[llvm-commits] CVS: llvm/include/llvm/Analysis/DataStructure.h DataStructureGraph.h

Chris Lattner lattner at cs.uiuc.edu
Tue Oct 1 17:35:04 PDT 2002

Changes in directory llvm/include/llvm/Analysis:

DataStructure.h updated: 1.40 -> 1.41
DataStructureGraph.h updated: 1.4 -> 1.5

Log message:

Check in DataStructure rewrite so far.

Diffs of the changes:

Index: llvm/include/llvm/Analysis/DataStructure.h
diff -u llvm/include/llvm/Analysis/DataStructure.h:1.40 llvm/include/llvm/Analysis/DataStructure.h:1.41
--- llvm/include/llvm/Analysis/DataStructure.h:1.40	Wed Aug 21 12:09:18 2002
+++ llvm/include/llvm/Analysis/DataStructure.h	Tue Oct  1 17:34:45 2002
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-//===- DataStructure.h - Build data structure graphs -------------*- C++ -*--=//
+//===- DataStructure.h - Build data structure graphs ------------*- C++ -*-===//
 // Implement the LLVM data structure analysis library.
@@ -7,350 +7,35 @@
+#include "llvm/Analysis/DSGraph.h"
 #include "llvm/Pass.h"
+#if 0
 #include "llvm/GlobalValue.h"
 #include "Support/HashExtras.h"
 #include "Support/hash_set"
 #include <set>
-#include <string>
 class Type;
 class GlobalValue;
-class DSNode;                  // Each node in the graph
-class DSGraph;                 // A graph for a function
+#if 0
 class GlobalDSGraph;           // A common graph for globals in a program 
-class DSNodeIterator;          // Data structure graph traversal iterator
 class LocalDataStructures;     // A collection of local graphs for a program
 class BUDataStructures;        // A collection of bu graphs for a program
 class TDDataStructures;        // A collection of td graphs for a program
-// DSNodeHandle - Implement a "handle" to a data structure node that takes care
-// of all of the add/un'refing of the node to prevent the backpointers in the
-// graph from getting out of date.
-class DSNodeHandle {
-  DSNode *N;
-  // Allow construction, destruction, and assignment...
-  DSNodeHandle(DSNode *n = 0) : N(0) { operator=(n); }
-  DSNodeHandle(const DSNodeHandle &H) : N(0) { operator=(H.N); }
-  ~DSNodeHandle() { operator=(0); }
-  DSNodeHandle &operator=(const DSNodeHandle &H) {operator=(H.N); return *this;}
-  // Assignment of DSNode*, implement all of the add/un'refing (defined later)
-  inline DSNodeHandle &operator=(DSNode *n);
-  // Allow automatic, implicit, conversion to DSNode*
-  operator       DSNode*()       { return N; }
-  operator const DSNode*() const { return N; }
-  operator const DSNode*()       { return N; }
-  operator bool() const          { return N != 0; }
-  operator bool()                { return N != 0; }
-  bool operator<(const DSNodeHandle &H) const {  // Allow sorting
-    return N < H.N;
-  }
-  bool operator==(const DSNodeHandle &H) const { return N == H.N; }
-  bool operator!=(const DSNodeHandle &H) const { return N != H.N; }
-  bool operator==(const DSNode *Node) const { return N == Node; }
-  bool operator!=(const DSNode *Node) const { return N != Node; }
-  bool operator==(DSNode *Node) const { return N == Node; }
-  bool operator!=(DSNode *Node) const { return N != Node; }
-  // Avoid having comparisons to null cause errors...
-  bool operator==(int X) const {
-    assert(X == 0 && "Bad comparison!");
-    return operator==((DSNode*)0);
-  }
-  bool operator!=(int X) const { return !operator==(X); }
-  // Allow explicit conversion to DSNode...
-  DSNode *get() { return N; }
-  const DSNode *get() const { return N; }
-  // Allow this to be treated like a pointer...
-  DSNode *operator->() { return N; }
-  const DSNode *operator->() const { return N; }
-// DSNode - Data structure node class
-// This class keeps track of a node's type, and the fields in the data
-// structure.
-class DSNode {
-  const Type *Ty;
-  std::vector<DSNodeHandle> Links;
-  std::vector<DSNodeHandle*> Referrers;
-  // Globals - The list of global values that are merged into this node.
-  std::vector<GlobalValue*> Globals;
