[LLVMbugs] [Bug 7365] New: addr2line/gdb fail to show line information and source code

bugzilla-daemon at llvm.org bugzilla-daemon at llvm.org
Sat Jun 12 14:10:29 PDT 2010


           Summary: addr2line/gdb fail to show line information and source
           Product: clang
           Version: 2.7
          Platform: PC
        OS/Version: Linux
            Status: NEW
          Severity: normal
          Priority: P
         Component: LLVM Codegen
        AssignedTo: unassignedclangbugs at nondot.org
        ReportedBy: luca.barbieri at gmail.com
                CC: llvmbugs at cs.uiuc.edu

clang with -g -O0 seems to either produce wrong debug information, or trigger a
bug in binutils/libbfd (assuming my system isn't somehow broken).

Note that it seems to only trigger in some cases: removing the infinite loop in
main makes things work.

This also happens on larger programs and using gdb.
Changing binutils and clang versions did not seem to help.

Any ideas on where the problem is?

$ cat test.c
int main(int argc, char** argv)
    for(;;) {}
    return 0;

$ gcc -g -O0 test.c
$ nm a.out|grep 'main$'
080483b4 T main
$ addr2line 080483b4

$ clang -g -O0 test.c
$ nm a.out|grep 'main$'
080483c0 T main
$ addr2line 080483c0

$ uname -a
Linux lb-linux 2.6.34-lb #15 SMP Mon May 31 17:47:02 CEST 2010 i686 GNU/Linux

$ clang -v
clang version 1.1 (branches/release_27)
Target: i386-pc-linux-gnu
Thread model: posix

$ addr2line -v
GNU addr2line (GNU Binutils for Ubuntu) 2.20.1-system.20100303
Copyright 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This program is free software; you may redistribute it under the terms of
the GNU General Public License version 3 or (at your option) any later version.
This program has absolutely no warranty.

$ clang -emit-llvm -S -g -O0 test.c && cat test.s
; ModuleID = 'test.c'
target datalayout =
target triple = "i386-pc-linux-gnu"

define i32 @main(i32 %argc, i8** %argv) nounwind {
  %1 = alloca i32, align 4                        ; <i32*> [#uses=2]
  %2 = alloca i32, align 4                        ; <i32*> [#uses=1]
  %3 = alloca i8**, align 4                       ; <i8***> [#uses=1]
  store i32 0, i32* %1
  store i32 %argc, i32* %2
  call void @llvm.dbg.declare(metadata !{i32* %2}, metadata !0), !dbg !6
  store i8** %argv, i8*** %3
  call void @llvm.dbg.declare(metadata !{i8*** %3}, metadata !7), !dbg !11
  br label %4, !dbg !12

; <label>:4                                       ; preds = %4, %0
  br label %4, !dbg !12
                                                  ; No predecessors!
  %6 = load i32* %1, !dbg !14                     ; <i32> [#uses=1]
  ret i32 %6, !dbg !14

