[llvm-commits] CVS: llvm/docs/Stacker.html
Brian Gaeke
gaeke at cs.uiuc.edu
Sun Nov 23 20:54:01 PST 2003
Changes in directory llvm/docs:
Stacker.html added (r1.1)
Log message:
Add documentation for Stacker.
Diffs of the changes: (+987 -0)
Index: llvm/docs/Stacker.html
diff -c /dev/null llvm/docs/Stacker.html:1.1
*** /dev/null Sun Nov 23 20:53:01 2003
--- llvm/docs/Stacker.html Sun Nov 23 20:52:51 2003
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+ <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml11/DTD/xhtml11.dtd">
+ <html>
+ <head>
+ <title>Stacker: An Example Of Using LLVM</title>
+ <link rel="stylesheet" href="llvm.css" type="text/css">
+ </head>
+ <body>
+ <div class="doc_title">Stacker: An Example Of Using LLVM</div>
+ <ol>
+ <li><a href="#abstract">Abstract</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#introduction">Introduction</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#lexicon">The Stacker Lexicon</a>
+ <ol>
+ <li><a href="#stack">The Stack</a>
+ <li><a href="#punctuation">Punctuation</a>
+ <li><a href="#literals">Literals</a>
+ <li><a href="#words">Words</a>
+ <li><a href="#builtins">Built-Ins</a>
+ </ol>
+ </li>
+ <li><a href="#directory">The Directory Structure </a>
+ </ol>
+ <div class="doc_text">
+ <p><b>Written by <a href="mailto:rspencer at x10sys.com">Reid Spencer</a> </b></p>
+ <p> </p>
+ </div>
+ <!-- ======================================================================= -->
+ <div class="doc_section"> <a name="abstract">Abstract </a></div>
+ <div class="doc_text">
+ <p>This document is another way to learn about LLVM. Unlike the
+ <a href="LangRef.html">LLVM Reference Manual</a> or
+ <a href="ProgrammersManual.html">LLVM Programmer's Manual</a>, this
+ document walks you through the implementation of a programming language
+ named Stacker. Stacker was invented specifically as a demonstration of
+ LLVM. The emphasis in this document is not on describing the
+ intricacies of LLVM itself, but on how to use it to build your own
+ compiler system.</p>
+ </div>
+ <!-- ======================================================================= -->
+ <div class="doc_section"> <a name="introduction">Introduction</a> </div>
+ <div class="doc_text">
+ <p>Amongst other things, LLVM is a platform for compiler writers.
+ Because of its exceptionally clean and small IR (intermediate
+ representation), compiler writing with LLVM is much easier than with
+ other system. As proof, the author of Stacker wrote the entire
+ compiler (language definition, lexer, parser, code generator, etc.) in
+ about <em>four days</em>! That's important to know because it shows
+ how quickly you can get a new
+ language up when using LLVM. Furthermore, this was the <em >first</em>
+ language the author ever created using LLVM. The learning curve is
+ included in that four days.</p>
+ <p>The language described here, Stacker, is Forth-like. Programs
+ are simple collections of word definitions and the only thing definitions
+ can do is manipulate a stack or generate I/O. Stacker is not a "real"
+ programming language; its very simple. Although it is computationally
+ complete, you wouldn't use it for your next big project. However,
+ the fact that it is complete, its simple, and it <em>doesn't</em> have
+ a C-like syntax make it useful for demonstration purposes. It shows
+ that LLVM could be applied to a wide variety of language syntaxes.</p>
+ <p>The basic notions behind stacker is very simple. There's a stack of
+ integers (or character pointers) that the program manipulates. Pretty
+ much the only thing the program can do is manipulate the stack and do
+ some limited I/O operations. The language provides you with several
+ built-in words that manipulate the stack in interesting ways. To get
+ your feet wet, here's how you write the traditional "Hello, World"
+ program in Stacker:</p>
+ <p><code>: hello_world "Hello, World!" >s DROP CR ;<br>
+ : MAIN hello_world ;<br></code></p>
+ <p>This has two "definitions" (Stacker manipulates words, not
+ functions and words have definitions): <code>MAIN</code> and <code>
+ hello_world</code>. The <code>MAIN</code> definition is standard, it
+ tells Stacker where to start. Here, <code>MAIN</code> is defined to
+ simply invoke the word <code>hello_world</code>. The
+ <code>hello_world</code> definition tells stacker to push the
+ <code>"Hello, World!"</code> string onto the stack, print it out
+ (<code>>s</code>), pop it off the stack (<code>DROP</code>), and
+ finally print a carriage return (<code>CR</code>). Although
+ <code>hello_world</code> uses the stack, its net effect is null. Well
+ written Stacker definitions have that characteristic. </p>
+ <p>Exercise for the reader: how could you make this a one line program?</p>
+ </div>
+ <!-- ======================================================================= -->
+ <div class="doc_section"><a name="stack"></a>Lessons Learned About LLVM</div>
+ <div class="doc_text">
+ <p>Stacker was written for two purposes: (a) to get the author over the
+ learning curve and (b) to provide a simple example of how to write a compiler
+ using LLVM. During the development of Stacker, many lessons about LLVM were
+ learned. Those lessons are described in the following subsections.<p>
+ </div>
+ <div class="doc_subsection"><a name="linkage"></a>Getting Linkage Types Right</div>
+ <div class="doc_text"><p>To be completed.</p></div>
+ <div class="doc_subsection"><a name="linkage"></a>Everything's a Value!</div>
+ <div class="doc_text"><p>To be completed.</p></div>
+ <div class="doc_subsection"><a name="linkage"></a>The Wily GetElementPtrInst</div>
+ <div class="doc_text"><p>To be completed.</p></div>
+ <div class="doc_subsection"><a name="linkage"></a>Constants Are Easier Than That!</div>
+ <div class="doc_text"><p>To be completed.</p></div>
+ <div class="doc_subsection"><a name="linkage"></a>Terminate Those Blocks!</div>