-  void operator=(const DSNode &); // DO NOT IMPLEMENT
-  enum NodeTy {
-    ShadowNode = 0,        // Nothing is known about this node...
-    ScalarNode = 1 << 0,   // Scalar of the current function contains this value
-    AllocaNode = 1 << 1,   // This node was allocated with alloca
-    NewNode    = 1 << 2,   // This node was allocated with malloc
-    GlobalNode = 1 << 3,   // This node was allocated by a global var decl
-    SubElement = 1 << 4,   // This node is a part of some other node
-    CastNode   = 1 << 5,   // This node is accessed in unsafe ways
-    Incomplete = 1 << 6,   // This node may not be complete
-  };
-  // NodeType - A union of the above bits.  "Shadow" nodes do not add any flags
-  // to the nodes in the data structure graph, so it is possible to have nodes
-  // with a value of 0 for their NodeType.  Scalar and Alloca markers go away
-  // when function graphs are inlined.
-  //
-  unsigned char NodeType;
-  DSNode(enum NodeTy NT, const Type *T);
-  DSNode(const DSNode &);
-  ~DSNode() {
-#ifndef NDEBUG
-    dropAllReferences();  // Only needed to satisfy assertion checks...
-    assert(Referrers.empty() && "Referrers to dead node exist!");
-  }
-  // Iterator for graph interface...
-  typedef DSNodeIterator iterator;
-  inline iterator begin();   // Defined in DataStructureGraph.h
-  inline iterator end();
-  // Accessors
-  const Type *getType() const { return Ty; }
-  unsigned getNumLinks() const { return Links.size(); }
-  DSNode *getLink(unsigned i) {
-    assert(i < getNumLinks() && "Field links access out of range...");
-    return Links[i];
-  }
-  const DSNode *getLink(unsigned i) const {
-    assert(i < getNumLinks() && "Field links access out of range...");
-    return Links[i];
-  }
-  void setLink(unsigned i, DSNode *N) {
-    assert(i < getNumLinks() && "Field links access out of range...");
-    Links[i] = N;
-  }
-  // addGlobal - Add an entry for a global value to the Globals list.  This also
-  // marks the node with the 'G' flag if it does not already have it.
-  //
-  void addGlobal(GlobalValue *GV);
-  const std::vector<GlobalValue*> &getGlobals() const { return Globals; }
-  std::vector<GlobalValue*> &getGlobals() { return Globals; }
-  // addEdgeTo - Add an edge from the current node to the specified node.  This
-  // can cause merging of nodes in the graph.
-  //
-  void addEdgeTo(unsigned LinkNo, DSNode *N);
-  void addEdgeTo(DSNode *N) {
-    assert(getNumLinks() == 1 && "Must specify a field number to add edge if "
-           " more than one field exists!");
-    addEdgeTo(0, N);
-  }
-  // mergeWith - Merge this node into the specified node, moving all links to
-  // and from the argument node into the current node.  The specified node may
-  // be a null pointer (in which case, nothing happens).
+// FIXME: move this stuff to a private header
+namespace DataStructureAnalysis {
+  // isPointerType - Return true if this first class type is big enough to hold
+  // a pointer.
-  void mergeWith(DSNode *N);
-  // addReferrer - Keep the referrer set up to date...
-  void addReferrer(DSNodeHandle *H) { Referrers.push_back(H); }
-  void removeReferrer(DSNodeHandle *H);
-  const std::vector<DSNodeHandle*> &getReferrers() const { return Referrers; }
-  void print(std::ostream &O, const DSGraph *G) const;
-  void dump() const;
-  std::string getCaption(const DSGraph *G) const;
-  void dropAllReferences() {
-    Links.clear();
-  }
-inline DSNodeHandle &DSNodeHandle::operator=(DSNode *n) {
-  if (N) N->removeReferrer(this);
-  N = n;
-  if (N) N->addReferrer(this);
-  return *this;
+  bool isPointerType(const Type *Ty);
-// DSGraph - The graph that represents a function.
-class DSGraph {
-  friend class GlobalDSGraph;
-  Function &Func;
-  std::vector<DSNode*> Nodes;
-  DSNodeHandle RetNode;                          // Node that gets returned...
-  std::map<Value*, DSNodeHandle> ValueMap;
-  // GlobalsGraph -- Reference to the common graph of globally visible objects.