declare void @llvm.dbg.declare(metadata, metadata) nounwind readnone

!0 = metadata !{i32 459009, metadata !1, metadata !"argc", metadata !2, i32 1,
metadata !5} ; [ DW_TAG_arg_variable ]
!1 = metadata !{i32 458798, i32 0, metadata !2, metadata !"main", metadata
!"main", metadata !"main", metadata !2, i32 2, metadata !3, i1 false, i1 true,
i32 0, i32 0, null, i1 false} ; [ DW_TAG_subprogram ]
!2 = metadata !{i32 458769, i32 0, i32 12, metadata !"test.c", metadata
!"/home/lb/pers/src/misc", metadata !"clang 1.1", i1 true, i1 false, metadata
!"", i32 0} ; [ DW_TAG_compile_unit ]
!3 = metadata !{i32 458773, metadata !2, metadata !"", null, i32 0, i64 0, i64
0, i64 0, i32 0, null, metadata !4, i32 0, null} ; [ DW_TAG_subroutine_type ]
!4 = metadata !{metadata !5}
!5 = metadata !{i32 458788, metadata !2, metadata !"int", metadata !2, i32 0,
i64 32, i64 32, i64 0, i32 0, i32 5} ; [ DW_TAG_base_type ]
!6 = metadata !{i32 1, i32 14, metadata !1, null}
!7 = metadata !{i32 459009, metadata !1, metadata !"argv", metadata !2, i32 1,
metadata !8} ; [ DW_TAG_arg_variable ]
!8 = metadata !{i32 458767, metadata !2, metadata !"", null, i32 0, i64 32, i64
32, i64 0, i32 0, metadata !9} ; [ DW_TAG_pointer_type ]
!9 = metadata !{i32 458767, metadata !2, metadata !"", null, i32 0, i64 32, i64
32, i64 0, i32 0, metadata !10} ; [ DW_TAG_pointer_type ]
!10 = metadata !{i32 458788, metadata !2, metadata !"char", metadata !2, i32 0,
i64 8, i64 8, i64 0, i32 0, i32 6} ; [ DW_TAG_base_type ]
!11 = metadata !{i32 1, i32 27, metadata !1, null}
!12 = metadata !{i32 3, i32 2, metadata !13, null}
!13 = metadata !{i32 458763, metadata !1, i32 2, i32 1} ; [
DW_TAG_lexical_block ]
!14 = metadata !{i32 5, i32 1, metadata !1, null}

$ clang -S -g -O0 test.c && cat test.s
    .file    "test.c"
    .section    .debug_frame,"", at progbits
    .section    .debug_info,"", at progbits
    .section    .debug_abbrev,"", at progbits
    .section    .debug_aranges,"", at progbits
    .section    .debug_macinfo,"", at progbits
    .section    .debug_line,"", at progbits
    .section    .debug_loc,"", at progbits
    .section    .debug_pubnames,"", at progbits
    .section    .debug_pubtypes,"", at progbits
    .section    .debug_str,"", at progbits
    .section    .debug_ranges,"", at progbits
    .globl    main
    .align    16, 0x90
    .type    main, at function
    pushl    %ebp
    movl    %esp, %ebp
    subl    $12, %esp
    movl    8(%ebp), %eax
    movl    12(%ebp), %ecx
    movl    $0, -4(%ebp)
    movl    %eax, -8(%ebp)
    movl    %ecx, -12(%ebp)
    jmp    .LBB1_1
    .size    main, .-main

    .section    .debug_frame,"", at progbits
    .set    .Lset1dbg,.Ldebug_frame_common_end-.Ldebug_frame_common_begin
    .long    .Lset1dbg
    .long    4294967295

    .byte    1

    .byte    0

    .uleb128    1
    .sleb128    -4
    .byte    8

    .byte    12
    .uleb128    4
    .uleb128    4
    .byte    136
    .uleb128    1
    .align    4

    .section    .debug_info,"", at progbits
    .long    83

    .short    2

    .set    .Lset2dbg,.Labbrev_begin
    .long    .Lset2dbg
    .byte    4

    .uleb128    1
    .set    .Lset3dbg,.Lsection_line
    .long    .Lset3dbg

    .ascii     "clang 1.1"
    .byte    0

    .byte    12

    .ascii     "test.c"
    .byte    0

    .ascii     "/home/lb/pers/src/misc"
    .byte    0

    .uleb128    2
    .byte    5

    .ascii     "int"
    .byte    0

    .byte    4

    .uleb128    3
    .ascii     "main"
    .byte    0

    .ascii     "main"
    .byte    0

    .byte    1

    .byte    2

    .byte    1

    .long    57

    .byte    0

    .byte    0

    .byte    0

    .byte    0

    .byte    0


    .section    .debug_abbrev,"", at progbits
    .uleb128    1
    .uleb128    17
    .uleb128    1
    .uleb128    16
    .uleb128    6
    .uleb128    37
    .uleb128    8
    .uleb128    19
    .uleb128    11
    .uleb128    3
    .uleb128    8
    .uleb128    27
    .uleb128    8
    .uleb128    0
    .uleb128    0

