[llvm-commits] CVS: llvm/docs/GettingStarted.html

John Criswell criswell at cs.uiuc.edu
Mon Oct 13 11:17:01 PDT 2003

Changes in directory llvm/docs:

GettingStarted.html updated: 1.37 -> 1.38

Log message:

Removed information on common build problems.  That is now documented in
the FAQ (FAQ.html).

Diffs of the changes:  (+3 -60)

Index: llvm/docs/GettingStarted.html
diff -u llvm/docs/GettingStarted.html:1.37 llvm/docs/GettingStarted.html:1.38
--- llvm/docs/GettingStarted.html:1.37	Fri Oct 10 13:51:11 2003
+++ llvm/docs/GettingStarted.html	Mon Oct 13 11:16:25 2003
@@ -1010,66 +1010,9 @@
-    Below are common problems and their remedies:
-    <dl compact>
-        <dt><b>When I run configure, it finds the wrong C compiler.</b>
-        <dd>
-        The <tt>configure</tt> script attempts to locate first <tt>gcc</tt> and
-        then <tt>cc</tt>, unless it finds compiler paths set in <tt>CC</tt> and
-        <tt>CXX</tt> for the C and C++ compiler, respectively.
-        If <tt>configure</tt> finds the wrong compiler, either adjust your
-        <tt>PATH</tt> environment variable or set <tt>CC</tt> and <tt>CXX</tt>
-        explicitly.
-        <p>
-        <dt><b>I compile the code, and I get some error about /localhome</b>.
-        <dd>
-        There are several possible causes for this.  The first is that you
-        didn't set a pathname properly when using <tt>configure</tt>, and it
-        defaulted to a pathname that we use on our research machines.
-        <p>
-        Another possibility is that we hardcoded a path in our Makefiles.  If
-        you see this, please email the LLVM bug mailing list with the name of
-        the offending Makefile and a description of what is wrong with it.
-        <dt><b>The <tt>configure</tt> script finds the right C compiler, but it
-        uses the LLVM linker from a previous build.  What do I do?</b>
-        <dd>
-        The <tt>configure</tt> script uses the <tt>PATH</tt> to find
-        executables, so if it's grabbing the wrong linker/assembler/etc, there
-        are two ways to fix it:
-        <ol>
-            <li>Adjust your <tt>PATH</tt> environment variable so that the
-            correct program appears first in the <tt>PATH</tt>.  This may work,
-            but may not be convenient when you want them <i>first</i> in your
-            path for other work.
-            <p>
-            <li>Run <tt>configure</tt> with an alternative <tt>PATH</tt> that
-            is correct.  In a Borne compatible shell, the syntax would be:
-            <p>
-            <tt>PATH=<the path without the bad program> ./configure ...</tt>
-            <p>
-            This is still somewhat inconvenient, but it allows
-            <tt>configure</tt> to do its work without having to adjust your
-            <tt>PATH</tt> permanently.
-        </ol>
-        <dt><b>I've upgraded to a new version of LLVM, and I get strange build
-        errors.</b>
-        <dd>
-        Sometimes changes to the LLVM source code alters how the build system
-        works.  Changes in libtool, autoconf, or header file dependencies are
-        especially prone to this sort of problem.
-        <p>
-        The best thing to try is to remove the old files and re-build.  In most
-        cases, this takes care of the problem.  To do this, just type <tt>make
-        clean</tt> and then <tt>make</tt> in the directory that fails to build.
-        <p>
-    </dl>
+    If you are having problems building or using LLVM, or if you have any other
+    general questions about LLVM, please consult the
+	<a href="faq.html">Frequently Asked Questions</a> page.
     <h2><center><a name="links">Links</a></center></h2>

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