[Lldb-commits] [lldb] DebugInfoD issues, take 2 (PR #86812)

Kevin Frei via lldb-commits lldb-commits at lists.llvm.org
Wed Mar 27 17:02:29 PDT 2024

kevinfrei wrote:

> I have such a system and have dug into the DebugInfoD "space" recently and would be more than willing (eager, even) to help! If you are on the Discord server, we can message and find a way to collaborate (I am hawkinsw).

Just joined. I can sort of use Discord (I mentor high school robotics students, and definitely can't keep up with them). Name is 'frei4all'. I'm in the Seattle area, so 8-5, PDT. If you're free Thursday, I'm happy to see if you can help me repro (and address) the issue...


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