[llvm-branch-commits] [lldb] r199060 - Improvements to the source window's disassembly view:

Greg Clayton gclayton at apple.com
Sun Jan 12 10:32:03 PST 2014

Author: gclayton
Date: Sun Jan 12 12:32:02 2014
New Revision: 199060

URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project?rev=199060&view=rev
Improvements to the source window's disassembly view:
- show disassembly if we have debug info with source info, yet the source isn't available
- scroll to PC when a new frame is selected even if the call is recursive
- make sure the selected line is always visible in disassembly mode
- breakpoints now can be viewed (address is highlighted) and set ('b') in disassembly mode
- the RETURN button now works to run to the selected line using a one shot breakpoint

Fixed an issue where if you hid the variables window and then show it again it would replace the contents of the with registers instead of frame locals.


Modified: lldb/branches/iohandler/source/Core/IOHandler.cpp
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/lldb/branches/iohandler/source/Core/IOHandler.cpp?rev=199060&r1=199059&r2=199060&view=diff
--- lldb/branches/iohandler/source/Core/IOHandler.cpp (original)
+++ lldb/branches/iohandler/source/Core/IOHandler.cpp Sun Jan 12 12:32:02 2014
@@ -3587,7 +3587,7 @@ public:
                         WindowSP new_window_sp = main_window_sp->CreateSubWindow ("Variables",
-                        new_window_sp->SetDelegate (WindowDelegateSP(new RegistersWindowDelegate(m_debugger)));
+                        new_window_sp->SetDelegate (WindowDelegateSP(new FrameVariablesWindowDelegate(m_debugger)));
@@ -3729,6 +3729,7 @@ public:
         m_selected_line (0),
         m_pc_line (0),
         m_stop_id (0),
+        m_frame_idx (UINT32_MAX),
         m_first_visible_line (0),
         m_min_x (0),
         m_min_y (0),
@@ -3793,24 +3794,46 @@ public:
             StackFrameSP frame_sp;
             const bool process_alive = process ? process->IsAlive() : false;
+            bool thread_changed = false;
             if (process_alive)
                 thread = exe_ctx.GetThreadPtr();
                 if (thread)
+                {
                     frame_sp = thread->GetSelectedFrame();
+                    auto tid = thread->GetID();
+                    thread_changed = tid != m_tid;
+                    m_tid = tid;
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    if (m_tid != LLDB_INVALID_THREAD_ID)
+                    {
+                        thread_changed = true;
+                        m_tid = LLDB_INVALID_THREAD_ID;
+                    }
+                }
             const uint32_t stop_id = process ? process->GetStopID() : 0;
             const bool stop_id_changed = stop_id != m_stop_id;
+            bool frame_changed = false;
             m_stop_id = stop_id;
             if (frame_sp)
                 m_sc = frame_sp->GetSymbolContext(eSymbolContextEverything);
+                const uint32_t frame_idx = frame_sp->GetFrameIndex();
+                frame_changed = frame_idx != m_frame_idx;
+                m_frame_idx = frame_idx;
+                frame_changed = m_frame_idx != UINT32_MAX;
+                m_frame_idx = UINT32_MAX;
+            const bool context_changed = thread_changed || frame_changed || stop_id_changed;
             if (process_alive)
                 if (m_sc.line_entry.IsValid())
@@ -3819,7 +3842,7 @@ public:
                     if (m_pc_line != UINT32_MAX)
                         --m_pc_line; // Convert to zero based line number...
                     // Update the selected line if the stop ID changed...