    .uleb128    2
    .uleb128    36
    .uleb128    0
    .uleb128    62
    .uleb128    11
    .uleb128    3
    .uleb128    8
    .uleb128    11
    .uleb128    11
    .uleb128    0
    .uleb128    0

    .uleb128    3
    .uleb128    46
    .uleb128    0
    .uleb128    3
    .uleb128    8
    .uleb128    8199
    .uleb128    8
    .uleb128    58
    .uleb128    11
    .uleb128    59
    .uleb128    11
    .uleb128    39
    .uleb128    12
    .uleb128    73
    .uleb128    19
    .uleb128    0
    .uleb128    0

    .uleb128    0

    .section    .debug_line,"", at progbits
    .set    .Lset4dbg,.Lline_end-.Lline_begin
    .long    .Lset4dbg
    .short    2

    .set    .Lset5dbg,.Lline_prolog_end-.Lline_prolog_begin
    .long    .Lset5dbg
    .byte    1

    .byte    1

    .byte    246

    .byte    245

    .byte    10

    .byte    0

    .byte    1

    .byte    1

    .byte    1

    .byte    1

    .byte    0

    .byte    0

    .byte    0

    .byte    1

    .asciz     "/home/lb/pers/src/misc"
    .byte    0

    .asciz     "test.c"
    .uleb128    1
    .uleb128    0
    .uleb128    0
    .byte    0

    .byte    0

    .byte    5

    .byte    2

    .long    .Lsection_end1
    .byte    0

    .byte    1
    .byte    1

    .section    .debug_pubnames,"", at progbits
    .set    .Lset6dbg,.Lpubnames_end1-.Lpubnames_begin1
    .long    .Lset6dbg
    .short    2

    .set    .Lset7dbg,.Linfo_begin1
    .long    .Lset7dbg
    .set    .Lset8dbg,.Linfo_end1-.Linfo_begin1
    .long    .Lset8dbg
    .long    64

    .asciz     "main"
    .long    0


    .section    .debug_pubtypes,"", at progbits
    .set    .Lset9dbg,.Lpubtypes_end1-.Lpubtypes_begin1
    .long    .Lset9dbg
    .short    2
    .set    .Lset10dbg,.Linfo_begin1
    .long    .Lset10dbg
    .set    .Lset11dbg,.Linfo_end1-.Linfo_begin1
    .long    .Lset11dbg
    .long    0


    .section    .debug_loc,"", at progbits
    .section    .debug_aranges,"", at progbits
    .section    .debug_ranges,"", at progbits
    .section    .debug_macinfo,"", at progbits

    .section    .note.GNU-stack,"", at progbits

$ readelf --debug-dump a.out
Contents of the .debug_pubnames section:

  Length:                              23
  Version:                             2
  Offset into .debug_info section:     0x0
  Size of area in .debug_info section: 87

    Offset    Name
    40        main

Contents of the .debug_info section:

  Compilation Unit @ offset 0x0:
   Length:        0x53 (32-bit)
   Version:       2
   Abbrev Offset: 0
   Pointer Size:  4
 <0><b>: Abbrev Number: 1 (DW_TAG_compile_unit)
    < c>   DW_AT_stmt_list   : 0x0    
    <10>   DW_AT_producer    : clang 1.1    
    <1a>   DW_AT_language    : 12    (ANSI C99)
    <1b>   DW_AT_name        : test.c    
    <22>   DW_AT_comp_dir    : /home/lb/pers/src/misc    
 <1><39>: Abbrev Number: 2 (DW_TAG_base_type)
    <3a>   DW_AT_encoding    : 5    (signed)
    <3b>   DW_AT_name        : int    
    <3f>   DW_AT_byte_size   : 4    
 <1><40>: Abbrev Number: 3 (DW_TAG_subprogram)
    <41>   DW_AT_name        : main    
    <46>   DW_AT_MIPS_linkage_name: main    
    <4b>   DW_AT_decl_file   : 1    
    <4c>   DW_AT_decl_line   : 2    
    <4d>   DW_AT_prototyped  : 1    
    <4e>   DW_AT_type        : <0x39>    

Contents of the .debug_abbrev section:

  Number TAG
   1      DW_TAG_compile_unit    [has children]
    DW_AT_stmt_list    DW_FORM_data4
    DW_AT_producer     DW_FORM_string
    DW_AT_language     DW_FORM_data1
    DW_AT_name         DW_FORM_string
    DW_AT_comp_dir     DW_FORM_string
   2      DW_TAG_base_type    [no children]
    DW_AT_encoding     DW_FORM_data1
    DW_AT_name         DW_FORM_string
    DW_AT_byte_size    DW_FORM_data1
   3      DW_TAG_subprogram    [no children]
    DW_AT_name         DW_FORM_string
    DW_AT_MIPS_linkage_name DW_FORM_string
    DW_AT_decl_file    DW_FORM_data1
    DW_AT_decl_line    DW_FORM_data1
    DW_AT_prototyped   DW_FORM_flag
    DW_AT_type         DW_FORM_ref4

Raw dump of debug contents of section .debug_line:

  Offset:                      0x0
  Length:                      65
  DWARF Version:               2
  Prologue Length:             49
  Minimum Instruction Length:  1
  Initial value of 'is_stmt':  1
  Line Base:                   -10
  Line Range:                  245
  Opcode Base:                 10

  Opcode 1 has 0 args
  Opcode 2 has 1 args
  Opcode 3 has 1 args
  Opcode 4 has 1 args
  Opcode 5 has 1 args
  Opcode 6 has 0 args
  Opcode 7 has 0 args
  Opcode 8 has 0 args
  Opcode 9 has 1 args

 The Directory Table:

 The File Name Table:
  Entry    Dir    Time    Size    Name
  1    1    0    0    test.c

 Line Number Statements:
  Extended opcode 2: set Address to 0x80483db
  Extended opcode 1: End of Sequence

  Offset:                      0x45
  Length:                      68
  DWARF Version:               2
  Prologue Length:             39
  Minimum Instruction Length:  1
  Initial value of 'is_stmt':  1
  Line Base:                   -5
  Line Range:                  14
  Opcode Base:                 13

  Opcode 1 has 0 args
  Opcode 2 has 1 args
  Opcode 3 has 1 args
  Opcode 4 has 1 args
  Opcode 5 has 1 args
  Opcode 6 has 0 args
  Opcode 7 has 0 args
  Opcode 8 has 0 args
  Opcode 9 has 1 args
  Opcode 10 has 0 args
  Opcode 11 has 0 args
  Opcode 12 has 1 args

 The Directory Table:

 The File Name Table:
  Entry    Dir    Time    Size    Name
  1    1    0    0    cc-g9lJBF.s

 Line Number Statements:
  Extended opcode 2: set Address to 0x80483c0
  Advance Line by 32 to 33
  Special opcode 21: advance Address by 1 to 0x80483c1 and Line by 2 to 35
  Special opcode 35: advance Address by 2 to 0x80483c3 and Line by 2 to 37
  Special opcode 49: advance Address by 3 to 0x80483c6 and Line by 2 to 39
  Special opcode 48: advance Address by 3 to 0x80483c9 and Line by 1 to 40
  Special opcode 48: advance Address by 3 to 0x80483cc and Line by 1 to 41
  Special opcode 104: advance Address by 7 to 0x80483d3 and Line by 1 to 42
  Special opcode 48: advance Address by 3 to 0x80483d6 and Line by 1 to 43
  Special opcode 49: advance Address by 3 to 0x80483d9 and Line by 2 to 45
  Advance PC by 2 to 0x80483db
  Extended opcode 1: End of Sequence

Contents of the .debug_frame section:

00000000 00000010 ffffffff CIE
  Version:               1
  Augmentation:          ""
  Code alignment factor: 1
  Data alignment factor: -4
  Return address column: 8

  DW_CFA_def_cfa: r4 (esp) ofs 4
  DW_CFA_offset: r8 (eip) at cfa-4

Contents of the .debug_pubtypes section:

  Length:                              14
  Version:                             2
  Offset into .debug_info section:     0x0
  Size of area in .debug_info section: 87

    Offset    Name

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