-  // This includes GlobalValues, New nodes, Cast nodes, and Calls.
-  // 
-  GlobalDSGraph* GlobalsGraph;
-  // FunctionCalls - This vector maintains a single entry for each call
-  // instruction in the current graph.  Each call entry contains DSNodeHandles
-  // that refer to the arguments that are passed into the function call.  The
-  // first entry in the vector is the scalar that holds the return value for the
-  // call, the second is the function scalar being invoked, and the rest are
-  // pointer arguments to the function.
-  //
-  std::vector<std::vector<DSNodeHandle> > FunctionCalls;
-  // OrigFunctionCalls - This vector retains a copy of the original function
-  // calls of the current graph.  This is needed to support top-down inlining
-  // after bottom-up inlining is complete, since the latter deletes call nodes.
-  // 
-  std::vector<std::vector<DSNodeHandle> > OrigFunctionCalls;
-  // PendingCallers - This vector records all unresolved callers of the
-  // current function, i.e., ones whose graphs have not been inlined into
-  // the current graph.  As long as there are unresolved callers, the nodes
-  // for formal arguments in the current graph cannot be eliminated, and
-  // nodes in the graph reachable from the formal argument nodes or
-  // global variable nodes must be considered incomplete. 
-  std::set<Function*> PendingCallers;
-  // Define the interface only accessable to DataStructure
-  friend class LocalDataStructures;
-  friend class BUDataStructures;
-  friend class TDDataStructures;
-  DSGraph(Function &F, GlobalDSGraph* GlobalsG); // Compute the local DSGraph
-  DSGraph(const DSGraph &DSG);     // Copy ctor
-  virtual ~DSGraph();
-  // clone all the call nodes and save the copies in OrigFunctionCalls
-  void saveOrigFunctionCalls() {
-    assert(OrigFunctionCalls.size() == 0 && "Do this only once!");
-    OrigFunctionCalls = FunctionCalls;
-  }
-  // get the saved copies of the original function call nodes
-  std::vector<std::vector<DSNodeHandle> > &getOrigFunctionCalls() {
-    return OrigFunctionCalls;
-  }
-  void operator=(const DSGraph &); // DO NOT IMPLEMENT
-  Function &getFunction() const { return Func; }
-  // getNodes - Get a vector of all the nodes in the graph
-  // 
-  const std::vector<DSNode*>& getNodes() const { return Nodes; }
-        std::vector<DSNode*>& getNodes()       { return Nodes; }
-  // getValueMap - Get a map that describes what the nodes the scalars in this
-  // function point to...
-  //
-  std::map<Value*, DSNodeHandle> &getValueMap() { return ValueMap; }
-  const std::map<Value*, DSNodeHandle> &getValueMap() const { return ValueMap;}
-  std::vector<std::vector<DSNodeHandle> > &getFunctionCalls() {
-    return FunctionCalls;
-  }
-  const std::vector<std::vector<DSNodeHandle> > &getFunctionCalls() const {
-    return FunctionCalls;
-  }
-  const DSNode *getRetNode() const { return RetNode; }
-        DSNode *getRetNode()       { return RetNode; }
-  unsigned getGraphSize() const {
-    return Nodes.size();
-  }
-  void print(std::ostream &O) const;
-  void dump() const;
-  // maskNodeTypes - Apply a mask to all of the node types in the graph.  This
-  // is useful for clearing out markers like Scalar or Incomplete.
-  //
-  void maskNodeTypes(unsigned char Mask);
-  void maskIncompleteMarkers() { maskNodeTypes(~DSNode::Incomplete); }
-  // markIncompleteNodes - Traverse the graph, identifying nodes that may be
-  // modified by other functions that have not been resolved yet.  This marks
-  // nodes that are reachable through three sources of "unknownness":
-  //   Global Variables, Function Calls, and Incoming Arguments
-  //
-  // For any node that may have unknown components (because something outside
-  // the scope of current analysis may have modified it), the 'Incomplete' flag
-  // is added to the NodeType.
-  //
-  void markIncompleteNodes(bool markFormalArgs = true);
-  // removeTriviallyDeadNodes - After the graph has been constructed, this
