[Lldb-commits] [lldb] [llvm] [LLDB][Minidump] Add 64b support to LLDB's minidump file builder. (PR #95312)

via lldb-commits lldb-commits at lists.llvm.org
Thu Jun 13 17:49:45 PDT 2024

@@ -50,48 +60,75 @@ class MinidumpFileBuilder {
   ~MinidumpFileBuilder() = default;
+  lldb_private::Status AddHeaderAndCalculateDirectories();
   // Add SystemInfo stream, used for storing the most basic information
   // about the system, platform etc...
-  lldb_private::Status AddSystemInfo(const llvm::Triple &target_triple);
+  lldb_private::Status AddSystemInfo();
   // Add ModuleList stream, containing information about all loaded modules
   // at the time of saving minidump.
-  lldb_private::Status AddModuleList(lldb_private::Target &target);
+  lldb_private::Status AddModuleList();
   // Add ThreadList stream, containing information about all threads running
   // at the moment of core saving. Contains information about thread
   // contexts.
-  lldb_private::Status AddThreadList(const lldb::ProcessSP &process_sp);
+  lldb_private::Status AddThreadList();
   // Add Exception streams for any threads that stopped with exceptions.
-  void AddExceptions(const lldb::ProcessSP &process_sp);
-  // Add MemoryList stream, containing dumps of important memory segments
-  lldb_private::Status AddMemoryList(const lldb::ProcessSP &process_sp,
-                                     lldb::SaveCoreStyle core_style);
+  void AddExceptions();
   // Add MiscInfo stream, mainly providing ProcessId
-  void AddMiscInfo(const lldb::ProcessSP &process_sp);
+  void AddMiscInfo();
   // Add informative files about a Linux process
-  void AddLinuxFileStreams(const lldb::ProcessSP &process_sp);
-  // Dump the prepared data into file. In case of the failure data are
-  // intact.
-  lldb_private::Status Dump(lldb::FileUP &core_file) const;
-  // Returns the current number of directories(streams) that have been so far
-  // created. This number of directories will be dumped when calling Dump()
-  size_t GetDirectoriesNum() const;
+  void AddLinuxFileStreams();
+  lldb_private::Status AddMemory(lldb::SaveCoreStyle core_style);
+  // Run cleanup and write all remaining bytes to file
+  lldb_private::Status DumpToFile();
+  // Add data to the end of the buffer, if the buffer exceeds the flush level,
+  // trigger a flush.
+  lldb_private::Status AddData(const void *data, size_t size);
+  // Add MemoryList stream, containing dumps of important memory segments
+  lldb_private::Status
+  AddMemoryList_64(const lldb_private::Process::CoreFileMemoryRanges &ranges);
+  lldb_private::Status
+  AddMemoryList_32(const lldb_private::Process::CoreFileMemoryRanges &ranges);
+  lldb_private::Status FixThreads();
jeffreytan81 wrote:

1. You should add comment explaining what is "FixThreads()" doing and why we need it. 
2. `FixThreads` is a very generic name, but you are really fixing up the stack field only. So rename to "FixupThreadStack()" to be more specific.


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