[Lldb-commits] [lldb] Convert the StackFrameList mutex to a shared mutex. (PR #117252)

via lldb-commits lldb-commits at lists.llvm.org
Thu Dec 12 10:37:34 PST 2024

@@ -578,72 +609,53 @@ void StackFrameList::Dump(Stream *s) {
 StackFrameSP StackFrameList::GetFrameAtIndex(uint32_t idx) {
   StackFrameSP frame_sp;
-  std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> guard(m_mutex);
   uint32_t original_idx = idx;
-  uint32_t inlined_depth = GetCurrentInlinedDepth();
-  if (inlined_depth != UINT32_MAX)
-    idx += inlined_depth;
+  // We're going to consult the m_frames.size, but if there are already
+  // enough frames for our request we don't want to block other readers, so
+  // first acquire the shared lock:
+  { // Scope for shared lock:
+    std::shared_lock<std::shared_mutex> guard(m_list_mutex);
-  if (idx < m_frames.size())
-    frame_sp = m_frames[idx];
+    uint32_t inlined_depth = GetCurrentInlinedDepth();
+    if (inlined_depth != UINT32_MAX)
+      idx += inlined_depth;
-  if (frame_sp)
-    return frame_sp;
+    if (idx < m_frames.size())
+      frame_sp = m_frames[idx];
+    if (frame_sp)
+      return frame_sp;
+  } // End of reader lock scope
   // GetFramesUpTo will fill m_frames with as many frames as you asked for, if
   // there are that many.  If there weren't then you asked for too many frames.
   // GetFramesUpTo returns true if interrupted:
-  if (GetFramesUpTo(idx)) {
+  if (GetFramesUpTo(idx, AllowInterruption)) {
     Log *log = GetLog(LLDBLog::Thread);
     LLDB_LOG(log, "GetFrameAtIndex was interrupted");
     return {};
-  if (idx < m_frames.size()) {
-    if (m_show_inlined_frames) {
-      // When inline frames are enabled we actually create all the frames in
-      // GetFramesUpTo.
-      frame_sp = m_frames[idx];
-    } else {
-      addr_t pc, cfa;
-      bool behaves_like_zeroth_frame = (idx == 0);
-      if (m_thread.GetUnwinder().GetFrameInfoAtIndex(
-              idx, cfa, pc, behaves_like_zeroth_frame)) {
-        const bool cfa_is_valid = true;
-        frame_sp = std::make_shared<StackFrame>(
-            m_thread.shared_from_this(), idx, idx, cfa, cfa_is_valid, pc,
-            StackFrame::Kind::Regular, behaves_like_zeroth_frame, nullptr);
-        Function *function =
-            frame_sp->GetSymbolContext(eSymbolContextFunction).function;
-        if (function) {
-          // When we aren't showing inline functions we always use the top
-          // most function block as the scope.
-          frame_sp->SetSymbolContextScope(&function->GetBlock(false));
-        } else {
-          // Set the symbol scope from the symbol regardless if it is nullptr
-          // or valid.
-          frame_sp->SetSymbolContextScope(
-              frame_sp->GetSymbolContext(eSymbolContextSymbol).symbol);
-        }
-        SetFrameAtIndex(idx, frame_sp);
+  {  // Now we're accessing m_frames as a reader, so acquire the reader lock.
jimingham wrote:

I like making the scope explicit so that if someone comes along later on and needs to add code at the end of this function, they will have to think about whether their addition should be protected by the mutex or not.


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