-                    if (stop_id_changed)
+                    if (context_changed)
                         m_selected_line = m_pc_line;
                     if (m_file_sp && m_file_sp->FileSpecMatches(m_sc.line_entry.file))
@@ -3886,7 +3909,7 @@ public:
-                            set_selected_line_to_pc = stop_id_changed;
+                            set_selected_line_to_pc = context_changed;
                     else if (m_sc.symbol)
@@ -3908,7 +3931,7 @@ public:
-                            set_selected_line_to_pc = stop_id_changed;
+                            set_selected_line_to_pc = context_changed;
@@ -3919,7 +3942,8 @@ public:
             Target *target = exe_ctx.GetTargetPtr();
-            if (m_file_sp && m_file_sp->GetNumLines() > 0)
+            const size_t num_source_lines = GetNumSourceLines();
+            if (num_source_lines > 0)
                 // Display source
                 BreakpointLines bp_lines;
@@ -3950,11 +3974,10 @@ public:
                 const attr_t selected_highlight_attr = A_REVERSE;
                 const attr_t pc_highlight_attr = COLOR_PAIR(1);
-                const size_t num_lines = m_file_sp->GetNumLines();
                 for (int i=0; i<num_visible_lines; ++i)
                     const uint32_t curr_line = m_first_visible_line + i;
-                    if (curr_line < num_lines)
+                    if (curr_line < num_source_lines)
                         const int line_y = 1+i;
                         window.MoveCursor(1, line_y);
@@ -4027,131 +4050,147 @@ public:
-    //            // Display disassembly
-    //            BreakpointLines bp_lines;
-    //            Target *target = exe_ctx.GetTargetPtr();
-    //            if (target)
-    //            {
-    //                BreakpointList &bp_list = target->GetBreakpointList();
-    //                const size_t num_bps = bp_list.GetSize();
-    //                for (size_t bp_idx=0; bp_idx<num_bps; ++bp_idx)
-    //                {
-    //                    BreakpointSP bp_sp = bp_list.GetBreakpointAtIndex(bp_idx);
-    //                    const size_t num_bps_locs = bp_sp->GetNumLocations();
-    //                    for (size_t bp_loc_idx=0; bp_loc_idx<num_bps_locs; ++bp_loc_idx)
-    //                    {
-    //                        BreakpointLocationSP bp_loc_sp = bp_sp->GetLocationAtIndex(bp_loc_idx);
-    //                        LineEntry bp_loc_line_entry;
-    //                        if (bp_loc_sp->GetAddress().CalculateSymbolContextLineEntry (bp_loc_line_entry))
-    //                        {
-    //                            if (m_file_sp->GetFileSpec() == bp_loc_line_entry.file)
-    //                            {
-    //                                bp_lines.insert(bp_loc_line_entry.line);
-    //                            }
-    //                        }
-    //                    }
-    //                }
-    //            }
-                const attr_t selected_highlight_attr = A_REVERSE;
-                const attr_t pc_highlight_attr = COLOR_PAIR(1);
-                StreamString strm;
-                InstructionList &insts = m_disassembly_sp->GetInstructionList();
-                Address pc_address = frame_sp->GetFrameCodeAddress();
-                const uint32_t pc_idx = insts.GetIndexOfInstructionAtAddress (pc_address);
-                if (set_selected_line_to_pc)
-                    m_selected_line = pc_idx;
-                for (size_t i=0; i<num_visible_lines; ++i)
-                {
-                    const uint32_t inst_idx = m_first_visible_line + i;
-                    Instruction *inst = insts.GetInstructionAtIndex(inst_idx).get();
-                    if (!inst)
-                        break;
-                    window.MoveCursor(1, i+1);
-                    const bool is_pc_line = inst_idx == pc_idx;
-                    const bool line_is_selected = m_selected_line == inst_idx;
-                    // Highlight the line as the PC line first, then if the selected line
-                    // isn't the same as the PC line, highlight it differently
-                    attr_t highlight_attr = 0;
-                    attr_t bp_attr = 0;
-                    if (is_pc_line)
-                        highlight_attr = pc_highlight_attr;
-                    else if (line_is_selected)
-                        highlight_attr = selected_highlight_attr;
-    //                    if (bp_lines.find(curr_line+1) != bp_lines.end())
-    //                        bp_attr = COLOR_PAIR(2);
-                    if (bp_attr)
-                        window.AttributeOn(bp_attr);
-                    window.Printf (" 0x%16.16llx ", inst->GetAddress().GetLoadAddress(target));
-                    if (bp_attr)
-                        window.AttributeOff(bp_attr);
