[llvm-commits] CVS: llvm/lib/Target/Sparc/SparcV9CodeEmitter.cpp SparcV9CodeEmitter.h

Misha Brukman brukman at cs.uiuc.edu
Sun Jun 1 23:13:01 PDT 2003

Changes in directory llvm/lib/Target/Sparc:

SparcV9CodeEmitter.cpp updated: 1.7 -> 1.8
SparcV9CodeEmitter.h updated: 1.4 -> 1.5

Log message:

Merged in tools/lli/JIT/SparcEmitter.cpp, coupled with the JITResolver taken
from lib/Target/X86/X86CodeEmitter.cpp .

Diffs of the changes:

Index: llvm/lib/Target/Sparc/SparcV9CodeEmitter.cpp
diff -u llvm/lib/Target/Sparc/SparcV9CodeEmitter.cpp:1.7 llvm/lib/Target/Sparc/SparcV9CodeEmitter.cpp:1.8
--- llvm/lib/Target/Sparc/SparcV9CodeEmitter.cpp:1.7	Sun Jun  1 21:13:26 2003
+++ llvm/lib/Target/Sparc/SparcV9CodeEmitter.cpp	Sun Jun  1 23:12:39 2003
@@ -3,28 +3,132 @@
+#include "llvm/Constants.h"
+#include "llvm/Function.h"
+#include "llvm/GlobalVariable.h"
 #include "llvm/PassManager.h"
 #include "llvm/CodeGen/MachineCodeEmitter.h"
+#include "llvm/CodeGen/MachineFunctionInfo.h"
 #include "llvm/CodeGen/MachineFunctionPass.h"
 #include "llvm/CodeGen/MachineInstr.h"
 #include "llvm/Target/TargetMachine.h"
+#include "llvm/Target/TargetData.h"
+#include "Support/hash_set"
 #include "SparcInternals.h"
 #include "SparcV9CodeEmitter.h"
-MachineCodeEmitter * SparcV9CodeEmitter::MCE = 0;
-TargetMachine * SparcV9CodeEmitter::TM = 0;
 bool UltraSparc::addPassesToEmitMachineCode(PassManager &PM,
                                             MachineCodeEmitter &MCE) {
   //PM.add(new SparcV9CodeEmitter(MCE));
   //MachineCodeEmitter *M = MachineCodeEmitter::createDebugMachineCodeEmitter();
-  MachineCodeEmitter *M = 
-    MachineCodeEmitter::createFilePrinterMachineCodeEmitter(MCE);
+  MachineCodeEmitter *M = MachineCodeEmitter::createFilePrinterEmitter(MCE);
   PM.add(new SparcV9CodeEmitter(this, *M));
   PM.add(createMachineCodeDestructionPass()); // Free stuff no longer needed
   return false;
+namespace {
+  class JITResolver {
+    MachineCodeEmitter &MCE;
+    // LazyCodeGenMap - Keep track of call sites for functions that are to be
+    // lazily resolved.
+    std::map<unsigned, Function*> LazyCodeGenMap;
+    // LazyResolverMap - Keep track of the lazy resolver created for a
+    // particular function so that we can reuse them if necessary.
+    std::map<Function*, unsigned> LazyResolverMap;
+  public:
+    JITResolver(MachineCodeEmitter &mce) : MCE(mce) {}
+    unsigned getLazyResolver(Function *F);
+    unsigned addFunctionReference(unsigned Address, Function *F);
+  private:
+    unsigned emitStubForFunction(Function *F);
+    static void CompilationCallback();
+    unsigned resolveFunctionReference(unsigned RetAddr);
+  };
+  JITResolver *TheJITResolver;
+/// addFunctionReference - This method is called when we need to emit the
+/// address of a function that has not yet been emitted, so we don't know the
+/// address.  Instead, we emit a call to the CompilationCallback method, and
+/// keep track of where we are.
+unsigned JITResolver::addFunctionReference(unsigned Address, Function *F) {
+  LazyCodeGenMap[Address] = F;  
+  return (intptr_t)&JITResolver::CompilationCallback;
+unsigned JITResolver::resolveFunctionReference(unsigned RetAddr) {
+  std::map<unsigned, Function*>::iterator I = LazyCodeGenMap.find(RetAddr);
+  assert(I != LazyCodeGenMap.end() && "Not in map!");
+  Function *F = I->second;
+  LazyCodeGenMap.erase(I);
+  return MCE.forceCompilationOf(F);
+unsigned JITResolver::getLazyResolver(Function *F) {
+  std::map<Function*, unsigned>::iterator I = LazyResolverMap.lower_bound(F);
+  if (I != LazyResolverMap.end() && I->first == F) return I->second;
+//std::cerr << "Getting lazy resolver for : " << ((Value*)F)->getName() << "\n";
+  unsigned Stub = emitStubForFunction(F);
+  LazyResolverMap.insert(I, std::make_pair(F, Stub));
+  return Stub;
+void JITResolver::CompilationCallback() {
+  uint64_t *StackPtr = (uint64_t*)__builtin_frame_address(0);
+  uint64_t RetAddr = (uint64_t)(intptr_t)__builtin_return_address(0);
+#if 0  
+  std::cerr << "In callback! Addr=0x" << std::hex << RetAddr
+            << " SP=0x" << (unsigned)StackPtr << std::dec
+            << ": Resolving call to function: "
+            << TheVM->getFunctionReferencedName((void*)RetAddr) << "\n";
+  std::cerr << "Sparc's JIT Resolver not implemented!\n";
+  abort();
+#if 0
