[Lldb-commits] [lldb] [lldb] Change lldb's breakpoint handling behavior (PR #96260)

via lldb-commits lldb-commits at lists.llvm.org
Fri Jul 12 12:07:43 PDT 2024

@@ -633,171 +613,142 @@ StopInfoSP StopInfoMachException::CreateStopReasonWithMachException(
+  // [exc_type, exc_code, exc_sub_code, exc_sub_sub_code]
+  //
+  // Instruction step:
+  //   [6, 1, 0]
+  //   Intel KDP [6, 3, ??]
+  //   armv7 [6, 0x102, <stop-pc>]  Same as software breakpoint!
+  //
+  // Software breakpoint:
+  //   x86 [6, 2, 0]
+  //   Intel KDP [6, 2, <bp-addr + 1>]
+  //   arm64 [6, 1, <bp-addr>]
+  //   armv7 [6, 0x102, <bp-addr>]  Same as instruction step!
+  //
+  // Hardware breakpoint:
+  //   x86 [6, 1, <bp-addr>, 0]
+  //   x86/Rosetta not implemented, see software breakpoint
+  //   arm64 [6, 1, <bp-addr>]
+  //   armv7 not implemented, see software breakpoint
+  //
+  // Hardware watchpoint:
+  //   x86 [6, 1, <accessed-addr>, 0] (both Intel hw and Rosetta)
+  //   arm64 [6, 0x102, <accessed-addr>, 0]
+  //   armv7 [6, 0x102, <accessed-addr>, 0]
+  //
+  // arm64 BRK instruction (imm arg not reflected in the ME)
+  //   [ 6, 1, <addr-of-BRK-insn>]
+  //
+  // In order of codes mach exceptions:
+  //   [6, 1, 0] - instruction step
+  //   [6, 1, <bp-addr>] - hardware breakpoint or watchpoint
+  //
+  //   [6, 2, 0] - software breakpoint
+  //   [6, 2, <bp-addr + 1>] - software breakpoint
+  //
+  //   [6, 3] - instruction step
+  //
+  //   [6, 0x102, <stop-pc>] armv7 instruction step
+  //   [6, 0x102, <bp-addr>] armv7 software breakpoint
+  //   [6, 0x102, <accessed-addr>, 0] arm64/armv7 watchpoint
   case 6: // EXC_BREAKPOINT
-    bool is_actual_breakpoint = false;
-    bool is_trace_if_actual_breakpoint_missing = false;
-    switch (cpu) {
-    case llvm::Triple::x86:
-    case llvm::Triple::x86_64:
-      if (exc_code == 1) // EXC_I386_SGL
-      {
-        if (!exc_sub_code) {
-          // This looks like a plain trap.
-          // Have to check if there is a breakpoint here as well.  When you
-          // single-step onto a trap, the single step stops you not to trap.
-          // Since we also do that check below, let's just use that logic.
-          is_actual_breakpoint = true;
-          is_trace_if_actual_breakpoint_missing = true;
-        } else {
-          if (StopInfoSP stop_info =
-                  GetStopInfoForHardwareBP(thread, target, exc_data_count,
-                                           exc_sub_code, exc_sub_sub_code))
-            return stop_info;
-        }
-      } else if (exc_code == 2 || // EXC_I386_BPT
-                 exc_code == 3)   // EXC_I386_BPTFLT
-      {
-        // KDP returns EXC_I386_BPTFLT for trace breakpoints
-        if (exc_code == 3)
-          is_trace_if_actual_breakpoint_missing = true;
-        is_actual_breakpoint = true;
-        if (!pc_already_adjusted)
-          pc_decrement = 1;
-      }
-      break;
-    case llvm::Triple::arm:
-    case llvm::Triple::thumb:
-      if (exc_code == 0x102) // EXC_ARM_DA_DEBUG
-      {
-        // LWP_TODO: We need to find the WatchpointResource that matches
-        // the address, and evaluate its Watchpoints.
-        // It's a watchpoint, then, if the exc_sub_code indicates a
-        // known/enabled data break address from our watchpoint list.
-        lldb::WatchpointSP wp_sp;
-        if (target)
-          wp_sp = target->GetWatchpointList().FindByAddress(
-              (lldb::addr_t)exc_sub_code);
-        if (wp_sp && wp_sp->IsEnabled()) {
-          return StopInfo::CreateStopReasonWithWatchpointID(thread,
-                                                            wp_sp->GetID());
-        } else {
-          is_actual_breakpoint = true;
-          is_trace_if_actual_breakpoint_missing = true;
-        }
-      } else if (exc_code == 1) // EXC_ARM_BREAKPOINT
-      {
-        is_actual_breakpoint = true;
-        is_trace_if_actual_breakpoint_missing = true;
-      } else if (exc_code == 0) // FIXME not EXC_ARM_BREAKPOINT but a kernel
-                                // is currently returning this so accept it