+ <div class="doc_text"><p>To be completed.</p></div>
+ <div class="doc_subsection"><a name="linkage"></a>new,get,create .. Its All The Same</div>
+ <div class="doc_text"><p>To be completed.</p></div>
+ <div class="doc_subsection"><a name="linkage"></a>Utility Functions To The Rescue</div>
+ <div class="doc_text"><p>To be completed.</p></div>
+ <div class="doc_subsection"><a name="linkage"></a>push_back Is Your Friend</div>
+ <div class="doc_text"><p>To be completed.</p></div>
+ <div class="doc_subsection"><a name="linkage"></a>Block Heads Come First</div>
+ <div class="doc_text"><p>To be completed.</p></div>
+ <!-- ======================================================================= -->
+ <div class="doc_section"> <a name="lexicon">The Stacker Lexicon</a></div>
+ <div class="doc_subsection"><a name="stack"></a>The Stack</div>
+ <div class="doc_text">
+ <p>Stacker definitions define what they do to the global stack. Before
+ proceeding, a few words about the stack are in order. The stack is simply
+ a global array of 32-bit integers or pointers. A global index keeps track
+ of the location of the to of the stack. All of this is hidden from the
+ programmer but it needs to be noted because it is the foundation of the
+ conceptual programming model for Stacker. When you write a definition,
+ you are, essentially, saying how you want that definition to manipulate
+ the global stack.</p>
+ <p>Manipulating the stack can be quite hazardous. There is no distinction
+ given and no checking for the various types of values that can be placed
+ on the stack. Automatic coercion between types is performed. In many
+ cases this is useful. For example, a boolean value placed on the stack
+ can be interpreted as an integer with good results. However, using a
+ word that interprets that boolean value as a pointer to a string to
+ print out will almost always yield a crash. Stacker simply leaves it
+ to the programmer to get it right without any interference or hindering
+ on interpretation of the stack values. You've been warned :) </p>
+ </div>
+ <!-- ======================================================================= -->
+ <div class="doc_subsection"> <a name="punctuation"></a>Punctuation</div>
+ <div class="doc_text">
+ <p>Punctuation in Stacker is very simple. The colon and semi-colon
+ characters are used to introduce and terminate a definition
+ (respectively). Except for <em>FORWARD</em> declarations, definitions
+ are all you can specify in Stacker. Definitions are read left to right.
+ Immediately after the semi-colon comes the name of the word being defined.
+ The remaining words in the definition specify what the word does.</p>
+ </div>
+ <!-- ======================================================================= -->
+ <div class="doc_subsection"><a name="literals"></a>Literals</div>
+ <div class="doc_text">
+ <p>There are three kinds of literal values in Stacker. Integer, Strings,
+ and Booleans. In each case, the stack operation is to simply push the
+ value onto the stack. So, for example:<br/>
+ <code> 42 " is the answer." TRUE </code><br/>
+ will push three values onto the stack: the integer 42, the
+ string " is the answer." and the boolean TRUE.</p>
+ </div>
+ <!-- ======================================================================= -->
+ <div class="doc_subsection"><a name="words"></a>Words</div>
+ <div class="doc_text">
+ <p>Each definition in Stacker is composed of a set of words. Words are
+ read and executed in order from left to right. There is very little
+ checking in Stacker to make sure you're doing the right thing with
+ the stack. It is assumed that the programmer knows how the stack
+ transformation he applies will affect the program.</p>
+ <p>Words in a definition come in two flavors: built-in and programmer
+ defined. Simply mentioning the name of a previously defined or declared
+ programmer-defined word causes that words definition to be invoked. It
+ is somewhat like a function call in other languages. The built-in
+ words have various effects, described below.</p>
+ <p>Sometimes you need to call a word before it is defined. For this, you can
+ use the <code>FORWARD</code> declaration. It looks like this</p>
+ <p><code>FORWARD name ;</code></p>
+ <p>This simply states to Stacker that "name" is the name of a definition
+ that is defined elsewhere. Generally it means the definition can be found
+ "forward" in the file. But, it doesn't have to be in the current compilation
+ unit. Anything declared with <code>FORWARD</code> is an external symbol for
+ linking.</p>
+ </div>
+ <!-- ======================================================================= -->
+ <div class="doc_subsection"><a name="builtins"></a>Built In Words</div>
+ <div class="doc_text">
+ <p>The built-in words of the Stacker language are put in several groups
+ depending on what they do. The groups are as follows:</p>
+ <ol>
+ <li><em>Logical</em>These words provide the logical operations for
+ comparing stack operands.<br/>The words are: < > <= >=
+ = <> true false.</li>
+ <li><em>Bitwise</em>These words perform bitwise computations on
+ their operands. <br/> The words are: << >> XOR AND NOT</li>
+ <li><em>Arithmetic</em>These words perform arithmetic computations on
+ their operands. <br/> The words are: ABS NEG + - * / MOD */ ++ -- MIN MAX</li>
+ <li><em>Stack</em>These words manipulate the stack directly by moving
+ its elements around.<br/> The words are: DROP DUP SWAP OVER ROT DUP2 DROP2 PICK TUCK</li>
+ <li><em>Memory></em>These words allocate, free and manipulate memory
+ areas outside the stack.<br/>The words are: MALLOC FREE GET PUT</li>
+ <li><em>Control</em>These words alter the normal left to right flow
+ of execution.<br/>The words are: IF ELSE ENDIF WHILE END RETURN EXIT RECURSE</li>
+ <li><em>I/O</em> These words perform output on the standard output
+ and input on the standard input. No other I/O is possible in Stacker.
