[llvm-commits] CVS: llvm/test/QMTestDB/regression.qms/transforms.qms/indvarssimplify.qms/2002-09-09-pointerindvar.qmt 2003-04-16-expranalysis.qmt alloca_test.qmt basictest.qmt

John Criswell criswell at cs.uiuc.edu
Wed Oct 15 14:15:33 PDT 2003

Changes in directory llvm/test/QMTestDB/regression.qms/transforms.qms/indvarssimplify.qms:

2002-09-09-pointerindvar.qmt (r1.1) removed
2003-04-16-expranalysis.qmt (r1.1) removed
alloca_test.qmt (r1.1) removed
basictest.qmt (r1.1) removed

Log message:

Removing old QMTest database.  It has been replaced by the new LLVM
specific one.

Diffs of the changes:  (+0 -0)

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