-                    window.PutChar(ACS_VLINE);
-                    // Mark the line with the PC with a diamond
-                    if (is_pc_line)
-                        window.PutChar(ACS_DIAMOND);
-                    else
-                        window.PutChar(' ');
+                size_t num_disassembly_lines = GetNumDisassemblyLines();
+                if (num_disassembly_lines > 0)
+                {
+                    // Display disassembly
+                    BreakpointAddrs bp_file_addrs;
+                    Target *target = exe_ctx.GetTargetPtr();
+                    if (target)
+                    {
+                        BreakpointList &bp_list = target->GetBreakpointList();
+                        const size_t num_bps = bp_list.GetSize();
+                        for (size_t bp_idx=0; bp_idx<num_bps; ++bp_idx)
+                        {
+                            BreakpointSP bp_sp = bp_list.GetBreakpointAtIndex(bp_idx);
+                            const size_t num_bps_locs = bp_sp->GetNumLocations();
+                            for (size_t bp_loc_idx=0; bp_loc_idx<num_bps_locs; ++bp_loc_idx)
+                            {
+                                BreakpointLocationSP bp_loc_sp = bp_sp->GetLocationAtIndex(bp_loc_idx);
+                                LineEntry bp_loc_line_entry;
+                                const lldb::addr_t file_addr = bp_loc_sp->GetAddress().GetFileAddress();
+                                if (file_addr != LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS)
+                                {
+                                    if (m_disassembly_range.ContainsFileAddress(file_addr))
+                                        bp_file_addrs.insert(file_addr);
+                                }
+                            }
+                        }
+                    }
-                    if (highlight_attr)
-                        window.AttributeOn(highlight_attr);
-                    const char *mnemonic = inst->GetMnemonic(&exe_ctx);
-                    const char *operands = inst->GetOperands(&exe_ctx);
-                    const char *comment = inst->GetComment(&exe_ctx);
-                    if (mnemonic && mnemonic[0] == '\0')
-                        mnemonic = NULL;
-                    if (operands && operands[0] == '\0')
-                        operands = NULL;
-                    if (comment && comment[0] == '\0')
-                        comment = NULL;
+                    const attr_t selected_highlight_attr = A_REVERSE;
+                    const attr_t pc_highlight_attr = COLOR_PAIR(1);
-                    strm.Clear();
+                    StreamString strm;
-                    if (mnemonic && operands && comment)
-                        strm.Printf ("%-8s %-25s ; %s", mnemonic, operands, comment);
-                    else if (mnemonic && operands)
-                        strm.Printf ("%-8s %s", mnemonic, operands);
-                    else if (mnemonic)
-                        strm.Printf ("%s", mnemonic);
-                    int right_pad = 1;
-                    window.PutCStringTruncated(strm.GetString().c_str(), right_pad);
-                    if (is_pc_line && frame_sp && frame_sp->GetConcreteFrameIndex() == 0)
+                    InstructionList &insts = m_disassembly_sp->GetInstructionList();
+                    Address pc_address = frame_sp->GetFrameCodeAddress();
+                    const uint32_t pc_idx = insts.GetIndexOfInstructionAtAddress (pc_address);
+                    if (set_selected_line_to_pc)
-                        StopInfoSP stop_info_sp;
-                        if (thread)
-                            stop_info_sp = thread->GetStopInfo();
-                        if (stop_info_sp)
-                        {
-                            const char *stop_description = stop_info_sp->GetDescription();
-                            if (stop_description && stop_description[0])
-                            {
-                                size_t stop_description_len = strlen(stop_description);
-                                int desc_x = window.GetWidth() - stop_description_len - 16;
-                                window.Printf ("%*s", desc_x - window.GetCursorX(), "");
-                                //window.MoveCursor(window.GetWidth() - stop_description_len - 15, line_y);
-                                window.Printf ("<<< Thread %u: %s ", thread->GetIndexID(), stop_description);
-                            }
-                        }
+                        m_selected_line = pc_idx;
+                    }
+                    const uint32_t non_visible_pc_offset = (num_visible_lines / 5);
+                    if (m_first_visible_line >= num_disassembly_lines)