+ <br/>The words are: SPACE TAB CR >s >d >c <s <d <c.</li>
+ </ol>
+ <p>While you may be familiar with many of these operations from other
+ programming languages, a careful review of their semantics is important
+ for correct programming in Stacker. Of most importance is the effect
+ that each of these built-in words has on the global stack. The effect is
+ not always intuitive. To better describe the effects, we'll borrow from Forth the idiom of
+ describing the effect on the stack with:</p>
+ <p><code> BEFORE -- AFTER </code></p>
+ <p>That is, to the left of the -- is a representation of the stack before
+ the operation. To the right of the -- is a representation of the stack
+ after the operation. In the table below that describes the operation of
+ each of the built in words, we will denote the elements of the stack
+ using the following construction:</p>
+ <ol>
+ <li><em>b</em> - a boolean truth value</li>
+ <li><em>w</em> - a normal integer valued word.</li>
+ <li><em>s</em> - a pointer to a string value</li>
+ <li><em>p</em> - a pointer to a malloc's memory block</li>
+ </ol>
+ </div>
+ <div class="doc_text">
+ <table class="doc_table" >
+ <tr class="doc_table"><td colspan="4">Definition Of Operation Of Built In Words</td></tr>
+ <tr class="doc_table"><td colspan="4">LOGICAL OPERATIONS</td></tr>
+ <tr class="doc_table"><td>Word</td><td>Name</td><td>Operation</td><td>Description</td></tr>
+ <tr class="doc_table"><td><</td>
+ <td>LT</td>
+ <td>w1 w2 -- b</td>
+ <td>Two values (w1 and w2) are popped off the stack and
+ compared. If w1 is less than w2, TRUE is pushed back on
+ the stack, otherwise FALSE is pushed back on the stack.</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr><td>></td>
+ <td>GT</td>
+ <td>w1 w2 -- b</td>
+ <td>Two values (w1 and w2) are popped off the stack and
+ compared. If w1 is greater than w2, TRUE is pushed back on
+ the stack, otherwise FALSE is pushed back on the stack.</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr><td>>=</td>
+ <td>GE</td>
+ <td>w1 w2 -- b</td>
+ <td>Two values (w1 and w2) are popped off the stack and
+ compared. If w1 is greater than or equal to w2, TRUE is
+ pushed back on the stack, otherwise FALSE is pushed back
+ on the stack.</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr><td><=</td>
+ <td>LE</td>
+ <td>w1 w2 -- b</td>
+ <td>Two values (w1 and w2) are popped off the stack and
+ compared. If w1 is less than or equal to w2, TRUE is
+ pushed back on the stack, otherwise FALSE is pushed back
+ on the stack.</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr><td>=</td>
+ <td>EQ</td>
+ <td>w1 w2 -- b</td>
+ <td>Two values (w1 and w2) are popped off the stack and
+ compared. If w1 is equal to w2, TRUE is
+ pushed back on the stack, otherwise FALSE is pushed back
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr><td><></td>
+ <td>NE</td>
+ <td>w1 w2 -- b</td>
+ <td>Two values (w1 and w2) are popped off the stack and
+ compared. If w1 is equal to w2, TRUE is
+ pushed back on the stack, otherwise FALSE is pushed back
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr><td>FALSE</td>
+ <td>FALSE</td>
+ <td> -- b</td>
+ <td>The boolean value FALSE (0) is pushed onto the stack.</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr><td>TRUE</td>
+ <td>TRUE</td>
+ <td> -- b</td>
+ <td>The boolean value TRUE (-1) is pushed onto the stack.</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr><td colspan="4">BITWISE OPERATIONS</td></tr>
+ <tr><td>Word</td><td>Name</td><td>Operation</td><td>Description</td></tr>
+ <tr><td><<</td>
+ <td>SHL</td>
+ <td>w1 w2 -- w1<<w2</td>
+ <td>Two values (w1 and w2) are popped off the stack. The w2
+ operand is shifted left by the number of bits given by the
+ w1 operand. The result is pushed back to the stack.</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr><td>>></td>
+ <td>SHR</td>
+ <td>w1 w2 -- w1>>w2</td>
+ <td>Two values (w1 and w2) are popped off the stack. The w2
+ operand is shifted right by the number of bits given by the
+ w1 operand. The result is pushed back to the stack.</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr><td>OR</td>
+ <td>OR</td>
+ <td>w1 w2 -- w2|w1</td>
+ <td>Two values (w1 and w2) are popped off the stack. The values
+ are bitwise OR'd together and pushed back on the stack. This is
+ not a logical OR. The sequence 1 2 OR yields 3 not 1.</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr><td>AND</td>
+ <td>AND</td>
+ <td>w1 w2 -- w2&w1</td>
+ <td>Two values (w1 and w2) are popped off the stack. The values
+ are bitwise AND'd together and pushed back on the stack. This is
+ not a logical AND. The sequence 1 2 AND yields 0 not 1.</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr><td>XOR</td>
+ <td>XOR</td>
+ <td>w1 w2 -- w2^w1</td>
+ <td>Two values (w1 and w2) are popped off the stack. The values
+ are bitwise exclusive OR'd together and pushed back on the stack.
