[Lldb-commits] [lldb] [LLDB][Minidump] Extend the minidump x86_64 registers to include fs_base and gs_base (PR #106767)

Jacob Lalonde via lldb-commits lldb-commits at lists.llvm.org
Fri Aug 30 11:05:11 PDT 2024

@@ -473,7 +473,8 @@ GetThreadContext_x86_64(RegisterContext *reg_ctx) {
       lldb_private::minidump::MinidumpContext_x86_64_Flags::x86_64_Flag |
       lldb_private::minidump::MinidumpContext_x86_64_Flags::Control |
       lldb_private::minidump::MinidumpContext_x86_64_Flags::Segments |
-      lldb_private::minidump::MinidumpContext_x86_64_Flags::Integer);
+      lldb_private::minidump::MinidumpContext_x86_64_Flags::Integer |
+      lldb_private::minidump::MinidumpContext_x86_64_Flags::LLDBSpecific);
Jlalond wrote:

I agree, the concern is extending the registers and other consumers/producers being unable to consume the new registers. @clayborg and I talked about this and the concern was if MSFT added new fields to the register context. However looking at the [minidump docs](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/minidumpapiset/ns-minidumpapiset-minidump_thread) Thread Context is actually just an RVA. So we should be able to get away with this.

@labath does Google or Brakepad include fs/gs_base and if they do can you point me to some docs so we follow suite?


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