
+ #define kc_phylum_countedphylumdeclarations phylum_countedphylumdeclarations
+ #define kc_tag_countedphylumdeclarations_Nilcountedphylumdeclarations impl_countedphylumdeclarations_Nilcountedphylumdeclarations
+ #define kc_tag_countedphylumdeclarations_Conscountedphylumdeclarations impl_countedphylumdeclarations_Conscountedphylumdeclarations
+ #define kc_phylum_countedphylumdeclaration phylum_countedphylumdeclaration
+ #define kc_tag_countedphylumdeclaration_CountedPhylumdeclaration impl_countedphylumdeclaration_CountedPhylumdeclaration
+ #define kc_phylum_charruns phylum_charruns
+ #define kc_tag_charruns_Newlines impl_charruns_Newlines
+ #define kc_tag_charruns_QuotedNewlines impl_charruns_QuotedNewlines
+ #define kc_tag_charruns_Stars impl_charruns_Stars
+ #define kc_phylum_bindingidmarks phylum_bindingidmarks
+ #define kc_tag_bindingidmarks_Nilbindingidmarks impl_bindingidmarks_Nilbindingidmarks
+ #define kc_tag_bindingidmarks_Consbindingidmarks impl_bindingidmarks_Consbindingidmarks
+ #define kc_phylum_bindingidmark phylum_bindingidmark
+ #define kc_tag_bindingidmark_BindingIdMark impl_bindingidmark_BindingIdMark
+ #endif // KC_DEPRECATED
+ // Some compilers are too stupid to detect that a function will always return
+ // a proper value when it returns one in all branches of an if- or switch-
+ // statement (with final else or default, of course).
+ #if !defined __GNUC__
+ # define NORETURN throw 0;
+ #else
+ # define NORETURN
+ #endif
+ namespace kc {
+ typedef enum { one_before_first_phylum = 0 ,
+     phylum_nocasestring = 1,
+     phylum_casestring = 2,
+     phylum_real = 3,
+     phylum_integer = 4,
+     phylum_voidptr = 5,
+     phylum_uniqID = 6,
+     phylum_ID = 7,
+     phylum_INT = 8,
+     phylum_STRING = 9,
+     phylum_phylumdeclarationsroot = 10,
+     phylum_phylumdeclarations = 11,
+     phylum_phylumnames = 12,
+     phylum_phylumdeclaration = 13,
+     phylum_storageoption = 14,
+     phylum_storageclasses = 15,
+     phylum_productionblock = 16,
+     phylum_alternatives = 17,
+     phylum_alternative = 18,
+     phylum_arguments = 19,
+     phylum_argument = 20,
+     phylum_Ccode_option = 21,
+     phylum_attributes = 22,
+     phylum_attribute = 23,
+     phylum_attribute_initialisation_option = 24,
+     phylum_Cexpression = 25,
+     phylum_Cexpression_elem = 26,
+     phylum_CexpressionDQ = 27,
+     phylum_CexpressionDQ_elem = 28,
+     phylum_CexpressionSQ = 29,
+     phylum_CexpressionSQ_elem = 30,
+     phylum_idCexpressions = 31,
+     phylum_idCexpression = 32,
+     phylum_Ctexts = 33,
+     phylum_includefiles = 34,
+     phylum_includefile = 35,
+     phylum_includedeclarations = 36,
+     phylum_includedeclaration = 37,
+     phylum_rwdeclarations = 38,
+     phylum_rwdeclaration = 39,
+     phylum_rewriteclauses = 40,
+     phylum_rewriteclause = 41,
+     phylum_patternchains = 42,
+     phylum_patternchain = 43,
+     phylum_outmostpatterns = 44,
+     phylum_patternchainitem = 45,
+     phylum_outmostpattern = 46,
+     phylum_pattern = 47,
+     phylum_patterns = 48,
+     phylum_term = 49,
+     phylum_terms = 50,
+     phylum_fnfiles = 51,
+     phylum_fnfile = 52,
+     phylum_fndeclarations = 53,
+     phylum_fndeclaration = 54,
+     phylum_fnclass = 55,
+     phylum_Ctext = 56,
+     phylum_Ctext_elem = 57,
+     phylum_foreach_after = 58,
+     phylum_contextinfo = 59,
+     phylum_withexpressions = 60,
+     phylum_withexpression = 61,
+     phylum_withcases = 62,
+     phylum_withcase = 63,
+     phylum_unparsedeclarations = 64,
+     phylum_unparsedeclaration = 65,
+     phylum_unparseclauses = 66,
+     phylum_unparseclause = 67,
+     phylum_viewnames = 68,
+     phylum_unparseitems = 69,
+     phylum_unparseitem = 70,
+     phylum_unpsubterm = 71,
+     phylum_unpattributes = 72,
+     phylum_viewnameoption = 73,
+     phylum_languageoption = 74,
+     phylum_languagenames = 75,
+     phylum_fileline = 76,
+     phylum_scopetypefilelinestack = 77,
+     phylum_scopetypefileline = 78,
+     phylum_IDtype = 79,
+     phylum_operators = 80,
+     phylum_phyla = 81,
+     phylum_variables = 82,
+     phylum_dollarvarstatus = 83,
+     phylum_tribool = 84,
+     phylum_patternrepresentations = 85,
+     phylum_patternrepresentation = 86,
+     phylum_elem_patternrepresentation = 87,
+     phylum_path = 88,
+     phylum_paths = 89,
+     phylum_argsnumbers = 90,
+     phylum_rewriterulesinfo = 91,
+     phylum_rewriteruleinfo = 92,
+     phylum_withcasesinfo = 93,
+     phylum_withcaseinfo = 94,
+     phylum_rewriteviewsinfo = 95,
+     phylum_rewriteviewinfo = 96,
+     phylum_unparseviewsinfo = 97,
+     phylum_unparseviewinfo = 98,
+     phylum_unparsedeclsinfo = 99,
+     phylum_unparsedeclinfo = 100,
+     phylum_ac_declaration = 101,
+     phylum_ac_declaration_list = 102,
+     phylum_ac_declaration_specifiers = 103,
+     phylum_ac_declaration_specifier = 104,
+     phylum_ac_storage_class_specifier = 105,
+     phylum_ac_type_specifier = 106,
+     phylum_ac_type_qualifier = 107,
+     phylum_ac_init_declarator_list = 108,
+     phylum_ac_init_declarator = 109,
+     phylum_ac_declarator = 110,
+     phylum_ac_direct_declarator = 111,
+     phylum_ac_pointer_option = 112,
+     phylum_ac_pointer = 113,
+     phylum_ac_ref_option = 114,
+     phylum_ac_operator_name = 115,
+     phylum_ac_class_qualifier_help_list = 116,
+     phylum_ac_class_qualifier_list = 117,
+     phylum_ac_type_qualifier_list = 118,
+     phylum_ac_parameter_type_list = 119,
+     phylum_ac_parameter_list = 120,
+     phylum_ac_parameter_declaration = 121,
+     phylum_ac_identifier_list = 122,
+     phylum_ac_abstract_declarator = 123,
+     phylum_ac_direct_abstract_declarator_option = 124,
+     phylum_ac_direct_abstract_declarator = 125,
+     phylum_ac_constant_expression_option = 126,
+     phylum_ac_constant_expression = 127,
+     phylum_ac_constant_expression_list = 128,
+     phylum_ac_opt_base_init_list = 129,
+     phylum_ac_base_init_list = 130,
+     phylum_ac_base_init = 131,
+     phylum_baseclass_declarations = 132,
+     phylum_baseclass_decl = 133,
+     phylum_baseclass_list = 134,
+     phylum_error = 135,
+     phylum_problem = 136,
+     phylum_addedphylumdeclarations = 137,
+     phylum_addedphylumdeclaration = 138,
+     phylum_countedphylumdeclarations = 139,
+     phylum_countedphylumdeclaration = 140,
+     phylum_charruns = 141,
+     phylum_bindingidmarks = 142,
+     phylum_bindingidmark = 143,
+     last_phylum = 144
+ } enum_phyla;
+ typedef enum { one_before_first_operator = 0 ,
+     sel_NoCaseStr = 1,
+     sel__Str = 2,
+     sel__Real = 3,
+     sel__Int = 4,
+     sel__VoidPtr = 5,
+     sel_Str = 6,
+     sel_Id = 7,
+     sel_Int = 8,
+     sel_String = 9,
+     sel_PhylumDeclarations = 10,
+     sel_Nilphylumdeclarations = 11,
+     sel_Consphylumdeclarations = 12,
+     sel_Nilphylumnames = 13,
+     sel_Consphylumnames = 14,
+     sel_PhylumDeclaration = 15,
+     sel_NoStorageOption = 16,
+     sel_NegativeStorageOption = 17,
+     sel_PositiveStorageOption = 18,
+     sel_Nilstorageclasses = 19,
+     sel_Consstorageclasses = 20,
+     sel_Emptyproductionblock = 21,
+     sel_ListAlternatives = 22,
+     sel_NonlistAlternatives = 23,
+     sel_PredefinedAlternatives = 24,
+     sel_Nilalternatives = 25,
+     sel_Consalternatives = 26,
+     sel_Alternative = 27,
+     sel_Nilarguments = 28,
+     sel_Consarguments = 29,
+     sel_Argument = 30,
+     sel_CcodeOption = 31,
+     sel_Nilattributes = 32,
+     sel_Consattributes = 33,
+     sel_Attribute = 34,
+     sel_Noattribute_initialisation = 35,
+     sel_Yesattribute_initialisation = 36,
+     sel_NilCexpression = 37,
+     sel_ConsCexpression = 38,
+     sel_CExpressionPart = 39,
+     sel_CExpressionDollarvar = 40,
+     sel_CExpressionNl = 41,
+     sel_CExpressionDQ = 42,
+     sel_CExpressionSQ = 43,
+     sel_CExpressionPack = 44,
+     sel_CExpressionArray = 45,
+     sel_NilCexpressionDQ = 46,
+     sel_ConsCexpressionDQ = 47,
+     sel_CExpressionDQPart = 48,
+     sel_CExpressionDQNl = 49,
+     sel_NilCexpressionSQ = 50,
+     sel_ConsCexpressionSQ = 51,
+     sel_CExpressionSQPart = 52,
+     sel_CExpressionSQNl = 53,
+     sel_NilidCexpressions = 54,
+     sel_ConsidCexpressions = 55,
+     sel_IdCexpression = 56,
+     sel_NilCtexts = 57,
+     sel_ConsCtexts = 58,
+     sel_Nilincludefiles = 59,
+     sel_Consincludefiles = 60,
+     sel_IncludeFile = 61,
+     sel_Nilincludedeclarations = 62,
+     sel_Consincludedeclarations = 63,
+     sel_IncludeDeclaration = 64,
+     sel_Nilrwdeclarations = 65,
+     sel_Consrwdeclarations = 66,
+     sel_RwDeclaration = 67,
+     sel_Nilrewriteclauses = 68,
+     sel_Consrewriteclauses = 69,
+     sel_RewriteClause = 70,
+     sel_Nilpatternchains = 71,
+     sel_Conspatternchains = 72,
+     sel_Nilpatternchain = 73,
+     sel_Conspatternchain = 74,
+     sel_Niloutmostpatterns = 75,
+     sel_Consoutmostpatterns = 76,
+     sel_PatternchainitemOutmost = 77,
+     sel_PatternchainitemGroup = 78,
+     sel_PatternchainitemDollarid = 79,
+     sel_OPOperatorWildcard = 80,
+     sel_OPOperator = 81,
+     sel_OPNonLeafVariable = 82,
+     sel_OPWildcard = 83,
+     sel_OPDefault = 84,
+     sel_PVariable = 85,
+     sel_POperator = 86,
+     sel_PNonLeafVariable = 87,
+     sel_PWildcard = 88,
+     sel_PStringLiteral = 89,
+     sel_PIntLiteral = 90,
+     sel_Nilpatterns = 91,
+     sel_Conspatterns = 92,
+     sel_TVariable = 93,
+     sel_TOperator = 94,
+     sel_TMethod = 95,
+     sel_TMethodDot = 96,
+     sel_TMemberVar = 97,
+     sel_TMemberVarDot = 98,
+     sel_TCTerm = 99,
+     sel_TStringLiteral = 100,
+     sel_TIntLiteral = 101,
+     sel_Nilterms = 102,
+     sel_Consterms = 103,
+     sel_Nilfnfiles = 104,
+     sel_Consfnfiles = 105,
+     sel_FnFile = 106,
+     sel_Nilfndeclarations = 107,
+     sel_Consfndeclarations = 108,
+     sel_FnAcDeclaration = 109,
+     sel_AcMemberDeclaration = 110,
+     sel_GlobalFn = 111,
+     sel_StaticFn = 112,
+     sel_MemberFn = 113,
+     sel_ConstructorFn = 114,
+     sel_DestructorFn = 115,
+     sel_ConvOperatorFn = 116,
+     sel_NilCtext = 117,
+     sel_ConsCtext = 118,
+     sel_CTextLine = 119,
+     sel_CTextDollarVar = 120,
+     sel_CTextNl = 121,
+     sel_CTextCexpressionDQ = 122,
+     sel_CTextCexpressionSQ = 123,
+     sel_CTextCbody = 124,
+     sel_CTextForeachexpression = 125,
+     sel_CTextWithexpression = 126,
+     sel_NoForeachAfter = 127,
+     sel_ForeachAfter = 128,
+     sel_InForeachContext = 129,
+     sel_NotInForeachContext = 130,
+     sel_Nilwithexpressions = 131,
+     sel_Conswithexpressions = 132,
+     sel_WEVariable = 133,
+     sel_WECexpression = 134,
+     sel_Nilwithcases = 135,
+     sel_Conswithcases = 136,
+     sel_Withcase = 137,
+     sel_Nilunparsedeclarations = 138,
+     sel_Consunparsedeclarations = 139,
+     sel_UnparseDeclaration = 140,
+     sel_Nilunparseclauses = 141,
+     sel_Consunparseclauses = 142,
+     sel_UnparseClause = 143,
+     sel_Nilviewnames = 144,
+     sel_Consviewnames = 145,
+     sel_Nilunparseitems = 146,
+     sel_Consunparseitems = 147,
+     sel_UnpStr = 148,
+     sel_UnpSubexpr = 149,
+     sel_UnpCtext = 150,
+     sel_UnpBody = 151,
+     sel_UViewVarDecl = 152,
+     sel_UnpSubTerm = 153,
+     sel_UnpDollarvarTerm = 154,
+     sel_UnpSubAttr = 155,
+     sel_UnpDollarvarAttr = 156,
+     sel_UnpCastedVariable = 157,
+     sel_Nilunpattributes = 158,
+     sel_Consunpattributes = 159,
+     sel_NoViewname = 160,
+     sel_YesViewname = 161,
+     sel_NoLanguagename = 162,
+     sel_LanguageList = 163,
+     sel_Nillanguagenames = 164,
+     sel_Conslanguagenames = 165,
+     sel_FileLine = 166,
+     sel_NoFileLine = 167,
+     sel_PosNoFileLine = 168,
+     sel_Nilscopetypefilelinestack = 169,
+     sel_Consscopetypefilelinestack = 170,
+     sel_ScopeTypeFileLine = 171,
+     sel_ITUnknown = 172,
+     sel_ITPredefinedPhylum = 173,
+     sel_ITUserPhylum = 174,
+     sel_ITPredefinedOperator = 175,
+     sel_ITUserOperator = 176,
+     sel_ITPredefinedStorageClass = 177,
+     sel_ITStorageClass = 178,
+     sel_ITPredefinedUView = 179,
+     sel_ITUserUView = 180,
+     sel_ITUViewVar = 181,
+     sel_ITPredefinedRView = 182,
+     sel_ITUserRView = 183,
+     sel_ITUserFunction = 184,
+     sel_ITPatternVariable = 185,
+     sel_ITLanguageName = 186,
+     sel_Niloperators = 187,
+     sel_Consoperators = 188,
+     sel_Nilphyla = 189,
+     sel_Consphyla = 190,
+     sel_Nilvariables = 191,
+     sel_Consvariables = 192,
+     sel_DVAllowed = 193,
+     sel_DVDisallowed = 194,
+     sel_Equal = 195,
+     sel_Smaller = 196,
+     sel_Bigger = 197,
+     sel_Nilpatternrepresentations = 198,
+     sel_Conspatternrepresentations = 199,
+     sel_Nilpatternrepresentation = 200,
+     sel_Conspatternrepresentation = 201,
+     sel_PRBinding = 202,
+     sel_PRVarPredicate = 203,
+     sel_PROperPredicate = 204,
+     sel_PRUserPredicate = 205,
+     sel_PRNonLeafBinding = 206,
+     sel_PRWildcard = 207,
+     sel_PRDefault = 208,
+     sel_PRStringLiteral = 209,
+     sel_PRIntLiteral = 210,
+     sel_Nilpath = 211,
+     sel_Conspath = 212,
+     sel_Nilpaths = 213,
+     sel_Conspaths = 214,
+     sel_Nilargsnumbers = 215,
+     sel_Consargsnumbers = 216,
+     sel_Nilrewriterulesinfo = 217,
+     sel_Consrewriterulesinfo = 218,
+     sel_Rewriteruleinfo = 219,
+     sel_Nilwithcasesinfo = 220,
+     sel_Conswithcasesinfo = 221,
+     sel_Withcaseinfo = 222,
+     sel_Nilrewriteviewsinfo = 223,
+     sel_Consrewriteviewsinfo = 224,
+     sel_Rewriteviewinfo = 225,
+     sel_Nilunparseviewsinfo = 226,
+     sel_Consunparseviewsinfo = 227,
+     sel_Unparseviewinfo = 228,
+     sel_Nilunparsedeclsinfo = 229,
+     sel_Consunparsedeclsinfo = 230,
+     sel_Unparsedeclinfo = 231,
+     sel_AcDeclaration = 232,
+     sel_Nilac_declaration_list = 233,
+     sel_Consac_declaration_list = 234,
+     sel_Nilac_declaration_specifiers = 235,
+     sel_Consac_declaration_specifiers = 236,
+     sel_AcDeclSpecStorageSpec = 237,
+     sel_AcDeclSpecTypeSpec = 238,
+     sel_AcDeclSpecTypeQual = 239,
+     sel_AcAuto = 240,
+     sel_AcRegister = 241,
+     sel_AcStatic = 242,
+     sel_AcExtern = 243,
+     sel_AcTypedef = 244,
+     sel_AcVirtual = 245,
+     sel_AcTypeSpec = 246,
+     sel_AcConst = 247,
+     sel_AcVolatile = 248,
+     sel_AcUnsigned = 249,
+     sel_AcNoQualifier = 250,
+     sel_Nilac_init_declarator_list = 251,
+     sel_Consac_init_declarator_list = 252,
+     sel_AcInitDecl = 253,
+     sel_AcDeclarator = 254,
+     sel_AcDirectDeclId = 255,
+     sel_AcDirectDeclPack = 256,
+     sel_AcDirectDeclArray = 257,
+     sel_AcDirectDeclProto = 258,
+     sel_AcQualifiedDeclProto = 259,
+     sel_AcMemberDecl = 260,
+     sel_AcConvOperatorDecl = 261,
+     sel_AcOperatorDeclId = 262,
+     sel_Nopointer = 263,
+     sel_Yespointer = 264,
+     sel_AcPointerNil = 265,
+     sel_AcPointerCons = 266,
+     sel_AcNoRef = 267,
+     sel_AcRef = 268,
+     sel_AcOperatorName = 269,
+     sel_Nilac_class_qualifier_help_list = 270,
+     sel_Consac_class_qualifier_help_list = 271,
+     sel_Nilac_class_qualifier_list = 272,
+     sel_Consac_class_qualifier_list = 273,
+     sel_Nilac_type_qualifier_list = 274,
+     sel_Consac_type_qualifier_list = 275,
+     sel_AcParList = 276,
+     sel_AcParList3Dot = 277,
+     sel_Nilac_parameter_list = 278,
+     sel_Consac_parameter_list = 279,
+     sel_AcParDeclDecl = 280,
+     sel_AcParDeclAbsdecl = 281,
+     sel_Nilac_identifier_list = 282,
+     sel_Consac_identifier_list = 283,
+     sel_AcAbsdeclPointer = 284,
+     sel_AcAbsdeclDirdecl = 285,
+     sel_Noac_direct_abstract_declarator = 286,
+     sel_Yesac_direct_abstract_declarator = 287,
+     sel_AcDirAbsdeclPack = 288,
+     sel_AcDirAbsdeclArray = 289,
+     sel_AcDirAbsdeclFn = 290,
+     sel_Yesac_constant_expression = 291,
+     sel_Noac_constant_expression = 292,
+     sel_AcConstExpr = 293,
+     sel_Nilac_constant_expression_list = 294,
+     sel_Consac_constant_expression_list = 295,
+     sel_AcNoBaseInit = 296,
+     sel_AcYesBaseInit = 297,
+     sel_Nilac_base_init_list = 298,
+     sel_Consac_base_init_list = 299,
+     sel_AcBaseInit = 300,
+     sel_Nilbaseclass_declarations = 301,
+     sel_Consbaseclass_declarations = 302,
+     sel_BaseClassDecl = 303,
+     sel_Nilbaseclass_list = 304,
+     sel_Consbaseclass_list = 305,
+     sel_Fatal = 306,
+     sel_NonFatal = 307,
+     sel_Warning = 308,
+     sel_Problem1 = 309,
+     sel_Problem1ID = 310,
+     sel_Problem1tID = 311,
+     sel_Problem1we = 312,
+     sel_Problem1ID1ID = 313,
+     sel_Problem1t1ID = 314,
+     sel_Problem1INT = 315,
+     sel_Problem1int1 = 316,
+     sel_Problem1INT1ID = 317,
+     sel_Problem1ID1ID1ID = 318,
+     sel_Problem1INT1ID1ID = 319,
+     sel_Problem1storageoption1ID = 320,
+     sel_Problem2 = 321,
+     sel_Problem3 = 322,
+     sel_Problem3int1 = 323,
+     sel_Problem4 = 324,
+     sel_Problem5 = 325,
+     sel_Problem6 = 326,
+     sel_Niladdedphylumdeclarations = 327,
+     sel_Consaddedphylumdeclarations = 328,
+     sel_AddedPhylumdeclaration = 329,
+     sel_Nilcountedphylumdeclarations = 330,
+     sel_Conscountedphylumdeclarations = 331,
+     sel_CountedPhylumdeclaration = 332,
+     sel_Newlines = 333,
+     sel_QuotedNewlines = 334,
+     sel_Stars = 335,
+     sel_Nilbindingidmarks = 336,
+     sel_Consbindingidmarks = 337,
+     sel_BindingIdMark = 338,
+     last_operator = 339
+ } enum_operators;
+ class impl_abstract_phylum;
+ typedef impl_abstract_phylum * abstract_phylum;
+ typedef const impl_abstract_phylum * c_abstract_phylum;
+ class impl_abstract_list;
+ typedef impl_abstract_list * abstract_list;
+ typedef const impl_abstract_list * c_abstract_list;
+ template <typename P, typename T>
+ P phylum_cast(T* t) {
+     return static_cast<P>(t);
+ }
+ template <typename P, typename T>
+ const P phylum_cast(const T* t) {
+     return static_cast<const P>(t);
+ }
+ class impl_nocasestring_NoCaseStr;
+ class impl_casestring__Str;
+ class impl_real__Real;
+ class impl_integer__Int;
+ class impl_voidptr__VoidPtr;
+ class impl_uniqID;
+ class impl_ID;
+ class impl_INT;
+ class impl_STRING;
+ class impl_phylumdeclarationsroot;
+ class impl_phylumdeclarations;
+ class impl_phylumnames;
+ class impl_phylumdeclaration;
+ class impl_storageoption;
+ class impl_storageclasses;
+ class impl_productionblock;
+ class impl_alternatives;
+ class impl_alternative;
+ class impl_arguments;
+ class impl_argument;
+ class impl_Ccode_option;
+ class impl_attributes;
+ class impl_attribute;
+ class impl_attribute_initialisation_option;
+ class impl_Cexpression;
+ class impl_Cexpression_elem;
+ class impl_CexpressionDQ;
+ class impl_CexpressionDQ_elem;
+ class impl_CexpressionSQ;
+ class impl_CexpressionSQ_elem;
+ class impl_idCexpressions;
+ class impl_idCexpression;
+ class impl_Ctexts;
+ class impl_includefiles;
+ class impl_includefile;
+ class impl_includedeclarations;
+ class impl_includedeclaration;
+ class impl_rwdeclarations;
+ class impl_rwdeclaration;
+ class impl_rewriteclauses;
+ class impl_rewriteclause;
+ class impl_patternchains;
+ class impl_patternchain;
+ class impl_outmostpatterns;
+ class impl_patternchainitem;
+ class impl_outmostpattern;
+ class impl_pattern;
+ class impl_patterns;
+ class impl_term;
+ class impl_terms;
+ class impl_fnfiles;
+ class impl_fnfile;
+ class impl_fndeclarations;
+ class impl_fndeclaration;
+ class impl_fnclass;
+ class impl_Ctext;
+ class impl_Ctext_elem;
+ class impl_foreach_after;
+ class impl_contextinfo;
+ class impl_withexpressions;
+ class impl_withexpression;
+ class impl_withcases;
+ class impl_withcase;
+ class impl_unparsedeclarations;
+ class impl_unparsedeclaration;
+ class impl_unparseclauses;
+ class impl_unparseclause;
+ class impl_viewnames;
+ class impl_unparseitems;
+ class impl_unparseitem;
+ class impl_unpsubterm;
+ class impl_unpattributes;
+ class impl_viewnameoption;
+ class impl_languageoption;
+ class impl_languagenames;
+ class impl_fileline;
+ class impl_scopetypefilelinestack;
+ class impl_scopetypefileline;
+ class impl_IDtype;
+ class impl_operators;
+ class impl_phyla;
+ class impl_variables;
+ class impl_dollarvarstatus;
+ class impl_tribool;
+ class impl_patternrepresentations;
+ class impl_patternrepresentation;
+ class impl_elem_patternrepresentation;
+ class impl_path;
+ class impl_paths;
+ class impl_argsnumbers;
+ class impl_rewriterulesinfo;
+ class impl_rewriteruleinfo;
+ class impl_withcasesinfo;
+ class impl_withcaseinfo;
+ class impl_rewriteviewsinfo;
+ class impl_rewriteviewinfo;
+ class impl_unparseviewsinfo;
+ class impl_unparseviewinfo;
+ class impl_unparsedeclsinfo;
+ class impl_unparsedeclinfo;
+ class impl_ac_declaration;
+ class impl_ac_declaration_list;
+ class impl_ac_declaration_specifiers;
+ class impl_ac_declaration_specifier;
+ class impl_ac_storage_class_specifier;
+ class impl_ac_type_specifier;
+ class impl_ac_type_qualifier;
+ class impl_ac_init_declarator_list;
+ class impl_ac_init_declarator;
+ class impl_ac_declarator;
+ class impl_ac_direct_declarator;
+ class impl_ac_pointer_option;
+ class impl_ac_pointer;
+ class impl_ac_ref_option;
+ class impl_ac_operator_name;
+ class impl_ac_class_qualifier_help_list;
+ class impl_ac_class_qualifier_list;
+ class impl_ac_type_qualifier_list;
+ class impl_ac_parameter_type_list;
+ class impl_ac_parameter_list;
+ class impl_ac_parameter_declaration;
+ class impl_ac_identifier_list;
+ class impl_ac_abstract_declarator;
+ class impl_ac_direct_abstract_declarator_option;
+ class impl_ac_direct_abstract_declarator;
+ class impl_ac_constant_expression_option;
+ class impl_ac_constant_expression;
+ class impl_ac_constant_expression_list;
+ class impl_ac_opt_base_init_list;
+ class impl_ac_base_init_list;
+ class impl_ac_base_init;
+ class impl_baseclass_declarations;
+ class impl_baseclass_decl;
+ class impl_baseclass_list;
+ class impl_error;
+ class impl_problem;
+ class impl_addedphylumdeclarations;
+ class impl_addedphylumdeclaration;
+ class impl_countedphylumdeclarations;
+ class impl_countedphylumdeclaration;
+ class impl_charruns;
+ class impl_bindingidmarks;
+ class impl_bindingidmark;
+ void kc_invalid_operator( const char *kc_func_prefix, enum_phyla kc_phy, int kc_line,
+     const char *kc_file, enum_operators kc_oper ) __attribute__ ((noreturn));
+ typedef enum_phyla *enum_phyla_list;
+ /*
+  * make sure that the first 'real' storage class _always_ gets a value > 0
+  * and kc_not_uniq gets a value == 0
+  * (because then we can use it as a C boolean)
+  */
+ enum kc_storageclass_t {
+     kc_not_uniq,
+     uniq,
+     last_storageclass
+ };
+ typedef struct {
+     const char *name;			// name of the phylum
+     enum_operators first_operator;	// index in operator_info[]
+     enum_operators last_operator;	// index in operator_info[]
+     kc_storageclass_t uniq_stored;	// storage class
+ typedef struct {
+     const char *name;			// name of the operator
+     size_t no_sons;			// number of sons
+     bool atomicity;			// atomic type or not
+     enum_phyla phylum;			// index in phylum_info[]
+     enum_phyla_list subphylum;		// indexes in phylum_info[]
+     int no_attrs;			// number of attributes
+     enum_phyla_list attribute;		// indexes in phylum_info[]
+     size_t size;			// size of operator (for statistics)
+ typedef enum_phyla_list KC_UNIQ_INFO;
+ extern KC_OPERATOR_INFO operator_info[];
+ extern KC_PHYLUM_INFO phylum_info[];
+ extern KC_UNIQ_INFO kc_UniqInfo[];
+ #define KC_OP_NAME(op) (operator_info[op].name)
+ #define KC_NO_SONS(prod) (operator_info[prod].no_sons)
+ #define KC_ATOMICITY(prod) (operator_info[prod].atomicity)
+ typedef impl_nocasestring_NoCaseStr *nocasestring;
+ typedef const impl_nocasestring_NoCaseStr *c_nocasestring;
+ typedef impl_casestring__Str *casestring;
+ typedef const impl_casestring__Str *c_casestring;
+ typedef impl_real__Real *real;
+ typedef const impl_real__Real *c_real;
+ typedef impl_integer__Int *integer;
+ typedef const impl_integer__Int *c_integer;
+ typedef impl_voidptr__VoidPtr *voidptr;
+ typedef const impl_voidptr__VoidPtr *c_voidptr;
+ typedef impl_uniqID *uniqID;
+ typedef const impl_uniqID *c_uniqID;
+ typedef impl_ID *ID;
+ typedef const impl_ID *c_ID;
+ typedef impl_INT *INT;
+ typedef const impl_INT *c_INT;
+ typedef impl_STRING *STRING;
+ typedef const impl_STRING *c_STRING;
+ typedef impl_phylumdeclarationsroot *phylumdeclarationsroot;
+ typedef const impl_phylumdeclarationsroot *c_phylumdeclarationsroot;
+ typedef impl_phylumdeclarations *phylumdeclarations;
+ typedef const impl_phylumdeclarations *c_phylumdeclarations;
+ typedef impl_phylumnames *phylumnames;
+ typedef const impl_phylumnames *c_phylumnames;
+ typedef impl_phylumdeclaration *phylumdeclaration;
+ typedef const impl_phylumdeclaration *c_phylumdeclaration;
+ typedef impl_storageoption *storageoption;
+ typedef const impl_storageoption *c_storageoption;
+ typedef impl_storageclasses *storageclasses;
+ typedef const impl_storageclasses *c_storageclasses;
+ typedef impl_productionblock *productionblock;
+ typedef const impl_productionblock *c_productionblock;
+ typedef impl_alternatives *alternatives;
+ typedef const impl_alternatives *c_alternatives;
+ typedef impl_alternative *alternative;
+ typedef const impl_alternative *c_alternative;
+ typedef impl_arguments *arguments;
+ typedef const impl_arguments *c_arguments;
+ typedef impl_argument *argument;
+ typedef const impl_argument *c_argument;
+ typedef impl_Ccode_option *Ccode_option;
+ typedef const impl_Ccode_option *c_Ccode_option;
+ typedef impl_attributes *attributes;
+ typedef const impl_attributes *c_attributes;
+ typedef impl_attribute *attribute;
+ typedef const impl_attribute *c_attribute;
+ typedef impl_attribute_initialisation_option *attribute_initialisation_option;
+ typedef const impl_attribute_initialisation_option *c_attribute_initialisation_option;
+ typedef impl_Cexpression *Cexpression;
+ typedef const impl_Cexpression *c_Cexpression;
+ typedef impl_Cexpression_elem *Cexpression_elem;
+ typedef const impl_Cexpression_elem *c_Cexpression_elem;
+ typedef impl_CexpressionDQ *CexpressionDQ;
+ typedef const impl_CexpressionDQ *c_CexpressionDQ;
+ typedef impl_CexpressionDQ_elem *CexpressionDQ_elem;
+ typedef const impl_CexpressionDQ_elem *c_CexpressionDQ_elem;
+ typedef impl_CexpressionSQ *CexpressionSQ;
+ typedef const impl_CexpressionSQ *c_CexpressionSQ;
+ typedef impl_CexpressionSQ_elem *CexpressionSQ_elem;
+ typedef const impl_CexpressionSQ_elem *c_CexpressionSQ_elem;
+ typedef impl_idCexpressions *idCexpressions;
+ typedef const impl_idCexpressions *c_idCexpressions;
+ typedef impl_idCexpression *idCexpression;
+ typedef const impl_idCexpression *c_idCexpression;
+ typedef impl_Ctexts *Ctexts;
+ typedef const impl_Ctexts *c_Ctexts;
+ typedef impl_includefiles *includefiles;
+ typedef const impl_includefiles *c_includefiles;
+ typedef impl_includefile *includefile;
+ typedef const impl_includefile *c_includefile;
+ typedef impl_includedeclarations *includedeclarations;
+ typedef const impl_includedeclarations *c_includedeclarations;
+ typedef impl_includedeclaration *includedeclaration;
+ typedef const impl_includedeclaration *c_includedeclaration;
+ typedef impl_rwdeclarations *rwdeclarations;
+ typedef const impl_rwdeclarations *c_rwdeclarations;
+ typedef impl_rwdeclaration *rwdeclaration;
+ typedef const impl_rwdeclaration *c_rwdeclaration;
+ typedef impl_rewriteclauses *rewriteclauses;
+ typedef const impl_rewriteclauses *c_rewriteclauses;
+ typedef impl_rewriteclause *rewriteclause;
+ typedef const impl_rewriteclause *c_rewriteclause;
+ typedef impl_patternchains *patternchains;
+ typedef const impl_patternchains *c_patternchains;
+ typedef impl_patternchain *patternchain;
+ typedef const impl_patternchain *c_patternchain;
+ typedef impl_outmostpatterns *outmostpatterns;
+ typedef const impl_outmostpatterns *c_outmostpatterns;
+ typedef impl_patternchainitem *patternchainitem;
+ typedef const impl_patternchainitem *c_patternchainitem;
+ typedef impl_outmostpattern *outmostpattern;
+ typedef const impl_outmostpattern *c_outmostpattern;
+ typedef impl_pattern *pattern;
+ typedef const impl_pattern *c_pattern;
+ typedef impl_patterns *patterns;
+ typedef const impl_patterns *c_patterns;
+ typedef impl_term *term;
+ typedef const impl_term *c_term;
+ typedef impl_terms *terms;
+ typedef const impl_terms *c_terms;
+ typedef impl_fnfiles *fnfiles;
+ typedef const impl_fnfiles *c_fnfiles;
+ typedef impl_fnfile *fnfile;
+ typedef const impl_fnfile *c_fnfile;
+ typedef impl_fndeclarations *fndeclarations;
+ typedef const impl_fndeclarations *c_fndeclarations;
+ typedef impl_fndeclaration *fndeclaration;
+ typedef const impl_fndeclaration *c_fndeclaration;
+ typedef impl_fnclass *fnclass;
+ typedef const impl_fnclass *c_fnclass;
+ typedef impl_Ctext *Ctext;
+ typedef const impl_Ctext *c_Ctext;
+ typedef impl_Ctext_elem *Ctext_elem;
+ typedef const impl_Ctext_elem *c_Ctext_elem;
+ typedef impl_foreach_after *foreach_after;
+ typedef const impl_foreach_after *c_foreach_after;
+ typedef impl_contextinfo *contextinfo;
+ typedef const impl_contextinfo *c_contextinfo;
+ typedef impl_withexpressions *withexpressions;
+ typedef const impl_withexpressions *c_withexpressions;
+ typedef impl_withexpression *withexpression;
+ typedef const impl_withexpression *c_withexpression;
+ typedef impl_withcases *withcases;
+ typedef const impl_withcases *c_withcases;
+ typedef impl_withcase *withcase;
+ typedef const impl_withcase *c_withcase;
+ typedef impl_unparsedeclarations *unparsedeclarations;
+ typedef const impl_unparsedeclarations *c_unparsedeclarations;
+ typedef impl_unparsedeclaration *unparsedeclaration;
+ typedef const impl_unparsedeclaration *c_unparsedeclaration;
+ typedef impl_unparseclauses *unparseclauses;
+ typedef const impl_unparseclauses *c_unparseclauses;
+ typedef impl_unparseclause *unparseclause;
+ typedef const impl_unparseclause *c_unparseclause;
+ typedef impl_viewnames *viewnames;
+ typedef const impl_viewnames *c_viewnames;
+ typedef impl_unparseitems *unparseitems;
+ typedef const impl_unparseitems *c_unparseitems;
+ typedef impl_unparseitem *unparseitem;
+ typedef const impl_unparseitem *c_unparseitem;
+ typedef impl_unpsubterm *unpsubterm;
+ typedef const impl_unpsubterm *c_unpsubterm;
+ typedef impl_unpattributes *unpattributes;
+ typedef const impl_unpattributes *c_unpattributes;
+ typedef impl_viewnameoption *viewnameoption;
+ typedef const impl_viewnameoption *c_viewnameoption;
+ typedef impl_languageoption *languageoption;
+ typedef const impl_languageoption *c_languageoption;
+ typedef impl_languagenames *languagenames;
+ typedef const impl_languagenames *c_languagenames;
+ typedef impl_fileline *fileline;
+ typedef const impl_fileline *c_fileline;
+ typedef impl_scopetypefilelinestack *scopetypefilelinestack;
+ typedef const impl_scopetypefilelinestack *c_scopetypefilelinestack;
+ typedef impl_scopetypefileline *scopetypefileline;
+ typedef const impl_scopetypefileline *c_scopetypefileline;
+ typedef impl_IDtype *IDtype;
+ typedef const impl_IDtype *c_IDtype;
+ typedef impl_operators *operators;
+ typedef const impl_operators *c_operators;
+ typedef impl_phyla *phyla;
+ typedef const impl_phyla *c_phyla;
+ typedef impl_variables *variables;
+ typedef const impl_variables *c_variables;
+ typedef impl_dollarvarstatus *dollarvarstatus;
+ typedef const impl_dollarvarstatus *c_dollarvarstatus;
+ typedef impl_tribool *tribool;
+ typedef const impl_tribool *c_tribool;
+ typedef impl_patternrepresentations *patternrepresentations;
+ typedef const impl_patternrepresentations *c_patternrepresentations;
+ typedef impl_patternrepresentation *patternrepresentation;
+ typedef const impl_patternrepresentation *c_patternrepresentation;
+ typedef impl_elem_patternrepresentation *elem_patternrepresentation;
+ typedef const impl_elem_patternrepresentation *c_elem_patternrepresentation;
+ typedef impl_path *path;
+ typedef const impl_path *c_path;
+ typedef impl_paths *paths;
+ typedef const impl_paths *c_paths;
+ typedef impl_argsnumbers *argsnumbers;
+ typedef const impl_argsnumbers *c_argsnumbers;
+ typedef impl_rewriterulesinfo *rewriterulesinfo;
+ typedef const impl_rewriterulesinfo *c_rewriterulesinfo;
+ typedef impl_rewriteruleinfo *rewriteruleinfo;
+ typedef const impl_rewriteruleinfo *c_rewriteruleinfo;
+ typedef impl_withcasesinfo *withcasesinfo;
+ typedef const impl_withcasesinfo *c_withcasesinfo;
+ typedef impl_withcaseinfo *withcaseinfo;
+ typedef const impl_withcaseinfo *c_withcaseinfo;
+ typedef impl_rewriteviewsinfo *rewriteviewsinfo;
+ typedef const impl_rewriteviewsinfo *c_rewriteviewsinfo;
+ typedef impl_rewriteviewinfo *rewriteviewinfo;
+ typedef const impl_rewriteviewinfo *c_rewriteviewinfo;
+ typedef impl_unparseviewsinfo *unparseviewsinfo;
+ typedef const impl_unparseviewsinfo *c_unparseviewsinfo;
+ typedef impl_unparseviewinfo *unparseviewinfo;
+ typedef const impl_unparseviewinfo *c_unparseviewinfo;
+ typedef impl_unparsedeclsinfo *unparsedeclsinfo;
+ typedef const impl_unparsedeclsinfo *c_unparsedeclsinfo;
+ typedef impl_unparsedeclinfo *unparsedeclinfo;
+ typedef const impl_unparsedeclinfo *c_unparsedeclinfo;
+ typedef impl_ac_declaration *ac_declaration;
+ typedef const impl_ac_declaration *c_ac_declaration;
+ typedef impl_ac_declaration_list *ac_declaration_list;
+ typedef const impl_ac_declaration_list *c_ac_declaration_list;
+ typedef impl_ac_declaration_specifiers *ac_declaration_specifiers;
+ typedef const impl_ac_declaration_specifiers *c_ac_declaration_specifiers;
+ typedef impl_ac_declaration_specifier *ac_declaration_specifier;
+ typedef const impl_ac_declaration_specifier *c_ac_declaration_specifier;
+ typedef impl_ac_storage_class_specifier *ac_storage_class_specifier;
+ typedef const impl_ac_storage_class_specifier *c_ac_storage_class_specifier;
+ typedef impl_ac_type_specifier *ac_type_specifier;
+ typedef const impl_ac_type_specifier *c_ac_type_specifier;
+ typedef impl_ac_type_qualifier *ac_type_qualifier;
+ typedef const impl_ac_type_qualifier *c_ac_type_qualifier;
+ typedef impl_ac_init_declarator_list *ac_init_declarator_list;
+ typedef const impl_ac_init_declarator_list *c_ac_init_declarator_list;
+ typedef impl_ac_init_declarator *ac_init_declarator;
+ typedef const impl_ac_init_declarator *c_ac_init_declarator;
+ typedef impl_ac_declarator *ac_declarator;
+ typedef const impl_ac_declarator *c_ac_declarator;
+ typedef impl_ac_direct_declarator *ac_direct_declarator;
+ typedef const impl_ac_direct_declarator *c_ac_direct_declarator;
+ typedef impl_ac_pointer_option *ac_pointer_option;
+ typedef const impl_ac_pointer_option *c_ac_pointer_option;
+ typedef impl_ac_pointer *ac_pointer;
+ typedef const impl_ac_pointer *c_ac_pointer;
+ typedef impl_ac_ref_option *ac_ref_option;
+ typedef const impl_ac_ref_option *c_ac_ref_option;
+ typedef impl_ac_operator_name *ac_operator_name;
+ typedef const impl_ac_operator_name *c_ac_operator_name;
+ typedef impl_ac_class_qualifier_help_list *ac_class_qualifier_help_list;
+ typedef const impl_ac_class_qualifier_help_list *c_ac_class_qualifier_help_list;
+ typedef impl_ac_class_qualifier_list *ac_class_qualifier_list;
+ typedef const impl_ac_class_qualifier_list *c_ac_class_qualifier_list;
+ typedef impl_ac_type_qualifier_list *ac_type_qualifier_list;
+ typedef const impl_ac_type_qualifier_list *c_ac_type_qualifier_list;
+ typedef impl_ac_parameter_type_list *ac_parameter_type_list;
+ typedef const impl_ac_parameter_type_list *c_ac_parameter_type_list;
+ typedef impl_ac_parameter_list *ac_parameter_list;
+ typedef const impl_ac_parameter_list *c_ac_parameter_list;
+ typedef impl_ac_parameter_declaration *ac_parameter_declaration;
+ typedef const impl_ac_parameter_declaration *c_ac_parameter_declaration;
+ typedef impl_ac_identifier_list *ac_identifier_list;
+ typedef const impl_ac_identifier_list *c_ac_identifier_list;
+ typedef impl_ac_abstract_declarator *ac_abstract_declarator;
+ typedef const impl_ac_abstract_declarator *c_ac_abstract_declarator;
+ typedef impl_ac_direct_abstract_declarator_option *ac_direct_abstract_declarator_option;
+ typedef const impl_ac_direct_abstract_declarator_option *c_ac_direct_abstract_declarator_option;
+ typedef impl_ac_direct_abstract_declarator *ac_direct_abstract_declarator;
+ typedef const impl_ac_direct_abstract_declarator *c_ac_direct_abstract_declarator;
+ typedef impl_ac_constant_expression_option *ac_constant_expression_option;
+ typedef const impl_ac_constant_expression_option *c_ac_constant_expression_option;
+ typedef impl_ac_constant_expression *ac_constant_expression;
+ typedef const impl_ac_constant_expression *c_ac_constant_expression;
+ typedef impl_ac_constant_expression_list *ac_constant_expression_list;
+ typedef const impl_ac_constant_expression_list *c_ac_constant_expression_list;
+ typedef impl_ac_opt_base_init_list *ac_opt_base_init_list;
+ typedef const impl_ac_opt_base_init_list *c_ac_opt_base_init_list;
+ typedef impl_ac_base_init_list *ac_base_init_list;
+ typedef const impl_ac_base_init_list *c_ac_base_init_list;
+ typedef impl_ac_base_init *ac_base_init;
+ typedef const impl_ac_base_init *c_ac_base_init;
+ typedef impl_baseclass_declarations *baseclass_declarations;
+ typedef const impl_baseclass_declarations *c_baseclass_declarations;
+ typedef impl_baseclass_decl *baseclass_decl;
+ typedef const impl_baseclass_decl *c_baseclass_decl;
+ typedef impl_baseclass_list *baseclass_list;
+ typedef const impl_baseclass_list *c_baseclass_list;
+ typedef impl_error *error;
+ typedef const impl_error *c_error;
+ typedef impl_problem *problem;
+ typedef const impl_problem *c_problem;
+ typedef impl_addedphylumdeclarations *addedphylumdeclarations;
+ typedef const impl_addedphylumdeclarations *c_addedphylumdeclarations;
+ typedef impl_addedphylumdeclaration *addedphylumdeclaration;
+ typedef const impl_addedphylumdeclaration *c_addedphylumdeclaration;
+ typedef impl_countedphylumdeclarations *countedphylumdeclarations;
+ typedef const impl_countedphylumdeclarations *c_countedphylumdeclarations;
+ typedef impl_countedphylumdeclaration *countedphylumdeclaration;
+ typedef const impl_countedphylumdeclaration *c_countedphylumdeclaration;
+ typedef impl_charruns *charruns;
+ typedef const impl_charruns *c_charruns;
+ typedef impl_bindingidmarks *bindingidmarks;
+ typedef const impl_bindingidmarks *c_bindingidmarks;
+ typedef impl_bindingidmark *bindingidmark;
+ typedef const impl_bindingidmark *c_bindingidmark;
+ #define KC_NO_OF_OPERATORS 339
+ } // namespace kc
+ namespace kc { }
+ using namespace kc;
+ /* included stuff */
+ typedef enum {include_header =0, include_file =1, include_unknown, include_both} include_type;
+ class twoIncludedeclarations {
+     includedeclarations inc1, inc2;
+     public:
+     includedeclarations& operator[](int i)
+     { return (i==0) ? inc1 : inc2; }
+ };
+ //
+ // The Termprocessor Kimwitu++
+ //
+ // Copyright (C) 1991 University of Twente, Dept TIOS.
+ // Copyright (C) 1998-2003 Humboldt-University of Berlin, Institute of Informatics
+ // All rights reserved.
+ //
+ // Kimwitu++ is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ // the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ // (at your option) any later version.
+ //
+ // Kimwitu++ is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ // GNU General Public License for more details.
+ //
+ // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ // along with Kimwitu++; if not, write to the Free Software
+ // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+ //
+ #include "config.h"
+ extern char kimwitu_copyright[] ; // defined above
+ extern casestring g_progname;
+ extern char* pg_line;
+ struct cmdline_options {
+     std::string hfilename;
+     std::string ccfilename;
+     bool quiet;
+     bool verbose;
+     bool no_csgio;
+     bool no_unparse;
+     bool no_rewrite;
+     bool no_printdot;
+     bool no_hashtables;
+     bool operator_cast;
+     bool smart_pointer;
+     bool weak_pointer;
+     char covariant;
+     std::string for_bison;
+     bool for_yxx;
+     bool overwrite;
+     bool linedirec;
+     bool rw_loop;
+     std::string stdafx;
+     std::string dllexports;
+     std::string prefix;
+     std::string suffix;
+     std::string filter;
+     std::string msg_format;
+     std::string dir_line;
+     bool warn_drop_identical_patterns; // actually dropped from generated code (old test)
+     bool warn_equivalent_patterns; // informational only (new test)
+     bool warn_overlapping_patterns;
+     cmdline_options(): hfilename(""), ccfilename(""),
+     quiet(false), verbose(false), no_csgio(false), no_unparse(false), no_rewrite(false),
+     no_printdot(false), no_hashtables(false), operator_cast(false), smart_pointer(false),
+     weak_pointer(false), covariant('y'), for_bison(""), for_yxx(false), overwrite(false),
+     linedirec(true), rw_loop(false), stdafx(""), dllexports(""), prefix(""), suffix("cc"),
+     filter(""), msg_format(""), dir_line(""),
+     warn_drop_identical_patterns(true),
+     warn_equivalent_patterns(true),
+     warn_overlapping_patterns(false) { }
+ };
+ extern cmdline_options g_options;
+ #define INC_HEADER		"HEADER"
+ #define INC_CODE		"CODE"
+ #define INC_KC_TYPES		"KC_TYPES"
+ #define INC_KC_CSGIO		"KC_CSGIO"
+ namespace kc { void leave(int); }
+ extern int pg_lineno;					/* global line # */
+ extern int pg_column;					/* global column # */
+ extern int pg_charpos;					/* global charpos # */
+ extern casestring pg_filename;				/* global file name */
+ extern int pg_no_of_arguments;				/* no_of_arguments */
+ extern phylumdeclarations Thephylumdeclarations;	/* global phylumdecls */
+ extern rwdeclarations Therwdeclarations;		/* global rw-decls */
+ extern fndeclarations Thefndeclarations;		/* fn-decls for the file being parsed */
+ extern fnfiles Thefnfiles;				/* global fn-decls */
+ extern includefiles Theincludefiles;			/* global incl-decls */
+ extern unparsedeclarations Theunparsedeclarations;	/* global unp-decls */
+ extern argsnumbers Theargsnumbers;			/* global list of argsnumbers */
+ extern viewnames Theuviewnames;				/* global list of u-viewnames */
+ extern viewnames Therviewnames;				/* global list of r-viewnames */
+ extern storageclasses Thestorageclasses;		/* global list of storageclasses */
+ extern languagenames Thelanguages;			/* global list of used languages */
+ extern baseclass_declarations Thebaseclasses;		/* global list of defined baseclasses */
+ extern bool pg_uviewshavebeendefined;			/* global indication */
+ extern bool pg_rviewshavebeendefined;			/* global indication */
+ extern bool pg_storageclasseshavebeendefined;		/* global indication */
+ extern bool pg_languageshavebeendefined;		/* global indication */
+ #include "error.h"
+ extern viewnameoption ug_viewnameopt;
+ #include "occur.h"
+ extern addedphylumdeclarations pl_addedphylumdeclarations;
+ extern countedphylumdeclarations pl_countedphylumdeclarations;
+ namespace kc { ID f_emptyId(); }
+ namespace kc { void collect_strings(void); }
+ namespace kc { void unparse_string_collection(void); }
+ extern bindingidmarks Thebindingidmarks;
+ /* end included stuff */
+ namespace kc {
+ # define KC_NO_DEFAULT_IN_WITH "Internal Error: no default action defined in function %s at %s:%d\n"
+ #endif
+ void kc_no_default_in_with (const char*, int, const char*);
+ void kc_returnless_function (const char *, int, const char*);
+ #ifndef NDEBUG
+ # define assertCond(t) do {if (!(t)) kc_assertionFailed(__FILE__,__LINE__);}while(false)
+ # define assertReason(t,s) do {if (!(t)) kc_assertionReasonFailed(__FILE__,__LINE__,s);}while(false)
+ # define assertNonNull(p) do {if (p == 0) kc_assertionNonNullFailed(__FILE__,__LINE__,#p);}while(false)
+ # define assertPhylum(ptr,phy) do { \
+     assertNonNull(ptr); \
+     if (ptr->phylum()!=phy) \
+ 	kc_assertionOperatorInPhylumFailed(ptr->prod_sel(),#ptr,"->prod_sel()","phy",__FILE__,__LINE__); \
+ } while(false)
+ #else
+ # define assertCond(t)
+ # define assertReason(t,s)
+ # define assertNonNull(ptr)
+ # define assertPhylum(op,phy)
+ #endif
+ #define assertionFailed(s) kc_assertionReasonFailed(__FILE__,__LINE__,s)
+ void kc_assertionFailed (const char*, int) __attribute__ ((noreturn));
+ void kc_assertionReasonFailed (const char*, int, const char*) __attribute__ ((noreturn));
+ void kc_assertionNonNullFailed (const char*, int, const char*) __attribute__ ((noreturn));
+ void kc_assertionOperatorInPhylumFailed (int, const char*, const char*, const char*, const char*, int) __attribute__ ((noreturn));
+ casestring mkcasestring( const kc_char *, int length = -1);
+ nocasestring mknocasestring( const kc_char *, int length = -1);
+ integer mkinteger( const INTEGER );
+ real mkreal( const REAL );
+ inline casestring _Str( const kc_char * cc) { return mkcasestring(cc); }
+ inline nocasestring NoCaseStr( const kc_char * cc) { return mknocasestring(cc); }
+ inline integer _Int( const INTEGER cc) { return mkinteger(cc); }
+ inline real _Real( const REAL cc) { return mkreal(cc); }
+ class impl_uniqID_Str* Str (casestring);
+ class impl_ID_Id* Id (uniqID);
+ class impl_INT_Int* Int (integer);
+ class impl_STRING_String* String (casestring);
+ class impl_phylumdeclarationsroot_PhylumDeclarations* PhylumDeclarations (phylumdeclarations);
+ phylumdeclarations Nilphylumdeclarations();
+ phylumdeclarations Consphylumdeclarations(phylumdeclaration,phylumdeclarations);
+ phylumnames Nilphylumnames();
+ phylumnames Consphylumnames(ID,phylumnames);
+ class impl_phylumdeclaration_PhylumDeclaration* PhylumDeclaration (ID, storageoption, productionblock, Ccode_option);
+ class impl_storageoption_NoStorageOption* NoStorageOption ();
+ class impl_storageoption_NegativeStorageOption* NegativeStorageOption (ID);
+ class impl_storageoption_PositiveStorageOption* PositiveStorageOption (ID);
+ storageclasses Nilstorageclasses();
+ storageclasses Consstorageclasses(ID,storageclasses);
+ class impl_productionblock_Emptyproductionblock* Emptyproductionblock ();
+ class impl_productionblock_ListAlternatives* ListAlternatives (alternatives, ID);
+ class impl_productionblock_NonlistAlternatives* NonlistAlternatives (alternatives);
+ class impl_productionblock_PredefinedAlternatives* PredefinedAlternatives (alternatives);
+ alternatives Nilalternatives();
+ alternatives Consalternatives(alternative,alternatives);
+ class impl_alternative_Alternative* Alternative (ID, arguments);
+ arguments Nilarguments();
+ arguments Consarguments(ID,arguments);
+ class impl_argument_Argument* Argument (ID, integer);
+ class impl_Ccode_option_CcodeOption* CcodeOption (attributes, Ctexts);
+ attributes Nilattributes();
+ attributes Consattributes(attribute,attributes);
+ class impl_attribute_Attribute* Attribute (ID, ID, attribute_initialisation_option);
+ class impl_attribute_initialisation_option_Noattribute_initialisation* Noattribute_initialisation ();
+ class impl_attribute_initialisation_option_Yesattribute_initialisation* Yesattribute_initialisation (Cexpression);
+ Cexpression NilCexpression();
+ Cexpression ConsCexpression(Cexpression_elem,Cexpression);
+ class impl_Cexpression_elem_CExpressionPart* CExpressionPart (casestring);
+ class impl_Cexpression_elem_CExpressionDollarvar* CExpressionDollarvar (INT);
+ class impl_Cexpression_elem_CExpressionNl* CExpressionNl ();
+ class impl_Cexpression_elem_CExpressionDQ* CExpressionDQ (CexpressionDQ);
+ class impl_Cexpression_elem_CExpressionSQ* CExpressionSQ (CexpressionSQ);
+ class impl_Cexpression_elem_CExpressionPack* CExpressionPack (Cexpression);
+ class impl_Cexpression_elem_CExpressionArray* CExpressionArray (Cexpression);
+ CexpressionDQ NilCexpressionDQ();
+ CexpressionDQ ConsCexpressionDQ(CexpressionDQ_elem,CexpressionDQ);
+ class impl_CexpressionDQ_elem_CExpressionDQPart* CExpressionDQPart (casestring);
+ class impl_CexpressionDQ_elem_CExpressionDQNl* CExpressionDQNl ();
+ CexpressionSQ NilCexpressionSQ();
+ CexpressionSQ ConsCexpressionSQ(CexpressionSQ_elem,CexpressionSQ);
+ class impl_CexpressionSQ_elem_CExpressionSQPart* CExpressionSQPart (casestring);
+ class impl_CexpressionSQ_elem_CExpressionSQNl* CExpressionSQNl ();
+ idCexpressions NilidCexpressions();
+ idCexpressions ConsidCexpressions(idCexpression,idCexpressions);
+ class impl_idCexpression_IdCexpression* IdCexpression (ID, Cexpression);
+ Ctexts NilCtexts();
+ Ctexts ConsCtexts(Ctext,Ctexts);
+ includefiles Nilincludefiles();
+ includefiles Consincludefiles(includefile,includefiles);
+ class impl_includefile_IncludeFile* IncludeFile (casestring);
+ includedeclarations Nilincludedeclarations();
+ includedeclarations Consincludedeclarations(includedeclaration,includedeclarations);
+ class impl_includedeclaration_IncludeDeclaration* IncludeDeclaration (casestring);
+ rwdeclarations Nilrwdeclarations();
+ rwdeclarations Consrwdeclarations(rwdeclaration,rwdeclarations);
+ class impl_rwdeclaration_RwDeclaration* RwDeclaration (outmostpatterns, rewriteclauses);
+ rewriteclauses Nilrewriteclauses();
+ rewriteclauses Consrewriteclauses(rewriteclause,rewriteclauses);
+ class impl_rewriteclause_RewriteClause* RewriteClause (viewnames, term);
+ patternchains Nilpatternchains();
+ patternchains Conspatternchains(patternchain,patternchains);
+ patternchain Nilpatternchain();
+ patternchain Conspatternchain(patternchainitem,patternchain);
+ outmostpatterns Niloutmostpatterns();
+ outmostpatterns Consoutmostpatterns(outmostpattern,outmostpatterns);
+ class impl_patternchainitem_PatternchainitemOutmost* PatternchainitemOutmost (outmostpattern);
+ class impl_patternchainitem_PatternchainitemGroup* PatternchainitemGroup (patternchains);
+ class impl_patternchainitem_PatternchainitemDollarid* PatternchainitemDollarid (ID);
+ class impl_outmostpattern_OPOperatorWildcard* OPOperatorWildcard (ID, Cexpression);
+ class impl_outmostpattern_OPOperator* OPOperator (ID, patterns, Cexpression);
+ class impl_outmostpattern_OPNonLeafVariable* OPNonLeafVariable (ID, outmostpattern);
+ class impl_outmostpattern_OPWildcard* OPWildcard (Cexpression);
+ class impl_outmostpattern_OPDefault* OPDefault (Cexpression);
+ class impl_pattern_PVariable* PVariable (ID);
+ class impl_pattern_POperator* POperator (ID, patterns);
+ class impl_pattern_PNonLeafVariable* PNonLeafVariable (ID, pattern);
+ class impl_pattern_PWildcard* PWildcard ();
+ class impl_pattern_PStringLiteral* PStringLiteral (CexpressionDQ);
+ class impl_pattern_PIntLiteral* PIntLiteral (INT);
+ patterns Nilpatterns();
+ patterns Conspatterns(pattern,patterns);
+ class impl_term_TVariable* TVariable (ID);
+ class impl_term_TOperator* TOperator (ID, terms);
+ class impl_term_TMethod* TMethod (term, ID, terms);
+ class impl_term_TMethodDot* TMethodDot (term, ID, terms);
+ class impl_term_TMemberVar* TMemberVar (term, ID);
+ class impl_term_TMemberVarDot* TMemberVarDot (term, ID);
+ class impl_term_TCTerm* TCTerm (CexpressionSQ);
+ class impl_term_TStringLiteral* TStringLiteral (CexpressionDQ);
+ class impl_term_TIntLiteral* TIntLiteral (INT);
+ terms Nilterms();
+ terms Consterms(term,terms);
+ fnfiles Nilfnfiles();
+ fnfiles Consfnfiles(fnfile,fnfiles);
+ class impl_fnfile_FnFile* FnFile (casestring);
+ fndeclarations Nilfndeclarations();
+ fndeclarations Consfndeclarations(fndeclaration,fndeclarations);
+ class impl_fndeclaration_FnAcDeclaration* FnAcDeclaration (ac_declaration_specifiers, ac_declarator, ac_declaration_list, ac_opt_base_init_list, Ctext, ID, fnclass);
+ class impl_fndeclaration_AcMemberDeclaration* AcMemberDeclaration (ac_declaration_specifiers, ac_declarator, ac_constant_expression_option, fnclass);
+ class impl_fnclass_GlobalFn* GlobalFn ();
+ class impl_fnclass_StaticFn* StaticFn (casestring);
+ class impl_fnclass_MemberFn* MemberFn ();
+ class impl_fnclass_ConstructorFn* ConstructorFn ();
+ class impl_fnclass_DestructorFn* DestructorFn ();
+ class impl_fnclass_ConvOperatorFn* ConvOperatorFn ();
+ Ctext NilCtext();
+ Ctext ConsCtext(Ctext_elem,Ctext);
+ class impl_Ctext_elem_CTextLine* CTextLine (casestring);
+ class impl_Ctext_elem_CTextDollarVar* CTextDollarVar (INT);
+ class impl_Ctext_elem_CTextNl* CTextNl (integer);
+ class impl_Ctext_elem_CTextCexpressionDQ* CTextCexpressionDQ (CexpressionDQ);
+ class impl_Ctext_elem_CTextCexpressionSQ* CTextCexpressionSQ (CexpressionSQ);
+ class impl_Ctext_elem_CTextCbody* CTextCbody (Ctext);
+ class impl_Ctext_elem_CTextForeachexpression* CTextForeachexpression (patternchain, idCexpressions, withexpressions, Ctext, foreach_after);
+ class impl_Ctext_elem_CTextWithexpression* CTextWithexpression (withexpressions, withcases, contextinfo);
+ class impl_foreach_after_NoForeachAfter* NoForeachAfter ();
+ class impl_foreach_after_ForeachAfter* ForeachAfter (patternchain, idCexpressions, withexpressions, Ctext);
+ class impl_contextinfo_InForeachContext* InForeachContext (patternchain);
+ class impl_contextinfo_NotInForeachContext* NotInForeachContext ();
+ withexpressions Nilwithexpressions();
+ withexpressions Conswithexpressions(withexpression,withexpressions);
+ class impl_withexpression_WEVariable* WEVariable (ID);
+ class impl_withexpression_WECexpression* WECexpression (Cexpression);
+ withcases Nilwithcases();
+ withcases Conswithcases(withcase,withcases);
+ class impl_withcase_Withcase* Withcase (patternchains, Ctext);
+ unparsedeclarations Nilunparsedeclarations();
+ unparsedeclarations Consunparsedeclarations(unparsedeclaration,unparsedeclarations);
+ class impl_unparsedeclaration_UnparseDeclaration* UnparseDeclaration (outmostpatterns, unparseclauses);
+ unparseclauses Nilunparseclauses();
+ unparseclauses Consunparseclauses(unparseclause,unparseclauses);
+ class impl_unparseclause_UnparseClause* UnparseClause (viewnames, unparseitems);
+ viewnames Nilviewnames();
+ viewnames Consviewnames(ID,viewnames);
+ unparseitems Nilunparseitems();
+ unparseitems Consunparseitems(unparseitem,unparseitems);
+ class impl_unparseitem_UnpStr* UnpStr (languageoption, CexpressionDQ, viewnameoption);
+ class impl_unparseitem_UnpSubexpr* UnpSubexpr (languageoption, unpsubterm, viewnameoption);
+ class impl_unparseitem_UnpCtext* UnpCtext (languageoption, Ctext);
+ class impl_unparseitem_UnpBody* UnpBody (languageoption, unparseitems);
+ class impl_unparseitem_UViewVarDecl* UViewVarDecl (ID, ID, Cexpression);
+ class impl_unpsubterm_UnpSubTerm* UnpSubTerm (ID);
+ class impl_unpsubterm_UnpDollarvarTerm* UnpDollarvarTerm (INT);
+ class impl_unpsubterm_UnpSubAttr* UnpSubAttr (ID, unpattributes);
+ class impl_unpsubterm_UnpDollarvarAttr* UnpDollarvarAttr (INT, unpattributes);
+ class impl_unpsubterm_UnpCastedVariable* UnpCastedVariable (ID, ID);
+ unpattributes Nilunpattributes();
+ unpattributes Consunpattributes(ID,unpattributes);
+ class impl_viewnameoption_NoViewname* NoViewname ();
+ class impl_viewnameoption_YesViewname* YesViewname (ID);
+ class impl_languageoption_NoLanguagename* NoLanguagename ();
+ class impl_languageoption_LanguageList* LanguageList (languagenames);
+ languagenames Nillanguagenames();
+ languagenames Conslanguagenames(ID,languagenames);
+ class impl_fileline_FileLine* FileLine (casestring _file=0, int _line=0);
+ class impl_fileline_NoFileLine* NoFileLine ();
+ class impl_fileline_PosNoFileLine* PosNoFileLine ();
+ scopetypefilelinestack Nilscopetypefilelinestack();
+ scopetypefilelinestack Consscopetypefilelinestack(scopetypefileline,scopetypefilelinestack);
+ class impl_scopetypefileline_ScopeTypeFileLine* ScopeTypeFileLine (integer, IDtype, casestring, integer);
+ class impl_IDtype_ITUnknown* ITUnknown ();
+ class impl_IDtype_ITPredefinedPhylum* ITPredefinedPhylum (phylumdeclaration);
+ class impl_IDtype_ITUserPhylum* ITUserPhylum (phylumdeclaration);
+ class impl_IDtype_ITPredefinedOperator* ITPredefinedOperator (alternative, ID);
+ class impl_IDtype_ITUserOperator* ITUserOperator (alternative, ID);
+ class impl_IDtype_ITPredefinedStorageClass* ITPredefinedStorageClass ();
+ class impl_IDtype_ITStorageClass* ITStorageClass ();
+ class impl_IDtype_ITPredefinedUView* ITPredefinedUView ();
+ class impl_IDtype_ITUserUView* ITUserUView ();
+ class impl_IDtype_ITUViewVar* ITUViewVar ();
+ class impl_IDtype_ITPredefinedRView* ITPredefinedRView ();
+ class impl_IDtype_ITUserRView* ITUserRView ();
+ class impl_IDtype_ITUserFunction* ITUserFunction (fnclass);
+ class impl_IDtype_ITPatternVariable* ITPatternVariable (ID, integer);
+ class impl_IDtype_ITLanguageName* ITLanguageName (integer);
+ operators Niloperators();
+ operators Consoperators(ID,operators);
+ phyla Nilphyla();
+ phyla Consphyla(ID,phyla);
+ variables Nilvariables();
+ variables Consvariables(ID,variables);
+ class impl_dollarvarstatus_DVAllowed* DVAllowed ();
+ class impl_dollarvarstatus_DVDisallowed* DVDisallowed ();
+ class impl_tribool_Equal* Equal ();
+ class impl_tribool_Smaller* Smaller ();
+ class impl_tribool_Bigger* Bigger ();
+ patternrepresentations Nilpatternrepresentations();
+ patternrepresentations Conspatternrepresentations(patternrepresentation,patternrepresentations);
+ patternrepresentation Nilpatternrepresentation();
+ patternrepresentation Conspatternrepresentation(elem_patternrepresentation,patternrepresentation);
+ class impl_elem_patternrepresentation_PRBinding* PRBinding (path, ID);
+ class impl_elem_patternrepresentation_PRVarPredicate* PRVarPredicate (paths, ID, patternrepresentation);
+ class impl_elem_patternrepresentation_PROperPredicate* PROperPredicate (path, ID);
+ class impl_elem_patternrepresentation_PRUserPredicate* PRUserPredicate (Cexpression);
+ class impl_elem_patternrepresentation_PRNonLeafBinding* PRNonLeafBinding (path, ID, patternrepresentation);
+ class impl_elem_patternrepresentation_PRWildcard* PRWildcard (path);
+ class impl_elem_patternrepresentation_PRDefault* PRDefault ();
+ class impl_elem_patternrepresentation_PRStringLiteral* PRStringLiteral (path, CexpressionDQ);
+ class impl_elem_patternrepresentation_PRIntLiteral* PRIntLiteral (path, INT);
+ path Nilpath();
+ path Conspath(integer,path);
+ paths Nilpaths();
+ paths Conspaths(path,paths);
+ argsnumbers Nilargsnumbers();
+ argsnumbers Consargsnumbers(integer,argsnumbers);
+ rewriterulesinfo Nilrewriterulesinfo();
+ rewriterulesinfo Consrewriterulesinfo(rewriteruleinfo,rewriterulesinfo);
+ class impl_rewriteruleinfo_Rewriteruleinfo* Rewriteruleinfo (patternrepresentation, patternrepresentation, rewriteclause);
+ withcasesinfo Nilwithcasesinfo();
+ withcasesinfo Conswithcasesinfo(withcaseinfo,withcasesinfo);
+ class impl_withcaseinfo_Withcaseinfo* Withcaseinfo (patternrepresentation, patternrepresentation, Ctext);
+ rewriteviewsinfo Nilrewriteviewsinfo();
+ rewriteviewsinfo Consrewriteviewsinfo(rewriteviewinfo,rewriteviewsinfo);
+ class impl_rewriteviewinfo_Rewriteviewinfo* Rewriteviewinfo (ID, rewriterulesinfo);
+ unparseviewsinfo Nilunparseviewsinfo();
+ unparseviewsinfo Consunparseviewsinfo(unparseviewinfo,unparseviewsinfo);
+ class impl_unparseviewinfo_Unparseviewinfo* Unparseviewinfo (ID, unparsedeclsinfo);
+ unparsedeclsinfo Nilunparsedeclsinfo();
+ unparsedeclsinfo Consunparsedeclsinfo(unparsedeclinfo,unparsedeclsinfo);
+ class impl_unparsedeclinfo_Unparsedeclinfo* Unparsedeclinfo (patternrepresentation, patternrepresentation, unparseclause);
+ class impl_ac_declaration_AcDeclaration* AcDeclaration (ac_declaration_specifiers, ac_init_declarator_list);
+ ac_declaration_list Nilac_declaration_list();
+ ac_declaration_list Consac_declaration_list(ac_declaration,ac_declaration_list);
+ ac_declaration_specifiers Nilac_declaration_specifiers();
+ ac_declaration_specifiers Consac_declaration_specifiers(ac_declaration_specifier,ac_declaration_specifiers);
+ class impl_ac_declaration_specifier_AcDeclSpecStorageSpec* AcDeclSpecStorageSpec (ac_storage_class_specifier);
+ class impl_ac_declaration_specifier_AcDeclSpecTypeSpec* AcDeclSpecTypeSpec (ac_type_specifier);
+ class impl_ac_declaration_specifier_AcDeclSpecTypeQual* AcDeclSpecTypeQual (ac_type_qualifier);
+ class impl_ac_storage_class_specifier_AcAuto* AcAuto ();
+ class impl_ac_storage_class_specifier_AcRegister* AcRegister ();
+ class impl_ac_storage_class_specifier_AcStatic* AcStatic ();
+ class impl_ac_storage_class_specifier_AcExtern* AcExtern ();
+ class impl_ac_storage_class_specifier_AcTypedef* AcTypedef ();
+ class impl_ac_storage_class_specifier_AcVirtual* AcVirtual ();
+ class impl_ac_type_specifier_AcTypeSpec* AcTypeSpec (ID);
+ class impl_ac_type_qualifier_AcConst* AcConst ();
+ class impl_ac_type_qualifier_AcVolatile* AcVolatile ();
+ class impl_ac_type_qualifier_AcUnsigned* AcUnsigned ();
+ class impl_ac_type_qualifier_AcNoQualifier* AcNoQualifier ();
+ ac_init_declarator_list Nilac_init_declarator_list();
+ ac_init_declarator_list Consac_init_declarator_list(ac_init_declarator,ac_init_declarator_list);
+ class impl_ac_init_declarator_AcInitDecl* AcInitDecl (ac_declarator);
+ class impl_ac_declarator_AcDeclarator* AcDeclarator (ac_pointer_option, ac_ref_option, ac_direct_declarator);
+ class impl_ac_direct_declarator_AcDirectDeclId* AcDirectDeclId (ID);
+ class impl_ac_direct_declarator_AcDirectDeclPack* AcDirectDeclPack (ac_declarator);
+ class impl_ac_direct_declarator_AcDirectDeclArray* AcDirectDeclArray (ac_direct_declarator, ac_constant_expression_option);
+ class impl_ac_direct_declarator_AcDirectDeclProto* AcDirectDeclProto (ac_direct_declarator, ac_parameter_type_list);
+ class impl_ac_direct_declarator_AcQualifiedDeclProto* AcQualifiedDeclProto (ac_class_qualifier_list, ac_direct_declarator, ac_parameter_type_list, ac_type_qualifier);
+ class impl_ac_direct_declarator_AcMemberDecl* AcMemberDecl (ID, ID, ac_constant_expression_list);
+ class impl_ac_direct_declarator_AcConvOperatorDecl* AcConvOperatorDecl (ID, ID);
+ class impl_ac_direct_declarator_AcOperatorDeclId* AcOperatorDeclId (ac_operator_name);
+ class impl_ac_pointer_option_Nopointer* Nopointer ();
+ class impl_ac_pointer_option_Yespointer* Yespointer (ac_pointer);
+ class impl_ac_pointer_AcPointerNil* AcPointerNil (ac_type_qualifier_list);
+ class impl_ac_pointer_AcPointerCons* AcPointerCons (ac_type_qualifier_list, ac_pointer);
+ class impl_ac_ref_option_AcNoRef* AcNoRef ();
+ class impl_ac_ref_option_AcRef* AcRef ();
+ class impl_ac_operator_name_AcOperatorName* AcOperatorName (casestring);
+ ac_class_qualifier_help_list Nilac_class_qualifier_help_list();
+ ac_class_qualifier_help_list Consac_class_qualifier_help_list(ac_direct_declarator,ac_class_qualifier_help_list);
+ ac_class_qualifier_list Nilac_class_qualifier_list();
+ ac_class_qualifier_list Consac_class_qualifier_list(ID,ac_class_qualifier_list);
+ ac_type_qualifier_list Nilac_type_qualifier_list();
+ ac_type_qualifier_list Consac_type_qualifier_list(ac_type_qualifier,ac_type_qualifier_list);
+ class impl_ac_parameter_type_list_AcParList* AcParList (ac_parameter_list);
+ class impl_ac_parameter_type_list_AcParList3Dot* AcParList3Dot (ac_parameter_list);
+ ac_parameter_list Nilac_parameter_list();
+ ac_parameter_list Consac_parameter_list(ac_parameter_declaration,ac_parameter_list);
+ class impl_ac_parameter_declaration_AcParDeclDecl* AcParDeclDecl (ac_declaration_specifiers, ac_declarator, ac_constant_expression_option);
+ class impl_ac_parameter_declaration_AcParDeclAbsdecl* AcParDeclAbsdecl (ac_declaration_specifiers, ac_abstract_declarator, ac_constant_expression_option);
+ ac_identifier_list Nilac_identifier_list();
+ ac_identifier_list Consac_identifier_list(ID,ac_identifier_list);
+ class impl_ac_abstract_declarator_AcAbsdeclPointer* AcAbsdeclPointer (ac_pointer);
+ class impl_ac_abstract_declarator_AcAbsdeclDirdecl* AcAbsdeclDirdecl (ac_pointer_option, ac_direct_abstract_declarator);
+ class impl_ac_direct_abstract_declarator_option_Noac_direct_abstract_declarator* Noac_direct_abstract_declarator ();
+ class impl_ac_direct_abstract_declarator_option_Yesac_direct_abstract_declarator* Yesac_direct_abstract_declarator (ac_direct_abstract_declarator);
+ class impl_ac_direct_abstract_declarator_AcDirAbsdeclPack* AcDirAbsdeclPack (ac_abstract_declarator);
+ class impl_ac_direct_abstract_declarator_AcDirAbsdeclArray* AcDirAbsdeclArray (ac_direct_abstract_declarator_option, ac_constant_expression_option);
+ class impl_ac_direct_abstract_declarator_AcDirAbsdeclFn* AcDirAbsdeclFn (ac_direct_abstract_declarator_option, ac_parameter_type_list);
+ class impl_ac_constant_expression_option_Yesac_constant_expression* Yesac_constant_expression (ac_constant_expression);
+ class impl_ac_constant_expression_option_Noac_constant_expression* Noac_constant_expression ();
+ class impl_ac_constant_expression_AcConstExpr* AcConstExpr (Cexpression);
+ ac_constant_expression_list Nilac_constant_expression_list();
+ ac_constant_expression_list Consac_constant_expression_list(ac_constant_expression,ac_constant_expression_list);
+ class impl_ac_opt_base_init_list_AcNoBaseInit* AcNoBaseInit ();
+ class impl_ac_opt_base_init_list_AcYesBaseInit* AcYesBaseInit (ac_base_init_list);
+ ac_base_init_list Nilac_base_init_list();
+ ac_base_init_list Consac_base_init_list(ac_base_init,ac_base_init_list);
+ class impl_ac_base_init_AcBaseInit* AcBaseInit (ID, ac_constant_expression);
+ baseclass_declarations Nilbaseclass_declarations();
+ baseclass_declarations Consbaseclass_declarations(baseclass_decl,baseclass_declarations);
+ class impl_baseclass_decl_BaseClassDecl* BaseClassDecl (ID, baseclass_list);
+ baseclass_list Nilbaseclass_list();
+ baseclass_list Consbaseclass_list(ID,baseclass_list);
+ class impl_error_Fatal* Fatal (fileline, problem);
+ class impl_error_NonFatal* NonFatal (fileline, problem);
+ class impl_error_Warning* Warning (fileline, problem);
+ class impl_problem_Problem1* Problem1 (casestring);
+ class impl_problem_Problem1ID* Problem1ID (casestring, ID);
+ class impl_problem_Problem1tID* Problem1tID (casestring, ID);
+ class impl_problem_Problem1we* Problem1we (casestring, withexpression);
+ class impl_problem_Problem1ID1ID* Problem1ID1ID (casestring, ID, casestring, ID);
+ class impl_problem_Problem1t1ID* Problem1t1ID (casestring, IDtype, casestring, ID);
+ class impl_problem_Problem1INT* Problem1INT (casestring, INT);
+ class impl_problem_Problem1int1* Problem1int1 (casestring, integer, casestring);
+ class impl_problem_Problem1INT1ID* Problem1INT1ID (casestring, INT, casestring, ID);
+ class impl_problem_Problem1ID1ID1ID* Problem1ID1ID1ID (casestring, ID, casestring, ID, casestring, ID);
+ class impl_problem_Problem1INT1ID1ID* Problem1INT1ID1ID (casestring, INT, casestring, ID, casestring, ID);
+ class impl_problem_Problem1storageoption1ID* Problem1storageoption1ID (casestring, storageoption, casestring, ID);
+ class impl_problem_Problem2* Problem2 (casestring, casestring);
+ class impl_problem_Problem3* Problem3 (casestring, casestring, casestring);
+ class impl_problem_Problem3int1* Problem3int1 (casestring, casestring, casestring, integer, casestring);
+ class impl_problem_Problem4* Problem4 (casestring, casestring, casestring, casestring);
+ class impl_problem_Problem5* Problem5 (casestring, casestring, casestring, casestring, casestring);
+ class impl_problem_Problem6* Problem6 (casestring, casestring, casestring, casestring, casestring, casestring);
+ addedphylumdeclarations Niladdedphylumdeclarations();
+ addedphylumdeclarations Consaddedphylumdeclarations(addedphylumdeclaration,addedphylumdeclarations);
+ class impl_addedphylumdeclaration_AddedPhylumdeclaration* AddedPhylumdeclaration (uniqID);
+ countedphylumdeclarations Nilcountedphylumdeclarations();
+ countedphylumdeclarations Conscountedphylumdeclarations(countedphylumdeclaration,countedphylumdeclarations);
+ class impl_countedphylumdeclaration_CountedPhylumdeclaration* CountedPhylumdeclaration (uniqID);
+ class impl_charruns_Newlines* Newlines ();
+ class impl_charruns_QuotedNewlines* QuotedNewlines ();
+ class impl_charruns_Stars* Stars ();
+ bindingidmarks Nilbindingidmarks();
+ bindingidmarks Consbindingidmarks(bindingidmark,bindingidmarks);
+ class impl_bindingidmark_BindingIdMark* BindingIdMark (uniqID);
+ //namespace Phylum {
+ class impl_abstract_phylum {
+ public:
+     virtual enum_operators prod_sel() const =0;
+     static const enum_phyla phylum_sel_;
+     enum_phyla phylum() const;
+     const char* phylum_name() const;
+     const char* op_name() const;
+     virtual abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     virtual void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     void free(bool recursive=true);
+     bool eq(c_abstract_phylum) const;
+     void print();
+     void fprint(FILE *);
+     abstract_phylum copy(bool kc_copy_attributes) const;
+     void unparse(printer_functor pf, uview uv)
+ 	{ do_unparse(pf, uv); }
+     void unparse(printer_function opf, uview uv);
+     virtual abstract_phylum rewrite(rview v) { return do_rewrite(v); }
+     virtual abstract_phylum do_rewrite(rview) { return this;}
+     // called if a subphylum of an op is rewritten and a new op is created by default rule
+     virtual void rewrite_members(abstract_phylum from) {} 
+     virtual void post_create(){}
+     virtual ~impl_abstract_phylum() { }
+ private:
+     virtual void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview) =0;
+ protected:
+     virtual void default_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_abstract_list: public impl_abstract_phylum{
+ private:
+     void fprint_list(FILE *);
+     friend class impl_abstract_phylum;
+ protected:
+     abstract_phylum do_concat(c_abstract_phylum other, enum_operators) const;
+     abstract_phylum do_reverse(c_abstract_phylum tail, enum_operators) const;
+     abstract_phylum do_map(abstract_phylum (*kc_fp)(abstract_phylum), enum_operators);
+     abstract_phylum do_filter(bool (*kc_fp)(abstract_phylum), enum_operators);
+     abstract_list   do_append(abstract_phylum, abstract_list);
+     abstract_phylum do_merge(abstract_list,abstract_phylum (*kc_fp)(abstract_phylum,abstract_phylum), enum_operators);
+     abstract_phylum do_reduce(abstract_phylum neutral, abstract_phylum (*kc_fp)(abstract_phylum,abstract_phylum));
+ public:
+     virtual bool is_nil() const =0;
+     virtual abstract_list reverse() const =0;
+     int length() const;
+     abstract_phylum last() const;
+     // Non-virtual, non-existing... Type must be known exactly anyway because
+     // of the function given as a parameter
+     //virtual abstract_list map( abstract_phylum (*)( abstract_phylum )) =0;
+     //virtual abstract_list filter(bool (*)(abstract_phylum)) =0;
+     void freelist();
+ };
+ abstract_phylum kc_create(enum_operators createOp, abstract_phylum=0, abstract_phylum=0, abstract_phylum=0, abstract_phylum=0, abstract_phylum=0, abstract_phylum=0, abstract_phylum=0);
+ abstract_phylum& attributeOf(abstract_phylum kc_p, int no);
+ class impl_nocasestring_NoCaseStr;
+ typedef impl_nocasestring_NoCaseStr impl_nocasestring;
+ class impl_nocasestring_NoCaseStr:public impl_abstract_phylum{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel_NoCaseStr; }
+     static const enum_phyla phylum_sel_;
+ private:
+     explicit impl_nocasestring_NoCaseStr(const kc_char*);
+     void make_own(int length);
+     friend nocasestring mknocasestring(const kc_char*, int);
+ public:
+     ~impl_nocasestring_NoCaseStr() {
+ #if defined (_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER<1300
+ 	delete [] (kc_char*)name;
+ #else
+ 	delete [] name;
+ #endif
+     }
+     nocasestring rewrite( rview )
+ 	{ return this; }
+     kc_char const* name;
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_casestring__Str;
+ typedef impl_casestring__Str impl_casestring;
+ class impl_casestring__Str:public impl_abstract_phylum{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel__Str; }
+     static const enum_phyla phylum_sel_;
+ private:
+     explicit impl_casestring__Str(const kc_char*);
+     void make_own(int length);
+     friend casestring mkcasestring(const kc_char*, int);
+ public:
+     ~impl_casestring__Str() {
+ #if defined (_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER<1300
+ 	delete [] (kc_char*)name;
+ #else
+ 	delete [] name;
+ #endif
+     }
+     casestring rewrite( rview )
+ 	{ return this; }
+     kc_char const* name;
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_real__Real;
+ typedef impl_real__Real impl_real;
+ class impl_real__Real:public impl_abstract_phylum{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel__Real; }
+     static const enum_phyla phylum_sel_;
+     explicit impl_real__Real(REAL _value);
+     real rewrite( rview )
+ 	{ return this; }
+     REAL value;
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_integer__Int;
+ typedef impl_integer__Int impl_integer;
+ class impl_integer__Int:public impl_abstract_phylum{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel__Int; }
+     static const enum_phyla phylum_sel_;
+     explicit impl_integer__Int(INTEGER _value);
+     integer rewrite( rview )
+ 	{ return this; }
+     INTEGER value;
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_voidptr__VoidPtr;
+ typedef impl_voidptr__VoidPtr impl_voidptr;
+ class impl_voidptr__VoidPtr:public impl_abstract_phylum{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel__VoidPtr; }
+     static const enum_phyla phylum_sel_;
+     explicit impl_voidptr__VoidPtr(void* _pointer);
+     voidptr rewrite( rview )
+ 	{ return this; }
+     void* pointer;
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_uniqID: public impl_abstract_phylum{
+ public:
+     static const enum_phyla phylum_sel_;
+     IDtype type;
+     int line;
+     casestring file;
+     scopetypefilelinestack scopeinfo;
+     uniqID rewrite(rview) =0;
+ };
+ class impl_uniqID_Str:public impl_uniqID{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel_Str; }
+     explicit impl_uniqID_Str(casestring);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     uniqID rewrite( rview );
+     impl_casestring* casestring_1;
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_ID: public impl_abstract_phylum{
+ public:
+     static const enum_phyla phylum_sel_;
+     IDtype type;
+     casestring named_subphylum;
+     int line;
+     casestring file;
+     ID rewrite(rview) =0;
+ };
+ class impl_ID_Id:public impl_ID{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel_Id; }
+     explicit impl_ID_Id(uniqID);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     ID rewrite( rview );
+     impl_uniqID* uniqID_1;
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_INT: public impl_abstract_phylum{
+ public:
+     static const enum_phyla phylum_sel_;
+     int line;
+     casestring file;
+     INT rewrite(rview) =0;
+ };
+ class impl_INT_Int:public impl_INT{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel_Int; }
+     explicit impl_INT_Int(integer);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     INT rewrite( rview );
+     impl_integer* integer_1;
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_STRING: public impl_abstract_phylum{
+ public:
+     static const enum_phyla phylum_sel_;
+     int line;
+     casestring file;
+     STRING rewrite(rview) =0;
+ };
+ class impl_STRING_String:public impl_STRING{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel_String; }
+     explicit impl_STRING_String(casestring);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     STRING rewrite( rview );
+     impl_casestring* casestring_1;
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_phylumdeclarationsroot: public impl_abstract_phylum{
+ public:
+     static const enum_phyla phylum_sel_;
+     phylumdeclarationsroot rewrite(rview) =0;
+ };
+ class impl_phylumdeclarationsroot_PhylumDeclarations:public impl_phylumdeclarationsroot{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel_PhylumDeclarations; }
+     explicit impl_phylumdeclarationsroot_PhylumDeclarations(phylumdeclarations);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     phylumdeclarationsroot rewrite( rview );
+     impl_phylumdeclarations* phylumdeclarations_1;
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_phylumdeclarations: public impl_abstract_list{
+ public:
+     static const enum_phyla phylum_sel_;
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const{
+ 	return is_nil() ? sel_Nilphylumdeclarations: sel_Consphylumdeclarations;
+     }
+     explicit impl_phylumdeclarations(phylumdeclaration = 0, phylumdeclarations = 0);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     friend phylumdeclarations concat(c_phylumdeclarations, c_phylumdeclarations);
+     phylumdeclarations reverse() const;
+     phylumdeclarations rewrite(rview);
+     phylumdeclaration last() const;
+     phylumdeclarations append(phylumdeclaration);
+     phylumdeclarations map(phylumdeclaration (*)(phylumdeclaration));
+     phylumdeclarations filter( bool (*)(phylumdeclaration));
+     phylumdeclarations merge( phylumdeclarations, phylumdeclaration (*)(phylumdeclaration, phylumdeclaration));
+     phylumdeclaration reduce( phylumdeclaration, phylumdeclaration (*)(phylumdeclaration, phylumdeclaration));
+     bool is_nil() const;
+     phylumdeclaration phylumdeclaration_1;
+     phylumdeclarations phylumdeclarations_1;
+ private:
+     impl_phylumdeclarations* nil_rewrite(rview);
+     impl_phylumdeclarations* cons_rewrite(rview);
+     void nil_do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_phylumnames: public impl_abstract_list{
+ public:
+     static const enum_phyla phylum_sel_;
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const{
+ 	return is_nil() ? sel_Nilphylumnames: sel_Consphylumnames;
+     }
+     explicit impl_phylumnames(ID = 0, phylumnames = 0);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     friend phylumnames concat(c_phylumnames, c_phylumnames);
+     phylumnames reverse() const;
+     phylumnames rewrite(rview);
+     ID last() const;
+     phylumnames append(ID);
+     phylumnames map(ID (*)(ID));
+     phylumnames filter( bool (*)(ID));
+     phylumnames merge( phylumnames, ID (*)(ID, ID));
+     ID reduce( ID, ID (*)(ID, ID));
+     bool is_nil() const;
+     ID ID_1;
+     phylumnames phylumnames_1;
+ private:
+     impl_phylumnames* nil_rewrite(rview);
+     impl_phylumnames* cons_rewrite(rview);
+     void nil_do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_phylumdeclaration: public impl_abstract_phylum{
+ public:
+     static const enum_phyla phylum_sel_;
+     int marked;
+     fndeclarations additional_members;
+     baseclass_list base_classes;
+     phylumdeclaration rewrite(rview) =0;
+ };
+ class impl_phylumdeclaration_PhylumDeclaration:public impl_phylumdeclaration{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel_PhylumDeclaration; }
+     explicit impl_phylumdeclaration_PhylumDeclaration(ID, storageoption, productionblock, Ccode_option);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     phylumdeclaration rewrite( rview );
+     impl_ID* ID_1;
+     impl_storageoption* storageoption_1;
+     impl_productionblock* productionblock_1;
+     impl_Ccode_option* Ccode_option_1;
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_storageoption: public impl_abstract_phylum{
+ public:
+     static const enum_phyla phylum_sel_;
+     storageoption rewrite(rview) =0;
+ };
+ class impl_storageoption_PositiveStorageOption:public impl_storageoption{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel_PositiveStorageOption; }
+     explicit impl_storageoption_PositiveStorageOption(ID);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     storageoption rewrite( rview );
+     impl_ID* ID_1;
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_storageoption_NegativeStorageOption:public impl_storageoption{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel_NegativeStorageOption; }
+     explicit impl_storageoption_NegativeStorageOption(ID);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     storageoption rewrite( rview );
+     impl_ID* ID_1;
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_storageoption_NoStorageOption:public impl_storageoption{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel_NoStorageOption; }
+     explicit impl_storageoption_NoStorageOption();
+     storageoption rewrite( rview );
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_storageclasses: public impl_abstract_list{
+ public:
+     static const enum_phyla phylum_sel_;
+     phylumnames phyla;
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const{
+ 	return is_nil() ? sel_Nilstorageclasses: sel_Consstorageclasses;
+     }
+     explicit impl_storageclasses(ID = 0, storageclasses = 0);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     friend storageclasses concat(c_storageclasses, c_storageclasses);
+     storageclasses reverse() const;
+     storageclasses rewrite(rview);
+     ID last() const;
+     storageclasses append(ID);
+     storageclasses map(ID (*)(ID));
+     storageclasses filter( bool (*)(ID));
+     storageclasses merge( storageclasses, ID (*)(ID, ID));
+     ID reduce( ID, ID (*)(ID, ID));
+     bool is_nil() const;
+     ID ID_1;
+     storageclasses storageclasses_1;
+ private:
+     impl_storageclasses* nil_rewrite(rview);
+     impl_storageclasses* cons_rewrite(rview);
+     void nil_do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_productionblock: public impl_abstract_phylum{
+ public:
+     static const enum_phyla phylum_sel_;
+     productionblock rewrite(rview) =0;
+ };
+ class impl_productionblock_PredefinedAlternatives:public impl_productionblock{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel_PredefinedAlternatives; }
+     explicit impl_productionblock_PredefinedAlternatives(alternatives);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     productionblock rewrite( rview );
+     impl_alternatives* alternatives_1;
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_productionblock_NonlistAlternatives:public impl_productionblock{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel_NonlistAlternatives; }
+     explicit impl_productionblock_NonlistAlternatives(alternatives);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     productionblock rewrite( rview );
+     impl_alternatives* alternatives_1;
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_productionblock_ListAlternatives:public impl_productionblock{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel_ListAlternatives; }
+     explicit impl_productionblock_ListAlternatives(alternatives, ID);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     productionblock rewrite( rview );
+     impl_alternatives* alternatives_1;
+     impl_ID* ID_1;
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_productionblock_Emptyproductionblock:public impl_productionblock{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel_Emptyproductionblock; }
+     explicit impl_productionblock_Emptyproductionblock();
+     productionblock rewrite( rview );
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_alternatives: public impl_abstract_list{
+ public:
+     static const enum_phyla phylum_sel_;
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const{
+ 	return is_nil() ? sel_Nilalternatives: sel_Consalternatives;
+     }
+     explicit impl_alternatives(alternative = 0, alternatives = 0);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     friend alternatives concat(c_alternatives, c_alternatives);
+     alternatives reverse() const;
+     alternatives rewrite(rview);
+     alternative last() const;
+     alternatives append(alternative);
+     alternatives map(alternative (*)(alternative));
+     alternatives filter( bool (*)(alternative));
+     alternatives merge( alternatives, alternative (*)(alternative, alternative));
+     alternative reduce( alternative, alternative (*)(alternative, alternative));
+     bool is_nil() const;
+     alternative alternative_1;
+     alternatives alternatives_1;
+ private:
+     impl_alternatives* nil_rewrite(rview);
+     impl_alternatives* cons_rewrite(rview);
+     void nil_do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_alternative: public impl_abstract_phylum{
+ public:
+     static const enum_phyla phylum_sel_;
+     rewriterulesinfo rewriteinfo;
+     unparsedeclsinfo unparseinfo;
+     fndeclarations additional_members;
+     baseclass_list base_classes;
+     alternative rewrite(rview) =0;
+ };
+ class impl_alternative_Alternative:public impl_alternative{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel_Alternative; }
+     explicit impl_alternative_Alternative(ID, arguments);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     alternative rewrite( rview );
+     impl_ID* ID_1;
+     impl_arguments* arguments_1;
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_arguments: public impl_abstract_list{
+ public:
+     static const enum_phyla phylum_sel_;
+     int seqnr;
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const{
+ 	return is_nil() ? sel_Nilarguments: sel_Consarguments;
+     }
+     explicit impl_arguments(ID = 0, arguments = 0);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     friend arguments concat(c_arguments, c_arguments);
+     arguments reverse() const;
+     arguments rewrite(rview);
+     ID last() const;
+     arguments append(ID);
+     arguments map(ID (*)(ID));
+     arguments filter( bool (*)(ID));
+     arguments merge( arguments, ID (*)(ID, ID));
+     ID reduce( ID, ID (*)(ID, ID));
+     bool is_nil() const;
+     ID ID_1;
+     arguments arguments_1;
+ private:
+     impl_arguments* nil_rewrite(rview);
+     impl_arguments* cons_rewrite(rview);
+     void nil_do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_argument: public impl_abstract_phylum{
+ public:
+     static const enum_phyla phylum_sel_;
+     argument rewrite(rview) =0;
+ };
+ class impl_argument_Argument:public impl_argument{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel_Argument; }
+     explicit impl_argument_Argument(ID, integer);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     argument rewrite( rview );
+     impl_ID* ID_1;
+     impl_integer* integer_1;
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_Ccode_option: public impl_abstract_phylum{
+ public:
+     static const enum_phyla phylum_sel_;
+     Ccode_option rewrite(rview) =0;
+ };
+ class impl_Ccode_option_CcodeOption:public impl_Ccode_option{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel_CcodeOption; }
+     explicit impl_Ccode_option_CcodeOption(attributes, Ctexts);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     Ccode_option rewrite( rview );
+     impl_attributes* attributes_1;
+     impl_Ctexts* Ctexts_1;
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_attributes: public impl_abstract_list{
+ public:
+     static const enum_phyla phylum_sel_;
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const{
+ 	return is_nil() ? sel_Nilattributes: sel_Consattributes;
+     }
+     explicit impl_attributes(attribute = 0, attributes = 0);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     friend attributes concat(c_attributes, c_attributes);
+     attributes reverse() const;
+     attributes rewrite(rview);
+     attribute last() const;
+     attributes append(attribute);
+     attributes map(attribute (*)(attribute));
+     attributes filter( bool (*)(attribute));
+     attributes merge( attributes, attribute (*)(attribute, attribute));
+     attribute reduce( attribute, attribute (*)(attribute, attribute));
+     bool is_nil() const;
+     attribute attribute_1;
+     attributes attributes_1;
+ private:
+     impl_attributes* nil_rewrite(rview);
+     impl_attributes* cons_rewrite(rview);
+     void nil_do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_attribute: public impl_abstract_phylum{
+ public:
+     static const enum_phyla phylum_sel_;
+     attribute rewrite(rview) =0;
+ };
+ class impl_attribute_Attribute:public impl_attribute{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel_Attribute; }
+     explicit impl_attribute_Attribute(ID, ID, attribute_initialisation_option);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     attribute rewrite( rview );
+     impl_ID* ID_1;
+     impl_ID* ID_2;
+     impl_attribute_initialisation_option* attribute_initialisation_option_1;
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_attribute_initialisation_option: public impl_abstract_phylum{
+ public:
+     static const enum_phyla phylum_sel_;
+     attribute_initialisation_option rewrite(rview) =0;
+ };
+ class impl_attribute_initialisation_option_Yesattribute_initialisation:public impl_attribute_initialisation_option{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel_Yesattribute_initialisation; }
+     explicit impl_attribute_initialisation_option_Yesattribute_initialisation(Cexpression);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     attribute_initialisation_option rewrite( rview );
+     impl_Cexpression* Cexpression_1;
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_attribute_initialisation_option_Noattribute_initialisation:public impl_attribute_initialisation_option{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel_Noattribute_initialisation; }
+     explicit impl_attribute_initialisation_option_Noattribute_initialisation();
+     attribute_initialisation_option rewrite( rview );
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_Cexpression: public impl_abstract_list{
+ public:
+     static const enum_phyla phylum_sel_;
+     int line;
+     casestring file;
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const{
+ 	return is_nil() ? sel_NilCexpression: sel_ConsCexpression;
+     }
+     explicit impl_Cexpression(Cexpression_elem = 0, Cexpression = 0);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     friend Cexpression concat(c_Cexpression, c_Cexpression);
+     Cexpression reverse() const;
+     Cexpression rewrite(rview);
+     Cexpression_elem last() const;
+     Cexpression append(Cexpression_elem);
+     Cexpression map(Cexpression_elem (*)(Cexpression_elem));
+     Cexpression filter( bool (*)(Cexpression_elem));
+     Cexpression merge( Cexpression, Cexpression_elem (*)(Cexpression_elem, Cexpression_elem));
+     Cexpression_elem reduce( Cexpression_elem, Cexpression_elem (*)(Cexpression_elem, Cexpression_elem));
+     bool is_nil() const;
+     Cexpression_elem Cexpression_elem_1;
+     Cexpression Cexpression_1;
+ private:
+     impl_Cexpression* nil_rewrite(rview);
+     impl_Cexpression* cons_rewrite(rview);
+     void nil_do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_Cexpression_elem: public impl_abstract_phylum{
+ public:
+     static const enum_phyla phylum_sel_;
+     Cexpression_elem rewrite(rview) =0;
+ };
+ class impl_Cexpression_elem_CExpressionArray:public impl_Cexpression_elem{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel_CExpressionArray; }
+     explicit impl_Cexpression_elem_CExpressionArray(Cexpression);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     Cexpression_elem rewrite( rview );
+     impl_Cexpression* Cexpression_1;
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_Cexpression_elem_CExpressionPack:public impl_Cexpression_elem{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel_CExpressionPack; }
+     explicit impl_Cexpression_elem_CExpressionPack(Cexpression);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     Cexpression_elem rewrite( rview );
+     impl_Cexpression* Cexpression_1;
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_Cexpression_elem_CExpressionSQ:public impl_Cexpression_elem{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel_CExpressionSQ; }
+     explicit impl_Cexpression_elem_CExpressionSQ(CexpressionSQ);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     Cexpression_elem rewrite( rview );
+     impl_CexpressionSQ* CexpressionSQ_1;
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_Cexpression_elem_CExpressionDQ:public impl_Cexpression_elem{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel_CExpressionDQ; }
+     explicit impl_Cexpression_elem_CExpressionDQ(CexpressionDQ);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     Cexpression_elem rewrite( rview );
+     impl_CexpressionDQ* CexpressionDQ_1;
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_Cexpression_elem_CExpressionNl:public impl_Cexpression_elem{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel_CExpressionNl; }
+     explicit impl_Cexpression_elem_CExpressionNl();
+     Cexpression_elem rewrite( rview );
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_Cexpression_elem_CExpressionDollarvar:public impl_Cexpression_elem{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel_CExpressionDollarvar; }
+     explicit impl_Cexpression_elem_CExpressionDollarvar(INT);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     Cexpression_elem rewrite( rview );
+     impl_INT* INT_1;
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_Cexpression_elem_CExpressionPart:public impl_Cexpression_elem{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel_CExpressionPart; }
+     explicit impl_Cexpression_elem_CExpressionPart(casestring);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     Cexpression_elem rewrite( rview );
+     impl_casestring* casestring_1;
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_CexpressionDQ: public impl_abstract_list{
+ public:
+     static const enum_phyla phylum_sel_;
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const{
+ 	return is_nil() ? sel_NilCexpressionDQ: sel_ConsCexpressionDQ;
+     }
+     explicit impl_CexpressionDQ(CexpressionDQ_elem = 0, CexpressionDQ = 0);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     friend CexpressionDQ concat(c_CexpressionDQ, c_CexpressionDQ);
+     CexpressionDQ reverse() const;
+     CexpressionDQ rewrite(rview);
+     CexpressionDQ_elem last() const;
+     CexpressionDQ append(CexpressionDQ_elem);
+     CexpressionDQ map(CexpressionDQ_elem (*)(CexpressionDQ_elem));
+     CexpressionDQ filter( bool (*)(CexpressionDQ_elem));
+     CexpressionDQ merge( CexpressionDQ, CexpressionDQ_elem (*)(CexpressionDQ_elem, CexpressionDQ_elem));
+     CexpressionDQ_elem reduce( CexpressionDQ_elem, CexpressionDQ_elem (*)(CexpressionDQ_elem, CexpressionDQ_elem));
+     bool is_nil() const;
+     CexpressionDQ_elem CexpressionDQ_elem_1;
+     CexpressionDQ CexpressionDQ_1;
+ private:
+     impl_CexpressionDQ* nil_rewrite(rview);
+     impl_CexpressionDQ* cons_rewrite(rview);
+     void nil_do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_CexpressionDQ_elem: public impl_abstract_phylum{
+ public:
+     static const enum_phyla phylum_sel_;
+     CexpressionDQ_elem rewrite(rview) =0;
+ };
+ class impl_CexpressionDQ_elem_CExpressionDQNl:public impl_CexpressionDQ_elem{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel_CExpressionDQNl; }
+     explicit impl_CexpressionDQ_elem_CExpressionDQNl();
+     CexpressionDQ_elem rewrite( rview );
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_CexpressionDQ_elem_CExpressionDQPart:public impl_CexpressionDQ_elem{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel_CExpressionDQPart; }
+     explicit impl_CexpressionDQ_elem_CExpressionDQPart(casestring);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     CexpressionDQ_elem rewrite( rview );
+     impl_casestring* casestring_1;
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_CexpressionSQ: public impl_abstract_list{
+ public:
+     static const enum_phyla phylum_sel_;
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const{
+ 	return is_nil() ? sel_NilCexpressionSQ: sel_ConsCexpressionSQ;
+     }
+     explicit impl_CexpressionSQ(CexpressionSQ_elem = 0, CexpressionSQ = 0);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     friend CexpressionSQ concat(c_CexpressionSQ, c_CexpressionSQ);
+     CexpressionSQ reverse() const;
+     CexpressionSQ rewrite(rview);
+     CexpressionSQ_elem last() const;
+     CexpressionSQ append(CexpressionSQ_elem);
+     CexpressionSQ map(CexpressionSQ_elem (*)(CexpressionSQ_elem));
+     CexpressionSQ filter( bool (*)(CexpressionSQ_elem));
+     CexpressionSQ merge( CexpressionSQ, CexpressionSQ_elem (*)(CexpressionSQ_elem, CexpressionSQ_elem));
+     CexpressionSQ_elem reduce( CexpressionSQ_elem, CexpressionSQ_elem (*)(CexpressionSQ_elem, CexpressionSQ_elem));
+     bool is_nil() const;
+     CexpressionSQ_elem CexpressionSQ_elem_1;
+     CexpressionSQ CexpressionSQ_1;
+ private:
+     impl_CexpressionSQ* nil_rewrite(rview);
+     impl_CexpressionSQ* cons_rewrite(rview);
+     void nil_do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_CexpressionSQ_elem: public impl_abstract_phylum{
+ public:
+     static const enum_phyla phylum_sel_;
+     CexpressionSQ_elem rewrite(rview) =0;
+ };
+ class impl_CexpressionSQ_elem_CExpressionSQNl:public impl_CexpressionSQ_elem{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel_CExpressionSQNl; }
+     explicit impl_CexpressionSQ_elem_CExpressionSQNl();
+     CexpressionSQ_elem rewrite( rview );
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_CexpressionSQ_elem_CExpressionSQPart:public impl_CexpressionSQ_elem{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel_CExpressionSQPart; }
+     explicit impl_CexpressionSQ_elem_CExpressionSQPart(casestring);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     CexpressionSQ_elem rewrite( rview );
+     impl_casestring* casestring_1;
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_idCexpressions: public impl_abstract_list{
+ public:
+     static const enum_phyla phylum_sel_;
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const{
+ 	return is_nil() ? sel_NilidCexpressions: sel_ConsidCexpressions;
+     }
+     explicit impl_idCexpressions(idCexpression = 0, idCexpressions = 0);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     friend idCexpressions concat(c_idCexpressions, c_idCexpressions);
+     idCexpressions reverse() const;
+     idCexpressions rewrite(rview);
+     idCexpression last() const;
+     idCexpressions append(idCexpression);
+     idCexpressions map(idCexpression (*)(idCexpression));
+     idCexpressions filter( bool (*)(idCexpression));
+     idCexpressions merge( idCexpressions, idCexpression (*)(idCexpression, idCexpression));
+     idCexpression reduce( idCexpression, idCexpression (*)(idCexpression, idCexpression));
+     bool is_nil() const;
+     idCexpression idCexpression_1;
+     idCexpressions idCexpressions_1;
+ private:
+     impl_idCexpressions* nil_rewrite(rview);
+     impl_idCexpressions* cons_rewrite(rview);
+     void nil_do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_idCexpression: public impl_abstract_phylum{
+ public:
+     static const enum_phyla phylum_sel_;
+     ID id;
+     idCexpression rewrite(rview) =0;
+ };
+ class impl_idCexpression_IdCexpression:public impl_idCexpression{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel_IdCexpression; }
+     explicit impl_idCexpression_IdCexpression(ID, Cexpression);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     idCexpression rewrite( rview );
+     impl_ID* ID_1;
+     impl_Cexpression* Cexpression_1;
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_Ctexts: public impl_abstract_list{
+ public:
+     static const enum_phyla phylum_sel_;
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const{
+ 	return is_nil() ? sel_NilCtexts: sel_ConsCtexts;
+     }
+     explicit impl_Ctexts(Ctext = 0, Ctexts = 0);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     friend Ctexts concat(c_Ctexts, c_Ctexts);
+     Ctexts reverse() const;
+     Ctexts rewrite(rview);
+     Ctext last() const;
+     Ctexts append(Ctext);
+     Ctexts map(Ctext (*)(Ctext));
+     Ctexts filter( bool (*)(Ctext));
+     Ctexts merge( Ctexts, Ctext (*)(Ctext, Ctext));
+     Ctext reduce( Ctext, Ctext (*)(Ctext, Ctext));
+     bool is_nil() const;
+     Ctext Ctext_1;
+     Ctexts Ctexts_1;
+ private:
+     impl_Ctexts* nil_rewrite(rview);
+     impl_Ctexts* cons_rewrite(rview);
+     void nil_do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_includefiles: public impl_abstract_list{
+ public:
+     static const enum_phyla phylum_sel_;
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const{
+ 	return is_nil() ? sel_Nilincludefiles: sel_Consincludefiles;
+     }
+     explicit impl_includefiles(includefile = 0, includefiles = 0);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     friend includefiles concat(c_includefiles, c_includefiles);
+     includefiles reverse() const;
+     includefiles rewrite(rview);
+     includefile last() const;
+     includefiles append(includefile);
+     includefiles map(includefile (*)(includefile));
+     includefiles filter( bool (*)(includefile));
+     includefiles merge( includefiles, includefile (*)(includefile, includefile));
+     includefile reduce( includefile, includefile (*)(includefile, includefile));
+     bool is_nil() const;
+     includefile includefile_1;
+     includefiles includefiles_1;
+ private:
+     impl_includefiles* nil_rewrite(rview);
+     impl_includefiles* cons_rewrite(rview);
+     void nil_do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_includefile: public impl_abstract_phylum{
+ public:
+     static const enum_phyla phylum_sel_;
+     include_type inc_type;
+     twoIncludedeclarations inc;
+     includefile rewrite(rview) =0;
+ };
+ class impl_includefile_IncludeFile:public impl_includefile{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel_IncludeFile; }
+     explicit impl_includefile_IncludeFile(casestring);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     includefile rewrite( rview );
+     impl_casestring* casestring_1;
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_includedeclarations: public impl_abstract_list{
+ public:
+     static const enum_phyla phylum_sel_;
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const{
+ 	return is_nil() ? sel_Nilincludedeclarations: sel_Consincludedeclarations;
+     }
+     explicit impl_includedeclarations(includedeclaration = 0, includedeclarations = 0);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     friend includedeclarations concat(c_includedeclarations, c_includedeclarations);
+     includedeclarations reverse() const;
+     includedeclarations rewrite(rview);
+     includedeclaration last() const;
+     includedeclarations append(includedeclaration);
+     includedeclarations map(includedeclaration (*)(includedeclaration));
+     includedeclarations filter( bool (*)(includedeclaration));
+     includedeclarations merge( includedeclarations, includedeclaration (*)(includedeclaration, includedeclaration));
+     includedeclaration reduce( includedeclaration, includedeclaration (*)(includedeclaration, includedeclaration));
+     bool is_nil() const;
+     includedeclaration includedeclaration_1;
+     includedeclarations includedeclarations_1;
+ private:
+     impl_includedeclarations* nil_rewrite(rview);
+     impl_includedeclarations* cons_rewrite(rview);
+     void nil_do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_includedeclaration: public impl_abstract_phylum{
+ public:
+     static const enum_phyla phylum_sel_;
+     int line;
+     casestring file;
+     includedeclaration rewrite(rview) =0;
+ };
+ class impl_includedeclaration_IncludeDeclaration:public impl_includedeclaration{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel_IncludeDeclaration; }
+     explicit impl_includedeclaration_IncludeDeclaration(casestring);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     includedeclaration rewrite( rview );
+     impl_casestring* casestring_1;
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_rwdeclarations: public impl_abstract_list{
+ public:
+     static const enum_phyla phylum_sel_;
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const{
+ 	return is_nil() ? sel_Nilrwdeclarations: sel_Consrwdeclarations;
+     }
+     explicit impl_rwdeclarations(rwdeclaration = 0, rwdeclarations = 0);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     friend rwdeclarations concat(c_rwdeclarations, c_rwdeclarations);
+     rwdeclarations reverse() const;
+     rwdeclarations rewrite(rview);
+     rwdeclaration last() const;
+     rwdeclarations append(rwdeclaration);
+     rwdeclarations map(rwdeclaration (*)(rwdeclaration));
+     rwdeclarations filter( bool (*)(rwdeclaration));
+     rwdeclarations merge( rwdeclarations, rwdeclaration (*)(rwdeclaration, rwdeclaration));
+     rwdeclaration reduce( rwdeclaration, rwdeclaration (*)(rwdeclaration, rwdeclaration));
+     bool is_nil() const;
+     rwdeclaration rwdeclaration_1;
+     rwdeclarations rwdeclarations_1;
+ private:
+     impl_rwdeclarations* nil_rewrite(rview);
+     impl_rwdeclarations* cons_rewrite(rview);
+     void nil_do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_rwdeclaration: public impl_abstract_phylum{
+ public:
+     static const enum_phyla phylum_sel_;
+     rwdeclaration rewrite(rview) =0;
+ };
+ class impl_rwdeclaration_RwDeclaration:public impl_rwdeclaration{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel_RwDeclaration; }
+     explicit impl_rwdeclaration_RwDeclaration(outmostpatterns, rewriteclauses);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     rwdeclaration rewrite( rview );
+     impl_outmostpatterns* outmostpatterns_1;
+     impl_rewriteclauses* rewriteclauses_1;
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_rewriteclauses: public impl_abstract_list{
+ public:
+     static const enum_phyla phylum_sel_;
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const{
+ 	return is_nil() ? sel_Nilrewriteclauses: sel_Consrewriteclauses;
+     }
+     explicit impl_rewriteclauses(rewriteclause = 0, rewriteclauses = 0);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     friend rewriteclauses concat(c_rewriteclauses, c_rewriteclauses);
+     rewriteclauses reverse() const;
+     rewriteclauses rewrite(rview);
+     rewriteclause last() const;
+     rewriteclauses append(rewriteclause);
+     rewriteclauses map(rewriteclause (*)(rewriteclause));
+     rewriteclauses filter( bool (*)(rewriteclause));
+     rewriteclauses merge( rewriteclauses, rewriteclause (*)(rewriteclause, rewriteclause));
+     rewriteclause reduce( rewriteclause, rewriteclause (*)(rewriteclause, rewriteclause));
+     bool is_nil() const;
+     rewriteclause rewriteclause_1;
+     rewriteclauses rewriteclauses_1;
+ private:
+     impl_rewriteclauses* nil_rewrite(rview);
+     impl_rewriteclauses* cons_rewrite(rview);
+     void nil_do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_rewriteclause: public impl_abstract_phylum{
+ public:
+     static const enum_phyla phylum_sel_;
+     rewriteclause rewrite(rview) =0;
+ };
+ class impl_rewriteclause_RewriteClause:public impl_rewriteclause{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel_RewriteClause; }
+     explicit impl_rewriteclause_RewriteClause(viewnames, term);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     rewriteclause rewrite( rview );
+     impl_viewnames* viewnames_1;
+     impl_term* term_1;
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_patternchains: public impl_abstract_list{
+ public:
+     static const enum_phyla phylum_sel_;
+     int line;
+     casestring file;
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const{
+ 	return is_nil() ? sel_Nilpatternchains: sel_Conspatternchains;
+     }
+     explicit impl_patternchains(patternchain = 0, patternchains = 0);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     friend patternchains concat(c_patternchains, c_patternchains);
+     patternchains reverse() const;
+     patternchains rewrite(rview);
+     patternchain last() const;
+     patternchains append(patternchain);
+     patternchains map(patternchain (*)(patternchain));
+     patternchains filter( bool (*)(patternchain));
+     patternchains merge( patternchains, patternchain (*)(patternchain, patternchain));
+     patternchain reduce( patternchain, patternchain (*)(patternchain, patternchain));
+     bool is_nil() const;
+     patternchain patternchain_1;
+     patternchains patternchains_1;
+ private:
+     impl_patternchains* nil_rewrite(rview);
+     impl_patternchains* cons_rewrite(rview);
+     void nil_do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_patternchain: public impl_abstract_list{
+ public:
+     static const enum_phyla phylum_sel_;
+     int line;
+     casestring file;
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const{
+ 	return is_nil() ? sel_Nilpatternchain: sel_Conspatternchain;
+     }
+     explicit impl_patternchain(patternchainitem = 0, patternchain = 0);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     friend patternchain concat(c_patternchain, c_patternchain);
+     patternchain reverse() const;
+     patternchain rewrite(rview);
+     patternchainitem last() const;
+     patternchain append(patternchainitem);
+     patternchain map(patternchainitem (*)(patternchainitem));
+     patternchain filter( bool (*)(patternchainitem));
+     patternchain merge( patternchain, patternchainitem (*)(patternchainitem, patternchainitem));
+     patternchainitem reduce( patternchainitem, patternchainitem (*)(patternchainitem, patternchainitem));
+     bool is_nil() const;
+     patternchainitem patternchainitem_1;
+     patternchain patternchain_1;
+ private:
+     impl_patternchain* nil_rewrite(rview);
+     impl_patternchain* cons_rewrite(rview);
+     void nil_do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_outmostpatterns: public impl_abstract_list{
+ public:
+     static const enum_phyla phylum_sel_;
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const{
+ 	return is_nil() ? sel_Niloutmostpatterns: sel_Consoutmostpatterns;
+     }
+     explicit impl_outmostpatterns(outmostpattern = 0, outmostpatterns = 0);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     friend outmostpatterns concat(c_outmostpatterns, c_outmostpatterns);
+     outmostpatterns reverse() const;
+     outmostpatterns rewrite(rview);
+     outmostpattern last() const;
+     outmostpatterns append(outmostpattern);
+     outmostpatterns map(outmostpattern (*)(outmostpattern));
+     outmostpatterns filter( bool (*)(outmostpattern));
+     outmostpatterns merge( outmostpatterns, outmostpattern (*)(outmostpattern, outmostpattern));
+     outmostpattern reduce( outmostpattern, outmostpattern (*)(outmostpattern, outmostpattern));
+     bool is_nil() const;
+     outmostpattern outmostpattern_1;
+     outmostpatterns outmostpatterns_1;
+ private:
+     impl_outmostpatterns* nil_rewrite(rview);
+     impl_outmostpatterns* cons_rewrite(rview);
+     void nil_do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_patternchainitem: public impl_abstract_phylum{
+ public:
+     static const enum_phyla phylum_sel_;
+     int line;
+     casestring file;
+     ID type;
+     patternchainitem rewrite(rview) =0;
+ };
+ class impl_patternchainitem_PatternchainitemDollarid:public impl_patternchainitem{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel_PatternchainitemDollarid; }
+     explicit impl_patternchainitem_PatternchainitemDollarid(ID);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     patternchainitem rewrite( rview );
+     impl_ID* ID_1;
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_patternchainitem_PatternchainitemGroup:public impl_patternchainitem{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel_PatternchainitemGroup; }
+     explicit impl_patternchainitem_PatternchainitemGroup(patternchains);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     patternchainitem rewrite( rview );
+     impl_patternchains* patternchains_1;
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_patternchainitem_PatternchainitemOutmost:public impl_patternchainitem{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel_PatternchainitemOutmost; }
+     explicit impl_patternchainitem_PatternchainitemOutmost(outmostpattern);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     patternchainitem rewrite( rview );
+     impl_outmostpattern* outmostpattern_1;
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_outmostpattern: public impl_abstract_phylum{
+ public:
+     static const enum_phyla phylum_sel_;
+     int line;
+     casestring file;
+     ID type;
+     outmostpattern rewrite(rview) =0;
+ };
+ class impl_outmostpattern_OPDefault:public impl_outmostpattern{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel_OPDefault; }
+     explicit impl_outmostpattern_OPDefault(Cexpression);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     outmostpattern rewrite( rview );
+     impl_Cexpression* Cexpression_1;
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_outmostpattern_OPWildcard:public impl_outmostpattern{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel_OPWildcard; }
+     explicit impl_outmostpattern_OPWildcard(Cexpression);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     outmostpattern rewrite( rview );
+     impl_Cexpression* Cexpression_1;
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_outmostpattern_OPNonLeafVariable:public impl_outmostpattern{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel_OPNonLeafVariable; }
+     explicit impl_outmostpattern_OPNonLeafVariable(ID, outmostpattern);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     outmostpattern rewrite( rview );
+     impl_ID* ID_1;
+     impl_outmostpattern* outmostpattern_1;
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_outmostpattern_OPOperator:public impl_outmostpattern{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel_OPOperator; }
+     explicit impl_outmostpattern_OPOperator(ID, patterns, Cexpression);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     outmostpattern rewrite( rview );
+     impl_ID* ID_1;
+     impl_patterns* patterns_1;
+     impl_Cexpression* Cexpression_1;
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_outmostpattern_OPOperatorWildcard:public impl_outmostpattern{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel_OPOperatorWildcard; }
+     explicit impl_outmostpattern_OPOperatorWildcard(ID, Cexpression);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     outmostpattern rewrite( rview );
+     impl_ID* ID_1;
+     impl_Cexpression* Cexpression_1;
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_pattern: public impl_abstract_phylum{
+ public:
+     static const enum_phyla phylum_sel_;
+     pattern rewrite(rview) =0;
+ };
+ class impl_pattern_PIntLiteral:public impl_pattern{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel_PIntLiteral; }
+     explicit impl_pattern_PIntLiteral(INT);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     pattern rewrite( rview );
+     impl_INT* INT_1;
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_pattern_PStringLiteral:public impl_pattern{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel_PStringLiteral; }
+     explicit impl_pattern_PStringLiteral(CexpressionDQ);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     pattern rewrite( rview );
+     impl_CexpressionDQ* CexpressionDQ_1;
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_pattern_PWildcard:public impl_pattern{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel_PWildcard; }
+     explicit impl_pattern_PWildcard();
+     pattern rewrite( rview );
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_pattern_PNonLeafVariable:public impl_pattern{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel_PNonLeafVariable; }
+     explicit impl_pattern_PNonLeafVariable(ID, pattern);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     pattern rewrite( rview );
+     impl_ID* ID_1;
+     impl_pattern* pattern_1;
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_pattern_POperator:public impl_pattern{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel_POperator; }
+     explicit impl_pattern_POperator(ID, patterns);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     pattern rewrite( rview );
+     impl_ID* ID_1;
+     impl_patterns* patterns_1;
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_pattern_PVariable:public impl_pattern{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel_PVariable; }
+     explicit impl_pattern_PVariable(ID);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     pattern rewrite( rview );
+     impl_ID* ID_1;
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_patterns: public impl_abstract_list{
+ public:
+     static const enum_phyla phylum_sel_;
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const{
+ 	return is_nil() ? sel_Nilpatterns: sel_Conspatterns;
+     }
+     explicit impl_patterns(pattern = 0, patterns = 0);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     friend patterns concat(c_patterns, c_patterns);
+     patterns reverse() const;
+     patterns rewrite(rview);
+     pattern last() const;
+     patterns append(pattern);
+     patterns map(pattern (*)(pattern));
+     patterns filter( bool (*)(pattern));
+     patterns merge( patterns, pattern (*)(pattern, pattern));
+     pattern reduce( pattern, pattern (*)(pattern, pattern));
+     bool is_nil() const;
+     pattern pattern_1;
+     patterns patterns_1;
+ private:
+     impl_patterns* nil_rewrite(rview);
+     impl_patterns* cons_rewrite(rview);
+     void nil_do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_term: public impl_abstract_phylum{
+ public:
+     static const enum_phyla phylum_sel_;
+     int line;
+     casestring file;
+     term rewrite(rview) =0;
+ };
+ class impl_term_TIntLiteral:public impl_term{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel_TIntLiteral; }
+     explicit impl_term_TIntLiteral(INT);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     term rewrite( rview );
+     impl_INT* INT_1;
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_term_TStringLiteral:public impl_term{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel_TStringLiteral; }
+     explicit impl_term_TStringLiteral(CexpressionDQ);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     term rewrite( rview );
+     impl_CexpressionDQ* CexpressionDQ_1;
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_term_TCTerm:public impl_term{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel_TCTerm; }
+     explicit impl_term_TCTerm(CexpressionSQ);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     term rewrite( rview );
+     impl_CexpressionSQ* CexpressionSQ_1;
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_term_TMemberVarDot:public impl_term{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel_TMemberVarDot; }
+     explicit impl_term_TMemberVarDot(term, ID);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     term rewrite( rview );
+     impl_term* term_1;
+     impl_ID* ID_1;
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_term_TMemberVar:public impl_term{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel_TMemberVar; }
+     explicit impl_term_TMemberVar(term, ID);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     term rewrite( rview );
+     impl_term* term_1;
+     impl_ID* ID_1;
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_term_TMethodDot:public impl_term{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel_TMethodDot; }
+     explicit impl_term_TMethodDot(term, ID, terms);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     term rewrite( rview );
+     impl_term* term_1;
+     impl_ID* ID_1;
+     impl_terms* terms_1;
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_term_TMethod:public impl_term{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel_TMethod; }
+     explicit impl_term_TMethod(term, ID, terms);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     term rewrite( rview );
+     impl_term* term_1;
+     impl_ID* ID_1;
+     impl_terms* terms_1;
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_term_TOperator:public impl_term{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel_TOperator; }
+     explicit impl_term_TOperator(ID, terms);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     term rewrite( rview );
+     impl_ID* ID_1;
+     impl_terms* terms_1;
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_term_TVariable:public impl_term{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel_TVariable; }
+     explicit impl_term_TVariable(ID);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     term rewrite( rview );
+     impl_ID* ID_1;
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_terms: public impl_abstract_list{
+ public:
+     static const enum_phyla phylum_sel_;
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const{
+ 	return is_nil() ? sel_Nilterms: sel_Consterms;
+     }
+     explicit impl_terms(term = 0, terms = 0);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     friend terms concat(c_terms, c_terms);
+     terms reverse() const;
+     terms rewrite(rview);
+     term last() const;
+     terms append(term);
+     terms map(term (*)(term));
+     terms filter( bool (*)(term));
+     terms merge( terms, term (*)(term, term));
+     term reduce( term, term (*)(term, term));
+     bool is_nil() const;
+     term term_1;
+     terms terms_1;
+ private:
+     impl_terms* nil_rewrite(rview);
+     impl_terms* cons_rewrite(rview);
+     void nil_do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_fnfiles: public impl_abstract_list{
+ public:
+     static const enum_phyla phylum_sel_;
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const{
+ 	return is_nil() ? sel_Nilfnfiles: sel_Consfnfiles;
+     }
+     explicit impl_fnfiles(fnfile = 0, fnfiles = 0);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     friend fnfiles concat(c_fnfiles, c_fnfiles);
+     fnfiles reverse() const;
+     fnfiles rewrite(rview);
+     fnfile last() const;
+     fnfiles append(fnfile);
+     fnfiles map(fnfile (*)(fnfile));
+     fnfiles filter( bool (*)(fnfile));
+     fnfiles merge( fnfiles, fnfile (*)(fnfile, fnfile));
+     fnfile reduce( fnfile, fnfile (*)(fnfile, fnfile));
+     bool is_nil() const;
+     fnfile fnfile_1;
+     fnfiles fnfiles_1;
+ private:
+     impl_fnfiles* nil_rewrite(rview);
+     impl_fnfiles* cons_rewrite(rview);
+     void nil_do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_fnfile: public impl_abstract_phylum{
+ public:
+     static const enum_phyla phylum_sel_;
+     fndeclarations fns;
+     fnfile rewrite(rview) =0;
+ };
+ class impl_fnfile_FnFile:public impl_fnfile{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel_FnFile; }
+     explicit impl_fnfile_FnFile(casestring);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     fnfile rewrite( rview );
+     impl_casestring* casestring_1;
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_fndeclarations: public impl_abstract_list{
+ public:
+     static const enum_phyla phylum_sel_;
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const{
+ 	return is_nil() ? sel_Nilfndeclarations: sel_Consfndeclarations;
+     }
+     explicit impl_fndeclarations(fndeclaration = 0, fndeclarations = 0);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     friend fndeclarations concat(c_fndeclarations, c_fndeclarations);
+     fndeclarations reverse() const;
+     fndeclarations rewrite(rview);
+     fndeclaration last() const;
+     fndeclarations append(fndeclaration);
+     fndeclarations map(fndeclaration (*)(fndeclaration));
+     fndeclarations filter( bool (*)(fndeclaration));
+     fndeclarations merge( fndeclarations, fndeclaration (*)(fndeclaration, fndeclaration));
+     fndeclaration reduce( fndeclaration, fndeclaration (*)(fndeclaration, fndeclaration));
+     bool is_nil() const;
+     fndeclaration fndeclaration_1;
+     fndeclarations fndeclarations_1;
+ private:
+     impl_fndeclarations* nil_rewrite(rview);
+     impl_fndeclarations* cons_rewrite(rview);
+     void nil_do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_fndeclaration: public impl_abstract_phylum{
+ public:
+     static const enum_phyla phylum_sel_;
+     ac_parameter_type_list sorted;
+     int last_line;
+     casestring file;
+     bool is_attr;
+     fndeclaration rewrite(rview) =0;
+ };
+ class impl_fndeclaration_AcMemberDeclaration:public impl_fndeclaration{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel_AcMemberDeclaration; }
+     explicit impl_fndeclaration_AcMemberDeclaration(ac_declaration_specifiers, ac_declarator, ac_constant_expression_option, fnclass);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     fndeclaration rewrite( rview );
+     impl_ac_declaration_specifiers* ac_declaration_specifiers_1;
+     impl_ac_declarator* ac_declarator_1;
+     impl_ac_constant_expression_option* ac_constant_expression_option_1;
+     impl_fnclass* fnclass_1;
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_fndeclaration_FnAcDeclaration:public impl_fndeclaration{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel_FnAcDeclaration; }
+     explicit impl_fndeclaration_FnAcDeclaration(ac_declaration_specifiers, ac_declarator, ac_declaration_list, ac_opt_base_init_list, Ctext, ID, fnclass);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     fndeclaration rewrite( rview );
+     impl_ac_declaration_specifiers* ac_declaration_specifiers_1;
+     impl_ac_declarator* ac_declarator_1;
+     impl_ac_declaration_list* ac_declaration_list_1;
+     impl_ac_opt_base_init_list* ac_opt_base_init_list_1;
+     impl_Ctext* Ctext_1;
+     impl_ID* ID_1;
+     impl_fnclass* fnclass_1;
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_fnclass: public impl_abstract_phylum{
+ public:
+     static const enum_phyla phylum_sel_;
+     fnclass rewrite(rview) =0;
+ };
+ class impl_fnclass_ConvOperatorFn:public impl_fnclass{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel_ConvOperatorFn; }
+     explicit impl_fnclass_ConvOperatorFn();
+     fnclass rewrite( rview );
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_fnclass_DestructorFn:public impl_fnclass{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel_DestructorFn; }
+     explicit impl_fnclass_DestructorFn();
+     fnclass rewrite( rview );
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_fnclass_ConstructorFn:public impl_fnclass{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel_ConstructorFn; }
+     explicit impl_fnclass_ConstructorFn();
+     fnclass rewrite( rview );
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_fnclass_MemberFn:public impl_fnclass{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel_MemberFn; }
+     explicit impl_fnclass_MemberFn();
+     fnclass rewrite( rview );
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_fnclass_StaticFn:public impl_fnclass{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel_StaticFn; }
+     explicit impl_fnclass_StaticFn(casestring);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     fnclass rewrite( rview );
+     impl_casestring* casestring_1;
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_fnclass_GlobalFn:public impl_fnclass{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel_GlobalFn; }
+     explicit impl_fnclass_GlobalFn();
+     fnclass rewrite( rview );
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_Ctext: public impl_abstract_list{
+ public:
+     static const enum_phyla phylum_sel_;
+     int line;
+     casestring file;
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const{
+ 	return is_nil() ? sel_NilCtext: sel_ConsCtext;
+     }
+     explicit impl_Ctext(Ctext_elem = 0, Ctext = 0);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     friend Ctext concat(c_Ctext, c_Ctext);
+     Ctext reverse() const;
+     Ctext rewrite(rview);
+     Ctext_elem last() const;
+     Ctext append(Ctext_elem);
+     Ctext map(Ctext_elem (*)(Ctext_elem));
+     Ctext filter( bool (*)(Ctext_elem));
+     Ctext merge( Ctext, Ctext_elem (*)(Ctext_elem, Ctext_elem));
+     Ctext_elem reduce( Ctext_elem, Ctext_elem (*)(Ctext_elem, Ctext_elem));
+     bool is_nil() const;
+     Ctext_elem Ctext_elem_1;
+     Ctext Ctext_1;
+ private:
+     impl_Ctext* nil_rewrite(rview);
+     impl_Ctext* cons_rewrite(rview);
+     void nil_do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_Ctext_elem: public impl_abstract_phylum{
+ public:
+     static const enum_phyla phylum_sel_;
+     int line;
+     casestring file;
+     Ctext_elem rewrite(rview) =0;
+ };
+ class impl_Ctext_elem_CTextWithexpression:public impl_Ctext_elem{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel_CTextWithexpression; }
+     explicit impl_Ctext_elem_CTextWithexpression(withexpressions, withcases, contextinfo);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     Ctext_elem rewrite( rview );
+     impl_withexpressions* withexpressions_1;
+     impl_withcases* withcases_1;
+     impl_contextinfo* contextinfo_1;
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_Ctext_elem_CTextForeachexpression:public impl_Ctext_elem{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel_CTextForeachexpression; }
+     explicit impl_Ctext_elem_CTextForeachexpression(patternchain, idCexpressions, withexpressions, Ctext, foreach_after);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     Ctext_elem rewrite( rview );
+     impl_patternchain* patternchain_1;
+     impl_idCexpressions* idCexpressions_1;
+     impl_withexpressions* withexpressions_1;
+     impl_Ctext* Ctext_1;
+     impl_foreach_after* foreach_after_1;
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_Ctext_elem_CTextCbody:public impl_Ctext_elem{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel_CTextCbody; }
+     explicit impl_Ctext_elem_CTextCbody(Ctext);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     Ctext_elem rewrite( rview );
+     impl_Ctext* Ctext_1;
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_Ctext_elem_CTextCexpressionSQ:public impl_Ctext_elem{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel_CTextCexpressionSQ; }
+     explicit impl_Ctext_elem_CTextCexpressionSQ(CexpressionSQ);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     Ctext_elem rewrite( rview );
+     impl_CexpressionSQ* CexpressionSQ_1;
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_Ctext_elem_CTextCexpressionDQ:public impl_Ctext_elem{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel_CTextCexpressionDQ; }
+     explicit impl_Ctext_elem_CTextCexpressionDQ(CexpressionDQ);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     Ctext_elem rewrite( rview );
+     impl_CexpressionDQ* CexpressionDQ_1;
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_Ctext_elem_CTextNl:public impl_Ctext_elem{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel_CTextNl; }
+     explicit impl_Ctext_elem_CTextNl(integer);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     Ctext_elem rewrite( rview );
+     impl_integer* integer_1;
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_Ctext_elem_CTextDollarVar:public impl_Ctext_elem{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel_CTextDollarVar; }
+     explicit impl_Ctext_elem_CTextDollarVar(INT);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     Ctext_elem rewrite( rview );
+     impl_INT* INT_1;
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_Ctext_elem_CTextLine:public impl_Ctext_elem{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel_CTextLine; }
+     explicit impl_Ctext_elem_CTextLine(casestring);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     Ctext_elem rewrite( rview );
+     impl_casestring* casestring_1;
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_foreach_after: public impl_abstract_phylum{
+ public:
+     static const enum_phyla phylum_sel_;
+     int line;
+     casestring file;
+     foreach_after rewrite(rview) =0;
+ };
+ class impl_foreach_after_ForeachAfter:public impl_foreach_after{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel_ForeachAfter; }
+     explicit impl_foreach_after_ForeachAfter(patternchain, idCexpressions, withexpressions, Ctext);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     foreach_after rewrite( rview );
+     impl_patternchain* patternchain_1;
+     impl_idCexpressions* idCexpressions_1;
+     impl_withexpressions* withexpressions_1;
+     impl_Ctext* Ctext_1;
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_foreach_after_NoForeachAfter:public impl_foreach_after{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel_NoForeachAfter; }
+     explicit impl_foreach_after_NoForeachAfter();
+     foreach_after rewrite( rview );
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_contextinfo: public impl_abstract_phylum{
+ public:
+     static const enum_phyla phylum_sel_;
+     contextinfo rewrite(rview) =0;
+ };
+ class impl_contextinfo_NotInForeachContext:public impl_contextinfo{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel_NotInForeachContext; }
+     explicit impl_contextinfo_NotInForeachContext();
+     contextinfo rewrite( rview );
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_contextinfo_InForeachContext:public impl_contextinfo{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel_InForeachContext; }
+     explicit impl_contextinfo_InForeachContext(patternchain);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     contextinfo rewrite( rview );
+     impl_patternchain* patternchain_1;
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_withexpressions: public impl_abstract_list{
+ public:
+     static const enum_phyla phylum_sel_;
+     phylumnames type;
+     int line;
+     casestring file;
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const{
+ 	return is_nil() ? sel_Nilwithexpressions: sel_Conswithexpressions;
+     }
+     explicit impl_withexpressions(withexpression = 0, withexpressions = 0);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     friend withexpressions concat(c_withexpressions, c_withexpressions);
+     withexpressions reverse() const;
+     withexpressions rewrite(rview);
+     withexpression last() const;
+     withexpressions append(withexpression);
+     withexpressions map(withexpression (*)(withexpression));
+     withexpressions filter( bool (*)(withexpression));
+     withexpressions merge( withexpressions, withexpression (*)(withexpression, withexpression));
+     withexpression reduce( withexpression, withexpression (*)(withexpression, withexpression));
+     bool is_nil() const;
+     withexpression withexpression_1;
+     withexpressions withexpressions_1;
+ private:
+     impl_withexpressions* nil_rewrite(rview);
+     impl_withexpressions* cons_rewrite(rview);
+     void nil_do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_withexpression: public impl_abstract_phylum{
+ public:
+     static const enum_phyla phylum_sel_;
+     ID type;
+     int line;
+     casestring file;
+     withexpression rewrite(rview) =0;
+ };
+ class impl_withexpression_WECexpression:public impl_withexpression{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel_WECexpression; }
+     explicit impl_withexpression_WECexpression(Cexpression);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     withexpression rewrite( rview );
+     impl_Cexpression* Cexpression_1;
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_withexpression_WEVariable:public impl_withexpression{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel_WEVariable; }
+     explicit impl_withexpression_WEVariable(ID);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     withexpression rewrite( rview );
+     impl_ID* ID_1;
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_withcases: public impl_abstract_list{
+ public:
+     static const enum_phyla phylum_sel_;
+     withcasesinfo wcinfo;
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const{
+ 	return is_nil() ? sel_Nilwithcases: sel_Conswithcases;
+     }
+     explicit impl_withcases(withcase = 0, withcases = 0);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     friend withcases concat(c_withcases, c_withcases);
+     withcases reverse() const;
+     withcases rewrite(rview);
+     withcase last() const;
+     withcases append(withcase);
+     withcases map(withcase (*)(withcase));
+     withcases filter( bool (*)(withcase));
+     withcases merge( withcases, withcase (*)(withcase, withcase));
+     withcase reduce( withcase, withcase (*)(withcase, withcase));
+     bool is_nil() const;
+     withcase withcase_1;
+     withcases withcases_1;
+ private:
+     impl_withcases* nil_rewrite(rview);
+     impl_withcases* cons_rewrite(rview);
+     void nil_do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_withcase: public impl_abstract_phylum{
+ public:
+     static const enum_phyla phylum_sel_;
+     withcasesinfo wcinfo;
+     withcase rewrite(rview) =0;
+ };
+ class impl_withcase_Withcase:public impl_withcase{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel_Withcase; }
+     explicit impl_withcase_Withcase(patternchains, Ctext);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     withcase rewrite( rview );
+     impl_patternchains* patternchains_1;
+     impl_Ctext* Ctext_1;
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_unparsedeclarations: public impl_abstract_list{
+ public:
+     static const enum_phyla phylum_sel_;
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const{
+ 	return is_nil() ? sel_Nilunparsedeclarations: sel_Consunparsedeclarations;
+     }
+     explicit impl_unparsedeclarations(unparsedeclaration = 0, unparsedeclarations = 0);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     friend unparsedeclarations concat(c_unparsedeclarations, c_unparsedeclarations);
+     unparsedeclarations reverse() const;
+     unparsedeclarations rewrite(rview);
+     unparsedeclaration last() const;
+     unparsedeclarations append(unparsedeclaration);
+     unparsedeclarations map(unparsedeclaration (*)(unparsedeclaration));
+     unparsedeclarations filter( bool (*)(unparsedeclaration));
+     unparsedeclarations merge( unparsedeclarations, unparsedeclaration (*)(unparsedeclaration, unparsedeclaration));
+     unparsedeclaration reduce( unparsedeclaration, unparsedeclaration (*)(unparsedeclaration, unparsedeclaration));
+     bool is_nil() const;
+     unparsedeclaration unparsedeclaration_1;
+     unparsedeclarations unparsedeclarations_1;
+ private:
+     impl_unparsedeclarations* nil_rewrite(rview);
+     impl_unparsedeclarations* cons_rewrite(rview);
+     void nil_do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_unparsedeclaration: public impl_abstract_phylum{
+ public:
+     static const enum_phyla phylum_sel_;
+     patternrepresentations patternreps;
+     unparsedeclaration rewrite(rview) =0;
+ };
+ class impl_unparsedeclaration_UnparseDeclaration:public impl_unparsedeclaration{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel_UnparseDeclaration; }
+     explicit impl_unparsedeclaration_UnparseDeclaration(outmostpatterns, unparseclauses);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     unparsedeclaration rewrite( rview );
+     impl_outmostpatterns* outmostpatterns_1;
+     impl_unparseclauses* unparseclauses_1;
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_unparseclauses: public impl_abstract_list{
+ public:
+     static const enum_phyla phylum_sel_;
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const{
+ 	return is_nil() ? sel_Nilunparseclauses: sel_Consunparseclauses;
+     }
+     explicit impl_unparseclauses(unparseclause = 0, unparseclauses = 0);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     friend unparseclauses concat(c_unparseclauses, c_unparseclauses);
+     unparseclauses reverse() const;
+     unparseclauses rewrite(rview);
+     unparseclause last() const;
+     unparseclauses append(unparseclause);
+     unparseclauses map(unparseclause (*)(unparseclause));
+     unparseclauses filter( bool (*)(unparseclause));
+     unparseclauses merge( unparseclauses, unparseclause (*)(unparseclause, unparseclause));
+     unparseclause reduce( unparseclause, unparseclause (*)(unparseclause, unparseclause));
+     bool is_nil() const;
+     unparseclause unparseclause_1;
+     unparseclauses unparseclauses_1;
+ private:
+     impl_unparseclauses* nil_rewrite(rview);
+     impl_unparseclauses* cons_rewrite(rview);
+     void nil_do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_unparseclause: public impl_abstract_phylum{
+ public:
+     static const enum_phyla phylum_sel_;
+     unparseclause rewrite(rview) =0;
+ };
+ class impl_unparseclause_UnparseClause:public impl_unparseclause{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel_UnparseClause; }
+     explicit impl_unparseclause_UnparseClause(viewnames, unparseitems);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     unparseclause rewrite( rview );
+     impl_viewnames* viewnames_1;
+     impl_unparseitems* unparseitems_1;
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_viewnames: public impl_abstract_list{
+ public:
+     static const enum_phyla phylum_sel_;
+     bool is_extern;
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const{
+ 	return is_nil() ? sel_Nilviewnames: sel_Consviewnames;
+     }
+     explicit impl_viewnames(ID = 0, viewnames = 0);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     friend viewnames concat(c_viewnames, c_viewnames);
+     viewnames reverse() const;
+     viewnames rewrite(rview);
+     ID last() const;
+     viewnames append(ID);
+     viewnames map(ID (*)(ID));
+     viewnames filter( bool (*)(ID));
+     viewnames merge( viewnames, ID (*)(ID, ID));
+     ID reduce( ID, ID (*)(ID, ID));
+     bool is_nil() const;
+     ID ID_1;
+     viewnames viewnames_1;
+ private:
+     impl_viewnames* nil_rewrite(rview);
+     impl_viewnames* cons_rewrite(rview);
+     void nil_do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_unparseitems: public impl_abstract_list{
+ public:
+     static const enum_phyla phylum_sel_;
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const{
+ 	return is_nil() ? sel_Nilunparseitems: sel_Consunparseitems;
+     }
+     explicit impl_unparseitems(unparseitem = 0, unparseitems = 0);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     friend unparseitems concat(c_unparseitems, c_unparseitems);
+     unparseitems reverse() const;
+     unparseitems rewrite(rview);
+     unparseitem last() const;
+     unparseitems append(unparseitem);
+     unparseitems map(unparseitem (*)(unparseitem));
+     unparseitems filter( bool (*)(unparseitem));
+     unparseitems merge( unparseitems, unparseitem (*)(unparseitem, unparseitem));
+     unparseitem reduce( unparseitem, unparseitem (*)(unparseitem, unparseitem));
+     bool is_nil() const;
+     unparseitem unparseitem_1;
+     unparseitems unparseitems_1;
+ private:
+     impl_unparseitems* nil_rewrite(rview);
+     impl_unparseitems* cons_rewrite(rview);
+     void nil_do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_unparseitem: public impl_abstract_phylum{
+ public:
+     static const enum_phyla phylum_sel_;
+     int text_nr;
+     unparseitem rewrite(rview) =0;
+ };
+ class impl_unparseitem_UViewVarDecl:public impl_unparseitem{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel_UViewVarDecl; }
+     explicit impl_unparseitem_UViewVarDecl(ID, ID, Cexpression);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     unparseitem rewrite( rview );
+     impl_ID* ID_1;
+     impl_ID* ID_2;
+     impl_Cexpression* Cexpression_1;
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_unparseitem_UnpBody:public impl_unparseitem{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel_UnpBody; }
+     explicit impl_unparseitem_UnpBody(languageoption, unparseitems);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     unparseitem rewrite( rview );
+     impl_languageoption* languageoption_1;
+     impl_unparseitems* unparseitems_1;
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_unparseitem_UnpCtext:public impl_unparseitem{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel_UnpCtext; }
+     explicit impl_unparseitem_UnpCtext(languageoption, Ctext);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     unparseitem rewrite( rview );
+     impl_languageoption* languageoption_1;
+     impl_Ctext* Ctext_1;
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_unparseitem_UnpSubexpr:public impl_unparseitem{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel_UnpSubexpr; }
+     explicit impl_unparseitem_UnpSubexpr(languageoption, unpsubterm, viewnameoption);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     unparseitem rewrite( rview );
+     impl_languageoption* languageoption_1;
+     impl_unpsubterm* unpsubterm_1;
+     impl_viewnameoption* viewnameoption_1;
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_unparseitem_UnpStr:public impl_unparseitem{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel_UnpStr; }
+     explicit impl_unparseitem_UnpStr(languageoption, CexpressionDQ, viewnameoption);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     unparseitem rewrite( rview );
+     impl_languageoption* languageoption_1;
+     impl_CexpressionDQ* CexpressionDQ_1;
+     impl_viewnameoption* viewnameoption_1;
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_unpsubterm: public impl_abstract_phylum{
+ public:
+     static const enum_phyla phylum_sel_;
+     unpsubterm rewrite(rview) =0;
+ };
+ class impl_unpsubterm_UnpCastedVariable:public impl_unpsubterm{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel_UnpCastedVariable; }
+     explicit impl_unpsubterm_UnpCastedVariable(ID, ID);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     unpsubterm rewrite( rview );
+     impl_ID* ID_1;
+     impl_ID* ID_2;
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_unpsubterm_UnpDollarvarAttr:public impl_unpsubterm{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel_UnpDollarvarAttr; }
+     explicit impl_unpsubterm_UnpDollarvarAttr(INT, unpattributes);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     unpsubterm rewrite( rview );
+     impl_INT* INT_1;
+     impl_unpattributes* unpattributes_1;
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_unpsubterm_UnpSubAttr:public impl_unpsubterm{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel_UnpSubAttr; }
+     explicit impl_unpsubterm_UnpSubAttr(ID, unpattributes);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     unpsubterm rewrite( rview );
+     impl_ID* ID_1;
+     impl_unpattributes* unpattributes_1;
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_unpsubterm_UnpDollarvarTerm:public impl_unpsubterm{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel_UnpDollarvarTerm; }
+     explicit impl_unpsubterm_UnpDollarvarTerm(INT);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     unpsubterm rewrite( rview );
+     impl_INT* INT_1;
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_unpsubterm_UnpSubTerm:public impl_unpsubterm{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel_UnpSubTerm; }
+     explicit impl_unpsubterm_UnpSubTerm(ID);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     unpsubterm rewrite( rview );
+     impl_ID* ID_1;
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_unpattributes: public impl_abstract_list{
+ public:
+     static const enum_phyla phylum_sel_;
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const{
+ 	return is_nil() ? sel_Nilunpattributes: sel_Consunpattributes;
+     }
+     explicit impl_unpattributes(ID = 0, unpattributes = 0);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     friend unpattributes concat(c_unpattributes, c_unpattributes);
+     unpattributes reverse() const;
+     unpattributes rewrite(rview);
+     ID last() const;
+     unpattributes append(ID);
+     unpattributes map(ID (*)(ID));
+     unpattributes filter( bool (*)(ID));
+     unpattributes merge( unpattributes, ID (*)(ID, ID));
+     ID reduce( ID, ID (*)(ID, ID));
+     bool is_nil() const;
+     ID ID_1;
+     unpattributes unpattributes_1;
+ private:
+     impl_unpattributes* nil_rewrite(rview);
+     impl_unpattributes* cons_rewrite(rview);
+     void nil_do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_viewnameoption: public impl_abstract_phylum{
+ public:
+     static const enum_phyla phylum_sel_;
+     viewnameoption rewrite(rview) =0;
+ };
+ class impl_viewnameoption_YesViewname:public impl_viewnameoption{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel_YesViewname; }
+     explicit impl_viewnameoption_YesViewname(ID);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     viewnameoption rewrite( rview );
+     impl_ID* ID_1;
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_viewnameoption_NoViewname:public impl_viewnameoption{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel_NoViewname; }
+     explicit impl_viewnameoption_NoViewname();
+     viewnameoption rewrite( rview );
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_languageoption: public impl_abstract_phylum{
+ public:
+     static const enum_phyla phylum_sel_;
+     languageoption rewrite(rview) =0;
+ };
+ class impl_languageoption_LanguageList:public impl_languageoption{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel_LanguageList; }
+     explicit impl_languageoption_LanguageList(languagenames);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     languageoption rewrite( rview );
+     impl_languagenames* languagenames_1;
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_languageoption_NoLanguagename:public impl_languageoption{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel_NoLanguagename; }
+     explicit impl_languageoption_NoLanguagename();
+     languageoption rewrite( rview );
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_languagenames: public impl_abstract_list{
+ public:
+     static const enum_phyla phylum_sel_;
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const{
+ 	return is_nil() ? sel_Nillanguagenames: sel_Conslanguagenames;
+     }
+     explicit impl_languagenames(ID = 0, languagenames = 0);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     friend languagenames concat(c_languagenames, c_languagenames);
+     languagenames reverse() const;
+     languagenames rewrite(rview);
+     ID last() const;
+     languagenames append(ID);
+     languagenames map(ID (*)(ID));
+     languagenames filter( bool (*)(ID));
+     languagenames merge( languagenames, ID (*)(ID, ID));
+     ID reduce( ID, ID (*)(ID, ID));
+     bool is_nil() const;
+     ID ID_1;
+     languagenames languagenames_1;
+ private:
+     impl_languagenames* nil_rewrite(rview);
+     impl_languagenames* cons_rewrite(rview);
+     void nil_do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_fileline: public impl_abstract_phylum{
+ public:
+     static const enum_phyla phylum_sel_;
+     casestring file;
+     int line;
+     fileline rewrite(rview) =0;
+ };
+ class impl_fileline_PosNoFileLine:public impl_fileline{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel_PosNoFileLine; }
+     explicit impl_fileline_PosNoFileLine();
+     fileline rewrite( rview );
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_fileline_NoFileLine:public impl_fileline{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel_NoFileLine; }
+     explicit impl_fileline_NoFileLine();
+     fileline rewrite( rview );
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_fileline_FileLine:public impl_fileline{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel_FileLine; }
+     fileline rewrite( rview );
+     impl_fileline_FileLine(casestring _file=0, int _line=0);
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_scopetypefilelinestack: public impl_abstract_list{
+ public:
+     static const enum_phyla phylum_sel_;
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const{
+ 	return is_nil() ? sel_Nilscopetypefilelinestack: sel_Consscopetypefilelinestack;
+     }
+     explicit impl_scopetypefilelinestack(scopetypefileline = 0, scopetypefilelinestack = 0);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     friend scopetypefilelinestack concat(c_scopetypefilelinestack, c_scopetypefilelinestack);
+     scopetypefilelinestack reverse() const;
+     scopetypefilelinestack rewrite(rview);
+     scopetypefileline last() const;
+     scopetypefilelinestack append(scopetypefileline);
+     scopetypefilelinestack map(scopetypefileline (*)(scopetypefileline));
+     scopetypefilelinestack filter( bool (*)(scopetypefileline));
+     scopetypefilelinestack merge( scopetypefilelinestack, scopetypefileline (*)(scopetypefileline, scopetypefileline));
+     scopetypefileline reduce( scopetypefileline, scopetypefileline (*)(scopetypefileline, scopetypefileline));
+     bool is_nil() const;
+     scopetypefileline scopetypefileline_1;
+     scopetypefilelinestack scopetypefilelinestack_1;
+ private:
+     impl_scopetypefilelinestack* nil_rewrite(rview);
+     impl_scopetypefilelinestack* cons_rewrite(rview);
+     void nil_do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_scopetypefileline: public impl_abstract_phylum{
+ public:
+     static const enum_phyla phylum_sel_;
+     scopetypefileline rewrite(rview) =0;
+ };
+ class impl_scopetypefileline_ScopeTypeFileLine:public impl_scopetypefileline{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel_ScopeTypeFileLine; }
+     explicit impl_scopetypefileline_ScopeTypeFileLine(integer, IDtype, casestring, integer);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     scopetypefileline rewrite( rview );
+     impl_integer* integer_1;
+     impl_IDtype* IDtype_1;
+     impl_casestring* casestring_1;
+     impl_integer* integer_2;
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_IDtype: public impl_abstract_phylum{
+ public:
+     static const enum_phyla phylum_sel_;
+     IDtype rewrite(rview) =0;
+ };
+ class impl_IDtype_ITLanguageName:public impl_IDtype{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel_ITLanguageName; }
+     explicit impl_IDtype_ITLanguageName(integer);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     IDtype rewrite( rview );
+     impl_integer* integer_1;
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_IDtype_ITPatternVariable:public impl_IDtype{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel_ITPatternVariable; }
+     explicit impl_IDtype_ITPatternVariable(ID, integer);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     IDtype rewrite( rview );
+     impl_ID* ID_1;
+     impl_integer* integer_1;
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_IDtype_ITUserFunction:public impl_IDtype{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel_ITUserFunction; }
+     explicit impl_IDtype_ITUserFunction(fnclass);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     IDtype rewrite( rview );
+     impl_fnclass* fnclass_1;
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_IDtype_ITUserRView:public impl_IDtype{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel_ITUserRView; }
+     explicit impl_IDtype_ITUserRView();
+     IDtype rewrite( rview );
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_IDtype_ITPredefinedRView:public impl_IDtype{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel_ITPredefinedRView; }
+     explicit impl_IDtype_ITPredefinedRView();
+     IDtype rewrite( rview );
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_IDtype_ITUViewVar:public impl_IDtype{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel_ITUViewVar; }
+     explicit impl_IDtype_ITUViewVar();
+     IDtype rewrite( rview );
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_IDtype_ITUserUView:public impl_IDtype{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel_ITUserUView; }
+     explicit impl_IDtype_ITUserUView();
+     IDtype rewrite( rview );
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_IDtype_ITPredefinedUView:public impl_IDtype{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel_ITPredefinedUView; }
+     explicit impl_IDtype_ITPredefinedUView();
+     IDtype rewrite( rview );
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_IDtype_ITStorageClass:public impl_IDtype{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel_ITStorageClass; }
+     explicit impl_IDtype_ITStorageClass();
+     IDtype rewrite( rview );
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_IDtype_ITPredefinedStorageClass:public impl_IDtype{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel_ITPredefinedStorageClass; }
+     explicit impl_IDtype_ITPredefinedStorageClass();
+     IDtype rewrite( rview );
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_IDtype_ITUserOperator:public impl_IDtype{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel_ITUserOperator; }
+     explicit impl_IDtype_ITUserOperator(alternative, ID);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     IDtype rewrite( rview );
+     impl_alternative* alternative_1;
+     impl_ID* ID_1;
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_IDtype_ITPredefinedOperator:public impl_IDtype{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel_ITPredefinedOperator; }
+     explicit impl_IDtype_ITPredefinedOperator(alternative, ID);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     IDtype rewrite( rview );
+     impl_alternative* alternative_1;
+     impl_ID* ID_1;
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_IDtype_ITUserPhylum:public impl_IDtype{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel_ITUserPhylum; }
+     explicit impl_IDtype_ITUserPhylum(phylumdeclaration);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     IDtype rewrite( rview );
+     impl_phylumdeclaration* phylumdeclaration_1;
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_IDtype_ITPredefinedPhylum:public impl_IDtype{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel_ITPredefinedPhylum; }
+     explicit impl_IDtype_ITPredefinedPhylum(phylumdeclaration);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     IDtype rewrite( rview );
+     impl_phylumdeclaration* phylumdeclaration_1;
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_IDtype_ITUnknown:public impl_IDtype{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel_ITUnknown; }
+     explicit impl_IDtype_ITUnknown();
+     IDtype rewrite( rview );
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_operators: public impl_abstract_list{
+ public:
+     static const enum_phyla phylum_sel_;
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const{
+ 	return is_nil() ? sel_Niloperators: sel_Consoperators;
+     }
+     explicit impl_operators(ID = 0, operators = 0);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     friend operators concat(c_operators, c_operators);
+     operators reverse() const;
+     operators rewrite(rview);
+     ID last() const;
+     operators append(ID);
+     operators map(ID (*)(ID));
+     operators filter( bool (*)(ID));
+     operators merge( operators, ID (*)(ID, ID));
+     ID reduce( ID, ID (*)(ID, ID));
+     bool is_nil() const;
+     ID ID_1;
+     operators operators_1;
+ private:
+     impl_operators* nil_rewrite(rview);
+     impl_operators* cons_rewrite(rview);
+     void nil_do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_phyla: public impl_abstract_list{
+ public:
+     static const enum_phyla phylum_sel_;
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const{
+ 	return is_nil() ? sel_Nilphyla: sel_Consphyla;
+     }
+     explicit impl_phyla(ID = 0, phyla = 0);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     friend phyla concat(c_phyla, c_phyla);
+     phyla reverse() const;
+     phyla rewrite(rview);
+     ID last() const;
+     phyla append(ID);
+     phyla map(ID (*)(ID));
+     phyla filter( bool (*)(ID));
+     phyla merge( phyla, ID (*)(ID, ID));
+     ID reduce( ID, ID (*)(ID, ID));
+     bool is_nil() const;
+     ID ID_1;
+     phyla phyla_1;
+ private:
+     impl_phyla* nil_rewrite(rview);
+     impl_phyla* cons_rewrite(rview);
+     void nil_do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_variables: public impl_abstract_list{
+ public:
+     static const enum_phyla phylum_sel_;
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const{
+ 	return is_nil() ? sel_Nilvariables: sel_Consvariables;
+     }
+     explicit impl_variables(ID = 0, variables = 0);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     friend variables concat(c_variables, c_variables);
+     variables reverse() const;
+     variables rewrite(rview);
+     ID last() const;
+     variables append(ID);
+     variables map(ID (*)(ID));
+     variables filter( bool (*)(ID));
+     variables merge( variables, ID (*)(ID, ID));
+     ID reduce( ID, ID (*)(ID, ID));
+     bool is_nil() const;
+     ID ID_1;
+     variables variables_1;
+ private:
+     impl_variables* nil_rewrite(rview);
+     impl_variables* cons_rewrite(rview);
+     void nil_do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_dollarvarstatus: public impl_abstract_phylum{
+ public:
+     static const enum_phyla phylum_sel_;
+     dollarvarstatus rewrite(rview) =0;
+ };
+ class impl_dollarvarstatus_DVDisallowed:public impl_dollarvarstatus{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel_DVDisallowed; }
+     explicit impl_dollarvarstatus_DVDisallowed();
+     dollarvarstatus rewrite( rview );
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_dollarvarstatus_DVAllowed:public impl_dollarvarstatus{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel_DVAllowed; }
+     explicit impl_dollarvarstatus_DVAllowed();
+     dollarvarstatus rewrite( rview );
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_tribool: public impl_abstract_phylum{
+ public:
+     static const enum_phyla phylum_sel_;
+     tribool rewrite(rview) =0;
+ };
+ class impl_tribool_Bigger:public impl_tribool{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel_Bigger; }
+     explicit impl_tribool_Bigger();
+     tribool rewrite( rview );
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_tribool_Smaller:public impl_tribool{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel_Smaller; }
+     explicit impl_tribool_Smaller();
+     tribool rewrite( rview );
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_tribool_Equal:public impl_tribool{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel_Equal; }
+     explicit impl_tribool_Equal();
+     tribool rewrite( rview );
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_patternrepresentations: public impl_abstract_list{
+ public:
+     static const enum_phyla phylum_sel_;
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const{
+ 	return is_nil() ? sel_Nilpatternrepresentations: sel_Conspatternrepresentations;
+     }
+     explicit impl_patternrepresentations(patternrepresentation = 0, patternrepresentations = 0);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     friend patternrepresentations concat(c_patternrepresentations, c_patternrepresentations);
+     patternrepresentations reverse() const;
+     patternrepresentations rewrite(rview);
+     patternrepresentation last() const;
+     patternrepresentations append(patternrepresentation);
+     patternrepresentations map(patternrepresentation (*)(patternrepresentation));
+     patternrepresentations filter( bool (*)(patternrepresentation));
+     patternrepresentations merge( patternrepresentations, patternrepresentation (*)(patternrepresentation, patternrepresentation));
+     patternrepresentation reduce( patternrepresentation, patternrepresentation (*)(patternrepresentation, patternrepresentation));
+     bool is_nil() const;
+     patternrepresentation patternrepresentation_1;
+     patternrepresentations patternrepresentations_1;
+ private:
+     impl_patternrepresentations* nil_rewrite(rview);
+     impl_patternrepresentations* cons_rewrite(rview);
+     void nil_do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_patternrepresentation: public impl_abstract_list{
+ public:
+     static const enum_phyla phylum_sel_;
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const{
+ 	return is_nil() ? sel_Nilpatternrepresentation: sel_Conspatternrepresentation;
+     }
+     explicit impl_patternrepresentation(elem_patternrepresentation = 0, patternrepresentation = 0);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     friend patternrepresentation concat(c_patternrepresentation, c_patternrepresentation);
+     patternrepresentation reverse() const;
+     patternrepresentation rewrite(rview);
+     elem_patternrepresentation last() const;
+     patternrepresentation append(elem_patternrepresentation);
+     patternrepresentation map(elem_patternrepresentation (*)(elem_patternrepresentation));
+     patternrepresentation filter( bool (*)(elem_patternrepresentation));
+     patternrepresentation merge( patternrepresentation, elem_patternrepresentation (*)(elem_patternrepresentation, elem_patternrepresentation));
+     elem_patternrepresentation reduce( elem_patternrepresentation, elem_patternrepresentation (*)(elem_patternrepresentation, elem_patternrepresentation));
+     bool is_nil() const;
+     elem_patternrepresentation elem_patternrepresentation_1;
+     patternrepresentation patternrepresentation_1;
+ private:
+     impl_patternrepresentation* nil_rewrite(rview);
+     impl_patternrepresentation* cons_rewrite(rview);
+     void nil_do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_elem_patternrepresentation: public impl_abstract_phylum{
+ public:
+     static const enum_phyla phylum_sel_;
+     int line;
+     casestring file;
+     ID type;
+     elem_patternrepresentation rewrite(rview) =0;
+ };
+ class impl_elem_patternrepresentation_PRIntLiteral:public impl_elem_patternrepresentation{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel_PRIntLiteral; }
+     explicit impl_elem_patternrepresentation_PRIntLiteral(path, INT);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     elem_patternrepresentation rewrite( rview );
+     impl_path* path_1;
+     impl_INT* INT_1;
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_elem_patternrepresentation_PRStringLiteral:public impl_elem_patternrepresentation{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel_PRStringLiteral; }
+     explicit impl_elem_patternrepresentation_PRStringLiteral(path, CexpressionDQ);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     elem_patternrepresentation rewrite( rview );
+     impl_path* path_1;
+     impl_CexpressionDQ* CexpressionDQ_1;
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_elem_patternrepresentation_PRDefault:public impl_elem_patternrepresentation{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel_PRDefault; }
+     explicit impl_elem_patternrepresentation_PRDefault();
+     elem_patternrepresentation rewrite( rview );
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_elem_patternrepresentation_PRWildcard:public impl_elem_patternrepresentation{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel_PRWildcard; }
+     explicit impl_elem_patternrepresentation_PRWildcard(path);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     elem_patternrepresentation rewrite( rview );
+     impl_path* path_1;
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_elem_patternrepresentation_PRNonLeafBinding:public impl_elem_patternrepresentation{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel_PRNonLeafBinding; }
+     explicit impl_elem_patternrepresentation_PRNonLeafBinding(path, ID, patternrepresentation);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     elem_patternrepresentation rewrite( rview );
+     impl_path* path_1;
+     impl_ID* ID_1;
+     impl_patternrepresentation* patternrepresentation_1;
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_elem_patternrepresentation_PRUserPredicate:public impl_elem_patternrepresentation{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel_PRUserPredicate; }
+     explicit impl_elem_patternrepresentation_PRUserPredicate(Cexpression);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     elem_patternrepresentation rewrite( rview );
+     impl_Cexpression* Cexpression_1;
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_elem_patternrepresentation_PROperPredicate:public impl_elem_patternrepresentation{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel_PROperPredicate; }
+     explicit impl_elem_patternrepresentation_PROperPredicate(path, ID);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     elem_patternrepresentation rewrite( rview );
+     impl_path* path_1;
+     impl_ID* ID_1;
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_elem_patternrepresentation_PRVarPredicate:public impl_elem_patternrepresentation{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel_PRVarPredicate; }
+     explicit impl_elem_patternrepresentation_PRVarPredicate(paths, ID, patternrepresentation);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     elem_patternrepresentation rewrite( rview );
+     impl_paths* paths_1;
+     impl_ID* ID_1;
+     impl_patternrepresentation* patternrepresentation_1;
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_elem_patternrepresentation_PRBinding:public impl_elem_patternrepresentation{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel_PRBinding; }
+     explicit impl_elem_patternrepresentation_PRBinding(path, ID);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     elem_patternrepresentation rewrite( rview );
+     impl_path* path_1;
+     impl_ID* ID_1;
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_path: public impl_abstract_list{
+ public:
+     static const enum_phyla phylum_sel_;
+     ID op;
+     ID id;
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const{
+ 	return is_nil() ? sel_Nilpath: sel_Conspath;
+     }
+     explicit impl_path(integer = 0, path = 0);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     friend path concat(c_path, c_path);
+     path reverse() const;
+     path rewrite(rview);
+     integer last() const;
+     path append(integer);
+     path map(integer (*)(integer));
+     path filter( bool (*)(integer));
+     path merge( path, integer (*)(integer, integer));
+     integer reduce( integer, integer (*)(integer, integer));
+     bool is_nil() const;
+     integer integer_1;
+     path path_1;
+ private:
+     impl_path* nil_rewrite(rview);
+     impl_path* cons_rewrite(rview);
+     void nil_do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_paths: public impl_abstract_list{
+ public:
+     static const enum_phyla phylum_sel_;
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const{
+ 	return is_nil() ? sel_Nilpaths: sel_Conspaths;
+     }
+     explicit impl_paths(path = 0, paths = 0);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     friend paths concat(c_paths, c_paths);
+     paths reverse() const;
+     paths rewrite(rview);
+     path last() const;
+     paths append(path);
+     paths map(path (*)(path));
+     paths filter( bool (*)(path));
+     paths merge( paths, path (*)(path, path));
+     path reduce( path, path (*)(path, path));
+     bool is_nil() const;
+     path path_1;
+     paths paths_1;
+ private:
+     impl_paths* nil_rewrite(rview);
+     impl_paths* cons_rewrite(rview);
+     void nil_do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_argsnumbers: public impl_abstract_list{
+ public:
+     static const enum_phyla phylum_sel_;
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const{
+ 	return is_nil() ? sel_Nilargsnumbers: sel_Consargsnumbers;
+     }
+     explicit impl_argsnumbers(integer = 0, argsnumbers = 0);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     friend argsnumbers concat(c_argsnumbers, c_argsnumbers);
+     argsnumbers reverse() const;
+     argsnumbers rewrite(rview);
+     integer last() const;
+     argsnumbers append(integer);
+     argsnumbers map(integer (*)(integer));
+     argsnumbers filter( bool (*)(integer));
+     argsnumbers merge( argsnumbers, integer (*)(integer, integer));
+     integer reduce( integer, integer (*)(integer, integer));
+     bool is_nil() const;
+     integer integer_1;
+     argsnumbers argsnumbers_1;
+ private:
+     impl_argsnumbers* nil_rewrite(rview);
+     impl_argsnumbers* cons_rewrite(rview);
+     void nil_do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_rewriterulesinfo: public impl_abstract_list{
+ public:
+     static const enum_phyla phylum_sel_;
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const{
+ 	return is_nil() ? sel_Nilrewriterulesinfo: sel_Consrewriterulesinfo;
+     }
+     explicit impl_rewriterulesinfo(rewriteruleinfo = 0, rewriterulesinfo = 0);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     friend rewriterulesinfo concat(c_rewriterulesinfo, c_rewriterulesinfo);
+     rewriterulesinfo reverse() const;
+     rewriterulesinfo rewrite(rview);
+     rewriteruleinfo last() const;
+     rewriterulesinfo append(rewriteruleinfo);
+     rewriterulesinfo map(rewriteruleinfo (*)(rewriteruleinfo));
+     rewriterulesinfo filter( bool (*)(rewriteruleinfo));
+     rewriterulesinfo merge( rewriterulesinfo, rewriteruleinfo (*)(rewriteruleinfo, rewriteruleinfo));
+     rewriteruleinfo reduce( rewriteruleinfo, rewriteruleinfo (*)(rewriteruleinfo, rewriteruleinfo));
+     bool is_nil() const;
+     rewriteruleinfo rewriteruleinfo_1;
+     rewriterulesinfo rewriterulesinfo_1;
+ private:
+     impl_rewriterulesinfo* nil_rewrite(rview);
+     impl_rewriterulesinfo* cons_rewrite(rview);
+     void nil_do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_rewriteruleinfo: public impl_abstract_phylum{
+ public:
+     static const enum_phyla phylum_sel_;
+     rewriteruleinfo rewrite(rview) =0;
+ };
+ class impl_rewriteruleinfo_Rewriteruleinfo:public impl_rewriteruleinfo{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel_Rewriteruleinfo; }
+     explicit impl_rewriteruleinfo_Rewriteruleinfo(patternrepresentation, patternrepresentation, rewriteclause);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     rewriteruleinfo rewrite( rview );
+     impl_patternrepresentation* patternrepresentation_1;
+     impl_patternrepresentation* patternrepresentation_2;
+     impl_rewriteclause* rewriteclause_1;
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_withcasesinfo: public impl_abstract_list{
+ public:
+     static const enum_phyla phylum_sel_;
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const{
+ 	return is_nil() ? sel_Nilwithcasesinfo: sel_Conswithcasesinfo;
+     }
+     explicit impl_withcasesinfo(withcaseinfo = 0, withcasesinfo = 0);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     friend withcasesinfo concat(c_withcasesinfo, c_withcasesinfo);
+     withcasesinfo reverse() const;
+     withcasesinfo rewrite(rview);
+     withcaseinfo last() const;
+     withcasesinfo append(withcaseinfo);
+     withcasesinfo map(withcaseinfo (*)(withcaseinfo));
+     withcasesinfo filter( bool (*)(withcaseinfo));
+     withcasesinfo merge( withcasesinfo, withcaseinfo (*)(withcaseinfo, withcaseinfo));
+     withcaseinfo reduce( withcaseinfo, withcaseinfo (*)(withcaseinfo, withcaseinfo));
+     bool is_nil() const;
+     withcaseinfo withcaseinfo_1;
+     withcasesinfo withcasesinfo_1;
+ private:
+     impl_withcasesinfo* nil_rewrite(rview);
+     impl_withcasesinfo* cons_rewrite(rview);
+     void nil_do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_withcaseinfo: public impl_abstract_phylum{
+ public:
+     static const enum_phyla phylum_sel_;
+     withcaseinfo rewrite(rview) =0;
+ };
+ class impl_withcaseinfo_Withcaseinfo:public impl_withcaseinfo{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel_Withcaseinfo; }
+     explicit impl_withcaseinfo_Withcaseinfo(patternrepresentation, patternrepresentation, Ctext);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     withcaseinfo rewrite( rview );
+     impl_patternrepresentation* patternrepresentation_1;
+     impl_patternrepresentation* patternrepresentation_2;
+     impl_Ctext* Ctext_1;
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_rewriteviewsinfo: public impl_abstract_list{
+ public:
+     static const enum_phyla phylum_sel_;
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const{
+ 	return is_nil() ? sel_Nilrewriteviewsinfo: sel_Consrewriteviewsinfo;
+     }
+     explicit impl_rewriteviewsinfo(rewriteviewinfo = 0, rewriteviewsinfo = 0);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     friend rewriteviewsinfo concat(c_rewriteviewsinfo, c_rewriteviewsinfo);
+     rewriteviewsinfo reverse() const;
+     rewriteviewsinfo rewrite(rview);
+     rewriteviewinfo last() const;
+     rewriteviewsinfo append(rewriteviewinfo);
+     rewriteviewsinfo map(rewriteviewinfo (*)(rewriteviewinfo));
+     rewriteviewsinfo filter( bool (*)(rewriteviewinfo));
+     rewriteviewsinfo merge( rewriteviewsinfo, rewriteviewinfo (*)(rewriteviewinfo, rewriteviewinfo));
+     rewriteviewinfo reduce( rewriteviewinfo, rewriteviewinfo (*)(rewriteviewinfo, rewriteviewinfo));
+     bool is_nil() const;
+     rewriteviewinfo rewriteviewinfo_1;
+     rewriteviewsinfo rewriteviewsinfo_1;
+ private:
+     impl_rewriteviewsinfo* nil_rewrite(rview);
+     impl_rewriteviewsinfo* cons_rewrite(rview);
+     void nil_do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_rewriteviewinfo: public impl_abstract_phylum{
+ public:
+     static const enum_phyla phylum_sel_;
+     rewriteviewinfo rewrite(rview) =0;
+ };
+ class impl_rewriteviewinfo_Rewriteviewinfo:public impl_rewriteviewinfo{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel_Rewriteviewinfo; }
+     explicit impl_rewriteviewinfo_Rewriteviewinfo(ID, rewriterulesinfo);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     rewriteviewinfo rewrite( rview );
+     impl_ID* ID_1;
+     impl_rewriterulesinfo* rewriterulesinfo_1;
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_unparseviewsinfo: public impl_abstract_list{
+ public:
+     static const enum_phyla phylum_sel_;
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const{
+ 	return is_nil() ? sel_Nilunparseviewsinfo: sel_Consunparseviewsinfo;
+     }
+     explicit impl_unparseviewsinfo(unparseviewinfo = 0, unparseviewsinfo = 0);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     friend unparseviewsinfo concat(c_unparseviewsinfo, c_unparseviewsinfo);
+     unparseviewsinfo reverse() const;
+     unparseviewsinfo rewrite(rview);
+     unparseviewinfo last() const;
+     unparseviewsinfo append(unparseviewinfo);
+     unparseviewsinfo map(unparseviewinfo (*)(unparseviewinfo));
+     unparseviewsinfo filter( bool (*)(unparseviewinfo));
+     unparseviewsinfo merge( unparseviewsinfo, unparseviewinfo (*)(unparseviewinfo, unparseviewinfo));
+     unparseviewinfo reduce( unparseviewinfo, unparseviewinfo (*)(unparseviewinfo, unparseviewinfo));
+     bool is_nil() const;
+     unparseviewinfo unparseviewinfo_1;
+     unparseviewsinfo unparseviewsinfo_1;
+ private:
+     impl_unparseviewsinfo* nil_rewrite(rview);
+     impl_unparseviewsinfo* cons_rewrite(rview);
+     void nil_do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_unparseviewinfo: public impl_abstract_phylum{
+ public:
+     static const enum_phyla phylum_sel_;
+     unparseviewinfo rewrite(rview) =0;
+ };
+ class impl_unparseviewinfo_Unparseviewinfo:public impl_unparseviewinfo{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel_Unparseviewinfo; }
+     explicit impl_unparseviewinfo_Unparseviewinfo(ID, unparsedeclsinfo);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     unparseviewinfo rewrite( rview );
+     impl_ID* ID_1;
+     impl_unparsedeclsinfo* unparsedeclsinfo_1;
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_unparsedeclsinfo: public impl_abstract_list{
+ public:
+     static const enum_phyla phylum_sel_;
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const{
+ 	return is_nil() ? sel_Nilunparsedeclsinfo: sel_Consunparsedeclsinfo;
+     }
+     explicit impl_unparsedeclsinfo(unparsedeclinfo = 0, unparsedeclsinfo = 0);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     friend unparsedeclsinfo concat(c_unparsedeclsinfo, c_unparsedeclsinfo);
+     unparsedeclsinfo reverse() const;
+     unparsedeclsinfo rewrite(rview);
+     unparsedeclinfo last() const;
+     unparsedeclsinfo append(unparsedeclinfo);
+     unparsedeclsinfo map(unparsedeclinfo (*)(unparsedeclinfo));
+     unparsedeclsinfo filter( bool (*)(unparsedeclinfo));
+     unparsedeclsinfo merge( unparsedeclsinfo, unparsedeclinfo (*)(unparsedeclinfo, unparsedeclinfo));
+     unparsedeclinfo reduce( unparsedeclinfo, unparsedeclinfo (*)(unparsedeclinfo, unparsedeclinfo));
+     bool is_nil() const;
+     unparsedeclinfo unparsedeclinfo_1;
+     unparsedeclsinfo unparsedeclsinfo_1;
+ private:
+     impl_unparsedeclsinfo* nil_rewrite(rview);
+     impl_unparsedeclsinfo* cons_rewrite(rview);
+     void nil_do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_unparsedeclinfo: public impl_abstract_phylum{
+ public:
+     static const enum_phyla phylum_sel_;
+     unparsedeclinfo rewrite(rview) =0;
+ };
+ class impl_unparsedeclinfo_Unparsedeclinfo:public impl_unparsedeclinfo{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel_Unparsedeclinfo; }
+     explicit impl_unparsedeclinfo_Unparsedeclinfo(patternrepresentation, patternrepresentation, unparseclause);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     unparsedeclinfo rewrite( rview );
+     impl_patternrepresentation* patternrepresentation_1;
+     impl_patternrepresentation* patternrepresentation_2;
+     impl_unparseclause* unparseclause_1;
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_ac_declaration: public impl_abstract_phylum{
+ public:
+     static const enum_phyla phylum_sel_;
+     ac_declaration rewrite(rview) =0;
+ };
+ class impl_ac_declaration_AcDeclaration:public impl_ac_declaration{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel_AcDeclaration; }
+     explicit impl_ac_declaration_AcDeclaration(ac_declaration_specifiers, ac_init_declarator_list);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     ac_declaration rewrite( rview );
+     impl_ac_declaration_specifiers* ac_declaration_specifiers_1;
+     impl_ac_init_declarator_list* ac_init_declarator_list_1;
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_ac_declaration_list: public impl_abstract_list{
+ public:
+     static const enum_phyla phylum_sel_;
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const{
+ 	return is_nil() ? sel_Nilac_declaration_list: sel_Consac_declaration_list;
+     }
+     explicit impl_ac_declaration_list(ac_declaration = 0, ac_declaration_list = 0);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     friend ac_declaration_list concat(c_ac_declaration_list, c_ac_declaration_list);
+     ac_declaration_list reverse() const;
+     ac_declaration_list rewrite(rview);
+     ac_declaration last() const;
+     ac_declaration_list append(ac_declaration);
+     ac_declaration_list map(ac_declaration (*)(ac_declaration));
+     ac_declaration_list filter( bool (*)(ac_declaration));
+     ac_declaration_list merge( ac_declaration_list, ac_declaration (*)(ac_declaration, ac_declaration));
+     ac_declaration reduce( ac_declaration, ac_declaration (*)(ac_declaration, ac_declaration));
+     bool is_nil() const;
+     ac_declaration ac_declaration_1;
+     ac_declaration_list ac_declaration_list_1;
+ private:
+     impl_ac_declaration_list* nil_rewrite(rview);
+     impl_ac_declaration_list* cons_rewrite(rview);
+     void nil_do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_ac_declaration_specifiers: public impl_abstract_list{
+ public:
+     static const enum_phyla phylum_sel_;
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const{
+ 	return is_nil() ? sel_Nilac_declaration_specifiers: sel_Consac_declaration_specifiers;
+     }
+     explicit impl_ac_declaration_specifiers(ac_declaration_specifier = 0, ac_declaration_specifiers = 0);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     friend ac_declaration_specifiers concat(c_ac_declaration_specifiers, c_ac_declaration_specifiers);
+     ac_declaration_specifiers reverse() const;
+     ac_declaration_specifiers rewrite(rview);
+     ac_declaration_specifier last() const;
+     ac_declaration_specifiers append(ac_declaration_specifier);
+     ac_declaration_specifiers map(ac_declaration_specifier (*)(ac_declaration_specifier));
+     ac_declaration_specifiers filter( bool (*)(ac_declaration_specifier));
+     ac_declaration_specifiers merge( ac_declaration_specifiers, ac_declaration_specifier (*)(ac_declaration_specifier, ac_declaration_specifier));
+     ac_declaration_specifier reduce( ac_declaration_specifier, ac_declaration_specifier (*)(ac_declaration_specifier, ac_declaration_specifier));
+     bool is_nil() const;
+     ac_declaration_specifier ac_declaration_specifier_1;
+     ac_declaration_specifiers ac_declaration_specifiers_1;
+ private:
+     impl_ac_declaration_specifiers* nil_rewrite(rview);
+     impl_ac_declaration_specifiers* cons_rewrite(rview);
+     void nil_do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_ac_declaration_specifier: public impl_abstract_phylum{
+ public:
+     static const enum_phyla phylum_sel_;
+     ac_declaration_specifier rewrite(rview) =0;
+ };
+ class impl_ac_declaration_specifier_AcDeclSpecTypeQual:public impl_ac_declaration_specifier{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel_AcDeclSpecTypeQual; }
+     explicit impl_ac_declaration_specifier_AcDeclSpecTypeQual(ac_type_qualifier);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     ac_declaration_specifier rewrite( rview );
+     impl_ac_type_qualifier* ac_type_qualifier_1;
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_ac_declaration_specifier_AcDeclSpecTypeSpec:public impl_ac_declaration_specifier{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel_AcDeclSpecTypeSpec; }
+     explicit impl_ac_declaration_specifier_AcDeclSpecTypeSpec(ac_type_specifier);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     ac_declaration_specifier rewrite( rview );
+     impl_ac_type_specifier* ac_type_specifier_1;
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_ac_declaration_specifier_AcDeclSpecStorageSpec:public impl_ac_declaration_specifier{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel_AcDeclSpecStorageSpec; }
+     explicit impl_ac_declaration_specifier_AcDeclSpecStorageSpec(ac_storage_class_specifier);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     ac_declaration_specifier rewrite( rview );
+     impl_ac_storage_class_specifier* ac_storage_class_specifier_1;
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_ac_storage_class_specifier: public impl_abstract_phylum{
+ public:
+     static const enum_phyla phylum_sel_;
+     ac_storage_class_specifier rewrite(rview) =0;
+ };
+ class impl_ac_storage_class_specifier_AcVirtual:public impl_ac_storage_class_specifier{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel_AcVirtual; }
+     explicit impl_ac_storage_class_specifier_AcVirtual();
+     ac_storage_class_specifier rewrite( rview );
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_ac_storage_class_specifier_AcTypedef:public impl_ac_storage_class_specifier{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel_AcTypedef; }
+     explicit impl_ac_storage_class_specifier_AcTypedef();
+     ac_storage_class_specifier rewrite( rview );
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_ac_storage_class_specifier_AcExtern:public impl_ac_storage_class_specifier{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel_AcExtern; }
+     explicit impl_ac_storage_class_specifier_AcExtern();
+     ac_storage_class_specifier rewrite( rview );
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_ac_storage_class_specifier_AcStatic:public impl_ac_storage_class_specifier{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel_AcStatic; }
+     explicit impl_ac_storage_class_specifier_AcStatic();
+     ac_storage_class_specifier rewrite( rview );
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_ac_storage_class_specifier_AcRegister:public impl_ac_storage_class_specifier{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel_AcRegister; }
+     explicit impl_ac_storage_class_specifier_AcRegister();
+     ac_storage_class_specifier rewrite( rview );
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_ac_storage_class_specifier_AcAuto:public impl_ac_storage_class_specifier{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel_AcAuto; }
+     explicit impl_ac_storage_class_specifier_AcAuto();
+     ac_storage_class_specifier rewrite( rview );
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_ac_type_specifier: public impl_abstract_phylum{
+ public:
+     static const enum_phyla phylum_sel_;
+     ac_type_specifier rewrite(rview) =0;
+ };
+ class impl_ac_type_specifier_AcTypeSpec:public impl_ac_type_specifier{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel_AcTypeSpec; }
+     explicit impl_ac_type_specifier_AcTypeSpec(ID);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     ac_type_specifier rewrite( rview );
+     impl_ID* ID_1;
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_ac_type_qualifier: public impl_abstract_phylum{
+ public:
+     static const enum_phyla phylum_sel_;
+     ac_type_qualifier rewrite(rview) =0;
+ };
+ class impl_ac_type_qualifier_AcNoQualifier:public impl_ac_type_qualifier{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel_AcNoQualifier; }
+     explicit impl_ac_type_qualifier_AcNoQualifier();
+     ac_type_qualifier rewrite( rview );
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_ac_type_qualifier_AcUnsigned:public impl_ac_type_qualifier{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel_AcUnsigned; }
+     explicit impl_ac_type_qualifier_AcUnsigned();
+     ac_type_qualifier rewrite( rview );
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_ac_type_qualifier_AcVolatile:public impl_ac_type_qualifier{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel_AcVolatile; }
+     explicit impl_ac_type_qualifier_AcVolatile();
+     ac_type_qualifier rewrite( rview );
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_ac_type_qualifier_AcConst:public impl_ac_type_qualifier{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel_AcConst; }
+     explicit impl_ac_type_qualifier_AcConst();
+     ac_type_qualifier rewrite( rview );
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_ac_init_declarator_list: public impl_abstract_list{
+ public:
+     static const enum_phyla phylum_sel_;
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const{
+ 	return is_nil() ? sel_Nilac_init_declarator_list: sel_Consac_init_declarator_list;
+     }
+     explicit impl_ac_init_declarator_list(ac_init_declarator = 0, ac_init_declarator_list = 0);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     friend ac_init_declarator_list concat(c_ac_init_declarator_list, c_ac_init_declarator_list);
+     ac_init_declarator_list reverse() const;
+     ac_init_declarator_list rewrite(rview);
+     ac_init_declarator last() const;
+     ac_init_declarator_list append(ac_init_declarator);
+     ac_init_declarator_list map(ac_init_declarator (*)(ac_init_declarator));
+     ac_init_declarator_list filter( bool (*)(ac_init_declarator));
+     ac_init_declarator_list merge( ac_init_declarator_list, ac_init_declarator (*)(ac_init_declarator, ac_init_declarator));
+     ac_init_declarator reduce( ac_init_declarator, ac_init_declarator (*)(ac_init_declarator, ac_init_declarator));
+     bool is_nil() const;
+     ac_init_declarator ac_init_declarator_1;
+     ac_init_declarator_list ac_init_declarator_list_1;
+ private:
+     impl_ac_init_declarator_list* nil_rewrite(rview);
+     impl_ac_init_declarator_list* cons_rewrite(rview);
+     void nil_do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_ac_init_declarator: public impl_abstract_phylum{
+ public:
+     static const enum_phyla phylum_sel_;
+     ac_init_declarator rewrite(rview) =0;
+ };
+ class impl_ac_init_declarator_AcInitDecl:public impl_ac_init_declarator{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel_AcInitDecl; }
+     explicit impl_ac_init_declarator_AcInitDecl(ac_declarator);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     ac_init_declarator rewrite( rview );
+     impl_ac_declarator* ac_declarator_1;
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_ac_declarator: public impl_abstract_phylum{
+ public:
+     static const enum_phyla phylum_sel_;
+     ac_declarator rewrite(rview) =0;
+ };
+ class impl_ac_declarator_AcDeclarator:public impl_ac_declarator{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel_AcDeclarator; }
+     explicit impl_ac_declarator_AcDeclarator(ac_pointer_option, ac_ref_option, ac_direct_declarator);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     ac_declarator rewrite( rview );
+     impl_ac_pointer_option* ac_pointer_option_1;
+     impl_ac_ref_option* ac_ref_option_1;
+     impl_ac_direct_declarator* ac_direct_declarator_1;
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_ac_direct_declarator: public impl_abstract_phylum{
+ public:
+     static const enum_phyla phylum_sel_;
+     ac_direct_declarator rewrite(rview) =0;
+ };
+ class impl_ac_direct_declarator_AcOperatorDeclId:public impl_ac_direct_declarator{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel_AcOperatorDeclId; }
+     explicit impl_ac_direct_declarator_AcOperatorDeclId(ac_operator_name);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     ac_direct_declarator rewrite( rview );
+     impl_ac_operator_name* ac_operator_name_1;
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_ac_direct_declarator_AcConvOperatorDecl:public impl_ac_direct_declarator{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel_AcConvOperatorDecl; }
+     explicit impl_ac_direct_declarator_AcConvOperatorDecl(ID, ID);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     ac_direct_declarator rewrite( rview );
+     impl_ID* ID_1;
+     impl_ID* ID_2;
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_ac_direct_declarator_AcMemberDecl:public impl_ac_direct_declarator{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel_AcMemberDecl; }
+     explicit impl_ac_direct_declarator_AcMemberDecl(ID, ID, ac_constant_expression_list);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     ac_direct_declarator rewrite( rview );
+     impl_ID* ID_1;
+     impl_ID* ID_2;
+     impl_ac_constant_expression_list* ac_constant_expression_list_1;
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_ac_direct_declarator_AcQualifiedDeclProto:public impl_ac_direct_declarator{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel_AcQualifiedDeclProto; }
+     explicit impl_ac_direct_declarator_AcQualifiedDeclProto(ac_class_qualifier_list, ac_direct_declarator, ac_parameter_type_list, ac_type_qualifier);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     ac_direct_declarator rewrite( rview );
+     impl_ac_class_qualifier_list* ac_class_qualifier_list_1;
+     impl_ac_direct_declarator* ac_direct_declarator_1;
+     impl_ac_parameter_type_list* ac_parameter_type_list_1;
+     impl_ac_type_qualifier* ac_type_qualifier_1;
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_ac_direct_declarator_AcDirectDeclProto:public impl_ac_direct_declarator{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel_AcDirectDeclProto; }
+     explicit impl_ac_direct_declarator_AcDirectDeclProto(ac_direct_declarator, ac_parameter_type_list);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     ac_direct_declarator rewrite( rview );
+     impl_ac_direct_declarator* ac_direct_declarator_1;
+     impl_ac_parameter_type_list* ac_parameter_type_list_1;
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_ac_direct_declarator_AcDirectDeclArray:public impl_ac_direct_declarator{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel_AcDirectDeclArray; }
+     explicit impl_ac_direct_declarator_AcDirectDeclArray(ac_direct_declarator, ac_constant_expression_option);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     ac_direct_declarator rewrite( rview );
+     impl_ac_direct_declarator* ac_direct_declarator_1;
+     impl_ac_constant_expression_option* ac_constant_expression_option_1;
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_ac_direct_declarator_AcDirectDeclPack:public impl_ac_direct_declarator{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel_AcDirectDeclPack; }
+     explicit impl_ac_direct_declarator_AcDirectDeclPack(ac_declarator);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     ac_direct_declarator rewrite( rview );
+     impl_ac_declarator* ac_declarator_1;
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_ac_direct_declarator_AcDirectDeclId:public impl_ac_direct_declarator{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel_AcDirectDeclId; }
+     explicit impl_ac_direct_declarator_AcDirectDeclId(ID);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     ac_direct_declarator rewrite( rview );
+     impl_ID* ID_1;
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_ac_pointer_option: public impl_abstract_phylum{
+ public:
+     static const enum_phyla phylum_sel_;
+     ac_pointer_option rewrite(rview) =0;
+ };
+ class impl_ac_pointer_option_Yespointer:public impl_ac_pointer_option{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel_Yespointer; }
+     explicit impl_ac_pointer_option_Yespointer(ac_pointer);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     ac_pointer_option rewrite( rview );
+     impl_ac_pointer* ac_pointer_1;
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_ac_pointer_option_Nopointer:public impl_ac_pointer_option{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel_Nopointer; }
+     explicit impl_ac_pointer_option_Nopointer();
+     ac_pointer_option rewrite( rview );
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_ac_pointer: public impl_abstract_phylum{
+ public:
+     static const enum_phyla phylum_sel_;
+     ac_pointer rewrite(rview) =0;
+ };
+ class impl_ac_pointer_AcPointerCons:public impl_ac_pointer{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel_AcPointerCons; }
+     explicit impl_ac_pointer_AcPointerCons(ac_type_qualifier_list, ac_pointer);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     ac_pointer rewrite( rview );
+     impl_ac_type_qualifier_list* ac_type_qualifier_list_1;
+     impl_ac_pointer* ac_pointer_1;
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_ac_pointer_AcPointerNil:public impl_ac_pointer{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel_AcPointerNil; }
+     explicit impl_ac_pointer_AcPointerNil(ac_type_qualifier_list);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     ac_pointer rewrite( rview );
+     impl_ac_type_qualifier_list* ac_type_qualifier_list_1;
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_ac_ref_option: public impl_abstract_phylum{
+ public:
+     static const enum_phyla phylum_sel_;
+     ac_ref_option rewrite(rview) =0;
+ };
+ class impl_ac_ref_option_AcRef:public impl_ac_ref_option{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel_AcRef; }
+     explicit impl_ac_ref_option_AcRef();
+     ac_ref_option rewrite( rview );
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_ac_ref_option_AcNoRef:public impl_ac_ref_option{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel_AcNoRef; }
+     explicit impl_ac_ref_option_AcNoRef();
+     ac_ref_option rewrite( rview );
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_ac_operator_name: public impl_abstract_phylum{
+ public:
+     static const enum_phyla phylum_sel_;
+     int line;
+     casestring file;
+     ac_operator_name rewrite(rview) =0;
+ };
+ class impl_ac_operator_name_AcOperatorName:public impl_ac_operator_name{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel_AcOperatorName; }
+     explicit impl_ac_operator_name_AcOperatorName(casestring);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     ac_operator_name rewrite( rview );
+     impl_casestring* casestring_1;
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_ac_class_qualifier_help_list: public impl_abstract_list{
+ public:
+     static const enum_phyla phylum_sel_;
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const{
+ 	return is_nil() ? sel_Nilac_class_qualifier_help_list: sel_Consac_class_qualifier_help_list;
+     }
+     explicit impl_ac_class_qualifier_help_list(ac_direct_declarator = 0, ac_class_qualifier_help_list = 0);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     friend ac_class_qualifier_help_list concat(c_ac_class_qualifier_help_list, c_ac_class_qualifier_help_list);
+     ac_class_qualifier_help_list reverse() const;
+     ac_class_qualifier_help_list rewrite(rview);
+     ac_direct_declarator last() const;
+     ac_class_qualifier_help_list append(ac_direct_declarator);
+     ac_class_qualifier_help_list map(ac_direct_declarator (*)(ac_direct_declarator));
+     ac_class_qualifier_help_list filter( bool (*)(ac_direct_declarator));
+     ac_class_qualifier_help_list merge( ac_class_qualifier_help_list, ac_direct_declarator (*)(ac_direct_declarator, ac_direct_declarator));
+     ac_direct_declarator reduce( ac_direct_declarator, ac_direct_declarator (*)(ac_direct_declarator, ac_direct_declarator));
+     bool is_nil() const;
+     ac_direct_declarator ac_direct_declarator_1;
+     ac_class_qualifier_help_list ac_class_qualifier_help_list_1;
+ private:
+     impl_ac_class_qualifier_help_list* nil_rewrite(rview);
+     impl_ac_class_qualifier_help_list* cons_rewrite(rview);
+     void nil_do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_ac_class_qualifier_list: public impl_abstract_list{
+ public:
+     static const enum_phyla phylum_sel_;
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const{
+ 	return is_nil() ? sel_Nilac_class_qualifier_list: sel_Consac_class_qualifier_list;
+     }
+     explicit impl_ac_class_qualifier_list(ID = 0, ac_class_qualifier_list = 0);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     friend ac_class_qualifier_list concat(c_ac_class_qualifier_list, c_ac_class_qualifier_list);
+     ac_class_qualifier_list reverse() const;
+     ac_class_qualifier_list rewrite(rview);
+     ID last() const;
+     ac_class_qualifier_list append(ID);
+     ac_class_qualifier_list map(ID (*)(ID));
+     ac_class_qualifier_list filter( bool (*)(ID));
+     ac_class_qualifier_list merge( ac_class_qualifier_list, ID (*)(ID, ID));
+     ID reduce( ID, ID (*)(ID, ID));
+     bool is_nil() const;
+     ID ID_1;
+     ac_class_qualifier_list ac_class_qualifier_list_1;
+ private:
+     impl_ac_class_qualifier_list* nil_rewrite(rview);
+     impl_ac_class_qualifier_list* cons_rewrite(rview);
+     void nil_do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_ac_type_qualifier_list: public impl_abstract_list{
+ public:
+     static const enum_phyla phylum_sel_;
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const{
+ 	return is_nil() ? sel_Nilac_type_qualifier_list: sel_Consac_type_qualifier_list;
+     }
+     explicit impl_ac_type_qualifier_list(ac_type_qualifier = 0, ac_type_qualifier_list = 0);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     friend ac_type_qualifier_list concat(c_ac_type_qualifier_list, c_ac_type_qualifier_list);
+     ac_type_qualifier_list reverse() const;
+     ac_type_qualifier_list rewrite(rview);
+     ac_type_qualifier last() const;
+     ac_type_qualifier_list append(ac_type_qualifier);
+     ac_type_qualifier_list map(ac_type_qualifier (*)(ac_type_qualifier));
+     ac_type_qualifier_list filter( bool (*)(ac_type_qualifier));
+     ac_type_qualifier_list merge( ac_type_qualifier_list, ac_type_qualifier (*)(ac_type_qualifier, ac_type_qualifier));
+     ac_type_qualifier reduce( ac_type_qualifier, ac_type_qualifier (*)(ac_type_qualifier, ac_type_qualifier));
+     bool is_nil() const;
+     ac_type_qualifier ac_type_qualifier_1;
+     ac_type_qualifier_list ac_type_qualifier_list_1;
+ private:
+     impl_ac_type_qualifier_list* nil_rewrite(rview);
+     impl_ac_type_qualifier_list* cons_rewrite(rview);
+     void nil_do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_ac_parameter_type_list: public impl_abstract_phylum{
+ public:
+     static const enum_phyla phylum_sel_;
+     ac_parameter_type_list rewrite(rview) =0;
+ };
+ class impl_ac_parameter_type_list_AcParList3Dot:public impl_ac_parameter_type_list{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel_AcParList3Dot; }
+     explicit impl_ac_parameter_type_list_AcParList3Dot(ac_parameter_list);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     ac_parameter_type_list rewrite( rview );
+     impl_ac_parameter_list* ac_parameter_list_1;
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_ac_parameter_type_list_AcParList:public impl_ac_parameter_type_list{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel_AcParList; }
+     explicit impl_ac_parameter_type_list_AcParList(ac_parameter_list);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     ac_parameter_type_list rewrite( rview );
+     impl_ac_parameter_list* ac_parameter_list_1;
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_ac_parameter_list: public impl_abstract_list{
+ public:
+     static const enum_phyla phylum_sel_;
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const{
+ 	return is_nil() ? sel_Nilac_parameter_list: sel_Consac_parameter_list;
+     }
+     explicit impl_ac_parameter_list(ac_parameter_declaration = 0, ac_parameter_list = 0);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     friend ac_parameter_list concat(c_ac_parameter_list, c_ac_parameter_list);
+     ac_parameter_list reverse() const;
+     ac_parameter_list rewrite(rview);
+     ac_parameter_declaration last() const;
+     ac_parameter_list append(ac_parameter_declaration);
+     ac_parameter_list map(ac_parameter_declaration (*)(ac_parameter_declaration));
+     ac_parameter_list filter( bool (*)(ac_parameter_declaration));
+     ac_parameter_list merge( ac_parameter_list, ac_parameter_declaration (*)(ac_parameter_declaration, ac_parameter_declaration));
+     ac_parameter_declaration reduce( ac_parameter_declaration, ac_parameter_declaration (*)(ac_parameter_declaration, ac_parameter_declaration));
+     bool is_nil() const;
+     ac_parameter_declaration ac_parameter_declaration_1;
+     ac_parameter_list ac_parameter_list_1;
+ private:
+     impl_ac_parameter_list* nil_rewrite(rview);
+     impl_ac_parameter_list* cons_rewrite(rview);
+     void nil_do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_ac_parameter_declaration: public impl_abstract_phylum{
+ public:
+     static const enum_phyla phylum_sel_;
+     ac_parameter_declaration rewrite(rview) =0;
+ };
+ class impl_ac_parameter_declaration_AcParDeclAbsdecl:public impl_ac_parameter_declaration{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel_AcParDeclAbsdecl; }
+     explicit impl_ac_parameter_declaration_AcParDeclAbsdecl(ac_declaration_specifiers, ac_abstract_declarator, ac_constant_expression_option);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     ac_parameter_declaration rewrite( rview );
+     impl_ac_declaration_specifiers* ac_declaration_specifiers_1;
+     impl_ac_abstract_declarator* ac_abstract_declarator_1;
+     impl_ac_constant_expression_option* ac_constant_expression_option_1;
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_ac_parameter_declaration_AcParDeclDecl:public impl_ac_parameter_declaration{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel_AcParDeclDecl; }
+     explicit impl_ac_parameter_declaration_AcParDeclDecl(ac_declaration_specifiers, ac_declarator, ac_constant_expression_option);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     ac_parameter_declaration rewrite( rview );
+     impl_ac_declaration_specifiers* ac_declaration_specifiers_1;
+     impl_ac_declarator* ac_declarator_1;
+     impl_ac_constant_expression_option* ac_constant_expression_option_1;
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_ac_identifier_list: public impl_abstract_list{
+ public:
+     static const enum_phyla phylum_sel_;
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const{
+ 	return is_nil() ? sel_Nilac_identifier_list: sel_Consac_identifier_list;
+     }
+     explicit impl_ac_identifier_list(ID = 0, ac_identifier_list = 0);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     friend ac_identifier_list concat(c_ac_identifier_list, c_ac_identifier_list);
+     ac_identifier_list reverse() const;
+     ac_identifier_list rewrite(rview);
+     ID last() const;
+     ac_identifier_list append(ID);
+     ac_identifier_list map(ID (*)(ID));
+     ac_identifier_list filter( bool (*)(ID));
+     ac_identifier_list merge( ac_identifier_list, ID (*)(ID, ID));
+     ID reduce( ID, ID (*)(ID, ID));
+     bool is_nil() const;
+     ID ID_1;
+     ac_identifier_list ac_identifier_list_1;
+ private:
+     impl_ac_identifier_list* nil_rewrite(rview);
+     impl_ac_identifier_list* cons_rewrite(rview);
+     void nil_do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_ac_abstract_declarator: public impl_abstract_phylum{
+ public:
+     static const enum_phyla phylum_sel_;
+     ac_abstract_declarator rewrite(rview) =0;
+ };
+ class impl_ac_abstract_declarator_AcAbsdeclDirdecl:public impl_ac_abstract_declarator{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel_AcAbsdeclDirdecl; }
+     explicit impl_ac_abstract_declarator_AcAbsdeclDirdecl(ac_pointer_option, ac_direct_abstract_declarator);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     ac_abstract_declarator rewrite( rview );
+     impl_ac_pointer_option* ac_pointer_option_1;
+     impl_ac_direct_abstract_declarator* ac_direct_abstract_declarator_1;
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_ac_abstract_declarator_AcAbsdeclPointer:public impl_ac_abstract_declarator{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel_AcAbsdeclPointer; }
+     explicit impl_ac_abstract_declarator_AcAbsdeclPointer(ac_pointer);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     ac_abstract_declarator rewrite( rview );
+     impl_ac_pointer* ac_pointer_1;
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_ac_direct_abstract_declarator_option: public impl_abstract_phylum{
+ public:
+     static const enum_phyla phylum_sel_;
+     ac_direct_abstract_declarator_option rewrite(rview) =0;
+ };
+ class impl_ac_direct_abstract_declarator_option_Yesac_direct_abstract_declarator:public impl_ac_direct_abstract_declarator_option{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel_Yesac_direct_abstract_declarator; }
+     explicit impl_ac_direct_abstract_declarator_option_Yesac_direct_abstract_declarator(ac_direct_abstract_declarator);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     ac_direct_abstract_declarator_option rewrite( rview );
+     impl_ac_direct_abstract_declarator* ac_direct_abstract_declarator_1;
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_ac_direct_abstract_declarator_option_Noac_direct_abstract_declarator:public impl_ac_direct_abstract_declarator_option{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel_Noac_direct_abstract_declarator; }
+     explicit impl_ac_direct_abstract_declarator_option_Noac_direct_abstract_declarator();
+     ac_direct_abstract_declarator_option rewrite( rview );
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_ac_direct_abstract_declarator: public impl_abstract_phylum{
+ public:
+     static const enum_phyla phylum_sel_;
+     ac_direct_abstract_declarator rewrite(rview) =0;
+ };
+ class impl_ac_direct_abstract_declarator_AcDirAbsdeclFn:public impl_ac_direct_abstract_declarator{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel_AcDirAbsdeclFn; }
+     explicit impl_ac_direct_abstract_declarator_AcDirAbsdeclFn(ac_direct_abstract_declarator_option, ac_parameter_type_list);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     ac_direct_abstract_declarator rewrite( rview );
+     impl_ac_direct_abstract_declarator_option* ac_direct_abstract_declarator_option_1;
+     impl_ac_parameter_type_list* ac_parameter_type_list_1;
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_ac_direct_abstract_declarator_AcDirAbsdeclArray:public impl_ac_direct_abstract_declarator{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel_AcDirAbsdeclArray; }
+     explicit impl_ac_direct_abstract_declarator_AcDirAbsdeclArray(ac_direct_abstract_declarator_option, ac_constant_expression_option);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     ac_direct_abstract_declarator rewrite( rview );
+     impl_ac_direct_abstract_declarator_option* ac_direct_abstract_declarator_option_1;
+     impl_ac_constant_expression_option* ac_constant_expression_option_1;
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_ac_direct_abstract_declarator_AcDirAbsdeclPack:public impl_ac_direct_abstract_declarator{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel_AcDirAbsdeclPack; }
+     explicit impl_ac_direct_abstract_declarator_AcDirAbsdeclPack(ac_abstract_declarator);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     ac_direct_abstract_declarator rewrite( rview );
+     impl_ac_abstract_declarator* ac_abstract_declarator_1;
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_ac_constant_expression_option: public impl_abstract_phylum{
+ public:
+     static const enum_phyla phylum_sel_;
+     ac_constant_expression_option rewrite(rview) =0;
+ };
+ class impl_ac_constant_expression_option_Noac_constant_expression:public impl_ac_constant_expression_option{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel_Noac_constant_expression; }
+     explicit impl_ac_constant_expression_option_Noac_constant_expression();
+     ac_constant_expression_option rewrite( rview );
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_ac_constant_expression_option_Yesac_constant_expression:public impl_ac_constant_expression_option{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel_Yesac_constant_expression; }
+     explicit impl_ac_constant_expression_option_Yesac_constant_expression(ac_constant_expression);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     ac_constant_expression_option rewrite( rview );
+     impl_ac_constant_expression* ac_constant_expression_1;
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_ac_constant_expression: public impl_abstract_phylum{
+ public:
+     static const enum_phyla phylum_sel_;
+     ac_constant_expression rewrite(rview) =0;
+ };
+ class impl_ac_constant_expression_AcConstExpr:public impl_ac_constant_expression{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel_AcConstExpr; }
+     explicit impl_ac_constant_expression_AcConstExpr(Cexpression);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     ac_constant_expression rewrite( rview );
+     impl_Cexpression* Cexpression_1;
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_ac_constant_expression_list: public impl_abstract_list{
+ public:
+     static const enum_phyla phylum_sel_;
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const{
+ 	return is_nil() ? sel_Nilac_constant_expression_list: sel_Consac_constant_expression_list;
+     }
+     explicit impl_ac_constant_expression_list(ac_constant_expression = 0, ac_constant_expression_list = 0);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     friend ac_constant_expression_list concat(c_ac_constant_expression_list, c_ac_constant_expression_list);
+     ac_constant_expression_list reverse() const;
+     ac_constant_expression_list rewrite(rview);
+     ac_constant_expression last() const;
+     ac_constant_expression_list append(ac_constant_expression);
+     ac_constant_expression_list map(ac_constant_expression (*)(ac_constant_expression));
+     ac_constant_expression_list filter( bool (*)(ac_constant_expression));
+     ac_constant_expression_list merge( ac_constant_expression_list, ac_constant_expression (*)(ac_constant_expression, ac_constant_expression));
+     ac_constant_expression reduce( ac_constant_expression, ac_constant_expression (*)(ac_constant_expression, ac_constant_expression));
+     bool is_nil() const;
+     ac_constant_expression ac_constant_expression_1;
+     ac_constant_expression_list ac_constant_expression_list_1;
+ private:
+     impl_ac_constant_expression_list* nil_rewrite(rview);
+     impl_ac_constant_expression_list* cons_rewrite(rview);
+     void nil_do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_ac_opt_base_init_list: public impl_abstract_phylum{
+ public:
+     static const enum_phyla phylum_sel_;
+     ac_opt_base_init_list rewrite(rview) =0;
+ };
+ class impl_ac_opt_base_init_list_AcYesBaseInit:public impl_ac_opt_base_init_list{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel_AcYesBaseInit; }
+     explicit impl_ac_opt_base_init_list_AcYesBaseInit(ac_base_init_list);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     ac_opt_base_init_list rewrite( rview );
+     impl_ac_base_init_list* ac_base_init_list_1;
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_ac_opt_base_init_list_AcNoBaseInit:public impl_ac_opt_base_init_list{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel_AcNoBaseInit; }
+     explicit impl_ac_opt_base_init_list_AcNoBaseInit();
+     ac_opt_base_init_list rewrite( rview );
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_ac_base_init_list: public impl_abstract_list{
+ public:
+     static const enum_phyla phylum_sel_;
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const{
+ 	return is_nil() ? sel_Nilac_base_init_list: sel_Consac_base_init_list;
+     }
+     explicit impl_ac_base_init_list(ac_base_init = 0, ac_base_init_list = 0);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     friend ac_base_init_list concat(c_ac_base_init_list, c_ac_base_init_list);
+     ac_base_init_list reverse() const;
+     ac_base_init_list rewrite(rview);
+     ac_base_init last() const;
+     ac_base_init_list append(ac_base_init);
+     ac_base_init_list map(ac_base_init (*)(ac_base_init));
+     ac_base_init_list filter( bool (*)(ac_base_init));
+     ac_base_init_list merge( ac_base_init_list, ac_base_init (*)(ac_base_init, ac_base_init));
+     ac_base_init reduce( ac_base_init, ac_base_init (*)(ac_base_init, ac_base_init));
+     bool is_nil() const;
+     ac_base_init ac_base_init_1;
+     ac_base_init_list ac_base_init_list_1;
+ private:
+     impl_ac_base_init_list* nil_rewrite(rview);
+     impl_ac_base_init_list* cons_rewrite(rview);
+     void nil_do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_ac_base_init: public impl_abstract_phylum{
+ public:
+     static const enum_phyla phylum_sel_;
+     ac_base_init rewrite(rview) =0;
+ };
+ class impl_ac_base_init_AcBaseInit:public impl_ac_base_init{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel_AcBaseInit; }
+     explicit impl_ac_base_init_AcBaseInit(ID, ac_constant_expression);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     ac_base_init rewrite( rview );
+     impl_ID* ID_1;
+     impl_ac_constant_expression* ac_constant_expression_1;
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_baseclass_declarations: public impl_abstract_list{
+ public:
+     static const enum_phyla phylum_sel_;
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const{
+ 	return is_nil() ? sel_Nilbaseclass_declarations: sel_Consbaseclass_declarations;
+     }
+     explicit impl_baseclass_declarations(baseclass_decl = 0, baseclass_declarations = 0);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     friend baseclass_declarations concat(c_baseclass_declarations, c_baseclass_declarations);
+     baseclass_declarations reverse() const;
+     baseclass_declarations rewrite(rview);
+     baseclass_decl last() const;
+     baseclass_declarations append(baseclass_decl);
+     baseclass_declarations map(baseclass_decl (*)(baseclass_decl));
+     baseclass_declarations filter( bool (*)(baseclass_decl));
+     baseclass_declarations merge( baseclass_declarations, baseclass_decl (*)(baseclass_decl, baseclass_decl));
+     baseclass_decl reduce( baseclass_decl, baseclass_decl (*)(baseclass_decl, baseclass_decl));
+     bool is_nil() const;
+     baseclass_decl baseclass_decl_1;
+     baseclass_declarations baseclass_declarations_1;
+ private:
+     impl_baseclass_declarations* nil_rewrite(rview);
+     impl_baseclass_declarations* cons_rewrite(rview);
+     void nil_do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_baseclass_decl: public impl_abstract_phylum{
+ public:
+     static const enum_phyla phylum_sel_;
+     baseclass_decl rewrite(rview) =0;
+ };
+ class impl_baseclass_decl_BaseClassDecl:public impl_baseclass_decl{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel_BaseClassDecl; }
+     explicit impl_baseclass_decl_BaseClassDecl(ID, baseclass_list);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     baseclass_decl rewrite( rview );
+     impl_ID* ID_1;
+     impl_baseclass_list* baseclass_list_1;
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_baseclass_list: public impl_abstract_list{
+ public:
+     static const enum_phyla phylum_sel_;
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const{
+ 	return is_nil() ? sel_Nilbaseclass_list: sel_Consbaseclass_list;
+     }
+     explicit impl_baseclass_list(ID = 0, baseclass_list = 0);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     friend baseclass_list concat(c_baseclass_list, c_baseclass_list);
+     baseclass_list reverse() const;
+     baseclass_list rewrite(rview);
+     ID last() const;
+     baseclass_list append(ID);
+     baseclass_list map(ID (*)(ID));
+     baseclass_list filter( bool (*)(ID));
+     baseclass_list merge( baseclass_list, ID (*)(ID, ID));
+     ID reduce( ID, ID (*)(ID, ID));
+     bool is_nil() const;
+     ID ID_1;
+     baseclass_list baseclass_list_1;
+ private:
+     impl_baseclass_list* nil_rewrite(rview);
+     impl_baseclass_list* cons_rewrite(rview);
+     void nil_do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_error: public impl_abstract_phylum{
+ public:
+     static const enum_phyla phylum_sel_;
+     error rewrite(rview) =0;
+ };
+ class impl_error_Warning:public impl_error{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel_Warning; }
+     explicit impl_error_Warning(fileline, problem);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     error rewrite( rview );
+     impl_fileline* fileline_1;
+     impl_problem* problem_1;
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_error_NonFatal:public impl_error{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel_NonFatal; }
+     explicit impl_error_NonFatal(fileline, problem);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     error rewrite( rview );
+     impl_fileline* fileline_1;
+     impl_problem* problem_1;
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_error_Fatal:public impl_error{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel_Fatal; }
+     explicit impl_error_Fatal(fileline, problem);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     error rewrite( rview );
+     impl_fileline* fileline_1;
+     impl_problem* problem_1;
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_problem: public impl_abstract_phylum{
+ public:
+     static const enum_phyla phylum_sel_;
+     problem rewrite(rview) =0;
+ };
+ class impl_problem_Problem6:public impl_problem{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel_Problem6; }
+     explicit impl_problem_Problem6(casestring, casestring, casestring, casestring, casestring, casestring);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     problem rewrite( rview );
+     impl_casestring* casestring_1;
+     impl_casestring* casestring_2;
+     impl_casestring* casestring_3;
+     impl_casestring* casestring_4;
+     impl_casestring* casestring_5;
+     impl_casestring* casestring_6;
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_problem_Problem5:public impl_problem{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel_Problem5; }
+     explicit impl_problem_Problem5(casestring, casestring, casestring, casestring, casestring);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     problem rewrite( rview );
+     impl_casestring* casestring_1;
+     impl_casestring* casestring_2;
+     impl_casestring* casestring_3;
+     impl_casestring* casestring_4;
+     impl_casestring* casestring_5;
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_problem_Problem4:public impl_problem{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel_Problem4; }
+     explicit impl_problem_Problem4(casestring, casestring, casestring, casestring);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     problem rewrite( rview );
+     impl_casestring* casestring_1;
+     impl_casestring* casestring_2;
+     impl_casestring* casestring_3;
+     impl_casestring* casestring_4;
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_problem_Problem3int1:public impl_problem{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel_Problem3int1; }
+     explicit impl_problem_Problem3int1(casestring, casestring, casestring, integer, casestring);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     problem rewrite( rview );
+     impl_casestring* casestring_1;
+     impl_casestring* casestring_2;
+     impl_casestring* casestring_3;
+     impl_integer* integer_1;
+     impl_casestring* casestring_4;
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_problem_Problem3:public impl_problem{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel_Problem3; }
+     explicit impl_problem_Problem3(casestring, casestring, casestring);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     problem rewrite( rview );
+     impl_casestring* casestring_1;
+     impl_casestring* casestring_2;
+     impl_casestring* casestring_3;
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_problem_Problem2:public impl_problem{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel_Problem2; }
+     explicit impl_problem_Problem2(casestring, casestring);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     problem rewrite( rview );
+     impl_casestring* casestring_1;
+     impl_casestring* casestring_2;
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_problem_Problem1storageoption1ID:public impl_problem{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel_Problem1storageoption1ID; }
+     explicit impl_problem_Problem1storageoption1ID(casestring, storageoption, casestring, ID);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     problem rewrite( rview );
+     impl_casestring* casestring_1;
+     impl_storageoption* storageoption_1;
+     impl_casestring* casestring_2;
+     impl_ID* ID_1;
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_problem_Problem1INT1ID1ID:public impl_problem{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel_Problem1INT1ID1ID; }
+     explicit impl_problem_Problem1INT1ID1ID(casestring, INT, casestring, ID, casestring, ID);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     problem rewrite( rview );
+     impl_casestring* casestring_1;
+     impl_INT* INT_1;
+     impl_casestring* casestring_2;
+     impl_ID* ID_1;
+     impl_casestring* casestring_3;
+     impl_ID* ID_2;
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_problem_Problem1ID1ID1ID:public impl_problem{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel_Problem1ID1ID1ID; }
+     explicit impl_problem_Problem1ID1ID1ID(casestring, ID, casestring, ID, casestring, ID);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     problem rewrite( rview );
+     impl_casestring* casestring_1;
+     impl_ID* ID_1;
+     impl_casestring* casestring_2;
+     impl_ID* ID_2;
+     impl_casestring* casestring_3;
+     impl_ID* ID_3;
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_problem_Problem1INT1ID:public impl_problem{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel_Problem1INT1ID; }
+     explicit impl_problem_Problem1INT1ID(casestring, INT, casestring, ID);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     problem rewrite( rview );
+     impl_casestring* casestring_1;
+     impl_INT* INT_1;
+     impl_casestring* casestring_2;
+     impl_ID* ID_1;
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_problem_Problem1int1:public impl_problem{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel_Problem1int1; }
+     explicit impl_problem_Problem1int1(casestring, integer, casestring);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     problem rewrite( rview );
+     impl_casestring* casestring_1;
+     impl_integer* integer_1;
+     impl_casestring* casestring_2;
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_problem_Problem1INT:public impl_problem{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel_Problem1INT; }
+     explicit impl_problem_Problem1INT(casestring, INT);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     problem rewrite( rview );
+     impl_casestring* casestring_1;
+     impl_INT* INT_1;
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_problem_Problem1t1ID:public impl_problem{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel_Problem1t1ID; }
+     explicit impl_problem_Problem1t1ID(casestring, IDtype, casestring, ID);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     problem rewrite( rview );
+     impl_casestring* casestring_1;
+     impl_IDtype* IDtype_1;
+     impl_casestring* casestring_2;
+     impl_ID* ID_1;
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_problem_Problem1ID1ID:public impl_problem{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel_Problem1ID1ID; }
+     explicit impl_problem_Problem1ID1ID(casestring, ID, casestring, ID);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     problem rewrite( rview );
+     impl_casestring* casestring_1;
+     impl_ID* ID_1;
+     impl_casestring* casestring_2;
+     impl_ID* ID_2;
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_problem_Problem1we:public impl_problem{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel_Problem1we; }
+     explicit impl_problem_Problem1we(casestring, withexpression);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     problem rewrite( rview );
+     impl_casestring* casestring_1;
+     impl_withexpression* withexpression_1;
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_problem_Problem1tID:public impl_problem{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel_Problem1tID; }
+     explicit impl_problem_Problem1tID(casestring, ID);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     problem rewrite( rview );
+     impl_casestring* casestring_1;
+     impl_ID* ID_1;
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_problem_Problem1ID:public impl_problem{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel_Problem1ID; }
+     explicit impl_problem_Problem1ID(casestring, ID);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     problem rewrite( rview );
+     impl_casestring* casestring_1;
+     impl_ID* ID_1;
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_problem_Problem1:public impl_problem{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel_Problem1; }
+     explicit impl_problem_Problem1(casestring);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     problem rewrite( rview );
+     impl_casestring* casestring_1;
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_addedphylumdeclarations: public impl_abstract_list{
+ public:
+     static const enum_phyla phylum_sel_;
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const{
+ 	return is_nil() ? sel_Niladdedphylumdeclarations: sel_Consaddedphylumdeclarations;
+     }
+     explicit impl_addedphylumdeclarations(addedphylumdeclaration = 0, addedphylumdeclarations = 0);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     friend addedphylumdeclarations concat(c_addedphylumdeclarations, c_addedphylumdeclarations);
+     addedphylumdeclarations reverse() const;
+     addedphylumdeclarations rewrite(rview);
+     addedphylumdeclaration last() const;
+     addedphylumdeclarations append(addedphylumdeclaration);
+     addedphylumdeclarations map(addedphylumdeclaration (*)(addedphylumdeclaration));
+     addedphylumdeclarations filter( bool (*)(addedphylumdeclaration));
+     addedphylumdeclarations merge( addedphylumdeclarations, addedphylumdeclaration (*)(addedphylumdeclaration, addedphylumdeclaration));
+     addedphylumdeclaration reduce( addedphylumdeclaration, addedphylumdeclaration (*)(addedphylumdeclaration, addedphylumdeclaration));
+     bool is_nil() const;
+     addedphylumdeclaration addedphylumdeclaration_1;
+     addedphylumdeclarations addedphylumdeclarations_1;
+ private:
+     impl_addedphylumdeclarations* nil_rewrite(rview);
+     impl_addedphylumdeclarations* cons_rewrite(rview);
+     void nil_do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_addedphylumdeclaration: public impl_abstract_phylum{
+ public:
+     static const enum_phyla phylum_sel_;
+     bool added;
+     addedphylumdeclaration rewrite(rview) =0;
+ };
+ class impl_addedphylumdeclaration_AddedPhylumdeclaration:public impl_addedphylumdeclaration{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel_AddedPhylumdeclaration; }
+     explicit impl_addedphylumdeclaration_AddedPhylumdeclaration(uniqID);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     addedphylumdeclaration rewrite( rview );
+     impl_uniqID* uniqID_1;
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_countedphylumdeclarations: public impl_abstract_list{
+ public:
+     static const enum_phyla phylum_sel_;
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const{
+ 	return is_nil() ? sel_Nilcountedphylumdeclarations: sel_Conscountedphylumdeclarations;
+     }
+     explicit impl_countedphylumdeclarations(countedphylumdeclaration = 0, countedphylumdeclarations = 0);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     friend countedphylumdeclarations concat(c_countedphylumdeclarations, c_countedphylumdeclarations);
+     countedphylumdeclarations reverse() const;
+     countedphylumdeclarations rewrite(rview);
+     countedphylumdeclaration last() const;
+     countedphylumdeclarations append(countedphylumdeclaration);
+     countedphylumdeclarations map(countedphylumdeclaration (*)(countedphylumdeclaration));
+     countedphylumdeclarations filter( bool (*)(countedphylumdeclaration));
+     countedphylumdeclarations merge( countedphylumdeclarations, countedphylumdeclaration (*)(countedphylumdeclaration, countedphylumdeclaration));
+     countedphylumdeclaration reduce( countedphylumdeclaration, countedphylumdeclaration (*)(countedphylumdeclaration, countedphylumdeclaration));
+     bool is_nil() const;
+     countedphylumdeclaration countedphylumdeclaration_1;
+     countedphylumdeclarations countedphylumdeclarations_1;
+ private:
+     impl_countedphylumdeclarations* nil_rewrite(rview);
+     impl_countedphylumdeclarations* cons_rewrite(rview);
+     void nil_do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_countedphylumdeclaration: public impl_abstract_phylum{
+ public:
+     static const enum_phyla phylum_sel_;
+     int count;
+     countedphylumdeclaration rewrite(rview) =0;
+ };
+ class impl_countedphylumdeclaration_CountedPhylumdeclaration:public impl_countedphylumdeclaration{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel_CountedPhylumdeclaration; }
+     explicit impl_countedphylumdeclaration_CountedPhylumdeclaration(uniqID);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     countedphylumdeclaration rewrite( rview );
+     impl_uniqID* uniqID_1;
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_charruns: public impl_abstract_phylum{
+ public:
+     static const enum_phyla phylum_sel_;
+     int number;
+     charruns set(int _n= 0);
+     charruns rewrite(rview) =0;
+ };
+ class impl_charruns_Stars:public impl_charruns{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel_Stars; }
+     explicit impl_charruns_Stars();
+     charruns rewrite( rview );
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_charruns_QuotedNewlines:public impl_charruns{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel_QuotedNewlines; }
+     explicit impl_charruns_QuotedNewlines();
+     charruns rewrite( rview );
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_charruns_Newlines:public impl_charruns{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel_Newlines; }
+     explicit impl_charruns_Newlines();
+     charruns rewrite( rview );
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_bindingidmarks: public impl_abstract_list{
+ public:
+     static const enum_phyla phylum_sel_;
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const{
+ 	return is_nil() ? sel_Nilbindingidmarks: sel_Consbindingidmarks;
+     }
+     explicit impl_bindingidmarks(bindingidmark = 0, bindingidmarks = 0);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     friend bindingidmarks concat(c_bindingidmarks, c_bindingidmarks);
+     bindingidmarks reverse() const;
+     bindingidmarks rewrite(rview);
+     bindingidmark last() const;
+     bindingidmarks append(bindingidmark);
+     bindingidmarks map(bindingidmark (*)(bindingidmark));
+     bindingidmarks filter( bool (*)(bindingidmark));
+     bindingidmarks merge( bindingidmarks, bindingidmark (*)(bindingidmark, bindingidmark));
+     bindingidmark reduce( bindingidmark, bindingidmark (*)(bindingidmark, bindingidmark));
+     bool is_nil() const;
+     bindingidmark bindingidmark_1;
+     bindingidmarks bindingidmarks_1;
+ private:
+     impl_bindingidmarks* nil_rewrite(rview);
+     impl_bindingidmarks* cons_rewrite(rview);
+     void nil_do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ class impl_bindingidmark: public impl_abstract_phylum{
+ public:
+     static const enum_phyla phylum_sel_;
+     bool marked;
+     bindingidmark rewrite(rview) =0;
+ };
+ class impl_bindingidmark_BindingIdMark:public impl_bindingidmark{
+ public:
+     enum_operators prod_sel() const
+ 	{ return sel_BindingIdMark; }
+     explicit impl_bindingidmark_BindingIdMark(uniqID);
+     abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;
+     void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);
+     bindingidmark rewrite( rview );
+     impl_uniqID* uniqID_1;
+ private:
+     void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);
+ };
+ //} // namespace Phylum
+ extern bool kc_storageclass_still_uniq[];
+ typedef struct {
+     int created;
+     int existing_not_found;
+     int free_called[2];
+     int freed[2];
+ # define print_operator_statistics(kc_f) do_print_operator_statistics(kc_f)
+ void	do_print_operator_statistics(FILE*);
+ #else
+ # define print_operator_statistics(kc_f)
+ #endif
+ typedef class hashtable_struct_t* hashtable_t;
+ const char *phylumname_or_error ( enum_phyla );
+ const char *kc_operatorname_or_error ( enum_operators );
+ } // namespace kc
+ #endif // KC_TYPES_HEADER

