[lldb-dev] Huge mangled names are causing long delays when loading symbol table symbols

Erik Pilkington via lldb-dev lldb-dev at lists.llvm.org
Thu Jan 25 10:25:16 PST 2018

I'm not at all familiar with LLDB, but I've been doing some work on the 
demangler in libcxxabi. It's still a work in progress and I haven't yet 
copied the changes over to ItaniumDemangle, which AFAIK is what lldb 
uses. The demangler in libcxxabi now demangles the symbol you attached 
in 3.31 seconds, instead of 223.54 on my machine. I posted a RFC on my 
work here 
(http://lists.llvm.org/pipermail/llvm-dev/2017-June/114448.html), but 
basically the new demangler just produces an AST then traverses it to 
print the demangled name.

I think a good way of making this even faster is to have LLDB consume 
the AST the demangler produces directly. The AST is a better 
representation of the information that LLDB wants, and finishing the 
demangle and then fishing out that information from the output string is 
unfortunate. From the AST, it would be really straightforward to just 
individually print all the components of the name that LLDB wants.

Most of the time it takes to demangle these "symbols from hell" is 
during the printing, after the AST has been parsed, because the 
demangler has to flatten out all the potentially nested back references. 
Just parsing to an AST should be about proportional to the strlen of the 
mangled name. Since (AFAIK) LLDB doesn't use some sections of the 
demangled name often (such as parameters), from the AST LLDB could 
lazily decide not to even bother fully demangling some sections of the 
name, then if it ever needs them it could parse a new AST and get them 
from there. I think this would largely fix the issue, as most of the 
time these crazy expansions don't occur in the name itself, but in the 
parameters or return type. Even when they do appear in the name, it 
would be possible to do some simple name classification (ie, does this 
symbol refer to a function) or pull out the basename quickly without 
expanding anything at all.

Any thoughts? I'm really not at all familiar with LLDB, so I could have 
this all wrong!


On 2018-01-24 6:48 PM, Greg Clayton via lldb-dev wrote:
> I have an issue where I am debugging a C++ binary that is around 250MB in size. It contains some mangled names that are crazy:
> _ZNK3shk6detail17CallbackPublisherIZNS_5ThrowERKNSt15__exception_ptr13exception_ptrEEUlOT_E_E9SubscribeINS0_9ConcatMapINS0_18CallbackSubscriberIZNS_6GetAllIiNS1_IZZNS_9ConcatMapIZNS_6ConcatIJNS1_IZZNS_3MapIZZNS_7IfEmptyIS9_EEDaS7_ENKUlS6_E_clINS1_IZZNS_4TakeIiEESI_S7_ENKUlS6_E_clINS1_IZZNS_6FilterIZNS_9ElementAtEmEUlS7_E_EESI_S7_ENKUlS6_E_clINS1_IZZNSL_ImEESI_S7_ENKUlS6_E_clINS1_IZNS_4FromINS0_22InfiniteRangeContainerIiEEEESI_S7_EUlS7_E_EEEESI_S6_EUlS7_E_EEEESI_S6_EUlS7_E_EEEESI_S6_EUlS7_E_EEEESI_S6_EUlS7_E_EESI_S7_ENKUlS6_E_clIS14_EESI_S6_EUlS7_E_EERNS1_IZZNSH_IS9_EESI_S7_ENKSK_IS14_EESI_S6_EUlS7_E0_EEEEESI_DpOT_EUlS7_E_EESI_S7_ENKUlS6_E_clINS1_IZNS_5StartIJZNS_4JustIJS19_S1C_EEESI_S1F_EUlvE_ZNS1K_IJS19_S1C_EEESI_S1F_EUlvE0_EEESI_S1F_EUlS7_E_EEEESI_S6_EUlS7_E_EEEESt6vectorIS6_SaIS6_EERKT0_NS_12ElementCountEbEUlS7_E_ZNSD_IiS1Q_EES1T_S1W_S1X_bEUlOS3_E_ZNSD_IiS1Q_EES1T_S1W_S1X_bEUlvE_EES1G_S1O_E25ConcatMapValuesSubscriberEEEDaS7_
> This de-mangles to something that is 72MB in size and takes 280 seconds (try running "time c++filt -n" on the above string).
> There are probably many symbols likes this in this binary. Currently lldb will de-mangle all names in the symbol table so that we can chop up the names so we know function base names and we might be able to classify a base name as a method or function for breakpoint categorization.
> My questions is: how do we work around such issues in LLDB? A few solutions I can think of:
> 1 - time each name demangle and if it takes too long somehow stop de-mangling similar symbols or symbols over a certain length?
> 2 - allow a setting that says "don't de-mangle names that start with..." and the setting has a list of prefixes.
> 3 - have a setting that turns off de-mangling symbols over a certain length all of the time with a default of something like 256 or 512
> 4 - modify our FastDemangler to abort if the de-mangled string goes over a certain limit to avoid bad cases like this...
> #1 would still mean we get a huge delay (like 280 seconds) when starting to debug this binary, but might prevent multiple symbols from adding to that delay...
> #2 would require debugging debugging once and then knowing which symbols took a while to de-mangle. If we time each de-mangle, we can warn that there are large mangled names and print the mangled name so the user might know?
> #3 would disable de-mangling of long names at the risk of not de-mangling names that are close to the limit
> #4 requires that our FastDemangle code can decode the string mangled string. The fast de-mangler currently aborts on tricky de-mangling and we fall back onto cxa_demangle from the C++ library which doesn't not have a cutoff on length...
> Can anyone else think of any other solutions?
> Greg Clayton
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