+  unsigned NewVal = TheJITResolver->resolveFunctionReference((void*)RetAddr);
+  // Rewrite the call target... so that we don't fault every time we execute
+  // the call.
+  *(unsigned*)RetAddr = NewVal;
+  // Change the return address to reexecute the call instruction...
+  StackPtr[1] -= 4;
+/// emitStubForFunction - This method is used by the JIT when it needs to emit
+/// the address of a function for a function whose code has not yet been
+/// generated.  In order to do this, it generates a stub which jumps to the lazy
+/// function compiler, which will eventually get fixed to call the function
+/// directly.
+unsigned JITResolver::emitStubForFunction(Function *F) {
+#if 0
+  MCE.startFunctionStub(*F, 6);
+  MCE.emitByte(0xE8);   // Call with 32 bit pc-rel destination...
+  unsigned Address = addFunctionReference(MCE.getCurrentPCValue(), F);
+  MCE.emitWord(Address-MCE.getCurrentPCValue()-4);
+  MCE.emitByte(0xCD);   // Interrupt - Just a marker identifying the stub!
+  return (intptr_t)MCE.finishFunctionStub(*F);
+  std::cerr << "Sparc's JITResolver::emitStubForFunction() not implemented!\n";
+  abort();
 void SparcV9CodeEmitter::emitConstant(unsigned Val, unsigned Size) {
   // Output the constant in big endian byte order...
   unsigned byteVal;
@@ -90,16 +194,19 @@
     fakeReg = TM->getRegInfo().getClassRegNum(fakeReg, regClass);
     // Find the real register number for use in an instruction
     realReg = getRealRegNum(fakeReg, regClass);
-    std::cerr << "Reg[" << fakeReg << "] = " << realReg << "\n";
+    std::cerr << "Reg[" << std::dec << fakeReg << "] = " << realReg << "\n";
     rv = realReg;
   } else if (MO.isImmediate()) {
     rv = MO.getImmedValue();
-  } else if (MO.isPCRelativeDisp()) {
-    std::cerr << "Saving reference to BB (PCRelDisp)\n";
-    MCE->saveBBreference((BasicBlock*)MO.getVRegValue(), MI);
+  } else if (MO.isPCRelativeDisp()) { // this is not always a call!! (fp const)
+    std::cerr << "Saving reference to func (call - PCRelDisp)\n";
+    rv = (int64_t)
+      (intptr_t)getGlobalAddress(cast<GlobalValue>(MO.getVRegValue()),
+                                 MI,true);
   } else if (MO.isMachineBasicBlock()) {
-    std::cerr << "Saving reference to BB (MBB)\n";
-    MCE->saveBBreference(MO.getMachineBasicBlock()->getBasicBlock(), MI);
+    std::cerr << "Saving reference to MBB\n";
+    BBRefs.push_back(std::make_pair(MO.getMachineBasicBlock()->getBasicBlock(),
+            std::make_pair((unsigned*)(intptr_t)MCE->getCurrentPCValue(),&MI)));
   } else if (MO.isFrameIndex()) {
     std::cerr << "ERROR: Frame index unhandled.\n";
   } else if (MO.isConstantPoolIndex()) {
@@ -134,19 +241,98 @@
   return (Val & 1);
+void* SparcV9CodeEmitter::convertAddress(intptr_t Addr, bool isPCRelative) {
+  if (isPCRelative) {
+    return (void*)(Addr - (intptr_t)MCE->getCurrentPCValue());
+  } else {
+    return (void*)Addr;
+  }
 bool SparcV9CodeEmitter::runOnMachineFunction(MachineFunction &MF) {
+  std::cerr << "Starting function " << MF.getFunction()->getName()
+            << ", address: " << "0x" << std::hex 
+            << (long)MCE->getCurrentPCValue() << "\n";
-  MCE->emitConstantPool(MF.getConstantPool());
+  // FIXME: the Sparc backend does not use the ConstantPool!!
+  //MCE->emitConstantPool(MF.getConstantPool());
+  // Instead, the Sparc backend has its own constant pool implementation:
+  const hash_set<const Constant*> &pool = MF.getInfo()->getConstantPoolValues();
+  for (hash_set<const Constant*>::const_iterator I = pool.begin(),
+         E = pool.end();  I != E; ++I)
+  {
+    const Constant *C = *I;
+    // For now we just allocate some memory on the heap, this can be
+    // dramatically improved.
+    const Type *Ty = ((Value*)C)->getType();
+    void *Addr = malloc(TM->getTargetData().getTypeSize(Ty));
+    //FIXME
+    //TheVM.InitializeMemory(C, Addr);
+    std::cerr << "Adding ConstantMap[" << C << "]=" << std::dec << Addr << "\n";
+    ConstantMap[C] = Addr;
+  }  
   for (MachineFunction::iterator I = MF.begin(), E = MF.end(); I != E; ++I)
+  std::cerr << "Finishing function " << MF.getFunction()->getName() << "\n";
+  ConstantMap.clear();
+  for (unsigned i = 0, e = BBRefs.size(); i != e; ++i) {
+    long Location = BBLocations[BBRefs[i].first];
+    unsigned *Ref = BBRefs[i].second.first;