+ For example, The sequence 1 3 XOR yields 2.</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr><td colspan="4">ARITHMETIC OPERATIONS</td></tr>
+ <tr><td>Word</td><td>Name</td><td>Operation</td><td>Description</td></tr>
+ <tr><td>ABS</td>
+ <td>ABS</td>
+ <td>w -- |w|</td>
+ <td>One value s popped off the stack; its absolute value is computed
+ and then pushed onto the stack. If w1 is -1 then w2 is 1. If w1 is
+ 1 then w2 is also 1.</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr><td>NEG</td>
+ <td>NEG</td>
+ <td>w -- -w</td>
+ <td>One value is popped off the stack which is negated and then
+ pushed back onto the stack. If w1 is -1 then w2 is 1. If w1 is
+ 1 then w2 is -1.</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr><td> + </td>
+ <td>ADD</td>
+ <td>w1 w2 -- w2+w1</td>
+ <td>Two values are popped off the stack. Their sum is pushed back
+ onto the stack</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr><td> - </td>
+ <td>SUB</td>
+ <td>w1 w2 -- w2-w1</td>
+ <td>Two values are popped off the stack. Their difference is pushed back
+ onto the stack</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr><td> * </td>
+ <td>MUL</td>
+ <td>w1 w2 -- w2*w1</td>
+ <td>Two values are popped off the stack. Their product is pushed back
+ onto the stack</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr><td> / </td>
+ <td>DIV</td>
+ <td>w1 w2 -- w2/w1</td>
+ <td>Two values are popped off the stack. Their quotient is pushed back
+ onto the stack</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr><td>MOD</td>
+ <td>MOD</td>
+ <td>w1 w2 -- w2%w1</td>
+ <td>Two values are popped off the stack. Their remainder after division
+ of w1 by w2 is pushed back onto the stack</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr><td> */ </td>
+ <td>STAR_SLAH</td>
+ <td>w1 w2 w3 -- (w3*w2)/w1</td>
+ <td>Three values are popped off the stack. The product of w1 and w2 is
+ divided by w3. The result is pushed back onto the stack.</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr><td> ++ </td>
+ <td>INCR</td>
+ <td>w -- w+1</td>
+ <td>One value is popped off the stack. It is incremented by one and then
+ pushed back onto the stack.</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr><td> -- </td>
+ <td>DECR</td>
+ <td>w -- w-1</td>
+ <td>One value is popped off the stack. It is decremented by one and then
+ pushed back onto the stack.</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr><td>MIN</td>
+ <td>MIN</td>
+ <td>w1 w2 -- (w2<w1?w2:w1)</td>
+ <td>Two values are popped off the stack. The larger one is pushed back
+ onto the stack.</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr><td>MAX</td>
+ <td>MAX</td>
+ <td>w1 w2 -- (w2>w1?w2:w1)</td>
+ <td>Two values are popped off the stack. The larger value is pushed back
+ onto the stack.</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr><td colspan="4">STACK MANIPULATION OPERATIONS</td></tr>
+ <tr><td>Word</td><td>Name</td><td>Operation</td><td>Description</td></tr>
+ <tr><td>DROP</td>
+ <td>DROP</td>
+ <td>w -- </td>
+ <td>One value is popped off the stack.</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr><td>DROP2</td>
+ <td>DROP2</td>
+ <td>w1 w2 -- </td>
+ <td>Two values are popped off the stack.</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr><td>NIP</td>
+ <td>NIP</td>
+ <td>w1 w2 -- w2</td>
+ <td>The second value on the stack is removed from the stack. That is,
+ a value is popped off the stack and retained. Then a second value is
+ popped and the retained value is pushed.</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr><td>NIP2</td>
+ <td>NIP2</td>
+ <td>w1 w2 w3 w4 -- w3 w4</td>
+ <td>The third and fourth values on the stack are removed from it. That is,
+ two values are popped and retained. Then two more values are popped and
+ the two retained values are pushed back on.</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr><td>DUP</td>
+ <td>DUP</td>
+ <td>w1 -- w1 w1</td>
+ <td>One value is popped off the stack. That value is then pushed onto
+ the stack twice to duplicate the top stack vaue.</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr><td>DUP2</td>
+ <td>DUP2</td>
+ <td>w1 w2 -- w1 w2 w1 w2</td>
+ <td>The top two values on the stack are duplicated. That is, two vaues
+ are popped off the stack. They are alternately pushed back on the
+ stack twice each.</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr><td>SWAP</td>
+ <td>SWAP</td>
+ <td>w1 w2 -- w2 w1</td>
+ <td>The top two stack items are reversed in their order. That is, two
+ values are popped off the stack and pushed back onto the stack in
+ the opposite order they were popped.</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr><td>SWAP2</td>
+ <td>SWAP2</td>
+ <td>w1 w2 w3 w4 -- w3 w4 w2 w1</td>
+ <td>The top four stack items are swapped in pairs. That is, two values
+ are popped and retained. Then, two more values are popped and retained.
