[lldb-dev] LLDB 3.7 swallows real-time signals

Eugene Birukov eugenebi at hotmail.com
Tue May 19 11:52:37 PDT 2015

I debugged signal processing a bit, and I think that the right solution would be just to add these signals to the list of known signals. I.e. in LinuxSignals.cpp:
    AddSignal (1,    "SIGHUP",    "HUP",     false,   true , true , "hangup");
    AddSignal (2,    "SIGINT",    "INT",     true ,   true , true , "interrupt");
    AddSignal (3,    "SIGQUIT",   "QUIT",    false,   true , true , "quit");
    AddSignal (4,    "SIGILL",    "ILL",     false,   true , true , "illegal instruction");
    AddSignal (5,    "SIGTRAP",   "TRAP",    true ,   true , true , "trace trap (not reset when caught)");
    AddSignal (6,    "SIGABRT",   "ABRT",    false,   true , true , "abort()");
    AddSignal (6,    "SIGIOT",    "IOT",     false,   true , true , "IOT trap");
    AddSignal (7,    "SIGBUS",    "BUS",     false,   true , true , "bus error");
    AddSignal (8,    "SIGFPE",    "FPE",     false,   true , true , "floating point exception");
    AddSignal (9,    "SIGKILL",   "KILL",    false,   true , true , "kill");
    AddSignal (10,   "SIGUSR1",   "USR1",    false,   true , true , "user defined signal 1");
    AddSignal (11,   "SIGSEGV",   "SEGV",    false,   true , true , "segmentation violation");
    AddSignal (12,   "SIGUSR2",   "USR2",    false,   true , true , "user defined signal 2");
    AddSignal (13,   "SIGPIPE",   "PIPE",    false,   true , true , "write to pipe with reading end closed");
    AddSignal (14,   "SIGALRM",   "ALRM",    false,   false, false, "alarm");
    AddSignal (15,   "SIGTERM",   "TERM",    false,   true , true , "termination requested");
    AddSignal (16,   "SIGSTKFLT", "STKFLT",  false,   true , true , "stack fault");
    AddSignal (16,   "SIGCLD",    "CLD",     false,   false, true , "same as SIGCHLD");
    AddSignal (17,   "SIGCHLD",   "CHLD",    false,   false, true , "child status has changed");
    AddSignal (18,   "SIGCONT",   "CONT",    false,   true , true , "process continue");
    AddSignal (19,   "SIGSTOP",   "STOP",    true ,   true , true , "process stop");
    AddSignal (20,   "SIGTSTP",   "TSTP",    false,   true , true , "tty stop");
    AddSignal (21,   "SIGTTIN",   "TTIN",    false,   true , true , "background tty read");
    AddSignal (22,   "SIGTTOU",   "TTOU",    false,   true , true , "background tty write");
    AddSignal (23,   "SIGURG",    "URG",     false,   true , true , "urgent data on socket");
    AddSignal (24,   "SIGXCPU",   "XCPU",    false,   true , true , "CPU resource exceeded");
    AddSignal (25,   "SIGXFSZ",   "XFSZ",    false,   true , true , "file size limit exceeded");
    AddSignal (26,   "SIGVTALRM", "VTALRM",  false,   true , true , "virtual time alarm");
    AddSignal (27,   "SIGPROF",   "PROF",    false,   false, false, "profiling time alarm");
    AddSignal (28,   "SIGWINCH",  "WINCH",   false,   true , true , "window size changes");
    AddSignal (29,   "SIGPOLL",   "POLL",    false,   true , true , "pollable event");
    AddSignal (29,   "SIGIO",     "IO",      false,   true , true , "input/output ready");
    AddSignal (30,   "SIGPWR",    "PWR",     false,   true , true , "power failure");
    AddSignal (31,   "SIGSYS",    "SYS",     false,   true , true , "invalid system call");
    // Add real-time signals
    for (int rtsig = SIGRTMIN + 1; rtsig < SIGRTMAX; ++rtsig)
        char signame[16];
        char sigdescr[64];
        ::snprintf(signame, sizeof(signame), "SIG%d", rtsig);
        ::snprintf(sigdescr, sizeof(sigdescr), "Real-time event %d", rtsig);
        AddSignal (rtsig, signame, signame, false, true, true, sigdescr);

