[Lldb-commits] [lldb] [LLDB] Add DIL code for handling plain variable names. (PR #120971)

Pavel Labath via lldb-commits lldb-commits at lists.llvm.org
Mon Feb 17 23:50:42 PST 2025

@@ -0,0 +1,284 @@
+//===-- DILEval.cpp -------------------------------------------------------===//
+// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
+// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
+#include "lldb/ValueObject/DILEval.h"
+#include "lldb/Symbol/VariableList.h"
+#include "lldb/Target/RegisterContext.h"
+#include "lldb/ValueObject/DILAST.h"
+#include "lldb/ValueObject/ValueObject.h"
+#include "lldb/ValueObject/ValueObjectRegister.h"
+#include "lldb/ValueObject/ValueObjectVariable.h"
+#include "llvm/Support/FormatAdapters.h"
+#include <memory>
+namespace lldb_private::dil {
+static lldb::ValueObjectSP
+LookupStaticIdentifier(lldb::TargetSP target_sp,
+                       const llvm::StringRef &name_ref,
+                       ConstString unqualified_name) {
+  // List global variable with the same "basename". There can be many matches
+  // from other scopes (namespaces, classes), so we do additional filtering
+  // later.
+  VariableList variable_list;
+  ConstString name(name_ref);
+  target_sp->GetImages().FindGlobalVariables(name, 1, variable_list);
+  if (variable_list.Empty())
+    return nullptr;
+  ExecutionContextScope *exe_scope = target_sp->GetProcessSP().get();
+  if (exe_scope == nullptr)
+    exe_scope = target_sp.get();
+  for (const lldb::VariableSP &var_sp : variable_list) {
+    lldb::ValueObjectSP valobj_sp(
+        ValueObjectVariable::Create(exe_scope, var_sp));
+    if (valobj_sp && valobj_sp->GetVariable() &&
+        (valobj_sp->GetVariable()->NameMatches(unqualified_name) ||
+         valobj_sp->GetVariable()->NameMatches(ConstString(name_ref))))
+      return valobj_sp;
+  }
+  return nullptr;
+static lldb::VariableSP DILFindVariable(ConstString name,
+                                        VariableList *variable_list) {
+  lldb::VariableSP exact_match;
+  std::vector<lldb::VariableSP> possible_matches;
+  typedef std::vector<lldb::VariableSP> collection;
+  typedef collection::iterator iterator;
+  iterator pos, end = variable_list->end();
+  for (pos = variable_list->begin(); pos != end; ++pos) {
+    llvm::StringRef str_ref_name = pos->get()->GetName().GetStringRef();
+    // Check for global vars, which might start with '::'.
+    str_ref_name.consume_front("::");
+    if (str_ref_name == name.GetStringRef())
+      possible_matches.push_back(*pos);
+    else if (pos->get()->NameMatches(name))
+      possible_matches.push_back(*pos);
+  }
+  // Look for exact matches (favors local vars over global vars)
+  auto exact_match_it =
+      llvm::find_if(possible_matches, [&](lldb::VariableSP var_sp) {
+        return var_sp->GetName() == name;
+      });
+  if (exact_match_it != llvm::adl_end(possible_matches))
+    exact_match = *exact_match_it;
+  if (!exact_match)
+    // Look for a global var exact match.
+    for (auto var_sp : possible_matches) {
+      llvm::StringRef str_ref_name = var_sp->GetName().GetStringRef();
+      if (str_ref_name.size() > 2 && str_ref_name[0] == ':' &&
+          str_ref_name[1] == ':')
+        str_ref_name = str_ref_name.drop_front(2);
+      ConstString tmp_name(str_ref_name);
+      if (tmp_name == name) {
+        exact_match = var_sp;
+        break;
+      }
+    }
+  // Take any match at this point.
+  if (!exact_match && possible_matches.size() > 0)
+    exact_match = possible_matches[0];
+  return exact_match;
+LookupIdentifier(const std::string &name,
+                 std::shared_ptr<ExecutionContextScope> ctx_scope,
+                 lldb::DynamicValueType use_dynamic, CompilerType *scope_ptr) {
+  ConstString name_str(name);
+  llvm::StringRef name_ref = name_str.GetStringRef();
+  // Support $rax as a special syntax for accessing registers.
+  // Will return an invalid value in case the requested register doesn't exist.
+  if (name_ref.starts_with("$")) {
+    lldb::ValueObjectSP value_sp;
+    const char *reg_name = name_ref.drop_front(1).data();
+    Target *target = ctx_scope->CalculateTarget().get();
+    Process *process = ctx_scope->CalculateProcess().get();
+    if (!target || !process)
+      return nullptr;
+    StackFrame *stack_frame = ctx_scope->CalculateStackFrame().get();
+    if (!stack_frame)
+      return nullptr;
+    lldb::RegisterContextSP reg_ctx(stack_frame->GetRegisterContext());
+    if (!reg_ctx)
+      return nullptr;