+ The values are pushed back onto the stack in the reverse order but
+ in pairs.</p>
+ </tr>
+ <tr><td>OVER</td>
+ <td>OVER</td>
+ <td>w1 w2-- w1 w2 w1</td>
+ <td>Two values are popped from the stack. They are pushed back
+ onto the stack in the order w1 w2 w1. This seems to cause the
+ top stack element to be duplicated "over" the next value.</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr><td>OVER2</td>
+ <td>OVER2</td>
+ <td>w1 w2 w3 w4 -- w1 w2 w3 w4 w1 w2</td>
+ <td>The third and fourth values on the stack are replicated onto the
+ top of the stack</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr><td>ROT</td>
+ <td>ROT</td>
+ <td>w1 w2 w3 -- w2 w3 w1</td>
+ <td>The top three values are rotated. That is, three value are popped
+ off the stack. They are pushed back onto the stack in the order
+ w1 w3 w2.</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr><td>ROT2</td>
+ <td>ROT2</td>
+ <td>w1 w2 w3 w4 w5 w6 -- w3 w4 w5 w6 w1 w2</td>
+ <td>Like ROT but the rotation is done using three pairs instead of
+ three singles.</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr><td>RROT</td>
+ <td>RROT</td>
+ <td>w1 w2 w3 -- w2 w3 w1</td>
+ <td>Reverse rotation. Like ROT, but it rotates the other way around.
+ Essentially, the third element on the stack is moved to the top
+ of the stack.</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr><td>RROT2</td>
+ <td>RROT2</td>
+ <td>w1 w2 w3 w4 w5 w6 -- w3 w4 w5 w6 w1 w2</td>
+ <td>Double reverse rotation. Like RROT but the rotation is done using
+ three pairs instead of three singles. The fifth and sixth stack
+ elements are moved to the first and second positions</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr><td>TUCK</td>
+ <td>TUCK</td>
+ <td>w1 w2 -- w2 w1 w2</td>
+ <td>Similar to OVER except that the second operand is being
+ replicated. Essentially, the first operand is being "tucked"
+ in between two instances of the second operand. Logically, two
+ values are popped off the stack. They are placed back on the
+ stack in the order w2 w1 w2.</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr><td>TUCK2</td>
+ <td>TUCK2</td>
+ <td>w1 w2 w3 w4 -- w3 w4 w1 w2 w3 w4</td>
+ <td>Like TUCK but a pair of elements is tucked over two pairs.
+ That is, the top two elements of the stack are duplicated and
+ inserted into the stack at the fifth and positions.</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr><td>PICK</td>
+ <td>PICK</td>
+ <td>x0 ... Xn n -- x0 ... Xn x0</td>
+ <td>The top of the stack is used as an index into the remainder of
+ the stack. The element at the nth position replaces the index
+ (top of stack). This is useful for cycling through a set of
+ values. Note that indexing is zero based. So, if n=0 then you
+ get the second item on the stack. If n=1 you get the third, etc.
+ Note also that the index is replaced by the n'th value. </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr><td>SELECT</td>
+ <td>SELECT</td>
+ <td>m n X0..Xm Xm+1 .. Xn -- Xm</td>
+ <td>This is like PICK but the list is removed and you need to specify
+ both the index and the size of the list. Careful with this one,
+ the wrong value for n can blow away a huge amount of the stack.</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr><td>ROLL</td>
+ <td>ROLL</td>
+ <td>x0 x1 .. xn n -- x1 .. xn x0</td>
+ <td><b>Not Implemented</b>. This one has been left as an exercise to
+ the student. If you can implement this one you understand Stacker
+ and probably a fair amount about LLVM since this is one of the
+ more complicated Stacker operations. See the StackerCompiler.cpp
+ file in the projects/Stacker/lib/compiler directory. The operation
+ of ROLL is like a generalized ROT. That is ROLL with n=1 is the
+ same as ROT. The n value (top of stack) is used as an index to
+ select a value up the stack that is <em>moved</em> to the top of
+ the stack. See the implementations of PICk and SELECT to get
+ some hints.<p>
+ </tr>
+ <tr><td colspan="4">MEMORY OPERATIONS</td></tr>
+ <tr><td>Word</td><td>Name</td><td>Operation</td><td>Description</td></tr>
+ <tr><td>MALLOC</td>
+ <td>MALLOC</td>
+ <td>w1 -- p</td>
+ <td>One value is popped off the stack. The value is used as the size
+ of a memory block to allocate. The size is in bytes, not words.