Index: llvm/test/Programs/MultiSource/Applications/kimwitu++/kimwl.cc
diff -c /dev/null llvm/test/Programs/MultiSource/Applications/kimwitu++/kimwl.cc:1.1
*** /dev/null	Tue Apr  6 15:25:26 2004
--- llvm/test/Programs/MultiSource/Applications/kimwitu++/kimwl.cc	Tue Apr  6 15:25:12 2004
*** 0 ****
--- 1,2682 ----
+ #define  YY_INT_ALIGNED short int
+ /* A lexical scanner generated by flex */
+ #define FLEX_SCANNER
+ #define FLEX_BETA
+ #endif
+ /* First, we deal with  platform-specific or compiler-specific issues. */
+ /* begin standard C headers. */
+ #include <stdio.h>
+ #include <string.h>
+ #include <errno.h>
+ #include <stdlib.h>
+ /* end standard C headers. */
+ /* flex integer type definitions */
+ #ifndef FLEXINT_H
+ #define FLEXINT_H
+ /* C99 systems have <inttypes.h>. Non-C99 systems may or may not. */
+ #if defined __STDC_VERSION__ && __STDC_VERSION__ >= 199901L
+ #include <inttypes.h>
+ typedef int8_t flex_int8_t;
+ typedef uint8_t flex_uint8_t;
+ typedef int16_t flex_int16_t;
+ typedef uint16_t flex_uint16_t;
+ typedef int32_t flex_int32_t;
+ typedef uint32_t flex_uint32_t;
+ #else
+ typedef signed char flex_int8_t;
+ typedef short int flex_int16_t;
+ typedef int flex_int32_t;
+ typedef unsigned char flex_uint8_t; 
+ typedef unsigned short int flex_uint16_t;
+ typedef unsigned int flex_uint32_t;
+ #endif /* ! C99 */
+ /* Limits of integral types. */
+ #ifndef INT8_MIN
+ #define INT8_MIN               (-128)
+ #endif
+ #ifndef INT16_MIN
+ #define INT16_MIN              (-32767-1)
+ #endif
+ #ifndef INT32_MIN
+ #define INT32_MIN              (-2147483647-1)
+ #endif
+ #ifndef INT8_MAX
+ #define INT8_MAX               (127)
+ #endif
+ #ifndef INT16_MAX
+ #define INT16_MAX              (32767)
+ #endif
+ #ifndef INT32_MAX
+ #define INT32_MAX              (2147483647)
+ #endif
+ #ifndef UINT8_MAX
+ #define UINT8_MAX              (255U)
+ #endif
+ #ifndef UINT16_MAX
+ #define UINT16_MAX             (65535U)
+ #endif
+ #ifndef UINT32_MAX
+ #define UINT32_MAX             (4294967295U)
+ #endif
+ #endif /* ! FLEXINT_H */
+ #ifdef __cplusplus
+ /* The "const" storage-class-modifier is valid. */
+ #define YY_USE_CONST
+ #else	/* ! __cplusplus */
+ #if __STDC__
+ #define YY_USE_CONST
+ #endif	/* __STDC__ */
+ #endif	/* ! __cplusplus */
+ #ifdef YY_USE_CONST
+ #define yyconst const
+ #else
+ #define yyconst
+ #endif
+ /* Returned upon end-of-file. */
+ #define YY_NULL 0
+ /* Promotes a possibly negative, possibly signed char to an unsigned
+  * integer for use as an array index.  If the signed char is negative,
+  * we want to instead treat it as an 8-bit unsigned char, hence the
+  * double cast.
+  */
+ #define YY_SC_TO_UI(c) ((unsigned int) (unsigned char) c)
+ /* Enter a start condition.  This macro really ought to take a parameter,
+  * but we do it the disgusting crufty way forced on us by the ()-less
+  * definition of BEGIN.
+  */
+ #define BEGIN (yy_start) = 1 + 2 *
+ /* Translate the current start state into a value that can be later handed
+  * to BEGIN to return to the state.  The YYSTATE alias is for lex
+  * compatibility.
+  */
+ #define YY_START (((yy_start) - 1) / 2)
+ /* Action number for EOF rule of a given start state. */
+ #define YY_STATE_EOF(state) (YY_END_OF_BUFFER + state + 1)
+ /* Special action meaning "start processing a new file". */
+ #define YY_NEW_FILE yyrestart(yyin  )
+ /* Size of default input buffer. */
+ #ifndef YY_BUF_SIZE
+ #define YY_BUF_SIZE 16384
+ #endif
+ typedef struct yy_buffer_state *YY_BUFFER_STATE;
+ #endif
+ extern int yyleng;
+ extern FILE *yyin, *yyout;
+ #define EOB_ACT_END_OF_FILE 1
+ #define EOB_ACT_LAST_MATCH 2
+     /* Note: We specifically omit the test for yy_rule_can_match_eol because it requires
+      *       access to the local variable yy_act. Since yyless() is a macro, it would break
+      *       existing scanners that call yyless() from OUTSIDE yylex. 
+      *       One obvious solution it to make yy_act a global. I tried that, and saw
+      *       a 5% performance hit in a non-yylineno scanner, because yy_act is
+      *       normally declared as a register variable-- so it is not worth it.
+      */
+     #define  YY_LESS_LINENO(n) \
+             do { \
+                 int yyl;\
+                 for ( yyl = n; yyl < yyleng; ++yyl )\
+                     if ( yytext[yyl] == '\n' )\
+                         --yylineno;\
+             }while(0)
+ /* Return all but the first "n" matched characters back to the input stream. */
+ #define yyless(n) \
+ 	do \
+ 		{ \
+ 		/* Undo effects of setting up yytext. */ \
+         int yyless_macro_arg = (n); \
+         YY_LESS_LINENO(yyless_macro_arg);\
+ 		*yy_cp = (yy_hold_char); \
+ 		(yy_c_buf_p) = yy_cp = yy_bp + yyless_macro_arg - YY_MORE_ADJ; \
+ 		YY_DO_BEFORE_ACTION; /* set up yytext again */ \
+ 		} \
+ 	while ( 0 )
+ #define unput(c) yyunput( c, (yytext_ptr)  )
+ /* The following is because we cannot portably get our hands on size_t
+  * (without autoconf's help, which isn't available because we want
+  * flex-generated scanners to compile on their own).
+  */
+ typedef unsigned int yy_size_t;
+ #endif
+ struct yy_buffer_state
+ 	{
+ 	FILE *yy_input_file;
+ 	char *yy_ch_buf;		/* input buffer */
+ 	char *yy_buf_pos;		/* current position in input buffer */
+ 	/* Size of input buffer in bytes, not including room for EOB
+ 	 * characters.
+ 	 */
+ 	yy_size_t yy_buf_size;
+ 	/* Number of characters read into yy_ch_buf, not including EOB
+ 	 * characters.
+ 	 */
+ 	int yy_n_chars;
+ 	/* Whether we "own" the buffer - i.e., we know we created it,
+ 	 * and can realloc() it to grow it, and should free() it to
+ 	 * delete it.
+ 	 */
+ 	int yy_is_our_buffer;
+ 	/* Whether this is an "interactive" input source; if so, and
+ 	 * if we're using stdio for input, then we want to use getc()
+ 	 * instead of fread(), to make sure we stop fetching input after
+ 	 * each newline.
+ 	 */
+ 	int yy_is_interactive;
+ 	/* Whether we're considered to be at the beginning of a line.
+ 	 * If so, '^' rules will be active on the next match, otherwise
+ 	 * not.
+ 	 */
+ 	int yy_at_bol;
+     int yy_bs_lineno; /**< The line count. */
+     int yy_bs_column; /**< The column count. */
+ 	/* Whether to try to fill the input buffer when we reach the
+ 	 * end of it.
+ 	 */
+ 	int yy_fill_buffer;
+ 	int yy_buffer_status;
+ #define YY_BUFFER_NEW 0
+ #define YY_BUFFER_NORMAL 1
+ 	/* When an EOF's been seen but there's still some text to process
+ 	 * then we mark the buffer as YY_EOF_PENDING, to indicate that we
+ 	 * shouldn't try reading from the input source any more.  We might
+ 	 * still have a bunch of tokens to match, though, because of
+ 	 * possible backing-up.
+ 	 *
+ 	 * When we actually see the EOF, we change the status to "new"
+ 	 * (via yyrestart()), so that the user can continue scanning by
+ 	 * just pointing yyin at a new input file.
+ 	 */
+ 	};
+ /* Stack of input buffers. */
+ static size_t yy_buffer_stack_top = 0; /**< index of top of stack. */
+ static size_t yy_buffer_stack_max = 0; /**< capacity of stack. */
+ static YY_BUFFER_STATE * yy_buffer_stack = 0; /**< Stack as an array. */
+ /* We provide macros for accessing buffer states in case in the
+  * future we want to put the buffer states in a more general
+  * "scanner state".
+  *
+  * Returns the top of the stack, or NULL.
+  */
+ #define YY_CURRENT_BUFFER ( (yy_buffer_stack) \
+                           ? (yy_buffer_stack)[(yy_buffer_stack_top)] \
+                           : NULL)
+ /* Same as previous macro, but useful when we know that the buffer stack is not
+  * NULL or when we need an lvalue. For internal use only.
+  */
+ #define YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE (yy_buffer_stack)[(yy_buffer_stack_top)]
+ /* yy_hold_char holds the character lost when yytext is formed. */
+ static char yy_hold_char;
+ static int yy_n_chars;		/* number of characters read into yy_ch_buf */
+ int yyleng;
+ /* Points to current character in buffer. */
+ static char *yy_c_buf_p = (char *) 0;
+ static int yy_init = 1;		/* whether we need to initialize */
+ static int yy_start = 0;	/* start state number */
+ /* Flag which is used to allow yywrap()'s to do buffer switches
+  * instead of setting up a fresh yyin.  A bit of a hack ...
+  */
+ static int yy_did_buffer_switch_on_eof;
+ void yyrestart (FILE *input_file  );
+ void yy_switch_to_buffer (YY_BUFFER_STATE new_buffer  );
+ YY_BUFFER_STATE yy_create_buffer (FILE *file,int size  );
+ void yy_delete_buffer (YY_BUFFER_STATE b  );
+ void yy_flush_buffer (YY_BUFFER_STATE b  );
+ void yypush_buffer_state (YY_BUFFER_STATE new_buffer  );
+ void yypop_buffer_state (void );
+ static void yyensure_buffer_stack (void );
+ static void yy_load_buffer_state (void );
+ static void yy_init_buffer (YY_BUFFER_STATE b,FILE *file  );
+ #define YY_FLUSH_BUFFER yy_flush_buffer(YY_CURRENT_BUFFER )
+ YY_BUFFER_STATE yy_scan_buffer (char *base,yy_size_t size  );
+ YY_BUFFER_STATE yy_scan_string (yyconst char *yy_str  );
+ YY_BUFFER_STATE yy_scan_bytes (yyconst char *bytes,int len  );
+ void *yyalloc (yy_size_t  );
+ void *yyrealloc (void *,yy_size_t  );
+ void yyfree (void *  );
+ #define yy_new_buffer yy_create_buffer
+ #define yy_set_interactive(is_interactive) \
+ 	{ \
+ 	if ( ! YY_CURRENT_BUFFER ){ \
+         yyensure_buffer_stack (); \
+             yy_create_buffer(yyin,YY_BUF_SIZE ); \
+ 	} \
+ 	YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE->yy_is_interactive = is_interactive; \
+ 	}
+ #define yy_set_bol(at_bol) \
+ 	{ \
+ 	if ( ! YY_CURRENT_BUFFER ){\
+         yyensure_buffer_stack (); \
+             yy_create_buffer(yyin,YY_BUF_SIZE ); \
+ 	} \
+ 	YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE->yy_at_bol = at_bol; \
+ 	}
+ #define YY_AT_BOL() (YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE->yy_at_bol)
+ /* Begin user sect3 */
+ #define yywrap(n) 1
+ #define YY_SKIP_YYWRAP
+ typedef unsigned char YY_CHAR;
+ FILE *yyin = (FILE *) 0, *yyout = (FILE *) 0;
+ typedef int yy_state_type;
+ extern int yylineno;
+ int yylineno = 1;
+ extern char yytext[];
+ static yy_state_type yy_get_previous_state (void );
+ static yy_state_type yy_try_NUL_trans (yy_state_type current_state  );
+ static int yy_get_next_buffer (void );
+ static void yy_fatal_error (yyconst char msg[]  );
+ /* Done after the current pattern has been matched and before the
+  * corresponding action - sets up yytext.
+  */
+ 	(yytext_ptr) = yy_bp; \
+ 	yyleng = (size_t) (yy_cp - yy_bp); \
+ 	(yy_hold_char) = *yy_cp; \
+ 	*yy_cp = '\0'; \
+ 	if ( yyleng + (yy_more_offset) >= YYLMAX ) \
+ 		YY_FATAL_ERROR( "token too large, exceeds YYLMAX" ); \
+ 	yy_flex_strncpy( &yytext[(yy_more_offset)], (yytext_ptr), yyleng + 1 ); \
+ 	yyleng += (yy_more_offset); \
+ 	(yy_prev_more_offset) = (yy_more_offset); \
+ 	(yy_more_offset) = 0; \
+ 	(yy_c_buf_p) = yy_cp;
+ #define YY_NUM_RULES 93
+ #define YY_END_OF_BUFFER 94
+ /* This struct is not used in this scanner,
+    but its presence is necessary. */
+ struct yy_trans_info
+ 	{
+ 	flex_int32_t yy_verify;
+ 	flex_int32_t yy_nxt;
+ 	};
+ static yyconst flex_int16_t yy_acclist[414] =
+     {   0,
+        42,   42,   82,   82,   94,   81,   93,   93,    1,   81,
+        93,    1,   93,   54,   81,   93,   81,   93,   81,   93,
+        55,   81,   93,   81,   93,   81,   93,   81,   93,   23,
+        81,   93,   81,   93,   45,   81,   93,   45,   81,   93,
+        45,   81,   93,   45,   81,   93,   45,   81,   93,   45,
+        81,   93,   45,   81,   93,   45,   81,   93,   45,   81,
+        93,   45,   81,   93,   45,   81,   93,   45,   81,   93,
+        45,   81,   93,   81,   93,   13,   81,   93,   13,   93,
+        13,   81,   93,   11,   81,   93,   12,   93,   10,   81,
+        93,   46,   81,   93,   51,   93,   50,   81,   93,   58,
+        81,   93,   59,   81,   93,   57,   81,   93,   46,   81,
+        93,   56,   81,   93,   60,   81,   93,   52,   81,   93,
+        61,   81,   93,   62,   81,   93,   63,   81,   93,   52,
+        81,   93,   67,   81,   93,   65,   81,   93,   52,   81,
+        93,   76,   81,   93,   76,   81,   93,   51,   93,   73,
+        81,   93,   77,   81,   93,   75,   81,   93,   70,   81,
+        93,   75,   81,   93,   42,   81,   93,   42,   93,   43,
+        81,   93,   43,   81,   93,   43,   81,   93,   81,   93,
+        43,   81,   93,   43,   81,   93,   43,   81,   93,   43,
+        81,   93,   43,   81,   93,   43,   81,   93,   43,   81,
+        93,   43,   81,   93,   44,   81,   93,   81,   93,   43,
+        81,   93,   44,   81,   93,   44,   81,   93,   43,   81,
+        93,   92,   93,   82,   92,   93,   83,   93,   92,   93,
+        92,   93,   92,   93,   92,   93,   47,   48,   49,   23,
+        20,   17,   19,   41,   45,   45,   45,   45,   45,   45,
+        45,   45,   45,   45,   45,   45,   45,   45,    9,   14,
+        10,   46,   16,   46,   18,   46,   53,   62,   64,   67,
+        66,   76,   76,   68,   73,   71,   72,   16,   18,   75,
+        69,   75,   42,   43,   43,   43,   43,   44,   44,   44,
+        82,   40,   45,   45,   45,   45,   45,   45,   45,   45,
+        45,   45,   45,   45,   45,    9,   14,   15,   75,   44,
+        43,   44,   26,   45,   45,   45,   45,   24,   45,   45,
+        45,   45,   45,   45,   45,   45,   45,   75,   44,   30,
+        45,   45,   45,   45,   45,   45,   45,   45,   45,   45,
+        45,   38,   39,   35,   36,   75,   44,   43,   45,   28,
+        45,   45,   45,   45,   25,   45,   45,   45,   45,   45,
+         4,    2,   75,   43,   44,   22,   45,   45,   45,   45,
+        29,   45,   45,   33,   45,   45,   37,    8,   75,   84,
+        34,   45,   21,   45,   27,   45,   32,   45,   31,   45,
+        75,   43,   85,    5,    3,    7,   78,   75,   75,   87,
+        86,   75,   88,   75,16458,   91,    6,16458,   80, 8266,
+        89,   90,   79
+     } ;
+ static yyconst flex_int16_t yy_accept[439] =
+     {   0,
+         1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,
+         1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    2,    3,    4,
+         5,    6,    8,    9,   12,   14,   17,   19,   21,   24,
+        26,   28,   30,   33,   35,   38,   41,   44,   47,   50,
+        53,   56,   59,   62,   65,   68,   71,   74,   76,   79,
+        81,   84,   87,   89,   92,   95,   97,  100,  103,  106,
+       109,  112,  115,  118,  121,  124,  127,  130,  133,  136,
+       139,  142,  145,  148,  150,  153,  156,  159,  162,  165,
+       168,  170,  173,  176,  179,  181,  184,  187,  190,  193,
+       196,  199,  202,  205,  208,  210,  213,  216,  219,  222,
+       224,  227,  229,  231,  233,  235,  237,  238,  239,  240,
+       240,  240,  241,  242,  242,  243,  244,  245,  246,  247,
+       248,  249,  250,  251,  252,  253,  254,  255,  256,  257,
+       258,  259,  259,  259,  259,  259,  259,  259,  259,  259,
+       259,  259,  260,  261,  261,  262,  263,  265,  267,  268,
+       269,  270,  271,  272,  273,  274,  274,  274,  275,  276,
+       277,  278,  279,  280,  281,  282,  283,  284,  285,  286,
+       287,  288,  289,  290,  291,  292,  292,  292,  292,  292,
+       292,  292,  293,  294,  295,  296,  297,  298,  299,  300,
+       301,  302,  303,  304,  305,  306,  306,  306,  306,  306,
+       306,  306,  306,  306,  306,  306,  307,  308,  308,  309,
+       309,  309,  309,  309,  309,  310,  311,  313,  313,  313,
+       313,  313,  313,  313,  315,  316,  317,  318,  320,  321,
+       322,  323,  324,  325,  326,  327,  328,  328,  328,  328,
+       328,  328,  328,  328,  328,  328,  328,  328,  328,  328,
+       328,  329,  330,  330,  330,  330,  330,  330,  330,  330,
+       330,  330,  330,  330,  332,  333,  334,  335,  336,  337,
+       338,  339,  340,  341,  342,  343,  344,  345,  346,  346,
+       346,  346,  346,  346,  346,  346,  346,  346,  346,  347,
+       348,  349,  349,  349,  349,  349,  349,  349,  349,  349,
+       349,  349,  350,  352,  353,  354,  355,  357,  358,  359,
+       360,  361,  361,  361,  361,  362,  362,  363,  363,  363,
+       363,  363,  364,  366,  366,  366,  366,  366,  366,  366,
+       366,  366,  366,  366,  368,  369,  370,  371,  373,  374,
+       376,  377,  377,  378,  379,  379,  379,  379,  379,  379,
+       380,  380,  380,  380,  380,  380,  380,  380,  380,  381,
+       381,  381,  383,  385,  387,  389,  391,  391,  391,  391,
+       391,  391,  391,  391,  392,  393,  394,  394,  394,  394,
+       394,  394,  394,  395,  396,  397,  397,  397,  398,  398,
+       398,  399,  399,  399,  399,  399,  399,  399,  399,  399,
+       399,  399,  400,  400,  400,  401,  402,  402,  402,  402,
+       402,  402,  402,  402,  403,  403,  404,  404,  404,  404,
+       404,  404,  404,  404,  406,  406,  406,  407,  408,  409,
+       409,  409,  410,  411,  412,  413,  414,  414
+     } ;
+ static yyconst flex_int32_t yy_ec[256] =
+     {   0,
+         1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    2,    3,
+         4,    4,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,
+         1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,
+         1,    2,    5,    6,    1,    7,    8,    9,   10,   11,
+        12,   13,   14,   15,   16,   17,   18,   19,   19,   19,
+        19,   19,   19,   19,   19,   19,   19,   20,   21,   22,
+        23,   24,    1,    1,   25,   26,   27,   28,   29,   26,
+        26,   30,   26,   26,   26,   26,   31,   32,   33,   34,
+        26,   35,   36,   37,   38,   26,   26,   26,   39,   26,
+        40,   41,   42,   43,   44,    1,   45,   46,   47,   48,
+        49,   50,   51,   52,   53,   26,   54,   55,   56,   57,
+        58,   59,   26,   60,   61,   62,   63,   64,   65,   66,
+        67,   26,   68,   69,   70,   71,    1,    1,    1,    1,
+         1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,
+         1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,
+         1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,
+         1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,
+         1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,
+         1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,
+         1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,
+         1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,
+         1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,
+         1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,
+         1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,
+         1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,
+         1,    1,    1,    1,    1
+     } ;
+ static yyconst flex_int32_t yy_meta[72] =
+     {   0,
+         1,    1,    2,    1,    1,    3,    4,    1,    1,    5,
+         6,    6,    1,    1,    6,    1,    1,    7,    8,    1,
+         6,    1,    1,    1,    9,    9,    9,    9,    9,    9,
+         9,    9,    9,    9,    9,    9,    9,    9,    9,    6,
+         2,    6,    1,    9,    9,    9,    9,    9,    9,    9,
+         9,    9,    9,    9,    9,    9,    9,    9,    9,    9,
+         9,    9,    9,    9,    9,    9,    9,    7,    1,    7,
+         1
+     } ;
+ static yyconst flex_int16_t yy_base[453] =
+     {   0,
+       846,  845,    0,  839,  843,   69,   77,    0,  146,  186,
+       159,  165,  167,  169,  228,    0,  299,    0,  148,  157,
+       845,  850,  850,  850,  850,  850,  155,   13,  850,  154,
+       827,  162,  824,  822,    0,  778,  782,  790,  772,  784,
+       777,  775,  785,  771,  765,  774,  123,  326,  850,  850,
+       114,  850,  850,    0,    0,  850,  811,  850,  850,  850,
+       172,  850,  850,  788,  850,    0,  850,  369,    0,  850,
+       153,    0,  374,  388,  376,  198,    0,  787,  777,  217,
+       394,  803,  802,  146,  812,  800,  189,  850,  377,  799,
+        52,  798,  356,    0,  778,  796,  769,  768,  362,  850,
+       814,  850,  757,  758,  764,  745,  792,  850,  850,  746,
+       745,  789,  850,  790,  850,  850,  850,    0,  744,  748,
+       754,  741,  741,  752,  742,  748,  753,  738,  735,  735,
+       739,  731,  747,  729,  728,  744,  739,  728,  722,  723,
+       720,  781,  780,  400,    0,    0,    0,    0,  850,    0,
+       850,    0,  850,    0,  402,  405,  731,  850,  761,  850,
+       850,  386,  850,    0,  850,  717,  409,  850,  765,  754,
+       753,    0,  720,  709,  771,  756,  726,  725,  708,  715,
+       714,  850,  708,  704,  719,  714,  700,  701,  696,  706,
+       696,  708,  703,  693,  709,  691,  691,  693,  692,  692,
+       692,  685,  693,  687,  691,  741,  740,  414,  850,  679,
+       419,  709,  706,  700,  688,  687,  695,  376,  674,  679,
+       670,  682,  681,    0,  667,  665,  667,    0,  681,  672,
+       663,  670,  674,  670,  657,  657,  658,  668,  656,  655,
+       663,  667,  659,  662,  650,  660,  659,  673,  669,  671,
+       644,  641,  660,  640,  655,  639,  649,  640,  634,  679,
+       627,  628,  627,    0,  636,  633,  627,  640,  625,  639,
+       636,  627,  638,  629,  850,  850,  850,  850,  618,  631,
+       621,  613,  632,  611,  615,  637,  638,  638,  621,  621,
+       850,  618,  607,  614,  601,  606,  648,  604,  603,  597,
+       596,  597,    0,  600,  608,  607,    0,  605,  605,  598,
+       597,  606,  590,  592,  584,  596,  582,  595,  605,  614,
+       607,  583,  600,  586,  586,  580,  576,  590,  575,  575,
+       583,  586,  573,    0,  556,  567,  554,    0,  565,    0,
+       558,  553,  850,  850,  547,  537,  189,  565,  560,  528,
+       545,  528,  460,  459,  467,  459,  460,  464,  850,  456,
+       455,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,  465,  466,  452,  412,
+       493,  483,  473,  459,  850,  850,  462,  458,  443,  443,
+       450,  445,  850,  850,  850,  446,  451,  850,  469,  458,
+       448,  446,  433,  441,  440,  431,  425,  441,  440,  455,
+       164,  436,  427,  419,  850,  850,  418,  425,  393,  406,
+       424,  418,  430,  393,  393,  850,  385,  366,  363,  347,
+       425,  427,  199,  455,  138,  135,  850,  850,    0,  428,
+       136,  850,  850,  850,  850,  850,  850,  526,  535,  544,
+       553,  562,  571,  573,  575,  584,  593,  602,  611,  612,
+       614,  623
+     } ;
+ static yyconst flex_int16_t yy_def[453] =
+     {   0,
+       438,  438,  437,    3,  439,  439,  437,    7,  440,  440,
+       441,  441,  442,  442,  437,   15,  437,   17,  443,  443,
+       437,  437,  437,  437,  437,  437,  437,  437,  437,  437,
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+       437,  437,  437,  437,  437,  437,  437,  437,  437,  437,
+       437,  437
+     } ;
+ static yyconst flex_int16_t yy_nxt[922] =
+     {   0,
+        22,   24,   25,   24,   22,   26,   27,   28,   22,   29,
+        22,   22,   22,   22,   22,   30,   31,   32,   33,   34,
+        22,   22,   22,   22,   35,   35,   35,   35,   35,   35,
+        35,   35,   35,   35,   35,   35,   35,   35,   35,   22,
+        22,   22,   22,   35,   36,   35,   37,   38,   39,   35,
+        35,   35,   35,   35,   40,   35,   35,   41,   42,   43,
+        44,   45,   46,   47,   35,   35,   35,   22,   22,   22,
+        22,   50,  110,  170,  168,  111,   51,   22,   52,   53,
+        22,   22,   22,   22,   22,   22,   22,   22,   22,   22,
+        22,   22,   22,   22,   32,   22,   22,   22,   22,   22,
+        22,   54,   54,   54,   54,   54,   54,   54,   54,   54,
+        54,   54,   54,   54,   54,   54,   22,   22,   22,   22,
+        54,   54,   54,   54,   54,   54,   54,   54,   54,   54,
+        54,   54,   54,   54,   54,   54,   54,   54,   54,   54,
+        54,   54,   54,   54,   22,   22,   22,   22,   56,  101,
+       102,   26,   57,  436,  168,   29,   58,   59,  101,  102,
+        60,   56,  153,   61,   67,  412,   62,   56,  168,   56,
+        67,   56,  112,  107,  115,  130,   70,  113,   70,  116,
+       131,  143,  413,  144,  147,   63,   64,   65,   56,  148,
+       370,   26,   57,  149,  435,   29,   58,   59,  434,   68,
+        60,  371,  168,   61,  103,   68,   62,   71,  104,   71,
+       162,  168,  105,  103,  106,  163,  432,  104,  167,  167,
+       167,  105,  108,  106,  109,   63,   64,   65,   72,   73,
+        74,   73,   72,   26,   75,   72,   72,   29,   72,   72,
+        72,   72,   72,   72,   72,   76,   72,   72,   72,   72,
+        72,   72,   77,   77,   77,   77,   77,   77,   77,   77,
+        77,   77,   77,   77,   77,   77,   77,   72,   78,   72,
+        72,   77,   79,   77,   77,   77,   77,   77,   77,   77,
+        77,   77,   77,   77,   77,   77,   77,   77,   77,   77,
+        77,   77,   77,   77,   77,   22,   72,   22,   72,   22,
+        80,   81,   80,   82,   22,   22,   83,   84,   22,   85,
+        22,   86,   87,   88,   89,   22,   90,   22,   22,   22,
+        91,   92,   93,   94,   94,   94,   94,   94,   94,   94,
+        94,   94,   94,   94,   94,   94,   94,   94,   95,   22,
+        22,   96,   94,   94,   94,   94,   97,   94,   94,   94,
+        94,   94,   94,   94,   94,   98,   94,   94,   94,   94,
+        94,   94,   94,   94,   94,   94,   22,   99,   22,   88,
+       132,  133,  134,  135,  151,  155,  156,  155,  168,  171,
+       136,  137,  158,  138,  168,  139,  140,  211,  141,  156,
+       156,  156,  168,  142,  159,  167,  167,  167,  429,  168,
+       169,  208,  209,  155,  156,  155,  156,  156,  156,  149,
+       167,  167,  167,  370,  212,  208,  209,  213,  157,  412,
+       211,  214,  254,  428,  371,  427,  430,  255,  422,  430,
+       168,  422,  157,  426,  256,  257,  413,  431,  258,  423,
+       431,  425,  423,  160,  424,  161,  157,  212,  413,  157,
+       213,  421,  420,  419,  214,  433,  433,  433,  433,  433,
+       433,  433,  433,  433,  433,  433,  433,  433,  433,  433,
+       433,  433,  433,  418,  433,  433,  433,  433,  433,  417,
+       416,  415,  414,  411,  410,  409,  408,  407,  406,  405,
+       404,  403,  402,  401,  433,  433,  433,  433,  400,  399,
+       398,  397,  396,  395,  394,  393,  392,  391,  390,  389,
+       388,  387,  386,  385,  384,  383,  382,  381,  380,  379,
+       378,  377,  433,  433,  433,  433,   22,   22,   22,   22,
+        22,   22,   22,   22,   22,   49,   49,   49,   49,   49,
+        49,   49,   49,   49,   55,   55,   55,   55,   55,   55,
+        55,   55,   55,   66,   66,   66,   66,   66,   66,   66,
+        66,   66,   69,   69,   69,   69,   69,   69,   69,   69,
+        69,  100,  100,  100,  100,  100,  100,  100,  100,  100,
+       118,  118,  145,  145,  146,  376,  375,  374,  373,  372,
+       146,  146,  146,  150,  369,  368,  150,  150,  150,  150,
+       150,  150,  152,  367,  152,  152,  366,  152,  152,  152,
+       152,  154,  365,  364,  363,  362,  154,  361,  154,  164,
+       164,  172,  172,  433,  433,  433,  433,  433,  433,  433,
+       360,  359,  358,  357,  356,  355,  354,  353,  352,  351,
+       350,  349,  348,  347,  346,  333,  345,  332,  344,  343,
+       342,  341,  340,  339,  338,  337,  336,  335,  334,  333,
+       332,  331,  330,  329,  328,  327,  326,  325,  324,  323,
+       322,  321,  320,  319,  318,  317,  316,  315,  314,  313,
+       312,  311,  310,  309,  308,  307,  306,  305,  304,  303,
+       302,  301,  300,  299,  298,  297,  296,  295,  294,  293,
+       292,  291,  290,  289,  288,  287,  286,  285,  284,  283,
+       282,  281,  280,  279,  278,  277,  276,  275,  274,  273,
+       272,  271,  270,  269,  268,  267,  266,  265,  264,  263,
+       262,  261,  260,  259,  253,  252,  251,  250,  249,  248,
+       247,  207,  206,  246,  245,  244,  243,  242,  241,  240,
+       239,  238,  237,  236,  235,  234,  233,  232,  231,  230,
+       229,  228,  227,  226,  225,  224,  223,  222,  221,  220,
+       219,  218,  175,  217,  216,  168,  168,  168,  215,  159,
+       210,  207,  206,  205,  204,  203,  202,  201,  200,  199,
+       198,  197,  196,  195,  194,  193,  192,  191,  190,  189,
+       188,  187,  186,  185,  184,  183,  182,  112,  181,  180,
+       107,  179,  178,  177,  176,  175,  174,  173,  168,  168,
+       168,  168,  168,  168,  168,  168,  166,  165,  149,  107,
+       129,  128,  127,  126,  125,  124,  123,  122,  121,  120,
+       119,  117,  112,  114,  437,   50,   48,   23,   23,   21,
+       437,  437,  437,  437,  437,  437,  437,  437,  437,  437,
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+       437
+     } ;
+ static yyconst flex_int16_t yy_chk[922] =
+     {   0,
+         3,    3,    3,    3,    3,    3,    3,    3,    3,    3,
+         3,    3,    3,    3,    3,    3,    3,    3,    3,    3,
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+         3,    3,    3,    3,    3,    3,    3,    3,    3,    3,
+         3,    6,   28,   91,   91,   28,    6,    7,    7,    7,
+         7,    7,    7,    7,    7,    7,    7,    7,    7,    7,
+         7,    7,    7,    7,    7,    7,    7,    7,    7,    7,
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+         7,    7,    7,    7,    7,    7,    7,    7,    7,    7,
+         7,    7,    7,    7,    7,    7,    7,    7,    9,   19,
+        19,    9,    9,  431,   84,    9,    9,    9,   20,   20,
+         9,   11,   71,    9,   11,  401,    9,   12,   84,   13,
+        12,   14,   30,   27,   32,   47,   13,   30,   14,   32,
+        47,   51,  401,   51,   61,    9,    9,    9,   10,   61,
+       347,   10,   10,   71,  426,   10,   10,   10,  425,   11,
+        10,  347,   87,   10,   19,   12,   10,   13,   19,   14,
+        76,   87,   19,   20,   19,   76,  423,   20,   80,   80,
+        80,   20,   27,   20,   27,   10,   10,   10,   15,   15,
+        15,   15,   15,   15,   15,   15,   15,   15,   15,   15,
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+        48,   48,   48,   48,   68,   73,   73,   73,   93,   93,
+        48,   48,   75,   48,   99,   48,   48,  162,   48,   74,
+        74,   74,   89,   48,   75,   81,   81,   81,  420,   89,
+        89,  144,  144,  155,  155,  155,  156,  156,  156,   68,
+       167,  167,  167,  370,  162,  208,  208,  162,   73,  412,
+       211,  162,  218,  419,  370,  418,  421,  218,  422,  430,
+        99,  413,   74,  417,  218,  218,  412,  421,  218,  422,
+       430,  415,  413,   75,  414,   75,  155,  211,  413,  156,
+       211,  411,  410,  409,  211,  424,  424,  424,  424,  424,
+       424,  424,  424,  424,  424,  424,  424,  424,  424,  424,
+       424,  424,  424,  408,  424,  424,  424,  424,  424,  407,
+       404,  403,  402,  400,  399,  398,  397,  396,  395,  394,
+       393,  392,  391,  390,  424,  424,  424,  424,  389,  387,
+       386,  382,  381,  380,  379,  378,  377,  374,  373,  372,
+       371,  369,  368,  367,  361,  360,  358,  357,  356,  355,
+       354,  353,  424,  424,  424,  424,  438,  438,  438,  438,
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+       446,  446,  446,  447,  346,  345,  447,  447,  447,  447,
+       447,  447,  448,  342,  448,  448,  341,  448,  448,  448,
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+       450,  451,  451,  452,  452,  452,  452,  452,  452,  452,
+       332,  331,  330,  329,  328,  327,  326,  325,  324,  323,
+       322,  321,  320,  319,  318,  317,  316,  315,  314,  313,
+       312,  311,  310,  309,  308,  306,  305,  304,  302,  301,
+       300,  299,  298,  297,  296,  295,  294,  293,  292,  290,
+       289,  288,  287,  286,  285,  284,  283,  282,  281,  280,
+       279,  274,  273,  272,  271,  270,  269,  268,  267,  266,
+       265,  263,  262,  261,  260,  259,  258,  257,  256,  255,
+       254,  253,  252,  251,  250,  249,  248,  247,  246,  245,
+       244,  243,  242,  241,  240,  239,  238,  237,  236,  235,
+       234,  233,  232,  231,  230,  229,  227,  226,  225,  223,
+       222,  221,  220,  219,  217,  216,  215,  214,  213,  212,
+       210,  207,  206,  205,  204,  203,  202,  201,  200,  199,
+       198,  197,  196,  195,  194,  193,  192,  191,  190,  189,
+       188,  187,  186,  185,  184,  183,  181,  180,  179,  178,
+       177,  176,  175,  174,  173,  171,  170,  169,  166,  159,
+       157,  143,  142,  141,  140,  139,  138,  137,  136,  135,
+       134,  133,  132,  131,  130,  129,  128,  127,  126,  125,
+       124,  123,  122,  121,  120,  119,  114,  112,  111,  110,
+       107,  106,  105,  104,  103,  101,   98,   97,   96,   95,
+        92,   90,   86,   85,   83,   82,   79,   78,   64,   57,
+        46,   45,   44,   43,   42,   41,   40,   39,   38,   37,
+        36,   34,   33,   31,   21,    5,    4,    2,    1,  437,
+       437,  437,  437,  437,  437,  437,  437,  437,  437,  437,
+       437,  437,  437,  437,  437,  437,  437,  437,  437,  437,
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+       437,  437,  437,  437,  437,  437,  437,  437,  437,  437,
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+       437,  437,  437,  437,  437,  437,  437,  437,  437,  437,
+       437
+     } ;
+ /* Table of booleans, true if rule could match eol. */
+ static yyconst flex_int32_t yy_rule_can_match_eol[94] =
+     {   0,
+ 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 
+     0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 
+     0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 
+     0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 
+     0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,     };
+ extern int yy_flex_debug;
+ int yy_flex_debug = 0;
+ static yy_state_type *yy_state_buf=0, *yy_state_ptr=0;
+ static char *yy_full_match;
+ static int yy_lp;
+ static int yy_looking_for_trail_begin = 0;
+ static int yy_full_lp;
+ static int *yy_full_state;
+ #define YY_TRAILING_MASK 0x2000
+ #define YY_TRAILING_HEAD_MASK 0x4000
+ #define REJECT \
+ { \
+ *yy_cp = (yy_hold_char); /* undo effects of setting up yytext */ \
+ yy_cp = (yy_full_match); /* restore poss. backed-over text */ \
+ (yy_lp) = yy_full_lp; /* restore orig. accepting pos. */ \
+ (yy_state_ptr) = yy_full_state; /* restore orig. state */ \
+ yy_current_state = *(yy_state_ptr); /* restore curr. state */ \
+ ++(yy_lp); \
+ goto find_rule; \
+ }
+ static int yy_more_offset = 0;
+ static int yy_prev_more_offset = 0;
+ #define yymore() ((yy_more_offset) = yy_flex_strlen( yytext ))
+ #define YY_NEED_STRLEN
+ #define YY_MORE_ADJ 0
+ 	{ \
+ 	(yy_more_offset) = (yy_prev_more_offset); \
+ 	yyleng -= (yy_more_offset); \
+ 	}
+ #ifndef YYLMAX
+ #define YYLMAX 8192
+ #endif
+ char yytext[YYLMAX];
+ char *yytext_ptr;
+ //
+ // The Termprocessor Kimwitu++
+ //
+ // Copyright (C) 1991 University of Twente, Dept TIOS.
+ // Copyright (C) 1997-2003 Humboldt-University at Berlin, Institute of Informatics
+ // All rights reserved.
+ //
+ // Kimwitu++ is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ // the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ // (at your option) any later version.
+ //
+ // Kimwitu++ is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ // GNU General Public License for more details.
+ //
+ // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ // along with Kimwitu++; if not, write to the Free Software
+ // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+ //
+ /*
+  * kimwl.l
+  */
+ static char kimwl_lAccesSid[] = "@(#)$Id: kimwl.cc,v 1.1 2004/04/06 20:25:12 criswell Exp $";
+ /* For windows (NT at least) we need to redefine fileno */
+ #if defined(_WIN32) && ! defined (__GNUC__)
+ # define fileno _fileno
+ #endif
+ /***************************************************************************/
+ /*
+  * Name conventions: tokens and states are in CAPITALS
+  * operators are capitalized
+  *
+  */
+ #include <cstdlib>
+ #include <string>
+ #include "k.h"
+ #include "yystype.h"
+ #include "kimwy.h"
+ namespace {
+ std::string cinclude("");
+ int cinit_paren_nesting =0;
+ int cinit_array_nesting =0;
+ void reset_nestcount();
+ int eat_comment(casestring);
+ void eat_line_comment();
+ void count(bool = true);
+ } // namespace
+ #define INITIAL 0
+ #define NORMAL 1
+ #define INCL 2
+ #define INCLSTART 3
+ #define CEXPR 4
+ #define CEXPRDQ 5
+ #define CEXPRSQ 6
+ #define C 7
+ #define OPNAME 8
+ #define OPTION 9
+ #ifndef YY_NO_UNISTD_H
+ /* Special case for "unistd.h", since it is non-ANSI. We include it way
+  * down here because we want the user's section 1 to have been scanned first.
+  * The user has a chance to override it with an option.
+  */
+ #include <unistd.h>
+ #endif
+ #ifndef YY_EXTRA_TYPE
+ #define YY_EXTRA_TYPE void *
+ #endif
+ /* Macros after this point can all be overridden by user definitions in
+  * section 1.
+  */
+ #ifndef YY_SKIP_YYWRAP
+ #ifdef __cplusplus
+ extern "C" int yywrap (void );
+ #else
+ extern int yywrap (void );
+ #endif
+ #endif
+     static void yyunput (int c,char *buf_ptr  );
+ #ifndef yytext_ptr
+ static void yy_flex_strncpy (char *,yyconst char *,int );
+ #endif
+ static int yy_flex_strlen (yyconst char * );
+ #endif
+ #ifndef YY_NO_INPUT
+ #ifdef __cplusplus
+ static int yyinput (void );
+ #else
+ static int input (void );
+ #endif
+ #endif
+ /* Amount of stuff to slurp up with each read. */
+ #ifndef YY_READ_BUF_SIZE
+ #define YY_READ_BUF_SIZE 8192
+ #endif
+ /* Copy whatever the last rule matched to the standard output. */
+ #ifndef ECHO
+ /* This used to be an fputs(), but since the string might contain NUL's,
+  * we now use fwrite().
+  */
+ #define ECHO (void) fwrite( yytext, yyleng, 1, yyout )
+ #endif
+ /* Gets input and stuffs it into "buf".  number of characters read, or YY_NULL,
+  * is returned in "result".
+  */
+ #ifndef YY_INPUT
+ #define YY_INPUT(buf,result,max_size) \
+ 	if ( YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE->yy_is_interactive ) \
+ 		{ \
+ 		int c = '*'; \
+ 		size_t n; \
+ 		for ( n = 0; n < max_size && \
+ 			     (c = getc( yyin )) != EOF && c != '\n'; ++n ) \
+ 			buf[n] = (char) c; \
+ 		if ( c == '\n' ) \
+ 			buf[n++] = (char) c; \
+ 		if ( c == EOF && ferror( yyin ) ) \
+ 			YY_FATAL_ERROR( "input in flex scanner failed" ); \
+ 		result = n; \
+ 		} \
+ 	else \
+ 		{ \
+ 		errno=0; \
+ 		while ( (result = fread(buf, 1, max_size, yyin))==0 && ferror(yyin)) \
+ 			{ \
+ 			if( errno != EINTR) \
+ 				{ \
+ 				YY_FATAL_ERROR( "input in flex scanner failed" ); \
+ 				break; \
+ 				} \
+ 			errno=0; \
+ 			clearerr(yyin); \
+ 			} \
+ 		}\
+ \
+ #endif
+ /* No semi-colon after return; correct usage is to write "yyterminate();" -
+  * we don't want an extra ';' after the "return" because that will cause
+  * some compilers to complain about unreachable statements.
+  */
+ #ifndef yyterminate
+ #define yyterminate() return YY_NULL
+ #endif
+ /* Number of entries by which start-condition stack grows. */
+ #define YY_START_STACK_INCR 25
+ #endif
+ /* Report a fatal error. */
+ #ifndef YY_FATAL_ERROR
+ #define YY_FATAL_ERROR(msg) yy_fatal_error( msg )
+ #endif
+ /* end tables serialization structures and prototypes */
+ /* Default declaration of generated scanner - a define so the user can
+  * easily add parameters.
+  */
+ #ifndef YY_DECL
+ #define YY_DECL_IS_OURS 1
+ extern int yylex (void);
+ #define YY_DECL int yylex (void)
+ #endif /* !YY_DECL */
+ /* Code executed at the beginning of each rule, after yytext and yyleng
+  * have been set up.
+  */
+ #ifndef YY_USER_ACTION
+ #define YY_USER_ACTION
+ #endif
+ /* Code executed at the end of each rule. */
+ #ifndef YY_BREAK
+ #define YY_BREAK break;
+ #endif
+ #define YY_RULE_SETUP \
+ 	if ( yyleng > 0 ) \
+ 		YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE->yy_at_bol = \
+ 				(yytext[yyleng - 1] == '\n'); \
+ /** The main scanner function which does all the work.
+  */
+ {
+ 	register yy_state_type yy_current_state;
+ 	register char *yy_cp, *yy_bp;
+ 	register int yy_act;
+ 	if ( (yy_init) )
+ 		{
+ 		(yy_init) = 0;
+ #ifdef YY_USER_INIT
+ #endif
+         if ( ! (yy_state_buf) )
+             (yy_state_buf) = (yy_state_type *)yyalloc(YY_BUF_SIZE + 2  );
+ 		if ( ! (yy_start) )
+ 			(yy_start) = 1;	/* first start state */
+ 		if ( ! yyin )
+ 			yyin = stdin;
+ 		if ( ! yyout )
+ 			yyout = stdout;
+ 		if ( ! YY_CURRENT_BUFFER ) {
+ 			yyensure_buffer_stack ();
+ 				yy_create_buffer(yyin,YY_BUF_SIZE );
+ 		}
+ 		yy_load_buffer_state( );
+ 		}
+ 	while ( 1 )		/* loops until end-of-file is reached */
+ 		{
+ 		yy_cp = (yy_c_buf_p);
+ 		/* Support of yytext. */
+ 		*yy_cp = (yy_hold_char);
+ 		/* yy_bp points to the position in yy_ch_buf of the start of
+ 		 * the current run.
+ 		 */
+ 		yy_bp = yy_cp;
+ 		yy_current_state = (yy_start);
+ 		yy_current_state += YY_AT_BOL();
+ 		(yy_state_ptr) = (yy_state_buf);
+ 		*(yy_state_ptr)++ = yy_current_state;
+ yy_match:
+ 		do
+ 			{
+ 			register YY_CHAR yy_c = yy_ec[YY_SC_TO_UI(*yy_cp)];
+ 			while ( yy_chk[yy_base[yy_current_state] + yy_c] != yy_current_state )
+ 				{
+ 				yy_current_state = (int) yy_def[yy_current_state];
+ 				if ( yy_current_state >= 438 )
+ 					yy_c = yy_meta[(unsigned int) yy_c];
+ 				}
+ 			yy_current_state = yy_nxt[yy_base[yy_current_state] + (unsigned int) yy_c];
+ 			*(yy_state_ptr)++ = yy_current_state;
+ 			++yy_cp;
+ 			}
+ 		while ( yy_current_state != 437 );
+ yy_find_action:
+ 		yy_current_state = *--(yy_state_ptr);
+ 		(yy_lp) = yy_accept[yy_current_state];
+ find_rule: /* we branch to this label when backing up */
+ 		for ( ; ; ) /* until we find what rule we matched */
+ 			{
+ 			if ( (yy_lp) && (yy_lp) < yy_accept[yy_current_state + 1] )
+ 				{
+ 				yy_act = yy_acclist[(yy_lp)];
+ 				if ( yy_act & YY_TRAILING_HEAD_MASK ||
+ 				     yy_looking_for_trail_begin )
+ 					{
+ 					if ( yy_act == yy_looking_for_trail_begin )
+ 						{
+ 						yy_looking_for_trail_begin = 0;
+ 						yy_act &= ~YY_TRAILING_HEAD_MASK;
+ 						break;
+ 						}
+ 					}
+ 				else if ( yy_act & YY_TRAILING_MASK )
+ 					{
+ 					yy_looking_for_trail_begin = yy_act & ~YY_TRAILING_MASK;
+ 					yy_looking_for_trail_begin |= YY_TRAILING_HEAD_MASK;
+ 					(yy_full_match) = yy_cp;
+ 					yy_full_state = (yy_state_ptr);
+ 					yy_full_lp = (yy_lp);
+ 					}
+ 				else
+ 					{
+ 					(yy_full_match) = yy_cp;
+ 					yy_full_state = (yy_state_ptr);
+ 					yy_full_lp = (yy_lp);
+ 					break;
+ 					}
+ 				++(yy_lp);
+ 				goto find_rule;
+ 				}
+ 			--yy_cp;
+ 			yy_current_state = *--(yy_state_ptr);
+ 			(yy_lp) = yy_accept[yy_current_state];
+ 			}
+ 		if ( yy_act != YY_END_OF_BUFFER && yy_rule_can_match_eol[yy_act] )
+ 			{
+ 			int yyl;
+ 			for ( yyl = (yy_prev_more_offset); yyl < yyleng; ++yyl )
+ 				if ( yytext[yyl] == '\n' )
+     yylineno++;
+ ;
+ 			}
+ do_action:	/* This label is used only to access EOF actions. */
+ 		switch ( yy_act )
+ 	{ /* beginning of action switch */
+ case 1:
+ /* rule 1 can match eol */
+ { count(false); }
+ case 2:
+ { count(); return T_PERCENTUVIEW; }
+ case 3:
+ { count(); return T_PERCENTUVIEWVAR; }
+ case 4:
+ { count(); return T_PERCENTRVIEW; }
+ case 5:
+ { count(); return T_PERCENTRVIEWVAR; }
+ case 6:
+ { count(); return T_PERCENTSTORAGECLASS; }
+ case 7:
+ { count(); return T_PERCENTLANGUAGE; }
+ case 8:
+ { count(); BEGIN OPTION; }
+ case 9:
+ { count(); BEGIN INCLSTART; return T_INCLUDESTART; }
+ case 10:
+ { count(); yylval.yt_casestring = mkcasestring(yytext); return T_ID; }
+ case 11:
+ { count(false); }
+ case 12:
+ /* rule 12 can match eol */
+ { count(); cinclude = ""; cinclude.reserve(1024); BEGIN INCL; return T_ENDOFINCLUDESTART; }
+ case 13:
+ /* rule 13 can match eol */
+ { count(); cinclude += yytext[0]; }
+ case 14:
+ { count(); v_report(Warning(FileLine(pg_filename, pg_lineno), Problem1S("Opening '%{' (nested C++ includes; preceding closing '%}' not found)"))); cinclude += yytext; }
+ case 15:
+ /* rule 15 can match eol */
+ { count(); BEGIN NORMAL; yylval.yt_casestring = mkcasestring(cinclude.c_str()); return T_INCLUDEEND; }
+ case 16:
+ { count(); yylval.yt_integer = mkinteger(eat_comment(pg_filename)); return T_CNEWLINES; }
+ case 17:
+ { count(); eat_comment(pg_filename); }
+ case 18:
+ { count(); eat_line_comment(); yylval.yt_integer = mkinteger(1); return T_CNEWLINES; }
+ case 19:
+ { count(); eat_line_comment(); }
+ case 20:
+ { count(); return T_ARROW; }
+ case 21:
+ { count(); return T_PROVIDED; }
+ case 22:
+ { count(); return T_DEFAULT; }
+ case 23:
+ { count(); yylval.yt_integer = mkinteger(atoi(yytext)); return T_INT; }
+ case 24:
+ { count(); return T_LIST; }
+ case 25:
+ { count(); return T_STATIC; }
+ case 26:
+ { count(); return T_AUTO; }
+ case 27:
+ { count(); return T_REGISTER; }
+ case 28:
+ { count(); return T_EXTERN; }
+ case 29:
+ { count(); return T_TYPEDEF; }
+ case 30:
+ { count(); return T_CONST; }
+ case 31:
+ { count(); return T_VOLATILE; }
+ case 32:
+ { count(); return T_UNSIGNED; }
+ case 33:
+ { count(); return T_VIRTUAL; }
+ case 34:
+ { count(); BEGIN OPNAME; return T_OPERATOR; }
+ case 35:
+ { count(); return T_CONSTRUCTOR; }
+ case 36:
+ { count(); return T_DESTRUCTOR; }
+ case 37:
+ { count(); return T_MEMBER; }
+ case 38:
+ { count(); return T_ATTR; }
+ case 39:
+ { count(); return T_BASECLASS; }
+ case 40:
+ { count(); return T_DOTDOTDOT; }
+ case 41:
+ { count(); return T_COLONCOLON; }
+ case 42:
+ /* rule 42 can match eol */
+ { count(false); }
+ case 43:
+ { count(); BEGIN NORMAL; yylval.yt_casestring = mkcasestring(yytext); return T_OPNAME ; }
+ case 44:
+ { count(); BEGIN NORMAL; yylval.yt_casestring = mkcasestring(yytext); return T_ID ; }
+ case 45:
+ { count(); yylval.yt_casestring = mkcasestring(yytext); return T_ID ; }
+ case 46:
+ { count(); yylval.yt_casestring = mkcasestring(yytext); return T_CEXPRESSION; }
+ case 47:
+ { count(); yylval.yt_integer = mkinteger(atoi(yytext+1)); return T_DOLLARVAR; }
+ case 48:
+ { count(); return T_UNPBLOCKSTART; }
+ case 49:
+ { count(); return T_UNPBLOCKEND; }
+ case 50:
+ { count(); yylval.yt_casestring = mkcasestring(yytext); return T_CEXPRESSION; }
+ case 51:
+ /* rule 51 can match eol */
+ { count(); return yytext[0]; }
+ case 52:
+ { count(); yylval.yt_casestring = mkcasestring("\\"); return T_CEXPRESSION; }
+ case 53:
+ { count(); yylval.yt_casestring = mkcasestring("\\\\"); return T_CEXPRESSION; }
+ case 54:
+ { count(); BEGIN CEXPRDQ; return yytext[0]; }
+ case 55:
+ { count(); BEGIN CEXPRSQ; return yytext[0]; }
+ case 56:
+ { count(); BEGIN NORMAL; reset_nestcount(); return yytext[0]; }
+ case 57:
+ { count(); return yytext[0]; }
+ case 58:
+ { count(); cinit_paren_nesting++;  yylval.yt_casestring = mkcasestring("(");  return yytext[0]; }
+ case 59:
+ { count(); if (cinit_paren_nesting == 0) {
+ 					      BEGIN NORMAL; reset_nestcount(); return yytext[0];
+ 					    } else {
+ 					      cinit_paren_nesting--; yylval.yt_casestring = mkcasestring(")");  return yytext[0]; }
+ 					}
+ case 60:
+ { count(); cinit_array_nesting++;  yylval.yt_casestring = mkcasestring("[");  return yytext[0]; }
+ case 61:
+ { count(); if (cinit_array_nesting == 0) {
+ 					      BEGIN NORMAL; reset_nestcount(); return yytext[0];
+ 					    } else {
+ 					      cinit_array_nesting--; yylval.yt_casestring = mkcasestring("]");  return yytext[0]; }
+ 					}
+ case 62:
+ { count(); yylval.yt_casestring = mkcasestring(yytext); return T_CEXPRESSION; }
+ case 63:
+ { count(); BEGIN CEXPR; return yytext[0]; }
+ case 64:
+ { count(); yylval.yt_casestring = mkcasestring("\\\""); return T_CEXPRESSION; }
+ case 65:
+ { count(); BEGIN CEXPR; return yytext[0]; }
+ case 66:
+ { count(); yylval.yt_casestring = mkcasestring("\\'"); return T_CEXPRESSION; }
+ case 67:
+ { count(); yylval.yt_casestring = mkcasestring(yytext); return T_CEXPRESSION; }
+ case 68:
+ { count(); yylval.yt_casestring = mkcasestring("$"); return T_CLINE; }
+ case 69:
+ { count(); yylval.yt_casestring = mkcasestring("\\\\"); return T_CLINE; }
+ case 70:
+ { count(); yylval.yt_casestring = mkcasestring("\\"); return T_CLINE ; }
+ case 71:
+ { count(); yylval.yt_casestring = mkcasestring("{"); /*WARNING-NO LONGER SUPPORTED*/ return T_CLINE ; }
+ case 72:
+ { count(); yylval.yt_casestring = mkcasestring("}"); /*WARNING-NO LONGER SUPPORTED*/ return T_CLINE ; }
+ case 73:
+ { count(); if (strcmp(yytext, "$") == 0) return yytext[0];
+ 					  yylval.yt_integer = mkinteger(atoi(yytext+1));
+ 					  return T_DOLLARVAR;
+ 					}
+ case 74:
+ /* rule 74 can match eol */
+ { count(); return T_FOREACH_AFTER; }
+ case 75:
+ { count(); if (strcmp(yytext, "foreach") ==0) {
+ 					      return T_FOREACH;
+ 					  } else if (strcmp(yytext, "afterforeach") ==0) {
+ 					      return T_FOREACH_AFTER;
+ 					  } else if (strcmp(yytext, "with") ==0) {
+ 					      return T_WITH;
+ 					  } else {
+ 					      yylval.yt_casestring = mkcasestring(yytext);
+ 					      return T_CLINE ;
+ 					  }
+ 					}
+ case 76:
+ { count(); yylval.yt_casestring = mkcasestring(yytext); return T_CLINE; }
+ case 77:
+ { count(); yylval.yt_casestring = mkcasestring(yytext); return T_CLINE; }
+ case 78:
+ { count(); yylval.yt_casestring = mkcasestring(yytext); return T_CLINE; }
+ case 79:
+ { count(); yylval.yt_casestring = mkcasestring(yytext); return T_CLINE; }
+ case 80:
+ { count(); yylval.yt_casestring = mkcasestring(yytext); return T_CLINE; }
+ case 81:
+ { count(); return yytext[0]; }
+ case 82:
+ { count(false); }
+ case 83:
+ /* rule 83 can match eol */
+ { count(false); BEGIN NORMAL; }
+ case 84:
+ { count(); if (g_options.for_bison!="" && g_options.for_bison!="yystype.h") v_report(Warning(FileLine(pg_filename, pg_lineno), Problem2S("Name of yystype header is set to ", g_options.for_bison.c_str()))); else g_options.for_bison="yystype.h"; }
+ case 85:
+ { count(); g_options.no_csgio=true; }
+ case 86:
+ { count(); g_options.no_unparse=true; }
+ case 87:
+ { count(); g_options.no_rewrite=true; }
+ case 88:
+ { count(); g_options.no_printdot=true; }
+ case 89:
+ { count(); g_options.no_hashtables=true; }
+ case 90:
+ { count(); g_options.smart_pointer=true; }
+ case 91:
+ { count(); g_options.smart_pointer=true; g_options.weak_pointer=true; }
+ case 92:
+ { count(); return yytext[0]; }
+ case 93:
+ 			case YY_STATE_EOF(INCL):
+ 			case YY_STATE_EOF(CEXPR):
+ 			case YY_STATE_EOF(C):
+ 				yyterminate();
+ 		{
+ 		/* Amount of text matched not including the EOB char. */
+ 		int yy_amount_of_matched_text = (int) (yy_cp - (yytext_ptr)) - 1;
+ 		/* Undo the effects of YY_DO_BEFORE_ACTION. */
+ 		*yy_cp = (yy_hold_char);
+ 		if ( YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE->yy_buffer_status == YY_BUFFER_NEW )
+ 			{
+ 			/* We're scanning a new file or input source.  It's
+ 			 * possible that this happened because the user
+ 			 * just pointed yyin at a new source and called
+ 			 * yylex().  If so, then we have to assure
+ 			 * consistency between YY_CURRENT_BUFFER and our
+ 			 * globals.  Here is the right place to do so, because
+ 			 * this is the first action (other than possibly a
+ 			 * back-up) that will match for the new input source.
+ 			 */
+ 			(yy_n_chars) = YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE->yy_n_chars;
+ 			YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE->yy_input_file = yyin;
+ 			}
+ 		/* Note that here we test for yy_c_buf_p "<=" to the position
+ 		 * of the first EOB in the buffer, since yy_c_buf_p will
+ 		 * already have been incremented past the NUL character
+ 		 * (since all states make transitions on EOB to the
+ 		 * end-of-buffer state).  Contrast this with the test
+ 		 * in input().
+ 		 */
+ 		if ( (yy_c_buf_p) <= &YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE->yy_ch_buf[(yy_n_chars)] )
+ 			{ /* This was really a NUL. */
+ 			yy_state_type yy_next_state;
+ 			(yy_c_buf_p) = (yytext_ptr) + yy_amount_of_matched_text;
+ 			yy_current_state = yy_get_previous_state(  );
+ 			/* Okay, we're now positioned to make the NUL
+ 			 * transition.  We couldn't have
+ 			 * yy_get_previous_state() go ahead and do it
+ 			 * for us because it doesn't know how to deal
+ 			 * with the possibility of jamming (and we don't
+ 			 * want to build jamming into it because then it
+ 			 * will run more slowly).
+ 			 */
+ 			yy_next_state = yy_try_NUL_trans( yy_current_state );
+ 			yy_bp = (yytext_ptr) + YY_MORE_ADJ;
+ 			if ( yy_next_state )
+ 				{
+ 				/* Consume the NUL. */
+ 				yy_cp = ++(yy_c_buf_p);
+ 				yy_current_state = yy_next_state;
+ 				goto yy_match;
+ 				}
+ 			else
+ 				{
+ 				yy_cp = (yy_c_buf_p);
+ 				goto yy_find_action;
+ 				}
+ 			}
+ 		else switch ( yy_get_next_buffer(  ) )
+ 			{
+ 			case EOB_ACT_END_OF_FILE:
+ 				{
+ 				(yy_did_buffer_switch_on_eof) = 0;
+ 				if ( yywrap( ) )
+ 					{
+ 					/* Note: because we've taken care in
+ 					 * yy_get_next_buffer() to have set up
+ 					 * yytext, we can now set up
+ 					 * yy_c_buf_p so that if some total
+ 					 * hoser (like flex itself) wants to
+ 					 * call the scanner after we return the
+ 					 * YY_NULL, it'll still work - another
+ 					 * YY_NULL will get returned.
+ 					 */
+ 					(yy_c_buf_p) = (yytext_ptr) + YY_MORE_ADJ;
+ 					yy_act = YY_STATE_EOF(YY_START);
+ 					goto do_action;
+ 					}
+ 				else
+ 					{
+ 					if ( ! (yy_did_buffer_switch_on_eof) )
+ 						YY_NEW_FILE;
+ 					}
+ 				break;
+ 				}
+ 				(yy_c_buf_p) =
+ 					(yytext_ptr) + yy_amount_of_matched_text;
+ 				yy_current_state = yy_get_previous_state(  );
+ 				yy_cp = (yy_c_buf_p);
+ 				yy_bp = (yytext_ptr) + YY_MORE_ADJ;
+ 				goto yy_match;
+ 				(yy_c_buf_p) =
+ 				&YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE->yy_ch_buf[(yy_n_chars)];
+ 				yy_current_state = yy_get_previous_state(  );
+ 				yy_cp = (yy_c_buf_p);
+ 				yy_bp = (yytext_ptr) + YY_MORE_ADJ;
+ 				goto yy_find_action;
+ 			}
+ 		break;
+ 		}
+ 	default:
+ 			"fatal flex scanner internal error--no action found" );
+ 	} /* end of action switch */
+ 		} /* end of scanning one token */
+ } /* end of yylex */
+ /* yy_get_next_buffer - try to read in a new buffer
+  *
+  * Returns a code representing an action:
+  *	EOB_ACT_CONTINUE_SCAN - continue scanning from current position
+  *	EOB_ACT_END_OF_FILE - end of file
+  */
+ static int yy_get_next_buffer (void)
+ {
+     	register char *dest = YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE->yy_ch_buf;
+ 	register char *source = (yytext_ptr);
+ 	register int number_to_move, i;
+ 	int ret_val;
+ 	if ( (yy_c_buf_p) > &YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE->yy_ch_buf[(yy_n_chars) + 1] )
+ 		"fatal flex scanner internal error--end of buffer missed" );
+ 	if ( YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE->yy_fill_buffer == 0 )
+ 		{ /* Don't try to fill the buffer, so this is an EOF. */
+ 		if ( (yy_c_buf_p) - (yytext_ptr) - YY_MORE_ADJ == 1 )
+ 			{
+ 			/* We matched a single character, the EOB, so
+ 			 * treat this as a final EOF.
+ 			 */
+ 			return EOB_ACT_END_OF_FILE;
+ 			}
+ 		else
+ 			{
+ 			/* We matched some text prior to the EOB, first
+ 			 * process it.
+ 			 */
+ 			return EOB_ACT_LAST_MATCH;
+ 			}
+ 		}
+ 	/* Try to read more data. */
+ 	/* First move last chars to start of buffer. */
+ 	number_to_move = (int) ((yy_c_buf_p) - (yytext_ptr)) - 1;
+ 	for ( i = 0; i < number_to_move; ++i )
+ 		*(dest++) = *(source++);
+ 		/* don't do the read, it's not guaranteed to return an EOF,
+ 		 * just force an EOF
+ 		 */
+ 		YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE->yy_n_chars = (yy_n_chars) = 0;
+ 	else
+ 		{
+ 			size_t num_to_read =
+ 			YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE->yy_buf_size - number_to_move - 1;
+ 		while ( num_to_read <= 0 )
+ 			{ /* Not enough room in the buffer - grow it. */
+ "input buffer overflow, can't enlarge buffer because scanner uses REJECT" );
+ 			}
+ 		if ( num_to_read > YY_READ_BUF_SIZE )
+ 			num_to_read = YY_READ_BUF_SIZE;
+ 		/* Read in more data. */
+ 		YY_INPUT( (&YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE->yy_ch_buf[number_to_move]),
+ 			(yy_n_chars), num_to_read );
+ 		YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE->yy_n_chars = (yy_n_chars);
+ 		}
+ 	if ( (yy_n_chars) == 0 )
+ 		{
+ 		if ( number_to_move == YY_MORE_ADJ )
+ 			{
+ 			ret_val = EOB_ACT_END_OF_FILE;
+ 			yyrestart(yyin  );
+ 			}
+ 		else
+ 			{
+ 			ret_val = EOB_ACT_LAST_MATCH;
+ 			YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE->yy_buffer_status =
+ 			}
+ 		}
+ 	else
+ 		ret_val = EOB_ACT_CONTINUE_SCAN;
+ 	(yy_n_chars) += number_to_move;
+ 	YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE->yy_ch_buf[(yy_n_chars)] = YY_END_OF_BUFFER_CHAR;
+ 	YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE->yy_ch_buf[(yy_n_chars) + 1] = YY_END_OF_BUFFER_CHAR;
+ 	(yytext_ptr) = &YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE->yy_ch_buf[0];
+ 	return ret_val;
+ }
+ /* yy_get_previous_state - get the state just before the EOB char was reached */
+     static yy_state_type yy_get_previous_state (void)
+ {
+ 	register yy_state_type yy_current_state;
+ 	register char *yy_cp;
+ 	yy_current_state = (yy_start);
+ 	yy_current_state += YY_AT_BOL();
+ 	(yy_state_ptr) = (yy_state_buf);
+ 	*(yy_state_ptr)++ = yy_current_state;
+ 	for ( yy_cp = (yytext_ptr) + YY_MORE_ADJ; yy_cp < (yy_c_buf_p); ++yy_cp )
+ 		{
+ 		register YY_CHAR yy_c = (*yy_cp ? yy_ec[YY_SC_TO_UI(*yy_cp)] : 1);
+ 		while ( yy_chk[yy_base[yy_current_state] + yy_c] != yy_current_state )
+ 			{
+ 			yy_current_state = (int) yy_def[yy_current_state];
+ 			if ( yy_current_state >= 438 )
+ 				yy_c = yy_meta[(unsigned int) yy_c];
+ 			}
+ 		yy_current_state = yy_nxt[yy_base[yy_current_state] + (unsigned int) yy_c];
+ 		*(yy_state_ptr)++ = yy_current_state;
+ 		}
+ 	return yy_current_state;
+ }
+ /* yy_try_NUL_trans - try to make a transition on the NUL character
+  *
+  * synopsis
+  *	next_state = yy_try_NUL_trans( current_state );
+  */
+     static yy_state_type yy_try_NUL_trans  (yy_state_type yy_current_state )
+ {
+ 	register int yy_is_jam;
+ 	register YY_CHAR yy_c = 1;
+ 	while ( yy_chk[yy_base[yy_current_state] + yy_c] != yy_current_state )
+ 		{
+ 		yy_current_state = (int) yy_def[yy_current_state];
+ 		if ( yy_current_state >= 438 )
+ 			yy_c = yy_meta[(unsigned int) yy_c];
+ 		}
+ 	yy_current_state = yy_nxt[yy_base[yy_current_state] + (unsigned int) yy_c];
+ 	yy_is_jam = (yy_current_state == 437);
+ 	if ( ! yy_is_jam )
+ 		*(yy_state_ptr)++ = yy_current_state;
+ 	return yy_is_jam ? 0 : yy_current_state;
+ }
+     static void yyunput (int c, register char * yy_bp )
+ {
+ 	register char *yy_cp;
+     yy_cp = (yy_c_buf_p);
+ 	/* undo effects of setting up yytext */
+ 	*yy_cp = (yy_hold_char);
+ 	if ( yy_cp < YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE->yy_ch_buf + 2 )
+ 		{ /* need to shift things up to make room */
+ 		/* +2 for EOB chars. */
+ 		register int number_to_move = (yy_n_chars) + 2;
+ 		register char *dest = &YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE->yy_ch_buf[
+ 					YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE->yy_buf_size + 2];
+ 		register char *source =
+ 				&YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE->yy_ch_buf[number_to_move];
+ 		while ( source > YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE->yy_ch_buf )
+ 			*--dest = *--source;
+ 		yy_cp += (int) (dest - source);
+ 		yy_bp += (int) (dest - source);
+ 		YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE->yy_n_chars =
+ 			(yy_n_chars) = YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE->yy_buf_size;
+ 		if ( yy_cp < YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE->yy_ch_buf + 2 )
+ 			YY_FATAL_ERROR( "flex scanner push-back overflow" );
+ 		}
+ 	*--yy_cp = (char) c;
+     if ( c == '\n' ){
+         --yylineno;
+     }
+ 	(yytext_ptr) = yy_bp;
+ 	(yy_hold_char) = *yy_cp;
+ 	(yy_c_buf_p) = yy_cp;
+ }
+ #ifndef YY_NO_INPUT
+ #ifdef __cplusplus
+     static int yyinput (void)
+ #else
+     static int input  (void)
+ #endif
+ {
+ 	int c;
+ 	*(yy_c_buf_p) = (yy_hold_char);
+ 	if ( *(yy_c_buf_p) == YY_END_OF_BUFFER_CHAR )
+ 		{
+ 		/* yy_c_buf_p now points to the character we want to return.
+ 		 * If this occurs *before* the EOB characters, then it's a
+ 		 * valid NUL; if not, then we've hit the end of the buffer.
+ 		 */
+ 		if ( (yy_c_buf_p) < &YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE->yy_ch_buf[(yy_n_chars)] )
+ 			/* This was really a NUL. */
+ 			*(yy_c_buf_p) = '\0';
+ 		else
+ 			{ /* need more input */
+ 			int offset = (yy_c_buf_p) - (yytext_ptr);
+ 			++(yy_c_buf_p);
+ 			switch ( yy_get_next_buffer(  ) )
+ 				{
+ 				case EOB_ACT_LAST_MATCH:
+ 					/* This happens because yy_g_n_b()
+ 					 * sees that we've accumulated a
+ 					 * token and flags that we need to
+ 					 * try matching the token before
+ 					 * proceeding.  But for input(),
+ 					 * there's no matching to consider.
+ 					 * So convert the EOB_ACT_LAST_MATCH
+ 					 * to EOB_ACT_END_OF_FILE.
+ 					 */
+ 					/* Reset buffer status. */
+ 					yyrestart(yyin );
+ 					/*FALLTHROUGH*/
+ 				case EOB_ACT_END_OF_FILE:
+ 					{
+ 					if ( yywrap( ) )
+ 						return EOF;
+ 					if ( ! (yy_did_buffer_switch_on_eof) )
+ 						YY_NEW_FILE;
+ #ifdef __cplusplus
+ 					return yyinput();
+ #else
+ 					return input();
+ #endif
+ 					}
+ 					(yy_c_buf_p) = (yytext_ptr) + offset;
+ 					break;
+ 				}
+ 			}
+ 		}
+ 	c = *(unsigned char *) (yy_c_buf_p);	/* cast for 8-bit char's */
+ 	*(yy_c_buf_p) = '\0';	/* preserve yytext */
+ 	(yy_hold_char) = *++(yy_c_buf_p);
+ 	YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE->yy_at_bol = (c == '\n');
+ 	if ( YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE->yy_at_bol )
+     yylineno++;
+ ;
+ 	return c;
+ }
+ #endif	/* ifndef YY_NO_INPUT */
+ /** Immediately switch to a different input stream.
+  * @param input_file A readable stream.
+  * 
+  * @note This function does not reset the start condition to @c INITIAL .
+  */
+     void yyrestart  (FILE * input_file )
+ {
+ 	if ( ! YY_CURRENT_BUFFER ){
+         yyensure_buffer_stack ();
+             yy_create_buffer(yyin,YY_BUF_SIZE );
+ 	}
+ 	yy_init_buffer(YY_CURRENT_BUFFER,input_file );
+ 	yy_load_buffer_state( );
+ }
+ /** Switch to a different input buffer.
+  * @param new_buffer The new input buffer.
+  * 
+  */
+     void yy_switch_to_buffer  (YY_BUFFER_STATE  new_buffer )
+ {
+ 	/* TODO. We should be able to replace this entire function body
+ 	 * with
+ 	 *		yypop_buffer_state();
+ 	 *		yypush_buffer_state(new_buffer);
+      */
+ 	yyensure_buffer_stack ();
+ 	if ( YY_CURRENT_BUFFER == new_buffer )
+ 		return;
+ 		{
+ 		/* Flush out information for old buffer. */
+ 		*(yy_c_buf_p) = (yy_hold_char);
+ 		YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE->yy_buf_pos = (yy_c_buf_p);
+ 		YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE->yy_n_chars = (yy_n_chars);
+ 		}
+ 	yy_load_buffer_state( );
+ 	/* We don't actually know whether we did this switch during
+ 	 * EOF (yywrap()) processing, but the only time this flag
+ 	 * is looked at is after yywrap() is called, so it's safe
+ 	 * to go ahead and always set it.
+ 	 */
+ 	(yy_did_buffer_switch_on_eof) = 1;
+ }
+ static void yy_load_buffer_state  (void)
+ {
+     	(yy_n_chars) = YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE->yy_n_chars;
+ 	(yytext_ptr) = (yy_c_buf_p) = YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE->yy_buf_pos;
+ 	yyin = YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE->yy_input_file;
+ 	(yy_hold_char) = *(yy_c_buf_p);
+ }
+ /** Allocate and initialize an input buffer state.
+  * @param file A readable stream.
+  * @param size The character buffer size in bytes. When in doubt, use @c YY_BUF_SIZE.
+  * 
+  * @return the allocated buffer state.
+  */
+     YY_BUFFER_STATE yy_create_buffer  (FILE * file, int  size )
+ {
+ 	b = (YY_BUFFER_STATE) yyalloc(sizeof( struct yy_buffer_state )  );
+ 	if ( ! b )
+ 		YY_FATAL_ERROR( "out of dynamic memory in yy_create_buffer()" );
+ 	b->yy_buf_size = size;
+ 	/* yy_ch_buf has to be 2 characters longer than the size given because
+ 	 * we need to put in 2 end-of-buffer characters.
+ 	 */
+ 	b->yy_ch_buf = (char *) yyalloc(b->yy_buf_size + 2  );
+ 	if ( ! b->yy_ch_buf )
+ 		YY_FATAL_ERROR( "out of dynamic memory in yy_create_buffer()" );
+ 	b->yy_is_our_buffer = 1;
+ 	yy_init_buffer(b,file );
+ 	return b;
+ }
+ /** Destroy the buffer.
+  * @param b a buffer created with yy_create_buffer()
+  * 
+  */
+     void yy_delete_buffer (YY_BUFFER_STATE  b )
+ {
+ 	if ( ! b )
+ 		return;
+ 	if ( b == YY_CURRENT_BUFFER ) /* Not sure if we should pop here. */
+ 	if ( b->yy_is_our_buffer )
+ 		yyfree((void *) b->yy_ch_buf  );
+ 	yyfree((void *) b  );
+ }
+ /* Initializes or reinitializes a buffer.
+  * This function is sometimes called more than once on the same buffer,
+  * such as during a yyrestart() or at EOF.
+  */
+     static void yy_init_buffer  (YY_BUFFER_STATE  b, FILE * file )
+ {
+ 	int oerrno = errno;
+ 	yy_flush_buffer(b );
+ 	b->yy_input_file = file;
+ 	b->yy_fill_buffer = 1;
+     /* If b is the current buffer, then yy_init_buffer was _probably_
+      * called from yyrestart() or through yy_get_next_buffer.
+      * In that case, we don't want to reset the lineno or column.
+      */
+     if (b != YY_CURRENT_BUFFER){
+         b->yy_bs_lineno = 1;
+         b->yy_bs_column = 0;
+     }
+         b->yy_is_interactive = 0;
+ 	errno = oerrno;
+ }
+ /** Discard all buffered characters. On the next scan, YY_INPUT will be called.
+  * @param b the buffer state to be flushed, usually @c YY_CURRENT_BUFFER.
+  * 
+  */
+     void yy_flush_buffer (YY_BUFFER_STATE  b )
+ {
+     	if ( ! b )
+ 		return;
+ 	b->yy_n_chars = 0;
+ 	/* We always need two end-of-buffer characters.  The first causes
+ 	 * a transition to the end-of-buffer state.  The second causes
+ 	 * a jam in that state.
+ 	 */
+ 	b->yy_ch_buf[0] = YY_END_OF_BUFFER_CHAR;
+ 	b->yy_ch_buf[1] = YY_END_OF_BUFFER_CHAR;
+ 	b->yy_buf_pos = &b->yy_ch_buf[0];
+ 	b->yy_at_bol = 1;
+ 	b->yy_buffer_status = YY_BUFFER_NEW;
+ 	if ( b == YY_CURRENT_BUFFER )
+ 		yy_load_buffer_state( );
+ }
+ /** Pushes the new state onto the stack. The new state becomes
+  *  the current state. This function will allocate the stack
+  *  if necessary.
+  *  @param new_buffer The new state.
+  *  
+  */
+ void yypush_buffer_state (YY_BUFFER_STATE new_buffer )
+ {
+     	if (new_buffer == NULL)
+ 		return;
+ 	yyensure_buffer_stack();
+ 	/* This block is copied from yy_switch_to_buffer. */
+ 		{
+ 		/* Flush out information for old buffer. */
+ 		*(yy_c_buf_p) = (yy_hold_char);
+ 		YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE->yy_buf_pos = (yy_c_buf_p);
+ 		YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE->yy_n_chars = (yy_n_chars);
+ 		}
+ 	/* Only push if top exists. Otherwise, replace top. */
+ 		(yy_buffer_stack_top)++;
+ 	/* copied from yy_switch_to_buffer. */
+ 	yy_load_buffer_state( );
+ 	(yy_did_buffer_switch_on_eof) = 1;
+ }
+ /** Removes and deletes the top of the stack, if present.
+  *  The next element becomes the new top.
+  *  
+  */
+ void yypop_buffer_state (void)
+ {
+     	if (!YY_CURRENT_BUFFER)
+ 		return;
+ 	yy_delete_buffer(YY_CURRENT_BUFFER );
+ 	if ((yy_buffer_stack_top) > 0)
+ 		--(yy_buffer_stack_top);
+ 		yy_load_buffer_state( );
+ 		(yy_did_buffer_switch_on_eof) = 1;
+ 	}
+ }
+ /* Allocates the stack if it does not exist.
+  *  Guarantees space for at least one push.
+  */
+ static void yyensure_buffer_stack (void)
+ {
+ 	int num_to_alloc;
+ 	if (!(yy_buffer_stack)) {
+ 		/* First allocation is just for 2 elements, since we don't know if this
+ 		 * scanner will even need a stack. We use 2 instead of 1 to avoid an
+ 		 * immediate realloc on the next call.
+          */
+ 		num_to_alloc = 1;
+ 		(yy_buffer_stack) = (struct yy_buffer_state**)yyalloc
+ 								(num_to_alloc * sizeof(struct yy_buffer_state*)
+ 								);
+ 		memset((yy_buffer_stack), 0, num_to_alloc * sizeof(struct yy_buffer_state*));
+ 		(yy_buffer_stack_max) = num_to_alloc;
+ 		(yy_buffer_stack_top) = 0;
+ 		return;
+ 	}
+ 	if ((yy_buffer_stack_top) >= ((yy_buffer_stack_max)) - 1){
+ 		/* Increase the buffer to prepare for a possible push. */
+ 		int grow_size = 8 /* arbitrary grow size */;
+ 		num_to_alloc = (yy_buffer_stack_max) + grow_size;
+ 		(yy_buffer_stack) = (struct yy_buffer_state**)yyrealloc
+ 								((yy_buffer_stack),
+ 								num_to_alloc * sizeof(struct yy_buffer_state*)
+ 								);
+ 		/* zero only the new slots.*/
+ 		memset((yy_buffer_stack) + (yy_buffer_stack_max), 0, grow_size * sizeof(struct yy_buffer_state*));
+ 		(yy_buffer_stack_max) = num_to_alloc;
+ 	}
+ }
+ /** Setup the input buffer state to scan directly from a user-specified character buffer.
+  * @param base the character buffer
+  * @param size the size in bytes of the character buffer
+  * 
+  * @return the newly allocated buffer state object. 
+  */
+ YY_BUFFER_STATE yy_scan_buffer  (char * base, yy_size_t  size )
+ {
+ 	if ( size < 2 ||
+ 	     base[size-2] != YY_END_OF_BUFFER_CHAR ||
+ 	     base[size-1] != YY_END_OF_BUFFER_CHAR )
+ 		/* They forgot to leave room for the EOB's. */
+ 		return 0;
+ 	b = (YY_BUFFER_STATE) yyalloc(sizeof( struct yy_buffer_state )  );
+ 	if ( ! b )
+ 		YY_FATAL_ERROR( "out of dynamic memory in yy_scan_buffer()" );
+ 	b->yy_buf_size = size - 2;	/* "- 2" to take care of EOB's */
+ 	b->yy_buf_pos = b->yy_ch_buf = base;
+ 	b->yy_is_our_buffer = 0;
+ 	b->yy_input_file = 0;
+ 	b->yy_n_chars = b->yy_buf_size;
+ 	b->yy_is_interactive = 0;
+ 	b->yy_at_bol = 1;
+ 	b->yy_fill_buffer = 0;
+ 	b->yy_buffer_status = YY_BUFFER_NEW;
+ 	yy_switch_to_buffer(b  );
+ 	return b;
+ }
+ /** Setup the input buffer state to scan a string. The next call to yylex() will
+  * scan from a @e copy of @a str.
+  * @param str a NUL-terminated string to scan
+  * 
+  * @return the newly allocated buffer state object.
+  * @note If you want to scan bytes that may contain NUL values, then use
+  *       yy_scan_bytes() instead.
+  */
+ YY_BUFFER_STATE yy_scan_string (yyconst char * yy_str )
+ {
+ 	return yy_scan_bytes(yy_str,strlen(yy_str) );
+ }
+ /** Setup the input buffer state to scan the given bytes. The next call to yylex() will
+  * scan from a @e copy of @a bytes.
+  * @param bytes the byte buffer to scan
+  * @param len the number of bytes in the buffer pointed to by @a bytes.
+  * 
+  * @return the newly allocated buffer state object.
+  */
+ YY_BUFFER_STATE yy_scan_bytes  (yyconst char * bytes, int  len )
+ {
+ 	char *buf;
+ 	yy_size_t n;
+ 	int i;
+ 	/* Get memory for full buffer, including space for trailing EOB's. */
+ 	n = len + 2;
+ 	buf = (char *) yyalloc(n  );
+ 	if ( ! buf )
+ 		YY_FATAL_ERROR( "out of dynamic memory in yy_scan_bytes()" );
+ 	for ( i = 0; i < len; ++i )
+ 		buf[i] = bytes[i];
+ 	buf[len] = buf[len+1] = YY_END_OF_BUFFER_CHAR;
+ 	b = yy_scan_buffer(buf,n );
+ 	if ( ! b )
+ 		YY_FATAL_ERROR( "bad buffer in yy_scan_bytes()" );
+ 	/* It's okay to grow etc. this buffer, and we should throw it
+ 	 * away when we're done.
+ 	 */
+ 	b->yy_is_our_buffer = 1;
+ 	return b;
+ }
+ #define YY_EXIT_FAILURE 2
+ #endif
+ static void yy_fatal_error (yyconst char* msg )
+ {
+     	(void) fprintf( stderr, "%s\n", msg );
+ 	exit( YY_EXIT_FAILURE );
+ }
+ /* Redefine yyless() so it works in section 3 code. */
+ #undef yyless
+ #define yyless(n) \
+ 	do \
+ 		{ \
+ 		/* Undo effects of setting up yytext. */ \
+         int yyless_macro_arg = (n); \
+         YY_LESS_LINENO(yyless_macro_arg);\
+ 		yytext[yyleng] = (yy_hold_char); \
+ 		(yy_c_buf_p) = yytext + yyless_macro_arg; \
+ 		(yy_hold_char) = *(yy_c_buf_p); \
+ 		*(yy_c_buf_p) = '\0'; \
+ 		yyleng = yyless_macro_arg; \
+ 		} \
+ 	while ( 0 )
+ /* Accessor  methods (get/set functions) to struct members. */
+ /** Get the current line number.
+  * 
+  */
+ int yyget_lineno  (void)
+ {
+     return yylineno;
+ }
+ /** Get the input stream.
+  * 
+  */
+ FILE *yyget_in  (void)
+ {
+         return yyin;
+ }
+ /** Get the output stream.
+  * 
+  */
+ FILE *yyget_out  (void)
+ {
+         return yyout;
+ }
+ /** Get the length of the current token.
+  * 
+  */
+ int yyget_leng  (void)
+ {
+         return yyleng;
+ }
+ /** Get the current token.
+  * 
+  */
+ char *yyget_text  (void)
+ {
+         return yytext;
+ }
+ /** Set the current line number.
+  * @param line_number
+  * 
+  */
+ void yyset_lineno (int  line_number )
+ {
+     yylineno = line_number;
+ }
+ /** Set the input stream. This does not discard the current
+  * input buffer.
+  * @param in_str A readable stream.
+  * 
+  * @see yy_switch_to_buffer
+  */
+ void yyset_in (FILE *  in_str )
+ {
+         yyin = in_str ;
+ }
+ void yyset_out (FILE *  out_str )
+ {
+         yyout = out_str ;
+ }
+ int yyget_debug  (void)
+ {
+         return yy_flex_debug;
+ }
+ void yyset_debug (int  bdebug )
+ {
+         yy_flex_debug = bdebug ;
+ }
+ /* yylex_destroy is for both reentrant and non-reentrant scanners. */
+ int yylex_destroy  (void)
+ {
+     /* Pop the buffer stack, destroying each element. */
+ 		yy_delete_buffer(YY_CURRENT_BUFFER  );
+ 		yypop_buffer_state();
+ 	}
+ 	/* Destroy the stack itself. */
+ 	yyfree((yy_buffer_stack) );
+ 	(yy_buffer_stack) = NULL;
+     yyfree ( (yy_state_buf) );
+     return 0;
+ }
+ /*
+  * Internal utility routines.
+  */
+ #ifndef yytext_ptr
+ static void yy_flex_strncpy (char* s1, yyconst char * s2, int n )
+ {
+ 	register int i;
+     	for ( i = 0; i < n; ++i )
+ 		s1[i] = s2[i];
+ }
+ #endif
+ static int yy_flex_strlen (yyconst char * s )
+ {
+ 	register int n;
+     	for ( n = 0; s[n]; ++n )
+ 		;
+ 	return n;
+ }
+ #endif
+ void *yyalloc (yy_size_t  size )
+ {
+ 	return (void *) malloc( size );
+ }
+ void *yyrealloc  (void * ptr, yy_size_t  size )
+ {
+ 	/* The cast to (char *) in the following accommodates both
+ 	 * implementations that use char* generic pointers, and those
+ 	 * that use void* generic pointers.  It works with the latter
+ 	 * because both ANSI C and C++ allow castless assignment from
+ 	 * any pointer type to void*, and deal with argument conversions
+ 	 * as though doing an assignment.
+ 	 */
+ 	return (void *) realloc( (char *) ptr, size );
+ }
+ void yyfree (void * ptr )
+ {
+ 	free( (char *) ptr );	/* see yyrealloc() for (char *) cast */
+ }
+ #define YYTABLES_NAME "yytables"
+ #undef YY_NEW_FILE
+ #undef yy_set_bol
+ #undef yy_new_buffer
+ #undef yy_set_interactive
+ #undef yytext_ptr
+ #ifdef YY_DECL_IS_OURS
+ #undef YY_DECL_IS_OURS
+ #undef YY_DECL
+ #endif
+ void do_NORMAL()	{ BEGIN NORMAL; reset_nestcount(); }
+ void do_CEXPR()		{ BEGIN CEXPR; }
+ void do_CEXPRDQ()	{ BEGIN CEXPRDQ; }
+ void do_CEXPRSQ()	{ BEGIN CEXPRSQ; }
+ void do_C()		{ BEGIN C; }
+ namespace {
+ void
+ reset_nestcount()
+ {
+     /* WARNING if these are not == 0 */
+     if (cinit_paren_nesting != 0) {
+ 	v_report( NonFatal( PosNoFileLine(), Problem1S( "opening parenthesis '(' was not closed" )));
+     }
+     if (cinit_array_nesting != 0) {
+ 	v_report( NonFatal( PosNoFileLine(), Problem1S( "opening bracket '[' was not closed" )));
+     }
+     cinit_paren_nesting = 0;
+     cinit_array_nesting = 0;
+ }
+ int
+ eat_comment(casestring start_filename)
+ {
+     char c1, c2;		/* comment string */
+     int nest;
+     int start_lineno = pg_lineno;
+     for(nest=1, c2 = ' ';;){
+ 	c1 = c2;
+ 	c2 = yyinput();
+ 	if (c2 == '\n') {
+ 	    pg_lineno++;
+ 	    pg_column = 0;
+ 	    pg_charpos ++;
+ 	} else if (c2 == '\t') {
+ 	    pg_column += 8	- (pg_column %	8);
+ 	    pg_charpos += 8	- (pg_charpos %	8);
+ 	} else if (c2 == 0) {
+ 	    v_report( Fatal( FileLine( start_filename, start_lineno ), Problem1S( "start of comment containing unexpected eof" )));
+ 	} else {
+ 	    pg_column++;
+ 	    pg_charpos ++;
+ 	}
+ 	if (c1 == '/' && c2 == '*')
+ 	    nest++;
+ 	else if (c1 == '*' && c2 == '/')
+ 	    nest--;
+ 	if (nest <= 0)
+ 	    break;
+     }
+     return pg_lineno - start_lineno;
+ }
+ void
+ eat_line_comment()
+ {
+     while (yyinput()!='\n')
+ 	;
+     pg_lineno++;
+     pg_column = 0;
+     pg_charpos++;
+ }
+ void
+ count(bool notwhite)
+ {
+     register char *s;
+     if (notwhite)
+ 	printf ("symbol	found: %s\n", yytext);
+ #endif
+     for	(s = yytext; *s; s++)
+ 	if (*s == '\n')	{
+ 	    pg_column = 0;
+ 	    pg_lineno++;
+ 	    pg_charpos++;
+ 	} else if	(*s	== '\t') {
+ 	    pg_column += 8	- (pg_column %	8);
+ 	    pg_charpos += 8	- (pg_charpos %	8);
+ 	} else {
+ 	    pg_column++;
+ 	    pg_charpos++;
+ 	}
+ }
+ } // namespace
+ // vim:sts=4:ts=8:cino=g0,t0,\:0

Index: llvm/test/Programs/MultiSource/Applications/kimwitu++/kimwy.cc
diff -c /dev/null llvm/test/Programs/MultiSource/Applications/kimwitu++/kimwy.cc:1.1
*** /dev/null	Tue Apr  6 15:25:26 2004
--- llvm/test/Programs/MultiSource/Applications/kimwitu++/kimwy.cc	Tue Apr  6 15:25:12 2004
*** 0 ****
--- 1,3816 ----
+ /* A Bison parser, made by GNU Bison 1.875a.  */
+ /* Skeleton parser for Yacc-like parsing with Bison,
+    Copyright (C) 1984, 1989, 1990, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+    any later version.
+    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+    GNU General Public License for more details.
+    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+    Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+    Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.  */
+ /* As a special exception, when this file is copied by Bison into a
+    Bison output file, you may use that output file without restriction.
+    This special exception was added by the Free Software Foundation
+    in version 1.24 of Bison.  */
+ /* Written by Richard Stallman by simplifying the original so called
+    ``semantic'' parser.  */
+ /* All symbols defined below should begin with yy or YY, to avoid
+    infringing on user name space.  This should be done even for local
+    variables, as they might otherwise be expanded by user macros.
+    There are some unavoidable exceptions within include files to
+    define necessary library symbols; they are noted "INFRINGES ON
+    USER NAME SPACE" below.  */
+ /* Identify Bison output.  */
+ #define YYBISON 1
+ /* Skeleton name.  */
+ #define YYSKELETON_NAME "yacc.c"
+ /* Pure parsers.  */
+ #define YYPURE 0
+ /* Using locations.  */
+ #define YYLSP_NEEDED 0
+ /* Tokens.  */
+ # define YYTOKENTYPE
+    /* Put the tokens into the symbol table, so that GDB and other debuggers
+       know about them.  */
+    enum yytokentype {
+      T_ID = 258,
+      T_OPNAME = 259,
+      T_INT = 260,
+      T_CNEWLINES = 261,
+      T_CLINE = 262,
+      T_CEXPRESSION = 263,
+      T_DOLLARVAR = 264,
+      T_INCLUDEEND = 265,
+      T_INCLUDESTART = 266,
+      T_LIST = 268,
+      T_ARROW = 269,
+      T_PROVIDED = 270,
+      T_STATIC = 271,
+      T_WITH = 272,
+      T_FOREACH = 273,
+      T_FOREACH_AFTER = 274,
+      T_DEFAULT = 275,
+      T_UNPBLOCKSTART = 276,
+      T_UNPBLOCKEND = 277,
+      T_PERCENTRVIEW = 278,
+      T_PERCENTUVIEW = 280,
+      T_AUTO = 284,
+      T_REGISTER = 285,
+      T_EXTERN = 286,
+      T_TYPEDEF = 287,
+      T_CONST = 288,
+      T_VOLATILE = 289,
+      T_UNSIGNED = 290,
+      T_VIRTUAL = 291,
+      T_DOTDOTDOT = 292,
+      T_COLONCOLON = 293,
+      T_OPERATOR = 294,
+      T_CONSTRUCTOR = 295,
+      T_DESTRUCTOR = 296,
+      T_MEMBER = 297,
+      T_ATTR = 298,
+      T_BASECLASS = 299
+    };
+ #endif
+ #define T_ID 258
+ #define T_OPNAME 259
+ #define T_INT 260
+ #define T_CNEWLINES 261
+ #define T_CLINE 262
+ #define T_CEXPRESSION 263
+ #define T_DOLLARVAR 264
+ #define T_INCLUDEEND 265
+ #define T_INCLUDESTART 266
+ #define T_LIST 268
+ #define T_ARROW 269
+ #define T_PROVIDED 270
+ #define T_STATIC 271
+ #define T_WITH 272
+ #define T_FOREACH 273
+ #define T_FOREACH_AFTER 274
+ #define T_DEFAULT 275
+ #define T_UNPBLOCKSTART 276
+ #define T_UNPBLOCKEND 277
+ #define T_PERCENTRVIEW 278
+ #define T_PERCENTUVIEW 280
+ #define T_AUTO 284
+ #define T_REGISTER 285
+ #define T_EXTERN 286
+ #define T_TYPEDEF 287
+ #define T_CONST 288
+ #define T_VOLATILE 289
+ #define T_UNSIGNED 290
+ #define T_VIRTUAL 291
+ #define T_DOTDOTDOT 292
+ #define T_COLONCOLON 293
+ #define T_OPERATOR 294
+ #define T_CONSTRUCTOR 295
+ #define T_DESTRUCTOR 296
+ #define T_MEMBER 297
+ #define T_ATTR 298
+ #define T_BASECLASS 299
+ /* Copy the first part of user declarations.  */
+ //
+ // The Termprocessor Kimwitu++
+ //
+ // Copyright (C) 1991 University of Twente, Dept TIOS.
+ // Copyright (C) 1998-2003 Humboldt-University at Berlin, Institute of Informatics
+ // All rights reserved.
+ //
+ // Kimwitu++ is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ // the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ // (at your option) any later version.
+ //
+ // Kimwitu++ is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ // GNU General Public License for more details.
+ //
+ // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ // along with Kimwitu++; if not, write to the Free Software
+ // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+ //
+ //
+ // kimwy.y
+ //
+ static char kimwy_yAccesSid[] = "@(#)$Id: kimwy.cc,v 1.1 2004/04/06 20:25:12 criswell Exp $";
+ void yyerror_1(const char *s, int state_no);
+ #define yyerror(s) yyerror_1(s, yystate)
+   /* Note that setting YYDEBUG is required even if you do not want to
+    * set the yydebug variable because we use the symbol strings in
+    * 'yytname' for initialising costs and also for error messages.
+    */
+ #define YYDEBUG             1
+ #define yyinsertcost(token) (token[0]=='\''?1:strlen(token))
+ #define yydeletecost(token) (token[0]=='\''?1:strlen(token))
+ #endif /* BISON_RECOVER */
+ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ //
+ // Name conventions: tokens are in CAPITALS
+ // nonterminals are in lowercase
+ // operators are capitalized
+ //
+ // For windows (NT at least) we need to redefine alloca
+ #if defined(_WIN32) && ! defined (__GNUC__)
+ # define alloca _alloca
+ # include <malloc.h>
+ #endif
+ #include "k.h"
+ #include "parse.h"
+ #include "occur.h"
+ #include "util.h"	// for the v_add_to routines
+ #include "rk.h"		// for the patternchains::rewrite routine
+ #include "yystype.h"	// for YYSTYPE
+ #include "error.h"
+ #include <stdlib.h>
+ #include <string.h>
+ #include <stack>
+ namespace { // local kimwy.y vars
+ static ID pl_phylum;
+ static withexpressions pl_withvariables;
+ static std::stack<withexpressions> pl_withvariablesstack;
+ static std::stack<idCexpressions> pl_idCexpressionsstack;
+ static std::stack<fileline> pl_filelinestack;
+ static std::stack<int> pl_nooperatorsstack;
+ static int non_default_outmostpattern = 0;
+ }
+ #define dollar_mark_set() (!pl_withvariables->eq(Nilwithexpressions()))
+ #define do_MainC() do { if ( dollar_mark_set() ) do_NORMAL(); else do_C(); } while(0)
+ extern void do_NORMAL();
+ extern void do_CEXPR();
+ extern void do_CEXPRDQ();
+ extern void do_CEXPRSQ();
+ extern void do_C();
+ extern int yylex();
+ #define pf_setfileline(x) do { (x)->file = pg_filename; \
+ 		   (x)->line = pg_lineno; \
+ 		 } while(0)
+ #define pf_pushfileline() pl_filelinestack.push(FileLine(pg_filename, pg_lineno))
+ #define pf_setstacktopfileline(x) do { (x)->file = pl_filelinestack.top()->file; \
+ 		       (x)->line = pl_filelinestack.top()->line; \
+ 		     } while(0)
+ #define pf_topfileline() pl_filelinestack.top()
+ #define pf_popfileline() pl_filelinestack.pop()
+ #define pf_setwithvariable(x) pl_withvariables = Conswithexpressions(WEVariable(x), pl_withvariables)
+ #define pf_resetwithvariable() pl_withvariables = Nilwithexpressions()
+ #define pf_push_no_operators() pl_nooperatorsstack.push(non_default_outmostpattern)
+ #define pf_pop_no_operators() do{non_default_outmostpattern = pl_nooperatorsstack.top();pl_nooperatorsstack.pop();}while(0)
+ /* XXX - why is there no need to restore pl_withvariables on pop? MvL */
+ #define pf_pushwithvariable() pl_withvariablesstack.push(pl_withvariables)
+ #define pf_topwithvariable() pl_withvariablesstack.top()
+ #define pf_popwithvariable() pl_withvariablesstack.pop()
+ #define pf_pushidCexpressions(x) pl_idCexpressionsstack.push(x)
+ #define pf_topidCexpressions() pl_idCexpressionsstack.top()
+ #define pf_popidCexpressions() pl_idCexpressionsstack.pop()
+ /* Enabling traces.  */
+ #ifndef YYDEBUG
+ # define YYDEBUG 0
+ #endif
+ /* Enabling verbose error messages.  */
+ # define YYERROR_VERBOSE 1
+ #else
+ # define YYERROR_VERBOSE 0
+ #endif
+ #if ! defined (YYSTYPE) && ! defined (YYSTYPE_IS_DECLARED)
+ typedef int YYSTYPE;
+ # define yystype YYSTYPE /* obsolescent; will be withdrawn */
+ #endif
+ /* Copy the second part of user declarations.  */
+ /* Line 214 of yacc.c.  */
+ #if ! defined (yyoverflow) || YYERROR_VERBOSE
+ /* The parser invokes alloca or malloc; define the necessary symbols.  */
+ #  define YYSTACK_ALLOC alloca
+ # else
+ #   if defined (alloca) || defined (_ALLOCA_H)
+ #    define YYSTACK_ALLOC alloca
+ #   else
+ #    ifdef __GNUC__
+ #     define YYSTACK_ALLOC __builtin_alloca
+ #    endif
+ #   endif
+ #  endif
+ # endif
+    /* Pacify GCC's `empty if-body' warning. */
+ #  define YYSTACK_FREE(Ptr) do { /* empty */; } while (0)
+ # else
+ #  if defined (__STDC__) || defined (__cplusplus)
+ #   include <stdlib.h> /* INFRINGES ON USER NAME SPACE */
+ #   define YYSIZE_T size_t
+ #  endif
+ #  define YYSTACK_ALLOC malloc
+ #  define YYSTACK_FREE free
+ # endif
+ #endif /* ! defined (yyoverflow) || YYERROR_VERBOSE */
+ #if (! defined (yyoverflow) \
+      && (! defined (__cplusplus) \
+ /* A type that is properly aligned for any stack member.  */
+ union yyalloc
+ {
+   short yyss;
+   YYSTYPE yyvs;
+   };
+ /* The size of the maximum gap between one aligned stack and the next.  */
+ # define YYSTACK_GAP_MAXIMUM (sizeof (union yyalloc) - 1)
+ /* The size of an array large to enough to hold all stacks, each with
+    N elements.  */
+ # define YYSTACK_BYTES(N) \
+      ((N) * (sizeof (short) + sizeof (YYSTYPE))				\
+ /* Copy COUNT objects from FROM to TO.  The source and destination do
+    not overlap.  */
+ # ifndef YYCOPY
+ #  if 1 < __GNUC__
+ #   define YYCOPY(To, From, Count) \
+       __builtin_memcpy (To, From, (Count) * sizeof (*(From)))
+ #  else
+ #   define YYCOPY(To, From, Count)		\
+       do					\
+ 	{					\
+ 	  register YYSIZE_T yyi;		\
+ 	  for (yyi = 0; yyi < (Count); yyi++)	\
+ 	    (To)[yyi] = (From)[yyi];		\
+ 	}					\
+       while (0)
+ #  endif
+ # endif
+ /* Relocate STACK from its old location to the new one.  The
+    local variables YYSIZE and YYSTACKSIZE give the old and new number of
+    elements in the stack, and YYPTR gives the new location of the
+    stack.  Advance YYPTR to a properly aligned location for the next
+    stack.  */
+ # define YYSTACK_RELOCATE(Stack)					\
+     do									\
+       {									\
+ 	YYSIZE_T yynewbytes;						\
+ 	YYCOPY (&yyptr->Stack, Stack, yysize);				\
+ 	Stack = &yyptr->Stack;						\
+ 	yynewbytes = yystacksize * sizeof (*Stack) + YYSTACK_GAP_MAXIMUM; \
+ 	yyptr += yynewbytes / sizeof (*yyptr);				\
+       }									\
+     while (0)
+ #endif
+ #if defined (__STDC__) || defined (__cplusplus)
+    typedef signed char yysigned_char;
+ #else
+    typedef short yysigned_char;
+ #endif
+ /* YYFINAL -- State number of the termination state. */
+ #define YYFINAL  3
+ /* YYLAST -- Last index in YYTABLE.  */
+ #define YYLAST   771
+ /* YYNTOKENS -- Number of terminals. */
+ #define YYNTOKENS  66
+ /* YYNNTS -- Number of nonterminals. */
+ #define YYNNTS  158
+ /* YYNRULES -- Number of rules. */
+ #define YYNRULES  377
+ /* YYNRULES -- Number of states. */
+ #define YYNSTATES  611
+ /* YYTRANSLATE(YYLEX) -- Bison symbol number corresponding to YYLEX.  */
+ #define YYUNDEFTOK  2
+ #define YYMAXUTOK   299
+ #define YYTRANSLATE(YYX) 						\
+   ((unsigned int) (YYX) <= YYMAXUTOK ? yytranslate[YYX] : YYUNDEFTOK)
+ /* YYTRANSLATE[YYLEX] -- Bison symbol number corresponding to YYLEX.  */
+ static const unsigned char yytranslate[] =
+ {
+        0,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,
+       55,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,
+        2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,
+        2,     2,     2,    50,    56,     2,    63,     2,    62,    57,
+       52,    53,    64,     2,    47,     2,    65,     2,     2,     2,
+        2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,    45,    46,
+       60,    54,    61,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,
+        2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,
+        2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,
+        2,    58,     2,    59,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,
+        2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,
+        2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,
+        2,     2,     2,    48,    51,    49,     2,     2,     2,     2,
+        2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,
+        2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,
+        2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,
+        2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,
+        2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,
+        2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,
+        2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,
+        2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,
+        2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,
+        2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,
+        2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,
+        2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,
+        2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     1,     2,     3,     4,
+        5,     6,     7,     8,     9,    10,    11,    12,    13,    14,
+       15,    16,    17,    18,    19,    20,    21,    22,    23,    24,
+       25,    26,    27,    28,    29,    30,    31,    32,    33,    34,
+       35,    36,    37,    38,    39,    40,    41,    42,    43,    44
+ };
+ /* YYPRHS[YYN] -- Index of the first RHS symbol of rule number YYN in
+    YYRHS.  */
+ static const unsigned short yyprhs[] =
+ {
+        0,     0,     3,     5,     7,     9,    10,    13,    14,    17,
+       19,    21,    23,    25,    27,    29,    31,    33,    35,    37,
+       43,    45,    49,    50,    58,    59,    63,    68,    71,    75,
+       76,    79,    81,    83,    87,    89,    93,    97,    98,    99,
+      106,   110,   111,   114,   119,   120,   125,   128,   129,   132,
+      137,   138,   139,   143,   144,   147,   149,   151,   153,   157,
+      161,   165,   169,   172,   175,   178,   181,   182,   185,   187,
+      189,   191,   193,   194,   197,   199,   201,   202,   205,   207,
+      209,   211,   215,   216,   217,   222,   224,   226,   227,   232,
+      233,   234,   240,   241,   242,   248,   250,   252,   254,   255,
+      256,   262,   263,   264,   268,   270,   272,   274,   276,   277,
+      282,   283,   288,   290,   291,   295,   296,   297,   298,   309,
+      310,   311,   321,   322,   323,   324,   332,   333,   335,   336,
+      342,   346,   347,   349,   351,   354,   355,   361,   363,   366,
+      372,   374,   376,   378,   382,   384,   388,   389,   392,   394,
+      398,   401,   403,   407,   409,   412,   416,   420,   423,   429,
+      433,   436,   439,   440,   441,   442,   449,   451,   456,   458,
+      460,   464,   465,   470,   472,   473,   475,   477,   481,   483,
+      486,   490,   494,   496,   501,   508,   515,   519,   523,   524,
+      529,   530,   535,   537,   538,   540,   542,   546,   548,   551,
+      555,   559,   561,   564,   568,   569,   575,   580,   582,   585,
+      591,   596,   602,   607,   610,   611,   614,   615,   618,   619,
+      620,   628,   632,   635,   640,   641,   642,   650,   652,   654,
+      657,   660,   665,   667,   670,   673,   676,   677,   680,   683,
+      687,   691,   693,   697,   700,   705,   709,   715,   718,   722,
+      726,   730,   732,   736,   739,   744,   748,   754,   757,   761,
+      765,   769,   771,   774,   778,   781,   785,   789,   798,   806,
+      813,   819,   825,   826,   829,   831,   835,   840,   841,   844,
+      845,   848,   852,   854,   857,   860,   864,   866,   869,   872,
+      876,   878,   880,   882,   884,   886,   888,   890,   891,   893,
+      895,   897,   899,   901,   903,   906,   909,   913,   915,   918,
+      921,   925,   927,   930,   933,   937,   940,   944,   946,   950,
+      955,   960,   965,   966,   971,   977,   983,   985,   989,   991,
+      994,   995,   997,   999,  1002,  1005,  1009,  1011,  1014,  1015,
+     1017,  1019,  1022,  1026,  1028,  1032,  1036,  1040,  1042,  1044,
+     1047,  1051,  1056,  1060,  1065,  1069,  1071,  1072,  1075,  1077,
+     1080,  1082,  1083,  1088,  1093,  1094,  1096,  1100,  1102,  1105,
+     1109,  1113,  1117,  1121,  1123,  1126,  1130,  1133
+ };
+ /* YYRHS -- A `-1'-separated list of the rules' RHS. */
+ static const short yyrhs[] =
+ {
+       70,     0,    -1,     9,    -1,     3,    -1,     5,    -1,    -1,
+       71,    72,    -1,    -1,    72,    73,    -1,    76,    -1,   136,
+       -1,   183,    -1,   132,    -1,   162,    -1,   177,    -1,   179,
+       -1,   181,    -1,   222,    -1,    74,    -1,    44,    68,    45,
+       75,    46,    -1,    68,    -1,    75,    47,    68,    -1,    -1,
+       68,    78,    45,    77,    79,    85,    46,    -1,    -1,    48,
+       68,    49,    -1,    48,    50,    68,    49,    -1,    48,     1,
+       -1,    48,    50,     1,    -1,    -1,    13,    68,    -1,    80,
+       -1,    81,    -1,    80,    51,    81,    -1,     1,    -1,    80,
+       51,     1,    -1,    80,     1,    81,    -1,    -1,    -1,    68,
+       52,    82,    84,    83,    53,    -1,    68,    52,     1,    -1,
+       -1,    84,    68,    -1,    84,     3,    45,    68,    -1,    -1,
+       48,    86,   131,    49,    -1,    48,     1,    -1,    -1,    86,
+       87,    -1,    68,    68,    88,    46,    -1,    -1,    -1,    54,
+       89,    90,    -1,    -1,    90,    91,    -1,     8,    -1,    67,
+       -1,    55,    -1,    56,    95,    56,    -1,    57,    97,    57,
+       -1,    52,    92,    53,    -1,    58,    92,    59,    -1,    56,
+        1,    -1,    57,     1,    -1,    52,     1,    -1,    58,     1,
+       -1,    -1,    92,    93,    -1,    91,    -1,    47,    -1,    56,
+       -1,     1,    -1,    -1,    95,    96,    -1,     8,    -1,    55,
+       -1,    -1,    97,    98,    -1,     8,    -1,    55,    -1,   100,
+       -1,    99,    47,   100,    -1,    -1,    -1,    68,   101,    90,
+      102,    -1,    90,    -1,   103,    -1,    -1,   104,    47,   105,
+      103,    -1,    -1,    -1,    48,   107,   112,   108,    49,    -1,
+       -1,    -1,    48,   110,   112,   111,    49,    -1,   116,    -1,
+      160,    -1,     1,    -1,    -1,    -1,    48,   114,   116,   115,
+       49,    -1,    -1,    -1,   116,   117,   118,    -1,     7,    -1,
+       67,    -1,    55,    -1,     6,    -1,    -1,    56,   119,    95,
+       56,    -1,    -1,    57,   120,    97,    57,    -1,   113,    -1,
+       -1,    18,   121,   125,    -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,    17,   122,
+       52,   123,   104,   124,    53,    48,   160,    49,    -1,    -1,
+       -1,    52,   142,    46,   126,    99,    53,   109,   127,   128,
+       -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,    19,   129,    52,   142,   130,    53,
+      109,    -1,    -1,   113,    -1,    -1,    11,   134,   133,    12,
+       10,    -1,    11,     1,    10,    -1,    -1,   135,    -1,     3,
+       -1,   135,     3,    -1,    -1,   146,    14,   137,   138,   140,
+       -1,   139,    -1,   138,   139,    -1,    60,   166,    45,   155,
+       61,    -1,    46,    -1,     1,    -1,   142,    -1,   141,    47,
+      142,    -1,   143,    -1,   142,    62,   143,    -1,    -1,   144,
+      145,    -1,   147,    -1,    52,   141,    53,    -1,    63,    68,
+       -1,   147,    -1,   146,    47,   147,    -1,     1,    -1,   146,
+        1,    -1,   146,    47,     1,    -1,   146,     1,   147,    -1,
+       68,   148,    -1,    68,    52,   153,    53,   148,    -1,    68,
+       54,   147,    -1,    64,   148,    -1,    20,   148,    -1,    -1,
+       -1,    -1,    15,    52,   149,    90,   150,    53,    -1,    68,
+       -1,    68,    52,   153,    53,    -1,    64,    -1,    20,    -1,
+       68,    54,   151,    -1,    -1,    56,   152,    95,    56,    -1,
+       69,    -1,    -1,   154,    -1,   151,    -1,   154,    47,   151,
+       -1,     1,    -1,   154,     1,    -1,   154,    47,     1,    -1,
+      154,     1,   151,    -1,    68,    -1,    68,    52,   158,    53,
+       -1,   155,    14,    68,    52,   158,    53,    -1,   155,    65,
+       68,    52,   158,    53,    -1,   155,    14,    68,    -1,   155,
+       65,    68,    -1,    -1,    57,   156,    97,    57,    -1,    -1,
+       56,   157,    95,    56,    -1,    69,    -1,    -1,   159,    -1,
+      155,    -1,   159,    47,   155,    -1,     1,    -1,   159,     1,
+       -1,   159,    47,     1,    -1,   159,     1,   155,    -1,   161,
+       -1,   160,   161,    -1,   141,    45,   113,    -1,    -1,   146,
+       14,   163,   164,    46,    -1,   146,    14,     1,    46,    -1,
+      165,    -1,   164,   165,    -1,    58,   166,    45,   167,    59,
+       -1,    58,   166,    45,     1,    -1,    58,     1,    45,   167,
+       59,    -1,    58,     1,    45,     1,    -1,    58,     1,    -1,
+       -1,   166,    68,    -1,    -1,   167,   168,    -1,    -1,    -1,
+      220,    56,   169,    95,    94,   170,   176,    -1,   220,   173,
+      176,    -1,   220,   113,    -1,   220,    21,   167,    22,    -1,
+       -1,    -1,    26,    68,    68,   171,    90,   172,    46,    -1,
+       68,    -1,    67,    -1,    68,   174,    -1,    67,   174,    -1,
+       52,    68,    53,    68,    -1,   175,    -1,   174,   175,    -1,
+       14,    68,    -1,    14,     1,    -1,    -1,    45,    68,    -1,
+       45,     1,    -1,    25,   178,    46,    -1,    25,     1,    46,
+       -1,    68,    -1,    52,    68,    53,    -1,   178,    68,    -1,
+      178,    52,    68,    53,    -1,   178,    47,    68,    -1,   178,
+       47,    52,    68,    53,    -1,   178,     1,    -1,   178,    47,
+        1,    -1,    23,   180,    46,    -1,    23,     1,    46,    -1,
+       68,    -1,    52,    68,    53,    -1,   180,    68,    -1,   180,
+       52,    68,    53,    -1,   180,    47,    68,    -1,   180,    47,
+       52,    68,    53,    -1,   180,     1,    -1,   180,    47,     1,
+       -1,    27,   182,    46,    -1,    27,     1,    46,    -1,    68,
+       -1,   182,    68,    -1,   182,    47,    68,    -1,   182,     1,
+       -1,   182,    47,     1,    -1,   189,   196,   218,    -1,    68,
+       38,    39,    68,    52,    53,   206,   218,    -1,    40,    68,
+       52,   209,    53,   184,   218,    -1,    41,   193,    68,    52,
+       53,   218,    -1,    42,   190,   198,   188,    46,    -1,    43,
+      190,   198,   188,    46,    -1,    -1,    45,   185,    -1,   186,
+       -1,   185,    47,   186,    -1,    68,    52,   215,    53,    -1,
+       -1,    54,   215,    -1,    -1,    54,   215,    -1,    52,   215,
+       53,    -1,   194,    -1,   191,   194,    -1,   195,   194,    -1,
+      191,   195,   194,    -1,   194,    -1,   192,   194,    -1,   195,
+      194,    -1,   192,   195,   194,    -1,    29,    -1,    30,    -1,
+       16,    -1,    31,    -1,    32,    -1,    36,    -1,    16,    -1,
+       -1,    36,    -1,    68,    -1,    33,    -1,    34,    -1,    35,
+       -1,   203,    -1,   207,   203,    -1,    62,   203,    -1,   207,
+       62,   203,    -1,   200,    -1,   207,   200,    -1,    62,   200,
+       -1,   207,    62,   200,    -1,   201,    -1,   207,   201,    -1,
+       62,   201,    -1,   207,    62,   201,    -1,   207,   200,    -1,
+      207,    62,   200,    -1,   217,    -1,    52,   199,    53,    -1,
+      200,    58,   214,    59,    -1,   200,    52,   209,    53,    -1,
+       68,    38,    68,   202,    -1,    -1,   202,    58,   215,    59,
+       -1,   204,    52,   209,    53,   206,    -1,   204,    52,     1,
+       53,   206,    -1,   205,    -1,   204,    38,   205,    -1,    68,
+       -1,    39,     4,    -1,    -1,    33,    -1,    64,    -1,    64,
+      208,    -1,    64,   207,    -1,    64,   208,   207,    -1,   195,
+       -1,   208,   195,    -1,    -1,    37,    -1,   210,    -1,   210,
+       37,    -1,   210,    47,    37,    -1,   211,    -1,   210,    47,
+      211,    -1,   189,   197,   187,    -1,   189,   212,   187,    -1,
+      207,    -1,   213,    -1,   207,   213,    -1,    52,   212,    53,
+       -1,   213,    58,   214,    59,    -1,    58,   214,    59,    -1,
+      213,    52,   209,    53,    -1,    52,   209,    53,    -1,   215,
+       -1,    -1,   216,    90,    -1,    68,    -1,    63,    68,    -1,
+      106,    -1,    -1,     1,    46,   219,   218,    -1,    60,   221,
+       61,    45,    -1,    -1,    68,    -1,   221,    47,    68,    -1,
+        1,    -1,   221,     1,    -1,   221,    47,     1,    -1,   221,
+        1,    68,    -1,    28,   223,    46,    -1,    28,     1,    46,
+       -1,    68,    -1,   223,    68,    -1,   223,    47,    68,    -1,
+      223,     1,    -1,   223,    47,     1,    -1
+ };
+ /* YYRLINE[YYN] -- source line where rule number YYN was defined.  */
+ static const unsigned short yyrline[] =
+ {
+        0,   286,   286,   291,   296,   308,   308,   316,   318,   322,
+      324,   330,   332,   334,   336,   338,   340,   342,   344,   349,
+      354,   356,   362,   361,   369,   370,   372,   374,   376,   382,
+      383,   388,   393,   395,   397,   399,   401,   406,   406,   406,
+      409,   415,   416,   418,   425,   426,   428,   434,   435,   440,
+      446,   448,   447,   460,   461,   466,   468,   470,   472,   474,
+      476,   478,   480,   482,   484,   486,   492,   493,   498,   500,
+      505,   506,   511,   512,   517,   519,   525,   526,   531,   533,
+      538,   540,   546,   548,   545,   553,   558,   560,   560,   572,
+      574,   571,   581,   583,   580,   589,   591,   598,   604,   606,
+      603,   613,   615,   614,   621,   623,   625,   627,   630,   629,
+      635,   634,   640,   644,   643,   649,   651,   653,   648,   662,
+      664,   662,   696,   698,   699,   697,   730,   731,   736,   736,
+      742,   748,   751,   756,   765,   778,   777,   785,   787,   792,
+      804,   805,   809,   811,   816,   818,   823,   823,   829,   831,
+      833,   838,   840,   842,   844,   846,   848,   853,   856,   859,
+      862,   865,   872,   873,   873,   873,   878,   880,   882,   884,
+      886,   889,   888,   893,   899,   900,   905,   907,   909,   911,
+      913,   915,   920,   923,   927,   930,   933,   936,   940,   939,
+      946,   945,   951,   958,   959,   964,   966,   968,   970,   972,
+      974,   979,   981,   986,   992,   991,   996,  1001,  1003,  1008,
+     1018,  1020,  1022,  1024,  1030,  1031,  1037,  1038,  1044,  1046,
+     1043,  1053,  1055,  1057,  1060,  1060,  1059,  1066,  1068,  1070,
+     1072,  1077,  1082,  1084,  1089,  1091,  1097,  1098,  1100,  1105,
+     1107,  1112,  1116,  1120,  1124,  1128,  1132,  1136,  1138,  1143,
+     1145,  1150,  1154,  1158,  1162,  1166,  1170,  1174,  1176,  1181,
+     1183,  1188,  1192,  1196,  1200,  1202,  1207,  1217,  1237,  1257,
+     1277,  1284,  1295,  1296,  1301,  1303,  1308,  1314,  1316,  1322,
+     1324,  1327,  1338,  1342,  1348,  1354,  1366,  1370,  1376,  1382,
+     1394,  1396,  1398,  1400,  1402,  1404,  1409,  1415,  1416,  1425,
+     1430,  1432,  1434,  1439,  1441,  1443,  1445,  1450,  1452,  1454,
+     1456,  1461,  1463,  1465,  1467,  1472,  1474,  1479,  1481,  1483,
+     1485,  1490,  1496,  1497,  1502,  1508,  1518,  1520,  1525,  1527,
+     1537,  1538,  1543,  1545,  1547,  1549,  1554,  1556,  1562,  1563,
+     1565,  1567,  1569,  1574,  1576,  1581,  1583,  1588,  1590,  1592,
+     1597,  1599,  1601,  1603,  1605,  1613,  1617,  1617,  1624,  1626,
+     1631,  1633,  1633,  1637,  1640,  1644,  1646,  1648,  1650,  1652,
+     1654,  1659,  1661,  1666,  1668,  1670,  1672,  1674
+ };
+ #endif
+ /* YYTNME[SYMBOL-NUM] -- String name of the symbol SYMBOL-NUM.
+    First, the terminals, then, starting at YYNTOKENS, nonterminals. */
+ static const char *const yytname[] =
+ {
+   "$end", "error", "$undefined", "T_ID", "T_OPNAME", "T_INT", "T_CNEWLINES", 
+   "':'", "';'", "','", "'{'", "'}'", "'!'", "'|'", "'('", "')'", "'='", 
+   "'\\n'", "'\"'", "'''", "'['", "']'", "'<'", "'>'", "'&'", "'$'", "'*'", 
+   "'.'", "$accept", "dollarvar", "id", "integer", "specification", "@1", 
+   "declarations", "declaration", "baseclassdeclaration", "baseclass_list", 
+   "phylumdeclaration", "@2", "storageoption", "productionblock", 
+   "alternatives", "alternative", "@3", "@4", "arguments", "Ccode_option", 
+   "attributes_option", "attribute", "attribute_init_option", "@5", 
+   "Cexpression", "Cexpression_elem", "Cexpression_inner", 
+   "Cexpression_elem_inner", "quote_or_error", "CexpressionDQ", 
+   "CexpressionDQ_elem", "CexpressionSQ", "CexpressionSQ_elem", 
+   "idCexpressions", "idCexpression", "@6", "@7", "withCexpression", 
+   "withCexpressions", "@8", "MainCbody", "@9", "@10", "MainCbodyinC", 
+   "@11", "@12", "MainCBodycontinuation", "Cbody", "@13", "@14", "Ctext", 
+   "@15", "Ctext_elem", "@16", "@17", "@18", "@19", "@20", "@21", 
+   "foreach_continuation", "@22", "@23", "foreach_end_continuation", "@24", 
+   "@25", "init_option", "includedeclaration", "@26", 
+   "includefiles_option", "includefiles", "rwdeclaration", "@27", 
+   "rwclauses", "rwclause", "semi_or_error", "patternchains", 
+   "patternchain", "patternchainitem_lineinfo", "@28", "patternchainitem", 
+   "outmostpatterns", "outmostpattern", "provideds", "@29", "@30", 
+   "pattern", "@31", "patternsoption", "patterns", "term", "@32", "@33", 
+   "termsoption", "terms", "withcases", "withcase", "unparsedeclaration", 
+   "@34", "unparseclauses", "unparseclause", "useviewnames", 
+   "unparseitems", "unparseitem", "@35", "@36", "@37", "@38", "unpsubterm", 
+   "unpattributes", "unpattribute", "viewnameoption", "uviewdeclaration", 
+   "defuviewnames", "rviewdeclaration", "defrviewnames", 
+   "storageclassdeclaration", "defstorageclasses", 
+   "ac_function_definition", "ac_opt_base_init_list", "ac_base_init_list", 
+   "ac_base_init", "ac_default_arg_init", "ac_opt_member_init", 
+   "ac_declaration_specifiers", "ac_member_declaration_specifiers", 
+   "ac_storage_class_specifier", "ac_member_storage_class_specifier", 
+   "opt_virtual", "ac_type_specifier", "ac_type_qualifier", 
+   "ac_fn_declarator", "ac_declarator", "ac_member_declarator", 
+   "ac_pointer_declarator", "ac_direct_declarator", 
+   "ac_direct_member_declarator", "ac_constant_expression_list", 
+   "ac_direct_fn_declarator", "ac_qualifier", "ac_fn_declarator_id", 
+   "ac_opt_const", "ac_pointer", "ac_type_qualifier_list", 
+   "ac_parameter_type_list", "ac_parameter_list", 
+   "ac_parameter_declaration", "ac_abstract_declarator", 
+   "ac_direct_abstract_declarator", "ac_constant_expression_option", 
+   "ac_constant_expression", "@39", "ac_identifier", 
+   "ac_compound_statement", "@40", "languageoption", "languageoptions", 
+   "languagedeclaration", "deflanguagenames", 0
+ };
+ #endif
+ # ifdef YYPRINT
+ /* YYTOKNUM[YYLEX-NUM] -- Internal token number corresponding to
+    token YYLEX-NUM.  */
+ static const unsigned short yytoknum[] =
+ {
+        0,   256,   257,   258,   259,   260,   261,   262,   263,   264,
+      265,   266,   267,   268,   269,   270,   271,   272,   273,   274,
+      275,   276,   277,   278,   279,   280,   281,   282,   283,   284,
+      285,   286,   287,   288,   289,   290,   291,   292,   293,   294,
+      295,   296,   297,   298,   299,    58,    59,    44,   123,   125,
+       33,   124,    40,    41,    61,    10,    34,    39,    91,    93,
+       60,    62,    38,    36,    42,    46
+ };
+ # endif
+ /* YYR1[YYN] -- Symbol number of symbol that rule YYN derives.  */
+ static const unsigned char yyr1[] =
+ {
+        0,    66,    67,    68,    69,    71,    70,    72,    72,    73,
+       73,    73,    73,    73,    73,    73,    73,    73,    73,    74,
+       75,    75,    77,    76,    78,    78,    78,    78,    78,    79,
+       79,    79,    80,    80,    80,    80,    80,    82,    83,    81,
+       81,    84,    84,    84,    85,    85,    85,    86,    86,    87,
+       88,    89,    88,    90,    90,    91,    91,    91,    91,    91,
+       91,    91,    91,    91,    91,    91,    92,    92,    93,    93,
+       94,    94,    95,    95,    96,    96,    97,    97,    98,    98,
+       99,    99,   101,   102,   100,   103,   104,   105,   104,   107,
+      108,   106,   110,   111,   109,   112,   112,   112,   114,   115,
+      113,   116,   117,   116,   118,   118,   118,   118,   119,   118,
+      120,   118,   118,   121,   118,   122,   123,   124,   118,   126,
+      127,   125,   128,   129,   130,   128,   131,   131,   133,   132,
+      132,   134,   134,   135,   135,   137,   136,   138,   138,   139,
+      140,   140,   141,   141,   142,   142,   144,   143,   145,   145,
+      145,   146,   146,   146,   146,   146,   146,   147,   147,   147,
+      147,   147,   148,   149,   150,   148,   151,   151,   151,   151,
+      151,   152,   151,   151,   153,   153,   154,   154,   154,   154,
+      154,   154,   155,   155,   155,   155,   155,   155,   156,   155,
+      157,   155,   155,   158,   158,   159,   159,   159,   159,   159,
+      159,   160,   160,   161,   163,   162,   162,   164,   164,   165,
+      165,   165,   165,   165,   166,   166,   167,   167,   169,   170,
+      168,   168,   168,   168,   171,   172,   168,   173,   173,   173,
+      173,   173,   174,   174,   175,   175,   176,   176,   176,   177,
+      177,   178,   178,   178,   178,   178,   178,   178,   178,   179,
+      179,   180,   180,   180,   180,   180,   180,   180,   180,   181,
+      181,   182,   182,   182,   182,   182,   183,   183,   183,   183,
+      183,   183,   184,   184,   185,   185,   186,   187,   187,   188,
+      188,   188,   189,   189,   189,   189,   190,   190,   190,   190,
+      191,   191,   191,   191,   191,   191,   192,   193,   193,   194,
+      195,   195,   195,   196,   196,   196,   196,   197,   197,   197,
+      197,   198,   198,   198,   198,   199,   199,   200,   200,   200,
+      200,   201,   202,   202,   203,   203,   204,   204,   205,   205,
+      206,   206,   207,   207,   207,   207,   208,   208,   209,   209,
+      209,   209,   209,   210,   210,   211,   211,   212,   212,   212,
+      213,   213,   213,   213,   213,   214,   216,   215,   217,   217,
+      218,   219,   218,   220,   220,   221,   221,   221,   221,   221,
+      221,   222,   222,   223,   223,   223,   223,   223
+ };
+ /* YYR2[YYN] -- Number of symbols composing right hand side of rule YYN.  */
+ static const unsigned char yyr2[] =
+ {
+        0,     2,     1,     1,     1,     0,     2,     0,     2,     1,
+        1,     1,     1,     1,     1,     1,     1,     1,     1,     5,
+        1,     3,     0,     7,     0,     3,     4,     2,     3,     0,
+        2,     1,     1,     3,     1,     3,     3,     0,     0,     6,
+        3,     0,     2,     4,     0,     4,     2,     0,     2,     4,
+        0,     0,     3,     0,     2,     1,     1,     1,     3,     3,
+        3,     3,     2,     2,     2,     2,     0,     2,     1,     1,
+        1,     1,     0,     2,     1,     1,     0,     2,     1,     1,
+        1,     3,     0,     0,     4,     1,     1,     0,     4,     0,
+        0,     5,     0,     0,     5,     1,     1,     1,     0,     0,
+        5,     0,     0,     3,     1,     1,     1,     1,     0,     4,
+        0,     4,     1,     0,     3,     0,     0,     0,    10,     0,
+        0,     9,     0,     0,     0,     7,     0,     1,     0,     5,
+        3,     0,     1,     1,     2,     0,     5,     1,     2,     5,
+        1,     1,     1,     3,     1,     3,     0,     2,     1,     3,
+        2,     1,     3,     1,     2,     3,     3,     2,     5,     3,
+        2,     2,     0,     0,     0,     6,     1,     4,     1,     1,
+        3,     0,     4,     1,     0,     1,     1,     3,     1,     2,
+        3,     3,     1,     4,     6,     6,     3,     3,     0,     4,
+        0,     4,     1,     0,     1,     1,     3,     1,     2,     3,
+        3,     1,     2,     3,     0,     5,     4,     1,     2,     5,
+        4,     5,     4,     2,     0,     2,     0,     2,     0,     0,
+        7,     3,     2,     4,     0,     0,     7,     1,     1,     2,
+        2,     4,     1,     2,     2,     2,     0,     2,     2,     3,
+        3,     1,     3,     2,     4,     3,     5,     2,     3,     3,
+        3,     1,     3,     2,     4,     3,     5,     2,     3,     3,
+        3,     1,     2,     3,     2,     3,     3,     8,     7,     6,
+        5,     5,     0,     2,     1,     3,     4,     0,     2,     0,
+        2,     3,     1,     2,     2,     3,     1,     2,     2,     3,
+        1,     1,     1,     1,     1,     1,     1,     0,     1,     1,
+        1,     1,     1,     1,     2,     2,     3,     1,     2,     2,
+        3,     1,     2,     2,     3,     2,     3,     1,     3,     4,
+        4,     4,     0,     4,     5,     5,     1,     3,     1,     2,
+        0,     1,     1,     2,     2,     3,     1,     2,     0,     1,
+        1,     2,     3,     1,     3,     3,     3,     1,     1,     2,
+        3,     4,     3,     4,     3,     1,     0,     2,     1,     2,
+        1,     0,     4,     4,     0,     1,     3,     1,     2,     3,
+        3,     3,     3,     1,     2,     3,     2,     3
+ };
+ /* YYDEFACT[STATE-NAME] -- Default rule to reduce with in state
+    STATE-NUM when YYTABLE doesn't specify something else to do.  Zero
+    means the default is an error.  */
+ static const unsigned short yydefact[] =
+ {
+        5,     0,     7,     1,     0,   153,     3,     0,   292,   162,
+        0,     0,     0,     0,   290,   291,   293,   294,   300,   301,
+      302,   295,     0,   297,     0,     0,     0,   162,   299,     8,
+       18,     9,    12,    10,     0,   151,    13,    14,    15,    16,
+       11,     0,     0,   282,     0,    17,     0,   133,   128,   132,
+        0,   161,     0,     0,   251,     0,     0,     0,   241,     0,
+        0,   261,     0,     0,   373,     0,     0,   298,     0,   296,
+      299,     0,     0,   286,     0,     0,     0,   160,     0,     0,
+        0,     0,     0,   157,   154,     0,     0,     0,     0,   332,
+      328,     0,   303,     0,   326,     0,   283,     0,   284,   130,
+        0,   134,   163,   250,     0,   257,   249,     0,     0,   253,
+      240,     0,   247,   239,     0,     0,   243,   260,   264,   259,
+        0,   262,   372,   376,   371,     0,   374,   338,     0,     0,
+        0,   279,   311,     0,   287,     0,   288,   279,     0,     0,
+       27,     0,     0,   178,     4,   169,   171,   168,   166,   173,
+      176,     0,     0,   162,   159,    22,   156,     0,     0,     0,
+      155,   152,   329,   305,   336,   334,   333,     0,    89,   360,
+      266,     0,     0,     0,   304,   285,     0,    53,   252,   258,
+        0,   255,     0,   242,   248,     0,   245,     0,   265,   263,
+      377,   375,   339,     0,     0,   340,   343,     0,   313,     0,
+      356,   356,     0,     0,   312,   289,     0,    20,     0,     0,
+       28,     0,    25,    72,     0,     0,   162,   179,     0,     0,
+      206,   214,     0,   137,     0,     0,   207,   337,   335,   361,
+        0,   327,     0,     0,   306,   129,   164,     0,   254,     0,
+      244,   338,   356,     0,     0,   358,   277,   307,   347,   277,
+      348,   317,   272,   341,     0,     0,   322,     0,    53,   280,
+      270,   314,   271,    19,     0,     0,    26,     0,     0,   170,
+      158,   181,   180,   177,    34,     0,     0,    44,     0,    32,
+        0,   141,   140,   138,   136,   213,     0,   205,   208,     0,
+       97,    90,   102,     0,   142,   144,     0,   146,   201,   330,
+      330,    55,     2,     0,    57,     0,     0,     0,    56,    54,
+        0,   256,   246,   338,     0,   347,     0,     0,     0,   355,
+        0,   309,   359,   356,   345,   338,   356,     0,   308,   349,
+      346,   338,   356,     0,     0,   342,   344,   269,   321,   281,
+      357,    21,   330,    74,    75,   172,    73,   167,    30,     0,
+        0,     0,     0,     0,     0,   215,     0,     0,   362,     0,
+        0,     0,   146,   146,   146,     0,   147,   148,   202,   331,
+      325,   324,    64,     0,    62,     0,    63,     0,    65,     0,
+      165,   347,   318,     0,   315,   354,   350,   352,     0,   278,
+        0,     0,   310,     0,     0,     0,   273,   274,   268,   356,
+        0,    40,    41,    46,   126,    23,    36,    35,    33,   190,
+      188,   182,   192,     0,   212,   364,   210,   364,    91,   107,
+      104,   115,   113,    98,   106,   108,   110,   105,   112,   103,
+      203,   143,   145,     0,   150,    69,    60,    68,    67,    58,
+       78,    79,    59,    77,    61,   316,   320,   319,   353,   351,
+      356,     0,     0,   267,    38,     0,    48,   127,     0,    72,
+       76,     0,     0,   139,     0,     0,   211,     0,   217,     0,
+      209,     0,     0,   101,    72,    76,   149,     0,   275,   323,
+        3,    42,     0,    50,    45,     0,     0,   197,   195,     0,
+        0,   186,   187,     0,   367,   365,     0,   216,     0,   218,
+      228,   227,   222,   236,   116,   146,   114,   102,     0,     0,
+      276,     0,    39,    51,     0,   191,   189,   183,   198,     0,
+        0,     0,   224,   368,     0,     0,   364,     0,    72,     0,
+      230,   232,   229,     0,   221,    53,     0,     0,   109,   111,
+       43,    53,    49,   200,   199,   196,     0,     0,    53,   370,
+      369,   366,   363,   223,     0,     0,   235,   234,   233,   238,
+      237,    85,    86,   117,   119,   100,    52,   184,   185,   225,
+      231,    71,    70,   219,    87,     0,     0,     0,   236,    53,
+        0,    82,     0,    80,   226,   220,    88,   146,    53,     0,
+        0,   146,    83,    81,    92,   120,   118,    84,     0,   122,
+       93,   123,   121,     0,     0,    94,   146,   124,     0,     0,
+      125
+ };
+ static const short yydefgoto[] =
+ {
+       -1,   308,    70,   412,     1,     2,     4,    29,    30,   208,
+       31,   219,    82,   277,   278,   279,   402,   482,   454,   351,
+      404,   456,   514,   541,   561,   309,   373,   438,   573,   267,
+      346,   377,   443,   582,   583,   588,   597,   562,   563,   579,
+      169,   230,   359,   595,   598,   603,   291,   428,   473,   537,
+      292,   360,   429,   474,   475,   472,   471,   535,   575,   506,
+      576,   599,   602,   604,   608,   458,    32,   100,    48,    49,
+       33,   158,   222,   223,   284,   293,   294,   295,   296,   366,
+       34,    35,    83,   177,   310,   150,   213,   151,   152,   488,
+      460,   459,   489,   490,   297,   298,    36,   159,   225,   226,
+      280,   415,   468,   528,   578,   548,   577,   503,   530,   531,
+      534,    37,    59,    38,    55,    39,    62,    40,   334,   396,
+      397,   324,   202,   193,    71,    42,    72,    68,    43,    44,
+       91,   246,   131,   314,   384,   132,   338,    92,    93,    94,
+      370,   133,   166,   316,   195,   196,   317,   250,   318,   319,
+      258,   251,   170,   289,   469,   496,    45,    65
+ };
+ /* YYPACT[STATE-NUM] -- Index in YYTABLE of the portion describing
+    STATE-NUM.  */
+ #define YYPACT_NINF -444
+ static const short yypact[] =
+ {
+     -444,    46,  -444,  -444,   274,  -444,  -444,   642,  -444,    35,
+      234,   329,   343,   643,  -444,  -444,  -444,  -444,  -444,  -444,
+     -444,  -444,    51,   125,   566,   566,    51,    35,   452,  -444,
+     -444,  -444,  -444,  -444,   494,  -444,  -444,  -444,  -444,  -444,
+     -444,    76,   572,  -444,    51,  -444,   114,  -444,  -444,   198,
+      156,  -444,   220,    51,  -444,   226,   242,    51,  -444,   318,
+      310,  -444,   548,   314,  -444,   595,   189,  -444,    51,  -444,
+     -444,    45,   572,  -444,    51,    45,   296,  -444,   338,   295,
+       42,   124,   359,  -444,   124,    27,    32,   411,   245,   533,
+     -444,    80,  -444,   207,  -444,   193,  -444,    51,  -444,  -444,
+      407,  -444,  -444,  -444,   389,  -444,  -444,   350,    51,  -444,
+     -444,   406,  -444,  -444,   351,    51,  -444,  -444,  -444,  -444,
+      646,  -444,  -444,  -444,  -444,   647,  -444,   600,   397,    51,
+      432,   483,  -444,    56,  -444,    51,  -444,   483,    51,    51,
+     -444,   652,   428,  -444,  -444,  -444,  -444,  -444,   604,  -444,
+     -444,   439,    98,   476,  -444,  -444,  -444,   450,   443,   455,
+     -444,  -444,  -444,  -444,  -444,  -444,   533,   472,  -444,  -444,
+     -444,   245,   523,   245,  -444,  -444,   524,  -444,  -444,  -444,
+       51,  -444,   493,  -444,  -444,    51,  -444,   508,  -444,  -444,
+     -444,  -444,  -444,   128,   511,   217,  -444,   530,  -444,    51,
+     -444,  -444,   538,    51,  -444,  -444,   541,  -444,   215,   536,
+     -444,   561,  -444,  -444,    42,    36,    35,    36,    85,   485,
+     -444,  -444,    96,  -444,   162,   382,  -444,  -444,  -444,  -444,
+      319,  -444,   570,   575,  -444,  -444,   569,   586,  -444,   587,
+     -444,   356,  -444,   168,    51,  -444,   568,   211,   154,   568,
+      275,  -444,   607,  -444,   635,    80,  -444,   628,  -444,  -444,
+     -444,  -444,  -444,  -444,    51,   629,  -444,   446,   630,  -444,
+     -444,  -444,  -444,  -444,  -444,    51,   632,   637,   423,  -444,
+      222,  -444,  -444,  -444,  -444,   641,   225,  -444,  -444,    80,
+     -444,  -444,   638,   612,   626,  -444,   130,   640,  -444,   657,
+      657,  -444,  -444,   354,  -444,   257,    65,   426,  -444,  -444,
+      639,  -444,  -444,   356,   644,   184,   645,   648,   634,  -444,
+      627,   211,  -444,  -444,  -444,   600,  -444,   168,   211,   275,
+     -444,   600,  -444,    51,    80,  -444,  -444,  -444,   636,  -444,
+      569,  -444,   657,  -444,  -444,  -444,  -444,  -444,  -444,   169,
+      377,   649,    51,   659,   195,  -444,   396,   420,  -444,   650,
+      556,   654,  -444,  -444,  -444,    51,  -444,  -444,  -444,  -444,
+     -444,  -444,  -444,   562,  -444,   454,  -444,    62,  -444,   534,
+     -444,   378,  -444,   168,   211,  -444,  -444,  -444,    91,  -444,
+      651,   653,   211,   655,   656,   658,   662,  -444,  -444,  -444,
+       80,  -444,  -444,  -444,    75,  -444,  -444,  -444,  -444,  -444,
+     -444,   661,  -444,   144,  -444,   298,  -444,   372,  -444,  -444,
+     -444,  -444,  -444,  -444,  -444,  -444,  -444,  -444,  -444,  -444,
+     -444,   626,  -444,   386,  -444,  -444,  -444,  -444,  -444,  -444,
+     -444,  -444,  -444,  -444,  -444,   211,  -444,  -444,  -444,  -444,
+     -444,    51,   663,  -444,   693,    51,  -444,  -444,   665,  -444,
+     -444,   278,    51,  -444,    51,    51,  -444,   660,  -444,   484,
+     -444,   664,   666,  -444,  -444,  -444,  -444,   667,  -444,  -444,
+      674,  -444,   668,   669,  -444,   456,   361,  -444,    87,   671,
+      203,   675,   677,    51,  -444,  -444,   196,  -444,    51,  -444,
+      686,   686,  -444,   680,  -444,  -444,  -444,   679,   467,   388,
+     -444,    51,  -444,  -444,   684,  -444,  -444,  -444,   195,   286,
+      278,   278,  -444,    51,   672,   681,   208,   678,  -444,   673,
+      686,  -444,   686,   676,  -444,  -444,    -2,   683,  -444,  -444,
+     -444,  -444,  -444,    87,  -444,    87,   682,   685,  -444,  -444,
+     -444,  -444,  -444,  -444,    51,   339,  -444,  -444,  -444,  -444,
+     -444,   569,  -444,   670,  -444,  -444,   569,  -444,  -444,   569,
+     -444,  -444,  -444,  -444,  -444,   687,    51,   688,   680,  -444,
+      689,  -444,   474,  -444,  -444,  -444,  -444,  -444,  -444,    51,
+      691,   692,   569,  -444,  -444,  -444,  -444,  -444,   319,   714,
+     -444,  -444,  -444,   694,   690,  -444,  -444,   626,   695,   691,
+     -444
+ };
+ static const short yypgoto[] =
+ {
+     -444,  -333,    -4,   -40,  -444,  -444,  -444,  -444,  -444,  -444,
+     -444,  -444,  -444,  -444,  -444,   227,  -444,  -444,  -444,  -444,
+     -444,  -444,  -444,  -444,  -175,   165,   398,  -444,  -444,  -295,
+     -444,  -443,  -444,  -444,   117,  -444,  -444,   132,  -444,  -444,
+     -444,  -444,  -444,    94,  -444,  -444,   109,  -330,  -444,  -444,
+      263,  -444,  -444,  -444,  -444,  -444,  -444,  -444,  -444,  -444,
+     -444,  -444,  -444,  -444,  -444,  -444,  -444,  -444,  -444,  -444,
+     -444,  -444,  -444,   522,  -444,   381,  -357,   383,  -444,  -444,
+     -444,   -70,     3,  -444,  -444,   330,  -444,   535,  -444,  -335,
+     -444,  -444,   -83,  -444,   160,  -296,  -444,  -444,  -444,   525,
+      527,  -342,  -444,  -444,  -444,  -444,  -444,  -444,   251,   148,
+      175,  -444,  -444,  -444,  -444,  -444,  -444,  -444,  -444,  -444,
+      303,   506,   619,   753,   733,  -444,  -444,  -444,    88,     0,
+     -444,  -444,   696,  -444,  -180,   -95,  -444,   -59,  -444,   588,
+      -62,   -20,  -444,  -107,  -444,   507,   567,  -222,   276,  -197,
+     -444,  -444,  -232,  -444,  -444,  -444,  -444,  -444
+ };
+ /* YYTABLE[YYPACT[STATE-NUM]].  What to do in state STATE-NUM.  If
+    positive, shift that token.  If negative, reduce the rule which
+    number is the opposite.  If zero, do what YYDEFACT says.
+    If YYTABLE_NINF, syntax error.  */
+ #define YYTABLE_NINF -339
+ static const short yytable[] =
+ {
+       28,   368,   236,   257,   259,   431,    54,    58,    61,    64,
+      375,   154,    51,   247,   156,   417,   161,   486,    66,   413,
+      194,    95,    76,   337,    74,    74,   329,   427,   157,   163,
+       77,   430,   509,   160,   198,     6,   174,    90,   204,     6,
+      149,   144,    97,   143,   564,     6,     3,   144,     6,   104,
+       50,   109,     9,   111,     6,   116,   145,   358,   121,     6,
+      363,   126,   145,   321,   128,   233,   376,   130,   328,   165,
+      440,   130,   135,   -76,   457,   142,   148,   153,     6,     6,
+      153,   167,   153,   340,    90,  -204,   272,  -135,     6,   164,
+      144,    90,   146,   329,     6,  -174,    27,   281,   146,   217,
+      147,   462,   398,   181,   182,   145,   147,   129,   261,    89,
+      186,   187,    73,    73,   234,    87,   189,   441,   203,   442,
+      -76,   191,   -76,   423,    99,   130,   389,     6,   168,   130,
+       96,     6,    98,     6,   207,   209,   500,   211,    88,   502,
+       89,   146,   282,   320,     9,   218,   228,   392,   536,   147,
+        9,  -175,   464,   383,   244,   526,   221,     6,   462,   329,
+      134,    67,   136,   285,   485,  -214,   227,    90,   453,    90,
+      401,     6,   -37,   248,   149,   149,   237,   149,   149,   508,
+      241,   239,   364,   543,   545,   175,   242,     6,    27,   245,
+      243,   244,    89,   365,    27,   256,     6,   523,     6,   130,
+      144,   101,   452,   445,   518,   463,   241,  -214,   102,   464,
+      148,   148,   242,   148,   148,   276,   327,   244,   390,   270,
+      320,   315,   -37,   205,   393,     6,   367,   105,     6,     6,
+      553,   244,    87,   555,   465,    52,   241,     6,   371,   245,
+      322,   127,   242,   524,   245,   171,   383,   244,     6,   607,
+      519,   409,   410,   477,   253,   173,  -194,   525,   374,   172,
+      341,   263,   264,   325,   254,   -72,   103,   354,   467,   326,
+      357,   348,   106,   107,    -6,     5,   355,     6,   108,   487,
+      400,     6,   355,   144,    87,     7,    53,   544,   110,     6,
+        8,   144,   153,   381,     9,   368,   140,    10,     6,    11,
+      388,    12,    13,    14,    15,    16,    17,    18,    19,    20,
+       21,   245,   -72,   -72,    22,    23,    24,    25,    26,   112,
+      290,     6,  -146,   245,   465,  -101,  -101,   331,  -101,   395,
+       56,  -193,     6,   332,   409,   410,  -101,  -101,    27,  -146,
+      571,   138,   409,   410,    60,   141,     6,   343,   276,   276,
+      411,   179,   184,     6,     6,   372,   117,   466,   467,     6,
+      122,   434,   -66,   -66,   113,   114,   566,  -101,  -101,   440,
+      115,  -146,     8,   569,  -101,  -101,  -101,   139,   403,   245,
+      -47,    57,  -146,  -146,   245,    14,    15,    16,    17,    18,
+       19,    20,    21,   192,   344,   572,   440,   414,   465,  -216,
+      455,   -66,   180,   185,   155,  -216,   -66,   -66,   313,   -66,
+      -66,   -66,   -66,   592,   242,   162,   441,  -216,   516,   176,
+       89,   416,  -216,  -216,   352,   -47,   -47,   378,   287,  -216,
+      313,   470,   467,   362,   -66,   -66,   242,   546,   547,   476,
+      224,  -216,   178,   441,  -216,   539,  -216,   395,  -216,   197,
+      481,   483,  -216,  -162,   343,  -216,  -216,   411,   491,   183,
+      492,   493,   343,   495,   343,   501,  -162,    50,  -216,   -31,
+      199,   -31,  -216,   -66,   353,   343,  -216,   212,   -66,  -216,
+     -216,   -66,   -66,   -66,   -66,   -66,   274,     6,     6,   522,
+       78,    50,   216,   302,   527,    84,   220,   -24,   275,  -162,
+       79,   344,   345,   221,    80,   497,    81,   540,    85,   344,
+      439,   344,   515,   224,   411,   411,   411,   411,   229,   549,
+      551,   589,   344,   538,   232,   557,     6,   590,    80,   560,
+       81,   -29,   423,   -29,   235,   200,   498,   201,   437,     8,
+      499,    86,   301,   302,   437,   269,   238,   271,   273,   118,
+      570,     6,    14,    15,    16,    17,    18,    19,    20,    21,
+      192,   240,   419,   420,   252,   302,    18,    19,    20,     6,
+      301,   302,   581,   421,   422,     6,  -338,   301,   302,   406,
+      408,   435,    69,   255,   260,   581,   303,   262,   265,   304,
+      305,   306,   307,   444,   119,   120,   123,    89,     6,    18,
+       19,    20,   391,     6,   423,    18,    19,    20,   394,   435,
+      266,   424,   425,   426,   303,   436,     8,   304,   305,   306,
+      307,   303,   323,   299,   304,   305,   306,   307,   300,    14,
+       15,    16,    17,    18,    19,    20,    21,   192,     6,   311,
+      312,   124,   125,    46,    63,    47,     6,   188,   190,     6,
+        6,     8,   333,   210,  -131,     6,   214,   361,   215,   362,
+      407,   494,     6,     6,    14,    15,    16,    17,    18,    19,
+       20,    21,   335,   550,   556,     6,     6,   559,   558,     6,
+      558,   339,   342,   347,   349,   350,   356,   -95,   363,   -96,
+      369,    89,   380,   387,   399,   405,   480,   382,   385,   418,
+      529,   386,   423,   610,   446,   379,   593,   600,   448,   451,
+      450,   586,   447,   461,   484,   449,   504,   574,   505,   511,
+      510,   512,   479,   513,   517,   533,   552,   520,   -99,   521,
+      542,   554,   565,   601,   584,   567,   507,   587,   568,   594,
+      580,   596,   606,   605,   283,   433,   432,   591,   609,   268,
+      288,   286,   532,   585,   478,   330,   206,    41,    75,   231,
+      249,   336,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,
+        0,   137
+ };
+ static const short yycheck[] =
+ {
+        4,   297,   177,   200,   201,   362,    10,    11,    12,    13,
+      305,    81,     9,   193,    84,   357,    86,   460,    22,   354,
+      127,    41,    26,   255,    24,    25,   248,   360,     1,    88,
+       27,   361,   475,     1,   129,     3,    95,    41,   133,     3,
+       80,     5,    42,     1,    46,     3,     0,     5,     3,    53,
+       15,    55,    20,    57,     3,    59,    20,   289,    62,     3,
+       62,    65,    20,   243,    68,   172,     1,    71,   248,    89,
+        8,    75,    72,     8,   404,    79,    80,    81,     3,     3,
+       84,     1,    86,   258,    88,    58,     1,    60,     3,    89,
+        5,    95,    56,   315,     3,    53,    64,     1,    56,     1,
+       64,    14,   334,   107,   108,    20,    64,    62,   203,    64,
+      114,   115,    24,    25,   173,    39,   120,    55,    62,    57,
+       55,   125,    57,    48,    10,   129,   323,     3,    48,   133,
+       42,     3,    44,     3,   138,   139,   469,   141,    62,   469,
+       64,    56,    46,    52,    20,    47,   166,   327,   505,    64,
+       20,    53,    65,    62,    63,   497,    60,     3,    14,   381,
+       72,    36,    74,     1,   459,     3,   166,   171,   400,   173,
+        1,     3,     3,   193,   214,   215,   180,   217,   218,   474,
+       52,   185,    52,   518,   519,    97,    58,     3,    64,   193,
+       62,    63,    64,    63,    64,   199,     3,     1,     3,   203,
+        5,     3,   399,   383,     1,    61,    52,    45,    52,    65,
+      214,   215,    58,   217,   218,   219,    62,    63,   325,   216,
+       52,   241,    53,   135,   331,     3,   296,     1,     3,     3,
+       22,    63,    39,   528,    26,     1,    52,     3,   300,   243,
+      244,    52,    58,    47,   248,    38,    62,    63,     3,   606,
+       47,    56,    57,   450,    37,    62,    53,    61,     1,    52,
+      264,    46,    47,    52,    47,     8,    46,    45,    60,    58,
+       45,   275,    46,    47,     0,     1,   280,     3,    52,     1,
+      342,     3,   286,     5,    39,    11,    52,     1,    46,     3,
+       16,     5,   296,   313,    20,   591,     1,    23,     3,    25,
+      320,    27,    28,    29,    30,    31,    32,    33,    34,    35,
+       36,   315,    55,    56,    40,    41,    42,    43,    44,     1,
+        1,     3,     3,   327,    26,     6,     7,    52,     9,   333,
+        1,    53,     3,    58,    56,    57,    17,    18,    64,    20,
+        1,    45,    56,    57,     1,    50,     3,     8,   352,   353,
+      354,     1,     1,     3,     3,     1,    46,    59,    60,     3,
+       46,   365,     8,     9,    46,    47,   541,    48,    49,     8,
+       52,    52,    16,   548,    55,    56,    57,    39,     1,   383,
+        3,    52,    63,    64,   388,    29,    30,    31,    32,    33,
+       34,    35,    36,    37,    55,    56,     8,     1,    26,     3,
+      404,    47,    52,    52,    45,     9,    52,    53,    52,    55,
+       56,    57,    58,   588,    58,     4,    55,    21,    57,    12,
+       64,     1,    26,     3,     1,    48,    49,     1,    46,     9,
+       52,    59,    60,    47,     8,     9,    58,   520,   521,    53,
+       58,    21,    53,    55,    48,    57,    26,   451,    52,    52,
+      454,   455,    56,     1,     8,    59,    60,   461,   462,    53,
+      464,   465,     8,   467,     8,   469,    14,    15,    48,    46,
+       38,    48,    52,    47,    51,     8,    56,    49,    52,    59,
+       60,    55,    56,    57,    58,    59,     1,     3,     3,   493,
+       38,    15,    53,     9,   498,     1,    46,    45,    13,    47,
+       48,    55,    56,    60,    52,    21,    54,   511,    14,    55,
+       56,    55,    56,    58,   518,   519,   520,   521,    46,   523,
+      524,    47,    55,    56,     1,   529,     3,    53,    52,   533,
+       54,    46,    48,    48,    10,    52,    52,    54,   373,    16,
+       56,    47,     8,     9,   379,   215,    53,   217,   218,     1,
+      554,     3,    29,    30,    31,    32,    33,    34,    35,    36,
+       37,    53,     6,     7,    53,     9,    33,    34,    35,     3,
+        8,     9,   576,    17,    18,     3,    53,     8,     9,   352,
+      353,    47,    16,    53,    46,   589,    52,    46,    52,    55,
+       56,    57,    58,    59,    46,    47,     1,    64,     3,    33,
+       34,    35,   326,     3,    48,    33,    34,    35,   332,    47,
+       49,    55,    56,    57,    52,    53,    16,    55,    56,    57,
+       58,    52,    54,    53,    55,    56,    57,    58,    53,    29,
+       30,    31,    32,    33,    34,    35,    36,    37,     3,    53,
+       53,    46,    47,     1,     1,     3,     3,     1,     1,     3,
+        3,    16,    45,     1,    12,     3,    52,    45,    54,    47,
+        1,     1,     3,     3,    29,    30,    31,    32,    33,    34,
+       35,    36,    37,     1,     1,     3,     3,     1,   530,     3,
+      532,    53,    53,    53,    52,    48,    45,    49,    62,    49,
+       33,    64,    53,    59,    58,    46,     3,    53,    53,    49,
+       14,    53,    48,   609,    53,   307,   589,   598,    53,    47,
+       52,   579,    59,    52,    49,    59,    52,    47,    52,    45,
+       53,    53,    59,    54,    53,    45,    45,    52,    49,    52,
+       46,    53,    49,    19,    46,    53,   473,    48,    53,    48,
+       53,    49,    52,    49,   222,   364,   363,   587,    53,   214,
+      225,   224,   501,   578,   451,   249,   137,     4,    25,   171,
+      193,   254,    -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,
+       -1,    75
+ };
+ /* YYSTOS[STATE-NUM] -- The (internal number of the) accessing
+    symbol of state STATE-NUM.  */
+ static const unsigned char yystos[] =
+ {
+        0,    70,    71,     0,    72,     1,     3,    11,    16,    20,
+       23,    25,    27,    28,    29,    30,    31,    32,    33,    34,
+       35,    36,    40,    41,    42,    43,    44,    64,    68,    73,
+       74,    76,   132,   136,   146,   147,   162,   177,   179,   181,
+      183,   189,   191,   194,   195,   222,     1,     3,   134,   135,
+       15,   148,     1,    52,    68,   180,     1,    52,    68,   178,
+        1,    68,   182,     1,    68,   223,    68,    36,   193,    16,
+       68,   190,   192,   194,   195,   190,    68,   148,    38,    48,
+       52,    54,    78,   148,     1,    14,    47,    39,    62,    64,
+       68,   196,   203,   204,   205,   207,   194,   195,   194,    10,
+      133,     3,    52,    46,    68,     1,    46,    47,    52,    68,
+       46,    68,     1,    46,    47,    52,    68,    46,     1,    46,
+       47,    68,    46,     1,    46,    47,    68,    52,    68,    62,
+       68,   198,   201,   207,   194,   195,   194,   198,    45,    39,
+        1,    50,    68,     1,     5,    20,    56,    64,    68,    69,
+      151,   153,   154,    68,   147,    45,   147,     1,   137,   163,
+        1,   147,     4,   203,   195,   207,   208,     1,    48,   106,
+      218,    38,    52,    62,   203,   194,    12,   149,    53,     1,
+       52,    68,    68,    53,     1,    52,    68,    68,     1,    68,
+        1,    68,    37,   189,   209,   210,   211,    52,   201,    38,
+       52,    54,   188,    62,   201,   194,   188,    68,    75,    68,
+        1,    68,    49,   152,    52,    54,    53,     1,    47,    77,
+       46,    60,   138,   139,    58,   164,   165,   195,   207,    46,
+      107,   205,     1,   209,   203,    10,    90,    68,    53,    68,
+       53,    52,    58,    62,    63,    68,   197,   200,   207,   212,
+      213,   217,    53,    37,    47,    53,    68,   215,   216,   215,
+       46,   201,    46,    46,    47,    52,    49,    95,   153,   151,
+      148,   151,     1,   151,     1,    13,    68,    79,    80,    81,
+      166,     1,    46,   139,   140,     1,   166,    46,   165,   219,
+        1,   112,   116,   141,   142,   143,   144,   160,   161,    53,
+       53,     8,     9,    52,    55,    56,    57,    58,    67,    91,
+      150,    53,    53,    52,   199,   207,   209,   212,   214,   215,
+       52,   200,    68,    54,   187,    52,    58,    62,   200,   213,
+      187,    52,    58,    45,   184,    37,   211,   218,   202,    53,
+       90,    68,    53,     8,    55,    56,    96,    53,    68,    52,
+       48,    85,     1,    51,    45,    68,    45,    45,   218,   108,
+      117,    45,    47,    62,    52,    63,   145,   147,   161,    33,
+      206,   206,     1,    92,     1,    95,     1,    97,     1,    92,
+       53,   207,    53,    62,   200,    53,    53,    59,   207,   215,
+      209,   214,   200,   209,   214,    68,   185,   186,   218,    58,
+      206,     1,    82,     1,    86,    46,    81,     1,    81,    56,
+       57,    68,    69,   155,     1,   167,     1,   167,    49,     6,
+        7,    17,    18,    48,    55,    56,    57,    67,   113,   118,
+      113,   142,   143,   141,    68,    47,    53,    91,    93,    56,
+        8,    55,    57,    98,    59,   200,    53,    59,    53,    59,
+       52,    47,   215,   218,    84,    68,    87,   113,   131,   157,
+      156,    52,    14,    61,    65,    26,    59,    60,   168,   220,
+       59,   122,   121,   114,   119,   120,    53,   215,   186,    59,
+        3,    68,    83,    68,    49,    95,    97,     1,   155,   158,
+      159,    68,    68,    68,     1,    68,   221,    21,    52,    56,
+       67,    68,   113,   173,    52,    52,   125,   116,    95,    97,
+       53,    45,    53,    54,    88,    56,    57,    53,     1,    47,
+       52,    52,    68,     1,    47,    61,   167,    68,   169,    14,
+      174,   175,   174,    45,   176,   123,   142,   115,    56,    57,
+       68,    89,    46,   155,     1,   155,   158,   158,   171,    68,
+        1,    68,    45,    22,    53,    95,     1,    68,   175,     1,
+       68,    90,   103,   104,    46,    49,    90,    53,    53,    90,
+       68,     1,    56,    94,    47,   124,   126,   172,   170,   105,
+       53,    68,    99,   100,    46,   176,   103,    48,   101,    47,
+       53,   160,    90,   100,    48,   109,    49,   102,   110,   127,
+      112,    19,   128,   111,   129,    49,    52,   142,   130,    53,
+      109
+ };
+ #if ! defined (YYSIZE_T) && defined (__SIZE_TYPE__)
+ # define YYSIZE_T __SIZE_TYPE__
+ #endif
+ #if ! defined (YYSIZE_T) && defined (size_t)
+ # define YYSIZE_T size_t
+ #endif
+ #if ! defined (YYSIZE_T)
+ # if defined (__STDC__) || defined (__cplusplus)
+ #  include <stddef.h> /* INFRINGES ON USER NAME SPACE */
+ #  define YYSIZE_T size_t
+ # endif
+ #endif
+ #if ! defined (YYSIZE_T)
+ # define YYSIZE_T unsigned int
+ #endif
+ #define yyerrok		(yyerrstatus = 0)
+ #define yyclearin	(yychar = YYEMPTY)
+ #define YYEMPTY		(-2)
+ #define YYEOF		0
+ #define YYACCEPT	goto yyacceptlab
+ #define YYABORT		goto yyabortlab
+ #define YYERROR		goto yyerrlab1
+ /* Like YYERROR except do call yyerror.  This remains here temporarily
+    to ease the transition to the new meaning of YYERROR, for GCC.
+    Once GCC version 2 has supplanted version 1, this can go.  */
+ #define YYFAIL		goto yyerrlab
+ #define YYRECOVERING()  (!!yyerrstatus)
+ #define YYBACKUP(Token, Value)					\
+ do								\
+   if (yychar == YYEMPTY && yylen == 1)				\
+     {								\
+       yychar = (Token);						\
+       yylval = (Value);						\
+       yytoken = YYTRANSLATE (yychar);				\
+       YYPOPSTACK;						\
+       goto yybackup;						\
+     }								\
+   else								\
+     { 								\
+       yyerror ("syntax error: cannot back up");\
+       YYERROR;							\
+     }								\
+ while (0)
+ #define YYTERROR	1
+ #define YYERRCODE	256
+ /* YYLLOC_DEFAULT -- Compute the default location (before the actions
+    are run).  */
+ # define YYLLOC_DEFAULT(Current, Rhs, N)         \
+   Current.first_line   = Rhs[1].first_line;      \
+   Current.first_column = Rhs[1].first_column;    \
+   Current.last_line    = Rhs[N].last_line;       \
+   Current.last_column  = Rhs[N].last_column;
+ #endif
+ /* YYLEX -- calling `yylex' with the right arguments.  */
+ #ifdef YYLEX_PARAM
+ # define YYLEX yylex (YYLEX_PARAM)
+ #else
+ # define YYLEX yylex ()
+ #endif
+ /* Enable debugging if requested.  */
+ # ifndef YYFPRINTF
+ #  include <stdio.h> /* INFRINGES ON USER NAME SPACE */
+ #  define YYFPRINTF fprintf
+ # endif
+ # define YYDPRINTF(Args)			\
+ do {						\
+   if (yydebug)					\
+     YYFPRINTF Args;				\
+ } while (0)
+ # define YYDSYMPRINT(Args)			\
+ do {						\
+   if (yydebug)					\
+     yysymprint Args;				\
+ } while (0)
+ # define YYDSYMPRINTF(Title, Token, Value, Location)		\
+ do {								\
+   if (yydebug)							\
+     {								\
+       YYFPRINTF (stderr, "%s ", Title);				\
+       yysymprint (stderr, 					\
+                   Token, Value);	\
+       YYFPRINTF (stderr, "\n");					\
+     }								\
+ } while (0)
+ /*------------------------------------------------------------------.
+ | yy_stack_print -- Print the state stack from its BOTTOM up to its |
+ | TOP (cinluded).                                                   |
+ `------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ #if defined (__STDC__) || defined (__cplusplus)
+ static void
+ yy_stack_print (short *bottom, short *top)
+ #else
+ static void
+ yy_stack_print (bottom, top)
+     short *bottom;
+     short *top;
+ #endif
+ {
+   YYFPRINTF (stderr, "Stack now");
+   for (/* Nothing. */; bottom <= top; ++bottom)
+     YYFPRINTF (stderr, " %d", *bottom);
+   YYFPRINTF (stderr, "\n");
+ }
+ # define YY_STACK_PRINT(Bottom, Top)				\
+ do {								\
+   if (yydebug)							\
+     yy_stack_print ((Bottom), (Top));				\
+ } while (0)
+ /*------------------------------------------------.
+ | Report that the YYRULE is going to be reduced.  |
+ `------------------------------------------------*/
+ #if defined (__STDC__) || defined (__cplusplus)
+ static void
+ yy_reduce_print (int yyrule)
+ #else
+ static void
+ yy_reduce_print (yyrule)
+     int yyrule;
+ #endif
+ {
+   int yyi;
+   unsigned int yylineno = yyrline[yyrule];
+   YYFPRINTF (stderr, "Reducing stack by rule %d (line %u), ",
+              yyrule - 1, yylineno);
+   /* Print the symbols being reduced, and their result.  */
+   for (yyi = yyprhs[yyrule]; 0 <= yyrhs[yyi]; yyi++)
+     YYFPRINTF (stderr, "%s ", yytname [yyrhs[yyi]]);
+   YYFPRINTF (stderr, "-> %s\n", yytname [yyr1[yyrule]]);
+ }
+ # define YY_REDUCE_PRINT(Rule)		\
+ do {					\
+   if (yydebug)				\
+     yy_reduce_print (Rule);		\
+ } while (0)
+ /* Nonzero means print parse trace.  It is left uninitialized so that
+    multiple parsers can coexist.  */
+ int yydebug;
+ #else /* !YYDEBUG */
+ # define YYDPRINTF(Args)
+ # define YYDSYMPRINT(Args)
+ # define YYDSYMPRINTF(Title, Token, Value, Location)
+ # define YY_STACK_PRINT(Bottom, Top)
+ # define YY_REDUCE_PRINT(Rule)
+ #endif /* !YYDEBUG */
+ /* YYINITDEPTH -- initial size of the parser's stacks.  */
+ # define YYINITDEPTH 200
+ #endif
+ /* YYMAXDEPTH -- maximum size the stacks can grow to (effective only
+    if the built-in stack extension method is used).
+    Do not make this value too large; the results are undefined if
+    evaluated with infinite-precision integer arithmetic.  */
+ #if YYMAXDEPTH == 0
+ # undef YYMAXDEPTH
+ #endif
+ #ifndef YYMAXDEPTH
+ # define YYMAXDEPTH 10000
+ #endif
+ # ifndef yystrlen
+ #  if defined (__GLIBC__) && defined (_STRING_H)
+ #   define yystrlen strlen
+ #  else
+ /* Return the length of YYSTR.  */
+ static YYSIZE_T
+ #   if defined (__STDC__) || defined (__cplusplus)
+ yystrlen (const char *yystr)
+ #   else
+ yystrlen (yystr)
+      const char *yystr;
+ #   endif
+ {
+   register const char *yys = yystr;
+   while (*yys++ != '\0')
+     continue;
+   return yys - yystr - 1;
+ }
+ #  endif
+ # endif
+ # ifndef yystpcpy
+ #  if defined (__GLIBC__) && defined (_STRING_H) && defined (_GNU_SOURCE)
+ #   define yystpcpy stpcpy
+ #  else
+ /* Copy YYSRC to YYDEST, returning the address of the terminating '\0' in
+    YYDEST.  */
+ static char *
+ #   if defined (__STDC__) || defined (__cplusplus)
+ yystpcpy (char *yydest, const char *yysrc)
+ #   else
+ yystpcpy (yydest, yysrc)
+      char *yydest;
+      const char *yysrc;
+ #   endif
+ {
+   register char *yyd = yydest;
+   register const char *yys = yysrc;
+   while ((*yyd++ = *yys++) != '\0')
+     continue;
+   return yyd - 1;
+ }
+ #  endif
+ # endif
+ #endif /* !YYERROR_VERBOSE */
+ /*--------------------------------.
+ | Print this symbol on YYOUTPUT.  |
+ `--------------------------------*/
+ #if defined (__STDC__) || defined (__cplusplus)
+ static void
+ yysymprint (FILE *yyoutput, int yytype, YYSTYPE *yyvaluep)
+ #else
+ static void
+ yysymprint (yyoutput, yytype, yyvaluep)
+     FILE *yyoutput;
+     int yytype;
+     YYSTYPE *yyvaluep;
+ #endif
+ {
+   /* Pacify ``unused variable'' warnings.  */
+   (void) yyvaluep;
+   if (yytype < YYNTOKENS)
+     {
+       YYFPRINTF (yyoutput, "token %s (", yytname[yytype]);
+ # ifdef YYPRINT
+       YYPRINT (yyoutput, yytoknum[yytype], *yyvaluep);
+ # endif
+     }
+   else
+     YYFPRINTF (yyoutput, "nterm %s (", yytname[yytype]);
+   switch (yytype)
+     {
+       default:
+         break;
+     }
+   YYFPRINTF (yyoutput, ")");
+ }
+ #endif /* ! YYDEBUG */
+ /*-----------------------------------------------.
+ | Release the memory associated to this symbol.  |
+ `-----------------------------------------------*/
+ #if defined (__STDC__) || defined (__cplusplus)
+ static void
+ yydestruct (int yytype, YYSTYPE *yyvaluep)
+ #else
+ static void
+ yydestruct (yytype, yyvaluep)
+     int yytype;
+     YYSTYPE *yyvaluep;
+ #endif
+ {
+   /* Pacify ``unused variable'' warnings.  */
+   (void) yyvaluep;
+   switch (yytype)
+     {
+       default:
+         break;
+     }
+ }
+ /* Prevent warnings from -Wmissing-prototypes.  */
+ # if defined (__STDC__) || defined (__cplusplus)
+ int yyparse (void *YYPARSE_PARAM);
+ # else
+ int yyparse ();
+ # endif
+ #else /* ! YYPARSE_PARAM */
+ #if defined (__STDC__) || defined (__cplusplus)
+ int yyparse (void);
+ #else
+ int yyparse ();
+ #endif
+ #endif /* ! YYPARSE_PARAM */
+ /* The lookahead symbol.  */
+ int yychar;
+ /* The semantic value of the lookahead symbol.  */
+ YYSTYPE yylval;
+ /* Number of syntax errors so far.  */
+ int yynerrs;
+ /*----------.
+ | yyparse.  |
+ `----------*/
+ # if defined (__STDC__) || defined (__cplusplus)
+ int yyparse (void *YYPARSE_PARAM)
+ # else
+ int yyparse (YYPARSE_PARAM)
+   void *YYPARSE_PARAM;
+ # endif
+ #else /* ! YYPARSE_PARAM */
+ #if defined (__STDC__) || defined (__cplusplus)
+ int
+ yyparse (void)
+ #else
+ int
+ yyparse ()
+ #endif
+ #endif
+ {
+   register int yystate;
+   register int yyn;
+   int yyresult;
+   /* Number of tokens to shift before error messages enabled.  */
+   int yyerrstatus;
+   /* Lookahead token as an internal (translated) token number.  */
+   int yytoken = 0;
+   /* Three stacks and their tools:
+      `yyss': related to states,
+      `yyvs': related to semantic values,
+      `yyls': related to locations.
+      Refer to the stacks thru separate pointers, to allow yyoverflow
+      to reallocate them elsewhere.  */
+   /* The state stack.  */
+   short	yyssa[YYINITDEPTH];
+   short *yyss = yyssa;
+   register short *yyssp;
+   /* The semantic value stack.  */
+   YYSTYPE *yyvs = yyvsa;
+   register YYSTYPE *yyvsp;
+ #define YYPOPSTACK   (yyvsp--, yyssp--)
+   YYSIZE_T yystacksize = YYINITDEPTH;
+   /* The variables used to return semantic value and location from the
+      action routines.  */
+   YYSTYPE yyval;
+   /* When reducing, the number of symbols on the RHS of the reduced
+      rule.  */
+   int yylen;
+   YYDPRINTF ((stderr, "Starting parse\n"));
+   yystate = 0;
+   yyerrstatus = 0;
+   yynerrs = 0;
+   yychar = YYEMPTY;		/* Cause a token to be read.  */
+   /* Initialize stack pointers.
+      Waste one element of value and location stack
+      so that they stay on the same level as the state stack.
+      The wasted elements are never initialized.  */
+   yyssp = yyss;
+   yyvsp = yyvs;
+   goto yysetstate;
+ /*------------------------------------------------------------.
+ | yynewstate -- Push a new state, which is found in yystate.  |
+ `------------------------------------------------------------*/
+  yynewstate:
+   /* In all cases, when you get here, the value and location stacks
+      have just been pushed. so pushing a state here evens the stacks.
+      */
+   yyssp++;
+  yysetstate:
+   *yyssp = yystate;
+   if (yyss + yystacksize - 1 <= yyssp)
+     {
+       /* Get the current used size of the three stacks, in elements.  */
+       YYSIZE_T yysize = yyssp - yyss + 1;
+ #ifdef yyoverflow
+       {
+ 	/* Give user a chance to reallocate the stack. Use copies of
+ 	   these so that the &'s don't force the real ones into
+ 	   memory.  */
+ 	YYSTYPE *yyvs1 = yyvs;
+ 	short *yyss1 = yyss;
+ 	/* Each stack pointer address is followed by the size of the
+ 	   data in use in that stack, in bytes.  This used to be a
+ 	   conditional around just the two extra args, but that might
+ 	   be undefined if yyoverflow is a macro.  */
+ 	yyoverflow ("parser stack overflow",
+ 		    &yyss1, yysize * sizeof (*yyssp),
+ 		    &yyvs1, yysize * sizeof (*yyvsp),
+ 		    &yystacksize);
+ 	yyss = yyss1;
+ 	yyvs = yyvs1;
+       }
+ #else /* no yyoverflow */
+       goto yyoverflowlab;
+ # else
+       /* Extend the stack our own way.  */
+       if (YYMAXDEPTH <= yystacksize)
+ 	goto yyoverflowlab;
+       yystacksize *= 2;
+       if (YYMAXDEPTH < yystacksize)
+ 	yystacksize = YYMAXDEPTH;
+       {
+ 	short *yyss1 = yyss;
+ 	union yyalloc *yyptr =
+ 	  (union yyalloc *) YYSTACK_ALLOC (YYSTACK_BYTES (yystacksize));
+ 	if (! yyptr)
+ 	  goto yyoverflowlab;
+ 	if (yyss1 != yyssa)
+ 	  YYSTACK_FREE (yyss1);
+       }
+ # endif
+ #endif /* no yyoverflow */
+       yyssp = yyss + yysize - 1;
+       yyvsp = yyvs + yysize - 1;
+       YYDPRINTF ((stderr, "Stack size increased to %lu\n",
+ 		  (unsigned long int) yystacksize));
+       if (yyss + yystacksize - 1 <= yyssp)
+     }
+   YYDPRINTF ((stderr, "Entering state %d\n", yystate));
+   goto yybackup;
+ /*-----------.
+ | yybackup.  |
+ `-----------*/
+ yybackup:
+ /* Do appropriate processing given the current state.  */
+ /* Read a lookahead token if we need one and don't already have one.  */
+ /* yyresume: */
+   /* First try to decide what to do without reference to lookahead token.  */
+   yyn = yypact[yystate];
+   if (yyn == YYPACT_NINF)
+     goto yydefault;
+   /* Not known => get a lookahead token if don't already have one.  */
+   /* YYCHAR is either YYEMPTY or YYEOF or a valid lookahead symbol.  */
+   if (yychar == YYEMPTY)
+     {
+       YYDPRINTF ((stderr, "Reading a token: "));
+       yychar = YYLEX;
+     }
+   if (yychar <= YYEOF)
+     {
+       yychar = yytoken = YYEOF;
+       YYDPRINTF ((stderr, "Now at end of input.\n"));
+     }
+   else
+     {
+       yytoken = YYTRANSLATE (yychar);
+       YYDSYMPRINTF ("Next token is", yytoken, &yylval, &yylloc);
+     }
+   /* If the proper action on seeing token YYTOKEN is to reduce or to
+      detect an error, take that action.  */
+   yyn += yytoken;
+   if (yyn < 0 || YYLAST < yyn || yycheck[yyn] != yytoken)
+     goto yydefault;
+   yyn = yytable[yyn];
+   if (yyn <= 0)
+     {
+       if (yyn == 0 || yyn == YYTABLE_NINF)
+ 	goto yyerrlab;
+       yyn = -yyn;
+       goto yyreduce;
+     }
+   if (yyn == YYFINAL)
+   /* Shift the lookahead token.  */
+   YYDPRINTF ((stderr, "Shifting token %s, ", yytname[yytoken]));
+   /* Discard the token being shifted unless it is eof.  */
+   if (yychar != YYEOF)
+     yychar = YYEMPTY;
+   *++yyvsp = yylval;
+   /* Count tokens shifted since error; after three, turn off error
+      status.  */
+   if (yyerrstatus)
+     yyerrstatus--;
+   yystate = yyn;
+   goto yynewstate;
+ /*-----------------------------------------------------------.
+ | yydefault -- do the default action for the current state.  |
+ `-----------------------------------------------------------*/
+ yydefault:
+   yyn = yydefact[yystate];
+   if (yyn == 0)
+     goto yyerrlab;
+   goto yyreduce;
+ /*-----------------------------.
+ | yyreduce -- Do a reduction.  |
+ `-----------------------------*/
+ yyreduce:
+   /* yyn is the number of a rule to reduce with.  */
+   yylen = yyr2[yyn];
+   /* If YYLEN is nonzero, implement the default value of the action:
+      `$$ = $1'.
+      Otherwise, the following line sets YYVAL to garbage.
+      This behavior is undocumented and Bison
+      users should not rely upon it.  Assigning to YYVAL
+      unconditionally makes the parser a bit smaller, and it avoids a
+      GCC warning that YYVAL may be used uninitialized.  */
+   yyval = yyvsp[1-yylen];
+   YY_REDUCE_PRINT (yyn);
+   switch (yyn)
+     {
+         case 2:
+     { yyval.yt_INT = Int( yyvsp[0].yt_integer ); pf_setfileline( yyval.yt_INT ); ;}
+     break;
+   case 3:
+     { yyval.yt_ID = Id( Str( yyvsp[0].yt_casestring )); pf_setfileline( yyval.yt_ID ); ;}
+     break;
+   case 4:
+     { yyval.yt_INT = Int( yyvsp[0].yt_integer ); pf_setfileline( yyval.yt_INT ); ;}
+     break;
+   case 5:
+     { /* initialize variables and scanner state */
+ 	  pl_phylum = 0;
+ 	  pl_withvariables = Nilwithexpressions();
+ 	  do_NORMAL();
+ 	;}
+     break;
+   case 9:
+     { Thephylumdeclarations = mergephylumdeclarations( yyvsp[0].yt_phylumdeclaration, Thephylumdeclarations ); ;}
+     break;
+   case 10:
+     { Therwdeclarations = Consrwdeclarations( yyvsp[0].yt_rwdeclaration, Therwdeclarations ); ;}
+     break;
+   case 11:
+     { Thefndeclarations = Consfndeclarations( yyvsp[0].yt_fndeclaration, Thefndeclarations ); ;}
+     break;
+   case 12:
+     { ;}
+     break;
+   case 13:
+     { Theunparsedeclarations = Consunparsedeclarations( yyvsp[0].yt_unparsedeclaration, Theunparsedeclarations ); ;}
+     break;
+   case 14:
+     { ;}
+     break;
+   case 15:
+     { ;}
+     break;
+   case 16:
+     { ;}
+     break;
+   case 17:
+     { Thelanguages = merge_languagenames( yyvsp[0].yt_languagenames, Thelanguages ); ;}
+     break;
+   case 18:
+     { Thebaseclasses = Consbaseclass_declarations( yyvsp[0].yt_baseclass_decl, Thebaseclasses ); ;}
+     break;
+   case 19:
+     { yyval.yt_baseclass_decl=BaseClassDecl( yyvsp[-3].yt_ID, yyvsp[-1].yt_baseclass_list ); ;}
+     break;
+   case 20:
+     { yyval.yt_baseclass_list=Consbaseclass_list(yyvsp[0].yt_ID,Nilbaseclass_list()); ;}
+     break;
+   case 21:
+     { yyval.yt_baseclass_list=Consbaseclass_list(yyvsp[0].yt_ID,yyvsp[-2].yt_baseclass_list); ;}
+     break;
+   case 22:
+     { pl_phylum = yyvsp[-2].yt_ID; ;}
+     break;
+   case 23:
+     { yyval.yt_phylumdeclaration = PhylumDeclaration( yyvsp[-6].yt_ID, yyvsp[-5].yt_storageoption, yyvsp[-2].yt_productionblock, yyvsp[-1].yt_Ccode_option ); v_extendoccur( pl_phylum, ITUserPhylum( yyval.yt_phylumdeclaration ) ); ;}
+     break;
+   case 24:
+     { yyval.yt_storageoption = NoStorageOption(); ;}
+     break;
+   case 25:
+     { yyval.yt_storageoption = PositiveStorageOption( yyvsp[-1].yt_ID ); v_extendoccur( yyvsp[-1].yt_ID, ITStorageClass() ); ;}
+     break;
+   case 26:
+     { yyval.yt_storageoption = NegativeStorageOption( yyvsp[-1].yt_ID ); v_extendoccur( yyvsp[-1].yt_ID, ITStorageClass() ); ;}
+     break;
+   case 27:
+     { yyval.yt_storageoption = NoStorageOption(); ;}
+     break;
+   case 28:
+     { yyval.yt_storageoption = NoStorageOption(); ;}
+     break;
+   case 29:
+     { yyval.yt_productionblock = Emptyproductionblock(); ;}
+     break;
+   case 30:
+     { yyval.yt_productionblock = ListAlternatives( makeListAlternatives( pl_phylum, yyvsp[0].yt_ID ), yyvsp[0].yt_ID );
+ 	  Theargsnumbers = insert_in_argsnumbers(0, Theargsnumbers);
+ 	  Theargsnumbers = insert_in_argsnumbers(2, Theargsnumbers);
+ 	;}
+     break;
+   case 31:
+     { yyval.yt_productionblock = NonlistAlternatives( yyvsp[0].yt_alternatives ); ;}
+     break;
+   case 32:
+     { yyval.yt_alternatives = Consalternatives( yyvsp[0].yt_alternative, Nilalternatives() ); ;}
+     break;
+   case 33:
+     { yyerrok; yyval.yt_alternatives = Consalternatives( yyvsp[0].yt_alternative, yyvsp[-2].yt_alternatives ); ;}
+     break;
+   case 34:
+     { yyval.yt_alternatives = Nilalternatives(); ;}
+     break;
+   case 35:
+     { yyval.yt_alternatives = yyvsp[-2].yt_alternatives; ;}
+     break;
+   case 36:
+     { yyerrok; yyval.yt_alternatives=Consalternatives( yyvsp[0].yt_alternative, yyvsp[-2].yt_alternatives ); ;}
+     break;
+   case 37:
+     { pg_no_of_arguments = 0; ;}
+     break;
+   case 38:
+     { Theargsnumbers = insert_in_argsnumbers(pg_no_of_arguments, Theargsnumbers); ;}
+     break;
+   case 39:
+     { yyval.yt_alternative = Alternative( yyvsp[-5].yt_ID, yyvsp[-2].yt_arguments );
+ 	  v_extendoccur( yyvsp[-5].yt_ID, ITUserOperator( yyval.yt_alternative, pl_phylum ) ); ;}
+     break;
+   case 40:
+     { yyval.yt_alternative = Alternative( yyvsp[-2].yt_ID, Nilarguments()); ;}
+     break;
+   case 41:
+     { yyval.yt_arguments = Nilarguments(); ;}
+     break;
+   case 42:
+     { yyval.yt_arguments = Consarguments( yyvsp[0].yt_ID, yyvsp[-1].yt_arguments ); pg_no_of_arguments++; ;}
+     break;
+   case 43:
+     { yyvsp[0].yt_ID->named_subphylum = yyvsp[-2].yt_casestring;
+ 	  yyval.yt_arguments = Consarguments( yyvsp[0].yt_ID, yyvsp[-3].yt_arguments ); pg_no_of_arguments++; ;}
+     break;
+   case 44:
+     { yyval.yt_Ccode_option = CcodeOption( Nilattributes(), NilCtexts() ); ;}
+     break;
+   case 45:
+     { yyval.yt_Ccode_option = CcodeOption( yyvsp[-2].yt_attributes, yyvsp[-1].yt_Ctexts ); ;}
+     break;
+   case 46:
+     { yyval.yt_Ccode_option = CcodeOption( Nilattributes(), NilCtexts() ); ;}
+     break;
+   case 47:
+     { yyval.yt_attributes = Nilattributes(); ;}
+     break;
+   case 48:
+     { yyval.yt_attributes = Consattributes( yyvsp[0].yt_attribute, yyvsp[-1].yt_attributes ); ;}
+     break;
+   case 49:
+     { yyval.yt_attribute = Attribute( yyvsp[-3].yt_ID, yyvsp[-2].yt_ID, yyvsp[-1].yt_attribute_initialisation_option ); ;}
+     break;
+   case 50:
+     { yyval.yt_attribute_initialisation_option = Noattribute_initialisation(); ;}
+     break;
+   case 51:
+     { do_CEXPR(); ;}
+     break;
+   case 52:
+     { do_NORMAL();
+ 	  yyval.yt_attribute_initialisation_option = Yesattribute_initialisation( yyvsp[0].yt_Cexpression ); ;}
+     break;
+   case 53:
+     { yyval.yt_Cexpression = NilCexpression(); pf_setfileline( yyval.yt_Cexpression ); ;}
+     break;
+   case 54:
+     { yyval.yt_Cexpression = ConsCexpression( yyvsp[0].yt_Cexpression_elem, yyvsp[-1].yt_Cexpression ); yyval.yt_Cexpression->file = yyvsp[-1].yt_Cexpression->file; yyval.yt_Cexpression->line = yyvsp[-1].yt_Cexpression->line; ;}
+     break;
+   case 55:
+     { yyval.yt_Cexpression_elem = CExpressionPart( yyvsp[0].yt_casestring ); ;}
+     break;
+   case 56:
+     { yyval.yt_Cexpression_elem = CExpressionDollarvar( yyvsp[0].yt_INT ); ;}
+     break;
+   case 57:
+     { yyval.yt_Cexpression_elem = CExpressionNl(); ;}
+     break;
+   case 58:
+     { yyval.yt_Cexpression_elem = CExpressionDQ( yyvsp[-1].yt_CexpressionDQ ); ;}
+     break;
+   case 59:
+     { yyval.yt_Cexpression_elem = CExpressionSQ( yyvsp[-1].yt_CexpressionSQ ); ;}
+     break;
+   case 60:
+     { yyval.yt_Cexpression_elem = CExpressionPack( yyvsp[-1].yt_Cexpression ); ;}
+     break;
+   case 61:
+     { yyval.yt_Cexpression_elem = CExpressionArray( yyvsp[-1].yt_Cexpression ); ;}
+     break;
+   case 62:
+     { yyval.yt_Cexpression_elem = CExpressionPart(mkcasestring("")); ;}
+     break;
+   case 63:
+     { yyval.yt_Cexpression_elem = CExpressionPart(mkcasestring("")); ;}
+     break;
+   case 64:
+     { yyval.yt_Cexpression_elem = CExpressionPart(mkcasestring("")); ;}
+     break;
+   case 65:
+     { yyval.yt_Cexpression_elem = CExpressionArray( ConsCexpression( CExpressionPart(mkcasestring("")), NilCexpression())); ;}
+     break;
+   case 66:
+     { yyval.yt_Cexpression = NilCexpression(); pf_setfileline( yyval.yt_Cexpression ); ;}
+     break;
+   case 67:
+     { yyval.yt_Cexpression = ConsCexpression( yyvsp[0].yt_Cexpression_elem, yyvsp[-1].yt_Cexpression ); yyval.yt_Cexpression->file = yyvsp[-1].yt_Cexpression->file; yyval.yt_Cexpression->line = yyvsp[-1].yt_Cexpression->line; ;}
+     break;
+   case 68:
+     { yyval.yt_Cexpression_elem = yyvsp[0].yt_Cexpression_elem; ;}
+     break;
+   case 69:
+     { yyval.yt_Cexpression_elem = CExpressionPart( mkcasestring(",") ); ;}
+     break;
+   case 72:
+     { yyval.yt_CexpressionDQ = NilCexpressionDQ(); ;}
+     break;
+   case 73:
+     { yyval.yt_CexpressionDQ = ConsCexpressionDQ( yyvsp[0].yt_CexpressionDQ_elem, yyvsp[-1].yt_CexpressionDQ ); ;}
+     break;
+   case 74:
+     { yyval.yt_CexpressionDQ_elem = CExpressionDQPart( yyvsp[0].yt_casestring ); ;}
+     break;
+   case 75:
+     { yyval.yt_CexpressionDQ_elem = CExpressionDQNl(); ;}
+     break;
+   case 76:
+     { yyval.yt_CexpressionSQ = NilCexpressionSQ(); ;}
+     break;
+   case 77:
+     { yyval.yt_CexpressionSQ = ConsCexpressionSQ( yyvsp[0].yt_CexpressionSQ_elem, yyvsp[-1].yt_CexpressionSQ ); ;}
+     break;
+   case 78:
+     { yyval.yt_CexpressionSQ_elem = CExpressionSQPart( yyvsp[0].yt_casestring ); ;}
+     break;
+   case 79:
+     { yyval.yt_CexpressionSQ_elem = CExpressionSQNl(); ;}
+     break;
+   case 80:
+     { yyval.yt_idCexpressions = ConsidCexpressions( yyvsp[0].yt_idCexpression, NilidCexpressions() ); ;}
+     break;
+   case 81:
+     { yyval.yt_idCexpressions = ConsidCexpressions( yyvsp[0].yt_idCexpression, yyvsp[-2].yt_idCexpressions ); ;}
+     break;
+   case 82:
+     { do_CEXPR(); ;}
+     break;
+   case 83:
+     { do_NORMAL(); ;}
+     break;
+   case 84:
+     { yyval.yt_idCexpression = IdCexpression( yyvsp[-3].yt_ID, yyvsp[-1].yt_Cexpression ); ;}
+     break;
+   case 85:
+     { yyval.yt_withexpression = WECexpression( yyvsp[0].yt_Cexpression ); pf_setstacktopfileline( yyval.yt_withexpression ); ;}
+     break;
+   case 86:
+     { yyval.yt_withexpressions = Conswithexpressions( yyvsp[0].yt_withexpression, Nilwithexpressions() ); ;}
+     break;
+   case 87:
+     { pf_pushfileline(); ;}
+     break;
+   case 88:
+     { yyval.yt_withexpressions = Conswithexpressions( yyvsp[0].yt_withexpression, yyvsp[-3].yt_withexpressions );
+ 	  pf_popfileline();  ;}
+     break;
+   case 89:
+     { do_MainC(); pf_pushfileline(); pf_pushwithvariable(); pf_resetwithvariable(); ;}
+     break;
+   case 90:
+     { do_NORMAL(); ;}
+     break;
+   case 91:
+     { yyerrok; yyval.yt_Ctext = yyvsp[-2].yt_Ctext; pf_setstacktopfileline( yyval.yt_Ctext ); pf_popfileline(); pf_popwithvariable(); ;}
+     break;
+   case 92:
+     { do_MainC(); pf_pushfileline(); pf_pushwithvariable(); pf_resetwithvariable(); ;}
+     break;
+   case 93:
+     { do_C(); ;}
+     break;
+   case 94:
+     { yyerrok; yyval.yt_Ctext = yyvsp[-2].yt_Ctext; pf_setstacktopfileline( yyval.yt_Ctext ); pf_popfileline(); pf_popwithvariable(); ;}
+     break;
+   case 95:
+     { yyval.yt_Ctext = yyvsp[0].yt_Ctext; pf_setstacktopfileline( yyval.yt_Ctext ); ;}
+     break;
+   case 96:
+     { Ctext_elem tmp = CTextWithexpression( pf_topwithvariable(), yyvsp[0].yt_withcases, NotInForeachContext() );
+ 	  pf_setstacktopfileline( tmp );
+ 	  yyval.yt_Ctext = ConsCtext( tmp, NilCtext() );
+ 	  pf_setstacktopfileline( yyval.yt_Ctext );
+ 	  if (! non_default_outmostpattern ) v_report(NonFatal( NoFileLine(), Problem1S( "can not infer type from 'default' pattern(s)" )));
+ 	  non_default_outmostpattern = 0; ;}
+     break;
+   case 97:
+     { yyval.yt_Ctext = NilCtext(); ;}
+     break;
+   case 98:
+     { do_C(); pf_pushfileline(); pf_push_no_operators(); ;}
+     break;
+   case 99:
+     { do_NORMAL(); ;}
+     break;
+   case 100:
+     { yyval.yt_Ctext = yyvsp[-2].yt_Ctext; pf_setstacktopfileline( yyval.yt_Ctext ); pf_popfileline(); pf_pop_no_operators(); ;}
+     break;
+   case 101:
+     { yyval.yt_Ctext = NilCtext(); pf_setfileline( yyval.yt_Ctext ); ;}
+     break;
+   case 102:
+     { pf_pushfileline(); ;}
+     break;
+   case 103:
+     { yyval.yt_Ctext = ConsCtext( yyvsp[0].yt_Ctext_elem, yyvsp[-2].yt_Ctext ); pf_setstacktopfileline( yyvsp[0].yt_Ctext_elem ); pf_popfileline(); yyval.yt_Ctext->file = yyvsp[-2].yt_Ctext->file; yyval.yt_Ctext->line = yyvsp[-2].yt_Ctext->line; ;}
+     break;
+   case 104:
+     { yyval.yt_Ctext_elem = CTextLine( yyvsp[0].yt_casestring ); ;}
+     break;
+   case 105:
+     { yyval.yt_Ctext_elem = CTextDollarVar( yyvsp[0].yt_INT ); ;}
+     break;
+   case 106:
+     { yyval.yt_Ctext_elem = CTextNl( mkinteger(1) ); ;}
+     break;
+   case 107:
+     { yyval.yt_Ctext_elem = CTextNl( yyvsp[0].yt_integer ); ;}
+     break;
+   case 108:
+     { do_CEXPRDQ(); ;}
+     break;
+   case 109:
+     { do_C();
+ 	  yyval.yt_Ctext_elem = CTextCexpressionDQ( yyvsp[-1].yt_CexpressionDQ ); ;}
+     break;
+   case 110:
+     { do_CEXPRSQ(); ;}
+     break;
+   case 111:
+     { do_C();
+ 	  yyval.yt_Ctext_elem = CTextCexpressionSQ( yyvsp[-1].yt_CexpressionSQ ); ;}
+     break;
+   case 112:
+     { do_C();
+ 	  yyval.yt_Ctext_elem = CTextCbody( yyvsp[0].yt_Ctext ); ;}
+     break;
+   case 113:
+     { do_NORMAL(); ;}
+     break;
+   case 114:
+     { do_C();
+ 	  yyval.yt_Ctext_elem = yyvsp[0].yt_Ctext_elem; ;}
+     break;
+   case 115:
+     { do_NORMAL(); ;}
+     break;
+   case 116:
+     { do_CEXPR(); pf_pushfileline(); ;}
+     break;
+   case 117:
+     { do_NORMAL(); pf_popfileline(); ;}
+     break;
+   case 118:
+     { do_C();
+ 	  yyval.yt_Ctext_elem = CTextWithexpression( yyvsp[-5].yt_withexpressions, yyvsp[-1].yt_withcases, NotInForeachContext() );
+ 	  if (! non_default_outmostpattern ) v_report(NonFatal( NoFileLine(), Problem1S( "can not infer type from 'default' pattern(s)" )));
+ 	  non_default_outmostpattern = 0; ;}
+     break;
+   case 119:
+     { non_default_outmostpattern = 0; ;}
+     break;
+   case 120:
+     {
+ 	      pf_pushidCexpressions(yyvsp[-2].yt_idCexpressions);
+ 	    ;}
+     break;
+   case 121:
+     { patternchains pc_list = Conspatternchains(yyvsp[-7].yt_patternchain, Nilpatternchains());
+ 	  patternchains rewritten = pc_list->rewrite(base_rview);
+ 	  withexpressions wexpr = pf_gen_foreachwith_vars( yyvsp[-4].yt_idCexpressions );
+ 	  Ctext_elem ctwe =
+ 		    CTextWithexpression(
+ 			wexpr,
+ 			Conswithcases(
+ 			    Withcase(
+ 				syn_patternchains_fileline(
+ 				    rewritten, pg_filename, pg_lineno ),
+ 				yyvsp[-2].yt_Ctext ),
+ 			    Nilwithcases()
+ 			),
+ 			InForeachContext(yyvsp[-7].yt_patternchain) );
+ 	  Ctext ctxts0 = NilCtext();
+ 	  Ctext ctxts1 = ConsCtext( ctwe, ctxts0 );
+ 	  pf_setstacktopfileline( ctwe );
+ 	  pf_setstacktopfileline( ctxts0 );
+ 	  pf_setstacktopfileline( ctxts1 );
+ 	  check_no_patternchaingroup_in_patternchain(
+ 		  yyvsp[-7].yt_patternchain->file, yyvsp[-7].yt_patternchain->line, yyvsp[-7].yt_patternchain, "'foreach variable/pattern'" );
+ 	  yyval.yt_Ctext_elem = CTextForeachexpression( yyvsp[-7].yt_patternchain, yyvsp[-4].yt_idCexpressions, wexpr, ctxts1, yyvsp[0].yt_foreach_after);
+ 	  pf_popidCexpressions();
+ 	;}
+     break;
+   case 122:
+     { yyval.yt_foreach_after = NoForeachAfter(); ;}
+     break;
+   case 123:
+     { do_NORMAL(); pf_pushfileline(); ;}
+     break;
+   case 124:
+     { non_default_outmostpattern = 0; ;}
+     break;
+   case 125:
+     { patternchains pc_list = Conspatternchains(yyvsp[-3].yt_patternchain, Nilpatternchains());
+ 	  patternchains rewritten = pc_list->rewrite(base_rview);
+ 	  withexpressions wexpr = pf_gen_foreachwith_listvars( pf_topidCexpressions() );
+ 	  Ctext_elem ctwe =
+ 	      CTextWithexpression(
+ 		      wexpr,
+ 		      Conswithcases(
+ 			  Withcase(
+ 			      syn_patternchains_fileline(
+ 				  rewritten, pg_filename, pg_lineno ),
+ 			      yyvsp[0].yt_Ctext ),
+ 			  Nilwithcases()
+ 				   ),
+ 		      InForeachContext(yyvsp[-3].yt_patternchain) );
+ 	  Ctext ctxts0 = NilCtext();
+ 	  Ctext ctxts1 = ConsCtext( ctwe, ctxts0 );
+ 	  pf_setstacktopfileline( ctwe );
+ 	  pf_setstacktopfileline( ctxts0 );
+ 	  pf_setstacktopfileline( ctxts1 );
+ 	  check_no_patternchaingroup_or_pattern_in_patternchain(
+ 		yyvsp[-3].yt_patternchain->file, yyvsp[-3].yt_patternchain->line, yyvsp[-3].yt_patternchain, "'foreach variable/pattern'" );
+ 	  yyval.yt_foreach_after = ForeachAfter( yyvsp[-3].yt_patternchain, pf_topidCexpressions(), wexpr, ctxts1 );
+ 	  pf_setstacktopfileline( yyval.yt_foreach_after );
+ 	  pf_popfileline();
+ 	;}
+     break;
+   case 126:
+     { yyval.yt_Ctexts = NilCtexts(); ;}
+     break;
+   case 127:
+     { yyval.yt_Ctexts = ConsCtexts( yyvsp[0].yt_Ctext, NilCtexts() ); ;}
+     break;
+   case 128:
+     { pf_pushfileline(); ;}
+     break;
+   case 129:
+     {{includedeclaration pl_includedeclaration = IncludeDeclaration( yyvsp[0].yt_casestring );
+ 	  set_includefiles( yyvsp[-3].yt_includefiles, pl_includedeclaration );
+ 	  pf_setstacktopfileline( pl_includedeclaration );
+ 	  pf_popfileline();
+ 	};}
+     break;
+   case 130:
+     { yyval.yt_includedeclaration =IncludeDeclaration(mkcasestring("")); ;}
+     break;
+   case 131:
+     {{ includefile pl_includefile = IncludeFile( mkcasestring(INC_CODE) );
+ 	  yyval.yt_includefiles = Consincludefiles( pl_includefile, Nilincludefiles() );
+ 	};}
+     break;
+   case 132:
+     { yyval.yt_includefiles = yyvsp[0].yt_includefiles; ;}
+     break;
+   case 133:
+     {{ includefile pl_includefile = IncludeFile( yyvsp[0].yt_casestring );
+ 	  if ((pl_includefile->inc_type == include_file) || (pl_includefile->inc_type == include_header)) {
+ 		yyval.yt_includefiles = Consincludefiles( pl_includefile, Nilincludefiles() );
+ 	  } else {
+ 	    v_report(NonFatal( NoFileLine(), ProblemSC( "unknown include redirection keyword:", yyvsp[0].yt_casestring )));
+ 		yyval.yt_includefiles = Nilincludefiles();
+ 	  }
+ 	};}
+     break;
+   case 134:
+     {{ includefile pl_includefile = IncludeFile( yyvsp[0].yt_casestring );
+ 	  if ((pl_includefile->inc_type == include_file) || (pl_includefile->inc_type == include_header)) {
+ 		yyval.yt_includefiles = Consincludefiles( pl_includefile, yyvsp[-1].yt_includefiles );
+ 	  } else {
+ 	    v_report(NonFatal( NoFileLine(), ProblemSC( "unknown include redirection keyword:", yyvsp[0].yt_casestring )));
+ 		yyval.yt_includefiles = yyvsp[-1].yt_includefiles;
+ 	  }
+ 	};}
+     break;
+   case 135:
+     { if (! non_default_outmostpattern ) v_report(NonFatal( NoFileLine(), Problem1S( "can not infer type from 'default' pattern(s)" )));
+ 	  non_default_outmostpattern = 0; ;}
+     break;
+   case 136:
+     { yyerrok; yyval.yt_rwdeclaration = RwDeclaration( yyvsp[-4].yt_outmostpatterns, yyvsp[-1].yt_rewriteclauses ); ;}
+     break;
+   case 137:
+     { yyval.yt_rewriteclauses = Consrewriteclauses( yyvsp[0].yt_rewriteclause, Nilrewriteclauses() ); ;}
+     break;
+   case 138:
+     { yyval.yt_rewriteclauses = Consrewriteclauses( yyvsp[0].yt_rewriteclause, yyvsp[-1].yt_rewriteclauses ); ;}
+     break;
+   case 139:
+     { if (yyvsp[-3].yt_viewnames->eq(Nilviewnames())) {
+ 	      yyval.yt_rewriteclause = RewriteClause( Consviewnames( Id( Str( mkcasestring( "base_rview" ))), yyvsp[-3].yt_viewnames ), yyvsp[-1].yt_term );
+ 	  } else {
+ 	      yyval.yt_rewriteclause = RewriteClause( yyvsp[-3].yt_viewnames, yyvsp[-1].yt_term );
+ 	} ;}
+     break;
+   case 142:
+     { yyval.yt_patternchains = Conspatternchains( yyvsp[0].yt_patternchain, Nilpatternchains() ); ;}
+     break;
+   case 143:
+     { yyval.yt_patternchains = Conspatternchains( yyvsp[0].yt_patternchain, yyvsp[-2].yt_patternchains ); ;}
+     break;
+   case 144:
+     { yyval.yt_patternchain = Conspatternchain( yyvsp[0].yt_patternchainitem, Nilpatternchain() ); ;}
+     break;
+   case 145:
+     { yyval.yt_patternchain = Conspatternchain( yyvsp[0].yt_patternchainitem, yyvsp[-2].yt_patternchain ); ;}
+     break;
+   case 146:
+     { pf_pushfileline(); ;}
+     break;
+   case 147:
+     { yyval.yt_patternchainitem = yyvsp[0].yt_patternchainitem; pf_setstacktopfileline(yyval.yt_patternchainitem); pf_popfileline(); ;}
+     break;
+   case 148:
+     { yyval.yt_patternchainitem = PatternchainitemOutmost( yyvsp[0].yt_outmostpattern ); ;}
+     break;
+   case 149:
+     { yyval.yt_patternchainitem = PatternchainitemGroup( yyvsp[-1].yt_patternchains ); ;}
+     break;
+   case 150:
+     { yyval.yt_patternchainitem = PatternchainitemDollarid( yyvsp[0].yt_ID ); pf_setwithvariable( yyvsp[0].yt_ID );  ;}
+     break;
+   case 151:
+     { yyval.yt_outmostpatterns = Consoutmostpatterns( yyvsp[0].yt_outmostpattern, Niloutmostpatterns() ); ;}
+     break;
+   case 152:
+     { yyerrok; yyval.yt_outmostpatterns = Consoutmostpatterns( yyvsp[0].yt_outmostpattern, yyvsp[-2].yt_outmostpatterns ); ;}
+     break;
+   case 153:
+     { yyval.yt_outmostpatterns = Niloutmostpatterns(); ;}
+     break;
+   case 154:
+     { yyval.yt_outmostpatterns=yyvsp[-1].yt_outmostpatterns; ;}
+     break;
+   case 155:
+     { yyval.yt_outmostpatterns=yyvsp[-2].yt_outmostpatterns; ;}
+     break;
+   case 156:
+     { yyerrok; yyval.yt_outmostpatterns = Consoutmostpatterns( yyvsp[0].yt_outmostpattern, yyvsp[-2].yt_outmostpatterns ); ;}
+     break;
+   case 157:
+     { yyval.yt_outmostpattern = OPOperatorWildcard( yyvsp[-1].yt_ID, yyvsp[0].yt_Cexpression ); non_default_outmostpattern = 1;
+ 	yyval.yt_outmostpattern->file = pg_filename; yyval.yt_outmostpattern->line = pg_lineno; ;}
+     break;
+   case 158:
+     { yyval.yt_outmostpattern = OPOperator( yyvsp[-4].yt_ID, yyvsp[-2].yt_patterns, yyvsp[0].yt_Cexpression ); non_default_outmostpattern = 1;
+ 	yyval.yt_outmostpattern->file = pg_filename; yyval.yt_outmostpattern->line = pg_lineno; ;}
+     break;
+   case 159:
+     { yyval.yt_outmostpattern = OPNonLeafVariable( yyvsp[-2].yt_ID, yyvsp[0].yt_outmostpattern ); non_default_outmostpattern = 1;
+ 	yyval.yt_outmostpattern->file = pg_filename; yyval.yt_outmostpattern->line = pg_lineno; ;}
+     break;
+   case 160:
+     { yyval.yt_outmostpattern = OPWildcard( yyvsp[0].yt_Cexpression );
+ 	yyval.yt_outmostpattern->file = pg_filename; yyval.yt_outmostpattern->line = pg_lineno; ;}
+     break;
+   case 161:
+     { yyval.yt_outmostpattern = OPDefault( yyvsp[0].yt_Cexpression );
+ 	yyval.yt_outmostpattern->file = pg_filename; yyval.yt_outmostpattern->line = pg_lineno;;}
+     break;
+   case 162:
+     { yyval.yt_Cexpression = NilCexpression(); ;}
+     break;
+   case 163:
+     { do_CEXPR(); ;}
+     break;
+   case 164:
+     { do_NORMAL(); ;}
+     break;
+   case 165:
+     { yyval.yt_Cexpression = yyvsp[-2].yt_Cexpression; ;}
+     break;
+   case 166:
+     { yyval.yt_pattern = PVariable( yyvsp[0].yt_ID ); ;}
+     break;
+   case 167:
+     { yyval.yt_pattern = POperator( yyvsp[-3].yt_ID, yyvsp[-1].yt_patterns ); ;}
+     break;
+   case 168:
+     { yyval.yt_pattern = PWildcard(); ;}
+     break;
+   case 169:
+     { yyval.yt_pattern = PWildcard(); ;}
+     break;
+   case 170:
+     { yyval.yt_pattern = PNonLeafVariable( yyvsp[-2].yt_ID, yyvsp[0].yt_pattern ); ;}
+     break;
+   case 171:
+     { do_CEXPRDQ(); ;}
+     break;
+   case 172:
+     { do_NORMAL();
+ 	  yyval.yt_pattern = PStringLiteral( yyvsp[-1].yt_CexpressionDQ ); ;}
+     break;
+   case 173:
+     { yyval.yt_pattern = PIntLiteral( yyvsp[0].yt_INT ); ;}
+     break;
+   case 174:
+     { yyval.yt_patterns = Nilpatterns(); ;}
+     break;
+   case 175:
+     { yyval.yt_patterns = yyvsp[0].yt_patterns; ;}
+     break;
+   case 176:
+     { yyval.yt_patterns = Conspatterns( yyvsp[0].yt_pattern, Nilpatterns() ); ;}
+     break;
+   case 177:
+     { yyerrok; yyval.yt_patterns = Conspatterns( yyvsp[0].yt_pattern, yyvsp[-2].yt_patterns ); ;}
+     break;
+   case 178:
+     { yyval.yt_patterns = Nilpatterns(); ;}
+     break;
+   case 179:
+     { yyval.yt_patterns = yyvsp[-1].yt_patterns; ;}
+     break;
+   case 180:
+     { yyval.yt_patterns = yyvsp[-2].yt_patterns; ;}
+     break;
+   case 181:
+     { yyerrok; yyval.yt_patterns = Conspatterns( yyvsp[0].yt_pattern, yyvsp[-2].yt_patterns ); ;}
+     break;
+   case 182:
+     { yyval.yt_term = TVariable( yyvsp[0].yt_ID );
+ 		yyval.yt_term->file = pg_filename; yyval.yt_term->line = pg_lineno; ;}
+     break;
+   case 183:
+     { yyval.yt_term = TOperator( yyvsp[-3].yt_ID, yyvsp[-1].yt_terms );
+ 	  yyval.yt_term->file = pg_filename; yyval.yt_term->line = pg_lineno;
+ 	;}
+     break;
+   case 184:
+     { yyval.yt_term = TMethod( yyvsp[-5].yt_term, yyvsp[-3].yt_ID, yyvsp[-1].yt_terms );
+ 	  yyval.yt_term->file = pg_filename; yyval.yt_term->line = pg_lineno; ;}
+     break;
+   case 185:
+     { yyval.yt_term = TMethodDot( yyvsp[-5].yt_term, yyvsp[-3].yt_ID, yyvsp[-1].yt_terms );
+ 	  yyval.yt_term->file = pg_filename; yyval.yt_term->line = pg_lineno; ;}
+     break;
+   case 186:
+     { yyval.yt_term = TMemberVar( yyvsp[-2].yt_term, yyvsp[0].yt_ID );
+ 	  yyval.yt_term->file = pg_filename; yyval.yt_term->line = pg_lineno; ;}
+     break;
+   case 187:
+     { yyval.yt_term = TMemberVarDot( yyvsp[-2].yt_term, yyvsp[0].yt_ID );
+ 	  yyval.yt_term->file = pg_filename; yyval.yt_term->line = pg_lineno; ;}
+     break;
+   case 188:
+     { do_CEXPRSQ(); ;}
+     break;
+   case 189:
+     { do_NORMAL();
+ 	  yyval.yt_term = TCTerm( yyvsp[-1].yt_CexpressionSQ );
+ 	  yyval.yt_term->file = pg_filename; yyval.yt_term->line = pg_lineno; ;}
+     break;
+   case 190:
+     { do_CEXPRDQ(); ;}
+     break;
+   case 191:
+     { do_NORMAL();
+ 	  yyval.yt_term = TStringLiteral( yyvsp[-1].yt_CexpressionDQ );
+ 	  yyval.yt_term->file = pg_filename; yyval.yt_term->line = pg_lineno; ;}
+     break;
+   case 192:
+     { yyval.yt_term = TIntLiteral( yyvsp[0].yt_INT );
+ 	yyval.yt_term->file = pg_filename; yyval.yt_term->line = pg_lineno; ;}
+     break;
+   case 193:
+     { yyval.yt_terms = Nilterms(); ;}
+     break;
+   case 194:
+     { yyval.yt_terms = yyvsp[0].yt_terms; ;}
+     break;
+   case 195:
+     { yyval.yt_terms = Consterms( yyvsp[0].yt_term, Nilterms() ); ;}
+     break;
+   case 196:
+     { yyerrok; yyval.yt_terms = Consterms( yyvsp[0].yt_term, yyvsp[-2].yt_terms ); ;}
+     break;
+   case 197:
+     { yyval.yt_terms = Nilterms(); ;}
+     break;
+   case 198:
+     { yyval.yt_terms = yyvsp[-1].yt_terms; ;}
+     break;
+   case 199:
+     { yyval.yt_terms = yyvsp[-2].yt_terms; ;}
+     break;
+   case 200:
+     { yyerrok; yyval.yt_terms = Consterms( yyvsp[0].yt_term, yyvsp[-2].yt_terms ); ;}
+     break;
+   case 201:
+     { yyval.yt_withcases = Conswithcases( yyvsp[0].yt_withcase, Nilwithcases() ); ;}
+     break;
+   case 202:
+     { yyval.yt_withcases = Conswithcases( yyvsp[0].yt_withcase, yyvsp[-1].yt_withcases ); ;}
+     break;
+   case 203:
+     { yyval.yt_withcase = Withcase( syn_patternchains_fileline(yyvsp[-2].yt_patternchains->rewrite(base_rview), pg_filename, pg_lineno ), yyvsp[0].yt_Ctext ); ;}
+     break;
+   case 204:
+     { if (! non_default_outmostpattern ) v_report(NonFatal( NoFileLine(), Problem1S( "can not infer type from 'default' pattern(s)" )));
+ 	  non_default_outmostpattern = 0; ;}
+     break;
+   case 205:
+     { yyval.yt_unparsedeclaration = UnparseDeclaration( yyvsp[-4].yt_outmostpatterns, yyvsp[-1].yt_unparseclauses ); ;}
+     break;
+   case 206:
+     { yyval.yt_unparsedeclaration = UnparseDeclaration( yyvsp[-3].yt_outmostpatterns, Nilunparseclauses()); ;}
+     break;
+   case 207:
+     { yyval.yt_unparseclauses = Consunparseclauses( yyvsp[0].yt_unparseclause, Nilunparseclauses() ); ;}
+     break;
+   case 208:
+     { yyval.yt_unparseclauses = Consunparseclauses( yyvsp[0].yt_unparseclause, yyvsp[-1].yt_unparseclauses ); ;}
+     break;
+   case 209:
+     { if (yyvsp[-3].yt_viewnames->eq( Nilviewnames())) {
+ 	      yyval.yt_unparseclause = UnparseClause( Consviewnames( Id( Str( mkcasestring( "base_uview" ))), yyvsp[-3].yt_viewnames ), yyvsp[-1].yt_unparseitems );
+ 	  } else {
+ 	      yyval.yt_unparseclause = UnparseClause( yyvsp[-3].yt_viewnames, yyvsp[-1].yt_unparseitems );
+ 	} inc_text_nr(); yyerrok;
+ 	;}
+     break;
+   case 210:
+     { yyval.yt_unparseclause = UnparseClause( yyvsp[-2].yt_viewnames, Nilunparseitems()); ;}
+     break;
+   case 211:
+     { yyerrok; yyval.yt_unparseclause = UnparseClause( Nilviewnames(), yyvsp[-1].yt_unparseitems); ;}
+     break;
+   case 212:
+     { yyval.yt_unparseclause = UnparseClause( Nilviewnames(), Nilunparseitems()); ;}
+     break;
+   case 213:
+     { yyval.yt_unparseclause = UnparseClause( Nilviewnames(), Nilunparseitems()); ;}
+     break;
+   case 214:
+     { yyval.yt_viewnames = Nilviewnames(); ;}
+     break;
+   case 215:
+     { yyval.yt_viewnames = Consviewnames( yyvsp[0].yt_ID, yyvsp[-1].yt_viewnames ); ;}
+     break;
+   case 216:
+     { yyval.yt_unparseitems = Nilunparseitems(); ;}
+     break;
+   case 217:
+     { yyval.yt_unparseitems = Consunparseitems( yyvsp[0].yt_unparseitem, yyvsp[-1].yt_unparseitems ); ;}
+     break;
+   case 218:
+     { do_CEXPRDQ(); ;}
+     break;
+   case 219:
+     { do_NORMAL(); ;}
+     break;
+   case 220:
+     { yyval.yt_unparseitem = UnpStr( yyvsp[-6].yt_languageoption, yyvsp[-3].yt_CexpressionDQ, yyvsp[0].yt_viewnameoption );
+ 	  yyval.yt_unparseitem->text_nr=get_text_nr();
+ 	  if(!yyvsp[0].yt_viewnameoption->eq(NoViewname()))
+ 	    inc_text_nr();
+ 	;}
+     break;
+   case 221:
+     { yyval.yt_unparseitem = UnpSubexpr( yyvsp[-2].yt_languageoption, yyvsp[-1].yt_unpsubterm, yyvsp[0].yt_viewnameoption ); inc_text_nr(); ;}
+     break;
+   case 222:
+     { yyval.yt_unparseitem = UnpCtext( yyvsp[-1].yt_languageoption, yyvsp[0].yt_Ctext ); inc_text_nr(); ;}
+     break;
+   case 223:
+     { yyval.yt_unparseitem = UnpBody( yyvsp[-3].yt_languageoption, yyvsp[-1].yt_unparseitems ); inc_text_nr(); ;}
+     break;
+   case 224:
+     { do_CEXPR(); ;}
+     break;
+   case 225:
+     { do_NORMAL(); ;}
+     break;
+   case 226:
+     { yyval.yt_unparseitem = UViewVarDecl( yyvsp[-5].yt_ID, yyvsp[-4].yt_ID, yyvsp[-2].yt_Cexpression ); ;}
+     break;
+   case 227:
+     { yyval.yt_unpsubterm = UnpSubTerm( yyvsp[0].yt_ID ); ;}
+     break;
+   case 228:
+     { yyval.yt_unpsubterm = UnpDollarvarTerm( yyvsp[0].yt_INT ); ;}
+     break;
+   case 229:
+     { yyval.yt_unpsubterm = UnpSubAttr( yyvsp[-1].yt_ID, yyvsp[0].yt_unpattributes ); ;}
+     break;
+   case 230:
+     { yyval.yt_unpsubterm = UnpDollarvarAttr( yyvsp[-1].yt_INT, yyvsp[0].yt_unpattributes ); ;}
+     break;
+   case 231:
+     { yyval.yt_unpsubterm = UnpCastedVariable( yyvsp[-2].yt_ID, yyvsp[0].yt_ID ); ;}
+     break;
+   case 232:
+     { yyval.yt_unpattributes = Consunpattributes( yyvsp[0].yt_ID, Nilunpattributes() ); ;}
+     break;
+   case 233:
+     { yyval.yt_unpattributes = Consunpattributes( yyvsp[0].yt_ID, yyvsp[-1].yt_unpattributes ); ;}
+     break;
+   case 234:
+     { yyval.yt_ID = yyvsp[0].yt_ID; ;}
+     break;
+   case 235:
+     { yyval.yt_ID = Id(Str(mkcasestring("error"))); ;}
+     break;
+   case 236:
+     { yyval.yt_viewnameoption = NoViewname(); ;}
+     break;
+   case 237:
+     { yyval.yt_viewnameoption = YesViewname( yyvsp[0].yt_ID ); ;}
+     break;
+   case 238:
+     { yyval.yt_viewnameoption = NoViewname(); ;}
+     break;
+   case 239:
+     { yyerrok; yyval.yt_viewnames = yyvsp[-1].yt_viewnames; pg_uviewshavebeendefined = true; ;}
+     break;
+   case 240:
+     { yyerrok; yyval.yt_viewnames = Nilviewnames(); ;}
+     break;
+   case 241:
+     { yyval.yt_viewnames = Consviewnames( yyvsp[0].yt_ID, Nilviewnames());
+ 	  v_add_to_uviewnames( yyvsp[0].yt_ID );
+ 	  v_extendoccur( yyvsp[0].yt_ID, ITUserUView() ); ;}
+     break;
+   case 242:
+     { yyval.yt_viewnames = Consviewnames( yyvsp[-1].yt_ID, Nilviewnames());
+ 	  v_add_to_uviewnames_ext( yyvsp[-1].yt_ID );
+ 	  v_extendoccur( yyvsp[-1].yt_ID, ITUserUView() ); ;}
+     break;
+   case 243:
+     { yyval.yt_viewnames = Consviewnames( yyvsp[0].yt_ID, yyvsp[-1].yt_viewnames );
+ 	  v_add_to_uviewnames( yyvsp[0].yt_ID );
+ 	  v_extendoccur( yyvsp[0].yt_ID, ITUserUView() ); ;}
+     break;
+   case 244:
+     { yyval.yt_viewnames = Consviewnames( yyvsp[-1].yt_ID, yyvsp[-3].yt_viewnames );
+ 	  v_add_to_uviewnames_ext( yyvsp[-1].yt_ID );
+ 	  v_extendoccur( yyvsp[-1].yt_ID, ITUserUView() ); ;}
+     break;
+   case 245:
+     { yyval.yt_viewnames = Consviewnames( yyvsp[0].yt_ID, yyvsp[-2].yt_viewnames );
+ 	  v_add_to_uviewnames( yyvsp[0].yt_ID );
+ 	  v_extendoccur( yyvsp[0].yt_ID, ITUserUView() ); ;}
+     break;
+   case 246:
+     { yyval.yt_viewnames = Consviewnames( yyvsp[-1].yt_ID, yyvsp[-4].yt_viewnames );
+ 	  v_add_to_uviewnames_ext( yyvsp[-1].yt_ID );
+ 	  v_extendoccur( yyvsp[-1].yt_ID, ITUserUView() ); ;}
+     break;
+   case 247:
+     { yyval.yt_viewnames = yyvsp[-1].yt_viewnames; ;}
+     break;
+   case 248:
+     { yyval.yt_viewnames = yyvsp[-2].yt_viewnames; ;}
+     break;
+   case 249:
+     { yyerrok; yyval.yt_viewnames = yyvsp[-1].yt_viewnames; pg_rviewshavebeendefined = true; ;}
+     break;
+   case 250:
+     { yyerrok; yyval.yt_viewnames = Nilviewnames(); ;}
+     break;
+   case 251:
+     { yyval.yt_viewnames = Consviewnames( yyvsp[0].yt_ID, Nilviewnames());
+ 	  v_add_to_rviewnames( yyvsp[0].yt_ID );
+ 	  v_extendoccur( yyvsp[0].yt_ID, ITUserRView() ); ;}
+     break;
+   case 252:
+     { yyval.yt_viewnames = Consviewnames( yyvsp[-1].yt_ID, Nilviewnames());
+ 	  v_add_to_rviewnames_ext( yyvsp[-1].yt_ID );
+ 	  v_extendoccur( yyvsp[-1].yt_ID, ITUserRView() ); ;}
+     break;
+   case 253:
+     { yyval.yt_viewnames = Consviewnames( yyvsp[0].yt_ID, yyvsp[-1].yt_viewnames );
+ 	  v_add_to_rviewnames( yyvsp[0].yt_ID );
+ 	  v_extendoccur( yyvsp[0].yt_ID, ITUserRView() ); ;}
+     break;
+   case 254:
+     { yyval.yt_viewnames = Consviewnames( yyvsp[-1].yt_ID, yyvsp[-3].yt_viewnames );
+ 	  v_add_to_rviewnames_ext( yyvsp[-1].yt_ID );
+ 	  v_extendoccur( yyvsp[-1].yt_ID, ITUserRView() ); ;}
+     break;
+   case 255:
+     { yyval.yt_viewnames = Consviewnames( yyvsp[0].yt_ID, yyvsp[-2].yt_viewnames );
+ 	  v_add_to_rviewnames( yyvsp[0].yt_ID );
+ 	  v_extendoccur( yyvsp[0].yt_ID, ITUserRView() ); ;}
+     break;
+   case 256:
+     { yyval.yt_viewnames = Consviewnames( yyvsp[-1].yt_ID, yyvsp[-4].yt_viewnames );
+ 	  v_add_to_rviewnames_ext( yyvsp[-1].yt_ID );
+ 	  v_extendoccur( yyvsp[-1].yt_ID, ITUserRView() ); ;}
+     break;
+   case 257:
+     { yyval.yt_viewnames = yyvsp[-1].yt_viewnames; ;}
+     break;
+   case 258:
+     { yyval.yt_viewnames = yyvsp[-2].yt_viewnames; ;}
+     break;
+   case 259:
+     { yyerrok; yyval.yt_storageclasses = yyvsp[-1].yt_storageclasses; pg_storageclasseshavebeendefined = true; ;}
+     break;
+   case 260:
+     { yyerrok; yyval.yt_storageclasses = Nilstorageclasses(); ;}
+     break;
+   case 261:
+     { yyval.yt_storageclasses = Consstorageclasses( yyvsp[0].yt_ID, Nilstorageclasses());
+ 	  v_add_to_storageclasses( yyvsp[0].yt_ID, f_emptyId() );
+ 	  v_extendoccur( yyvsp[0].yt_ID, ITStorageClass() ); ;}
+     break;
+   case 262:
+     { yyval.yt_storageclasses = Consstorageclasses( yyvsp[0].yt_ID, yyvsp[-1].yt_storageclasses );
+ 	  v_add_to_storageclasses( yyvsp[0].yt_ID, f_emptyId() );
+ 	  v_extendoccur( yyvsp[0].yt_ID, ITStorageClass() ); ;}
+     break;
+   case 263:
+     { yyval.yt_storageclasses = Consstorageclasses( yyvsp[0].yt_ID, yyvsp[-2].yt_storageclasses );
+ 	  v_add_to_storageclasses( yyvsp[0].yt_ID, f_emptyId() );
+ 	  v_extendoccur( yyvsp[0].yt_ID, ITStorageClass() ); ;}
+     break;
+   case 264:
+     { yyval.yt_storageclasses = yyvsp[-1].yt_storageclasses; ;}
+     break;
+   case 265:
+     { yyval.yt_storageclasses = yyvsp[-2].yt_storageclasses; ;}
+     break;
+   case 266:
+     {
+ 	    fnclass tmp_type = f_fnclass_info(yyvsp[-2].yt_ac_declaration_specifiers, pg_filename, yyvsp[-1].yt_ac_declarator );
+ 	    ID tmp_id = f_ID_of_fn_declarator(yyvsp[-1].yt_ac_declarator, tmp_type);
+ 	    yyval.yt_fndeclaration = FnAcDeclaration( yyvsp[-2].yt_ac_declaration_specifiers, yyvsp[-1].yt_ac_declarator, Nilac_declaration_list(), AcNoBaseInit(), yyvsp[0].yt_Ctext, tmp_id, tmp_type );
+ 	    pf_resetwithvariable();
+ 	    v_defoccur( tmp_id, ITUserFunction( tmp_type ) );
+ 	    yyval.yt_fndeclaration->file = pg_filename; yyval.yt_fndeclaration->last_line = pg_lineno;
+ 	;}
+     break;
+   case 267:
+     {
+ 	    fnclass tmp_type=ConvOperatorFn();
+ 	    ac_declarator decl= AcDeclarator(Nopointer(),AcNoRef(),
+ 		    AcQualifiedDeclProto(
+ 			    Nilac_class_qualifier_list(),
+ 			    AcConvOperatorDecl(yyvsp[-7].yt_ID, yyvsp[-4].yt_ID),
+ 			    AcParList(Nilac_parameter_list()),
+ 			    yyvsp[-1].yt_ac_type_qualifier )
+ 		    );
+ 	    ID tmp_id = yyvsp[-4].yt_ID;
+ 	    yyval.yt_fndeclaration = FnAcDeclaration(
+ 		    Nilac_declaration_specifiers(),
+ 		    decl,
+ 		    Nilac_declaration_list(), AcNoBaseInit(), yyvsp[0].yt_Ctext, tmp_id, tmp_type
+ 	    );
+ 	    pf_resetwithvariable();
+ 	    v_defoccur( tmp_id, ITUserFunction( tmp_type ) );
+ 	    yyval.yt_fndeclaration->file = pg_filename; yyval.yt_fndeclaration->last_line = pg_lineno;
+ 	;}
+     break;
+   case 268:
+     {
+ 		fnclass tmp_type=ConstructorFn();
+ 		ac_declarator decl= AcDeclarator(Nopointer(),AcNoRef(),
+ 			AcQualifiedDeclProto(
+ 				Nilac_class_qualifier_list(),
+ 				AcDirectDeclId(yyvsp[-5].yt_ID),
+ 				yyvsp[-3].yt_ac_parameter_type_list,
+ 				AcNoQualifier() )
+ 			);
+ 		ID tmp_id = f_ID_of_fn_declarator(decl, tmp_type);
+ 		yyval.yt_fndeclaration = FnAcDeclaration(
+ 			Nilac_declaration_specifiers(),
+ 			decl,
+ 			Nilac_declaration_list(), yyvsp[-1].yt_ac_opt_base_init_list, yyvsp[0].yt_Ctext, tmp_id, tmp_type
+ 		);
+ 		pf_resetwithvariable();
+ 		v_defoccur( tmp_id, ITUserFunction( tmp_type ) );
+ 		yyval.yt_fndeclaration->file = pg_filename; yyval.yt_fndeclaration->last_line = pg_lineno;
+ 	;}
+     break;
+   case 269:
+     {
+ 		fnclass tmp_type=DestructorFn();
+ 		ac_declarator decl= AcDeclarator(Nopointer(),AcNoRef(),
+ 			AcQualifiedDeclProto(
+ 				Nilac_class_qualifier_list(),
+ 				AcDirectDeclId(yyvsp[-3].yt_ID),
+ 				AcParList( Nilac_parameter_list() ),
+ 				AcNoQualifier() )
+ 			);
+ 		ID tmp_id = f_ID_of_fn_declarator(decl, tmp_type);
+ 		yyval.yt_fndeclaration = FnAcDeclaration(
+ 			yyvsp[-4].yt_ac_declaration_specifiers,
+ 			decl,
+ 			Nilac_declaration_list(), AcNoBaseInit(), yyvsp[0].yt_Ctext, tmp_id, tmp_type
+ 		);
+ 		pf_resetwithvariable();
+ 		v_defoccur( tmp_id, ITUserFunction( tmp_type ) );
+ 		yyval.yt_fndeclaration->file = pg_filename; yyval.yt_fndeclaration->last_line = pg_lineno;
+ 	;}
+     break;
+   case 270:
+     {
+ 		fnclass tmp_type = f_member_class_info(yyvsp[-3].yt_ac_declaration_specifiers, pg_filename);
+ 		yyval.yt_fndeclaration=AcMemberDeclaration(yyvsp[-3].yt_ac_declaration_specifiers,yyvsp[-2].yt_ac_declarator,yyvsp[-1].yt_ac_constant_expression_option,tmp_type);
+ 		yyval.yt_fndeclaration->is_attr=false;
+ 		yyval.yt_fndeclaration->file = pg_filename; yyval.yt_fndeclaration->last_line = pg_lineno;
+ 	;}
+     break;
+   case 271:
+     {
+ 		fnclass tmp_type = f_member_class_info(yyvsp[-3].yt_ac_declaration_specifiers, pg_filename);
+ 		yyval.yt_fndeclaration=AcMemberDeclaration(yyvsp[-3].yt_ac_declaration_specifiers,yyvsp[-2].yt_ac_declarator,yyvsp[-1].yt_ac_constant_expression_option,tmp_type);
+ 		yyval.yt_fndeclaration->is_attr=true;
+ 		yyval.yt_fndeclaration->file = pg_filename; yyval.yt_fndeclaration->last_line = pg_lineno;
+ 	;}
+     break;
+   case 272:
+     { yyval.yt_ac_opt_base_init_list = AcNoBaseInit(); ;}
+     break;
+   case 273:
+     { yyval.yt_ac_opt_base_init_list = AcYesBaseInit( yyvsp[0].yt_ac_base_init_list ); ;}
+     break;
+   case 274:
+     { yyval.yt_ac_base_init_list = Consac_base_init_list( yyvsp[0].yt_ac_base_init, Nilac_base_init_list() ); ;}
+     break;
+   case 275:
+     { yyval.yt_ac_base_init_list = Consac_base_init_list( yyvsp[0].yt_ac_base_init, yyvsp[-2].yt_ac_base_init_list ); ;}
+     break;
+   case 276:
+     { yyval.yt_ac_base_init= AcBaseInit( yyvsp[-3].yt_ID, yyvsp[-1].yt_ac_constant_expression ); ;}
+     break;
+   case 277:
+     { yyval.yt_ac_constant_expression_option=Noac_constant_expression(); ;}
+     break;
+   case 278:
+     { yyval.yt_ac_constant_expression_option=Yesac_constant_expression(yyvsp[0].yt_ac_constant_expression); ;}
+     break;
+   case 279:
+     { yyval.yt_ac_constant_expression_option=Noac_constant_expression(); ;}
+     break;
+   case 280:
+     { yyval.yt_ac_constant_expression_option=Yesac_constant_expression(yyvsp[0].yt_ac_constant_expression); ;}
+     break;
+   case 281:
+     { yyval.yt_ac_constant_expression_option=Yesac_constant_expression(yyvsp[-1].yt_ac_constant_expression); ;}
+     break;
+   case 282:
+     { yyval.yt_ac_declaration_specifiers = Consac_declaration_specifiers(
+ 		AcDeclSpecTypeSpec( yyvsp[0].yt_ac_type_specifier ),
+ 		Nilac_declaration_specifiers() ); ;}
+     break;
+   case 283:
+     { yyval.yt_ac_declaration_specifiers = Consac_declaration_specifiers(
+ 	     AcDeclSpecTypeSpec( yyvsp[0].yt_ac_type_specifier ),
+ 	     Consac_declaration_specifiers(
+ 		AcDeclSpecStorageSpec( yyvsp[-1].yt_ac_storage_class_specifier ),
+ 		Nilac_declaration_specifiers() )); ;}
+     break;
+   case 284:
+     { yyval.yt_ac_declaration_specifiers = Consac_declaration_specifiers(
+ 	     AcDeclSpecTypeSpec( yyvsp[0].yt_ac_type_specifier ),
+ 	     Consac_declaration_specifiers(
+ 	       AcDeclSpecTypeQual( yyvsp[-1].yt_ac_type_qualifier ),
+ 	       Nilac_declaration_specifiers() )); ;}
+     break;
+   case 285:
+     { yyval.yt_ac_declaration_specifiers = Consac_declaration_specifiers(
+ 	     AcDeclSpecTypeSpec( yyvsp[0].yt_ac_type_specifier ),
+ 	     Consac_declaration_specifiers(
+ 	       AcDeclSpecTypeQual( yyvsp[-1].yt_ac_type_qualifier ),
+ 	       Consac_declaration_specifiers(
+ 		 AcDeclSpecStorageSpec( yyvsp[-2].yt_ac_storage_class_specifier ),
+ 		 Nilac_declaration_specifiers() )));
+ 	;}
+     break;
+   case 286:
+     { yyval.yt_ac_declaration_specifiers = Consac_declaration_specifiers(
+ 		AcDeclSpecTypeSpec( yyvsp[0].yt_ac_type_specifier ),
+ 		Nilac_declaration_specifiers() ); ;}
+     break;
+   case 287:
+     { yyval.yt_ac_declaration_specifiers = Consac_declaration_specifiers(
+ 	     AcDeclSpecTypeSpec( yyvsp[0].yt_ac_type_specifier ),
+ 	     Consac_declaration_specifiers(
+ 		AcDeclSpecStorageSpec( yyvsp[-1].yt_ac_storage_class_specifier ),
+ 		Nilac_declaration_specifiers() )); ;}
+     break;
+   case 288:
+     { yyval.yt_ac_declaration_specifiers = Consac_declaration_specifiers(
+ 	     AcDeclSpecTypeSpec( yyvsp[0].yt_ac_type_specifier ),
+ 	     Consac_declaration_specifiers(
+ 	       AcDeclSpecTypeQual( yyvsp[-1].yt_ac_type_qualifier ),
+ 	       Nilac_declaration_specifiers() )); ;}
+     break;
+   case 289:
+     { yyval.yt_ac_declaration_specifiers = Consac_declaration_specifiers(
+ 	     AcDeclSpecTypeSpec( yyvsp[0].yt_ac_type_specifier ),
+ 	     Consac_declaration_specifiers(
+ 	       AcDeclSpecTypeQual( yyvsp[-1].yt_ac_type_qualifier ),
+ 	       Consac_declaration_specifiers(
+ 		 AcDeclSpecStorageSpec( yyvsp[-2].yt_ac_storage_class_specifier ),
+ 		 Nilac_declaration_specifiers() )));
+ 	;}
+     break;
+   case 290:
+     { yyval.yt_ac_storage_class_specifier = AcAuto(); ;}
+     break;
+   case 291:
+     { yyval.yt_ac_storage_class_specifier = AcRegister(); ;}
+     break;
+   case 292:
+     { yyval.yt_ac_storage_class_specifier = AcStatic(); ;}
+     break;
+   case 293:
+     { yyval.yt_ac_storage_class_specifier = AcExtern(); ;}
+     break;
+   case 294:
+     { yyval.yt_ac_storage_class_specifier = AcTypedef(); ;}
+     break;
+   case 295:
+     { yyval.yt_ac_storage_class_specifier = AcVirtual(); ;}
+     break;
+   case 296:
+     { yyval.yt_ac_storage_class_specifier = AcStatic(); ;}
+     break;
+   case 297:
+     { yyval.yt_ac_declaration_specifiers = Nilac_declaration_specifiers(); ;}
+     break;
+   case 298:
+     { yyval.yt_ac_declaration_specifiers = Consac_declaration_specifiers(
+ 			AcDeclSpecStorageSpec( AcVirtual() ),
+ 			Nilac_declaration_specifiers()
+ 		);
+ 	;}
+     break;
+   case 299:
+     { yyval.yt_ac_type_specifier = AcTypeSpec( yyvsp[0].yt_ID ); ;}
+     break;
+   case 300:
+     { yyval.yt_ac_type_qualifier = AcConst(); ;}
+     break;
+   case 301:
+     { yyval.yt_ac_type_qualifier = AcVolatile(); ;}
+     break;
+   case 302:
+     { yyval.yt_ac_type_qualifier = AcUnsigned(); ;}
+     break;
+   case 303:
+     { yyval.yt_ac_declarator = AcDeclarator( Nopointer(), AcNoRef(), yyvsp[0].yt_ac_direct_declarator ); ;}
+     break;
+   case 304:
+     { yyval.yt_ac_declarator = AcDeclarator( Yespointer( yyvsp[-1].yt_ac_pointer ), AcNoRef(), yyvsp[0].yt_ac_direct_declarator ); ;}
+     break;
+   case 305:
+     { yyval.yt_ac_declarator = AcDeclarator( Nopointer(), AcRef(), yyvsp[0].yt_ac_direct_declarator ); ;}
+     break;
+   case 306:
+     { yyval.yt_ac_declarator = AcDeclarator( Yespointer( yyvsp[-2].yt_ac_pointer ), AcRef(), yyvsp[0].yt_ac_direct_declarator ); ;}
+     break;
+   case 307:
+     { yyval.yt_ac_declarator = AcDeclarator(Nopointer(), AcNoRef(), yyvsp[0].yt_ac_direct_declarator ); ;}
+     break;
+   case 308:
+     { yyval.yt_ac_declarator = AcDeclarator( Yespointer( yyvsp[-1].yt_ac_pointer ), AcNoRef(), yyvsp[0].yt_ac_direct_declarator ); ;}
+     break;
+   case 309:
+     { yyval.yt_ac_declarator = AcDeclarator(Nopointer(), AcRef(), yyvsp[0].yt_ac_direct_declarator ); ;}
+     break;
+   case 310:
+     { yyval.yt_ac_declarator = AcDeclarator( Yespointer( yyvsp[-2].yt_ac_pointer ), AcRef(), yyvsp[0].yt_ac_direct_declarator ); ;}
+     break;
+   case 311:
+     { yyval.yt_ac_declarator = AcDeclarator( Nopointer(), AcNoRef(), yyvsp[0].yt_ac_direct_declarator ); ;}
+     break;
+   case 312:
+     { yyval.yt_ac_declarator = AcDeclarator( Yespointer( yyvsp[-1].yt_ac_pointer ), AcNoRef(), yyvsp[0].yt_ac_direct_declarator ); ;}
+     break;
+   case 313:
+     { yyval.yt_ac_declarator = AcDeclarator( Nopointer(), AcRef(), yyvsp[0].yt_ac_direct_declarator ); ;}
+     break;
+   case 314:
+     { yyval.yt_ac_declarator = AcDeclarator( Yespointer( yyvsp[-2].yt_ac_pointer ), AcRef(), yyvsp[0].yt_ac_direct_declarator ); ;}
+     break;
+   case 315:
+     { yyval.yt_ac_declarator = AcDeclarator( Yespointer( yyvsp[-1].yt_ac_pointer ), AcNoRef(), yyvsp[0].yt_ac_direct_declarator ); ;}
+     break;
+   case 316:
+     { yyval.yt_ac_declarator = AcDeclarator( Yespointer( yyvsp[-2].yt_ac_pointer ), AcRef(), yyvsp[0].yt_ac_direct_declarator ); ;}
+     break;
+   case 317:
+     { yyval.yt_ac_direct_declarator = AcDirectDeclId( yyvsp[0].yt_ID ); ;}
+     break;
+   case 318:
+     { yyval.yt_ac_direct_declarator = AcDirectDeclPack( yyvsp[-1].yt_ac_declarator ); ;}
+     break;
+   case 319:
+     { yyval.yt_ac_direct_declarator = AcDirectDeclArray( yyvsp[-3].yt_ac_direct_declarator, yyvsp[-1].yt_ac_constant_expression_option ); ;}
+     break;
+   case 320:
+     { yyval.yt_ac_direct_declarator = AcDirectDeclProto( yyvsp[-3].yt_ac_direct_declarator, yyvsp[-1].yt_ac_parameter_type_list ); ;}
+     break;
+   case 321:
+     { yyval.yt_ac_direct_declarator = AcMemberDecl( yyvsp[-3].yt_ID, yyvsp[-1].yt_ID, yyvsp[0].yt_ac_constant_expression_list ); ;}
+     break;
+   case 322:
+     { yyval.yt_ac_constant_expression_list=Nilac_constant_expression_list(); ;}
+     break;
+   case 323:
+     { yyval.yt_ac_constant_expression_list=Consac_constant_expression_list(yyvsp[-1].yt_ac_constant_expression,yyvsp[-3].yt_ac_constant_expression_list); ;}
+     break;
+   case 324:
+     {
+     ac_direct_declarator decl=NULL;
+ 	ac_class_qualifier_list q=f_check_build_qualifier(yyvsp[-4].yt_ac_class_qualifier_help_list,decl);
+ 	yyval.yt_ac_direct_declarator = AcQualifiedDeclProto( q, decl, yyvsp[-2].yt_ac_parameter_type_list ,yyvsp[0].yt_ac_type_qualifier );
+ 	;}
+     break;
+   case 325:
+     {
+ 	ac_direct_declarator decl=NULL;
+ 	ac_class_qualifier_list q=f_check_build_qualifier(yyvsp[-4].yt_ac_class_qualifier_help_list,decl);
+ 	yyval.yt_ac_direct_declarator = AcQualifiedDeclProto( q, decl, AcParList( Nilac_parameter_list() ),yyvsp[0].yt_ac_type_qualifier );
+         yyerrok;
+     ;}
+     break;
+   case 326:
+     { yyval.yt_ac_class_qualifier_help_list=Consac_class_qualifier_help_list(yyvsp[0].yt_ac_direct_declarator,Nilac_class_qualifier_help_list()); ;}
+     break;
+   case 327:
+     { yyval.yt_ac_class_qualifier_help_list=Consac_class_qualifier_help_list(yyvsp[0].yt_ac_direct_declarator,yyvsp[-2].yt_ac_class_qualifier_help_list); ;}
+     break;
+   case 328:
+     { yyval.yt_ac_direct_declarator=AcDirectDeclId(yyvsp[0].yt_ID); ;}
+     break;
+   case 329:
+     {
+ 	ac_operator_name op_name=AcOperatorName(yyvsp[0].yt_casestring);
+ 	pf_setfileline( op_name );
+ 	yyval.yt_ac_direct_declarator=AcOperatorDeclId(op_name);
+     ;}
+     break;
+   case 330:
+     { yyval.yt_ac_type_qualifier=AcNoQualifier(); ;}
+     break;
+   case 331:
+     { yyval.yt_ac_type_qualifier=AcConst(); ;}
+     break;
+   case 332:
+     { yyval.yt_ac_pointer = AcPointerNil( Nilac_type_qualifier_list() ); ;}
+     break;
+   case 333:
+     { yyval.yt_ac_pointer = AcPointerNil( yyvsp[0].yt_ac_type_qualifier_list ); ;}
+     break;
+   case 334:
+     { yyval.yt_ac_pointer = AcPointerCons( Nilac_type_qualifier_list(), yyvsp[0].yt_ac_pointer ); ;}
+     break;
+   case 335:
+     { yyval.yt_ac_pointer = AcPointerCons( yyvsp[-1].yt_ac_type_qualifier_list, yyvsp[0].yt_ac_pointer ); ;}
+     break;
+   case 336:
+     { yyval.yt_ac_type_qualifier_list = Consac_type_qualifier_list( yyvsp[0].yt_ac_type_qualifier, Nilac_type_qualifier_list() ); ;}
+     break;
+   case 337:
+     { yyval.yt_ac_type_qualifier_list = Consac_type_qualifier_list( yyvsp[0].yt_ac_type_qualifier, yyvsp[-1].yt_ac_type_qualifier_list ); ;}
+     break;
+   case 338:
+     { yyval.yt_ac_parameter_type_list = AcParList( Nilac_parameter_list() ); ;}
+     break;
+   case 339:
+     { yyval.yt_ac_parameter_type_list = AcParList3Dot( Nilac_parameter_list() ); ;}
+     break;
+   case 340:
+     { yyval.yt_ac_parameter_type_list = AcParList( yyvsp[0].yt_ac_parameter_list ); ;}
+     break;
+   case 341:
+     { yyval.yt_ac_parameter_type_list = AcParList3Dot( yyvsp[-1].yt_ac_parameter_list ); ;}
+     break;
+   case 342:
+     { yyval.yt_ac_parameter_type_list = AcParList3Dot( yyvsp[-2].yt_ac_parameter_list ); ;}
+     break;
+   case 343:
+     { yyval.yt_ac_parameter_list = Consac_parameter_list( yyvsp[0].yt_ac_parameter_declaration, Nilac_parameter_list() ); ;}
+     break;
+   case 344:
+     { yyval.yt_ac_parameter_list = Consac_parameter_list( yyvsp[0].yt_ac_parameter_declaration, yyvsp[-2].yt_ac_parameter_list ); ;}
+     break;
+   case 345:
+     { yyval.yt_ac_parameter_declaration = AcParDeclDecl( yyvsp[-2].yt_ac_declaration_specifiers, yyvsp[-1].yt_ac_declarator, yyvsp[0].yt_ac_constant_expression_option ); ;}
+     break;
+   case 346:
+     { yyval.yt_ac_parameter_declaration = AcParDeclAbsdecl( yyvsp[-2].yt_ac_declaration_specifiers, yyvsp[-1].yt_ac_abstract_declarator, yyvsp[0].yt_ac_constant_expression_option ); ;}
+     break;
+   case 347:
+     { yyval.yt_ac_abstract_declarator = AcAbsdeclPointer( yyvsp[0].yt_ac_pointer ); ;}
+     break;
+   case 348:
+     { yyval.yt_ac_abstract_declarator = AcAbsdeclDirdecl( Nopointer(), yyvsp[0].yt_ac_direct_abstract_declarator ); ;}
+     break;
+   case 349:
+     { yyval.yt_ac_abstract_declarator = AcAbsdeclDirdecl( Yespointer( yyvsp[-1].yt_ac_pointer ), yyvsp[0].yt_ac_direct_abstract_declarator ); ;}
+     break;
+   case 350:
+     { yyval.yt_ac_direct_abstract_declarator = AcDirAbsdeclPack( yyvsp[-1].yt_ac_abstract_declarator ); ;}
+     break;
+   case 351:
+     { yyval.yt_ac_direct_abstract_declarator = AcDirAbsdeclArray( Yesac_direct_abstract_declarator( yyvsp[-3].yt_ac_direct_abstract_declarator ), yyvsp[-1].yt_ac_constant_expression_option ); ;}
+     break;
+   case 352:
+     { yyval.yt_ac_direct_abstract_declarator = AcDirAbsdeclArray( Noac_direct_abstract_declarator(), yyvsp[-1].yt_ac_constant_expression_option ); ;}
+     break;
+   case 353:
+     { yyval.yt_ac_direct_abstract_declarator = AcDirAbsdeclFn( Yesac_direct_abstract_declarator( yyvsp[-3].yt_ac_direct_abstract_declarator ), yyvsp[-1].yt_ac_parameter_type_list ); ;}
+     break;
+   case 354:
+     { yyval.yt_ac_direct_abstract_declarator = AcDirAbsdeclFn( Noac_direct_abstract_declarator(), yyvsp[-1].yt_ac_parameter_type_list ); ;}
+     break;
+   case 355:
+     { yyval.yt_ac_constant_expression_option = Yesac_constant_expression( yyvsp[0].yt_ac_constant_expression ); ;}
+     break;
+   case 356:
+     { do_CEXPR(); ;}
+     break;
+   case 357:
+     { do_NORMAL();
+ 	 yyval.yt_ac_constant_expression = AcConstExpr( yyvsp[0].yt_Cexpression ); ;}
+     break;
+   case 358:
+     { yyval.yt_ID = yyvsp[0].yt_ID; ;}
+     break;
+   case 359:
+     { yyval.yt_ID = yyvsp[0].yt_ID; pf_setwithvariable( yyvsp[0].yt_ID ); ;}
+     break;
+   case 360:
+     { yyval.yt_Ctext = yyvsp[0].yt_Ctext; ;}
+     break;
+   case 361:
+     { yyerrok; ;}
+     break;
+   case 362:
+     { yyval.yt_Ctext = yyvsp[0].yt_Ctext; ;}
+     break;
+   case 363:
+     { yyerrok; yyval.yt_languageoption = LanguageList(yyvsp[-2].yt_languagenames); ;}
+     break;
+   case 364:
+     { yyerrok; yyval.yt_languageoption = NoLanguagename(); ;}
+     break;
+   case 365:
+     { yyval.yt_languagenames = Conslanguagenames( yyvsp[0].yt_ID, Nillanguagenames()); ;}
+     break;
+   case 366:
+     { yyerrok; yyval.yt_languagenames = Conslanguagenames( yyvsp[0].yt_ID, yyvsp[-2].yt_languagenames ); ;}
+     break;
+   case 367:
+     { yyval.yt_languagenames = Nillanguagenames(); ;}
+     break;
+   case 368:
+     { yyval.yt_languagenames = yyvsp[-1].yt_languagenames; ;}
+     break;
+   case 369:
+     { yyval.yt_languagenames = yyvsp[-2].yt_languagenames; ;}
+     break;
+   case 370:
+     { yyerrok; yyval.yt_languagenames = Conslanguagenames( yyvsp[0].yt_ID, yyvsp[-2].yt_languagenames ); ;}
+     break;
+   case 371:
+     { yyerrok; yyval.yt_languagenames = yyvsp[-1].yt_languagenames; pg_languageshavebeendefined = true; ;}
+     break;
+   case 372:
+     { yyerrok; yyval.yt_languagenames = Nillanguagenames(); ;}
+     break;
+   case 373:
+     { yyval.yt_languagenames = Conslanguagenames( yyvsp[0].yt_ID, Nillanguagenames()); ;}
+     break;
+   case 374:
+     { yyval.yt_languagenames = Conslanguagenames( yyvsp[0].yt_ID, yyvsp[-1].yt_languagenames ); ;}
+     break;
+   case 375:
+     { yyval.yt_languagenames = Conslanguagenames( yyvsp[0].yt_ID, yyvsp[-2].yt_languagenames ); ;}
+     break;
+   case 376:
+     { yyval.yt_languagenames = yyvsp[-1].yt_languagenames; ;}
+     break;
+   case 377:
+     { yyval.yt_languagenames = yyvsp[-2].yt_languagenames; ;}
+     break;
+     }
+ /* Line 999 of yacc.c.  */
+   yyvsp -= yylen;
+   yyssp -= yylen;
+   YY_STACK_PRINT (yyss, yyssp);
+   *++yyvsp = yyval;
+   /* Now `shift' the result of the reduction.  Determine what state
+      that goes to, based on the state we popped back to and the rule
+      number reduced by.  */
+   yyn = yyr1[yyn];
+   yystate = yypgoto[yyn - YYNTOKENS] + *yyssp;
+   if (0 <= yystate && yystate <= YYLAST && yycheck[yystate] == *yyssp)
+     yystate = yytable[yystate];
+   else
+     yystate = yydefgoto[yyn - YYNTOKENS];
+   goto yynewstate;
+ /*------------------------------------.
+ | yyerrlab -- here on detecting error |
+ `------------------------------------*/
+ yyerrlab:
+   /* If not already recovering from an error, report this error.  */
+   if (!yyerrstatus)
+     {
+       ++yynerrs;
+       yyn = yypact[yystate];
+       if (YYPACT_NINF < yyn && yyn < YYLAST)
+ 	{
+ 	  YYSIZE_T yysize = 0;
+ 	  int yytype = YYTRANSLATE (yychar);
+ 	  char *yymsg;
+ 	  int yyx, yycount;
+ 	  yycount = 0;
+ 	  /* Start YYX at -YYN if negative to avoid negative indexes in
+ 	     YYCHECK.  */
+ 	  for (yyx = yyn < 0 ? -yyn : 0;
+ 	       yyx < (int) (sizeof (yytname) / sizeof (char *)); yyx++)
+ 	    if (yycheck[yyx + yyn] == yyx && yyx != YYTERROR)
+ 	      yysize += yystrlen (yytname[yyx]) + 15, yycount++;
+ 	  yysize += yystrlen ("syntax error, unexpected ") + 1;
+ 	  yysize += yystrlen (yytname[yytype]);
+ 	  yymsg = (char *) YYSTACK_ALLOC (yysize);
+ 	  if (yymsg != 0)
+ 	    {
+ 	      char *yyp = yystpcpy (yymsg, "syntax error, unexpected ");
+ 	      yyp = yystpcpy (yyp, yytname[yytype]);
+ 	      if (yycount < 5)
+ 		{
+ 		  yycount = 0;
+ 		  for (yyx = yyn < 0 ? -yyn : 0;
+ 		       yyx < (int) (sizeof (yytname) / sizeof (char *));
+ 		       yyx++)
+ 		    if (yycheck[yyx + yyn] == yyx && yyx != YYTERROR)
+ 		      {
+ 			const char *yyq = ! yycount ? ", expecting " : " or ";
+ 			yyp = yystpcpy (yyp, yyq);
+ 			yyp = yystpcpy (yyp, yytname[yyx]);
+ 			yycount++;
+ 		      }
+ 		}
+ 	      yyerror (yymsg);
+ 	      YYSTACK_FREE (yymsg);
+ 	    }
+ 	  else
+ 	    yyerror ("syntax error; also virtual memory exhausted");
+ 	}
+       else
+ #endif /* YYERROR_VERBOSE */
+ 	yyerror ("syntax error");
+     }
+   if (yyerrstatus == 3)
+     {
+       /* If just tried and failed to reuse lookahead token after an
+ 	 error, discard it.  */
+       /* Return failure if at end of input.  */
+       if (yychar == YYEOF)
+         {
+ 	  /* Pop the error token.  */
+           YYPOPSTACK;
+ 	  /* Pop the rest of the stack.  */
+ 	  while (yyss < yyssp)
+ 	    {
+ 	      YYDSYMPRINTF ("Error: popping", yystos[*yyssp], yyvsp, yylsp);
+ 	      yydestruct (yystos[*yyssp], yyvsp);
+ 	      YYPOPSTACK;
+ 	    }
+         }
+       YYDSYMPRINTF ("Error: discarding", yytoken, &yylval, &yylloc);
+       yydestruct (yytoken, &yylval);
+       yychar = YYEMPTY;
+     }
+   /* Else will try to reuse lookahead token after shifting the error
+      token.  */
+   goto yyerrlab1;
+ /*----------------------------------------------------.
+ | yyerrlab1 -- error raised explicitly by an action.  |
+ `----------------------------------------------------*/
+ yyerrlab1:
+   yyerrstatus = 3;	/* Each real token shifted decrements this.  */
+   for (;;)
+     {
+       yyn = yypact[yystate];
+       if (yyn != YYPACT_NINF)
+ 	{
+ 	  yyn += YYTERROR;
+ 	  if (0 <= yyn && yyn <= YYLAST && yycheck[yyn] == YYTERROR)
+ 	    {
+ 	      yyn = yytable[yyn];
+ 	      if (0 < yyn)
+ 		break;
+ 	    }
+ 	}
+       /* Pop the current state because it cannot handle the error token.  */
+       if (yyssp == yyss)
+       YYDSYMPRINTF ("Error: popping", yystos[*yyssp], yyvsp, yylsp);
+       yydestruct (yystos[yystate], yyvsp);
+       yyvsp--;
+       yystate = *--yyssp;
+       YY_STACK_PRINT (yyss, yyssp);
+     }
+   if (yyn == YYFINAL)
+   YYDPRINTF ((stderr, "Shifting error token, "));
+   *++yyvsp = yylval;
+   yystate = yyn;
+   goto yynewstate;
+ /*-------------------------------------.
+ | yyacceptlab -- YYACCEPT comes here.  |
+ `-------------------------------------*/
+ yyacceptlab:
+   yyresult = 0;
+   goto yyreturn;
+ /*-----------------------------------.
+ | yyabortlab -- YYABORT comes here.  |
+ `-----------------------------------*/
+ yyabortlab:
+   yyresult = 1;
+   goto yyreturn;
+ #ifndef yyoverflow
+ /*----------------------------------------------.
+ | yyoverflowlab -- parser overflow comes here.  |
+ `----------------------------------------------*/
+ yyoverflowlab:
+   yyerror ("parser stack overflow");
+   yyresult = 2;
+   /* Fall through.  */
+ #endif
+ yyreturn:
+ #ifndef yyoverflow
+   if (yyss != yyssa)
+     YYSTACK_FREE (yyss);
+ #endif
+   return yyresult;
+ }
+ #include "errmsg.inc"
+ void
+ yyerror_1(const char *s, int state_no)
+ {
+     extern int yychar;
+     extern char yytext[];
+     int rule_pos, i;
+     v_report( NonFatal( PosNoFileLine(), Problem1S( s )));
+     for (rule_pos = error_state[state_no]; error_rules[rule_pos][0] != 0; rule_pos++)
+     {
+ 	int rule = error_rules[rule_pos][0];
+ 	int rhs = yyprhs[rule+1];
+ 	int pos = error_rules[rule_pos][1];
+ 	fprintf(stderr, "\t%s ->", yytname[yyr1[rule+1]]);
+ 	for (i = 0; yyrhs[rhs+i] != -1; i++)
+ 	{
+ 	    if (i == pos) fprintf(stderr, " .");
+ 	    fprintf(stderr, " %s", yytname[yyrhs[rhs+i]]);
+ 	}
+ 	if (i == pos) fprintf(stderr, " .");
+ 	fprintf(stderr, "\n");
+     }
+     if (strlen(yytext) > 0)
+ 	fprintf(stderr, "\ttoken last read was: '%s'\n", yytext);
+     throw 22;
+ }
+ // vim:sts=4:ts=8:cino=g0,t0,\:0