-                                // as indicating a breakpoint until the
-                                // kernel is fixed
-      {
-        is_actual_breakpoint = true;
-        is_trace_if_actual_breakpoint_missing = true;
-      }
-      break;
+    bool stopped_by_hitting_breakpoint = false;
+    bool stopped_by_completing_stepi = false;
+    bool stopped_watchpoint = false;
+    std::optional<addr_t> value;
+    // exc_code 1
+    if (exc_code == 1 && exc_sub_code == 0)
+      stopped_by_completing_stepi = true;
+    if (exc_code == 1 && exc_sub_code != 0) {
+      stopped_by_hitting_breakpoint = true;
+      stopped_watchpoint = true;
+      value = exc_sub_code;
+    }
-    case llvm::Triple::aarch64_32:
-    case llvm::Triple::aarch64: {
-      // xnu describes three things with type EXC_BREAKPOINT:
-      //
-      //   exc_code 0x102 [EXC_ARM_DA_DEBUG], exc_sub_code addr-of-insn
-      //      Watchpoint access.  exc_sub_code is the address of the
-      //      instruction which trigged the watchpoint trap.
-      //      debugserver may add the watchpoint number that was triggered
-      //      in exc_sub_sub_code.
-      //
-      //   exc_code 1 [EXC_ARM_BREAKPOINT], exc_sub_code 0
-      //      Instruction step has completed.
-      //
-      //   exc_code 1 [EXC_ARM_BREAKPOINT], exc_sub_code address-of-instruction
-      //      Software breakpoint instruction executed.
-      if (exc_code == 1 && exc_sub_code == 0) // EXC_ARM_BREAKPOINT
-      {
-        // This is hit when we single instruction step aka MDSCR_EL1 SS bit 0
-        // is set
-        is_actual_breakpoint = true;
-        is_trace_if_actual_breakpoint_missing = true;
-        if (thread.GetTemporaryResumeState() != eStateStepping)
-          not_stepping_but_got_singlestep_exception = true;
-      }
-      if (exc_code == 0x102) // EXC_ARM_DA_DEBUG
-      {
-        // LWP_TODO: We need to find the WatchpointResource that matches
-        // the address, and evaluate its Watchpoints.
-        // It's a watchpoint, then, if the exc_sub_code indicates a
-        // known/enabled data break address from our watchpoint list.
-        lldb::WatchpointSP wp_sp;
-        if (target)
-          wp_sp = target->GetWatchpointList().FindByAddress(
-              (lldb::addr_t)exc_sub_code);
-        if (wp_sp && wp_sp->IsEnabled()) {
-          return StopInfo::CreateStopReasonWithWatchpointID(thread,
-                                                            wp_sp->GetID());
-        }
-        // EXC_ARM_DA_DEBUG seems to be reused for EXC_BREAKPOINT as well as
-        // EXC_BAD_ACCESS
-        if (thread.GetTemporaryResumeState() == eStateStepping)
-          return StopInfo::CreateStopReasonToTrace(thread);
-      }
-      // It looks like exc_sub_code has the 4 bytes of the instruction that
-      // triggered the exception, i.e. our breakpoint opcode
-      is_actual_breakpoint = exc_code == 1;
-      break;
+    // exc_code 2
+    if (exc_code == 2 && exc_sub_code == 0)
+      stopped_by_hitting_breakpoint = true;
+    if (exc_code == 2 && exc_sub_code != 0) {
+      stopped_by_hitting_breakpoint = true;
+      // Intel KDP software breakpoint
+      if (!pc_already_adjusted)
+        pc_decrement = 1;
-    default:
-      break;
+    // exc_code 3
+    if (exc_code == 3)
+      stopped_by_completing_stepi = true;
+    // exc_code 0x102
+    if (exc_code == 0x102 && exc_sub_code != 0) {
+      if (cpu == llvm::Triple::arm || cpu == llvm::Triple::thumb) {
+        stopped_by_hitting_breakpoint = true;
+        stopped_by_completing_stepi = true;
+      }
+      stopped_watchpoint = true;
+      value = exc_sub_code;
-    if (is_actual_breakpoint) {
-      RegisterContextSP reg_ctx_sp(thread.GetRegisterContext());
-      addr_t pc = reg_ctx_sp->GetPC() - pc_decrement;
+    // Go through the reasons why we stopped, starting
jimingham wrote:

I'd move this comment above where you start gathering these settings.  That's where you are actually setting more than one seemingly incompatible option, so it would be better to explain it there.


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