+ The memory allocation is completed and the address of the memory
+ block is pushed onto the stack.</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr><td>FREE</td>
+ <td>FREE</td>
+ <td>p -- </td>
+ <td>One pointer value is popped off the stack. The value should be
+ the address of a memory block created by the MALLOC operation. The
+ associated memory block is freed. Nothing is pushed back on the
+ stack. Many bugs can be created by attempting to FREE something
+ that isn't a pointer to a MALLOC allocated memory block. Make
+ sure you know what's on the stack. One way to do this is with
+ the following idiom:<br/>
+ <code>64 MALLOC DUP DUP (use ptr) DUP (use ptr) ... FREE</code>
+ <br/>This ensures that an extra copy of the pointer is placed on
+ the stack (for the FREE at the end) and that every use of the
+ pointer is preceded by a DUP to retain the copy for FREE.</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr><td>GET</td>
+ <td>GET</td>
+ <td>w1 p -- w2 p</td>
+ <td>An integer index and a pointer to a memory block are popped of
+ the block. The index is used to index one byte from the memory
+ block. That byte value is retained, the pointer is pushed again
+ and the retained value is pushed. Note that the pointer value
+ s essentially retained in its position so this doesn't count
+ as a "use ptr" in the FREE idiom.</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr><td>PUT</td>
+ <td>PUT</td>
+ <td>w1 w2 p -- p </td>
+ <td>An integer value is popped of the stack. This is the value to
+ be put into a memory block. Another integer value is popped of
+ the stack. This is the indexed byte in the memory block. A
+ pointer to the memory block is popped off the stack. The
+ first value (w1) is then converted to a byte and written
+ to the element of the memory block(p) at the index given
+ by the second value (w2). The pointer to the memory block is
+ pushed back on the stack so this doesn't count as a "use ptr"
+ in the FREE idiom.</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr><td colspan="4">CONTROL FLOW OPERATIONS</td></tr>
+ <tr><td>Word</td><td>Name</td><td>Operation</td><td>Description</td></tr>
+ <tr><td>RETURN</td>
+ <td>RETURN</td>
+ <td> -- </td>
+ <td>The currently executing definition returns immediately to its caller.
+ Note that there is an implicit <code>RETURN</code> at the end of each
+ definition, logically located at the semi-colon. The sequence
+ <code>RETURN ;</code> is valid but redundant.</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr><td>EXIT</td>
+ <td>EXIT</td>
+ <td>w1 -- </td>
+ <td>A return value for the program is popped off the stack. The program is
+ then immediately terminated. This is normally an abnormal exit from the
+ program. For a normal exit (when <code>MAIN</code> finishes), the exit
+ code will always be zero in accordance with UNIX conventions.</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr><td>RECURSE</td>
+ <td>RECURSE</td>
+ <td> -- </td>
+ <td>The currently executed definition is called again. This operation is
+ needed since the definition of a word doesn't exist until the semi colon
+ is reacher. Attempting something like:<br/>
+ <code> : recurser recurser ; </code><br/> will yield and error saying that
+ "recurser" is not defined yet. To accomplish the same thing, change this
+ to:<br/>
+ <code> : recurser RECURSE ; </code></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr><td>IF (words...) ENDIF</td>
+ <td>IF (words...) ENDIF</td>
+ <td>b -- </td>
+ <td>A boolean value is popped of the stack. If it is non-zero then the "words..."
+ are executed. Otherwise, execution continues immediately following the ENDIF.</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr><td>IF (words...) ELSE (words...) ENDIF</td>
+ <td>IF (words...) ELSE (words...) ENDIF</td>
+ <td>b -- </td>
+ <td>A boolean value is popped of the stack. If it is non-zero then the "words..."
+ between IF and ELSE are executed. Otherwise the words between ELSE and ENDIF are
+ executed. In either case, after the (words....) have executed, execution continues
+ immediately following the ENDIF. </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr><td>WHILE (words...) END</td>
+ <td>WHILE (words...) END</td>
+ <td>b -- b </td>
+ <td>The boolean value on the top of the stack is examined. If it is non-zero then the
+ "words..." between WHILE and END are executed. Execution then begins again at the WHILE where another
+ boolean is popped off the stack. To prevent this operation from eating up the entire
+ stack, you should push onto the stack (just before the END) a boolean value that indicates
+ whether to terminate. Note that since booleans and integers can be coerced you can
+ use the following "for loop" idiom:<br/>
+ <code>(push count) WHILE (words...) -- END</code><br/>
+ For example:<br/>
+ <code>10 WHILE DUP >d -- END</code><br/>
+ This will print the numbers from 10 down to 1. 10 is pushed on the stack. Since that is
+ non-zero, the while loop is entered. The top of the stack (10) is duplicated and then
+ printed out with >d. The top of the stack is decremented, yielding 9 and control is
+ transfered back to the WHILE keyword. The process starts all over again and repeats until
+ the top of stack is decremented to 0 at which the WHILE test fails and control is
+ transfered to the word after the END.</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr><td colspan="4">INPUT & OUTPUT OPERATIONS</td></tr>
+ <tr><td>Word</td><td>Name</td><td>Operation</td><td>Description</td></tr>
+ <tr><td>SPACE</td>
+ <td>SPACE</td>
+ <td> -- </td>
+ <td>A space character is put out. There is no stack effect.</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr><td>TAB</td>
+ <td>TAB</td>
+ <td> -- </td>
+ <td>A tab character is put out. There is no stack effect.</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr><td>CR</td>
+ <td>CR</td>
+ <td> -- </td>
+ <td>A carriage return character is put out. There is no stack effect.</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr><td>>s</td>
+ <td>OUT_STR</td>
+ <td> -- </td>
+ <td>A string pointer is popped from the stack. It is put out.</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr><td>>d</td>
+ <td>OUT_STR</td>
+ <td> -- </td>
+ <td>A value is popped from the stack. It is put out as a decimal integer.</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr><td>>c</td>
+ <td>OUT_CHR</td>
+ <td> -- </td>
+ <td>A value is popped from the stack. It is put out as an ASCII character.</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr><td><s</td>