Index: llvm/test/Programs/MultiSource/Applications/kimwitu++/kimwy.h
diff -c /dev/null llvm/test/Programs/MultiSource/Applications/kimwitu++/kimwy.h:1.1
*** /dev/null	Tue Apr  6 15:25:26 2004
--- llvm/test/Programs/MultiSource/Applications/kimwitu++/kimwy.h	Tue Apr  6 15:25:13 2004
*** 0 ****
--- 1,132 ----
+ /* A Bison parser, made by GNU Bison 1.875a.  */
+ /* Skeleton parser for Yacc-like parsing with Bison,
+    Copyright (C) 1984, 1989, 1990, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+    any later version.
+    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+    GNU General Public License for more details.
+    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+    Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+    Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.  */
+ /* As a special exception, when this file is copied by Bison into a
+    Bison output file, you may use that output file without restriction.
+    This special exception was added by the Free Software Foundation
+    in version 1.24 of Bison.  */
+ /* Tokens.  */
+ # define YYTOKENTYPE
+    /* Put the tokens into the symbol table, so that GDB and other debuggers
+       know about them.  */
+    enum yytokentype {
+      T_ID = 258,
+      T_OPNAME = 259,
+      T_INT = 260,
+      T_CNEWLINES = 261,
+      T_CLINE = 262,
+      T_CEXPRESSION = 263,
+      T_DOLLARVAR = 264,
+      T_INCLUDEEND = 265,
+      T_INCLUDESTART = 266,
+      T_LIST = 268,
+      T_ARROW = 269,
+      T_PROVIDED = 270,
+      T_STATIC = 271,
+      T_WITH = 272,
+      T_FOREACH = 273,
+      T_FOREACH_AFTER = 274,
+      T_DEFAULT = 275,
+      T_UNPBLOCKSTART = 276,
+      T_UNPBLOCKEND = 277,
+      T_PERCENTRVIEW = 278,
+      T_PERCENTUVIEW = 280,
+      T_AUTO = 284,
+      T_REGISTER = 285,
+      T_EXTERN = 286,
+      T_TYPEDEF = 287,
+      T_CONST = 288,
+      T_VOLATILE = 289,
+      T_UNSIGNED = 290,
+      T_VIRTUAL = 291,
+      T_DOTDOTDOT = 292,
+      T_COLONCOLON = 293,
+      T_OPERATOR = 294,
+      T_CONSTRUCTOR = 295,
+      T_DESTRUCTOR = 296,
+      T_MEMBER = 297,
+      T_ATTR = 298,
+      T_BASECLASS = 299
+    };
+ #endif
+ #define T_ID 258
+ #define T_OPNAME 259
+ #define T_INT 260
+ #define T_CNEWLINES 261
+ #define T_CLINE 262
+ #define T_CEXPRESSION 263
+ #define T_DOLLARVAR 264
+ #define T_INCLUDEEND 265
+ #define T_INCLUDESTART 266
+ #define T_LIST 268
+ #define T_ARROW 269
+ #define T_PROVIDED 270
+ #define T_STATIC 271
+ #define T_WITH 272
+ #define T_FOREACH 273
+ #define T_FOREACH_AFTER 274
+ #define T_DEFAULT 275
+ #define T_UNPBLOCKSTART 276
+ #define T_UNPBLOCKEND 277
+ #define T_PERCENTRVIEW 278
+ #define T_PERCENTUVIEW 280
+ #define T_AUTO 284
+ #define T_REGISTER 285
+ #define T_EXTERN 286
+ #define T_TYPEDEF 287
+ #define T_CONST 288
+ #define T_VOLATILE 289
+ #define T_UNSIGNED 290
+ #define T_VIRTUAL 291
+ #define T_DOTDOTDOT 292
+ #define T_COLONCOLON 293
+ #define T_OPERATOR 294
+ #define T_CONSTRUCTOR 295
+ #define T_DESTRUCTOR 296
+ #define T_MEMBER 297
+ #define T_ATTR 298
+ #define T_BASECLASS 299
+ #if ! defined (YYSTYPE) && ! defined (YYSTYPE_IS_DECLARED)
+ typedef int YYSTYPE;
+ # define yystype YYSTYPE /* obsolescent; will be withdrawn */
+ #endif
+ extern YYSTYPE yylval;

Index: llvm/test/Programs/MultiSource/Applications/kimwitu++/main.cc
diff -c /dev/null llvm/test/Programs/MultiSource/Applications/kimwitu++/main.cc:1.1
*** /dev/null	Tue Apr  6 15:25:26 2004
--- llvm/test/Programs/MultiSource/Applications/kimwitu++/main.cc	Tue Apr  6 15:25:13 2004
*** 0 ****
--- 1,1557 ----
+ /* translation of file "main.k" */
+ /* generated by:
+  *  @(#)$Author: criswell $
+  */
+ #define KC_FUNCTIONS_main_
+ #include <stdlib.h>
+ #include "k.h"
+ #include "main.h"
+ namespace kc { }
+ using namespace kc;
+ /* included stuff */
+ //
+ // The Termprocessor Kimwitu++
+ //
+ // Copyright (C) 1991 University of Twente, Dept TIOS.
+ // Copyright (C) 1998-2003 Humboldt-University of Berlin, Institute of Informatics
+ // All rights reserved.
+ //
+ // Kimwitu++ is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ // the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ // (at your option) any later version.
+ //
+ // Kimwitu++ is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ // GNU General Public License for more details.
+ //
+ // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ // along with Kimwitu++; if not, write to the Free Software
+ // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+ //
+ #include "defs.h"
+ # define KIMWITUCOPYRIGHT "@(#) Kimwitu++ version: (unknown) (c) 2003 Humboldt-University of Berlin"
+ #endif
+ #ifndef RCSMAKEID
+ # define RCSMAKEID "@(#) Makefile version unknown"
+ #endif
+ static char kimwc_cAccesSid[] = "@(#)$Id: main.cc,v 1.1 2004/04/06 20:25:13 criswell Exp $";
+ static char kimwitu_release[] = KIMWITURELEASE; // defined in Makefile
+ static char kimwitu_version[] = KIMWITUVERSIONSTRING; // defined in Makefile
+ static char Makefile_AccesSid[] = RCSMAKEID; // defined in Makefile
+ char kimwitu_copyright[] = KIMWITUCOPYRIGHT; // defined in Makefile (used in gen.k)
+ // For access
+ #ifdef HAVE_UNISTD_H
+ # include <unistd.h>
+ #else
+ inline int
+ access(const char*, int) { return 0; }
+ # define R_OK 4
+ #endif
+ #if defined(_WIN32) && ! defined (__GNUC__)
+ #  define popen _popen
+ #endif
+ // next include files needed for stat
+ #if defined(KC_USE_STAT)
+ # include <sys/stat.h>
+ # if defined(_WIN32) && ! defined (__GNUC__)
+ #  define stat _stat
+ # endif
+ #endif
+ // for signal/sigvec
+ #include <signal.h>
+ #ifdef  SIGHOLD			// must be SVR4
+ # define signal  sigset		// use reliable signals on SVR4
+ #endif
+ #include <iostream>
+ using std::cout;
+ using std::endl;
+ using std::flush;
+ // string(s) stuff
+ //#include <string.h>
+ #include <string>
+ #include <vector>
+ using std::string;
+ #include "getopt.h"
+ extern int yyparse(void);
+ extern void yyrestart(FILE*);
+ extern void do_NORMAL(void);
+ #include "unpk.h"
+ #include "gutil.h"
+ #include "util.h"
+ #include "pat.h"
+ #define STDINPUTNAME "stdin"
+ extern FILE *yyin;
+ static const char *const Thetempccfile=".kc.cc.temp";
+ static const char *const Thetemphfile=".k.h.temp" ;
+ /*
+  * the following (3) variables are used by processargs and prepare_for_next_file
+  */
+ static char **inputfilenames = 0;
+ static int no_inputfiles = 0;
+ static int current_inputfile;
+ casestring g_progname;
+ char* pg_line("#line ");
+ static const char *progname_initvalue = "kc++";
+ cmdline_options g_options;
+ // cleanup the generated intermediate files if we are interupted
+ extern "C" RETSIGTYPE
+ cleanup_and_die(int i)
+ {
+     fprintf(stderr, "%s: received signal %d, cleaning up\n", g_progname->name, i);
+     /* even though we don't die a violent death, we still do inform
+       * our environment that we didn't finish as planned, by exiting
+       * with non-zero exit status
+       */
+     leave(1);
+ }
+ // cleanup the generated intermediate files if we are interupted
+ extern "C" RETSIGTYPE
+ cleanup_and_abort(int i)
+ {
+     if (i==SIGSEGV)
+ 	fprintf(stderr, "kc++: segmentation violation\n");
+     else
+ 	fprintf(stderr, "kc++: something horrible happened\n");
+     fprintf(stderr, "%s: received signal %d, cleaning up\n", g_progname->name, i);
+     leave(1);
+ }
+ /* end included stuff */
+ namespace kc {
+ #endif
+ static  FILE *openfile (const char *file, const char *mode);
+ static  char *get_basename (char *s);
+ static  void print_version ();
+ static  void print_help ();
+ static  void processargs (int argc, char *argv[]);
+ static  int prepare_for_next_file ();
+ static  casestring mkfunctionincname (const char *pattern);
+ static  void do_parse ();
+ static  bool different (FILE *f1, FILE *f2, const char *fn1, const char *fn2);
+ static  void erename (const char *oldfilename, const char *newfilename);
+ static  void eremove (const char *filename);
+ static  void compare_and_delete_or_move (const char *tmp_filename, const string &filenamestring);
+ static  phylumdeclarations f_add_predefined_phyla (phylumdeclarations p);
+ static  phylumdeclaration v_predefined_int ();
+ static  phylumdeclaration v_predefined_real ();
+ static  phylumdeclaration v_predefined_casestring ();
+ static  phylumdeclaration v_predefined_nocasestring ();
+ static  phylumdeclaration v_predefined_voidptr ();
+ static  phylumdeclaration v_predefined_abstract_phylum ();
+ static  phylumdeclaration v_predefined_abstract_phylum_ref ();
+ static  phylumdeclaration v_predefined_abstract_list ();
+ static  casestring make_pg_filename (const char *s);
+ static  void set_signals ();
+ static  void block_signals ();
+ static  void cleanup ();
+ static  FILE *openfile(const char *file, const char *mode)
+ {
+     if(g_options.filter=="")
+     return fopen(file,mode);
+     else
+     return popen((g_options.filter+" "+file).c_str(),mode);
+ }
+ static  char *get_basename(char *s)
+ {
+     char *basename = strrchr( s, '/');
+     if (basename == NULL) {
+ 	basename = s;
+     } else {
+ 	basename++;
+     }
+     return basename;
+ }
+ static  void print_version()
+ {
+     printf("Kimwitu++ version %s\n\n\
+ Copyright (C) 1997-2003 Michael Piefel, Humboldt-University Berlin\n\
+ Kimwitu++ comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details see GPL.\n\
+ This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under\n\
+ certain conditions; for details see GPL.\n", kimwitu_version);
+ }
+ static  void print_help()
+ {
+     printf("Usage: %s [options] file...\n\n", g_progname->name);
+     printf("\
+ Options:\n\
+   Kimwitu++ Features:\n\
+   -c, --no-csgio          no read/write functions (csgio.{h,cc}) are generated\n\
+   -r, --no-rewrite        no code for rewrite rules (rk.{h,cc}) is generated\n\
+   -u, --no-unparse        no code for unparse rules (unpk.{h,cc}) is generated\n\
+   -d, --no-printdot       no printdot functions are generated\n\
+   -t, --no-hashtables     no code for hashtables is generated (works only when\n\
+                             both --no-csgio and --no-printdot are specified)\n\
+       --operator-cast     generate operatork.h for operator_cast<>\n");
+     printf("\
+   C++ Compiler Options:\n\
+   -n, --covariant=C       use covariant return types: yes|no|pre\n\
+       --stdafx[=FILE]     include for Microsoft precompiled header files is\n\
+                             generated (default stdafx.h)\n\
+   -e, --dllexport=STRING  generates string between keyword class and the\n\
+                             class name of all operators and phyla\n\
+   -m, --smart-pointer     generates code for smart pointers (reference counting)\n\
+   -w, --weak-pointer      generates code for weak pointers\n\
+                             (implies --smart-pointer)\n");
+     printf("\
+   Files:\n\
+   -s, --suffix=EXT        extension for generated source files (default cc)\n\
+   -f, --file-prefix=PREF  prefix for generated files\n\
+   -o, --overwrite         always write generated files even if not changed.\n\
+   -b, --yystype[=FILE]    generates file (default yystype.h) containing YYSTYPE\n\
+                             for yacc or bison\n\
+   -y, --yxx-union         generates file yxx_union.h for yacc++\n");
+     printf("\
+   Advanced:\n\
+   -l, --no-linedirec      doesn't print line directives ('#line')\n\
+       --comment-line      print line comments ('//line') instead of directives\n\
+       --dir-line          prepends the current working directory to the file name in line directives\n\
+       --rw-loop           generates a non recursive rewrite function\n\
+   -p, --pipe=CMD          process all files while piping them through CMD.\n");
+     printf("\
+   Other:\n\
+   -M, --msg-format=PAT    specifies format of (error) messages, PAT can contain:\n\
+                             %%p (program name), %%s (severity), %%f (file name),\n\
+                             %%d (current working directory), %%l (line number),\n\
+                             %%c (column); the actual message is appended\n\
+   -q, --quiet             quiet operation\n\
+   -v, --verbose           print additional status information while processing\n\
+   -W                      enable all warnings; use comma-seperated list for\n\
+                             detailed control (can be prefixed with 'no')\n\
+                             drop - dropped rule bodies (no code generated)\n\
+                             equiv - equivalent patterns (cannot match)\n\
+                             overlap - possibly overlapping patterns\n\
+   -h, --help              display this help and exit\n\
+   -V, --version           output version information and exit\n");
+ }
+ static  void processargs(int argc, char *argv[])
+ {
+     g_progname = mkcasestring(get_basename(argv[0]));
+     enum { O_stdafx = 1, O_commment_line, O_dir_line, O_rw_loop, O_operator_cast };
+     static struct option const long_options[] = {
+ 	{"no-csgio", no_argument, 0, 'c'},
+ 	{"no-rewrite", no_argument, 0, 'r'},
+ 	{"no-unparse", no_argument, 0, 'u'},
+ 	{"no-printdot", no_argument, 0, 'd'},
+ 	{"no-hashtables", no_argument, 0, 't'},
+ 	{"operator-cast", no_argument, 0, O_operator_cast},
+ 	{"suffix", required_argument, 0, 's'},
+ 	{"file-prefix", required_argument, 0, 'f'},
+ 	{"covariant", required_argument, 0, 'n'},
+ 	{"stdafx", optional_argument, 0, O_stdafx},
+ 	{"dllexport", required_argument, 0, 'e'},
+ 	{"smart-pointer", no_argument, 0, 'm'},
+ 	{"weak-pointer", no_argument, 0, 'w'},
+ 	{"no-linedirec", no_argument, 0, 'l'},
+ 	{"comment-line", no_argument, 0, O_commment_line},
+ 	{"dir-line", no_argument, 0, O_dir_line},
+ 	{"rw-loop", no_argument, 0, O_rw_loop},
+ 	{"yystype", optional_argument, 0, 'b'},
+ 	{"yxx-union", no_argument, 0, 'y'},
+ 	{"overwrite", no_argument, 0, 'o'},
+ 	{"pipe", required_argument, 0, 'p'},
+ 	{"msg-format", required_argument, 0, 'M'},
+ 	{"quiet", no_argument, 0, 'q'},
+ 	{"silent", no_argument, 0, 'q'},
+ 	{"verbose", no_argument, 0, 'v'},
+ 	{"help", no_argument, 0, 'h'},
+ 	{"version", no_argument, 0, 'V'},
+ 	{0, 0, 0, 0}
+     };
+     int c;
+     while ((c = getopt_long (argc, argv,
+ 		"c"     
+ 		"r"     
+ 		"u"     
+ 		"d"     
+ 		"t"     
+ 		"s:"    
+ 		"f:"    
+ 		"n:"    
+ 		"e:"    
+ 		"m"     
+ 		"w"     
+ 		"l"     
+ 		"b::"   
+ 		"y"     
+ 		"o"     
+ 		"p:"    
+ 		"M:"    
+ 		"q"     
+ 		"v"     
+ 		"W::"   
+ 		"h"	    
+ 		"V"	    
+ 		, long_options, 0)) != -1)
+     switch (c) {
+ 	case 'V':
+ 	print_version();
+ 	leave(0);
+ 	case '?':
+ 	case ':':
+ 	case 'h':
+ 	print_help();
+ 	leave(0);
+ 	case 'p':
+ 	g_options.filter=optarg;
+ 	continue;
+ 	case 'q':
+ 	g_options.quiet=true;
+ 	if (g_options.verbose)
+ 	v_report(Warning(NoFileLine(),
+ 		Problem1S("Can't be quiet when asked to be verbose.")));
+ 	continue;
+ 	case 'v':
+ 	g_options.verbose=true;
+ 	if (g_options.quiet)
+ 	v_report(Warning(NoFileLine(),
+ 		Problem1S("Can't be verbose when asked to be quiet.")));
+ 	continue;
+ 	case 'W':
+ 	if (!optarg) {
+ 	    g_options.warn_drop_identical_patterns = true; 
+ 	    g_options.warn_equivalent_patterns = true; 
+ 	    g_options.warn_overlapping_patterns = true;
+ 	} else {
+ 	    std::vector<string> warn_options;
+ 	    warn_options.push_back("");
+ 	    int option_count=0;
+ 	    while (*optarg) {
+ 		if (*optarg == ',') {
+ 		    warn_options.push_back("");
+ 		    option_count++;
+ 		} else
+ 		warn_options[option_count] += *optarg;
+ 		optarg++;
+ 	    }
+ 	    for (int i=0; i <= option_count; ++i) {
+ 		if (warn_options[i] == "drop")
+ 		g_options.warn_drop_identical_patterns = true;
+ 		else if (warn_options[i] == "nodrop")
+ 		g_options.warn_drop_identical_patterns = false;
+ 		else if (warn_options[i] == "equiv")
+ 		g_options.warn_equivalent_patterns = true;
+ 		else if (warn_options[i] == "noequiv")
+ 		g_options.warn_equivalent_patterns = false;
+ 		else if (warn_options[i] == "overlap")
+ 		g_options.warn_overlapping_patterns = true;
+ 		else if (warn_options[i] == "noverlapo")
+ 		g_options.warn_overlapping_patterns = false;
+ 		else
+ 		v_report(Warning(NoFileLine(),
+ 			Problem2S("Unknown warning sub-option:", warn_options[i].c_str())));
+ 	    }
+ 	}
+ 	continue;
+ 	case 's':
+ 	g_options.suffix=optarg;
+ 	continue;
+ 	case 'f':
+ 	g_options.prefix = optarg;
+ 	continue;
+ 	case 'y':
+ 	g_options.for_yxx=true;
+ 	continue;
+ 	case 'b':
+ 	g_options.for_bison= optarg ? optarg : "yystype.h";
+ 	continue;
+ 	case 'c':
+ 	g_options.no_csgio=true;
+ 	continue;
+ 	case 'u':
+ 	g_options.no_unparse=true;
+ 	continue;
+ 	case 'r':
+ 	g_options.no_rewrite=true;
+ 	continue;
+ 	case 'd':
+ 	g_options.no_printdot=true;
+ 	continue;
+ 	case 't':
+ 	g_options.no_hashtables=true;
+ 	continue;
+ 	case O_operator_cast:
+ 	g_options.operator_cast=true;
+ 	continue;
+ 	case 'm':
+ 	g_options.smart_pointer=true;
+ 	continue;
+ 	case 'w':
+ 	g_options.smart_pointer=true;
+ 	g_options.weak_pointer=true;
+ 	continue;
+ 	case 'o':
+ 	g_options.overwrite=true;
+ 	continue;
+ 	case 'n':
+ 	if (optarg[0]!='y' && optarg[0]!='n' && optarg[0]!='p')
+ 	v_report(Warning(NoFileLine(),
+ 		Problem1S("Covariant option must be yes or no or pre.")));
+ 	g_options.covariant = optarg[0];
+ 	continue;
+ 	case 'l':
+ 	g_options.linedirec=false;
+ 	continue;
+ 	case O_commment_line:
+ 	pg_line="// line ";
+ 	continue;
+ 	case O_dir_line:
+ 	{
+ 	    char* dir=getcwd(0, 0);
+ 	    g_options.dir_line=dir;
+ 	    free(dir);
+ 	    if(!g_options.dir_line.empty() &&
+ 		g_options.dir_line[g_options.dir_line.length()-1]!='/')
+ 	    g_options.dir_line+='/';
+ 	}
+ 	continue;
+ 	case O_stdafx:
+ 	g_options.stdafx = optarg ? optarg : "stdafx.h";
+ 	continue;
+ 	case O_rw_loop:
+ 	g_options.rw_loop=true;
+ 	continue;
+ 	case 'e':
+ 	if (optarg[0]=='-' || (optarg[strlen(optarg)-1]=='k' && optarg[strlen(optarg)-2]=='.'))
+ 	v_report(Warning(NoFileLine(),
+ 		Problem3S("Do you really want ", optarg, " as dllexport?")));
+ 	g_options.dllexports=optarg;
+ 	continue;
+ 	case 'M':
+ 	g_options.msg_format=optarg;
+ 	continue;
+     }
+     if(!(g_options.no_csgio && g_options.no_printdot))
+     g_options.no_hashtables=false;
+     char *basename;
+     for (int i=optind; i < argc; ++i) {
+ 	size_t len = strlen(argv[i]);
+ 	basename = get_basename( argv[i] );
+ 	if ( ! (argv[i][len-1] == 'k') && (argv[i][len-2] == '.') ) {
+ 	    v_report( NonFatal( NoFileLine(), Problem2S( "input file must have '.k' suffix:", argv[i] )));
+ 	} else if (  (strcmp(basename, (g_options.prefix+"k.k").c_str()) == 0)
+ 	    || (strcmp(basename,  (g_options.prefix+"rk.k").c_str()) == 0)
+ 	    || (strcmp(basename,  (g_options.prefix+"unpk.k").c_str()) == 0)
+ 	    || (strcmp(basename,  (g_options.prefix+"csgiok.k").c_str()) == 0)
+ 	    || (strcmp(basename, "stdin.k") == 0)
+ 	) {
+ 	    string tmp="reserved file basenames '"+g_options.prefix+"k.k', '"+g_options.prefix+"rk.k', '"+g_options.prefix+"unpk.k', '"+g_options.prefix+"csgiok.k' and 'stdin.k' not allowed:";
+ 	    v_report( NonFatal( NoFileLine(), Problem2S(tmp.c_str(), argv[i] )));
+ 	} else if ((yyin = fopen(argv[i], "r"))== NULL){
+ 	    v_report( NonFatal( NoFileLine(), Problem2S( "cannot open ", argv[i] )));
+ 	} else {
+ 	    fclose(yyin);
+ 	}
+     }
+     if ( gp_no_fatal_problems ) {
+ 	if ( argc > optind ) {
+ 	    inputfilenames = argv+optind;
+ 	    no_inputfiles = argc-optind;
+ 	    current_inputfile = 0;
+ 	    pg_filename = make_pg_filename( inputfilenames[current_inputfile] );
+ 	    if ((yyin = openfile(inputfilenames[current_inputfile],"r"))== NULL){
+ 		v_report( Fatal( NoFileLine(), Problem2S( "cannot open ", inputfilenames[current_inputfile] )));
+ 	    }
+ 	    pg_lineno = 1;	
+ 	    pg_column = 0;	
+ 	    pg_charpos = 0;	
+ 	} 
+     } else {
+ 	leave(1);
+     }
+ }
+ static  int prepare_for_next_file()
+ {
+     if ( current_inputfile < no_inputfiles-1 ) {
+ 	current_inputfile++;
+ 	pg_filename = make_pg_filename( inputfilenames[current_inputfile] );
+ 	pg_lineno = 1;	
+ 	pg_column = 0;	
+ 	pg_charpos = 0;	
+ 	fclose(yyin);
+ 	if ((yyin = openfile(inputfilenames[current_inputfile],"r"))== NULL){
+ 	    v_report( Fatal( NoFileLine(), Problem2S( "cannot open ", inputfilenames[current_inputfile] )));
+ 	}
+ 	yyrestart(yyin); 
+ 	return 1;
+     }
+     do_NORMAL(); 
+     if ( no_inputfiles > 0 ) 
+     fclose( yyin );
+     return 0;
+ }
+ static  casestring mkfunctionincname(const char *pattern)
+ {
+     char* name=strcpy(new char[strlen(pg_filename->name)+1],pg_filename->name);
+     char* dot=strrchr(name,'.');
+     if(dot)
+     *dot='\0'; 
+     char* buf=new char[strlen(pattern)+strlen(name)+1];
+     sprintf(buf,pattern,name);
+     for(char* ptr=buf;*ptr;++ptr) {
+ 	if(!isalnum(*ptr) && *ptr!='_')
+ 	*ptr='_';
+     }
+     casestring res=mkcasestring(buf);
+     delete[] name;
+     delete[] buf;
+     return res;
+ }
+ static  void do_parse()
+ {
+     includefile Theincheader =  IncludeFile( mkcasestring(INC_HEADER));
+     includefile Theinccfile =  IncludeFile( mkcasestring(INC_CODE));
+     ID Thebase_uview = Id( Str( mkcasestring( "base_uview" )));
+     ID Thebase_rview = Id( Str( mkcasestring( "base_rview" )));
+     ID Thekc_not_uniq = Id( Str( mkcasestring( "kc_not_uniq" )));
+     ID Theuniq = Id( Str( mkcasestring( "uniq" )));
+     The_abstract_phylum_decl=v_predefined_abstract_phylum();
+     The_abstract_phylum_ref_decl=v_predefined_abstract_phylum_ref();
+     The_abstract_list_decl=v_predefined_abstract_list();
+     Thephylumdeclarations = f_add_predefined_phyla( Nilphylumdeclarations() );
+     Therwdeclarations = Nilrwdeclarations();
+     Theunparsedeclarations = Nilunparsedeclarations();
+     Theargsnumbers = Nilargsnumbers();
+     Thefndeclarations = Nilfndeclarations();
+     Thelanguages = Nillanguagenames();
+     Thebaseclasses = Nilbaseclass_declarations();
+     Theincheader->inc_type = include_header;
+     Theinccfile->inc_type = include_file;
+     IncludeFile( mkcasestring(INC_KC_TYPES_HEADER))->inc_type = include_header;
+     IncludeFile( mkcasestring(INC_KC_TYPES))->inc_type = include_file;
+     IncludeFile( mkcasestring(INC_KC_REWRITE_HEADER))->inc_type = include_header;
+     IncludeFile( mkcasestring(INC_KC_REWRITE))->inc_type = include_file;
+     IncludeFile( mkcasestring(INC_KC_CSGIO_HEADER))->inc_type = include_header;
+     IncludeFile( mkcasestring(INC_KC_CSGIO))->inc_type = include_file;
+     IncludeFile( mkcasestring(INC_KC_UNPARSE_HEADER))->inc_type = include_header;
+     IncludeFile( mkcasestring(INC_KC_UNPARSE))->inc_type = include_file;
+     v_defoccur( Thebase_uview, ITPredefinedUView() );
+     v_defoccur( Thebase_rview, ITPredefinedRView() );
+     v_defoccur( Theuniq, ITPredefinedStorageClass() );
+     Theuviewnames = Consviewnames( Thebase_uview, Nilviewnames() );
+     Therviewnames = Consviewnames( Thebase_rview, Nilviewnames() );
+     Thestorageclasses = Consstorageclasses( Theuniq, Consstorageclasses( Thekc_not_uniq, Nilstorageclasses() ));
+     do {
+ 	IncludeFile( mkfunctionincname(INC_KC_FUNCTIONS))->inc_type = include_file;
+ 	IncludeFile( mkfunctionincname(INC_KC_FUNCTIONS_HEADER))->inc_type = include_header;
+ 	if (g_options.verbose) cout << " " << pg_filename->name << flush;
+ 	try {
+ 	    yyparse(); 
+ 	    FnFile( pg_filename )->fns = Thefndeclarations;
+ 	    IncludeFile( pg_filename )->inc[include_header] = Theincheader->inc[Theincheader->inc_type] ;
+ 	    IncludeFile( pg_filename )->inc[include_file] = Theinccfile->inc[Theinccfile->inc_type] ;
+ 	    IncludeFile( pg_filename )->inc_type = include_both;
+ 	    Theincheader->inc[Theincheader->inc_type] = Nilincludedeclarations();
+ 	    Theinccfile->inc[Theinccfile->inc_type] = Nilincludedeclarations();
+ 	}
+ 	catch (int) {  }
+ 	Thefndeclarations = Nilfndeclarations();
+     } while( prepare_for_next_file() );
+     if (! gp_no_fatal_problems) {
+ 	leave(1);
+     }
+ }
+ } // namespace kc
+ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
+ {
+ #ifdef YYDEBUG
+     extern int yydebug;
+     yydebug = 1;
+ #endif
+     g_progname = mkcasestring( progname_initvalue );
+     pg_filename = make_pg_filename( STDINPUTNAME );
+     gp_no_fatal_problems = true;
+     pg_uviewshavebeendefined = false;
+     pg_rviewshavebeendefined = false;
+     pg_storageclasseshavebeendefined = false;
+     pg_lineno = 0;	
+     pg_column = 0;	
+     pg_charpos = 0;	
+     processargs(argc, argv);
+     set_signals();	
+     pg_lineno = 1;	
+     pg_column = 0;	
+     pg_charpos = 0;	
+     if (g_options.verbose) cout << "Reading input files ..." << flush;
+     do_parse();		
+     if (g_options.verbose) cout << " - done.\n";
+     pg_lineno = 0;	
+     pg_column = 0;	
+     pg_charpos = 0;	
+     Thebindingidmarks = 0; 
+     if (g_options.verbose) cout << "Checking input.\n";
+     Thephylumdeclarations->unparse( v_null_printer, view_check_count );
+     Thephylumdeclarations->unparse( v_null_printer, view_check );
+     Therwdeclarations->unparse( v_null_printer, view_check );
+     {
+ 	fnfiles kc_fe_selvar_1 =  Thefnfiles ;
+ 	while(
+ 		kc_fe_selvar_1->prod_sel() == sel_Consfnfiles
+ 	    ) {
+ 	    fnfile kc_selvar_0_1 = kc_fe_selvar_1->fnfile_1;
+ 	    {
+ 		{
+ 		    {
+ 			const fnfile a_fnfile = kc_selvar_0_1;
+ 			a_fnfile->fns->unparse( v_null_printer, view_check );
+ 		    }
+ 		}
+ 	    }
+ 	    kc_fe_selvar_1 = kc_fe_selvar_1->fnfiles_1;
+ 	}
+     }
+     {
+ 	fnfiles kc_fe_selvar_1 =  Thefnfiles ;
+ 	while(
+ 		kc_fe_selvar_1->prod_sel() == sel_Consfnfiles
+ 	    ) {
+ 	    fnfile kc_selvar_0_1 = kc_fe_selvar_1->fnfile_1;
+ 	    {
+ 		{
+ 		    {
+ 			const fnfile a_fnfile = kc_selvar_0_1;
+ 			f_collect_members( a_fnfile->fns );
+ 		    }
+ 		}
+ 	    }
+ 	    kc_fe_selvar_1 = kc_fe_selvar_1->fnfiles_1;
+ 	}
+     }
+     prepare_base_classes(Thebaseclasses);
+     Theunparsedeclarations->unparse( v_null_printer, view_check );
+     Theunparsedeclarations->unparse( v_null_printer, view_check_viewnames );
+     Thephylumdeclarations->unparse( v_null_printer, view_check_uniq );
+     Theunparsedeclarations->unparse( v_null_printer, view_checklanguagenames );
+     Thephylumdeclarations->unparse( v_null_printer, view_make_patternreps );
+     Therwdeclarations->unparse( v_null_printer, view_make_patternreps );
+     {
+ 	fnfiles kc_fe_selvar_1 =  Thefnfiles ;
+ 	while(
+ 		kc_fe_selvar_1->prod_sel() == sel_Consfnfiles
+ 	    ) {
+ 	    fnfile kc_selvar_0_1 = kc_fe_selvar_1->fnfile_1;
+ 	    {
+ 		{
+ 		    {
+ 			const fnfile a_fnfile = kc_selvar_0_1;
+ 			a_fnfile->fns->unparse( v_null_printer, view_make_patternreps );
+ 		    }
+ 		}
+ 	    }
+ 	    kc_fe_selvar_1 = kc_fe_selvar_1->fnfiles_1;
+ 	}
+     }
+     Theunparsedeclarations->unparse( v_null_printer, view_make_patternreps );
+     {
+ 	phylumdeclarations kc_fe_selvar_1 =  Thephylumdeclarations;
+ 	while(
+ 		kc_fe_selvar_1->prod_sel() == sel_Consphylumdeclarations
+ 	    ) {
+ 	    phylumdeclaration kc_selvar_0_1 = kc_fe_selvar_1->phylumdeclaration_1;
+ 	    {
+ 		{
+ 		    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_PhylumDeclaration)) {
+ 			const productionblock prod_block = phylum_cast<const impl_phylumdeclaration_PhylumDeclaration*>(kc_selvar_0_1)->productionblock_1;
+ 			{
+ 			    productionblock kc_selvar_1_1 = phylum_cast<productionblock>(prod_block);
+ 			    if ((kc_selvar_1_1->prod_sel() == sel_NonlistAlternatives)) {
+ 				const alternatives alts = phylum_cast<const impl_productionblock_NonlistAlternatives*>(kc_selvar_1_1)->alternatives_1;
+ 				{
+ 				    alternatives kc_fe_selvar_1 =  alts ;
+ 				    while(
+ 					    kc_fe_selvar_1->prod_sel() == sel_Consalternatives
+ 					) {
+ 					alternative kc_selvar_2_1 = kc_fe_selvar_1->alternative_1;
+ 					{
+ 					    {
+ 						{
+ 						    const alternative alt = kc_selvar_2_1;
+ 						    unparseviewsinfo uvi = f_unparseviewsinfo_of_alternative( alt, Theuviewnames );
+ 						    {
+ 							unparseviewsinfo kc_fe_selvar_1 =  uvi;
+ 							while(
+ 								kc_fe_selvar_1->prod_sel() == sel_Consunparseviewsinfo
+ 							    ) {
+ 							    unparseviewinfo kc_selvar_3_1 = kc_fe_selvar_1->unparseviewinfo_1;
+ 							    {
+ 								{
+ 								    if ((kc_selvar_3_1->prod_sel() == sel_Unparseviewinfo)) {
+ 									const unparsedeclsinfo decl_info = phylum_cast<const impl_unparseviewinfo_Unparseviewinfo*>(kc_selvar_3_1)->unparsedeclsinfo_1;
+ 									check_unparse_patterns(decl_info);
+ 								    } else
+ 								    {/* EMPTY */ /*skip: no matching pattern in foreach patterns*/}
+ 								}
+ 							    }
+ 							    kc_fe_selvar_1 = kc_fe_selvar_1->unparseviewsinfo_1;
+ 							}
+ 						    }
+ 						    rewriteviewsinfo rvi = f_rewriteviewsinfo_of_alternative( alt, Therviewnames );
+ 						    {
+ 							rewriteviewsinfo kc_fe_selvar_1 =  rvi;
+ 							while(
+ 								kc_fe_selvar_1->prod_sel() == sel_Consrewriteviewsinfo
+ 							    ) {
+ 							    rewriteviewinfo kc_selvar_3_1 = kc_fe_selvar_1->rewriteviewinfo_1;
+ 							    {
+ 								{
+ 								    if ((kc_selvar_3_1->prod_sel() == sel_Rewriteviewinfo)) {
+ 									const rewriterulesinfo rule_info = phylum_cast<const impl_rewriteviewinfo_Rewriteviewinfo*>(kc_selvar_3_1)->rewriterulesinfo_1;
+ 									check_rewrite_patterns(rule_info);
+ 								    } else
+ 								    {/* EMPTY */ /*skip: no matching pattern in foreach patterns*/}
+ 								}
+ 							    }
+ 							    kc_fe_selvar_1 = kc_fe_selvar_1->rewriteviewsinfo_1;
+ 							}
+ 						    }
+ 						}
+ 					    }
+ 					}
+ 					kc_fe_selvar_1 = kc_fe_selvar_1->alternatives_1;
+ 				    }
+ 				}
+ 			    } else
+ 				if ((kc_selvar_1_1->prod_sel() == sel_ListAlternatives)) {
+ 				const alternatives alts = phylum_cast<const impl_productionblock_ListAlternatives*>(kc_selvar_1_1)->alternatives_1;
+ 				{
+ 				    alternatives kc_fe_selvar_1 =  alts ;
+ 				    while(
+ 					    kc_fe_selvar_1->prod_sel() == sel_Consalternatives
+ 					) {
+ 					alternative kc_selvar_2_1 = kc_fe_selvar_1->alternative_1;
+ 					{
+ 					    {
+ 						{
+ 						    const alternative alt = kc_selvar_2_1;
+ 						    unparseviewsinfo uvi = f_unparseviewsinfo_of_alternative( alt, Theuviewnames );
+ 						    {
+ 							unparseviewsinfo kc_fe_selvar_1 =  uvi;
+ 							while(
+ 								kc_fe_selvar_1->prod_sel() == sel_Consunparseviewsinfo
+ 							    ) {
+ 							    unparseviewinfo kc_selvar_3_1 = kc_fe_selvar_1->unparseviewinfo_1;
+ 							    {
+ 								{
+ 								    if ((kc_selvar_3_1->prod_sel() == sel_Unparseviewinfo)) {
+ 									const unparsedeclsinfo decl_info = phylum_cast<const impl_unparseviewinfo_Unparseviewinfo*>(kc_selvar_3_1)->unparsedeclsinfo_1;
+ 									check_unparse_patterns(decl_info);
+ 								    } else
+ 								    {/* EMPTY */ /*skip: no matching pattern in foreach patterns*/}
+ 								}
+ 							    }
+ 							    kc_fe_selvar_1 = kc_fe_selvar_1->unparseviewsinfo_1;
+ 							}
+ 						    }
+ 						    rewriteviewsinfo rvi = f_rewriteviewsinfo_of_alternative( alt, Therviewnames );
+ 						    {
+ 							rewriteviewsinfo kc_fe_selvar_1 =  rvi;
+ 							while(
+ 								kc_fe_selvar_1->prod_sel() == sel_Consrewriteviewsinfo
+ 							    ) {
+ 							    rewriteviewinfo kc_selvar_3_1 = kc_fe_selvar_1->rewriteviewinfo_1;
+ 							    {
+ 								{
+ 								    if ((kc_selvar_3_1->prod_sel() == sel_Rewriteviewinfo)) {
+ 									const rewriterulesinfo rule_info = phylum_cast<const impl_rewriteviewinfo_Rewriteviewinfo*>(kc_selvar_3_1)->rewriterulesinfo_1;
+ 									check_rewrite_patterns(rule_info);
+ 								    } else
+ 								    {/* EMPTY */ /*skip: no matching pattern in foreach patterns*/}
+ 								}
+ 							    }
+ 							    kc_fe_selvar_1 = kc_fe_selvar_1->rewriteviewsinfo_1;
+ 							}
+ 						    }
+ 						}
+ 					    }
+ 					}
+ 					kc_fe_selvar_1 = kc_fe_selvar_1->alternatives_1;
+ 				    }
+ 				}
+ 			    } else
+ 			    {
+ 			    }
+ 			}
+ 		    } else
+ 		    {/* EMPTY */ /*skip: no matching pattern in foreach patterns*/}
+ 		}
+ 	    }
+ 	    kc_fe_selvar_1 = kc_fe_selvar_1->phylumdeclarations_1;
+ 	}
+     }
+     if(pg_languageshavebeendefined) {
+ 	collect_strings();
+     }
+     if ( ! gp_no_fatal_problems ) {
+ 	leave( 1 );
+     } 
+     phylumdeclarationsroot proot = PhylumDeclarations( Thephylumdeclarations );
+     if (Theargsnumbers->length() == 0) {
+ 	Theargsnumbers = Consargsnumbers( mkinteger(0), Theargsnumbers );
+     }
+     if (g_options.verbose) cout << "Writing output files ..." << flush;
+     v_hfile_printer.init(Thetemphfile, "w", g_options.prefix+"k.h");
+     v_ccfile_printer.init(Thetempccfile, "w", g_options.prefix+"k." + g_options.suffix);
+     if (g_options.verbose) cout << " "+g_options.prefix+"k" << flush;
+     proot->unparse( v_hfile_printer, view_gen_k_h );
+     proot->unparse( v_ccfile_printer, view_gen_k_c );
+     proot->unparse( v_hfile_printer, view_gen_enumphyla_h );
+     proot->unparse( v_hfile_printer, view_gen_enumoperators_h );
+     proot->unparse( v_hfile_printer, view_gen_classdecls1_h );
+     proot->unparse( v_hfile_printer, view_gen_nodetypedefs_h );
+     proot->unparse( v_hfile_printer, view_gen_operatormap_type_h );
+     proot->unparse( v_ccfile_printer, view_gen_subphylumdefs_c );
+     proot->unparse( v_ccfile_printer, view_gen_set_subphylumdefs_c );
+     proot->unparse( v_ccfile_printer, view_gen_copy_attributes_c );
+     proot->unparse( v_ccfile_printer, view_gen_phylummap_c );
+     proot->unparse( v_ccfile_printer, view_gen_operatormap_c );
+     Thestorageclasses->unparse( v_ccfile_printer, view_gen_uniqmap_c );
+     proot->unparse( v_hfile_printer, view_gen_nodetypes_h );
+     proot->unparse( v_hfile_printer, view_gen_noofoperators_h );
+     proot->unparse( v_hfile_printer, view_close_namespace );
+     proot->unparse( v_ccfile_printer, view_close_namespace );
+     IncludeFile(mkcasestring(INC_KC_TYPES_HEADER))->inc[IncludeFile(mkcasestring(INC_KC_TYPES_HEADER))->inc_type]->unparse( v_hfile_printer, view_gen_includes );
+     IncludeFile(mkcasestring(INC_KC_TYPES))->inc[IncludeFile(mkcasestring(INC_KC_TYPES))->inc_type]->unparse( v_ccfile_printer, view_gen_includes );
+     proot->unparse( v_hfile_printer, view_open_namespace );
+     proot->unparse( v_ccfile_printer, view_open_namespace );
+     proot->unparse( v_hfile_printer, view_gen_assertmacros_h );
+     proot->unparse( v_ccfile_printer, view_gen_assertmacros_c );
+     proot->unparse( v_hfile_printer, view_gen_operatordecls_h );
+     proot->unparse( v_hfile_printer, view_gen_classdecls2_h );
+     proot->unparse( v_ccfile_printer, view_gen_classdefs_c );
+     proot->unparse( v_hfile_printer, view_gen_alloc_h );
+     proot->unparse( v_ccfile_printer, view_gen_alloc_c );
+     proot->unparse( v_hfile_printer, view_gen_hashtables_h );
+     proot->unparse( v_ccfile_printer, view_gen_operatordefs_c );
+     proot->unparse( v_ccfile_printer, view_gen_hashtables_c );
+     proot->unparse( v_hfile_printer, view_gen_error_decls_h );
+     proot->unparse( v_ccfile_printer, view_gen_error_defs_c );
+     if(!g_options.no_printdot) {
+ 	proot->unparse( v_hfile_printer, view_gen_printdotdecls_h );
+ 	proot->unparse( v_ccfile_printer, view_gen_printdotdefs_c );
+     }
+     proot->unparse( v_ccfile_printer, view_gen_listdefs_c );
+     proot->unparse( v_ccfile_printer, view_gen_copydefs_c );
+     proot->unparse( v_hfile_printer, view_gen_end_k_h );
+     proot->unparse( v_ccfile_printer, view_close_namespace );
+     if (v_ccfile_printer.fclose() == EOF) {
+ 	v_report( Fatal( NoFileLine(), Problem2S( "writing temporary k.cc file failed:", Thetempccfile )));
+     }
+     if (v_hfile_printer.fclose() == EOF) {
+ 	v_report( Fatal( NoFileLine(), Problem2S( "writing temporary k.h file failed:", Thetemphfile )));
+     }
+     compare_and_delete_or_move(Thetempccfile, g_options.prefix+"k."+g_options.suffix);
+     compare_and_delete_or_move(Thetemphfile, g_options.prefix+"k.h");
+     if(!g_options.no_csgio) {
+ 	v_hfile_printer.init(Thetemphfile, "w", g_options.prefix+"csgiok.h");
+ 	v_ccfile_printer.init(Thetempccfile, "w", g_options.prefix+"csgiok."+g_options.suffix);
+ 	if (g_options.verbose) cout << " "+g_options.prefix+"csgiok" << flush;
+ 	proot->unparse( v_hfile_printer, view_gen_csgio_start_h );
+ 	IncludeFile(mkcasestring(INC_KC_CSGIO_HEADER))->inc[IncludeFile(mkcasestring(INC_KC_CSGIO_HEADER))->inc_type]->unparse( v_hfile_printer, view_gen_includes );
+ 	proot->unparse( v_hfile_printer, view_open_namespace );
+ 	proot->unparse( v_hfile_printer, view_gen_csgio_h );
+ 	proot->unparse( v_hfile_printer, view_close_namespace );
+ 	proot->unparse( v_hfile_printer, view_gen_csgio_end_h );
+ 	proot->unparse( v_ccfile_printer, view_gen_csgio_start_c );
+ 	IncludeFile(mkcasestring(INC_KC_CSGIO))->inc[IncludeFile(mkcasestring(INC_KC_CSGIO))->inc_type]->unparse( v_ccfile_printer, view_gen_includes );
+ 	proot->unparse( v_ccfile_printer, view_open_namespace );
+ 	proot->unparse( v_ccfile_printer, view_gen_csgio_c );
+ 	proot->unparse( v_ccfile_printer, view_close_namespace );
+ 	if (v_ccfile_printer.fclose() == EOF) {
+ 	    v_report( Fatal( NoFileLine(), Problem2S( "writing temporary csgiok.cc file failed:", Thetempccfile )));
+ 	}
+ 	if (v_hfile_printer.fclose() == EOF) {
+ 	    v_report( Fatal( NoFileLine(), Problem2S( "writing temporary csgiok.h file failed:", Thetemphfile )));
+ 	}
+ 	compare_and_delete_or_move(Thetempccfile, g_options.prefix+"csgiok."+g_options.suffix);
+ 	compare_and_delete_or_move(Thetemphfile, g_options.prefix+"csgiok.h");
+     }
+     if(!g_options.no_unparse) {
+ 	v_hfile_printer.init(Thetemphfile, "w", g_options.prefix+"unpk.h");
+ 	v_ccfile_printer.init(Thetempccfile, "w", g_options.prefix+"unpk."+g_options.suffix);
+ 	if (g_options.verbose) cout << " "+g_options.prefix+"unpk" << flush;
+ 	proot->unparse( v_hfile_printer, view_gen_unpk_h );
+ 	IncludeFile(mkcasestring(INC_KC_UNPARSE_HEADER))->inc[IncludeFile(mkcasestring(INC_KC_UNPARSE_HEADER))->inc_type]->unparse( v_hfile_printer, view_gen_includes );
+ 	proot->unparse( v_hfile_printer, view_open_namespace );
+ 	proot->unparse( v_hfile_printer, view_uview_class_decl );
+ 	proot->unparse( v_hfile_printer, view_gen_unparsedecls_h );
+ 	proot->unparse( v_hfile_printer, view_close_namespace );
+ 	proot->unparse( v_hfile_printer, view_gen_end_unpk_h );
+ 	proot->unparse( v_ccfile_printer, view_gen_unpk_c ); 
+ 	proot->unparse( v_ccfile_printer, view_close_namespace );
+ 	IncludeFile(mkcasestring(INC_KC_UNPARSE))->inc[IncludeFile(mkcasestring(INC_KC_UNPARSE))->inc_type]->unparse( v_ccfile_printer, view_gen_includes );
+ 	proot->unparse( v_ccfile_printer, view_open_namespace );
+ 	proot->unparse( v_ccfile_printer, view_gen_default_types_unpk_c );
+ 	proot->unparse( v_ccfile_printer, view_gen_unparsedefs_c );
+ 	if(pg_languageshavebeendefined) {
+ 	    unparse_string_collection();
+ 	}
+ 	proot->unparse( v_ccfile_printer, view_close_namespace );
+ 	if (v_ccfile_printer.fclose() == EOF) {
+ 	    v_report( Fatal( NoFileLine(), Problem2S( "writing temporary unpk.cc file failed:", Thetempccfile )));
+ 	}
+ 	if (v_hfile_printer.fclose() == EOF) {
+ 	    v_report( Fatal( NoFileLine(), Problem2S( "writing temporary unpk.h file failed:", Thetemphfile )));
+ 	}
+ 	compare_and_delete_or_move(Thetempccfile, g_options.prefix+"unpk."+g_options.suffix);
+ 	compare_and_delete_or_move(Thetemphfile, g_options.prefix+"unpk.h");
+     }
+     if(!g_options.no_rewrite) {
+ 	v_hfile_printer.init(Thetemphfile, "w", g_options.prefix+"rk.h");
+ 	v_ccfile_printer.init(Thetempccfile, "w", g_options.prefix+"rk."+g_options.suffix);
+ 	if (g_options.verbose) cout << " "+g_options.prefix+"rk" << flush;
+ 	proot->unparse( v_hfile_printer, view_gen_rewritek_h );
+ 	IncludeFile(mkcasestring(INC_KC_REWRITE_HEADER))->inc[IncludeFile(mkcasestring(INC_KC_REWRITE_HEADER))->inc_type]->unparse( v_hfile_printer, view_gen_includes );
+ 	proot->unparse( v_hfile_printer, view_open_namespace );
+ 	proot->unparse( v_hfile_printer, view_rview_class_decl );
+ 	proot->unparse( v_hfile_printer, view_gen_rewritedecls_h );
+ 	proot->unparse( v_hfile_printer, view_close_namespace );
+ 	proot->unparse( v_hfile_printer, view_gen_end_rewritek_h );
+ 	proot->unparse( v_ccfile_printer, view_gen_rewritek_c ); 
+ 	proot->unparse( v_ccfile_printer, view_close_namespace );
+ 	IncludeFile(mkcasestring(INC_KC_REWRITE))->inc[IncludeFile(mkcasestring(INC_KC_REWRITE))->inc_type]->unparse( v_ccfile_printer, view_gen_includes );
+ 	proot->unparse( v_ccfile_printer, view_open_namespace );
+ 	proot->unparse( v_ccfile_printer, view_gen_rewritedefs_c );
+ 	proot->unparse( v_ccfile_printer, view_close_namespace );
+ 	if (v_ccfile_printer.fclose() == EOF) {
+ 	    v_report( Fatal( NoFileLine(), Problem2S( "writing temporary rk.cc file failed:", Thetempccfile )));
+ 	}
+ 	if (v_hfile_printer.fclose() == EOF) {
+ 	    v_report( Fatal( NoFileLine(), Problem2S( "writing temporary rk.h file failed:", Thetemphfile )));
+ 	}
+ 	compare_and_delete_or_move(Thetempccfile, g_options.prefix+"rk."+g_options.suffix);
+ 	compare_and_delete_or_move(Thetemphfile, g_options.prefix+"rk.h");
+     }
+     {
+ 	fnfiles kc_fe_selvar_1 =  Thefnfiles ;
+ 	while(
+ 		kc_fe_selvar_1->prod_sel() == sel_Consfnfiles
+ 	    ) {
+ 	    fnfile kc_selvar_0_1 = kc_fe_selvar_1->fnfile_1;
+ 	    {
+ 		{
+ 		    {
+ 			const fnfile a_fnfile = kc_selvar_0_1;
+ 			{
+ 			    fnfile kc_selvar_1_1 = phylum_cast<fnfile>( a_fnfile );
+ 			    if ((kc_selvar_1_1->prod_sel() == sel_FnFile)) {
+ 				const casestring a_filename = phylum_cast<const impl_fnfile_FnFile*>(kc_selvar_1_1)->casestring_1;
+ 				g_options.hfilename = f_mk_filename( a_filename, "h" );
+ 				g_options.ccfilename = f_mk_filename( a_filename, g_options.suffix);
+ 				pg_filename = a_filename;
+ 				v_hfile_printer.init(Thetemphfile, "w", g_options.hfilename);
+ 				v_ccfile_printer.init(Thetempccfile, "w", g_options.ccfilename);
+ 				if (g_options.verbose) cout << " " << f_mk_filename(a_filename, "") << flush;
+ 				proot->unparse( v_hfile_printer, view_gen_fns_start_h );
+ 				IncludeFile( a_filename )->inc[include_header]->unparse( v_hfile_printer, view_gen_includes );
+ 				IncludeFile( mkfunctionincname(INC_KC_FUNCTIONS_HEADER))->inc[include_header]->unparse( v_hfile_printer, view_gen_includes );
+ 				proot->unparse( v_hfile_printer, view_open_namespace );
+ 				a_fnfile->fns->unparse( v_hfile_printer, view_gen_fnk_h );
+ 				proot->unparse( v_hfile_printer, view_close_namespace );
+ 				proot->unparse( v_hfile_printer, view_gen_fns_end_h );
+ 				proot->unparse( v_ccfile_printer, view_gen_fns_start_c );
+ 				proot->unparse( v_ccfile_printer, view_gen_fns_owninclude_c );
+ 				IncludeFile( a_filename )->inc[include_file]->unparse( v_ccfile_printer, view_gen_includes );
+ 				IncludeFile( mkfunctionincname(INC_KC_FUNCTIONS))->inc[include_file]->unparse( v_ccfile_printer, view_gen_includes );
+ 				proot->unparse( v_ccfile_printer, view_open_namespace );
+ 				a_fnfile->fns->unparse( v_ccfile_printer, view_gen_fnkdecls_c );
+ 				a_fnfile->fns->unparse( v_ccfile_printer, view_gen_fnk_c );
+ 				proot->unparse( v_ccfile_printer, view_close_namespace );
+ 				if (v_ccfile_printer.fclose() == EOF) {
+ 				    v_report( Fatal( NoFileLine(), Problem4S( "writing temporary ", g_options.ccfilename.c_str(), " file failed:", Thetempccfile )));
+ 				}
+ 				if (v_hfile_printer.fclose() == EOF) {
+ 				    v_report( Fatal( NoFileLine(), Problem4S( "writing temporary ", g_options.hfilename.c_str(), " file failed:", Thetemphfile )));
+ 				}
+ 				compare_and_delete_or_move(Thetempccfile, g_options.ccfilename);
+ 				compare_and_delete_or_move(Thetemphfile, g_options.hfilename);
+ 			    } else
+ 				kc_no_default_in_with( "main", __LINE__, __FILE__ );
+ 			}
+ 		    }
+ 		}
+ 	    }
+ 	    kc_fe_selvar_1 = kc_fe_selvar_1->fnfiles_1;
+ 	}
+     }
+     if(g_options.operator_cast) {
+ 	v_hfile_printer.init(Thetemphfile, "w", g_options.prefix+"operatork.h");
+ 	if (g_options.verbose) cout << " "+g_options.prefix+"operatork.h" << flush;
+ 	proot->unparse( v_hfile_printer, view_gen_operatorcast_h );
+ 	if (v_hfile_printer.fclose() == EOF) {
+ 	    v_report( Fatal( NoFileLine(), Problem2S( "writing temporary operatork.h file failed:", Thetemphfile )));
+ 	}
+ 	compare_and_delete_or_move(Thetemphfile, g_options.prefix+"operatork.h");
+     }
+     if(g_options.for_bison!="") {
+ 	v_hfile_printer.init(Thetemphfile, "w", g_options.prefix+g_options.for_bison);
+ 	if (g_options.verbose) cout << " "+g_options.prefix+g_options.for_bison << flush;
+ 	proot->unparse( v_hfile_printer, view_gen_yaccstacktype_h );
+ 	if (v_hfile_printer.fclose() == EOF) {
+ 	    v_report( Fatal( NoFileLine(), Problem4S( "writing temporary ", g_options.for_bison.c_str(), " file failed:", Thetemphfile )));
+ 	}
+ 	compare_and_delete_or_move(Thetemphfile, g_options.prefix+g_options.for_bison);
+     }
+     if(g_options.for_yxx) {
+ 	v_hfile_printer.init(Thetemphfile, "w", g_options.prefix+"yxx_union.h");
+ 	if (g_options.verbose) cout << " "+g_options.prefix+"yxx_union.h" << flush;
+ 	proot->unparse( v_hfile_printer, view_gen_yxx_union_h );
+ 	if (v_hfile_printer.fclose() == EOF) {
+ 	    v_report( Fatal( NoFileLine(), Problem2S( "writing temporary yxx_union.h file failed:", Thetemphfile )));
+ 	}
+ 	compare_and_delete_or_move(Thetemphfile, g_options.prefix+"yxx_union.h");
+     }
+     if (g_options.verbose) cout << " - done.\n";
+     leave( 0 );
+     exit( 0 );
+     return( 0 );
+ }
+ namespace kc {
+ static  bool different(FILE *f1, FILE *f2, const char *fn1, const char *fn2)
+ {
+     char buf1[BUFSIZ], buf2[BUFSIZ] ;
+     size_t characters_read1, characters_read2;
+ #ifdef KC_USE_STAT
+     struct stat stbuf1, stbuf2;
+     if (stat(fn1, &stbuf1) != 0) {
+ 	perror("kc++ error (in 'different')");
+ 	v_report( NonFatal( NoFileLine(), Problem2S( "error stat'ing", fn1 )));
+     }
+     if (stat(fn2, &stbuf2) != 0) {
+ 	perror("kc++ error (in 'different')");
+ 	v_report( NonFatal( NoFileLine(), Problem2S( "error stat'ing", fn2 )));
+     }
+     if (stbuf1.st_size != stbuf2.st_size) {
+ 	return true;
+     }
+ #endif 
+     while(true) {
+ 	characters_read1 = fread(buf1, 1, BUFSIZ, f1);
+ 	if (ferror(f1)) {
+ 	    perror("kc++ error (in 'different')");
+ 	    v_report( Fatal( NoFileLine(), Problem2S( "error while reading from", fn1 )));
+ 	}
+ 	characters_read2 = fread(buf2, 1, BUFSIZ, f2);
+ 	if (ferror(f2)) {
+ 	    perror("kc++ error (in 'different')");
+ 	    v_report( Fatal( NoFileLine(), Problem2S( "error while reading from", fn2 )));
+ 	}
+ 	if (characters_read1 == 0 && characters_read2 == 0)
+ 	return false;
+ 	else if ( (characters_read1 != characters_read2)
+ 	    || (memcmp(buf1, buf2, characters_read1) != 0)
+ 	)
+ 	return true;
+     } /*NOTREACHED*/
+ }
+ static  void erename(const char *oldfilename, const char *newfilename)
+ {
+     if (rename(oldfilename, newfilename) != 0) {
+ 	perror("kc++ error (in 'erename')");
+ 	v_report( NonFatal( NoFileLine(), Problem4S( "error while renaming", oldfilename, "to", newfilename )));
+     }
+ }
+ static  void eremove(const char *filename)
+ {
+     if (remove(filename) != 0) {
+ 	perror("kc++ error (in 'eremove')");
+ 	v_report( NonFatal( NoFileLine(), Problem2S( "error while removing", filename )));
+     }
+ }
+ static  void compare_and_delete_or_move(const char *tmp_filename, const string &filenamestring)
+ {
+     FILE *tmp_file, *file;
+     const char *filename=filenamestring.c_str();
+     if ((file = fopen(filename, "r")) == 0) {
+ 	erename(tmp_filename, filename);
+     } else if ((tmp_file = fopen(tmp_filename, "r")) == 0) {
+ 	perror("kc++ error (in 'compare_and_delete_or_move')");
+ 	v_report( Fatal( NoFileLine(), Problem2S( "could not open temporary file", tmp_filename )));
+     } else {
+ 	bool they_are_different=different(tmp_file, file, tmp_filename, filename);
+ 	if (fclose(tmp_file) == -1) {
+ 	    perror("kc++ error (in 'compare_and_delete_or_move')");
+ 	    v_report( NonFatal( NoFileLine(), Problem2S( "error while closing", tmp_filename )));
+ 	}
+ 	if (fclose(file) == -1) {
+ 	    perror("kc++ error (in 'compare_and_delete_or_move')");
+ 	    v_report( NonFatal( NoFileLine(), Problem2S( "error while closing", filename )));
+ 	}
+ 	if (they_are_different || g_options.overwrite) {
+ 	    eremove(filename);
+ 	    erename(tmp_filename, filename);
+ 	} else {
+ 	    if (g_options.verbose) cout << "(unchanged:" << filename << ')' << flush;
+ 	    eremove(tmp_filename);
+ 	}   }	
+ }
+ static  phylumdeclarations f_add_predefined_phyla(phylumdeclarations p)
+ {
+     return Consphylumdeclarations(
+ 	v_predefined_voidptr(),
+ 	Consphylumdeclarations(
+ 	    v_predefined_int(),
+ 	    Consphylumdeclarations(
+ 		v_predefined_real(),
+ 		Consphylumdeclarations(
+ 		    v_predefined_casestring(),
+ 		    Consphylumdeclarations(
+ 			v_predefined_nocasestring(),
+ 			p
+ 		    )  )	  )   )       );
+ }
+ static  phylumdeclaration v_predefined_int()
+ {
+     ID int_pid, int_oid, int_sto;
+     alternative int_alternative;
+     phylumdeclaration int_phylumdeclaration;
+     int_pid = Id( Str( mkcasestring( "integer" ) ));
+     int_sto = Id( Str( mkcasestring( "uniq" ) ));
+     int_oid = Id( Str( mkcasestring( "_Int" ) ));
+     int_alternative = Alternative( int_oid, Nilarguments() );
+     int_phylumdeclaration = PhylumDeclaration(
+ 	int_pid,
+ 	PositiveStorageOption(  int_sto ),
+ 	PredefinedAlternatives( Consalternatives( int_alternative, Nilalternatives() )),
+ 	CcodeOption( Nilattributes(), NilCtexts() )
+     );
+     v_defoccur( int_oid, ITPredefinedOperator( int_alternative, int_pid ) );
+     v_defoccur( int_pid, ITPredefinedPhylum( int_phylumdeclaration ) );
+     return int_phylumdeclaration;
+ }
+ static  phylumdeclaration v_predefined_real()
+ {
+     ID real_pid, real_oid, real_sto;
+     alternative real_alternative;
+     phylumdeclaration real_phylumdeclaration;
+     real_pid = Id( Str( mkcasestring( "real" ) ));
+     real_sto = Id( Str( mkcasestring( "uniq" ) ));
+     real_oid = Id( Str( mkcasestring( "_Real" ) ));
+     real_alternative = Alternative( real_oid, Nilarguments() );
+     real_phylumdeclaration = PhylumDeclaration(
+ 	real_pid,
+ 	PositiveStorageOption(  real_sto ),
+ 	PredefinedAlternatives( Consalternatives( real_alternative, Nilalternatives() )),
+ 	CcodeOption( Nilattributes(), NilCtexts() )
+     );
+     v_defoccur( real_oid, ITPredefinedOperator( real_alternative, real_pid ) );
+     v_defoccur( real_pid, ITPredefinedPhylum( real_phylumdeclaration ) );
+     return real_phylumdeclaration;
+ }
+ static  phylumdeclaration v_predefined_casestring()
+ {
+     ID casestring_pid, casestring_oid, casestring_sto;
+     alternative casestring_alternative;
+     phylumdeclaration casestring_phylumdeclaration;
+     casestring_pid = Id( Str( mkcasestring( "casestring" ) ));
+     casestring_sto = Id( Str( mkcasestring( "uniq" ) ));
+     casestring_oid = Id( Str( mkcasestring( "_Str" ) ));
+     casestring_alternative = Alternative( casestring_oid, Nilarguments() );
+     casestring_phylumdeclaration = PhylumDeclaration(
+ 	casestring_pid,
+ 	PositiveStorageOption(  casestring_sto ),
+ 	PredefinedAlternatives( Consalternatives( casestring_alternative, Nilalternatives() )),
+ 	CcodeOption( Nilattributes(), NilCtexts() )
+     );
+     v_defoccur( casestring_oid, ITPredefinedOperator( casestring_alternative, casestring_pid ) );
+     v_defoccur( casestring_pid, ITPredefinedPhylum( casestring_phylumdeclaration ) );
+     return casestring_phylumdeclaration;
+ }
+ static  phylumdeclaration v_predefined_nocasestring()
+ {
+     ID nocasestring_pid, nocasestring_oid, nocasestring_sto;
+     alternative nocasestring_alternative;
+     phylumdeclaration nocasestring_phylumdeclaration;
+     nocasestring_pid = Id( Str( mkcasestring( "nocasestring" ) ));
+     nocasestring_sto = Id( Str( mkcasestring( "uniq" ) ));
+     nocasestring_oid = Id( Str( mkcasestring( "NoCaseStr" ) ));
+     nocasestring_alternative = Alternative( nocasestring_oid, Nilarguments() );
+     nocasestring_phylumdeclaration = PhylumDeclaration(
+ 	nocasestring_pid,
+ 	PositiveStorageOption(  nocasestring_sto ),
+ 	PredefinedAlternatives( Consalternatives( nocasestring_alternative, Nilalternatives() )),
+ 	CcodeOption( Nilattributes(), NilCtexts() )
+     );
+     v_defoccur( nocasestring_oid, ITPredefinedOperator( nocasestring_alternative, nocasestring_pid ) );
+     v_defoccur( nocasestring_pid, ITPredefinedPhylum( nocasestring_phylumdeclaration ) );
+     return nocasestring_phylumdeclaration;
+ }
+ static  phylumdeclaration v_predefined_voidptr()
+ {
+     ID voidptr_pid, voidptr_oid, voidptr_sto;
+     alternative voidptr_alternative;
+     phylumdeclaration voidptr_phylumdeclaration;
+     voidptr_pid = Id( Str( mkcasestring( "voidptr" ) ));
+     voidptr_sto = Id( Str( mkcasestring( "uniq" ) ));
+     voidptr_oid = Id( Str( mkcasestring( "_VoidPtr" ) ));
+     voidptr_alternative = Alternative( voidptr_oid, Nilarguments() );
+     voidptr_phylumdeclaration = PhylumDeclaration(
+ 	voidptr_pid,
+ 	PositiveStorageOption(  voidptr_sto ),
+ 	PredefinedAlternatives( Consalternatives( voidptr_alternative, Nilalternatives() )),
+ 	CcodeOption( Nilattributes(), NilCtexts() )
+     );
+     v_defoccur( voidptr_oid, ITPredefinedOperator( voidptr_alternative, voidptr_pid ) );
+     v_defoccur( voidptr_pid, ITPredefinedPhylum( voidptr_phylumdeclaration ) );
+     return voidptr_phylumdeclaration;
+ }
+ static  phylumdeclaration v_predefined_abstract_phylum()
+ {
+     ID a_ph_pid;
+     phylumdeclaration a_ph_phylumdeclaration;
+     a_ph_pid = Id( Str( mkcasestring( "abstract_phylum" ) ));
+     a_ph_phylumdeclaration = PhylumDeclaration(
+ 	a_ph_pid,
+ 	PositiveStorageOption( f_emptyId() ),
+ 	Emptyproductionblock(),
+ 	CcodeOption( Nilattributes(), NilCtexts() )
+     );
+     v_defoccur( a_ph_pid, ITPredefinedPhylum( a_ph_phylumdeclaration ) );
+     return a_ph_phylumdeclaration;
+ }
+ static  phylumdeclaration v_predefined_abstract_phylum_ref()
+ {
+     ID a_ph_pid;
+     phylumdeclaration a_ph_phylumdeclaration;
+     a_ph_pid = Id( Str( mkcasestring( "abstract_phylum_ref" ) ));
+     a_ph_phylumdeclaration = PhylumDeclaration(
+ 	a_ph_pid,
+ 	PositiveStorageOption( f_emptyId() ),
+ 	Emptyproductionblock(),
+ 	CcodeOption( Nilattributes(), NilCtexts() )
+     );
+     v_defoccur( a_ph_pid, ITPredefinedPhylum( a_ph_phylumdeclaration ) );
+     return a_ph_phylumdeclaration;
+ }
+ static  phylumdeclaration v_predefined_abstract_list()
+ {
+     ID a_list_pid;
+     phylumdeclaration a_list_phylumdeclaration;
+     a_list_pid = Id( Str( mkcasestring( "abstract_list" ) ));
+     a_list_phylumdeclaration = PhylumDeclaration(
+ 	a_list_pid,
+ 	PositiveStorageOption( f_emptyId() ),
+ 	Emptyproductionblock(),
+ 	CcodeOption( Nilattributes(), NilCtexts() )
+     );
+     v_defoccur( a_list_pid, ITPredefinedPhylum( a_list_phylumdeclaration ) );
+     return a_list_phylumdeclaration;
+ }
+ static  casestring make_pg_filename(const char *s)
+ {
+     char *tmpinpfilename;
+     char *str;
+     casestring tmp;
+     tmpinpfilename=new char[strlen(s)+3];
+     strcpy(tmpinpfilename,s);
+     for(str=tmpinpfilename;(str=strchr(str,'\\'));) *str='/';
+     tmp = mkcasestring( tmpinpfilename );
+     delete[] tmpinpfilename;
+     return tmp;
+ }
+ static  void set_signals()
+ {
+ #ifdef SIGINT
+     signal(SIGINT, cleanup_and_die);
+ #endif
+ #ifdef SIGTERM
+     signal(SIGTERM, cleanup_and_die);
+ #endif
+ #ifdef SIGSEGV
+     signal(SIGSEGV, cleanup_and_abort);
+ #endif
+ #ifdef SIGILL
+     signal(SIGILL, cleanup_and_abort);
+ #endif
+ #ifdef SIGSYS
+     signal(SIGSYS, cleanup_and_abort);
+ #endif
+ #ifdef SIGIOT
+     signal(SIGIOT, cleanup_and_abort);
+ #endif
+ #ifdef SIGHUP
+     signal(SIGHUP, cleanup_and_die);
+ #endif
+ #ifdef SIGQUIT
+     signal(SIGQUIT, cleanup_and_die);
+ #endif
+ #ifdef SIGBUS
+     signal(SIGBUS, cleanup_and_abort);
+ #endif
+ }
+ static  void block_signals()
+ {
+ }
+ static  void cleanup()
+ {
+     block_signals();
+     if (v_ccfile_printer.fclose() == EOF) {
+ 	v_report( Fatal( NoFileLine(), Problem2S( "writing temporary file failed:", Thetempccfile )));
+     }
+     if (v_hfile_printer.fclose() == EOF) {
+ 	v_report( Fatal( NoFileLine(), Problem2S( "writing temporary file failed:", Thetemphfile )));
+     }
+     if (access(Thetempccfile, R_OK) == 0) {
+ 	if (g_options.verbose) cout << "removing " << Thetempccfile << endl;
+ 	eremove(Thetempccfile);
+     }
+     if (access(Thetemphfile, R_OK) == 0) {
+ 	if (g_options.verbose) cout << "removing " << Thetemphfile << endl;
+ 	eremove(Thetemphfile);
+     }
+ }
+ void leave(int status)
+ {
+     cleanup();
+     if (gp_no_fatal_problems) {
+ 	exit( (status==0) ? 0 : status );
+     }
+     else {
+ 	exit( (status==0) ? 1 : status );
+     }
+ }
+ } // namespace kc

Index: llvm/test/Programs/MultiSource/Applications/kimwitu++/main.h
diff -c /dev/null llvm/test/Programs/MultiSource/Applications/kimwitu++/main.h:1.1
*** /dev/null	Tue Apr  6 15:25:26 2004
--- llvm/test/Programs/MultiSource/Applications/kimwitu++/main.h	Tue Apr  6 15:25:13 2004
*** 0 ****
--- 1,43 ----
+ /* translation of file "main.k" */
+ /* generated by:
+  *  @(#)$Author: criswell $
+  */
+ #ifndef KC_FUNCTIONS_main_HEADER
+ #define KC_FUNCTIONS_main_HEADER
+ #include "k.h"    /* in case a user forgets */
+ namespace kc { }
+ using namespace kc;
+ /* included stuff */
+ //
+ // The Termprocessor Kimwitu++
+ //
+ // Copyright (C) 1991 University of Twente, Dept TIOS.
+ // Copyright (C) 1998-2003 Humboldt-University of Berlin, Institute of Informatics
+ // All rights reserved.
+ //
+ // Kimwitu++ is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ // the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ // (at your option) any later version.
+ //
+ // Kimwitu++ is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ // GNU General Public License for more details.
+ //
+ // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ // along with Kimwitu++; if not, write to the Free Software
+ // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+ //
+ /* end included stuff */
+ namespace kc {
+ void leave (int status);
+ } // namespace kc
+ #endif // !  KC_FUNCTIONS_main_HEADER

Index: llvm/test/Programs/MultiSource/Applications/kimwitu++/occur.cc
diff -c /dev/null llvm/test/Programs/MultiSource/Applications/kimwitu++/occur.cc:1.1
*** /dev/null	Tue Apr  6 15:25:26 2004
--- llvm/test/Programs/MultiSource/Applications/kimwitu++/occur.cc	Tue Apr  6 15:25:13 2004
*** 0 ****
--- 1,723 ----
+ /* translation of file "occur.k" */
+ /* generated by:
+  *  @(#)$Author: criswell $
+  */
+ #define KC_FUNCTIONS_occur_
+ #include <stdlib.h>
+ #include "k.h"
+ #include "occur.h"
+ namespace kc { }
+ using namespace kc;
+ /* included stuff */
+ //
+ // The Termprocessor Kimwitu++
+ //
+ // Copyright (C) 1991 University of Twente, Dept TIOS.
+ // Copyright (C) 1998-2003 Humboldt-University of Berlin, Institute of Informatics
+ // All rights reserved.
+ //
+ // Kimwitu++ is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ // the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ // (at your option) any later version.
+ //
+ // Kimwitu++ is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ // GNU General Public License for more details.
+ //
+ // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ // along with Kimwitu++; if not, write to the Free Software
+ // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+ //
+ static char occur_kAccesSid[] = "@(#)$Id: occur.cc,v 1.1 2004/04/06 20:25:13 criswell Exp $";
+ inline static void
+ NF(ID id, problem prob)
+ {
+     v_report(NonFatal( FileLine( id->file, id->line ), prob));
+ }
+ /* end included stuff */
+ namespace kc {
+ #endif
+ static  void do_v_extendoccur (ID id, IDtype it, bool warn);
+ static  bool occurlanguagename (ID id);
+ void v_defoccur(ID id, IDtype it)
+ {
+     uniqID uid;
+     {
+ 	ID kc_selvar_0_1 = phylum_cast<ID>( id );
+ 	if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_Id)) {
+ 	    const uniqID _uid = phylum_cast<const impl_ID_Id*>(kc_selvar_0_1)->uniqID_1;
+ 	    uid = _uid; 
+ 	    	} else
+ 	    kc_no_default_in_with( "v_defoccur", __LINE__, __FILE__ );
+     }
+     id->type = it;
+     {
+ 	IDtype kc_selvar_0_1 = phylum_cast<IDtype>( id->type);
+ 	IDtype kc_selvar_0_2 = phylum_cast<IDtype>( uid->type );
+ 	if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITUnknown)) {
+ 	    return; 
+ 	    	} else
+ 	    if ((kc_selvar_0_2->prod_sel() == sel_ITUnknown)) {
+ 	    uid->type = it; uid->line = id->line; uid->file = id->file; return; 
+ 	    	} else
+ 	{
+ 	}
+     }
+     {
+ 	IDtype kc_selvar_0_1 = phylum_cast<IDtype>( id->type);
+ 	IDtype kc_selvar_0_2 = phylum_cast<IDtype>( uid->type );
+ 	if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITUserFunction) && (kc_selvar_0_2->prod_sel() == sel_ITUserFunction) && (phylum_cast<const impl_IDtype_ITUserFunction*>(kc_selvar_0_2)->fnclass_1->prod_sel() == sel_DestructorFn)) {
+ 	} else
+ 	    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITUserFunction) && (kc_selvar_0_2->prod_sel() == sel_ITUserFunction) && (phylum_cast<const impl_IDtype_ITUserFunction*>(kc_selvar_0_2)->fnclass_1->prod_sel() == sel_ConstructorFn)) {
+ 	} else
+ 	    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITUserFunction) && (kc_selvar_0_2->prod_sel() == sel_ITUserFunction) && (phylum_cast<const impl_IDtype_ITUserFunction*>(kc_selvar_0_2)->fnclass_1->prod_sel() == sel_MemberFn)) {
+ 	} else
+ 	    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITUserFunction) && (kc_selvar_0_2->prod_sel() == sel_ITUserFunction) && (phylum_cast<const impl_IDtype_ITUserFunction*>(kc_selvar_0_2)->fnclass_1->prod_sel() == sel_StaticFn)) {
+ 	    const fnclass it_fnc = phylum_cast<const impl_IDtype_ITUserFunction*>(kc_selvar_0_1)->fnclass_1;
+ 	    {
+ 		fnclass kc_selvar_1_1 = phylum_cast<fnclass>( it_fnc );
+ 		if ((kc_selvar_1_1->prod_sel() == sel_StaticFn)) {
+ 		    if (uid->file->eq(id->file ))
+ 		    NF(id, Problem1S1ID( "illegal redefinition of local function:", id ));
+ 		} else
+ 		    if ((kc_selvar_1_1->prod_sel() == sel_GlobalFn)) {
+ 		    NF(id, Problem1S1ID( "illegal redefinition of local function:", id )); 
+ 		    	} else
+ 		    kc_no_default_in_with( "v_defoccur", __LINE__, __FILE__ );
+ 	    }
+ 	} else
+ 	    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITUserFunction) && (kc_selvar_0_2->prod_sel() == sel_ITUserFunction) && (phylum_cast<const impl_IDtype_ITUserFunction*>(kc_selvar_0_2)->fnclass_1->prod_sel() == sel_GlobalFn)) {
+ 	    const fnclass it_fnc = phylum_cast<const impl_IDtype_ITUserFunction*>(kc_selvar_0_1)->fnclass_1;
+ 	} else
+ 	    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITPatternVariable) && (kc_selvar_0_2->prod_sel() == sel_ITPatternVariable)) {
+ 	    const integer i_s = phylum_cast<const impl_IDtype_ITPatternVariable*>(kc_selvar_0_1)->integer_1;
+ 	    const integer id_s = phylum_cast<const impl_IDtype_ITPatternVariable*>(kc_selvar_0_2)->integer_1;
+ 	    if (i_s == id_s)
+ 	    NF(id, Problem1S1ID( "illegal redefinition of pattern variable:", id )); 
+ 	    	} else
+ 	    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITUserRView) && (kc_selvar_0_2->prod_sel() == sel_ITUserRView)) {
+ 	    NF(id, Problem1S1ID( "illegal redefinition of rewrite view:", id )); 
+ 	    	} else
+ 	    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITUserRView) && (kc_selvar_0_2->prod_sel() == sel_ITPredefinedRView)) {
+ 	    NF(id, Problem1S1ID( "illegal redefinition of predefined rewrite view:", id )); 
+ 	    	} else
+ 	    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITPredefinedRView) && (kc_selvar_0_2->prod_sel() == sel_ITUserRView)) {
+ 	    NF(id, Problem1S1ID( "illegal predefinition of rewrite view:", id )); 
+ 	    	} else
+ 	    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITPredefinedRView) && (kc_selvar_0_2->prod_sel() == sel_ITPredefinedRView)) {
+ 	    NF(id, Problem1S1ID( "illegal predefinition of predefined rewrite view:", id )); 
+ 	    	} else
+ 	    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITUserUView) && (kc_selvar_0_2->prod_sel() == sel_ITUserUView)) {
+ 	    NF(id, Problem1S1ID( "illegal redefinition of unparse view:", id )); 
+ 	    	} else
+ 	    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITUserUView) && (kc_selvar_0_2->prod_sel() == sel_ITPredefinedUView)) {
+ 	    NF(id, Problem1S1ID( "illegal redefinition of predefined unparse view:", id )); 
+ 	    	} else
+ 	    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITPredefinedUView) && (kc_selvar_0_2->prod_sel() == sel_ITUserUView)) {
+ 	    NF(id, Problem1S1ID( "illegal predefinition of unparse view:", id )); 
+ 	    	} else
+ 	    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITPredefinedUView) && (kc_selvar_0_2->prod_sel() == sel_ITPredefinedUView)) {
+ 	    NF(id, Problem1S1ID( "illegal predefinition of predefined unparse view:", id )); 
+ 	    	} else
+ 	    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITStorageClass) && (kc_selvar_0_2->prod_sel() == sel_ITStorageClass)) {
+ 	    NF(id, Problem1S1ID( "illegal redefinition of storage class:", id )); 
+ 	    	} else
+ 	    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITStorageClass) && (kc_selvar_0_2->prod_sel() == sel_ITPredefinedStorageClass)) {
+ 	    NF(id, Problem1S1ID( "illegal redefinition of predefined storage class:", id )); 
+ 	    	} else
+ 	    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITPredefinedStorageClass) && (kc_selvar_0_2->prod_sel() == sel_ITStorageClass)) {
+ 	    NF(id, Problem1S1ID( "illegal predefinition of storage class:", id )); 
+ 	    	} else
+ 	    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITPredefinedStorageClass) && (kc_selvar_0_2->prod_sel() == sel_ITPredefinedStorageClass)) {
+ 	    NF(id, Problem1S1ID( "illegal predefinition of predefined storage class:", id )); 
+ 	    	} else
+ 	    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITUserOperator) && (kc_selvar_0_2->prod_sel() == sel_ITUserOperator)) {
+ 	    NF(id, Problem1S1ID( "illegal redefinition of operator:", id )); 
+ 	    	} else
+ 	    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITUserOperator) && (kc_selvar_0_2->prod_sel() == sel_ITPredefinedOperator)) {
+ 	    NF(id, Problem1S1ID( "illegal redefinition of predefined operator:", id )); 
+ 	    	} else
+ 	    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITPredefinedOperator) && (kc_selvar_0_2->prod_sel() == sel_ITUserOperator)) {
+ 	    NF(id, Problem1S1ID( "illegal predefinition of operator:", id )); 
+ 	    	} else
+ 	    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITPredefinedOperator) && (kc_selvar_0_2->prod_sel() == sel_ITPredefinedOperator)) {
+ 	    NF(id, Problem1S1ID( "illegal predefinition of predefined operator:", id )); 
+ 	    	} else
+ 	    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITUserPhylum) && (kc_selvar_0_2->prod_sel() == sel_ITUserPhylum)) {
+ 	    NF(id, Problem1S1ID( "illegal redefinition of phylum:", id )); 
+ 	    	} else
+ 	    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITUserPhylum) && (kc_selvar_0_2->prod_sel() == sel_ITPredefinedPhylum)) {
+ 	    NF(id, Problem1S1ID( "illegal redefinition of predefined phylum:", id )); 
+ 	    	} else
+ 	    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITPredefinedPhylum) && (kc_selvar_0_2->prod_sel() == sel_ITUserPhylum)) {
+ 	    NF(id, Problem1S1ID( "illegal predefinition of phylum:", id )); 
+ 	    	} else
+ 	    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITPredefinedPhylum) && (kc_selvar_0_2->prod_sel() == sel_ITPredefinedPhylum)) {
+ 	    NF(id, Problem1S1ID( "illegal predefinition of predefined phylum:", id )); 
+ 	    	} else
+ 	    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITPatternVariable)) {
+ 	    const integer i_s = phylum_cast<const impl_IDtype_ITPatternVariable*>(kc_selvar_0_1)->integer_1;
+ 	    NF(id, Problem1S1t1S1ID( "illegal redefinition of ", uid->type, "as pattern variable", id )); 
+ 	    	} else
+ 	    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITUserRView)) {
+ 	    NF(id, Problem1S1t1S1ID( "illegal redefinition of ", uid->type, "as rewrite view", id )); 
+ 	    	} else
+ 	    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITPredefinedRView)) {
+ 	    NF(id, Problem1S1t1S1ID( "illegal predefinition of ", uid->type, "as rewrite view", id )); 
+ 	    	} else
+ 	    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITUserUView)) {
+ 	    NF(id, Problem1S1t1S1ID( "illegal redefinition of ", uid->type, "as unparse view", id )); 
+ 	    	} else
+ 	    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITPredefinedUView)) {
+ 	    NF(id, Problem1S1t1S1ID( "illegal predefinition of ", uid->type, "as unparse view", id )); 
+ 	    	} else
+ 	    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITUserFunction)) {
+ 	    NF(id, Problem1S1t1S1ID( "illegal redefinition of ", uid->type, "as function", id )); 
+ 	    	} else
+ 	    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITStorageClass)) {
+ 	    NF(id, Problem1S1t1S1ID( "illegal redefinition of ", uid->type, "as storage class", id )); 
+ 	    	} else
+ 	    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITPredefinedStorageClass)) {
+ 	    NF(id, Problem1S1t1S1ID( "illegal predefinition of ", uid->type, "as storage class:", id )); 
+ 	    	} else
+ 	    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITUserOperator)) {
+ 	    NF(id, Problem1S1t1S1ID( "illegal redefinition of ", uid->type, "as operator:", id )); 
+ 	    	} else
+ 	    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITPredefinedOperator)) {
+ 	    NF(id, Problem1S1t1S1ID( "illegal predefinition of ", uid->type, "as operator:", id )); 
+ 	    	} else
+ 	    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITUserPhylum)) {
+ 	    NF(id, Problem1S1t1S1ID( "illegal redefinition of ", uid->type, "as phylum:", id )); 
+ 	    	} else
+ 	    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITPredefinedPhylum)) {
+ 	    NF(id, Problem1S1t1S1ID( "illegal predefinition of ", uid->type, "as phylum:", id )); 
+ 	    	} else
+ 	    kc_no_default_in_with( "v_defoccur", __LINE__, __FILE__ );
+     }
+ }
+ void v_extendoccur(ID id, IDtype it)
+ { do_v_extendoccur( id, it, true); 
+ }
+ void v_extendoccur_nowarning(ID id, IDtype it)
+ { do_v_extendoccur( id, it, false); 
+ }
+ static  void do_v_extendoccur(ID id, IDtype it, bool warn)
+ {
+     uniqID uid;
+     {
+ 	ID kc_selvar_0_1 = phylum_cast<ID>( id );
+ 	if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_Id)) {
+ 	    const uniqID _uid = phylum_cast<const impl_ID_Id*>(kc_selvar_0_1)->uniqID_1;
+ 	    uid = _uid; 
+ 	    	} else
+ 	    kc_no_default_in_with( "do_v_extendoccur", __LINE__, __FILE__ );
+     }
+     id->type = it;
+     {
+ 	IDtype kc_selvar_0_1 = phylum_cast<IDtype>( id->type);
+ 	IDtype kc_selvar_0_2 = phylum_cast<IDtype>( uid->type );
+ 	if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITUnknown)) {
+ 	    return; 
+ 	    	} else
+ 	    if ((kc_selvar_0_2->prod_sel() == sel_ITUnknown)) {
+ 	    uid->type = it; uid->line = id->line; uid->file = id->file; return; 
+ 	    	} else
+ 	{
+ 	}
+     }
+     {
+ 	IDtype kc_selvar_0_1 = phylum_cast<IDtype>( id->type);
+ 	IDtype kc_selvar_0_2 = phylum_cast<IDtype>( uid->type );
+ 	if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITPatternVariable) && (kc_selvar_0_2->prod_sel() == sel_ITPatternVariable)) {
+ 	    const ID id_id = phylum_cast<const impl_IDtype_ITPatternVariable*>(kc_selvar_0_1)->ID_1;
+ 	    const integer id_scope = phylum_cast<const impl_IDtype_ITPatternVariable*>(kc_selvar_0_1)->integer_1;
+ 	    const ID uid_id = phylum_cast<const impl_IDtype_ITPatternVariable*>(kc_selvar_0_2)->ID_1;
+ 	    const integer uid_scope = phylum_cast<const impl_IDtype_ITPatternVariable*>(kc_selvar_0_2)->integer_1;
+ 	    if (id_scope == uid_scope) {
+ 		if (! id_id->eq( uid_id )) {
+ 		    NF(id, Problem1S1ID1S1ID1S1ID( "type mismatch in redefinition of pattern variable:", id, "old type", uid_id, "new type", id_id ));
+ 		}
+ 	    } else {
+ 		uid->scopeinfo = Consscopetypefilelinestack( ScopeTypeFileLine(id_scope, uid->type, uid->file, mkinteger(uid->line)), uid->scopeinfo );
+ 		uid->type = it;
+ 		uid->line = id->line;
+ 		uid->file = id->file;
+ 	    }   
+ 	    	} else
+ 	    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITUserRView) && (kc_selvar_0_2->prod_sel() == sel_ITUserRView)) {
+ 	    if (warn) NF(id, Problem1S1ID( "superfluous redeclaration of rewrite view:", id )); 
+ 	    	} else
+ 	    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITUserRView) && (kc_selvar_0_2->prod_sel() == sel_ITPredefinedRView)) {
+ 	    if (warn) NF(id, Problem1S1ID( "superfluous redeclaration of predefined rewrite view:", id )); 
+ 	    	} else
+ 	    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITPredefinedRView) && (kc_selvar_0_2->prod_sel() == sel_ITUserRView)) {
+ 	    NF(id, Problem1S1ID( "illegal extension of rewrite view:", id )); 
+ 	    	} else
+ 	    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITPredefinedRView) && (kc_selvar_0_2->prod_sel() == sel_ITPredefinedRView)) {
+ 	    NF(id, Problem1S1ID( "illegal extension of predefined rewrite view:", id )); 
+ 	    	} else
+ 	    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITUserUView) && (kc_selvar_0_2->prod_sel() == sel_ITUserUView)) {
+ 	    if (warn) NF(id, Problem1S1ID( "superfluous redeclaration of unparse view:", id )); 
+ 	    	} else
+ 	    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITUserUView) && (kc_selvar_0_2->prod_sel() == sel_ITPredefinedUView)) {
+ 	    if (warn) NF(id, Problem1S1ID( "superfluous redeclaration of predefined unparse view:", id )); 
+ 	    	} else
+ 	    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITPredefinedUView) && (kc_selvar_0_2->prod_sel() == sel_ITUserUView)) {
+ 	    NF(id, Problem1S1ID( "illegal extension of unparse view:", id )); 
+ 	    	} else
+ 	    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITPredefinedUView) && (kc_selvar_0_2->prod_sel() == sel_ITPredefinedUView)) {
+ 	    NF(id, Problem1S1ID( "illegal extension of predefined unparse view:", id )); 
+ 	    	} else
+ 	    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITUserFunction) && (kc_selvar_0_2->prod_sel() == sel_ITUserFunction)) {
+ 	    NF(id, Problem1S1ID( "illegal extension of function:", id )); 
+ 	    	} else
+ 	    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITStorageClass) && (kc_selvar_0_2->prod_sel() == sel_ITStorageClass)) {
+ 	    /* EMPTY */ 
+ 	    	} else
+ 	    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITStorageClass) && (kc_selvar_0_2->prod_sel() == sel_ITPredefinedStorageClass)) {
+ 	    /* EMPTY */ 
+ 	    	} else
+ 	    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITPredefinedStorageClass) && (kc_selvar_0_2->prod_sel() == sel_ITStorageClass)) {
+ 	    NF(id, Problem1S1ID( "illegal extension of storage class:", id )); 
+ 	    	} else
+ 	    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITPredefinedStorageClass) && (kc_selvar_0_2->prod_sel() == sel_ITPredefinedStorageClass)) {
+ 	    NF(id, Problem1S1ID( "illegal extension of predefined storage class:", id )); 
+ 	    	} else
+ 	    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITUserOperator) && (kc_selvar_0_2->prod_sel() == sel_ITUserOperator)) {
+ 	    NF(id, Problem1S1ID( "illegal redefinition of operator:", id )); 
+ 	    	} else
+ 	    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITUserOperator) && (kc_selvar_0_2->prod_sel() == sel_ITPredefinedOperator)) {
+ 	    NF(id, Problem1S1ID( "illegal extension of predefined operator:", id )); 
+ 	    	} else
+ 	    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITPredefinedOperator) && (kc_selvar_0_2->prod_sel() == sel_ITUserOperator)) {
+ 	    NF(id, Problem1S1ID( "illegal extension of operator:", id )); 
+ 	    	} else
+ 	    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITPredefinedOperator) && (kc_selvar_0_2->prod_sel() == sel_ITPredefinedOperator)) {
+ 	    NF(id, Problem1S1ID( "illegal extension of predefined operator:", id )); 
+ 	    	} else
+ 	    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITUserPhylum) && (kc_selvar_0_2->prod_sel() == sel_ITUserPhylum)) {
+ 	    /* EMPTY */ 
+ 	    	} else
+ 	    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITUserPhylum) && (kc_selvar_0_2->prod_sel() == sel_ITPredefinedPhylum)) {
+ 	    NF(id, Problem1S1ID( "illegal extension of predefined phylum:", id )); 
+ 	    	} else
+ 	    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITPredefinedPhylum) && (kc_selvar_0_2->prod_sel() == sel_ITUserPhylum)) {
+ 	    NF(id, Problem1S1ID( "illegal extension of phylum:", id )); 
+ 	    	} else
+ 	    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITPredefinedPhylum) && (kc_selvar_0_2->prod_sel() == sel_ITPredefinedPhylum)) {
+ 	    /* EMPTY */ 
+ 	    	} else
+ 	    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITPatternVariable)) {
+ 	    const ID t_id = phylum_cast<const impl_IDtype_ITPatternVariable*>(kc_selvar_0_1)->ID_1;
+ 	    const integer t_scope = phylum_cast<const impl_IDtype_ITPatternVariable*>(kc_selvar_0_1)->integer_1;
+ 	    NF(id, Problem1S1t1S1ID( "illegal extension of", uid->type, "as pattern variable:", id )); 
+ 	    	} else
+ 	    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITUserRView)) {
+ 	    NF(id, Problem1S1t1S1ID( "illegal extension of ", uid->type, "as rewrite view", id )); 
+ 	    	} else
+ 	    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITPredefinedRView)) {
+ 	    NF(id, Problem1S1t1S1ID( "illegal extension of ", uid->type, "as rewrite view", id )); 
+ 	    	} else
+ 	    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITUserUView)) {
+ 	    NF(id, Problem1S1t1S1ID( "illegal extension of ", uid->type, "as unparse view", id )); 
+ 	    	} else
+ 	    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITPredefinedUView)) {
+ 	    NF(id, Problem1S1t1S1ID( "illegal extension of ", uid->type, "as unparse view", id )); 
+ 	    	} else
+ 	    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITUserFunction)) {
+ 	    NF(id, Problem1S1t1S1ID( "illegal extension of", uid->type, "as function:", id )); 
+ 	    	} else
+ 	    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITStorageClass)) {
+ 	    NF(id, Problem1S1t1S1ID( "illegal extension of ", uid->type, "as storage class:", id )); 
+ 	    	} else
+ 	    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITPredefinedStorageClass)) {
+ 	    NF(id, Problem1S1t1S1ID( "illegal extension of ", uid->type, "as storage class:", id )); 
+ 	    	} else
+ 	    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITUserOperator)) {
+ 	    NF(id, Problem1S1t1S1ID( "illegal extension of ", uid->type, "as operator:", id )); 
+ 	    	} else
+ 	    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITPredefinedOperator)) {
+ 	    NF(id, Problem1S1t1S1ID( "illegal extension of ", uid->type, "as operator:", id )); 
+ 	    	} else
+ 	    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITUserPhylum)) {
+ 	    NF(id, Problem1S1t1S1ID( "illegal extension of ", uid->type, "as phylum:", id )); 
+ 	    	} else
+ 	    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITPredefinedPhylum)) {
+ 	    NF(id, Problem1S1t1S1ID( "illegal extension of ", uid->type, "as phylum", id )); 
+ 	    	} else
+ 	    kc_no_default_in_with( "do_v_extendoccur", __LINE__, __FILE__ );
+     }
+ }
+ bool f_useoccuroperator(ID id)
+ {{
+ 	ID kc_selvar_0_1 = phylum_cast<ID>(id);
+ 	if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_Id)) {
+ 	    const uniqID uid = phylum_cast<const impl_ID_Id*>(kc_selvar_0_1)->uniqID_1;
+ 	    {
+ 		IDtype kc_selvar_1_1 = phylum_cast<IDtype>( uid->type );
+ 		if ((kc_selvar_1_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITUserOperator)) {
+ 		    return true; 
+ 		    	} else
+ 		    if ((kc_selvar_1_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITPredefinedOperator)) {
+ 		    NF(id, Problem1S1ID( "undefined operator (it's predefined, you're not supposed to use those):", id ));
+ 		    return false;
+ 		    	} else
+ 		{
+ 		    NF(id, Problem1S1tID( "undefined operator", id )); return false; 
+ 		}
+ 	    }
+ 	} else
+ 	{ kc_no_default_in_with( "f_useoccuroperator", __LINE__, __FILE__ );
+ 	    return static_cast<bool>(0); }
+     }
+ }
+ bool f_warnifnotvariable(ID id)
+ {{
+ 	ID kc_selvar_0_1 = phylum_cast<ID>(id);
+ 	if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_Id)) {
+ 	    const uniqID uid = phylum_cast<const impl_ID_Id*>(kc_selvar_0_1)->uniqID_1;
+ 	    {
+ 		IDtype kc_selvar_1_1 = phylum_cast<IDtype>( uid->type );
+ 		if ((kc_selvar_1_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITUnknown)) {
+ 		    return false; 
+ 		    	} else
+ 		    if ((kc_selvar_1_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITPatternVariable)) {
+ 		    return false; 
+ 		    	} else
+ 		{
+ 		    NF(id, Problem1S1tID( "variable expected:", id )); return true; 
+ 		}
+ 	    }
+ 	} else
+ 	{ kc_no_default_in_with( "f_warnifnotvariable", __LINE__, __FILE__ );
+ 	    return static_cast<bool>(0); }
+     }
+ }
+ bool f_useoccurphylum(ID id)
+ {{
+ 	ID kc_selvar_0_1 = phylum_cast<ID>(id);
+ 	if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_Id)) {
+ 	    const uniqID uid = phylum_cast<const impl_ID_Id*>(kc_selvar_0_1)->uniqID_1;
+ 	    {
+ 		IDtype kc_selvar_1_1 = phylum_cast<IDtype>( uid->type );
+ 		if ((kc_selvar_1_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITUserPhylum)) {
+ 		    return true;
+ 		    	} else
+ 		    if ((kc_selvar_1_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITPredefinedPhylum)) {
+ 		    return true;
+ 		    	} else
+ 		{
+ 		    NF(id, Problem1S1tID( "undefined phylum", id )); return false; 
+ 		}
+ 	    }
+ 	} else
+ 	{ kc_no_default_in_with( "f_useoccurphylum", __LINE__, __FILE__ );
+ 	    return static_cast<bool>(0); }
+     }
+ }
+ bool f_useoccurlistphylum(ID id)
+ {{
+ 	ID kc_selvar_0_1 = phylum_cast<ID>(id);
+ 	if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_Id)) {
+ 	    const uniqID uid = phylum_cast<const impl_ID_Id*>(kc_selvar_0_1)->uniqID_1;
+ 	    {
+ 		IDtype kc_selvar_1_1 = phylum_cast<IDtype>( uid->type );
+ 		if ((kc_selvar_1_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITUserPhylum)) {
+ 		    const phylumdeclaration pd = phylum_cast<const impl_IDtype_ITUserPhylum*>(kc_selvar_1_1)->phylumdeclaration_1;
+ 		    {
+ 			phylumdeclaration kc_selvar_2_1 = phylum_cast<phylumdeclaration>( pd );
+ 			if ((kc_selvar_2_1->prod_sel() == sel_PhylumDeclaration) && (phylum_cast<const impl_phylumdeclaration_PhylumDeclaration*>(kc_selvar_2_1)->productionblock_1->prod_sel() == sel_PredefinedAlternatives)) {
+ 			    NF(id, Problem1S1ID( "undefined list phylum (it's a predefined phylum):", id ));
+ 			    return false; 
+ 			    	} else
+ 			    if ((kc_selvar_2_1->prod_sel() == sel_PhylumDeclaration) && (phylum_cast<const impl_phylumdeclaration_PhylumDeclaration*>(kc_selvar_2_1)->productionblock_1->prod_sel() == sel_NonlistAlternatives)) {
+ 			    NF(id, Problem1S1ID( "undefined list phylum (it's a non-list phylum):", id ));
+ 			    return false; 
+ 			    	} else
+ 			    if ((kc_selvar_2_1->prod_sel() == sel_PhylumDeclaration) && (phylum_cast<const impl_phylumdeclaration_PhylumDeclaration*>(kc_selvar_2_1)->productionblock_1->prod_sel() == sel_ListAlternatives)) {
+ 			    return true; 
+ 			    	} else
+ 			    if ((kc_selvar_2_1->prod_sel() == sel_PhylumDeclaration) && (phylum_cast<const impl_phylumdeclaration_PhylumDeclaration*>(kc_selvar_2_1)->productionblock_1->prod_sel() == sel_Emptyproductionblock)) {
+ 			    NF(id, Problem1S1ID( "undefined list phylum (the productionblock is empty):", id ));
+ 			    return false; 
+ 			    	} else
+ 			{ kc_no_default_in_with( "f_useoccurlistphylum", __LINE__, __FILE__ );
+ 			    return static_cast<bool>(0); }
+ 		    }
+ 		} else
+ 		{
+ 		    NF(id, Problem1S1tID( "undefined list phylum", id )); return false; 
+ 		}
+ 	    }
+ 	} else
+ 	{ kc_no_default_in_with( "f_useoccurlistphylum", __LINE__, __FILE__ );
+ 	    return static_cast<bool>(0); }
+     }
+ }
+ bool f_useoccuruviewname(ID id)
+ {{
+ 	ID kc_selvar_0_1 = phylum_cast<ID>(id);
+ 	if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_Id)) {
+ 	    const uniqID uid = phylum_cast<const impl_ID_Id*>(kc_selvar_0_1)->uniqID_1;
+ 	    {
+ 		IDtype kc_selvar_1_1 = phylum_cast<IDtype>( uid->type );
+ 		if ((kc_selvar_1_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITUserUView)) {
+ 		    return true; 
+ 		    	} else
+ 		    if ((kc_selvar_1_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITPredefinedUView)) {
+ 		    return true; 
+ 		    	} else
+ 		{
+ 		    NF(id, Problem1S1tID( "undefined unparse view:", id )); return false; 
+ 		}
+ 	    }
+ 	} else
+ 	{ kc_no_default_in_with( "f_useoccuruviewname", __LINE__, __FILE__ );
+ 	    return static_cast<bool>(0); }
+     }
+ }
+ bool f_useoccurrviewname(ID id)
+ {{
+ 	ID kc_selvar_0_1 = phylum_cast<ID>(id);
+ 	if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_Id)) {
+ 	    const uniqID uid = phylum_cast<const impl_ID_Id*>(kc_selvar_0_1)->uniqID_1;
+ 	    {
+ 		IDtype kc_selvar_1_1 = phylum_cast<IDtype>( uid->type );
+ 		if ((kc_selvar_1_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITUserRView)) {
+ 		    return true; 
+ 		    	} else
+ 		    if ((kc_selvar_1_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITPredefinedRView)) {
+ 		    return true; 
+ 		    	} else
+ 		{
+ 		    NF(id, Problem1S1tID( "undefined rewrite view:", id )); return false; 
+ 		}
+ 	    }
+ 	} else
+ 	{ kc_no_default_in_with( "f_useoccurrviewname", __LINE__, __FILE__ );
+ 	    return static_cast<bool>(0); }
+     }
+ }
+ bool f_useoccurstorageclass(ID id)
+ {{
+ 	ID kc_selvar_0_1 = phylum_cast<ID>(id);
+ 	if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_Id)) {
+ 	    const uniqID uid = phylum_cast<const impl_ID_Id*>(kc_selvar_0_1)->uniqID_1;
+ 	    {
+ 		IDtype kc_selvar_1_1 = phylum_cast<IDtype>( uid->type );
+ 		if ((kc_selvar_1_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITStorageClass)) {
+ 		    return true; 
+ 		    	} else
+ 		    if ((kc_selvar_1_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITPredefinedStorageClass)) {
+ 		    return true; 
+ 		    	} else
+ 		{
+ 		    NF(id, Problem1S1tID( "undefined storage class:", id )); return false; 
+ 		}
+ 	    }
+ 	} else
+ 	{ kc_no_default_in_with( "f_useoccurstorageclass", __LINE__, __FILE__ );
+ 	    return static_cast<bool>(0); }
+     }
+ }
+ static  bool occurlanguagename(ID id)
+ {
+     {
+ 	languagenames kc_fe_selvar_1 =  Thelanguages;
+ 	while(
+ 		kc_fe_selvar_1->prod_sel() == sel_Conslanguagenames
+ 	    ) {
+ 	    ID kc_selvar_0_1 = kc_fe_selvar_1->ID_1;
+ 	    {
+ 		{
+ 		    {
+ 			const ID l_id = kc_selvar_0_1;
+ 			if(id->eq(l_id)) {
+ 			    return true;
+ 			}
+ 		    }
+ 		}
+ 	    }
+ 	    kc_fe_selvar_1 = kc_fe_selvar_1->languagenames_1;
+ 	}
+     }
+     v_report(Fatal( FileLine( id->file, id->line ),
+ 	    Problem1S1tID( "undefined language name:", id )));
+     return false;
+ }
+ bool f_useoccurlanguagename(languagenames names)
+ {{
+ 	languagenames kc_selvar_0_1 = phylum_cast<languagenames>(names);
+ 	if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_Nillanguagenames)) {
+ 	    return true; 
+ 	    	} else
+ 	    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_Conslanguagenames)) {
+ 	    const ID id = (kc_selvar_0_1)->ID_1;
+ 	    const languagenames tail = (kc_selvar_0_1)->languagenames_1;
+ 	    bool res=f_useoccurlanguagename( tail );
+ 	    return occurlanguagename( id ) && res;
+ 	} else
+ 	{ kc_no_default_in_with( "f_useoccurlanguagename", __LINE__, __FILE__ );
+ 	    return static_cast<bool>(0); }
+     }
+ }
+ bool f_useoccurpatternvariable(ID id)
+ {{
+ 	ID kc_selvar_0_1 = phylum_cast<ID>(id);
+ 	if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_Id)) {
+ 	    const uniqID uid = phylum_cast<const impl_ID_Id*>(kc_selvar_0_1)->uniqID_1;
+ 	    {
+ 		IDtype kc_selvar_1_1 = phylum_cast<IDtype>( uid->type );
+ 		if ((kc_selvar_1_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITPatternVariable)) {
+ 		    return true; 
+ 		    	} else
+ 		{
+ 		    NF(id, Problem1S1tID( "undefined pattern variable:", id )); return false; 
+ 		}
+ 	    }
+ 	} else
+ 	{ kc_no_default_in_with( "f_useoccurpatternvariable", __LINE__, __FILE__ );
+ 	    return static_cast<bool>(0); }
+     }
+ }
+ } // namespace kc

Index: llvm/test/Programs/MultiSource/Applications/kimwitu++/occur.h
diff -c /dev/null llvm/test/Programs/MultiSource/Applications/kimwitu++/occur.h:1.1
*** /dev/null	Tue Apr  6 15:25:26 2004
--- llvm/test/Programs/MultiSource/Applications/kimwitu++/occur.h	Tue Apr  6 15:25:13 2004
*** 0 ****
--- 1,54 ----
+ /* translation of file "occur.k" */
+ /* generated by:
+  *  @(#)$Author: criswell $
+  */
+ #ifndef KC_FUNCTIONS_occur_HEADER
+ #define KC_FUNCTIONS_occur_HEADER
+ #include "k.h"    /* in case a user forgets */
+ namespace kc { }
+ using namespace kc;
+ /* included stuff */
+ //
+ // The Termprocessor Kimwitu++
+ //
+ // Copyright (C) 1991 University of Twente, Dept TIOS.
+ // Copyright (C) 1998-2003 Humboldt-University of Berlin, Institute of Informatics
+ // All rights reserved.
+ //
+ // Kimwitu++ is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ // the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ // (at your option) any later version.
+ //
+ // Kimwitu++ is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ // GNU General Public License for more details.
+ //
+ // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ // along with Kimwitu++; if not, write to the Free Software
+ // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+ //
+ /* end included stuff */
+ namespace kc {
+ void v_defoccur (ID id, IDtype it);
+ void v_extendoccur (ID id, IDtype it);
+ void v_extendoccur_nowarning (ID id, IDtype it);
+ bool f_useoccuroperator (ID id);
+ bool f_warnifnotvariable (ID id);
+ bool f_useoccurphylum (ID id);
+ bool f_useoccurlistphylum (ID id);
+ bool f_useoccuruviewname (ID id);
+ bool f_useoccurrviewname (ID id);
+ bool f_useoccurstorageclass (ID id);
+ bool f_useoccurlanguagename (languagenames names);
+ bool f_useoccurpatternvariable (ID id);
+ } // namespace kc
+ #endif // !  KC_FUNCTIONS_occur_HEADER

