[Lldb-commits] [lldb] [lldb][lldb-dap] Cleanup breakpoint filters. (PR #87550)

Vy Nguyen via lldb-commits lldb-commits at lists.llvm.org
Fri Apr 5 13:44:15 PDT 2024

@@ -36,9 +36,7 @@ DAP::DAP()
           {{"cpp_catch", "C++ Catch", lldb::eLanguageTypeC_plus_plus},
            {"cpp_throw", "C++ Throw", lldb::eLanguageTypeC_plus_plus},
            {"objc_catch", "Objective-C Catch", lldb::eLanguageTypeObjC},
-           {"objc_throw", "Objective-C Throw", lldb::eLanguageTypeObjC},
-           {"swift_catch", "Swift Catch", lldb::eLanguageTypeSwift},
-           {"swift_throw", "Swift Throw", lldb::eLanguageTypeSwift}}),
+           {"objc_throw", "Objective-C Throw", lldb::eLanguageTypeObjC}}),
oontvoo wrote:

P.S: it was pointed out to me that changed capabilities can be pushed as an event. So I guess we could init the list of filters based on whether the languages are supported. Then when the runtime(s) become available, we can update the list after querying for which language is being debugged. WDYT?


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