[lldb-dev] Printing non-truncated stdlib collections?

Dun Peal dunpealer at gmail.com
Mon Nov 4 16:24:52 PST 2013

Great, `frame variable vec[0]` works, although it still manifests the bug I
reported, showing the vector size to be 4294967295 when it's actually 4.

One final question in this kitchensink thread: I get

(lldb) p rects
error: Couldn't materialize struct: size of variable rects disagrees with
the ValueObject's size
Errored out in Execute, couldn't PrepareToExecuteJITExpression

On line 14 of the following code snippet (commented). Why is that?​

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>

using namespace std;
typedef pair<int, int> Rect;
typedef vector<Rect> Rects;

static int all_permutations(Rects rects) {
    for (Rects::iterator rect_it = rects.begin(); rect_it != rects.end();
++rect_it) {
        cout << rect_it->first << ' ' << rect_it->second << endl;
    return 0;  // break here, `p rects` in lldb

int main() {
    Rects rects;
    for (int i=0; i < 4; ++i) {
        Rect rect = make_pair(i, i+1);
    return 0;

On Mon, Nov 4, 2013 at 4:00 PM, Enrico Granata <egranata at apple.com> wrote:

> This one is not an issue. It's by design.
> ​​
> Solution: try
> (lldb) frame variable vec[0]
> Explanation: the expression command is using the compiler, clang, to
> generate code that runs in your inferior process. This requires the
> operator[] defined by your implementation of the STL to be around. If that
> is nowhere suitable to be find in the debug info (e.g. You never used it in
> your code) that expression will not be compilable since essentially it is
> as-if no vector::operator[] existed at all.
> The way in which children in a vector are generated is totally unrelated
> to this. LLDB knows enough about the internals of the std::vector class to
> generate child variables as-if they were being accessed by indexing, but
> all without running code in your process. They are called "synthetic
> children" and are a debugger artifact essentially. Which is why sometimes
> we get it wrong: since we are not relying on anything but introspecting
> memory, we are more easily "fooled".
> Our expression parser explicitly disallows such synthetic children for
> kicking in. Imagine if they did. Now your operator[] would not be invoked
> because the synthetic children feature would kick in and return a result.
> But what if you said
> (lldb) expr vec[0] = 1
> The synthetic children are a snapshot of memory so they don't know how to
> assign back to themselves. Hence why you don't want expressions to mix with
> synthetic children. It's a tricky business to get right.
> Sent from the iPhone of
> *Enrico Granata* <egranata@🍎.com>
> On Nov 4, 2013, at 3:47 PM, Dun Peal <dunpealer at gmail.com> wrote:
> OK, I posted the original question of this thread as the following bug:
> http://llvm.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=17805
> Another issue I just stumbled across:
> (lldb) p vec[0]
> error: call to a function 'std::vector<std::vector<std::pair<int, int>,
> std::allocator<std::pair<int, int> > >,
> std::allocator<std::vector<std::pair<int, int>,
> std::allocator<std::pair<int, int> > > > >::operator[](unsigned long)'
> ('_ZNSt6vectorIS_ISt4pairIiiESaIS1_EESaIS3_EEixEm') that is not present in
> the target
> error: The expression could not be prepared to run in the target
> On Mon, Nov 4, 2013 at 2:59 PM, Enrico Granata <egranata at apple.com> wrote:
>> The latter one I think is an expression parser issue.
>> It should be fixed in ToT already, but I CC’ed on this email Sean
>> Callanan who works on this part of LLDB and might have more insights for you
>> I tried to reproduce your issue on OSX Mavericks, but in spite of me
>> trying to print ~11.000 pairs (I raised your 300 to 900 and put 12 pairs in
>> each sub-vectors instead of 4), it took about 5 seconds to print everything
>> If you do file a bug, which you totally should, more details on your
>> environment might be interesting: OS, compiler, standard library, revision
>> of LLDB, ..
>>  Enrico Granata
>> 📩 egranata@.com
>> ☎️ 27683
>> On Nov 4, 2013, at 2:36 PM, Dun Peal <dunpealer at gmail.com> wrote:
>> If it's trying to create 4 billion non-existing elements per vector,
>> there's probably no need to sample. It explains the lost time pretty well.
>> Let me know if you want me to file a bug. I'm encountering other issues,
>> for instance sometimes trying to `p some_name`, I get:
>> error: Couldn't materialize struct: size of variable some_name disagrees