Index: llvm/test/Programs/MultiSource/Applications/kimwitu++/parse.cc
diff -c /dev/null llvm/test/Programs/MultiSource/Applications/kimwitu++/parse.cc:1.1
*** /dev/null	Tue Apr  6 15:25:26 2004
--- llvm/test/Programs/MultiSource/Applications/kimwitu++/parse.cc	Tue Apr  6 15:25:13 2004
*** 0 ****
--- 1,1136 ----
+ /* translation of file "parse.k" */
+ /* generated by:
+  *  @(#)$Author: criswell $
+  */
+ #define KC_FUNCTIONS_parse_
+ #include <stdlib.h>
+ #include "k.h"
+ #include "parse.h"
+ namespace kc { }
+ using namespace kc;
+ /* included stuff */
+ //
+ // The Termprocessor Kimwitu++
+ //
+ // Copyright (C) 1991 University of Twente, Dept TIOS.
+ // Copyright (C) 1998-2003 Humboldt-University of Berlin, Institute of Informatics
+ // All rights reserved.
+ //
+ // Kimwitu++ is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ // the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ // (at your option) any later version.
+ //
+ // Kimwitu++ is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ // GNU General Public License for more details.
+ //
+ // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ // along with Kimwitu++; if not, write to the Free Software
+ // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+ //
+ static char parse_kAccesSid[] = "@(#)$Id: parse.cc,v 1.1 2004/04/06 20:25:13 criswell Exp $";
+ int pg_lineno = 1;					/* global line # */
+ int pg_column = 0;					/* global column # */
+ int pg_charpos = 0;					/* global charpos # */
+ casestring pg_filename;					/* global file name */
+ int pg_no_of_arguments;					/* no_of_arguments */
+ phylumdeclarations Thephylumdeclarations;		/* global phylumdecls */
+ rwdeclarations Therwdeclarations;			/* global rw-decls */
+ fndeclarations Thefndeclarations;			/* fn-decls for the file being parsed */
+ fnfiles Thefnfiles;					/* global fn-decls */
+ includefiles Theincludefiles;				/* global incl-decls */
+ unparsedeclarations Theunparsedeclarations;		/* global unp-decls */
+ argsnumbers Theargsnumbers;				/* global list of argsnumbers */
+ viewnames Theuviewnames;				/* global list of u-viewnames */
+ viewnames Therviewnames;				/* global list of r-viewnames */
+ storageclasses Thestorageclasses;			/* global list of storageclasses */
+ languagenames Thelanguages;				/* global list of used languages */
+ baseclass_declarations Thebaseclasses;			/* global list of defined baseclasses */
+ bool pg_uviewshavebeendefined;				/* global indication */
+ bool pg_rviewshavebeendefined;				/* global indication */
+ bool pg_storageclasseshavebeendefined;			/* global indication */
+ bool pg_languageshavebeendefined;			/* global indication */
+ static long language_text_nr=0;
+ static bool language_text_nr_used=false;
+ #include "util.h"
+ /* end included stuff */
+ namespace kc {
+ #endif
+ static  ID f_ID_of_direct_decl (ac_direct_declarator d);
+ static  int f_stars_of_ac_pointer_option (ac_pointer_option d);
+ static  int f_stars_of_ac_pointer (ac_pointer d);
+ static  bool f_is_member_fn (ac_declarator dec);
+ static  bool f_static_in_ac_decl_spec (ac_declaration_specifier ds);
+ static  bool f_static_in_ac_stor_class (ac_storage_class_specifier sc);
+ static  ID f_ID_of_ac_declaration_specifier (ac_declaration_specifier d);
+ static  ID f_ID_of_ac_type_specifier (ac_type_specifier d);
+ phylumdeclarations mergephylumdeclarations(phylumdeclaration pd, phylumdeclarations pds)
+ {{
+ 	phylumdeclaration kc_selvar_0_1 = phylum_cast<phylumdeclaration>(pd);
+ 	if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_PhylumDeclaration)) {
+ 	    const ID pd_id = phylum_cast<const impl_phylumdeclaration_PhylumDeclaration*>(kc_selvar_0_1)->ID_1;
+ 	    const storageoption pd_stopt = phylum_cast<const impl_phylumdeclaration_PhylumDeclaration*>(kc_selvar_0_1)->storageoption_1;
+ 	    const productionblock pd_pb = phylum_cast<const impl_phylumdeclaration_PhylumDeclaration*>(kc_selvar_0_1)->productionblock_1;
+ 	    const Ccode_option pd_ccopt = phylum_cast<const impl_phylumdeclaration_PhylumDeclaration*>(kc_selvar_0_1)->Ccode_option_1;
+ 	    phylumdeclaration fpd = f_lookupuserdecl( pd_id );
+ 	    if (!fpd) {
+ 		v_add( pd_id );
+ 		return Consphylumdeclarations( pd, pds );
+ 	    } else if ( pd == fpd ) {
+ 		if ( f_added( pd_id ) ) {
+ 		    return pds;
+ 		} else {
+ 		    v_add( pd_id );
+ 		    return Consphylumdeclarations( pd, pds );
+ 		}
+ 	    }
+ 	    {
+ 		phylumdeclaration kc_selvar_1_1 = phylum_cast<phylumdeclaration>( fpd );
+ 		if ((kc_selvar_1_1->prod_sel() == sel_PhylumDeclaration)) {
+ 		    const ID fpd_id = phylum_cast<const impl_phylumdeclaration_PhylumDeclaration*>(kc_selvar_1_1)->ID_1;
+ 		    const storageoption fpd_stopt = phylum_cast<const impl_phylumdeclaration_PhylumDeclaration*>(kc_selvar_1_1)->storageoption_1;
+ 		    const productionblock fpd_pb = phylum_cast<const impl_phylumdeclaration_PhylumDeclaration*>(kc_selvar_1_1)->productionblock_1;
+ 		    const Ccode_option fpd_ccopt = phylum_cast<const impl_phylumdeclaration_PhylumDeclaration*>(kc_selvar_1_1)->Ccode_option_1;
+ 		    {
+ 			storageoption kc_selvar_2_1 = phylum_cast<storageoption>( pd_stopt);
+ 			storageoption kc_selvar_2_2 = phylum_cast<storageoption>( fpd_stopt );
+ 			if ((kc_selvar_2_1->prod_sel() == sel_PositiveStorageOption) && (kc_selvar_2_2->prod_sel() == sel_NegativeStorageOption) && (phylum_cast<const impl_storageoption_NegativeStorageOption*>(kc_selvar_2_2)->ID_1->eq(phylum_cast<const impl_storageoption_PositiveStorageOption*>(kc_selvar_2_1)->ID_1))) {
+ 			    const ID id = phylum_cast<const impl_storageoption_PositiveStorageOption*>(kc_selvar_2_1)->ID_1;
+ 			    v_report(NonFatal( FileLine( id->file, id->line ), Problem1S1storageoption1S1ID( "storage option mismatch  ( declared as ", fpd_stopt, ")  for phylum", fpd_id )));
+ 			} else
+ 			    if ((kc_selvar_2_1->prod_sel() == sel_NegativeStorageOption) && (kc_selvar_2_2->prod_sel() == sel_PositiveStorageOption) && (phylum_cast<const impl_storageoption_PositiveStorageOption*>(kc_selvar_2_2)->ID_1->eq(phylum_cast<const impl_storageoption_NegativeStorageOption*>(kc_selvar_2_1)->ID_1))) {
+ 			    const ID id = phylum_cast<const impl_storageoption_NegativeStorageOption*>(kc_selvar_2_1)->ID_1;
+ 			    v_report(NonFatal( FileLine( id->file, id->line ), Problem1S1storageoption1S1ID( "storage option mismatch  ( declared as ", fpd_stopt, ")  for phylum", fpd_id )));
+ 			} else
+ 			    if ((kc_selvar_2_1->prod_sel() == sel_PositiveStorageOption) && (kc_selvar_2_2->prod_sel() == sel_PositiveStorageOption) && (phylum_cast<const impl_storageoption_PositiveStorageOption*>(kc_selvar_2_2)->ID_1->eq(phylum_cast<const impl_storageoption_PositiveStorageOption*>(kc_selvar_2_1)->ID_1))) {
+ 			    const ID id = phylum_cast<const impl_storageoption_PositiveStorageOption*>(kc_selvar_2_1)->ID_1;
+ 			} else
+ 			    if ((kc_selvar_2_1->prod_sel() == sel_NegativeStorageOption) && (kc_selvar_2_2->prod_sel() == sel_NegativeStorageOption) && (phylum_cast<const impl_storageoption_NegativeStorageOption*>(kc_selvar_2_2)->ID_1->eq(phylum_cast<const impl_storageoption_NegativeStorageOption*>(kc_selvar_2_1)->ID_1))) {
+ 			    const ID id = phylum_cast<const impl_storageoption_NegativeStorageOption*>(kc_selvar_2_1)->ID_1;
+ 			} else
+ 			    if ((kc_selvar_2_1->prod_sel() == sel_NoStorageOption)) {
+ 			    /*EMPTY*/  
+ 			    	} else
+ 			    if ((kc_selvar_2_2->prod_sel() == sel_NoStorageOption)) {
+ 			    static_cast<impl_phylumdeclaration_PhylumDeclaration*>(fpd)->storageoption_1 = pd_stopt; 
+ 			    	} else
+ 			{
+ 			    v_report(NonFatal( FileLine( pd_id->file, pd_id->line ), Problem1S1storageoption1S1ID( "storage option mismatch  ( declared as ", fpd_stopt, ")  for phylum", fpd_id )));
+ 			}
+ 		    }
+ 		    {
+ 			productionblock kc_selvar_2_1 = phylum_cast<productionblock>( pd_pb);
+ 			productionblock kc_selvar_2_2 = phylum_cast<productionblock>( fpd_pb );
+ 			if ((kc_selvar_2_1->prod_sel() == sel_NonlistAlternatives) && (kc_selvar_2_2->prod_sel() == sel_NonlistAlternatives)) {
+ 			    const alternatives pd_pb_a = phylum_cast<const impl_productionblock_NonlistAlternatives*>(kc_selvar_2_1)->alternatives_1;
+ 			    const alternatives fpd_pb_a = phylum_cast<const impl_productionblock_NonlistAlternatives*>(kc_selvar_2_2)->alternatives_1;
+ 			    static_cast<impl_productionblock_NonlistAlternatives*>(fpd_pb)->alternatives_1 = concat(pd_pb_a, fpd_pb_a );
+ 			} else
+ 			    if ((kc_selvar_2_1->prod_sel() == sel_NonlistAlternatives) && (kc_selvar_2_2->prod_sel() == sel_Emptyproductionblock)) {
+ 			    static_cast<impl_phylumdeclaration_PhylumDeclaration*>(fpd)->productionblock_1 = pd_pb; 
+ 			    	} else
+ 			    if ((kc_selvar_2_1->prod_sel() == sel_PredefinedAlternatives) && (kc_selvar_2_2->prod_sel() == sel_Emptyproductionblock)) {
+ 			    static_cast<impl_phylumdeclaration_PhylumDeclaration*>(fpd)->productionblock_1 = pd_pb; 
+ 			    	} else
+ 			    if ((kc_selvar_2_1->prod_sel() == sel_ListAlternatives) && (kc_selvar_2_2->prod_sel() == sel_Emptyproductionblock)) {
+ 			    static_cast<impl_phylumdeclaration_PhylumDeclaration*>(fpd)->productionblock_1 = pd_pb; 
+ 			    	} else
+ 			    if ((kc_selvar_2_1->prod_sel() == sel_Emptyproductionblock) && (kc_selvar_2_2->prod_sel() == sel_Emptyproductionblock)) {
+ 			    /*EMPTY*/  
+ 			    	} else
+ 			    if ((kc_selvar_2_1->prod_sel() == sel_NonlistAlternatives)) {
+ 			    v_report(NonFatal( FileLine( pd_id->file, pd_id->line ), Problem1S1ID( "production block mismatch: trying to extend phylum", pd_id )));
+ 			} else
+ 			    if ((kc_selvar_2_1->prod_sel() == sel_PredefinedAlternatives)) {
+ 			    v_report(NonFatal( FileLine( pd_id->file, pd_id->line ), Problem1S1ID( "production block mismatch: trying to predefine phylum", pd_id )));
+ 			} else
+ 			    if ((kc_selvar_2_1->prod_sel() == sel_ListAlternatives)) {
+ 			    v_report(NonFatal( FileLine( pd_id->file, pd_id->line ), Problem1S1ID( "production block mismatch: trying to redefine list phylum", pd_id )));
+ 			} else
+ 			    if ((kc_selvar_2_1->prod_sel() == sel_Emptyproductionblock)) {
+ 			    /*EMPTY*/  
+ 			    	} else
+ 			{ kc_no_default_in_with( "mergephylumdeclarations", __LINE__, __FILE__ );
+ 			    return static_cast<phylumdeclarations>(0); }
+ 		    }
+ 		    {
+ 			Ccode_option kc_selvar_2_1 = phylum_cast<Ccode_option>( pd_ccopt);
+ 			Ccode_option kc_selvar_2_2 = phylum_cast<Ccode_option>( fpd_ccopt );
+ 			if ((kc_selvar_2_1->prod_sel() == sel_CcodeOption) && (kc_selvar_2_2->prod_sel() == sel_CcodeOption)) {
+ 			    const attributes pd_ccopt_attr = phylum_cast<const impl_Ccode_option_CcodeOption*>(kc_selvar_2_1)->attributes_1;
+ 			    const Ctexts pd_ccopt_ct = phylum_cast<const impl_Ccode_option_CcodeOption*>(kc_selvar_2_1)->Ctexts_1;
+ 			    const attributes fpd_ccopt_attr = phylum_cast<const impl_Ccode_option_CcodeOption*>(kc_selvar_2_2)->attributes_1;
+ 			    const Ctexts fpd_ccopt_ct = phylum_cast<const impl_Ccode_option_CcodeOption*>(kc_selvar_2_2)->Ctexts_1;
+ 			    static_cast<impl_phylumdeclaration_PhylumDeclaration*>(fpd)->Ccode_option_1 = CcodeOption( concat(pd_ccopt_attr, fpd_ccopt_attr), concat(pd_ccopt_ct, fpd_ccopt_ct ));
+ 			} else
+ 			{ kc_no_default_in_with( "mergephylumdeclarations", __LINE__, __FILE__ );
+ 			    return static_cast<phylumdeclarations>(0); }
+ 		    }
+ 		} else
+ 		{ kc_no_default_in_with( "mergephylumdeclarations", __LINE__, __FILE__ );
+ 		    return static_cast<phylumdeclarations>(0); }
+ 	    }
+ 	    return pds;
+ 	} else
+ 	{ kc_no_default_in_with( "mergephylumdeclarations", __LINE__, __FILE__ );
+ 	    return static_cast<phylumdeclarations>(0); }
+     }
+ }
+ alternatives makeListAlternatives(ID listphylum, ID elementphylum)
+ {
+     ID Nil_id, Cons_id;
+     alternative Nil_alternative, Cons_alternative;
+     Nil_id = Id( Str( mkcasestring((string("Nil")+f_strofID(listphylum)).c_str())));
+     Cons_id = Id( Str( mkcasestring((string("Cons")+f_strofID(listphylum)).c_str())));
+     Nil_id->line = elementphylum->line;
+     Nil_id->file = elementphylum->file;
+     Cons_id->line = elementphylum->line;
+     Cons_id->file = elementphylum->file;
+     Nil_alternative = Alternative( Nil_id, Nilarguments() );
+     Cons_alternative = Alternative( Cons_id, Consarguments( listphylum, Consarguments( elementphylum, Nilarguments() ) ) );
+     v_extendoccur( Nil_id, ITUserOperator( Nil_alternative, listphylum ) );
+     v_extendoccur( Cons_id, ITUserOperator( Cons_alternative, listphylum ) );
+     return Consalternatives( Cons_alternative, Consalternatives( Nil_alternative, Nilalternatives() ) );
+ }
+ const char *f_strofID(ID id)
+ {{
+ 	ID kc_selvar_0_1 = phylum_cast<ID>(id);
+ 	if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_Id) && (phylum_cast<const impl_ID_Id*>(kc_selvar_0_1)->uniqID_1->prod_sel() == sel_Str)) {
+ 	    const casestring cs = phylum_cast<const impl_uniqID_Str*>(phylum_cast<const impl_ID_Id*>(kc_selvar_0_1)->uniqID_1)->casestring_1;
+ 	    return cs->name; 
+ 	    	} else
+ 	{ kc_no_default_in_with( "f_strofID", __LINE__, __FILE__ );
+ 	    return static_cast<char*>(0); }
+     }
+ }
+ phylumdeclaration f_lookupuserdecl(ID id)
+ {{
+ 	ID kc_selvar_0_1 = phylum_cast<ID>(id);
+ 	if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_Id)) {
+ 	    const uniqID uid = phylum_cast<const impl_ID_Id*>(kc_selvar_0_1)->uniqID_1;
+ 	    {
+ 		IDtype kc_selvar_1_1 = phylum_cast<IDtype>( uid->type );
+ 		if ((kc_selvar_1_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITUserFunction)) {
+ 		    v_report(NonFatal( FileLine( id->file, id->line ), Problem1S1ID( "expected user-defined phylum instead of user-defined function:", id )));
+ 		    return 0;
+ 		} else
+ 		    if ((kc_selvar_1_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITUserRView)) {
+ 		    v_report(NonFatal( FileLine( id->file, id->line ), Problem1S1ID( "expected user-defined phylum instead of user-defined rewrite view:", id )));
+ 		    return 0;
+ 		} else
+ 		    if ((kc_selvar_1_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITPredefinedRView)) {
+ 		    v_report(NonFatal( FileLine( id->file, id->line ), Problem1S1ID( "expected user-defined phylum instead of predefined rewrite view:", id )));
+ 		    return 0;
+ 		} else
+ 		    if ((kc_selvar_1_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITUserUView)) {
+ 		    v_report(NonFatal( FileLine( id->file, id->line ), Problem1S1ID( "expected user-defined phylum instead of user-defined unparse view:", id )));
+ 		    return 0;
+ 		} else
+ 		    if ((kc_selvar_1_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITPredefinedUView)) {
+ 		    v_report(NonFatal( FileLine( id->file, id->line ), Problem1S1ID( "expected user-defined phylum instead of predefined unparse view:", id )));
+ 		    return 0;
+ 		} else
+ 		    if ((kc_selvar_1_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITStorageClass)) {
+ 		    v_report(NonFatal( FileLine( id->file, id->line ), Problem1S1ID( "expected user-defined phylum instead of user-defined storage class:", id )));
+ 		    return 0;
+ 		} else
+ 		    if ((kc_selvar_1_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITPredefinedStorageClass)) {
+ 		    v_report(NonFatal( FileLine( id->file, id->line ), Problem1S1ID( "expected user-defined phylum instead of predefined storage class:", id )));
+ 		    return 0;
+ 		} else
+ 		    if ((kc_selvar_1_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITUserOperator)) {
+ 		    v_report(NonFatal( FileLine( id->file, id->line ), Problem1S1ID( "expected user-defined phylum instead of user-defined operator:", id )));
+ 		    return 0;
+ 		} else
+ 		    if ((kc_selvar_1_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITPredefinedOperator)) {
+ 		    v_report(NonFatal( FileLine( id->file, id->line ), Problem1S1ID( "expected user-defined phylum instead of predefined operator:", id )));
+ 		    return 0;
+ 		} else
+ 		    if ((kc_selvar_1_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITUserPhylum)) {
+ 		    const phylumdeclaration pd = phylum_cast<const impl_IDtype_ITUserPhylum*>(kc_selvar_1_1)->phylumdeclaration_1;
+ 		    return pd; 
+ 		    	} else
+ 		    if ((kc_selvar_1_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITPredefinedPhylum)) {
+ 		    v_report(NonFatal( FileLine( id->file, id->line ), Problem1S1ID( "expected user-defined phylum instead of predefined phylum:", id )));
+ 		    return 0;
+ 		} else
+ 		    if ((kc_selvar_1_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITUnknown)) {
+ 		    v_report(NonFatal( FileLine( id->file, id->line ), Problem1S1ID( "undefined phylum:", id )));
+ 		    return 0;
+ 		} else
+ 		{ kc_no_default_in_with( "f_lookupuserdecl", __LINE__, __FILE__ );
+ 		    return static_cast<phylumdeclaration>(0); }
+ 	    }
+ 	} else
+ 	{ kc_no_default_in_with( "f_lookupuserdecl", __LINE__, __FILE__ );
+ 	    return static_cast<phylumdeclaration>(0); }
+     }
+ }
+ phylumdeclaration f_lookupdecl(ID id)
+ {{
+ 	ID kc_selvar_0_1 = phylum_cast<ID>(id);
+ 	if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_Id)) {
+ 	    const uniqID uid = phylum_cast<const impl_ID_Id*>(kc_selvar_0_1)->uniqID_1;
+ 	    {
+ 		IDtype kc_selvar_1_1 = phylum_cast<IDtype>( uid->type );
+ 		if ((kc_selvar_1_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITUserFunction)) {
+ 		    v_report(NonFatal( FileLine( id->file, id->line ), Problem1S1ID( "expected user-defined phylum instead of user-defined function:", id )));
+ 		    return 0;
+ 		} else
+ 		    if ((kc_selvar_1_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITUserRView)) {
+ 		    v_report(NonFatal( FileLine( id->file, id->line ), Problem1S1ID( "expected user-defined phylum instead of user-defined rewrite view:", id )));
+ 		    return 0;
+ 		} else
+ 		    if ((kc_selvar_1_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITPredefinedRView)) {
+ 		    v_report(NonFatal( FileLine( id->file, id->line ), Problem1S1ID( "expected user-defined phylum instead of predefined rewrite view:", id )));
+ 		    return 0;
+ 		} else
+ 		    if ((kc_selvar_1_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITUserUView)) {
+ 		    v_report(NonFatal( FileLine( id->file, id->line ), Problem1S1ID( "expected user-defined phylum instead of user-defined unparse view:", id )));
+ 		    return 0;
+ 		} else
+ 		    if ((kc_selvar_1_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITPredefinedUView)) {
+ 		    v_report(NonFatal( FileLine( id->file, id->line ), Problem1S1ID( "expected user-defined phylum instead of predefined unparse view:", id )));
+ 		    return 0;
+ 		} else
+ 		    if ((kc_selvar_1_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITStorageClass)) {
+ 		    v_report(NonFatal( FileLine( id->file, id->line ), Problem1S1ID( "expected user-defined phylum instead of user-defined storage class:", id )));
+ 		    return 0;
+ 		} else
+ 		    if ((kc_selvar_1_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITPredefinedStorageClass)) {
+ 		    v_report(NonFatal( FileLine( id->file, id->line ), Problem1S1ID( "expected user-defined phylum instead of predefined storage class:", id )));
+ 		    return 0;
+ 		} else
+ 		    if ((kc_selvar_1_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITUserOperator)) {
+ 		    v_report(NonFatal( FileLine( id->file, id->line ), Problem1S1ID( "expected user-defined phylum instead of user-defined operator:", id )));
+ 		    return 0;
+ 		} else
+ 		    if ((kc_selvar_1_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITPredefinedOperator)) {
+ 		    v_report(NonFatal( FileLine( id->file, id->line ), Problem1S1ID( "expected user-defined phylum instead of predefined operator:", id )));
+ 		    return 0;
+ 		} else
+ 		    if ((kc_selvar_1_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITUserPhylum)) {
+ 		    const phylumdeclaration pd = phylum_cast<const impl_IDtype_ITUserPhylum*>(kc_selvar_1_1)->phylumdeclaration_1;
+ 		    return pd; 
+ 		    	} else
+ 		    if ((kc_selvar_1_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITPredefinedPhylum)) {
+ 		    const phylumdeclaration pd = phylum_cast<const impl_IDtype_ITPredefinedPhylum*>(kc_selvar_1_1)->phylumdeclaration_1;
+ 		    return pd; 
+ 		    	} else
+ 		    if ((kc_selvar_1_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITUnknown)) {
+ 		    v_report(NonFatal( FileLine( id->file, id->line ), Problem1S1ID( "undefined phylum:", id )));
+ 		    return 0;
+ 		} else
+ 		{ kc_no_default_in_with( "f_lookupdecl", __LINE__, __FILE__ );
+ 		    return static_cast<phylumdeclaration>(0); }
+ 	    }
+ 	} else
+ 	{ kc_no_default_in_with( "f_lookupdecl", __LINE__, __FILE__ );
+ 	    return static_cast<phylumdeclaration>(0); }
+     }
+ }
+ argsnumbers insert_in_argsnumbers(int i, argsnumbers a)
+ {{
+ 	argsnumbers kc_selvar_0_1 = phylum_cast<argsnumbers>(a);
+ 	if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_Consargsnumbers)) {
+ 	    const integer j = (kc_selvar_0_1)->integer_1;
+ 	    const argsnumbers ra = (kc_selvar_0_1)->argsnumbers_1;
+ 	    if ( i < j->value )
+ 	    return Consargsnumbers( mkinteger(i), a );
+ 	    else if ( i == j->value )
+ 	    return a;
+ 	    else
+ 	    return Consargsnumbers( j, insert_in_argsnumbers( i, ra ));
+ 	} else
+ 	    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_Nilargsnumbers)) {
+ 	    return Consargsnumbers( mkinteger(i), a ); 
+ 	    	} else
+ 	{ kc_no_default_in_with( "insert_in_argsnumbers", __LINE__, __FILE__ );
+ 	    return static_cast<argsnumbers>(0); }
+     }
+ }
+ void set_includefiles(includefiles ifs, includedeclaration i)
+ {
+     {
+ 	includefiles kc_fe_selvar_1 =  ifs ;
+ 	while(
+ 		kc_fe_selvar_1->prod_sel() == sel_Consincludefiles
+ 	    ) {
+ 	    includefile kc_selvar_0_1 = kc_fe_selvar_1->includefile_1;
+ 	    {
+ 		{
+ 		    {
+ 			const includefile pl_includefile = kc_selvar_0_1;
+ 			assertCond((pl_includefile->inc_type == include_file) || (pl_includefile->inc_type == include_header));
+ 			pl_includefile->inc[pl_includefile->inc_type] =
+ 			Consincludedeclarations( i, pl_includefile->inc[pl_includefile->inc_type] );
+ 		    }
+ 		}
+ 	    }
+ 	    kc_fe_selvar_1 = kc_fe_selvar_1->includefiles_1;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ languagenames merge_languagenames(languagenames names, languagenames name_list)
+ {
+     languagenames res=name_list;
+     {
+ 	languagenames kc_fe_selvar_1 =  names ;
+ 	while(
+ 		kc_fe_selvar_1->prod_sel() == sel_Conslanguagenames
+ 	    ) {
+ 	    ID kc_selvar_0_1 = kc_fe_selvar_1->ID_1;
+ 	    {
+ 		{
+ 		    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_Id)) {
+ 			const ID id = kc_selvar_0_1;
+ 			const uniqID u_id = phylum_cast<const impl_ID_Id*>(kc_selvar_0_1)->uniqID_1;
+ 			if(u_id->type->eq(ITUnknown())) {
+ 			    res=Conslanguagenames(id,res);
+ 			    u_id->type=ITLanguageName(
+ 				mkinteger(res->length()-1));
+ 			}
+ 		    } else
+ 		    {/* EMPTY */ /*skip: no matching pattern in foreach patterns*/}
+ 		}
+ 	    }
+ 	    kc_fe_selvar_1 = kc_fe_selvar_1->languagenames_1;
+ 	}
+     }
+     return res;
+ }
+ long get_text_nr()
+ {
+     language_text_nr_used=true;
+     return language_text_nr;
+ }
+ void inc_text_nr()
+ {
+     if(language_text_nr_used) {
+ 	language_text_nr++;
+ 	language_text_nr_used=false;
+     }
+ }
+ long last_text_nr()
+ {
+     if(language_text_nr_used)
+     return language_text_nr;
+     else
+     return language_text_nr-1;
+ }
+ ID f_ID_of_declarator(ac_declarator d)
+ {{
+ 	ac_declarator kc_selvar_0_1 = phylum_cast<ac_declarator>(d);
+ 	if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_AcDeclarator)) {
+ 	    const ac_direct_declarator dd = phylum_cast<const impl_ac_declarator_AcDeclarator*>(kc_selvar_0_1)->ac_direct_declarator_1;
+ 	    return f_ID_of_direct_decl( dd );
+ 	} else
+ 	{ kc_no_default_in_with( "f_ID_of_declarator", __LINE__, __FILE__ );
+ 	    return static_cast<ID>(0); }
+     }
+ }
+ ID f_ID_of_fn_declarator(ac_declarator d, fnclass fnc)
+ {{
+ 	ac_declarator kc_selvar_0_1 = phylum_cast<ac_declarator>(d);
+ 	if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_AcDeclarator)) {
+ 	    const ac_direct_declarator dd = phylum_cast<const impl_ac_declarator_AcDeclarator*>(kc_selvar_0_1)->ac_direct_declarator_1;
+ 	    ID id=f_ID_of_direct_decl( dd );
+ 	    {
+ 		fnclass kc_selvar_1_1 = phylum_cast<fnclass>(fnc);
+ 		if ((kc_selvar_1_1->prod_sel() == sel_DestructorFn)) {
+ 		    static int dtor_nr=0;
+ 		    char buf[30];
+ 		    sprintf(buf,"destructor_%d",++dtor_nr);
+ 		    ID new_id=Id(Str(mkcasestring(buf)));
+ 		    new_id->file=id->file;
+ 		    new_id->line=id->line;
+ 		    return new_id;
+ 		} else
+ 		    if ((kc_selvar_1_1->prod_sel() == sel_ConstructorFn)) {
+ 		    static int ctor_nr=0;
+ 		    char buf[30];
+ 		    sprintf(buf,"constructor_%d",++ctor_nr);
+ 		    ID new_id=Id(Str(mkcasestring(buf)));
+ 		    new_id->file=id->file;
+ 		    new_id->line=id->line;
+ 		    return new_id;
+ 		} else
+ 		{
+ 		    return id; 
+ 		}
+ 	    }
+ 	} else
+ 	{ kc_no_default_in_with( "f_ID_of_fn_declarator", __LINE__, __FILE__ );
+ 	    return static_cast<ID>(0); }
+     }
+ }
+ static  ID f_ID_of_direct_decl(ac_direct_declarator d)
+ {{
+ 	ac_direct_declarator kc_selvar_0_1 = phylum_cast<ac_direct_declarator>(d);
+ 	if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_AcQualifiedDeclProto)) {
+ 	    const ac_direct_declarator a_d = phylum_cast<const impl_ac_direct_declarator_AcQualifiedDeclProto*>(kc_selvar_0_1)->ac_direct_declarator_1;
+ 	    return f_ID_of_direct_decl( a_d ); 
+ 	    	} else
+ 	    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_AcDirectDeclProto)) {
+ 	    const ac_direct_declarator a_d = phylum_cast<const impl_ac_direct_declarator_AcDirectDeclProto*>(kc_selvar_0_1)->ac_direct_declarator_1;
+ 	    return f_ID_of_direct_decl( a_d ); 
+ 	    	} else
+ 	    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_AcDirectDeclArray)) {
+ 	    const ac_direct_declarator a_d = phylum_cast<const impl_ac_direct_declarator_AcDirectDeclArray*>(kc_selvar_0_1)->ac_direct_declarator_1;
+ 	    return f_ID_of_direct_decl( a_d ); 
+ 	    	} else
+ 	    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_AcDirectDeclPack)) {
+ 	    const ac_declarator a_d = phylum_cast<const impl_ac_direct_declarator_AcDirectDeclPack*>(kc_selvar_0_1)->ac_declarator_1;
+ 	    return f_ID_of_declarator( a_d ); 
+ 	    	} else
+ 	    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_AcDirectDeclId)) {
+ 	    const ID i = phylum_cast<const impl_ac_direct_declarator_AcDirectDeclId*>(kc_selvar_0_1)->ID_1;
+ 	    return i; 
+ 	    	} else
+ 	{
+ 	    return f_emptyId(); 
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ int f_stars_of_declarator(ac_declarator d)
+ {{
+ 	ac_declarator kc_selvar_0_1 = phylum_cast<ac_declarator>(d);
+ 	if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_AcDeclarator)) {
+ 	    const ac_pointer_option po = phylum_cast<const impl_ac_declarator_AcDeclarator*>(kc_selvar_0_1)->ac_pointer_option_1;
+ 	    return f_stars_of_ac_pointer_option( po ); 
+ 	    	} else
+ 	{
+ 	    return 0; 
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ static  int f_stars_of_ac_pointer_option(ac_pointer_option d)
+ {{
+ 	ac_pointer_option kc_selvar_0_1 = phylum_cast<ac_pointer_option>(d);
+ 	if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_Yespointer)) {
+ 	    const ac_pointer p = phylum_cast<const impl_ac_pointer_option_Yespointer*>(kc_selvar_0_1)->ac_pointer_1;
+ 	    return f_stars_of_ac_pointer( p ); 
+ 	    	} else
+ 	{
+ 	    return 0; 
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ static  int f_stars_of_ac_pointer(ac_pointer d)
+ {{
+ 	ac_pointer kc_selvar_0_1 = phylum_cast<ac_pointer>(d);
+ 	if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_AcPointerCons)) {
+ 	    const ac_pointer p = phylum_cast<const impl_ac_pointer_AcPointerCons*>(kc_selvar_0_1)->ac_pointer_1;
+ 	    return 1 + f_stars_of_ac_pointer( p ); 
+ 	    	} else
+ 	{
+ 	    return 1; 
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ static  bool f_is_member_fn(ac_declarator dec)
+ {{
+ 	ac_declarator kc_selvar_0_1 = phylum_cast<ac_declarator>(dec);
+ 	if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_AcDeclarator) && (phylum_cast<const impl_ac_declarator_AcDeclarator*>(kc_selvar_0_1)->ac_direct_declarator_1->prod_sel() == sel_AcQualifiedDeclProto) && (phylum_cast<const impl_ac_direct_declarator_AcQualifiedDeclProto*>(phylum_cast<const impl_ac_declarator_AcDeclarator*>(kc_selvar_0_1)->ac_direct_declarator_1)->ac_class_qualifier_list_1->prod_sel() == sel_Consac_class_qualifier_list)) {
+ 	    return true; 
+ 	    	} else
+ 	{
+ 	    return false; 
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ fnclass f_fnclass_info(ac_declaration_specifiers ds, casestring fn, ac_declarator dec)
+ {{
+ 	ac_declaration_specifiers kc_selvar_0_1 = phylum_cast<ac_declaration_specifiers>(ds);
+ 	if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_Consac_declaration_specifiers)) {
+ 	    const ac_declaration_specifier h = (kc_selvar_0_1)->ac_declaration_specifier_1;
+ 	    const ac_declaration_specifiers t = (kc_selvar_0_1)->ac_declaration_specifiers_1;
+ 	    if (f_static_in_ac_decl_spec( h )) {
+ 		return StaticFn( fn );
+ 	    } else {
+ 		return f_is_member_fn(dec)?MemberFn():f_fnclass_info( t, fn , dec);
+ 	    }
+ 	} else
+ 	    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_Nilac_declaration_specifiers)) {
+ 	    assertCond(!f_is_member_fn(dec)); 
+ 	    return
+ 	    GlobalFn(); 
+ 	    	} else
+ 	{ kc_no_default_in_with( "f_fnclass_info", __LINE__, __FILE__ );
+ 	    return static_cast<fnclass>(0); }
+     }
+ }
+ fnclass f_member_class_info(ac_declaration_specifiers ds, casestring fn)
+ {{
+ 	ac_declaration_specifiers kc_selvar_0_1 = phylum_cast<ac_declaration_specifiers>(ds);
+ 	if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_Consac_declaration_specifiers)) {
+ 	    const ac_declaration_specifier h = (kc_selvar_0_1)->ac_declaration_specifier_1;
+ 	    const ac_declaration_specifiers t = (kc_selvar_0_1)->ac_declaration_specifiers_1;
+ 	    if (f_static_in_ac_decl_spec( h )) {
+ 		return StaticFn( fn );
+ 	    } else {
+ 		return f_member_class_info( t, fn);
+ 	    }
+ 	} else
+ 	    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_Nilac_declaration_specifiers)) {
+ 	    return MemberFn(); 
+ 	    	} else
+ 	{ kc_no_default_in_with( "f_member_class_info", __LINE__, __FILE__ );
+ 	    return static_cast<fnclass>(0); }
+     }
+ }
+ bool f_static_in_ac_decl_specs(ac_declaration_specifiers ds)
+ {{
+ 	ac_declaration_specifiers kc_selvar_0_1 = phylum_cast<ac_declaration_specifiers>(ds);
+ 	if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_Nilac_declaration_specifiers)) {
+ 	    return false; 
+ 	    	} else
+ 	    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_Consac_declaration_specifiers)) {
+ 	    const ac_declaration_specifier head = (kc_selvar_0_1)->ac_declaration_specifier_1;
+ 	    const ac_declaration_specifiers tail = (kc_selvar_0_1)->ac_declaration_specifiers_1;
+ 	    return f_static_in_ac_decl_spec(head) || f_static_in_ac_decl_specs(tail);
+ 	} else
+ 	{ kc_no_default_in_with( "f_static_in_ac_decl_specs", __LINE__, __FILE__ );
+ 	    return static_cast<bool>(0); }
+     }
+ }
+ static  bool f_static_in_ac_decl_spec(ac_declaration_specifier ds)
+ {{
+ 	ac_declaration_specifier kc_selvar_0_1 = phylum_cast<ac_declaration_specifier>(ds);
+ 	if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_AcDeclSpecTypeQual)) {
+ 	    return false; 
+ 	    	} else
+ 	    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_AcDeclSpecTypeSpec)) {
+ 	    return false; 
+ 	    	} else
+ 	    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_AcDeclSpecStorageSpec)) {
+ 	    const ac_storage_class_specifier a_sc = phylum_cast<const impl_ac_declaration_specifier_AcDeclSpecStorageSpec*>(kc_selvar_0_1)->ac_storage_class_specifier_1;
+ 	    return f_static_in_ac_stor_class( a_sc ); 
+ 	    	} else
+ 	{ kc_no_default_in_with( "f_static_in_ac_decl_spec", __LINE__, __FILE__ );
+ 	    return static_cast<bool>(0); }
+     }
+ }
+ static  bool f_static_in_ac_stor_class(ac_storage_class_specifier sc)
+ {{
+ 	ac_storage_class_specifier kc_selvar_0_1 = phylum_cast<ac_storage_class_specifier>(sc);
+ 	if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_AcTypedef)) {
+ 	    return false; 
+ 	    	} else
+ 	    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_AcExtern)) {
+ 	    return false; 
+ 	    	} else
+ 	    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_AcStatic)) {
+ 	    return true; 
+ 	    	} else
+ 	    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_AcRegister)) {
+ 	    return false; 
+ 	    	} else
+ 	    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_AcAuto)) {
+ 	    return false; 
+ 	    	} else
+ 	{ kc_no_default_in_with( "f_static_in_ac_stor_class", __LINE__, __FILE__ );
+ 	    return static_cast<bool>(0); }
+     }
+ }
+ ID f_ID_of_ac_declaration_specifiers(ac_declaration_specifiers d)
+ {{
+ 	ac_declaration_specifiers kc_selvar_0_1 = phylum_cast<ac_declaration_specifiers>(d);
+ 	if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_Consac_declaration_specifiers)) {
+ 	    const ac_declaration_specifier h = (kc_selvar_0_1)->ac_declaration_specifier_1;
+ 	    const ac_declaration_specifiers t = (kc_selvar_0_1)->ac_declaration_specifiers_1;
+ 	    ID tmp = f_ID_of_ac_declaration_specifier( h );
+ 	    if (tmp)
+ 	    return tmp;
+ 	    else
+ 	    return f_ID_of_ac_declaration_specifiers( t );
+ 	} else
+ 	    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_Nilac_declaration_specifiers)) {
+ 	    return 0;	
+ 	    	} else
+ 	{ kc_no_default_in_with( "f_ID_of_ac_declaration_specifiers", __LINE__, __FILE__ );
+ 	    return static_cast<ID>(0); }
+     }
+ }
+ static  ID f_ID_of_ac_declaration_specifier(ac_declaration_specifier d)
+ {{
+ 	ac_declaration_specifier kc_selvar_0_1 = phylum_cast<ac_declaration_specifier>(d);
+ 	if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_AcDeclSpecTypeSpec)) {
+ 	    const ac_type_specifier t = phylum_cast<const impl_ac_declaration_specifier_AcDeclSpecTypeSpec*>(kc_selvar_0_1)->ac_type_specifier_1;
+ 	    return f_ID_of_ac_type_specifier( t );
+ 	} else
+ 	    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_AcDeclSpecTypeQual)) {
+ 	    return 0; 
+ 	    	} else
+ 	    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_AcDeclSpecStorageSpec)) {
+ 	    return 0; 
+ 	    	} else
+ 	{ kc_no_default_in_with( "f_ID_of_ac_declaration_specifier", __LINE__, __FILE__ );
+ 	    return static_cast<ID>(0); }
+     }
+ }
+ static  ID f_ID_of_ac_type_specifier(ac_type_specifier d)
+ {{
+ 	ac_type_specifier kc_selvar_0_1 = phylum_cast<ac_type_specifier>(d);
+ 	if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_AcTypeSpec)) {
+ 	    const ID i = phylum_cast<const impl_ac_type_specifier_AcTypeSpec*>(kc_selvar_0_1)->ID_1;
+ 	    return i; 
+ 	    	} else
+ 	{ kc_no_default_in_with( "f_ID_of_ac_type_specifier", __LINE__, __FILE__ );
+ 	    return static_cast<ID>(0); }
+     }
+ }
+ void check_no_patternchaingroup_in_patternchain(casestring f, int l, patternchain a_patternchain, const char *ctxt)
+ {{
+ 	patternchain kc_selvar_0_1 = phylum_cast<patternchain>(a_patternchain);
+ 	if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_Nilpatternchain)) {
+ 	    /*EMPTY*/
+ 	    	} else
+ 	    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_Conspatternchain)) {
+ 	    const patternchainitem h = (kc_selvar_0_1)->patternchainitem_1;
+ 	    const patternchain t = (kc_selvar_0_1)->patternchain_1;
+ 	    check_no_patternchaingroup_in_patternchain( f, l, t, ctxt );
+ 	    {
+ 		patternchainitem kc_selvar_1_1 = phylum_cast<patternchainitem>( h );
+ 		if ((kc_selvar_1_1->prod_sel() == sel_PatternchainitemGroup)) {
+ 		    v_report(NonFatal( FileLine( f, l ), Problem3S( "no pattern grouping () allowed in", ctxt, "context." )));
+ 		} else
+ 		    if ((kc_selvar_1_1->prod_sel() == sel_PatternchainitemDollarid)) {
+ 		    /*EMPTY*/
+ 		    	} else
+ 		    if ((kc_selvar_1_1->prod_sel() == sel_PatternchainitemOutmost)) {
+ 		    /*EMPTY*/
+ 		    	} else
+ 		    kc_no_default_in_with( "check_no_patternchaingroup_in_patternchain", __LINE__, __FILE__ );
+ 	    }
+ 	} else
+ 	    kc_no_default_in_with( "check_no_patternchaingroup_in_patternchain", __LINE__, __FILE__ );
+     }
+ }
+ void check_no_patternchaingroup_in_patternchains(casestring f, int l, patternchains a_patternchains, const char *ctxt)
+ {{
+ 	patternchains kc_selvar_0_1 = phylum_cast<patternchains>(a_patternchains);
+ 	if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_Nilpatternchains)) {
+ 	    /*EMPTY*/
+ 	    	} else
+ 	    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_Conspatternchains)) {
+ 	    const patternchain h = (kc_selvar_0_1)->patternchain_1;
+ 	    const patternchains t = (kc_selvar_0_1)->patternchains_1;
+ 	    check_no_patternchaingroup_in_patternchains( f, l, t, ctxt );
+ 	    check_no_patternchaingroup_in_patternchain( f, l, h, ctxt );
+ 	} else
+ 	    kc_no_default_in_with( "check_no_patternchaingroup_in_patternchains", __LINE__, __FILE__ );
+     }
+ }
+ void check_no_patternchaingroup_or_pattern_in_patternchain(casestring f, int l, patternchain a_patternchain, const char *ctxt)
+ {{
+ 	patternchain kc_selvar_0_1 = phylum_cast<patternchain>(a_patternchain);
+ 	if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_Nilpatternchain)) {
+ 	    /*EMPTY*/
+ 	    	} else
+ 	    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_Conspatternchain)) {
+ 	    const patternchainitem h = (kc_selvar_0_1)->patternchainitem_1;
+ 	    const patternchain t = (kc_selvar_0_1)->patternchain_1;
+ 	    check_no_patternchaingroup_or_pattern_in_patternchain( f, l, t, ctxt );
+ 	    {
+ 		patternchainitem kc_selvar_1_1 = phylum_cast<patternchainitem>( h );
+ 		if ((kc_selvar_1_1->prod_sel() == sel_PatternchainitemGroup)) {
+ 		    v_report(NonFatal( FileLine( f, l ), Problem3S( "no pattern grouping () allowed in", ctxt, "context." )));
+ 		} else
+ 		    if ((kc_selvar_1_1->prod_sel() == sel_PatternchainitemDollarid)) {
+ 		    /*EMPTY*/
+ 		    	} else
+ 		    if ((kc_selvar_1_1->prod_sel() == sel_PatternchainitemOutmost)) {
+ 		    const outmostpattern op = phylum_cast<const impl_patternchainitem_PatternchainitemOutmost*>(kc_selvar_1_1)->outmostpattern_1;
+ 		} else
+ 		    kc_no_default_in_with( "check_no_patternchaingroup_or_pattern_in_patternchain", __LINE__, __FILE__ );
+ 	    }
+ 	} else
+ 	    kc_no_default_in_with( "check_no_patternchaingroup_or_pattern_in_patternchain", __LINE__, __FILE__ );
+     }
+ }
+ void check_no_patternchaingroup_or_pattern_in_patternchains(casestring f, int l, patternchains a_patternchains, const char *ctxt)
+ {{
+ 	patternchains kc_selvar_0_1 = phylum_cast<patternchains>(a_patternchains);
+ 	if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_Nilpatternchains)) {
+ 	    /*EMPTY*/
+ 	    	} else
+ 	    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_Conspatternchains)) {
+ 	    const patternchain h = (kc_selvar_0_1)->patternchain_1;
+ 	    const patternchains t = (kc_selvar_0_1)->patternchains_1;
+ 	    check_no_patternchaingroup_or_pattern_in_patternchains( f, l, t, ctxt );
+ 	    check_no_patternchaingroup_or_pattern_in_patternchain( f, l, h, ctxt );
+ 	} else
+ 	    kc_no_default_in_with( "check_no_patternchaingroup_or_pattern_in_patternchains", __LINE__, __FILE__ );
+     }
+ }
+ patternchains syn_patternchains_fileline(patternchains a_patternchains, casestring a_file, int a_line)
+ {{
+ 	patternchains kc_selvar_0_1 = phylum_cast<patternchains>(a_patternchains);
+ 	if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_Nilpatternchains)) {
+ 	    kc_selvar_0_1->file = a_file;
+ 	    kc_selvar_0_1->line = a_line;
+ 	    return a_patternchains;
+ 	} else
+ 	    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_Conspatternchains)) {
+ 	    const patternchain h = (kc_selvar_0_1)->patternchain_1;
+ 	    const patternchains t = (kc_selvar_0_1)->patternchains_1;
+ 	    syn_patternchains_fileline( t, a_file, a_line  );
+ 	    syn_patternchain_fileline( h, t->file, t->line );
+ 	    kc_selvar_0_1->file = h->file;
+ 	    kc_selvar_0_1->line = h->line;
+ 	    return a_patternchains;
+ 	} else
+ 	{ kc_no_default_in_with( "syn_patternchains_fileline", __LINE__, __FILE__ );
+ 	    return static_cast<patternchains>(0); }
+     }
+ }
+ patternchain syn_patternchain_fileline(patternchain a_patternchain, casestring a_file, int a_line)
+ {{
+ 	patternchain kc_selvar_0_1 = phylum_cast<patternchain>(a_patternchain);
+ 	if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_Nilpatternchain)) {
+ 	    kc_selvar_0_1->file = a_file;
+ 	    kc_selvar_0_1->line = a_line;
+ 	    return a_patternchain;
+ 	} else
+ 	    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_Conspatternchain)) {
+ 	    const patternchainitem h = (kc_selvar_0_1)->patternchainitem_1;
+ 	    const patternchain t = (kc_selvar_0_1)->patternchain_1;
+ 	    syn_patternchain_fileline( t, a_file, a_line  );
+ 	    kc_selvar_0_1->file = h->file;
+ 	    kc_selvar_0_1->line = h->line;
+ 	    return a_patternchain;
+ 	} else
+ 	{ kc_no_default_in_with( "syn_patternchain_fileline", __LINE__, __FILE__ );
+ 	    return static_cast<patternchain>(0); }
+     }
+ }
+ withexpressions pf_gen_foreachwith_vars(idCexpressions a_idCexpressions)
+ {
+     static int nrof_foreach_occ = 0;
+     nrof_foreach_occ++;
+     return t_pf_gen_foreachwith_vars(a_idCexpressions, nrof_foreach_occ, a_idCexpressions->length(), false);
+ }
+ withexpressions pf_gen_foreachwith_listvars(idCexpressions a_idCexpressions)
+ {
+     static int nrof_foreach_occ = 0;
+     nrof_foreach_occ++;
+     return t_pf_gen_foreachwith_vars(a_idCexpressions, nrof_foreach_occ, a_idCexpressions->length(), true);
+ }
+ withexpressions t_pf_gen_foreachwith_vars(idCexpressions a_idCexpressions, int occ, int nr, bool listvars)
+ {{
+ 	idCexpressions kc_selvar_0_1 = phylum_cast<idCexpressions>(a_idCexpressions);
+ 	if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_ConsidCexpressions) && ((kc_selvar_0_1)->idCexpression_1->prod_sel() == sel_IdCexpression)) {
+ 	    const idCexpression ice = (kc_selvar_0_1)->idCexpression_1;
+ 	    const ID id = phylum_cast<const impl_idCexpression_IdCexpression*>((kc_selvar_0_1)->idCexpression_1)->ID_1;
+ 	    const Cexpression ce = phylum_cast<const impl_idCexpression_IdCexpression*>((kc_selvar_0_1)->idCexpression_1)->Cexpression_1;
+ 	    const idCexpressions t = (kc_selvar_0_1)->idCexpressions_1;
+ 	    char tmp[BUFSIZ];
+ 	    withexpression w;
+ 	    withexpressions ws;
+ 	    ID w_id;
+ 	    if (listvars)
+ 	    sprintf(tmp, "kc_fe_withlistvar_%d_%d", occ, nr);
+ 	    else
+ 	    sprintf(tmp, "kc_fe_withvar_%d_%d", occ, nr);
+ 	    w_id = Id(Str(mkcasestring(tmp)));
+ 	    w = WEVariable(w_id);
+ 	    w->type = (listvars ? id : f_listelementphylum(id));
+ 	    w->file = ce->file;
+ 	    w->line = ce->line;
+ 	    ice->id = w_id;
+ 	    ws =  Conswithexpressions(
+ 		w,
+ 		t_pf_gen_foreachwith_vars( t, occ, nr-1, listvars));
+ 	    ws->file = w->file;
+ 	    ws->line = w->line;
+ 	    return ws;
+ 	} else
+ 	    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_NilidCexpressions)) {
+ 	    return Nilwithexpressions(); 
+ 	    	} else
+ 	{ kc_no_default_in_with( "t_pf_gen_foreachwith_vars", __LINE__, __FILE__ );
+ 	    return static_cast<withexpressions>(0); }
+     }
+ }
+ ac_class_qualifier_list f_check_build_qualifier_tail(ac_class_qualifier_help_list qh_list)
+ {{
+ 	ac_class_qualifier_help_list kc_selvar_0_1 = phylum_cast<ac_class_qualifier_help_list>(qh_list);
+ 	if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_Consac_class_qualifier_help_list) && ((kc_selvar_0_1)->ac_direct_declarator_1->prod_sel() == sel_AcOperatorDeclId) && (phylum_cast<const impl_ac_direct_declarator_AcOperatorDeclId*>((kc_selvar_0_1)->ac_direct_declarator_1)->ac_operator_name_1->prod_sel() == sel_AcOperatorName)) {
+ 	    const ac_operator_name op = phylum_cast<const impl_ac_direct_declarator_AcOperatorDeclId*>((kc_selvar_0_1)->ac_direct_declarator_1)->ac_operator_name_1;
+ 	    const casestring str = phylum_cast<const impl_ac_operator_name_AcOperatorName*>(phylum_cast<const impl_ac_direct_declarator_AcOperatorDeclId*>((kc_selvar_0_1)->ac_direct_declarator_1)->ac_operator_name_1)->casestring_1;
+ 	    v_report(NonFatal( FileLine( op->file, op->line ), Problem3S( "operator ",str->name, "is not a type name" )));
+ 	    return Nilac_class_qualifier_list();
+ 	} else
+ 	    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_Consac_class_qualifier_help_list) && ((kc_selvar_0_1)->ac_direct_declarator_1->prod_sel() == sel_AcDirectDeclId)) {
+ 	    const ID id = phylum_cast<const impl_ac_direct_declarator_AcDirectDeclId*>((kc_selvar_0_1)->ac_direct_declarator_1)->ID_1;
+ 	    const ac_class_qualifier_help_list tail = (kc_selvar_0_1)->ac_class_qualifier_help_list_1;
+ 	    return Consac_class_qualifier_list(id,f_check_build_qualifier_tail(tail));
+ 	} else
+ 	    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_Nilac_class_qualifier_help_list)) {
+ 	    return Nilac_class_qualifier_list(); 
+ 	    	} else
+ 	{ kc_no_default_in_with( "f_check_build_qualifier_tail", __LINE__, __FILE__ );
+ 	    return static_cast<ac_class_qualifier_list>(0); }
+     }
+ }
+ ac_class_qualifier_list f_check_build_qualifier(ac_class_qualifier_help_list qh_list, ac_direct_declarator &decl)
+ {{
+ 	ac_class_qualifier_help_list kc_selvar_0_1 = phylum_cast<ac_class_qualifier_help_list>(qh_list);
+ 	if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_Consac_class_qualifier_help_list)) {
+ 	    const ac_direct_declarator dd = (kc_selvar_0_1)->ac_direct_declarator_1;
+ 	    const ac_class_qualifier_help_list tail = (kc_selvar_0_1)->ac_class_qualifier_help_list_1;
+ 	    decl=dd;
+ 	    return f_check_build_qualifier_tail(tail);
+ 	} else
+ 	{
+ 	    assertCond(false); return NULL; 
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ ID subst_name(ID n, casestring oldname, casestring newname)
+ {{
+ 	ID kc_selvar_0_1 = phylum_cast<ID>(n);
+ 	if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_Id) && (phylum_cast<const impl_ID_Id*>(kc_selvar_0_1)->uniqID_1->prod_sel() == sel_Str)) {
+ 	    const casestring s = phylum_cast<const impl_uniqID_Str*>(phylum_cast<const impl_ID_Id*>(kc_selvar_0_1)->uniqID_1)->casestring_1;
+ 	    if (s->eq(oldname)) {
+ 		ID tmp = Id(Str(newname));
+ 		tmp->file = n->file;
+ 		tmp->line = n->line;
+ 		return tmp;
+ 	    } else
+ 	    return n;
+ 	} else
+ 	{ kc_no_default_in_with( "subst_name", __LINE__, __FILE__ );
+ 	    return static_cast<ID>(0); }
+     }
+ }
+ } // namespace kc

Index: llvm/test/Programs/MultiSource/Applications/kimwitu++/parse.h
diff -c /dev/null llvm/test/Programs/MultiSource/Applications/kimwitu++/parse.h:1.1
*** /dev/null	Tue Apr  6 15:25:26 2004
--- llvm/test/Programs/MultiSource/Applications/kimwitu++/parse.h	Tue Apr  6 15:25:13 2004
*** 0 ****
--- 1,72 ----
+ /* translation of file "parse.k" */
+ /* generated by:
+  *  @(#)$Author: criswell $
+  */
+ #ifndef KC_FUNCTIONS_parse_HEADER
+ #define KC_FUNCTIONS_parse_HEADER
+ #include "k.h"    /* in case a user forgets */
+ namespace kc { }
+ using namespace kc;
+ /* included stuff */
+ //
+ // The Termprocessor Kimwitu++
+ //
+ // Copyright (C) 1991 University of Twente, Dept TIOS.
+ // Copyright (C) 1998-2003 Humboldt-University of Berlin, Institute of Informatics
+ // All rights reserved.
+ //
+ // Kimwitu++ is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ // the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ // (at your option) any later version.
+ //
+ // Kimwitu++ is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ // GNU General Public License for more details.
+ //
+ // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ // along with Kimwitu++; if not, write to the Free Software
+ // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+ //
+ /* end included stuff */
+ namespace kc {
+ phylumdeclarations mergephylumdeclarations (phylumdeclaration pd, phylumdeclarations pds);
+ alternatives makeListAlternatives (ID listphylum, ID elementphylum);
+ const char *f_strofID (ID id);
+ phylumdeclaration f_lookupuserdecl (ID id);
+ phylumdeclaration f_lookupdecl (ID id);
+ argsnumbers insert_in_argsnumbers (int i, argsnumbers a);
+ void set_includefiles (includefiles ifs, includedeclaration i);
+ languagenames merge_languagenames (languagenames names, languagenames name_list);
+ long get_text_nr ();
+ void inc_text_nr ();
+ long last_text_nr ();
+ ID f_ID_of_declarator (ac_declarator d);
+ ID f_ID_of_fn_declarator (ac_declarator d, fnclass fnc);
+ int f_stars_of_declarator (ac_declarator d);
+ fnclass f_fnclass_info (ac_declaration_specifiers ds, casestring fn, ac_declarator dec);
+ fnclass f_member_class_info (ac_declaration_specifiers ds, casestring fn);
+ bool f_static_in_ac_decl_specs (ac_declaration_specifiers ds);
+ ID f_ID_of_ac_declaration_specifiers (ac_declaration_specifiers d);
+ void check_no_patternchaingroup_in_patternchain (casestring f, int l, patternchain a_patternchain, const char *ctxt);
+ void check_no_patternchaingroup_in_patternchains (casestring f, int l, patternchains a_patternchains, const char *ctxt);
+ void check_no_patternchaingroup_or_pattern_in_patternchain (casestring f, int l, patternchain a_patternchain, const char *ctxt);
+ void check_no_patternchaingroup_or_pattern_in_patternchains (casestring f, int l, patternchains a_patternchains, const char *ctxt);
+ patternchains syn_patternchains_fileline (patternchains a_patternchains, casestring a_file, int a_line);
+ patternchain syn_patternchain_fileline (patternchain a_patternchain, casestring a_file, int a_line);
+ withexpressions pf_gen_foreachwith_vars (idCexpressions a_idCexpressions);
+ withexpressions pf_gen_foreachwith_listvars (idCexpressions a_idCexpressions);
+ withexpressions t_pf_gen_foreachwith_vars (idCexpressions a_idCexpressions, int occ, int nr, bool listvars);
+ ac_class_qualifier_list f_check_build_qualifier_tail (ac_class_qualifier_help_list qh_list);
+ ac_class_qualifier_list f_check_build_qualifier (ac_class_qualifier_help_list qh_list, ac_direct_declarator &decl);
+ ID subst_name (ID n, casestring oldname, casestring newname);
+ } // namespace kc
+ #endif // !  KC_FUNCTIONS_parse_HEADER

Index: llvm/test/Programs/MultiSource/Applications/kimwitu++/pat.cc
diff -c /dev/null llvm/test/Programs/MultiSource/Applications/kimwitu++/pat.cc:1.1
*** /dev/null	Tue Apr  6 15:25:26 2004
--- llvm/test/Programs/MultiSource/Applications/kimwitu++/pat.cc	Tue Apr  6 15:25:13 2004
*** 0 ****
--- 1,1980 ----
+ /* translation of file "pat.k" */
+ /* generated by:
+  *  @(#)$Author: criswell $
+  */
+ #define KC_FUNCTIONS_pat_
+ #include <stdlib.h>
+ #include "k.h"
+ #include "pat.h"
+ namespace kc { }
+ using namespace kc;
+ /* included stuff */
+ //
+ // The Termprocessor Kimwitu++
+ //
+ // Copyright (C) 1991 University of Twente, Dept TIOS.
+ // Copyright (C) 1998-2003 Humboldt-University of Berlin, Institute of Informatics
+ // All rights reserved.
+ //
+ // Kimwitu++ is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ // the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ // (at your option) any later version.
+ //
+ // Kimwitu++ is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ // GNU General Public License for more details.
+ //
+ // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ // along with Kimwitu++; if not, write to the Free Software
+ // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+ //
+ static char pat_kAccesSid[] = "@(#)$Id: pat.cc,v 1.1 2004/04/06 20:25:13 criswell Exp $";
+ #include "util.h"
+ #include "gutil.h" /* for f_operatorofpatternrepresentation() */
+ bindingidmarks Thebindingidmarks = 0;
+ /* end included stuff */
+ namespace kc {
+ #endif
+ static  patternrepresentation t_syn_patternchain (patternchain a_patternchain, path a_path, int branch);
+ static  patternrepresentation syn_outmostpattern (outmostpattern a_outmostpattern, path a_path);
+ static  patternrepresentation syn_pattern (pattern a_pattern, path a_path);
+ static  patternrepresentation syn_patterns (patterns a_patterns, path a_path);
+ static  patternrepresentation t_syn_patterns (patterns a_patterns, path a_path, int branch);
+ static  patternrepresentation add_predicates (patternrepresentation a_patternrep);
+ static  patternrepresentation add_predicate (elem_patternrepresentation a_patternrep_elem, patternrepresentation a_patternrep);
+ static  patternrepresentation t_make_predicates (ID a_id, paths a_paths, patternrepresentation a_subpattern, patternrepresentation a_patternrep, bool left_linear);
+ static  patternrepresentation make_predicates (elem_patternrepresentation a_patternrep_elem, patternrepresentation a_patternrep);
+ static  bool test_matching_subpatterns (patternrepresentation newp, patternrepresentation oldp);
+ static  patternrepresentation f_get_predicates (patternrepresentation a_patternrep);
+ static  patternrepresentation f_get_bindings (patternrepresentation a_patternrep);
+ static  patternrepresentation f_do_get_bindings (patternrepresentation a_patternrep);
+ static  rewriterulesinfo insertin_rewriterulesinfo (rewriteruleinfo new_rule, rewriterulesinfo old_rules);
+ static  bool lt_rewriteruleinfo (rewriteruleinfo a_rwruleinfo1, rewriteruleinfo a_rwruleinfo2);
+ static  unparsedeclsinfo insertin_unparsedeclsinfo (unparsedeclinfo new_decl, unparsedeclsinfo old_decls);
+ static  bool lt_unparsedeclinfo (unparsedeclinfo a_unparsedeclinfo1, unparsedeclinfo a_unparsedeclinfo2);
+ static  bool lt_patternrepresentation (patternrepresentation pr1, patternrepresentation pr2);
+ static  tribool equal_elem_patternrepresentation (elem_patternrepresentation a_patternrep_elem1, elem_patternrepresentation a_patternrep_elem2);
+ static  tribool equal_path (path a_path1, path a_path2);
+ static  tribool equal_paths (paths a_paths1, paths a_paths2);
+ patternrepresentations syn_patternchains(patternchains a_patternchains)
+ {{
+ 	patternchains kc_selvar_0_1 = phylum_cast<patternchains>(a_patternchains);
+ 	if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_Conspatternchains)) {
+ 	    const patternchain a_patternchain = (kc_selvar_0_1)->patternchain_1;
+ 	    const patternchains r_patternchains = (kc_selvar_0_1)->patternchains_1;
+ 	    return Conspatternrepresentations(
+ 		syn_patternchain( a_patternchain, Nilpath() ),
+ 		syn_patternchains(  r_patternchains )
+ 	    );
+ 	} else
+ 	    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_Nilpatternchains)) {
+ 	    return Nilpatternrepresentations();
+ 	} else
+ 	{ kc_no_default_in_with( "syn_patternchains", __LINE__, __FILE__ );
+ 	    return static_cast<patternrepresentations>(0); }
+     }
+ }
+ patternrepresentation syn_patternchain(patternchain a_patternchain, path a_path)
+ {{
+ 	patternchain kc_selvar_0_1 = phylum_cast<patternchain>(a_patternchain);
+ 	if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_Conspatternchain)) {
+ 	    return t_syn_patternchain( a_patternchain, a_path, a_patternchain->length());
+ 	} else
+ 	    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_Nilpatternchain)) {
+ 	    return Nilpatternrepresentation();
+ 	} else
+ 	{ kc_no_default_in_with( "syn_patternchain", __LINE__, __FILE__ );
+ 	    return static_cast<patternrepresentation>(0); }
+     }
+ }
+ static  patternrepresentation t_syn_patternchain(patternchain a_patternchain, path a_path, int branch)
+ {{
+ 	patternchain kc_selvar_0_1 = phylum_cast<patternchain>(a_patternchain);
+ 	if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_Conspatternchain)) {
+ 	    const patternchainitem a_patternchainitem = (kc_selvar_0_1)->patternchainitem_1;
+ 	    const patternchain r_patternchain = (kc_selvar_0_1)->patternchain_1;
+ 	    return concat( t_syn_patternchain(  r_patternchain, a_path , branch-1 ), syn_patternchainitem( a_patternchainitem, Conspath( mkinteger(branch), a_path ) ) );
+ 	} else
+ 	    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_Nilpatternchain)) {
+ 	    return Nilpatternrepresentation();
+ 	} else
+ 	{ kc_no_default_in_with( "t_syn_patternchain", __LINE__, __FILE__ );
+ 	    return static_cast<patternrepresentation>(0); }
+     }
+ }
+ patternrepresentation syn_patternchainitem(patternchainitem a_patternchainitem, path a_path)
+ {{
+ 	patternchainitem kc_selvar_0_1 = phylum_cast<patternchainitem>(a_patternchainitem);
+ 	if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_PatternchainitemDollarid)) {
+ 	    const ID id = phylum_cast<const impl_patternchainitem_PatternchainitemDollarid*>(kc_selvar_0_1)->ID_1;
+ 	    elem_patternrepresentation tmp = PRBinding( a_path, id );
+ 	    tmp->type = a_patternchainitem->type;
+ 	    return Conspatternrepresentation(
+ 		tmp,
+ 		Nilpatternrepresentation()
+ 	    );
+ 	} else
+ 	    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_PatternchainitemGroup)) {
+ 	    v_report( NonFatal(  FileLine( a_patternchainitem->file, a_patternchainitem->line ),
+ 		    Problem1S( "Internal Error: PatternchainitemGroup was not handled correctly" )));
+ 	    return Nilpatternrepresentation();
+ 	} else
+ 	    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_PatternchainitemOutmost)) {
+ 	    const outmostpattern a_outmostpattern = phylum_cast<const impl_patternchainitem_PatternchainitemOutmost*>(kc_selvar_0_1)->outmostpattern_1;
+ 	    return syn_outmostpattern( a_outmostpattern, a_path );
+ 	} else
+ 	{ kc_no_default_in_with( "syn_patternchainitem", __LINE__, __FILE__ );
+ 	    return static_cast<patternrepresentation>(0); }
+     }
+ }
+ patternrepresentations syn_outmostpatterns(outmostpatterns a_outmostpatterns)
+ {{
+ 	outmostpatterns kc_selvar_0_1 = phylum_cast<outmostpatterns>(a_outmostpatterns);
+ 	if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_Consoutmostpatterns)) {
+ 	    const outmostpattern a_outmostpattern = (kc_selvar_0_1)->outmostpattern_1;
+ 	    const outmostpatterns r_outmostpatterns = (kc_selvar_0_1)->outmostpatterns_1;
+ 	    return Conspatternrepresentations(
+ 		syn_outmostpattern( a_outmostpattern, Nilpath() ),
+ 		syn_outmostpatterns(  r_outmostpatterns )
+ 	    );
+ 	} else
+ 	    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_Niloutmostpatterns)) {
+ 	    return Nilpatternrepresentations();
+ 	} else
+ 	{ kc_no_default_in_with( "syn_outmostpatterns", __LINE__, __FILE__ );
+ 	    return static_cast<patternrepresentations>(0); }
+     }
+ }
+ void clone_TypeFileLine(elem_patternrepresentation tmp1, outmostpattern a_outmostpattern)
+ {
+     tmp1->type = a_outmostpattern->type;
+     tmp1->file = a_outmostpattern->file;
+     tmp1->line = a_outmostpattern->line;
+ }
+ static  patternrepresentation syn_outmostpattern(outmostpattern a_outmostpattern, path a_path)
+ {
+     patternrepresentation result;
+     Cexpression condition;
+     {
+ 	outmostpattern kc_selvar_0_1 = phylum_cast<outmostpattern>(a_outmostpattern);
+ 	if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_OPWildcard)) {
+ 	    const Cexpression cond = phylum_cast<const impl_outmostpattern_OPWildcard*>(kc_selvar_0_1)->Cexpression_1;
+ 	    condition = cond;
+ 	    elem_patternrepresentation tmp1 = PRWildcard( a_path );
+ 	    clone_TypeFileLine(tmp1, a_outmostpattern);
+ 	    result = Conspatternrepresentation(
+ 		tmp1,
+ 		Nilpatternrepresentation()
+ 	    );
+ 	} else
+ 	    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_OPDefault)) {
+ 	    const Cexpression cond = phylum_cast<const impl_outmostpattern_OPDefault*>(kc_selvar_0_1)->Cexpression_1;
+ 	    condition = cond;
+ 	    elem_patternrepresentation tmp1 = PRDefault();
+ 	    clone_TypeFileLine(tmp1, a_outmostpattern);
+ 	    result = Conspatternrepresentation(
+ 		tmp1,
+ 		Nilpatternrepresentation()
+ 	    );
+ 	} else
+ 	    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_OPNonLeafVariable)) {
+ 	    const ID id = phylum_cast<const impl_outmostpattern_OPNonLeafVariable*>(kc_selvar_0_1)->ID_1;
+ 	    const outmostpattern r_pattern = phylum_cast<const impl_outmostpattern_OPNonLeafVariable*>(kc_selvar_0_1)->outmostpattern_1;
+ 	    condition = NilCexpression();
+ 	    elem_patternrepresentation tmp1 = PRNonLeafBinding( a_path, id, syn_outmostpattern( r_pattern, Nilpath()) );
+ 	    a_path->id = f_phylumofpatternID(id);
+ 	    clone_TypeFileLine(tmp1, a_outmostpattern);
+ 	    result = Conspatternrepresentation(
+ 		tmp1,
+ 		syn_outmostpattern( r_pattern, a_path )
+ 	    );
+ 	} else
+ 	    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_OPOperator)) {
+ 	    const ID id = phylum_cast<const impl_outmostpattern_OPOperator*>(kc_selvar_0_1)->ID_1;
+ 	    const patterns r_patterns = phylum_cast<const impl_outmostpattern_OPOperator*>(kc_selvar_0_1)->patterns_1;
+ 	    const Cexpression cond = phylum_cast<const impl_outmostpattern_OPOperator*>(kc_selvar_0_1)->Cexpression_1;
+ 	    condition = cond;
+ 	    elem_patternrepresentation tmp1 = PROperPredicate( Conspath( mkinteger(0), a_path ), id );
+ 	    clone_TypeFileLine(tmp1, a_outmostpattern);
+ 	    a_path->op = id;
+ 	    result = Conspatternrepresentation(
+ 		tmp1,
+ 		syn_patterns( r_patterns, a_path )
+ 	    );
+ 	} else
+ 	    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_OPOperatorWildcard)) {
+ 	    const ID id = phylum_cast<const impl_outmostpattern_OPOperatorWildcard*>(kc_selvar_0_1)->ID_1;
+ 	    const Cexpression cond = phylum_cast<const impl_outmostpattern_OPOperatorWildcard*>(kc_selvar_0_1)->Cexpression_1;
+ 	    condition = cond;
+ 	    {
+ 		ID kc_selvar_1_1 = phylum_cast<ID>( id );
+ 		if ((kc_selvar_1_1->prod_sel() == sel_Id)) {
+ 		    const uniqID uid = phylum_cast<const impl_ID_Id*>(kc_selvar_1_1)->uniqID_1;
+ 		    {
+ 			IDtype kc_selvar_2_1 = phylum_cast<IDtype>( uid->type );
+ 			if ((kc_selvar_2_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITUnknown)) {
+ 			    elem_patternrepresentation tmp1 = PRBinding( a_path, id );
+ 			    clone_TypeFileLine(tmp1, a_outmostpattern);
+ 			    result = Conspatternrepresentation(
+ 				tmp1,
+ 				Nilpatternrepresentation()
+ 			    );
+ 			} else
+ 			    if ((kc_selvar_2_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITPatternVariable)) {
+ 			    elem_patternrepresentation tmp1 = PRBinding( a_path, id );
+ 			    clone_TypeFileLine(tmp1, a_outmostpattern);
+ 			    result = Conspatternrepresentation(
+ 				tmp1,
+ 				Nilpatternrepresentation()
+ 			    );
+ 			} else
+ 			{
+ 			    elem_patternrepresentation tmp1 = PROperPredicate( Conspath( mkinteger(0), a_path ), id );
+ 			    clone_TypeFileLine(tmp1, a_outmostpattern);
+ 			    a_path->op = id;
+ 			    result = Conspatternrepresentation(
+ 				tmp1,
+ 				Nilpatternrepresentation()
+ 			    );
+ 			}
+ 		    }
+ 		} else
+ 		{ kc_no_default_in_with( "syn_outmostpattern", __LINE__, __FILE__ );
+ 		    return static_cast<patternrepresentation>(0); }
+ 	    }
+ 	} else
+ 	{ kc_no_default_in_with( "syn_outmostpattern", __LINE__, __FILE__ );
+ 	    return static_cast<patternrepresentation>(0); }
+     }
+     if (!condition->is_nil())
+     result->append(PRUserPredicate(condition));
+     return result;
+ }
+ static  patternrepresentation syn_pattern(pattern a_pattern, path a_path)
+ {{
+ 	pattern kc_selvar_0_1 = phylum_cast<pattern>(a_pattern);
+ 	if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_PIntLiteral)) {
+ 	    const INT i = phylum_cast<const impl_pattern_PIntLiteral*>(kc_selvar_0_1)->INT_1;
+ 	    return Conspatternrepresentation(
+ 		PRIntLiteral( a_path, i ),
+ 		Nilpatternrepresentation()
+ 	    );
+ 	} else
+ 	    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_PStringLiteral)) {
+ 	    const CexpressionDQ cexprdq = phylum_cast<const impl_pattern_PStringLiteral*>(kc_selvar_0_1)->CexpressionDQ_1;
+ 	    return Conspatternrepresentation(
+ 		PRStringLiteral( a_path, cexprdq ),
+ 		Nilpatternrepresentation()
+ 	    );
+ 	} else
+ 	    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_PWildcard)) {
+ 	    return Nilpatternrepresentation();
+ 	} else
+ 	    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_PNonLeafVariable)) {
+ 	    const ID id = phylum_cast<const impl_pattern_PNonLeafVariable*>(kc_selvar_0_1)->ID_1;
+ 	    const pattern r_pattern = phylum_cast<const impl_pattern_PNonLeafVariable*>(kc_selvar_0_1)->pattern_1;
+ 	    return Conspatternrepresentation(
+ 		PRNonLeafBinding( a_path, id, syn_pattern( r_pattern, Nilpath()) ),
+ 		syn_pattern( r_pattern, a_path )
+ 	    );
+ 	} else
+ 	    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_POperator)) {
+ 	    const ID id = phylum_cast<const impl_pattern_POperator*>(kc_selvar_0_1)->ID_1;
+ 	    const patterns r_patterns = phylum_cast<const impl_pattern_POperator*>(kc_selvar_0_1)->patterns_1;
+ 	    a_path->op = id;
+ 	    return Conspatternrepresentation(
+ 		PROperPredicate( Conspath( mkinteger(0), a_path ), id ),
+ 		syn_patterns( r_patterns, a_path )
+ 	    );
+ 	} else
+ 	    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_PVariable)) {
+ 	    const ID id = phylum_cast<const impl_pattern_PVariable*>(kc_selvar_0_1)->ID_1;
+ 	    return Conspatternrepresentation(
+ 		PRBinding( a_path, id ),
+ 		Nilpatternrepresentation()
+ 	    );
+ 	} else
+ 	{ kc_no_default_in_with( "syn_pattern", __LINE__, __FILE__ );
+ 	    return static_cast<patternrepresentation>(0); }
+     }
+ }
+ static  patternrepresentation syn_patterns(patterns a_patterns, path a_path)
+ {{
+ 	patterns kc_selvar_0_1 = phylum_cast<patterns>(a_patterns);
+ 	if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_Conspatterns)) {
+ 	    return t_syn_patterns(  a_patterns, a_path , a_patterns->length( ) );
+ 	} else
+ 	    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_Nilpatterns)) {
+ 	    return Nilpatternrepresentation();
+ 	} else
+ 	{ kc_no_default_in_with( "syn_patterns", __LINE__, __FILE__ );
+ 	    return static_cast<patternrepresentation>(0); }
+     }
+ }
+ static  patternrepresentation t_syn_patterns(patterns a_patterns, path a_path, int branch)
+ {{
+ 	patterns kc_selvar_0_1 = phylum_cast<patterns>(a_patterns);
+ 	if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_Conspatterns)) {
+ 	    const pattern a_pattern = (kc_selvar_0_1)->pattern_1;
+ 	    const patterns r_patterns = (kc_selvar_0_1)->patterns_1;
+ 	    return concat( t_syn_patterns(  r_patterns, a_path , branch-1 ), syn_pattern( a_pattern, Conspath( mkinteger(branch), a_path ) ) );
+ 	} else
+ 	    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_Nilpatterns)) {
+ 	    return Nilpatternrepresentation();
+ 	} else
+ 	{ kc_no_default_in_with( "t_syn_patterns", __LINE__, __FILE__ );
+ 	    return static_cast<patternrepresentation>(0); }
+     }
+ }
+ bool f_bindingidmarked(ID id)
+ {{
+ 	ID kc_selvar_0_1 = phylum_cast<ID>(id);
+ 	if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_Id)) {
+ 	    const uniqID uid = phylum_cast<const impl_ID_Id*>(kc_selvar_0_1)->uniqID_1;
+ 	    return BindingIdMark( uid )->marked;
+ 	} else
+ 	{ kc_no_default_in_with( "f_bindingidmarked", __LINE__, __FILE__ );
+ 	    return static_cast<bool>(0); }
+     }
+ }
+ void v_markbindingid(ID id)
+ {{
+ 	ID kc_selvar_0_1 = phylum_cast<ID>(id);
+ 	if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_Id)) {
+ 	    const uniqID uid = phylum_cast<const impl_ID_Id*>(kc_selvar_0_1)->uniqID_1;
+ 	    BindingIdMark( uid )->marked = true;
+ 	} else
+ 	    kc_no_default_in_with( "v_markbindingid", __LINE__, __FILE__ );
+     }
+ }
+ void v_resetbindingidmarks()
+ {
+     if (Thebindingidmarks) {
+ 	{
+ 	    bindingidmarks kc_fe_selvar_1 =  Thebindingidmarks ;
+ 	    while(
+ 		    kc_fe_selvar_1->prod_sel() == sel_Consbindingidmarks
+ 		) {
+ 		bindingidmark kc_selvar_0_1 = kc_fe_selvar_1->bindingidmark_1;
+ 		{
+ 		    {
+ 			{
+ 			    const bindingidmark m = kc_selvar_0_1;
+ 			    m->marked = false;
+ 			}
+ 		    }
+ 		}
+ 		kc_fe_selvar_1 = kc_fe_selvar_1->bindingidmarks_1;
+ 	    }
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ patternrepresentations add_predicates_to_patternrepresentations(patternrepresentations a_patternreps)
+ {{
+ 	patternrepresentations kc_selvar_0_1 = phylum_cast<patternrepresentations>(a_patternreps);
+ 	if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_Conspatternrepresentations)) {
+ 	    const patternrepresentation a_patternrep = (kc_selvar_0_1)->patternrepresentation_1;
+ 	    const patternrepresentations r_patternreps = (kc_selvar_0_1)->patternrepresentations_1;
+ 	    patternrepresentation tmp;
+ 	    v_resetbindingidmarks(); 
+ 	    tmp = add_predicates( a_patternrep );
+ 	    return Conspatternrepresentations(
+ 		concat( a_patternrep, tmp ),
+ 		add_predicates_to_patternrepresentations( r_patternreps )
+ 	    );
+ 	} else
+ 	    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_Nilpatternrepresentations)) {
+ 	    return Nilpatternrepresentations();
+ 	} else
+ 	{ kc_no_default_in_with( "add_predicates_to_patternrepresentations", __LINE__, __FILE__ );
+ 	    return static_cast<patternrepresentations>(0); }
+     }
+ }
+ static  patternrepresentation add_predicates(patternrepresentation a_patternrep)
+ {{
+ 	patternrepresentation kc_selvar_0_1 = phylum_cast<patternrepresentation>(a_patternrep);
+ 	if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_Conspatternrepresentation)) {
+ 	    const elem_patternrepresentation a_pattern_rep_elem = (kc_selvar_0_1)->elem_patternrepresentation_1;
+ 	    const patternrepresentation r_patternrep = (kc_selvar_0_1)->patternrepresentation_1;
+ 	    patternrepresentation tmp_for_elem, tmp_for_rest;
+ 	    tmp_for_elem = add_predicate( a_pattern_rep_elem, r_patternrep );
+ 	    tmp_for_rest = add_predicates( r_patternrep );
+ 	    return concat( tmp_for_elem, tmp_for_rest );
+ 	} else
+ 	    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_Nilpatternrepresentation)) {
+ 	    return Nilpatternrepresentation();
+ 	} else
+ 	{ kc_no_default_in_with( "add_predicates", __LINE__, __FILE__ );
+ 	    return static_cast<patternrepresentation>(0); }
+     }
+ }
+ static  patternrepresentation add_predicate(elem_patternrepresentation a_patternrep_elem, patternrepresentation a_patternrep)
+ {{
+ 	elem_patternrepresentation kc_selvar_0_1 = phylum_cast<elem_patternrepresentation>(a_patternrep_elem);
+ 	if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_PRNonLeafBinding)) {
+ 	    const ID id = phylum_cast<const impl_elem_patternrepresentation_PRNonLeafBinding*>(kc_selvar_0_1)->ID_1;
+ 	    if (! f_bindingidmarked( id )) {
+ 		v_markbindingid( id );
+ 		return make_predicates( a_patternrep_elem, a_patternrep );
+ 	    } else {
+ 		return Nilpatternrepresentation();
+ 	    }
+ 	} else
+ 	    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_PRBinding)) {
+ 	    const ID id = phylum_cast<const impl_elem_patternrepresentation_PRBinding*>(kc_selvar_0_1)->ID_1;
+ 	    if (! f_bindingidmarked( id )) {
+ 		v_markbindingid( id );
+ 		return make_predicates( a_patternrep_elem, a_patternrep );
+ 	    } else {
+ 		return Nilpatternrepresentation();
+ 	    }
+ 	} else
+ 	{
+ 	    return Nilpatternrepresentation();
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ static  patternrepresentation t_make_predicates(ID a_id, paths a_paths, patternrepresentation a_subpattern, patternrepresentation a_patternrep, bool left_linear)
+ {{
+ 	patternrepresentation kc_selvar_0_1 = phylum_cast<patternrepresentation>(a_patternrep);
+ 	if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_Conspatternrepresentation)) {
+ 	    const elem_patternrepresentation aps_patternrep_elem = (kc_selvar_0_1)->elem_patternrepresentation_1;
+ 	    const patternrepresentation r_apatternrep = (kc_selvar_0_1)->patternrepresentation_1;
+ 	    {
+ 		elem_patternrepresentation kc_selvar_1_1 = phylum_cast<elem_patternrepresentation>( aps_patternrep_elem );
+ 		if ((kc_selvar_1_1->prod_sel() == sel_PRNonLeafBinding)) {
+ 		    const path aps_path = phylum_cast<const impl_elem_patternrepresentation_PRNonLeafBinding*>(kc_selvar_1_1)->path_1;
+ 		    const ID aps_id = phylum_cast<const impl_elem_patternrepresentation_PRNonLeafBinding*>(kc_selvar_1_1)->ID_1;
+ 		    const patternrepresentation aps_subpattern = phylum_cast<const impl_elem_patternrepresentation_PRNonLeafBinding*>(kc_selvar_1_1)->patternrepresentation_1;
+ 		    if ( a_id->eq( aps_id )) {
+ 			if ( test_matching_subpatterns( aps_subpattern, a_subpattern ) ) {
+ 			    return t_make_predicates( a_id, Conspaths( aps_path, a_paths ), concat( aps_subpattern, a_subpattern ), r_apatternrep, false );
+ 			} else {
+ 			    return t_make_predicates( a_id, a_paths, a_subpattern, r_apatternrep, false );
+ 			}
+ 		    } else {
+ 			return t_make_predicates( a_id, a_paths, a_subpattern, r_apatternrep, left_linear );
+ 		    }
+ 		} else
+ 		    if ((kc_selvar_1_1->prod_sel() == sel_PRBinding)) {
+ 		    const path aps_path = phylum_cast<const impl_elem_patternrepresentation_PRBinding*>(kc_selvar_1_1)->path_1;
+ 		    const ID aps_id = phylum_cast<const impl_elem_patternrepresentation_PRBinding*>(kc_selvar_1_1)->ID_1;
+ 		    if ( a_id->eq( aps_id )) {
+ 			return t_make_predicates( a_id, Conspaths( aps_path, a_paths ), a_subpattern, r_apatternrep, false );
+ 		    } else {
+ 			return t_make_predicates( a_id, a_paths, a_subpattern, r_apatternrep, left_linear );
+ 		    }
+ 		} else
+ 		{
+ 		    return t_make_predicates( a_id, a_paths, a_subpattern, r_apatternrep, left_linear );
+ 		}
+ 	    }
+ 	} else
+ 	    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_Nilpatternrepresentation)) {
+ 	    if (left_linear) {
+ 		return Nilpatternrepresentation();
+ 	    } else {
+ 		elem_patternrepresentation pred = PRVarPredicate(a_paths, a_id, a_subpattern);
+ 		pred->file = a_id->file, pred->line = a_id->line;
+ 		return Conspatternrepresentation( pred, Nilpatternrepresentation() );
+ 	    }
+ 	} else
+ 	{ kc_no_default_in_with( "t_make_predicates", __LINE__, __FILE__ );
+ 	    return static_cast<patternrepresentation>(0); }
+     }
+ }
+ static  patternrepresentation make_predicates(elem_patternrepresentation a_patternrep_elem, patternrepresentation a_patternrep)
+ {{
+ 	elem_patternrepresentation kc_selvar_0_1 = phylum_cast<elem_patternrepresentation>(a_patternrep_elem);
+ 	if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_PRNonLeafBinding)) {
+ 	    const path a_path = phylum_cast<const impl_elem_patternrepresentation_PRNonLeafBinding*>(kc_selvar_0_1)->path_1;
+ 	    const ID a_id = phylum_cast<const impl_elem_patternrepresentation_PRNonLeafBinding*>(kc_selvar_0_1)->ID_1;
+ 	    const patternrepresentation a_subpattern = phylum_cast<const impl_elem_patternrepresentation_PRNonLeafBinding*>(kc_selvar_0_1)->patternrepresentation_1;
+ 	    return t_make_predicates( a_id, Conspaths( a_path, Nilpaths()), a_subpattern, a_patternrep, true );
+ 	} else
+ 	    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_PRBinding)) {
+ 	    const path a_path = phylum_cast<const impl_elem_patternrepresentation_PRBinding*>(kc_selvar_0_1)->path_1;
+ 	    const ID a_id = phylum_cast<const impl_elem_patternrepresentation_PRBinding*>(kc_selvar_0_1)->ID_1;
+ 	    return t_make_predicates( a_id, Conspaths( a_path, Nilpaths()), Nilpatternrepresentation(), a_patternrep, true );
+ 	} else
+ 	{ kc_no_default_in_with( "make_predicates", __LINE__, __FILE__ );
+ 	    return static_cast<patternrepresentation>(0); }
+     }
+ }
+ static  bool test_matching_subpatterns(patternrepresentation newp, patternrepresentation oldp)
+ {
+     return true;
+ }
+ void v_add_rewriterulesinfo_to_operator(patternrepresentations a_patternreps, rewriteclauses rc)
+ {
+     {
+ 	patternrepresentations kc_fe_selvar_1 =  a_patternreps ;
+ 	while(
+ 		kc_fe_selvar_1->prod_sel() == sel_Conspatternrepresentations
+ 	    ) {
+ 	    patternrepresentation kc_selvar_0_1 = kc_fe_selvar_1->patternrepresentation_1;
+ 	    {
+ 		{
+ 		    {
+ 			const patternrepresentation a_patternrep = kc_selvar_0_1;
+ 			ID op = f_operatorofpatternrepresentation( a_patternrep );
+ 			if (! op->eq( f_emptyId() )) {
+ 			    alternative a = f_alternativeofoperator(op);
+ 			    if (a) {
+ 				{
+ 				    rewriteclauses kc_fe_selvar_1 =  rc ;
+ 				    while(
+ 					    kc_fe_selvar_1->prod_sel() == sel_Consrewriteclauses
+ 					) {
+ 					rewriteclause kc_selvar_1_1 = kc_fe_selvar_1->rewriteclause_1;
+ 					{
+ 					    {
+ 						{
+ 						    const rewriteclause r = kc_selvar_1_1;
+ 						    a->rewriteinfo = insertin_rewriterulesinfo( Rewriteruleinfo( f_get_predicates( a_patternrep ), f_get_bindings( a_patternrep ), r ), a->rewriteinfo );
+ 						}
+ 					    }
+ 					}
+ 					kc_fe_selvar_1 = kc_fe_selvar_1->rewriteclauses_1;
+ 				    }
+ 				}
+ 			    }   }   
+ 		    }
+ 		}
+ 	    }
+ 	    kc_fe_selvar_1 = kc_fe_selvar_1->patternrepresentations_1;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ withcasesinfo f_withcasesinfo(patternrepresentations a_patternreps, Ctext ct)
+ {
+     withcasesinfo tmp = Nilwithcasesinfo();
+     {
+ 	patternrepresentations kc_fe_selvar_1 =  a_patternreps ;
+ 	while(
+ 		kc_fe_selvar_1->prod_sel() == sel_Conspatternrepresentations
+ 	    ) {
+ 	    patternrepresentation kc_selvar_0_1 = kc_fe_selvar_1->patternrepresentation_1;
+ 	    {
+ 		{
+ 		    {
+ 			const patternrepresentation a_patternrep = kc_selvar_0_1;
+ 			{
+ 			    patternrepresentation kc_selvar_1_1 = phylum_cast<patternrepresentation>( a_patternrep );
+ 			    if ((kc_selvar_1_1->prod_sel() == sel_Conspatternrepresentation)) {
+ 				tmp = insertin_withcasesinfo( Withcaseinfo( f_get_predicates( a_patternrep ), f_get_bindings( a_patternrep ), ct ), tmp );
+ 			    } else
+ 				if ((kc_selvar_1_1->prod_sel() == sel_Nilpatternrepresentation)) {
+ 				/*EMPTY*/
+ 					} else
+ 			    { kc_no_default_in_with( "f_withcasesinfo", __LINE__, __FILE__ );
+ 				return static_cast<withcasesinfo>(0); }
+ 			}
+ 		    }
+ 		}
+ 	    }
+ 	    kc_fe_selvar_1 = kc_fe_selvar_1->patternrepresentations_1;
+ 	}
+     }
+     return tmp;
+ }
+ void v_add_unparsedeclsinfo_to_operator(patternrepresentations a_patternreps, unparseclauses uc)
+ {
+     {
+ 	patternrepresentations kc_fe_selvar_1 =  a_patternreps ;
+ 	while(
+ 		kc_fe_selvar_1->prod_sel() == sel_Conspatternrepresentations
+ 	    ) {
+ 	    patternrepresentation kc_selvar_0_1 = kc_fe_selvar_1->patternrepresentation_1;
+ 	    {
+ 		{
+ 		    {
+ 			const patternrepresentation a_patternrep = kc_selvar_0_1;
+ 			ID op = f_operatorofpatternrepresentation( a_patternrep );
+ 			if (! op->eq( f_emptyId() )) {
+ 			    alternative a = f_alternativeofoperator(op);
+ 			    if (a) {
+ 				{
+ 				    unparseclauses kc_fe_selvar_1 =  uc ;
+ 				    while(
+ 					    kc_fe_selvar_1->prod_sel() == sel_Consunparseclauses
+ 					) {
+ 					unparseclause kc_selvar_1_1 = kc_fe_selvar_1->unparseclause_1;
+ 					{
+ 					    {
+ 						{
+ 						    const unparseclause u = kc_selvar_1_1;
+ 						    a->unparseinfo = insertin_unparsedeclsinfo( Unparsedeclinfo( f_get_predicates( a_patternrep ), f_get_bindings( a_patternrep ), u ), a->unparseinfo );
+ 						}
+ 					    }
+ 					}
+ 					kc_fe_selvar_1 = kc_fe_selvar_1->unparseclauses_1;
+ 				    }
+ 				}
+ 			    }   }   
+ 		    }
+ 		}
+ 	    }
+ 	    kc_fe_selvar_1 = kc_fe_selvar_1->patternrepresentations_1;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ static  patternrepresentation f_get_predicates(patternrepresentation a_patternrep)
+ {{
+ 	patternrepresentation kc_selvar_0_1 = phylum_cast<patternrepresentation>(a_patternrep);
+ 	if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_Conspatternrepresentation)) {
+ 	    const elem_patternrepresentation a_patternrep_elem = (kc_selvar_0_1)->elem_patternrepresentation_1;
+ 	    const patternrepresentation r_patternrep = (kc_selvar_0_1)->patternrepresentation_1;
+ 	    {
+ 		elem_patternrepresentation kc_selvar_1_1 = phylum_cast<elem_patternrepresentation>( a_patternrep_elem );
+ 		if ((kc_selvar_1_1->prod_sel() == sel_PRNonLeafBinding)) {
+ 		    return f_get_predicates( r_patternrep );
+ 		} else
+ 		    if ((kc_selvar_1_1->prod_sel() == sel_PRBinding)) {
+ 		    return f_get_predicates( r_patternrep );
+ 		} else
+ 		{
+ 		    return Conspatternrepresentation( a_patternrep_elem, f_get_predicates( r_patternrep ) );
+ 		}
+ 	    }
+ 	} else
+ 	    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_Nilpatternrepresentation)) {
+ 	    return Nilpatternrepresentation();
+ 	} else
+ 	{ kc_no_default_in_with( "f_get_predicates", __LINE__, __FILE__ );
+ 	    return static_cast<patternrepresentation>(0); }
+     }
+ }
+ static  patternrepresentation f_get_bindings(patternrepresentation a_patternrep)
+ {
+     patternrepresentation p;
+     v_resetbindingidmarks();
+     p = f_do_get_bindings( a_patternrep );
+     v_resetbindingidmarks();
+     return p;
+ }
+ static  patternrepresentation f_do_get_bindings(patternrepresentation a_patternrep)
+ {{
+ 	patternrepresentation kc_selvar_0_1 = phylum_cast<patternrepresentation>(a_patternrep);
+ 	if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_Conspatternrepresentation)) {
+ 	    const elem_patternrepresentation a_patternrep_elem = (kc_selvar_0_1)->elem_patternrepresentation_1;
+ 	    const patternrepresentation r_patternrep = (kc_selvar_0_1)->patternrepresentation_1;
+ 	    {
+ 		elem_patternrepresentation kc_selvar_1_1 = phylum_cast<elem_patternrepresentation>( a_patternrep_elem );
+ 		if ((kc_selvar_1_1->prod_sel() == sel_PRNonLeafBinding)) {
+ 		    const ID id = phylum_cast<const impl_elem_patternrepresentation_PRNonLeafBinding*>(kc_selvar_1_1)->ID_1;
+ 		    if (! f_bindingidmarked( id )) {
+ 			v_markbindingid( id );
+ 			return Conspatternrepresentation( a_patternrep_elem, f_do_get_bindings( r_patternrep ) );
+ 		    } else {
+ 			return f_do_get_bindings( r_patternrep );
+ 		    }   
+ 		    	} else
+ 		    if ((kc_selvar_1_1->prod_sel() == sel_PRBinding)) {
+ 		    const ID id = phylum_cast<const impl_elem_patternrepresentation_PRBinding*>(kc_selvar_1_1)->ID_1;
+ 		    if (! f_bindingidmarked( id )) {
+ 			v_markbindingid( id );
+ 			return Conspatternrepresentation( a_patternrep_elem, f_do_get_bindings( r_patternrep ) );
+ 		    } else {
+ 			return f_do_get_bindings( r_patternrep );
+ 		    }   
+ 		    	} else
+ 		{
+ 		    return f_do_get_bindings( r_patternrep );
+ 		}
+ 	    }
+ 	} else
+ 	    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_Nilpatternrepresentation)) {
+ 	    return Nilpatternrepresentation();
+ 	} else
+ 	{ kc_no_default_in_with( "f_do_get_bindings", __LINE__, __FILE__ );
+ 	    return static_cast<patternrepresentation>(0); }
+     }
+ }
+ static  rewriterulesinfo insertin_rewriterulesinfo(rewriteruleinfo new_rule, rewriterulesinfo old_rules)
+ {{
+ 	rewriterulesinfo kc_selvar_0_1 = phylum_cast<rewriterulesinfo>(old_rules);
+ 	if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_Consrewriterulesinfo)) {
+ 	    const rewriteruleinfo head_rule = (kc_selvar_0_1)->rewriteruleinfo_1;
+ 	    const rewriterulesinfo rest_rules = (kc_selvar_0_1)->rewriterulesinfo_1;
+ 	    if (lt_rewriteruleinfo( head_rule, new_rule )) {
+ 		return Consrewriterulesinfo( head_rule, insertin_rewriterulesinfo( new_rule, rest_rules ));
+ 	    } else {
+ 		return Consrewriterulesinfo( new_rule, old_rules );
+ 	    }   
+ 	    	} else
+ 	    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_Nilrewriterulesinfo)) {
+ 	    return Consrewriterulesinfo( new_rule, old_rules );
+ 	} else
+ 	{ kc_no_default_in_with( "insertin_rewriterulesinfo", __LINE__, __FILE__ );
+ 	    return static_cast<rewriterulesinfo>(0); }
+     }
+ }
+ static  bool lt_rewriteruleinfo(rewriteruleinfo a_rwruleinfo1, rewriteruleinfo a_rwruleinfo2)
+ {{
+ 	rewriteruleinfo kc_selvar_0_1 = phylum_cast<rewriteruleinfo>(a_rwruleinfo1);
+ 	rewriteruleinfo kc_selvar_0_2 = phylum_cast<rewriteruleinfo>(a_rwruleinfo2);
+ 	if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_Rewriteruleinfo) && (kc_selvar_0_2->prod_sel() == sel_Rewriteruleinfo)) {
+ 	    const patternrepresentation a_patternrep1 = phylum_cast<const impl_rewriteruleinfo_Rewriteruleinfo*>(kc_selvar_0_1)->patternrepresentation_1;
+ 	    const patternrepresentation a_patternrep2 = phylum_cast<const impl_rewriteruleinfo_Rewriteruleinfo*>(kc_selvar_0_2)->patternrepresentation_1;
+ 	    return lt_patternrepresentation( a_patternrep1, a_patternrep2 );
+ 	} else
+ 	{ kc_no_default_in_with( "lt_rewriteruleinfo", __LINE__, __FILE__ );
+ 	    return static_cast<bool>(0); }
+     }
+ }
+ withcasesinfo insertin_withcasesinfo(withcaseinfo new_case, withcasesinfo old_cases)
+ {{
+ 	withcasesinfo kc_selvar_0_1 = phylum_cast<withcasesinfo>(old_cases);
+ 	if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_Conswithcasesinfo)) {
+ 	    const withcaseinfo head_case = (kc_selvar_0_1)->withcaseinfo_1;
+ 	    const withcasesinfo rest_cases = (kc_selvar_0_1)->withcasesinfo_1;
+ 	    if (lt_withcaseinfo( head_case, new_case )) {
+ 		return Conswithcasesinfo( head_case, insertin_withcasesinfo( new_case, rest_cases ));
+ 	    } else {
+ 		return Conswithcasesinfo( new_case, old_cases );
+ 	    }   
+ 	    	} else
+ 	    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_Nilwithcasesinfo)) {
+ 	    return Conswithcasesinfo( new_case, old_cases );
+ 	} else
+ 	{ kc_no_default_in_with( "insertin_withcasesinfo", __LINE__, __FILE__ );
+ 	    return static_cast<withcasesinfo>(0); }
+     }
+ }
+ bool lt_withcaseinfo(withcaseinfo a_withcaseinfo1, withcaseinfo a_withcaseinfo2)
+ {{
+ 	withcaseinfo kc_selvar_0_1 = phylum_cast<withcaseinfo>(a_withcaseinfo1);
+ 	withcaseinfo kc_selvar_0_2 = phylum_cast<withcaseinfo>(a_withcaseinfo2);
+ 	if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_Withcaseinfo) && (kc_selvar_0_2->prod_sel() == sel_Withcaseinfo)) {
+ 	    const patternrepresentation a_patternrep1 = phylum_cast<const impl_withcaseinfo_Withcaseinfo*>(kc_selvar_0_1)->patternrepresentation_1;
+ 	    const patternrepresentation a_patternrep2 = phylum_cast<const impl_withcaseinfo_Withcaseinfo*>(kc_selvar_0_2)->patternrepresentation_1;
+ 	    return lt_patternrepresentation( a_patternrep1, a_patternrep2 );
+ 	} else
+ 	{ kc_no_default_in_with( "lt_withcaseinfo", __LINE__, __FILE__ );
+ 	    return static_cast<bool>(0); }
+     }
+ }
+ static  unparsedeclsinfo insertin_unparsedeclsinfo(unparsedeclinfo new_decl, unparsedeclsinfo old_decls)
+ {{
+ 	unparsedeclsinfo kc_selvar_0_1 = phylum_cast<unparsedeclsinfo>(old_decls);
+ 	if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_Consunparsedeclsinfo)) {
+ 	    const unparsedeclinfo head_decl = (kc_selvar_0_1)->unparsedeclinfo_1;
+ 	    const unparsedeclsinfo rest_decls = (kc_selvar_0_1)->unparsedeclsinfo_1;
+ 	    if (lt_unparsedeclinfo( head_decl, new_decl )) {
+ 		return Consunparsedeclsinfo( head_decl, insertin_unparsedeclsinfo( new_decl, rest_decls ));
+ 	    } else {
+ 		return Consunparsedeclsinfo( new_decl, old_decls );
+ 	    }   
+ 	    	} else
+ 	    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_Nilunparsedeclsinfo)) {
+ 	    return Consunparsedeclsinfo( new_decl, old_decls );
+ 	} else
+ 	{ kc_no_default_in_with( "insertin_unparsedeclsinfo", __LINE__, __FILE__ );
+ 	    return static_cast<unparsedeclsinfo>(0); }
+     }
+ }
+ static  bool lt_unparsedeclinfo(unparsedeclinfo a_unparsedeclinfo1, unparsedeclinfo a_unparsedeclinfo2)
+ {{
+ 	unparsedeclinfo kc_selvar_0_1 = phylum_cast<unparsedeclinfo>(a_unparsedeclinfo1);
+ 	unparsedeclinfo kc_selvar_0_2 = phylum_cast<unparsedeclinfo>(a_unparsedeclinfo2);
+ 	if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_Unparsedeclinfo) && (kc_selvar_0_2->prod_sel() == sel_Unparsedeclinfo)) {
+ 	    const patternrepresentation a_patternrep1 = phylum_cast<const impl_unparsedeclinfo_Unparsedeclinfo*>(kc_selvar_0_1)->patternrepresentation_1;
+ 	    const patternrepresentation a_patternrep2 = phylum_cast<const impl_unparsedeclinfo_Unparsedeclinfo*>(kc_selvar_0_2)->patternrepresentation_1;
+ 	    return lt_patternrepresentation( a_patternrep1, a_patternrep2 );
+ 	} else
+ 	{ kc_no_default_in_with( "lt_unparsedeclinfo", __LINE__, __FILE__ );
+ 	    return static_cast<bool>(0); }
+     }
+ }
+ void warn_drop_identical_pattern(rewriteruleinfo rri)
+ {{
+ 	rewriteruleinfo kc_selvar_0_1 = phylum_cast<rewriteruleinfo>(rri);
+ 	if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_Rewriteruleinfo)) {
+ 	    const patternrepresentation pr = phylum_cast<const impl_rewriteruleinfo_Rewriteruleinfo*>(kc_selvar_0_1)->patternrepresentation_1;
+ 	    warn_drop_identical_pattern(pr); 
+ 	    	} else
+ 	    kc_no_default_in_with( "warn_drop_identical_pattern", __LINE__, __FILE__ );
+     }
+ }
+ void warn_drop_identical_pattern(withcaseinfo wci)
+ {{
+ 	withcaseinfo kc_selvar_0_1 = phylum_cast<withcaseinfo>(wci);
+ 	if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_Withcaseinfo)) {
+ 	    const patternrepresentation pr = phylum_cast<const impl_withcaseinfo_Withcaseinfo*>(kc_selvar_0_1)->patternrepresentation_1;
+ 	    warn_drop_identical_pattern(pr); 
+ 	    	} else
+ 	    kc_no_default_in_with( "warn_drop_identical_pattern", __LINE__, __FILE__ );
+     }
+ }
+ void warn_drop_identical_pattern(unparsedeclinfo udi)
+ {{
+ 	unparsedeclinfo kc_selvar_0_1 = phylum_cast<unparsedeclinfo>(udi);
+ 	if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_Unparsedeclinfo)) {
+ 	    const patternrepresentation pr = phylum_cast<const impl_unparsedeclinfo_Unparsedeclinfo*>(kc_selvar_0_1)->patternrepresentation_1;
+ 	    warn_drop_identical_pattern(pr); 
+ 	    	} else
+ 	    kc_no_default_in_with( "warn_drop_identical_pattern", __LINE__, __FILE__ );
+     }
+ }
+ void warn_drop_identical_pattern(patternrepresentation pr)
+ {{
+ 	patternrepresentation kc_selvar_0_1 = phylum_cast<patternrepresentation>(pr);
+ 	if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_Conspatternrepresentation)) {
+ 	    const elem_patternrepresentation epr = (kc_selvar_0_1)->elem_patternrepresentation_1;
+ 	    v_report(Warning(FileLine( epr->file, epr->line ),
+ 		    Problem1S("Warning: dropped pattern")));
+ 	} else
+ 	{
+ 	    assertionFailed("Dropping empty pattern");
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ static  bool lt_patternrepresentation(patternrepresentation pr1, patternrepresentation pr2)
+ {
+     {
+ 	patternrepresentation kc_fe_selvar_1 =  pr1;
+ 	patternrepresentation kc_fe_selvar_2 =  pr2;
+ 	while(
+ 		kc_fe_selvar_1->prod_sel() == sel_Conspatternrepresentation
+ 		&& kc_fe_selvar_2->prod_sel() == sel_Conspatternrepresentation
+ 	    ) {
+ 	    elem_patternrepresentation kc_selvar_0_1 = kc_fe_selvar_1->elem_patternrepresentation_1;
+ 	    elem_patternrepresentation kc_selvar_0_2 = kc_fe_selvar_2->elem_patternrepresentation_1;
+ 	    {
+ 		{
+ 		    {
+ 			const elem_patternrepresentation p1 = kc_selvar_0_1;
+ 			const elem_patternrepresentation p2 = kc_selvar_0_2;
+ 			{
+ 			    tribool kc_selvar_1_1 = phylum_cast<tribool>( equal_elem_patternrepresentation(p1, p2) );
+ 			    if ((kc_selvar_1_1->prod_sel() == sel_Bigger)) {
+ 				return false; 
+ 					} else
+ 				if ((kc_selvar_1_1->prod_sel() == sel_Smaller)) {
+ 				return true; 
+ 					} else
+ 			    {
+ 			    }
+ 			}
+ 		    }
+ 		}
+ 	    }
+ 	    kc_fe_selvar_1 = kc_fe_selvar_1->patternrepresentation_1;
+ 	    kc_fe_selvar_2 = kc_fe_selvar_2->patternrepresentation_1;
+ 	}
+ 	{
+ 	    {
+ 		{
+ 		    const patternrepresentation re1 = kc_fe_selvar_1;
+ 		    const patternrepresentation re2 = kc_fe_selvar_2;
+ 		    {
+ 			patternrepresentation kc_selvar_1_1 = phylum_cast<patternrepresentation>(re1);
+ 			patternrepresentation kc_selvar_1_2 = phylum_cast<patternrepresentation>(re2);
+ 			if ((kc_selvar_1_1->prod_sel() == sel_Nilpatternrepresentation) && (kc_selvar_1_2->prod_sel() == sel_Nilpatternrepresentation)) {
+ 			    return false; 
+ 			    	} else
+ 			    if ((kc_selvar_1_1->prod_sel() == sel_Nilpatternrepresentation)) {
+ 			    return false; 
+ 			    	} else
+ 			    if ((kc_selvar_1_2->prod_sel() == sel_Nilpatternrepresentation)) {
+ 			    return true; 
+ 			    	} else
+ 			{ kc_no_default_in_with( "lt_patternrepresentation", __LINE__, __FILE__ );
+ 			    return static_cast<bool>(0); }
+ 		    }
+ 		}
+ 	    }
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ static  tribool equal_elem_patternrepresentation(elem_patternrepresentation a_patternrep_elem1, elem_patternrepresentation a_patternrep_elem2)
+ {{
+ 	elem_patternrepresentation kc_selvar_0_1 = phylum_cast<elem_patternrepresentation>(a_patternrep_elem1);
+ 	elem_patternrepresentation kc_selvar_0_2 = phylum_cast<elem_patternrepresentation>(a_patternrep_elem2);
+ 	if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_PRDefault) && (kc_selvar_0_2->prod_sel() == sel_PRWildcard)) {
+ 	    return Bigger(); 
+ 	    	} else
+ 	    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_PRWildcard) && (kc_selvar_0_2->prod_sel() == sel_PRDefault)) {
+ 	    return Smaller(); 
+ 	    	} else
+ 	    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_PRVarPredicate) && (kc_selvar_0_2->prod_sel() == sel_PROperPredicate)) {
+ 	    return Bigger(); 
+ 	    	} else
+ 	    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_PROperPredicate) && (kc_selvar_0_2->prod_sel() == sel_PRVarPredicate)) {
+ 	    return Smaller(); 
+ 	    	} else
+ 	    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_PRVarPredicate) && (kc_selvar_0_2->prod_sel() == sel_PRIntLiteral)) {
+ 	    return Bigger(); 
+ 	    	} else
+ 	    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_PRIntLiteral) && (kc_selvar_0_2->prod_sel() == sel_PRVarPredicate)) {
+ 	    return Smaller(); 
+ 	    	} else
+ 	    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_PRVarPredicate) && (kc_selvar_0_2->prod_sel() == sel_PRStringLiteral)) {
+ 	    return Bigger(); 
+ 	    	} else
+ 	    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_PRStringLiteral) && (kc_selvar_0_2->prod_sel() == sel_PRVarPredicate)) {
+ 	    return Smaller(); 
+ 	    	} else
+ 	    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_PRIntLiteral) && (kc_selvar_0_2->prod_sel() == sel_PRStringLiteral)) {
+ 	    const path a_path1 = phylum_cast<const impl_elem_patternrepresentation_PRIntLiteral*>(kc_selvar_0_1)->path_1;
+ 	    const path a_path2 = phylum_cast<const impl_elem_patternrepresentation_PRStringLiteral*>(kc_selvar_0_2)->path_1;
+ 	    return equal_path( a_path1, a_path2 );
+ 	} else
+ 	    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_PRStringLiteral) && (kc_selvar_0_2->prod_sel() == sel_PRIntLiteral)) {
+ 	    const path a_path1 = phylum_cast<const impl_elem_patternrepresentation_PRStringLiteral*>(kc_selvar_0_1)->path_1;
+ 	    const path a_path2 = phylum_cast<const impl_elem_patternrepresentation_PRIntLiteral*>(kc_selvar_0_2)->path_1;
+ 	    return equal_path( a_path1, a_path2 );
+ 	} else
+ 	    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_PROperPredicate) && (kc_selvar_0_2->prod_sel() == sel_PRIntLiteral)) {
+ 	    const path a_path1 = phylum_cast<const impl_elem_patternrepresentation_PROperPredicate*>(kc_selvar_0_1)->path_1;
+ 	    const path a_path2 = phylum_cast<const impl_elem_patternrepresentation_PRIntLiteral*>(kc_selvar_0_2)->path_1;
+ 	    return equal_path( a_path1, a_path2 );
+ 	} else
+ 	    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_PRIntLiteral) && (kc_selvar_0_2->prod_sel() == sel_PROperPredicate)) {
+ 	    const path a_path1 = phylum_cast<const impl_elem_patternrepresentation_PRIntLiteral*>(kc_selvar_0_1)->path_1;
+ 	    const path a_path2 = phylum_cast<const impl_elem_patternrepresentation_PROperPredicate*>(kc_selvar_0_2)->path_1;
+ 	    return equal_path( a_path1, a_path2 );
+ 	} else
+ 	    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_PROperPredicate) && (kc_selvar_0_2->prod_sel() == sel_PRStringLiteral)) {
+ 	    const path a_path1 = phylum_cast<const impl_elem_patternrepresentation_PROperPredicate*>(kc_selvar_0_1)->path_1;
+ 	    const path a_path2 = phylum_cast<const impl_elem_patternrepresentation_PRStringLiteral*>(kc_selvar_0_2)->path_1;
+ 	    return equal_path( a_path1, a_path2 );
+ 	} else
+ 	    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_PRStringLiteral) && (kc_selvar_0_2->prod_sel() == sel_PROperPredicate)) {
+ 	    const path a_path1 = phylum_cast<const impl_elem_patternrepresentation_PRStringLiteral*>(kc_selvar_0_1)->path_1;
+ 	    const path a_path2 = phylum_cast<const impl_elem_patternrepresentation_PROperPredicate*>(kc_selvar_0_2)->path_1;
+ 	    return equal_path( a_path1, a_path2 );
+ 	} else
+ 	    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_PRIntLiteral) && (kc_selvar_0_2->prod_sel() == sel_PRIntLiteral)) {
+ 	    const path a_path1 = phylum_cast<const impl_elem_patternrepresentation_PRIntLiteral*>(kc_selvar_0_1)->path_1;
+ 	    const path a_path2 = phylum_cast<const impl_elem_patternrepresentation_PRIntLiteral*>(kc_selvar_0_2)->path_1;
+ 	    return equal_path( a_path1, a_path2 );
+ 	} else
+ 	    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_PRStringLiteral) && (kc_selvar_0_2->prod_sel() == sel_PRStringLiteral)) {
+ 	    const path a_path1 = phylum_cast<const impl_elem_patternrepresentation_PRStringLiteral*>(kc_selvar_0_1)->path_1;
+ 	    const path a_path2 = phylum_cast<const impl_elem_patternrepresentation_PRStringLiteral*>(kc_selvar_0_2)->path_1;
+ 	    return equal_path( a_path1, a_path2 );
+ 	} else
+ 	    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_PRNonLeafBinding) && (kc_selvar_0_2->prod_sel() == sel_PRNonLeafBinding)) {
+ 	    const path a_path1 = phylum_cast<const impl_elem_patternrepresentation_PRNonLeafBinding*>(kc_selvar_0_1)->path_1;
+ 	    const path a_path2 = phylum_cast<const impl_elem_patternrepresentation_PRNonLeafBinding*>(kc_selvar_0_2)->path_1;
+ 	    return equal_path( a_path1, a_path2 );
+ 	} else
+ 	    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_PRBinding) && (kc_selvar_0_2->prod_sel() == sel_PRBinding)) {
+ 	    const path a_path1 = phylum_cast<const impl_elem_patternrepresentation_PRBinding*>(kc_selvar_0_1)->path_1;
+ 	    const path a_path2 = phylum_cast<const impl_elem_patternrepresentation_PRBinding*>(kc_selvar_0_2)->path_1;
+ 	    return equal_path( a_path1, a_path2 );
+ 	} else
+ 	    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_PRWildcard) && (kc_selvar_0_2->prod_sel() == sel_PRWildcard)) {
+ 	    const path a_path1 = phylum_cast<const impl_elem_patternrepresentation_PRWildcard*>(kc_selvar_0_1)->path_1;
+ 	    const path a_path2 = phylum_cast<const impl_elem_patternrepresentation_PRWildcard*>(kc_selvar_0_2)->path_1;
+ 	    return equal_path( a_path1, a_path2 );
+ 	} else
+ 	    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_PROperPredicate) && (kc_selvar_0_2->prod_sel() == sel_PROperPredicate)) {
+ 	    const path a_path1 = phylum_cast<const impl_elem_patternrepresentation_PROperPredicate*>(kc_selvar_0_1)->path_1;
+ 	    const path a_path2 = phylum_cast<const impl_elem_patternrepresentation_PROperPredicate*>(kc_selvar_0_2)->path_1;
+ 	    return equal_path( a_path1, a_path2 );
+ 	} else
+ 	    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_PRVarPredicate) && (kc_selvar_0_2->prod_sel() == sel_PRVarPredicate)) {
+ 	    const paths a_paths1 = phylum_cast<const impl_elem_patternrepresentation_PRVarPredicate*>(kc_selvar_0_1)->paths_1;
+ 	    const paths a_paths2 = phylum_cast<const impl_elem_patternrepresentation_PRVarPredicate*>(kc_selvar_0_2)->paths_1;
+ 	    return equal_paths( a_paths1, a_paths2 );
+ 	} else
+ 	    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_PRUserPredicate) && (kc_selvar_0_2->prod_sel() == sel_PRUserPredicate)) {
+ 	    return Equal();
+ 	} else
+ 	    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_PRDefault) && (kc_selvar_0_2->prod_sel() == sel_PRDefault)) {
+ 	    return Equal();
+ 	} else
+ 	    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_PRUserPredicate)) {
+ 	    return Bigger(); 
+ 	    	} else
+ 	    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_PRNonLeafBinding)) {
+ 	    return Bigger(); 
+ 	    	} else
+ 	    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_PRBinding)) {
+ 	    return Bigger(); 
+ 	    	} else
+ 	    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_PRWildcard)) {
+ 	    return Bigger(); 
+ 	    	} else
+ 	    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_PRDefault)) {
+ 	    return Bigger(); 
+ 	    	} else
+ 	    if ((kc_selvar_0_2->prod_sel() == sel_PRUserPredicate)) {
+ 	    return Smaller(); 
+ 	    	} else
+ 	    if ((kc_selvar_0_2->prod_sel() == sel_PRNonLeafBinding)) {
+ 	    return Smaller(); 
+ 	    	} else
+ 	    if ((kc_selvar_0_2->prod_sel() == sel_PRBinding)) {
+ 	    return Smaller(); 
+ 	    	} else
+ 	    if ((kc_selvar_0_2->prod_sel() == sel_PRWildcard)) {
+ 	    return Smaller(); 
+ 	    	} else
+ 	    if ((kc_selvar_0_2->prod_sel() == sel_PRDefault)) {
+ 	    return Smaller(); 
+ 	    	} else
+ 	{ kc_no_default_in_with( "equal_elem_patternrepresentation", __LINE__, __FILE__ );
+ 	    return static_cast<tribool>(0); }
+     }
+ }
+ static  tribool equal_path(path a_path1, path a_path2)
+ {
+     path r_a_path1=a_path1->reverse(), r_a_path2=a_path2->reverse();
+     tribool ret;
+     bool breakforeach = false;
+     {
+ 	path kc_fe_selvar_1 =  r_a_path1;
+ 	path kc_fe_selvar_2 =  r_a_path2;
+ 	while(
+ 		kc_fe_selvar_1->prod_sel() == sel_Conspath
+ 		&& kc_fe_selvar_2->prod_sel() == sel_Conspath
+ 	    ) {
+ 	    integer kc_selvar_0_1 = kc_fe_selvar_1->integer_1;
+ 	    integer kc_selvar_0_2 = kc_fe_selvar_2->integer_1;
+ 	    {
+ 		{
+ 		    {
+ 			const integer i1 = kc_selvar_0_1;
+ 			const integer i2 = kc_selvar_0_2;
+ 			if (!breakforeach)
+ 			if ( i1->value < i2->value )
+ 			ret = Smaller(), breakforeach = true;
+ 			else if (i1->value > i2->value )
+ 			ret = Bigger(), breakforeach = true;
+ 		    }
+ 		}
+ 	    }
+ 	    kc_fe_selvar_1 = kc_fe_selvar_1->path_1;
+ 	    kc_fe_selvar_2 = kc_fe_selvar_2->path_1;
+ 	}
+ 	{
+ 	    {
+ 		{
+ 		    const path re1 = kc_fe_selvar_1;
+ 		    const path re2 = kc_fe_selvar_2;
+ 		    {
+ 			path kc_selvar_1_1 = phylum_cast<path>(re1);
+ 			path kc_selvar_1_2 = phylum_cast<path>(re2);
+ 			if ((kc_selvar_1_1->prod_sel() == sel_Nilpath) && (kc_selvar_1_2->prod_sel() == sel_Conspath)) {
+ 			    ret = breakforeach ? ret : Bigger(); 
+ 			    	} else
+ 			    if ((kc_selvar_1_1->prod_sel() == sel_Conspath) && (kc_selvar_1_2->prod_sel() == sel_Nilpath)) {
+ 			    ret = breakforeach ? ret : Smaller(); 
+ 			    	} else
+ 			    if ((kc_selvar_1_1->prod_sel() == sel_Nilpath) && (kc_selvar_1_2->prod_sel() == sel_Nilpath)) {
+ 			    ret = breakforeach ? ret : Equal(); 
+ 			    	} else
+ 			{ kc_no_default_in_with( "equal_path", __LINE__, __FILE__ );
+ 			    return static_cast<tribool>(0); }
+ 		    }
+ 		}
+ 	    }
+ 	}
+     }
+     r_a_path1->freelist(); r_a_path2->freelist();
+     return ret;
+ }
+ static  tribool equal_paths(paths a_paths1, paths a_paths2)
+ {
+     {
+ 	paths kc_fe_selvar_1 =  a_paths1;
+ 	paths kc_fe_selvar_2 =  a_paths2;
+ 	while(
+ 		kc_fe_selvar_1->prod_sel() == sel_Conspaths
+ 		&& kc_fe_selvar_2->prod_sel() == sel_Conspaths
+ 	    ) {
+ 	    path kc_selvar_0_1 = kc_fe_selvar_1->path_1;
+ 	    path kc_selvar_0_2 = kc_fe_selvar_2->path_1;
+ 	    {
+ 		{
+ 		    {
+ 			const path path1 = kc_selvar_0_1;
+ 			const path path2 = kc_selvar_0_2;
+ 			{
+ 			    tribool kc_selvar_1_1 = phylum_cast<tribool>( equal_path( path1, path2 ) );
+ 			    if ((kc_selvar_1_1->prod_sel() == sel_Bigger)) {
+ 				return Bigger(); 
+ 					} else
+ 				if ((kc_selvar_1_1->prod_sel() == sel_Smaller)) {
+ 				return Smaller(); 
+ 					} else
+ 			    {
+ 			    }
+ 			}
+ 		    }
+ 		}
+ 	    }
+ 	    kc_fe_selvar_1 = kc_fe_selvar_1->paths_1;
+ 	    kc_fe_selvar_2 = kc_fe_selvar_2->paths_1;
+ 	}
+ 	{
+ 	    {
+ 		{
+ 		    const paths re1 = kc_fe_selvar_1;
+ 		    const paths re2 = kc_fe_selvar_2;
+ 		    {
+ 			paths kc_selvar_1_1 = phylum_cast<paths>(re1);
+ 			paths kc_selvar_1_2 = phylum_cast<paths>(re2);
+ 			if ((kc_selvar_1_1->prod_sel() == sel_Nilpaths) && (kc_selvar_1_2->prod_sel() == sel_Conspaths)) {
+ 			    return Bigger(); 
+ 			    	} else
+ 			    if ((kc_selvar_1_1->prod_sel() == sel_Conspaths) && (kc_selvar_1_2->prod_sel() == sel_Nilpaths)) {
+ 			    return Smaller(); 
+ 			    	} else
+ 			    if ((kc_selvar_1_1->prod_sel() == sel_Nilpaths) && (kc_selvar_1_2->prod_sel() == sel_Nilpaths)) {
+ 			    return Equal(); 
+ 			    	} else
+ 			{ kc_no_default_in_with( "equal_paths", __LINE__, __FILE__ );
+ 			    return static_cast<tribool>(0); }
+ 		    }
+ 		}
+ 	    }
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void check_rewrite_patterns(rewriterulesinfo rri)
+ {
+     elem_patternrepresentation outmost_nl = f_outmost_nl_preds_in_rewriterulesinfo(rri);
+     if (outmost_nl)
+     v_report(Warning(FileLine( outmost_nl->file, outmost_nl->line ),
+ 	    Problem1S("Cannot handle outmost non-leaf predicates")));
+     patternrepresentations prs = Nilpatternrepresentations();
+     {
+ 	rewriterulesinfo kc_fe_selvar_1 =  rri;
+ 	while(
+ 		kc_fe_selvar_1->prod_sel() == sel_Consrewriterulesinfo
+ 	    ) {
+ 	    rewriteruleinfo kc_selvar_0_1 = kc_fe_selvar_1->rewriteruleinfo_1;
+ 	    {
+ 		{
+ 		    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_Rewriteruleinfo)) {
+ 			const patternrepresentation pr = phylum_cast<const impl_rewriteruleinfo_Rewriteruleinfo*>(kc_selvar_0_1)->patternrepresentation_1;
+ 			prs = Conspatternrepresentations(pr, prs);
+ 		    } else
+ 		    {/* EMPTY */ /*skip: no matching pattern in foreach patterns*/}
+ 		}
+ 	    }
+ 	    kc_fe_selvar_1 = kc_fe_selvar_1->rewriterulesinfo_1;
+ 	}
+     }
+     check_patterns(prs);
+     prs->freelist();
+ }
+ void check_with_patterns(withcasesinfo wcs)
+ {
+     patternrepresentations prs = Nilpatternrepresentations(), prs_rev;
+     {
+ 	withcasesinfo kc_fe_selvar_1 =  wcs;
+ 	while(
+ 		kc_fe_selvar_1->prod_sel() == sel_Conswithcasesinfo
+ 	    ) {
+ 	    withcaseinfo kc_selvar_0_1 = kc_fe_selvar_1->withcaseinfo_1;
+ 	    {
+ 		{
+ 		    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_Withcaseinfo)) {
+ 			const patternrepresentation pr = phylum_cast<const impl_withcaseinfo_Withcaseinfo*>(kc_selvar_0_1)->patternrepresentation_1;
+ 			prs = Conspatternrepresentations(pr, prs);
+ 		    } else
+ 		    {/* EMPTY */ /*skip: no matching pattern in foreach patterns*/}
+ 		}
+ 	    }
+ 	    kc_fe_selvar_1 = kc_fe_selvar_1->withcasesinfo_1;
+ 	}
+     }
+     prs_rev=prs->reverse();
+     check_patterns(prs_rev);
+     prs->freelist();
+     prs_rev->freelist();
+ }
+ void check_unparse_patterns(unparsedeclsinfo udi)
+ {
+     elem_patternrepresentation outmost_nl = f_outmost_nl_preds_in_unparsedeclsinfo(udi);
+     if (outmost_nl)
+     v_report(Warning(FileLine( outmost_nl->file, outmost_nl->line ),
+ 	    Problem1S("Cannot handle outmost non-leaf predicates")));
+     patternrepresentations prs = Nilpatternrepresentations();
+     {
+ 	unparsedeclsinfo kc_fe_selvar_1 =  udi;
+ 	while(
+ 		kc_fe_selvar_1->prod_sel() == sel_Consunparsedeclsinfo
+ 	    ) {
+ 	    unparsedeclinfo kc_selvar_0_1 = kc_fe_selvar_1->unparsedeclinfo_1;
+ 	    {
+ 		{
+ 		    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_Unparsedeclinfo)) {
+ 			const patternrepresentation pr = phylum_cast<const impl_unparsedeclinfo_Unparsedeclinfo*>(kc_selvar_0_1)->patternrepresentation_1;
+ 			prs = Conspatternrepresentations(pr, prs);
+ 		    } else
+ 		    {/* EMPTY */ /*skip: no matching pattern in foreach patterns*/}
+ 		}
+ 	    }
+ 	    kc_fe_selvar_1 = kc_fe_selvar_1->unparsedeclsinfo_1;
+ 	}
+     }
+     check_patterns(prs);
+     prs->freelist();
+ }
+ void check_patterns(patternrepresentations prs)
+ {
+     if (prs->is_nil() || prs->patternrepresentations_1->is_nil()) return;
+     patternrepresentations iterate = prs;
+     while (!prs->patternrepresentations_1->is_nil()) {
+ 	{
+ 	    patternrepresentations kc_fe_selvar_1 =  prs->patternrepresentations_1;
+ 	    while(
+ 		    kc_fe_selvar_1->prod_sel() == sel_Conspatternrepresentations
+ 		) {
+ 		patternrepresentation kc_selvar_0_1 = kc_fe_selvar_1->patternrepresentation_1;
+ 		{
+ 		    {
+ 			{
+ 			    const patternrepresentation pr2 = kc_selvar_0_1;
+ 			    compare_patterns(prs->patternrepresentation_1, pr2, prs);
+ 			}
+ 		    }
+ 		}
+ 		kc_fe_selvar_1 = kc_fe_selvar_1->patternrepresentations_1;
+ 	    }
+ 	}
+ 	prs=prs->patternrepresentations_1;
+     }
+ }
+ patternrepresentation next(patternrepresentation p)
+ { return p->patternrepresentation_1; 
+ }
+ elem_patternrepresentation elem(patternrepresentation p)
+ { return p->elem_patternrepresentation_1; 
+ }
+ void compare_patterns(patternrepresentation pr1, patternrepresentation pr2, patternrepresentations other_patterns)
+ {
+     bool pr1_isMoreSpecific = false, pr2_isMoreSpecific = false;
+     elem_patternrepresentation epr1 = elem(pr1), epr2 = elem(pr2);
+     patternrepresentation i1 = pr1, i2 = pr2, intersection = Nilpatternrepresentation();
+     while(!(i1->is_nil() || i2->is_nil())) {
+ 	if (elem(i1)->eq(elem(i2))) {
+ 	    intersection->append(elem(i1));
+ 	    i1=next(i1);
+ 	    i2=next(i2);
+ 	}
+ 	else {
+ 	    {
+ 		elem_patternrepresentation kc_selvar_0_1 = phylum_cast<elem_patternrepresentation>(elem(i1));
+ 		elem_patternrepresentation kc_selvar_0_2 = phylum_cast<elem_patternrepresentation>( elem(i2));
+ 		if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_PRWildcard) && (kc_selvar_0_2->prod_sel() == sel_PRWildcard)) {
+ 		    if(g_options.verbose) {
+ 			printf("Don't know how to compare these yet:\n");
+ 			printf("%s:%d ", epr1->file->name, epr1->line); elem(i1)->print();
+ 			printf("%s:%d ", epr2->file->name, epr2->line); elem(i2)->print();
+ 		    }
+ 		    return;
+ 		} else
+ 		    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_PRDefault) && (kc_selvar_0_2->prod_sel() == sel_PRDefault)) {
+ 		    if(g_options.verbose) {
+ 			printf("Don't know how to compare these yet:\n");
+ 			printf("%s:%d ", epr1->file->name, epr1->line); elem(i1)->print();
+ 			printf("%s:%d ", epr2->file->name, epr2->line); elem(i2)->print();
+ 		    }
+ 		    return;
+ 		} else
+ 		    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_PRIntLiteral) && (kc_selvar_0_2->prod_sel() == sel_PRStringLiteral)) {
+ 		    const path a_path1 = phylum_cast<const impl_elem_patternrepresentation_PRIntLiteral*>(kc_selvar_0_1)->path_1;
+ 		    const path a_path2 = phylum_cast<const impl_elem_patternrepresentation_PRStringLiteral*>(kc_selvar_0_2)->path_1;
+ 		    {
+ 			tribool kc_selvar_1_1 = phylum_cast<tribool>(equal_path( a_path1, a_path2 ));
+ 			if ((kc_selvar_1_1->prod_sel() == sel_Bigger)) {
+ 			    pr2_isMoreSpecific=true;
+ 			    intersection->append(elem(i2));
+ 			    i2=next(i2);
+ 			} else
+ 			    if ((kc_selvar_1_1->prod_sel() == sel_Smaller)) {
+ 			    pr1_isMoreSpecific=true;
+ 			    intersection->append(elem(i1));
+ 			    i1=next(i1);
+ 			} else
+ 			    if ((kc_selvar_1_1->prod_sel() == sel_Equal)) {
+ 			    return; 
+ 			    	} else
+ 			    kc_no_default_in_with( "compare_patterns", __LINE__, __FILE__ );
+ 		    }
+ 		} else
+ 		    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_PRStringLiteral) && (kc_selvar_0_2->prod_sel() == sel_PRIntLiteral)) {
+ 		    const path a_path1 = phylum_cast<const impl_elem_patternrepresentation_PRStringLiteral*>(kc_selvar_0_1)->path_1;
+ 		    const path a_path2 = phylum_cast<const impl_elem_patternrepresentation_PRIntLiteral*>(kc_selvar_0_2)->path_1;
+ 		    {
+ 			tribool kc_selvar_1_1 = phylum_cast<tribool>(equal_path( a_path1, a_path2 ));
+ 			if ((kc_selvar_1_1->prod_sel() == sel_Bigger)) {
+ 			    pr2_isMoreSpecific=true;
+ 			    intersection->append(elem(i2));
+ 			    i2=next(i2);
+ 			} else
+ 			    if ((kc_selvar_1_1->prod_sel() == sel_Smaller)) {
+ 			    pr1_isMoreSpecific=true;
+ 			    intersection->append(elem(i1));
+ 			    i1=next(i1);
+ 			} else
+ 			    if ((kc_selvar_1_1->prod_sel() == sel_Equal)) {
+ 			    return; 
+ 			    	} else
+ 			    kc_no_default_in_with( "compare_patterns", __LINE__, __FILE__ );
+ 		    }
+ 		} else
+ 		    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_PROperPredicate) && (kc_selvar_0_2->prod_sel() == sel_PRIntLiteral)) {
+ 		    const path a_path1 = phylum_cast<const impl_elem_patternrepresentation_PROperPredicate*>(kc_selvar_0_1)->path_1;
+ 		    const path a_path2 = phylum_cast<const impl_elem_patternrepresentation_PRIntLiteral*>(kc_selvar_0_2)->path_1;
+ 		    {
+ 			tribool kc_selvar_1_1 = phylum_cast<tribool>(equal_path( a_path1, a_path2 ));
+ 			if ((kc_selvar_1_1->prod_sel() == sel_Bigger)) {
+ 			    pr2_isMoreSpecific=true;
+ 			    intersection->append(elem(i2));
+ 			    i2=next(i2);
+ 			} else
+ 			    if ((kc_selvar_1_1->prod_sel() == sel_Smaller)) {
+ 			    pr1_isMoreSpecific=true;
+ 			    intersection->append(elem(i1));
+ 			    i1=next(i1);
+ 			} else
+ 			    if ((kc_selvar_1_1->prod_sel() == sel_Equal)) {
+ 			    return; 
+ 			    	} else
+ 			    kc_no_default_in_with( "compare_patterns", __LINE__, __FILE__ );
+ 		    }
+ 		} else
+ 		    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_PRIntLiteral) && (kc_selvar_0_2->prod_sel() == sel_PROperPredicate)) {
+ 		    const path a_path1 = phylum_cast<const impl_elem_patternrepresentation_PRIntLiteral*>(kc_selvar_0_1)->path_1;
+ 		    const path a_path2 = phylum_cast<const impl_elem_patternrepresentation_PROperPredicate*>(kc_selvar_0_2)->path_1;
+ 		    {
+ 			tribool kc_selvar_1_1 = phylum_cast<tribool>(equal_path( a_path1, a_path2 ));
+ 			if ((kc_selvar_1_1->prod_sel() == sel_Bigger)) {
+ 			    pr2_isMoreSpecific=true;
+ 			    intersection->append(elem(i2));
+ 			    i2=next(i2);
+ 			} else
+ 			    if ((kc_selvar_1_1->prod_sel() == sel_Smaller)) {
+ 			    pr1_isMoreSpecific=true;
+ 			    intersection->append(elem(i1));
+ 			    i1=next(i1);
+ 			} else
+ 			    if ((kc_selvar_1_1->prod_sel() == sel_Equal)) {
+ 			    return; 
+ 			    	} else
+ 			    kc_no_default_in_with( "compare_patterns", __LINE__, __FILE__ );
+ 		    }
+ 		} else
+ 		    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_PROperPredicate) && (kc_selvar_0_2->prod_sel() == sel_PRStringLiteral)) {
+ 		    const path a_path1 = phylum_cast<const impl_elem_patternrepresentation_PROperPredicate*>(kc_selvar_0_1)->path_1;
+ 		    const path a_path2 = phylum_cast<const impl_elem_patternrepresentation_PRStringLiteral*>(kc_selvar_0_2)->path_1;
+ 		    {
+ 			tribool kc_selvar_1_1 = phylum_cast<tribool>(equal_path( a_path1, a_path2 ));
+ 			if ((kc_selvar_1_1->prod_sel() == sel_Bigger)) {
+ 			    pr2_isMoreSpecific=true;
+ 			    intersection->append(elem(i2));
+ 			    i2=next(i2);
+ 			} else
+ 			    if ((kc_selvar_1_1->prod_sel() == sel_Smaller)) {
+ 			    pr1_isMoreSpecific=true;
+ 			    intersection->append(elem(i1));
+ 			    i1=next(i1);
+ 			} else
+ 			    if ((kc_selvar_1_1->prod_sel() == sel_Equal)) {
+ 			    return; 
+ 			    	} else
+ 			    kc_no_default_in_with( "compare_patterns", __LINE__, __FILE__ );
+ 		    }
+ 		} else
+ 		    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_PRStringLiteral) && (kc_selvar_0_2->prod_sel() == sel_PROperPredicate)) {
+ 		    const path a_path1 = phylum_cast<const impl_elem_patternrepresentation_PRStringLiteral*>(kc_selvar_0_1)->path_1;
+ 		    const path a_path2 = phylum_cast<const impl_elem_patternrepresentation_PROperPredicate*>(kc_selvar_0_2)->path_1;
+ 		    {
+ 			tribool kc_selvar_1_1 = phylum_cast<tribool>(equal_path( a_path1, a_path2 ));
+ 			if ((kc_selvar_1_1->prod_sel() == sel_Bigger)) {
+ 			    pr2_isMoreSpecific=true;
+ 			    intersection->append(elem(i2));
+ 			    i2=next(i2);
+ 			} else
+ 			    if ((kc_selvar_1_1->prod_sel() == sel_Smaller)) {
+ 			    pr1_isMoreSpecific=true;
+ 			    intersection->append(elem(i1));
+ 			    i1=next(i1);
+ 			} else
+ 			    if ((kc_selvar_1_1->prod_sel() == sel_Equal)) {
+ 			    return; 
+ 			    	} else
+ 			    kc_no_default_in_with( "compare_patterns", __LINE__, __FILE__ );
+ 		    }
+ 		} else
+ 		    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_PRIntLiteral) && (kc_selvar_0_2->prod_sel() == sel_PRIntLiteral)) {
+ 		    const path a_path1 = phylum_cast<const impl_elem_patternrepresentation_PRIntLiteral*>(kc_selvar_0_1)->path_1;
+ 		    const path a_path2 = phylum_cast<const impl_elem_patternrepresentation_PRIntLiteral*>(kc_selvar_0_2)->path_1;
+ 		    {
+ 			tribool kc_selvar_1_1 = phylum_cast<tribool>(equal_path( a_path1, a_path2 ));
+ 			if ((kc_selvar_1_1->prod_sel() == sel_Bigger)) {
+ 			    pr2_isMoreSpecific=true;
+ 			    intersection->append(elem(i2));
+ 			    i2=next(i2);
+ 			} else
+ 			    if ((kc_selvar_1_1->prod_sel() == sel_Smaller)) {
+ 			    pr1_isMoreSpecific=true;
+ 			    intersection->append(elem(i1));
+ 			    i1=next(i1);
+ 			} else
+ 			    if ((kc_selvar_1_1->prod_sel() == sel_Equal)) {
+ 			    return; 
+ 			    	} else
+ 			    kc_no_default_in_with( "compare_patterns", __LINE__, __FILE__ );
+ 		    }
+ 		} else
+ 		    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_PRStringLiteral) && (kc_selvar_0_2->prod_sel() == sel_PRStringLiteral)) {
+ 		    const path a_path1 = phylum_cast<const impl_elem_patternrepresentation_PRStringLiteral*>(kc_selvar_0_1)->path_1;
+ 		    const path a_path2 = phylum_cast<const impl_elem_patternrepresentation_PRStringLiteral*>(kc_selvar_0_2)->path_1;
+ 		    {
+ 			tribool kc_selvar_1_1 = phylum_cast<tribool>(equal_path( a_path1, a_path2 ));
+ 			if ((kc_selvar_1_1->prod_sel() == sel_Bigger)) {
+ 			    pr2_isMoreSpecific=true;
+ 			    intersection->append(elem(i2));
+ 			    i2=next(i2);
+ 			} else
+ 			    if ((kc_selvar_1_1->prod_sel() == sel_Smaller)) {
+ 			    pr1_isMoreSpecific=true;
+ 			    intersection->append(elem(i1));
+ 			    i1=next(i1);
+ 			} else
+ 			    if ((kc_selvar_1_1->prod_sel() == sel_Equal)) {
+ 			    return; 
+ 			    	} else
+ 			    kc_no_default_in_with( "compare_patterns", __LINE__, __FILE__ );
+ 		    }
+ 		} else
+ 		    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_PROperPredicate) && (kc_selvar_0_2->prod_sel() == sel_PROperPredicate)) {
+ 		    const path a_path1 = phylum_cast<const impl_elem_patternrepresentation_PROperPredicate*>(kc_selvar_0_1)->path_1;
+ 		    const path a_path2 = phylum_cast<const impl_elem_patternrepresentation_PROperPredicate*>(kc_selvar_0_2)->path_1;
+ 		    {
+ 			tribool kc_selvar_1_1 = phylum_cast<tribool>(equal_path( a_path1, a_path2 ));
+ 			if ((kc_selvar_1_1->prod_sel() == sel_Bigger)) {
+ 			    pr2_isMoreSpecific=true;
+ 			    intersection->append(elem(i2));
+ 			    i2=next(i2);
+ 			} else
+ 			    if ((kc_selvar_1_1->prod_sel() == sel_Smaller)) {
+ 			    pr1_isMoreSpecific=true;
+ 			    intersection->append(elem(i1));
+ 			    i1=next(i1);
+ 			} else
+ 			    if ((kc_selvar_1_1->prod_sel() == sel_Equal)) {
+ 			    return; 
+ 			    	} else
+ 			    kc_no_default_in_with( "compare_patterns", __LINE__, __FILE__ );
+ 		    }
+ 		} else
+ 		    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_PRWildcard)) {
+ 		    return; 
+ 		    	} else
+ 		    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_PRDefault)) {
+ 		    return; 
+ 		    	} else
+ 		    if ((kc_selvar_0_2->prod_sel() == sel_PRWildcard)) {
+ 		    return; 
+ 		    	} else
+ 		    if ((kc_selvar_0_2->prod_sel() == sel_PRDefault)) {
+ 		    return; 
+ 		    	} else
+ 		{
+ 		    if(g_options.verbose) {
+ 			printf("Don't know how to compare these yet:\n");
+ 			printf("%s:%d ", epr1->file->name, epr1->line); elem(i1)->print();
+ 			printf("%s:%d ", epr2->file->name, epr2->line); elem(i2)->print();
+ 		    }
+ 		    return;
+ 		}
+ 	    }
+ 	}
+     } 
+     if (!(i1->is_nil() && i2->is_nil())) {
+ 	patternrepresentation new_intersect;
+ 	if (i1->is_nil()) {
+ 	    new_intersect = concat(intersection, i2);
+ 	    pr2_isMoreSpecific = true;
+ 	} else {
+ 	    new_intersect = concat(intersection, i1);
+ 	    pr1_isMoreSpecific = true;
+ 	}
+ 	intersection->freelist();
+ 	intersection=new_intersect;
+     }
+     if (!pr1_isMoreSpecific && !pr2_isMoreSpecific) {
+ 	if (g_options.warn_equivalent_patterns) v_report(Warning(FileLine( epr1->file, epr1->line ),
+ 		Problem3S1int1S("pattern equivalent to",
+ 		    epr2->file->name, "line", epr2->line, "(will never match)") ));
+     } else if (!pr1_isMoreSpecific || !pr2_isMoreSpecific) {
+ 	return;
+     } else {
+ 	bool I_had_better = false;
+ 	{
+ 	    patternrepresentations kc_fe_selvar_1 =  other_patterns;
+ 	    while(
+ 		    kc_fe_selvar_1->prod_sel() == sel_Conspatternrepresentations
+ 		) {
+ 		patternrepresentation kc_selvar_0_1 = kc_fe_selvar_1->patternrepresentation_1;
+ 		{
+ 		    {
+ 			{
+ 			    const patternrepresentation pr = kc_selvar_0_1;
+ 			    if (pr->eq(intersection))
+ 			    I_had_better = true;
+ 			}
+ 		    }
+ 		}
+ 		kc_fe_selvar_1 = kc_fe_selvar_1->patternrepresentations_1;
+ 	    }
+ 	}
+ 	if (!I_had_better && g_options.warn_overlapping_patterns)
+ 	v_report(Warning(FileLine( epr1->file, epr1->line ),
+ 		Problem3S1int1S("pattern overlaps",
+ 		    epr2->file->name, "line", epr2->line, "(which will match?)") ));
+     }
+ }
+ } // namespace kc

Index: llvm/test/Programs/MultiSource/Applications/kimwitu++/pat.h
diff -c /dev/null llvm/test/Programs/MultiSource/Applications/kimwitu++/pat.h:1.1
*** /dev/null	Tue Apr  6 15:25:26 2004
--- llvm/test/Programs/MultiSource/Applications/kimwitu++/pat.h	Tue Apr  6 15:25:13 2004
*** 0 ****
--- 1,67 ----
+ /* translation of file "pat.k" */
+ /* generated by:
+  *  @(#)$Author: criswell $
+  */
+ #include "k.h"    /* in case a user forgets */
+ namespace kc { }
+ using namespace kc;
+ /* included stuff */
+ //
+ // The Termprocessor Kimwitu++
+ //
+ // Copyright (C) 1991 University of Twente, Dept TIOS.
+ // Copyright (C) 1998-2003 Humboldt-University of Berlin, Institute of Informatics
+ // All rights reserved.
+ //
+ // Kimwitu++ is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ // the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ // (at your option) any later version.
+ //
+ // Kimwitu++ is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ // GNU General Public License for more details.
+ //
+ // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ // along with Kimwitu++; if not, write to the Free Software
+ // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+ //
+ /* end included stuff */
+ namespace kc {
+ patternrepresentations syn_patternchains (patternchains a_patternchains);
+ patternrepresentation syn_patternchain (patternchain a_patternchain, path a_path);
+ patternrepresentation syn_patternchainitem (patternchainitem a_patternchainitem, path a_path);
+ patternrepresentations syn_outmostpatterns (outmostpatterns a_outmostpatterns);
+ void clone_TypeFileLine (elem_patternrepresentation tmp1, outmostpattern a_outmostpattern);
+ bool f_bindingidmarked (ID id);
+ void v_markbindingid (ID id);
+ void v_resetbindingidmarks ();
+ patternrepresentations add_predicates_to_patternrepresentations (patternrepresentations a_patternreps);
+ void v_add_rewriterulesinfo_to_operator (patternrepresentations a_patternreps, rewriteclauses rc);
+ withcasesinfo f_withcasesinfo (patternrepresentations a_patternreps, Ctext ct);
+ void v_add_unparsedeclsinfo_to_operator (patternrepresentations a_patternreps, unparseclauses uc);
+ withcasesinfo insertin_withcasesinfo (withcaseinfo new_case, withcasesinfo old_cases);
+ bool lt_withcaseinfo (withcaseinfo a_withcaseinfo1, withcaseinfo a_withcaseinfo2);
+ void warn_drop_identical_pattern (rewriteruleinfo rri);
+ void warn_drop_identical_pattern (withcaseinfo wci);
+ void warn_drop_identical_pattern (unparsedeclinfo udi);
+ void warn_drop_identical_pattern (patternrepresentation pr);
+ void check_rewrite_patterns (rewriterulesinfo rri);
+ void check_with_patterns (withcasesinfo wcs);
+ void check_unparse_patterns (unparsedeclsinfo udi);
+ void check_patterns (patternrepresentations prs);
+ patternrepresentation next (patternrepresentation p);
+ elem_patternrepresentation elem (patternrepresentation p);
+ void compare_patterns (patternrepresentation pr1, patternrepresentation pr2, patternrepresentations other_patterns);
+ } // namespace kc
+ #endif // !  KC_FUNCTIONS_pat_HEADER