From: eugenebi at hotmail.com
To: lldb-dev at cs.uiuc.edu
Date: Tue, 19 May 2015 10:22:14 -0700
Subject: [lldb-dev] LLDB 3.7 swallows real-time signals

I have a simple program that uses real-time signals on Linux Ubuntu 14.04:
$ cat rt.cpp
#include <iostream>
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <unistd.h>

void handler(int sig, siginfo_t* info, void* context)
    std::cout << "signal " << sig << " received with value " << info->si_value.sival_in << "\n";
int main()
    int signo = SIGRTMIN + 1;
        struct sigaction action;
        action.sa_sigaction = handler;
        action.sa_flags = SA_SIGINFO;
        sigaction(signo, &action, NULL);
        for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
            sigval value;
            value.sival_int = i + 10;
            sigqueue(getpid(), signo, value);
        std::cerr << "real-time signals not supported";

This program works correctly standalone. GDB is capable of intercepting this signal and continue. LLDB-3.6 that I installed using apt-get does not intercept the signal but the program still receives it. But LLDB 3.7 that I built from sources from http://llvm.org/svn/llvm-project/lldb/trunk  simply swallows the signals. I think GDB behavior is the best option, but I could live with 3.6 behavior.
Is this a known problem? Is there a workaround or fix I can apply locally?
$ cat rt.cpp
#include <iostream>
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <unistd.h>

void handler(int sig, siginfo_t* info, void* context)
    std::cout << "signal " << sig << " received with value " << info->si_value.sival_in << "\n";
int main()
    int signo = SIGRTMIN + 1;
        struct sigaction action;
        action.sa_sigaction = handler;
        action.sa_flags = SA_SIGINFO;
        sigaction(signo, &action, NULL);
        for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
            sigval value;
            value.sival_int = i + 10;
            sigqueue(getpid(), signo, value);
        std::cerr << "real-time signals are not supported";
$  ./rt
signal 35 received with value 10
signal 35 received with value 11
signal 35 received with value 12
$ ~/llvm/bin/lldb ./rt
(lldb) target create "./rt"
Current executable set to './rt' (x86_64).
(lldb) pr lau
Process 18697 launched: './rt' (x86_64)
Process 18697 exited with status = 0 (0x00000000)
(lldb) q

$ lldb-3.6 ./rt
(lldb) target create "./rt"
Current executable set to './rt' (x86_64).
(lldb) pr lau
Process 18674 launching
Process 18674 launched: './rt' (x86_64)
signal 35 received with value 10
signal 35 received with value 11
signal 35 received with value 12
Process 18674 exited with status = 0 (0x00000000)
(lldb) q
$ gdb --quiet ./rt
Reading symbols from ./rt...done.
(gdb) r
Starting program: /home/eugene/Z/tmp/rt
Program received signal SIG35, Real-time event 35.
0x00007ffff722cfc4 in __sigqueue (pid=18662, sig=35, val=...) at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/sigqueue.c:46
46      ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/sigqueue.c: No such file or directory.
(gdb) c
signal 35 received with value 10
Program received signal SIG35, Real-time event 35.
0x00007ffff722cfc4 in __sigqueue (pid=18662, sig=35, val=...) at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/sigqueue.c:46
46      in ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/sigqueue.c
(gdb) c
signal 35 received with value 11
Program received signal SIG35, Real-time event 35.
0x00007ffff722cfc4 in __sigqueue (pid=18662, sig=35, val=...) at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/sigqueue.c:46
46      in ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/sigqueue.c
(gdb) c
signal 35 received with value 12
[Inferior 1 (process 18662) exited normally]
(gdb) q


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