>> with the ValueObject's size
>> Errored out in Execute, couldn't PrepareToExecuteJITExpression
>> Perhaps lldb simply isn't production ready for non-OSX platforms?
>> On Mon, Nov 4, 2013 at 2:14 PM, Enrico Granata <egranata at apple.com>wrote:
>>> Replies inlined
>>>  Enrico Granata
>>> 📩 egranata@.com
>>> ☎️ 27683
>>> On Nov 4, 2013, at 1:48 PM, Dun Peal <dunpealer at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> In my case, it's a vector of vectors of pairs of ints, i.e.
>>> vector<vector<pair<int,int>>>.
>>> I'm not sure what "a sample of lldb taken while it's sitting there"
>>> means. Sorry, I'm an LLVM newbie.
>>> If you are on OSX, it simply means typing *sample lldb* at a bash
>>> prompt :)
>>> It will periodically look at the state of LLDB and generate a report of
>>> what is most likely taking up all that time
>>> On Linux/Windows/.. I suppose there are equivalent facilities. Google is
>>> your friend. A process sample has nothing to do with LLVM specifically.
>>> I have reproduced the problem with minimal code, posted below. Two
>>> interesting observations:
>>> 1) For some reason, lldb prints each vector<pair<int,int>> as:
>>>   [0] = size=4294967295 {
>>>     [0] = (first = 0, second = 1)
>>>     [1] = (first = 1, second = 2)
>>>     [2] = (first = 2, second = 3)
>>>     [3] = (first = 3, second = 4)
>>>     ...
>>>   }
>>> Since each of those vectors is exactly 4 pairs, it is printed in its
>>> entirety, so I'm not sure why there's an ellipsis there.
>>> It looks like something is wrong with this data structure and we believe
>>> its size to be the large number
>>> That value is not just a placeholder, it’s how many elements LLDB
>>> actually thinks are in the vector!
>>> Most likely we end up realizing those are not valid and so we omit
>>> printing them, but we still believe they exist, and since you likely asked
>>> to see all of them, we are trying to create 4 billion elements and failing.
>>> Here your 300 seconds
>>> Why we end up with malformed data like that is an interesting question.
>>> I will try to repro
>>> 2) The times I quoted above are surprisingly preserved with this sample
>>> code. For example, printing the first 256 elements is still about 8
>>> seconds. Printing all 300 elements, which is only about 20% more, takes 300
>>> seconds, i.e. almost x40 the time!  Curious.
>>> #include <iostream>
>>> #include <vector>
>>> using namespace std;
>>> int main() {
>>>     vector<vector<pair<int,int> > > vec;
>>>     for (int i=0; i < 300; ++i) {
>>>         vector<pair<int,int> > v;
>>>         for (int j=0; j < 4; ++j) {
>>>             v.push_back(make_pair(i+j, i+j+1));
>>>         }
>>>         vec.push_back(v);
>>>     }
>>>     return 0;  // to reproduce, put a breakpoint in this line, and `p
>>> vec`
>>> }
>>> On Mon, Nov 4, 2013 at 12:49 PM, Enrico Granata <egranata at apple.com>wrote:
>>>> Yes please. Possibly with a sample of lldb taken while it's sitting
>>>> there.
>>>> From your email, it sounds like the repro case is just a vector of
>>>> pairs of int and int, with about 400 elements. Is that all?
>>>> Sent from the iPhone of
>>>> *Enrico Granata* <egranata@🍎.com>
>>>> On Nov 4, 2013, at 12:42 PM, Dun Peal <dunpealer at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Thanks!  This works, though surprisingly slow; I just printed a
>>>> vector<vector<pair<int,int>>> of 384 elements, and it blocked for about 390
>>>> seconds (6:30 minutes!) before rendering.
>>>> The print only blocks for about 8 seconds when rendering the first 256
>>>> elements (i.e. without the settings change).
>>>> This is LLDB 3.4 from the LLVM aptitude repo, running on a high end
>>>> Xubuntu Linux 13.04 developer workstation.
>>>> This is obviously a major usability issue for me with LLDB. Should I
>>>> file a bug for this?
>>>> On Mon, Nov 4, 2013 at 10:05 AM, Greg Clayton <gclayton at apple.com>wrote:
>>>>> (lldb) settings show target.max-children-count
>>>>> target.max-children-count (int) = 256
>>>>> (lldb) settings set target.max-children-count 10000
>>>>> You can then add this line to your ~/.lldbinit file if you want the
>>>>> setting to always be increased.
>>>>> On Nov 3, 2013, at 7:57 PM, Dun Peal <dunpealer at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> > Hi,
>>>>> >
>>>>> > When I do:
>>>>> >
>>>>> > (lldb) p some_vector
>>>>> >
>>>>> > It seems LLDB only actually prints the first 256 values. How do I
>>>>> get it to print the entire vector?
>>>>> >
>>>>> > Thanks, D.
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