[lldb-dev] Is anyone using the LLDB CMake standalone build?

Zachary Turner zturner at google.com
Mon Dec 29 13:11:56 PST 2014

Someone jump in and correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe there are many
reasons that Apple sticks with a hand-maintained Xcode project.  I will try
to summarize some of the reasons here:

1) People are more comfortable editing a native solution file than editing
CMake.  I certainly sympathize with this, as I also strongly prefer editing
a Visual Studio solution over a CMake file.  Before working on LLDB, I had
actually never even written a line of CMake before.

2) The Xcode projects generated by CMake are slow, almost to the point of
being unusable.  This is a widespread problem with IDEs, and indeed the
MSVC generator suffers from the same problem.  The issue here is related to
the size of the project / solutions.  Every CMake target (which ultimately
translates to a static library or shared library) ends up as a project in
your solution (MSVC) or target in your project (Xcode).  This is the layer
at which dependency analysis is performed and build parallelization is
implemented, so having more projects causes tremendous slowdown in loading
projects/solutions and generating information for intellisense/code
completion.  Visual Studio has gotten much better in this regard with
recent versions, but it's still an issue.  And I think Xcode has *not* gotten
much better in this regard.  In short, an Xcode generated solution, while
it will technically work, is almost unusable for performance reasons.

3) The Xcode projects generated by CMake aren't as pretty as hand-generated
Xcode projects.  It's actually possible to make prettier generated projects
by adding some stuff to the CMake, but right now they just don't look as

4) Legacy reasons (aka old habits die hard).  The LLDB group at Apple has
historically treated LLVM and clang as libraries, and in the past the only
supported way to build LLDB was against a known revision of clang and LLVM,
and only recently (well, not recent anymore, but legacy decisions can have
long lasting implications) was it changed so that LLDB is expected to
always build against tip of trunk LLVM / clang.  One of the things that
came out of this early separation was that an Xcode build of LLDB does not
even use the canonical on-disk directory hierarchy that all other LLVM
subprojects use.  A normal LLVM directory layout looks like this:

-- tools
---- lldb
---- clang
---- lld

Since LLDB considers itself "not an LLVM subproject, but rather a
standalone project which uses LLVM", it organizes itself like this:

-- llvm
---- tools
------ clang
------ lld

Of course, this is just an implementation detail, as we've shown that lldb
can be built as a normal subproject on all other platforms using the first
layout, but this basically boils down to "old habits die hard".  It's what
people are used to.

It's certainly easy to sympathize with numbers 1, 3, and 4 but ultimately I
think (or at least hope) that people would be willing to sacrifice these
for the greater good of having a unified build system.  Number 2 however,
is probably a showstopper though.

I'm not sure just how bad the Xcode solution is in terms of performance,
but it's the primary reason why the the standalone build exists.  The
standalone build generates a much smaller project/solution, with only those
projects and targets that are part of LLDB itself, and not projects from
LLVM, clang, etc.  It attempts to use an installed LLVM / clang instead of
building one.

One thing that has worked very well for me on Windows is using my IDE for
editing and debugging, but not for building.  There's quite a lot to like
about this approach.  For starters, the performance of building from inside
the IDE is irrelevant now, because you're not building from the IDE
anymore.  For Visual Studio this makes a huge difference, but I'm not sure
if it makes a difference for Xcode.  Another advantage of this approach is
that honestly, ninja is just faster than everything else.  It really is.
And not a little bit, but a lot.  I'm a big fan of my IDE and you will only
pry it out of my cold dead hands, but after I tried ninja once or twice, it
was obvious that it was a huge win over building from the IDE.  All it
takes me is typing "ninja" from a command shell.  Even I can manage that.
Everything else - debugging, code completion, editing experience, file
browsing - still works.  I just don't hit build from inside the IDE.

It would be worth seeing if an approach like this would work well with
people from Apple.  Or alternatively, maybe seeing if the Xcode IDE team
within apple would be willing to prioritize IDE performance in the case of
these larger projects.  Visual Studio seems to have come a long way here,
so it doesn't seem impossible for Xcode to improve here, it just has some
work to do.

On Mon Dec 29 2014 at 12:25:20 PM Vince Harron <vharron at google.com> wrote:

> > The main motivation for having a standalone build is that it's a
> necessary (but not necessarily sufficient) precursor to having a usable
> xcode solution, which is itself a necessary (but again perhaps not
> sufficient) precondition to moving towards a single build system.
> I've always assumed that the reason the apple guys don't generate their
> xcode projects from cmake is that there is some magic in the xcode projects
> that isn't supported by cmake-xcode project generator.  Is there any truth
> to that?
> What is the intended purpose of the LLDB CMake standalone build?  If it is
> to build against an installed clang/llvm, it doesn't seem like it's worth
> the extra complexity...
> Vince
> On Sun, Dec 28, 2014 at 9:15 AM, Zachary Turner <zturner at google.com>
> wrote:
>> I'm not using the standalone build on Windows, i just suffer through
>> opening a mega solution. Reid did some work recently to make it better, but
>> it still doesn't totally support anyone's needs.
>> The main motivation for having a standalone build is that it's a
>> necessary (but not necessarily sufficient) precursor to having a usable
>> xcode solution, which is itself a necessary (but again perhaps not
>> sufficient) precondition to moving towards a single build system.
>> I'm not versed enough in the LLVM core shared CMake infrastructure, but I
>> envision a world where supporting a standalone build requires almost 0
>> project specific CMake code. Sadly, achieving that seems quite difficult
>> On Sun, Dec 28, 2014 at 7:22 AM Chandler Carruth <chandlerc at gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> I thought that Zach was on Windows, but I would be surprised as I can't
>>> get it to work with an installed Clang. It errors in the cmake step, unable
>>> to find some cmake module.
>>> Is anyone genuinely trying to support this CMake configuration? It adds
>>> quite a bit of complexity. If so, could they fix this error or suggest how
>>> to fix it on the Clang side? (I help maintain the Clang cmake build, so I'm
>>> happy to enact any reasonable changes needed...)
>>> This came up because I have a change to the LLDB CMake build but am
>>> currently unable to test it in a fully standalone build (IE, w/o a source
>>> tree).
>>> -Chandler
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> --
> Vince Harron | Technical Lead Manager | vharron at google.com | 858-442-0868
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