+ <td>IN_STR</td>
+ <td> -- s </td>
+ <td>A string is read from the input via the scanf(3) format string " %as". The
+ resulting string is pushed onto the stack.</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr><td><d</td>
+ <td>IN_STR</td>
+ <td> -- w </td>
+ <td>An integer is read from the input via the scanf(3) format string " %d". The
+ resulting value is pushed onto the stack</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr><td><c</td>
+ <td>IN_CHR</td>
+ <td> -- w </td>
+ <td>A single character is read from the input via the scanf(3) format string
+ " %c". The value is converted to an integer and pushed onto the stack.</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr><td>DUMP</td>
+ <td>DUMP</td>
+ <td> -- </td>
+ <td>The stack contents are dumped to standard output. This is useful for
+ debugging your definitions. Put DUMP at the beginning and end of a definition
+ to see instantly the net effect of the definition.</td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </div>
+ <!-- ======================================================================= -->
+ <div class="doc_section"> <a name="directory">Directory Structure</a></div>
+ <div class="doc_text">
+ <p>The source code, test programs, and sample programs can all be found
+ under the LLVM "projects" directory. You will need to obtain the LLVM sources
+ to find it (either via anonymous CVS or a tarball. See the
+ <a href="GettingStarted.html">Getting Started</a> document).</p>
+ <p>Under the "projects" directory there is a directory named "stacker". That
+ directory contains everything, as follows:</p>
+ <ul>
+ <li><em>lib</em> - contains most of the source code
+ <ul>
+ <li><em>lib/compiler</em> - contains the compiler library
+ <li><em>lib/runtime</em> - contains the runtime library
+ </ul></li>
+ <li><em>test</em> - contains the test programs</li>
+ <li><em>tools</em> - contains the Stacker compiler main program, stkrc
+ <ul>
+ <li><em>lib/stkrc</em> - contains the Stacker compiler main program
+ </ul</li>
+ <li><em>sample</em> - contains the sample programs</li>
+ </ul>
+ </div>
+ <!-- ======================================================================= -->
+ <div class="doc_section"> <a name="directory">Prime: A Complete Example</a></div>
+ <div class="doc_text">
+ <p>The following fully documented program highlights many of features of both
+ the Stacker language and what is possible with LLVM. The program simply
+ prints out the prime numbers until it reaches
+ </p>
+ </div>
+ <div class="doc_text">
+ <p><code>
+ <![CDATA[
+ ################################################################################
+ #
+ # Brute force prime number generator
+ #
+ # This program is written in classic Stacker style, that being the style of a
+ # stack. Start at the bottom and read your way up !
+ #
+ # Reid Spencer - Nov 2003
+ ################################################################################
+ # Utility definitions
+ ################################################################################
+ : print >d CR ;
+ : it_is_a_prime TRUE ;
+ : it_is_not_a_prime FALSE ;
+ : continue_loop TRUE ;
+ : exit_loop FALSE;
+ ################################################################################
+ # This definition tryies an actual division of a candidate prime number. It
+ # determines whether the division loop on this candidate should continue or
+ # not.
+ # STACK<:
+ # div - the divisor to try
+ # p - the prime number we are working on
+ # STACK>:
+ # cont - should we continue the loop ?
+ # div - the next divisor to try
+ # p - the prime number we are working on
+ ################################################################################
+ : try_dividing
+ DUP2 ( save div and p )
+ SWAP ( swap to put divisor second on stack)
+ MOD 0 = ( get remainder after division and test for 0 )
+ IF
+ exit_loop ( remainder = 0, time to exit )
+ continue_loop ( remainder != 0, keep going )
+ ;
+ ################################################################################
+ # This function tries one divisor by calling try_dividing. But, before doing
+ # that it checks to see if the value is 1. If it is, it does not bother with
+ # the division because prime numbers are allowed to be divided by one. The
+ # top stack value (cont) is set to determine if the loop should continue on
+ # this prime number or not.
+ # STACK<:
+ # cont - should we continue the loop (ignored)?
+ # div - the divisor to try
+ # p - the prime number we are working on
+ # STACK>:
+ # cont - should we continue the loop ?
+ # div - the next divisor to try
+ # p - the prime number we are working on
+ ################################################################################
+ : try_one_divisor
+ DROP ( drop the loop continuation )
+ DUP ( save the divisor )
+ 1 = IF ( see if divisor is == 1 )
+ exit_loop ( no point dividing by 1 )
+ try_dividing ( have to keep going )
+ SWAP ( get divisor on top )
+ -- ( decrement it )
+ SWAP ( put loop continuation back on top )
+ ;
+ ################################################################################
+ # The number on the stack (p) is a candidate prime number that we must test to
+ # determine if it really is a prime number. To do this, we divide it by every
+ # number from one p-1 to 1. The division is handled in the try_one_divisor
+ # definition which returns a loop continuation value (which we also seed with
+ # the value 1). After the loop, we check the divisor. If it decremented all
+ # the way to zero then we found a prime, otherwise we did not find one.
+ # STACK<:
+ # p - the prime number to check
+ # STACK>:
+ # yn - boolean indiating if its a prime or not
+ # p - the prime number checked
+ ################################################################################
+ : try_harder
+ DUP ( duplicate to get divisor value ) )
+ -- ( first divisor is one less than p )
+ 1 ( continue the loop )
+ try_one_divisor ( see if its prime )
+ DROP ( drop the continuation value )
+ 0 = IF ( test for divisor == 1 )
+ it_is_a_prime ( we found one )
+ it_is_not_a_prime ( nope, this one is not a prime )
+ ;
+ ################################################################################
+ # This definition determines if the number on the top of the stack is a prime
+ # or not. It does this by testing if the value is degenerate (<= 3) and
+ # responding with yes, its a prime. Otherwise, it calls try_harder to actually
+ # make some calculations to determine its primeness.