+    MachineInstr *MI = BBRefs[i].second.second;
+    std::cerr << "Fixup @" << std::hex << Ref << " to " << Location
+              << " in instr: " << std::dec << *MI << "\n";
+  }
+  // Resolve branches to BasicBlocks for the entire function
+  for (unsigned i = 0, e = BBRefs.size(); i != e; ++i) {
+    long Location = BBLocations[BBRefs[i].first];
+    unsigned *Ref = BBRefs[i].second.first;
+    MachineInstr *MI = BBRefs[i].second.second;
+    std::cerr << "attempting to resolve BB: " << i << "\n";
+    for (unsigned ii = 0, ee = MI->getNumOperands(); ii != ee; ++ii) {
+      MachineOperand &op = MI->getOperand(ii);
+      if (op.isPCRelativeDisp()) {
+        // the instruction's branch target is made such that it branches to
+        // PC + (br target * 4), so undo that arithmetic here:
+        // Location is the target of the branch
+        // Ref is the location of the instruction, and hence the PC
+        unsigned branchTarget = (Location - (long)Ref) >> 2;
+        // Save the flags.
+        bool loBits32=false, hiBits32=false, loBits64=false, hiBits64=false;   
+        if (op.opLoBits32()) { loBits32=true; }
+        if (op.opHiBits32()) { hiBits32=true; }
+        if (op.opLoBits64()) { loBits64=true; }
+        if (op.opHiBits64()) { hiBits64=true; }
+        MI->SetMachineOperandConst(ii, MachineOperand::MO_SignExtendedImmed,
+                                   branchTarget);
+        if (loBits32) { MI->setOperandLo32(ii); }
+        else if (hiBits32) { MI->setOperandHi32(ii); }
+        else if (loBits64) { MI->setOperandLo64(ii); }
+        else if (hiBits64) { MI->setOperandHi64(ii); }
+        std::cerr << "Rewrote BB ref: ";
+        unsigned fixedInstr = SparcV9CodeEmitter::getBinaryCodeForInstr(*MI);
+        *Ref = fixedInstr;
+        break;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  BBRefs.clear();
+  BBLocations.clear();
   return false;
 void SparcV9CodeEmitter::emitBasicBlock(MachineBasicBlock &MBB) {
   currBB = MBB.getBasicBlock();
-  MCE->startBasicBlock(MBB);
+  BBLocations[currBB] = MCE->getCurrentPCValue();
   for (MachineBasicBlock::iterator I = MBB.begin(), E = MBB.end(); I != E; ++I)
@@ -155,4 +341,59 @@
   emitConstant(getBinaryCodeForInstr(MI), 4);
+void* SparcV9CodeEmitter::getGlobalAddress(GlobalValue *V, MachineInstr &MI,
+                                           bool isPCRelative)
+  if (isPCRelative) { // must be a call, this is a major hack!
+    // Try looking up the function to see if it is already compiled!
+    if (void *Addr = (void*)(intptr_t)MCE->getGlobalValueAddress(V)) {
+      intptr_t CurByte = MCE->getCurrentPCValue();
+      // The real target of the call is Addr = PC + (target * 4)
+      // CurByte is the PC, Addr we just received
+      return (void*) (((long)Addr - (long)CurByte) >> 2);
+    } else {
+      if (Function *F = dyn_cast<Function>(V)) {
+        // Function has not yet been code generated!
+        TheJITResolver->addFunctionReference(MCE->getCurrentPCValue(),
+                                             cast<Function>(V));
+        // Delayed resolution...
+        return (void*)TheJITResolver->getLazyResolver(cast<Function>(V));
+      } else if (Constant *C = ConstantPointerRef::get(V)) {
+        if (ConstantMap.find(C) != ConstantMap.end()) {
+          return ConstantMap[C];
+        } else {
+          std::cerr << "Constant: 0x" << std::hex << &*C << std::dec
+                    << ", " << *V << " not found in ConstantMap!\n";
+          abort();
+        }
+#if 0
+      } else if (const GlobalVariable *G = dyn_cast<GlobalVariable>(V)) {
+        if (G->isConstant()) {
+          const Constant* C = G->getInitializer();
+          if (ConstantMap.find(C) != ConstantMap.end()) {
+            return ConstantMap[C];
+          } else {
+            std::cerr << "Constant: " << *G << " not found in ConstantMap!\n";
+            abort();
+          }
+        } else {
+          std::cerr << "Variable: " << *G << " address not found!\n";
+          abort();          
+        }
+      } else {
+        std::cerr << "Unhandled global: " << *V << "\n";
+        abort();
+      }
+    }
+  } else {
+    return convertAddress((intptr_t)MCE->getGlobalValueAddress(V),
+                          isPCRelative);
+  }
 #include "SparcV9CodeEmitter.inc"

