[Lldb-commits] [lldb] Allow option to ignore module load errors in ScriptedProcess (PR #127153)

via lldb-commits lldb-commits at lists.llvm.org
Thu Feb 13 17:20:48 PST 2025

github-actions[bot] wrote:


:warning: Python code formatter, darker found issues in your code. :warning:

You can test this locally with the following command:

darker --check --diff -r ff79d83caeeea8457f69406f38801fe8893bbfd8...a4fdb2d54e76aefb771fe8ad8399494bb5fa8b70 lldb/test/API/functionalities/scripted_process/TestStackCoreScriptedProcess.py lldb/test/API/functionalities/scripted_process/stack_core_scripted_process.py


View the diff from darker here.

--- TestStackCoreScriptedProcess.py	2025-02-13 23:00:37.000000 +0000
+++ TestStackCoreScriptedProcess.py	2025-02-14 01:20:21.869706 +0000
@@ -76,11 +76,13 @@
         self.assertTrue(corefile_process, PROCESS_IS_VALID)
         # Create a random lib which does not exist in the corefile.
         random_dylib = self.get_module_with_name(corefile_target, "random.dylib")
-        self.assertFalse(random_dylib, "Dynamic library random.dylib should not be found.")
+        self.assertFalse(
+            random_dylib, "Dynamic library random.dylib should not be found."
+        )
         structured_data = lldb.SBStructuredData()
@@ -92,13 +94,13 @@
                             "path": self.getBuildArtifact("libbaz.dylib"),
                             "path": "/random/path/random.dylib",
                             "load_addr": 12345678,
-                            "ignore_module_load_error": True
-                        }
-                    ]
+                            "ignore_module_load_error": True,
+                        },
+                    ],
         launch_info = lldb.SBLaunchInfo(None)
--- stack_core_scripted_process.py	2025-02-13 23:00:37.000000 +0000
+++ stack_core_scripted_process.py	2025-02-14 01:20:21.957178 +0000
@@ -49,35 +49,57 @@
         custom_modules = args.GetValueForKey("custom_modules")
         if custom_modules.GetType() == lldb.eStructuredDataTypeArray:
             for id in range(custom_modules.GetSize()):
                 custom_module = custom_modules.GetItemAtIndex(id)
-                if not custom_module or not custom_module.IsValid() or not custom_module.GetType() == lldb.eStructuredDataTypeDictionary:
+                if (
+                    not custom_module
+                    or not custom_module.IsValid()
+                    or not custom_module.GetType() == lldb.eStructuredDataTypeDictionary
+                ):
                 # Get custom module path from args
                 module_path_arg = custom_module.GetValueForKey("path")
                 module_path = None
-                if not module_path_arg or not module_path_arg.IsValid() or not module_path_arg.GetType() == lldb.eStructuredDataTypeString:
+                if (
+                    not module_path_arg
+                    or not module_path_arg.IsValid()
+                    or not module_path_arg.GetType() == lldb.eStructuredDataTypeString
+                ):
                 module_path = module_path_arg.GetStringValue(100)
                 module_name = os.path.basename(module_path)
                 # Get ignore_module_load_error boolean from args
                 ignore_module_load_error = False
-                ignore_module_load_error_arg = custom_module.GetValueForKey("ignore_module_load_error")
-                if ignore_module_load_error_arg and ignore_module_load_error_arg.IsValid() and ignore_module_load_error_arg.GetType() == lldb.eStructuredDataTypeBoolean:
-                    ignore_module_load_error = ignore_module_load_error_arg.GetBooleanValue()
+                ignore_module_load_error_arg = custom_module.GetValueForKey(
+                    "ignore_module_load_error"
+                )
+                if (
+                    ignore_module_load_error_arg
+                    and ignore_module_load_error_arg.IsValid()
+                    and ignore_module_load_error_arg.GetType()
+                    == lldb.eStructuredDataTypeBoolean
+                ):
+                    ignore_module_load_error = (
+                        ignore_module_load_error_arg.GetBooleanValue()
+                    )
                 if not os.path.exists(module_path) and not ignore_module_load_error:
                 # Get custom module load address from args
                 module_load_addr = None
                 module_load_addr_arg = custom_module.GetValueForKey("load_addr")
-                if module_load_addr_arg and module_load_addr_arg.IsValid() and module_load_addr_arg.GetType() == lldb.eStructuredDataTypeInteger:
+                if (
+                    module_load_addr_arg
+                    and module_load_addr_arg.IsValid()
+                    and module_load_addr_arg.GetType()
+                    == lldb.eStructuredDataTypeInteger
+                ):
                     module_load_addr = module_load_addr_arg.GetIntegerValue()
                 # If module load address is not specified/valid, try to find it from corefile module
                 if module_load_addr is None:
                     corefile_module = self.get_module_with_name(
@@ -85,15 +107,23 @@
                     if not corefile_module or not corefile_module.IsValid():
-                    module_load_addr = corefile_module.GetObjectFileHeaderAddress().GetLoadAddress(
-                        self.corefile_target
-                    )
-                self.loaded_images.append({"path": module_path, "load_addr": module_load_addr, "ignore_module_load_error": ignore_module_load_error})
+                    module_load_addr = (
+                        corefile_module.GetObjectFileHeaderAddress().GetLoadAddress(
+                            self.corefile_target
+                        )
+                    )
+                self.loaded_images.append(
+                    {
+                        "path": module_path,
+                        "load_addr": module_load_addr,
+                        "ignore_module_load_error": ignore_module_load_error,
+                    }
+                )
     def get_memory_region_containing_address(
         self, addr: int
     ) -> lldb.SBMemoryRegionInfo:
         mem_region = lldb.SBMemoryRegionInfo()




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