Index: llvm/test/Programs/MultiSource/Applications/kimwitu++/rk.cc
diff -c /dev/null llvm/test/Programs/MultiSource/Applications/kimwitu++/rk.cc:1.1
*** /dev/null	Tue Apr  6 15:25:26 2004
--- llvm/test/Programs/MultiSource/Applications/kimwitu++/rk.cc	Tue Apr  6 15:25:13 2004
*** 0 ****
--- 1,3999 ----
+ /* translation of file(s)
+ 	"abs.k"
+ 	"main.k"
+ 	"parse.k"
+ 	"error.k"
+ 	"occur.k"
+ 	"util.k"
+ 	"gen.k"
+ 	"gutil.k"
+ 	"pat.k"
+  */
+ /* generated by:
+  *  @(#)$Author: criswell $
+  */
+ #define KC_REWRITE
+ #include <stdio.h>
+ #include <sys/types.h>
+ #include <stdlib.h>
+ #include "k.h"
+ #include "rk.h"
+ namespace kc {
+ base_rview_class base_rview;
+ impl_rviews rviews[] = {
+     {"base_rview",&base_rview},
+     {0,0}
+ };
+ } // namespace kc
+ namespace kc { }
+ using namespace kc;
+ /* included stuff */
+ //
+ // The Termprocessor Kimwitu++
+ //
+ // Copyright (C) 1991 University of Twente, Dept TIOS.
+ // Copyright (C) 1998-2003 Humboldt-University of Berlin, Institute of Informatics
+ // All rights reserved.
+ //
+ // Kimwitu++ is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ // the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ // (at your option) any later version.
+ //
+ // Kimwitu++ is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ // GNU General Public License for more details.
+ //
+ // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ // along with Kimwitu++; if not, write to the Free Software
+ // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+ //
+ /* end included stuff */
+ namespace kc {
+ #endif
+ #endif
+ #endif
+ uniqID impl_uniqID_Str::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     casestring l_casestring_1 =
+ 	casestring_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     if ((l_casestring_1 == casestring_1))
+ 	return this;
+     else {
+ 	impl_uniqID_Str* kc_result= Str(l_casestring_1);
+ 	kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	return kc_result;
+     }
+ }
+ ID impl_ID_Id::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     uniqID l_uniqID_1 =
+ 	uniqID_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     if ((l_uniqID_1 == uniqID_1))
+ 	return this;
+     else {
+ 	impl_ID_Id* kc_result= Id(l_uniqID_1);
+ 	kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	return kc_result;
+     }
+ }
+ INT impl_INT_Int::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     integer l_integer_1 =
+ 	integer_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     if ((l_integer_1 == integer_1))
+ 	return this;
+     else {
+ 	impl_INT_Int* kc_result= Int(l_integer_1);
+ 	kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	return kc_result;
+     }
+ }
+ STRING impl_STRING_String::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     casestring l_casestring_1 =
+ 	casestring_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     if ((l_casestring_1 == casestring_1))
+ 	return this;
+     else {
+ 	impl_STRING_String* kc_result= String(l_casestring_1);
+ 	kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	return kc_result;
+     }
+ }
+ phylumdeclarationsroot impl_phylumdeclarationsroot_PhylumDeclarations::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     phylumdeclarations l_phylumdeclarations_1 =
+ 	phylumdeclarations_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     if ((l_phylumdeclarations_1 == phylumdeclarations_1))
+ 	return this;
+     else {
+ 	impl_phylumdeclarationsroot_PhylumDeclarations* kc_result= PhylumDeclarations(l_phylumdeclarations_1);
+ 	kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	return kc_result;
+     }
+ }
+ phylumdeclarations impl_phylumdeclarations::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     if (is_nil()) {
+ 	return this;
+     } else { // not Nil, Cons
+ 	phylumdeclaration l_phylumdeclaration_1 =
+ 	    phylumdeclaration_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	phylumdeclarations l_phylumdeclarations_1 =
+ 	    phylumdeclarations_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	if ((l_phylumdeclaration_1 == phylumdeclaration_1) &&  (l_phylumdeclarations_1 == phylumdeclarations_1))
+ 	    return this;
+ 	else {
+ 	    impl_phylumdeclarations* kc_result= Consphylumdeclarations(l_phylumdeclaration_1, l_phylumdeclarations_1);
+ 	    kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	    return kc_result;
+ 	}   }
+ }
+ phylumnames impl_phylumnames::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     if (is_nil()) {
+ 	return this;
+     } else { // not Nil, Cons
+ 	ID l_ID_1 =
+ 	    ID_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	phylumnames l_phylumnames_1 =
+ 	    phylumnames_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	if ((l_ID_1 == ID_1) &&  (l_phylumnames_1 == phylumnames_1))
+ 	    return this;
+ 	else {
+ 	    impl_phylumnames* kc_result= Consphylumnames(l_ID_1, l_phylumnames_1);
+ 	    kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	    return kc_result;
+ 	}   }
+ }
+ phylumdeclaration impl_phylumdeclaration_PhylumDeclaration::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     ID l_ID_1 =
+ 	ID_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     storageoption l_storageoption_1 =
+ 	storageoption_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     productionblock l_productionblock_1 =
+ 	productionblock_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     Ccode_option l_Ccode_option_1 =
+ 	Ccode_option_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     if ((l_ID_1 == ID_1) &&  (l_storageoption_1 == storageoption_1) &&  (l_productionblock_1 == productionblock_1) &&  (l_Ccode_option_1 == Ccode_option_1))
+ 	return this;
+     else {
+ 	impl_phylumdeclaration_PhylumDeclaration* kc_result= PhylumDeclaration(l_ID_1, l_storageoption_1, l_productionblock_1, l_Ccode_option_1);
+ 	kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	return kc_result;
+     }
+ }
+ storageoption impl_storageoption_PositiveStorageOption::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     ID l_ID_1 =
+ 	ID_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     if ((l_ID_1 == ID_1))
+ 	return this;
+     else {
+ 	impl_storageoption_PositiveStorageOption* kc_result= PositiveStorageOption(l_ID_1);
+ 	kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	return kc_result;
+     }
+ }
+ storageoption impl_storageoption_NegativeStorageOption::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     ID l_ID_1 =
+ 	ID_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     if ((l_ID_1 == ID_1))
+ 	return this;
+     else {
+ 	impl_storageoption_NegativeStorageOption* kc_result= NegativeStorageOption(l_ID_1);
+ 	kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	return kc_result;
+     }
+ }
+ storageoption impl_storageoption_NoStorageOption::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     return this;
+ }
+ storageclasses impl_storageclasses::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     if (is_nil()) {
+ 	return this;
+     } else { // not Nil, Cons
+ 	ID l_ID_1 =
+ 	    ID_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	storageclasses l_storageclasses_1 =
+ 	    storageclasses_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	if ((l_ID_1 == ID_1) &&  (l_storageclasses_1 == storageclasses_1))
+ 	    return this;
+ 	else {
+ 	    impl_storageclasses* kc_result= Consstorageclasses(l_ID_1, l_storageclasses_1);
+ 	    kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	    return kc_result;
+ 	}   }
+ }
+ productionblock impl_productionblock_PredefinedAlternatives::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     alternatives l_alternatives_1 =
+ 	alternatives_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     if ((l_alternatives_1 == alternatives_1))
+ 	return this;
+     else {
+ 	impl_productionblock_PredefinedAlternatives* kc_result= PredefinedAlternatives(l_alternatives_1);
+ 	kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	return kc_result;
+     }
+ }
+ productionblock impl_productionblock_NonlistAlternatives::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     alternatives l_alternatives_1 =
+ 	alternatives_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     if ((l_alternatives_1 == alternatives_1))
+ 	return this;
+     else {
+ 	impl_productionblock_NonlistAlternatives* kc_result= NonlistAlternatives(l_alternatives_1);
+ 	kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	return kc_result;
+     }
+ }
+ productionblock impl_productionblock_ListAlternatives::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     alternatives l_alternatives_1 =
+ 	alternatives_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     ID l_ID_1 =
+ 	ID_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     if ((l_alternatives_1 == alternatives_1) &&  (l_ID_1 == ID_1))
+ 	return this;
+     else {
+ 	impl_productionblock_ListAlternatives* kc_result= ListAlternatives(l_alternatives_1, l_ID_1);
+ 	kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	return kc_result;
+     }
+ }
+ productionblock impl_productionblock_Emptyproductionblock::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     return this;
+ }
+ alternatives impl_alternatives::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     if (is_nil()) {
+ 	return this;
+     } else { // not Nil, Cons
+ 	alternative l_alternative_1 =
+ 	    alternative_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	alternatives l_alternatives_1 =
+ 	    alternatives_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	if ((l_alternative_1 == alternative_1) &&  (l_alternatives_1 == alternatives_1))
+ 	    return this;
+ 	else {
+ 	    impl_alternatives* kc_result= Consalternatives(l_alternative_1, l_alternatives_1);
+ 	    kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	    return kc_result;
+ 	}   }
+ }
+ alternative impl_alternative_Alternative::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     ID l_ID_1 =
+ 	ID_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     arguments l_arguments_1 =
+ 	arguments_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     if ((l_ID_1 == ID_1) &&  (l_arguments_1 == arguments_1))
+ 	return this;
+     else {
+ 	impl_alternative_Alternative* kc_result= Alternative(l_ID_1, l_arguments_1);
+ 	kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	return kc_result;
+     }
+ }
+ arguments impl_arguments::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     if (is_nil()) {
+ 	return this;
+     } else { // not Nil, Cons
+ 	ID l_ID_1 =
+ 	    ID_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	arguments l_arguments_1 =
+ 	    arguments_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	if ((l_ID_1 == ID_1) &&  (l_arguments_1 == arguments_1))
+ 	    return this;
+ 	else {
+ 	    impl_arguments* kc_result= Consarguments(l_ID_1, l_arguments_1);
+ 	    kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	    return kc_result;
+ 	}   }
+ }
+ argument impl_argument_Argument::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     ID l_ID_1 =
+ 	ID_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     integer l_integer_1 =
+ 	integer_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     if ((l_ID_1 == ID_1) &&  (l_integer_1 == integer_1))
+ 	return this;
+     else {
+ 	impl_argument_Argument* kc_result= Argument(l_ID_1, l_integer_1);
+ 	kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	return kc_result;
+     }
+ }
+ Ccode_option impl_Ccode_option_CcodeOption::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     attributes l_attributes_1 =
+ 	attributes_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     Ctexts l_Ctexts_1 =
+ 	Ctexts_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     if ((l_attributes_1 == attributes_1) &&  (l_Ctexts_1 == Ctexts_1))
+ 	return this;
+     else {
+ 	impl_Ccode_option_CcodeOption* kc_result= CcodeOption(l_attributes_1, l_Ctexts_1);
+ 	kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	return kc_result;
+     }
+ }
+ attributes impl_attributes::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     if (is_nil()) {
+ 	return this;
+     } else { // not Nil, Cons
+ 	attribute l_attribute_1 =
+ 	    attribute_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	attributes l_attributes_1 =
+ 	    attributes_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	if ((l_attribute_1 == attribute_1) &&  (l_attributes_1 == attributes_1))
+ 	    return this;
+ 	else {
+ 	    impl_attributes* kc_result= Consattributes(l_attribute_1, l_attributes_1);
+ 	    kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	    return kc_result;
+ 	}   }
+ }
+ attribute impl_attribute_Attribute::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     ID l_ID_1 =
+ 	ID_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     ID l_ID_2 =
+ 	ID_2->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     attribute_initialisation_option l_attribute_initialisation_option_1 =
+ 	attribute_initialisation_option_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     if ((l_ID_1 == ID_1) &&  (l_ID_2 == ID_2) &&  (l_attribute_initialisation_option_1 == attribute_initialisation_option_1))
+ 	return this;
+     else {
+ 	impl_attribute_Attribute* kc_result= Attribute(l_ID_1, l_ID_2, l_attribute_initialisation_option_1);
+ 	kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	return kc_result;
+     }
+ }
+ attribute_initialisation_option impl_attribute_initialisation_option_Yesattribute_initialisation::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     Cexpression l_Cexpression_1 =
+ 	Cexpression_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     if ((l_Cexpression_1 == Cexpression_1))
+ 	return this;
+     else {
+ 	impl_attribute_initialisation_option_Yesattribute_initialisation* kc_result= Yesattribute_initialisation(l_Cexpression_1);
+ 	kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	return kc_result;
+     }
+ }
+ attribute_initialisation_option impl_attribute_initialisation_option_Noattribute_initialisation::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     return this;
+ }
+ Cexpression impl_Cexpression::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     if (is_nil()) {
+ 	return this;
+     } else { // not Nil, Cons
+ 	Cexpression_elem l_Cexpression_elem_1 =
+ 	    Cexpression_elem_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	Cexpression l_Cexpression_1 =
+ 	    Cexpression_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	if ((l_Cexpression_elem_1 == Cexpression_elem_1) &&  (l_Cexpression_1 == Cexpression_1))
+ 	    return this;
+ 	else {
+ 	    impl_Cexpression* kc_result= ConsCexpression(l_Cexpression_elem_1, l_Cexpression_1);
+ 	    kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	    return kc_result;
+ 	}   }
+ }
+ Cexpression_elem impl_Cexpression_elem_CExpressionArray::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     Cexpression l_Cexpression_1 =
+ 	Cexpression_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     if ((l_Cexpression_1 == Cexpression_1))
+ 	return this;
+     else {
+ 	impl_Cexpression_elem_CExpressionArray* kc_result= CExpressionArray(l_Cexpression_1);
+ 	kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	return kc_result;
+     }
+ }
+ Cexpression_elem impl_Cexpression_elem_CExpressionPack::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     Cexpression l_Cexpression_1 =
+ 	Cexpression_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     if ((l_Cexpression_1 == Cexpression_1))
+ 	return this;
+     else {
+ 	impl_Cexpression_elem_CExpressionPack* kc_result= CExpressionPack(l_Cexpression_1);
+ 	kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	return kc_result;
+     }
+ }
+ Cexpression_elem impl_Cexpression_elem_CExpressionSQ::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     CexpressionSQ l_CexpressionSQ_1 =
+ 	CexpressionSQ_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     if ((l_CexpressionSQ_1 == CexpressionSQ_1))
+ 	return this;
+     else {
+ 	impl_Cexpression_elem_CExpressionSQ* kc_result= CExpressionSQ(l_CexpressionSQ_1);
+ 	kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	return kc_result;
+     }
+ }
+ Cexpression_elem impl_Cexpression_elem_CExpressionDQ::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     CexpressionDQ l_CexpressionDQ_1 =
+ 	CexpressionDQ_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     if ((l_CexpressionDQ_1 == CexpressionDQ_1))
+ 	return this;
+     else {
+ 	impl_Cexpression_elem_CExpressionDQ* kc_result= CExpressionDQ(l_CexpressionDQ_1);
+ 	kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	return kc_result;
+     }
+ }
+ Cexpression_elem impl_Cexpression_elem_CExpressionNl::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     return this;
+ }
+ Cexpression_elem impl_Cexpression_elem_CExpressionDollarvar::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     INT l_INT_1 =
+ 	INT_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     if ((l_INT_1 == INT_1))
+ 	return this;
+     else {
+ 	impl_Cexpression_elem_CExpressionDollarvar* kc_result= CExpressionDollarvar(l_INT_1);
+ 	kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	return kc_result;
+     }
+ }
+ Cexpression_elem impl_Cexpression_elem_CExpressionPart::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     casestring l_casestring_1 =
+ 	casestring_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     if ((l_casestring_1 == casestring_1))
+ 	return this;
+     else {
+ 	impl_Cexpression_elem_CExpressionPart* kc_result= CExpressionPart(l_casestring_1);
+ 	kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	return kc_result;
+     }
+ }
+ CexpressionDQ impl_CexpressionDQ::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     if (is_nil()) {
+ 	return this;
+     } else { // not Nil, Cons
+ 	CexpressionDQ_elem l_CexpressionDQ_elem_1 =
+ 	    CexpressionDQ_elem_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	CexpressionDQ l_CexpressionDQ_1 =
+ 	    CexpressionDQ_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	if ((l_CexpressionDQ_elem_1 == CexpressionDQ_elem_1) &&  (l_CexpressionDQ_1 == CexpressionDQ_1))
+ 	    return this;
+ 	else {
+ 	    impl_CexpressionDQ* kc_result= ConsCexpressionDQ(l_CexpressionDQ_elem_1, l_CexpressionDQ_1);
+ 	    kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	    return kc_result;
+ 	}   }
+ }
+ CexpressionDQ_elem impl_CexpressionDQ_elem_CExpressionDQNl::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     return this;
+ }
+ CexpressionDQ_elem impl_CexpressionDQ_elem_CExpressionDQPart::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     casestring l_casestring_1 =
+ 	casestring_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     if ((l_casestring_1 == casestring_1))
+ 	return this;
+     else {
+ 	impl_CexpressionDQ_elem_CExpressionDQPart* kc_result= CExpressionDQPart(l_casestring_1);
+ 	kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	return kc_result;
+     }
+ }
+ CexpressionSQ impl_CexpressionSQ::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     if (is_nil()) {
+ 	return this;
+     } else { // not Nil, Cons
+ 	CexpressionSQ_elem l_CexpressionSQ_elem_1 =
+ 	    CexpressionSQ_elem_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	CexpressionSQ l_CexpressionSQ_1 =
+ 	    CexpressionSQ_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	if ((l_CexpressionSQ_elem_1 == CexpressionSQ_elem_1) &&  (l_CexpressionSQ_1 == CexpressionSQ_1))
+ 	    return this;
+ 	else {
+ 	    impl_CexpressionSQ* kc_result= ConsCexpressionSQ(l_CexpressionSQ_elem_1, l_CexpressionSQ_1);
+ 	    kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	    return kc_result;
+ 	}   }
+ }
+ CexpressionSQ_elem impl_CexpressionSQ_elem_CExpressionSQNl::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     return this;
+ }
+ CexpressionSQ_elem impl_CexpressionSQ_elem_CExpressionSQPart::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     casestring l_casestring_1 =
+ 	casestring_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     if ((l_casestring_1 == casestring_1))
+ 	return this;
+     else {
+ 	impl_CexpressionSQ_elem_CExpressionSQPart* kc_result= CExpressionSQPart(l_casestring_1);
+ 	kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	return kc_result;
+     }
+ }
+ idCexpressions impl_idCexpressions::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     if (is_nil()) {
+ 	return this;
+     } else { // not Nil, Cons
+ 	idCexpression l_idCexpression_1 =
+ 	    idCexpression_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	idCexpressions l_idCexpressions_1 =
+ 	    idCexpressions_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	if ((l_idCexpression_1 == idCexpression_1) &&  (l_idCexpressions_1 == idCexpressions_1))
+ 	    return this;
+ 	else {
+ 	    impl_idCexpressions* kc_result= ConsidCexpressions(l_idCexpression_1, l_idCexpressions_1);
+ 	    kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	    return kc_result;
+ 	}   }
+ }
+ idCexpression impl_idCexpression_IdCexpression::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     ID l_ID_1 =
+ 	ID_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     Cexpression l_Cexpression_1 =
+ 	Cexpression_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     if ((l_ID_1 == ID_1) &&  (l_Cexpression_1 == Cexpression_1))
+ 	return this;
+     else {
+ 	impl_idCexpression_IdCexpression* kc_result= IdCexpression(l_ID_1, l_Cexpression_1);
+ 	kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	return kc_result;
+     }
+ }
+ Ctexts impl_Ctexts::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     if (is_nil()) {
+ 	return this;
+     } else { // not Nil, Cons
+ 	Ctext l_Ctext_1 =
+ 	    Ctext_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	Ctexts l_Ctexts_1 =
+ 	    Ctexts_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	if ((l_Ctext_1 == Ctext_1) &&  (l_Ctexts_1 == Ctexts_1))
+ 	    return this;
+ 	else {
+ 	    impl_Ctexts* kc_result= ConsCtexts(l_Ctext_1, l_Ctexts_1);
+ 	    kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	    return kc_result;
+ 	}   }
+ }
+ includefiles impl_includefiles::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     if (is_nil()) {
+ 	return this;
+     } else { // not Nil, Cons
+ 	includefile l_includefile_1 =
+ 	    includefile_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	includefiles l_includefiles_1 =
+ 	    includefiles_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	if ((l_includefile_1 == includefile_1) &&  (l_includefiles_1 == includefiles_1))
+ 	    return this;
+ 	else {
+ 	    impl_includefiles* kc_result= Consincludefiles(l_includefile_1, l_includefiles_1);
+ 	    kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	    return kc_result;
+ 	}   }
+ }
+ includefile impl_includefile_IncludeFile::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     casestring l_casestring_1 =
+ 	casestring_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     if ((l_casestring_1 == casestring_1))
+ 	return this;
+     else {
+ 	impl_includefile_IncludeFile* kc_result= IncludeFile(l_casestring_1);
+ 	kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	return kc_result;
+     }
+ }
+ includedeclarations impl_includedeclarations::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     if (is_nil()) {
+ 	return this;
+     } else { // not Nil, Cons
+ 	includedeclaration l_includedeclaration_1 =
+ 	    includedeclaration_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	includedeclarations l_includedeclarations_1 =
+ 	    includedeclarations_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	if ((l_includedeclaration_1 == includedeclaration_1) &&  (l_includedeclarations_1 == includedeclarations_1))
+ 	    return this;
+ 	else {
+ 	    impl_includedeclarations* kc_result= Consincludedeclarations(l_includedeclaration_1, l_includedeclarations_1);
+ 	    kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	    return kc_result;
+ 	}   }
+ }
+ includedeclaration impl_includedeclaration_IncludeDeclaration::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     casestring l_casestring_1 =
+ 	casestring_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     if ((l_casestring_1 == casestring_1))
+ 	return this;
+     else {
+ 	impl_includedeclaration_IncludeDeclaration* kc_result= IncludeDeclaration(l_casestring_1);
+ 	kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	return kc_result;
+     }
+ }
+ rwdeclarations impl_rwdeclarations::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     if (is_nil()) {
+ 	return this;
+     } else { // not Nil, Cons
+ 	rwdeclaration l_rwdeclaration_1 =
+ 	    rwdeclaration_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	rwdeclarations l_rwdeclarations_1 =
+ 	    rwdeclarations_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	if ((l_rwdeclaration_1 == rwdeclaration_1) &&  (l_rwdeclarations_1 == rwdeclarations_1))
+ 	    return this;
+ 	else {
+ 	    impl_rwdeclarations* kc_result= Consrwdeclarations(l_rwdeclaration_1, l_rwdeclarations_1);
+ 	    kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	    return kc_result;
+ 	}   }
+ }
+ rwdeclaration impl_rwdeclaration_RwDeclaration::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     outmostpatterns l_outmostpatterns_1 =
+ 	outmostpatterns_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     rewriteclauses l_rewriteclauses_1 =
+ 	rewriteclauses_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     if ((l_outmostpatterns_1 == outmostpatterns_1) &&  (l_rewriteclauses_1 == rewriteclauses_1))
+ 	return this;
+     else {
+ 	impl_rwdeclaration_RwDeclaration* kc_result= RwDeclaration(l_outmostpatterns_1, l_rewriteclauses_1);
+ 	kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	return kc_result;
+     }
+ }
+ rewriteclauses impl_rewriteclauses::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     if (is_nil()) {
+ 	return this;
+     } else { // not Nil, Cons
+ 	rewriteclause l_rewriteclause_1 =
+ 	    rewriteclause_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	rewriteclauses l_rewriteclauses_1 =
+ 	    rewriteclauses_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	if ((l_rewriteclause_1 == rewriteclause_1) &&  (l_rewriteclauses_1 == rewriteclauses_1))
+ 	    return this;
+ 	else {
+ 	    impl_rewriteclauses* kc_result= Consrewriteclauses(l_rewriteclause_1, l_rewriteclauses_1);
+ 	    kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	    return kc_result;
+ 	}   }
+ }
+ rewriteclause impl_rewriteclause_RewriteClause::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     viewnames l_viewnames_1 =
+ 	viewnames_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     term l_term_1 =
+ 	term_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     if ((l_viewnames_1 == viewnames_1) &&  (l_term_1 == term_1))
+ 	return this;
+     else {
+ 	impl_rewriteclause_RewriteClause* kc_result= RewriteClause(l_viewnames_1, l_term_1);
+ 	kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	return kc_result;
+     }
+ }
+ patternchains impl_patternchains::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     if (is_nil()) {
+ 	return this;
+     } else { // not Nil, Cons
+ 	patternchain l_patternchain_1 =
+ 	    patternchain_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	patternchains l_patternchains_1 =
+ 	    patternchains_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	    default:
+ 	    case base_rview_enum: {
+ 		base_rview_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<base_rview_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 		if ((l_patternchain_1->prod_sel() == sel_Conspatternchain) && ((l_patternchain_1)->patternchainitem_1->prod_sel() == sel_PatternchainitemGroup) && ((l_patternchain_1)->patternchain_1->prod_sel() == sel_Nilpatternchain) && (l_patternchains_1->prod_sel() == sel_Nilpatternchains)) { KC_TRACE_REWRITE_MATCH(kc_current_view, "util.k", 341, this);
+ 		    const patternchains P_pcs = phylum_cast<const impl_patternchainitem_PatternchainitemGroup*>((l_patternchain_1)->patternchainitem_1)->patternchains_1;
+ 		    patternchains kc_result = P_pcs;
+ 		    KC_TRACE_REWRITE_RESULT(kc_current_view,"util.k",342,kc_result);
+ 		    return (const_cast<const impl_patternchains*>(kc_result) == this) ? this : kc_result->rewrite( kc_current_view_base );
+ 		} else
+ 		    if ((l_patternchain_1->prod_sel() == sel_Conspatternchain) && ((l_patternchain_1)->patternchainitem_1->prod_sel() == sel_PatternchainitemGroup) && ((l_patternchain_1)->patternchain_1->prod_sel() == sel_Nilpatternchain) && (l_patternchains_1->prod_sel() == sel_Conspatternchains)) { KC_TRACE_REWRITE_MATCH(kc_current_view, "util.k", 352, this);
+ 		    const patternchains P_pcs = phylum_cast<const impl_patternchainitem_PatternchainitemGroup*>((l_patternchain_1)->patternchainitem_1)->patternchains_1;
+ 		    const patternchains Q_pcs = l_patternchains_1;
+ 		    patternchains kc_result = concat(P_pcs, Q_pcs);
+ 		    KC_TRACE_REWRITE_RESULT(kc_current_view,"util.k",353,kc_result);
+ 		    return (const_cast<const impl_patternchains*>(kc_result) == this) ? this : kc_result->rewrite( kc_current_view_base );
+ 		} else
+ 		    break;    }
+ 	}
+ 	if ((l_patternchain_1 == patternchain_1) &&  (l_patternchains_1 == patternchains_1))
+ 	    return this;
+ 	else {
+ 	    impl_patternchains* kc_result= Conspatternchains(l_patternchain_1, l_patternchains_1);
+ 	    kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	    return kc_result;
+ 	}   }
+ }
+ patternchain impl_patternchain::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     if (is_nil()) {
+ 	return this;
+     } else { // not Nil, Cons
+ 	patternchainitem l_patternchainitem_1 =
+ 	    patternchainitem_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	patternchain l_patternchain_1 =
+ 	    patternchain_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	    default:
+ 	    case base_rview_enum: {
+ 		base_rview_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<base_rview_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 		if ((l_patternchainitem_1->prod_sel() == sel_PatternchainitemGroup) && (phylum_cast<const impl_patternchainitem_PatternchainitemGroup*>(l_patternchainitem_1)->patternchains_1->prod_sel() == sel_Conspatternchains) && ((phylum_cast<const impl_patternchainitem_PatternchainitemGroup*>(l_patternchainitem_1)->patternchains_1)->patternchains_1->prod_sel() == sel_Conspatternchains) && (l_patternchain_1->prod_sel() == sel_Conspatternchain) && ((l_patternchain_1)->patternchainitem_1->prod_sel() == sel_PatternchainitemGroup) && (phylum_cast<const impl_patternchainitem_PatternchainitemGroup*>((l_patternchain_1)->patternchainitem_1)->patternchains_1->prod_sel() == sel_Conspatternchains) && ((phylum_cast<const impl_patternchainitem_PatternchainitemGroup*>((l_patternchain_1)->patternchainitem_1)->patternchains_1)->patternchains_1->prod_sel() == sel_Nilpatternchains) && ((l_patternchain_1)->patternchain_1->prod_sel() == sel_Nilpatternchain)) { KC_TRACE_REWRITE_MATCH(kc_current_view, "ut!
 il.k", 277, this);
+ 		    const patternchain h_pc = (phylum_cast<const impl_patternchainitem_PatternchainitemGroup*>(l_patternchainitem_1)->patternchains_1)->patternchain_1;
+ 		    const patternchains T_pcs = (phylum_cast<const impl_patternchainitem_PatternchainitemGroup*>(l_patternchainitem_1)->patternchains_1)->patternchains_1;
+ 		    const patternchain Y_pc = (phylum_cast<const impl_patternchainitem_PatternchainitemGroup*>((l_patternchain_1)->patternchainitem_1)->patternchains_1)->patternchain_1;
+ 		    patternchain kc_result = Conspatternchain(PatternchainitemGroup(Conspatternchains(concat(h_pc, Y_pc), Conspatternchains(Conspatternchain(PatternchainitemGroup(T_pcs), Y_pc), Nilpatternchains()))), Nilpatternchain());
+ 		    KC_TRACE_REWRITE_RESULT(kc_current_view,"util.k",297,kc_result);
+ 		    return (const_cast<const impl_patternchain*>(kc_result) == this) ? this : kc_result->rewrite( kc_current_view_base );
+ 		} else
+ 		    if ((l_patternchainitem_1->prod_sel() == sel_PatternchainitemGroup) && (phylum_cast<const impl_patternchainitem_PatternchainitemGroup*>(l_patternchainitem_1)->patternchains_1->prod_sel() == sel_Conspatternchains) && ((phylum_cast<const impl_patternchainitem_PatternchainitemGroup*>(l_patternchainitem_1)->patternchains_1)->patternchains_1->prod_sel() == sel_Conspatternchains) && (l_patternchain_1->prod_sel() == sel_Conspatternchain) && ((l_patternchain_1)->patternchainitem_1->prod_sel() == sel_PatternchainitemGroup) && (phylum_cast<const impl_patternchainitem_PatternchainitemGroup*>((l_patternchain_1)->patternchainitem_1)->patternchains_1->prod_sel() == sel_Conspatternchains) && ((phylum_cast<const impl_patternchainitem_PatternchainitemGroup*>((l_patternchain_1)->patternchainitem_1)->patternchains_1)->patternchains_1->prod_sel() == sel_Conspatternchains) && ((l_patternchain_1)->patternchain_1->prod_sel() == sel_Nilpatternchain)) { KC_TRACE_REWRITE_MATCH(kc_current_view!
 , "util.k", 287, this);
+ 		    const patternchain h_pc = (phylum_cast<const impl_patternchainitem_PatternchainitemGroup*>(l_patternchainitem_1)->patternchains_1)->patternchain_1;
+ 		    const patternchains T_pcs = (phylum_cast<const impl_patternchainitem_PatternchainitemGroup*>(l_patternchainitem_1)->patternchains_1)->patternchains_1;
+ 		    const patternchain Y_pc = l_patternchain_1;
+ 		    patternchain kc_result = Conspatternchain(PatternchainitemGroup(Conspatternchains(concat(h_pc, Y_pc), Conspatternchains(Conspatternchain(PatternchainitemGroup(T_pcs), Y_pc), Nilpatternchains()))), Nilpatternchain());
+ 		    KC_TRACE_REWRITE_RESULT(kc_current_view,"util.k",297,kc_result);
+ 		    return (const_cast<const impl_patternchain*>(kc_result) == this) ? this : kc_result->rewrite( kc_current_view_base );
+ 		} else
+ 		    if ((l_patternchainitem_1->prod_sel() == sel_PatternchainitemGroup) && (phylum_cast<const impl_patternchainitem_PatternchainitemGroup*>(l_patternchainitem_1)->patternchains_1->prod_sel() == sel_Conspatternchains) && ((phylum_cast<const impl_patternchainitem_PatternchainitemGroup*>(l_patternchainitem_1)->patternchains_1)->patternchains_1->prod_sel() == sel_Nilpatternchains) && (l_patternchain_1->prod_sel() == sel_Conspatternchain) && ((l_patternchain_1)->patternchainitem_1->prod_sel() == sel_PatternchainitemGroup) && (phylum_cast<const impl_patternchainitem_PatternchainitemGroup*>((l_patternchain_1)->patternchainitem_1)->patternchains_1->prod_sel() == sel_Conspatternchains) && ((phylum_cast<const impl_patternchainitem_PatternchainitemGroup*>((l_patternchain_1)->patternchainitem_1)->patternchains_1)->patternchains_1->prod_sel() == sel_Nilpatternchains) && ((l_patternchain_1)->patternchain_1->prod_sel() == sel_Nilpatternchain)) { KC_TRACE_REWRITE_MATCH(kc_current_view, !
 "util.k", 365, this);
+ 		    const patternchain P_pc = (phylum_cast<const impl_patternchainitem_PatternchainitemGroup*>(l_patternchainitem_1)->patternchains_1)->patternchain_1;
+ 		    const patternchain Q_pc = (phylum_cast<const impl_patternchainitem_PatternchainitemGroup*>((l_patternchain_1)->patternchainitem_1)->patternchains_1)->patternchain_1;
+ 		    patternchain kc_result = concat(P_pc, Q_pc);
+ 		    KC_TRACE_REWRITE_RESULT(kc_current_view,"util.k",366,kc_result);
+ 		    return (const_cast<const impl_patternchain*>(kc_result) == this) ? this : kc_result->rewrite( kc_current_view_base );
+ 		} else
+ 		    if ((l_patternchainitem_1->prod_sel() == sel_PatternchainitemGroup) && (phylum_cast<const impl_patternchainitem_PatternchainitemGroup*>(l_patternchainitem_1)->patternchains_1->prod_sel() == sel_Conspatternchains) && ((phylum_cast<const impl_patternchainitem_PatternchainitemGroup*>(l_patternchainitem_1)->patternchains_1)->patternchains_1->prod_sel() == sel_Nilpatternchains) && (l_patternchain_1->prod_sel() == sel_Conspatternchain) && ((l_patternchain_1)->patternchainitem_1->prod_sel() == sel_PatternchainitemGroup) && (phylum_cast<const impl_patternchainitem_PatternchainitemGroup*>((l_patternchain_1)->patternchainitem_1)->patternchains_1->prod_sel() == sel_Conspatternchains) && ((phylum_cast<const impl_patternchainitem_PatternchainitemGroup*>((l_patternchain_1)->patternchainitem_1)->patternchains_1)->patternchains_1->prod_sel() == sel_Conspatternchains) && ((l_patternchain_1)->patternchain_1->prod_sel() == sel_Nilpatternchain)) { KC_TRACE_REWRITE_MATCH(kc_current_view,!
  "util.k", 377, this);
+ 		    const patternchain P_pc = (phylum_cast<const impl_patternchainitem_PatternchainitemGroup*>(l_patternchainitem_1)->patternchains_1)->patternchain_1;
+ 		    const patternchain Q_pc = l_patternchain_1;
+ 		    patternchain kc_result = concat(P_pc, Q_pc);
+ 		    KC_TRACE_REWRITE_RESULT(kc_current_view,"util.k",378,kc_result);
+ 		    return (const_cast<const impl_patternchain*>(kc_result) == this) ? this : kc_result->rewrite( kc_current_view_base );
+ 		} else
+ 		    if ((l_patternchainitem_1->prod_sel() == sel_PatternchainitemGroup) && (phylum_cast<const impl_patternchainitem_PatternchainitemGroup*>(l_patternchainitem_1)->patternchains_1->prod_sel() == sel_Conspatternchains) && ((phylum_cast<const impl_patternchainitem_PatternchainitemGroup*>(l_patternchainitem_1)->patternchains_1)->patternchains_1->prod_sel() == sel_Conspatternchains) && (l_patternchain_1->prod_sel() == sel_Conspatternchain)) { KC_TRACE_REWRITE_MATCH(kc_current_view, "util.k", 283, this);
+ 		    const patternchain h_pc = (phylum_cast<const impl_patternchainitem_PatternchainitemGroup*>(l_patternchainitem_1)->patternchains_1)->patternchain_1;
+ 		    const patternchains T_pcs = (phylum_cast<const impl_patternchainitem_PatternchainitemGroup*>(l_patternchainitem_1)->patternchains_1)->patternchains_1;
+ 		    const patternchain Y_pc = l_patternchain_1;
+ 		    patternchain kc_result = Conspatternchain(PatternchainitemGroup(Conspatternchains(concat(h_pc, Y_pc), Conspatternchains(Conspatternchain(PatternchainitemGroup(T_pcs), Y_pc), Nilpatternchains()))), Nilpatternchain());
+ 		    KC_TRACE_REWRITE_RESULT(kc_current_view,"util.k",297,kc_result);
+ 		    return (const_cast<const impl_patternchain*>(kc_result) == this) ? this : kc_result->rewrite( kc_current_view_base );
+ 		} else
+ 		    if ((l_patternchainitem_1->prod_sel() == sel_PatternchainitemGroup) && (phylum_cast<const impl_patternchainitem_PatternchainitemGroup*>(l_patternchainitem_1)->patternchains_1->prod_sel() == sel_Conspatternchains) && ((phylum_cast<const impl_patternchainitem_PatternchainitemGroup*>(l_patternchainitem_1)->patternchains_1)->patternchains_1->prod_sel() == sel_Nilpatternchains) && (l_patternchain_1->prod_sel() == sel_Conspatternchain)) { KC_TRACE_REWRITE_MATCH(kc_current_view, "util.k", 373, this);
+ 		    const patternchain P_pc = (phylum_cast<const impl_patternchainitem_PatternchainitemGroup*>(l_patternchainitem_1)->patternchains_1)->patternchain_1;
+ 		    const patternchain Q_pc = l_patternchain_1;
+ 		    patternchain kc_result = concat(P_pc, Q_pc);
+ 		    KC_TRACE_REWRITE_RESULT(kc_current_view,"util.k",378,kc_result);
+ 		    return (const_cast<const impl_patternchain*>(kc_result) == this) ? this : kc_result->rewrite( kc_current_view_base );
+ 		} else
+ 		    if ((l_patternchain_1->prod_sel() == sel_Conspatternchain) && ((l_patternchain_1)->patternchainitem_1->prod_sel() == sel_PatternchainitemGroup) && (phylum_cast<const impl_patternchainitem_PatternchainitemGroup*>((l_patternchain_1)->patternchainitem_1)->patternchains_1->prod_sel() == sel_Conspatternchains) && ((phylum_cast<const impl_patternchainitem_PatternchainitemGroup*>((l_patternchain_1)->patternchainitem_1)->patternchains_1)->patternchains_1->prod_sel() == sel_Conspatternchains) && ((l_patternchain_1)->patternchain_1->prod_sel() == sel_Nilpatternchain)) { KC_TRACE_REWRITE_MATCH(kc_current_view, "util.k", 306, this);
+ 		    const patternchainitem p = l_patternchainitem_1;
+ 		    const patternchain h_pc = (phylum_cast<const impl_patternchainitem_PatternchainitemGroup*>((l_patternchain_1)->patternchainitem_1)->patternchains_1)->patternchain_1;
+ 		    const patternchains T_pcs = (phylum_cast<const impl_patternchainitem_PatternchainitemGroup*>((l_patternchain_1)->patternchainitem_1)->patternchains_1)->patternchains_1;
+ 		    patternchain kc_result = Conspatternchain(PatternchainitemGroup(Conspatternchains(Conspatternchain(p, h_pc), Conspatternchains(Conspatternchain(p, Conspatternchain(PatternchainitemGroup(T_pcs), Nilpatternchain())), Nilpatternchains()))), Nilpatternchain());
+ 		    KC_TRACE_REWRITE_RESULT(kc_current_view,"util.k",321,kc_result);
+ 		    return (const_cast<const impl_patternchain*>(kc_result) == this) ? this : kc_result->rewrite( kc_current_view_base );
+ 		} else
+ 		    if ((l_patternchain_1->prod_sel() == sel_Conspatternchain) && ((l_patternchain_1)->patternchainitem_1->prod_sel() == sel_PatternchainitemGroup) && (phylum_cast<const impl_patternchainitem_PatternchainitemGroup*>((l_patternchain_1)->patternchainitem_1)->patternchains_1->prod_sel() == sel_Conspatternchains) && ((phylum_cast<const impl_patternchainitem_PatternchainitemGroup*>((l_patternchain_1)->patternchainitem_1)->patternchains_1)->patternchains_1->prod_sel() == sel_Nilpatternchains) && ((l_patternchain_1)->patternchain_1->prod_sel() == sel_Nilpatternchain)) { KC_TRACE_REWRITE_MATCH(kc_current_view, "util.k", 387, this);
+ 		    const patternchainitem p = l_patternchainitem_1;
+ 		    const patternchain P_pc = (phylum_cast<const impl_patternchainitem_PatternchainitemGroup*>((l_patternchain_1)->patternchainitem_1)->patternchains_1)->patternchain_1;
+ 		    patternchain kc_result = Conspatternchain(p, P_pc);
+ 		    KC_TRACE_REWRITE_RESULT(kc_current_view,"util.k",388,kc_result);
+ 		    return (const_cast<const impl_patternchain*>(kc_result) == this) ? this : kc_result->rewrite( kc_current_view_base );
+ 		} else
+ 		    break;    }
+ 	}
+ 	if ((l_patternchainitem_1 == patternchainitem_1) &&  (l_patternchain_1 == patternchain_1))
+ 	    return this;
+ 	else {
+ 	    impl_patternchain* kc_result= Conspatternchain(l_patternchainitem_1, l_patternchain_1);
+ 	    kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	    return kc_result;
+ 	}   }
+ }
+ outmostpatterns impl_outmostpatterns::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     if (is_nil()) {
+ 	return this;
+     } else { // not Nil, Cons
+ 	outmostpattern l_outmostpattern_1 =
+ 	    outmostpattern_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	outmostpatterns l_outmostpatterns_1 =
+ 	    outmostpatterns_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	if ((l_outmostpattern_1 == outmostpattern_1) &&  (l_outmostpatterns_1 == outmostpatterns_1))
+ 	    return this;
+ 	else {
+ 	    impl_outmostpatterns* kc_result= Consoutmostpatterns(l_outmostpattern_1, l_outmostpatterns_1);
+ 	    kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	    return kc_result;
+ 	}   }
+ }
+ patternchainitem impl_patternchainitem_PatternchainitemDollarid::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     ID l_ID_1 =
+ 	ID_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     if ((l_ID_1 == ID_1))
+ 	return this;
+     else {
+ 	impl_patternchainitem_PatternchainitemDollarid* kc_result= PatternchainitemDollarid(l_ID_1);
+ 	kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	return kc_result;
+     }
+ }
+ patternchainitem impl_patternchainitem_PatternchainitemGroup::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     patternchains l_patternchains_1 =
+ 	patternchains_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_rview_enum: {
+ 	    base_rview_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<base_rview_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    if ((l_patternchains_1->prod_sel() == sel_Conspatternchains) && ((l_patternchains_1)->patternchain_1->prod_sel() == sel_Conspatternchain) && (((l_patternchains_1)->patternchain_1)->patternchain_1->prod_sel() == sel_Nilpatternchain) && ((l_patternchains_1)->patternchains_1->prod_sel() == sel_Nilpatternchains)) { KC_TRACE_REWRITE_MATCH(kc_current_view, "util.k", 330, this);
+ 		const patternchainitem h_p = ((l_patternchains_1)->patternchain_1)->patternchainitem_1;
+ 		patternchainitem kc_result = h_p;
+ 		KC_TRACE_REWRITE_RESULT(kc_current_view,"util.k",331,kc_result);
+ 		return (const_cast<const impl_patternchainitem*>(kc_result) == this) ? this : kc_result->rewrite( kc_current_view_base );
+ 	    } else
+ 		break;    }
+     }
+     if ((l_patternchains_1 == patternchains_1))
+ 	return this;
+     else {
+ 	impl_patternchainitem_PatternchainitemGroup* kc_result= PatternchainitemGroup(l_patternchains_1);
+ 	kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	return kc_result;
+     }
+ }
+ patternchainitem impl_patternchainitem_PatternchainitemOutmost::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     outmostpattern l_outmostpattern_1 =
+ 	outmostpattern_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     if ((l_outmostpattern_1 == outmostpattern_1))
+ 	return this;
+     else {
+ 	impl_patternchainitem_PatternchainitemOutmost* kc_result= PatternchainitemOutmost(l_outmostpattern_1);
+ 	kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	return kc_result;
+     }
+ }
+ outmostpattern impl_outmostpattern_OPDefault::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     Cexpression l_Cexpression_1 =
+ 	Cexpression_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     if ((l_Cexpression_1 == Cexpression_1))
+ 	return this;
+     else {
+ 	impl_outmostpattern_OPDefault* kc_result= OPDefault(l_Cexpression_1);
+ 	kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	return kc_result;
+     }
+ }
+ outmostpattern impl_outmostpattern_OPWildcard::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     Cexpression l_Cexpression_1 =
+ 	Cexpression_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     if ((l_Cexpression_1 == Cexpression_1))
+ 	return this;
+     else {
+ 	impl_outmostpattern_OPWildcard* kc_result= OPWildcard(l_Cexpression_1);
+ 	kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	return kc_result;
+     }
+ }
+ outmostpattern impl_outmostpattern_OPNonLeafVariable::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     ID l_ID_1 =
+ 	ID_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     outmostpattern l_outmostpattern_1 =
+ 	outmostpattern_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     if ((l_ID_1 == ID_1) &&  (l_outmostpattern_1 == outmostpattern_1))
+ 	return this;
+     else {
+ 	impl_outmostpattern_OPNonLeafVariable* kc_result= OPNonLeafVariable(l_ID_1, l_outmostpattern_1);
+ 	kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	return kc_result;
+     }
+ }
+ outmostpattern impl_outmostpattern_OPOperator::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     ID l_ID_1 =
+ 	ID_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     patterns l_patterns_1 =
+ 	patterns_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     Cexpression l_Cexpression_1 =
+ 	Cexpression_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     if ((l_ID_1 == ID_1) &&  (l_patterns_1 == patterns_1) &&  (l_Cexpression_1 == Cexpression_1))
+ 	return this;
+     else {
+ 	impl_outmostpattern_OPOperator* kc_result= OPOperator(l_ID_1, l_patterns_1, l_Cexpression_1);
+ 	kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	return kc_result;
+     }
+ }
+ outmostpattern impl_outmostpattern_OPOperatorWildcard::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     ID l_ID_1 =
+ 	ID_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     Cexpression l_Cexpression_1 =
+ 	Cexpression_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     if ((l_ID_1 == ID_1) &&  (l_Cexpression_1 == Cexpression_1))
+ 	return this;
+     else {
+ 	impl_outmostpattern_OPOperatorWildcard* kc_result= OPOperatorWildcard(l_ID_1, l_Cexpression_1);
+ 	kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	return kc_result;
+     }
+ }
+ pattern impl_pattern_PIntLiteral::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     INT l_INT_1 =
+ 	INT_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     if ((l_INT_1 == INT_1))
+ 	return this;
+     else {
+ 	impl_pattern_PIntLiteral* kc_result= PIntLiteral(l_INT_1);
+ 	kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	return kc_result;
+     }
+ }
+ pattern impl_pattern_PStringLiteral::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     CexpressionDQ l_CexpressionDQ_1 =
+ 	CexpressionDQ_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     if ((l_CexpressionDQ_1 == CexpressionDQ_1))
+ 	return this;
+     else {
+ 	impl_pattern_PStringLiteral* kc_result= PStringLiteral(l_CexpressionDQ_1);
+ 	kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	return kc_result;
+     }
+ }
+ pattern impl_pattern_PWildcard::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     return this;
+ }
+ pattern impl_pattern_PNonLeafVariable::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     ID l_ID_1 =
+ 	ID_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     pattern l_pattern_1 =
+ 	pattern_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     if ((l_ID_1 == ID_1) &&  (l_pattern_1 == pattern_1))
+ 	return this;
+     else {
+ 	impl_pattern_PNonLeafVariable* kc_result= PNonLeafVariable(l_ID_1, l_pattern_1);
+ 	kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	return kc_result;
+     }
+ }
+ pattern impl_pattern_POperator::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     ID l_ID_1 =
+ 	ID_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     patterns l_patterns_1 =
+ 	patterns_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     if ((l_ID_1 == ID_1) &&  (l_patterns_1 == patterns_1))
+ 	return this;
+     else {
+ 	impl_pattern_POperator* kc_result= POperator(l_ID_1, l_patterns_1);
+ 	kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	return kc_result;
+     }
+ }
+ pattern impl_pattern_PVariable::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     ID l_ID_1 =
+ 	ID_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     if ((l_ID_1 == ID_1))
+ 	return this;
+     else {
+ 	impl_pattern_PVariable* kc_result= PVariable(l_ID_1);
+ 	kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	return kc_result;
+     }
+ }
+ patterns impl_patterns::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     if (is_nil()) {
+ 	return this;
+     } else { // not Nil, Cons
+ 	pattern l_pattern_1 =
+ 	    pattern_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	patterns l_patterns_1 =
+ 	    patterns_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	if ((l_pattern_1 == pattern_1) &&  (l_patterns_1 == patterns_1))
+ 	    return this;
+ 	else {
+ 	    impl_patterns* kc_result= Conspatterns(l_pattern_1, l_patterns_1);
+ 	    kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	    return kc_result;
+ 	}   }
+ }
+ term impl_term_TIntLiteral::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     INT l_INT_1 =
+ 	INT_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     if ((l_INT_1 == INT_1))
+ 	return this;
+     else {
+ 	impl_term_TIntLiteral* kc_result= TIntLiteral(l_INT_1);
+ 	kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	return kc_result;
+     }
+ }
+ term impl_term_TStringLiteral::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     CexpressionDQ l_CexpressionDQ_1 =
+ 	CexpressionDQ_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     if ((l_CexpressionDQ_1 == CexpressionDQ_1))
+ 	return this;
+     else {
+ 	impl_term_TStringLiteral* kc_result= TStringLiteral(l_CexpressionDQ_1);
+ 	kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	return kc_result;
+     }
+ }
+ term impl_term_TCTerm::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     CexpressionSQ l_CexpressionSQ_1 =
+ 	CexpressionSQ_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     if ((l_CexpressionSQ_1 == CexpressionSQ_1))
+ 	return this;
+     else {
+ 	impl_term_TCTerm* kc_result= TCTerm(l_CexpressionSQ_1);
+ 	kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	return kc_result;
+     }
+ }
+ term impl_term_TMemberVarDot::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     term l_term_1 =
+ 	term_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     ID l_ID_1 =
+ 	ID_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     if ((l_term_1 == term_1) &&  (l_ID_1 == ID_1))
+ 	return this;
+     else {
+ 	impl_term_TMemberVarDot* kc_result= TMemberVarDot(l_term_1, l_ID_1);
+ 	kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	return kc_result;
+     }
+ }
+ term impl_term_TMemberVar::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     term l_term_1 =
+ 	term_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     ID l_ID_1 =
+ 	ID_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     if ((l_term_1 == term_1) &&  (l_ID_1 == ID_1))
+ 	return this;
+     else {
+ 	impl_term_TMemberVar* kc_result= TMemberVar(l_term_1, l_ID_1);
+ 	kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	return kc_result;
+     }
+ }
+ term impl_term_TMethodDot::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     term l_term_1 =
+ 	term_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     ID l_ID_1 =
+ 	ID_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     terms l_terms_1 =
+ 	terms_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     if ((l_term_1 == term_1) &&  (l_ID_1 == ID_1) &&  (l_terms_1 == terms_1))
+ 	return this;
+     else {
+ 	impl_term_TMethodDot* kc_result= TMethodDot(l_term_1, l_ID_1, l_terms_1);
+ 	kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	return kc_result;
+     }
+ }
+ term impl_term_TMethod::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     term l_term_1 =
+ 	term_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     ID l_ID_1 =
+ 	ID_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     terms l_terms_1 =
+ 	terms_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     if ((l_term_1 == term_1) &&  (l_ID_1 == ID_1) &&  (l_terms_1 == terms_1))
+ 	return this;
+     else {
+ 	impl_term_TMethod* kc_result= TMethod(l_term_1, l_ID_1, l_terms_1);
+ 	kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	return kc_result;
+     }
+ }
+ term impl_term_TOperator::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     ID l_ID_1 =
+ 	ID_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     terms l_terms_1 =
+ 	terms_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     if ((l_ID_1 == ID_1) &&  (l_terms_1 == terms_1))
+ 	return this;
+     else {
+ 	impl_term_TOperator* kc_result= TOperator(l_ID_1, l_terms_1);
+ 	kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	return kc_result;
+     }
+ }
+ term impl_term_TVariable::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     ID l_ID_1 =
+ 	ID_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     if ((l_ID_1 == ID_1))
+ 	return this;
+     else {
+ 	impl_term_TVariable* kc_result= TVariable(l_ID_1);
+ 	kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	return kc_result;
+     }
+ }
+ terms impl_terms::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     if (is_nil()) {
+ 	return this;
+     } else { // not Nil, Cons
+ 	term l_term_1 =
+ 	    term_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	terms l_terms_1 =
+ 	    terms_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	if ((l_term_1 == term_1) &&  (l_terms_1 == terms_1))
+ 	    return this;
+ 	else {
+ 	    impl_terms* kc_result= Consterms(l_term_1, l_terms_1);
+ 	    kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	    return kc_result;
+ 	}   }
+ }
+ fnfiles impl_fnfiles::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     if (is_nil()) {
+ 	return this;
+     } else { // not Nil, Cons
+ 	fnfile l_fnfile_1 =
+ 	    fnfile_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	fnfiles l_fnfiles_1 =
+ 	    fnfiles_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	if ((l_fnfile_1 == fnfile_1) &&  (l_fnfiles_1 == fnfiles_1))
+ 	    return this;
+ 	else {
+ 	    impl_fnfiles* kc_result= Consfnfiles(l_fnfile_1, l_fnfiles_1);
+ 	    kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	    return kc_result;
+ 	}   }
+ }
+ fnfile impl_fnfile_FnFile::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     casestring l_casestring_1 =
+ 	casestring_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     if ((l_casestring_1 == casestring_1))
+ 	return this;
+     else {
+ 	impl_fnfile_FnFile* kc_result= FnFile(l_casestring_1);
+ 	kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	return kc_result;
+     }
+ }
+ fndeclarations impl_fndeclarations::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     if (is_nil()) {
+ 	return this;
+     } else { // not Nil, Cons
+ 	fndeclaration l_fndeclaration_1 =
+ 	    fndeclaration_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	fndeclarations l_fndeclarations_1 =
+ 	    fndeclarations_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	if ((l_fndeclaration_1 == fndeclaration_1) &&  (l_fndeclarations_1 == fndeclarations_1))
+ 	    return this;
+ 	else {
+ 	    impl_fndeclarations* kc_result= Consfndeclarations(l_fndeclaration_1, l_fndeclarations_1);
+ 	    kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	    return kc_result;
+ 	}   }
+ }
+ fndeclaration impl_fndeclaration_AcMemberDeclaration::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     ac_declaration_specifiers l_ac_declaration_specifiers_1 =
+ 	ac_declaration_specifiers_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     ac_declarator l_ac_declarator_1 =
+ 	ac_declarator_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     ac_constant_expression_option l_ac_constant_expression_option_1 =
+ 	ac_constant_expression_option_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     fnclass l_fnclass_1 =
+ 	fnclass_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     if ((l_ac_declaration_specifiers_1 == ac_declaration_specifiers_1) &&  (l_ac_declarator_1 == ac_declarator_1) &&  (l_ac_constant_expression_option_1 == ac_constant_expression_option_1) &&  (l_fnclass_1 == fnclass_1))
+ 	return this;
+     else {
+ 	impl_fndeclaration_AcMemberDeclaration* kc_result= AcMemberDeclaration(l_ac_declaration_specifiers_1, l_ac_declarator_1, l_ac_constant_expression_option_1, l_fnclass_1);
+ 	kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	return kc_result;
+     }
+ }
+ fndeclaration impl_fndeclaration_FnAcDeclaration::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     ac_declaration_specifiers l_ac_declaration_specifiers_1 =
+ 	ac_declaration_specifiers_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     ac_declarator l_ac_declarator_1 =
+ 	ac_declarator_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     ac_declaration_list l_ac_declaration_list_1 =
+ 	ac_declaration_list_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     ac_opt_base_init_list l_ac_opt_base_init_list_1 =
+ 	ac_opt_base_init_list_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     Ctext l_Ctext_1 =
+ 	Ctext_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     ID l_ID_1 =
+ 	ID_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     fnclass l_fnclass_1 =
+ 	fnclass_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     if ((l_ac_declaration_specifiers_1 == ac_declaration_specifiers_1) &&  (l_ac_declarator_1 == ac_declarator_1) &&  (l_ac_declaration_list_1 == ac_declaration_list_1) &&  (l_ac_opt_base_init_list_1 == ac_opt_base_init_list_1) &&  (l_Ctext_1 == Ctext_1) &&  (l_ID_1 == ID_1) &&  (l_fnclass_1 == fnclass_1))
+ 	return this;
+     else {
+ 	impl_fndeclaration_FnAcDeclaration* kc_result= FnAcDeclaration(l_ac_declaration_specifiers_1, l_ac_declarator_1, l_ac_declaration_list_1, l_ac_opt_base_init_list_1, l_Ctext_1, l_ID_1, l_fnclass_1);
+ 	kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	return kc_result;
+     }
+ }
+ fnclass impl_fnclass_ConvOperatorFn::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     return this;
+ }
+ fnclass impl_fnclass_DestructorFn::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     return this;
+ }
+ fnclass impl_fnclass_ConstructorFn::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     return this;
+ }
+ fnclass impl_fnclass_MemberFn::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     return this;
+ }
+ fnclass impl_fnclass_StaticFn::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     casestring l_casestring_1 =
+ 	casestring_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     if ((l_casestring_1 == casestring_1))
+ 	return this;
+     else {
+ 	impl_fnclass_StaticFn* kc_result= StaticFn(l_casestring_1);
+ 	kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	return kc_result;
+     }
+ }
+ fnclass impl_fnclass_GlobalFn::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     return this;
+ }
+ Ctext impl_Ctext::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     if (is_nil()) {
+ 	return this;
+     } else { // not Nil, Cons
+ 	Ctext_elem l_Ctext_elem_1 =
+ 	    Ctext_elem_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	Ctext l_Ctext_1 =
+ 	    Ctext_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	if ((l_Ctext_elem_1 == Ctext_elem_1) &&  (l_Ctext_1 == Ctext_1))
+ 	    return this;
+ 	else {
+ 	    impl_Ctext* kc_result= ConsCtext(l_Ctext_elem_1, l_Ctext_1);
+ 	    kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	    return kc_result;
+ 	}   }
+ }
+ Ctext_elem impl_Ctext_elem_CTextWithexpression::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     withexpressions l_withexpressions_1 =
+ 	withexpressions_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     withcases l_withcases_1 =
+ 	withcases_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     contextinfo l_contextinfo_1 =
+ 	contextinfo_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     if ((l_withexpressions_1 == withexpressions_1) &&  (l_withcases_1 == withcases_1) &&  (l_contextinfo_1 == contextinfo_1))
+ 	return this;
+     else {
+ 	impl_Ctext_elem_CTextWithexpression* kc_result= CTextWithexpression(l_withexpressions_1, l_withcases_1, l_contextinfo_1);
+ 	kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	return kc_result;
+     }
+ }
+ Ctext_elem impl_Ctext_elem_CTextForeachexpression::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     patternchain l_patternchain_1 =
+ 	patternchain_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     idCexpressions l_idCexpressions_1 =
+ 	idCexpressions_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     withexpressions l_withexpressions_1 =
+ 	withexpressions_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     Ctext l_Ctext_1 =
+ 	Ctext_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     foreach_after l_foreach_after_1 =
+ 	foreach_after_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     if ((l_patternchain_1 == patternchain_1) &&  (l_idCexpressions_1 == idCexpressions_1) &&  (l_withexpressions_1 == withexpressions_1) &&  (l_Ctext_1 == Ctext_1) &&  (l_foreach_after_1 == foreach_after_1))
+ 	return this;
+     else {
+ 	impl_Ctext_elem_CTextForeachexpression* kc_result= CTextForeachexpression(l_patternchain_1, l_idCexpressions_1, l_withexpressions_1, l_Ctext_1, l_foreach_after_1);
+ 	kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	return kc_result;
+     }
+ }
+ Ctext_elem impl_Ctext_elem_CTextCbody::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     Ctext l_Ctext_1 =
+ 	Ctext_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     if ((l_Ctext_1 == Ctext_1))
+ 	return this;
+     else {
+ 	impl_Ctext_elem_CTextCbody* kc_result= CTextCbody(l_Ctext_1);
+ 	kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	return kc_result;
+     }
+ }
+ Ctext_elem impl_Ctext_elem_CTextCexpressionSQ::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     CexpressionSQ l_CexpressionSQ_1 =
+ 	CexpressionSQ_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     if ((l_CexpressionSQ_1 == CexpressionSQ_1))
+ 	return this;
+     else {
+ 	impl_Ctext_elem_CTextCexpressionSQ* kc_result= CTextCexpressionSQ(l_CexpressionSQ_1);
+ 	kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	return kc_result;
+     }
+ }
+ Ctext_elem impl_Ctext_elem_CTextCexpressionDQ::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     CexpressionDQ l_CexpressionDQ_1 =
+ 	CexpressionDQ_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     if ((l_CexpressionDQ_1 == CexpressionDQ_1))
+ 	return this;
+     else {
+ 	impl_Ctext_elem_CTextCexpressionDQ* kc_result= CTextCexpressionDQ(l_CexpressionDQ_1);
+ 	kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	return kc_result;
+     }
+ }
+ Ctext_elem impl_Ctext_elem_CTextNl::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     integer l_integer_1 =
+ 	integer_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     if ((l_integer_1 == integer_1))
+ 	return this;
+     else {
+ 	impl_Ctext_elem_CTextNl* kc_result= CTextNl(l_integer_1);
+ 	kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	return kc_result;
+     }
+ }
+ Ctext_elem impl_Ctext_elem_CTextDollarVar::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     INT l_INT_1 =
+ 	INT_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     if ((l_INT_1 == INT_1))
+ 	return this;
+     else {
+ 	impl_Ctext_elem_CTextDollarVar* kc_result= CTextDollarVar(l_INT_1);
+ 	kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	return kc_result;
+     }
+ }
+ Ctext_elem impl_Ctext_elem_CTextLine::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     casestring l_casestring_1 =
+ 	casestring_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     if ((l_casestring_1 == casestring_1))
+ 	return this;
+     else {
+ 	impl_Ctext_elem_CTextLine* kc_result= CTextLine(l_casestring_1);
+ 	kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	return kc_result;
+     }
+ }
+ foreach_after impl_foreach_after_ForeachAfter::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     patternchain l_patternchain_1 =
+ 	patternchain_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     idCexpressions l_idCexpressions_1 =
+ 	idCexpressions_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     withexpressions l_withexpressions_1 =
+ 	withexpressions_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     Ctext l_Ctext_1 =
+ 	Ctext_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     if ((l_patternchain_1 == patternchain_1) &&  (l_idCexpressions_1 == idCexpressions_1) &&  (l_withexpressions_1 == withexpressions_1) &&  (l_Ctext_1 == Ctext_1))
+ 	return this;
+     else {
+ 	impl_foreach_after_ForeachAfter* kc_result= ForeachAfter(l_patternchain_1, l_idCexpressions_1, l_withexpressions_1, l_Ctext_1);
+ 	kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	return kc_result;
+     }
+ }
+ foreach_after impl_foreach_after_NoForeachAfter::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     return this;
+ }
+ contextinfo impl_contextinfo_NotInForeachContext::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     return this;
+ }
+ contextinfo impl_contextinfo_InForeachContext::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     patternchain l_patternchain_1 =
+ 	patternchain_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     if ((l_patternchain_1 == patternchain_1))
+ 	return this;
+     else {
+ 	impl_contextinfo_InForeachContext* kc_result= InForeachContext(l_patternchain_1);
+ 	kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	return kc_result;
+     }
+ }
+ withexpressions impl_withexpressions::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     if (is_nil()) {
+ 	return this;
+     } else { // not Nil, Cons
+ 	withexpression l_withexpression_1 =
+ 	    withexpression_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	withexpressions l_withexpressions_1 =
+ 	    withexpressions_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	if ((l_withexpression_1 == withexpression_1) &&  (l_withexpressions_1 == withexpressions_1))
+ 	    return this;
+ 	else {
+ 	    impl_withexpressions* kc_result= Conswithexpressions(l_withexpression_1, l_withexpressions_1);
+ 	    kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	    return kc_result;
+ 	}   }
+ }
+ withexpression impl_withexpression_WECexpression::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     Cexpression l_Cexpression_1 =
+ 	Cexpression_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     if ((l_Cexpression_1 == Cexpression_1))
+ 	return this;
+     else {
+ 	impl_withexpression_WECexpression* kc_result= WECexpression(l_Cexpression_1);
+ 	kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	return kc_result;
+     }
+ }
+ withexpression impl_withexpression_WEVariable::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     ID l_ID_1 =
+ 	ID_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     if ((l_ID_1 == ID_1))
+ 	return this;
+     else {
+ 	impl_withexpression_WEVariable* kc_result= WEVariable(l_ID_1);
+ 	kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	return kc_result;
+     }
+ }
+ withcases impl_withcases::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     if (is_nil()) {
+ 	return this;
+     } else { // not Nil, Cons
+ 	withcase l_withcase_1 =
+ 	    withcase_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	withcases l_withcases_1 =
+ 	    withcases_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	if ((l_withcase_1 == withcase_1) &&  (l_withcases_1 == withcases_1))
+ 	    return this;
+ 	else {
+ 	    impl_withcases* kc_result= Conswithcases(l_withcase_1, l_withcases_1);
+ 	    kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	    return kc_result;
+ 	}   }
+ }
+ withcase impl_withcase_Withcase::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     patternchains l_patternchains_1 =
+ 	patternchains_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     Ctext l_Ctext_1 =
+ 	Ctext_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     if ((l_patternchains_1 == patternchains_1) &&  (l_Ctext_1 == Ctext_1))
+ 	return this;
+     else {
+ 	impl_withcase_Withcase* kc_result= Withcase(l_patternchains_1, l_Ctext_1);
+ 	kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	return kc_result;
+     }
+ }
+ unparsedeclarations impl_unparsedeclarations::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     if (is_nil()) {
+ 	return this;
+     } else { // not Nil, Cons
+ 	unparsedeclaration l_unparsedeclaration_1 =
+ 	    unparsedeclaration_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	unparsedeclarations l_unparsedeclarations_1 =
+ 	    unparsedeclarations_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	if ((l_unparsedeclaration_1 == unparsedeclaration_1) &&  (l_unparsedeclarations_1 == unparsedeclarations_1))
+ 	    return this;
+ 	else {
+ 	    impl_unparsedeclarations* kc_result= Consunparsedeclarations(l_unparsedeclaration_1, l_unparsedeclarations_1);
+ 	    kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	    return kc_result;
+ 	}   }
+ }
+ unparsedeclaration impl_unparsedeclaration_UnparseDeclaration::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     outmostpatterns l_outmostpatterns_1 =
+ 	outmostpatterns_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     unparseclauses l_unparseclauses_1 =
+ 	unparseclauses_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     if ((l_outmostpatterns_1 == outmostpatterns_1) &&  (l_unparseclauses_1 == unparseclauses_1))
+ 	return this;
+     else {
+ 	impl_unparsedeclaration_UnparseDeclaration* kc_result= UnparseDeclaration(l_outmostpatterns_1, l_unparseclauses_1);
+ 	kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	return kc_result;
+     }
+ }
+ unparseclauses impl_unparseclauses::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     if (is_nil()) {
+ 	return this;
+     } else { // not Nil, Cons
+ 	unparseclause l_unparseclause_1 =
+ 	    unparseclause_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	unparseclauses l_unparseclauses_1 =
+ 	    unparseclauses_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	if ((l_unparseclause_1 == unparseclause_1) &&  (l_unparseclauses_1 == unparseclauses_1))
+ 	    return this;
+ 	else {
+ 	    impl_unparseclauses* kc_result= Consunparseclauses(l_unparseclause_1, l_unparseclauses_1);
+ 	    kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	    return kc_result;
+ 	}   }
+ }
+ unparseclause impl_unparseclause_UnparseClause::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     viewnames l_viewnames_1 =
+ 	viewnames_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     unparseitems l_unparseitems_1 =
+ 	unparseitems_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     if ((l_viewnames_1 == viewnames_1) &&  (l_unparseitems_1 == unparseitems_1))
+ 	return this;
+     else {
+ 	impl_unparseclause_UnparseClause* kc_result= UnparseClause(l_viewnames_1, l_unparseitems_1);
+ 	kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	return kc_result;
+     }
+ }
+ viewnames impl_viewnames::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     if (is_nil()) {
+ 	return this;
+     } else { // not Nil, Cons
+ 	ID l_ID_1 =
+ 	    ID_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	viewnames l_viewnames_1 =
+ 	    viewnames_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	if ((l_ID_1 == ID_1) &&  (l_viewnames_1 == viewnames_1))
+ 	    return this;
+ 	else {
+ 	    impl_viewnames* kc_result= Consviewnames(l_ID_1, l_viewnames_1);
+ 	    kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	    return kc_result;
+ 	}   }
+ }
+ unparseitems impl_unparseitems::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     if (is_nil()) {
+ 	return this;
+     } else { // not Nil, Cons
+ 	unparseitem l_unparseitem_1 =
+ 	    unparseitem_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	unparseitems l_unparseitems_1 =
+ 	    unparseitems_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	if ((l_unparseitem_1 == unparseitem_1) &&  (l_unparseitems_1 == unparseitems_1))
+ 	    return this;
+ 	else {
+ 	    impl_unparseitems* kc_result= Consunparseitems(l_unparseitem_1, l_unparseitems_1);
+ 	    kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	    return kc_result;
+ 	}   }
+ }
+ unparseitem impl_unparseitem_UViewVarDecl::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     ID l_ID_1 =
+ 	ID_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     ID l_ID_2 =
+ 	ID_2->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     Cexpression l_Cexpression_1 =
+ 	Cexpression_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     if ((l_ID_1 == ID_1) &&  (l_ID_2 == ID_2) &&  (l_Cexpression_1 == Cexpression_1))
+ 	return this;
+     else {
+ 	impl_unparseitem_UViewVarDecl* kc_result= UViewVarDecl(l_ID_1, l_ID_2, l_Cexpression_1);
+ 	kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	return kc_result;
+     }
+ }
+ unparseitem impl_unparseitem_UnpBody::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     languageoption l_languageoption_1 =
+ 	languageoption_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     unparseitems l_unparseitems_1 =
+ 	unparseitems_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     if ((l_languageoption_1 == languageoption_1) &&  (l_unparseitems_1 == unparseitems_1))
+ 	return this;
+     else {
+ 	impl_unparseitem_UnpBody* kc_result= UnpBody(l_languageoption_1, l_unparseitems_1);
+ 	kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	return kc_result;
+     }
+ }
+ unparseitem impl_unparseitem_UnpCtext::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     languageoption l_languageoption_1 =
+ 	languageoption_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     Ctext l_Ctext_1 =
+ 	Ctext_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     if ((l_languageoption_1 == languageoption_1) &&  (l_Ctext_1 == Ctext_1))
+ 	return this;
+     else {
+ 	impl_unparseitem_UnpCtext* kc_result= UnpCtext(l_languageoption_1, l_Ctext_1);
+ 	kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	return kc_result;
+     }
+ }
+ unparseitem impl_unparseitem_UnpSubexpr::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     languageoption l_languageoption_1 =
+ 	languageoption_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     unpsubterm l_unpsubterm_1 =
+ 	unpsubterm_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     viewnameoption l_viewnameoption_1 =
+ 	viewnameoption_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     if ((l_languageoption_1 == languageoption_1) &&  (l_unpsubterm_1 == unpsubterm_1) &&  (l_viewnameoption_1 == viewnameoption_1))
+ 	return this;
+     else {
+ 	impl_unparseitem_UnpSubexpr* kc_result= UnpSubexpr(l_languageoption_1, l_unpsubterm_1, l_viewnameoption_1);
+ 	kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	return kc_result;
+     }
+ }
+ unparseitem impl_unparseitem_UnpStr::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     languageoption l_languageoption_1 =
+ 	languageoption_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     CexpressionDQ l_CexpressionDQ_1 =
+ 	CexpressionDQ_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     viewnameoption l_viewnameoption_1 =
+ 	viewnameoption_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     if ((l_languageoption_1 == languageoption_1) &&  (l_CexpressionDQ_1 == CexpressionDQ_1) &&  (l_viewnameoption_1 == viewnameoption_1))
+ 	return this;
+     else {
+ 	impl_unparseitem_UnpStr* kc_result= UnpStr(l_languageoption_1, l_CexpressionDQ_1, l_viewnameoption_1);
+ 	kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	return kc_result;
+     }
+ }
+ unpsubterm impl_unpsubterm_UnpCastedVariable::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     ID l_ID_1 =
+ 	ID_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     ID l_ID_2 =
+ 	ID_2->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     if ((l_ID_1 == ID_1) &&  (l_ID_2 == ID_2))
+ 	return this;
+     else {
+ 	impl_unpsubterm_UnpCastedVariable* kc_result= UnpCastedVariable(l_ID_1, l_ID_2);
+ 	kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	return kc_result;
+     }
+ }
+ unpsubterm impl_unpsubterm_UnpDollarvarAttr::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     INT l_INT_1 =
+ 	INT_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     unpattributes l_unpattributes_1 =
+ 	unpattributes_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     if ((l_INT_1 == INT_1) &&  (l_unpattributes_1 == unpattributes_1))
+ 	return this;
+     else {
+ 	impl_unpsubterm_UnpDollarvarAttr* kc_result= UnpDollarvarAttr(l_INT_1, l_unpattributes_1);
+ 	kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	return kc_result;
+     }
+ }
+ unpsubterm impl_unpsubterm_UnpSubAttr::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     ID l_ID_1 =
+ 	ID_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     unpattributes l_unpattributes_1 =
+ 	unpattributes_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     if ((l_ID_1 == ID_1) &&  (l_unpattributes_1 == unpattributes_1))
+ 	return this;
+     else {
+ 	impl_unpsubterm_UnpSubAttr* kc_result= UnpSubAttr(l_ID_1, l_unpattributes_1);
+ 	kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	return kc_result;
+     }
+ }
+ unpsubterm impl_unpsubterm_UnpDollarvarTerm::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     INT l_INT_1 =
+ 	INT_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     if ((l_INT_1 == INT_1))
+ 	return this;
+     else {
+ 	impl_unpsubterm_UnpDollarvarTerm* kc_result= UnpDollarvarTerm(l_INT_1);
+ 	kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	return kc_result;
+     }
+ }
+ unpsubterm impl_unpsubterm_UnpSubTerm::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     ID l_ID_1 =
+ 	ID_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     if ((l_ID_1 == ID_1))
+ 	return this;
+     else {
+ 	impl_unpsubterm_UnpSubTerm* kc_result= UnpSubTerm(l_ID_1);
+ 	kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	return kc_result;
+     }
+ }
+ unpattributes impl_unpattributes::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     if (is_nil()) {
+ 	return this;
+     } else { // not Nil, Cons
+ 	ID l_ID_1 =
+ 	    ID_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	unpattributes l_unpattributes_1 =
+ 	    unpattributes_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	if ((l_ID_1 == ID_1) &&  (l_unpattributes_1 == unpattributes_1))
+ 	    return this;
+ 	else {
+ 	    impl_unpattributes* kc_result= Consunpattributes(l_ID_1, l_unpattributes_1);
+ 	    kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	    return kc_result;
+ 	}   }
+ }
+ viewnameoption impl_viewnameoption_YesViewname::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     ID l_ID_1 =
+ 	ID_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     if ((l_ID_1 == ID_1))
+ 	return this;
+     else {
+ 	impl_viewnameoption_YesViewname* kc_result= YesViewname(l_ID_1);
+ 	kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	return kc_result;
+     }
+ }
+ viewnameoption impl_viewnameoption_NoViewname::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     return this;
+ }
+ languageoption impl_languageoption_LanguageList::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     languagenames l_languagenames_1 =
+ 	languagenames_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     if ((l_languagenames_1 == languagenames_1))
+ 	return this;
+     else {
+ 	impl_languageoption_LanguageList* kc_result= LanguageList(l_languagenames_1);
+ 	kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	return kc_result;
+     }
+ }
+ languageoption impl_languageoption_NoLanguagename::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     return this;
+ }
+ languagenames impl_languagenames::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     if (is_nil()) {
+ 	return this;
+     } else { // not Nil, Cons
+ 	ID l_ID_1 =
+ 	    ID_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	languagenames l_languagenames_1 =
+ 	    languagenames_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	if ((l_ID_1 == ID_1) &&  (l_languagenames_1 == languagenames_1))
+ 	    return this;
+ 	else {
+ 	    impl_languagenames* kc_result= Conslanguagenames(l_ID_1, l_languagenames_1);
+ 	    kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	    return kc_result;
+ 	}   }
+ }
+ fileline impl_fileline_PosNoFileLine::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     return this;
+ }
+ fileline impl_fileline_NoFileLine::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     return this;
+ }
+ fileline impl_fileline_FileLine::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     return this;
+ }
+ scopetypefilelinestack impl_scopetypefilelinestack::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     if (is_nil()) {
+ 	return this;
+     } else { // not Nil, Cons
+ 	scopetypefileline l_scopetypefileline_1 =
+ 	    scopetypefileline_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	scopetypefilelinestack l_scopetypefilelinestack_1 =
+ 	    scopetypefilelinestack_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	if ((l_scopetypefileline_1 == scopetypefileline_1) &&  (l_scopetypefilelinestack_1 == scopetypefilelinestack_1))
+ 	    return this;
+ 	else {
+ 	    impl_scopetypefilelinestack* kc_result= Consscopetypefilelinestack(l_scopetypefileline_1, l_scopetypefilelinestack_1);
+ 	    kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	    return kc_result;
+ 	}   }
+ }
+ scopetypefileline impl_scopetypefileline_ScopeTypeFileLine::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     integer l_integer_1 =
+ 	integer_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     IDtype l_IDtype_1 =
+ 	IDtype_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     casestring l_casestring_1 =
+ 	casestring_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     integer l_integer_2 =
+ 	integer_2->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     if ((l_integer_1 == integer_1) &&  (l_IDtype_1 == IDtype_1) &&  (l_casestring_1 == casestring_1) &&  (l_integer_2 == integer_2))
+ 	return this;
+     else {
+ 	impl_scopetypefileline_ScopeTypeFileLine* kc_result= ScopeTypeFileLine(l_integer_1, l_IDtype_1, l_casestring_1, l_integer_2);
+ 	kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	return kc_result;
+     }
+ }
+ IDtype impl_IDtype_ITLanguageName::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     integer l_integer_1 =
+ 	integer_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     if ((l_integer_1 == integer_1))
+ 	return this;
+     else {
+ 	impl_IDtype_ITLanguageName* kc_result= ITLanguageName(l_integer_1);
+ 	kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	return kc_result;
+     }
+ }
+ IDtype impl_IDtype_ITPatternVariable::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     ID l_ID_1 =
+ 	ID_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     integer l_integer_1 =
+ 	integer_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     if ((l_ID_1 == ID_1) &&  (l_integer_1 == integer_1))
+ 	return this;
+     else {
+ 	impl_IDtype_ITPatternVariable* kc_result= ITPatternVariable(l_ID_1, l_integer_1);
+ 	kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	return kc_result;
+     }
+ }
+ IDtype impl_IDtype_ITUserFunction::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     fnclass l_fnclass_1 =
+ 	fnclass_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     if ((l_fnclass_1 == fnclass_1))
+ 	return this;
+     else {
+ 	impl_IDtype_ITUserFunction* kc_result= ITUserFunction(l_fnclass_1);
+ 	kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	return kc_result;
+     }
+ }
+ IDtype impl_IDtype_ITUserRView::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     return this;
+ }
+ IDtype impl_IDtype_ITPredefinedRView::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     return this;
+ }
+ IDtype impl_IDtype_ITUViewVar::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     return this;
+ }
+ IDtype impl_IDtype_ITUserUView::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     return this;
+ }
+ IDtype impl_IDtype_ITPredefinedUView::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     return this;
+ }
+ IDtype impl_IDtype_ITStorageClass::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     return this;
+ }
+ IDtype impl_IDtype_ITPredefinedStorageClass::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     return this;
+ }
+ IDtype impl_IDtype_ITUserOperator::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     alternative l_alternative_1 =
+ 	alternative_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     ID l_ID_1 =
+ 	ID_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     if ((l_alternative_1 == alternative_1) &&  (l_ID_1 == ID_1))
+ 	return this;
+     else {
+ 	impl_IDtype_ITUserOperator* kc_result= ITUserOperator(l_alternative_1, l_ID_1);
+ 	kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	return kc_result;
+     }
+ }
+ IDtype impl_IDtype_ITPredefinedOperator::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     alternative l_alternative_1 =
+ 	alternative_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     ID l_ID_1 =
+ 	ID_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     if ((l_alternative_1 == alternative_1) &&  (l_ID_1 == ID_1))
+ 	return this;
+     else {
+ 	impl_IDtype_ITPredefinedOperator* kc_result= ITPredefinedOperator(l_alternative_1, l_ID_1);
+ 	kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	return kc_result;
+     }
+ }
+ IDtype impl_IDtype_ITUserPhylum::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     phylumdeclaration l_phylumdeclaration_1 =
+ 	phylumdeclaration_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     if ((l_phylumdeclaration_1 == phylumdeclaration_1))
+ 	return this;
+     else {
+ 	impl_IDtype_ITUserPhylum* kc_result= ITUserPhylum(l_phylumdeclaration_1);
+ 	kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	return kc_result;
+     }
+ }
+ IDtype impl_IDtype_ITPredefinedPhylum::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     phylumdeclaration l_phylumdeclaration_1 =
+ 	phylumdeclaration_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     if ((l_phylumdeclaration_1 == phylumdeclaration_1))
+ 	return this;
+     else {
+ 	impl_IDtype_ITPredefinedPhylum* kc_result= ITPredefinedPhylum(l_phylumdeclaration_1);
+ 	kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	return kc_result;
+     }
+ }
+ IDtype impl_IDtype_ITUnknown::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     return this;
+ }
+ operators impl_operators::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     if (is_nil()) {
+ 	return this;
+     } else { // not Nil, Cons
+ 	ID l_ID_1 =
+ 	    ID_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	operators l_operators_1 =
+ 	    operators_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	if ((l_ID_1 == ID_1) &&  (l_operators_1 == operators_1))
+ 	    return this;
+ 	else {
+ 	    impl_operators* kc_result= Consoperators(l_ID_1, l_operators_1);
+ 	    kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	    return kc_result;
+ 	}   }
+ }
+ phyla impl_phyla::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     if (is_nil()) {
+ 	return this;
+     } else { // not Nil, Cons
+ 	ID l_ID_1 =
+ 	    ID_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	phyla l_phyla_1 =
+ 	    phyla_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	if ((l_ID_1 == ID_1) &&  (l_phyla_1 == phyla_1))
+ 	    return this;
+ 	else {
+ 	    impl_phyla* kc_result= Consphyla(l_ID_1, l_phyla_1);
+ 	    kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	    return kc_result;
+ 	}   }
+ }
+ variables impl_variables::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     if (is_nil()) {
+ 	return this;
+     } else { // not Nil, Cons
+ 	ID l_ID_1 =
+ 	    ID_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	variables l_variables_1 =
+ 	    variables_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	if ((l_ID_1 == ID_1) &&  (l_variables_1 == variables_1))
+ 	    return this;
+ 	else {
+ 	    impl_variables* kc_result= Consvariables(l_ID_1, l_variables_1);
+ 	    kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	    return kc_result;
+ 	}   }
+ }
+ dollarvarstatus impl_dollarvarstatus_DVDisallowed::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     return this;
+ }
+ dollarvarstatus impl_dollarvarstatus_DVAllowed::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     return this;
+ }
+ tribool impl_tribool_Bigger::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     return this;
+ }
+ tribool impl_tribool_Smaller::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     return this;
+ }
+ tribool impl_tribool_Equal::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     return this;
+ }
+ patternrepresentations impl_patternrepresentations::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     if (is_nil()) {
+ 	return this;
+     } else { // not Nil, Cons
+ 	patternrepresentation l_patternrepresentation_1 =
+ 	    patternrepresentation_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	patternrepresentations l_patternrepresentations_1 =
+ 	    patternrepresentations_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	if ((l_patternrepresentation_1 == patternrepresentation_1) &&  (l_patternrepresentations_1 == patternrepresentations_1))
+ 	    return this;
+ 	else {
+ 	    impl_patternrepresentations* kc_result= Conspatternrepresentations(l_patternrepresentation_1, l_patternrepresentations_1);
+ 	    kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	    return kc_result;
+ 	}   }
+ }
+ patternrepresentation impl_patternrepresentation::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     if (is_nil()) {
+ 	return this;
+     } else { // not Nil, Cons
+ 	elem_patternrepresentation l_elem_patternrepresentation_1 =
+ 	    elem_patternrepresentation_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	patternrepresentation l_patternrepresentation_1 =
+ 	    patternrepresentation_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	    default:
+ 	    case base_rview_enum: {
+ 		base_rview_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<base_rview_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 		if ((l_elem_patternrepresentation_1->prod_sel() == sel_PRWildcard)) { KC_TRACE_REWRITE_MATCH(kc_current_view, "gutil.k", 768, this);
+ 		    const patternrepresentation r = l_patternrepresentation_1;
+ 		    patternrepresentation kc_result = r;
+ 		    KC_TRACE_REWRITE_RESULT(kc_current_view,"gutil.k",768,kc_result);
+ 		    return (const_cast<const impl_patternrepresentation*>(kc_result) == this) ? this : kc_result->rewrite( kc_current_view_base );
+ 		} else
+ 		    if ((l_elem_patternrepresentation_1->prod_sel() == sel_PRDefault)) { KC_TRACE_REWRITE_MATCH(kc_current_view, "gutil.k", 769, this);
+ 		    const patternrepresentation r = l_patternrepresentation_1;
+ 		    patternrepresentation kc_result = r;
+ 		    KC_TRACE_REWRITE_RESULT(kc_current_view,"gutil.k",769,kc_result);
+ 		    return (const_cast<const impl_patternrepresentation*>(kc_result) == this) ? this : kc_result->rewrite( kc_current_view_base );
+ 		} else
+ 		    break;    }
+ 	}
+ 	if ((l_elem_patternrepresentation_1 == elem_patternrepresentation_1) &&  (l_patternrepresentation_1 == patternrepresentation_1))
+ 	    return this;
+ 	else {
+ 	    impl_patternrepresentation* kc_result= Conspatternrepresentation(l_elem_patternrepresentation_1, l_patternrepresentation_1);
+ 	    kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	    return kc_result;
+ 	}   }
+ }
+ elem_patternrepresentation impl_elem_patternrepresentation_PRIntLiteral::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     path l_path_1 =
+ 	path_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     INT l_INT_1 =
+ 	INT_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     if ((l_path_1 == path_1) &&  (l_INT_1 == INT_1))
+ 	return this;
+     else {
+ 	impl_elem_patternrepresentation_PRIntLiteral* kc_result= PRIntLiteral(l_path_1, l_INT_1);
+ 	kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	return kc_result;
+     }
+ }
+ elem_patternrepresentation impl_elem_patternrepresentation_PRStringLiteral::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     path l_path_1 =
+ 	path_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     CexpressionDQ l_CexpressionDQ_1 =
+ 	CexpressionDQ_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     if ((l_path_1 == path_1) &&  (l_CexpressionDQ_1 == CexpressionDQ_1))
+ 	return this;
+     else {
+ 	impl_elem_patternrepresentation_PRStringLiteral* kc_result= PRStringLiteral(l_path_1, l_CexpressionDQ_1);
+ 	kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	return kc_result;
+     }
+ }
+ elem_patternrepresentation impl_elem_patternrepresentation_PRDefault::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     return this;
+ }
+ elem_patternrepresentation impl_elem_patternrepresentation_PRWildcard::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     path l_path_1 =
+ 	path_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     if ((l_path_1 == path_1))
+ 	return this;
+     else {
+ 	impl_elem_patternrepresentation_PRWildcard* kc_result= PRWildcard(l_path_1);
+ 	kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	return kc_result;
+     }
+ }
+ elem_patternrepresentation impl_elem_patternrepresentation_PRNonLeafBinding::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     path l_path_1 =
+ 	path_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     ID l_ID_1 =
+ 	ID_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     patternrepresentation l_patternrepresentation_1 =
+ 	patternrepresentation_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     if ((l_path_1 == path_1) &&  (l_ID_1 == ID_1) &&  (l_patternrepresentation_1 == patternrepresentation_1))
+ 	return this;
+     else {
+ 	impl_elem_patternrepresentation_PRNonLeafBinding* kc_result= PRNonLeafBinding(l_path_1, l_ID_1, l_patternrepresentation_1);
+ 	kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	return kc_result;
+     }
+ }
+ elem_patternrepresentation impl_elem_patternrepresentation_PRUserPredicate::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     Cexpression l_Cexpression_1 =
+ 	Cexpression_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     if ((l_Cexpression_1 == Cexpression_1))
+ 	return this;
+     else {
+ 	impl_elem_patternrepresentation_PRUserPredicate* kc_result= PRUserPredicate(l_Cexpression_1);
+ 	kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	return kc_result;
+     }
+ }
+ elem_patternrepresentation impl_elem_patternrepresentation_PROperPredicate::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     path l_path_1 =
+ 	path_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     ID l_ID_1 =
+ 	ID_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     if ((l_path_1 == path_1) &&  (l_ID_1 == ID_1))
+ 	return this;
+     else {
+ 	impl_elem_patternrepresentation_PROperPredicate* kc_result= PROperPredicate(l_path_1, l_ID_1);
+ 	kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	return kc_result;
+     }
+ }
+ elem_patternrepresentation impl_elem_patternrepresentation_PRVarPredicate::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     paths l_paths_1 =
+ 	paths_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     ID l_ID_1 =
+ 	ID_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     patternrepresentation l_patternrepresentation_1 =
+ 	patternrepresentation_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     if ((l_paths_1 == paths_1) &&  (l_ID_1 == ID_1) &&  (l_patternrepresentation_1 == patternrepresentation_1))
+ 	return this;
+     else {
+ 	impl_elem_patternrepresentation_PRVarPredicate* kc_result= PRVarPredicate(l_paths_1, l_ID_1, l_patternrepresentation_1);
+ 	kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	return kc_result;
+     }
+ }
+ elem_patternrepresentation impl_elem_patternrepresentation_PRBinding::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     path l_path_1 =
+ 	path_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     ID l_ID_1 =
+ 	ID_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     if ((l_path_1 == path_1) &&  (l_ID_1 == ID_1))
+ 	return this;
+     else {
+ 	impl_elem_patternrepresentation_PRBinding* kc_result= PRBinding(l_path_1, l_ID_1);
+ 	kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	return kc_result;
+     }
+ }
+ path impl_path::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     if (is_nil()) {
+ 	return this;
+     } else { // not Nil, Cons
+ 	integer l_integer_1 =
+ 	    integer_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	path l_path_1 =
+ 	    path_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	if ((l_integer_1 == integer_1) &&  (l_path_1 == path_1))
+ 	    return this;
+ 	else {
+ 	    impl_path* kc_result= Conspath(l_integer_1, l_path_1);
+ 	    kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	    return kc_result;
+ 	}   }
+ }
+ paths impl_paths::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     if (is_nil()) {
+ 	return this;
+     } else { // not Nil, Cons
+ 	path l_path_1 =
+ 	    path_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	paths l_paths_1 =
+ 	    paths_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	if ((l_path_1 == path_1) &&  (l_paths_1 == paths_1))
+ 	    return this;
+ 	else {
+ 	    impl_paths* kc_result= Conspaths(l_path_1, l_paths_1);
+ 	    kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	    return kc_result;
+ 	}   }
+ }
+ argsnumbers impl_argsnumbers::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     if (is_nil()) {
+ 	return this;
+     } else { // not Nil, Cons
+ 	integer l_integer_1 =
+ 	    integer_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	argsnumbers l_argsnumbers_1 =
+ 	    argsnumbers_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	if ((l_integer_1 == integer_1) &&  (l_argsnumbers_1 == argsnumbers_1))
+ 	    return this;
+ 	else {
+ 	    impl_argsnumbers* kc_result= Consargsnumbers(l_integer_1, l_argsnumbers_1);
+ 	    kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	    return kc_result;
+ 	}   }
+ }
+ rewriterulesinfo impl_rewriterulesinfo::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     if (is_nil()) {
+ 	return this;
+     } else { // not Nil, Cons
+ 	rewriteruleinfo l_rewriteruleinfo_1 =
+ 	    rewriteruleinfo_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	rewriterulesinfo l_rewriterulesinfo_1 =
+ 	    rewriterulesinfo_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	if ((l_rewriteruleinfo_1 == rewriteruleinfo_1) &&  (l_rewriterulesinfo_1 == rewriterulesinfo_1))
+ 	    return this;
+ 	else {
+ 	    impl_rewriterulesinfo* kc_result= Consrewriterulesinfo(l_rewriteruleinfo_1, l_rewriterulesinfo_1);
+ 	    kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	    return kc_result;
+ 	}   }
+ }
+ rewriteruleinfo impl_rewriteruleinfo_Rewriteruleinfo::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     patternrepresentation l_patternrepresentation_1 =
+ 	patternrepresentation_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     patternrepresentation l_patternrepresentation_2 =
+ 	patternrepresentation_2->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     rewriteclause l_rewriteclause_1 =
+ 	rewriteclause_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     if ((l_patternrepresentation_1 == patternrepresentation_1) &&  (l_patternrepresentation_2 == patternrepresentation_2) &&  (l_rewriteclause_1 == rewriteclause_1))
+ 	return this;
+     else {
+ 	impl_rewriteruleinfo_Rewriteruleinfo* kc_result= Rewriteruleinfo(l_patternrepresentation_1, l_patternrepresentation_2, l_rewriteclause_1);
+ 	kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	return kc_result;
+     }
+ }
+ withcasesinfo impl_withcasesinfo::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     if (is_nil()) {
+ 	return this;
+     } else { // not Nil, Cons
+ 	withcaseinfo l_withcaseinfo_1 =
+ 	    withcaseinfo_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	withcasesinfo l_withcasesinfo_1 =
+ 	    withcasesinfo_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	if ((l_withcaseinfo_1 == withcaseinfo_1) &&  (l_withcasesinfo_1 == withcasesinfo_1))
+ 	    return this;
+ 	else {
+ 	    impl_withcasesinfo* kc_result= Conswithcasesinfo(l_withcaseinfo_1, l_withcasesinfo_1);
+ 	    kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	    return kc_result;
+ 	}   }
+ }
+ withcaseinfo impl_withcaseinfo_Withcaseinfo::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     patternrepresentation l_patternrepresentation_1 =
+ 	patternrepresentation_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     patternrepresentation l_patternrepresentation_2 =
+ 	patternrepresentation_2->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     Ctext l_Ctext_1 =
+ 	Ctext_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     if ((l_patternrepresentation_1 == patternrepresentation_1) &&  (l_patternrepresentation_2 == patternrepresentation_2) &&  (l_Ctext_1 == Ctext_1))
+ 	return this;
+     else {
+ 	impl_withcaseinfo_Withcaseinfo* kc_result= Withcaseinfo(l_patternrepresentation_1, l_patternrepresentation_2, l_Ctext_1);
+ 	kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	return kc_result;
+     }
+ }
+ rewriteviewsinfo impl_rewriteviewsinfo::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     if (is_nil()) {
+ 	return this;
+     } else { // not Nil, Cons
+ 	rewriteviewinfo l_rewriteviewinfo_1 =
+ 	    rewriteviewinfo_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	rewriteviewsinfo l_rewriteviewsinfo_1 =
+ 	    rewriteviewsinfo_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	if ((l_rewriteviewinfo_1 == rewriteviewinfo_1) &&  (l_rewriteviewsinfo_1 == rewriteviewsinfo_1))
+ 	    return this;
+ 	else {
+ 	    impl_rewriteviewsinfo* kc_result= Consrewriteviewsinfo(l_rewriteviewinfo_1, l_rewriteviewsinfo_1);
+ 	    kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	    return kc_result;
+ 	}   }
+ }
+ rewriteviewinfo impl_rewriteviewinfo_Rewriteviewinfo::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     ID l_ID_1 =
+ 	ID_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     rewriterulesinfo l_rewriterulesinfo_1 =
+ 	rewriterulesinfo_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     if ((l_ID_1 == ID_1) &&  (l_rewriterulesinfo_1 == rewriterulesinfo_1))
+ 	return this;
+     else {
+ 	impl_rewriteviewinfo_Rewriteviewinfo* kc_result= Rewriteviewinfo(l_ID_1, l_rewriterulesinfo_1);
+ 	kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	return kc_result;
+     }
+ }
+ unparseviewsinfo impl_unparseviewsinfo::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     if (is_nil()) {
+ 	return this;
+     } else { // not Nil, Cons
+ 	unparseviewinfo l_unparseviewinfo_1 =
+ 	    unparseviewinfo_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	unparseviewsinfo l_unparseviewsinfo_1 =
+ 	    unparseviewsinfo_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	if ((l_unparseviewinfo_1 == unparseviewinfo_1) &&  (l_unparseviewsinfo_1 == unparseviewsinfo_1))
+ 	    return this;
+ 	else {
+ 	    impl_unparseviewsinfo* kc_result= Consunparseviewsinfo(l_unparseviewinfo_1, l_unparseviewsinfo_1);
+ 	    kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	    return kc_result;
+ 	}   }
+ }
+ unparseviewinfo impl_unparseviewinfo_Unparseviewinfo::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     ID l_ID_1 =
+ 	ID_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     unparsedeclsinfo l_unparsedeclsinfo_1 =
+ 	unparsedeclsinfo_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     if ((l_ID_1 == ID_1) &&  (l_unparsedeclsinfo_1 == unparsedeclsinfo_1))
+ 	return this;
+     else {
+ 	impl_unparseviewinfo_Unparseviewinfo* kc_result= Unparseviewinfo(l_ID_1, l_unparsedeclsinfo_1);
+ 	kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	return kc_result;
+     }
+ }
+ unparsedeclsinfo impl_unparsedeclsinfo::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     if (is_nil()) {
+ 	return this;
+     } else { // not Nil, Cons
+ 	unparsedeclinfo l_unparsedeclinfo_1 =
+ 	    unparsedeclinfo_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	unparsedeclsinfo l_unparsedeclsinfo_1 =
+ 	    unparsedeclsinfo_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	if ((l_unparsedeclinfo_1 == unparsedeclinfo_1) &&  (l_unparsedeclsinfo_1 == unparsedeclsinfo_1))
+ 	    return this;
+ 	else {
+ 	    impl_unparsedeclsinfo* kc_result= Consunparsedeclsinfo(l_unparsedeclinfo_1, l_unparsedeclsinfo_1);
+ 	    kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	    return kc_result;
+ 	}   }
+ }
+ unparsedeclinfo impl_unparsedeclinfo_Unparsedeclinfo::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     patternrepresentation l_patternrepresentation_1 =
+ 	patternrepresentation_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     patternrepresentation l_patternrepresentation_2 =
+ 	patternrepresentation_2->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     unparseclause l_unparseclause_1 =
+ 	unparseclause_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     if ((l_patternrepresentation_1 == patternrepresentation_1) &&  (l_patternrepresentation_2 == patternrepresentation_2) &&  (l_unparseclause_1 == unparseclause_1))
+ 	return this;
+     else {
+ 	impl_unparsedeclinfo_Unparsedeclinfo* kc_result= Unparsedeclinfo(l_patternrepresentation_1, l_patternrepresentation_2, l_unparseclause_1);
+ 	kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	return kc_result;
+     }
+ }
+ ac_declaration impl_ac_declaration_AcDeclaration::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     ac_declaration_specifiers l_ac_declaration_specifiers_1 =
+ 	ac_declaration_specifiers_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     ac_init_declarator_list l_ac_init_declarator_list_1 =
+ 	ac_init_declarator_list_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     if ((l_ac_declaration_specifiers_1 == ac_declaration_specifiers_1) &&  (l_ac_init_declarator_list_1 == ac_init_declarator_list_1))
+ 	return this;
+     else {
+ 	impl_ac_declaration_AcDeclaration* kc_result= AcDeclaration(l_ac_declaration_specifiers_1, l_ac_init_declarator_list_1);
+ 	kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	return kc_result;
+     }
+ }
+ ac_declaration_list impl_ac_declaration_list::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     if (is_nil()) {
+ 	return this;
+     } else { // not Nil, Cons
+ 	ac_declaration l_ac_declaration_1 =
+ 	    ac_declaration_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	ac_declaration_list l_ac_declaration_list_1 =
+ 	    ac_declaration_list_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	if ((l_ac_declaration_1 == ac_declaration_1) &&  (l_ac_declaration_list_1 == ac_declaration_list_1))
+ 	    return this;
+ 	else {
+ 	    impl_ac_declaration_list* kc_result= Consac_declaration_list(l_ac_declaration_1, l_ac_declaration_list_1);
+ 	    kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	    return kc_result;
+ 	}   }
+ }
+ ac_declaration_specifiers impl_ac_declaration_specifiers::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     if (is_nil()) {
+ 	return this;
+     } else { // not Nil, Cons
+ 	ac_declaration_specifier l_ac_declaration_specifier_1 =
+ 	    ac_declaration_specifier_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	ac_declaration_specifiers l_ac_declaration_specifiers_1 =
+ 	    ac_declaration_specifiers_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	if ((l_ac_declaration_specifier_1 == ac_declaration_specifier_1) &&  (l_ac_declaration_specifiers_1 == ac_declaration_specifiers_1))
+ 	    return this;
+ 	else {
+ 	    impl_ac_declaration_specifiers* kc_result= Consac_declaration_specifiers(l_ac_declaration_specifier_1, l_ac_declaration_specifiers_1);
+ 	    kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	    return kc_result;
+ 	}   }
+ }
+ ac_declaration_specifier impl_ac_declaration_specifier_AcDeclSpecTypeQual::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     ac_type_qualifier l_ac_type_qualifier_1 =
+ 	ac_type_qualifier_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     if ((l_ac_type_qualifier_1 == ac_type_qualifier_1))
+ 	return this;
+     else {
+ 	impl_ac_declaration_specifier_AcDeclSpecTypeQual* kc_result= AcDeclSpecTypeQual(l_ac_type_qualifier_1);
+ 	kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	return kc_result;
+     }
+ }
+ ac_declaration_specifier impl_ac_declaration_specifier_AcDeclSpecTypeSpec::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     ac_type_specifier l_ac_type_specifier_1 =
+ 	ac_type_specifier_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     if ((l_ac_type_specifier_1 == ac_type_specifier_1))
+ 	return this;
+     else {
+ 	impl_ac_declaration_specifier_AcDeclSpecTypeSpec* kc_result= AcDeclSpecTypeSpec(l_ac_type_specifier_1);
+ 	kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	return kc_result;
+     }
+ }
+ ac_declaration_specifier impl_ac_declaration_specifier_AcDeclSpecStorageSpec::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     ac_storage_class_specifier l_ac_storage_class_specifier_1 =
+ 	ac_storage_class_specifier_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     if ((l_ac_storage_class_specifier_1 == ac_storage_class_specifier_1))
+ 	return this;
+     else {
+ 	impl_ac_declaration_specifier_AcDeclSpecStorageSpec* kc_result= AcDeclSpecStorageSpec(l_ac_storage_class_specifier_1);
+ 	kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	return kc_result;
+     }
+ }
+ ac_storage_class_specifier impl_ac_storage_class_specifier_AcVirtual::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     return this;
+ }
+ ac_storage_class_specifier impl_ac_storage_class_specifier_AcTypedef::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     return this;
+ }
+ ac_storage_class_specifier impl_ac_storage_class_specifier_AcExtern::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     return this;
+ }
+ ac_storage_class_specifier impl_ac_storage_class_specifier_AcStatic::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     return this;
+ }
+ ac_storage_class_specifier impl_ac_storage_class_specifier_AcRegister::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     return this;
+ }
+ ac_storage_class_specifier impl_ac_storage_class_specifier_AcAuto::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     return this;
+ }
+ ac_type_specifier impl_ac_type_specifier_AcTypeSpec::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     ID l_ID_1 =
+ 	ID_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     if ((l_ID_1 == ID_1))
+ 	return this;
+     else {
+ 	impl_ac_type_specifier_AcTypeSpec* kc_result= AcTypeSpec(l_ID_1);
+ 	kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	return kc_result;
+     }
+ }
+ ac_type_qualifier impl_ac_type_qualifier_AcNoQualifier::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     return this;
+ }
+ ac_type_qualifier impl_ac_type_qualifier_AcUnsigned::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     return this;
+ }
+ ac_type_qualifier impl_ac_type_qualifier_AcVolatile::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     return this;
+ }
+ ac_type_qualifier impl_ac_type_qualifier_AcConst::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     return this;
+ }
+ ac_init_declarator_list impl_ac_init_declarator_list::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     if (is_nil()) {
+ 	return this;
+     } else { // not Nil, Cons
+ 	ac_init_declarator l_ac_init_declarator_1 =
+ 	    ac_init_declarator_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	ac_init_declarator_list l_ac_init_declarator_list_1 =
+ 	    ac_init_declarator_list_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	if ((l_ac_init_declarator_1 == ac_init_declarator_1) &&  (l_ac_init_declarator_list_1 == ac_init_declarator_list_1))
+ 	    return this;
+ 	else {
+ 	    impl_ac_init_declarator_list* kc_result= Consac_init_declarator_list(l_ac_init_declarator_1, l_ac_init_declarator_list_1);
+ 	    kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	    return kc_result;
+ 	}   }
+ }
+ ac_init_declarator impl_ac_init_declarator_AcInitDecl::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     ac_declarator l_ac_declarator_1 =
+ 	ac_declarator_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     if ((l_ac_declarator_1 == ac_declarator_1))
+ 	return this;
+     else {
+ 	impl_ac_init_declarator_AcInitDecl* kc_result= AcInitDecl(l_ac_declarator_1);
+ 	kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	return kc_result;
+     }
+ }
+ ac_declarator impl_ac_declarator_AcDeclarator::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     ac_pointer_option l_ac_pointer_option_1 =
+ 	ac_pointer_option_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     ac_ref_option l_ac_ref_option_1 =
+ 	ac_ref_option_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     ac_direct_declarator l_ac_direct_declarator_1 =
+ 	ac_direct_declarator_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     if ((l_ac_pointer_option_1 == ac_pointer_option_1) &&  (l_ac_ref_option_1 == ac_ref_option_1) &&  (l_ac_direct_declarator_1 == ac_direct_declarator_1))
+ 	return this;
+     else {
+ 	impl_ac_declarator_AcDeclarator* kc_result= AcDeclarator(l_ac_pointer_option_1, l_ac_ref_option_1, l_ac_direct_declarator_1);
+ 	kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	return kc_result;
+     }
+ }
+ ac_direct_declarator impl_ac_direct_declarator_AcOperatorDeclId::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     ac_operator_name l_ac_operator_name_1 =
+ 	ac_operator_name_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     if ((l_ac_operator_name_1 == ac_operator_name_1))
+ 	return this;
+     else {
+ 	impl_ac_direct_declarator_AcOperatorDeclId* kc_result= AcOperatorDeclId(l_ac_operator_name_1);
+ 	kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	return kc_result;
+     }
+ }
+ ac_direct_declarator impl_ac_direct_declarator_AcConvOperatorDecl::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     ID l_ID_1 =
+ 	ID_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     ID l_ID_2 =
+ 	ID_2->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     if ((l_ID_1 == ID_1) &&  (l_ID_2 == ID_2))
+ 	return this;
+     else {
+ 	impl_ac_direct_declarator_AcConvOperatorDecl* kc_result= AcConvOperatorDecl(l_ID_1, l_ID_2);
+ 	kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	return kc_result;
+     }
+ }
+ ac_direct_declarator impl_ac_direct_declarator_AcMemberDecl::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     ID l_ID_1 =
+ 	ID_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     ID l_ID_2 =
+ 	ID_2->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     ac_constant_expression_list l_ac_constant_expression_list_1 =
+ 	ac_constant_expression_list_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     if ((l_ID_1 == ID_1) &&  (l_ID_2 == ID_2) &&  (l_ac_constant_expression_list_1 == ac_constant_expression_list_1))
+ 	return this;
+     else {
+ 	impl_ac_direct_declarator_AcMemberDecl* kc_result= AcMemberDecl(l_ID_1, l_ID_2, l_ac_constant_expression_list_1);
+ 	kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	return kc_result;
+     }
+ }
+ ac_direct_declarator impl_ac_direct_declarator_AcQualifiedDeclProto::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     ac_class_qualifier_list l_ac_class_qualifier_list_1 =
+ 	ac_class_qualifier_list_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     ac_direct_declarator l_ac_direct_declarator_1 =
+ 	ac_direct_declarator_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     ac_parameter_type_list l_ac_parameter_type_list_1 =
+ 	ac_parameter_type_list_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     ac_type_qualifier l_ac_type_qualifier_1 =
+ 	ac_type_qualifier_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     if ((l_ac_class_qualifier_list_1 == ac_class_qualifier_list_1) &&  (l_ac_direct_declarator_1 == ac_direct_declarator_1) &&  (l_ac_parameter_type_list_1 == ac_parameter_type_list_1) &&  (l_ac_type_qualifier_1 == ac_type_qualifier_1))
+ 	return this;
+     else {
+ 	impl_ac_direct_declarator_AcQualifiedDeclProto* kc_result= AcQualifiedDeclProto(l_ac_class_qualifier_list_1, l_ac_direct_declarator_1, l_ac_parameter_type_list_1, l_ac_type_qualifier_1);
+ 	kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	return kc_result;
+     }
+ }
+ ac_direct_declarator impl_ac_direct_declarator_AcDirectDeclProto::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     ac_direct_declarator l_ac_direct_declarator_1 =
+ 	ac_direct_declarator_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     ac_parameter_type_list l_ac_parameter_type_list_1 =
+ 	ac_parameter_type_list_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     if ((l_ac_direct_declarator_1 == ac_direct_declarator_1) &&  (l_ac_parameter_type_list_1 == ac_parameter_type_list_1))
+ 	return this;
+     else {
+ 	impl_ac_direct_declarator_AcDirectDeclProto* kc_result= AcDirectDeclProto(l_ac_direct_declarator_1, l_ac_parameter_type_list_1);
+ 	kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	return kc_result;
+     }
+ }
+ ac_direct_declarator impl_ac_direct_declarator_AcDirectDeclArray::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     ac_direct_declarator l_ac_direct_declarator_1 =
+ 	ac_direct_declarator_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     ac_constant_expression_option l_ac_constant_expression_option_1 =
+ 	ac_constant_expression_option_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     if ((l_ac_direct_declarator_1 == ac_direct_declarator_1) &&  (l_ac_constant_expression_option_1 == ac_constant_expression_option_1))
+ 	return this;
+     else {
+ 	impl_ac_direct_declarator_AcDirectDeclArray* kc_result= AcDirectDeclArray(l_ac_direct_declarator_1, l_ac_constant_expression_option_1);
+ 	kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	return kc_result;
+     }
+ }
+ ac_direct_declarator impl_ac_direct_declarator_AcDirectDeclPack::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     ac_declarator l_ac_declarator_1 =
+ 	ac_declarator_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     if ((l_ac_declarator_1 == ac_declarator_1))
+ 	return this;
+     else {
+ 	impl_ac_direct_declarator_AcDirectDeclPack* kc_result= AcDirectDeclPack(l_ac_declarator_1);
+ 	kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	return kc_result;
+     }
+ }
+ ac_direct_declarator impl_ac_direct_declarator_AcDirectDeclId::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     ID l_ID_1 =
+ 	ID_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     if ((l_ID_1 == ID_1))
+ 	return this;
+     else {
+ 	impl_ac_direct_declarator_AcDirectDeclId* kc_result= AcDirectDeclId(l_ID_1);
+ 	kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	return kc_result;
+     }
+ }
+ ac_pointer_option impl_ac_pointer_option_Yespointer::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     ac_pointer l_ac_pointer_1 =
+ 	ac_pointer_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     if ((l_ac_pointer_1 == ac_pointer_1))
+ 	return this;
+     else {
+ 	impl_ac_pointer_option_Yespointer* kc_result= Yespointer(l_ac_pointer_1);
+ 	kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	return kc_result;
+     }
+ }
+ ac_pointer_option impl_ac_pointer_option_Nopointer::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     return this;
+ }
+ ac_pointer impl_ac_pointer_AcPointerCons::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     ac_type_qualifier_list l_ac_type_qualifier_list_1 =
+ 	ac_type_qualifier_list_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     ac_pointer l_ac_pointer_1 =
+ 	ac_pointer_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     if ((l_ac_type_qualifier_list_1 == ac_type_qualifier_list_1) &&  (l_ac_pointer_1 == ac_pointer_1))
+ 	return this;
+     else {
+ 	impl_ac_pointer_AcPointerCons* kc_result= AcPointerCons(l_ac_type_qualifier_list_1, l_ac_pointer_1);
+ 	kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	return kc_result;
+     }
+ }
+ ac_pointer impl_ac_pointer_AcPointerNil::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     ac_type_qualifier_list l_ac_type_qualifier_list_1 =
+ 	ac_type_qualifier_list_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     if ((l_ac_type_qualifier_list_1 == ac_type_qualifier_list_1))
+ 	return this;
+     else {
+ 	impl_ac_pointer_AcPointerNil* kc_result= AcPointerNil(l_ac_type_qualifier_list_1);
+ 	kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	return kc_result;
+     }
+ }
+ ac_ref_option impl_ac_ref_option_AcRef::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     return this;
+ }
+ ac_ref_option impl_ac_ref_option_AcNoRef::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     return this;
+ }
+ ac_operator_name impl_ac_operator_name_AcOperatorName::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     casestring l_casestring_1 =
+ 	casestring_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     if ((l_casestring_1 == casestring_1))
+ 	return this;
+     else {
+ 	impl_ac_operator_name_AcOperatorName* kc_result= AcOperatorName(l_casestring_1);
+ 	kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	return kc_result;
+     }
+ }
+ ac_class_qualifier_help_list impl_ac_class_qualifier_help_list::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     if (is_nil()) {
+ 	return this;
+     } else { // not Nil, Cons
+ 	ac_direct_declarator l_ac_direct_declarator_1 =
+ 	    ac_direct_declarator_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	ac_class_qualifier_help_list l_ac_class_qualifier_help_list_1 =
+ 	    ac_class_qualifier_help_list_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	if ((l_ac_direct_declarator_1 == ac_direct_declarator_1) &&  (l_ac_class_qualifier_help_list_1 == ac_class_qualifier_help_list_1))
+ 	    return this;
+ 	else {
+ 	    impl_ac_class_qualifier_help_list* kc_result= Consac_class_qualifier_help_list(l_ac_direct_declarator_1, l_ac_class_qualifier_help_list_1);
+ 	    kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	    return kc_result;
+ 	}   }
+ }
+ ac_class_qualifier_list impl_ac_class_qualifier_list::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     if (is_nil()) {
+ 	return this;
+     } else { // not Nil, Cons
+ 	ID l_ID_1 =
+ 	    ID_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	ac_class_qualifier_list l_ac_class_qualifier_list_1 =
+ 	    ac_class_qualifier_list_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	if ((l_ID_1 == ID_1) &&  (l_ac_class_qualifier_list_1 == ac_class_qualifier_list_1))
+ 	    return this;
+ 	else {
+ 	    impl_ac_class_qualifier_list* kc_result= Consac_class_qualifier_list(l_ID_1, l_ac_class_qualifier_list_1);
+ 	    kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	    return kc_result;
+ 	}   }
+ }
+ ac_type_qualifier_list impl_ac_type_qualifier_list::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     if (is_nil()) {
+ 	return this;
+     } else { // not Nil, Cons
+ 	ac_type_qualifier l_ac_type_qualifier_1 =
+ 	    ac_type_qualifier_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	ac_type_qualifier_list l_ac_type_qualifier_list_1 =
+ 	    ac_type_qualifier_list_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	if ((l_ac_type_qualifier_1 == ac_type_qualifier_1) &&  (l_ac_type_qualifier_list_1 == ac_type_qualifier_list_1))
+ 	    return this;
+ 	else {
+ 	    impl_ac_type_qualifier_list* kc_result= Consac_type_qualifier_list(l_ac_type_qualifier_1, l_ac_type_qualifier_list_1);
+ 	    kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	    return kc_result;
+ 	}   }
+ }
+ ac_parameter_type_list impl_ac_parameter_type_list_AcParList3Dot::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     ac_parameter_list l_ac_parameter_list_1 =
+ 	ac_parameter_list_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     if ((l_ac_parameter_list_1 == ac_parameter_list_1))
+ 	return this;
+     else {
+ 	impl_ac_parameter_type_list_AcParList3Dot* kc_result= AcParList3Dot(l_ac_parameter_list_1);
+ 	kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	return kc_result;
+     }
+ }
+ ac_parameter_type_list impl_ac_parameter_type_list_AcParList::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     ac_parameter_list l_ac_parameter_list_1 =
+ 	ac_parameter_list_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     if ((l_ac_parameter_list_1 == ac_parameter_list_1))
+ 	return this;
+     else {
+ 	impl_ac_parameter_type_list_AcParList* kc_result= AcParList(l_ac_parameter_list_1);
+ 	kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	return kc_result;
+     }
+ }
+ ac_parameter_list impl_ac_parameter_list::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     if (is_nil()) {
+ 	return this;
+     } else { // not Nil, Cons
+ 	ac_parameter_declaration l_ac_parameter_declaration_1 =
+ 	    ac_parameter_declaration_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	ac_parameter_list l_ac_parameter_list_1 =
+ 	    ac_parameter_list_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	if ((l_ac_parameter_declaration_1 == ac_parameter_declaration_1) &&  (l_ac_parameter_list_1 == ac_parameter_list_1))
+ 	    return this;
+ 	else {
+ 	    impl_ac_parameter_list* kc_result= Consac_parameter_list(l_ac_parameter_declaration_1, l_ac_parameter_list_1);
+ 	    kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	    return kc_result;
+ 	}   }
+ }
+ ac_parameter_declaration impl_ac_parameter_declaration_AcParDeclAbsdecl::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     ac_declaration_specifiers l_ac_declaration_specifiers_1 =
+ 	ac_declaration_specifiers_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     ac_abstract_declarator l_ac_abstract_declarator_1 =
+ 	ac_abstract_declarator_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     ac_constant_expression_option l_ac_constant_expression_option_1 =
+ 	ac_constant_expression_option_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     if ((l_ac_declaration_specifiers_1 == ac_declaration_specifiers_1) &&  (l_ac_abstract_declarator_1 == ac_abstract_declarator_1) &&  (l_ac_constant_expression_option_1 == ac_constant_expression_option_1))
+ 	return this;
+     else {
+ 	impl_ac_parameter_declaration_AcParDeclAbsdecl* kc_result= AcParDeclAbsdecl(l_ac_declaration_specifiers_1, l_ac_abstract_declarator_1, l_ac_constant_expression_option_1);
+ 	kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	return kc_result;
+     }
+ }
+ ac_parameter_declaration impl_ac_parameter_declaration_AcParDeclDecl::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     ac_declaration_specifiers l_ac_declaration_specifiers_1 =
+ 	ac_declaration_specifiers_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     ac_declarator l_ac_declarator_1 =
+ 	ac_declarator_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     ac_constant_expression_option l_ac_constant_expression_option_1 =
+ 	ac_constant_expression_option_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     if ((l_ac_declaration_specifiers_1 == ac_declaration_specifiers_1) &&  (l_ac_declarator_1 == ac_declarator_1) &&  (l_ac_constant_expression_option_1 == ac_constant_expression_option_1))
+ 	return this;
+     else {
+ 	impl_ac_parameter_declaration_AcParDeclDecl* kc_result= AcParDeclDecl(l_ac_declaration_specifiers_1, l_ac_declarator_1, l_ac_constant_expression_option_1);
+ 	kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	return kc_result;
+     }
+ }
+ ac_identifier_list impl_ac_identifier_list::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     if (is_nil()) {
+ 	return this;
+     } else { // not Nil, Cons
+ 	ID l_ID_1 =
+ 	    ID_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	ac_identifier_list l_ac_identifier_list_1 =
+ 	    ac_identifier_list_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	if ((l_ID_1 == ID_1) &&  (l_ac_identifier_list_1 == ac_identifier_list_1))
+ 	    return this;
+ 	else {
+ 	    impl_ac_identifier_list* kc_result= Consac_identifier_list(l_ID_1, l_ac_identifier_list_1);
+ 	    kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	    return kc_result;
+ 	}   }
+ }
+ ac_abstract_declarator impl_ac_abstract_declarator_AcAbsdeclDirdecl::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     ac_pointer_option l_ac_pointer_option_1 =
+ 	ac_pointer_option_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     ac_direct_abstract_declarator l_ac_direct_abstract_declarator_1 =
+ 	ac_direct_abstract_declarator_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     if ((l_ac_pointer_option_1 == ac_pointer_option_1) &&  (l_ac_direct_abstract_declarator_1 == ac_direct_abstract_declarator_1))
+ 	return this;
+     else {
+ 	impl_ac_abstract_declarator_AcAbsdeclDirdecl* kc_result= AcAbsdeclDirdecl(l_ac_pointer_option_1, l_ac_direct_abstract_declarator_1);
+ 	kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	return kc_result;
+     }
+ }
+ ac_abstract_declarator impl_ac_abstract_declarator_AcAbsdeclPointer::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     ac_pointer l_ac_pointer_1 =
+ 	ac_pointer_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     if ((l_ac_pointer_1 == ac_pointer_1))
+ 	return this;
+     else {
+ 	impl_ac_abstract_declarator_AcAbsdeclPointer* kc_result= AcAbsdeclPointer(l_ac_pointer_1);
+ 	kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	return kc_result;
+     }
+ }
+ ac_direct_abstract_declarator_option impl_ac_direct_abstract_declarator_option_Yesac_direct_abstract_declarator::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     ac_direct_abstract_declarator l_ac_direct_abstract_declarator_1 =
+ 	ac_direct_abstract_declarator_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     if ((l_ac_direct_abstract_declarator_1 == ac_direct_abstract_declarator_1))
+ 	return this;
+     else {
+ 	impl_ac_direct_abstract_declarator_option_Yesac_direct_abstract_declarator* kc_result= Yesac_direct_abstract_declarator(l_ac_direct_abstract_declarator_1);
+ 	kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	return kc_result;
+     }
+ }
+ ac_direct_abstract_declarator_option impl_ac_direct_abstract_declarator_option_Noac_direct_abstract_declarator::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     return this;
+ }
+ ac_direct_abstract_declarator impl_ac_direct_abstract_declarator_AcDirAbsdeclFn::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     ac_direct_abstract_declarator_option l_ac_direct_abstract_declarator_option_1 =
+ 	ac_direct_abstract_declarator_option_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     ac_parameter_type_list l_ac_parameter_type_list_1 =
+ 	ac_parameter_type_list_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     if ((l_ac_direct_abstract_declarator_option_1 == ac_direct_abstract_declarator_option_1) &&  (l_ac_parameter_type_list_1 == ac_parameter_type_list_1))
+ 	return this;
+     else {
+ 	impl_ac_direct_abstract_declarator_AcDirAbsdeclFn* kc_result= AcDirAbsdeclFn(l_ac_direct_abstract_declarator_option_1, l_ac_parameter_type_list_1);
+ 	kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	return kc_result;
+     }
+ }
+ ac_direct_abstract_declarator impl_ac_direct_abstract_declarator_AcDirAbsdeclArray::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     ac_direct_abstract_declarator_option l_ac_direct_abstract_declarator_option_1 =
+ 	ac_direct_abstract_declarator_option_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     ac_constant_expression_option l_ac_constant_expression_option_1 =
+ 	ac_constant_expression_option_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     if ((l_ac_direct_abstract_declarator_option_1 == ac_direct_abstract_declarator_option_1) &&  (l_ac_constant_expression_option_1 == ac_constant_expression_option_1))
+ 	return this;
+     else {
+ 	impl_ac_direct_abstract_declarator_AcDirAbsdeclArray* kc_result= AcDirAbsdeclArray(l_ac_direct_abstract_declarator_option_1, l_ac_constant_expression_option_1);
+ 	kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	return kc_result;
+     }
+ }
+ ac_direct_abstract_declarator impl_ac_direct_abstract_declarator_AcDirAbsdeclPack::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     ac_abstract_declarator l_ac_abstract_declarator_1 =
+ 	ac_abstract_declarator_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     if ((l_ac_abstract_declarator_1 == ac_abstract_declarator_1))
+ 	return this;
+     else {
+ 	impl_ac_direct_abstract_declarator_AcDirAbsdeclPack* kc_result= AcDirAbsdeclPack(l_ac_abstract_declarator_1);
+ 	kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	return kc_result;
+     }
+ }
+ ac_constant_expression_option impl_ac_constant_expression_option_Noac_constant_expression::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     return this;
+ }
+ ac_constant_expression_option impl_ac_constant_expression_option_Yesac_constant_expression::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     ac_constant_expression l_ac_constant_expression_1 =
+ 	ac_constant_expression_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     if ((l_ac_constant_expression_1 == ac_constant_expression_1))
+ 	return this;
+     else {
+ 	impl_ac_constant_expression_option_Yesac_constant_expression* kc_result= Yesac_constant_expression(l_ac_constant_expression_1);
+ 	kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	return kc_result;
+     }
+ }
+ ac_constant_expression impl_ac_constant_expression_AcConstExpr::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     Cexpression l_Cexpression_1 =
+ 	Cexpression_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     if ((l_Cexpression_1 == Cexpression_1))
+ 	return this;
+     else {
+ 	impl_ac_constant_expression_AcConstExpr* kc_result= AcConstExpr(l_Cexpression_1);
+ 	kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	return kc_result;
+     }
+ }
+ ac_constant_expression_list impl_ac_constant_expression_list::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     if (is_nil()) {
+ 	return this;
+     } else { // not Nil, Cons
+ 	ac_constant_expression l_ac_constant_expression_1 =
+ 	    ac_constant_expression_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	ac_constant_expression_list l_ac_constant_expression_list_1 =
+ 	    ac_constant_expression_list_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	if ((l_ac_constant_expression_1 == ac_constant_expression_1) &&  (l_ac_constant_expression_list_1 == ac_constant_expression_list_1))
+ 	    return this;
+ 	else {
+ 	    impl_ac_constant_expression_list* kc_result= Consac_constant_expression_list(l_ac_constant_expression_1, l_ac_constant_expression_list_1);
+ 	    kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	    return kc_result;
+ 	}   }
+ }
+ ac_opt_base_init_list impl_ac_opt_base_init_list_AcYesBaseInit::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     ac_base_init_list l_ac_base_init_list_1 =
+ 	ac_base_init_list_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     if ((l_ac_base_init_list_1 == ac_base_init_list_1))
+ 	return this;
+     else {
+ 	impl_ac_opt_base_init_list_AcYesBaseInit* kc_result= AcYesBaseInit(l_ac_base_init_list_1);
+ 	kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	return kc_result;
+     }
+ }
+ ac_opt_base_init_list impl_ac_opt_base_init_list_AcNoBaseInit::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     return this;
+ }
+ ac_base_init_list impl_ac_base_init_list::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     if (is_nil()) {
+ 	return this;
+     } else { // not Nil, Cons
+ 	ac_base_init l_ac_base_init_1 =
+ 	    ac_base_init_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	ac_base_init_list l_ac_base_init_list_1 =
+ 	    ac_base_init_list_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	if ((l_ac_base_init_1 == ac_base_init_1) &&  (l_ac_base_init_list_1 == ac_base_init_list_1))
+ 	    return this;
+ 	else {
+ 	    impl_ac_base_init_list* kc_result= Consac_base_init_list(l_ac_base_init_1, l_ac_base_init_list_1);
+ 	    kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	    return kc_result;
+ 	}   }
+ }
+ ac_base_init impl_ac_base_init_AcBaseInit::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     ID l_ID_1 =
+ 	ID_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     ac_constant_expression l_ac_constant_expression_1 =
+ 	ac_constant_expression_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     if ((l_ID_1 == ID_1) &&  (l_ac_constant_expression_1 == ac_constant_expression_1))
+ 	return this;
+     else {
+ 	impl_ac_base_init_AcBaseInit* kc_result= AcBaseInit(l_ID_1, l_ac_constant_expression_1);
+ 	kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	return kc_result;
+     }
+ }
+ baseclass_declarations impl_baseclass_declarations::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     if (is_nil()) {
+ 	return this;
+     } else { // not Nil, Cons
+ 	baseclass_decl l_baseclass_decl_1 =
+ 	    baseclass_decl_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	baseclass_declarations l_baseclass_declarations_1 =
+ 	    baseclass_declarations_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	if ((l_baseclass_decl_1 == baseclass_decl_1) &&  (l_baseclass_declarations_1 == baseclass_declarations_1))
+ 	    return this;
+ 	else {
+ 	    impl_baseclass_declarations* kc_result= Consbaseclass_declarations(l_baseclass_decl_1, l_baseclass_declarations_1);
+ 	    kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	    return kc_result;
+ 	}   }
+ }
+ baseclass_decl impl_baseclass_decl_BaseClassDecl::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     ID l_ID_1 =
+ 	ID_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     baseclass_list l_baseclass_list_1 =
+ 	baseclass_list_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     if ((l_ID_1 == ID_1) &&  (l_baseclass_list_1 == baseclass_list_1))
+ 	return this;
+     else {
+ 	impl_baseclass_decl_BaseClassDecl* kc_result= BaseClassDecl(l_ID_1, l_baseclass_list_1);
+ 	kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	return kc_result;
+     }
+ }
+ baseclass_list impl_baseclass_list::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     if (is_nil()) {
+ 	return this;
+     } else { // not Nil, Cons
+ 	ID l_ID_1 =
+ 	    ID_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	baseclass_list l_baseclass_list_1 =
+ 	    baseclass_list_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	if ((l_ID_1 == ID_1) &&  (l_baseclass_list_1 == baseclass_list_1))
+ 	    return this;
+ 	else {
+ 	    impl_baseclass_list* kc_result= Consbaseclass_list(l_ID_1, l_baseclass_list_1);
+ 	    kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	    return kc_result;
+ 	}   }
+ }
+ error impl_error_Warning::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     fileline l_fileline_1 =
+ 	fileline_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     problem l_problem_1 =
+ 	problem_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     if ((l_fileline_1 == fileline_1) &&  (l_problem_1 == problem_1))
+ 	return this;
+     else {
+ 	impl_error_Warning* kc_result= Warning(l_fileline_1, l_problem_1);
+ 	kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	return kc_result;
+     }
+ }
+ error impl_error_NonFatal::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     fileline l_fileline_1 =
+ 	fileline_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     problem l_problem_1 =
+ 	problem_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     if ((l_fileline_1 == fileline_1) &&  (l_problem_1 == problem_1))
+ 	return this;
+     else {
+ 	impl_error_NonFatal* kc_result= NonFatal(l_fileline_1, l_problem_1);
+ 	kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	return kc_result;
+     }
+ }
+ error impl_error_Fatal::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     fileline l_fileline_1 =
+ 	fileline_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     problem l_problem_1 =
+ 	problem_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     if ((l_fileline_1 == fileline_1) &&  (l_problem_1 == problem_1))
+ 	return this;
+     else {
+ 	impl_error_Fatal* kc_result= Fatal(l_fileline_1, l_problem_1);
+ 	kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	return kc_result;
+     }
+ }
+ problem impl_problem_Problem6::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     casestring l_casestring_1 =
+ 	casestring_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     casestring l_casestring_2 =
+ 	casestring_2->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     casestring l_casestring_3 =
+ 	casestring_3->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     casestring l_casestring_4 =
+ 	casestring_4->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     casestring l_casestring_5 =
+ 	casestring_5->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     casestring l_casestring_6 =
+ 	casestring_6->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     if ((l_casestring_1 == casestring_1) &&  (l_casestring_2 == casestring_2) &&  (l_casestring_3 == casestring_3) &&  (l_casestring_4 == casestring_4) &&  (l_casestring_5 == casestring_5) &&  (l_casestring_6 == casestring_6))
+ 	return this;
+     else {
+ 	impl_problem_Problem6* kc_result= Problem6(l_casestring_1, l_casestring_2, l_casestring_3, l_casestring_4, l_casestring_5, l_casestring_6);
+ 	kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	return kc_result;
+     }
+ }
+ problem impl_problem_Problem5::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     casestring l_casestring_1 =
+ 	casestring_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     casestring l_casestring_2 =
+ 	casestring_2->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     casestring l_casestring_3 =
+ 	casestring_3->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     casestring l_casestring_4 =
+ 	casestring_4->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     casestring l_casestring_5 =
+ 	casestring_5->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     if ((l_casestring_1 == casestring_1) &&  (l_casestring_2 == casestring_2) &&  (l_casestring_3 == casestring_3) &&  (l_casestring_4 == casestring_4) &&  (l_casestring_5 == casestring_5))
+ 	return this;
+     else {
+ 	impl_problem_Problem5* kc_result= Problem5(l_casestring_1, l_casestring_2, l_casestring_3, l_casestring_4, l_casestring_5);
+ 	kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	return kc_result;
+     }
+ }
+ problem impl_problem_Problem4::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     casestring l_casestring_1 =
+ 	casestring_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     casestring l_casestring_2 =
+ 	casestring_2->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     casestring l_casestring_3 =
+ 	casestring_3->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     casestring l_casestring_4 =
+ 	casestring_4->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     if ((l_casestring_1 == casestring_1) &&  (l_casestring_2 == casestring_2) &&  (l_casestring_3 == casestring_3) &&  (l_casestring_4 == casestring_4))
+ 	return this;
+     else {
+ 	impl_problem_Problem4* kc_result= Problem4(l_casestring_1, l_casestring_2, l_casestring_3, l_casestring_4);
+ 	kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	return kc_result;
+     }
+ }
+ problem impl_problem_Problem3int1::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     casestring l_casestring_1 =
+ 	casestring_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     casestring l_casestring_2 =
+ 	casestring_2->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     casestring l_casestring_3 =
+ 	casestring_3->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     integer l_integer_1 =
+ 	integer_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     casestring l_casestring_4 =
+ 	casestring_4->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     if ((l_casestring_1 == casestring_1) &&  (l_casestring_2 == casestring_2) &&  (l_casestring_3 == casestring_3) &&  (l_integer_1 == integer_1) &&  (l_casestring_4 == casestring_4))
+ 	return this;
+     else {
+ 	impl_problem_Problem3int1* kc_result= Problem3int1(l_casestring_1, l_casestring_2, l_casestring_3, l_integer_1, l_casestring_4);
+ 	kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	return kc_result;
+     }
+ }
+ problem impl_problem_Problem3::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     casestring l_casestring_1 =
+ 	casestring_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     casestring l_casestring_2 =
+ 	casestring_2->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     casestring l_casestring_3 =
+ 	casestring_3->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     if ((l_casestring_1 == casestring_1) &&  (l_casestring_2 == casestring_2) &&  (l_casestring_3 == casestring_3))
+ 	return this;
+     else {
+ 	impl_problem_Problem3* kc_result= Problem3(l_casestring_1, l_casestring_2, l_casestring_3);
+ 	kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	return kc_result;
+     }
+ }
+ problem impl_problem_Problem2::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     casestring l_casestring_1 =
+ 	casestring_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     casestring l_casestring_2 =
+ 	casestring_2->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     if ((l_casestring_1 == casestring_1) &&  (l_casestring_2 == casestring_2))
+ 	return this;
+     else {
+ 	impl_problem_Problem2* kc_result= Problem2(l_casestring_1, l_casestring_2);
+ 	kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	return kc_result;
+     }
+ }
+ problem impl_problem_Problem1storageoption1ID::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     casestring l_casestring_1 =
+ 	casestring_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     storageoption l_storageoption_1 =
+ 	storageoption_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     casestring l_casestring_2 =
+ 	casestring_2->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     ID l_ID_1 =
+ 	ID_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     if ((l_casestring_1 == casestring_1) &&  (l_storageoption_1 == storageoption_1) &&  (l_casestring_2 == casestring_2) &&  (l_ID_1 == ID_1))
+ 	return this;
+     else {
+ 	impl_problem_Problem1storageoption1ID* kc_result= Problem1storageoption1ID(l_casestring_1, l_storageoption_1, l_casestring_2, l_ID_1);
+ 	kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	return kc_result;
+     }
+ }
+ problem impl_problem_Problem1INT1ID1ID::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     casestring l_casestring_1 =
+ 	casestring_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     INT l_INT_1 =
+ 	INT_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     casestring l_casestring_2 =
+ 	casestring_2->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     ID l_ID_1 =
+ 	ID_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     casestring l_casestring_3 =
+ 	casestring_3->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     ID l_ID_2 =
+ 	ID_2->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     if ((l_casestring_1 == casestring_1) &&  (l_INT_1 == INT_1) &&  (l_casestring_2 == casestring_2) &&  (l_ID_1 == ID_1) &&  (l_casestring_3 == casestring_3) &&  (l_ID_2 == ID_2))
+ 	return this;
+     else {
+ 	impl_problem_Problem1INT1ID1ID* kc_result= Problem1INT1ID1ID(l_casestring_1, l_INT_1, l_casestring_2, l_ID_1, l_casestring_3, l_ID_2);
+ 	kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	return kc_result;
+     }
+ }
+ problem impl_problem_Problem1ID1ID1ID::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     casestring l_casestring_1 =
+ 	casestring_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     ID l_ID_1 =
+ 	ID_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     casestring l_casestring_2 =
+ 	casestring_2->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     ID l_ID_2 =
+ 	ID_2->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     casestring l_casestring_3 =
+ 	casestring_3->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     ID l_ID_3 =
+ 	ID_3->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     if ((l_casestring_1 == casestring_1) &&  (l_ID_1 == ID_1) &&  (l_casestring_2 == casestring_2) &&  (l_ID_2 == ID_2) &&  (l_casestring_3 == casestring_3) &&  (l_ID_3 == ID_3))
+ 	return this;
+     else {
+ 	impl_problem_Problem1ID1ID1ID* kc_result= Problem1ID1ID1ID(l_casestring_1, l_ID_1, l_casestring_2, l_ID_2, l_casestring_3, l_ID_3);
+ 	kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	return kc_result;
+     }
+ }
+ problem impl_problem_Problem1INT1ID::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     casestring l_casestring_1 =
+ 	casestring_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     INT l_INT_1 =
+ 	INT_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     casestring l_casestring_2 =
+ 	casestring_2->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     ID l_ID_1 =
+ 	ID_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     if ((l_casestring_1 == casestring_1) &&  (l_INT_1 == INT_1) &&  (l_casestring_2 == casestring_2) &&  (l_ID_1 == ID_1))
+ 	return this;
+     else {
+ 	impl_problem_Problem1INT1ID* kc_result= Problem1INT1ID(l_casestring_1, l_INT_1, l_casestring_2, l_ID_1);
+ 	kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	return kc_result;
+     }
+ }
+ problem impl_problem_Problem1int1::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     casestring l_casestring_1 =
+ 	casestring_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     integer l_integer_1 =
+ 	integer_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     casestring l_casestring_2 =
+ 	casestring_2->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     if ((l_casestring_1 == casestring_1) &&  (l_integer_1 == integer_1) &&  (l_casestring_2 == casestring_2))
+ 	return this;
+     else {
+ 	impl_problem_Problem1int1* kc_result= Problem1int1(l_casestring_1, l_integer_1, l_casestring_2);
+ 	kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	return kc_result;
+     }
+ }
+ problem impl_problem_Problem1INT::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     casestring l_casestring_1 =
+ 	casestring_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     INT l_INT_1 =
+ 	INT_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     if ((l_casestring_1 == casestring_1) &&  (l_INT_1 == INT_1))
+ 	return this;
+     else {
+ 	impl_problem_Problem1INT* kc_result= Problem1INT(l_casestring_1, l_INT_1);
+ 	kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	return kc_result;
+     }
+ }
+ problem impl_problem_Problem1t1ID::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     casestring l_casestring_1 =
+ 	casestring_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     IDtype l_IDtype_1 =
+ 	IDtype_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     casestring l_casestring_2 =
+ 	casestring_2->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     ID l_ID_1 =
+ 	ID_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     if ((l_casestring_1 == casestring_1) &&  (l_IDtype_1 == IDtype_1) &&  (l_casestring_2 == casestring_2) &&  (l_ID_1 == ID_1))
+ 	return this;
+     else {
+ 	impl_problem_Problem1t1ID* kc_result= Problem1t1ID(l_casestring_1, l_IDtype_1, l_casestring_2, l_ID_1);
+ 	kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	return kc_result;
+     }
+ }
+ problem impl_problem_Problem1ID1ID::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     casestring l_casestring_1 =
+ 	casestring_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     ID l_ID_1 =
+ 	ID_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     casestring l_casestring_2 =
+ 	casestring_2->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     ID l_ID_2 =
+ 	ID_2->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     if ((l_casestring_1 == casestring_1) &&  (l_ID_1 == ID_1) &&  (l_casestring_2 == casestring_2) &&  (l_ID_2 == ID_2))
+ 	return this;
+     else {
+ 	impl_problem_Problem1ID1ID* kc_result= Problem1ID1ID(l_casestring_1, l_ID_1, l_casestring_2, l_ID_2);
+ 	kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	return kc_result;
+     }
+ }
+ problem impl_problem_Problem1we::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     casestring l_casestring_1 =
+ 	casestring_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     withexpression l_withexpression_1 =
+ 	withexpression_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     if ((l_casestring_1 == casestring_1) &&  (l_withexpression_1 == withexpression_1))
+ 	return this;
+     else {
+ 	impl_problem_Problem1we* kc_result= Problem1we(l_casestring_1, l_withexpression_1);
+ 	kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	return kc_result;
+     }
+ }
+ problem impl_problem_Problem1tID::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     casestring l_casestring_1 =
+ 	casestring_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     ID l_ID_1 =
+ 	ID_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     if ((l_casestring_1 == casestring_1) &&  (l_ID_1 == ID_1))
+ 	return this;
+     else {
+ 	impl_problem_Problem1tID* kc_result= Problem1tID(l_casestring_1, l_ID_1);
+ 	kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	return kc_result;
+     }
+ }
+ problem impl_problem_Problem1ID::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     casestring l_casestring_1 =
+ 	casestring_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     ID l_ID_1 =
+ 	ID_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     if ((l_casestring_1 == casestring_1) &&  (l_ID_1 == ID_1))
+ 	return this;
+     else {
+ 	impl_problem_Problem1ID* kc_result= Problem1ID(l_casestring_1, l_ID_1);
+ 	kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	return kc_result;
+     }
+ }
+ problem impl_problem_Problem1::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     casestring l_casestring_1 =
+ 	casestring_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     if ((l_casestring_1 == casestring_1))
+ 	return this;
+     else {
+ 	impl_problem_Problem1* kc_result= Problem1(l_casestring_1);
+ 	kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	return kc_result;
+     }
+ }
+ addedphylumdeclarations impl_addedphylumdeclarations::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     if (is_nil()) {
+ 	return this;
+     } else { // not Nil, Cons
+ 	addedphylumdeclaration l_addedphylumdeclaration_1 =
+ 	    addedphylumdeclaration_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	addedphylumdeclarations l_addedphylumdeclarations_1 =
+ 	    addedphylumdeclarations_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	if ((l_addedphylumdeclaration_1 == addedphylumdeclaration_1) &&  (l_addedphylumdeclarations_1 == addedphylumdeclarations_1))
+ 	    return this;
+ 	else {
+ 	    impl_addedphylumdeclarations* kc_result= Consaddedphylumdeclarations(l_addedphylumdeclaration_1, l_addedphylumdeclarations_1);
+ 	    kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	    return kc_result;
+ 	}   }
+ }
+ addedphylumdeclaration impl_addedphylumdeclaration_AddedPhylumdeclaration::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     uniqID l_uniqID_1 =
+ 	uniqID_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     if ((l_uniqID_1 == uniqID_1))
+ 	return this;
+     else {
+ 	impl_addedphylumdeclaration_AddedPhylumdeclaration* kc_result= AddedPhylumdeclaration(l_uniqID_1);
+ 	kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	return kc_result;
+     }
+ }
+ countedphylumdeclarations impl_countedphylumdeclarations::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     if (is_nil()) {
+ 	return this;
+     } else { // not Nil, Cons
+ 	countedphylumdeclaration l_countedphylumdeclaration_1 =
+ 	    countedphylumdeclaration_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	countedphylumdeclarations l_countedphylumdeclarations_1 =
+ 	    countedphylumdeclarations_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	if ((l_countedphylumdeclaration_1 == countedphylumdeclaration_1) &&  (l_countedphylumdeclarations_1 == countedphylumdeclarations_1))
+ 	    return this;
+ 	else {
+ 	    impl_countedphylumdeclarations* kc_result= Conscountedphylumdeclarations(l_countedphylumdeclaration_1, l_countedphylumdeclarations_1);
+ 	    kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	    return kc_result;
+ 	}   }
+ }
+ countedphylumdeclaration impl_countedphylumdeclaration_CountedPhylumdeclaration::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     uniqID l_uniqID_1 =
+ 	uniqID_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     if ((l_uniqID_1 == uniqID_1))
+ 	return this;
+     else {
+ 	impl_countedphylumdeclaration_CountedPhylumdeclaration* kc_result= CountedPhylumdeclaration(l_uniqID_1);
+ 	kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	return kc_result;
+     }
+ }
+ charruns impl_charruns_Stars::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     return this;
+ }
+ charruns impl_charruns_QuotedNewlines::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     return this;
+ }
+ charruns impl_charruns_Newlines::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     return this;
+ }
+ bindingidmarks impl_bindingidmarks::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     if (is_nil()) {
+ 	return this;
+     } else { // not Nil, Cons
+ 	bindingidmark l_bindingidmark_1 =
+ 	    bindingidmark_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	bindingidmarks l_bindingidmarks_1 =
+ 	    bindingidmarks_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	if ((l_bindingidmark_1 == bindingidmark_1) &&  (l_bindingidmarks_1 == bindingidmarks_1))
+ 	    return this;
+ 	else {
+ 	    impl_bindingidmarks* kc_result= Consbindingidmarks(l_bindingidmark_1, l_bindingidmarks_1);
+ 	    kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	    return kc_result;
+ 	}   }
+ }
+ bindingidmark impl_bindingidmark_BindingIdMark::rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     uniqID l_uniqID_1 =
+ 	uniqID_1->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);
+     if ((l_uniqID_1 == uniqID_1))
+ 	return this;
+     else {
+ 	impl_bindingidmark_BindingIdMark* kc_result= BindingIdMark(l_uniqID_1);
+ 	kc_result->rewrite_members(this);
+ 	return kc_result;
+     }
+ }
+ } // namespace kc

Index: llvm/test/Programs/MultiSource/Applications/kimwitu++/rk.h
diff -c /dev/null llvm/test/Programs/MultiSource/Applications/kimwitu++/rk.h:1.1
*** /dev/null	Tue Apr  6 15:25:26 2004
--- llvm/test/Programs/MultiSource/Applications/kimwitu++/rk.h	Tue Apr  6 15:25:13 2004
*** 0 ****
--- 1,84 ----
+ /* translation of file(s)
+ 	"abs.k"
+ 	"main.k"
+ 	"parse.k"
+ 	"error.k"
+ 	"occur.k"
+ 	"util.k"
+ 	"gen.k"
+ 	"gutil.k"
+ 	"pat.k"
+  */
+ /* generated by:
+  *  @(#)$Author: criswell $
+  */
+ namespace kc { }
+ using namespace kc;
+ /* included stuff */
+ //
+ // The Termprocessor Kimwitu++
+ //
+ // Copyright (C) 1991 University of Twente, Dept TIOS.
+ // Copyright (C) 1998-2003 Humboldt-University of Berlin, Institute of Informatics
+ // All rights reserved.
+ //
+ // Kimwitu++ is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ // the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ // (at your option) any later version.
+ //
+ // Kimwitu++ is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ // GNU General Public License for more details.
+ //
+ // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ // along with Kimwitu++; if not, write to the Free Software
+ // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+ //
+ /* end included stuff */
+ namespace kc {
+ typedef enum {
+     base_rview_enum,
+     last_rview
+ } rview_enum;
+ struct impl_rviews {
+     const char *name;
+     rview_class *view;
+ };
+ extern struct impl_rviews rviews[];
+ class rview_class {
+ protected:
+     // only used in derivations
+     rview_class(rview_enum v): m_view(v) { }
+     rview_class(const rview_class&): m_view(base_rview_enum)
+ 	{ /* do not copy m_view */ }
+ public:
+     const char* name() const
+ 	{ return rviews[m_view].name; }
+     operator rview_enum() const
+ 	{ return m_view; }
+     bool operator==(const rview_class& other) const
+ 	{ return m_view == other.m_view; }
+ private:
+     rview_enum m_view;
+ };
+ /* Use rviews instead
+ extern char *kc_rview_names[];
+ */
+ struct base_rview_class: rview_class {
+     base_rview_class():rview_class(base_rview_enum){}
+ };
+ extern base_rview_class base_rview;
+ } // namespace kc