+    if (const RegisterInfo *reg_info = reg_ctx->GetRegisterInfoByName(reg_name))
+      value_sp = ValueObjectRegister::Create(stack_frame, reg_ctx, reg_info);
+    if (value_sp)
+      return IdentifierInfo::FromValue(*value_sp);
+    return nullptr;
+  }
+  // Internally values don't have global scope qualifier in their names and
+  // LLDB doesn't support queries with it too.
+  bool global_scope = false;
+  if (name_ref.starts_with("::")) {
+    name_ref = name_ref.drop_front(2);
+    global_scope = true;
+  }
+  // If the identifier doesn't refer to the global scope and doesn't have any
+  // other scope qualifiers, try looking among the local and instance variables.
+  if (!global_scope && !name_ref.contains("::")) {
+    if (!scope_ptr || !scope_ptr->IsValid()) {
+      // Lookup in the current frame.
+      lldb::StackFrameSP frame = ctx_scope->CalculateStackFrame();
+      // Try looking for a local variable in current scope.
+      lldb::ValueObjectSP value_sp;
+      lldb::VariableListSP var_list_sp(frame->GetInScopeVariableList(true));
+      VariableList *variable_list = var_list_sp.get();
+      if (variable_list) {
+        lldb::VariableSP var_sp =
+            DILFindVariable(ConstString(name_ref), variable_list);
+        if (var_sp)
+          value_sp = frame->GetValueObjectForFrameVariable(var_sp, use_dynamic);
+      }
+      if (!value_sp)
+        value_sp = frame->FindVariable(ConstString(name_ref));
+      if (value_sp)
+        // Force static value, otherwise we can end up with the "real" type.
+        return IdentifierInfo::FromValue(*value_sp);
+      // Try looking for an instance variable (class member).
+      SymbolContext sc = frame->GetSymbolContext(lldb::eSymbolContextFunction |
+                                                 lldb::eSymbolContextBlock);
+      llvm::StringRef ivar_name = sc.GetInstanceVariableName();
+      value_sp = frame->FindVariable(ConstString(ivar_name));
+      if (value_sp)
+        value_sp = value_sp->GetChildMemberWithName(name_ref);
+      if (value_sp)
+        // Force static value, otherwise we can end up with the "real" type.
+        return IdentifierInfo::FromValue(*(value_sp->GetStaticValue()));
+    }
+  }
+  // Try looking for a global or static variable.
+  lldb::ValueObjectSP value;
+  if (!global_scope) {
+    // Try looking for static member of the current scope value, e.g.
+    // `ScopeType::NAME`. NAME can include nested struct (`Nested::SUBNAME`),
+    // but it cannot be part of the global scope (start with "::").
+    const char *type_name = "";
+    if (scope_ptr)
+      type_name = scope_ptr->GetCanonicalType().GetTypeName().AsCString();
+    std::string name_with_type_prefix =
+        llvm::formatv("{0}::{1}", type_name, name_ref).str();
+    value = LookupStaticIdentifier(ctx_scope->CalculateTarget(),
+                                   name_with_type_prefix, name_str);
+  }
+  // Lookup a regular global variable.
+  if (!value)
+    value = LookupStaticIdentifier(ctx_scope->CalculateTarget(), name_ref,
+                                   name_str);
+  // Last resort, lookup as a register (e.g. `rax` or `rip`).
labath wrote:

It "hurts" mainly because of consistency. The real expression parser does not have this feature (and for that matter, neither does gdb), so users might be surprised to see this work in some contexts and not others. It also could lead to unexpected results because if *anything* in the program declares a global variable with the same name as a register (it could even be a file-scoped `static` variable) then this name will suddenly resolve to that variable instead of the register.

We've also had issues in the past where debug info for libc contained some (static) global variables called `a` or such, which then confused our tests due to ambiguities. And the annoying part was that this only showed up if you had debug info for libc installed. In that case, I would say it's our bug because the usages of the variable in the test weren't really be ambiguous, but my point is:

You can find a lot of strange variable names in the code. And, since the debugger tries to be helpful (let you look up things that wouldn't be accessible by normal language rules), it can also create new ones. I'd rather not create new ones if it can be avoided, and it doesn't seem like its necessary here since we already have a mostly-unambiguous way to access these (via the `$` prefix). IOW, I think the question should be "why should we have it", and not "why not".


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