+ # STACK<:
+ # p - the prime number to check
+ # STACK>:
+ # yn - boolean indicating if its a prime or not
+ # p - the prime number checked
+ ################################################################################
+ : is_prime
+ DUP ( save the prime number )
+ 3 >= IF ( see if its <= 3 )
+ it_is_a_prime ( its <= 3 just indicate its prime )
+ try_harder ( have to do a little more work )
+ ;
+ ################################################################################
+ # This definition is called when it is time to exit the program, after we have
+ # found a sufficiently large number of primes.
+ # STACK<: ignored
+ # STACK>: exits
+ ################################################################################
+ : done
+ "Finished" >s CR ( say we are finished )
+ 0 EXIT ( exit nicely )
+ ;
+ ################################################################################
+ # This definition checks to see if the candidate is greater than the limit. If
+ # it is, it terminates the program by calling done. Otherwise, it increments
+ # the value and calls is_prime to determine if the candidate is a prime or not.
+ # If it is a prime, it prints it. Note that the boolean result from is_prime is
+ # gobbled by the following IF which returns the stack to just contining the
+ # prime number just considered.
+ # STACK<:
+ # p - one less than the prime number to consider
+ # STACK>
+ # p+1 - the prime number considered
+ ################################################################################
+ : consider_prime
+ DUP ( save the prime number to consider )
+ 1000000 < IF ( check to see if we are done yet )
+ done ( we are done, call "done" )
+ ++ ( increment to next prime number )
+ is_prime ( see if it is a prime )
+ IF
+ print ( it is, print it )
+ ;
+ ################################################################################
+ # This definition starts at one, prints it out and continues into a loop calling
+ # consider_prime on each iteration. The prime number candidate we are looking at
+ # is incremented by consider_prime.
+ # STACK<: empty
+ # STACK>: empty
+ ################################################################################
+ : find_primes
+ "Prime Numbers: " >s CR ( say hello )
+ DROP ( get rid of that pesky string )
+ 1 ( stoke the fires )
+ print ( print the first one, we know its prime )
+ WHILE ( loop while the prime to consider is non zero )
+ consider_prime ( consider one prime number )
+ ;
+ ################################################################################
+ #
+ ################################################################################
+ : say_yes
+ >d ( Print the prime number )
+ " is prime." ( push string to output )
+ >s ( output it )
+ CR ( print carriage return )
+ DROP ( pop string )
+ ;
+ : say_no
+ >d ( Print the prime number )
+ " is NOT prime." ( push string to put out )
+ >s ( put out the string )
+ CR ( print carriage return )
+ DROP ( pop string )
+ ;
+ ################################################################################
+ # This definition processes a single command line argument and determines if it
+ # is a prime number or not.
+ # STACK<:
+ # n - number of arguments
+ # arg1 - the prime numbers to examine
+ # STACK>:
+ # n-1 - one less than number of arguments
+ # arg2 - we processed one argument
+ ################################################################################
+ : do_one_argument
+ -- ( decrement loop counter )
+ SWAP ( get the argument value )
+ is_prime IF ( determine if its prime )
+ say_yes ( uhuh )
+ say_no ( nope )
+ DROP ( done with that argument )
+ ;
+ ################################################################################
+ # The MAIN program just prints a banner and processes its arguments.
+ # STACK<:
+ # n - number of arguments
+ # ... - the arguments
+ ################################################################################
+ : process_arguments
+ WHILE ( while there are more arguments )
+ do_one_argument ( process one argument )
+ ;
+ ################################################################################
+ # The MAIN program just prints a banner and processes its arguments.
+ # STACK<: arguments
+ ################################################################################
+ : MAIN
+ NIP ( get rid of the program name )
+ -- ( reduce number of arguments )
+ DUP ( save the arg counter )
+ 1 <= IF ( See if we got an argument )
+ process_arguments ( tell user if they are prime )
+ find_primes ( see how many we can find )
+ 0 ( push return code )
+ ;
+ ]]>
+ </code>
+ </p>
+ </div>
+ <!-- ======================================================================= -->
+ <div class="doc_section"> <a name="lexicon">Internals</a></div>
+ <div class="doc_text"><p>To be completed.</p></div>
+ <div class="doc_subsection"><a name="stack"></a>The Lexer</div>
+ <div class="doc_subsection"><a name="stack"></a>The Parser</div>
+ <div class="doc_subsection"><a name="stack"></a>The Compiler</div>
+ <div class="doc_subsection"><a name="stack"></a>The Stack</div>
+ <div class="doc_subsection"><a name="stack"></a>Definitions Are Functions</div>
+ <div class="doc_subsection"><a name="stack"></a>Words Are BasicBlocks</div>
+ <!-- ======================================================================= -->
+ <hr>
+ <div class="doc_footer">
+ <address><a href="mailto:rspencer at x10sys.com">Reid Spencer</a></address>
+ <a href="http://llvm.cs.uiuc.edu">The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure</a>
+ <br>Last modified: $Date: 2003/11/24 02:52:51 $ </div>
+ </body>
+ </html>
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