Index: llvm/test/Programs/MultiSource/Applications/kimwitu++/unpk.cc
diff -c /dev/null llvm/test/Programs/MultiSource/Applications/kimwitu++/unpk.cc:1.1
*** /dev/null	Tue Apr  6 15:25:27 2004
--- llvm/test/Programs/MultiSource/Applications/kimwitu++/unpk.cc	Tue Apr  6 15:25:13 2004
*** 0 ****
--- 1,23226 ----
+ /* translation of file(s)
+ 	"abs.k"
+ 	"main.k"
+ 	"parse.k"
+ 	"error.k"
+ 	"occur.k"
+ 	"util.k"
+ 	"gen.k"
+ 	"gutil.k"
+ 	"pat.k"
+  */
+ /* generated by:
+  *  @(#)$Author: criswell $
+  */
+ #define KC_UNPARSE
+ #include <stdio.h>
+ #include <string>
+ #include <stdlib.h>
+ #include "k.h"
+ #include "unpk.h"
+ namespace kc {
+ base_uview_class base_uview;
+ view_filename_class view_filename;
+ view_error_class view_error;
+ view_error_tID_class view_error_tID;
+ view_check_class view_check;
+ view_check_count_class view_check_count;
+ view_check_count1_class view_check_count1;
+ view_check_outmostopers_in_phylum_class view_check_outmostopers_in_phylum;
+ view_set_type_class view_set_type;
+ view_check_is_var_class view_check_is_var;
+ view_gen_initializephyla_c_class view_gen_initializephyla_c;
+ view_check_u_class view_check_u;
+ view_check_r_class view_check_r;
+ view_check_viewnames_class view_check_viewnames;
+ view_check_uniq_class view_check_uniq;
+ view_check_uniq1_class view_check_uniq1;
+ view_check_uniq2_class view_check_uniq2;
+ view_make_patternreps_class view_make_patternreps;
+ view_printer_outputfileline_class view_printer_outputfileline;
+ view_printer_reset_class view_printer_reset;
+ view_no_of_printed_string_chars_reset_class view_no_of_printed_string_chars_reset;
+ view_open_namespace_class view_open_namespace;
+ view_close_namespace_class view_close_namespace;
+ view_gen_k_h_class view_gen_k_h;
+ view_gen_end_k_h_class view_gen_end_k_h;
+ view_gen_k_c_class view_gen_k_c;
+ view_gen_alloc_h_class view_gen_alloc_h;
+ view_gen_alloc_c_class view_gen_alloc_c;
+ view_gen_deprecated_class view_gen_deprecated;
+ view_gen_enumphyla_h_class view_gen_enumphyla_h;
+ view_gen_enumoperators_h_class view_gen_enumoperators_h;
+ view_gen_operatormap_type_h_class view_gen_operatormap_type_h;
+ view_gen_phylummap_c_class view_gen_phylummap_c;
+ view_gen_operatormap_c_class view_gen_operatormap_c;
+ view_count_args_class view_count_args;
+ view_count_attrs_class view_count_attrs;
+ view_count_nonstaticmembers_class view_count_nonstaticmembers;
+ view_gen_operatormap_subphyla_class view_gen_operatormap_subphyla;
+ view_gen_operatormap_attributes_class view_gen_operatormap_attributes;
+ view_gen_uniqmap_c_class view_gen_uniqmap_c;
+ view_gen_uniqmap_c_1_class view_gen_uniqmap_c_1;
+ view_gen_uniqmap_c_2_class view_gen_uniqmap_c_2;
+ view_gen_nodetypedefs_h_class view_gen_nodetypedefs_h;
+ view_gen_nodetypes_h_class view_gen_nodetypes_h;
+ view_gen_yaccstacktype_h_class view_gen_yaccstacktype_h;
+ view_gen_noofoperators_h_class view_gen_noofoperators_h;
+ view_gen_assertmacros_h_class view_gen_assertmacros_h;
+ view_gen_assertmacros_c_class view_gen_assertmacros_c;
+ view_gen_operatordecls_h_class view_gen_operatordecls_h;
+ view_gen_operatorcast_h_class view_gen_operatorcast_h;
+ view_gen_operatordefs_c_class view_gen_operatordefs_c;
+ view_gen_operatordefs_c_0_class view_gen_operatordefs_c_0;
+ view_gen_operatordefs_c_1_class view_gen_operatordefs_c_1;
+ view_gen_operatordefs_c_2_class view_gen_operatordefs_c_2;
+ view_gen_initializephyla_whiletest_c_class view_gen_initializephyla_whiletest_c;
+ view_gen_initializephyla_init_el_c_class view_gen_initializephyla_init_el_c;
+ view_gen_initializephyla_update_loop_c_class view_gen_initializephyla_update_loop_c;
+ view_gen_operatordefs_nonhash_c_class view_gen_operatordefs_nonhash_c;
+ view_gen_operatordefs_hash_c_class view_gen_operatordefs_hash_c;
+ view_gen_access_functions_class view_gen_access_functions;
+ view_gen_create_function_class view_gen_create_function;
+ view_gen_attributeOf_function_class view_gen_attributeOf_function;
+ view_gen_argseqnr_class view_gen_argseqnr;
+ view_gen_fnarg_asserts_class view_gen_fnarg_asserts;
+ view_gen_fnarg_and_decls_class view_gen_fnarg_and_decls;
+ view_gen_fnarg_and_decls_predef_class view_gen_fnarg_and_decls_predef;
+ view_gen_assignments_class view_gen_assignments;
+ view_gen_assignment_inis_class view_gen_assignment_inis;
+ view_gen_user_assignment_inis_class view_gen_user_assignment_inis;
+ view_gen_assignments_predef_class view_gen_assignments_predef;
+ view_gen_assignments_predef_ini_class view_gen_assignments_predef_ini;
+ view_gen_test_class view_gen_test;
+ view_gen_error_decls_h_class view_gen_error_decls_h;
+ view_gen_error_defs_c_class view_gen_error_defs_c;
+ view_gen_printdotdecls_h_class view_gen_printdotdecls_h;
+ view_gen_printdotdefs_c_class view_gen_printdotdefs_c;
+ view_gen_printdotedges_c_class view_gen_printdotedges_c;
+ view_gen_listdecls_h_class view_gen_listdecls_h;
+ view_gen_listdefs_c_class view_gen_listdefs_c;
+ view_gen_includes_class view_gen_includes;
+ view_do_gen_includes_class view_do_gen_includes;
+ view_gen_csgio_start_h_class view_gen_csgio_start_h;
+ view_gen_csgio_end_h_class view_gen_csgio_end_h;
+ view_gen_csgio_h_class view_gen_csgio_h;
+ view_gen_csgio_start_c_class view_gen_csgio_start_c;
+ view_gen_csgio_c_class view_gen_csgio_c;
+ view_gen_copy_attributes_c_class view_gen_copy_attributes_c;
+ view_gen_copydefs_c_class view_gen_copydefs_c;
+ view_gen_rewritek_h_class view_gen_rewritek_h;
+ view_gen_end_rewritek_h_class view_gen_end_rewritek_h;
+ view_gen_rewritek_c_class view_gen_rewritek_c;
+ view_gen_rewritedefs_c_class view_gen_rewritedefs_c;
+ view_gen_rewritedefs_default_c_class view_gen_rewritedefs_default_c;
+ view_gen_rewritedefs_other_c_class view_gen_rewritedefs_other_c;
+ view_gen_rewritedefs_rewritearg_c_class view_gen_rewritedefs_rewritearg_c;
+ view_gen_rewritedefs_nl_arg_c_class view_gen_rewritedefs_nl_arg_c;
+ view_gen_rewritedefs_testarg_c_class view_gen_rewritedefs_testarg_c;
+ view_gen_rewritedefs_dotestarg_c_class view_gen_rewritedefs_dotestarg_c;
+ view_gen_rewritedefs_args_c_class view_gen_rewritedefs_args_c;
+ view_gen_rewritedefs_body_c_class view_gen_rewritedefs_body_c;
+ view_gen_withcases_and_default_class view_gen_withcases_and_default;
+ view_rw_predicates_class view_rw_predicates;
+ view_wc_predicates_class view_wc_predicates;
+ view_unp_predicates_class view_unp_predicates;
+ view_wc_bindings_class view_wc_bindings;
+ view_unp_bindings_class view_unp_bindings;
+ view_rw_bindings_class view_rw_bindings;
+ view_gen_fnk_h_class view_gen_fnk_h;
+ view_gen_fnkdecls_c_class view_gen_fnkdecls_c;
+ view_gen_fnk_c_class view_gen_fnk_c;
+ view_gen_fn_pointer_name_class view_gen_fn_pointer_name;
+ view_gen_fnkargs_class view_gen_fnkargs;
+ view_gen_fnkdecls_class view_gen_fnkdecls;
+ view_gen_fns_start_h_class view_gen_fns_start_h;
+ view_gen_fns_end_h_class view_gen_fns_end_h;
+ view_gen_fns_start_c_class view_gen_fns_start_c;
+ view_gen_fns_owninclude_c_class view_gen_fns_owninclude_c;
+ view_gen_unpk_h_class view_gen_unpk_h;
+ view_gen_unparsedecls_h_class view_gen_unparsedecls_h;
+ view_gen_rewritedecls_h_class view_gen_rewritedecls_h;
+ view_uview_def_class view_uview_def;
+ view_gen_end_unpk_h_class view_gen_end_unpk_h;
+ view_gen_unpk_c_class view_gen_unpk_c;
+ view_gen_default_types_unpk_c_class view_gen_default_types_unpk_c;
+ view_gen_unparsedefs_c_class view_gen_unparsedefs_c;
+ view_gen_unparsedefs_other_c_class view_gen_unparsedefs_other_c;
+ view_gen_unpstr_c_class view_gen_unpstr_c;
+ view_gen_user_predicates_class view_gen_user_predicates;
+ view_predicate_bindings_class view_predicate_bindings;
+ view_checklanguagenames_class view_checklanguagenames;
+ view_output_collection_class view_output_collection;
+ view_gen_classdecls1_h_class view_gen_classdecls1_h;
+ view_gen_classdecls2_h_class view_gen_classdecls2_h;
+ view_gen_classdefs_c_class view_gen_classdefs_c;
+ view_gen_subphylumdefs_c_class view_gen_subphylumdefs_c;
+ view_gen_cast_class view_gen_cast;
+ view_gen_hashtables_h_class view_gen_hashtables_h;
+ view_gen_hashtables_c_class view_gen_hashtables_c;
+ view_gen_yxx_union_h_class view_gen_yxx_union_h;
+ view_gen_member_dcl_h_class view_gen_member_dcl_h;
+ view_gen_set_subphylumdefs_c_class view_gen_set_subphylumdefs_c;
+ view_gen_viewvars_c_class view_gen_viewvars_c;
+ view_gen_argseqnr_rec_class view_gen_argseqnr_rec;
+ view_gen_opt_const_class view_gen_opt_const;
+ view_uview_class_decl_class view_uview_class_decl;
+ view_uview_class_def_class view_uview_class_def;
+ view_rview_class_decl_class view_rview_class_decl;
+ view_rview_class_def_class view_rview_class_def;
+ view_collect_strings_class view_collect_strings;
+ view_class_of_op_class view_class_of_op;
+ view_class_of_phy_class view_class_of_phy;
+ impl_uviews uviews[] = {
+     {"base_uview",&base_uview},
+     {"view_error_format", 0},
+     {"view_filename",&view_filename},
+     {"view_error",&view_error},
+     {"view_error_tID",&view_error_tID},
+     {"view_check",&view_check},
+     {"view_check_count",&view_check_count},
+     {"view_check_count1",&view_check_count1},
+     {"view_check_outmostopers_in_phylum",&view_check_outmostopers_in_phylum},
+     {"view_set_type",&view_set_type},
+     {"view_check_is_var",&view_check_is_var},
+     {"view_gen_initializephyla_c",&view_gen_initializephyla_c},
+     {"view_check_u",&view_check_u},
+     {"view_check_r",&view_check_r},
+     {"view_check_viewnames",&view_check_viewnames},
+     {"view_check_uniq",&view_check_uniq},
+     {"view_check_uniq1",&view_check_uniq1},
+     {"view_check_uniq2",&view_check_uniq2},
+     {"view_make_patternreps",&view_make_patternreps},
+     {"view_printer_outputfileline",&view_printer_outputfileline},
+     {"view_printer_reset",&view_printer_reset},
+     {"view_no_of_printed_string_chars_reset",&view_no_of_printed_string_chars_reset},
+     {"view_open_namespace",&view_open_namespace},
+     {"view_close_namespace",&view_close_namespace},
+     {"view_gen_k_h",&view_gen_k_h},
+     {"view_gen_end_k_h",&view_gen_end_k_h},
+     {"view_gen_k_c",&view_gen_k_c},
+     {"view_gen_alloc_h",&view_gen_alloc_h},
+     {"view_gen_alloc_c",&view_gen_alloc_c},
+     {"view_gen_deprecated",&view_gen_deprecated},
+     {"view_gen_enumphyla_h",&view_gen_enumphyla_h},
+     {"view_gen_enumoperators_h",&view_gen_enumoperators_h},
+     {"view_gen_operatormap_type_h",&view_gen_operatormap_type_h},
+     {"view_gen_phylummap_c",&view_gen_phylummap_c},
+     {"view_gen_operatormap_c",&view_gen_operatormap_c},
+     {"view_count_args",&view_count_args},
+     {"view_count_attrs",&view_count_attrs},
+     {"view_count_nonstaticmembers",&view_count_nonstaticmembers},
+     {"view_gen_operatormap_subphyla",&view_gen_operatormap_subphyla},
+     {"view_gen_operatormap_attributes",&view_gen_operatormap_attributes},
+     {"view_gen_uniqmap_c",&view_gen_uniqmap_c},
+     {"view_gen_uniqmap_c_1",&view_gen_uniqmap_c_1},
+     {"view_gen_uniqmap_c_2",&view_gen_uniqmap_c_2},
+     {"view_gen_nodetypedefs_h",&view_gen_nodetypedefs_h},
+     {"view_gen_nodetypes_h",&view_gen_nodetypes_h},
+     {"view_gen_yaccstacktype_h",&view_gen_yaccstacktype_h},
+     {"view_gen_noofoperators_h",&view_gen_noofoperators_h},
+     {"view_gen_assertmacros_h",&view_gen_assertmacros_h},
+     {"view_gen_assertmacros_c",&view_gen_assertmacros_c},
+     {"view_gen_operatordecls_h",&view_gen_operatordecls_h},
+     {"view_gen_operatorcast_h",&view_gen_operatorcast_h},
+     {"view_gen_operatordefs_c",&view_gen_operatordefs_c},
+     {"view_gen_operatordefs_c_0",&view_gen_operatordefs_c_0},
+     {"view_gen_operatordefs_c_1",&view_gen_operatordefs_c_1},
+     {"view_gen_operatordefs_c_2",&view_gen_operatordefs_c_2},
+     {"view_gen_initializephyla_whiletest_c",&view_gen_initializephyla_whiletest_c},
+     {"view_gen_initializephyla_init_el_c",&view_gen_initializephyla_init_el_c},
+     {"view_gen_initializephyla_update_loop_c",&view_gen_initializephyla_update_loop_c},
+     {"view_gen_operatordefs_nonhash_c",&view_gen_operatordefs_nonhash_c},
+     {"view_gen_operatordefs_hash_c",&view_gen_operatordefs_hash_c},
+     {"view_gen_access_functions",&view_gen_access_functions},
+     {"view_gen_create_function",&view_gen_create_function},
+     {"view_gen_attributeOf_function",&view_gen_attributeOf_function},
+     {"view_gen_argseqnr",&view_gen_argseqnr},
+     {"view_gen_fnarg_asserts",&view_gen_fnarg_asserts},
+     {"view_gen_fnarg_and_decls",&view_gen_fnarg_and_decls},
+     {"view_gen_fnarg_and_decls_predef",&view_gen_fnarg_and_decls_predef},
+     {"view_gen_assignments",&view_gen_assignments},
+     {"view_gen_assignment_inis",&view_gen_assignment_inis},
+     {"view_gen_user_assignment_inis",&view_gen_user_assignment_inis},
+     {"view_gen_assignments_predef",&view_gen_assignments_predef},
+     {"view_gen_assignments_predef_ini",&view_gen_assignments_predef_ini},
+     {"view_gen_test",&view_gen_test},
+     {"view_gen_error_decls_h",&view_gen_error_decls_h},
+     {"view_gen_error_defs_c",&view_gen_error_defs_c},
+     {"view_gen_printdotdecls_h",&view_gen_printdotdecls_h},
+     {"view_gen_printdotdefs_c",&view_gen_printdotdefs_c},
+     {"view_gen_printdotedges_c",&view_gen_printdotedges_c},
+     {"view_gen_listdecls_h",&view_gen_listdecls_h},
+     {"view_gen_listdefs_c",&view_gen_listdefs_c},
+     {"view_gen_includes",&view_gen_includes},
+     {"view_do_gen_includes",&view_do_gen_includes},
+     {"view_gen_csgio_start_h",&view_gen_csgio_start_h},
+     {"view_gen_csgio_end_h",&view_gen_csgio_end_h},
+     {"view_gen_csgio_h",&view_gen_csgio_h},
+     {"view_gen_csgio_start_c",&view_gen_csgio_start_c},
+     {"view_gen_csgio_c",&view_gen_csgio_c},
+     {"view_gen_copy_attributes_c",&view_gen_copy_attributes_c},
+     {"view_gen_copydefs_c",&view_gen_copydefs_c},
+     {"view_gen_rewritek_h",&view_gen_rewritek_h},
+     {"view_gen_end_rewritek_h",&view_gen_end_rewritek_h},
+     {"view_gen_rewritek_c",&view_gen_rewritek_c},
+     {"view_gen_rewritedefs_c",&view_gen_rewritedefs_c},
+     {"view_gen_rewritedefs_default_c",&view_gen_rewritedefs_default_c},
+     {"view_gen_rewritedefs_other_c",&view_gen_rewritedefs_other_c},
+     {"view_gen_rewritedefs_rewritearg_c",&view_gen_rewritedefs_rewritearg_c},
+     {"view_gen_rewritedefs_nl_arg_c",&view_gen_rewritedefs_nl_arg_c},
+     {"view_gen_rewritedefs_testarg_c",&view_gen_rewritedefs_testarg_c},
+     {"view_gen_rewritedefs_dotestarg_c",&view_gen_rewritedefs_dotestarg_c},
+     {"view_gen_rewritedefs_args_c",&view_gen_rewritedefs_args_c},
+     {"view_gen_rewritedefs_body_c",&view_gen_rewritedefs_body_c},
+     {"view_gen_withcases_and_default",&view_gen_withcases_and_default},
+     {"view_rw_predicates",&view_rw_predicates},
+     {"view_wc_predicates",&view_wc_predicates},
+     {"view_unp_predicates",&view_unp_predicates},
+     {"view_wc_bindings",&view_wc_bindings},
+     {"view_unp_bindings",&view_unp_bindings},
+     {"view_rw_bindings",&view_rw_bindings},
+     {"view_gen_fnk_h",&view_gen_fnk_h},
+     {"view_gen_fnkdecls_c",&view_gen_fnkdecls_c},
+     {"view_gen_fnk_c",&view_gen_fnk_c},
+     {"view_gen_fn_pointer_name",&view_gen_fn_pointer_name},
+     {"view_gen_fnkargs",&view_gen_fnkargs},
+     {"view_gen_fnkdecls",&view_gen_fnkdecls},
+     {"view_gen_fns_start_h",&view_gen_fns_start_h},
+     {"view_gen_fns_end_h",&view_gen_fns_end_h},
+     {"view_gen_fns_start_c",&view_gen_fns_start_c},
+     {"view_gen_fns_owninclude_c",&view_gen_fns_owninclude_c},
+     {"view_gen_unpk_h",&view_gen_unpk_h},
+     {"view_gen_unparsedecls_h",&view_gen_unparsedecls_h},
+     {"view_gen_rewritedecls_h",&view_gen_rewritedecls_h},
+     {"view_uview_def",&view_uview_def},
+     {"view_gen_end_unpk_h",&view_gen_end_unpk_h},
+     {"view_gen_unpk_c",&view_gen_unpk_c},
+     {"view_gen_default_types_unpk_c",&view_gen_default_types_unpk_c},
+     {"view_gen_unparsedefs_c",&view_gen_unparsedefs_c},
+     {"view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c", 0},
+     {"view_gen_unparsedefs_other_c",&view_gen_unparsedefs_other_c},
+     {"view_gen_unpstr_c",&view_gen_unpstr_c},
+     {"view_gen_user_predicates",&view_gen_user_predicates},
+     {"view_predicate_bindings",&view_predicate_bindings},
+     {"view_checklanguagenames",&view_checklanguagenames},
+     {"view_output_collection",&view_output_collection},
+     {"view_gen_classdecls1_h",&view_gen_classdecls1_h},
+     {"view_gen_classdecls2_h",&view_gen_classdecls2_h},
+     {"view_gen_classdefs_c",&view_gen_classdefs_c},
+     {"view_gen_subphylumdefs_c",&view_gen_subphylumdefs_c},
+     {"view_gen_cast",&view_gen_cast},
+     {"view_gen_hashtables_h",&view_gen_hashtables_h},
+     {"view_gen_hashtables_c",&view_gen_hashtables_c},
+     {"view_gen_yxx_union_h",&view_gen_yxx_union_h},
+     {"view_gen_member_dcl_h",&view_gen_member_dcl_h},
+     {"view_gen_set_subphylumdefs_c",&view_gen_set_subphylumdefs_c},
+     {"view_gen_viewvars_c",&view_gen_viewvars_c},
+     {"view_gen_argseqnr_rec",&view_gen_argseqnr_rec},
+     {"view_gen_opt_const",&view_gen_opt_const},
+     {"view_uview_class_decl",&view_uview_class_decl},
+     {"view_uview_class_def",&view_uview_class_def},
+     {"view_rview_class_decl",&view_rview_class_decl},
+     {"view_rview_class_def",&view_rview_class_def},
+     {"view_collect_strings",&view_collect_strings},
+     {"view_class_of_op",&view_class_of_op},
+     {"view_class_of_phy",&view_class_of_phy},
+     {0,0}
+ };
+ } // namespace kc
+ namespace kc { }
+ using namespace kc;
+ /* included stuff */
+ //
+ // The Termprocessor Kimwitu++
+ //
+ // Copyright (C) 1991 University of Twente, Dept TIOS.
+ // Copyright (C) 1998-2003 Humboldt-University of Berlin, Institute of Informatics
+ // All rights reserved.
+ //
+ // Kimwitu++ is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ // the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ // (at your option) any later version.
+ //
+ // Kimwitu++ is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ // GNU General Public License for more details.
+ //
+ // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ // along with Kimwitu++; if not, write to the Free Software
+ // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+ //
+ #include "util.h"
+ #include "occur.h"
+ static int cl_scope = 0;
+ #include <stack>
+ static std::stack<operators> outmostoperators;
+ static std::stack<dollarvarstatus> dollarvarsallowed;
+ static std::stack<int> inforeachcontext;
+ static std::stack<arguments> argumentsstack;
+ static std::stack<ID> phylumstack;
+ static std::stack<phylumnames> phylumnamesstack;
+ static std::stack<withexpressions> withexpressionsstack;
+ static std::stack<ID> operatorstack;
+ static std::stack<variables> variablesstack;
+ #include "parse.h"
+ static ID cl_uniqueID = 0;
+ static ID cl_storageID = 0;
+ #include "pat.h"	/* for syn_outmostpatterns and v_resetbindingidmarks */
+ extern unparseitems The_current_unparseitems;
+ #include "defs.h"
+ #define FMOP 38
+ #define FMSZ 3
+ #define FMNCR 8
+ #define FMNCRD 8
+ #define FMEXIST 8
+ #define FMFRNC 8
+ #define FMFRRC 8
+ #define FMFREED 8
+ #define FMREM 8
+ #define FMTOT 9
+ const char* preDefTypeAndName[][2] = { {"", ""}, {"kc_char_t const*", "name"}, {"kc_char_t const*", "name"},
+     {"REAL", "value"}, {"INTEGER", "value"}, {"void*", "pointer"}};
+ #include "gen.h"
+ // Definition of the view class for view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c;
+ // it contains an additional var to indicate whether we are unparsing a list pylum
+ // and another to show whether the user has supplied rules for the base view
+ struct view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c_class :view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c_baseclass
+ {
+     bool isList;
+     bool isOnlyDefault;
+     view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c_class(bool LonL, bool oD):
+     isList(LonL), isOnlyDefault(oD) { }
+ };
+ view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c_class view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c(false, false);
+ // To avoid covariant return types for broken compilers, we want to have three choices:
+ // Use them, don't use them, generate both and decide with preprocessor macros
+ // extended version: typename also in function name
+ void
+ covariant_choice(ID yest, const char* yess1, const char* yess2, const char *no1, const char *no2,
+     printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view)
+ {
+     kc_printer("\n", kc_current_view);
+     if (g_options.covariant == 'p') kc_printer("#ifndef NO_COVARIANT_RETURN\n", kc_current_view);
+     if (g_options.covariant != 'n') {
+ 	yest->unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	kc_printer(yess1, kc_current_view);
+ 	if (yess2!=0) {
+ 	    yest->unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    kc_printer(yess2, kc_current_view);
+ 	}
+     }
+     if (g_options.covariant == 'p') kc_printer("\n#else\n", kc_current_view);
+     if (g_options.covariant != 'y') {
+ 	kc_printer(no1, kc_current_view);
+ 	if (no2!=0) {
+ 	    yest->unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    kc_printer(no2, kc_current_view);
+ 	}
+     }
+     if (g_options.covariant == 'p') kc_printer("\n#endif // NO_COVARIANT_RETURN\n", kc_current_view);
+ }
+ // short version: typename exactly once
+ inline void
+ covariant_choice(ID yest, const char* yess, const char *no, printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view)
+ { covariant_choice(yest, yess, 0, no, 0, kc_printer, kc_current_view); }
+ // This printer functor doesn't print, but instead counts each of
+ // its invocations. Handy to find out whether a future unparsing
+ // will produce any output at all.
+ class count_printer: public printer_functor_class {
+     int count;
+     public:
+     count_printer(): count(0) { }
+     virtual void operator()(const char* s, uview v) { count++;}
+     int operator()() { return count;}
+ };
+ #include "gutil.h"
+ #include <map>
+ #include <string>
+ #include <stack>
+ namespace { // everything here is local to unpk.cc
+     int g_no_of_phyla;
+     int g_no_of_operators;
+     int gl_no_of_args;
+     int gl_generic_counter;
+     bool gl_isnotlist;
+     std::map<string, path> gl_bindings;
+     const int PHYLUMNUMBEROFFSET=0; /* should be >= 0; == the index of the last dummy element */
+     const int OPERATORNUMBEROFFSET=0; /* should be >= 0; == the index of the last dummy element */
+     std::stack<ID> selvarstack;
+ #define cf_pushselvar(o) do { selvarstack.push(o); \
+ 	g_ctext_level++; \
+     } while(0)
+ #define cf_topselvar() selvarstack.top()
+ #define cf_popselvar() do { selvarstack.pop();\
+ 	g_ctext_level--; \
+     } while(0)
+ 	std::stack<ID> dollarvarstack;
+     std::stack<ID> dollarvarextstack;
+     ID gl_phylum = 0;
+     phylumdeclaration gl_phydecl = 0;
+     ID gl_view = 0;
+     ID gl_operator = 0;
+     alternative gl_alternative = 0;
+     Ccode_option gl_cco = 0;
+     storageoption gl_storageoption = 0;
+     bool gl_atomicity;
+     arguments gl_args = 0;
+     ac_identifier_list gl_idents = 0;
+     fndeclarations gl_members = 0;
+     rewriterulesinfo gl_rewrite_rewriteinfo = 0;
+     const char *g_emptystring = "";
+     int g_ctext_level = 0;
+     int g_withexpr_nr = 0;
+     int g_fe_selvar_nr = 0;
+     const char *gl_return_type = "";
+     ID gl_return_ID = 0;
+     int gl_star_count = 0;
+     const char *gl_function = "";
+     ID gl_sto = 0;
+     bool gl_rewrite_goto_used = false;
+     bool gl_unparse_goto_used = false;
+     ID gl_type = 0;
+     int gl_j = 0;
+     bool gl_print_line_directive = false;
+     uview_enum gl_outer_view;
+ }
+ /* end included stuff */
+ namespace kc {
+ #endif
+ void
+ impl_abstract_phylum::unparse(printer_function opf, uview uv)
+ {
+     printer_functor_function_wrapper pf(opf);
+     do_unparse(pf, uv);
+ }
+ // Everything given as a pointer is expected to have an unparse-method (we
+ // believe it's a phylum), unless there's a specialisation for it
+ void
+ unparse(abstract_phylum kc_p, printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view)
+ {
+     kc_p->unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ }
+ void
+ unparse(void *kc_p, printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view)
+ {
+     // MPi: 20020628 there shouldn't be any left
+     assertionFailed("Unparse called for untyped pointer");
+     // MPi: cast should be unnecessary, but there are still void*
+     reinterpret_cast<impl_abstract_phylum*>(kc_p)->unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ }
+ void
+ unparse(int kc_v, printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view)
+ {
+     kc_char kc_string[200];
+     kc_print_integer(kc_string,kc_v);
+     kc_printer(kc_string, kc_current_view);
+ }
+ void
+ unparse(double kc_v, printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view)
+ {
+     kc_char kc_string[200];
+     kc_print_real(kc_string,kc_v);
+     kc_printer(kc_string, kc_current_view);
+ }
+ void
+ unparse(kc_char *kc_v, printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view)
+ {
+     kc_printer(kc_v, kc_current_view);
+ }
+ void
+ unparse(kc_string_t kc_v, printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view)
+ {
+     kc_printer(kc_v.c_str(), kc_current_view);
+ }
+ void
+ impl_abstract_phylum::default_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view)
+ {
+     register int no_sons = operator_info[prod_sel()].no_sons;
+     for (int i=0; i < no_sons; i++)
+     subphylum(i)->unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ }
+ void
+ impl_casestring__Str::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view)
+ {
+     kc::unparse(name, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ }
+ void
+ impl_nocasestring_NoCaseStr::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view)
+ {
+     kc::unparse(name, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ }
+ void
+ impl_integer__Int::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view)
+ {
+     kc::unparse(value, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ }
+ void
+ impl_real__Real::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view)
+ {
+     kc::unparse(value, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ }
+ void
+ impl_voidptr__VoidPtr::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view)
+ {
+     kc::unparse(pointer, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ }
+ void
+ impl_uniqID_Str::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	case view_error_enum: {
+ 	    view_error_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_error_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const casestring cs = this->casestring_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(cs, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 		default_unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view );
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_ID_Id::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	case view_class_of_phy_enum: {
+ 	    view_class_of_phy_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_class_of_phy_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const uniqID pid = this->uniqID_1;
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("impl_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(pid, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_class_of_op_enum: {
+ 	    view_class_of_op_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_class_of_op_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const uniqID oid = this->uniqID_1;
+ 		ID pid=f_phylumofoperator(this);
+ 		if (f_listelementphylum(pid)->eq(f_emptyId())) 
+ 		{
+ 		    kc::unparse(pid, kc_printer, view_class_of_phy);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    kc::unparse(oid, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		}
+ 		else 
+ 		{
+ 		    kc::unparse(pid, kc_printer, view_class_of_phy);
+ 		}
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_output_collection_enum: {
+ 	    view_output_collection_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_output_collection_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const ID id = this/**/;
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("char* kc_language_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, base_uview);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(" [] = {\n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_fn_pointer_name_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_fn_pointer_name_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_fn_pointer_name_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    if ((this->uniqID_1->prod_sel() == sel_Str)) {
+ 		const ID id = this/**/;
+ 		const uniqID uniqId = this->uniqID_1;
+ 		const casestring s = phylum_cast<const impl_uniqID_Str*>(this->uniqID_1)->casestring_1;
+ 		if(f_ispredefinedphylum(id) && strncmp(s->name, "abstract_", 9)!=0) 
+ 		{
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("impl_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    kc::unparse(uniqId, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    UNPARSE(f_operatorofphylum(id, 1)); 
+ 		     }
+ 		else if(f_isphylum(id)) 
+ 		{
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("impl_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    kc::unparse(uniqId, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		}
+ 		else if(f_alternativeofoperator(id)) 
+ 		{
+ 		    UNPARSE(f_phylumofoperator(id)); 
+ 		    	{ kc_printer(kc_t("_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    kc::unparse(uniqId, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		}
+ 		else 
+ 		{
+ 		    kc::unparse(uniqId, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		}
+ 	    } else
+ 		    goto kc_unparsing_default;
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_error_tID_enum: {
+ 	    view_error_tID_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_error_tID_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const uniqID uid = this->uniqID_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(uid->type, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(" "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(uid, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		if (uid->line != 0) 
+ 		{
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t(" (introduced at "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    kc::unparse(uid->file, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t(":"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    kc::unparse(uid->line, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t(")"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		}
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_error_enum: {
+ 	    view_error_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_error_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const uniqID uid = this->uniqID_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(uid, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		if (uid->line != 0) 
+ 		{
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t(" (introduced at "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    kc::unparse(uid->file, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t(":"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    kc::unparse(uid->line, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t(")"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		}
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	default:
+ 	kc_unparsing_default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 		default_unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view );
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_INT_Int::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	case view_error_enum: {
+ 	    view_error_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_error_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const integer i = this->integer_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(i, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 		default_unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view );
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_STRING_String::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 		default_unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view );
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_phylumdeclarationsroot_PhylumDeclarations::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	case view_rview_class_decl_enum: {
+ 	    view_rview_class_decl_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_rview_class_decl_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("\
+ \ntypedef enum {\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(Therviewnames, kc_printer, view_gen_rewritek_h);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("last_rview\
+ \n} rview_enum;\
+ \n\
+ \nstruct impl_rviews {\
+ \n    const char *name;\
+ \n    rview_class *view;\
+ \n};\
+ \nextern struct impl_rviews rviews[];\
+ \nclass "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		if(g_options.dllexports!="") {
+ 		    PRINT(g_options.dllexports.c_str());
+ 		    PRINT(" ");
+ 		} 
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t("rview_class {\
+ \n\rprotected:\v\
+ \n    // only used in derivations\
+ \n    rview_class(rview_enum v): m_view(v) { }\
+ \n    rview_class(const rview_class&): m_view(base_rview_enum)\
+ \n	\v{ /* do not copy"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t(" m_view */ }\r\
+ \n\rpublic:\v\
+ \n    const char* name() const\
+ \n	\v{ return rviews[m_view].name; }\r\
+ \n    operator rview_enum() const\
+ \n	\v{ return m_view; }\r\
+ \n    bool operator==(const rview_cl"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("ass& other) const\
+ \n	\v{ return m_view == other.m_view; }\r\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		if(g_options.rw_loop) 
+ 		{
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("    // Called when the rewrite_loop enters a node (just before the call\
+ \n    //   to do_rewrite and before entering its sons).\
+ \n    // The result of this function is used instead of current in the "), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("rewrite process.\
+ \n    // If skip_current is set to true (default is false), the result is not rewritten\
+ \n    //   any further (neither do_rewrite() nor post_rewrite() are called).\
+ \n    virtual ab"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("stract_phylum pre_rewrite(abstract_phylum current, bool& /* skip_current */)\
+ \n	\v{ return current; }\r\
+ \n    // Called when the rewrite_loop leaves current node (after the call to do_rewrite).\
+ \n  "), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("  // Current is the finally rewritten node.\
+ \n    // The result is used instead of the argument to build the final tree.\
+ \n    // If again is set to true (default is false) the result node is rewritt"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("en again.\
+ \n    virtual abstract_phylum post_rewrite(abstract_phylum current, bool& /* again */)\
+ \n	\v{ return current; }\r\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		}
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("\rprivate:\v\
+ \n    rview_enum m_view;\
+ \n};\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_uview_class_decl_enum: {
+ 	    view_uview_class_decl_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_uview_class_decl_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("\
+ \ntypedef enum {\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(Theuviewnames, kc_printer, view_uview_def);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(" last_uview\
+ \n} uview_enum;\
+ \n\
+ \nstruct impl_uviews {\
+ \n    const char *name;\
+ \n    uview_class *view;\
+ \n};\
+ \nextern impl_uviews uviews[];\
+ \nclass "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		if(g_options.dllexports!="") {
+ 		    PRINT(g_options.dllexports.c_str());
+ 		    PRINT(" ");
+ 		} 
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t("uview_class {\
+ \n\rprotected:\v\
+ \n    // only used in derivations\
+ \n    uview_class(uview_enum v): m_view(v) { }\
+ \n    uview_class(c_uview): m_view(base_uview_enum)\
+ \n	\v{ /* do not copy m_view */ "), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("}\r\
+ \n\rpublic:\v\
+ \n    const char* name() const\
+ \n	\v{ return uviews[m_view].name; }\r\
+ \n    operator uview_enum() const\
+ \n	\v{ return m_view; }\r\
+ \n    bool operator==(const uview_class& other)"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t(" const\
+ \n	\v{ return m_view == other.m_view; }\r\
+ \n\rprivate:\v\
+ \n    uview_enum m_view;\
+ \n};\
+ \n\
+ \nclass "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		if(g_options.dllexports!="") {
+ 		    PRINT(g_options.dllexports.c_str());
+ 		    PRINT(" ");
+ 		} 
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t("printer_functor_class {\
+ \n\rpublic:\v\
+ \n    virtual void operator()(const kc_char_t*, uview) { }\
+ \n    virtual ~printer_functor_class() { }\
+ \n};\
+ \n\
+ \nclass "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		if(g_options.dllexports!="") {
+ 		    PRINT(g_options.dllexports.c_str());
+ 		    PRINT(" ");
+ 		} 
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t("printer_functor_function_wrapper : public printer_functor_class {\
+ \n\rpublic:\v\
+ \n    printer_functor_function_wrapper(const printer_function opf =0): m_old_printer(opf) { }\
+ \n    virtual ~printer_f"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("unctor_function_wrapper() { }\
+ \n    virtual void operator()(const kc_char_t* s, uview v)\
+ \n	\v{ if(m_old_printer) m_old_printer(s, v); }\r\
+ \n\rprivate:\v\
+ \n    printer_function m_old_printer;\
+ \n};"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_yxx_union_h_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_yxx_union_h_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_yxx_union_h_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const phylumdeclarations d = this->phylumdeclarations_1;
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("union {\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(d, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("};\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_hashtables_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_hashtables_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_hashtables_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("\
+ \nextern const char* kc_storageclassnames[];\
+ \n\
+ \n#ifdef KC_STATISTICS\
+ \nvoid do_print_operator_statistics(FILE * kc_f)\
+ \n{\
+ \n    unsigned int kc_i;\
+ \n    assertNonNull( kc_f );\
+ \n    fprintf("), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("kc_f, \"%-*s| %-*s| %-*s| %-*s| %-*s| %-*s| %-*s| %-*s| %-*s| %-*s\\n\", 38 , \"Operator\", 3, \"Sz\", 8, \"#oper\", 8, \"#new\", 8, \"#exist\", 8, \"#frnrec\", 8, \"#frrec\", 8, \"#freed\", 8, \"#rem\""), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t(", 9, \"total (bytes)\");\
+ \n    fprintf(kc_f, \"%-*s|%*s |%*d |%*d |%*d |%*d |%*d |%*d |%*d |%*d\\n\", 38, \"case sensitive strings\", 3, \"-\", 8, operator_statistics[sel__Str].created, 8, operator_st"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("atistics[sel__Str].existing_not_found, 8, operator_statistics[sel__Str].created-operator_statistics[sel__Str].existing_not_found, 8, 0, 8, 0, 8, 0, 8, 0, 9, kc_casestring_strlen);\
+ \n    fprintf(kc_f, "), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("\"%-*s|%*s |%*d |%*d |%*d |%*d |%*d |%*d |%*d |%*d\\n\", 38, \"case insensitive strings\", 3, \"-\", 8, operator_statistics[sel_NoCaseStr].created, 8, operator_statistics[sel_NoCaseStr].existing_not_fo"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("und, 8, operator_statistics[sel_NoCaseStr].created-operator_statistics[sel_NoCaseStr].existing_not_found, 8, 0, 8, 0, 8, 0, 8, 0, 9, kc_nocasestring_strlen);\
+ \n    for (kc_i = one_before_first_operato"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("r+1; kc_i < last_operator; kc_i++) {\
+ \n	fprintf(kc_f, \"%-*s|%*d |%*d |%*d |%*d |%*d |%*d |%*d |%*d |%*d\\n\", 38, operator_info[kc_i].name, 3, operator_info[kc_i].size, 8, operator_statistics[kc_i].c"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("reated, 8, operator_statistics[kc_i].existing_not_found, 8, operator_statistics[kc_i].created-operator_statistics[kc_i].existing_not_found, 8, operator_statistics[kc_i].free_called[false], 8, operator_"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("statistics[kc_i].free_called[true], 8, operator_statistics[kc_i].freed[false]+operator_statistics[kc_i].freed[true], 8, operator_statistics[kc_i].existing_not_found-(operator_statistics[kc_i].freed[fal"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("se]+operator_statistics[kc_i].freed[true]), 9, operator_info[kc_i].size*(operator_statistics[kc_i].existing_not_found-(operator_statistics[kc_i].freed[false]+operator_statistics[kc_i].freed[true])));\
+ \n"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("    }\
+ \n}\
+ \n#endif // KC_STATISTICS\
+ \n\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		if(!g_options.no_hashtables) 
+ 		{
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("\
+ \nvoid\
+ \nht_static(kc_storageclass_t kc_a_storageclass_t)\
+ \n{\
+ \n    hashtables[kc_a_storageclass_t]->ht_static();\
+ \n}\
+ \n\
+ \nvoid\
+ \nht_dynamic(kc_storageclass_t kc_a_storageclass_t)\
+ \n{\
+ \n    "), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("hashtables[kc_a_storageclass_t]->ht_dynamic();\
+ \n}\
+ \n\
+ \nvoid\
+ \nht_inc_level(kc_storageclass_t kc_a_storageclass_t)\
+ \n{\
+ \n    hashtables[kc_a_storageclass_t]->ht_inc_level();\
+ \n}\
+ \n\
+ \nvoid\
+ \nh"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("t_dec_level(kc_storageclass_t kc_a_storageclass_t)\
+ \n{\
+ \n    hashtables[kc_a_storageclass_t]->ht_dec_level();\
+ \n}\
+ \n\
+ \nvoid\
+ \nht_free_level(kc_storageclass_t kc_a_storageclass_t)\
+ \n{\
+ \n    hash"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("tables[kc_a_storageclass_t]->ht_free_level();\
+ \n}\
+ \n\
+ \nhashtable_t\
+ \nht_create_simple()\
+ \n{\
+ \n    hashtable_t kc_ht=new hashtable_struct_t;\
+ \n    kc_ht->set_to_be_freed();\
+ \n    return kc_ht;\
+ \n"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("}\
+ \n\
+ \nhashtable_t\
+ \nht_assign(hashtable_t kc_a_hashtable_t, kc_storageclass_t kc_a_storageclass_t, bool still_unique)\
+ \n{\
+ \n    hashtable_t kc_tmp = hashtables[kc_a_storageclass_t];\
+ \n    hashta"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("bles[kc_a_storageclass_t] = kc_a_hashtable_t;\
+ \n    kc_storageclass_still_uniq[kc_a_storageclass_t] = still_unique;\
+ \n    return kc_tmp;\
+ \n}\
+ \n\
+ \nhashtable_t\
+ \nht_assigned(kc_storageclass_t kc_a_"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("storageclass_t)\
+ \n{\
+ \n    return hashtables[kc_a_storageclass_t];\
+ \n}\
+ \n\
+ \nvoid\
+ \nht_clear(hashtable_t kc_a_hashtable_t)\
+ \n{\
+ \n    kc_a_hashtable_t->ht_clear();\
+ \n}\
+ \n\
+ \nvoid\
+ \nht_delete(ha"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("shtable_t kc_a_hashtable_t)\
+ \n{\
+ \n    if(kc_a_hashtable_t->to_be_freed())\
+ \n	delete kc_a_hashtable_t;\
+ \n}\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		}
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_hashtables_h_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_hashtables_h_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_hashtables_h_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("\
+ \ntypedef struct {\
+ \n    int created;\
+ \n    int existing_not_found;\
+ \n    int free_called[2];\
+ \n    int freed[2];\
+ \n\
+ \n#ifdef KC_STATISTICS\
+ \n# define print_operat"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("or_statistics(kc_f) do_print_operator_statistics(kc_f)\
+ \n  void	do_print_operator_statistics(FILE*);\
+ \n#else\
+ \n# define print_operator_statistics(kc_f)\
+ \n#endif\
+ \n\
+ \ntypedef class hashtable_struc"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("t_t* hashtable_t;\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		if(!g_options.no_hashtables) 
+ 		{
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("void	ht_static (kc_storageclass_t);\
+ \nvoid	ht_dynamic (kc_storageclass_t);\
+ \nvoid	ht_inc_level (kc_storageclass_t);\
+ \nvoid	ht_dec_level (kc_storageclass_t);\
+ \nvoid	ht_free_level (kc_storageclass_t)"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t(";\
+ \nhashtable_t	ht_create_simple ();\
+ \nhashtable_t	ht_assign (hashtable_t, kc_storageclass_t, bool still_unique=false);\
+ \nhashtable_t	ht_assigned (kc_storageclass_t);\
+ \nvoid	ht_clear (hashtable_t);"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("\
+ \nvoid	ht_delete (hashtable_t);\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		}
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_classdecls2_h_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_classdecls2_h_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_classdecls2_h_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const phylumdeclarations pds = this->phylumdeclarations_1;
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("\
+ \n//namespace Phylum {\r\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("\
+ \nclass "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		if(g_options.dllexports!="") {
+ 		    PRINT(g_options.dllexports.c_str());
+ 		    PRINT(" ");
+ 		} 
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t("impl_abstract_phylum"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		{
+ 		    baseclass_list kc_selvar_0_1 = phylum_cast<baseclass_list>(The_abstract_phylum_decl->base_classes);
+ 		    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_Consbaseclass_list)) {
+ 			PRINT("\b :\b ");
+ 			UNPARSE(The_abstract_phylum_decl->base_classes);
+ 		    } else
+ 		    {
+ 		    }
+ 		}
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(" {\
+ \n\rpublic:\v\
+ \n    virtual enum_operators prod_sel() const =0;\
+ \n    static const enum_phyla phylum_sel_;\
+ \n    enum_phyla phylum() const;\
+ \n    const char* phylum_name() const;\
+ \n    const c"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("har* op_name() const;\
+ \n    virtual abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;\
+ \n    virtual void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);\
+ \n    void free(bool recursive=true);\
+ \n    bool eq(c_abstract_phyl"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("um) const;\
+ \n    void print();\
+ \n    void fprint(FILE *);\
+ \n    abstract_phylum copy(bool kc_copy_attributes) const;\n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		if(!g_options.no_unparse) 
+ 		{
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("	void unparse(printer_functor pf, uview uv)\
+ \n	    \v{ do_unparse(pf, uv); }\r\
+ \n        void unparse(printer_function opf, uview uv);\n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		}
+ 		if(!g_options.no_printdot) 
+ 		{
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("\
+ \n	void printdot_add_edge (c_abstract_phylum, int, int*, kc_dotedgenode_t*, const char*) const;\
+ \n	void do_printdot_id (FILE*, bool, c_abstract_phylum, int) const;\
+ \n	void do_printdot (FILE*, bool,"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t(" int*, kc_dotedgenode_t*, const char*, bool, bool, c_abstract_phylum, int) const;\
+ \n\
+ \n	virtual void fprintdot(FILE *,\
+ \n	const char *root_label_prefix, const char *edge_label_prefix, const char *ed"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("ge_attributes,\
+ \n	bool print_node_labels, bool use_context_when_sharing_leaves, bool print_prologue_and_epilogue) const =0;\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		}
+ 		if(!g_options.no_csgio) 
+ 		{
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("	void CSGIOwrite(FILE *) const;\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		}
+ 		if(!g_options.no_rewrite) 
+ 		{
+ 		    if(!g_options.rw_loop) 
+ 		    {
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t("	virtual abstract_phylum rewrite(rview v) { return do_rewrite(v); }\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    }
+ 		    else 
+ 		    {
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t("	abstract_phylum rewrite(rview v) {\
+ \n	    return rewrite_loop(v); }\
+ \n	abstract_phylum rewrite_loop(rview v);\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    }
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("	virtual abstract_phylum do_rewrite(rview) { return this;}\
+ \n	// called if a subphylum of an op is rewritten and a new op is created by default rule\
+ \n	virtual void rewrite_members(abstract_phylum fr"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("om) {} \
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		}
+ 		if(!f_post_create_in_phylumdecl(The_abstract_phylum_decl)) 
+ 		{
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("	virtual void post_create(){}\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		}
+ 		fndeclarations tapam = The_abstract_phylum_decl->additional_members; 
+ 		kc::unparse(tapam, kc_printer, view_gen_member_dcl_h);
+ 		kc::unparse(tapam, kc_printer, view_count_nonstaticmembers);
+ 		if(g_options.smart_pointer) 
+ 		{
+ 		    if(!f_constructors_in_phylumdecl(The_abstract_phylum_decl)) 
+ 		    {
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t("	impl_abstract_phylum()"), kc_current_view); }
+ 			if(gl_no_of_args!=0) 
+ 			{
+ 			    { kc_printer(kc_t(": "), kc_current_view); }
+ 			    kc::unparse(gl_members, kc_printer, view_gen_user_assignment_inis);
+ 			}
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t("\v\
+ \n		{ _ref=0; }\r\
+ \n	    "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    }
+ 		    if(!f_destructors_in_phylumdecl(The_abstract_phylum_decl)) 
+ 		    {
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t("	virtual ~impl_abstract_phylum() {\
+ \n	    if(_ref)\
+ \n		_ref->reset_phylum();\
+ \n	}\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    }
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("	impl_abstract_phylum(const impl_abstract_phylum&) {\
+ \n	    _ref=0;\
+ \n	}\
+ \n	abstract_phylum_ref* get_ref() const {\
+ \n	    return _ref;\
+ \n	}\
+ \n	abstract_phylum_ref* add_ref() {\
+ \n	    if(!_ref)\
+ \n"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("		_ref=new_phylum_ref();\
+ \n	    return _ref;\
+ \n	}\
+ \n	void set_ref(abstract_phylum_ref* r) {\
+ \n	    _ref=r;\
+ \n	}\
+ \n	virtual abstract_phylum_ref* new_phylum_ref()=0;\
+ \n	abstract_phylum return_ptr("), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t(") { if(get_ref()) get_ref()->lock(); return this; }\
+ \n\rprivate:\v\
+ \n	abstract_phylum_ref*_ref;\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		}
+ 		else 
+ 		{
+ 		    if (!f_constructors_in_phylumdecl(The_abstract_phylum_decl) && gl_no_of_args!=0) 
+ 		    {
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t("explicit impl_abstract_phylum()\v\n: "), kc_current_view); }
+ 			kc::unparse(gl_members, kc_printer, view_gen_user_assignment_inis);
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t(" { }\r\n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    }
+ 		    if(!f_destructors_in_phylumdecl(The_abstract_phylum_decl)) 
+ 		    {
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t("	virtual ~impl_abstract_phylum() { }\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    }
+ 		}
+ 		if(!g_options.no_unparse) 
+ 		{
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("\rprivate:\v\
+ \n	virtual void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview) =0;\
+ \n\rprotected:\v\
+ \n	virtual void default_unparse(printer_functor, uview);\n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		}
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("};\n\n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		if(g_options.smart_pointer) 
+ 		{
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("template <>\
+ \nclass phylum_ptr<impl_abstract_phylum> {\
+ \n\rpublic:\v\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    if(g_options.weak_pointer) 
+ 		    {
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t("   phylum_ptr(bool weak=false) { _ref=0; _weak=weak; }\
+ \n    phylum_ptr(impl_abstract_phylum* t,bool weak=false) {\
+ \n	_ref=0; _weak=weak;\
+ \n	if(t) set_ref(t->add_ref());\
+ \n    }\
+ \n    phylum_ptr(c"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("onst phylum_ptr<impl_abstract_phylum>& p, bool weak=false) {\
+ \n	_ref=0; _weak=weak;\
+ \n	set_ref(p.get_ref());\
+ \n    }\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    }
+ 		    else 
+ 		    {
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t("   phylum_ptr() { _ref=0; }\
+ \n    phylum_ptr(impl_abstract_phylum* t) {\
+ \n	_ref=0;\
+ \n	if(t) set_ref(t->add_ref());\
+ \n    }\
+ \n    phylum_ptr(const phylum_ptr<impl_abstract_phylum>& p) {\
+ \n	_ref=0;"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("\
+ \n	set_ref(p.get_ref());\
+ \n    }\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    }
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("\
+ \n    ~phylum_ptr() { set_ref(0); }\
+ \n\
+ \n    template <typename T>\
+ \n    phylum_ptr<impl_abstract_phylum>& operator=(T* t) {\
+ \n	if(t)\
+ \n	    set_ref(t->add_ref());\
+ \n	else\
+ \n	    set_ref(0);\
+ \n"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("	return *this;\
+ \n    }\
+ \n\
+ \n    template <typename T>\
+ \n    phylum_ptr<impl_abstract_phylum>& operator=(const phylum_ptr<T>& p) {\
+ \n	set_ref(p.get_ref());\
+ \n	return *this;\
+ \n    }\
+ \n\
+ \n    imp"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("l_abstract_phylum* get_phylum() const {\
+ \n	return _ref?_ref->get_abstract_phylum():0;\
+ \n    }\
+ \n\
+ \n    operator impl_abstract_phylum*() const { return get_phylum(); }\
+ \n    impl_abstract_phylum* o"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("perator()() const { return get_phylum(); }\
+ \n    impl_abstract_phylum* operator->() const { return get_phylum(); }\
+ \n    operator bool() const { return get_phylum()!=0; }\
+ \n    bool operator!() cons"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("t { return get_phylum()==0; }\
+ \n\
+ \n    abstract_phylum return_ptr() { if(_ref) _ref->lock(); return get_phylum(); }\
+ \n\
+ \n    bool operator==(int null) const { return null?false:(get_phylum()==0); }"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("\
+ \n    template <typename T>\
+ \n    bool operator==(const T* t) const { return get_phylum()==t; }\
+ \n    template <typename T>\
+ \n    bool operator==(const phylum_ptr<T>& t) const { return get_phylum("), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t(")==t.get_phylum(); }\
+ \n\
+ \n    bool operator!=(int null) const { return null?true:(get_phylum()!=0); }\
+ \n    template <typename T>\
+ \n    bool operator!=(const T* t) const { return get_phylum()!=t; }"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("\
+ \n    template <typename T>\
+ \n    bool operator!=(const phylum_ptr<T>& t) const { return get_phylum()!=t.get_phylum(); }\
+ \n\
+ \n    abstract_phylum_ref* get_ref() const { return _ref; }\
+ \n\
+ \n\rpro"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("tected:\v\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    if(g_options.weak_pointer) 
+ 		    {
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t("   void set_ref(abstract_phylum_ref* r) {\
+ \n	if(_ref!=r) {\
+ \n	    if(_weak) {\
+ \n		if(r) r->weak_ref();\
+ \n		if(_ref) _ref->weak_unref();\
+ \n	    }\
+ \n	    else {\
+ \n		if(r) r->ref();\
+ \n		if(_ref) _"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("ref->unref();\
+ \n	    }\
+ \n	    _ref=r;\
+ \n	}\
+ \n    }\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    }
+ 		    else 
+ 		    {
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t("   void set_ref(abstract_phylum_ref* r) {\
+ \n	if(_ref!=r) {\
+ \n	    if(r) r->ref();\
+ \n	    if(_ref) _ref->unref();\
+ \n	    _ref=r;\
+ \n	}\
+ \n    }\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    }
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("\
+ \n\rprivate:\v\
+ \n    abstract_phylum_ref* _ref;\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    if(g_options.weak_pointer) 
+ 		    {
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t("   bool _weak;\n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    }
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("};\n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		}
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("\
+ \nclass "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		if(g_options.dllexports!="") {
+ 		    PRINT(g_options.dllexports.c_str());
+ 		    PRINT(" ");
+ 		} 
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t("impl_abstract_list: "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		{
+ 		    baseclass_list kc_selvar_0_1 = phylum_cast<baseclass_list>(The_abstract_list_decl->base_classes);
+ 		    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_Consbaseclass_list)) {
+ 			UNPARSE(The_abstract_list_decl->base_classes);
+ 		    } else
+ 		    {
+ 			PRINT("public impl_abstract_phylum"); 
+ 		    }
+ 		}
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("{\
+ \n\rprivate:\v\
+ \n    void fprint_list(FILE *);\
+ \n    friend class impl_abstract_phylum;\
+ \n\rprotected:\v\
+ \n    abstract_phylum do_concat(c_abstract_phylum other, enum_operators) const;\
+ \n    ab"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("stract_phylum do_reverse(c_abstract_phylum tail, enum_operators) const;\
+ \n    abstract_phylum do_map(abstract_phylum (*kc_fp)(abstract_phylum), enum_operators);\
+ \n    abstract_phylum do_filter(bool ("), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("*kc_fp)(abstract_phylum), enum_operators);\
+ \n    abstract_list   do_append(abstract_phylum, abstract_list);\
+ \n    abstract_phylum do_merge(abstract_list,abstract_phylum (*kc_fp)(abstract_phylum,abstr"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("act_phylum), enum_operators);\
+ \n    abstract_phylum do_reduce(abstract_phylum neutral, abstract_phylum (*kc_fp)(abstract_phylum,abstract_phylum));\
+ \n\rpublic:\v\n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		tapam = The_abstract_list_decl->additional_members; 
+ 		kc::unparse(tapam, kc_printer, view_count_nonstaticmembers);
+ 		if (!f_constructors_in_phylumdecl(The_abstract_list_decl) && gl_no_of_args!=0) 
+ 		{
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("explicit impl_abstract_list()\v\n: "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    kc::unparse(gl_members, kc_printer, view_gen_user_assignment_inis);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t(" { }\r\n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		}
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("    virtual bool is_nil() const =0;\
+ \n    virtual abstract_list reverse() const =0;\
+ \n    int length() const;\
+ \n    abstract_phylum last() const;\
+ \n    // Non-virtual, non-existing... Type must be "), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("known exactly anyway because\
+ \n    // of the function given as a parameter\
+ \n    //virtual abstract_list map( abstract_phylum (*)( abstract_phylum )) =0;\
+ \n    //virtual abstract_list filter(bool (*"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t(")(abstract_phylum)) =0;\
+ \n    void freelist();\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		if(g_options.smart_pointer) 
+ 		{
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("   impl_abstract_list* return_ptr() { if(get_ref()) get_ref()->lock(); return this; }\n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		}
+ 		The_abstract_list_decl->additional_members->unparse(
+ 		    kc_printer,view_gen_member_dcl_h); 
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t("};\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(pds, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("\
+ \n//} // namespace Phylum\
+ \n\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_classdecls1_h_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_classdecls1_h_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_classdecls1_h_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const phylumdeclarations pds = this->phylumdeclarations_1;
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("\
+ \nclass impl_abstract_phylum;\
+ \ntypedef impl_abstract_phylum * abstract_phylum;\
+ \ntypedef const impl_abstract_phylum * c_abstract_phylum;\
+ \nclass impl_abstract_list;\
+ \ntypedef impl_abstract_list "), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("* abstract_list;\
+ \ntypedef const impl_abstract_list * c_abstract_list;\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		if(g_options.smart_pointer) 
+ 		{
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("\
+ \n// Reference to a phylum (abstract base class)\
+ \nclass abstract_phylum_ref {\
+ \n\rprotected:\v\
+ \n    abstract_phylum_ref() {\
+ \n	_locked=false;\
+ \n	_ref_count=0;\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    if(g_options.weak_pointer) 
+ 		    {
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t("	_weak_ref_count=0;\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    }
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("   }\
+ \n\
+ \n\rpublic:\v\
+ \n    void lock() {\
+ \n	_locked=true;\
+ \n    }\
+ \n    void unlock() {\
+ \n	if(_locked) {\
+ \n	    _locked=false;\
+ \n	    if(_ref_count==0 "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    if(g_options.weak_pointer) 
+ 		    {
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t("&& _weak_ref_count==0"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    }
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t(") {\
+ \n		reset_ref();\
+ \n		reset_phylum();\
+ \n		delete this;\
+ \n	    }\
+ \n	}\
+ \n    }\
+ \n    int get_ref_count() const {\
+ \n	return _ref_count;\
+ \n    }\
+ \n    void ref() {\
+ \n	_locked=false;\
+ \n	++_re"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("f_count;\
+ \n    }\
+ \n    void unref() {\
+ \n	if(_ref_count)\
+ \n	    --_ref_count;\
+ \n	if(_ref_count==0 && !_locked) {\
+ \n	    clear();\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    if(g_options.weak_pointer) 
+ 		    {
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t("	     if(_weak_ref_count==0)\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    }
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("		delete this;\
+ \n	}\
+ \n    }\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    if(g_options.weak_pointer) 
+ 		    {
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t("   int get_weak_ref_count() const {\
+ \n	return _weak_ref_count;\
+ \n    }\
+ \n    void weak_ref()  {\
+ \n	_locked=false;\
+ \n	++_weak_ref_count;\
+ \n    }\
+ \n    void weak_unref() {\
+ \n	if(_weak_ref_count)\
+ \n"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("	    --_weak_ref_count;\
+ \n	if(_weak_ref_count==0 && _ref_count==0 && !_locked) {\
+ \n	    reset_ref();\
+ \n	    delete this;\
+ \n	}\
+ \n    }\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    }
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("\
+ \n    virtual impl_abstract_phylum* get_abstract_phylum() const=0;\
+ \n    virtual void reset_phylum()=0;\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    The_abstract_phylum_ref_decl->additional_members->unparse(
+ 			kc_printer,view_gen_member_dcl_h); 
+ 		    	{ kc_printer(kc_t("\rprotected:\v\
+ \n    virtual void clear()=0;\
+ \n    virtual void reset_ref()=0;\
+ \n\rprivate:\v\
+ \n    int _ref_count;\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    if(g_options.weak_pointer) 
+ 		    {
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t("   int _weak_ref_count;\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    }
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("   bool _locked;\
+ \n};\n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("// Template reference for each phylum\
+ \ntemplate <typename T>\
+ \nclass phylum_ref: public abstract_phylum_ref {\
+ \n\rpublic:\v\
+ \n    phylum_ref(T* t) { _phylum=t; }\
+ \n\
+ \n    T* get_phylum() const {"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t(" return _phylum; }\
+ \n    impl_abstract_phylum* get_abstract_phylum() const { return _phylum; }\
+ \n\
+ \n    phylum_ref<T>& operator=(const T& t) {\
+ \n	abstract_phylum_ref* ref=t.get_ref();\
+ \n	if(ref)\
+ \n"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("	    set_phylum(static_cast<T*>(t.copy(true)));\
+ \n	else\
+ \n	    set_phylum(const_cast<T*>(&t));\
+ \n	return *this;\
+ \n    }\
+ \n    phylum_ref<T>& operator=(const phylum_ref<T>& r) {\
+ \n	T* t=r.get_phyl"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("um();\
+ \n	if(t) return operator=(*t);\
+ \n	set_phylum(0);\
+ \n	return *this;\
+ \n    }\
+ \n\
+ \n    void reset_phylum() { _phylum=0; }\
+ \n    void set_phylum(T* t) {\
+ \n	if(_phylum!=t) {\
+ \n	    _phylum->se"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("t_ref(0);\
+ \n	    _phylum->free();\
+ \n	    _phylum=t;\
+ \n	    if(_phylum)\
+ \n		_phylum->set_ref(this);\
+ \n	}\
+ \n    }\
+ \n\rprotected:\v\
+ \n    void clear() { if(_phylum) { reset_ref(); _phylum->free();"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t(" _phylum=0; } }\
+ \n    void reset_ref() { if(_phylum) _phylum->set_ref(0); }\
+ \n\rprivate:\v\
+ \n    T* _phylum;\
+ \n};\n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("// Smart pointer containing a reference\
+ \ntemplate <typename T>\
+ \nclass phylum_ptr {\
+ \n\rpublic:\v\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    if(g_options.weak_pointer) 
+ 		    {
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t("   phylum_ptr(bool weak=false) { _ref=0; _weak=weak; }\
+ \n    phylum_ptr(T* t,bool weak=false) {\
+ \n	_ref=0; _weak=weak;\
+ \n	if(t) set_ref(static_cast<phylum_ref<T>*>(t->add_ref()));\
+ \n    }\
+ \n    ph"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("ylum_ptr(const phylum_ptr<T>& p, bool weak=false) {\
+ \n	_ref=0; _weak=weak;\
+ \n	set_ref(p.get_ref());\
+ \n    }\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    }
+ 		    else 
+ 		    {
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t("   phylum_ptr() { _ref=0; }\
+ \n    phylum_ptr(T* t) {\
+ \n	_ref=0;\
+ \n	if(t) set_ref(static_cast<phylum_ref<T>*>(t->add_ref()));\
+ \n    }\
+ \n    phylum_ptr(const phylum_ptr<T>& p) {\
+ \n	_ref=0;\
+ \n	set_"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("ref(p.get_ref());\
+ \n    }\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    }
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("   ~phylum_ptr() { set_ref(0); }\
+ \n\
+ \n    phylum_ptr<T>& operator=(T* t) {\
+ \n	if(t)\
+ \n	    set_ref(static_cast<phylum_ref<T>*>(t->add_ref()));\
+ \n	else\
+ \n	    set_ref(0);\
+ \n	return *this;\
+ \n    "), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("}\
+ \n\
+ \n    phylum_ptr<T>& operator=(const phylum_ptr<T>& p) {\
+ \n	set_ref(p.get_ref());\
+ \n	return *this;\
+ \n    }\
+ \n\
+ \n    T* get_phylum() const { return _ref?_ref->get_phylum():0; }\
+ \n\
+ \n    op"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("erator T*() const { return get_phylum(); }\
+ \n    T* operator()() const { return get_phylum(); }\
+ \n    T* operator->() const { return get_phylum(); }\
+ \n    operator bool() const { return get_phylum()"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("!=0; }\
+ \n    bool operator!() const { return get_phylum()==0; }\
+ \n\
+ \n    T* return_ptr() const { if(_ref) _ref->lock(); return get_phylum(); }\
+ \n\
+ \n    bool operator==(int null) const { return nul"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("l?false:(get_phylum()==0); }\
+ \n    bool operator==(const T* t) const { return get_phylum()==t; }\
+ \n    bool operator==(const phylum_ptr<T>& t) const { return get_phylum()==t.get_phylum(); }\
+ \n    bo"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("ol operator!=(int null) const { return null?true:(get_phylum()!=0); }\
+ \n    bool operator!=(const T* t) const { return get_phylum()!=t; }\
+ \n    bool operator!=(const phylum_ptr<T>& t) const { return "), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("get_phylum()!=t.get_phylum(); }\
+ \n\
+ \n    phylum_ref<T>& operator*(){ return *add_ref(); }\
+ \n    const phylum_ref<T>& operator*() const {\
+ \n	return *const_cast<phylum_ptr<T>*>(this)->add_ref();\
+ \n "), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("   }\
+ \n\
+ \n    phylum_ref<T>* get_ref() const { return _ref; }\
+ \n\
+ \n    phylum_ref<T>* add_ref() {\
+ \n	if(!_ref) set_ref(new phylum_ref<T>(0));\
+ \n	return _ref;\
+ \n    }\
+ \n\rprotected:\v\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    if(g_options.weak_pointer) 
+ 		    {
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t("   void set_ref(phylum_ref<T>* r) {\
+ \n	if(_ref!=r) {\
+ \n	    if(_weak) {\
+ \n		if(r) r->weak_ref();\
+ \n		if(_ref) _ref->weak_unref();\
+ \n	    }\
+ \n	    else {\
+ \n		if(r) r->ref();\
+ \n		if(_ref) _ref->u"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("nref();\
+ \n	    }\
+ \n	    _ref=r;\
+ \n	}\
+ \n    }\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    }
+ 		    else 
+ 		    {
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t("   void set_ref(phylum_ref<T>* r) {\
+ \n	if(_ref!=r) {\
+ \n	    if(r) r->ref();\
+ \n	    if(_ref) _ref->unref();\
+ \n	    _ref=r;\
+ \n	}\
+ \n    }\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    }
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("\
+ \n\rprivate:\v\
+ \n    phylum_ref<T>* _ref;\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    if(g_options.weak_pointer) 
+ 		    {
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t("   bool _weak;\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    }
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("};\
+ \ntypedef phylum_ptr<impl_abstract_phylum> abstract_phylum_ptr;\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    if(g_options.weak_pointer) 
+ 		    {
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t("\
+ \ntemplate <typename T>\
+ \nclass weak_phylum_ptr: public phylum_ptr<T> {\
+ \n\rpublic:\v\
+ \n    weak_phylum_ptr(): phylum_ptr<T>(true){}\
+ \n    weak_phylum_ptr(T* t):phylum_ptr<T>(t,true){}\
+ \n    wea"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("k_phylum_ptr(const weak_phylum_ptr<T>& p):phylum_ptr<T>(p,true){}\
+ \n    weak_phylum_ptr(const phylum_ptr<T>& p):phylum_ptr<T>(p,true){}\
+ \n\
+ \n    weak_phylum_ptr<T>& operator=(T* t) {\
+ \n	if(t)\
+ \n	 "), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("   set_ref(static_cast<phylum_ref<T>*>(t->add_ref()));\
+ \n	else\
+ \n	    set_ref(0);\
+ \n	return *this;\
+ \n    }\
+ \n\
+ \n    weak_phylum_ptr<T>& operator=(const phylum_ptr<T>& p) {\
+ \n	set_ref(p.get_ref()"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t(");\
+ \n	return *this;\
+ \n    }\
+ \n};\
+ \ntypedef weak_phylum_ptr<impl_abstract_phylum> weak_abstract_phylum_ptr;\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    }
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("\
+ \ntemplate <typename P, typename T>\
+ \nP phylum_cast(phylum_ptr<T>& t) {\
+ \n    return static_cast<P>(t());\
+ \n}\
+ \ntemplate <typename P, typename T>\
+ \nconst P phylum_cast(const phylum_ptr<T>& t) {\
+ \n"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("    return static_cast<const P>(t());\
+ \n}\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		}
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("\
+ \ntemplate <typename P, typename T>\
+ \nP phylum_cast(T* t) {\
+ \n    return static_cast<P>(t);\
+ \n}\
+ \ntemplate <typename P, typename T>\
+ \nconst P phylum_cast(const T* t) {\
+ \n    return static_cast<"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("const P>(t);\
+ \n}\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(pds, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("\
+ \n\
+ \nvoid kc_invalid_operator( const char *kc_func_prefix, enum_phyla kc_phy, int kc_line,\
+ \n	const char *kc_file, enum_operators kc_oper ) __attribute__ ((noreturn));\
+ \n\
+ \ntypedef enum_phyla *en"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("um_phyla_list;\
+ \n\
+ \n/*\
+ \n * make sure that the first 'real' storage class _always_ gets a value > 0\
+ \n * and kc_not_uniq gets a value == 0\
+ \n * (because then we can use it as a C boolean)\
+ \n */\
+ \n"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("enum kc_storageclass_t {\
+ \n	"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(Thestorageclasses, kc_printer, view_gen_operatormap_type_h);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(",\
+ \nlast_storageclass\
+ \n};\
+ \n\
+ \ntypedef struct {\
+ \n    const char *name;			// name of the phylum\
+ \n    enum_operators first_operator;	// index in operator_info[]\
+ \n    enum_operators last_operat"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("or;	// index in operator_info[]\
+ \n    kc_storageclass_t uniq_stored;	// storage class\
+ \n\
+ \ntypedef struct {\
+ \n    const char *name;			// name of the operator\
+ \n    size_t no_s"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("ons;			// number of sons\
+ \n    bool atomicity;			// atomic type or not\
+ \n    enum_phyla phylum;			// index in phylum_info[]\
+ \n    enum_phyla_list subphylum;		// indexes in phylum_info[]\
+ \n    int n"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("o_attrs;			// number of attributes\
+ \n    enum_phyla_list attribute;		// indexes in phylum_info[]\
+ \n    size_t size;			// size of operator (for statistics)\
+ \n\
+ \ntypedef enum_p"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("hyla_list KC_UNIQ_INFO;\
+ \n\
+ \nextern KC_OPERATOR_INFO operator_info[];\
+ \nextern KC_PHYLUM_INFO phylum_info[];\
+ \nextern KC_UNIQ_INFO kc_UniqInfo[];\
+ \n\
+ \n#define KC_OP_NAME(op) (operator_info[op].na"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("me)\
+ \n#define KC_NO_SONS(prod) (operator_info[prod].no_sons)\
+ \n#define KC_ATOMICITY(prod) (operator_info[prod].atomicity)\
+ \n\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_unparsedefs_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_unparsedefs_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_unparsedefs_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const phylumdeclarations pds = this->phylumdeclarations_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(pds, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_default_types_unpk_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_default_types_unpk_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_default_types_unpk_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("\
+ \n#ifndef KC_TRACE_PROVIDED\
+ \n#endif\
+ \n\
+ \nvoid\
+ \nimpl_abstract_phylum::unparse(printer_function opf, uview uv)\
+ \n{\
+ \n    printer_functor_f"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("unction_wrapper pf(opf);\
+ \n    do_unparse(pf, uv);\
+ \n}\
+ \n\
+ \n// Everything given as a pointer is expected to have an unparse-method (we\
+ \n// believe it's a phylum), unless there's a specialisation "), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("for it\
+ \n\
+ \nvoid\
+ \nunparse(abstract_phylum kc_p, printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view)\
+ \n{\
+ \n    kc_p->unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view);\
+ \n}\
+ \n\
+ \nvoid\
+ \nunparse(void *kc_p, pr"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("inter_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view)\
+ \n{\
+ \n    // MPi: 20020628 there shouldn't be any left\
+ \n    assertionFailed(\"Unparse called for untyped pointer\");\
+ \n    // MPi: cast should be u"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("nnecessary, but there are still void*\
+ \n    reinterpret_cast<impl_abstract_phylum*>(kc_p)->unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view);\
+ \n}\
+ \n\
+ \nvoid\
+ \nunparse(int kc_v, printer_functor kc_printer, uview"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t(" kc_current_view)\
+ \n{\
+ \n    kc_char_t kc_string[200];\
+ \n    kc_print_integer(kc_string, kc_v);\
+ \n    kc_printer(kc_string, kc_current_view);\
+ \n}\
+ \n\
+ \nvoid\
+ \nunparse(double kc_v, printer_functor"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t(" kc_printer, uview kc_current_view)\
+ \n{\
+ \n    kc_char_t kc_string[200];\
+ \n    kc_print_real(kc_string, kc_v);\
+ \n    kc_printer(kc_string, kc_current_view);\
+ \n}\
+ \n\
+ \nvoid\
+ \nunparse(kc_char_t *kc"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("_v, printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view)\
+ \n{\
+ \n    kc_printer(kc_v, kc_current_view);\
+ \n}\
+ \n\
+ \nvoid\
+ \nunparse(kc_string_t kc_v, printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view)\
+ \n"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("{\
+ \n    kc_printer(kc_v.c_str(), kc_current_view);\
+ \n}\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(g_emptystring, kc_printer, view_printer_outputfileline);
+ 		assertReason(!g_options.no_unparse, "shouldn't create unpk.cc when not even generating unparse stuff");  
+ 		 if (!g_options.no_unparse) 
+ 		{
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("void\
+ \nimpl_abstract_phylum::default_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view)\
+ \n{\
+ \n    register int no_sons = operator_info[prod_sel()].no_sons;\
+ \n    for (int i=0; i < no_sons; "), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("i++)\
+ \n	subphylum(i)->unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view);\
+ \n}\
+ \n\
+ \nvoid\
+ \nimpl_casestring__Str::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view)\
+ \n{\
+ \n    kc::unparse(name, kc_pri"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("nter, kc_current_view);\
+ \n}\
+ \n\
+ \nvoid\
+ \nimpl_nocasestring_NoCaseStr::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view)\
+ \n{\
+ \n    kc::unparse(name, kc_printer, kc_current_view);\
+ \n}\
+ \n"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("\
+ \nvoid\
+ \nimpl_integer__Int::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view)\
+ \n{\
+ \n    kc::unparse(value, kc_printer, kc_current_view);\
+ \n}\
+ \n\
+ \nvoid\
+ \nimpl_real__Real::do_unparse"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view)\
+ \n{\
+ \n    kc::unparse(value, kc_printer, kc_current_view);\
+ \n}\
+ \n\
+ \nvoid\
+ \nimpl_voidptr__VoidPtr::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview "), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("kc_current_view)\
+ \n{\
+ \n    kc::unparse(pointer, kc_printer, kc_current_view);\
+ \n}\
+ \n\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		}
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_unpk_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_unpk_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_unpk_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("/* translation of file(s)\n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(Thefnfiles, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(" */\
+ \n/* generated by:\
+ \n *  "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(kimwitu_copyright, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("\
+ \n */\
+ \n#define KC_UNPARSE\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		if(g_options.stdafx!="") {
+ 		    PRINT("#include \"");
+ 		    PRINT(g_options.stdafx.c_str());
+ 		    PRINT("\"\n");
+ 		}	
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t("\
+ \n#include <stdio.h>\
+ \n#include <string>\
+ \n#include <stdlib.h>\
+ \n#include \""), kc_current_view); }
+ 		PRINT(g_options.prefix.c_str()); 
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t("k.h\"\
+ \n#include \""), kc_current_view); }
+ 		PRINT(g_options.prefix.c_str()); 
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t("unpk.h\"\
+ \n\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(this, kc_printer, view_open_namespace);
+ 		kc::unparse(Theuviewnames, kc_printer, view_gen_viewvars_c);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("\
+ \nimpl_uviews uviews[] = {\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(Theuviewnames, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("	{0,0}\
+ \n};\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		if(pg_languageshavebeendefined) 
+ 		{
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("\n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("#ifndef LANG_TEXT\n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("#define LANG_TEXT(i) kc_language[i]\n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("#endif\n\n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		}
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_end_unpk_h_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_end_unpk_h_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_end_unpk_h_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("#endif // KC_UNPARSE_HEADER\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_rewritedecls_h_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_rewritedecls_h_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_rewritedecls_h_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const phylumdeclarations pds = this->phylumdeclarations_1;
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("\
+ \n/* Use rviews instead\
+ \nextern char *kc_rview_names[];\
+ \n*/\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(Therviewnames, kc_printer, view_rview_class_def);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_unparsedecls_h_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_unparsedecls_h_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_unparsedecls_h_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const phylumdeclarations pds = this->phylumdeclarations_1;
+ 		if(pg_languageshavebeendefined) 
+ 		{
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("\n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("#ifndef is_language\n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("#define is_language(L) kc_language==kc_language_##L\n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("#endif\n\n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("#ifndef set_language\n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("#define set_language(L) kc_language=kc_language_##L\n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("#endif\n\n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("extern char** kc_language;\n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    kc::unparse(Thelanguages, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		}
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("\
+ \n/* Use uviews instead\
+ \nextern char *kc_view_names[];\
+ \n*/\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(Theuviewnames, kc_printer, view_uview_class_def);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("\
+ \nvoid unparse(abstract_phylum kc_p, printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view);\
+ \nvoid unparse(void *kc_p, printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view);\
+ \nvoid unparse(int kc_v, prin"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("ter_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view);\
+ \nvoid unparse(double kc_v, printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view);\
+ \nvoid unparse(kc_char_t *kc_v, printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_cu"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("rrent_view);\
+ \nvoid unparse(kc_string_t kc_v, printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view);\
+ \n#define PRINT(string) kc_printer(string,kc_current_view)\
+ \n#define UNPARSE(node) node->unparse(kc_"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("printer,kc_current_view)\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_unpk_h_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_unpk_h_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_unpk_h_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("/* translation of file(s)\n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(Thefnfiles, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(" */\
+ \n/* generated by:\
+ \n *  "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(kimwitu_copyright, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("\
+ \n */\
+ \n#ifndef KC_UNPARSE_HEADER\
+ \n#define KC_UNPARSE_HEADER\
+ \n\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_fns_owninclude_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_fns_owninclude_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_fns_owninclude_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("#include \""), kc_current_view); }
+ 		PRINT(g_options.hfilename.c_str()); 
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t("\"\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_fns_start_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_fns_start_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_fns_start_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		char *printablefilename = f_make_identifier_basename( g_options.ccfilename.c_str() ); 
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t("/* translation of file \""), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(pg_filename, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("\" */\
+ \n/* generated by:\
+ \n *  "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(kimwitu_copyright, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("\
+ \n */\
+ \n#define KC_FUNCTIONS_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(printablefilename, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		if(g_options.stdafx!="") {
+ 		    PRINT("#include \"");
+ 		    PRINT(g_options.stdafx.c_str());
+ 		    PRINT("\"\n");
+ 		}	
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t("\
+ \n#include <stdlib.h>\
+ \n#include \""), kc_current_view); }
+ 		PRINT(g_options.prefix.c_str()); 
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t("k.h\"\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		delete[] printablefilename; 
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_fns_end_h_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_fns_end_h_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_fns_end_h_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		char *printablefilename = f_make_identifier_basename( g_options.hfilename.c_str() ); 
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t("\
+ \n#endif // !  KC_FUNCTIONS_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(printablefilename, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("_HEADER\
+ \n\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		delete[] printablefilename; 
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_fns_start_h_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_fns_start_h_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_fns_start_h_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		char *printablefilename = f_make_identifier_basename( g_options.hfilename.c_str() ); 
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t("/* translation of file \""), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(pg_filename, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("\" */\
+ \n/* generated by:\
+ \n *  "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(kimwitu_copyright, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("\
+ \n */\
+ \n#ifndef KC_FUNCTIONS_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(printablefilename, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("_HEADER\
+ \n#define KC_FUNCTIONS_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(printablefilename, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("_HEADER\
+ \n#include \""), kc_current_view); }
+ 		PRINT(g_options.prefix.c_str()); 
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t("k.h\"    // in case a user forgets\
+ \n\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		delete[] printablefilename; 
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_rewritedefs_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_rewritedefs_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_rewritedefs_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const phylumdeclarations pds = this->phylumdeclarations_1;
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("\
+ \n#ifndef KC_TRACE_PROVIDED\
+ \n#endif\
+ \n#endif\
+ \n#ifn"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("def KC_TRACE_REWRITE_RESULT\
+ \n#endif\
+ \n	"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(pds, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_rewritek_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_rewritek_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_rewritek_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("/* translation of file(s)\n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(Thefnfiles, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(" */\
+ \n/* generated by:\
+ \n *  "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(kimwitu_copyright, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("\
+ \n */\
+ \n#define KC_REWRITE\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		if(g_options.stdafx!="") {
+ 		    PRINT("#include \"");
+ 		    PRINT(g_options.stdafx.c_str());
+ 		    PRINT("\"\n");
+ 		}   
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t("\
+ \n#include <stdio.h>\
+ \n#include <sys/types.h>\
+ \n#include <stdlib.h>\
+ \n#include \""), kc_current_view); }
+ 		PRINT(g_options.prefix.c_str()); 
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t("k.h\"\
+ \n#include \""), kc_current_view); }
+ 		PRINT(g_options.prefix.c_str()); 
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t("rk.h\"\
+ \n\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		if(g_options.rw_loop) 
+ 		{
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("#include <deque>\
+ \n#include <stack>\
+ \n#include <vector>\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		}
+ 		kc::unparse(this, kc_printer, view_open_namespace);
+ 		kc::unparse(Therviewnames, kc_printer, view_gen_viewvars_c);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("\
+ \nimpl_rviews rviews[] = {\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(Therviewnames, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("	{0,0}\
+ \n};\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		if(g_options.rw_loop) 
+ 		{
+ 		    string how_smart = "";
+ 		    if(g_options.smart_pointer) how_smart="_ptr"; 
+ 		    	{ kc_printer(kc_t("\
+ \n\
+ \nstatic inline int\
+ \nkc_sons(abstract_phylum ph) {\
+ \n    return KC_NO_SONS(ph->prod_sel());\
+ \n}\
+ \n\
+ \nstatic abstract_phylum\
+ \nkc_create_op(enum_operators kc_op, std::vector<abstract_phylum"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    kc::unparse(how_smart, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t(">& sons, size_t no_of_sons) {\
+ \n    size_t son_offset = sons.size()-no_of_sons;\
+ \n    switch(no_of_sons) {\n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    kc::unparse(Theargsnumbers, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("   default:\v\
+ \n	assertionFailed(\"unexpected number of sub-phyla\");\r\
+ \n    }\r\
+ \n}\
+ \n\
+ \nstatic void\
+ \ninitialize_sons_stack(abstract_phylum"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    kc::unparse(how_smart, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("& kc_p, bool& skip,\
+ \n	std::stack<abstract_phylum"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    kc::unparse(how_smart, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t(">& node_stack, std::stack<int>& sons_todo,\
+ \n	rview kc_current_view_base)\
+ \n{\
+ \n    // Initialize stack for depth first rewrite\
+ \n    assertCond(kc_p);\
+ \n    size_t no_of_sons=kc_sons(kc_p);\
+ \n "), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("   while(!skip && (no_of_sons>0)) {\
+ \n	sons_todo.push(no_of_sons);\
+ \n	abstract_phylum parent = kc_p;\
+ \n	for(int i = no_of_sons-1; i>=0; --i) {\
+ \n	    node_stack.push(kc_p);\
+ \n	    kc_p = parent->s"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("ubphylum(i);\
+ \n	}\
+ \n	kc_p = kc_current_view_base.pre_rewrite(kc_p, skip);\
+ \n	assertCond(kc_p);\
+ \n	no_of_sons = kc_sons(kc_p);\
+ \n    }\
+ \n    // The deepest first son is now in kc_p.\
+ \n    // On t"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("he node_stack are the siblings and then the parent.\
+ \n}\
+ \n\
+ \nstatic bool\
+ \nsons_changed(abstract_phylum"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    kc::unparse(how_smart, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t(" current_son, const std::vector<abstract_phylum"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    kc::unparse(how_smart, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t(">& sons_done, size_t no_of_sons)\
+ \n{\
+ \n    bool changed = false;\
+ \n    for(int i=no_of_sons-1; i>=0; --i) {\
+ \n	if(sons_done[sons_done.size()-no_of_sons+i] != current_son->subphylum(i)) {\
+ \n	    ch"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("anged=true;\
+ \n	    break;\
+ \n	}\
+ \n    }\
+ \n    return changed;\
+ \n}\
+ \n\
+ \nabstract_phylum impl_abstract_phylum::rewrite_loop(rview kc_current_view_base) {\
+ \n    std::stack<abstract_phylum"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    kc::unparse(how_smart, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("> node_stack;\
+ \n    std::stack<int> sons_todo;\
+ \n    std::vector<abstract_phylum"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    kc::unparse(how_smart, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("> sons_done;\
+ \n\
+ \n    abstract_phylum"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    kc::unparse(how_smart, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t(" current_son=this;\
+ \n\
+ \n    do {\
+ \n	bool skip=false;\
+ \n	current_son = kc_current_view_base.pre_rewrite(current_son, skip);\
+ \n	initialize_sons_stack(current_son, skip, node_stack, sons_todo, kc_cur"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("rent_view_base);\
+ \n	\
+ \n	bool changed=true;\
+ \n	do {\
+ \n	    assertCond(current_son);\
+ \n\
+ \n	    abstract_phylum"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    kc::unparse(how_smart, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t(" res=current_son;\
+ \n	    if(!skip)\
+ \n		res=current_son->do_rewrite(kc_current_view_base);\
+ \n\
+ \n	    assertCond(res);\
+ \n	    changed=true;\
+ \n\
+ \n	    if(res==current_son) { // nothing has been cha"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("nged, current_son is completely rewritten\
+ \n		if(!skip) { // call post_rewrite if this node is not skipped\
+ \n		    bool again=false;\
+ \n		    current_son=kc_current_view_base.post_rewrite(current_son"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t(", again);\
+ \n		    assertCond(current_son);\
+ \n		    if(again)\
+ \n			\vbreak;\r // starts the whole rewrite_loop for the post_rewritten node again\
+ \n		}\
+ \n		else\
+ \n		    skip=false;\
+ \n\
+ \n		sons_do"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("ne.push_back(current_son); // move this son to sons_done\
+ \n\
+ \n		if(!node_stack.empty()) { // else all is done\
+ \n		    assertCond(!sons_todo.empty());\
+ \n		    assertCond(sons_todo.top()>0);\
+ \n		   "), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t(" --sons_todo.top(); // one less to todo\
+ \n\
+ \n		    if(sons_todo.top()==0) { // all sons done\
+ \n			sons_todo.pop(); // forget it\
+ \n\
+ \n			current_son=node_stack.top(); // the parent of the original "), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("last done sons\
+ \n			node_stack.pop();\
+ \n			// the last (rewritten) son of this parent is\
+ \n			// on top of sons_done (sons_done[sons_done.size()-1])\
+ \n\
+ \n			size_t no_of_sons=kc_sons(current_son);"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("\
+ \n			assertCond(sons_done.size() >= no_of_sons);\
+ \n			changed = sons_changed(current_son, sons_done, no_of_sons);\
+ \n			if(changed) {	// some sons are different ->\
+ \n					\v\v// create a new operat"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("or and make it the current\
+ \n			    \r\rabstract_phylum"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    kc::unparse(how_smart, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t(" new_son =\
+ \n				\vkc_create_op(current_son->prod_sel(), sons_done, no_of_sons);\r\
+ \n			    new_son->rewrite_members(current_son);\
+ \n			    current_son = new_son;\
+ \n			    // the sons do not need t"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("o be rewritten again\
+ \n			    changed=false;\
+ \n			}\
+ \n			// The current node must still be rewritten,\
+ \n			// but not its sons anymore (changed == false).\
+ \n			// Those sons are in the current nod"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("e, so no-one needs\
+ \n			// them anymore and they are popped off the stack.\
+ \n			sons_done.resize(sons_done.size() - no_of_sons);\
+ \n		    }\
+ \n		    else { // make the complete loop with the next son"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t(" (changed == true)\
+ \n			current_son = node_stack.top();\
+ \n			node_stack.pop();\
+ \n		    }\
+ \n		}\
+ \n		else {\
+ \n		    current_son = 0; // terminates the loop\
+ \n		}\
+ \n	    }\
+ \n	    else // somethin"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("g has been changed -> start rewrite with the changed node again\
+ \n		current_son=res;\
+ \n	} while(!changed);\
+ \n    } while(current_son);\
+ \n\
+ \n    assertCond(sons_todo.size()==0);\
+ \n    assertCond(s"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("ons_done.size()==1);\
+ \n    return sons_done[0]"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    if(g_options.smart_pointer) 
+ 		    {
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t(".return_ptr()"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    }
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("; // done.top()\
+ \n}\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		}
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_end_rewritek_h_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_end_rewritek_h_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_end_rewritek_h_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("#endif // KC_REWRITE_HEADER\n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_rewritek_h_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_rewritek_h_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_rewritek_h_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("/* translation of file(s)\n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(Thefnfiles, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(" */\
+ \n/* generated by:\
+ \n *  "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(kimwitu_copyright, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("\
+ \n */\
+ \n#ifndef KC_REWRITE_HEADER\
+ \n#define KC_REWRITE_HEADER\
+ \n\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_copydefs_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_copydefs_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_copydefs_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const phylumdeclarations pds = this->phylumdeclarations_1;
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("abstract_phylum\
+ \nimpl_abstract_phylum::copy(bool kc_copy_attributes) const\
+ \n{\
+ \n    enum_phyla kc_phy = phylum(); // XXX - implement special cases in subclasses - MvL\
+ \n    KC_OPERATOR_INFO *kc_o"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("p_info = &operator_info[prod_sel()];\
+ \n    kc_storageclass_t kc_st = phylum_info[kc_op_info->phylum].uniq_stored;\
+ \n    if (kc_st && kc_storageclass_still_uniq[kc_st])\
+ \n	return const_cast<abstract_"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("phylum>(this);\
+ \n    abstract_phylum kc_answer=0;\
+ \n    if (kc_phy == phylum_casestring) {\
+ \n	kc_answer=mkcasestring((dynamic_cast<c_casestring>(this))->name);\
+ \n    } else if (kc_phy == phylum_noc"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("asestring) {\
+ \n	kc_answer=mknocasestring((dynamic_cast<c_nocasestring>(this))->name);\
+ \n    } else if (kc_phy == phylum_voidptr) {\
+ \n	kc_answer=mkvoidptr((dynamic_cast<c_voidptr>(this))->pointer);\
+ \n"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("    } else if (kc_phy == phylum_integer) {\
+ \n	kc_answer=mkinteger((dynamic_cast<c_integer>(this))->value);\
+ \n    } else if (kc_phy == phylum_real) {\
+ \n	kc_answer=mkreal((dynamic_cast<c_real>(this))-"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t(">value);\
+ \n    } else {\
+ \n	abstract_phylum kc_subtmp["), kc_current_view); }
+ 		int i = Theargsnumbers->last()->value; if (i<=0) i = 1; 
+ 		kc::unparse(i, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("], child;\
+ \n	for (int kc_i = 0; (child = subphylum(kc_i)); kc_i++) {\
+ \n	    kc_subtmp[kc_i] = child->copy(kc_copy_attributes);\
+ \n	}\
+ \n	switch(kc_op_info->no_sons) {\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(Theargsnumbers, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("	default: assertionFailed(\"unexpected number of sub-phyla\");\
+ \n	}\
+ \n    }\
+ \n    if (kc_copy_attributes)\
+ \n	copy_attributes(kc_phy, this, kc_answer);\
+ \n    return kc_answer;\
+ \n}\
+ \n\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_copy_attributes_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_copy_attributes_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_copy_attributes_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const phylumdeclarations pds = this->phylumdeclarations_1;
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("\
+ \nvoid\
+ \ncopy_attributes(enum_phyla copyPhy, c_abstract_phylum kc_p1, abstract_phylum kc_p2)\
+ \n{\
+ \n    switch(copyPhy) {\r\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(pds, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("   case one_before_first_phylum: // just to avoid a warning about missing case if empty\
+ \n    default:\
+ \n	\vbreak; // it's alright, no attributes to copy\r\
+ \n    }\
+ \n    enum_operators copyOp=kc_p1"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("->prod_sel();\
+ \n    for (int i=operator_info[copyOp].no_attrs-1; i>=0; --i)\v\
+ \n	attributeOf(kc_p2, i)=attributeOf(const_cast<abstract_phylum>(kc_p1), i);\r\
+ \n}\
+ \n\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_csgio_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_csgio_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_csgio_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const phylumdeclarations pds = this->phylumdeclarations_1;
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("\
+ \n\
+ \nnamespace { // all local to this file\
+ \n\r\
+ \n/* macro that does the string concatenation */\
+ \n#define kc_str_conc2(a,b) strcat(strcpy(new char[strlen(a) + strlen(b) +1], a), b)\
+ \n\
+ \n/* fun"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("ction that reads the integers */\
+ \ninline void\
+ \nkc_do_get_int(int &c, int c_init, int &i, FILE *f)\
+ \n{\
+ \n    c = c_init;\
+ \n    i = 0;\
+ \n    while (isdigit(c)){\
+ \n	i = (i*10) + (c-'0');\
+ \n	c = "), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("getc(f);\
+ \n    }\
+ \n}\
+ \n\
+ \nchar *kc_malloc_area = 0;\
+ \nsize_t kc_sizeof_malloc_area = 0;\
+ \nint kc_node_count;\
+ \nint kc_node_count_base;\
+ \n\
+ \nchar*\
+ \nkc_grow_malloc_area(size_t kc_s)\
+ \n{\
+ \n  "), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("  delete kc_malloc_area;\
+ \n    kc_malloc_area = new char[kc_s];\
+ \n    kc_sizeof_malloc_area = kc_s;\
+ \n    return kc_malloc_area;\
+ \n}\
+ \n\
+ \ninline char*\
+ \nKC_GETMALLOCAREA(size_t kc_s)\
+ \n{\
+ \n   "), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t(" return kc_s > kc_sizeof_malloc_area ?\
+ \n	kc_grow_malloc_area(kc_s) : kc_malloc_area;\
+ \n}\
+ \n\
+ \n/* global variables */\
+ \nint kc_no_external_ops;\
+ \nconst int KC_NOT_FOUND_OPERATOR = -1;\
+ \nint kc_f"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("ile_offset_base;\
+ \nint kc_file_offset;\
+ \n\
+ \n/* Magic File descriptor(s) */\
+ \n/* Magic descriptors of length up to KC_MAGIC_LENGTH-1 are supported.  When changing\
+ \n * KC_MAGIC_LENGTH. change const"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("ant in MAGIC_READ_FORMAT to be one less than\
+ \n * KC_MAGIC_LENGTH. */\
+ \n/* Every file is assumed to start with the magic file descriptor for asc_csg_v3 */\
+ \n\
+ \nchar kc_ascii_prefix_magic_v3[] = \"A"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("#S#C#S#S#L#V#3\";\
+ \nchar kc_ascii_prefix_magic_hu[] = \"A#S#C#S#S#L#HUB\";\
+ \nconst int KC_MAGIC_LENGTH = 25;\
+ \nconst char *KC_MAGIC_READ_FORMAT = \"%24s\\n\";\
+ \n\
+ \n/* Operators with names of lengt"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("h upto OP_LENGTH-1 are supported. */\
+ \n/* When changing OP_LENGTH, change constant in OP_READ_FOMAT to be one less */\
+ \nconst int KC_OP_LENGTH = 256;\
+ \nconst char *KC_OP_READ_FORMAT = \"%255s\\n\";\
+ \n"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("\
+ \n//**********************\
+ \n// Error-string Routine\
+ \nconst char*\
+ \nkc_CSGIOerrorstring(KC_IO_STATUS kc_io_status)\
+ \n{\
+ \n    switch( kc_io_status ) {\
+ \n	case KC_CSGIOSTATUS_NO_ERR: return( \"N"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("o errors\" );\
+ \n	case KC_CSGIOSTATUS_SCAN_ERR_1: return( \"Scan error(1)\" );\
+ \n	case KC_CSGIOSTATUS_SCAN_ERR_2: return( \"Scan error(2)\" );\
+ \n	case KC_CSGIOSTATUS_SCAN_ERR_3: return( \"Scan error("), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("3)\" );\
+ \n	case KC_CSGIOSTATUS_SCAN_ERR_4: return( \"Scan error(4)\" );\
+ \n	case KC_CSGIOSTATUS_SCAN_ERR_5: return( \"Scan error(5)\" );\
+ \n	case KC_CSGIOSTATUS_GRAM_INCONSISTENT: return( \"Grammar is"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t(" inconsistent\" );\
+ \n	case KC_CSGIOSTATUS_ROK: return( \"Read OK structure file\" );\
+ \n	case KC_CSGIOSTATUS_ILLEGAL_OPTION: return( \"Illegal option in write command\" );\
+ \n	case KC_CSGIOSTATUS_TOO_"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("MANY_OPERATORS: return( \"Too many operators for binary format\" );\
+ \n	case KC_CSGIOSTATUS_WOK: return( \"Written OK\" );\
+ \n	case KC_CSGIOSTATUS_TXT_FILE_INPUT: return( \"Read OK Text-file\" );\
+ \n	c"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("ase KC_CSGIOSTATUS_SYNTAX_ERROR: return( \"Syntax error\" );\
+ \n	case KC_CSGIOSTATUS_ILLEGAL_CONTEXT: return( \"Illegal context for operator\" );\
+ \n	case KC_CSGIOSTATUS_PREMATURE_EOF: return( \"Premat"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("ure eof in file\" );\
+ \n	case KC_CSGIOSTATUS_UNEXP_FATHER_MARK: return( \"Unexpected FATHER MARKER\" );\
+ \n	default: return( \"Unknown error code\" );\
+ \n    }\
+ \n}\
+ \n\
+ \nstruct csgio_info {\
+ \n  int "), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("number;      // number of node, or -1 if no number\
+ \n  bool created;    // whether the node is already written\
+ \n  csgio_info():number(-1),created(false){}\
+ \n};\
+ \ntypedef std::map<const void*,csgio"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("_info> csgio_map;\
+ \ncsgio_map kc_CSGIOhashtable;\
+ \n\
+ \n/* Maps */\
+ \ntypedef struct {\
+ \n    int left;\
+ \n    int right;\
+ \n} kc_OpToOpMap_tuple_t;\
+ \n\
+ \nkc_OpToOpMap_tuple_t kc_OpToOpMap[KC_NO_OF_O"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("PERATORS];\
+ \nconst int KC_NOT_USED = -1;\
+ \n\
+ \nint\
+ \nkc_op_search(char *kc_s)\
+ \n{\
+ \n    int kc_i;\
+ \n    for ( kc_i=0; kc_i < KC_NO_OF_OPERATORS; kc_i++ ) {\
+ \n	if ( strcmp( kc_s, operator_info[kc"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("_i].name ) == 0 ) return( kc_i );\
+ \n    }\
+ \n    return( KC_NOT_FOUND_OPERATOR );\
+ \n}\
+ \n\
+ \nvoid\
+ \nkc_initializeOpToOpMap(int kc_v)\
+ \n{\
+ \n    int kc_i;\
+ \n    for ( kc_i=0; kc_i < KC_NO_OF_OPERAT"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("ORS; kc_i++ ) {\
+ \n	kc_OpToOpMap[kc_i].left = kc_i;\
+ \n	kc_OpToOpMap[kc_i].right = kc_v;\
+ \n}   }\
+ \n\
+ \nbool\
+ \nOpToOpMap_cmp_right(kc_OpToOpMap_tuple_t t1, kc_OpToOpMap_tuple_t t2)\
+ \n{\
+ \n    // sor"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("t in DECREASING order\
+ \n    return t1.right > t2.right;\
+ \n}\
+ \n\
+ \nbool\
+ \nOpToOpMap_cmp_left(kc_OpToOpMap_tuple_t t1, kc_OpToOpMap_tuple_t t2)\
+ \n{\
+ \n    // sort in INCREASING order\
+ \n    return t"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("1.left < t2.left;\
+ \n}\
+ \n\
+ \nvoid\
+ \nkc_renumberOpToOpMap()\
+ \n{\
+ \n    int kc_i, kc_j = 0;\
+ \n    for ( kc_i=0; kc_i < KC_NO_OF_OPERATORS; kc_i++ ) {\
+ \n	if (kc_OpToOpMap[kc_i].right > 0) {\
+ \n	    k"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("c_OpToOpMap[kc_i].right = kc_j++;\
+ \n	} else {\
+ \n	    kc_OpToOpMap[kc_i].right = KC_NOT_USED;\
+ \n}   }	}\
+ \n\
+ \n\
+ \n#define KC_MAKE_NEW_MAPPING(ext_op,int_op) kc_OpToOpMap[ext_op].right = int_op\
+ \n#d"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("efine KC_MAKE_NEW_SCAN_MAPPING(ext_op) kc_OpToOpMap[ext_op].right++\
+ \n#define KC_MAP(op) (kc_OpToOpMap[op].right)\
+ \n#define KC_IS_MAPPED(op) (kc_OpToOpMap[op].right != KC_NOT_USED)\
+ \n\
+ \nvoid\
+ \nkc_"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("error_operator_not_in_phylum(int kc_op, int kc_phy)\
+ \n{\
+ \n    const char *kc_error_message1 = \"operator not defined in phylum \";\
+ \n    const char *kc_error_message2 = \": \";\
+ \n    if ((kc_op <= "), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("one_before_first_operator) || (kc_op >= last_operator)) {\
+ \n	char kc_value[30];\
+ \n	sprintf(kc_value, \"%d\",kc_op);\
+ \n	kc_csgio_err_reason = kc_str_conc2(\"unknown operator number: \", kc_value);\
+ \n"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("    } else {\
+ \n	kc_csgio_err_reason = (char*)strcat(strcat(strcat(strcpy(new char[(size_t)(strlen(kc_error_message1)+strlen(phylum_info[kc_phy].name)+strlen(kc_error_message2)+strlen(operator_info[kc_"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("op].name)+1)], kc_error_message1), phylum_info[kc_phy].name), kc_error_message2), operator_info[kc_op].name);\
+ \n    }\
+ \n}\
+ \n"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("\
+ \n} // anonymous namespace\
+ \n\
+ \nchar*\
+ \nIO_exception2char(IO_exception kc_p)\
+ \n{\
+ \n    char *kc_err_ret = 0;\
+ \n    const char *kc_err_sep = \": \";\
+ \n    if (kc_p.io_status != KC_CSGIOSTATUS_R"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("OK && kc_p.io_status != KC_CSGIOSTATUS_WOK) {\
+ \n	const char *kc_io_err = kc_CSGIOerrorstring(kc_p.io_status);\
+ \n	kc_err_ret = new char[strlen(kc_io_err)+strlen(kc_err_sep)+strlen(kc_p.err_reason)+1];"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("\
+ \n	strcpy(kc_err_ret, kc_io_err);\
+ \n	strcat(kc_err_ret, kc_err_sep);\
+ \n	strcat(kc_err_ret, kc_p.err_reason);\
+ \n    }\
+ \n    return kc_err_ret;\
+ \n}\
+ \n\
+ \nconst char *kc_csgio_err_reason = \"\";\
+ \n"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("\
+ \n#ifndef KC_NO_CSGIO_READ\
+ \nnamespace { // all local to this file\
+ \n\r\
+ \n/* Base 64 numbers are written with the digits:\
+ \n   : ; < = > ? @ A-Z [ \\ ] ^ _ ` a-y\
+ \n   Base 10 numbers are written"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t(" with the ordinary digits 0-9.\
+ \n   Other characters are used in special circumstances:\
+ \n    ! Indicates switch between reading attribute and unattributed nodes.\
+ \n    # Indicates that the father i"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("s the next PROD_INSTANCE in the file.\
+ \n    + Indicates that the following bytes are not a base 64 number\
+ \n    * Indicates a line containing a (decimal) count of attributes.\
+ \n*/\
+ \nconst char KC_B"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("64_ZERO_CHAR =	':';\
+ \nconst char KC_ASCII_ZERO =	'0';\
+ \nconst char KC_SWITCH_ATTR =	'!';\
+ \nconst char KC_FATHER_MARKER =	'#';\
+ \nconst char KC_NON_B64_CHAR =	'+';\
+ \nconst char KC_ATTR_COUNT =	'*';\
+ \n"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("const char KC_NULL_POINTER =    '.';\
+ \n\
+ \ninline bool\
+ \nKC_IS_B64(int c)\
+ \n{\
+ \n    return c>=KC_B64_ZERO_CHAR && c<KC_B64_ZERO_CHAR+64;\
+ \n}\
+ \n\
+ \n/* read and compute the base 64 integer in strea"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("m */\
+ \nunsigned\
+ \nget_rest_of_b64(FILE *kc_stream, register int kc_read_char, char kc_trailing_char)\
+ \n{\
+ \n    int kc_next_char;\
+ \n    int kc_offset;\
+ \n    int kc_i = 0;\
+ \n\
+ \n    if (!KC_IS_B64"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("(kc_read_char))\
+ \n	throw IO_exception(KC_CSGIOSTATUS_SCAN_ERR_1);\
+ \n    kc_offset = kc_read_char - KC_B64_ZERO_CHAR;\
+ \n\
+ \n    kc_next_char = getc(kc_stream);\
+ \n    while(KC_IS_B64(kc_next_char)) {"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("\
+ \n	kc_offset += (kc_next_char - KC_B64_ZERO_CHAR) << (6 * (++kc_i));\
+ \n	kc_next_char = getc(kc_stream);\
+ \n	}\
+ \n\
+ \n    if (kc_next_char == '-') {\
+ \n	kc_offset *= -1;\
+ \n	kc_next_char = getc(kc_st"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("ream);\
+ \n    }\
+ \n\
+ \n    if (kc_next_char != kc_trailing_char)\
+ \n	throw IO_exception(KC_CSGIOSTATUS_SCAN_ERR_1);\
+ \n    return kc_offset;\
+ \n}\
+ \n\
+ \n/* read shared functions */\
+ \ntypedef enum { KC"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("_NOT_READ_YET, KC_READ_EARLIER } KC_READ_STATUS;\
+ \n/* variable used by the sharing routines during a read */\
+ \n/* stores pointers to value_ptr fields */\
+ \nabstract_phylum *kc_offset_to_address_map;\
+ \n"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("char const* *kc_offset_to_address_map_base;\
+ \n\
+ \nvoid\
+ \nkc_init_read_sharing()\
+ \n{\
+ \n  kc_offset_to_address_map = new abstract_phylum[kc_node_count];\
+ \n  for(int i=0; i<kc_node_count; ++i) kc_off"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("set_to_address_map[i]=0;\
+ \n  kc_file_offset = 0;\
+ \n  kc_offset_to_address_map_base = new char const* [kc_node_count_base];\
+ \n  for(int j=0; j<kc_node_count_base; ++j) kc_offset_to_address_map_base[j"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("]=0;\
+ \n  kc_file_offset_base = 0;\
+ \n}\
+ \n\
+ \nkc_read_sharing_find(FILE *kc_stream, abstract_phylum &kc_valptr)\
+ \n{\
+ \n    char kc_first_char;\
+ \n    unsigned kc_offset;\
+ \n\
+ \n    "), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("kc_first_char = getc(kc_stream);\
+ \n    if (KC_IS_B64(kc_first_char)) {\
+ \n	kc_offset = get_rest_of_b64(kc_stream, kc_first_char, '\\n');\
+ \n	int off=kc_file_offset - kc_offset;\
+ \n	assertReason(off>=0"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t(" && off<=kc_node_count, \"base 64 offset out of range\");\
+ \n	kc_valptr = kc_offset_to_address_map[off];\
+ \n	return(KC_READ_EARLIER);\
+ \n    } else {\
+ \n	ungetc(kc_first_char, kc_stream);\
+ \n	return(KC"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("_NOT_READ_YET);\
+ \n    }\
+ \n}\
+ \n\
+ \nkc_read_sharing_find_base(FILE *kc_stream, char const* &kc_valptr)\
+ \n{\
+ \n    char kc_first_char;\
+ \n    unsigned kc_offset;\
+ \n\
+ \n    kc_first_"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("char = getc(kc_stream);\
+ \n    if (KC_IS_B64(kc_first_char)) {\
+ \n	kc_offset = get_rest_of_b64(kc_stream, kc_first_char, '\\n');\
+ \n	int off=kc_file_offset_base - kc_offset;\
+ \n	assertReason(off>=0 && "), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("off<=kc_node_count_base, \"base 64 offset out of range\");\
+ \n	kc_valptr = kc_offset_to_address_map_base[off];\
+ \n	return(KC_READ_EARLIER);\
+ \n    } else {\
+ \n	return(KC_NOT_READ_YET);\
+ \n    }\
+ \n}\
+ \n"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("\
+ \n#define kc_read_sharing_store(kc_ptr, kc_loc) \\\
+ \n    kc_offset_to_address_map[kc_loc] = kc_ptr\
+ \n#define kc_read_sharing_store_base(kc_ptr) \\\
+ \n    kc_offset_to_address_map_base[kc_file_offse"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("t_base++] = kc_ptr\
+ \n\
+ \n\
+ \nvoid\
+ \nkc_end_read_sharing()\
+ \n{\
+ \n  delete kc_offset_to_address_map;\
+ \n  delete kc_offset_to_address_map_base;\
+ \n}\
+ \n\
+ \nvoid\
+ \nkc_CSGIOdo_read_atom_denotation(FIL"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("E *kc_stream, char *kc_sbase, int kc_len)\
+ \n{\
+ \n    char * kc_sptr = kc_sbase;\
+ \n    register int kc_ch, kc_ch1;\
+ \n    register char kc_test;\
+ \n    register int kc_i;\
+ \n\
+ \n    for (kc_i=0; kc_i<"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("kc_len; kc_i++, kc_sptr++) {\
+ \n	kc_ch = getc(kc_stream);\
+ \n	if (kc_ch == '\\n') {\
+ \n	    ungetc(kc_ch, kc_stream);\
+ \n	    break;\
+ \n	}\
+ \n	*kc_sptr = (char) kc_ch;\
+ \n	if ( kc_ch == '\\\\' ) {\
+ \n	"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("    if ( ( kc_test = getc( kc_stream ) ) != '\\\\' ) { /* Must be escaped hex */\
+ \n		if (isdigit(kc_test)) kc_ch1 = kc_test - '0'; else kc_ch1 =kc_test + 10 - 'a';\
+ \n		kc_ch1 = 16 * kc_ch1;\
+ \n		kc_t"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("est = getc(kc_stream);\
+ \n		if (isdigit(kc_test)) kc_test= kc_test - '0'; else kc_test=kc_test + 10 - 'a';\
+ \n		kc_ch1 = kc_ch1 + kc_test;\
+ \n		*kc_sptr = (char)kc_ch1; /* cast is for explicit narrowin"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("g from int to char */\
+ \n	    }\
+ \n	}\
+ \n    }\
+ \n\
+ \n    kc_ch = getc(kc_stream);\
+ \n    if ( kc_ch == EOF ) throw IO_exception(KC_CSGIOSTATUS_PREMATURE_EOF);\
+ \n    else if (kc_ch != '\\n') throw IO_"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("exception(KC_CSGIOSTATUS_SCAN_ERR_1);\
+ \n\
+ \n    *kc_sptr = '\\0';\
+ \n}\
+ \n\
+ \nabstract_phylum\
+ \nCSGIOread2dft(FILE *kc_stream, enum_phyla kc_phy)\
+ \n{\
+ \n    char *kc_sbase;\
+ \n    char const* c_kc_s"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("base;\
+ \n    int kc_len;\
+ \n    int kc_delim;\
+ \n    abstract_phylum kc_answer;\
+ \n    int kc_location;\
+ \n    bool kc_not_read_yet = false;\
+ \n\
+ \n/* get operator */\
+ \n    int kc_ext_op;\
+ \n    int k"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("c_testing;\
+ \n\
+ \n    /* XXX MPi: misleading comment? scan for optional unparsing version number */\
+ \n    if (kc_read_sharing_find( kc_stream, kc_answer ) == KC_READ_EARLIER ) {\
+ \n	// MPi: I believe "), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("this is unnecessary or wrong - sharing is only done\
+ \n	// when phyla are the _same_, so they should remain the same.\
+ \n        // kc_answer = kc_answer->copy(false);\
+ \n	return kc_answer;\
+ \n    }\
+ \n"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("    kc_do_get_int(kc_testing,getc(kc_stream),kc_ext_op,kc_stream);\
+ \n    if ( kc_testing == EOF )\
+ \n	throw IO_exception(KC_CSGIOSTATUS_SCAN_ERR_1);\
+ \n    if ( kc_testing == KC_NULL_POINTER )\
+ \n    "), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("{\
+ \n	kc_do_get_int(kc_testing,getc(kc_stream),kc_ext_op,kc_stream);\
+ \n	if ( kc_testing != '\\n' )\
+ \n	    throw IO_exception(KC_CSGIOSTATUS_SCAN_ERR_1);\
+ \n	return 0;\
+ \n    }\
+ \n    if ( kc_testing "), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("== KC_FATHER_MARKER )\
+ \n    if ( kc_testing != '\\n' )\
+ \n	throw IO_exception(KC_CSGIOSTATUS_SCAN_ERR_1);\
+ \n    enum_operators kc_op(static_c"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("ast<enum_operators>(KC_MAP( kc_ext_op )));\
+ \n/* end get operator */\
+ \n\
+ \n    if (kc_op<phylum_info[kc_phy].first_operator || kc_op>phylum_info[kc_phy].last_operator)\
+ \n	    kc_error_operator_not_in"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("_phylum(kc_op,kc_phy);\
+ \n\
+ \n    kc_location = kc_file_offset++;\
+ \n    switch( kc_op ) {\r\
+ \n    case sel__VoidPtr:\v\
+ \n	// FATAL ERROR\
+ \n	kc_do_get_int(kc_delim,getc(kc_stream),kc_len,kc_stream);"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("\
+ \n	if ( kc_delim == EOF )\
+ \n	    throw IO_exception(KC_CSGIOSTATUS_SCAN_ERR_1);\
+ \n	kc_sbase = KC_GETMALLOCAREA(kc_len + 1); // +1 for '\\0'\
+ \n	kc_CSGIOdo_read_atom_denotation(kc_stream, kc_sbase, "), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("kc_len);\
+ \n	kc_answer = 0;\
+ \n	break;\r\
+ \n    case sel__Int:\v\
+ \n	kc_do_get_int(kc_delim,getc(kc_stream),kc_len,kc_stream);\
+ \n	if ( kc_delim == EOF )\
+ \n	    throw IO_exception(KC_CSGIOSTATUS_SCAN_"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("ERR_1);\
+ \n	kc_sbase = KC_GETMALLOCAREA(kc_len + 1); // +1 for '\\0'\
+ \n	kc_CSGIOdo_read_atom_denotation(kc_stream, kc_sbase, kc_len);\
+ \n	kc_answer = mkinteger(::atoi(kc_sbase));\
+ \n	break;\r\
+ \n    c"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("ase sel__Real:\v\
+ \n	kc_do_get_int(kc_delim,getc(kc_stream),kc_len,kc_stream);\
+ \n	if ( kc_delim == EOF )\
+ \n	    throw IO_exception(KC_CSGIOSTATUS_SCAN_ERR_1);\
+ \n	kc_sbase = KC_GETMALLOCAREA(kc_len +"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t(" 1); // +1 for '\\0'\
+ \n	kc_CSGIOdo_read_atom_denotation(kc_stream, kc_sbase, kc_len);\
+ \n	kc_answer = mkreal(::atof(kc_sbase));\
+ \n	break;\r\
+ \n    case sel__Str:\v\
+ \n	if (kc_read_sharing_find_base( "), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("kc_stream, c_kc_sbase ) == KC_NOT_READ_YET) {\
+ \n	    kc_not_read_yet = true;\
+ \n	    kc_do_get_int(kc_delim,getc(kc_stream),kc_len,kc_stream);\
+ \n	    if ( kc_delim == EOF )\
+ \n		throw IO_exception(KC"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("_CSGIOSTATUS_SCAN_ERR_1);\
+ \n	    kc_sbase = KC_GETMALLOCAREA(kc_len + 1); /* +1 for '\\0' */\
+ \n	    kc_CSGIOdo_read_atom_denotation(kc_stream, kc_sbase, kc_len);\
+ \n	    c_kc_sbase=kc_sbase;\
+ \n	}\
+ \n"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("	kc_answer = mkcasestring( c_kc_sbase );\
+ \n	if (kc_not_read_yet) {\
+ \n	    kc_read_sharing_store_base( phylum_cast<casestring>(kc_answer)->name );\
+ \n	}\
+ \n	break;\r\
+ \n    case sel_NoCaseStr:\v\
+ \n	i"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("f (kc_read_sharing_find_base( kc_stream, c_kc_sbase ) == KC_NOT_READ_YET) {\
+ \n	    kc_not_read_yet = true;\
+ \n	    kc_do_get_int(kc_delim,getc(kc_stream),kc_len,kc_stream);\
+ \n	    if ( kc_delim == EO"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("F )\
+ \n		throw IO_exception(KC_CSGIOSTATUS_SCAN_ERR_1);\
+ \n	    kc_sbase = KC_GETMALLOCAREA(kc_len + 1); /* +1 for '\\0' */\
+ \n	    kc_CSGIOdo_read_atom_denotation(kc_stream, kc_sbase, kc_len);\
+ \n	   "), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t(" c_kc_sbase=kc_sbase;\
+ \n	}\
+ \n	kc_answer = mknocasestring( c_kc_sbase );\
+ \n	if (kc_not_read_yet) {\
+ \n	    kc_read_sharing_store_base( phylum_cast<nocasestring>(kc_answer)->name );\
+ \n	}\
+ \n	break;\
+ \n"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("    default:\v\
+ \n	abstract_phylum kc_subtmp["), kc_current_view); }
+ 		int i = Theargsnumbers->last()->value; if (i<=0) i = 1; 
+ 		kc::unparse(i, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("];\
+ \n	for (int kc_i = 0; kc_i < operator_info[kc_op].no_sons; ++kc_i) {\
+ \n	    kc_subtmp[kc_i] = CSGIOread2dft(kc_stream, operator_info[kc_op].subphylum[kc_i] );\
+ \n	    assertReason(kc_subtmp[kc_i]!"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("=0, \"shared phylum is not contained in file (reference is wrong)\");\
+ \n	}\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("	switch(operator_info[kc_op].no_sons) {\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(Theargsnumbers, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("	default:\v\
+ \n	    assertionFailed(\"unexpected number of sub-phyla\"); break;\r\
+ \n	}\r\
+ \n	// Read attributes\
+ \n	for (int kc_i=0; kc_i<operator_info[kc_op].no_attrs; ++kc_i)\v\
+ \n	    attributeOf(k"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("c_answer, kc_i)=\v\
+ \n		CSGIOread2dft(kc_stream, operator_info[kc_op].attribute[kc_i]);\r\r\
+ \n    }\
+ \n \
+ \n    kc_read_sharing_store( kc_answer, kc_location );\
+ \n    return kc_answer;\
+ \n}\
+ \n\
+ \n} "), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("// anonymous namespace\
+ \n\
+ \nvoid\
+ \nCSGIOreadphylum(FILE *kc_stream, abstract_phylum &kc_ptr, enum_phyla kc_phy)\
+ \n{\
+ \n    int kc_scan_return_code;\
+ \n    char kc_magic_no[KC_MAGIC_LENGTH];\
+ \n    "), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("char kc_dollarcode[KC_OP_LENGTH];\
+ \n    char kc_ext_name[KC_OP_LENGTH];\
+ \n    int kc_operator;\
+ \n\
+ \n    kc_csgio_err_reason = \"\";\
+ \n    kc_scan_return_code = fscanf( kc_stream, KC_MAGIC_READ_FOR"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("MAT, kc_magic_no );\
+ \n    if ( kc_scan_return_code != 1 )\
+ \n	throw IO_exception(KC_CSGIOSTATUS_GRAM_INCONSISTENT, \"magic string not scanned\") ;\
+ \n    if ( strcmp( kc_magic_no, kc_ascii_prefix_magi"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("c_v3 ) != 0 &&\
+ \n	    strcmp( kc_magic_no, kc_ascii_prefix_magic_hu ) != 0 )\
+ \n	throw IO_exception(KC_CSGIOSTATUS_GRAM_INCONSISTENT,\"scanned magic string is not asc_ssl_v3 (or HUB specific) magic st"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("ring\") ;\
+ \n    if ( fscanf( kc_stream, \"$%[^ ] \\n\", kc_dollarcode ) != 1 )\
+ \n	throw IO_exception(KC_CSGIOSTATUS_GRAM_INCONSISTENT,\"problems finding $ before operators\") ;\
+ \n    while ( strcmp("), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t(" kc_dollarcode, \"operators\" ) != 0 ) {\
+ \n	if ( fscanf( kc_stream, \"%*[^$]$%[^ ] \\n\", kc_dollarcode) != 1 )\
+ \n	    throw IO_exception(KC_CSGIOSTATUS_GRAM_INCONSISTENT,\"problems finding operators"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t(" keyword\") ;\
+ \n    }\
+ \n    /* read all external operator definitions and initialize map */\
+ \n    kc_no_external_ops = 0;\
+ \n    kc_initializeOpToOpMap(KC_NOT_FOUND_OPERATOR);\
+ \n    while (true) {\
+ \n"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("	int kc_ext_arity, kc_ext_attr_arity, kc_ext_atomicity;\
+ \n\
+ \n	if ( fscanf( kc_stream, \"%[^ ] \", kc_ext_name ) != 1 )\
+ \n	    throw IO_exception(KC_CSGIOSTATUS_SCAN_ERR_3, \"no operator name at star"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("t of line\") ;\
+ \n	else if ( kc_ext_name[0] == '$' )\
+ \n	    break;\
+ \n	else if ( fscanf( kc_stream, \"%d %d %d\\n\", &kc_ext_arity, &kc_ext_attr_arity, &kc_ext_atomicity ) != 3 )\
+ \n	    throw IO_exce"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("ption(KC_CSGIOSTATUS_SCAN_ERR_4, \"no arity, attr_arity or atomicity\") ;\
+ \n	else {\
+ \n	    kc_operator = kc_op_search( kc_ext_name );\
+ \n	    if ( ( kc_operator == KC_NOT_FOUND_OPERATOR ) ||\
+ \n		 ( "), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("KC_NO_SONS( kc_operator ) != kc_ext_arity ) ||\
+ \n		 ( KC_ATOMICITY( kc_operator) != (kc_ext_atomicity!=0) )\
+ \n	       )\
+ \n		throw IO_exception(KC_CSGIOSTATUS_GRAM_INCONSISTENT, kc_str_conc2(\"proble"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("ms with operator: \",kc_ext_name)) ;\
+ \n	    else {\
+ \n		KC_MAKE_NEW_MAPPING( kc_no_external_ops, kc_operator );\
+ \n		kc_no_external_ops++;\
+ \n    }	}   }\
+ \n    /* ascertain that we are at the $object"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t(" section, or get to that point */\
+ \n    if ( strcmp( kc_ext_name, \"$object\" ) != 0 ) /* if not at $object */\
+ \n	while ( strcmp( kc_ext_name, \"object\" ) != 0 ) {\
+ \n	    if ( fscanf( kc_stream, \""), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("%*[^$]$%[^ ]\", kc_ext_name ) != 1 )\
+ \n		throw IO_exception(KC_CSGIOSTATUS_GRAM_INCONSISTENT, kc_str_conc2(\"problems finding start of object section\",\"\")) ;\
+ \n	}\
+ \n\
+ \n    /* read node_count; se"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("t up address map */\
+ \n    if (fscanf(kc_stream, \"%d %d\\n\", &kc_node_count, &kc_node_count_base) != 2)\
+ \n	throw IO_exception(KC_CSGIOSTATUS_SCAN_ERR_1);\
+ \n    kc_init_read_sharing(); /* for shared"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t(" values */\
+ \n\
+ \n    /* read the tree (actually a graph) */\
+ \n    kc_ptr = CSGIOread2dft( kc_stream, kc_phy );\
+ \n    kc_end_read_sharing(); /* for atomic values */\
+ \n}\
+ \n#endif // ! KC_NO_CSGIO_RE"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("AD\
+ \n\
+ \n#ifndef KC_NO_CSGIO_WRITE\
+ \nnamespace { // all local to this file\
+ \n\r\
+ \n\
+ \n// print a string to a file, escaping backslashes and non-printables\
+ \nvoid\
+ \nkc_print_to_file(FILE *kc_f, ch"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("ar const* kc_value)\
+ \n{\
+ \n    unsigned char const* kc_vptr = (unsigned char const*)kc_value;\
+ \n    int kc_len = strlen(kc_value);\
+ \n    int kc_i;\
+ \n\
+ \n    fprintf(kc_f, \"%d \", kc_len);\
+ \n    f"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("or (kc_i=0; kc_i<kc_len; kc_i++, kc_vptr++) {\
+ \n	if (*kc_vptr == '\\\\') {\
+ \n	    fprintf(kc_f, \"\\\\\\\\\");\
+ \n	} else if (isprint(*kc_vptr)) {\
+ \n	    putc((char)*kc_vptr, kc_f);\
+ \n	} else {\
+ \n"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("	    fprintf(kc_f, \"\\\\%.2x\", *kc_vptr);\
+ \n	}\
+ \n    }\
+ \n    putc('\\n', kc_f);\
+ \n}\
+ \n\
+ \nvoid\
+ \nkc_print_b64_to_file(FILE *kc_f, int kc_value)\
+ \n{\
+ \n    unsigned int kc_pos_value;\
+ \n\
+ \n   "), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t(" if (kc_value == 0) {\
+ \n	putc(KC_B64_ZERO_CHAR, kc_f);\
+ \n    } else {\
+ \n	kc_pos_value = abs(kc_value);\
+ \n	while (kc_pos_value != 0) {\
+ \n	    putc((kc_pos_value & ((1 << 6) - 1) ) + KC_B64_ZERO_CHA"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("R, kc_f);\
+ \n	    kc_pos_value >>= 6;\
+ \n	}\
+ \n	if (kc_value < 0) {\
+ \n	    putc('-', kc_f);\
+ \n	}\
+ \n    }\
+ \n    putc('\\n', kc_f);\
+ \n}\
+ \n\
+ \n// realize sharing of strings in ouput file\
+ \nvoid\
+ \n"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("kc_CSGIOscan(c_abstract_phylum kc_p)\
+ \n{\
+ \n    if (kc_p==0) return;\
+ \n    enum_operators kc_op = kc_p->prod_sel();\
+ \n    if (kc_CSGIOhashtable[kc_p].number == -1) {\
+ \n	kc_CSGIOhashtable[kc_p].numb"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("er = kc_node_count++;\
+ \n	KC_MAKE_NEW_SCAN_MAPPING( kc_op );\
+ \n	switch(kc_op) {\
+ \n	case sel__Str:\
+ \n	case sel_NoCaseStr: {\
+ \n	    char const* s = static_cast<c_casestring>(kc_p)->name;\
+ \n	    if ("), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("kc_CSGIOhashtable[s].number == -1)\v\
+ \n		kc_CSGIOhashtable[s].number = kc_node_count_base++;\r\
+ \n	    break;\
+ \n	}\
+ \n        default: {\
+ \n	    abstract_phylum child;\
+ \n            for (int i=0; (c"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("hild = kc_p->subphylum(i)); ++i)\v\
+ \n		kc_CSGIOscan(child);\r\
+ \n	}\
+ \n	}\
+ \n	for (int i=0; i<operator_info[kc_op].no_attrs; ++i)\v\
+ \n	    kc_CSGIOscan(attributeOf(const_cast<abstract_phylum>(kc_p), "), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("i));\r\
+ \n    }\
+ \n}\
+ \n\
+ \nvoid\
+ \nkc_CSGIOwrite2structure(FILE *kc_stream, c_abstract_phylum kc_p)\
+ \n{\
+ \n    if (kc_p==0) {\
+ \n	fprintf( kc_stream, \"%c\\n\", KC_NULL_POINTER );\
+ \n	return;\
+ \n    "), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("}\
+ \n    char _kc_value[30];\
+ \n    char *kc_value = _kc_value;\
+ \n    enum_operators kc_op = kc_p->prod_sel();\
+ \n    csgio_info &kc_hn = kc_CSGIOhashtable[kc_p];\
+ \n    if (kc_hn.created) {\
+ \n	kc_pr"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("int_b64_to_file( kc_stream, kc_file_offset - kc_hn.number );\
+ \n    } else {\
+ \n	kc_hn.created = true;\
+ \n	fprintf( kc_stream, \"%d\\n\", KC_MAP( kc_op ) );\
+ \n	kc_file_offset++;\
+ \n	switch(kc_op) {\r\
+ \n"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("	case sel__VoidPtr:\v\
+ \n	    /* FATAL ERROR */\
+ \n	    sprintf( kc_value, \"%p\", static_cast<c_voidptr>(kc_p)->pointer);\
+ \n	    kc_print_to_file( kc_stream, kc_value );\
+ \n	    kc_file_offset_base++"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t(";\
+ \n	    break;\r\
+ \n	case sel__Str:\
+ \n	case sel_NoCaseStr:\v\
+ \n	    fprintf( kc_stream, \"%c\", KC_NON_B64_CHAR );\
+ \n	    kc_print_to_file( kc_stream, static_cast<c_casestring>(kc_p)->name);\
+ \n	 "), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("   kc_file_offset_base++;\
+ \n	    break;\r\
+ \n	case sel__Int:\v\
+ \n	    sprintf( kc_value, \"%d\", static_cast<c_integer>(kc_p)->value);\
+ \n	    kc_print_to_file( kc_stream, kc_value );\
+ \n	    kc_file"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("_offset_base++;\
+ \n	    break;\r\
+ \n	case sel__Real:\v\
+ \n	    sprintf( kc_value, \"%.20f\", static_cast<c_real>(kc_p)->value);\
+ \n	    kc_print_to_file( kc_stream, kc_value );\
+ \n	    kc_file_offset_b"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("ase++;\
+ \n	    break;\r\
+ \n	default:\
+ \n            abstract_phylum child;\
+ \n            for (int kc_i=0; (child = kc_p->subphylum(kc_i)); ++kc_i)\v\
+ \n		kc_CSGIOwrite2structure(kc_stream, child);\r\
+ \n"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("	    // Write attributes\
+ \n	    for (int kc_i=0; kc_i<operator_info[kc_op].no_attrs; ++kc_i)\v\
+ \n		kc_CSGIOwrite2structure(kc_stream, attributeOf(const_cast<abstract_phylum>(kc_p), kc_i));\r\
+ \n	}\
+ \n"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("    }\
+ \n}\
+ \n\
+ \nvoid\
+ \nCSGIOwrite(FILE *kc_stream, c_abstract_phylum kc_p)\
+ \n{\
+ \n    int kc_i;\
+ \n    kc_csgio_err_reason = \"\";\
+ \n\
+ \n    /* write out the magic string and $operators string */\
+ \n"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("    fprintf( kc_stream, \"%s\\n$operators \\n\", kc_ascii_prefix_magic_hu );\
+ \n\
+ \n    /* Initialize map from internal operators to external operators, */\
+ \n    /* initially empty */\
+ \n    kc_no_ext"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("ernal_ops = 0;\
+ \n    kc_node_count = 0;\
+ \n    kc_node_count_base = 0;\
+ \n    kc_initializeOpToOpMap(0); /* initialize to 0, not any other value */\
+ \n\
+ \n    // realize sharing\
+ \n    kc_CSGIOscan(kc"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("_p);\
+ \n    /* sort the optoopmap on decreasing operator usage */\
+ \n    std::sort(&kc_OpToOpMap[0], &kc_OpToOpMap[KC_NO_OF_OPERATORS], OpToOpMap_cmp_right);\
+ \n    kc_renumberOpToOpMap();\
+ \n\
+ \n    /"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("* write out the _sorted_ operator table */\
+ \n    for(kc_i = 0; kc_i < KC_NO_OF_OPERATORS; kc_i++) {\
+ \n	if (kc_OpToOpMap[kc_i].right != KC_NOT_USED) {\
+ \n	    fprintf( kc_stream, \"%s %d %d %d\\n\", K"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("C_OP_NAME( kc_OpToOpMap[kc_i].left), KC_NO_SONS( kc_OpToOpMap[kc_i].left ), 0, KC_ATOMICITY( kc_OpToOpMap[kc_i].left ) );\
+ \n    }	}\
+ \n\
+ \n    /* sort the optoopmap increasing on the operator number *"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("/\
+ \n    std::sort(&kc_OpToOpMap[0], &kc_OpToOpMap[KC_NO_OF_OPERATORS], OpToOpMap_cmp_left);\
+ \n\
+ \n    /* write out the grammar terminator string and the number of nodes */\
+ \n    fprintf( kc_stream, "), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("\"$object \\n%d %d\\n\", kc_node_count, kc_node_count_base );\
+ \n\
+ \n    /* write out the tree */\
+ \n    kc_file_offset = 0;\
+ \n    kc_file_offset_base = 0;\
+ \n    kc_CSGIOwrite2structure( kc_stream, k"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("c_p);\
+ \n    kc_CSGIOhashtable.clear();\
+ \n}\
+ \n\
+ \n} // anonymous namespace\
+ \n\
+ \nvoid\
+ \nimpl_abstract_phylum::CSGIOwrite(FILE *kc_stream) const\
+ \n{\
+ \n    kc::CSGIOwrite(kc_stream, this);\
+ \n}\
+ \n"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("\
+ \n#endif // ! KC_NO_CSGIO_WRITE\
+ \n\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_csgio_start_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_csgio_start_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_csgio_start_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("/* translation of file(s)\n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(Thefnfiles, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(" */\
+ \n/* generated by:\
+ \n *  "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(kimwitu_copyright, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("\
+ \n */\
+ \n#define KC_CSGIO\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		if(g_options.stdafx!="") {
+ 		    PRINT("#include \"");
+ 		    PRINT(g_options.stdafx.c_str());
+ 		    PRINT("\"\n");
+ 		}	
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t("\
+ \n#include <stdio.h>\
+ \n#include <setjmp.h>\
+ \n#include <ctype.h>\
+ \n#include <stdlib.h>\
+ \n#include <map>\
+ \n#include <algorithm>\
+ \n#include \""), kc_current_view); }
+ 		PRINT(g_options.prefix.c_str()); 
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t("k.h\"\
+ \n#include \""), kc_current_view); }
+ 		PRINT(g_options.prefix.c_str()); 
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t("csgiok.h\"\
+ \n\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_csgio_h_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_csgio_h_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_csgio_h_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const phylumdeclarations pds = this->phylumdeclarations_1;
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("\
+ \nextern const char *kc_csgio_err_reason;\
+ \n\
+ \ntypedef enum {\
+ \n    KC_CSG"), kc_current_view );
+ \n    KC_CSGIOSTATUS_WOK,"), kc_current_view );
+ \n} KC_IO_STATUS;\
+ \n\
+ \n// XX"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("X Needs to be extended\
+ \nstruct IO_exception {\
+ \n    IO_exception(KC_IO_STATUS _io_status, const char* _err_reason=kc_csgio_err_reason, int _line=0)\
+ \n	: io_status(_io_status), err_reason(_err_reaso"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("n), line(_line) { }\
+ \n    KC_IO_STATUS io_status;\
+ \n    const char *err_reason;\
+ \n    int line;\
+ \n};\
+ \n\
+ \nchar* IO_exception2char(IO_exception);\
+ \n\
+ \n#if defined(__GNUC__) && __GNUC__<3\
+ \n    "), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("extern void CSGIOreadphylum(FILE*, abstract_phylum&, enum_phyla);\
+ \n#endif\
+ \n\
+ \ntemplate<typename P> void\
+ \nCSGIOread(FILE* kc_stream, P &kc_p)\
+ \n{\
+ \n    abstract_phylum kc_value;\
+ \n#if !(define"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("d(__GNUC__) && __GNUC__<3)\
+ \n    extern void CSGIOreadphylum(FILE*, abstract_phylum&, enum_phyla);\
+ \n#endif\
+ \n    CSGIOreadphylum( kc_stream, kc_value, kc_p->phylum_sel_ );\
+ \n    // Cast _could_ be"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t(" static, but just to be completely sure\
+ \n    if (dynamic_cast<P>(kc_value)==0)\
+ \n	throw IO_exception(KC_CSGIOSTATUS_SCAN_ERR_5, \"Internal problem: Wrong phylum type created.\");\
+ \n    kc_p = dynam"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("ic_cast<P>(kc_value);\
+ \n}\
+ \n\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_csgio_end_h_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_csgio_end_h_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_csgio_end_h_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(" #endif // KC_CSGIO_HEADER\
+ \n\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_csgio_start_h_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_csgio_start_h_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_csgio_start_h_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("/* translation of file(s)\n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(Thefnfiles, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(" */\
+ \n/* generated by:\
+ \n *  "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(kimwitu_copyright, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("\
+ \n */\
+ \n#ifndef KC_CSGIO_HEADER\
+ \n#define KC_CSGIO_HEADER\
+ \n#include \""), kc_current_view); }
+ 		PRINT(g_options.prefix.c_str()); 
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t("k.h\"    // in case a user forgets\
+ \n\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_listdefs_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_listdefs_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_listdefs_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const phylumdeclarations pds = this->phylumdeclarations_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(pds, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_printdotdefs_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_printdotdefs_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_printdotdefs_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const phylumdeclarations pds = this->phylumdeclarations_1;
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("\
+ \n# define KC_PRINTDOT_LABELSIZE 1023\
+ \n#endif\
+ \n\
+ \nclass impl_kc_dotedgenode_t\
+ \n{\
+ \npublic:\
+ \n    impl_kc_dotedgenode_t(c_abstract_phylum from,c_abstract_phyl"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("um to, int _son_nr):\
+ \n	ptr_from(from), ptr_to(to), son_nr(_son_nr), label(0), lsize(0), next(0) { }\
+ \n    c_abstract_phylum ptr_from;\
+ \n    c_abstract_phylum ptr_to;\
+ \n    int son_nr;\
+ \n    char "), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("*label;\
+ \n    int lsize;\
+ \n    kc_dotedgenode_t next;\
+ \n};\
+ \n\
+ \nstatic kc_dotedgenode_t\
+ \nkc_mkdotedgenode(struct kc_dotedge_ht*, c_abstract_phylum, c_abstract_phylum, int);\
+ \nstatic void kc_do_"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("printdot_do_add_edge (c_abstract_phylum, c_abstract_phylum, int, int*, kc_dotedgenode_t*, const char*);\
+ \nstatic void kc_do_printdot_subgraph_prologue (FILE*, c_abstract_phylum, const char*, const cha"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("r*, bool, bool);\
+ \nstatic void kc_do_printdot_subgraph_epilogue (FILE*);\
+ \nstatic void kc_do_printdot_genfields (FILE*, int, bool);\
+ \nstatic void kc_do_printdot_edges (FILE*, kc_dotedgenode_t, const"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t(" char*, bool);\
+ \n\
+ \nstatic bool\
+ \nkc_dotedge_less(kc_dotedgenode_t p1, kc_dotedgenode_t p2)\
+ \n{\
+ \n    if(p2==0)\
+ \n	return false;\
+ \n    if(p1==0)\
+ \n	return true;\
+ \n    if(p1->ptr_from<p2->ptr_f"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("rom)\
+ \n	return true;\
+ \n    if(p1->ptr_from>p2->ptr_from)\
+ \n	return false;\
+ \n    if(p1->ptr_to<p2->ptr_to)\
+ \n	return true;\
+ \n    if(p1->ptr_to>p2->ptr_to)\
+ \n	return false;\
+ \n    if(p1->son_nr<p2"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("->son_nr)\
+ \n	return true;\
+ \n    // OPERATORHASH((unsigned) kc_phy_from);\
+ \n    // OPERATORHASH((unsigned) kc_phy_to);\
+ \n    return false;\
+ \n}\
+ \n\
+ \ntemplate<typename T>\
+ \nstruct dotedge_less : s"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("td::binary_function<T, T, bool> {\
+ \n    bool operator()(const T& X, const T& Y) const { return kc_dotedge_less(X,Y); }\
+ \n};\
+ \n\
+ \nstruct kc_dotedge_ht: public std::set<kc_dotedgenode_t, dotedge_less"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("<kc_dotedgenode_t> > {\
+ \n	~kc_dotedge_ht() {\
+ \n		for(iterator i=begin();i!=end();++i)\
+ \n			delete const_cast<kc_dotedgenode_t>(*i);\
+ \n		clear();\
+ \n	}\
+ \n    kc_dotedgenode_t check_insert(kc_dotedg"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("enode_t t) {\
+ \n        std::pair<iterator,bool> res=insert(t);\
+ \n        return *res.first;\
+ \n    }\
+ \n};\
+ \n\
+ \nstatic kc_dotedge_ht* fprintdot_hashtable;\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(pds, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("\
+ \n\
+ \nkc_dotedgenode_t\
+ \nkc_mkdotedgenode(kc_dotedge_ht* kc_a_ht, c_abstract_phylum kc_s_from, c_abstract_phylum kc_s_to, int kc_son_nr)\
+ \n{\
+ \n    kc_dotedgenode_t kc_x = new impl_kc_dotedgenode_t"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("(kc_s_from,kc_s_to,kc_son_nr);\
+ \n 	kc_dotedgenode_t unique_kc_x=kc_a_ht->check_insert(kc_x);\
+ \n	if(unique_kc_x!=kc_x) {\
+ \n		delete kc_x;\
+ \n		kc_x=unique_kc_x;\
+ \n	}\
+ \n    return kc_x;\
+ \n}\
+ \n\
+ \n"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("void kc_do_printdot_subgraph_prologue(FILE *kc_f, c_abstract_phylum kc_p, const char *root_label_prefix, const char *edge_attributes, bool print_node_labels, bool use_context_when_sharing_leaves)\
+ \n{\
+ \n"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("    if (!kc_f) kc_f = stdout;\
+ \n    fprintf(kc_f, \"/*subgraph*/ {\\n\");\
+ \n    if (root_label_prefix) {\
+ \n	fprintf(kc_f, \"\\\"%s\\\" [shape=ellipse\", root_label_prefix);\
+ \n	if (edge_attributes &"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("& (strlen(edge_attributes) > 0)) {\
+ \n	    fprintf(kc_f, \", %s\", edge_attributes);\
+ \n	}\
+ \n	if (print_node_labels) {\
+ \n	    fprintf(kc_f, \", label=\\\"%s\\\\n%s\\\"\", root_label_prefix, phylum_in"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("fo[kc_p->phylum()].name);\
+ \n	}\
+ \n	fprintf(kc_f, \"];\\n\");\
+ \n	fprintf(kc_f, \"\\\"%s\\\" ->\", root_label_prefix);\
+ \n	kc_p->do_printdot_id(kc_f, use_context_when_sharing_leaves, 0, 0);\
+ \n	if (edg"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("e_attributes && (strlen(edge_attributes) > 0)) {\
+ \n	    fprintf(kc_f, \"[%s]\", edge_attributes);\
+ \n	}\
+ \n	fprintf(kc_f, \";\\n\");\
+ \n    }\
+ \n}\
+ \n\
+ \nvoid kc_do_printdot_subgraph_epilogue(FILE *kc"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("_f)\
+ \n{\
+ \n    if (!kc_f) kc_f = stdout;\
+ \n    fprintf(kc_f, \"}\\n\");\
+ \n}\
+ \n\
+ \nvoid fprintdotprologue(FILE *kc_f)\
+ \n{\
+ \n    if (!kc_f) kc_f = stdout;\
+ \n    fprintf(kc_f, \"digraph kc_output{\\n"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("\");\
+ \n    fprintf(kc_f, \"node [shape=record, height=.1, fontname=Helvetica];\\n\");\
+ \n}\
+ \n\
+ \nvoid fprintdotepilogue(FILE *kc_f)\
+ \n{\
+ \n    if (!kc_f) kc_f = stdout;\
+ \n    fprintf(kc_f, \"}\\n\""), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t(");\
+ \n}\
+ \n\
+ \nvoid kc_do_printdot_genfields(FILE *kc_f, int kc_prodsel, bool print_node_labels)\
+ \n{\
+ \n  int kc_i = 1;\
+ \n  KC_OPERATOR_INFO *kc_op_info = &operator_info[kc_prodsel];\
+ \n  if (kc_op_i"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("nfo->no_sons <= 0) return;\
+ \n  if (!kc_f) kc_f = stdout;\
+ \n  while(kc_i < kc_op_info->no_sons) {\
+ \n    fprintf(kc_f, \"<f%d>\", kc_i);\
+ \n    if (print_node_labels) {\
+ \n      fprintf(kc_f, \"%s\", "), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("phylum_info[kc_op_info->subphylum[kc_i-1]].name);\
+ \n    }\
+ \n    fprintf(kc_f, \"|\");\
+ \n    kc_i++;\
+ \n  }\
+ \n  fprintf(kc_f, \"<f%d>\", kc_i);\
+ \n  if (print_node_labels) {\
+ \n    fprintf(kc_f, \"%"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("s\", phylum_info[kc_op_info->subphylum[kc_i-1]].name);\
+ \n  }\
+ \n}\
+ \n\
+ \nvoid impl_abstract_phylum::do_printdot_id(FILE *kc_f, bool use_context_when_sharing_leaves, c_abstract_phylum kc_ctxt, int kc_s"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("on_nr) const\
+ \n{\
+ \n    // The casts only make unique ids, so reinterpret_cast is alright\
+ \n    if (!kc_f) kc_f = stdout;\
+ \n    enum_phyla kc_phy = phylum();\
+ \n    if (kc_phy == phylum_voidptr) {\
+ \n"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("	fprintf(kc_f, \"kcidp%x\", reinterpret_cast<int>(this));\
+ \n	if (use_context_when_sharing_leaves) {\
+ \n	    fprintf(kc_f, \"_%x_%d\", reinterpret_cast<int>(kc_ctxt), kc_son_nr);\
+ \n	}\
+ \n    } else if"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t(" ((kc_phy == phylum_casestring) || (kc_phy == phylum_nocasestring)) {\
+ \n	fprintf(kc_f, \"kcids%x\", reinterpret_cast<int>(this));\
+ \n	if (use_context_when_sharing_leaves) {\
+ \n	    fprintf(kc_f, \"_%x"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("_%d\", reinterpret_cast<int>(kc_ctxt), kc_son_nr);\
+ \n	}\
+ \n    } else if (kc_phy == phylum_integer) {\
+ \n	fprintf(kc_f, \"kcidi%x\", reinterpret_cast<int>(this));\
+ \n	if (use_context_when_sharing_leav"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("es) {\
+ \n	    fprintf(kc_f, \"_%x_%d\", reinterpret_cast<int>(kc_ctxt), kc_son_nr);\
+ \n	}\
+ \n    } else if (kc_phy == phylum_real) {\
+ \n	fprintf(kc_f, \"kcidf%x\", reinterpret_cast<int>(this));\
+ \n	if "), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("(use_context_when_sharing_leaves) {\
+ \n	    fprintf(kc_f, \"_%x_%d\", reinterpret_cast<int>(kc_ctxt), kc_son_nr);\
+ \n	}\
+ \n    } else {\
+ \n	fprintf(kc_f, \"kcidx%x\", reinterpret_cast<int>(this));\
+ \n}"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("   }\
+ \n\
+ \nvoid kc_do_printdot_do_add_edge(c_abstract_phylum kc_p, c_abstract_phylum kc_sub_p, int kc_son_nr, int *kc_edge_nr, kc_dotedgenode_t *kc_edges, const char *edge_label_prefix)\
+ \n{\
+ \n    kc"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("_dotedgenode_t kc_hn;\
+ \n    char kc_buf[30];\
+ \n    kc_hn = kc_mkdotedgenode(fprintdot_hashtable, kc_p, kc_sub_p, kc_son_nr);\
+ \n    if (! kc_hn->label) {\
+ \n		kc_hn->label = new char[(size_t)(KC_PRIN"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("TDOT_LABELSIZE+1)];\
+ \n	kc_hn->lsize = KC_PRINTDOT_LABELSIZE;\
+ \n	strcpy(kc_hn->label, \"\");\
+ \n	kc_hn->next = *kc_edges;\
+ \n	*kc_edges = kc_hn;\
+ \n    } else {\
+ \n	char kc_buf2[30];\
+ \n	sprintf(kc_bu"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("f2, \", \");\
+ \n	strncat(kc_hn->label, kc_buf2, kc_hn->lsize - strlen(kc_hn->label));\
+ \n    }\
+ \n    if (edge_label_prefix) {\
+ \n	strncat(kc_hn->label, edge_label_prefix, kc_hn->lsize - strlen(kc_hn->"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("label));\
+ \n    }\
+ \n    sprintf(kc_buf, \"%d\", *kc_edge_nr);\
+ \n    strncat(kc_hn->label, kc_buf, kc_hn->lsize - strlen(kc_hn->label));\
+ \n    (*kc_edge_nr)++;\
+ \n}\
+ \n\
+ \nvoid impl_abstract_phylum::"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("printdot_add_edge(c_abstract_phylum kc_sub_p, int kc_son_nr, int *kc_edge_nr, kc_dotedgenode_t *kc_edges, const char *edge_label_prefix) const\
+ \n{\
+ \n  kc_do_printdot_do_add_edge(this, kc_sub_p, kc_so"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("n_nr, kc_edge_nr, kc_edges, edge_label_prefix);\
+ \n}\
+ \n\
+ \nvoid kc_do_printdot_edges(FILE *kc_f, kc_dotedgenode_t kc_edges, const char *edge_attributes, bool use_context_when_sharing_leaves)\
+ \n{\
+ \n "), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("   kc_dotedgenode_t kc_p = kc_edges;\
+ \n    if (!kc_f) kc_f = stdout;\
+ \n    while(kc_p) {\
+ \n	kc_p->ptr_from->do_printdot_id(kc_f, use_context_when_sharing_leaves, 0, 0);\
+ \n	fprintf(kc_f, \":f%d -> \""), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t(", kc_p->son_nr);\
+ \n	kc_p->ptr_to->do_printdot_id(kc_f, use_context_when_sharing_leaves, kc_p->ptr_from, kc_p->son_nr);\
+ \n	fprintf(kc_f, \" [label=\\\"%s\\\"\", kc_p->label);\
+ \n	if (edge_attributes &"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("& (strlen(edge_attributes) > 0)) {\
+ \n	    fprintf(kc_f, \", %s\", edge_attributes);\
+ \n	}\
+ \n	fprintf(kc_f, \"];\\n\");\
+ \n	kc_p = kc_p->next;\
+ \n}   }\
+ \n\
+ \nvoid impl_abstract_phylum::do_printdot(FI"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("LE *kc_f, bool kc_outmost, int *kc_edge_nr, kc_dotedgenode_t *kc_edges, const char *edge_label_prefix, bool print_node_labels, bool use_context_when_sharing_leaves, c_abstract_phylum kc_ctxt, int kc_so"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("n_nr) const\
+ \n{\
+ \n    int kc_i;\
+ \n\
+ \n    if (!kc_f) kc_f = stdout;\
+ \n    switch(phylum()) {\
+ \n	case phylum_voidptr:\
+ \n	    do_printdot_id(kc_f, use_context_when_sharing_leaves, kc_ctxt, kc_son_n"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("r);\
+ \n	    fprintf(kc_f, \" [label=\\\"%p\\\", shape=ellipse];\\n\", dynamic_cast<c_voidptr>(this)->pointer);\
+ \n	    break;\
+ \n	case phylum_casestring:\
+ \n	case phylum_nocasestring:\
+ \n	    do_printd"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("ot_id(kc_f, use_context_when_sharing_leaves, kc_ctxt, kc_son_nr);\
+ \n#ifdef KC_UNICODE\
+ \n	    fprintf(kc_f, \" [label=\\\"%s\\\", shape=ellipse];\\n\", kc_to_cstring(static_cast<c_casestring>(this)->n"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("ame).c_str());\
+ \n#else\
+ \n	    fprintf(kc_f, \" [label=\\\"%s\\\", shape=ellipse];\\n\", static_cast<c_casestring>(this)->name);\
+ \n#endif\
+ \n	    break;\
+ \n	case phylum_integer:\
+ \n	    do_printdot_i"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("d(kc_f, use_context_when_sharing_leaves, kc_ctxt, kc_son_nr);\
+ \n	    fprintf(kc_f, \" [label=\\\"%i\\\", shape=ellipse];\\n\", ((integer)this)->value);\
+ \n	    break;\
+ \n	case phylum_real:\
+ \n	    do_"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("printdot_id(kc_f, use_context_when_sharing_leaves, kc_ctxt, kc_son_nr);\
+ \n	    fprintf(kc_f, \" [label=\\\"%f\\\", shape=ellipse];\\n\", ((real)this)->value);\
+ \n	    break;\
+ \n	default:\
+ \n	    if (!"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("subphylum(0)) {\
+ \n		do_printdot_id(kc_f, use_context_when_sharing_leaves, kc_ctxt, kc_son_nr);\
+ \n		fprintf(kc_f, \" [label=\\\"<f0>%s\\\"];\\n\", op_name());\
+ \n	    } else {\
+ \n		do_printdot_id(kc_f"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t(", use_context_when_sharing_leaves, kc_ctxt, kc_son_nr);\
+ \n		fprintf(kc_f, \" [label=\\\"{<f0>%s|{\", op_name());\
+ \n			kc_do_printdot_genfields(kc_f, prod_sel(), print_node_labels);\
+ \n		fprintf(kc_f,"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t(" \"}}\\\"];\\n\");\
+ \n                abstract_phylum child;\
+ \n		for (kc_i=0; (child = subphylum(kc_i)); kc_i++) {\
+ \n		    printdot_add_edge(child, kc_i+1, kc_edge_nr, kc_edges, edge_label_prefix );\
+ \n"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("		    child->do_printdot( kc_f, false, kc_edge_nr, kc_edges, edge_label_prefix, print_node_labels, use_context_when_sharing_leaves, this, kc_i+1 );\
+ \n		}\
+ \n	    }\
+ \n    }\
+ \n}\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_printdotdecls_h_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_printdotdecls_h_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_printdotdecls_h_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("\
+ \nvoid fprintdotprologue ( FILE* );\
+ \nvoid fprintdotepilogue ( FILE* );\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_error_defs_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_error_defs_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_error_defs_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const char *strof_phylum_error="Internal Error: unknown phylum number: ";
+ 		int strlen_strof_phylum_error = static_cast<int>(strlen(strof_phylum_error)+30);
+ 		casestring cstrof_phylum_error = mkcasestring(strof_phylum_error);
+ 		const char *strof_operator_error="Internal Error: unknown operator number: ";
+ 		int strlen_strof_operator_error = static_cast<int>(strlen(strof_operator_error)+30);
+ 		casestring cstrof_operator_error = mkcasestring(strof_operator_error);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("const char*\
+ \nphylumname_or_error(enum_phyla kc_phy)\
+ \n{\
+ \n    if ((kc_phy <= one_before_first_phylum) || (kc_phy >= last_phylum)) {\
+ \n	char *kc_strof_error;\
+ \n	sprintf((kc_strof_error=new char["), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(strlen_strof_phylum_error, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("]), \""), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(cstrof_phylum_error, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("%d\", kc_phy);\
+ \n	return kc_strof_error;\
+ \n    } else {\
+ \n	return phylum_info[kc_phy].name;\
+ \n}   }\
+ \n\
+ \n\
+ \nconst char*\
+ \nkc_operatorname_or_error(enum_operators kc_operator)\
+ \n{\
+ \n    if ((k"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("c_operator <= one_before_first_operator) || (kc_operator >= last_operator)) {\
+ \n	char *kc_strof_error;\
+ \n	sprintf((kc_strof_error=new char["), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(strlen_strof_operator_error, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("]), \""), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(cstrof_operator_error, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("%d\", kc_operator);\
+ \n	return kc_strof_error;\
+ \n    } else {\
+ \n	return operator_info[kc_operator].name;\
+ \n}   }\
+ \n\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_error_decls_h_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_error_decls_h_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_error_decls_h_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("const char *phylumname_or_error ( enum_phyla );\
+ \nconst char *kc_operatorname_or_error ( enum_operators );\
+ \n\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_access_functions_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_access_functions_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_access_functions_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const phylumdeclarations d = this->phylumdeclarations_1;
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("\
+ \nabstract_phylum\
+ \nkc_create(enum_operators createOp"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		int j=Theargsnumbers->last()->value;
+ 		if (j<2) j=2; 
+ 		for (int i = 1; i<=j; ++i) 
+ 		{
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t(", abstract_phylum"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t(" kc_p"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    kc::unparse(i, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		}
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(")\
+ \n{\
+ \n    switch(createOp) {\r\
+ \n    case sel__VoidPtr:\
+ \n    case sel__Int:\
+ \n    case sel__Real:\
+ \n    case sel__Str:\
+ \n    case sel_NoCaseStr:\v\
+ \n	assertionFailed(\"Cannot create this kin"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("d of phylum - predefined phyla must be handled seperately\");break;\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(d, kc_printer, view_gen_create_function);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("   \rdefault:\v\
+ \n	assertionFailed(\"Cannot create this kind of phylum - unkown operator id\");\
+ \n    }\
+ \n    NORETURN\
+ \n}\
+ \n\
+ \nabstract_phylum&\
+ \nattributeOf(abstract_phylum kc_p, int no)\
+ \n{\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		count_printer counter;
+ 		d->unparse(counter, view_gen_attributeOf_function);
+ 		if (counter()==0) 
+ 		{
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("assertionFailed(\"Cannot select attribute for this kind of phylum - has no attributes\");\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		}
+ 		else 
+ 		{
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("   enum_operators kc_op = kc_p->prod_sel();\
+ \n    switch (kc_op) {\r\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    kc::unparse(d, kc_printer, view_gen_attributeOf_function);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("   default:\v\
+ \n	assertionFailed(\"Cannot select attribute for this kind of phylum - unkown operator id or no attributes\");\
+ \n    }\
+ \n    assertionFailed(\"Cannot select attribute for this kind of"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t(" phylum - attribute number out of range\");\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		}
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("    NORETURN\
+ \n}\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_operatordefs_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_operatordefs_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_operatordefs_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const phylumdeclarations d = this->phylumdeclarations_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(Thestorageclasses, kc_printer, view_gen_operatordefs_c_0);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("\
+ \nbool kc_storageclass_still_uniq[] = {\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(Thestorageclasses, kc_printer, view_gen_operatordefs_c_1);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(" };\
+ \n\
+ \nhashtable_t hashtables[] = {\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(Thestorageclasses, kc_printer, view_gen_operatordefs_c_2);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("};\
+ \n\
+ \nconst char* kc_storageclassnames[] = { "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(Thestorageclasses, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(" };\
+ \n\
+ \nnamespace { // all local to k.cc\
+ \n\r\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(d, kc_printer, view_gen_initializephyla_c);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("\
+ \n} // namespace\
+ \n\
+ \nenum_phyla\
+ \nimpl_abstract_phylum::phylum() const {\
+ \n	return operator_info[prod_sel()].phylum;\
+ \n}\
+ \n\
+ \nconst char*\
+ \nimpl_abstract_phylum::phylum_name() const {\
+ \n	re"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("turn phylum_info[phylum()].name;\
+ \n}\
+ \n\
+ \nconst char*\
+ \nimpl_abstract_phylum::op_name() const {\
+ \n	return operator_info[prod_sel()].name;\
+ \n}\
+ \n\
+ \ncasestring\
+ \nmkcasestring(const kc_char_t *kc"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("_s, int length)\
+ \n{\
+ \n\
+ \n    casestring"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		if(g_options.smart_pointer) 
+ 		{
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("_ptr"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		}
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(" kc_x=new impl_casestring__Str(kc_s);\
+ \n    if(length>=0) \
+ \n		kc_x->make_own(length);\
+ \n	\
+ \n    casestring unique_kc_x=hashtables[uniq]->ht_check_insert((casestring)kc_x);\
+ \n    if(unique_kc_x!=k"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("c_x) {\
+ \n		if(length<0) \
+ \n	kc_x->name=0;\
+ \n\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		if(!g_options.smart_pointer) 
+ 		{
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("	delete kc_x;\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		}
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("	kc_x=unique_kc_x;\
+ \n    } else {\
+ \n		if(length<0) \
+ \n			kc_x->make_own(static_cast<int>(kc_strlen(kc_s)));\
+ \n\
+ \n	kc_x->post_create();\
+ \n"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("    }\
+ \n    return kc_x;\
+ \n}\
+ \n\
+ \nnocasestring\
+ \nmknocasestring(const kc_char_t *kc_s, int length)\
+ \n{\
+ \n\
+ \n    nocasestring"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		if(g_options.smart_pointer) 
+ 		{
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("_ptr"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		}
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(" kc_x=new impl_nocasestring_NoCaseStr(kc_s);\
+ \n	if(length>=0)\
+ \n		kc_x->make_own(length);\
+ \n    nocasestring unique_kc_x=hashtables[uniq]->ht_check_insert((nocasestring)kc_x);\
+ \n    if(unique_kc_x!"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("=kc_x) {\
+ \n		if(length<0)\
+ \n	kc_x->name=0;\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		if(!g_options.smart_pointer) 
+ 		{
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("	delete kc_x;\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		}
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("	kc_x=unique_kc_x;\
+ \n    } else {\
+ \n		if(length<0)\
+ \n			kc_x->make_own(static_cast<int>(kc_strlen(kc_s)));\
+ \n	kc_x->post_create();\
+ \n"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("    }\
+ \n\
+ \n    return kc_x;\
+ \n}\
+ \n\
+ \ninteger\
+ \nmkinteger(const INTEGER kc_i)\
+ \n{\
+ \n\
+ \n    integer kc_x =new impl_integer__Int(kc_i);\
+ \n   "), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t(" integer unique_kc_x=hashtables[uniq]->ht_check_insert(kc_x);\
+ \n    if(unique_kc_x!=kc_x) {\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		if(!g_options.smart_pointer) 
+ 		{
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("	delete kc_x;\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		}
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("	kc_x=unique_kc_x;\
+ \n    } else {\
+ \n	kc_x->post_create();\
+ \n    }\
+ \n\
+ \n    return kc_x;\
+ \n}\
+ \n\
+ \nreal\
+ \nmkreal(const REAL kc_r)\
+ \n{"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("\
+ \n\
+ \n    real kc_x=new impl_real__Real(kc_r);\
+ \n    real unique_kc_x=hashtables[uniq]->ht_check_insert(kc_x);\
+ \n    if(unique_kc_x!=kc_x) {\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		if(!g_options.smart_pointer) 
+ 		{
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("	delete kc_x;\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		}
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("	kc_x=unique_kc_x;\
+ \n    } else {\
+ \n	kc_x->post_create();\
+ \n    }\
+ \n\
+ \n    return kc_x;\
+ \n}\
+ \n\
+ \nvoidptr\
+ \nmkvoidptr(void *kc_p)\
+ "), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("\n{\
+ \n    KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel__VoidPtr));\
+ \n    voidptr kc_x=new impl_voidptr__VoidPtr(kc_p);\
+ \n    voidptr unique_kc_x=hashtables[uniq]->ht_check_insert(kc_x);\
+ \n    if(unique_kc"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("_x!=kc_x) {\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		if(!g_options.smart_pointer) 
+ 		{
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("	delete kc_x;\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		}
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("	kc_x=unique_kc_x;\
+ \n    } else {\
+ \n	kc_x->post_create();\
+ \n    }\
+ \n    return kc_x;\
+ \n}\
+ \n\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(d, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		kc::unparse(this, kc_printer, view_gen_access_functions);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("\
+ \nabstract_phylum\
+ \nimpl_abstract_phylum::subphylum(int) const\
+ \n{\
+ \n  return 0;\
+ \n}\
+ \n\
+ \nvoid\
+ \nimpl_abstract_phylum::set_subphylum(int,abstract_phylum)\
+ \n{\
+ \n}\
+ \n\
+ \nvoid\
+ \nimpl_abstract"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("_phylum::free(bool kc_rec)\
+ \n{\
+ \n    KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_FREE_CALLED_STATS(prod_sel(), kc_rec));\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		if(g_options.smart_pointer) 
+ 		{
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("	if(get_ref())\
+ \n		get_ref()->unlock();\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		}
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("    if (!"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		if(g_options.smart_pointer) 
+ 		{
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("get_ref()"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		}
+ 		else 
+ 		{
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("phylum_info[phylum()].uniq_stored"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		}
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(") {\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		if(!g_options.smart_pointer) 
+ 		{
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("	if (kc_rec) {\
+ \n            abstract_phylum son;\
+ \n	    for (int kc_i=0; (son = subphylum(kc_i)); kc_i++)\
+ \n	    {\
+ \n		if (son!=0) son->free(kc_rec);\
+ \n		son=0;\
+ \n	    }\
+ \n	}\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		}
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("	KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_FREED_STATS(prod_sel(), kc_rec));\
+ \n	delete this;\
+ \n	}\
+ \n}\
+ \n\
+ \nbool\
+ \nimpl_abstract_phylum::eq(c_abstract_phylum kc_p2) const\
+ \n{\
+ \n    if (this == kc_p2)\
+ \n		return tru"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("e;\
+ \n    if (prod_sel() != kc_p2->prod_sel())\
+ \n		return false;\
+ \n\
+ \n    int kc_st = phylum_info[phylum()].uniq_stored;\
+ \n    if (kc_st && kc_storageclass_still_uniq[kc_st])\
+ \n		return false;\
+ \n"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("\
+ \n    c_abstract_phylum son1;\
+ \n    for (int kc_i=0; (son1 = subphylum(kc_i)); kc_i++) {\
+ \n	if (!son1->eq(kc_p2->subphylum(kc_i)))\
+ \n	    return false;\
+ \n    }\
+ \n\
+ \n    return true;\
+ \n}\
+ \n\
+ \n"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("static string kc_indentation = \"\";\
+ \nstatic const char *kc_printformat_not_nullary_open = \"%s%s(\\n\";\
+ \nstatic const char *kc_printformat_list_open = \"%s%s\\n\";\
+ \n\
+ \nstatic const char *kc_pri"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("ntformat_not_nullary_close = \"%s)\\n\";\
+ \nstatic const char *kc_printformat_nullary = \"%s%s()\\n\";\
+ \n\
+ \nvoid\
+ \nimpl_abstract_phylum::fprint(FILE*kc_f)\
+ \n{\
+ \n    int kc_i;\
+ \n\
+ \n    if (!kc_f)"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t(" kc_f = stdout;\
+ \n    abstract_list al = dynamic_cast<abstract_list>(this);\
+ \n    if (al != 0 && !al->is_nil()) {\
+ \n	fprintf(kc_f, kc_printformat_list_open, kc_indentation.c_str(), op_name());\
+ \n	k"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("c_indentation+=\"| \";\
+ \n	subphylum(0)->fprint(kc_f);\
+ \n	kc_indentation=kc_indentation.substr(0, kc_indentation.length()-2);\
+ \n	phylum_cast<abstract_list>(subphylum(1))->fprint_list(kc_f);\
+ \n	kc_in"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("dentation=kc_indentation.substr(0, kc_indentation.length()-2);\
+ \n    } else // not list\
+ \n    switch(phylum()) {\
+ \n	case phylum_voidptr:\
+ \n	    \vfprintf(kc_f, \"%s%p\\n\", kc_indentation.c_str(), "), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("static_cast<voidptr>(this)->pointer);\
+ \n	    break;\r\
+ \n	case phylum_casestring:\
+ \n	case phylum_nocasestring:\
+ \n	    \vfprintf(kc_f, \"%s%s\\n\", kc_indentation.c_str(), static_cast<casestring>(thi"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("s)->name);\
+ \n	    break;\r\
+ \n	case phylum_integer:\
+ \n	    \vfprintf(kc_f, \"%s%i\\n\", kc_indentation.c_str(), static_cast<integer>(this)->value);\
+ \n	    break;\r\
+ \n	case phylum_real:\
+ \n	    \vfp"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("rintf(kc_f, \"%s%f\\n\", kc_indentation.c_str(), static_cast<real>(this)->value);\
+ \n	    break;\r\
+ \n	default:\
+ \n	    \vif (!subphylum(0)) {\
+ \n		fprintf(kc_f, kc_printformat_nullary, kc_indentation."), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("c_str(), op_name());\
+ \n	    } else {\
+ \n		fprintf(kc_f, kc_printformat_not_nullary_open, kc_indentation.c_str(), op_name());\
+ \n		kc_indentation+=\"  \";\
+ \n		abstract_phylum son;\
+ \n		for (kc_i=0; (s"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("on = subphylum(kc_i)); kc_i++) {\
+ \n		    son->fprint(kc_f);\
+ \n		}\
+ \n		kc_indentation=kc_indentation.substr(0, kc_indentation.length()-2);\
+ \n		fprintf(kc_f, kc_printformat_not_nullary_close, kc_inde"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("ntation.c_str());\
+ \n	    }\r\
+ \n    }\
+ \n}\
+ \n\
+ \nvoid \
+ \nimpl_abstract_phylum::print()\
+ \n{\
+ \n  fprint(stdout);\
+ \n}\
+ \n\
+ \nvoid \
+ \nimpl_abstract_list::fprint_list(FILE*kc_f)\
+ \n{\
+ \n    if (!kc_f"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t(")\
+ \n	kc_f = stdout;\
+ \n    if (this->is_nil()) {\
+ \n	kc_indentation+=\"`-\";\
+ \n	fprintf(kc_f, kc_printformat_nullary, kc_indentation.c_str(), op_name());\
+ \n    } else {\
+ \n	kc_indentation+=\"|-\";\
+ \n"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("	fprintf(kc_f, kc_printformat_list_open, kc_indentation.c_str(), op_name());\
+ \n	kc_indentation=kc_indentation.substr(0, kc_indentation.length()-2);\
+ \n	kc_indentation+=\"| \";\
+ \n	subphylum(0)->fprint"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("(kc_f);\
+ \n	kc_indentation=kc_indentation.substr(0, kc_indentation.length()-2);\
+ \n	phylum_cast<abstract_list>(subphylum(1))->fprint_list(kc_f);\
+ \n    }\
+ \n}\
+ \n\
+ \nint\
+ \nimpl_abstract_list::length()"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t(" const\
+ \n{\
+ \n    int kc_length = 0;\
+ \n    c_abstract_phylum kc_p = this;\
+ \n    while((kc_p = kc_p->subphylum(1)))\
+ \n	kc_length++;\
+ \n    return kc_length;\
+ \n}\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		if(g_options.smart_pointer) 
+ 		{
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("void impl_abstract_list::freelist() { }\n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		}
+ 		else 
+ 		{
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("void impl_abstract_list::freelist()\
+ \n{\
+ \n    abstract_phylum kc_p = this, kc_tmp_p;\
+ \n    do {\
+ \n	kc_tmp_p=kc_p->subphylum(1);\
+ \n	kc_p->free(false);\
+ \n	kc_p=kc_tmp_p;\
+ \n    } while(kc_p);\
+ \n}\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		}
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("abstract_phylum\
+ \nimpl_abstract_list::do_concat(c_abstract_phylum kc_p2, enum_operators mk) const\
+ \n{\
+ \n    abstract_phylum next = subphylum(1);\
+ \n    if(!next)\
+ \n	return const_cast<abstract_phyl"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("um>(kc_p2);\
+ \n    return kc_create(mk, subphylum(0), static_cast<abstract_list>(next)->do_concat(kc_p2, mk));\
+ \n}\
+ \n\
+ \nabstract_phylum\
+ \nimpl_abstract_list::do_reverse(c_abstract_phylum tail, enum"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("_operators mk) const\
+ \n{\
+ \n    for (impl_abstract_list const* iterator_ = this; iterator_->subphylum(1) != 0;\
+ \n	    iterator_ = static_cast<impl_abstract_list const*>(iterator_->subphylum(1)) )\
+ \n"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("	tail = kc_create(mk, iterator_->subphylum(0), const_cast<abstract_phylum>(tail));\
+ \n    return const_cast<abstract_phylum>(tail);\
+ \n}\
+ \n\
+ \nabstract_phylum\
+ \nimpl_abstract_list::last() const\
+ \n{\
+ \n"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("    c_abstract_phylum kc_p = this, next = subphylum(1), nextnext;\
+ \n#ifdef _AFX\
+ \n    ASSERT(next);\
+ \n    if(!next)\
+ \n	return NULL;\
+ \n#else\
+ \n    if(!next){\
+ \n	fflush(stdout);\
+ \n	fprintf(stderr"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t(", \"Internal Error: list::last was called with argument Nil%s\\n\", phylum_name());\
+ \n	exit(1);\
+ \n    }\
+ \n#endif\
+ \n    while ((nextnext = next->subphylum(1))) {\
+ \n	kc_p = next;\
+ \n	next = nextnext"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t(";\
+ \n    }\
+ \n    return const_cast<abstract_phylum>(kc_p->subphylum(0));/* XXX remove cast */\
+ \n}\
+ \n\
+ \nabstract_phylum\
+ \nimpl_abstract_list::do_map(abstract_phylum (*kc_fp)(abstract_phylum), enum_"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("operators mk)\
+ \n{\
+ \n    abstract_phylum el = subphylum(0);\
+ \n    if (!el)\
+ \n	return this;\
+ \n    abstract_list next = static_cast<abstract_list>(subphylum(1));\
+ \n    return kc_create(mk, kc_fp(el)"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t(", next->do_map(kc_fp, mk));\
+ \n}\
+ \n\
+ \nabstract_phylum\
+ \nimpl_abstract_list::do_filter(bool (*kc_fp)(abstract_phylum), enum_operators mk)\
+ \n{\
+ \n    abstract_phylum el = subphylum(0);\
+ \n    if (!el"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t(")\
+ \n	return this;\
+ \n    abstract_list next = static_cast<abstract_list>(subphylum(1));\
+ \n    if ((*kc_fp)(el)) {\
+ \n	return kc_create(mk, el, next->do_filter(kc_fp, mk));\
+ \n    } else {\
+ \n	return "), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("next->do_filter(kc_fp, mk);\
+ \n    }\
+ \n}\
+ \n\
+ \nabstract_list\
+ \nimpl_abstract_list::do_append(abstract_phylum new_last, abstract_list eol)\
+ \n{\
+ \n    abstract_list next = this;\
+ \n    while (!next->"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("is_nil())\
+ \n	next = phylum_cast<abstract_list>(next->subphylum(1));\
+ \n    next->set_subphylum(0, new_last);\
+ \n    next->set_subphylum(1, eol);\
+ \n    return next;\
+ \n}\
+ \n\
+ \nabstract_phylum\
+ \nimpl"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("_abstract_list::do_merge(abstract_list second,abstract_phylum(*kc_fp)(abstract_phylum,abstract_phylum), enum_operators mk)\
+ \n{\
+ \n    abstract_phylum el = subphylum(0);\
+ \n    if (!el)\
+ \n	return this"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t(";\
+ \n    abstract_phylum el2 = second->subphylum(0);\
+ \n    if (!el2)\
+ \n	return el2;\
+ \n    abstract_list next = static_cast<abstract_list>(subphylum(1));\
+ \n    abstract_list next2 = static_cast<abst"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("ract_list>(second->subphylum(1));\
+ \n    return kc_create(mk, kc_fp(el,el2), next->do_merge(next2, kc_fp, mk));\
+ \n}\
+ \n\
+ \nabstract_phylum\
+ \nimpl_abstract_list::do_reduce(abstract_phylum neutral, abs"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("tract_phylum(*kc_fp)(abstract_phylum,abstract_phylum)) {\
+ \n    abstract_phylum el = subphylum(0);\
+ \n    if (!el)\
+ \n	return neutral;\
+ \n    abstract_list next = static_cast<abstract_list>(subphylum(1"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("));\
+ \n    return kc_fp(el,next->do_reduce(neutral,kc_fp));\
+ \n}\
+ \n\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_operatorcast_h_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_operatorcast_h_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_operatorcast_h_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const phylumdeclarations d = this->phylumdeclarations_1;
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("/* translation of file(s)\n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(Thefnfiles, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(" */\
+ \n/* generated by:\
+ \n *  "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(kimwitu_copyright, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("\
+ \n */\
+ \n#include \""), kc_current_view); }
+ 		PRINT(g_options.prefix.c_str()); 
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t("k.h\"         // in case a user forgets\
+ \n#include <typeinfo>   // for bad_cast\
+ \n\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(d, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("#endif // KC_OPERATOR_CAST_HEADER\n\n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_operatordecls_h_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_operatordecls_h_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_operatordecls_h_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const phylumdeclarations d = this->phylumdeclarations_1;
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("\
+ \ncasestring mkcasestring( const kc_char_t *, int length = -1);\
+ \nnocasestring mknocasestring( const kc_char_t *, int length = -1);\
+ \ninteger mkinteger( const INTEGER );\
+ \nreal mkreal( const REAL "), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t(");\
+ \ninline casestring _Str( const kc_char_t * cc) { return mkcasestring(cc); }\
+ \ninline nocasestring NoCaseStr( const kc_char_t * cc) { return mknocasestring(cc); }\
+ \ninline integer _Int( const INT"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("EGER cc) { return mkinteger(cc); }\
+ \ninline real _Real( const REAL cc) { return mkreal(cc); }\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(d, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_assertmacros_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_assertmacros_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_assertmacros_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("\
+ \nvoid\
+ \nkc_no_default_in_with( const char *kc_func, int kc_line, const char *kc_file )\
+ \n{\
+ \n    fflush(stdout);\
+ \n#ifdef _AFX\
+ \n	const _TCHAR* format=A2CT(KC_NO_DEFAULT_IN"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("_WITH);\
+ \n	const _TCHAR* tkc_func=A2CT(kc_func);\
+ \n	const _TCHAR* tkc_file=A2CT(kc_file);\
+ \n	TRACE( format, tkc_func, tkc_file, kc_line );\
+ \n#ifdef _DEBUG\
+ \n    if (AfxAssertFailedLine(kc_file, kc"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("_line))\
+ \n#endif\
+ \n	AfxDebugBreak();\
+ \n#else\
+ \n    fprintf( stderr, KC_NO_DEFAULT_IN_WITH, kc_func, kc_file, kc_line );\
+ \n    abort();\
+ \n#else\
+ \n    exit( 1 );\
+ \n"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("#endif\
+ \n#endif\
+ \n}\
+ \n\
+ \nvoid\
+ \nkc_returnless_function( const char *kc_func, int kc_line, const char *kc_file )\
+ \n{\
+ \n    fflush(stdout);\
+ \n#ifdef _AFX\
+ \n	const _TCHAR* fo"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("rmat=_T(\"Internal Error: function %s does not return a value, at %s:%d\");\
+ \n	const _TCHAR* tkc_func=A2CT(kc_func);\
+ \n	const _TCHAR* tkc_file=A2CT(kc_file);\
+ \n	TRACE( format, tkc_func, tkc_file, kc"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("_line );\
+ \n#ifdef _DEBUG\
+ \n    if (AfxAssertFailedLine(kc_file, kc_line))\
+ \n#endif\
+ \n	AfxDebugBreak();\
+ \n#else\
+ \n    fprintf( stderr, \"Internal Error: function %s does not return a value, at %s:"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("%d\", kc_func, kc_file, kc_line );\
+ \n    abort();\
+ \n#else\
+ \n    exit( 1 );\
+ \n#endif\
+ \n#endif\
+ \n}\
+ \n\
+ \nvoid\
+ \nkc_assertionFailed(const char *kc_fn, int kc_l)\
+ \n"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("{\
+ \n    fflush(stdout);\
+ \n#ifdef _AFX\
+ \n	const _TCHAR* format=_T(\"Internal Error: Assertion failed at %s:%d\\n\");\
+ \n	const _TCHAR* tkc_func=A2CT(kc_fn);\
+ \n	TRACE( format, tk"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("c_func, kc_l );\
+ \n#ifdef _DEBUG\
+ \n    if (AfxAssertFailedLine(kc_fn, kc_l))\
+ \n#endif\
+ \n	AfxDebugBreak();\
+ \n#else\
+ \n    fprintf( stderr, \"Internal Error: Assertion failed at %s:%d\\n\", kc_fn, kc"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("_l );\
+ \n#ifndef KC_ASSERT_NO_ABORT\
+ \n    abort();\
+ \n#else\
+ \n    exit( 1 );\
+ \n#endif\
+ \n#endif\
+ \n}\
+ \n\
+ \nvoid\
+ \nkc_assertionReasonFailed(const char *kc_fn, int kc_l, const char *kc_s)\
+ \n{\
+ \n  "), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("  fflush(stdout);\
+ \n#ifdef _AFX\
+ \n	const _TCHAR* format=_T(\"Internal Error: Assertion failed at file %s:%d: %s\\n\");\
+ \n	const _TCHAR* tkc_func=A2CT(kc_fn);\
+ \n	const _TCHAR* t"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("kc_s=A2CT(kc_s);\
+ \n	TRACE( format, tkc_func, kc_l, tkc_s );\
+ \n#ifdef _DEBUG\
+ \n    if (AfxAssertFailedLine(kc_fn, kc_l))\
+ \n#endif\
+ \n	AfxDebugBreak();\
+ \n#else\
+ \n    fprintf( stderr, \"Internal Err"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("or: Assertion failed at file %s:%d: %s\\n\", kc_fn, kc_l, kc_s );\
+ \n#ifndef KC_ASSERT_NO_ABORT\
+ \n    abort();\
+ \n#else\
+ \n    exit( 1 );\
+ \n#endif\
+ \n#endif\
+ \n}\
+ \n\
+ \nvoid\
+ \nkc_assertionNonNullFai"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("led(const char *kc_fn, int kc_l, const char *kc_str)\
+ \n{\
+ \n    fflush(stdout);\
+ \n#ifdef _AFX\
+ \n	const _TCHAR* format=_T(\"Internal Error: Assertion failed at %s:%d: pointer %s "), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("is NULL\\n\");\
+ \n	const _TCHAR* tkc_func=A2CT(kc_fn);\
+ \n	const _TCHAR* tkc_s=A2CT(kc_str);\
+ \n	TRACE( format , tkc_func, kc_l, tkc_s);\
+ \n#ifdef _DEBUG\
+ \n    if (AfxAssertFailedLine(kc_fn, kc_l))\
+ \n"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("#endif\
+ \n	AfxDebugBreak();\
+ \n#else\
+ \n    fprintf( stderr, \"Internal Error: Assertion failed at %s:%d: pointer %s is NULL\\n\", kc_fn, kc_l, kc_str );\
+ \n#ifndef KC_ASSERT_NO_ABORT\
+ \n    abort();\
+ \n"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("#else\
+ \n    exit( 1 );\
+ \n#endif\
+ \n#endif\
+ \n}\
+ \n\
+ \nvoid\
+ \nkc_assertionOperatorInPhylumFailed(int kc_op, const char *kc_str1, const char *kc_str2, const char *kc_phy, const char *kc_fn, int kc_l)\
+ \n"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("{\
+ \n    fflush(stdout);\
+ \n#ifdef _AFX\
+ \n    const _TCHAR* format=_T(\"Internal Error: Assertion failed at %s:%d: illegal value for (%s) %s%s: %d not a valid operator\\n\");\
+ \n"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("    const _TCHAR* tkc_func=A2CT(kc_fn);\
+ \n    const _TCHAR* tkc_s1=A2CT(kc_str1);\
+ \n    const _TCHAR* tkc_s2=A2CT(kc_str2);\
+ \n    const _TCHAR* tname=A2CT(kc_phy);\
+ \n    if ((kc_op <= one_before_fi"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("rst_operator) || (kc_op >= last_operator)) {\
+ \n	TRACE (format, tkc_func, kc_l, tname, tkc_s1, tkc_s2, kc_op );\
+ \n    } else {\
+ \n	format=_T(\"Internal Error: Assertion failed at %s:%d: illegal value "), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("for (%s) %s%s: %s (%d) is a value of %s\\n\");\
+ \n	const _TCHAR* tname2=A2CT(operator_info[kc_op].name);\
+ \n	const _TCHAR* tname3=A2CT(phylum_info[operator_info[kc_op].phylum].name);\
+ \n	TRACE(format,t"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("kc_func, kc_l, tname, tkc_s1, tkc_s2, tname2, kc_op, tname3 );\
+ \n    }\
+ \n#ifdef _DEBUG\
+ \n	if (AfxAssertFailedLine(kc_fn, kc_l))\
+ \n#endif\
+ \n		AfxDebugBreak();\
+ \n#else\
+ \n    if ((kc_op <= one_befo"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("re_first_operator) || (kc_op >= last_operator)) {\
+ \n	fprintf( stderr, \"Internal Error: Assertion failed at %s:%d: illegal value for (%s) %s%s: %d not a valid operator\\n\",\
+ \n		kc_fn, kc_l, kc_phy, "), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("kc_str1, kc_str2, kc_op );\
+ \n    } else {\
+ \n	fprintf( stderr, \"Internal Error: Assertion failed at %s:%d: illegal value for (%s) %s%s: %s (%d) is a value of %s\\n\",\
+ \n		kc_fn, kc_l, kc_phy, kc_str"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("1, kc_str2, operator_info[kc_op].name, kc_op, phylum_info[operator_info[kc_op].phylum].name );\
+ \n    }\
+ \n#ifndef KC_ASSERT_NO_ABORT\
+ \n    abort();\
+ \n#else\
+ \n    exit( 1 );\
+ \n#endif\
+ \n#endif\
+ \n}"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("\
+ \n\
+ \nvoid kc_invalid_operator( const char *kc_func_prefix, enum_phyla kc_phy, int kc_line, const char *kc_file, enum_operators kc_oper )\
+ \n{\
+ \n    fflush(stdout);\
+ \n#ifdef _AFX\
+ \n    USES_CONVER"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("SION;\
+ \n    const _TCHAR* format=_T(\"Internal Error: invalid operator code in %s%s at %s:%d: %s\\n\");\
+ \n    const _TCHAR* tkc_func=A2CT(kc_func_prefix);\
+ \n    const _TCHAR* tkc_file=A2CT(kc_file);"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("\
+ \n    const _TCHAR* ts1=A2CT(phylumname_or_error( kc_phy ));\
+ \n    const _TCHAR* ts2=A2CT(kc_operatorname_or_error( kc_oper ));\
+ \n    TRACE( format, tkc_func, ts1, tkc_file, kc_line, ts2);\
+ \n#ifde"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("f _DEBUG\
+ \n    if (AfxAssertFailedLine(kc_file, kc_line))\
+ \n#endif\
+ \n	AfxDebugBreak();\
+ \n#else\
+ \n    fprintf( stderr, \"Internal Error: invalid operator code in %s%s at %s:%d: %s\\n\", kc_func_pre"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("fix, phylumname_or_error( kc_phy ), kc_file, kc_line, kc_operatorname_or_error( kc_oper ));\
+ \n    abort();\
+ \n#else\
+ \n    exit( 1 );\
+ \n#endif\
+ \n#endif\
+ \n}\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_assertmacros_h_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_assertmacros_h_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_assertmacros_h_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const phylumdeclarations d = this->phylumdeclarations_1;
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("\
+ \n#ifndef KC_NO_DEFAULT_IN_WITH\
+ \n# define KC_NO_DEFAULT_IN_WITH \"Internal Error: no default action defined in function %s at %s:%d\\n\"\
+ \n#endif\
+ \nvoid kc_no_default_in_with (const char*, int, "), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("const char*);\
+ \nvoid kc_returnless_function (const char *, int, const char*);\
+ \n\
+ \n#ifndef NDEBUG\
+ \n# define assertCond(t) do {if (!(t)) kc_assertionFailed(__FILE__,__LINE__);}while(false)\
+ \n# def"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("ine assertReason(t,s) do {if (!(t)) kc_assertionReasonFailed(__FILE__,__LINE__,s);}while(false)\
+ \n# define assertNonNull(p) do {if (p == 0) kc_assertionNonNullFailed(__FILE__,__LINE__,#p);}while(false"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t(")\
+ \n# define assertPhylum(ptr,phy) do { \\\
+ \n    assertNonNull(ptr); \\\
+ \n    if (ptr->phylum()!=phy) \\\
+ \n	kc_assertionOperatorInPhylumFailed(ptr->prod_sel(),#ptr,\"->prod_sel()\",\"phy\",__FILE__"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t(",__LINE__); \\\
+ \n    } while(false)\
+ \n#else\
+ \n# define assertCond(t)\
+ \n# define assertReason(t,s)\
+ \n# define assertNonNull(ptr)\
+ \n# define assertPhylum(op,phy)\
+ \n#endif\
+ \n#define assertionFaile"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("d(s) kc_assertionReasonFailed(__FILE__,__LINE__,s)\
+ \n\r\
+ \nvoid kc_assertionFailed (const char*, int) __attribute__ ((noreturn));\
+ \nvoid kc_assertionReasonFailed (const char*, int, const char*) __att"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("ribute__ ((noreturn));\
+ \nvoid kc_assertionNonNullFailed (const char*, int, const char*) __attribute__ ((noreturn));\
+ \nvoid kc_assertionOperatorInPhylumFailed (int, const char*, const char*, const cha"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("r*, const char*, int) __attribute__ ((noreturn));\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_noofoperators_h_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_noofoperators_h_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_noofoperators_h_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("#define KC_NO_OF_OPERATORS "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(g_no_of_operators, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("\
+ \n\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_yaccstacktype_h_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_yaccstacktype_h_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_yaccstacktype_h_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const phylumdeclarations d = this->phylumdeclarations_1;
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("#ifndef YYSTYPE_HEADER\
+ \n#define YYSTYPE_HEADER\
+ \nunion KC_YYSTYPE {\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(d, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("};\
+ \n#endif // YYSTYPE_HEADER\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_nodetypes_h_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_nodetypes_h_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_nodetypes_h_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const phylumdeclarations d = this->phylumdeclarations_1;
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_nodetypedefs_h_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_nodetypedefs_h_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_nodetypedefs_h_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const phylumdeclarations d = this->phylumdeclarations_1;
+ 		if(!g_options.no_printdot) 
+ 		{
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("typedef class impl_kc_dotedgenode_t *kc_dotedgenode_t;\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		}
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(d, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_operatormap_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_operatormap_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_operatormap_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const phylumdeclarations d = this->phylumdeclarations_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(d, kc_printer, view_gen_operatormap_subphyla);
+ 		kc::unparse(d, kc_printer, view_gen_operatormap_attributes);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("\
+ \n\
+ \nKC_OPERATOR_INFO operator_info[] = {\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		{
+ 		    int i = OPERATORNUMBEROFFSET; do 
+ 		    {
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t("    { \"\", 0, 0, one_before_first_phylum, 0, 0, 0, 0 }, /* dummy element */\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 			i--; 
+ 			 }
+ 		    while (i >= 0); 
+ 		     }
+ 		kc::unparse(d, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("    { \"\", 0, 0, one_before_first_phylum, 0, 0, 0, 0 } /* last element */\
+ \n};\
+ \n\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_phylummap_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_phylummap_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_phylummap_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const phylumdeclarations d = this->phylumdeclarations_1;
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("KC_PHYLUM_INFO phylum_info[] = {\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		{
+ 		    int i = PHYLUMNUMBEROFFSET; do 
+ 		    {
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t("    { \"\", one_before_first_operator, one_before_first_operator, (kc_storageclass_t)0 }, /* dummy element */\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 			i--; 
+ 			 }
+ 		    while (i >= 0); 
+ 		     }
+ 		kc::unparse(d, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("    { \"\", one_before_first_operator, one_before_first_operator, (kc_storageclass_t)0 } /* last element */\
+ \n};\
+ \n\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_operatormap_type_h_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_operatormap_type_h_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_operatormap_type_h_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_enumoperators_h_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_enumoperators_h_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_enumoperators_h_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const phylumdeclarations pds = this->phylumdeclarations_1;
+ 		g_no_of_operators = OPERATORNUMBEROFFSET; 
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t("typedef enum { one_before_first_operator = "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(g_no_of_operators, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(" ,\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		g_no_of_operators++; 
+ 		kc::unparse(pds, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("    last_operator = "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(g_no_of_operators, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("\
+ \n} enum_operators;\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_enumphyla_h_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_enumphyla_h_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_enumphyla_h_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const phylumdeclarations pds = this->phylumdeclarations_1;
+ 		g_no_of_phyla = PHYLUMNUMBEROFFSET; 
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t("typedef enum { one_before_first_phylum = "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(g_no_of_phyla, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(" ,\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		g_no_of_phyla++; 
+ 		kc::unparse(pds, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("    last_phylum = "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(g_no_of_phyla, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("\
+ \n} enum_phyla;\
+ \n\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_alloc_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_alloc_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_alloc_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("\
+ \n#ifdef KC_STATISTICS\
+ \nstatic int kc_casestring_strlen =0;\
+ \nstatic int kc_nocasestring_strlen =0;\
+ \n#  define KC_COLLECT_STATS"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("0(v) v\
+ \n#else\
+ \n#  define KC_COLLECT_STATS0(v)\
+ \n#endif\
+ \n\
+ \n#ifndef KC_CREATE_STATS\
+ \n#  define KC_CREATE_STATS(oper) operator_statistics[oper].created++;\
+ \n#endif\
+ \n#ifndef KC_EXISTINGNOTFOU"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("ND_STATS\
+ \n#  define KC_EXISTINGNOTFOUND_STATS(oper) operator_statistics[oper].existing_not_found++;\
+ \n#endif\
+ \n\
+ \n#  define KC_FREE_CALLED_STATS(oper,rec) operator_"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("statistics[oper].free_called[(rec?true:false)]++;\
+ \n#endif\
+ \n\
+ \n#ifndef KC_FREED_STATS\
+ \n#  define KC_FREED_STATS(oper,rec) operator_statistics[oper].freed[(rec?true:false)]++;\
+ \n#endif\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_alloc_h_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_alloc_h_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_alloc_h_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const phylumdeclarations d = this->phylumdeclarations_1;
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("\
+ \nextern bool kc_storageclass_still_uniq[];\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_k_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_k_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_k_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("/* translation of file(s)\n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(Thefnfiles, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(" */\
+ \n/* generated by:\
+ \n *  "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(kimwitu_copyright, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("\
+ \n */\
+ \n#define KC_TYPES\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		if(g_options.stdafx!="") {
+ 		    PRINT("#include \"");
+ 		    PRINT(g_options.stdafx.c_str());
+ 		    PRINT("\"\n");
+ 		}	
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t("\
+ \n#include \""), kc_current_view); }
+ 		PRINT(g_options.prefix.c_str()); 
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t("k.h\"\
+ \n#include <stdio.h>\
+ \n#include <ctype.h>\
+ \n#include <string>\
+ \n#include <sys/types.h>\
+ \n#include <stdlib.h>\
+ \n\
+ \n#ifdef _MSC_VER\
+ \n#pragma warning( disable : 4786 )\
+ \n#endif\
+ \n#include"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t(" <new>\
+ \n#include <set>\
+ \n#include <list>\
+ \n#include <algorithm>\
+ \n\
+ \n#if !defined(USE_HASHSET) && (defined(__GNUC__) || defined(__ICC) || defined(__ECC)) \\\
+ \n	&& !defined(DONT_USE_HASHSET)\
+ \n#"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("  define USE_HASHSET\
+ \n#endif\
+ \n#ifdef USE_HASHSET\
+ \n#  if defined(__GNUC__) && __GNUC__>2\
+ \n#    include <ext/hash_set>\
+ \n#  else\
+ \n#    include <hash_set>\
+ \n#  endif\
+ \n#endif\
+ \n\
+ \nusing nam"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("espace std;\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(this, kc_printer, view_open_namespace);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("\
+ \ninline bool\
+ \nht_less(casestring p1, casestring p2){\
+ \n    return kc_strcmp(p1->name, p2->name)<0;\
+ \n}\
+ \n\
+ \ninline bool\
+ \nht_less(nocasestring p1, nocasestring p2){\
+ \n    return kc_strcasecm"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("p(p1->name, p2->name)<0;\
+ \n}\
+ \n\
+ \ninline bool\
+ \nht_less(real p1, real p2){\
+ \n    return p1->value < p2->value;\
+ \n}\
+ \n\
+ \ninline bool\
+ \nht_less(integer p1, integer p2){\
+ \n    return p1->value <"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t(" p2->value;\
+ \n}\
+ \n\
+ \ninline bool\
+ \nht_less(voidptr p1, voidptr p2){\
+ \n    return p1->pointer < p2->pointer;\
+ \n}\
+ \n\
+ \nbool\
+ \nht_less(abstract_phylum p1, abstract_phylum p2)\
+ \n{\
+ \n    enum_ope"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("rators prod_sel=p1->prod_sel();\
+ \n    enum_operators prod_sel2=p2->prod_sel();\
+ \n    if(prod_sel<prod_sel2)\
+ \n	return true;\
+ \n    if(prod_sel>prod_sel2)\
+ \n	return false;\
+ \n    switch(prod_sel) {\
+ \n"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("	case sel_NoCaseStr:\
+ \n	    \vreturn ht_less(static_cast<nocasestring>(p1),static_cast<nocasestring>(p2));\r\
+ \n	case sel__Str:\
+ \n	    \vreturn ht_less(static_cast<casestring>(p1),static_cast<casestr"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("ing>(p2));\r\
+ \n	case sel__Real:\
+ \n	    \vreturn ht_less(static_cast<real>(p1),static_cast<real>(p2));\r\
+ \n	case sel__Int:\
+ \n	    \vreturn ht_less(static_cast<integer>(p1),static_cast<integer>(p2));"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("\r\
+ \n	case sel__VoidPtr:\
+ \n	    \vreturn ht_less(static_cast<voidptr>(p1),static_cast<voidptr>(p2));\r\
+ \n	default: {\
+ \n	    int i=0;\
+ \n	    bool still_unique = kc_storageclass_still_uniq[phylum_in"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("fo[p1->phylum()].uniq_stored];\
+ \n	    abstract_phylum sub1=0;\
+ \n	    do {\
+ \n		sub1=p1->subphylum(i);\
+ \n		abstract_phylum sub2=p2->subphylum(i);\
+ \n		if(still_unique) {\
+ \n		    if(sub1<sub2)\
+ \n			"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("return true;\
+ \n		    if(sub2<sub1)\
+ \n			return false;\
+ \n		}\
+ \n		else {\
+ \n		    if(ht_less(sub1, sub2))\
+ \n			return true;\
+ \n		    if(ht_less(sub2, sub1))\
+ \n			return false;\
+ \n		}\
+ \n		++i;\
+ \n	"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("    } while(sub1);\
+ \n	}\
+ \n    }\
+ \n    return false;\
+ \n}\
+ \n\
+ \ntemplate<typename T>\
+ \nclass phylum_less : std::binary_function<T, T, bool>\
+ \n{\
+ \npublic:\
+ \n    bool operator()(const T& X, const "), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("T& Y) const\
+ \n	\v{ return ht_less(X,Y); }\r\
+ \n};\
+ \n\
+ \ninline void deletefun(c_abstract_phylum t){\
+ \n    delete const_cast<abstract_phylum>(t);\
+ \n}\
+ \n\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		string how_smart = "";
+ 		if(g_options.smart_pointer) how_smart="_ptr"; 
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t("\
+ \n#ifdef USE_HASHSET\
+ \nstruct hashitem {\
+ \n    size_t hashvalue;\
+ \n    casestring"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(how_smart, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(" contents;\
+ \n    hashitem(casestring"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(how_smart, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(" cs): contents(cs) {\
+ \n	unsigned long h = 0;\
+ \n	kc_char_t const *s = cs->name;\
+ \n	for ( ; *s; ++s)\
+ \n	    \vh = 5*h + *s;\r\
+ \n	hashvalue=(size_t)h;\
+ \n    }\
+ \n};\
+ \n\
+ \ninline void deletefunhashi"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("tem(hashitem t) {\
+ \n    delete t.contents;\
+ \n}\
+ \n\
+ \n#  ifdef __GNUC__\
+ \nstruct eq_hashitem { bool operator()(hashitem hi1, hashitem hi2) const {\
+ \n    return kc_strcmp(hi1.contents->name, hi2.con"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("tents->name) == 0; } };\
+ \n\
+ \nstruct hash_hashitem { size_t operator()(hashitem hi) const {\
+ \n    return hi.hashvalue; } };\
+ \n\
+ \n#  else\
+ \nstruct comp_hashitem {\
+ \n    enum { bucket_size = 4, min"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("_buckets = 8 };\
+ \n    // bucket_size and min_buckets are just guesses\
+ \n    size_t operator()(const hashitem hi) const {\
+ \n	return hi.hashvalue; }\
+ \n    bool operator()(const hashitem hi1, const ha"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("shitem hi2) const {\
+ \n	return kc_strcmp(hi1.contents->name, hi2.contents->name) < 0; }\
+ \n};\
+ \n#  endif // Whether gcc or icc\
+ \n#endif // Whether hash or not\
+ \n\
+ \nstruct hashtable_level\
+ \n{\
+ \n	h"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("ashtable_level(bool cod = true): clean_on_destruction(cod) { }\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		if(!g_options.smart_pointer) 
+ 		{
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("	void clear(bool free_entries=true) {\
+ \n	    if(free_entries)\
+ \n		clear_entries();\
+ \n	    _casestring.clear();\
+ \n	    _nocasestring.clear();\
+ \n	    _integer.clear();\
+ \n	    _real.clear();\
+ \n	   "), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t(" _voidptr.clear();\
+ \n	    _abstract_phylum.clear();\
+ \n	}\
+ \n	void clear_entries() {\
+ \n#ifdef USE_HASHSET\
+ \n		std::for_each(_casestring.begin(),_casestring.end(),deletefunhashitem);\
+ \n#else\
+ \n		st"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("d::for_each(_casestring.begin(),_casestring.end(),deletefun);\
+ \n#endif\
+ \n		std::for_each(_nocasestring.begin(),_nocasestring.end(),deletefun);\
+ \n		std::for_each(_integer.begin(),_integer.end(),delet"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("efun);\
+ \n		std::for_each(_real.begin(),_real.end(),deletefun);\
+ \n		std::for_each(_voidptr.begin(),_voidptr.end(),deletefun);\
+ \n		std::for_each(_abstract_phylum.begin(),_abstract_phylum.end(),deletef"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("un);\
+ \n	    }\
+ \n	~hashtable_level() {\
+ \n	    clear(clean_on_destruction);\
+ \n	}\
+ \n	abstract_phylum check_insert(abstract_phylum t) {\
+ \n	    return *_abstract_phylum.insert(t).first;\
+ \n	}\
+ \n	case"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("string check_insert(casestring t) {\
+ \n#ifdef USE_HASHSET\
+ \n	    return (*_casestring.insert(hashitem(t)).first).contents;\
+ \n#else\
+ \n	    return *_casestring.insert(t).first;\
+ \n#endif\
+ \n	}\
+ \n	noc"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("asestring check_insert(nocasestring t) {\
+ \n	    return *_nocasestring.insert(t).first;\
+ \n	}\
+ \n	integer check_insert(integer t) {\
+ \n	    return *_integer.insert(t).first;\
+ \n	}\
+ \n	real check_insert"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("(real t) {\
+ \n	    return *_real.insert(t).first;\
+ \n	}\
+ \n	voidptr check_insert(voidptr t) {\
+ \n	    return *_voidptr.insert(t).first;\
+ \n	}\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		}
+ 		else 
+ 		{
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("	void clear() {\
+ \n	    _casestring.clear();\
+ \n	    _nocasestring.clear();\
+ \n	    _integer.clear();\
+ \n	    _real.clear();\
+ \n	    _voidptr.clear();\
+ \n	    _abstract_phylum.clear();\
+ \n	}\
+ \n	abstra"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("ct_phylum check_insert(abstract_phylum t) {\
+ \n	    return *_abstract_phylum.insert(abstract_phylum_ptr(t)).first;\
+ \n	}\
+ \n	casestring check_insert(casestring t) {\
+ \n	    return *_casestring.insert(c"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("asestring_ptr(t)).first;\
+ \n	}\
+ \n	nocasestring check_insert(nocasestring t) {\
+ \n	    return *_nocasestring.insert(nocasestring_ptr(t)).first;\
+ \n	}\
+ \n	integer check_insert(integer t) {\
+ \n	    retur"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("n *_integer.insert(integer_ptr(t)).first;\
+ \n	}\
+ \n	real check_insert(real t) {\
+ \n	    return *_real.insert(real_ptr(t)).first;\
+ \n	}\
+ \n	voidptr check_insert(voidptr t) {\
+ \n	    return *_voidptr.ins"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("ert(voidptr_ptr(t)).first;\
+ \n	}\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		}
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("\rprivate:\v\
+ \n	bool clean_on_destruction;\
+ \n#ifdef USE_HASHSET\
+ \n#  ifdef __GNUC__\
+ \n#    if __GNUC__==2 || (__GNUC__==3 && __GNUC_MINOR__==0)\
+ \n	std::hash_set<hashitem, hash_hashitem, eq_hashite"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("m> _casestring;\
+ \n#    else\
+ \n	__gnu_cxx::hash_set<hashitem, hash_hashitem, eq_hashitem> _casestring;\
+ \n#    endif\
+ \n#  else\
+ \n	std::hash_set<hashitem, comp_hashitem> _casestring;\
+ \n#  endif\
+ \n#"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("else\
+ \n	std::set<casestring"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(how_smart, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(", phylum_less<casestring"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(how_smart, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("> > _casestring;\
+ \n#endif\
+ \n	std::set<nocasestring"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(how_smart, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(", phylum_less<nocasestring"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(how_smart, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("> > _nocasestring;\
+ \n	std::set<integer"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(how_smart, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(", phylum_less<integer"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(how_smart, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("> > _integer;\
+ \n	std::set<real"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(how_smart, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(", phylum_less<real"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(how_smart, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("> > _real;\
+ \n	std::set<voidptr"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(how_smart, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(", phylum_less<voidptr"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(how_smart, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("> > _voidptr;\
+ \n	std::set<abstract_phylum"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(how_smart, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(", phylum_less<abstract_phylum"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(how_smart, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("> > _abstract_phylum;\
+ \n};\
+ \n\
+ \nclass hashtable_stack: public std::list<hashtable_level> {\
+ \n\rpublic:\v\
+ \n    hashtable_stack(): _pos(begin()) { }\
+ \n\
+ \n    void inc_level() { _pos=insert(_pos, "), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("hashtable_level()); }\
+ \n    void dec_level() { if(valid() && _pos!=end()) ++_pos; }\
+ \n    void free_level() { if(_pos!=begin()) { erase(begin(),_pos);_pos=begin(); } }\
+ \n\
+ \n    bool valid() const {"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t(" return !empty(); }\
+ \n    hashtable_level& get_level() { return *_pos; }\
+ \n\
+ \n    template<typename T>\
+ \n    T check_insert(T t) {\
+ \n	return dynamic_cast<T>((*_pos).check_insert(t));\
+ \n    }\
+ \n\r"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("private:\v\
+ \n    iterator _pos;\
+ \n};\
+ \n\
+ \nclass hashtable_struct_t {\
+ \n\rpublic:\v\
+ \n    // don't clean _static_level on destruction (program ends)\
+ \n    hashtable_struct_t(): _static_level(fals"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("e), _to_be_freed(false),  _dynamic(false) { }\
+ \n\
+ \n    template <typename T>\
+ \n    T ht_check_insert(T t) {\
+ \n	if(_dynamic && _dynamic_level.valid())\
+ \n	    return _dynamic_level.check_insert(t);\
+ \n"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("	else\
+ \n	    return dynamic_cast<T>(_static_level.check_insert(t));\
+ \n    }\
+ \n    void ht_static() {_dynamic=false; }\
+ \n    void ht_dynamic() {\
+ \n	_dynamic=true;\
+ \n	if(!_dynamic_level.valid())\
+ \n"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("	    _dynamic_level.inc_level();\
+ \n    }\
+ \n    void ht_inc_level() { _dynamic_level.inc_level(); }\
+ \n    void ht_dec_level() { _dynamic_level.dec_level(); }\
+ \n    void ht_free_level() { _dynamic_le"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("vel.free_level(); }\
+ \n    void ht_clear() { _static_level.clear(); _dynamic_level.clear(); _dynamic=false; }\
+ \n\
+ \n    bool to_be_freed() { return _to_be_freed; }\
+ \n    void set_to_be_freed(bool b=t"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("rue) { _to_be_freed=b; }\
+ \n\rprivate:\v\
+ \n    hashtable_level _static_level;\
+ \n    hashtable_stack _dynamic_level;\
+ \n    bool _to_be_freed; /* should be true for dynamic, false for statically alloc"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("ated structures */\
+ \n    bool _dynamic;\
+ \n};\
+ \n\
+ \nimpl_nocasestring_NoCaseStr::impl_nocasestring_NoCaseStr(const kc_char_t* _name) : name(_name) { }\
+ \nvoid impl_nocasestring_NoCaseStr::make_own(in"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("t length) {\
+ \n    kc_char_t *newname=new kc_char_t[length+1];\
+ \n    for (int i=0; i < length && name[i]; ++i)\
+ \n	newname[i] = kc_tolower(name[i]);\
+ \n    newname[length]=0;\
+ \n    name=newname;\
+ \n}"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("\
+ \n\
+ \nimpl_casestring__Str::impl_casestring__Str(const kc_char_t* _name) : name(_name) { }\
+ \nvoid impl_casestring__Str::make_own(int length) {\
+ \n    kc_char_t *newname=kc_strncpy(new kc_char_t[leng"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("th+1],name,length);\
+ \n    newname[length]=0;\
+ \n    name=newname;\
+ \n}\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_end_k_h_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_end_k_h_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_end_k_h_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		kc::unparse(this, kc_printer, view_close_namespace);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("#endif // KC_TYPES_HEADER\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_k_h_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_k_h_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_k_h_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("/* translation of file(s)\n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(Thefnfiles, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(" */\
+ \n/* generated by:\
+ \n *  "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(kimwitu_copyright, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("\
+ \n */\
+ \n#ifndef KC_TYPES_HEADER\
+ \n#define KC_TYPES_HEADER\
+ \n\
+ \n#define KIMWITUVERSIONMAJOR "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(METAKIMWITUVERSIONMAJOR, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("\
+ \n#define KIMWITUVERSIONMINOR "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(METAKIMWITUVERSIONMINOR, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("\
+ \n#define KIMWITUVERSIONMICRO "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(METAKIMWITUVERSIONMICRO, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("\
+ \n\
+ \n#include <stdio.h>\
+ \n#include <stddef.h>\
+ \n#include <string>\
+ \n\
+ \nnamespace kc {\r\
+ \n\
+ \n#ifndef INTEGER\
+ \n# define INTEGER int\
+ \n#endif\
+ \n#ifndef REAL\
+ \n# define REAL double\
+ \n#endif"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("\
+ \n\
+ \n#ifdef KC_UNICODE\
+ \n\
+ \n#define kc_t(TEXT) L ## TEXT\
+ \ntypedef wchar_t kc_char_t;\
+ \ntypedef std::wstring kc_string_t;\
+ \n\
+ \n#if defined(_WIN32) && ! defined (__GNUC__)\
+ \n#define kc_strlen "), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("wcslen\
+ \n#define kc_strcmp wcscmp\
+ \n#define kc_strcasecmp _wcsicmp\
+ \n#define kc_strcpy wcscpy\
+ \n#define kc_strncpy wcsncpy\
+ \n#define kc_tolower towlower\
+ \n#define kc_print_integer(buf,number) swp"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("rintf(buf,kc_t(\"%d\"),number)\
+ \n#define kc_print_real(buf,number) swprintf(buf,kc_t(\"%g\"),number)\
+ \n\
+ \n// needed for printdot and csgio only\
+ \ninline\
+ \nstd::string kc_to_cstring(const std::wstr"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("ing& s) {\
+ \n    return W2CA(s.c_str());\
+ \n}\
+ \n\
+ \n// needed for csgio only\
+ \ninline\
+ \nstd::wstring kc_to_wstring(const std::string& s) {\
+ \n    retu"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("rn A2CW(s.c_str());\
+ \n}\
+ \n\
+ \n#else // !defined(_WIN32) || defined(__GNUC__)\
+ \n// if you want to use UNICODE on other platforms you have to write\
+ \n// the following functions on your own\
+ \nint kc_"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("strlen(const kc_char_t*);\
+ \nint kc_strcmp(const kc_char_t*,const kc_char_t*);\
+ \nint kc_strcasecmp(const kc_char_t*,const kc_char_t*);\
+ \nint kc_strcpy(kc_char_t*,const kc_char_t*);\
+ \nint kc_strncpy("), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("kc_char_t*,const kc_char_t*, int);\
+ \nkc_char_t kc_tolower(kc_char_t);\
+ \nint kc_print_integer(kc_char_t* buffer, INTEGER number );\
+ \nint kc_print_real(kc_char_t* buffer, REAL number);\
+ \n\
+ \n// neede"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("d for printdot and csgio only\
+ \nstd::string kc_to_cstring(const std::wstring& );\
+ \n// needed for csgio only\
+ \nstd::wstring kc_to_wstring(const std::string& );\
+ \n\
+ \n#endif\
+ \n\
+ \n#else // !KC_UNICO"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("DE\
+ \n  \
+ \n#define kc_t(TEXT) TEXT  \
+ \ntypedef char kc_char_t;\
+ \ntypedef std::string kc_string_t;\
+ \n\
+ \n#define kc_strlen strlen\
+ \n#define kc_strcmp strcmp\
+ \n#if defined(_WIN32) && ! defined (__G"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("NUC__)\
+ \n#define kc_strcasecmp _stricmp\
+ \n#else\
+ \n#define kc_strcasecmp strcasecmp\
+ \n#endif\
+ \n#define kc_strcpy strcpy\
+ \n#define kc_strncpy strncpy\
+ \n#define kc_tolower tolower  \
+ \n#define kc_p"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("rint_integer(buf,number) sprintf(buf,kc_t(\"%d\"),number)\
+ \n#define kc_print_real(buf,number) sprintf(buf,kc_t(\"%g\"),number)\
+ \n#endif\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		if(!g_options.no_unparse) 
+ 		{
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("class uview_class;\
+ \ntypedef uview_class& uview;\
+ \ntypedef const uview_class& c_uview;\
+ \n\
+ \ntypedef class printer_functor_class& printer_functor;\
+ \ntypedef void (*printer_function)(const kc_char_t"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("*, uview);\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		}
+ 		if(!g_options.no_rewrite) 
+ 		{
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("\
+ \nclass rview_class;\
+ \ntypedef rview_class& rview;\
+ \ntypedef const rview_class& c_rview;\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		}
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("\
+ \n\v}\
+ \n\
+ \n// Some compilers know __attribute__. Right now we test for the GNU compiler\
+ \n// and Intel's icc (for ia32) and ecc (for ia64).\
+ \n#if !defined __GNUC__ && !defined __ICC && !defined _"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("_ECC\
+ \n# define __attribute__(x)\
+ \n#endif\
+ \n\
+ \n// Since all definitions are in namespace kc now, there is no need\
+ \n// give them a kc_ prefix. Old code may still rely on the prefix, so these\
+ \n//"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t(" macros are generated for backwards compatibility\
+ \n#ifdef KC_DEPRECATED\
+ \n#define kc_PhylumInfo           phylum_info\
+ \n#define kc_OperatorInfo         operator_info\
+ \n#define kc_last_uview       "), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("    last_uview\
+ \n#define kc_uviews               uviews\
+ \n#define kc_rviews               rviews\
+ \n#define kc_ht_reuse             ht_clear\
+ \n#define kc_ht_clear             ht_clear\
+ \n#define kc_"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("ht_assign            ht_assign\
+ \n#define kc_ht_assigned          ht_assigned\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(this, kc_printer, view_gen_deprecated);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("\
+ \n#endif // KC_DEPRECATED\
+ \n\
+ \n// Some compilers are too stupid to detect that a function will always return\
+ \n// a proper value when it returns one in all branches of an if- or switch-\
+ \n// stat"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("ement (with final else or default, of course).\
+ \n#if !defined __GNUC__\
+ \n# define NORETURN throw 0;\
+ \n#else\
+ \n# define NORETURN\
+ \n#endif\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(this, kc_printer, view_open_namespace);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("\
+ \n\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_close_namespace_enum: {
+ 	    view_close_namespace_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_close_namespace_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("\
+ \n} // namespace kc\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_open_namespace_enum: {
+ 	    view_open_namespace_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_open_namespace_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("\
+ \nnamespace kc {\r\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_no_of_printed_string_chars_reset_enum: {
+ 	    view_no_of_printed_string_chars_reset_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_no_of_printed_string_chars_reset_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_printer_reset_enum: {
+ 	    view_printer_reset_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_printer_reset_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_printer_outputfileline_enum: {
+ 	    view_printer_outputfileline_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_printer_outputfileline_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 		default_unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view );
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_phylumdeclarations::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     if(is_nil())
+ 	nil_do_unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view_base);
+     else
+ 	switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	case view_gen_yxx_union_h_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_yxx_union_h_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_yxx_union_h_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const phylumdeclaration pd = this->phylumdeclaration_1;
+ 		const phylumdeclarations rpds = this->phylumdeclarations_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(rpds, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		kc::unparse(pd, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_classdefs_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_classdefs_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_classdefs_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const phylumdeclaration pd = this->phylumdeclaration_1;
+ 		const phylumdeclarations rpds = this->phylumdeclarations_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(rpds, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		kc::unparse(pd, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_classdecls2_h_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_classdecls2_h_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_classdecls2_h_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const phylumdeclaration pd = this->phylumdeclaration_1;
+ 		const phylumdeclarations rpds = this->phylumdeclarations_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(rpds, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		kc::unparse(pd, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_classdecls1_h_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_classdecls1_h_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_classdecls1_h_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const phylumdeclaration pd = this->phylumdeclaration_1;
+ 		const phylumdeclarations rpds = this->phylumdeclarations_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(rpds, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		kc::unparse(pd, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_unparsedefs_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_unparsedefs_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_unparsedefs_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const phylumdeclaration pd = this->phylumdeclaration_1;
+ 		const phylumdeclarations rpds = this->phylumdeclarations_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(rpds, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		kc::unparse(pd, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_rewritedefs_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_rewritedefs_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_rewritedefs_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const phylumdeclaration pd = this->phylumdeclaration_1;
+ 		const phylumdeclarations rpds = this->phylumdeclarations_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(rpds, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		kc::unparse(pd, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_copy_attributes_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_copy_attributes_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_copy_attributes_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const phylumdeclaration pd = this->phylumdeclaration_1;
+ 		const phylumdeclarations rpds = this->phylumdeclarations_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(rpds, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		kc::unparse(pd, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_listdefs_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_listdefs_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_listdefs_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const phylumdeclaration pd = this->phylumdeclaration_1;
+ 		const phylumdeclarations rpds = this->phylumdeclarations_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(rpds, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		kc::unparse(pd, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_printdotdefs_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_printdotdefs_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_printdotdefs_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const phylumdeclaration pd = this->phylumdeclaration_1;
+ 		const phylumdeclarations rpds = this->phylumdeclarations_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(rpds, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		kc::unparse(pd, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_attributeOf_function_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_attributeOf_function_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_attributeOf_function_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const phylumdeclaration pd = this->phylumdeclaration_1;
+ 		const phylumdeclarations rpds = this->phylumdeclarations_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(rpds, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		kc::unparse(pd, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_operatordefs_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_operatordefs_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_operatordefs_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const phylumdeclaration pd = this->phylumdeclaration_1;
+ 		const phylumdeclarations rpds = this->phylumdeclarations_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(rpds, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		kc::unparse(pd, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_operatorcast_h_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_operatorcast_h_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_operatorcast_h_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const phylumdeclaration pd = this->phylumdeclaration_1;
+ 		const phylumdeclarations rpds = this->phylumdeclarations_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(rpds, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		kc::unparse(pd, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_operatordecls_h_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_operatordecls_h_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_operatordecls_h_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const phylumdeclaration pd = this->phylumdeclaration_1;
+ 		const phylumdeclarations rpds = this->phylumdeclarations_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(rpds, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		kc::unparse(pd, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_yaccstacktype_h_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_yaccstacktype_h_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_yaccstacktype_h_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const phylumdeclaration pd = this->phylumdeclaration_1;
+ 		const phylumdeclarations rpds = this->phylumdeclarations_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(rpds, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		kc::unparse(pd, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_nodetypedefs_h_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_nodetypedefs_h_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_nodetypedefs_h_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const phylumdeclaration pd = this->phylumdeclaration_1;
+ 		const phylumdeclarations rpds = this->phylumdeclarations_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(rpds, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		kc::unparse(pd, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_operatormap_attributes_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_operatormap_attributes_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_operatormap_attributes_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const phylumdeclaration pd = this->phylumdeclaration_1;
+ 		const phylumdeclarations rpds = this->phylumdeclarations_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(rpds, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		kc::unparse(pd, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_operatormap_subphyla_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_operatormap_subphyla_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_operatormap_subphyla_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const phylumdeclaration pd = this->phylumdeclaration_1;
+ 		const phylumdeclarations rpds = this->phylumdeclarations_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(rpds, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		kc::unparse(pd, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_operatormap_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_operatormap_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_operatormap_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const phylumdeclaration pd = this->phylumdeclaration_1;
+ 		const phylumdeclarations rpds = this->phylumdeclarations_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(rpds, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		kc::unparse(pd, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_phylummap_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_phylummap_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_phylummap_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const phylumdeclaration pd = this->phylumdeclaration_1;
+ 		const phylumdeclarations rpds = this->phylumdeclarations_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(rpds, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		kc::unparse(pd, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_enumoperators_h_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_enumoperators_h_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_enumoperators_h_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const phylumdeclaration pd = this->phylumdeclaration_1;
+ 		const phylumdeclarations rpds = this->phylumdeclarations_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(rpds, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		kc::unparse(pd, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_enumphyla_h_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_enumphyla_h_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_enumphyla_h_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const phylumdeclaration pd = this->phylumdeclaration_1;
+ 		const phylumdeclarations rpds = this->phylumdeclarations_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(rpds, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		kc::unparse(pd, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_deprecated_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_deprecated_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_deprecated_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const phylumdeclaration pd = this->phylumdeclaration_1;
+ 		const phylumdeclarations rpds = this->phylumdeclarations_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(rpds, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		kc::unparse(pd, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_check_uniq_enum: {
+ 	    view_check_uniq_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_check_uniq_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const phylumdeclaration d = this->phylumdeclaration_1;
+ 		const phylumdeclarations rpds = this->phylumdeclarations_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(rpds, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		kc::unparse(d, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_initializephyla_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_initializephyla_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_initializephyla_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const phylumdeclaration pd = this->phylumdeclaration_1;
+ 		const phylumdeclarations rpds = this->phylumdeclarations_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(rpds, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		kc::unparse(pd, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_check_count1_enum: {
+ 	    view_check_count1_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_check_count1_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const phylumdeclaration pd = this->phylumdeclaration_1;
+ 		const phylumdeclarations rpds = this->phylumdeclarations_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(rpds, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		kc::unparse(pd, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_check_count_enum: {
+ 	    view_check_count_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_check_count_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		kc::unparse(this, kc_printer, view_check_count1);
+ 		v_freecount(); 
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_check_enum: {
+ 	    view_check_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_check_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const phylumdeclaration pd = this->phylumdeclaration_1;
+ 		const phylumdeclarations pds = this->phylumdeclarations_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(pds, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		kc::unparse(pd, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 		for (phylumdeclarations iterator_ = this; iterator_->phylumdeclarations_1 != 0; iterator_ = iterator_->phylumdeclarations_1)
+ 		    iterator_->phylumdeclaration_1->unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_phylumdeclarations::nil_do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	case view_gen_yxx_union_h_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_yxx_union_h_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_yxx_union_h_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_classdefs_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_classdefs_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_classdefs_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_classdecls2_h_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_classdecls2_h_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_classdecls2_h_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("\
+ \nabstract_phylum kc_create(enum_operators createOp"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		int j=Theargsnumbers->last()->value;
+ 		if (j<2) j=2; 
+ 		for (int i = 1; i<=j; ++i) 
+ 		{
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t(", abstract_phylum=0"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		}
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(");\
+ \nabstract_phylum& attributeOf(abstract_phylum kc_p, int no);\
+ \n\n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_classdecls1_h_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_classdecls1_h_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_classdecls1_h_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_unparsedefs_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_unparsedefs_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_unparsedefs_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_rewritedefs_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_rewritedefs_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_rewritedefs_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_copy_attributes_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_copy_attributes_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_copy_attributes_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_listdefs_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_listdefs_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_listdefs_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_printdotdefs_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_printdotdefs_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_printdotdefs_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_attributeOf_function_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_attributeOf_function_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_attributeOf_function_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_operatordefs_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_operatordefs_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_operatordefs_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_operatorcast_h_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_operatorcast_h_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_operatorcast_h_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_operatordecls_h_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_operatordecls_h_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_operatordecls_h_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_yaccstacktype_h_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_yaccstacktype_h_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_yaccstacktype_h_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_nodetypedefs_h_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_nodetypedefs_h_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_nodetypedefs_h_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_operatormap_attributes_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_operatormap_attributes_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_operatormap_attributes_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_operatormap_subphyla_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_operatormap_subphyla_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_operatormap_subphyla_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_operatormap_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_operatormap_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_operatormap_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_phylummap_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_phylummap_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_phylummap_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_enumoperators_h_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_enumoperators_h_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_enumoperators_h_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_enumphyla_h_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_enumphyla_h_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_enumphyla_h_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_deprecated_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_deprecated_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_deprecated_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_check_uniq_enum: {
+ 	    view_check_uniq_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_check_uniq_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_initializephyla_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_initializephyla_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_initializephyla_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		fndeclarations apfd=The_abstract_phylum_decl->additional_members,
+ 		alfd=The_abstract_list_decl->additional_members; 
+ 		kc::unparse(apfd, kc_printer, view_count_attrs);
+ 		if (gl_no_of_args) 
+ 		{
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("void kc_initialize_abstract_phylum(abstract_phylum kc_x)\
+ \n	    {\n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("}\n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		}
+ 		kc::unparse(alfd, kc_printer, view_count_attrs);
+ 		if (gl_no_of_args) 
+ 		{
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("void kc_initialize_abstract_list(abstract_list kc_x)\
+ \n	    {\n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("}\n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		}
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_check_count1_enum: {
+ 	    view_check_count1_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_check_count1_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_check_enum: {
+ 	    view_check_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_check_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_phylumnames::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     if(is_nil())
+ 	nil_do_unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view_base);
+     else
+ 	switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	case view_gen_uniqmap_c_1_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_uniqmap_c_1_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_uniqmap_c_1_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const ID pn = this->ID_1;
+ 		const phylumnames r_pn = this->phylumnames_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(r_pn, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("phylum_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(pn, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(", "), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 		for (phylumnames iterator_ = this; iterator_->phylumnames_1 != 0; iterator_ = iterator_->phylumnames_1)
+ 		    iterator_->ID_1->unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_phylumnames::nil_do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	case view_gen_uniqmap_c_1_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_uniqmap_c_1_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_uniqmap_c_1_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_phylumdeclaration_PhylumDeclaration::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	case view_gen_set_subphylumdefs_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_set_subphylumdefs_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_set_subphylumdefs_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    if ((this->productionblock_1->prod_sel() == sel_PredefinedAlternatives)) {
+ 	    } else
+ 		if ((this->productionblock_1->prod_sel() == sel_Emptyproductionblock)) {
+ 	    } else
+ 		if ((this->productionblock_1->prod_sel() == sel_ListAlternatives)) {
+ 		const ID id = this->ID_1;
+ 		const ID el = phylum_cast<const impl_productionblock_ListAlternatives*>(this->productionblock_1)->ID_1;
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("void impl_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)\
+ \n{\
+ \n    abstract_phylum newval=0;\
+ \n    switch(no) {\
+ \n	case 0: newval = "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(el, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("_1 = dynamic_cast<"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(el, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(">(val);break;\
+ \n	case 1: newval = "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("_1 = dynamic_cast<"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(">(val);break;\
+ \n    }\
+ \n    assertNonNull(newval);\
+ \n}\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    } else
+ 		if ((this->productionblock_1->prod_sel() == sel_NonlistAlternatives)) {
+ 		const ID id = this->ID_1;
+ 		const alternatives alt = phylum_cast<const impl_productionblock_NonlistAlternatives*>(this->productionblock_1)->alternatives_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(alt, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    } else
+ 		    goto kc_unparsing_default;
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_yxx_union_h_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_yxx_union_h_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_yxx_union_h_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const ID id = this->ID_1;
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("    kc::"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(" as_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(";\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_subphylumdefs_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_subphylumdefs_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_subphylumdefs_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    if ((this->productionblock_1->prod_sel() == sel_PredefinedAlternatives)) {
+ 	    } else
+ 		if ((this->productionblock_1->prod_sel() == sel_Emptyproductionblock)) {
+ 	    } else
+ 		if ((this->productionblock_1->prod_sel() == sel_ListAlternatives)) {
+ 		const ID id = this->ID_1;
+ 		const ID el = phylum_cast<const impl_productionblock_ListAlternatives*>(this->productionblock_1)->ID_1;
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("abstract_phylum impl_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("::subphylum(int no) const\
+ \n{\
+ \n  switch(no){\
+ \n    case 0: return "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(el, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("_1;\
+ \n    case 1: return "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("_1;\
+ \n  }\
+ \n  return 0;\
+ \n}\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    } else
+ 		if ((this->productionblock_1->prod_sel() == sel_NonlistAlternatives)) {
+ 		const ID id = this->ID_1;
+ 		const alternatives alt = phylum_cast<const impl_productionblock_NonlistAlternatives*>(this->productionblock_1)->alternatives_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(alt, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    } else
+ 		    goto kc_unparsing_default;
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_classdefs_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_classdefs_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_classdefs_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    if ((this->productionblock_1->prod_sel() == sel_Emptyproductionblock)) {
+ 	    } else
+ 		if ((this->productionblock_1->prod_sel() == sel_ListAlternatives)) {
+ 		const ID id = this->ID_1;
+ 		const ID el = phylum_cast<const impl_productionblock_ListAlternatives*>(this->productionblock_1)->ID_1;
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("const enum_phyla "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, view_class_of_phy);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("::phylum_sel_ = phylum_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(";\n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, view_class_of_phy);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("::"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, view_class_of_phy);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("("), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(el, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(" p1 , "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(" p2)\
+ \n	\v: "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(additional_members, kc_printer, view_count_nonstaticmembers);
+ 		if (gl_no_of_args) 
+ 		{
+ 		    kc::unparse(gl_members, kc_printer, view_gen_user_assignment_inis);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t(", "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		}
+ 		kc::unparse(el, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("_1(p1), "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("_1(p2) { }\r\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    } else
+ 	    {
+ 		const ID id = this->ID_1;
+ 		const productionblock alts = this->productionblock_1;
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("const enum_phyla "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, view_class_of_phy);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("::phylum_sel_ = phylum_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(";\n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		gl_phylum=id; 
+ 		kc::unparse(alts, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_classdecls2_h_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_classdecls2_h_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_classdecls2_h_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    if ((this->productionblock_1->prod_sel() == sel_PredefinedAlternatives) && (phylum_cast<const impl_productionblock_PredefinedAlternatives*>(this->productionblock_1)->alternatives_1->prod_sel() == sel_Consalternatives) && ((phylum_cast<const impl_productionblock_PredefinedAlternatives*>(this->productionblock_1)->alternatives_1)->alternative_1->prod_sel() == sel_Alternative)) {
+ 		const ID id = this->ID_1;
+ 		const alternatives alts = phylum_cast<const impl_productionblock_PredefinedAlternatives*>(this->productionblock_1)->alternatives_1;
+ 		const ID oid = phylum_cast<const impl_alternative_Alternative*>((phylum_cast<const impl_productionblock_PredefinedAlternatives*>(this->productionblock_1)->alternatives_1)->alternative_1)->ID_1;
+ 		const Ccode_option cco = this->Ccode_option_1;
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("class impl_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(oid, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(";\
+ \ntypedef impl_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(oid, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(" impl_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(";\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(alts, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    } else
+ 		if ((this->productionblock_1->prod_sel() == sel_Emptyproductionblock)) {
+ 	    } else
+ 	    {
+ 		const phylumdeclaration ph_decl = this/**/;
+ 		const ID id = this->ID_1;
+ 		const productionblock alt = this->productionblock_1;
+ 		const Ccode_option cco = this->Ccode_option_1;
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("class "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		if(g_options.dllexports!="") {
+ 		    PRINT(g_options.dllexports.c_str());
+ 		    PRINT(" ");
+ 		} 
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t("impl_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{
+ 		    baseclass_list kc_selvar_0_1 = phylum_cast<baseclass_list>(ph_decl->base_classes);
+ 		    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_Consbaseclass_list)) {
+ 			PRINT("\b :\b ");
+ 			UNPARSE(ph_decl->base_classes);
+ 		    } else
+ 		    {
+ 			{
+ 			    productionblock kc_selvar_1_1 = phylum_cast<productionblock>(alt);
+ 			    if ((kc_selvar_1_1->prod_sel() == sel_ListAlternatives)) {
+ 				PRINT(": public impl_abstract_list"); 
+ 					} else
+ 			    {
+ 				PRINT(": public impl_abstract_phylum"); 
+ 			    }
+ 			}
+ 		    }
+ 		}
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("{\
+ \n\rpublic:\v\n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(additional_members, kc_printer, view_count_nonstaticmembers);
+ 		if (f_listelementphylum(id)->eq(f_emptyId()) &&
+ 		    !f_constructors_in_phylumdecl(this) && gl_no_of_args!=0) 
+ 		{
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("explicit impl_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("()\v\n: "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    kc::unparse(gl_members, kc_printer, view_gen_user_assignment_inis);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t(" { }\r\n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		}
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("   static const enum_phyla phylum_sel_;\n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		if(!g_options.no_printdot) 
+ 		{
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("    void fprintdot( FILE*, const char*, const char*, const char*, bool, bool, bool ) const;\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		}
+ 		if(!g_options.no_rewrite && g_options.rw_loop) 
+ 		{
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("	"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t(" rewrite(rview v) { return phylum_cast<"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t(">(impl_abstract_phylum::rewrite(v)); }\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		}
+ 		if(g_options.smart_pointer) 
+ 		{
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("   abstract_phylum_ref* new_phylum_ref() {\
+ \n	return new phylum_ref<impl_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t(">(this);\
+ \n    }\
+ \n    impl_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("& operator=(const impl_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("& p) {\
+ \n	phylum_ref<impl_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t(">* my_ref=static_cast<phylum_ref<impl_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t(">*>(get_ref());\
+ \n	"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t(" self=this;\
+ \n	if(my_ref) {\
+ \n	    abstract_phylum_ref* ref=p.get_ref();\
+ \n	    self=const_cast<"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t(">(&p);\
+ \n	    if(ref)\
+ \n		self=phylum_cast<"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t(">(self->copy(true));\
+ \n	    my_ref->set_phylum(self);\
+ \n	}\
+ \n	return *self;\
+ \n    }\
+ \n    impl_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("& operator=(const phylum_ref<impl_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t(">& r) {\
+ \n	phylum_ref<impl_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t(">* my_ref=static_cast<phylum_ref<impl_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t(">*>(get_ref());\
+ \n	"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t(" self=this;\
+ \n	if(my_ref) {\
+ \n	    self=phylum_cast<"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t(">(r.get_phylum()?r.get_phylum()->copy(true):0);\
+ \n	    my_ref->set_phylum(self);\
+ \n	}\
+ \n	return *self;\
+ \n    }\
+ \n\
+ \n    impl_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("* return_ptr() { if(get_ref()) get_ref()->lock(); return this; }\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		}
+ 		kc::unparse(cco, kc_printer, view_gen_nodetypes_h);
+ 		kc::unparse(additional_members, kc_printer, view_gen_member_dcl_h);
+ 		kc::unparse(this, kc_printer, view_gen_listdecls_h);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("};\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(alt, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_classdecls1_h_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_classdecls1_h_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_classdecls1_h_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    if ((this->productionblock_1->prod_sel() == sel_PredefinedAlternatives) && (phylum_cast<const impl_productionblock_PredefinedAlternatives*>(this->productionblock_1)->alternatives_1->prod_sel() == sel_Consalternatives) && ((phylum_cast<const impl_productionblock_PredefinedAlternatives*>(this->productionblock_1)->alternatives_1)->alternative_1->prod_sel() == sel_Alternative)) {
+ 		const ID id = this->ID_1;
+ 		const ID oid = phylum_cast<const impl_alternative_Alternative*>((phylum_cast<const impl_productionblock_PredefinedAlternatives*>(this->productionblock_1)->alternatives_1)->alternative_1)->ID_1;
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("class impl_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(oid, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(";\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		if(g_options.smart_pointer) 
+ 		{
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("typedef phylum_ptr<impl_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    kc::unparse(oid, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("> "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("_ptr;\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		}
+ 		if(g_options.weak_pointer) 
+ 		{
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("typedef weak_phylum_ptr<impl_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    kc::unparse(oid, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("> weak_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("_ptr;\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		}
+ 	    } else
+ 		if ((this->productionblock_1->prod_sel() == sel_Emptyproductionblock)) {
+ 	    } else
+ 	    {
+ 		const ID id = this->ID_1;
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("class impl_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(";\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		if(g_options.smart_pointer) 
+ 		{
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("typedef phylum_ptr<impl_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("> "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("_ptr;\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		}
+ 		if(g_options.weak_pointer) 
+ 		{
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("typedef weak_phylum_ptr<impl_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("> weak_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("_ptr;\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		}
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    if ((this->productionblock_1->prod_sel() == sel_PredefinedAlternatives)) {
+ 	    } else
+ 		if ((this->productionblock_1->prod_sel() == sel_Emptyproductionblock)) {
+ 	    } else
+ 		if ((this->productionblock_1->prod_sel() == sel_ListAlternatives)) {
+ 		alternative a = f_alternativeofoperator(gl_operator); 
+ 			view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c_class vgudcL(/* is list ? */ true, kc_current_view.isOnlyDefault);
+ 		kc::unparse(a, kc_printer, vgudcL);
+ 	    } else
+ 		if ((this->productionblock_1->prod_sel() == sel_NonlistAlternatives)) {
+ 		alternative a = f_alternativeofoperator(gl_operator); 
+ 		kc::unparse(a, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    } else
+ 		    goto kc_unparsing_default;
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_unparsedefs_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_unparsedefs_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_unparsedefs_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    if ((this->productionblock_1->prod_sel() == sel_PredefinedAlternatives)) {
+ 	    } else
+ 		if ((this->productionblock_1->prod_sel() == sel_Emptyproductionblock)) {
+ 	    } else
+ 	    {
+ 		const ID id = this->ID_1;
+ 		const productionblock pb = this->productionblock_1;
+ 		ID selvar = Id(Str(mkcasestring("this")));
+ 		dollarvarstack.push( selvar );
+ 		dollarvarextstack.push( f_emptyId() );
+ 		gl_phylum = id; 
+ 		kc::unparse(pb, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		gl_phylum = 0;
+ 		dollarvarstack.pop();
+ 		dollarvarextstack.pop();
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_rewritedefs_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_rewritedefs_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_rewritedefs_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    if ((this->productionblock_1->prod_sel() == sel_Emptyproductionblock)) {
+ 	    } else
+ 		if ((this->productionblock_1->prod_sel() == sel_PredefinedAlternatives)) {
+ 		const ID id = this->ID_1;
+ 	    } else
+ 	    {
+ 		const ID id = this->ID_1;
+ 		const productionblock pb = this->productionblock_1;
+ 		gl_phydecl = f_lookupdecl( id );
+ 		gl_phylum = id;
+ 		if ( gl_phydecl == 0 ) {
+ 		    v_report(NonFatal( FileLine( gl_phylum->file, gl_phylum->line ), Problem1S1ID( "internal error: could not find declaration of phylum:", gl_phylum )));
+ 		}
+ 		kc::unparse(pb, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		gl_phydecl = 0;
+ 		gl_phylum = 0;
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_copy_attributes_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_copy_attributes_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_copy_attributes_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    if ((this->Ccode_option_1->prod_sel() == sel_CcodeOption) && (phylum_cast<const impl_Ccode_option_CcodeOption*>(this->Ccode_option_1)->attributes_1->prod_sel() == sel_Consattributes) && ((phylum_cast<const impl_Ccode_option_CcodeOption*>(this->Ccode_option_1)->attributes_1)->attribute_1->prod_sel() == sel_Attribute) && ((phylum_cast<const impl_Ccode_option_CcodeOption*>(this->Ccode_option_1)->attributes_1)->attributes_1->prod_sel() == sel_Nilattributes)) {
+ 		const ID id = this->ID_1;
+ 		const ID aid = phylum_cast<const impl_attribute_Attribute*>((phylum_cast<const impl_Ccode_option_CcodeOption*>(this->Ccode_option_1)->attributes_1)->attribute_1)->ID_2;
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("   case phylum_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(":\v\
+ \n	dynamic_cast<"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(">(kc_p2)->"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(aid, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(" = dynamic_cast<c_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(">(kc_p1)->"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(aid, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(";\
+ \n	break;\r\n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    } else
+ 		if ((this->Ccode_option_1->prod_sel() == sel_CcodeOption) && (phylum_cast<const impl_Ccode_option_CcodeOption*>(this->Ccode_option_1)->attributes_1->prod_sel() == sel_Nilattributes)) {
+ 		const ID id = this->ID_1;
+ 	    } else
+ 		if ((this->Ccode_option_1->prod_sel() == sel_CcodeOption)) {
+ 		const ID id = this->ID_1;
+ 		const attributes a = phylum_cast<const impl_Ccode_option_CcodeOption*>(this->Ccode_option_1)->attributes_1;
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("   case phylum_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(": {\
+ \n    c_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(" p1 = dynamic_cast<c_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(">(kc_p1);\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(" p2 = dynamic_cast<"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(">(kc_p2);\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(a, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("	break;\
+ \n    }\n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    } else
+ 		    goto kc_unparsing_default;
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_listdefs_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_listdefs_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_listdefs_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    if ((this->productionblock_1->prod_sel() == sel_ListAlternatives)) {
+ 		const ID id = this->ID_1;
+ 		const ID el = phylum_cast<const impl_productionblock_ListAlternatives*>(this->productionblock_1)->ID_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("\
+ \nconcat(c_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(" kc_p1, c_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(" kc_p2)\
+ \n{ return dynamic_cast<"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(">(kc_p1->do_concat(kc_p2, sel_Cons"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(")); }\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		covariant_choice(id, "\nimpl_", "::reverse() const", "abstract_list\nimpl_", "::reverse() const",
+ 		    kc_printer, kc_current_view); 
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t("\n{ return dynamic_cast<"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(">(do_reverse(Nil"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("(), sel_Cons"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(")); }\
+ \n\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(el, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("\
+ \nimpl_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("::last() const\
+ \n{ return dynamic_cast<"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(el, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(">(impl_abstract_list::last()); }\
+ \n\
+ \nbool\
+ \nimpl_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("::is_nil() const\
+ \n{\
+ \n  return "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(el, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("_1==0 && "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("_1==0;\
+ \n}\
+ \n\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("\
+ \nimpl_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("::map("), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(el, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(" (*kc_fp)("), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(el, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("))\
+ \n{ return dynamic_cast<"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(">(do_map((abstract_phylum (*)(abstract_phylum))kc_fp, sel_Cons"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(")); }\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("\
+ \nimpl_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("::filter(bool (*kc_fp)("), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(el, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("))\
+ \n{ return dynamic_cast<"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(">(do_filter((bool (*)(abstract_phylum))kc_fp, sel_Cons"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(")); }\
+ \n\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("\
+ \nimpl_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("::append("), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(el, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(" new_last)\
+ \n{\
+ \n  return dynamic_cast<"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(">(do_append(new_last, Nil"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("()));\
+ \n}\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("\
+ \nimpl_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("::merge( "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(" second, "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(el, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(" (*kc_fp)("), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(el, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(", "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(el, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("))\
+ \n{\
+ \n    return dynamic_cast<"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(">(do_merge(second,(abstract_phylum(*)(abstract_phylum,abstract_phylum))kc_fp, sel_Cons"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("));\
+ \n}\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(el, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("\
+ \nimpl_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("::reduce( "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(el, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(" neutral, "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(el, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(" (*kc_fp)("), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(el, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(", "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(el, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("))\
+ \n{\
+ \n    return dynamic_cast<"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(el, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(">(do_reduce(neutral,(abstract_phylum(*)(abstract_phylum,abstract_phylum))kc_fp));\
+ \n}\
+ \n\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    } else
+ 	    {
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_listdecls_h_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_listdecls_h_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_listdecls_h_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    if ((this->productionblock_1->prod_sel() == sel_ListAlternatives)) {
+ 		const ID id = this->ID_1;
+ 		const ID el = phylum_cast<const impl_productionblock_ListAlternatives*>(this->productionblock_1)->ID_1;
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("   enum_operators prod_sel() const{\
+ \n      return is_nil() ? sel_Nil"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(": sel_Cons"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(";\
+ \n    }\
+ \n    explicit impl_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("("), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(el, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(" = 0, "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(" = 0);\
+ \n    abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;\
+ \n    void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);\
+ \n    friend "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(" concat(c_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(", c_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(");\n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		if (g_options.covariant=='p') 
+ 		{
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("#ifndef NO_COVARIANT_RETURN\n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		}
+ 		if (g_options.covariant!='n') 
+ 		{
+ 		    kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t(" reverse() const;\n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    if(!g_options.no_rewrite && !g_options.rw_loop) 
+ 		    {
+ 			kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t(" rewrite(rview);\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    }
+ 		}
+ 		if (g_options.covariant=='p') 
+ 		{
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("#else\n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		}
+ 		if (g_options.covariant!='y') 
+ 		{
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("    abstract_list reverse() const;\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    if(!g_options.no_rewrite && !g_options.rw_loop) 
+ 		    {
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t("	abstract_phylum rewrite(rview);\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    }
+ 		}
+ 		if (g_options.covariant=='p') 
+ 		{
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("#endif // NO_COVARIANT_RETURN\n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		}
+ 		if(!g_options.no_rewrite && g_options.rw_loop) 
+ 		{
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("	abstract_phylum do_rewrite(rview);\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		}
+ 		kc::unparse(el, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(" last() const;\
+ \n    "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(" append("), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(el, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(");\
+ \n    "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(" map("), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(el, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(" (*)("), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(el, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("));\
+ \n    "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(" filter( bool (*)("), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(el, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("));\
+ \n    "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(" merge( "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(", "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(el, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(" (*)("), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(el, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(", "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(el, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("));\
+ \n    "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(el, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(" reduce( "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(el, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(", "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(el, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(" (*)("), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(el, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(", "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(el, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("));\
+ \n    bool is_nil() const;\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		if(g_options.smart_pointer) 
+ 		{
+ 		    kc::unparse(el, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("_ptr "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    kc::unparse(el, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("_1;\
+ \n    "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("_ptr "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("_1;\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		}
+ 		else 
+ 		{
+ 		    kc::unparse(el, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t(" "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    kc::unparse(el, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("_1;\
+ \n    "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t(" "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("_1;\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		}
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("\rprivate:\v\n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		if(!g_options.no_rewrite && !g_options.rw_loop) 
+ 		{
+ 		    if (g_options.covariant=='p') 
+ 		    {
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t("#ifndef NO_COVARIANT_RETURN\n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    }
+ 		    if (g_options.covariant!='n') 
+ 		    {
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t("	    impl_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 			kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t("* nil_rewrite(rview);\
+ \n	    impl_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 			kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t("* cons_rewrite(rview);\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    }
+ 		    if (g_options.covariant=='p') 
+ 		    {
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t("#else\n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    }
+ 		    if (g_options.covariant!='y') 
+ 		    {
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t("	    impl_abstract_phylum* nil_rewrite(rview);\
+ \n	    impl_abstract_phylum* cons_rewrite(rview);\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    }
+ 		    if (g_options.covariant=='p') 
+ 		    {
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t("#endif // NO_COVARIANT_RETURN\n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    }
+ 		}
+ 		if (!g_options.no_unparse) 
+ 		{
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("	void nil_do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);\
+ \n	void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		}
+ 	    } else
+ 	    {
+ 		const ID id = this->ID_1;
+ 		if (g_options.covariant!='n') 
+ 		{
+ 		    if (g_options.covariant=='p') 
+ 		    {
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t("#ifndef NO_COVARIANT_RETURN\n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    }
+ 		    if(!g_options.no_rewrite && !g_options.rw_loop) 
+ 		    {
+ 			kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t(" rewrite(rview) =0;\n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    }
+ 		    if (g_options.covariant=='p') 
+ 		    {
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t("#endif // NO_COVARIANT_RETURN\n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    }
+ 		}
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_printdotdefs_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_printdotdefs_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_printdotdefs_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    if ((this->productionblock_1->prod_sel() == sel_Emptyproductionblock)) {
+ 	    } else
+ 		if ((this->productionblock_1->prod_sel() == sel_PredefinedAlternatives)) {
+ 		const ID id = this->ID_1;
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("void impl_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("::fprintdot(FILE *f, const char *root_label_prefix, const char *edge_label_prefix, const char *edge_attributes, bool print_node_labels, bool use_context_when_sharing_leaves, bool print_prologue_and_epi"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("logue) const\
+ \n{\
+ \n    int kc_edge_nr = 1;\
+ \n    kc_dotedgenode_t kc_edges = 0;\
+ \n    if (print_prologue_and_epilogue) fprintdotprologue(f);\
+ \n    /*if (kc_outmost)*/ kc_do_printdot_subgraph_prolo"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("gue(f, this, root_label_prefix, edge_attributes, print_node_labels, use_context_when_sharing_leaves);\
+ \n    fprintdot_hashtable = new kc_dotedge_ht;\
+ \n    do_printdot(f, true, &kc_edge_nr, &kc_edges,"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t(" edge_label_prefix, print_node_labels, use_context_when_sharing_leaves, 0, 0);\
+ \n    kc_do_printdot_edges(f, kc_edges, edge_attributes, use_context_when_sharing_leaves);\
+ \n    delete fprintdot_hashta"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("ble;\
+ \n	fprintdot_hashtable=0;\
+ \n    /*if (kc_outmost)*/ kc_do_printdot_subgraph_epilogue(f);\
+ \n    if (print_prologue_and_epilogue) fprintdotepilogue(f);\
+ \n}\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    } else
+ 		if ((this->productionblock_1->prod_sel() == sel_ListAlternatives)) {
+ 		const ID id = this->ID_1;
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("void impl_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("::fprintdot(FILE *f, const char *root_label_prefix, const char *edge_label_prefix, const char *edge_attributes, bool print_node_labels, bool use_context_when_sharing_leaves, bool print_prologue_and_epi"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("logue) const\
+ \n{\
+ \n    int kc_edge_nr = 1;\
+ \n    kc_dotedgenode_t kc_edges = 0;\
+ \n    if (print_prologue_and_epilogue) fprintdotprologue(f);\
+ \n    /*if (kc_outmost)*/ kc_do_printdot_subgraph_prolo"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("gue(f, this, root_label_prefix, edge_attributes, print_node_labels, use_context_when_sharing_leaves);\
+ \n    fprintdot_hashtable = new kc_dotedge_ht;\
+ \n    do_printdot(f, true, &kc_edge_nr, &kc_edges,"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t(" edge_label_prefix, print_node_labels, use_context_when_sharing_leaves, 0, 0);\
+ \n    kc_do_printdot_edges(f, kc_edges, edge_attributes, use_context_when_sharing_leaves);\
+ \n    delete fprintdot_hashta"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("ble;\
+ \n	fprintdot_hashtable=0;\
+ \n    /*if (kc_outmost)*/ kc_do_printdot_subgraph_epilogue(f);\
+ \n    if (print_prologue_and_epilogue) fprintdotepilogue(f);\
+ \n}\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    } else
+ 		if ((this->productionblock_1->prod_sel() == sel_NonlistAlternatives)) {
+ 		const ID id = this->ID_1;
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("void impl_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("::fprintdot(FILE *f, const char *root_label_prefix, const char *edge_label_prefix, const char *edge_attributes, bool print_node_labels, bool use_context_when_sharing_leaves, bool print_prologue_and_epi"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("logue) const\
+ \n{\
+ \n    int kc_edge_nr = 1;\
+ \n    kc_dotedgenode_t kc_edges = 0;\
+ \n    if (print_prologue_and_epilogue) fprintdotprologue(f);\
+ \n    /*if (kc_outmost)*/ kc_do_printdot_subgraph_prolo"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("gue(f, this, root_label_prefix, edge_attributes, print_node_labels, use_context_when_sharing_leaves);\
+ \n    fprintdot_hashtable = new kc_dotedge_ht;\
+ \n    do_printdot(f, true, &kc_edge_nr, &kc_edges,"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t(" edge_label_prefix, print_node_labels, use_context_when_sharing_leaves, 0, 0);\
+ \n    kc_do_printdot_edges(f, kc_edges, edge_attributes, use_context_when_sharing_leaves);\
+ \n    delete fprintdot_hashta"), kc_current_view );
+ 		  kc_printer(kc_t("ble;\
+ \n	fprintdot_hashtable=0;\
+ \n    /*if (kc_outmost)*/ kc_do_printdot_subgraph_epilogue(f);\
+ \n    if (print_prologue_and_epilogue) fprintdotepilogue(f);\
+ \n}\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    } else
+ 		    goto kc_unparsing_default;
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_attributeOf_function_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_attributeOf_function_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_attributeOf_function_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    if ((this->productionblock_1->prod_sel() == sel_Emptyproductionblock)) {
+ 	    } else
+ 		if ((this->productionblock_1->prod_sel() == sel_ListAlternatives)) {
+ 		const ID id = this->ID_1;
+ 		const alternatives a = phylum_cast<const impl_productionblock_ListAlternatives*>(this->productionblock_1)->alternatives_1;
+ 		The_abstract_phylum_decl->additional_members->unparse(kc_printer, view_count_attrs);
+ 		int attrcount = gl_no_of_args;
+ 		arguments attrs = gl_args;
+ 		ac_identifier_list idents = gl_idents; 
+ 		kc::unparse(additional_members, kc_printer, view_count_attrs);
+ 		gl_no_of_args += attrcount; 
+ 		gl_args = concat(gl_args, attrs); 
+ 		gl_idents = concat(gl_idents, idents); 
+ 		kc::unparse(a, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    } else
+ 		if ((this->productionblock_1->prod_sel() == sel_NonlistAlternatives)) {
+ 		const ID id = this->ID_1;
+ 		const alternatives a = phylum_cast<const impl_productionblock_NonlistAlternatives*>(this->productionblock_1)->alternatives_1;
+ 		The_abstract_phylum_decl->additional_members->unparse(kc_printer, view_count_attrs);
+ 		int attrcount = gl_no_of_args;
+ 		arguments attrs = gl_args;
+ 		ac_identifier_list idents = gl_idents; 
+ 		kc::unparse(additional_members, kc_printer, view_count_attrs);
+ 		gl_no_of_args += attrcount; 
+ 		gl_args = concat(gl_args, attrs); 
+ 		gl_idents = concat(gl_idents, idents); 
+ 		kc::unparse(a, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    } else
+ 		if ((this->productionblock_1->prod_sel() == sel_PredefinedAlternatives)) {
+ 		const ID id = this->ID_1;
+ 		const alternatives a = phylum_cast<const impl_productionblock_PredefinedAlternatives*>(this->productionblock_1)->alternatives_1;
+ 		The_abstract_phylum_decl->additional_members->unparse(kc_printer, view_count_attrs);
+ 		int attrcount = gl_no_of_args;
+ 		arguments attrs = gl_args;
+ 		ac_identifier_list idents = gl_idents; 
+ 		kc::unparse(additional_members, kc_printer, view_count_attrs);
+ 		gl_no_of_args += attrcount; 
+ 		gl_args = concat(gl_args, attrs); 
+ 		gl_idents = concat(gl_idents, idents); 
+ 		kc::unparse(a, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    } else
+ 		    goto kc_unparsing_default;
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_create_function_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_create_function_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_create_function_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    if ((this->productionblock_1->prod_sel() == sel_ListAlternatives)) {
+ 		const alternatives alts = phylum_cast<const impl_productionblock_ListAlternatives*>(this->productionblock_1)->alternatives_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(alts, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    } else
+ 		if ((this->productionblock_1->prod_sel() == sel_NonlistAlternatives)) {
+ 		const alternatives alts = phylum_cast<const impl_productionblock_NonlistAlternatives*>(this->productionblock_1)->alternatives_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(alts, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    } else
+ 		if ((this->productionblock_1->prod_sel() == sel_PredefinedAlternatives)) {
+ 	    } else
+ 		    goto kc_unparsing_default;
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_operatordefs_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_operatordefs_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_operatordefs_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    if ((this->storageoption_1->prod_sel() == sel_NoStorageOption) && (this->productionblock_1->prod_sel() == sel_ListAlternatives)) {
+ 		const ID id = this->ID_1;
+ 		const alternatives alts = phylum_cast<const impl_productionblock_ListAlternatives*>(this->productionblock_1)->alternatives_1;
+ 		const Ccode_option cco = this->Ccode_option_1;
+ 		gl_phylum = id; gl_cco = cco; 
+ 		kc::unparse(alts, kc_printer, view_gen_operatordefs_nonhash_c);
+ 		gl_phylum = 0; gl_cco = (Ccode_option)0; 
+ 			} else
+ 		if ((this->storageoption_1->prod_sel() == sel_NegativeStorageOption) && (this->productionblock_1->prod_sel() == sel_ListAlternatives)) {
+ 		const ID id = this->ID_1;
+ 		const alternatives alts = phylum_cast<const impl_productionblock_ListAlternatives*>(this->productionblock_1)->alternatives_1;
+ 		const Ccode_option cco = this->Ccode_option_1;
+ 		gl_phylum = id; gl_cco = cco; 
+ 		kc::unparse(alts, kc_printer, view_gen_operatordefs_nonhash_c);
+ 		gl_phylum = 0; gl_cco = (Ccode_option)0; 
+ 			} else
+ 		if ((this->storageoption_1->prod_sel() == sel_NoStorageOption) && (this->productionblock_1->prod_sel() == sel_NonlistAlternatives)) {
+ 		const ID id = this->ID_1;
+ 		const alternatives alts = phylum_cast<const impl_productionblock_NonlistAlternatives*>(this->productionblock_1)->alternatives_1;
+ 		const Ccode_option cco = this->Ccode_option_1;
+ 		gl_phylum = id; gl_cco = cco; 
+ 		kc::unparse(alts, kc_printer, view_gen_operatordefs_nonhash_c);
+ 		gl_phylum = 0; gl_cco = (Ccode_option)0; 
+ 			} else
+ 		if ((this->storageoption_1->prod_sel() == sel_NegativeStorageOption) && (this->productionblock_1->prod_sel() == sel_NonlistAlternatives)) {
+ 		const ID id = this->ID_1;
+ 		const alternatives alts = phylum_cast<const impl_productionblock_NonlistAlternatives*>(this->productionblock_1)->alternatives_1;
+ 		const Ccode_option cco = this->Ccode_option_1;
+ 		gl_phylum = id; gl_cco = cco; 
+ 		kc::unparse(alts, kc_printer, view_gen_operatordefs_nonhash_c);
+ 		gl_phylum = 0; gl_cco = (Ccode_option)0; 
+ 			} else
+ 		if ((this->storageoption_1->prod_sel() == sel_PositiveStorageOption) && (this->productionblock_1->prod_sel() == sel_ListAlternatives)) {
+ 		const ID id = this->ID_1;
+ 		const ID sto = phylum_cast<const impl_storageoption_PositiveStorageOption*>(this->storageoption_1)->ID_1;
+ 		const alternatives alts = phylum_cast<const impl_productionblock_ListAlternatives*>(this->productionblock_1)->alternatives_1;
+ 		const Ccode_option cco = this->Ccode_option_1;
+ 		gl_phylum = id; gl_cco = cco; gl_sto = sto; 
+ 		kc::unparse(alts, kc_printer, view_gen_operatordefs_hash_c);
+ 		gl_phylum = 0; gl_cco = (Ccode_option)0; gl_sto = 0; 
+ 			} else
+ 		if ((this->storageoption_1->prod_sel() == sel_PositiveStorageOption) && (this->productionblock_1->prod_sel() == sel_NonlistAlternatives)) {
+ 		const ID id = this->ID_1;
+ 		const ID sto = phylum_cast<const impl_storageoption_PositiveStorageOption*>(this->storageoption_1)->ID_1;
+ 		const alternatives alts = phylum_cast<const impl_productionblock_NonlistAlternatives*>(this->productionblock_1)->alternatives_1;
+ 		const Ccode_option cco = this->Ccode_option_1;
+ 		gl_phylum = id; gl_cco = cco; gl_sto = sto; 
+ 		kc::unparse(alts, kc_printer, view_gen_operatordefs_hash_c);
+ 		gl_phylum = 0; gl_cco = (Ccode_option)0; gl_sto = 0; 
+ 			} else
+ 		if ((this->productionblock_1->prod_sel() == sel_Emptyproductionblock)) {
+ 	    } else
+ 		if ((this->productionblock_1->prod_sel() == sel_PredefinedAlternatives)) {
+ 	    } else
+ 		    goto kc_unparsing_default;
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_operatorcast_h_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_operatorcast_h_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_operatorcast_h_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    if ((this->productionblock_1->prod_sel() == sel_Emptyproductionblock)) {
+ 	    } else
+ 		if ((this->productionblock_1->prod_sel() == sel_ListAlternatives)) {
+ 		const ID id = this->ID_1;
+ 		const ID el = phylum_cast<const impl_productionblock_ListAlternatives*>(this->productionblock_1)->ID_1;
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("//"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(" Nil"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("();\
+ \n    //"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(" Cons"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("("), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(el, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(","), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(");\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    } else
+ 		if ((this->productionblock_1->prod_sel() == sel_NonlistAlternatives)) {
+ 		const alternatives a = phylum_cast<const impl_productionblock_NonlistAlternatives*>(this->productionblock_1)->alternatives_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(a, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    } else
+ 		if ((this->productionblock_1->prod_sel() == sel_PredefinedAlternatives)) {
+ 	    } else
+ 		    goto kc_unparsing_default;
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_operatordecls_h_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_operatordecls_h_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_operatordecls_h_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    if ((this->productionblock_1->prod_sel() == sel_Emptyproductionblock)) {
+ 	    } else
+ 		if ((this->productionblock_1->prod_sel() == sel_ListAlternatives)) {
+ 		const ID id = this->ID_1;
+ 		const ID el = phylum_cast<const impl_productionblock_ListAlternatives*>(this->productionblock_1)->ID_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(" Nil"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("();\
+ \n    "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(" Cons"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("("), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(el, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(","), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(");\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    } else
+ 		if ((this->productionblock_1->prod_sel() == sel_NonlistAlternatives)) {
+ 		const alternatives a = phylum_cast<const impl_productionblock_NonlistAlternatives*>(this->productionblock_1)->alternatives_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(a, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    } else
+ 		if ((this->productionblock_1->prod_sel() == sel_PredefinedAlternatives)) {
+ 	    } else
+ 		    goto kc_unparsing_default;
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_yaccstacktype_h_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_yaccstacktype_h_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_yaccstacktype_h_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const ID id = this->ID_1;
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("    kc::"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(" yt_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(";\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_nodetypedefs_h_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_nodetypedefs_h_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_nodetypedefs_h_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    if ((this->productionblock_1->prod_sel() == sel_PredefinedAlternatives) && (phylum_cast<const impl_productionblock_PredefinedAlternatives*>(this->productionblock_1)->alternatives_1->prod_sel() == sel_Consalternatives) && ((phylum_cast<const impl_productionblock_PredefinedAlternatives*>(this->productionblock_1)->alternatives_1)->alternative_1->prod_sel() == sel_Alternative)) {
+ 		const ID id = this->ID_1;
+ 		const ID oid = phylum_cast<const impl_alternative_Alternative*>((phylum_cast<const impl_productionblock_PredefinedAlternatives*>(this->productionblock_1)->alternatives_1)->alternative_1)->ID_1;
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("typedef impl_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(oid, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(" *"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(";\
+ \ntypedef const impl_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(oid, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(" *c_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(";\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    } else
+ 		if ((this->productionblock_1->prod_sel() == sel_Emptyproductionblock)) {
+ 	    } else
+ 	    {
+ 		const ID id = this->ID_1;
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("typedef impl_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(" *"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(";\
+ \ntypedef const impl_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(" *c_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(";\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_operatormap_attributes_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_operatormap_attributes_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_operatormap_attributes_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    if ((this->productionblock_1->prod_sel() == sel_Emptyproductionblock)) {
+ 	    } else
+ 		if ((this->productionblock_1->prod_sel() == sel_ListAlternatives)) {
+ 		const ID id = this->ID_1;
+ 		const alternatives a = phylum_cast<const impl_productionblock_ListAlternatives*>(this->productionblock_1)->alternatives_1;
+ 		The_abstract_phylum_decl->additional_members->unparse(kc_printer, view_count_attrs);
+ 		int attrcount = gl_no_of_args;
+ 		arguments attrs = gl_args;
+ 		ac_identifier_list idents = gl_idents; 
+ 		kc::unparse(additional_members, kc_printer, view_count_attrs);
+ 		gl_no_of_args += attrcount; 
+ 		gl_args = concat(gl_args, attrs); 
+ 		gl_idents = concat(gl_idents, idents); 
+ 		kc::unparse(a, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    } else
+ 		if ((this->productionblock_1->prod_sel() == sel_NonlistAlternatives)) {
+ 		const ID id = this->ID_1;
+ 		const alternatives a = phylum_cast<const impl_productionblock_NonlistAlternatives*>(this->productionblock_1)->alternatives_1;
+ 		The_abstract_phylum_decl->additional_members->unparse(kc_printer, view_count_attrs);
+ 		int attrcount = gl_no_of_args;
+ 		arguments attrs = gl_args;
+ 		ac_identifier_list idents = gl_idents; 
+ 		kc::unparse(additional_members, kc_printer, view_count_attrs);
+ 		gl_no_of_args += attrcount; 
+ 		gl_args = concat(gl_args, attrs); 
+ 		gl_idents = concat(gl_idents, idents); 
+ 		kc::unparse(a, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    } else
+ 		if ((this->productionblock_1->prod_sel() == sel_PredefinedAlternatives)) {
+ 		const ID id = this->ID_1;
+ 		const alternatives a = phylum_cast<const impl_productionblock_PredefinedAlternatives*>(this->productionblock_1)->alternatives_1;
+ 		The_abstract_phylum_decl->additional_members->unparse(kc_printer, view_count_attrs);
+ 		int attrcount = gl_no_of_args;
+ 		arguments attrs = gl_args;
+ 		ac_identifier_list idents = gl_idents; 
+ 		kc::unparse(additional_members, kc_printer, view_count_attrs);
+ 		gl_no_of_args += attrcount; 
+ 		gl_args = concat(gl_args, attrs); 
+ 		gl_idents = concat(gl_idents, idents); 
+ 		kc::unparse(a, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    } else
+ 		    goto kc_unparsing_default;
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_operatormap_subphyla_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_operatormap_subphyla_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_operatormap_subphyla_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    if ((this->productionblock_1->prod_sel() == sel_Emptyproductionblock)) {
+ 	    } else
+ 		if ((this->productionblock_1->prod_sel() == sel_ListAlternatives)) {
+ 		const alternatives a = phylum_cast<const impl_productionblock_ListAlternatives*>(this->productionblock_1)->alternatives_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(a, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    } else
+ 		if ((this->productionblock_1->prod_sel() == sel_NonlistAlternatives)) {
+ 		const alternatives a = phylum_cast<const impl_productionblock_NonlistAlternatives*>(this->productionblock_1)->alternatives_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(a, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    } else
+ 		if ((this->productionblock_1->prod_sel() == sel_PredefinedAlternatives)) {
+ 		const alternatives a = phylum_cast<const impl_productionblock_PredefinedAlternatives*>(this->productionblock_1)->alternatives_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(a, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    } else
+ 		    goto kc_unparsing_default;
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_operatormap_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_operatormap_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_operatormap_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    if ((this->productionblock_1->prod_sel() == sel_Emptyproductionblock)) {
+ 	    } else
+ 		if ((this->productionblock_1->prod_sel() == sel_ListAlternatives)) {
+ 		const ID id = this->ID_1;
+ 		const storageoption st_opt = this->storageoption_1;
+ 		const alternatives a = phylum_cast<const impl_productionblock_ListAlternatives*>(this->productionblock_1)->alternatives_1;
+ 		const Ccode_option cco = this->Ccode_option_1;
+ 		gl_phylum = id; gl_storageoption = st_opt; gl_atomicity = false; 
+ 		kc::unparse(a, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		gl_phylum = 0; gl_storageoption = 0; 
+ 			} else
+ 		if ((this->productionblock_1->prod_sel() == sel_NonlistAlternatives)) {
+ 		const ID id = this->ID_1;
+ 		const storageoption st_opt = this->storageoption_1;
+ 		const alternatives a = phylum_cast<const impl_productionblock_NonlistAlternatives*>(this->productionblock_1)->alternatives_1;
+ 		const Ccode_option cco = this->Ccode_option_1;
+ 		gl_phylum = id; gl_storageoption = st_opt; gl_atomicity = false; 
+ 		kc::unparse(a, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		gl_phylum = 0; gl_storageoption = 0; 
+ 			} else
+ 		if ((this->productionblock_1->prod_sel() == sel_PredefinedAlternatives)) {
+ 		const ID id = this->ID_1;
+ 		const storageoption st_opt = this->storageoption_1;
+ 		const alternatives a = phylum_cast<const impl_productionblock_PredefinedAlternatives*>(this->productionblock_1)->alternatives_1;
+ 		const Ccode_option cco = this->Ccode_option_1;
+ 		gl_phylum = id; gl_storageoption = st_opt; gl_atomicity = true; 
+ 		kc::unparse(a, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		gl_phylum = 0; gl_storageoption = 0; 
+ 			} else
+ 		    goto kc_unparsing_default;
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_phylummap_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_phylummap_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_phylummap_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    if ((this->productionblock_1->prod_sel() == sel_ListAlternatives)) {
+ 		const ID id = this->ID_1;
+ 		const storageoption st_opt = this->storageoption_1;
+ 		const productionblock pb = this->productionblock_1;
+ 		const Ccode_option cco = this->Ccode_option_1;
+ 		gl_phylum = id; 
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t("    { \""), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("\", "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(pb, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(", "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(st_opt, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(" },\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		gl_phylum = 0; 
+ 			} else
+ 	    {
+ 		const ID id = this->ID_1;
+ 		const storageoption st_opt = this->storageoption_1;
+ 		const productionblock pb = this->productionblock_1;
+ 		const Ccode_option cco = this->Ccode_option_1;
+ 		gl_phylum = id; 
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t("    { \""), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("\", "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(pb, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(", "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(st_opt, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(" },\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		gl_phylum = 0; 
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_enumoperators_h_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_enumoperators_h_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_enumoperators_h_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    if ((this->productionblock_1->prod_sel() == sel_Emptyproductionblock)) {
+ 	    } else
+ 		if ((this->productionblock_1->prod_sel() == sel_ListAlternatives)) {
+ 		const alternatives a = phylum_cast<const impl_productionblock_ListAlternatives*>(this->productionblock_1)->alternatives_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(a, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    } else
+ 		if ((this->productionblock_1->prod_sel() == sel_NonlistAlternatives)) {
+ 		const alternatives a = phylum_cast<const impl_productionblock_NonlistAlternatives*>(this->productionblock_1)->alternatives_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(a, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    } else
+ 		if ((this->productionblock_1->prod_sel() == sel_PredefinedAlternatives)) {
+ 		const alternatives a = phylum_cast<const impl_productionblock_PredefinedAlternatives*>(this->productionblock_1)->alternatives_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(a, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    } else
+ 		    goto kc_unparsing_default;
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_enumphyla_h_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_enumphyla_h_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_enumphyla_h_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const ID id = this->ID_1;
+ 		const productionblock productions = this->productionblock_1;
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("    phylum_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(" = "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(g_no_of_phyla, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(",\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		g_no_of_phyla++; 
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_deprecated_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_deprecated_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_deprecated_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const ID id = this->ID_1;
+ 		const productionblock productions = this->productionblock_1;
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("#define kc_phylum_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(" phylum_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		gl_phylum = id;
+ 		kc::unparse(productions, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_check_uniq2_enum: {
+ 	    view_check_uniq2_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_check_uniq2_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    if ((this->storageoption_1->prod_sel() == sel_PositiveStorageOption) && (this->productionblock_1->prod_sel() == sel_Emptyproductionblock)) {
+ 	    } else
+ 		if ((this->storageoption_1->prod_sel() == sel_PositiveStorageOption) && (this->productionblock_1->prod_sel() == sel_ListAlternatives)) {
+ 	    } else
+ 		if ((this->storageoption_1->prod_sel() == sel_PositiveStorageOption) && (this->productionblock_1->prod_sel() == sel_NonlistAlternatives)) {
+ 	    } else
+ 		if ((this->storageoption_1->prod_sel() == sel_PositiveStorageOption) && (this->productionblock_1->prod_sel() == sel_PredefinedAlternatives)) {
+ 	    } else
+ 		if ((this->productionblock_1->prod_sel() == sel_Emptyproductionblock)) {
+ 	    } else
+ 		if ((this->productionblock_1->prod_sel() == sel_ListAlternatives)) {
+ 		const ID id = this->ID_1;
+ 		if (! this->marked) 
+ 		{
+ 		    v_report(NonFatal( FileLine( cl_storageID->file, cl_storageID->line ),
+ 			    Problem1S1ID1S1ID( "'uniq' declared phylum:", cl_uniqueID,
+ 				"has non 'uniq' (transitive) subterm:", id) ));
+ 		    (this)->marked = 1;
+ 		    kc::unparse(this, kc_printer, view_check_uniq1);
+ 		}
+ 	    } else
+ 		if ((this->productionblock_1->prod_sel() == sel_NonlistAlternatives)) {
+ 		const ID id = this->ID_1;
+ 		if (! this->marked) 
+ 		{
+ 		    v_report(NonFatal( FileLine( cl_storageID->file, cl_storageID->line ),
+ 			    Problem1S1ID1S1ID( "'uniq' declared phylum:", cl_uniqueID,
+ 				"has non 'uniq' (transitive) subterm:", id) ));
+ 		    (this)->marked = 1;
+ 		    kc::unparse(this, kc_printer, view_check_uniq1);
+ 		}
+ 	    } else
+ 		if ((this->productionblock_1->prod_sel() == sel_PredefinedAlternatives)) {
+ 	    } else
+ 		    goto kc_unparsing_default;
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_check_uniq1_enum: {
+ 	    view_check_uniq1_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_check_uniq1_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const productionblock pb = this->productionblock_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(pb, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_check_uniq_enum: {
+ 	    view_check_uniq_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_check_uniq_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    if ((this->storageoption_1->prod_sel() == sel_NoStorageOption)) {
+ 		const productionblock pb = this->productionblock_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(pb, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    } else
+ 		if ((this->storageoption_1->prod_sel() == sel_NegativeStorageOption)) {
+ 	    } else
+ 		if ((this->storageoption_1->prod_sel() == sel_PositiveStorageOption)) {
+ 		const ID id = this->ID_1;
+ 		const ID s_id = phylum_cast<const impl_storageoption_PositiveStorageOption*>(this->storageoption_1)->ID_1;
+ 		const productionblock pb = this->productionblock_1;
+ 		this->marked = 1;
+ 		cl_uniqueID = id;
+ 		cl_storageID = s_id;
+ 		kc::unparse(pb, kc_printer, view_check_uniq1);
+ 		v_reset_phylumdeclaration_marks();
+ 		cl_uniqueID = 0;
+ 		cl_storageID = 0;
+ 	    } else
+ 		    goto kc_unparsing_default;
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_initializephyla_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_initializephyla_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_initializephyla_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    if ((this->productionblock_1->prod_sel() == sel_Emptyproductionblock)) {
+ 	    } else
+ 		if ((this->productionblock_1->prod_sel() == sel_PredefinedAlternatives)) {
+ 	    } else
+ 		if ((this->productionblock_1->prod_sel() == sel_ListAlternatives)) {
+ 		const ID id = this->ID_1;
+ 		const productionblock a = this->productionblock_1;
+ 		const Ccode_option cco = this->Ccode_option_1;
+ 		if (f_something_to_initialize( cco )) 
+ 		{
+ 		    kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t(" kc_initialize_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("("), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t(" kc_x)\
+ \n{\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    kc::unparse(cco, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    kc::unparse(g_emptystring, kc_printer, view_printer_outputfileline);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("    return kc_x;\
+ \n}\
+ \n\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		}
+ 		kc::unparse(a, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    } else
+ 		if ((this->productionblock_1->prod_sel() == sel_NonlistAlternatives)) {
+ 		const ID id = this->ID_1;
+ 		const productionblock a = this->productionblock_1;
+ 		const Ccode_option cco = this->Ccode_option_1;
+ 		if (f_something_to_initialize( cco )) 
+ 		{
+ 		    kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t(" kc_initialize_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("("), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t(" kc_x)\
+ \n{\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    kc::unparse(cco, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    kc::unparse(g_emptystring, kc_printer, view_printer_outputfileline);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("    return kc_x;\
+ \n}\
+ \n\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		}
+ 		kc::unparse(a, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    } else
+ 		    goto kc_unparsing_default;
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_check_count1_enum: {
+ 	    view_check_count1_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_check_count1_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    if ((this->productionblock_1->prod_sel() == sel_Emptyproductionblock)) {
+ 		const ID id = this->ID_1;
+ 		const storageoption stopt = this->storageoption_1;
+ 		gl_phylum = id; 
+ 		kc::unparse(stopt, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		gl_phylum = 0; 
+ 		 v_report(NonFatal( NoFileLine(),
+ 			Problem1S1ID( "no operators defined for phylum", id ))); 
+ 			} else
+ 	    {
+ 		const ID id = this->ID_1;
+ 		const storageoption stopt = this->storageoption_1;
+ 		const productionblock pb = this->productionblock_1;
+ 		gl_phylum = id; 
+ 		kc::unparse(stopt, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		gl_phylum = 0; 
+ 		kc::unparse(pb, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_check_enum: {
+ 	    view_check_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_check_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const ID i = this->ID_1;
+ 		const Ccode_option cco = this->Ccode_option_1;
+ 		outmostoperators.push( Niloperators() );
+ 		dollarvarsallowed.push( DVAllowed() );
+ 		phylumstack.push( i );
+ 		kc::unparse(cco, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		outmostoperators.top()->freelist();
+ 		outmostoperators.pop();
+ 		dollarvarsallowed.pop();
+ 		phylumstack.pop();
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	default:
+ 	kc_unparsing_default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 		default_unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view );
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_storageoption_PositiveStorageOption::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	case view_gen_phylummap_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_phylummap_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_phylummap_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const ID sc = this->ID_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(sc, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_check_count1_enum: {
+ 	    view_check_count1_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_check_count1_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const ID sc = this->ID_1;
+ 		if (pg_storageclasseshavebeendefined)
+ 		f_useoccurstorageclass( sc );
+ 		else v_extendoccur( sc, ITStorageClass() );
+ 		v_add_to_storageclasses( sc, gl_phylum );
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_error_enum: {
+ 	    view_error_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_error_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const ID id = this->ID_1;
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("{ "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(" } at "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(id->file, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(":"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(id->line, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 		default_unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view );
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_storageoption_NegativeStorageOption::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	case view_gen_phylummap_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_phylummap_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_phylummap_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("kc_not_uniq"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_check_count1_enum: {
+ 	    view_check_count1_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_check_count1_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const ID sc = this->ID_1;
+ 		if (pg_storageclasseshavebeendefined)
+ 		f_useoccurstorageclass( sc );
+ 		else v_extendoccur( sc, ITStorageClass() );
+ 		v_add_to_storageclasses( sc, gl_phylum );
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_error_enum: {
+ 	    view_error_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_error_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const ID id = this->ID_1;
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("{! "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(" } at "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(id->file, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(":"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(id->line, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 		default_unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view );
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_storageoption_NoStorageOption::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	case view_gen_phylummap_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_phylummap_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_phylummap_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("kc_not_uniq"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_check_count1_enum: {
+ 	    view_check_count1_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_check_count1_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_error_enum: {
+ 	    view_error_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_error_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_storageclasses::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     if(is_nil())
+ 	nil_do_unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view_base);
+     else
+ 	switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	case view_gen_operatordefs_c_2_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_operatordefs_c_2_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_operatordefs_c_2_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const ID sc = this->ID_1;
+ 		const storageclasses r_sc = this->storageclasses_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(r_sc, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("&"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(sc, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("_static_hashtable,\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_operatordefs_c_1_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_operatordefs_c_1_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_operatordefs_c_1_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    if ((this->storageclasses_1->prod_sel() == sel_Nilstorageclasses)) {
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("true"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    } else
+ 	    {
+ 		const storageclasses r_sc = this->storageclasses_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(r_sc, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(", true"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_operatordefs_c_0_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_operatordefs_c_0_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_operatordefs_c_0_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const ID sc = this->ID_1;
+ 		const storageclasses r_sc = this->storageclasses_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(r_sc, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("static hashtable_struct_t "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(sc, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("_static_hashtable;\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_operatordefs_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_operatordefs_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_operatordefs_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    if ((this->storageclasses_1->prod_sel() == sel_Nilstorageclasses)) {
+ 		const ID sc = this->ID_1;
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("\""), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(sc, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("\""), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    } else
+ 	    {
+ 		const ID sc = this->ID_1;
+ 		const storageclasses r_sc = this->storageclasses_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(r_sc, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(", \""), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(sc, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("\""), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_uniqmap_c_2_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_uniqmap_c_2_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_uniqmap_c_2_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    if ((this->storageclasses_1->prod_sel() == sel_Nilstorageclasses)) {
+ 		const ID sc = this->ID_1;
+ 		if (this->phyla->length() > 0) 
+ 		{
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("    phylumstorageclass_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    kc::unparse(sc, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		}
+ 		else 
+ 		{
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("    (KC_UNIQ_INFO)0"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		}
+ 	    } else
+ 	    {
+ 		const ID sc = this->ID_1;
+ 		const storageclasses r_sc = this->storageclasses_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(r_sc, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		if (this->phyla->length() > 0) 
+ 		{
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t(",\
+ \n    phylumstorageclass_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    kc::unparse(sc, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		}
+ 		else 
+ 		{
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t(",\
+ \n    (KC_UNIQ_INFO)0"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		}
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_uniqmap_c_1_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_uniqmap_c_1_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_uniqmap_c_1_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const ID sc = this->ID_1;
+ 		const storageclasses r_sc = this->storageclasses_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(r_sc, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		if (this->phyla->length() > 0) 
+ 		{
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("static enum_phyla phylumstorageclass_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    kc::unparse(sc, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("[] = { one_before_first_phylum, "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    kc::unparse(this->phyla, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("last_phylum };\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		}
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_uniqmap_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_uniqmap_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_uniqmap_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		kc::unparse(this, kc_printer, view_gen_uniqmap_c_1);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("\
+ \nKC_UNIQ_INFO kc_UniqInfo[] = {\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(this, kc_printer, view_gen_uniqmap_c_2);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("\
+ \n};\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_operatormap_type_h_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_operatormap_type_h_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_operatormap_type_h_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    if ((this->storageclasses_1->prod_sel() == sel_Nilstorageclasses)) {
+ 		const ID sc = this->ID_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(sc, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    } else
+ 	    {
+ 		const ID sc = this->ID_1;
+ 		const storageclasses r_sc = this->storageclasses_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(r_sc, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(",\
+ \n	"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(sc, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 		for (storageclasses iterator_ = this; iterator_->storageclasses_1 != 0; iterator_ = iterator_->storageclasses_1)
+ 		    iterator_->ID_1->unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_storageclasses::nil_do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	case view_gen_operatordefs_c_2_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_operatordefs_c_2_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_operatordefs_c_2_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_operatordefs_c_1_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_operatordefs_c_1_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_operatordefs_c_1_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_operatordefs_c_0_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_operatordefs_c_0_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_operatordefs_c_0_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_operatordefs_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_operatordefs_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_operatordefs_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_uniqmap_c_2_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_uniqmap_c_2_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_uniqmap_c_2_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_uniqmap_c_1_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_uniqmap_c_1_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_uniqmap_c_1_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_uniqmap_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_uniqmap_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_uniqmap_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_operatormap_type_h_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_operatormap_type_h_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_operatormap_type_h_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_productionblock_PredefinedAlternatives::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	case view_gen_unparsedefs_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_unparsedefs_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_unparsedefs_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_phylummap_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_phylummap_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_phylummap_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    if ((this->alternatives_1->prod_sel() == sel_Consalternatives) && ((this->alternatives_1)->alternative_1->prod_sel() == sel_Alternative) && ((this->alternatives_1)->alternatives_1->prod_sel() == sel_Nilalternatives)) {
+ 		const ID oid = phylum_cast<const impl_alternative_Alternative*>((this->alternatives_1)->alternative_1)->ID_1;
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("sel_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(oid, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(", sel_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(oid, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    } else
+ 		if ((this->alternatives_1->prod_sel() == sel_Consalternatives) && ((this->alternatives_1)->alternative_1->prod_sel() == sel_Alternative)) {
+ 		const ID oid = phylum_cast<const impl_alternative_Alternative*>((this->alternatives_1)->alternative_1)->ID_1;
+ 		const alternatives ra = (this->alternatives_1)->alternatives_1;
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("sel_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(ra, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(", sel_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(oid, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    } else
+ 		    goto kc_unparsing_default;
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_deprecated_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_deprecated_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_deprecated_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const alternatives a = this->alternatives_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(a, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_check_uniq1_enum: {
+ 	    view_check_uniq1_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_check_uniq1_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const alternatives alt = this->alternatives_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(alt, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_check_count1_enum: {
+ 	    view_check_count1_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_check_count1_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	default:
+ 	kc_unparsing_default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 		default_unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view );
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_productionblock_NonlistAlternatives::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	case view_gen_classdefs_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_classdefs_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_classdefs_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const alternatives alts = this->alternatives_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(alts, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_classdecls2_h_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_classdecls2_h_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_classdecls2_h_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const alternatives alts = this->alternatives_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(alts, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_unparsedefs_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_unparsedefs_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_unparsedefs_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const alternatives a = this->alternatives_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(a, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_rewritedefs_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_rewritedefs_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_rewritedefs_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const alternatives a = this->alternatives_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(a, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_phylummap_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_phylummap_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_phylummap_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    if ((this->alternatives_1->prod_sel() == sel_Consalternatives) && ((this->alternatives_1)->alternative_1->prod_sel() == sel_Alternative) && ((this->alternatives_1)->alternatives_1->prod_sel() == sel_Nilalternatives)) {
+ 		const ID oid = phylum_cast<const impl_alternative_Alternative*>((this->alternatives_1)->alternative_1)->ID_1;
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("sel_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(oid, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(", sel_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(oid, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    } else
+ 		if ((this->alternatives_1->prod_sel() == sel_Consalternatives) && ((this->alternatives_1)->alternative_1->prod_sel() == sel_Alternative)) {
+ 		const ID oid = phylum_cast<const impl_alternative_Alternative*>((this->alternatives_1)->alternative_1)->ID_1;
+ 		const alternatives ra = (this->alternatives_1)->alternatives_1;
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("sel_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(ra, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(", sel_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(oid, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    } else
+ 		    goto kc_unparsing_default;
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_deprecated_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_deprecated_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_deprecated_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const alternatives a = this->alternatives_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(a, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_check_uniq1_enum: {
+ 	    view_check_uniq1_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_check_uniq1_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const alternatives alt = this->alternatives_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(alt, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_initializephyla_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_initializephyla_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_initializephyla_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const alternatives a = this->alternatives_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(a, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_check_count1_enum: {
+ 	    view_check_count1_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_check_count1_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const alternatives alt = this->alternatives_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(alt, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	default:
+ 	kc_unparsing_default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 		default_unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view );
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_productionblock_ListAlternatives::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	case view_gen_classdefs_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_classdefs_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_classdefs_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_classdecls2_h_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_classdecls2_h_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_classdecls2_h_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_unparsedefs_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_unparsedefs_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_unparsedefs_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    if ((this->alternatives_1->prod_sel() == sel_Consalternatives) && ((this->alternatives_1)->alternative_1->prod_sel() == sel_Alternative) && ((this->alternatives_1)->alternatives_1->prod_sel() == sel_Consalternatives) && (((this->alternatives_1)->alternatives_1)->alternative_1->prod_sel() == sel_Alternative)) {
+ 		const alternative consa = (this->alternatives_1)->alternative_1;
+ 		const ID consid = phylum_cast<const impl_alternative_Alternative*>((this->alternatives_1)->alternative_1)->ID_1;
+ 		const alternative nila = ((this->alternatives_1)->alternatives_1)->alternative_1;
+ 		const ID nilid = phylum_cast<const impl_alternative_Alternative*>(((this->alternatives_1)->alternatives_1)->alternative_1)->ID_1;
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("void\
+ \nimpl_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(gl_phylum, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)\
+ \n{\
+ \n    if(is_nil())\
+ \n	nil_do_unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view_base);\
+ \n    else\
+ \n	switch(kc_current_view_base) {\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		unparseviewsinfo a_unparseviewsinfo = f_unparseviewsinfo_of_alternative( consa, Theuviewnames );
+ 		gl_operator = consid; 
+ 		kc::unparse(a_unparseviewsinfo, kc_printer, view_gen_unparsedefs_c);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("	}\
+ \n}\
+ \n\
+ \nvoid\
+ \nimpl_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(gl_phylum, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("::nil_do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)\
+ \n{\
+ \n    switch(kc_current_view_base) {\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		freespineandelements(a_unparseviewsinfo);
+ 		a_unparseviewsinfo = f_unparseviewsinfo_of_alternative( nila, Theuviewnames );
+ 		gl_operator = nilid; 
+ 		kc::unparse(a_unparseviewsinfo, kc_printer, view_gen_unparsedefs_c);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("    }\
+ \n}\
+ \n\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		freespineandelements(a_unparseviewsinfo); 
+ 			} else
+ 		    goto kc_unparsing_default;
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_rewritedefs_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_rewritedefs_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_rewritedefs_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    if ((this->alternatives_1->prod_sel() == sel_Consalternatives) && ((this->alternatives_1)->alternative_1->prod_sel() == sel_Alternative) && ((this->alternatives_1)->alternatives_1->prod_sel() == sel_Consalternatives)) {
+ 		const alternative consa = (this->alternatives_1)->alternative_1;
+ 		const ID oid = phylum_cast<const impl_alternative_Alternative*>((this->alternatives_1)->alternative_1)->ID_1;
+ 		const alternative nila = ((this->alternatives_1)->alternatives_1)->alternative_1;
+ 		gl_phylum = f_phylumofoperator(oid); 
+ 		 if(!g_options.rw_loop) 
+ 		{
+ 		    covariant_choice(gl_phylum, "", "abstract_phylum", kc_printer, kc_current_view); 
+ 		     }
+ 		else 
+ 		{
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("abstract_phylum"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		}
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(" impl_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(gl_phylum, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("::"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		if(f_rewrite_in_operatordecl(consa) || g_options.rw_loop) 
+ 		{
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("do_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		}
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)\
+ \n{\
+ \n    if (is_nil()) {\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(nila, kc_printer, view_gen_rewritedefs_body_c);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("   } else { // not Nil, Cons\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(consa, kc_printer, view_gen_rewritedefs_body_c);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("   }\
+ \n}\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		gl_phylum = 0; 
+ 			} else
+ 		    goto kc_unparsing_default;
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_phylummap_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_phylummap_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_phylummap_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    if ((this->alternatives_1->prod_sel() == sel_Consalternatives) && ((this->alternatives_1)->alternative_1->prod_sel() == sel_Alternative) && ((this->alternatives_1)->alternatives_1->prod_sel() == sel_Nilalternatives)) {
+ 		const ID oid = phylum_cast<const impl_alternative_Alternative*>((this->alternatives_1)->alternative_1)->ID_1;
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("sel_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(oid, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(", sel_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(oid, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    } else
+ 		if ((this->alternatives_1->prod_sel() == sel_Consalternatives) && ((this->alternatives_1)->alternative_1->prod_sel() == sel_Alternative)) {
+ 		const ID oid = phylum_cast<const impl_alternative_Alternative*>((this->alternatives_1)->alternative_1)->ID_1;
+ 		const alternatives ra = (this->alternatives_1)->alternatives_1;
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("sel_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(ra, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(", sel_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(oid, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    } else
+ 		    goto kc_unparsing_default;
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_deprecated_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_deprecated_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_deprecated_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const alternatives a = this->alternatives_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(a, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_check_uniq1_enum: {
+ 	    view_check_uniq1_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_check_uniq1_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const alternatives alt = this->alternatives_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(alt, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_initializephyla_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_initializephyla_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_initializephyla_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const alternatives a = this->alternatives_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(a, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_check_count1_enum: {
+ 	    view_check_count1_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_check_count1_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const alternatives alt = this->alternatives_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(alt, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	default:
+ 	kc_unparsing_default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 		default_unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view );
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_productionblock_Emptyproductionblock::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	case view_gen_phylummap_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_phylummap_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_phylummap_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_check_uniq1_enum: {
+ 	    view_check_uniq1_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_check_uniq1_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_alternatives::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     if(is_nil())
+ 	nil_do_unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view_base);
+     else
+ 	switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	case view_gen_set_subphylumdefs_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_set_subphylumdefs_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_set_subphylumdefs_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    if ((this->alternative_1->prod_sel() == sel_Alternative) && (phylum_cast<const impl_alternative_Alternative*>(this->alternative_1)->arguments_1->prod_sel() == sel_Nilarguments)) {
+ 		const alternatives ra = this->alternatives_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(ra, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    } else
+ 		if ((this->alternative_1->prod_sel() == sel_Alternative)) {
+ 		const ID oid = phylum_cast<const impl_alternative_Alternative*>(this->alternative_1)->ID_1;
+ 		const arguments args = phylum_cast<const impl_alternative_Alternative*>(this->alternative_1)->arguments_1;
+ 		const alternatives ra = this->alternatives_1;
+ 		ID id = f_phylumofoperator(oid); 
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t("void impl_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(oid, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("::set_subphylum(int no, abstract_phylum val)\
+ \n{\
+ \n    abstract_phylum newval=0;\
+ \n    switch(no) {\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		gl_no_of_args = 0; 
+ 		kc::unparse(args, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("   }\
+ \n    assertNonNull(newval);\
+ \n}\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(ra, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    } else
+ 		    goto kc_unparsing_default;
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_subphylumdefs_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_subphylumdefs_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_subphylumdefs_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    if ((this->alternative_1->prod_sel() == sel_Alternative) && (phylum_cast<const impl_alternative_Alternative*>(this->alternative_1)->arguments_1->prod_sel() == sel_Nilarguments)) {
+ 		const alternatives ra = this->alternatives_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(ra, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    } else
+ 		if ((this->alternative_1->prod_sel() == sel_Alternative)) {
+ 		const ID oid = phylum_cast<const impl_alternative_Alternative*>(this->alternative_1)->ID_1;
+ 		const arguments args = phylum_cast<const impl_alternative_Alternative*>(this->alternative_1)->arguments_1;
+ 		const alternatives ra = this->alternatives_1;
+ 		ID id = f_phylumofoperator(oid); 
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t("abstract_phylum impl_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(oid, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("::subphylum(int no) const\
+ \n{\
+ \n  switch(no){\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		gl_no_of_args = 0; 
+ 		kc::unparse(args, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("  }\
+ \n  return 0;\
+ \n}\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(ra, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    } else
+ 		    goto kc_unparsing_default;
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_classdefs_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_classdefs_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_classdefs_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const alternative alt = this->alternative_1;
+ 		const alternatives ra = this->alternatives_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(alt, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		kc::unparse(ra, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_classdecls2_h_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_classdecls2_h_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_classdecls2_h_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    if ((this->alternative_1->prod_sel() == sel_Alternative)) {
+ 		const alternative alt = this->alternative_1;
+ 		const ID oid = phylum_cast<const impl_alternative_Alternative*>(this->alternative_1)->ID_1;
+ 		const alternatives ra = this->alternatives_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(alt, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		kc::unparse(alt, kc_printer, view_gen_nodetypes_h);
+ 		ID pid = f_phylumofoperator(oid);
+ 		if (f_ispredefinedphylum(pid)) {
+ 		    f_phylumdeclofid(pid)->additional_members->unparse(kc_printer, view_gen_member_dcl_h);
+ 		} 
+ 		kc::unparse(alt->additional_members, kc_printer, view_gen_member_dcl_h);
+ 		gl_operator = 0; 
+ 		 if(!g_options.no_unparse) 
+ 		{
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("\rprivate:\v\
+ \n	void do_unparse(printer_functor, uview);\n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		}
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("};\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(ra, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    } else
+ 		    goto kc_unparsing_default;
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_attributeOf_function_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_attributeOf_function_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_attributeOf_function_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    if ((this->alternative_1->prod_sel() == sel_Alternative)) {
+ 		const alternative a = this->alternative_1;
+ 		const ID oid = phylum_cast<const impl_alternative_Alternative*>(this->alternative_1)->ID_1;
+ 		const alternatives ra = this->alternatives_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(ra, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		int attrcount = gl_no_of_args;
+ 		arguments attrs = gl_args;
+ 		ac_identifier_list idents = gl_idents;
+ 		a->additional_members->unparse(kc_printer, view_count_attrs);
+ 		gl_no_of_args += attrcount; 
+ 		gl_args = concat(gl_args, attrs); 
+ 		gl_idents = concat(gl_idents, idents); 
+ 		gl_operator=oid;
+ 		if (gl_no_of_args) 
+ 		{
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("case sel_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    kc::unparse(oid, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t(": switch(no) {\n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    kc::unparse(gl_args, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("}\
+ \n	"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		}
+ 		gl_no_of_args=attrcount;
+ 		gl_args=attrs;
+ 		gl_idents=idents; 
+ 			} else
+ 		    goto kc_unparsing_default;
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_create_function_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_create_function_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_create_function_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    if ((this->alternative_1->prod_sel() == sel_Alternative)) {
+ 		const alternative alt = this->alternative_1;
+ 		const ID oid = phylum_cast<const impl_alternative_Alternative*>(this->alternative_1)->ID_1;
+ 		const arguments args = phylum_cast<const impl_alternative_Alternative*>(this->alternative_1)->arguments_1;
+ 		const alternatives ra = this->alternatives_1;
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("   \rcase sel_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(oid, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(":\v\
+ \n	return "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(oid, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("("), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(args, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(");\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(ra, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    } else
+ 		    goto kc_unparsing_default;
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_operatordefs_hash_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_operatordefs_hash_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_operatordefs_hash_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    if ((this->alternative_1->prod_sel() == sel_Alternative)) {
+ 		const alternative alt = this->alternative_1;
+ 		const ID oid = phylum_cast<const impl_alternative_Alternative*>(this->alternative_1)->ID_1;
+ 		const arguments args = phylum_cast<const impl_alternative_Alternative*>(this->alternative_1)->arguments_1;
+ 		const alternatives ra = this->alternatives_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(ra, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		gl_isnotlist = f_listelementphylum(gl_phylum)->eq(f_emptyId());
+ 		gl_operator = oid;
+ 		gl_args=args; 
+ 		kc::unparse(args, kc_printer, view_count_args);
+ 		if(f_constructors_in_operatordecl(alt)) 
+ 		{
+ 		    kc::unparse(alt->additional_members, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		}
+ 		else {
+ 		    fndeclarations _fd = Consfndeclarations(FnAcDeclaration(Nilac_declaration_specifiers(),
+ 			    AcDeclarator(Nopointer(), AcNoRef(), AcQualifiedDeclProto(Nilac_class_qualifier_list(),
+ 				    AcDirectDeclId(oid),
+ 				    AcParList(Nilac_parameter_list()),
+ 				    AcNoQualifier())),
+ 			    Nilac_declaration_list(), AcNoBaseInit(), NilCtext(), Id(Str(mkcasestring(""))),
+ 			    ConstructorFn()), Nilfndeclarations());
+ 		    UNPARSE(_fd);
+ 		    _fd->free(false);
+ 		} 
+ 		 gl_args=0;
+ 		gl_operator = 0;
+ 		gl_isnotlist = true;
+ 	    } else
+ 		    goto kc_unparsing_default;
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_operatordefs_nonhash_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_operatordefs_nonhash_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_operatordefs_nonhash_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    if ((this->alternative_1->prod_sel() == sel_Alternative)) {
+ 		const alternative alt = this->alternative_1;
+ 		const ID oid = phylum_cast<const impl_alternative_Alternative*>(this->alternative_1)->ID_1;
+ 		const arguments args = phylum_cast<const impl_alternative_Alternative*>(this->alternative_1)->arguments_1;
+ 		const alternatives ra = this->alternatives_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(ra, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		gl_isnotlist = f_listelementphylum(gl_phylum)->eq(f_emptyId());
+ 		gl_operator = oid;
+ 		gl_args=args; 
+ 		kc::unparse(args, kc_printer, view_count_args);
+ 		if(f_constructors_in_operatordecl(alt)) 
+ 		{
+ 		    kc::unparse(alt->additional_members, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		}
+ 		else {
+ 		    fndeclarations _fd = Consfndeclarations(FnAcDeclaration(Nilac_declaration_specifiers(),
+ 			    AcDeclarator(Nopointer(), AcNoRef(), AcQualifiedDeclProto(Nilac_class_qualifier_list(),
+ 				    AcDirectDeclId(oid),
+ 				    AcParList(Nilac_parameter_list()),
+ 				    AcNoQualifier())),
+ 			    Nilac_declaration_list(), AcNoBaseInit(), NilCtext(), Id(Str(mkcasestring(""))),
+ 			    ConstructorFn()), Nilfndeclarations());
+ 		    UNPARSE(_fd);
+ 		    _fd->free(false);
+ 		} 
+ 		 gl_args=0;
+ 		gl_operator = 0;
+ 		gl_isnotlist = true;
+ 	    } else
+ 		    goto kc_unparsing_default;
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_operatorcast_h_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_operatorcast_h_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_operatorcast_h_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    if ((this->alternative_1->prod_sel() == sel_Alternative)) {
+ 		const alternative alt = this->alternative_1;
+ 		const ID oid = phylum_cast<const impl_alternative_Alternative*>(this->alternative_1)->ID_1;
+ 		const arguments args = phylum_cast<const impl_alternative_Alternative*>(this->alternative_1)->arguments_1;
+ 		const alternatives ra = this->alternatives_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(ra, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		if(f_constructors_in_operatordecl(alt)) 
+ 		{
+ 		    gl_args=args; 
+ 		     v_report(NonFatal( NoFileLine(), Problem1S( "internal error: experimental operator_cast<>() unlikely to work with user-defined constructors" ))); 
+ 		    kc::unparse(args, kc_printer, view_count_args);
+ 		    kc::unparse(alt->additional_members, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    gl_args=0; 
+ 		     }
+ 		else 
+ 		{
+ 		    ID pid = f_phylumofoperator(oid); 
+ 		    	{ kc_printer(kc_t("template <class "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    kc::unparse(oid, kc_printer, view_gen_fn_pointer_name);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("*\b kc_f("), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    kc::unparse(args, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t(")>\
+ \n	 class "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    kc::unparse(oid, kc_printer, view_gen_fn_pointer_name);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("*\
+ \n	 operator_cast("), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    kc::unparse(pid, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t(" kc_p)\
+ \n	 {\
+ \n	     if (kc_f!="), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    kc::unparse(oid, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t(" || kc_p->prod_sel()!=sel_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    kc::unparse(oid, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t(")\
+ \n		 throw std::bad_cast();\
+ \n	     return static_cast<class "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    kc::unparse(oid, kc_printer, view_gen_fn_pointer_name);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("*>(kc_p);\
+ \n	 }\n\n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		}
+ 	    } else
+ 		    goto kc_unparsing_default;
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_operatordecls_h_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_operatordecls_h_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_operatordecls_h_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    if ((this->alternative_1->prod_sel() == sel_Alternative)) {
+ 		const alternative alt = this->alternative_1;
+ 		const ID oid = phylum_cast<const impl_alternative_Alternative*>(this->alternative_1)->ID_1;
+ 		const arguments args = phylum_cast<const impl_alternative_Alternative*>(this->alternative_1)->arguments_1;
+ 		const alternatives ra = this->alternatives_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(ra, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		if(f_constructors_in_operatordecl(alt)) 
+ 		{
+ 		    gl_args=args; 
+ 		    kc::unparse(args, kc_printer, view_count_args);
+ 		    kc::unparse(alt->additional_members, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    gl_args=0; 
+ 		     }
+ 		else 
+ 		{
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("class "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    kc::unparse(oid, kc_printer, view_gen_fn_pointer_name);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("*\b "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    kc::unparse(oid, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t(" ("), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    kc::unparse(args, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t(");\n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		}
+ 	    } else
+ 		    goto kc_unparsing_default;
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_operatormap_attributes_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_operatormap_attributes_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_operatormap_attributes_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    if ((this->alternative_1->prod_sel() == sel_Alternative)) {
+ 		const alternative a = this->alternative_1;
+ 		const ID oid = phylum_cast<const impl_alternative_Alternative*>(this->alternative_1)->ID_1;
+ 		const alternatives ra = this->alternatives_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(ra, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		int attrcount = gl_no_of_args;
+ 		arguments attrs = gl_args;
+ 		ac_identifier_list idents = gl_idents;
+ 		a->additional_members->unparse(kc_printer, view_count_attrs);
+ 		gl_no_of_args += attrcount; 
+ 		gl_args = concat(gl_args, attrs); 
+ 		gl_idents = concat(gl_idents, idents);  
+ 		if (gl_no_of_args) 
+ 		{
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("static enum_phyla kc_attrs_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    kc::unparse(oid, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("[] = { "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    kc::unparse(gl_args, kc_printer, view_gen_operatormap_subphyla);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t(" };\
+ \n	"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		}
+ 		gl_no_of_args=attrcount;
+ 		gl_args=attrs;
+ 		gl_idents=idents; 
+ 			} else
+ 		    goto kc_unparsing_default;
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_operatormap_subphyla_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_operatormap_subphyla_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_operatormap_subphyla_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    if ((this->alternative_1->prod_sel() == sel_Alternative)) {
+ 		const ID oid = phylum_cast<const impl_alternative_Alternative*>(this->alternative_1)->ID_1;
+ 		const arguments args = phylum_cast<const impl_alternative_Alternative*>(this->alternative_1)->arguments_1;
+ 		const alternatives ra = this->alternatives_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(ra, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		kc::unparse(args, kc_printer, view_count_args);
+ 		if (gl_no_of_args) 
+ 		{
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("static enum_phyla kc_subphyla_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    kc::unparse(oid, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("[] = { "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    kc::unparse(args, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t(" };\
+ \n	"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		}
+ 	    } else
+ 		    goto kc_unparsing_default;
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_operatormap_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_operatormap_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_operatormap_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    if ((this->alternative_1->prod_sel() == sel_Alternative)) {
+ 		const alternative alt = this->alternative_1;
+ 		const ID oid = phylum_cast<const impl_alternative_Alternative*>(this->alternative_1)->ID_1;
+ 		const arguments args = phylum_cast<const impl_alternative_Alternative*>(this->alternative_1)->arguments_1;
+ 		const alternatives ra = this->alternatives_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(ra, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		kc::unparse(args, kc_printer, view_count_args);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("    { \""), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(oid, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("\", "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(gl_no_of_args, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(", "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		if (gl_atomicity) 
+ 		{
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("true"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		}
+ 		else 
+ 		{
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("false"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		}
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(", phylum_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(gl_phylum, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(", "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		if (gl_no_of_args>0) 
+ 		{
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("kc_subphyla_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    kc::unparse(oid, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t(", "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		}
+ 		else 
+ 		{
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("0, "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		}
+ 		The_abstract_phylum_decl->additional_members->unparse(kc_printer, view_count_attrs);
+ 		int attrcount = gl_no_of_args;
+ 		f_phylumdeclofid(f_phylumofoperator(oid))->additional_members->unparse(kc_printer, view_count_attrs);
+ 		attrcount += gl_no_of_args;
+ 		alt->additional_members->unparse(kc_printer, view_count_attrs);
+ 		gl_no_of_args += attrcount; 
+ 		kc::unparse(gl_no_of_args, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(", "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		if (gl_no_of_args>0) 
+ 		{
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("kc_attrs_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    kc::unparse(oid, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		}
+ 		else 
+ 		{
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("0"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		}
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(", sizeof("), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(oid, kc_printer, view_class_of_op);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(") },\n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    } else
+ 		    goto kc_unparsing_default;
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_phylummap_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_phylummap_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_phylummap_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    if ((this->alternative_1->prod_sel() == sel_Alternative) && (this->alternatives_1->prod_sel() == sel_Nilalternatives)) {
+ 		const ID oid = phylum_cast<const impl_alternative_Alternative*>(this->alternative_1)->ID_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(oid, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    } else
+ 	    {
+ 		const alternatives ra = this->alternatives_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(ra, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_enumoperators_h_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_enumoperators_h_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_enumoperators_h_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    if ((this->alternatives_1->prod_sel() == sel_Nilalternatives)) {
+ 		const alternative a = this->alternative_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(a, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    } else
+ 	    {
+ 		const alternative a = this->alternative_1;
+ 		const alternatives as = this->alternatives_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(as, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		kc::unparse(a, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_deprecated_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_deprecated_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_deprecated_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const alternative a = this->alternative_1;
+ 		const alternatives as = this->alternatives_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(as, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		kc::unparse(a, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_check_uniq1_enum: {
+ 	    view_check_uniq1_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_check_uniq1_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const alternative a = this->alternative_1;
+ 		const alternatives ralts = this->alternatives_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(ralts, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		kc::unparse(a, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_check_count1_enum: {
+ 	    view_check_count1_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_check_count1_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    if ((this->alternative_1->prod_sel() == sel_Alternative)) {
+ 		const alternative alt = this->alternative_1;
+ 		const ID id = phylum_cast<const impl_alternative_Alternative*>(this->alternative_1)->ID_1;
+ 		const arguments args = phylum_cast<const impl_alternative_Alternative*>(this->alternative_1)->arguments_1;
+ 		const alternatives ralts = this->alternatives_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(ralts, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		kc::unparse(args, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		v_resetcount();
+ 	    } else
+ 		    goto kc_unparsing_default;
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	default:
+ 	kc_unparsing_default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 		for (alternatives iterator_ = this; iterator_->alternatives_1 != 0; iterator_ = iterator_->alternatives_1)
+ 		    iterator_->alternative_1->unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_alternatives::nil_do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	case view_gen_classdefs_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_classdefs_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_classdefs_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_classdecls2_h_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_classdecls2_h_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_classdecls2_h_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_attributeOf_function_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_attributeOf_function_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_attributeOf_function_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_operatorcast_h_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_operatorcast_h_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_operatorcast_h_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_operatordecls_h_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_operatordecls_h_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_operatordecls_h_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_operatormap_attributes_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_operatormap_attributes_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_operatormap_attributes_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_operatormap_subphyla_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_operatormap_subphyla_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_operatormap_subphyla_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_operatormap_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_operatormap_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_operatormap_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_phylummap_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_phylummap_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_phylummap_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_deprecated_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_deprecated_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_deprecated_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_check_uniq1_enum: {
+ 	    view_check_uniq1_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_check_uniq1_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_check_count1_enum: {
+ 	    view_check_count1_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_check_count1_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	default:
+ 	kc_unparsing_default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_alternative_Alternative::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	case view_gen_classdefs_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_classdefs_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_classdefs_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const alternative alt = this/**/;
+ 		const ID oid = this->ID_1;
+ 		const arguments args = this->arguments_1;
+ 		gl_operator=oid;
+ 		enum_operators kc_i = f_selofoperator(gl_operator);
+ 		bool priorAssignments=false;
+ 		if(kc_i!=sel_NoCaseStr && kc_i!=sel__Str) 
+ 		{
+ 		    if(!f_constructors_in_operatordecl(alt)) 
+ 		    {
+ 			kc::unparse(oid, kc_printer, view_class_of_op);
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t("::"), kc_current_view); }
+ 			kc::unparse(oid, kc_printer, view_class_of_op);
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t("("), kc_current_view); }
+ 			if (f_ispredefinedphylum(gl_phylum)) 
+ 			{
+ 			    kc::unparse(args, kc_printer, view_gen_fnarg_and_decls_predef);
+ 			}
+ 			else 
+ 			{
+ 			    kc::unparse(args, kc_printer, view_gen_fnarg_and_decls);
+ 			}
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t(")\n\v"), kc_current_view); }
+ 			if (f_ispredefinedphylum(gl_phylum)) {
+ 			    PRINT(priorAssignments ? ", " : ": "); priorAssignments=true; 
+ 			    kc::unparse(args, kc_printer, view_gen_assignments_predef_ini);
+ 			} else if (args->length()>0) {
+ 			    PRINT(priorAssignments ? ", " : ": "); priorAssignments=true; 
+ 			    kc::unparse(args, kc_printer, view_gen_assignment_inis);
+ 			} 
+ 			kc::unparse(additional_members, kc_printer, view_count_nonstaticmembers);
+ 			if (gl_no_of_args) 
+ 			{
+ 			    PRINT(priorAssignments ? ", " : ": "); 
+ 			    kc::unparse(gl_members, kc_printer, view_gen_user_assignment_inis);
+ 			}
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t(" { }\r\n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    }
+ 		}
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_classdecls2_h_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_classdecls2_h_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_classdecls2_h_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const alternative alt = this/**/;
+ 		const ID oid = this->ID_1;
+ 		const arguments args = this->arguments_1;
+ 		ID id = f_phylumofoperator(oid);
+ 		gl_operator = oid; 
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t("class "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		if(g_options.dllexports!="") {
+ 		    PRINT(g_options.dllexports.c_str());
+ 		    PRINT(" ");
+ 		} 
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t("impl_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(oid, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(":"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		{
+ 		    baseclass_list kc_selvar_0_1 = phylum_cast<baseclass_list>(alt->base_classes);
+ 		    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_Consbaseclass_list)) {
+ 			UNPARSE(alt->base_classes);
+ 		    } else
+ 		    {
+ 			if (f_ispredefinedphylum(id)) {
+ 			    PRINT("public impl_abstract_phylum");
+ 			} else {
+ 			    PRINT("public impl_"); UNPARSE(id);
+ 			}
+ 		    }
+ 		}
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("{\
+ \n\rpublic:\v\
+ \n    enum_operators prod_sel() const\
+ \n    \v{ return sel_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(oid, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("; }\r\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		if (f_ispredefinedphylum(id)) 
+ 		{
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("   static const enum_phyla phylum_sel_;\n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		}
+ 		enum_operators kc_i = f_selofoperator(gl_operator);
+ 		if(kc_i!=sel_NoCaseStr && kc_i!=sel__Str) 
+ 		{
+ 		    if(!f_constructors_in_operatordecl(alt)) 
+ 		    {
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t("explicit impl_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 			kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t("_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 			kc::unparse(oid, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t("("), kc_current_view); }
+ 			if (f_ispredefinedphylum(id)) 
+ 			{
+ 			    kc::unparse(args, kc_printer, view_gen_fnarg_and_decls_predef);
+ 			}
+ 			else 
+ 			{
+ 			    kc::unparse(args, kc_printer, view_gen_operatordecls_h);
+ 			}
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t(");\
+ \n	"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    }
+ 		}
+ 		else 
+ 		{
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("\rprivate:\v\
+ \n	explicit impl_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    kc::unparse(oid, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("(const kc_char_t*);\
+ \n	void make_own(int length);\
+ \n	friend "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t(" mk"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("(const kc_char_t*, int);\
+ \n\rpublic:\v\
+ \n	~impl_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    kc::unparse(oid, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("() {\
+ \n	#if defined (_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER<1300\
+ \n	    delete [] (kc_char_t*)name;\
+ \n	#else\
+ \n	    delete [] name;\
+ \n	#endif\
+ \n	}\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		}
+ 		if(args->length()!=0) 
+ 		{
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("       abstract_phylum subphylum(int) const;\
+ \n	void set_subphylum(int, abstract_phylum);\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		}
+ 		if (!g_options.no_printdot && f_ispredefinedphylum(id)) 
+ 		{
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("void fprintdot( FILE*, const char*, const char*, const char*, bool, bool, bool ) const;\n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		}
+ 		if (!g_options.no_rewrite) 
+ 		{
+ 		    if (!g_options.rw_loop) 
+ 		    {
+ 			if (!f_ispredefinedphylum(id)) {
+ 			    if(!f_rewrite_in_operatordecl(alt)) 
+ 			    covariant_choice(id, " rewrite( rview );", "abstract_phylum rewrite( rview );",
+ 				kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 			    else
+ 			    covariant_choice(id, " do_rewrite( rview );", "abstract_phylum do_rewrite( rview );",
+ 				kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 			}
+ 			else 
+ 			{
+ 			    covariant_choice(id, " rewrite( rview )", "abstract_phylum rewrite( rview )",
+ 				kc_printer, kc_current_view); 
+ 			    	{ kc_printer(kc_t("\n\v{ return this; }\r"), kc_current_view); }
+ 			}
+ 		    }
+ 		    else 
+ 		    {
+ 			if (!f_ispredefinedphylum(id)) 
+ 			{
+ 			    { kc_printer(kc_t("abstract_phylum do_rewrite( rview );"), kc_current_view); }
+ 			}
+ 		    }
+ 		}
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("\n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		if (g_options.smart_pointer) 
+ 		{
+ 		    if(f_ispredefinedphylum(id)) 
+ 		    {
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t("abstract_phylum_ref* new_phylum_ref() {\
+ \n        return new phylum_ref<impl_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 			kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t("_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 			kc::unparse(oid, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t(">(this);\
+ \n    }\
+ \n    impl_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 			kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t("& operator=(const impl_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 			kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t("& p) {\
+ \n	phylum_ref<impl_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 			kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t(">* my_ref=static_cast<phylum_ref<impl_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 			kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t(">*>(get_ref());\
+ \n	"), kc_current_view); }
+ 			kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t(" self=this;\
+ \n	if(my_ref) {\
+ \n	    abstract_phylum_ref* ref=p.get_ref();\
+ \n	    self=const_cast<"), kc_current_view); }
+ 			kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t(">(&p);\
+ \n	    if(ref)\
+ \n		self=phylum_cast<"), kc_current_view); }
+ 			kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t(">(self->copy(true));\
+ \n	    my_ref->set_phylum(self);\
+ \n	}\
+ \n	return *self;\
+ \n    }\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 			kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, view_class_of_phy);
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t("& operator=(const phylum_ref<"), kc_current_view); }
+ 			kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, view_class_of_phy);
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t(">& r) {\
+ \n	phylum_ref<"), kc_current_view); }
+ 			kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, view_class_of_phy);
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t(">* my_ref=static_cast<phylum_ref<"), kc_current_view); }
+ 			kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, view_class_of_phy);
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t(">*>(get_ref());\
+ \n	"), kc_current_view); }
+ 			kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t(" self=this;\
+ \n	if(my_ref) {\
+ \n	    self=phylum_cast<"), kc_current_view); }
+ 			kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t(">(r.get_phylum()?r.get_phylum()->copy(true):0);\
+ \n	    my_ref->set_phylum(self);\
+ \n	}\
+ \n	return *self;\
+ \n    }\
+ \n    "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    }
+ 		    else 
+ 		    {
+ 			kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, view_class_of_phy);
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t("& operator=(const impl_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 			kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t("& p) {\
+ \n	return "), kc_current_view); }
+ 			kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, view_class_of_phy);
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t("::operator=(p);\
+ \n    }\
+ \n    impl_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 			kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t("& operator=(const phylum_ref<impl_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 			kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t(">& r) {\
+ \n	return "), kc_current_view); }
+ 			kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, view_class_of_phy);
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t("::operator=(r);\
+ \n    }\
+ \n    "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    }
+ 		    kc::unparse(oid, kc_printer, view_class_of_op);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("* return_ptr() { if(get_ref()) get_ref()->lock(); return this; }\n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		}
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const arguments args = this->arguments_1;
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("	{\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(args, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("	}\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_unparsedefs_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_unparsedefs_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_unparsedefs_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const ID oid = this->ID_1;
+ 		unparseviewsinfo a_unparseviewsinfo = f_unparseviewsinfo_of_alternative( this, Theuviewnames );
+ 		gl_phylum = f_phylumofoperator(oid);
+ 		gl_operator = oid;
+ 		gl_unparse_goto_used = false; 
+ 		kc::unparse(g_emptystring, kc_printer, view_printer_outputfileline);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("void\
+ \nimpl_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(gl_phylum, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(oid, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)\
+ \n{\
+ \n    switch(kc_current_view_base) {\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(a_unparseviewsinfo, kc_printer, view_gen_unparsedefs_c);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("	}\
+ \n}\
+ \n\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		freespineandelements(a_unparseviewsinfo);
+ 		gl_phylum = 0;
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_rewritedefs_body_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_rewritedefs_body_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_rewritedefs_body_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const alternative alt = this/**/;
+ 		const ID oid = this->ID_1;
+ 		const arguments args = this->arguments_1;
+ 		rewriteviewsinfo a_rewriteviewsinfo = f_rewriteviewsinfo_of_alternative( alt, Therviewnames );
+ 		gl_operator = oid;
+ 		gl_alternative = alt;
+ 		gl_rewrite_goto_used = false;
+ 		args->unparse(kc_printer, view_gen_rewritedefs_rewritearg_c);
+ 		bool empty=true;
+ 		{
+ 		    rewriteviewsinfo kc_fe_selvar_1 =  a_rewriteviewsinfo;
+ 		    while(
+ 			    kc_fe_selvar_1->prod_sel() == sel_Consrewriteviewsinfo
+ 			) {
+ 			rewriteviewinfo kc_selvar_0_1 = kc_fe_selvar_1->rewriteviewinfo_1;
+ 			{
+ 			    {
+ 				{
+ 				    const rewriteviewinfo rvi = kc_selvar_0_1;
+ 				    {
+ 					rewriteviewinfo kc_selvar_1_1 = phylum_cast<rewriteviewinfo>(rvi);
+ 					if ((kc_selvar_1_1->prod_sel() == sel_Rewriteviewinfo) && (phylum_cast<const impl_rewriteviewinfo_Rewriteviewinfo*>(kc_selvar_1_1)->rewriterulesinfo_1->prod_sel() == sel_Nilrewriterulesinfo)) {
+ 					} else
+ 					{
+ 					    empty=false; 
+ 					}
+ 				    }
+ 				}
+ 			    }
+ 			}
+ 			kc_fe_selvar_1 = kc_fe_selvar_1->rewriteviewsinfo_1;
+ 		    }
+ 		}
+ 		if(!empty) {
+ 		    PRINT("    switch(kc_current_view_base) {\n");
+ 		    a_rewriteviewsinfo->unparse(kc_printer, view_gen_rewritedefs_c);
+ 		    PRINT("    }\n");
+ 		}
+ 		kc::unparse(args, kc_printer, view_gen_rewritedefs_testarg_c);
+ 		freespineandelements(a_rewriteviewsinfo);
+ 		gl_operator = 0;
+ 		gl_alternative = 0; 
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_rewritedefs_other_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_rewritedefs_other_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_rewritedefs_other_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const ID id = this->ID_1;
+ 		const arguments args = this->arguments_1;
+ 		if (! gl_rewrite_rewriteinfo->eq( Nilrewriterulesinfo())) 
+ 		{
+ 		    gl_args=args; 
+ 		    kc::unparse(gl_rewrite_rewriteinfo, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    gl_args = 0; 
+ 		     }
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_rewritedefs_default_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_rewritedefs_default_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_rewritedefs_default_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const ID id = this->ID_1;
+ 		const arguments args = this->arguments_1;
+ 		gl_args=args; 
+ 		kc::unparse(gl_rewrite_rewriteinfo, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		gl_args = 0; 
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_rewritedefs_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_rewritedefs_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_rewritedefs_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const alternative alt = this/**/;
+ 		const ID oid = this->ID_1;
+ 		const arguments args = this->arguments_1;
+ 		gl_phylum = f_phylumofoperator(oid); 
+ 		 if(!g_options.rw_loop) 
+ 		{
+ 		    covariant_choice(gl_phylum, "", "abstract_phylum", kc_printer, kc_current_view); 
+ 		     }
+ 		else 
+ 		{
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("abstract_phylum"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		}
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(" impl_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(gl_phylum, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(oid, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("::"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		if(f_rewrite_in_operatordecl(alt) || g_options.rw_loop) 
+ 		{
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("do_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		}
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("rewrite(rview kc_current_view_base)\
+ \n{\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(this, kc_printer, view_gen_rewritedefs_body_c);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("\
+ \n}\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		gl_phylum = 0; 
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_listdecls_h_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_listdecls_h_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_listdecls_h_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const ID oid = this->ID_1;
+ 		ID id = f_phylumofoperator(oid);
+ 		ID el = f_listelementphylum(id);
+ 		if (!el->eq(f_emptyId())) { 
+ 		    	{ kc_printer(kc_t("// TODO: Is this code ever generated?\n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t(" map("), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    kc::unparse(el, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t(" (*)("), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    kc::unparse(el, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("));\n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t(" filter( bool (*)("), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    kc::unparse(el, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("));\n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t(" merge( "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t(", "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    kc::unparse(el, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t(" (*)("), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    kc::unparse(el, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t(", "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    kc::unparse(el, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("));\n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    kc::unparse(el, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t(" reduce( "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t(" neutral, "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    kc::unparse(el, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t(" (*)("), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    kc::unparse(el, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t(", "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    kc::unparse(el, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("));\n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		} 
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_nodetypes_h_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_nodetypes_h_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_nodetypes_h_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    if ((this->arguments_1->prod_sel() == sel_Nilarguments)) {
+ 		const ID oid = this->ID_1;
+ 		if (f_ispredefinedphylum(f_phylumofoperator(oid))) {
+ 		    enum_operators kc_i = f_selofoperator(oid); 
+ 		    	{ kc_printer(kc_t("    "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    PRINT(preDefTypeAndName[kc_i][0]); 
+ 		    	{ kc_printer(kc_t(" "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    PRINT(preDefTypeAndName[kc_i][1]); 
+ 		    	{ kc_printer(kc_t(";\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		} else 
+ 		{
+ 		}
+ 	    } else
+ 	    {
+ 		const ID oid = this->ID_1;
+ 		const arguments args = this->arguments_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(args, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_enumoperators_h_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_enumoperators_h_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_enumoperators_h_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const ID id = this->ID_1;
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("    sel_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(" = "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(g_no_of_operators, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(",\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		g_no_of_operators++; 
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_deprecated_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_deprecated_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_deprecated_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const ID id = this->ID_1;
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("#define kc_tag_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(gl_phylum, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(" impl_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(gl_phylum, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_check_uniq1_enum: {
+ 	    view_check_uniq1_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_check_uniq1_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const arguments args = this->arguments_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(args, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_initializephyla_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_initializephyla_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_initializephyla_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const ID id = this->ID_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(additional_members, kc_printer, view_count_attrs);
+ 		if (gl_no_of_args) 
+ 		{
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("void kc_initialize_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("()\
+ \n	    {\n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("}\n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		}
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 		default_unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view );
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_arguments::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     if(is_nil())
+ 	nil_do_unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view_base);
+     else
+ 	switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	case view_gen_argseqnr_rec_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_argseqnr_rec_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_argseqnr_rec_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    if ((this->arguments_1->prod_sel() == sel_Nilarguments)) {
+ 		const ID a = this->ID_1;
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(a, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(this->seqnr, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    } else
+ 	    {
+ 		const ID a = this->ID_1;
+ 		const arguments ra = this->arguments_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(ra, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(", _"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(a, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(this->seqnr, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_set_subphylumdefs_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_set_subphylumdefs_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_set_subphylumdefs_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const ID a = this->ID_1;
+ 		const arguments ra = this->arguments_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(ra, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("case "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(gl_no_of_args, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(": newval = "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(a, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(this->seqnr, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(" = dynamic_cast<"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(a, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(">(val);break;\n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		gl_no_of_args++; 
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_subphylumdefs_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_subphylumdefs_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_subphylumdefs_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const ID a = this->ID_1;
+ 		const arguments ra = this->arguments_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(ra, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("case "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(gl_no_of_args, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(": return "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(a, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(this->seqnr, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(";\n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		gl_no_of_args++; 
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    if ((this->arguments_1->prod_sel() == sel_Consarguments) && ((this->arguments_1)->arguments_1->prod_sel() == sel_Nilarguments) && (KC_TRACE_PROVIDED((kc_current_view.isList && kc_current_view.isOnlyDefault), "gen.k", 7409, this))) {
+ 		const ID tail = this->ID_1;
+ 		const ID head = (this->arguments_1)->ID_1;
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("	    for ("), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(tail, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(" iterator_ = this; iterator_->"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(tail, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("_1 != 0; iterator_ = iterator_->"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(tail, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("_1)\
+ \n		\viterator_->"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(head, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("_1->unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view);\r\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    } else
+ 		if ((KC_TRACE_PROVIDED((kc_current_view.isList && !kc_current_view.isOnlyDefault), "gen.k", 7418, this))) {
+ 		const ID a = this->ID_1;
+ 		const arguments rargs = this->arguments_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(rargs, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("	    "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(a, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(this->seqnr, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("->"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		if (a->eq(f_phylumofoperator(gl_operator)) &&
+ 		    kc_current_view.isList) 
+ 		{
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("do_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		}
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view );\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    } else
+ 	    {
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("default_unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view );\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_rewritedefs_args_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_rewritedefs_args_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_rewritedefs_args_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    if ((this->arguments_1->prod_sel() == sel_Nilarguments)) {
+ 		const ID a_arg = this->ID_1;
+ 		if (!g_options.rw_loop) 
+ 		{
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("l_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		}
+ 		kc::unparse(a_arg, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(this->seqnr, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    } else
+ 	    {
+ 		const ID a_arg = this->ID_1;
+ 		const arguments r_args = this->arguments_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(r_args, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(", "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		if (!g_options.rw_loop) 
+ 		{
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("l_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		}
+ 		kc::unparse(a_arg, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(this->seqnr, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_rewritedefs_dotestarg_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_rewritedefs_dotestarg_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_rewritedefs_dotestarg_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    if ((this->arguments_1->prod_sel() == sel_Nilarguments)) {
+ 		const ID a_arg = this->ID_1;
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("l_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(a_arg, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(this->seqnr, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(" == "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(a_arg, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(this->seqnr, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    } else
+ 	    {
+ 		const ID a_arg = this->ID_1;
+ 		const arguments r_args = this->arguments_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(r_args, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(") &&  (l_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(a_arg, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(this->seqnr, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(" == "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(a_arg, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(this->seqnr, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_rewritedefs_testarg_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_rewritedefs_testarg_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_rewritedefs_testarg_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		gl_phylum = f_phylumofoperator(gl_operator); 
+ 		 if(!g_options.rw_loop) 
+ 		{
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("	if (("), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    kc::unparse(this, kc_printer, view_gen_rewritedefs_dotestarg_c);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("))\
+ \n	    return this;\
+ \n	else {\
+ \n	    impl_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    kc::unparse(gl_phylum, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    if(f_listelementphylum(gl_phylum)->eq(f_emptyId()))
+ 		    {
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t("_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 			kc::unparse(gl_operator, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    }
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("* kc_result= "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    kc::unparse(gl_operator, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("("), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    kc::unparse(this, kc_printer, view_gen_rewritedefs_args_c);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t(");\
+ \n	    kc_result->rewrite_members(this);\
+ \n	    return kc_result;\
+ \n	}"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		}
+ 		else 
+ 		{
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("	return this;"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		}
+ 		gl_phylum = 0; 
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_rewritedefs_nl_arg_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_rewritedefs_nl_arg_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_rewritedefs_nl_arg_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("	"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(gl_phylum, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(" kc_rp = (("), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(this, kc_printer, view_gen_rewritedefs_dotestarg_c);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("))\
+ \n	    ? this\
+ \n	    : "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(gl_operator, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("("), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(this, kc_printer, view_gen_rewritedefs_args_c);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(");\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_rewritedefs_rewritearg_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_rewritedefs_rewritearg_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_rewritedefs_rewritearg_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const ID a_arg = this->ID_1;
+ 		const arguments r_args = this->arguments_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(r_args, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		if (!g_options.rw_loop) 
+ 		{
+ 		    if(g_options.smart_pointer) 
+ 		    {
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t("	"), kc_current_view); }
+ 			kc::unparse(a_arg, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t("_ptr l_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 			kc::unparse(a_arg, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t("_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 			kc::unparse(this->seqnr, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t(" ="), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    }
+ 		    else 
+ 		    {
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t("	"), kc_current_view); }
+ 			kc::unparse(a_arg, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t(" l_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 			kc::unparse(a_arg, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t("_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 			kc::unparse(this->seqnr, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t(" ="), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    }
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("\n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    if (g_options.covariant=='p') 
+ 		    {
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t("#ifndef NO_COVARIANT_RETURN\n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    }
+ 		    if (g_options.covariant!='n') 
+ 		    {
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t("\v"), kc_current_view); }
+ 			kc::unparse(a_arg, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t("_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 			kc::unparse(this->seqnr, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t("->rewrite(kc_current_view_base);\r\n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    }
+ 		    if (g_options.covariant=='p') 
+ 		    {
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t("#else\n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    }
+ 		    if (g_options.covariant!='y') 
+ 		    {
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t("\vstatic_cast<"), kc_current_view); }
+ 			kc::unparse(a_arg, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t(">("), kc_current_view); }
+ 			kc::unparse(a_arg, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t("_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 			kc::unparse(this->seqnr, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t("->rewrite(kc_current_view_base));\r\n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    }
+ 		    if (g_options.covariant=='p') 
+ 		    {
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t("#endif // NO_COVARIANT_RETURN\n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    }
+ 		}
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_test_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_test_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_test_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const arguments rargs = this->arguments_1;
+ 		bool isnotlist=f_listelementphylum(gl_phylum)->eq(f_emptyId()); 
+ 		kc::unparse(rargs, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		if(isnotlist)
+ 		{
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t(" && (dynamic_cast<impl_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    kc::unparse(gl_phylum, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    kc::unparse(gl_operator, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("*>(kc_x)->"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		}
+ 		else
+ 		{
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t(" && (kc_x->"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		}
+ 		kc::unparse(this, kc_printer, view_gen_argseqnr);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(" == _"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(this, kc_printer, view_gen_argseqnr);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(")"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_assignment_inis_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_assignment_inis_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_assignment_inis_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    if ((this->arguments_1->prod_sel() == sel_Nilarguments)) {
+ 		const ID a = this->ID_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(this, kc_printer, view_gen_argseqnr);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("(_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(this, kc_printer, view_gen_argseqnr);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(")"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		if (a->named_subphylum) 
+ 		{
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t(", "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    kc::unparse(a->named_subphylum, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("("), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    kc::unparse(this, kc_printer, view_gen_argseqnr);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t(")"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		}
+ 	    } else
+ 	    {
+ 		const ID a = this->ID_1;
+ 		const arguments rargs = this->arguments_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(rargs, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(", "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(this, kc_printer, view_gen_argseqnr);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("(_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(this, kc_printer, view_gen_argseqnr);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(")"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		if (a->named_subphylum) 
+ 		{
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t(", "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    kc::unparse(a->named_subphylum, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("("), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    kc::unparse(this, kc_printer, view_gen_argseqnr);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t(")"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		}
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_assignments_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_assignments_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_assignments_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const arguments rargs = this->arguments_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(rargs, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		kc::unparse(this, kc_printer, view_gen_argseqnr);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(" = _"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(this, kc_printer, view_gen_argseqnr);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(";\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_fnarg_and_decls_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_fnarg_and_decls_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_fnarg_and_decls_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    if ((this->arguments_1->prod_sel() == sel_Nilarguments)) {
+ 		const ID a = this->ID_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(a, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(" _"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(this, kc_printer, view_gen_argseqnr);
+ 	    } else
+ 	    {
+ 		const ID a = this->ID_1;
+ 		const arguments rargs = this->arguments_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(rargs, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(", "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(a, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(" _"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(this, kc_printer, view_gen_argseqnr);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_fnarg_asserts_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_fnarg_asserts_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_fnarg_asserts_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const ID a = this->ID_1;
+ 		const arguments rargs = this->arguments_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(rargs, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("assertPhylum(_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(this, kc_printer, view_gen_argseqnr);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(", phylum_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(a, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(");\n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_argseqnr_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_argseqnr_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_argseqnr_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const ID a = this->ID_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(a, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(this->seqnr, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_attributeOf_function_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_attributeOf_function_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_attributeOf_function_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const ID a = this->ID_1;
+ 		const arguments ra = this->arguments_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(ra, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		ID ident;
+ 		ac_identifier_list idents = gl_idents;
+ 		for (int i=gl_idents->length(); i>gl_no_of_args; --i) {
+ 		    {
+ 			ac_identifier_list kc_selvar_0_1 = phylum_cast<ac_identifier_list>(idents);
+ 			if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_Consac_identifier_list)) {
+ 			    const ID i = (kc_selvar_0_1)->ID_1;
+ 			    const ac_identifier_list ri = (kc_selvar_0_1)->ac_identifier_list_1;
+ 			    ident=i; idents=ri; 
+ 			    	} else
+ 			    kc_no_default_in_with( "", __LINE__, __FILE__ );
+ 		    }
+ 		}
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("case "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(gl_no_of_args, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(": return reinterpret_cast<abstract_phylum&>(phylum_cast<"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(gl_operator, kc_printer, view_class_of_op);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("*>(kc_p)->"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(ident, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(");\n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		++gl_no_of_args; 
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_create_function_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_create_function_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_create_function_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    if ((this->arguments_1->prod_sel() == sel_Nilarguments)) {
+ 		const ID a = this->ID_1;
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("phylum_cast<"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(a, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(">(kc_p1)"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		gl_generic_counter=2; 
+ 			} else
+ 	    {
+ 		const ID a = this->ID_1;
+ 		const arguments ra = this->arguments_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(ra, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(", "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("phylum_cast<"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(a, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(">(kc_p"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(gl_generic_counter, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(")"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		++gl_generic_counter; 
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_operatorcast_h_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_operatorcast_h_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_operatorcast_h_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    if ((this->arguments_1->prod_sel() == sel_Nilarguments)) {
+ 		const ID a = this->ID_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(a, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    } else
+ 	    {
+ 		const ID a = this->ID_1;
+ 		const arguments rargs = this->arguments_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(rargs, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(", "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(a, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_operatordecls_h_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_operatordecls_h_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_operatordecls_h_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    if ((this->arguments_1->prod_sel() == sel_Nilarguments)) {
+ 		const ID a = this->ID_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(a, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    } else
+ 	    {
+ 		const ID a = this->ID_1;
+ 		const arguments rargs = this->arguments_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(rargs, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(", "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(a, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_nodetypes_h_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_nodetypes_h_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_nodetypes_h_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const ID a = this->ID_1;
+ 		const arguments rargs = this->arguments_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(rargs, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		if(g_options.smart_pointer) 
+ 		{
+ 		    kc::unparse(a, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("_ptr "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		}
+ 		else 
+ 		{
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("	    impl_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    kc::unparse(a, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("* "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		}
+ 		kc::unparse(a, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(this->seqnr, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(";\n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		if (a->named_subphylum) 
+ 		{
+ 		    if(g_options.smart_pointer) 
+ 		    {
+ 			kc::unparse(a, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t("_ptr& "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    }
+ 		    else 
+ 		    {
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t("	    impl_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 			kc::unparse(a, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t("*& "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    }
+ 		    kc::unparse(a->named_subphylum, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t(" /* = "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    kc::unparse(a, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    kc::unparse(this->seqnr, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("*/;\n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		}
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_operatormap_subphyla_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_operatormap_subphyla_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_operatormap_subphyla_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    if ((this->arguments_1->prod_sel() == sel_Nilarguments)) {
+ 		const ID a = this->ID_1;
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("phylum_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(a, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    } else
+ 	    {
+ 		const ID a = this->ID_1;
+ 		const arguments ra = this->arguments_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(ra, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(", "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("phylum_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(a, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_count_args_enum: {
+ 	    view_count_args_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_count_args_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const arguments ra = this->arguments_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(ra, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		gl_no_of_args++; 
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_check_uniq1_enum: {
+ 	    view_check_uniq1_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_check_uniq1_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const ID id = this->ID_1;
+ 		const arguments rargs = this->arguments_1;
+ 		phylumdeclaration tmp = f_lookupdecl( id ); 
+ 		kc::unparse(rargs, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		if (tmp) 
+ 		{
+ 		    kc::unparse(tmp, kc_printer, view_check_uniq2);
+ 		}
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_check_count1_enum: {
+ 	    view_check_count1_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_check_count1_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const ID id = this->ID_1;
+ 		const arguments rargs = this->arguments_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(rargs, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		f_useoccurphylum( id );
+ 		this->seqnr = f_getcount( id );
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 		for (arguments iterator_ = this; iterator_->arguments_1 != 0; iterator_ = iterator_->arguments_1)
+ 		    iterator_->ID_1->unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_arguments::nil_do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	case view_gen_rewritedefs_args_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_rewritedefs_args_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_rewritedefs_args_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_rewritedefs_dotestarg_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_rewritedefs_dotestarg_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_rewritedefs_dotestarg_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_rewritedefs_testarg_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_rewritedefs_testarg_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_rewritedefs_testarg_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("	return this;\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_rewritedefs_nl_arg_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_rewritedefs_nl_arg_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_rewritedefs_nl_arg_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("	"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(gl_phylum, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(" kc_rp = this;\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_rewritedefs_rewritearg_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_rewritedefs_rewritearg_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_rewritedefs_rewritearg_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_test_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_test_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_test_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_assignments_predef_ini_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_assignments_predef_ini_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_assignments_predef_ini_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		enum_operators kc_i = f_selofoperator(gl_operator);
+ 		PRINT(preDefTypeAndName[kc_i][1]); 
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t("(_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		PRINT(preDefTypeAndName[kc_i][1]); 
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t(")"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_assignments_predef_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_assignments_predef_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_assignments_predef_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		enum_operators kc_i = f_selofoperator(gl_operator);
+ 		PRINT(preDefTypeAndName[kc_i][1]); 
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t(" = _"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		PRINT(preDefTypeAndName[kc_i][1]); 
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t(";\n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_assignments_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_assignments_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_assignments_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_fnarg_and_decls_predef_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_fnarg_and_decls_predef_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_fnarg_and_decls_predef_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		enum_operators kc_i = f_selofoperator(gl_operator); 
+ 		 PRINT(preDefTypeAndName[kc_i][0]); 
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t(" _"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		PRINT(preDefTypeAndName[kc_i][1]); 
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_fnarg_and_decls_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_fnarg_and_decls_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_fnarg_and_decls_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_fnarg_asserts_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_fnarg_asserts_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_fnarg_asserts_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_attributeOf_function_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_attributeOf_function_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_attributeOf_function_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		gl_no_of_args=0;
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_operatormap_subphyla_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_operatormap_subphyla_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_operatormap_subphyla_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_count_args_enum: {
+ 	    view_count_args_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_count_args_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		gl_no_of_args = 0; 
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_check_uniq1_enum: {
+ 	    view_check_uniq1_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_check_uniq1_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_check_count1_enum: {
+ 	    view_check_count1_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_check_count1_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_argument_Argument::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    {
+ 		const ID id = this->ID_1;
+ 		const integer i = this->integer_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(i, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_Ccode_option_CcodeOption::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	case view_gen_nodetypes_h_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_nodetypes_h_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_nodetypes_h_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const attributes a = this->attributes_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(a, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_initializephyla_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_initializephyla_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_initializephyla_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const attributes attr = this->attributes_1;
+ 		const Ctexts init = this->Ctexts_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(attr, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		kc::unparse(init, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_check_enum: {
+ 	    view_check_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_check_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const Ctexts ct = this->Ctexts_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(ct, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 		default_unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view );
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_attributes::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     if(is_nil())
+ 	nil_do_unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view_base);
+     else
+ 	switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	case view_gen_copy_attributes_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_copy_attributes_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_copy_attributes_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    if ((this->attribute_1->prod_sel() == sel_Attribute)) {
+ 		const ID aid = phylum_cast<const impl_attribute_Attribute*>(this->attribute_1)->ID_2;
+ 		const attributes ra = this->attributes_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(ra, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("    p2->"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(aid, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(" = p1->"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(aid, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(";\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    } else
+ 		    goto kc_unparsing_default;
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_nodetypes_h_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_nodetypes_h_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_nodetypes_h_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    if ((this->attribute_1->prod_sel() == sel_Attribute)) {
+ 		const ID t = phylum_cast<const impl_attribute_Attribute*>(this->attribute_1)->ID_1;
+ 		const ID id = phylum_cast<const impl_attribute_Attribute*>(this->attribute_1)->ID_2;
+ 		const attributes ra = this->attributes_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(ra, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("    "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(t, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(" "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(";\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    } else
+ 		    goto kc_unparsing_default;
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_initializephyla_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_initializephyla_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_initializephyla_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    if ((this->attribute_1->prod_sel() == sel_Attribute) && (phylum_cast<const impl_attribute_Attribute*>(this->attribute_1)->attribute_initialisation_option_1->prod_sel() == sel_Yesattribute_initialisation)) {
+ 		const ID aid = phylum_cast<const impl_attribute_Attribute*>(this->attribute_1)->ID_2;
+ 		const Cexpression cexpr = phylum_cast<const impl_attribute_initialisation_option_Yesattribute_initialisation*>(phylum_cast<const impl_attribute_Attribute*>(this->attribute_1)->attribute_initialisation_option_1)->Cexpression_1;
+ 		const attributes ra = this->attributes_1;
+ 		ID selvar; 
+ 		kc::unparse(ra, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		selvar = Id(Str(mkcasestring("kc_x")));
+ 		selvar->line = aid->line; 
+ 		selvar->file = aid->file;
+ 		dollarvarstack.push( selvar );
+ 		dollarvarextstack.push( f_emptyId() );
+ 		operatorstack.push( f_emptyId() );
+ 		if(g_options.linedirec) 
+ 		{
+ 		    kc::unparse(pg_line, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    kc::unparse(aid->line, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t(" \""), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    PRINT(g_options.dir_line.c_str()); 
+ 		    kc::unparse(aid->file, kc_printer, view_filename);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("\"\n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		}
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("    kc_x->"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(aid, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(" = "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(cexpr, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(";\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		dollarvarstack.pop();
+ 		dollarvarextstack.pop();
+ 		operatorstack.pop();
+ 	    } else
+ 		if ((this->attribute_1->prod_sel() == sel_Attribute) && (phylum_cast<const impl_attribute_Attribute*>(this->attribute_1)->attribute_initialisation_option_1->prod_sel() == sel_Noattribute_initialisation)) {
+ 		const attributes ra = this->attributes_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(ra, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    } else
+ 		    goto kc_unparsing_default;
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	default:
+ 	kc_unparsing_default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 		for (attributes iterator_ = this; iterator_->attributes_1 != 0; iterator_ = iterator_->attributes_1)
+ 		    iterator_->attribute_1->unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_attributes::nil_do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	case view_gen_copy_attributes_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_copy_attributes_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_copy_attributes_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_nodetypes_h_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_nodetypes_h_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_nodetypes_h_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_initializephyla_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_initializephyla_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_initializephyla_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	default:
+ 	kc_unparsing_default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_attribute_Attribute::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 		default_unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view );
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_attribute_initialisation_option_Yesattribute_initialisation::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 		default_unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view );
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_attribute_initialisation_option_Noattribute_initialisation::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_Cexpression::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     if(is_nil())
+ 	nil_do_unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view_base);
+     else
+ 	switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	case view_gen_user_predicates_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_user_predicates_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_user_predicates_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const Cexpression_elem ce = this->Cexpression_elem_1;
+ 		const Cexpression ces = this->Cexpression_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(ces, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		kc::unparse(ce, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_initializephyla_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_initializephyla_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_initializephyla_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const Cexpression_elem ce = this->Cexpression_elem_1;
+ 		const Cexpression ces = this->Cexpression_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(ces, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		kc::unparse(ce, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_error_enum: {
+ 	    view_error_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_error_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const Cexpression_elem h = this->Cexpression_elem_1;
+ 		const Cexpression t = this->Cexpression_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(t, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		kc::unparse(h, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 		for (Cexpression iterator_ = this; iterator_->Cexpression_1 != 0; iterator_ = iterator_->Cexpression_1)
+ 		    iterator_->Cexpression_elem_1->unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_Cexpression::nil_do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	case view_gen_user_predicates_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_user_predicates_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_user_predicates_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_initializephyla_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_initializephyla_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_initializephyla_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_error_enum: {
+ 	    view_error_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_error_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_Cexpression_elem_CExpressionArray::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	case view_gen_user_predicates_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_user_predicates_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_user_predicates_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const Cexpression cexpr = this->Cexpression_1;
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("["), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(cexpr, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("]"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_initializephyla_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_initializephyla_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_initializephyla_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const Cexpression cexpr = this->Cexpression_1;
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("["), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(cexpr, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("]"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_error_enum: {
+ 	    view_error_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_error_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const Cexpression ce = this->Cexpression_1;
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("["), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(ce, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("]"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 		default_unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view );
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_Cexpression_elem_CExpressionPack::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	case view_gen_user_predicates_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_user_predicates_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_user_predicates_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const Cexpression cexpr = this->Cexpression_1;
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("("), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(cexpr, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(")"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_initializephyla_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_initializephyla_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_initializephyla_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const Cexpression cexpr = this->Cexpression_1;
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("("), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(cexpr, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(")"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_error_enum: {
+ 	    view_error_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_error_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const Cexpression ce = this->Cexpression_1;
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("("), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(ce, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(")"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 		default_unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view );
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_Cexpression_elem_CExpressionSQ::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	case view_gen_user_predicates_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_user_predicates_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_user_predicates_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const CexpressionSQ cesq = this->CexpressionSQ_1;
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("'"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(cesq, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("'"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_initializephyla_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_initializephyla_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_initializephyla_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const CexpressionSQ cesq = this->CexpressionSQ_1;
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("'"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(cesq, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("'"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_error_enum: {
+ 	    view_error_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_error_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const CexpressionSQ cesq = this->CexpressionSQ_1;
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("'"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(cesq, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("'"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 		default_unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view );
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_Cexpression_elem_CExpressionDQ::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	case view_gen_user_predicates_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_user_predicates_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_user_predicates_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const CexpressionDQ cedq = this->CexpressionDQ_1;
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("\""), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(cedq, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("\""), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_initializephyla_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_initializephyla_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_initializephyla_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const CexpressionDQ cedq = this->CexpressionDQ_1;
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("\""), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(cedq, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("\""), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_error_enum: {
+ 	    view_error_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_error_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const CexpressionDQ cedq = this->CexpressionDQ_1;
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("\""), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(cedq, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("\""), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 		default_unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view );
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_Cexpression_elem_CExpressionNl::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	case view_gen_user_predicates_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_user_predicates_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_user_predicates_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("\n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_initializephyla_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_initializephyla_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_initializephyla_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("\n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_error_enum: {
+ 	    view_error_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_error_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(" "), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_Cexpression_elem_CExpressionDollarvar::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	case view_gen_initializephyla_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_initializephyla_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_initializephyla_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const INT i = this->INT_1;
+ 		ID oid = f_emptyId(), dollarvar = dollarvarstack.top(), dollarvarext = dollarvarextstack.top();
+ 		argument arg;
+ 		bool nulvar = true;
+ 		{
+ 		    INT kc_selvar_0_1 = phylum_cast<INT>( i );
+ 		    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_Int)) {
+ 			const integer ii = phylum_cast<const impl_INT_Int*>(kc_selvar_0_1)->integer_1;
+ 			if (ii->value != 0) {
+ 			    nulvar = false;
+ 			    oid = operatorstack.top();
+ 			    arg = f_argumentofoperator( oid, i );
+ 			}   
+ 				} else
+ 			kc_no_default_in_with( "", __LINE__, __FILE__ );
+ 		}
+ 		if (nulvar) 
+ 		{
+ 		    kc::unparse(dollarvar, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    kc::unparse(dollarvarext, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		}
+ 		else 
+ 		{
+ 		    kc::unparse(dollarvar, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    kc::unparse(dollarvarext, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("->"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    kc::unparse(arg, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    arg->free( false );  
+ 		     }
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_error_enum: {
+ 	    view_error_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_error_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const INT i = this->INT_1;
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("$"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(i, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 		default_unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view );
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_Cexpression_elem_CExpressionPart::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	case view_gen_user_predicates_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_user_predicates_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_user_predicates_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const casestring cs = this->casestring_1;
+ 		std::map<string, path>::iterator p; char const *c=cs->name; std::string s;
+ #define kc_uviews uviews
+ #endif
+ 		while (*c) {
+ 		    s=f_getidentfromstring(&c);
+ 		    p=gl_bindings.find(s);
+ 		    if (p!=gl_bindings.end()) {
+ 			path path_temp=p->second;
+ 			{
+ 			    path kc_selvar_0_1 = phylum_cast<path>(path_temp);
+ 			    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_Conspath)) {
+ 				const path r_p = (kc_selvar_0_1)->path_1;
+ 				r_p->unparse(kc_printer, view_gen_cast);
+ 				path_temp->unparse(kc_printer, *kc_uviews[gl_outer_view].view); 
+ 					} else
+ 				if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_Nilpath)) {
+ 				path_temp->unparse(kc_printer, *kc_uviews[gl_outer_view].view); 
+ 					} else
+ 				kc_no_default_in_with( "", __LINE__, __FILE__ );
+ 			}
+ 		    }
+ 		    else {
+ 			PRINT(s.c_str());
+ 		    }
+ 		} 
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_initializephyla_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_initializephyla_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_initializephyla_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const casestring cs = this->casestring_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(cs, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_error_enum: {
+ 	    view_error_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_error_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const casestring s = this->casestring_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(s, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 		default_unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view );
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_CexpressionDQ::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     if(is_nil())
+ 	nil_do_unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view_base);
+     else
+ 	switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	case view_output_collection_enum: {
+ 	    view_output_collection_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_output_collection_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const CexpressionDQ_elem cedqe = this->CexpressionDQ_elem_1;
+ 		const CexpressionDQ cedq = this->CexpressionDQ_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(cedq, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		kc::unparse(cedqe, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_unpstr_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_unpstr_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_unpstr_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const CexpressionDQ_elem cedqe = this->CexpressionDQ_elem_1;
+ 		const CexpressionDQ cedq = this->CexpressionDQ_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(cedq, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		kc::unparse(cedqe, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_initializephyla_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_initializephyla_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_initializephyla_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const CexpressionDQ_elem cedqe = this->CexpressionDQ_elem_1;
+ 		const CexpressionDQ cedq = this->CexpressionDQ_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(cedq, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		kc::unparse(cedqe, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_error_enum: {
+ 	    view_error_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_error_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const CexpressionDQ_elem h = this->CexpressionDQ_elem_1;
+ 		const CexpressionDQ t = this->CexpressionDQ_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(t, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		kc::unparse(h, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 		for (CexpressionDQ iterator_ = this; iterator_->CexpressionDQ_1 != 0; iterator_ = iterator_->CexpressionDQ_1)
+ 		    iterator_->CexpressionDQ_elem_1->unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_CexpressionDQ::nil_do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	case view_gen_unpstr_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_unpstr_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_unpstr_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_initializephyla_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_initializephyla_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_initializephyla_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_error_enum: {
+ 	    view_error_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_error_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_CexpressionDQ_elem_CExpressionDQNl::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	case view_output_collection_enum: {
+ 	    view_output_collection_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_output_collection_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("\\\n\\n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_unpstr_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_unpstr_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_unpstr_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("\\\n\\n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_initializephyla_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_initializephyla_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_initializephyla_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("\n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_error_enum: {
+ 	    view_error_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_error_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(" "), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_CexpressionDQ_elem_CExpressionDQPart::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	case view_output_collection_enum: {
+ 	    view_output_collection_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_output_collection_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const casestring cs = this->casestring_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(cs, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_unpstr_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_unpstr_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_unpstr_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const casestring cs = this->casestring_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(cs, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_initializephyla_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_initializephyla_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_initializephyla_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const casestring cs = this->casestring_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(cs, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_error_enum: {
+ 	    view_error_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_error_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const casestring s = this->casestring_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(s, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 		default_unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view );
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_CexpressionSQ::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     if(is_nil())
+ 	nil_do_unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view_base);
+     else
+ 	switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	case view_gen_initializephyla_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_initializephyla_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_initializephyla_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const CexpressionSQ_elem cesqe = this->CexpressionSQ_elem_1;
+ 		const CexpressionSQ cesq = this->CexpressionSQ_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(cesq, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		kc::unparse(cesqe, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_error_enum: {
+ 	    view_error_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_error_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const CexpressionSQ_elem h = this->CexpressionSQ_elem_1;
+ 		const CexpressionSQ t = this->CexpressionSQ_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(t, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		kc::unparse(h, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 		for (CexpressionSQ iterator_ = this; iterator_->CexpressionSQ_1 != 0; iterator_ = iterator_->CexpressionSQ_1)
+ 		    iterator_->CexpressionSQ_elem_1->unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_CexpressionSQ::nil_do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	case view_gen_initializephyla_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_initializephyla_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_initializephyla_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_error_enum: {
+ 	    view_error_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_error_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_CexpressionSQ_elem_CExpressionSQNl::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	case view_gen_initializephyla_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_initializephyla_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_initializephyla_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("\n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_error_enum: {
+ 	    view_error_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_error_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(" "), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_CexpressionSQ_elem_CExpressionSQPart::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	case view_gen_initializephyla_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_initializephyla_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_initializephyla_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const casestring cs = this->casestring_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(cs, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_error_enum: {
+ 	    view_error_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_error_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const casestring s = this->casestring_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(s, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 		default_unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view );
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_idCexpressions::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     if(is_nil())
+ 	nil_do_unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view_base);
+     else
+ 	switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	case view_gen_initializephyla_update_loop_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_initializephyla_update_loop_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_initializephyla_update_loop_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    if ((this->idCexpression_1->prod_sel() == sel_IdCexpression)) {
+ 		const ID tid = phylum_cast<const impl_idCexpression_IdCexpression*>(this->idCexpression_1)->ID_1;
+ 		const Cexpression cexpr = phylum_cast<const impl_idCexpression_IdCexpression*>(this->idCexpression_1)->Cexpression_1;
+ 		const idCexpressions t = this->idCexpressions_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(t, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		g_fe_selvar_nr++; 
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t("kc_fe_selvar_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(g_fe_selvar_nr, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(" = kc_fe_selvar_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(g_fe_selvar_nr, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("->"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(tid, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("_1;\n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		if(g_options.linedirec) 
+ 		{
+ 		    kc::unparse(pg_line, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    kc::unparse(cexpr->line, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t(" \""), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    PRINT(g_options.dir_line.c_str()); 
+ 		    kc::unparse(cexpr->file, kc_printer, view_filename);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("\"\n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		}
+ 	    } else
+ 		    goto kc_unparsing_default;
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_initializephyla_init_el_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_initializephyla_init_el_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_initializephyla_init_el_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    if ((this->idCexpression_1->prod_sel() == sel_IdCexpression)) {
+ 		const ID tid = phylum_cast<const impl_idCexpression_IdCexpression*>(this->idCexpression_1)->ID_1;
+ 		const idCexpressions t = this->idCexpressions_1;
+ 		ID element_type = f_listelementphylum( tid );
+ 		ID selvar = cf_topselvar();
+ 		kc::unparse(t, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		g_fe_selvar_nr++; 
+ 		kc::unparse(element_type, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(" "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(selvar, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(g_fe_selvar_nr, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(" = kc_fe_selvar_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(g_fe_selvar_nr, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("->"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(element_type, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("_1;\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    } else
+ 		    goto kc_unparsing_default;
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_initializephyla_whiletest_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_initializephyla_whiletest_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_initializephyla_whiletest_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    if ((this->idCexpression_1->prod_sel() == sel_IdCexpression) && (this->idCexpressions_1->prod_sel() == sel_NilidCexpressions)) {
+ 		const ID tid = phylum_cast<const impl_idCexpression_IdCexpression*>(this->idCexpression_1)->ID_1;
+ 		const idCexpressions t = this->idCexpressions_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(t, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		g_fe_selvar_nr++; 
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t("    kc_fe_selvar_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(g_fe_selvar_nr, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("->prod_sel() == sel_Cons"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(tid, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    } else
+ 		if ((this->idCexpression_1->prod_sel() == sel_IdCexpression)) {
+ 		const ID tid = phylum_cast<const impl_idCexpression_IdCexpression*>(this->idCexpression_1)->ID_1;
+ 		const idCexpressions t = this->idCexpressions_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(t, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		g_fe_selvar_nr++; 
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t("    && kc_fe_selvar_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(g_fe_selvar_nr, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("->prod_sel() == sel_Cons"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(tid, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    } else
+ 		    goto kc_unparsing_default;
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_initializephyla_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_initializephyla_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_initializephyla_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    if ((this->idCexpression_1->prod_sel() == sel_IdCexpression)) {
+ 		const ID tid = phylum_cast<const impl_idCexpression_IdCexpression*>(this->idCexpression_1)->ID_1;
+ 		const Cexpression cexpr = phylum_cast<const impl_idCexpression_IdCexpression*>(this->idCexpression_1)->Cexpression_1;
+ 		const idCexpressions t = this->idCexpressions_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(t, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		g_fe_selvar_nr++; 
+ 		   if (cexpr->line) 
+ 		{
+ 		    if(g_options.linedirec) 
+ 		    {
+ 			kc::unparse(pg_line, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 			kc::unparse(cexpr->line, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t(" \""), kc_current_view); }
+ 			PRINT(g_options.dir_line.c_str()); 
+ 			kc::unparse(cexpr->file, kc_printer, view_filename);
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t("\"\n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    }
+ 		}
+ 		kc::unparse(tid, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(" kc_fe_selvar_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(g_fe_selvar_nr, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(" = "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(cexpr, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(";\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    } else
+ 		    goto kc_unparsing_default;
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_check_enum: {
+ 	    view_check_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_check_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const idCexpression h = this->idCexpression_1;
+ 		const idCexpressions t = this->idCexpressions_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(t, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		kc::unparse(h, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	default:
+ 	kc_unparsing_default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 		for (idCexpressions iterator_ = this; iterator_->idCexpressions_1 != 0; iterator_ = iterator_->idCexpressions_1)
+ 		    iterator_->idCexpression_1->unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_idCexpressions::nil_do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	case view_gen_initializephyla_update_loop_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_initializephyla_update_loop_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_initializephyla_update_loop_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		g_fe_selvar_nr = 0; 
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_initializephyla_init_el_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_initializephyla_init_el_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_initializephyla_init_el_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		g_fe_selvar_nr = 0; 
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_initializephyla_whiletest_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_initializephyla_whiletest_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_initializephyla_whiletest_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		g_fe_selvar_nr = 0; 
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_initializephyla_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_initializephyla_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_initializephyla_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		g_fe_selvar_nr = 0; 
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	default:
+ 	kc_unparsing_default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_idCexpression_IdCexpression::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	case view_check_enum: {
+ 	    view_check_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_check_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const ID t = this->ID_1;
+ 		f_useoccurlistphylum( t ); 
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 		default_unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view );
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_Ctexts::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     if(is_nil())
+ 	nil_do_unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view_base);
+     else
+ 	switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	case view_gen_initializephyla_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_initializephyla_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_initializephyla_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const Ctext ct = this->Ctext_1;
+ 		const Ctexts cts = this->Ctexts_1;
+ 		ID selvar; 
+ 		kc::unparse(cts, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		selvar = Id(Str(mkcasestring("kc_x")));
+ 		selvar->line = ct->line; 
+ 		selvar->file = ct->file;
+ 		dollarvarstack.push( selvar );
+ 		dollarvarextstack.push( f_emptyId() );
+ 		operatorstack.push( f_emptyId() );
+ 		if(g_options.linedirec) 
+ 		{
+ 		    kc::unparse(pg_line, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    kc::unparse(ct->line, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t(" \""), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    PRINT(g_options.dir_line.c_str()); 
+ 		    kc::unparse(ct->file, kc_printer, view_filename);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("\"\n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		}
+ 		kc::unparse(ct, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		kc::unparse(g_emptystring, kc_printer, view_printer_outputfileline);
+ 		dollarvarstack.pop();
+ 		dollarvarextstack.pop();
+ 		operatorstack.pop();
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 		for (Ctexts iterator_ = this; iterator_->Ctexts_1 != 0; iterator_ = iterator_->Ctexts_1)
+ 		    iterator_->Ctext_1->unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_Ctexts::nil_do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	case view_gen_initializephyla_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_initializephyla_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_initializephyla_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_includefiles::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     if(is_nil())
+ 	nil_do_unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view_base);
+     else
+ 	switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 		for (includefiles iterator_ = this; iterator_->includefiles_1 != 0; iterator_ = iterator_->includefiles_1)
+ 		    iterator_->includefile_1->unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_includefiles::nil_do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_includefile_IncludeFile::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 		default_unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view );
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_includedeclarations::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     if(is_nil())
+ 	nil_do_unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view_base);
+     else
+ 	switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	case view_do_gen_includes_enum: {
+ 	    view_do_gen_includes_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_do_gen_includes_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const includedeclaration e = this->includedeclaration_1;
+ 		const includedeclarations l = this->includedeclarations_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(l, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		kc::unparse(e, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_includes_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_includes_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_includes_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("namespace kc { }\
+ \nusing namespace kc;\
+ \n/* included stuff */\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(this, kc_printer, view_do_gen_includes);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("/* end included stuff */\
+ \n\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 		for (includedeclarations iterator_ = this; iterator_->includedeclarations_1 != 0; iterator_ = iterator_->includedeclarations_1)
+ 		    iterator_->includedeclaration_1->unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_includedeclarations::nil_do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	case view_do_gen_includes_enum: {
+ 	    view_do_gen_includes_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_do_gen_includes_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_includes_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_includes_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_includes_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_includedeclaration_IncludeDeclaration::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	case view_do_gen_includes_enum: {
+ 	    view_do_gen_includes_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_do_gen_includes_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const casestring i = this->casestring_1;
+ 		if(g_options.linedirec) 
+ 		{
+ 		    kc::unparse(pg_line, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    kc::unparse(this->line, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t(" \""), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    PRINT(g_options.dir_line.c_str()); 
+ 		    kc::unparse(this->file, kc_printer, view_filename);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("\"\n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		}
+ 		kc::unparse(i, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		kc::unparse(g_emptystring, kc_printer, view_printer_outputfileline);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 		default_unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view );
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_rwdeclarations::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     if(is_nil())
+ 	nil_do_unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view_base);
+     else
+ 	switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	case view_check_enum: {
+ 	    view_check_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_check_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const rwdeclaration rwd = this->rwdeclaration_1;
+ 		const rwdeclarations rrwd = this->rwdeclarations_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(rrwd, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		kc::unparse(rwd, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 		for (rwdeclarations iterator_ = this; iterator_->rwdeclarations_1 != 0; iterator_ = iterator_->rwdeclarations_1)
+ 		    iterator_->rwdeclaration_1->unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_rwdeclarations::nil_do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	case view_check_enum: {
+ 	    view_check_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_check_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_rwdeclaration_RwDeclaration::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	case view_make_patternreps_enum: {
+ 	    view_make_patternreps_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_make_patternreps_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const outmostpatterns op = this->outmostpatterns_1;
+ 		const rewriteclauses rc = this->rewriteclauses_1;
+ 		v_resetbindingidmarks();
+ 		v_add_rewriterulesinfo_to_operator(
+ 		    add_predicates_to_patternrepresentations( syn_outmostpatterns( op ) ), rc );
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_check_enum: {
+ 	    view_check_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_check_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const outmostpatterns op = this->outmostpatterns_1;
+ 		const rewriteclauses rc = this->rewriteclauses_1;
+ 		outmostoperators.push( Niloperators() );
+ 		dollarvarsallowed.push( DVAllowed() );
+ 		phylumstack.push( f_emptyId() );
+ 		variablesstack.push( Nilvariables());
+ 		cl_scope++;
+ 		kc::unparse(op, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		kc::unparse(rc, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		outmostoperators.top()->freelist();
+ 		outmostoperators.pop(); phylumstack.pop();
+ 		dollarvarsallowed.pop();
+ 		v_reset_variables_type( variablesstack.top() );
+ 		cl_scope--;
+ 		variablesstack.top()->freelist();
+ 		variablesstack.pop();
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 		default_unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view );
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_rewriteclauses::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     if(is_nil())
+ 	nil_do_unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view_base);
+     else
+ 	switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	case view_check_enum: {
+ 	    view_check_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_check_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const rewriteclause rc = this->rewriteclause_1;
+ 		const rewriteclauses rcs = this->rewriteclauses_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(rcs, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		kc::unparse(rc, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 		for (rewriteclauses iterator_ = this; iterator_->rewriteclauses_1 != 0; iterator_ = iterator_->rewriteclauses_1)
+ 		    iterator_->rewriteclause_1->unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_rewriteclauses::nil_do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	case view_check_enum: {
+ 	    view_check_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_check_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_rewriteclause_RewriteClause::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	case view_check_enum: {
+ 	    view_check_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_check_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const viewnames vn = this->viewnames_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(vn, kc_printer, view_check_r);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 		default_unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view );
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_patternchains::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     if(is_nil())
+ 	nil_do_unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view_base);
+     else
+ 	switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	case view_set_type_enum: {
+ 	    view_set_type_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_set_type_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const patternchain h = this->patternchain_1;
+ 		const patternchains t = this->patternchains_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(t, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		kc::unparse(h, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_check_enum: {
+ 	    view_check_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_check_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const patternchain h = this->patternchain_1;
+ 		const patternchains t = this->patternchains_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(t, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		kc::unparse(h, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 		for (patternchains iterator_ = this; iterator_->patternchains_1 != 0; iterator_ = iterator_->patternchains_1)
+ 		    iterator_->patternchain_1->unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_patternchains::nil_do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	case view_set_type_enum: {
+ 	    view_set_type_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_set_type_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_check_enum: {
+ 	    view_check_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_check_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_patternchain::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     if(is_nil())
+ 	nil_do_unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view_base);
+     else
+ 	switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	case view_set_type_enum: {
+ 	    view_set_type_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_set_type_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const patternchainitem h = this->patternchainitem_1;
+ 		const patternchain t = this->patternchain_1;
+ 		ID tmp_type = 0;
+ 		phylumnames tmp_types = 0;
+ 		{
+ 		    phylumnames kc_selvar_0_1 = phylum_cast<phylumnames>( phylumnamesstack.top() );
+ 		    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_Nilphylumnames)) {
+ 			tmp_type = f_emptyId();
+ 			tmp_types = Nilphylumnames();
+ 		    } else
+ 			if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_Consphylumnames)) {
+ 			const ID p_h = (kc_selvar_0_1)->ID_1;
+ 			const phylumnames p_t = (kc_selvar_0_1)->phylumnames_1;
+ 			tmp_type = p_h;
+ 			tmp_types = p_t;
+ 		    } else
+ 			kc_no_default_in_with( "", __LINE__, __FILE__ );
+ 		}
+ 		phylumnamesstack.pop();
+ 		phylumnamesstack.push( tmp_types );
+ 		kc::unparse(t, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		tmp_types = phylumnamesstack.top();
+ 		phylumnamesstack.pop();
+ 		phylumstack.push( tmp_type );
+ 		if (! phylumstack.top()->eq( f_emptyId() )) {
+ 		    h->type = phylumstack.top();
+ 		}
+ 		kc::unparse(h, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		tmp_type = phylumstack.top();
+ 		phylumstack.pop();
+ 		phylumnamesstack.push( Consphylumnames( tmp_type, tmp_types ) );
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_check_enum: {
+ 	    view_check_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_check_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    if ((this->patternchainitem_1->prod_sel() == sel_PatternchainitemOutmost) && (phylum_cast<const impl_patternchainitem_PatternchainitemOutmost*>(this->patternchainitem_1)->outmostpattern_1->prod_sel() == sel_OPDefault) && (this->patternchain_1->prod_sel() == sel_Conspatternchain) && ((this->patternchain_1)->patternchainitem_1->prod_sel() == sel_PatternchainitemOutmost) && (phylum_cast<const impl_patternchainitem_PatternchainitemOutmost*>((this->patternchain_1)->patternchainitem_1)->outmostpattern_1->prod_sel() == sel_OPDefault)) {
+ 		const patternchainitem p = this->patternchainitem_1;
+ 		v_report(NonFatal( FileLine( p->file, p->line ),
+ 			Problem1S( "'default' can not be &-ed with (other) patterns")));
+ 	    } else
+ 		if ((this->patternchainitem_1->prod_sel() == sel_PatternchainitemOutmost) && (phylum_cast<const impl_patternchainitem_PatternchainitemOutmost*>(this->patternchainitem_1)->outmostpattern_1->prod_sel() == sel_OPDefault) && (this->patternchain_1->prod_sel() == sel_Nilpatternchain)) {
+ 	    } else
+ 		if ((this->patternchainitem_1->prod_sel() == sel_PatternchainitemOutmost) && (phylum_cast<const impl_patternchainitem_PatternchainitemOutmost*>(this->patternchainitem_1)->outmostpattern_1->prod_sel() == sel_OPDefault) && (this->patternchain_1->prod_sel() == sel_Conspatternchain)) {
+ 		const patternchainitem p = this->patternchainitem_1;
+ 		v_report(NonFatal( FileLine( p->file, p->line ),
+ 			Problem1S( "'default' can not be &-ed with (other) patterns")));
+ 	    } else
+ 		if ((this->patternchain_1->prod_sel() == sel_Conspatternchain) && ((this->patternchain_1)->patternchainitem_1->prod_sel() == sel_PatternchainitemOutmost) && (phylum_cast<const impl_patternchainitem_PatternchainitemOutmost*>((this->patternchain_1)->patternchainitem_1)->outmostpattern_1->prod_sel() == sel_OPDefault)) {
+ 		const patternchainitem p = (this->patternchain_1)->patternchainitem_1;
+ 		v_report(NonFatal( FileLine( p->file, p->line ),
+ 			Problem1S( "'default' can not be &-ed with (other) patterns")));
+ 	    } else
+ 	    {
+ 		const patternchain p = this/**/;
+ 		const patternchainitem h = this->patternchainitem_1;
+ 		const patternchain t = this->patternchain_1;
+ 		ID tmp_type = 0;
+ 		phylumnames tmp_types = 0;
+ 		{
+ 		    phylumnames kc_selvar_0_1 = phylum_cast<phylumnames>( phylumnamesstack.top() );
+ 		    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_Nilphylumnames)) {
+ 			tmp_type = f_emptyId();
+ 			tmp_types = Nilphylumnames();
+ 			v_report(NonFatal( FileLine( p->file, p->line ),
+ 				Problem1S( "more &-ed patterns than expressions")));
+ 		    } else
+ 			if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_Consphylumnames)) {
+ 			const ID p_h = (kc_selvar_0_1)->ID_1;
+ 			const phylumnames p_t = (kc_selvar_0_1)->phylumnames_1;
+ 			tmp_type = p_h;
+ 			tmp_types = p_t;
+ 		    } else
+ 			kc_no_default_in_with( "", __LINE__, __FILE__ );
+ 		}
+ 		phylumnamesstack.pop();
+ 		phylumnamesstack.push( tmp_types );
+ 		kc::unparse(t, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		tmp_types = phylumnamesstack.top();
+ 		phylumnamesstack.pop();
+ 		phylumstack.push( tmp_type ); 
+ 		kc::unparse(h, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		tmp_type = phylumstack.top();
+ 		phylumstack.pop();
+ 		phylumnamesstack.push( Consphylumnames( tmp_type, tmp_types ) );
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 		for (patternchain iterator_ = this; iterator_->patternchain_1 != 0; iterator_ = iterator_->patternchain_1)
+ 		    iterator_->patternchainitem_1->unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_patternchain::nil_do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	case view_set_type_enum: {
+ 	    view_set_type_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_set_type_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_check_enum: {
+ 	    view_check_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_check_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const patternchain p = this/**/;
+ 		{
+ 		    phylumnames kc_selvar_0_1 = phylum_cast<phylumnames>( phylumnamesstack.top() );
+ 		    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_Nilphylumnames)) {
+ 			/* EMPTY */ 
+ 				} else
+ 			if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_Consphylumnames)) {
+ 			const ID p_h = (kc_selvar_0_1)->ID_1;
+ 			const phylumnames p_t = (kc_selvar_0_1)->phylumnames_1;
+ 			v_report(NonFatal( FileLine( p->file, p->line ),
+ 				Problem1S( "fewer &-ed patterns than expressions")));
+ 		    } else
+ 			kc_no_default_in_with( "", __LINE__, __FILE__ );
+ 		}
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_outmostpatterns::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     if(is_nil())
+ 	nil_do_unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view_base);
+     else
+ 	switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	case view_check_enum: {
+ 	    view_check_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_check_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const outmostpattern p = this->outmostpattern_1;
+ 		const outmostpatterns rp = this->outmostpatterns_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(rp, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		kc::unparse(p, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 		for (outmostpatterns iterator_ = this; iterator_->outmostpatterns_1 != 0; iterator_ = iterator_->outmostpatterns_1)
+ 		    iterator_->outmostpattern_1->unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_outmostpatterns::nil_do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	case view_check_enum: {
+ 	    view_check_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_check_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_patternchainitem_PatternchainitemDollarid::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 		default_unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view );
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_patternchainitem_PatternchainitemGroup::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	case view_set_type_enum: {
+ 	    view_set_type_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_set_type_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const patternchains mp = this->patternchains_1;
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_check_enum: {
+ 	    view_check_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_check_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const patternchainitem mpg = this/**/;
+ 		const patternchains mp = this->patternchains_1;
+ 		v_report( NonFatal(  FileLine( mpg->file, mpg->line ),
+ 			Problem1S( "Internal Error: PatternchainitemGroup was not handled correctly" )));
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 		default_unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view );
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_patternchainitem_PatternchainitemOutmost::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	case view_set_type_enum: {
+ 	    view_set_type_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_set_type_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const outmostpattern p = this->outmostpattern_1;
+ 		if (! phylumstack.top()->eq( f_emptyId() )) 
+ 		{
+ 		    p->type = phylumstack.top();
+ 		}
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_check_enum: {
+ 	    view_check_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_check_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const outmostpattern p = this->outmostpattern_1;
+ 		if (inforeachcontext.top()!=0) 
+ 		{
+ 		    kc::unparse(p, kc_printer, view_check_is_var);
+ 		}
+ 		else
+ 		{
+ 		    kc::unparse(p, kc_printer, view_check_outmostopers_in_phylum);
+ 		}
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 		default_unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view );
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_outmostpattern_OPDefault::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	case view_check_is_var_enum: {
+ 	    view_check_is_var_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_check_is_var_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_check_enum: {
+ 	    view_check_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_check_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 		default_unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view );
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_outmostpattern_OPWildcard::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	case view_check_is_var_enum: {
+ 	    view_check_is_var_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_check_is_var_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_check_enum: {
+ 	    view_check_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_check_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 		default_unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view );
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_outmostpattern_OPNonLeafVariable::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	case view_check_is_var_enum: {
+ 	    view_check_is_var_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_check_is_var_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_check_outmostopers_in_phylum_enum: {
+ 	    view_check_outmostopers_in_phylum_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_check_outmostopers_in_phylum_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const ID v = this->ID_1;
+ 		const outmostpattern p = this->outmostpattern_1;
+ 		variables tmp = Consvariables( v, variablesstack.top() );
+ 		ID tmp_pid = f_phylumofoutmostpattern( p );
+ 		ID tmp_vid = f_phylumofpatternvariable( v );
+ 		ID tmp_resid = tmp_pid->eq(f_emptyId() ) ? tmp_vid : tmp_pid;
+ 		if ( phylumstack.top()->eq(f_emptyId()) ) {
+ 		    phylumstack.pop();
+ 		    phylumstack.push( tmp_resid );
+ 		}
+ 		variablesstack.pop(); variablesstack.push( tmp );
+ 		v_extendoccur( v, ITPatternVariable( tmp_resid, mkinteger(cl_scope)));
+ 		kc::unparse(p, kc_printer, view_check);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_check_enum: {
+ 	    view_check_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_check_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const ID v = this->ID_1;
+ 		const outmostpattern p = this->outmostpattern_1;
+ 		variables tmp = Consvariables( v, variablesstack.top() );
+ 		variablesstack.pop(); variablesstack.push( tmp );
+ 		v_extendoccur( v, ITPatternVariable( f_phylumofoutmostpattern( p ),
+ 			mkinteger(cl_scope)));
+ 		kc::unparse(p, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 		default_unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view );
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_outmostpattern_OPOperator::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	case view_check_is_var_enum: {
+ 	    view_check_is_var_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_check_is_var_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_check_outmostopers_in_phylum_enum: {
+ 	    view_check_outmostopers_in_phylum_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_check_outmostopers_in_phylum_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const ID o = this->ID_1;
+ 		const patterns p = this->patterns_1;
+ 		if (f_useoccuroperator( o )) 
+ 		{
+ 		    if ( phylumstack.top()->eq( f_emptyId() )) {
+ 			phylumstack.pop();
+ 			phylumstack.push( f_phylumofoperator( o ) );
+ 		    }		
+ 		    		if (f_operatorinphylum( o, phylumstack.top())) 
+ 		    {
+ 			operators tmp = Consoperators( o, outmostoperators.top() );
+ 			outmostoperators.pop();
+ 			outmostoperators.push( tmp );
+ 			argumentsstack.push( f_argumentsofoperator( o )->reverse());
+ 			operatorstack.push( o );
+ 			kc::unparse(p, kc_printer, view_check);
+ 			if (! f_Nilarguments( argumentsstack.top() )) {
+ 			    v_report(NonFatal( FileLine( o->file, o->line ),
+ 				    Problem1S1ID( "too few subpatterns for operator", o )));
+ 			}
+ 			argumentsstack.pop();
+ 			operatorstack.pop();
+ 		    }
+ 		    else {
+ 			v_report(NonFatal( FileLine( o->file, o->line ),
+ 				Problem1S1ID1S1ID( "outermost operator", o,
+ 				    "not in expected phylum", phylumstack.top() )));
+ 		    }		
+ 		     }
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_check_enum: {
+ 	    view_check_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_check_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const ID o = this->ID_1;
+ 		const patterns p = this->patterns_1;
+ 		if (f_useoccuroperator( o )) 
+ 		{
+ 		    if ( phylumstack.top()->eq( f_emptyId() )) {
+ 			phylumstack.pop();
+ 			phylumstack.push( f_phylumofoperator( o ) );
+ 		    }		
+ 		    {
+ 			operators tmp = Consoperators( o, outmostoperators.top() );
+ 			outmostoperators.pop();
+ 			outmostoperators.push( tmp );
+ 			argumentsstack.push( f_argumentsofoperator( o )->reverse());
+ 			operatorstack.push( o );
+ 			kc::unparse(p, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 			if (! f_Nilarguments( argumentsstack.top() )) {
+ 			    v_report(NonFatal( FileLine( o->file, o->line ),
+ 				    Problem1S1ID( "too few subpatterns for operator", o )));
+ 			}
+ 			argumentsstack.pop();
+ 			operatorstack.pop();
+ 		    }
+ 		}
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 		default_unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view );
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_outmostpattern_OPOperatorWildcard::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	case view_check_is_var_enum: {
+ 	    view_check_is_var_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_check_is_var_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const ID i = this->ID_1;
+ 		f_warnifnotvariable( i ); 
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_check_outmostopers_in_phylum_enum: {
+ 	    view_check_outmostopers_in_phylum_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_check_outmostopers_in_phylum_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const ID o = this->ID_1;
+ 		if (f_useoccuroperator( o )) {
+ 		    if ( phylumstack.top()->eq(f_emptyId() )) {
+ 			phylumstack.pop();
+ 			phylumstack.push( f_phylumofoperator( o ) );
+ 		    }
+ 		    if (! f_operatorinphylum( o, phylumstack.top())) {
+ 			v_report(NonFatal( FileLine( o->file, o->line ),
+ 				Problem1S1ID1S1ID( "outermost operator", o,
+ 				    "not in expected phylum",
+ 				    phylumstack.top() )));
+ 		    } else {
+ 			operators tmp = Consoperators( o, outmostoperators.top() );
+ 			outmostoperators.pop();
+ 			outmostoperators.push( tmp );
+ 		    }
+ 		}
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_check_enum: {
+ 	    view_check_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_check_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const ID o = this->ID_1;
+ 		if (f_useoccuroperator( o )) {
+ 		    if ( phylumstack.top()->eq( f_emptyId() )) {
+ 			phylumstack.pop();
+ 			phylumstack.push( f_phylumofoperator( o ) );
+ 		    }
+ 		    {	operators tmp = Consoperators( o, outmostoperators.top() );
+ 			outmostoperators.pop();
+ 			outmostoperators.push( tmp );
+ 		    }
+ 		}
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 		default_unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view );
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_pattern_PIntLiteral::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	case view_check_enum: {
+ 	    view_check_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_check_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const INT i = this->INT_1;
+ 		if ((! f_hd_arguments( argumentsstack.top() )->eq(Id( Str( mkcasestring( "integer" ))))) &&
+ 		    (! f_hd_arguments( argumentsstack.top() )->eq(Id( Str( mkcasestring( "real" ))))) ) {
+ 		    v_report(NonFatal( FileLine( i->file, i->line ),
+ 			    Problem1S( "unexpected int subterm" )));
+ 		}
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 		default_unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view );
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_pattern_PStringLiteral::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	case view_check_enum: {
+ 	    view_check_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_check_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		if ( (! f_hd_arguments( argumentsstack.top() )->eq(Id( Str( mkcasestring( "casestring" ))))) &&
+ 		    (! f_hd_arguments( argumentsstack.top() )->eq(Id( Str( mkcasestring( "nocasestring" ))))))
+ 		{
+ 		    v_report(NonFatal( FileLine( operatorstack.top()->file, operatorstack.top()->line ),
+ 			    Problem1S( "unexpected string subterm" )));
+ 		}
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 		default_unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view );
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_pattern_PWildcard::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	case view_check_enum: {
+ 	    view_check_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_check_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_pattern_PNonLeafVariable::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	case view_check_enum: {
+ 	    view_check_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_check_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const ID v = this->ID_1;
+ 		const pattern p = this->pattern_1;
+ 		variables tmp = Consvariables( v, variablesstack.top() );
+ 		variablesstack.pop();
+ 		variablesstack.push( tmp );
+ 		v_extendoccur( v, ITPatternVariable( f_hd_arguments( argumentsstack.top() ),
+ 			mkinteger(cl_scope) ));
+ 		kc::unparse(p, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 		default_unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view );
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_pattern_POperator::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	case view_check_enum: {
+ 	    view_check_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_check_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const ID o = this->ID_1;
+ 		const patterns p = this->patterns_1;
+ 		if (f_useoccuroperator( o )) 
+ 		{
+ 		    if (f_Nilarguments( argumentsstack.top() )) {
+ 			ID o = operatorstack.top();
+ 			v_report(NonFatal( FileLine( o->file, o->line ),
+ 				Problem1S1ID( "too many subpatterns for operator", o )));
+ 		    } else if (f_operatorinphylum( o, f_hd_arguments( argumentsstack.top() ))) 
+ 		    {
+ 			argumentsstack.push( f_argumentsofoperator( o )->reverse());
+ 			operatorstack.push( o );
+ 			kc::unparse(p, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 			if (! f_Nilarguments( argumentsstack.top() )) {
+ 			    v_report(NonFatal( FileLine( o->file, o->line ),
+ 				    Problem1S1ID( "too few subpatterns for operator", o )));
+ 			}
+ 			argumentsstack.pop();
+ 			operatorstack.pop();
+ 		    }
+ 		    else
+ 		    {
+ 			v_report(NonFatal( FileLine( o->file, o->line ),
+ 				Problem1S1ID1S1ID( "operator", o, "not in phylum",
+ 				    f_hd_arguments( argumentsstack.top() ) )));
+ 		    }
+ 		}
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 		default_unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view );
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_pattern_PVariable::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	case view_check_enum: {
+ 	    view_check_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_check_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const ID v = this->ID_1;
+ 		variables tmp = Consvariables( v, variablesstack.top() );
+ 		variablesstack.pop();
+ 		variablesstack.push( tmp );
+ 		v_extendoccur( v, ITPatternVariable( f_hd_arguments( argumentsstack.top() ),
+ 			mkinteger(cl_scope) ));
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 		default_unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view );
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_patterns::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     if(is_nil())
+ 	nil_do_unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view_base);
+     else
+ 	switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	case view_check_enum: {
+ 	    view_check_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_check_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const pattern p = this->pattern_1;
+ 		const patterns rp = this->patterns_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(rp, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		if (f_Nilarguments( argumentsstack.top() )) {
+ 		    ID o = operatorstack.top();
+ 		    v_report(NonFatal( FileLine( o->file, o->line ),
+ 			    Problem1S1ID( "too many subpatterns for operator", o )));
+ 		} else 
+ 		{
+ 		    arguments tmp;
+ 		    kc::unparse(p, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    tmp = argumentsstack.top();
+ 		    argumentsstack.pop();
+ 		    argumentsstack.push( f_tl_arguments( tmp ));
+ 		}
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 		for (patterns iterator_ = this; iterator_->patterns_1 != 0; iterator_ = iterator_->patterns_1)
+ 		    iterator_->pattern_1->unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_patterns::nil_do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	case view_check_enum: {
+ 	    view_check_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_check_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_term_TIntLiteral::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    {
+ 		const INT i = this->INT_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(i, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_term_TStringLiteral::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    {
+ 		const CexpressionDQ str = this->CexpressionDQ_1;
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("\""), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(str, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("\""), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_term_TCTerm::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    {
+ 		const CexpressionSQ Cexpr = this->CexpressionSQ_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(Cexpr, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_term_TMemberVarDot::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    {
+ 		const term t = this->term_1;
+ 		const ID id = this->ID_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(t, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("."), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_term_TMemberVar::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    {
+ 		const term t = this->term_1;
+ 		const ID id = this->ID_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(t, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("->"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_term_TMethodDot::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    {
+ 		const term t = this->term_1;
+ 		const ID id = this->ID_1;
+ 		const terms ts = this->terms_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(t, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("."), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("("), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(ts, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(")"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_term_TMethod::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    {
+ 		const term t = this->term_1;
+ 		const ID id = this->ID_1;
+ 		const terms ts = this->terms_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(t, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("->"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("("), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(ts, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(")"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_term_TOperator::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    {
+ 		const ID id = this->ID_1;
+ 		const terms t = this->terms_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("("), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(t, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(")"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_term_TVariable::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    {
+ 		const ID id = this->ID_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_terms::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     if(is_nil())
+ 	nil_do_unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view_base);
+     else
+ 	switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    if ((this->terms_1->prod_sel() == sel_Nilterms)) {
+ 		const term t = this->term_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(t, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    } else
+ 	    {
+ 		const term t = this->term_1;
+ 		const terms r_t = this->terms_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(r_t, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(", "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(t, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_terms::nil_do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    {
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_fnfiles::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     if(is_nil())
+ 	nil_do_unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view_base);
+     else
+ 	switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    {
+ 		const fnfile f = this->fnfile_1;
+ 		const fnfiles r_f = this->fnfiles_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(r_f, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("\t\""), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(f, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("\"\n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_fnfiles::nil_do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    {
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_fnfile_FnFile::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 		default_unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view );
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_fndeclarations::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     if(is_nil())
+ 	nil_do_unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view_base);
+     else
+ 	switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	case view_gen_fnk_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_fnk_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_fnk_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const fndeclaration fnd = this->fndeclaration_1;
+ 		const fndeclarations r_fnds = this->fndeclarations_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(r_fnds, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		kc::unparse(fnd, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_fnkdecls_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_fnkdecls_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_fnkdecls_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const fndeclaration fnd = this->fndeclaration_1;
+ 		const fndeclarations r_fnds = this->fndeclarations_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(r_fnds, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		kc::unparse(fnd, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_fnk_h_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_fnk_h_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_fnk_h_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const fndeclaration fnd = this->fndeclaration_1;
+ 		const fndeclarations r_fnds = this->fndeclarations_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(r_fnds, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		kc::unparse(fnd, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_user_assignment_inis_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_user_assignment_inis_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_user_assignment_inis_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    if ((this->fndeclaration_1->prod_sel() == sel_AcMemberDeclaration) && (phylum_cast<const impl_fndeclaration_AcMemberDeclaration*>(this->fndeclaration_1)->ac_declarator_1->prod_sel() == sel_AcDeclarator) && (phylum_cast<const impl_ac_declarator_AcDeclarator*>(phylum_cast<const impl_fndeclaration_AcMemberDeclaration*>(this->fndeclaration_1)->ac_declarator_1)->ac_direct_declarator_1->prod_sel() == sel_AcMemberDecl) && (this->fndeclarations_1->prod_sel() == sel_Nilfndeclarations)) {
+ 		const ID a_id = phylum_cast<const impl_ac_direct_declarator_AcMemberDecl*>(phylum_cast<const impl_ac_declarator_AcDeclarator*>(phylum_cast<const impl_fndeclaration_AcMemberDeclaration*>(this->fndeclaration_1)->ac_declarator_1)->ac_direct_declarator_1)->ID_2;
+ 		const ac_constant_expression_option a_cexpr = phylum_cast<const impl_fndeclaration_AcMemberDeclaration*>(this->fndeclaration_1)->ac_constant_expression_option_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(a_id, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("("), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(a_cexpr, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(")"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    } else
+ 		if ((this->fndeclaration_1->prod_sel() == sel_AcMemberDeclaration) && (phylum_cast<const impl_fndeclaration_AcMemberDeclaration*>(this->fndeclaration_1)->ac_declarator_1->prod_sel() == sel_AcDeclarator) && (phylum_cast<const impl_ac_declarator_AcDeclarator*>(phylum_cast<const impl_fndeclaration_AcMemberDeclaration*>(this->fndeclaration_1)->ac_declarator_1)->ac_direct_declarator_1->prod_sel() == sel_AcMemberDecl)) {
+ 		const ID a_id = phylum_cast<const impl_ac_direct_declarator_AcMemberDecl*>(phylum_cast<const impl_ac_declarator_AcDeclarator*>(phylum_cast<const impl_fndeclaration_AcMemberDeclaration*>(this->fndeclaration_1)->ac_declarator_1)->ac_direct_declarator_1)->ID_2;
+ 		const ac_constant_expression_option a_cexpr = phylum_cast<const impl_fndeclaration_AcMemberDeclaration*>(this->fndeclaration_1)->ac_constant_expression_option_1;
+ 		const fndeclarations rargs = this->fndeclarations_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(a_id, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("("), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(a_cexpr, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(")"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(", "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(rargs, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    } else
+ 		    goto kc_unparsing_default;
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_operatordefs_hash_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_operatordefs_hash_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_operatordefs_hash_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    if ((this->fndeclaration_1->prod_sel() == sel_FnAcDeclaration) && (phylum_cast<const impl_fndeclaration_FnAcDeclaration*>(this->fndeclaration_1)->ac_declarator_1->prod_sel() == sel_AcDeclarator) && (phylum_cast<const impl_ac_declarator_AcDeclarator*>(phylum_cast<const impl_fndeclaration_FnAcDeclaration*>(this->fndeclaration_1)->ac_declarator_1)->ac_direct_declarator_1->prod_sel() == sel_AcQualifiedDeclProto) && (phylum_cast<const impl_ac_direct_declarator_AcQualifiedDeclProto*>(phylum_cast<const impl_ac_declarator_AcDeclarator*>(phylum_cast<const impl_fndeclaration_FnAcDeclaration*>(this->fndeclaration_1)->ac_declarator_1)->ac_direct_declarator_1)->ac_direct_declarator_1->prod_sel() == sel_AcDirectDeclId) && (phylum_cast<const impl_fndeclaration_FnAcDeclaration*>(this->fndeclaration_1)->fnclass_1->prod_sel() == sel_ConstructorFn)) {
+ 		const fndeclaration decl = this->fndeclaration_1;
+ 		const ID oid = phylum_cast<const impl_ac_direct_declarator_AcDirectDeclId*>(phylum_cast<const impl_ac_direct_declarator_AcQualifiedDeclProto*>(phylum_cast<const impl_ac_declarator_AcDeclarator*>(phylum_cast<const impl_fndeclaration_FnAcDeclaration*>(this->fndeclaration_1)->ac_declarator_1)->ac_direct_declarator_1)->ac_direct_declarator_1)->ID_1;
+ 		const ac_parameter_type_list params = phylum_cast<const impl_ac_direct_declarator_AcQualifiedDeclProto*>(phylum_cast<const impl_ac_declarator_AcDeclarator*>(phylum_cast<const impl_fndeclaration_FnAcDeclaration*>(this->fndeclaration_1)->ac_declarator_1)->ac_direct_declarator_1)->ac_parameter_type_list_1;
+ 		const fndeclarations tail = this->fndeclarations_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(tail, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("impl_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(gl_phylum, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		if(gl_isnotlist)
+ 		{
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    kc::unparse(oid, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		}
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("*\n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(oid, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("("), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(gl_args, kc_printer, view_gen_fnarg_and_decls);
+ 		if(gl_no_of_args && !f_no_params(params)) { PRINT(","); } 
+ 		kc::unparse(decl->sorted, kc_printer, view_gen_fnk_c);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(") {\
+ \n    "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(gl_args, kc_printer, view_gen_fnarg_asserts);
+ 		kc::unparse(gl_phylum, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(" kc_x=new impl_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(gl_phylum, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		if(gl_isnotlist)
+ 		{
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    kc::unparse(oid, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		}
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("("), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(gl_args, kc_printer, view_gen_argseqnr_rec);
+ 		if(gl_no_of_args && !f_no_params(params)) { PRINT(","); } 
+ 		kc::unparse(decl->sorted, kc_printer, view_gen_fnkargs);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(");\
+ \n	KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(oid, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("));\
+ \n    "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(gl_phylum, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(" unique_kc_x= hashtables["), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(gl_sto, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("]->ht_check_insert(kc_x);\
+ \n    if(unique_kc_x!=kc_x) {\
+ \n    "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		if(!g_options.smart_pointer) 
+ 		{
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("	delete kc_x;\n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		}
+ 		else 
+ 		{
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("	// kc_x already deleted in ht_check_insert\n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		}
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("	kc_x=unique_kc_x;\
+ \n    } else {\
+ \n	KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_EXISTINGNOTFOUND_STATS(sel_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(oid, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("));\
+ \n	kc_x->post_create();\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		if (f_something_to_initialize( gl_cco )) 
+ 		{
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("		kc_x = kc_initialize_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    kc::unparse(gl_phylum, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("(kc_x);\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		}
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("   }\
+ \n    return static_cast<impl_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(gl_phylum, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		if(gl_isnotlist)
+ 		{
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    kc::unparse(oid, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		}
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("*>(kc_x);\
+ \n}\
+ \n\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    } else
+ 	    {
+ 		const fndeclaration head = this->fndeclaration_1;
+ 		const fndeclarations tail = this->fndeclarations_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(tail, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_operatordefs_nonhash_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_operatordefs_nonhash_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_operatordefs_nonhash_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    if ((this->fndeclaration_1->prod_sel() == sel_FnAcDeclaration) && (phylum_cast<const impl_fndeclaration_FnAcDeclaration*>(this->fndeclaration_1)->ac_declarator_1->prod_sel() == sel_AcDeclarator) && (phylum_cast<const impl_ac_declarator_AcDeclarator*>(phylum_cast<const impl_fndeclaration_FnAcDeclaration*>(this->fndeclaration_1)->ac_declarator_1)->ac_direct_declarator_1->prod_sel() == sel_AcQualifiedDeclProto) && (phylum_cast<const impl_ac_direct_declarator_AcQualifiedDeclProto*>(phylum_cast<const impl_ac_declarator_AcDeclarator*>(phylum_cast<const impl_fndeclaration_FnAcDeclaration*>(this->fndeclaration_1)->ac_declarator_1)->ac_direct_declarator_1)->ac_direct_declarator_1->prod_sel() == sel_AcDirectDeclId) && (phylum_cast<const impl_fndeclaration_FnAcDeclaration*>(this->fndeclaration_1)->fnclass_1->prod_sel() == sel_ConstructorFn)) {
+ 		const fndeclaration decl = this->fndeclaration_1;
+ 		const ID oid = phylum_cast<const impl_ac_direct_declarator_AcDirectDeclId*>(phylum_cast<const impl_ac_direct_declarator_AcQualifiedDeclProto*>(phylum_cast<const impl_ac_declarator_AcDeclarator*>(phylum_cast<const impl_fndeclaration_FnAcDeclaration*>(this->fndeclaration_1)->ac_declarator_1)->ac_direct_declarator_1)->ac_direct_declarator_1)->ID_1;
+ 		const ac_parameter_type_list params = phylum_cast<const impl_ac_direct_declarator_AcQualifiedDeclProto*>(phylum_cast<const impl_ac_declarator_AcDeclarator*>(phylum_cast<const impl_fndeclaration_FnAcDeclaration*>(this->fndeclaration_1)->ac_declarator_1)->ac_direct_declarator_1)->ac_parameter_type_list_1;
+ 		const fndeclarations tail = this->fndeclarations_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(tail, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("impl_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(gl_phylum, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		if(gl_isnotlist)
+ 		{
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    kc::unparse(oid, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		}
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("*\n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(oid, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("("), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(gl_args, kc_printer, view_gen_fnarg_and_decls);
+ 		if(gl_no_of_args>0 && !f_no_params(params)) { PRINT(","); } 
+ 		kc::unparse(decl->sorted, kc_printer, view_gen_fnk_c);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(") {\
+ \n    "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(gl_args, kc_printer, view_gen_fnarg_asserts);
+ 		kc::unparse(gl_phylum, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(" kc_x = new impl_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(gl_phylum, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		if(gl_isnotlist)
+ 		{
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    kc::unparse(oid, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		}
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("("), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(gl_args, kc_printer, view_gen_argseqnr_rec);
+ 		if(gl_no_of_args && !f_no_params(params)) { PRINT(","); } 
+ 		kc::unparse(decl->sorted, kc_printer, view_gen_fnkargs);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(");\
+ \n	KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_CREATE_STATS(sel_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(oid, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("));\
+ \n	KC_COLLECT_STATS0(KC_EXISTINGNOTFOUND_STATS(sel_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(oid, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("));\
+ \n	kc_x->post_create();\
+ \n    "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		if (f_something_to_initialize( gl_cco )) 
+ 		{
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("    kc_x = kc_initialize_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    kc::unparse(gl_phylum, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("(kc_x);\
+ \n    "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		}
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("    return static_cast<impl_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(gl_phylum, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		if(gl_isnotlist)
+ 		{
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    kc::unparse(oid, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		}
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("*>(kc_x);\
+ \n    "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("}\
+ \n\
+ \n    "), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    } else
+ 	    {
+ 		const fndeclaration head = this->fndeclaration_1;
+ 		const fndeclarations tail = this->fndeclarations_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(tail, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_operatordecls_h_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_operatordecls_h_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_operatordecls_h_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    if ((this->fndeclaration_1->prod_sel() == sel_FnAcDeclaration) && (phylum_cast<const impl_fndeclaration_FnAcDeclaration*>(this->fndeclaration_1)->ac_declarator_1->prod_sel() == sel_AcDeclarator) && (phylum_cast<const impl_ac_declarator_AcDeclarator*>(phylum_cast<const impl_fndeclaration_FnAcDeclaration*>(this->fndeclaration_1)->ac_declarator_1)->ac_direct_declarator_1->prod_sel() == sel_AcQualifiedDeclProto) && (phylum_cast<const impl_fndeclaration_FnAcDeclaration*>(this->fndeclaration_1)->fnclass_1->prod_sel() == sel_ConstructorFn)) {
+ 		const fndeclaration decl = this->fndeclaration_1;
+ 		const ac_direct_declarator id = phylum_cast<const impl_ac_direct_declarator_AcQualifiedDeclProto*>(phylum_cast<const impl_ac_declarator_AcDeclarator*>(phylum_cast<const impl_fndeclaration_FnAcDeclaration*>(this->fndeclaration_1)->ac_declarator_1)->ac_direct_declarator_1)->ac_direct_declarator_1;
+ 		const ac_parameter_type_list params = phylum_cast<const impl_ac_direct_declarator_AcQualifiedDeclProto*>(phylum_cast<const impl_ac_declarator_AcDeclarator*>(phylum_cast<const impl_fndeclaration_FnAcDeclaration*>(this->fndeclaration_1)->ac_declarator_1)->ac_direct_declarator_1)->ac_parameter_type_list_1;
+ 		const fndeclarations tail = this->fndeclarations_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(tail, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("class "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, view_gen_fn_pointer_name);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("*\b "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(" ("), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(gl_args, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		if(gl_no_of_args && !f_no_params(params)) { PRINT(","); } 
+ 		kc::unparse(decl->sorted, kc_printer, view_gen_fnk_h);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(");\n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    } else
+ 	    {
+ 		const fndeclaration head = this->fndeclaration_1;
+ 		const fndeclarations tail = this->fndeclarations_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(tail, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_count_nonstaticmembers_enum: {
+ 	    view_count_nonstaticmembers_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_count_nonstaticmembers_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    if ((this->fndeclaration_1->prod_sel() == sel_AcMemberDeclaration) && (phylum_cast<const impl_fndeclaration_AcMemberDeclaration*>(this->fndeclaration_1)->ac_declaration_specifiers_1->prod_sel() == sel_Consac_declaration_specifiers) && ((phylum_cast<const impl_fndeclaration_AcMemberDeclaration*>(this->fndeclaration_1)->ac_declaration_specifiers_1)->ac_declaration_specifier_1->prod_sel() == sel_AcDeclSpecTypeSpec) && (phylum_cast<const impl_ac_declaration_specifier_AcDeclSpecTypeSpec*>((phylum_cast<const impl_fndeclaration_AcMemberDeclaration*>(this->fndeclaration_1)->ac_declaration_specifiers_1)->ac_declaration_specifier_1)->ac_type_specifier_1->prod_sel() == sel_AcTypeSpec) && (phylum_cast<const impl_fndeclaration_AcMemberDeclaration*>(this->fndeclaration_1)->ac_declarator_1->prod_sel() == sel_AcDeclarator) && (phylum_cast<const impl_ac_declarator_AcDeclarator*>(phylum_cast<const impl_fndeclaration_AcMemberDeclaration*>(this->fndeclaration_1)->ac_declarator_1)->ac_dir!
 ect_declarator_1->prod_sel() == sel_AcMemberDecl) && (phylum_cast<const impl_fndeclaration_AcMemberDeclaration*>(this->fndeclaration_1)->fnclass_1->prod_sel() == sel_MemberFn)) {
+ 		const fndeclaration fd = this->fndeclaration_1;
+ 		const ID a_type = phylum_cast<const impl_ac_type_specifier_AcTypeSpec*>(phylum_cast<const impl_ac_declaration_specifier_AcDeclSpecTypeSpec*>((phylum_cast<const impl_fndeclaration_AcMemberDeclaration*>(this->fndeclaration_1)->ac_declaration_specifiers_1)->ac_declaration_specifier_1)->ac_type_specifier_1)->ID_1;
+ 		const ID a_id = phylum_cast<const impl_ac_direct_declarator_AcMemberDecl*>(phylum_cast<const impl_ac_declarator_AcDeclarator*>(phylum_cast<const impl_fndeclaration_AcMemberDeclaration*>(this->fndeclaration_1)->ac_declarator_1)->ac_direct_declarator_1)->ID_2;
+ 		const fndeclarations rfd = this->fndeclarations_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(rfd, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		gl_no_of_args++;
+ 		gl_args=Consarguments(a_type, gl_args);
+ 		gl_members=Consfndeclarations(fd, gl_members);
+ 		gl_idents=Consac_identifier_list(a_id, gl_idents);
+ 	    } else
+ 	    {
+ 		const fndeclarations rfd = this->fndeclarations_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(rfd, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_count_attrs_enum: {
+ 	    view_count_attrs_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_count_attrs_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    if ((this->fndeclaration_1->prod_sel() == sel_AcMemberDeclaration) && (phylum_cast<const impl_fndeclaration_AcMemberDeclaration*>(this->fndeclaration_1)->ac_declaration_specifiers_1->prod_sel() == sel_Consac_declaration_specifiers) && ((phylum_cast<const impl_fndeclaration_AcMemberDeclaration*>(this->fndeclaration_1)->ac_declaration_specifiers_1)->ac_declaration_specifier_1->prod_sel() == sel_AcDeclSpecTypeSpec) && (phylum_cast<const impl_ac_declaration_specifier_AcDeclSpecTypeSpec*>((phylum_cast<const impl_fndeclaration_AcMemberDeclaration*>(this->fndeclaration_1)->ac_declaration_specifiers_1)->ac_declaration_specifier_1)->ac_type_specifier_1->prod_sel() == sel_AcTypeSpec) && (phylum_cast<const impl_fndeclaration_AcMemberDeclaration*>(this->fndeclaration_1)->ac_declarator_1->prod_sel() == sel_AcDeclarator) && (phylum_cast<const impl_ac_declarator_AcDeclarator*>(phylum_cast<const impl_fndeclaration_AcMemberDeclaration*>(this->fndeclaration_1)->ac_declarator_1)->ac_dir!
 ect_declarator_1->prod_sel() == sel_AcMemberDecl)) {
+ 		const fndeclaration fd = this->fndeclaration_1;
+ 		const ID a_type = phylum_cast<const impl_ac_type_specifier_AcTypeSpec*>(phylum_cast<const impl_ac_declaration_specifier_AcDeclSpecTypeSpec*>((phylum_cast<const impl_fndeclaration_AcMemberDeclaration*>(this->fndeclaration_1)->ac_declaration_specifiers_1)->ac_declaration_specifier_1)->ac_type_specifier_1)->ID_1;
+ 		const ID a_id = phylum_cast<const impl_ac_direct_declarator_AcMemberDecl*>(phylum_cast<const impl_ac_declarator_AcDeclarator*>(phylum_cast<const impl_fndeclaration_AcMemberDeclaration*>(this->fndeclaration_1)->ac_declarator_1)->ac_direct_declarator_1)->ID_2;
+ 		const fndeclarations rfd = this->fndeclarations_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(rfd, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		if (fd->is_attr) {
+ 		    gl_no_of_args++;
+ 		    gl_args=Consarguments(a_type, gl_args);
+ 		    gl_members=Consfndeclarations(fd, gl_members);
+ 		    gl_idents=Consac_identifier_list(a_id, gl_idents);
+ 		} 
+ 			} else
+ 	    {
+ 		const fndeclarations rfd = this->fndeclarations_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(rfd, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_make_patternreps_enum: {
+ 	    view_make_patternreps_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_make_patternreps_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const fndeclaration a_fnd = this->fndeclaration_1;
+ 		const fndeclarations r_fnd = this->fndeclarations_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(r_fnd, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		kc::unparse(a_fnd, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_check_enum: {
+ 	    view_check_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_check_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const fndeclaration fnd = this->fndeclaration_1;
+ 		const fndeclarations fnds = this->fndeclarations_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(fnds, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		kc::unparse(fnd, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	default:
+ 	kc_unparsing_default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 		for (fndeclarations iterator_ = this; iterator_->fndeclarations_1 != 0; iterator_ = iterator_->fndeclarations_1)
+ 		    iterator_->fndeclaration_1->unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_fndeclarations::nil_do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	case view_gen_fnk_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_fnk_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_fnk_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_fnkdecls_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_fnkdecls_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_fnkdecls_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("\
+ \n#ifndef KC_TRACE_PROVIDED\
+ \n#endif\
+ \n\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_fnk_h_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_fnk_h_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_fnk_h_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_operatordefs_hash_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_operatordefs_hash_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_operatordefs_hash_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_operatordefs_nonhash_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_operatordefs_nonhash_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_operatordefs_nonhash_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_operatordecls_h_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_operatordecls_h_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_operatordecls_h_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_count_nonstaticmembers_enum: {
+ 	    view_count_nonstaticmembers_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_count_nonstaticmembers_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		gl_no_of_args = 0; gl_args = Nilarguments(); gl_members=Nilfndeclarations(); gl_idents=Nilac_identifier_list(); 
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_count_attrs_enum: {
+ 	    view_count_attrs_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_count_attrs_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		gl_no_of_args = 0; gl_args = Nilarguments(); gl_members=Nilfndeclarations(); gl_idents=Nilac_identifier_list(); 
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_make_patternreps_enum: {
+ 	    view_make_patternreps_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_make_patternreps_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_check_enum: {
+ 	    view_check_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_check_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	default:
+ 	kc_unparsing_default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_fndeclaration_AcMemberDeclaration::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	case view_gen_member_dcl_h_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_member_dcl_h_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_member_dcl_h_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const ac_declaration_specifiers fn_ds = this->ac_declaration_specifiers_1;
+ 		const ac_declarator fn_d = this->ac_declarator_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(fn_ds, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(" "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(fn_d, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(";\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_fnk_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_fnk_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_fnk_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    if ((this->ac_constant_expression_option_1->prod_sel() == sel_Noac_constant_expression) && (this->fnclass_1->prod_sel() == sel_StaticFn)) {
+ 		const ac_declaration_specifiers fn_ds = this->ac_declaration_specifiers_1;
+ 		const ac_declarator fn_d = this->ac_declarator_1;
+ 		if(g_options.linedirec) 
+ 		{
+ 		    kc::unparse(pg_line, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    kc::unparse(this->last_line, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t(" \""), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    PRINT(g_options.dir_line.c_str()); 
+ 		    kc::unparse(this->file, kc_printer, view_filename);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("\"\n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		}
+ 		kc::unparse(fn_ds, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(" "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(fn_d, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(";\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    } else
+ 		if ((this->ac_constant_expression_option_1->prod_sel() == sel_Yesac_constant_expression) && (this->fnclass_1->prod_sel() == sel_StaticFn)) {
+ 		const ac_declaration_specifiers fn_ds = this->ac_declaration_specifiers_1;
+ 		const ac_declarator fn_d = this->ac_declarator_1;
+ 		const ac_constant_expression expr = phylum_cast<const impl_ac_constant_expression_option_Yesac_constant_expression*>(this->ac_constant_expression_option_1)->ac_constant_expression_1;
+ 		if(g_options.linedirec) 
+ 		{
+ 		    kc::unparse(pg_line, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    kc::unparse(this->last_line, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t(" \""), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    PRINT(g_options.dir_line.c_str()); 
+ 		    kc::unparse(this->file, kc_printer, view_filename);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("\"\n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		}
+ 		kc::unparse(fn_ds, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(" "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(fn_d, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("="), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(expr, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(";\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    } else
+ 		if ((this->ac_constant_expression_option_1->prod_sel() == sel_Noac_constant_expression)) {
+ 	    } else
+ 		    goto kc_unparsing_default;
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_make_patternreps_enum: {
+ 	    view_make_patternreps_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_make_patternreps_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_check_enum: {
+ 	    view_check_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_check_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    if ((this->ac_declarator_1->prod_sel() == sel_AcDeclarator) && (phylum_cast<const impl_ac_declarator_AcDeclarator*>(this->ac_declarator_1)->ac_direct_declarator_1->prod_sel() == sel_AcMemberDecl) && (this->fnclass_1->prod_sel() == sel_StaticFn) && (KC_TRACE_PROVIDED((is_attr), "util.k", 672, this))) {
+ 		const ID pid = phylum_cast<const impl_ac_direct_declarator_AcMemberDecl*>(phylum_cast<const impl_ac_declarator_AcDeclarator*>(this->ac_declarator_1)->ac_direct_declarator_1)->ID_1;
+ 		const ID aid = phylum_cast<const impl_ac_direct_declarator_AcMemberDecl*>(phylum_cast<const impl_ac_declarator_AcDeclarator*>(this->ac_declarator_1)->ac_direct_declarator_1)->ID_2;
+ 		v_report(NonFatal( FileLine(file, last_line) ,
+ 			Problem1S1ID1S1ID( "attribute", aid,
+ 			    "(with %attr) should not be static in phylum", pid)));
+ 	    } else
+ 		if ((this->ac_declarator_1->prod_sel() == sel_AcDeclarator) && (phylum_cast<const impl_ac_declarator_AcDeclarator*>(this->ac_declarator_1)->ac_direct_declarator_1->prod_sel() == sel_AcMemberDecl)) {
+ 		const ID pid = phylum_cast<const impl_ac_direct_declarator_AcMemberDecl*>(phylum_cast<const impl_ac_declarator_AcDeclarator*>(this->ac_declarator_1)->ac_direct_declarator_1)->ID_1;
+ 		const ID aid = phylum_cast<const impl_ac_direct_declarator_AcMemberDecl*>(phylum_cast<const impl_ac_declarator_AcDeclarator*>(this->ac_declarator_1)->ac_direct_declarator_1)->ID_2;
+ 		{
+ 		    ID kc_selvar_0_1 = phylum_cast<ID>(pid);
+ 		    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_Id)) {
+ 			const uniqID uid = phylum_cast<const impl_ID_Id*>(kc_selvar_0_1)->uniqID_1;
+ 			{
+ 			    IDtype kc_selvar_1_1 = phylum_cast<IDtype>( uid->type );
+ 			    if ((kc_selvar_1_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITUnknown)) {
+ 				v_report(NonFatal( FileLine(file, last_line),
+ 					Problem1S1ID1S1ID( "attribute", aid,
+ 					    "is not part of any phylum or operator; defined in", pid)));
+ 			    } else
+ 			    {
+ 			    }
+ 			}
+ 		    } else
+ 			kc_no_default_in_with( "", __LINE__, __FILE__ );
+ 		}
+ 		if (f_ispredefinedphylum(pid) && strcmp(f_strofID(pid), "abstract_phylum")!=0
+ 		    && strcmp(f_strofID(pid), "abstract_list")!=0)
+ 		v_report(NonFatal( FileLine(this->file, this->last_line) ,
+ 			Problem1S1ID1S1ID( "attribute", aid,
+ 			    "must not be defined in predefined phylum", pid)));
+ 		if(!f_listelementphylum(f_phylumofoperator(pid))->eq(f_emptyId()))
+ 		v_report(NonFatal( FileLine(file, last_line) ,
+ 			Problem1S1ID1S1ID( "attribute", aid,
+ 			    "must not be declared in list operator", pid)));
+ 	    } else
+ 	    {
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	default:
+ 	kc_unparsing_default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    {
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_fndeclaration_FnAcDeclaration::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	case view_gen_member_dcl_h_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_member_dcl_h_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_member_dcl_h_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    if ((this->ac_declarator_1->prod_sel() == sel_AcDeclarator) && (phylum_cast<const impl_ac_declarator_AcDeclarator*>(this->ac_declarator_1)->ac_direct_declarator_1->prod_sel() == sel_AcQualifiedDeclProto) && (phylum_cast<const impl_ac_direct_declarator_AcQualifiedDeclProto*>(phylum_cast<const impl_ac_declarator_AcDeclarator*>(this->ac_declarator_1)->ac_direct_declarator_1)->ac_direct_declarator_1->prod_sel() == sel_AcDirectDeclId) && (this->fnclass_1->prod_sel() == sel_ConstructorFn)) {
+ 		const ac_declaration_specifiers fn_ds = this->ac_declaration_specifiers_1;
+ 		const ac_declarator fn_d = this->ac_declarator_1;
+ 		const ID oid = phylum_cast<const impl_ac_direct_declarator_AcDirectDeclId*>(phylum_cast<const impl_ac_direct_declarator_AcQualifiedDeclProto*>(phylum_cast<const impl_ac_declarator_AcDeclarator*>(this->ac_declarator_1)->ac_direct_declarator_1)->ac_direct_declarator_1)->ID_1;
+ 		const ac_parameter_type_list params = phylum_cast<const impl_ac_direct_declarator_AcQualifiedDeclProto*>(phylum_cast<const impl_ac_declarator_AcDeclarator*>(this->ac_declarator_1)->ac_direct_declarator_1)->ac_parameter_type_list_1;
+ 		const fnclass fnc = this->fnclass_1;
+ 		bool is_ctor=false;
+ 		{
+ 		    fnclass kc_selvar_0_1 = phylum_cast<fnclass>(fnc);
+ 		    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_ConstructorFn)) {
+ 			is_ctor=true; 
+ 				} else
+ 		    {
+ 		    }
+ 		}
+ 		kc::unparse(fn_ds, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(" "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		if(!is_ctor) PRINT("~"); 
+ 		kc::unparse(fn_d, kc_printer, view_gen_fn_pointer_name);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("("), kc_current_view); }
+ 		arguments args=f_argumentsofoperator(oid);
+ 		if(is_ctor) 
+ 		{
+ 		    kc::unparse(args, kc_printer, view_count_args);
+ 		    if (f_ispredefinedphylum(f_phylumofoperator(oid))) 
+ 		    {
+ 			kc::unparse(args, kc_printer, view_gen_fnarg_and_decls_predef);
+ 		    }
+ 		    else 
+ 		    {
+ 			kc::unparse(args, kc_printer, view_gen_fnarg_and_decls);
+ 		    }
+ 		    if(gl_no_of_args && !f_no_params(params)) { PRINT(","); } 
+ 		    kc::unparse(params, kc_printer, view_gen_fnk_h);
+ 		}
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(");\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    } else
+ 		if ((this->ac_declarator_1->prod_sel() == sel_AcDeclarator) && (phylum_cast<const impl_ac_declarator_AcDeclarator*>(this->ac_declarator_1)->ac_direct_declarator_1->prod_sel() == sel_AcQualifiedDeclProto) && (phylum_cast<const impl_ac_direct_declarator_AcQualifiedDeclProto*>(phylum_cast<const impl_ac_declarator_AcDeclarator*>(this->ac_declarator_1)->ac_direct_declarator_1)->ac_direct_declarator_1->prod_sel() == sel_AcDirectDeclId) && (this->fnclass_1->prod_sel() == sel_DestructorFn)) {
+ 		const ac_declaration_specifiers fn_ds = this->ac_declaration_specifiers_1;
+ 		const ac_declarator fn_d = this->ac_declarator_1;
+ 		const ID oid = phylum_cast<const impl_ac_direct_declarator_AcDirectDeclId*>(phylum_cast<const impl_ac_direct_declarator_AcQualifiedDeclProto*>(phylum_cast<const impl_ac_declarator_AcDeclarator*>(this->ac_declarator_1)->ac_direct_declarator_1)->ac_direct_declarator_1)->ID_1;
+ 		const ac_parameter_type_list params = phylum_cast<const impl_ac_direct_declarator_AcQualifiedDeclProto*>(phylum_cast<const impl_ac_declarator_AcDeclarator*>(this->ac_declarator_1)->ac_direct_declarator_1)->ac_parameter_type_list_1;
+ 		const fnclass fnc = this->fnclass_1;
+ 		bool is_ctor=false;
+ 		{
+ 		    fnclass kc_selvar_0_1 = phylum_cast<fnclass>(fnc);
+ 		    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_ConstructorFn)) {
+ 			is_ctor=true; 
+ 				} else
+ 		    {
+ 		    }
+ 		}
+ 		kc::unparse(fn_ds, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(" "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		if(!is_ctor) PRINT("~"); 
+ 		kc::unparse(fn_d, kc_printer, view_gen_fn_pointer_name);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("("), kc_current_view); }
+ 		arguments args=f_argumentsofoperator(oid);
+ 		if(is_ctor) 
+ 		{
+ 		    kc::unparse(args, kc_printer, view_count_args);
+ 		    if (f_ispredefinedphylum(f_phylumofoperator(oid))) 
+ 		    {
+ 			kc::unparse(args, kc_printer, view_gen_fnarg_and_decls_predef);
+ 		    }
+ 		    else 
+ 		    {
+ 			kc::unparse(args, kc_printer, view_gen_fnarg_and_decls);
+ 		    }
+ 		    if(gl_no_of_args && !f_no_params(params)) { PRINT(","); } 
+ 		    kc::unparse(params, kc_printer, view_gen_fnk_h);
+ 		}
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(");\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    } else
+ 		if ((this->fnclass_1->prod_sel() == sel_ConvOperatorFn)) {
+ 		const ac_declarator fn_d = this->ac_declarator_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(fn_d, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    } else
+ 	    {
+ 		const ac_declaration_specifiers fn_ds = this->ac_declaration_specifiers_1;
+ 		const ac_declarator fn_d = this->ac_declarator_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(fn_ds, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(" "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(fn_d, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_fnk_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_fnk_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_fnk_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    if ((this->ac_declarator_1->prod_sel() == sel_AcDeclarator) && (phylum_cast<const impl_ac_declarator_AcDeclarator*>(this->ac_declarator_1)->ac_direct_declarator_1->prod_sel() == sel_AcQualifiedDeclProto) && (phylum_cast<const impl_ac_direct_declarator_AcQualifiedDeclProto*>(phylum_cast<const impl_ac_declarator_AcDeclarator*>(this->ac_declarator_1)->ac_direct_declarator_1)->ac_direct_declarator_1->prod_sel() == sel_AcDirectDeclId) && (this->fnclass_1->prod_sel() == sel_ConstructorFn)) {
+ 		const ac_declaration_specifiers fn_ds = this->ac_declaration_specifiers_1;
+ 		const ac_declarator fn_d = this->ac_declarator_1;
+ 		const ID oid = phylum_cast<const impl_ac_direct_declarator_AcDirectDeclId*>(phylum_cast<const impl_ac_direct_declarator_AcQualifiedDeclProto*>(phylum_cast<const impl_ac_declarator_AcDeclarator*>(this->ac_declarator_1)->ac_direct_declarator_1)->ac_direct_declarator_1)->ID_1;
+ 		const ac_parameter_type_list params = phylum_cast<const impl_ac_direct_declarator_AcQualifiedDeclProto*>(phylum_cast<const impl_ac_declarator_AcDeclarator*>(this->ac_declarator_1)->ac_direct_declarator_1)->ac_parameter_type_list_1;
+ 		const ac_opt_base_init_list base_init = this->ac_opt_base_init_list_1;
+ 		const Ctext ct = this->Ctext_1;
+ 		const fnclass fnc = this->fnclass_1;
+ 		gl_return_ID = 0;
+ 		gl_return_type = "";
+ 		gl_star_count = f_stars_of_declarator( fn_d );
+ 		gl_function = f_strofID(f_id_of_ctor_dtor_decl(fn_d));
+ 		gl_operator=oid;
+ 		bool is_ctor=false;
+ 		{
+ 		    fnclass kc_selvar_0_1 = phylum_cast<fnclass>(fnc);
+ 		    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_ConstructorFn)) {
+ 			is_ctor=true; 
+ 				} else
+ 		    {
+ 		    }
+ 		}
+ 		kc::unparse(fn_d, kc_printer, view_gen_fn_pointer_name);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("::"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		if(!is_ctor) { PRINT("~"); } 
+ 		kc::unparse(fn_d, kc_printer, view_gen_fn_pointer_name);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("("), kc_current_view); }
+ 		arguments args=f_argumentsofoperator(oid);
+ 		if(is_ctor) 
+ 		{
+ 		    kc::unparse(args, kc_printer, view_count_args);
+ 		    if (f_ispredefinedphylum(f_phylumofoperator(oid))) 
+ 		    {
+ 			kc::unparse(args, kc_printer, view_gen_fnarg_and_decls_predef);
+ 		    }
+ 		    else 
+ 		    {
+ 			kc::unparse(args, kc_printer, view_gen_fnarg_and_decls);
+ 		    }
+ 		    if(gl_no_of_args && !f_no_params(params)) { PRINT(","); } 
+ 		    kc::unparse(this->sorted, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		}
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(")"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(base_init, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("\n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		if(g_options.linedirec) 
+ 		{
+ 		    kc::unparse(pg_line, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    kc::unparse(ct->line, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t(" \""), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    PRINT(g_options.dir_line.c_str()); 
+ 		    kc::unparse(ct->file, kc_printer, view_filename);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("\"\n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		}
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("{"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		if(is_ctor) 
+ 		{
+ 		    if (f_ispredefinedphylum(f_phylumofoperator(oid))) 
+ 		    {
+ 			kc::unparse(args, kc_printer, view_gen_assignments_predef);
+ 		    }
+ 		    else if(The_abstract_phylum_decl->subphylum(0)->eq(oid)) 
+ 		    {
+ 			if(g_options.smart_pointer) 
+ 			{
+ 			    { kc_printer(kc_t("_ref=0;\
+ \n		"), kc_current_view); }
+ 			}
+ 		    }
+ 		    else 
+ 		    {
+ 			kc::unparse(args, kc_printer, view_gen_assignments);
+ 		    }
+ 		}
+ 		kc::unparse(ct, kc_printer, view_gen_initializephyla_c);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("\n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		if(g_options.linedirec) 
+ 		{
+ 		    kc::unparse(pg_line, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    kc::unparse(this->last_line, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t(" \""), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    PRINT(g_options.dir_line.c_str()); 
+ 		    kc::unparse(this->file, kc_printer, view_filename);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("\"\n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		}
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("}"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(g_emptystring, kc_printer, view_printer_outputfileline);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		gl_return_type = "";
+ 		gl_return_ID = 0;
+ 		gl_star_count = 0;
+ 		gl_function = "";
+ 	    } else
+ 		if ((this->ac_declarator_1->prod_sel() == sel_AcDeclarator) && (phylum_cast<const impl_ac_declarator_AcDeclarator*>(this->ac_declarator_1)->ac_direct_declarator_1->prod_sel() == sel_AcQualifiedDeclProto) && (phylum_cast<const impl_ac_direct_declarator_AcQualifiedDeclProto*>(phylum_cast<const impl_ac_declarator_AcDeclarator*>(this->ac_declarator_1)->ac_direct_declarator_1)->ac_direct_declarator_1->prod_sel() == sel_AcDirectDeclId) && (this->fnclass_1->prod_sel() == sel_DestructorFn)) {
+ 		const ac_declaration_specifiers fn_ds = this->ac_declaration_specifiers_1;
+ 		const ac_declarator fn_d = this->ac_declarator_1;
+ 		const ID oid = phylum_cast<const impl_ac_direct_declarator_AcDirectDeclId*>(phylum_cast<const impl_ac_direct_declarator_AcQualifiedDeclProto*>(phylum_cast<const impl_ac_declarator_AcDeclarator*>(this->ac_declarator_1)->ac_direct_declarator_1)->ac_direct_declarator_1)->ID_1;
+ 		const ac_parameter_type_list params = phylum_cast<const impl_ac_direct_declarator_AcQualifiedDeclProto*>(phylum_cast<const impl_ac_declarator_AcDeclarator*>(this->ac_declarator_1)->ac_direct_declarator_1)->ac_parameter_type_list_1;
+ 		const ac_opt_base_init_list base_init = this->ac_opt_base_init_list_1;
+ 		const Ctext ct = this->Ctext_1;
+ 		const fnclass fnc = this->fnclass_1;
+ 		gl_return_ID = 0;
+ 		gl_return_type = "";
+ 		gl_star_count = f_stars_of_declarator( fn_d );
+ 		gl_function = f_strofID(f_id_of_ctor_dtor_decl(fn_d));
+ 		gl_operator=oid;
+ 		bool is_ctor=false;
+ 		{
+ 		    fnclass kc_selvar_0_1 = phylum_cast<fnclass>(fnc);
+ 		    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_ConstructorFn)) {
+ 			is_ctor=true; 
+ 				} else
+ 		    {
+ 		    }
+ 		}
+ 		kc::unparse(fn_d, kc_printer, view_gen_fn_pointer_name);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("::"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		if(!is_ctor) { PRINT("~"); } 
+ 		kc::unparse(fn_d, kc_printer, view_gen_fn_pointer_name);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("("), kc_current_view); }
+ 		arguments args=f_argumentsofoperator(oid);
+ 		if(is_ctor) 
+ 		{
+ 		    kc::unparse(args, kc_printer, view_count_args);
+ 		    if (f_ispredefinedphylum(f_phylumofoperator(oid))) 
+ 		    {
+ 			kc::unparse(args, kc_printer, view_gen_fnarg_and_decls_predef);
+ 		    }
+ 		    else 
+ 		    {
+ 			kc::unparse(args, kc_printer, view_gen_fnarg_and_decls);
+ 		    }
+ 		    if(gl_no_of_args && !f_no_params(params)) { PRINT(","); } 
+ 		    kc::unparse(this->sorted, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		}
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(")"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(base_init, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("\n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		if(g_options.linedirec) 
+ 		{
+ 		    kc::unparse(pg_line, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    kc::unparse(ct->line, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t(" \""), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    PRINT(g_options.dir_line.c_str()); 
+ 		    kc::unparse(ct->file, kc_printer, view_filename);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("\"\n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		}
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("{"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		if(is_ctor) 
+ 		{
+ 		    if (f_ispredefinedphylum(f_phylumofoperator(oid))) 
+ 		    {
+ 			kc::unparse(args, kc_printer, view_gen_assignments_predef);
+ 		    }
+ 		    else if(The_abstract_phylum_decl->subphylum(0)->eq(oid)) 
+ 		    {
+ 			if(g_options.smart_pointer) 
+ 			{
+ 			    { kc_printer(kc_t("_ref=0;\
+ \n		"), kc_current_view); }
+ 			}
+ 		    }
+ 		    else 
+ 		    {
+ 			kc::unparse(args, kc_printer, view_gen_assignments);
+ 		    }
+ 		}
+ 		kc::unparse(ct, kc_printer, view_gen_initializephyla_c);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("\n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		if(g_options.linedirec) 
+ 		{
+ 		    kc::unparse(pg_line, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    kc::unparse(this->last_line, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t(" \""), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    PRINT(g_options.dir_line.c_str()); 
+ 		    kc::unparse(this->file, kc_printer, view_filename);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("\"\n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		}
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("}"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(g_emptystring, kc_printer, view_printer_outputfileline);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		gl_return_type = "";
+ 		gl_return_ID = 0;
+ 		gl_star_count = 0;
+ 		gl_function = "";
+ 	    } else
+ 		if ((this->fnclass_1->prod_sel() == sel_ConvOperatorFn)) {
+ 		const ac_declaration_specifiers fn_ds = this->ac_declaration_specifiers_1;
+ 		const ac_declarator fn_d = this->ac_declarator_1;
+ 		const Ctext ct = this->Ctext_1;
+ 		const ID fn_name = this->ID_1;
+ 		const fnclass fnc = this->fnclass_1;
+ 		gl_return_ID = 0;
+ 		gl_return_type = "";
+ 		gl_star_count = f_stars_of_declarator( fn_d );
+ 		gl_function = f_strofID( fn_name );
+ 		kc::unparse(fn_d, kc_printer, view_gen_fn_pointer_name);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("()"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(fn_d, kc_printer, view_gen_opt_const);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("\n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		if(g_options.linedirec) 
+ 		{
+ 		    kc::unparse(pg_line, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    kc::unparse(ct->line, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t(" \""), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    PRINT(g_options.dir_line.c_str()); 
+ 		    kc::unparse(ct->file, kc_printer, view_filename);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("\"\n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		}
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("{"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(ct, kc_printer, view_gen_initializephyla_c);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("\n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		if(g_options.linedirec) 
+ 		{
+ 		    kc::unparse(pg_line, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    kc::unparse(this->last_line, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t(" \""), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    PRINT(g_options.dir_line.c_str()); 
+ 		    kc::unparse(this->file, kc_printer, view_filename);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("\"\n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		}
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("}"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(g_emptystring, kc_printer, view_printer_outputfileline);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		gl_return_type = "";
+ 		gl_return_ID = 0;
+ 		gl_star_count = 0;
+ 		gl_function = "";
+ 	    } else
+ 	    {
+ 		const ac_declaration_specifiers fn_ds = this->ac_declaration_specifiers_1;
+ 		const ac_declarator fn_d = this->ac_declarator_1;
+ 		const Ctext ct = this->Ctext_1;
+ 		const ID fn_name = this->ID_1;
+ 		const fnclass fnc = this->fnclass_1;
+ 		gl_return_ID = f_ID_of_ac_declaration_specifiers( fn_ds );
+ 		gl_return_type = f_strofID( gl_return_ID );
+ 		gl_star_count = f_stars_of_declarator( fn_d );
+ 		gl_function = f_strofID( fn_name );
+ 		if (strcmp(gl_function, "main")==0) PRINT("} // namespace kc\n");
+ 		kc::unparse(fnc, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		kc::unparse(fn_ds, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(" "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(fn_d, kc_printer, view_gen_fn_pointer_name);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("("), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(this->sorted, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(")"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(fn_d, kc_printer, view_gen_opt_const);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("\n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		if(g_options.linedirec) 
+ 		{
+ 		    kc::unparse(pg_line, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    kc::unparse(ct->line, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t(" \""), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    PRINT(g_options.dir_line.c_str()); 
+ 		    kc::unparse(ct->file, kc_printer, view_filename);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("\"\n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		}
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("{"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(ct, kc_printer, view_gen_initializephyla_c);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("\n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		if(g_options.linedirec) 
+ 		{
+ 		    kc::unparse(pg_line, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    kc::unparse(this->last_line, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t(" \""), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    PRINT(g_options.dir_line.c_str()); 
+ 		    kc::unparse(this->file, kc_printer, view_filename);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("\"\n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		}
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("}"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(g_emptystring, kc_printer, view_printer_outputfileline);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		gl_return_type = "";
+ 		gl_return_ID = 0;
+ 		gl_star_count = 0;
+ 		if (strcmp(gl_function, "main")==0) PRINT("namespace kc {\r\n");
+ 		gl_function = "";
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_fnkdecls_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_fnkdecls_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_fnkdecls_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    if ((this->fnclass_1->prod_sel() == sel_GlobalFn)) {
+ 	    } else
+ 		if ((this->fnclass_1->prod_sel() == sel_MemberFn)) {
+ 	    } else
+ 		if ((this->fnclass_1->prod_sel() == sel_ConstructorFn)) {
+ 	    } else
+ 		if ((this->fnclass_1->prod_sel() == sel_DestructorFn)) {
+ 	    } else
+ 		if ((this->fnclass_1->prod_sel() == sel_ConvOperatorFn)) {
+ 	    } else
+ 		if ((this->fnclass_1->prod_sel() == sel_StaticFn)) {
+ 		const ac_declaration_specifiers fn_ds = this->ac_declaration_specifiers_1;
+ 		const ac_declarator fn_d = this->ac_declarator_1;
+ 		const fnclass fn_c = this->fnclass_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(fn_c, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		kc::unparse(fn_ds, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(" "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(fn_d, kc_printer, view_gen_fn_pointer_name);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(" ("), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(this->sorted, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(");\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    } else
+ 		    goto kc_unparsing_default;
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_fnk_h_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_fnk_h_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_fnk_h_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    if ((this->ID_1->prod_sel() == sel_Id) && (phylum_cast<const impl_ID_Id*>(this->ID_1)->uniqID_1->prod_sel() == sel_Str) && (kc_strcmp(phylum_cast<const impl_uniqID_Str*>(phylum_cast<const impl_ID_Id*>(this->ID_1)->uniqID_1)->casestring_1->name, kc_t("main"))==0) && (this->fnclass_1->prod_sel() == sel_GlobalFn)) {
+ 	    } else
+ 		if ((this->fnclass_1->prod_sel() == sel_GlobalFn)) {
+ 		const ac_declaration_specifiers fn_ds = this->ac_declaration_specifiers_1;
+ 		const ac_declarator fn_d = this->ac_declarator_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(fn_ds, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(" "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(fn_d, kc_printer, view_gen_fn_pointer_name);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(" ("), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(this->sorted, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(");\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    } else
+ 		if ((this->fnclass_1->prod_sel() == sel_StaticFn)) {
+ 	    } else
+ 		if ((this->fnclass_1->prod_sel() == sel_MemberFn)) {
+ 	    } else
+ 		if ((this->fnclass_1->prod_sel() == sel_ConstructorFn)) {
+ 	    } else
+ 		if ((this->fnclass_1->prod_sel() == sel_DestructorFn)) {
+ 	    } else
+ 		if ((this->fnclass_1->prod_sel() == sel_ConvOperatorFn)) {
+ 	    } else
+ 		    goto kc_unparsing_default;
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_make_patternreps_enum: {
+ 	    view_make_patternreps_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_make_patternreps_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const Ctext ct = this->Ctext_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(ct, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_check_enum: {
+ 	    view_check_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_check_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    if ((this->ac_declaration_specifiers_1->prod_sel() == sel_Nilac_declaration_specifiers) && (this->ac_declarator_1->prod_sel() == sel_AcDeclarator) && (phylum_cast<const impl_ac_declarator_AcDeclarator*>(this->ac_declarator_1)->ac_pointer_option_1->prod_sel() == sel_Nopointer) && (phylum_cast<const impl_ac_declarator_AcDeclarator*>(this->ac_declarator_1)->ac_ref_option_1->prod_sel() == sel_AcNoRef) && (phylum_cast<const impl_ac_declarator_AcDeclarator*>(this->ac_declarator_1)->ac_direct_declarator_1->prod_sel() == sel_AcQualifiedDeclProto) && (phylum_cast<const impl_ac_direct_declarator_AcQualifiedDeclProto*>(phylum_cast<const impl_ac_declarator_AcDeclarator*>(this->ac_declarator_1)->ac_direct_declarator_1)->ac_class_qualifier_list_1->prod_sel() == sel_Nilac_class_qualifier_list) && (phylum_cast<const impl_ac_direct_declarator_AcQualifiedDeclProto*>(phylum_cast<const impl_ac_declarator_AcDeclarator*>(this->ac_declarator_1)->ac_direct_declarator_1)->ac_direct_declarator!
 _1->prod_sel() == sel_AcDirectDeclId) && (phylum_cast<const impl_ac_direct_declarator_AcQualifiedDeclProto*>(phylum_cast<const impl_ac_declarator_AcDeclarator*>(this->ac_declarator_1)->ac_direct_declarator_1)->ac_type_qualifier_1->prod_sel() == sel_AcNoQualifier) && (this->ac_declaration_list_1->prod_sel() == sel_Nilac_declaration_list) && (this->fnclass_1->prod_sel() == sel_ConstructorFn)) {
+ 		const ID pid = phylum_cast<const impl_ac_direct_declarator_AcDirectDeclId*>(phylum_cast<const impl_ac_direct_declarator_AcQualifiedDeclProto*>(phylum_cast<const impl_ac_declarator_AcDeclarator*>(this->ac_declarator_1)->ac_direct_declarator_1)->ac_direct_declarator_1)->ID_1;
+ 		const Ctext ct = this->Ctext_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(ct, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{
+ 		    ID kc_selvar_0_1 = phylum_cast<ID>(pid);
+ 		    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_Id)) {
+ 			const uniqID uid = phylum_cast<const impl_ID_Id*>(kc_selvar_0_1)->uniqID_1;
+ 			{
+ 			    IDtype kc_selvar_1_1 = phylum_cast<IDtype>( uid->type );
+ 			    if ((kc_selvar_1_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITUnknown)) {
+ 				v_report(Warning( FileLine(file, last_line),
+ 					Problem1S1ID( "constructor does not belong to phylum or operator:",
+ 					    pid)));
+ 			    } else
+ 			    {
+ 			    }
+ 			}
+ 		    } else
+ 			kc_no_default_in_with( "", __LINE__, __FILE__ );
+ 		}
+ 	    } else
+ 		if ((this->ac_declarator_1->prod_sel() == sel_AcDeclarator) && (phylum_cast<const impl_ac_declarator_AcDeclarator*>(this->ac_declarator_1)->ac_pointer_option_1->prod_sel() == sel_Nopointer) && (phylum_cast<const impl_ac_declarator_AcDeclarator*>(this->ac_declarator_1)->ac_ref_option_1->prod_sel() == sel_AcNoRef) && (phylum_cast<const impl_ac_declarator_AcDeclarator*>(this->ac_declarator_1)->ac_direct_declarator_1->prod_sel() == sel_AcQualifiedDeclProto) && (phylum_cast<const impl_ac_direct_declarator_AcQualifiedDeclProto*>(phylum_cast<const impl_ac_declarator_AcDeclarator*>(this->ac_declarator_1)->ac_direct_declarator_1)->ac_class_qualifier_list_1->prod_sel() == sel_Nilac_class_qualifier_list) && (phylum_cast<const impl_ac_direct_declarator_AcQualifiedDeclProto*>(phylum_cast<const impl_ac_declarator_AcDeclarator*>(this->ac_declarator_1)->ac_direct_declarator_1)->ac_direct_declarator_1->prod_sel() == sel_AcDirectDeclId) && (phylum_cast<const impl_ac_direct_declarator_AcQu!
 alifiedDeclProto*>(phylum_cast<const impl_ac_declarator_AcDeclarator*>(this->ac_declarator_1)->ac_direct_declarator_1)->ac_parameter_type_list_1->prod_sel() == sel_AcParList) && (phylum_cast<const impl_ac_parameter_type_list_AcParList*>(phylum_cast<const impl_ac_direct_declarator_AcQualifiedDeclProto*>(phylum_cast<const impl_ac_declarator_AcDeclarator*>(this->ac_declarator_1)->ac_direct_declarator_1)->ac_parameter_type_list_1)->ac_parameter_list_1->prod_sel() == sel_Nilac_parameter_list) && (phylum_cast<const impl_ac_direct_declarator_AcQualifiedDeclProto*>(phylum_cast<const impl_ac_declarator_AcDeclarator*>(this->ac_declarator_1)->ac_direct_declarator_1)->ac_type_qualifier_1->prod_sel() == sel_AcNoQualifier) && (this->ac_declaration_list_1->prod_sel() == sel_Nilac_declaration_list) && (this->ac_opt_base_init_list_1->prod_sel() == sel_AcNoBaseInit) && (this->fnclass_1->prod_sel() == sel_DestructorFn)) {
+ 		const ID pid = phylum_cast<const impl_ac_direct_declarator_AcDirectDeclId*>(phylum_cast<const impl_ac_direct_declarator_AcQualifiedDeclProto*>(phylum_cast<const impl_ac_declarator_AcDeclarator*>(this->ac_declarator_1)->ac_direct_declarator_1)->ac_direct_declarator_1)->ID_1;
+ 		const Ctext ct = this->Ctext_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(ct, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{
+ 		    ID kc_selvar_0_1 = phylum_cast<ID>(pid);
+ 		    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_Id)) {
+ 			const uniqID uid = phylum_cast<const impl_ID_Id*>(kc_selvar_0_1)->uniqID_1;
+ 			{
+ 			    IDtype kc_selvar_1_1 = phylum_cast<IDtype>( uid->type );
+ 			    if ((kc_selvar_1_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITUnknown)) {
+ 				v_report(Warning( FileLine(file, last_line),
+ 					Problem1S1ID( "destructor does not belong to phylum or operator:",
+ 					    pid)));
+ 			    } else
+ 			    {
+ 			    }
+ 			}
+ 		    } else
+ 			kc_no_default_in_with( "", __LINE__, __FILE__ );
+ 		}
+ 	    } else
+ 	    {
+ 		const Ctext ct = this->Ctext_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(ct, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	default:
+ 	kc_unparsing_default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 		default_unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view );
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_fnclass_ConvOperatorFn::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_fnclass_DestructorFn::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_fnclass_ConstructorFn::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_fnclass_MemberFn::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_fnclass_StaticFn::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    {
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("static "), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_fnclass_GlobalFn::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	case view_gen_fnk_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_fnk_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_fnk_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_Ctext::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     if(is_nil())
+ 	nil_do_unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view_base);
+     else
+ 	switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	case view_gen_initializephyla_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_initializephyla_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_initializephyla_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		gl_print_line_directive = false;
+ 		Ctext inversion_ = this->reverse();
+ 		for (Ctext iterator_ = inversion_; iterator_->Ctext_1 != 0; iterator_ = iterator_->Ctext_1)
+ 		iterator_->Ctext_elem_1->unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		inversion_->freelist();
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 		for (Ctext iterator_ = this; iterator_->Ctext_1 != 0; iterator_ = iterator_->Ctext_1)
+ 		    iterator_->Ctext_elem_1->unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_Ctext::nil_do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	case view_gen_initializephyla_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_initializephyla_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_initializephyla_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_Ctext_elem_CTextWithexpression::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	case view_make_patternreps_enum: {
+ 	    view_make_patternreps_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_make_patternreps_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const withcases wc = this->withcases_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(wc, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		check_with_patterns(wc->wcinfo); 
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_initializephyla_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_initializephyla_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_initializephyla_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const Ctext_elem ctw = this/**/;
+ 		const withexpressions wexpr = this->withexpressions_1;
+ 		const withcases wcs = this->withcases_1;
+ 		const contextinfo in_foreach_context = this->contextinfo_1;
+ 		if (wcs->wcinfo) 
+ 		{
+ 		    ID selvar;
+ 		    int p;
+ 		    patternchain fe_pc = 0;
+ 		    withcasesinfo rewr_wcinfo = rewrite_withcasesinfo(wcs->wcinfo);
+ 		    {
+ 			contextinfo kc_selvar_0_1 = phylum_cast<contextinfo>(in_foreach_context);
+ 			if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_NotInForeachContext)) {
+ 			    selvar = f_mkselvar("kc_selvar_", g_ctext_level);
+ 			    selvar->line = ctw->line; 
+ 			    selvar->file = ctw->file;
+ 			    cf_pushselvar( selvar );
+ 			    inforeachcontext.push(0);
+ 			} else
+ 			    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_InForeachContext)) {
+ 			    const patternchain mp = phylum_cast<const impl_contextinfo_InForeachContext*>(kc_selvar_0_1)->patternchain_1;
+ 			    selvar = cf_topselvar(); 
+ 			    inforeachcontext.push(1);
+ 			    fe_pc = mp;
+ 			} else
+ 			    kc_no_default_in_with( "", __LINE__, __FILE__ );
+ 		    }
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("{\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    if (! inforeachcontext.top()) 
+ 		    {
+ 			kc::unparse(wexpr, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    }
+ 		    if (! inforeachcontext.top()) {
+ 			dollarvarstack.push( selvar );
+ 			dollarvarextstack.push( Id(Str(mkcasestring("_1"))) );
+ 		    } else if ((p = pos_of_sole_dollar_or_pattern_in_patternchain(fe_pc)) >= 0) {
+ 			dollarvarstack.push( selvar );
+ 			dollarvarextstack.push( f_mkselvar("_", p) );
+ 		    }
+ 		    kc::unparse(rewr_wcinfo, kc_printer, view_gen_withcases_and_default);
+ 		    if (! inforeachcontext.top()) {
+ 			cf_popselvar();
+ 			dollarvarstack.pop();
+ 			dollarvarextstack.pop();
+ 		    } else if (p >= 0) {
+ 			dollarvarstack.pop();
+ 			dollarvarextstack.pop();
+ 		    }
+ 		    inforeachcontext.pop();
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("}\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    gl_print_line_directive = true; 
+ 		     }
+ 		else { v_report(NonFatal( FileLine( this->file, this->line ), Problem1S( "internal error: no info for withcases of CTextWithexpression" )));
+ 		} 
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_check_enum: {
+ 	    view_check_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_check_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const withexpressions we = this->withexpressions_1;
+ 		const withcases wc = this->withcases_1;
+ 		const contextinfo in_foreach_context = this->contextinfo_1;
+ 		withexpressionsstack.push( we );
+ 		{
+ 		    contextinfo kc_selvar_0_1 = phylum_cast<contextinfo>(in_foreach_context);
+ 		    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_NotInForeachContext)) {
+ 			inforeachcontext.push(0);
+ 			phylumnamesstack.push( we->type );
+ 		    } else
+ 			if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_InForeachContext)) {
+ 			inforeachcontext.push(1);
+ 		    } else
+ 			kc_no_default_in_with( "", __LINE__, __FILE__ );
+ 		}
+ 		if (we->length() == 1) {
+ 		    dollarvarsallowed.push( DVAllowed() );
+ 		} else {
+ 		    dollarvarsallowed.push( DVDisallowed() );
+ 		}
+ 		kc::unparse(wc, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		kc::unparse(wc, kc_printer, view_set_type);
+ 		we->type = phylumnamesstack.top();
+ 		withexpressionsstack.pop();
+ 		dollarvarsallowed.pop();
+ 		kc::unparse(we, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		if (! inforeachcontext.top() ) {
+ 		    phylumnamesstack.pop();
+ 		}
+ 		inforeachcontext.pop();
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 		default_unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view );
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_Ctext_elem_CTextForeachexpression::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	case view_make_patternreps_enum: {
+ 	    view_make_patternreps_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_make_patternreps_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const Ctext ct = this->Ctext_1;
+ 		const foreach_after fa = this->foreach_after_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(ct, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		kc::unparse(fa, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_initializephyla_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_initializephyla_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_initializephyla_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const idCexpressions idcexpr = this->idCexpressions_1;
+ 		const Ctext ct = this->Ctext_1;
+ 		const foreach_after fa = this->foreach_after_1;
+ 		ID selvar = f_mkselvar("kc_selvar_", g_ctext_level);
+ 		selvar->line = this->line; 
+ 		selvar->file = this->file;
+ 		cf_pushselvar( selvar );
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("{\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(idcexpr, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		kc::unparse(g_emptystring, kc_printer, view_printer_outputfileline);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("while(\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(idcexpr, kc_printer, view_gen_initializephyla_whiletest_c);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("    ) {\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(idcexpr, kc_printer, view_gen_initializephyla_init_el_c);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("{\n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		if(g_options.linedirec) 
+ 		{
+ 		    kc::unparse(pg_line, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    kc::unparse(ct->line, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t(" \""), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    PRINT(g_options.dir_line.c_str()); 
+ 		    kc::unparse(ct->file, kc_printer, view_filename);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("\"\n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		}
+ 		kc::unparse(ct, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		kc::unparse(g_emptystring, kc_printer, view_printer_outputfileline);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("}\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(idcexpr, kc_printer, view_gen_initializephyla_update_loop_c);
+ 		kc::unparse(g_emptystring, kc_printer, view_printer_outputfileline);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("}\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		cf_popselvar();
+ 		selvar = Id(Str(mkcasestring("kc_fe_selvar")));
+ 		selvar->line = fa->line; 
+ 		selvar->file = fa->file;
+ 		cf_pushselvar( selvar );
+ 		kc::unparse(fa, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("}\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		cf_popselvar();
+ 		gl_print_line_directive = true;
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_check_enum: {
+ 	    view_check_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_check_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const idCexpressions ide = this->idCexpressions_1;
+ 		const Ctext ct = this->Ctext_1;
+ 		const foreach_after fa = this->foreach_after_1;
+ 		phylumnames tmp = f_phylumnames_foreachwith_vars( ide );
+ 		phylumnamesstack.push( tmp );
+ 		kc::unparse(ide, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		kc::unparse(ct, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		phylumnamesstack.pop();
+ 		kc::unparse(fa, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 		default_unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view );
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_Ctext_elem_CTextCbody::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	case view_make_patternreps_enum: {
+ 	    view_make_patternreps_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_make_patternreps_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const Ctext ct = this->Ctext_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(ct, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_initializephyla_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_initializephyla_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_initializephyla_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const Ctext ct = this->Ctext_1;
+ 		if (gl_print_line_directive) 
+ 		{
+ 		    if(g_options.linedirec) 
+ 		    {
+ 			kc::unparse(pg_line, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 			kc::unparse(this->line, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t(" \""), kc_current_view); }
+ 			PRINT(g_options.dir_line.c_str()); 
+ 			kc::unparse(this->file, kc_printer, view_filename);
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t("\"\n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    }
+ 		    gl_print_line_directive = false; 
+ 		     }
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("{"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(ct, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("}"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		if (gl_print_line_directive) 
+ 		{
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		}
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_check_enum: {
+ 	    view_check_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_check_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const Ctext ct = this->Ctext_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(ct, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 		default_unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view );
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_Ctext_elem_CTextCexpressionSQ::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	case view_gen_initializephyla_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_initializephyla_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_initializephyla_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const CexpressionSQ cesq = this->CexpressionSQ_1;
+ 		if (gl_print_line_directive) 
+ 		{
+ 		    if(g_options.linedirec) 
+ 		    {
+ 			kc::unparse(pg_line, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 			kc::unparse(this->line, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t(" \""), kc_current_view); }
+ 			PRINT(g_options.dir_line.c_str()); 
+ 			kc::unparse(this->file, kc_printer, view_filename);
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t("\"\n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    }
+ 		    gl_print_line_directive = false; 
+ 		     }
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("'"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(cesq, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("'"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_check_enum: {
+ 	    view_check_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_check_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 		default_unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view );
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_Ctext_elem_CTextCexpressionDQ::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	case view_gen_initializephyla_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_initializephyla_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_initializephyla_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const CexpressionDQ cedq = this->CexpressionDQ_1;
+ 		if (gl_print_line_directive) 
+ 		{
+ 		    if(g_options.linedirec) 
+ 		    {
+ 			kc::unparse(pg_line, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 			kc::unparse(this->line, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t(" \""), kc_current_view); }
+ 			PRINT(g_options.dir_line.c_str()); 
+ 			kc::unparse(this->file, kc_printer, view_filename);
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t("\"\n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    }
+ 		    gl_print_line_directive = false; 
+ 		     }
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("\""), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(cedq, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("\""), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_check_enum: {
+ 	    view_check_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_check_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 		default_unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view );
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_Ctext_elem_CTextNl::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	case view_gen_initializephyla_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_initializephyla_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_initializephyla_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const integer i = this->integer_1;
+ 		charruns nl_string = Newlines(); 
+ 		 if (gl_print_line_directive) 
+ 		{
+ 		    if(g_options.linedirec) 
+ 		    {
+ 			kc::unparse(pg_line, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 			kc::unparse(this->line, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t(" \""), kc_current_view); }
+ 			PRINT(g_options.dir_line.c_str()); 
+ 			kc::unparse(this->file, kc_printer, view_filename);
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t("\"\n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    }
+ 		    gl_print_line_directive = false; 
+ 		     nl_string->set(i->value - 1); 
+ 		     }
+ 		else 
+ 		{
+ 		    nl_string->set(i->value); 
+ 		     }
+ 		kc::unparse(nl_string, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_check_enum: {
+ 	    view_check_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_check_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 		default_unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view );
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_Ctext_elem_CTextDollarVar::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	case view_gen_initializephyla_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_initializephyla_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_initializephyla_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const INT i = this->INT_1;
+ 		ID oid = f_emptyId(), dollarvar = dollarvarstack.top(), dollarvarext = dollarvarextstack.top();
+ 		argument arg;
+ 		bool nulvar = true;
+ 		{
+ 		    INT kc_selvar_0_1 = phylum_cast<INT>( i );
+ 		    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_Int)) {
+ 			const integer ii = phylum_cast<const impl_INT_Int*>(kc_selvar_0_1)->integer_1;
+ 			if (ii->value != 0) {
+ 			    nulvar = false;
+ 			    oid = operatorstack.top();
+ 			    arg = f_argumentofoperator( oid, i );
+ 			}   
+ 				} else
+ 			kc_no_default_in_with( "", __LINE__, __FILE__ );
+ 		}
+ 		if (nulvar) 
+ 		{
+ 		    kc::unparse(dollarvar, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    kc::unparse(dollarvarext, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		}
+ 		else 
+ 		{
+ 		    kc::unparse(dollarvar, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    kc::unparse(dollarvarext, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("->"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    kc::unparse(arg, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    arg->free( false );  
+ 		     }
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_check_enum: {
+ 	    view_check_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_check_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    if ((this->INT_1->prod_sel() == sel_Int)) {
+ 		const INT i = this->INT_1;
+ 		const integer iv = phylum_cast<const impl_INT_Int*>(this->INT_1)->integer_1;
+ 		if (  f_DvIsDisallowed( dollarvarsallowed.top() )) {
+ 		    v_report(NonFatal( FileLine( i->file, i->line ),
+ 			    Problem1S1INT(
+ 				"illegal dollar variable (not allowed in &-ed pattern context)", i )));
+ 		} else if (!outmostoperators.empty()) {
+ 		    v_check_dollarvar_attribute_in_operators( i, Nilunpattributes(),
+ 			outmostoperators.top() );
+ 		} else if (iv->value != 0) {
+ 		    v_report(NonFatal( FileLine( i->file, i->line ),
+ 			    Problem1S1INT( "illegal dollar variable", i )));
+ 		}
+ 	    } else
+ 		    goto kc_unparsing_default;
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	default:
+ 	kc_unparsing_default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 		default_unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view );
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_Ctext_elem_CTextLine::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	case view_gen_initializephyla_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_initializephyla_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_initializephyla_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const casestring cs = this->casestring_1;
+ 		if (gl_print_line_directive) 
+ 		{
+ 		    if(g_options.linedirec) 
+ 		    {
+ 			kc::unparse(pg_line, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 			kc::unparse(this->line, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t(" \""), kc_current_view); }
+ 			PRINT(g_options.dir_line.c_str()); 
+ 			kc::unparse(this->file, kc_printer, view_filename);
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t("\"\n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    }
+ 		    gl_print_line_directive = false; 
+ 		     }
+ 		kc::unparse(cs, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_check_enum: {
+ 	    view_check_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_check_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 		default_unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view );
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_foreach_after_ForeachAfter::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	case view_make_patternreps_enum: {
+ 	    view_make_patternreps_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_make_patternreps_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const Ctext ct = this->Ctext_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(ct, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_initializephyla_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_initializephyla_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_initializephyla_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const Ctext ct = this->Ctext_1;
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("{\n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		if(g_options.linedirec) 
+ 		{
+ 		    kc::unparse(pg_line, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    kc::unparse(ct->line, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t(" \""), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    PRINT(g_options.dir_line.c_str()); 
+ 		    kc::unparse(ct->file, kc_printer, view_filename);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("\"\n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		}
+ 		kc::unparse(ct, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		kc::unparse(g_emptystring, kc_printer, view_printer_outputfileline);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("}\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_check_enum: {
+ 	    view_check_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_check_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const patternchain mp = this->patternchain_1;
+ 		const idCexpressions ide = this->idCexpressions_1;
+ 		const Ctext ct = this->Ctext_1;
+ 		phylumnames tmp = f_phylumnames_foreachwith_listvars( ide );
+ 		phylumnamesstack.push( tmp );
+ 		kc::unparse(ct, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		phylumnamesstack.pop();
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 		default_unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view );
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_foreach_after_NoForeachAfter::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	case view_make_patternreps_enum: {
+ 	    view_make_patternreps_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_make_patternreps_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_initializephyla_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_initializephyla_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_initializephyla_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_check_enum: {
+ 	    view_check_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_check_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_contextinfo_NotInForeachContext::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_contextinfo_InForeachContext::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 		default_unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view );
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_withexpressions::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     if(is_nil())
+ 	nil_do_unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view_base);
+     else
+ 	switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	case view_gen_initializephyla_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_initializephyla_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_initializephyla_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const withexpression h = this->withexpression_1;
+ 		const withexpressions t = this->withexpressions_1;
+ 		ID selvar = cf_topselvar(); 
+ 		kc::unparse(t, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		g_withexpr_nr++;
+ 		if (h->line) 
+ 		{
+ 		    if(g_options.linedirec) 
+ 		    {
+ 			kc::unparse(pg_line, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 			kc::unparse(h->line, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t(" \""), kc_current_view); }
+ 			PRINT(g_options.dir_line.c_str()); 
+ 			kc::unparse(h->file, kc_printer, view_filename);
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t("\"\n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    }
+ 		}
+ 		assertCond( ! (h->type->eq( f_emptyId())) ); 
+ 		kc::unparse(h->type, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(" "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(selvar, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(g_withexpr_nr, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(" = phylum_cast<"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(h->type, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(">("), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(h, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(");\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_check_enum: {
+ 	    view_check_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_check_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const withexpression h = this->withexpression_1;
+ 		const withexpressions t = this->withexpressions_1;
+ 		ID tmp_type = 0;
+ 		phylumnames tmp_types = 0;
+ 		t->type = phylumnamesstack.top();
+ 		{
+ 		    phylumnames kc_selvar_0_1 = phylum_cast<phylumnames>( t->type );
+ 		    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_Nilphylumnames)) {
+ 			tmp_type = f_emptyId();
+ 			tmp_types = Nilphylumnames();
+ 		    } else
+ 			if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_Consphylumnames)) {
+ 			const ID p_h = (kc_selvar_0_1)->ID_1;
+ 			const phylumnames p_t = (kc_selvar_0_1)->phylumnames_1;
+ 			tmp_type = p_h;
+ 			tmp_types = p_t;
+ 		    } else
+ 			kc_no_default_in_with( "", __LINE__, __FILE__ );
+ 		}
+ 		phylumnamesstack.pop();
+ 		phylumnamesstack.push( tmp_types );
+ 		kc::unparse(t, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		h->type = tmp_type;
+ 		if (tmp_type->eq( f_emptyId())) {
+ 		    v_report(NonFatal( FileLine( h->file, h->line ),
+ 			    Problem1S1we( "could not infer type of with-expression argument:", h )));
+ 		}
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 		for (withexpressions iterator_ = this; iterator_->withexpressions_1 != 0; iterator_ = iterator_->withexpressions_1)
+ 		    iterator_->withexpression_1->unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_withexpressions::nil_do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	case view_gen_initializephyla_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_initializephyla_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_initializephyla_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		g_withexpr_nr = 0; 
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_check_enum: {
+ 	    view_check_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_check_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_withexpression_WECexpression::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	case view_gen_initializephyla_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_initializephyla_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_initializephyla_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const Cexpression cexpr = this->Cexpression_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(cexpr, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_error_enum: {
+ 	    view_error_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_error_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const Cexpression ce = this->Cexpression_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(ce, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 		default_unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view );
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_withexpression_WEVariable::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	case view_gen_initializephyla_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_initializephyla_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_initializephyla_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const ID id = this->ID_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_error_enum: {
+ 	    view_error_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_error_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const ID i = this->ID_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(i, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 		default_unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view );
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_withcases::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     if(is_nil())
+ 	nil_do_unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view_base);
+     else
+ 	switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	case view_make_patternreps_enum: {
+ 	    view_make_patternreps_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_make_patternreps_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const withcase wc = this->withcase_1;
+ 		const withcases r_wcs = this->withcases_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(wc, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		kc::unparse(r_wcs, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		this->wcinfo = r_wcs->wcinfo;
+ 		{
+ 		    withcasesinfo kc_fe_selvar_1 =  wc->wcinfo ;
+ 		    while(
+ 			    kc_fe_selvar_1->prod_sel() == sel_Conswithcasesinfo
+ 			) {
+ 			withcaseinfo kc_selvar_0_1 = kc_fe_selvar_1->withcaseinfo_1;
+ 			{
+ 			    {
+ 				{
+ 				    const withcaseinfo wci = kc_selvar_0_1;
+ 				    this->wcinfo = insertin_withcasesinfo( wci, this->wcinfo );
+ 				}
+ 			    }
+ 			}
+ 			kc_fe_selvar_1 = kc_fe_selvar_1->withcasesinfo_1;
+ 		    }
+ 		}
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_set_type_enum: {
+ 	    view_set_type_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_set_type_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const withcase wc = this->withcase_1;
+ 		const withcases wcs = this->withcases_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(wcs, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		kc::unparse(wc, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_check_enum: {
+ 	    view_check_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_check_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const withcase wc = this->withcase_1;
+ 		const withcases wcs = this->withcases_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(wcs, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		kc::unparse(wc, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 		for (withcases iterator_ = this; iterator_->withcases_1 != 0; iterator_ = iterator_->withcases_1)
+ 		    iterator_->withcase_1->unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_withcases::nil_do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	case view_make_patternreps_enum: {
+ 	    view_make_patternreps_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_make_patternreps_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		this->wcinfo = Nilwithcasesinfo(); 
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_set_type_enum: {
+ 	    view_set_type_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_set_type_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_check_enum: {
+ 	    view_check_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_check_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_withcase_Withcase::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	case view_make_patternreps_enum: {
+ 	    view_make_patternreps_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_make_patternreps_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const patternchains mp = this->patternchains_1;
+ 		const Ctext ct = this->Ctext_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(ct, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		v_resetbindingidmarks();
+ 		this->wcinfo = f_withcasesinfo( add_predicates_to_patternrepresentations(
+ 			syn_patternchains( mp ) ), ct );
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_set_type_enum: {
+ 	    view_set_type_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_set_type_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const patternchains mp = this->patternchains_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(mp, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_check_enum: {
+ 	    view_check_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_check_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const patternchains mp = this->patternchains_1;
+ 		const Ctext ct = this->Ctext_1;
+ 		outmostoperators.push( Niloperators() );
+ 		variablesstack.push( Nilvariables());
+ 		cl_scope++;
+ 		kc::unparse(mp, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		kc::unparse(ct, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		outmostoperators.top()->freelist();
+ 		outmostoperators.pop();
+ 		v_reset_variables_type( variablesstack.top() );
+ 		cl_scope--;
+ 		variablesstack.top()->freelist();
+ 		variablesstack.pop();
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 		default_unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view );
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_unparsedeclarations::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     if(is_nil())
+ 	nil_do_unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view_base);
+     else
+ 	switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	case view_checklanguagenames_enum: {
+ 	    view_checklanguagenames_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_checklanguagenames_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const unparsedeclaration ud = this->unparsedeclaration_1;
+ 		const unparsedeclarations uds = this->unparsedeclarations_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(uds, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		kc::unparse(ud, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_check_viewnames_enum: {
+ 	    view_check_viewnames_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_check_viewnames_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const unparsedeclaration ud = this->unparsedeclaration_1;
+ 		const unparsedeclarations uds = this->unparsedeclarations_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(uds, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		kc::unparse(ud, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_check_enum: {
+ 	    view_check_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_check_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const unparsedeclaration ud = this->unparsedeclaration_1;
+ 		const unparsedeclarations uds = this->unparsedeclarations_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(uds, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		kc::unparse(ud, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 		for (unparsedeclarations iterator_ = this; iterator_->unparsedeclarations_1 != 0; iterator_ = iterator_->unparsedeclarations_1)
+ 		    iterator_->unparsedeclaration_1->unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_unparsedeclarations::nil_do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	case view_checklanguagenames_enum: {
+ 	    view_checklanguagenames_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_checklanguagenames_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_check_viewnames_enum: {
+ 	    view_check_viewnames_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_check_viewnames_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_check_enum: {
+ 	    view_check_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_check_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_unparsedeclaration_UnparseDeclaration::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	case view_checklanguagenames_enum: {
+ 	    view_checklanguagenames_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_checklanguagenames_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const unparseclauses uc = this->unparseclauses_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(uc, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_make_patternreps_enum: {
+ 	    view_make_patternreps_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_make_patternreps_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const outmostpatterns op = this->outmostpatterns_1;
+ 		const unparseclauses uc = this->unparseclauses_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(uc, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		v_resetbindingidmarks();
+ 		this->patternreps = syn_outmostpatterns( op );
+ 		this->patternreps = add_predicates_to_patternrepresentations(this->patternreps);
+ 		v_add_unparsedeclsinfo_to_operator( this->patternreps, uc );
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_check_viewnames_enum: {
+ 	    view_check_viewnames_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_check_viewnames_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const unparseclauses uc = this->unparseclauses_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(uc, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_check_enum: {
+ 	    view_check_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_check_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const outmostpatterns op = this->outmostpatterns_1;
+ 		const unparseclauses uc = this->unparseclauses_1;
+ 		outmostoperators.push( Niloperators() );
+ 		dollarvarsallowed.push( DVAllowed() );
+ 		phylumstack.push( f_emptyId() );
+ 		variablesstack.push( Nilvariables());
+ 		cl_scope++;
+ 		kc::unparse(op, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		kc::unparse(uc, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		outmostoperators.top()->freelist();
+ 		outmostoperators.pop();
+ 		dollarvarsallowed.pop();
+ 		phylumstack.pop();
+ 		v_reset_variables_type( variablesstack.top() );
+ 		cl_scope--;
+ 		variablesstack.top()->freelist();
+ 		variablesstack.pop();
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 		default_unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view );
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_unparseclauses::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     if(is_nil())
+ 	nil_do_unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view_base);
+     else
+ 	switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	case view_checklanguagenames_enum: {
+ 	    view_checklanguagenames_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_checklanguagenames_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const unparseclause uc = this->unparseclause_1;
+ 		const unparseclauses ucs = this->unparseclauses_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(ucs, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		kc::unparse(uc, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_make_patternreps_enum: {
+ 	    view_make_patternreps_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_make_patternreps_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const unparseclause a_uc = this->unparseclause_1;
+ 		const unparseclauses r_uc = this->unparseclauses_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(r_uc, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		kc::unparse(a_uc, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_check_viewnames_enum: {
+ 	    view_check_viewnames_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_check_viewnames_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const unparseclause uc = this->unparseclause_1;
+ 		const unparseclauses ucs = this->unparseclauses_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(ucs, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		kc::unparse(uc, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_check_enum: {
+ 	    view_check_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_check_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const unparseclause uc = this->unparseclause_1;
+ 		const unparseclauses ucs = this->unparseclauses_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(ucs, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		kc::unparse(uc, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 		for (unparseclauses iterator_ = this; iterator_->unparseclauses_1 != 0; iterator_ = iterator_->unparseclauses_1)
+ 		    iterator_->unparseclause_1->unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_unparseclauses::nil_do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	case view_checklanguagenames_enum: {
+ 	    view_checklanguagenames_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_checklanguagenames_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_make_patternreps_enum: {
+ 	    view_make_patternreps_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_make_patternreps_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_check_viewnames_enum: {
+ 	    view_check_viewnames_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_check_viewnames_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_check_enum: {
+ 	    view_check_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_check_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_unparseclause_UnparseClause::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	case view_checklanguagenames_enum: {
+ 	    view_checklanguagenames_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_checklanguagenames_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const unparseitems ui = this->unparseitems_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(ui, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_unparsedefs_other_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_unparsedefs_other_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_unparsedefs_other_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const unparseitems ui = this->unparseitems_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(ui, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const unparseitems ui = this->unparseitems_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(ui, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_make_patternreps_enum: {
+ 	    view_make_patternreps_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_make_patternreps_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const unparseitems u_i = this->unparseitems_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(u_i, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_check_viewnames_enum: {
+ 	    view_check_viewnames_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_check_viewnames_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const unparseitems ui = this->unparseitems_1;
+ 		The_current_unparseitems=ui; 
+ 		kc::unparse(ui, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		The_current_unparseitems=NULL; 
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_check_enum: {
+ 	    view_check_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_check_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const viewnames vn = this->viewnames_1;
+ 		const unparseitems ui = this->unparseitems_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(vn, kc_printer, view_check_u);
+ 		kc::unparse(ui, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 		default_unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view );
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_viewnames::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     if(is_nil())
+ 	nil_do_unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view_base);
+     else
+ 	switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	case view_rview_class_def_enum: {
+ 	    view_rview_class_def_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_rview_class_def_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const viewnames node = this/**/;
+ 		const ID vn = this->ID_1;
+ 		const viewnames r_vn = this->viewnames_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(r_vn, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		if(!node->is_extern) 
+ 		{
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("struct "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    if(g_options.dllexports!="") {
+ 			PRINT(g_options.dllexports.c_str());
+ 			PRINT(" ");
+ 		    } 
+ 		    kc::unparse(vn, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("_class: rview_class {\
+ \n	"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    kc::unparse(vn, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("_class():rview_class("), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    kc::unparse(vn, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("_enum){}\
+ \n};\
+ \nextern "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    kc::unparse(vn, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("_class "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    kc::unparse(vn, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t(";\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		}
+ 		else 
+ 		{
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("class "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    if(g_options.dllexports!="") {
+ 			PRINT(g_options.dllexports.c_str());
+ 			PRINT(" ");
+ 		    } 
+ 		    kc::unparse(vn, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("_baseclass: public rview_class {\
+ \n\rprotected:\v\
+ \n	"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    kc::unparse(vn, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("_baseclass():rview_class("), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    kc::unparse(vn, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("_enum){}\
+ \n};\
+ \n// class "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    kc::unparse(vn, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("_class is defined externally\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		}
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_uview_class_def_enum: {
+ 	    view_uview_class_def_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_uview_class_def_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const viewnames node = this/**/;
+ 		const ID vn = this->ID_1;
+ 		const viewnames r_vn = this->viewnames_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(r_vn, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		if(!node->is_extern) 
+ 		{
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("struct "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    if(g_options.dllexports!="") {
+ 			PRINT(g_options.dllexports.c_str());
+ 			PRINT(" ");
+ 		    } 
+ 		    kc::unparse(vn, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("_class: uview_class {\
+ \n	"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    kc::unparse(vn, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("_class():uview_class("), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    kc::unparse(vn, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("_enum){}\
+ \n};\
+ \nextern "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    kc::unparse(vn, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("_class "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    kc::unparse(vn, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t(";\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		}
+ 		else 
+ 		{
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("class "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    if(g_options.dllexports!="") {
+ 			PRINT(g_options.dllexports.c_str());
+ 			PRINT(" ");
+ 		    } 
+ 		    kc::unparse(vn, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("_baseclass: public uview_class {\
+ \n\rprotected:\v\
+ \n	"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    kc::unparse(vn, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("_baseclass():uview_class("), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    kc::unparse(vn, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("_enum){}\
+ \n};\
+ \n// class "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    kc::unparse(vn, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("_class is defined externally\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		}
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_viewvars_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_viewvars_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_viewvars_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    if ((this->viewnames_1->prod_sel() == sel_Nilviewnames)) {
+ 		const viewnames node = this/**/;
+ 		const ID vn = this->ID_1;
+ 		if(!node->is_extern) 
+ 		{
+ 		    kc::unparse(vn, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("_class "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    kc::unparse(vn, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t(";\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		}
+ 	    } else
+ 	    {
+ 		const viewnames node = this/**/;
+ 		const ID vn = this->ID_1;
+ 		const viewnames r_vn = this->viewnames_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(r_vn, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		if(!node->is_extern) 
+ 		{
+ 		    kc::unparse(vn, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("_class "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    kc::unparse(vn, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t(";\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		}
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_unpk_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_unpk_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_unpk_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const viewnames node = this/**/;
+ 		const ID vn = this->ID_1;
+ 		const viewnames r_vn = this->viewnames_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(r_vn, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		if(!node->is_extern) 
+ 		{
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("{\""), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    kc::unparse(vn, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("\",&"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    kc::unparse(vn, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("},\
+ \n	"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		}
+ 		else
+ 		{
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("{\""), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    kc::unparse(vn, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("\", 0},\
+ \n	"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		}
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_uview_def_enum: {
+ 	    view_uview_def_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_uview_def_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const ID vn = this->ID_1;
+ 		const viewnames r_vn = this->viewnames_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(r_vn, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		kc::unparse(vn, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("_enum"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(",\n\t"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_unparsedecls_h_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_unparsedecls_h_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_unparsedecls_h_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    if ((this->viewnames_1->prod_sel() == sel_Nilviewnames)) {
+ 		const ID vn = this->ID_1;
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("\t"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(vn, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    } else
+ 	    {
+ 		const ID vn = this->ID_1;
+ 		const viewnames r_vn = this->viewnames_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(r_vn, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(",\n\t"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(vn, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_rewritek_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_rewritek_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_rewritek_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const viewnames node = this/**/;
+ 		const ID vn = this->ID_1;
+ 		const viewnames r_vn = this->viewnames_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(r_vn, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		if(!node->is_extern) 
+ 		{
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("{\""), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    kc::unparse(vn, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("\",&"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    kc::unparse(vn, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("},\
+ \n	"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		}
+ 		else
+ 		{
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("{\""), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    kc::unparse(vn, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("\", 0},\
+ \n	"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		}
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_rewritek_h_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_rewritek_h_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_rewritek_h_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const ID vn = this->ID_1;
+ 		const viewnames r_vn = this->viewnames_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(r_vn, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		kc::unparse(vn, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("_enum"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(",\n\t"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_check_r_enum: {
+ 	    view_check_r_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_check_r_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const ID vn = this->ID_1;
+ 		const viewnames vns = this->viewnames_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(vns, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		if (pg_rviewshavebeendefined)
+ 		f_useoccurrviewname( vn );
+ 		else
+ 		v_extendoccur_nowarning( vn, ITUserRView() );
+ 		v_add_to_rviewnames( vn );
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_check_u_enum: {
+ 	    view_check_u_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_check_u_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const ID vn = this->ID_1;
+ 		const viewnames vns = this->viewnames_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(vns, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		if (pg_uviewshavebeendefined)
+ 		f_useoccuruviewname( vn );
+ 		else
+ 		v_extendoccur_nowarning( vn, ITUserUView() );
+ 		v_add_to_uviewnames( vn );
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 		for (viewnames iterator_ = this; iterator_->viewnames_1 != 0; iterator_ = iterator_->viewnames_1)
+ 		    iterator_->ID_1->unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_viewnames::nil_do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	case view_gen_viewvars_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_viewvars_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_viewvars_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_unpk_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_unpk_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_unpk_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_uview_def_enum: {
+ 	    view_uview_def_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_uview_def_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_unparsedecls_h_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_unparsedecls_h_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_unparsedecls_h_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_rewritek_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_rewritek_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_rewritek_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_rewritek_h_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_rewritek_h_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_rewritek_h_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_check_r_enum: {
+ 	    view_check_r_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_check_r_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_check_u_enum: {
+ 	    view_check_u_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_check_u_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_unparseitems::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     if(is_nil())
+ 	nil_do_unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view_base);
+     else
+ 	switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	case view_output_collection_enum: {
+ 	    view_output_collection_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_output_collection_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    if ((this->unparseitems_1->prod_sel() == sel_Nilunparseitems)) {
+ 		const unparseitem head = this->unparseitem_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(head, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    } else
+ 	    {
+ 		const unparseitem head = this->unparseitem_1;
+ 		const unparseitems tail = this->unparseitems_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(head, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(" "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(tail, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_checklanguagenames_enum: {
+ 	    view_checklanguagenames_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_checklanguagenames_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const unparseitem ui = this->unparseitem_1;
+ 		const unparseitems uis = this->unparseitems_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(uis, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		kc::unparse(ui, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_unparsedefs_other_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_unparsedefs_other_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_unparsedefs_other_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const unparseitem a_ui = this->unparseitem_1;
+ 		const unparseitems r_ui = this->unparseitems_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(r_ui, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		kc::unparse(a_ui, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const unparseitem a_ui = this->unparseitem_1;
+ 		const unparseitems r_ui = this->unparseitems_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(r_ui, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		kc::unparse(a_ui, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_make_patternreps_enum: {
+ 	    view_make_patternreps_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_make_patternreps_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const unparseitem a_ui = this->unparseitem_1;
+ 		const unparseitems r_ui = this->unparseitems_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(r_ui, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		kc::unparse(a_ui, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_check_viewnames_enum: {
+ 	    view_check_viewnames_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_check_viewnames_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const unparseitem ui = this->unparseitem_1;
+ 		const unparseitems uis = this->unparseitems_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(uis, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		kc::unparse(ui, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_check_enum: {
+ 	    view_check_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_check_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const unparseitem ui = this->unparseitem_1;
+ 		const unparseitems uis = this->unparseitems_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(uis, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		kc::unparse(ui, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 		for (unparseitems iterator_ = this; iterator_->unparseitems_1 != 0; iterator_ = iterator_->unparseitems_1)
+ 		    iterator_->unparseitem_1->unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_unparseitems::nil_do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	case view_output_collection_enum: {
+ 	    view_output_collection_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_output_collection_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("\t\"\""), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_checklanguagenames_enum: {
+ 	    view_checklanguagenames_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_checklanguagenames_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_unparsedefs_other_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_unparsedefs_other_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_unparsedefs_other_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_make_patternreps_enum: {
+ 	    view_make_patternreps_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_make_patternreps_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_check_viewnames_enum: {
+ 	    view_check_viewnames_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_check_viewnames_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_check_enum: {
+ 	    view_check_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_check_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_unparseitem_UViewVarDecl::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	case view_gen_unparsedefs_other_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_unparsedefs_other_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_unparsedefs_other_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    if ((this->Cexpression_1->prod_sel() == sel_NilCexpression)) {
+ 		const ID type = this->ID_1;
+ 		const ID name = this->ID_2;
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("\t"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(type, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("_class "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(name, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(";\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    } else
+ 	    {
+ 		const ID type = this->ID_1;
+ 		const ID name = this->ID_2;
+ 		const Cexpression expr = this->Cexpression_1;
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("\t"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(type, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("_class "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(name, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		kc::unparse(expr, kc_printer, view_gen_initializephyla_c);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(";\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    if ((this->Cexpression_1->prod_sel() == sel_NilCexpression)) {
+ 		const ID type = this->ID_1;
+ 		const ID name = this->ID_2;
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("\t"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(type, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("_class "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(name, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(";\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    } else
+ 	    {
+ 		const ID type = this->ID_1;
+ 		const ID name = this->ID_2;
+ 		const Cexpression expr = this->Cexpression_1;
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("\t"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(type, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("_class "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(name, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		kc::unparse(expr, kc_printer, view_gen_initializephyla_c);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(";\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_check_viewnames_enum: {
+ 	    view_check_viewnames_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_check_viewnames_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const ID vno = this->ID_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(vno, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 		default_unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view );
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_unparseitem_UnpBody::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	case view_checklanguagenames_enum: {
+ 	    view_checklanguagenames_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_checklanguagenames_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    if ((this->languageoption_1->prod_sel() == sel_NoLanguagename)) {
+ 		const unparseitems items = this->unparseitems_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(items, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    } else
+ 		if ((this->languageoption_1->prod_sel() == sel_LanguageList)) {
+ 		const languagenames qual = phylum_cast<const impl_languageoption_LanguageList*>(this->languageoption_1)->languagenames_1;
+ 		const unparseitems items = this->unparseitems_1;
+ 		f_useoccurlanguagename(qual); 
+ 		kc::unparse(items, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    } else
+ 		    goto kc_unparsing_default;
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_unparsedefs_other_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_unparsedefs_other_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_unparsedefs_other_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const languageoption lang = this->languageoption_1;
+ 		const unparseitems a_unparseitems = this->unparseitems_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(lang, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("{\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(a_unparseitems, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(" }\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const languageoption lang = this->languageoption_1;
+ 		const unparseitems a_unparseitems = this->unparseitems_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(lang, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("{\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(a_unparseitems, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(" }\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_make_patternreps_enum: {
+ 	    view_make_patternreps_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_make_patternreps_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const unparseitems ui = this->unparseitems_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(ui, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_check_enum: {
+ 	    view_check_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_check_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const unparseitems ui = this->unparseitems_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(ui, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	default:
+ 	kc_unparsing_default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 		default_unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view );
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_unparseitem_UnpCtext::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	case view_checklanguagenames_enum: {
+ 	    view_checklanguagenames_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_checklanguagenames_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    if ((this->languageoption_1->prod_sel() == sel_NoLanguagename)) {
+ 	    } else
+ 		if ((this->languageoption_1->prod_sel() == sel_LanguageList)) {
+ 		const languagenames qual = phylum_cast<const impl_languageoption_LanguageList*>(this->languageoption_1)->languagenames_1;
+ 		f_useoccurlanguagename(qual); 
+ 			} else
+ 		    goto kc_unparsing_default;
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_unparsedefs_other_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_unparsedefs_other_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_unparsedefs_other_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const languageoption lang = this->languageoption_1;
+ 		const Ctext ct = this->Ctext_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(lang, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		if(lang->prod_sel()==sel_LanguageList) 
+ 		{
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("{\n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		}
+ 		if(g_options.linedirec) 
+ 		{
+ 		    kc::unparse(pg_line, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    kc::unparse(ct->line, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t(" \""), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    PRINT(g_options.dir_line.c_str()); 
+ 		    kc::unparse(ct->file, kc_printer, view_filename);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("\"\n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		}
+ 		kc::unparse(ct, kc_printer, view_gen_initializephyla_c);
+ 		kc::unparse(g_emptystring, kc_printer, view_printer_outputfileline);
+ 		if(lang->prod_sel()==sel_LanguageList) 
+ 		{
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("}\n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		}
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const languageoption lang = this->languageoption_1;
+ 		const Ctext ct = this->Ctext_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(lang, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		if(lang->prod_sel()==sel_LanguageList) 
+ 		{
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("{\n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		}
+ 		if(g_options.linedirec) 
+ 		{
+ 		    kc::unparse(pg_line, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    kc::unparse(ct->line, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t(" \""), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    PRINT(g_options.dir_line.c_str()); 
+ 		    kc::unparse(ct->file, kc_printer, view_filename);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("\"\n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		}
+ 		kc::unparse(ct, kc_printer, view_gen_initializephyla_c);
+ 		kc::unparse(g_emptystring, kc_printer, view_printer_outputfileline);
+ 		if(lang->prod_sel()==sel_LanguageList) 
+ 		{
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("}\n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		}
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_make_patternreps_enum: {
+ 	    view_make_patternreps_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_make_patternreps_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const Ctext ct = this->Ctext_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(ct, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_check_enum: {
+ 	    view_check_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_check_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const Ctext ct = this->Ctext_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(ct, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	default:
+ 	kc_unparsing_default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 		default_unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view );
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_unparseitem_UnpSubexpr::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	case view_checklanguagenames_enum: {
+ 	    view_checklanguagenames_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_checklanguagenames_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    if ((this->languageoption_1->prod_sel() == sel_NoLanguagename)) {
+ 	    } else
+ 		if ((this->languageoption_1->prod_sel() == sel_LanguageList)) {
+ 		const languagenames qual = phylum_cast<const impl_languageoption_LanguageList*>(this->languageoption_1)->languagenames_1;
+ 		f_useoccurlanguagename(qual); 
+ 			} else
+ 		    goto kc_unparsing_default;
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_unparsedefs_other_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_unparsedefs_other_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_unparsedefs_other_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const languageoption lang = this->languageoption_1;
+ 		const unpsubterm sub = this->unpsubterm_1;
+ 		const viewnameoption a_vnameopt = this->viewnameoption_1;
+ 		ID phy = f_typeofunpsubterm( sub, operatorstack.top() ); 
+ 		kc::unparse(lang, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("kc::unparse("), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(sub, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(", kc_printer, "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(a_vnameopt, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(");\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const languageoption lang = this->languageoption_1;
+ 		const unpsubterm sub = this->unpsubterm_1;
+ 		const viewnameoption a_vnameopt = this->viewnameoption_1;
+ 		ID phy = f_typeofunpsubterm( sub, operatorstack.top() ); 
+ 		kc::unparse(lang, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("kc::unparse("), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(sub, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(", kc_printer, "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(a_vnameopt, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(");\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_check_viewnames_enum: {
+ 	    view_check_viewnames_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_check_viewnames_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const viewnameoption vno = this->viewnameoption_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(vno, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_check_enum: {
+ 	    view_check_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_check_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const unpsubterm us = this->unpsubterm_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(us, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	default:
+ 	kc_unparsing_default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 		default_unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view );
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_unparseitem_UnpStr::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	case view_collect_strings_enum: {
+ 	    view_collect_strings_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_collect_strings_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		add_string_to_collection(this); 
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_output_collection_enum: {
+ 	    view_output_collection_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_output_collection_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const CexpressionDQ expr = this->CexpressionDQ_1;
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("\t\""), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(expr, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("\""), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_checklanguagenames_enum: {
+ 	    view_checklanguagenames_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_checklanguagenames_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    if ((this->languageoption_1->prod_sel() == sel_NoLanguagename)) {
+ 	    } else
+ 		if ((this->languageoption_1->prod_sel() == sel_LanguageList)) {
+ 		const languagenames qual = phylum_cast<const impl_languageoption_LanguageList*>(this->languageoption_1)->languagenames_1;
+ 		f_useoccurlanguagename(qual); 
+ 			} else
+ 		    goto kc_unparsing_default;
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_unparsedefs_other_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_unparsedefs_other_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_unparsedefs_other_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const CexpressionDQ a_CexpressionDQ = this->CexpressionDQ_1;
+ 		const viewnameoption a_vnameopt = this->viewnameoption_1;
+ 		ug_viewnameopt = a_vnameopt; 
+ 		 if(pg_languageshavebeendefined) 
+ 		{
+ 		    static char buf[10];
+ 		    static long last_nr=-1;
+ 		    sprintf(buf,"%d",this->text_nr);
+ 		    if(last_nr!=this->text_nr) 
+ 		    {
+ 			last_nr=this->text_nr;  
+ 				{ kc_printer(kc_t("       { kc_printer(LANG_TEXT("), kc_current_view); }
+ 			kc_printer( buf, base_uview ); 
+ 				{ kc_printer(kc_t("), "), kc_current_view); }
+ 			kc::unparse(a_vnameopt, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t("); }\n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    }
+ 		}
+ 		else 
+ 		{
+ 		    kc_printer( "", view_no_of_printed_string_chars_reset ); 
+ 		    	{ kc_printer(kc_t("	{ kc_printer(kc_t(\""), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    kc::unparse(a_CexpressionDQ, kc_printer, view_gen_unpstr_c);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("\"), "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    kc::unparse(a_vnameopt, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("); }\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		}
+ 		ug_viewnameopt = 0; 
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const CexpressionDQ a_CexpressionDQ = this->CexpressionDQ_1;
+ 		const viewnameoption a_vnameopt = this->viewnameoption_1;
+ 		ug_viewnameopt = a_vnameopt; 
+ 		 if(pg_languageshavebeendefined) 
+ 		{
+ 		    static char buf[10];
+ 		    static long last_nr=-1;
+ 		    sprintf(buf,"%d",this->text_nr);
+ 		    if(last_nr!=this->text_nr) 
+ 		    {
+ 			last_nr=this->text_nr;  
+ 				{ kc_printer(kc_t("       { kc_printer(LANG_TEXT("), kc_current_view); }
+ 			kc_printer( buf, base_uview ); 
+ 				{ kc_printer(kc_t("), "), kc_current_view); }
+ 			kc::unparse(a_vnameopt, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t("); }\n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    }
+ 		}
+ 		else 
+ 		{
+ 		    kc_printer( "", view_no_of_printed_string_chars_reset ); 
+ 		    	{ kc_printer(kc_t("	{ kc_printer(kc_t(\""), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    kc::unparse(a_CexpressionDQ, kc_printer, view_gen_unpstr_c);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("\"), "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    kc::unparse(a_vnameopt, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("); }\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		}
+ 		ug_viewnameopt = 0; 
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_check_viewnames_enum: {
+ 	    view_check_viewnames_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_check_viewnames_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const viewnameoption vno = this->viewnameoption_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(vno, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_check_enum: {
+ 	    view_check_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_check_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	default:
+ 	kc_unparsing_default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 		default_unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view );
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_unpsubterm_UnpCastedVariable::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	case view_gen_unparsedefs_other_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_unparsedefs_other_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_unparsedefs_other_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const ID a_id = this->ID_2;
+ 		kc::unparse(a_id, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const ID a_id = this->ID_2;
+ 		kc::unparse(a_id, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_check_enum: {
+ 	    view_check_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_check_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 		default_unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view );
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_unpsubterm_UnpDollarvarAttr::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	case view_gen_unparsedefs_other_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_unparsedefs_other_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_unparsedefs_other_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const unpattributes a_unpattributes = this->unpattributes_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(this, kc_printer, view_gen_initializephyla_c);
+ 		kc::unparse(a_unpattributes, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const unpattributes a_unpattributes = this->unpattributes_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(this, kc_printer, view_gen_initializephyla_c);
+ 		kc::unparse(a_unpattributes, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_initializephyla_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_initializephyla_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_initializephyla_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const INT i = this->INT_1;
+ 		ID oid = f_emptyId(), dollarvar = dollarvarstack.top(), dollarvarext = dollarvarextstack.top();
+ 		argument arg;
+ 		bool nulvar = true;
+ 		{
+ 		    INT kc_selvar_0_1 = phylum_cast<INT>( i );
+ 		    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_Int)) {
+ 			const integer ii = phylum_cast<const impl_INT_Int*>(kc_selvar_0_1)->integer_1;
+ 			if (ii->value != 0) {
+ 			    nulvar = false;
+ 			    oid = operatorstack.top();
+ 			    arg = f_argumentofoperator( oid, i );
+ 			}   
+ 				} else
+ 			kc_no_default_in_with( "", __LINE__, __FILE__ );
+ 		}
+ 		if (nulvar) 
+ 		{
+ 		    kc::unparse(dollarvar, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    kc::unparse(dollarvarext, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		}
+ 		else 
+ 		{
+ 		    kc::unparse(dollarvar, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    kc::unparse(dollarvarext, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("->"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    kc::unparse(arg, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    arg->free( false );  
+ 		     }
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_check_enum: {
+ 	    view_check_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_check_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const INT i = this->INT_1;
+ 		const unpattributes unp_a = this->unpattributes_1;
+ 		v_check_dollarvar_attribute_in_operators( i, unp_a, outmostoperators.top() ); 
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 		default_unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view );
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_unpsubterm_UnpSubAttr::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	case view_gen_unparsedefs_other_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_unparsedefs_other_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_unparsedefs_other_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const ID st = this->ID_1;
+ 		const unpattributes a_unpattributes = this->unpattributes_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(st, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		kc::unparse(a_unpattributes, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const ID st = this->ID_1;
+ 		const unpattributes a_unpattributes = this->unpattributes_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(st, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		kc::unparse(a_unpattributes, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_check_enum: {
+ 	    view_check_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_check_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const ID v_id = this->ID_1;
+ 		const unpattributes unp_a = this->unpattributes_1;
+ 		ID p_id;
+ 		if (f_useoccurpatternvariable( v_id ) && (p_id = f_phylumofpatternvariable( v_id)))
+ 		f_check_unpattributes_in_phylum( unp_a, p_id );
+ 		v_syn_type_attribute_ID( v_id );
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 		default_unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view );
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_unpsubterm_UnpDollarvarTerm::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	case view_gen_unparsedefs_other_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_unparsedefs_other_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_unparsedefs_other_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		kc::unparse(this, kc_printer, view_gen_initializephyla_c);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		kc::unparse(this, kc_printer, view_gen_initializephyla_c);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_initializephyla_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_initializephyla_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_initializephyla_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const INT i = this->INT_1;
+ 		ID oid = f_emptyId(), dollarvar = dollarvarstack.top(), dollarvarext = dollarvarextstack.top();
+ 		argument arg;
+ 		bool nulvar = true;
+ 		{
+ 		    INT kc_selvar_0_1 = phylum_cast<INT>( i );
+ 		    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_Int)) {
+ 			const integer ii = phylum_cast<const impl_INT_Int*>(kc_selvar_0_1)->integer_1;
+ 			if (ii->value != 0) {
+ 			    nulvar = false;
+ 			    oid = operatorstack.top();
+ 			    arg = f_argumentofoperator( oid, i );
+ 			}   
+ 				} else
+ 			kc_no_default_in_with( "", __LINE__, __FILE__ );
+ 		}
+ 		if (nulvar) 
+ 		{
+ 		    kc::unparse(dollarvar, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    kc::unparse(dollarvarext, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		}
+ 		else 
+ 		{
+ 		    kc::unparse(dollarvar, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    kc::unparse(dollarvarext, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("->"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    kc::unparse(arg, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    arg->free( false );  
+ 		     }
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_check_enum: {
+ 	    view_check_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_check_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const INT i = this->INT_1;
+ 		v_check_dollarvar_attribute_in_operators( i, Nilunpattributes(),
+ 		    outmostoperators.top() );
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 		default_unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view );
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_unpsubterm_UnpSubTerm::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	case view_gen_unparsedefs_other_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_unparsedefs_other_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_unparsedefs_other_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const ID st = this->ID_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(st, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const ID st = this->ID_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(st, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_check_enum: {
+ 	    view_check_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_check_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const ID id = this->ID_1;
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 		default_unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view );
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_unpattributes::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     if(is_nil())
+ 	nil_do_unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view_base);
+     else
+ 	switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	case view_gen_unparsedefs_other_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_unparsedefs_other_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_unparsedefs_other_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const ID a_attr = this->ID_1;
+ 		const unpattributes r_attr = this->unpattributes_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(r_attr, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("->"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(a_attr, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const ID a_attr = this->ID_1;
+ 		const unpattributes r_attr = this->unpattributes_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(r_attr, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("->"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(a_attr, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 		for (unpattributes iterator_ = this; iterator_->unpattributes_1 != 0; iterator_ = iterator_->unpattributes_1)
+ 		    iterator_->ID_1->unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_unpattributes::nil_do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	case view_gen_unparsedefs_other_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_unparsedefs_other_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_unparsedefs_other_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_viewnameoption_YesViewname::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	case view_gen_unparsedefs_other_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_unparsedefs_other_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_unparsedefs_other_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const ID v = this->ID_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(v, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const ID v = this->ID_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(v, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_check_viewnames_enum: {
+ 	    view_check_viewnames_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_check_viewnames_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const ID vn = this->ID_1;
+ 		if(!is_uview_var(vn)) f_useoccuruviewname( vn ); 
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 		default_unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view );
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_viewnameoption_NoViewname::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	case view_gen_unparsedefs_other_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_unparsedefs_other_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_unparsedefs_other_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("kc_current_view"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("kc_current_view"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_check_viewnames_enum: {
+ 	    view_check_viewnames_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_check_viewnames_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_languageoption_LanguageList::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	case view_gen_unparsedefs_other_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_unparsedefs_other_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_unparsedefs_other_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const languagenames langs = this->languagenames_1;
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("if("), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(langs, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(")\n    "), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const languagenames langs = this->languagenames_1;
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("if("), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(langs, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(")\n    "), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 		default_unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view );
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_languageoption_NoLanguagename::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	case view_gen_unparsedefs_other_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_unparsedefs_other_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_unparsedefs_other_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_languagenames::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     if(is_nil())
+ 	nil_do_unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view_base);
+     else
+ 	switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	case view_gen_unparsedefs_other_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_unparsedefs_other_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_unparsedefs_other_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    if ((this->languagenames_1->prod_sel() == sel_Nillanguagenames)) {
+ 		const ID id = this->ID_1;
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("is_language("), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, base_uview);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(")"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    } else
+ 	    {
+ 		const ID id = this->ID_1;
+ 		const languagenames tail = this->languagenames_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(tail, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(" || is_language("), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, base_uview);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(")"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    if ((this->languagenames_1->prod_sel() == sel_Nillanguagenames)) {
+ 		const ID id = this->ID_1;
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("is_language("), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, base_uview);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(")"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    } else
+ 	    {
+ 		const ID id = this->ID_1;
+ 		const languagenames tail = this->languagenames_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(tail, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(" || is_language("), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, base_uview);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(")"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_unparsedecls_h_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_unparsedecls_h_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_unparsedecls_h_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    if ((this->languagenames_1->prod_sel() == sel_Nillanguagenames)) {
+ 		const ID id = this->ID_1;
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("extern char* kc_language_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("[];\n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    } else
+ 	    {
+ 		const ID id = this->ID_1;
+ 		const languagenames tail = this->languagenames_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(tail, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("extern char* kc_language_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("[];\n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 		for (languagenames iterator_ = this; iterator_->languagenames_1 != 0; iterator_ = iterator_->languagenames_1)
+ 		    iterator_->ID_1->unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_languagenames::nil_do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_fileline_PosNoFileLine::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	case view_error_enum: {
+ 	    view_error_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_error_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		if (pg_lineno != 0) 
+ 		{
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t(" at "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    if (strcmp(pg_filename->name, "") != 0) 
+ 		    {
+ 			kc::unparse(pg_filename, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    }
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t(":"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    kc::unparse(pg_lineno, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t(" col:"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    kc::unparse(pg_column, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		}
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_error_format_enum: {
+ 	    view_error_format_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_error_format_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		if (pg_lineno != 0) {
+ 		    if (strcmp(pg_filename->name, "") != 0) {
+ 			kc_current_view.file(pg_filename->name);
+ 		    }
+ 		    kc_current_view.line(pg_lineno);
+ 		    kc_current_view.column(pg_column);
+ 		} 
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_fileline_NoFileLine::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	case view_error_enum: {
+ 	    view_error_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_error_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		if (pg_lineno != 0) 
+ 		{
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t(" at "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    if (strcmp(pg_filename->name, "") != 0) 
+ 		    {
+ 			kc::unparse(pg_filename, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    }
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t(":"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    kc::unparse(pg_lineno, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		}
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_error_format_enum: {
+ 	    view_error_format_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_error_format_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		if (pg_lineno != 0) {
+ 		    if (strcmp(pg_filename->name, "") != 0) {
+ 			kc_current_view.file(pg_filename->name);
+ 		    }
+ 		    kc_current_view.line(pg_lineno);
+ 		} 
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_fileline_FileLine::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	case view_error_enum: {
+ 	    view_error_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_error_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		if (line != 0) 
+ 		{
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t(" at "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    if (strcmp(file->name, "") != 0) 
+ 		    {
+ 			kc::unparse(file, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    }
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t(":"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    kc::unparse(line, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		}
+ 		else  if (pg_lineno != 0) 
+ 		{
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t(" at "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    if (strcmp(pg_filename->name, "") != 0) 
+ 		    {
+ 			kc::unparse(pg_filename, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    }
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t(":"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    kc::unparse(pg_lineno, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		}
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_error_format_enum: {
+ 	    view_error_format_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_error_format_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		if (line != 0) {
+ 		    if (strcmp(file->name, "") != 0) {
+ 			kc_current_view.file(file->name);
+ 		    }
+ 		    kc_current_view.line(line);
+ 		} else  if (pg_lineno != 0) {
+ 		    if (strcmp(pg_filename->name, "") != 0) {
+ 			kc_current_view.file(pg_filename->name);
+ 		    }
+ 		    kc_current_view.line(pg_lineno);
+ 		} 
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_scopetypefilelinestack::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     if(is_nil())
+ 	nil_do_unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view_base);
+     else
+ 	switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 		for (scopetypefilelinestack iterator_ = this; iterator_->scopetypefilelinestack_1 != 0; iterator_ = iterator_->scopetypefilelinestack_1)
+ 		    iterator_->scopetypefileline_1->unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_scopetypefilelinestack::nil_do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_scopetypefileline_ScopeTypeFileLine::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 		default_unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view );
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_IDtype_ITLanguageName::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 		default_unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view );
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_IDtype_ITPatternVariable::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	case view_error_tID_enum: {
+ 	    view_error_tID_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_error_tID_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("(it's a "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(this, kc_printer, view_error);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(")"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_error_enum: {
+ 	    view_error_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_error_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("pattern variable"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 		default_unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view );
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_IDtype_ITUserFunction::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	case view_error_tID_enum: {
+ 	    view_error_tID_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_error_tID_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("(it's a "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(this, kc_printer, view_error);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(")"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_error_enum: {
+ 	    view_error_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_error_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("function"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 		default_unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view );
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_IDtype_ITUserRView::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	case view_error_tID_enum: {
+ 	    view_error_tID_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_error_tID_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("(it's a "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(this, kc_printer, view_error);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(")"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_error_enum: {
+ 	    view_error_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_error_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("rewrite view"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_IDtype_ITPredefinedRView::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	case view_error_tID_enum: {
+ 	    view_error_tID_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_error_tID_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("(it's a "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(this, kc_printer, view_error);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(")"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_error_enum: {
+ 	    view_error_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_error_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("predefined rewrite view"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_IDtype_ITUViewVar::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_IDtype_ITUserUView::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	case view_error_tID_enum: {
+ 	    view_error_tID_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_error_tID_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("(it's a "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(this, kc_printer, view_error);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(")"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_error_enum: {
+ 	    view_error_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_error_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("unparse view"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_IDtype_ITPredefinedUView::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	case view_error_tID_enum: {
+ 	    view_error_tID_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_error_tID_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("(it's a "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(this, kc_printer, view_error);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(")"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_error_enum: {
+ 	    view_error_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_error_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("predefined unparse view"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_IDtype_ITStorageClass::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	case view_error_tID_enum: {
+ 	    view_error_tID_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_error_tID_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("(it's a "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(this, kc_printer, view_error);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(")"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_error_enum: {
+ 	    view_error_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_error_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("storageclass"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_IDtype_ITPredefinedStorageClass::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	case view_error_tID_enum: {
+ 	    view_error_tID_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_error_tID_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("(it's a "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(this, kc_printer, view_error);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(")"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_error_enum: {
+ 	    view_error_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_error_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("predefined storageclass"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_IDtype_ITUserOperator::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	case view_error_tID_enum: {
+ 	    view_error_tID_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_error_tID_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("(it's an "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(this, kc_printer, view_error);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(")"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_error_enum: {
+ 	    view_error_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_error_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("operator"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 		default_unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view );
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_IDtype_ITPredefinedOperator::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	case view_error_tID_enum: {
+ 	    view_error_tID_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_error_tID_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("(it's a "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(this, kc_printer, view_error);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(")"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_error_enum: {
+ 	    view_error_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_error_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("predefined operator"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 		default_unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view );
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_IDtype_ITUserPhylum::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	case view_error_tID_enum: {
+ 	    view_error_tID_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_error_tID_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("(it's a "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(this, kc_printer, view_error);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(")"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_error_enum: {
+ 	    view_error_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_error_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("phylum"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 		default_unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view );
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_IDtype_ITPredefinedPhylum::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	case view_error_tID_enum: {
+ 	    view_error_tID_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_error_tID_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("(it's a "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(this, kc_printer, view_error);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(")"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_error_enum: {
+ 	    view_error_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_error_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("predefined phylum"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 		default_unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view );
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_IDtype_ITUnknown::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	case view_error_tID_enum: {
+ 	    view_error_tID_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_error_tID_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_error_enum: {
+ 	    view_error_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_error_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_operators::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     if(is_nil())
+ 	nil_do_unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view_base);
+     else
+ 	switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 		for (operators iterator_ = this; iterator_->operators_1 != 0; iterator_ = iterator_->operators_1)
+ 		    iterator_->ID_1->unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_operators::nil_do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_phyla::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     if(is_nil())
+ 	nil_do_unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view_base);
+     else
+ 	switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	case view_gen_printdotedges_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_printdotedges_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_printdotedges_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const ID a_phy = this->ID_1;
+ 		const phyla r_phy = this->phyla_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(r_phy, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("	case phylum_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(a_phy, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(": {\
+ \n	    kc_do_printdot_id_of__"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(a_phy, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("(kc_f, kc_p->ptr_to.yt_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(a_phy, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(", use_context_when_sharing_leaves, kc_p->ptr_from.yt_voidptr, kc_p->son_nr);\
+ \n	break; }\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_printdotdefs_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_printdotdefs_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_printdotdefs_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const ID a_phy = this->ID_1;
+ 		const phyla r_phy = this->phyla_1;
+ 		assertionFailed("Not used anymore"); 
+ 		kc::unparse(r_phy, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("    assertReason(kc_phy != phylum_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(a_phy, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(", \"kc_do_printdot_phylum called with phylum_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(a_phy, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(" argument\");\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 		for (phyla iterator_ = this; iterator_->phyla_1 != 0; iterator_ = iterator_->phyla_1)
+ 		    iterator_->ID_1->unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_phyla::nil_do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	case view_gen_printdotedges_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_printdotedges_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_printdotedges_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_printdotdefs_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_printdotdefs_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_printdotdefs_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_variables::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     if(is_nil())
+ 	nil_do_unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view_base);
+     else
+ 	switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 		for (variables iterator_ = this; iterator_->variables_1 != 0; iterator_ = iterator_->variables_1)
+ 		    iterator_->ID_1->unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_variables::nil_do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_dollarvarstatus_DVDisallowed::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_dollarvarstatus_DVAllowed::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_tribool_Bigger::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_tribool_Smaller::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_tribool_Equal::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_patternrepresentations::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     if(is_nil())
+ 	nil_do_unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view_base);
+     else
+ 	switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 		for (patternrepresentations iterator_ = this; iterator_->patternrepresentations_1 != 0; iterator_ = iterator_->patternrepresentations_1)
+ 		    iterator_->patternrepresentation_1->unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_patternrepresentations::nil_do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_patternrepresentation::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     if(is_nil())
+ 	nil_do_unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view_base);
+     else
+ 	switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	case view_unp_predicates_enum: {
+ 	    view_unp_predicates_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_unp_predicates_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    if ((this->elem_patternrepresentation_1->prod_sel() == sel_PRUserPredicate) && (this->patternrepresentation_1->prod_sel() == sel_Nilpatternrepresentation)) {
+ 		const Cexpression cexpr = phylum_cast<const impl_elem_patternrepresentation_PRUserPredicate*>(this->elem_patternrepresentation_1)->Cexpression_1;
+ 		gl_outer_view=kc_current_view; 
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t("KC_TRACE_PROVIDED(("), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(cexpr, kc_printer, view_gen_user_predicates);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("), \""), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(cexpr->file, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("\", "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(cexpr->line, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(", this)"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    } else
+ 		if ((this->elem_patternrepresentation_1->prod_sel() == sel_PRUserPredicate)) {
+ 		const Cexpression cexpr = phylum_cast<const impl_elem_patternrepresentation_PRUserPredicate*>(this->elem_patternrepresentation_1)->Cexpression_1;
+ 		const patternrepresentation r_p = this->patternrepresentation_1;
+ 		gl_outer_view=kc_current_view; 
+ 		kc::unparse(r_p, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(") && KC_TRACE_PROVIDED(("), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(cexpr, kc_printer, view_gen_user_predicates);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("), \""), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(cexpr->file, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("\", "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(cexpr->line, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(", this"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    } else
+ 		if ((this->patternrepresentation_1->prod_sel() == sel_Nilpatternrepresentation)) {
+ 		const elem_patternrepresentation p = this->elem_patternrepresentation_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(p, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    } else
+ 	    {
+ 		const elem_patternrepresentation p = this->elem_patternrepresentation_1;
+ 		const patternrepresentation r_p = this->patternrepresentation_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(p, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(") && ("), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(r_p, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_wc_predicates_enum: {
+ 	    view_wc_predicates_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_wc_predicates_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    if ((this->elem_patternrepresentation_1->prod_sel() == sel_PRUserPredicate) && (this->patternrepresentation_1->prod_sel() == sel_Nilpatternrepresentation)) {
+ 		const Cexpression cexpr = phylum_cast<const impl_elem_patternrepresentation_PRUserPredicate*>(this->elem_patternrepresentation_1)->Cexpression_1;
+ 		gl_outer_view=kc_current_view; 
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t("KC_TRACE_PROVIDED(("), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(cexpr, kc_printer, view_gen_user_predicates);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("), \""), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(cexpr->file, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("\", "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(cexpr->line, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(", this)"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    } else
+ 		if ((this->elem_patternrepresentation_1->prod_sel() == sel_PRUserPredicate)) {
+ 		const Cexpression cexpr = phylum_cast<const impl_elem_patternrepresentation_PRUserPredicate*>(this->elem_patternrepresentation_1)->Cexpression_1;
+ 		const patternrepresentation r_p = this->patternrepresentation_1;
+ 		gl_outer_view=kc_current_view; 
+ 		kc::unparse(r_p, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(") && KC_TRACE_PROVIDED(("), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(cexpr, kc_printer, view_gen_user_predicates);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("), \""), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(cexpr->file, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("\", "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(cexpr->line, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(", this"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    } else
+ 		if ((this->patternrepresentation_1->prod_sel() == sel_Nilpatternrepresentation)) {
+ 		const elem_patternrepresentation p = this->elem_patternrepresentation_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(p, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    } else
+ 	    {
+ 		const elem_patternrepresentation p = this->elem_patternrepresentation_1;
+ 		const patternrepresentation r_p = this->patternrepresentation_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(p, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(") && ("), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(r_p, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_rw_predicates_enum: {
+ 	    view_rw_predicates_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_rw_predicates_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    if ((this->elem_patternrepresentation_1->prod_sel() == sel_PRUserPredicate) && (this->patternrepresentation_1->prod_sel() == sel_Nilpatternrepresentation)) {
+ 		const Cexpression cexpr = phylum_cast<const impl_elem_patternrepresentation_PRUserPredicate*>(this->elem_patternrepresentation_1)->Cexpression_1;
+ 		gl_outer_view=kc_current_view; 
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t("KC_TRACE_PROVIDED(("), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(cexpr, kc_printer, view_gen_user_predicates);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("), \""), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(cexpr->file, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("\", "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(cexpr->line, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(", this)"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    } else
+ 		if ((this->elem_patternrepresentation_1->prod_sel() == sel_PRUserPredicate)) {
+ 		const Cexpression cexpr = phylum_cast<const impl_elem_patternrepresentation_PRUserPredicate*>(this->elem_patternrepresentation_1)->Cexpression_1;
+ 		const patternrepresentation r_p = this->patternrepresentation_1;
+ 		gl_outer_view=kc_current_view; 
+ 		kc::unparse(r_p, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(") && KC_TRACE_PROVIDED(("), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(cexpr, kc_printer, view_gen_user_predicates);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("), \""), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(cexpr->file, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("\", "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(cexpr->line, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(", this"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    } else
+ 		if ((this->patternrepresentation_1->prod_sel() == sel_Nilpatternrepresentation)) {
+ 		const elem_patternrepresentation p = this->elem_patternrepresentation_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(p, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    } else
+ 	    {
+ 		const elem_patternrepresentation p = this->elem_patternrepresentation_1;
+ 		const patternrepresentation r_p = this->patternrepresentation_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(p, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(") && ("), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(r_p, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 		for (patternrepresentation iterator_ = this; iterator_->patternrepresentation_1 != 0; iterator_ = iterator_->patternrepresentation_1)
+ 		    iterator_->elem_patternrepresentation_1->unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_patternrepresentation::nil_do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_elem_patternrepresentation_PRIntLiteral::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    if ((this->path_1->prod_sel() == sel_Conspath)) {
+ 		const path p = this->path_1;
+ 		const path r_p = (this->path_1)->path_1;
+ 		const INT i = this->INT_1;
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("("), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(r_p, kc_printer, view_gen_cast);
+ 		kc::unparse(p, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(")->value == "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(i, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    } else
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 		default_unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view );
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_elem_patternrepresentation_PRStringLiteral::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    if ((this->path_1->prod_sel() == sel_Conspath)) {
+ 		const path p = this->path_1;
+ 		const path r_p = (this->path_1)->path_1;
+ 		const CexpressionDQ Cexprdq = this->CexpressionDQ_1;
+ 		if ((strcmp( f_strofID( f_typeof( p ) ), "casestring" ) == 0) ||
+ 		    (strcmp( f_strofID( f_typeof( p ) ), "nocasestring" ) == 0)) { 
+ 		    	{ kc_printer(kc_t("kc_strcmp("), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    kc::unparse(r_p, kc_printer, view_gen_cast);
+ 		    kc::unparse(p, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("->name, kc_t(\""), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    kc::unparse(Cexprdq, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("\"))==0"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		} else {
+ 		    assertionFailed("String literal type neither casestring nor nocasestring");
+ 		} 
+ 			} else
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 		default_unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view );
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_elem_patternrepresentation_PRDefault::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    {
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("1 /*default*/"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_elem_patternrepresentation_PRWildcard::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    {
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("1 /*default*/"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_elem_patternrepresentation_PRNonLeafBinding::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	case view_predicate_bindings_enum: {
+ 	    view_predicate_bindings_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_predicate_bindings_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    if ((this->ID_1->prod_sel() == sel_Id) && (phylum_cast<const impl_ID_Id*>(this->ID_1)->uniqID_1->prod_sel() == sel_Str)) {
+ 		const path p = this->path_1;
+ 		const casestring id = phylum_cast<const impl_uniqID_Str*>(phylum_cast<const impl_ID_Id*>(this->ID_1)->uniqID_1)->casestring_1;
+ 		gl_bindings[id->name]=p; 
+ 			} else
+ 		    goto kc_unparsing_default;
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	default:
+ 	kc_unparsing_default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    {
+ 		const path p = this->path_1;
+ 		const ID id = this->ID_1;
+ 		{
+ 		    ID gl_type;
+ 		    if (this->type->eq( f_emptyId())) {
+ 			gl_type = f_typeof( p );
+ 		    } else {
+ 			gl_type = this->type;
+ 		    }   
+ 		     if(g_options.linedirec) 
+ 		    {
+ 			kc::unparse(pg_line, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 			kc::unparse(id->line, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t(" \""), kc_current_view); }
+ 			PRINT(g_options.dir_line.c_str()); 
+ 			kc::unparse(id->file, kc_printer, view_filename);
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t("\"\n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    }
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("	const "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    kc::unparse(gl_type, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t(" "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t(" = "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    {
+ 			path kc_selvar_0_1 = phylum_cast<path>(p);
+ 			if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_Conspath)) {
+ 			    const path r_p = (kc_selvar_0_1)->path_1;
+ 			    r_p->unparse(kc_printer, view_gen_cast); 
+ 			    	} else
+ 			    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_Nilpath)) {
+ 			} else
+ 			    kc_no_default_in_with( "", __LINE__, __FILE__ );
+ 		    }
+ 		    kc::unparse(p, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t(";\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		}
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_elem_patternrepresentation_PRUserPredicate::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 		default_unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view );
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_elem_patternrepresentation_PROperPredicate::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	case view_unp_predicates_enum: {
+ 	    view_unp_predicates_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_unp_predicates_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    if ((this->path_1->prod_sel() == sel_Conspath) && ((this->path_1)->path_1->prod_sel() == sel_Conspath)) {
+ 		const path p = (this->path_1)->path_1;
+ 		const path r_p = ((this->path_1)->path_1)->path_1;
+ 		const ID id = this->ID_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(r_p, kc_printer, view_gen_cast);
+ 		kc::unparse(p, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("->prod_sel() == sel_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    } else
+ 		if ((this->path_1->prod_sel() == sel_Nilpath)) {
+ 	    } else
+ 	    {
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(" true "), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    if ((this->path_1->prod_sel() == sel_Conspath) && ((this->path_1)->path_1->prod_sel() == sel_Conspath)) {
+ 		const path p = (this->path_1)->path_1;
+ 		const path r_p = ((this->path_1)->path_1)->path_1;
+ 		const ID id = this->ID_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(r_p, kc_printer, view_gen_cast);
+ 		kc::unparse(p, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("->prod_sel() == sel_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    } else
+ 		if ((this->path_1->prod_sel() == sel_Nilpath)) {
+ 	    } else
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 		default_unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view );
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_elem_patternrepresentation_PRVarPredicate::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    {
+ 		const paths ps = this->paths_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(ps, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_elem_patternrepresentation_PRBinding::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	case view_predicate_bindings_enum: {
+ 	    view_predicate_bindings_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_predicate_bindings_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    if ((this->ID_1->prod_sel() == sel_Id) && (phylum_cast<const impl_ID_Id*>(this->ID_1)->uniqID_1->prod_sel() == sel_Str)) {
+ 		const path p = this->path_1;
+ 		const casestring id = phylum_cast<const impl_uniqID_Str*>(phylum_cast<const impl_ID_Id*>(this->ID_1)->uniqID_1)->casestring_1;
+ 		gl_bindings[id->name]=p; 
+ 			} else
+ 		    goto kc_unparsing_default;
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	default:
+ 	kc_unparsing_default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    {
+ 		const path p = this->path_1;
+ 		const ID id = this->ID_1;
+ 		{
+ 		    ID gl_type;
+ 		    if (this->type->eq( f_emptyId())) {
+ 			gl_type = f_typeof( p );
+ 		    } else {
+ 			gl_type = this->type;
+ 		    }   
+ 		     if(g_options.linedirec) 
+ 		    {
+ 			kc::unparse(pg_line, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 			kc::unparse(id->line, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t(" \""), kc_current_view); }
+ 			PRINT(g_options.dir_line.c_str()); 
+ 			kc::unparse(id->file, kc_printer, view_filename);
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t("\"\n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    }
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("	const "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    kc::unparse(gl_type, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t(" "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t(" = "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    {
+ 			path kc_selvar_0_1 = phylum_cast<path>(p);
+ 			if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_Conspath)) {
+ 			    const path r_p = (kc_selvar_0_1)->path_1;
+ 			    r_p->unparse(kc_printer, view_gen_cast); 
+ 			    	} else
+ 			    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_Nilpath)) {
+ 			} else
+ 			    kc_no_default_in_with( "", __LINE__, __FILE__ );
+ 		    }
+ 		    kc::unparse(p, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t(";\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		}
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_path::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     if(is_nil())
+ 	nil_do_unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view_base);
+     else
+ 	switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	case view_gen_cast_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_cast_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_cast_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const integer i = this->integer_1;
+ 		const path r_p = this->path_1;
+ 		bool isnotlist = f_listelementphylum(f_phylumofoperator(this->op))->eq(f_emptyId());
+ 		if(isnotlist)
+ 		{
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("phylum_cast<const "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    kc::unparse(this->op, kc_printer, view_class_of_op);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("*>"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		}
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("("), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(r_p, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_rw_bindings_enum: {
+ 	    view_rw_bindings_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_rw_bindings_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    if ((this->path_1->prod_sel() == sel_Nilpath)) {
+ 		const integer i = this->integer_1;
+ 		const path r_p = this->path_1;
+ 		argument gl_argument = f_argumentofoperator( r_p->op, Int( i )); 
+ 		 if (!g_options.rw_loop) 
+ 		{
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("l_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		}
+ 		kc::unparse(gl_argument, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		gl_argument->free(false); 
+ 			} else
+ 		    goto kc_unparsing_default;
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_unp_bindings_enum: {
+ 	    view_unp_bindings_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_unp_bindings_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    if ((this->path_1->prod_sel() == sel_Nilpath)) {
+ 		const integer i = this->integer_1;
+ 		const path r_p = this->path_1;
+ 		argument gl_argument = f_argumentofoperator( r_p->op, Int( i )); 
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t("this->"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(gl_argument, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		gl_argument->free(false); 
+ 			} else
+ 		    goto kc_unparsing_default;
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_wc_bindings_enum: {
+ 	    view_wc_bindings_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_wc_bindings_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    if ((this->path_1->prod_sel() == sel_Nilpath)) {
+ 		const integer i = this->integer_1;
+ 		ID selvar = cf_topselvar(); 
+ 		kc::unparse(selvar, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(i, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    } else
+ 		    goto kc_unparsing_default;
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_unp_predicates_enum: {
+ 	    view_unp_predicates_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_unp_predicates_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    if ((this->path_1->prod_sel() == sel_Nilpath)) {
+ 		const integer i = this->integer_1;
+ 		const path r_p = this->path_1;
+ 		argument gl_argument = f_argumentofoperator( r_p->op, Int( i )); 
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t("this->"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(gl_argument, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		gl_argument->free(false); 
+ 			} else
+ 		    goto kc_unparsing_default;
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_wc_predicates_enum: {
+ 	    view_wc_predicates_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_wc_predicates_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    if ((this->path_1->prod_sel() == sel_Nilpath)) {
+ 		const integer i = this->integer_1;
+ 		ID selvar = cf_topselvar(); 
+ 		kc::unparse(selvar, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(i, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    } else
+ 		    goto kc_unparsing_default;
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_rw_predicates_enum: {
+ 	    view_rw_predicates_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_rw_predicates_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    if ((this->path_1->prod_sel() == sel_Nilpath)) {
+ 		const integer i = this->integer_1;
+ 		const path r_p = this->path_1;
+ 		argument gl_argument = f_argumentofoperator( r_p->op, Int( i )); 
+ 		 if (!g_options.rw_loop) 
+ 		{
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("l_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		}
+ 		kc::unparse(gl_argument, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		gl_argument->free(false); 
+ 			} else
+ 		    goto kc_unparsing_default;
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	default:
+ 	kc_unparsing_default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    {
+ 		const integer i = this->integer_1;
+ 		const path r_p = this->path_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(r_p, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(")->"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		argument gl_argument = f_argumentofoperator( r_p->op, Int( i )); 
+ 		kc::unparse(gl_argument, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		gl_argument->free(false); 
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_path::nil_do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	case view_rw_bindings_enum: {
+ 	    view_rw_bindings_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_rw_bindings_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		if (gl_args->is_nil() || g_options.rw_loop) 
+ 		{
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("this"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		}
+ 		else 
+ 		{
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("((("), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    kc::unparse(gl_args, kc_printer, view_gen_rewritedefs_dotestarg_c);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t(")) ? this : "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    kc::unparse(gl_operator, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("("), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    kc::unparse(gl_args, kc_printer, view_gen_rewritedefs_args_c);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("))"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		}
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_unp_bindings_enum: {
+ 	    view_unp_bindings_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_unp_bindings_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("this/**/"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_unp_predicates_enum: {
+ 	    view_unp_predicates_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_unp_predicates_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("this/**/"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_rw_predicates_enum: {
+ 	    view_rw_predicates_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_rw_predicates_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		if (gl_args->is_nil() || g_options.rw_loop) 
+ 		{
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("this"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		}
+ 		else 
+ 		{
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("((("), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    kc::unparse(gl_args, kc_printer, view_gen_rewritedefs_dotestarg_c);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t(")) ? this : "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    kc::unparse(gl_operator, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("("), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    kc::unparse(gl_args, kc_printer, view_gen_rewritedefs_args_c);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("))"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		}
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	default:
+ 	kc_unparsing_default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    {
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_paths::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     if(is_nil())
+ 	nil_do_unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view_base);
+     else
+ 	switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	default:
+ 	kc_unparsing_default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    if ((this->path_1->prod_sel() == sel_Conspath) && (this->paths_1->prod_sel() == sel_Conspaths) && ((this->paths_1)->path_1->prod_sel() == sel_Conspath) && ((this->paths_1)->paths_1->prod_sel() == sel_Nilpaths)) {
+ 		const path p1 = this->path_1;
+ 		const path r_p1 = (this->path_1)->path_1;
+ 		const path p2 = (this->paths_1)->path_1;
+ 		const path r_p2 = ((this->paths_1)->path_1)->path_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(r_p1, kc_printer, view_gen_cast);
+ 		kc::unparse(p1, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("->eq("), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(r_p2, kc_printer, view_gen_cast);
+ 		kc::unparse(p2, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(")"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    } else
+ 		if ((this->path_1->prod_sel() == sel_Conspath) && (this->paths_1->prod_sel() == sel_Conspaths) && ((this->paths_1)->path_1->prod_sel() == sel_Conspath)) {
+ 		const path p1 = this->path_1;
+ 		const path r_p1 = (this->path_1)->path_1;
+ 		const paths pp1 = this->paths_1;
+ 		const path p2 = (this->paths_1)->path_1;
+ 		const path r_p2 = ((this->paths_1)->path_1)->path_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(r_p1, kc_printer, view_gen_cast);
+ 		kc::unparse(p1, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("->eq("), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(r_p2, kc_printer, view_gen_cast);
+ 		kc::unparse(p2, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(")) && ("), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(pp1, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    } else
+ 		if ((this->paths_1->prod_sel() == sel_Nilpaths)) {
+ 	    } else
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 		path_1->unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view );
+ 		paths_1->do_unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view );
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_paths::nil_do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	default:
+ 	kc_unparsing_default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    {
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_argsnumbers::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     if(is_nil())
+ 	nil_do_unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view_base);
+     else
+ 	switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	case view_gen_rewritek_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_rewritek_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_rewritek_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const integer i = this->integer_1;
+ 		const argsnumbers r = this->argsnumbers_1;
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("   case "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(i, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(": return kc_create(kc_op"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		for (int j=0; j<i->value; ++j) 
+ 		{
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t(", sons[son_offset"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    if (j!=0) 
+ 		    {
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t("+"), kc_current_view); }
+ 			kc::unparse(j, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    }
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("]"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		}
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(");\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(r, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_copydefs_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_copydefs_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_copydefs_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const integer i = this->integer_1;
+ 		const argsnumbers r = this->argsnumbers_1;
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("   case "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(i, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(": kc_answer = kc_create(prod_sel()"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		for (int j=0; j<i->value; ++j) 
+ 		{
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t(", kc_subtmp["), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    kc::unparse(j, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("]"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		}
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("); break;\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(r, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_csgio_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_csgio_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_csgio_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const integer i = this->integer_1;
+ 		const argsnumbers r = this->argsnumbers_1;
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("   case "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(i, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(": kc_answer = kc_create(kc_op"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		for (int j=0; j<i->value; ++j) 
+ 		{
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t(", kc_subtmp["), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    kc::unparse(j, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("]"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		}
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("); break;\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(r, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	default:
+ 	kc_unparsing_default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 		for (argsnumbers iterator_ = this; iterator_->argsnumbers_1 != 0; iterator_ = iterator_->argsnumbers_1)
+ 		    iterator_->integer_1->unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_argsnumbers::nil_do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	case view_gen_rewritek_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_rewritek_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_rewritek_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_copydefs_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_copydefs_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_copydefs_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_csgio_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_csgio_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_csgio_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	default:
+ 	kc_unparsing_default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_rewriterulesinfo::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     if(is_nil())
+ 	nil_do_unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view_base);
+     else
+ 	switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	case view_gen_rewritedefs_other_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_rewritedefs_other_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_rewritedefs_other_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    if ((this->rewriteruleinfo_1->prod_sel() == sel_Rewriteruleinfo) && (phylum_cast<const impl_rewriteruleinfo_Rewriteruleinfo*>(this->rewriteruleinfo_1)->patternrepresentation_1->prod_sel() == sel_Conspatternrepresentation) && ((phylum_cast<const impl_rewriteruleinfo_Rewriteruleinfo*>(this->rewriteruleinfo_1)->patternrepresentation_1)->patternrepresentation_1->prod_sel() == sel_Nilpatternrepresentation) && (phylum_cast<const impl_rewriteruleinfo_Rewriteruleinfo*>(this->rewriteruleinfo_1)->rewriteclause_1->prod_sel() == sel_RewriteClause)) {
+ 		const elem_patternrepresentation rep = (phylum_cast<const impl_rewriteruleinfo_Rewriteruleinfo*>(this->rewriteruleinfo_1)->patternrepresentation_1)->elem_patternrepresentation_1;
+ 		const patternrepresentation bindings = phylum_cast<const impl_rewriteruleinfo_Rewriteruleinfo*>(this->rewriteruleinfo_1)->patternrepresentation_2;
+ 		const term t = phylum_cast<const impl_rewriteclause_RewriteClause*>(phylum_cast<const impl_rewriteruleinfo_Rewriteruleinfo*>(this->rewriteruleinfo_1)->rewriteclause_1)->term_1;
+ 		const rewriterulesinfo r_rri = this->rewriterulesinfo_1;
+ 		if(g_options.linedirec) 
+ 		{
+ 		    kc::unparse(pg_line, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    kc::unparse(rep->line, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t(" \""), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    PRINT(g_options.dir_line.c_str()); 
+ 		    kc::unparse(rep->file, kc_printer, view_filename);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("\"\n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		}
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("	{ KC_TRACE_REWRITE_MATCH(kc_current_view, \""), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(rep->file, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("\", "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(rep->line, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(", this);\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(bindings, kc_printer, view_rw_bindings);
+ 		if(g_options.linedirec) 
+ 		{
+ 		    kc::unparse(pg_line, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    kc::unparse(t->line, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t(" \""), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    PRINT(g_options.dir_line.c_str()); 
+ 		    kc::unparse(t->file, kc_printer, view_filename);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("\"\n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		}
+ 		if(g_options.rw_loop) 
+ 		{
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("	"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    kc::unparse(gl_phylum, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t(" kc_result = "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    kc::unparse(t, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t(";\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    kc::unparse(g_emptystring, kc_printer, view_printer_outputfileline);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("	KC_TRACE_REWRITE_RESULT(kc_current_view,\""), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    kc::unparse(t->file, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("\","), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    kc::unparse(t->line, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t(",kc_result);\
+ \n	return kc_result;\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		}
+ 		else 
+ 		{
+ 		    if(g_options.smart_pointer) 
+ 		    {
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t("	"), kc_current_view); }
+ 			kc::unparse(gl_phylum, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t("_ptr kc_result = "), kc_current_view); }
+ 			kc::unparse(t, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t(";\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 			kc::unparse(g_emptystring, kc_printer, view_printer_outputfileline);
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t("	KC_TRACE_REWRITE_RESULT(kc_current_view,\""), kc_current_view); }
+ 			kc::unparse(t->file, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t("\","), kc_current_view); }
+ 			kc::unparse(t->line, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t(",kc_result);\
+ \n	return (kc_result() == this ? this : kc_result->rewrite( kc_current_view_base ))->return_ptr();\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    }
+ 		    else 
+ 		    {
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t("	"), kc_current_view); }
+ 			kc::unparse(gl_phylum, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t(" kc_result = "), kc_current_view); }
+ 			kc::unparse(t, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t(";\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 			kc::unparse(g_emptystring, kc_printer, view_printer_outputfileline);
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t("	KC_TRACE_REWRITE_RESULT(kc_current_view,\""), kc_current_view); }
+ 			kc::unparse(t->file, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t("\","), kc_current_view); }
+ 			kc::unparse(t->line, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t(",kc_result);\
+ \n	return (const_cast<const impl_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 			kc::unparse(gl_phylum, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t("*>(kc_result) == this) ? this : kc_result->rewrite( kc_current_view_base );\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    }
+ 		}
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("\
+ \n	}\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		if (g_options.warn_drop_identical_patterns) {
+ 		    rewriterulesinfo kc_selvar_0_1 = phylum_cast<rewriterulesinfo>(r_rri);
+ 		    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_Consrewriterulesinfo)) {
+ 			{
+ 			    rewriterulesinfo kc_fe_selvar_1 =  kc_selvar_0_1;
+ 			    while(
+ 				    kc_fe_selvar_1->prod_sel() == sel_Consrewriterulesinfo
+ 				) {
+ 				rewriteruleinfo kc_selvar_1_1 = kc_fe_selvar_1->rewriteruleinfo_1;
+ 				{
+ 				    {
+ 					{
+ 					    const rewriteruleinfo rri = kc_selvar_1_1;
+ 					    warn_drop_identical_pattern(rri);
+ 					}
+ 				    }
+ 				}
+ 				kc_fe_selvar_1 = kc_fe_selvar_1->rewriterulesinfo_1;
+ 			    }
+ 			}
+ 		    } else
+ 			if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_Nilrewriterulesinfo)) {
+ 		    } else
+ 			kc_no_default_in_with( "", __LINE__, __FILE__ );
+ 		}
+ 	    } else
+ 		if ((this->rewriteruleinfo_1->prod_sel() == sel_Rewriteruleinfo) && (phylum_cast<const impl_rewriteruleinfo_Rewriteruleinfo*>(this->rewriteruleinfo_1)->patternrepresentation_1->prod_sel() == sel_Nilpatternrepresentation) && (phylum_cast<const impl_rewriteruleinfo_Rewriteruleinfo*>(this->rewriteruleinfo_1)->rewriteclause_1->prod_sel() == sel_RewriteClause)) {
+ 		const patternrepresentation bindings = phylum_cast<const impl_rewriteruleinfo_Rewriteruleinfo*>(this->rewriteruleinfo_1)->patternrepresentation_2;
+ 		const term t = phylum_cast<const impl_rewriteclause_RewriteClause*>(phylum_cast<const impl_rewriteruleinfo_Rewriteruleinfo*>(this->rewriteruleinfo_1)->rewriteclause_1)->term_1;
+ 		assertionFailed("Completely empty rewrite pattern not possible."); 
+ 			} else
+ 		if ((this->rewriteruleinfo_1->prod_sel() == sel_Rewriteruleinfo) && (phylum_cast<const impl_rewriteruleinfo_Rewriteruleinfo*>(this->rewriteruleinfo_1)->patternrepresentation_1->prod_sel() == sel_Conspatternrepresentation) && (phylum_cast<const impl_rewriteruleinfo_Rewriteruleinfo*>(this->rewriteruleinfo_1)->rewriteclause_1->prod_sel() == sel_RewriteClause)) {
+ 		const elem_patternrepresentation rep = (phylum_cast<const impl_rewriteruleinfo_Rewriteruleinfo*>(this->rewriteruleinfo_1)->patternrepresentation_1)->elem_patternrepresentation_1;
+ 		const patternrepresentation r_p = (phylum_cast<const impl_rewriteruleinfo_Rewriteruleinfo*>(this->rewriteruleinfo_1)->patternrepresentation_1)->patternrepresentation_1;
+ 		const patternrepresentation bindings = phylum_cast<const impl_rewriteruleinfo_Rewriteruleinfo*>(this->rewriteruleinfo_1)->patternrepresentation_2;
+ 		const term t = phylum_cast<const impl_rewriteclause_RewriteClause*>(phylum_cast<const impl_rewriteruleinfo_Rewriteruleinfo*>(this->rewriteruleinfo_1)->rewriteclause_1)->term_1;
+ 		const rewriterulesinfo r_rri = this->rewriterulesinfo_1;
+ 		gl_bindings.clear(); 
+ 		kc::unparse(bindings, kc_printer, view_predicate_bindings);
+ 		if(g_options.linedirec) 
+ 		{
+ 		    kc::unparse(pg_line, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    kc::unparse(rep->line, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t(" \""), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    PRINT(g_options.dir_line.c_str()); 
+ 		    kc::unparse(rep->file, kc_printer, view_filename);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("\"\n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		}
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("	if (("), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(r_p, kc_printer, view_rw_predicates);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(")) { KC_TRACE_REWRITE_MATCH(kc_current_view, \""), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(rep->file, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("\", "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(rep->line, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(", this);\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(bindings, kc_printer, view_rw_bindings);
+ 		if(g_options.linedirec) 
+ 		{
+ 		    kc::unparse(pg_line, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    kc::unparse(t->line, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t(" \""), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    PRINT(g_options.dir_line.c_str()); 
+ 		    kc::unparse(t->file, kc_printer, view_filename);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("\"\n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		}
+ 		if(g_options.rw_loop) 
+ 		{
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("	"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    kc::unparse(gl_phylum, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t(" kc_result = "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    kc::unparse(t, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t(";\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    kc::unparse(g_emptystring, kc_printer, view_printer_outputfileline);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("	KC_TRACE_REWRITE_RESULT(kc_current_view,\""), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    kc::unparse(t->file, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("\","), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    kc::unparse(t->line, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t(",kc_result);\
+ \n	return kc_result;\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		}
+ 		else 
+ 		{
+ 		    if(g_options.smart_pointer) 
+ 		    {
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t("	"), kc_current_view); }
+ 			kc::unparse(gl_phylum, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t("_ptr kc_result = "), kc_current_view); }
+ 			kc::unparse(t, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t(";\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 			kc::unparse(g_emptystring, kc_printer, view_printer_outputfileline);
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t("	KC_TRACE_REWRITE_RESULT(kc_current_view,\""), kc_current_view); }
+ 			kc::unparse(t->file, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t("\","), kc_current_view); }
+ 			kc::unparse(t->line, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t(",kc_result);\
+ \n	return (kc_result() == this ? this : kc_result->rewrite( kc_current_view_base ))->return_ptr();\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    }
+ 		    else 
+ 		    {
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t("	"), kc_current_view); }
+ 			kc::unparse(gl_phylum, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t(" kc_result = "), kc_current_view); }
+ 			kc::unparse(t, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t(";\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 			kc::unparse(g_emptystring, kc_printer, view_printer_outputfileline);
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t("	KC_TRACE_REWRITE_RESULT(kc_current_view,\""), kc_current_view); }
+ 			kc::unparse(t->file, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t("\","), kc_current_view); }
+ 			kc::unparse(t->line, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t(",kc_result);\
+ \n	return (const_cast<const impl_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 			kc::unparse(gl_phylum, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t("*>(kc_result) == this) ? this : kc_result->rewrite( kc_current_view_base );\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    }
+ 		}
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("\
+ \n	} else\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(r_rri, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    } else
+ 		    goto kc_unparsing_default;
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_rewritedefs_default_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_rewritedefs_default_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_rewritedefs_default_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    if ((this->rewriteruleinfo_1->prod_sel() == sel_Rewriteruleinfo) && (phylum_cast<const impl_rewriteruleinfo_Rewriteruleinfo*>(this->rewriteruleinfo_1)->patternrepresentation_1->prod_sel() == sel_Conspatternrepresentation) && ((phylum_cast<const impl_rewriteruleinfo_Rewriteruleinfo*>(this->rewriteruleinfo_1)->patternrepresentation_1)->patternrepresentation_1->prod_sel() == sel_Nilpatternrepresentation) && (phylum_cast<const impl_rewriteruleinfo_Rewriteruleinfo*>(this->rewriteruleinfo_1)->rewriteclause_1->prod_sel() == sel_RewriteClause)) {
+ 		const elem_patternrepresentation rep = (phylum_cast<const impl_rewriteruleinfo_Rewriteruleinfo*>(this->rewriteruleinfo_1)->patternrepresentation_1)->elem_patternrepresentation_1;
+ 		const patternrepresentation bindings = phylum_cast<const impl_rewriteruleinfo_Rewriteruleinfo*>(this->rewriteruleinfo_1)->patternrepresentation_2;
+ 		const term t = phylum_cast<const impl_rewriteclause_RewriteClause*>(phylum_cast<const impl_rewriteruleinfo_Rewriteruleinfo*>(this->rewriteruleinfo_1)->rewriteclause_1)->term_1;
+ 		const rewriterulesinfo r_rri = this->rewriterulesinfo_1;
+ 		if(g_options.linedirec) 
+ 		{
+ 		    kc::unparse(pg_line, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    kc::unparse(rep->line, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t(" \""), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    PRINT(g_options.dir_line.c_str()); 
+ 		    kc::unparse(rep->file, kc_printer, view_filename);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("\"\n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		}
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("	{ KC_TRACE_REWRITE_MATCH(kc_current_view, \""), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(rep->file, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("\", "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(rep->line, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(", this);\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(bindings, kc_printer, view_rw_bindings);
+ 		if(g_options.linedirec) 
+ 		{
+ 		    kc::unparse(pg_line, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    kc::unparse(t->line, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t(" \""), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    PRINT(g_options.dir_line.c_str()); 
+ 		    kc::unparse(t->file, kc_printer, view_filename);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("\"\n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		}
+ 		if(g_options.rw_loop) 
+ 		{
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("	"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    kc::unparse(gl_phylum, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t(" kc_result = "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    kc::unparse(t, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t(";\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    kc::unparse(g_emptystring, kc_printer, view_printer_outputfileline);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("	KC_TRACE_REWRITE_RESULT(kc_current_view,\""), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    kc::unparse(t->file, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("\","), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    kc::unparse(t->line, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t(",kc_result);\
+ \n	return kc_result;\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		}
+ 		else 
+ 		{
+ 		    if(g_options.smart_pointer) 
+ 		    {
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t("	"), kc_current_view); }
+ 			kc::unparse(gl_phylum, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t("_ptr kc_result = "), kc_current_view); }
+ 			kc::unparse(t, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t(";\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 			kc::unparse(g_emptystring, kc_printer, view_printer_outputfileline);
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t("	KC_TRACE_REWRITE_RESULT(kc_current_view,\""), kc_current_view); }
+ 			kc::unparse(t->file, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t("\","), kc_current_view); }
+ 			kc::unparse(t->line, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t(",kc_result);\
+ \n	return (kc_result() == this ? this : kc_result->rewrite( kc_current_view_base ))->return_ptr();\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    }
+ 		    else 
+ 		    {
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t("	"), kc_current_view); }
+ 			kc::unparse(gl_phylum, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t(" kc_result = "), kc_current_view); }
+ 			kc::unparse(t, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t(";\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 			kc::unparse(g_emptystring, kc_printer, view_printer_outputfileline);
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t("	KC_TRACE_REWRITE_RESULT(kc_current_view,\""), kc_current_view); }
+ 			kc::unparse(t->file, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t("\","), kc_current_view); }
+ 			kc::unparse(t->line, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t(",kc_result);\
+ \n	return (const_cast<const impl_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 			kc::unparse(gl_phylum, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t("*>(kc_result) == this) ? this : kc_result->rewrite( kc_current_view_base );\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    }
+ 		}
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("\
+ \n	}\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		if (g_options.warn_drop_identical_patterns) {
+ 		    rewriterulesinfo kc_selvar_0_1 = phylum_cast<rewriterulesinfo>(r_rri);
+ 		    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_Consrewriterulesinfo)) {
+ 			{
+ 			    rewriterulesinfo kc_fe_selvar_1 =  kc_selvar_0_1;
+ 			    while(
+ 				    kc_fe_selvar_1->prod_sel() == sel_Consrewriterulesinfo
+ 				) {
+ 				rewriteruleinfo kc_selvar_1_1 = kc_fe_selvar_1->rewriteruleinfo_1;
+ 				{
+ 				    {
+ 					{
+ 					    const rewriteruleinfo rri = kc_selvar_1_1;
+ 					    warn_drop_identical_pattern(rri);
+ 					}
+ 				    }
+ 				}
+ 				kc_fe_selvar_1 = kc_fe_selvar_1->rewriterulesinfo_1;
+ 			    }
+ 			}
+ 		    } else
+ 			if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_Nilrewriterulesinfo)) {
+ 		    } else
+ 			kc_no_default_in_with( "", __LINE__, __FILE__ );
+ 		}
+ 	    } else
+ 		if ((this->rewriteruleinfo_1->prod_sel() == sel_Rewriteruleinfo) && (phylum_cast<const impl_rewriteruleinfo_Rewriteruleinfo*>(this->rewriteruleinfo_1)->patternrepresentation_1->prod_sel() == sel_Nilpatternrepresentation) && (phylum_cast<const impl_rewriteruleinfo_Rewriteruleinfo*>(this->rewriteruleinfo_1)->rewriteclause_1->prod_sel() == sel_RewriteClause)) {
+ 		const patternrepresentation bindings = phylum_cast<const impl_rewriteruleinfo_Rewriteruleinfo*>(this->rewriteruleinfo_1)->patternrepresentation_2;
+ 		const term t = phylum_cast<const impl_rewriteclause_RewriteClause*>(phylum_cast<const impl_rewriteruleinfo_Rewriteruleinfo*>(this->rewriteruleinfo_1)->rewriteclause_1)->term_1;
+ 		assertionFailed("Completely empty rewrite pattern not possible."); 
+ 			} else
+ 		if ((this->rewriteruleinfo_1->prod_sel() == sel_Rewriteruleinfo) && (phylum_cast<const impl_rewriteruleinfo_Rewriteruleinfo*>(this->rewriteruleinfo_1)->patternrepresentation_1->prod_sel() == sel_Conspatternrepresentation) && (phylum_cast<const impl_rewriteruleinfo_Rewriteruleinfo*>(this->rewriteruleinfo_1)->rewriteclause_1->prod_sel() == sel_RewriteClause)) {
+ 		const elem_patternrepresentation rep = (phylum_cast<const impl_rewriteruleinfo_Rewriteruleinfo*>(this->rewriteruleinfo_1)->patternrepresentation_1)->elem_patternrepresentation_1;
+ 		const patternrepresentation r_p = (phylum_cast<const impl_rewriteruleinfo_Rewriteruleinfo*>(this->rewriteruleinfo_1)->patternrepresentation_1)->patternrepresentation_1;
+ 		const patternrepresentation bindings = phylum_cast<const impl_rewriteruleinfo_Rewriteruleinfo*>(this->rewriteruleinfo_1)->patternrepresentation_2;
+ 		const term t = phylum_cast<const impl_rewriteclause_RewriteClause*>(phylum_cast<const impl_rewriteruleinfo_Rewriteruleinfo*>(this->rewriteruleinfo_1)->rewriteclause_1)->term_1;
+ 		const rewriterulesinfo r_rri = this->rewriterulesinfo_1;
+ 		gl_bindings.clear(); 
+ 		kc::unparse(bindings, kc_printer, view_predicate_bindings);
+ 		if(g_options.linedirec) 
+ 		{
+ 		    kc::unparse(pg_line, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    kc::unparse(rep->line, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t(" \""), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    PRINT(g_options.dir_line.c_str()); 
+ 		    kc::unparse(rep->file, kc_printer, view_filename);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("\"\n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		}
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("	if (("), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(r_p, kc_printer, view_rw_predicates);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(")) { KC_TRACE_REWRITE_MATCH(kc_current_view, \""), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(rep->file, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("\", "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(rep->line, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(", this);\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(bindings, kc_printer, view_rw_bindings);
+ 		if(g_options.linedirec) 
+ 		{
+ 		    kc::unparse(pg_line, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    kc::unparse(t->line, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t(" \""), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    PRINT(g_options.dir_line.c_str()); 
+ 		    kc::unparse(t->file, kc_printer, view_filename);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("\"\n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		}
+ 		if(g_options.rw_loop) 
+ 		{
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("	"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    kc::unparse(gl_phylum, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t(" kc_result = "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    kc::unparse(t, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t(";\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    kc::unparse(g_emptystring, kc_printer, view_printer_outputfileline);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("	KC_TRACE_REWRITE_RESULT(kc_current_view,\""), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    kc::unparse(t->file, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("\","), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    kc::unparse(t->line, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t(",kc_result);\
+ \n	return kc_result;\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		}
+ 		else 
+ 		{
+ 		    if(g_options.smart_pointer) 
+ 		    {
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t("	"), kc_current_view); }
+ 			kc::unparse(gl_phylum, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t("_ptr kc_result = "), kc_current_view); }
+ 			kc::unparse(t, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t(";\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 			kc::unparse(g_emptystring, kc_printer, view_printer_outputfileline);
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t("	KC_TRACE_REWRITE_RESULT(kc_current_view,\""), kc_current_view); }
+ 			kc::unparse(t->file, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t("\","), kc_current_view); }
+ 			kc::unparse(t->line, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t(",kc_result);\
+ \n	return (kc_result() == this ? this : kc_result->rewrite( kc_current_view_base ))->return_ptr();\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    }
+ 		    else 
+ 		    {
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t("	"), kc_current_view); }
+ 			kc::unparse(gl_phylum, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t(" kc_result = "), kc_current_view); }
+ 			kc::unparse(t, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t(";\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 			kc::unparse(g_emptystring, kc_printer, view_printer_outputfileline);
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t("	KC_TRACE_REWRITE_RESULT(kc_current_view,\""), kc_current_view); }
+ 			kc::unparse(t->file, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t("\","), kc_current_view); }
+ 			kc::unparse(t->line, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t(",kc_result);\
+ \n	return (const_cast<const impl_"), kc_current_view); }
+ 			kc::unparse(gl_phylum, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t("*>(kc_result) == this) ? this : kc_result->rewrite( kc_current_view_base );\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    }
+ 		}
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("\
+ \n	} else\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(r_rri, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    } else
+ 		    goto kc_unparsing_default;
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	default:
+ 	kc_unparsing_default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 		for (rewriterulesinfo iterator_ = this; iterator_->rewriterulesinfo_1 != 0; iterator_ = iterator_->rewriterulesinfo_1)
+ 		    iterator_->rewriteruleinfo_1->unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_rewriterulesinfo::nil_do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	case view_gen_rewritedefs_other_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_rewritedefs_other_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_rewritedefs_other_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("\vgoto kc_rewrite_default\r;\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		gl_rewrite_goto_used = true; 
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_rewritedefs_default_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_rewritedefs_default_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_rewritedefs_default_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("break;"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	default:
+ 	kc_unparsing_default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_rewriteruleinfo_Rewriteruleinfo::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 		default_unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view );
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_withcasesinfo::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     if(is_nil())
+ 	nil_do_unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view_base);
+     else
+ 	switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    if ((this->withcaseinfo_1->prod_sel() == sel_Withcaseinfo) && (phylum_cast<const impl_withcaseinfo_Withcaseinfo*>(this->withcaseinfo_1)->patternrepresentation_1->prod_sel() == sel_Conspatternrepresentation) && ((phylum_cast<const impl_withcaseinfo_Withcaseinfo*>(this->withcaseinfo_1)->patternrepresentation_1)->elem_patternrepresentation_1->prod_sel() == sel_PRUserPredicate) && (phylum_cast<const impl_elem_patternrepresentation_PRUserPredicate*>((phylum_cast<const impl_withcaseinfo_Withcaseinfo*>(this->withcaseinfo_1)->patternrepresentation_1)->elem_patternrepresentation_1)->Cexpression_1->prod_sel() == sel_NilCexpression)) {
+ 		const patternrepresentation bindings = phylum_cast<const impl_withcaseinfo_Withcaseinfo*>(this->withcaseinfo_1)->patternrepresentation_2;
+ 		const Ctext ct = phylum_cast<const impl_withcaseinfo_Withcaseinfo*>(this->withcaseinfo_1)->Ctext_1;
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("{\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		if(g_options.linedirec) 
+ 		{
+ 		    kc::unparse(pg_line, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    kc::unparse(ct->line, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t(" \""), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    PRINT(g_options.dir_line.c_str()); 
+ 		    kc::unparse(ct->file, kc_printer, view_filename);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("\"\n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		}
+ 		kc::unparse(bindings, kc_printer, view_wc_bindings);
+ 		if(g_options.linedirec) 
+ 		{
+ 		    kc::unparse(pg_line, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    kc::unparse(ct->line, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t(" \""), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    PRINT(g_options.dir_line.c_str()); 
+ 		    kc::unparse(ct->file, kc_printer, view_filename);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("\"\n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		}
+ 		kc::unparse(ct, kc_printer, view_gen_initializephyla_c);
+ 		kc::unparse(g_emptystring, kc_printer, view_printer_outputfileline);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("}\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    } else
+ 		if ((this->withcaseinfo_1->prod_sel() == sel_Withcaseinfo) && (phylum_cast<const impl_withcaseinfo_Withcaseinfo*>(this->withcaseinfo_1)->patternrepresentation_1->prod_sel() == sel_Conspatternrepresentation) && ((phylum_cast<const impl_withcaseinfo_Withcaseinfo*>(this->withcaseinfo_1)->patternrepresentation_1)->elem_patternrepresentation_1->prod_sel() == sel_PRDefault)) {
+ 		const patternrepresentation bindings = phylum_cast<const impl_withcaseinfo_Withcaseinfo*>(this->withcaseinfo_1)->patternrepresentation_2;
+ 		const Ctext ct = phylum_cast<const impl_withcaseinfo_Withcaseinfo*>(this->withcaseinfo_1)->Ctext_1;
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("{\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		if(g_options.linedirec) 
+ 		{
+ 		    kc::unparse(pg_line, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    kc::unparse(ct->line, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t(" \""), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    PRINT(g_options.dir_line.c_str()); 
+ 		    kc::unparse(ct->file, kc_printer, view_filename);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("\"\n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		}
+ 		kc::unparse(bindings, kc_printer, view_wc_bindings);
+ 		if(g_options.linedirec) 
+ 		{
+ 		    kc::unparse(pg_line, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    kc::unparse(ct->line, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t(" \""), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    PRINT(g_options.dir_line.c_str()); 
+ 		    kc::unparse(ct->file, kc_printer, view_filename);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("\"\n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		}
+ 		kc::unparse(ct, kc_printer, view_gen_initializephyla_c);
+ 		kc::unparse(g_emptystring, kc_printer, view_printer_outputfileline);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("}\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    } else
+ 		if ((this->withcaseinfo_1->prod_sel() == sel_Withcaseinfo) && (phylum_cast<const impl_withcaseinfo_Withcaseinfo*>(this->withcaseinfo_1)->patternrepresentation_1->prod_sel() == sel_Nilpatternrepresentation)) {
+ 		const patternrepresentation bindings = phylum_cast<const impl_withcaseinfo_Withcaseinfo*>(this->withcaseinfo_1)->patternrepresentation_2;
+ 		const Ctext ct = phylum_cast<const impl_withcaseinfo_Withcaseinfo*>(this->withcaseinfo_1)->Ctext_1;
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("{\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		if(g_options.linedirec) 
+ 		{
+ 		    kc::unparse(pg_line, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    kc::unparse(ct->line, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t(" \""), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    PRINT(g_options.dir_line.c_str()); 
+ 		    kc::unparse(ct->file, kc_printer, view_filename);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("\"\n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		}
+ 		kc::unparse(bindings, kc_printer, view_wc_bindings);
+ 		if(g_options.linedirec) 
+ 		{
+ 		    kc::unparse(pg_line, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    kc::unparse(ct->line, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t(" \""), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    PRINT(g_options.dir_line.c_str()); 
+ 		    kc::unparse(ct->file, kc_printer, view_filename);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("\"\n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		}
+ 		kc::unparse(ct, kc_printer, view_gen_initializephyla_c);
+ 		kc::unparse(g_emptystring, kc_printer, view_printer_outputfileline);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("}\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    } else
+ 		if ((this->withcaseinfo_1->prod_sel() == sel_Withcaseinfo)) {
+ 		const patternrepresentation p = phylum_cast<const impl_withcaseinfo_Withcaseinfo*>(this->withcaseinfo_1)->patternrepresentation_1;
+ 		const patternrepresentation bindings = phylum_cast<const impl_withcaseinfo_Withcaseinfo*>(this->withcaseinfo_1)->patternrepresentation_2;
+ 		const Ctext ct = phylum_cast<const impl_withcaseinfo_Withcaseinfo*>(this->withcaseinfo_1)->Ctext_1;
+ 		const withcasesinfo r_rri = this->withcasesinfo_1;
+ 		gl_bindings.clear(); 
+ 		kc::unparse(bindings, kc_printer, view_predicate_bindings);
+ 		if(g_options.linedirec) 
+ 		{
+ 		    kc::unparse(pg_line, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    kc::unparse(ct->line, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t(" \""), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    PRINT(g_options.dir_line.c_str()); 
+ 		    kc::unparse(ct->file, kc_printer, view_filename);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("\"\n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		}
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("	if (("), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(p, kc_printer, view_wc_predicates);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(")) {\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		if(g_options.linedirec) 
+ 		{
+ 		    kc::unparse(pg_line, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    kc::unparse(ct->line, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t(" \""), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    PRINT(g_options.dir_line.c_str()); 
+ 		    kc::unparse(ct->file, kc_printer, view_filename);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("\"\n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		}
+ 		kc::unparse(bindings, kc_printer, view_wc_bindings);
+ 		operatorstack.push( f_operatorofpatternrepresentation( p ) ); 
+ 		 if(g_options.linedirec) 
+ 		{
+ 		    kc::unparse(pg_line, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    kc::unparse(ct->line, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t(" \""), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    PRINT(g_options.dir_line.c_str()); 
+ 		    kc::unparse(ct->file, kc_printer, view_filename);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("\"\n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		}
+ 		kc::unparse(ct, kc_printer, view_gen_initializephyla_c);
+ 		operatorstack.pop(); 
+ 		kc::unparse(g_emptystring, kc_printer, view_printer_outputfileline);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("	} else\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(r_rri, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    } else
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 		withcaseinfo_1->unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view );
+ 		withcasesinfo_1->do_unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view );
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_withcasesinfo::nil_do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	case view_gen_withcases_and_default_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_withcases_and_default_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_withcases_and_default_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		if (inforeachcontext.top()) 
+ 		{
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("{/* EMPTY */ /*skip: no matching pattern in foreach patterns*/}\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		}
+ 		else if ( (strcmp( gl_return_type, "" ) == 0) ||
+ 		    ((gl_star_count == 0) &&
+ 			(! f_isphylum( gl_return_ID )) &&
+ 			(! f_is_known_ptr_type( gl_return_ID )) ) ) 
+ 		{
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("kc_no_default_in_with( \""), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    kc::unparse(gl_function, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("\", __LINE__, __FILE__ );\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		}
+ 		else 
+ 		{
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("{ kc_no_default_in_with( \""), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    kc::unparse(gl_function, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("\", __LINE__, __FILE__ );\
+ \n   return static_cast<"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		    kc::unparse(gl_return_type, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    charruns star_string = Stars()->set(gl_star_count); 
+ 		    kc::unparse(star_string, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t(">(0); }\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		}
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_withcaseinfo_Withcaseinfo::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 		default_unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view );
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_rewriteviewsinfo::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     if(is_nil())
+ 	nil_do_unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view_base);
+     else
+ 	switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	case view_gen_rewritedefs_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_rewritedefs_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_rewritedefs_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const rewriteviewinfo a_rvi = this->rewriteviewinfo_1;
+ 		const rewriteviewsinfo r_rvi = this->rewriteviewsinfo_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(r_rvi, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		kc::unparse(a_rvi, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 		for (rewriteviewsinfo iterator_ = this; iterator_->rewriteviewsinfo_1 != 0; iterator_ = iterator_->rewriteviewsinfo_1)
+ 		    iterator_->rewriteviewinfo_1->unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_rewriteviewsinfo::nil_do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	case view_gen_rewritedefs_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_rewritedefs_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_rewritedefs_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_rewriteviewinfo_Rewriteviewinfo::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	case view_gen_rewritedefs_other_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_rewritedefs_other_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_rewritedefs_other_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    if ((this->rewriterulesinfo_1->prod_sel() == sel_Nilrewriterulesinfo)) {
+ 	    } else
+ 	    {
+ 		const ID v = this->ID_1;
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("    case "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(v, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("_enum: {\
+ \n		"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(v, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(v, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("_class&>(kc_current_view_base);\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		gl_view = v; 
+ 		kc::unparse(gl_alternative, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		gl_view = 0; 
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t("    }\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_rewritedefs_default_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_rewritedefs_default_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_rewritedefs_default_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    if ((this->rewriterulesinfo_1->prod_sel() == sel_Nilrewriterulesinfo)) {
+ 		if (gl_rewrite_goto_used) 
+ 		{
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("    kc_rewrite_default:\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		}
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("    default:;\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    } else
+ 	    {
+ 		const ID v = this->ID_1;
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("    default:\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		if (gl_rewrite_goto_used) 
+ 		{
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("    kc_rewrite_default:\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		}
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("    case "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(v, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("_enum: {\
+ \n		"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(v, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(v, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("_class&>(kc_current_view_base);\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		gl_view = v; 
+ 		kc::unparse(gl_alternative, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		gl_view = 0; 
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t("    }\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_rewritedefs_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_rewritedefs_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_rewritedefs_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    if ((this->ID_1->prod_sel() == sel_Id) && (phylum_cast<const impl_ID_Id*>(this->ID_1)->uniqID_1->prod_sel() == sel_Str)) {
+ 		const casestring v = phylum_cast<const impl_uniqID_Str*>(phylum_cast<const impl_ID_Id*>(this->ID_1)->uniqID_1)->casestring_1;
+ 		const rewriterulesinfo rri = this->rewriterulesinfo_1;
+ 		gl_rewrite_rewriteinfo = rri; 
+ 		 if ( strcmp(v->name, "base_rview" )==0 ) 
+ 		{
+ 		    kc::unparse(this, kc_printer, view_gen_rewritedefs_default_c);
+ 		}
+ 		else 
+ 		{
+ 		    kc::unparse(this, kc_printer, view_gen_rewritedefs_other_c);
+ 		}
+ 		gl_rewrite_rewriteinfo = 0; 
+ 			} else
+ 		    goto kc_unparsing_default;
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	default:
+ 	kc_unparsing_default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 		default_unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view );
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_unparseviewsinfo::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     if(is_nil())
+ 	nil_do_unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view_base);
+     else
+ 	switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	case view_gen_unparsedefs_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_unparsedefs_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_unparsedefs_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const unparseviewinfo a_uvi = this->unparseviewinfo_1;
+ 		const unparseviewsinfo r_uvi = this->unparseviewsinfo_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(r_uvi, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		kc::unparse(a_uvi, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	default:
+ 	kc_unparsing_default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 		for (unparseviewsinfo iterator_ = this; iterator_->unparseviewsinfo_1 != 0; iterator_ = iterator_->unparseviewsinfo_1)
+ 		    iterator_->unparseviewinfo_1->unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_unparseviewsinfo::nil_do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	case view_gen_unparsedefs_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_unparsedefs_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_unparsedefs_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	default:
+ 	kc_unparsing_default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_unparseviewinfo_Unparseviewinfo::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	case view_gen_unparsedefs_other_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_unparsedefs_other_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_unparsedefs_other_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    if ((this->unparsedeclsinfo_1->prod_sel() == sel_Nilunparsedeclsinfo)) {
+ 	    } else
+ 	    {
+ 		const ID v = this->ID_1;
+ 		const unparsedeclsinfo udi = this->unparsedeclsinfo_1;
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("    case "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(v, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("_enum: {\
+ \n		"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(v, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(v, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("_class&>(kc_current_view_base);\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(udi, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("	break;\
+ \n    }\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const ID v = this->ID_1;
+ 		const unparsedeclsinfo udi = this->unparsedeclsinfo_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(g_emptystring, kc_printer, view_printer_outputfileline);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("    default:\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		if (gl_unparse_goto_used) 
+ 		{
+ 		    { kc_printer(kc_t("    kc_unparsing_default:\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		}
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("    case "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(v, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("_enum: {\
+ \n		uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		bool onlyDefault;
+ 		{
+ 		    unparsedeclsinfo kc_selvar_0_1 = phylum_cast<unparsedeclsinfo>(udi);
+ 		    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_Nilunparsedeclsinfo)) {
+ 			onlyDefault = true; 
+ 				} else
+ 		    {
+ 			onlyDefault = false; 
+ 		    }
+ 		}
+ 		view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c_class vgudcD(/* is list ? */ false, onlyDefault);
+ 		kc::unparse(udi, kc_printer, vgudcD);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("	break;\
+ \n    }\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_unparsedefs_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_unparsedefs_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_unparsedefs_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    if ((this->ID_1->prod_sel() == sel_Id) && (phylum_cast<const impl_ID_Id*>(this->ID_1)->uniqID_1->prod_sel() == sel_Str)) {
+ 		const casestring v = phylum_cast<const impl_uniqID_Str*>(phylum_cast<const impl_ID_Id*>(this->ID_1)->uniqID_1)->casestring_1;
+ 		if ( strcmp(v->name, "base_uview" )==0 ) 
+ 		{
+ 		    kc::unparse(this, kc_printer, view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c);
+ 		}
+ 		else 
+ 		{
+ 		    kc::unparse(this, kc_printer, view_gen_unparsedefs_other_c);
+ 		}
+ 	    } else
+ 		    goto kc_unparsing_default;
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	default:
+ 	kc_unparsing_default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 		default_unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view );
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_unparsedeclsinfo::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     if(is_nil())
+ 	nil_do_unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view_base);
+     else
+ 	switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	case view_gen_unparsedefs_other_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_unparsedefs_other_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_unparsedefs_other_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    if ((this->unparsedeclinfo_1->prod_sel() == sel_Unparsedeclinfo) && (phylum_cast<const impl_unparsedeclinfo_Unparsedeclinfo*>(this->unparsedeclinfo_1)->patternrepresentation_1->prod_sel() == sel_Conspatternrepresentation) && ((phylum_cast<const impl_unparsedeclinfo_Unparsedeclinfo*>(this->unparsedeclinfo_1)->patternrepresentation_1)->patternrepresentation_1->prod_sel() == sel_Nilpatternrepresentation)) {
+ 		const patternrepresentation p = phylum_cast<const impl_unparsedeclinfo_Unparsedeclinfo*>(this->unparsedeclinfo_1)->patternrepresentation_1;
+ 		const patternrepresentation bindings = phylum_cast<const impl_unparsedeclinfo_Unparsedeclinfo*>(this->unparsedeclinfo_1)->patternrepresentation_2;
+ 		const unparseclause uc = phylum_cast<const impl_unparsedeclinfo_Unparsedeclinfo*>(this->unparsedeclinfo_1)->unparseclause_1;
+ 		const unparsedeclsinfo r_udi = this->unparsedeclsinfo_1;
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("{\n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(bindings, kc_printer, view_unp_bindings);
+ 		operatorstack.push( f_operatorofpatternrepresentation( p ) ); 
+ 		kc::unparse(uc, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		operatorstack.pop(); 
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t("}\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		if (g_options.warn_drop_identical_patterns) {
+ 		    unparsedeclsinfo kc_selvar_0_1 = phylum_cast<unparsedeclsinfo>(r_udi);
+ 		    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_Consunparsedeclsinfo)) {
+ 			{
+ 			    unparsedeclsinfo kc_fe_selvar_1 =  kc_selvar_0_1;
+ 			    while(
+ 				    kc_fe_selvar_1->prod_sel() == sel_Consunparsedeclsinfo
+ 				) {
+ 				unparsedeclinfo kc_selvar_1_1 = kc_fe_selvar_1->unparsedeclinfo_1;
+ 				{
+ 				    {
+ 					{
+ 					    const unparsedeclinfo udi = kc_selvar_1_1;
+ 					    warn_drop_identical_pattern(udi);
+ 					}
+ 				    }
+ 				}
+ 				kc_fe_selvar_1 = kc_fe_selvar_1->unparsedeclsinfo_1;
+ 			    }
+ 			}
+ 		    } else
+ 			if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_Nilunparsedeclsinfo)) {
+ 		    } else
+ 			kc_no_default_in_with( "", __LINE__, __FILE__ );
+ 		}
+ 	    } else
+ 		if ((this->unparsedeclinfo_1->prod_sel() == sel_Unparsedeclinfo) && (phylum_cast<const impl_unparsedeclinfo_Unparsedeclinfo*>(this->unparsedeclinfo_1)->patternrepresentation_1->prod_sel() == sel_Conspatternrepresentation)) {
+ 		const patternrepresentation p = phylum_cast<const impl_unparsedeclinfo_Unparsedeclinfo*>(this->unparsedeclinfo_1)->patternrepresentation_1;
+ 		const patternrepresentation r_p = (phylum_cast<const impl_unparsedeclinfo_Unparsedeclinfo*>(this->unparsedeclinfo_1)->patternrepresentation_1)->patternrepresentation_1;
+ 		const patternrepresentation bindings = phylum_cast<const impl_unparsedeclinfo_Unparsedeclinfo*>(this->unparsedeclinfo_1)->patternrepresentation_2;
+ 		const unparseclause uc = phylum_cast<const impl_unparsedeclinfo_Unparsedeclinfo*>(this->unparsedeclinfo_1)->unparseclause_1;
+ 		const unparsedeclsinfo r_udi = this->unparsedeclsinfo_1;
+ 		gl_bindings.clear(); 
+ 		kc::unparse(bindings, kc_printer, view_predicate_bindings);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("	if (("), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(r_p, kc_printer, view_unp_predicates);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(")) {\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(bindings, kc_printer, view_unp_bindings);
+ 		operatorstack.push( f_operatorofpatternrepresentation( p ) ); 
+ 		kc::unparse(uc, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		operatorstack.pop(); 
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t("	} else\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(r_udi, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    } else
+ 		    goto kc_unparsing_default;
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    if ((this->unparsedeclinfo_1->prod_sel() == sel_Unparsedeclinfo) && (phylum_cast<const impl_unparsedeclinfo_Unparsedeclinfo*>(this->unparsedeclinfo_1)->patternrepresentation_1->prod_sel() == sel_Conspatternrepresentation) && ((phylum_cast<const impl_unparsedeclinfo_Unparsedeclinfo*>(this->unparsedeclinfo_1)->patternrepresentation_1)->patternrepresentation_1->prod_sel() == sel_Nilpatternrepresentation)) {
+ 		const patternrepresentation p = phylum_cast<const impl_unparsedeclinfo_Unparsedeclinfo*>(this->unparsedeclinfo_1)->patternrepresentation_1;
+ 		const patternrepresentation bindings = phylum_cast<const impl_unparsedeclinfo_Unparsedeclinfo*>(this->unparsedeclinfo_1)->patternrepresentation_2;
+ 		const unparseclause uc = phylum_cast<const impl_unparsedeclinfo_Unparsedeclinfo*>(this->unparsedeclinfo_1)->unparseclause_1;
+ 		const unparsedeclsinfo r_udi = this->unparsedeclsinfo_1;
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("{\n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(bindings, kc_printer, view_unp_bindings);
+ 		operatorstack.push( f_operatorofpatternrepresentation( p ) ); 
+ 		kc::unparse(uc, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		operatorstack.pop(); 
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t("}\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		if (g_options.warn_drop_identical_patterns) {
+ 		    unparsedeclsinfo kc_selvar_0_1 = phylum_cast<unparsedeclsinfo>(r_udi);
+ 		    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_Consunparsedeclsinfo)) {
+ 			{
+ 			    unparsedeclsinfo kc_fe_selvar_1 =  kc_selvar_0_1;
+ 			    while(
+ 				    kc_fe_selvar_1->prod_sel() == sel_Consunparsedeclsinfo
+ 				) {
+ 				unparsedeclinfo kc_selvar_1_1 = kc_fe_selvar_1->unparsedeclinfo_1;
+ 				{
+ 				    {
+ 					{
+ 					    const unparsedeclinfo udi = kc_selvar_1_1;
+ 					    warn_drop_identical_pattern(udi);
+ 					}
+ 				    }
+ 				}
+ 				kc_fe_selvar_1 = kc_fe_selvar_1->unparsedeclsinfo_1;
+ 			    }
+ 			}
+ 		    } else
+ 			if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_Nilunparsedeclsinfo)) {
+ 		    } else
+ 			kc_no_default_in_with( "", __LINE__, __FILE__ );
+ 		}
+ 	    } else
+ 		if ((this->unparsedeclinfo_1->prod_sel() == sel_Unparsedeclinfo) && (phylum_cast<const impl_unparsedeclinfo_Unparsedeclinfo*>(this->unparsedeclinfo_1)->patternrepresentation_1->prod_sel() == sel_Conspatternrepresentation)) {
+ 		const patternrepresentation p = phylum_cast<const impl_unparsedeclinfo_Unparsedeclinfo*>(this->unparsedeclinfo_1)->patternrepresentation_1;
+ 		const patternrepresentation r_p = (phylum_cast<const impl_unparsedeclinfo_Unparsedeclinfo*>(this->unparsedeclinfo_1)->patternrepresentation_1)->patternrepresentation_1;
+ 		const patternrepresentation bindings = phylum_cast<const impl_unparsedeclinfo_Unparsedeclinfo*>(this->unparsedeclinfo_1)->patternrepresentation_2;
+ 		const unparseclause uc = phylum_cast<const impl_unparsedeclinfo_Unparsedeclinfo*>(this->unparsedeclinfo_1)->unparseclause_1;
+ 		const unparsedeclsinfo r_udi = this->unparsedeclsinfo_1;
+ 		gl_bindings.clear(); 
+ 		kc::unparse(bindings, kc_printer, view_predicate_bindings);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("	if (("), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(r_p, kc_printer, view_unp_predicates);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(")) {\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(bindings, kc_printer, view_unp_bindings);
+ 		operatorstack.push( f_operatorofpatternrepresentation( p ) ); 
+ 		kc::unparse(uc, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		operatorstack.pop(); 
+ 			{ kc_printer(kc_t("	} else\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(r_udi, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    } else
+ 		    goto kc_unparsing_default;
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	default:
+ 	kc_unparsing_default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 		for (unparsedeclsinfo iterator_ = this; iterator_->unparsedeclsinfo_1 != 0; iterator_ = iterator_->unparsedeclsinfo_1)
+ 		    iterator_->unparsedeclinfo_1->unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_unparsedeclsinfo::nil_do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	case view_gen_unparsedefs_other_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_unparsedefs_other_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_unparsedefs_other_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("\vgoto kc_unparsing_default\r;\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		gl_unparse_goto_used = true; 
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		phylumdeclaration phydecl = f_lookupdecl( gl_phylum );
+ 		if ( phydecl == 0 ) 
+ 		{
+ 		    v_report(NonFatal( FileLine( gl_phylum->file, gl_phylum->line ), Problem1S1ID( "internal error: could not find declaration of phylum:", gl_phylum )));
+ 		}
+ 		else 
+ 		{
+ 		    kc::unparse(phydecl, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		}
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	default:
+ 	kc_unparsing_default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_unparsedeclinfo_Unparsedeclinfo::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 		default_unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view );
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_ac_declaration_AcDeclaration::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    {
+ 		const ac_declaration_specifiers ds = this->ac_declaration_specifiers_1;
+ 		const ac_init_declarator_list idlo = this->ac_init_declarator_list_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(ds, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(" "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(idlo, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(";\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_ac_declaration_list::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     if(is_nil())
+ 	nil_do_unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view_base);
+     else
+ 	switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    {
+ 		const ac_declaration h = this->ac_declaration_1;
+ 		const ac_declaration_list t = this->ac_declaration_list_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(t, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		kc::unparse(h, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_ac_declaration_list::nil_do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_ac_declaration_specifiers::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     if(is_nil())
+ 	nil_do_unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view_base);
+     else
+ 	switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    if ((this->ac_declaration_specifiers_1->prod_sel() == sel_Nilac_declaration_specifiers)) {
+ 		const ac_declaration_specifier h = this->ac_declaration_specifier_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(h, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    } else
+ 	    {
+ 		const ac_declaration_specifier h = this->ac_declaration_specifier_1;
+ 		const ac_declaration_specifiers t = this->ac_declaration_specifiers_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(t, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(" "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(h, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_ac_declaration_specifiers::nil_do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_ac_declaration_specifier_AcDeclSpecTypeQual::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 		default_unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view );
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_ac_declaration_specifier_AcDeclSpecTypeSpec::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 		default_unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view );
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_ac_declaration_specifier_AcDeclSpecStorageSpec::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 		default_unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view );
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_ac_storage_class_specifier_AcVirtual::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	case view_gen_fnk_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_fnk_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_fnk_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    {
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("virtual"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_ac_storage_class_specifier_AcTypedef::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    {
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("typedef"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_ac_storage_class_specifier_AcExtern::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    {
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("extern"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_ac_storage_class_specifier_AcStatic::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	case view_gen_member_dcl_h_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_member_dcl_h_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_member_dcl_h_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("static"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_ac_storage_class_specifier_AcRegister::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    {
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("register"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_ac_storage_class_specifier_AcAuto::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    {
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("auto"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_ac_type_specifier_AcTypeSpec::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    {
+ 		const ID i = this->ID_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(i, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_ac_type_qualifier_AcNoQualifier::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_ac_type_qualifier_AcUnsigned::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    {
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("unsigned"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_ac_type_qualifier_AcVolatile::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    {
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("volatile"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_ac_type_qualifier_AcConst::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    {
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("const"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_ac_init_declarator_list::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     if(is_nil())
+ 	nil_do_unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view_base);
+     else
+ 	switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    if ((this->ac_init_declarator_list_1->prod_sel() == sel_Nilac_init_declarator_list)) {
+ 		const ac_init_declarator h = this->ac_init_declarator_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(h, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    } else
+ 	    {
+ 		const ac_init_declarator h = this->ac_init_declarator_1;
+ 		const ac_init_declarator_list t = this->ac_init_declarator_list_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(t, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(" "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(h, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_ac_init_declarator_list::nil_do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_ac_init_declarator_AcInitDecl::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    {
+ 		const ac_declarator d = this->ac_declarator_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(d, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_ac_declarator_AcDeclarator::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	case view_gen_opt_const_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_opt_const_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_opt_const_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const ac_direct_declarator dd = this->ac_direct_declarator_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(dd, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_fnkdecls_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_fnkdecls_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_fnkdecls_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const ac_pointer_option po = this->ac_pointer_option_1;
+ 		const ac_ref_option rr = this->ac_ref_option_1;
+ 		const ac_direct_declarator dd = this->ac_direct_declarator_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(po, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		kc::unparse(rr, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		kc::unparse(dd, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_fnkargs_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_fnkargs_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_fnkargs_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const ac_direct_declarator dd = this->ac_direct_declarator_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(dd, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_fn_pointer_name_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_fn_pointer_name_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_fn_pointer_name_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const ac_pointer_option po = this->ac_pointer_option_1;
+ 		const ac_ref_option rr = this->ac_ref_option_1;
+ 		const ac_direct_declarator dd = this->ac_direct_declarator_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(po, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		kc::unparse(rr, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		kc::unparse(dd, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    {
+ 		const ac_pointer_option po = this->ac_pointer_option_1;
+ 		const ac_ref_option rr = this->ac_ref_option_1;
+ 		const ac_direct_declarator dd = this->ac_direct_declarator_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(po, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		kc::unparse(rr, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		kc::unparse(dd, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_ac_direct_declarator_AcOperatorDeclId::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    {
+ 		const ac_operator_name id = this->ac_operator_name_1;
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("operator "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_ac_direct_declarator_AcConvOperatorDecl::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	case view_gen_member_dcl_h_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_member_dcl_h_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_member_dcl_h_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const ID id = this->ID_2;
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("operator "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_fn_pointer_name_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_fn_pointer_name_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_fn_pointer_name_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const ID clid = this->ID_1;
+ 		const ID id = this->ID_2;
+ 		kc::unparse(clid, kc_printer, view_gen_fn_pointer_name);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("::operator "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_fnk_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_fnk_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_fnk_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const ID clid = this->ID_1;
+ 		const ID id = this->ID_2;
+ 		kc::unparse(clid, kc_printer, view_gen_fn_pointer_name);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("::operator "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 		default_unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view );
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_ac_direct_declarator_AcMemberDecl::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	case view_gen_member_dcl_h_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_member_dcl_h_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_member_dcl_h_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const ID id = this->ID_2;
+ 		const ac_constant_expression_list idxs = this->ac_constant_expression_list_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		kc::unparse(idxs, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_fn_pointer_name_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_fn_pointer_name_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_fn_pointer_name_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const ID clid = this->ID_1;
+ 		const ID id = this->ID_2;
+ 		const ac_constant_expression_list idxs = this->ac_constant_expression_list_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(clid, kc_printer, view_gen_fn_pointer_name);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("::"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		kc::unparse(idxs, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_fnk_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_fnk_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_fnk_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const ID clid = this->ID_1;
+ 		const ID id = this->ID_2;
+ 		const ac_constant_expression_list idxs = this->ac_constant_expression_list_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(clid, kc_printer, view_gen_fn_pointer_name);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("::"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		kc::unparse(idxs, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 		default_unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view );
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_ac_direct_declarator_AcQualifiedDeclProto::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	case view_gen_opt_const_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_opt_const_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_opt_const_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const ac_type_qualifier co = this->ac_type_qualifier_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(co, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_member_dcl_h_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_member_dcl_h_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_member_dcl_h_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const ac_direct_declarator id = this->ac_direct_declarator_1;
+ 		const ac_parameter_type_list args = this->ac_parameter_type_list_1;
+ 		const ac_type_qualifier opt_const = this->ac_type_qualifier_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("("), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(args, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(")"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(opt_const, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(";\
+ \n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_fnkdecls_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_fnkdecls_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_fnkdecls_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    if ((this->ac_class_qualifier_list_1->prod_sel() == sel_Nilac_class_qualifier_list)) {
+ 		const ac_direct_declarator dd = this->ac_direct_declarator_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(dd, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("()"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    } else
+ 	    {
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_fnkargs_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_fnkargs_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_fnkargs_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const ac_direct_declarator dd = this->ac_direct_declarator_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(dd, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_fn_pointer_name_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_fn_pointer_name_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_fn_pointer_name_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const ac_class_qualifier_list dd = this->ac_class_qualifier_list_1;
+ 		const ac_direct_declarator id = this->ac_direct_declarator_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(dd, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    {
+ 		const ac_class_qualifier_list qq = this->ac_class_qualifier_list_1;
+ 		const ac_direct_declarator id = this->ac_direct_declarator_1;
+ 		const ac_parameter_type_list ptl = this->ac_parameter_type_list_1;
+ 		const ac_type_qualifier oc = this->ac_type_qualifier_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(qq, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("("), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(ptl, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(")"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(oc, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_ac_direct_declarator_AcDirectDeclProto::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	case view_gen_opt_const_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_opt_const_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_opt_const_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_fnkdecls_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_fnkdecls_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_fnkdecls_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const ac_direct_declarator dd = this->ac_direct_declarator_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(dd, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("()"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_fnkargs_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_fnkargs_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_fnkargs_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const ac_direct_declarator dd = this->ac_direct_declarator_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(dd, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_fn_pointer_name_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_fn_pointer_name_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_fn_pointer_name_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const ac_direct_declarator dd = this->ac_direct_declarator_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(dd, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    {
+ 		const ac_direct_declarator dd = this->ac_direct_declarator_1;
+ 		const ac_parameter_type_list ptl = this->ac_parameter_type_list_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(dd, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("("), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(ptl, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(")"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_ac_direct_declarator_AcDirectDeclArray::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	case view_gen_fnkdecls_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_fnkdecls_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_fnkdecls_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const ac_direct_declarator dd = this->ac_direct_declarator_1;
+ 		const ac_constant_expression_option ceo = this->ac_constant_expression_option_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(dd, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("["), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(ceo, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("]"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_fnkargs_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_fnkargs_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_fnkargs_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const ac_direct_declarator dd = this->ac_direct_declarator_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(dd, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    {
+ 		const ac_direct_declarator dd = this->ac_direct_declarator_1;
+ 		const ac_constant_expression_option ceo = this->ac_constant_expression_option_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(dd, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("["), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(ceo, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("]"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_ac_direct_declarator_AcDirectDeclPack::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	case view_gen_fnkdecls_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_fnkdecls_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_fnkdecls_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const ac_declarator d = this->ac_declarator_1;
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("("), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(d, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(")"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_fnkargs_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_fnkargs_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_fnkargs_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const ac_declarator d = this->ac_declarator_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(d, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    {
+ 		const ac_declarator d = this->ac_declarator_1;
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("("), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(d, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(")"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_ac_direct_declarator_AcDirectDeclId::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	case view_gen_fnkdecls_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_fnkdecls_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_fnkdecls_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const ID i = this->ID_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(i, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    {
+ 		const ID i = this->ID_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(i, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_ac_pointer_option_Yespointer::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    {
+ 		const ac_pointer p = this->ac_pointer_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(p, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_ac_pointer_option_Nopointer::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    {
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_ac_pointer_AcPointerCons::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    if ((this->ac_type_qualifier_list_1->prod_sel() == sel_Nilac_type_qualifier_list)) {
+ 		const ac_pointer p = this->ac_pointer_1;
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("*"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(p, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    } else
+ 	    {
+ 		const ac_type_qualifier_list tql = this->ac_type_qualifier_list_1;
+ 		const ac_pointer p = this->ac_pointer_1;
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("* "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(tql, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(" "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(p, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_ac_pointer_AcPointerNil::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    if ((this->ac_type_qualifier_list_1->prod_sel() == sel_Nilac_type_qualifier_list)) {
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("*"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    } else
+ 	    {
+ 		const ac_type_qualifier_list tql = this->ac_type_qualifier_list_1;
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("* "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(tql, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(" "), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_ac_ref_option_AcRef::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    {
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("&"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_ac_ref_option_AcNoRef::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    {
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_ac_operator_name_AcOperatorName::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 		default_unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view );
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_ac_class_qualifier_help_list::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     if(is_nil())
+ 	nil_do_unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view_base);
+     else
+ 	switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 		for (ac_class_qualifier_help_list iterator_ = this; iterator_->ac_class_qualifier_help_list_1 != 0; iterator_ = iterator_->ac_class_qualifier_help_list_1)
+ 		    iterator_->ac_direct_declarator_1->unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_ac_class_qualifier_help_list::nil_do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_ac_class_qualifier_list::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     if(is_nil())
+ 	nil_do_unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view_base);
+     else
+ 	switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    {
+ 		const ID head = this->ID_1;
+ 		const ac_class_qualifier_list tail = this->ac_class_qualifier_list_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(tail, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		kc::unparse(head, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("::"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_ac_class_qualifier_list::nil_do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_ac_type_qualifier_list::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     if(is_nil())
+ 	nil_do_unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view_base);
+     else
+ 	switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    if ((this->ac_type_qualifier_list_1->prod_sel() == sel_Nilac_type_qualifier_list)) {
+ 		const ac_type_qualifier h = this->ac_type_qualifier_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(h, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    } else
+ 	    {
+ 		const ac_type_qualifier h = this->ac_type_qualifier_1;
+ 		const ac_type_qualifier_list t = this->ac_type_qualifier_list_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(t, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(" "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(h, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_ac_type_qualifier_list::nil_do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_ac_parameter_type_list_AcParList3Dot::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	case view_gen_fnkdecls_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_fnkdecls_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_fnkdecls_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const ac_parameter_list pl = this->ac_parameter_list_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(pl, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_fnkargs_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_fnkargs_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_fnkargs_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const ac_parameter_list pl = this->ac_parameter_list_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(pl, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    {
+ 		const ac_parameter_list pl = this->ac_parameter_list_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(pl, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(" ..."), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_ac_parameter_type_list_AcParList::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	case view_gen_fnkdecls_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_fnkdecls_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_fnkdecls_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    if ((this->ac_parameter_list_1->prod_sel() == sel_Nilac_parameter_list)) {
+ 	    } else
+ 		    goto kc_unparsing_default;
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_fnkargs_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_fnkargs_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_fnkargs_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    if ((this->ac_parameter_list_1->prod_sel() == sel_Nilac_parameter_list)) {
+ 	    } else
+ 		    goto kc_unparsing_default;
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	default:
+ 	kc_unparsing_default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    {
+ 		const ac_parameter_list pl = this->ac_parameter_list_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(pl, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_ac_parameter_list::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     if(is_nil())
+ 	nil_do_unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view_base);
+     else
+ 	switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	case view_gen_fnkdecls_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_fnkdecls_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_fnkdecls_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    if ((this->ac_parameter_list_1->prod_sel() == sel_Nilac_parameter_list)) {
+ 		const ac_parameter_declaration h = this->ac_parameter_declaration_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(h, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(";"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    } else
+ 	    {
+ 		const ac_parameter_declaration h = this->ac_parameter_declaration_1;
+ 		const ac_parameter_list t = this->ac_parameter_list_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(t, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("\n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(h, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(";"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	default:
+ 	kc_unparsing_default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    if ((this->ac_parameter_list_1->prod_sel() == sel_Nilac_parameter_list)) {
+ 		const ac_parameter_declaration h = this->ac_parameter_declaration_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(h, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    } else
+ 	    {
+ 		const ac_parameter_declaration h = this->ac_parameter_declaration_1;
+ 		const ac_parameter_list t = this->ac_parameter_list_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(t, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(", "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(h, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_ac_parameter_list::nil_do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	default:
+ 	kc_unparsing_default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_ac_parameter_declaration_AcParDeclAbsdecl::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	case view_gen_member_dcl_h_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_member_dcl_h_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_member_dcl_h_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    if ((this->ac_constant_expression_option_1->prod_sel() == sel_Noac_constant_expression)) {
+ 		const ac_declaration_specifiers ds = this->ac_declaration_specifiers_1;
+ 		const ac_abstract_declarator ad = this->ac_abstract_declarator_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(ds, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(" "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(ad, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    } else
+ 		if ((this->ac_constant_expression_option_1->prod_sel() == sel_Yesac_constant_expression)) {
+ 		const ac_declaration_specifiers ds = this->ac_declaration_specifiers_1;
+ 		const ac_abstract_declarator ad = this->ac_abstract_declarator_1;
+ 		const ac_constant_expression expr = phylum_cast<const impl_ac_constant_expression_option_Yesac_constant_expression*>(this->ac_constant_expression_option_1)->ac_constant_expression_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(ds, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(" "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(ad, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("="), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(expr, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    } else
+ 		    goto kc_unparsing_default;
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_fnkdecls_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_fnkdecls_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_fnkdecls_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    if ((this->ac_constant_expression_option_1->prod_sel() == sel_Noac_constant_expression)) {
+ 		const ac_declaration_specifiers ds = this->ac_declaration_specifiers_1;
+ 		const ac_abstract_declarator ad = this->ac_abstract_declarator_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(ds, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(" "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(ad, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    } else
+ 		if ((this->ac_constant_expression_option_1->prod_sel() == sel_Yesac_constant_expression)) {
+ 		const ac_declaration_specifiers ds = this->ac_declaration_specifiers_1;
+ 		const ac_abstract_declarator ad = this->ac_abstract_declarator_1;
+ 		const ac_constant_expression expr = phylum_cast<const impl_ac_constant_expression_option_Yesac_constant_expression*>(this->ac_constant_expression_option_1)->ac_constant_expression_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(ds, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(" "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(ad, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("="), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(expr, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    } else
+ 		    goto kc_unparsing_default;
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_fnkargs_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_fnkargs_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_fnkargs_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const ac_abstract_declarator ad = this->ac_abstract_declarator_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(ad, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_fnkdecls_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_fnkdecls_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_fnkdecls_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    if ((this->ac_constant_expression_option_1->prod_sel() == sel_Noac_constant_expression)) {
+ 		const ac_declaration_specifiers ds = this->ac_declaration_specifiers_1;
+ 		const ac_abstract_declarator ad = this->ac_abstract_declarator_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(ds, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(" "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(ad, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    } else
+ 		if ((this->ac_constant_expression_option_1->prod_sel() == sel_Yesac_constant_expression)) {
+ 		const ac_declaration_specifiers ds = this->ac_declaration_specifiers_1;
+ 		const ac_abstract_declarator ad = this->ac_abstract_declarator_1;
+ 		const ac_constant_expression expr = phylum_cast<const impl_ac_constant_expression_option_Yesac_constant_expression*>(this->ac_constant_expression_option_1)->ac_constant_expression_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(ds, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(" "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(ad, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("="), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(expr, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    } else
+ 		    goto kc_unparsing_default;
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_fnk_h_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_fnk_h_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_fnk_h_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    if ((this->ac_constant_expression_option_1->prod_sel() == sel_Noac_constant_expression)) {
+ 		const ac_declaration_specifiers ds = this->ac_declaration_specifiers_1;
+ 		const ac_abstract_declarator ad = this->ac_abstract_declarator_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(ds, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(" "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(ad, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    } else
+ 		if ((this->ac_constant_expression_option_1->prod_sel() == sel_Yesac_constant_expression)) {
+ 		const ac_declaration_specifiers ds = this->ac_declaration_specifiers_1;
+ 		const ac_abstract_declarator ad = this->ac_abstract_declarator_1;
+ 		const ac_constant_expression expr = phylum_cast<const impl_ac_constant_expression_option_Yesac_constant_expression*>(this->ac_constant_expression_option_1)->ac_constant_expression_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(ds, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(" "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(ad, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("="), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(expr, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    } else
+ 		    goto kc_unparsing_default;
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	default:
+ 	kc_unparsing_default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    {
+ 		const ac_declaration_specifiers ds = this->ac_declaration_specifiers_1;
+ 		const ac_abstract_declarator ad = this->ac_abstract_declarator_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(ds, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(" "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(ad, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_ac_parameter_declaration_AcParDeclDecl::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	case view_gen_member_dcl_h_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_member_dcl_h_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_member_dcl_h_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    if ((this->ac_constant_expression_option_1->prod_sel() == sel_Noac_constant_expression)) {
+ 		const ac_declaration_specifiers ds = this->ac_declaration_specifiers_1;
+ 		const ac_declarator d = this->ac_declarator_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(ds, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(" "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(d, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    } else
+ 		if ((this->ac_constant_expression_option_1->prod_sel() == sel_Yesac_constant_expression)) {
+ 		const ac_declaration_specifiers ds = this->ac_declaration_specifiers_1;
+ 		const ac_declarator d = this->ac_declarator_1;
+ 		const ac_constant_expression expr = phylum_cast<const impl_ac_constant_expression_option_Yesac_constant_expression*>(this->ac_constant_expression_option_1)->ac_constant_expression_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(ds, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(" "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(d, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("="), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(expr, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    } else
+ 		    goto kc_unparsing_default;
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_fnkdecls_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_fnkdecls_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_fnkdecls_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    if ((this->ac_constant_expression_option_1->prod_sel() == sel_Noac_constant_expression)) {
+ 		const ac_declaration_specifiers ds = this->ac_declaration_specifiers_1;
+ 		const ac_declarator d = this->ac_declarator_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(ds, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(" "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(d, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    } else
+ 		if ((this->ac_constant_expression_option_1->prod_sel() == sel_Yesac_constant_expression)) {
+ 		const ac_declaration_specifiers ds = this->ac_declaration_specifiers_1;
+ 		const ac_declarator d = this->ac_declarator_1;
+ 		const ac_constant_expression expr = phylum_cast<const impl_ac_constant_expression_option_Yesac_constant_expression*>(this->ac_constant_expression_option_1)->ac_constant_expression_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(ds, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(" "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(d, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("="), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(expr, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    } else
+ 		    goto kc_unparsing_default;
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_fnkargs_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_fnkargs_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_fnkargs_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const ac_declarator d = this->ac_declarator_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(d, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_fnkdecls_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_fnkdecls_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_fnkdecls_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    if ((this->ac_constant_expression_option_1->prod_sel() == sel_Noac_constant_expression)) {
+ 		const ac_declaration_specifiers ds = this->ac_declaration_specifiers_1;
+ 		const ac_declarator d = this->ac_declarator_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(ds, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(" "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(d, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    } else
+ 		if ((this->ac_constant_expression_option_1->prod_sel() == sel_Yesac_constant_expression)) {
+ 		const ac_declaration_specifiers ds = this->ac_declaration_specifiers_1;
+ 		const ac_declarator d = this->ac_declarator_1;
+ 		const ac_constant_expression expr = phylum_cast<const impl_ac_constant_expression_option_Yesac_constant_expression*>(this->ac_constant_expression_option_1)->ac_constant_expression_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(ds, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(" "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(d, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("="), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(expr, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    } else
+ 		    goto kc_unparsing_default;
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_fnk_h_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_fnk_h_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_fnk_h_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    if ((this->ac_constant_expression_option_1->prod_sel() == sel_Noac_constant_expression)) {
+ 		const ac_declaration_specifiers ds = this->ac_declaration_specifiers_1;
+ 		const ac_declarator d = this->ac_declarator_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(ds, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(" "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(d, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    } else
+ 		if ((this->ac_constant_expression_option_1->prod_sel() == sel_Yesac_constant_expression)) {
+ 		const ac_declaration_specifiers ds = this->ac_declaration_specifiers_1;
+ 		const ac_declarator d = this->ac_declarator_1;
+ 		const ac_constant_expression expr = phylum_cast<const impl_ac_constant_expression_option_Yesac_constant_expression*>(this->ac_constant_expression_option_1)->ac_constant_expression_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(ds, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(" "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(d, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("="), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(expr, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    } else
+ 		    goto kc_unparsing_default;
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	default:
+ 	kc_unparsing_default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    {
+ 		const ac_declaration_specifiers ds = this->ac_declaration_specifiers_1;
+ 		const ac_declarator d = this->ac_declarator_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(ds, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(" "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(d, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_ac_identifier_list::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     if(is_nil())
+ 	nil_do_unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view_base);
+     else
+ 	switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	default:
+ 	kc_unparsing_default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    if ((this->ac_identifier_list_1->prod_sel() == sel_Nilac_identifier_list)) {
+ 		const ID h = this->ID_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(h, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    } else
+ 	    {
+ 		const ID h = this->ID_1;
+ 		const ac_identifier_list t = this->ac_identifier_list_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(t, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(", "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(h, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_ac_identifier_list::nil_do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	default:
+ 	kc_unparsing_default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_ac_abstract_declarator_AcAbsdeclDirdecl::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	case view_gen_fnkdecls_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_fnkdecls_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_fnkdecls_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const ac_pointer_option p = this->ac_pointer_option_1;
+ 		const ac_direct_abstract_declarator dad = this->ac_direct_abstract_declarator_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(p, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		kc::unparse(dad, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_fnkargs_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_fnkargs_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_fnkargs_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const ac_direct_abstract_declarator dad = this->ac_direct_abstract_declarator_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(dad, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    {
+ 		const ac_pointer_option po = this->ac_pointer_option_1;
+ 		const ac_direct_abstract_declarator dad = this->ac_direct_abstract_declarator_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(po, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		kc::unparse(dad, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_ac_abstract_declarator_AcAbsdeclPointer::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	case view_gen_fnkdecls_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_fnkdecls_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_fnkdecls_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const ac_pointer p = this->ac_pointer_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(p, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(" kc_arg_missing"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_gen_fnkargs_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_fnkargs_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_fnkargs_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("kc_arg_missing"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    {
+ 		const ac_pointer p = this->ac_pointer_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(p, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_ac_direct_abstract_declarator_option_Yesac_direct_abstract_declarator::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    {
+ 		const ac_direct_abstract_declarator dad = this->ac_direct_abstract_declarator_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(dad, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_ac_direct_abstract_declarator_option_Noac_direct_abstract_declarator::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_ac_direct_abstract_declarator_AcDirAbsdeclFn::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	case view_gen_fnkargs_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_fnkargs_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_fnkargs_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const ac_direct_abstract_declarator_option dado = this->ac_direct_abstract_declarator_option_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(dado, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    {
+ 		const ac_direct_abstract_declarator_option dado = this->ac_direct_abstract_declarator_option_1;
+ 		const ac_parameter_type_list ptl = this->ac_parameter_type_list_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(dado, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("("), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(ptl, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(")"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_ac_direct_abstract_declarator_AcDirAbsdeclArray::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	case view_gen_fnkargs_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_fnkargs_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_fnkargs_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const ac_direct_abstract_declarator_option dado = this->ac_direct_abstract_declarator_option_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(dado, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    {
+ 		const ac_direct_abstract_declarator_option dado = this->ac_direct_abstract_declarator_option_1;
+ 		const ac_constant_expression_option ceo = this->ac_constant_expression_option_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(dado, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("["), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(ceo, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("]"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_ac_direct_abstract_declarator_AcDirAbsdeclPack::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	case view_gen_fnkargs_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_fnkargs_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_fnkargs_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const ac_abstract_declarator ad = this->ac_abstract_declarator_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(ad, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    {
+ 		const ac_abstract_declarator ad = this->ac_abstract_declarator_1;
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("("), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(ad, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(")"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_ac_constant_expression_option_Noac_constant_expression::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_ac_constant_expression_option_Yesac_constant_expression::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 		default_unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view );
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_ac_constant_expression_AcConstExpr::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    {
+ 		const Cexpression ce = this->Cexpression_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(ce, kc_printer, view_gen_initializephyla_c);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_ac_constant_expression_list::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     if(is_nil())
+ 	nil_do_unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view_base);
+     else
+ 	switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    {
+ 		const ac_constant_expression head = this->ac_constant_expression_1;
+ 		const ac_constant_expression_list tail = this->ac_constant_expression_list_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(tail, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("["), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(head, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("]"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_ac_constant_expression_list::nil_do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_ac_opt_base_init_list_AcYesBaseInit::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	case view_gen_fnk_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_fnk_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_fnk_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const ac_base_init_list base_init_list = this->ac_base_init_list_1;
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(":"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(base_init_list, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    {
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_ac_opt_base_init_list_AcNoBaseInit::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    {
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_ac_base_init_list::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     if(is_nil())
+ 	nil_do_unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view_base);
+     else
+ 	switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	case view_gen_fnk_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_fnk_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_fnk_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    if ((this->ac_base_init_list_1->prod_sel() == sel_Nilac_base_init_list)) {
+ 		const ac_base_init head = this->ac_base_init_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(head, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    } else
+ 	    {
+ 		const ac_base_init head = this->ac_base_init_1;
+ 		const ac_base_init_list tail = this->ac_base_init_list_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(tail, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(","), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(head, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 		for (ac_base_init_list iterator_ = this; iterator_->ac_base_init_list_1 != 0; iterator_ = iterator_->ac_base_init_list_1)
+ 		    iterator_->ac_base_init_1->unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_ac_base_init_list::nil_do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_ac_base_init_AcBaseInit::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	case view_gen_fnk_c_enum: {
+ 	    view_gen_fnk_c_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_gen_fnk_c_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const ID id = this->ID_1;
+ 		const ac_constant_expression expr = this->ac_constant_expression_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, view_gen_fn_pointer_name);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("("), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(expr, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(")"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 		default_unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view );
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_baseclass_declarations::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     if(is_nil())
+ 	nil_do_unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view_base);
+     else
+ 	switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 		for (baseclass_declarations iterator_ = this; iterator_->baseclass_declarations_1 != 0; iterator_ = iterator_->baseclass_declarations_1)
+ 		    iterator_->baseclass_decl_1->unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_baseclass_declarations::nil_do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_baseclass_decl_BaseClassDecl::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 		default_unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view );
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_baseclass_list::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     if(is_nil())
+ 	nil_do_unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view_base);
+     else
+ 	switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    if ((this->baseclass_list_1->prod_sel() == sel_Nilbaseclass_list)) {
+ 		const ID head = this->ID_1;
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("public "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(head, kc_printer, view_gen_fn_pointer_name);
+ 	    } else
+ 	    {
+ 		const ID head = this->ID_1;
+ 		const baseclass_list tail = this->baseclass_list_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(tail, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(", public "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(head, kc_printer, view_gen_fn_pointer_name);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_baseclass_list::nil_do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_error_Warning::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	case view_error_enum: {
+ 	    view_error_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_error_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const fileline fl = this->fileline_1;
+ 		const problem e = this->problem_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(g_progname, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(": warning"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(fl, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(": "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(e, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("\n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_error_format_enum: {
+ 	    view_error_format_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_error_format_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const fileline fl = this->fileline_1;
+ 		const problem e = this->problem_1;
+ 		kc_current_view.program(g_progname->name);
+ 		kc_current_view.severity("warning");
+ 		kc::unparse(fl, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		PRINT(kc_current_view.get_msg()); 
+ 		kc::unparse(e, kc_printer, view_error);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("\n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 		default_unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view );
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_error_NonFatal::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	case view_error_enum: {
+ 	    view_error_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_error_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const fileline fl = this->fileline_1;
+ 		const problem e = this->problem_1;
+ 		gp_no_fatal_problems=false; 
+ 		kc::unparse(g_progname, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(": error"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(fl, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(": "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(e, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("\n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_error_format_enum: {
+ 	    view_error_format_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_error_format_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const fileline fl = this->fileline_1;
+ 		const problem e = this->problem_1;
+ 		gp_no_fatal_problems=false;
+ 		kc_current_view.program(g_progname->name);
+ 		kc_current_view.severity("error");
+ 		kc::unparse(fl, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		PRINT(kc_current_view.get_msg()); 
+ 		kc::unparse(e, kc_printer, view_error);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("\n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 		default_unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view );
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_error_Fatal::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	case view_error_enum: {
+ 	    view_error_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_error_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const fileline fl = this->fileline_1;
+ 		const problem e = this->problem_1;
+ 		gp_no_fatal_problems=false; 
+ 		kc::unparse(g_progname, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(": fatal error"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(fl, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(": "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(e, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("\n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		leave( 1 ); 
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	case view_error_format_enum: {
+ 	    view_error_format_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_error_format_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const fileline fl = this->fileline_1;
+ 		const problem e = this->problem_1;
+ 		gp_no_fatal_problems=false;
+ 		kc_current_view.program(g_progname->name);
+ 		kc_current_view.severity("fatal error");
+ 		kc::unparse(fl, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		PRINT(kc_current_view.get_msg()); 
+ 		kc::unparse(e, kc_printer, view_error);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("\n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		leave( 1 ); 
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 		default_unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view );
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_problem_Problem6::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	case view_error_enum: {
+ 	    view_error_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_error_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const casestring s1 = this->casestring_1;
+ 		const casestring s2 = this->casestring_2;
+ 		const casestring s3 = this->casestring_3;
+ 		const casestring s4 = this->casestring_4;
+ 		const casestring s5 = this->casestring_5;
+ 		const casestring s6 = this->casestring_6;
+ 		kc::unparse(s1, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(" "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(s2, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(" "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(s3, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(" "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(s4, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(" "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(s5, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(" "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(s6, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 		default_unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view );
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_problem_Problem5::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	case view_error_enum: {
+ 	    view_error_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_error_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const casestring s1 = this->casestring_1;
+ 		const casestring s2 = this->casestring_2;
+ 		const casestring s3 = this->casestring_3;
+ 		const casestring s4 = this->casestring_4;
+ 		const casestring s5 = this->casestring_5;
+ 		kc::unparse(s1, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(" "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(s2, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(" "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(s3, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(" "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(s4, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(" "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(s5, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 		default_unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view );
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_problem_Problem4::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	case view_error_enum: {
+ 	    view_error_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_error_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const casestring s1 = this->casestring_1;
+ 		const casestring s2 = this->casestring_2;
+ 		const casestring s3 = this->casestring_3;
+ 		const casestring s4 = this->casestring_4;
+ 		kc::unparse(s1, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(" "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(s2, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(" "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(s3, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(" "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(s4, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 		default_unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view );
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_problem_Problem3int1::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	case view_error_enum: {
+ 	    view_error_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_error_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const casestring s1 = this->casestring_1;
+ 		const casestring s2 = this->casestring_2;
+ 		const casestring s3 = this->casestring_3;
+ 		const integer i1 = this->integer_1;
+ 		const casestring s4 = this->casestring_4;
+ 		kc::unparse(s1, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(" "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(s2, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(" "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(s3, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(" "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(i1, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(" "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(s4, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 		default_unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view );
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_problem_Problem3::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	case view_error_enum: {
+ 	    view_error_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_error_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const casestring s1 = this->casestring_1;
+ 		const casestring s2 = this->casestring_2;
+ 		const casestring s3 = this->casestring_3;
+ 		kc::unparse(s1, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(" "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(s2, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(" "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(s3, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 		default_unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view );
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_problem_Problem2::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	case view_error_enum: {
+ 	    view_error_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_error_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const casestring s1 = this->casestring_1;
+ 		const casestring s2 = this->casestring_2;
+ 		kc::unparse(s1, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(" "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(s2, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 		default_unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view );
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_problem_Problem1storageoption1ID::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	case view_error_enum: {
+ 	    view_error_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_error_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const casestring s1 = this->casestring_1;
+ 		const storageoption so = this->storageoption_1;
+ 		const casestring s2 = this->casestring_2;
+ 		const ID id = this->ID_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(s1, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(" "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(so, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(" "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(s2, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(" "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 		default_unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view );
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_problem_Problem1INT1ID1ID::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	case view_error_enum: {
+ 	    view_error_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_error_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const casestring s1 = this->casestring_1;
+ 		const INT i1 = this->INT_1;
+ 		const casestring s2 = this->casestring_2;
+ 		const ID id1 = this->ID_1;
+ 		const casestring s3 = this->casestring_3;
+ 		const ID id2 = this->ID_2;
+ 		kc::unparse(s1, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(" "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(i1, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(" "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(s2, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(" "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(id1, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(" "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(s3, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(" "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(id2, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 		default_unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view );
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_problem_Problem1ID1ID1ID::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	case view_error_enum: {
+ 	    view_error_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_error_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const casestring s1 = this->casestring_1;
+ 		const ID id1 = this->ID_1;
+ 		const casestring s2 = this->casestring_2;
+ 		const ID id2 = this->ID_2;
+ 		const casestring s3 = this->casestring_3;
+ 		const ID id3 = this->ID_3;
+ 		kc::unparse(s1, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(" "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(id1, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(" "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(s2, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(" "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(id2, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(" "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(s3, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(" "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(id3, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 		default_unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view );
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_problem_Problem1INT1ID::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	case view_error_enum: {
+ 	    view_error_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_error_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const casestring s1 = this->casestring_1;
+ 		const INT i1 = this->INT_1;
+ 		const casestring s2 = this->casestring_2;
+ 		const ID id1 = this->ID_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(s1, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(" "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(i1, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(" "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(s2, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(" "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(id1, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 		default_unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view );
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_problem_Problem1int1::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	case view_error_enum: {
+ 	    view_error_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_error_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const casestring s1 = this->casestring_1;
+ 		const integer i1 = this->integer_1;
+ 		const casestring s2 = this->casestring_2;
+ 		kc::unparse(s1, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(" "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(i1, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(" "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(s2, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 		default_unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view );
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_problem_Problem1INT::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	case view_error_enum: {
+ 	    view_error_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_error_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const casestring s1 = this->casestring_1;
+ 		const INT i1 = this->INT_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(s1, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(" "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(i1, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 		default_unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view );
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_problem_Problem1t1ID::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	case view_error_enum: {
+ 	    view_error_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_error_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const casestring s1 = this->casestring_1;
+ 		const IDtype t = this->IDtype_1;
+ 		const casestring s2 = this->casestring_2;
+ 		const ID id = this->ID_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(s1, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(" "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(t, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(" "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(s2, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(" "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 		default_unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view );
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_problem_Problem1ID1ID::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	case view_error_enum: {
+ 	    view_error_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_error_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const casestring s1 = this->casestring_1;
+ 		const ID id1 = this->ID_1;
+ 		const casestring s2 = this->casestring_2;
+ 		const ID id2 = this->ID_2;
+ 		kc::unparse(s1, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(" "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(id1, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(" "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(s2, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(" "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(id2, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 		default_unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view );
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_problem_Problem1we::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	case view_error_enum: {
+ 	    view_error_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_error_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const casestring s1 = this->casestring_1;
+ 		const withexpression we1 = this->withexpression_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(s1, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(" "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(we1, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 		default_unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view );
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_problem_Problem1tID::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	case view_error_enum: {
+ 	    view_error_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_error_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const casestring s1 = this->casestring_1;
+ 		const ID id = this->ID_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(s1, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(" "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, view_error_tID);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 		default_unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view );
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_problem_Problem1ID::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	case view_error_enum: {
+ 	    view_error_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_error_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const casestring s1 = this->casestring_1;
+ 		const ID id = this->ID_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(s1, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t(" "), kc_current_view); }
+ 		kc::unparse(id, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 		default_unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view );
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_problem_Problem1::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	case view_error_enum: {
+ 	    view_error_class& kc_current_view=static_cast<view_error_class&>(kc_current_view_base);
+ 	    {
+ 		const casestring s1 = this->casestring_1;
+ 		kc::unparse(s1, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 		default_unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view );
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_addedphylumdeclarations::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     if(is_nil())
+ 	nil_do_unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view_base);
+     else
+ 	switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 		for (addedphylumdeclarations iterator_ = this; iterator_->addedphylumdeclarations_1 != 0; iterator_ = iterator_->addedphylumdeclarations_1)
+ 		    iterator_->addedphylumdeclaration_1->unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_addedphylumdeclarations::nil_do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_addedphylumdeclaration_AddedPhylumdeclaration::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 		default_unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view );
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_countedphylumdeclarations::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     if(is_nil())
+ 	nil_do_unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view_base);
+     else
+ 	switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 		for (countedphylumdeclarations iterator_ = this; iterator_->countedphylumdeclarations_1 != 0; iterator_ = iterator_->countedphylumdeclarations_1)
+ 		    iterator_->countedphylumdeclaration_1->unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_countedphylumdeclarations::nil_do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_countedphylumdeclaration_CountedPhylumdeclaration::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 		default_unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view );
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_charruns_Stars::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    if ((KC_TRACE_PROVIDED((this->number>0), "gutil.k", 369, this))) {
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("*"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		this->number--; 
+ 		kc::unparse(this, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    } else
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_charruns_QuotedNewlines::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    if ((KC_TRACE_PROVIDED((this->number>0), "gutil.k", 368, this))) {
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("\\\n\\n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		this->number--; 
+ 		kc::unparse(this, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    } else
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_charruns_Newlines::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    if ((KC_TRACE_PROVIDED((this->number>0), "gutil.k", 367, this))) {
+ 		{ kc_printer(kc_t("\n"), kc_current_view); }
+ 		this->number--; 
+ 		kc::unparse(this, kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    } else
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_bindingidmarks::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     if(is_nil())
+ 	nil_do_unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view_base);
+     else
+ 	switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 		for (bindingidmarks iterator_ = this; iterator_->bindingidmarks_1 != 0; iterator_ = iterator_->bindingidmarks_1)
+ 		    iterator_->bindingidmark_1->unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_bindingidmarks::nil_do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ impl_bindingidmark_BindingIdMark::do_unparse(printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view_base)
+ {
+     switch(kc_current_view_base) {
+ 	default:
+ 	case base_uview_enum: {
+ 	    uview kc_current_view=kc_current_view_base;
+ 	    { /* Alternative( *, args ) -> [view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c: */
+ 		default_unparse(kc_printer, kc_current_view );
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ } // namespace kc

