[Lldb-commits] [lldb] [lldb] Add ability to rate-limit progress reports (PR #119377)

Chelsea Cassanova via lldb-commits lldb-commits at lists.llvm.org
Tue Dec 10 14:28:34 PST 2024

@@ -208,6 +209,110 @@ TEST_F(ProgressReportTest, TestReportDestructionWithPartialProgress) {
   EXPECT_EQ(data->GetMessage(), "Infinite progress: Report 2");
+TEST_F(ProgressReportTest, TestFiniteOverflow) {
+  ListenerSP listener_sp = CreateListenerFor(lldb::eBroadcastBitProgress);
+  EventSP event_sp;
+  const ProgressEventData *data;
+  // Increment the report beyond its limit and make sure we only get one
+  // completed event.
+  {
+    Progress progress("Finite progress", "Report 1", 10);
+    progress.Increment(11);
+    progress.Increment(47);
+  }
+  ASSERT_TRUE(listener_sp->GetEvent(event_sp, TIMEOUT));
+  data = ProgressEventData::GetEventDataFromEvent(event_sp.get());
+  EXPECT_TRUE(data->IsFinite());
+  EXPECT_EQ(data->GetCompleted(), 0);
+  EXPECT_EQ(data->GetTotal(), 10);
+  ASSERT_TRUE(listener_sp->GetEvent(event_sp, TIMEOUT));
+  data = ProgressEventData::GetEventDataFromEvent(event_sp.get());
+  EXPECT_TRUE(data->IsFinite());
+  EXPECT_EQ(data->GetCompleted(), 10);
+  EXPECT_EQ(data->GetTotal(), 10);
+  ASSERT_FALSE(listener_sp->GetEvent(event_sp, TIMEOUT));
+TEST_F(ProgressReportTest, TestNonDeterministicOverflow) {
+  ListenerSP listener_sp = CreateListenerFor(lldb::eBroadcastBitProgress);
+  EventSP event_sp;
+  const ProgressEventData *data;
+  constexpr uint64_t max_minus_1 = std::numeric_limits<uint64_t>::max() - 1;
+  // Increment the report beyond its limit and make sure we only get one
+  // completed event. The event which overflows the counter should be ignored.
+  {
+    Progress progress("Finite progress", "Report 1");
chelcassanova wrote:

Super tiny nit: should this be "non-deterministic progress" or something of the sort since we don't have a total set here?


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