+                        m_first_visible_line = 0;
+                    if (pc_idx < num_disassembly_lines)
+                    {
+                        if (pc_idx < m_first_visible_line ||
+                            pc_idx >= m_first_visible_line + num_visible_lines)
+                            m_first_visible_line = pc_idx - non_visible_pc_offset;
+                    }
+                    for (size_t i=0; i<num_visible_lines; ++i)
+                    {
+                        const uint32_t inst_idx = m_first_visible_line + i;
+                        Instruction *inst = insts.GetInstructionAtIndex(inst_idx).get();
+                        if (!inst)
+                            break;
+                        window.MoveCursor(1, i+1);
+                        const bool is_pc_line = inst_idx == pc_idx;
+                        const bool line_is_selected = m_selected_line == inst_idx;
+                        // Highlight the line as the PC line first, then if the selected line
+                        // isn't the same as the PC line, highlight it differently
+                        attr_t highlight_attr = 0;
+                        attr_t bp_attr = 0;
+                        if (is_pc_line)
+                            highlight_attr = pc_highlight_attr;
+                        else if (line_is_selected)
+                            highlight_attr = selected_highlight_attr;
+                        if (bp_file_addrs.find(inst->GetAddress().GetFileAddress()) != bp_file_addrs.end())
+                            bp_attr = COLOR_PAIR(2);
+                        if (bp_attr)
+                            window.AttributeOn(bp_attr);
+                        window.Printf (" 0x%16.16llx ", inst->GetAddress().GetLoadAddress(target));
+                        if (bp_attr)
+                            window.AttributeOff(bp_attr);
+                        window.PutChar(ACS_VLINE);
+                        // Mark the line with the PC with a diamond
+                        if (is_pc_line)
+                            window.PutChar(ACS_DIAMOND);
+                            window.PutChar(' ');
+                        if (highlight_attr)
+                            window.AttributeOn(highlight_attr);
+                        const char *mnemonic = inst->GetMnemonic(&exe_ctx);
+                        const char *operands = inst->GetOperands(&exe_ctx);
+                        const char *comment = inst->GetComment(&exe_ctx);
+                        if (mnemonic && mnemonic[0] == '\0')
+                            mnemonic = NULL;
+                        if (operands && operands[0] == '\0')
+                            operands = NULL;
+                        if (comment && comment[0] == '\0')
+                            comment = NULL;
+                        strm.Clear();
+                        if (mnemonic && operands && comment)
+                            strm.Printf ("%-8s %-25s ; %s", mnemonic, operands, comment);
+                        else if (mnemonic && operands)
+                            strm.Printf ("%-8s %s", mnemonic, operands);
+                        else if (mnemonic)
+                            strm.Printf ("%s", mnemonic);
+                        int right_pad = 1;
+                        window.PutCStringTruncated(strm.GetString().c_str(), right_pad);
+                        if (is_pc_line && frame_sp && frame_sp->GetConcreteFrameIndex() == 0)
-                            window.Printf ("%*s", window.GetWidth() - window.GetCursorX() - 1, "");
+                            StopInfoSP stop_info_sp;
+                            if (thread)
+                                stop_info_sp = thread->GetStopInfo();
+                            if (stop_info_sp)
+                            {
+                                const char *stop_description = stop_info_sp->GetDescription();
+                                if (stop_description && stop_description[0])
+                                {
+                                    size_t stop_description_len = strlen(stop_description);
+                                    int desc_x = window.GetWidth() - stop_description_len - 16;
+                                    window.Printf ("%*s", desc_x - window.GetCursorX(), "");
+                                    //window.MoveCursor(window.GetWidth() - stop_description_len - 15, line_y);
+                                    window.Printf ("<<< Thread %u: %s ", thread->GetIndexID(), stop_description);
+                                }
+                            }
+                            else
+                            {
+                                window.Printf ("%*s", window.GetWidth() - window.GetCursorX() - 1, "");
+                            }
+                        if (highlight_attr)
