[Lldb-commits] [lldb] [lldb] gdb rsp file error pass fix (PR #106950)

via lldb-commits lldb-commits at lists.llvm.org
Mon Sep 16 09:00:31 PDT 2024

@@ -3064,22 +3064,41 @@ static int gdb_errno_to_system(int err) {
 static uint64_t ParseHostIOPacketResponse(StringExtractorGDBRemote &response,
                                           uint64_t fail_result, Status &error) {
+  // The packet is expected to have the following format:
+  // 'F<retcode>,<errno>'
   if (response.GetChar() != 'F')
     return fail_result;
   int32_t result = response.GetS32(-2, 16);
   if (result == -2)
     return fail_result;
-  if (response.GetChar() == ',') {
-    int result_errno = gdb_errno_to_system(response.GetS32(-1, 16));
-    if (result_errno != -1)
-      error = Status(result_errno, eErrorTypePOSIX);
-    else
-      error = Status(-1, eErrorTypeGeneric);
-  } else
+  if (response.GetChar() != ',') {
+    return result;
+  }
+  // Response packet should contain a error code at the end. This code
+  // corresponds either to the gdb IOFile error code, or to the posix errno.
dlav-sc wrote:

GDB RSP supports 2 types of error response packets: `E xx` and `E.errtext` (https://sourceware.org/gdb/current/onlinedocs/gdb.html/Standard-Replies.html#Standard-Replies), so it looks like the ability to send error strings should be available for all targets by default.

Could you consider a couple of my questions about the matter, please?
1. Taking into account what I've said above, why do we need `QEnableErrorStrings`?
2. Is there any function like `SendErrorRespond`, which takes a error string and forms `E.errtext` packet? To be honest, I couldn't find something like this.


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