[llvm-bugs] [Bug 26413] New: movaps is generated in interrupt handler

via llvm-bugs llvm-bugs at lists.llvm.org
Mon Feb 1 05:56:57 PST 2016


            Bug ID: 26413
           Summary: movaps is generated in interrupt handler
           Product: new-bugs
           Version: trunk
          Hardware: PC
                OS: Windows NT
            Status: NEW
          Severity: normal
          Priority: P
         Component: new bugs
          Assignee: unassignedbugs at nondot.org
          Reporter: hjl.tools at gmail.com
                CC: kevin.b.smith at intel.com, llvm-bugs at lists.llvm.org
    Classification: Unclassified

[hjl at gnu-6 interrupt-8]$ cat x.i 
extern void subroutine1(void);

__attribute__ ((interrupt))
void ih(void * frame)
[hjl at gnu-6 interrupt-8]$ make x.s
/export/build/gnu/llvm-clang-bootstrap/stage1/build-x86_64-linux/bin/clang -O2
-Wall -march=nehalem -S -o x.s x.i
[hjl at gnu-6 interrupt-8]$ cat x.s
    .file    "x.i"
    .globl    ih
    .p2align    4, 0x90
    .type    ih, at function
ih:                                     # @ih
# BB#0:
    pushq    %rsp
    .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16
    pushq    %rax
    .cfi_def_cfa_offset 24
    pushq    %r11
    .cfi_def_cfa_offset 32
    pushq    %r10
    .cfi_def_cfa_offset 40
    pushq    %r9
    .cfi_def_cfa_offset 48
    pushq    %r8
    .cfi_def_cfa_offset 56
    pushq    %rdi
    .cfi_def_cfa_offset 64
    pushq    %rsi
    .cfi_def_cfa_offset 72
    pushq    %rdx
    .cfi_def_cfa_offset 80
    pushq    %rcx
    .cfi_def_cfa_offset 88
    subq    $392, %rsp              # imm = 0x188
    movaps    %xmm31, 368(%rsp)       # 16-byte Spill
    movaps    %xmm30, 352(%rsp)       # 16-byte Spill
    movaps    %xmm29, 336(%rsp)       # 16-byte Spill
    movaps    %xmm28, 320(%rsp)       # 16-byte Spill
    movaps    %xmm27, 304(%rsp)       # 16-byte Spill
    movaps    %xmm26, 288(%rsp)       # 16-byte Spill
    movaps    %xmm25, 272(%rsp)       # 16-byte Spill
    movaps    %xmm24, 256(%rsp)       # 16-byte Spill
    movaps    %xmm23, 240(%rsp)       # 16-byte Spill
    movaps    %xmm22, 224(%rsp)       # 16-byte Spill
    movaps    %xmm21, 208(%rsp)       # 16-byte Spill
    movaps    %xmm20, 192(%rsp)       # 16-byte Spill
    movaps    %xmm19, 176(%rsp)       # 16-byte Spill
    movaps    %xmm18, 160(%rsp)       # 16-byte Spill
    movaps    %xmm17, 144(%rsp)       # 16-byte Spill
    movaps    %xmm16, 128(%rsp)       # 16-byte Spill
    movaps    %xmm15, 112(%rsp)       # 16-byte Spill
    movaps    %xmm14, 96(%rsp)        # 16-byte Spill
    movaps    %xmm13, 80(%rsp)        # 16-byte Spill
    movaps    %xmm12, 64(%rsp)        # 16-byte Spill
    movaps    %xmm11, 48(%rsp)        # 16-byte Spill
    movaps    %xmm10, 32(%rsp)        # 16-byte Spill
    movaps    %xmm9, 16(%rsp)         # 16-byte Spill
    movaps    %xmm8, (%rsp)           # 16-byte Spill
    movaps    %xmm7, -16(%rsp)        # 16-byte Spill
    movaps    %xmm6, -32(%rsp)        # 16-byte Spill
    movaps    %xmm5, -48(%rsp)        # 16-byte Spill
    movaps    %xmm4, -64(%rsp)        # 16-byte Spill
    movaps    %xmm3, -80(%rsp)        # 16-byte Spill
    movaps    %xmm2, -96(%rsp)        # 16-byte Spill
    movaps    %xmm1, -112(%rsp)       # 16-byte Spill
    movaps    %xmm0, -128(%rsp)       # 16-byte Spill
    .cfi_def_cfa_offset 480
    .cfi_offset %rcx, -88
    .cfi_offset %rdx, -80
    .cfi_offset %rsi, -72
    .cfi_offset %rdi, -64
