[lldb-dev] Variable shadowing

Bogdan Hopulele via lldb-dev lldb-dev at lists.llvm.org
Wed Jun 22 09:43:48 PDT 2016

Hi all,

I'm using lldb 3.9 through the C++ API and I'm trying to determine if a local variable is shadowed or not with no luck.
For the code below:

1.       Is there an API call, that I somehow missed, that can tell me that (v = 2) shadows (v = 1)?

2.       Can I rely on their order in the SBValueList object?

3.       Would you guys think it would be worth adding bool SBValue::IsShadowed() const ?

1 void foo()
2 {
      3     int v = 1;
      4     {
      5           int v = 2;
-->   6           ++v;
      7     }
8 }

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