[lldb-dev] Fwd: DW_TAG_member extends beyond the bounds error on Linux

Jeffrey Tan via lldb-dev lldb-dev at lists.llvm.org
Sat Mar 26 17:10:28 PDT 2016

Sorry, sent to the wrong alias.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jeffrey Tan <jeffrey.fudan at gmail.com>
Date: Sat, Mar 26, 2016 at 3:19 PM
Subject: DW_TAG_member extends beyond the bounds error on Linux
To: llvm-dev at lists.llvm.org


While dogfooding our lldb based IDE on Linux, I am seeing a lot of variable
evaluation errors related to DW_TAG_member which prevents us from release
the IDE. Can anyone help to confirm if they are known issues? If not, any
information you need to troubleshoot this issue?

Here is one example:

(lldb) fr v
*error: biggrep_master_server_async 0x10b9a91a: DW_TAG_member '_M_pod_data'
refers to type 0x10bb1e99 which extends beyond the bounds of 0x10b9a901*
*error: biggrep_master_server_async 0x10b98edc: DW_TAG_member 'small_'
refers to type 0x10bb1d9f which extends beyond the bounds of 0x10b98ed3*
*error: biggrep_master_server_async 0x10baf034: DW_TAG_member '__size'
refers to type 0x10baf04d which extends beyond the bounds of 0x10baefae*
(facebook::biggrep::BigGrepMasterAsync *) this = 0x00007fd14d374fd0
(const string &const) corpus = error: summary string parsing error: {
  store_ = {
     = {
      small_ = {}
      *ml_ = (data_ =
size_ = 0, capacity_ = 1441151880758558720)*
*(const string &const) needle = error: summary string parsing error: {*
  store_ = {
     = {
      small_ = {}
      ml_ = (data_ = "", size_ = 0, capacity_ = 1080863910568919040)
(facebook::biggrep::Options &) options = 0x00007fd133cfb7b0: {
  engine = error: summary string parsing error
  full_lines = true
  user = error: summary string parsing error
  max_bytes = 5000000
  leading_context = 0
  trailing_context = 0
  case_sensitive = true
  client_hostname = error: summary string parsing error
  client_ip = error: summary string parsing error
  skip_logging = false
  client_port = 0
  shards_override = 0
  sample = false
  count = false
  filename_pattern = error: summary string parsing error
  limit = 0
  __isset = {
    engine = true
    full_lines = true
    user = true
    max_bytes = true
    leading_context = true
    trailing_context = true
    case_sensitive = true
    client_hostname = true
    client_ip = true
    skip_logging = true
    client_port = true
    shards_override = true
    sample = true
    count = true
    filename_pattern = true
    limit = true
(size_t) recv_timeout = 140536468041728
(std::vector<std::basic_fbstring<char, std::char_traits<char>,
std::allocator<char>, std::fbstring_core<char> >,
std::allocator<std::basic_fbstring<char, std::char_traits<char>,
std::allocator<char>, std::fbstring_core<char> > > >) corpuses = size=0 {}
std::allocator<facebook::biggrep::BigGrepMasterAsync::Revision> >)
revisions = size=0 {}
std::allocator<facebook::biggrep::BigGrepMasterAsync::RevisionShard> >)
shards = size=0 {}
*(std::string) returnRev = error: summary string parsing error*
(<lambda(folly::StringPiece)>) quote = {}
(std::basic_fbstring<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char>,
std::fbstring_core<char> >) desc = {
  store_ = {
     = {
      small_ = {}
      ml_ = (data_ = "", size_ = 73415312, capacity_ = 140536494141696)
(folly::EventBase *) eb = 0x00007fd133cfb888
(apache::thrift::concurrency::ThreadManager *) tm = 0x00007fd133cfb570

I suspect each one may be different root cause. I was able to capture one
callstack of a small repro:

Breakpoint 1, DWARFASTParserClang::ParseChildMembers (this=0x8c4520,
sc=..., parent_die=..., class_clang_type=...,
    base_classes=..., member_accessibilities=..., member_function_dies=...,
    default_accessibility=@0x7ffdf3888cac: lldb::eAccessPublic,
is_a_class=@0x7ffdf3888cab: false, layout_info=...)
(gdb) bt
#0  0x00007f103d02533d in
DWARFASTParserClang::ParseChildMembers(lldb_private::SymbolContext const&,
DWARFDIE const&, lldb_private::CompilerType&, lldb::LanguageType,
std::allocator<clang::CXXBaseSpecifier*> >&, std::vector<int,
std::allocator<int> >&, DWARFDIECollection&,
std::allocator<DWARFASTParserClang::DelayedAddObjCClassProperty> >&,
lldb::AccessType&, bool&, DWARFASTParserClang::LayoutInfo&) (this=0x8c4520,
sc=..., parent_die=..., class_clang_type=...,
class_language=lldb::eLanguageTypeUnknown, base_classes=...,
member_accessibilities=..., member_function_dies=...,
delayed_properties=..., default_accessibility=@0x7ffdf3888cac:
lldb::eAccessPublic, is_a_class=@0x7ffdf3888cab: false, layout_info=...) at
#1  0x00007f103d025b84 in
DWARFASTParserClang::CompleteTypeFromDWARF(DWARFDIE const&,
lldb_private::Type*, lldb_private::CompilerType&) (this=0x8c4520, die=...,
type=0xc40a50, clang_type=...)
#2  0x00007f103d04c5e8 in
SymbolFileDWARF::CompleteType(lldb_private::CompilerType&) (this=<optimized
out>, compiler_type=...)
#3  0x00007f103ceff9da in
lldb_private::ClangASTContext::CompleteTagDecl(void*, clang::TagDecl*)
(baton=<optimized out>, decl=0xc41bc0)
#4  0x00007f103cf03400 in GetCompleteQualType(clang::ASTContext*,
clang::QualType, bool) (ast=0x7f102c020c30, qual_type=...,
allow_completion=allow_completion at entry=true) at
#5  0x00007f103cf0c99e in
lldb_private::ClangASTContext::GetNumChildren(void*, bool) (this=0x8c43c0,
type=<optimized out>, omit_empty_base_classes=<optimized out>) at
#6  0x00007f103ce876ad in
lldb_private::ValueObjectVariable::CalculateNumChildren(unsigned int)
(this=<optimized out>, max=4294967295)
#7  0x00007f103ce7759f in
lldb_private::ValueObject::GetNumChildren(unsigned int) (this=0xc40600,
#8  0x00007f103cd999bd in
(this=this at entry=0x7f103fe2f300 <GetFormatManager()::g_format_manager>,
valobj=...) at
#9  0x00007f103cd9226a in
#10 0x00007f103cdc2167 in
lldb_private::ValueObjectPrinter::PrintChildrenIfNeeded(bool, bool)
(this=this at entry=0x7ffdf38892a0, value_printed=<optimized out>,
summary_printed=<optimized out>) at
#11 0x00007f103cdc1572 in
lldb_private::ValueObjectPrinter::PrintValueObject() (this=this at entry
#12 0x00007f103ce7102f in
lldb_private::DumpValueObjectOptions const&) (this=this at entry=0xc40600,
s=..., options=...) at
#13 0x00007f103d27e5e4 in
lldb_private::CommandReturnObject&) (this=0x7d0590, command=...,
result=...) at
#14 0x00007f103cece45d in lldb_private::CommandObjectParsed::Execute(char
const*, lldb_private::CommandReturnObject&) (this=0x7d0590,
args_string=<optimized out>, result=...) at
#15 0x00007f103cec9559 in
lldb_private::CommandInterpreter::HandleCommand(char const*,
lldb_private::LazyBool, lldb_private::CommandReturnObject&,
lldb_private::ExecutionContext*, bool, bool) (this=this at entry=0x7a5210,
command_line=<optimized out>,
lazy_add_to_history=lazy_add_to_history at entry=lldb_private::eLazyBoolCalculate,
result=..., override_context=override_context at entry=0x0,
repeat_on_empty_command=repeat_on_empty_command at entry=true,
#16 0x00007f103ceca50d in
std::string&) (this=0x7a5210, io_handler=..., line=...) at
#17 0x00007f103ce1c733 in lldb_private::IOHandlerEditline::Run()

Really appreciate if there is any fix/workaround I can get over this issue
and unblock us!

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