    .cfi_offset %r8, -56
    .cfi_offset %r9, -48
    .cfi_offset %r10, -40
    .cfi_offset %r11, -32
    .cfi_offset %xmm0, -608
    .cfi_offset %xmm1, -592
    .cfi_offset %xmm2, -576
    .cfi_offset %xmm3, -560
    .cfi_offset %xmm4, -544
    .cfi_offset %xmm5, -528
    .cfi_offset %xmm6, -512
    .cfi_offset %xmm7, -496
    .cfi_offset %xmm8, -480
    .cfi_offset %xmm9, -464
    .cfi_offset %xmm10, -448
    .cfi_offset %xmm11, -432
    .cfi_offset %xmm12, -416
    .cfi_offset %xmm13, -400
    .cfi_offset %xmm14, -384
    .cfi_offset %xmm15, -368
    .cfi_offset %rax, -24
    .cfi_offset %rsp, -16
    .cfi_offset %xmm16, -352
    .cfi_offset %xmm17, -336
    .cfi_offset %xmm18, -320
    .cfi_offset %xmm19, -304
    .cfi_offset %xmm20, -288
    .cfi_offset %xmm21, -272
    .cfi_offset %xmm22, -256
    .cfi_offset %xmm23, -240
    .cfi_offset %xmm24, -224
    .cfi_offset %xmm25, -208
    .cfi_offset %xmm26, -192
    .cfi_offset %xmm27, -176
    .cfi_offset %xmm28, -160
    .cfi_offset %xmm29, -144
    .cfi_offset %xmm30, -128
    .cfi_offset %xmm31, -112
    movaps    -128(%rsp), %xmm0       # 16-byte Reload
    movaps    -112(%rsp), %xmm1       # 16-byte Reload
    movaps    -96(%rsp), %xmm2        # 16-byte Reload
    movaps    -80(%rsp), %xmm3        # 16-byte Reload
    movaps    -64(%rsp), %xmm4        # 16-byte Reload
    movaps    -48(%rsp), %xmm5        # 16-byte Reload
    movaps    -32(%rsp), %xmm6        # 16-byte Reload
    movaps    -16(%rsp), %xmm7        # 16-byte Reload
    movaps    (%rsp), %xmm8           # 16-byte Reload
    movaps    16(%rsp), %xmm9         # 16-byte Reload
    movaps    32(%rsp), %xmm10        # 16-byte Reload
    movaps    48(%rsp), %xmm11        # 16-byte Reload
    movaps    64(%rsp), %xmm12        # 16-byte Reload
    movaps    80(%rsp), %xmm13        # 16-byte Reload
    movaps    96(%rsp), %xmm14        # 16-byte Reload
    movaps    112(%rsp), %xmm15       # 16-byte Reload
    movaps    128(%rsp), %xmm16       # 16-byte Reload
    movaps    144(%rsp), %xmm17       # 16-byte Reload
    movaps    160(%rsp), %xmm18       # 16-byte Reload
    movaps    176(%rsp), %xmm19       # 16-byte Reload
    movaps    192(%rsp), %xmm20       # 16-byte Reload
    movaps    208(%rsp), %xmm21       # 16-byte Reload
    movaps    224(%rsp), %xmm22       # 16-byte Reload
    movaps    240(%rsp), %xmm23       # 16-byte Reload
    movaps    256(%rsp), %xmm24       # 16-byte Reload
    movaps    272(%rsp), %xmm25       # 16-byte Reload
    movaps    288(%rsp), %xmm26       # 16-byte Reload
    movaps    304(%rsp), %xmm27       # 16-byte Reload
    movaps    320(%rsp), %xmm28       # 16-byte Reload
    movaps    336(%rsp), %xmm29       # 16-byte Reload
    movaps    352(%rsp), %xmm30       # 16-byte Reload
    movaps    368(%rsp), %xmm31       # 16-byte Reload
    addq    $392, %rsp              # imm = 0x188
    popq    %rcx
    popq    %rdx
    popq    %rsi
    popq    %rdi
    popq    %r8
    popq    %r9
    popq    %r10
    popq    %r11
    popq    %rax
    popq    %rsp
    jmp    subroutine1             # TAILCALL
    .size    ih, .Lfunc_end0-ih

    .ident    "clang version 3.9.0 (http://llvm.org/git/clang.git
1f64ddbc4c5d1036b68ec896765a7535537ded85) (http://llvm.org/git/llvm.git
    .section    ".note.GNU-stack","", at progbits
[hjl at gnu-6 interrupt-8]$ 

Since interrupt handler is called with 8-byte stack alignment, movups
should be used.

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