-  // method removes all unreachable nodes that are created because they got
-  // merged with other nodes in the graph.
-  //
-  void removeTriviallyDeadNodes(bool KeepAllGlobals = false);
-  // removeDeadNodes - Use a more powerful reachability analysis to eliminate
-  // subgraphs that are unreachable.  This often occurs because the data
-  // structure doesn't "escape" into it's caller, and thus should be eliminated
-  // from the caller's graph entirely.  This is only appropriate to use when
-  // inlining graphs.
-  //
-  void removeDeadNodes(bool KeepAllGlobals = false, bool KeepCalls = true);
-  // AddCaller - add a known caller node into the graph and mark it pending.
-  // getCallers - get a vector of the functions that call this one
-  // getCallersPending - get a matching vector of bools indicating if each
-  //                     caller's DSGraph has been resolved into this one.
-  // 
-  void addCaller(Function& caller) {
-    PendingCallers.insert(&caller);
-  }
-  std::set<Function*>& getPendingCallers() {
-    return PendingCallers;
-  }
-  // cloneInto - Clone the specified DSGraph into the current graph, returning
-  // the Return node of the graph.  The translated ValueMap for the old function
-  // is filled into the OldValMap member.
-  // If StripScalars (StripAllocas) is set to true, Scalar (Alloca) markers
-  // are removed from the graph as the graph is being cloned.
-  // If CopyCallers is set to true, the PendingCallers list is copied.
-  // If CopyOrigCalls is set to true, the OrigFunctionCalls list is copied.
-  //
-  DSNode *cloneInto(const DSGraph &G, std::map<Value*, DSNodeHandle> &OldValMap,
-                    std::map<const DSNode*, DSNode*>& OldNodeMap,
-                    bool StripScalars = false, bool StripAllocas = false,
-                    bool CopyCallers = true, bool CopyOrigCalls = true);
-  // cloneGlobalInto - Clone the given global node (or the node for the given
-  // GlobalValue) from the GlobalsGraph and all its target links (recursively).
-  // 
-  DSNode* cloneGlobalInto(const DSNode* GNode);
-  DSNode* cloneGlobalInto(GlobalValue* GV) {
-    assert(!GV || (((DSGraph*) GlobalsGraph)->ValueMap[GV] != 0));
-    return GV? cloneGlobalInto(((DSGraph*) GlobalsGraph)->ValueMap[GV]) : 0;
-  }
-  bool isNodeDead(DSNode *N);
+#if 0
 // GlobalDSGraph - A common graph for all the globals and their outgoing links
 // to externally visible nodes.  This includes GlobalValues, New nodes,
 // Cast nodes, and Calls.  This graph can only be used by one of the
@@ -376,7 +61,7 @@
   void    cloneGlobals(DSGraph& Graph, bool CloneCalls = false);
   void    cloneCalls  (DSGraph& Graph);
 // LocalDataStructures - The analysis that computes the local data structure
 // graphs for all of the functions in the program.
@@ -411,7 +96,7 @@
+#if 0
 // BUDataStructures - The analysis that computes the interprocedurally closed
 // data structure graphs for all of the functions in the program.  This pass
 // only performs a "Bottom Up" propogation (hence the name).
@@ -483,4 +168,6 @@
                            std::map<Value*, DSNodeHandle> &OldValMap,
                            std::map<const DSNode*, DSNode*> &OldNodeMap);

Index: llvm/include/llvm/Analysis/DataStructureGraph.h
diff -u llvm/include/llvm/Analysis/DataStructureGraph.h:1.4 llvm/include/llvm/Analysis/DataStructureGraph.h:1.5
--- llvm/include/llvm/Analysis/DataStructureGraph.h:1.4	Thu Jul 25 10:00:44 2002
+++ llvm/include/llvm/Analysis/DataStructureGraph.h	Tue Oct  1 17:34:45 2002
@@ -13,6 +13,8 @@
 #include "Support/GraphTraits.h"
 #include "Support/iterator"
+#if 0
 class DSNodeIterator : public forward_iterator<DSNode, ptrdiff_t> {
   friend class DSNode;
   DSNode * const Node;
@@ -65,5 +67,7 @@
 // Provide iterators for DSNode...
 inline DSNode::iterator DSNode::begin() { return DSNodeIterator(this); }
 inline DSNode::iterator DSNode::end()   { return DSNodeIterator(this, false); }

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