Index: llvm/test/Programs/MultiSource/Applications/kimwitu++/unpk.h
diff -c /dev/null llvm/test/Programs/MultiSource/Applications/kimwitu++/unpk.h:1.1
*** /dev/null	Tue Apr  6 15:25:27 2004
--- llvm/test/Programs/MultiSource/Applications/kimwitu++/unpk.h	Tue Apr  6 15:25:14 2004
*** 0 ****
--- 1,871 ----
+ /* translation of file(s)
+ 	"abs.k"
+ 	"main.k"
+ 	"parse.k"
+ 	"error.k"
+ 	"occur.k"
+ 	"util.k"
+ 	"gen.k"
+ 	"gutil.k"
+ 	"pat.k"
+  */
+ /* generated by:
+  *  @(#)$Author: criswell $
+  */
+ namespace kc { }
+ using namespace kc;
+ /* included stuff */
+ //
+ // The Termprocessor Kimwitu++
+ //
+ // Copyright (C) 1991 University of Twente, Dept TIOS.
+ // Copyright (C) 1998-2003 Humboldt-University of Berlin, Institute of Informatics
+ // All rights reserved.
+ //
+ // Kimwitu++ is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ // the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ // (at your option) any later version.
+ //
+ // Kimwitu++ is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ // GNU General Public License for more details.
+ //
+ // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ // along with Kimwitu++; if not, write to the Free Software
+ // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+ //
+ /* end included stuff */
+ namespace kc {
+ typedef enum {
+     base_uview_enum,
+     view_error_format_enum,
+     view_filename_enum,
+     view_error_enum,
+     view_error_tID_enum,
+     view_check_enum,
+     view_check_count_enum,
+     view_check_count1_enum,
+     view_check_outmostopers_in_phylum_enum,
+     view_set_type_enum,
+     view_check_is_var_enum,
+     view_gen_initializephyla_c_enum,
+     view_check_u_enum,
+     view_check_r_enum,
+     view_check_viewnames_enum,
+     view_check_uniq_enum,
+     view_check_uniq1_enum,
+     view_check_uniq2_enum,
+     view_make_patternreps_enum,
+     view_printer_outputfileline_enum,
+     view_printer_reset_enum,
+     view_no_of_printed_string_chars_reset_enum,
+     view_open_namespace_enum,
+     view_close_namespace_enum,
+     view_gen_k_h_enum,
+     view_gen_end_k_h_enum,
+     view_gen_k_c_enum,
+     view_gen_alloc_h_enum,
+     view_gen_alloc_c_enum,
+     view_gen_deprecated_enum,
+     view_gen_enumphyla_h_enum,
+     view_gen_enumoperators_h_enum,
+     view_gen_operatormap_type_h_enum,
+     view_gen_phylummap_c_enum,
+     view_gen_operatormap_c_enum,
+     view_count_args_enum,
+     view_count_attrs_enum,
+     view_count_nonstaticmembers_enum,
+     view_gen_operatormap_subphyla_enum,
+     view_gen_operatormap_attributes_enum,
+     view_gen_uniqmap_c_enum,
+     view_gen_uniqmap_c_1_enum,
+     view_gen_uniqmap_c_2_enum,
+     view_gen_nodetypedefs_h_enum,
+     view_gen_nodetypes_h_enum,
+     view_gen_yaccstacktype_h_enum,
+     view_gen_noofoperators_h_enum,
+     view_gen_assertmacros_h_enum,
+     view_gen_assertmacros_c_enum,
+     view_gen_operatordecls_h_enum,
+     view_gen_operatorcast_h_enum,
+     view_gen_operatordefs_c_enum,
+     view_gen_operatordefs_c_0_enum,
+     view_gen_operatordefs_c_1_enum,
+     view_gen_operatordefs_c_2_enum,
+     view_gen_initializephyla_whiletest_c_enum,
+     view_gen_initializephyla_init_el_c_enum,
+     view_gen_initializephyla_update_loop_c_enum,
+     view_gen_operatordefs_nonhash_c_enum,
+     view_gen_operatordefs_hash_c_enum,
+     view_gen_access_functions_enum,
+     view_gen_create_function_enum,
+     view_gen_attributeOf_function_enum,
+     view_gen_argseqnr_enum,
+     view_gen_fnarg_asserts_enum,
+     view_gen_fnarg_and_decls_enum,
+     view_gen_fnarg_and_decls_predef_enum,
+     view_gen_assignments_enum,
+     view_gen_assignment_inis_enum,
+     view_gen_user_assignment_inis_enum,
+     view_gen_assignments_predef_enum,
+     view_gen_assignments_predef_ini_enum,
+     view_gen_test_enum,
+     view_gen_error_decls_h_enum,
+     view_gen_error_defs_c_enum,
+     view_gen_printdotdecls_h_enum,
+     view_gen_printdotdefs_c_enum,
+     view_gen_printdotedges_c_enum,
+     view_gen_listdecls_h_enum,
+     view_gen_listdefs_c_enum,
+     view_gen_includes_enum,
+     view_do_gen_includes_enum,
+     view_gen_csgio_start_h_enum,
+     view_gen_csgio_end_h_enum,
+     view_gen_csgio_h_enum,
+     view_gen_csgio_start_c_enum,
+     view_gen_csgio_c_enum,
+     view_gen_copy_attributes_c_enum,
+     view_gen_copydefs_c_enum,
+     view_gen_rewritek_h_enum,
+     view_gen_end_rewritek_h_enum,
+     view_gen_rewritek_c_enum,
+     view_gen_rewritedefs_c_enum,
+     view_gen_rewritedefs_default_c_enum,
+     view_gen_rewritedefs_other_c_enum,
+     view_gen_rewritedefs_rewritearg_c_enum,
+     view_gen_rewritedefs_nl_arg_c_enum,
+     view_gen_rewritedefs_testarg_c_enum,
+     view_gen_rewritedefs_dotestarg_c_enum,
+     view_gen_rewritedefs_args_c_enum,
+     view_gen_rewritedefs_body_c_enum,
+     view_gen_withcases_and_default_enum,
+     view_rw_predicates_enum,
+     view_wc_predicates_enum,
+     view_unp_predicates_enum,
+     view_wc_bindings_enum,
+     view_unp_bindings_enum,
+     view_rw_bindings_enum,
+     view_gen_fnk_h_enum,
+     view_gen_fnkdecls_c_enum,
+     view_gen_fnk_c_enum,
+     view_gen_fn_pointer_name_enum,
+     view_gen_fnkargs_enum,
+     view_gen_fnkdecls_enum,
+     view_gen_fns_start_h_enum,
+     view_gen_fns_end_h_enum,
+     view_gen_fns_start_c_enum,
+     view_gen_fns_owninclude_c_enum,
+     view_gen_unpk_h_enum,
+     view_gen_unparsedecls_h_enum,
+     view_gen_rewritedecls_h_enum,
+     view_uview_def_enum,
+     view_gen_end_unpk_h_enum,
+     view_gen_unpk_c_enum,
+     view_gen_default_types_unpk_c_enum,
+     view_gen_unparsedefs_c_enum,
+     view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c_enum,
+     view_gen_unparsedefs_other_c_enum,
+     view_gen_unpstr_c_enum,
+     view_gen_user_predicates_enum,
+     view_predicate_bindings_enum,
+     view_checklanguagenames_enum,
+     view_output_collection_enum,
+     view_gen_classdecls1_h_enum,
+     view_gen_classdecls2_h_enum,
+     view_gen_classdefs_c_enum,
+     view_gen_subphylumdefs_c_enum,
+     view_gen_cast_enum,
+     view_gen_hashtables_h_enum,
+     view_gen_hashtables_c_enum,
+     view_gen_yxx_union_h_enum,
+     view_gen_member_dcl_h_enum,
+     view_gen_set_subphylumdefs_c_enum,
+     view_gen_viewvars_c_enum,
+     view_gen_argseqnr_rec_enum,
+     view_gen_opt_const_enum,
+     view_uview_class_decl_enum,
+     view_uview_class_def_enum,
+     view_rview_class_decl_enum,
+     view_rview_class_def_enum,
+     view_collect_strings_enum,
+     view_class_of_op_enum,
+     view_class_of_phy_enum,
+     last_uview
+ } uview_enum;
+ struct impl_uviews {
+     const char *name;
+     uview_class *view;
+ };
+ extern impl_uviews uviews[];
+ class uview_class {
+ protected:
+     // only used in derivations
+     uview_class(uview_enum v): m_view(v) { }
+     uview_class(c_uview): m_view(base_uview_enum)
+ 	{ /* do not copy m_view */ }
+ public:
+     const char* name() const
+ 	{ return uviews[m_view].name; }
+     operator uview_enum() const
+ 	{ return m_view; }
+     bool operator==(const uview_class& other) const
+ 	{ return m_view == other.m_view; }
+ private:
+     uview_enum m_view;
+ };
+ class printer_functor_class {
+ public:
+     virtual void operator()(const kc_char*, uview) { }
+     virtual ~printer_functor_class() { }
+ };
+ class printer_functor_function_wrapper : public printer_functor_class {
+ public:
+     printer_functor_function_wrapper(const printer_function opf =0): m_old_printer(opf) { }
+     virtual ~printer_functor_function_wrapper() { }
+     virtual void operator()(const kc_char* s, uview v)
+ 	{ if(m_old_printer) m_old_printer(s, v); }
+ private:
+     printer_function m_old_printer;
+ };
+ /* Use uviews instead
+ extern char *kc_view_names[];
+ */
+ struct base_uview_class: uview_class {
+     base_uview_class():uview_class(base_uview_enum){}
+ };
+ extern base_uview_class base_uview;
+ class view_error_format_baseclass: public uview_class {
+ protected:
+     view_error_format_baseclass():uview_class(view_error_format_enum){}
+ };
+ // class view_error_format_class is defined externally
+ struct view_filename_class: uview_class {
+     view_filename_class():uview_class(view_filename_enum){}
+ };
+ extern view_filename_class view_filename;
+ struct view_error_class: uview_class {
+     view_error_class():uview_class(view_error_enum){}
+ };
+ extern view_error_class view_error;
+ struct view_error_tID_class: uview_class {
+     view_error_tID_class():uview_class(view_error_tID_enum){}
+ };
+ extern view_error_tID_class view_error_tID;
+ struct view_check_class: uview_class {
+     view_check_class():uview_class(view_check_enum){}
+ };
+ extern view_check_class view_check;
+ struct view_check_count_class: uview_class {
+     view_check_count_class():uview_class(view_check_count_enum){}
+ };
+ extern view_check_count_class view_check_count;
+ struct view_check_count1_class: uview_class {
+     view_check_count1_class():uview_class(view_check_count1_enum){}
+ };
+ extern view_check_count1_class view_check_count1;
+ struct view_check_outmostopers_in_phylum_class: uview_class {
+     view_check_outmostopers_in_phylum_class():uview_class(view_check_outmostopers_in_phylum_enum){}
+ };
+ extern view_check_outmostopers_in_phylum_class view_check_outmostopers_in_phylum;
+ struct view_set_type_class: uview_class {
+     view_set_type_class():uview_class(view_set_type_enum){}
+ };
+ extern view_set_type_class view_set_type;
+ struct view_check_is_var_class: uview_class {
+     view_check_is_var_class():uview_class(view_check_is_var_enum){}
+ };
+ extern view_check_is_var_class view_check_is_var;
+ struct view_gen_initializephyla_c_class: uview_class {
+     view_gen_initializephyla_c_class():uview_class(view_gen_initializephyla_c_enum){}
+ };
+ extern view_gen_initializephyla_c_class view_gen_initializephyla_c;
+ struct view_check_u_class: uview_class {
+     view_check_u_class():uview_class(view_check_u_enum){}
+ };
+ extern view_check_u_class view_check_u;
+ struct view_check_r_class: uview_class {
+     view_check_r_class():uview_class(view_check_r_enum){}
+ };
+ extern view_check_r_class view_check_r;
+ struct view_check_viewnames_class: uview_class {
+     view_check_viewnames_class():uview_class(view_check_viewnames_enum){}
+ };
+ extern view_check_viewnames_class view_check_viewnames;
+ struct view_check_uniq_class: uview_class {
+     view_check_uniq_class():uview_class(view_check_uniq_enum){}
+ };
+ extern view_check_uniq_class view_check_uniq;
+ struct view_check_uniq1_class: uview_class {
+     view_check_uniq1_class():uview_class(view_check_uniq1_enum){}
+ };
+ extern view_check_uniq1_class view_check_uniq1;
+ struct view_check_uniq2_class: uview_class {
+     view_check_uniq2_class():uview_class(view_check_uniq2_enum){}
+ };
+ extern view_check_uniq2_class view_check_uniq2;
+ struct view_make_patternreps_class: uview_class {
+     view_make_patternreps_class():uview_class(view_make_patternreps_enum){}
+ };
+ extern view_make_patternreps_class view_make_patternreps;
+ struct view_printer_outputfileline_class: uview_class {
+     view_printer_outputfileline_class():uview_class(view_printer_outputfileline_enum){}
+ };
+ extern view_printer_outputfileline_class view_printer_outputfileline;
+ struct view_printer_reset_class: uview_class {
+     view_printer_reset_class():uview_class(view_printer_reset_enum){}
+ };
+ extern view_printer_reset_class view_printer_reset;
+ struct view_no_of_printed_string_chars_reset_class: uview_class {
+     view_no_of_printed_string_chars_reset_class():uview_class(view_no_of_printed_string_chars_reset_enum){}
+ };
+ extern view_no_of_printed_string_chars_reset_class view_no_of_printed_string_chars_reset;
+ struct view_open_namespace_class: uview_class {
+     view_open_namespace_class():uview_class(view_open_namespace_enum){}
+ };
+ extern view_open_namespace_class view_open_namespace;
+ struct view_close_namespace_class: uview_class {
+     view_close_namespace_class():uview_class(view_close_namespace_enum){}
+ };
+ extern view_close_namespace_class view_close_namespace;
+ struct view_gen_k_h_class: uview_class {
+     view_gen_k_h_class():uview_class(view_gen_k_h_enum){}
+ };
+ extern view_gen_k_h_class view_gen_k_h;
+ struct view_gen_end_k_h_class: uview_class {
+     view_gen_end_k_h_class():uview_class(view_gen_end_k_h_enum){}
+ };
+ extern view_gen_end_k_h_class view_gen_end_k_h;
+ struct view_gen_k_c_class: uview_class {
+     view_gen_k_c_class():uview_class(view_gen_k_c_enum){}
+ };
+ extern view_gen_k_c_class view_gen_k_c;
+ struct view_gen_alloc_h_class: uview_class {
+     view_gen_alloc_h_class():uview_class(view_gen_alloc_h_enum){}
+ };
+ extern view_gen_alloc_h_class view_gen_alloc_h;
+ struct view_gen_alloc_c_class: uview_class {
+     view_gen_alloc_c_class():uview_class(view_gen_alloc_c_enum){}
+ };
+ extern view_gen_alloc_c_class view_gen_alloc_c;
+ struct view_gen_deprecated_class: uview_class {
+     view_gen_deprecated_class():uview_class(view_gen_deprecated_enum){}
+ };
+ extern view_gen_deprecated_class view_gen_deprecated;
+ struct view_gen_enumphyla_h_class: uview_class {
+     view_gen_enumphyla_h_class():uview_class(view_gen_enumphyla_h_enum){}
+ };
+ extern view_gen_enumphyla_h_class view_gen_enumphyla_h;
+ struct view_gen_enumoperators_h_class: uview_class {
+     view_gen_enumoperators_h_class():uview_class(view_gen_enumoperators_h_enum){}
+ };
+ extern view_gen_enumoperators_h_class view_gen_enumoperators_h;
+ struct view_gen_operatormap_type_h_class: uview_class {
+     view_gen_operatormap_type_h_class():uview_class(view_gen_operatormap_type_h_enum){}
+ };
+ extern view_gen_operatormap_type_h_class view_gen_operatormap_type_h;
+ struct view_gen_phylummap_c_class: uview_class {
+     view_gen_phylummap_c_class():uview_class(view_gen_phylummap_c_enum){}
+ };
+ extern view_gen_phylummap_c_class view_gen_phylummap_c;
+ struct view_gen_operatormap_c_class: uview_class {
+     view_gen_operatormap_c_class():uview_class(view_gen_operatormap_c_enum){}
+ };
+ extern view_gen_operatormap_c_class view_gen_operatormap_c;
+ struct view_count_args_class: uview_class {
+     view_count_args_class():uview_class(view_count_args_enum){}
+ };
+ extern view_count_args_class view_count_args;
+ struct view_count_attrs_class: uview_class {
+     view_count_attrs_class():uview_class(view_count_attrs_enum){}
+ };
+ extern view_count_attrs_class view_count_attrs;
+ struct view_count_nonstaticmembers_class: uview_class {
+     view_count_nonstaticmembers_class():uview_class(view_count_nonstaticmembers_enum){}
+ };
+ extern view_count_nonstaticmembers_class view_count_nonstaticmembers;
+ struct view_gen_operatormap_subphyla_class: uview_class {
+     view_gen_operatormap_subphyla_class():uview_class(view_gen_operatormap_subphyla_enum){}
+ };
+ extern view_gen_operatormap_subphyla_class view_gen_operatormap_subphyla;
+ struct view_gen_operatormap_attributes_class: uview_class {
+     view_gen_operatormap_attributes_class():uview_class(view_gen_operatormap_attributes_enum){}
+ };
+ extern view_gen_operatormap_attributes_class view_gen_operatormap_attributes;
+ struct view_gen_uniqmap_c_class: uview_class {
+     view_gen_uniqmap_c_class():uview_class(view_gen_uniqmap_c_enum){}
+ };
+ extern view_gen_uniqmap_c_class view_gen_uniqmap_c;
+ struct view_gen_uniqmap_c_1_class: uview_class {
+     view_gen_uniqmap_c_1_class():uview_class(view_gen_uniqmap_c_1_enum){}
+ };
+ extern view_gen_uniqmap_c_1_class view_gen_uniqmap_c_1;
+ struct view_gen_uniqmap_c_2_class: uview_class {
+     view_gen_uniqmap_c_2_class():uview_class(view_gen_uniqmap_c_2_enum){}
+ };
+ extern view_gen_uniqmap_c_2_class view_gen_uniqmap_c_2;
+ struct view_gen_nodetypedefs_h_class: uview_class {
+     view_gen_nodetypedefs_h_class():uview_class(view_gen_nodetypedefs_h_enum){}
+ };
+ extern view_gen_nodetypedefs_h_class view_gen_nodetypedefs_h;
+ struct view_gen_nodetypes_h_class: uview_class {
+     view_gen_nodetypes_h_class():uview_class(view_gen_nodetypes_h_enum){}
+ };
+ extern view_gen_nodetypes_h_class view_gen_nodetypes_h;
+ struct view_gen_yaccstacktype_h_class: uview_class {
+     view_gen_yaccstacktype_h_class():uview_class(view_gen_yaccstacktype_h_enum){}
+ };
+ extern view_gen_yaccstacktype_h_class view_gen_yaccstacktype_h;
+ struct view_gen_noofoperators_h_class: uview_class {
+     view_gen_noofoperators_h_class():uview_class(view_gen_noofoperators_h_enum){}
+ };
+ extern view_gen_noofoperators_h_class view_gen_noofoperators_h;
+ struct view_gen_assertmacros_h_class: uview_class {
+     view_gen_assertmacros_h_class():uview_class(view_gen_assertmacros_h_enum){}
+ };
+ extern view_gen_assertmacros_h_class view_gen_assertmacros_h;
+ struct view_gen_assertmacros_c_class: uview_class {
+     view_gen_assertmacros_c_class():uview_class(view_gen_assertmacros_c_enum){}
+ };
+ extern view_gen_assertmacros_c_class view_gen_assertmacros_c;
+ struct view_gen_operatordecls_h_class: uview_class {
+     view_gen_operatordecls_h_class():uview_class(view_gen_operatordecls_h_enum){}
+ };
+ extern view_gen_operatordecls_h_class view_gen_operatordecls_h;
+ struct view_gen_operatorcast_h_class: uview_class {
+     view_gen_operatorcast_h_class():uview_class(view_gen_operatorcast_h_enum){}
+ };
+ extern view_gen_operatorcast_h_class view_gen_operatorcast_h;
+ struct view_gen_operatordefs_c_class: uview_class {
+     view_gen_operatordefs_c_class():uview_class(view_gen_operatordefs_c_enum){}
+ };
+ extern view_gen_operatordefs_c_class view_gen_operatordefs_c;
+ struct view_gen_operatordefs_c_0_class: uview_class {
+     view_gen_operatordefs_c_0_class():uview_class(view_gen_operatordefs_c_0_enum){}
+ };
+ extern view_gen_operatordefs_c_0_class view_gen_operatordefs_c_0;
+ struct view_gen_operatordefs_c_1_class: uview_class {
+     view_gen_operatordefs_c_1_class():uview_class(view_gen_operatordefs_c_1_enum){}
+ };
+ extern view_gen_operatordefs_c_1_class view_gen_operatordefs_c_1;
+ struct view_gen_operatordefs_c_2_class: uview_class {
+     view_gen_operatordefs_c_2_class():uview_class(view_gen_operatordefs_c_2_enum){}
+ };
+ extern view_gen_operatordefs_c_2_class view_gen_operatordefs_c_2;
+ struct view_gen_initializephyla_whiletest_c_class: uview_class {
+     view_gen_initializephyla_whiletest_c_class():uview_class(view_gen_initializephyla_whiletest_c_enum){}
+ };
+ extern view_gen_initializephyla_whiletest_c_class view_gen_initializephyla_whiletest_c;
+ struct view_gen_initializephyla_init_el_c_class: uview_class {
+     view_gen_initializephyla_init_el_c_class():uview_class(view_gen_initializephyla_init_el_c_enum){}
+ };
+ extern view_gen_initializephyla_init_el_c_class view_gen_initializephyla_init_el_c;
+ struct view_gen_initializephyla_update_loop_c_class: uview_class {
+     view_gen_initializephyla_update_loop_c_class():uview_class(view_gen_initializephyla_update_loop_c_enum){}
+ };
+ extern view_gen_initializephyla_update_loop_c_class view_gen_initializephyla_update_loop_c;
+ struct view_gen_operatordefs_nonhash_c_class: uview_class {
+     view_gen_operatordefs_nonhash_c_class():uview_class(view_gen_operatordefs_nonhash_c_enum){}
+ };
+ extern view_gen_operatordefs_nonhash_c_class view_gen_operatordefs_nonhash_c;
+ struct view_gen_operatordefs_hash_c_class: uview_class {
+     view_gen_operatordefs_hash_c_class():uview_class(view_gen_operatordefs_hash_c_enum){}
+ };
+ extern view_gen_operatordefs_hash_c_class view_gen_operatordefs_hash_c;
+ struct view_gen_access_functions_class: uview_class {
+     view_gen_access_functions_class():uview_class(view_gen_access_functions_enum){}
+ };
+ extern view_gen_access_functions_class view_gen_access_functions;
+ struct view_gen_create_function_class: uview_class {
+     view_gen_create_function_class():uview_class(view_gen_create_function_enum){}
+ };
+ extern view_gen_create_function_class view_gen_create_function;
+ struct view_gen_attributeOf_function_class: uview_class {
+     view_gen_attributeOf_function_class():uview_class(view_gen_attributeOf_function_enum){}
+ };
+ extern view_gen_attributeOf_function_class view_gen_attributeOf_function;
+ struct view_gen_argseqnr_class: uview_class {
+     view_gen_argseqnr_class():uview_class(view_gen_argseqnr_enum){}
+ };
+ extern view_gen_argseqnr_class view_gen_argseqnr;
+ struct view_gen_fnarg_asserts_class: uview_class {
+     view_gen_fnarg_asserts_class():uview_class(view_gen_fnarg_asserts_enum){}
+ };
+ extern view_gen_fnarg_asserts_class view_gen_fnarg_asserts;
+ struct view_gen_fnarg_and_decls_class: uview_class {
+     view_gen_fnarg_and_decls_class():uview_class(view_gen_fnarg_and_decls_enum){}
+ };
+ extern view_gen_fnarg_and_decls_class view_gen_fnarg_and_decls;
+ struct view_gen_fnarg_and_decls_predef_class: uview_class {
+     view_gen_fnarg_and_decls_predef_class():uview_class(view_gen_fnarg_and_decls_predef_enum){}
+ };
+ extern view_gen_fnarg_and_decls_predef_class view_gen_fnarg_and_decls_predef;
+ struct view_gen_assignments_class: uview_class {
+     view_gen_assignments_class():uview_class(view_gen_assignments_enum){}
+ };
+ extern view_gen_assignments_class view_gen_assignments;
+ struct view_gen_assignment_inis_class: uview_class {
+     view_gen_assignment_inis_class():uview_class(view_gen_assignment_inis_enum){}
+ };
+ extern view_gen_assignment_inis_class view_gen_assignment_inis;
+ struct view_gen_user_assignment_inis_class: uview_class {
+     view_gen_user_assignment_inis_class():uview_class(view_gen_user_assignment_inis_enum){}
+ };
+ extern view_gen_user_assignment_inis_class view_gen_user_assignment_inis;
+ struct view_gen_assignments_predef_class: uview_class {
+     view_gen_assignments_predef_class():uview_class(view_gen_assignments_predef_enum){}
+ };
+ extern view_gen_assignments_predef_class view_gen_assignments_predef;
+ struct view_gen_assignments_predef_ini_class: uview_class {
+     view_gen_assignments_predef_ini_class():uview_class(view_gen_assignments_predef_ini_enum){}
+ };
+ extern view_gen_assignments_predef_ini_class view_gen_assignments_predef_ini;
+ struct view_gen_test_class: uview_class {
+     view_gen_test_class():uview_class(view_gen_test_enum){}
+ };
+ extern view_gen_test_class view_gen_test;
+ struct view_gen_error_decls_h_class: uview_class {
+     view_gen_error_decls_h_class():uview_class(view_gen_error_decls_h_enum){}
+ };
+ extern view_gen_error_decls_h_class view_gen_error_decls_h;
+ struct view_gen_error_defs_c_class: uview_class {
+     view_gen_error_defs_c_class():uview_class(view_gen_error_defs_c_enum){}
+ };
+ extern view_gen_error_defs_c_class view_gen_error_defs_c;
+ struct view_gen_printdotdecls_h_class: uview_class {
+     view_gen_printdotdecls_h_class():uview_class(view_gen_printdotdecls_h_enum){}
+ };
+ extern view_gen_printdotdecls_h_class view_gen_printdotdecls_h;
+ struct view_gen_printdotdefs_c_class: uview_class {
+     view_gen_printdotdefs_c_class():uview_class(view_gen_printdotdefs_c_enum){}
+ };
+ extern view_gen_printdotdefs_c_class view_gen_printdotdefs_c;
+ struct view_gen_printdotedges_c_class: uview_class {
+     view_gen_printdotedges_c_class():uview_class(view_gen_printdotedges_c_enum){}
+ };
+ extern view_gen_printdotedges_c_class view_gen_printdotedges_c;
+ struct view_gen_listdecls_h_class: uview_class {
+     view_gen_listdecls_h_class():uview_class(view_gen_listdecls_h_enum){}
+ };
+ extern view_gen_listdecls_h_class view_gen_listdecls_h;
+ struct view_gen_listdefs_c_class: uview_class {
+     view_gen_listdefs_c_class():uview_class(view_gen_listdefs_c_enum){}
+ };
+ extern view_gen_listdefs_c_class view_gen_listdefs_c;
+ struct view_gen_includes_class: uview_class {
+     view_gen_includes_class():uview_class(view_gen_includes_enum){}
+ };
+ extern view_gen_includes_class view_gen_includes;
+ struct view_do_gen_includes_class: uview_class {
+     view_do_gen_includes_class():uview_class(view_do_gen_includes_enum){}
+ };
+ extern view_do_gen_includes_class view_do_gen_includes;
+ struct view_gen_csgio_start_h_class: uview_class {
+     view_gen_csgio_start_h_class():uview_class(view_gen_csgio_start_h_enum){}
+ };
+ extern view_gen_csgio_start_h_class view_gen_csgio_start_h;
+ struct view_gen_csgio_end_h_class: uview_class {
+     view_gen_csgio_end_h_class():uview_class(view_gen_csgio_end_h_enum){}
+ };
+ extern view_gen_csgio_end_h_class view_gen_csgio_end_h;
+ struct view_gen_csgio_h_class: uview_class {
+     view_gen_csgio_h_class():uview_class(view_gen_csgio_h_enum){}
+ };
+ extern view_gen_csgio_h_class view_gen_csgio_h;
+ struct view_gen_csgio_start_c_class: uview_class {
+     view_gen_csgio_start_c_class():uview_class(view_gen_csgio_start_c_enum){}
+ };
+ extern view_gen_csgio_start_c_class view_gen_csgio_start_c;
+ struct view_gen_csgio_c_class: uview_class {
+     view_gen_csgio_c_class():uview_class(view_gen_csgio_c_enum){}
+ };
+ extern view_gen_csgio_c_class view_gen_csgio_c;
+ struct view_gen_copy_attributes_c_class: uview_class {
+     view_gen_copy_attributes_c_class():uview_class(view_gen_copy_attributes_c_enum){}
+ };
+ extern view_gen_copy_attributes_c_class view_gen_copy_attributes_c;
+ struct view_gen_copydefs_c_class: uview_class {
+     view_gen_copydefs_c_class():uview_class(view_gen_copydefs_c_enum){}
+ };
+ extern view_gen_copydefs_c_class view_gen_copydefs_c;
+ struct view_gen_rewritek_h_class: uview_class {
+     view_gen_rewritek_h_class():uview_class(view_gen_rewritek_h_enum){}
+ };
+ extern view_gen_rewritek_h_class view_gen_rewritek_h;
+ struct view_gen_end_rewritek_h_class: uview_class {
+     view_gen_end_rewritek_h_class():uview_class(view_gen_end_rewritek_h_enum){}
+ };
+ extern view_gen_end_rewritek_h_class view_gen_end_rewritek_h;
+ struct view_gen_rewritek_c_class: uview_class {
+     view_gen_rewritek_c_class():uview_class(view_gen_rewritek_c_enum){}
+ };
+ extern view_gen_rewritek_c_class view_gen_rewritek_c;
+ struct view_gen_rewritedefs_c_class: uview_class {
+     view_gen_rewritedefs_c_class():uview_class(view_gen_rewritedefs_c_enum){}
+ };
+ extern view_gen_rewritedefs_c_class view_gen_rewritedefs_c;
+ struct view_gen_rewritedefs_default_c_class: uview_class {
+     view_gen_rewritedefs_default_c_class():uview_class(view_gen_rewritedefs_default_c_enum){}
+ };
+ extern view_gen_rewritedefs_default_c_class view_gen_rewritedefs_default_c;
+ struct view_gen_rewritedefs_other_c_class: uview_class {
+     view_gen_rewritedefs_other_c_class():uview_class(view_gen_rewritedefs_other_c_enum){}
+ };
+ extern view_gen_rewritedefs_other_c_class view_gen_rewritedefs_other_c;
+ struct view_gen_rewritedefs_rewritearg_c_class: uview_class {
+     view_gen_rewritedefs_rewritearg_c_class():uview_class(view_gen_rewritedefs_rewritearg_c_enum){}
+ };
+ extern view_gen_rewritedefs_rewritearg_c_class view_gen_rewritedefs_rewritearg_c;
+ struct view_gen_rewritedefs_nl_arg_c_class: uview_class {
+     view_gen_rewritedefs_nl_arg_c_class():uview_class(view_gen_rewritedefs_nl_arg_c_enum){}
+ };
+ extern view_gen_rewritedefs_nl_arg_c_class view_gen_rewritedefs_nl_arg_c;
+ struct view_gen_rewritedefs_testarg_c_class: uview_class {
+     view_gen_rewritedefs_testarg_c_class():uview_class(view_gen_rewritedefs_testarg_c_enum){}
+ };
+ extern view_gen_rewritedefs_testarg_c_class view_gen_rewritedefs_testarg_c;
+ struct view_gen_rewritedefs_dotestarg_c_class: uview_class {
+     view_gen_rewritedefs_dotestarg_c_class():uview_class(view_gen_rewritedefs_dotestarg_c_enum){}
+ };
+ extern view_gen_rewritedefs_dotestarg_c_class view_gen_rewritedefs_dotestarg_c;
+ struct view_gen_rewritedefs_args_c_class: uview_class {
+     view_gen_rewritedefs_args_c_class():uview_class(view_gen_rewritedefs_args_c_enum){}
+ };
+ extern view_gen_rewritedefs_args_c_class view_gen_rewritedefs_args_c;
+ struct view_gen_rewritedefs_body_c_class: uview_class {
+     view_gen_rewritedefs_body_c_class():uview_class(view_gen_rewritedefs_body_c_enum){}
+ };
+ extern view_gen_rewritedefs_body_c_class view_gen_rewritedefs_body_c;
+ struct view_gen_withcases_and_default_class: uview_class {
+     view_gen_withcases_and_default_class():uview_class(view_gen_withcases_and_default_enum){}
+ };
+ extern view_gen_withcases_and_default_class view_gen_withcases_and_default;
+ struct view_rw_predicates_class: uview_class {
+     view_rw_predicates_class():uview_class(view_rw_predicates_enum){}
+ };
+ extern view_rw_predicates_class view_rw_predicates;
+ struct view_wc_predicates_class: uview_class {
+     view_wc_predicates_class():uview_class(view_wc_predicates_enum){}
+ };
+ extern view_wc_predicates_class view_wc_predicates;
+ struct view_unp_predicates_class: uview_class {
+     view_unp_predicates_class():uview_class(view_unp_predicates_enum){}
+ };
+ extern view_unp_predicates_class view_unp_predicates;
+ struct view_wc_bindings_class: uview_class {
+     view_wc_bindings_class():uview_class(view_wc_bindings_enum){}
+ };
+ extern view_wc_bindings_class view_wc_bindings;
+ struct view_unp_bindings_class: uview_class {
+     view_unp_bindings_class():uview_class(view_unp_bindings_enum){}
+ };
+ extern view_unp_bindings_class view_unp_bindings;
+ struct view_rw_bindings_class: uview_class {
+     view_rw_bindings_class():uview_class(view_rw_bindings_enum){}
+ };
+ extern view_rw_bindings_class view_rw_bindings;
+ struct view_gen_fnk_h_class: uview_class {
+     view_gen_fnk_h_class():uview_class(view_gen_fnk_h_enum){}
+ };
+ extern view_gen_fnk_h_class view_gen_fnk_h;
+ struct view_gen_fnkdecls_c_class: uview_class {
+     view_gen_fnkdecls_c_class():uview_class(view_gen_fnkdecls_c_enum){}
+ };
+ extern view_gen_fnkdecls_c_class view_gen_fnkdecls_c;
+ struct view_gen_fnk_c_class: uview_class {
+     view_gen_fnk_c_class():uview_class(view_gen_fnk_c_enum){}
+ };
+ extern view_gen_fnk_c_class view_gen_fnk_c;
+ struct view_gen_fn_pointer_name_class: uview_class {
+     view_gen_fn_pointer_name_class():uview_class(view_gen_fn_pointer_name_enum){}
+ };
+ extern view_gen_fn_pointer_name_class view_gen_fn_pointer_name;
+ struct view_gen_fnkargs_class: uview_class {
+     view_gen_fnkargs_class():uview_class(view_gen_fnkargs_enum){}
+ };
+ extern view_gen_fnkargs_class view_gen_fnkargs;
+ struct view_gen_fnkdecls_class: uview_class {
+     view_gen_fnkdecls_class():uview_class(view_gen_fnkdecls_enum){}
+ };
+ extern view_gen_fnkdecls_class view_gen_fnkdecls;
+ struct view_gen_fns_start_h_class: uview_class {
+     view_gen_fns_start_h_class():uview_class(view_gen_fns_start_h_enum){}
+ };
+ extern view_gen_fns_start_h_class view_gen_fns_start_h;
+ struct view_gen_fns_end_h_class: uview_class {
+     view_gen_fns_end_h_class():uview_class(view_gen_fns_end_h_enum){}
+ };
+ extern view_gen_fns_end_h_class view_gen_fns_end_h;
+ struct view_gen_fns_start_c_class: uview_class {
+     view_gen_fns_start_c_class():uview_class(view_gen_fns_start_c_enum){}
+ };
+ extern view_gen_fns_start_c_class view_gen_fns_start_c;
+ struct view_gen_fns_owninclude_c_class: uview_class {
+     view_gen_fns_owninclude_c_class():uview_class(view_gen_fns_owninclude_c_enum){}
+ };
+ extern view_gen_fns_owninclude_c_class view_gen_fns_owninclude_c;
+ struct view_gen_unpk_h_class: uview_class {
+     view_gen_unpk_h_class():uview_class(view_gen_unpk_h_enum){}
+ };
+ extern view_gen_unpk_h_class view_gen_unpk_h;
+ struct view_gen_unparsedecls_h_class: uview_class {
+     view_gen_unparsedecls_h_class():uview_class(view_gen_unparsedecls_h_enum){}
+ };
+ extern view_gen_unparsedecls_h_class view_gen_unparsedecls_h;
+ struct view_gen_rewritedecls_h_class: uview_class {
+     view_gen_rewritedecls_h_class():uview_class(view_gen_rewritedecls_h_enum){}
+ };
+ extern view_gen_rewritedecls_h_class view_gen_rewritedecls_h;
+ struct view_uview_def_class: uview_class {
+     view_uview_def_class():uview_class(view_uview_def_enum){}
+ };
+ extern view_uview_def_class view_uview_def;
+ struct view_gen_end_unpk_h_class: uview_class {
+     view_gen_end_unpk_h_class():uview_class(view_gen_end_unpk_h_enum){}
+ };
+ extern view_gen_end_unpk_h_class view_gen_end_unpk_h;
+ struct view_gen_unpk_c_class: uview_class {
+     view_gen_unpk_c_class():uview_class(view_gen_unpk_c_enum){}
+ };
+ extern view_gen_unpk_c_class view_gen_unpk_c;
+ struct view_gen_default_types_unpk_c_class: uview_class {
+     view_gen_default_types_unpk_c_class():uview_class(view_gen_default_types_unpk_c_enum){}
+ };
+ extern view_gen_default_types_unpk_c_class view_gen_default_types_unpk_c;
+ struct view_gen_unparsedefs_c_class: uview_class {
+     view_gen_unparsedefs_c_class():uview_class(view_gen_unparsedefs_c_enum){}
+ };
+ extern view_gen_unparsedefs_c_class view_gen_unparsedefs_c;
+ class view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c_baseclass: public uview_class {
+ protected:
+     view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c_baseclass():uview_class(view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c_enum){}
+ };
+ // class view_gen_unparsedefs_default_c_class is defined externally
+ struct view_gen_unparsedefs_other_c_class: uview_class {
+     view_gen_unparsedefs_other_c_class():uview_class(view_gen_unparsedefs_other_c_enum){}
+ };
+ extern view_gen_unparsedefs_other_c_class view_gen_unparsedefs_other_c;
+ struct view_gen_unpstr_c_class: uview_class {
+     view_gen_unpstr_c_class():uview_class(view_gen_unpstr_c_enum){}
+ };
+ extern view_gen_unpstr_c_class view_gen_unpstr_c;
+ struct view_gen_user_predicates_class: uview_class {
+     view_gen_user_predicates_class():uview_class(view_gen_user_predicates_enum){}
+ };
+ extern view_gen_user_predicates_class view_gen_user_predicates;
+ struct view_predicate_bindings_class: uview_class {
+     view_predicate_bindings_class():uview_class(view_predicate_bindings_enum){}
+ };
+ extern view_predicate_bindings_class view_predicate_bindings;
+ struct view_checklanguagenames_class: uview_class {
+     view_checklanguagenames_class():uview_class(view_checklanguagenames_enum){}
+ };
+ extern view_checklanguagenames_class view_checklanguagenames;
+ struct view_output_collection_class: uview_class {
+     view_output_collection_class():uview_class(view_output_collection_enum){}
+ };
+ extern view_output_collection_class view_output_collection;
+ struct view_gen_classdecls1_h_class: uview_class {
+     view_gen_classdecls1_h_class():uview_class(view_gen_classdecls1_h_enum){}
+ };
+ extern view_gen_classdecls1_h_class view_gen_classdecls1_h;
+ struct view_gen_classdecls2_h_class: uview_class {
+     view_gen_classdecls2_h_class():uview_class(view_gen_classdecls2_h_enum){}
+ };
+ extern view_gen_classdecls2_h_class view_gen_classdecls2_h;
+ struct view_gen_classdefs_c_class: uview_class {
+     view_gen_classdefs_c_class():uview_class(view_gen_classdefs_c_enum){}
+ };
+ extern view_gen_classdefs_c_class view_gen_classdefs_c;
+ struct view_gen_subphylumdefs_c_class: uview_class {
+     view_gen_subphylumdefs_c_class():uview_class(view_gen_subphylumdefs_c_enum){}
+ };
+ extern view_gen_subphylumdefs_c_class view_gen_subphylumdefs_c;
+ struct view_gen_cast_class: uview_class {
+     view_gen_cast_class():uview_class(view_gen_cast_enum){}
+ };
+ extern view_gen_cast_class view_gen_cast;
+ struct view_gen_hashtables_h_class: uview_class {
+     view_gen_hashtables_h_class():uview_class(view_gen_hashtables_h_enum){}
+ };
+ extern view_gen_hashtables_h_class view_gen_hashtables_h;
+ struct view_gen_hashtables_c_class: uview_class {
+     view_gen_hashtables_c_class():uview_class(view_gen_hashtables_c_enum){}
+ };
+ extern view_gen_hashtables_c_class view_gen_hashtables_c;
+ struct view_gen_yxx_union_h_class: uview_class {
+     view_gen_yxx_union_h_class():uview_class(view_gen_yxx_union_h_enum){}
+ };
+ extern view_gen_yxx_union_h_class view_gen_yxx_union_h;
+ struct view_gen_member_dcl_h_class: uview_class {
+     view_gen_member_dcl_h_class():uview_class(view_gen_member_dcl_h_enum){}
+ };
+ extern view_gen_member_dcl_h_class view_gen_member_dcl_h;
+ struct view_gen_set_subphylumdefs_c_class: uview_class {
+     view_gen_set_subphylumdefs_c_class():uview_class(view_gen_set_subphylumdefs_c_enum){}
+ };
+ extern view_gen_set_subphylumdefs_c_class view_gen_set_subphylumdefs_c;
+ struct view_gen_viewvars_c_class: uview_class {
+     view_gen_viewvars_c_class():uview_class(view_gen_viewvars_c_enum){}
+ };
+ extern view_gen_viewvars_c_class view_gen_viewvars_c;
+ struct view_gen_argseqnr_rec_class: uview_class {
+     view_gen_argseqnr_rec_class():uview_class(view_gen_argseqnr_rec_enum){}
+ };
+ extern view_gen_argseqnr_rec_class view_gen_argseqnr_rec;
+ struct view_gen_opt_const_class: uview_class {
+     view_gen_opt_const_class():uview_class(view_gen_opt_const_enum){}
+ };
+ extern view_gen_opt_const_class view_gen_opt_const;
+ struct view_uview_class_decl_class: uview_class {
+     view_uview_class_decl_class():uview_class(view_uview_class_decl_enum){}
+ };
+ extern view_uview_class_decl_class view_uview_class_decl;
+ struct view_uview_class_def_class: uview_class {
+     view_uview_class_def_class():uview_class(view_uview_class_def_enum){}
+ };
+ extern view_uview_class_def_class view_uview_class_def;
+ struct view_rview_class_decl_class: uview_class {
+     view_rview_class_decl_class():uview_class(view_rview_class_decl_enum){}
+ };
+ extern view_rview_class_decl_class view_rview_class_decl;
+ struct view_rview_class_def_class: uview_class {
+     view_rview_class_def_class():uview_class(view_rview_class_def_enum){}
+ };
+ extern view_rview_class_def_class view_rview_class_def;
+ struct view_collect_strings_class: uview_class {
+     view_collect_strings_class():uview_class(view_collect_strings_enum){}
+ };
+ extern view_collect_strings_class view_collect_strings;
+ struct view_class_of_op_class: uview_class {
+     view_class_of_op_class():uview_class(view_class_of_op_enum){}
+ };
+ extern view_class_of_op_class view_class_of_op;
+ struct view_class_of_phy_class: uview_class {
+     view_class_of_phy_class():uview_class(view_class_of_phy_enum){}
+ };
+ extern view_class_of_phy_class view_class_of_phy;
+ void unparse(abstract_phylum kc_p, printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view);
+ void unparse(void *kc_p, printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view);
+ void unparse(int kc_v, printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view);
+ void unparse(double kc_v, printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view);
+ void unparse(kc_char *kc_v, printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view);
+ void unparse(kc_string_t kc_v, printer_functor kc_printer, uview kc_current_view);
+ #define PRINT(string) kc_printer(string,kc_current_view)
+ #define UNPARSE(node) node->unparse(kc_printer,kc_current_view)
+ } // namespace kc

