[lldb-dev] target modules lookup

Michael Sartain mikesart at gmail.com
Wed Jul 10 10:56:09 PDT 2013

Is this supposed to work?

(lldb) target modules lookup -Av -s argc

It does nothing. Looking up the address of argc and using it also does

(lldb) p &argc
(int *) $3 = 0x00007fff506c9458
(lldb) target modules lookup -Av -a 0x00007fff506c9458

It does work with the function "main":

(lldb) target modules lookup -Av -F main
1 match found in /home/mikesart/data/src/blah/build/blah:
        Address: blah[0x0000000000409970] (blah..text + 368)
        Summary: blah`main at blah.cpp:160
         Module: file = "/home/mikesart/data/src/blah/build/blah", arch =
    CompileUnit: id = {0x00000000}, file =
"/home/mikesart/data/src/blah/blah.cpp", language = "ISO C++:1998"
       Function: id = {0x000003c9}, name = "main", range =
       FuncType: id = {0x000003c9}, decl = blah.cpp:159, clang_type = "int
(int, char **)"
         Blocks: id = {0x000003c9}, range = [0x00409970-0x0040a275)
      LineEntry: [0x0000000000409970-0x0000000000409991):
         Symbol: id = {0x00000076}, range =
[0x0000000000409970-0x000000000040a275), name="main"
       Variable: id = {0x000003e6}, name = "argc", type= "int", location =
DW_OP_fbreg(-8), decl = blah.cpp:159
       Variable: id = {0x000003f4}, name = "argv", type= "char **",
location = DW_OP_fbreg(-16), decl = blah.cpp:159
       Variable: id = {0x00000402}, name = "msg", type= "Person", location
= DW_OP_fbreg(-248), decl = blah.cpp:297

As does using the address for "main".

(lldb) p main
(int (*)(int, char **)) $4 = 0x0000000000409970 (blah`main at blah.cpp:160)
(lldb) target modules lookup -Av -a 0x0000000000409970
      Address: blah[0x0000000000409970] (blah..text + 368)
      Summary: blah`main at blah.cpp:160
       Module: file = "/home/mikesart/data/src/blah/build/blah", arch =
  CompileUnit: id = {0x00000000}, file =
"/home/mikesart/data/src/blah/blah.cpp", language = "ISO C++:1998"
     Function: id = {0x000003c9}, name = "main", range =
     FuncType: id = {0x000003c9}, decl = blah.cpp:159, clang_type = "int
(int, char **)"
       Blocks: id = {0x000003c9}, range = [0x00409970-0x0040a275)
    LineEntry: [0x0000000000409970-0x0000000000409991):
       Symbol: id = {0x00000076}, range =
[0x0000000000409970-0x000000000040a275), name="main"
     Variable: id = {0x000003e6}, name = "argc", type= "int", location =
DW_OP_fbreg(-8), decl = blah.cpp:159
     Variable: id = {0x000003f4}, name = "argv", type= "char **", location
= DW_OP_fbreg(-16), decl = blah.cpp:159
     Variable: id = {0x00000402}, name = "msg", type= "Person", location =
DW_OP_fbreg(-248), decl = blah.cpp:297
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