[Lldb-commits] [lldb] [LLDB][Telemetry]Define DebuggerTelemetryInfo and related methods (PR #127696)

Pavel Labath via lldb-commits lldb-commits at lists.llvm.org
Wed Feb 19 03:05:32 PST 2025

@@ -56,16 +54,107 @@ void LLDBBaseTelemetryInfo::serialize(Serializer &serializer) const {
   return UUID(random_bytes).GetAsString();
+void LLDBBaseTelemetryInfo::serialize(Serializer &serializer) const {
+  serializer.write("entry_kind", getKind());
+  serializer.write("session_id", SessionId);
+  serializer.write("start_time", ToNanosec(start_time));
+  if (end_time.has_value())
+    serializer.write("end_time", ToNanosec(end_time.value()));
+void DebuggerTelemetryInfo::serialize(Serializer &serializer) const {
+  LLDBBaseTelemetryInfo::serialize(serializer);
+  serializer.write("username", username);
+  serializer.write("lldb_git_sha", lldb_git_sha);
+  serializer.write("lldb_path", lldb_path);
+  serializer.write("cwd", cwd);
+  if (exit_desc.has_value()) {
+    serializer.write("exit_code", exit_desc->exit_code);
+    serializer.write("exit_desc", exit_desc->description);
+  }
+void MiscTelemetryInfo::serialize(Serializer &serializer) const {
+  LLDBBaseTelemetryInfo::serialize(serializer);
+  serializer.write("target_uuid", target_uuid);
+  serializer.beginObject("meta_data");
+  for (const auto &kv : meta_data)
+    serializer.write(kv.first, kv.second);
+  serializer.endObject();
 TelemetryManager::TelemetryManager(std::unique_ptr<Config> config)
     : m_config(std::move(config)) {}
 llvm::Error TelemetryManager::preDispatch(TelemetryInfo *entry) {
-  // Do nothing for now.
-  // In up-coming patch, this would be where the manager
-  // attach the session_uuid to the entry.
+  LLDBBaseTelemetryInfo *lldb_entry =
+      llvm::dyn_cast<LLDBBaseTelemetryInfo>(entry);
+  std::string session_id = "";
+  if (Debugger *debugger = lldb_entry->debugger) {
+    auto session_id_pos = session_ids.find(debugger);
+    if (session_id_pos != session_ids.end())
+      session_id = session_id_pos->second;
+    else
+      session_id_pos->second = session_id = MakeUUID(debugger);
+  }
+  lldb_entry->SessionId = session_id;
   return llvm::Error::success();
+const Config *getConfig() { return m_config.get(); }
+void TelemetryManager::atDebuggerStartup(DebuggerTelemetryInfo *entry) {
+  UserIDResolver &resolver = lldb_private::HostInfo::GetUserIDResolver();
+  std::optional<llvm::StringRef> opt_username =
+      resolver.GetUserName(lldb_private::HostInfo::GetUserID());
+  if (opt_username)
+    entry->username = *opt_username;
+  entry->lldb_git_sha =
+      lldb_private::GetVersion(); // TODO: find the real git sha?
+  entry->lldb_path = HostInfo::GetProgramFileSpec().GetPath();
+  llvm::SmallString<64> cwd;
+  if (!llvm::sys::fs::current_path(cwd)) {
+    entry->cwd = cwd.c_str();
+  } else {
+    MiscTelemetryInfo misc_info;
+    misc_info.meta_data["internal_errors"] = "Cannot determine CWD";
+    if (auto er = dispatch(&misc_info)) {
+      LLDB_LOG(GetLog(LLDBLog::Object),
+               "Failed to dispatch misc-info at startup");
+    }
+  }
+  if (auto er = dispatch(entry)) {
+    LLDB_LOG(GetLog(LLDBLog::Object), "Failed to dispatch entry at startup");
+  }
+void TelemetryManager::atDebuggerExit(DebuggerTelemetryInfo *entry) {
+  // There must be a reference to the debugger at this point.
+  assert(entry->debugger != nullptr);
+  if (auto *selected_target =
+          entry->debugger->GetSelectedExecutionContext().GetTargetPtr()) {
+    if (!selected_target->IsDummyTarget()) {
+      const lldb::ProcessSP proc = selected_target->GetProcessSP();
+      if (proc == nullptr) {
+        // no process has been launched yet.
+        entry->exit_desc = {-1, "no process launched."};
+      } else {
+        entry->exit_desc = {proc->GetExitStatus(), ""};
+        if (const char *description = proc->GetExitDescription())
+          entry->exit_desc->description = std::string(description);
+      }
+    }
+  }
labath wrote:

This is a fairly strange place to collect this kind of information. There's no guarantee that Process object will exist at the time the debugger terminates, or that it will have ran exactly once, etc.

If you're interesting in collecting the exit status, why not hook into a place that deals with that directly (somewhere around Process::SetExitStatus)?


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