[Lldb-commits] [lldb] 5056a4b - [lldb] Update two API tests to fix x86 Darwin failures (#121380)

via lldb-commits lldb-commits at lists.llvm.org
Tue Dec 31 10:48:30 PST 2024

Author: Jason Molenda
Date: 2024-12-31T10:48:26-08:00
New Revision: 5056a4b556077da79afe34f54b5447c19a77d97d

URL: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/commit/5056a4b556077da79afe34f54b5447c19a77d97d
DIFF: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/commit/5056a4b556077da79afe34f54b5447c19a77d97d.diff

LOG: [lldb] Update two API tests to fix x86 Darwin failures (#121380)

The Intel Darwin CI bots had their Xcode updated, which brought in a
debugserver with Brendan Shanks' change from September
https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/pull/108663 where four general
purpose registers are sent by debugserver when in certain process
states. But most processes (nearly all in the testsuite) do not have
these registers available, so we will get register read failures when
requesting those four. These two tests would flag those as errors. There
would have been an additional problem with the g/G packet (which lldb
doesn't use w/ debugserver, but the testsuite tests) if placeholder
values were not included in the full register context bytes; I fixed
that issue with the SME patch to debugserver recently already.




diff  --git a/lldb/packages/Python/lldbsuite/test/tools/lldb-server/gdbremote_testcase.py b/lldb/packages/Python/lldbsuite/test/tools/lldb-server/gdbremote_testcase.py
index d6cb68f55bf296..cbe430c92fa7fb 100644
--- a/lldb/packages/Python/lldbsuite/test/tools/lldb-server/gdbremote_testcase.py
+++ b/lldb/packages/Python/lldbsuite/test/tools/lldb-server/gdbremote_testcase.py
@@ -1410,7 +1410,17 @@ def read_register_values(self, reg_infos, endian, thread_id=None):
             p_response = context.get("p_response")
             self.assertTrue(len(p_response) > 0)
-            self.assertFalse(p_response[0] == "E")
+            # on x86 Darwin, 4 GPR registers are often
+            # unavailable, this is expected and correct.
+            if (
+                self.getArchitecture() == "x86_64"
+                and self.platformIsDarwin()
+                and p_response[0] == "E"
+            ):
+                values[reg_index] = 0
+            else:
+                self.assertFalse(p_response[0] == "E")
             values[reg_index] = unpack_register_hex_unsigned(endian, p_response)

diff  --git a/lldb/test/API/commands/register/register/register_command/TestRegisters.py b/lldb/test/API/commands/register/register/register_command/TestRegisters.py
index 0b80a09534371e..99290e02cd2b04 100644
--- a/lldb/test/API/commands/register/register/register_command/TestRegisters.py
+++ b/lldb/test/API/commands/register/register/register_command/TestRegisters.py
@@ -58,6 +58,13 @@ def test_register_commands(self):
             # could not be read.  This is expected.
             error_str_matched = True
+        if self.getArchitecture() == "x86_64" and self.platformIsDarwin():
+            # debugserver on x86 will provide ds/es/ss/gsbase when the
+            # kernel provides them, but most of the time they will be
+            # unavailable.  So "register read -a" will report that
+            # 4 registers were unavailable, it is expected.
+            error_str_matched = True
             "register read -a",


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