+                            window.AttributeOff(highlight_attr);
-                    if (highlight_attr)
-                        window.AttributeOff(highlight_attr);
@@ -4159,11 +4198,35 @@ public:
         return true; // Drawing handled
+    size_t
+    GetNumLines ()
+    {
+        size_t num_lines = GetNumSourceLines();
+        if (num_lines == 0)
+            num_lines = GetNumDisassemblyLines();
+        return num_lines;
+    }
+    size_t
+    GetNumSourceLines () const
+    {
+        if (m_file_sp)
+            return m_file_sp->GetNumLines();
+        return 0;
+    }
+    size_t
+    GetNumDisassemblyLines () const
+    {
+        if (m_disassembly_sp)
+            return m_disassembly_sp->GetInstructionList().GetSize();
+        return 0;
+    }
     virtual HandleCharResult
     WindowDelegateHandleChar (Window &window, int c)
         const uint32_t num_visible_lines = NumVisibleLines();
-        const size_t num_lines = m_file_sp ? m_file_sp->GetNumLines() : 0;
+        const size_t num_lines = GetNumLines ();
         switch (c)
@@ -4213,7 +4276,7 @@ public:
             case '\n':
             case KEY_ENTER:
                 // Set a breakpoint and run to the line using a one shot breakpoint
-                if (m_file_sp && m_selected_line > 0)
+                if (GetNumSourceLines() > 0)
                     ExecutionContext exe_ctx = m_debugger.GetCommandInterpreter().GetExecutionContext();
                     if (exe_ctx.HasProcessScope() && exe_ctx.GetProcessRef().IsAlive())
@@ -4230,10 +4293,25 @@ public:
+                else if (m_selected_line < GetNumDisassemblyLines())
+                {
+                    const Instruction *inst = m_disassembly_sp->GetInstructionList().GetInstructionAtIndex(m_selected_line).get();
+                    ExecutionContext exe_ctx = m_debugger.GetCommandInterpreter().GetExecutionContext();
+                    if (exe_ctx.HasTargetScope())
+                    {
+                        Address addr = inst->GetAddress();
+                        BreakpointSP bp_sp = exe_ctx.GetTargetRef().CreateBreakpoint (addr,     // lldb_private::Address
+                                                                                      false,    // internal
+                                                                                      false);   // request_hardware
+                        // Make breakpoint one shot
+                        bp_sp->GetOptions()->SetOneShot(true);
+                        exe_ctx.GetProcessRef().Resume();
+                    }
+                }
                 return eKeyHandled;
             case 'b':   // 'b' == toggle breakpoint on currently selected line
-                if (m_file_sp && m_selected_line > 0)
+                if (m_selected_line < GetNumSourceLines())
                     ExecutionContext exe_ctx = m_debugger.GetCommandInterpreter().GetExecutionContext();
                     if (exe_ctx.HasTargetScope())
@@ -4247,6 +4325,18 @@ public:
                                                                                       false);                    // request_hardware
+                else if (m_selected_line < GetNumDisassemblyLines())
+                {
+                    const Instruction *inst = m_disassembly_sp->GetInstructionList().GetInstructionAtIndex(m_selected_line).get();
+                    ExecutionContext exe_ctx = m_debugger.GetCommandInterpreter().GetExecutionContext();
+                    if (exe_ctx.HasTargetScope())
+                    {
+                        Address addr = inst->GetAddress();
+                        BreakpointSP bp_sp = exe_ctx.GetTargetRef().CreateBreakpoint (addr,     // lldb_private::Address
+                                                                                      false,    // internal
+                                                                                      false);   // request_hardware
+                    }
+                }
                 return eKeyHandled;
             case 'd':   // 'd' == detach and let run
@@ -4391,6 +4481,7 @@ public:
     typedef std::set<uint32_t> BreakpointLines;
+    typedef std::set<lldb::addr_t> BreakpointAddrs;
     Debugger &m_debugger;
     SymbolContext m_sc;
@@ -4398,11 +4489,13 @@ protected:
     SymbolContextScope *m_disassembly_scope;
     lldb::DisassemblerSP m_disassembly_sp;
     AddressRange m_disassembly_range;
+    lldb::user_id_t m_tid;
     char m_line_format[8];
     int m_line_width;
     uint32_t m_selected_line;       // The selected line
     uint32_t m_pc_line;             // The line with the PC
     uint32_t m_stop_id;
+    uint32_t m_frame_idx;
     int m_first_visible_line;
     int m_min_x;
     int m_min_y;

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