[Lldb-commits] [lldb] [lldb] Use packaging module instead of pkg_resources (PR #93712)

Daniel Thornburgh via lldb-commits lldb-commits at lists.llvm.org
Thu May 30 13:30:22 PDT 2024

mysterymath wrote:

We don't have `pexpect` either; instead the tests that require it are disabled. Our build is as hermetic as possible; even if the package were available in the Python on the bots, we wouldn't be able to use it, since we don't make use of the Python on the bots, for the most part. Instead, we build and ship a CPython from source as part of the bot build.

So far we've avoided providing or requiring any additional Python dependencies, since we have relatively strict requirements for software chain of custody. We'd probably need to figure out a way to build `packaging` from source and to set up a source mirror for it. The previous status quo of checking Python deps into the LLVM monorepo had helped us a lot.


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