[lldb-dev] Python API on Windows

Zachary Turner zturner at google.com
Thu Jul 10 17:13:39 PDT 2014

As of r212785, we now have a working Python API on Windows.  There are no
python errors about termios when you start LLDB, there are no errors or
warnings when you enter script mode, and you can create and manipulate
objects in the embedded script interepreter.  There are still some
remaining issues, and the test suite doesn't yet work, but we're close.

Unfortunately, one of the steps necessary to get this working was to
require developers who want to embed Python in their windows build to
compile their own Python.  And, as it turns out, Python 2.7 doesn't even
compile out-of-the-box with the newest version of MSVC, and requires you to
edit a Python header file locally.

I'd like to streamline this a little bit, and remove as many of the manual
steps as possible, so here are a list of possible options for how we could
resolve this:

1) Check in python source code into LLDB, make the changes in our fork,
have it build automatically as part of the LLDB build.  From the user's
point of view this option has the least work involved, but it kind of sucks
checking this much stuff into the repo.  I have it on good authority that
there is not a licensing issue involved with checking Python into LLDB.

2) Try to upstream changes to 2.7 that ease the pain of building Python
manually on Windows with modern toolchains.  Python community is generally
resistant to accepting patches to 2.7, although I've spoken with someone on
the committe and he says this has a decent chance of getting accepted.
 Would require people on windows to use Python 2.7.9 (which naturally
doesn't exist yet)

3) Move to Python 3.x.  SWIG supports Python 3.x, but it would require us
porting all the tests.

4) Build debug and release versions of python and check the binaries into
LLDB's tree along with matching headers, and just have the build use those.

Maybe there are other options I haven't thought of.   Thoughts?
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