[llvm-commits] CVS: reopt/autoconf/configure.ac
Brian Gaeke
gaeke at cs.uiuc.edu
Mon Jan 5 12:40:01 PST 2004
Changes in directory reopt/autoconf:
configure.ac updated: 1.5 -> 1.6
Log message:
Tidy this up a bit... also, use only one AC_OUTPUT()
Diffs of the changes: (+9 -66)
Index: reopt/autoconf/configure.ac
diff -u reopt/autoconf/configure.ac:1.5 reopt/autoconf/configure.ac:1.6
--- reopt/autoconf/configure.ac:1.5 Wed Nov 19 23:28:07 2003
+++ reopt/autoconf/configure.ac Mon Jan 5 12:39:32 2004
@@ -1,27 +1,11 @@
-dnl Autoconf requirements
-dnl AC_INIT(package, version, bug-report-address)
-dnl information on the package
-dnl checks for programs
-dnl checks for libraries
-dnl checks for header files
-dnl checks for types
-dnl checks for structures
-dnl checks for compiler characteristics
-dnl checks for library functions
-dnl checks for system services
-dnl AC_CONFIG_FILES([file...])
-dnl **************************************************************************
-dnl * Initialize
-dnl **************************************************************************
+dnl Process this file with autoconf 2.5x to create a configure script.
+dnl Initialize
AC_INIT([[[LLVM]]],[[[1.0]]],[llvmbugs at cs.uiuc.edu])
dnl Place all of the extra autoconf files into the config subdirectory
-dnl Configure a header file
dnl Configure Makefiles
@@ -40,56 +24,15 @@
-dnl **************************************************************************
-dnl * Determine which system we are building on
-dnl **************************************************************************
-dnl **************************************************************************
-dnl * Check for programs.
-dnl **************************************************************************
dnl Verify that the source directory is valid
-dnl **************************************************************************
-dnl * Check for libraries.
-dnl **************************************************************************
-dnl **************************************************************************
-dnl * Checks for header files.
-dnl * Chances are, if the standard C or POSIX type header files are missing,
-dnl * then LLVM just isn't going to compile. However, it is possible that
-dnl * the necessary functions/macros will be included from other
-dnl * (non-standard and non-obvious) header files.
-dnl *
-dnl * So, we'll be gracious, give it a chance, and try to go on without
-dnl * them.
-dnl **************************************************************************
-dnl **************************************************************************
-dnl * Checks for typedefs, structures, and compiler characteristics.
-dnl **************************************************************************
-dnl **************************************************************************
-dnl * Checks for library functions.
-dnl **************************************************************************
-dnl **************************************************************************
-dnl * Enable various compile-time options
-dnl **************************************************************************
-dnl **************************************************************************
-dnl * Set the location of various third-party software packages
-dnl **************************************************************************
-dnl Location of LLVM source code
+dnl Find the LLVM source and object directories, whose locations may
+dnl have been specified by the user. By default, assume we've unpacked this
+dnl project in projects/<project-name>, as is customary, and look in ../..
+dnl for the main LLVM source and object trees.
AC_ARG_WITH(llvmsrc,AC_HELP_STRING([--with-llvmsrc],[Location of LLVM Source Code]),AC_SUBST(LLVM_SRC,[$withval]),AC_SUBST(LLVM_SRC,[`cd ${srcdir}/../..; pwd`]))
-dnl Location of LLVM object code
AC_ARG_WITH(llvmobj,AC_HELP_STRING([--with-llvmobj],[Location of LLVM Object Code]),AC_SUBST(LLVM_OBJ,[$withval]),AC_SUBST(LLVM_OBJ,[`cd ../..; pwd`]))
-dnl **************************************************************************
-dnl * Create the output files
-dnl **************************************************************************
+dnl Create the output files
+AC_OUTPUT([Makefile.common Makefile.config])
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