Index: llvm/test/Programs/MultiSource/Applications/kimwitu++/util.cc
diff -c /dev/null llvm/test/Programs/MultiSource/Applications/kimwitu++/util.cc:1.1
*** /dev/null	Tue Apr  6 15:25:27 2004
--- llvm/test/Programs/MultiSource/Applications/kimwitu++/util.cc	Tue Apr  6 15:25:14 2004
*** 0 ****
--- 1,1639 ----
+ /* translation of file "util.k" */
+ /* generated by:
+  *  @(#)$Author: criswell $
+  */
+ #define KC_FUNCTIONS_util_
+ #include <stdlib.h>
+ #include "k.h"
+ #include "util.h"
+ namespace kc { }
+ using namespace kc;
+ /* included stuff */
+ //
+ // The Termprocessor Kimwitu++
+ //
+ // Copyright (C) 1991 University of Twente, Dept TIOS.
+ // Copyright (C) 1998-2003 Humboldt-University of Berlin, Institute of Informatics
+ // All rights reserved.
+ //
+ // Kimwitu++ is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ // the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ // (at your option) any later version.
+ //
+ // Kimwitu++ is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ // GNU General Public License for more details.
+ //
+ // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ // along with Kimwitu++; if not, write to the Free Software
+ // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+ //
+ static char util_kAccesSid[] = "@(#)$Id: util.cc,v 1.1 2004/04/06 20:25:14 criswell Exp $";
+ addedphylumdeclarations pl_addedphylumdeclarations = 0;
+ countedphylumdeclarations pl_countedphylumdeclarations = 0;
+ #include <string.h>	/* for strcmp */
+ #include "parse.h"	/* for f_lookupdecl */
+ static unparseitems** string_collection;
+ static unparseitems The_Nilunparseitems;
+ unparseitems The_current_unparseitems;
+ /* end included stuff */
+ namespace kc {
+ #endif
+ static  ID f_do_check_unpattributes_in_phylum (unpattributes a, ID p);
+ static  void v_do_check_dollarvar_in_operators (INT i, operators o, ID p);
+ static  ID f_do_subphylum (arguments a, INT i, int a_i);
+ static  argument f_do_argument (arguments a, INT i, int a_i);
+ static  alternative f_do_alternative (alternatives a, int i, int a_i);
+ static  storageclasses do_add_to_storageclasses (ID v, ID p, storageclasses s, storageclasses all);
+ bool f_added(ID id)
+ {
+     {
+ 	ID kc_selvar_0_1 = phylum_cast<ID>( id );
+ 	if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_Id)) {
+ 	    const uniqID uid = phylum_cast<const impl_ID_Id*>(kc_selvar_0_1)->uniqID_1;
+ 	    return AddedPhylumdeclaration( uid )->added;
+ 	} else
+ 	{ kc_no_default_in_with( "f_added", __LINE__, __FILE__ );
+ 	    return static_cast<bool>(0); }
+     }
+ }
+ void v_add(ID id)
+ {
+     {
+ 	ID kc_selvar_0_1 = phylum_cast<ID>( id );
+ 	if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_Id)) {
+ 	    const uniqID uid = phylum_cast<const impl_ID_Id*>(kc_selvar_0_1)->uniqID_1;
+ 	    AddedPhylumdeclaration( uid )->added = true;
+ 	} else
+ 	    kc_no_default_in_with( "v_add", __LINE__, __FILE__ );
+     }
+ }
+ void v_freeadded()
+ {
+     pl_addedphylumdeclarations->free( true );
+     pl_addedphylumdeclarations = 0;
+ }
+ int f_getcount(ID id)
+ {
+     {
+ 	ID kc_selvar_0_1 = phylum_cast<ID>( id );
+ 	if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_Id)) {
+ 	    const uniqID uid = phylum_cast<const impl_ID_Id*>(kc_selvar_0_1)->uniqID_1;
+ 	    return ++(CountedPhylumdeclaration( uid ) -> count); 
+ 	    	} else
+ 	{
+ 	    return 0; /* NOTREACHED */ 
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void v_resetcount()
+ {
+     if (pl_countedphylumdeclarations) {
+ 	{
+ 	    countedphylumdeclarations kc_fe_selvar_1 =  pl_countedphylumdeclarations ;
+ 	    while(
+ 		    kc_fe_selvar_1->prod_sel() == sel_Conscountedphylumdeclarations
+ 		) {
+ 		countedphylumdeclaration kc_selvar_0_1 = kc_fe_selvar_1->countedphylumdeclaration_1;
+ 		{
+ 		    {
+ 			{
+ 			    const countedphylumdeclaration c = kc_selvar_0_1;
+ 			    c->count = 0;
+ 			}
+ 		    }
+ 		}
+ 		kc_fe_selvar_1 = kc_fe_selvar_1->countedphylumdeclarations_1;
+ 	    }
+ 	}
+     }   
+ }
+ void v_freecount()
+ {
+     if (pl_countedphylumdeclarations) {
+ 	v_resetcount();
+ 	pl_countedphylumdeclarations->free( true );
+ 	pl_countedphylumdeclarations = 0;
+     }   
+ }
+ bool is_uview_var(ID id)
+ {
+     if(!The_current_unparseitems)
+     return false;
+     {
+ 	unparseitems kc_fe_selvar_1 =  The_current_unparseitems;
+ 	while(
+ 		kc_fe_selvar_1->prod_sel() == sel_Consunparseitems
+ 	    ) {
+ 	    unparseitem kc_selvar_0_1 = kc_fe_selvar_1->unparseitem_1;
+ 	    {
+ 		{
+ 		    {
+ 			const unparseitem item = kc_selvar_0_1;
+ 			{
+ 			    unparseitem kc_selvar_1_1 = phylum_cast<unparseitem>(item);
+ 			    if ((kc_selvar_1_1->prod_sel() == sel_UViewVarDecl)) {
+ 				const ID var = phylum_cast<const impl_unparseitem_UViewVarDecl*>(kc_selvar_1_1)->ID_2;
+ 				if(var->eq(id)) {
+ 				    id->type=ITUViewVar();
+ 				    return true;
+ 				}
+ 			    } else
+ 			    {
+ 			    }
+ 			}
+ 		    }
+ 		}
+ 	    }
+ 	    kc_fe_selvar_1 = kc_fe_selvar_1->unparseitems_1;
+ 	}
+     }
+     return false;
+ }
+ bool f_DvIsDisallowed(dollarvarstatus dvs)
+ {{
+ 	dollarvarstatus kc_selvar_0_1 = phylum_cast<dollarvarstatus>(dvs);
+ 	if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_DVDisallowed)) {
+ 	    return true; 
+ 	    	} else
+ 	    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_DVAllowed)) {
+ 	    return false; 
+ 	    	} else
+ 	{ kc_no_default_in_with( "f_DvIsDisallowed", __LINE__, __FILE__ );
+ 	    return static_cast<bool>(0); }
+     }
+ }
+ ID f_listelementphylum(ID id)
+ {{
+ 	ID kc_selvar_0_1 = phylum_cast<ID>(id);
+ 	if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_Id)) {
+ 	    const uniqID uid = phylum_cast<const impl_ID_Id*>(kc_selvar_0_1)->uniqID_1;
+ 	    {
+ 		IDtype kc_selvar_1_1 = phylum_cast<IDtype>( uid->type );
+ 		if ((kc_selvar_1_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITUserPhylum)) {
+ 		    const phylumdeclaration pd = phylum_cast<const impl_IDtype_ITUserPhylum*>(kc_selvar_1_1)->phylumdeclaration_1;
+ 		    {
+ 			phylumdeclaration kc_selvar_2_1 = phylum_cast<phylumdeclaration>( pd );
+ 			if ((kc_selvar_2_1->prod_sel() == sel_PhylumDeclaration) && (phylum_cast<const impl_phylumdeclaration_PhylumDeclaration*>(kc_selvar_2_1)->productionblock_1->prod_sel() == sel_ListAlternatives)) {
+ 			    const ID i = phylum_cast<const impl_productionblock_ListAlternatives*>(phylum_cast<const impl_phylumdeclaration_PhylumDeclaration*>(kc_selvar_2_1)->productionblock_1)->ID_1;
+ 			    return i;
+ 			} else
+ 			{
+ 			    return f_emptyId(); 
+ 			}
+ 		    }
+ 		} else
+ 		{
+ 		    return f_emptyId(); 
+ 		}
+ 	    }
+ 	} else
+ 	{ kc_no_default_in_with( "f_listelementphylum", __LINE__, __FILE__ );
+ 	    return static_cast<ID>(0); }
+     }
+ }
+ ID f_listelementconsoperator(ID id)
+ {{
+ 	ID kc_selvar_0_1 = phylum_cast<ID>(id);
+ 	if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_Id)) {
+ 	    const uniqID uid = phylum_cast<const impl_ID_Id*>(kc_selvar_0_1)->uniqID_1;
+ 	    {
+ 		IDtype kc_selvar_1_1 = phylum_cast<IDtype>( uid->type );
+ 		if ((kc_selvar_1_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITUserPhylum)) {
+ 		    const phylumdeclaration pd = phylum_cast<const impl_IDtype_ITUserPhylum*>(kc_selvar_1_1)->phylumdeclaration_1;
+ 		    {
+ 			phylumdeclaration kc_selvar_2_1 = phylum_cast<phylumdeclaration>( pd );
+ 			if ((kc_selvar_2_1->prod_sel() == sel_PhylumDeclaration) && (phylum_cast<const impl_phylumdeclaration_PhylumDeclaration*>(kc_selvar_2_1)->productionblock_1->prod_sel() == sel_ListAlternatives) && (phylum_cast<const impl_productionblock_ListAlternatives*>(phylum_cast<const impl_phylumdeclaration_PhylumDeclaration*>(kc_selvar_2_1)->productionblock_1)->alternatives_1->prod_sel() == sel_Consalternatives) && ((phylum_cast<const impl_productionblock_ListAlternatives*>(phylum_cast<const impl_phylumdeclaration_PhylumDeclaration*>(kc_selvar_2_1)->productionblock_1)->alternatives_1)->alternative_1->prod_sel() == sel_Alternative)) {
+ 			    const ID Cons_id = phylum_cast<const impl_alternative_Alternative*>((phylum_cast<const impl_productionblock_ListAlternatives*>(phylum_cast<const impl_phylumdeclaration_PhylumDeclaration*>(kc_selvar_2_1)->productionblock_1)->alternatives_1)->alternative_1)->ID_1;
+ 			    return Cons_id;
+ 			} else
+ 			{
+ 			    return f_emptyId(); 
+ 			}
+ 		    }
+ 		} else
+ 		{
+ 		    return f_emptyId(); 
+ 		}
+ 	    }
+ 	} else
+ 	{ kc_no_default_in_with( "f_listelementconsoperator", __LINE__, __FILE__ );
+ 	    return static_cast<ID>(0); }
+     }
+ }
+ ID f_emptyId()
+ {
+     static ID emptyID = 0;
+     if (! emptyID) {
+ 	emptyID = Id (Str( mkcasestring( "" )));
+     }
+     return emptyID;
+ }
+ bool f_operatorinphylum(ID oid, ID pid)
+ {{
+ 	ID kc_selvar_0_1 = phylum_cast<ID>(oid);
+ 	if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_Id)) {
+ 	    const uniqID uid = phylum_cast<const impl_ID_Id*>(kc_selvar_0_1)->uniqID_1;
+ 	    {
+ 		IDtype kc_selvar_1_1 = phylum_cast<IDtype>( uid->type );
+ 		if ((kc_selvar_1_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITUserOperator)) {
+ 		    const ID id = phylum_cast<const impl_IDtype_ITUserOperator*>(kc_selvar_1_1)->ID_1;
+ 		    return pid->eq( id ); 
+ 		    	} else
+ 		{
+ 		    return false; 
+ 		}
+ 	    }
+ 	} else
+ 	{ kc_no_default_in_with( "f_operatorinphylum", __LINE__, __FILE__ );
+ 	    return static_cast<bool>(0); }
+     }
+ }
+ bool f_isphylum(ID id)
+ {{
+ 	ID kc_selvar_0_1 = phylum_cast<ID>(id);
+ 	if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_Id)) {
+ 	    const uniqID uid = phylum_cast<const impl_ID_Id*>(kc_selvar_0_1)->uniqID_1;
+ 	    {
+ 		IDtype kc_selvar_1_1 = phylum_cast<IDtype>( uid->type );
+ 		if ((kc_selvar_1_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITUserPhylum)) {
+ 		    return true; 
+ 		    	} else
+ 		    if ((kc_selvar_1_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITPredefinedPhylum)) {
+ 		    return true; 
+ 		    	} else
+ 		{
+ 		    return false; 
+ 		}
+ 	    }
+ 	} else
+ 	{ kc_no_default_in_with( "f_isphylum", __LINE__, __FILE__ );
+ 	    return static_cast<bool>(0); }
+     }
+ }
+ phylumdeclaration f_phylumdeclofid(ID id)
+ {{
+ 	ID kc_selvar_0_1 = phylum_cast<ID>(id);
+ 	if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_Id)) {
+ 	    const uniqID uid = phylum_cast<const impl_ID_Id*>(kc_selvar_0_1)->uniqID_1;
+ 	    {
+ 		IDtype kc_selvar_1_1 = phylum_cast<IDtype>( uid->type );
+ 		if ((kc_selvar_1_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITUserPhylum)) {
+ 		    const phylumdeclaration dcl = phylum_cast<const impl_IDtype_ITUserPhylum*>(kc_selvar_1_1)->phylumdeclaration_1;
+ 		    return dcl; 
+ 		    	} else
+ 		    if ((kc_selvar_1_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITPredefinedPhylum)) {
+ 		    const phylumdeclaration dcl = phylum_cast<const impl_IDtype_ITPredefinedPhylum*>(kc_selvar_1_1)->phylumdeclaration_1;
+ 		    return dcl; 
+ 		    	} else
+ 		{
+ 		    return NULL; 
+ 		}
+ 	    }
+ 	} else
+ 	{ kc_no_default_in_with( "f_phylumdeclofid", __LINE__, __FILE__ );
+ 	    return static_cast<phylumdeclaration>(0); }
+     }
+ }
+ bool f_ispredefinedphylum(ID id)
+ {{
+ 	ID kc_selvar_0_1 = phylum_cast<ID>(id);
+ 	if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_Id)) {
+ 	    const uniqID uid = phylum_cast<const impl_ID_Id*>(kc_selvar_0_1)->uniqID_1;
+ 	    {
+ 		IDtype kc_selvar_1_1 = phylum_cast<IDtype>( uid->type );
+ 		if ((kc_selvar_1_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITPredefinedPhylum)) {
+ 		    return true; 
+ 		    	} else
+ 		{
+ 		    return false; 
+ 		}
+ 	    }
+ 	} else
+ 	{ kc_no_default_in_with( "f_ispredefinedphylum", __LINE__, __FILE__ );
+ 	    return static_cast<bool>(0); }
+     }
+ }
+ alternative f_alternativeofoperator(ID oid)
+ {{
+ 	ID kc_selvar_0_1 = phylum_cast<ID>(oid);
+ 	if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_Id)) {
+ 	    const uniqID uid = phylum_cast<const impl_ID_Id*>(kc_selvar_0_1)->uniqID_1;
+ 	    {
+ 		IDtype kc_selvar_1_1 = phylum_cast<IDtype>( uid->type );
+ 		if ((kc_selvar_1_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITUserOperator)) {
+ 		    const alternative a = phylum_cast<const impl_IDtype_ITUserOperator*>(kc_selvar_1_1)->alternative_1;
+ 		    return a; 
+ 		    	} else
+ 		{
+ 		    return 0; 
+ 		}
+ 	    }
+ 	} else
+ 	{ kc_no_default_in_with( "f_alternativeofoperator", __LINE__, __FILE__ );
+ 	    return static_cast<alternative>(0); }
+     }
+ }
+ arguments f_argumentsofoperator(ID oid)
+ {{
+ 	ID kc_selvar_0_1 = phylum_cast<ID>(oid);
+ 	if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_Id)) {
+ 	    const uniqID uid = phylum_cast<const impl_ID_Id*>(kc_selvar_0_1)->uniqID_1;
+ 	    {
+ 		IDtype kc_selvar_1_1 = phylum_cast<IDtype>( uid->type );
+ 		if ((kc_selvar_1_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITUserOperator) && (phylum_cast<const impl_IDtype_ITUserOperator*>(kc_selvar_1_1)->alternative_1->prod_sel() == sel_Alternative)) {
+ 		    const arguments args = phylum_cast<const impl_alternative_Alternative*>(phylum_cast<const impl_IDtype_ITUserOperator*>(kc_selvar_1_1)->alternative_1)->arguments_1;
+ 		    return args; 
+ 		    	} else
+ 		{
+ 		    return Nilarguments(); 
+ 		}
+ 	    }
+ 	} else
+ 	{ kc_no_default_in_with( "f_argumentsofoperator", __LINE__, __FILE__ );
+ 	    return static_cast<arguments>(0); }
+     }
+ }
+ ID f_phylumofoperator(ID oid)
+ {{
+ 	ID kc_selvar_0_1 = phylum_cast<ID>(oid);
+ 	if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_Id)) {
+ 	    const uniqID uid = phylum_cast<const impl_ID_Id*>(kc_selvar_0_1)->uniqID_1;
+ 	    {
+ 		IDtype kc_selvar_1_1 = phylum_cast<IDtype>( uid->type );
+ 		if ((kc_selvar_1_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITUserOperator)) {
+ 		    const ID id = phylum_cast<const impl_IDtype_ITUserOperator*>(kc_selvar_1_1)->ID_1;
+ 		    return id; 
+ 		    	} else
+ 		    if ((kc_selvar_1_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITPredefinedOperator)) {
+ 		    const ID id = phylum_cast<const impl_IDtype_ITPredefinedOperator*>(kc_selvar_1_1)->ID_1;
+ 		    return id; 
+ 		    	} else
+ 		{
+ 		    return f_emptyId(); 
+ 		}
+ 	    }
+ 	} else
+ 	{ kc_no_default_in_with( "f_phylumofoperator", __LINE__, __FILE__ );
+ 	    return static_cast<ID>(0); }
+     }
+ }
+ ID f_phylumofpatternID(ID vid)
+ {
+     {
+ 	IDtype kc_selvar_0_1 = phylum_cast<IDtype>( vid->type );
+ 	if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITPatternVariable)) {
+ 	    const ID id = phylum_cast<const impl_IDtype_ITPatternVariable*>(kc_selvar_0_1)->ID_1;
+ 	    return id; 
+ 	    	} else
+ 	{
+ 	    return f_emptyId(); 
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ ID f_phylumofpatternvariable(ID vid)
+ {{
+ 	ID kc_selvar_0_1 = phylum_cast<ID>(vid);
+ 	if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_Id)) {
+ 	    const uniqID uid = phylum_cast<const impl_ID_Id*>(kc_selvar_0_1)->uniqID_1;
+ 	    {
+ 		IDtype kc_selvar_1_1 = phylum_cast<IDtype>( uid->type );
+ 		if ((kc_selvar_1_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITPatternVariable)) {
+ 		    const ID id = phylum_cast<const impl_IDtype_ITPatternVariable*>(kc_selvar_1_1)->ID_1;
+ 		    return id; 
+ 		    	} else
+ 		{
+ 		    return f_emptyId(); 
+ 		}
+ 	    }
+ 	} else
+ 	{ kc_no_default_in_with( "f_phylumofpatternvariable", __LINE__, __FILE__ );
+ 	    return static_cast<ID>(0); }
+     }
+ }
+ void v_syn_type_attribute_ID(ID id)
+ {{
+ 	ID kc_selvar_0_1 = phylum_cast<ID>(id);
+ 	if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_Id)) {
+ 	    const uniqID uid = phylum_cast<const impl_ID_Id*>(kc_selvar_0_1)->uniqID_1;
+ 	    {
+ 		IDtype kc_selvar_1_1 = phylum_cast<IDtype>( uid->type );
+ 		if ((kc_selvar_1_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITPatternVariable)) {
+ 		    id->type = uid->type; 
+ 		    	} else
+ 		{
+ 		    /* EMPTY */
+ 		}
+ 	    }
+ 	} else
+ 	    kc_no_default_in_with( "v_syn_type_attribute_ID", __LINE__, __FILE__ );
+     }
+ }
+ bool f_Nilarguments(arguments a)
+ {{
+ 	arguments kc_selvar_0_1 = phylum_cast<arguments>(a);
+ 	if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_Consarguments)) {
+ 	    return false; 
+ 	    	} else
+ 	    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_Nilarguments)) {
+ 	    return true; 
+ 	    	} else
+ 	{ kc_no_default_in_with( "f_Nilarguments", __LINE__, __FILE__ );
+ 	    return static_cast<bool>(0); }
+     }
+ }
+ ID f_hd_arguments(arguments a)
+ {{
+ 	arguments kc_selvar_0_1 = phylum_cast<arguments>(a);
+ 	if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_Consarguments)) {
+ 	    const ID hd = (kc_selvar_0_1)->ID_1;
+ 	    return hd; 
+ 	    	} else
+ 	    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_Nilarguments)) {
+ 	    assertionFailed("Head of empty argument list requested");
+ 	    return 0;
+ 	} else
+ 	{ kc_no_default_in_with( "f_hd_arguments", __LINE__, __FILE__ );
+ 	    return static_cast<ID>(0); }
+     }
+ }
+ arguments f_tl_arguments(arguments a)
+ {{
+ 	arguments kc_selvar_0_1 = phylum_cast<arguments>(a);
+ 	if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_Consarguments)) {
+ 	    const arguments tl = (kc_selvar_0_1)->arguments_1;
+ 	    return tl; 
+ 	    	} else
+ 	    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_Nilarguments)) {
+ 	    assertionFailed("Tail of empty argument list requested");
+ 	    return 0;
+ 	} else
+ 	{ kc_no_default_in_with( "f_tl_arguments", __LINE__, __FILE__ );
+ 	    return static_cast<arguments>(0); }
+     }
+ }
+ void v_check_dollarvar_attribute_in_operators(INT i, unpattributes a, operators o)
+ {{
+ 	operators kc_selvar_0_1 = phylum_cast<operators>(o);
+ 	if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_Consoperators)) {
+ 	    const ID o_o = (kc_selvar_0_1)->ID_1;
+ 	    const operators o_os = (kc_selvar_0_1)->operators_1;
+ 	    ID phy = f_subphylumofoperator( o_o, i );
+ 	    if (phy->eq(f_emptyId())) {
+ 		v_report(NonFatal( FileLine( i->file, i->line ),
+ 			Problem1S1INT1S1ID( "illegal dollar variable", i,
+ 			    "not that many subterms in operator", o_o )));
+ 	    } else {
+ 		f_check_unpattributes_in_phylum( a, phy );
+ 		v_do_check_dollarvar_in_operators( i, o_os, phy );
+ 	    }   
+ 	    	} else
+ 	    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_Niloperators)) {
+ 	    /* EMPTY */ 
+ 	    	} else
+ 	    kc_no_default_in_with( "v_check_dollarvar_attribute_in_operators", __LINE__, __FILE__ );
+     }
+ }
+ ID f_check_unpattributes_in_phylum(unpattributes a, ID p)
+ {
+     ID tmp;
+     unpattributes t = a->reverse();
+     tmp = f_do_check_unpattributes_in_phylum( t, p );
+     t->freelist();
+     return tmp;
+ }
+ static  ID f_do_check_unpattributes_in_phylum(unpattributes a, ID p)
+ {{
+ 	unpattributes kc_selvar_0_1 = phylum_cast<unpattributes>(a);
+ 	if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_Consunpattributes)) {
+ 	    const ID a_id = (kc_selvar_0_1)->ID_1;
+ 	    const unpattributes r_a = (kc_selvar_0_1)->unpattributes_1;
+ 	    ID type = f_typeof_attribute_in_phylym( a_id, p );
+ 	    if ( type->eq(f_emptyId() )) {
+ 		v_report(NonFatal( FileLine( a_id->file, a_id->line ),
+ 			Problem1S1ID1S1ID( "attribute", a_id, "not defined in phylum", p )));
+ 		return f_emptyId();
+ 	    } else {
+ 		return f_do_check_unpattributes_in_phylum( r_a, type );
+ 	    }   
+ 	    	} else
+ 	    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_Nilunpattributes)) {
+ 	    return p; 
+ 	    	} else
+ 	{ kc_no_default_in_with( "f_do_check_unpattributes_in_phylum", __LINE__, __FILE__ );
+ 	    return static_cast<ID>(0); }
+     }
+ }
+ static  void v_do_check_dollarvar_in_operators(INT i, operators o, ID p)
+ {{
+ 	operators kc_selvar_0_1 = phylum_cast<operators>(o);
+ 	if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_Consoperators)) {
+ 	    const ID o_o = (kc_selvar_0_1)->ID_1;
+ 	    const operators o_os = (kc_selvar_0_1)->operators_1;
+ 	    ID phy = f_subphylumofoperator( o_o, i );
+ 	    if (phy->eq(f_emptyId())) {
+ 		v_report(NonFatal( FileLine( i->file, i->line ),
+ 			Problem1S1INT1S1ID( "illegal dollar variable", i,
+ 			    "not that many subterms in operator", o_o )));
+ 	    } else if (! p->eq( phy )) {
+ 		v_report(NonFatal( FileLine( i->file, i->line ),
+ 			Problem1S1INT1S1ID1S1ID( " type mismatch for dollar varariable:", i,
+ 			    "; old type", p, "; new type", phy )));
+ 	    }
+ 	    v_do_check_dollarvar_in_operators( i, o_os, p );
+ 	} else
+ 	    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_Niloperators)) {
+ 	    /* EMPTY */
+ 	    	} else
+ 	    kc_no_default_in_with( "v_do_check_dollarvar_in_operators", __LINE__, __FILE__ );
+     }
+ }
+ bool f_attribute_in_phylym(ID a, ID p)
+ {
+     return f_typeof_attribute_in_phylym(a, p)->eq(f_emptyId()) ?  false : true;
+ }
+ ID f_typeof_attribute_in_phylym(ID a, ID p)
+ {
+     phylumdeclaration tmp = f_lookupdecl( p );
+     if ( tmp == 0 ) {
+ 	v_report(NonFatal( FileLine( p->file, p->line ),
+ 		Problem1S1ID( "internal error: could not find declaration of phylum:",
+ 		    p )));
+ 	return f_emptyId();
+     }
+     {
+ 	phylumdeclaration kc_selvar_0_1 = phylum_cast<phylumdeclaration>( tmp );
+ 	if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_PhylumDeclaration) && (phylum_cast<const impl_phylumdeclaration_PhylumDeclaration*>(kc_selvar_0_1)->Ccode_option_1->prod_sel() == sel_CcodeOption)) {
+ 	    const attributes attrs = phylum_cast<const impl_Ccode_option_CcodeOption*>(phylum_cast<const impl_phylumdeclaration_PhylumDeclaration*>(kc_selvar_0_1)->Ccode_option_1)->attributes_1;
+ 	    {
+ 		attributes kc_fe_selvar_1 =  attrs ;
+ 		while(
+ 			kc_fe_selvar_1->prod_sel() == sel_Consattributes
+ 		    ) {
+ 		    attribute kc_selvar_1_1 = kc_fe_selvar_1->attribute_1;
+ 		    {
+ 			{
+ 			    if ((kc_selvar_1_1->prod_sel() == sel_Attribute)) {
+ 				const ID a_type = phylum_cast<const impl_attribute_Attribute*>(kc_selvar_1_1)->ID_1;
+ 				const ID a_id = phylum_cast<const impl_attribute_Attribute*>(kc_selvar_1_1)->ID_2;
+ 				if (a->eq(a_id))
+ 				return a_type;
+ 			    } else
+ 			    {/* EMPTY */ /*skip: no matching pattern in foreach patterns*/}
+ 			}
+ 		    }
+ 		    kc_fe_selvar_1 = kc_fe_selvar_1->attributes_1;
+ 		}
+ 	    }
+ 	    {
+ 		fndeclarations kc_fe_selvar_1 =  kc_selvar_0_1->additional_members;
+ 		while(
+ 			kc_fe_selvar_1->prod_sel() == sel_Consfndeclarations
+ 		    ) {
+ 		    fndeclaration kc_selvar_1_1 = kc_fe_selvar_1->fndeclaration_1;
+ 		    {
+ 			{
+ 			    if ((kc_selvar_1_1->prod_sel() == sel_AcMemberDeclaration) && (phylum_cast<const impl_fndeclaration_AcMemberDeclaration*>(kc_selvar_1_1)->ac_declaration_specifiers_1->prod_sel() == sel_Consac_declaration_specifiers) && ((phylum_cast<const impl_fndeclaration_AcMemberDeclaration*>(kc_selvar_1_1)->ac_declaration_specifiers_1)->ac_declaration_specifier_1->prod_sel() == sel_AcDeclSpecTypeSpec) && (phylum_cast<const impl_ac_declaration_specifier_AcDeclSpecTypeSpec*>((phylum_cast<const impl_fndeclaration_AcMemberDeclaration*>(kc_selvar_1_1)->ac_declaration_specifiers_1)->ac_declaration_specifier_1)->ac_type_specifier_1->prod_sel() == sel_AcTypeSpec) && (phylum_cast<const impl_fndeclaration_AcMemberDeclaration*>(kc_selvar_1_1)->ac_declarator_1->prod_sel() == sel_AcDeclarator) && (phylum_cast<const impl_ac_declarator_AcDeclarator*>(phylum_cast<const impl_fndeclaration_AcMemberDeclaration*>(kc_selvar_1_1)->ac_declarator_1)->ac_direct_declarator_1->prod_sel() == sel_AcMemberDe!
 cl)) {
+ 				const ID a_type = phylum_cast<const impl_ac_type_specifier_AcTypeSpec*>(phylum_cast<const impl_ac_declaration_specifier_AcDeclSpecTypeSpec*>((phylum_cast<const impl_fndeclaration_AcMemberDeclaration*>(kc_selvar_1_1)->ac_declaration_specifiers_1)->ac_declaration_specifier_1)->ac_type_specifier_1)->ID_1;
+ 				const ID a_id = phylum_cast<const impl_ac_direct_declarator_AcMemberDecl*>(phylum_cast<const impl_ac_declarator_AcDeclarator*>(phylum_cast<const impl_fndeclaration_AcMemberDeclaration*>(kc_selvar_1_1)->ac_declarator_1)->ac_direct_declarator_1)->ID_2;
+ 				if (a->eq(a_id))
+ 				return a_type;
+ 			    } else
+ 			    {/* EMPTY */ /*skip: no matching pattern in foreach patterns*/}
+ 			}
+ 		    }
+ 		    kc_fe_selvar_1 = kc_fe_selvar_1->fndeclarations_1;
+ 		}
+ 	    }
+ 	    return f_emptyId();
+ 	} else
+ 	{ kc_no_default_in_with( "f_typeof_attribute_in_phylym", __LINE__, __FILE__ );
+ 	    return static_cast<ID>(0); }
+     }
+ }
+ ID f_subphylumofoperator(ID o, INT i)
+ {{
+ 	INT kc_selvar_0_1 = phylum_cast<INT>(i);
+ 	if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_Int)) {
+ 	    const integer ii = phylum_cast<const impl_INT_Int*>(kc_selvar_0_1)->integer_1;
+ 	    if (ii->value == 0) {
+ 		return f_phylumofoperator( o );
+ 	    } else {
+ 		return f_subphylum( f_argumentsofoperator( o ), i );
+ 	    }   
+ 	    	} else
+ 	{ kc_no_default_in_with( "f_subphylumofoperator", __LINE__, __FILE__ );
+ 	    return static_cast<ID>(0); }
+     }
+ }
+ ID f_subphylum(arguments a, INT i)
+ {
+     return f_do_subphylum( a, i, a->length() );
+ }
+ static  ID f_do_subphylum(arguments a, INT i, int a_i)
+ {{
+ 	arguments kc_selvar_0_1 = phylum_cast<arguments>(a);
+ 	if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_Consarguments)) {
+ 	    const ID a_a = (kc_selvar_0_1)->ID_1;
+ 	    const arguments a_as = (kc_selvar_0_1)->arguments_1;
+ 	    {
+ 		INT kc_selvar_1_1 = phylum_cast<INT>( i );
+ 		if ((kc_selvar_1_1->prod_sel() == sel_Int)) {
+ 		    const integer ii = phylum_cast<const impl_INT_Int*>(kc_selvar_1_1)->integer_1;
+ 		    if (ii->value == a_i) {
+ 			return a_a;
+ 		    } else {
+ 			return f_do_subphylum( a_as, i, a_i - 1 );
+ 		    }   
+ 		    	} else
+ 		{ kc_no_default_in_with( "f_do_subphylum", __LINE__, __FILE__ );
+ 		    return static_cast<ID>(0); }
+ 	    }
+ 	} else
+ 	    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_Nilarguments)) {
+ 	    return f_emptyId(); 
+ 	    	} else
+ 	{ kc_no_default_in_with( "f_do_subphylum", __LINE__, __FILE__ );
+ 	    return static_cast<ID>(0); }
+     }
+ }
+ argument f_argumentofoperator(ID o, INT i)
+ {{
+ 	INT kc_selvar_0_1 = phylum_cast<INT>(i);
+ 	if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_Int)) {
+ 	    const integer ii = phylum_cast<const impl_INT_Int*>(kc_selvar_0_1)->integer_1;
+ 	    if (ii->value == 0) {
+ 		return Argument( f_phylumofoperator( o ), mkinteger(0));
+ 	    } else {
+ 		return f_argument( f_argumentsofoperator( o ), i );
+ 	    }   
+ 	    	} else
+ 	{ kc_no_default_in_with( "f_argumentofoperator", __LINE__, __FILE__ );
+ 	    return static_cast<argument>(0); }
+     }
+ }
+ argument f_argument(arguments a, INT i)
+ {
+     return f_do_argument( a, i, a->length() );
+ }
+ static  argument f_do_argument(arguments a, INT i, int a_i)
+ {{
+ 	arguments kc_selvar_0_1 = phylum_cast<arguments>(a);
+ 	if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_Consarguments)) {
+ 	    const ID a_a = (kc_selvar_0_1)->ID_1;
+ 	    const arguments a_as = (kc_selvar_0_1)->arguments_1;
+ 	    {
+ 		INT kc_selvar_1_1 = phylum_cast<INT>( i );
+ 		if ((kc_selvar_1_1->prod_sel() == sel_Int)) {
+ 		    const integer ii = phylum_cast<const impl_INT_Int*>(kc_selvar_1_1)->integer_1;
+ 		    if (ii->value == a_i) {
+ 			return Argument( a_a, mkinteger(a->seqnr) );
+ 		    } else {
+ 			return f_do_argument( a_as, i, a_i - 1 );
+ 		    }   
+ 		    	} else
+ 		{ kc_no_default_in_with( "f_do_argument", __LINE__, __FILE__ );
+ 		    return static_cast<argument>(0); }
+ 	    }
+ 	} else
+ 	    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_Nilarguments)) {
+ 	    return Argument(f_emptyId(), mkinteger(0)); 
+ 	    	} else
+ 	{ kc_no_default_in_with( "f_do_argument", __LINE__, __FILE__ );
+ 	    return static_cast<argument>(0); }
+     }
+ }
+ ID f_phylumofoutmostpattern(outmostpattern p)
+ {{
+ 	outmostpattern kc_selvar_0_1 = phylum_cast<outmostpattern>(p);
+ 	if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_OPWildcard)) {
+ 	    return f_emptyId(); 
+ 	    	} else
+ 	    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_OPDefault)) {
+ 	    return f_emptyId(); 
+ 	    	} else
+ 	    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_OPNonLeafVariable)) {
+ 	    const outmostpattern r_p = phylum_cast<const impl_outmostpattern_OPNonLeafVariable*>(kc_selvar_0_1)->outmostpattern_1;
+ 	    return f_phylumofoutmostpattern( r_p ); 
+ 	    	} else
+ 	    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_OPOperator)) {
+ 	    const ID o = phylum_cast<const impl_outmostpattern_OPOperator*>(kc_selvar_0_1)->ID_1;
+ 	    return f_phylumofoperator( o ); 
+ 	    	} else
+ 	    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_OPOperatorWildcard)) {
+ 	    const ID o = phylum_cast<const impl_outmostpattern_OPOperatorWildcard*>(kc_selvar_0_1)->ID_1;
+ 	    return f_phylumofoperator( o ); 
+ 	    	} else
+ 	{ kc_no_default_in_with( "f_phylumofoutmostpattern", __LINE__, __FILE__ );
+ 	    return static_cast<ID>(0); }
+     }
+ }
+ ID f_operatorofphylum(ID p, int i)
+ {
+     phylumdeclaration tmp = f_lookupdecl( p );
+     if ( tmp == 0 ) {
+ 	v_report(NonFatal( FileLine( p->file, p->line ),
+ 		Problem1S1ID( "internal error: could not find declaration of phylum:",
+ 		    p )));
+ 	return f_emptyId();
+     }
+     {
+ 	phylumdeclaration kc_selvar_0_1 = phylum_cast<phylumdeclaration>( tmp );
+ 	if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_PhylumDeclaration)) {
+ 	    const productionblock pb = phylum_cast<const impl_phylumdeclaration_PhylumDeclaration*>(kc_selvar_0_1)->productionblock_1;
+ 	    {
+ 		productionblock kc_selvar_1_1 = phylum_cast<productionblock>( pb );
+ 		if ((kc_selvar_1_1->prod_sel() == sel_PredefinedAlternatives)) {
+ 		    const alternatives a = phylum_cast<const impl_productionblock_PredefinedAlternatives*>(kc_selvar_1_1)->alternatives_1;
+ 		    alternative tmp_a = f_alternative( a, i );
+ 		    if ( tmp_a == 0 ) {
+ 			v_report(NonFatal( FileLine( p->file, p->line ),
+ 				Problem1S1ID(
+ 				    "internal error: could not find operators of phylum:",
+ 				    p )));
+ 			return f_emptyId();
+ 		    }
+ 		    {
+ 			alternative kc_selvar_2_1 = phylum_cast<alternative>( tmp_a );
+ 			if ((kc_selvar_2_1->prod_sel() == sel_Alternative)) {
+ 			    const ID id = phylum_cast<const impl_alternative_Alternative*>(kc_selvar_2_1)->ID_1;
+ 			    return id; 
+ 			    	} else
+ 			{ kc_no_default_in_with( "f_operatorofphylum", __LINE__, __FILE__ );
+ 			    return static_cast<ID>(0); }
+ 		    }
+ 		} else
+ 		    if ((kc_selvar_1_1->prod_sel() == sel_NonlistAlternatives)) {
+ 		    const alternatives a = phylum_cast<const impl_productionblock_NonlistAlternatives*>(kc_selvar_1_1)->alternatives_1;
+ 		    alternative tmp_a = f_alternative( a, i );
+ 		    if ( tmp_a == 0 ) {
+ 			v_report(NonFatal( FileLine( p->file, p->line ),
+ 				Problem1S1ID(
+ 				    "internal error: could not find operators of phylum:",
+ 				    p )));
+ 			return f_emptyId();
+ 		    }
+ 		    {
+ 			alternative kc_selvar_2_1 = phylum_cast<alternative>( tmp_a );
+ 			if ((kc_selvar_2_1->prod_sel() == sel_Alternative)) {
+ 			    const ID id = phylum_cast<const impl_alternative_Alternative*>(kc_selvar_2_1)->ID_1;
+ 			    return id; 
+ 			    	} else
+ 			{ kc_no_default_in_with( "f_operatorofphylum", __LINE__, __FILE__ );
+ 			    return static_cast<ID>(0); }
+ 		    }
+ 		} else
+ 		    if ((kc_selvar_1_1->prod_sel() == sel_ListAlternatives)) {
+ 		    const alternatives a = phylum_cast<const impl_productionblock_ListAlternatives*>(kc_selvar_1_1)->alternatives_1;
+ 		    alternative tmp_a = f_alternative( a, i );
+ 		    if ( tmp_a == 0 ) {
+ 			v_report(NonFatal( FileLine( p->file, p->line ),
+ 				Problem1S1ID(
+ 				    "internal error: could not find operators of phylum:",
+ 				    p )));
+ 			return f_emptyId();
+ 		    }
+ 		    {
+ 			alternative kc_selvar_2_1 = phylum_cast<alternative>( tmp_a );
+ 			if ((kc_selvar_2_1->prod_sel() == sel_Alternative)) {
+ 			    const ID id = phylum_cast<const impl_alternative_Alternative*>(kc_selvar_2_1)->ID_1;
+ 			    return id; 
+ 			    	} else
+ 			{ kc_no_default_in_with( "f_operatorofphylum", __LINE__, __FILE__ );
+ 			    return static_cast<ID>(0); }
+ 		    }
+ 		} else
+ 		    if ((kc_selvar_1_1->prod_sel() == sel_Emptyproductionblock)) {
+ 		    return f_emptyId(); 
+ 		    	} else
+ 		{ kc_no_default_in_with( "f_operatorofphylum", __LINE__, __FILE__ );
+ 		    return static_cast<ID>(0); }
+ 	    }
+ 	} else
+ 	{ kc_no_default_in_with( "f_operatorofphylum", __LINE__, __FILE__ );
+ 	    return static_cast<ID>(0); }
+     }
+ }
+ alternative f_alternative(alternatives a, int i)
+ {
+     return f_do_alternative( a, i, a->length() );
+ }
+ static  alternative f_do_alternative(alternatives a, int i, int a_i)
+ {{
+ 	alternatives kc_selvar_0_1 = phylum_cast<alternatives>(a);
+ 	if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_Consalternatives)) {
+ 	    const alternative a_a = (kc_selvar_0_1)->alternative_1;
+ 	    const alternatives a_as = (kc_selvar_0_1)->alternatives_1;
+ 	    if (i == a_i) {
+ 		return a_a;
+ 	    } else {
+ 		return f_do_alternative( a_as, i, a_i - 1 );
+ 	    }   
+ 	    	} else
+ 	    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_Nilalternatives)) {
+ 	    return 0; 
+ 	    	} else
+ 	{ kc_no_default_in_with( "f_do_alternative", __LINE__, __FILE__ );
+ 	    return static_cast<alternative>(0); }
+     }
+ }
+ void v_reset_phylumdeclaration_marks()
+ {
+     {
+ 	phylumdeclarations kc_fe_selvar_1 =  Thephylumdeclarations ;
+ 	while(
+ 		kc_fe_selvar_1->prod_sel() == sel_Consphylumdeclarations
+ 	    ) {
+ 	    phylumdeclaration kc_selvar_0_1 = kc_fe_selvar_1->phylumdeclaration_1;
+ 	    {
+ 		{
+ 		    {
+ 			const phylumdeclaration p = kc_selvar_0_1;
+ 			p->marked = 0;
+ 		    }
+ 		}
+ 	    }
+ 	    kc_fe_selvar_1 = kc_fe_selvar_1->phylumdeclarations_1;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void v_reset_variables_type(variables v)
+ {
+     {
+ 	variables kc_fe_selvar_1 =  v ;
+ 	while(
+ 		kc_fe_selvar_1->prod_sel() == sel_Consvariables
+ 	    ) {
+ 	    ID kc_selvar_0_1 = kc_fe_selvar_1->ID_1;
+ 	    {
+ 		{
+ 		    {
+ 			const ID var = kc_selvar_0_1;
+ 			{
+ 			    ID kc_selvar_1_1 = phylum_cast<ID>( var );
+ 			    if ((kc_selvar_1_1->prod_sel() == sel_Id)) {
+ 				const uniqID uid = phylum_cast<const impl_ID_Id*>(kc_selvar_1_1)->uniqID_1;
+ 				{
+ 				    IDtype kc_selvar_2_1 = phylum_cast<IDtype>( uid->type );
+ 				    if ((kc_selvar_2_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITPatternVariable)) {
+ 					const integer uid_scope = phylum_cast<const impl_IDtype_ITPatternVariable*>(kc_selvar_2_1)->integer_1;
+ 					{
+ 					    scopetypefilelinestack kc_selvar_3_1 = phylum_cast<scopetypefilelinestack>( uid->scopeinfo );
+ 					    if ((kc_selvar_3_1->prod_sel() == sel_Consscopetypefilelinestack) && ((kc_selvar_3_1)->scopetypefileline_1->prod_sel() == sel_ScopeTypeFileLine)) {
+ 						const integer s = phylum_cast<const impl_scopetypefileline_ScopeTypeFileLine*>((kc_selvar_3_1)->scopetypefileline_1)->integer_1;
+ 						const IDtype t = phylum_cast<const impl_scopetypefileline_ScopeTypeFileLine*>((kc_selvar_3_1)->scopetypefileline_1)->IDtype_1;
+ 						const casestring f = phylum_cast<const impl_scopetypefileline_ScopeTypeFileLine*>((kc_selvar_3_1)->scopetypefileline_1)->casestring_1;
+ 						const integer l = phylum_cast<const impl_scopetypefileline_ScopeTypeFileLine*>((kc_selvar_3_1)->scopetypefileline_1)->integer_2;
+ 						const scopetypefilelinestack r_scopeinfo = (kc_selvar_3_1)->scopetypefilelinestack_1;
+ 						if (s == uid_scope) {
+ 						    uid->type = t;
+ 						    uid->file = f;
+ 						    uid->line = l->value;
+ 						    uid->scopeinfo = r_scopeinfo;
+ 						} 
+ 							} else
+ 						if ((kc_selvar_3_1->prod_sel() == sel_Nilscopetypefilelinestack)) {
+ 						uid->type = ITUnknown();
+ 						uid->file = mkcasestring("");
+ 						uid->line = 0;
+ 					    } else
+ 						kc_no_default_in_with( "v_reset_variables_type", __LINE__, __FILE__ );
+ 					}
+ 				    } else
+ 					if ((kc_selvar_2_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITUserRView)) {
+ 					/* EMPTY */
+ 						} else
+ 					if ((kc_selvar_2_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITPredefinedRView)) {
+ 					/* EMPTY */
+ 						} else
+ 					if ((kc_selvar_2_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITUserUView)) {
+ 					/* EMPTY */
+ 						} else
+ 					if ((kc_selvar_2_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITPredefinedUView)) {
+ 					/* EMPTY */
+ 						} else
+ 					if ((kc_selvar_2_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITUserFunction)) {
+ 					/* EMPTY */
+ 						} else
+ 					if ((kc_selvar_2_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITStorageClass)) {
+ 					/* EMPTY */
+ 						} else
+ 					if ((kc_selvar_2_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITPredefinedStorageClass)) {
+ 					/* EMPTY */
+ 						} else
+ 					if ((kc_selvar_2_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITUserOperator)) {
+ 					/* EMPTY */
+ 						} else
+ 					if ((kc_selvar_2_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITPredefinedOperator)) {
+ 					/* EMPTY */
+ 						} else
+ 					if ((kc_selvar_2_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITUserPhylum)) {
+ 					/* EMPTY */
+ 						} else
+ 					if ((kc_selvar_2_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITPredefinedPhylum)) {
+ 					/* EMPTY */
+ 						} else
+ 					if ((kc_selvar_2_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITUnknown)) {
+ 					/* EMPTY */
+ 						} else
+ 					kc_no_default_in_with( "v_reset_variables_type", __LINE__, __FILE__ );
+ 				}
+ 			    } else
+ 				kc_no_default_in_with( "v_reset_variables_type", __LINE__, __FILE__ );
+ 			}
+ 		    }
+ 		}
+ 	    }
+ 	    kc_fe_selvar_1 = kc_fe_selvar_1->variables_1;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void v_add_to_uviewnames(ID v)
+ {
+     {
+ 	viewnames kc_fe_selvar_1 =  Theuviewnames ;
+ 	while(
+ 		kc_fe_selvar_1->prod_sel() == sel_Consviewnames
+ 	    ) {
+ 	    ID kc_selvar_0_1 = kc_fe_selvar_1->ID_1;
+ 	    {
+ 		{
+ 		    {
+ 			const ID vn = kc_selvar_0_1;
+ 			if ( vn->eq( v )) return;
+ 		    }
+ 		}
+ 	    }
+ 	    kc_fe_selvar_1 = kc_fe_selvar_1->viewnames_1;
+ 	}
+     }
+     Theuviewnames = Consviewnames( v, Theuviewnames );
+ }
+ void v_add_to_uviewnames_ext(ID v)
+ {
+     viewnames uviewnames=Theuviewnames;
+     while(uviewnames) {
+ 	{
+ 	    viewnames kc_selvar_0_1 = phylum_cast<viewnames>(uviewnames);
+ 	    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_Nilviewnames)) {
+ 		uviewnames=0; 
+ 			} else
+ 		if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_Consviewnames)) {
+ 		const viewnames node = kc_selvar_0_1;
+ 		const ID vn = (kc_selvar_0_1)->ID_1;
+ 		const viewnames tail = (kc_selvar_0_1)->viewnames_1;
+ 		if(vn->eq(v)) {
+ 		    if(!node->is_extern)
+ 		    node->is_extern=true;
+ 		    return;
+ 		}
+ 		uviewnames=tail;
+ 	    } else
+ 		kc_no_default_in_with( "v_add_to_uviewnames_ext", __LINE__, __FILE__ );
+ 	}
+     }
+     Theuviewnames = Consviewnames( v, Theuviewnames );
+     Theuviewnames->is_extern=true;
+ }
+ void v_add_to_rviewnames(ID v)
+ {
+     {
+ 	viewnames kc_fe_selvar_1 =  Therviewnames ;
+ 	while(
+ 		kc_fe_selvar_1->prod_sel() == sel_Consviewnames
+ 	    ) {
+ 	    ID kc_selvar_0_1 = kc_fe_selvar_1->ID_1;
+ 	    {
+ 		{
+ 		    {
+ 			const ID vn = kc_selvar_0_1;
+ 			if ( vn->eq( v )) return;
+ 		    }
+ 		}
+ 	    }
+ 	    kc_fe_selvar_1 = kc_fe_selvar_1->viewnames_1;
+ 	}
+     }
+     Therviewnames = Consviewnames( v, Therviewnames );
+ }
+ void v_add_to_rviewnames_ext(ID v)
+ {
+     viewnames rviewnames=Therviewnames;
+     while(rviewnames) {
+ 	{
+ 	    viewnames kc_selvar_0_1 = phylum_cast<viewnames>(rviewnames);
+ 	    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_Nilviewnames)) {
+ 		rviewnames=0; 
+ 			} else
+ 		if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_Consviewnames)) {
+ 		const viewnames node = kc_selvar_0_1;
+ 		const ID vn = (kc_selvar_0_1)->ID_1;
+ 		const viewnames tail = (kc_selvar_0_1)->viewnames_1;
+ 		if(vn->eq(v)) {
+ 		    if(!node->is_extern)
+ 		    node->is_extern=true;
+ 		    return;
+ 		}
+ 		rviewnames=tail;
+ 	    } else
+ 		kc_no_default_in_with( "v_add_to_rviewnames_ext", __LINE__, __FILE__ );
+ 	}
+     }
+     Therviewnames = Consviewnames( v, Therviewnames );
+     Therviewnames->is_extern=true;
+ }
+ void v_add_to_storageclasses(ID v, ID p)
+ {
+     Thestorageclasses =
+     do_add_to_storageclasses( v, p, Thestorageclasses, Thestorageclasses );
+ }
+ static  storageclasses do_add_to_storageclasses(ID v, ID p, storageclasses s, storageclasses all)
+ {{
+ 	storageclasses kc_selvar_0_1 = phylum_cast<storageclasses>(s);
+ 	if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_Consstorageclasses)) {
+ 	    const ID sc = (kc_selvar_0_1)->ID_1;
+ 	    const storageclasses r_sc = (kc_selvar_0_1)->storageclasses_1;
+ 	    if ( sc->eq( v )) {
+ 		if (! p->eq(f_emptyId())) {
+ 		    s->phyla = Consphylumnames( p, s->phyla );
+ 		}
+ 		return all;
+ 	    } else {
+ 		return do_add_to_storageclasses( v, p, r_sc, all );
+ 	    }       
+ 	    	} else
+ 	    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_Nilstorageclasses)) {
+ 	    storageclasses tmp = Consstorageclasses( v, all );
+ 	    tmp->phyla = Nilphylumnames();
+ 	    if (! p->eq(f_emptyId())) {
+ 		tmp->phyla = Consphylumnames( p, tmp->phyla );
+ 	    }
+ 	    return tmp;
+ 	} else
+ 	{ kc_no_default_in_with( "do_add_to_storageclasses", __LINE__, __FILE__ );
+ 	    return static_cast<storageclasses>(0); }
+     }
+ }
+ void collect_strings()
+ {
+     long i;
+     long ssize=last_text_nr()+1;
+     int lsize=Thelanguages->length();
+     The_Nilunparseitems=Nilunparseitems();
+     string_collection=new unparseitems*[ssize];
+     for( i=0; i<ssize;i++) {
+ 	int j=0;
+ 	string_collection[i]=new unparseitems[lsize];
+ 	for(;j<lsize;j++)
+ 	string_collection[i][j]=The_Nilunparseitems;
+     }
+     Theunparsedeclarations->unparse(v_null_printer, view_collect_strings);
+ }
+ void add_string_to_collection(unparseitem s)
+ {{
+ 	unparseitem kc_selvar_0_1 = phylum_cast<unparseitem>(s);
+ 	if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_UnpStr) && (phylum_cast<const impl_unparseitem_UnpStr*>(kc_selvar_0_1)->languageoption_1->prod_sel() == sel_LanguageList)) {
+ 	    const languagenames langs = phylum_cast<const impl_languageoption_LanguageList*>(phylum_cast<const impl_unparseitem_UnpStr*>(kc_selvar_0_1)->languageoption_1)->languagenames_1;
+ 	    long nr=s->text_nr;
+ 	    {
+ 		languagenames kc_fe_selvar_1 =  langs;
+ 		while(
+ 			kc_fe_selvar_1->prod_sel() == sel_Conslanguagenames
+ 		    ) {
+ 		    ID kc_selvar_1_1 = kc_fe_selvar_1->ID_1;
+ 		    {
+ 			{
+ 			    if ((kc_selvar_1_1->prod_sel() == sel_Id)) {
+ 				const uniqID u_id = phylum_cast<const impl_ID_Id*>(kc_selvar_1_1)->uniqID_1;
+ 				{
+ 				    IDtype kc_selvar_2_1 = phylum_cast<IDtype>((IDtype)u_id->type);
+ 				    if ((kc_selvar_2_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITLanguageName)) {
+ 					const integer l = phylum_cast<const impl_IDtype_ITLanguageName*>(kc_selvar_2_1)->integer_1;
+ 					unparseitems entry=string_collection[nr][l->value];
+ 					{
+ 					    unparseitems kc_selvar_3_1 = phylum_cast<unparseitems>(entry);
+ 					    if ((kc_selvar_3_1->prod_sel() == sel_Consunparseitems) && ((kc_selvar_3_1)->unparseitem_1->prod_sel() == sel_UnpStr) && (phylum_cast<const impl_unparseitem_UnpStr*>((kc_selvar_3_1)->unparseitem_1)->languageoption_1->prod_sel() == sel_NoLanguagename) && ((kc_selvar_3_1)->unparseitems_1->prod_sel() == sel_Nilunparseitems)) {
+ 						string_collection[nr][l->value]=Consunparseitems(s,The_Nilunparseitems);
+ 					    } else
+ 						if ((kc_selvar_3_1->prod_sel() == sel_Nilunparseitems)) {
+ 						string_collection[nr][l->value]=Consunparseitems(s,The_Nilunparseitems);
+ 					    } else
+ 					    {
+ 						string_collection[nr][l->value]= Consunparseitems(s,entry);
+ 					    }
+ 					}
+ 				    } else
+ 				    {
+ 					/* EMPTY */ 
+ 				    }
+ 				}
+ 			    } else
+ 			    {/* EMPTY */ /*skip: no matching pattern in foreach patterns*/}
+ 			}
+ 		    }
+ 		    kc_fe_selvar_1 = kc_fe_selvar_1->languagenames_1;
+ 		}
+ 	    }
+ 	} else
+ 	    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_UnpStr) && (phylum_cast<const impl_unparseitem_UnpStr*>(kc_selvar_0_1)->languageoption_1->prod_sel() == sel_NoLanguagename)) {
+ 	    int lsize=Thelanguages->length();
+ 	    long nr=s->text_nr;
+ 	    int i;
+ 	    for(i=0;i<lsize;i++) {
+ 		unparseitems entry=string_collection[nr][i];
+ 		string_collection[nr][i]= Consunparseitems(s,entry);
+ 	    }
+ 	} else
+ 	    kc_no_default_in_with( "add_string_to_collection", __LINE__, __FILE__ );
+     }
+ }
+ void unparse_string_collection()
+ {
+     int l=Thelanguages->length();
+     long ssize=last_text_nr()+1;
+     {
+ 	languagenames kc_fe_selvar_1 =  Thelanguages;
+ 	while(
+ 		kc_fe_selvar_1->prod_sel() == sel_Conslanguagenames
+ 	    ) {
+ 	    ID kc_selvar_0_1 = kc_fe_selvar_1->ID_1;
+ 	    {
+ 		{
+ 		    {
+ 			const ID language = kc_selvar_0_1;
+ 			long nr;
+ 			l--;
+ 			language->unparse(v_ccfile_printer,view_output_collection);
+ 			for(nr=0;nr<ssize;nr++) {
+ 			    static char buf[30];
+ 			    unparseitems entry=string_collection[nr][l];
+ 			    sprintf(buf,"/*%ld*/",nr);
+ 			    v_ccfile_printer(buf,base_uview);
+ 			    entry->unparse(v_ccfile_printer,view_output_collection);
+ 			    v_ccfile_printer(",\n",base_uview);
+ 			}
+ 			v_ccfile_printer("};\n\n",base_uview);
+ 		    }
+ 		}
+ 	    }
+ 	    kc_fe_selvar_1 = kc_fe_selvar_1->languagenames_1;
+ 	}
+     }
+     v_ccfile_printer("char **kc_language=kc_language_",base_uview);
+     {
+ 	languagenames kc_selvar_0_1 = phylum_cast<languagenames>((languagenames)Thelanguages);
+ 	if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_Conslanguagenames)) {
+ 	    const ID l = (kc_selvar_0_1)->ID_1;
+ 	    l->unparse(v_ccfile_printer,base_uview);
+ 	} else
+ 	    kc_no_default_in_with( "unparse_string_collection", __LINE__, __FILE__ );
+     }
+     v_ccfile_printer(";\n\n",base_uview);
+ }
+ phylumnames f_phylumnames_foreachwith_vars(idCexpressions a_idCexpressions)
+ {
+     return t_f_phylumnames_foreachwith_vars(a_idCexpressions);
+ }
+ phylumnames t_f_phylumnames_foreachwith_vars(idCexpressions a_idCexpressions)
+ {{
+ 	idCexpressions kc_selvar_0_1 = phylum_cast<idCexpressions>(a_idCexpressions);
+ 	if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_ConsidCexpressions) && ((kc_selvar_0_1)->idCexpression_1->prod_sel() == sel_IdCexpression)) {
+ 	    const ID id = phylum_cast<const impl_idCexpression_IdCexpression*>((kc_selvar_0_1)->idCexpression_1)->ID_1;
+ 	    const idCexpressions t = (kc_selvar_0_1)->idCexpressions_1;
+ 	    return Consphylumnames(
+ 		f_listelementphylum(id),
+ 		t_f_phylumnames_foreachwith_vars( t ));
+ 	} else
+ 	    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_NilidCexpressions)) {
+ 	    return Nilphylumnames(); 
+ 	    	} else
+ 	{ kc_no_default_in_with( "t_f_phylumnames_foreachwith_vars", __LINE__, __FILE__ );
+ 	    return static_cast<phylumnames>(0); }
+     }
+ }
+ phylumnames f_phylumnames_foreachwith_listvars(idCexpressions a_idCexpressions)
+ {
+     return t_f_phylumnames_foreachwith_listvars(a_idCexpressions);
+ }
+ phylumnames t_f_phylumnames_foreachwith_listvars(idCexpressions a_idCexpressions)
+ {{
+ 	idCexpressions kc_selvar_0_1 = phylum_cast<idCexpressions>(a_idCexpressions);
+ 	if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_ConsidCexpressions) && ((kc_selvar_0_1)->idCexpression_1->prod_sel() == sel_IdCexpression)) {
+ 	    const ID id = phylum_cast<const impl_idCexpression_IdCexpression*>((kc_selvar_0_1)->idCexpression_1)->ID_1;
+ 	    const idCexpressions t = (kc_selvar_0_1)->idCexpressions_1;
+ 	    return Consphylumnames(
+ 		id,
+ 		t_f_phylumnames_foreachwith_listvars( t ));
+ 	} else
+ 	    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_NilidCexpressions)) {
+ 	    return Nilphylumnames(); 
+ 	    	} else
+ 	{ kc_no_default_in_with( "t_f_phylumnames_foreachwith_listvars", __LINE__, __FILE__ );
+ 	    return static_cast<phylumnames>(0); }
+     }
+ }
+ void f_collect_members(fndeclarations fns)
+ {
+     {
+ 	fndeclarations kc_fe_selvar_1 =  fns;
+ 	while(
+ 		kc_fe_selvar_1->prod_sel() == sel_Consfndeclarations
+ 	    ) {
+ 	    fndeclaration kc_selvar_0_1 = kc_fe_selvar_1->fndeclaration_1;
+ 	    {
+ 		{
+ 		    {
+ 			const fndeclaration fn = kc_selvar_0_1;
+ 			{
+ 			    fndeclaration kc_selvar_1_1 = phylum_cast<fndeclaration>(fn);
+ 			    if ((kc_selvar_1_1->prod_sel() == sel_FnAcDeclaration) && (phylum_cast<const impl_fndeclaration_FnAcDeclaration*>(kc_selvar_1_1)->ac_declarator_1->prod_sel() == sel_AcDeclarator) && (phylum_cast<const impl_ac_declarator_AcDeclarator*>(phylum_cast<const impl_fndeclaration_FnAcDeclaration*>(kc_selvar_1_1)->ac_declarator_1)->ac_direct_declarator_1->prod_sel() == sel_AcQualifiedDeclProto) && (phylum_cast<const impl_ac_direct_declarator_AcQualifiedDeclProto*>(phylum_cast<const impl_ac_declarator_AcDeclarator*>(phylum_cast<const impl_fndeclaration_FnAcDeclaration*>(kc_selvar_1_1)->ac_declarator_1)->ac_direct_declarator_1)->ac_class_qualifier_list_1->prod_sel() == sel_Consac_class_qualifier_list) && ((phylum_cast<const impl_ac_direct_declarator_AcQualifiedDeclProto*>(phylum_cast<const impl_ac_declarator_AcDeclarator*>(phylum_cast<const impl_fndeclaration_FnAcDeclaration*>(kc_selvar_1_1)->ac_declarator_1)->ac_direct_declarator_1)->ac_class_qualifier_list_1)->ac_class_qualif!
 ier_list_1->prod_sel() == sel_Nilac_class_qualifier_list) && (phylum_cast<const impl_fndeclaration_FnAcDeclaration*>(kc_selvar_1_1)->fnclass_1->prod_sel() == sel_MemberFn)) {
+ 				const ID id = (phylum_cast<const impl_ac_direct_declarator_AcQualifiedDeclProto*>(phylum_cast<const impl_ac_declarator_AcDeclarator*>(phylum_cast<const impl_fndeclaration_FnAcDeclaration*>(kc_selvar_1_1)->ac_declarator_1)->ac_direct_declarator_1)->ac_class_qualifier_list_1)->ID_1;
+ 				phylumdeclaration ph_decl=f_phylumdeclofid(id);
+ 				alternative op=f_alternativeofoperator(id);
+ 				if(ph_decl)
+ 				ph_decl->additional_members=Consfndeclarations(fn, ph_decl->additional_members);
+ 				else if(op)
+ 				op->additional_members=Consfndeclarations(fn, op->additional_members);
+ 			    } else
+ 				if ((kc_selvar_1_1->prod_sel() == sel_FnAcDeclaration) && (phylum_cast<const impl_fndeclaration_FnAcDeclaration*>(kc_selvar_1_1)->ac_declarator_1->prod_sel() == sel_AcDeclarator) && (phylum_cast<const impl_ac_declarator_AcDeclarator*>(phylum_cast<const impl_fndeclaration_FnAcDeclaration*>(kc_selvar_1_1)->ac_declarator_1)->ac_direct_declarator_1->prod_sel() == sel_AcQualifiedDeclProto) && (phylum_cast<const impl_ac_direct_declarator_AcQualifiedDeclProto*>(phylum_cast<const impl_ac_declarator_AcDeclarator*>(phylum_cast<const impl_fndeclaration_FnAcDeclaration*>(kc_selvar_1_1)->ac_declarator_1)->ac_direct_declarator_1)->ac_direct_declarator_1->prod_sel() == sel_AcDirectDeclId) && (phylum_cast<const impl_fndeclaration_FnAcDeclaration*>(kc_selvar_1_1)->fnclass_1->prod_sel() == sel_DestructorFn)) {
+ 				const ID id = phylum_cast<const impl_ac_direct_declarator_AcDirectDeclId*>(phylum_cast<const impl_ac_direct_declarator_AcQualifiedDeclProto*>(phylum_cast<const impl_ac_declarator_AcDeclarator*>(phylum_cast<const impl_fndeclaration_FnAcDeclaration*>(kc_selvar_1_1)->ac_declarator_1)->ac_direct_declarator_1)->ac_direct_declarator_1)->ID_1;
+ 				phylumdeclaration ph_decl=f_phylumdeclofid(id);
+ 				alternative op=f_alternativeofoperator(id);
+ 				if(ph_decl)
+ 				ph_decl->additional_members=Consfndeclarations(fn, ph_decl->additional_members);
+ 				else if(op)
+ 				op->additional_members=Consfndeclarations(fn, op->additional_members);
+ 			    } else
+ 				if ((kc_selvar_1_1->prod_sel() == sel_FnAcDeclaration) && (phylum_cast<const impl_fndeclaration_FnAcDeclaration*>(kc_selvar_1_1)->ac_declarator_1->prod_sel() == sel_AcDeclarator) && (phylum_cast<const impl_ac_declarator_AcDeclarator*>(phylum_cast<const impl_fndeclaration_FnAcDeclaration*>(kc_selvar_1_1)->ac_declarator_1)->ac_direct_declarator_1->prod_sel() == sel_AcQualifiedDeclProto) && (phylum_cast<const impl_ac_direct_declarator_AcQualifiedDeclProto*>(phylum_cast<const impl_ac_declarator_AcDeclarator*>(phylum_cast<const impl_fndeclaration_FnAcDeclaration*>(kc_selvar_1_1)->ac_declarator_1)->ac_direct_declarator_1)->ac_direct_declarator_1->prod_sel() == sel_AcDirectDeclId) && (phylum_cast<const impl_fndeclaration_FnAcDeclaration*>(kc_selvar_1_1)->fnclass_1->prod_sel() == sel_ConstructorFn)) {
+ 				const ID id = phylum_cast<const impl_ac_direct_declarator_AcDirectDeclId*>(phylum_cast<const impl_ac_direct_declarator_AcQualifiedDeclProto*>(phylum_cast<const impl_ac_declarator_AcDeclarator*>(phylum_cast<const impl_fndeclaration_FnAcDeclaration*>(kc_selvar_1_1)->ac_declarator_1)->ac_direct_declarator_1)->ac_direct_declarator_1)->ID_1;
+ 				phylumdeclaration ph_decl=f_phylumdeclofid(id);
+ 				alternative op=f_alternativeofoperator(id);
+ 				if(ph_decl)
+ 				ph_decl->additional_members=Consfndeclarations(fn, ph_decl->additional_members);
+ 				else if(op)
+ 				op->additional_members=Consfndeclarations(fn, op->additional_members);
+ 			    } else
+ 				if ((kc_selvar_1_1->prod_sel() == sel_FnAcDeclaration) && (phylum_cast<const impl_fndeclaration_FnAcDeclaration*>(kc_selvar_1_1)->ac_declarator_1->prod_sel() == sel_AcDeclarator) && (phylum_cast<const impl_ac_declarator_AcDeclarator*>(phylum_cast<const impl_fndeclaration_FnAcDeclaration*>(kc_selvar_1_1)->ac_declarator_1)->ac_direct_declarator_1->prod_sel() == sel_AcQualifiedDeclProto) && (phylum_cast<const impl_ac_direct_declarator_AcQualifiedDeclProto*>(phylum_cast<const impl_ac_declarator_AcDeclarator*>(phylum_cast<const impl_fndeclaration_FnAcDeclaration*>(kc_selvar_1_1)->ac_declarator_1)->ac_direct_declarator_1)->ac_direct_declarator_1->prod_sel() == sel_AcConvOperatorDecl) && (phylum_cast<const impl_fndeclaration_FnAcDeclaration*>(kc_selvar_1_1)->fnclass_1->prod_sel() == sel_ConvOperatorFn)) {
+ 				const ID id = phylum_cast<const impl_ac_direct_declarator_AcConvOperatorDecl*>(phylum_cast<const impl_ac_direct_declarator_AcQualifiedDeclProto*>(phylum_cast<const impl_ac_declarator_AcDeclarator*>(phylum_cast<const impl_fndeclaration_FnAcDeclaration*>(kc_selvar_1_1)->ac_declarator_1)->ac_direct_declarator_1)->ac_direct_declarator_1)->ID_1;
+ 				phylumdeclaration ph_decl=f_phylumdeclofid(id);
+ 				alternative op=f_alternativeofoperator(id);
+ 				if(ph_decl)
+ 				ph_decl->additional_members=Consfndeclarations(fn, ph_decl->additional_members);
+ 				else if(op)
+ 				op->additional_members=Consfndeclarations(fn, op->additional_members);
+ 			    } else
+ 				if ((kc_selvar_1_1->prod_sel() == sel_AcMemberDeclaration) && (phylum_cast<const impl_fndeclaration_AcMemberDeclaration*>(kc_selvar_1_1)->ac_declarator_1->prod_sel() == sel_AcDeclarator) && (phylum_cast<const impl_ac_declarator_AcDeclarator*>(phylum_cast<const impl_fndeclaration_AcMemberDeclaration*>(kc_selvar_1_1)->ac_declarator_1)->ac_direct_declarator_1->prod_sel() == sel_AcMemberDecl)) {
+ 				const ID id = phylum_cast<const impl_ac_direct_declarator_AcMemberDecl*>(phylum_cast<const impl_ac_declarator_AcDeclarator*>(phylum_cast<const impl_fndeclaration_AcMemberDeclaration*>(kc_selvar_1_1)->ac_declarator_1)->ac_direct_declarator_1)->ID_1;
+ 				phylumdeclaration ph_decl=f_phylumdeclofid(id);
+ 				alternative op=f_alternativeofoperator(id);
+ 				if(ph_decl)
+ 				ph_decl->additional_members=Consfndeclarations(fn, ph_decl->additional_members);
+ 				else if(op)
+ 				op->additional_members=Consfndeclarations(fn, op->additional_members);
+ 			    } else
+ 			    {
+ 			    }
+ 			}
+ 		    }
+ 		}
+ 	    }
+ 	    kc_fe_selvar_1 = kc_fe_selvar_1->fndeclarations_1;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ ID f_id_of_ctor_dtor_decl(ac_declarator decl)
+ {{
+ 	ac_declarator kc_selvar_0_1 = phylum_cast<ac_declarator>(decl);
+ 	if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_AcDeclarator) && (phylum_cast<const impl_ac_declarator_AcDeclarator*>(kc_selvar_0_1)->ac_direct_declarator_1->prod_sel() == sel_AcQualifiedDeclProto) && (phylum_cast<const impl_ac_direct_declarator_AcQualifiedDeclProto*>(phylum_cast<const impl_ac_declarator_AcDeclarator*>(kc_selvar_0_1)->ac_direct_declarator_1)->ac_direct_declarator_1->prod_sel() == sel_AcDirectDeclId)) {
+ 	    const ID id = phylum_cast<const impl_ac_direct_declarator_AcDirectDeclId*>(phylum_cast<const impl_ac_direct_declarator_AcQualifiedDeclProto*>(phylum_cast<const impl_ac_declarator_AcDeclarator*>(kc_selvar_0_1)->ac_direct_declarator_1)->ac_direct_declarator_1)->ID_1;
+ 	    return id; 
+ 	    	} else
+ 	{
+ 	    return NULL; 
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ void prepare_base_classes(baseclass_declarations decls)
+ {
+     {
+ 	baseclass_declarations kc_fe_selvar_1 =  decls;
+ 	while(
+ 		kc_fe_selvar_1->prod_sel() == sel_Consbaseclass_declarations
+ 	    ) {
+ 	    baseclass_decl kc_selvar_0_1 = kc_fe_selvar_1->baseclass_decl_1;
+ 	    {
+ 		{
+ 		    if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_BaseClassDecl)) {
+ 			const ID id = phylum_cast<const impl_baseclass_decl_BaseClassDecl*>(kc_selvar_0_1)->ID_1;
+ 			const baseclass_list bases = phylum_cast<const impl_baseclass_decl_BaseClassDecl*>(kc_selvar_0_1)->baseclass_list_1;
+ 			phylumdeclaration ph_decl=f_phylumdeclofid(id);
+ 			alternative op=f_alternativeofoperator(id);
+ 			if(ph_decl)
+ 			ph_decl->base_classes=concat(bases, ph_decl->base_classes);
+ 			else if(op)
+ 			op->base_classes=concat(bases,op->base_classes);
+ 		    } else
+ 		    {/* EMPTY */ /*skip: no matching pattern in foreach patterns*/}
+ 		}
+ 	    }
+ 	    kc_fe_selvar_1 = kc_fe_selvar_1->baseclass_declarations_1;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ } // namespace kc

Index: llvm/test/Programs/MultiSource/Applications/kimwitu++/util.h
diff -c /dev/null llvm/test/Programs/MultiSource/Applications/kimwitu++/util.h:1.1
*** /dev/null	Tue Apr  6 15:25:27 2004
--- llvm/test/Programs/MultiSource/Applications/kimwitu++/util.h	Tue Apr  6 15:25:14 2004
*** 0 ****
--- 1,94 ----
+ /* translation of file "util.k" */
+ /* generated by:
+  *  @(#)$Author: criswell $
+  */
+ #ifndef KC_FUNCTIONS_util_HEADER
+ #define KC_FUNCTIONS_util_HEADER
+ #include "k.h"    /* in case a user forgets */
+ namespace kc { }
+ using namespace kc;
+ /* included stuff */
+ //
+ // The Termprocessor Kimwitu++
+ //
+ // Copyright (C) 1991 University of Twente, Dept TIOS.
+ // Copyright (C) 1998-2003 Humboldt-University of Berlin, Institute of Informatics
+ // All rights reserved.
+ //
+ // Kimwitu++ is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ // the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ // (at your option) any later version.
+ //
+ // Kimwitu++ is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ // GNU General Public License for more details.
+ //
+ // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ // along with Kimwitu++; if not, write to the Free Software
+ // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+ //
+ /* end included stuff */
+ namespace kc {
+ bool f_added (ID id);
+ void v_add (ID id);
+ void v_freeadded ();
+ int f_getcount (ID id);
+ void v_resetcount ();
+ void v_freecount ();
+ bool is_uview_var (ID id);
+ bool f_DvIsDisallowed (dollarvarstatus dvs);
+ ID f_listelementphylum (ID id);
+ ID f_listelementconsoperator (ID id);
+ ID f_emptyId ();
+ bool f_operatorinphylum (ID oid, ID pid);
+ bool f_isphylum (ID id);
+ phylumdeclaration f_phylumdeclofid (ID id);
+ bool f_ispredefinedphylum (ID id);
+ alternative f_alternativeofoperator (ID oid);
+ arguments f_argumentsofoperator (ID oid);
+ ID f_phylumofoperator (ID oid);
+ ID f_phylumofpatternID (ID vid);
+ ID f_phylumofpatternvariable (ID vid);
+ void v_syn_type_attribute_ID (ID id);
+ bool f_Nilarguments (arguments a);
+ ID f_hd_arguments (arguments a);
+ arguments f_tl_arguments (arguments a);
+ void v_check_dollarvar_attribute_in_operators (INT i, unpattributes a, operators o);
+ ID f_check_unpattributes_in_phylum (unpattributes a, ID p);
+ bool f_attribute_in_phylym (ID a, ID p);
+ ID f_typeof_attribute_in_phylym (ID a, ID p);
+ ID f_subphylumofoperator (ID o, INT i);
+ ID f_subphylum (arguments a, INT i);
+ argument f_argumentofoperator (ID o, INT i);
+ argument f_argument (arguments a, INT i);
+ ID f_phylumofoutmostpattern (outmostpattern p);
+ ID f_operatorofphylum (ID p, int i);
+ alternative f_alternative (alternatives a, int i);
+ void v_reset_phylumdeclaration_marks ();
+ void v_reset_variables_type (variables v);
+ void v_add_to_uviewnames (ID v);
+ void v_add_to_uviewnames_ext (ID v);
+ void v_add_to_rviewnames (ID v);
+ void v_add_to_rviewnames_ext (ID v);
+ void v_add_to_storageclasses (ID v, ID p);
+ void collect_strings ();
+ void add_string_to_collection (unparseitem s);
+ void unparse_string_collection ();
+ phylumnames f_phylumnames_foreachwith_vars (idCexpressions a_idCexpressions);
+ phylumnames t_f_phylumnames_foreachwith_vars (idCexpressions a_idCexpressions);
+ phylumnames f_phylumnames_foreachwith_listvars (idCexpressions a_idCexpressions);
+ phylumnames t_f_phylumnames_foreachwith_listvars (idCexpressions a_idCexpressions);
+ void f_collect_members (fndeclarations fns);
+ ID f_id_of_ctor_dtor_decl (ac_declarator decl);
+ void prepare_base_classes (baseclass_declarations decls);
+ } // namespace kc
+ #endif // !  KC_FUNCTIONS_util_HEADER

Index: llvm/test/Programs/MultiSource/Applications/kimwitu++/yystype.h
diff -c /dev/null llvm/test/Programs/MultiSource/Applications/kimwitu++/yystype.h:1.1
*** /dev/null	Tue Apr  6 15:25:27 2004
--- llvm/test/Programs/MultiSource/Applications/kimwitu++/yystype.h	Tue Apr  6 15:25:15 2004
*** 0 ****
--- 1,149 ----
+ union KC_YYSTYPE {
+     kc::nocasestring yt_nocasestring;
+     kc::casestring yt_casestring;
+     kc::real yt_real;
+     kc::integer yt_integer;
+     kc::voidptr yt_voidptr;
+     kc::uniqID yt_uniqID;
+     kc::ID yt_ID;
+     kc::INT yt_INT;
+     kc::STRING yt_STRING;
+     kc::phylumdeclarationsroot yt_phylumdeclarationsroot;
+     kc::phylumdeclarations yt_phylumdeclarations;
+     kc::phylumnames yt_phylumnames;
+     kc::phylumdeclaration yt_phylumdeclaration;
+     kc::storageoption yt_storageoption;
+     kc::storageclasses yt_storageclasses;
+     kc::productionblock yt_productionblock;
+     kc::alternatives yt_alternatives;
+     kc::alternative yt_alternative;
+     kc::arguments yt_arguments;
+     kc::argument yt_argument;
+     kc::Ccode_option yt_Ccode_option;
+     kc::attributes yt_attributes;
+     kc::attribute yt_attribute;
+     kc::attribute_initialisation_option yt_attribute_initialisation_option;
+     kc::Cexpression yt_Cexpression;
+     kc::Cexpression_elem yt_Cexpression_elem;
+     kc::CexpressionDQ yt_CexpressionDQ;
+     kc::CexpressionDQ_elem yt_CexpressionDQ_elem;
+     kc::CexpressionSQ yt_CexpressionSQ;
+     kc::CexpressionSQ_elem yt_CexpressionSQ_elem;
+     kc::idCexpressions yt_idCexpressions;
+     kc::idCexpression yt_idCexpression;
+     kc::Ctexts yt_Ctexts;
+     kc::includefiles yt_includefiles;
+     kc::includefile yt_includefile;
+     kc::includedeclarations yt_includedeclarations;
+     kc::includedeclaration yt_includedeclaration;
+     kc::rwdeclarations yt_rwdeclarations;
+     kc::rwdeclaration yt_rwdeclaration;
+     kc::rewriteclauses yt_rewriteclauses;
+     kc::rewriteclause yt_rewriteclause;
+     kc::patternchains yt_patternchains;
+     kc::patternchain yt_patternchain;
+     kc::outmostpatterns yt_outmostpatterns;
+     kc::patternchainitem yt_patternchainitem;
+     kc::outmostpattern yt_outmostpattern;
+     kc::pattern yt_pattern;
+     kc::patterns yt_patterns;
+     kc::term yt_term;
+     kc::terms yt_terms;
+     kc::fnfiles yt_fnfiles;
+     kc::fnfile yt_fnfile;
+     kc::fndeclarations yt_fndeclarations;
+     kc::fndeclaration yt_fndeclaration;
+     kc::fnclass yt_fnclass;
+     kc::Ctext yt_Ctext;
+     kc::Ctext_elem yt_Ctext_elem;
+     kc::foreach_after yt_foreach_after;
+     kc::contextinfo yt_contextinfo;
+     kc::withexpressions yt_withexpressions;
+     kc::withexpression yt_withexpression;
+     kc::withcases yt_withcases;
+     kc::withcase yt_withcase;
+     kc::unparsedeclarations yt_unparsedeclarations;
+     kc::unparsedeclaration yt_unparsedeclaration;
+     kc::unparseclauses yt_unparseclauses;
+     kc::unparseclause yt_unparseclause;
+     kc::viewnames yt_viewnames;
+     kc::unparseitems yt_unparseitems;
+     kc::unparseitem yt_unparseitem;
+     kc::unpsubterm yt_unpsubterm;
+     kc::unpattributes yt_unpattributes;
+     kc::viewnameoption yt_viewnameoption;
+     kc::languageoption yt_languageoption;
+     kc::languagenames yt_languagenames;
+     kc::fileline yt_fileline;
+     kc::scopetypefilelinestack yt_scopetypefilelinestack;
+     kc::scopetypefileline yt_scopetypefileline;
+     kc::IDtype yt_IDtype;
+     kc::operators yt_operators;
+     kc::phyla yt_phyla;
+     kc::variables yt_variables;
+     kc::dollarvarstatus yt_dollarvarstatus;
+     kc::tribool yt_tribool;
+     kc::patternrepresentations yt_patternrepresentations;
+     kc::patternrepresentation yt_patternrepresentation;
+     kc::elem_patternrepresentation yt_elem_patternrepresentation;
+     kc::path yt_path;
+     kc::paths yt_paths;
+     kc::argsnumbers yt_argsnumbers;
+     kc::rewriterulesinfo yt_rewriterulesinfo;
+     kc::rewriteruleinfo yt_rewriteruleinfo;
+     kc::withcasesinfo yt_withcasesinfo;
+     kc::withcaseinfo yt_withcaseinfo;
+     kc::rewriteviewsinfo yt_rewriteviewsinfo;
+     kc::rewriteviewinfo yt_rewriteviewinfo;
+     kc::unparseviewsinfo yt_unparseviewsinfo;
+     kc::unparseviewinfo yt_unparseviewinfo;
+     kc::unparsedeclsinfo yt_unparsedeclsinfo;
+     kc::unparsedeclinfo yt_unparsedeclinfo;
+     kc::ac_declaration yt_ac_declaration;
+     kc::ac_declaration_list yt_ac_declaration_list;
+     kc::ac_declaration_specifiers yt_ac_declaration_specifiers;
+     kc::ac_declaration_specifier yt_ac_declaration_specifier;
+     kc::ac_storage_class_specifier yt_ac_storage_class_specifier;
+     kc::ac_type_specifier yt_ac_type_specifier;
+     kc::ac_type_qualifier yt_ac_type_qualifier;
+     kc::ac_init_declarator_list yt_ac_init_declarator_list;
+     kc::ac_init_declarator yt_ac_init_declarator;
+     kc::ac_declarator yt_ac_declarator;
+     kc::ac_direct_declarator yt_ac_direct_declarator;
+     kc::ac_pointer_option yt_ac_pointer_option;
+     kc::ac_pointer yt_ac_pointer;
+     kc::ac_ref_option yt_ac_ref_option;
+     kc::ac_operator_name yt_ac_operator_name;
+     kc::ac_class_qualifier_help_list yt_ac_class_qualifier_help_list;
+     kc::ac_class_qualifier_list yt_ac_class_qualifier_list;
+     kc::ac_type_qualifier_list yt_ac_type_qualifier_list;
+     kc::ac_parameter_type_list yt_ac_parameter_type_list;
+     kc::ac_parameter_list yt_ac_parameter_list;
+     kc::ac_parameter_declaration yt_ac_parameter_declaration;
+     kc::ac_identifier_list yt_ac_identifier_list;
+     kc::ac_abstract_declarator yt_ac_abstract_declarator;
+     kc::ac_direct_abstract_declarator_option yt_ac_direct_abstract_declarator_option;
+     kc::ac_direct_abstract_declarator yt_ac_direct_abstract_declarator;
+     kc::ac_constant_expression_option yt_ac_constant_expression_option;
+     kc::ac_constant_expression yt_ac_constant_expression;
+     kc::ac_constant_expression_list yt_ac_constant_expression_list;
+     kc::ac_opt_base_init_list yt_ac_opt_base_init_list;
+     kc::ac_base_init_list yt_ac_base_init_list;
+     kc::ac_base_init yt_ac_base_init;
+     kc::baseclass_declarations yt_baseclass_declarations;
+     kc::baseclass_decl yt_baseclass_decl;
+     kc::baseclass_list yt_baseclass_list;
+     kc::error yt_error;
+     kc::problem yt_problem;
+     kc::addedphylumdeclarations yt_addedphylumdeclarations;
+     kc::addedphylumdeclaration yt_addedphylumdeclaration;
+     kc::countedphylumdeclarations yt_countedphylumdeclarations;
+     kc::countedphylumdeclaration yt_countedphylumdeclaration;
+     kc::charruns yt_charruns;
+     kc::bindingidmarks yt_bindingidmarks;
+     kc::bindingidmark yt_bindingidmark;
+ };
+ #endif // YYSTYPE_HEADER

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