[llvm-commits] CVS: llvm/test/Programs/SingleSource/Shootout/ackermann.c ary3.c fib2.c hash.c heapsort.c hello.c lists.c matrix.c methcall.c nestedloop.c objinst.c random.c sieve.c strcat.c

John Criswell criswell at cs.uiuc.edu
Wed Sep 10 13:26:02 PDT 2003

Changes in directory llvm/test/Programs/SingleSource/Shootout:

ackermann.c (r1.2) removed
ary3.c (r1.2) removed
fib2.c (r1.1) removed
hash.c (r1.1) removed
heapsort.c (r1.1) removed
hello.c (r1.1) removed
lists.c (r1.5) removed
matrix.c (r1.2) removed
methcall.c (r1.1) removed
nestedloop.c (r1.1) removed
objinst.c (r1.2) removed
random.c (r1.3) removed
sieve.c (r1.2) removed
strcat.c (r1.1) removed

Log message:

Moved to test/Programs/SingleSource/Benchmarks/Shootout.

Diffs of the changes:

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