Index: llvm/lib/Target/Sparc/SparcV9CodeEmitter.h
diff -u llvm/lib/Target/Sparc/SparcV9CodeEmitter.h:1.4 llvm/lib/Target/Sparc/SparcV9CodeEmitter.h:1.5
--- llvm/lib/Target/Sparc/SparcV9CodeEmitter.h:1.4	Fri May 30 15:17:33 2003
+++ llvm/lib/Target/Sparc/SparcV9CodeEmitter.h	Sun Jun  1 23:12:39 2003
@@ -9,14 +9,25 @@
 #include "llvm/BasicBlock.h"
 #include "llvm/CodeGen/MachineCodeEmitter.h"
 #include "llvm/CodeGen/MachineFunctionPass.h"
-#include "llvm/CodeGen/MachineInstr.h"
 #include "llvm/Target/TargetMachine.h"
+class GlobalValue;
+class MachineInstr;
+class MachineOperand;
 class SparcV9CodeEmitter : public MachineFunctionPass {
-  static MachineCodeEmitter *MCE;
-  static TargetMachine *TM;
+  MachineCodeEmitter *MCE;
+  TargetMachine *TM;
   BasicBlock *currBB;
+  // Tracks which instruction references which BasicBlock
+  std::vector<std::pair<BasicBlock*,
+                        std::pair<unsigned*,MachineInstr*> > > BBRefs;
+  // Tracks where each BasicBlock starts
+  std::map<BasicBlock*, long> BBLocations;
+  // Tracks locations of Constants which are laid out in memory (e.g. FP)
+  std::map<const Constant*, void*> ConstantMap;
   SparcV9CodeEmitter(TargetMachine *tm, MachineCodeEmitter &M) { 
     MCE = &M;
@@ -27,17 +38,21 @@
   /// Function generated by the CodeEmitterGenerator using TableGen
-  static unsigned getBinaryCodeForInstr(MachineInstr &MI);
+  unsigned getBinaryCodeForInstr(MachineInstr &MI);
-  static int64_t getMachineOpValue(MachineInstr &MI, MachineOperand &MO);
-  static unsigned getValueBit(int64_t Val, unsigned bit);
+  int64_t getMachineOpValue(MachineInstr &MI, MachineOperand &MO);
+  unsigned getValueBit(int64_t Val, unsigned bit);
   void emitConstant(unsigned Val, unsigned Size);
   void emitBasicBlock(MachineBasicBlock &MBB);
   void emitInstruction(MachineInstr &MI);
+  void* convertAddress(intptr_t Addr, bool isPCRelative);
+  void* getGlobalAddress(GlobalValue *V, MachineInstr &MI,
+                         bool isPCRelative);

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