[lldb-dev] FreeBSD LLDB buildbot

Ed Maste via lldb-dev lldb-dev at lists.llvm.org
Mon Feb 26 19:32:45 PST 2018

On 26 February 2018 at 18:46, Galina Kistanova <gkistanova at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Ed,
> Please try to install pip to get buildslave v0.8.12.
> Something like this should work:
> pip install 'buildbot-slave <= 0.8.12'

Thanks Galina. I now have a jail running FreeBSD 11.1-Release hosting
the original lldb-amd64-ninja-freebsd11 configuration, so we're at
least back to a green build-only FreeBSD buildbot.

For reference (most likely for my future self, when I have to set up
another instance), this is how I set it up:

1. Create a FreeBSD 11.1-Release jail as described in
https://www.freebsd.org/doc/handbook/jails-build.html. (As an aside, I
found some outdated information in the FreeBSD handbook jails section;
changes are in progress but noted in case anyone else wants to try.)

2. Install required packages:
# pkg install cmake ninja swig30 subversion py27-pip

3. installed buildbot-slave via pip, as described above. This jail is
used exclusively for this buildbot instance so there is no concern
installing to the system-wide location.

4. Recreate buildbot.tac
$ buildslave create-slave /usr/home/buildbot/scratch/
lab.llvm.org:9990 lldb-amd64-ninja-freebsd11 <password>

5. I copied the scripts (updateScripts.sh, checkoutSource.sh, etc.)
from the previous buildbot installation (into scratch/scripts/). I
think we should host all scripts for the builders in either the lldb
or zorg repo - is there a reason they're not?

6. Add updateScripts.sh to path (I symlinked it into ~/bin).

7. Start the buildbot worker process
$ buildslave start

The host is running a FreeBSD 12-CURRENT kernel and to enable tests I
expect I'll create a new FreeBSD 12 builder, which can be initially
connected to the staging master.

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